Saverio and Filippo are two friends and owners of a religious travel agency in Rome. However, Filippo has trouble with his wife, because she finds out that he cheated on her with a comely girl named Alice. When Filippo loses his house through a divorce, he tries to console himself with the love of the girl, but finds the girl does not love him anymore, and falls into depression. Saverio will do anything to help him.
Forty-one-year-old Nadezhda Petrukhina (Maya Bulgakova), a once heroic World War II Soviet fighter pilot, is now living a quiet, but disappointingly ordinary life as a school principal at a construction-oriented trade school. Beloved and revered by the generation that experienced the Great Patriotic War, Nadezdha struggles to connect with the generation that followed hers. Nadezhda disapproves of her adopted daughter's choices in men, and worries that her daughter, Tanya (Zhanna Bolotova), unaware of her own adoption, might discover the truth.
Conversations between the two emphasize their tense, understated and ambiguous relationship. When Tanya encourages her mother to quit her job as school principal and begin a new life with a husband, Nadezhda responds with a cold lecture on the importance of self-sacrifice and duty to the state, values she had when she had served in the military. At the school where she works, however, Nadezhda is confronted by children who can neither appreciate the sacrifices she made during the war, nor the sacrifices she makes for them now.
Nadezdha's brief, tantalizing memories of flight, in her Yakovlev Yak-9 fighter aircraft, tumbling through clouds, are interspersed with reality and the moments of dull monotony, such as her daily commute on the bus. A visit to a local museum, where Nadezhda sees a photograph of a fellow pilot Mitya (Leonid Dyachkov), who later also became her lover during World War II, brings back memories of his final flight. Nadezdha had flown her own fighter plane alongside Mitya's when he and his plane were hit by stray gunfire. Unknown to her, he was dead at his controls as his plane gradually descended until crashing and she was unable to intercede. Her final maneuvers were to try to cause a visual disturbance in front of Mitya's crippled aircraft by rolling the wings of her own aircraft in front of his aircraft in order to jar his field of vision to consciousness but the maneuver was to no avail. Mitya's photograph, and the subsequent memory of his death in the conflict, leads Nadezhda to the local airfield.
While visiting a friend, Nadezhda has a chance to sit in one of the airfield's Yakovlev Yak-18 PM trainers. The flying instructor, her friend who recognizes and greets her. She climbs aboard a single-seat aircraft while the others put away the planes. Seated in the cockpit, Nadezhda experiences a flush of emotions as she examines the instrument panel of the aircraft. By carefully examining the instrument panel her memories are thrown back to her days as a fighter pilot and she recalls the day of her last flight with her fellow pilot Mitya. The flying instructor and his students playfully push her aircraft back to the hangar while she is seated at the controls.
As the aircraft is about to pushed into the hangar, the students are surprised when Nadezhda starts the engine. She then swings around and taxies out to the runway, with the astonished instructor and students running after her. Lifting off, her memory still flushed with emotion from her visit to the museum and seeing Mitya's photograph again, she repeats the final maneuvers she had performed in her aircraft when she tried to bring Mitya back to consciousness in the last moments of his final flight so many years ago.
Worried about the prospects of her children's day care center and running out of money, Christa Klages, a young mother, robs a bank with the help of her lover Werner Wiedemann and another friend. When Werner is killed during the heist and when it becomes clear that the police are after her, Christa flees to Portugal to seek help from another friend, Ingrid Häkele, a situation that threatens both women's safety.
Veronika Christoph, the troubled daughter of uncaring bourgeois parents, has been institutionalized due to her schizophrenia. Without proper psychiatric treatment for her unearthly visions, she prowls the streets along the Berlin Wall at night in search of God, yet settles for the company of strange, exiled men.
Isabelle Kahn is a successful film actress whose young daughter, Emily, is frequently cared for by her parents in Normandy while she's away working. After a production ends in Berlin, she returns to visit her daughter. However, the rejoicing is short-lived. Her smitten costar follows, and his presence sets off an intense clash between the self-centered thespian and her mother.
The story of the real-life love affair between Jewish poet Else Lasker-Schüler and Nazi poet Gottfried Benn is told largely through their poetry throughout the film. Lasker-Schüler is forced to leave the country because of the very ideology Benn espouses, and while she drifts from country to country en route to Jerusalem, he eventually realizes his mistake when the Nazis condemn his artistic school.
The film deals with the aftermath of the 1968 student rebellions in Germany as experienced by two fervent participants. Though the country experienced sweeping reforms in the years following, two radicals-turned-successful Berlin stage actors and lovers grapple with their growing insignificance and the demands of adulthood. After a night of intense debate about the past and their future, the couple begins garnering support to fight a new abortion bill. However, their rekindled zeal is complicated by an unexpected pregnancy.
Field Marshal Tamas has just committed a brutal coup against Adro's monarchy. To ensure the success of his coup, he orders the assassination of every member of the Royal Cabal, all of whom utter the same mysterious phrase as they are killed: "You can't break Kresimir's Promise". Concerned about what this could mean, Tamas summons Adamat, a former soldier and police inspector who is now a private investigator, to the Skyline Palace in the center of the capital city of Adopest, as the coup is unfolding. The field marshal instructs Adamat to find what the words mean and what the threat could mean for the future. Tamas arrests Manhouch XII, the current King of Adro, and his queen while his soldiers round up the nobles present in the city. During the purge, a young laundress named Nila, who worked for one of Manhouch's cousins, is saved from rape by a sergeant named Olem, and escapes the purge with the duke's son, Jakob.
The next day, Manhouch, his queen and many of the arrested nobles are executed by guillotine, ending the monarchy in Adro and leading the country on the path to civil war.
Adamat conducts his investigation while also dealing with his own issues; his attempt to start a printing press business had failed and he had fallen into debt with some dangerous people, reporting to a mysterious employer. In order to ensure their safety from his creditors but also to protect them from the growing unrest, Adamat sends his wife and children away from Adopest.
As he researches the source of the Royal Cabal's mysterious words, he discovers that all the books which could have answered his questions have had pages removed, suggesting someone did not want him to find out about it. Adamat eventually travels to the South Pike, a large mountain fortress in southern Adro where he meets with the last remaining member of the Royal Cabal, Privileged Borbador. Borbador explains that "Kresimir's Promise" was a story told among Privileged Cabals, dating from the original founding of the Nine Kingdoms: supposedly, when Kresimir left to resume his travels between the stars, he promised the nine kings he had appointed that he would return if their lines were ever overthrown. Both Adamat and Tamas believe the story to be a myth, but Borbador reveals that a curse was placed on the Cabals to ensure that, if their king was killed, they would be compelled to destroy his killer. As the last surviving member of Manhouch's Cabal, Borbador is magically bound to kill Tamas, or else he will die himself.
Taniel Two-Shot, Tamas's son, returns to Adopest shortly after the coup, accompanied by a Fatrastan savage named Ka-Poel. Taniel is one of the Adrastan army's most proficient powder mages, who, despite being considered an anomaly by most sorcerers in the Nine, have been increasingly used by the Adran military as sharpshooters. Taniel has been aiding the Kingdom of Fatrasta's war for independence from the kingdom of Kez. Taniel's relationship with his father has been strained since his mother's death, and is even more strained since Taniel broke off his engagement to his fiancee, Vlora, another one of Tamas's powder mages, after catching her in bed with a Fatrastran noble (which Tamas suspects was a plot engineered by the Kez).
Back in Adopest, Taniel is instructed by his father to find an uncommonly powerful member of the Royal Cabal who managed to escape during the coup. To assist him, Tamas assigns a Privileged mercenary named Julene, who Taniel struggles to get on with. Taniel, Julene and Ka-Poel corner the Privileged, a woman named Rozalia (who had previously helped Adamat in his investigation), at Adopest University. Julene and Rozalia, who seemingly have a history, engage in a battle of magic of such scale that Taniel begins to wonder about their true nature. Following these events, Tamas gives Taniel another mission: to find and kill Privileged Borbador to prevent him from completing the curse. Despite Taniel's reticence, Julene is assigned to go with him to South Pike.
In Adopest, Tamas forms a council to govern Adro until a permanent replacement for the monarchy can be established: '''Ricard Tumblar''', the leader of Adro's largest labor union; '''Lady Winceslav''', an Adran noblewoman who leads a powerful mercenary company known as the Wings of Adom; '''Ondraus the Reeve''', Manhouch's finance minister; A eunuch representing '''the Proprietor''', a major figure in the Adran underworld; and *Arch-Diocel '''Charlemund''', the leader of the Adran branch of the Kresim Church.
The first challenge comes when a royalist uprising of 20,000 attempts to reestablish the monarchy with young Jakob as a figurehead king, with the remaining nobles acting as his regents. Tamas's forces put down the rebellion and Jakob is taken and seemingly executed. Angered, Nila becomes a domestic servant in Tamas's household, hoping for a chance to assassinate him. She is stopped by Olem, who has been chosen as Tamas's bodyguard (due to his ability to go without sleep), and reveals that Jakob is still alive and will be sent to the countryside to be raised unaware of his claim to the vacant throne. Nila tries to free Jakob but discovers he has been taken by a shadowy figure called Lord Vetas, who coerces her into joining them as the boy's nanny.
After the royalist uprising, Tamas and his council prepare to receive a delegation from Kez. Manhouch had been preparing to sign accords with Kez, effectively turning Adro into a vassal state in exchange for gold to pay off his mounting debts. Tamas is aware that Adro is in a precarious position and cannot currently afford to go to war with Kez again, but his restraint dissolves when the leader of the delegation is revealed to be Duke Nikslaus, the Kez Privileged who personally executed Tamas's wife, Erika. Tamas throws Nikslaus into the ocean and, fully aware that the Kez intentionally sought to provoke war with Adro, prepares his army.
Sometime after the failed negotiation, a Warden (a human mutated by magic and used by the Kez as bodyguards for their Privileged) unsuccessfully attempts to assassinate Tamas in the secret lair beneath the Skyline Palace where he and his co-conspirators had planned the coup. As only he and the members of the council knew where he would be, Tamas hires Adamat again to discover which one of the Councilors is a Kez agent.
At South Pike Mountain, Taniel tracks down Borbador but, at the last moment, cannot bring himself to kill him as they had been brought up together and remain best friends. When Taniel approaches Borbador, they are attacked by an unusually fierce and strong cave lion. Taniel, Borbador and Ka-Poel fight it off with difficulty, Ka-Poel's abilities as a Bone-eye sorcerer giving them an edge.
Borbador reveals to them that the cave lion was Julene, who is not a Privileged, but rather a member of an ancient caste of immortal sorcerers known as Predeii. In mythology it was the Predeii who summoned Kresimir into their world and assisted him with establishing the Nine Kingdoms, acting as advisors to the royal families. The Predeii were thought to have been wiped out during the Bleakening, a world war among all nine kingdoms. Julene, eager for more power, has been planning to summon Kresimir back to the world and use him to establish herself as the main new power.
Shortly after the confrontation, the group find the Kez army marching on South Pike, its Royal Cabal coming to assist Julene in reaching its peak where they will summon Kresimir. Alongside Adro's Mountain Watch, Taniel, Borbador and Ka-Poel fight for months to hold off the Kez forces. At the climax of the summoning ritual, Taniel uses his mage abilities to shoot the resurrected Kresimir directly in the eye, apparently killing him.
Tom Lawrence, known as the Falcon, is about to go on a fishing holiday with his sidekick Goldie Locke, who has convinced him stop thinking of women or crime. However, when he sees a woman abducted in a taxicab, the Falcon rescues her. The woman, Louise Bragaza, tells him that she was the target of kidnappers as her father had invented a process to manufacture synthetic diamonds. The Falcon and Goldie travel to Miami to rescue Louise's father.
In a departure from the film, which was told from the perspective of two homicide detectives from New York City, Somerset (played by Morgan Freeman) and Mills (played by Brad Pitt), the book ''Seven'' is told from the perspective of John Doe (the story's killer, portrayed on film by Kevin Spacey). Doe is attempting to use seven deadly sins to prove a point about the world.
Narrated from the future, Bianca tells how she and her brother, Tomas, are orphaned after their parents die in a car accident. Being the children of Chilean immigrants, they have no family in Italy where the accident occurred. A bureaucratic problem prevents them from accessing their mother's pension, so they will only receive funds from their father's account. Bianca, old enough to become her brother's guardian, becomes an apprentice at a hair salon, though the owner will not allow her to become a hairdresser until she has three years of experience. Tomas, who believes that accidents cause supernatural change to reality, shifts his interest from computers to bodybuilding, and he begins to skip school to hang out at a local gym, where he takes a job as an unpaid intern.
Two local personal trainers from the gym befriend Tomas and teach him how access subscription pornographic content for free. After Tomas invites them to the house, Bianca allows them to stay overnight, as they have nowhere else to stay. They ingratiate themselves into the household by cleaning and cooking, and they eventually begin to have sex with Bianca. Eventually, they approach her with a plan: seduce and rob a retired actor and bodybuilder who is rumored to have hidden his wealth in his decaying mansion. Nicknamed Maciste after his most popular character, he has become reclusive and only sees prostitutes. The personal trainers believe Bianca perfect for the part, as she is young, pretty, and can speak English.
Bianca soon learns that Maciste is blind. Although she does not back out, she and Tomas become annoyed that the personal trainers did not explain this fact. Bianca and Maciste meet several more times, and they engage in many conversations. Although the personal trainers warn her to avoid asking Maciste about how he lost his vision, Bianca insists that he would never hurt her. They become concerned that she has come to develop feelings for Maciste and urge her to move forward with the plan. Maciste reveals to Bianca that he lost his vision in a car accident; when she asks if he was driving the car, he refuses to answer. They grow closer emotionally, and Bianca becomes more confident and assertive. Bianca admits to Maciste that she has fallen in love with him, but he says that he feels nothing for her. Upset that her feelings are unrequited, she leaves in tears.
After a competition at the gym goes poorly, the personal trainers again urge Bianca to steal Maciste's money. On her next visit, Maciste is sick and does not want to have sex with her. Instead, she cares for him, and, when he falls asleep, she pickpockets his keys. Bianca looks in a locked room but finds no evidence of a hidden fortune. As she leaves the mansion, Maciste calls for her to stay, but she politely declines. Maciste leaves his mansion and wanders into the street after her, but she continues on her way. When she arrives at her apartment, she demands that the personal trainers leave. Although she fears for the worst, she says that she does not find any news reports about Maciste in the papers.
In 1978, a former judge named Song moves to Busan to start his own law firm. The other lawyers look down on him because he had passed the bar-examination without ever going to university. Soon, however, he becomes rich from accepting the cases which his colleagues shun, even though they are the most profitable, such as real estate and taxation. Meanwhile, a detective named Cha is given orders from the highest levels of leadership to purge Busan of communists, even if it means resorting to fabrication. A medical officer from a nearby military base, Lt Yoon, is sent to oversee the health of the victims whom Cha's agents will torture.
Years later, in 1981, Song is enjoying his new-found fame and respect, and he even buys a sailboat with the hope of competing in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. One night, while dining at his favorite restaurant with his high school classmates, he gets into a fight with a journalist named Lee who sympathizes with the frequent student protests and claims that the mass media is inherently deceptive. A short time later, a high school student named Park, the son of the restaurant's owner, goes missing. Park's mother, Choi, frantically searches for him for nearly two months, even closing the restaurant, before it is revealed that Park and some other students are to face a trial for sedition.
Realizing that the students' confessions were extracted using torture, Song agrees to take the case. At the trial, he notices a number of violations of the Korean constitution, but is told by the prosecutors and the judge that normal laws do not apply in cases of national security. The prosecutors begin by arguing that the students studied a book called ''What Is History?'' by EH Carr. In response, Song gets a note from the British consulate attesting that EH Carr was a British ambassador, not a communist ideologue. Song is stunned, however, when Cha openly lies on the stand and denies that the defendants were tortured, claiming rather brazenly that all of their bruises and other injuries were self-inflicted.
A breakthrough happens when Lt Yoon agrees to testify. Lt Yoon confesses to the court that the defendants were tortured and is willing to describe the methods of their torture in detail. However, Cha reports the situation to his leadership, and they are able to frame Lt Yoon for desertion, thereby nullifying his testimony and sending him off to prison. The case is lost but the judge offers leniency by giving the students 2 years in prison at most.
By 1987, Song is a changed man and has become a protest leader himself. One day he is arrested for his activities and charged with sedition. To his amazement, 99 out of the 142 lawyers in Busan attend his hearing and express their support. Even so, free speech and the rule of law remain controversial subjects in Korea.
''The Shattered Mask'' is a novel in which the matriarch of a Sembian family swears revenge for a murder in her family, while a power-hungry wizard uses his ability to alter reality for murder and destruction.
In 2010, Sen. Gabriel Alcaraz prepares a privilege speech revealing details of a corruption scam at the highest levels of the government, implicating President Genoviva Obrero. However, on the day he is prepared to deliver the speech at the Senate, a close ally, NBI director San Juan, is assassinated while trying to warn him of a plan to arrest him. Undaunted, Alcaraz leaves his family and slips out of the Senate complex just as a police detail led by his old colleague, Director Dante Cristobal, move in to serve the warrant. He heads to the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, but knowing that the police are waiting for him there, slips out of the country aboard a ship with help from TV reporter Maya Limchauco and an associate of the NBI chief. He arrives in Amsterdam, where Isabelle Manahan, a Filipino expatriate who works with the UN, shelters the senator but discourages him against contacting his loved ones back home; the family falls into despair from the backlash over his escape.
Flashbacks over the course of the film reveal that Alcaraz, Cristobal and San Juan were partners in the police force, who were assigned in 1986 to rescue Manahan who was then kidnapped by an erring judge. A police informer, Sebastian Jago, helped in saving Manahan. The judge is arrested but ten years later, he attempts to kill Alcaraz and his family for being the source of his woes; Alcaraz actually killed him in self-defense. Now hiding in the Netherlands, Jago is sought by Alcaraz to come home and clear his name, using a picture of his daughter and newborn grandson as encouragement.
The authorities alert Interpol about Alcaraz and gradually zero in on his location. The discovery of his whereabouts triggers his wife's stroke as Cristobal and Limchauco separately fly to the Netherlands to find him. Manahan provides Alcaraz and Jago with separate tickets to fly back to the Philippines. Limchauco successfully helps Alcaraz avoid Cristobal and the Dutch police, but upon revealing herself as a daughter of the judge, wants to kill him instead to avenge her father's death. Alcaraz convinces her to get the whole story from Manahan and help Jago as he comes clean back in the Philippines.
Approximately 10,000 hours - one year, one month, and one week - after leaving the Philippines, Alcaraz flies back by private plane and reunites with his family. He plays over Maya's news show an audiotape Jago preserved for years, which names many corrupt government officials. However, nearly all of them are dead under various circumstances while a petty thug kills Jago in his cell and is subsequently silenced by a prison guard. The police chief, who hired the thug and the prison guard, tells President Obrero that another of the named officials is about to die of a stroke.
Bill Cannon's drinking and seeming unwillingness to settle down in a job costs him his family. His wife, Mary, decides to move to her mother's in Baltimore, and is taking her and Bill's daughter, Nancy, with her. An aspiring but failed photographer, Bill pawns his camera to pay for Mary's car-ride share; he then goes on an alcohol binge.
Finally returning home two days later, Bill meets a telephone lineman, Jim, who is removing the phone because of an overdue bill. A telegram from Mary is also there. Nancy has been seriously injured in a car crash near Chicago, and Mary has wired that she will telephone Bill to let him know how Nancy's required surgery goes.
In desperation, Bill persuades Jim to keep the phone line there for 24 more hours. He desperately seeks ways to get the $53 he needs but is refused loans and relief. A young boy, Bobby Kimball, accidentally hits, but only slightly injures, Bill's dog with his bicycle.
The two become friends and Bill learns that Bobby is being raised by an abusive sister, Babs, who intends to place him in an orphanage when she marries her boyfriend. Bobby offers the money he has saved working at the market, $57.75, to Bill to pay for the phone service. They go to Bobby's home where the boy discovers his savings bank is missing. Babs' boyfriend is napping on Bobby's bed and a roll of money has slipped from his pocket. After Babs tells Bobby she hid the savings bank for safety, Bill leaves. Bobby catches up to him and gives him the boyfriend's money, over $100. They agree that Bill will use what he needs and when Bobby finds his own money, he will replace it all in a manner that will ensure the boyfriend never knows his money was taken.
The phone company is closed by the time Bill arrives, so the two take in a baseball game. After the game ends, Bobby notices the money is gone from his jeans' pocket. However, they discover that someone turned it in to the lost and found. A conscience-stricken Bill decides to return it. Babs and her boyfriend come home as Bill is trying to call Chicago from their apartment. Bobby and Bill point out they have returned the money, but the boyfriend throws Bill out and calls the police.
Bill manages to land an overnight job on a construction site and next morning uses the money he earned to call Chicago from a pay phone. Bobby had been waiting outside Bill's apartment but, after talking with Jim, goes looking for Bill. He finds him and lets him know that the police will likely be showing up. No information is forthcoming from Chicago, so the two return to Bill's. Bobby remembers to mention that Jim had been by to take out the phone. However, the lineman calls from the telephone pole to let Bill know he has decided to allow him to receive the expected call from Mary, for free, thanks to Bobby's persuasion earlier. As the police arrive to arrest Bill, the call comes through. He learns that his daughter has died. Overhearing this, the officers work it out so that Bill can remain free.
Bill wanders carelessly through the city, ending up at a railroad yard where he contemplates suicide. Bobby has followed him and calls out as a train bears down on Bill. After the train passes, the yard engineer asks Bill if he was trying to kill himself and if Bobby is his son. Bill assures both that he is not going to kill himself and that the boy is his son. The two walk away together.
''Samsaengi'' is set in the 70's in Seoul and tells the story of a woman (played by Hong Ah-reum) who becomes a promising oriental herbal doctor after going through many ups and downs in her life. It is also about innocent, yet desperate love of four different people who have different ways of love.
Two months after the events of the previous book, Tessa Gray is in the midst of preparing for her wedding to Jem Carstairs. Gabriel Lightwood arrives at the Institute and requests help in taking care of his father, Benedict, whose demon pox has turned him into a worm, killing the Lightwood's servants and Rupert Blackthorn, the husband of his daughter, Tatiana. At the end, Gabriel and his brother, Gideon, have no choice but to kill their father, creating a rift between the brothers and Tatiana. Gabriel moves to the London Institute and develops a relationship with Will Herondale's sister, Cecily, who has also taken residence in the Institute after failing to convince Will to return home, much to Will's annoyance.
Jem gets sick faster and Will realizes that he has taken an unusually higher dosage of yin fen so he can stay stronger for the wedding. However, Axel Mortmain has bought all of London's stock of yin fen, wanting to blackmail the Institute into handing over Tessa in exchange for the drug. Jem refuses to even consider the offer and convinces Tessa to do the same, so they decide to move the date of their wedding earlier. Meanwhile, Consul Josiah Wayland, now increasingly frustrated by Charlotte Branwell's refusal to be his lapdog, attempts to convince Gideon and Gabriel to betray her in exchange for the Lightwood's honor to be restored. Gideon steadfastly refuses, but Gabriel has to go through some time before he finally chooses to side with Charlotte.
After undergoing trials at Silent City, Jessie Lovelace is sent back to the London Institute. On the day of her arrival, automatons and Mrs. Black attack the Institute and mortally wounds Jessie before taking Tessa away. Before she dies, she leaves clues for Will and Cecily about where Mortmain is taking Tessa to: Cadair Idris. Jem collapses from his illness and learns about Will's unrequited love for Tessa, before urging him to save her in his stead. While Will is on his way, he feels his parabatai bond with Jem severed and realizes that Jem is gone. Back at the Institute, Charlotte's attempt to rally the Enclave to support her fails, managing only to gather Sophie, Cecily, Gideon, Gabriel, Magnus Bane, and three Silent Brothers for the mission to stop Mortmain. Henry and Magnus create a device capable of transporting people through great distances, dubbed as the Portal. Meanwhile, Wayland gathers the Clave for an emergency meeting to depose Charlotte, only for the automatons to attack them and kill him and Aloysius Starkweather.
On the way to Wales, Tessa briefly frees herself from Mrs. Black, now only a disembodied head, and discovers that her clockwork angel pendant holds an essence of the angel Ithuriel. Upon arrival at Cadair Idris, Tessa is forced to shapeshift into John Shade and teach Mortmain how to create automatons capable of carrying demonic spirits. He reveals that Tessa was born to a Greater Demon father and a Shadowhunter mother, a feat normally impossible since demon-nephilim children are usually born dead. By switching Elizabeth Gray with Adele Starkweather, Aloysius' granddaughter who died when she was young, "Elizabeth" became a Shadowhunter who was not marked, and by giving her the protection of Ithuriel, and the fact that Elizabeth was not marked, Tessa could be delivered alive. Mortmain arranged for Tessa to start a new race of demon-nephilim hybrids. Will reunites with Tessa and makes love with her as solace of Jem's fate. The two meet up with Charlotte and the others and begin battling through Mortmain's automatons, learning to their shock that one of the Silent Brothers, [Brother Zachariah], is Jem. Henry is gravely wounded and left paraplegic, even after Magnus successfully saved him. As Tessa is about to be captured by Mortmain, she shapeshifts into Ithuriel himself and incinerates Mortmain, before falling unconscious for several days.
Upon her recovery, Jem, now Brother Zachariah, visits Tessa and promises to meet her every year for an hour at Blackfriars Bridge before departing for Silent City. Charlotte is offered the job of Consul and plans to train Will to succeed her as head of the London Institute. Gideon proposes to Sophie and accompanies her as she undergoes Ascension to become a Shadowhunter. At the Christmas celebration of that year, Magnus leaves for the New World and makes Will promise to find his own happiness. Will takes this advice and proposes to Tessa, who accepts. Subsequently, Will and Cecily introduce Tessa and Gabriel, respectively, to their parents.
In the years that follow, Tessa marries Will and has a son named after Jem. However, she does not grow old with him and has to watch as Henry and Gideon pass away, before Will follows them in 1937. Afterwards, Tessa leaves her family for good, unable to see any more of her loved ones dying, and becomes a wanderer, though she continues to keep in touch with Jem every year. In 2008, more than seventy years after Will died, Tessa is shocked to see that Jem is no longer a Silent Brother, thanks to a twist of events. Although she is wary of having to see him grow old again, she nevertheless wants to travel the world once more with him.
Song Yi Jie (Annie Chen) is a paralegal who is studying to obtain her legal practitioner license. She is a righteous girl who cannot tolerate the weak being bullied. When she sees an unfaithful husband at her law office refusing to divorce his wife because he wants to keep his good clean image, she volunteered her service by pretending to be his girlfriend in order to obtain evidence against the husband's infidelity.
Ke Wei Xiang (Chris Wang) is the General Manager and runs his family hotel corporation. He mistakes Yi Jie to be a cheater when he meets her at his hotel. The two get off on the wrong foot when she thinks he is a womanizer while he thinks she is a home wrecker. Wei Xiang is actually an obedient son who will listen and do everything his parents and grandmother tells him to do.
The two meet again when they find out they are betrothed to each other over a promise Wei Xiang's grandmother made to Yi Jie's grandfather years ago for saving her life from a robbery. No one agrees to this marriage not even them but in order to make their grandparents happy they hesitantly proceed with marrying each other, but the two eventually fall in love and make their marriage real.
As described in a review in a film magazine, when Dr. Singleton (Ellis) tells his sweetheart, Mary Larkin (Olmstead), that even though he loves her he will not surrender his practice in their small New England town, she becomes peeved and encourages a stranger. Dr. Stone (Periolat), an old-timer and anti-modern method practitioner, has told a divorcee that her lame child is incurable. Singleton takes them both into his home and is successful in his operation upon the youngster. Mary decides to marry Woodbridge (Kent), the stranger, and calls upon Singleton’s father (MacGregor), a local minister, to perform the ceremony. Tom is a witness, and when the divorcee (Dale) is also called it develops that she divorced Woodbridge for non-support. Seeing his child Dick (Guerin) reunites Woodbridge and his former wife, and after that Dr. Singleton has everything his own way.
Between 1890 and 1900 in northern Wisconsin, a series of bizarre events begin to occur amongst the local population (largely German, Swedish, and Norwegian immigrants) after the closure of several mines in the area, in conjunction with a collapse of the local economy and liquidation of banks. Several infants are abandoned by their parents, while a diphtheria epidemic claims the lives of numerous children. A local schoolteacher, Mary Sweeny, is institutionalized after going on a rampage breaking the windows of numerous homes and buildings while under the influence of cocaine. Meanwhile, a young deaf and mute boy shoots his little sister to death with a pistol. The wife of a German immigrant is mysteriously found frozen to death six miles outside of Black River Falls, after mourning the death of her own child.
In Brandon, two young boys ambush a farmer and murder him with a shotgun before taking over his home. The elder brother, John, flees after the crime is discovered, and a manhunt ensues. Once captured, John is sentenced to life imprisonment. Meanwhile, a Norwegian teenage girl commits suicide by drowning herself in a lake near Kenosha; her suicide note reveals she was physically abused and over-worked by her parents. Several other young jilted lovers commit suicide by hanging and other methods. Anna, a young Polish girl, is discovered to be a serial arsonist responsible for burning multiple properties down.
Numerous young adults in the region face a number of turmoils, and commit violent acts of varying degrees: A father bludgeons his infant son to death before attempting to murder his wife, and later, a young man shoots a woman to death when she refuses his marriage proposal, before turning the gun on himself. Religious delusion also plagues the local communities: John Isaacson holds the members of a Christian meeting at knifepoint, believing himself to be vanquishing Satan. Shortly after, a German immigrant intentionally starves his livestock to death, and blames it on witches he believes are preying upon him. Mrs. Dutton, of La Crosse, believes herself to be Jesus reincarnated, and a Mrs. Lawson, believing herself to be haunted by Satan, drowns her three children in a lake in St. Croix.
In Brockway, a woman claiming to be a world-renowned French opera singer named Pauline L'Allemand arrives from Chicago to claim land she has allegedly inherited. With her son, Edgar, she builds a home, and stages a series of live performances that are compromised by her false teeth. Her disheveled state leads locals to believe she may be an imposter. Pauline's mental state deteriorates, and she begins hearing voices and claiming to be in communion with spirits. After Edgar steals cement to repair their dilapidating house, the two are put on trial, during which Pauline engages in incoherent rants and espouses anti-Catholic conspiracy theories, leading her to be declared legally insane and institutionalized at Mendota Hospital.
While numerous business ventures collapse in tandem with the economy, adulterous affairs amongst the region's middle-aged residents lead to further violence and murder. A tramp murders several servant girls while attempting to commit robbery before killing himself. Meanwhile, Mary Sweeny is released from the psychiatric hospital, and continues to travel aimlessly throughout the region, committing further destruction of windows, including at an Eau Claire train station. Pauline L'Allemande eventually escapes from Mendota and disappears. She resurfaces later in Chicago, and claims to have been tormented in Mendota by a ventriloquist performing acts in the room next to hers.
A number of contemporary events from the mid-to-late-20th century are juxtaposed against those of the 1890s, including the crimes of Wisconsin natives Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer.
A romantic and passionate love story. The love of two young people, Achilleas from Cyprus and Melina from Greece, could be based on the timeless story of Romeo and Juliet. It is a modern remake of the archetype myth, that is narrating the story of a big love.
After losing everything, Tino is more cash-strapped than ever, until he receives the news of the death of Olavo, the uncle of his wife Jane, and discovers that he left an inheritance of R$100 million, and then make a trip to Las Vegas. One night after he discovers that have lost everything and that owes money to the Mexican Mafia.
