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The Poor & Hungry

Car mechanic by day/thief by night, Eli Foote is starting to feel guilty about what he does. His guilt intensifies when he steals a car that belongs to a beautiful cellist named Amanda. Meeting her at the impound yard where she is distraught over her car, Eli strikes up a conversation with Amanda which leads to a romance. Meanwhile, Eli's friend, Harper, a grungy street hustler, is trying to do business with Eli's boss, Mr. Coles. She needs his help in getting a car for a boisterous pimp named Cowboy Urles. Eli wants to leave his criminal past behind, but Harper holds him to their friendship.

Praise Band: The Movie

Matt is a new worship leader hired to serve Crossroad Community Church by Pastor Monroe when their music director of nearly thirty years suddenly decides to retire. This new job means Matt has to move and leave behind everything he holds dear, including family, friends and particularly longtime girlfriend Patty.

Matt and the Pastor meet with much opposition from members of the congregation who still expect a more traditional style of worship. Led by church treasurer Wayne Wilson, played by Grand Ole Opry star George Hamilton IV, the congregation struggles to adjust to this new style of music.

Despite resistance, Matt soon assembles an unlikely group of talented musicians including Wayne's granddaughter Ginny, bassist Mark, drummer Luke and homeless electric guitarist John, each dealing with their own unique set of life's circumstances. Together, they learn it's not about worship for them, but it's all about worshiping God.

The Secret Bride

Attorney General Robert Sheldon and Ruth, the daughter of Governor W.H. Vincent have to keep their marriage a secret when investigator, Daniel Breeden, uncovers evidence that may show that the governor took a bribe from John F. Holdstock, an embezzling financier he pardoned. John's private secretary, Willis Martin, who deposited the bribe money in the governor's private bank account, tells Robert and Daniel that he knows of no business between John and the governor that would explain the money.

Sheldon goes to the Governor's Residence to tell Ruth about the situation, and that he is obligated to present the evidence to a legislative investigation committee. Ruth is certain that her father did not take a bribe, and that John can explain everything, but they learn by phone from Daniel that John has committed suicide.

The Governor is concerned about the allegations, but his financial backer, Jim Lansdale, calms him down, and takes him to lunch. Before he does he makes a phone call in which he learns that Sheldon is at the Governor's residence, but he does not tell the Governor this.

In John's papers, Robert finds a typed note which apparently provides a motive for the bribe: "My dear friend John ... the expense of maintaining my sockfarm has exceeded the income during the year ... the time for the matter we discussed has come. W.H.V." Robert rushes to show it to Ruth, and they decide to take it to police headquarters to be compared with a sample from the governor's personal typewriter. Lt. Tom Nigard shows them the comparison: both samples are definitely from the same machine. Ruth returns home to tell her father about the evidence, and he adamantly denies that he wrote the note, giving her his word of honor.

That night, Daniel goes to John's office, where a very spooked Willis is still working. Daniel tries to calm him down, telling him "You have nothing to worry about, it's almost over. I've seen you through today as I promised, haven't I? ... You were splendid today in Robert's office. You just stick to your story and remember that I'm taking care of you."

Ruth goes to Robert's apartment to tell him that she's absolutely certain her father is innocent. While she is there, Sheldon's secretary, Hazel Normandie leaves for the day, planning to meet Daniel, her boyfriend, outside the building. As he walks up to her, Daniel is shot dead. Ruth has seen everything from the window, and knows that Hazel didn't fire the shot, but cannot tell the police because of her secret marriage to Robert: if it was learned that she was in his apartment at night, she fears that their marriage will be discovered.

The police investigation of Daniel's murder determines that the gun used to kill him belonged to Hazel, the same gun that Daniel took from her earlier in the day, saying that he was all the protection she needed.

At a raucous session of the legislature, Representative McPherson, from the party opposing the Governor, accuses both the governor and Attorney General Sheldon of withholding evidence from the investigative committee. They are staunchly defended by Representative Grosvenor, but McPherson demands articles of impeachment against the governor and intensive investigation of Robert. Ruth observes it all from the gallery.

Hazel is standing trial for the murder of Daniel, with the case about to go to the jury, but Ruth still refuses to testify, knowing that the revelation of her secret marriage with Robert would end his career. With little time to waste, Ruth goes to the apartment of Willis, who appears to be cracking up. Willis admits to her that John didn't commit suicide, he was murdered, and says that he is willing to tell Robert so, but once at Robert's office he runs away; Sheldon puts out an alert for the police to pick him up. Now, with no other choice, he and Ruth head to the courthouse, where the jury is voting, and find Hazel's attorney. The judge reopens the case to allow Ruth to testify, and Hazel is acquitted.

The next morning, Governor Vincent is annoyed that Ruth didn't tell him about the marriage, but understands that the circumstances necessitated it. With the governor's impeachment trial due to start soon, Jim Lansdale counsels the governor to resign, but he refuses. Meanwhile, the legislature demands that Attorney General Sheldon resign, but he, too, refuses.

The police find Willis and bring him to Robert. Representative McPherson issues subpoenas for Willis and Robert to testify before the committee, where the existence of the typed letter apparently from the governor to John comes out. Willis admits that Daniel made him put the letter into John's files, and then sent him to John to demand the money he lost in John's crash. When John denied he had any money, Willis shot and killed him, and Daniel fixed it to look like suicide. The whole frame-up, according to Willia, is the work of Jim Lansdale, supposedly the governor's friend and financial backer: ever since the governor vetoed a highway bill that would have made him millions, Lansdale had been working to bring down his old friend. It was Lansdale who typed the letter on the typewriter in the governor's study.

As the committee votes to drop the charges against the governor, Lansdale slowly leaves the room and kills himself. Afterwards, the governor gives his blessing to the marriage of his daughter and Robert, and they kiss.

The Boy That Time Forgot

The Doctor's past comes back to haunt him, when in a prehistoric jungle, inhabited by impossible creatures, an old friend of the Doctor awaits him.

Il dio serpente

Paola (Cassini) is in a deteriorating marriage with Bernard (Galeazzo Bentivoglio). After the couple move to an island in the Caribbean, Paola befriends a local woman named Stella (Beryl Cunningham) who introduces her to the cult of the serpent god Djamballà. Paola, first despising the rituals of the cult, soon realises that they represent the passion and lust lacking in her married life. At a ritual where reality is interspersed within fantasy, Paola has sex with a strong black man (Evaristo Márquez) she identifies with the serpent god himself. After her husband's sudden death, she invites her former lover Tony (Sergio Tramonti) to the island to start a new life but understands that Djamballà has become her sole obsession.

Heaven's Seven

The story of the movie starts when group of seven Thai Army Black Panthers Division finish their last risky mission in Vietnam War. They retire from the military and go on to continue ordinary life with their families. However, bad memories still haunt them. Later, a merchant hires them to steal a load of gold from a truck caravan. Unfortunately, these belong to G.I.s of the U.S.Army. The U.S. soldiers are angry about the theft and try to catch the seven soldiers by attacking the Thai soldier's village. After the U.S. troops capture all the villagers, they make the villagers slaves. Meanwhile, the seven Thai fighters learn that the trucks do not contain any gold, but they contain dangerous chemical agent that U.S. forces intend use to destroy forests in Vietnam. Then, they go to the U.S. military camp to fight against the americans and successfully rescue their people to save their friends and relatives. The movie ends with Juk's ordination for his mother, which suddenly turned into his mother's funeral after she was too happy and died.

Kellory the Warlock

Each volume of the Chronicles of Kylix is set on a different world in the magical solar system of the fictional star Kylix in the constellation of the Unicorn. The system consists of the five planets Zao, Olymbris, Thoorana, Zephrondus and Gulzund. ''Kellory the Warlock'' takes place on Zephrondus.

Kellory is the last survivor of the Black Wolves tribe, descended from the Lost Kings of Illyriod. His people were massacred by the Thugoda Horde, who burned his father alive and held his own sword hand in the same fire so he could live to tell the tale but never raise a sword against his tormentors. He dedicates his life to revenge against the horde, becoming a warlock since he is no longer able to be a warrior. In time, he achieves his dark goal.

Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (video game)

When the cook Aunt Anastacia gets sick, Pete and Emilia receive a mission to find the 5 ingredients to be able to cure her, venturing through forests found with creatures of folklore.

No Hay Pan

Luis (Palma, Rául) is the owner of a little grocery store that suffers a sudden downturn when a supermarket sets up in its neighborhood and he is told that he'll no longer be provided with bread. The man faces a crossroads: closing the store, or finding another bread supplier to keep his business open.

An Officer and a Spy

Upon being promoted to run the ''Statistical Section'', the top secret headquarters of French military intelligence, Georges Picquart begins to discover that the evidence that was used to convict Alfred Dreyfus of espionage, which resulted in his imprisonment for life on Devil's Island, is flimsy at best. As he investigates further, he discovers that the military and the government doctored much of the evidence. Moreover, the spy who actually passed the information Dreyfus was convicted of sending to the Germans is actually still operating. Warned off the investigation by his superiors, Picquart persists, risking his career and his life, to free an innocent man from unjust imprisonment and to stop a spy operating within the military, who has gone unpunished.

La dottoressa ci sta col colonnello

Colonel Anacleto Punzone (Banfi) is a military doctor with expertise in organ transplantation. He has a small penis, leading to a frustrated sex life with his wife Giovanna (Malisa Longo). Furthermore, his penis size forces him to dodge sexual advances from an attractive colleague, Prof. Eva Russell (Cassini). Colonel now contemplates on the radical solution of penis transplantation, finding a potential donor in dim-witted and well-endowed Private Arturo Mazzancolla (Alvaro Vitali). During Prof. Russell's visits to the military hospital, Colonel realises that other men, including handsome Lieutenant Lancetti (Bruno Minniti) are interested in her and he feels that the operation is even more urgent; although he is not confident as it may result in some complications(like permanent erection or no erection).

The Girl of Fire and Thorns

The Princess of Orovalle, Lucero-Elisa de Riqueza, was born as the chosen one, selected by God to fulfill a prophecy shown by a blue gem in her navel called the Godstone. Lucero-Elisa lacks confidence in herself, and often eats out of unhappiness; she is described as "fat" in the novel. On her sixteenth birthday, Lucero-Elisa is married to King Alejandro de Vega of Joya d'Arena, a country soon to be at war with Invierne. While traveling to Joya d'Arena, Elisa's caravan is attacked. Elisa, who has studied military history, provides sound military advice about the conflict, rescues herself and her companions, and saves the king's life, but her companion Aneaxi dies of injuries sustained in the attack, leaving her with one ally, her nurse and bodyguard, Ximena.

When they arrive at Alejandro's palace, the King announces Elisa as princess and special guest, but conceals his marriage, and her Godstone. For some weeks, Elisa lives at the Palace as a "guest", making connections with the local priest, Alejandro's friend, and Alejandro's son, Prince Rosario. She is also forced to contend with a rival, Condesa Ariña, the king's mistress, and Ariña's maid, Cosmé. While at court, Elisa is asked to advise the king's Council about war, as well as to keep watch on his court. Elisa comes to learn that she was raised by a religious sect that believed in keeping her ignorant about her Godstone. Cosmé accidentally discovers Elisa's identity as bearer of the Godstone, and arranges for her to be kidnapped. They travel for a month across the desert, facing harsh conditions, and Elisa is pleased to have lost weight and have more physical endurance.

When they arrive at their destination, Elisa is informed that the war has been under way for many years, and that Alejandro is a "weak king," who has not been willing to protect the desert villagers. She also learns that her kidnappers believe that her Godstone will be able to use sorcery to battle the powerful sorcerers of Invierne, the animagi.

Elisa sees that the people of Joya are unprepared for war. To learn more of the army of Invierne, she, Cosmé, Humberto, and two others go to observe them from a cave hideout. The Invierno army decides to investigate the cave one day and the group flees, leaving Elisa hidden behind because she will only slow them down. Elisa is captured, and taken to an Animagi who wears a Godstone around his neck. She plays dumb and tricks him into sipping a drug to knock him out. She dons his robes and Godstone pendant and escapes, burning the Animagi in his tent. Elisa finds Humberto using her Godstone, and he nurses her back to health.

Later, a message states that the Conde Treviño, the father of Condesa Ariña, wishes to discuss an alliance with the Malficio, the group Elisa has created to conquer the Invierne. They travel to his village only to discover he has allied with the Invierne. He demands Elisa tell him where the camp is, while everyone else is held captive in his home. When Elisa refuses to give information, he kills Humberto and throws Elisa in the cell with the rest of her party. King Alejandro's men show up and break Elisa and the rest out of the cell. They escort them back to King Alejandro's palace, where Elisa is re-introduced to the king as the leader of the Malficio. The King is shocked to discover it is her, and finally announces that she is queen. At the palace, Elisa discovers her potted plant with the Godstones is missing from her room. She asks Prince Rosario to locate them for her. Days later, the army of Invierne marches in against Joya d'Arena. Elisa receives a message from Cosmé that five animagi are headed towards the palace escorted by the Invierne army. The army breaks through the palace's defenses and kills Condesa Ariña and severely injures the King. Elisa's nurses quickly plan to flee with Elisa and the Prince, but the animagi break in. Elisa steps up as the bearer of the Godstone to save her nurses, and, getting the Godstones from Prince Rosario, which he found in Ariña's room, places all four plus her own into the pendant she stole from the first animagus she encountered. This sets off an explosion that destroys all the animagi. The King dies from his wounds, and Elisa becomes queen of Joya. She is prepared for the tasks to come that God has set out for her.

Save Henry

Opening Sequence

Pan's shadow hovers over the forest and swoops in front of the screen.

In the Characters' Past

The Enchanted Forest

In the final hours before the curse is enacted, the jailed Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) reminds Regina (Lana Parrilla) that in 28 years, the Savior, who will be Emma Swan, still holds the power to overthrow her and break the curse. While Regina boasts that she has it all now, Rumplestiltskin warns her that she will return to him one day, seeking a remedy to fill the hole of emptiness in her heart.

In Storybrooke

Mayor Regina Mills begins to feel the emptiness in her position of power of controlling the town, and the only way to fill that void is to adopt a child, but she realizes that she'll have to wait a long time due to the possibility of being placed on a waiting list, so she (as predicted in the pre-curse) turns to Mr. Gold for help, but he then cautions her that when she becomes a parent, she should consider that she will be putting a child first. Days later, Regina learns that a baby has become available for adoption, so she travels to Boston to take custody of the child. The only warning the agency offers Regina is that the family has opted for a complete blackout concerning their lives (the sealed documents that Emma signed). Regina, convinced that she only needs the future, takes the newborn infant in her arms and names him after her father, Henry. Regina is starting to discover how difficult it is raising Henry, as the baby proves to be fussy and she's not able to soothe him. Unable to get any information from his past that she can give Dr. Whale after she takes Henry in for checkup, Regina calls in a few favors to get the identity of the birth mother accomplished through Sidney. The baby is uncooperative only for Regina, but when he is around Mary Margaret he calms down.

Finally, Regina gets Henry to settle down at her home, only to learn from Sidney that Henry is the son of the Savior who will arrive in Storybrooke, prompting Regina to confront Gold at his pawn shop over this claim. However, Gold does not recall anything he told Regina due to the curse, or as he supposedly claims. So Regina decides to return to Boston with Henry and is ready to give him up to new parents. However, when she is left alone with him in the office, Regina decides that she needs him in her life and ends up taking him back home. Regina is unaware the other parents who were trying to adopt Henry had she went through with giving him up, were none other than John and Michael Darling, who were following Peter Pan's orders to take Henry back to Neverland. Having given careful thought, she now starts to worry about the future when Henry's natural birth mother will come to take him away from her because of a certain fate, Regina takes Henry and tells him a fairytale about a Queen who drinks a potion to remove the worries of her past, while Regina does just that.

In Neverland

As Emma, Neal, and Regina try to keep Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) alive after a brutal attack by Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) via a scar that was cut from Emma's sword, Regina tries to get Emma to understand that Henry may call them both ‘Mom,’ but Emma has more in her life to lean on, while Regina has only Henry. They realize that Pan will only be defeated if they all work together to hunt him down and kill him, a move that gives Emma an idea. As they return to Pan's camp, Emma tries to talk to the Lost Boys, convincing them that she will bring them all home to families if they cooperate. The Boys, convinced that Pan has betrayed them despite Felix’s protest, give in and tell Emma that Pan is in his Thinking Tree. As Neal takes charge of Henry, Hook takes the boys and prepares the Jolly Roger while the others go after Pan and retrieve Henry’s heart.

At Pan’s Thinking Tree, Emma, Mary Margaret, and Regina see Pandora's box, and Regina suspects it's a trap as they find out that Gold is trapped inside. The ladies are then berated by Pan, who tells them that Gold is his son and afterwards are captured by a tree that feeds off of regrets (Emma for giving up Henry, Mary Margaret for giving up Emma), but Regina, whose love for her son outweighs any regret for the things she'd done that led to her getting him, manages to break free of the tree and grab Henry’s heart from Pan’s chest and the box holding Rumpelstiltskin. Regina then restores Henry’s heart just in the nick of time. As everyone makes it on board the Jolly Roger, Regina goes below deck and tucks Henry in, then casts a spell on his heart to protect it. Meanwhile up on deck, Gold is released from the box and reunites with Neal, who takes to calling him Papa and they embrace, as does Emma and her parents. However, after Regina left Henry in the room, Pan appears once more, this time with a knife, and apologizes for what is about to happen. He attempts to seize Henry's heart but Regina had enacted a spell to protect it. He is then caught by Gold after he went downstairs suspecting something wrong and discovers Pan trying to rip Henry’s shadow from him, prompting Gold to use payback at his father by capturing Pan in Pandora’s box. As Pan is sucked into the box, his eyes begin to glow, and Henry’s eyes glow at the same time. Neal unleashes the shadow and Regina captures him into the sail. The crew heads home to Storybrooke, with Wendy, The Lost Boys and Tinker Bell joining them. Henry approaches Felix and tells him, “Pan never fails,” revealing that Pan in fact possessed Henry’s body when Gold opened Pandora’s box.

Entity (2012 film)

In 2010, a film crew for the British television show ''Darkest Secrets'' enter a remote Siberian forest known for the unexplained deaths of thirty-four unidentified people in 1998. The crew includes Kate Hansen, the host; Matt Hurst, the camera man; and David Hamilton, a tech. Ruth Peacock, a psychic, and Yuri Levkov, a Russian author, join them. After searching the woods for the site of the massacre, Ruth suddenly makes contact with several ghosts, who speak to her in Russian. In a vision, Ruth sees Russian military figures execute prisoners and is overwhelmed by the experience. Ruth tells them that they must go further east toward what Yuri says is an abandoned facility. On the way, Ruth sees more visions of Russian soldiers murdering helpless prisoners, this time at the facility, and she urges them onward.

When they enter the facility, they hear distant, echoing screams. Ruth suggests that they turn back, but Kate convinces her to continue. Inside the facility, they discover cages and cells. Ruth once again hears Russian voices, and Yuri translates them as a warning to leave. When Ruth enters one of the rooms, visions of torture overwhelm her, and she says that the victims were psychics like her. An entity harasses them in a hallway, and Ruth tells them to remain calm, as it feeds off of their reactions. In one of the cells, Ruth detects a powerful psychic force, and she attempts to make contact with it; Yuri translates for her. Ruth identifies the presence as Mischka, a dead prisoner who was tortured by the soldiers. When Mischka turns hostile, they flee the cell and realize that David has gone missing.

The group retreats to a control room, where they examine their footage. In it, they see fleeting images of both Mischka and David. Matt insists that they find David, but Ruth is exhausted and needs to rest. Before she falls asleep, Ruth says that Yuri has been here before. Yuri admits that he knew of the facility and its history of brutal military experiments on psychics, but he needed to know if Ruth was capable of finding it. When Kate hears David's voice, she and Matt go off to find him, and Yuri watches over Ruth as she sleeps. Mischka kills David in front of Matt and Kate, and they flee back to the control room. There, Yuri has taken Ruth hostage and demanded that she help him free the spirit of his lost girlfriend, whom he believes to have been killed here.

As they go deeper into the facility, Mischka becomes increasingly hostile despite Ruth's attempts to communicate with him. Yuri sees the ghost of his girlfriend, but when he approaches her, Mischka savagely beats and kills him. Ruth orders Matt and Kate to leave the facility, and she tries once again to make contact with Mischka. As they're about to leave, Kate turns back to help Ruth, and Matt reluctantly follows. They find Ruth on the floor in Mischka's cell. Ruth weakly explains that she has helped Mischka to cross over, and the facility is now safe. Relieved, Kate and Matt split up to recover their equipment. After she sees suspicious footage of Ruth's battle with Mischka, Kate becomes concerned for Matt, only to find him dead. Ruth, possessed by Mischka, kills Kate. Kate then realizes that she and the rest of the crew are now doomed to forever wander through the facility with the rest of the ghosts.

The Great Train Robbery (2013 TV series)

''A Robber's Tale'' is set between November 1962 and the aftermath of the Great Train Robbery on 8 August 1963. It begins in November 1962 at London Heathrow Airport where an earlier robbery took place, Bruce Reynolds (Luke Evans) then gathered a group of men to target the Royal Mail train heading between Glasgow and London.

''A Copper's Tale'' begins in the early morning of 8 August 1963 after the train robbery took place. Six of the best police officers from Scotland Yard are called to help with the investigation, with DCS Tommy Butler (Jim Broadbent) in charge.

Back to Whitechapel

In 1941, the Germans are bombing London. Amelia Pritlowe is a nurse working at the London Hospital, located in the Whitechapel district. After the death of her father, Mrs. Pritlowe receives a letter from him, stating that she is in fact the daughter of Mary Jane Kelly, Jack the Ripper's fifth and final murder victim, killed in 1888.

Pritlowe develops an obsession with finding her mother's murderer and avenging her death. She becomes a member of a club whose focus is the history of Jack the Ripper. The Filebox Society is located in Spitalfields, the London community where the murder of Amelia's mother occurred. Pritlowe pores over the archives looking for clues. She reads the testimony of various people who saw Mary Jane Kelly on the last day of her life. One living witness, Maria Harvey, her mother's best friend, reveals that she actually cared for Amelia, who was then a child, on the night of November 8, 1888-the eve of her mother's death. Harvey also tells Pritlowe that she spent the night of November 8 at the home of Elizabeth Prater, Mary Jane Kelly's upstairs neighbor.

Puzzled, Pritlowe confides in a member of the Society who had claimed that she could awaken her memories of that night by hypnosis sessions Pritlowe agrees to be hypnotized, and after a few sessions discovers that she had heard the name of the assassin because she was awake at the time Mary Kelly died. Amelia also discovers that the killer had worked with an accomplice.

According to the archives of the Filebox Society, Amelia learns that the killer has been dead for seven years, but the accomplice is still alive. She is determined to find and confront him.

One Week Friends

High schooler Yūki Hase notices that his beautiful classmate Kaori Fujimiya is always alone and seemingly has no friends. After approaching her and becoming better acquainted, Kaori reveals that every Monday she loses all memory of her friends. Despite learning this, Yūki endeavors to befriend her anew every week.

Yellow Subterfuge

Principal Skinner announces a school field trip in a submarine, but warns that only the best-behaved students will be allowed to go due to space limitations. If any student breaks a rule, they will be barred from going on the trip. Bart behaves well in order to remain eligible, but Skinner crosses him off the list after he accidentally tracks mud into the school. After Bart unsuccessfully attempts to curry Skinner's favor and trick Skinner into reinstating him by impersonating President Obama, Homer sees how upset Bart is and decides to help him get revenge on Skinner.

The next morning, Skinner finds his mother Agnes's corpse in the kitchen, stabbed to death. Homer and Bart soon discover the corpse despite Skinner's attempt to hide it, and Homer offers to clean up the mess and sends Skinner upstairs. Agnes stands up, uninjured and having taken part in the scheme, and Bart and Homer tell Skinner that the police are coming to arrest him. They provide him with a fake ID and a disguise and put him on a bus to Juarez, only to be shocked when he turns up at their house later that day. Skinner explains that he cannot run away from his crime, but also admits that he is probably glad to have killed Agnes. Marge and Agnes interrupt, having overheard this confession. Angered that Skinner had wanted her dead and the fact that he broke his promise to Bart for one minor infraction, Agnes decides to punish him further by being even meaner to Skinner by not taking the pills that keep her temper in check.

Meanwhile, Lisa learns that Krusty the Clown has gone bankrupt. She suggests that Krusty sell the foreign rights to his show; he does so, demanding a large percentage of the stars' earnings. The foreign shows quickly become more popular than his own, but instead of doing the right thing in allowing the stars to keep more of their money, Krusty tries to capitalize on their popularity by offering to do a guest shot on every show. This suggestion angers them so badly that Krusty and his agent are forced to flee on a golf cart.

The Pagan Lord

There have been ten years of relative peace on the island of Britain between the Saxons and the Danes.

Uhtred disowns his elder son Uhtred because he has just taken vows to become a Christian priest. He renames his elder son Father Judas, and then bestows the name Uhtred on his younger, 19-year-old son Osbert. Abbot Wihtred strikes Uhtred in anger, whereupon Uhtred grabs a staff and unintentionally kills him. As a result, nearly all of Uhtred's Christian warriors leave him. Aethelflaed, Queen of Mercia and Uhtred's lover, takes these men into her service.

Reaching home, Uhtred discovers that Cnut Longsword burned down his hall because he mistakenly believed Uhtred had taken his wife and children. He manages to convince Cnut that he is innocent. Returning home, Uhtred finds all his outbuildings burnt, this time by Bishop Wulfheard. He has nothing to rebuild and a shrunken force. He decides to try to reclaim his inheritance, the fortress at Bebbanburg in Northumbria, held by his uncle Aelfric. Aelfric stole the fortress from Uhtred after Uhtred's father was killed by the Danes forty years earlier. His uncle had tried and failed to kill Uhtred; then he had him sold into slavery. They kill some of his uncle's men and succeed in entering through the first gate, masquerading as the dead men, but are detected too soon, trapped and outnumbered. While Uhtred confronts his cousin, also named Uhtred, Finan, Uhtred's second in command, takes captive the uncle, cousin Uhtred's wife Ingulfrid and her 11-year-old son (also named Uhtred). Uhtred kills his uncle and uses the wife and son of his cousin as hostages to leave. They sail to Frisia to rest and refit.

Uhtred figures out that Cnut is readying for war, after ten years of relative peace. Cnut's wife and children had not been kidnapped; it was part of Cnut's ruse to persuade Aethelred, Aethelflaed’s despised husband, into believing that Cnut would be preoccupied with an enemy, encouraging Aethelred to attack East Anglia, a Danish-held area that is also Christian. Cnut then invades Mercia. Uhtred sails to the east coast of Britain. He proceeds to Bearddan Igge (Bardney Abbey), where the Mercians have been searching for some of the bones of St. Oswald. Mercian priests say that if all of Oswald's bones can be brought back together, it will be a sign that Wessex and Mercia can defeat the Danes. Uhtred plants an anonymous partial skeleton for them to find.

Uhtred takes his men to Ceaster (Chester) and defeats the men guarding Cnut's family. He captures Cnut's wife and two children. When the children see a priest, they mistakenly greet him as Uncle (Abbot) Wihtred, so Uhtred realizes the abbot he killed was Cnut's man.

Uhtred threatens to kill his captives to force a Danish force to raise its siege of Glaewecestre (Gloucester). Inside Glaewecestre, he finds Osferth, Aethelflaed, and the bishop who burned Uhtred's barns. Uhtred sets fire to all of Cnut's boats but one, which Osferth takes to reach King Edward.

Uhtred buys time by tricking Cnut into believing that he killed Cnut's daughter. Enraged, Cnut pursues Uhtred and his greatly outnumbered band. Uhtred hopes that the time Cnut wastes will enable Edward to bring his army.

At Teotanheale (Tettenhall), Uhtred awaits Cnut's attack. Before the battle, Uhtred gives Cnut his wife and daughter back, keeping the son. Although Uhtred uses his wiles to kill some of Cnut's men (despite being grossly outnumbered), he is on the verge of defeat when Father Judas, his disowned son, brings Father Pyrlig and a few hundred Welsh warriors to reinforce him. Then Cnut and Uhtred fight. Uhtred injures Cnut, but Cnut is carried away by his men. Uhtred's son slays Cnut's main ally, Sigurd Thorsen. Then King Edward arrives with his men and the Mercians. The Danes break and the Saxons have the victory. Word is that Aethelred was badly wounded, but still lives. Cnut comes back for a one-on-one fight with Uhtred. Uhtred kills Cnut, though he is grievously wounded himself, nearly to the point of death. But he lives.

Private Peaceful (film)

The tale is of a young man named Thomas "Tommo" Peaceful, who tells the story in account format from the past to the present day events of his experiences. His eldest brother, "Big Joe", has learning difficulties due to brain damage at birth, and is always looked out for by his younger brothers. The earlier part of the story tells of his life as a boy, before the Great War; the tale of his love for Molly – a beautiful girl he had a lot of feelings for and grew to love besottedly; and Charlie Peaceful, Tommo's brother who is older than him, but younger than Joe.

Also early on in the story, Tommo and his dad go woodcutting where a tree nearly falls on Tommo. However, Tommo’s dad saves him but sadly in the process gets killed by the tree. Tommo kept it a secret that he was the reason his father is dead.

The trio had grown up together; their mischievous adventures included braving the beastly "Grandma Wolf" (the boys' great-aunt – also referred to as the Wolfwoman), defying the Colonel and skinny-dipping, the latter leaving a large impression on Tommo. They had also seen an airplane together – the first people in their village to do so.

Charlie, Molly and later Tommo all find jobs on the estate or in the village. Charlie, being older than Tommo, had always protected and looked out for his younger brother. Also, he and Molly become closer as they are both older than Tommo, while Tommo begins to be left out. Tommo suspects that Charlie and Molly are in love. While they were skinny-dipping, Tommo notices them having a lot more fun together without him. Charlie and Molly used to secretly meet by the brook where it is revealed they kissed and had sex multiple times together. Molly becomes pregnant. She is thrown out of her house, and moves in with the Peacefuls.

Tommo became extremely heartbroken after the couple rushed to get married a short time later in the village church before Tommo and Charlie go to France to fight in World War I. All through this time, Tommo recorded his feelings in the novel. The rest of the story describes the brothers' experiences of the war: their Sergeant "Horrible" Hanley, the near-misses during the battle on the front line, and Charlie's continued protection of Tommo.

During a charge of the German lines, Charlie disobeys a direct order from Sergeant Hanley and stays with Tommo while he is injured on no-man's-land. As a result, Charlie is accused of cowardice and given a court-martial. At dawn, Charlie is marched before the firing squad, where he is executed.

The story ends with Tommo preparing for the Battle of the Somme.

In 2006, 306 British and Commonwealth soldiers who (like Charlie) were executed for offenses including cowardice, desertion, insubordination, and sleeping at their posts were posthumously pardoned.[1]

American Milkshake

In the mid-1990s, Jolie Jolson, a white high school student (the great-grandson of blackface performer Al Jolson) wants to be on the basketball team because he thinks that it will bring him closer to being the one thing that he isn't: black. His African American girlfriend, Henrietta, is pregnant with another man's baby and had a seedy past which includes appearing in a sex tape. Jolie gets on the basketball team due to a large donation from his well-off father, and ends up dating one of the cheerleaders for the team, and accidentally impregnates her.

La dottoressa sotto il lenzuolo

Three friends, students at the Pisa medical school are after their love adventures. Benito (Angelo Pellegrini) is trying to win the favours of Nurse Italia (Orchidea De Santis) but she seems to prefer the company of Prof. Ciotti (Gigi Ballista). Naïve Alvaro (Alvaro Vitali) is desperate to lose his virginity with his girlfriend Lella (Ely Galleani) without knowing that she lives a double life as a prostitute. Finally, Sandro (Eligio Zamara) is in love with the film's namesake Dr. Laura Bonetti (Karin Schubert), the fiancée of Prof. Paolo Cicchirini (Gastone Pescucci) who happens to be the butt of jokes at the medical school, and pretends to be sick to see her.

Big Stone Gap (film)

In 1978, 40-year-old independent woman Ave Maria Mulligan owns her dead father's pharmacy in her hometown of Big Stone Gap, Virginia. Ave's mother, an immigrant from Italy, is the town seamstress. Ave is heavily involved in her community, home delivering medications to the country folk, volunteering on the coal mining town's Emergency Response Team, and directing the town's annual production of "Trail of the Lonesome Pine", based on the novel by John Fox Jr. Ave delivers medications to Nan McChesney and is pleased to see Nan's son Jack, a local coal miner and a former schoolmate. Jack tries to make small talk, but Ave leaves when Nan tells her that 40 is not too old to still have children.

Spec Broadwater, the town's lawyer and Ave's friend, brings news that her momma has died. At the graveside Fleeta Mullins, Ave's outspoken friend and pharmacy worker, chastises Ave for placing a rose on her father's grave, remarking how badly he had treated Ave.

Ave is shocked when her momma's will has a photo of her real father, who still lives in Italy. Her momma fled to America when she became pregnant. She met and married Fred Mulligan, who knew she was pregnant and never much liked Ave.

At the pharmacy, some popular teenage girl customers direct rude comments at Pearl Grimes, a poor teenager who is a Melungeon. Ave embarrasses the brats then offers Pearl a job at the pharmacy.

During the cast after-party for “Lonesome Pine”, it is announced that senatorial hopeful John Warner will make a campaign stop in town with his wife, Elizabeth Taylor, and Theodore will plan the event. He's so happy he kisses Ave in front of everyone then leads her away. They spend an awkward night together, with a stilted goodbye the next morning.

Ave helps deal with an explosion at the mine, worrying about Jack until finding him safe at the hospital. He accepts her offer of a lift home but Sweet Sue arrives and jumps into his arms, shrugging off Ave.

Ave stumbles across old love letters between her momma and her real father, causing Ave's best friend, town librarian and local romantic Iva Lou, to confront her about non-existent love life. Meanwhile, Jack's mother confronts him about Sweet Sue, whom she dislikes. Jack admits he wants the love that his parents had, does not love Sue but does care for her two young boys.

Jack finally approaches Ave. They take an evening walk and he tells her that he broke up with Sue, as he has always had a crush on the little Italian girl that sat beside him in elementary school. He tells her that they ought to get married. Ave storms off, offended that he doesn't even think she's worth being courted.

The day of the John Warner Campaign visit turns into chaos. Ms. Taylor chokes on a chicken bone while Ave learns that Jack got engaged to Sweet Sue. When Ave gets home from the campaign disaster, her father's sister (Aunt Alice) is waiting, calling Ave a bastard and announcing she is taking Ave to court for the house and the pharmacy.

Theodore tells Ave that he's been offered the band director's job at University of Tennessee and they should break up for multiple reasons. Ave quietly includes the fact that he likes men, to which he agrees.

Jack's mom confronts Ave, desperate for her help because Sweet Sue is planning on marrying Jack within weeks. Ave collapses, suffering a nervous breakdown.

