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Talking Feet

Hazel, the daughter of an East London fishmonger, is on her way to the rehearsal of a pantomime when her dog Patch is injured in a street accident. At a local hospital Dr Hood (John Stuart) manages to save Patch's life. When Hazel discovers that Dr Hood's hospital may have to close, she helps the local community to raise funds to save it. Mr Shirley (Davy Burnaby), the manager of a local theatre, is persuaded to allow his venue to be used for a fund-raising event. Hazel brings together a group of talented locals to create an exciting evening of entertainment. The fund-raising effort is a success, and so Dr Hood's hospital is saved.

Most of the second half of the film consists of the variety show, featuring various performers of the day.

''Talking Feet'' was released on DVD by Renown Pictures on 11 Jun 2012.


In 1976, an alien species known as the Orgapiens invades Earth. To combat them, the Japanese and American military forces have collaborated on a giant robot known as Z-Mind. Z-Mind is piloted by three sisters: Ayame, Renge and Sumire.

Pinkie Pride

As he oversees an extravagant party he has thrown in Appleloosa, party planner Cheese Sandwich senses a "doozy" of a party being thrown in Ponyville, where Pinkie Pie is organizing her friend Rainbow Dash a party, celebrating both the latter's birthday and anniversary of her move to Ponyville. Pinkie promises to throw Rainbow Dash the best "birthiversary" party ever when Cheese appears and introduces himself as the premier party planner in Equestria. Though initially delighted to meet a party planner like herself, Pinkie is upset as Cheese enraptures the townsfolk with his party-throwing skills, causing her friends to desert her for Cheese's party.

Cheese begins building a massive set for Rainbow Dash's party, while almost all help him build it. Doubting her own partying skills, Pinkie attempts several odd-end jobs around Ponyville that fail. She returns home dejected and begins to put her party supplies away before looking through framed pictures showing various parties she has thrown in the past. With renewed confidence, Pinkie challenges Cheese to a goofing showdown ("goof-off"), declaring the winner will be dubbed the single best party planner and headline Rainbow Dash's party. Cheese accepts and Rainbow Dash becomes the judge of the competition. The two try to outdo each other with increasingly silly and elaborate performances until Pinkie accidentally drops a giant piñata on top of Rainbow Dash. Pinkie realizes her pride has gotten in the way of Rainbow Dash's party and forfeits the goof-off to Cheese.

Pinkie packs up her belongings and prepares to leave Ponyville, deciding to let Cheese take her place. She is stopped by Rainbow Dash and her other friends, who apologize for neglecting her, but Pinkie counters that it is her fault instead, apologizing for her destructive pride. However, her friends affirm that, while both are talented party planners, Cheese could never replace her as their friend. Cheese arrives and apologizes as well, assuring that he never meant any harm, but rather wanted to impress her with his partying; he confesses that, contrary to his previous claims of being a partier all his life, he was extremely shy as a colt until he stumbled upon a party thrown by Pinkie, which inspired him to become a party planner. Pinkie and Cheese make amends and work together to throw Rainbow Dash a party before Cheese departs, leaving Pinkie his valued rubber chicken "Boneless" as a gift.

Bridge and Tunnel (film)

The film begins on New Year's Day as six Long Island natives: Sal, his wife Meghan, Terry, Nate, Eric, and his girlfriend Lina discuss the pro's and con's of going into Manhattan on New Year's Eve. The group spent the holiday in Nassau County going to bars, and Terry makes the decision to drive home while intoxicated, resulting in a DWI arrest.

The first part of the film takes place from New Year's Day 2012 to the beginning of Spring and the main tension revolves around the characters struggling to cope with the transition to adulthood. Terry still lives at home with his mother and now has no vehicle due to his DWI. Sal and Meghan are debating whether or not they want to start a family, Nate is unemployed, and Eric and Lina's relationship is tested as Eric struggles to pay off his student loans while Lina desperately wants to leave the "change at Jamaica crowd" for the glitz and glamor of New York City.

The film then transitions into the spring and summer where the characters attempt to situate their love lives. Sal and Meghan decide that they're going to try to have a child, but are struggling to conceive. Nate tries to solve his relationship woes through online dating, while Eric finds a new love in Christine, a hair salon owner. Meanwhile, Terry begins courting Kelly, a classmate of his from a drunk drivers education course, while Lina moves into the Manhattan and begins working at an art gallery.

As the Summer transitions to Autumn, the male characters develop problems of their own amongst one another in the wake of the loss of a loved one. These differences are tested when Hurricane Sandy destroys Sal and Meghan's Long Beach apartment and brings everyone into the same room for the film's climax.

A year passes from the film's opening scene when on December 31, 2012, Terry, Lina, Nate, Eric, Sal, and Meghan make plans to go into Manhattan to visit Kelly at her new apartment for a New Year's party.

Fear Clinic (film)

Sara (Fiona Dourif) is one of five people that developed PTSD after surviving a bloody shooting attack in a small diner by a masked shooter, which had the unfortunate side effect of either worsening pre-existing phobias or developing new ones. Like the others, she sought treatment from Dr. Andover (Robert Englund), a brilliant scientist and doctor that developed a new way of treating fear-related ailments by way of his "Fear Chamber". Initially the treatments seemed to be a success, but years later the patients have all returned to the clinic due to their fears re-emerging worse than they had before. After urging from her best friend Megan (Cleopatra Coleman), Sara returns to the clinic as well. Andover is reluctant to resume treatment because one of his previous patients, Paige (Bonnie Morgan), died as a result of her treatment in the Fear Chamber. He ends up giving in due to both the patients and his assistant Osborn (Felisha Terrell) insistence that this is the only way to solve their problems. However he finds that his reluctance may have been well-founded as one of the patients, Caylee (Angelina Armani), vomits a black substance that gives Andover a strange vision once he touches the fluid. The vision shows a monstrous version of Paige that states that Andover's treatments opened a passage for a sinister being to come over and that all that it needs to finish its travels is for Andover to resume treatment and "open the door". Realizing that this is not Paige but the creature itself, he is shocked back to consciousness.

While settling in, a new patient by the name of Blake (Thomas Dekker) arrives in the clinic. His mother reveals that he was also one of the victims of the shooting, but that he had only recently began to develop severe night terrors that she believes are related to the attack. Blake is unable to communicate with others due to a head wound that left him with a brain injury that has limited his mobility and made him need a wheelchair. Andover begins treatment on Blake, which they discover has the unintended side effect of healing his brain injury and giving him the ability to speak once more. This, along with his earlier vision of Paige, makes Andover believe that something sinister is at work and that Blake's miraculous healing only occurred so he could once more feel fear, which the creature needs to exist. Megan, who had previously checked herself in the clinic before and has now done it again to be with Sara, has a small cyst on her back and has Osborn cut into it. Osborn sees that the same black fluid that Caylee vomited earlier is leaking from Megan's wound. Andover begins to suspect that Blake is hiding something, as Blake is reluctant to discuss some elements of the shooting during a therapy session. This proves to be the case after Blake discovers a mask identical to the one worn by the shooter. A series of flashbacks reveals that Blake was not a victim of the shooting but the perpetrator himself and that his head wound was a botched suicide attempt. Wandering through the building, Sara discovers Andover's records where he states that the creature is actually a manifestation of fear and that his Fear Chamber was effectively starving it of what it needed to survive: more fear.

Andover is pulled into a strange cocoon-like structure on the wall, which enables the fear creature to take over his body. Meanwhile, Blake ended up succumbing to the influence of fear and becomes the shooter once more. He then proceeds to murder one of the clinic's employees while the fear creature incapacitates or kills several of the clinic's inhabitants through its influence. Sara encounters Blake, who chases her until she remembers a statement Andover made about Paige- that her time in the Fear Chamber incapacitated her but that she did not die until her eyes were closed. Sara realizes that although this killed Paige, it also deprived the fear creature of its food source. She manages to close Blake's eyes. She then does so to Caylee, Bauer (Corey Taylor) and Osborn, but the creature attacks her before she can get to Megan. Dylan (Brandon Beemer) kills himself, depriving the creature. Sara saves Megan's life and closes her eyes, after which Andover is freed from the influence of the fear creature- only for him to say that this is not over and that the creature will only return and try to open the door once more. Sara replies that the only thing left is to "change the locks", and the film ends with Andover stepping into the Fear Chamber to receive treatment while Sara oversees the process, reversing their positions.

Crossroads of Laredo

The film opens to close-ups of "a gun holding a six-gun in its holster". A young cowboy (played by Ed Wood) is introduced, who according to the narrator sold his herd of cattle at San Antonio for top dollar. He is now seen riding in a crossroads town in the vicinity of Laredo, Texas, looking for an old friend. He is soon ambushed by another cowboy, called Tex (Don Nagel) who first disarms him and then shoots him in cold blood.Craig (2009), p. 10-15

Later, Tex heads for the local saloon, and the narrative introduces two other main characters: Lem (Duke Moore) and Barbara (Ruth McCabe). They are old friends who are seen walking together. But Tex wants Barbara, and he soon manages to kiss her. Lem chooses not to interfere, and Tex proceeds to propose marriage. According to the narrator, Tex has had many women and knows just what to say to sweep Barbara off her feet. They are married right away.Craig (2009), p. 10-15

A year later, a more weary Barbara is seen. Tex has proved to be a neglectful husband. A scene depicts him rejecting his wife and newborn child. He claims that he only needs his gun and the money it brings him. He spends his money with saloon girls.Craig (2009), p. 10-15 Lem heads out to see Barbara and informs her of Tex's cheating ways. He also explains his suspicion that Tex kills men for money, then confesses his own love for her. He offers to kill Tex for her.Craig (2009), p. 10-15

The two gunfighters meet in a fight at the streets of the small town, and Lem bests his rival. Tex is fatally wounded and soon dies; only four prostitutes are seen mourning for him. The camera then follows his funeral procession to the grave. Barbara leaves Tex's gun and holster on the wooden cross of the grave. Lem chooses the funeral as his moment to surrender to the local sheriff.Craig (2009), p. 10-15

The crowd attending the funeral turns into a lynch mob and the sheriff is willing to execute Lem without a trial. Then Barbara approaches the prisoner and gives him a passionate kiss. She informs the crowd that she loves the man. No longer eager to avenge the widow, the crowd releases Lem. The new couple walks out of town together.Craig (2009), p. 10-15

Lost Girls (The Vampire Diaries)

The episode starts from exactly where the previous episode ended where Elena (Nina Dobrev) asks Stefan (Paul Wesley) what he is. Before Stefan gives her an answer, there is a flashback to 1864 and we see Katherine and Stefan meet. Back in 2009, Stefan admits that he is a vampire and Elena freaks out running away even though Stefan tries to explain. He follows her to her home to promise he will not hurt her and he lets her know that he drinks animal blood and it was Damon (Ian Somerhalder) who killed all those people. Elena is still freaked out though and she asks him to leave.

Damon is at the cemetery trying to cover his tracks after killing Vicki's (Kayla Ewell) friends. He calls Stefan asking for his ring while he douses the bodies with alcohol to burn them. Stefan says he will give Damon his ring back but not right away. They hang up and when he goes to Vicki to douse her too, she wakes up.

The next day Elena meets Stefan at a public place to talk things over. Stefan answers her questions referring to vampires but she is mad at how he let Damon play with Caroline (Candice Accola) like that. Stefan agrees that it was not right but it is more dangerous to forbid Damon to do something. He also tells her that years ago, people in Mystic Falls knew about vampires but because it did not end well so he asks her not to tell anyone. Elena is not sure about that but she agrees to give him one day to convince her not to do it.

Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) and Logan (Chris Johnson) find the bodies and they know that what killed them was a vampire. Logan informs her that he managed to take the Gilbert watch and now they have to take it to the Mayor (Robert Pralgo). The Mayor gets the watch and fits it into one of the other antiques, he says that it is ready and he hands it back to Logan.

Damon is trapped at the house since he cannot get out to the sunlight and he is getting impatient waiting for Stefan to bring him his ring. He brought Vicki at the house who is lying on the couch. He decides to feed her his blood even though he says that he will regret it. Vicki feels much better after drinking the blood and the two of them have fun around the house dancing and drinking. Then, Damon unexpectedly snaps Vicki's neck.

Stefan takes Elena into the woods where his house had been and he continues telling her about his past. While he talks, we get another flashback with him, Katherine and Damon. The two brothers play football and Katherine interrupts them. She flirts with Stefan, takes the ball and runs making the two brothers chase her. At another scene, Katherine says that she needs a date for the Founder's Ball and both brothers offer themselves with pleasure (hinting the brother's future rivalry).

Back in the present, Stefan tells Elena that Katherine chose him to escort her at the Founder's Ball. Damon was not mad with her choice because he does not get mad but instead gets even. Stefan tells Elena that the night he took Katherine to the Ball, Damon was also with her. Back in 1864, where Katherine and Stefan are together in bed and it is revealed that Katherine was a vampire and she bites Stefan. The next morning, Stefan is horrified but she compels him not to say anything and she tells Stefan that the three of them (her, Stefan and Damon) will always be together. Stefan tells Elena that Katherine was controlling his mind and compelled both brothers not to tell each other the secret.

Vicki wakes up asking what happened. Damon tells her that she is dead since he killed her and he informs her that now she only has to feed on a human to complete the transition to become a vampire. Vicki does not believe Damon and she leaves to go to Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen). By the time she gets there, her eyes burn, the sun bothers her, she has a headache, and she is hungry. Jeremy thinks she is high and because of her strange behavior, he calls Matt (Zach Roerig).

Matt gets there but he cannot do much to help Vicki when Stefan and Elena arrive. Stefan realizes what is happening and he compels Vicki to calm down and tells her that everything will be fine. He then explains to Elena and tells her that Vicki has to feed on human blood otherwise she will die. Jeremy and Vicki are alone in his room but she runs away when she feels the need to bite him. Stefan says he can track her and leaves to find her.

When it gets dark, Damon leaves the house and goes to Elena's house. He sees that she is afraid of him and he figures out that Stefan told her about them being vampires. He reassures her that he is not there to hurt her but he is looking for Stefan. Since Stefan is not there, he leaves asking Elena to tell Stefan that he is looking for him in case she sees him. Meanwhile, Logan uses the Gilbert watch as a compass searching for something.

Stefan finds Vicki crying. She starts remembering things and now she knows what is happening to her. Stefan promises that he can help her but Logan arrives and shoots him with wooden bullets. Logan is about to stake Stefan but Vicki pushes him away and Damon gets there and kills Logan. He then takes the bullet out of Stefan and he notices that it is wooden and realizes that people know about them. He takes his ring back and Vicki feeds on Logan, completing the transition.

Stefan returns to Elena, explains what happened and he apologizes for not being able to save Vicky. Elena promises that she will not tell anyone about him being a vampire but not wanting to deal with the drama, she breaks up with him and the episode ends with her crying inside her house.

The Blue Boy (film)

Joe Bonner breaks off his affair with a woman named Beth when his wife, Marie, falls pregnant. To try and fix their marriage, Joe and Marie go to a hotel in rural Scotland. Marie is told about a young boy who drowned in the nearby loch a century ago. While dealing with Joe's infidelity, Marie cannot get the story of the boy out of her mind and frequently sees his image in the lake.

Phantom Killer (film)

A series of murders seems to implicate a deaf-mute philanthropist, except he has ironclad alibis for all of them. Besides, he has spoken to at least one man who was nearby when the latest killing occurs.

Carlito's Way (novel)

A Puerto Rican gangster, Carlito Brigante, is released early from prison and tries to go straight and leave his former life of crime behind.

After Hours (novel)

An ex-con, Carlito Brigante, tries one more round in the rackets before going straight.