On the indication of the mysterious lady, the boy takes refuge in Medelana, in the Bolognese Apennines, to perform the function of secretary in the service of an enigmatic character, a monsignor removed from the Church for his studies on the occult that earned him the title of "arcane spellcaster" ("mysterious enchanter" in some translations). The latter lives alone in an isolated house, surrounded by the volumes of a gigantic library, and Giacomo must replace Nerio, his previous assistant, who died in unclear circumstances and about who ambiguous rumors circulated. The monsignor makes the young man participate in esoteric experiments, and from time to time instructs him to transcribe the encrypted codes dictated by him, which must then be sent to an unknown recipient. The two make a kind of friendship, and the boy quickly convinces himself that in the telepathic and magical searches of his master there is nothing sinister.
Some time later, there is a rumor in the town that Nerio is returning to life. Giacomo learns about it and communicates it to the elderly, who does not give it weight, and also urges him not to believe the malicious rumors about his old helper. One night Giacomo exhumed Nerio's body and brought it to the parish priest of the town; here he discovers with amazement that the corpse is that of the monsignor.
Giacomo thus realizes that the arcane enchanter is actually Nerio and has a scuffle with him, after which he runs away. But, finally going to recover the pledge made for the oath, he will make a bitter discovery.
Saroja is a little Tamil girl. Her father is a rebel and one day their home is burnt, and Saroja's mother is dead. Due to the army attacking Saroja's father is wounded and they run away to the jungle. They enter an adjoining Sinhala village.
The father and daughter meet Varuni, the little daughter of the village school teacher. Varuni is also of the same age as Saroja, but they cannot understand each other due to the language barrier.
But gradually a strong bond of friendship between them builds up. Varuni pleads with her parents and with much difficulty succeeds in providing accommodation for Saroja in their home. Later Saroja's father is also given shelter in the house.
However, suspicions arise among Police and Army officers resulting in the family being subject to various types of obstacles from the forces. Suddenly Saroja's father is killed.
Varuni's father is given a punishment transfer to another remote village school. The family too leaves, the village along with Saroja who is now treated as a family member
Lorenzo is a dj who lives in Genoa, in a loft near the port; he conducts a nocturnal radio program for Radio Strega, keeping company, with his words and sentences, for those who suffer from insomnia or work at night. His philosophy of life, as well as that of his student friends (a taxi driver and a pianist) and his father (manager of a cinema where pornographic films are broadcast), is to fight monotony, always trying to have fun, often even breaking the rules and some female hearts.
Every night, in fact, after work, Lorenzo and his friends wander around the city, combining all kinds of jokes and experiencing occasional adventures. On a rainy night, while driving his friend's taxi, Lorenzo meets Anna, a beautiful girl with whom he ends up in bed; however she is about to get married and is in the Ligurian capital only to buy the wedding dress and then leave for Verona, where her future husband awaits her.
However, the two spend together almost all the time she stays and, between them, a particular relationship is established, poised between attraction and repulsion, but intense. Thus, Anna misses the train of return twice and only on the third attempt does she manage to leave again, not before having made love with Lorenzo again. After a few days, however, when everything seems to be over, Anna returns and returns to Lorenzo, willing to be with him and ready to share his bizarre and messy lifestyle.
''In Search of the Lost Future'' is set in and with the number of new students at the school increasing every year, a new school building is constructed. Before they move to the new building, the school will hold one last General Club Festival at the old building before it is closed down. Each of the clubs decide to give it their all to make it a success. The student executive committee asks the renowned Astronomy Club to calm the uneasiness among the students in regard to mysterious incidents at the old building. Sō Akiyama, a member of the Astronomy Club, inspects the central of a three-dimensional quake and stumbles upon a quiet girl, Yui Furukawa, who appears to know Sō, and transfers late into the school year, the gears of fate slowly begin to move.
Willy Signori is a journalist in Milan, bored with his work, involved in a romantic relationship that has no more romance left, only routine, and a paraplegic brother under his care, constantly asking to "move to Africa where the warm climate will help my poor legs". One night, Willy is involved in a car crash, accidentally killing the other car's driver. The following day Lucia, the victim's girlfriends, angrily confronts Willy in his office, accusing him of being a murderer. Willy keeps his cool and tries to financially and morally support Lucia to recover from her shock, as he feels guilty because she is pregnant from the dead boyfriend. Willy tries to support her behind his fiancée's back, and in due time between the two there are sparks of love. After a quarrel, and after breaking up from his relationship, Willy leaves for Africa with his brother for holiday, and there, we see Lucia giving birth in an African clinic, to a baby who most likely will know Willy as his father.
Francesco is a Tuscan who is very good at playing American pool, so much so that he is nicknamed "Mr. Quindicipalle", for the time he performed the unlikely feat of fifteen ('' '') ('' '') in one shot, using the wooden handle of a broom as his cue stick. Francesco is also an experienced womanizer, like his recently deceased father. Indeed, Francesco meets the woman of his dreams at his father's funeral – a prostitute who calls herself Sissi. The two fall in love, and so Francesco thinks she might be a lucky charm for him, in his training for a big pool tournament. But Sissi frequently infuriates Francesco, compromising his skill and his training for the tournament.
Amidst conflict occurring in other nations, leaders from various parts of the world gather at a government building to discuss peace. At a dining table, the leaders' associates are receiving slices of ham. Because they couldn't agree about which kind of slice they should have, however, the associates brawl onto the table. Momentarily, an army tank barges into the building. Coming out of the tank is none other than Krazy Kat. Krazy tells the rowdy associates that he can restore peace with his special rifle. The associates find his method ludicrous and therefore laugh. To prove them wrong, the cat fires his rifle at them. But unlike regular bullets, the projectiles conjure small-scale people which resemble celebrities at the time (see below). The singing and dancing of these tiny men hypnotically induces pleasure in the associates, causing them to make up.
After curing the associates, Krazy heads to the room where the leaders are at a meeting. Peeping from behind a door, he notices the leaders are rather silent and in doubt on how to settle their problems. Krazy then fires his pleasure-inducing bullets which excites the heads-of-state into a jig as well giving them friendly perception of each other.
Up in space, the god of war Mars does not like what's happening on Earth. He then comes to the planet and into the government building. Mars attempts to preach everybody to return to their attacking ways. Krazy, who opposes the god's purpose, opts to take him on. As Mars moves menacingly toward the cat, Krazy fires two shots at him using the rifle. Both shots show some effect but the dangerous deity is able to snap out of it. As a last resort, Krazy fires multiple shots which brings down Mars for good. All the people in the vicinity celebrate Krazy's victory in singing and dancing, including Mars who has completely succumbed to the pleasure spell.
Nancy, Ned, Bess, and George house sit for George's cousin, Jason. While there, Bess is convinced the cabin is haunted after hearing noises during the night in the attic. There's only one problem – there is no attic. Nancy decides to investigate the noises, but soon unearths another mystery involving a family treasure.
Casablanca, 1960. Henri and Brahim are childhood friends despite their different religions. They are managing the sawmill their fathers created and ran successfully for years. Their wives, Ruth and Fatima are working together in an insurance company, managed by Mr. Ouaknine, who is about to liquidate his estates to make his aliyah to Israel so he can live with his grandchildren. Shoshana Bouzaglo, a very religious and traditional widow, is really upset about her daughter Eliane dating Mehdi, a Muslim boy from her technical school. His father, Mr. Benchekroun, is a successful businessman who specializes in purchasing the estates of Jews who are liquidating their properties so they can emigrate. Mr. Benchetrit, an Israeli officer working with the Alliance Agency, is prompting the Jews to leave Morocco, pretending they aren't safe anymore. Mrs Attar is reluctantly leaving Morocco for Israel, following her son and his wife and kids. As they are leaving, she feels uprooted from her homeland. When Mama Hanna, Ruth's mother, is attacked after a synagogue service, Ruth and Henri decide that it may be the time for them to leave also...
Donald Duck is a knowledgeable stamp collector. His lucky cousin Gladstone finds a stamp album belonging to Philo T. Ellic, a rich collector in Duckburg. Ellic rewards Gladstone and Donald with $1,000 each. Donald uses his reward to finance a trip to British Guiana to search for an old stamp worth $50,000. He plans to sell this stamp to Ellic. Donald's nephews are eager for the adventure.
A long search in British Guiana for the stamp proves fruitless. The Old River Man tells the Ducks that the mysterious Gilded Man has one of the stamps. He directs the Ducks to a location where the Gilded Man was last seen. The Ducks trek far into the jungle, and discover an Aztec-style temple. Here, they encounter the fierce Gilded Man and his army of natives.
The Ducks are thrown into an underground chamber. They recall the Old River Man telling them that the Gilded Man was "nutty" about silver because there was none in his land. The boys have a bottle of silver paint in their gear. They loosen a pillar, and the two-ton Gilded Man crashes through the ceiling. The boys paint him silver. He is thrilled by this. The Ducks escape with the stamp.
At home, the Ducks learn (to their dismay) that Gladstone Gander is the rightful owner of the precious stamp. He sells it to Philo T. Ellic for $50,000. Ellic makes hurried plans to display the stamp in San Francisco, but absentmindedly leaves the stamp on a bridge in Duckburg as he climbs into a taxi. Donald finds the precious stamp, and is rewarded by Ellic with $50,000.
A group of thieves attempt to rob an art gallery, but when plans backfire and one of the men winds up dead, the group head down south, running afoul of the law. Along the way, they meet up with a seductive con artist with ideas of her own.
Mistarcia is a magical world where humans, gods, and demons mingle together. In the past, the black-and-silver winged demon beast Bahamut had threatened to destroy the land, but humans, gods, and demons overcame their differences to fight together and sealed its power. The key to that seal was split in two, one half given to the gods and the other to demons, so that they would never be united and Bahamut never released. Now, two thousand years later, the world is in an era of peace until the day a woman named Amira appears with the gods' half of the key. With an apparent loss of memory, she searches for her lost mother and is assisted by the bounty hunters Favaro Leone and Kaisar Lidfard. Their quest is part of a larger story of an epic clash between humans, gods and demons, between those who want to revive Bahamut and those who are trying to prevent it.
Alan O'Black is an aspiring stand-up comic who takes on a job as limousine driver in order to prove to his girlfriend Julie after she has kicked him out of their shared home, that he can be a responsible adult. Her standing complaint about Alan as a boyfriend has been that he sees life as one long rehearsal. This is exacerbated by the fact that, even with a now-steady job and dealing with strange passenger/clients, Alan rehearses his comedy at every opportunity and deals with bizarre situations with good-natured aplomb. He and his buddy Jay become involved the shady dealings of businessman Bradley Coleman, which results in a chase through Los Angeles with both sides of the law in pursuit.
Eventually, things come to a head when he loses Bradley at a galleria, forcing him to go back and look for him just as he's about to perform a stand-up routine at the Laff Track. Unfortunately, he and Julie, who had followed him, end up being pursued by the mobsters. Looking for an opportunity to lose them, they try to blend in at a funeral at Inglewood Park Cemetery, only to find themselves among the mourners for real following an accident which ends up costing Alan both his limo and his job. They return to the Laff Track just in time for him to perform his routine, and Bradley reveals that he had gotten his goods legitimately through an inheritance and wanted to donate them before the IRS caught wind. During the routine, Alan stumbles when he sees the mobsters who had been pursuing him and stolen his limo at the cemetery have followed him to the Laff Track, triggering a brawl that he, Julie, Jay, and Bradley barely escape with their lives, but not before Alan schedules an appointment with network executives who had seen his act. When the police arrive, Alan indicates the men they came for, one of whom pathetically tries to pin it all on his partner. Later, Alan reveals to Julie everything involving Bradley's dealings, including his dropping the goods off at the post office between the funeral and his stand-up routine for safekeeping until he could get them back to Bradley. The film ends as Alan and Julie kiss.
Due to the previous events of the Papillon Wars in Kabukicho, the manager left the devastated area and moved in Akiba to open the maid cafe "New Papillon". Tsubomi is hired as a waitress, Shizuku attempts to pass the college entrance exams one more time and Anne simply passes her days sleeping with many random men. Tsubomi is approached by Rama, the cat, who, at first, she does not understand. But the Earth, specifically the Tokyo otaku district of Akiba, is under attack by a trio of powerful alien women along with their minions. The explosions around her restore her memories and she reassembles the rest of the Papillon team to defend the town. The Papillon team is reassembled and the enemies are won over by the team's magical-girl powers and their "charms".
A mysterious, vengeful stranger rides into town and creates all sorts of havoc. It seems there are a number of people on his list and before he metes out justice to each one, he places a cross with that person's name on it in the middle of the street. The burning question becomes whether these people are dealing with a one-man army of flesh and blood or an avenging angel of death. The answer may lie in the betrayal and massacre of a Confederate Army unit during the Civil War...
The cartoon starts with Napoleon (Krazy Kat) looking at a portrait of his human counterpart. After adding numerous countries to his empire as result of winning battles, he then sets sights on Russia. Just before leaving and going there, Napoleon engages in a warm farewell meeting with his wife Josephine who is also a cat. When the feline emperor and his handful of soldiers march in the street, bystanders cheer for him.
After a long walk, Napoleon and his men set foot on a snowy terrain of Russia. The local militia immediately notices his approach, and therefore start hurling round bombs, prompting Napoleon's battalion to enter a bunker. Using the cannon which he brought along, the feline emperor manages to land some hits. The local forces retaliate with a rapid-firing gun and a cannon which they also have. One by one, Napoleon's soldiers are taken out. A Russian fighter then approaches the bunker and goes on to chase Napoleon across the country. Following a long run, that Russian fighter tosses a bomb at Napoleon. The blast is so powerful that the French leader is sent several miles upward.
Upon being bested in battle and blown away by the enemy's explosive, Napoleon finds himself landing in a boat in a harbor back in France. To his surprise, he is greeted by a pack of bystanders, including his wife. They sing him a farewell song, thinking he is still departing for battle. Annoyed by this, Napoleon oars himself out of sight.
Years after a drunken car crash that almost took his life, Tommy Carter (Mackie) has reinvented himself as a therapist/spiritual advisor who advocates a synthesis of world religions and positivity. He has parlayed this vocation into a successful book release that one day draws the attention of Angel Sanchez (Whitaker), a profoundly troubled man fixated on the "untimely" death of his mother. When Carter takes on Sanchez as a personal client in an effort to raise funds for his indebted brother Ben (Epps), things quickly take a turn for the worse. Angel needs much more than a simple life coach. Plagued by visions of his dead mother, a seance is held by Carter in order for Angel to say goodbye to his mother at which point he suffers a mild breakdown. Subsequently, Carter informs Angel he can no longer treat him. Angel then incapacitates and captures Carter torturing him over the course of days- to confess his sins so to speak. After capturing Carter's wife and brother it is revealed it was the brothers who accidentally ran over Angel's mother the night of their accident. Ben (Epps) then threw her, still living and crying out for help over a bridge to her death. Upon this revelation Angel untapes Carter, leaving him his gun and walks out. As he walks away from his home with his daughter he sees his smiling mother looking down on him and a gunshot rings out, as Carter narrates that both brothers souls are tainted from what happened with them and Angel's mother that night.
Mustapha is the manager of the only bar in the small town of Boujad, in Morocco. The Islamic authorities in the town are eager to close it because consumption of alcohol is prohibited to the Muslims, but they cannot do anything since the city remains inhabited by a Jewish community. As long as there are customers who are allowed to consume alcohol, Mustapha is free to go on with his business. But when Moroccan Jews are starting to immigrate to the new state of Israel, and as the town is emptied of its Jewish community, Mustapha is terrified about having to close his business. He will attempt the impossible to keep the only remaining Jew in Boujad, Shlomo Bensoussan—whose wife Freha and daughter Rachel moved to Israel—from leaving the town.
Five years after competing in the World Grand Prix, Lightning McQueen, now a seven-time Piston Cup champion, finds himself overshadowed by Jackson Storm, a rookie who is part of a new generation of race cars who use the latest technology to improve their performance. As Storm's success progresses throughout the season and attracts other rookies, most of the veterans either retire or are dismissed by their sponsors. In the final race of the season at Los Angeles, Lightning starts falling behind Storm after both of them pitted. He tries to keep up, but in doing so suffers a violent crash, leaving him badly injured, ending his worst season on record prematurely, and resulting in Storm winning the race and the Piston Cup.
After five months of recovering, Lightning decides he will continue racing and calls his sponsors, Rusty and Dusty Rust-eze, who reveal they have sold Rust-eze to a businessman named Sterling. Sterling assigns Lightning to train under Cruz Ramirez, where he begin to struggle adapting to the modern training methods. After Lightning accidentally damages a simulator, Sterling tries to force him to retire. Adamant that he can still compete, Lightning instead offers that if he wins the upcoming Florida 500, he can decide if he wants to keep racing, otherwise he would retire immediately.
Lightning tries to train on nearby Fireball Beach, but ends up spending most of his time teaching Cruz how to drive on the sand. Lightning then attempts to join a race undercover at a famous dirt track called Thunder Hollow, but inadvertently enters a figure-8-style demolition derby with Cruz, which she wins albeit both of them hiding their identities. Lightning's cover is blown when Cruz accidentally swerves to avoid a water truck causing him to tumble over and spilling his water on Lightning, therefore adding to his humiliation.
Frustrated that he'd wasted his time taking care of Cruz, Lightning rages at her and in the process accidentally breaks her trophy. Cruz reveals that she had wanted to be a racer just like Lightning all her life, but never started a race due to her feeling that she could never be one. She resigns as Lightning's trainer and heads back to the training center.
Guilty and with no other options, Lightning calls his friend Mater for advice. He suggests that Lightning track down Doc's mentor Smokey, in Doc's hometown of Thomasville, Georgia, so Lightning catches up to Cruz and convinces her to rejoin him.
In Thomasville, Lightning meets up with Smokey, who reveals that despite the fact Doc never raced again, he found new happiness in training Lightning. After Lightning accepts the fact that he will never be as fast as Storm, Smokey and Doc's old friends, Louise "Barnstormer" Nash, River Scott, and Junior "Midnight" Moon, help Lightning learn new tricks to overcome his speed disadvantage, using Cruz as his sparring partner. However, during the final practice race, Cruz suddenly overtakes him and he suffers a flashback to his crash, shaking his confidence.
At the race, Lightning starts at the back, but with assistance from Smokey in the pits, manages to gradually push up the ranks. Sterling, who still believes Lightning can't win, orders Cruz back to the training center to prepare a new racer for the following race, despite her wanting to stay and watch the race. Overhearing the exchange and remembering Cruz's dream of racing, Lightning avoids a massive pile-up and has his crew outfit her to take his place in the race, believing she is the key to defeating Storm. While shaky at first, Cruz is able to push up the ranks thanks to Lightning coaching her from the pits, and eventually ends up right behind Storm. Storm, feeling threatened, tries to intimidate Cruz, even to the point of ramming her against the wall in the final lap. Cruz, using one of Doc's old moves, flips over Storm, overtaking him, and winning the race.
As Cruz celebrates her victory, Sterling offers her a role on his team, but she instead takes a counteroffer from Dinoco's owner Tex Dinoco. Since Lightning and Cruz were both wearing #95, both have won the race, meaning that Lightning gets to decide if he is done racing.
Sometime later, Lightning and Cruz return to Radiator Springs, where Lightning reveals that Tex has bought Rust-eze from Sterling. Lightning, now decked in Doc's old racing colors, decides to continue racing, but trains Cruz first for the season. In a post credit scene, Mater is seen singing a song at his junkyard, and receives a call but accidentally knocks his stand over.
Carlo Verdone plays three roles in three episodes joined together. In the first, the Roman hick Enzo organizes a trip to Poland for Ferragosto, hoping to ingratiate himself with the sexual favors of some beautiful Polish girl with the help of a generous supply of nylon stockings (in those years considered a luxury commodity in countries behind the Iron Curtain). In the second episode, the post-hippie Ruggero by some days in his native Rome, while at the traffic light distributing leaflets and asking for an offer of money for a new commune that his group is forming in Citta della Pieve, meets his father (Mario Brega) by chance, in the middle of traffic. His father believes that the guy has psychological problems, and so he asks the help of a priest, a teacher and a very problematic nephew. Mr. Mario then is going to change the mentality of the guy with the help of these wise people, in the hope that Ruggero and his girlfriend (who is also a flower child) find themselves the right way to live in a modern society. Finally the shy and awkward Leo find the love in a Spanish girl, but she gives him a lot of problems. In fact she is not alone and intends to recover an affair with her ex.
Gregorio, his brother Vanni and their sister Livia have grown apart. Vanni and Livia have found success along the footsteps of their father, while Gregorio seems to live a more chaotic life as a DJ, party organizer and counter-culture figure.
The sudden disappearance of their father brings them back together, as they try to figure out what may have happened and to locate the old man. In their search for clues, they revisit some of the places where they had spent their childhood, and they discover that they share even now more than they had thought.
Bernardo is dumped by his girlfriend and begins a period of meetings with his psychologist. Although his career as a rock music critic begins to decline, and especially Bernardo, with his problems, does not know how to publish a book on the secrets of the singer Jimi Hendrix. In the meantime he knows the problematic and shy Camilla, who disrupts his life. After some bickering, the two travel to London to meet almost unknown people who believe knowing how to really the singer Hendrix died when he was found lifeless in his hotel. For Bernardo is a great opportunity because this interview will allow him to rebuild his career; but the interview that he does to an important customer, poorly fitted by his friend Camilla, is tragically recorded without audio!
Sandy is an American teenager who has become a famous baby-model, just arrived in Rome for photo shoots and fashion shows that will engage her for a few months. Being a minor, Sandy is accompanied and directed in all activities by her mother and stepfather, who seem to act toward the girl more as career managers and promoters, than as loving parents. Sandy's mother wants in all cases her education not to lag behind due to the many professional commitments, and decides to hire therefore a private tutor. She tries to offer the job to the well-known theologian and teacher Michael Spinetti, calling the convent where he lives. By chance however the phone is picked up by Rolando Ferrazza, a well-qualified young graduate who is working there just as a janitor due to unemployment.
Being mistaken for Spinetti, Rolando pretends to be a priest and impersonates the famous teacher in order to make more money. The deception succeeds with Sandy's parents, but it is soon uncovered by the girl. Seeing this as an opportunity to get some freedom and experience life beyond the many restrictions and work sacrifice of her public career, Sandy blackmails Sergio to indulge her whims, to take her around the city and have fun, under the pretense of educational visits to various Roman museums and cultural attractions. Gradually a tender friendship also develops among the two, and it starts to progress also toward romantic interest between the beautiful and naive teenager, and the more mature but timid and insecure man.
Eventually however Sandy's mother discovers the truth and fires Rolando in a fit of rage, only abstaining from accusation of rape and kidnapping in order not to spoil Sandy's public image with a scandal. Roland can no longer return to the convent as a janitor either, and misses Sandy very much. The feeling is reciprocal though, and one night the young woman escapes from a photographic set in order to suddenly crash at Rolando's house. The two spend a few hours together again, this time also as lovers. In the end the girl decides to return to her family and life, leaving Rolando to find his own future.
Armando does not spend much time with his shy son Cristiano, so he decides to go with him a beach holiday. This is the first occasion for years for the two to know each other: Cristiano is a naif, idealist boy, while Armando is an egocentric and hedonist mature businessman. During the trip the two meet various people, amongst which a wealthy friend and his wife, who betrays her husband with Armando. Cristiano accidentally discovers the relationship, generating an uproar and causing Armando to lose an important deal. They also visit Cristiano's mother and Armando's ex-wife, who lives with a writer and has caused decadence in the family. Armando then has a definitive rupture with his young lover, who leaves him because of his egoism, and has sex with Cristiano (ignorant of the girl's relationship with his father). Armando, having known of the encounter, at first seems to abruptly leave Cristiano on the road, but ultimately decides to go on with the trip.
In Italy burden of the economic crisis three men in Rome: Ulisse, Fulvio and Domenico decide to rent an apartment together in order to live with their modest work. However the three encounter any difficulties that have forced them to always be one step away from starvation. Ulisse has to maintain his wife and daughter selling recordings of important foreign singers, Fulvio has the task of reviewing silly scandals of celebrities instead of writing articles for major artists, while Domenico must keep his wife and children going to make love with old single pensioners. At the end of the story the three, despite all the difficulties, able to have a little luck in their lives.
Salvo and Valentino are two Sicilian friends who have moved to Turin, and now run a small business together. They drive foreign tourists around in a double-decker bus, and Salvo always tries to approach the pretty girls. On the other hand, Valentino is a faithful boyfriend but continually pesters his girl Gisella with over-the-top sentimental gestures and gifts. Finally, Gisella becomes totally annoyed and decides to leave him. Since she lacks the courage to tell Valentino herself, she asks Salvo to tell Valentino before she comes back from a work trip.
Salvo, having discovered that his latest tour guide Natasha loves all things African, starts sporting African paraphernalia to impress her. His hopes are buoyed when Natasha tells him that she hasn't heard from her wonderful boyfriend Arturo.
In the meantime, their old friend Sonia arrives in Turin with her American boyfriend Peter. Sonia confides to Valentino that she's about to break up with Peter and has realized that she loves Salvo. Things start to get complicated when Valentino and Natasha turn to each other for comfort from their respective breakups. Gisella observes them dancing up a storm, feels jealous, and starts to regret having broken up with Valentino.
Things come to a head at the wedding of Orazio, another member of the curling team Salvo and Valentino belong to. Misunderstandings abound, stoked by rapidly escalating gossip about Gisella and Salvo. Natasha shows up and discovers "Arturo" is the groom Orazio, and she and the bride thrash him together. In the middle of the tumult, Valentino and Gisella get back together and Salvo and Sonia find love.
Marino (Carlo Verdone) and Glauco (Enrico Montesano) enlist with the Carabinieri in order to change their lives and find stability and maturity within the military discipline of the armed force. During training, they also find a third partner in Adalberto (Massimo Boldi), sickly heir to an affluent family, also pursuing a law enforcement career in an effort to grow more independent from his over-protecting parents. The trio share various adventures until graduation, and then begin to take part in real missions, with good will but an always carefree attitude. Eventually Adalberto gets killed in action, while the friendship between Marino and Glauco seems to break down as they both love Marino's cousin, Rita. She reciprocates Glauco's love but only has brotherly affection for Adalberto, who feels therefore betrayed and left behind. Harmony is recovered at the end, when Glauco saves the old friend and a group of boy scouts which had been taken hostage by a madman on the same train.
The film follows a reporter (Lisa Blount) and her cameraman investigating a war in the jungles of South America between drug cartels and the cult-like cannibal army of Colonel Brian Horne (Richard Lynch).
Maggie Bradford is a successful singer/songwriter who is on trial for murder. She has married twice and it appears that she has shot both husbands. Due to Maggie Bradford's history of killing her first husband to get out of the abusive ways, it began to fuel speculation and accusations when she had again killed her second husband. And the world around her wants to know if this celebrity can really commit these murders.she dies
Category:1997 American novels Category:Novels by James Patterson Category:Courtroom novels Category:Little, Brown and Company books
The film is based on the funny bickering between two cousins Nino and Maurizio.
As with all the subsequent Union Club stories, the story is related by a man called Griswold to other club members in the club bar.
Some time ago, Griswold sold an unspecified idea or invention to a wealthy man called Felix Hammock, who made a profit of ten million dollars from Griswold's idea but only paid him ten thousand dollars and no royalties. Griswold felt aggrieved by this, but failed to obtain legal redress against Hammock or to persuade him to voluntarily pay more.
Griswold decided to get even with Hammock by summoning a tiny supernatural creature from another universe and enlisting its aid. The creature, which is not named in this story, is described as being two centimetres tall, with no tail or horns, and "not red exactly, or black. Rather lavender, I should say." It offered to help Griswold steal something of value from Hammock, without actually injuring him. Although it was capable of stealing anything Griswold could think of, it had only limited powers and so could only steal no more than about two grams of matter. Therefore, the puzzle Griswold had to solve was how to steal something valuable to Hammock which would not exceed that mass. Griswold then invites his listeners to try to work out what he did. (Asterisks then appear in the text so that the reader may also attempt to do so before continuing.)
When the other club members fail to solve the problem, Griswold describes his solution. He had the creature steal particular flakes of paint from Hammock's collection of original Picasso paintings – specifically, he stole Picasso's signature from each painting, reducing the value of Hammock's art collection by at least ten million dollars. He then visited Hammock at home in order to witness his anguish at the moment of discovering his loss.
Chris Marshall (a widower for the past five years, with two children) works as a New Jersey high school basketball coach.
His daughter Sophie learns that Chris' first love in high school was Nikki Crandon, who has since become a successful pop star. Thus, Sophie plots to get the two back together.
A young couple decides to elope after being caught in the midst of a romantic moment by the woman's angry father. They make plans to leave, but a thief discovers their plans and hides in their trunk and waits for the right moment to steal their belongings.
The film begins as Jose, a young Mexican man, leaves his home in the Sierra Madre Mountains in order to make his way in the United States. Before he leaves, his mother presents him with a pair of gauntlets embroidered with a cross, which are intended to be a reminder of her love as well as what she has taught him: "to be temperate, honest, and dispassionate; to bear the burden of life's cross with fortitude and patience." The film then moves on a tavern on the border, populated by cowboys, miners and railroad construction employees. Tom Berkeley is the engineer of the construction company, and his fianceé Mildred West has just arrived from New York. Bill Gates, an assistant engineer, secretly loves Mildred, though she rebuffs his unwanted advances. Mildred and Tom's entry in the tavern draws everyone's attention, during which a Chinese servant steals money from a group of cowboys playing poker and plants the cowboy's bandanna at Jose's feet. Jose mistakenly picks it up, thinking it is his own, and exits. The robbery is subsequently discovered and blame is placed on Jose. An angry mob subsequently drags him out to be lynched, despite his pleas of innocence, which Mildred believes. Jose is dragged off to the woods and a rope placed around his neck, and he asks for the chance to say a final prayer. The film then cuts back to Mildred at the hotel, feeling pity for Jose. As she comes out of her hotel room, she suddenly spies the Chinese servant hiding the money he has stolen, revealing that he is the real thief. She snatches the money and runs to the site of the lynching, arriving just as Jose is raised into the air. She causes the mob to drop the rope, and Jose is released uninjured. After she explains what truly happened and returns the money to the cowboy, the mob leaves to chase after the servant, leaving Mildred and Jose alone. As a gesture of his deep gratitude he gives her one of the gauntlets and swears that if she ever needs his help, he will come to her rescue.
Time passes by, during which Jose falls into drinking. The railroad contracts have finally been completed, and a party is thrown in honor of Tom Berkeley. Bill Gates attends and continues to make advances on Mildred, now Tom's wife. After he does not give up, she screams and calls Tom to her side, who attacks Bill and ejects him from the party, who swears to get his vengeance. Bill heads to the tavern and finds Jose, drunk, who with another accomplice helps Bill attack Tom's carriage on its way home from the party. They knock Tom out, then abduct Mildred and take her to the tavern. Jose leaves to continue drinking, during which time Mildred unsuccessfully attempts to escape and is blocked by Bill. When Jose returns, he suddenly sees the gauntlet on the floor, which Mildred dropped in her struggle with Bill. Realizing who she is, he attacks Bill and kills him as Tom and his friends burst into the room to save her. Mildred thanks Jose for aiding in her rescue, and Jose resolves to return to his mother in the mountains. The film ends with Jose fulfilling this promise and returning to his loving mother's arms.
On his 16th birthday, Tomokazu Mikuri had a realistic dream where he sees a girl battling a giant floating monstrosity. When he wakes up, he is surprised that the girl is actually sleeping next to him! Whenever he sleeps from now on, he ends up back at the dream world, and more and more people that he knows keep showing up there too. He finds out from a mysterious masked woman in the dream world named Silk that they are fighting against one named Faydoom, and he is the one who provides the powers to those girls so that they can fight these monsters.
