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The Precarious Bank Teller

Arturo De Fanti is an accountant with business troubles who tries to help his economically straitened lover by introducing her (in disguise) into the home he shares with his wife. The deception does not succeed.

La ripetente fa l'occhietto al preside

Italy, 1980. After some breaks, Angela Pastorelli, daughter of a wealthy industrialist, resumed interrupted studies. Among the classmates there is the handsome Carlo Lucignani whom the girl wants to hang up, but Carlo received from his father, a Pastorelli employee, the ban to date Angela.

Where Are You Going on Holiday?

The film is divided into three episodes.

''Sarò tutta per te''

Enrico intends to recover the loving relationship with his ex-girlfriend Giuliana. She agrees and the two go in the house of her, but all of a sudden Enrico realizes he is not alone. In fact the young friends of Giuliana have reached the villa in the evening and plan many evening parties: typical of the flower children of that period. Enrico, on the threshold of fifty, feels him excluded and displaced, completely alien to the new juvenile behavior and his only instinct is to make love with Giuliana. When she agrees exasperated the poor Enrico blatantly fails to satisfy her in an embrace and so their relationship breaks down again.

''Sì buana''

Arturo finds employment as an improvised tour guide for a cheap travel agency, where he works under the assumed name "Wilson" to hide his Italian roots. During an organized safari, he is approached by one of the clients, a wealthy businessman named Colombi, who bribes Wilson to illegally procure a lion for him to hunt. Though initially reluctant, Wilson is eventually persuaded by Colombi's trophy wife, who also tries to convince him to shoot her husband under the appearance of a hunting accident, in exchange for a share of her insurance money. Wilson's plan is to take Colombi to a lion who died of its own, making him believe he killed it himself; however, the carcass attracts a living lion, which attacks the group. In the commotion, Colombi is fatally shot by his wife.

The episode is delivered in a flashback as a drunken Wilson tells the whole story to a well-mannered gentleman, who turns out to be the insurance agent investigating Colombi's death. Having inadvertently confessed to the whole ruse, Wilson loses the promised insurance share as well as Colombi's bribe.

''Le vacanze intelligenti''

The simpletons greengrocers Remo and Augusta are convinced by their three sons to embark on a tour that includes visits to Italy in museums, churches, theaters and places of modern art. The two don't want this, but they're so proud of the professional skills of their children who decide to deal with this sacrifice. So Augusta and Remo set out on an Etruscan necropolis and then to many other destinations to Venice Biennale, not understanding anything about modern art or futurists concerts. Remo and Augusta however are increasingly convinced that the children have decided this trip for their own good, and so they continue until the two get fed up and decide to go back to their old life. Back home, they discover that the furniture is completely changed and has become exactly like that of the modern houses of the hippies of the Seventies. The two simpletons, while regretting the past dear, also accept this deprivation.

Tiempos compulsivos

Tiempos compulsivos happens in a therapeutic space that houses outpatients with severe compulsions, some associated with pathologies in the psychiatric environment. The experienced Dr. Ricardo Buso (Fernán Mirás) will be in charge of a group of people with ailments of various kinds, Inés Alonso (Carla Peterson) compulsive to accumulation, obsessive of order and with eating disorders, Teresa Guglietti (Gloria Carrá) she has multiple personalities, always bidding to prevail over one another, Esteban Soldeyra (Rodrigo de la Serna) a mythomaniac psychopath but with an overwhelming lucidity, Gerardo Romero (Guillermo Arengo) workaholic and constant connectivity and Sofía Muntabski (Pilar Gamboa) she has her body plagued with wounds and scars that she inflicts herself to dull deeper pains. In daily group meetings, Ricardo will try to alleviate the discomfort that afflicts his patients, along with his faithful colleague and friend, Ezequiel Lambert (Juan Minujín) and a new doctor who joins this multidisciplinary work the psychologist Julieta Despeyroux (Paola Krum) This team of professionals will make them face their fears, their anguishes and desires, being the axis of their own dramas and, sometimes, the reflection or multiplication of the trauma of the other. In some moments, the therapists will observe them through the mirrored glass of the Chamber of Gesell, without this meaning that on one side there are the healthy and on the other the sick, doctors also suffer and will have to fight against their "own ghosts” similar to those that alter the well-being of their patients.

The Princess and the Queen

When King Viserys I Targaryen dies, his widow Queen Alicent has their eldest son Prince Aegon crowned King Aegon II before Viserys' daughter Rhaenyra, the only surviving child of his first marriage, can claim the Iron Throne herself. Though Rhaenyra is the king's oldest child and had been named his successor years before, Alicent and her supporters declare Rhaenyra unfit to rule and argue that, as a woman, Rhaenyra should be placed after Alicent's own male children in the line of succession. After Rhaenyra declares herself Queen at the Targaryen ancestral seat of Dragonstone, her middle son Lucerys Velaryon and King Aegon's younger brother Aemond take their dragons to seek the support of Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm's End. However, Lucerys and his dragon are killed there. Rhaenyra's husband Prince Daemon has Aegon II's son and heir Jaehaerys murdered in revenge. Soon both branches of the Targaryen royal line are at war, with dragons on both sides. The people of King's Landing, tired of the constant conflict and fear of dragons destroying their city, storm the Dragonkeep, destroying it and a large portion of the dragon population in Westeros. Eventually, all of Rhaenyra's children, except for Aegon and Viserys, are killed and she herself is captured by Aegon II and fed to his dragon, Sunfyre, though the war continues.

Il paramedico

Mario Miglio, a penniless nurse, accidentally wins a Fiat Argenta. The new machine helps him to conquer Vittoria, the beautiful wife of the banker Pinna, but it also causes him several troubles, as terrorists steal it: for a misunderstanding, Mario himself is mistaken for one of them.

The Comic Artist and His Assistants

Manga author Yūki Aito is an incredibly perverted man whose main loves and desires is to love everyone close to him and draw panties. His assistant, Ashisu, is constantly put into awkward situations and is forced to cope with Aito's shenanigans.

The Saga of Shadows

Twenty years after the Elemental War, humanity is governed by the benevolent Confederation, and relations with the alien Ildirans have returned to their pre-war harmony. But the malevolent Klikiss robots are plotting their revenge from exile, and soon find an ally in the ancient Shana Rei, the destructive personification of darkness and chaos which has awakened from millennia of slumber to destroy all sentient life in the universe.

Frankenstein's Monster (video game)

The player character has to "make his way through the ghoulish castle of Dr. Frankenstein," where he "must prevent him from completing his creation." The player must "gather stones from the dungeon and bring them to the tower where [he] must build a barricade around ''Frankenstein's monster'' before he has accumulated enough energy to come alive," which he does using the so-called "Power Probe," a device absorbing energy from an electrical storm.

The Kill List

Several random mid-level authority figures in the United States and Great Britain are brutally murdered by Muslim extremists, all of whom seem to have been radicalized by the online sermons of a mysterious veiled man known only as "the Preacher". Perplexed by his unknown origins and his flawless command of the English language, the U.S. government soon places him on the Kill List, a list approved by the U.S. President and his senior advisors of individuals who are to be eliminated as soon as possible.

The agency charged with finding and killing the people on the list is the Technical Operations Support Activity or TOSA. It soon dispatches its best headhunter, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel known to most only as "the Tracker" (who also has a personal agenda in this matter, as his father was murdered by one of the Preacher's assassins), to discover the Preacher's identity and eliminate him.

The Tracker's investigations are slow to progress until he recruits a young and very skilled aspyish computer hacker he codenames "Ariel" to act as his tech support. Ariel traces the digital signatures of the Preacher's sermons to find him somewhere in Somalia, but the Tracker realises that the Preacher must have an ally in England to broadcast his sermons from and act as a middleman between the Preacher and his followers: the Tracker's investigation into the Preacher's history uncovers a pickle mogul who is a childhood friend of the Preacher, and Ariel obtains his IP address to focus on the Preacher's location. Further investigations go nowhere until the Mossad reveals to TOSA that they have a Falasha agent codenamed "Opal" in Somalia who they can use to get close to the Preacher.

Meanwhile, a band of Somali pirates belonging to another clan of Muslim extremists headed by a sadistic sheikh, capture a Swedish cargo ship. Onboard, the son of the ship's owner is working as a sailor under a fake identity. The sadistic sheikh takes the Swedish boy to torture him.

When more of the Preacher's sermons result in further violent shootings, the Tracker tracks down a film crew, a skilled impressionist, and a comedian who somewhat resembles the Preacher, whom he uses to create a fake video showing the Preacher exposing himself as a fraud (Ariel having mirrored the Preacher's channel). The video has the desired effect: the Preacher is unsettled and attempts to flee, allowing Ariel to follow both him and Opal via satellite.

The Preacher buys the Swedish boy from the sadistic sheikh, intending to personally behead him on his next livestream to make his followers believe in him again. The exchange is to take place in the desert. The Tracker, who has followed the exchange through Ariel's input, parachutes in the vicinity of the exchange with a British Army Pathfinder Platoon and they successfully rescue both Opal and the Swedish boy, killing all the extremists from both clans: the Tracker personally kills the Preacher in a knife-fight.

The Band (film)

The film takes place in Israel 1968 during the War of Attrition. An army entertainment troupe (based on the Nahal troupe), perform comedy and singing acts to the Israeli soldiers in combat zones to boost morale. At the beginning of the film, three departing members of the troupe perform an old Broadway-style song. The next day, auditions, led by the director Paul Aviv (Tuvia Tzafir) are held for the three new members. The three chosen members are the forward Giora Datner (Gidi Gov), the nerdy Jerry Lewis-type Bazooka (Meir Suissa), and the beautifully talented Noa (Dafana Armoni). As part of the welcome wagon, the veteran members give the new recruits the silent treatment by playing practical jokes on them.

During a rehearsal, Leicht, the assistant musical director randomly gives Noa a solo that the troupe's prima donna member, Yaffa (Smadar Brenner), initially sings. As Noa amazes everyone in the rehearsal hall, Yaffa storms out of the room. When Datner and Bazooka learn about the new recruit welcome wagon tradition, they decide to get revenge by playing practical jokes back on the veteran troupe members. On their first performance, Yaffa and the troupe's shorty male diva Doron receive electric shocks when touching wet microphones, Shuka, the drummer gets his drums destroyed, Moni, the keyboard player gets powder puffing out of his keyboard, and the audience find it to be hilarious, thinking it was part of the act.

The next day, Doron with Moni and Shuka spread dog poop all over Datner's bus seat. When Datner sees the messy seat, he faints. After the seat is cleaned, he suddenly winks at Moni's girlfriend and featured soloist Micki (Liron Nirgad), who begins to have a secret liking for him. The bus brings the troupe from show to show, making stops at cafes in between.

Along the journey, the troupe's male lead singer Dani (Sassi Kesshet) and Yaffa's girlfriend, the commander Moti (Doval'e Glickman) both have a love for Noa, which initially causes them to feud. The timid Bazooka gets a crush on Dani's girlfriend, Orli (Chelli Goldenberg), while Datner gives Bazooka lessons on how to develop relationships.

The morning following another show, Datner and Bazooka perform another prank on the veteran members by putting themselves in harnesses in a bathroom pretending they committed suicide. As the veteran members' see the 2 members hung, they are met with horror. However at a certain cue, Datner and Bazooka begin to start yelling freaking everyone in the bathroom out.

Following a performance at an Israeli Independence day party, Datner continues to help shy Bazooka with his relationship lessons by hooking him up with two girls, who later are seen as drunk and begin raping Bazooka. He escapes by jumping of a window knocking over a table of food. Meanwhile, Datner and Micki begin to start a secret romance for each other. It is revealed when Datner dumps two cakes on the faces of Doron and Moni and run off with her. Moni calls off the relationship with Micki.

The next day on the way to a performance, Moti makes an announcement that the troupe will be performing on national television. His announcement causes the troupe to burst into excitement. Later that evening before the performance, Noa is given another solo causing Yaffa to become even more angry at Moti calling off their relationship. Later during the performance, a part of the scenery begins to fall nearly hitting Noa.

Hearing about the fiasco that have been happening with the troupe, Alron, the commanding officer puts them under a strict 48-hour boot camp rehearsal to prepare for the television performance. He warns them that any funny business will cause a major reduction in the troupe.

At the rehearsal, Aviv pushes the troupe really hard by having them try to learn a new song in just 24 hours and having them repeatedly start from the top when a member is off on his or her singing. Later on, Micki becomes extremely tired during a dance rehearsal. Aviv warns her to follow his every command tired or not. Micki refuses to listen and tries to leave but Aviv abruptly grabs her. Just then, Micki pulls a cup of yogurt from Aviv's table and dumps it all over his face, screams at him, and storms out of the rehearsal hall. Because of her behavior, Aviv and Moti put Micki on trial sentencing her to 30 days on probation and a transfer to another army base. Upset by the departure of one of the best members and his girlfriend, an angry Datner rebels out and leads the entire troupe in a strike against Aviv until Micki is brought back. Aviv refuses and heads out to Alron's office to tell him about the fiasco.

Outraged, Alron punishes the entire troupe by announcing that the television appearance is cancelled, and the members will be sent to new army bases. The Troupe is over. Meanwhile, at a lineup to their new bases, Zami, the troupe's electrician stops the moving by dumping two cups of yogurt on himself exclaiming to Aviv, "It's only Yogurt!" Everyone laughs including Aviv and Alron who both come to their senses. Since the television appearance has not yet been cancelled, Aviv commands everyone including Micki to get to rehearsal. Everyone cheers and is happy again. At the end of the film, The Troupe is seen performing live on television singing a song of peace and inviting the audience to join them on stage.

Run (British TV series)

The series reveals the interconnectedness of apparently separate lives, through the stories of four people faced with choices in a world where survival is never a given.

UQ Holder!

Tōta Konoe, the grandson of Negi Springfield, aspires to leave his village and live life in the city of Shin-Tokyo, which has a tower structure rising into space. When he is mortally wounded by a bounty hunter coming after his guardian Yukihime's life, he discovers that he has been made into an immortal vampire by Yukihime, a 700-year-old vampire mage Evangeline A.K. McDowell. Picking up another boy named Kuromaru along the way, they go to a place outside Shin-Tokyo where Yukihime leads a secret society of immortals called UQ Holder.

As the Gods Will

As the Gods Will

During a day at high school, Takahata Shun witnesses the explosion of his teacher's head, after which he and his classmates find themselves forced to play children's games, such as Daruma-san ga koronda, with deadly stakes. With no idea who is behind this mysterious deadly game session, and no way of knowing when it will finally end, the only thing Shun and other students can do is keep trying to win. Numerous games follow, each one with more and more casualties. Shun encounters Takeru Amaya, a muscular and disturbed young boy who takes great pleasure in the events. Despite being polar opposites, they manage to work with each other.

The final volume sees the creator of the games, Kamimaro, launching his final games with all the remaining victors. Shun and Amaya try to kill him with magical "bombs" used for one of the games, but they get wounded by their own weapons and as a result are thrown out, on the verge of death, for trying to cheat God.

As the Gods Will: The Second Series

During the same timeline as the first part, Yasuto Akashi skipped school the day the games began, after having a fight with his best friend, Senichi Aoyama. While his classmates competed in the games at school, Akashi and other students who skipped school must compete in a separate set of games in order to survive.

After some deadly games and trials (where Aoyama dies after reconciling with Akashi), the two series align when Ushimitsu, one of Akashi's friends, save Shun and Amaya, protagonists of the first series, from their doom after they tried to cheat the "God" of their games.

The god of the second series, Sein Kami, is killed midway through the story, impaled by giant school tools when his sister Acid Mana finds his games to be too "boring". She then takes over the games.

The god of the first series, Kaminokouji Kamimaro, is revealed to be a human fed up with life who was reluctantly given God powers by Mana. He created the games to find another god because he did not want to be God, and wanted to be erased in the new world. He dies together with Shun in Judgment Old Maid, the penultimate game, happy to have finally found a "friend" (Shun).

In the end, Acid Mana is revealed to be a "human" living in the "outside world" and she has created the world where the events of the story take place. Her goal was to find the new god of this world through the games.

The last remaining survivors (Ushimitsu, Akashi and Amaya) become gods but realize they cannot bring back all the people who died during the games (only their memories of them, or empty shells/puppets).

The final game between the 3 gods is a dice game where each number gives a number of hits, whereby each hit destroy a memory. Amaya standing as "the god of destruction" (living for himself) loses against Akashi "the god of hope" (living for the others) who dies shortly after, having lost each and every one of his memories, even that of himself.

Ushimitsu, truly loving Akashi, decides to rewind the events at the beginning of the games with him as the god, waiting for Akashi to confront and release him of his loneliness.

As the Gods Will Zero

Mana is in fact Anam, an Earthling from the future, after the Earth has been swallowed up by the Sun. She, along with 99 others, won a lottery that let them board a spaceship to be the only people to escape the death of the Earth. They landed on a sentient planet, which killed all of the adults but granted the five children aboard godlike powers. Three of the children intentionally or unintentionally wish for death and have it granted as a wish. Mana develops her abilities for hundreds of millions of years, until she is able to create a perfectly replicated Earth, allowing her remaining friend to return to his family.

Later, she and Sein Kami, whom she created as a brother, enter the version of the Earth in the "most boring era" and grant Kamimaro his Tomfoolery, thus starting the entire story.

Desert Blood

Ivon Villa, a lesbian professor living in Los Angeles, returns home to El Paso to adopt a baby girl from Cecilia, a Mexican ''maquiladora'' living across the border in Juarez, as well as attend a family reunion. But to her horror, Cecilia turns up dead in the desert, with the baby disemboweled, a victim of the epidemic of homicides of young women from southern Mexico emigrating to the north for better work. Things take a turn for the worse when Ivon's sixteen-year-old sister Irene gets kidnapped while attending a fair in Juarez. The search for her sister leads Ivon to discover a terrifying conspiracy that involves everyone from the Border Patrol to the corrupt ''judicales'' in Juarez.

The Walking Dead: The Fall of the Governor

Part one

Along with a few other Woodbury survivors Lilly Caul and Caesar Martinez are on a supply run. During the run Lilly is attracted to a fellow survivor, Austin Ballard. They gather supplies from a warehouse but their supply run is interrupted by attacking zombies. Luckily they manage to escape unharmed. On their way back to Woodbury they see a crashing helicopter and decide to investigate. The pilot is already dead when they find the helicopter, but a passenger named Christina has survived. They make it back to Woodbury where Christina is treated by Dr. Stevens who warns her not to trust the Governor. When the Governor arrives he asks her who she is. Christina refuses to answer his questions and he threatens her. Finally she decides to tell the truth. She used to be a journalist in Atlanta and she was holed up in a TV station along with some other survivors. When the supplies ran low people turned on each other and Christina and the pilot, a cameraman named Mike, escaped using the chopper. Before they left the station a fellow survivor tampered with the engine, causing it to crDr. Stevens' words she confronts the Governor and he chokes her to death. The Governor and his henchmen Gabe and Bruce visit Dr. Stevens and threaten him. His safety is only guaranteed at the moment because he is the only doctor, but he can be replaced easily if another doctor arrives.

After leaving Stevens, they notice Martinez who informs them about three new arrivals (who are revealed to be Rick, Glenn and Michonne). The Governor decides to give them a tour. Meanwhile, Lilly is trying to teach Austin to survive and the two fall in love. Austin gets injured during training and they rush to the infirmary, where they notice an injured Governor. The Governor tells them the new arrivals attacked him and he had to chop off the leader's (Rick's) hand. While Rick is at the infirmary, Glenn and Michonne are locked up in two storage rooms. The Governor rapes and beats up Michonne regularly. When her relationship with Austin becomes more serious Lilly discovers she is pregnant and Austin is the father.

One day an arena fighter named Harold Abernathy is killed by a vengeful opponent named Eugene Cooney. Because the Governor has a show planned later that day he forces Michonne to fight Eugene in the arena. During the fight Michonne decapitates Eugene using her katana, which upsets the audience. The Governor discovers that Rick, Glenn and Michonne live in a prison and he wants to find out where the prison is. He enlists Martinez to gain Rick's trust and help them escape, so he can find the prison.

Martinez succeeds to convince Rick that they are on the same side. He helps him escape and frees Glenn and Michonne. When they flee Dr. Stevens and his assistant Alice join them. Outside Woodbury Stevens is bitten and killed by a zombie. Meanwhile, Michonne goes back to The Governor's apartment for revenge. She knocks him out and ties him up. She proceeds to torture him by mutilating his penis, cutting off his right arm and removing his left eye using a spoon. Then she leaves him for dead and escapes. The first part ends when Gabe and Bruce find the Governor and Austin and Lilly, not knowing what happened to the Governor, finally feel safe and optimistic under the Governor's rule.

Part two

With Dr. Stevens gone Bob Stookey has to treat the Governor's injuries and keeps him in a coma. Outside Woodbury Lilly discovers Dr. Stevens, who has turned into a walker and kills him. Back inside Lilly notices the Governor's absence and talks to Gabe. He brings her to the Governor, who is still in a coma. Along with some other Woodbury residents she manages to keep Woodbury running. After the Governor wakes up he speaks to her. He tells her that Martinez' escape was part of a plan to discover the prison's location. Because Martinez has been gone for a week, the Governor asks Lilly to find him.

She organises a search party and they find Martinez, who was killed and has turned into a walker. They cut off his head and bring it to the Governor as proof. Later that night The Governor makes his first public appearance in Woodbury after his attack. He shows the people of Woodbury Martinez' head and tells them that Rick's group killed Martinez and Dr. Stevens. He tells them that they should strike first to protect themselves. During his speech Lilly notices the Governor is lying and starts to doubt his leadership. Shortly afterwards Lilly's stress causes a miscarriage.

A group of Woodbury residents led by Bruce are on a supply run to a nearby National Guard station searching for weapons, but they encounter several members of Rick's group. Rick's people kill all of them, except for Bruce, who is barely alive. When the Governor arrives he shoots Bruce in the head to prevent reanimation and tells his people to follow the tracks to find the prison. They find the prison, but the Governor orders them not to attack yet. They have to wait until the guard of the prison group is down.

After a few weeks the Governor and a group of Woodbury soldiers march towards the prison. Among the vehicles is a tank. They attack first, but the prison group fends off the attack and a lot of Woodbury soldiers are killed. After they retreat they are attacked by two prison group residents: Michonne and Tyreese. While Michonne manages to escape, Tyreese is captured and Michonne's katana is confiscated. The next morning the Governor goes to the prison gate and tells Rick to leave the prison. Otherwise he will kill Tyreese. The prison group do not respond and the Governor decapitates Tyreese using Michonne's katana. Back at camp the Governor tells the Woodbury soldiers that the prison people killed their own man so the Governor could not use him to take over the prison.

Michonne returns and attacks again. While failing to kill the Governor she steals her sword back. The Woodbury soldiers attack again, but are repelled by grenades. Gabe is killed by a prison resident, who attacks them from outside. The Governor uses his tank to destroy the prison fences and the Woodbury soldiers invade the prison, searching for survivors to kill. They see three people trying to flee and kill two of them, while the third one surrenders. Then another group of survivors, led by Rick tries to escape and Alice is with them. Alice is shot in the leg and the Governor shoots her in the head. The Governor sees Rick Grimes and his family fleeing the prison and orders Lilly to shoot them down. Lilly shoots and kills one of the remaining survivors. She then quickly realizes that the woman was carrying a baby, who was also struck by the bullet and subsequently crushed when the woman fell. The Governor kills the man who surrendered. Lilly realizes what kind of monster the Governor is and starts arguing with the Governor. Meanwhile, a group of walkers, attracted by the gunfire, invade the prison.

Lilly shoots the Governor in the head, which distracts the walkers temporarily. The remaining Woodbury soldiers flee into the prison. Austin reveals that he has been bitten by a walker and distracts the walkers so the rest of the survivors can flee the prison, but he is killed. Upon returning to Woodbury Lilly becomes the new leader. She kills Penny, the Governor's zombified niece and all the walker heads the Governor kept in fish tanks. The novel ends when a group of new survivors, looking for shelter, arrives.

Rites of Spring (film)

Rachel Adams and her friend Alyssa Miller work for Ryan Hayden. Rachel is responsible for losing an important client, but she allows Ben Geringer to take the fall. Feeling guilty, she goes out to drink with Alyssa and resolves to come clean. Before she can, she and Alyssa are kidnapped by a man known only as the Stranger. The Stranger takes them to his barn, where he strings them up and demands to know if they're clean. Confused and scared, the women do not know how to answer him; this only intensifies when he takes a blood sample from both women and gives it to a strange creature kept in a locked hole. The Stranger strips Alyssa naked, gives her a sponge bath, puts a goat mask on her head, and takes her away. Rachel frees herself, but she is too late to save Alyssa, who has been decapitated. Rachel assaults the Stranger, who warns her not to let the creature free, and flees the barn in a panic. Freed, the creature pursues her.

Meanwhile, Ben Geringer and his wife Amy have fallen on hard times, as Hayden has fired him. Ben recruits his wife, his brother Tommy, and his acquaintance Paul Nolan to ransom Hayden's daughter. Ben distrusts Paul, but Paul has an inside person that they need. The kidnapping goes off without any problems, but Paul deviates from the plan: he murders Hayden's wife and takes nanny Jessica hostage. When Tommy goes to collect the ransom money from Hayden, Hayden in turn takes Tommy hostage. Hayden forces Tommy to take him to the others and attempts to use Tommy as leverage to regain his daughter. However, when Hayden frees Jessica, she shoots him dead and reveals herself as Paul's accomplice. Paul and Jessica announce that they are taking all the money; Tommy protests, and Paul kills him. Before Paul can finish off Ben and Amy, Rachel bursts in and begs for help. At the same time, Hayden's daughter escapes through a window, never to be seen again.

The creature enters and kills Jessica. Paul takes Rachel hostage and attempts to leave with the money; however, the creature kills him and stalks Rachel. Amy suggests that she and Ben just leave, but Ben refuses to abandon Rachel. Amy reluctantly joins him, and they discover the Stranger's house. When they find his mementos and a wall covered in news clippings of missing women, they attempt to leave, but the Stranger captures them both and prepares them for the creature. Amy is taken away, but before the Stranger can prepare Ben for sacrifice, Rachel rescues him. Together, Ben and Rachel search for Amy, only to find her moments before the creature decapitates her. Ben tosses Rachel his car keys and demands that she flee. Rachel sets a trap for the creature, but she accidentally kills Ben instead. She gets in the car and drives off, where she stops at a gas station. Rachel begs for the store owner for help, but thinking she's insane, doesn't believe her and turns off the lights. Rachel finally makes a last stand in her car: she slices the creature with its own axe and leaves it for dead.

The Voorman Problem

Dr. Williams (played by Martin Freeman) is hired by Governor Bentley (Simon Griffiths) to work as a prison psychiatrist after "The War in the East" has produced a doctor shortage. Williams is informed about the Voorman problem; a prisoner named Voorman (Tom Hollander) is convinced that he is a god and has convinced the rest of the prisoners who spend all day chanting in worship. It is unclear what Voorman's crime is due to a computer malfunction.

Williams interviews a straitjacketed Voorman in a locked room in the prison. Voorman calmly explains that he is a god, and that he created the world exactly nine days ago. When the Doctor objects, Voorman suggests a test of his powers. He will eliminate Belgium as proof he is a god.

At home a frustrated Wiliams tells his wife about the case. He laughingly brings the claim that Voorman will eliminate Belgium. His wife is confused, having no idea what Belgium is. Williams attempts to show her Belgium in an atlas but finds it is gone and replaced with a body of water called "Walloon Lagoon."

Back at the prison, Williams is baffled by the lack of any evidence of Belgium, but refuses to believe in Voorman's divinity. Voorman expresses his exhaustion with being a god and suggests the two switch places. In a flash the two have switched places, Voorman dressed as the well dressed doctor, and Williams disheveled and in a straitjacket. Williams calls for the guards and Voorman starts to leave stating that it is no use. As he leaves, Voorman advises Williams to "watch North Korea."

Voorman leaves the room as the sounds of the prisoners chanting get louder.

State of Emergency (2011 film)

After a chemical plant explodes, the military quarantines the surrounding area. Jim helplessly watches his girlfriend Emilie die of a wound sustained while trying to find safety, and he retreats to a farmhouse. Sporadic media reports indicate that the chemical plant may have stored biological weapons that are responsible for mutating people into rabid cannibals. He seeks help from the ubiquitous military helicopters that patrol the area, but it is to no avail. However, his efforts are noticed by survivors holed up nearby in a warehouse, and he joins them: Scott, Scott's wife Julie, and Ix, a quiet and unfriendly survivor that they had rescued.

Ix initially snaps at Jim for inadvertently taking her candy and rejects his offers of friendship, but she slowly warms to him. Ix reveals that her failure to find a job or any friends in a new city led her to return home to live with her parents. There, she and her parents clashed over her lifestyle, and she stopped talking to them. Before she could apologize for her behavior, her parents died during the quarantine. Jim and Ix bond over their loneliness and feelings of loss, though Ix continues to keep her diabetes a secret from everyone. After she falls into a diabetic coma, Jim leaves the warehouse to find insulin for her.

Jim evades zombies and recovers insulin in emergency supplies airdropped by the military. When he returns to the warehouse, Jim saves Scott from a zombie attack. During the night, zombies break in the warehouse, and the survivors retreat upstairs into the offices. While clearing the warehouse, Jim discovers a squad of Marines, and they tranquilize him. He wakes up in an observation room, shackled to a chair. Through a glass window, a scientist explains to Jim that the chemical plant released a neurotoxin into the air that caused people to go homicidal, but tests reveal that Jim, Scott, Julie, and Ix are clean. The scientist apologizes to Jim and tells him that they're all free to go. After the group reunites, Jim and Ix embrace.

Zoo (Patterson novel)

The novel centers on Jackson Oz, an outcast among professional and academic ecologists and biologists. Oz has tried for years to get other scientists to listen to the data he has been collecting on the increasing numbers of mammal attacks on humans. He becomes so obsessed with this goal that he quits graduate school and devotes himself to full-time data collection and arguing his case. Finally, on a trip to Botswana, he survives an attack by a large band of male lions in which about one hundred people are killed over a large area. He saves the life of ecologist Chloe Tousignant. Upon returning to America, he finds his girlfriend dead in his apartment, killed and partly eaten by his pet chimpanzee.

Five years later, Oz has married Chloe and they have a son named Eli. His theory becomes accepted as all over the world, packs of animals are entering densely populated cities and killing humans en masse. He is recruited by the US president to research the cause but before he and his team of scientists can find an answer, the president's daughter is killed by their dog and the military launches strikes against affected cities, which worsens the attacks. Continuing his research, Oz discovers that animal pheromones have changed due to the widespread use of radio communication (cell phones) and petroleum products (notably automobile exhaust) and these disrupted pheromones are enlarging the animals' amygdalas and causing the aggression. The President of the United States orders all electricity, cellphone, and automobile usage banned for two weeks, and animal attacks cease nearly immediately as the ban takes effect. But after one week, people return to their previous habits and the attacks restart with increased ferocity. Oz, his wife and son, along with some scientists and political leaders, are evacuated to Thule, Greenland, where research into how to reverse the changes will take place.

The Big Game (Modern Family)

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) is under pressure because he wants to become the freshman coach with the most wins in the school's history and he wants everybody to come to the football game that will give him that record. Cam asks Luke (Nolan Gould) to be the broadcaster of the game, since Reuben is sick. Just before the game starts, Cam and his players learn that the coach of the opponent team has died and they are going to play in his memory. Even that does not make Cam change his mind and he wants to win the game no matter what.

Phil (Ty Burrell) notices his children suffer from lack of optimism and decides to teach them a lesson of how being optimistic leads things to a positive direction. However, it is near the end of the month and for the first time he did not manage to sell a single house. He has an important appointment with a client to show one but when he gets there, he locks himself outside. He tries to get in the house through the window and when he does he goes out to take his things and he manages to lock himself out again. He gets ready just in time when his clients arrive just to learn that they do not want to buy the house anymore. Phil arrives at school's football game upset that his last attempt of selling a house did not go as he hoped.

At the football game, Haley (Sarah Hyland) meets Dylan (Reid Ewing) who is also there. Dylan asks her to go to the movies but because of an exam, Haley can not accept his invitation and Dylan can not go to the earlier view because he has to meet his classmates from nursing school. Later on, Haley wanting to help Alex (Ariel Winter) who is being ignored by her classmates like and they treat her like she does not exist, she changes the sign that Dylan carved for her from "Haley Dunphy Do Me" to "Alex Dunphy Do Me".

Jay (Ed O'Neill) drives Claire (Julie Bowen) to work but her strange behavior makes him curious. Claire continues to avoid him all day (and the past days) or ask for his help at work only to find out that the reason she acts like that is because she wants her co-workers to see her as equal and not as the boss' daughter. Claire does not even ask for Jay's help when she ends up locked in a closet, something that Jay sees from the security camera while Claire tells him that everything is fine.

Meanwhile, Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) has recently received a better professional offer and decided to accept it which means that he has to quit his current job. He does not know how to tell his boss Charlie (Justin Kirk) and he decides to leave him a letter among his mail at his office. He gets to his office but the moment he leaves the letter, Charlie arrives and starts telling Mitch that his girlfriend dumped him and he has no place to stay. Mitch tries to get the letter back and after several attempts he manages to do it and the two of them go to watch Cam's football game. During the match, Mitchell drops the letter by accident and Charlie finds it. Despite the fact that he is sad that Mitch wants to quit, he lets him go.

In the meantime, since Mitch and Cam are busy during the day, Gloria (Sofía Vergara) is responsible to take Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) to school and also pick her up later. On the ride to school, Lily tells Gloria about Patrick, a boy she likes, but he ignores her. Gloria gives her advice that she has to make him notice her, something that Lily interprets differently. Lily's teacher informs Gloria that Lily attacked Patrick and tried to kiss him and now Patrick is afraid of her. Gloria, who does not want to admit that she was the one who advised Lily, she says that she will talk to her.

Back at school game, Cam's team wins due to Manny's (Rico Rodriguez) final kick and Cam and the team is over the moon. Manny though is not as excited as the others are, since he wanted to miss the kick and let the other team win because they were playing for their coach's memory.

At the end of this episode, Charlie comes to Phil after Mitch's encouragement, and asks him to sell him a house. Phil is very happy with that because he finally manages to sell a house before the month ends.