Ave sleeps for days. In an act of desperation, Iva Lou has Pearl confront Jack, asking him to help bring Ave out of her sleep, telling him they are meant for each other. Late that night, Jack sneaks in and checks on Ave. He takes one of Ave's father's letters, kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

When Ave finally awakes, she announces that she saw her father in her dreams and she's got to go find him. Spec advises her to take everything out of her name so no one can take it away while she's gone.

Ave surprises Pearl and her mother, Leah Grimes, by selling Pearl the pharmacy for a dollar. Ave then gives Fleeta a huge raise, telling her how important she is to her and how important she will be in teaching Pearl to run the pharmacy.

Iva Lou announces that she is marrying her boyfriend, Lyle, and asks Ave to be her Maid of Honor. The couple are so drunk at the altar that Ave and Jack have to hold them up while the preacher quickly pronounces them married. Aunt Alice and Uncle Wayne barge into the reception, furious about the pharmacy and stating that Ave won't be giving away the family home. Ave then announces that she's giving Pearl the house too, which leads to Aunt Alice yelling racist comments about Pearl. The crowd chases Aunt Alice away, chimes in their dislike of her, many mentioning their own Melungeon blood.

Ave learns from Sweet Sue that she has reconciled with her husband during Ave's "mental collapse." Jack gives Ave a book about the town in the Italian Alps where her father lives.

Ave leaves her Cadillac in Aunt Alice's front yard, with a note and the keys.

Ave's last day in Big Stone Gap, Theodore takes her to the Outdoor Theater, where all her friends are gathered on stage. They surprise her with her poppa from Italy and then her momma's sister, Maria. Her poppa explains that Jack found them and paid for their flights, having sold his truck. Theodore has the theater choir sing a song with Aunt Maria, while Jack's voiceover explains that he and Ave married and had two children.

For Whom the Bell Tolls (The Vampire Diaries)

After Stefan (Paul Wesley) lost his memory, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) tries to help him remember. He remembers the date and where he is, but he cannot remember who he is, who the people are around him, or even that he is a vampire. Damon presents Stefan with his diaries to jog his memory with, but he still has no recollection of his past.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) meets the two of them later to find out that Damon did not tell Stefan about her yet. Stefan is conquered by his thirst and follows a waitress but Damon gets there in time before he hurts her. After the incident, they take Stefan to the family crypt where there are fewer people around. Damon gets a phone call from Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) and leaves, leaving Stefan alone with Elena.

Elena tries to help Stefan remember by taking him to the school where they reenact the moment they met. Stefan still cannot remember, so Elena takes him to the bridge where he saved Matt's (Zach Roerig) life and she became a vampire. He does not recall any of the events. The two of them come very close, but before they kiss, Elena tells him that she is with Damon, something that makes Stefan angry and leaves.

Matt experiences episodes of losing time, so he sets up cameras all over the house to discover what is happening. He also calls Jeremy to ask his help since he can't contact Bonnie (Kat Graham). When Jeremy sees how desperate Matt is and that everyone is looking for Bonnie for help, he decides to tell everyone that Bonnie is dead despite her wishes and he calls Damon. Matt later discovers in one of the videos that he has a passenger inside of him who warns him that his friends will come looking for the knife and he has to protect it otherwise they will kill him.

Damon is back to the Salvatore house where Jeremy informs him about Bonnie. Damon tries to tell Elena but stops when she tells him that she has lost Stefan and he decides to help her find him. Stefan is at the Remembrance Day celebration at the cemetery where Caroline (Candice Accola) finds him. Stefan can feel that he can trust her but he attacks Jesse (Kendrick Sampson). Caroline stops him, gives Jesse her blood to heal him and then compels him to forget.

Stefan returns home, burns his journals and packs his things to leave. He is uninterested in continuing to live in the Salvatore home and continue his life as the "old" Stefan. Before he goes, he makes a promise to Damon and Elena that he will not become the Ripper again and that Caroline will be checking up on him. After Stefan's departure, Damon finally tells Elena that Bonnie is dead.

Elena, Damon, Caroline, Matt and Jeremy make a private ceremony for Bonnie in the forest to say their goodbyes. Bonnie is there and she talks to all of them through Jeremy who can see and hear her. While this is happening, Tyler (Michael Trevino) appears and Caroline runs towards him laughing through her tears.

The episode ends with Jesse and Maxfield (Rick Cosnett) who finds evidence of vampire blood in Jesse's system. He explains to him that this might have happened because someone tried to heal him or because someone wanted to make him a vampire. Maxfield guesses that what happened must be the first and he also explains that having vampire blood in your system is the first step to become a vampire. Jesse looks on, confused, as Maxfield says: "And this is the second," while he injects Jesse with a syringe filled with yellow liquid that kills him.

Giovani, belle... probabilmente ricche

Claudia (Russo), Rita (Cassini), and Caterina (Hardiman) are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day, they are summoned to the notary public's office and learn that Anna, one of their peers in high school who got a bad name as a "whore" in the town because of them and was forced to leave is now dead. Furthermore, she had amassed a great fortune abroad and decided to bequeath it to the three. However, she has a strange condition: Claudia, Rita, and Caterina should cheat on their husbands within three days and provide photographic evidence or else the inheritance will be donated to the retirement home. Claudia is already running a secret affair with Caterina's husband Gabriele (Michele Gammino) but has not considered that photographic evidence may be a problem in her plans whereas Caterina attempts to have sex with dim-witted Giacomo (Lucio Montanaro) she has been seducing for a while. On the other hand, Rita tells of the inheritance to her husband Filippo (Gianfranco D'Angelo) and greedy Filippo, incorrectly thinking that his wife will be too timid to accomplish the task, decides to intervene. As a result of the inevitable high jinks, the real face of the reputable town life and deeds of Claudia, Rita, and Caterina in particular will be exposed.

Seventh Code

Akiko (Atsuko Maeda), a young woman, comes to Vladivostok to meet Matsunaga (Ryohei Suzuki), a young businessman she has met in Tokyo only once. Akiko finally finds Matsunaga. However, he leaves her again, warning her not to trust strangers in a foreign country. She tries to follow him, but she is attacked by thugs and dumped on the outskirts of town.

The Battle Between the Burps and Farts

The film tells the story of a girl, Princess Martha Stew-Burp, who is able to channel flatulence at will. After she is kidnapped by a wizard, she is taught to channel her wind orally, but after being raped by the leader of the Burps, regains her ability to channel her wind anally.

My Little Bossings

Torky (Vic Sotto) is a bookkeeper working for Baba (Kris Aquino), a millionaire cash management specialist. Because of some conflict in her business that puts her life in danger, Baba entrusts the safety of her son Justin (Bimby Yap) to Torky, who takes him home to meet his daughter Ice (Aiza Seguerra) and Ching (Ryzza Mae Dizon), the street urchin that the latter took under her wing. Given that Justin and Torky are not particularly fond of each other, how all four of them would get along under one roof becomes the focus of the story.

Bone Eater

An unscrupulous land developer, Dick Krantz, ignores the protests of Native Americans as he violates their ancestral burial grounds. The local sheriff, Steve Evans, is caught in the middle of the conflict, as he is a quarter Native American and 3/4 Caucasian. When one of Krantz's construction crews unearths an ancient relic, they unleash a giant skeletal monster that proceeds to kill everyone in its path. Evans must deal with his rebellious daughter, unhelpful bureaucrats, and Johnny Black Hawk, a Native American who agitates for violence. After consulting with the local chief, Storm Cloud, Evans learns he must locate the relic and use it in ritual combat against the monster. Once Sheriff Evans acquires the relic, Johnny Black Hawk attempts to take it from him and use it to get vengeance on the town; Evans is forced to kill him in self-defense. After donning war paint, Evans goes on to fight and ultimately defeat the Bone Eater.

The Being

In the town of Pottsville, Idaho, citizens begin disappearing. Young Michael Smith, son of Marge Smith (Dorothy Malone) is the first to vanish. A young man is decapitated while fleeing from an unseen assailant, and patrons at a drive-in theater are brutally murdered. At each scene, green slime is found. Wanting to get to the bottom of the disappearances but afraid that the publicity might damage the town's potato business, Mayor Gordon Lane (José Ferrer) hires chemical safety engineer Garcon Jones (Martin Landau) to investigate. Also investigating the disappearances is Detective Mortimer Lutz (Bill Osco), who senses that something terrible has befallen the town.

Meanwhile, more and more people disappear, with a puddle of green slime found at each site. With this new string of disappearances Lutz begins to suspect that Jones knows more than he is willing to tell. His suspicions grow when he is attacked by something monstrous while at home, with Lutz barely managing to escape from his attacker. Lutz confronts Jones about the incident but is told that there is nothing wrong in the area.

The following night while Lutz takes his waitress girlfriend Laurie (Marianne Gordon) home, they are suddenly attacked by a hideous creature. After holing themselves inside a diner they manage to lock it inside a freezer. The couple then contacts Mayor Lane, however when he arrives they discover that the creature has vanished, leaving behind a puddle of green slime. In light of this recent attack, Lutz confronts Jones again who then admits that a highly radioactive creature is responsible. It's revealed that the town is home to one of 2,000 nuclear dump sites in the U.S. and the creature (who is implied to be young Michael Smith) is the resulting mutation due to repeated exposure to the site's radioactive materials. The mutant, while intelligent, is completely psychotic and sensitive to light and is inactive during the day.

Arming themselves with shotguns, Jones and Lutz eventually manage to track the creature down to an abandoned warehouse where they are stalked by the hungry mutant. Jones is soon attacked and disemboweled by the creature, leaving Lutz alone to fend off the creature. Donning a gas mask, Lutz attempts to kill the creature with poison gas but it seems unfazed by the poisonous fumes and tosses Lutz around like a ragdoll. As the creature advances Lutz manages to toss a beaker of acid into the creature's face momentarily stunning it. Taking advantage of the creature's distraction, Lutz grabs a nearby axe and hacks the creature to death, ending the creature's reign of terror.

A new mutation is seen bursting from the ground.

Bear Nation

"Malcolm Ingram introduces us to gay men who dig big dudes who are stockier and hairier than the airbrushed ideal served by up lifestyle magazines and underwear ads. From 'bear runs' - the circuit parties of the ursine - to men proudly accepting their own bodies (and the beer bellies the want to cuddle), Bear Nation proves love really does come in all shapes and sizes."

The Secret of Atlantis

After checking his books, Uncle Scrooge sees a long overdue debt from 1950. He angrily remarks that the debt is too small to litigate, then decides to hire Donald Duck as a debt collector, promising him 50%, only for Donald to learn he is the debtor, owing ten cents. A battle of the last word ensues when Donald pays the debt with a quarter, demanding change plus his fee, then laughs he settled his debt to Scrooge for 1/2. Scrooge pulls one over on Donald by giving him a nickel from Balonia. However, when the nephews remark that currency is no longer minted as Balonia became defunct after the First World War, Donald sells the nickel to a coin dealer for five American dollars. Uncle Scrooge admits Donald won, but seeks another plan, using the same 1916 American quarter Donald originally paid with.

Scrooge then launches into incessant advertising, saying he will pay 50 cents to anyone who holds a 1916 quarter. This results in everyone sending him their quarters simply for the advertising to stop. Scrooge then takes a cargo plane and dumps all the quarters into the Atlantic Ocean, save for Donald's own, which is now appraised at the astronomical amount of ten skyrillion dollars. However, a mishap causes the quarter to roll all over Duckburg and the ducks cause all sorts of mishap to retrieve it, only for it to ultimately end up being flattened by a steamroller.

The coin needs to be replaced, but Scrooge mopes he hid the coins too well. However, when Scrooge recalls a specific patch of ocean where he dumped the coins, the nephews pinpoint it, causing Scrooge to get scientists to invent high-pressure diving suits. When Donald and Scrooge dive, they see the depths are actually become lighter instead of darker, thanks to bioluminescent fish. It's then that they discover the lost city of Atlantis. At first believed to be a ghost town, they are shocked to see fish people who bring them before their king, and the fish people are wearing the quarters as jewelry, as Atlantean law states anything that falls from the "air world" becomes Atlantean property. The king says that Donald and Scrooge will become subjects of Atlantis, and forbids them to leave for soon more would be here out of curiosity, and greedy men would also attack Atlantis to rob it of its treasures.

The ducks are imprisoned until they have been determined to be good citizens of Atlantis. A fishman wearing a mortarboard hat, who is called "Professor", has been ordered to help the ducks acculturate. The professor explains that Atlantis was originally an Egyptian colony until a massive earthquake caused the land to sink. The land subsidence was slow, and the men kept building the cities farther up mountains, topped with conelike air intakes, until everything was sunk. However, in trying to fight the drowning, the humans found they could adapt underwater, and for millennia have been evolving with gills and other fishlike traits.

When Dewey and Huey dive to rescue their uncles, they suffer the same fate of being imprisoned. However, they feign interest in living in Atlantis, which pleases the Professor to which he elects to release them on a guided tour of the city (but keeps Scrooge and Donald imprisoned, knowing they are not genuine). The Professor shows how electric fish aid Atlanteans in tasks such as lighting and cooking. When the nephews ask how the Professor speaks English, he replies Atlanteans know all languages of the air world, as the world's original language was spoken in Atlantis, and the sinking spared Atlanteans from the diaspora caused by the destruction of the Tower of Babel. The nephews then encounter a sunken cargo plane, which has been cordoned as off-limits, as such planes in the past have caused destruction to Atlantis due to unexploded bombs. However, exploring it the nephews find the plane was carrying jukeboxes. The Professor is at first cautious of such a device, but his intellectual curiosity gets the better of him and he admits the Atlanteans haven't made music. The jukebox doesn't work, but the Professor summons an electric eel to power the appliance, and provides one of the 1916 quarters to pay for a song. When a 1940s big band song starts playing, an excited Professor summons the entire population, and soon all Atlanteans are enjoying a dance party. When the guards join in on the party, Huey and Dewey grab a sack of quarters, then free their two uncles. The four swim to the freedom, but are almost stopped by guards throwing tridents at them. One of them ruptures the sack of quarters, and Scrooge is only able to save one. Upon reaching a shallow depth, the Atlanteans must give up, as they risk asphyxiation for their lungs have evolved as being unable to breathe the surface air. The king begs them not to reveal their existence, and Dewey gives his word of honor as a Junior Woodchuck not to do so.

Now back to safety, Scrooge promises that he will sell the sole quarter as soon as they reach home. But when he attempts to sell the ten skyrillion dollar quarter, the coin dealer replies that there is only one person in the world wealthy enough to afford such as astronomical sum: Scrooge himself.

The Dead Secret

The Secret of the title is the parentage of the heroine, Rosamond Treverton, who has been passed off as the daughter of the wealthy former actress Mrs Treverton of Porthgenna Tower, but is in fact the illegitimate child of her servant Sarah Leeson by a local miner (Mrs Treverton’s motive was to provide her husband with a child, being apparently unable to bear children herself). Sarah writes down the details of the Secret from the words of the dying Mrs Treverton, and hides the paper bearing the message in an unused room at Porthgenna.

The novel then jumps forward some twenty years. Rosamond has married the blind Leonard Frankland, who now owns Porthgenna Tower. Sarah, now living under her married name, acts as a nurse after Rosamond-s childbirth, and gives Rosamund a cryptic warning to avoid the room in which the Secret is hidden. On a visit to Porthgenna, Rosamond finds the paper detailing the Secret and reveals it to Leonard. Leonard, who originally believed that Rosamond was a wealthy heiress, accepts that his wife is illegitimate, but refuses to accept her inheritance as the presumed daughter of the Trevertons. In the course of things, this would now pass to Mrs Treverton’s miserly brother-in-law Andrew (whose introduction, together with his villainous servant, provides some comic relief in the novel). But Andrew Treverton, somewhat out of character, refuses to accept the windfall and Rosamond remains the heiress of the Trevertons in the expected happy ending.

In Concert (WKRP in Cincinnati)

The radio station promotes a concert by The Who, and employees prepare to attend the concert. Station employees are overcome with guilt after a push for seats by attending fans results in some fans being crushed to death. The next day, they discuss the tragic events, the fallibility of festival seating, and the sorrow felt by both the staff and the people of Cincinnati.

The Kid Is All Right

Lisa befriends a new student named Isabel Gutierrez. She is thrilled until Isabel reveals that she is a Republican (and to make matters worse, when Lisa asks her if she is a Lincoln or a Reagan Republican or even a George H.W. Bush Republican, Isabel says no). The two girls end up running against each other for class president, and the Springfield Republican Party tells Isabel they are thrilled with her decision and want to offer their services, as she is the kind of Latina voter the GOP will need in the future. However, Isabel tells them to butt out, because she is not going to be "owned" by them. The GOP decides to use some dirty tricks anyway, and Lisa is angry with Isabel when she thinks her classmate supported the actions, but respects her when she learns the local GOP people are just acting like jerks. In a class debate, Lisa tells the assembled students that if believing that those with a lot should help those with nothing makes her a liberal, then yes, she is a liberal and proud of it. At the final debate, the two walk away from their podia and Isabel says they want to set aside politics and would be happy for whichever of them wins, Lisa goes to say the same, and is cut off by Superintendent Chalmers, saying they are out of time. The election goes to Isabel in a close vote, but Lisa is extremely heartened by an exit poll that reveals 53% of the students agree with her views; she says that this means they do not like her, but would vote for someone who shares her ideas, and that is a happy end result.

The episode ends with Lisa (running on the Democratic-Robot-Zombie Collision) and Isabel (running as a Republican) at a presidential debate during the 2056 United States presidential election, with Lisa responding to Anderson Cooper's question about getting the United States out of the War in Afghanistan, by saying she would throw in the towel and make Afghanistan a state. An elderly Homer Simpson, who is watching the election on television, along with his Musicville counterpart, Hoba, proudly exclaims, "That's my girl".

The Devil's Cockpit

The novel is set in September 1966.

Carter is summoned to Hawk's office where he meets a representative of the CIA. Carter is shown a box containing the shriveled genitals of a man – the only remains of a CIA agent investigating a communist pornography ring based in Budapest, Hungary. Assisted by Hollywood movie director, Preston Mohr, AXE identifies the films as the work of Michael Blackstone – a once famous director blacklisted and forced into exile during anti-communist purges. Several of the films feature Mona Manning – a former Hollywood actress forced into making pornography due to her waning career and poor mental health.

Carter is ordered to infiltrate the pornography ring and targets Paulus Werner – a West German national who recruits young women from the UK and Western Europe for the pornographers under the cover of a travelling theatrical troupe. Werner was last seen in London by the CIA agent who was subsequently murdered and mutilated.

Carter goes to London and stakes out Soho posing as spiv Nathan Connors. He picks up Pamela Martin, an English prostitute, and discovers that she is familiar with Paulus Werner's attempts to recruit prostitutes for overseas trips. Carter offers Pamela GBP 50 to bring Werner to her flat on the pretext of being interested in going to Europe with him. Carter lies in wait and interrogates Werner when he returns with Pamela. Werner identifies Bela Kojak as his contact in Budapest and reveals that the entire pornography ring is organized by the mysterious Dr Miljas Eros with the involvement of Chinese diplomat, Fang Chi. Carter kills Werner.

Carter recruits Pamela with the promise of a job in AXE if the mission is successful. Posing as Jacob Werner, Paulus Werner's cousin, Carter and Pam lead the theatrical troupe by train from Vienna to Budapest. At their hotel, Carter discovers a stash of heroin hidden in the theatrical troupe's equipment and suspects Paulus Werner of operating a clandestine drug smuggling ring. In Pest, Carter hires a small boat to take him up the Danube to Vác, where Michael Blackstone lives in a villa.

At the villa Carter discovers Pamela and the other girls in the troupe have already been drugged and transported there. They are held captive by two female German guards – whom Carter assumes are ex-Nazi concentration camp guards. Carter enters the villa and kills three male staff and the two female guards. Before he can free the captive women Carter eavesdrops on a high-level meeting between Blackstone, his wife, Bela Kojak, Fang Chi and Mona Manning.

Carter hides in Bela Kojak's car and is taken to a castle on the Danube – the set for the pornographic films. Carter is captured, stripped, shackled to the floor and subjected to peine forte et dure – crushed under heavy stones. Carter sticks to his Jacob Werner cover story. Kojak believes him to be a superior American agent and surmises he is indeed Nick Carter and debates whether to sell him to Russian or to Chinese authorities. As a last gambit Carter reveals the heroin he found stashed in the kit of the girls prepared by Paulus Werner and informs Kojak that someone in his organization is using him to bring heroin into the country – a capital offence. Carter informs him that Paulus Werner was probably working with Dr Miljas Eros. Kojak then reveals that he is in fact Dr Miljas Eros - second in command of Hungarian State Security Police.

Carter is drugged and forced to perform in a sex act whilst being filmed. He is untied and taken back to the castle dungeon. He escapes and kills three guards. Carter searches the castle and sets fire to the room used to store the pornographic movies. As he is leaving the castle he encounters Michael and Sylvia Blackstone and Mona Manning escaping on foot. He forces them back to the castle to release the captive girls. Sylvia Blackstone refuses to leave. Michael Blackstone, Mona Manning, Pamela Martin and Carter head for Blackstone's cruiser moored nearby. They embark on a high-speed chase down the Danube toward the border with Austria. On the way, Blackstone expresses concern about what will happen to him when he is repatriated to America. He goes below deck and shoots Mona Manning and then himself. The cruiser is disabled by gunfire from their pursuers. Carter and Pamela tie themselves together and dive overboard, negotiating the underwater nets that prevent unauthorized entry and exit into Hungary. Exhausted Carter and Pamela wash up on the banks of the Danube inside Austria.

Hawk informs Carter that the mission has been a success and asks what he will do about Pamela Martin who is still recovering in hospital. Carter refuses to see her and drives home to his apartment.

La dottoressa preferisce i marinai

The ship of the Italian Navy commander Carlo Morelli (Renzo Palmer) anchors at Bari port and he arranges a rendezvous with his mistress Dr. Paola (Paola Senatore) at a hotel but who arrives is his wife Clara (Marisa Mell). Meanwhile, cleaners Alvaro (Vitali) and Gianni (Ciardo) witness a murder at the hotel and the assassin (Gordon Mitchell) starts trying to kill them. They are now in the middle of an international conspiracy.

Ragazza alla pari

Domenica, a farmer girl from Val Brembana, becomes the au pair girl of the Chiocchietti family in Rome.

Devil's Triad

The team investigate the death of a Marine who was reportedly shot by a clown. A number on a cellphone found on the Marine is traced to a hotel room where Gibbs and Tony accidentally chance upon Fornell and his and Gibbs' ex-wife Diane Sterling. The cellphone belongs to an Eddie Macklin but the team keep hitting dead ends with the evidence. However, the case takes an unexpected turn when Gibbs and Fornell discover that "Eddie Macklin" is the alias of Secret Service Special Agent Edward McKenzie and that NCIS had stumbled on a highly classified six-month-long undercover operation. Fornell and Diane's daughter Emily has a significant part in the plot of this episode.

From Dusk till Dawn: The Series

In this supernatural crime series, Seth Gecko and his violent, unpredictable brother, Richard "Richie" Gecko, are wanted by the FBI and Texas Ranger Freddie Gonzalez after a bank robbery left several people, including policemen and Gonzalez's mentor Texas Ranger Earl McGraw, dead. Heading for the Mexico border pursued by Gonzalez, the Geckos encounter former minister Jacob Fuller and his family, whom they take hostage by commandeering the Fullers' RV. Drug lord Don Carlos reroutes them to a strip club populated by snakelike people that all must fight for food to survive until dawn.

Trilussa - Storia d'amore e di poesia

This historical biographical TV series is based on the life of the Italian poet Trilussa.

Sin código

Gabriel Nielsen (Suar) and Oso (Antonio Grimau) have a private security company known as Nielsen Security. Axel (Cabré), the son of Oso, wants to join it but he is rejected. When Oso is murdered, Gabriel and Axel join forces to capture the criminal. In the second season, most employees resign, and policewoman Antonia López (Dupláa) joins the agency.

Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio (novel)

Joe Matthews, a professional baseball pitcher from LA on the back end of his career, finds himself and his son (Bobby) in a picturesque community of Amish and Swiss influence after their truck breaks down. Joe is running from the paparazzi, who are constantly bombarding him and his son, about the unsolved murder of Joe's actress wife (Grace) which took place in their home. Joe doesn't want anyone to know where he is nor who he is which leads to the local Sugarcreek Policewoman, Rachel Troyer, becoming suspicious of this stranger in her town. Joe, who can't access his funds back home, needs a place to stay and finds it when he is introduced to three humble elderly Amish women who manage a rundown Amish bed and breakfast called the Sugar Haus Inn. The three Amish women: Bertha, Lydia, and Anna Troyer are the aunts and only living relatives of Rachel Troyer. Joe ends up working for his room and board and helps the women get the Sugar Haus Inn back up and running. Although Rachel Troyer is constantly suspicious of and on guard around Joe, she and he do start to form a relationship, and have to work together to solve the murder of Joe's wife.

A Girl in Winter

The main character in the novel (the "girl" of the title) is Katherine Lind, a library assistant. The action is condensed into a twelve-hour period in which she has to leave work to escort a colleague who has been taken ill. The incident results indirectly in her realisation that she no longer cares for Robin, an old love interest she had as a teenager.

The Good Lord Bird

The memoirs of Henry Shackleford, an enslaved person in Kansas during the Bleeding Kansas era, are discovered in a Delaware church. Henry, nicknamed "Little Onion" for eating a particularly rancid onion, accidentally encounters abolitionist John Brown in a tavern. Brown mistakes Henry for a girl and gives him a dress to wear; Shackleford wears a dress for much of the novel. The two join together, and Henry narrates his encounters with Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and the events at John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry. The book is narrated in the first person through Henry.

Introduction to Teaching

Jeff Winger finds himself having difficulty teaching his new class, "Fundamentals of Law", and finds himself suffering some ridicule from Greendale students due to his nonchalant attitude, and his demeanor which is more akin to a student than a teacher.

He shares an office with Buzz Hickey (Jonathan Banks), who has been teaching for 15 years and is Annie's criminology professor. Abed begins taking a class discussing actor Nicolas Cage, and whether he should be considered a "good" or "bad" actor. Annie and Jeff begin to fight over Jeff's attitude and unwillingness to take his class seriously. She later enrolls in the class in order to put pressure on him to do a better job. Meanwhile, Jeff and Hickey begin to bond, and Hickey proves to be very intense and threatening. It is also revealed that virtually none of Greendale's professors take their jobs seriously.

Despite his professor's warnings that there is no answer (unlike with the question of "Who's the Boss?" in "Competitive Wine Tasting"), Abed begins to obsess over Nicolas Cage, being unable to determine whether he is a good or bad actor. He suffers a nervous breakdown in class, inadvertently emulating some of Cage's more "over the top" performances. As he is about to give up his passion for film and the answers it holds, he is comforted by Shirley, who helps him accept that Nicolas Cage's nature is to be inscrutable. The two discover they share a mutual fandom of the ''Hellraiser'' movie series.

Hickey suggests that Jeff give Annie "A−" grades on her work, as it will drive a perfectionist like her crazy. He says that teachers invented the "minus" score for lettered grades as a way to give students they don't like the illusion of a lower score even though the "minus" mark has no actual meaning. Jeff opts not to after eventually discovering that he enjoys teaching after he skillfully wins an in-class argument with Annie, impressing and interesting his class.

Hickey gives Annie an "A−" on one of her criminology projects; she frustratedly decides to drop Jeff's class so she can devote more time to Hickey's. Jeff confronts Hickey and Hickey reveals he did it to try to help keep Annie off of Jeff's back.

Jeff tells Annie that the "minus" is a meaningless grade by teachers who don't like their students; Annie angrily reveals this to other students and quickly causes a riot on campus. Jeff attempts to stop the riot with a speech, only for the students to further turn on him.

Later, in order to make up for the riot, Dean Pelton advises Jeff to start a student-teacher "Save Greendale" alliance, inspired by the fictitious "Save Greendale" cause Jeff created for a ruse in the previous episode. Professor Hickey also joins, as do the other members of the study group. Their first order of business is to ban Dean Pelton from all meetings.

Dog Gone (1926 film)

Mutt has been selected to judge a dog show. As a scheme, he tells Jeff to participate, assuring the latter will come out the victor.

Later, when the dog show is about to begin, Jeff puts on a dog suit before entering. At the contest, Mutt observes the other dogs. Mutt then approaches Jeff whom he momentarily declares the winner. This provoked great envy from the other dogs as they chase Jeff out of the scene. Mutt also runs to save his buddy.

Moments after being pursued, Jeff manages to lure the dogs into the container of a horse-drawn carriage. While he tries to get away, the carriage's driver catches and tosses him inside too.

The carriage arrives at a sausage plant. The driver then inserts the dogs through an opening on the plant's wall where they slide into a machine which turns them into sausages. Not wanting to share their fate, Jeff tries his best to avoid dropping in. After some trouble with a broom-wielding worker, Jeff partially falls into the machine. Fortunately, he is able to get off, and only his dog suit gets devoured. Meanwhile, Mutt eventually finds and enters the carriage. As a consequence, the driver, thinking there is one more dog left, obliviously passes Mutt into the machine. Mutt somehow gets stuck midway with legs sticking out. Jeff then pulls out his buddy, until they drop through the opening. When they are outside, Jeff notices Mutt's disfigured body, and laughs. Annoyed by this, Mutt pounds and knocks out Jeff.

The Tribune's Curse

55 BC: Senator Decius Metellus the Younger is happy for once: he is in Rome, having been granted leave from Julius Caesar's campaign in Gaul to return home and campaign for aedile, which he is confident of winning because of his family's influence, and he is newly married to Caesar's niece, Julia the Younger.

The topic of discussion that year is Crassus's planned war with Parthia, which will commence as soon as Crassus steps down as Consul and departs Rome to take up his governorship of Syria. Crassus's planned war is equally unpopular with the ''populares'' and the Senate, but there is little anyone can do to prevent it, since Crassus is wealthy enough to raise and equip his own Legions.

While canvassing for votes in the Forum, Decius is unnerved by a visit from his mortal enemy, Clodius. Since Crassus, Pompey and Caesar reached an agreement at Luca the previous year, all three are working together to advance Crassus's ambitions, so Clodius (Caesar's man) tells Decius that Crassus will finance his term of office as aedile - which Decius already knows will be ruinously expensive - if he will help convince his family to drop their opposition to the Parthian war. Later, the offer is repeated, by Crassus himself, while Decius and Julia are attending a formal dinner at Milo's house. As tempted as he is, Decius refuses, and is unsettled when Crassus appears personally insulted.

The next day, Decius is approached by Gaius Ateius Capito, the tribune of the plebs most vehemently opposed to the war, who heard of Decius' refusals to Crassus and hails him as an ally. Decius cautiously says that, although he and his family oppose the war, he does not see what can be done, legally, to prevent Crassus leaving for Syria. Capito winks and says he is planning to appeal to "divine" forces.

On the day of Crassus' departure, Capito appears atop the city gates, dressed in a bizarre robe and enacting a ritual to place a curse on Crassus and all his followers, then disappears. This act of sacrilege terrifies the populace, since it is an offense to the gods and will bring misfortune to the whole city. The Chief Vestal orders Crassus to depart Rome immediately, then declares a state of emergency, while Pompey convenes a meeting of the Senate.

The first, necessary expurgation is a ''lustrum'' performed by the junior members of the Senate, including Decius: carrying three sacrificial animals on a litter around the perimeter of the whole city (i.e., carrying over a thousand pounds weight over sixteen consecutive hours). Decius is one of the twenty Senators who completes the task, and stumbles home in exhaustion.

The next day, Decius is handed a commission by a secret committee of the Vestals and the state pontifices: during his ritual, while speaking in a number of obscure languages, Ateius Capito spoke the Secret Name of Rome, a magic talisman supposedly known to only a handful of the priesthood's inner circle. Decius is to find out how Ateius learned the name.

Decius starts by consulting the fortune tellers and priests of foreign cults most prominent among his aristocratic wife's friends (these are regularly expelled from the city, but a few always bribe the aediles into letting them stay). One he consults, a Greek scholar named Ariston, admits that he schooled Ateius Capito in ancient religious practices and certain magic rituals, but denies giving him any dangerous knowledge.

Matters are complicated when Ateius Capito is found murdered, mauled almost beyond recognition. Though Capito was reviled by the city for performing the curse, a tribune of the plebs is supposed to be sacrosanct from violence, and the populace is outraged almost to the point of rioting. Pompey hands Decius a second commission, to locate Capito's murderer - or, at least, a convenient scapegoat to pacify the mob.

Decius tracks Capito's movements a short distance beyond the city gate, then loses the trail. While investigating his past career, Decius is struck by the fact that, while in office, Capito devoted himself wholeheartedly to opposing Crassus' war with Parthia, to the exclusion of all other business. Julia points out that a tribunate is meant to be the start of a political career, yet Capito committed professional suicide by performing the curse, which means (assuming he wasn't insane) he must have had some alternate plan for the rest of his life.

The mob is further outraged when news arrives from Egypt that King Ptolemy Auletes has put his daughter, Berenice, to death, for rebelling against his rule, along with several thousand of her followers, including several prominent Alexandrian citizens with friends and connections in Rome. Pompey warns Decius that he has maybe one day left before the mob explodes in a riot.

When he consults with his physician friend, Asklepeiodes, who examined Capito's body, Decius is surprised to hear him remark that Capito must have been a child when he was first enrolled in the equestrian order. Decius asks him to explain, and Asklepeiodes says that the body he examined was not so badly mauled that he couldn't estimate his age - he was no older than his early twenties. Decius realizes that Capito faked his death, and is hiding in Rome somewhere. After a second, more careful review of Capito's records, Decius solves the case, and a short time later, he, Milo, and Pompey storm into the Egyptian embassy, to confront the ambassador, Lisas.

Ateius Capito met King Ptolemy while serving on the staff of Aemilius Scaurus, and offered to become Ptolemy's agent in Roman politics. The one thing Ptolemy wanted more than anything else was to prevent Crassus from acquiring his command in Syria; earlier that year, when Ptolemy petitioned the Senate for a military expedition to put him back on the Egyptian throne, Crassus vetoed the idea, going so far as to produce a fraudulent interpretation of the Sibylline Books, arguing that the gods would be angered at such an undertaking. Ptolemy eventually regained his throne by bribing Aulus Gabinius to mount an expedition, but never forgave Crassus. Thanks to Crassus' money, Capito could not legally prevent him from getting the Syrian command, so he decided to use the curse, which he purchased from Ariston (a corrupt man who also sold Crassus his fake Sibylline prophecy). After performing the curse, Capito faked his death by having a young slave dressed in his clothes and mauled by the Nile crocodiles kept as pets inside the Embassy, where he has been hiding out ever since, waiting to make a dash to his new retirement villa in Egypt.

Pompey threatens to make war on all of Egypt, and Lisas reluctantly tells him where Capito is hiding. With dramatic flair, Pompey produces Capito at Capito's own state-sponsored funeral and then tries him in front of the people, allowing them to see how they have been duped. Capito is convicted of sacrilege and treason, and hurled from the Tarpeian Rock.