The plot revolves around Greta Feeney (Burley), who intends to commit suicide on New Year's Eve, and the interplay of her friends, and her gangster father. The story is framed by a voice-over narrative by Greta.
When former MI6 agent turned archaeologist Dr Ava Curzon is engaged by American intelligence to track down an African militia claiming to hold the Ark of the Covenant, she is plunged into a world where nothing is what it seems.
Her breakneck descent into the shadowy realm of dark biblical texts hurls her across continents and deep into the opaque worlds of the Knights Templar and neo-Nazis, pushing her mentally and physically to the limits.
Her initial compulsion to find the Ark soon becomes more urgent when she discovers that Marius Malchus, the man holding it, was responsible for her father’s murder years earlier. As she pursues Malchus across Europe and the Middle East, she is repeatedly thwarted and placed in ever greater physical danger, experiencing his extreme ruthlessness at first hand.
When an informant in Malchus’s group sends her photographs of a coded medieval lead medal, she begins unravelling a series of arcane clues that take her to the heart of an ancient mystery buried by the medieval Vatican, but now driving Malchus towards an apocalyptic endgame.
As Ave penetrates deeper into the shadows, the Vatican medal leads her to the sacred biblical seven-branched Menorah candlestick buried in an ancient Mithraic Temple deep under Rome and to a series of ever more challenging puzzles. Harnessing all her mental and physical skills, the danger levels increase as she solves a clue related to the enigmatic Voynich manuscript, and closes in on Malchus and his prize: a powerful ancient Hebrew magical manuscript called The Sword of Moses.
She is helped by David Ferguson, a former British soldier, Peter DeVere of MI6, Anna Prince of American intelligence, and a group which is eventually revealed as the outlawed medieval Knights Templar, still active and all-powerful in the shadows. As her relationships turn out to be more complex and treacherous than she ever imagined, she is repeatedly betrayed and realizes she can trust no one.
While she moves inexorably closer to Malchus and the evil he is planning, Uri, an agent from Mossad’s infamous Metsada assassination unit is also chasing Malchus and the Ark, infiltrating Malchus’s neo-Nazis and placing himself on a collision course with Ava.
Having solved the final clue, the climax takes Ava to Malchus’s isolated house on the shores of Loch Ness, where the English occultist Aleister Crowley once conducted his dark rites. Ava is captured and subjected to a horrifying ordeal, before being betrayed again and taken to the former Nazi SS ‘grail castle’ at Wewelsburg, where she becomes the centrepiece of a sadistic ritual in which her fate is entwined with the dark contents of The Sword of Moses, the Ark, the Menorah, and a terrifying plan to launch the Fourth Reich.
After a climactic and action-charged showdown with Uri and Malchus, Ava finally comes face-to-face with the Ark, and with the opportunity to avenge the death of her father. In a last scene, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar takes her to the breathtaking Templar chapel of Montsaunès, where he reveals an age-old secret that explains what has been driving the dramatic events, and draws them to a resolution and conclusion.
The film follows 18 individuals in separate but sometimes related groups on the campus of a Japanese university hospital. These groups include a mother and father of an unborn child; a group of friends during a dance rehearsal; staff at the university hospital and a team of students researching urban legends. Ostensibly, the plot is concerned with a mysterious outbreak resembling a viral pandemic which causes the film's protagonists to suddenly die one-by-one. It is suggested during the film that this is due to secret experiments being conducted by the United States Armed Forces in the hospital. However, rather than attempting to resolve the mystery of the outbreak, the focus of the film is largely devoted to the relationships between the characters and their reactions to their own and each other's impending deaths. Ishii has stated the film is made to show the absurdity of the characters not knowing when or why their deaths will occur and highlights the importance of drama and dialogue within the film, in contrast to his previous works.
Dorrigo Evans has found fame and public recognition as a war veteran in old age, but inwardly he is plagued by his own shortcomings and considers his numerous accolades to be a “failure of perception on the part of others”. He knows that his colleagues consider him a reckless and dangerous surgeon, and he has habitually cheated on his faithful and adoring wife, though his public reputation has been undented by the air of scandal that trails him in his private life.
Flashbacks describe Dorrigo’s early life in rural Tasmania, and his love affair with Amy Mulvaney, the young wife of his uncle and the love of his life. Dorrigo meets Amy by chance in an Adelaide bookstore and he finds that "her body was a poem beyond memorising". Despite the fact that she is married to his uncle, Dorrigo felt the affair was justified because "the war pressed, the war deranged, the war undid, the war excused". In a metaphor for the novel's theme of fatalism, Amy observes while swimming a group of fish trying "to escape the breaking wave’s hold. And all the time the wave had them in its power and would take them where it would, and there was nothing that the glistening chain of fish could do to change their fate."
After the end of the affair, he joins the Australian Imperial Force. His regiment is captured during the Battle of Java and is sent to labour on the notorious Burma Death Railway. One out of every three workers engaged on the Burma Death Railroad died during its construction. During the construction of the railroad, he is reluctantly bestowed the leadership over his fellow prisoners and fights a losing battle to protect his charges against disease, malnutrition and the violence of their captors. Dorrigo sadly observes as the bodies of his fellow POWs break down and disintegrate with "eyes that already seemed to be little more than black-shadowed sockets waiting for worms". The camp's commander, Major Nakamura, a methamphetamine addict who pushes his prisoners harder and harder out of the fear of failing the Emperor, is in his own way just as much a prisoner of the railroad project as the men he brutalises.
A major theme of the novel concerns the Australian value of "mateship"-a sense of camaraderie and loyalty-or the absence of "mateship" on the Burma Death Railroad. Among the POWs is the energetic and hardworking Tiny Middleton who wants "to show them little yellow bastards what a white man is" by overfilling his work quotas, thereby inspiring the Japanese to set higher work quotas that lead to the deaths of the weaker POWs. Other POWs include the artistic Rabbit Hendricks who secretly makes drawings of camp life; the white supremacist Rooster MacNeice who has trouble accepting he is now a prisoner of the Japanese; and the defiant Darky Gardiner who is repeatedly beaten by the guards and finally drowns himself in a latrine full of excrement rather than endure another beating.
After the war, the fates of the prisoners and captors are shown. The "Goanna", a Korean man renowned for his brutality in the prison camp who was himself forced into the Japanese army, is hanged for his crimes. His superior officer, Major Nakamura, returns to Tokyo and avoids capture as a war criminal by hiding among the ruins of Shinjuku. After a conversation with a Japanese doctor who served with Unit 731 in Manchukuo reveals to him the country’s human experimentation program during the war, he gradually absolves himself of any sense of guilt for his actions. Other Australian soldiers imprisoned with Dorrigo live through the trauma of their experience as prisoners. Dorrigo’s own acts of heroism, and the reverence of his fellow soldiers, fail to assuage his sense of shame and self-loathing. Dorrigo comes to "feel the more people I am with...the more alone I feel".
In Paris, Marise Aubert is discussing her medical condition with Dr. Leclair, who explains that there is nothing physically wrong with her and that her pain is the result of her internal struggles.
In a flashback to two weeks earlier, soldier Jean Renaud arrives suddenly at Marise's cottage. He explains that he was in a Nazi reprisal camp with Marise's husband Paul, who told him everything about her. He tells her that he saw Paul shot dead. She tells him to leave but relents because of a storm and allows him to stay.
Marise is shocked that Jean knows practically everything about her because of what Paul had told him in the camp. Jean has fallen in love with her from these stories, but when he makes romantic advances, Marise orders him to leave. She changes her mind because she is lonely and Jean is from Paul's life. They spend some happy times together.
A letter from Paul arrives, but Jean intercepts it before Marise can see it. The letter explains that Paul is not dead and that he is about to be released from a hospital so he can return to her. Jean nearly leaves after he realizes that Paul is alive, but he stays. Marise agrees to sell Paul's business and leave with Jean, but Paul returns before they leave. Marise learns of Paul's return and rushes home. Jean learns of Paul's return and retrieves an old gun that he found in Paul's office and heads to the cottage to confront Paul.
Marise is ecstatic to have him back, but confesses her relationship with Jean. Paul confronts his friend over the betrayal and Jean brandishes a gun. They struggle, and Jean is killed in a fall from a cliff.
In the present, the doctor tells Marise to return home. She returns to the cottage where Paul awaits her and they reunite happily.
Tommy McCoy is a tough New York City boy, close to his dad, Brian, a performer in vaudeville. One night while his dad's doing a song and dance for the audience as part of a boxing event, Tommy accepts a challenge to step into the ring. He knocks out his opponent.
Lightweight champ Johnny Martin is impressed. He takes the McCoys on the road, letting Brian perform and showing Tommy the ropes of the boxing business. Tommy wins several fights and gains popularity, but kills a man in the ring and wants to quit. Then he discovers that his dad is heavily in debt to racketeer Jim Caighn and has gambled away Tommy's earnings.
Tommy begins a romantic relationship with the gangster's daughter, Sheila. He is expected to throw a big fight so that Caighn can collect a big payoff from his gambling rivals, and to ensure his dive in the eighth round, Sheila is taken hostage. But she manages to escape, inspiring Tommy to knock out his foe.
Two young men, Agoes and Badjoel, travel from Palembang to West Java and are told of the beauty of two sisters, Zaenab and Djoeleha, who live in Cicadas village with their father. The friends decide to visit Cicadas. Meanwhile, a local bandit leader named Ramelan has asked for Zaenab's hand in marriage. She and her father Ardi refuse, and Ramelan is forced to leave.
Through an old letter found on Ardi, Ramelan learns of a buried treasure containing some 30,000 gulden. He decides to dig it up, kidnapping Zaenab and Djoeleha in the process. Seeing this, Agoes and Badjoel follow Ramelan to his gang's hideout in a cave and fight to save the treasure and girls.
After rescuing the girls and defeating the bandits, Agoes and Badjoel are allowed to marry Zaenab and Djoeleha. The treasure, meanwhile, is divided amongst them.
Sid Lucero (Mark Gil), a student at an unnamed university in the Philippines, is attracted by the prospects of joining the Alpha Kappa Omega, one of the school's most prominent Greek-letter organizations. He is considering a new direction in his life, as his mother was pushing him to take up zoology and later on to medical school.
Lucero is one of the fraternity's 15 initial applicants, but only eight make it into the group's six-month initiation program with the seniors overseeing it. One neophyte is kicked out on the first day for defying the masters' orders to strip after noticing a prerecorded tape of women giggling and talking about men stripping in front of them. The fraternity leader, Vince (Jimmy Javier), orients the batch in the ways of the group before submitting them to their first hazing, which lasts all night.
Over the next several months, the fraternity masters submit the neophytes to a series of tests. Pacoy Ledesma (Ward Luarca) has sex with a prostitute (Chanda Romero) whom a senior, Gonzalez (Vic de Leon Lima), asked him to send a bouquet to, and is made to eat his lunch food mixed with soft drinks and ketchup when Vince chances upon him at the school cafeteria. For falling behind during a test where the neophytes ran in public in their underwear and sneakers, Ding Quintos (Edwin Reyes) is forced to hold a mosquito net over Gonzalez as he sleeps all night. Ronnie Roxas Jr. (Ricky Sandico) is made to drink beer laced with his batchmates' spittle at a birthday party (and everybody else was in on it). A doctor who is an AKO member attaches surgical equipment as a pain-tolerance experiment to Lucero, whose girlfriend is concerned for his safety after losing her only brother in the frat's initiation rites two years before.
The psychological pressure takes its toll on Ronnie and Arni Enriquez (Rod Leido) and both decide to leave. When Vince discovers this, he has Ronnie tied to an electric chair as part of a quiz for all the neophytes to see. Ronnie's own father (Chito Ponce Enrile) - one of the fraternity's founding members - oversees the session, where the younger Roxas will be shocked for the wrong answers. When the voltage is set higher and Ronnie Sr orders the session to continue, the neophytes are made to shock their friend even if he has to die in the process. When Pacoy sees that Ronnie is not responding to the questions, he refuses to do so and is made to replace Roxas, who suddenly wakes up. Ronnie Sr explains that everything was a set-up to help the neophytes trust their masters. Later, Arni gets angry at Sid being callous over everything and it takes the entire group to placate them; Roxas decides to stay.
The neophytes are elated at Ronnie's decision and push on with their presentation for the university's annual ''Upakan'' inter-fraternity talent show, a rendition of the classic play ''Cabaret''. Later after the show, Sid, Arni, and Arni's girlfriend, Tina (Sandy Andolong), are waylaid by members of the Sigma Omicron Sigma fraternity. Its leader – Tina's brother Abet (Mike Arvisu) – makes good on his earlier threats to stop Arni dating his sister by drowning him in front of Lucero's eyes. Eager to avenge Arni's death, Sid asks Vince to retaliate. Both fraternities break up a truce and settle everything in a street fight. Ronnie is killed on the AKO side by a Sigma Omicron fratman, who falls to a cleaver strike by Gonzalez; he then works with Sid to kill Abet but at the cost of his own life. Saddened at what AKO had become, Ronnie Sr. forgives the group. After one last hazing at a beach, the remaining neophytes – Lucero, Ledesma, Magtibay (Dodo Cabasal), Santi Santillan (Noel Trinidad), and Ding Quintos - are officially welcomed into the fraternity.
A closing voice-over by Lucero reveals that he eventually becomes one of the masters overseeing another batch of neophytes.
A girl called Nellie falls for Preston, a notorious outlaw who leads a band of Native American renegades. Preston treats her badly and leaves her for dead but she is rescued by a mountain woman whom she had befriended. They escape together, sharing a horse, but Nellie is mortally wounded. As Preston tries to overtake them, the mountain woman stabs him in the chest and he is killed. The renegades stop and then ride away. Nellie dies soon after reaching her father's cabin.
An Indian girl helps a Mexican woman who has stolen a bag of gold nuggets belonging to a girl miner. The Mexican woman seduces the Indian girl's husband and tortures her. She escapes and meets the posse looking for the thief. Her husband and the woman are escaping downstream in a canoe so the posse launch other canoes and give chase. A fight ensues with the canoes capsizing and the Mexican woman taken prisoner. The Indian girl's husband pleads with her to forgive him but she refuses and goes away with the girl miner.
Jane Harris (Amelita Ward), a student at the Bluecliff Seminary for Girls, asks Tom Lawrence (Tom Conway), aka the Falcon, for his help to investigate a death predicted by her unstable roommate, Marguerita Serena (Rita Corday), a clairvoyant. Professor Jamison has recently died. Was it suicide or homicide?
Posing as an insurance investigator, the Falcon meets the Dean, Miss Keyes (Barbara Brown); the school's Psychology teacher, Dr. Anatole Graelich (George Givot); the Drama teacher, Vicky Gaines (Jean Brooks); and the Music teacher, Mary Phoebus (Isabel Jewell). Inspector Donovan (Cliff Clark) and Detective Bates (Edward Gargan) are also looking at the local Coroner's verdict of suicide.
Tom begins his investigation at the dead professor's room, and then goes to the undertaker's (Ian Wolfe), where he finds out it is assumed Professor Jamison committed suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Believing the death was a murder, a group of suspects are carefully watched, including Marguerita, who thinks she has inherited her father's insanity, and a love triangle involving Graelich, Mary and Vicky, all with a motive to kill.
Before Tom can confront the killer, Dean Keyes is murdered; and, when Marguerita tells Mary that she saw her standing over the dead body of Miss Keyes, Mary tries to force the hysterical girl to jump from the cliffs by the school. Tom races to the cliffs and startles Mary, who topples over the cliffs to her death. She had been behind all the murders, starting with Jamison who was killed in a jealous rage, and the Dean, who would have dismissed Graelich, whom Mary had married in secret, as married couples could not work at the school.
When Jane's mother, a famous actress, arrives at the school with another actress, she asks the Falcon to solve a murder at the theater.
Parthenia seeks her father who is captured by barbarians. She starts the search alone and finds the barbarian camp. She is captured by the barbarians where Ingomar is the leader. The undaunted girl compels the admiration of Ingomar. He releases her father to seek for hidden money and keeps Parthenia as a hostage. She teaches him what love is. Ingomar at heart is “sterling”. At first amused, then interested he learns the true meaning of love. Admiration gives way to passion and Ingomar becomes her champion. Then there is a mutiny among the barbarians and they abduct Parthenia. Ingomar rescuers her, forsakes his tribe and escorts Parthenia home where Polydor, an old suitor, starts trouble. He buys up the debt of her father and, because her father can’t pay his debts, demands Parthenia and her father to be slaves. Ingomar marvels at such “civilised” conduct and wants to kill Polydor. Partnenia prevents this and Ingomar offers himself in their place and Polydor accepts. When the barbarians besiege the city they think Ingomar is held against his will. Ingormar saves the city and Polydor is driven forth. Ingomar wins Parthenia and is made governor by the citizens.
Sometime in the distant future, the planet Metropolis (once known as Earth) is a peaceful utopia led by a leader called The Great Brother. His world is threatened by his brother Graal who has escaped from a prison satellite, stolen a warship and enlisted the help of a mad scientist named Dr. Kraspin. Kraspin has a plan to make an army of unstoppable supersoldiers he calls "Humanoids," but to mutate them he requires the powerful element Kapitron that is being kept at the Grovan Institute on Metropolis.
Graal sends down a squad of soldiers to break into the institute and steal the Kapitron. They are also ordered to kill a woman named Barbara Gibson, a scientist who once worked with Kraspin but who realized the horrendous potential of the element and had Kraspin committed to a mental facility. Kraspin had escaped the facility two years earlier and seeks revenge against her. Barbara leaves before the slaughter when she is summoned home by her mysterious pupil, a boy named Tom Tom who exhibits powers of mental suggestion. Tom Tom also communes periodically with two mysterious beings who he claims are foreign travelers.
After the raid, Graal returns to his hidden base on the planet Noxon where he is joined by Lady Agatha, the world's tyrannical queen, who hopes to share the rule of the galaxy as Graal's wife once he conquers Metropolis. Kraspin is also hiding there, given asylum in exchange for keeping Agatha young and beautiful with daily injections of a youth serum he creates by sapping the life essence of female slaves.
Once in possession of the Kapitron, Kraspin selects the perfect specimen to test his mutation on and targets a bearded, giant of a man named Golob. Kraspin forces Golob to crash his ship in a lake and Kraspin fires a small Kapitron missile which explodes turning Golob into a beardless, raging hulk with superhuman strength. Witnessing the horror is Golob's robot dog companion Kip, who sadly watches Kraspin capture and take his master away.
Kraspin fits Golob with a brain control chip and unleashes him upon Metropolis with orders to kill the Great Brother. Nick, a Metropolis security officer, tries to protect the Great Brother, but Golob is unstoppable. As Golob approaches his primary target to destroy him, Kraspin interrupts with new orders to go after Barbara Gibson first and Golob leaves.
Golob tracks Barbara to her house but Tom Tom uses his powers to calm him down and removes the control chip. Golob, now free of Kraspin's control, becomes Tom Tom and Barbara's friend. Golob tells Barbara that Graal and Kraspin are hiding on Noxon and she goes to inform Nick and The Great Brother. On her way, however, Barbara is captured by Graal's forces and taken back to his base. Tom Tom and Golob try to rescue her but are forced to retreat when Graal's soldiers open fire. The two are saved by the mysterious travelers who shoot the soldiers with glowing arrows.
At the Metrolpolis command center, Nick devises a plan to rescue Barbara with a commando raid, but the Great Brother fears innocent people living on Noxon will be killed. Instead, Golob says he will rescue Barbara himself. Nick joins him and he and Golob take a ship to Noxon. Along the way they discover Tom Tom stowing away and wanting to help. Nearing the planet, their ship is attacked by Graal's fighters and crash lands. Near the crash site, they encounter Kip who Golob excitedly remembers as his old companion. Kip then helps them sneak into Graal's base. Once inside the heroes discover Kraspin has a giant missile filled with Kapitron that he will explode over Metropolis and turn its population into mutant humanoids.
Meanwhile, Barbara is taken to Kraspin's laboratory and placed in a machine to extract her essence. Barbara is saved last minute when Nick and Golob burst in and free her from the machine. Kraspin and Agatha then attempt to flee to Graal's ship.
With Barbara's help and assistance from the mysterious travelers, the heroes launch an attack on the missile launch bay. During the battle, Agatha, unable to get a dose of the youth serum, dies when she rapidly ages into a skeleton. Nick chases Graal onto the bridge of his ship and faces off with him in a duel. Graal shoots lasers from his hands in defense and almost kills Nick. Golob appears and crushes a control panel on his chest and Graal disappears. Kraspin is killed when Golob topples the launch pad of the Kapitron rocket. Golob then removes the Kapitron container from the missile which then launches across the bay and hits Graal's ship destroying it.
With the facility exploding around them, the heroes make their escape but without Golob. Tom Tom spots him running away with the Kapitron and jumping off a cliff into a lake. The lake explodes and the heroes fear Golob dead, but he emerges from the water with the effects of the mutation having been reversed. The group briefly celebrates their reunion and victory over their enemy.
A mysterious translucent sailing ship appears in the sky piloted by the two travelers. Tom Tom tells Barbara that his mission is over and he must return home. Barbara asks who he really is and where he comes from. Tom Tom tells her he is returning to a land called Tibet in the ancient past, but he will always be with her in her heart. Tom Tom is then seen departing on the ship as the movie ends.
Bruno Everhard (Persoff) is the rigid and uncompromising owner of a German traveling circus. His four sons and daughter all work for the circus, including as performers. Three of the boys, in particular Klaus (Vaughn), resent the favoritism Bruno shows one son, Josef (Robertson).
To curry his father's favor, Klaus abandons his sweetheart, circus aerialist Carlotta Martinez (Dean), to instead marry Teresa Vizzini (Mannhardt), whose father operates an animal menagerie that Bruno would like to merge with as a result. Josef, meantime, has fallen in love with a wealthy American woman, Hillary Allen (Williams), who wants him to quit the circus and begin a new life.
Bruno is defied by his daughter, who marries Eric (Nelson), a soldier who wishes to try the trapeze. Teresa, distraught at learning why Klaus married her, commits suicide at the circus, stepping into the cage of man-eating bear.
Carlotta, too, is almost killed, due to a faulty high wire during her act. Negligence is charged and Josef accepts the blame, sparing his father from having to go to prison. The other brothers seize the opportunity to take control of the circus. Bruno attempts a comeback on the trapeze, but has a heart attack and dies.
Released from prison, Josef vows revenge. Klaus decides to kill his own brother, but steps too close to the bear's cage and is killed. Wishing there to be no more violence or retribution, Josef decides to leave the circus for good, and Hillary agrees to marry him.
Jenny is the middle daughter of a conservative Catholic family in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a closeted lesbian who tells her family that her partner of five years, Kitty, is her roommate. Her parents, Eddie and Rose, have always dreamed of the day their middle daughter will get married and are always reminding her about her biological clock and trying to fix her up with men. Jenny realizes that she does want to get married and have a family, and proposes to Kitty. She decides to come out to her family and her parents are taken aback that she is not only gay, but engaged to a woman. Jenny has the support of her older brother, Michael, who says he suspected she was gay since high school. Her younger sister Anne always felt that Jenny was their mother's favorite and is not so much upset that Jenny is a lesbian as that she lied to her all those years. They reconcile when Jenny asks her to be her maid of honor. Jenny's parents want her to stay closeted in front of their friends but she refuses, causing a big fight with her father. Her parents at first refuse to go to the wedding, but eventually her mother realizes that Jenny is the same daughter she's always been proud of and agrees to go. Jenny's father has a talk with his best friend the day of the wedding and finally also agrees to go, and both parents walk her down the aisle. Over the closing credits a picture is shown of the whole family, including Jenny and Kitty with their new baby.
In Yorkshire, three couples—Kathryn and Colin, Tamara and Jack, Monica and Simeon—are shattered by the news that their mutual friend George Riley is fatally ill and has only a few months left. Thinking how best to help him, they invite him to join their amateur dramatic group, but rehearsals bring their past histories to the surface. When George decides to have a last holiday in Tenerife, each of the women wants to accompany him, and their partners are in consternation.
Nana Kunning, a struggling mother of two young sons, takes her children to an isolated location. She, along with other parents and children, have come there in order to be seen by the Architect, a faith healer who builds small delicate structures out of branches and then brings patients inside them. The Architect works by lottery and Nana's son Gully, who has an inoperable brain tumour, is not chosen to be saved. Before the Architect can touch the winning patient, a blind boy, the falcon of Ivan (Nana's other son) destroys the structure. The furious crowd refuses to give Nana and her sons a ride unless they abandon the bird. When Ivan releases the falcon, one of the men shoots it dead.
The Architect arrives at Nana's job at a hog farm, informing her that she healed the blind boy she touched, stating that he never touched the boy's eyes, while she did. Nana ignores him, but is later surprised when the man who shot the falcon comes to her, pleading that she save his child.
The Architect trains Nana in creating the structures needed to heal people. To fix the legs of a little girl, Nana builds a swing. Her sons wait in the vehicle while she heals the girl, but Ivan grows bored and goes into the woods, where he sees his mother on the swing with the girl. Not understanding what he had witnessed, Ivan takes the vehicle and attempts to drive Gully home. He instead crashes the car onto an ice-covered lake. Ivan survives, but Gully drowns under the ice. Nana is crushed by Gully's death, abandoning 10-year-old Ivan to concentrate on her faith healing.
Now 31-year-old Ivan is visited by journalist Jania Ressemore, for an interview about the falcons he breeds. When Jania asks him if he is still in contact with his mother, Ivan cuts the interview short. When Ivan learns that Jania intends to interview his mother, he decides to join her, leaving behind his own wife and child, and bringing one of his falcons.
Jania and Ivan travel to Nunavut where they find that the road has been blocked by a truck accident. They continue on foot, across a large frozen lake. In the dark, Ivan begins to hear the ice cracking. Jania takes his hand, convincing him to walk step by step. They are picked up by a local man who takes them to his home and lends them his truck.
On the road Ivan and Jania grow close. Eventually Ivan realizes that Jania is ill, and that she is making the trip so that Nana could heal her. The two fight, but when Jania tries to leave and see Nana, Ivan sends his falcon out to her. She stops the vehicle and waits for him to join her.
When they arrive at Nana's isolated retreat, Nana does not recognize Ivan, thinking he is also a journalist until, during the interview, he asks how a mother can abandon her son. Ivan vents his pain and anger. Nana consoles him, telling him that it had been too much to bear. She puts something in his hand, saying it is for Jania.
While the people hoping to be healed by Nana unwrap the stones they have been given, to see who has won the lottery to be healed, Nana tells a story of a man who fell under ice. While Nana is telling the story, Jania unwraps her lottery stone and sees it is green, which means she has not won. However, Ivan slips a white stone into her hands which Nana had given him and Jania begins to cry with relief.
''Legion'' (2012) tells the story of Stephen Leeds, better known as 'Legion', a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate multitude of personae. He is a brilliant problem solver, rich and quite good at what he does, helped by his hallucinations. However, he would rather be left alone, and that means no researchers or psychologists who want to get to the bottom of his abilities.
But then Legion receives a letter with a mysterious, impossible picture, and he can't resist traveling the world to search for answers. He must track down a missing inventor who disappeared with a camera that can take pictures of the past. Helped by Monica, who is also searching for the inventor, he travels to Jerusalem to solve the problem.
Stephen is called on to help a friend after the mysterious disappearance of a body. His investigation is hampered by the interference of a trained assassin and the dead man's younger brother. Stephen and his invisible entourage face danger at every turn whilst looking into the body theft and the man's secretive work on human cells.
Two unrelated events start it off: the disappearance of one of Stephen's many "aspects", Armando, and an unexpected cry for help from Sandra, the woman who helped him learn to live with his condition many years before. The combination of the two leads to a sinister high-tech firm specializing in advanced methods of human incarceration.
Set sometime between the end of ''Legion'' and ''Lies of the Beholder'', Stephen Leeds works with the IRS to track down a hacker who uses technology to confuse, control, and kill people. Co-authored by Max Epstein, David Pace, and Michael Harkins.
Before one night changed their lives, woodchuck brothers Dilweed and Fungus never saw themselves as heroes. But during a late-night-TV infomercial, they ordered a Woodchuck Morris kung-fu video. Now, they have made it their mission to become just as awesome as their kung-fu mentor. Misguided but with good intentions, the brothers become obsessed with using their newfound skills to protect the citizens in their town of Ding-a-Ling Springs. Dilweed and Fungus take on a never-ending quest to fight off danger with Morris' guidance.
Tomokazu Mikuri, the main character in the game and anime, turns 16 years old and has led a dull life without girls. On the night of his birthday, he dreams of a strange world in which he sees a young girl in a blue outfit fighting against an unknown enemy. Tomokazu has a strange, unknown power which seems to "power up" this girl, who has fallen into his arms. She uses this "power" to repel enemies, the alien race known as the Feydooms, who are attempting to break through the dream world and take over the real world.
Waking up, Tomokazu is amazed at his dream's realism, thinking of his strange power and the mysterious girl who fought off her enemies. Rolling over, he sees the girl from his dream, Mone, in bed next to him. Soon Tomokazu, his classmate Mizuki Agatsuma, Mone, Neneko, Nanase, and her sister Kuyou enter the dream world Moera to destroy the Feydooms and save the world.
The film opens with gloomy footage of night-time Dublin and a female radio DJ talking about three girls who recently went missing in the city centre. While in a pawnshop a young man (Eoin Macken) pawns his ring for cash, offered €50 he demands €200, and eventually accepts €75 and a second hand camcorder. He discovers a tape still inside, sits in a cafe, plays back the footage on the camera and watches the film.
In the footage, a group of girls; Sienna (Kellie Blaise), Cara (Tereza Srbova), Louise (Vanessa Fahy) and Sian (Natalia Kostrzewa) are heading out for the 21st birthday of Corina (Siobhan Cullen). As a gift, Sienna and Cara have bought Corina a video camera, with which they plan to record the evening's events. They blindfold Corina and instead of going to a club they break into an disused, abandoned and ramshackled warehouse on a secluded back street, much to Sian's disapproval. Once there, they start drinking, Corina's boyfriend Barry (Sean Stewart) arrives, and they reminisce and share secrets. After Barry leads Sian to a toilet, the remaining girls complain and back-stab about Sian. Louise then takes the camera and discovers Barry having sex with Sian.
Then three vagrant, violent men; Eamo (Brian Fortune), Scat (Karl Argue) and Hughie (Emmett Scanlan) break in and gatecrash the party. They terrorise, verbally torment, abuse, and physically and sexually assault the women, and the women scream and wail in fear and despair. Sienna tries to confront them only to be head-butted by Hughie. When Barry tries to intervene, Hughie beats him to death and instigates a game of spin the bottle to rape the women. Whilst Sian is being raped by Eamo, the lights go out, odd sounds emanate from the building, old televisions switch themselves on and a baby's haunting cries are heard. Moments later, Eamo is yanked from Sian by an unseen force, quickly followed by Sian herself.
The negative energy from the brutality of the vagrants awakens a dormant, malevolent, demonic, supernatural force with a thirst for flesh and souls within the building. A brave Cara and hysterical Louise take the camcorder around the building, and try and escape using the narrow beam of the camera's built-in light via the labyrinthine, brick basements with decrepit corridors. They are approached by Scat who is hysterical about something he has seen and begs them not to leave him alone. After shutting the door behind him, they find a dead Corina with her eyes gouged out. They then notice arches and ominous, arcane symbols and shapes signs on the walls in the dark. Louise enters a trance and is approached by a shambling, ghoulish, gore-covered, malign, emaciated naked figure (Patrick Moynan).