Mis amigos de siempre

The series tells the story of three friends called, Simón, Julián and Manuel. A friendship that was born when they were 8 years old while playing in a successful children's soccer team that represented a neighborhood club. When they were around 30 and around a decade without seeing each other, they met again in the same club, which is overwhelmed by debts. Julián (Gonzalo Heredia) son of Inés (Soledad Silveyra), is a professional player who plays in a football team abroad. He is very womanizing, and when he returns to Buenos Aires, Argentina he will fall in love with Bárbara (Emilia Attias), an accountant who also integrates the club's women's soccer team, where Julián will officiate as technical director. Until that time she thought to marry Luciano (Federico Amador), who along with his brother Maxi (Benjamín Rojas), are the owners of a logistics transport company, but Julián's arrival will change everything. Manuel (Nicolás Vázquez) He is a lonely bar owner of nostalgic personality, he longs for the old times of his youth. He will have an affair with Leo (Manuela Pal), also a female soccer team player. Simón (Nicolás Cabré) He works doing deals in the company of Luciano and Maxi. He is in crisis with his wife Rocío (Agustina Cherri) and in addition, he will begin to be attracted to Tania (Calu Rivero), who is DJ and cousin of Bárbara. Simón is distanced from his father, Cholo Alarcón (Osvaldo Laport), who returns to Buenos Aires, Argentina and begins to work as Colectivero of Buenos Aires, but also returns with his other son Guido (Victorio D´Alessandro), whom Simón sees with some suspicion. The treasurer of the indebted club, Andrea (Claribel Medina), cannot face the creditors, who demand that if the debt is not paid off, they will strip the entity of its facilities. There is a possibility to avoid it, winning a tournament that gives the champion team club an important economic prize, thanks to the auspices of a leading company. Meanwhile, the trio of friends will try to rebuild their friendship.

Doctor Scroggy's War

Early in World War One, Gillies tries and fails to save the life of a British airman. Meanwhile, Jack Twigg goes to see his parents to tell them he has joined up, into the London Irish Rifles. His father (a working-class Thames waterman) has his doubts, since this will mean Twigg postponing his hard-won scholarship to Oxford University, but they eventually agree. He also introduces them to his friend Lord Ralph Dulwich, with whom he then goes to a party hosted by Sir John French. Impressing French, he is given a staff appointment which Dulwich had hoped to gain and the two friends fall out. Twigg also catches the eye of Penelope Wedgewood, with whom he spends the night and loses his virginity.

In France, Twigg is involved in the organisation of the Battle of Loos, though his advice to bring the reserves closer to the front line is ignored by French despite its being backed by Douglas Haig. Twigg leaves the staff and goes to the front-line, where he receives a facial injury. He is then sent to Gillies' hospital, where he begins to despair and wishes to be back at the front. This continues even when faced with Gillies' alter-ego Dr Scroggy - he goes around the wards dressed as a highland soldier to raise his patients' morale. Queen Mary comes to visit the hospital and Penelope, Ralph and Twigg reconcile. However, soon afterwards Penelope decides to become a pacifist and she and Twigg break up angrily. Gillies tries to convince him not to go back to the front, but is unable to do so. The play ends with Twigg back on the Western Front.

YOLO (Scandal)

Huck begins to torture Quinn and is stopped by a phone call from Olivia telling him that her mother is alive. He warns her to leave her apartment with her mother and go to a safe house and goes to join her though not before ripping out one of Quinn's teeth in anticipation of the torture to follow.

At the safe house Huck and Jake realize that Olivia's mother Maya still has a tracker in her body. They rip it out and manage to flee the scene before members of B613 manage to track them down. The gladiators manage to acquire false identity papers for Maya under the name Marie Wallace but before they can get Maya to an airport they realize that the No Fly List has been updated with Maya's fake name.

Olivia calls Fitz and he agrees to help her smuggle her mother out of the country. As Maya waves goodbye from aboard the plane Olivia flashes back to a moment in her childhood where someone called the house asking for "Marie". She realizes that Marie Wallace is her mother's real name and she is a terrorist and her father was trying to protect her from her. She tells this to Huck who warns her they have a problem since after torturing Quinn he allowed her to be found by Charlie if she promised to get close to Rowan Pope and kill him. At B-613 headquarters Quinn holds a needle in her hand while talking to an unsuspecting Rowan.

Meanwhile, Sally Langston has decided to run for presidency even agreeing that midway through the race she will become pro-choice in order to assure her win. She announces her decision to Fitz who rebukes Cyrus for not having stopped her. Cyrus, who was confronted by James for using him as a rent-boy to entrap Sally's husband, decides to use the pictures of James having sex with Sally's husband to threaten Sally. She laughs off his threat but later calls him telling him she has committed a sin while standing beside the inert body of her husband who appears to be dead.

The Harry Hill Movie

The movie begins with a scooter chase between Harry and his nan because she didn't know it was him. Afterwards, Harry is sent to get a chicken for lunch, but they fire a machine gun at him and throw a grenade, which Harry throws into the chicken shed, blowing them up. Nan tells Harry the story of his twin brother, Otto, which Harry claims to have heard before.

Suddenly, Harry and Nan then discover that their beloved pet hamster Abu is ill after he vomits a green substance on them, so they take him to the vet. He is almost put down until Harry takes him back home. Ed the vet and his assistant, Kisko, are working for Harry's neo-Nazi twin brother Otto who was abandoned by Nan in the 1970s, claiming it was because she couldn't look after them both, and was raised by Alsatians.

After another failed attempt to capture Abu (by disguising as a priest and a nun), Harry and Nan decide to take him on a trip in their Rover P6 to Blackpool for a week before he dies (when Abu really wanted to visit the home of Rihanna). Ed and his assistant pursue them on the road, until they arrive in "Blackpole" by mistake. The next day, Harry and Nan take Abu on a personal guided tour around the nuclear power plant by the cleaner. Ed and Kisko attempt to capture him again only for him to end up turned into a destructive giant caused by radiation which wears off shortly. While walking on the beach they encounter Barney Cull, a member of the Shell People.

He asks Harry and the others to save his people's children from a gift shop. They succeed and they are invited back to the Shell People's cave where Harry falls for the Shell King's daughter, Michelle. He leaves after being unable to cope living under water. They continue their road trip only to end up in a boxing match where Harry has to fight Kisko to keep Abu. He successfully wins with a free stick of rock. Later on, the car runs out of petrol in the middle of the woods and Harry and his nan leave Abu behind while they search for a petrol station. He's almost kidnapped again by Ed and Kisko only to leave the car in pieces.

Meanwhile, Otto teams them up with a master of disguise fox. Harry, his Nan and Abu hitch a ride with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez (actually Ed and Kisko in disguise) and they arrive in Blackpool to see a show. After they finally arrive there, Harry is reunited with Michelle (much to his Nan's dismay) and Abu is finally kidnapped and replaced with the fox.

Harry later finds out and they go looking for Abu. They follow a trail of BBQ beef Hula Hoops crisps (which is what Otto was left with to eat when he was abandoned) to his hideout where he reveals his plan to turn Abu into a model figurine for his collection as an act of revenge for being deserted. During a fight between the two, Harry's nan reveals that she got rid of Otto because she kept getting him and Harry mixed up. After being chased away by killer brains, Harry and his nan are saved by the Shell People, to which his Nan accepts his and Michelle's love. Harry pursues his brother to the top of the Blackpool tower.

His Nan rescues him and Abu in a helicopter when Otto falls to the ground after taking a punch from Kisko, after he and Ed thought they were working for the wrong brother. After defeating Otto, Abu coughs up a green felt tip pen which turned out to be the cause of his illness. Ed explains that hamsters like sucking on pens, and he gave it to Abu so he would be sick and start this whole plan, even though he could have kidnapped Abu at the time.

Abu lives and the movie ends with a big end song with everyone in the film. Just before the final credits, a hamster appears on screen, riding on a model Thomas the Tank Engine. He gets off at the model station when the train stops. The hamster can only be thought to belong to Harry Hill, but there is no evidence for this.

Vermont is For Lovers, Too

Rowan visits Maya's cell and informs her that since Olivia has been asking questions about her he is going to move her to a more remote location. She begs him to let her see her daughter before she's moved and he refuses her request. In her cell Maya chews through her wrists and lands in the medical ward, delaying her move. While she is recuperating Rowan brings her news articles highlighting Olivia's achievements. When Maya asks to see more personal photos she is horrified to discover that there are none and that Rowan claims to have grown apart from Olivia when she was 12.

Cyrus and Mellie hatch a plan to entrap Sally's husband in a sex-scandal using Cyrus's husband James as bait. Cyrus arranges an interview between Sally's husband Daniel and James and encourages James to dress casually and conduct the interview at Daniel's house. Mellie warns Cyrus that the affair could become real but Cyrus is confident that James will rebuff Daniel's advances. However, when Daniel attempts to have sex with him James realizes that Cyrus set up the whole scenario and decides to have sex with him anyway. Cyrus is sent the pictures of James and Daniel having sex and realizes that Mellie's prediction came true.

Meanwhile, the gladiators are split between trying to discover who killed the security guard in "Everything's Coming Up Mellie" and managing Josie Marcus's campaign. Huck and Jake try to uncover security footage of the night that the guard was killed while Quinn does everything in her power to try to sabotage them from finding out. However at night when she returns to her apartment she finds Huck lying in wait for her with his torture devices ready, wanting to know why she has been lying to everyone after seeing her kill the security guard in the surveillance footage.

During the night Fitz asks to see Olivia and brings her to a house in Vermont. After they argue he informs her that he built the house with her in mind for the future he wanted them to have together. They spend the night together and she asks him not to sell the house.

Josie's daughter's house has been broken into and a laptop containing campaign material has disappeared. The laptop is discovered at Governor Reston's campaign headquarters however material had been removed from it and it soon becomes clear that Candice planted the laptop in order to boost Josie's campaign. Olivia urges Josie to publicly fire Candice to make an example of her but instead she takes responsibility for Candice's actions and drops out of the race.

Going home at night Olivia hears someone calling her name and recognizes her mother, who managed to escape from B613 and has managed to find her.

La governante

In Catania, in the house of the Platania family, a young French girl arrives as housekeeper: Caterina Leher. The elderly widower Leopoldo lives in this family unit; his son Enrico, engaged in ex-marital adventures; her daughter-in-law Elena, a wild intellectual who allows herself to be courted with discretion by the bitter writer Alessandro Bonivaglia, a tolerated frequenter of the house; their two little children, all served faithfully by a naive girl: Jana.

Both Caterina and the Platania family are religious, but of a very particular religiosity. Catherine is "the sin" not so much because education and nature have endowed her with anomalous instincts as because these instincts, mixed with a fanatic desire for respectability, overwhelm her in a cog of complacent remorse and distorted mortifications.

This behavior of Caterina suffers damage to Jana, who, following a slander by the housekeeper, is expelled and sent back to her hometown. During this journey she is involved in a train accident which causes her death. Having hired a new maid, Francesca, Leopoldo discovers the woman in intimate relations with Caterina.

Having obtained Leopoldo's forgiveness, learned from him of Jana's tragic death, she attempts suicide, but is saved by the elderly widower who does not forgive herself for having pushed her teenage daughter many years earlier, for excess of intransigence. to take his own life.

Everything's Coming Up Mellie

In the present Mellie is forced to go through an interview in order to win over public sympathy now that the public has turned on her for revealing Fitz's affair. Despite playing up her motherhood her attempts are hampered by the fact that Fitz fails to show up for their joint interview.

The episode flashes back to 15 years in the past when Mellie and Fitz are newlyweds staying in Fitz's father's home. Fitz's father Big Jerry introduces them to Cyrus Beene and they begin grooming Fitz for his political career. Fitz and his father clash and Cyrus starts to leave after Fitz says he will not use his military record for political gain. Mellie gets Cyrus to agree to come back the next day and promise to get Fitz and his father working together. In an attempt to smooth things over Mellie tries to talk to Big Jerry who rapes her while he is drunk. In the morning Mellie tries to brush off the rape and instead uses it as leverage to induce Big Jerry to apologize to Fitz. Fitz agrees to run for Governor of California and Mellie informs him at their campaign celebration that she is pregnant with their first child, who Fitz decides will be called Jerry after his father.

Back in the present a drunk and disappointed Mellie asks Fitz to support her. To her surprise he shows up for their rescheduled joint interview and defends Mellie to their interviewer by taking responsibility for his affair.

Cyrus and Mellie discover that Sally is planning to abandon Fitz and run for president herself. They decide to embroil her husband in an affair but after their attempts to use a woman to seduce him fail they realize he is gay when he shows interest in James.

Fitz in the meantime is trying to reconnect with Olivia who wants nothing to do with him after learning that he shot down the plane her mother was on. After Olivia admits she knows Rowan in a conversation and tells Fitz that he doesn't know everything about her he requests a file on her where he sees a photo of her father “Eli” and recognizes him as Rowan.

At Olivia Pope and Associates Olivia decides to investigate the murder of her own mother. She learns that one passenger was taken off the flight her mother was murdered on: Omar Dresden. The team is able to track down a man who was working the night that Omar was removed from the plane and still lives and works in the area though now as a security guard. Jake makes plans to meet him.

Quinn starts spending more time with Charlie, who says he now works as a private investigator, and she accompanies him on a mission to steal some files. He tells her that he is planning to drug the night guard, injecting him with a sleeping agent and teasingly suggests Quinn do it, then pulls the case away. Quinn says Huck once let her torture someone and she got what they needed. Quinn and Charlie kiss passionately. We next see Quinn talking on the phone to Charlie as she enters the building, where she then injects the security guard. Shortly after she injects him she realizes that whatever she gave him was lethal and she runs from the building. Charlie finds her and shows her security footage of her murdering the security guard and informs her that she now belongs to B613. Jake arrives shortly after since the security guard that Quinn murdered was the one that had the information on Omar Dresden. He realizes that B613 is behind the murder.

Having discovered that Olivia is close to finding out the truth, Rowan visits a restricted jail cell where he informs a still-alive Maya that her daughter is asking questions about her.

Stolen Paradise (1940 film)

Eighteen-year-old Richard Gordon is a student at St Francis boarding school and is looking forward to eventually being ordained a Roman Catholic priest. His mentor Father O'Malley summons him with news that his father is remarrying (Richard's mother had died years ago) and wishes Richard to return home and study in a prestigious university. Richard is not keen on leaving St. Francis but Fr. O'Malley advises him that he should see a bit of life before making his decision to enter the clergy.

Dick eventually falls in love with his stepsister who is ten years older than he is. In the meantime he falls in with a fast crowd at his university and World War II is on the horizon....

Stürme über dem Mont Blanc

Meteorologist Hannes (Sepp Rist) works alone at a remote weather station below the summit of Mont Blanc in the French Alps. Every day he gathers data on weather conditions. When the weather is clear, he is able to use his telescope to gaze down at the town of Chamonix in the valley far below. His solitary life is interrupted only by the daily weather reports he transmits via Morse code to various weather centres throughout Europe. He is also able to listen to his friend Walter perform his organ concerts on the radio.

At the Chamonix observatory down in the valley, an astronomer's daughter, Hella Armstrong (Leni Riefenstahl), gazes up at the night sky, helping her father with his work. Every evening she looks forward to Hannes' weather reports and messages—like hearing from a close friend even though they've never met. In addition to her scientific interests, Hella enjoys skiing with her friends in the mountains. One day while skiing with her friends, she meets Ernst Udet (Ernst Udet) in his small aircraft. Together they fly above the clouds to the upper reaches of Mont Blanc. As they approach Hannes' weather station, she drops a small evergreen tree down by parachute with a note introducing herself. Enchanted by the gesture, he carefully decorates his tree for Christmas.

Thrilled with her flying experience over Mont Blanc, Hella persuades her father to join her on another flight to the weather station to visit Hannes—an old friend of her father (Friedrich Kayßler) who once worked at that station. At the small remote station, Hella is fascinated by the scientific equipment—and with Hannes. The next morning, Hannes takes Hella with him to the summit of Mont Blanc to capture that day's climate conditions. While they are away, Hella's father goes out to study the geology and falls from a rocky ledge and is killed. The young meteorologist and his female companion witness the fatal accident.

After they return to the station, a major storm closes in around them. Hannes does everything he can to comfort the grieving Hella. Before she leaves with the team that arrived to bring her father's body back down to the valley, Hannes asks her to look up his good friend Walter Petersen (Mathias Wieman). In the coming days, Hella mourns the death of her father. One day she visits Walter, who is sick. Hella takes care of him and helps him to recover, which in his loneliness he comes to misinterpret as romantic affection. Meanwhile, Hannes impatiently counts the days when he can be relieved from his work and see Hella again. But when he receives a letter from Walter informing him of his intended engagement to Hella, who knows nothing of the matter, he is so shocked by the news that he decides to stay at the weather station for another season and sends the replacement team back home.

Soon after, a severe storm descends on Mont Blanc. While out gathering his weather data, to his dismay Hannes loses his gloves, and his fingers soon freeze. Back at the weather station, with wind howling around him, Hannes realizes the danger he faces. He tries to revive feeling in his fingers, but is unsuccessful. He then attempts to make his way down the mountain, but the storm is too severe, and the snow bridges over the deep gorges have collapsed, cutting off the path. Exhausted and with hope nearly gone, he makes his way back to the storm damaged station and manages to send out an emergency SOS signal. Soon a rescue team is dispatched.

When Hella is informed that the rescue team cannot reach the station, she contacts Udet, knowing that an aircraft rescue is Hannes' only hope. Udet promptly responds and flies at great risk through a dangerous electrical storm to the station, where he finds Hannes in urgent need of care and arranges to heat the station and prepare some food. Meanwhile, Hella and the rescue team make their way up the mountain. After a difficult climb, they reach the weather station and Hannes gazes upon Hella with loving gratitude.

Assault on Wall Street

In the midst of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, a portfolio-manager instructs his employees to neglect the best-interest of clients in order to increase company profits.

Meanwhile, Jim Baxford (Dominic Purcell), an armored car driver and former soldier, lives with his wife, Rosie, in New York City. Rosie is in the process of recovering from a near-fatal brain tumor. Their health insurance has reached its limit, and Jim finds that he is unable to afford her treatment. He decides to cash in the pension he earned from serving in the military, but learns that much of it is lost as a result of bad investments on the part of his financial adviser. In addition, he finds himself in a $60,000 lawsuit as a result of bad real-estate investments conducted by his rogue financial adviser.

Jim frequently lunches with a colleague in the armored car business, and two NYPD friends. He borrows $10,000 from the colleague to pay for an attorney to sue his financial adviser, and arranges a meeting with an assistant district attorney to discuss wrongdoings on the part of his financial advisers. However, the attorney he hired claims that he is unable to do anything and the assistant district attorney is unwilling to meet with him. Jim becomes frustrated at the loss of his money and his inability to pay for his wife's treatment and their mortgage. Because of his financial situation, his employer reluctantly fires him, as the company is not willing to trust him with large sums of money.

Rosie feels guilty for the financial strain that her illness has put on Jim and, unable to cope, commits suicide. Jim blames Wall Street financiers for ruining his life. Seeking vengeance, he purchases various firearms and grenades from an arms dealer, and begins a one-man army shooting spree on the Wall Street bosses that lost his money and contributed to the death of his wife. One by one, he kills those that have wronged him. Meeting with his friends at lunch, Jim casually admits to them that he is the Wall Street murderer. The three laugh it off, convinced he's joking.

The climax of the film has Jim staging a one-man assault and infiltration of a high-rise office building to confront and kill Jeremy Stancroft, a ruthless and greedy portfolio manager who is indirectly responsible for Jim's financial situation. Sitting at Jeremy's desk, Jim tells Jeremy why he is targeting him, of his corruption and asks why he should let Jeremy live. Jeremy defends his actions, saying that the famous rich people of history didn't get rich by honest work and that capitalism is a survival of the fittest society, where the "strong survive and the weak die off". Jim shows him a picture of his wife and tells Jeremy he's the reason his wife is dead. Shortly as SWAT begins to approach the office, Jim puts the gun on the table and counts to three. Jeremy grabs the gun when Jim gets to two, bragging about how he "won". Jim accuses him of cheating. Not caring, Jeremy pulls the trigger, only to realize that the gun is empty, for Jim cheated too. Just then, SWAT smashes the window and shoots Jeremy dead. Jim pretends to be an innocent wounded victim, having been shot in the arm by a security guard earlier, and is escorted away by SWAT, who is convinced Stancroft was the perpetrator.

A few minutes later, Jim stands in the lobby of the office building. He watches emergency personnel come and go, having just been treated for the gunshot wound to his arm. He is recognized there by his NYPD lunchmates, who had been called to the scene. Without a word, Jim is led out of the building by his friend to the street, to freedom. The film ends with Jim walking away, voicing over that he intends to continue his killing spree of white-collar businessmen elsewhere.

Dead Man on Campus (The Vampire Diaries)

Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Caroline (Candice Accola) plan a welcome back party for Bonnie (Kat Graham). Bonnie still hasn't told anyone what being an anchor means and she tries to hide the fact that every supernatural being has to pass through her when they die. Elena wants to invite Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) to the party despite Caroline's wish for Damon not to come and Stefan not being in the mood to party after getting his memories back.

Wes (Rick Cosnett) continues his experiments on Jesse (Kendrick Sampson) who is now a vampire. Wes transfuses him blood but while he does it, Jesse breaks his shackles and attacks Wes. Jesse does not understand what is going on, so he locks up Wes at his laboratory and goes back to his apartment where he calls Caroline for help. Caroline gets there in time to stop Jesse from killing Aaron (Shaun Sipos) who had just entered his room and was asking him what happened and who made him a vampire.

During the party, Elena sends Damon to find out why Wes is doing these experiments despite Caroline's fears that Damon will kill Wes. Damon injects Wes with different deadly viruses to make him talk and Wes finally admits that he is trying to make a new kind of vampire that will not be a threat to humans because they will crave vampire blood instead of human blood. At the same time, at the party Jesse bites Caroline and then leaves to ask Wes what he did to him.

When Jesse arrives at the laboratory he attacks Damon. Damon cannot escape but Elena arrives and kills Jesse before he kills Damon. Caroline is upset with what Elena did even though Elena explains to Caroline that she could not have done anything else since Jesse was bent on killing Damon. After this, Elena and Caroline return to their room and Damon stays behind to deal with Wes.

In the meantime, back at Mystic Falls, Stefan is at the bar drinking and trying to forget his traumatic memories of being locked in the safe, drowning over and over, while Katherine is in conversation with Matt (Zach Roerig). Matt tells her about the spirit that is inside him and he asks her to translate what the spirit said on the video Matt secretly made. Katherine recognizes the knife Matt has and agrees to help him. She calls Nadia (Olga Fonda) for help and she also asks Stefan for his.

Nadia arrives asking why Katherine called her and Katherine explains she needs her help to summon the spirit inside Matt. Nadia does so and Katherine asks why he is in Mystic Falls. The spirit of Gregor says that he is there because he wants to kill Silas but since Silas is already dead Katherine insists that he tell her the real reason and she also shows him that she has the knife. Gregor finally admits that his orders are to kill Katherine. Upon hearing this, Katherine stabs Matt's body with the knife. Stefan worries about Matt but Katherine reassures him that Matt will be totally fine; Gregor on the other hand, not so much since the knife is the only thing that can truly kill a traveler.

When everything with Gregor is over, Stefan has a new series of flashbacks and Katherine helps him deal with them. She manages to help and Stefan is calm again. Later, he finds a note from Katherine addressed to Nadia telling her that she is going to kill herself since she cannot fight her new enemy: time. Katherine leaps from the top of the clock tower, but Stefan arrives in time and catches her, saving her from death.

Meanwhile, Bonnie can no longer hide what is happening to her when she doubles over screaming in front of Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) because a deceased supernatural spirit passes through her to the other side. He asks her what is going on and she tells him the truth. Jeremy is annoyed that she did not tell him the moment she knew, but she assures him that everything is OK since the pain is worth being with him.

At the end of the episode, Damon finds a pack of blood on Wes' laboratory fridge with the number 12144 on it. He asks Wes about it and when Was asks why he cares, Damon reveals that he was number 21051 once. Wes realizes that Damon was an Augustine vampire and when Damon hears the name he remembers things from his past. He says that he thought the "Augustine vampire project" was shut down 60 years ago and despite the promise he gave to Elena not to kill Wes, he decides to kill him. Wes manages to free himself and before Damon gets him, he pushes the emergency button which pours vervain from the fire sprinklers causing Damon to faint.

Damon wakes up in a prison cell and it seems he was there before as there are marks with his initials on the wall.

Bucktown (film)

Fred Williamson stars as Duke Johnson, a man who arrives in Bucktown, to bury his brother, a bar owner who was killed after refusing to pay crooked cops for protection. After arriving to Bucktown, he realizes he needs help after being threatened himself. Duke calls his friend Roy (Thalmus Rasulala) and his gang to come and help, after arriving Roy's gang decided to take over the town. In order to gain control, Duke has to fight off Roy's gang all by himself.Gary A. Smith, ''The American International Pictures Video Guide'', McFarland 2009 p 35

Chrome and Hot Leather

When the fiancee of a US Special Forces Vietnam Veteran sergeant is killed by bikers, he and three fellow Green Berets ride out for revenge.

All-New Invaders

The Kree Empire intends to conquer the universe using a weapon called the God's Whisper that will allow them to control any god-like creature. The Kree Supreme Intelligence sends Tanalth, the new leader of the Pursuer Corps, to Earth to capture Jim Hammond (the original Human Torch) and Namor in order to unlock the power of the God's Whisper. Hammond had faked his death and is living as a mechanic in a small rural Illinois town. Tanalth destroys the town looking for Hammond, until Captain America and Winter Soldier come to help and drive Tanalth away. It was later revealed that during WWII the Invaders faced off against Hela, who was being controlled by the Nazis who were using the God's Whisper. After the Invaders win the battle, they agree to break the weapon into five pieces and not share the locations with each other, then wipe their memories of the events. Somehow, the Kree found the locations and then kidnapped Namor. The Invaders recruit Aarkus (the original Vision), then travel to Kree to save him but are quickly captured. The Kree Supreme Intelligence has no need for Bucky, so he has him killed. Aarkus is also captured and experimented on. The Kree Supreme Intelligence needs Hammond, Namor and Captain America to test the might of the God's Whisper, which is controlling the Eternal Ikaris. Ikaris is powerless and is forced to fight the three. But unbeknownst to the Kree, Bucky faked his death and skulked away to free Aarkus, while everyone was distracted watching the fight between the three Invaders and Ikaris. As it turns out, Captain America had planned the capture of the team all along in order to get close enough to plant a virus into the Kree Supreme Intelligence, who then, because of the virus, allows the Invaders and their friends to leave. Ikaris leaves with Aarkus and takes the God's Whisper with him. Captain America convinces Hammond to come out of hiding and join SHIELD. Namor quips that this was the most fun he has had in a long time and suggests they team up again.

Hammond's first mission as a SHIELD agent is to quell a hostage situation caused by the original Invaders. Radiance, the granddaughter of Golden Girl, attacked a SHIELD base because she wanted to know why the Invaders allowed the atom bombs to be dropped on Japan. Hammond explained that they were busy preventing the military from using a Tsunami Bomb, which would have created more collateral damage. He even tells how Golden Girl led the Kid Commandos against the Invaders. In a panic, Radiance detonates a light bomb, but Hammond takes the blame for it since Radiance is continuing to honor her grandmother's legacy as a super hero.

During the debriefing of the hostage situation, Hammond is attacked by a Deathlok. Hammond, Namor and Bucky track down arms dealer Kurt Dagmar, who has an army of Deathloks at his command because of a special hacking device he has used. During this time, Bucky finds an Inhuman named Clare Gruler, the daughter of the Iron Cross, who melded with her father's armor when her Inhuman powers manifested. She is grateful to Namor, who cleared her father's name of any war crimes during the Nuremberg Trials. Unfortunately, Hammond is struck by an AI scrambling beam and flies away in a mad rage. The team tracks him down and urges him to find his humanity and that he has a team that loves him. Hammond flies up into the stratosphere to reboot his hard drive, which had worked before, but he lost his powers and died. Namor promises to follow him and catch him this time.

In a flashback story, Union Jack, Spitfire and Destroyer read about when the Freedom's Five (who first appeared in ''Invaders'' #7 [July, 1976])—who consisted of Phantom Eagle, Sir Steel, Union Jack, Crimson Cavalier and Orson Randall as Iron Fist (who replaced the Silver Squire)—battled aliens similar to those in The War of the Worlds. They enlist the help of Killraven to battles the aliens.

Toro is eventually freed from his Inhuman cocoon, so the Invaders go to Germany to assist Iron Cross in battling Neo-Nazis. They are interrupted by the Inhuman Lash, who is attempting to recruit Iron Cross, Toro, and the Neo-Nazis leader, who had no idea he was an Inhuman. Medusa and the Inhuman Royal Court appear, so Lash leaves with the Neo-Nazi, who abandons the Nazi cause since he doesn't have pure Aryan blood. Toro agrees to join the Inhumans in Attillan and the rest of the Invaders agree to return to their home countries. Hammond then returns to Camp Hammond and adopts Speedball's cat, Niels.

Children of the Jacaranda Tree

''Children of the Jacaranda Tree'' is composed of seven different narratives and told from various points of views. The first half of the novel tells the story of political activists imprisoned in the 1980s by the newly established Islamic regime and their children, some born inside prison, some at home forced to watch as their parents are taken away. These children are raised by grandparents and aunts while their parents languish in prison. The second half of the novel is set twenty years later, during the 2009 Iranian election protests and the Iranian Green Movement. The children born in the first half of the book, now grown up, have to face their own decisions, whether they will be bound by their parents' past of a revolution gone astray or whether they will be able to break free, make a new beginning both for themselves and for their country.

Dress Gray

''Dress Gray'' is set during the era of the Vietnam War. A new class of cadets arrives at the Ulysses S. Grant Military Academy for its 100th anniversary. Ten months later one of those new cadets, David Hand (Patrick Cassidy), is found dead, apparently drowned despite being a top swimmer. Following an autopsy, academy physician Major Consor (Ron Rifkin) informs the investigating officer, Colonel King (Lane Smith), that Hand was murdered and possibly raped. With the school under public scrutiny in the wake of recent drug and cheating scandals, the commandant, Brigadier General Charles Hedges (Hal Holbrook), initiates a cover-up. Upper classman Rysam Slaight (Alec Baldwin) learns of the cover-up and soon finds himself not only the prime suspect in Hand's murder but also the target of a false honor code violation accusation as well as an independent investigation implemented by Judge Hand (Eddie Albert), Cadet Hand's wealthy and powerful father.

As Slaight seeks to clear his name, he learns that the manipulative Hand was gay and in love with him, a fact David revealed to his sister Elizabeth (Susan Hess), whom Slaight used to date. Elizabeth and Ry rekindle their romance and work together to solve David's murder. They discover that a USGA cadet had visited David's high school on a recruiting trip. David got the cadet drunk, took him to a hotel and took sexual advantage of him.

General Hedges threatens to have Slaight charged with murder, but Slaight counters that he will have the general charged with obstruction of justice. Stymied, the General induces a member of the academy's Honor Court to file a charge of lying against Slaight.

Elizabeth visits the hotel where David took the cadet and the manager signs an affidavit identifying the cadet from his photograph. Over her father's objections, Elizabeth has the affidavit delivered to Ry, who is before the Court. Slaight identifies Cadet Winant as the man who was with David in the hotel and who later raped and killed him.

Slaight is cleared by the Honor Court and reports to Elizabeth that Winant will be locked in a mental institution for a year or two. General Hedges tenders his resignation as Commandant of Students. Slaight plans to resign from the academy but following a talk with Superintendent Axel Rylander (Lloyd Bridges) decides to stay and graduate.

Alaska (1944 film)

Gary Corbett kills a pair of claim jumpers who did likewise to his father. He is charged with murder, but cannot be taken to Juneau to stand trial until the weather permits. Marshal John Masters keeps him in town until the prisoner can be moved.

Roxie Reagan, who sings at Tom LaRue's saloon, falls in love with Corbett, but she is trapped in a loveless marriage to John Reagan, an alcoholic has-been actor. LaRue also is in love with Roxie, and he and a local judge are suspected by Corbett of being in cahoots with the claim jumpers.

LaRue tries to frame Corbett for another murder, then sets the jail on fire. John Reagan courageously comes to Corbett's rescue, losing his own life in the process. The marshal deals with LaRue, but suddenly reveals that he is the one who has been backing the murderous claim jumpers all along. Corbett manages to get the better of Masters, then sets sail for San Francisco with his bride-to-be, Roxie.

Allergic to Love

Arranged marriage. Bride-to-be develops allergies to future husband.

Are These Our Parents

A mother's preference for partying, boozing, and running around with an assortment of sleazy characters results in her neglecting her nubile teenage daughter, who subsequently finds herself mixed up with teenage boys, nightclub owners, and murder.

Pure (2010 film)

Twenty-year-old Katarina (Alicia Vikander) never finished school; she lives in Gothenburg with her alcoholic mother. Through a YouTube video, she is touched by the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. She applies for a receptionist job at the concert hall where she meets conductor Adam (Samuel Fröler).

A Very Merry Mix-Up

A beautiful antique store owner, Alice Chapman (Alicia Witt), travels to her fiancé's home town alone to meet her future in-laws for the first time at their Christmas gathering. Her fiancé, successful realtor Will Mitchum (Scott Gibson), tells her he will join them after closing an important business deal. Upon her arrival at the airport, she discovers that her luggage is lost. While completing the necessary paperwork, she meets Matt Mitchum (Mark Wiebe), who is also filling out a missing baggage report. She is surprised to learn that Matt is the brother of her fiancé "Billy". On their way to the family home, they get into a car accident and both end up in the hospital, where Alice learns that Matt broke off his engagement to a woman who refused to "walk through the rain" for him.

Will's mother and father arrive at the hospital and are surprised to learn that their son "Billy" is engaged, yet they quickly make Alice feel like a loved new member of the family. Meanwhile, Will is told that Alice's store needs to be sold to his wealthy client in order to close an important deal. Will assures the client that he can get her to sell. Back at the house, Alice and Matt share their Christmas memories with each other and bake Christmas cookies. She learns that Matt shares her romantic interest in antiques, old family photos, and Charlie Brown Christmas trees, and soon they become attracted to each other. As Alice talks about Will, the family seems surprised at some of the details she shares about their "Billy".

When "Billy" Mitchum finally arrives, Alice is shocked to see that "Billy" is not her fiancée, Will, and realizes that she's been sharing Christmas with the ''wrong'' Mitchum family. Alice calls Will and soon Will shows up to pick her up to take her back to ''his'' family's Christmas gathering. Matt's family is saddened to see her go. Before leaving, Alice gives Matt, the man who "makes her laugh", a kiss goodbye. When she meets Will's family, she is left disillusioned by the air kisses of her future mother-in-law and Will's all-business father, a world away from Matt's family. That night, Matt comes to Will's family house and takes Alice to a nearby park where he shows her the benches he built bearing quotes from Shakespeare.