Decius remarks to Lisas that, although Capito is a fraud and a traitor, his curse may turn out to be perfectly effective. Decius is right: eighteen months after leaving Rome, Crassus is killed, along with most of his army, in the disastrous Battle of Carrhae.

Robinson Crusoe Island (novel)

The story takes place on Coche Island, 1725-1726. The protagonist Jan (John) Bober, a half-Polish half-English Virginia pioneer, flees from government pursuit in a pirate ship. However, it runs into heavy water and wrecks near the island. Jan and his two Arawak companions Arnak and Wagura (former slaves from the ship), the only survivors of the shipwreck, live on the island for over a year. Later they accept onto the island a group of escaped slaves from Margarita Island and, combining forces, defeat Spanish slaver pursuers and seize their ship. Fearing Spanish revenge, Jan and his followers leave the island on the captured ship. Their adventures continue in the two next Arkady Fiedler's novels ''Orinoco'' (''Orinoko'', 1957) and ''The White Jaguar'' (''Biały Jaguar'', 1980).

A Town Where You Live

Years prior, Haruto Kirishima befriends Yuzuki Eba and asks her to return to his hometown, Shōbara, Hiroshima, if she is ever troubled. In the present, Yuzuki transfers to Shōbara due to her estrangement with her step-family. She helps Haruto develop a friendship with his current crush, Nanami Kanzaki, but Haruto ultimately falls in love with Yuzuki. He helps Yuzuki reconcile with her family which encourages her to return to Tokyo. The two begin a long-distance relationship until Yuzuki suddenly cuts all ties with him. Haruto transfers to Tokyo and learns Yuzuki has begun dating Kyousuke Kazama out of sympathy for his terminal illness. In response, Haruto declares he will take Yuzuki back prompting Kyousuke to take a risky surgery in order to compete for Yuzuki's love fairly. Following Kyousuke's death, Haruto and Yuzuki stop seeing each other out of guilt.

Two years later, Haruto has been dating Asuka Mishima. When he reunites with Yuzuki, the two realize they still love each other. Haruto ends his relationship with Asuka in order to be with Yuzuki which causes their friends to ostracize them. When Yuzuki's father objects to their relationship and attempts to relocate her, she runs away from home to live with Haruto; the two eventually earn her father's approval. After reconciling with their friends and graduating from university, Haruto takes a job that relocates him to Kōchi. Unable to sustain their relationship, the two break up; two years later, Haruto is transferred back to Tokyo and reunites with Yuzuki, who had been waiting for his return. The two are married shortly after.


; Haruto is a high school student in Shōbara, Hiroshima. He has an earnest personality and chastises others when they are in the wrong. Because he often cooks for his family and friends, Haruto is skilled at cooking and considers it as a possible career. His older sister lives in Tokyo in the dorm room next to the Akitsukis from ''Suzuka''. He has a long-time crush on classmate Nanami Kanzaki, but his feelings shift towards Yuzuki as the series progresses. At the end of the series, he marries Yuzuki, has a son named Daiki, and opens up his own restaurant. In both Tatsunoko Production's and Gonzo's anime, he is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya.

; Years prior to the series, Yuzuki attends a summer festival in Shōbara where she befriends Haruto. There, Haruto tells her to return if she is ever troubled. Since then, she grew fond of Haruto and plans to visit him one day. After her father's remarriage, Yuzuki feels estranged by her family and decides to attend school in Shōbara. Due to Haruto's intervention, Yuzuki is able to mend her relationship with her step-family, prompting her to return to Tokyo. There, the terminally ill Kyousuke Kazama asks Yuzuki to be his girlfriend for the remainder of his lifespan. Following Kyousuke's death, Yuzuki decides to stop seeing Haruto out of guilt. Reunited two years later, the two reaffirm their love, and begin dating. At the end of the series, she married Haruto and they have a son named Daiki. In both Tatsunoko Production's and Gonzo's anime, she is voiced by Megumi Nakajima.

; Hiroshima characters * is Haruto's childhood friend. He is unpopular with women and faces rejection regularly. In college, he begins dating Kiyomi Asakura, whom he later marries when she becomes pregnant. In both Tatsunoko Production's and Gonzo's anime, he is voiced by Toshiki Masuda. * is Haruto and Takashi's childhood friend. She is half Russian and half Japanese which gives her blond hair and blue eyes. After her father becomes ill, Akari drops out of university and returns to Hiroshima for work. She marries Nanami's brother Narumi, but beforehand, confesses her love to Haruto one last time to settle her feelings for him. In both Tatsunoko Production's and Gonzo's anime, she is voiced by Nana Kouno. * is Haruto's classmate since middle school. She has an older brother named . Due to Yuzuki's efforts, Haruto is able to become close with Nanami and earns her affection. However, she postpones and rejects Haruto's confession as she sees Haruto's love towards Yuzuki. At Seijo University, she eventually dates another guy. In Tatsunoko Production's anime, she is voiced by Saori Hayami. In Gonzo's anime, she is voiced by Yuki Takao. * is a girl Haruto meets during his summer job in a restaurant. She aspires to be a chef and is highly skilled and devoted to that profession; because of this, she is strict towards her co-workers. Three years later, she runs her own restaurant in Tokyo where Haruto works during his university years.

; Tokyo characters * is Yuzuki's step-sister. She has a mischievous personality and enjoys flirting with Haruto. After learning that Haruto and Yuzuki had sex, she realizes that she loves Haruto and feels saddened by this revelation. She later appears in ''Hitman'', another manga by Kōji Seo, where is the CEO of a mobile game company. In Tatsunoko Production's anime, she is voiced by Aoi Yuuki. In Gonzo's anime, she is voiced by Saki Fujita. * is Haruto's neighbor and classmate after his transfer to Tokyo. Following Kyousuke's death and Haruto and Yuzuki's decision to stop seeing each other, she and Haruto begin dating. At the end of the series, she is a pitcher on Japan's national baseball team. She later appears in ''Hitman'', where the protagonist is assigned to make a manga based on her life. In Gonzo's anime, she is voiced by Ayane Sakura. * is Yuzuki's senior at school and becomes friends with Haruto. He uses his terminal illness to make Yuzuki his girlfriend. Upon learning about Yuzuki's relationship with Haruto, Kyousuke decides to undergo a risky surgery to cure his ailment and to win Yuzuki's love fairly; the surgery results in his death. In Gonzo's anime series, he is voiced by Daisuke Ono. * is Haruto's high school classmate in Tokyo. Learning that Mina has tickets for an event at Yuzuki's school, Haruto accompanies her which causes her to believe they are on a date. She reappears as a member of the college circle that Haruto joins. There, she comes to believe she and Haruto are a couple again; she later ends this supposed relationship to be with another man. She appears in Gonzo's anime and is voiced by Sayuri Yahagi. * is Kyousuke Kazama's childhood friend. She originally despises Yuzuki for her relationship with Kyousuke, and works with Haruto to try to split them apart. She confesses her love to Kyousuke before he undergoes his surgery. She begins dating Takashi and the two marry when she becomes pregnant. She appears in Gonzo's anime and is voiced by Aya Endo. * is a business student at Seijo University. She stages an incriminating situation in order to blackmail Haruto into taking class notes for her. Despite her family's opposition, she decides to pursue her dream as a manga artist. She later appears as a supporting character in ''Hitman''. * is Haruto's neighbor during his university years. She does not have friends at the university and, because she has gone to an all-girls high school, has androphobia. After interacting with Haruto and Yuzuki, she becomes more social and studies abroad. * is Yuzuki's student from her cram school job. She develops a crush on Haruto and decides to pursue him. When she becomes a high school student, she moves into Miyu's old apartment.

ClosetCon '13

Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Claire (Julie Bowen) are out of town because they have to attend the annual Closet Convention. While Claire seems very interested at the schedule of the convention and wants to participate in all the activities, Jay is more interested in meeting old friends, including Rita (Randee Heller), and do the pranks they used to do. Jay wants to put a skeleton in Claire's closet to scare her but because of his awkward behavior in front of her every time Rita is around, Claire believes that her dad has an affair. Claire tries to make Jay tell her the truth but they both end up making confessions like that Jay tried to get Phil (Ty Burrell) a job in another state so he will break up Claire and Claire called the immigration to inform them about Gloria (Sofía Vergara).

Phil and Gloria are back home alone with the kids and they plan to go all together to a restaurant. Before they leave, Phil discovers what Jay is hiding in his secret closet; a treasure of antique model toys. He gets so excited with his discovery that he unintentionally breaks one of them, a replica of Apollo 13. They immediately cancel their reservation at the restaurant and they all try to fix the model with Phil's dad, Frank (Fred Willard), help via Skype. In the meantime, Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) fight over the pizza delivery boy that they both like.

Meanwhile, Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) visit Cam's birthplace, Missouri. Mitch is not very excited being there but after a fight he has with Cam, he decides to give it a try and embrace the farm life. The problem is that Cam's grandmother (Ann Guilbert), who does not know that Cam is gay nor that he has a kid nor that he is getting married, arrives. Cam asks Mitch to pretend they are not a couple and even though Mitch does not agree with the idea, he agrees to do it. Eventually Cam tells his grandmother the truth but she does not take the news very well.

Un Soir de Joie

Based on a true story from November 1943: the Resistance manages to publish a fake edition of the pro-German newspaper 'Le Soir', put on sale by surprise in the newsstands and stuffed full of parodic articles pouring ridicule upon occupying forces. The film faithfully traced the course of this humorous and enterprising attempt to wake up the populace, filling out the basic plot with irreverent patriotic gags.

Carbine's Heritage

A young man finds a loose strayed colt near Hamilton which is not advertised for. So after a year he enters the colt in a show at which the owner a young lady who comes to the show with her father claims. They come to an arrangement about the horse, which is a descendant of the famous horse Carbine. Then the horse is stolen by the pair of villains when being trained ..... The climatic end sequence was filmed at the Christmas 1926 Auckland Cup meeting.

The Romance of Hine-moa

The plot is the traditional story of the love of Hinemoa and Tutanekai from rival tribes. Pauli's version shifts the emphasis from Hinemoa's swim across the lake to meet her lover to Tutanekai's ordeal going through the Valley of Fire, the crater of an active volcano. Released in 1927, but New Zealand Prime Minister Gordon Coates attended a special showing by Gaumont in England on 16 December 1926.

The Bold Bank Robbery

After learning they are short of money, a group of four robbers decide to execute a bank heist. The four create a plan and hire an unwitting chauffeur to drive them to their location. As soon as they reach an isolated road, the robbers force the chauffeur out of the car, gag him, and throw him into a ditch. The robbers then drive the car to the bank. After entering, they kill a security guard and use explosives to force the bank vault open. The thieves steal as much money as possible and make a quick retreat to their car. Back in the park, a young couple on a walk discover the unconscious body of the chauffeur, and the man calls the police.

The band of robbers, now at home, are about to start splitting their stolen goods equally, when the police barge in. While three of the robbers are subdued after a fight, one manages to make his escape via a window and ends up on the roof. The two policeman chase the criminal, who eludes them by jumping from rooftop to rooftop. After the robber jumps down to the street, he runs toward the railroad station and boards a departing train. The police officers arrive but are too late, as the robber has left. The officers tell the train dispatcher to send a telegram to the next station, informing them of the fugitive and asking them to catch him as soon as possible. When the train reaches the next station, the burglar exits the train and unknowingly runs right into the path of policemen. With all four of the robbers caught, they are sentenced to forty years in jail. While doing work in the jail's quarry, the group review their failure, with each robber pinning the blame on another.

Woe to the Young

The story concerns a rich old man named Andreas, who wants to be young again so as to marry a young girl, that makes a deal with the Devil. He becomes young but poor and the little money he has he spends. Moreover, the girl - after her mother's coercion - rejects him and wounds up marrying another rich old man. The film ends with Andreas waking up, realizing this was all but a dream.

One Desire

Clint Saunders is dismissed from his job as the White Palace saloon's card dealer after coming to work late. He doesn't mind, wishing to leave for Colorado and the lucrative silver mines there. Saloon owner Tacey Cromwell, in love with Clint, decides to leave with him and Clint's little brother Nugget, even though Clint doesn't wish to settle down.

In their new town, Clint becomes acquainted with prosperous Judith Watrous, a senator's daughter, who offers him a job running her bank and is obviously attracted to him. Tacey does her best to make a proper home for Nugget and for a young tomboy, Seely Dowder, taking in the girl when she becomes an orphan.

The haughty Judith learns of Tacey's past life, after having hired a private investigator and jealously has custody of the children taken from Tacey while Clint is out of town. A broken-hearted Tacey returns to her old saloon job, while Clint remains behind and marries Judith. As years go by, Seely grows up and encounters Tacey again. They return to Colorado, where upon discovering how Judith betrayed her, Tacey plans to open a rowdy new saloon, right across the street from the Judith/Clint home out of spite.

During a quarrel, a drunken Judith throws a lantern at Clint and sets their house ablaze. ( note they live in the "Herman Munster" house and ride by the "Beaver Cleaver" house too). She perishes in the fire. Tacey's saloon catches fire as well and burns to the ground. Tacey, the children and Clint vow to carry on and rebuild their lives.

Everything but the Truth

A schoolboy who has been urged to always tell the truth blurts out that an uncle of his has received a payoff from a politician. Chaos ensues, as teacher Joan Madison fights the school principal's decision to expel the boy from classes and enlists a newspaper columnist, Ernie Miller, to help support her cause.

Madron (film)

A nun, the only survivor of an Indian massacre of a wagon train, is taken in by a cantankerous old gunfighter who helps her to evade the marauding Indians during her attempt to reach Santa Fe. During the arduous journey they slowly develop an unlikely friendship and respect for each other despite Madron (Richard Boone) initially treating Sister Mary (Leslie Caron) very badly as merely a sex object.

And the Wife Shall Revere Her Husband

Antonis and Eleni are an unmarried couple, which live in a traditional neighbourhood in Athens. Antonis is a literate employee of a ministry but Eleni is an illiterate housewife from a poor family. Due to their social divide between them, Antonis underrates Eleni and treats her like a slave. Nevertheless, she carries on loving him and serving him. But the situation changes after their marriage. Eleni starts to emancipate and she claims equality. Antonis doesn't put up with the new situation and asks divorce. Several years later the two former spouses are met in the demolition of their old house. They remember their old lives and decide to give their relationship even one chance. The film features the characters mixing the humour with emotion and nostalgia, filled also with the beautiful pictures of Athens at those years.

All at Sea (TV series)

The series revolves around the chaotic misadventures of the Enright family, who have recently moved to Scarborough to run a bed-and-breakfast by the sea. Their middle child and eldest son, Charlie, is a deceptive and mischievous troublemaker, who is constantly plotting schemes to achieve his goal with his best friends, the equally-troublesome Alison and the moralled and more sensible Ben. Charlie's parents, Kevin and Helen, run the dysfunctional bed-and-breakfast and usually try to improve it in different ways, while his vain, rude older sister Hannah is often trying to achieve a goal too, and his eccentric, gullible younger brother Louie believing a tale that will traumatize him and will try to conquer it. Each episode ends with Charlie complaining about his punishment by uttering his catchphrase – "It's a travesty of justice!" The only episodes that didn't end with this is the Series 1 Christmas special "Murderer" and the 2015 Christmas special "Santa". Although filmed with all the Series 2 episodes in the summer of 2014, "Santa" did not actually air until 2015, therefore not being part of Series 2. It was the final episode.

Repeats stopped airing in June 2017 but returned in May 2019. In September 2019 a boxset of the entire first series was made available on BBC iPlayer, and the second series became available in October 2019. Repeats continue to air regularly on CBBC.

Big Ass Spider!

Alex Mathis is a cash-strapped but good-natured exterminator working in Los Angeles. While helping an elderly woman with a rodent problem, he is bitten by a venomous spider and is treated at a hospital. Meanwhile, a mortician is bitten by a rodent-sized spider that crawls out of a dead body which just arrived at the hospital. Learning of this, Alex offers to take care of the spider in exchange for clearing his hospital bill. José Ramos, a hospital security guard, offers to help Alex. Going to the morgue, Alex deduces the spider escaped into an air vent. He enters the vent and communicates with José via walkie-talkie. Meanwhile, a military task force led by Major Braxton Tanner and Lieutenant Karly Brant show up at the hospital to examine the dead body the spider burst out of.

Meanwhile, the spider, growing exponentially, kills a paralyzed hospital patient. Back inside the vent, Alex stumbles upon a spiderweb and learns that it is highly flammable. Alex ventures into the hospital basement, where he has a confrontation with the spider. The spider is driven off by Karly and escapes into a grate down into the sewer, where it kills a homeless man. Alex, enamored with Karly, offers his assistance to Braxton, who declines, especially when Alex presses her for answers on where the spider came from. José convinces Alex to continue their pursuit as it could be the most important thing of their lives.

The duo tracks the still-growing spider at a public park, where it kills dozens of people. Alex and José get the spider to chase their truck and lure it to the military. A huge firefight ensues, but the spider escapes into the nearby woods. Karly and a group of soldiers pursue it, but the spider ambushes them, kills most of the soldiers, and captures Karly. After Alex and José demand answers, Braxton reveals that they discovered alien DNA and hoped to use it as a growth hormone. However, a spider's nest was hidden in some test fruit, thus exposing the spider to the alien DNA and triggering its rapid growth. It is also revealed that the spider will soon start reproducing based on its size and their studies of the alien DNA.

Alex and José head for the city, as the now-enormous spider sets up a nest at the U.S. Bank Tower. As they enter the skyscraper, Braxton informs them that Karly is located directly inside the nest, and warns them of an impending airstrike. They get to Karly and free her and several other trapped citizens just before the hatching baby spiders can attack. The group makes it out of the building seconds before the airstrike hits, provoking the spider. Alex deduces from the spiderwebs' flammability that the spider could be killed by shooting its spinneret. José grabs a rocket launcher from a military vehicle and tosses it to Alex, who shoots the spider in the spinneret. The spider explodes, finally killing it. Alex embraces Karly, and the two enjoy a passionate kiss.

In a mid-credits scene, Braxton calls Alex to tell him they have another problem. In the background, a giant cockroach can be seen climbing the Statue of Liberty in a video monitor.

The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot

On Christmas Day 2012, former Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison watches "The Snowmen" with his children. They remark on the upcoming 50th anniversary special and speculate as to whether Davison will be invited to return or if it will simply feature the most recent two Doctors, David Tennant and Matt Smith. Davison has a dream where he is invited back and given special treatment, ending with a vision of Janet Fielding telling him that none of the old Doctors will be asked to return. Over the next couple of months, he, Sixth Doctor actor Colin Baker and Seventh Doctor actor Sylvester McCoy desperately await a call inviting them to star in the special. A disillusioned Davison attends a convention, where he is unrecognised by the hotel receptionist and asked by fans if he has heard about appearing in the episode. He calls current ''Doctor Who'' executive producer Steven Moffat, who is more interested in playing with his action figures and deletes his messages from Davison, as well as Baker and McCoy who have also called about appearing (McCoy mentions appearing in ''The Hobbit'' and Baker mentions doing ''I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!'').

At another convention appearance, Davison, Baker and McCoy all eye Eighth Doctor actor Paul McGann suspiciously. They discuss inviting Fourth Doctor actor Tom Baker to help them get involved, but when they call him he is revealed to be stuck in the Time Vortex again. McGann, having received no ''Doctor Who'' news from his agent, says he wants in on their plans – "work permitting, obviously." After the convention, McCoy returns to New Zealand to continue filming ''The Hobbit'', but decides to return to England after director Peter Jackson leaves him sitting around doing nothing. Davison's scheme is revealed to involve the three of them (McGann has work commitments) protesting with picket signs outside the BBC Television Centre in London. Meanwhile, back in New Zealand, McCoy's disappearance has ruined a scene with Ian McKellen, though McKellen himself says to Jackson that the scene might be "a slight improvement" without McCoy. In London, a passing John Barrowman informs the three actors that ''Doctor Who'' filming now takes place in Cardiff. Barrowman abandons his secret wife and children to drive the trio there, singing show tunes all the way and giving them each a copy of one of his CDs.

The former Doctors enter the Doctor Who Experience, steal their old costumes, and with the help of Davison's son-in-law David Tennant are able to infiltrate Roath Lock and get onto the set of the 50th anniversary special, "The Day of the Doctor". They are initially unsure how to proceed with getting in the special, but end up taking the place of the three Dalek operators after locking them in their room. After a close call with some security guards which leads to the trio having to hide back on the set, they manage to escape and catch a bus back to London. Davison receives a call and ignores it; it turns out to be former ''Doctor Who'' executive producer Russell T Davies asking for a part in Davison's project, as he has also been left out of the 50th celebrations.

In the coda, Moffat deletes the scene where the former Doctors play Daleks. However, when Moffat's editor reviews another scene, he sees the former Doctors evade the on-set security guards by hiding under shrouds in the undergallery set; the editor conceals this from Moffat, ensuring that the former Doctors appear in the special after all.

Under the Southern Cross (1927 film)

A young man in England is wrongly accused of a crime, so emigrates to New Zealand and works on a farm. He falls in love with Hazel, the joint owner of a nearby sheep station. She is also fancied by the station manager but rejects his advances. It transpires that the manager has committed the original crime in England; he is arrested and the young couple are happily united. The "false accusation" and "pioneer settler" plot is similar to ''The Te Kooti Trail.''

Jinxed (2013 film)

In 1914, the luckiest man in town Tommy Murphy (Burkely Duffield) is overjoyed when the girl of his dreams, Caitlin O'Leary (Andrea Brooks), agrees to dance with him in the town festival despite all rumors that she is a witch (known as a young gypsy woman). The event is ruined when a young woman named Violet (Jessa Danielson) surprises him by showing her feelings for Tommy by kissing him in front of his date. Tommy tries to keep Caitlin from running off, only for him to accidentally tear her dress, revealing her underwear. Feeling humiliated, she curses Tommy and all of his descendants with incredibly bad luck. He tries to find her so they could reconcile and reverse the curse, but is heartbroken when he learns that she married someone else.

One hundred years later, his great-great-granddaughter Meg Murphy (Ciara Bravo) is desperate to end the family's curse. Together with her brother Charlie (Jacob Bertrand), Meg finds Tommy's diary and finds out that to get rid of the curse she needs to give Tommy's "lucky coin" to a descendant of Caitlin. They successfully manage to steal their great-great-grandfather Tommy's lucky coin from the Harvest Hills Historical Museum. Afterward, Meg realizes that Ivy Murray (Elena Kampouris), a mean girl at school that picks on her, is a descendant of the O'Leary family and decides to give her the coin; her crush, Brett (Jack Griffo), asks her to the festival and she realizes that he's a descendant of Caitlin as well (being Ivy's cousin). At the dance she gives him the lucky coin, hoping to break her curse; however, a piece of Tommy's diary winds up in Charlie's hands and reading it, Charlie realizes the coin just ends up transferring the curse to Brett's family.

Meg is horrified when she discovers what has happened and arrives at his house to witness his house getting ransacked by an angry monkey. Ivy answers the door, and upon learning that the bad luck came from Meg giving Brett the coin, she grows angry. Meg manages to convince Ivy that she never intended for this to happen and Ivy realizes she's always been mean to Meg since her cursed accidents affected her as well but realizes that it's not Meg's fault. The two race to the closing ceremony, where Brett gives Meg the coin back. She then gets struck by lightning and almost falls off a flag tower but is saved by Brett, who then kisses her.

Afterwards, Meg and Ivy become best friends and she and Brett are dating. Meg goes to science camp after all and accidentally invents a potion that grows hair on bald heads. She puts back Tommy's diary with the coin after reading in the last part that Tommy, due to his bad luck, meets his beautiful wife at the hospital and throws his coin into the fountain causing a flood. Even so, he believes that it's the attitude that counts.

Meg and her family go on vacation to visit the Grand Canyon and end up causing more bad luck, with Ivy and Brett running for their lives, but laughing about it.

Persona 3 The Movie: No. 2, Midsummer Knight's Dream

The movie starts with SEES' battle in a full moon phase on July. Junpei Iori, Akihiko Sanada, and Mitsuru Kirijo are fighting the Shadow Arcana Hierophant with Fuuka Yamagishi providing tactical support for them. Meanwhile Makoto Yuki and Yukari Takeba are captured by the Shadow Arcana Lovers and under its spell but eventually free themselves from it. Defeating the Hierophant, Junpei, Akihiko, and Mitsuru regroup with Makoto and Yukari, and they defeat the Arcana Lovers. Unbeknownst to them, they are observed by three mysterious people. Makoto and the others goes to Yakushima for a break and they spend most of the day playing at the beach. While trying to flirt with women under Junpei's insistence, Makoto encounters a mysterious blonde haired girl. At night, Mitsuru's father, Takeharu Kirijo, gathers everyone and reveals that the Dark Hour and the Shadows were created by an accident caused by Mitsuru's grandfather Kouetsu Kirijo and Yukari's father Eiichiro Takeba in an attempt to create a device that could manipulate time. He shows a video left by Yukari's father, who reveals that SEES can end the Dark Hour by destroying the twelve Arcana Shadows. This revelation shocks Yukari who feels responsible for her father's sin, but Makoto comforts her. Entering the Dark Hour, Makoto and Yukari are attacked by Shadows and are almost killed until the blonde haired girl from earlier, revealed to be a Persona user, saved them. Shuji Ikutsuki introduces the girl as Aigis, a 7th Generation Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon developed by the Kirijo Group, and she joins SEES.

Back at the dorm, Mitsuru orders Makoto to pick up Ken Amada, an elementary school student who has the potential to become a Persona user. Moving to the dorm, Ken decides to take a walk, unaware that the Dark Hour has begun. At a nearby shrine, Koromaru, the dog of the deceased shrine owner, is attacked by a Shadow. Makoto arrives and saves Ken before he is devoured by the Shadows. Another Shadow appears, that Ken notices bears resemblance with the one that killed his mother, and he concludes that the Shadows are the ones responsible for his mother's death. Ken swears to annihilate all Shadows and awakens his Persona ability. He and Koromaru, who also has the potential to become a Persona user, join SEES. Entering the full moon phase, SEES prepares to fight another Shadow Arcana. They are approached by Takaya Sakaki and Jin Shirato, who introduce themselves as Strega and reveal that they have come to stop them from eliminating the Dark Hour. They trap them and ask if they truly want the Dark Hour to end. The combined Arcana Chariot and Justice appear and attack. Aigis momentarily gains the advantage by using her Orgia Mode, but quickly overheats, and the rest of the group is weakened by poison gas left by Takaya. Shinjiro Aragaki rescues them by destroying the gate to the area, allowing the poison to disperse, and Makoto destroys the two Shadow Arcanas.

At the end of their summer vacation, SEES goes to a summer festival, where Ken bonds with Shinjiro. Entering a new semester, Aigis transfers to Makoto's class. Makoto, Aigis, Yukari, Junpei, and Fuuka share their thoughts about what they will do after the Dark Hour ends. Makoto starts to become afraid that he will lose the meaning of his life if the Dark Hour disappears. This causes Makoto to become hesitant in fighting the Arcana Hermit, frustrating Shinjiro, who loses control of his Persona. Ken recognizes Shinjiro's berserk Persona as the one that killed his mother, realizing that Shinjiro is responsible for his mother's death. On October 4, Ken and Shinjiro are not present for the mission against the Arcana Fortune and Strength. Remembering that October 4 is the date of Ken's mother's death, Akihiko and Mitsuru reveal that two years ago before leaving SEES, Shinjiro's Persona went out of control and accidentally killed Ken's mother. Akihiko attempts to reach Ken and Shinjiro and defuse the situation, but is stopped by the Arcana Fortune and Strength.

While Makoto and the others are fighting against the Shadow Arcanas, Ken declares that he will kill Shinjiro, but they are interrupted by Takaya, who reveals the Persona Suppressants that Shinjiro has been taking have been slowly killing him, making Ken's revenge pointless. With Akihiko's help, Makoto eventually defeats the two Shadow Arcanas and hurries to where Ken and Shinjiro is. Ken, losing his will to live, lets Takaya shoot him, but Shinjiro sacrifices himself and takes the bullet instead. By the time Makoto and the others arrive, Shinjiro's wounds are already too severe and he orders Ken to keep on living before dying. On October 7, Shinjiro's funeral is held at Gekkoukan High, and only Akihiko is absent throughout the funeral.

After the ending credits, Ryoji Mochizuki is seen standing at the Moonlight Bridge.

Under the Southern Cross (1929 film)

In pre-European New Zealand there are two hostile Māori tribes. The chief of one tribe proposes to marry his daughter Miro into the other tribe, the Waiti. But a contest, The Challenge of the Spear, must be held, with the victor to marry Miro. Rangi, a vicious warrior wins by trickery. Miro is by tapu forbidden from seeing her true love Patiti. But Patiti rows across the lake to see her nightly, until the suspicious Rangi finds them. In a deadly struggle on the edge of the volcano, Patiti forces Rangi into the volcano. War resumes, but love brings a compromise and Miro and Patiti marry.

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

The game's story is split into two separate campaigns for each of the Persona 3 and 4 teams, starting part way through the events of the previous games. Dialogue and events vary depending on the player's choice of protagonist. At Yasogami High School in Inaba, during the culture festival, a strange bell rings, trapping the main characters from Persona 4, known as the investigation team, inside a bizarre alternate version of the school. Meanwhile, the members of the main characters from Persona 3, known as SEES, are on a mission into the mysterious Tartarus fortress when they are transported to the Velvet Room elevator, which suddenly winds up at the alternate Yasogami as well. Upon arrival in the alternate dimension, the Velvet Room is warped into a strange and unstable configuration, with two doors that lead to different time periods. The two groups discover a labyrinth below the school, where amnesiac students Zen and Rei need help restoring their memories of how they became trapped in the school. The students team up to find a way to escape, fighting "shadows" along the way. Along the way, SEES and the Investigation Team realize that they come from two different time periods.

The combined group eventually explores all four labyrinths, successfully unlocking the doors in the Velvet Room and restoring Zen's memories. He reveals that his true identity is the human avatar of Chronos, a manifestation of death, and Rei is a girl named Niko who died of illness twelve years prior. When Chronos came to escort her to the afterlife, he was intrigued by her descent into nihilism as a result of having lived an apparently meaningless life. Chronos created the alternate Yasogami High, split himself into Zen and a powerful being known as the Clockwork God, and sealed both of their memories in order to try to bring Rei happiness. The Clockwork God is the one responsible for trapping SEES and the Investigation Team in the alternate Yasogami, hoping for them to traverse the labyrinths and recover Zen's memories so they can merge and become Chronos once again: this would result in the teams being erased from time when their tasks were completed. The Clockwork God abducts Rei and transports her to the top of a clock tower outside the school. SEES and the Investigation Team decide to help Zen rescue Rei, and they ascend the tower and defeat the Clockwork God. After spending some carefree time together before the pocket dimension collapses, Zen and Rei vanish into the afterlife, while SEES and the Investigation Team promise to meet again someday and return home, although their memories of the incident are erased.

Into Harmony's Way

Quagmire asks to stay at the Griffin home after he makes eye contact with a transvestite at a bar. While hanging out with Peter, a bee makes them discover by accident that they can share a tone in harmony. After sitting down to write some songs, they go to Mort's pharmacy to get some paper and after Mort tells about his past career in music, he becomes their manager and invites them to sing at the library during open mic. He records their performance and posts the video on JewTube (a Jewish version of YouTube), scoring them an invitation to perform at a music festival. Their performance is a hit and they get an offer for a new manager named Ricky, firing Mort and going on tour over Lois' objections that she needs Peter to be with the family on Thanksgiving.

Their life on the road begins to affect Peter, causing him to arbitrarily make decisions for the two of them and causes life to become stressful for Quagmire. During a performance on ''Conan'', Peter accidentally drops his plectrum into the sound hole, prompting an enraged Quagmire to smash Peter's guitar and walk offstage, dissolving the partnership mid-performance. On Thanksgiving, Peter returns to his family and begs for forgiveness, which they accept. Quagmire shows up and asks for forgiveness as well, which Peter grants. Despite things returning to normal, Peter shoots himself in the tour bus out of regret for giving up fame while claiming to get his things.

Hei Tiki

Mara, the daughter of a chief, is dedicated to the tribal war god and is isolated on the Island of Ghosts on a lake. Manui, a young chief from an enemy tribe, sees her, and the two fall in love. He pretends to be the war god but the ruse is discovered, so her tribe attacks the other tribe. Then Mara persuades both tribes of the benefit of a peaceful alliance through marriage.

Kill Me Quick

The story follows Meja and Maina, two young boys who move to the city after obtaining their secondary school diplomas. They hope to find jobs in order to support their families back home. Initially unsuccessful, the pair live in dumpsters, eating rotten fruit and stale cakes, unable to return home as failures. Eventually, they obtain jobs at a farm working for a very rich family. Maina causes problems in the house while blaming Meja, who suffers the consequences. Meja is put on half rations, moved from job to job, then has his rations almost completely revoked. After Maina's biggest episode, the pair lose their jobs. Mania and Meja split after Mania steals from a store and gets Meja in trouble. Meja flees home only to return to the city and work in a coal mine. Maina joins a gang in "shanty land," led by a boy named Razor who claims they went to school together. Here, Maina attempts to run a scheme selling milk to clients in the area, which he has stolen from the rich neighborhood. Eventually, he is caught. The pair meet up again in prison, but soon go their separate ways. Meja continues to go in and out of prison, and Maina ends up on trial for murder.

Bake a Cake

Six men gather to spend an evening together and tongues loosen.

Bedtime Stories (How I Met Your Mother)

On Saturday at 5pm, 25 hours before Barney and Robin's wedding, Marshall and his son, Marvin, are taking the bus in the final leg of their journey to Farhampton. In an effort to get Marvin to sleep, Marshall constantly uses rhymes (the entire episode is worded with rhymes), and begins telling stories of his friends. The intro sequence employs a music box version of the theme song. The episode also features Lin-Manuel Miranda as a rhyming and rapping bus passenger named Gus.

"Mosby at the Bat"

The first story concerns Ted while he was still a professor. Lisa, a young physics professor, introduces herself to Ted and asks him out to dinner to learn more about his inspiring lectures. Ted is at first excited, but then wonders if Lisa will view the dinner as a date or as just a meeting between coworkers. Throughout the dinner, Ted receives mixed signals on whether it is a date or not, and Lisa eventually reveals she had once dated a New York Yankees player. Ted is so intrigued he urges her to tell who; she reveals him to be Derek Jeter just as she casually describes their meeting as "a lovely date", but when Lisa shows him a picture, Ted is annoyed to find out it is actually Barney.

"Robin Takes the Cake"

The next story begins with Robin having recently broken up with one of her ex-boyfriends (Marshall is unable to remember who), and is unashamedly shoveling down sweets at a bakery. She then runs into Simon and is surprised to see he is more clean-shaven and professional than before, but quickly becomes dejected when he reveals he's engaged to be married. In anger, Robin steals Simon's wedding cake and begins eating it at Ted's apartment, much to Ted's scolding and bewilderment. When Robin has finished nearly half the cake, Lily arrives, and Robin feels remorse for her actions and decides to stop. Lily, however, convinces Robin to be strong and finish the cake. Her struggle to finish soon draws others to the apartment to cheer her on, including Barney who brings a keg of beer. She eventually finishes, then proceeds to do a keg stand (Marshall adds that afterwards they had to get her stomach pumped).