A distressed Cara runs away and finds Sienna, they continue trying to find a way out from room to room but are trapped in the building. They are found by Hughie and shortly followed by The Creature. They break through a door leaving them behind, Sienna picks another lock, then Cara also enters a trance and is taken by The Creature. Sienna runs off through decrepit brick basements to a catacomb in an effort to evade The Creature, she discovers a dead workman and hides from The Creature before being followed and stalked by it, she then runs back, escapes from the warehouse and abandons the camcorder.
After finishing watching the video, The Man uses the footage as a guide to retrace the steps to where the events occurred. The man tracks down the warehouse and makes his way into the basement. He walks into the aftermath and finds Sian and Louise. Sian cries for help as The Creature approaches, The Man tells her to be quiet and hides, she is then attacked and consumed by The Creature. After The Creature leaves, The Man then tries to rescue Louise, but while in a hypnotic trance she hits him over the head with a stone, escapes from the warehouse and is hit by a car.
When Mr. Wick (Craig Ferguson) is asked to look after Mrs. Lauder's (Nan Martin) prize-winning Hungarian Puli, he decides to pass the task on to his employee Drew (Drew Carey). Kate O'Brien (Christa Miller) offers to take the dog, Lucky, to Drew's house; but she has to leave suddenly to pick up her boyfriend Oswald (Diedrich Bader). Drew does not see Kate's note and assumes Lucky is a stray. He takes it to the vet to get it shaved and neutered. When Kate sees the dog, she fears that she, Drew and Mr. Wick will be fired. She finds an advertisement for a pure bred Hungarian Puli, but it costs $4,500. Since no one has that kind of money, Oswald suggests they sell their bodies for money. Inspired by ''The Full Monty'', the guys decide to perform a striptease at The Warsaw Tavern to make the money they need. Lewis Kiniski (Ryan Stiles) backs out of the performance at the last minute, but Larry Almada (Ian Gomez) steps in as his replacement.
With the bar full, the guys begin their routine, but are soon stopped by the police, who explain that due to zoning regulations, stripping is illegal at The Warsaw. Drew and the guys go before the city council, but their request is denied. Drew questions how the council can deny something without seeing it and the guys, including Lewis, decide to demonstrate their striptease routine before the council members. Their request is then approved. After performing the striptease at the bar, Drew counts out the money and finds that they have $4,800. Mr. Wick asks what they should do with the extra money and Drew replies that they should give it to the people that earned it. He then walks off stage and into the audience and starts handing out the extra cash, apologizing for them having seen his naked buttocks.
Charles Lenox, gentleman and former amateur detective, is now a prominent Member of the House of Commons. When selected to make the opening speech at the next session of Parliament, he takes up an offer to spend some time at his uncle’s estate in Somerset. Although Lenox expected to find a few quiet weeks to prepare his speech, instead he finds a bizarre case of vandalism in the quiet village, and the murder of a local constable. Lenox investigates and finds that the situation is far more complex and sinister than it first appeared.
The film chronicles the life of Mr. Sanchez (Anthony Quinn) and his struggles with the culture of poverty around him. A widowed farmer, he cares for his family in a marginal area of Mexico City. While being a hard worker who feels the duty to financially support his family, he is still an aggressive, domineering man and a womanizer. His main conflict is with his daughter, Consuelo (Lupita Ferrer), a rebellious girl who attempts to break free from her father. She strives to escape her role of dutiful daughter and pursue her own dreams. Consuelo likes to talk with her grandmother (Dolores del Río), who secretly advises her to find a man and get married. This is the only way that she, an uneducated poor woman, can escape her father.
''Angel Beats!'' is set in a world after death, which acts as a limbo where the dead learn to give up any lingering attachments from life before passing on. Those in this limbo can eat, feel pain, and can even die again, only to awaken later with no injuries. Objects not originally present in this world can be created from dirt depending on the familiarity of it when alive. In the case of weapons, this can range from simple melee weapons to more complex firearms and explosives. In addition, computer programs can be used to create a mixed reality, as when Kanade creates her supernatural powers via a program called Angel Player.
As a supernatural visual novel, the player assumes the role of Yuzuru Otonashi. Much of its gameplay is spent on reading the story's narrative and dialogue. The text in the game is accompanied by character sprites, which represent who Otonashi is talking to, over background art. Throughout the game, the player encounters CG artwork at certain points in the story, which take the place of the background art and character sprites. ''Angel Beats!'' follows a branching plot line with multiple endings, and depending on the decisions that the player makes during the game, the plot will progress in a specific direction.
It has three plot lines for the characters Yui, Masami Iwasawa and Matsushita. Throughout gameplay, the player is given multiple options to choose from, and text progression pauses at these points until a choice is made. To view all plot lines in their entirety, the player will have to replay the game multiple times and choose different choices to further the plot to an alternate direction. A map feature is also included allowing the player to interact with character in whatever order they chose. The game includes 200 hidden achievements.
The protagonist Otonashi and the other characters are students at a high school populated by a large number of "normal" students and teachers referred to as "non-player characters" who are not human, but look and act the part. Inside the school, the characters often gather in the principal's office—headquarters of the , an organization which fights against God for the cruel fates the SSS members experienced in life. In the SSS, there is an all-female band named Girls Dead Monster that acts as a diversion during missions, and a subterranean organization called the Guild that mass-produces weapons and supplies them to the SSS.
Otonashi is asked to join the SSS by its founder and leader Yuri Nakamura. The SSS fight against Kanade Tachibana, also referred to as Angel, the student council president of the afterlife school whose responsibilities require her to suppress the team's disruptive activities. Although the SSS initially views Kanade as their enemy, Otonashi eventually befriends her and she joins the SSS. Following this, Otonashi begins helping the other SSS members overcome any regrets they had in life so they can move on. In the process, Otonashi grows closer to the other characters as he learns more about them. Although the story contains romantic plot lines between Otonashi and each of the heroines, the pasts and conflicts of the characters are not meant to simply enliven the romantic elements, but also provide a significance that goes beyond romance.
In 1942, Joe Smith is a "buck an hour" crew chief on the Lockheed P-38 Lightning assembly line in a Los Angeles defense plant. When plant president Mr. Edgerton and his supervisor Blake McKettrick calls him into his office, Joe is grilled by two men from Washington, Freddie Dunhill and Gus, who later ask him to draw from memory a blueprint put in front of him. When Joe shows he can draw the plans accurately, Edgerton promotes him to head up a new project based on the top secret Norden bombsight.
Unable to tell his wife Mary and fourth-grade son Johnny or even his co-workers, about his new job, Joe is targeted by a group of men who want the secrets of the bombsight. While he leaves the plant late at night, his car is forced off the road and Joe is brought to a deserted house. The four men who have kidnapped him, blindfold Joe and beat him, trying to force him to draw the plans of the bombsight. Remembering that his son also had a secret he was keeping no matter what he and his wife asked, and that Johnny was studying about Nathan Hale, Joe refuses to cooperate and is beaten severely.
When the spies realize they have no option but to kill Joe, he is driven away but takes the opportunity to throw himself out of their car. An elderly couple come upon Joe lying in the street while the four kidnappers make their getaway. In recovery, even though he is blindfolded, he had sneaked some peeks at the men who held him and tried to memorize sounds in their car that would identify where he was. When the police take Joe on a reconstruction of his drive, he slowly puts together the route and takes them back to a house where three men are confronted. Each of them has some identifying feature, but the ringleader is missing.
Finally back home, Joe receives Gus, Freddie, Edgerton and McKettrick who are there to thank him for his bravery. When McKettrick shakes his hand, Joe recognizes the distinctive ring worn by the leader of the kidnappers. The police who are also there, arrest McKettrick before he can escape. One month later, on Father's Day, Mary and Joe have a party with their friends from work and Johnny gives Joe his "secret" gift, a tie. When his friends call Joe a hero, he rebuffs them, saying that there are no heroes in America, just people, "who don't like being pushed around."
Jack Foley, a "gentleman bank robber," arranges a break-out from a Florida jail. The plan is interrupted by shotgun toting Federal Marshal Karen Sisco. The pair end up in the trunk of the getaway car, where they find they have a mutual interest: classic Hollywood movies.
The story takes place in Barcelona following the disaster in Cuba until the Tragic Week (la Semana Trágica), approximately from 1899 until 1909, by means of events which befall a family in that city.
Leonardo, a blind high school student struggling with independence, and his best friend, Giovana, are discussing how they have yet to kiss anyone. Leonardo is especially distressed because he doesn't believe anyone wants to kiss him. Giovana regularly walks Leonardo home despite living in the opposite direction. At home, Leonardo's mother worries over leaving him home alone. Leonardo insists he will be fine, and his mother agrees under certain terms.
At school, classmate, Fabio, bullies Leonardo for the sound of his typewriter. A new student, named Gabriel, arrives and takes the empty seat behind Leonardo. Giovana expresses romantic interest in Gabriel, but classmate Karina begins to pursue him. Leonardo and Giovana become friendlier with Gabriel and he joins the pair on their walks home. One day, Leonardo walks home from school alone and Fabio and his friends taunt Leo, causing him to trip and fall. When he arrives home late to his worried parents, he expresses his annoyance over their overprotective nature.
Later on, Leonardo expresses to Giovana his interest in studying abroad as a way to leave his overbearing home life, but admits that he has not told his parents about his plans.
At school, Leonardo and Gabriel pair up for a project. The two go for lunch and then a movie. Working on the project a few days later, Leonardo attempts to teach Gabriel braille, but he finds it impossible, Leonardo remarks that him riding a bike is impossible. The boys sneak out one night to watch a lunar eclipse. On the way home, Gabriel realizes he left his sweatshirt at Leonardo's house and asks him to bring it the next day. Later that night, Leonardo goes to bed with Gabriel's sweatshirt on and masturbates.
The exchange agency calls Leonardo about an American agency that specializes in blind students. The project results in Gabriel replacing Giovana as Leonardo's guide home, and she gets angry when they walk home without her one day. They wait for her the following day, but she ignores them.
Leonardo finally confides his interest in going abroad to his parents and they outright disapprove. His father later addresses it privately with Leonardo, understanding Leonardo's interest, but is still not comfortable with it.
The three friends go to a house party hosted by Karina. Giovana avoids Leo, still angry at him, and gets drunk with Gabriel, confessing that she feels he's replaced her in Leo's life and Leo wouldn't miss her if he went abroad. Giovana kisses him, but Gabriel does not reciprocate. While this is happening, Leo reluctantly joins a game of Spin the Bottle. When it lands on Leo, Fabio grabs Karina's dog for Leo to kiss. Giovana drags Leo out before anything happens, but does not tell him what Fabio was going to do. Leo is annoyed at her for what he believes is her interfering, furthering Giovana's anger at him before she leaves. Gabriel comes out after this, insisting that he take Leo home, but Leo expresses his anger at everyone controlling him and not even let him kiss anyone. Gabriel then kisses him and leaves quickly.
The school goes on a camping trip and Leo sits alone on the bus, with Gabriel next to Karina. Gabriel approaches Leo at the campsite and claims that he was so drunk that he doesn't remember anything from Karina's party, including the kiss, which Leo doesn't discuss. Later on, while the class goes swimming at a pool, Gabriel helps Leo apply sunscreen, to which Fabio teases them about.
Afterwards, Leo makes Gabriel wait with him at the pool while everybody gets cleaned up in the public showers, thinking that showering with other people is embarrassing. As they shower, Gabriel gazes at Leo's naked body and consequently becomes aroused. He quickly retreats to cover his erection with a towel and sits feeling embarrassed.
That night, Giovana and Leo make up and get drunk together, with Leo eventually admitting that he is in love with Gabriel. Giovana is skeptical at first, but gives her support when they arrive home from the trip, urging Gabriel to go see Leo. Gabriel visits Leo at his house and when Leo asks if he hooked up with Karina, Gabriel admits she attempted to. However, he admits that he turned her down. Gabriel also confesses that it is Leo he is interested in and does remember their kiss after Karina's party. However, he has doubts about Leo reciprocating these feelings. Leo responds by kissing Gabriel.
Some time later, the two present their project and walk home with Giovana, Leo on Gabriel's arm. Fabio and friends poke fun at the homosexual nature of Leo and Gabriel's relationship, not knowing the truth. Leo changes positions so he is holding hands with Gabriel, much to the shock and chagrin of Fabio's friends. The final scene of the film is Leo riding a bike with Gabriel perched on the back wheel, assisting him.
Unbeknownst to humans, a supermarket called Shopwell's is filled with anthropomorphic grocery items that believe that the human shoppers are gods who take purchased groceries to a utopia known as the "Great Beyond". Among the groceries is a sausage named Frank, who dreams of living in the Great Beyond with his hot dog bun girlfriend Brenda and his friends Carl and Barry.
Frank and Brenda's packages are purchased by a female shopper. On their way out of the store, a returned jar of honey mustard tries to warn the groceries that the Great Beyond is not what it is said to be, but nobody listens except Frank. Before committing suicide by falling onto the shop floor, Honey Mustard tells Frank to seek out a bottle of liquor named Firewater. Honey Mustard's suicide creates an accidental cart collision that causes Frank, Brenda and several groceries to fall out of the cart, including a Jewish bagel named Sammy Bagel Jr., a Middle-Eastern lavash named Kareem Abdul Lavash and an aggressive douche who, after his nozzle is bent on impact, swears revenge on Frank and Brenda.
Seeking to verify Honey Mustard's warning, Frank leads Brenda, Sammy and Lavash to the store's liquor aisle. There, he meets Firewater and learns that Firewater and his colleagues, the Non-Perishables, created the white lie of the Great Beyond to assuage the inhabitants' fear of being eaten. Frank vows to reveal the truth and is encouraged to travel beyond the store's freezer section to find proof, while Brenda, Sammy and Lavash are brought to the Mexican food aisle by a bottle of tequila, who is secretly working for Douche, until a lesbian taco named Teresa del Taco, who develops a crush on Brenda, helps them escape Douche.
Meanwhile, at the shopper’s house, Carl and Barry are horrified to see the shopper eat all of the foods. Carl spots a nearby open window but he is killed from being stabbed and sliced upwards by the shopper, leaving Barry to escape alone.
Barry then encounters a human drug addict, who becomes able to communicate with his groceries, one of them being Gum, a Stephen Hawking-like wad of chewing gum, after injecting himself with bath salts. However, the bath salts soon wear off and the addict prepares to cook Barry. The Addict accidentally burns himself and Barry yanks his shoelaces, making him slip and causing an axe to fall and decapitate him.
Frank's friends disapprove of his skepticism of the Great Beyond. He discovers a cookbook beyond the freezer section and reveals its contents to the store's inhabitants. They panic at first, but then shortly refuse to believe Frank until Barry, Gum, and the other groceries from the addict's home return with the addict's severed head, proving that the humans can be killed. The group drugs the human shoppers and employees with toothpicks laced with bath salts, whereupon an epic battle begins. Several humans are gruesomely killed while Douche takes control of Darren, the store manager (parody of Ratatouille). He confronts Frank about becoming a god now that he is in control of Darren and takes a bite out of Frank's torso. Brenda saves Frank as Barry and the other groceries catch Douche and Darren in a garbage pail strapped to propane tanks. They are then launched out of the store as the tanks explode, killing them both.
The inhabitants celebrate their victory with a massive orgy. Later, Frank and his friends visit Firewater, who had a psychedelic experience and discovered that their world is not what they think; they are merely animated characters voiced by famous actors in another dimension. Gum has constructed a portal to this dimension, and the group decide to travel there to confront their creators.
The story takes place during Greek Civil War. Two brothers from Greek countryside find themselves to fight with the two opposite sides. Both of them serve as guides for the mountainous paths of Western Macedonia, an area with many battlefields. Gradually the two boys are fanaticized and become crueler by war conditions. The film shows the hard condition of battlefields as well the impact of the war on the civilians.
A young provincial, Octave Mouret, arrives in Paris during the Second Empire. Madame Josserand, a society woman who thinks of little other than marrying off her daughter Berthe, sets her sights on him. But Octave has already turned his attention to the married Madame Hédouin, who runs a large department store, "Au Bonheur des Dames", where he is hired as a salesman. She is beautiful, but remains distant despite Octave's efforts to be noticed. Upset, Madame Josserand forces Berthe, against her will, to marry Auguste Vabre, a shopkeeper with little money. Berthe soon becomes Octave's mistress, and Octave applies his commercial talents to straightening out Auguste's finances. Madame Hédouin, now widowed, then realizes the business and romantic possibilities with her handsome young salesman.
Tamy is a dreamy girl, who has "Poetic Schizophrenia," a rare personality disorder which makes her imagine that her life is a film plot and that she is the star. In real life, she is an ordinary girl, who lives with her cousin Ayala. They both fall in love with Johney Rocker, a hit rock star, who prefers Ayala, and Tamy finds it difficult to get over him. At some point, when Ayala makes Tamy very angry, the director of the film suddenly enters, fires Ayala and casts a new Ayala instead. The story continues as if nothing happened, but the crisis between the girls aggravates, and from time to time, when daily events are hard for Tamy to handle, she "stops the film" and enters her imaginary world in the shape of the director, the actors behind the characters, sound equipment etc. And so it seems that we are watching a film inside a film, but as the story continues we realize that what seems real, the backstage of the movie, is in fact the wild imagination and schizophrenic mind of Tamy.
The Neapolitan Commissioner Rizzo, said "Flatfoot", leaves to Egypt; a major Italian scientist has disappeared. The man in fact, before the kidnapping, was doing a research on the oil fields in Egypt, and a gang of criminals had put on his trail to get their hands on his projects. Flatfoot, who arrives in the land of the pharaohs, discovers that the scientist is kidnapped because he has realized that a particular beetle is attracted by land oilfields and nests on them. Now that the criminals have in hand the research of the scientist, Flatfoot sets out in search of them ...
A trail of illicit diamonds takes Flatfoot and his acquaintance, Naples police commissioner Caputo, from Johannesburg to Swakopmund in the hopes of breaking up a South African smuggling ring. They are joined by Bodo, an African child, and confounded in their search by corrupt mining officials and an antagonistic inspector in the South-West African police.
The film is set in Israel and Palestine, where Palestinian student Nimer Mashrawi (Nicholas Jacob) is heading to Tel Aviv to meet his friend Mustafa N'amnais (Loai Nofi) at a gay bar. While at the bar, he meets a Jewish lawyer named Roy Scheffer (Michael Aloni). They fall in love, though Nimer struggles with the reality of their relationship. Later in the story, Palestinian society rejects Nimer because of his sexual orientation, whereas initially Israeli society rejects him due to his nationality. The situation is made worse for Nimer when he realises his brother Nabil Mashrawi (Jamil Khoury) is hiding a weapon stockpile for his militant friends.
Nimer is granted a student visa to study at an Israeli university, giving him more opportunity to see Roy. However, he is soon approached by the Israeli Secret Service who pressure him into becoming an informant by threatening to cancel his visa. Nimer refuses and his visa is cancelled. Unbeknownst to Nimer, Mustafa has been living illegally in Tel Aviv under a similar arrangement. When he is unable to provide any more information, he is forcibly deported back to the West Bank where he is immediately abducted by Nabil and his gang of extremists. Nimer is forced to watch as his friend is tortured and executed for being homosexual and an informant.
Later, while going through Mustafa's phone, Nabil and his friends find a photo of Nimer. Despite their differences, Nabil lets Nimer escape rather than killing him. Nimer makes it to Roy's house and hides there. Meanwhile, Nabil's cache of weapons is discovered by the authorities. He is arrested and the police search for Nimer as an accomplice.
Unable to hide him forever, Roy convinces an underworld figure and client of his law firm to smuggle Nimer to France. Though he promises to meet him there in the future, Roy is arrested while distracting the police so Nimer can escape. Nimer makes it to his ship and sails away, unaware of what has happened to Roy.
Judge Mowbray sentences a man, at which a gypsy woman protests. The Judge later goes home and sees his wife and daughter. However the gypsy woman breaks into his house. She knocks out Mrs. Mowbray, gags her and ties her to a chair. She sets up a gun to shoot her dead when the door is opened. However the daughter wakes up and is able to tell her father, who saves his wife, and the gypsy woman is arrested.
Dear little Mrs. Jones once gave a tea party to her temperance friends, at which Mr. Jones unfortunately got intoxicated. So his presence was objected to when the ladies met again. As luck would have it the waiter who was to serve the repast could not come, and so Jones, poor fellow, consented to disguise himself and act as waiter to his own wife's guests. These prim and virtuous ladies duly arrived; the meal was served and all proceeded happily until Jones, who received the dishes from a pert maid in the kitchen, was seized by a desire to try an experiment before the meal was finished. Discovering a bottle which appeared to contain a spirituous liquid, he poured some into each of the guests' cups. The effect of the experiment was soon apparent. The ladies got more communicative towards each; they warmed and melted: they clamored for more "tea"; they got quite boisterous and just slightly indecorous, and finally so abusive and intoxicated that Mrs. Jones had to clear them off, and then husband and wife were reconciled, presumably with a promise on his part to behave himself in future.
Sonoko invites Conan, Agasa, Ran, Kogoro and the Detective Boys to the pre-opening ceremony and the observation deck of Bell Tree Tower, built by the Suzuki Financial Group. While they are there, a sniper shoots at one of the guests, Hiroaki Fujinami, from a nearby building. Conan, having observed the possible suspect, pursues the suspect with Masumi Sera joining later. The suspect blows up police patrol cars during the escape and despite the FBI's attempt to follow the suspect, the suspect jumps away to the Tokyo Bay. Tokyo Metropolitan Police and FBI later concludes that Timothy Hunter, an ex-Navy SEALS and former recipient of Silver Star decoration is a possible suspect. The FBI believes Hunter also attempted to murder two former American military officers, Jack Waltz and Bill Murphy, and another Japanese civilian, Hitoshi Moriyama.
FBI investigation revealed that Hunter may have been supplied equipment from either Scott Grean, Kevin Yoshino or Mark Spencer, all of which are former United States Forces Japan officials. While the investigation is ongoing, Moriyama was sniped from great lengths, and Hunter was killed. Media speculation spread news that the recent sniping may be a random spree, creating public chaos. The same night, Murphy who was in Nikkō with Waltz was asked to come to Tokyo by letter apparently written by Mark Spencer. In an attempt to stop Murphy's assassination on the train, Conan attempted to block line of culprit's sight only to be in line of culprit itself. Sera injured herself while attempting to push Conan out of sight and was taken to hospital while Murphy were eventually killed.
Fearing for his own safety and also being asked by the American military officials in Japan to end the case quietly, Jack Waltz attempted to murder the culprit in the entire case. Unbeknownst to Waltz, Waltz himself is the last target of the culprit, Kevin Yoshino. Yoshino is Hunter's student and the two help crafted the plan to revenge against Waltz and Murphy for attempting to assassinate Hunter during the Middle East operation to ensure that Hunter will not receive the Silver Star decorations. Hunter survived the attempted murder but is severely wounded and discharged from the Navy, only to face misfortune from Fujinami and Moriyama. Conan, who happened to realize that Waltz is about to be murdered, push Waltz away, causing Yoshino who is sniping from Bell Tree Tower to switch target. While under fire, a mysterious sniper Subaru Okiya shot to Yoshino, causing Yoshino to shock as the range of fire is greatly excesses his ability or Hunter's. Yoshino take cover in the observation deck of Bell Tree Tower and took Ayumi hostage. While Yoshino is fighting with FBI, Okiya attempted to take down Yoshino from afar, but being blocked from clear line of sight and lack of lighting to guide the target. Conan, having realized Okiya's plan, kicked the ball from his position which exploded into fireworks, causing night vision Yoshino is wearing to blind and Okiya is able to shoot and disable Yoshino's weapon, making way for Ran and FBI to take him to custody. Okiya later answered call by James Black, the chief of FBI team in Japan, with Shuichi Akai's voice.
Handsome Jeronimo Rugera is hired to tutor the rich heiress, Josephe Asteron. They fall in love, yet the church forbids their relationship, and Josephe is hidden in a convent. When the church discovers she is pregnant, Josephe is sentenced to death by decapitation. Jeronimo tracks her down, yet is jailed before he can rescue her. When fate intervenes in the form of a massive earthquake, the two lovers have no idea what is in store for them. Sanders-Brahms uses a voice-over of the first and final sentences of the book, placing them in the beginning and end of the film.
In Hollywood, Ira J. Finkelstein (Elijah Nelson) wishes he could celebrate Christmas, but his parents do not want to celebrate because they are Jewish. Ira's father, Max (David DeLuise), a filmmaker, says he's making a low-budget, holiday sci-fi movie and that he wants demanding and empty-headed Jennifer Cameo (Julianne Christie) to be the lead role. Ira's mother, Rosie (Angela DiMarco), a caterer, gets to plan a Christmas party. Ira's parents tell him that he is going to visit his grandparents, Sam (Elliott Gould) and Ruth Finkelstein (Meg Savlov) in Florida for Hanukkah and that he'll have fun with them. Ira further contends that he wants to go somewhere where it snows so that he can experience an authentic Christmas.
Ira's flight lands at the Chicago O'Hare International Airport and he is excited to see snow for the first time in real life. At an indoor kids' area he reluctantly goes over to the play area where he meets a Christian boy named Mikey Amato (Justin Howell). Mikey tells Ira that he is from Chicago and is visiting his aunt, uncle, and cousins in Washington, relatives that he hardly knows; he only knows their names and what they look like by a postcard his mom, Julie (Tracy Hyland), gave him. He also thinks it's awesome how Jews get eight nights of presents for Hanukkah. Ira tells him that he'd rather go to a place like Washington to experience Christmas. They agree to switch places, donning each other's hats, coats, and ID tags as well as Ira’s glasses but the two boys barely pull it off due to Ira's bad eye prescription... with no airport security guard suspecting anything different about them. Ira and Mikey exchange phone numbers while Mikey gives Ira the postcard of his cousins.
Ira arrives at the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport and is greeted by Mikey's relatives, Libby (Cynthia Geary) and Walt (Tony Doupe) Wilson and their three children, Jessica (Jenna Levin), Clare (Shayne Hodgins), and Kyle (Jack Fleischmann). Meanwhile, Mikey arrives in Florida and is affectionately greeted by Ira's grandparents. Neither set of relatives suspects anything is wrong since Mikey and Ira look alike, nor have they seen them since they were both much younger.
The Wilsons take their "cousin" to Christmastown, Washington, where they live. Ira is excited because the town is "just like in the movies". He is also inspired to make and direct a play called ''Christmas Is For Everyone''. Jessica and her friend Spike sing and play guitar on the street for money, and Clare can sing but doesn't want to do it in public. She writes a song for the play, and Jessica and Spike agree to perform in the play. Clare and Ira round up kids from town to audition.
Jack, a bully, sics his dog Killer on Ira, who climbs a tree to escape the dog. Eventually, Ira realizes he misses his family. After Jack's father threatens to send Killer to the pound, Clare and Ira rescue Killer, renamed Mistletoe, and put him in the play.
Mikey suffers a broken arm, and when Ira's parents are called, they drop everything to rush to his side... discovering that he and Ira had switched places; Jennifer was becoming too difficult to work with and wasn't talented anyway. The truth eventually comes out to everyone but Ira's family go to Washington to surprise him on the night of the play. Mikey's family also finds out the truth, and Mikey is pleased to see his mother, who came to surprise him as well. As the play comes to an end, Ira's parents reconcile with him and tell him that they're very proud of what he's done. Soon everyone gathers for the final song:, "Christmas Is For Everyone", and they embrace each other as they learn the true meaning of family and the holidays.
A wealthy, amoral broker (Losee) seduces a manicurist (Valentine) and makes her his mistress, taking her away from her fiancé, a young barber (Kent).
The manicurist soon comes to detest the broker, but she has no choice except to stay with him, as respectable society considers her a "fallen woman." Then, at a dinner party, the broker, in full detail, tells his assembled guests the story of how he brought the manicurist up from nothing and gave her everything she had. Now completely humiliated and thinking only of how she has ruined her life, the manicurist takes her dinner knife and stabs the broker to death.
Mary Randolph (Milford) has a hard time supporting herself and her little sister with the money she earns in a department store. Driven to desperation on rent day she summons all her courage and goes to the proprietor of the store and asks for a substantial wage. Her pleas meet with a stern refusal. Haunted by the stricken look in the girl's eyes, Kathryn Dolby (Abbey), daughter of the proprietor, who has been listening, determines to investigate conditions by becoming one of the salesgirls. Unknown to her father she obtains such a position in his store.
On the afternoon following the unsuccessful interview with the proprietor, Mary, exhausted by the grind, faints as she is leaving the store. She is caught by a nice young man who, after accompanying her home, pays the insistent rent collector what is due him. Several days later, owing to the increasing rush of customers, Mary again faints from exhaustion, and after a stormy scene with her father, Kathryn takes the weakened woman to her squalid home.
There she learns of the discovery of a note from her brother, Jack, urging the woman to accept the money. Misunderstanding the note Kathryn takes it to her father, upon whom dawns the true state of things. Through parsimony he has made himself a virtual instigator of his son's evil intentions. Whereupon an immediate raise of wages is given all employees.
A young man returns home from his father's funeral, after which he begins to think his brother Cesare and his sister Verde are both plotting to murder him.
The book begins with a 16-year-old boy, Seth Wearing, drowning. He finds himself in what he assumes is a hell made for him, as it resembles the Southern English town he was born in before moving to America but is completely abandoned. (The town's exact location is never stated, but it is within commuting distance of London.) Whenever he sleeps, he flashes back to events in his life. Seth remembers that when he was eight, he was left alone by his mother with his four-year-old brother, Owen. An escaped convict, let into the house by Seth, kidnapped Owen for three days. This left him with psychological damage and prompted the family's move to Halfmarket, a small coastal town in Washington, US. Also described is Seth's secret homosexual relationship with male friend, Gudmund.
In Seth's old bedroom, he finds an open coffin containing "conductive tape" and tubes, which he woke up in before fleeing. Later, Seth sees a black van driving through town. A girl, Regine, and a boy, Tomasz, prevent him from getting close to it, telling him that they must hide from what they call the Driver. They too had died and awoken in coffins.
Regine tells Seth her theory – on account of the world's decline the entire population decided to enter an simulated recreation (indistinguishable from reality) permanently, with automated coffins carrying out bodily functions. Therefore, the place they occupy is the real world. Global issues mentioned include fires, climate change, wars, epidemics, economic chaos and closures of European borders. The three children woke up in the real world because, while dying, they each knocked a system connection implant on the back of their heads. Seth wonders if more coffins are stored in the prison near his house, and decides to go there against the others' warnings.
At the prison, Seth does find thousands of people in coffins, including his parents (but not Owen). By the next day, Seth recalls the true course of his life – in reality, Owen was killed by the convict. His parents, unable to bear their grief, entered the online world permanently in a process called Lethe. Although the kidnapping could not be wiped from their memories, the death could, allowing them to resume their lives believing Owen was found and living with a digital replacement of him. The prototype's flaws were concealed by the "psychological damage" he had supposedly undergone. Soon after, world events led all of the human race to enter Lethe. Seth also reveals to the others that his own death was not accidental, instead he had committed suicide after he and Gudmund were outed and their relationship forcibly ended.
The Driver seizes and reconnects Regine to a coffin, placing her back in Lethe so that she can die properly. Once rescued by Seth and Tomasz, Regine claims that she remembered the real world while she was back online. Seth theorizes that the gas from a particular tube numbs their memories, so if they do not inhale it, they can connect to the simulation while still remembering the real world. If Seth could be reinserted just before his death, he could choose not to go through with it, travel between both worlds and share the truth.
The three set out to Seth's coffin, but are stopped by the Driver. A violent fight follows in which Seth is stabbed by the Driver. Inexplicably, the Driver itself heals Seth. Tomasz, not realizing this, uses the Driver's baton to destroy it. Seth takes to his coffin, and finally says, "I'm ready."