The Suspect (2013 South Korean film)

Ji Dong-cheol (Gong Yoo) was once one of the top special forces agent in North Korea, but after a change in political system, he was abandoned by his government while on a mission. He goes on the run, seeking his wife and daughter who were sold as slaves to China, only to discover their corpses. When he learns that an ex-colleague was behind their deaths, Dong-cheol goes on a vendetta for revenge, defecting to the South to chase his family's killer. Now living incognito, he searches for his nemesis during the day, and at night works as a personal chauffeur for Chairman Park, a business executive with ties to Pyongyang. One night the chairman is attacked and killed by an assassin, but not before handing over a special pair of glasses to Dong-cheol. The South Korean intelligence service, a member of which frames Dong-cheol for the murder, goes on the hunt for the beleaguered former spy. The manhunt is led by Min Se-hoon (Park Hee-soon), a colonel and drill sergeant with whom Dong-cheol shares a past, and Kim Seok-ho (Jo Sung-ha), the director of the NIS. Aided by a feisty documentary filmmaker (Yoo Da-in), Dong-cheol goes on the run again while trying to recover top-secret materials that his dying boss sent him to find.

Swift as Desire

Don Júbilo, born with a smile on his face, was blessed at birth with almost supernatural hearing and an instinctive understanding of all kinds of communication, from an insect's faint rustle to the sweet sighs of a woman in love. He used his gift to become the peacemaker in his family, slyly mistranslating between his Spanish-speaking grandmother doña Jesusa, and his Mayan-speaking grandmother doña Itzel, who argue incessantly because the grandmother is angry her son married a non-Mayan, and doña Itzel is determined that Júbilo grow up connected to his heritage. Though the two women may say cruel things to each other, Júbilo gives each woman what she needs to hear, a skill he hones as a little boy that serves him well when he becomes a telegraph operator in adulthood.

At age fifteen Júbilo meets thirteen-year-old Lucha from a well-to-do family. Engaging in a slow, chaste relationship for seven years, the couple decide to get married. Passionate sexual creatures, Júbilo and Lucha communicate their love physically and frequently. Esquivel uses magical realism to tune Júbilo into frequencies that help him communicate verbally and with his body when he’s with his wife. Abandoning his dream to become a singer, Júbilo becomes a telegraph operator to support his young family. In the era before telephone services, interpreting Morse code messages for villagers and rich landowners alike puts Júbilo at the center of many lives as his own slowly falls apart. Lucha, the daughter of a wealthy family, is distressed by their relative poverty and her inability to conceive again after their first child, Raul, is born. Júbilo does the best he can, but his weakness for alcohol gets the better of him.

Lucha tries to adapt to Júbilo’s mentality that things can possess you and only love matters, an attitude that echoes the Mayan grandmother, who abhors technology because “The danger she saw was that technological advances served no purpose if they were not accompanied by an equivalent spiritual development.” Júbilo’s efforts to use Morse code at the telegraph office to deliver what the messenger ''should'' send is evidence that he takes her concerns to heart. However, she is unable to forgive him for the death of their second son, Ramiro

The narrative exists in two main timelines: First, the late 1930s and early 1940s when Júbilo was newly married, and the mid-1990s, when he is an old man on his death bed. Lucha has not spoken to him in decades, but the reason is not articulated. The later timeline is narrated by their daughter, Lluvia, and the rest by an omniscient narrator. As the story of the deeply-in-love couple slowly unfolds, the reader approaches the critical point that causes them to stop speaking. From a starting point of a truly magical ability in the area of communication, the culmination of the tale is a sort of mirror image, in which Júbilo as an old man is dying of Parkinson's, and cannot communicate at all.

The FP

In a dystopian future, rival gangs the 245 and the 248 fight for control of Frazier Park (the FP) by challenging each other in ''Beat-Beat Revelation'', a dance-fight video game. L Dubba E, the leader of the 245 gang, battles and defeats BTRO, the leader of the 248 gang. BTRO dies as a result. His younger brother JTRO is traumatized and leaves the FP.

One year later, BTRO's best friend KCDC finds JTRO working as a lumberjack. KCDC convinces JTRO that the FP needs him because L Dubba E has taken control of the local alcohol industry and is refusing to sell alcoholic drinks to everyone. The lack of alcohol has led to an increase in methamphetamine addicts, a decrease in homeless people and, consequently, ducks. Reluctantly, JTRO returns with KCDC; he meets BLT and reunites with Stacy, an old friend. JTRO and Stacy are interrupted by L Dubba E now Stacy's boyfriend who is picking her up to go to a party. JTRO goes to the same party and Stacy drunkenly flirts with him. L Dubba E taunts JTRO then hits him with a baseball bat, rendering him unconscious. JTRO dreams that BTRO tells him to fight back, pushing him to challenge L Dubba E. L Dubba E declines, saying that JTRO lacks sufficient "street cred". L Dubba E demands that JTRO defeat Triple Decka 1K before he will accept JTRO's challenge.

JTRO begins a grueling training regime with BLT to regain his former level of skill. Before his match with Triple Decka 1K, BLT gives BTRO's boots to JTRO. At the match venue, JTRO is tricked into drinking alcohol tainted with methamphetamine. Despite his drug-induced visual impairment, JTRO defeats Triple Decka 1K before vomiting and passing out.

KCDC wakes JTRO, having taken him to the 248 headquarters. After JTRO's recovery, BLT takes him and KCDC shooting; they decide to take guns to JTRO's match against L Dubba E. Stacy tells JTRO that her relationship with L Dubba E began when he spiked her drink with turpentine and raped her. She continued the relationship so she could supply her father with beer to prevent him from turning to drugs. One day, JTRO hears Stacy's father assaulting her and intervenes. After a brief fight with him, JTRO persuades Stacy to leave. Immediately after their departure, L Dubba E arrives and says that he has been cheating on Stacy. Stacy decides to stay with him, which angers JTRO and causes him to end their friendship.

Later the same day, Stacy, who has been badly beaten, finds JTRO and tells him that she has ended her relationship with L Dubba E. She apologizes, and they kiss. Meanwhile, L Dubba E tells his gang members to also take guns to the final match. At the venue, JTRO wears BTRO's outfit and L Dubba E taunts him. When the match begins, L Dubba E defeats JTRO in the first round but JTRO perseveres and wins the second and third rounds. L Dubba E tries to kill JTRO, triggering a lengthy gunfight between the 248 and the 245.

L Dubba E escapes the event and kidnaps Stacy. JTRO and KCDC pursue him while BLT remains at the venue. L Dubba E abruptly pulls into a gas station; JTRO follows and a fight ensues. JTRO gains the upper hand, beats L Dubba E into submission and forces him to leave the FP. Freedom to buy alcohol is restored and control of the FP is returned to the 248. JTRO and Stacy go to the pond together as ducks fly over them.

Crisis (Majfud novel)

This novel focuses on Latin-American immigrants’ drama in the US, particularly undocumented experiences. In a deeper sense, ''Crisis'' talks about the universal experiences of people getting away from a geographical region, evidently seeking a better way of life but in truth, running away, escaping from realism distinguished as unjust but solved rarely by moving to another place.

Escaping, moving, and missing persons are like regular characters in the novel of Jorge Majfud, which record their courses to their own identity’s discovery in various situations and realities. The characters within the novel encounter obstacles in terms of cultural, economic and moral cruelties as unavoidable factors of their experiences – as existential and social living beings.

According to the author Alberto García-Teresa, ''Crisis'' “is formed by the juxtaposition of fragments from different stories, headed with the date, place (different towns in the USA located close to the southern borders) and the value of the Dow Jones Index. [...] At the same time, the multiplicity of cities in which we can find (apparently) the same characters, works as a hint about the wandering life of undocumented immigrants. In this way we obtain a novel with a collective main character in which we have no loss of individuality. ''Crisis'' turns out as a moving book, representing a hard story, full of injustice, pain and abuse of authority. The author explores the fears, dreams and hopes of the immigrants through representative scenes, with a great symbolic and metonymic value, happening to a specific character, even though they could also happen to any other. In fact, the dislocation works well to globalize the event, since it is possible for them to happen in one same place like in any other. On the one hand, it plays with diverse kinds of narrator and focuses on the different spheres involved: migrants,Taiano, Leonor. “Crisis: el compromiso majfudiano y la diáspora latinoamericana”. Cincinnati Romance Review 44 (Spring 2018): 48-65. family members, mafias, employers, and local workers. [...] Majfud shows a great success using this kind of construction in his novel, as he fosters his discourse targets and, by itself, the structure adds content in the same direction. As a result, it is a very rich work, in which tens of characters wander and try to survive in a world governed by a ruthless economic system. This way, the bright denunciation of Majfud appeals to dignity and humanism in a bitter and discouraging story.”

Sherlock Bones

The main character is Takeru Wajima, a 16‑year-old boy who attends London Academy Highschool. His love for dogs prompts him to take a trip to the pound and adopt a dog for himself. Feeling drawn to a quiet puppy, Takeru adopts the animal and heads off on his bike back home. Along the way he runs into his father who helps his son come up with a name for the new member of the family. Driven by a mysterious voice, Takeru names his new puppy Sherdog (English translation). After solving their first 'crime', Sherdog acquires the Wajima family pipe from their living room. With the pipe giving him the ability to speak, Takeru can understand his dog. Sherdog introduces himself as the living legend Sherlock Holmes, and believes Takeru to be his partner Dr. Watson. Together they solve crimes that come their way and form a bond of trust and partnership.


Kanchi (Garima Panta) is a young woman who was married to an old husband who is 40 years elder than Garima. At present, Kanchi's husband is ill because of his old age and finally dies. Now, as per the social rules and regulation, Kanchi had to go to Sati where she should burn herself with her husband's deceased body. But, fate is on her side and she manages to survive. She starts to live in the cave of a nearby jungle. Ghanashyam, being lonely in the absence of his loving mother, visits the jungle and finds his mother hiding in the cave. Kanchi unites with her son but they are unable to stay in the same society because the society people would kill the women even though they have survived Sati in any means. Ghanashyam makes a plan of leaving the village and getting settled in another place so that they could make a new beginning. He asks his mother to stay in the jungle and goes home to bring their belongings.Then he went to house and told his aunt everything that happened in jungle and asked her to give some food and clothes for his mother. Later, Kanchi's brother-in-law and his wife join and assist them to leave the village. As Kanchi with son Ghanashyam are going to leave the village, they witness a woman, who is to be Sati but couldn't do so and runs away, being killed by the people of the funeral.

Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin

The story follows the day-to-day adventures of an optimistic and energetic young boy nicknamed Bashin. Along with his card battler friends, he aims to be the very best at Battle Spirits. However, to accomplish that, they must defeat throughout the world, obtain X-rare cards to build the greatest deck, and take down King Uchuuchouten.

162 Candles

The episode starts with Stefan (Paul Wesley) waking up at the living room and hearing noises in the house. He thinks that is Damon (Ian Somerhalder) but it is really his old friend Lexi (Arielle Kebbel) who came to celebrate his birthday. Stefan is happy to see her and he tells her about the recent happenings in Mystic Falls, including Elena (Nina Dobrev) but he does not mention that Elena looks exactly like Katherine.

At the police station, Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) interrogates everyone about Vicki's (Kayla Ewell) disappearance. Stefan and Elena match their stories that Stefan was just trying to help her with her drug issues, Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) only remembers the things Damon compelled him to remember and Matt (Zach Roerig) does not know anything other than what Jeremy told him. Matt and Jeremy believe she just left town and even Sheriff is not convinced, there is nothing more she can do. When the interrogations are over, Elena tells Stefan that they should stay away from each other.

Sheriff Forbes works late when Damon arrives at her office to bring her a package (supposedly from uncle Zach) that contains vervain. The Sheriff believes that Zach is out of town, as Damon made them believe, and now he tries to make the members of the council trust him and offers his help. That way, he can learn more things about the council and what they know.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) visits Elena at her bedroom who is down after her break up with Stefan. Bonnie tries to cheer her up by showing her a trick her grandmother taught her and she tells her that she is truly a witch. Bonnie is afraid that Elena will not believe her but Elena does.

Damon runs into Caroline (Candice Accola) who is still mad at him after the way he treated her. He compels her to throw a party and he also asks her to get his crystal back from Bonnie. Caroline says that she will do it.

At the Salvatore house, Stefan and Lexi talk about Elena when Damon shows up to invite them to Caroline's party later. Stefan is not in the mood of partying but Lexi convinces him that they should go. While Stefan gets into the shower, Elena knocks on the door and Lexi calls her in. Lexi is shocked seeing how much she looks like Katherine and Elena is surprised seeing Lexi in a towel and knowing Stefan is in the shower, believing that the two of them slept together and leaves. Lexi immediately runs back to the bedroom and ask Stefan what is wrong with him and why is he after a girl who looks like Katherine's twin sister. Stefan reassures her that Elena has nothing in common with Katherine and Lexi sees that Stefan is really in love with Elena.

Stefan stops by Elena's house before he goes to the party to ask her what she wanted to talk to him about. He realizes what Elena thought seeing Lexi and he explains that she is only a friend — his oldest friend — and she is in town for his birthday. Elena is relieved but she still does not want to go to Caroline's party and declines Stefan's proposal.

At the party, Caroline asks Bonnie for the crystal, but Bonnie does not give it back. Caroline tries to take it, but it shocks her the moment she touches it. The two of them argue and Bonnie leaves. When later Damon asks Caroline if she got his crystal back and she tells him no, he tells her that she is useless and shallow and leaves the bar. When he gets out he sees a young couple making out, he attacks them, kills the boy and compels the girl.

Elena changes her mind and arrives at the party seeing Lexi and Stefan having fun while playing pool. Lexi gets to the bar to order some drinks when she sees Elena. She approaches her and the two of them have a nice talk about Stefan making Elena relax a little bit about Stefan being a vampire, to give him some time and he will soon be totally himself around her. When Lexi goes back to Stefan, Stefan thanks her for what she did.

Sheriff Forbes finds the girl who survived Damon's attack and she asks her if she saw anything. The girl nods that she did and the Sheriff asks her to tell her everything.

Back at the party, a very drunk Caroline sits down with Matt who offers to take her back home. On their way out, they run into the Sheriff who sees that her daughter is drunk. She thanks Matt for offering to take her home and she gets back to work.

Elena finally decides to go and talk to Stefan while Lexi talks with Damon at the bar and asks him why he really is in town. Damon admits that he has a diabolical plan but he refuses to reveal it to her. While they are talking, Sheriff brings in the girl from the attack, who points to Lexi as her attacker. Sheriff walks up to Lexi and injects her with vervain. The cops drag Lexi out of the bar and Stefan, who saw everything, tries to get out to see what is happening.

Lexi throws off the men holding her and as she walks towards the Sheriff, Sheriff shoots her several times with wooden bullets but Lexi is strong and can handle the pain. Just as she is about to reach the Sheriff, Damon shows up and stakes her in heart. Lexi dies while Stefan and Elena watch from afar in shock. Damon whispers to Lexi before she dies that he did it because it was part of his plan. Sheriff thanks Damon for his help and asks him to put Lexi's body in the police car. Damon is relieved that his plan to throw the town off of his and Stefan's scent has worked.

Stefan is furious with Damon after killing Lexi and convinced that Damon will never change he tells Elena that he will go home and kill him. Elena tries to stop him because she knows that Stefan killing his brother will not do any good to him. She tells him that she will be there for him but he warns her to stay away.

Back at home, Stefan finds Damon waiting for him and the two of them get into a fight. Stefan stakes Damon, but not in the heart, telling him that now they are even; he saved his life once and now he spares his. Stefan walks away and Damon pulls the stake out of his body.

The episode ends with Bonnie having a nightmare of her running through a forest. She trips and falls and when she rises her eyes she sees her ancestor Emily (Bianca Lawson) warning her that "It's coming". Bonnie wakes up terrified but she is no longer in her bed but in the cemetery, at the Salvatore crypt.

52 Tuesdays

16-year-old Billie lives in suburban Australia. One of her parents comes out to her as a transgender man named James. Billie then learns that James wants Billie to live with her other parent, James's ex-husband Tom, for a year. This restricts the time Billie is together with James to Tuesdays from 16:00 - 22:00, starting on 23 August. The film is divided into the corresponding 52 segments, each covering one Tuesday, and starting with a title card showing the date.

Each Tuesday, after visiting James and before returning to Tom, Billie has secret encounters with two older students, Josh and Jasmine, in an apartment that her uncle Harry allows them to use. Billie films sexual experiments of the threesome.