On Christmas Eve, Alice calls Matt's family to wish them a Merry Christmas, but Matt feels he is unable to talk with her. With the "new Mitchums", Alice tries to play the game taught to her by the "other Mitchums"—where everyone writes something nice about someone else and each tries to guess who said what—but Will's family is not nearly as interesting or loving as Matt's family. During the game, Will announces that he has "closed" a huge deal involving the sale of Alice's store for $3.5 million. Alice is revolted by Will's insensitivity, and tells him that she cannot marry him. Will realizes that something has changed in their relationship and accepts her decision.

Alice rushes to the park where she sees and embraces Matt, confessing that she is the "girl who loves family and romance" and that she is the girl who loves him. They kiss and walk off into the snowy Christmas night together.

No Man's Sky

Artemis Path

The Traveller (the player character) wakes up on a remote planet with amnesia, and must locate their crashed starship. After finding their starship, its computer guides the Traveller to make the necessary repairs, and to collect the resources needed to fuel a hyperspace jump to another planetary system. En route, the Traveller encounters individual members of three alien species, the Gek, the Korvax and the Vy'keen, that inhabit the galaxy. During their voyage, the Traveller is compelled by an unknown force to reach the centre of the galaxy.

Along the way to the centre, the Traveller is alerted to a presence of a space anomaly in a nearby system. Travelling there, they find a special space station ("space anomaly") where many strange aliens reside. Two of the aliens, Priest Entity Nada and Specialist Polo, have knowledge beyond what other aliens in the galaxy appear to possess, including being able to speak to the Traveller without translation. They tell of a strange being, found at the centre of the galaxy. They are able to guide the Traveller towards meeting it, by directing them to a nearby black hole that can quickly take the Traveller closer to the centre of the galaxy.

As the Traveller continues on their journey, they receives a message from an alien entity named Artemis. Artemis says that they are also a Traveller and wished to meet others of their kind, but got trapped on a sunless world after stepping through a strange, ancient portal. After triangulating Artemis's position and talking with the local alien species, the Traveller discovers that Artemis's location does not exist. After telling Artemis the news, the transmission ends mysteriously and the Traveller learns of yet another Traveller named Apollo.

The Traveller then contacts Apollo, telling him about Artemis's predicament. The Traveller is told to uncover the connection between the portals and the Sentinels, the robotic beings protecting each planet. After a skirmish with the Sentinels, the Traveller passes through a portal and is taken aboard a large, unknown vessel in space, where they come face to face with the cosmic being Nada spoke about, named the Atlas. The Traveller is then sent to an unknown planet where they find the grave of Artemis, revealing Artemis has been dead the entire time. While trying to contact Apollo, the Traveller accidentally contacts a new entity named -null-, who tells the Traveller that Artemis can be saved using a "Mind Arc". After constructing the Mind Arc, the Traveller must choose whether to upload Artemis's soul into a machine aboard the Anomaly or to let them die. Regardless of the choice, the Traveller is directed by a distress beacon to another portal where they learn that the Atlas is dying.

The Traveller becomes aware that they, like Nada and Polo, are different from the other sentient beings in the galaxy, having some sense of the universe's construction and nature. It is revealed that the galaxy itself exists as a computer simulation managed by the Atlas, and the Travellers, or the fourth race, are entities that were created by the Atlas to explore the simulation. It is also revealed how Nada and Polo met, and how they are "errors" that had become self-aware of being in a simulation and isolated themselves in the anomaly to help others.

The Traveller investigates more Interfaces and finds themselves once again in direct communication with the Atlas. The Atlas informs the Traveller that it does not want to die. In order to save itself, it directs the Traveller to continue to explore and collect information all while moving towards the centre, where the entity appears to be. The Atlas judges the Traveller's progress, and grants them the blueprint for a different Atlas Seed if it deems the Traveller worthy. The Traveller must continue on this journey, receiving help from Nada, Polo and Atlas Seeds from other Interfaces.

Ultimately, the Traveller reaches the galaxy's centre, finding yet another Atlas Interface. The Traveller must choose to either restart the simulation, saving The Atlas, or reject the offer.

If the Traveller chooses to reject The Atlas's offer, the main storyline ends and the Traveller is allowed to explore the galaxy as they wish. Otherwise, if the Traveller chooses to restart the simulation, The Atlas resets, upon which it creates a new galaxy, as well as creating a new Traveller entity to restart the exploration. It is then revealed that this has happened many times before, each time shortening the life of The Atlas. The Atlas tries to observe the future, past its death, but sees nothing, besides the hand of its creator on its glass casing. The Traveller is teleported to the new galaxy, effectively restarting the game.

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

A young, hardworking Iranian man named Arash lives with and takes care of his heroin-addicted father, Hossein. They are harassed by a cruel, drug-dealer pimp named Saeed, who seizes the young man's prized car in exchange for money the father owes him. In a crime of opportunity, Arash steals a pair of diamond earrings from the wealthy young woman he works for, Shaydah.

Saeed comes across a strange young woman in a chador at night. She persuades Saeed to take her back to his apartment. While there, she grows long fangs and first bites off his finger, then goes for his neck, killing him. As she leaves, she passes by Arash, who has come to offer the earrings for his car. He finds Saeed dead, and takes back his car keys along with a suitcase of drugs and cash. Arash decides to sell the drugs, allowing him to quit his job working for Shaydah. Later, he goes to a costume party at a night club dressed up as Dracula, where he is persuaded by Shaydah into taking one of the ecstasy pills he is selling. Under the influence, he becomes disoriented, and ends up lost at night on the street.

The woman with the chador spends her time listening to music alone in her apartment, skateboarding, or bedeviling pedestrians at night, until she comes across the lost Arash. He shows vulnerability and compassion, and she takes him to her home, where they listen to music, and she resists his exposed neck. They meet the next night, and she says that he does not know the terrible things she has done. He is unfazed, gives her the earrings and – at her request – pierces her ears with a safety pin, but she eventually leaves.

Atti, a prostitute who worked for Saeed, is followed at night by the woman, and they retreat to the prostitute's apartment. The woman gives Atti the payment Saeed owed her. They have a conversation during which the woman realizes that Atti no longer remembers what it is to desire. She leaves.

Suffering from heroin withdrawal, Hossein has an episode where he believes that Arash's cat is his dead wife. Infuriated by his father, Arash gives him drugs and money and throws him out, telling him to take the cat with him. Hossein goes to Atti and forces her to take heroin with him. They are found by the woman, who kills Hossein. After Atti helps her dispose of Hossein's body, she tells her to take the cat and leave.

The following morning, Arash discovers Hossein's body. Distressed, he runs to the apartment of the woman and begs her to run away with him. As she is gathering up her things, the cat appears and Arash realizes that she had something to do with his father's death. Arash and the woman drive off together but he pulls off to the side of the road, angry and undecided about what to do. He eventually gets back in the car and the two continue their trip onwards.

Double or Nothing (1940 film)

The film's plot is similar to the Warners release ''Double or Nothing'' (1936), where an actor (Dixon) gets knocked out and dreams of actors "doubled" by their actual stand-ins.

Good Morning, Eve!

Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden debating whether to eat an apple despite the serpent's warning. After their meal, they take a stroll through time. Along the way, they stop for musical interludes, including in the gardens of Emperor Nero of Rome circa 100 AD, in King Arthur's court, and at a beach resort in modern times.

A Diva's Christmas Carol

Ebony Scrooge (Vanessa Williams) is one of the world's most successful popular singers. However, with her cold-hearted soul and nasty attitude, she lacks a great deal of holiday cheer and makes her underpaid manager Bob Cratchett (Brian McNamara) and her band anything but happy. In addition, she also neglects her niece Olivia (Amanda Brugel), which makes her husband unhappy.

While in New York for a charity concert, Ebony (who was once part of the 1980s trio "Desire") is visited by the ghost of one of her former singing partners, Marli Jacob (Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas), who died in a car crash in 1990. She informs Ebony that she was unhappy with her for willingly abandoning her during her struggles with her drug addiction which ultimately led to the car accident that killed her. She also mentions that God knows Ebony took advantage of Marli's untimely death to plot her solo career, and the fact that she is using the charity concert as an excuse to add to her own wealth. Because of this, she is still earthbound and in chains. Marli warns Ebony that she may face a similar fate and informs her that she will be visited by three spirits: the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, who will hopefully turn Ebony's life around.

The Ghost of Christmas Past (Kathy Griffin) shows Ebony her tragic past with her abusive, alcoholic father (Warren "Slim" Williams), and how she partly became the cold person she is today because of this. The only person that made Ebony (Vanessa Morgan) feel loved was her brother, Ronnie (Ade Obayomi), and even he tried to continue to be positive for their family, even after the two were removed from their father's custody by their grandmother's call to child services, and separated in foster care. It was also revealed that even though Ebony had been adopted into a nice family and managed to keep in touch with Ronnie, she had refused to visit her father, whom she has never forgiven for the abuse he put both her and Ronnie through. While Ronnie (Nwamiko Madden) tried to give their father a second chance after he seemingly improved his ways by moving back home with him, he soon learned that Ebony had been right about their father not having changed after he began drinking again. Ronnie subsequently left home for good and later married straight out of high school and had Olivia, before dying of a sudden brain aneurysm.

During her years as Desire's lead singer, Ebony had a relationship with Bob, who was a DJ at the time, and he was considering marrying her before she coldly broke up with him. Ebony had worked well with Desire until her coldness caused rifts, which, combined with Marli's drug problems, eventually broke up the band. Before leaving her, the ghost takes Ebony to Terry Freeman (Stephanie Biddle), Desire's other singer and Ebony and Marli's once close friend, who is now a destitute Meals on Wheels client due to Ebony abandoning her following Marli's untimely death and crushing her financially in a lawsuit regarding the "Desire" name and brand. The ghost confronts Ebony over her maltreatment of Terry over the years, saying she should never had abandoned her friend when she needed her. Ebony tries to attack the ghost, only to be brought back to her suite.

Ebony then finds a wild party in her suite, with a heavy metal rocker at the center of the chaos. He is the Ghost of Christmas Present (John Taylor), who shows her how she is overworking Bob and her crew. She comes to learn just how much her band really hates her and that they insult her behind her back. Ebony shows sympathy and concern for Bob's ailing son Tim, slowly realizing just how strained his relationship with his family is. The ghost also shows Ebony her accountant Ernie Hoskins (Richard Jutras) is spending his Christmas with his girlfriend; Ernie lets slip to her that he has been able to pay for his lifestyle by secretly stealing money from her accounts over the years. This angers Ebony because Ernie was supposed to be her trusted accountant, and also makes her realize why he is always insisted on her staying on a tight budget – the less she spends, the more he can steal from her. The Ghost then takes Ebony to see the homeless people her concert is supposed to benefit, but whom she has never interacted with, showing her how they enjoy Christmas despite having nothing. Lastly, the Ghost takes her to the apartment of her estranged niece Olivia. Olivia informs her husband and friends that despite Ebony's cold attitude, she still loves her aunt. Ebony starts regretting how she treated Olivia in the past, and finally appreciates that she is the only living blood relative she has left. At this point, she starts to see everything in a new light and feels terrible about the way that she mistreated Olivia, Bob, and her band. Before leaving, the Ghost warns Ebony of the two main killers that could destroy her own life: Ignorance and Greed. Ebony reluctantly allows Bob to rush home to be with his wife Kelly (Linda Goodwin) and sick son Tim (Joshua Archambault).

The last spirit (the Ghost of Christmas Future) is the one that gets through to Ebony. The Ghost is depicted as a miniature television showing a tragic episode of ''Behind the Music'', which depicts many artists such as Brian McKnight commenting on the life and death of Ebony Scrooge. Her former bandmates use the show to air out their grievances about who she really is inside, ruining her public image in the process. The matter is made worse when one of her disgruntled former backup singers, Tina, theorizes that Ebony had planned to destroy Desire herself by setting up Marli to die in her car accident and deliberately financially ruining Terry, so she could take advantage and make her own solo career more successful. While Bob debunks Tina's theory in Ebony's defense, he also reveals how much he couldn't forgive her for making him work on Christmas; this led to both him missing Tim's death and Kelly divorcing him, a revelation that breaks Ebony's heart. It is also revealed that she died flat broke due to both Ernie draining her finances and her own career floundering in her last years. Ebony also discovers that Olivia was the only person who attended her funeral, while everyone else benefited from her death. The television then begins to pull Ebony into its black void as she screams for help. She begs God to grant her a second chance to make up for her cruelty and let her reopen her heart to Christmas once more.

The next morning, Ebony awakens and opens her heart to Christmas once again. During an interview, she mentions that she will do all she can to help the homeless and is open to suggestions for how to alleviate the stress of poverty. Ebony also apologizes for allowing her latest CD to be overpriced. She hires a chef (revealed to be Wolfgang Puck) to make a lavish Christmas dinner for her crew, and encouraging them to invite their families to her concert by buying up every ticket to the show that she can, over Ernie's protests regarding her budget. Ebony next reconciles with her niece Olivia, who reveals her pregnancy, and invites Terry to perform with her. She then makes one final stop before the concert by rushing to the airport and stopping Bob from boarding his plane, revealing that she has flown both his wife and Tim to join him in New York instead. After offering Bob an extended vacation to be with his family, Ebony reveals that she has pulled strings to get Tim into the best pediatric hospital in New York, and will personally fund his medical care to help him recover.

That night, the concert is a big success. During the show, Ebony declares all proceeds and donations (which equate to over $1 million) will go to charity. She then fires Ernie and has him arrested for his embezzlement by the police. When he asks his girlfriend for help, she reveals herself to be an undercover FBI agent. Ernie protests his innocence as he is taken away to be booked, and Ebony apologizes for the inconvenience her ex-manager brought them. Now wearing angelic robes, Marli watches Ebony and Terry reunite and perform "Sleigh Ride", an old song from their repertoire, and Ebony sees Marli blow her and Terry a kiss before departing for heaven.

A year later, Ebony, Terry, Bob, Kelly, and a healthy Tim are seen with Olivia's family and her usual guests at her perennial Christmas party. Ebony and Terry reconcile their friendship while planning to reform the Desire group again in honor of Marli. She playfully orders her grandniece to not make a mess on her.

Singularity Principle

Academic research scientist Jack Brenner (John Diehl) conducts an unauthorized secret experiment that creates a portal between parallel universes. Jack's protege, Dr. Peter Tanning (Michael Denis), is being questioned by Lawrence Cason (William B. Davis) who works for a clandestine black-ops organization to learn how to reproduce and control the physical process.

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 3 - New Carmen Adventure

In ACME's New York branch, the Chief informs agent Julia that some of the world's greatest treasures have been stolen. The Chief suspects the thefts to be the work of Carmen Sandiego, but there is lack of evidence to confirm it. Julia along with Adam Shadow are sent to find the thief and recover the treasures, before news of the theft reaches the public. Matt Forrest provides technical assistance during the mission. After many investigations around the world and putting together a digital map of Atlantis, it turns out that Carmen Sandiego had been intercepting ACME communications and planned this entire mission. Carmen Sandiego steals the map and heads to South America.

Golden Rainbow (TV series)

Adopted and raised by the same father, seven orphans grew up together as a family in a town near the ocean. With the bond between them even stronger than that of blood-related siblings, they experience hardships together and struggle to succeed in the marine products industry. It mainly revolves around a girl who was kept away from her mother by her father's mother. The mother asks her long time friend to steal her back. So he did. He got caught and went to prison for 6 years. The girl is back with the grandmother but 6 years later at an amusement park, she is kidnapped. She later on escapes and finds home with a boy and his grandmother. The grandmother later on dies and the longtime friend that stole her back the first time finds them trying to steal fish but keeps them as his own kids. He adds on 5 more kids later after them.

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus

The film opens with an unnamed dancer (Charles "Lil Buck" Riley) dancing in various locations around Brooklyn during the credit sequence.

From there, the plot follows Dr. Hess Green (Stephen Tyrone Williams), a wealthy African-American anthropologist and art collector who acquires a dagger originating in the ancient Ashanti Empire, a highly advanced civilization that, Green claims, became addicted to blood transfusions. That night, Lafayette Hightower (Elvis Nolasco), an emotionally unstable colleague from the museum which acquired the dagger, visits Green's impressive, African-art covered Martha's Vineyard mansion. The two cordially discuss history and philosophy, but once Green has retired for the evening, Hightower becomes drunk and climbs a tree with a noose, claiming he wants to commit suicide. Green successfully talks him down, but later that night Hightower attacks and stabs Green with the Ashanti ceremonial dagger, killing him. Sometime later, Green is shocked to awaken—unscathed. He hears a gunshot and, upon discovering that Hightower has killed himself, he instinctively drinks Hightower's blood. He discovers that he is invulnerable to physical harm, can no longer tolerate normal food and drink, and has an insatiable need for more blood. Though he steals several bags of blood from a doctor's office, he quickly finds that he needs fresh victims. The first is a prostitute Lucky Mays (Felicia Pearson) who, shockingly, reawakens—only after he has discovered that her blood is HIV-positive. After a period of tension, it is determined that he has not contracted the virus.

Soon, Hightower's estranged ex-wife, Ganja Hightower (Zaraah Abrahams), arrives at Green's house searching for her ex-husband, who owes her money. Green and Ganja quickly become lovers, and she moves into Green's expansive mansion. He departs "on business" and kills Sahara Paysinger, a young woman with a baby (Jeni Perillo) whom he meets in a public park in Brooklyn. While Green is away, Ganja unwittingly discovers her ex-husband's corpse—frozen in his wine cellar—she is initially angry, but after Green explains what happened and tells her that he loves her, she agrees to marry him. On the honeymoon night, he stabs her with the Ashanti dagger so that she will share immortality with him. Ganja is initially horrified by her new existence, but Green teaches her how to survive. He brings home an old female acquaintance Tangier Chancellor (Naté Bova), for Ganja's first kill. Ganja seduces and then strangles Tangier. Ganja and Hess bury Tangier's body, even though, like Lucky from before, her "corpse" reawakens.

Green tells Ganja he is tired of this life and eventually visits a Red Hook church where he is moved by an energetic musical performance and approaches the altar to have the pastor lay hands on him. Meanwhile, back at home, Ganja murders Green's loyal domestic servant Seneschal Higginbottom (Rami Malek). When she searches for Green to confess, she finds him in the shadow of a cross, dying. Green dies in her arms, glad to be at peace. Ganja, though saddened by his death, lives on, presumably continuing her vampire-esque lifestyle. At the movie's closing, we see her walk out to the beach and gaze out into the water. Tangier appears, still naked, approaches her then turns and they stand side by side facing the horizon.

See You Tomorrow, Everyone

Starting in 1981, the film follows the life of Satoru Watarai (Hamada) from 12 to 30 years old. After dropping out of Junior High School, Watarai has resolved never to set foot outside his danchi (Japanese apartment complex). As he watches his classmates gradually move away, he begins a daily routine of exercise, martial arts and security patrols which he believes will protect the danchi and preserve its way of life. The film also explores Watarai's struggle to build relationships, make a living and deal with the dilapidation of the complex in the wake of the collapse of Japan's bubble economy.

Family Relations

A rural woman Mariya Konovalova (Nonna Mordyukova) goes to the regional center to visit her daughter Nina (Svetlana Kryuchkova), and beloved granddaughter Irishka (Fedor Stukov). A good and simple-minded woman can not imagine what kind of world they are living - the dearest and, perhaps, the only people close to her. Trying to deal with their ideas about life and being willing to improve her daughters difficult relationship with her ex-husband, she brings them all to a lot of grief.

W1A (TV series)

The series revolves around Ian Fletcher (Hugh Bonneville), formerly the Head of the Olympic Deliverance Commission, who has been chosen to be the Head of Values at the BBC. His task is to clarify, define, or re-define the core purpose of the BBC across all its functions and to position it confidently for the future. The series deals with the everyday events at the corporation, and how the team deal with these. Such events include the arrival of Prince Charles, problems surrounding a new programme entitled ''Britain's Tastiest Village'', as well as media scrutiny of Ian Fletcher's salary, the decision to cut the BBC Big Swing Band (which turns out to be beloved by all) and a cross-dressing ex-Premier League football player who wants to be a television pundit but is terrible at it.

Mega Shark Versus Mecha Shark

A tugboat pulling a huge iceberg arrives at a port in Alexandria, Egypt, when suddenly, the iceberg shatters and releases a megalodon from suspended animation. The Mega Shark begins its reign of terror by flipping the tugboat to the air until it crashes and decapitates the Sphinx hundreds of miles away in Giza. Following the incident, several countries around the world place their ports on lockdown and impose a ban on fishing, adversely affecting the world's economy as the megalodon terrorizes the seas. Meanwhile, rumors surface of the United Nations' proposal to develop a weapon to combat the shark.

At Pearl Harbor, Jack Turner and Rosie Gray are assigned to pilot the Mecha Shark, a new prototype submarine that resembles the megalodon. Jack, however, is skeptical about the untested prototype, as it is not equipped with their special A.I. named "Nero". Later, aboard the USS ''Charles Davis'', Admiral Engleberg is warned by Dr. Emma McNeil that the megalodon's aggression attributes to its search for a mate. After the USS ''Virginia'' confirms the presence of the megalodon within the South China Sea, the ''Charles Davis'' and the Mecha Shark head to rendezvous with the ''Virginia''. Rosie takes the Mecha Shark and hits the mega shark with a tracking projectile. The ''Virginia'' fires a torpedo that hits the shark. Rosie launches a torpedo toward the megalodon, but she inadvertently sinks the ''Virginia'' before the mega shark damages the prototype. Following the failed operation, Jack installs Nero into the Mecha Shark's computer. Meanwhile, the megalodon strikes the AR Event Horizon oil platform off the coast of Australia, triggering a devastating oil spill.

Rosie takes the Mecha Shark back underwater as she and Nero duke it out with the megalodon, but they discover a damaged oil pipeline in the area. Jack and Adm. Engleberg engage in a heated argument over the decision to either seal the pipeline or continue the pursuit on the mega shark. Rosie uses the Mecha Shark to seal the leak by crushing the damaged pipe before continuing her objective. The megalodon launches itself into the air to sink a commercial airliner, but the Mecha Shark rushes in to tackle it mid-air back into the ocean. In the ensuing battle, the tracking projectile falls off the megalodon's body. Rosie fires a torpedo toward the mega shark, but it uses its tail fin to swat it toward the ''Charles Davis'' fleet, sinking one of the ships. The Mecha Shark follows the megalodon into a trench; Rosie fires another torpedo that causes a landslide that sends the submarine offline and knocks Rosie unconscious. A few minutes later, Nero's system reboots and notifies Jack that the Mecha Shark is wedged between several rocks, but it manages to blast its way out of the debris. The megalodon attacks the USS ''James Stewart'' aircraft carrier, which is field-testing her high-frequency emitters. Jack and Adm. Engleberg tell the ''James Stewart'' crew to turn off her emitters; the attack is briefly halted, but the megalodon jumps to intercept a fighter plane and crushes the carrier in the process.

After the Mecha Shark returns to the ''Charles Davis'', Jack and Adm. Engleberg argue over putting an unconscious Rosie back in the field when Nero suggests it can control the submarine by itself. Mecha Shark returns to sea, but it is critically damaged by the megalodon. After Rosie awakens, she is summoned to Emma's research facility in Auckland, New Zealand, where Emma reveals that the megalodon is headed toward Sydney, a spawning ground of its species millions of years earlier. Sydney is promptly evacuated while Nero goes back online, yet Jack cannot pinpoint the glitch that caused its defeat. As predicted, the megalodon arrives in Sydney's shores; the Mecha Shark with Nero in control is once again deployed to engage it in battle. Nero once again malfunctions; this time, the Mecha Shark enters Drone Mode, a fail-safe system programmed to complete its task without the safety protocols. The megalodon tackles Mecha Shark and hurls it toward the Sydney Opera House. Jack rushes to Sydney and reunites with Rosie, but Mecha Shark goes back online and determines all humans in sight as hostile after soldiers point their guns at it. As the Mecha Shark goes into amphibious mode and terrorizes the streets, Emma calls Rosie and suggests to lure it back into the ocean and convince the megalodon to destroy it. Rosie rushes in to board the Mecha Shark to trigger the pulse generator. Meanwhile, the megalodon sinks the ''Charles Davis'', killing Adm. Engleberg and everyone aboard. The Mecha Shark is blasted back into the water by a squadron of fighter planes. Jack boards a second shark submarine to board the Mecha Shark and get Nero back online. Jack and Rosie leave the Mecha Shark before the megalodon bites the left side of the submarine, triggering a dislodged torpedo which destroys both combatants in the explosion. Jack reveals to Rosie that he copied Nero's system into a flash drive before telling her they have some explaining to do to the Australian authorities.

Rithmatist (series)

''The Rithmatist'' follows the story of Joel, a teenage boy who is enrolled at and lives on the campus of Armedius Academy. He is not a Rithmatist, yet is interested in the study of Rithmatist power. Joel, eager to know more about Rithmatics, helps a professor at Armedius Academy when students of the school start disappearing—kidnapped and presumed dead.

Buford's Beach Bunnies

Jim Hanks plays Jeeter Buford, the son of fast-food mogul Harry Buford. Jeeter will inherit his father's company only if he can overcome his lifelong fear of women. When Harry offers $100,000 to the first of his female employees who can woo his son, the competition begins.

The Culture Vultures

Dr Michael Cunningham is a senior lecturer in anthropology at the University of Hampshire. A gambler and womaniser, his quest for an easy life is frequently interrupted by his friends and colleagues. His casual attitude leads to clashes with his seniors. He enjoys the campus nightlife and is always looking for an opportunity to travel.

No for an Answer

The plot of ''No For An Answer'' is the life and fate of the Diogenes Club, a social club of Greek-American waiters, hotel-workers, restaurant-workers, chefs, laundresses, chambermaids, taxi-drivers, who are out-of-work.

Hold On to Your Hats

With scenes in Route 66, Sunshine Valley Rancho, New York City, and Mexico, a posse of cowboys come in from the West looking for The Lone Rider (Al Jolson) of the radio drama, to go west and round up the notorious bandit Fernando (Arnold Moss). He finally sings his way out of trouble after several narrow escapes.

Deadfall Adventures

The story takes place in the year 1938, with players assuming the role of famous adventurer Allan Quartermain's great-grandson, James Lee Quatermain. James' goal is to escort a U.S. agent as they travel to Egypt in search for the Heart of Atlantis. Rival factions such as the Nazis and Soviets are looking it for their own purposes.

The Illegitimates

Jack Steele is a British superspy working for an organization called Olympus who works on a number of missions across the globe from 1962 to the present, during which he frequently engages in dalliances with a variety of women, a number of which result in children:

In Africa in 1978 Steele is rescued from certain death by an unnamed female spy on a motorcycle. In Japan in 1982 Steele comes into conflict with a Yakuza assassin named Fumiko Kaze, and has a tumultuous affair with her. At an underwater enemy base in the Pacific Ocean in 1985, Steele joins forces with CIA agent Betty Darlington on the Diamond Foot case and the two barely escape their opponents. In the Colombian Amazon in 1991, Steele has an affair with Adalina Teresa Estrella Caliestas, the daughter of the President of Spain. *Soon after the events in Colombia, Steele has an affair with Lordsley, a temporary personal assistant filling in for Miss Heatherpence, the assistant who normally works for Steele's superior, on a day when Heatherpence is out sick.

Steele's final mission occurs in Kharkiv, Ukraine in the present, when he and his archenemy, Marcus Dannikor, engage in physical combat on top of a speeding train, and the aging Steele is brutally killed. Knowing that Dannikor is planning some grand scheme, Edwards, Steele's superior, activates Project Sire, a classified project which has kept track of, and when necessary, secretly intervened in the lives of, the various children that Steele fathered: Vin Darlington, Kiken Kaze, Saalinge M'Chumba, Leandros Antonio Caliestes and Charlie Lordsley. However, Dannikor learns of these children as well. Edwards' name and Dannikor's given name is given in issue #2.

As Olympus summons Steele's five children, Dannikor tests a new weapon, which broadcasts a signal that allows him to take control of people and have them do his bidding, and leaving without any memory of their actions. During the test, 15 people in Bern, Switzerland are made to empty out their bank accounts, totaling 320 million euros, an act that Dannikor intends to perform on a global scale. When Edwards meets with the assembled children, he tells them they must begin training in order to replace their father. Incredulous at the idea, and displeased to learn that Olympus has secretly interfered in their lives, the three brothers, Vin Darlington, Kiken Kaze and Leandros Caliestes, leave. Saalinge M'Chumba, however, would prefer not to return to the Johannesburg prison from which Olympus freed her, and decides to stay, along with her half-sister Charlie Lordsley. Edwards tells the sisters that they must learn how Dannikor took control of his victims' minds by infiltrating an upcoming gala at his mansion. Upon returning home, the brothers learn that their mothers have been kidnapped by Dannikor, in order to lure them to him. They return to Olympus to accept Edwards' offer in order to free them.

Wanda Whips Wall Street

Wanda Brandt, a corporate takeover engineer, plots to take control of a Wall Street investment firm by sexually blackmailing the corporate stockholders out of their holdings. Things get complicated for Wanda when the firm hires an investigator (played by Jamie Gillis) to determine the cause of the stock instability.

Merry Dog

It is Christmas time, and Santa Claus flies across the evening sky in his reindeer-drawn sleigh. Down on the snowy terrain, Pooch rides on a dachshund-pulled sled, and sings a jazzy version of the song ''Jingle Bells''. On the way, a hungry husky spots and starts to pursue the dog.

Pooch arrives at a house. Opening the door and letting him in is his friend the girl coonhound. The husky also arrives just outside but struggles to get in. Inside the house, Pooch recites the poem ''A Visit from St. Nicholas''. A rat in a hole appears to be bothered by some words in the poem, and therefore comes out to play. The rat's play then disturbs a cat which resulted a chase.

While still struggling to get in the house, the husky notices the sleigh of Santa Claus landing nearby. The husky captures and ties up Santa. The husky then dons Santa's clothes and beard before going down into the chimney.

The impostor Santa shows up in the house, much to the amazement of Pooch and the girl coonhound. The two dogs are further delighted when they are invited by him to go on a sleigh ride. Momentarily, the cat and a pack of rats, in a chase, jump into the fake Santa's beard. A scuffle in it occurs until the beard falls off, and the husky is exposed. Pooch and the girl coonhound attempt to run but the husky manages to catch their legs. Hopefully, the toy soldiers and other toys in the house come to life, and go on to help the two dogs by disrupting the husky. This goes on until Pooch places a noose around the husky's legs and has him hanging on the ceiling. The real Santa finally breaks from the ropes, and enters the house. To get back at the perpetrator, Santa delivers a strong straight punch which sends the husky airborne many yards away.

In the house several minutes later, Pooch and the girl coonhound are sitting on the laps of Santa who recites the poem Pooch recited earlier. The cat returns and expresses liking to the recitation after having consumed all the rats.

The Vampire Tapestry

''The Vampire Tapestry'' is composed of five free-standing novella-length chapters which are stitched together to form one episodic plot, or hence the name, tapestry. In the first half of the novel, the narrative is presented from the point of view of different characters as their paths cross Weyland's. In the final chapters, the focus centers on Weyland himself.

The ancient mind at work

In the opening chapter of the novel, the narrative follows a woman by the name of Katje de Groot who happens to work at the same college, the Cayslin Center for the Study of Man, where Dr. Weyland is a professor. One late night, Katje observes what she fantasizes to be a vampire fleeing from the scene of a feeding session. Although she comes to the conclusion that what really happened was nothing more than an anthropologist, Dr. Weyland, leaving the lab with one of his sleep subjects, her imagination begins to run wild.

When Dr. Weyland gives a public lecture on "The Demonology of Dreams," Katje naturally decides to attend. During the lecture, the subject of vampirism gets brought up by the audience. From the back of the lecture hall, Katje watches in astonishment as Dr. Weyland provides uncanny insight into how vampires might actually look and behave. For example, they might utilize a needle in their tongue to extract blood rather than having the more conspicuous canine fangs (page 37).

The next day, Katje compliments Weyland on his lecture. He returns the compliment by inviting her to participate in his sleep study. Initially, she refuses the offer but eventually reconsiders. When she reaches the lab, however, Weyland forces Katje back to his car. While trying to escape from Weyland, Katje manages to shoot him twice. The chapter ends with Weyland driving off into the distance.

The land of lost content

The second chapter begins with a pair of bystanders finding Weyland collapsed at the wheel of his Mercedes-Benz. When Weyland refuses the men's offer to alert the authorities, they plot to capitalize on the suspicious nature of his situation. After pawning the car, a friend of the bystanders proceeds to tend to Weyland's injuries. Weyland's state of medical emergency leads him to rip out an IV and begin drinking the blood coming from the other end. This queer activity subsequently leads the men to sell Weyland to a man named Roger.

Roger holds Weyland captive in the spare room of his Manhattan apartment where he plans to display the vampire as a museum exhibit. The situation gets complicated when Roger's nephew Mark, the protagonist of the chapter, empathically befriends Weyland. Before long, Roger employs the aid of a satanist by the name of Alan Reese to market Weyland's captivity. When Alan's feeding schedule forces Weyland into starvation, Mark intervenes. In doing so, Weyland is able to escape the confines of Roger's apartment and bring the chapter to a close.

Unicorn tapestry

Just as the first two chapters are told from the point of view of Katje and Mark respectively, "Unicorn Tapestry" offers a new perspective on Weyland from yet another source, Dr. Floria Landauer. Floria is a psychotherapist who has been asked to counsel Dr. Weyland by Doug Sharpe, the dean of Cayslin College (page 122). Initially Weyland is resistant to Floria's sessions, claiming for example that he is being made ridiculous by her techniques (128). Eventually he warms up to her therapy and even begins to embrace it. He begins by coyly admitting his "delusions" of being a vampire (126), but this flowers into explications of his hunting habits (136), sexuality (141), take on humanity (148), and much more. Ultimately, Weyland sees the therapy sessions as a method of self-discovery for he has no knowledge of his origin and no other members of his species to interact with (158).

One day when Floria arrives at her office, her secretary Hilda exclaims that someone has been through their records. Floria immediately realizes that the perpetrator was Weyland and that he had confiscated all incriminating evidence of his condition. That evening when Floria returns home, Weyland is waiting for her. After acquiring a written testament to his mental well-being, Weyland threatens to kill Floria. Floria is able to convince him otherwise however by offering to fulfill his sexual curiosities. In the end, Weyland accepts her offer and leaves her be as he flees to New Mexico.

A musical interlude

Shortly after arriving in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Weyland's colleagues invite him to attend an opera in Santa Fe. During the drive over, Weyland begins to feel sick; he fed before leaving and never had the chance to rest (which upsets his system). Halfway through the performance, Weyland's upset stomach gets the best of him, and he is forced to leave the show. While wandering around the perimeter of theatre, Weyland comes across a man whom he attacks and kills. The kill was unprovoked, utilized a technique which Weyland had not used in years, and was not done out of hunger. Although confused by his own actions, Weyland is forced to focus on disposing the body. After doing so, Weyland re-enters the opera and reflects upon his actions.