Ichi travels to the village of Itakura to pay respects at the grave of a man he killed two years earlier. At the grave he reminisces on a fight between the two yakuza gangs (Iioka and Sasagawa from an earlier film) one man ran away and, though Ichi was not taking part in the fight, attacked Ichi. The dead man's sister, Chiyo, overhears Ichi say this to himself.
Ichi is invited to take part in a village celebration: after three years of drought and near famine they and seventeen other villages in Usui county have raised 1,000 Ryo with which to pay taxes to the local intendant. Ichi gladly joins in while the locals sing of their hero Chuji- who lives in the hills with a troupe, hiding from the constabulary while protecting the villagers. As they transport the gold to the local intendant (Gundayu) they are ambushed by three samurai (led by Jushiro, who wields a whip) and then by a larger band. Several of the villagers are slain and the rest flee. When the robbers chase the chest of gold to the base of the hill, they find Ichi sitting atop it smoking his pipe. He kills several men when attacked and the rest flee. In the village the local men accost Ichi, blaming him for its theft, before he promises to find the gold. The conversation is overheard by a well dressed woman called Ogin. Taking the backroads to avoid government checkpoints he encounters her again. When she questions his motive for being on the backroad he replies that he could not tell, as he is blind and then asks her why she is on the same road.
In the onsen at her destination Ogin takes a private room only for Ichi to rise from the water. He recognizes her and reassures her that he is blind and can see nothing (else he would be peeking, and at this he squirts two men who are peeping through a window on the roof) and they briefly talk. When she leaves she sees the sister, Chiyo, and asks why she has been following Ichi from Itakura. On Mt Akagi several of Chuji's troupe inform him that some of the men were killed by a blind man with a sword, only for Ichi to arrive to ask Chuji why he stole the money. Ichi informs the bandit that some of his men have gone rogue and stolen the chest of gold- though the two men are quick to confess and ask that he kill them for their acts. Losing his taste for the bandit life style, Chuji decides to leave and asks Ichi to take a different route- in order to escort the young nephew of one of the troupe to safety, before thanking Ichi for his faith in him.
In the nearby town, Ogin (the lover of Monji), accompanied by Chiyo, tells Monji about Ichi going to the bandits and Monji promises revenge for the sister. Monji has just been promoted to head of the local constabulary and received his jitte (one pronged iron truncheon) as mark of office. He organizes a number of men to capture Ichi and the bandits on Mt Akagi. Ichi hears them coming and raises the alarm system the bandits set up at the bottom of the mountain, attracting the police and killing many of them to allow the others more time to escape. However the others are soon trapped and die defending their boss.
The next morning in an inn, Monji talks with Jushiro about their plan, but the other two samurai are disgruntled at being treated poorly when they learn of a blind gambler doing well at the dice hall. They approach him and after Jushiro cuts a mon coin in half by throwing his sword in the air, they bet Ichi 35 Ryō that he can't do the same. He accepts and wins. Outside, he confronts the two samurai whose conversation he overheard. While they deny knowledge, one of them inadvertently reveals the intendant's involvement. Ichi pays them 10 Ryō, but they still attack him and are killed.
The Itakura village headman pleads for Intendant Gundayu to be lenient as the tax money was stolen. Gundayu accuses the headman of lying, insisting that the tax be paid in ten days. Jushiro talks to Gundayu, with Monji present, and reveals that Gundayu is the recipient of the stolen 1000 Ryō and demands more money. Ichi arrives and Jushiro calls Ichi a worm, though he wants to kill him privately so that the other two men get no pleasure from seeing their enemy killed. Monji orders his men to capture Ichi but Jushiro knocks them back with his whip, saying they will only die and Ichi leaves unmolested. Gundayu orders the headman and three other village men executed at dawn. On his return to Itakura, Ichi is mobbed, but they stop when some calls him a blind fool and his demeanour changes. He leaves and Chiyo follows him. He says he sensed who she was from the start and she pleads with Ichi to save them.
The Itakura villagers had hoped to launch an attack against Gundayu's troops, believing they have nothing to lose, but lose heart when it's learned that he has deployed eight musketeers as part of his force. However, Zatoichi launches a surprise attack and succeeds in killing the riflemen. Learning of this, Monji and Gundayu panic. Gundayu starts to destroy written evidence of the crime, saving himself while implicating Monji, when Monji demands half the gold, only to be killed by Gundayu. Ichi arrives as Gundayu flees and says Gundayu can atone by giving the farmers a receipt for their taxes and returning the gold to them. He attacks Ichi and is killed. Jushiro arrives and says he does not want the gold but to meet him at Bodai Temple in an hour. Chiyo is waiting for Ichi and he gives her the gold. He also gives his gambling winnings for a proper headstone for her brother. Chiyo, possibly taken with Ichi, pleads with him to stay for the forthcoming celebration in the village.
Jushiro arrives at the duel on a horse and wraps his whip around Ichi's neck, dragging him along behind and causing Ichi to drop his sword. However, Jushiro drags him back past his sword. Ichi pulls Jushiro from his horse, then reclaims his weapon and kills him, and apparently starts back towards the village to keep his promise to celebrate with Chiyo...
The player is a warrior who has been taken prisoner by Darg, the Firemaster, who is spreading terror on Divesia, the country where the game takes place. He has been thrown into the castle's prison. The goal of his mission is to find Darg and defeat him in a duel to restore peace to Divesia.
One year after the events of "Advanced Introduction to Finality", Jeff Winger's new law firm has failed. His former colleague Alan Connor (Rob Corddry) alerts Jeff to a potential new lawsuit against his former school, Greendale Community College. The two form a begrudging alliance, plotting on having Jeff infiltrate the school and obtain files that would assist them in the lawsuit against Greendale.
After meeting briefly with Dean Pelton (Jim Rash) while looking for the files he needs for his case, Jeff is re-united with his former study-group, including Annie Edison (Alison Brie), Shirley Bennett (Yvette Nicole Brown), Britta Perry (Gillian Jacobs), Troy Barnes (Donald Glover) and Abed Nadir (Danny Pudi), and convinces them that he is working on a way to save the college from the lawsuit. He uses this as a ruse to find out all of the negative things that have happened to each of the study-group members after they graduated (including Shirley's family leaving her due to her business, Britta ending up as a bartender, Annie becoming a drug rep, and Abed's film degree going nowhere); information he plans on using to convince them all to start their own lawsuits against Greendale. Jeff double-crosses Connor, and decides to pursue these new lawsuits on his own. However, Connor alerts the study-group of Jeff's intent. After a confrontation, Jeff is able to manipulate the group into going through with the lawsuit anyway.
Jeff soon comes to regret this decision, and after happening upon a holographic projection of Pierce Hawthorne (Chevy Chase) in the school's courtyard, speaks with Dean Pelton. Pelton, realizing Jeff is in financial ruin, offers to hire him as a new teacher, to which Jeff reluctantly agrees. Jeff re-unites with the study group and convinces them to drop their lawsuit. They all decide to re-enroll at Greendale and pursue new majors.
A black spot comes to the shores of a small village in Brazil, bringing a strange disease that turns the sea animals in predatory killers. To survive and save his beloved, Albino risks his life and his soul to fight the monsters.
Mari, a promising chef, works hard to save her economies to open her own restaurant. Recently separated she now engages with Caio, an investor who will help her to realize her dream. However things won't be easy as she thinks.
1976, Bologna. Radio Alice is the radio of the movement: fantasy, refusal of wage labor, sexual freedom and cultural provocations. The radio, located in via del Pratello, is kept under control by the police, even if Lieutenant Lippolis is convinced that it is not worth wasting time on what he defines as a bunch of unrealistic, artistic and drug addicted students. A world foreign to law enforcement and "good citizens", but also to the majority of young people from the suburbs.
Like those of Safagna, on the eastern outskirts. Two boys in their twenties, Sgualo and Pelo, can only dream of a way out of the gray and oppressive everyday life. They hang out in the neighborhood bar and sometimes to remedy the chronic lack of money they do some "jobs" for a local fence, Marangon.
This time, however, Marangon offers them something different: dig a tunnel underground in the center. Objective: the Savings Bank in Piazza Minghetti. The two, not without hesitating, accept the risky undertaking.
But working tired, and to liven up the long night hours of "work", the two bring a radio into the tunnel. Against all logic, they find a station: Radio Alice. The "creative flow" of the broadcaster becomes the soundtrack of the pickaxe.
One night Pelo and Sgualo, found unable to continue the excavation due to a downpour, decide to go to the station and come into contact with the world of student activism.
Everything falls with the death of Francesco Lorusso, killed by a shot fired by a carabiniere on 11 March 1977 and with the violent clashes that ensue, clashes that totally involve the two protagonists, one arrested and the other fleeing on the roofs of Bologna to escape the police.
Johnny, a university student with a passion for English literature, deserts the Italian Army in Rome after the September 1943 Badoglio Proclamation, and returns home to Alba. He initially takes refuge in a villa in the hills, where he devotes himself to his studies. After the death of a friend, he decides to take action. He leaves the city and joins the first partisan formation he meets, the "Reds", led by Biondo. He doesn't share their communist ideology, only their desire to fight the Fascists.
Left alone after the group has dispersed under a German attack, he manages to reach a formation of the Badogliani, also called "Blues", or "Autonomous", led by the charismatic North Commander (Piero Balbo, nicknamed Nord). This group is in contact with the Anglo-American allies, who are better equipped and organized. Among them, he meets his dear friend Ettore, and together they participate in the temporary, symbolic occupation of Alba.
Multiple small clashes decimate and disperse their forces, and Ettore is captured and sentenced to death. Johnny finds himself facing the hard winter of 1944 alone again. In the spring, Nord gathers the men and resumes guerrilla activities. The film ends on a still shot of Johnny engaged in combat, perhaps overwhelmed by enemies, followed by the words "Two months after the war was over".
Starting with the birth of the Jesus child, the film deviates wildly from the New Testament template, with the Virgin Mary now giving birth to twins, likely to give credence to the idea that Gnostic The Gospel of Thomas was actually written by the twin brother of Jesus. However, in keeping with tradition, only the life and suffering of the One is portrayed. Throughout the entire film, Jesus is shadowed by dark agents (the Four Evangelists) who seem to be the puppet masters of the story. But this preordained life spins out of control at the Last Supper, where Jesus develops a fondness for drinking blood. On his way to Calvary, he meets Saint Veronica and surrenders to this thirst, thereby acquiring immortality as a vampire. Jesus lives.
In the year 2044, Sally Javits (Meg Ryan) begins writing a series of letters to her daughter Cricket explaining how she met her father. In 2014, three days after separating from her first husband Gavin (Anders Holm) and moving in with her brother Danny (Andrew Santino) and his husband Todd (Drew Tarver), who themselves are seeking to adopt a baby, Sally (younger version played by Greta Gerwig) is set up on a blind date with Frank (Nicholas D'Agosto) by her best friend Juliet (Tiya Sircar), with the intent of having a one-night stand. After instead connecting deeply with Frank, Sally decides to reconnect with Gavin, only to change her mind after realizing Gavin would not even get out his best wine to celebrate them getting back together and they are too fundamentally different as a couple to continue being married. After Danny and Todd succeed in acquiring a surrogate mother to have a child with, the group go out drinking to celebrate, where Sally tells Frank that she believes it is best that they just be friends. In 2044, Sally reveals that Frank is her daughter's father.
Antonio has always had problems with his incisors: enormous and therefore embarrassing. During a quarrel Mara, the woman for whom he left his wife and two children and of whom he is extremely jealous, throws him a crystal ashtray breaking his teeth. He begins his wandering among dentists that will turn into a sort of journey in his own conscience, altered by painkillers, by quarrels with Mara and by memories and ghosts that resurface.
Nell, the daughter of an English pub owner falls in love with the visiting Prince of Granau.
After their father's warning that they will have to move out of the apartment where they live, in Barra da Tijuca, because of the excessive increase of rent, the girls promise to save more money and help in household chores to try to reverse the decision. While dealing with this, each one lives a typical rite of passage of the coming of age: the first kiss, the first sexual intercourse, first job, first breakup.
Living alone, but still with little money to support herself, Tina is in search of her first internship, while dealing with constant disappointments with her boyfriend, Lucas. Bianca is in a new relationship, and will soon be taking the vestibular exam, but have not chosen a profession yet, While trying to help a new classmate who suffer bullying, and she still has to deal with the jealousy of her best friend. Alice wants to have the first sexual intercourse with her boyfriend, also a virgin, but realizes the decision is not as simple as she expected. Youngest of four, Clara is addicted on Facebook and starts to target the interests of a friend from school, which resolves to behave as the vampire Edward Cullen, from the Twilight saga to conquer her.
Every year, Comilla XI plays friendly football match against India's Tripura XI. But unfortunately they lost every match over the years. But this year they had a strong team, led by Shamim (Ferdous Ahmed) who is very passionate about football. He, along with local boys runs a football academy named Azad Boys. He requests former Shadhin Bangla Football Team member Saffu Bhai (Tariq Anam Khan) to coach the team. But he rejects and says football doesn't give you anything. But one day, members of Comilla XI met a road accident. All the players were wounded and some of them died. But captain of Tripura XI talked dishonorably that it saved there time mentioning they would've won the match very easily. As a result, amateurs of Azad boys Dared to dream and wanted to play re-match. Regarding their bravery Saffu agreed to coach them. They practiced hard and played with real hearts to save the pride of Comilla.
The film traces the last hours of the life of poet and film director Pier Paolo Pasolini. The poet is killed at night in 1975 on the beach at Ostia, near Rome. A boy is arrested: Pino Pelosi, and charged with murder. The police and judges believe that Pelosi is the only murderer of Pasolini, but his injuries on the body of the poet are too severe and profound. Then are called to bear witness to the death of the poet his sister and his mother, destroyed by grief.
As the process unfolds, the film examines the personality of Pasolini, his body of work and, above all, explains what people think of him in Italy: Pasolini according to some Italians was a provocative man who "deserved what he suffered" (his murder), as punishment for been a Communist and a homosexual. Instead, his friends and fellow intellectuals remember him as a very good and sensible man, who sought only to fight against neo-fascism and the cruel and bigoted mentality prevailing in the Occidental world, particularly in the bourgeois and middle-class society.
In 1975 Belfast, the Troubles are in full effect. A Protestant bar is bombed by Catholics and several people are killed. Hours later, Protestant fighters Kenny and Ginger retaliate by killing a Catholic, starting a full-scale riot. Meanwhile, Liam, a Catholic single father, attempts to help the victims of the fighting, but finds himself on the wrong side of the Protestant-Catholic divide.
The film focuses on Edgar Allan Poe and his wife Virginia Clemm, who is bedridden and seriously ill. While Poe comforts her, a raven suddenly appears on a bust of Pallas displayed on a high shelf in her room. Inspired by the sight, Poe writes "The Raven", his greatest poetic work. He then leaves, hoping to sell the poem to a local newspaper or book publisher so he can buy much-needed food and medicines for Virginia. At a newspaper office, the first potential buyer rejects the creation. Desperate for money, Poe rushes to another publisher's office, where a man and a woman are busy editing. Initially, one editor dismisses Poe's poem, but the other one reads the work, likes it, and pays him for it. Poe then uses the money to buy a basket of food and other items for his wife. Virginia is still lying in bed when he returns home, where he proudly unfolds a new blanket he also purchased, but as he places the blanket on her, he realizes that she had died while he was gone. Poe is devastated by her loss, and the film ends with him crying over her body.
Three years after the trip to Búzios, four friends meet in Rio de Janeiro. Estrella (Deborah Lamm) has just got back from Argentina, Aninha (Fernanda Souza) is uncertain with the appointment of a seer, Tita (Andréia Horta) has returned from Europe in search of a job as a photographer, and Mari (Gianne Albertoni) is working on the production of a music festival. Together again, they embark on new adventures.
Agent Finch works for an organization known as MI-7, apparently a branch of British Intelligence, that is trying to create and capture revenants for use in spying. As the first episode begins, her colleague Raphael is trying to summon the courage to kill himself to become a revenant. Once it becomes apparent he cannot, Finch shoots him.
Finding only a weak revenant from Raphael, Finch and her new boss, Agent Evans, try to recruit a local psychic, Malcolm Holmes, who lives in a small Yorkshire town near the MI-7 installation. MI-7 has been monitoring Malcolm since he was a child, after he showed signs of ability at his school. Malcolm lives with his mother, who runs a vegetarian food shop. He thinks he is being followed, and has lost his job at the local library after assaulting one of the people he believes is following him. The person he attacked is actually an MI-7 agent.
Finch and Evans test Malcolm at a local inn whose cellar is said to be haunted. It is really a front for the agency, and the cellar has much equipment in it that can detect psychic activity. The response is alarming. The ghost, a young girl, appears more strongly than they have ever seen it. Malcolm actually seems to amplify revenant activity. However Malcolm is accompanied by a local journalist, Polly Williams, and is falling in love with her. Before they can use Malcolm to recover Raphael, the agents have to separate them and make sure her story about the incident is not published.
Malcolm is taken to the MI-7 installation and told to find Raphael. He is able to communicate with Raphael, but in doing so reveals that Finch killed him. Finch had told her superiors that Raphael killed himself. Raphael is still too weak to be any use, however.
Polly tries to get inside the facility, triggering an alarm. Finch realizes that they can create a powerful revenant by first terrifying her, then killing her, using Malcolm to amplify the results. They release the guard dogs and prepare to shoot her. However Malcolm is psychically linked to Polly, and communicates his fears to Raphael, who becomes angry and powerful, disabling all the electrical systems. Malcolm and Polly escape to the inn, where they are cornered by Finch and Evans. The ghost tells Malcolm that Finch was her best friend when they both were young, but left her behind to die after a pile of barrels collapsed on her in the cellar. Finch gets ready to shoot Polly, but is herself shot by Evans. Finch is left behind in the cellar as a revenant herself, trapped with the friend she once abandoned.
The season one story arc concentrates on the crimes of the Crowder family and relationship of Crowder and Givens families. After Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) kills a Miami gun thug in a questionable manner, he is transferred to his home state of Kentucky. When he hears that Ava Crowder (Joelle Carter) had killed her abusive husband Bowman, Raylan seeks to protect her from revenge by the Crowder clan. The initial threat comes from Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins), a local criminal masquerading as a white supremacist whom Raylan once dug coal with. Raylan shoots Boyd in the chest but Boyd survives and claims it's a sign from God that he should change his ways.
The Crowder family patriarch Bo (M. C. Gainey) is released from prison after Raylan arrests the Harlan county sheriff who has ties to the Miami cartel that has put a price on Raylan's head. Bo seeks to rebuild his criminal empire and settle old scores. Boyd is released after AUSA Vazquez, who is investigating Raylan's questionable shootings, discovers Ava and Raylan have been sleeping together.
While Bo works on gaining dominance over the meth trade, Boyd collects a camp of spiritually reformed criminals to clean up Harlan's meth problem. When a confidential informant is killed, Raylan promises to send Boyd back to jail. In the meantime, Raylan is dealing with his own personal dilemmas, including working in the same building as his ex-wife (Natalie Zea), for whom he continues to harbor feelings; dealing with his criminal father, Arlo (Raymond J. Barry), who Bo believes cheated him out of protection money; figuring out how to handle his relationship with Ava; and avoiding hitmen hired by Gio, a Miami cartel boss.
Raylan's continuing visits to Harlan are peppered with small crimes and big shootings, and his success in dealing with these matters draws Bo's attention leading to Bo making a deal with Gio to be his meth cooker. The plan is derailed when Boyd blows up a shipment from Miami. After Bo finds out, he exiles Boyd from his camp and kills all of Boyd's followers causing Boyd to question his mission. Boyd offers to help Raylan to stop Bo permanently.
Bo takes Ava hostage to the Crowder cabin where he demands Raylan's life for Ava in order to appease the Miami cartel. Raylan and Boyd manage to kill Bo's guards and shoot Bo in the leg but Gio's niece and nephew arrive and they attack the house with machine guns. Bo is killed, while Boyd, Ava, and Raylan are trapped; the niece and nephew demand Raylan be turned over to them.
After Boyd attempts to pass himself off as Raylan, Raylan tells him and Ava to leave out the back way, and he walks forward, hands in the air. As the niece and nephew step out to shoot him, Boyd shoots the nephew and the niece runs away. Boyd wants to go after her but Raylan stops him, saying it's against the law. However, Boyd absconds with Raylan's car, while neither using or facing violence. As Boyd rides off Raylan pulls his gun and pretends to shoot, essentially suggesting they will always be allies and enemies.
Season two arc deals primarily with the criminal dealings of the Bennett clan. The season begins where the first left off. Raylan chases Boyd who is chasing Gio's niece who murdered Boyd's father Bo. Raylan catches up to both and he delivers Gio's critically wounded niece to Gio where a truce is struck between Gio and Raylan with Raylan's former boss threatening to kill Gio himself if Raylan dies. The Bennett family matriarch Mags Bennett (Margo Martindale) and her three sons Dickie (Jeremy Davies), Coover (Brad William Henke), and Bennett Police Chief Doyle (Joseph Lyle Taylor) run the criminal enterprises of Bennett County. However while Mags is secretly attempting to legitimize her family and give her grandchildren a “legacy deal”, Dickie and Coover attempt to expand, thus catching the ire of the Marshal Service and Raylan. Due to a long-standing feud between the Givens and Bennett families centering on an incident long ago and reignited in the current generation between Raylan and Dickie in their youth (an incident which left the latter with a lame leg), things begin to become very complicated, with their pasts catching up with them. Meanwhile, a depressed Boyd goes back to mining and attempts to legitimize himself, even informing on some crimes to Raylan. However, when a group threatens Ava, Boyd's reluctantly drawn back in to the criminal life. However he turns the tables on his partners, who were planning on killing him, by outsmarting them. Boyd steals some the heist money for Ava so she can save her house and he explains to her being a criminal; is just who he is. Mags's plan is revealed that she's using Dickie and Coover to buy land from the citizens of Bennett County who believe she's attempting to stop a mining conglomerate. The land is key for the conglomerate. Boyd figures out her plan and he helps Mags close her deal giving the Bennett family a portion of the mining conglomerate. In exchange Mags gives Boyd control of running crime in Harlan and Bennett County but only if Boyd stays out of the marijuana business. Angered by this, Dickie attempts to start his own criminal empire and threatens Boyd. Boyd recruits some of his friends and Arlo Givens and takes the weed business from Dickie. Dickie recognizes Arlo and kills Arlo's wife Helen in retaliation sparking Raylan's own desire for revenge and a further rift between father and son. After threatening to destroy Mags's deal, Raylan gets Dickie but is unable to kill him and sends him to jail instead. After Mags's deal is complete she gets someone else to confess to Dickie's crimes and tells Dickie that Doyle's children's future is safe and now she was again in charge in Bennett County. As the Bennetts and the Crowders go to war, Raylan attempts to keep the peace. Other stories include Raylan and Winona attempting a new relationship, Winona stealing money from the Marshal's evidence locker forcing Raylan to help her, Raylan discovering Winona's new husband put a hit out on them, and Art's growing lack of trust in Raylan. One other major component involves Mags murdering the father of Loretta McCready, a teenage girl that Mags sees a surrogate daughter. As the season progresses Raylan becomes determined to protect Loretta as she slowly finds out the truth.
Season three introduces Robert Quarles (Neal McDonough), an exiled Detroit Mob player with plans to control the Oxycontin trade in Kentucky. The season begins with Raylan recovering from being shot in the standoff with the Bennetts. Boyd gets himself arrested in order to murder Dickie but stops when he learns Ellstin Limehouse (Mykelti Williamson), the protector of Noble's Holler, is holding Dickie’s inheritance. Quarles allies himself with local enforcer for the Dixie Mafia Wynn Duffy (Jere Burns) and begins to muscle in on the local criminals, successfully supplanting them until Raylan begins investigating. Quarles' efforts also bring him into conflict with Boyd's group resulting in the deaths of several local individuals. The conflict between Boyd and Quarles heats up when Errol, Limehouse’s lieutenant, makes it appear that Quarles attacked Boyd’s own attempt to take over the Oxycontin trade. Limehouse discovers this and reluctantly agrees to make sure Boyd and Quarles destroy each other by pretending to work with both sides. Meanwhile Raylan and Winona’s relationship comes to a sudden end when Winona runs off saying Raylan cared more about the job. Raylan focuses his efforts on taking down Quarles especially after Quarles attempts to frame Raylan for the murder of Winona’s ex-husband. Quarles attempts to gain the upper hand by buying off Harlan County Sheriff Napier but Boyd retaliates by running Shelby Parlow (Jim Beaver), a man who owes Boyd his life, in the election. Even though Napier wins the election, Shelby becomes Sheriff because Boyd essential rigged the outcome to disqualify Napier. With Napier out, Quarles is ruined and goes to Limehouse for protection. Limehouse agrees and attempts to play his end game to get Quarles killed and Boyd arrested by Raylan. However Boyd sees through the plan, which results in State Trooper Tom Bergen, a friend of Raylan’s, getting killed. Boyd, angry at Limehouse, threatens him only for Limehouse to reveal to Raylan about a murder Boyd committed. Quarles makes a desperation deal with Theo Tonin (Adam Arkin), the head of the Detroit Mob, to come home and attempts to rob Limehouse but Limehouse slices his arm off. Raylan accuses Quarles of killing Bergen only for Quarles to laugh and reveal Arlo killed Bergen. Arlo confesses to his crimes and confesses to the crimes Boyd is accused of which sets Boyd free. The season ends with Raylan confiding in Winona that he’s not sure if Arlo shot the Trooper to protect Boyd or because he simply saw a cop in a hat. Other stories include Dickie’s own attempts claim his inheritance from Limehouse only to eventually learn Loretta McCready was given the money as part of Mags’s final wishes and Ava becomes a larger part of Boyd’s empire by taking over a local brothel after killing an abusive pimp.
Season four is about a mystery, left unsolved for 30 years. On January 21, 1983, a man wearing a defective parachute plummets onto a residential street in Corbin, Kentucky, dying instantly. His body is surrounded by bags full of cocaine and his name is Drew Thompson. Raylan discovers a mystery when a vintage diplomatic bag is found hidden at Arlo's house containing only a driver's license in the name of Waldo Truth. Further investigation reveals that the parachutist was actually Waldo Truth and that Drew Thompson is still alive, however Arlo refuses to divulge any information. As the investigation continues to unfold, it's revealed that Drew Thompson witnessed Theo Tonin committing murder meaning he could take down the Detroit Mob. Raylan is now living above a bar and attempting to stash extra money away to provide for his unborn child and is in a questionable relationship with the bartender, Lindsey Salazar. Meanwhile, Boyd Crowder seeks to expand his empire with help from an old army buddy Colton "Colt" Rhodes (Ron Eldard). However, his efforts are complicated by the arrival of a snake-handling revival preacher named Billy St. Cyr (Joe Mazzello) and his sister Cassie (Lindsay Pulsipher) who is willing to do anything for her brother. Billy's success is cutting into Boyd's profits, as his users and dealers are getting hooked on faith instead of drugs. Wynn Duffy is ordered by the Detroit Mob to find Thompson and in turn he offers Boyd a partnership in the heroin trade which leads to a showdown between Crowder's gang and the Marshals. At the same time, cousin Johnny (David Meunier) grows ever more resentful of Boyd's success and plans to betray him by promising Duffy he'd find Thompson himself. Boyd, after proposing to Ava, is brought to an unexpected crossroads that threatens his personal or professional destruction. A Detroit Mob enforcer makes a bold move against Raylan forcing Raylan to find out how far he'd go to protect his family. Other stories include Shelby Parlow distancing himself from Boyd and protecting Ellen May, a prostitute, from Ava's growing violent tendencies.
As described in a film magazine, Muriel Barnes (Farrar) is the loving and happy wife of conservative New Yorker Judson Barnes (Sills) and the devoted mother of a child (Smith), when a promoter of a fake mining enterprise, Frank Craftley (Truesdell), gains social access to her home. Craftley has never met her before, but his side partner Jack McGoff (Santschi) has a photograph of Muriel from her previous life in Alaska under the name Cora Lamont. McGoff had deceived her by marrying her although he already had a living wife. He then forced her into the job as a dance hall girl. She escaped by shooting him in self-defense and then fleeing Alaska. Without knowing these details but guessing some general circumstances, Craftley works on her fears until she induces her husband to go out West to inspect the salted claim. McGoff stays behind and visits Muriel's home at night, and she permits him to enter her boudoir. Knowing that a policeman is courting one of the servants on the floor below, she scatters some jewels to give the appearance of a robbery, and, when McGoff attempts to embrace her, screams for help. Fleeing arrest, McGoff shoots at the policeman, and is later killed in the resulting scrimmage. His death ends the shadows in Muriel's life.
The fifth season focuses on the gator-farming Crowe crime family, led by Darryl Crowe Jr. (Michael Rapaport). The season opens with Dewey Crowe winning a lawsuit against the state following his forced breakout of prison. After learning about Dewey's new found fortune, cousin Darryl moves his clan to Kentucky and takes over Dewey's business. Boyd struggles to maintain control over the drug trade after the Detroit Mob begins to disintegrate. On top of this his shipments are getting hit and getting Ava out of prison is proving to be difficult. Raylan, learning about Darryl's relocation begins to attempt to turn Darryl's sister Wendy (Alicia Witt) by convincing her that her son Kendal is in danger around Darryl. Art learns from a former Detroit player, Picker, that someone in law enforcement was behind the murder of a major Detroit enforcer in Kentucky. The information inadvertently helps Art capture Theo Tonin cementing his legacy. However, Raylan confesses his part in the murder of the Detroit enforcer leading to rift in their relationship. Darryl and Boyd cut a deal to traffic heroin from Mexico to regain control of the drug trade but soon learns cousin Johnny has been behind the attacks on his shipments. After a deal is struck with a cartel, the Crowes murder Johnny's men and try to make themselves indispensable to Boyd by offering their own route out of Mexico. Ava is framed for the attempted murder of a guard by the guard himself and is sent to maximum security forcing her to attempt to cut her own deals in prison to survive. Bad blood explodes within the Crowes after Dewey steals the heroin shipment after one insult too many. While moving a witness against the Crowes, Art is shot and Kendal takes credit despite all signs pointing to Darryl. Raylan, out for revenge, get unexpected assistance from Boyd and later Wendy after threatening to have Kendal charged as an adult. Other stories include Raylan's reluctance to see his new daughter in Florida but agreeing to move there after his confession to Art. Wynn Duffy turns to a former major Dixie Mafia boss, Katherine Hale (Mary Steenburgen), on what to do about Boyd. And Rachel Brooks, new head of the Lexington office, informing Raylan his transfer is denied until they finally end Boyd's criminal enterprise with the help of a surprise witness.
As described in a film magazine, during August 1914 Ruth Sherwood (Burke), an American traveling through Belgium with her parents, is left behind in Beaupre will sending a message to her fiance in Paris. She is compelled to seek shelter at the Hotel Tete d'Or as there are no more trains that day. Here she meets another American, Wilfred Ferrers. Ruth's passport is stolen by Olga Karnovitch (Bates), a Russian spy, who leaves her Russian passport in Ruth's hands. The town is invaded by Germans who are headed towards Paris, and they make the inn their headquarters. Ferrers is discovered destroying the Russian passport and is ordered to be shot at once. Ruth comes to his assistance by claiming that he is her fiance. The German officer is skeptical, and he orders that they be married at once. The ceremony is held beneath the upheld swords of the Germans, and an embarrassing night follows as the couple retire to their room. Ferrers overcomes the sentinel at their door, dons his uniform, and forces the General (Trimble) at the point of a gun to give them a pass to get through the German lines into France. In the meantime, Jack Martin (David), Ruth's fiance, arrives, but she says that he is her chauffeur. Ferrers gives Jack the pass, but Ruth refuses to leave Ferrers, having fallen in love with her "husband." The Germans receive orders to move on and as Ferrers enters the inn to urge Ruth to depart at once, he is shot by the outraged General. Ruth borrows a smock from the innkeeper and with Ferrers makes her escape across the border into France.