James meets a setback in his transition when his body does not tolerate testosterone injections, and he has to stop them.

After sending a nude photograph of herself to Jasmine, Billie gets into trouble as this is considered child pornography. The school principal, James, Tom and Jasmine strongly disapprove it. Billie is shocked that James destroys one of her tapes, and refuses further contact with him. Josh does not want physical contact with Billie anymore because of Tom's disapproval.

Later Billie is willing to destroy a remaining tape, but since it is in James's house who she no longer visits, she is dependent on Harry, who finally destroys it for her.

When the year is finished, Billie reconciles with James, and starts living with him again. Also Billie, Josh and Jasmine become friends again.

David (1951 film)

The central character is a working man, David Griffiths, known in the film as "Dafydd Rhys", a school caretaker for decades and a former miner. Dafydd's later years in Ammanford at Amman Valley Grammar School present an ordinary man with extraordinary virtues. His innate dignity is seen here as an inspiration to the film’s narrator Ifor Morgan, who recalls in adulthood his experiences as a school pupil under David’s wing.

The actual David Griffiths never achieved the fame of his brother, the miners' leader and first Welsh secretary Jim Griffiths, but here represents a traditional Welsh proletarian "type", who communicates a strong sense of his community's worth and retains a fierce loyalty to the memory of his fellow pitmen.

The film’s most poignant section deals with the impact on David of the death of his son, Gwilym, from tuberculosis, and the effect on Ifor and his fellow pupils of the caretaker's temporary estrangement from them as he retreats into himself and his memories. Dafydd is also shown leaving the Eisteddfod after his poem, an elegy to his dead son, has failed to win the coveted Chair. Amanwy did win several other chairs which can be found in church halls around South Wales.

Revival (novel)

When Charles Jacobs, a new Methodist minister, comes to town, young Jamie Morton is excited. Almost everyone in the tiny Maine hamlet comes to love Jacobs, his beautiful wife, and his young son. Jacobs runs weekly Ministry Youth Fellowship sessions for the town’s children where he shares his interest in electricity and inventions with them, his wife plays music for them and they play with his young son Morrie (although Jamie is clearly favored over all the other children by Jacobs). When Jamie’s older brother, Conrad, also known as "Con", is injured in a skiing accident, leaving him unable to speak and causing distress in the family due the costs of treatment, Jacobs asks Jamie to bring him over as he may be able to help him. When Jamie and his older sister Claire do so, Jacobs places a low-voltage belt around Con’s neck and to everyone’s amazement, Con is able to speak again almost immediately.

Things change all too suddenly when Mrs. Jacobs and her child die in a gruesome auto accident. Stricken with grief, the reverend denounces God and religion during a sermon and is banished from town. Jamie, devastated that Jacobs will be leaving, goes to see him before he leaves town, where he thanks him for what he did for Con but Jacobs claims it was purely a placebo effect.

Jamie grows up to become a musician and starts using heroin. While he was on tour, his band abandon him at a hotel after he misses several of their concerts due to his addiction. He goes to the hotel reception to try and pay for another night at the hotel but his card is maxed out. That night, he goes to a state fair in search of drugs but finds Charles Jacobs performing an act in front of a large audience called “Portraits in Lightning”. Jacobs asks a young woman called Cathy Morse to volunteer for the act, where she sits in a chair blindfolded while he takes her photograph and after a blue burst of light flashes all around the stage, a portrait of her appears on a plate. He then offers do the same for anyone else for a small price. Jacobs immediately recognises Jamie in the audience and Jamie soon passes out and wakes up in Jacobs’s camper van where he offers to “treat” Jamie’s condition with a small application of electricity when he is well enough. After being treated, Jamie experiences strange side effects, including sleepwalking and jabbing himself in the arm with sharp objects while in a fugue state, as if trying to inject heroin. Jacobs is also later assaulted by Cathy Morse’s father after he claimed Jacob’s portrait caused her to try and steal a pair of diamond earrings from a jeweler which lead to her getting arrested. Before Jacobs leaves town again, he sends Jamie to a man called Hugh Yates who gives him a job in a music recording studio.

Many years later, Yates calls Jamie into his office and they tell each other about their experiences of Jacobs’s treatments and the aftereffects of them (Yates had been cured of Ménière's disease many years before and had for a short time afterwards suffered blackouts and visions he calls “prismatics” where he could see colors shifting back and forth and felt like he could see into another world shortly after being treated). Yates shows Jamie a poster on a website where Jacobs is performing revival tours using electricity (although he is pretending to be a faith healer, using the power of God to heal others) and they go to one of his tours but Yates quickly leaves. When Jamie asks him what happened, he claimed he had a “prismatic” for the first time in a long time when Jacobs was healing people where he saw the people there as giant ants.

Jamie starts looking into the many others Jacobs has healed. As it turns out, many of them have experienced similar side effects and some have even killed themselves and others as a result (including Cathy Morse who recently took her own life). He later discovers that Jacobs has also been studying occult texts, such as De Vermis Mysteriis. Jamie tracks down Jacobs and goes to his house to confront him about his cures and tell him about the aftereffects the people he is healing have been experiencing but to his surprise, Jacobs knows about them all along and has been keeping track of them but claims that only a small number of people have significant after-effects and that he is no longer healing people. Jacobs offers to make Jamie his assistant and pay him a lot more than Yates is paying him but he refuses and leaves.

Several years later, Jamie receives a letter from Jacobs including a letter his childhood sweetheart Astrid has written to Jacobs claiming she has terminal cancer. Jacobs agrees to heal her, but only if Jamie will become his personal assistant for one last experiment. Jamie reluctantly agrees, and Astrid is cured.

Jamie helps Jacobs prepare for his final experiment: Jacobs has discovered something he terms "secret electricity", an all-powerful energy source that he has been using to achieve his miraculous cures over the years. He now intends to harness a massive surge of this energy from a lightning rod and channel it into a terminally ill woman named Mary Fay, whom he has relocated to his lab. Jacobs' plan is to revive Mary Fay after her death, not in the conventional manner, but in the sense that she will be clinically dead and yet able to communicate with Jacobs and tell him of the afterlife and what fate befell his wife and child after their death.

The experiment works, but not in the way Jacobs intends. The revived Mary Fay does become a doorway to the afterlife, but to the horror of both Jacobs and Jamie, there is no Heaven and no reward for piety. Instead, the afterlife is revealed to be "The Null", a hellish dimension of chaos, where souls of the deceased are tormented by Ant creatures, who serve insane, Lovecraftian beings, the most powerful of which is known as "Mother". It is implied that humans are fed to Mother, as "she" has a claw made of human faces. Mother inhabits the body of Mary Fay, transforming her into a grotesque monster, and attempts to kill Jacobs. Jamie shoots Mother with Jacobs' gun, and she leaves Mary's body. A horrified Jacobs has a fatal stroke, and Jamie arranges his body to make it look like he shot Mary. Jamie flees the scene and relocates to Hawaii.

Later, many of the people cured by Jacobs go insane and kill themselves and others, including Hugh Yates and Astrid who kills her partner and herself. Jamie, one of the few survivors of Jacobs' treatments, is left relying heavily on antidepressants. He recounts his vision of The Null to a psychiatrist, who does not believe him. He acknowledges and takes some small comfort in the possibility that the visions were "lies". However, the novel ends with Jamie going to visit his brother Con who has spent the last two years in a psychiatric hospital after attacking his partner (which Jamie blames on Jacobs’s treatment of Con’s injury decades before); as Jamie goes to leave, he sees a door calling his name and realises that one day he will die and have to face being trapped in The Null under the yoke of Mother.

History Repeating (The Vampire Diaries)

The episode starts with Bonnie (Kat Graham) in class when she sees Emily (Bianca Lawson) and she leaves the class to follow her. Emily leads her to an old burned down building. Bonnie wakes up in the class screaming and everyone is staring at her. She turns around and sees Emily sitting right next to her and Bonnie wakes up again, this time for real, in the woods.

A new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman (Matt Davis) walks into the class and introduces himself. After class, Bonnie describes Elena her dream thinking that she is haunted by Emily and that it might have something to do with the crystal she is wearing.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) tries to make nice for killing Lexi (Arielle Kebbel) and he explains to Stefan (Paul Wesley) that he did it for them. He also promises not to feed on humans for a week but Stefan is not really amused by his humor over the subject. Stefan later finds Elena at school and informs her that he will not be coming to school anymore or near her to protect her.

Alaric calls Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) to give him a second chance after seeing his grades from Mr. Tanner's notes and he asks him to write a paper about local history. Jeremy thanks him and he notices the ring that Alaric wears, a ring that looks a lot like the ones Damon and Stefan have. He explains that it belonged to his father.

Meanwhile, Damon confronts Bonnie and demands his necklace back but Bonnie is not giving it. Damon tells her that he knows about Emily haunting her and, before he leaves, he gives Bonnie a message for Emily: "A deal's a deal". Bonnie tells Elena about Damon as they drive home when suddenly she pulls the car over and throws the crystal into an open field. Elena calls Stefan to inform him about Damon and the crystal. Stefan explains that Emily was Katherine's handmaid and that the crystal was once belonged to Katherine. However, he does not know why Damon wants it so badly and he promises to find out.

Jenna (Sara Canning) and Jeremy are at the Grill talking about his paper when she sees Alaric. Jeremy offers to introduce her but she declines and tells Jeremy that he can use his father's stuff for his paper. Alaric approaches and introduces himself and Jenna thanks him for giving Jeremy a second chance. Later Jeremy leaves and Jenna, being alone, goes and sits with Alaric at the bar. Alaric tells her that his wife died, implying that she was murdered. He later escorts Jenna back home but she does not invite him in because Jeremy is home.

Elena tries for Bonnie and Caroline (Candice Accola) to make up. She invites Caroline for dinner, while Bonnie is already there. Caroline apologizes but she gets upset when Bonnie tells her that she threw the necklace away. But Caroline finds the necklace in Bonnie's purse and she accuses her of lying. Bonnie is surprised to see the crystal and wonders if Emily will ever leave her alone. Caroline does not understand anything and Bonnie tells her that she is a witch but Caroline does not believe her.

Caroline apologizes once again to Bonnie and she gives her the necklace back. She then proposes the three of them to have a séance. During the séance, the candles flare, a cold wind blows in while Bonnie is calling for Emily. The window opens with a blast and the three girls freak out. Bonnie throws the crystal on the floor but when the lights come back on, the crystal is not there.

Elena, Caroline and Bonnie search for the crystal when Elena sees a figure crossing the hallway and Bonnie sees the necklace in the bathroom. She goes in to get it but the door closes locking her inside. She starts screaming for help and Elena and Caroline try to open the door but they can't. Suddenly, the door opens and Bonnie seems fine but she is acting weird. The reflection in the mirror shows that Emily got into her body. Bonnie says she is fine and walks downstairs. Elena calls her but she is not answering and she realizes that Emily has possessed Bonnie's body. She tries to stop her from leaving the house but she cannot.

In the meantime, Stefan is being friendly to Damon so he can be able to make him tell him why he wants the crystal. They play darts at the bar and later go to the football field to play football. While they are talking, Damon finally asks Stefan what does he want. Stefan starts talking about Katherine and tells him that what they felt about her was not real since she compelled them to think so. Damon doesn't want to talk about it and walks away. Stefan finally asks why he wants Katherine's crystal and Damon reveals his secret; he wants to bring Katherine back.

Stefan is in shock and demands to know how he will do it. Damon explains that Katherine is not dead but buried in the tomb under the church. He asked Emily to save her by using magic and Emily agreed but asked him in return to protect her family. Damon kept his promise and now he wants Emily to keep her part of the deal. Emily used the crystal to reclaim power from a passing comet and the crystal regained its power when another comet passed over Mystic Falls (referring to episode 2) and now it's ready to be used again.

Elena calls Stefan and tells him that Emily possessed Bonnie's body and she is going to Fell's church. Damon overhears it and heads there immediately. He encounters Emily who tells him that she can't keep her promise because things are different now. Damon tries to attack her but she throws him away and impales him on a tree using her witch power.

Stefan finds Damon and helps him. Emily is working on a spell and tells Stefan that she cannot bring Katherine back because the other 26 vampires who "died" that same day will come back as well, something that Damon forgot to tell him earlier. Stefan tries to tell Damon that he can't do that but he is not listening; he wants Katherine back and also revenge on the people of Mystic Falls for hunting them down.

Emily finishes the spell by throwing the crystal up in the air and it explodes. Emily leaves Bonnie's body and Damon, who is mad at Emily, attacks Bonnie. Stefan pulls him back and saves Bonnie by giving her his blood. Damon is devastated because his only shot to bring Katherine back is gone and he tells Stefan that Katherine never compelled him, that he knew everything from the beginning and he really loved her.

Bonnie does not understand what happened and Elena promises to explain everything and she informs Stefan that she will tell Bonnie the truth. She also tells him that she now she knows she can be with him but Stefan breaks up with her and tells her that he will leave Mystic Falls.

The episode ends with Logan (Chris Johnson) knocking on Jenna's door. Jenna opens the door and Logan asks her if she will invite him in.

One of a Kind (film)

Frédi is a born healer who can save people by touching them with his hands. His mother bequeathed this gift to him. When she dies honours her by putting his aptitude to good use.

Suzanne (2013 film)

Following the death of her mother, Suzanne and her younger sister are raised by their father alone. At the age of 17, Suzanne becomes the mother of a son. Her father and her sister support the both of them. Suzanne then falls in love with a gangster named Julien, abandoning her family to follow Julien to Marseille eventually ending up in prison. Upon her release, she finds her son Charlie living in a foster family. Trying to put her life together, Suzanne nevertheless falls into old habits when Julien finds her on a bus and persuades her to leave for Morocco with him. Once again abandoning her family, Suzanne has a second child. Returning home she goes to visit her mother's grave and discovers that during her absence her sister Maria has died. Crossing the border back to Morocco, Suzanne, in a fit of grief confesses that she is travelling on a false passport. In prison Suzanne is visited by her father, teenage son and toddler daughter and watches as her son and daughter play together.

Kamisama no Karute 2

Some months after the events in the previous movie, Dr. Kurihara has continued working at Honjo Hospital, a hospital in the Nagano countryside that is on alert 24/7 for all 365 days of the year. He and his wife have now a daughter.
One day, Kurihara learns that his collegemate, Dr. Tatsuya Shindo, is transferring to Honjo. He is happy to meet with his long time friend. Shindo was considered as "the most conscientious of the medical school", but now, his priorities in life have changed, and is dedicated to his wife and child, and will not continue working after hours. This has caused some problems at the beginning of his stay at Honjo. And, especially, with Kurihara.
At the same time, Kurihara has suffered the loss of his mentor, Dr. Nukita, who was director of the Department of Gastroenterology at Honjo, and someone who has spent his whole life at the medical service. Just before his passing, Kurihara and Shindo, who has been influenced also by Nukita, collaborate to make Nukita's dying wish true.

No Clue

Advertising salesman Leo (Butt) unwittingly assumes the role of a private investigator to help Kyra (Smart), but becomes embroiled in a risky and ever-deepening murder mystery.

In Canada, a woman named Kyra goes to the office of the middle-aged clumsy salesman Leo Falloon by mistake believing that he is a private detective. She hires him to help her to find her missing brother Milles Severeign and Leo is so spellbound by the blonde that he does not tell her that he is not who she is looking for. Leo decides to pose as a private detective and he gets involved in a complicated scheme of fraud by computer game corporations.

Affair in the Snow

Yuriko and her lover, high school teacher Sugino, take a vacation together, which she intended to use to put an end to their affair. Sugino insists that she stays with him, but Yuriko leaves alone for Muroran, where she wants to abort her and Sugino's unborn child. In Muroran, she contacts Kazuo, a former friend to whom she was once close. At the clinic, Yuriko learns that she had a false pregnancy. Re-united with Sugino, Yuriko tells him that she once spent the night with Kazuo, but that he was unable to make love to her. The next day, Yuriko wants to travel back to Sapporo first, but heads for Niseko instead. All three meet again at an inn in Niseko, where Kazuo slaps Sugino during a confrontation. Sugino disappears into the heavy snow, followed by Yuriko and Kazuo, who fear that he might get lost. Yuriko and Kazuo spend the night in a mountain hotel, where he finally manages to make love to her. When Yuriko and Kazuo eventually find Sugino, who is partying with three young women, he tries to rape Yuriko, but is unable to do so, blaming Kazuo's presence as the reason. On their way back from the mountains, Yuriko tells the persistent Sugino that their affair is irreversibly over. Sugino jumps off a cliff, later dying of his wounds, and the film closes with Yuriko crying.