The last of Dr. Weyland

In the final chapter, Weyland remains in New Mexico as he continues his professorship at the University of New Mexico. As a hunter, Albuquerque provides Weyland with a new set of challenges which he had not faced while in New York at Cayslin. In particular, the size of the city hinders Weyland's anonymity. Consequently, Weyland must establish a reliable social network from which to prey upon. One such member of this network is Alison Beader, a teaching assistant whom Weyland also engages with sexually. When Weyland is forced to sever his connection with Alison for fear that she is becoming too close to him, he finds himself between reliable food sources. One night he chooses to drive to a nearby campground to satisfy his hunger.

In parallel with Weyland's relationship to Alison, Weyland also begins to forge a relationship with a fellow anthropologist named Irv. One day Weyland is approached by a woman named Dorothea Winslow, a friend of Irv, and is asked if Irv has been acting himself lately. Weyland is indifferent to the question and answers that he is not sure. Soon after this encounter, Irv commits suicide and dedicates a large portion of his final letter to Weyland, drawing much unwanted attention to him. When Weyland returns home after the incident, Alan Reese is waiting for him. Alan claims that he knows about Floria and saw Weyland feeding at the campground. Alan holds Weyland at gunpoint, but Weyland is eventually able to reverse the situation by tricking Alan into thinking that he can turn him into a vampire. Rather than doing so, Weyland kills him. With growing fear of becoming discovered, Weyland is forced to enter a state of hibernation and the novel is brought to a close.

Chaos (2008 film)

In the Walled City, the inhabitants are either cornered or have a shady past. They commit prostitution, gambling, drugs and other lawless acts. They have their own order and law. The Walled City is akin to a "limbo" zone. One day, Cheung Tai-hoi (Andrew Lin), while escorting criminal Mickey Szeto (Gordon Lam), accidentally loses control of the police van and breaks into the Walled City and is detained by its inhabitants. Walled City's overlord Crow (Alexander Chan) hate the police and believes one of them is a cop and prepares to execute one of them. At this time, a brothel owner in Walled City, Ling, (Kristal Tin) falsely accuses Mickey to be the cop. Therefore, Hoi was released while Mickey was continued to be detained. It turns out that Mickey is Ling's long lost lover and she wants him to suffer since she believes he abandoned her and her daughter, Yan (Charmaine Fong), years ago. At the same time, she also wants Mickey to help her leave Walled City because Crow has been eyeing for Yan. Yan then sees the detained Mickey, while she does not know he is her father, she had a feeling which prompt her to decide to help him escape. At the same time, a fatal plague was discovered in Walled City and the government uses this as an excuse to start a massacre that would prevent the spreading of the plague. Will Mickey, Tai-hoi, Ling and Yan survive the massacre? Will Mickey and Yan be reunited as father and daughter?

The Cell (The Vampire Diaries)

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is still locked up by Wes (Rick Cosnett) who wants him to be his next object of investigation since he has lost his last one. Elena (Nina Dobrev) worries that Damon did not show up and she goes to find Aaron (Shaun Sipos) in hope that he knows where Wes is. She finds him mourning about Jesse's (Kendrick Sampson) death and he tells Elena that everyone around him die, friends and family, including his last family member few months ago, his aunt Sara.

Aaron wants to help Elena find Wes and he takes her to the Whitmore house, where he reveals that his last name is Whitmore and he is basically also owner of the college. Elena sees a picture of her dad along with others in the house and she wonders about it. Wes appears and she tells her that her father was member of the Augustine community and while they are talking, he injects her with vervain. He locks her up to the cell next to Damon's where she wakes up confused.

Aaron does not know what is going on so he asks Wes for explanations. Wes admits that his real work is to study vampires and that Elena is a vampire that is why he did what he did to her. He also tells Aaron about the Augustine and that his father was also a member of it. He says that it is his legacy to continue what his father was trying to do but when he tells him that his parents were killed by vampires and not animals, Aaron freaks out more, he hits Wes, takes a gun and leaves.

As Elena wakes up, she asks Damon what is going on and he informs her that he has been there before. Damon starts narrating her about what happened to him and what Augustine members did to him. Via flashbacks we see the story.

Back in 1953, Joseph Salvatore (Judd Lormand) calls Damon to come home in Mystic Falls. The reason he did it is because he was paid from the Augustine members. He shoots Damon up with vervain but before Damon passes out he stabs him in the neck. A man appears named Dr. Whitmore (Trevor St. John) who informs Damon he will be his doctor from now on. Dr. Whitmore is Aaron's grandfather. From that moment Damon becomes an object for scientific study which means getting tortured by Dr. Whitmore in order for the humans to find out vampires' strength and abilities.

Damon was captive for five years before he manages to escape. What kept him sane was another vampire who was also captured ten years before Damon, named Enzo (Michael Malarkey). Damon and Enzo were brutally tortured for five years. Everyday Dr. Whitmore would cut them open and remove organs, cut out pieces of there eyes, all for the purpose of Science. The two became friends, and Enzo even took Damon’s torture when he thought Damon couldn’t handle anymore. Enzo was the one who helped Damon plan their escape, a plan that would set in practice the one day the people who keep them, take them out of their cells. When Dr Whitmore takes Damon out he attacks everyone. After killing them, he tries to free Enzo as well but the bars of the cage are covered in vervain and he cannot free him. So Damon shuts off his emotions so he can leave Enzo behind. He is afraid to try more since if he stays they will either capture him again or he will get burned by the fire that was started in the room. Damon leaves Enzo behind, believing he died in the fire.

After Damon finishes his narration about what happened, Elena starts saying how it will be okay because Stefan will rescue them. Then Damon tells her Stefan doesn’t even know about the place. He never told him because he didn’t want Stefan to feel more guilty than he already did. Shortly thereafter Aaron arrives in the basement to accuse Elena of killing his parents and Megan. Damon tells him that he was the one who killed his parents as well as every member of his family. Damon was following through with a revenge scheme that required him kill every member of the Whitmore family, save one from each generation. This survivor who would be allowed to grow and start a new family; then, Damon would repeat the process.

Damon admits that his last victim was a woman named Sara few months ago. Sara was Aaron's aunt and the last family he had left. Elena gets upset hearing that since few months ago she and Damon were together and happy and she cannot believe that he did that. Aaron, hearing the news about his aunt, he shoots Damon in the head and Damon drops unconscious.

Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Stefan (Paul Wesley) watches Katherine so she will not try to kill herself again but Katherine is tired of his PTSD and she calls Caroline (Candice Accola) to come and help Stefan get over it. Caroline arrives with the safe that Stefan was locked in during the whole summer. Her plan is to lock him inside the safe again to face his fears.

Stefan gets into the safe but the plan is not working, so Katherine has another idea. In a moment where Stefan is unconscious, she gets into the safe with him. When Stefan wakes up, he is worried that he will kill her. Katherine does not worry about that at all and she tries to make him focus on what really bothers him; the breakup with Elena. He prefers the physical pain than the emotional one. This works and Stefan calms down while coming very close to Katherine. The moment they are about to kiss, Caroline opens the safe. They draw away but a little bit later, when Stefan goes to thank her, they end up having sex.

At the end of the episode, Damon wakes up in his cell after the shooting and he asks for Elena. Elena though is not in her cell. Elena was taken upstairs and is strapped to an exam table. Next to her there is another vampire, also strapped to another exam table. He introduces himself as Enzo (Michael Malarkey) and when Elena hears his name she looks surprised since according to Damon, Enzo was killed in the fire 60 years ago.

Trio (Glee)

After moving out of the apartment she shared with Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera) and Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer), Rachel (Lea Michele) is revealed to have moved in with Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert (Adam Lambert), another member of Pamela Lansbury, the band Kurt formed, and the two bond over an impromptu performance of "Barracuda". While working at the Broadway diner, she and Santana attempt to out-sing each other in a rendition of "Gloria", both vying for the approbation of Gilbert; instead, they inadvertently drive him from the band. Kurt, tired of their feuding, reconvenes Elliot and Dani (Demi Lovato) to form a new musical venture, One Three Hill, who perform "The Happening" at their debut; while watching this trio, Rachel and Santana are forced to co-exist peacefully, leading to the beginnings of a reconciliation when Santana points out that they share a hunger for success and a willingness to backstab others, even ostensible friends, to get to the top.

Back home in Lima, Glee club members and good friends Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz), Sam (Chord Overstreet) and Blaine (Darren Criss) plan to spend some special time together before their impending graduation. Blaine brings up the idea of a senior-class lock-in, which is quickly quashed by Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch); as a result, the trio resolve to stage one of their own, sneaking onto school property overnight. Unexpectedly, Becky (Lauren Potter) happens upon them and forces them to play endless games of Twister in exchange for her silence. While Blaine is occupied pacifying her, Tina and Sam sneak off to make out, acting on their unresolved sexual tension; Blaine freaks out upon discovering them. He later apologizes for his overreaction to the constant changes in his life.

Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) and Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays) become distracted from their teaching jobs when they decide to have a child, up to and including Emma dragging him to the staff restroom during work hours for inopportune attempts at conception. Will, on advice from Sue and Shannon Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones), distracts Emma from the details of fertility, enabling a much more conventional mood. At the end of the episode, as Will packs for Nationals, Emma reveals that she won't be going, as their efforts have been successful.

Finally, Blaine, Sam and Tina - plus Artie (Kevin McHale) - choose and perform as their senior song "Hold On", joined variously by Kurt's new trio, as well as Rachel and Santana in their various isolations.

Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death

Marlow Briggs, a smokejumper, is vacationing at a Mayan archaeological dig operated by Heng Long. Briggs' girlfriend, Eva Torres, is employed deciphering various Mayan codices. Eva has begun to find the work unsavory, and attempts to resign; Long, however, still requires her services. To enforce Eva's compliance, Long has his lieutenant, Kim Carreras, kill Briggs with Kukulkan's Fangs. Unknown to all, the scythe is ornamented with the Mask of Death, which houses the spirit of a long-dead Mayan monarch, King Tepechalic Ix (also known as "Tep"). Tep, acting through the mask, revives Briggs and dubs him the "Sacred Warrior" (also known as the "Ek Chuah Ix", or "Chuchu" for short). Throughout the game Tep provides advice, exposition, and commentary on Briggs's combat abilities. Together, Briggs and Tep set out to defeat Long, rescue Eva, and shut down the mining operation Long has established.

Long drags Eva from site to site, having her translate a large variety of codices, all the while throwing vast quantities of manpower and materiel at Briggs in an attempt effort to slow him down. During this chase, Long begins to display supernatural powers, and Tep hypothesizes that Long is attempting to attain godlike power. To do this, he needs "TioxChoq'ik," a rare supernatural element which his facility is now mining; the Sacred Warrior's ''raison d'être'' is to prevent such an occurrence. Long needs Eva's translating skills to complete the ritual; Eva takes advantage of her protected position to drop periodic notes, which keep Briggs updated on her well-being and typically beg him to abandon her and save himself.

In addition to fighting his way through Long's security forces, Briggs must contend with the flora and fauna of the jungles, as well as demons manifesting as a result of Long's activities; occasionally Briggs encounters these forces in regular conflict with each other. Briggs eventually meets Kim Carreras, an associate of Long who eventually confesses to being a federal agent who was blackmailed into joining Long's operation, but draws the line at helping him become an evil god. She assists Briggs until her betrayal is revealed, at which point Long executes her.

Briggs and Tep eventually confront Long as the latter completes the last of his ritual atop the Mountain of Time, becoming a towering monstrosity with numerous powers at his disposal. In the ensuing fight, Briggs rips out Long's heart to no effect; only by decapitating Long and piercing his head with Kukulkan's Fangs is Briggs able to defeat him. This gives Briggs control of Long's powers and, at the Mask's urging, he rewinds time. Briggs and Eva climb out of the mine to return home only to find themselves amidst the historical Mayan empire, facing King Tep during his natural lifetime, with European sailing ships visible in the harbor beyond.

Blaster Master (video game)

In the Japanese version (''Chō Wakusei Senki Metafight''), the plot is only explained in the manual. The game takes place on the planet Sophia the 3rd, located near the center of the Epsilon Galaxy, in which an advanced civilization flourished. In the year 2052 of the space age calendar, the Invem Dark Star Army, led by the universe's most feared tyrant Goez, invade and conquer Sophia the 3rd. The Science Academy of NORA, a satellite orbiting near Sophia the 3rd that somehow managed to avoid the invasion, built a weapon, an all-purpose tank called the "Metal Attacker", in a last-ditch effort to defeat Goez's army. A young soldier named Kane Gardner is chosen as the pilot of this weapon. The game's opening sequence shows Metal Attacker dropped into the battlefield.

The plot of the adapted Western release (''Blaster Master'') is shown at the beginning in a cinematic slideshow as ominous music plays in the background. The game starts with a person named Jason who has a pet frog named Fred who, one day, decides to leap out of his fish bowl, out the door, and down a hole in the back yard. Fred then touches a radioactive chest, and he grows to an enormous size; Fred and the chest then fall deeper into the hole in the earth.Instruction Manual, p. 2. Jason chases Fred down the hole, which leads to a large cavern. While most sources say that Jason chased Fred down the hole, the game's instruction manual says that Jason fell into the hole while trying to reach for Fred. There, he finds an armored tank named SOPHIA THE 3RD – a vehicle designed to battle radioactive mutants that live inside the earth. Jason mounts SOPHIA to find the whereabouts of Fred and to destroy the mutants and their leader – the Plutonium Boss.

Texaco (novel)

The novel presents a historical and personal perspective of Texaco, a shantytown suburb just outside Martinique's capital Fort-de-France. The main narrative of the story is told through the voice of Marie-Sophie Laborieux, daughter of a freed slave, who recounts her family history from the beginning of the 1820s through to the late 20th century. These recollections of her history draw both on her personal memory and the stories told to her by her father. The accounts begin after a man called Christ – an employee of the urban services bureau tasked to rationalize the shantytown of Texaco – is sent to Marie-Sophie. In describing his impact on her community, Marie-Sophie refers to Christ as "one of the riders of our apocalypse" and "the angel of destruction".

''Texaco'' follows a non-linear plot line, with Marie-Sophie's personal narrative providing an account of history viewed from the perspective of her family. As Marie-Sophie puts it: "I began to tell him the story of our Quarter and of our conquest of the City, to speak in the name of us all, pleading our cause, telling my life." In addition to this complex story arrangement, Chamoiseau weaves in brief excerpts from notebooks, journals and letters. These small sections, which provide a historical context to the island of Martinique, are attributed to journals written by Marie-Sophie in the mid-1960s, as well as passages from a book called ''The Urban Planner's Notes to the World Scratcher''.


'''Marie-Sophie Laborieux''' is the narrator and daughter of Esternome and Idoménée. She lost her parents at a young age, selling fish in the city and working as a housekeeper before building a home in Texaco and becoming a leader of her community.

'''Esternome''' (Marie-Sophie's father) is the focal point for half of ''Texaco''. He was born on a plantation but worked as a house slave until being granted freedom after saving the plantation owner (béké)'s life.

Foreign Affairs (1964 TV series)

Bootsie and Snudge are now employed by the diplomatic service and work at the British Embassy in the fictional Bosnik, somewhere in Europe. Snudge believes he is ambassador material whilst Bootsie is the security officer.

The Hobbit (South Park)

During cheerleading practice at South Park Elementary School, the cheerleaders realize that Lisa Berger, an insecure girl, lacks enthusiasm in her cheers. When the team captain, Wendy, learns Lisa has a crush on Butters, she suggests asking him on a date to help boost her confidence. When Lisa does this at lunch, Butters turns her down. When Wendy excoriates Butters for this, Butters explains that he likes women who are gorgeous like his crush Kim Kardashian. Wendy angrily tells Butters that Kim has "the body of a hobbit", and that commercialized images of her are photoshopped to make her look attractive, which leads to the development of poor body image on the part of the general female population.

When Mr. Mackey speaks to Wendy and a devastated Butters, he instead criticizes Wendy for her comments about Kardashian, accusing her of being motivated by jealousy. As a result of this, Kardashian's fiancé Kanye West visits the fourth grade class to explain that Kardashian is in fact not a hobbit.

Wendy subsequently tries to demonstrate to Butters how Photoshop is used to make people appear more attractive by altering a photo of Lisa, but instead of understanding Wendy's point that the popular image of Kim Kardashian is a fantasy, Butters instead thinks that the altered image of Lisa represents her true appearance. Horrified at the realization that he turned her down for a date, he uploads her altered photo to the Internet, and is about to ask her out, only to hear from Cartman that she and Clyde are now dating. When Wendy sees that everyone else in school now regards Lisa's photo-shopped image as her true appearance, she tries to tell them that Lisa is actually "fat and ugly". As a result of this, she is again called into Mr. Mackey's office for her jealousy, and agrees to change her behavior in order to pacify him.

At a ceremony in which Pope Francis is named ''Time'' magazine's Person of the Year, West storms the stage to again challenge the characterization of Kardashian as a "hobbit".

As Lisa's popularity in school increases, the other cheerleaders point out to Wendy that no one is noticing the rest of them any more, and ask her to produce photo-shopped images of them as well in order to increase their standing among the student body. When Wendy refuses, the cheerleaders, spurred by an increasingly shallow and haughty Lisa, photo-shop their own photos. When the boys now take notice of them, Stan asks Wendy if he can have a photo-shopped image of her, and she angrily refuses. She points out that all people have imperfections, including herself, Stan, and other students in the school, including the cheerleaders. However, the cheerleaders, Mackey, and a crowd of other students overhear the latter portion of her statement and believe she is a "hater". Wendy appears on the Channel 9 ''Morning News'' to speak out against how the media's inauthentic images of women create an unrealistic standard for girls to live up to, but she is again dismissed as a "hater". Nonetheless, she refuses to cease speaking out in favor of having photo-shopped images explicitly labeled as such.

In the middle of the night, Wendy is woken up by West, who appears in her bedroom to read her story of a hobbit who dreamed of being beautiful. In the story, the hobbit becomes beautiful through a magical power called "Photoshop", but her true nature is exposed by a little girl who takes her Photoshop away. However, the hobbit's fiancé tells her that he loves her regardless. The story moves Wendy, who apologizes for being a "hater". Abandoning her crusade, Wendy tearfully photo-shops her image and sends it out in a mass email.

Foreign Affairs (1966 TV series)

Womaniser Dennis Proudfoot works in the Foreign Office in Whitehall as the personal assistant to Sir Hugh Marriot, the administrator of foreign relations. The programme focuses on the conflicts between the Foreign Office and the counterparts at the Soviet Embassy in London. Serge Volchanivov is the commissar for foreign relations and his assistant is Grischa Petrovitch. Taplow is the 20-year-old post-room boy.

The Cat Lady

The story takes place in the mid-2000s. The protagonist is Susan Ashworth, a chronically depressed, middle-aged woman with no friends. She hates flowers, and her only companions are stray cats, whom she summons to her flat by playing her piano. She is known in her neighborhood as the cat lady.

One night, Susan decides to take her own life, but this leads her to explore a strange place in death where she encounters the Queen of Maggots, who grants her immortality and gives her the task of ridding the world of five psychopaths referred to as the "parasites".

Susan then returns to the world of the living to wake up in a hospital bed and is soon forced to carry out her task. She meets Liz in the hospital, a friendly nurse unhappy with her job, who tells Susan her "daughter" saved her; much to the shock of Susan, who has no daughter. Annoyed by the hospital's constant druggings, Susan attempts to escape, only to be stopped by Doctor X – the hospitals' psychiatrist. She reveals her feelings and past to Doctor X, the details of which can vary depending on the player's dialogue choices. Susan then reveals that she's aware that Liz had died last night, apparently from suicide. For this revelation, Doctor X decides to kill Susan, having actually been responsible for Liz's death. She awakens later in some kind of hidden torture basement to the screams of another victim. She discovers that Doctor X kills his female patients to reform them as artwork, and discovers Liz's corpse among the victims. Susan kills Doctor X, either with a makeshift spear or mace, frees his prisoner, and leaves.

She returns to her flat, attempting to return to her normal life, where she can summon the neighborhood cats by playing the piano. While summoning the cats, she receives an angry complaint from a neighbor, who threatens to call pest control. After this, she meets Mitzi, a young, homeless woman willing to be her new roommate. She had lied about being Susan's daughter merely to save her life. When Susan sees the Queen of Maggots behind Mitzi, she realizes she is close to death, leading Mitzi to reveal her terminal cancer. Mitzi reveals that she had a boyfriend named Jack who was driven to depression upon learning of her cancer. He stumbled upon a suicide forum online, in which a troll called the "Eye of Adam" lured people to committing suicide using a mixture of two household chemicals. Jack has attempted to persuade her into it, though Mitzi had refused, leaving Jack to kill himself. Mitzi insists that she just wants to find the person responsible for Jack's death, who is in one of the building's flats, and talk with them before she dies. Soon after, Susan goes outside to investigate why the cats are howling, only to be kidnapped by the pest controller.

Susan awakes in the pest controllers' house, tied to a table. The man and his wife reveal themselves as cannibals who live off of the women the former kidnaps and the animals they capture on the job. The wife pours bleach down Susan's face to blind her and the man provides Susan with a gun as an act of mercy. Taking advantage of her immortality, Susan kills herself to be fully restored with her eyesight, and proceeds to kill the couple before escaping.

Upon returning to the flat, Susan and Mitzi slowly reconcile and become friends, and Susan agrees to help Mitzi find the Eye of Adam. When having coffee, Mitzi presses Susan about her past, but this upsets Susan. Susan then answers a knock at the door, only to be attacked by a mute intruder who knocks her out and takes both her and Mitzi hostage. The two awaken in the bathroom, bounded together by duct tape. While trapped, Susan reveals her backstory; ten years ago, she was young mother to Zoe, married to a taxi driver named Eric, but also had an unnamed admirer who regularly called her and sent her flowers while Eric was working. Susan normally threw out the flowers her admirer had sent, but this one time found the flowers too beautiful to toss and thus put the flowers in Zoe's room to avoid raising her husband's suspicions. Eric returned home early that day, severely distressed by his near-death experience from a terrorist bombing. Because of Susan's chats with her admirer, she had missed Eric's multiple calls, further upsetting Eric and causing the two to argue. While Eric and Susan's fight escalated, Zoe began choking due to her unknown but severe allergy to pollen from the new flowers. Zoe died, and Eric ran off. Eric would later be found dead in the woods from alcohol poisoning, leaving Susan alone and guilt-ridden in the same flat ever since.

After Susan finishes her story, the mute intruder returns. He threatens to hang Mitzi unless Susan plays the piano for him. She does, and the summoned cats promptly kill the intruder. After cleaning up the mess, Susan decides to help Mitzi find the "Eye of Adam". After eliminating all of the building's tenants as potential suspects, Mitzi and Susan are invited into Flat 5 directly by Eye of Adam through a note on their door. Having previously written off the old man who occupies Flat 5 as senile and backwards, the old man reveals that Eye of Adam is his son, and that he is aware of Adam's plan to kill Mitzi and Susan. However, the old man claims that he will no longer be complicit in his son's activities and attempts to save the two by giving up his gas mask to them, as Adam intends to kill using the same deadly gas concoction that killed Jack. Depending on the player's choices, either Susan or Mitzi can take the mask. In either scenario, the old man dies from the gas trap. If Susan takes the mask, Mitzi will die and Susan will confront Adam alone. If the mask is given to Mitzi, Susan's immortality allows her to return to life and the two proceed to confront Adam together.

Adam is revealed to be a near-helpless man, wheelchair bound, fully paralyzed, and surrounded by volatile gas tanks to assist his breathing. He is only capable of communicating through movements with his left eye, which is attached to a controller that translate those movements to a visual keyboard, explaining his online handle namesake. If Mitzi is alive, she will draw a gun on him with the intent of taking revenge, and the player has the option of talking her down. If only Susan is alive, she will monologue to Adam briefly about him being her last parasite before deciding whether or not to kill him.

If Mitzi is talked down, the two will shut off Adam's computer and leave. Mitzi lives out her remaining days in peace as Susan's tenant. If the player allows Mitzi to kill Adam, Mitzi will fire her gun at point blank and the resulting explosion from the gas tanks will kill Mitzi and Adam. If only Susan survives and chooses to let Adam live, she'll shut off Adam's computer and leaves. If she instead chooses to kill Adam, she will flick a lit cigarette into Adam's room, and let the delayed explosion kill him. Regardless of the player's choices, after laying Mitzi to rest, Susan begins to open up to other people again by writing a blog about her journey through depression and suicide, and begins to actively communicate with others suffering similar problems.

Against the Current (film)

Paul Thompson (Joseph Fiennes) is a writer who lost his wife and child a few years back. He and his best friend, Jeff (Justin Kirk), have talked about swimming the length of the Hudson River since they were kids. Paul asks Jeff to come along with him on his trip to finally swim the river. Jeff agrees and brings along one of his friends, Liz (Elizabeth Reaser). Paul is determined to reach the end of the river by a certain date, August 28.

Jeff and Liz have no idea the importance of the date Paul has chosen until they realize that the date they are supposed to finish the swim is the anniversary of his family's death. Paul tells them that on that date, he is planning on killing himself. Paul's confession causes Jeff to remember a moment about five years ago when he saved Paul from committing suicide. Jeff told him that he should wait five years and if he still wanted to end his life, he would support him in it. Now, five years later, Jeff and Liz have to decide whether they should let Paul continue with his plan or try to convince him to keep living.

The Leavenworth Case

The novel begins when a wealthy retired merchant named Horatio Leavenworth is shot and killed in his library. When investigator Ebenezer Gryce and lawyer Everett Raymond look into the case, it is revealed that no one could have left the Manhattan Mansion before the body was discovered the next day. As the story progresses, Leavenworth's orphaned nieces Mary and Eleanore, Hannah the maid, and a mysterious gentleman who appears on the scene all factor into the investigation.

Chatterbox (1936 film)

Jenny Yates (Anne Shirley) dreams of following in the profession of her deceased actor parents, but her grandfather, Uriah Lowell, with whom she lives, strongly disapproves. One day, the chatty young woman strikes up a conversation with struggling painter/actor Phil Greene, Jr. He is associated with a summer stock company trying out a revival of an old melodrama, ''Virtue's Reward'', in Jenny's rural community before opening in New York City. Jenny is thrilled when he offers to give her a free ticket to that night's show, as her mother had acted in that very play.

When Uriah finds a playbill, he forbids her to go out and threatens to lock her out if she disobeys his orders. She mistakenly believes that live-in young hired hand Michael Arbuckle betrayed her, and promises him that she will tell her grandfather about his own misdeeds. When Uriah finds her gone, he carries through with his threat, but then changes his mind and unlocks the door. However, Michael locks it again after he leaves.

Meanwhile, producer Archer Fisher is dissatisfied with the performance of actress Lillian Temple in the role of a young innocent girl. She complains that she has not been paid for six weeks. As a result, Jenny is disappointed when she finds another play being performed that night. When she returns home, she finds the door locked, and assumes her grandfather has thrown her out.

The company is leaving that night, so she hides in the rumble seat of Phil's car. When he finds the stowaway, he does not have enough gas to take her home, so he reluctantly takes her to New York. They both rent rooms from "Tippie" Tipton.

Phil tries to discourage Jenny from pursuing her unrealistic dreams by sending her to see Archie, but his plan backfires when she is hired to replace Lillian. Worse, Jenny assumes the play is a serious production, whereas Phil knows that Archie intends to draw laughs from the audience with the hopelessly old-fashioned play. When Phil is unable to disillusion Jenny, Tippie offers to do so, but cannot either. In fact, Jenny takes her hints to mean that Phil is in love with her, but is unwilling to start a relationship until he is established as a painter.

Uriah comes to New York in search of his granddaughter. Through Phil's father, he finally manages to contact Phil. They all attend the premiere. Part way through her performance, Jenny realizes the truth, but gamely carries on. After the performance, she decides to return home. She tells Phil she never wants to see him again, but when she finds him hiding in the trunk of Uriah's car, she changes her mind.

Lone Wolf (Muchamore novel)

The book is set in and around North London. The prologue is based around Fay Hoyt and her aunt Kirsten, and is set in December 2012. Fay's mother Melanie was killed by a drug dealer, so she is living with her aunt in St John's Wood, London. They rob the drug dealer that killed Melanie, who is called Hagar, and attempt to sell the stock in Manchester, but Kirsten is caught by police. Fay temporarily goes on the run, but is caught by police after she goes back to London. Kirsten is sent to prison, where she is killed by representatives of Hagar. Fay is sent to a Secure Training Compound.

Back in 2014, CHERUB agents Fu Ning and Ryan Sharma are given a mission - to take down the drug gang led by Hagar. Their mission controller is former CHERUB agent, and lead character in the first 12 books, James Adams. Ryan is given the job of befriending people close to the gang, and attempting to make himself known in order to pick up information for the intelligence services. Ning is given the job of befriending Fay, who is due to be released in a week's time from the STC. The girls immediately grow close, but Ryan struggles to make friends until a scheme devised by James makes him popular.

Ning and Fay begin an assault on Hagar's supplies of drugs, first stealing cocaine from his brother, and then taking cannabis from his grow house. They sell the cocaine to one of Hagar's rivals, Eli, and Fay uses an informant called Warren to help them, who later becomes Fay's boyfriend. Meanwhile, Ryan completes various jobs for Hagar's organisation, and passes a 'test' devised for him by Craig Willow, one of Hagar's lieutenants, which involved him having drugs stolen from him, and working off his debt in a company owned by Hagar for money-laundering purposes. As he becomes more respected in the organisation, he is sent out to do other jobs, including threatening a man who owes Hagar money.

Fay sets Hagar and Eli off against one another and they attempt to destroy each other's businesses. The gang war looks set to escalate, until Hagar and Eli make a deal, and conspire to track down Fay. Meanwhile, Ryan begins to uncover information regarding the supply of drugs in North London, and stumbles across some information regarding a local charity owner, Barry Crewdson, and his family. Ryan discovers that they are the real drug barons, and Hagar and Eli are just street operators. As the hunt for Ning and Fay intensifies, Eli's lieutenant Shawn comes closest to catching Fay, but she runs off. However, they do catch Ning, and she has her arm broken by another of Eli's lieutenants.

The book ends a few weeks later, with Ning, Ryan, James and James' girlfriend Kerry Chang (also a major character in the first 12 books) sitting down to watch a preview of a BBC Panorama programme that is due to go out soon about the Crewdsons and the drug scandal surrounding them. The epilogue is also about Fay, as she sneaks into a luxury health resort where Hagar is staying, and kills him on the massage table, before heading back outside to join Warren, and the two of them ride away on a bike together.

Category:CHERUB novels Category:2014 British novels Category:Hodder & Stoughton books Category:Novels set in London

Icarus (Scandal)

Olivia reminisces about the last time she saw her mother alive. In the present she goes to the White House to ask Fitz about his involvement in Operation Remington. When Fitz refuses to tell her about Operation Remington she decides that she will not work on his re-election campaign and instead accepts an offer from Josie Marcus.

At Josie Marcus’ campaign headquarters Olivia and Abby try to persuade Josie that she needs to shed her homemaker image and launch a series of attack ads in order to secure big donors. When Josie refuses, Olivia and Abby set up an interview with James Novak. Right before the interview they show Josie video from an attack ad from Reston's campaign leading her to show a more dominant aggressive side in her interview mentioning her years of military service and criticizing Novak for his language couched in sexist remarks.

Meanwhile, Olivia asks Jake to gather more proof of what happened during Operation Remington. He tries to use an old contact to secure the airplane's black box and narrowly avoids being assassinated by a member of B613, saved only by a member of Fitz's security team. Olivia reaches out to her father in an attempt to find answers but is only able to ascertain that he did not give the order to kill her mother.

Cyrus, upset at Olivia for abandoning Fitz's re-election campaign, contacts Harrison and asks him to get Olivia to drop Josie Marcus as a client, threatening that otherwise Adnan Salif, a former associate of Harrison's, could re-enter the country. Harrison asks Huck for his help in denying Salif's visa application. Cyrus, after learning through Harrison that Olivia is still campaigning for Josie Marcus, issues Adnan Salif a visa to re-enter the country. Cyrus also discovers that Sally is planning a bid for presidency.

Upset at being frozen out by Huck, Quinn takes to a shooting range where she is discovered by Charlie who gives her tips on improving her form. Unbeknownst to her Charlie is working under the orders of Rowan Pope to bring Quinn into the fold of B613.

More Cattle, Less Bull

Olivia has her weekly dinner with her father while Jake and Huck break into his house to look for clues on Operation Remington. They find footage of Rowan and Fitz talking together about the operation and realize that he was not the pilot on the flight but was instead involved in another secret mission somewhere in Iceland.

Josie Marcus hires Olivia and her team to cover up a teenage pregnancy she had. The team goes to Montana and manages to bribe the few people who knew about the pregnancy into not speaking to the media. They do, however, discover that Josephine’s child was never given up for adoption and that the child was raised as Josephine’s younger sister, Candace, who now works with Josie. Right before Josie’s debate against Governor Reston Olivia discovers that Reston has been leaked the news by Cyrus prompting her to advise Josie to come clean and admit that she gave a child up for adoption. Candace does the math and figures out she’s actually Josie’s daughter prompting Josie to fire Olivia.

In the meantime Olivia finds herself struggling with her relationship with Fitz. She throws her secret Fitz phone in the trash only to retrieve it when he calls. She asks Jake to accompany her to the White House Correspondents' Dinner as a cover but when she is called away from the table by the Secret Service she encounters Mellie who begs her to come back and run Fitz’s re-election campaign. At the end of the night Jake reveals that he knew he was there as an excuse for Olivia to see Fitz and warns her that he isn’t willing to play second fiddle.

Abby and David’s relationship continues to progress along a positive note until she lies to him that she’s still in Montana to avoid going to the White House Correspondents' Dinner with him. David later realizes that Abby skipped the dinner as her abusive ex-husband was in attendance.

At the end of the night, after leaving Jake, Olivia receives an offer from Josie to work as her campaign manager leaving her with the option of working with either Fitz or Josie.

Jake returns to his home where Huck informs him that he has discovered that a plane was shot down in Iceland when Fitz was there and that one of the passengers was Maya Lewis, Olivia’s mother. The two rush to Olivia’s apartment to present her with this new evidence.

The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks

Misty Day is overwhelmed when presented to Stevie Nicks, who gives away her trademark shawl to Misty as a lucky charm for the Seven Wonders trial.

Marie Laveau reveals to Fiona the source of her immortality: "to sell the soul to Papa Legba and obey his commands no matter what once a year", which in Marie's case is to get him an innocent life starting with her own baby centuries ago.

Madison tries to sabotage Zoe and the other witches in the race for the Supremacy.