"Barney Stinson, Player King of New York City"

The final story has the gang at McLaren's, where Barney has his sights set on a girl who just walked into the bar. Lily says the girl is out of Barney's league, but Barney claims no girl is unworthy as he is the "Player King of New York City". Barney relates a story of how, after bedding Lisa, he was called before the High Council of Players, a group of pickup artists of differing social backgrounds each with a specific borough of New York City in which they can seduce women (the members are all played by Neil Patrick Harris): hipster Pickle Jar Bob in Brooklyn, guido Staten Island Lou in Staten Island, airline pilot impersonator Captain Bill in Queens, New York Yankee impersonator Bronx Donnie in the Bronx, and upper class Tuxedo Charlie with whom Barney shares Manhattan, using Fifth Avenue as the boundary; Charlie gets the eastern side, Barney the western side. Because Lisa lives on East 22nd Street and Barney had impersonated Derek Jeter to bed her, Barney must offer Robin and Lily to Charlie and Donnie respectively as recompense for using Donnie's methods in Charlie's territory. Barney agrees, then offers a toast of champagne to everyone. They all drink except Barney, who reveals he had poisoned the drink, and laughs as the other members die. In the present, the others sarcastically applaud Barney's story, but reveal Ted to be making out with the girl to punish Barney for sleeping with Lisa, leaving Barney annoyed and jealous. The scene is an allusion to a similar meeting scene in ''The Godfather'' in which the leaders of the five crime families of New York meet to settle a dispute.

Marshall nearly gets Marvin to sleep when the bus suffers a flat tire, and Marshall and the other riders step outside to view a fireworks display. Marshall tells Marvin he will be with his mother soon, but dreads the impending fallout he would face from Lily finding out about his judgeship. Marshall hopes Marvin is too young to remember the day's events, but Future Ted remarks the fireworks would be the first memory Marvin would remember. Gus, another passenger on the bus, informs Marshall that the Farhampton Inn is only five miles away, and Marshall decides to walk there, a decision Future Ted explains Marshall would later regret.

The Rehearsal Dinner

On Saturday at 8pm, 22 hours before the wedding, Barney is handcuffed to a pipe in a security office begging a guard to push a button on a novelty toy. Robin orders the guard not to, furious as the rehearsal dinner started ten minutes earlier and she is now in a laser tag security office waiting for the police to arrive. They then tell the story of how they ended up there.

A few months earlier, Barney hit upon the idea of a rehearsal dinner at a laser tag arena. The gang hates the idea and Robin reminds him that their marriage will be about compromise such as when she agreed to hold the wedding in New York City rather than Canada like she wanted to when they first got engaged. Barney agrees they'll have a normal rehearsal dinner, but it is obvious he isn't going to drop the idea. As a wedding present, Ted tells Robin and Barney that he's willing to take up piano lessons again and play at the dinner, which they refuse until Ted offers to dress like Liberace while doing it. A few days after Robin surprised Barney with his bachelor party, he tearfully declares that the wedding is off and asks her to move out of his apartment. Robin, convinced by Barney's tearful performance, is shocked and ready to pack only to see her suitcase with puppies inside, prompting her to force Barney to stop pulling pranks. Later at the bar, the gang try to convince Barney that Robin has a point, only for Barney to adamantly insist that Robin is trying to pull off a surprise laser tag rehearsal dinner by claiming that the rehearsal dinner at the Farhampton Inn was a fake.

Though the rehearsal dinner is about to begin, Barney continues to insist that Robin is planning the actual dinner as a surprise at a laser tag arena. When Robin reveals the ice dispenser has broken, Barney volunteers to go get more ice, believing that he is playing into Robin's supposed plan. She has him promise not to leave, but Barney immediately leaves anyway and heads straight to the laser tag arena, despite promising Robin he would not.

Meanwhile, Lily is distraught that she is not privy to details about the rehearsal dinner because of her inability to keep secrets. She reminds Ted that she has been able to keep mum about his move to Chicago and points out that he has broken his promise to play piano at the wedding rehearsal dinner dressed as Liberace as his piano lessons had not gone well. Lily tells Ted and Robin about her plan to Italy being in shambles because Marshall took up a judgeship without asking her and that they cannot return to their apartment, as it has already been sublet. Ted is angry with Marshall, but Lily knows that her husband would never intentionally hurt her. Robin must deal with Barney after learning that he went to the laser tag arena and is currently awaiting arrest after threatening one of the staff after realizing there was no surprise rehearsal dinner. As Robin leaves to pick up Barney, Ted comforts Lily by telling her he knows she can keep a secret and offers to tell her one. He whispers it in her ear, and allows her to announce to the guests that there's going to be a change of venue.

Back in the present, Barney is still convinced this is one massive surprise and wants to just head to the laser tag rehearsal dinner despite Robin insisting there isn't one. He insists that marriage isn't just about playing pranks as Robin notices that Barney has freed himself from the handcuffs before he hands her a pair of ice skates. Barney admits that he may lie in the future if it means an amazing surprise; snow begins to fall in the office. When he presses the button on the novelty toy, Robin is surprised to see the office's walls suddenly lift up, revealing that the "office" is in the middle of an ice rink surrounded by their family and friends. Barney reveals that because they couldn't have the wedding in Canada, he organized a Canadian-themed rehearsal dinner instead and gives Robin a signed picture of Wayne Gretzky as his wedding gift.

As Alan Thicke and James sing, Lily thanks Ted for letting her in late on the secret; Ted admits that the piano lessons were a cover for taking figure skating lessons, only to fall over almost straight away (Future Ted notes that it takes a lot longer than two months to learn how to figure skate). Robin tells Barney how much she loves him, and promises to get him back for this as Ted limps back over. In the final scene, Barney admits that he loves Canada as he lists several amazing things the country has given the world including Robin and one-quarter of himself. She thanks him and the two skate off as Ted goes by playing the piano as promised.

Links of a Chain

The main character is a woman named Susan Juma who is currently the best secret agent at the Bureau of Investigative Operations, the Kenyan spy organization. B.I.O. employs highly trained operatives who secretly infiltrate the Kenyan government to keep the county safe. There have been a series of murders of government officials, so Susan and her boss/mentor at the B.I.O., Jackson Mwatata discuss the possible motives for the killing spree. Susan and Mwatata learn of a plot to overthrow the current government from an informant. This scheme was formulated by a mastermind who calls himself King Arthur, and his group of powerful followers the Knights of the Round Table. Their plan is to kill the Vice President of Kenya, which would destabilize the country so they can seize power.

Shortly after the agents learn of this plot, Mwatata is killed, and Susan suspects B.I.O had been infiltrated by members of the Round Table. With no one else to turn to, Susan decides to contact Chain, an infamous retired field agent who is effective but aloof. The two hatch a plan to foil the Knights of the Round Table’s plot, but must get rid of the secret society themselves since they can only trust the other.

The Whale (2013 film)

Thomas Nickerson (Martin Sheen) recalls his past as a cabin boy on the ''Essex '' whaling ship.

Bachchan (2014 film)

Bacchu a.k.a. Bijay (Jeet) is an die-hard fan of Amitabh Bachchan, who kept the later's name Vijay (from the film Coolie) and also adopted the surname of the legend. Bijay is the son of a washerman Ramesh (Supriyo Dutta), who doesn't want to be like his father, but dreams of earning million bucks. He has an astrologer friend Shankar (Kanchan Mullick) who predicts his future and tells him that his fortunes would change. While delivering the clothes washed and ironed by his father, to a retired Colonel (Kharaj Mukherjee), he falls in love with the latter's younger daughter Priya(Aindrita Ray). Bijay finds out that Priya was set to meet Dr.Partho Sarathi Chatterjee (Saheb Chatterjee), a suitor as instructed by her father. Bijay, with his friend Shankar, reach the hospital and pretend to be a doctor to Priya trying to gently woo her. After some hilarious situations, Priya realizes Bijay's true identity, but soon finding his antics adorable, forgives him and also reciprocates his feelings. One day riding through the streets, Bijay gets into a tussle with few goons and is arrested. Later, he discovers that the goons are the henchmen of an Underworld King named Master (Mukul Dev). Bijay, hiding behind a chair, requests the police officer not to reveal him to Master. After being released from the police station, Bijay finds a mobile phone which had accidentally fallen from Master's pocket. Master, gets a call from his own mobile phone and the unknown caller offers to return the phone. But Bijay, who is the unknown caller demands money for it. Master tries all means to get the phone from Bijay, containing a video starring Police Commissioner Dibakar Saha (Ashish Vidyarthi) by which he could blackmail the commissioner to hide the files of Master from everyone. On the other hand, Bijay extracts money from master doing various things(such as kidnapping Master's brother etc.). The twist in this cat and mouse game comes in the form of Trisha (Payel Sarkar), who wants Master to be killed due to some reasons. The rest of the film discloses the secrets regarding the video of the cellphone, the reasons for what Trisha want Master to be killed and at last what Bijay does after hearing the secrets disclosed by Trisha.

Blackbird (Dibia novel)

''Blackbird'' opens on preparations for an armed home invasion. Three men—Scorpion, Razor, and Cobra—discuss the logistical details of perpetrating their crime in a wealthy compound, an event later revealed as the infamous rape and murder of socialite, Katherine Cole. Cole’s murder becomes a sort of touchstone throughout the novel, serving as a litmus to gauge attitudes towards race and social mobility in the face of systemic corruption and violent urban development. (Dibia’s depiction of an urban Nigerian ordinary is critical, and comments on the prevalence of everyday crime, corruption, and entrenched economic inequity.)

The story then turns to Maya and Omoniyi, the middle-class parents of Deji, a child suffering from leukemia. For Maya and Omoniyi, supporting their son’s medical needs is difficult. Omoniyi becomes the victim of a wave of chronic unemployment and is laid off from his office job in a shoe factory; Maya is forced, against her husband’s wishes, to sing at local restaurant in order to supplement the family income. Family luck, however, changes when Maya is approached by a wealthy hotel manager, Edward, after her performance at a private party. Omoniyi and Maya are offered and accept employment, room, and board at The Oasis Hotel.

Meanwhile, Edward and his wife, Nduesoh, suffer the everyday pains of a mismatched marriage. Interested in Nduesoh originally for her “exotic” appearance, Edward fashions for the couple a life insulated from anything that Nduesoh knew before, while engaging himself in a development scheme to displace the urban poor. She hardens in her role among the other rich wives, lamenting the racial divide within her elite social circle and the rumors surrounding Edward’s infidelity.

The lives of the two couples cross when Edward invites Maya to sing at the hotel. Soon jealous of the girl, Nduesoh directs her repressed anger and emotion towards Omoniyi, on whom she forces herself as he cleans her penthouse suite. Omoniyi later learns of Edward’s attention toward Maya, and conspires with Nduesoh in a plot to stalk her husband. Owing a favor to an old friend, Omoniyi enlists the aid of Ade (also known as "Scorpion"), a local thug, to follow Edward’s every move.

Nduesoh’s sister, Idara, is engaged to be married to Gabriel, a local police officer working on Scorpion’s case. Recognizing Scorpion’s mugshot among others in her husband’s paperwork, Idara tips off the police regarding Scorpion’s whereabouts. In a police raid thwarted by Scorpion’s gang members, both Nduesoh and Gabriel are killed. For alleged conspiracy and for harboring wanted criminals, both Edward and Omoniyi are sent to prison. Before his release, Edward informs Ominiyi that Maya, too, was found dead.

Omoniyi writes daily to his deceased wife and to Deji apologizing for his involvement. Eventually, he is released into the custody of his sister, Ogoma, who informs him that his wife is, in fact, alive. Maya had been unable to reach Omoniyi in jail and doubted, if momentarily, his innocence in the events. Upon receiving the mass of letters Omoniyi had been writing, Maya forgives her husband and believes his account of the story. Dibia’s novel closes on the image of a blackbird that had bolstered Omoniyi’s spirits in jail.

Pinocchio (2012 film)

In a small village in Tuscany, the poor carpenter Geppetto decides to forge a wooden puppet naming it Pinocchio. Pinocchio, however, starts running all over the city, sowing weeds between one street and another, until he is stopped by two carabinieri. When Pinocchio refuses to go home, the carabinieri, hearing people think that Geppetto is probably violent with the puppet, arrest him and let go of Pinocchio. Ignoring warnings from a talking cricket, who Pinocchio silences with a hammer, Pinocchio goes home, and dreams of his life as a vagabond who he intends to do. When Geppetto returns, the next morning, Pinocchio, having burned off his feet, agrees to behave well and to start going to school.

To allow him to study, Geppetto sells his tunic for the abbey, but Pinocchio, instead of going to school, sells the book to attend a puppet show. Also living, the puppets invite Pinocchio to the stage, angering Fire-Eater, who first intends to burn him but then changes his mind and gives him gold coins, after learning about Geppetto, and sends him home escorted by his employees, the Fox and the Cat, who trick him into taking the money, telling him about the Fields of Miracles, where coins sprout in trees of money.

After a night at an inn, Pinocchio strolls out, again ignoring the Cricket, only to be pursued by the Cat and the Fox posing as bandits who hang him for his money. A fairy with blue hair shows compassion on him and gets her servants to set him free. After some firm but fair words from the Cricket and encouragement from the Fairy, Pinocchio goes on his way to his father. But the Fox and the Cat mislead him into going with them to the Field of Mircales. After he plants them, he learns from a parrot the Fox and the Cat conned him and stole his money. He tells a gorilla chairman, only to be locked up in a prison cell. Eventually he is released by the dog guard.

Victor Frankenstein (film)

In 1860s London, ambitious medical student Victor Frankenstein attends a circus performance, where he helps save an injured aerialist, Lorelei, with the aid of a nameless hunchback who is enslaved by the circus' ringleader and harbors feelings for the girl. Impressed by the hunchback's vast knowledge of human anatomy, acquired from stolen books, Victor rescues him, drains the cyst on his back that causes his physical abnormality, and gives him a harness to improve his posture – he then names him "Igor Straussman" after his roommate who is not often at home. The two then become partners in Victor's ongoing experiments to resurrect life through artificial means, incurring the wrath of devoutly religious police inspector Roderick Turpin, who views their experiments as blasphemy.

When Victor shows Igor his use of electricity to animate eyes, Igor suggests he made mistakes attaching the nerves, leading Victor to ask Igor to perform the surgical parts of his experiment. Victor procures parts from dead animals and makes Igor restore the organs, which Victor secretly uses to create a monstrous chimpanzee-like creature nicknamed "Gordon".

Igor reunites with Lorelei, now masquerading as the mistress of a closeted gay baron, upsetting Victor, who views Lorelei as a distraction. Igor invites Lorelei to a demonstration of their experiment, which goes awry when Gordon escapes and wreaks havoc through the university before being killed by Victor and Igor. Lorelei is horrified by Victor's experiments and urges Igor to stop him from pursuing the matter further, but Igor is reluctant to do so upon learning that Victor is driven by the need to atone for his indirect role in the death of his older brother, Henry, for which Victor's domineering father blames Victor.

Victor is expelled from college for his unorthodox methods, but attracts the attention of his wealthy, arrogant classmate Finnegan, who wants him to create an artificial humanoid creature. Victor and Igor outline a behemoth named "Prometheus", but Igor's deepening relationship with Lorelei soon causes a rift between them.

Turpin and his men raid Victor's laboratory, hell-bent on destroying his inventions. During the raid Igor stumbles onto the corpse of the real Igor Straussman, dead from an overdose, and the source of the eyes Victor had used in his experiments. When he attacks Victor, Turpin loses a hand and is blinded in one eye. Victor and Igor escape in a carriage sent by Finnegan and are taken to his family's estate. Turpin is fired from Scotland Yard for having invaded Victor's home without a warrant.

Finnegan provides the scientists with the necessary funds to build Prometheus and offers them laboratory facilities at his family's estate in Scotland. Igor is suspicious of Finnegan and outraged with Victor for his treatment of the original Igor. After a falling out, Victor departs for Scotland alone. Finnegan kidnaps and binds Igor, revealing his plans to kill Victor once Prometheus is complete and weaponize his creation. Igor is then thrown into the River Thames to drown, but manages to escape and reunites with Lorelei, who nurses him back to health.

Igor and Lorelei embark to Finnegan's estate in order to rescue Victor. Igor finds Victor on the verge of using lightning to animate Prometheus. Victor ignores Igor's pleas and activates the machine. A power surge overloads the machinery, killing Finnegan and several of his employees. During the ensuing chaos, Turpin unexpectedly arrives, blaming and threatening Victor for his creation. Prometheus suddenly awakens and steps forward. Victor is initially ecstatic that the experiment has worked, sharing a brief moment with Prometheus, thinking him to be his resurrected brother Henry. Victor quickly realizes that the experiment has failed: Prometheus has no consciousness and cannot talk. The shocked Turpin opens fire on Prometheus, who goes into a rage, killing Turpin and nearly killing Victor. Returning to his senses, Victor joins forces with Igor to kill Prometheus by stabbing its two hearts.

After regaining consciousness the next morning, Igor reunites with Lorelei, who hands him a letter written to him by Victor, in which Victor apologizes for all the suffering he caused and tells Igor that he is allowed to live his life with Lorelei. Victor informs Igor to be ready for when Victor may one day ask for his help, and recognizes that Igor was his "greatest creation". Victor retreats to the Scottish countryside in search of new discoveries.

Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio (film)

Rachel Troyer (Sarah Lancaster) is a smart, focused, single policewoman in the quaint town of Sugarcreek, nicknamed "The Little Switzerland of Ohio" and located about an hour south of Akron, in the heart of Amish country. She frequently looks in on her three kindly Amish aunts Bertha (Kelly McGillis), Anna (Marianna Alacchi) and Lydia (Annie Kitral), who raised Rachel from girlhood after she was orphaned and are the proprietors of a picturesque, although faded, farmhouse inn. When a mysterious, scruffy stranger, Joe (Tom Everett Scott), shows up on the inn’s doorstep with his five-year-old son, Bobby (Thomas Kapanowski), the aunts insist on taking the pair in as a matter of faith and good will. Rachel’s police instincts immediately tell her that this seemingly broke outsider is much too refined to be the drifter he presents himself to be. So, while the aunts welcome Joe as a handyman and enjoy having a child around the Sugar Haus Inn again, a wary, suspicious – yet attracted – Rachel becomes determined to uncover his identity. Her digging not only reveals his surprising identity, but the fact that he’s run away from his home, his life, and a shocking unsolved murder. Unfortunately, Rachel’s digging doesn’t go unnoticed, which brings Joe’s past – and its violence – right into this quiet Amish community.''

Ru (novel)

The novel tells the tale of a woman, An Tinh Nguyen, born in Saigon in 1968 during the Tet Offensive who immigrates to Canada with her family as a child.

The book switches between her childhood in Vietnam where she was born into a large and wealthy family, her time as a boat person when she left her country for a refugee camp in Malaysia, and her life as an early immigrant in Granby, Quebec. The story is told by a first-person narrative.

The Temple of the Muses

60 BC: Decius Metellus the Younger accompanies his relative Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus on a diplomatic mission to Alexandria. The assignment is a polite form of exile, since his mortal enemy Clodius, is currently politically ascendant in Rome. Decius's friend Rufus assures him that he will enjoy himself, since Alexandria is a beautiful city and King Ptolemy's court always goes to absurd lengths to flatter and pamper Roman visitors, especially those of Senatorial rank.

About a month after his arrival, Decius is pleasantly surprised to welcome his fiancee, Julia (Julius Caesar's niece) and her friend, Cornelia Fausta (the dictator Sulla's daughter). Because of her fascination with scholarship, Decius allows Julia to drag him on a guided tour of the famous library. While she is listening to a lecture, Decius wanders into the Temple of the Muses attached to the Library and is struck by its simple beauty and unpretentious veneration of art, literature, and music. Decius is usually not a spiritual man, but both Julia and Decius's slave Hermes notice him walking around in a daze after visiting the Temple.

While Decius and Julia are attending a formal dinner for the scholars at the Library, an outcry is raised when one of them, a mathematician named Iphicrates, is found murdered in his chambers. Decius's friend, the physician Asklepiodes, determines that Iphicrates was struck in the head by the blunt side of a ceremonial axe, commonly used for sacrificial ceremonies in the nearby temples. Decius finds signs that Iphicrates was actually killed inside the Temple before being dragged into his chambers. The next morning, he asks King Ptolemy for formal authority to investigate the crime.

Following Iphicrates's recent movements leads Decius and Hermes up the Nile to a secret military camp where a number of bizarre-looking siege engines are being tested by a detachment of Ptolemy's own Macedonian guards. Remembering a visit by himself and Julia to Iphicrates's quarters while the philosopher was alive, Decius notices the absence of a rare book, which the librarian identifies as a manual on siege engines, the Library's only copy.

Decius confides his suspicions to Creticus that someone in Egypt is preparing to rebel against Rome. Creticus dismisses his fears, but matters take a turn for the worse when "Baal-Ahriman", the deity of a religious cult that is the latest fad in Alexandria thanks to Princess Berenice's patronage, issues an oracular statement that soon the Egyptian people will take back their land and expel the hated "barbarians" (i.e., the Romans). The Roman embassy attached to the royal palace barricades itself against an angry mob.

Decius receives a message from a hetaireia who services the Parthian ambassador, claiming to have knowledge of the plot and offering to meet him in the local necropolis. But when Decius arrives, she is dead, and he is arrested by the local authorities for murder. Creticus obtains his release from prison, but insists that he stay inside the embassy. Defying these orders, Decius sneaks into the city and visits the house the murder victim mentioned.

Hiding under a bed, he overhears a secret conclave between Ataxes (the high priest of the cult of Baal-Ahriman), the Parthian ambassador, and Achillas, the King's Guard commander. Achillas is preparing a revolt against Rome, to be coordinated with a new offensive by the Parthians against Syria. The Parthians are confident in their ability to defeat any Roman army sent against them on the open field, but are worried about the Romans' expertise in siege warfare; to secure their cooperation, Achillas promised them the schematics and prototypes of the new war machines designed by Iphicrates. With Ataxes's help, "Baal-Ahriman" will announce to the Egyptian mob that Princess Berenice's soon-to-be-born child is actually divine, allowing her to usurp the King and pronounce her child the new heir, with Achillas acting as regent. Achillas killed Iphicrates when he refused to release the book, which had the secret treaty between Achillas and Parthia hidden in its pages, for delivery to the ambassador.

Decius makes his way back to the embassy, but is caught by Ataxes. Decius threatens to reveal that he is a fraud, but Ataxes turns the tables by killing a stray cat and loudly claiming Decius is the killer, which incites a riot. Decius barely makes it back to the palace, and reveals the plot to Creticus and the King. Achillas, called in, calmly denies the charges and says that, since Ataxes was killed in the riot, there is no proof. Ptolemy, conscious that Achillas's family is too powerful for him to take direct action, sends him on a prolonged "inspection tour" to the upriver garrisons. Before departing, Achillas confronts Decius in private and asks why he would care so much about the death of Iphicrates. Decius's answer is simple: Achillas profaned the Temple of the Muses by committing murder inside it.

As soon as he re-enters the embassy, Decius is ambushed, gagged and bound by the other Romans, who plan to ship him to Rhodes before he can cause any more trouble. Julia promises to follow him shortly.

Writing in his memoirs, Decius adds that he finally settled his score with Achillas years later, when he returned to Egypt with Caesar (during the latter's famous mediation between Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra).

Trancers: City of Lost Angels

Jack Deth, the super cop from the future, has put away three centuries' worth of time traveling criminals. But Deth’s most dangerous collar, the ultraviolent assassin Edlin Shock (Velvet Rhodes), has escaped from her maximum security holding cell and will not rest until she has exacted revenge. Meanwhile, Deth is trying to make a life for himself as a private eye in 1988 Los Angeles with his hot-blooded girlfriend Lena (played by Academy Award-winning actress Helen Hunt). Relationship troubles are just the beginning of Deth’s problems when he learns that Edlin Shock has followed him back in time. Aided by his former police chief McNulty, whose consciousness is inhabiting the body of a 13-year-old girl, Jack Deth will have to use his wits, as well as his fists, to save the past, present and future.

Touba and the Meaning of Night

Spanning eighty years, the novel follows the life of Touba, a young woman educated by her father in a time when few women received education. After her father passes away, Touba proposes to and marries a 52-year-old man. Initiated in desperation, the marriage causes Touba to fall into depression and eventually ends in a divorce. Touba later remarries a Prince of the Qajar Dynasty. Though her second marriage starts happily, it also ends in divorce when the Prince takes a second wife. After the divorce, Touba is left to raise their daughter on the dwindling allowance afforded by her former husband's diminishing dynasty. To compensate, Touba weaves rugs.

Il voto

During the absence of her husband, who left for a fishing cruise in the seas of China, Carmela falls under the spell of Vito, a young fisherman.

The Outlaws (1950 film)

Turi, having returned to Sicily from abroad, learns that his sister Maruzza is the lover of Cosimo Barrese, a militant of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily, who, abandoned by everyone, has become a bandit. The two would like to get married, but life as an outlaw seems an insurmountable obstacle. Turi asks for revenge on the bandit who has dishonored the family and uses a shady and devious lawyer to drive him into a trap.

Ma Boy (TV series)

Jang Geu-rim dreams about becoming a singer and transfers to an elite musical high school where her favorite K-pop idol, Tae-joon also studies. She hopelessly gets entangled in secrets when she becomes the roommate of Irene, the most admired girl in the school – who turns out to be a boy in disguise.

Lintah Darat

Sisters Asnah and Kumala are polar opposites: Asnah is rude and rough, whereas Kumala is polite and refined. When she is disappointed that the boy of her dreams, Safi'i, is more interested in her sister, Asnah decides to go to Batavia (now Jakarta) to become a singer. Though she becomes rich, Asnah refuses to share her money with her family.

The sisters' mother falls ill, and because Asnah has not given the family any of her earnings, Kumala must borrow from a loan shark named Karim; unknown to Kumala, Karim has married Asnah. The treatment paid for by this loan is unsuccessful and her mother dies. All of the family's possessions are repossessed to pay back the debt.

Kumala complains to Safi'i, who has been working to remove known loan sharks from the area, and he responds by orchestrating an attack against the loan shark, who has since divorced Asnah. After the loan shark is removed, Kumala and Safi'i can live happily ever after.

Hercules Against Rome

A childhood friend enlists Hercules to protect the Roman Emperor Gordiano, who is in danger from his own mutinous Praetorian Guards. By the time the hero reaches Italy and the temporary Roman capital of Ravenna, the guards have already murdered the mild and scholarly Emperor, replacing him with their chief officer Filippo Afro. Gordiano's daughter Ulpia faces the prospect of marrying Filippo's worthless son Rezio, linking the usurper to the imperial family. Hercules undertakes to set the situation right, rescuing Ulpia and helping the great Roman general Lucio Trajano Decio seize the throne.

The Vengeance of Ursus

The evil King Zagro (Livio Lorenzon) asks the king of a neighboring country (King Alteo) for permission to wed his daughter, the beautiful Princess Sira (Wandisa Guida), a political union that will join their two countries together. The mighty warrior Ursus, who fought for years in the army of King Alteo, has retired from the military to run a farm in the countryside with his little brother Dario. Ursus had once asked Alteo for the hand of the princess himself, but the king turned him down because Ursus was not of noble birth.

After Princess Sira travels to Zagro's kingdom to be wed, she learns that Zagro plans to assassinate her father after the wedding and then dispose of her at a later time, leaving Zagro in complete control of both countries. Zagro has a spy in Alteo's kingdom, the king's foppish advisor Licurgo, whom he uses to influence Alteo's decisions.

Ursus learns of the plot and wants to warn Alteo of the danger he is in, but Zagro captures Ursus' brother and threatens to kill the boy if Ursus does not surrender. Ursus turns himself in, and is forced to become a slave in Zagro's prison camp. When some rebels in Zagro's court free the boy from his captivity, Ursus is able to escape from the slave camp without fear of endangering his brother's life, and the two head back to King Alteo's kingdom, to warn him that he is about to be assassinated.

Licurgo uses his influence to make Alteo doubt Ursus' warning however, telling him that Ursus is lying about Zagro because he wants to marry the princess himself. Soon after, Licurgo arranges for an assassin to murder the king, and is able to frame Ursus for the assassination.

To prove his innocence, Ursus undergoes several tests of strength in an arena, the greatest of which involves being tied to an elephant which then drags Ursus closer and closer to a wooden wall bristling with razor-sharp knives. Ursus uses his great strength to resist the mammoth creature, and succeeds in convincing the people that Zagro was behind the assassination of their king. Enraged, Zagro stabs his confederate Licurgo to death.

In desperation, Zagro orders his armies to attack, and a tremendous battle ensues. During the chaos, Ursus stabs Zagro to death with his own sword, and liberates the people, as well as Princess Sira. Sira takes over the throne, and asks Ursus to rule at her side, and the populace celebrates their newfound freedom.

I colpevoli

Valerio Rossello is a judge, with a rigid and uncompromising mentality. He is married to Lucia, a woman who instead follows the model of a loving and protective mother. From their union only one child was born: Maurizio. Both parents raise him completely differently, highlighting their character differences. Until the day when Maurizio, now a teenager, together with a friend commits an attack for futile reasons against a gas station attendant. Having learned of the incident, Valerio and Lucia also in this case intend to face the situation in a diametrically opposite way. The conflicts within the family thus strongly resurface, in which, amidst rebounds of responsibility, the errors of both parents emerge in the upbringing of their child. The decision in the end, however painful, will be shared by all.

The Scorpion with Two Tails

Joan has nightmares of Etruscan sacrifices. She knows very well the Etruscan language and her husband Arthur is an archeologist studying Etruscan tombs. In a nightmare she foresees her husband's death. And Arthur is then killed in the same way the Etruscans killed their sacrifice victims, convincing her that someone (or something) may be after her as well.

Fashion Model

When a prominent fashion model is murdered, a stockboy accused of the crime must clear his name, working with another model.

Bob Fleming... Mission Casablanca

After two scientists are murdered the CIA sends Agent Fleming to meet up with Coleman, a scientist who had worked on a new source of energy with the two murder victims. The CIA smuggles Coleman out of the country to Geneva with Fleming taking his place to discover who is behind the murders. This opportunity arises when Coleman has plastic surgery to alter his face for his protection.

The major stumbling block to the scheme is Coleman's wife. Fleming contacts the wife in Casablanca explaining the scheme but she demands proof by speaking to her husband by telephone. Once this is accomplished she becomes a willing participant but joins Fleming as a target for assassins, secret agents and a Texas oil baron who will go to any length to keep a new form of effective energy from appearing and affecting the oil industry.

Breakup at a Wedding

The night before they are to be married, Phil’s (Philip Quinaz) fiancée Alison (Alison Fyhrie) gets cold feet and decides to call off their wedding. But, after breaking his heart, she manages to convince him to go through a sham ceremony, in order to save face in front of their friends and loved ones. Phil readily agrees, secretly hoping that the surprise wedding gift he has lined up for her will help her to reconsider her decision. Neither of them could have prepared themselves for the multitude of random complications that follow once the guests arrived to witness their breakup at a wedding.

Granblue Fantasy

The Captain (the player character, either Gran or Djeeta by default) and their winged companion Vyrn are relaxing in the town of Zinkenstill, when they spot an Erste Empire airship in the sky nearby. The Captain inadvertently comes to the rescue of a girl named Lyria and an Imperial Officer named Katalina as they try to escape from the Empire. However, the Captain suffers a mortal wound during the fight, forcing Lyria to merge her soul with them in order to bring them back from the brink of death. Lyria then uses her power to summon a giant monster called Proto-Bahamut, driving the Empire's forces away. With the Captain and Katalina's fates now tied to Lyria, the three of them decide to head to the island of Estalucia, both to escape from the Empire and possibly find clues about the Captain's estranged father.

Unfortunately, Katalina's poor piloting skills cause them to crash-land elsewhere in the Port Breeze Archipelago. The trio look for a working airship and a pilot to steer it. They end up meeting Rackam, an odd helmsman working on an airship that has been broken for years. However, the Empire follows them to the island as well, looking to recapture Lyria. The three eventually manage to convince Rackam to help them fight off the Imperial soldiers chasing them, and in return help him finish repairing his airship, the ''Grandcypher'', to make it skyworthy.

As the Captain travels across the skies, gathering up more allies on their journey and fighting Primal Beasts, creatures created by those many years ago, the crew find themselves slowly dragged into a plot involving the mysterious Black Knight, the doll-like Orchis, and the history that the Empire seeks to keep secret while they pursue Lyria.

Puff and the Incredible Mr. Nobody

Puff finds a young boy named Terry who has an overactive imagination, and who therefore has trouble making friends with other children. Instead he has an imaginary friend; a duck wearing a saucepan with a feather as a hat named Mr. Nobody. When Terry's imagination starts to get him in trouble, Terry begins to blame Mr. Nobody for imagining the things that he has dreamed up, until he ceases to believe that he has any imagination of his own. Eventually, Mr. Nobody abandons him, and Puff must take Terry on a quest to find Mr. Nobody, teaching him along the way to embrace his creativity.

Small Town Sheriff

Farmer Al Falfa travels on a rural road in his single-seat car. When his radiator overheats, he heads to a nearby water pump to cool it. While he cools, someone comes and rides away with his vehicle.

Not knowing what to do after his car was stolen, the man comes to a soft drink stand operated by a black civet. Despite the stand being labelled "soda", the beverages served there seem to give customers depressant-like effects such as drowsiness. The man orders a soda bottle, but is unable to open it. As an alternative, the civet offers soda in a glass. Upon drinking the beverage, he starts to twitch and lose consciousness.

The man dreams of himself in space, being thrown from one rock to another. On one rock he meets an invisible entity wearing a hat, gloves, and boots. The entity sells the man a bottle of soda, but as he is about to drink, the bottle vanishes. When he goes on looking for it, another pair of boots approaches and kicks him from behind, sending him airborne. He lands on a rising umbrella, but trouble from a pesky bird causes him to fall off. He then falls onto some terrain with soft bumps that repeatedly expand and contract. After the bumps send him floating again, he is met again by the civet on a boat who tosses him a ring attached to a rope. When he tries to reach the boat, a meteor comes and strikes the vessel. With no aid left, he tries in vain to swim himself to safety.

Finally waking up from his soda-manifested dream, the man finds himself being watched by the civet and various other stand patrons. He soon learns that the beverages are not good for consumption, and goes on to reveal himself as a sheriff by showing a brass star on his chest. The uncovered sheriff pulls out a gun and shoos away everybody at the scene.

The Prince (2014 film)

Paul, a mechanic, speaks to his daughter Beth on video chat. Though she seems stressed and distracted, she says that she is fine. The two make plans for her coming visit back home after finals. Paul later receives a letter from the college which indicates that Beth has not paid tuition, and a stranger answers her phone. Paul doesn't contact the police and flies to where his daughter lives to personally investigate his daughter's disappearance. At Beth's apartment, he finds a picture of her and another young woman whom he assumes to be one of her friends. He finds her at a local bar, and she introduces herself as Angela. She reluctantly tells Paul that Beth has dropped out of college and fallen in with local drug dealers. Paul offers to pay Angela $500 to take him to New Orleans, Beth's last known location, and identify her dealer, Eddie.