The Mosquito Coast (novel)

The story is told from the viewpoint of fourteen-year-old Charlie Fox and centers around his father Allie, a brilliant inventor ("with nine patents, six pending") who becomes increasingly critical of consumerism in the United States, education and culture.

''Part One'': Banana Boat

Allie decides to move his family from Hatfield, Massachusetts to escape the influence of the United States and the world war he fears is imminent, to enjoy a simpler life in La Mosquitia on the eponymous Mosquito Coast of Honduras. They travel in their pick-up truck to Baltimore and after giving away their truck to a tramp they board a banana boat to La Ceiba. During a violent storm, Allie repairs a bilge pump and has several run-ins with Reverend Spellgood who is traveling with his family to his Mission in Honduras. His daughter Emily flirts with Charlie.

''Part Two'': The Ice-House at Jeronimo

At La Ceiba, Allie buys a tiny settlement called Jeronimo from a drunk German. They then travel up the coast via motor launch to Santa Rosa by which time Allie, through force of personality, has taken over the launch from its captain, Mr. Haddy and steers it up the Aguán River to Jeronimo. On arrival Allie inspires the local Creoles and Zambus and over the coming weeks they help him transform the overgrown settlement into a thriving community. He builds a huge ice-making machine called 'Fat Boy' powered by hydrogen and ammonia, and transports the ice it produces farther up the river to isolated tribesmen, only to find to his disgust that missionaries have already reached them and 'corrupted' them to the ways of the West. He then mounts another expedition to take ice overland into Olancho, but the ice melts on the journey. They arrive at a small settlement and meet a group of Indians and three 'skinny men' who they take to be slaves. On return to Jeronimo they find the settlement nearly deserted. A missionary, who earlier Allie had driven away, had returned and persuaded most of the Creoles to leave with him. Soon afterwards, the three 'slaves' from Olancho arrive with guns and threaten Allie's domain. He tricks them and locks them in 'Fat Boy' intending to freeze them to death, but their gunfire causes an explosion which kills the three gunmen, destroys Jeronimo and pollutes the river.

''Part Three'': Brewer's Lagoon

Escaping the explosion, Allie leads his family and Mr. Haddy through the jungle to Sico River, determined to move even further from civilization, and become less dependent on technology. They borrow a boat from a Miskito and float down to Brewers Lagoon where Mr. Haddy's mother lives in a nearby village. Mr. Haddy gave directions to the Laguna Miskita, 'it so small, when you gets there you ain't believe you there', which sounds ideal to Allie. On arrival they convert an abandoned dugout into a hut, beachcombing for materials (including an outboard motor which Allie repairs) and planting crops on the shore, achieving total self-sufficiency. Then the rainy season starts, and a storm surge from a tropical cyclone washes away all their work. Mr. Haddy arrives under cover of night and gives Charlie a drum of gasoline and spark plugs, which he knows Allie would not accept; Charlie hides them on the shore. Allie finds them and determines to use the supplies to sail upstream, against the flow "that Mosquito Coast is a dead loss...there's death down there...Everything broken, rotten and dead is on that stream and being pulled down to the coast... I've been fighting the current all along". Charlie and his brother Jerry want to return to the United States, but Allie tells them that it has been destroyed.

''Part Four'': Up the Patuca

The family heads up the Patuca River, passing several abandoned villages destroyed by the recent tropical storm. Allie bullies his family into agreeing to his plans to head farther away from civilization, and they hear about a village called Guampo far up the river. When they arrive, it's the Spellgoods' mission settlement complete with harbor, landing strip and church.

That night, Charlie and his brother Jerry swim ashore and contact Emily. They arrange to borrow the Spellgoods' jeep and escape back to the coast after learning that the United States has not been destroyed. On returning to the boat they try to persuade their mother to drive them, only to find that their father has also gone ashore. Determined to save the locals from the influence of the Spellgoods, he blows up the airplane and the generator and returns to the boat, but is shot in the neck by Rev. Spellgood. The family manages to drag Allie to the jeep and make it to the coast, where Allie dies.

''Part Five'': The Mosquito Coast

Mr Haddy hears of Allie's death and takes the family back to La Ceiba, and they return to the United States.

Girls (1919 film)

As described in a film magazine, Pamela Gordon (Clark) forms a man-haters club with her roommates Violet (Warren) and Kate (Chadwick). Edgar Holt (Ford), victim of a flirtatious married woman, takes refuge from an irate husband in the young woman's room just as the man-haters are going to bed. He is impressed with Pamela and pockets an advertisement for a position that he finds. Pamela is indignant and he escapes to another room. Later, Pamela, Holt and Wilbur Searles (Carewe) are present at the mountain home of a wealthy friend. Holt intercedes when Searles tries to make love to Pamela. While there, the pair are given a chance to become better acquainted, but Pamela is still haughty towards Holt and all men in general. Holt tells his law partner George H. Sprague (Persse) to answer Pamela's advertisement, and she is immediately given a position. Violet is also hired as a stenographer and, weakening on the man hating idea, falls in love with the head clerk. Sprague makes unwelcome advances on Pamela and she leaves, taking Violet with her. Meanwhile, Kate, the other member of the league, has secretly married her theatrical manager. Holt rents a room next to Pamela's to more easily court her. Violet announces her engagement and Kate then tells of her marriage. Holt knocks on the door but Pamela will not let him in. He goes around to a window, and, when he almost falls, Pamela drags him in with her arms around his neck. He puts his arms around her and she is compelled to admit that she loves him.

Plymouth (film)

Plymouth, a small timber and mining town in Oregon, was contaminated by radiation from a nearby factory run by multinational corporation UNIDAC. All the residents left in a hurried evacuation in the middle of the night. UNIDAC offered financial compensation, but what the town really wanted was to be a community again. UNIDAC also had a mining operation on the Moon extracting helium-3, but it was financially failing. The townspeople offer to take over the operation and become the first permanent settlement on the Moon on a trial basis.

Five years later, a shuttle carrying the final group of emigres approaches the Moon. Town doctor Addy Mathewson, already on the Moon, is apprehensive as she finds her birth control failed and she is in the early stages of a pregnancy. She is a widowed single mother raising eldest son Jed, leaving for his first day on a mining crew the next day, daughter Hannah, adopted daughter April and youngest son Eugene.

UNIDAC technical advisor Gil Eaton and an enthusiastically rowdy crew of miners hold a celebration as he is scheduled to finish his stay and return to Earth before joining a mission to build a space station between Earth and Mars. One of Addy’s assistants accidentally finds her sonogram and word of Addy’s pregnancy soon spreads. Gil confronts Addy, who felt Gil wants to move on rather than stay as a father. Gil finds himself ostracized by the townspeople.

The town’s residents assemble to watch and welcome the arrival of the final Plymouth residents who accepted UNIDAC’s relocation offer. Among the arrivals are Eugene’s best friend, Simon, and Addy’s uncle, Wendell, who is also the mayor of Plymouth.

Young technician Nathan Litchfield shows Hannah a “hot rod” lunar vehicle he handbuilt, with a high-speed electric drive and a rocket assist salvaged from a lander.

The town council holds a meeting to discuss the uncertainties of Addy’s pregnancy. The fetus may not survive the microgravity or reentry on the trip back to Earth and they don't want to endanger its or Addy's life. But if the child is born on the Moon, its body will never be strong enough to return to Earth, even if UNIDAC’s mining fails. The town would lose its option to return to Earth as it would be unethical to abandon the child on the Moon.

Earth controllers inform Plymouth that a very strong solar flare is en route. The residents leave the colony on the surface and head to shelters in deep lunar caverns. Eugene had been showing Simon around in shallower caverns and the boys find themselves trapped when the doors automatically seal because of the alert. Eugene reasons out that they can be shielded from the radiation by large tanks of water used for irrigation. The mining crew is unaware of the flare because of a damaged transceiver. Gil volunteers to take a lunar rover to try to warn them and take them to a semi-buried module for oxygen and shielding. Worried for her brother, Hannah tells Gil about Nathan’s “hot rod” so he can make the trip faster. He contacts the crew in time.

After the flare passes, the colony anxiously waits for the crew to return, by that time critically low on oxygen. Examination of the crew shows most are unaffected, but Gil’s friend Jimmy received a severe dose of radiation, ending his hopes of working with Gil on the space station.

Wendell talks to Gil privately. Gil wants to quit UNIDAC and stay as part of the town to raise his child with Addy. Wendell suggests he run for mayor because of his technical experience and renewed popularity due to his heroic rescue.

Crossroad Avenger

Keene plays the "Tucson Kid", an insurance investigator who travels to any town where a suspicious insurance claim has appeared.Craig (2009), p. 16-20 The career description would allow the proposed series to adopt an anthology format, with a different location and storyline in each episode.Craig (2009), p. 16-20 The other hero of the story is a sheriff's deputy called Ed (Tom Tyler). Both are middle aged men.Craig (2009), p. 16-20

The film is set in a small town by the name of Crossroads. The Tucson Kid, under the alias Duke Smith, is here to investigate the burning of a saloon and the reason the owner demands payment in cash by the insurance company. Said owner is local businessman Bart Miller (Lyle Talbot), who recently arranged the murder of Jim Hawks (the co-owner of the saloon) and the destruction of the saloon in an act of arson. The murdered man was also the local sheriff. Miller employs a criminal gang consisting of Dance (Don Nagle), Lefty (Kenne Duncan), and Max (Bud Osborne).Craig (2009), p. 16-20

The gang intends to frame someone for the recent murder and by chance they choose the Tucson Kid. A lynch mob soon gathers, but the prisoner is rescued by "desert rat" Zeke (Harvey B. Dunn). Ed arranges for "Duke Smith" to remain in Zeke's custody.Craig (2009), p. 16-20 Zeke soon reveals to his guest that Hawks was locked up in the saloon and supposed to die in the fire. He rescued the man from the flames, only to see him murdered shortly afterwards. He suspects Bart Miller was the murderer.Craig (2009), p. 16-20

Elsewhere, the gang conspires to murder Zeke and frame "Duke" for the murder.Craig (2009), p. 16-20 In the resulting gunfight, Zeke is killed and Lefty is wounded. The Tucson Kid buries the man in a makeshift grave.Craig (2009), p. 16-20 The gang exhumes the body and alerts Ed, who insists that the body should be left to rest in peace. He also insists on a fair trial for "Duke". At this point "Duke" reveals the findings of his recent investigation. The partnership of Hawks and Miller extended to a new drilling rig, and the two had found oil. But Hawks was entitled to a lion's share of the profits, which was the motive of his murder.Craig (2009), p. 16-20 Realizing that "Duke" and Ed now know the truth, Miller orders his gang to attack. All the villains are killed, including Miller whose death is the result of a friendly fire incident. Ed thanks the Tucson Kid for his help, and the investigator rides out of town. Ending the film.Craig (2009), p. 16-20

The Turning Point (The Vampire Diaries)

The episode starts where the previous one ended, with Logan (Chris Johnson) asking Jenna (Sara Canning) to invite him in the house. Jenna slams the door in his face and an upset Logan attacks, bites and kills a woman who passes by at the moment.

Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) goes through his dad's stuff and an old journal he found. The journal is filled with notes and drawings of strange creatures, something that makes him start drawing again.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) discuss where they should go now that they are leaving Mystic Falls when the doorbell rings. Stefan opens the door and sees Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre), who asks for Damon. She tells Damon that there was a new vampire attack in the town, something that surprises him. Stefan overhears their conversation and asks Damon if it was him. Damon reassures him that there is a new vampire in town and they decide not to leave till they find him.

Caroline (Candice Accola) and Matt (Zach Roerig) get closer. Everyone notices including Tyler (Michael Trevino), who grills Matt about it. Bonnie (Kat Graham) is still a little freaked out about being attacked by Damon but she is grateful to Stefan who saved her life. Stefan shows up at school to inform Elena (Nina Dobrev) about the new vampire and to be careful till they find out who it is.

Damon tries to track down the new vampire using the watch he took from Logan but because he cannot do it himself (its signal interferes with his vampire nature) he asks for Caroline's help and then he compels her to forget everything. The watch leads him to a warehouse where he is ambushed and shot by Logan. Damon is surprised seeing him and wants to know who turned him. Logan believes Damon was the one who did it and he asks him how he can walk in the sun.

Back at the school, there is a career fair where Jeremy sees a sketch that Tyler drew. He tries to talk to him but Tyler gets aggressive and they end up fighting. Tyler's dad, the Mayor, separates them and takes them outside where he asks them to fight and solve their differences as men. Alaric (Matt Davis), who followed them outside, asks what is going on and he faces off the Mayor stopping him from making the two boys fight.

Elena catches up with Matt asking him about Caroline and telling him about Stefan. Matt says that he and Caroline are only friends while Caroline watches the two of them talking from a distance. Stefan interrupts them and he tries to update Elena about the new vampire when Jenna comes and tells them that Logan is at the school. Stefan, who knows that Logan was supposed to be dead, realizes that he is the new vampire and leaves to find him. Elena asks what is going on and Stefan asks her to take Jenna and go. Elena understands his tone and leaves, telling Jenna not to talk again to Logan. Meanwhile, Logan asks Stefan how he can walk in the sunlight and he threatens to expose him if he will not tell him. Stefan stands up to him and he leaves.

In the meantime, Caroline announces to her mom that she wants to be a broadcast journalist but her mom is not impressed stating that Caroline does not even read the paper. Caroline leaves and Logan confronts the Sheriff for whom he believes is the one who buried him and covered his "death". He threatens her and then leaves while Sheriff calls for backup. Logan sees Caroline outside being stood up by Bonnie and offers to drive her home. Matt sees Caroline getting into Logan's car but he does not see Logan knock her unconscious before driving away.

Stefan is at the phone with Damon talking about Logan. Damon is angry about the ambush and wants to kill Logan. He is heading right at the school as soon as Stefan tells him that Logan is there. Elena comes to Stefan asking about Logan when Matt comes and tells them that Caroline left with him. Elena is terrified and Stefan leaves to find Caroline.

Logan calls the Sheriff to tell her that he has her daughter and he will turn her into a vampire when Stefan and Damon appear and pull him out of the car. Damon shoots him with wooden bullets and sends Stefan off to take Caroline home. Damon informs the Sheriff where they are via the radio and then he starts interrogating Logan trying to find out who turned him. Logan still says he does not know but the moment Damon is about to kill him, Logan says to Damon that he and the vampire who turned him have another way to raise the vampires who are trapped under the Fell's Church, including Katherine. Damon is shocked but he wants to believe him and, while the Sheriff approaches, he asks Logan to knock him down and make it look real. Logan throws Damon away and escapes.

After taking Caroline home, Stefan gets back to school to find Elena. He tells her that they cannot be together and she offers to drive him home. Elena tries to convince him that he is not responsible for what is happening in her life since her life was painful way before his arrival. Stefan is not convinced though and he walks away. Elena shouts at him that she loves him. Stefan, hearing that, gets back to her and kisses her. The two of them get into the house and sleep together for the first time.

Logan heads to his car to go and find Damon but he runs into Alaric. Alaric warns him to stay away from Jenna because she deserves the best. Logan makes fun of how stupid he is and then tries to attack him but Alaric stakes him in the heart and kills him. The Sheriff finds Logan's body and calls Damon to thank him, thinking that he killed him. Damon, who was waiting for Logan at the Fell's Church, is shocked hearing the news and has no idea who might have killed Logan.

Back at Stefan's bedroom, Stefan leaves the room to bring Elena something to drink, leaving her alone. Elena starts walking around the room checking on Stefan's things when she sees Katherine's picture. She is in shock seeing how much she looks like her and she immediately leaves. Stefan comes back looking for her but he cannot find her. He sees the necklace he gave her on Katherine's picture and understands that Elena saw it.