Cordelia breaks down, feeling useless and responsible for the impending war and begins destroying the greenhouse. Shortly after, the Delphi Trust, losing half of their finances in less than 10 minutes, suspects witchcraft influence and starts planning the extermination of the Coven. Fiona summons Papa Legba, offering her soul in exchange for eternal youth and willing to do any request for it, but the spirit turns down the deal as he claims she has "no soul to give". After this, she becomes determined to kill all of the Coven in order to murder the new Supreme.

Marie and Fiona decide to get rid of Nan, considering her too dangerous after she finds the stolen newborn for Papa Legba and starts claiming she would be a better and kinder Supreme. They offer her as a sacrifice to Papa Legba, drowning her in the bathtub. He accepts the substitute for the newborn and warns Laveau and Fiona of being "trouble" together.

Distant Lands

Life at a small railway station - as seen through the eyes of two 8-year-olds, Vasya and Petya, - is in turmoil. An expedition arrives from a regional center to examine the possibility of building an aluminum factory nearby. In a parallel development the majority of locals choose to form a kolkhoz, kulak Danila and two of his friends being fierce opponents.

Yegor, a local Selsoviet chairman disappears with a large sum of money, collected by people for purchasing some machinery for their future enterprise. The project is on the verge of collapse: people are horrified by the idea that Yegor, a trustworthy man and a Civil War hero, should turn out a thief. Then the reason for one of the boys, Petya’s strange behaviour becomes clear. It turns out that he’s found Yegor’s blood-stained cap in the forest and seems to know who the murderer is.

The three kulak guys get arrested for the crime one of them committed, Yegor’s dead body is found in the woods to be buried by the river, the kolkhoz project gets revived as does Vasya and Petya's long-cherished dream of distant lands and happiness for all.

Say Hello to My Little Friend (Scandal)

After the events of the previous episode Huck attends an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where he confesses to having relapsed and has begun drinking “whiskey” again. He sees Quinn at the meeting prompting a rift between the two of them.

Jake leaves Olivia's apartment in order to protect her. Before he goes they argue over whether to try and stop Rowan with Liv insisting that she cannot be involved in order to protect both Huck and Jake. Jake instead finds his way to Huck to ask him for help taking down Command, but Huck refuses, determined to protect Liv. Fitz reads about Pete Foster’s suicide in the news and organizes a proper burial for him prompting Cyrus to reach out to Rowan. Jake secretly records the meeting and tries to give the information to Liv who refuses to listen. However, Huck sneaks into Olivia’s office and listens to the recording and realizes that Pete Foster had information on a secret mission involving Fitz and Jake that Rowan is trying desperately to cover up.

Meanwhile the Gladiators are finally hired to clean up the image of Senator Richard Meyers, a politician on trial for murdering Desiree Oaks, a woman he was sexting. While they manage to destroy the murder victim’s reputation they hit a road bump when it is revealed that Meyers has continued to have affairs with other women. His wife nevertheless testifies on the stand that he was with her the night of the murder leading to an acquittal. Liv eventually realizes that Shelley Meyers was the one behind the murder.

Mellie accidentally insults an up-and-coming politician, Josie Marcus (played by Lisa Kudrow) shifting the spotlight onto Josie and minting her as the potential Democratic candidate in the presidential election. Cyrus sends an aid to Montana in order to destroy Marcus’s reputation and discovers that when she was 15 she gave birth to a child she gave up for adoption.

The episode ends with Fitz seeking out Rowan.

Mischief Night (2013 film)

Emily Walton is a young woman with psychosomatic blindness caused by a car accident that killed her mother. Emily is trying to adjust to her blindness and at the same time is being smothered by her father. On Mischief Night, when her father goes out on a date leaving her alone, she is terrorized by a hooded figure. Emily must fight for her life in order to survive and protect herself and everyone she holds dear from the intruder.

One Night in Vegas

James Foster, a man at a crossroads with himself and his marriage. Coming out on top after a high-profile case with a band of thugs; James has been sober for 18 months. He decides a trip to Vegas with his wife Genie would be a good way to rekindle their relationship as well as an opportunity to employ his bodyguard friend, Nick, a few more days as a holiday "thank you" for their security in the case.

Genie's mom, Barbara, is skeptical whether or not the trip will help Genie strengthen her relationship with James or resolve the intimate issues between them. Sometimes weakness is the opposite of strength, but sometimes weakness can be the pathway to strength. Sometimes addiction is the opposite of sobriety, but sometimes addiction can be the pathway to sobriety. Sometimes what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but sometimes it doesn't.

A Fool and His Money (1989 film)

While watching TV, Morris Codman, a New York ex-adman, receives a message from God and is inspired to form a new religion called "The Preferent Church". Codman hires Ian Clarity, a janitor, to be in charge of his new religion, which is founded on a philosophy of selfishness and greed. The new religion is a success, and Codman and Clarity get rich. Later, in a predictable epiphany, and with the help of his skeptical girlfriend Debbie, he discovers the beauty of altruism, realizing that bilking people out of their money isn't worth the loss of his morals and his love.

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington

A woman named Mary Nesbitt retains Pope and Associates for a mysterious job. When Quinn discovers that the woman has drawn all her money from her bank account, Olivia goes to find her and discovers her at Congressman Jim Struthers' office holding him hostage with a bomb. Mary proceeds to inform Olivia that the reason she is holding them all hostage is to find out the details behind her son's murder at the hands of F.B.I. agents. Olivia is eventually able to ascertain from Fitz that Chris Lawrence, Mary's son, was a C.I.A. agent but because recruits of his are still working as spies the U.S. government is unable to release that information to the American public. Unable to reveal this information to Mary, Olivia informs her that her son was a terrorist causing Mary to commit suicide by detonating the bomb.

Meanwhile, a man named Peter Foster attempts to contact Fitz in the Oval Office but is stopped by the Secret Service. Upon discovering this, Cyrus contacts Rowan informing him that the two have a “Remington problem.”

Huck, still upset by the discovery that Rowan is Olivia's father, begins to stalk him in the hopes of killing him. Instead he follows him to Peter Foster's trailer where he finds Peter bound and gagged with weapons to make it look as if Peter committed suicide. Huck kills Peter and then returns to the office where he informs Olivia that he's still owned by Rowan. Olivia returns to her apartment and confronts a semi-recuperated Jake about how he managed to escape from B613 and her father.

Coming Out Alive

After mother Isobel's disabled son Nicky is kidnapped by her estranged husband, she hires a hitman to reclaim him.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (Scandal)

Five years before the present, Olivia joins her father, Eli, at Sunday dinner in return for him paying off her law school loans. On her way home she is mugged by two men but before they can run off with her purse Huck, who she knows as a homeless man, attacks both of them and tells Liv to run. When Olivia asks Huck how he learned to fight the way he did Huck rambles that he worked for a secret offshoot of the C.I.A. called B613 that used a paper company called Acme as a front and was also known by the name "Wonderland." At the following Sunday dinner Olivia asks her father to inquire about it through a friend of his that works for the F.B.I. Her father later tells her that after inquiring about Huck he’s learned that Huck has been arrested after attacking a couple and has a long rap sheet. When Liv doubts his story he shuts her down.

Olivia later contacts David Rosen and asks him to run Huck’s prints. He tells her that Huck is not in the system and has never been arrested. Olivia finds her way to the Acme paper company which is at the intersection of Wonderland Avenue. She also realizes that a pen her father gave her earlier has the name of the Acme company on it. When Liv confronts her father about being a member of B613 he warns her not to get involved. However the next Sunday she returns with her fiancé, Senator Edison "Ed" Davis, and threatens her father, telling him to release Huck or she’ll leak information of B613 to Ed. Eli does release Huck however he also calls Olivia to tell her that Ed has been in a serious accident and that he does not believe that he is the right man for her. Olivia vows to break off all contact with him but Eli informs her that as family they will never be done with each other.

In the present Olivia takes Jeannine Locke on as a client pro bono to defend her name and assert that she never had an affair with Fitz. Her father visits her at Pope & Associates and threatens Olivia telling her that she needs to let Jeannine take the fall for the affair with Fitz or he’ll hurt Jake. Olivia asks Fitz to free Jake so that her father’s threat will no longer be valid. Unbeknownst to her, the only way Fitz is able to grant Jake’s freedom is by confirming his affair with Jeannine. Meanwhile, Quinn, obsessed with hacking, hacks into Olivia’s email account after seeing Eli at the office. She tells Huck about Olivia’s fractured relationship with her father and notes that their falling out seemed to occur over a homeless man. Huck, putting the pieces together, attacks Olivia and ascertains that her father is Command of B613.

At home Olivia receives a call from her father telling her to open her front door. When she does she sees a bloody and shaken Jake Ballard who manages only the word "Hi" before collapsing.

A Song for Lya (novella)

The story deals with two telepaths named Robb and Lyanna ("Lya" for short), who visit the planet Shkea by an invitation of the planetary administrator, who is disconcerted by the culture of the native alien population, the Shkeen, and how it affects humans. The Shkeen are an ancient culture, but their progress has stalled at a stone age level for thousands of years. Their religion is centered on a jelly-like parasite called the Greeshka. At middle age, they allow themselves to be infected by it, and ten years later visit a cave where there is a large mass of Greeshka and allow themselves to be consumed by it. The administrator is concerned because a growing quantity of humans have joined that religion, including his predecessor.

Besides working as a team, Robb and Lya are a couple, and they pride themselves that their telepathy allows them a closer bond and much better understanding of one another than the one regular humans have, but at the same time Lya has feelings of existential dread, and a feeling of isolation that not even their powers can surpass.

Robb and Lya attend a ceremony for Shkeen that are about to get infected with Greeshka and the following day they explore the city to find some who are already infected. They find some, both Shkeen and human, and Lya reads in their minds how lonely they were before converting, and how the Greeshka has removed the loneliness. That night, Robb and Lyanna have an emotional discussion and Lyanna disappears. Robb and a local team visit one of the caves where the Shkeen are consumed by the Greeshka, and when he tries to read the emotions on a Shkeen in the middle of the process, he receives a feeling of love that overwhelms him and is unable to resist it, until he loses consciousness.

When he wakes up, one of the locals tells him that after he tried to read the people in the cave, he lost control and tried to walk into the Greeshka, and the rest of them had to render him unconscious to get him out. Later, Lya communicates with him in his sleep, telling him that she went to a cave and allowed herself to be consumed by the Greeshka, which she says is a link to an afterlife of sorts where the minds of every person who has been absorbed by it live and share love without any loneliness. She pleads to him to join her, but he rejects it.

At the end, afraid that if he stays longer in Shkea he will succumb to the attraction of the Greeshka, Robb decides to return to his homeworld, hoping to find a means of transcendence and to overcome loneliness that is not Shkeen, but purely human.

In his essay "The Light of Distant Stars", Martin said it was inspired by the first serious romance he was involved in.

Armaments Race

This comic story discusses the career of Hollywood special effects man Solly Blumberg after he is hired to create mock weapons as set pieces for a science-fiction serial featuring "Captain Zoom" and various alien adversaries. Blumberg becomes involved in what is effectively an arms race as he creates weapons for both the protagonist of the series and his adversaries. The weapons he creates become increasingly elaborate, until he accidentally creates a piece that is functional in the real world and "disappears" the studio, upon which he is sacked. The story is told from his prison cell, where he is questioned again and again by military experts, demanding to know what he had built.

Watch Your Step (film)

As described in a film magazine, Elmer Slocum (Landis), a wealthy city youth, while trying to elude the police in his high powered automobile, has a smashup and, in a rough and tumble fight with a motorcycle policeman, knocks him out. He is robbed of his clothes by a group of tramps. He tries to hide from the police in a small village in Iowa and there meets Margaret Andrews (Miller), daughter of the richest man in town. He gets a position at a grocery store run by Russ Weaver (Woodruff) and learns that he has a rival for the hand of Margaret in Lon Kimball (Cannon), son of an undertaker. In a fight with Lon, Elmer comes off victorious, but a constable (Rattenberry) arrests him. Things look dark for Elmer until his father Henry Slocum (Cossar) with news that the motorcycle policeman has recovered and all has been forgiven.

A Dream of Good Fortune

The story is about a family who lives as urban squatters near the numerous factories located outside of Seoul. The family is headed by the father, Kang, and includes his wife, his wife's daughter, Misun, his wife's son, Kŭnho, and the couple's young son. Kang earns money by selling scavenged or stolen goods. Kŭnho works in the woodworking shop at a Japanese factory that produces television and radio cabinets. Misun worked at the local wig factory before she took out a large daily-interest loan and ran away from home.

The day begins with Kang boasting of his lucky day to his neighbors. He usually only makes 300-400 wŏn a day, but today is different. Kang resold some electric wire for an undisclosed sum and received 300 wŏn from a family to bury a dog corpse, but he has no intentions to bury the dog. Kang has not been able to afford any meat recently, so he decides to eat the dog later that day. After talking to his male neighbors, Kang decides to share the dog with them in exchange for their help cooking and their providing makkŏlli, Korean rice wine.

Kang returns home to find his wife in a foul mood. Her brother came by with Misun, who is discovered to be pregnant. Kang soon leaves after arguing with his wife about his stepdaughter's negative effect on his image as a father. The mother is furious at her daughter for taking out a loan and returning home pregnant. The mother wants Misun to have an abortion, but her Christian brother—and Misun—object. The mother compromises by persuading Misun to marry whomever the mother can find who will accept the baby. The family has barely enough money to survive, so the mother is distressed about how to provide for her unmarried pregnant daughter, pay back the loan, and pay for the wedding.

Meanwhile, Kang and his male neighbors are talking while preparing for their dog feast. As squatters, they are troubled because a nearby neighborhood of squatters had recently been leveled in the space of a day. The men discuss the tenuous future of their own shantytown. The neighborhood leader assures the worried men that their neighborhood will not be destroyed in the near future. In addition, he tells them that he has received confirmation that all the neighborhood households will receive fifty thousand wŏn in relocation aid because of the age of their neighborhood. One of the neighborhood men notices the gathering and drops by on his way to get noodles for his liquor stand.

When the neighbor returns to his stand with the noodles, he soon sees Kŭnho. After work, Kŭnho came to the stand for drinks with a bandage on his hand. Angry about his sister's predicament, he talks crudely to some factory girls and sings a gloomy song about the plight of a poor factory boy. Then Kŭnho wanders the streets drunk. When Kŭnho makes it home, Kang's wife finds out that her son lost three fingers in an accident at work, but instead of being distraught, she is glad, because now she can use his compensation money for Misun's marriage. Inside the house, a local suitor that Kang's wife found comes to ask Misun to marry him, and Misun accepts his proposal.

The story ends with the suitor going outside to where Kang and the neighbors are finishing their party. After having eaten dog soup and drunken makkŏli, some of the men are singing, and some are dancing. The story ends with the suitor informing Kang that he will be Kang's new son-in-law.

Catch My Smoke

As described in a film magazine, Bob Stratton (Mix) returns from France after two years and finds his ranch in strange hands. In order to get to the bottom of affairs, he takes a job there. Mary Thorne (Rich) is running the ranch, left to her by her father who was the executor of Bob's will and, thinking Bob had bedn killed in World War I, had appropriated the place for himself. Mary's father had been mysteriously killed, and she has engaged Tex Lynch as her foreman. Tex knows the ranch has oil under it and tries to force Mary to sell it. She is captured and taken to a deserted mine, but Bob arrives on scene to affect a rescue. Together they ride back together and Bob's horse Tony approves of their match.

Heroes of the Street

When a smart aleck street kid's father, a policeman, is killed in the line of duty, the boy turns over a new leaf and goes to work to support his mother, brothers and sisters. He gets a job as an usher in a theater, but really wants to become a policeman to avenge the death of his father. He soon finds himself involved in a fake kidnapping, real gangsters and a tip on the identity of the man who killed his dad.

The Printer's Devil (film)

As described in a film magazine review, Brick Hubbard, a printer's devil, induces Sidney Fletcher to buy the town newspaper, ''The Gazette''. An editorial written by Sidney arouses the wrath of the town banker Ira Gates, whose daughter Vivian is whom Sidney loves. When the bank is robbed, Sidney is suspected. Though the efforts of Brick the actual criminals are arrested and Sidney wins the affection of Vivian.

The Country Kid

Orphaned Ben Applegate (Barry) strives to care for his younger brothers (O'Donnell and Guerin) and run the farm left to them. Their unscrupulous legal guardian, Uncle Grimes (George Nichols) schemes to take their property and separate the brothers, but he is ultimately thwarted by a benevolent judge (George C. Pearce). The Applegates are reunited, their property restored, and they are adopted by caring neighbors.

Boy of Mine

As described in a film magazine review, young Bill Latimer is wrecking his father's nerves with his boyish pranks. The father does not rightly understand the lad, and, when he punishes him for his unwitting disobedience, Bill runs away. He is brought back home by Dr. Robert Mason, who saves Bill from some kidnappers. Bill's mother leaves the home with her son. This separation makes the father realizes his mistakes, leading to a resolution for the whole family.

Rigor Mortis (film)

Actor Chin Siu-ho, former star of ''Mr. Vampire'', is suicidal after his wife and young son leave him. He moves into a dilapidated apartment building and hangs himself. His struggles draw the attention of twin girl ghosts who haunt the apartment, and they possess his body. Yau, a neighbor, bursts into the room, cuts the noose, and drives the spirits from Chin's body. Later, Chin visits Yau's restaurant, and Yau explains that his family are jiangshi (vampire)-hunters, but he has grown weary and taken up cooking instead especially glutinous rice which is used against vampires.

Elsewhere in the apartment building, an elderly man named Uncle Tung falls down a stairwell after encountering a ghost and dies. His wife Meiyi asks Gau, a black magician living in the building, to resurrect Tung. Gau performs a ritual on the disfigured corpse and explains that Tung will revive after several days. Gau instructs Meiyi not to remove the mask he has put on Tung's face.

Chin meets Yang Feng, a traumatized single mother, and her son, Pak. Chin learns from the apartment's security guard, Uncle Yin, that Yang and Pak previously lived in the unit he now occupies, and that the twin ghosts haunting the apartment were students being tutored there by Yang's husband. The husband raped one of the twins and was then stabbed by the other, who herself received mortal wounds in the scuffle. The remaining twin, distraught, hung herself. These ghosts caused Yang to flee the apartment. Chin resolves to banish the ghosts so that Yang and Pak can move in with him.

After Yau refuses to help, Chin returns to his room, and is ambushed by Gau, who performs a ritual on him that summons the twins. They possess Chin again and attack Gau. Yau rushes in, and together, Gau and Yau exorcise the ghosts from Chin, binding them in a cabinet. Yau instructs Gau to burn the cabinet: Gau promises to, but instead secretly keeps the cabinet.

Meiyi, frustrated that her husband Tung has still not resurrected, demands more help from Gau. Gau admits that virgin's blood might speed the resurrection process. Uncle Yin, investigating Tung's absence, interrupts their discussion as he is suspicious of Gau's knowledge of black magic. When he asks Gau about Tung, Meiyi beats Yin to death with a pot. Later, young Pak visits Meiyi alone. Meiyi hesitates only briefly before locking the virginal Pak in the bathroom with Tung's monstrous corpse. Against Gau's instructions, Meiyi has removed the warding mask from Tung's face. Tung revives and horrifically murders the child as Meiyi listens, tears streaming down her face.

Sensing powerful evil, a vampire hunting artifact on Yau's wall begins to react. Yau rushes to Gau's apartment. He finds Gau mortally wounded, savaged by the revived Tung. Gau confesses that Tung has risen as a jiangshi and will haunt the apartment complex. Moreover, Gau was responsible for Tung's original death, having thrown him over the rails after it turned out Tung had survived the initial fall. Gau explains that he is terminally ill, and he had planned to bind the twin ghosts' souls in Tung's soulless body to gain power and extend his own life. By removing Tung's mask, Meiyi has let the jiangshi run amok. Yau alerts Chin, who rushes off to find Yang.

Yang, searching for her missing son Pak, unwittingly opens the cabinet containing the ghost twins. Invisible, they escape. Yang encounters Pak, who to her dismay is now a ghost. Enraged, she tracks down the jiangshi and attempts to destroy it using an improvised mace, but she is severely outmatched and it ultimately kills her. Chin arrives seconds later and sets the jiangshi aflame with a Molotov cocktail; while this appears to barely damage it, in the ensuing struggle the jiangshi crashes into a store of rice, and is immobilized. However, the twin ghosts appear and eagerly possess Tung's corpse. Revived, the powerful ghost-infused jiangshi easily impales Chin through the stomach with a pole and leaves him for dead.

Chin, terribly injured is found by Yau as he prepares to battle the jiangshi. Yau uses a spell to stop Chin's bleeding. Chin insists on helping, even though Yau warns him he will die. Using vampire hunting tools, Yau sets a trap that temporarily binds Tung to that location, allowing Chin to fight him. Yau uses his tools to weaken Tung, but Chin is unable to gain the upper hand before the trap expires. Yau sees that it is now dawn and drags the entangled Chin and Tung out a window, where they fall into the courtyard. The sunlight immediately begins to burn the vampire and the twin spirits are forced out. As Tung crumbles to ash, his humanity briefly returns when he witnesses Meiyi slit her own throat. Chin and Yau collapse from exhaustion.

In the final sequence, the audience learns that Chin was actually successful in committing suicide, and that the events the film chronicles were created by Chin's dying mind in the process leading to rigor mortis. In reality, the film's characters are people Chin passed on the way to his apartment: Yang and Pak are friendly neighbors, Meiyi is a widow admiring a picture of a late Tung, and Yau is a neighbor who rushes in too late to save the hanged Chin. At the morgue, Chin's adult son identifies the body for the medical examiner, Dr. Gau.

Far Cry 4

After the death of his mother Ishwari, Ajay Ghale (James A. Woods) returns to his home country of Kyrat to carry out Ishwari's final wish by returning her ashes to Lakshmana. However, his mission is interrupted when the bus he is traveling on is attacked by the Royal Army and he is greeted by Pagan Min (Troy Baker), the country's eccentric and violent king. Min apologises, brutally kills a soldier for shooting the bus, and acts warmly towards Ajay before kidnapping him and his tour guide and taking them to a dinner party in his mansion. After his guide is taken to be interrogated, Ajay flees with the aid of Sabal (Naveen Andrews), a commander in the Golden Path, a rebel movement established by Ajay's father, Mohan Ghale. Ajay is not able to leave the country as the Royal Army has taken control of Kyrat's only airport and sealed the borders.

In the twenty-odd years since Ishwari and Ajay fled Kyrat, the rebellion has stagnated, with the Golden Path now fighting for their very existence. As the son of Mohan Ghale, Ajay becomes a symbol for the Golden Path to rally around. After freeing a group of hostages and liberating territory held by Pagan, the Golden Path plan on breaking Pagan's stranglehold on power by targeting his three regional governors: Paul "De Pleur" Harmon (Travis Willingham), who oversees opium production and runs Pagan's torture chambers; Noore Najjar (Mylène Dinh-Robic), who runs poaching and prostitution rings and who became a victim of Pagan's cruelty herself after he kidnapped her family; and Yuma Lau (Gwendoline Yeo), Min's adopted sister and trusted general who is obsessed with uncovering the secrets of the mystical realm of Shangri-La.

However, the Golden Path's newfound momentum is threatened by deep divisions between its commanders, Sabal, who favors traditional values, and Amita (Janina Gavankar), who argues for progress, which includes relying heavily on drug trade. Ajay is forced to intervene on several occasions, with his decisions influencing the direction the Golden Path takes. The first governor to fall is De Pleur after Noore helps Ajay find a way to infiltrate De Pleur's stronghold, allowing the rebellion to capture him. Amita and Sabal later task Ajay with confronting and killing Noore. She dies in her fighting arena, either with Ajay killing her, or with Noore committing suicide upon learning Pagan had her family executed years beforehand.

As the Golden Path secures Kyrat's southern provinces, Ajay is contacted by Willis Huntley (Alain Goulem), a CIA agent who offers intelligence for the rebels and pages from his father's diary in exchange for killing Yuma's lieutenants. After Ajay kills several of them, Huntley admits they were in fact CIA assets, and that he was sent to clean up after the CIA as the agency did not see Pagan as a threat anymore. Huntley betrays Ajay to Pagan just as the Golden Path prepare to push into Northern Kyrat.

Ajay ends up in Yuma's mountain prison, where he is drugged and suffers terrifying hallucinations, but manages to escape. In the process, he finds out that Yuma has started despising Pagan, primarily because of his affections toward Ajay's late mother. The Golden Path pushes into the north, and while Ajay attempts to reconnect with another faction of the rebels, Pagan, aware of Yuma's plotting against him, betrays Yuma to the Golden Path. Ajay is drawn into a confrontation with her and prevails, but tensions between Amita and Sabal reach new heights, and Ajay is forced to make a final decision as to who will lead the Golden Path. Whichever leader he chooses then sends Ajay to kill the other to prevent them from starting another civil war, and Ajay can choose to either kill them as ordered or let them go. With the Golden Path now united under a single leader, Ajay joins them for an attack on Pagan's fortress and pushes on alone to Pagan's palace while the Golden Path holds off the military.

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

Jaco, a Galactic Patrolman sent to Earth to protect it from an evil alien attack, crash lands on Earth. He meets the retired scientist Omori who offers to try and fix his spaceship. The next day, government policeman Katayude informs Omori that he does not have the right to live on the island and has to vacate it in one week or be arrested. Jaco learns that Omori has continued his research on time travel in order to save his deceased wife and assistants, but is only able to temporarily speed up how the user experiences time, giving the illusion of stopped time (not actual time travel according to Jaco, which is against intergalactic law). Omori repairs the spaceship, but deduces that it needs a very expensive metal as fuel.

During a trip to the capital for supplies, Jaco saves a young woman from thugs, but also unknowingly attacks the police, becoming a wanted man. The woman, Tights, decides to join Jaco and Omori on the island and buys a small amount of the expensive metal with the money she was given for agreeing to act as a body double for a pop star in an upcoming dangerous rocket launch publicity stunt. Although not enough to make the trip home, it will allow Jaco to call for help. However, he breaks the ship's radio antennae while showing off.

Katayude sees a news report on Jaco's crime in the capital and realizes he saw the suspect on Omori's island. He arrives with a team the next day to arrest Jaco. During the confrontation, the rocket holding Tights malfunctions and starts falling to Earth. After quickly subduing the government police, Jaco and Omori use Omori's incomplete time machine to give themselves enough time to save Tights. In thanks for preventing a catastrophe, Katayude not only promises to keep Jaco's whereabouts secret, but also allows Omori to stay on the island.

On the day the invading evil alien is supposed to land, Jaco does not see the ship land thanks to Tights and so comes to the conclusion that the Earth is saved. However, the alien did in fact land and is taken in by Son Gohan who gives him the name Son Goku. Thinking to use parts of the ship in order to make the money needed for fuel, the trio call over Tights' father who happens to be Dr. Briefs, a scientific genius and richest man in the world. But it's his daughter, Bulma, who fixes the antennae and informs everyone that the expensive metal is not the ship's power source but is only used to store energy, while the similar and much cheaper copper would do the same job. Jaco returns home and Omori buys the island with money from Dr. Briefs. Years later, Katayude has moved to the island as well, Tights has become a science fiction writer, Jaco has found a girlfriend and occasionally visits, and Bulma stops by, having just started out on a journey to gather seven wish-granting balls.

Feelings (2003 film)

François and Edith are newlyweds. François, a new doctor, is offered to take over Jacques' small-town practice. Jacques and his wife Carole offer the newlyweds to rent a small cottage in their property.

The two couples soon form a friendship and soon beautiful young Edith begins a sexual relationship with Jacques. The romance however, is discovered and Edith leaves Jacques to get back to her husband destroying the older couple in the process.

The Honey Moon

It was set in Spain in the early 17th century.

Success Story (play)

In 1928 young Sol Ginsberg joins a Madison Avenue advertising agency. Formerly a radical idealist his philosophy changes to money as being the culmination of the American Dream. He starts to compromise his former ideals to advance his career, risking losing the faith of his childhood sweetheart and in himself.

The Big Man (novel)

This novel relates the story of Dan Scoular, an unemployed man who turns to bare-knuckle boxing to make a living.

Nobody Likes Babies

Hollis enters the elevator where Charlie is waiting to assassinate him. Huck enters shortly after and saves Hollis though he warns that unless Hollis keeps his mouth shut about Defiance Huck will let Charlie earn his pay check.

In the previous episode, Pope & Associates the team traced the money from Becky’s account and discovered the payment she got for the assassination attempt of President Grant didn't come from Hollis. Olivia goes to the White House to speak to Cyrus about keeping Hollis alive and keeping the truth about the rigged election from the president. While she is speaking with Cyrus, Fitz enters the room and tells her that despite the birth of his new son he is going forward with his divorce. He asks her not to marry Edison and wait for him, instead. Olivia tells him she will think about it.

Olivia then visits Supreme Court Justice Verna Thornton once she realizes that must have been her who ordered the assassination attempt on President Grant. Verna confesses, then calls David Rosen as soon as Olivia leaves. However, Rosen is prevented from visiting because the president is on his way to visit her, himself. She dies during his visit.

The gladiators listen to tapes made from the surveillance Huck had in David’s apartment hoping to find some information they can use to stop him from discovering information on Defiance. While listening to the tapes they discover that he has the faulty Cytron Card used to rig the election. Abby, who has been listening to the tapes as well, realizes that David loved her and confronts Olivia about her plot to break the two of them up. She goes to David’s apartment and they reunite.

Meanwhile, David subpoenas James to testify before a grand jury. James confronts Cyrus, wanting to know whether he rigged the election or not. After Cyrus confesses, James tells him he has no choice but to testify. In a desperate bid to protect himself and Olivia, Cyrus hires Charlie to assassinate his husband only to change his mind at the last minute. Olivia and Cyrus believe they are going to jail, but James lies on the stand and Abby returns to the offices having broken into David’s safe and retrieved the card, leaving David with no evidence with which to prosecute. He confronts her at the office and ends their relationship.

Before Verna’s funeral Olivia returns Edison’s grandmother’s ring to him. Then at the funeral, she tells President Grant that she will wait for him—but he tells her he’s changed his mind. As he gives the eulogy, a flashback reveals that before she died Verna revealed that Cyrus, Mellie and Olivia rigged the election for him and that she tried to assassinate him in order to set things right without admitting her guilt to anyone and tarnishing her legacy. She tells him that she's changed her mind about preserving her reputation now, and plans to reveal all to David. President Grant stops her by removing her oxygen mask and pinning her down, causing her death.

As a distraught Olivia cries after Verna’s funeral service, the President and the First Lady reunite. He vows that from now on she will be the only one he trusts.

Walking Wounded (short story collection)

This interwoven collection of stories is set in the fictional Scottish town of Graithnock and captures the social and emotional struggles of ordinary people's lives.

The short stories included in this collection are:


:In this first story, Bert Watson, a manager in a clothing factory, is approached by one of his young workers, Duncan MacFarlane, with an outrageous request for a loan of a large sum of money and a long leave of absence. This encounter causes Bert to examine his own life.


:The performance is that of Fast Frankie White, and this story explores his fragile grasp on a masculine self-image through a visit to a local bar.

''On the sidelines''

:John Hannah stands freezing on the touchline to watch his son play football and contemplates the breakdown of his marriage and his post-divorce life.

''Death of a spinster''

:The routine life and unfulfilled dreams of a spinster are brought sharply to focus in an ordinary day that meets with tragedy.

''The Prisoner''

:A recidivist house-burglar meets prison life, and the prison governor, on his own terms.


:A chance encounter on a train brings throws light on a woman's relationship with her parents.

''At the bar''

:A man in a bar is looking for trouble, and meets his match.

''In the steps of Spartacus''

:A comic tale of an animal lover called Benny Mullen who names a greyhound Spartacus, the hero of the working man. Eventually realising however that this was a dog that could indeed have brought Rome to its knees.


:A grim view of one man's marriage through a scene in a bar.

''Getting along''

:This story provides a brief glimpse of one woman's life following the breakdown of her marriage.

''Mick's day''

:This story consists of a stark reflection on the day in the life of an unemployed man Mick Haggerty.


:An animal lover realises his own idea of justice after an altercation in a bar.


:A widow visits the beach with her children and she clings to dreams of a life that can no longer be.

''How many miles to Babylon?''

:Benny Mullen returns in this story which sees him have an altercation with a colleague and contemplate his life as a widower.


:This short story consists of a series of answerphone messages which build up the tragic picture of a woman's life.

''End game''

:Gus McPhater and his wife fall out briefly over a copy of The Essential Schopenhauer.

''Hullo again''

:Eddie Cameron rediscovers an old flame.

''Holing out''

:Bert Watson returns in this story for one last game of golf.

''Deathwatch beetle''

:A grim portrait of prison life.


:A teenager, Sammy Nelson, who applied for a job with Bert Watson, but was considered over-qualified finds his own creative way to meet life on his terms.

The Voice (1992 film)

Arriving back in Rome after a business trip, Gilles contacts Lorraine and they make hasty love in the open among the ruins. Agreeing to meet again that evening at a rooftop restaurant, Gilles is hopelessly distracted by a voice he hears at another table. It is Laura, a married woman he had a passionate affair with, and he tells Lorraine the whole story, from first joyous encounter to her final suicide attempt. While Lorraine has no desire to hear all the details, she reluctantly lets Gilles get his memories out of his system. After the meal, though he is exhausted by the recalled emotion, she joins him in his bedroom.

The Old Man & the Tree

Gloria's (Sofía Vergara) mom Pilar (Elizabeth Peña) comes for Christmas visit and she drives Gloria crazy. Gloria wants to have some time away from her, so she calls Claire (Julie Bowen) to pass by and be with Pilar. Claire who thinks she will baby sit Joe goes but at the end the two of them, Claire and Pilar, get along, and seeing the two women bonding makes Gloria jealous. Gloria tries to "win back" her mom, and she ends up fighting with Claire who also admits that she is jealous of her because her mom comes all the way from Colombia just to spend the holidays with her when her mom does not even take the bus (three hours away) for her and she instead sends her a pair of slippers as a gift every year since she was eight.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) takes Manny (Rico Rodriguez) to cut down their Christmas tree since Jay believes that the Christmas tree should be a real one and not fake. After searching for a while, Jay finally finds the "perfect" tree but it is not that easy to cut it down. First the axe breaks and then the saw stacks, so they decide to tie it in the car and pull it. Their attempts fail one after another but at the end, they manage to get the tree with the most unexpected way.

Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Alex (Ariel Winter) take a job at the mall as the elf and the wife of the Santa (Charley Koontz) respectively, but things do not go really well when the Santa decides to take a break but never comes back. Kids go crazy asking for Santa, and the two girls end up locked in the little Santa house to protect themselves.