When Angela points out one of Eddie's friends, Paul demands Eddie's location. The man refuses and attacks Paul, knocking him to the ground. Paul viciously beats the man and his two friends. Although disturbed by the show of violence, Angela helps Paul set up a meeting with Eddie through a cell phone that they take from his friend. At a club, Eddie denies any knowledge of Beth and ignores Paul's threats until his uncle, who witnessed Paul kill seven armed men twenty years ago, convinces Eddie to talk. Eddie says that Beth has moved on to harder drugs than he supplies and lives with a local drug kingpin known as The Pharmacy. Paul pays Angela the $500 he promised her and tells her to return home, but she refuses, as she wants to know what has happened to her friend. Paul reluctantly accepts her continued help.

Two thugs trail Paul and attempt to force his car off the road. Paul instead causes them to crash, and he interrogates the passenger, who reveals that he works for local crime-boss Omar. Paul tells the passenger to warn Omar to stay out of his way and kills the driver as he lies helpless and wounded on the ground. Angela insists that Paul explain himself. Paul tells her that he used to be a mob hit man for Omar, but the escalating violence caused him to question his loyalty. In a botched attempt to kill Omar, he accidentally killed Omar's wife and daughter instead. Now, Omar desires revenge, and Paul knows that Omar will stop at nothing to use his daughter to get to him. Paul makes arrangements with an old friend and former partner, Sam, to keep Angela safe while he recovers weaponry stashed with an old contact and confronts The Pharmacy.

The Pharmacy reveals that Omar has paid him to detain both Paul and Beth. Paul disarms one of the thugs, kills everyone in the room but Beth, and shoots his way to safety. Back at Sam's penthouse suite, the two reminisce about their exploits while waiting for an assault from Omar. Omar's men capture Beth, and Paul leaves to rescue her. At Omar's business, Paul defeats several waves of henchmen before facing Omar himself. Omar demands to know why Paul murdered his family and threatens to kill Beth in retaliation. Paul says that they were simply collateral damage and offers to let Omar live if he gives up Beth. Mark, Omar's bodyguard and adviser, engages Paul in hand-to-hand combat; the two seem evenly matched, but Paul finds a gun and kills Mark. Beth elbows Omar in the ribs and escapes from his grasp, freeing her father to take a shot and kill Omar. Beth and her father are reunited again. Angela embraces them both outside the building, and the three leave together.

Lottery (novel)

The novel focuses on Perry Crandall, a man with an IQ of 76, who wins $12 million in a lottery.

Life After Life (novel)

The novel has an unusual structure, repeatedly looping back in time to describe alternative possible lives for its central character, Ursula Todd, who is born on 11 February 1910 to an upper-middle-class family near Chalfont St Peter in Buckinghamshire. In the first version, she is strangled by her umbilical cord and stillborn. In later iterations of her life she dies as a child - drowning in the sea, or when saved from that, by falling to her death from the roof when trying to retrieve a fallen doll. Then there are several sequences when she falls victim to the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 - which repeats itself again and again, though she already has a foreknowledge of it, and only her fourth attempt to avert catching the flu succeeds.

Then there is an unhappy life where she is traumatised by being raped, getting pregnant and undergoing an illegal abortion, and finally becoming trapped in a highly oppressive marriage, and being killed by her abusive husband when trying to escape. In later lives she averts all this by being pre-emptively aggressive to the would-be rapist. In between, she also uses her half-memory of earlier lives to avert the young neighbour Nancy being raped and murdered by a child molester. The saved Nancy would play an important role in Ursula's later life(s), forming a deep love relationship with Ursula's brother Teddy, and would become a main character in the sequel, ''A God in Ruins''.

Still later iterations of Ursula's life take her into World War II, where she works in London for the War Office and repeatedly witnesses the results of the Blitz, including a direct hit on a bomb shelter in Argyll Road in November 1940 - with herself being among the victims in some lives and among the rescuers in others. There is also a life in which she marries a German in 1934, is unable to return to England and experiences the war in Berlin under the allied bombings.

Ursula eventually comes to realize, through a particularly strong sense of ''deja vu,'' from her previous lives, and decides to try to prevent the war by killing Adolf Hitler in late 1930. Memory of her earlier lives also provides the means of doing that: the knowledge that by befriending Eva Braun - in 1930 an obscure shop girl in Munich - Ursula would be able to get close to Hitler with a loaded gun in her bag; the inevitable price, however, is to be herself shot dead by Hitler's Nazi followers immediately after killing him.

What is left unclear - since each of the time sequences end with "darkness" and Ursula's death and does not show what followed - is whether in fact all these lives actually occurred in an objective world, or were only subjectively experienced by her. Specifically it is not clear whether or not her killing Hitler in 1930 actually produced an altered timeline where the Nazis did not take power in Germany, or possibly took power under a different leader with a different course of the Second World War. Although in her 1967 incarnation Ursula speculates with her nephew on this "might have been", the book avoids giving a clear answer.

May We Be Forgiven

The central character is Harry Silver, a professor based in New York City whose specialty is "Nixonology", the study of former US President Richard Nixon. His brother George is a TV executive who ends up in a psychiatric ward after a car accident in which two people die. Harry falls into an affair with George's wife Jane while trying to comfort and assist her. After walking out of the hospital, George finds them together and kills Jane. He is committed to a mental institution for the murder. This horrific first chapter of loss sets up the rest of the novel.

In the aftermath of the scandal, Harry's wife leaves him. He moves from Manhattan into George's suburban life to care for his dog, and nephew and niece, a boy and a girl who each attend elite boarding schools. Harry functions as an innocent abroad in this different world, allowing for numerous satirical encounters and observations. He goes through a kind of redemption, cobbling together a kind of family, including three generations.

Billie Morgan

The central character, Billie, is a 46-year-old woman who runs a new age shop in Bradford, England. However, she keeps a dark secret, that when younger and part of a biker gang, she murdered Terry, an unpleasant drug addict and the father of her godson Natty, and covered it up with the aid of her lover Mickey. The novel takes the form of a confession written by Billie when she fears a journalist will expose her past.

Mentats of Dune

With anti-technology Butlerian forces of Manford Torondo growing in strength and influence, Prince Roderick Corrino sees a threat to the Imperial power of his brother, Emperor Salvador. Industrialist Josef Venport squares off against Torondo, whose interference thwarts Venport's business interests. Meanwhile, Gilbertus Albans grows increasingly fearful for his Mentat School on Lampadas (and the copy of the thinking machine Erasmus he is hiding there) as Torondo grows bolder. When Gilbertus refuses to force his Mentats to swear an oath to the Butlerians, his school is invaded and his past as a "machine sympathizer" is revealed. He is executed by Manford, but Anna Corrino escapes with Erasmus. Meanwhile, a riot incited by Torondo results in the death of Roderick's daughter; Salvador seizes the lucrative melange mining operations on Arrakis from Venport, who soon uses the constant danger of giant sandworms to orchestrate the Emperor's assassination.

Raquella Berto-Anirul has reestablished her Bene Gesserit school on Wallach IX, thanks to the help of Josef Venport. Valya Harkonnen, now a Reverend Mother, retrieves the hidden computers from Rossak and hopes to succeed the declining Raquella as Mother Superior. Raquella believes that the only hope for the Sisterhood to survive is for the Wallach IX sisters to reconcile with Dorotea's faction on Salusa Secundus; her health failing, she summons Dorotea to the School and forces Dorotea and Valya to put their differences aside and agree to work together for the good of the Sisterhood. Naming them co-leaders, Raquella dies; Valya however, still bitter about Dorotea's betrayal, uses her newly discovered power of Voice to force Dorotea to commit suicide. Valya declares herself to be the sole Mother Superior, and ingratiates herself to the new Emperor Roderick.

Vorian Atreides, feeling guilty for the death of Griffin Harkonnen, tries to help his struggling family with a secret infusion of funds to their whaling business on Lankiveil. He next travels to Caladan to meet his descendants; soon tragedy begins to befall the Atreides, and Vorian realizes too late that Griffin and Valya's younger sister Tula has visited Harkonnen vengeance on them.

The Touch of Evil

Narrated by protagonist Chapman Jones ("Chappie"), the stories involve his pulp-style adventures with colleagues Dr. Ken Wilson and others in combating menaces of supernatural horror.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution

The first of three original animated stories, "Creation of the Akatsuki", reveals the origins of the new group's membership. After the events that lead to Yahiko's death, Obito appears in his Tobi guise before Nagato and Konan after the former killed Hanzo of the Salamander and gain control of the Hidden Rain Village. Obito tells them to rebuild the Akatsuki's ranks with a membership of ten as he instructs Nagato and Zetsu to recruit Kakuzu while Konan drafts Sasori. At that time, Obito personally recruits Itachi Uchiha and then Kisame Hoshigake. Later, Orochimaru manages to attract the Akatsuki's attention to join their ranks for his own purposes. After the recruitment of Deidara by Itachi and Hidan by Kakuzu and Orochimaru, the Akatsuki's ranks are complete as they begin their mission to find and capture the tailed Beasts. The second story tells of Shisui Uchiha at the time of his death. It begins with Shisui and Itachi fighting which Shisui wins. They later start talking about the Uchiha's coup, while the third, "The Far Reaches of Hope", depicts Kushina Uzumaki interacting with a young Obito and the rest of Team Minato.

Dune prequel series

The ''Prelude to Dune'' series begins four decades before the events of ''Dune'', with an eager Crown Prince Shaddam plotting to succeed his aging father Elrood IX, young House Atreides heir Leto becoming close with the ruling family of the important technology world Ix, and the Bene Gesserit scheming behind the scenes to create the Kwisatz Haderach. As the series progresses, Leto becomes the new Atreides Duke, Shaddam becomes the emperor and aligns with the Bene Tleilax in their takeover of Ix to develop synthetic spice, and the Bene Gesserit punish Baron Vladimir Harkonnen for raping one of them with a disease that slows his metabolism. The Spacing Guild, having found the Tleilaxu synthetic spice to be fatal to its Navigators, forces Shaddam to capitulate to the Landsraad, with Leto playing a role in forcing Shaddam to sign humiliating peace accords, confirming his status as the emperor's leading rival.

Dune prequel series

The series begins more than a millennium after a group of immortal, militant cyborgs calling themselves the Titans seized control of the entire universe in indestructible cymek bodies and then accidentally relinquished control to an artificial intelligence program called Omnius. Omnius and the immortal Titans rule over the 500 planets of the Synchronized Worlds with cruelty while a handful of free planets are united under the '''League of Nobles''', a government using what resources it has to defend against machine aggression. A prominent figure in the human rebellion is Serena Butler, whose young son dies at the hands of the independent robot Erasmus and sparks the Butlerian Jihad, with humanity mounting a decisive offense against machine rule. This crusade against the machines lasts for nearly a century, with much loss of human life but ending in human victory at the Battle of Corrin. The Jihad also gives rise to the Bene Gesserit, the Spacing Guild, the Sardaukar army, the Landsraad, and House Corrino, whose Padishah Emperors rule the universe for the next 10,000 years until the events of ''Dune''.

Dune prequel series

In ''Paul of Dune'', Paul Atreides's childhood lessons in the political intrigues of the empire are juxtaposed with his current struggle to secure his control over it. His Fremen armies are spread across the universe in attempt to bring rebel worlds to heel, and Paul avoids one assassination attempt only to nearly die in another. In ''The Winds of Dune'', Paul's disappearance into the desert has left a power vacuum, and his closest advisors struggle to determine what path his empire should take.

Dune prequel series

In ''Sisterhood of Dune'', the anti-technology Butlerian movement is gaining momentum under the leadership of the popular Manford Torondo. He and his forces are scouring the universe to cleanse humanity of its reliance on convenient technologies, destroying any machinery they can find. Torondo's growing power threatens the Corrino Emperor Salvador, as well as the Sisterhood on Rossak and the Mentat School on Lampadas, each of which harbors secret technology. Space travel tycoon Josef Venport also plots to salvage machinery which he believes can be useful in his business empire. ''Mentats of Dune'' finds Gilbertus Albans carefully managing his Mentat School under the watchful eye of the fanatical Butlerians, while Raquella Berto-Anirul seeks to rebuild her own Sisterhood School on Wallach IX. To secure his control of interstellar commerce and strike a blow against the Butlerians, Venport places a trade embargo on any planet which embraces Torondo's movement.

Balkan Is Not Dead

A Macedonian family from Bitola at the turn of the twentieth century tries to survive, preserve its roots and remain together. Following their father’s death, two sisters and a brother remain alone: the older and quieter sister ELENI and the younger ANDJA and DUKO – the discontented and rather short-tempered twins. Afflicted by her father’s refusal to let her be with the man she loves – the young Turkish cadet, Kemal – Eleni has decided to dedicate her life to waiting. Her younger sister, searching for Damjan, her young fiancé – her brother’s best friend and leader of the insurgents against the Turks – falls captive to the murderous and slighted Osman, a renegade from the Sultan’s authority. Osman becomes enamoured of Andja and murders Damjan, despite or rather precisely because Anja trades for Damjan’s freedom the only valuable thing she has – her virginity. Broken and unable to give him again what she has already given him, she spends her days in a harem as the most cared for blossom that has lost its fragrance. Duko becomes obsessed with vengeance, while Osman becomes obsessed with love. In order to get Andja to love him, he would do anything for her. To this end, he also uses his troops and his most loyal “watchdog”, Rasim, his man for the dirty jobs, the sole person who understands him entirely and who is prepared to lay down even his own life for him. Torn between her love for one Turk and her hatred for another, Eleni sets out to look for Andja. From a passive spinster, she becomes a fighter for women’s rights, advocating freedom, a more modern society and abolition of harems….

She communicates her ideas to Kemal in her letters that she never stops sending. These are precisely the ideas to which he dedicates his entire life. The eldest sister Eleni remains alone. She sees Kemal only one more time before she surrenders her life to eternal silence.

Side plot: Edisse, a French prostitute of the highest class sets out on a journey from Paris to the Sultan who has purchased her and aboard the Orient Express encounters Ikonomo a Macedonian merchant who finances Osman and she falls in love with him. Although he too falls in love with her, he soon realises that these are dangerous times and hands her over to Osman who, in turn, needs to hand her over to the Sultan. There she meets Andja and her sister Eleni. This is also the only time these three women are at the same place. When Edisse finally reaches the Sultan, he is already dead. She returns to Paris as a witness of as many as three unfulfilled Balkan loves that have fallen victim to the relentless course of the new time, which would eventually be characterised, among other things, by the struggle forequality.

Soul Mates (TV series)


Sticks (Boshier) and Rocky (Van Vuuren) are two cavemen, who tackle the new questions of prehistoric life. How do you find a woman? Is it alright to eat babies, or gods? They also tackle Rocky's self-destructive addictions to staring at the sun and spinning.

In the second series, Rocky returns and introduces the tribe to the concepts of capitalism, management, currency, banking and democracy.

Kiwi Assassins

Possum exterminator Terry Thinge (Boshier) is recruited by Mum (Rachel House), the head of New Zealand's Munustry of Dufinse, and paired with disgraced rugby player Roger Blade (Van Vuuren). Their first mission as the Kiwi Assassins is to convince a young actor named Russell Crowe to forsake Australia and return to his native New Zealand. Their next task is to restore New Zealand's dairy supremacy by infiltrating a farm where the Aussies claim to have invented "Fizzy Milk".

In the second series, Roger and Thinge go undercover at an Australian school whose rugby team has beaten the New Zealand Under-16s for several years in a row. Using an extract from the heart of Phar Lap, the school is enhancing and brainwashing Kiwi students into thinking they are Australian. Thinge's relationship with Mum and his step-son Roger is under strain, making Roger susceptible to Australian brainwashing.

Bondi Hipsters

Adrian "Aids" Archer (Boshier) and Dom Nader (Van Vuuren) are hipsters living together in Bondi. They are setting up a fashion label and seek yoga master Phoenix as their brand ambassador. Dom secretly works as a vacuum cleaner salesman at 'The Vacuum Guys', and their friendship and label are put in peril when Adrian finds out.

In the second series, Adrian has sworn off ever using "the fashion" again. When his and Dom's "closed cafe" concept fails, Adrian is tempted by a charismatic yoga teacher to exploit a shocking secret from Dom's past.

Time Travel Agency (Series 1)

Best mates Rob (Boshier) and Dave (Van Vuuren) work at a time travel agency called Travel Time Time Travel, and are planning to 'pitch' Time Tiki tours, an epic party across all the best parties in human history. Rob is given a promotion and promises it won't change him, but he returns upgraded to the terrifying cyborg Roboss 2000. A resentful Dave fetches himself from another timeline to be his new best mate, and their ensuing adventures result in the deaths of Hitler, Jesus and eventually Dave himself.

Ancient Egypt (Series 2)

Seti (Boshier) is the bastard son of Egyptian queen Hatshepsut, and the brother of the psychotic half-bird Thutmose. Assigned to construct a tomb for Thutmose, Seti works with a slave named Amram (Van Vuuren), who teaches him a thing or two and whom he comes to admire.

Travolto dagli affetti familiari

Memé Di Costanzo decides to seduce the dr. Isotta Uccelli, owner of a pharmacy, in order to assure an economic stability to his old grandmother Nana and his dog Piccolo.

Scandalo in famiglia

Elena loves her uncle, but she is forced to marry a nobleman. The only solution is the adultery. So she still keeps her erotic feelings towards her uncle.

Free Fall (2013 film)

Marc Borgmann (Koffler), a young police officer, is on a training course for the riot control unit. He is struggling at the police academy, being somewhat behind his peers in his physical training. Cocky and self-assured, Marc does not initially get along with his roommate at the academy, Kay Engel (Riemelt). They have a physical confrontation during a training exercise, but afterwards Marc apologizes for his aggressive behavior and they become friends. The two begin jogging together regularly, and during one jog, Kay kisses Marc as they share a marijuana cigarette. Marc, taken aback, is reassured by Kay that it's just a joke. Marc is reluctant to jog again due to his own apparent conflicted attraction to Kay, but on Kay's insistence he goes on a run alone; Kay catches up to him, and, despite Marc's initial resistances, the two kiss and Kay gives him a handjob. Marc initially accepts the advances, but then runs away in confusion.

Kay is later transferred into Marc's police unit to fill a vacancy, where Marc finds it difficult to ignore him. Eventually Kay shows up with a colleague to a bowling alley where Marc and his family are having a game and is introduced to Bettina, Marc's pregnant longtime girlfriend. Marc attempts to stay committed to Bettina and forget about Kay, but he is unable to ignore his feelings and goes back to the jogging trail, where Kay is waiting. The two have sex in the rain. The encounter makes Marc late for a maternity exercise with Bettina, who grows suspicious of Marc's activities. Meanwhile, Marc continues to have intimate encounters with Kay, spending nights with him under the guise of having night shifts, and Kay gives him a key to his apartment. Marc finds himself less able to sexually perform with Bettina, which he explains is only due to her pregnancy.

Marc and Kay later go to a gay bar, where Marc takes ecstasy. The next morning, Bettina rebuffs his advances and asks him if he's seeing another woman, to which Marc responds that he's not. Bettina goes through Marc's phone while Marc is shaving and finds nothing suspicious other than recent calls from Kay. Eventually Bettina gives birth to their son, and Marc tries to cut Kay out his life; however, Kay attempts to contact Marc, leading to a physical altercation with Marc demanding to be left alone.

Marc finds his unit being lectured on acceptance, and that discrimination will not be tolerated; he finds out that Kay was discovered at a gay bar that the unit raided. He then shows up at Kay's apartment and tells him that he didn't ask for Kay to come in and screw up his life. His conflicted jealousy causes him to accuse Kay of going to the bar to find other men to sleep with. Kay calls Marc selfish, only thinking of himself and never of his lover, but says he loves him and that he isn't sleeping with anyone else. Marc tries to leave but breaks down in Kay's arms and the two share an intimate kiss.

Later, Kay attacks his fellow officer Limpinski, following a homophobic incident. Marc gets hit in an attempt to separate the two. Kay visits Marc in the hospital, and though Marc tells him to leave before his mother arrives, the two end up sharing a passionate kiss that Marc's mother ends up witnessing. After Marc catches up to her, they have an argument and Marc leaves alone. Later, Kay arrives at a party after Bettina's invite, where Marc's parents tell him to stay away from Marc due to his new family. Marc, overhearing the conversation, tells him to leave.

Marc visits Kay at his apartment to find Kay's face bruised following an altercation with Limpinski. Marc advises him to transfer to another unit to protect himself, and Kay asks about the future of their relationship. Marc returns the key to his apartment and departs. He returns home to find Bettina packing to leave with their son; she has learned that he has been lying about working night shifts and wants him gone by the time she has returned, questioning Marc's friendship with Kay. Marc does not admit to his romantic relationship with Kay. Marc tries to see her at Frank's house, and admits to her his affair with Kay.

She eventually returns to the house with their son, but there is emotional distance between them. Marc tries to visit Kay at his apartment to find it empty; Kay has moved, also departing from the unit without notice. When Limpinski tries to goad Marc about his relationship with Kay, Marc taunts him, leading Limpinski to assault him. Frank witnesses this and implies that Limpinski will be let go for this. Marc, unhappy, visits the gay bar alone, and though he seeks a sexual encounter with another man, he ends up rebuffing him. Back at the house, Marc and Bettina admit to each other that they can't see their relationship going on as before. The film concludes with Marc at the academy, on a jog with his peers as in the first scene of the film; he outpaces them and runs ahead, alone.

Claretta and Ben

Gino Pistone, manager of a provincial company, makes ends meet as best he can. The company is dissolved by the lead actress and he, to reunite it, has a stroke of genius: to stage the story of Benito Mussolini and his latest lover, Claretta Petacci.

The idea works, and Pistone identifies himself too much in the role of Mussolini.

Rangi's Catch

Four children on a remote sheep station in the South Island of New Zealand hear of the escape of two convicts, and realise that the crooks are responsible for burgling their house while they were swimming. They pursue the crooks, and despite being detained by the police help catch the crooks and their stolen money hidden in a cave, so are rewarded. They return to their idyllic rural existence.

Five Ghosts

The story focuses on Fabian Gray who suffers from a rare affliction, inflicted after an encounter with an artifact known as “The Dreamstone”. This encounter has given Gray the power to harness the abilities of five unnamed literary characters or “Ghosts” referred to as "The Wizard", "The Archer", "The Detective", "The Samurai" and "The Vampire". It has been suggested these correspond to Merlin, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Miyamoto Musashi, and Count Dracula.

A Darker Place

The novel is about a famous Russian writer and ex-paratrooper named Alexander Kurbsky, who is fed up with the Putin government and decides he wants to "disappear" into the West. He is under no illusions, however, about how the news will be greeted at home. Having seen too many of his countrymen die mysteriously at the hands of the thuggish Russian security services, he makes elaborate plans for his escape and concealment with Charles Ferguson, Sean Dillon, and the rest of the group known informally as the Prime Minister's private army. However, Kurbsky is still working for the Russians and intends to infiltrate the highest levels of Western intelligence.

Every Everything: The Music, Life & Times of Grant Hart

Told in the style of the Errol Morris film ''The Fog of War'', Hart is the film's only interview subject taking us through his life, from birth right up to the recording of his final album before his death: ''The Argument''.

"Between discussions of his love of the art form of collage (his love of art coming from his father, a man that taught drafting), his fascination with Studebaker cars (especially the 1955 Studebaker Champion he rebuilt), the kind of drumsticks he uses and his drum set up, he speaks candidly. Everything is fair game.".

Penguins (film)

In Antarctica, Steve, an Adelie Penguin is preparing to start a family, he tries all day to impress a mate, but fails. as he is ready to give up, he meets Adeline, a penguin who didn't find a mate yet. Together, they start to love each other.

Sometime later, Adeline has two eggs. Steve goes off with the other males to look for fish, while Adeline huddles in her eggs in a rock nest. Later, as the other males head back to the colony, Steve, who didn't realize he was the only one left, is still looking for fish. He is chased out by a Killer Whale, and luckily he escapes. As he makes his way back. a blizzard covers the colony, including Adeline and the eggs, they, along with Steve, who was still in the cold, survived. As time passes, the eggs hatch into chicks, and Steve is excited by his new children. But when it's Adeline's turn to go fishing, the chicks want food. Steve has no idea what he is doing.

As the chicks grow, one of them is bullied by a Skua, who it along with others, are out searching for food to feed their chicks, Steve comes to the rescue. It flies off, Steve has food in his belly, which makes the chicks chase him, finally. Steve feeds the chicks (which one of them barfs).

As the months go by, the chicks grow into young adults, the family is soon hunted by a Leopard Seal, one of the chicks play a trick on the predator by playing dead. The seal departs and the family is reunited, the family goes their separate ways. The chicks start a new life with the others, Adeline bids farewell to Steve till the next year, and Steve takes a walk in the Antarctic beach, congratulating himself for his first year of being a father.

Just before the credits, Steve and Adeline reunite on a rocky hill a year later, before waddling down as the screen fades to black.

The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior

Thanks to his parents' job transfer, high school freshman Kazunari Usa finally gets to enjoy living on his own. His mother makes him stay at Kawai Complex, a boarding house that provides meals for its residents. Ritsu, the senpai he admires, also lives in Kawai Complex, as do a few other "unique" individuals: Shirosaki, his novelist, masochistic roommate; Mayumi, a beautiful, buxom office lady who has terrible luck with men; and Sayaka, a sly and predatory college student. Surrounded by these people, Usa finds his daily life neither peaceful nor boring. As the series progresses, Usa and Ritsu gradually become closer friends, and the pair's feelings for each other grow stronger. After a series of misunderstandings, including Usa's belief that Ritsu has developed feelings for a classmate and her thinking that he is kind to her out of pity rather than genuine caring, the two eventually become a couple towards the end of Usa's second year in high school.

Camp Takota

Elise Miller (Grace Helbig) is a twenty-something publishing assistant who is engaged to Jeff Sanford (Chester See), and just finished her first book, which is said to include "unrequited love and the Loch Ness Monster." At work, Elise accidentally sees her boss, Celia Burrows (Rachel Quaintance), making out with Walker Paige (Sawyer Hartman), of the hit "Midnight Moonlight" series. Her friend Manda (Megan M. Duffy) takes some photos of the two, which Elise accidentally uploads to the book's Facebook page; this blunder costs Elise her job. She returns home, only to find out that Jeff has been cheating on her, so she returns to her old apartment. She gets drunk, and calls Sally Meister (Ellen Karsten), the head camp counselor of Elise's old camp, Camp Takota, whom she met earlier again after eight years, and tells her that she's going back to camp. The next morning, Elise wakes up realizes what she has done, and decides to head to camp anyway. Arriving with the Fefferman family, including their young daughter Penny, Elise finds that her old friends and former Takota campers, Maxine Reynolds (Mamrie Hart) and Allison Henry (Hannah Hart), now work at the camp.

As the newest camp counselor, Elise has her hands full handling the campers, as she isn’t interested in the whole camp experience. When she snaps on the campers in her class, after they find the letters Jeff has been sending her to win her back, Maxine invites her to her home with Allison later that night. Elise reveals what's been going on, with work, her ex-fiancée, and wishes that she was more like "a happier version of herself". As the three party, Elise spots Allison's acceptance letter from the Chicago Chef's Institute, then is startled by the appearance of Eli (Chris Riedell), the two girls' friend who works as a farmer. Giving her a lift back to camp, she finds that Eli had an ex-wife who cheated on him, and an attraction builds. The camp is visited by Jared Meister (John Milhiser), Sally's son, and his assistant Kyle (Jason McNichols), who want to turn Camp Takota into a more digital camp, because Takota has been losing business. Maxine soon gets confirmation from Sally that the camp will be closing after this summer, unless at least 50% of the campers pre-register for next year. She tells the news to Allison, Elise, and Chet (Cameron Britton), the camp's handyman, and they all agree to try to save the camp. However, Elise gets a call from Celia, who offers her her job back because the photos that were uploaded gave the "Midnight Moonlight" sales a huge boost, and agrees to publish her book if she arrives tomorrow morning. Elise takes up the offer, telling Maxine and Allison the news, which gets them into a heated argument because Maxine knows this isn't what Elise wants. Elise ends up revealing that Maxine is only saving the camp so she can get her promotion, and Allison got a career offer, and doesn't want Maxine to know because she is a control freak. Elise asks Eli for a ride to the train station, but he refuses because she's not just leaving Takota, she’s also leaving him, so she asks Chet for a ride. Allison talks to Maxine, revealing that she wanted to leave but was afraid of her reaction, but Maxine confesses that all she wants is for Allison to go and be happy. Elise sits at the bus station, and thinks about the camp and her friends, and soon returns.

At the camp's final day, which is also Visitor's Day for parents; Elise, Maxine, and Allison put on a dance number. Later that night, Jared reveals the plan to replace Camp Takota, to which Maxine gives a tearful explanation over why they shouldn't allow that to happen. She then introduces Eli to the campers, who is also revealed to be a writer just like Elise, and tells a ghost story to them. Suddenly, Jeff interrupts and demands Elise to come home with him, but she refuses, with Jeff fighting Eli when she reveals he is her boyfriend. Jeff leaves in shame, and the night's events lead to 60% of the campers to pre-register for the next summer the next day, thus saving the camp. With the mission a success, the three girls sit and look out in the sunset before leaving. One year later, Maxine is the new head camp counselor at Takota; Allison is now in a culinary school training to be a chef in Chicago, and Elise and Eli are together, with Elise finally achieving success with her new book, "Cabin Fever", all about Camp Takota, featuring a character resembling Penny.

Sumas y restas

Santiago is a young engineer who owns a prosperous company as a real estate developer. With a wife who loves him and a baby boy, Santiago enjoys a comfortable life between an apartment in Medellin and a large recreational farmhouse in the country side. In 1984, cocaine trafficking is rampant and many of those who buy the properties built by Santiago are drug dealers laundering money. Facing a shortage of cash need it to end his latest building project, Santiago asks for a loan form his father, owner of a transport company, but his old man can't provide any economical help then due to a case of land piracy in his company. During a party with friends at his farmhouse Santiago is lured to get the money he needs from one of his friends who is a wealthy drug dealer. Although entice to the heavy partying, money and drugs that comes with the business, Santiago is initially reluctant to get involve dealing with drugs.

One Santiago's childhood friend, nicknamed 'El Duende' (the goblin), introduces Santiago to Gerardo, a humble, but increasingly wealthy man whose front business is a mechanic's shop and son of one of the former employees of his father. In reality, Gerardo is making a fortune with a secret laboratory preparing cocaine's paste. Gerardo has many contacts in the rural region of Frontino, Antioquia were the authorities turn a blind eye to his rustic laboratory to process cocaine.

Gerardo takes Santiago to his laboratory and makes him business partner. He not only can use Santiago's trucks to transport the chemicals needed to process cocaine, but wants to sell the drug to Santiago's drug-dealers friends who transport the drug to the United States. Lured to the temptation of easy money and heavy partying, Santiago gets increasingly involved in cocaine tracking. Gerardo, a man with no education and of cultural background with little in common with Santiago is nevertheless charismatic and offers him a warm friendship, money, decadent parties, easy women, alcohol and drugs. However, all this weakens the relationship between Santiago and his family

Santiago involvement in drug-trafficking increases. One of his contacts, a powerful drug dealer, nicknamed 'El Primo', buys the cocaine produced by Gerardo to send it to the US in a deal in which Santiago has heavily invested. The transaction fails miserably. Once in the USA the cocaine is revealed to be of very low quality. Santiago is made responsible for the failure by both parties, El Primo and Gerardo, who also blame each other.

Gerardo also experiences a personal tragedy. He always had a soft spot for his younger brother, Alberto nicknamed 'Petroleum', an aimless young man and drug addict. While buying milk with his wife for their baby, he has an argument with some neighborhood hitmen who follow Alberto and kill him while he tries to change a flat tire.

Santiago's wife, Paula, worries about her husband with his frequent absences from home and incremental alcohol and drug use. Paula confronts Santiago and he promises her to put his act together and put an end to his dark dealings. This makes Santiago avoid going to Alberto's funeral which Gerardo resents. As he faces increasingly pressure from Gerardo, who has lost his drug laboratory, Santiago tries to get to an agreement with the drug dealers since the drug shipment had arrived in poor condition to United States for its low purity, but he is kidnapped and he is only released when his family pays a big ransom for his freedom.

Free, but with his own personal fortune lost, Santiago, in secret compliance with El Primo, visits Gerardo for a last time. Santiago asks Gerardo for money still owed to him and for the truck he loaned him. They meet at a restaurant. Gerardo abruptly dismisses Santiago's claims. As Santiago leaves the restaurant humiliated by Gerardo's diatribe, Gerardo is killed inside the restaurant by hit men hired by el primo. Knowing as Gerardo was behind Santiago's kidnapping, Santiago lured him to his death.

Collision Course (Hinton novel)

On his evening walk one Wednesday night fifteen-year-old Ray got tempted by a Honda 125 motorbike outside a pub with its engine running so he got on and went for a joyride. He rode to the neighbouring village of Blackston and on his way back to the city he collided with a woman, who he saw earlier in an Austin Mini, and killed her. Ray walked back to the city and decided to take the bus rather than walk home in his weakened state. However, when the conductor came to collect the fare Ray remembered that he did not have any money on him so the conductor asked for his name and address so the company could send him a bill. Ray gave him fake details and was reminded not to go on the bus without any money and when he got home he went straight to bed and locked the door to hide his injuries from his family.

In the morning Ray washed the blood from his pillow case, hair and the inside of his hood then checked the daily newspaper. On page six was a report about the collision saying that police investigations were underway.

That afternoon in school the history teacher chose that day to teach them about Sir Robert Peel and developments in the police force including crime detection methods. A girl in the class asked a question about whether it was true that only 40% of all crimes were detected and solved then a couple of other pupils also heard about that figure reassuring Ray about the fallibility of the police. At the end of the school day Ray found on the notice board that he made it onto the school football team as a reserve but on his way out he saw a police car pull into the school gates so Ray went back in see what it was about. Ray waited outside the headmaster's office trying to listen but only caught a few short words. Back home Ray's mother told him that his grandmother was ill which she was worried about and he made her more upset when he told her that he forgot to buy the sausages for tea that he promised her he would get. In the bath Ray thought about committing suicide using a razor blade but decided against it deciding that he would get through the whole affair of his guilt.

The next morning at breakfast Ray checked the local weekly paper and it had a report of the hit and run incident on the front page where the woman was named as Mrs. Maureen Chalmers and the police were still trying to trace the rider of the stolen bike. At the table Ray was taken ill and his mother told him to stay home and rest then he reassured her that he would be all right at home whilst she visited her mother who had the doctor round.

In the afternoon Ray felt better and decided to go to school. When he got there his friend Dave Fitzroy told him that Mrs. Chalmers was the wife of a school governor so they had a minutes silence and prayers for her in assembly that morning. After English and PE lessons he went home where his mother told him that grandma was not too good and the doctor said she would have to go to hospital for a check-up.