The episode ends with Elena driving back home in tears when suddenly a figure appears in front of her. She tries to avoid him but she hits him and her car flips over trapping her in the driver's seat. She turns her head and watches that the figure reanimates itself, gets up and starts walking towards her.

Eadie Was a Lady

Eadie Allen is a student at Glen Moor College and the niece of a wealthy Boston socialite (Aunt Priscilla) in Back Bay. She has secretly taken a new job as a dancer in a seedy burlesque house where her talents are eventually recognized and she is given larger roles on the stage show by the manager, Tommy Foley. At the same time, Eadie is preparing a dance number for the college's annual Greek festival. All of these time conflicts cause her grades to slip, so she pressures Pamela Parker, a classmate, into doing her schoolwork for her. A series of hijinks where Eadie's double life is almost discovered by the dean of the college (Dean Flint) leads her to hand Tommy her resignation from the burlesque bar. Tommy convinces Eadie to perform one last time at a hotel. Catching wind of this, Eadie's jealous and jilted former co-dancer (Rose Allure) arranges for the police to raid the performance. The raid leads to both Eadie and Dean Flint being implicated in participation with the lewd event, and this almost has them expelled from their respective positions in the college. Rose confesses to Tommy that she set up the raid, and so Tommy disguises himself as the head of the Athens Art Theater, "Professor Nozoros." He uses this pretense to defend both the dean and Eadie to the board of director of Glen Moor, by saying that they were at the burlesque performance to perform research for the Greek festival. The ruse works, and Eadie and Dean Flint are exonerated.

Murder at Prime Suites

When Florence Ngwu (Chelsea Eze) is gruesomely murdered in a hotel by an unknown culprit, Agent Ted (Joseph Benjamin) is sent in to investigate the circumstances that led to her death and make sure that justice prevails.

Man Up (film)

Nancy is a 34-year old journalist who has been dating unsuccessfully for the past four years. Her sister encourages her to keep putting herself out there. Nancy goes to her friend's engagement party and has an awkward blind date. She then travels to London to attend her parents' 40th anniversary celebration. On the train, she sits across from Jessica, a bubbly younger woman who is going on a blind date based on a book called ''Six Billion People and You''. While talking to Jessica, Nancy expresses her pessimism about life and love. Jessica walks off the train at London Waterloo station, leaving her book behind. Nancy pursues Jessica to return it but is stopped by Jack, Jessica's blind date. Jack thinks Nancy is Jessica because of the book. Before Nancy can explain the situation, Jack charms her with his rambling introduction. She impulsively pretends to be Jessica.

Despite the fact that Nancy is not who she says she is, the two hit it off immediately. They talk and get to know each other, and Nancy learns that Jack is a 40-year old divorced man who is an online marketing manager. They have a good time while drinking and bowling. Then, Nancy runs into her secondary school classmate and stalker, Sean, who works at the bowling alley. He finds out about Nancy's deception and tries to blackmail her into kissing him in a bathroom stall. The two are caught in a compromising position by Jack, and Nancy admits that she is not actually his date. Jack and Nancy get into an argument, criticising each other's opinions and life choices.

After realising that they have lost Jack's bag and Nancy's notebook, they both race back to the bar. There, they meet Ed and Hilary, Jack's soon-to-be-ex-wife. Trying to irritate Hilary, Jack pretends that Nancy is his girlfriend, and Nancy goes along with it. She learns that Ed and Hilary had an affair, which led to the divorce. Jack gets upset and goes to a bathroom stall. Nancy joins him, and he tearfully admits that he has not recovered from his failed marriage. Nancy says that her own bad relationship history has made her bitter. She consoles Jack and says that he will eventually be all right. They go back to the bar, and Nancy sets Ed on fire before spraying Ed and Hilary with a fire extinguisher, to Jack's delight.

Nancy decides to go to her parents' anniversary party, which is already underway. She is about to invite Jack, but he learns that Jessica still wants to meet him, so they part ways. Nancy arrives at her parents' party but is sad about leaving Jack. During his date with Jessica, Jack finds that they do not have much in common, and he realises that leaving Nancy was a mistake. With Jessica's blessing, he goes to find Nancy. He enlists the help of Sean, but Sean sends Jack to the wrong address and goes to try his luck with Nancy himself, to no avail. Jack ends up at a party of teenagers, but one of the teenagers knows where Nancy's parents live. At the anniversary party, Nancy gives a speech about how her date with Jack changed her for the better. Then, Jack arrives. He tells Nancy that he wants to be with her, and they kiss.

Dan Harding's Wife

A 1938 article in ''Radio Guide'' magazine commented, "The story of ''Dan Harding's Wife'' is one that will strike a warmly responsive note in the hearts of all wives and mothers who are, because of economic necessity, separated from their husbands.:

The broadcast was set 19 years after Dan and Rhoda Harding were married in South America. He was a mining engineer there, and she had come there with her father. An initially happy marriage ran into problems when Rhoda became pregnant. Dan felt that a mining camp would not be a good place to raise the twins, so he sent Rhoda and the babies to the United States. In the program, twins Donna and Dean were 18 years old. They had seen their father only once or twice a year at best. The reunions ended, however, when Rhoda received word that Dan had been killed in a mining disaster in Iraq. The article in ''Radio Guide'' summarized Rhoda's predicament: "Left almost penniless, Rhoda takes over a rooming house in the poorer section of the town and attempts to eke out a living."

Isla Presidencial

Several presidents met at the 74º Ibero-American Summit, and have a cruise after it. The cruise crashes with an iceberg, and all the presidents arrive at a desert paradise island. The episodes focus on their attempts to survive in the wild or escape from the island. Several presidents who were not included in the first episodes were added later, with a plane crash.

Hugo Chávez disappears from the island, kidnapped by Barack Obama for unmentioned reasons. A malfunctioning robot that impersonates Chávez leaves Obama's secret base, until he manages to turn him off. Many presidents died during an attack of "Chávez-raptors" (savage hybrid dinosaurs with the face of Chávez), and they are finally rescued at the end of the second season.

At the beginning of the third season, the presidents are stranded on another island free of dinosaurs. Several presidents were killed off in the second and third season (corresponding to the end of their terms in real life). The show parodies pop culture, such as ''Jurassic Park'' and ''El Chavo del Ocho''.

Brides (2014 film)

Nutsa, a young mother, lives with her two children in a suburbs of Tbilisi in Georgia. Her partner Goga is in prison. They get married, so she gains the right to talk to him once a month in the visiting room on the other side of the glass. The ceremony is quick with a strange ambiance. Goga in prison, Nutsa with children outside, a routine sets in.

Souls (story)

In 12th-century Germany, Radulphus tells the story of Radegunde, abbess of the abbey where he spent his childhood, and of what she did "when the Norsemen came" — and of how he discovered her true nature.

Memphis Cathouse Blues

Madam Mavis (Annette Haven) runs a bordello in Memphis, Tennessee. Her exclusive client is Sheriff T.J. Thomson (Mike Horner), but he can't help her against Reverend Pritchit (R.J. Reynolds) who sends Deacon Davis (Herschel Savage) and Brother Pyle (Jon Martin) to demonstrate outside. At last, the demonstrators are soon lured inside to be with Angel (K.C. Valentine), Cherry (Dorothy LeMay), and Rose (Parker). Meanwhile, a woman called Tammy Sue (Danielle) knocks on the door saying someone just tried to rape her. Mavis calms her down and eventually offers her a job. She coaches her with the Sheriff. Rose reminisces about a college guy called Tommy Lee, whose brother Johnny Lee was with Dixie (Lisa De Leeuw). Per tradition, the captain of the winning football team Billy Ray then arrives and gets to be Tammy Sue's first sole client. The Sheriff offers to save the whorehouse by proposing to Mavis. Reverend Pritchit arrives personally to stop the ceremony, but his true face is exposed when Tammy Sue reveals he's the man who tried to rape her.

Crazy Knights

Billy Gilbert, Shemp Howard and Dave Hammond (Bernard Sell) manage a carnival act with a live gorilla named Barny with Shemp posing as the gorilla during the actual act. While driving to their next carnival performance, they are side tracked by picking up stranded Mr. Gardner (John Hamilton) and his daughter Joan Gardner (Jayne Hazard) whom Dave seems quite smitten with. Joan's father is convinced that someone is trying to kill him and the actions of his suspicious secretary, Mr. Williams (Tay Dunn) seem to confirm this. Gardner insists that the carnival trio take him and his entourage to one of his residences that is close by, though his daughter is upset by the idea. The Gardner's chauffeur (Max Rosenbloom) is left to stay with their broken down car.

When they arrive at the Gardner estate, they are met by a mysterious and strange house servant Mrs. Benson (Minerva Urical) and an Electrician (Dan White) who is roaming about the house. Billy and Shemp are terrorized by ghostly voices, transforming pictures and figures dressed in sheets. Maxie finally arrives at the estate shortly after a suspicious character named Mr. Grogan (Tim Ryan) does. As things get stranger, Maxie teams up with Gilbert and Howard, Shemp dons the gorilla outfit and Barny the real gorilla gets free from his mobile cage trailer. Soon after a body is discovered and it is clearly a case of murder. The film is 63 minutes with the story wrapping up in the final two minutes. Billy Gilbert, Shemp Howard and Max "Maxie" Rosenbloom all use their actual names in the movie. The alternate title for this movie is "Ghost Crazy".

Target: Sparrow Unit

Young idealists form the liquidation squad of the left known as the Sparrow Unit, summarily executing the perceived enemies of the people until they are cornered and eventually defeated by government. The Sparrow Unit derived their name from sparrows, birds that can adapt in any environment.

Killer at Large (1947 film)

Paul Kimberly, a newspaper reporter, quits his job to investigate crooked dealings at a local veterans' housing administration. The newspaper editor assigns reporter Anne Arnold to lure him back to the paper. The two reporters expose an embezzling ring.

Too Many Winners

Private detective Michael Shayne and his girlfriend/secretary Phyllis are in the office ready to leave on a duck-hunting vacation but are puzzled when a mysterious stranger arrives who announces that he intended to offer a bribe to not take a certain unspecified case, but hearing that Shane is going away anyway, abruptly departs. The mystery deepens when Shayne is invited over by a Mayme Martin with an offer to sell certain valuable information which Shayne declines. Leaving Martin's, Shayne is ambushed by a pair of odd thugs under orders of their boss seeking to know what Martin told him, which was nothing; they beat up and leave Shayne in the city dump.

Now drawn in to an obvious situation, Shayne sends his reporter friend Tim Rourke to accept Martin's information offer, but instead Rourke encounters police and her murdered body.

It turns out that the mystery concerns criminal activity at the Santa Rosita racetrack. The president Albert Payson's track manager John Hardeman hires Shayne to solve a counterfeit ticket racket that is bankrupting the track. The printer for the legitimate tickets is a trusted company owned by Payson, and Hardeman alone decides on the tickets' secret daily design and code numbers.

The track offers one other lead. Gil Madden, owner of the Tribune, had long been trying to get the contract for printing the tickets. He had financed the purchase of the Tribune using as collateral a printing company he'd acquired from a prison inmate, a Theodore Ross.

Shayne recognizes Madden as the stranger who offered the bribe to drop the case and he won't answer questions. Madden's partner, photographer/engraver Ben Edwards, also refuses to be questioned.

As it turns out, Gil Madden is aka Theodore Ross and Ben Edwards is aka Claude Bates. Years ago they were convicted of together counterfeiting Irish sweepstakes tickets and sent to Joliet Penitentiary. Madden served a light sentence and was released but Edwards drew 20 to 50 and after two years, broke out. Edwards has acquired a wife and son who know nothing about his past.

Despite the efforts of Edwards to remake his life, inventing a new type of camera, sadly Hardeman figured out his identity and began blackmailing the escaped convict to force him to make the counterfeit racing tickets.

We are now at the point of the film where Hardeman fears Edwards will talk and directs his thugs to kill him, as he had ordered the death of Martin who knew about the blackmail. But just as he speaks this order into the phone, Edwards shows up to instead shoot and kill Hardeman; in turn as he is leaving, Edwards is shot and killed by Hardeman's thugs.

At the end, one thug reveals the other, Joe, as the killer of Martin and Edwards; Joe attacks and is shot by the other as police arrive and capture him. In the final scene, the police agree at Shane's request to spare Edwards' family from the truth, and Shane and Phyllis at last embark on their vacation.

Black Out (2012 film)

Jos Vreeswijk (Thiry) is a former criminal who wakes up one day before his wedding to find a murdered corpse beside him, and no recollection of the night before.

Philo Vance Returns

Vance investigates the murders of a newly engaged couple.

Jiggs and Maggie in Court

Angry at being pointed out in the street by people who recognize her cartoon, Maggie takes the cartoonist to court to try to force him to stop drawing her.

His Parisian Wife

As described in a film magazine, Martin Wesley (Powell) marries the young French woman Fauvette (Ferguson), but she is out of place in the cold New England setting he provides her. After he begins to suspect her due to the distrust of his puritan relatives, they separate. Fauvette becomes a famous author, but her generosity exceeds her income. She is in difficulties with a money lender when Martin returns to woo her again. They find their love revived in the more genial atmosphere of New York City.

The Young Lovers (1964 film)

While attending college, Eddie (Peter Fonda) shares an apartment with another student, nicknamed Tarragoo (Nick Adams). Tarragoo's girlfriend Debbie (Deborah Walley) and her friend Pam (Sharon Hugueny), who is studying to be a teacher and lives with her widowed mother (Beatrice Straight), are frequent visitors. Eddie and Pam develop a close relationship; and, during the time her mother is away from home for a few days, Pam allows Eddie to stay the night. Finding herself pregnant, she tells Eddie who reacts with unhappiness, being low on funds and dismayed by the prospect of losing his scholarship. Pam discusses the situation with her mother, considers having an abortion, decides against it and makes plans to leave.

Meanwhile, Eddie, with help from professors Schwartz (Malachi Throne) and Reese (Joseph Campanella), improves his educational standing by passing an exam and consults with Tarragoo and Debbie who advise him to take the morally correct path. At the crossroads of integrity, Eddie chooses rectitude and goes to Pam's mother, intent upon telling her so. Learning that Pam has already departed, he aims to follow her, with the conviction that whatever life offers, they will be able to face it together.

Three Men and a Girl

As described in a film magazine, Sylvia Weston (Clark) is a capricious young woman who says "I do NOT" when she leaves a rich groom at the altar. She runs away in her bridal gown to a bungalow she owns at Loon Lake, only to find it occupied by three men with grudges against women. They expel her and her old nurse to a nearby cabin and stake out a line over which the women are not to cross. One by one the three men come to love Sylvia. The two older men, thinking that she is unhappily married, propose to adopt her and provide her with some clothes other than her bridal gown and swimming suit, which is all she has at the cabin. The younger one, however, is wiser and wins her in the end.

Land of Storms

Szabolcs, a talented but passionless football player in an amateur German team, mangles a match and is sent off with a red card. As a result, a league scout leaves, he picks a fight with his best friend Bernard and quits the team. He returns to a dilapidated family home in rural Hungary to farm bees instead. One night, he catches Áron, a local from the nearby village who lives with and cares for his invalid mother, attempting to steal his scooter. He knocks Áron off, knocking him out in the process, and stays with him until he wakes. Instead of calling the police, Szabolcs has Áron help repair the house. They become friends and Szabolcs joins the locals playing football.

One night, after going swimming and drinking too much, they lie on the road and Szabolcs gives a barely-conscious Áron a handjob. Áron is clearly confused about how he feels about the encounter. Despite this, he keeps returning to help Szabolcs with the house and their relationship deepens. Eventually, Áron tells his mother about Szabolcs, who in turn tells others, raising the ire of the conservative community.

After some of the villagers beat Szabolcs during a football game and Áron refuses to stand up for him, Szabolcs calls Bernard. Though Áron soon returns to him, Bernard also arrives in Hungary, creating tension. Bernard expresses an interest in a relationship with Szabolcs and tries to convince him to return to Germany to play football.