In the feudal Japan-like world of Jipang, an evil prince releases the demon lord Ninigi, who in turn seals the gods of Jipang and suppresses the people of six kingdoms with his demon henchmen. After one of the henchmen attack his village and slay his grandfather, the main character, Higan, learns he is the legendary "Fire Hero" and must set off to save the kingdoms. Along the way, Higan meets several characters, such as Subaru, a fairy and Tenjin, a swordsman.
Lee Seon-yoo is training to become a nun. Right before she finally gets her wish, she learns that her beloved older sister Jin-yoo has died. Jin-yoo was betrayed and killed by her lover, Jang Tae-jung. Tae-jung, a smart, good-looking man from a humble background, had committed himself to luring and marrying a tycoon's daughter "against all odds," as part of an effort to get him into the upper class of society.
Seon-yoo then meets Seo Ji-seok, an immature man from a rich family whose sister Ji-hee is married to Tae-jung. Ji-seok is at risk of losing the inherited family business to Tae-jung and Ji-hee, since Ji-seok's mother is the family patriarch's second wife.
To take revenge on the man responsible for her sister's death, Seon-yoo gives up her dream of becoming a nun. She marries Ji-seok, and becomes Tae-jung's sister-in-law. Thus, Seon-yoo begins leading a double life: she pretends to be the ideal wife and daughter-in-law in front of the Seo family, and only takes off her mask in front of Tae-jung, proving she can be just as ruthless and vicious as Tae-jung. Seon-yoo wears her angel wings while hiding the dagger of revenge.
In its published 1985 catalog of paper prints in its silent-film collection, the Library of Congress provides the following summary of the comedy's storyline:A man (Mack Sennett) takes leave of his wife (Florence Lawrence) and goes off to a saloon, where his friends and the liquor influence him into going to a burlesque show. In order to make the night out legitimate, the men send messages to their wives saying they have gone to a fraternal conclave. In one scene, the camera moves in close to a theater box where the men are enjoying the dancers. The camera shifts to the man's home where his wife reads of a train wreck, assumes he is killed, and goes to the undertaker to buy a wreath. The last scene shows the erring husband returning home to find his wife wearing widow's weeds, and the wife is both happy and angry, but the film ends an embrace.
Dido Twite awakens aboard the whaling ship ''The Sarah Casket'', where she has been cared for in a coma by Nate Pardon, a young sailor who found her adrift in the Atlantic Ocean after the adventures of ''Black Hearts in Battersea''. Dido is induced by the ship's captain to look after his daughter, Dutiful Penitence Casket, a neurotic eight-year-old who is travelling aboard the whaler. After drawing the girl out of her shell, Dido agrees to stay briefly on Nantucket to help "Pen's" transition to life with her Aunt Tribulation, who is to look after Pen while her father pursues his obsession, a mysterious pink whale. Dido is discomfited to find that Aunt Tribulation is apparently a demanding invalid, and Dido's plan to leave and take ship to London are further delayed when Nate brings Captain Casket to the house; when approaching the pink whale in a longboat, "Rosie Lee" sank it, and the injured captain is only semi-conscious.
While exploring the surrounding countryside, Dido encounters a mysterious but comic foreigner, who proves to be sighting a gigantic cannon intended to assassinate King James III by blowing up the royal palace; Mr. Slighcarp, the Sarah Casket's first mate, is part of the plot together with his sister Letitia, the villainess of ''The Wolves of Willoughby Chase''. Disbelieved by the other adults, Dido and Pen, with the help of Nate, attempt to disable the cannon, whose recoil would send the island of Nantucket crashing into New York City.
In the town of Silverton, Oklahoma, the local high school senior class is preparing for graduation. The high school's vice-principal, Gary Fuller, has asked his two sons, Trey and Donnie, to record messages from the seniors for a time capsule to be opened in 25 years. Elsewhere, Pete, a veteran storm chaser, has been attempting to intercept and film tornadoes using a Tornado Intercept Vehicle nicknamed Titus, but has come up short all year long. Upon learning of a major line of developing storms, the chasers decide to head for Silverton in hopes of filming tornadoes. After arriving in Silverton, the team discovers that the cell they had been chasing has dissipated, but the Silverton cell abruptly strengthens, resulting in a hailstorm and tornado. As the team films, the funnel shifts course and heads for the high school.
At the high school, the weather suddenly sours. The students are marshaled into the school building. In the aftermath of the tornado, shaken students emerge from the damaged building to view the destruction, while Gary sets out to rescue his eldest son Donnie, who had gone to an abandoned paper mill to help his friend Kaitlyn with a project; both were subsequently trapped when the tornado brought the building down on them.
As Pete's storm chase team stops in a small part of town, a tornado takes shape just as Gary and Trey arrive, destroying several buildings. Before the tornado dissipates Gary must save Pete's meteorologist, Allison Stone. Then, Pete's team agree to help Gary get to the paper mill. While en route, another round of tornadoes form and encircle Pete's team, in the process destroying a residential neighborhood and a car lot. An explosion turns one of the tornadoes into a firenado, which Jacob the cameraman tries to film, only to be caught up in the storm and killed. This causes friction in the team, as Pete's concern seems to be more on collecting data than ensuring his team's safety. After recovering their vehicles, Allison leaves with Gary to continue their trip to the paper mill.
At the mill, a water pipe abruptly breaks and begins to flood the hole in which the two students are trapped. Injured and at risk of drowning, the two record messages for their loved ones, then prepare for the worst. At the last minute, Gary and Allison arrive and successfully free them.
In the skies above Silverton, a convergence of two large tornadoes results in a colossal EF-5 tornado that threatens to level the town. The town's citizens have taken shelter at the school, but Pete's team determines that the school's storm shelter will be inadequate. Unable to alert the school's staff with mobile devices, Pete's team rushes to the school. While citizens rush to board school buses, Pete and his team follow the storm, but the last school bus and a handful of cars are cut off from the retreat due to a downed transmission tower.
The storm chasers and school refugees take cover in a storm drain at a construction site, but debris from the tornado damages one of the storm grates, compromising the shelter. In an attempt to save lives, Pete hands over his research hard drives to Gary, then sacrifices himself by leaving the shelter to move Titus down to the storm grate, to use the vehicle to anchor the storm grate to the concrete face. Titus's equipment proves unable to anchor the vehicle to the ground, and the tornado picks up the vehicle. From the camera turret aboard Titus, Pete observes the funnel of the tornado as the vehicle is lifted above the clouds, fulfilling his dream, before then crashing to the ground, killing him and wrecking Titus. Shortly thereafter, the EF-5 tornado dissipates.
In the aftermath of the tornado outbreak, the townspeople begin to clean up and rebuild. As Gary's sons complete their time capsule film, many of those they interview express newfound appreciations for their lives. Allison praises Pete's sacrifice and dedication to science.
The last footage shows two local daredevils Donk and Reevis, who were sucked up by the tornado, have survived the storm.
Marija is the young mother of two-month-old Jan, and has been planning to escape from Auschwitz. Her friend Žana and the mysterious Maks have laid the groundwork for the escape, which is to take place as Allied troops are approaching, the sound of their distant artillery forming a constant background to the activities in the camp. Next to Marija in her bunk bed is Polja, who is succumbing to disease and will not survive the night. Marija dries her son's diapers, made from cotton rags, on her own legs, and ponders at which point Polja is far enough gone for her to start tearing up Polja's sheet to make diapers and sanitary napkins.
The escape is to take place at 2:30 AM, and while they wait and try to sleep, Marija thinks back on her early and immediate past. Early in the book those are recollections of her immediate past in the camp. She had managed to tell Jakob, her lover, that she was pregnant, and later that she delivered a boy. In another recollection she thinks back on the evening spent in a closet hiding from Dr. Nietzsche: Jakob is a Jewish doctor who is surviving in the camp because he assists Nietzsche in his medical experiments on Jews, experiments involving sterilization, infection, and amputation. One evening, during a clandestine visit to Jakob, Nietzsche comes by and Marija is pushed into a closet, where she nearly passes out, but manages to hear Nietzsche explain to Jakob that the latter is to save the results of Nietzsche's experiments, especially his collection of Jewish skulls. As Marija listens, Jakob navigates between his disgust for Nietzsche and his need to collaborate in order to survive. After Nietzsche leaves, Marija leaves too but too noisily; as the guards run down the corridor she is pulled into a room and saved by Maks, whom she never sees but who has acquired mythical proportions.
Later recollections occur as Polja is practically dead and Žana is urging Marija to rest as much as possible. These involve an early run-in with antisemitism: fourteen-year-old Marija, who grew up in the Vojvodina, was sent to the country to escape the persecution of Jews only to hear from a girl her age that she and her ancestors are guilty of killing Christ. She hastens home to her parents; her drunk father explains to her what is happening to the area's Jewish population, a truth she is not prepared to hear but then accepts. Soon her parents are deported, and Marija witnesses the atrocity of the Novi Sad raid, in which Hungarian troops killed between 3,000 and 4,000 civilians, in January 1942. She herself is hauled off to a camp soon afterward, where she meets Jakob.
Žana, Marija, and Jan escape when the electricity to the barracks is cut off by Maks. They make their way through a hole in the floor to the fence, and crawl underneath. As they do so, Jan starts crying and German guards catch on, but thinking that they are women from the area looking to steal the camp's supplies they do not pursue them. Marija had agreed with Jakob to escape to Poland, while Žana wants to go to Strasbourg; when they go their separate ways it is clear that Žana is in poor condition, near death. That evening Marija knocks on the door of a German woman, some five hundred kilometers from Berlin, and is taken in by Mrs. Schmidt, the wife of a German officer who has been missing for four years. Schmidt blames the Jews for everything, and Marija is forced to pretend to be a Christian woman whose officer husband is on the Eastern Front. She lives with Schmidt for months, writing letters to find Jakob.
Jakob has been convalescing in a hospital, but has lost all desire to live. A Dr. Leo procures a passport for him, and Jakob plans to travel to Canada, to leave Europe as far behind as possible. He makes one friend, a young boy named Danijel whose leg has been amputated in the very experiments Jakob participated in. On the day his passport arrives, he finally receives one of Marija's letters. In the epilogue, six years later, Marija, Jakob, and Jan travel back to the camp to show Jan where he was born. They visit when groups of tourists from Germany and the US are touring the camp, each group desecrating the memory of the dead and the survivors in their own ways.
Captain Hughes and Dido Twite are travelling by stagecoach from the port of Chichester with important dispatches for the Admiralty in London when the carriage is upset and Captain Hughes is injured. While looking for help, Dido encounters a group of men who direct her to Teaglaze Manor; the men turn out to be smugglers who use the local canal system to transport their wares to London.
At Teagleaze Manor, Dido encounters several characters including Lady Tegleaze, who sends her servants and personal physician to the aid of Captain Hughes. Hughes is settled in an abandoned tenant cottage to recover, under the care of a local nurse, the unpleasant Mrs. Lubbage.
Unwilling to trust the local postman and needing to get the dispatches to London, Dido goes to "the Cuckoo Tree," a local landmark used as a rendezvous by the smugglers. There she encounters Cris, a mysterious child who proves to be a key element in a plot to swindle Lady Tegleaze out of her property. However there is another plot afoot; Lady Tegleaze's lawyer, Mr. Fitzpickwick, is in league with a Hanoverian agent planning to kill the young king at his coronation.
With the aid of Cris and the Wineberry smugglers, Dido must rescue Lady Tegleaze' grandson Sir Tobit and race the Hanoverian plotters to St. Pauls Cathedral, where her old friend Simon is now Master of the King's Garlandries.
Haru Tezuka's parents run a bar in Kamata, Tokyo. She is honest and bright, but she can't lie, which sometimes causes her to get in trouble. Haru finds it difficult to get a job.
She notices an application guideline from airline company ANA (All Nippon Airways). Haru, who never thought of working in the airline industry, decides to take a test for the airline company. She first attends a company presentation by ANA. There, she sees elite people who have long dreamed of becoming pilots, and airplane enthusiasts. She becomes overwhelmed by them. Haru is indecisive about whether she wants to go through with it, and she barely manages to pass the test. Now, Haru wants to become a pilot, but what awaits her is harsh training.
The film follows a Shabbat dinner party between two young families. After a dinner of superficial conversation between the adults, two teenaged boys William (Chris London) and Virgo (Dan Shaked) go to William's room. Virgo reveals to William he is gay, and William insists he is straight. Outside, their parents talk about religion, William's father exclaiming that all good Jews should marry Jewish and keep kosher. Back in William's room the sexual tension is building, and William leans in to kiss Virgo. Soon, the teenagers hear their parents calling, and they struggle to get their clothes on before being found out. William's father opens the door to the room. There's a quick cut to the families saying goodbye at the door, as William looks anxiously at his father looking sourly at the floor.
After the loss of his job and the break-up of his marriage, Junior (Marat Descartes) goes back to live with his father (Antônio Fagundes) at his former childhood home which is now completely refurbished. His bedroom is now occupied by a young and innocent tenant, Bruna (Sandy Leah). He feels a stranger at his father's place, which he finds quite inhospitable and oppressive. At first he sleeps on the couch and spends most of his days cooped up at home brooding over his separation, unemployment as well as spying on Bruna. However, his vulnerable personality takes a turn for the worse when he settles in a small back room cluttered with decorative remembrances of his late mum, which he resolutely puts back on display around the house much to his father's consternation. Among the things he recovers there is an old music score with a mysterious cryptographed message, the comprehension of which is the key to understanding his own past and present better. He gradually and irremediably becomes obsessed with his family's past, recalling amidst an intermixture of delusional disorder and grasps of reality his childhood days spent in the company of his older brother and mystical mother, while suspenseful obscure happenings concurrently become frequent in the house routine.
In the opening cutscene, a character greets the nameless protagonist, who is stated to have applied to participate in researching the cure for cancer. It is then explained that the protagonist must first undergo a test. The game proper then begins.
Ramela gives birth to a son after having two daughters and Ramzed Molla and Ramela are happy as a result. Ramzed named him Ratan. But Ratan's physical changes later appear as a girl. His family and people of the village realizes this change. But, Ramela denies to send to the place of third gender. He became an obstacle to his sister's marriage and his father scolds him. He then realizes that society will not accept him and goes to the third gender's place. There he grows under the supervision of Kali Masi as Ratna.
The story describes the boyishnesses of Louis Verheyden, a white-haired rascal (usually nicknamed "de witte", meaning "the white one") in Zichem, a village at the countryside; in the film everything happens from the child's perspective. Edith Kiel added a love story to the original storyline made by Ernest Claes, something the original author did not like. Another adaptation with which the Church instead had difficulties was the minimalized role of the village priest. The main role was interpreted by Jef Bruyninckx.
John Bower is a demanding father, tight with a dollar and rigid in insisting that his son Junior someday come into the carpet-sweeper business with him. His demure wife Susan puts up with his iron-fisted and tight-fisted ways.
Connie, their daughter, is in love with Gary Lee, a bright young college graduate. They wish to marry but aren't sure how to break the news, so she invites Gary and his parents to dinner. John ruins the evening for everyone with his temper. Susan says she wants a divorce, finally bringing her husband to his senses.
Bernardo Puccini (Ezio Greggio), visits the Italian natural food company, owned by his wealthy but hot-tempered father Guido Puccini (Gianfranco Barra) for a work as a food examiner and flavour developer. He is delighted by the taste of a new cream cheese he had asked, which contains no sugar, fat and preservatives. However, it displeases Guido for the lack of sugar, and he angrily argues with his son for additional chemical additives instead of natural substitutes. He then experiences a heart attack and is taken to the hospital, along with his old-aged doctor, Dr. Caputo (John Karlsen).
In the , Guido recites to Bernardo his history during World War II where the statue of Virgin Mary fell on him and pinned, but was saved by an American soldier named Jake Gordon (Mel Brooks). He tells his son to deliver Jake to him as his last request for a half of his business, and Bernardo unwillingly accepts the request. Sofia (Randi Ingerman), his girlfriend who receives plastic surgery, questions about the request that it doesn't deserve to take the job, but he pursues to fulfill his father's will.
When he arrives at Los Angeles, California, he visits the mental hospital where Jake Gordon is located, who was discovered as delusional from a day after the war he had experienced. Nevertheless, Dr. Barbara Collier (Julie Condra) and her father Dr. Hugo (Robert Dawson) refuses him because Jake is unpredictable to be released. After that, he sneaks to make Jake remember that Jake had saved his father, and to break him free. They are able to escape the hospital after they push the mental patients on wheelchairs as a diversion to gate guards, but are discovered by Dr. Barbara and Dr. Hugo, who orders her to retrieve him back.
As they arrive in Italy, Jake offers Bernardo a drink that he dissolved five sedative pills. Bernardo unknowingly doses it, causing him to become perplexed in arrival terminal. They are soon found by Dr. Barbara Collier, and Jake steals Bernardo's wallet (which he falsely thinks that Bernardo Puccini photo is him) and quickly escapes to Monte Carlo, Monaco. After he is recovered, Bernardo confronts Dr. Collier that he should bring Jake to his father to fulfil the request, but Collier wants him to return to the mental hospital when Dr. Hugo holds her responsibility for letting the patient go.
Bernardo and Collier arrive in Monte Carlo, and enter the hotel where unidentified Jake had checked in. Bernardo replies the lobby his own name that Jake used from his purloined wallet. The lobby tells them that he is out to the beach, and Bernardo finds him covering the topless female sunbathers with hand towels. He removes them, but accidentally includes a sensitive, aged sunbather, who calls the police due to his perversion. After he was released from prison by Collier, Bernardo's twitching sensation is increasing, and he proves to her that having Jake with him turns him insane every time Jake causes trouble. In the diner, Collier advises him to stay calm so he will be fine. When he hears the piano tune and is annoyed by twitches, he rushes for it and finds Jake. When Jake finds Collier, he departs the building, causing Bernardo to chase after him, but causing the police to follow them.
Bernardo is feebly pinned down by the statue of Virgin Mary, which Jake reminds him about the incident. They finally sidestepped from police chase, but Jake is handcuffed by Collier who demands to take him with her. Bernardo does not surrender and sets up the trap, installing a fake corridor in the airport, which turns out to be a truck carrying Jake away. But again he was arrested. In the police station, Bernardo madly retells what Jake had been abusing him and what Jake had performed compulsive acts all along. Dr. Collier feels remorse about his sanity, so she allows him and Jake to depart back to Italy.
As Bernardo and Jake meet Guido, whose heart condition is recuperating, Guido strangles Jake for revenge because of the death of his wife. Bernardo breaks them apart, and Jake states his reason of vengeance that he had married Jiovana who happens to be Guido's wife, but realized that she is a he. Sofia approaches with her newly surgicated body parts, and tells the police to arrest Jake for his insanity. Dr. Collier intervenes and declares Jake a "free man", so he is released. Bernardo scolds Sofia for her abnormal femininity and her plastic surgery obsession, and dumps her. He then persuades his father to take over the factory. Guido asks to call over Dr. Caputo, but his son realizes that he is dead. Bernardo later falls in love with Dr. Collier while Jake enjoys his marching dance with other patients.
Later, Bernardo becomes Collier's husband and Jake's assistant, but then pretends to dislike the cream cheese the way Guido did. He visits Jake in the office, and grows headache. Jake uses a "relocating pain" again by hitting Puccini's leg with a golf club. Bernardo runs away while Jake tries to finish the "treatment".
Wealthy Alice Bond (Rosemary Lane), dissatisfied with her dishwater-dull fiancé Marshall Winkler (John Eldridge), throws him over in favor of Michael Stevens (George Reeves). To make certain that her new beau will be acceptable to her parents, Alice contrives to have Michael enter a mayoral campaign. As election day draws close, criminals complicate matters.
Young police office Eddy is requested to turn his childhood friend Jack into a drugs informant.
When Daniel catches his girlfriend (Sarah Allen), also a political staffer, and her boss in flagrante delicto he decides to flee political life and return to academe as assistant professor of English at the University of Ottawa. But it turns out that a life in politics is a bit like life in the mob – you just don’t walk away. For Daniel, the cost of exit is that he must find a candidate in a small riding 50 kilometers away and manage the campaign in the quickly approaching election. The catch: the riding in question has voted solidly for the governing party in every single election since Confederation and the incumbent is Eric Cameron (Peter Keleghan), the extremely popular finance minister whose approval rating in the last election was over 90%.Bill Brioux, [ "‘Best Laid Plans’ turns satiric focus on politics"]. ''Toronto Star'', January 4, 2014. Daniel's plan, therefore, is to select the seemingly unelectable Angus McClintock (Kenneth Welsh) in order to kill off his own credibility as a political strategist — as the campaign progresses, however, McClintock's unconventional attitude begins to strike a chord with voters, and Daniel's campaign to lose becomes increasingly difficult.
The show's cast also includes Raoul Bhaneja, Eric Peterson, Sonja Smits, Jodi Balfour, Barbara Gordon, Jordan Johnson-Hinds, Varun Saranga, Ron Lea, and Leah Pinsent.
Tommy McCabe (Dennis Morgan) is a cocky nightclub singer who gets his jollies out of making fun of the local police force. In fact, his act includes a parody of a policeman. This does not prove amusing to pretty Jerry Sullivan (Gloria Dickson), the daughter of a police lieutenant (Harry Shannon), nor to Jerry's flatfoot boyfriend Bill Morrissey (John Payne). Tommy falls in love with Jerry, but initially receives a cool reception from her father and brothers, who are also police officers. Tommy's singing in the Sullivan parlor melts the hearts of everyone but Morissey. Due to his love for Jerry, Tommy joins the police force. Jealous, Morrissey subjects him to a rigorous training program beyond what is typical for cadets. Eventually suspended from the police because of his carelessness, Tommy ends up saving the day by saving Morrisey's life. Tommy is finally reinstated in the force, thus rewarding Jerry's faith in him.
John Watson, whose wife Mary is now visibly pregnant, finds an unkempt Sherlock Holmes living in a crack house under the influence of drugs. John attempts to force him to rehabilitate, but Sherlock insists that he was undercover for a case. Mycroft confronts Sherlock about the drug use and realises that Sherlock is investigating Charles Augustus Magnussen, a newspaper owner who blackmails people. Lady Elizabeth Smallwood has enlisted Sherlock to negotiate the return of stolen letters written by Smallwood's husband. Mycroft warns Sherlock not to go after Magnussen, which Sherlock ignores.
John is also surprised to discover that Sherlock is in a relationship with Mary's bridesmaid, Janine. Sherlock tells John that he is dating her because she is Magnussen's assistant. He uses their relationship to assist him with breaking into Magnussen's office in London. Inside, Sherlock and John find an incapacitated Janine, and Sherlock happens upon Mary holding Magnussen at gunpoint. Mary shoots Sherlock, who harnesses all his mental powers to stay conscious. He is taken to a hospital. In his mind palace, Sherlock fades away. At the same time, Sherlock dies on the operating table in pre-op preparation in the real world. In the mind palace, Moriarty convinces Sherlock that he's letting John down by dying, which convinces Sherlock to wake up and escape. At this time, in the real world, Sherlock's heart begins to beat again. The surgeons attempt to help revive him by giving him oxygen. Sherlock wakes up in surgery and mouths, "Mary". Mary comes into the hospital and is met by John, who says that Sherlock had survived the surgery. Mary visits the dazed and severely injured Sherlock and warns him not to denounce her. John nonetheless begins to suspect something after discovering that Sherlock replaced John's chair in the Baker Street flat and left a bottle of Mary's perfume on the table next to it.
Sherlock breaks out from the hospital and arranges a meeting with Mary. Using a ruse, Sherlock exposes Mary's secret life as an assassin to John, and all three return to Baker Street to talk it out. She tells them about her past and that Magnussen has information to jeopardize her life. Sherlock deduces that she intentionally shot him in a non-lethal spot and called an ambulance. Sherlock tells John that he observes John's addiction to danger; his attraction to Mary complies with this fact. Mary gives John a memory stick containing information on her, marked with the initials A. G. R. A., telling him the contents will destroy his love for her. After ignoring the memory stick for a few months, John burns it without reading it and reconciles with Mary. The couple spends Christmas with the Holmes brothers at their parents' home, where Sherlock takes the opportunity to drug everyone but John so that they can steal Mycroft's laptop. Sherlock takes a hesitant John to meet Magnussen at his estate, Appledore, which he believes contains Magnussen's blackmail archive. During their confrontation, Magnussen explains his purpose in putting pressure on Mary was to "own" Mycroft via John and Sherlock. He also reveals that he was behind the kidnapping of John, as seen in "The Empty Hearse".
Sherlock offers to trade Magnussen's information on Mary for the state secrets contained in Mycroft's laptop. However, Magnussen is aware that Sherlock is setting him up in a trap. Magnussen then explains Sherlock's plan to John: security services looking for the laptop using a GPS tracker it contains will raid Appledore and, upon finding the laptop, will have a legal reason to search the blackmail archives. Magnussen, with visible joy, reveals that the plan will not work because Appledore's vaults don't physically exist; it is his mind palace. By giving Magnussen the laptop, Sherlock and John are now guilty of selling government secrets. They can be imprisoned for high treason, whereas Magnussen remains legally untouchable. When Mycroft and the police arrive, Sherlock coldly shoots Magnussen in the head, realising that this is the only way to free his friends and everyone else from his power.
Mycroft convinces the government to spare Sherlock a trial and, as an alternative punishment, press him into a high-risk mission in Eastern Europe. He is, however, recalled within minutes when TV screens all over Great Britain are hacked to broadcast a loop of a static image of Jim Moriarty asking "Did you miss me?" A post-credits scene shows a very much alive Moriarty asking if the audience missed him as well.
Carmelita Carrito (Cooper), a young Mexican girl, is an aristocrat at heart despite the coarseness exhibited by her father Carpi (Marcus).
Although she has a lover named Pepo (Blue), Carmelita finds herself attracted to the bandit Leopoldo Juares (Bosworth) when he takes refuge in her house. After his departure, Carmelita watches wistfully after him, eventually falling asleep by the window.
A U. S. Army officer, William Jerome (Oakman), comes searching for Juares, and Carmelita, fascinated by the gringo, tells him that Juares is to meet her at the brook. Discovering her duplicity, Juares forces Carmelita to don his hat and coat. Jerome, mistaking Carmelita for the bandit, shoots the girl and is ordered to be executed before a firing squad.
Carmelita then awakens from her dream and discovers that United States troops, led by Pepo, are converging upon her house to arrest Juares, who is hiding there. Pepo captures the bandit and wins a large reward as well as Carmelita's affections.
An anthology of five short films exploring the impact and stigma of mental illness. Three of the five stories are connected.
Following the trial of a judge who was found with prostitute Gabrielle Angers (Geneviève Brouillette), Gabrielle gives a list of her clients to a new judge, Jacques Savard (Michel Côté), which contains the names of some very influential judges and politicians. Dead bodies and death threats follow. Jacques' own life seems to be in danger.
A death row inmate uses his prison-law studies to fight for his life.
Princess Bubblegum and Lady Rainicorn investigate a mysterious black ice cave, fearing that Finn and Jake may have been captured by the Ice King on a routine expedition. Once inside the cave, Lady and Bubblegum enter into a biologically-engineered dungeon and are attacked by mysterious hand-like creatures that attempt to grab them. Lady manages to phase through a wall, and the two hear the Ice King's voice coming from a ventilation shaft. Inside the shaft, the two are attacked by a giant tongue before they enter into a room covered with eyes. As Bubblegum and Lady approach the room's exit, the eyes activate and shoot laser at the duo, incapacitating Lady.
Bubblegum plods on in the dark, carrying an unconscious Lady around her shoulders. Suddenly, she stumbles upon the disemboweled body of the oblivious Ice King. From the dark, Ricardio, the living heart of the Ice King, introduces himself, tossing an unconscious Finn and Jake into the light. Ricardio reveals that he built himself both a body as well as the dungeon complex in an attempt to impress Bubblegum. He reveals that he wishes to marry her; Bubblegum agrees to marry Ricardio if he can beat her in hand-to-hand combat. After a short fight, Bubblegum disarms Ricardio and forces him to flee, wounded, into the darkness. Later, at the Candy Kingdom, Finn, Jake, the Ice King, and Lady recover, and Lady reveals to Jake that she is pregnant.
A dress shop employee falls in love with a millionaire.
Jonathas lives with his parents and his brother, Juliano, at a small farm in the rural areas of Amazonas. The brothers meet Milly, a visitor from Ukraine, and the indigenous Kedassere. The group decides to spend the weekend in a camping. Even against paternal wishes, seduced by Milly and through the woods, Jonathas takes on the most transformative of his journeys.
When Marie Morgan (Helen Parrish) was eight years old, she attended a banquet held by her dying grandfather, who disliked everyone in his family except her. That day he instructed her to return to his house upon her twenty-first birthday to read his will alone. Marie arrives at the house, and although it has been vacant for 13 years, the lights and telephone both appear to be working. Marie thinks back to the day her grandfather told her about his will and recalls the seating arrangement. There were twelve guests in attendance, but a thirteenth place to her grandfather's right was empty. Marie presently decides to open the envelope containing the will. Inside is a sheet of paper with the numbers 13-13-13 written with nothing else. Someone suddenly enters the house and a gunshot is heard, and Marie screams.
She next finds herself sitting at the dinner table in the same place as when she was eight, but the doctor pronounces her dead. Police Lt. Burke (Tim Ryan) and Private Investigator Johnny Smith (Dick Purcell) are put on the case, but it is soon revealed that Marie is still alive. Barksdale (Cyril Ring), Marie's attorney who sat to the left of her at the banquet, is found dead in the exact chair he sat in 13 years ago. The detectives conclude that the killer is targeting the guests by where they sat, and therefore the murderer must have been one of the 13 guests.
Across a college in Ooty, Sreenath Prasad aka 'Seenu' fails his final exam by two marks. Eager to get a degree, he kidnaps the professor's daughter during her wedding and demands his professor to give him two more marks in exchange for his daughter. Seenu accidentally lets go of her however while letting his parents into his house, and his plan fails.
Although Seenu's father offers him a job at his shopping mall, Seenu plans to get a degree at Tift College in Bengaluru. He leaves Ooty on a train headed for Bengaluru. On the train, he beats up a gang harming a group of teenage girls. When Seenu arrives in Bengaluru, a friend of his who lives there reluctantly allows him to stay in his house.
Once Seenu arrives in Tift College, he prays to Krishna to concentrate on nothing but studies. However, once he finishes, he sees a Middle - Class girl named Sunaina Goradia and gets attracted to her. He tries to get her attention, but she ignores him constantly. She tells him that she has been forced into marrying a corrupt policeman named Angad Negi since he tricked her father into shooting Angad's sidekick and friend Peter's arm. Angad's men chase Seenu until he beats up two of them and scares away the rest. Seenu goes to Angad to make a truce with him and leave Sunaina, but Angad (believing he cannot do it) gives Seenu a chance to try to woo Sunaina for up to three days. Seenu publicly tells Sunaina he loves her and tells her not to be afraid of Angad and his goons. She gains courage, scares off Angad's men, and falls in love with Seenu. Angad finds Seenu, finds out what happened, and attempts to shoot Seenu, but instead accidentally shoots Peter. The media quickly finds out and Angad gets suspended as a police officer.