Phil (Ty Burrell) tries to achieve his goal of the year. Last Christmas, he said that he would walk the equivalent of the length to Canada on his elliptical machine, otherwise he will banish the machine to the garage. Luke (Nolan Gould) enters the bedroom, and he tells him that there is no way to make it, but he changes his tone when Phil tells him that if he fails, he will take the machine to the garage. Luke is assigned to take the recycling out to the curb, but he missed few weeks, so he has been taking the recycling to the garage. In his attempt to earn some time to get rid of it, he tries to convince Phil that he can reach his goal and he asks for Dylan's (Reid Ewing) help to transfer the recycling.

Meanwhile, Mitchel (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) has to do some last minute shopping since he and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) did not get Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) the right present plus the "no gift" invitation from their friend Pepper for his Christmas party turns out to be a "12 gift" invitation. While Mitch tries to shop, Cam and Lily go to a charity event where Cam misinterprets the reason of the event.

Tales of Zestiria


''Tales of Zestiria'' takes place on a fictional continent named Glenwood. Glenwood is set in the middle of an ocean-dominated world, sharing its setting with ''Tales of Berseria'', the latter being set in the distant past of ''Zestiria'' s world. Glenwood is divided between two warring countries: the Hyland Kingdom, which is ruled by a constitutional monarchy, and the Rolance Empire. Existing independently are multiple Guilds, who readily profit from the conflict and encompass multiple professions from transportation to goods manufacture to assassination. Throughout the land, an impurity known as "''malevolence''" generated by the negative emotions of humanity periodically transforms the living, the dead and even inanimate objects into monsters called the who pose a threat to the world. Along with humans, one of the main races of the world is the supernatural humanoids and animals who can only interact with humans with sufficient resonance in them. Though once an abundant people in Glenwood, the Seraphim have become scarce. The people of the world call those who interact with the Seraphim and they are both hailed as saviors and feared because of their power. The Shepherds have frequently appeared during times of crisis, and have entered into common folklore along with the Seraphim. Seraphim can also form contracts between themselves, with one dominant figure called a "Prime Lord" and a number of partners called "Sub Lords" who act as supports for them. The game tells the story of the Shepherds during the "Era of Chaos", when the Hellion are running rampant across Glenwood, attacking both the countryside and cities. Dragons play an important role in both the world lore and main story arc, but do not follow their traditional representation as beings of good and evil or symbolic creatures; rather, they are actually Seraphim who are corrupted by [the aforementioned] malevolence.


The game begins with a young human called Sorey and his friend Mikleo, a Seraph of water exploring some nearby ruins when they rescue a human girl, Alisha, and bring her back home in the village of Elysia. Once Alisha departs back home, Sorey and Mikleo have a short clash with a Hellion called Lunarre and fearing for her safety, they decide to leave the village in search for her. While looking for Alisha's whereabouts, Sorey has an encounter with Lailah, a Seraph of fire known as the Lady of the Lake, who makes a pact as his Prime Lord, granting him the power to purify the Hellions and making him a Shepherd. After Sorey reunites with Alisha, who is revealed to be a princess to the Hyland Kingdom, she becomes his "Squire" to fight the Hellions by his side, and the party starts traveling the continent purifying the Hellions and searching for the main source of the malevolence that plagues the land into an Era of Chaos, the individual known as the "Lord of Calamity". During their travels Sorey and the others have a short encounter with Zaveid, a rogue Seraph of wind who hunts down Hellions on his own accord, and befriend Edna, an earth Seraph who also joins the party. However, Alisha's low resonance with the Seraphim takes a toll on Sorey's body and she is forced to leave the group.

When a war between Hyland and the neighboring Rolance Empire breaks out, Alisha is used by Hyland's military as a leverage to force Sorey and his friends to take part in a battle. During the skirmish, Heldalf, the Lord of Calamity himself, appears before Sorey and he is almost killed, being rescued in the nick of time by an assassin called Rose. After recovering, Sorey learns that there are four shrines with trials that a Shepherd must accomplish in order to become stronger and decides that he must clear them first before challenging Heldalf again. During his journeys, it is discovered that Rose has a high level of resonance and she becomes Sorey's Squire, joining the party along Dezel, a Seraph of wind who was guarding Rose as part of a secret agenda. After the party completes the four trials, they fall into a trap by Symonne, a fallen Seraph who works under Heldalf. It is then revealed that Dezel's true objective was to enact revenge on Symonne for causing the death of his friend and disgracing Rose's guild. Rose is severely wounded during the battle, forcing Dezel to sacrifice himself in order to protect her, and Zaveid joins the party afterwards.

Sorey and his friends then confront Heldalf again, but figure out that something is amiss as he does not show any intention to kill them immediately, as after failing to provoke Sorey, Heldalf attempts to convince him to join his side: this prompts the party to retreat and look for the true reason behind his motives before their final confrontation. It is revealed that the Era of Chaos was initiated when the previous Shepherd turned Heldalf, a Rolance military general at a time, into a cursed immortal being by infusing him with the fallen Seraph Maotelus when he refused to provide aid to his village when it was invaded: this filled his life with hatred and turned him into the Lord of Calamity. It was also revealed that two infants from the village, Sorey and Mikleo, were saved and taken in to be raised with the Seraphim. With the truth revealed and understood, the Shepherd and his comrades take on Heldalf once again and defeat him once and for all, turning Heldalf back into his human self and Sorey finally ending his life, giving him the peace he craved. Sorey then merges with Maotelus to expel the malevolence from the world and usher in a new era, where both the Seraphim and humans finally live together peacefully. In a post-credits sequence, a future Mikleo is shown exploring some ruins, and is saved from a fall by a reawakened Sorey.

Main characters

CSR Classics

The player starts off by being recruited by an agent, and receives a sum of money sufficient to purchase the first vehicle. As the player challenges the first crew, ''Authenthics'', the Agent explains her suspicion of Mr. Baledin, who recently became the top crew leader and purchased a casino ''The Valentine''. She thinks that Mr. Baledin is a corrupt person and that the crew leaders have some involvement with his reign of power. The agent reveals Marco to be a tearaway child and a thief while also having a romantic affair with another crew leader, Kandy. The player proceeds to defeat Marco, progressing to Tier 2.

In Tier 2, the player proceeds to challenge the '''Thrillers''', commandeered by Olivia. As the player continues to challenge Olivia, the agent tells the player about Olivia's background: Olivia runs a car show under the same name, which, after having experienced severe financial troubles, came to Mr. Baledin for a loan. However, the loan did little to help their financial situation, and Olivia's car show became in debt to Mr. Baledin. Olivia and her associates agreed to race for Mr. Baledin to make up for the loss. The player defeats Olivia and the Thrillers, moving onto Tier 3.

The player starts challenging Lord Aziz and the '''High Rollers''', the Tier 3 crew. After having beaten Lord Aziz's crew and starting to challenge Lord Aziz himself, the agent informs the player of Lord Aziz: Lord Aziz inherited the wealth of his father, who recently passed. Being a large gambler, Lord Aziz lost all of his father's wealth playing Baccarat, and blamed Mr. Baledin for having rigged his Baccarat games. Despite now working under Mr. Baledin's rule, Lord Aziz highly despises Mr. Baledin. The player defeats Lord Aziz and the High Rollers, now having made it into Tier 4.

The player's next crew to defeat is the Tier 4 crew, the '''Lucky 7's''', with Kandy being its ringleader. The player defeats Kandy's crew members and proceeds to challenge her. The agent shines light upon Kandy: despite her romantic relationship with Marco, Kandy has been seen multiple times flirting with Mr. Baledin. It is later revealed that Marco and Kandy performed a heist on The Valentine itself, with Mr. Baledin having caught the duo. Instead of alerting them to authorities, Mr. Baledin blackmailed Kandy and Marco into working for him. The player defeats Kandy for the last time and proceeds into Tier 5.

In Tier 5, the player starts challenging '''The House''', which is under Mr. Baledin's rule. The player defeats Mr. Baledin's crew and starts to challenge the leader of the CSR Classics universe by themselves. The agent informs the player of a plan to arrest Mr. Baledin: the player would distract Baledin by continuously racing him, allowing authorities to prepare a trap at The Valentine for Mr. Baledin, allowing for an easy arrest. After defeating Mr. Baledin for the third and final time, Mr. Baledin is shown in custody. The agent then talks with the player, informing them that the CSR Classics league unanimously elected Marco to become the new leader of the league, vowing to ameliorate it. The player is also congratulated by the former crew leaders for their victory against the secretly despised Mr. Baledin. However, the player is shown a discussion between a now-jailed Mr. Baledin, and a formerly unknown client. They discuss how their plan was executed perfectly, and it is revealed that Marco, on the other end of the line, is actually behind all this business.

The Rabbit Trap

Since leaving the army ten years ago, Eddie has been working hard without any promotion, never missing a day of work and having only three weeks holiday in his ten years with his construction firm. The day after, Eddie and his wife Abby and son Duncan are granted a two-week holiday. They spend it in a mountain cabin. On the first day, Eddie and Duncan place a rabbit trap out in the countryside for the sheer joy of feeding and releasing him. Eddie is called back to work the next day, leading to arguments with Abby who insists that Eddie should remain on holiday. Eddie fears being left behind in promotion if he endangers his reputation for reliability.

Upon returning home, Duncan realizes they left the trap set and a rabbit could be trapped inside. Duncan breaks his piggy bank and returns to the mountains by himself to save the rabbit and tries to take the bus to Deep Springs to save the rabbit.

In the midst of this, his Dad gets a promotion and Judy kisses the owner of the construction firm and gives her one-week notice.

Eddie decided that it is more important to bring his son back to check the rabbit trap than his promotion and quits.

Tales of the Vikings

Set in tenth century Scandinavia, the series presented the seafaring exploits of Viking chief Firebeard and his two sons, Leif and Finn.

Spring Reunion

Maggie Brewster (Betty Hutton), once voted the most popular girl in her class, has a successful real estate career, but regrets that she never married. When she runs into an old flame at the reunion (Dana Andrews), it looks as if the two might be meant for each other after all. However, Fred's aversion to commitment and Maggie's unwillingness to step out of her comfort zone threaten to kill their romance before it begins.

Ride Out for Revenge

Chief Yellow Wolf and son Little Wolf walk to town (the plight of Yellow Wolf's tribe is so dire they walked to town to save their horses) to meet with army Captain George (Bridges) to seek provisions for the upcoming winter. He wants the Indians relocated off of their own land. He pretends to be interested in Yellow Wolf's offer of living together in peace, then his man Garvin murders him in the street. George protests he had only instructed his man to "rough up" Chief Yellow Wolf.

Marshal Tate (Calhoun) sides with the tribe and also is in love with Yellow Wolf's daughter, Pretty Willow. His attitude disgusts George, who demands the marshal turn in his badge. Tate does so willingly and tells his nephew Billy it is time they move to another town. Amy Porter (Grahame), a widow who runs the boardinghouse and loves Tate, tells him she cannot abide his feelings for an Indian woman instead.

After ignoring Tate's warnings that there will be reprisals, George panics when they attack. At first be pleads with Tate for help in killing Little Wolf, then conspires with lies to turn Little Wolf and the Indian natives against Tate, claiming he has selfish motives. Pretty Willow turns against Tate after being convinced he plans to kill her brother.

Angry with his uncle and trying to sneak away, the boy Billy is killed. Tate and Little Wolf end up in a knife fight, while Amy, now regretting her prejudice, takes in Pretty Willow at her home. Capt. George believes he has the situation under control, until Tate turns up alive and well and takes matters into his own hands.

The Reluctant Orchid

The story narrated by Purvis describes the relationship between a very timid acquaintance of his named Hercules Keating, and Hercules's rather overbearing aunt. Hercules is an orchid fancier, and cultivates obscure varieties of these. On one particular occasion, he comes across a carnivorous orchid, and is nearly killed by it. This inspires him to use it to murder his aunt, whom he hates. However, the aunt tames the orchid, thus deflating the scheme.

Savannah (film)

Narrated by a 95-year-old Christmas Moultrie (Ejiofor) as he recalls his friendship long ago with Ward Allen (Caviezel) in Savannah back in the early 20th century. Ward was born into privilege in the mid-1800s but settled for a life of duck hunting, which found him in front of Judge Harden (Holbrook) often. He was also found quite drunk, a point of tension with his wife, Lucy (Alexander) who married him to spite her father (Shepard) who wanted her to marry Sir Graham (McBrayer). Their marriage is later tested by his hard-drinking ways, his devotion to his hunting, and her breakdown after a stillbirth.

Cold War (short story)

The story narrated by Purvis describes a scheme allegedly designed by the state of California to discredit Florida's claim to being America's sunniest state. A friend of Purvis', who was once a submarine commander, is hired to captain a submarine carrying an ice-machine out into the Atlantic Ocean, and create a small ice-berg there. The iceberg would then drift to the Florida coast, and the resulting news sensation would then damage Florida's reputation for being warm. While creating the iceberg, however, they happen to choose a spot that was close to an American missile testing range, and a missile comes down near them. Assuming that it is an airplane in trouble, they investigate, only to find that a Russian submarine is trying to appropriate the missile. They manage to frighten away the Russians, and rescue the missile. The iceberg scheme is abandoned.

Nanana's Buried Treasure

On the "Special Student Zone" artificial island – Nanaejima, the story centers on a beautiful, optimistic, but NEET (not in education, employment or training) girl Nanana Ryūgajō, who was mysteriously killed in her own apartment.

Ten years later, a boy named Juugo Yama was forced to transfer to a high school on the island. With only a certain amount of money to live on, Juugo chooses a low-rent apartment that happens to be haunted by the ghostly Nanana, who is bound to her former home and unable to move on. Juugo and members of the school's adventure club join a "treasure hunt royale" on the island for the Nanana Collection, treasures that possess mysterious powers.

Goldimouse and the Three Cats

In a cottage live the Three Cats: Sylvester (father cat), Mrs. Sylvester (mother cat), and Sylvester Jr. (baby cat alias "Spoiled Brat" as Sylvester calls him). Sylvester finds his porridge is too hot and Mrs. Sylvester finds her porridge too cold, but Sylvester Jr. complains on why they are having to eat porridge instead of mice like other cats. Sylvester suggests that they go for a walk in the woods to wait for the porridge to cool down (commenting "Now where have I heard that before?").

While they are away, Goldimouse (a mouse with curly blonde locks) enters the house through a tiny door, spies the porridge, and eats it. Afterwards, Goldimouse feels sleepy and tries all three beds and finds Sylvester Jr.'s just right, so Goldimouse takes it and goes to sleep.

Later on, Sylvester and his family return from their walk and discover Goldimouse's handiwork. While going through the whole "Somebody's been eating my porridge" and "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed" bit, Sylvester Jr. is relieved that his porridge is all gone and that the intruder in his bed is a mouse. When he says this, Goldimouse wakes up, scared at the sight of Sylvester Jr. and turns to Sylvester for help, but then notices that he, too, is also a cat and escapes out the tiny door.

At his son's insistence, Sylvester tries to get Goldimouse out of the mousehole, but she thwarts his multiple attempts. After Sylvester's latest failure to rid Goldimouse with explosives when he built a shelter for his family, he returns in scorched from the explosion and brings Junior his breakfast after Junior hyperactively asks him about catching the Goldimouse, but consisting of a bowl of porridge instead. Sylvester dumps it on Junior's head and then leaves the shelter angrily, indicating that he finally has had enough of Junior's spoiled attitude. The cartoon ends with Junior complaining on the porridge once again.

Bombshell (musical)

Act 1

At the opening of the show, is Norma Jeane Mortenson, before she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. Her first marriage has just ended due to her all consuming drive to be a movie star ("Let Me Be Your Star").

We flash back to the 10-year-old Norma Jeane, who is being dropped off at Grauman's Chinese Theatre by her single mother, Gladys Mortensen, a mentally unstable film cutter who uses the courtyard filled with movie stars' foot and hand prints to babysit for her daughter ("At Your Feet"). Flash forward to the adult Norma Jeane, who is now an actress often confronted with the casting couch. We see a large number of aspiring actresses sneak into film producer Darryl F. Zanuck's office and bribe him with sexual favors to be cast in his films. These young women are led by Norma Jeane, and Zanuck seems to enjoy their advances ("Smash!"). Norma Jeane pays her bills by modeling. At one photo shoot, she spies a book of Yeats' poetry on the shelf and surprises the photographer with her knowledge of the poet's work as she sings of her history with men. But even as she quotes Yeats, the song ends with her naked in the iconic calendar pose ("Never Give All the Heart").

Norma Jeane finds herself in the middle of a contract with 20th Century Fox, around 1946. This is when, with the help of 20th Century Fox executive Ben Lyon, she lands a screen test, during which she selects the name Marilyn Monroe for herself, and this number sees the transformation from Norma Jeane into Marilyn ("20th Century Fox Mambo").

On Marilyn's first date with baseball player Joe DiMaggio, the two go to a drive-in movie, and other lovers back them up as they sing this romantic duet ("History Is Made At Night"). After Joe and Marilyn's date, Marilyn goes straight to the ball field for some due diligence, and sings with the New York Yankees ("The National Pastime"). Joe & Marilyn arrive back in America from their honeymoon. Joe does his best to domesticate her with the promise of a simpler life ("Mr. & Mrs. Smith"). Joe & Marilyn are honeymooning in Japan. Marilyn is asked to perform for the troops in Korea. Joe sees firsthand how men react to her and how she loves it ("I Never Met a Wolf Who Didn't Love to Howl").

Film producer Darryl F. Zanuck complaining to his studio executives about Marilyn Monroe's lack of professionalism. The male executives are all wearing nothing but towels, true to Zanuck's actual studio executives ("Don't Say Yes Until I Finish Talking"). Marilyn shoots a scene from the 1954 film The Seven Year Itch in which the air from a subway grating must blow her skirt up. As the director orders for the scene to be reshot time and time again, a large crowd gathers to watch Marilyn. Joe DiMaggio is infuriated by the spectacle, which leads to his eventual divorce from Marilyn ("On Lexington & 52nd Street").

Marilyn is now in Hollywood on her next film, as the divorce from Joe becomes official, and the film wraps. Marilyn resolves to keep going with the only family she knows, the film crew. They smile at her attempt at camaraderie, but long fed up with her on-set behavior, they throw all her wrap presents away, which she discovers as the curtain falls on Act One ("Cut, Print... Moving On").

Act 2

Making one picture after another, Marilyn becomes dissatisfied with the roles she is being offered, "retires" from pictures and flies off to New York City, where she is met by a phalanx of reporters and fans at Idelwild Airport ("Public Relations"). In 1955, Marilyn studies with Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio in New York City. Being limited by typecasting, she meets with Cheryl Crawford before interviewing with Lee and being accepted into the Actors Studio ("Dig Deep"). Mariliyn is huddled around a piano at a party in New York. Marilyn meets esteemed playwright Arthur Miller. She tells him of how her often-institutionalized mother bought a piano once on an infrequent visit home, which is Norma Jeane's only memory of a happy moment between her and her mother, and that after searching for years, she found the actual piano, bought it, and now takes it with her wherever she lives. ("Second Hand White Baby Grand"). Arthur is deeply touched, they fall in love and marry.

Marilyn, with newfound confidence in her acting skills, goes to England to film The Prince & The Showgirl opposite Laurence Olivier. Unfortunately, Olivier treats her like a "no talent" and she admits to the apprentice hired to look after her that she wonders if the auditioning and always having to prove herself will ever stop ("They Just Keep Moving the Line"). Marilyn begrudgingly heading back to Hollywood to film Some Like It Hot, but is so unhappy about still having to play the dumb blonde that she begins spiraling down, keeping the crew waiting more than ever, as she drinks and takes pills ("Let's Be Bad"). Arthur Miller realizes he can't help with her behavior, or even stay with Marilyn anymore ("The Right Regrets").

Marilyn is on her own back in Hollywood. She attends a fundraiser for JFK in Palm Springs, where Nat King Cole entertains, rallying the super glamorous guests ("(Let's Start) Tomorrow Tonight"). Sparks fly between Marilyn and JFK, and they begin to sneak off together whenever he can manage to get away. But it is a degrading and doomed relationship ("Our Little Secret"). Marilyn fantasizes about visiting her retired mother at the sanitarium, where - in the dream - Gladys says all the things to Marilyn that she always wanted to hear ("Hang the Moon"). Marilyn is in bed. She calls up a man to keep her company, but he denies her. At the end of the number, it is implied that she dies ("Second Hand White Baby Grand (Reprise)").

Years after their divorce, Marilyn's ex-husband Joe DiMaggio mourns at her funeral. He brings a rose to set on her grave and sadly reminisces about how the two fell apart ("Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Reprise)"). Marilyn posthumously reflects on her life and begs the audience not to let her trials and tribulations be forgotten. More than anything, she wants her legacy to live on, even in the little things of everyday life ("Don't Forget Me").

The Toy (1976 film)

The movie The Toy talks about a little boy who is trying to prove his father wrong by acting exactly like him. His father "buys" people and nothing can stop him from getting what he wants. His son does not see why he cannot do the same and decides to buy a man, who he encountered at the toy shop. The man he chose happened to be a journalist at his father's newspaper. Gradually with the help of his “toy” the boy manages to prove his father's wrong deeds by exposing them in the newspaper produced by him and his "toy". Along this journey, the boy establishes warm relationships with the man and refuses to stay with his father any longer. The message behind the story is that love and respect matter more than money.

The Tractate Middoth

Mr. Garrett, an employee of a university library, searches for a Mishnaic tractate for an impatient library patron named John Eldred. While searching, he encounters a black-clad clergyman who also seems interested in the book. The clergyman's appearance–his head appears to be enshrouded in cobwebs and he smells of mould and dust–causes Garrett a severe shock and he faints. He is sent home to recover and later decides to recuperate at the seaside.

On the train to his destination, he meets the elderly Mrs. Simpson and her daughter, proprietors of a boarding house who offer him lodgings. Over the course of his stay, they become very friendly. The Simpsons confide in him that they are losing a struggle with a rival heir to the estate of an eccentric clergyman named Rant, who died two decades earlier. As they describe the situation, Garrett realizes that John Eldred is the rival heir. The tractate supposedly contains a hidden secret will that would supersede an earlier last will and testament. Garrett decides to help the Simpsons by preventing Eldred from destroying this document.

Returning to the library, he finds that the tractate has been found already and shipped to Eldred at the Rant estate. He follows the book in another train, but arrives too late to stop Eldred from receiving the parcel. As he stalks Eldred back to the Rant mansion, he sees a dark form emerge from cobwebs at the side of the road, and Eldred drops dead. An inquest finds black dust on the dead man's face and in his mouth, but the real cause of death is heart failure. The tractate becomes evidence. When it appears that Eldred had been tearing out a page when he died, the missing will is discovered and decrypted, written in a coded script that looks like Hebrew. By its terms, Mrs. Simpson inherits the estate formerly possessed by Eldred, and Garrett and her daughter marry.

Dorm of the Dead

A professor returns to Arkham University with the blood of a zombie. As he tests it on the students, Amy accidentally initiates a zombie attack. During the confusion, bully Clare targets goths Sarah and Allison for involuntary conversion into zombies.

Gory Gory Hallelujah

After they each fail their audition for Jesus in a play, a Jew, a militant African American, a feminist, and a bisexual hippie go on a road trip. On the way, they confront hostile Elvis impersonators and end up in a fight. Fleeing the law, they end up in an intolerant religious community that holds the secret of the apocalypse; a botched magical spell reveals it to be a zombie apocalypse. Zombies kill everyone but Jessie, who lives among them and decides to study their culture.

It's Handled

Picking up immediately from where the season finale left off, Rowan drives Olivia to a private airplane hangar where he berates her before informing her that arrangements have made for her to disappear until her scandal blows over. Olivia agrees to her father’s arrangements, however on the plane she makes a final goodbye call to Cyrus who pleads with her to stay informing her that if she does he will protect her. Olivia leaves the plane and returns to her office where she informs her team that the White House is handling the scandal and they need to focus on work. Shortly thereafter she discovers that all of their clients have dropped them. While Olivia desperately contacts her clients Harrison rallies the team by telling them that the White House will destroy Olivia in order to protect Fitz and they need to act quickly in order to clear her name.

Meanwhile, Cyrus and Mellie work together to try and discover who leaked the information about Olivia. When they cannot Cyrus orders Jeannine to collect a kill file on Olivia. He learns from the file that Olivia's mother died when she was young and after her death she never lived in the family home again. After discovering her history of dating older, powerful men Cyrus decides that they will use the information to destroy Olivia in the press.

Olivia uses her emergency access codes to meet with Fitz and Mellie in a secret bunker. Mellie and Olivia agree that Fitz needs to come clean about the affair and Olivia will claim she slept with Fitz two times and Mellie will stand by him.

After his meeting with Mellie and Olivia, Fitz meets with Sally and urges her to denounce him after he publicly admits to his affair. She tells him she will.

In the meantime Harrison has rallied the team to his side and gathered dirt on Jeannine Locke which he passes on to Cyrus who leaks it to James. The dirt is a video in which a drunken Jeannine professes her love for Fitz. The media immediately picks up the story and announces that Jeannine is Fitz’s mistress.

Fitz, upon hearing the news goes to Mellie where he learns that she was the one who conceived the plan to leak another woman’s name since she realized that Fitz had leaked Olivia’s name hoping that by introducing her to the public and having Mellie by his side he could eventually leave Mellie and be with Olivia.

Olivia, after learning what her team has done, takes on Jeannine as a client.

Meanwhile, Rowan uses Charlie to summon Cyrus to B613 headquarters where he shows him a special folder that reveals the truth about Operation Remington.

Family Pictures

The film opens with Nina Eberlin, the fourth in a family of six children, going to visit her divorced parents. Looking at some old photographs, she begins to tell the story of how her parents, Lainey and David, learned that her younger brother Randall had autism, and how the stress that this placed on them eventually lead to the breakdown of their marriage.

Kidnapped for Christ

The documentary details the experiences of several teenagers who were enrolled into Escuela Caribe by their parents against their will. The film focuses on the plight of a Colorado high school student, David, sent to the school by his parents after he told them he was gay. The film also documents the experiences of two girls: Beth, who was sent to the school because of a "debilitating anxiety disorder", and Tai, who was sent for behavioral problems resulting from childhood trauma.

Wintertime Wager

It is Christmas Day. The snows are deep and the temperatures are very cold. Donald wants to stay indoors to keep warm. His cousin Gladstone Gander arrives to tell Donald he has lost their wager made the previous summer.

At that time, Donald had agreed that he would forfeit his house to his cousin should he fail to go swimming in Frozenbear Lake on Christmas Day. To keep his house, Donald now dons his swimming suit, but cannot bring himself to jump into the cold lake.

Daisy Duck arrives to remind Gladstone that he promised her last summer that he would drink two gallons of lemonade within an hour, or return the house to Donald. Gladstone fails to drink the lemonade; Donald gets his house back.

The nephews decide the moral of the story is: "A big bragging mouth always get one into trouble." As Daisy leaves, she hears Gladstone and Donald boyishly making wagers for next year. With a sigh, she leaves, realizing that Donald and Gladstone have not learned their lesson.

Helios (film)

South Korea's top most wanted criminal, nicknamed "Helios" (Chang Chen), and his assistant, nicknamed "Messenger" (Janice Man), have successfully stolen a weapon of mass destruction(WMD), secretly developed by the South Korean military, the portable nuclear explosive device DC8 along with sixteen raw material spheres. The police forces of Hong Kong, China, and South Korea were informed that "Helios" will hold an underground trading in Hong Kong.

An emergency response team was set up in Hong Kong. Its members, chief inspector Eric Lee Yan-ming (Nick Cheung) of the Counter-Terrorism Response Unit, senior Chinese official Song An (Wang Xueqi), and two South Korean weapon experts Choi Min-ho (Ji Jin-hee) and Park Woo-Cheol (Choi Siwon), work together to trace the whereabouts of the weapon. Lee also specially invites Physics professor Siu Chi-yan (Jacky Cheung) of the University of Hong Kong to serve as a special adviser for the operation.

Hong Kong, China and South Korea face the same objective, but with different purposes. Choi wants to hunt down "Helios" to take back the weapon to make sure not to divulge secrets of South Korea. In the position of the Chinese government, Song wants to resolve the current crisis in Hong Kong and halt any terrorism activities in Chinese territories. Lee and Siu face pressure from the two countries and have to deal with the greatest challenge since the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Response Unit, with the situation getting tenser.

As time passes by each second, with "Messenger" arrested and DC8 falls into the hands of the Hong Kong Police Force, China and Korea fight for the right to possess the weapon. On the other hand, "Helios" appears in Macau, with plans to retaliate and repossess the weapon. During the last stand, conspiracies are gradually revealed, and Professor Siu is revealed as the real "Helios", with everyone caught off guard.

Zombie King and the Legion of Doom

''Luchadores'' Ulysses and Blue Saint discover that Tiki is wrestling zombies. Their worries are put to rest when Tiki reveals that the zombies have been domesticated. However, Tiki's zombies are soon blamed for a wave of violent zombie attacks. The ''luchadores'' research the attacks and are led to the lair of the Zombie King, who seeks to conquer the world.

Exodus Fall

Set in 1974, the film centers on three siblings from Texas — Kenneth (Jesse James), Charlotte (Adrien Finkel), and Dana Minor (Devon Graye) — who are left living with their abusive, alcoholic mother Marilyn (Rosanna Arquette) after their father's death. Marilyn commits Dana, who is autistic, to an institution, allowing doctors to perform medical experiments on him. Kenneth and Charlotte break their younger brother out of the asylum, and the three siblings set out on a road trip, intending to travel from Texas to their grandmother's home in Oregon. They are joined by a hippie named Travis (Alexander Carroll).

The Innocent (1994 film)

Lieutenant Frank Barlow (Kelsey Grammer) investigates a robbery that resulted in homicide. The only witness to the crime is a nine-year-old autistic boy named Gregory White (Keegan MacIntosh). When the killers learn of Gregory's existence, they target him, and to protect the child, Barlow takes him to his rural cabin. While there, Barlow, whose own son died a year previously, bonds with Gregory.

A Mile in His Shoes

The film, based on Frank Nappi's critically acclaimed novel "The Legend of Mickey Tussler," centers on Mickey Tussler (Luke Schroder), an 18-year-old from Indiana with Autism, who joins the semi-professional baseball team "the River Rats" after being discovered by Arthur Murphy (Dean Cain). At 18 Mickey has very severe autism. His speaking abilities are limited and he usually refers to himself in the third person and recites poetry to himself when he becomes overwhelmed. Mickey's mother (a clarinetist and poet) is forced by her father to marry a man named Clarence who is illiterate and beats both Molly and Mickey.

The movie introduces Arthur Murphy ("Murph") who sees Mickey pitching apples to his pig and sees a boy with a lot of potential in a baseball career. He talks Molly, Mickey's mother into letting Mickey come with him to be a part of the team. He pairs him with a very nice teammate named Pee Wee who takes Mickey under his wing.

Even though Mickey is a good member of the team, he does not fit in and his teammates constantly make fun of him and haze him. Though the movie's focus is on Mickey's journey and his baseball career, the movie also focuses on the importance of raising awareness about Autism. The movie portrays the importance of giving people with Autism a chance and treating them with respect. Frank Nappi's first book in the series gives each character the chance to show small amounts of their own history, making the story very complex and compelling. The subsequent novels, "Sophomore Campaign" and "Welcome to the Show," delve deeper into the mind and experiences of Mickey, as well as those closest to him.

Sex After Kids

The film features an ensemble cast of characters, including Lou (Zoie Palmer), a single mother being encouraged by her brother Peyton (Paul Amos) to pursue casual sex; Larissa (Mary Krohnert) and Jody (Kate Hewlett), a lesbian couple whose relationship is being tested by frequent disagreements; Horton (Jay Brazeau) and Dolores (Mimi Kuzyk), middle-aged empty nesters trying to rekindle their sex lives after their adult daughter Markee (Katie Boland) moves out on her own; Gage (Kris Holden-Ried), a single father looking unsuccessfully for a perfect match; Vanessa (Amanda Brugel) and Sean (Peter Keleghan), a couple troubled by the fact that Sean now sees Vanessa as a mother rather than a sexual being; and Jules (Shannon Beckner) and Ben (Ennis Esmer), a couple struggling to revive their sex life after a year pause caused by having a baby. Gordon Pinsent appears as a sex therapist.

Suzie (film)

Suzie (Micheline Lanctôt), a 58-year-old taxi driver suffering from depression, finds a 10-year-old autistic boy named Charles (Gabriel Gaudreault) alone in the back seat of her cab one Halloween night. The boy's mother has left him with a note directing that he be taken to his father. Suzie takes Charles to his father, and thus gets drawn into a conflict between the boy's parents. Realizing the parents have no idea what to do with their son, Suzie leaves with him, and proceeds to go to an underground gambling den. She wins money at poker and buys two plane tickets to Morocco, intending to search for her daughter, who was taken to the country by her father twenty years ago.

Henry & Verlin

Set during the Great Depression, the film centers on an unlikely friendship that forms between Henry (Gary Farmer), an autistic adult with a childlike spirit, and his nine-year-old nephew Verlin (Keegan MacIntosh), who is also autistic. Henry helps Verlin to come out of his shell, but Verlin's mother mistrusts him, believing him to be dangerous. Henry's family eventually decides to institutionalize him and Verlin sinks back into himself at the sudden loss of his friend.

Alien: Isolation

In 2137, 15 years after the events of the original ''Alien'' film, Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, learns that the flight recorder of her mother's ship, the ''Nostromo'', has been located. The flight recorder was retrieved by the salvage ship ''Anesidora'', and is being held aboard ''Sevastopol'', a Seegson Corporation space station orbiting gas giant KG-348 in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Christopher Samuels, a Weyland-Yutani android, offers Ripley a place on the retrieval team so that she can have closure regarding the fate of her missing mother.

Ripley, Samuels, and Weyland-Yutani executive Nina Taylor travel to Sevastopol via the ''Torrens'', a courier ship, only to find the station damaged and external communications offline. While attempting to spacewalk into Sevastopol, their EVA line is severed by debris, and Ripley is separated from the others and forced to enter the station on her own. While exploring the station, Ripley finds the flight recorder of the ''Nostromo'', but the data has been corrupted, and also discovers that the station is out of control due to a deadly Alien creature lurking aboard. After regrouping with Samuels and Taylor, Ripley meets the station's Marshal Waits and his deputy Ricardo. Waits explains that the alien was brought onto the station by ''Anesidora'' captain Henry Marlow, who, after recovering the ''Nostromo'' flight recorder while salvaging its remains in space, was able to backtrack the Nostromo's path to LV-426 and locate the derelict alien starship, containing within a nest of alien eggs. While inside, Marlow's wife was attacked by a Facehugger and brought aboard Sevastopol for emergency medical treatment, but died after a Chestburster hatched from her. Waits convinces Ripley to contain the Alien inside a remote module of the station, and then eject it into space. Although Ripley is successful, Waits ejects the module with her still inside. Careening into KG-348, Ripley space-jumps back to Sevastopol using a space suit.