That evening Ray went for a ride on his push bike having the urge to return to the scene of the crime. At the collision site was a signboard with a police appeal for witnesses.

The next morning Ray had a football match with the school team at another school. Rays team won though he injured an opponent by accident but his teammates and PE teacher agreed that it was a fair tackle.

At home that afternoon Ray was told that grandma was much worse and she would probably have to have an operation. After lunch Ray stayed behind to look after his eight-year-old brother Derek, from whom their parents kept Grandma's illness secret, while they went back to the hospital. After they left Ray decided to write a letter to the police to get them off the scent. He cut and pasted the words out of newspapers and wrote the address with his left hand to make it untraceable. He made it seem like he was older, lived outside the area and was going to commit suicide then he waited for an opportunity to post it from another area.

That evening he went to a party round Chris Gilligan's house, whose parents were out, to celebrate the football victory. After getting drunk on wine Ray met a girl named Anna who he liked and danced with her. Just before he left Anna told Ray that he could phone her and her number was in the book.

When Ray got home he slept until 12.35 in the day. His parents were out but Derek told him that they were round Grandma's then they came back for lunch. Mum told Ray that someone had to go and see Grandma again but was concerned that Derek would get suspicious if his parents went twice in one day so she suggested that Ray went instead. The family car broke down so Ray had to take the bus to the hospital after lunch.

When Ray got there he walked past his Grandmother who had changed almost beyond recognition. When he found her he talked about the football match, the party and meeting Anna. Whilst he was waiting for the next bus Ray found a photograph in the Foyer with Mrs. Chalmers in a group presenting a hospital bus. He telephoned Anna after finding her number but felt nervous now that he was no longer under the influence of the wine. Before he got on the bus he met his friend Dave's mother and they went on together. To his shock Ray saw that the conductor was the same as the one on the night of the collision so Ray kept his head down. There was a delay whilst Mrs. Fitzroy was hoping to get change for a note then the conductor recognized Ray.

Ray ran from the bus and darted down side streets and hid in an open garage to catch his breath. He went to the hospital to ask the receptionist about his Grandma to explain why he got off the bus, then Ray decided that he needed to pull himself together so he went to the cinema. He phoned home to before he went to explain to Derek where he was. The cashier let him in without checking his age, despite the film being age restricted.

After the film Ray phoned home and was told that the police were round the house, they found the letter that Ray left on his bedside table hoping to get an opportunity to post it. Dad told him that they thought he was dead and they wanted him to come home.

The Highwayman (1951 film)

The Highwayman is an aristocrat who leads a band of criminals who steal from the wealthy to distribute to the needy. Their campaign is broadened when they discover that innocents are being kidnapped and sold into slavery in the colonies. The Highwayman is betrayed to the authorities, soldiers march to set an ambush, his lover Bess sacrifices herself to give warning and he is shot down on the highway as tries to take revenge.


In a lonely restaurant on the beach, 4 waiters and the cook / his aide from Philippine are left alone by their senior boss (Ciccio Ingrassia) who goes to the hospital for a sudden illness, on the last day before selling the place to dysfunctional family of a rich furniture factory owner. The new management is, still undecided on whether to keep the place as it is, or convert the location into further expansion of his main business, firing everybody. The fate of the staff depends on this decision, as they are all barely getting by with this job, from a marginalized state in society. They suffer from gambling addiction, mental problems, immigration issues or inexperience. The new owner Salvatore Azzaro, an old Roman hick, and his has decided to put them to a test by celebrating there a wedding anniversary.

During the long lunch, customers and waiters show all their character flaws and the situation is repeatedly saved from the brink of collapse. The cook has a quarrel with the old chief waiter and suddenly refuses to help. His foreign aide drinks too much, and damages the cake on the way back from the pastry shop. One of the waiters is repeatedly humiliated for his aborted career as a professional football player, and constantly strives to get money through new loans and even petty thief, in order to feed his gambling addiction and keep a loan shark at bay. The head waiter gets fired, after boasting his long career and experience in the service of many celebrities, but also getting exposed for the loss own restaurant in a card game, his estranged son and mentally ill wife. Another barely literate and slightly retarded / homeless waiter is recognized as a previously successful but failed accordion player. The young and inexperienced nephew of the head waiter struggles to cope with his first job. The customers as well show all their vices, contradictions and moral corruption. The new owner has invited his mistress and betrays his wife even during the celebration, and causes her breakdown in tears in front of all their friends and relatives. His younger son insults and mocks the waiters in various ways, tantalizes them about remaining employed, but also ends up humiliated in front his friends during a bet.

At the end of the day, when all appears lost and the whole staff faces termination, the sudden chance for redemption comes in the form of a joint Totocalcio win by all waiters. Unexpectedly they decide to use part of it to buy the restaurant themselves. Only the younger one however appears to also use the occasion in order to start a new life in a different career as international salesman, while the movie ends hinting at all the others still persisting in their own ways.

Casablanca, Casablanca

Francesco, nicknamed the "Toscano", is a musician who plays in the orchestra with his girlfriend Chiara. But one day Chiara receives a job offer at Casablanca. She then leaves from Tuscany with his conductor, said "the Dark". Francesco gets angry, because he believes that between the two there is a love affair, and chases them in Casablanca.

Le vie del Signore sono finite

The story takes place in the fascist era. Camillo, a barber of Acquasalubre, suffers from a psychosomatic illness: he has in fact lost the use of his legs without having any organic lesion and his doctor indicates the cause in the finished love between him and Vittoria, a girl of French origin long time resident in Italy. In the train returning from Lourdes, Camillo knows Orlando, who is really paralytic. The two chat, and Camillo tells him about his doctor, who also acts as a psychoanalyst who is a follower and admirer of a certain Sigmund Freud, who however does not read his letters, because they are trashed by a maid who, mindful of the defeat of Austria in the still recent first world war, he hated Italians. A few days later, Camillo discovers that Vittoria has engaged with another, a Frenchman named Bernard, but she has not interrupted her relationship with Camillo, since they are still meeting. After their meeting, Bernard discovers it and argues with Vittoria, since he can't stand having her meet again after leaving. To the joy of their possible rapprochement, Camillo heals and returns to walk, but decides to keep quiet about his recovery so as not to displease Orlando and ruin his friendship, revealing him only to Vittoria and his brother Leone, also a barber and he too is in pain, which, as he will finally admit, exists only to care for his sick brother.

To try to get Orlando out of his profound state of solitude, Camillo organizes with Vittoria a meeting in which he pretends to meet the girl casually, accompanied by his friend Anita who, according to Camillo, would approach Orlando's tastes, in order to favor a possible relationship. However, Anita declares herself a fervent admirer of the Duce and leaves the tearoom in disgust after a joke from Camillo about Mussolini. Orlando, moreover, instead of d'Anita, falls in love with Vittoria and reveals it to his friend. A few days later, seeing him by chance coming out of the tub alone, Orlando discovers Camillo's recovery.

The next day, Camillo goes to Rome to patent two lotions of his invention, one against baldness and one against pain, but the fascist hierarch who presides over the patent office Cosimo Cinieri haranks him, almost with contempt, saying that according to the Duce (who was bald!) the way of salvation is "marked by pain and suffering". So Camillo returns disappointed and bitter to the country. On his return he will be arrested because of the joke addressed to Anita, who has been a spy and sent a punitive expedition. He will remain in prison for two years, where he will fall ill again. It will come out thanks to Orlando, meanwhile become an important party official. Orlando assures him that there has never been anything beyond friendship between him and Vittoria, and that he is also preparing to go on a trip to Ethiopia. On his return home, he will find a letter from Vittoria containing a photograph in which the girl is wearing a straw hat, which Camillo recognizes as he previously donated to Orlando and is convinced, also by a malicious insinuation by Leone, that Orlando and Vittoria live together in Paris. Once in the transalpine capital, after having found it, he discovers that his were just jealousies (Orlando in turn gave the straw hat to Vittoria before the final leave) and the two can finally return together.

Pensavo fosse amore, invece era un calesse

Tommaso and Cecilia are young engaged couple in Naples, leading an apparently regular life. He has a restaurant in Borgo Marinari near the area of Castel dell'Ovo. Tommaso's (single) friend Amedeo owns a book shop nearby; Amedeo's teenager sister, Chiara, is in love with Tommaso.

Tommaso and Cecilia are about to get married, but Cecilia's excessive jealousy might ruin everything. During a moment of intimacy, she is convinced she heard her future husband saying another woman's name, Elena. The situation quickly degenerates, so Cecilia leaves Tommaso and starts seeing a mysterious, older man named Enea.

In the meantime, Amedeo becomes involved with Flora, the former girlfriend of another friend of theirs, Giorgio. When Amedeo's sister Chiara realises that she can't win Tommaso's heart, she spikes his coffee with rat poison in a comic scene. She is so jealous that she even sets Enea's motorcycle on fire. Tommaso tries to set things straight even turning to a two-bit spellcaster of white magic for help. It seems to work; Cecilia leaves Enea and goes back to Tommaso.

Their wedding day arrives, but Tommaso does not show up at the church; his love for Cecilia is gone. He sends a message to Cecilia asking her to meet him at a local cafe. He is still wearing his wedding attire and she comes in her wedding dress. He tells her "men and women are not meant to be married", and agreeing she arranges to go out later that night with him.

Iris Zero

In a world where 99% of every boy and girl has a special power called Iris, Toru, who is in the 1% as a result of not having any kind of special power from a young age, lives by his motto, "Minimal Exposure" - to live without standing out. But his peaceful school life changes when he receives a certain "confession" from the school's most popular girl, Koyuki, and his motto begins to shake.

Paradas Contínuas

Perico and Emilio are two students who have nowhere to have sex with their girlfriends. They cannot take them home, and don't want to go to a hotel, so they use Perico's father's cherished VW microbus after making some changes to it. They then decide to go into business with the van.

Remembrance (2011 film)

The film's story intercuts between a Nazi concentration camp in Poland, in 1944 and New York City in 1976.

In 1944, Tomasz Limanowski, a captured member of the Polish resistance, manages to aid the resistance from inside a concentration camp, where his slave labor includes supervising distribution of loaves of bread. His resistance task in the camp has been to capture photos of the horrifying war crimes taking place and smuggle out the negatives that will reveal the crimes to the outside world.

This is unknown to Hannah Silberstein, a young German Jew in the work camp with whom Tomasz is in love and who has recently discovered she is pregnant. Every night, Tomasz buys off his officemate with a bottle of vodka so that he and Hannah can be alone together in the office in which Tomasz works with the SS, and they share bread that Tomasz has stolen for them.

In 1976, interwoven scenes open the story on the day that Hannah Levine, living in Brooklyn, New York with a successful husband and their grown daughter, discovers that Tomasz, who for 30 years she had believed was dead, is alive. While preparing for a celebratory dinner party for her husband and running an errand at a local dry cleaners, Hannah sees Tomasz in an interview on TV and instantly recognizes him as he shares his story about their love with the interviewer. In a daze, Hannah rushes home, experiencing reactivated trauma that she had shelved, unable to keep her mind on the evening's party and raising the concerns of her family and guests at her distractedness. She desperately calls the Red Cross that day, for the first time since 1946, when her initial search for Tomasz had led to a dead end.

Cutting back to 1944, we see Tomasz implementing a plan for their salvation with the help of fellow inmates, gaining access to an SS uniform and paperwork. On the day of the escape, terrified that it is happening too quickly to be fully prepared, Tomasz dresses up as an SS officer and demands that Hannah follow him, all the while terrified that he will be exposed as a Polish prisoner. Tomasz walks her to the exit of the camp where another SS officer comments that he'd like to rape her; Tomasz barely holds his cover and coldly insists that he have Hannah first. The guard, not picking up on Tomasz's limited German, acquiesces, and Tomasz and Hannah successfully march down the road until out of sight and run off into the woods.

They run for weeks, ending up in Tomasz's hometown, at his mother's house. Tomasz's mother, Stefania, does not approve of Hannah, as the latter is both German and a Jew, and furiously insists that Hannah will cause trouble for their family. Hannah, weak and distressed by the outburst, miscarries the same night that a car is ready to take Tomasz to Warsaw, where he must deliver the photos to his brother, who is in the homeland army. With no other option, Tomasz leaves Hannah in his mother's care and tells his neighbor and family friend, Janusz, to take Hannah to the home of Tomasz's sister-in-law, Magdalena, where Hannah can hide more safely. Tomasz assures Hannah he will only be gone for a few days.

Tomasz winds up being gone for a long while. During her recovery at Stefania's, Hannah comes to experience the woman's full animosity when Stefania attempts to have a German officer discover Hannah, but Hannah suspects her motives and hides. Disgusted at this betrayal, Hannah leaves immediately afterward, taking a photo of Tomasz that his mother had kept framed in a place of honor. Hannah goes to Magdalena's home to wait for Tomasz but is still forced to hide from the world.

When Czeslav, Tomasz's brother, returns home from Warsaw, hopes for Tomasz's return are high. However, after a month of the three living together, Czeslav comes to believe that Tomasz must be dead, a belief that Hannah refuses to accept.

Things are tense but harmonious until Stefania shows up at their home, claiming that the Russians took over her home. She soon turns against Magdalena, accusing her of having brought misfortune to the family and criticizing her for letting Hannah live in the house.

Shortly afterward, the Russians show up at their home and take Czeslav and Magdalena to a Soviet work camp; Stefania and Hannah are left behind. Hannah cannot stay with Tomasz's mother, knowing she cannot trust her, and believes it will be for the best if she returns home to Berlin. She trudges off in winter snow and nearly dies but for a passing Red Cross van that happens upon her.

Back to 1976, Hannah has success - the Red Cross has tracked Tomasz down in Poland. She works up the courage to call him; both are in complete shock that the other has survived. Tomasz initially thinks it is a hoax, but Hannah persists. They speak briefly, at first speaking trepidatiously in German, until they both realize the conversation is much easier in English as both have had much exposure to the language in their subsequent decades. Hannah tells him for the first time that she had been pregnant, a revelation too much for her to bear herself, and she hangs up, promising to call again. A brief flashback reveals that long after Hannah returned to Berlin, Tomasz returned home to find only his mother, who told him that Czeslav and Magdalena had been sent to a work camp, and (disingenuously) that Hannah had died.

Back in 1976, after a wrenching outing of her secret search that anguishes her husband and daughter, Hannah's husband encourages her to go see this man who saved her. Hannah travels to Poland to visit Tomasz, who has a grown daughter of his own and is separated from his wife. The movie ends with Hannah and Tomasz seeing each other after Hannah has just gotten off the bus and Tomasz has come by car to pick her up.

Pop Punk Zombies

When the members of a punk band die, Dameon David, a greedy manager, brings them back to life again as zombies. David attempts to civilize the zombies as he manipulates them for his own benefit.

The Kiln

''The Kiln'' is a sequel to ''Docherty'' and follows the life of the same family two generations later.

The Amazing Adventures of the Living Corpse

As a zombie apocalypse begins, a group of zombies attack the residents in a house. When the family recognizes one of the zombies as a family member, the zombie is shocked back to his senses and decides to protect his family.

The Secret of the Loch

Professor Heggie is determined to prove to a sceptical scientific community the existence of a dinosaur in Loch Ness. Young London reporter Jimmy Anderson believes him and offers to help. He also falls in love with Angela, the professor's granddaughter. Jimmy finally plucks up the courage to enter the Loch himself, and comes face to face with the monster.

Paris Plane

A Scotland Yard detective pursues a murderer aboard a Paris bound Hercules plane. The murderer is disguised, making every passenger a suspect.

Night Mail (1935 film)

On the overnight Aberdeen mail train, demented violinist Mancini (Henry Oscar) attempts to murder judge Sir Jacob March (C.M. Hallard) for refusing to grant him a divorce.

Contracted (film)

In a morgue, a man with an Abaddon tattoo has sex with a corpse that has a biohazard symbol on the toe tag; afterward, he handles an empty test tube while washing up.

Samantha is trying to get over a recent break-up with her girlfriend, Nikki. The party's host, Alice, plies her with strong drinks, while Zain offers her drugs. After she becomes heavily inebriated, Samantha is approached by BJ, who offers her a drink. Even though she tells him that she is a lesbian, when she begins to black out, BJ takes her to his car and rapes her.

The next morning, Samantha thinks she is suffering from a bad hangover. She bickers with her mother, who struggles to accept her daughter's lesbianism and is worried that she might have relapsed into hard drug use. Alice tells Samantha that the police are searching for BJ, who Alice had never met. At the restaurant where she works, Samantha has trouble eating and is overly sensitive to noise. When she bleeds heavily from her vagina, she visits her doctor. Despite her protests that she is a lesbian who has not had sex with men for nearly a year, he is suspicious that she has contracted a sexually transmitted disease from heterosexual intercourse because of a rash that has developed in her groin. Samantha is also constantly vomiting a lot of blood and as well as urinating a lot of blood and eventually a maggot falls out of her vagina in the bathroom without her noticing.

Samantha tries to repair her relationship with Nikki, who is rude to her. Samantha is hurt to learn that Nikki had not let her know that a scholarship offer had come in the mail. Meanwhile, her symptoms continue to worsen. Her eyes turn bloodshot, and her hair falls out in clumps. She was on her way to the doctors when her work called and said she needed to be at the restaurant until someone could come in for her. As she is making salad her boss told her to take off her sunglasses and notices her eyes and she says she has pink eye, so he said to squint while bringing the food to the customers. She looks terrible. Pale skins dark blue veins are all over her face along with a sore on the side of her lip. As she goes back into the kitchen she notices something is up with her fingers. Samantha starts to mess with them and she pulls a nail off. Then a women customer screams and finds a finger nail in her salad. She flees the restaurant and returns to her doctor, who advises her to avoid contact with other people until tests can determine the nature of her disease. Instead, Samantha visits Zain, who gives her heroin. When Alice arrives, she encourages Samantha to talk to the police about her encounter with BJ. Believing that Alice wants to isolate her from her other friends, Samantha argues with her and storms off. Zain reveals to Alice that he sold Rohypnol to BJ at the party.

Samantha stops off at home and argues violently with her mother. She abruptly leaves for her flower competition but is turned away at the door because of her appearance and the condition of her flowered plant.

Samantha turns to Nikki for consolation, but Nikki coldly rejects her and calls her sexually confused. Samantha is enraged, so when Nikki tries to shut the door Samantha slams the door into Nikkis face. Samantha then chokes Nikki to death. She then drives to Alice's in a rage and Alice tell her to get out of her house and grabs a knife. Samantha says "you finally have me" and they kiss. Samantha then throw up blood into her mouth. Alice's runs away but Samantha attacks her and murders her she bites her throat and then hits her with a blunt object. Losing her sanity, Samantha invites Riley, a man who has had a crush on her, to Alice's house and seduces him, and they engage in Sexual intercourse, but during the process, Riley then comments feeling wet and tingly inside her and then upon withdrawing his penis from her Vagina, he sees an excessive abundant amount of bloody maggots vomiting out of Samantha's vagina and becomes repulsed. He then goes to the bathroom to vomit and inspect himself including his groin and genitalia, which is covered in massive amount of blood and while wiping himself, he opens the shower curtain and discovers Alice's body in the bathtub. Samantha flees the house. As she drives, she fades out of consciousness and is involved in a car crash. She emerges from the wreckage transformed fully into a zombie. Her mother, who has arrived at the scene, begs the police not to shoot Samantha. As the police caution Samantha against moving, she lunges at her screaming mother.

Louder, Please

Publicity men fake the disappearance of a film star.

The Man with Blond Hair

Two Nazi airmen, Rudolph and Stumer, escape internment in Canada and find themselves in New York where they are arrested. A policeman arranges for them to escape so the policeman may recapture and beat them.

Stumer escapes but Rudolph is captured by a gang of kids. They are about to force him to jump off a roof when Ruth, fiancée of one boy Involved, takes him away to her apartment via the fire escape.

At Ruth's apartment he is fed and well treated by her mother, while the boys search for him. One of the boys is shot by the police before he is about to spot Rudolph. Rudolph gives himself up to the police.

Love in E-Flat

Teacher Amy is having an affair with intern Howard. He is jealous of her and bugs her apartment with a listening attack.

We Interrupt This Program... (play)

This play's audience is held hostage by a group of criminals seeking the release of an imprisoned friend.

Watch the Birdie!

A crack legal secretary working for an attorney specializing in divorce cases, Helen is happy in her job until a personable young man appears and offers her the chance to go to Paris as his assistant.

Castles in the Sky (film)

It is the mid-1930s and Germany is making rapid advances in weaponry, especially aircraft. Suspecting that a war is likely, the British War Ministry look to new and advanced inventions of their own. This film charts the work of Robert Watson-Watt, the pioneer of Radar, and his hand-picked team of eccentric yet brilliant meteorologists as they abandon their initial direction of a death ray and struggle to turn the concept of Radar into a workable reality. Hamstrung by a small budget, challenging technical problems and even a spy, Watson Watt also has to deal with marital problems. By 1939, Watson Watt and his team have developed the world's first Radar system along England's south east coast - a system that, in 1940, will be critical in winning the Battle of Britain.

Just Henry

Henry Dodge is a 15-year-old boy haunted by the tragic death of his father during World War II. Henry discovers, after being coached by his grandmother, that the father of a classmate was the man who murdered his own father. After a violent row resulting in disciplinary action from a pacifist teacher, Mrs Beaumont, and spurred by classmate Grace, Henry begrudgingly makes peace with the boy, Paul Jeffries, who (along with his mother) is treated as a pariah due to the belief that the elder Jeffries was a deserter during the second world war. Whilst developing a photo taken of Grace during a group outing involving the three classmates, on a camera given to him by Mrs Beaumont, Henry spots a man who closely resembled the man he knew as his father, Joey.

Upon seeing the photo his pregnant mother, Maureen, passes out with shock. Henry begins to develop distrust for his grandmother, as it is implied that she was the driving force behind the eviction of Paul and his mother. While honoring his father at the gravesite, the man who appeared in the photograph approaches Henry and the father and son are reunited. Henry tells his mother and she responds with disbelief and exasperation, accusing Henry of lying. Maureen falls to the ground while leaving the room and instructs Henry to fetch Bill from work.

Later that night, Maureen chides Henry in her convalescence, pointing out that her new marriage would not be legal if the man he met were truly his father, that she would be guilty of the crime of bigamy and that the baby would be born a bastard. She instructs Henry to keep silent, but also to bring word to his father that she wishes to see him. The friendship between Grace and Henry begins to bloom into more romantic feelings with repeated trips to the cinema. Henry takes her to meet the man, who begins to show sinister motives. It is apparent upon Grace's intense questioning that Henry's father is a deserter who faked his own death, though he makes the claim that he was an amnesiac. Henry's devotion to the self-made cult of his father causes him to reject Grace and flee in anger.

Joey approaches the house and borrows a match from an unwitting Bill, who is headed to his night job, and then enters the house and attempts to reclaim his rights as husband and father. Maureen points out that Bill has been paying the rent for five years and is more of a father to Henry. Meanwhile, Henry is totally supportive of his father in defiance of his mother. Henry's grandmother hears the noise and comes downstairs to investigate, declaring it a miracle when she sees her son, who immediately leaves on supposedly urgent business.

The next morning, Henry's grandmother informs Bill over the breakfast table despite Maureen's protestations. Bill believes Maureen has hidden this information because she is ashamed that he is working class and poor. She assures him that this is not the case. Henry runs into his father on the street, who offers to take him under his wing in a nebulous, presumably nonexistent or illegal family business. Henry attempts to apologise to Grace, and Grace meets with Mrs Beaumont looking for advice on how to help Henry.

The entire family gathers to hash things out with Joey. Joey threatens police action against Maureen and Bill. Only the grandmother stands in favor of Joey's return. Henry begins to have flashbacks to his early childhood, wherein his father was abusing his mother after throwing Henry out in the rain; he rejects Joey and runs off into the rain to drown himself at the beach, believing he must be evil if his father is evil, too. Bill convinces Henry to come home, telling him he could have the most precious thing in the world, his mother's love, if he would only take it.

Henry meets with Grace where it is revealed to him that she and Mrs. Beaumont are working behind his back to discover the truth about his father. The police are involved and it is revealed the gifts that Henry's biological father had given him were stolen from a food depot in another town, and that they had been attempting to apprehend his father (under the pseudonym Walter Briggs) for some time for these and other crimes including stolen ration coupons. The police ask Maureen permission to exhume and examine the body in Joey's grave. It is revealed that the body is that of Ronald Jeffries, Paul's absentee father.

Returning from a school pageant presented by Grace and Paul and Henry, wherein Henry reveals some of these heartfelt lessons, the family discovers that the house has been ransacked by Joey, who with blessings of the grandmother is stealing all of their possessions and furniture. Joey pistol-whips Bill and abducts Maureen and Henry, declaring his hatred for his mother by shoving her away as she offers to come along.

Joey takes the pair to an abandoned warehouse where he has been in hiding, and takes their pictures with Mrs Beaumont's camera, hoping to have them made for passport photos to escape to Australia. He strikes Maureen again, wherein Henry reveals his newfound hatred for his father. Joey locks them in the warehouse basement with no food or heat, where Maureen begins to go into labor. Henry delivers the baby girl while the police attempt to locate Joey.

Joey returns, and Henry hits him over the head with a large object, forcing him to reveal that he murdered Paul's father to fake his own death and desert as Ronald caught him looting, and assumed the new identity of Walter Briggs from some paperwork on the office table. The police arrive and kill Joey after he begins a shootout, and Henry holds his father as he dies.

Ronald Jeffries is reburied with military honors, restoring his family's name, and Joey is dolefully buried as well. Grandmother Dodge attempts to move out of the house in shame and the family convinces her to stay and settle with her demons. Henry calls Bill "dad" for the first time as he is leaving the house to meet Grace, where it is revealed she is moving away temporarily for school and Henry has accepted an apprenticeship in a photography shop. They kiss in the theater they visited so frequently and the film ends.

American Zombie

John Solomon, a documentary filmmaker, recruits Grace Lee to investigate the zombie subculture of Los Angeles. Solomon is convinced that the zombies are dangerous and wishes to expose them, but Lee takes a more sympathetic view. Zombies are divided into three different categories: the feral, Romero-style zombies that exhibit no sentience; low-functioning zombies that can work simple menial jobs, such as sweatshops; and high-functioning zombies that do not retain their memories or personality but can pass as human. At first open and welcoming, the zombies become evasive and warn the documentary crew away from a private ceremony at an upcoming zombie festival. There, the crew discovers that the rumors of cannibalism are not simply an ignorant cultural stereotype.

Dex (video game)

The story follows Dex, a young woman living in Harbor Prime. Harbor Prime is a city controlled by corporations that are integrated into a secret authority known as the Complex. Dex becomes a target of the Complex that sends its assassins to her. Dex is saved by a hacker known as Raycast who guides her to safety. Raycast reveals that Dex is the "fragment of Kether." Kether was the supreme Artificial Intelligence program created by the Complex. It was shut down when the Complex lost control of it. Dex becomes part of the resistance against the Complex.


Jim Vaus returns from the war and marries Alice. He struggles to make a living. He was hired by Charles Rumsden to fix a doorbell, and realizes that his client is a mob boss. Alice discovers the source of Jim's income and their relationship was expired and strained to the breaking point. She forces Jim to attend a Billy Graham's Los Angeles Crusade, in her attempt to save their marriage and Jim's soul.

Shadow People (film)

The film begins with a series of videos posted to YouTube, with users of the website relating their experiences with unexplained sightings. Later, radio talk show host Charlie Crowe (Dallas Roberts) becomes convinced that mysterious nocturnal entities known as shadow people are responsible for a spate of deaths in his hometown. He is joined by CDC investigator Sophie Lacombe (Alison Eastwood), who seeks a more rational explanation.

Justin Time (film)

An ancient and magical amulet that has the power to stop time is passed through generations until it ends up in the hands of a young man who must choose to use its power for good or for evil.

Loss of Sensation

The film's plot is centered on an engineer Jim Ripple who invents universal robots to help workers, being himself from a workers' family. He theorizes that cheap production will make all goods so cheap that Capitalism will fall. The workers do not share his view and his family considers him a traitor. A key element of his invention is a high-capacity capacitor that powers the robots. The government becomes interested in the invention because the robots can be used as a weapon as well. Ripple is given a top secret factory and funding so that he can produce robots. The robots are not autonomous or intelligent, and controlled either by radio or by sound, for which purpose Ripple uses a saxophone. When drunk he even makes the robots dance.

At a day of a universal workers' strike, the administration of a factory where the Ripple's brother works, located in the same town where the robot producing plant is located, replaces workers with robots. A workers' delegation visits the factory to see that there are no strike breakers, and finds that actually it is the robots who works. The meeting ends with an accident when Ripple tries to show the abilities of a robot to the workers, so that one of the workers dies. This sparks a conflict between workers and the plant administration assisted with the military. The military decides to use robots against the workers as a weapon. The robots are commanded by an officer sitting in a tank using a radio remote control device. Trying to prevent the hostilities Ripple tries to stop the robots with a saxophone, but unsuccessfully and gets killed.

Finally the workers gain control over the robots with their own remote control device, which they assembled covertly before, making necessary measurements on the robot assembling factory and researching the Ripple's prototype robot "Micron", whom he left damaged at his home.

True Love (Once Removed)

Steven, played by ''Sean Harris'', lives in an isolated fishing village. He is a fish gutter who uses his meager earnings to view his future in illegal time machine. These time machines have been outlawed by the government due to their unintended consequences. Steven knows someday he will be loved and the woman will be-a psychiatric nurse in his future. However, his love is presently Bryony Lafferty, an 8-year-old girl. He is only in love with the adult Bryony.

Steven hints about the future with a local bus driver. Steven realizes that the bus driver also uses the illegal time booths but the driver’s experience has shown an unhappy outcome for the bus driver's marriage. Steven tells the driver that the bus driver should not worry, as the future may not happen. Steven, of course, does not really believe this. The bus driver, angry and cynical, tells Steven the same can happen to Steven's own future. This unsettles Steven. Steven is also growing impatient because he has a long time to wait before Bryony will become a woman. When Steven discovers that Bryony's family is selling their home and moving away he is frantic.

Steven sees a psychiatrist on an occasional basis, but he is at odds with advice because he only wants concurrence. The psychiatrist is unable to impress upon Steven that it is the choices we make that determine our future—not a machine.

When Steven discovers that Bryony’s family is not moving away, he begins working on a plan. Steven tells the bus driver that nothing changes; the future cannot be altered, as proof since Bryony's family will not move away. The bus driver becomes more agitated, believing his marriage is doomed, as predicted. The bus driver goes off, getting very drunk. The bus driver confronts his wife over this predicted affair that only he has viewed. He beats her, pouring petrol down her throat in punishment for a "future" only he "knows."

Steven sets his plan in motion to get Bryony alone, but does not touch her. He apologizes and tells her that when they are together it will be wonderful, but only in the future. Steven tells himself that what will happen to him (enforced incarceration in a psychiatric hospital) will put him in place so that he can meet Bryony as a future nurse. Steven is arrested and Bryony’s parents arrive police station to take her home.

The psychiatrist comes to see Steven at the police station. The psychiatrist knows that Steven is not a pedophile, but that Steven uses the illegal time machines and then created a faked attempt upon Bryony to get placed into psychiatric care. Steven begs the psychiatrist to say the right words that will get him confined.

The news comes on the television with a report about the attack on the woman at the petrol station. Her employer is now constantly at her bedside while she recovers; the bus driver's future is now completed, as predicted. However, the news also reports that the drunken bus driver has crashed into Bryony’s parents’ car as they were taking her home from the police station after her Steven confronted her.

The psychiatrist, seeing the news, rushes to the police station to see Steven, but Steven is being sent to a facility and the psychiatrist does not tell Steven of the accident with the bus. Steven is taken to psychiatric confinement, satisfied that he has attained the first step he needs to be placed in Bryony’s future. However, Steven's true love has tragically died in the accident with the bus, caused by the events set in motion by Steven's plan to be with her in his distant future.


Laura (Kayden Rose) is a depressed and introspective young woman who lives alone in her small apartment. After she has sexual relations with her abusive boyfriend Antoine (Davyd Tousignant), Laura bandages his foot after he is injured by stepping on a sharp nail on the floor, revealing that she is a nurse. They don't have a good relationship together and he is always quite distant from her and always leaves after they have sex. She is distracted by a patient clay carving and masturbates, where a red spot appears on her groin. When she takes a bath, one of her fingernails falls off and a new purple stain appears on her back. She starts preparing for a party after leaving to work and her friends arrive. Her cleaning mania is exposed when they dirty the floor and Laura ends up being mocked by her friends for it. Julian, one of their friends, seems sexually interested in Laura.

The party ends after the landlord kicks them out, Antoine has hardcore sex with Laura, where she falls ill in the middle of the night and vomits all over him. Laura staggers into the bathroom and ends up breaking a glass, scattering its shards on the floor. Laura wakes up naked without Antoine by her side. She goes to drink water from the sink and doesn't notice that the drain is full of her blood. After she steps on shards of glass from last night, she slips and hits her head on the floor. The woman dreams of a rotting carcass in an advanced decomposition state. She wakes up at night with a pool of blood from the wound on the back of her head. After bandaging herself, she takes some medication and is visited by Julian, who notices the bruises all over her naked body. She receives oral sex from him and before he leaves and Laura spends the rest of the day sleeping.

Laura wakes up in the morning with difficulty and defecates standing up before passing out again. She dreams that she is being operated on in a clandestine laboratory by a doctor who is cutting off her hand to feed Antoine and Julian naked in a cage. Laura wakes up even weaker and with her skin getting even more decomposed. She tries to take a shower and clean her open wounds, but it doesn't do much good. She performs a suture to close a rotten wound on her hand, covering it with a bandage as soon as more of her nails fall out. After noticing that her head injury is not improving she covers all the windows and mirrors with black sheets.

Laura begins to collect the parts of her body that are falling off, along with tufts of hair and bits of her fingers into jars. She photographs its evolution and starts using its body parts to make bloody sculptures. Laura masturbates while remembering that Antoine visited her and seeing her deplorable condition, tried to help her wash up. Antoine ends up being killed by her with several hammer blows to the head, as she recalls this while masturbating, she bleeds. Her apartment begins to look with traces of black blood and flesh scattered throughout. She examines herself in the mirror and removes some maggots from her raw chest with tweezers without feeling pain.

The next day, she developes the photographs and ordered the pots with her pieces. She calls Julian to visit her and when he does, he sees her rotting body on the mattress, begging her to have sex with him. Julian refuses and is stabbed to death by her. Her state of decomposition worsens and her skin turns black with maggots surrounding her flesh, and she has a psychedelic dream of being buried in a coffin. She makes one last sculpture with pieces of Julian and herself, ripping off parts of her skin to complete her artwork. She looks at herself in the mirror one last time and stabs her milky eyes with her fingers before crawling closer to Julian and Antoine's rotting bodies. She slowly dies as the final stages of the rot make her flesh ooze from her carcass and her jaw drop from her skull, revealing her bloody skeleton on the ground.