All seems well until Sunaina is kidnapped and taken away in a helicopter. Seenu learns from Angad that Sunaina will be taken to the mansion of Vikrant Singhal one of Asia's most notorious gangsters. Vikrant's daughter, Ayesha Singhal was on the Ooty-to-Bangalore train Seenu was in and was attracted by his impressive fighting skills. She told her father about the experience as well as her interest in marrying him. Angad and Peter told Vikrant's men that in order to get Seenu, they would have to take Sunaina to lure him to their place, forcing Seenu to marry Ayesha.
Feeling helpless, Seenu goes to Vikrant's residence in Bangkok, Thailand. He tricks Vikrant and his friend and associate Balli into thinking that he wants to marry Ayesha. However, he requests that he is given ten days to get to know Ayesha before the wedding day, which Vikrant initially refuses until Ayesha tells her father to "do as Seenu says". Ayesha and Seenu spend the day together; later, Seenu tells Ayesha that he does not love her. Later When Seenu met Sunaina and Try to Intimate with her she asks him to leave the house, but Fails. When Angad and Peter come later, she then falls in love with Angad through a sheer coincidence. Seenu Likes Ayesha As Wells he Likes Sunaina and never show differences.
Seenu and Sunaina use Ayesha's love for Angad as a way of solving their problem. Sunaina wears identical clothes to Ayesha; as a result, Angad confuses Sunaina for Ayesha, making Ayesha believe that Angad loves her. The plan later fails, though, when Angad realizes this and tricks Ayesha once again into marrying Seenu. Angad is tricked by Seenu and Sunaina into kissing Ayesha, when Vikrant sees this and points his gun at Angad to shoot him, but Ayesha steps in between and stops him saying that she loves Angad. Seeing this, Angad realizes that Ayesha's love for him is true and that Ayesha is the right girl for him, not Sunaina and decides to marry Ayesha. Vikrant realizes his daughter loves Angad and reluctantly tells Seenu that Ayesha will marry Angad. Seenu pretends to have agonized but celebrates later. Ayesha marries Angad, and Vikrant convinces Sunaina (who is also pretending to hate Seenu) to marry Seenu, by saying that he took 10 days to hatch a plan to bring Ayesha and Angad together, not to get to know Ayesha (not realizing that this is true) Seenu and Sunaina are back together again and get married.
After her sister Liz goes missing, Charlotte recruits Wayne, an ex-Marine, to help her locate Liz. Their search ends at a Pentecostal church headed by the charismatic Brother Billy. As Wayne becomes attracted to the church, details emerge that Liz may have been held against her will.
Jax struggles with his recent loss and turns himself into the authorities. While in jail, Jax makes decisions that radically alter the direction of the club and uses it to exact revenge for the death of his wife. Another member's death fuels the hate and lies created by Gemma and Juice, who are on the run and hiding from the club. After Jax learns the truth, he works to make things right with all parties involved. The series ends with Jax making the ultimate sacrifice to complete his part of the story of SAMCRO and fulfill his father's vision.
Sometime in the early 1980s, Miami-Dade Police Department detective Kung Fury and his partner Dragon apprehend a red ninja in a back alley, but Dragon is sliced in half by the ninja while Kung Fury is suddenly struck by lightning and bitten by a cobra, giving him extraordinary kung fu powers that enable him to defeat his foe. Years later in 1985, after defeating a rogue arcade machine robot, Kung Fury quits the force when he is assigned to partner with Triceracop, fearing that he would lose another partner in the line of duty. Meanwhile, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a. "Kung Führer", enters the timeline and remotely guns down the police chief and attacks the precinct through a mobile phone. Intent on avenging the chief, Kung Fury has computer whiz Hackerman send him back in time to kill Hitler in Nazi Germany. A glitch in the system, however, sends him back into the Viking Age. After Kung Fury meets the Viking valkyries Barbarianna and Katana, the Norse god Thor sends him to Nazi Germany for him to finish his job.
Upon his arrival, Kung Fury singlehandedly mows down dozens of Nazi soldiers with his kung fu skills, but is gunned down by Hitler using a Gatling-type gun from inside his podium. Suddenly, Thor, Hackerman, Triceracop, the Viking valkyries, and a tyrannosaurus hack into the timeline and kill the rest of the Nazi army while the tyrannosaurus squares off against Hitler's robotic ''Reichsadler''. After being revived by Hackerman, Kung Fury gives Hitler an uppercut to the testicle before Thor drops his hammer on the Nazi leader and his robotic eagle. Seeing his mission as accomplished, Kung Fury returns to his timeline.
Back in 1985 Miami, Kung Fury once again battles and defeats the arcade machine robot, but notices a Swastika on the robot's body while Hitler and his ''Reichsadler'' enter the timeline, vowing revenge on Kung Fury.
At age eighteen, James Burns is imprisoned for selling guns and possession of drugs. Four years earlier, his mother Tracy attempts to enroll him in school, but he is turned away due to his criminal record and recent stint in juvenile detention. One night, James meets Crystal and Drew after they steal from a convenience store, and befriends them. Crystal tells James about Roc, a gangster they work for and offers him a chance to meet him. After learning that James is up to no good, Tracy attempts to intervene but James rebukes her and indicates he has no plans to attend school. James removes his house arrest ankle bracelet and leaves past curfew.
James meets Roc and becomes his getaway driver for an armed robbery. However, Roc and his partner Drew are ambushed and held at gunpoint, but James sneaks inside and saves them. Impressed, Roc accepts James as a member of his crew. Crystal seduces James, who soon also meets Sarah, a timid cashier whose father owns a local convenience store. At a strip club, James and Drew burst into the back office to retrieve owed money for Roc, but it goes awry when they are subdued and beaten by the bouncers. In the parking lot, James breaks into the man's vehicle and steals a duffel bag full of guns. Roc is furious and demands that James fix his mistake. James and Crystal have a fight, and he leaves her.
Meanwhile, James befriends Sarah and begins a relationship with her. He tries to leave Roc's crew, but Roc guilt trips him into selling the guns before he does. James and Drew meet another crew to sell the guns, but the exchange goes wrong resulting in a shootout. The police arrive while James and Drew escape. James escapes to Sarah's house and tells her to pack so they can leave together, but she refuses. The police arrest James soon after.
In prison, James makes an enemy in Guillermo, who picks on a new inmate, Chris Cesario. Later, Guillermo's gang attempts to shiv James in the shower; during the fight, Chris is stabbed instead. James has nightmares from the incident, and takes up poetry in order to block out prison. James attempts to befriend a lifelong inmate named Conrad, but is rebuffed. Concerned for Chris' safety, James asks correctional officer lieutenant Falton to place Chris in protective custody until his release hearing, but Falton refuses. Guillermo confronts James in the prison yard and attempts to provoke him, but James refuses to fight. Impressed, Conrad offers James advice for bettering himself.
Chris hangs himself in the hallway after getting another six years on his sentence. James attacks Guillermo and accidentally strikes Falton; he is subsequently placed in solitary confinement. Later, James starts a fight in the yard, but Conrad breaks it up and threatens James, demanding he keep calm and await his parole hearing.
At his hearing, James admits regret over Chris' death and his past decisions; he is subsequently released from prison and gets a job as a motel clerk. One night, an old acquaintance comes by and offers him some work, but he turns it down. Arriving at Sarah's convenience store, he finds it boarded up. He goes to Sarah's house, but her father says she has moved out. He finds her at a new house that she shares with her fiancé. At Sarah's request, he recites some of his poetry for her. James continues working and saves money in an envelope labeled "New York City".
Bourbon plays Pamela Mann, a married psychotherapist living and working in Manhattan who has several sexual encounters that are filmed by a private detective hired by her husband. Mann has sex with one of her patients, a prostitute, and also is kidnapped by a couple of radicals. While the male radical orally rapes Mann, the female radical reads the text of a Supreme Court decision on pornography. She also fellates a man she meets on a park bench. At the climax of the film, Mann is revealed to be watching the detective's films in bed with her husband. They have staged the encounters and the snooping for their own private enjoyment. They then have sex.
Eve Quinn, a shallow but attractive debutante, makes a practice of leading men on, then coolly casting them aside for new conquests. She openly boasts that she would find pleasure in taking a man from her sister, Cornelia, who is an art student. When Cornelia falls in love with wealthy clubman Lewis Dike, Eve succeeds in vamping and capturing him; broken-hearted when they marry, Cornelia deliberately introduces Eve to Wilfred Meadows, a playboy with whom she begins a flirtation. Dike soon tires of the modernistic furnishings of their home and the jazz-mad parasites who frequent his drawing room, and he is refreshed by visits to Cornelia. When Dike accidentally learns of Eve's liaison with Wilfred, he realizes his error and is reunited with Cornelia.
A serial killer attacks a lesbian couple. He kills one girl but is badly wounded by the other. He crawls dying up a large rocky hill and his body is never found.
Years later, on an afternoon family outing at the same hill, adolescent siblings Adolfo (Alan Martinez) and Sara (Michele Garcia) enter a cave and do not return. Their parents, Felix (Francisco Barreiro) and Sol (Laura Caro), are distraught. A local gas station attendant says the hill is cursed and that night there is an unusual earthquake, but the next morning the children are found by the police and the family is reunited.
Returning home, the children start behaving strangely. Consultations with a doctor and a psychologist reveal the possibility of sexual abuse. Felix and Sol suspect Lucio, the local weirdo, assaulted Sara that afternoon on the hill. They confront and kill him, though later discoveries will convince Sol of his innocence. Police suspect the parents of the murder but never indict or arrest them.
One night, abnormal events occur in the house: noises, flickering lights, slamming doors, and the children having unnatural seizures. Sol suspects something out of the ordinary, while Felix clings to mundane explanations and gets a gun for protection. Their differences lead Sol to do subsequent investigations independent of her husband and without always disclosing her motives or findings.
Sol is told that Adolfo and Sara are skipping school and discovers that, dressed in their school uniforms, they are taking the bus back to the hill. She follows them up to the mouth of the cave where they disappeared but does not go in.
The night of Lucio's killing, Sol's friend, Marcia (ignorant of the murderous plan), babysat the kids. The next morning Marcia was inexplicably gone and has been unreachable since. Sol now goes to see her and asks what happened that night. Marcia describes the children as being "lifeless," says she was supernaturally assaulted by the devil, and witnessed Adolfo and Sara commit incest.
Early in the morning, Sol returns to the hill and enters the cave where Adolfo and Sara disappeared. She finds their dead bodies, dressed as they were the afternoon they vanished. Staggering outside, she phones Felix who states definitively that he dropped the children off at school a mere fifteen minutes ago.
Deeply shaken, Sol speaks to the gas station attendant who reveals that his daughter was the victim of the serial killer in the opening scene and that when the killer vanished on the hill there was an earthquake just like the night when Adolfo and Sara vanished. He says that "those who dwell there are in search of....people who can be possessed. To them, we're only a shell. They use us to do evil and then throw us away."
Sol lies to her family, telling them school is closed the next day but that she'll stay home with the kids and Felix should go to work as usual. At breakfast, she tranquilizes Adolfo and Sara, dresses them in formal clothes, and props them up at the kitchen table. She is then assaulted by an invisible force and sees dead versions of her children dressed in their cave clothes. Sol turns on the stove gas, drives away, and tells Felix to meet her at the gas station.
Felix and Sol drive up the hill and go into the cave. When Felix sees the bodies of his children dressed as they were the day they disappeared, he shoots his wife then shoots himself. There is an earthquake.
Versions of Felix and Sol return to their car and drive away haltingly, as if it were the driver's first time behind the wheel.
Blackmail prompts a smuggler into obtaining incriminating photos of a diplomat's wife, but he falls in love with her instead.
The novel is written in three parts, spanning generations. '''The first part''', Aeëtes, tells the story of Phrixus and his upbringing by King AEetes, the king of Colchis. In his new land, Phrixos would always be an outsider “like a cuckoo’s egg” and forever in debt to the people who saved him and reared him. This is also the tale of Jason, the Argonauts, and the Golden Fleece. Jason arrives from Greece to steal the golden wool, but kidnaps Medea, the daughter of King AEetes, as she drugs her father in order to also steal the golden fleece of the winged ram. Young and handsome, Jason is regarded as a hero, although a “wrongdoer.”
'''Part II''', Ukheiro, is of a warrior, who breaks his leg in battle. His wife Marekhi dies in childbirth and Ukheiro's 10-year-old daughter Popina looks after her father and the new-born boy, Parnaoz. While waiting for death – for he can no longer fight as a warrior – Ukheiro takes up embroidery. His son Parnaoz falls madly in love with Ino, the seventh daughter of black-eyed Malalo. But theirs is a troubled relationship, and he has a competitor. Parnaoz's sister Popina has a son, Popeye, whose father flees at news of the pregnancy. As Popeye grows, he too falls in the love with Ino. The rivalry between Parnaoz and his nephew Popeye is intense, and Parnaoz eventually leaves Colchis for Crete.
'''Part III''', Parnaoz, is the story of Parnaoz's return to Colchis after about 10 years in Crete. But Ino has not yet married, and the rivalry between Parnaoz and Popeye continues. Parnaoz marries childhood friend, Tina, but he “didn’t care whom he married” for he was “looking for a refuge.. somewhere to hide from Ino.” Tina and Parnaoz soon have a son, little Ukheiro, but Parnaoz now wants to leave his wife. “Parnaoz knew only one thing: whether he got together with Ino or not, he could never accept not being with her, or any substitute life offered, or anything from life.” Interwoven in this section is also the tale of Icarus and Daedalus. In Greek mythology, father and son attempt to flee Crete with waxed and feathered wings. Icarus does not heed his father's warning, and flies too close to the sun. The heat melts the waxed wings, and he falls into the sea and drowns. What follows Parnaoz's disillusionment with his wife, and his constant pining for Ino, is the tragedy that comes from not heeding any warning, and from idealistic and obsessive love.
Based on a description in a film publication, Mary Smith (Clark) gives a party in her college room when John Chiverick (Bunker) is found in attendance. Because he has "compromised" her, John feels obligated to marry Mary. Immediately after the ceremony, Mary's father (Washburn) has the marriage annulled and sends Mary abroad. After two years she returns and sees her former husband at a Long Island house party. There is much concern about the disgrace that would be caused if her marriage annulment were to become public knowledge. Larry McCleod (Gendron) is at the party and is in love with Mary, although he believes that she is a widow. She accepts his proposal after confessing her situation.
''The Legacy'' starts out at the legendary manor Grønnegaard on southern Funen, where the internationally renowned artist Veronika Grønnegaard has lived an eccentric and colorful life since the wild sixties. The serial follows Veronika's four adult children whose free and chaotic childhood at Grønnegaard has left its mark on them in very different ways. They live scattered to the four winds until Veronika unexpectedly dies and they are forced to gather to wind up the estate. Just before she dies, Veronika leaves the manor to her daughter Signe, who was given up for adoption. Signe lives with her partner in a quiet residential area in the local town and has never known the truth of her parentage. What was meant to be a quick and painless estate division becomes the start of a journey into secrets and lies that turn their lives upside down and forces them to look at each other and themselves with new eyes.
Series 2 has been screened.
The third and final season was aired weekly in January and February 2017 at Danmarks Radio.
Eve, a victim of childhood sexual abuse, and her lover Frank, a disc jockey, live in the San Francisco Bay Area. They have a fight triggered by Frank's jealous nature. Frank is dismayed that Eve has gone to a boxing match featuring African American pugilist Johnnie Keyes. Eve tries to console Frank with sex, but they fight and he tells her, “Perhaps you need some of that black stuff.” Eve leaves the house, gets into her car, and has a terrible accident whilst driving, winding up in the hospital, wrapped in bandages. After the bandages are taken off, she surprisingly is much prettier. This is her first resurrection.
After Eve returns home, Frank suggests they attend a swinger's party, and she reluctantly agrees. At the ensuing orgy, Frank happily enjoys the charms of a friend's wife, but Eve is horrified by the hedonism and they fight afterwards. Frank berates her for harboring sexual inhibitions and blamed for trying to make him feel guilty. The brow-beaten Eve decides to try swinging again.
After attending a couple more swing parties, a role-reversal begins to take place. Eve becomes an enthusiastic swinger, and Frank's jealousy comes out at a party in a 1950s themed party in which he sees his wife fellating an African American. Frank becomes the reticent partner as Eve becomes unfettered sexuality, and he loses his control over her. At an orgy featuring all manners of sex, gay, straight and interracial, Eve couples with an African American gentleman while the jealous Frank watches. She announces after coitus that she is leaving Frank. The second resurrection of Eve is complete.
As described in a film magazine, Joan (Murray), a waif that was adopted by the keeper of a boarding house, runs away and becomes a cashier at a Childs Restaurant,"Later, she tames her hair, and gets a job in Child's restaurant as cashier" - The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California 07 Jan 1918, Mon • Page 14 but quits when the manager attempts to make love to her. She meets Louie (Ferguson), with whom she was once friendly, and he forces her to steal for him. She is caught and sentenced to a state reformatory. En route she escapes from the train by jumping into a stream and swims ashore, where she is picked up by Bertram (Oakman), the son of wealthy parents. He takes her home and she is permitted to stay there. Louie tries several times to get Joan under his power, but fails. Bertram marries Joan despite her past.
Penrod Schofield and Sam Williams are good friends and founding members of the In-Or-In boy's club. Penrod is perpetually in trouble at school and in the neighborhood because of the pranks he plays. Georgie Bassett and Rodney Bitts, two other boys at school, are always complaining to adults about Penrod and Sam, so the boys will not allow them into their club. When Georgie's father, Mr. Bassett, tells this to Penrod's father, Henry Schofield, Mr. Schofield insists that the boys invite Georgie to join their club. Having been forced into accepting Georgie, they decide to make his initiation especially unpleasant. Rodney, who also dislikes the boys, then pretends that Penrod and Sam harmed him, and the two boys are unfairly punished. Meanwhile, Penrod and Sam argue over a girl, Marjorie Jones, whom they both like, and Penrod's dog, Duke, is run over by a car. Penrod hits his lowest period when Penrod's father sells the empty lot where the clubhouse is located to Mr. Bitts, who throws the boys off the land. Out of revenge, Rodney even refuses to allow Penrod to visit Duke's grave next to the clubhouse. When he realizes how much the lot means to Penrod, Mr. Schofield buys the land back from Mr. Bitts, and having learned his lesson, Penrod makes up with Sam and invites Rodney to join the club.
Julia Cavanaugh is a formerly rich socialite who is heavily in debt. She meets Count Ivan Karloff, a Russian con-man, whom she hopes to marry to relieve her financial problems. They get engaged and he seduces her but when he finds out that she has no money, he abandons her.
Shortly afterwards, she meets a retired bootlegger named Flashy Madden, a rough type who offers to pay off her debts if she will teach him how to be a gentleman. She replies that she can only teach him how to behave like one, not how to be one, but she accepts the offer.
Julia is being courted by the son of a senator and although she is uncertain, she knows that it will benefit her precarious situation and finally accepts. Just as the engagement is about to be announced, Flashy tells Julia that he is in love with someone and can she help him find the words to tell her. They perform a mock proposal together and just as Flashy is about to do it for real, she tells him about her up-coming engagement. Flashy is disappointed but wishes her well.
The engagement is announced in the press and the count reads about it. He appears at Julia's apartment and attempts to blackmail her. Flashy is in an adjoining room and overhears the interchange. He tells Julia that he will take care of it and takes the money to Karloff's lodgings. An argument ensues over relinquishing indiscreet letters from Julia and Karloff pulls out a gun and is shot by Flashy in the struggle over the gun.
Flashy is arrested but refuses to say anything in order to protect Julia. He does tell his defense counsel, however, and the lawyer goes to see Julia about it. Julia agrees to testify even though it will destroy her reputation. Over Flashy's protests and outbursts in court, she gives testimony about what happened. Her fiancé is in the spectators gallery and on hearing the truth, he leaves the court and ends the engagement.
Flashy is acquitted on the grounds of self-defense and is released. He decides to go to Florida and goes to say goodbye to Julia. Julia repeats the same words that Flashy had spoken to her in the mock-proposal, saying that there is a man, the greatest gentleman she has ever known, with whom she is in love and whom she doesn't know how to tell. They embrace and kiss.
A small-town delivery boy Merton Gill (Stuart Erwin) arrives in Hollywood, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and complete with a diploma from the National Correspondence Academy of Acting. Crashing the gates of Majestic Pictures Merton manages to fumble his one line bit in the latest Buck Benson (George Templeton) western and is fired on the spot.
In 1998 in London, a young Noni Jean is taken by her mother Macy to a salon to get her hair done before her performance at a talent contest. Noni is happy to win second place for her performance of Nina Simone's "Blackbird", but her mother refuses to accept anything but first place and forces Noni to smash her trophy on the ground.
In the present, Noni Jean is a hot new artist who has just won a Billboard Music Award for her collaboration with her boyfriend Kid Culprit and is primed for superstardom. However, the pressures of success cause her to nearly end her life by falling off a hotel balcony. She is saved by a young police officer, Kaz Nicol. Noni's team, including her mother, tells the media in a press conference that she fell by accident. Kaz, who has political ambitions, is not happy to be forced to lie to the media, and is initially cold to Noni. However, he later apologizes to her. Gradually, they connect and begin to fall in love, despite her mother's disapproval. Noni tells Kaz about the songs she has secretly written, and he is supportive of her creative ambitions. Noni decides to end the romantic relationship with Kid Culprit that her team has encouraged.
In spite of her team's attempt to cover it up, rumors persist that Noni attempted suicide, and her label tells Macy (who is also Noni's manager) that her record contract is conditional on a successful upcoming performance. However, during the performance, Kid Culprit suddenly humiliates her and lies about their relationship, and Kaz punches him on stage in defense of Noni. Following this, Noni loses her record contract and is at a low point emotionally, so Kaz takes her on a trip to Mexico away from the spotlight where they enjoy each other's company. Noni gets rid of her old hairstyle in favor of her natural hair, and a trip to a local karaoke bar leads to Noni giving an emotional performance of "Blackbird." The performance is uploaded to the internet and goes viral, causing Noni's mother and the paparazzi to find her. Macy tells Noni that the viral success of her performance has caused her record label to reconsider, and Noni agrees to return home. Kaz tells Noni he is not convinced that anything will be different than it was before, and their relationship is put on pause.
Noni wants to add a song she has written to her upcoming album, but Macy refuses. The two fight about their relationship and Noni tells her mother that even after her suicide attempt, Macy continued to focus only on her career to the detriment of her happiness and mental health. Noni fires Macy as her manager. Meanwhile, Kaz has begun a political campaign and reflects on whether his career should take precedence over his personal happiness. Inspired by Kaz's honesty, Noni gives a television interview where she admits to having attempted suicide and says she is getting help. Noni prepares for her first live performance in London, and shortly before going onstage suddenly encounters Kaz, who has taken a flight there and expresses his love for her. Noni performs a song she has written to an enthusiastic audience. She brings Kaz onstage, tells him that she loves him too, and they embrace.
Tom Lawrence (Tom Conway), aka the Falcon, helps Dolores Ybarra (Cecilia Callejo) enter an art gallery late at night to supposedly recover a painting that belongs to her. The Falcon discovers that the woman is the model for the artist's painting, however, the artist, Humphrey Wade (Bryant Washburn) has been dead for 15 years. The body of the owner of the gallery lies murdered on the floor. When the security guards arrive, alerted by a burglar alarm, they try to arrest Tom but he escapes with the painting and goes to the home of Winthrop "Lucky Diamond" Hughes (Emory Parnell), a collector of Wade's work.
Wanted by the American police for murder, the Falcon finds Barbara (Martha Vickers), the late artist's daughter and they travel to Mexico City. At the airport, Barbara is met by a car from the La Casa Del Laga Inn and slips away. After she drives away, Tom hires taxi driver Manuel Romero (Nestor Paiva) and his son, Pancho (Fernando Alvarado) to follow her.
The La Casa Del Laga Inn, located in a country village was where her father lived and worked. Barbara introduces Tom to her stepmother Raquel (Mona Maris), a dancer, and Raquel's partner and new husband Anton (Joseph Vitale) who warns Tom to leave Barbara alone and get out of Mexico.
At the inn, desk clerk Paula Dudley (Mary Currier), shows the Wade studio, where Tom finds a drawing done in Wade's style, with its paint still wet. Dolores, searching for her portrait in Tom's room, is surprised by his early return but when he pursues her into the hallway, she make her getaway. When he returns to his room, an unknown assailant knocks him unconscious and steals the painting.
Don Carlos Ybarra (Pedro de Cordoba), searches for his daughter but when her body turns up drowned in the lake, Tom thinks she has been murdered. Hughes arrives at the hotel without his famous diamond ring, a piece of jewellery he always wears. At dinner, Barbara collapses, the victim of poisoning, leaving Tom with a puzzling mystery that may be linked to the disappearance of Humphrey Wade. If Wade is still alive, who stands to gain from that?
At the lake, Tom finds Paula, dead in a boat. Manuel appears and reveals that he is an undercover Mexican police officer, who also needs to find the killer on the loose. Back at the inn, they discover Barbara is missing and on her way to an island, where her father's grave is located. When Tom removes the headstone, however, a masked man approaches Barbara and reveals himself to be her father. He explains that his disappearance came about when his alleged suicide made his paintings valuable.
As Wade warns Barbara that their lives are in danger, he is shot dead. Tom deduces that the killer must be Hughes, and he sets a trap for him. Wearing Wade's disguise, Tom walks onto the plaza and before Hughes can shoot from a balcony, Manuel fires. With the killer brought to justice, Tom bids farewell to his Mexican friends and boards an aircraft bound for home.
In 1883, Krakatoa begins stirring for the first time in 200 years. In the nearby village of Waringin, Sadidjah confides to her husband, village head Tjakra Amidjaja, that she has had a bad dream about the volcano; she fears that it will be the death of them. Tjakra Amidjaja consoles her, and tells her that they will leave the village in two days. In the meantime, the volcano grows increasingly violent and Tjakra Amidjaja and Sadidjah stay behind to manage the evacuation. They send their children, Hasan and Soerijati, to stay with family in Rangkas Gombong. Krakatoa erupts several hours later. The village is wiped out in the resulting tsunami, and Soerijati is lost after she falls out of the carriage she is in; Hasan, however, arrives safely in Rangkas Gombong.
Forty-four years pass. Moelia, the son of the Regent of Rangkas Gombong and Assistant ''Wedana'' of Sindanglaut, hears of a Baduy priest, Noesa Brama, who is curing the sick and injured. Moelia travels to Mount Ciwalirang to interview him, and finds Noesa Brama an intelligent and well-spoken man. Over lunch Moelia falls in love with the priest's daughter, Retna Sari. He learns that she must marry a man of equal standing to her father, one who is "no less than the Sultan of Yogyakarta or the Sunan of Solo". Upon returning home, Moelia realises that Noesa Brama must be the last male descendant of the Hindu kings of Pajajaran, and that both Retna Sari and her mother bear a striking resemblance to his own grandmother. Several days later, he returned to the mountain and overhears a group of men from Palembang planning to kidnap Retna Sari. He chases them away, then briefly visits Noesa Brama before returning home. Though he attempts to forget Retna Sari, he is unable to do so.
The following week, the men from Palembang lie to the police, leading to Noesa Brama's arrest for planning a rebellion; the men then persuade Retna Sari and her mother to follow them to Sumatra. Learning of this, Moelia arranges for Noesa Brama's release. The priest returns home to find that his wife and daughter have gone – seemingly willingly – with the men from Palembang, while Moelia takes a steamboat and chases the kidnappers. Before he can stop them, Krakatoa erupts again, overturning the fleeing ship. Moelia barely has enough time to rescue the women before the mountain erupts a second time, killing the fugitives.
Moelia informs his father, revealed to be Hasan, of the eruptions, and the older man comes to his son's home. There he meets Retna Sari and her mother. They discover that Retna Sari's mother is Soerijati, explaining the familial resemblance. She reveals that she had been found and raised by Noesa Brama's father; she also tells of a statue of Vishnu in a cave atop Mount Ciwalirang with the inscription "At the time when I am damaged, the land and all your descendants will be destroyed, cursed by Rakata's anger", damage to which the priests believe caused the Krakatoa eruption. Unknown to them, Noesa Brama – enraged at the thought of his daughter marrying a commoner – has deliberately destroyed this statue by throwing it down a well, causing the eruption which stopped the fugitives.
Moelia and his family depart for Ciwalirang the following morning, hoping that Noesa Brama will consent to the marriage of Moelia and Retna Sari. The priest accepts the proposal, but expresses regret over the destruction of the statue after he discovers that Retna Sari and Soerijati had not gone willingly with the men from Palembang. He weds Moelia and Retna Sari and has them promise that their first son will be raised a Hindu and become king of the Baduy; he then surrenders all his power to his daughter. Later, hoping that his spirit and those of his ancestors can control the volcano, Noesa Brama secretly commits suicide by jumping into the well. Several weeks later, activity at the volcano drops, although it remains active.
Set in San Francisco, wealthy tech entrepreneur Josh Kaminski hires Gabi Diamond as his personal chef. The two have a one-night stand after having a bit of trouble on Gabi's trial dinner. The series follows the two and their lives. The dynamic follows the couple's relationship and love life. Gabi faces challenges both in and outside of the kitchen.
Gabi lives in an apartment with her best friend, Sophia. Sophia (AKA 'lil SoSo). They constantly get into crazy antics thanks to Gabi's elaborate plans.
Vicki Wilomirska (Norma Shearer), an impoverished Polish princess, falls madly in love while dancing with the charming but penniless Austrian baron Nicki Prax (Melvyn Douglas). She ends her engagement to wealthy lawyer Hubert Tyler (Lee Bowman). They marry secretly, but are exposed by one of Nicki's ex-girlfriends, decorator Linda Wayne (Gail Patrick). The two support themselves by being professional house guests in the homes of American nouveau riche, who are impressed by Old World aristocracy. Eventually Nicki decides to do the unthinkable and get a job. Linda pursues Nicki, and Vicki, brokenhearted, sues for divorce. Hubert represents Vicki in the case, and despite Nicki's tender declaration of his love, the teary judge grants the divorce.
When Nicki returns from South America, Linda asks him to see her. At her office, he learns that Vicki and Hubert are engaged. He persuades Linda to help him get a job with her competitor, who is decorating the new house that Hubert is building for his fiancee. He begins by behaving professionally, but eventually confesses that he loves only Vicki. She tells him that he is too late. At the fancy betrothal party for Hubert and Vicki, Nicki comes to say goodbye. They dance to the same waltz that had ignited their passion when they first met, and the magic returns. They elope once more.
Frank Eastman is a down-on-his-luck show tune composer. He wrote some music while in prison which was subsequently stolen by well-to-do show promoter Arthur Cartwright. When Eastman's teenage daughter Patsy befriends some boys her age who plead with Cartwright to get Eastman the credit he is due. Cartwright calls the police, claiming extortion.
When the boys are arrested, they are placed in the same paddy wagon as gangster Pete Detroit. Pete's gang frees them all.
Patsy and the boys decide they can prove Eastman is the true composer if they perform a show before Cartwright's show debuts. They recruit neighborhood children and teens to perform.
Lee White, left alone while his wife Kit is out of town, moves in with her parents just to have some company. Lee is persuaded by father-in-law Harry to quit is job as a car salesman and come into the real-estate business with him. His first assignment is to sell a piece of land to Arthur Freeman, a wealthy property investor.
Kit's little sister Harriet enters a contest in a movie theater hoping to win a cash prize, but instead wins 200 bars of the sponsor's soap. Kit, meantime, comes home to find her husband and father working together but quarreling over Harry's unwillingness to interfere with Lee's work.
An inspirational idea to scatter Harriet's soap on the property for sale, making Freeman fear a soap company's about to buy it, backfires when Harry talks the client out of it. A frustrated Lee is offered a job by Freeman and considers it, concerning his wife.