Ripley makes her way back to confront Waits, but Ricardo reveals that the station's service androids have abruptly started slaughtering the remaining crew, including Waits. Samuels attempts to interface with the station's artificial intelligence, APOLLO, to cease the rampage. However, the systems' defensive countermeasures kill him shortly after he opens a path for Ripley into APOLLO's control core. There, Ripley discovers that Seegson had been trying to sell off Sevastopol to Weyland-Yutani, who instructed APOLLO to protect the Alien at all costs. Ripley tells APOLLO that the creature is no longer aboard the station and demands it cease all activity, but the system refuses, stating that "scheduled reactor scans are unverified". At the reactor, Ripley discovers a nest with hundreds of Aliens, and initiates a reactor purge to destroy it.

Later, Ripley learns that Taylor was secretly sent to retrieve the Alien from Sevastopol, and that she freed Marlow in exchange for the location of LV-426. However, Marlow double-crosses and takes her hostage aboard the ''Anesidora''. There, Ripley finally discovers the ''Nostromo'' s flight recorder, containing a personal message to her from her mother, thus giving her closure. Meanwhile, Marlow attempts to overload the fusion reactor of the ''Anesidora'' to destroy Sevastopol and ensure that no creatures survive; Taylor kills him in an attempt to stop this, but she herself is killed by an electric discharge, forcing Ripley to escape shortly before the ''Anesidora'' explodes. The explosion destroys Sevastopol's orbital stabilizers, causing the station to slowly drift into KG-348's atmosphere. Ripley and Ricardo contact the ''Torrens'' for extraction, but a Facehugger latches on to Ricardo, forcing Ripley to leave him. After making her way outside to help the ''Torrens'' detach from the station, Ripley is surrounded by Alien creatures and ultimately thrown into the ship by a blast. Aboard the ''Torrens'', Ripley discovers that another Alien has boarded the ship. When she is cornered in the airlock, she ejects herself and the Alien into space. Adrift in her space suit, Ripley is awakened by a searchlight.

Hospital (novel)

Litt initially adopts a realistic tone, portraying several conventional scenarios associated with medical drama, including a nurse's romantic interest in a doctor, the arrival of a coma patient from another hospital, a young boy's stomach-ache (which he believes to be the result of an apple tree growing from a seed he had earlier swallowed), and the medical troubles of other patients. As the novel progresses, situations become increasingly surreal, as the ritual slaughter of a baby by Satanist doctors causes an impenetrable fog of implicitly supernatural origin to beshroud the hospital, impeding contact with the outside world. As the young boy continues to search for an exit, various bizarre events occur: a group of patients begin to worship the comatose man who had been transferred into the hospital earlier that evening; meat in character's stomachs regenerates into the animals it had been taken from, ripping their torsos open; and the young boy's fear that an apple tree is growing inside of him is realised.

The book is notable for its large cast of characters, who are progressively introduced throughout in order to convey a sense of confusion and bewilderment. Litt estimates that the novel contains ‘about 130 characters’ overall. The meaning of the narrative is subject to multiple interpretations. Some, such as Martin, have argued that the subtitle implies that the text should be understood as a dream of the coma patient, whereas others, such as Poole, believe it is an allegorical representation of birth.

What Goes Up (short story)

The story narrated by Purvis is provoked by the entry of a U.F.O. enthusiast into the ''White Hart.'' In order to quell his stories, Purvis spins a tale describing an attempt by an Australian researcher nicknamed "Dr. Cavor" to develop atomic power. Cavor designs and builds an atomic generator, but by some accident, he ends up creating a field of lower gravity around the generator, such that from a physics point of view it has been elevated to an altitude of several thousand miles. This has the effect of producing an impenetrable barrier around the generator. In order to overcome it and investigate, Cavor builds a special jeep that will, in effect, winch itself along a climb of several thousand miles to the center. He performs the journey successfully, only to forget himself and step out of the jeep once there. Freed of its restraint, he "falls" back to earth from that height, thus turning into a human meteor. The story is enough to silence the U.F.O. believer; however, Purvis later gets thousands of letters from other believers, much to his annoyance, because the story was not meant to be taken seriously.

When Marnie Was There

Anna Sasaki is a 12-year-old girl with low self-esteem living in Sapporo with foster parents, Yoriko and her husband. One day, Anna suffers an asthma attack at school. At the doctor's recommendation to send Anna to a place where the air is clean, her parents decide to have her spend summer break with Yoriko's relatives, Setsu and Kiyomasa Oiwa, who live in a rural seaside town located between Kushiro and Nemuro.

Anna investigates an abandoned mansion across a salt marsh. She finds it familiar but gets trapped by the rising tide until she is found by Toichi, an old fisherman. Anna sees a blonde haired girl in the mansion. On the night of the Tanabata festival, she meets the girl, Marnie. The two agree to keep their meetings secret. Marnie invites Anna to a party at the mansion, where she sees Marnie dancing with a boy named Kazuhiko.

Anna meets Hisako, an older woman who paints. Hisako comments that Anna's sketches look like a girl whom she knew when she was young. A family moves into the mansion. During the move-in, Anna meets a girl named Sayaka, who gives her Marnie's diary that had been hidden in a drawer. Anna tells Marnie she found documents that show her foster parents are paid to take care of her. She makes the assumption that they only pretend to love her for the money, and says she can’t forgive her biological family for leaving her behind and dying. Marnie shares how her parents are always traveling abroad, and how she is left behind with her cruel nanny. The maids bully her and threaten to lock her in the silo near the mansion. Anna leads Marnie to the silo to confront the latter’s fear of it. Marnie conquers her fear and Kazuhiko comforts Marnie.

Sayaka finds the missing pages from Marnie's diary, which include passages about Kazuhiko and the silo. She and her brother find Anna unconscious with a high fever. They bring her back to the Oiwas, where Anna confronts Marnie. Marnie says she is sorry for leaving her and that she cannot see Anna anymore. When Anna recovers, Hisako reveals Marnie's story: Marnie married Kazuhiko and had a daughter named Emily, but he died from a sudden illness and Marnie committed herself to a sanatorium to cope with her loss. With no other family to care for her, Emily was sent to a boarding school. Marnie recovered but a preteen Emily was resentful for her mother abandoning her. In her adulthood, Emily ran away from home and had a daughter herself, but she and her husband were killed in a car accident. Marnie raised her granddaughter, who was placed in foster care after her death.

At the end of the summer, Yoriko arrives to take Anna home and is delighted to see Anna having made new friends in Hisako, Toichi and Sayaka. She gives Anna a photograph of the mansion and says it belonged to Anna's grandmother. When Anna sees Marnie's name written on the back, she realizes that she is Emily's daughter and Marnie's granddaughter. This revelation brings closure about her identity. Yoriko tells Anna about the government payments, but reassures her that they have always loved her. For the first time, Anna calls Yoriko her mother.

Anna says goodbye to her new friends and promises to visit again next summer before seeing Marnie at the mansion window, waving goodbye to her.

The Room Two

The game's story continues from the previous title, in which the player is trapped in a mysterious Null-based dimension, and is following in the footsteps of an acquaintance (known only as "A.S.") who has discovered these boxes based on the Null element, which imbues them with supernatural properties. Through a series of notes, A.S. reveals his entrapment in this dimension; he has found rooms that are attached to others that have come in contact with Null, the material warping the reality around these self-contained rooms, yet linking them together. Passage is only possible when the puzzle is solved, revealing a piece of Null, which, when viewed with the player's eyepiece, reveals the next door. The letters from the friend tell the player-character to move through each room quickly, warning of the risk of insanity to those who are exposed to it too long. A.S. reveals that he had become too far gone to find an escape. While working within one of the rooms, the player discovers the body of A.S., who has been trapped with the rooms for many years due to the strange passage of time within Null. The player, on completing the final room, finds the exit leading back to the house where the first game started, but chased by tendrils of an evil entity using the Null. The player-character escapes the house in time as the tendrils cause parts of the house to implode, taking away the passage to Null with it.

Stand by Me Doraemon

Nobita Nobi is a fifth grader who constantly gets failing grades in his subjects due to his laziness and is always bullied by his classmates Suneo Honekawa and Takeshi 'Gian' Goda. His great-great grandson from the 22nd century, Sewashi, who watches him every day, travels to Nobita's timeline while bringing along his robotic cat Doraemon. Sewashi reveals that if Nobita keeps up his act, he will have a disastrous future: he will marry Gian's sister Jaiko, have his private company burned down, and will be left with great debt. To circumvent this, he orders Doraemon to help Nobita, modifying Doraemon's nose to prevent him from returning to the future unless Nobita gains a better future.

Being reluctant until the threat, Doraemon introduces his gadgets to help Nobita which helps him immensely. Though Doraemon warns Nobita not to be too dependent on his gadgets, Nobita asks Doraemon to help him woo his crush Shizuka Minamoto whom Doraemon reveals is the one Nobita will marry if his future is corrected. However, all his efforts end up making Shizuka become closer to ace student, Hidetoshi Dekisugi. Nobita's attempt to be equal with Dekisugi by studying harder is futile, and he decides to let go of Shizuka to make her happier. He does this by flipping Shizuka's skirt to reveal her underwear (but not looking at it), resulting in Shizuka screaming and holding her skirt down in embarrassment before slapping him and running away in tears. After a while, Shizuka realizes that Nobita had his eyes shut when he did this to her. This makes her start worrying about Nobita. She overhears Gian and Suneo's conversation about Nobita's self-esteem getting crushed by Sensei for recently failing another test, causing her to believe he is planning to commit suicide, Shizuka arrives at the Nobi residence and resists Nobita's people-repelling potion to help him, which Doraemon reveals is the first step in Nobita and Shizuka's growing relationship to eventually becoming a couple.

After seeing his older self rejecting Shizuka's invitation to a mountain climbing, Nobita disguises himself as his older self to help Shizuka, who becomes separated from her group during a heavy blizzard. His efforts to help Shizuka do more harm to himself, but this makes Shizuka feel that she has to accompany Nobita, saying "Yes" before collapsing from cold she contracted from her earlier conversation with Nobita. Forcing himself to remember the moment, the two are rescued by Nobita's older self, who recalled the memory. Nobita learns from his older self that Shizuka was answering to latter's proposition to marry her. It means that Shizuka will indeed marry Nobita. After hearing that Shizuka's father has also accepted Nobita as his daughter's spouse, Nobita and Doraemon return to the present timeline. Nobita visits Shizuka declaring that he will make her happy whatever it takes.

As Nobita's future has been changed for the better, Doraemon's programming commands him to return to the future in 48 hours. Noticing that Doraemon has a hard time leaving due to his worry for Nobita, Nobita confronts and has a brutal fight with Gian to prove that he is able to defend himself without Doraemon. Seeing that Nobita refuses to give up, Gian forfeits as Doraemon tearfully takes Nobita home before leaving in peace the next day. During April Fools, Nobita is tricked by Gian into believing that Doraemon has returned. In anger, he drinks a solution Doraemon gave to him which makes the opposite of everything the consumer says comes true. Finishing his retribution against Suneo (who was chased by a dog trying to bite him) and Gian (who was being dragged away by his mother who was preparing to punish him), Nobita goes back home while lamenting that Doraemon will never return. To his surprise, Doraemon suddenly returns and tells Nobita that he has gotten permission to stay with him because Nobita said that Doraemon would never return, still with the effects of the potion, and it became a truth. They both hug and cry in happiness.

Good Morning Today

The plot details an alternate universe's favorite morning news show in New York City which is run by Rilcardo Gomez, Cathy Smiith, Flo Qwan, and Krish Goldstein. In addition, episodes features live-action celebrity interviews where they improvise the variations of their own lives.

Kamigami no Asobi

Yui Kusanagi is the daughter of a Shinto shrine priest. She discovers a mysterious sword, which transports her to a different world where she meets the Greek god Zeus. He invites her to attend a school in a separate world that he created. Zeus intends to teach the meaning of love to the various young divine beings who also attend the school, in an attempt to reverse the weakening bond between humans and the gods.

The second game shares the same premise, with new routes and new endings for the characters.

The first game allows Yui to romance Apollon, Hades, Tsukito, Takeru, Balder, Loki, Anubis, and Thoth, the first six being the anime's main cast. The second game allows Yui to romance Dionysus, Akira, Thor, and Melissa as well.

Lizzie Borden Took an Ax

In August 1892, Fall River, Massachusetts Sunday school teacher Lizzie Borden comes across the terrible murder scene of her father Andrew, who had been brutally killed with a hatchet. Local law enforcement arrives, also discovering the body of Abby Borden, the stepmother of Lizzie and her older sister Emma. As the case progresses, the evidence seems to point to Lizzie as the prime suspect. Her lawyer, Andrew Jennings, maintains that a woman could not commit such a cruel and gruesome crime. Still, Lizzie is put on trial for the murders, and the case makes headlines in newspapers throughout the country, which call it the most infamous of the century.

Eventually, the jury finds Lizzie not guilty of all charges. Despite the acquittal, she has become the town pariah. During a final confrontation between Lizzie and Emma, the former asks her sister if she wants to know the truth. Lizzie then whispers into Emma's ear as a series of flashbacks show Lizzie committing the murders. A visibly upset Emma leaves the room, and eventually, moves out of their home, never seeing Lizzie again. Lizzie walks outside and hears three children jump roping to the famous nursery rhyme: "Lizzie Borden took an axe/She gave her mother forty whacks/When she saw what she had done/She gave her father forty-one."

Ma che musica maestro

Between the two villages of Santa Veronica Bassa and Santa Veronica Alta there is a heated rivalry. When Gianni, a citizen of S.V. Bassa, falls in love with Juliet, a citizen of the enemy village, the two fractions collide with each other to prevent the engagement. The return of Pompeo, an explorer believed to have been lost in Africa for many years, manages to restore peace between the two lovers and the fractions.

La calandria (1972 film)

The luxurious Livio (Lando Buzzanca) bets with the lord of the city to seduce a young bride (Agostina Belli) in a month, at the cost of his genitals.

The Night of the Devils

The patriarch of a wealthy family fears that he will show up one day in vampire form. Should this happen, he warns his family not to let him back in his house, no matter how much he begs them.

Cara sposa

Alfredo, jailed for theft and fraud, after having served the sentence discovers that his wife Adelina no longer wishes to live with him.

Mr Justice Duncannon

Duncannon is a humorous Scottish judge in London. Although stern he has a humane side. He has a fondness for women and whisky.

Miss Korea (TV series)

Set in the year 1997, a cosmetics company is in bad financial shape during the IMF crisis, so to save the company, Hyung-joon along with his fellow employees attempt to make 25-year-old Ji-young into Miss Korea, a nationwide beauty pageant winner. Back in their high school days, Ji-young was the most beautiful and popular girl on campus, but she now works as an elevator girl.

Shining Romance

"Super mom" Oh Bit-na has been a housewife for five years to her plastic surgeon husband and five-year-old daughter named Yeon-doo. One day, she coincidentally meets her childhood friend, Ha-joon. Ha-joon still remembers his promise to Bit-na that they made in elementary school. Their promise was to grow up and marry with each other. But Chae-ri, who has her heart set for Ha-joon, is jealous of Bit-na and tries to stop Bit-na from marrying with Ha-joon. Chae-ri also tries to stop Bit-na from becoming the best cook in Chunwoongak, where Chae-ri lives, and knowing that Professor Jang (Chae-ri's foster father) is Bit-na's biological father. Bit-na's husband, Byun Tae-shik cheats on Bit-na and has an affair with a con artist named Emma. To marry Emma (mostly for money) Byun Tae-shik tricks Bit-na into an unfair fake divorce. When Ha-joon knows that Bit-na is divorced, he does anything to make her become his girlfriend and soon, become his wife. Chae-ri and her mother, Kim Ae-sook, try to stop Bit-na but Bit-na, smart and quick-witted, avoids the traps set by them. When the truth about Bit-na being the daughter of Professor Jang gets revealed, Bit-na becomes the owner of Chungwookgak. Kim Ae-sook throws down a big flower pot that was meant for Bit-na, but hit Ae-sook's own daughter, Chae-ri. Therefore, Chae-ri seriously injures her head and starts acting like a five-year old, even calling Bit-na's young daughter "older sister". Ae-sook is arrested for her many crimes, especially for switching Chae-ri and Bit-na when they were babies, twisting their fates. Lee Tae-ri, turns herself into the police for a hit-and-run accident that she caused and killed Bit-na's foster father. The final episode of ''Shining Romance'' ends with Yeon-doo in Ha-joon's arms, Bit-na walking along beside them.

Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

The Heart Diamond, the sole energy source of the underground kingdom called the Diamond Domain, is failing and needs replacing. The only one who can create a new Heart Diamond and save the kingdom is the Pokémon Diancie, the kingdom's Princess, but she does not yet have the power to make one. Diancie goes on a journey to meet the life-giving Legendary Pokémon Xerneas, who will allow Diancie to discover the power to create a Heart Diamond. After months of searching for Xerneas, Diancie goes to explore a city she spotted. She meets the Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum and his friends, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. Ash and his friends join Diancie on her quest to meet Xerneas.

Diancie and the rest of the group tracks down Xerneas to the Allearth Forest, which became a forbidden place after Yveltal, the embodiment of destruction, destroyed the forest and became a giant cocoon called the Cocoon of Destruction. Xerneas teaches Diancie how to create a new Heart Diamond. Team Rocket and the thieves Riot, Marilyn, Millis and Argus Steel fight for control of Diancie and her power to create diamonds. This disturbs the Cocoon and causes Yveltal to wake up. Yveltal turns the thieves, their Pokémon, and Pikachu to stone with its destructive powers. Xerneas makes Yveltal leave the forest, and uses its life force to restore the forest and the people and Pokémon there, becoming a tree to protect the balance of nature. Diancie returns to the Diamond Domain to create a new Heart Diamond, saving the kingdom.

Incredible Bodies

Morris Gutman is a largely unsuccessful academic casually employed at the University of Coketown as an English lecturer. His efforts to secure a permanent position are curtailed by his specialisation in the unfashionable novelist Arthur Alderley and his lack of background in Theory. However, after being in collision with a promising research student Dirck van Camper in a carpark, Gutman is able to plagiarise van Camper's article ‘Total mindfuck: a study in ethics and embodiment’, publishing it in the journal ''Vagina Dentata'' as his own. Subsequently, he is acclaimed as a leading light in the field of Body Studies, granting him access to the secure employment he desired. Wracked with guilt due to his belief that he killed van Camper, Gutman reveals the hit-and-run to his colleague Zoe Cable, who misinterprets the confession as Gutman telling her that he was van Camper's lover. Cable develops a sexual interest in Gutman, which they act upon while attending a body studies conference in Los Angeles. On their return from the conference, it is discovered that van Camper has recovered, rather than dying as expected, and intends to expose Gutman's appropriation of his work. Gutman, who has by this point grown increasingly erratic and dependent on alcohol, is discredited. His wife divorces him, he is sacked from his academic job, and even spends some time in gaol. After a period of poverty, an opportunity arises for Gutman to re-enter the academic world. A chance meeting with an old acquaintance, however, convinces him that it would be preferable to be satisfied with a ‘life of cheerful underachievement’ (McGuire 2006: 366).

Basta guardarla

Enrichetta, a young peasant girl who lives in the village of Copparola di Sotto, Ciociaria, joins the avanspettacolo company of Silver Boy as a dancer. She will face the jealousy of the soubrette Marisa do Sol and the perils of love.

Fifty Shades of Grayson

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) escapes from his cell and returns to the Salvatore house looking for Elena (Nina Dobrev). Instead, he discovers Katherine who just ran from Stefan's (Paul Wesley) bedroom because she found more grey hair and panicked. Damon asks her if she has seen Elena. Katherine says she has not, and not so innocently mentions her tryst with Stefan the previous night.

Damon tells Stefan he cannot find Elena and they both head to the university to find Aaron (Shaun Sipos) since he is the only one who can help them track her down. Aaron is surprised seeing Damon alive since he shot him in the head back in Wes' prison cell. Aaron tries to run with no luck, and the two brothers use him as leverage to get Elena back. Aaron calls Wes (Rick Cosnett) and tells him that Damon and Stefan will kill him if he does not give them Elena. Wes agrees to the exchange and tells Aaron to meet him at his classroom.

But Wes sets a trap instead. He releases Enzo (Michael Malarkey), sending him to the classroom to deal with his own unresolved business with Damon. Before Wes sends him, he injects Enzo with poison telling him not to come back for the antidote unless he kills Damon.

Damon, Aaron and Stefan arrive at Wes' classroom but they find only Enzo. Stefan calls Wes but Wes refuses to come and threatens to kill Elena if they hurt Aaron. Stefan retorts that the threat goes both ways. Damon volunteers to kill Aaron when Stefan tells him about the phone call and Aaron, to save his life, reveals he has Augustine files in his dorm room. But Enzo, who wants them to listen to what happened to him after Damon failed to save him several decades ago, becomes quite aggravated and demands that Damon stay to listen when Aaron and Stefan leave for the dorm.

Enzo is still mad at Damon for leaving him behind and after a while they start fighting. He throws Damon through a window but Damon tells him he will not fight him back. Enzo informs him about the poison and that he has to kill him but the poison acts quickly on him and he collapses. Damon takes him back to the lab and injects him with everything that writes "antidote" on it. One of them works and Enzo wakes up. Damon explains him how he was able to leave him behind and the price he paid for it but Enzo does not care and he tells him that he will always be a monster.

Meanwhile, Stefan and Aaron arrive at the dorm and Aaron attempts to kill Stefan with one of the vampire weapons he has there. Stefan realizes his intentions and he stops him but before he kills him Aaron tells him the rest of Damon's story and how Damon killed all his family members for generations just to revenge. Stefan, after hearing Damon's revenge plan, lets Aaron live saying that not all vampires are like his brother. Stefan turns to leave but Aaron gives him all Wes' files before he goes.

In the meantime, Wes keeps Elena in the basement of her father's old medical practice. She wakes up and Wes informs her about her father's experiments and Elena stars having some memories of her as a little girl (Kayla Madison) with her father (Jason MacDonald). Despite the tortures she remembers that her father was doing all these to help people, for example to use the vampire blood as a cure to many diseases.

Wes prepares to inject Elena with the serum that will make her crave for vampire blood instead of human blood, but before can do it, Stefan arrives and saves her. Elena gets her father's journal before they leave and Aaron comes later on the basement finding Wes unconscious. He wakes him up and tells him that he is not helping people with this research and he is also furious at him because he sold him out to the Salvatore brothers without caring for his life. He tells him that he does not want to see him again and he leaves taking with him the syringe that contains the serum that Wes was going to inject Elena with.

Back at home, Elena reads her father's journal while Damon comes in and is mad at her because she defends him all the time, no matter what he has done in the past and how horrible it was. He tells her that he cannot change and he does not want to change her so he breaks up with her.

In the meantime, Katherine decides to solve her problem by working out and he asks Matt's (Zach Roerig) help. Matt calls Nadia (Olga Fonda) who is mad at Katherine for trying to kill herself without saying goodbye. Katherine asks about forgiveness and Nadia has a plan that might help Katherine; to put her spirit into another body like a traveler does. Katherine declines her offer because she likes her current body and Stefan likes it as well. Nadia realizes that the forgiveness Katherine asked was about Stefan and not her and she leaves disappointed. Before she leaves, she meets Matt and asks him to hold on to the traveler's knife in case Katherine changes her mind.

Katherine does change her mind after a conversation she has with Stefan that makes her think that there is yet hope for a relationship with him and at the end of the episode she calls Nadia to tell her she has changed his mind. She wants to make the exchange, but before she gets out of the house she has a heart attack and collapses.

Satellite Boy

Twelve-year-old Pete (Cameron Wallaby) lives at a run-down drive-in theatre with his grandfather Jagamarra (David Gulpilil), whom he calls "Jubi". The grandfather continually imparts wisdom of the old ways to Pete, who wishes to open a restaurant on the property. The boy hopes his absent mother, Lynelle (Rohanna Angus) will return to help with the restaurant, although Jubi doubts her return to the desolate area of Kimberley. A local mining company soon arrives, claims the land, and will soon build a storage facility on the property, razing everything on it.

Pete asks his friend Kalmain (Joseph Pedley) to accompany him on a weekend bicycle trip to the city in an attempt to appeal to the company officials. Kalmain is happy to oblige, as he is now on the run from the police. The journey becomes a walkabout for the boys when they become lost. Pete must rely on the sage advice from his grandfather for survival to not only complete the trek into the city and meet with the company, but also with his mother, who wishes to take him to Perth so that she can become a beautician.

The Narrow Street

As described in a review in a film magazine, Simon Haldane (Moore), the underdog in the office of the Faulkner Iron Works is efficient but absent-minded. He is the butt of the office staff jokes, so retiring that he is afraid of his own shadow, and intensely afraid of women. Doris (Devore), seeking to escape from detectives, hides in Simon's house and the next morning he is shocked to find her. A sudden chill causes him to call the Doctor (Orlamond) for her, and this starts a fast rumor that Simon is married. All is up in the air when the office force calls in for a body. Doris has taken a liking to Simon, and breezy salesman Ray Wyeth (Butler) takes a liking to her. An office shake-up results in Simon being made the manager. Returning home, the maid tells Simon that the young woman left with Ray. He later thoroughly trounces Ray and, after answering a telephone call directing him to go to a certain hotel, there he discovers that Doris is the daughter of his employer. He sheepishly starts to leave when she saves the situation.

Jus primae noctis (film)

Ariberto de Ficulle is a nobleman who came into possession of a small feud by marrying the ugly Matilde Montefiascone. Domineering in the village and fighting constantly with Gandolfo, Ariberto, not satisfied, also restores the "ius primae noctis".

Little Funny Guy

At the end of 1900s Saturnino Cavallo leaves his family to emigrate to America, in search of fortune, but his traces were lost. In Naples during the 1920s, his son Peppino Cavallo (Adriano Celentano), grown up, wakes up every night thinking of his father, with such insistence that he eventually decides to go look for him in America.

Check to the Queen

Margaret Mevin is an arrogant famous actress, accustomed to being served and revered by the people whom she surrounds herself. Silvia comes to her service as a lady companion, but her submissive role soon acquires masochistic traits and homosexual shades.

Rugantino (film)

Rome, 1800. Rugantino is a fool in love that rages eternal, though he is very unlucky in love stories and fruitful occasions. In fact, he is denounced for trying to rob the elderly uncle of his inheritance, apparently believing that he's dying and Rugantino sentenced to public torture of a squire. Rugantino is in love with young married Rosetta, whom she appears to love because of his innocence and ineptitude. The young man is then accused of murdering a Roman nobleman and sentenced to death. His fate is sealed, and after spending a few days in jail, Rugantino is beheaded.

Ant Story

Everyday on the way back to his suburban home on the other side of the river, struggling young graduate Mithu keeps gazing at the dazzling city of Dhaka which is like a big pie. Everybody wants to have a stake in that pie. Mithu feels he is not properly equipped to win over his stake. So he starts to equip himself in an unusual and unethical fashion. He realizes when the world can not be changed according to his wish; it is easier to create a new customized world in his head! He embarks on a journey of faking, lying, and fantasizing. He feels the immense pleasure of creativity because 'truth is what one has while lies are what one creates'. It then turns out to be a dangerously 'creative' game of sex-lies-and videotape.

Mimpi (video game)

The story is told by animations without written or voiced dialogues.

The game follows story of a little dog, Mimpi, whose owner disappears when he enjoys his nap during a day. He sets up to find him. He meets strange creatures on his way and some of them are hostile. He gets through multiple environments and overcomes multiple dangers. In the end he finds out that his real task is not to find his master but to help himself. When he went for a walk with his master they met some woman and his master didn't pay any attention. Mimpi ate a Chocolate Bunny. Because of it Mimpi got a fever and it is revealed everything happening is just a toxic psychosis. In the end Mimpi gets to his own stomach and defeats the Bunny. Mimpi then wakes up on his master's lap.

A Broadway Butterfly

As described in a film magazine review, Irene Astaire is befriended by Cookie Dale and gets a job in the chorus, although Cookie is dismissed to please male backers of the show. Irene falls in love with a wealthy youth, Ronald Steel, but Crane Wilder wants Irene and plots with Thelma to disgrace Irene. Cookie foils them although Donald sees Wilder leaving Irene’s apartment, and he turns to Thelma. Irene is discouraged and seeks diversion on Broadway. Cookie saves her again and it then develops Cookie is the runaway daughter of a wealthy family and Donald and Irene are once more united.

How Baxter Butted In

As described in a film magazine review, Henry Baxter is bashful and fails to get ahead in the world because people do not understand him. That is, all but Beulah Dyer, whom he loves blindly. His hard luck increases when a widowed sister-in-law and her two children descend upon his household. He works days at the office and nights doing clerical work for a druggist until his health fails him. Walter Higgins, his office boss, has stolen Henry's idea of boosting newspaper circulation by giving valor banquets to heroes. When Henry recovers from his illness, he is invited to one and finds that his struggles are appreciated as real heroism. When his home catches fire, and spurred on by the desire to be the other sort of hero, Henry thrusts aside the firemen and rescues the children himself.


Lucia (Maricela Penalosam) meets her ex-boyfriend Bruno (Flavio Medina) after 12 years when she comes to a hospital with her friend. She realizes that Bruno is admitted there for a kidney ailment and then decides to stay to look after him, slowly the only person he can count on.

House of Fools (TV series)

The series takes the duo of Vic and Bob's blend of rapid-fire jokes and surrealist wit, applying it to the sitcom format. Episodes are filled with musical routines to deliver plot points, strange events that break up the action, non-sequitur gags, off-colour jokes, and oddball characters. Each episode shows Bob Mortimer's house being filled with uninvited people, to his frustration - usually built around a basic sitcom premise. Vic Reeves is one of the uninvited guests who lives in the house. Also living in the house is Bob's son Erik (Daniel Simonsen). Julie (Morgana Robinson) lives next door.

Go for Sisters

Bernice is a tough, no-nonsense parole officer whose son has gone missing. Fontayne is her old high school buddy whose brush with a possible parole violation lands her case on Bernice's desk. When Bernice discovers that her son is a possible murder suspect, she enlists Fontayne in a quest to rescue her son from what turns out to be Drug Lords and a Chinese Snakehead. Before they cross the border into Tijuana and Mexicali, Bernice also enlists the help of Freddy Suarez, a disgraced myopic ex-cop, whose nickname used to be "The Terminator".

As the story unfolds, Mahershala Ali, Isaiah Washington and Harold Perrineau each deliver brief but plot-twisting cameos.


In the Kingdom of Elektropia, a king rules with an iron fist, combating and destroying a sect of technological wizards who have a massive tower in the middle of the city named Teslagrad. The name Teslagrad is built from a name and a word, the inventor ''Tesla'' and the Slavic word ''Grad'' for City. One day, a young orphaned boy finds himself hounded by the King's guards, fleeing into the deserted tower and uncovering the history of the conflict.

A Stoning in Fulham County

An Amish family is returning home from a gathering when a group of reckless local teens drives past them in a red pickup truck shouting insults and throwing rocks. A rock hits the seven-month-old baby of the family, causing family patriarch Jacob (Ron Perlman) to borrow a nearby neighbor's phone to call for an ambulance. The baby dies, and county prosecutor Jim Sandler (Ken Olin) decides to investigate and prosecute for reckless homicide.

To his frustration, he finds that the Amish family takes Biblical commandments to "turn the other cheek" and that "vengeance belongs to the Lord" literally and as forbidding to help civil authorities punish those who hurt them. Therefore, the prosecutor must work to persuade them to speak up about what happened so that future harassment and aggression against the Amish community will cease.

The Menehune Mystery

Uncle Scrooge is concerned about the safety and security of his fortune. He has reduced his fortune to $1,000,000 bills and has the bills canned like spinach. Scrooge wants to ship the load to a remote island near Hawaii, but the Beagle Boys take over the ship and force Scrooge, Donald, and the nephews to do the dirty work on the voyage. Once in Hawaii, the Ducks are helped by the Menehunes, and the Beagle Boys are captured by the United States Navy.

How Harry Became a Tree

In rural Ireland in 1924, Harry Maloney (Colm Meany), believing "a man is measured by his enemies", nurses an unjustified enmity for George O'Flaherty, who owns the local pub and most of the businesses in the area and is the local matchmaker. When Harry's son Gus (Cillian Murphy), upon whom Harry regularly heaps mental and verbal abuse falls for George's maidservant, Eileen, George helps put the two together. George's seduction of Eileen gives Harry the opportunity to create a scandal, despite the effect on his own family.

Earth to Echo

Three childhood friends, Alex, Tuck, and Munch, live in a small Nevada neighborhood that will soon be demolished for a highway construction project, and they will all have to move away because of it. The day before they're set to move, each of their phones start displaying random geographical patterns, which Munch discovers lead to coordinates in the desert 17 miles away. They decide to spend their last night together biking to the coordinates to investigate, recording their experience on various video cameras.

Tuck, Alex and Munch arrive at the coordinates and follow the map to a dusty, rusted object under an electrical tower. The object starts to copy Alex's ringtone, and they follow another map to a nearby barn. There, the object telekinetically repairs itself using various objects around the barn. The boys find the object contains a cybernetic alien that can answer yes or no questions. They learn it is from another planet and has accidentally crash landed on Earth and is seriously injured after being shot down by an unknown force. The group follow another map to a pawn shop, where the object further repairs itself, allowing the alien to reveal itself. With its eyes damaged, it uses Alex's phone camera to see. While in an alley, they decide to name the alien "Echo".

They follow another map to the house of Emma, a classmate of the boys. Emma discovers Echo and joins their team, as they try to find objects for Echo to repair itself with. They follow another map to an arcade, where Emma pieces together that the object Echo is trying to repair isn't a spaceship, but rather a key to one. At the arcade, Alex is caught by a security guard. Emma goes back in to rescue him, with Echo helping by causing a distraction. Stopping at a restaurant, the four talk and reconcile, keeping Echo hidden in a backpack, before a construction worker arrives and takes the backpack with Echo inside, loading it into a truck. Munch leaps into the back of the truck just as it pulls out of the parking lot, leaving the rest of the group behind.

Tuck, Alex, and Emma go to a party hosted by Tuck's brother's girlfriend, where they steal his car to catch up with Munch and Echo. They find the construction site where Munch is being interrogated and Echo is being experimented on, but they get caught by the same construction worker. The construction worker, revealed to be a scientist named Dr. Lawrence Masden, ruthlessly explains to them that he and his group (implied to be government agents) shot down Echo when he came to Earth, and intend to prevent him from going back home so they can study Echo's technology. They also believe that, if Echo repairs the spaceship and takes off in it, it will kill everyone in the neighborhood. The kids lie, and say they will help find Echo's spaceship.