Buddy Complex

Buddy Complex revolves around the main character, Aoba Watase, an ordinary high school boy. He lived an average, everyday life commuting to high school in the city. On the first day back after summer break, Aoba is attacked by a giant robot that appears out of the sky. As he's pursued through the city, his classmate Hina Yumihara appears in a giant robot of her own. She rescues him, and tells him cryptically that "Dio is waiting," before she sends Aoba into the future and then disappears. When Aoba wakes up, he finds himself over seventy years into the future, where the Free Pact Alliance and the Zogilia Republic are at war with each other, and there he meets a young pilot named Dio Junyou Weinberg. This begins Aoba's new life as a pilot of the Free Pact Alliance, and together with Dio, they would change the fate of the world.

The Miser's Doom

A miser is haunted by the ghost of one of his deceased victims, causing him to die of shock.

Like Father, Like Daughter (Taxi)

At the Sunshine Cab Company's fleet garage in Manhattan, the cab drivers discover that the plate on the payphone is broken, allowing people to make free calls. Everyone, except Alex Rieger (Judd Hirsch), gets in line to make a call.

Elaine Nardo (Marilu Henner) arrives and talks to Louie De Palma (Danny DeVito), the dispatcher. De Palma mistakes her for a customer and is extremely polite. However, when she tells him that she is a newly hired cab driver, Louie reverts to his usual abusive self. Elaine sits by longtime driver Alex and explains she is only working there part-time. Alex cynically points out all of the other drivers who are also working there temporarily and observes that he is the only cab driver in the place.

The other drivers then suggest that Alex make a call, even though he has stated there is nobody he wants to talk to. Eventually, he admits that he was considering calling his daughter Cathy. Everyone is surprised, as nobody knew he had a daughter. Alex reveals that he has not seen Cathy in 15 years, not since she was a baby. His ex-wife Phyllis remarried and moved to South America, telling Alex that if he really loved his daughter, he would not contact her, as that would create confusion. Alex admits that he now realizes that to be a mistake and decides to call after all. When Alex talks to Phyllis, he learns that Cathy is on her way to college in Portugal. As her plane will make a stopover in Miami, Alex decides to meet her there. He asks to borrow a cab for the weekend, but Louie refuses to give him one. Alex, fellow drivers Bobby Wheeler (Jeff Conaway) and Tony Banta (Tony Danza), Sunshine mechanic Latka Gravas (Andy Kaufman) and bystander John Burns (Randall Carver) take one anyway and drive non-stop to Miami.

When Alex finds his daughter at Miami International Airport, he learns that Cathy has been told that he is living on a ranch in Montana and is considering running for the United States Senate. Alex then reveals his true situation. Cathy is curious about Alex, but is upset by his constantly referring to himself as her father, as she views her father to be the person who has raised her. When Alex reveals his memories of her first two years, however, she is touched. Just as she is about to board her plane, Cathy turns around and hugs Alex, and the two kiss briefly before she leaves.

Some time later, the telephone's plate is repaired, ending the free phone calls. John arrives and announces that he has gotten his hack license and is now a Sunshine cab driver.

Sofia Residents in Excess

Two families from the Bulgarian capital – Chekanovi ''(the Chekanovs)'' and Lyutovi ''(the Lyutovs)'' – are in constant competition among each other. They used to live in the outmost metropolitan district of Izvor, but they have moved to central metropolitan district and are real Sofia residents now.

Bath Salt Zombies

After a crackdown on the production of bath salts in the Midwest, the underground drug producers move to the Northeast and begin dumping newer, concentrated versions in New York City. The drugs turn out to have unforeseen consequences, and the addicts turn into violent cannibals. Agent Forster, a DEA agent, attempts to control the spread of the drugs and counter the wave of violence that follows.

Life Below Zero

The show follows people living in the remote areas of Alaska, surviving off the land, making money through various ventures, as well as dealing with the many different challenges that come with living so remotely in such an unforgiving environment.

The New Neverland

Opening Sequence

Medusa appears in the forest.

In the Characters' Past

At the Kingdom castle, Snow White and Prince Charming prepare for their wedding day. But just moments after they are married, Regina's threatening the whole kingdom, which will lead up to events of the curse. This threat causes Snow White to postpone her honeymoon, but relents to Charming and says they'll go to the Summer Palace instead. After Charming carries Snow over the threshold, and after he leaves the room, Snow, who actually had other plans to defeat her stepmother, puts on her archer's outfit and jumps out the window, unaware that Charming was waiting for her, as he predicted that she was planning something behind his back. Snow tells her husband that her plan was to travel to the Gorgon Cave, where she hopes to find the Greek mythical individual known as Medusa by cutting off her head and sending it to Regina so she will turn to stone. Believing this is too risky for Snow, Charming insists on coming along anyway.

As the couple arrive inside the Gorgon Cave, Snow and Charming seek out Medusa by playing cat and mouse. Unfortunately, Snow's sword disintegrates upon making contact with Medusa's neck and worse yet, Charming looks up at the wrong moment after he sees Medusa, and he turns to stone. Regina then contacts Snow through her rippled shield and taunts her stepdaughter for destroying her own happiness – she never lifted a finger to get Snow in mortal danger, she did it all by herself. This leads Snow to realize she can get Medusa to destroy herself by looking at Medusa's face in the shield, which is as shiny as a mirror. The ploy works and Medusa turns herself into stone, resulting in Charming returning to human form. The two decide to give up their plans to destroy Regina and they return to the Summer Palace, where Snow later admits to Charming that she was obsessed with defeating Regina because she wants to have a baby. But now that she realizes whether or not the Evil Queen's threat will happen, they have to move forward.

In Storybrooke

As the individuals return from Neverland in their triumphant rescue of Henry (Jared S. Gilmore), we also discover that Ariel has reunited with Prince Eric, working as a fisherman, and hugs her. The ''Jolly Roger'' flies in for a landing and Wendy reunites with her brothers, and the entire town breaks out a joyous reunion of hugs and congratulations. Amidst the celebration, Henry (whose body is occupied by Peter Pan) wants to "punish" Felix, who is in on the secret, as Pan is ready to set his plan in motion. All parties tell "Henry" that as long as "Peter Pan" (whose body is occupied by Henry) is inside Pandora's Box, he will never escape and only Gold can release it. Meanwhile, over at Granny's, Hook tells Neal he is planning to back off of going after Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), thinking that Emma is going to reject Neal, who then talks to Emma about a lunch date to break the ice after 11 years. Around the same time, and despite support from Regina, Mother Superior won't give Tinker Bell back her wings because Tinker Bell doesn't believe in herself enough to keep the pixie dust alive. After Henry (Pan) tells Emma that he wants to stay with Regina, she begins to suspect that Henry is exhibiting strange behavior. As Regina returns to her home, Pan then stalks around Henry's "old room," then as Regina comes in he asks her about Regina's magic vault, pretending he wants it to protect himself from Pan. Regina tells him the vault is sealed because it's dangerous, and after she puts the book down, which Pan has been studying, she tucks him in. As soon as she leaves the room, Pan opens the window, and summons the Shadow, who breaks free from the ''Jolly Roger'' sails and starts flying.

At Granny's the next day, Gold gives David the antidote to the dreamshade poison. Gold however asked David that there will be no price for this cure but will ask for a future favor. After David drinks the potion, he kisses Mary Margaret and tells her he's ready to restart a family, even though Mary Margaret tells David "Well, not right now!" Mary Margaret also explains to David that she's sad because she sees Neal eating alone, so Emma didn't take her advice. Emma is outside and is concerned about what has happened to Henry, but David gives his daughter a pep talk that good things are happening too. As he leads her back to the café, Emma wonders if he isn't really just trying to keep her away from Hook. While Emma and David share their father/daughter moment, Hook is flirting with Tinker Bell in the hallway of the rooms in Granny's Inn when they hear a scream and go running out. The two, along with Emma and David discover that the Shadow is chasing down the Mother Superior, and kills her. Hook knows the Shadow only takes orders from one person, and that person is now in Storybrooke: Peter Pan.

It turns out that Pan (as Henry) needs Regina to protect him due to the protection spell. When Emma tells Regina something's off with Henry, Regina replies that Emma forgets that Regina had 10 years of soothing him. Regina then takes "Henry" to the Vault, where he sees a sleeping potion and uses it on her. Emma suspects Pan is using the Shadow from inside the box, so she convinces Gold to release the box by taking it outside the line of Storybrooke, in a world with no magic. As Emma crosses the line, as she is the only one not affected by the curse, Gold opens the box and Peter Pan (who is actually Henry) suddenly appears and looks confused, calling Emma "mom". As Mary Margaret, David and Belle witness this, Emma holds him off with a gun but Gold insists she shoot him, until Emma asks "Pan" to tell her something only Henry would know, then convinces everyone when he tells her that they first connected in "his castle," and Emma believes him. As everyone hugs the "Real Henry," Gold apologizes for doubting him. The individuals then join Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the Vault, where after Gold pries open the door, they find Regina on the floor and Gold revives her. As Regina embraces the "Real Henry" after they hugged, Gold discovers that Pan has stolen the scroll that contained the Curse that brought everyone to Storybrooke, except this time there's nothing that even Regina and Emma can do. And as "Henry" and Felix look over the entire town, Pan reveals that once they enact the Curse, the residents will once again lose their memories and that Pan will turn Storybrooke into "the new Neverland."

Disco Singh

The story follows a singer named Lattu (Diljit Dosanjh) who is in love with Sweety (Surveen Chawla), a model. When don Bhupinder Singh (Manoj Pahwa) hires Lattu to perform at a wedding which Sweety also attends, a picture of the trio is captured by a spy who was hired by Bhupinder's wife Pammi (Upasna Singh) who suspects he is having an affair. When the news of Bhupinder cheating on his wife with Sweety is published in the newspaper, Bhupinder tells Pammi that Sweety is Lattu's girlfriend as he was also captured in the photo. Bhupinder's henchmen kidnap Lattu and Bhupinder tells him to pretend to be Sweety's boyfriend in order to make his wife's suspicion go away. Whilst pretending, Sweety and Lattu enter a real relationship which soon enrages Bhupinder who decides to take matters into his own hands, leading to a hilarious climax.

No Man's Land (2013 film)

The entire film happens in a very desolate region of China, in the northwestern deserts. A poacher (Huang Bo) is being arrested by a police officer after capturing a rare falcon, worth 1 million RMB on the black market. A second poacher (Tobgye) kills the police officer with his jeep and tells the first poacher to flee, while he stays behind himself to take responsibility. He hires one of the best lawyers (Xu Zheng) in China for his defense, forcing the lawyer to travel a long distance to get to the town. At the trial, the lawyer gets the poacher acquitted by arguing that the crash happened because the police officer was drunk. The lawyer takes the poacher's car as collateral and begins a long drive back to China's eastern region. While driving, the lawyer is harassed by two people (Wang Shuangbao and Ba Duo) in a truck carrying hay. He throws his lighter at the hay in retaliation, igniting it, and drives ahead.

The second poacher was mad at his car being pawned. He arranges for the first poacher to murder the lawyer on the highway. However, by standing in the middle of the road, pretending that he has car problems in an attempt to trick the lawyer into stopping, the first poacher gets crashed into instead. The lawyer puts him in the backseat, along with his bag, and tries to take him to the nearest rest stop, which is a shanty town, to call for help. He does not realize that that man is the first poacher. When he gets to the shantytown, the first poacher looks like he has died. The lawyer gets scared and decides not to call for help. Instead, he buys gasoline and another lighter. He intends to cover up the crash by cremating the poacher's dead body. But it turns out, the first poacher isn't dead, and upon regaining consciousness he holds the lawyer at gunpoint. A girl from the shanty town (Yu Nan) had stowed away in the trunk, trying to start a new life, and also gets threatened.

The two truck drivers from earlier come upon them, and the poacher kills one and wounds the other, and proceeds to shoot the lawyer non-fatally. He forces the girl to take the car and drive him to a ghost town further on. The falcon, all along, was being held in his bag, and he has scheduled to sell it there to black marketers. The girl crashes the car by accident. She gets rescued by her abusive father and brother, who kill the first poacher. The father tries to take the falcon to the ghost town and sell it for himself, leaving the girl and her brother.

The second poacher, having lost contact with the first, comes upon the lawyer and lets him ride his pickup truck, pretending he will help. He comes upon the girl and her brother and decides to kill the brother, and tries, but fails, to murder the lawyer through carbon monoxide poisoning. He seizes the girl and heads for the ghost town.

The lawyer wakes up and is arrested by a single police officer, but he causes the police car to crash and races to save the girl. The second poacher and the two black marketers murder the girl's father at the ghost town, complete their transaction, and try to kill the girl. They are stopped by the lawyer, who approaches and tricks the black marketers into thinking that the second poacher is working with the police. The second poacher is forced to kill both black marketers. He is about to kill the lawyer and the girl, but the surviving truck driver from earlier saves them before getting killed himself. At this point, the lawyer is finally defenseless. He gets dragged by the second poacher into a truck which is holding some barrels, and is forced to watch as he attempts to run over the girl. The second poacher taunts the lawyer, saying that his heroism was in vain. The lawyer chooses at that moment to throw his lighter a second time, igniting the barrels and killing them both.

In the last scene, the girl is in a dance studio for elementary aged children, and she is telling the instructor (Tao Hong) about the whole sequence of events and how she has been changed. As children come in and the lesson begins, the instructor decides to grant the girl's request to work as her assistant, in spite of her not being qualified.


In 2017, Ted's wife goes into labor during their stay at the Farhampton Inn, where they were babymooning. Ted tells his wife that he hopes the baby arrives soon due to his mother's rule that ''"Nothing good happens after 2am"''. However, his wife says she does not believe the rule and they prepare to leave for the hospital.

Four years earlier at exactly 2:01 am, 16 hours before the wedding, the gang has a last round of drinks before heading to bed. Marshall keeps ordering drinks to stall his inevitable confrontation with Lily over his new job and the plan to go to Italy. He also uses the opportunity to irritate Ted with the childhood items he got from Mrs. Mosby (one of which being a stuffed turtle toy with a voice recording), but Lily insists they leave. When Marshall learns Lily wants to have the fight after they have sex, he attempts to prolong their lovemaking as much as possible.

Just as Ted, Robin, and Barney are ready to call it a night, Barney reveals embarrassing information about himself. Previously, the gang had thought that Barney maxed out at "Jabba drunk", where he talked like Jabba the Hutt from ''Star Wars''. However, Ted and Robin realize the drinks have brought Barney into a drunken state where he will truthfully answer any question, giving them the opportunity to ask anything they've always wanted to know about him. As Ted and Robin ask Barney questions, Barney makes a number of admissions such as: kissing Mrs. Mosby (but never got further), spending a "crapload" each year on suits, and Robin's family is incredibly wealthy, which angers Ted because he paid for everything during their relationship and she never did, while Robin defends herself by saying it belongs to her family and not her. Robin tries several times to find out why he keeps saying 'ring bear' instead of 'ring bearer' and if there is actually going to be a bear at the wedding. After a few failed attempts, Barney tells Robin that there will be a ring-bearer, whose name is Trevor Hudson, and Barney worked with his mother. Unknown to Robin, an animal keeper is later seen walking with an unseen Trevor Hudson on a chain, making it unclear whether Trevor is indeed a bear or an aggressive man.

Ted has one special question of his own: about Barney's real job, given that he has always scoffed the gang by saying "please" when asked what he does for a living. When Barney still answers the same, Ted guesses that 'please' could actually be referring to the job and asks for more information. Barney reminds them of how he transformed from a hippie to his present state after a yuppie named Greg took his girlfriend, Shannon, from him back in 1998, and needed help transitioning fully into the corporate world. After tracking down Greg, who failed to recognize him, Barney accepted a lucrative job offer from Greg where he is simply responsible for signing any legally questionable documents put in front of him. The "Please" remark is explained as "'''P'''rovide '''L'''egal '''E'''xculpation '''A'''nd '''S'''ign '''E'''verything." Ted and Robin are horrified, pointing out that Barney could be set up like another employee who was arrested the day he applied. Barney tells them the job was part of his master plan: he is actually working with the Justice Department to take down Greg for his company's crimes (and finally score his revenge for what Greg did to him years ago). Future Ted says that a few months after the wedding, Barney revealed his true identity to Greg as FBI agents arrest him on the spot. Satisfied with the questioning, Robin says goodbye to Barney for the last time before the ceremony. When Ted asks how Barney truly feels about finally getting married, Barney confirms he is nervous, but knows Robin is part of what makes him awesome and reaffirms his love for her.

Meanwhile, Lily goes to sleep exhausted from the lovemaking but wakes up after Marshall steps on Ted's turtle toy and unpauses their fight. During their fight, Lily insists her art career was her dream and expresses her resentment at Marshall not even consulting her about taking the judgeship. Marshall downplays her art career as a hobby and states being a judge is a great opportunity. When Lily accuses him of being more selfish to her than she ever was to him, Marshall angrily reminds her of the time she left him months before their first to pursue an art fellowship in San Francisco. He asks if he, Marvin, and their future children are just consolation prizes to her. Upset by the suggestion, Lily leaves and calls up an unknown person to pick her up from the inn.

In another flash-forward to 2017, the Mosby family is leaving for hospital so the mother can give birth to the second child. Ted tells his wife that he and Penny (their infant daughter) are proud of her, revealing his daughter's name to the audience for the first time. As the Mosbys depart, Future Ted remarks: "Two AM. It's a good rule. But every rule has an exception, and for us that exception was you, Luke," referring to his son.

Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra

Picking up where "Bass Player Wanted" left off, at 1 a.m on Sunday, 17 hours before the wedding, Marshall is about to slap Barney when Future Ted says there is a back story to this slap. A few weeks earlier at MacLaren's Bar, Marshall tells Barney that he wants the next slap from the slap bet to be as painful as humanly possible. Barney counters that he is now immune to all of Marshall's torments.

Marshall proceeds to tell Barney that he went to seek "special training" for the next slap, which he describes as happening sometime in the future. First, he learned from a kid at a martial arts training center about the existence of the "Slap of a Million Exploding Suns", and that he needed to visit three masters to learn this skill. He traveled to Shanghai for a year to learn the speed component from "The Cruel Tutelage of Red Bird", to the Slap Mountain to learn the strength component from "The Punishing Scholarship of White Flower" and to Cleveland to learn the accuracy component from "The Schooling of the Calligrapher".

The training from Red Bird (in the likeness of Robin) included Marshall practicing with a fabled "slapping tree" in Gongqing Forest Park, a tree that slaps back with its branches. White Flower (in the likeness of Lily) instructed Marshall to get slapped by several of Barney's former conquests so he can harness their anger to give him the strength for his slap. When visiting the Calligrapher (in the likeness of Ted), Marshall tried to save him from choking by slapping his back, but without learning accuracy yet, he slapped the Calligrapher's heart right out of him. Marshall ends his story complaining that he never got to finish his training.

Flashing forward to the wedding weekend, Barney runs into woods in panic just before Marshall's hand makes contact with his face. The gang finally catches up to him, and Marshall tells Barney that the Calligrapher did in fact teach him the secret to accuracy while dying on the floor, and that his training is complete. Barney says that he is also ready, and Marshall slaps Barney. Marshall reminds Barney that there is one slap remaining in the slap bet.

How Your Mother Met Me

At MacLaren's Pub in September 2005, a woman passes by Barney and Ted as they get ready for another round of "Have you met Ted?" It turns out that the woman, Kelly, went to the wrong MacLaren's Pub and takes a cab to another MacLaren's on the East Side to join the Mother (her roommate) on her 21st birthday. She awaits the arrival of her boyfriend Max only to receive a call informing her of his death. After the funeral service, she returns to the apartment to open Max's last gift to her: a ukulele.

At St Patrick's Day three years later, Kelly encourages the Mother to go out and date again, bringing her to the same bar where Ted and Barney are celebrating. The two women run into Mitch, her old orchestra instructor who was then a music teacher at a Bronx public school. Inspired by his work, the Mother offers Mitch her cello and they head back to her apartment to get it. However, the Mother prepares the cello only to see Mitch pull off The Naked Man. She is disgusted at his move, but momentarily forgets he is naked while he shares some valuable wisdom with her. "What is it you want to do with your life." "I want to end poverty," she replies. "Then every decision you make from here on out should be in the service of that." He leaves and she remembers her yellow umbrella at the bar and goes out to get it, leaving behind Kelly (who earlier rebuffed Barney at the bar) to have sex with Mitch. She learns that a "super inconsiderate person" (Ted) took the umbrella. The Mother acts on the wisdom from the naked orchestra teacher revealing her desire to end poverty by taking up economics in college.

In the fall of 2009, the Mother sits her first session in Econ 305 and meets Cindy, whom she offers to move in with as her roommate. They see Ted enter the room (after which The Mother laughs at his "shellfish" joke), but the Mother thinks she's in the wrong room when he announces the subject and runs off. She heads back to the room after seeing Ted scramble to his actual classroom.

A few months later in 2010, she gets her umbrella back. Cindy tells her that she broke up with the "architecture professor" because the man picked out the Mother's items and saw that they were more compatible; in the ensuing conversation, Cindy spontaneously kisses The Mother, which makes her realise her homosexuality. In turn, The Mother decides to start dating again, having not been kissed in a long time.

Some time later, a man named Darren approaches the Mother and is welcomed into her band — however, Darren gradually takes it over and makes the Mother carry band equipment.

In April 2012, The Mother meets Louis and he helps her with the equipment, but later at MacLaren's Pub (which Louis thought was named "Puzzles"), she tells him she's not yet ready to date because of her loss. Louis asks her to give him a call if she changes her mind and she leaves just before Ted appears to Lily and Barney in a green dress. They begin dating not long after, but they are not really a perfect match (for example, Louis is not amused when The Mother has her English muffin sing show tunes). The Mother's band is eventually booked for Barney and Robin's wedding in 2013; she stays at Louis's summer cottage not far from the Farhampton Inn.

In a flash-forward to the eve of the wedding, the Mother discovers Darren's ad for a replacement bass player and heads down to the Inn to confront him, eventually picking up Marshall and Marvin along the way. After seeing Darren get his comeuppance, she returns to Louis's house, where he proposes to her, but she goes outside to think about it. She begins talking to Max and asks his permission to move on with her life. Interpreting a gust of wind as Max's answer, the Mother bids him one last goodbye and declines Louis's proposal, later checking in at Farhampton Inn. On her room's balcony, she plays the ukulele and sings "La Vie en Rose". Ted hears her next door (with Future Ted saying that it was the first and most favorite time he heard his future wife sing this song) and gets back inside to tell Barney about it, only to find out he has disappeared.

Rally (How I Met Your Mother)

In 2021, Ted and The Mother are in the back of a limo on their way to a New Year's Eve party. Ted pops open some champagne to toast to a great year with his wife, who has just released a new book. The Mother warns Ted to go easy on the champagne, but he tells her he will be fine as he made a vow in the past. Future Ted then recounts the story behind the vow to his children.

At 8 a.m. on Sunday, ten hours before the wedding in 2013, Ted and Robin finally find Barney passed out in front of his room and are unable to wake him. With the wedding pictures set to begin in two hours, the gang decides they must do whatever they can to revive him. Marshall, disgusted at Barney's drunkenness, makes a vow to never get that drunk again. Future Ted reveals that Marshall would break that vow when he was running for the New York Supreme Court in 2020 and thought he was about to lose to his old friend Brad (also a judge), only to make a comeback victory.

Ted reminds the others of Barney's hangover cure, "Stinson's Hangover Fixer Elixir", and they remember that it has cured all of their own worst hangovers. The only problem is that the drink has a secret ingredient that only Barney knows. Ted and Marshall decide to recover all the known ingredients, while Robin and Lily attempt to revive Barney long enough to learn the secret ingredient. Robin and Lily first try to take him outside for fresh air, but this results in accidentally throwing him down the stairs. After several other methods prove unsuccessful, Lily joins in Marshall's vow. Future Ted says that she would also break it on Marvin's first day of college in 2030 when she and Marshall drink to celebrate Marvin leaving home, only to see Marvin later walk into the same bar.

Marshall and Ted, having gathered most of the ingredients, attempt to gather the last one: grease. The chef at the inn states they have no grease, only for Ted to point out that bacon produces grease. The chef says they throw the grease out and will only make more bacon if it all gets eaten before breakfast is over. Ted tries to get Marshall to eat it all, but Marshall refuses and tells Ted to do it. Ted, having never eaten bacon due to his mother's lie that he is allergic, is reluctant to try. After his first bite, however, he begins to hungrily devour it and even wards off Marshall's attempts to eat any. They get the grease from the next batch, which Ted also attempts to eat. Future Ted states that this was the first and last time he ate bacon.

Meanwhile, the girls are still unable to revive Barney and Lily suggests making out with Robin, more out of personal interest than a desire to wake Barney. Robin also joins in Marshall's vow, revealed to be broken a few years later in 2016 while she and Barney are on vacation in Buenos Aires and they wake up in the wrong hotel room with someone else's baby. Their kiss is successful and Barney awakens long enough to tell the gang that the secret ingredient is actually a lie that he made up to make his friends feel better after the worst episodes of their lives. Barney says that he lied to his friends because he loves them and so the gang, realizing that he made a genuine and heartfelt effort to be there for them during some of their weakest moments, decides to lie to him, telling him that they used his "Weekend at Barney's" play to get through the wedding pictures and Robin's father was impressed with Barney's quieter side and requested a high-five. In reality, Robin canceled the photos and her father kicked Barney in the crotch. Finally, Ted joins in on the vow and it is revealed that he did not break it. Instead, on New Year's Day 2022, Ted gives the elixir to The Mother after she got too drunk the night before. She drinks it and greets her children as they run in the room.

The episode ends with Robin talking about how she and Lily actually made out and suggesting that they do it again in front of Ted and Marshall, even though it is clear she wants to do it again for her own pleasure. Lily, however, says she felt it was weird and has no desire to do it again.

Sunrise (How I Met Your Mother)

Future Ted tells a story about how he watched his balloon "friend" fly away, stating the event caused him to believe that if you let go of the things you love, you will lose them forever. In the present, on Sunday at 5 AM, 13 hours before the wedding, Ted and Robin are walking along the beach, reminiscing about Ted's top five exes: 5. Stella, 4. Zoey, 3. Slutty Pumpkin, 2. Marshall from the time he and Ted pretended to be a couple to try to sell Barney's apartment, 1. Victoria; and his five worst exes: 5. Blah Blah (Carol), 4. "Boats, Boats, Boats" (Becky), 3. Karen, 2. Zoey (who made both lists), and 1. Jeanette.

Meanwhile, a drunk Barney walks out of the hotel to find two men on the street and takes them to a strip club saying he will teach them how to live. The two men are dismissive of Barney's claims that the way they dress will be key to picking up women when Barney takes them to Tim Gunn to be fitted for suits, but change their minds when they go to a party where Barney plays the "Have you met-" game, setting the boys up with two women. At sunrise, Barney tells the boys what he kept telling Ted earlier in the series, that every moment will be legendary if it's shared with friends. Barney hands the two men a stack of napkins; the top napkin says "The Playbook". Barney leaves after passing on everything he knew about the bachelor life to them without revealing his name.

At the hotel, Marshall imagines a ghost Lily in the hotel room with him. After he brings up San Francisco, the ghost Lily says he should have this argument with 2006 Lily. When he tells the 2006 Lily that her leaving him was the saddest he's ever felt, she reminds him of his father's death, which brings a shade of his father into the room. Marshall argues with his ghosts until the present imaginary Lily tells him that as long as he thinks of their arguments in terms of winning and losing, he is gradually going to lose her. When the real Lily returns, she and Marshall reconcile after she tells him that they should stay in New York.

When Robin asks if Ted has kept in touch with his ex-girlfriends, he says that he has not, though Future Ted reveals that he had lied. In truth, Ted had contacted Stella, Victoria, and Jeanette to locate Robin's missing locket. After calling Stella and failing to find the locket in Los Angeles, he learned that Victoria had taken the locket with her to Germany. Victoria agreed to send the locket to Ted, but the package had been intercepted by Jeanette. In the present, Ted confesses to Robin that he and Victoria broke up because he was unwilling to end his friendship with Robin. A stunned Robin tells him that she would have been unhappy, but understanding and that she demands to know why Ted would give up Victoria for their friendship; he admits it is because, for him, there is no top 5 – only a top 1, which is Robin. It is revealed that Ted's attempt to recover Robin's locket had concluded when Jeanette dropped the locket into the river after, ironically, pointing out how irrational he is for being unwilling to let go of Robin. Ted and Robin end their evening watching the sunrise together and Ted finally lets go of Robin, who is shown flying away in his mind, but is still disappointed to learn that Robin thought he should have kissed her at the end of their first date.

Tatlong Baraha

The father and sons triumvirate play three oppressed Filipinos during the Spanish regime, a cowardly farmer (Lito Lapid), a mentally challenged man (Mark Lapid), and a hunchback bell ringer (Maynard Lapid). Because of their sufferings, they were blessed with powers to help their fellowmen. They became warriors which symbolizes hope, heroes and defenders of the oppressed and poor, they are ''Zigomar'' (Maynard Lapid), ''Julio Valiente'' (Mark Lapid) and ''Leon Guerrero'' (Lito Lapid) ready to fight for justice and freedom against evil.

Titties and Dragons

In the conclusion of a three-part storyline, the children of South Park are split into two factions over whether to purchase bargain-priced Microsoft Xbox Ones or Sony PlayStation 4s at an upcoming Black Friday sale at the South Park Mall, a schism that sees best friends Stan Marsh (PS4) and Kyle Broflovski (Xbox) on opposite sides.

As the PS4 faction turn their attention to the Red Robin restaurant, which serves as a side entrance into the mall, the Xbox One faction arrives to announce they wish to join the PS4 ranks. Though Stan does not trust them, Cartman and Kyle say they have a way to monopolize the Red Robin: by renting it out for a wedding party.

Cartman and Stan, who are having a private talk in the "Garden of Andros", are interrupted by the elderly owner, who informs Stan of the true intentions of the Xbox faction: they have merely feigned surrender in order to lock the PS4 faction in the Red Robin while they retrieve their consoles. Stan is further angered to be told that this was Kyle's idea. To prevent Stan from informing his allies of this, Cartman defecates in the old man's yard and frames Stan for it, resulting in Stan being grounded. When Kyle learns of this, he tries to explain his actions to Stan but he is promptly sent away.

As Randy Marsh's mall security guards deal with the increasing shopper violence, George R. R. Martin arrives at the mall to cut the ribbon that will open the mall for the Black Friday sale. However, he stalls by regaling the agitated crowd with musings on his penis. An impatient shopper charges forward, slices off Martin's penis, and cuts the ribbon, allowing the crowd into the mall, leading to mass deaths.

In the Red Robin, Kyle, Kenny and their allies turn on Cartman and his faction, revealing that they are no longer Xbox supporters. The standoff is then interrupted by Bill Gates and the head of Sony. The Sony executive is brutally killed by Gates, who announces that Xbox is victorious. The children journey through the blood-and-corpse-covered mall to purchase their Xbox Ones. While playing with his new console, Cartman realizes that he wishes to play outside, saying that their improvised ''Game of Thrones'' role-playing over the past few weeks has been filled with so much the drama, action and romance that they do not need Microsoft or Sony to have fun.

Fack ju Göhte

Bank robber Zeki Müller has just been let out of prison. Upon his release, he goes to retrieve the money he stole in order to repay a debt, but his friend buried it in a construction site. During Zeki's time in prison, the construction project was completed and his money is now buried beneath the new gymnasium at the Goethe Gesamtschule. In order to obtain the money, Zeki applies for the vacant position of a deceased janitor. However, due to a misunderstanding, he is given a job as a substitute teacher.

Elisabeth "Lisi" Schnabelstedt is a student teacher at the Goethe Gesamtschule, her former high school, because she has guardianship over her younger sister, Laura. Lisi does not impose the necessary authority to manage the students successfully.

When Ingrid Leimbach-Knorr, homeroom teacher of class 10B, attempts suicide, the management of the difficult class goes to Lisi Schnabelstedt, although the class's brutal pranks upon the new teacher quickly reduces her to tears. Zeki takes over as the substitute homeroom teacher for Lisi's former seventh grade class. In order to regain his money, Zeki works during the night in the cellar of the school on a tunnel leading to the buried money. He also copies Lisi's diploma because he does not have a high school or college education, which eventually becomes known to Lisi. She then blackmails Zeki, allowing her to get her old seventh grade class back while Zeki assumes responsibility over class 10B.

Zeki is thrown out of his living situation at a strip club, and tries to sleep in Lisi's garage. When discovered, Lisi allows Zeki to live in her basement as long as he properly teaches class 10B instead of watching films every class period.

Through unconventional methods and Lisi's soft leadership, Zeki gains the respect of the class. Although Zeki begins his time as a teacher with draconian methods including shooting students with a paintball gun and holding a student underwater, he eventually takes a softer approach and convinces the students that they do not want to become drug dealers and dependent on welfare by taking them on a field trip to visit Zeki's acquaintances who live this lifestyle. He also becomes more involved in the school by taking over the leadership of the Drama Club, which performs a modern version of ''Romeo and Juliet'', and helping out with the Jugend forscht group. Zeki, concerned about Lisi's image amongst the class, leads the class on an excursion to paint graffiti on a train, during which a student paints the title 'Fack ju Göhte'. As a result of this increased respect, Lisi passes her practical teaching exam with class 10B. In addition, Zeki arranges an affair for Lisi's little sister Laura with her crush Danger, as well as ensuring Lisi's continued legal guardianship of Laura by pretending to be Lisi's serious boyfriend when Laura's social worker comes to visit. Eventually Zeki finds the money in the tunnel, but the tunnel beneath the gymnasium causes the floor to break and allows Lisi to discover Zeki filling in the tunnel. When Lisi learns about Zeki's past as a criminal, she threatens to call the police if he does not leave his job and her home at once. Zeki, out of options, agrees to drive the get away car for a bank heist. As Zeki's class is about to take their final exam in German, they all take out their motivation photos. A student informs Lisi that Zeki's motivation photo is in his desk. When Lisi opens the desk, she discovers that his motivation for becoming a better person is her. A friend of Zeki's is able to convince that Zeki wants to change his ways for her.

Zeki doesn't follow through with the heist because three students stop him to ask if he will be their homeroom teacher next year and he sees the train with the 'Fack ju Göthe' graffiti. He sends Lisi a dress and an invitation to the prom and reports himself to the school principal. The principal wants to keep him and even hands him a falsified high school diploma with a 2.0 GPA. She informs Zeki that the class 10B has drastically improved and if they continue to work towards their high school diplomas, the school will become the best in the city. Their marks in German, previously 5's and 6's (equivalent to F's), have now become better than 3's (C's).

Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto

The story is centered around the incredibly popular Sakamoto: a flawless boy genius who is well liked by every student and the school faculty (except Kakuta) in the high school for his coolness. Despite the strange situations he may find himself in, normally consisting of pranks set up by the envious male population of the school, Sakamoto always manages to emerge in absolute perfection and as a result makes himself seem even cooler.