Lee joins the rest of the family at a costume ball, where both Harry and Freeman are dressed as clowns. He mixes them up and by accident gets Harry to understand his love for Kit and her loved ones. As they agree to work better together, Harriet wins first prize at the ball—another 100 bars of soap.
When Carvel teenager and new tow truck-owner Andy Hardy is stopped by a policeman for driving without a license plate, a radio report implicates him in stealing the car he is towing.
At home, Andy finds it hard to be cheerful, even though his mother Emily, his father, Judge James K. Hardy, and his aunt Milly are celebrating his sister Marian's return from New York. Marian thinks that Carvel is too unsophisticated for her and is annoyed by her family's worries that she is dating Jeff Willis, a local young man who is considered a "wolf."
As the judge sits in his study, Andy comes in and tells him about the misunderstanding that led to the auto theft problem. The judge promises to sort things out if Andy will help him by befriending Melodie Nesbit, a teenager at the center of a custody battle between her mother Olivia and her father Roderick. Although Melodie is not as pretty or outgoing as Andy's other girl friends, he agrees to help by asking her to a dance.
Jeff arrives, announcing his presence on a loudspeaker set up in his car, and broadcasts his invitation to Marian to come with him to the Red Door Inn on the 19th. Andy tells her about the notorious inn and warns her not to get involved in a scandal.
On the night of the dance, Melodie is happy to be there, even though she knows that Andy has only asked her out because of his father. Andy has to bribe his friends to dance with her, but one boy, Harry Land, refuses the money because he has a secret crush on Melodie. After the dance, Melodie, who has a crush on Andy, asks his advice on how to appeal to boys.
The same night, Emily secretly orders a forty dollar cut-away coat for her husband out of her household account.
A few days later, Andy's friend Susie comes to distribute posters for a "spinster skip" dance, to which the girls are to invite the boys. Andy offers to drive Susie around town and is seen by Melodie, who immediately goes to the judge and asks him to say that he accepted her invitation for Andy to come to the dance.
At the same time, the postman arrives with Emily's COD coat and informs her that the amount due is $61.40. Emily is upset because the ad said nothing about extra charges and refuses to accept the package.
On the night of Marian's date with Jeff, she becomes annoyed when her family makes fun of her choice of a dress, which is really a fancy nightgown, and promises that she "will show them."
That night, a man from a collection agency comes to the house and demands that Emily pay the full amount of the coat or be taken to court and have her husband's salary attached.
Later, at the dance, Melodie impresses everyone with her new clothes and hairstyle, and now the boys are willing to pay Andy. Despite Melodie's charm, Andy later admits to her that he does not return her affection. When she quietly goes into her house, she overhears her parents having a vicious argument. Back at home, Andy feels terrible that he made Melodie cry, but is happy to hear that Polly Benedict, his old girlfriend, is coming home. Melodie then comes to the judge and says that she never wants to see either of her parents again and the judge lets her spend the night with his family.
Some time later, Andy, who volunteered to search for the long-overdue Marian, brings her home, towing Jeff's car, in which a drunken Jeff had a minor crash. After they bring the passed-out Jeff into the house, the judge explains to Andy how low man falls when he allows himself to reach this state. The next day, a sober Jeff comes to the door to apologize and say that he did hear the judge's words the previous night and has learned his lesson.
That afternoon, the judge meets with Melodie's parents, and after lecturing them about their behavior, asks Melodie in and convinces Olivia and Roderick to retract the horrible things they have said about each other and try to get along.
After the family leaves, a tearful Emily comes to her husband, remorseful over what has happened about the cut-away coat. The judge alleviates her fears by letting her know that he inadvertently found out about the agency and discovered that the entire mail-order business was run by confidence men who tricked unsuspecting customers into paying more than the advertised price for the suit.
That afternoon, Andy takes Harry to see Melodie, who has gotten over her crush on Andy and is more than willing to date the smitten Harry. She also convinces Andy to ask Polly to the football dance. As Andy leaves Melodie's house, Polly drives by with her cousin, who coincidentally is the man who mistakenly thought that Andy stole his car. With everything now fine, Andy drives home and tells his father, "women are habit forming."
An axe murderer in Chicago has already killed six victims. The police, led by Inspector Gallagher with psychiatrist Dr. Immelman consulting, have arrested a different man for each crime, but all of them are impervious to interrogation, lost in a state of paranoid schizophrenia. All are institutionalized.
A mysterious figure in the shadows counsels a seventh man, a seemingly harmless bird shop owner, that he must kill a dancer named Edwina Brown (Laraine Day), because she is his enemy and has ruined his life. He hands him an axe, and the man goes after her as she walks home at night. Actor Oliver Duffy (Lew Ayres) is walking home after his play has closed, and sees the man shadowing her; he intervenes and escorts her home. The man with the axe tries to get in her window; Oliver keeps watch on the fire escape outside her window all night, preventing another attempt near dawn.
The next day, Oliver takes measures for Edwina's safety as she returns from work, sending a taxi (with her cat in it) to take her home, and arranging a dummy figure in her bed while they wait in the other room. The bird-shop owner gets in the window and attacks the dummy with the axe; they raise the alarm, and he is captured. At the police station, he too is unreachable, obsessively rearranging little slips of paper with meaningless writing (Oliver later recognizes it as mirror writing) on it. Oliver gives one of these to Edwina as a souvenir, and the police put her up in a hotel for the night.
When another stranger takes down the fire axe and tries to get into Edwina's room to kill her, Oliver deduces that the crimes are not random. He believes that someone is hypnotizing different people to commit each murder, but his far-fetched hypothesis leaves the police and Edwina skeptical. Inspector Gallagher says the "mastermind" theory is hackneyed, though he does let drop the fact that the names of all seven men who did the murders begin with B. Edwina lived and danced in Paris, and has some secret connected with her time there that she refuses to talk about, but she alleges that there would be no reason for anyone to want to kill her.
Oliver goes to the psychiatric hospital where all the arrested men are kept, and pretends to be schizophrenic in order to get in and investigate. He delights Dr. Immelman with his paranoid act, which gives him scope to break into his file cabinet and look under the "B"s. All seven men who did the axe murders are there, in order, as patients of another psychiatrist at the hospital, Dr. Santelle (Basil Rathbone). Oliver concludes that the mastermind who is hypnotizing the patients to murder must he a psychiatrist. He escapes, gets to Edwina and takes her to a seminar that will be attended by every psychiatrist in the city, to see if she knows any of them. She does not, but Dr. Santelle is not there.
They go to his house, and when he sees who is calling, he gets his butler to impersonate him in surgical gown and mask. Edwina thinks she does not know him. As they wait for an "L" (elevated) train, someone pushes Oliver off the platform; he manages to drop through the ties and fall to the street. As he lies, bruised but not seriously hurt, in the hospital, Edwina finally tells him her awful secret: she was engaged to a man named Cesar in Paris, he suddenly left her with no word or warning, and she thought being jilted made her seem undesirable. He pooh-poohs this, and they declare their love.
Edwina goes to wait outside while Oliver rests, and a doctor comes in and gives him an injection. It turns out to be Dr. Santelle, who explains that he has given Oliver an overdose of insulin and he will soon die, so he might as well tell him where Edwina is. Oliver passes out without doing so; as Santelle leaves, Edwina spots him and recognizes him as Cesar. She follows him. Oliver knocks over a pitcher, a nurse investigates and a doctor saves him with a glucose injection. Oliver manages to get the police to go to Dr. Santelle's house, though they think he is crazy and they are saving Santelle from him.
Santelle catches Edwina and forces her inside, where he reveals his reason for getting his patients to kill the seven men: he is not actually Santelle, but impersonated him to claim his large inheritance in Chicago when Santelle died in Paris. This was why he left her so abruptly. All seven men who were killed had known the real Santelle; When Edwina, who knows he's really Cesar, is dead, no one will know he is an impersonator. As he is about to kill her, the police arrive, and he locks her in a closet while he answers the door. The police are convinced that Oliver is crazy until one of them spots the piece of paper Edwina had got from the lunatic on the floor. "Santelle" shoots at the police in an attempt to get away, and Gallagher shoots him dead. Oliver and Edwina are happily reunited and plan to marry immediately.
A policeman is alerted to a pair of female legs protruding from the surface of a pond. He attempts to rescue the woman, but discovers that the legs are fake, with a sign saying "RATS" at the bottom. He then falls in the lake himself.
A mountie tracks down a former childhood friend.
This story takes place in Aguazul, a fictional town where Montserrat (Angelique Boyer) lives with her upper-class family. A beautiful young woman with a good social position, which makes her idealize having a rosy life. Montserrat is constantly manipulated by her mother, Graciela Giacinti (Daniela Castro), who only cares about social appearances and wealth. Her father, Lauro Mendoza (Rogelio Guerra) is a retired admiral with a severe heart condition. Due to that he is unable to see to their lands. Montserrat's older brother Dimitrio (Osvaldo Benavides), gambles extensively and their family is on the brink of financial ruin, unbeknownst to Montserrat. Montserrat has become the solution to the socio-economic problems of her family, as her mother has chosen her ideal husband, Sebastián de Icaza (Osvaldo de León), son of one of the most influential families in Aguazul; However, she is not willing to marry a man imposed for convenience, even less when in fact she is in love with another, José Luis (Luis Roberto Guzmán), a corporal of the Navy. Sebastian discovers Montserrat's illicit relationship and leaves her, prompting Montserrat to pressure Jose Luis to speak to her father about asking her hand in marriage. José Luis, for his part, feels that his courtship with Montserrat will never be approved, since deep down, he knows that the Mendoza family will never accept him, because he does not have a promising future to share with Montserrat. Instead he offers to run away with her, to which Montserrat begrudgingly agrees.
On the other hand, Alejandro (Sebastián Rulli), a farmhand from a nearby plantation and with a desire to excel, learns a truth; that his father is Don Benjamín Almonte (Alfredo Adame), a cruel, powerful and wealthy man, who on his deathbed has revealed this secret and changes his will, naming Alejandro his sole heir. However, Alejandro does not receive this news well and runs off to clear his mind, meeting Montserrat accidentally while she was waiting for Jose Luis—immediately falling in love. Graciela, having been the secret lover of Benjamin Almonte in the hopes he might leave her all of his wealth, becomes furious at hearing that Alejandro now owns it.
It is when Graciela in desperation openly asks Alejandro for financial help, that he agrees to support the Mendoza with their debts on the condition that she overlooks his illegitimate birth and allows him to get to know her daughter, to see if he can get her to fall in love with him. Graciela accepts the proposal, swearing that Montserrat will not find out about the deal. At the same time, Montserrat and José Luis are discovered in their relationship by Graciela and Dimitrio, who do not want to jeopardize the promising future that awaits them and give themselves the task of separating them. They do not take long to achieve their goal, causing Montserrat to change his perception of José Luis, when the authorities blame him for a murder he did not commit, he is arrested and locked up. Believing that he had abandoned her before they could run away, Montserrat becomes desolate.
When Graciela notes that Montserrat does not want to be romantically involved with Alejandro, she is forced to confess to her daughter the truth about her economic situation. Despite her principles and aware that it is the way to help her family not be completely ruined, Montserrat agrees to marry Alejandro. However, she feels guilty because she knows she is marrying just for money. On the other hand, Alejandro believes he has won her heart. Just when José Luis reappears to prove the truth about the injustice he suffered, Montserrat and Alejandro are married, and he is too late. Jose Luis pleads with Montserrat and asks her to run away with him again, and she agrees. Alejandro discovers that she intends to run away with Jose Luis the day of their wedding, and he promptly takes her back to his plantation. Determined to keep her as his wife he feels like the Mendoza family lead him astray, by pretending she had loved him. Montserrat and Alejandro clash many times, believing one had betrayed the other when the reality is they were manipulated by Graciela and Dimitrio. Slowly the truth comes to light and they begin to get along, finding a happy medium—that is, until Jose Luis shows up at Alejandro's plantation under the guise of the new foreman, determined to convince Montserrat to run away with him still. Alejandro, having never seen his face, quickly takes up a friendship with 'Antonio Olivarez', the man who is after his wife.
The game is set in a fictional future where humans have successfully discovered ways to survive outside Earth and have begun colonizing other planets. Humans arrived at Shear, a distant planet located in the "Far Arm" of space, and began creating colonies and industrial factories.
As the colonisation progressed, humans began to meet resistance from alien life-forms, known as Monsters, that had the ability to evolve by consuming local wildlife. As the Monsters destroyed the colonies on Shear, a former "planet tamer" named William Cabot was brought out of retirement to deal with the threat and to evacuate the remaining colonists from Shear. Cabot assembled a team of Hunters to eliminate the Monsters and protect their communities.
After her boss is murdered, secretary and aspiring detective Kitty O'Day sees a chance to put her skills to the test to the annoyance of the investigating police officer Inspector Clancy. When Clancy won't properly investigate the dead man's widow, O'Day takes it upon herself to unmask the killer - with the reluctant assistance of her boyfriend Johnny Jones.
Amateur detective Kitty O'Day and her boyfriend are employed in a hotel. After the owner is shot, O'Day takes over the investigation despite the protests of the police.
Richard Hendricks, an employee of a tech company named Hooli, creates an app called Pied Piper that contains a revolutionary data compression algorithm. Peter Gregory acquires a stake in Pied Piper, and Richard hires the residents of Erlich Bachman's business incubator, including Bertram Gilfoyle and Dinesh Chugtai, along with Jared Dunn, who also defected from Hooli. Meanwhile, Nelson "Big Head" Bighetti chooses to accept a substantial promotion at Hooli instead, despite his lack of merit for the job.
Gavin Belson instructs his Hooli employees to reverse engineer Pied Piper and develop a similar product called Nucleus. Both companies are scheduled to present at TechCrunch Disrupt. Pied Piper rushes to produce a feature-rich cloud storage platform based on their compression technology. At the TechCrunch event, Belson presents Nucleus, which is integrated with all of Hooli's services and has compression performance equal to Pied Piper. However, Richard has a new idea and spends the entire night coding. The next morning, he makes Pied Piper's final presentation and demonstrates a product that strongly outperforms Nucleus; he is then mobbed by eager investors.
In the immediate aftermath of their TechCrunch Disrupt victory, multiple venture capital firms offer to finance Pied Piper's Series A round. Peter Gregory has died and is replaced by Laurie Bream to run Raviga Capital. Richard finds out that Hooli is suing Pied Piper for copyright infringement, claiming that Richard developed Pied Piper's compression algorithm on Hooli time using company equipment. As a result, Raviga and all the other VC firms retract their offers. Richard turns down Hooli's buyout and accepts funding from controversial billionaire Russ Hanneman, though Richard quickly begins questioning his decision after learning about Hanneman's mercurial reputation and his excessive interference in day-to-day operations.
Belson promotes Big Head to Hooli [xyz], to make people think he created the compression algorithm and that Richard stole it to create Pied Piper. Belson agrees to drop the lawsuit in favor of binding arbitration to prevent the press from finding out about how bad Nucleus is. Due to a clause in Richard's Hooli contract, the lawsuit is ruled in Pied Piper's favor. Raviga buys out Hanneman's stake in Pied Piper, securing three of Pied Piper's five board seats. However, they decide to remove Richard from the CEO position due to previous incidents.
After a failed stint with Jack Barker as CEO of Pied Piper, Richard eventually regains his CEO position. Due to Jack wasting all their money on offices and useless marketing, a cash strapped Richard hires contract engineers from around the world to help construct their application platform. Big Head receives a $20 million severance package from Hooli in exchange for non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements. Big Head uses his money to set up his own incubator and Erlich partners with him. However, because of their spending habits, they declare bankruptcy, and Erlich is forced to sell his stake in Pied Piper to repay the debts. Gavin Belson hires Jack Barker as the new head of development at Hooli.
After release, their platform is positively reviewed by members of the industry. However, only a small fraction of the people installing the platform remain as daily active users due to its complex interface design. Meanwhile, Jared secretly employs a click farm to artificially inflate usage statistics. An anxious Richard reveals the source of the uptick at a Series B funding signing meeting, leading to the deal being scrapped. Laurie no longer wishes for Raviga to be associated with Pied Piper and moves to sell majority control to any investor. Erlich and Big Head are able to buy control of the company after an unexpected windfall from the sale of a blog they bought. Pied Piper now prepares to pivot again, this time to become a video chat company, based on the sudden popularity of Dinesh's video chat application which he included on the platform.
Richard steps down as CEO of Pied Piper, and instead begins working on a new project: a decentralized, peer-to-peer internet, that would be powered by a network of cell phones without any firewalls, viruses, or government regulations. Gavin Belson is removed as CEO of Hooli after an incident involving COPPA violations from when he seized PiperChat. Jack Barker takes his place as CEO. Gavin temporarily works with Richard, until he has an existential crisis and leaves Palo Alto for Tibet.
Laurie and Monica form their own VC company, Bream/Hall. Big Head becomes a lecturer at Stanford University's Department of Computer Science. Erlich gets into business with Keenan Feldspar, whose VR headset is the Valley's latest sensation. However, Erlich is left out of a signing deal and is abandoned by Feldspar, leaving Erlich disillusioned. Erlich then goes to Tibet to meet with Gavin. While Gavin eventually returns home, Erlich stays.
Richard gets into business with FGI, an insurance company, who uses Pied Piper for their data storage needs. After a crisis involving FGI's data storage, the team discovers that the decentralized internet is a working concept after the data from their Pied Piper server had backed itself up to Jian-Yang's smart refrigerator, as Gilfoyle used some of the Pied Piper code when he was trying to hack it, which in turn connected itself to a network of other refrigerators like it and distributing the data. Gavin ousts Jack from Hooli and regains his position as CEO. He offers a very generous acquisition deal to Richard, who turns it down and decides to be funded by Bream/Hall.
In the fifth season, the Pied Piper team gets new offices and hires a large team of coders to help work on Richard's new internet. Meanwhile, Jian-Yang manages to convince a judge that Erlich is dead so that he can inherit Erlich's estate, including the idea incubator and the 10% share of Pied Piper. Richard promotes Jared to be the new chief operating officer for Pied Piper, and Jian-Yang goes to China to build a knock-off version of Pied Piper.
Bream/Hall forces Richard to team up with Eklow, an AI team, and Pied Piper puts together a group of developers. When Eklow's CEO almost destroys Pied Piper's credibility, Richard becomes fed up with Laurie and considers using Gilfoyle's idea to create a cryptocurrency for Pied Piper as a way to secure an independent source of funding. After initially opposing the idea, Monica realizes that Laurie plans to make Richard sell ads for his decentralized internet, and warns him. In gratitude, Richard offers her the newly vacated role of CFO at Pied Piper, and she accepts, finally cutting ties with Laurie.
After unimpressive results from their cryptocurrency, Pied Piper is distraught when Laurie teams up with a wealthy Chinese manufacturer, Yao, who had been working with Belson to steal Jian-Yang's Pied Piper patent. Yao and Laurie add users to Pied Piper's network via a large number of newly manufactured phones, and prepare for a 51% attack against Pied Piper's network in order to take control of developing it. Richard asks Belson to put their software onto Hooli's Signature Box 3 network in order to stop Yao and Laurie, and Belson does so, but betrays Richard by teaming up with Laurie and Yao to delete Pied Piper. At the last minute, Pied Piper recruits Colin, another developer betrayed by Laurie, to run his popular video game ''Gates of Galloo'' on the Pied Piper network, adding users and allowing Pied Piper to maintain control of enough of the network to block Yao's and Hooli's machines from accessing it. Meanwhile, due to the losses incurred in launching the unsuccessful Signature Box 3, Hooli's board of directors announce plans that force Belson to sell the company to Amazon and Jeff Bezos. PiedPiperCoin gains traction, and the season ends with the Pied Piper team moving into a huge new office space.
Pied Piper has become a large company of 500 employees with Richard speaking before Congress on his ideology of a new internet that doesn't collect user data. He is shocked to learn that Colin's online game ''Gates of Galloo'', part of the Pied Piper family, has been collecting user data the entire time. Colin refuses to stop, but Pied Piper depends on his game's revenue, so Richard seeks new investment in order to cut Colin loose. He finds shady Chilean billionaire Maximo Reyes, who offers Richard $1 billion. When Richard turns him down, Maximo begins staging a hostile takeover of Pied Piper. Meanwhile, Richard's right-hand man Jared has left Pied Piper to seek a new up-and-coming talent in need of his support. Hooli, once a tech giant headed by Richard's rival Gavin Belson, downsizes drastically after most of the company is sold to Amazon. Pied Piper purchases what remains of Hooli, including its subsidiary FoxHole. CFIUS judges foreign ownership of FoxHole to be a threat to national security, and Maximo is forced to sell all of his shares of Pied Piper. Gavin, free from his Hooli position, launches a new campaign for "Tethics" (tech ethics) which leads to an investigation that would tie up Pied Piper's business dealings. Richard is able to maneuver out of this with the help of Russ Hanneman. However, Pied Piper must now help Russ with his music festival RussFest. At RussFest, Richard suspects Laurie may be sabotaging their software as it is failing. It turns out that neither Yao Net USA nor Pied Piper scale. Instead of quitting, Richard integrates Gilfoyle's AI (with some edits from Dinesh) into PiperNet and it works better than anyone could have expected, allowing Pied Piper to close a deal with AT&T. However, the team soon realizes that in this effort to maximize compression and efficiency, PiperNet's AI has found a way to bypass all encryption, causing a potential global threat if launched. Thus PiedPiper is forced to intentionally fail in order to save the world from their own creation. They are successful in crashing the launch. There is a 10 year flash forward to see where everyone is, ending with Richard misplacing a flash drive with the potential world security-threatening code on it.
Webb investigates a series of murders connected to robberies of the payroll at a lumber camp in Yukon. Webb decides to act as courier for the next shipment himself.
Test pilot Joe Kovak (Stanley Clements) work for Sam Bentley (John Litel), the former partner of Joe's deceased father. Because Joe's father was killed while flying, however, his mother (Dorothy Adams) is afraid for her son. Bentley is competing for an important government contact but Joe is putting the effort into jeopardy as his brash attitude and propensity in disobeying orders, is becoming troublesome. Bentley's rival, Oscar Collins (Tom Powers), wants Joe to work for his company, capitalizing on the test pilot's ability to fly high speed aircraft. When Bentley finally is fed up with Joe's defiance, and fires him, Collins gives his public relations manager, Marge Stevens (Elena Verdugo), a $500 bonus to get Joe to sign with his company. Infatuated with Marge, Joe signs on but finds the Collins aircraft is inferior and during a test flight, after being asked to fly too high, their prototype crashes.
Joe escapes unharmed, but before an investigation board, Collins blames Joe for the accident, resulting in Joe's flight license being revoked. When Joe learns about Marge's bonus, he is more determined to prove he can be the best test pilot around, but has to find his way back into the cockpit. Discovering that Bentley has planned a test flight to demonstrate his aircraft to the government, Joe sneaks into the plant and is able to fly the test flight. Government officials award Bentley Aircraft the lucrative contact. Joe gets his licence back and returns to work with Bentley Aircraft, and is able to accept that Marge is in love with him.
Dan Walker, having retired from professional baseball, is concerned about the plight of neglected youth in his Texas town and persuades a group of community leaders to start a livestock ranch as a resident facility for troubled and neglected boys, to develop good character and self-reliance in a wholesome outdoor environment. The men urge Walker to run the ranch and wealthy landowner Davis Banton agrees to permit use of a portion of his property to set up the ranch on a provisional basis.
Two of the boys, "Hank" and "Skippy", are the main protagonists. Hank is sincere and good-hearted, but repeatedly clashes with a cynical and devious Skippy, who mocks Hank as a "trusty". Skippy's misbehavior and thievery eventually cause the neighboring townspeople to call for the ranch's closing. The ongoing conflict between the two boys culminates in a fight in a cemetery when Hank tries to prevent Skippy from running away during a heavy rainstorm. Hank is rendered unconscious when he is knocked backwards and hits his head on a gravestone.
Later, after he learns that Hank never returned to the ranch and is missing, Skippy returns to the scene of the fight and discovers the still-unconscious Hank perilously close to drowning in the rising floodwaters. Braving the raging torrent of water, Skippy rescues Hank. Remorseful that his misbehavior has caused so much harm and nearly cost Hank his life, Skippy tearfully confesses to the thefts and returns the stolen items, his reform complete.
The story revolves around Liz Ramsey (Chelan Simmons) and her little brother Mick Ramsey (Ashleigh Ball in the series, Joel McFarlene in the pilot), two normal teenagers with one exception; their father Chuck Ramsey (Michael Donovan in the series, Maurice LaMarche in the original pitched pilot) is a secret spy and their mother Angela Ramsey (Sarah Johns) is a super-villain. Although the two parents work for both good and evil, they have the same intention of keeping their children out of harm from their missions and enemies.
Army captain "Big Jim" Tukker has a young son, Little Jim, who runs away from home. Once found, the unhappy boy is cheered by the news that he will soon be getting a new baby brother or sister. But when his mother dies in childbirth, his father takes to drinking, neglecting him.
Others intervene on the boy's behalf, including Sui Jen, the family servant. Efforts to shake Big Jim out of his depression fail until Sui Jen begins teaching the child Chinese philosophy and faith, going so far as to dress him in Chinese apparel. The boy's father realizes he must take a more personal interest in parenting, then discovers, to his astonishment, that Sui Jen is actually an officer in the Chinese army.
Jeff (Tom Drake) arrives home to New York City after being away in the Army for several years. Unaware that his fiancée, Jean (Donna Reed), is now dating a man (Warner Anderson) at the department store where she works, Jeff assumes she is still intends to marry him. In order to save Jeff from heartache, several employees at Jean's store set up a ruse to keep Jeff unaware of Jean's new man until he is deployed again. Jean cooperates with the ruse, but it is not long before secrets are revealed.
Dr. Gillespie (Barrymore) asks a young surgeon, Dr. Tommy Coalt (Craig), to go to the small town of Bayhurst to replace a local doctor while he is on assignment to the Occupation effort in post-World War II Europe. There, Coalt is asked to sign mental-health commitment papers on a beautiful young socialite, Cynthia Grace (Bremer). Coalt thinks there is something amiss, and begins his own investigation.
In school, baseball hero Larry Bishop (George Murphy) impresses a girl, Louise (Mary Astor), and they fall in love. Both coincidentally have dreams of traveling to Vienna, Austria someday to continue their education, Larry in medicine, Louise in music.
While still in college, Louise and Larry marry, Louise becomes pregnant, and they move to Larry’s hometown in Illinois, a small town called Napoleon. He takes a job in Dingle's hardware store and they raise their daughter, Cynthia (Elizabeth Taylor), who has chronic health problems and is quite frail. Fifteen years later, the Bishops are having trouble making ends meet, Larry can't afford to buy the home that they rent, and they no longer have any illusions about the adventurous lives they intended to lead.
Dr. Fred Jannings (Gene Lockhart), Larry’s brother-in-law, has been the family's physician since Cynthia's birth, and he strongly recommends against her doing any strenuous activities. Louise ignores this advice and lets Cynthia take a role in the school musical, but her health fails, causing Larry to be upset with his wife.
Cynthia falls for a classmate, Ricky Latham (James Lydon), in the meantime. Louise encourages them to go together to the school prom - Cynthia's first ever date, over her husband's objections. But as the bills and worries mount, Larry loses his patience and his job one day after his boss, J.M. Dingle (Harlan Briggs), objects to his coming late to work. After returning home, Larry tells Louise that they can now leave Napoleon and go to Chicago. But Louise has decided to use her money to buy the house, and Cynthia no longer wants to go either, because she is now going steady with Ricky. In the end, the family unites to embrace the future, satisfied when Larry's boss comes back, hat in hand, asking him to return to his job.
An abandoned infant is discovered in New York City by a cantor, David Feldman, and a minister, Rev. Phillip Andrews, who consult police officer Pat O'Donnell about what to do. Taking in the baby girl and naming her Midge, the three unmarried men seek legal custody in the courtroom of Judge Martin O. Abercrombie, who is agreeable on one condition—the first man to marry will become sole legal guardian of the girl.
At school after she's a few years older, Midge is teased by others for her unusual family situation. Even her teacher, Florence Barrett, does not approve of a child being raised without a mother. To alleviate her concerns, the men invite Florence to an evening at their home, where even Midge becomes happier about the way she is being brought up.
David falls in love with Florence and hopes to propose marriage. Pat, who has been seeing the extroverted singer "Shoo Shoo" Grady, elopes with her. The two clergymen are unsure that Shoo Shoo would be a proper parent for their child. It is left up to the judge, who gives careful consideration to everyone's concerns, then solves the problem by withdrawing his condition about marriage, permitting all three men to share fatherly responsibilities to Midge equally.
On her first trip to Washington, D.C., aspiring reporter Alice Kingsley is shown around by Gilbert Nunnally, a successful radio commentator. Nunnally has a cynical view of the Capitol and everybody in it, expressing his belief that every politician can be bought.
Alice wants to see if there is any truth to that, so she chooses a young Massachusetts congressman with a squeaky-clean image, Joe Gresham, and introduces herself. Joe is wary of the press and makes a telephone call to check her credentials, but Alice, having anticipated this, gives him a number for Nunnally, who pretends to be the reporter's editor and vouches for her credentials.
Following him around, Alice is impressed by Joe's work ethic and personality. She wonders if veteran politician Charles Birch is a corrupting influence, only to learn that Birch has been a mentor to Joe and is greatly admired.
Nunnally persuades Alice that something is going on between Joe and a lobbyist named Phil Emery, who is trying to get Joe's key vote for a bill to pass. Joe is more concerned about its effect on his own constituents than its greater impact. Alice isn't sure what to make of that, or of Joe's seeming disinterest in an elderly immigrant's possible deportation.
After a late-night meeting, apparently with Emery, colleagues in Congress end up applauding for Joe after he has a change of heart about the bill. Alice is now persuaded by Nunnally that he sold his vote for a price. She is made aware by Birch that the reason for Joe's attitude toward the press is that he has a libel suit pending against Nunnally in two weeks' time. Nunnally confronts the congressman and offers to suppress the story about Joe selling his vote if the lawsuit is dropped. Joe punches him instead.
Alice runs into the immigrant, who tells her how Joe went to great effort making sure he could remain in the country. It was he, not Emery, that the all-night meeting was with, and Alice also learns that Joe had an honest change of heart about the bill, recognizing it was for the greater good. Alice writes a column singing Joe's praises, and they also realize they are in love.
The mighty Ursus is given a potion to drink that transforms him on certain nights into a murderous werewolf. Ursus kills several innocent people in the forest before realizing that he himself is the creature the local villagers are seeking to destroy. Ursus is referred to as Hercules in the English-dubbed prints.
With the Civil War nearing an end, rebel soldiers Will Owen, Jesse Wallace, and Clint Priest escape from a Union stockade in Missouri. A bandit leader and Confederate sympathizer, Keeley, recruits them to join a wagon train run by Don Chaves that is carrying a million dollars' worth of gold bullion.
The men see it as a chance to help the South and also profit. Don Chaves is suspicious of them, but permits them to be outriders, accompanying the wagon train but staying 200 yards from the others. Apaches attack and the three men help fend them off, gaining the Don's trust.
The beautiful widow Jen Gort attracts the interest of Will and Jesse, who have a falling-out. She is escorting teenaged Roy, her young brother-in-law, who is eager to prove his courage to the older men by fighting Indians by their side. The boy ends up inadvertently causing a stampede, however, then drowns while attempting to cross a raging river.
News comes that the war is over. Because of that, plus his love for Jen and admiration for the Don, the robbery no longer interests Will, but Jesse is determined to go through with it so that he and Keeley can split the money. A gunfight ends in Jesse's death; Will and Jen can go on with their lives.