They are taken to a scrap junkyard, where Echo seemingly dies as a result of the violent experimentation inflicted on him, but with encouragement from the kids, he revives, completes his repairs, and distracts the agents long enough for the kids to drive back home. Making it to Alex's home, the spaceship key goes into the ground by itself, and they realize the agents invented the false construction project as a cover to dig up the neighborhood, as the entire ship, however it got there, is in the ground beneath it. Trusting Echo, Alex takes him down the hole made by the key. At the bottom, the group finds a room that turns out to be the spaceship's core, where the key connects to the rest of it. Once the key is connected to the core, allowing Echo to use it to pilot the ship, he begins starting up the ship.

After they all say goodbye and the kids exit the core, the ship's separate parts telekinetically come out of the ground all over the neighborhood, and reassemble it in mid-air, and all without destroying the neighborhood. Once fully reassembled, the ship then flies away. The project put on by the agents is abandoned but Alex and Munch relocate anyway, as their families have already bought new homes elsewhere. However, as Tuck's didn't, he stays, and new neighbors and residents move in to the neighborhood. Sometime later, the three and Emma meet up again, as the film ends with Alex holding up his phone towards the sky.

In a post-credit scene, Alex addresses his friends as his phone apparently starts to move and glitch out.

The Starving Games

Kantmiss Evershot practices archery in the forest, but her boyfriend, Dale, surprises her; the arrow accidentally hits the Wizard of Oz. They return to District 12, where children afraid of getting picked for the Games injure and mutilate themselves to avoid selection. At the Gathering for the 75th Annual Starving Games, President Snowballs explains his reason for separating America into districts as well as ridiculous prizes for winning. During the drawing for District 12's contestants, Petunia, Kantmiss's sister, tricks Kantmiss into volunteering when she gets picked by crying fake tears. Dale tries volunteering as well, but the town idiot Peter Malarkey beats him to it.

When the Games begin Kantmiss grabs a backpack and tries fleeing, but Seleca, the Games' producer, sends Angry Birds to attack her; she defeats them and squashes the Annoying Orange in a Fruit Ninja parody. Peter teams up with a group of contestants led by Marco, who aim to kill Kantmiss. Kantmiss climbs up a tree using stairs. Marco tries to kill her with a spear but it kills one of his allies instead. Kantmiss sits atop and gets her face covered in bird poo. They flee when she knocks down a beehive using a chainsaw but instead the beehive falls on her own head and she gets severely stung. The venom causes her to hallucinate being a Na'vi. She is slapped back to her senses by fellow contestant Rudy; they team up, vowing to kill the other contestants first. After the halftime show is played, Marco again tries to kill Kantmiss, but Rudy kicks his shin. Marco then kills Rudy.

Wanting to spice up the Games, Snowballs decides to implement a lesbian love story, but learns Kantmiss is the only woman left; thus, only a straight romance is possible. After it is announced only a couple can win the games, Kantmiss tries to team up with Marco over Peter, but Seleca fakes being killed to convince her to find Peter instead. Kantmiss kills all of the contestants but Marco, and flees with Peter to a cave. As Peter starts to have a fever, he reveals that he had been stalking Kantmiss for most of her life. Since Kantmiss is keeping her distance from Peter, Seleca offers to send medical supplies to treat Peter if she gets more intimate with him. Kantmiss has sex with Peter, which is televised. Dale is disgusted by this and storms the Starving Games arena, expressing his hatred for Peter.

The next day, Kantmiss and Peter attack Marco, but Snowballs orders Seleca to send in the Expendables. An armed Dale arrives, kills them, and asks Kantmiss to come back with him. When Kantmiss orders him to leave, he breaks up with her. Marco holds Peter hostage, but Kantmiss shoots a loaf of bread into his eye, killing him. Seleca then announces there can only be one winner again. Peter tries convincing Kantmiss to commit suicide with him by ingesting poisonous berries, to deny those in charge the satisfaction of them fighting to the death. Instead, Kantmiss kills Peter with an arrow, telling him “shit ain’t personal”. Afterwards, Nick Fury and the Avengers show up, with Fury saying he wants Kantmiss to join the Avengers team as a replacement for Hawkeye. Then the Avengers all die after stepping off their platforms and onto mines.

X (1986 film)

Jon Gabriel is a young photo artist who is skilled in his field, but helpless in dealing with people. 13-year-old Flora is homeless, but experienced in life. The film depicts the evolution of the relationship between the two as they struggle to survive.

Meat Market (film)

Ex-bounty hunters Argenta and Shahrokh discover that a wave of murders is the work of zombies. They team up with a trio of female vampires – Nemesis, Valeria, and Tiamat – and a masked Mexican wrestler, El Diablo Azul, against the zombies. Eventually, they learn that the zombies are reanimated by nanobots, which gives the zombies a collective consciousness. In the end, the scientist who created them is killed by his own creations.

Meat Market 2

Argenta, her vampire friend Nemesis, and a fellow survivor named Ferriden arrive at a safe haven run by Bill Wilhelm, who requires the people he shelters to surrender their freedom. Wilhelm wants to recruit Argenta, but he does not care for her companions. Nemesis is seemingly executed and Ferriden turned over to mad scientists in the compound. When Nemesis returns for vengeance, zombies attack the inhabitants and kill Wilhelm.

Flight 90: Disaster on the Potomac

The film introduces the people whose lives will, on January 13, 1982, intersect on Air Florida Flight 90 from Washington, D.C. to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Marilyn Nichols, a stewardess, has just learned she is pregnant. Priscilla Tirado and her husband Jose are leaving for Florida to take up a new job. Nikki Felch is going on a trip with her boss, Joe Stiley, to Alabama, but her boyfriend David Frank wants to get married. Bert Hamilton is going on a business trip to Florida, but would rather stay with his wife and son. Roger Olian is a maintenance man at St. Elizabeths Hospital, married to Ginger, who works in the Naval Recruitment Office. Arland D. Williams, Jr. is also flying to Florida to close a bank for the Federal Reserve and is expecting to meet his fiancée Carol Biggs in Georgia. Marilyn, flight attendant Kelly Duncan, and the plane, Boeing 737-222, leave Florida and fly to Washington. They land at Washington National Airport in a blinding snowstorm. After the passengers board the plane, they must sit for 50 minutes.

This causes ice to accumulate on the plane. Most passengers ignore the stewardesses' safety talk. The de-icing that is done is done improperly. Pilots Larry Wheaton and Roger Pettit seemed unconcerned about ice on the wings. When the plane tries to take off, ice on the sensors causes the pilots to have a false idea of their speed. The plane only attains 352 feet altitude before it stalls. The plane hits the 14th Street Bridge and crashes into the Potomac River. Bert, Joe, Nikki, Priscilla, Kelly and Arland make it out of the plane and cling to a piece of wreckage in the freezing river. Roger Olian, who was on the bridge, plunges into the river to try to help. Meanwhile, friends and relatives learn about the crash. Donald Usher and Melvin Windsor take off in their helicopter; Roger gets close enough to shout encouragement to the survivors. The helicopter rescues Bert and soon they return try to catch Arland, but passes the rescue line to Kelly. They pull Olian out of the river. Each time he is offered the rope, Arland passes it on to Joe, Nikki and Priscilla. Joe is pulled to shore, while a stranger, Lenny Skutnik, jumps in and pulls Priscilla to shore. By the time Nikki is rescued, the rescue team returns to the crash site and see Arland has slipped beneath the water and dies.

In Florida, Air Florida employees pass the bad news to Marilyn's husband Larry that she has died. The survivors start to come to terms with what happened as they are sent to different hospitals and are reunited with their loved ones.

Manhigh (Masters of Sex)

William Masters (Michael Sheen) prepares to present the results of the study to the hospital. Ethan Haas, (Nicholas D'Agosto) after leaving the hospital, looks for a new job in California. Margaret Scully (Allison Janney) confronts Barton (Beau Bridges) about his sexuality, where he reveals that he fell in love with only one man in his life, when he was 18. Attempting to reconcile with Margaret, Barton tells her that he is to undergo aversion therapy. Bill speaks to Barton about his upcoming presentation where he attempts to salvage their relationship after blackmailing him previously about his sexuality.

Margaret visits a doctor who tells her of the treatment Barton is to receive, which includes electroconvulsive therapy, with possible side effects including memory loss. Jane Martin (Heléne Yorke) attempts to convince Bill to invite Virginia (Lizzy Caplan) to the presentation because of her contributions to the study, but before he can, Virginia meets him in the hallway to wish him luck.

Bill finally presents his findings from the study to the board members and hospital employees. It goes well up until he shows footage of Jane's vaginal canal and of Virginia masturbating, which outrages members of the audience and his presentation is shut down. Later, Bill fumes of the jealousy of his co-workers to Barton, who promises to stick by him.

Virginia and her son watch Major David G. Simons ascend in a balloon for Project Manhigh. Libby (Caitlin FitzGerald) asks Bill about who was masturbating in the film he presented, seemingly believing it to be Virginia. Bill implies that it was not and tells her that the participant's identity is confidential. Margaret tells Barton that she does not want him to go through with the aversion treatments and tells him that there is still love between them.

Barton informs Bill that they are both to be fired for his actions. He tells Bill that he always envied him and assures him that he will have no problem finding another job. Ethan calls Virginia from California and tells her that he received a job offer and wants her and her children to move with him. He asks her to marry him and gives her time to decide. Bill and Barton are in the process of being fired by Chancellor Fitzhugh (Garrett M. Brown), who tells Bill that his presentation was pornography and inappropriate. Bill saves Barton's job by berating him in front of Fitzhugh, acting as if Barton had no idea the study was being conducted. Fitzhugh has Barton fire Bill. Libby soon goes into labor, cannot contact Bill, and has her baby, but does not phone Bill after the birth and holds the baby. Bill and Barton go for a drink, where Bill tells him that they did not both need to lose their jobs. Barton tells him of his plans to go through with the aversion therapy, despite Margaret's protests.

Late at night, Bill shows up at Virginia's house. Standing at the door in the rain, he speaks of his disappointment that their work is finished at the hospital, and she mentions that he put her name on the study and Bill tells her she has earned it. He then says that he has nothing to offer her but the truth and tells Virginia that he cannot live without her.

Exhumed (film)

In the first story, a samurai and a monk work together to defeat zombies in a Japanese forest. In the second story, a female private detective discovers that the Japanese artifact is responsible for string of zombie attacks in the 1940s. The third story is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where vampires and werewolves fight each other. Humans capture them and force them to fight against zombies.

Going Home (Once Upon a Time)

Opening Sequence

Emma Swan's Volkswagen Beetle drives into the emerald-tinted forest.

In the Characters' Past

Snow White and Prince Charming

As the Curse prepares to take place within hours, Snow White and Prince Charming tell the Blue Fairy that they are worried about the Curse. The Fairy tells them that there was nothing she can do except try to save the baby and that someday everything will be okay... someday. This was not the answer that Snow wanted, but Charming keeps on assuring her that everything will be okay. Snow looks at Emma's crib and believes the only thing her daughter will have is hope.

In Neverland

While he and Mr. Smee attempt to find a way off the island, Hook is unaware that someone has been following them, and uses a branch that takes Smee out. Hook looks at his unconscious mate and is surprised by Tinker Bell, who pulls out a knife in front of him. However, Hook, figuring out that Tinker Bell is a fairy, tells her that he has only one thing on his mind, which is to seek revenge on Rumplestilskin. He offers her a bottle of rum.

Rumplestiltskin and Belle

At Rumplestiltskin's castle, Rumple is marking Baelfire's birthday, and Belle approaches him. She says that maybe Rumple and his son can someday be together again, but Rumple, who did not want Belle to bother him, doubts that will ever happen.

Henry and Mary Margaret

In the days prior to Emma's arrival to break the Curse, Henry is talking to Mary Margaret, saying that he is frustrated that no one else in Storybrooke can see that their lives are just following a predictable pattern, referring to the entire town repeating everything since he arrived. As a way to get Henry to believe in himself, Mary Margaret gives him a large book called ''Once Upon a Time'', which will set things up for Henry to bring his birth mother to Storybrooke, after Henry starts seeing Mary Margaret as Snow White.


'''Real''' In the prison hospital, Emma gives birth to Henry, but when she is asked by the doctor if she wants to see the baby, Emma refuses.

'''New''' In 2001, Emma finally gives birth to Henry at the prison hospital. However, the outcome takes a different twist: Instead of giving up Henry, she decides to keep him instead after she sees her son for the first time and she holds him, thus altering the outcome of her destiny thanks to Regina's spell.

In Storybrooke

At the well, Pan (who still occupies Henry's body) and Felix are talking about casting the Curse, as Pan drops the ingredients he took from Regina's vault in the well. He takes the final element needed to enact it, which was Felix's heart, because of his loyalty to Pan. Pan rips out Felix's heart, crushes it, and drops the ashes into the well. Back at the Vault, Gold explains that the only person who can stop it is Regina, but she will need the scroll to do it and since she was the one who enacted it in the first place, Regina is only one who can destroy the scroll. However, Gold warns Regina there will be a price. Gold also tells the others that he may be able to switch Henry and Pan's bodies back, but he needs the one thing that will reverse it, which is the wand of the Black Fairy. As everyone involved begins the search, Snow talks to Emma, lamenting that she never got to raise her daughter, while at the church (where the other fairies/nuns are gathering for Mother Superior's wake), David, Tinker Bell, Hook, and Neal are looking for the wand, unaware that another individual is also looking for it as well: Pan's Shadow. Hook spots the Shadow but fails to stop it, prompting Tinker Bell to come to his aid by using some of her Pixie Dust to fly up to the Shadow, trapping and throwing it into a nearby fire, apparently killing it. Her actions also bring Mother Superior, whose shadow was taken by Pan's Shadow, back to life. She restores Tinker Bell as a real fairy and gives them the Black Fairy's wand.

Back at Gold's Pawn Shop, everyone gathers again to plan another course of action as Gold puts a special bracelet on Henry (who is occupying Peter Pan's body) so that when they swap bodies again, Pan will not have any magic. Gold then uses the wand and swaps Pan and Henry's bodies back. After they see Peter Pan back in his original body, Gold stands over his unconscious and powerless father, saying that he has some "unfinished family business" as everyone leaves to find Henry and the scroll. They find Henry (now in his original body) at the library, but as he hands the scroll over to Regina, a flash of light comes over her and she is knocked out. Around the same time at the Shop, and as Pan wakes up, Gold taunts him because he wants Pan to see a bit of what life could have been like if they had just been father and son, but Pan wants none of it, telling Gold how horrible it was having a child that crushed his dreams. Gold picks up a sword and approaches Pan who is aware that he is able to remove the bracelet (since Pan created the device) and places it on Gold, rendering him powerless, and then tosses Gold across the room, leaving his son cowering in the corner. Gold attempts to find a way to regain his powers, and the only way he can break free of the bracelet is by chopping off his hand.

Later at the street, Regina wakes up and says she knows what must be done to stop the Curse, however, Pan shows up to retrieve the scroll and freezes all of them. Pan decides to take out his grandson Neal, only to be thwarted by Gold, who shows up to stop him. After vowing to Neal and Belle that he is finally ready to pay the price to keep them safe knowing that means killing himself, Gold's shadow appears, carrying the Dark One's Dagger and hands it to Gold, who stabs both Pan in the back and himself in the chest at the same time. Pan transforms back into Malcolm, who urges Gold to remove the dagger so they can start over and have a happy ending, but Gold tells his father "Ah, but, I am a villain, and villains don't get happy endings." He twists the knife and both men vanish in a burst of light. As Belle cries after they disappear, Neal asks a hesitant Regina if there is a way to stop the Curse, to which Regina reveals that the only way to stop it is to give up the one thing she loved the most: Henry. As the Curse approaches, Regina tells Emma that she and Henry will have to leave Storybrooke forever because once the Curse takes place everyone will return to the Enchanted Forest and since Henry was born in the Land Without Magic, he won't be able to go back with them, but Emma will be able to stay with him because she's the savior and the only one who can escape it. Everyone gathers at the town line to say goodbye to Emma and Henry. Hook tells Emma that he will think of her everyday; she smiles and says good. Regina casts a spell that will give Emma and Henry a lifetime of good memories, but they will forget everything that happened in Storybrooke. As Emma and Henry drive away, Regina destroys the scrolls, the Curse consumes everyone, and Storybrooke disappears.

Outside Storybrooke

One year later after the Curse, in New York City, Emma and Henry are in an apartment, and as she makes breakfast for Henry, she receives a knock on the door. When she opens it, she sees Hook standing outside, saying that he needs her help. This time around Hook warns Emma that her family is in trouble, but she has no idea who this person is or what he is talking about. Hook, believing that "true love's kiss" will bring her memories back, attempts to kiss Emma, but the shock results in Emma kicking Hook in the private area, pushing him away, and violently slamming the door in his face.

Suspension of Disbelief (film)

Martin is a successful writer whose wife suddenly disappeared. During a film shoot, 15 years later, Martin meets Angelique, who disappears the same night. The next day police find her body and a mysterious investigation begins.

Nothing Left to Fear (film)

Pastor Dan (James Tupper), his wife Wendy (Anne Heche), and their three children Rebecca (Rebekah Brandes), Mary (Jennifer Stone), and Christopher (Carter Cabassa), have just moved to the small town of Stull, Kansas, where Dan will serve as the new pastor. While traveling to the town, Rebecca sees a teenage boy killing a sheep and collecting the blood. Along the way Dan meets the farmer, Mason (Wayne Pére), and eventually the family moves into their new home, assisted by the town's old pastor, Pastor Kingsman (Clancy Brown) and parish members. Later that night, Rebecca has a nightmare.

The following day, Pastor Kingsman gives the family a cake that a parish member baked for them as a token of gratitude. Mary later decides to have a slice of the cake but chokes on a tooth baked into the snack. Meanwhile, Rebecca meets the same boy that she saw killing sheep, Noah (Ethan Peck), who takes her out to see the town. Their fun is interrupted when Mason comes to get Noah, telling him that Pastor Kingsman wants to see him. Rebecca returns home and finds that Mary is feeling ill. Meanwhile, Noah is told by Pastor Kingsman that he should do what is to be done because it is God's will. Noah begrudgingly says that since Mary has discovered the tooth in the cake, she is the chosen one. It turns out that the tooth in the cake is a form of lottery, and whoever comes across it first will be marked as selected.

The film then shifts to Wendy and her family making food for the upcoming Summer Festival, which will begin in a couple of days. The children go into town to do some sightseeing, where Rebecca ends up running into Noah. The two of them end up going on a date on the observation platform of the fire lookout tower in the forest surrounding the town and Rebecca notices a scar on Noah's hand, which he tries to hide. She then notices that a man is watching them from the bottom of the lookout tower.

The next day Rebecca and Mary meet Noah at the festival. He takes them to get some lemonade at a nearby stall, only for Mary's lemonade to end up being drugged with a poison. Mary gets violently ill and tries to go home but is kidnapped by Mason. She awakens to find herself tied to a post while Pastor Kingsman tells her that she was chosen according to God's will. He then opens the "Gateway to Hell", resulting in Mary becoming possessed by the Devil. He then takes her back to her family, telling them that she was sick. Noah unsuccessfully tries to confess to Rebecca what has happened, but is accidentally interrupted by Christopher. Upon returning home, Dan is called away by Pastor Kingman, who tells him that he is needed in the church. This ends up being a ruse, as Pastor Kingsman then drugs and imprisons him shortly after his arrival.

Meanwhile, in the house, Mary awakens completely possessed and begins attacking the family. Wendy sends the remaining two children to find their father, who they discover to be seemingly unconscious on the church floor. With Noah's help they help him up and begin to drive home. On the way, they see that every house has a mark on its door, an 'X' made out of blood. Frightened, Rebecca repeatedly asks Noah about the mark, but he refuses to answer her. The group arrive at the house, where Dan and Rebecca try to go inside to get Wendy and Mary. Noah grabs hold of Rebecca, telling her to stay outside, and that there's nothing she can do to help them. Dan proceeds inside to find Wendy dead and crumbling away on the couch. Dan stumbles back in fear, and sees Mary crawling towards him on the stairway. He runs out of the house screaming at Rebecca and Noah to start the car and drive away.

They do so and Dan stays behind to try to free Mary, who has followed him out to the front yard, only to meet the same fate as Wendy. Rebecca makes Noah stop the car and argues with him about what is going on. Christopher sees Mary is coming up behind them as Noah tries to explain what is happening to Rebecca. Christopher, frightened, runs out of the car to a nearby house and frantically starts banging on the door asking for help. Noah then shoves Rebecca back into the car, leaving Christopher behind. Christopher finds a house and manages to get inside, but not before Mary grabs his leg and infects him.

Noah then takes Rebecca to a gathering where they use her blood to destroy the Devil (Mary) and close the Gateway to Hell. The viewer then learns that the same thing happened to Noah and his family some years ago. Rebecca then takes Noah's place and is later seen killing a sheep, which attracts the attention of a new boy whose family is moving into the town.

Ugler i mosen

The Monsen family has inherited uncle Pavel's house in southern Norway. When listening to an old phonograph, the children hear uncle Pavel tell about a hidden fortune, but to find it they have to solve four mysteries.

Nessuno è perfetto

Guerrino, a prematurely widowed businessman, falls in love with Chantal. Later he discovers that she was a former paratrooper in the German army who changed sex a few years earlier.


Gino Quirino aka Manolesta, a thief and a con man, lives on a barge anchored on the Tiber with Bruno, his young son. Gino ends up in the crosshairs of the social worker Dr. Angela De Maria, and he is forced to find an honest job.

Il corpo della ragassa

Teresa Aguzzi, called Tirisìn, is the beautiful daughter of Pasquale, a sand digger on the banks of the Po, in the lower province of Pavia in the thirties. During a trip to the city, the girl is noticed by the wealthy professor Ulderico Quario and immediately hired as a waitress in his palace. Assisted by the faithful housekeeper Caterina, the doctor improvises a pigmalione in the training of the rough Tirisìn in the arts of refined femininity, in order to be able to exhibit her as a sexual toy to her friends.

At the beginning Tirisìn shows some perplexities in being involved in this libertine game, but the happiness of the father, who with the new salary has finally managed to build a latrine inside their poor home, and the good advice of an expert maîtresse, they convince her to participate and, on the contrary, to take on a leading role and try to make the most of the situation.

A Girl... and a Million

Rossella, a beautiful young girl from a working-class family, looks for a job every day, but is disappointed to not be able to find serious employment. She meets Giuliano, a young student, who, for his part, has the will to avoid finding a job at any cost. After attempting suicide together, they make the choice to live each day without obsessing over work.

Pelle viva

The story of Rosaria, a woman from Apulia, who works in Milan and returns to her village each Saturday to see her illegitimate little boy, who is in a charitable institution.

Taman Lawang

The story is of a reliable young journalist named Angie (Angie Virgin) who is challenged to investigate mysterious events in Lawang Park. The event begins with the death of a transvestite, named Ningrum (Bobby Tience). Ningrum was killed while trying to escape a raid. He fled with his best friend, Cynthia (Olga Syahputra). After Ningrum's death, Cynthia began to experience strange events and occurrences and becomes a terror victim.Sony Cinema Products Corporation. [,3308,03TLAG.htm Cinema 21, Taman Lawang], diakses pada 2 November 2013.

Cynthia feels Ningrum is angry because he could not help her when she falls into a river, and in the end, she dies. Reportedly, the figures of Ningrum and Cynthia often wander, and Angie continues to be haunted by their ghosts.

AnjaniPutra Sensharma (Prosenjit Chatterjee) is a school teacher in a small village named Basirhat in West Bengal. He lives with his wife Tanushree (Mousumi Bhattacharya) and his old moped. Under a school grant, AnjaniPutra and the other teachers are given a desktop computer for home use. On the computer, he makes a friend named Maria Fischer (Saskia Ranwig) who claims to be from Reykjavik in Iceland. When AnjaniPutra witnesses her to be murdered by a masked man on webcam, he succumbs to a psychological shock. Determined to find out her murderer he takes a flight to Iceland selling his ancestral land. Soon being befuddled in a foreign country he finds rescue in the Bangladeshi family of Hassan (Gaurav Pandey) settled there. A father-daughter like relation grows up between AnjaniPutra and Hassan's daughter Nuri (Saloni Pandey). Eventually, he finds out that the address given by Maria is false. Nonetheless, Nuri hacks into Maria's computer and finds out that her murderer is actually the local mayor (Oli Bigalke) who moonlights as a sociopathic rapist. Nuri sends him several emails tricking him to believe that Maria is actually alive. Then she steals a gun from her father's closet and persuades AnjaniPutra to confront the murderer. Although initially frightened and reluctant, AnjaniPutra finally guns the murderer down when he attempts to assault a decoy of Maria. Maria's dead body is soon found in a lake in Munich, Germany and AnjaniPutra becomes headline in several international newspaper. Finally AnjaniPutra returns home to a tearful Tanushree and the film concludes.

Tell It to the Marines (TV series)

The series is based on the rivalry at both officer and lower ranks level between the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines when the latter are billeted with the former.

Gomo (video game)

The game follows Gomo whose dog Dingo is kidnapped by an alien. The alien demands a mystical red crystal artifact that is imbued with power.

Glad Tidings (film)

A retired RAF officer returns home to his sleepy little rural community with an attractive new American fiancée, to the initial resentment of his children.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

Late one night, the half-genie Shantae is awoken by the sound of a voice. Following it outside, she discovers a secret cave, where a messenger from the Genie Realm warns her of an impending evil that only she can defeat, but disappears before it can elaborate further. Shantae suddenly awakens, revealing the experience to have been a dream. She goes to visit her Uncle Mimic, who is working on a new invention, the Dynamo, which will keep Scuttle Town constantly powered and safe from attack. However, the pirate Risky Boots begins a siege on Scuttle Town, with one of her Tinkerbat minions stealing Mimic's blueprints. Shantae gives chase and defeats Risky, retrieving the blueprints, but Mayor Scuttlebutt once again fires her from her position as the town's guardian genie due to Risky's escape and the damage incurred. Mimic reveals that several components are still needed to complete the Dynamo, so Shantae begins searching across Sequin Land for the remaining components, helping those she finds in need of assistance along the way.

With help from her friends Sky, Bolo and Rottytops, Shantae retrieves all of the components needed to finish the Dynamo. Mimic switches the device on, but the Dynamo goes haywire and blasts Shantae with dark magic, turning her to her Nega-Shantae form. Risky appears and reveals she had swapped Mimic's blueprints with her own, and that she plans to power up the machine and use it to invert the magical polarity of the entire Genie Realm, turning them evil. Shantae attacks the group while Risky escapes with the Dynamo in tow, but Shantae's friends manage to snap her out of her trance, returning her to normal. To prevent Risky's plan, Mimic creates a Magical Polarizer to reverse the Dynamo's effects, and Shantae sets out for Risky's hideout. Upon arrival, Shantae defeats Risky and the Dynamo-powered Tinkerbrain, but the messenger from her dream pulls her into the Genie Realm and reveals their magic has already been corrupted. With no choice left, Shantae decides she must destroy the Genie Realm to keep the world safe and destroys the repowered Tinkerbrain, returning to the real world and escaping the exploding hideout as Risky swears vengeance.

Shantae reunites with her friends at her lighthouse, where Mayor Scuttlebutt announces Shantae is rehired as Scuttle Town's guardian genie. As the others depart, Shantae expresses regret for having to destroy the Genie Realm, but the messenger appears and reveals that Mimic's Magical Polarizer worked, purifying their magic and saving the Realm. The messenger also explains that Shantae's mother is alive and well in the Genie Realm, having given up Shantae as a child to keep her safe while devoting her own life to protecting the real world from greater threats. Finally understanding her mother's sacrifice, Shantae leaves to celebrate with her friends as the messenger returns to the Genie Realm. If Shantae defeats the Tinkerbrain without acquiring the Magical Polarizer, an alternate ending occurs where Shantae accidentally destroys the Genie Realm, consequently losing all of her genie powers and abilities.

Additional DLC story campaigns retell the events of the game's final act from the perspective of other characters. In ''Pirate Queen's Quest'', Risky Boots gives an exaggerated explanation of her actions after stealing the Dynamo, collecting components to strengthen the machine and Genie Crystals to open the way to the Genie Realm. In ''Friends to the End'', after Shantae is transformed into Nega-Shantae by the Dynamo, she is knocked out and a portal is created from the excess dark magic. Sky, Bolo and Rottytops enter the portal, which takes them into the Nightmare Realm formed from Shantae's now-corrupted memories, and the three must work together to reach the true Shantae within and restore her to normal. The Costume Pack DLC and a post-launch update add four non-canon "what-if" storylines, in which Shantae undergoes ninjitsu training, seeks out the perfect beach spot, hosts a slumber party, and becomes a cybernetic peace officer from ''Mighty Switch Force''.

Bounty Lady

'''Episode 1-4''': Kwong-Nam is hired by Ha-Tim to help his daughter, Judy, find a good husband. Judy is a princess - rich, well-educated, and loyal but also overbearing and overweight. At the same time, Fa-Lui is also hired by Dik-Man to help Judy find a husband. Both attempt to help Judy lose weight in order to find herself a good husband but Fa-Lui's dieting tactics causes Judy to become hospitalized. Ha-Tim fires her but continues to work with Kwong-Nam. Judy finds a suitable man at a speed-dating encounter set up by Kwong-Nam and Joe becomes her ultimate target to losing weight. However, Joe only sees Judy as a potential real-estate client. He admits Judy is not a typical HK-like girl, being sweet and kind, but still overweight. Kwong-Nam helps Judy realize she has changed from the typical HK girl to a nice and lovable girl. At this time, he also opens her eyes to her secret-admirer, Ho Gar-Jun.

'''Episode 6-7''': Yam Mo-Lin is a tough female cop and devoted fan of Windy, completely following her ideology of living a single "full" life. Kwong-Nam runs into Mo-Lin at a lounge, playing drinking games. Intoxicated, Mo-Lin accidentally spills her secret admiration for a fellow co-worker at the police station, Wong Lung; however, Wong Lung always seems to treat Mo-Lin as one of the guys. So, Kwong-Nam decides to help Mo-Lin attract the man she loves, whilst breaking Mo-Lin away from Windy's ridiculous concept of a feminist society. Kwong-Nam is also able to attain help from Fa-Lui for this case because Fa-Lui has a bone to pick with Windy as well. After multiple attempts, Wong Lung still rejects Mo-Lin and Mo-Lin is about ready to give up on love. At Windy's meet-and-greet, Windy urges Mo-Lin to announce her new single life to the world but Kwong-Nam appears, convincing her to admit that she does still love Wong Lung. With Kwong-Nam's setup, all of Mo-Lin's lady-lessons were recorded and Wong Lung was able to witness it all at a private theater, with Mo-Lin. He sees her diligence and persistence on screen but also admits that he likes her the way she was before the lady lessons.

'''Episode 8-10''': Fa-Lui's mother, Lee Chiu-Ling, has always taught her daughters that the ultimate goal is to marry a rich man. However, Fa-Lui's younger sister, Sing Fa-Yui, has always been a ditsy airhead so Fa-Lui puts it on herself to look after her younger sister. In order to help her find a rich man, Fa-Lui sets up an interview for Fa-Yui to be an advertising model for their next client, media tycoon Ma Ming. Due to his clean public image, Fa-Lui marks Ma Ming as a good match for Fa-Yui, hence providing more encounters for Fa-Yui to be close to Ma Ming. However, Kwong-Nam discovers that Ma Ming is a fake and his true purpose for hiring Fa-Yui is to deflower this pure and innocent girl. Kwong-Nam is torn between his professionalism to his company's client and his hatred for Ma Ming's dirty schemes. Meanwhile, Fa-Yui realizes that she does not care about marrying a rich man because her heart was already stolen by her childhood sweetheart, Pak-Kin. Pak-Kin grew up with Fa-Yui and has always had a crush on her. He was willing to give up his lazy and carefree life to work multiple jobs to win Fa-Yui's family over. Kwong-Nam also shows Fa-Lui Ma Ming's true colors and that Fa-Yui and Pak-Kin are the perfect matches together. Fa-Yui makes Pak-Kin want to be a better person and Pak-Kin really cares for Fa-Yui.

The Tragedy of Arthur

"Contractually bound" to provide a synopsis of the play, Phillips sketches out descriptions of the play's five acts in the Introduction, relating the details of them to details of his family history. Professor Roland Verre, who co-edited the play, offers a more effective summary preceding the text, in addition to many explanatory footnotes throughout.

'''Act I''' opens in sixth-century Britain, with Arthur, the product of rape between King Uter Pendragon and a noble's wife, in Gloucestershire, far from his father's wars against the Saxons. Arthur inherits the throne upon his father's death, but his right is challenged by Morded, heir to the crown of Pictland, who claims dominion over all of Britain. Morded's father, King Loth, refuses to honor his son's wishes through war, but Morded provokes one anyway.

In '''Act II''', Arthur gains his first major military victory against the Saxons, Picts, and Scots. After the battle, Arthur sends his army, led by the Duke of Gloucester, in pursuit of Mordred, and Gloucester (disguised as Arthur) wins a great victory against the remaining Saxon forces. Arthur arrives to the battle late, and spares his enemies in exchange for the promise of peace, but retains Mordred's brother as ransom. When the Saxons betray this peace, Arthur kills all prisoners (including the hostage brother) in a rage, while Mordred becomes King of Pictland and vows revenge against Arthur.

'''Act III''' finds Gloucester arranging a marriage for Arthur with a French princess that would guarantee wealth, allies, and help him achieve his goal of a unified, peaceful, and prosperous Britain. Ignoring this arrange wedding, Arthur marries Guenhera, the sister of a friend, who had loved him since childhood. She miscarries twice, and Arthur's nobles complain that he no longer has the mettle for military matters, and has turned the court into a place of effeminate recreation and artistic endeavors (one of these nobles considers assassinating Arthur to stop this).

In '''Act IV''', Guenhera is pregnant again, and has effectively seized control, as Arthur has become completely submissive to her. The Saxons attack yet again, and Arthur realizes that he does not have the means to defend his kingdom, and that, through his rash decisions, no longer has the French and Picts as allies. He negotiates for Pictish aid by naming Mordred his heir, and Mordred assists in the victory of the Saxons at Linmouth.

'''Act V''' finds Mordred traveling to London while Arthur is away (fighting an Irish rebellion), where he finds out that Guenhera has miscarried again, but that the throne has been promised to one of Arthur's illegitimate children, Philip of York. Furious at Arthur's deception, Mordred kidnaps Guenhera and Philip. Arthur receives news of this and meets Mordred to battle near the Humber River - fighting breaks out, and Mordred murders Guenhara and kills Gloucester in battle. Arthur, devastated, comes to realize his flaws as a regent and kills Mordred, dying in the process, as a new king of unified Britain is crowned.