Eventually the community sentiment turns against Áron as well. After he is also assaulted by his friends and criticized by his mother, he moves in with Szabolcs. He and Bernard compete for Szabolcs' attention. Eventually Szabolcs chooses to stay in Hungary with Áron, and Bernard returns to Germany.

Áron returns home to find his mother near death after he was not there to take care of her. He takes her to hospital where she remains in a coma. Unable to deal with the guilt of not being there for her, combined with the animosity of the villagers, he returns to Szabolcs. After a final sexual encounter, he mortally stabs Szabolcs in the chest and flees the farmhouse.

The Killer Eye

Dr. Jordan Grady (Jonathan Norman) hires a kid off the street, Japlo (Ryan Van Steenis), to participate in an experiment. He administers special eye drops to Japlo in an attempt to allow him to see into the eighth dimension. During the test, Jordan is confronted by his wife Rita (Jacqueline Lovell) about his neglect of her and while he is away, Japlo's eye is possessed by a creature from the eighth dimension, killing him. Rita goes next door to have sex with her neighbors, Joe (Roland Martinez) and Tom (Dave Oren Ward), while Jordan finds Japlo's body. Jordan demands that his employee Morton (Costas Koromilas) help him, ruining Morton's date with his wife Jane (Nanette Bianchi).

Japlo's eye has morphed into a massive monster that rapes Rita and Jane. Jordan and Morton put Japlo's body in the attic, and the body is found by Jordan's other employee Bill (Blake Adams). Jordan and Morton hunt for the eye, and both Morton and Jane are hypnotized by the eye in their bedroom. Morton partly undresses Jane and himself and lays her out on the bed for the eye, which violates her while he eagerly watches and masturbates. However, Morton accidentally knocks over a lamp behind him which shines a light into the eye; it is hurt and runs away, snapping the couple out of their trances. Jordan, Rita, Bill and Morton regroup and realize that light weakens the eye. Jordan hypothesizes that because the monster has been deprived of brain matter, the eye requires regular contact with a brain, which explains the victims' wounds. He also states that the eye could be harmed by shining bright light into it, just like a normal-sized human eye. However, the eye possesses Joe and causes him to sexually assault Jane, but he suddenly dies due to having his brain matter drained by the eye.

The building's lights go off due to a power outage, so the group turns on a backup generator to power lights in their efforts against the eye. The eye attacks Rita when she gets separated from the others. Jordan appears, revealing that he wants to help the eye because it is advanced and intelligent. Rita manages to escape before she can be consumed, but Tom and Bill are murdered by the eye. Morton is able to trap the eye and forces it to go back home, but Jordan follows it back to the eighth dimension. Rita, Morton, and Jane think they are safe, but Rita and Jane feel sudden abdominal pain, implying that they were impregnated by the eye and ending the film on a cliffhanger.

Em Família (TV series)

Tells the story of two cousins, Helena (Julia Lemmertz) and Laerte (Gabriel Braga Nunes), who grow up united by two strong ties: family and love. Laerte is a musician who is in love with his cousin, but consumed by an obsessive jealousy, especially of his friend Virgílio (Humberto Martins), who has always fostered a platonic love for Helena. Helena herself has a strong personality and has never accepted the possessive side of her problematic boyfriend, although she keeps teasing him.

On the night before his marriage to Helena, Laerte argues with Virgílio and strikes him across the face. Taking his rival for dead, Laerte quickly buries the body to hide the evidence. But Virgílio survived the blow and Laerte is taken prisoner at the altar. After he serves his sentence of one year, Laerte moves to Europe and loses contact with the woman who was almost his wife.

Twenty years after the tragedy that tore him away from his cousin, Laerte, now a successful musician, sees a young girl in the audience at one of his concerts, who looks just like his long lost love. It is Luiza (Bruna Marquezine), the daughter of Helena, and Laerte’s rival, Virgílio, who still bears the scar on his face and on his soul from that fateful day.

Back in Brazil, Laerte sees Luiza again and, to Helena’s deep despair, becomes romantically involved with her. She is now married to Virgílio and she sees history repeat itself with her daughter’s love affair. Dormant feelings resurface and affect both her marriage and her relationship with her daughter. Defying everyone, Laerte and Luiza decide to stay together—a decision that causes conflict and turmoil all around them.

The Collector (2005 film)

The "collector" of the title is Lucjan Bohme, a bailiff employed to collect debts for a court in the town of Wałbrzych. He carries out his job with ruthless efficiency until a meeting with a former girlfriend, now struggling to bring up her child, leads him to question his attitudes.

Jiggs and Maggie in Jackpot Jitters

Jiggs and Maggie win a racehorse in a competition, but lose large sums of money on it each time it races.

Jiggs and Maggie Out West

Jiggs and Maggie inherit a gold mine in a western town, but have difficulty finding it.

Jiggs and Maggie in Society

Irish-American matriarch Maggie attempts to gain her family entry into New York's High Society.

Fighting for Freedom

Oscar and Maria Salazar, trapped in Mexico, are denied work visas to return to the U.S. Their plight is further complicated by the birth of a child, Angelina; their other two children, born at Love Orchard, are U.S. citizens. Oscar decides to enter the U.S. illegally. He and Maria, carrying Angelina, skirt death crossing the Arizona desert. Their journey is juxtaposed alongside that of Dobbe daughter Karen, a rising star in an arch-conservative law firm. The Salazar family arrives safely, until the authorities raid Love Orchard and order a deportation hearing for the now three-year-old Angelina. The case is taken to Washington by Karen, who, by opting to defend Angelina, befuddles her boss, makes up with her estranged father, and converts her conservative counterpart into her relatively liberal lover.

Canto for a Gypsy

The priceless Royal Crown of Hungary was on display in St Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Everybody wants the legendary crown of Saint Stephen for their own reasons. For the Hungarian government it is a symbol of their national greatness. Exiled rebels want it to rob the Communists of their pleasure, while an ex-Nazi art plunderer wants it to settle a very old score. Guarded by many, including the NYPD and the gypsy, Roman Grey, a heist was impossible. But it happened, and murder, mayhem and all hell broke loose... and only Grey knows the crown's true centuries old secret.

Mr. America (film)

Penny Morningstar (Anna Favella) is a young and successful art gallery director, while Andy is a failed artist, obsessed with Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol was a serial killer, without piety, who stole people's soul, letting them die slowly. Valerie Solanas, Edie Sedgwick or Jean-Michel Basquiat would probably share this theory, but they cannot do it, because they are all dead. These are not the only suicides connected to the controversial figure of Andy Warhol, or as David Solanas called him, "Mr. America". In the movie Penny is a sort of Andy Warhol. She's beautiful and talented, but she's also evil. When she wants to do something she doesn't care if she hurts people. Every artist of the gallery is in love with her and she will destroy them. Then there's a killer, who thinks to be Andy Warhol and kills all the artists who compose Penny Morningstar's factory.

Instinct (Hong Kong TV series)

Wong Tin (Adam Cheng) is a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong. Although he is honest and righteous, he is framed by a business rival. Pau Man-lung (Ekin Cheng) is an ICAC agent tasked with investigating the case. Mutual respect soon develops among Wong Tin and Man-lung. After Man-lung loses his job, he start to work under Wong Tin with his best friend Poon Long-ching (Roger Kwok).

Although Wong Tin is a successful businessman, his personal life is not in good shape. He is divorced and his eldest daughter Wong Lui (Amy Kwok) resents him. Wong Lui develop feelings for Man-lung after her mother died in a car crash. However, Man-lung had already fallen in love with Lam Ching-lit (Adia Chan).

Holly Jolly Secrets

Finn and Jake dig up a box of treasure that Jake had found in the landfill and had buried without opening. When they open the box, the two discover a plethora of VHS tapes. Finn recognizes them, noting that he saw Ice King bury them in the dump awhile ago. The two make plans for a secret tape watching; Jake puts up flyers warning people that the only ones allowed to attend are Finn, Jake, and BMO. However, the Ice King, seeing one of the posters, decides he wants to watch them too, unaware that the tapes are his. Meanwhile, Finn and Jake start to watch the tapes and discover that they comprise the Ice King's boring and somewhat disturbing video journals.

After watching several entries, Finn and Jake think there might be a secret code hidden in the tapes. BMO apparently cracks the code, revealing that all of the tapes contain an encoded picture of Gunter, the Ice King's penguin. The Ice King, unable to get into Finn and Jake's house, raises an army of snowmen and tries to break in by force. Finn and Jake, realizing what is going on, hide under their bed and keep watching the tapes, hoping to discover a secret about the Ice King. Soon, the tapes cut to an ominous recording of a man who introduces himself as Simon Petrikov. Simon, an antiquarian, explains that he bought a magical crown and, after placing it on his head, began to succumb to the crown's power, losing his sanity and his "princess" Betty. Finn and Jake realize that Simon is the same person as the Ice King, and the two take pity on him.

Mama Day

''Mama Day'' centers around the characters George and Cocoa. Cocoa, whose real name is Ophelia, is a young southern woman living in New York who is still deeply connected to her family and ancestry, even though her family's history is fraught with pain and tragedy. George grew up an orphan, overcoming a multitude of challenges in order to finally graduate from Columbia engineering school and co-found his own engineering company. Cocoa and George meet when Cocoa interviews for a job at George's firm. George is unable to hire Cocoa because the job starts immediately and she is obligated to visit Willow Springs every August to spend time with Mama Day and her family. Prior to returning to New York from her trip to Willow Springs, Cocoa writes a letter to George saying that she still wants the job. Mama Day intervenes and puts a mysterious substance on the envelope, which causes George to remember Cocoa and soon later recommend her to someone for another job. George and Cocoa begin to date and marry suddenly, but George doesn't visit Willow Springs with Cocoa for four years, during which time Cocoa never shares with him the more unusual and even supernatural aspects of Willow Springs.

After several years they return to Willow Springs together. When George finally does accompany her, being a practical minded engineer with no family history or special convictions to help him relate to the people of Willow Springs, he has a hard time believing in or understanding some of the events that take place. When he discovers that Cocoa is dying because of a hex put on her by the deeply jealous and hateful Ruby, who is a conjure woman and Mama Day's wicked counterpart, George wants to use practical means to save her life. Just as Cocoa begins to fall ill, a hurricane knocks out the bridge that is connected to the "outside" world, making entering or leaving the island impossible. George and Cocoa are now stuck in Willow Springs, and forced to use the remedies available through Mama Day and the mysticism of the island rather than modern treatment. The only person that can save Cocoa is George, by following the instructions of Mama Day. However, he is unable to surrender to and believe in the mystical forces that Mama Day has described to him. In desperation, he submits to Mama Day's directions because Cocoa is near death, and he is desperate for something to help her. In performing the ritual needed, he dies and ultimately saves Cocoa's life.

The Lobster

David is escorted to a hotel after his wife leaves him for another man. The hotel manager reveals that single people have 45 days to find a partner or they will be transformed into an animal of their choice; the dog accompanying David is his brother. David chooses to become a lobster should he fail. David makes the acquaintance of Robert, a man with a lisp, and John, a man with a limp. Guests are fixated on finding a mate with whom they share superficial traits such as minor ailments, which they believe to be the key to compatibility.

The hotel has many rules and rituals: masturbation is banned, but sexual stimulation by the hotel maid is mandatory, and guests attend dances and watch propaganda extolling the advantages of partnership. Residents can extend their deadline by hunting and tranquilizing the single people who live in the forest; each captured "loner" earns them a day. On one hunt, a woman with a fondness for biscuits offers David sexual favours, which he declines. She tells him that if she fails to find a mate, she will kill herself by jumping from a hotel window.

John wins the affections of a woman with constant nosebleeds by purposely smashing his nose in secret. They move to the couples' section to begin a month-long trial partnership. David later decides to court a notoriously cruel woman who has tranquilized more loners than anyone else. Their initial conversation is accompanied by the screams of the biscuit-loving woman, who has injured herself by jumping from a first floor window. David pretends to enjoy the woman's suffering to gain the heartless woman's interest. He later joins her in a hottub where she feigns choking on an olive to test him. Noticing that he makes no attempt to help her, she decides that they are a match, and the two are shifted to the couples' suite. David wakes up one morning and finds that she has kicked his brother to death. As David cries in response to losing his canine sibling, she concludes that their relationship is a lie and attempts to drag him to the hotel manager to have him punished. However, he escapes and, with the help of a sympathetic maid (who is later revealed to be a mole working for the loners), tranquilizes his partner and transforms her into an unspecified animal.

David escapes the hotel and joins the loners in the woods. In contrast to the hotel, they forbid any kind of romance, which is punishable by mutilation. David, who is short-sighted, begins a secret relationship with a woman who is also short-sighted. They develop a gestural language they use to communicate. They are taken on covert missions to the nearby city, where their cover requires them to appear as husband and wife, which they secretly enjoy.

The loners launch a raid to sabotage the hotel. David tells the woman with nosebleeds that John has been faking his. Other loners hold the hotel manager and her husband at gunpoint, tricking him into shooting his wife to save himself, but the gun is not loaded. They leave the couple to face each other.

The leader of the loners obtains the short-sighted woman's journal and discovers her plan to escape with David. The leader takes the woman to the city, apparently to have an operation to cure her short-sightedness, but instead has her blinded. David and the woman try to find something else that they have in common, to no avail. One morning, David overpowers the leader, leaving her tied up in an open grave to be eaten alive by wild dogs. He and the blind woman escape to the city and stop at a restaurant. David goes to the restroom and hesitantly prepares to blind himself with a steak knife.

Let's Elope (film)

As described in a film magazine, author Hilary Farrington (Mills) is pressed by his publishers and confines himself to his work so closely that his wife Eloise (Clark) feels herself neglected. Darrell McKnight (Glass), free verse devotee, breaks his engagement to Nora Gail (Greene) and implores Eloise to elope with him. She pretends to agree, meaning to thus bring her husband to the realization of his neglect. Hilary is incredulous but Nora guesses the plan and the two then conspire to bring their respective loved ones back into the fold by seeming to do everything in their power to aid them in eloping. The complications which ensue are many and varied, but Eloise finally grasps the significance of their plans, summons her uncle who is a bishop, gets Nora married to Darrell, and goes on a second honeymoon with her husband.

Ki Darun Dekhte

Mahi used to disguise herself as a black woman to save herself from roadside romeos and to find her true love. Meanwhile, a gentle boy Apon and a goon-typed boy Songram fall in love with her. Will Mahi be able to find her true love ?

Mr Hublot

Mr. Hublot is a man who lives in a tiny apartment located in a crowded steampunk city. He wears several layers of eyewear and has an odometer-like counter in his forehead which runs forward and backward. Mr. Hublot also displays several OCD symptoms, such as turning the lights on and off several times before leaving the living room and meticulously straightening the pictures on his wall.

Mr. Hublot sees a tiny puppy-like robot shivering in a box. When the box is taken away for garbage disposal, Mr. Hublot, concerned for the puppy's welfare, takes the robot to his house.

The robot gets bigger and bigger and is soon much bigger than Mr. Hublot. After the creature causes extensive damage to the apartment, Mr. Hublot appears to attack the creature, which seems suddenly frightened, with a screwdriver.

After some time has passed, Mr. Hublot is shown in his home, with everything returned to normal. To the surprise of the audience, it is revealed that, far from destroying the creature, Mr. Hublot has instead moved from his tiny apartment to the warehouse across the street so that he could accommodate his oversized pet. They both seem happy and Mr. Hublot continues to turn the lights on and off before leaving the room.

That Wasn't Me (film)

Paula and Juanjo are Spanish aid workers driving through the African countryside with their guide Conductor. At a check point they are stopped by child soldiers with machine guns demanding to see their papers. While Conductor shows the papers, Juanjo makes small talk with one of the soldiers (Kaney). Before they can get through they are stopped by the General who accuses them of kidnapping child soldiers.

An adult Kaney is seen addressing a large crowd, describing he wasn’t sure if they were kidnappers or not, but that he didn’t care.