Angélique and the King

After many trials, Angelique finally takes her place in Louis XIV's court alongside her new husband, who is the Marshal of France, Philippe de Plessis du Bellière. She has many problems with her new husband, who despises her for having blackmailed him into marriage. Eventually, she starts loving him (and vice versa) but he gets killed in the King's war at the Low Countries. She earns the undivided attention of the King and there are even rumours that she may be his mistress. Her rival becomes Atenais de Montespan, the most recent favorite of the King, who plots against her. Angelique triumphs over her rival and even learns that her first husband, thought to be executed by the king himself, may still be alive. She resolves to find him at any cost.

Category:1959 French novels Category:French historical novels Category:French romance novels Category:Novels set in Early Modern France Category:Novels set in the 1670s Category:French novels adapted into films Category:Works about Louis XIV

Darkest Africa (comics)

At the urging of Sir Gnatbugg-Mothley, Donald and his nephews go to Africa in search of the world's rarest butterfly, ''Almostus extinctus''. Professor McFiendy is also searching for this butterfly and the two butterfly-hunting parties frequently encounter each other with disastrous results. When McFiendy finally captures the last specimen of the butterfly, the nephews find a nest of caterpillars which burst into dozens of ''Almostus extinctus'' butterflies. The species is no longer the rarest of butterflies. Donald and the nephews return home disappointed.


Season 1

From its origin, the human race has traveled the planet constructing it and destroying it with the same intensity. In the last decades, humans have achieved great advances in science and technology in a very accelerated way. Because of these advances, people have distanced themselves from others to the point that they forgot those who are and are on Earth. In the wake of this oblivion, at the end of 2012, humanity began a 105-day countdown that will lead to either its destruction or revival.

The future of the Earth depends on six young humans: '''Noah''' (Juan Pedro Lanzani), '''Azul''' (Oriana Sabatini), '''Maia''' (Mariel Percossi), '''Manuel''' (Agustín Bernasconi), '''Franco''' (Julian Serrano) and '''Valentín''' (Joaquín Ochoa). They all have something in common: they're as powerful as they are weak, as attractive as they are lost, as revolutionary as they are violent and as isolated as they are connected. With the help of The Feminine Energy Creator (Dolores Fonzi), these young people will be assisted by seven beings of light: '''Ian''' (Pablo Martinez), '''Venecia''' (Jenny Martinez), '''Inti''' (Nicholas Francella), '''Ámbar''' (Lola Morán), '''Luz''' (Oriana Sabatini), '''Devi''' (Carolina Domenech) and '''Gopal''' (Maximo Espindola). They come from various parts of the universe with the goal of becoming the Allies of these young people and help in the mission of saving the "human project". After these 105 days, they'll face a new enemy who is closer than they think.

Season 2

The second season premiers on Sunday, April 6, 2014 on Telefe. This season will be focused on the war between the Light Beings (Angels) and their human allies against the Morks (Demons) until it ended on Sunday, August 3, 2014.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (novel)

Nothing much exciting rolls through Violet White’s sleepy, seaside town…until River West comes along. River rents the guesthouse behind Violet’s crumbling estate, and as eerie, grim things start to happen, Violet begins to wonder about the boy living in her backyard. Is River just a crooked-smiling liar with pretty eyes and a mysterious past? Or could he be something more?

Violet’s grandmother always warned her about the Devil, but she never said he could be a dark-haired boy who takes naps in the sun, who likes coffee, who kisses you in a cemetery…who makes you want to kiss back. Violet’s already so knee-deep in love, she can’t see straight. And that’s just how River likes it.

Blending faded decadence and the thrilling dread of gothic horror, April Genevieve Tucholke weaves a dreamy, twisting contemporary romance, as gorgeously told as it is terrifying—a debut to watch.

I Can See You (film)

In an infomercial, Mickey Hauser, a spokesperson for Clara Clean Corporation, advertises Claractix, a cleaning product. Ben Richards attempts to finish a portrait of a man in a suit, but he can not visualize the face, which remains blank. After several attempts, he gives up and shaves off his beard. When he meets with his coworkers, radio and newspaper reports reveal that Hauser has died and that Clara Clean Corporation has become involved in an ecological scandal. Richards and his coworkers have been recruited to come up with an ecologically-themed advertising campaign to counter this scandal, but Doug Quaid rejects all of John Kimble's stock photography. Ben suggests that they go to a Delaware campsite to seek inspiration and take their own photographs. Meanwhile, Sonia Roja's boss tells her that her boyfriend, Kimble, has one week to come up with a fantastic advertising campaign. Unless it is fantastic, Roja will take the fall. Quaid, too, feverishly repeats that the campaign must be fantastic.

Richards, Quaid, Kimble, and Roja set off for the campsite. On the way, Kimble receives a phone call from Ivan, who invites them to a barbecue. Kimble tells Richards that a mysterious person will be there along with them, though he refuses to reveal who. When they arrive, Quaid unsuccessfully flirts with Roja, who is more interested in her cell phone than him, and Richards takes some photographs, all of which come out distorted. At Ivan's barbecue, Richards sees Summer Day, an acquaintance upon whom he once had a crush. Encouraged by Quaid, Richards approaches her, and they embrace. Richards and Day go off into the woods on their own and have sex, though Richards later denies to Quaid that they had sex. The next day, Richards and Day go swimming. Quaid teases Richards about going into the water with his glasses on, and Richards removes his glasses, which leaves his vision blurred and unfocused. In the water, Richards fumbles in conversation with Day, and she wanders off into the wilderness with Quaid.

Kimble dismisses Richards' concerns when Quaid and Day do not return, and Roja denies Kimble's insistence that something is bothering her. Kimble encourages Richards to take more photographs, but they turn out to be similarly distorted. Hauser critiques Richards' photography and suggests that his camera's lens may need cleaning. Disturbed by the camera's malfunction and his hallucination, Richards returns to camp and recruits a reluctant Kimble to search for Quaid and Day. The two wander through the forest, where they find Day's underwear, blood on a rock, and a memory card; however, they locate no sign of Quaid or Day. They give up and head back to the camp. While viewing the images on the memory card, Kimble's laptop malfunctions, and the images are destroyed. Roja complains of hearing voices and eerie sounds in the forest, but Kimble reacts skeptically, and they all go to sleep.

Richards has a strange dream or vision involving a musical number performed by Quaid and Day. When he awakens, Quaid has returned to the camp, disoriented and manic. Roja watches over Quaid as Kimble and Richards check the camp; disturbed by Quaid's behavior, Roja calls for assistance, and Quaid bolts into the forest. Richards chases after Quaid, and, in the light, finds blood on Quaid's hands. Quaid runs off again, and Richards finds his body at the bottom of a cliff. Hauser appears and tells Richards to take a second look at the cliff, this time without his glasses; he does and throws his glasses over the edge. He is then approached by a corpse-like Day, upon whom he can not focus. Richards hallucinates extensively, and, upon returning to the camp, he discovers that Kimble has murdered Roja. Richards puts out Kimble's eyes, opens his skull, and extracts a serrated knife from Kimble's head. He hallucinates further and cuts out the face from his father's portrait.


''Moxyland'' follows four protagonists in a near future South African dystopian society. The society relies heavily on technology. Citizens use SIMs in cell phones to access their homes, money, jobs, various areas of Cape Town, and is also used as punishment. If a citizen commits a crime, he/she can be “disconnected” which means “no phone, no service, [and] no life.” Being disconnected essentially means to be an outsider of society. The technologically advanced society, where online presence is important to life, considers this form of punishment worse than imprisonment.

Throughout the novel, the main characters’ (Toby, Tendeka, Kendra, and Lerato) actions reflect the fear of being disconnected. Tendeka, an idealistic anti-corporation activist, is against the amount of power the government/ corporation has. By being dependent on technology, the government and corporations have a substantial amount of control over the fate of the citizens. The citizens’ power is limited due to this relationship. Although Tendeka fears disconnection, he enlists the help of Toby to protest against the government through a variety of methods. Most of these methods require the technological assistance of Lerato, a computer programmer who works for a major corporation.

While Tendeka tries to change the way society works, Kendra is sponsored by a corporation. She consented to having nanobots injected into her body which claims to prevent aging and prevent sickness. The nanotechnology makes her addicted to a soft drink called Ghost. Unlike the other characters, Kendra does not try to fight against the way dystopian society works. She instead takes pictures of what is around her and does not take a stand. However, as the story progresses she is brought into the chaos due to Tendeka's orders from skyward*; an online contact from a game.

Tendeka faithfully follows through believing his actions will provoke change, instead things take a turn for the worst and one begins to wonder who really is in charge. As the mechanics of the government's system is revealed, the true purpose of the government is exposed.

Dexter (comics)

A murder comes to the attention of Dexter and it is linked to a philanthropist group of Miami. Is that just a coincidence or are there any extended roots? On top of that, there are some unsettled accounts between the head of the group and Dexter in the past.

Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot

The evil genius Dr. Jekyll, director of the powerful multinational food company PANTAC which has flooded the world with a large number of pollutants and harmful products, accidentally drinks the "serum of good", turning into a good-natured and placid Mr. Hyde...

Red Blood, Yellow Gold

Confederate Major Lloyd and some accomplices desert with a Gatling gun and a shipment of gold. General Sibley sends Lt. Tennessee Logan, together with three Confederate soldiers about to be executed for theft – horse-thief Ramirez, defrocked priest and dynamite expert Steel Downey, and bank robber Chattanooga Jim. They set up an ambush for Lloyd, but the three others ditch Logan and go for the gold, only to find it snatched by the Mexican Camiseros gang. They ally with Lloyd against the Camiseros and then blow up Lloyd and his men, only to be intercepted by a Union troop led by Logan, who is a Union spy. The heroes manage to exterminate the Union men but are stopped by a Confederate troop led by General Sibley, who had suspected Logan but needed proof. The three are given horses and warned not to show themselves in these parts. When Sibley later hands over the gold to the Mexican army in exchange for weapons the three companions, now dressed in ponchos, suddenly drive off with the wagon, pursued by the Mexicans.

L'assistente sociale tutto pepe

Nadia, a social worker, is sent to a township where she meets strange people that in order to survive commit any sort of thefts and scams, usually without success ...

La portiera nuda

A young woman working as a concierge/maid in an apartment building is accosted by various sex-minded weirdo tenants.

L'altra metà del cielo

Don Vincenzo (Adriano Celentano), a priest sent in a mining village in Australia, seeks to redeem the Sicilian Susanna (Monica Vitti), aka Susy ...

Grandi magazzini

Various characters and stories intertwine inside the Grandi Magazzini store.

Evaristo Mazzetti is a cleaner at the department store. As a favour to his friend De Rossi, he agrees to replace him as a clerk in the sanitary department, not knowing that the man owes 30 million Italian lira to a loan shark named Puccio and that De Rossi is actually the son of the engineer Gruber, owner of the G.M. During the day, Evaristo is visited several times by the debt collector sent by Puccio to collect the debt: at each appearance, he causes several bone fractures. As chance would have it, Helena, wife of Dr Umberto Anzellotti, head of personnel, has discovered that Gruber's son is working under a false name as a clerk in the sanitary department. Having revealed this to her husband, the woman leads him to believe that this son is Mazzetti himself; so between an invitation to lunch and an attempt at seduction by the woman, a meeting with Evaristo's father is arranged. The surprise arrival of the engineer Gruber leads to other misunderstandings that cause Evaristo's dismissal, until he is reinstated by De Rossi himself, who in the meantime has paid off his gambling debt.

The manager of the G.M., despotic and always and only focused on his work, after having treated his secretary, Miss Romano, coldly all day long, mends his ways at the end of the day by inviting her first to dinner and then to his house.

Corrado Minozzi is a security guard at the department store. Called to order by the manager for negligence, he promises not to let more than one thief get away, but in the course of the day he first has a bicycle stolen from under his eyes by a shoplifter, then a radio, a woman's dress and finally lets a couple get away who never buy anything but steal the trolleys.

Fausto Valsecchi is a home delivery man at a department store. During the day, harassed by the shipping manager, he finds himself involved in various situations: a doorman won't let him use the lift to transport a television set, a Great Dane ends up attacking him, an inconsolable widow wants to keep him for lunch and a quarrelsome couple involve him in an argument. At the end of the day he accepts the offer of a homosexual engineer, to whom he has made his last delivery, to take the place of his partner Mimì who has abandoned him, taking revenge on his shipping manager.

Nicola Abatecola is a beggar with a false leg who, together with his daughter Assunta, works as a street musician at the entrance to the department store. Despite his situation, Nicola does not feel sorry for himself, but rather smiles at life, selling what he defines as a rare commodity, cheerfulness, to the customers of the department store, and he even manages to obtain a generous donation from the manager.

Marco Salviati is an actor on his twilight years, an alcoholic and in financial difficulty. He accepts his agent Simoni's offer to shoot a commercial for the department store for a million lire salary. During filming, Salviati continually tries to drink alcohol on the sly, until he gets drunk on champagne in the meeting room. Brought back to the set by production secretary Bonanni, he angers the director by constantly changing his lines. In order to save his friend's face, Simoni obtains to let him shoot the commercial without film, promising the director to find a free substitute; Salviati this time plays the commercial perfectly, but when he is asked to shoot another one for safety he refuses, then making the noble gesture of offering champagne to the crew with his pay.

Antonio Borazzi is a lout from Cantalupo in Sabina, the lucky winner of a shopping voucher to spend at the G.M., to the tune of 500,000 Italian lira. He entrusts his choice of goods to Miss Carla Marchi and after spending the whole day in the supermarkets, unable to find any goods to spend the precise amount he has won, he finally opts for a night with the attractive saleswoman.

Turati and Nardini are two prisoners convicted of fraud who, having just been released from prison, try to pull off a scam against the GMs, passing off one of them as a German-made humanoid robot that they would like to sell to the purchasing manager, Dr. Tucci. Tucci, however, decides to have the article examined by an expert in marketing for children, his son Carletto, who subjects Turati to a series of tests.

Roberto, a G.M. salesman, is madly in love with Ornella Muti, to whom he writes every day. Surprisingly, the actress herself appears at the G.M.'s to meet him and to convince him that the right woman for him is his ex-girlfriend Luisa. Shortly afterwards, Roberto realises he has been dreaming, but decides to follow Muti's advice anyway and returns with Luisa, who happens to look exactly like the well-known actress.

A very short-sighted customer loses her contact lenses and gets lost in the G.M.; after a thousand vicissitudes she finally believes she has made it home, but in reality the bedroom she is in is in the furniture department.

There are also other stories and sketches. A voyeur pays a boilermaker to see up the skirts of customers entering the shop through a grille, even making him raise his skirt like Marilyn Monroe in the movie ''The Seven Year Itch''. A mannequin dresser mistakes a real woman for a mannequin and leaves her shirtless. A saleswoman in the cosmetics department tries on lipstick on her hand to show it to a customer, who leaves without buying anything. In the end it turns out that the saleswoman tested the lipsticks on an artificial hand.

A customer tries out a Japanese voice-controlled car and ends up telling her off for talking too much. The car responds in kind. A customer interviewed for an advertisement for Push detergent complains that her white blouse was blue before she washed it. A customer with stings on his face asks for an insecticide against wasps and a salesman shows him one that makes a scooter of the same name crash to the ground. A black customer asks the reception desk where the 'white fair' is (the post-Christmas sales on underwear, a great classic of the period). A lady takes a packet of condoms, saying that this will enable her daughter's boyfriend to give her a proof of love. The daughter, very ugly, turns around and tells her mother that she doesn't have a boyfriend.

In the integral version there is also a parody of the Motta Tartufone commercial, widely broadcast in those years, this time using the precious vegetable; again in the integral version, a shop assistant tests the functioning of some products, among which a hair dryer and a dildo. A customer wants to buy a reversed sheepskin jacket and the salesman presents him with a live sheep. In the uncut version of the film other customers ask for similar clothes and the salesman shows them all the same sheep. When a customer asks for a sheep, he says he doesn't have any more.

Il tenente dei carabinieri

The Lieutenant of carabinieri Duilio Cordelli often quarrels with his Commander Colonel Vinci. When the two must investigate two murders suspect, Duilio discovers that a gang of thieves plan to cover a major bank heist in Rome with a traffic of counterfeit notes.

The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears

''The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears'' is about an Ethiopian immigrant, Sepha Stephanos, who owns a small grocery store. Stuck between two identities — that of his Ethiopian roots, and that of his American immigrant status — he connects almost immediately with Naomi, a half-black 11-year-old, who moves with her mother, Judith McMasterson, to Logan Circle, the small, run-down neighborhood where Stephanos lives. This is rather remarkable, considering Judith is the first white person to live there: "Before Judith, these were the only reasons white people had ever come into the neighborhood: to deliver official notices, investigate crimes and check up on the children of negligent parents", but demonstrates the creeping effects of "urban renewal" or "gentrification".

Because of the dreadful events of his past and the melancholy status of his present, Stephanos is frozen in time, unable to make any progressive steps. He often plays a game with his friends, Congo Joe and Ken the Kenyan, in which they name the many coups of Africa and when they reigned, which demonstrates an unrewarding, nonsensical nostalgia for the place they once called home. Joe clarifies, "when the coup stops…so will the game" which, from what we see, is a long time coming. Stephanos’ efforts to define himself are somewhat lackluster: although he has lived in America for 17 years, he has shown little growth or signs of assimilation besides his move from "Little Ethiopia", an apartment building in Silver Spring where Ethiopians maintain their lifestyle and culture, and the founding of his less-than-profitable business. Even in his relationship with Judith, he refuses to take action, besides a kiss that is less of a kiss and more of a "pressing", as he describes it. Although there are many rather substantial plot developments — from the eviction notice of the store to the escalation of violence against Judith — Stephanos stays resistant to change and growth throughout.

Trading Christmas

Three years after her husband died, Emily Spengler (Faith Ford), a 2nd grade teacher in the small Washington town of South Woodbourne, is preparing for the arrival of her daughter, Heather (Emma Lahana), who is attending school at Boston College. When Emily finds out that her daughter wishes to do other things for Christmas, she calls her friend, Faith Kerrigan (Gabrielle Miller), for advice. Faith is a divorced event planner based in San Francisco. Meanwhile in Boston, Charles Johnson (Tom Cavanagh), an English professor and writer, is working on the finishing draft for his latest novel. He is struggling to finish his book after missing several deadlines, and so his brother, Ray Johnson (Gil Bellows), the owner of a software security company, suggests he get away and find some place to concentrate on his writing. Meanwhile in Washington, Emily decides to surprise her daughter in Boston, although she is unaware that her daughter has already made plans to go with her boyfriend, Jason (Andrew Francis), to Phoenix, Arizona, and stay at the home of his grandparents.

Emily and Charles find each other on a house swapping website and trade houses for the week. Charles arrives in Washington to discover Emily's home full of Christmas decor, despite his bad memories of a previous Christmas. Emily arrives at Charles' apartment in Boston and discovers her daughter had gone to Phoenix after talking to her on the phone. Meanwhile, Emily's friend Faith takes a plane and bus to surprise her friend in Washington, only to discover that Charles is there. Because the bus back to Seattle does not leave until Christmas, she stays at Emily's house, much to Charles' dismay. Meanwhile, in Boston, Emily triggers the apartment alarm and Ray arrives with a police officer to discover that his brother took his advice, but did not tell him. He meets Emily and offers to show her around and take her to dinner.

Over the course of the week Emily and Ray spend a lot of time together, revealing their past Christmas memories. In Washington, Charles struggles to finish his book, until Faith reads the draft to his manuscript, and makes suggestions. Charles, at first, is reluctant to take her advice, but eventually does, and is able to break his writer's block to finish his novel. Meanwhile, in Arizona, Jason notices how homesick Heather is, and so he buys plane tickets to Boston so she can spend Christmas with her mother. After Heather arrives in Boston, Ray gives Emily a pair of earrings as a Christmas present, and since Emily is leaving in a couple of days, decides it would be best to not make things more difficult.

On Christmas Day, Charles drives Faith to the bus station, only to stop the bus because he doesn't want her to spend Christmas on the bus. She is delighted and they kiss as the bus leaves without her. In Boston, Emily, Heather, and Jason arrive at Ray's apartment with a Christmas tree, and the four of them spend Christmas together. Emily learns that Ray finally made a decision and sold his company, as he awaits the next chapter in his life.

One year passes, and it is revealed that Ray and Emily are married, living in Washington. They are visited for Christmas by Faith and Charles, who are now married and expecting a child. The film ends with the characters celebrating Christmas.

Samurai Jack (comics)

''Tales of the Wandering Warrior''

The series is set after the end of the fourth season. Sometime after the events of episode LII, Jack travels through a desert to find a hermit living in a cave, whom he inquires for a way to return to his own time. The hermit reveals that Aku learned his mastery of time travel through an ancient relic known as the Rope of Eons. He studied it, and absorbed its power before destroying it, so others couldn't learn its secrets, although it was possible for one to use the Rope once again if its strands were recovered and assembled together again. Jack embarks on many quests to reassemble the Rope, only to discover that the last strand was in Aku's possession. After Jack fights Aku and manages to take the last strand, Aku responds with a fierce attack that mortally wounds Jack, who is then given a choice to either fully sacrifice the Rope's power to undo the fatal blow, or die. Jack chooses the former, unwilling to lose to Aku, but is forced to escape without accomplishing his goal.

After the Rope was lost, Jack reunites with the Scotsman, only to confront a series of supernatural threats, such as the gender-bending curse of the leprechauns, a villain who can manipulate gravity and an attack on his samurai mentality and focus from Aku himself. He later makes another bid to return to his own time by performing a magic ritual that involved a seer using the spirit of his sword to create a time travel portal, but this backfires and breaks the weapon, leaving Jack unarmed and vulnerable. When Aku learns of the loss of Jack's sword, he stops at nothing to try and finish off Jack by any means necessary, but Jack manages to escape, stay hidden and survive without his weapon.

''Quantum Jack''

In 2017, months after the series was revived and finished with the fifth season, IDW Publishing released a new 5-issue miniseries called ''Quantum Jack'', which takes place between the fourth and fifth seasons and depicts Samurai Jack hopping from one dimension to the next, searching for a way back to his original form as his honor and pride push him forward back to his own time to face Aku one last time. The first issue depicts Jack as the leader of a ruthless biker gang that ambushes a royal convoy. The second issue depicts Jack as a masked luchador. The third issue depicts Jack in a world ruled by monsters known as Krogo, where he teams up with a group of scientists that control a giant battle robot as Jack slowly starts to regain his memory. The fourth issue depicts Jack as a modern day-style business office employee working in a cubicle for Aku. The fifth and final issue finally reveals how and why Jack has been stranded in time as he makes one last gambit to return to his own time. This series was ultimately collected into a trade paperback.

''Lost Worlds''

In 2019, IDW Publishing released a new 4-issue miniseries called ''Lost Worlds'', which also takes place between the fourth and fifth seasons and depicts Samurai Jack emerging from his hermetic life to discover a town ruled by a doppelganger of himself, who's determined to conquer the world and spread Jack's philosophies, teachings and beliefs. However, the two Jacks quickly clash as the true nature of the doppelganger is revealed.

Il marito in collegio

A gas station attendant (Enrico Montesano) falls in love with a Lombard noblewoman (Silvia Dionisio), who agrees to marry him just to get his uncle's inheritance.

Due cuori, una cappella

Aristide receives a rich inheritance of jewelry from his died mother, but when he meets a beautiful redhead at the cemetery, his life changes unexpectedly.

The Boss and the Worker

Gianluca Tosi, owner of a tap factory, is exhausted: the management of the company is an overwhelming task. Both his wife and his mistress have exhausted him. He has run out of energy. One of his workers, Luigi Carminati, is instead a fury: a monster of sexual vigor that has enormous success with women.

Lupin the 3rd (film)

Lupin the 3rd, grandson of the legendary gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, is a member of the international thieves' guild "The Works", which specializes in stealing valuable objects from wealthy owners. Lupin beats his fellow Works members Fujiko Mine (his would-be lover), Pierre (a computer genius) and Jiro to the theft of an ancient Olympic medal in Singapore, but is forced to surrender it to his rival, Michael Lee, when he threatens to kill him and Fujiko. At a meeting of The Works, Fujiko is hailed as the culprit behind the theft (thanks to her machinations), and Thomas Dawson, the leader of the organization and Lupin's mentor, shows them the most valuable item in The Works' possession: the Crimson Heart of Cleopatra, a necklace commissioned by Mark Antony to symbolize his love for the Queen of the Nile. However, a ruby of Cleopatra's intended to complete the necklace is missing. A trio of thugs led by Michael - Royal, Saber and Maria - steal the necklace and kill Jiro and Dawson, apparently in revenge for "Edward Lam", resulting in the disbanding of The Works. Devastated by Dawson's murder, Lupin, Fujiko, Pierre and Daisuke Jigen join forces to find Michael and the necklace.

Within a year, Lupin and Jigen have established themselves as accomplished thieves, but Jigen grows weary of following Fujiko's false leads. While meeting with her, Lupin is turned in to the police in Thailand. He then meets Interpol Inspector Koichi Zenigata, who informs him that Michael, using the alias Georgio Zhang, is arranging a major auction with Momrachiao Pramuk, the chairman of Navarone Security and a crime lord in secret. Zenigata wants Lupin to 'steal' the items that they intend to sell to each other for the police so that he can arrest them; in exchange, Lupin's criminal record will be erased. Lupin begrudgingly accepts, and enlists Goemon Ishikawa XIII into the gang.

Fujiko meets with Michael, who explains that Edward Lam was a member of The Works and a father figure to them both, but after helping Dawson find the Crimson Heart and the accompanying ruby in Egypt, Dawson betrayed and killed him, and Pramuk stole the ruby. Michael intends to buy the ruby to complete the necklace. Lupin, who has been spying on the pair, tells Michael that no matter who wins the auction, he will steal the necklace. At the auction, Michael and Pramuk prepare to sell each other the necklace and the ruby respectively. During the transaction, Pramuk tells Michael that he was a former member of The Works, and killed Lam while trying to kill Dawson. Michael attempts to kill himself and Pramuk before the latter can buy the necklace, but Pramuk reveals that Royal, who (along with Saber and Maria) now works for him, disarmed the explosives. Pramuk buys the ruby for $200 million, and Michael destroys his reward cheque in defeat. Lupin, having listened to Michael and Pramuk's exchange via lip reading technology, calls off the theft to Zenigata's frustration.

Disheartened, Michael offers to join Lupin's gang to steal back the Crimson Heart and ruby from the Ark, Pramuk's stronghold, and is accepted. Lupin and Michael enter the Ark disguised as Zenigata and Commander Narong of the Thai Army, and upload a virus into the Ark's networks in the guise of a calling card from Lupin. Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko attack the Ark's main defenses, defeating Royal, Saber and Maria in the process, while Lupin and Michael, aided by Pierre and Joseph (a hacker), along with prior research made by Goemon, penetrate the security defenses protecting the Crimson Heart. Pramuk traps the pair in the vault, intending to suffocate them. Michael places Lupin in the vault's safe and blows the vault door up, killing himself but saving Lupin. Lupin and the others are handed over by Pramuk to Zenigata and Narong, but they instead arrest Pramuk for his crimes, using the Crimson Heart as evidence. Zenigata then discovers too late that the necklace and ruby given to him by Lupin were fakes.

Later, Lupin unsuccessfully tries to get Fujiko to wear the Crimson Heart, and Zenigata returns to pursue them. Fujiko takes the necklace and escapes while Lupin and Jigen escape together in their Fiat 500.

Powder Town

Young J. Quincy Pennant is a brilliant but absent-minded scientist who is experimenting with an explosive method which directs a shock wave past obstructions to impact a distant target. He is sent to a rapidly growing "powder town" being developed around an arsenal and munitions factory where population growth has attracted criminals, foreign spies and saboteurs.

Pennant is placed in a boarding house where he is the only male sharing with five female entertainers who work at a local casino run by gangsters. The rambunctious and physically imposing Jeems O'Shea, head of the powder monkeys at the factory, and his sycophant Billy arrive at the house. O'Shea plays rough with the ladies, chasing them around the boarding house and playfully molesting them. Pennant gives O'Shea a casual punch, putting him off-balance and tumbling down the stairwell—knocking him out cold, to everyone's amazement.

When Pennant reports to the factory, he formally meets O'Shea who at first is surprised that Pennant is not the giant he thought he was. He attempts to intimidate Pennant who is too absent-minded to understand the threats. O'Shea perceives this as nonchalant courage, a highly respected quality among munitions workers. As Pennant develops his shock-wave explosive concept, he is given his own pistol and assigned O'Shea as a bodyguard.

Pennant falls in love with Sally Dean who also lives at the boarding house. Unknown to him, she has been paid by the gangster boss, Oliver Lindsay, to steal the explosive formula.

Things come to a head when O'Shea takes the naive Pennant out for a night on the town. The muddleheaded scientist is oblivious to several assassination and abduction attempts by enemy agents. O'Shea takes this as a display of coolness. Pennant is introduced to his first alcoholic drink, after which he breaks the bank at the casino, winning $900 and the admiration of all the women. The gangsters start a brawl in order to attack Pennant and retrieve their money but O'Shea demolishes both them and the casino.

Dr Wayne, who runs the munitions factory, threatens to fire Pennant when he finds out that Pennant has been gambling and involved with the "gay" women at the casino but Pennant insists he wants to at least continue to see Sally, to whom he has given the secret formula to for safe-keeping.

During this time the enemy agents as well as Lindsay continue efforts to obtain Pennant's formula. The gangsters go looking for Pennant at the factory but find O'Shea in the way. They attempt to blow up the factory and set a 5-minute timer with explosives on a cart inside the dynamite room after they bind O'Shea and Pennant. They flee on the arrival of Dr Wayne, the guards and the girls. O'Shea and Pennant are released in time to push the explosives cart down the hill, where it collides with and destroys the getaway car.

The two heroes then return to Dr Wayne and the girls who embrace their men, and the movie ends with them kissing. Dr Wayne is shown the coded formula written on a wall in the office of the factory.

Resolution (film)

Michael Danube, a graphic designer living in the city with his pregnant wife, receives an email containing a video of Chris Daniels, his best friend. Chris, a drug addict, has retreated to a remote rural area and has become delusional and erratic. A map is included with the video. Despite his wife's objections, Michael makes one last attempt to save Chris. He promises to return after one week and follows the map.

At his destination, Michael hears Chris ranting and shooting a pistol. Chris invites Michael in and starts ranting about various subjects. When Chris refuses to go into rehab, Michael subdues him with a stun gun, handcuffs him and goes to a nearby town to shop for supplies. In the morning, Michael staves off an attempted attack from Chris.

Later, Micah and Billy, Michael and Chris' old acquaintances, arrive and ask for their drug, which Chris is holding. After Michael drives them off, Chris warns him against messing with them, as they have become violent and unpredictable. As he takes a walk, Michael meets members of a UFO religion, then returns to the house and finds a set of strange photographs. Micah and Billy return, but Charles, a tribal security guard chases them off. Charles tells Michael that Chris is squatting on reservation land, but accepts Michael's bribe in exchange for letting them stay for five days.

After they discover creepy film footage, Chris denies sending any emails or videos. Michael finds a book full of creepy campfire stories on their doorstep, and, when he returns the book to the library, finds film slides. Confused by the items that seem purposefully left for them to find, Michael suggests that it is a prank by Billy and Micah, which Chris dismisses.

Michael continues to find clues strewn about the area. When he bribes Charles for information, Charles warns him against digging into the past, only saying French students used the area for research. They encounter a con artist who offers to buy the house and leaves after Michael says that they are only "renting." Michael re-watches the video he received in the e-mail and finds it has changed, it now shows an argument that Michael and Chris had moments before. Billy and Micah return and kill a dog that Chris had adopted, and Chris reveals that he is suicidal.

Michael tracks down the dog's original owner, an archeologist named Byron, a member of the original French research team. Byron believes the area is not haunted; instead, "something" there desires stories. Byron stresses the need for a beginning, middle, and end. Unnerved by Byron's eccentricity, Michael leaves.

As more clues appear from nowhere, the film projector Michael has been using turns on and projects the gruesome deaths and funeral photos of himself and Chris. Michael's laptop plays a video depicting their deaths at the hands of Micah and Billy. The two flee the house, only to find a CD that has a recording of Charles murdering them and burning down the house. Chris wants to leave the property immediately; Michael, however, does not want to bring the curse home and wants to appease the entity instead. Upon returning to the house, they witness Charles killing Micah and Billy before setting the house on fire. Chris and Michael panic; Chris breaks down and finally agrees to go to rehab. Their joy over achieving a happy ending to their story is abruptly cut short when the entity angrily confronts them. Chris apologizes profusely, and Michael asks the entity, "Can we try it another way?" The only reply he gets is an explosive roar from the creature.

Las Bravo

Las Bravo is the story of Valentina Bravo and her three daughters – rich, privileged and prejudiced women who see her fall when the patriarch of the house dies. Leaving exorbitant debts, the four women will be forced to be evicted from their pride and get to work managing a new business, a nightclub for women. The Bravo's will have to learn to get along with a group of male strippers who are just as desperate to survive. Along the way, the Bravo's will learn about independence, to find themselves and find love.

My Scene: Jammin' in Jamaica

Madison is manager of a band called Urban Desire, which is made up of the four male characters. When the band wins a contest, they make a trip to Jamaica for the finals, but Barbie, Nolee, and Chelsea are left behind so they decide to raise the money to travel to Jamaica. After all the characters arrive in Jamaica, Barbie feels left out as her boyfriend, the lead guitarist, begins spending more time with Madison. This causes a rift between the friends but is eventually resolved.

Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator

Ben Jordan has just graduated from college, and decides to become a paranormal investigator. Shortly after advertising his services, he is called to Florida in order to investigate a series of murders in a national park. Ben learns that the murders were believed to have been caused by a sasquatch known as the skunk ape.

After successfully solving his first case, he soon receives a call from a distraught woman whose husband has gone missing after searching for gold from a lost Spanish galleon that was rumored to be buried in the Salton Sea.

Shortly after returning from his second case, Ben is called to Smailholm, a small village in Scotland, to investigate the murder of two children which was said to have been the work of witches.

As Ben's reputation is growing, he receives a call to come to London, England to investigate a mysterious house known as Number 50, which was said to be haunted by the victims of a horrific incident that happened there 150 years prior. Ben discovers that he is only one of five paranormal investigators that have been called to investigate, and soon finds himself working with others for the first time in his career.

Ben becomes friends with two of the other number 50 investigators, Alice Wilkins and Simon Booth. He accompanies them to Osaka, Japan to investigate the mysterious deaths of important company managers which are believed to be caused by zombies.

After solving their second case together, the trio decides to take a vacation in Greece. Once there, however, Ben learns about Sea People which are said to drag villagers in Agia Anna down into the ocean to eat them. He decides to investigate, without letting his companions know of his plans.

After Ben's sixth case, he spends Christmas with his family in Philadelphia. Afterward, he is called to Rome by an actor who killed a priest, but claims that he only did so because he was possessed by a demon. While investigating, Ben discovers a secret organization known as the Knights of St. Anthony, and also learns about a plot which threatens his future.

After the tragic events in Rome, things look bleak for Ben. However, he soon learns secrets which allow him to confront the mad man behind the plot.