The three aid workers are taken as hostages to their military compound. The General addresses the children and asks which one is brave enough to shoot the captives. One of the children opens fire, killing Conductor and injuring one of the other children. The General commends the “brave” child and then orders Kaney to kill his injured friend because he is crippled and can no longer be a soldier. While initially reluctant, Kaney kills his friends, despite the captives and his friend begging him not too.

An adult Kaney explains to the crowd that in his culture family is very important, and while the soldiers are like his brothers, the General is like his father, and so he always obeyed him.

Juanjo is also killed, leaving Paula the only remaining captive. Teniente handcuffs himself to Paula and rapes her while Kaney stands guard. The assault is interrupted by an attack on the compound. Paula hides while the entire camp is wiped out by the military. After the attack, Paula runs past the dead bodies of the fallen children to an abandoned jeep. Before she can get away, she sees that Kaney is still alive. After a moment’s hesitation she grabs a gun of a fallen soldier and runs after him. She handcuffs herself to Kaney and at gun point she takes him back to the jeep. Together they drive from compound.

They reach a fork in the road and Paula, still holding the gun and shaking with tears, demands that Kaney tell her the way to town. Kamey is calm and refuses to tell her. Paula, still crying says she’s going to take him to a place with a real bed, and new friends, but he needs to tell her where to go.

Paula tells Kaney she won’t be able to protect him if they are found by the army. Kaney calmly says that if his people find him he will make sure that Paula “has really good time.” Paula, through tears, shoots Kaney in the leg, Kaney screams in pain while Paula shouts, “What’s going to happen to you now! You’re a cripple now!”

The film ends with adult Kaney ending his speech to the crowd. The audience applauds and the final shot is Paula in the audience, crying and applauding his speech.

Just Before Losing Everything

A small boy (Julien) leaves his house and walks down the street. He runs into his teacher and tells her he is going to pick up cigarettes for his Dad. The teacher reminds him of the teacher conferences tomorrow. The boy walks down the street and goes under a bridge. His mother (Miriam) picks him up. They drive to a bus stop and pick up his crying sister (Josephine).

They drive to Miriam's work at a Wal-Mart like store. She leaves her kids with a co-worker and speaks with her boss. She informs him that she needs to leave tonight. He asks if she is going to file charges against her husband and Miriam states that there is no time. The boss agrees to fire her so she can receive a severance package.

Before they can leave the store, Miriam's husband Antoine comes to talk to her. Julien and Josephine cry and beg her not to talk to him. Miriam changes out of her regular clothes to her store uniform revealing cuts and bruises on her body. He asks for the check book, apparently unaware of Miriam's plan. She gives it to him and walks away.

She and her children leave the store to meet her sister and her sister's husband. They see Antoine in the parking lot and hide from him behind the other cars. He drives away, and they run across the parking lot to Miriam's sister's car.

In the last shot, a car which may or may not be Antoine's turns to follow them.

Helium (film)

Alfred is a young boy staying in a hospital who suffers from an undisclosed terminal illness. Enzo, a janitor at the hospital, meets Alfred while working and the two develop a friendship. Enzo tells Alfred of Helium, an attractive alternative to Heaven, because Alfred imagines Heaven is very boring. Enzo tells Alfred that to get to Helium, he will fly in an airship that will know to pick him up because of his red balloon dog, which Enzo has made for him.

Alfred's illness worsens, and he is moved to a unit to which Enzo doesn’t have access. Enzo sneaks onto the unit, but is caught by the head nurse and barred from seeing Alfred. As Alfred's condition worsens, Enzo wonders if he is making it worse for the boy. He voices these concerns to a nurse saying, “I’m feeding him lies.” She disagrees and tells Enzo “you’re giving him hope.”

Alfred gets worse, and having no access to him, Enzo writes out “the end of the story” to have the nurse read to him. As the nurse is about to read the ending to a dying Alfred, she changes her mind and, instead, sneaks Enzo onto the unit to tell the rest himself.

As he tells the story, the film switches to Alfred’s point of view. With no dialogue, he gets out of bed fully dressed and goes to the window. A giant airship is waiting for him. He walks across an extended ladder from the hospital to the airship. As the airship flies away, hospital windows full of red balloon dogs can be seen.

Kiko and the Honey Bears

When a mother bear gets burdened by the pesky antics of her cubs, she places a sign in front of her house to hire a caretaker. Immediately Kiko, who is passing by, reads the ad and takes the job.

Kiko plays with the cubs in the woods. The ways he assists them include being their diving board and seesaw. After such a play, Kiko takes a nap under a tree. Moments later, a hunter and pack of hounds come to the woods. The cubs attempt to run and hide from their pursuers. When the hunter fires a gun, Kiko is awakened and very surprised. Kiko brawls with the hunter and the hounds, knocking the pursuers out of the scene. He then takes the cubs and leaves.

Kiko returns to the home of the cubs, much to the delight of the mother bear. Singing in the melody of Kiko's theme song, the cubs tell their mother how Kiko saved them in the woods.

Let's Get a Divorce

As described in a film magazine, Cyprienne Marcey (Burke), who eats, dreams, and writes romance, picks out Henri (Miltern), the brother of her roommate, as the object of her affections. Following their spectacular elopement, Henri's attempt to return to writing is a jolt to her romantic temperament. Seeing in Henri's cousin Adhemar (Kaliz) the soul of romance, she asks Henri for a divorce so that she might marry Adhemar. Henri agrees, but once the clandestine aspect of her love affair with Adhemar is removed, it soon palls on her. On the night before the day set for her divorce she persuades her husband to take her to dinner and away from Adhemar. When the latter breaks into their private dining room with the police, he is denounced by Cyprienne who emphatically states that Henri, her husband, is the only man she ever loved.

In Pursuit of Polly

As described in a film magazine, Polly Marsden (Burke) is told by her father Buck Marsden (Losee) that she must choose from among her three suitors. She decides to settle it by a race. She is to be given an hour head start and agrees to bestow her hand upon the first one who catches her. In trying to elude her pursuers, she is mistaken for the confederate of a German spy. When the three suitors catch her, they discover that her heart and hand have been won by secret service agent Colby Mason (Meighan).

Somos familia

The main characters are Joaquín (Gustavo Bermúdez), a famous businessman, owner of a motorcycle manufacturing plant, and Manuela (Ana María Orozco), his maid. After the death of his friend Sergio Miranda and his wife in an airplane crash, Joaquín became the legal guardian of Miranda's four orphans. One of these orphans is Pilar Miranda, who is really the daughter of Manuela. Manuela had gotten pregnant at the age of 15 and had to give up her newborn daughter for adoption; years later, she became a journalist and began searching for her child. Upon discovering that Pilar had been adopted by the Mirandas, she took a job as a maid in their home. Upon the Mirandas' deaths, she came along with the children to work for Joaquín. To avoid revealing her true identity, she works under the assumed name of "Ramona".


Stefan (Paul Wesley) gives Elena (Nina Dobrev) jewelries filled with vervain that he made for her, family and friends to protect them. At the same time, the doorbell rings, Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) opens the door and a delivery guy (Dillon Casey) is at the door. He invites him in and calls Elena to pay him. As the delivery guy walks away, he pulls his hoodie back on revealing that he is the vampire Elena hit with her car.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) looks for their dad's journal when Stefan gets in and tries to find out why Damon wanted to go to Atlanta. He asks him what Bree told him but Damon will not tell. Stefan later gives him their dad's journal trying once again to find out what Damon's after. He tells him that he'll help him to free Katherine but Damon declines his offer.

Jeremy gets an A for his history paper while Alaric (Matt Davis) tries to see if Jeremy believes in the stories about vampires. He then asks if he could read the source Jeremy used, the journal, and Jeremy gives it to him.

Elena gives Caroline (Candice Accola) a necklace with vervain and asks about her relationship with Matt (Zach Roerig). Caroline feels awkward and tells her that they are just friends but Elena reassures her that she is fine if she wants to date him. Meanwhile, Matt gets a job at the Grill as a busboy and Damon approaches Bonnie trying to make amends since he is gonna need her for his plan. Bonnie warns him to stay away from her and the bartender Ben (Sean Faris) comes to help her get rid of Damon.

Meanwhile, Elena gets a phone call from a stranger. Elena realizes who he is (the guy she hit with her car) and when she spots him across the street she drives away. She informs Stefan about the phone call and Stefan gives her the Gilbert watch explaining her how it works.

Anna (Malese Jow) finds Jeremy at the Grill and he thanks her for her help regarding his history paper. Anna keeps talking about vampires but Jeremy still does not believe in the stories and tries to get away. Anna tries to ask him out but Jeremy leaves for the school dance. She later goes to the school dance herself and finds him, asking him for Jonathan's journal. Jeremy says that he lent it to Alaric, something that makes Anna upset and her face change (Anna is a vampire). Jeremy notices but she tells him it is nothing and she walks away.

At the Gilbert house, Elena faces Jenna (Sara Canning) and asks the truth about her adoption. Jenna tells her that her parents helped a pregnant teenage girl to give birth but she then disappeared. Her parents were trying for a long time to have a baby and they decided to keep her as their own. Her father made all the necessary paper work and when Elena asks if she knows anything more about her birth mother, Jenna says only her name; Isobel.

While Elena is getting ready for the dance, the watch is activated meaning that a vampire is close. Elena freaks out and calls Stefan immediately. Damon answers letting her know that Stefan is on his way but he forgot his cell. Elena calms down thinking that the watch was activated because of Stefan but she gets attacked by Noah. Stefan gets there in time and saves her with Noah running away.

Damon joins Stefan and Elena trying to find out what Noah wanted. Damon suggests to use Elena as a bait at the dance to find him before he comes back at the house. Elena agrees and they all leave for the dance. Elena catches up with Bonnie and Caroline and then the two girls leave the dance because they are not having fun and go to the Grill.

At the Grill, Bonnie decides to take the first step and approaches Ben asking him out. Caroline tries to do the same with Matt but he is upset with her regarding something she said to Bonnie earlier and he overheard it. Caroline apologizes but Matt tells her that he does not know if he got over Elena yet and that is why he does not want to ruin what the two of them have at the moment, their friendship. Caroline says he already did and leaves. Matt changes his mind and follows her with his car. He stops her and he finally kisses her.

Back at the dance, Elena and Stefan keep dancing while Alaric approaches Damon and introduces himself. He starts asking questions until Damon gets suspicious and Alaric backs off. In the meantime, Noah got into the dance and Anna spies him. They seem to know each other while she warns him to stay away from Elena since she is not Katherine and the Salvatores are with her. Noah does not hear her and continues his hunt for Elena. Anna tells him that she did not get the journal yet but she knows where it is.

Elena finally spots Noah and tells Stefan who goes after him but Stefan is following the wrong guy since Noah gave his hoodie to a teenage boy. He realizes that he was tricked to leave Elena alone and runs back to her. Meanwhile, Noah calls Elena and asks her to exit through the side door, otherwise he will kill Jeremy, so Elena follows his instructions. She tries to run away but Noah catches up to her in the cafeteria. The two of them struggle and the moment he is about to bite her, Stefan and Damon arrive.

Noah tries to escape but Stefan stakes him in the gut to make him suffer but not kill him, while he starts asking him what he wants. Noah explains that he is after Elena because he looks like Katherine and Damon and Stefan are surprised to know they were not the only ones Katherine played with. They do not remember Noah but he remembers them and he also gives them information that they need the "Grimoire" to get into the tomb. They can find more info in Jonathan Gilbert's journal. They ask him who he is working with but he will not tell, so Stefan kills him.

Anna watches the whole scene between the brothers and Noah but she hides as she hears Alaric approaching. Alaric sees the moment Stefan kills Noah and he walks away like he knows nothing. Damon follows him and compels him to tell him what he knows. Alaric, even compelled, lies to him and Damon walks away. It is revealed that Alaric, who is stunned after the confrontation, was holding vervain in his hand.

Damon and Stefan discuss what happened and suspect that Noah is not alone. Stefan tells Damon that he knows he is looking for Emily's journal (which is the Grimiore Noah was talking about) to reverse the spell and he repeats his offer to help him free Katherine as long as he is there and the other vampires will stay behind. Damon trusts him and accepts his offer. Stefan tells Elena about his promise to Damon later at home but he informs her that his promise was a lie.

Meanwhile, Alaric walks Jenna home and asks her out for a date which Jenna accepts. While they are talking, Alaric mentions his wife's name was Isobel and that she was from not far away from Mystic Falls. Jenna looks at him in shock, realizing that his wife is Elena's birth mother.

The episode ends with Anna stalking Ben while he is closing the Grill and walks home. She attacks him but he fights back revealing that he is also a vampire. The supposed to be fight turns into a play and it is revealed that Ben also works with Anna and Noah and his job is to get close to Bonnie. Anna and Ben kiss before they walk away together.

Kiko Foils the Fox

Kiko is playing his flute in the woods, and spending some time with the birds, especially three young ones in a nest. The father of the birds comes to feed them with some grapes. While they are having their meal, a vicious fox approaches and scales their tree. Fortunately, Kiko and the birds spot the fox on time as they begin pelting grapes, prompting the predator to retreat into a cave below the cliff.

It appears that the current day is the time that the young birds should be able to fly. They then take off from the edge of the cliff. One of them, however, still isn't ready, and therefore plunges into the bottom next to the cave. The fox sees this as an opportunity, and comes out. Kiko, upon noticing the trouble, jumps into the bottom and pounces on the fox. Kiko brawls with the fox but receives hits as well. Despite switching to defensive mode, the kangaroo is able to hurl the fox into a great distance.

Kiko celebrates his win by marching on a country road, and playing on his flute ''Yankee Doodle''. He is also accompanied by some birds who are beating drums.

It Happened in Penkovo

Matvey Morozov on his way home from prison recalls his story:

Matvey, a Soviet collective farm (kolkhoz) tractor-driver, lives in the village of Penkovo. He is a funny guy, but sometimes his jokes bring him trouble. Once he sets up a tug-of-war on tractors, breaks his tractor and nearly escapes criminal charges for that. Matvey is in love with the daughter of the chairman of the collective farm, Larissa, though her father strongly opposes their relationship. But soon Matvey and Larissa get married.

Tonya, a recently graduated livestock specialist, arrives at the farm from Leningrad; she has her roots in the village where her grandfather lives, but she has seen and absorbed new, Soviet life principles and has more education than farm workers. She becomes active in many nationally authorized progressive changes in the life of the villagers, and inspires young people to build a new club. She also boldly wears no head scarf unlike village girls and goes in a suit, not traditional rural dresses.

Matvey falls in love with Tonya, apparently attracted by an educated girl from the city, she loves him too and is struggling to contain and hide her feelings. But when he explains his feelings to her, Tonya says she "would not break his marriage". Meanwhile Larissa becomes terribly jealous. Alevtina, a newsmonger and the owner of local unofficial club, persuades Larissa to poison her rival, but at the last moment Larissa changes her mind and strikes the poisoned cup of tea from Tonya's hands. Larissa tells Matvey about it, and he punishes Alevtina for that: he locks her half-naked in the basement, causing minor injuries. Matvey goes to jail for that.

In the end Matvey joyfully returns home to his wife Larissa and a new-born son.

Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y

Against a backdrop of a chronology of airline skyjacks, the plot of ''Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y'' centers on an imagined dialogue between a novelist and a terrorist, based on passages from Don DeLillo's novels ''Mao II'' and ''White Noise''. As the plot progresses, it becomes clear that with the increasing media coverage of terrorist hijacks, this power of producing an inward societal shock has been wrestled from the writer by the terrorist. They are 'playing a zero-sum game' where “what the terrorists gain, novelists lose!” We hear Mouna Abdel-Majid of the PLO tell a reporter, "you westerners, you don't understand ... we have to fight outside our territory and we have to bring the hope to understand our case." The act of writing/terrorizing occupies the central paradox of democracy; it is the irreconcilable tension between the individual and mass culture. Throughout much of ''Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y'', this mass culture becomes synonymous with pop music and the ubiquity of television, particularly its news coverage. As this image-saturated society amplifies throughout the 1960s and 70s, it becomes apparent by the 1980s that the hijackers' political message has been itself hijacked by the media. Whereas in the 1960s hijackers were portrayed as romantic revolutionaries, by the 1990s these have been replaced on television sets by anonymous bombs in suitcases. According to Alexander Provan, "The end of the film seems to suggest that the media is now the ultimate author of fictions that transform themselves into events as they're broadcast." Correlating with a steep rise of the level of violence used, this depersonalization of the terrorist is merely the accommodation of terrorist spectacle for political gain.

Children of the Damned (The Vampire Diaries)

In 1864, Katherine (Nina Dobrev) stops a horse-drawn carriage and asks for help because her husband has been attacked. A man is laying on the road and one of the two men from the carriage goes to help him. Katherine attacks the one who left at the carriage and then the other one. Her "husband" gets up and it is revealed to be Damon (Ian Somerhalder) who is still human and Katherine teaches him how a vampire acts.

In the present day, Damon enters Stefan's (Paul Wesley) room without caring he is with Elena. He wants to start looking for the Grimoire and Stefan promised to help him, which for him means Elena is also helping. He asks her to find Jonathan Gilbert's journal that is the key to where the Grimoire is.

Anna (Malese Jow) calls Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) trying to arrange a date with him while Ben (Sean Faris) is getting ready for his date with Bonnie (Kat Graham) later. Meanwhile, at the Gilbert house, Elena and Stefan talk about Damon as Elena is looking for Jonathan's journal. Jeremy shows up and tells them that he gave the journal to Alaric (Matt Davis).

In 1864, Damon is with Katherine when Emily (Bianca Lawson) gets into the room and announces to Katherine that Pearl (Kelly Hu) is here to see her. Katherine meets Pearl, who tells her that she worries with the fact that she is with both Salvatore brothers and them knowing their vampire secret. She gives Katherine an elixir made of vervain and informs her that people start to drink it because they suspect about the vampires. Pearl wants to move to another town but Katherine's not ready. While they are talking, Pearl's daughter passes by and it's revealed that is no other than Anna.

Stefan and Damon's dad, Giuseppe (James Remar), is a vampire hunter and promises his fellow hunters that both of his boys will help them. He later talks to his sons about their plan and he asks for their help. When their father walks away, Stefan says that if they talk to him about Katherine, they will convince him not to kill her. Damon does not believe that and he makes Stefan promise that he will not tell a thing.

Stefan, despite his promise, tries to talk to his father denying though that he knows any vampires, but his father figures out that he is lying and spikes his drink with vervain. Later, Stefan is with Katherine who tries to feed on him but because of the vervain, she faints. Giuseppe gets into the room and asks Stefan to call the sheriff. Stefan tries to change his dad's mind but he cannot. They take Katherine away to burn her with the other vampires.

Back in the present day, Alaric reads Jonathan's journal at school, while Anna is watching him. Alaric hears something and calls to see if anyone is there. When he does not get any response, he goes to his locker and gets a gun that shoots wooden stakes. He returns to the classroom and finds Stefan there. He shoots him, but Stefan catches the stake before it hits him. Alaric tries to reload but Stefan stops him and gets the gun.

Stefan asks Alaric to sit so they can talk and promises he will not hurt him and he gives Alaric his gun back. Alaric is confused but he trusts him and he tells him why he is in Mystic Falls. He admits that he witnessed a vampire, Damon, killing his wife but Damon had to hear him and he disappeared along with his wife's body. Stefan tells him that if he is here for revenge it will not end good for him and he offers to help him. He asks where the journal is and Alaric points the desk where he left it but the journal is not there anymore.

Anna got the journal and now she reads it to find where the Grimoire is while Ben leaves for his date with Bonnie. Later, Ben tries to fish info from Bonnie about Elena and unsuspected Bonnie tells him that the two of them are like sisters and that she would die for her. Bonnie, decides to give it a chance and she kisses Ben. The moment she does, though, she senses evil and pulls back. She acts as nothing happened and tells him that she needs to go to the bathroom. Ben realizes that Bonnie is suspecting him so he follows her to the bathroom and kidnaps her.

In the meantime, Damon is at Elena's house cooking and talking with Jenna (Sara Canning) while Stefan is with Alaric. Elena is surprised to see him there. Jenna leaves them alone and Damon asks Elena straight if he can trust Stefan, something that Elena reassures him that he can. The night continues with Damon and Jeremy playing video games and Jeremy telling him about Anna. Stefan arrives, also surprised to see Damon there, and tells them what happened and that someone else took the journal. In the question who else knew about it, Damon interrogates Jeremy who admits that Anna also showed interest in it. Damon leaves with Jeremy to find Anna. Anna arrives and Damon sees her from afar, recognizing her as Pearl's daughter.

While Damon is off to track Anna, Stefan tells Elena that he has a copy of the journal from Alaric. They start reading it and Elena finds a mention of Stefan's father in it. They cannot find though any mention of where the Grimoire might be and Stefan remembers a conversation he had with his father and realizes where the Grimoire is; buried with his father. The two of them go to Giuseppe's tomb and start digging it up.

Damon follows Anna at the Grill's restroom and attacks her but she fights him back and they both give up. Anna tells him she was wondering how long it would take him to find her and they go to her motel to talk. She tells Damon that the key to open the tomb is hidden in his dad's journal and asks for his help. Damon takes the journal for himself and walks away telling her that he works alone.

Elena and Stefan find the Grimoire but Damon shows up. Damon looks hurt but also mad over their betrayal, especially Elena's who promised him that he could trust Stefan and he believed her. Damon asks for the journal otherwise he will kill Elena. Stefan knows that he would never do that but then, unexpectedly, Damon grabs Elena and forces her to drink his blood. He would not kill her but he could turn her into a vampire without hesitation. Stefan knows that he would do that and gives him the journal while he walks away with a terrified Elena.

Damon gets the journal and flashes back to the night he lost Katherine. He tried to stop his father but his father tells him that anyone who sides with the vampires will also get killed. Stefan finds Damon and promises to help him save Katherine but Damon is so mad at him and he accuses him that it is his fault.

At the last flashback, we see that Pearl in her attempt to run away runs into Jonathan Gilbert whose watchpoints to her indicating she is a vampire. Pearl is shot and captured while her daughter Anna is watching with Emily. Emily promises Anna she will see her mother again. Stefan also sees Emily with Anna hiding but he does not say a word to the hunters.

Back at the Gilbert house, Elena asks Stefan to bring her an aspirin and he goes downstairs to ask Jenna for one. Jenna tells him that Jeremy's friend Anna is in the house. Stefan, in a quick flashback to the night when Katherine was captured, he remembers Pearl's daughter and realizes who is Anna. He runs upstairs to Elena's room but Elena is gone.

Ghost in the Sheet

The game is a paranormal horror comedy adventure and follows a person who dies. He becomes a ghost who is forced to wear a sheet and start working for an agency investigating paranormal activity in the mortal world. He is sent to the abandoned Sector Omega factory where he meets Ghosts of its former inhabitants and investigates what happened.

As the investigation progresses the Ghost becomes suspicious about his boss from the agency. The Boss realizes it so he sends his servant Oozy to eliminate him but Oozy is killed by a hungry monster. Ghost then helps souls of local people to find peace. In the end he confronts the boss and defeats him.

Ouija (2014 film)

Debbie Galardi recalls playing Ouija with her best friend Laine Morris as children. In present day, she throws her Ouija board into the fire and implies to Laine that something strange happened with the board. After Laine leaves, the Ouija board reappears in Debbie's bedroom. Debbie becomes possessed and hangs herself inside her home.

Laine attends Debbie's wake with her boyfriend Trevor, younger sister Sarah, friend Isabelle, and Debbie's boyfriend Pete. The five friends meet at Debbie's house and use her Ouija board to try communicating with her. Strange things happen, and a presence smashes Pete's hand and face into a mirror. The friends start finding the phrase "Hi friend" (a message communicated during the Ouija board session) written in different places, like Isabelle's car and Pete's desk. Thinking Deb is trying to communicate with them, they have another Ouija session and discover that they are actually in contact with a spirit calling itself "DZ". Laine sees the image of a little girl with her mouth sewn shut. The girl warns them to run because her mother is coming. Laine later learns that Deb found the Ouija board in her attic and played alone.

Isabelle is possessed and killed. Laine and Pete search Deb's attic and find a box of old photographs that belonged to the previous residents. While researching the previous family's history, they learn of a little girl named Doris Zander who went missing. Doris' sister Paulina, now an old woman committed to a psychiatric hospital, explains that her mother was a medium and used Doris as a vessel for the dead to speak through. Their mother went mad and sewed Doris' mouth shut, killing her. She tells Laine that there is a secret room in the house where Laine must find Doris' hidden body and unstitch her mouth in order for the girl to banish their mother. The friends go back to the Galardi house, where Laine finds Doris' corpse and cuts the stitches on her mouth. Doris' mother's spirit protests, but Doris chases away the ghost. Pete becomes possessed and is killed.

Laine revisits Paulina, realizing that she was in allegiance with Doris all along and had intentionally lied. Doris is the evil entity and her mother was trying to stop the friends from summoning her. Laine's grandmother, Nona, advises the sisters to destroy Doris' body and the Ouija board. Doris' ghost drowns Trevor and captures Sarah to sew her mouth shut. Laine plays the Ouija board alone to draw the spirit's attention. Doris starts possessing Laine, but Debbie's ghost helps Laine defeat Doris. Sarah and Laine throw Doris' body and the Ouija board into the furnace, stopping the paranormal activity. Later, Laine finds that the planchette has mysteriously appeared back at her home.

Fish Heroes

Shark Mafia is capturing and packaging helpless fishes. Group of Fish Heroes set to sail these fishes from being canned.

The Tricky Master

Leung Foon is a happy-go-lucky man with a girlfriend named Pizza and he is a police detective in the Happy Valley Police Station tasked of being a small-time undercover with his superior nicknamed "Thousand Faced Man" but after their undercover case of protecting a millionaire's daughter nearly failed, Leung was tired of taking undercover work and even protested to quit the police force if he's not given a big-time case. Eventually "Thousand Faced" gave Leung the biggest task of bringing a big-time swindler named Ferrari to justice with a promotion being the reward despite Leung failing his "preparedness test".

Leung first starts the investigation by doing what he does best, going undercover as a "invited guest" heading towards Ferrari's beach. As he arrived on the shore, he met First Love, a con woman in disguise of a sweet, cool girl and asking for her phone number (she typed a vulgarity on his mobile phone). After one of Ferrari's henchmen, Fat Pig splashed on Leung at the beach, he was taken to Ferrari's mansion to become one of his security guards.

After Leung realized he was tricked by Ferrari and one of his con women, First Love along with losing his job after Ferrari encrypted all his server's data with a computer virus knowing what was going on when Leung tried to burn a CD with some data from one of his computers to take as evidence, Leung was forced to approach Pizza's brother-in-law Master Wong, a gifted conman whom he and Pizza met in Macau and hated by Leung to learn his skills and become a conman with a vengeance.

The Nude Restaurant

At The Mad Hatter, a New York City restaurant located on the corner of Bleecker Street and Seventh Avenue South and owned by brothers Rob Pinon and Ron Pinon, the patrons are men, nude but for a G-string, waited on by one woman, also clad in a G-string (Viva) and waiters (Midgette and Peña). Some of the "nude" patrons leave the establishment, their places taken by new customers, also nearly in the buff.

There are numerous in-camera jump cuts (known as 'strobe cuts') and the camera weaves around a bit. The waiter and waitress move from table to table, talking to the customers. Taylor Mead sits smirking at the fountain, where eventually he partakes in a long conversation with Viva about her Catholic childhood. Mead also feigns interest in discussing the Vietnam War with an AWOL soldier (Julian Burroughs).

Viva, the waitress if not the actual person, seemingly is obsessed with the subject of lascivious priests. There is more strobe cutting, and at one point, Viva turns to the camera and asks that it be turned off. The camera is turned off, and after an interlude, is turned back on again, after which Viva continues with her monologue.

Dereza (film)

The plot is based on a Russian folk tale. The cartoon follows a goat, Dereza, who is talented but lazy. Dereza prefers idleness, pretending to be unhappy and hungry. Using the protection of a grandfather who believes her, she loses sense of proportion and is thrown out of the house. The goat later repents.

Adopted Daughter

Based on a series of skits called ''The Jangles'', the story of ''Adopted Daughter'' centered on Jerry Jangles, a "courageous young wife who fights for home and happiness."

Christmas in Conway

When terminally ill Suzy Mayor (Parker) leaves the hospital to spend her last days at her home in Conway, South Carolina, her grouch of a husband, Duncan (Garcia) is beside himself with concern for her and with annoyance at everyone else, including Natalie (Moore), the live-in hospice nurse who has come home with Suzy. When Duncan decides to build a Ferris wheel in the backyard as a Christmas present for Suzy, in honor of the place where Duncan proposed to her, the neighbors and townspeople of this quiet Southern town are quick to object.

Appropriate Behavior

Brooklynite Shirin, the daughter of well-off Persian immigrants, is left homeless and jobless after her girlfriend Maxine breaks up with her. With the encouragement of her friend Crystal she moves in with strange roommates and gets a new job teaching 5 year old Park Slope children the art of movie making.

Shirin's parents are confused as to why Shirin moved out of her old apartment as Shirin has never told them that she's bisexual and dating a woman. Determined to get her life back on track, Shirin begins trying to follow Maxine, hoping to rekindle their relationship. Maxine begins dating Tibet, a fellow teacher at the Park Slope school where she works. Shirin devotes herself to her work and comes out to her brother, who is mostly supportive, and her mother, who is in denial.

On the subway, Shirin tells Crystal that she again plans to bring up the issue of her sexuality with her mother in a month. She sees Maxine outside the subway car on the platform and the two women wave to one another.

About an Old Man, an Old Woman and Their Hen Ryaba

The plot of the film is based on the Russian folk tale "Kurochka Ryaba" ("Ryaba the hen"). This tale is told, how a hen laid a golden egg. The Old Man and the Old Woman could not eat The Egg, because The Egg does not contain anything but a gold. They were to be hungry. The Hen laid The Egg Simple. Old Man and Old Woman were able to eat The Simple Egg and praise The Food.

The Dark Stairway (1953 film)

A blind man, George Benson, witnesses the murder of Harry Carpenter by Joe Lloyd. Benson finds himself accused of the murder. Inspector Jack Harmer finds the murder weapon and discovers Carpenter was murdered because he betrayed Lloyd to the police. Benson manages to identify Lloyd by his ring, voice and aftershave smell.

Street of Shadows (1953 film)

Luigi, the owner of a Soho saloon, is romancing an unhappily married socialite, Barbara Gale. He is accused of the murder of his former girlfriend Angela, who was found stabbed in his apartment. He evades the police and asks his friend Limpy for help, but Limpy is revealed to be Angela's killer.

Escapement (film)

Inquiring into the mysterious death of a Hollywood star, insurance investigator Jeff Keenan uncovers an exclusive psychiatric clinic on the French Riviera. Here, patients who want to escape the stresses of life are hypnotized, then laid out in morgue-like drawers and left to dream for several weeks. It turns out that Dr. Zakon, the clinic's ex-Nazi owner, is using a "dream machine" to alter the sleepers' dreams, and to impose his will on theirs.

Our Miss Fred

English Shakespearean actor Fred Wimbush is called up to serve in the British army during World War II. His skills result in his being asked to entertain the troops in France- and is asked to perform in drag. However, the Germans capture his position. Unless he continues his disguise in women's clothes, Fred fears he will be shot as a spy. He has to fend off both French locals and German troops. The double entendres and bullets fly as he attempts his escape in the company of the pupils from an English girls' finishing school.

On a country lane he encounters Miss Flodden and Miss Lockhart who run a nearby finishing school. They ask him to fix their car ("Agatha") and is introduced to their five pupils: four English and one American, who are hiding in a barn. They suggest that Fred loses his flamboyant dress and instead dresses as a teacher.

They have an escaped airman (Smallpiece) hidden in a shed. Fred reveals his true identity to him. Fred finds a Nazi uniform to disguise Smallpiece.

Fred drives around the French countryside with the girls encountering the Germans as he goes.

They head for an airfield and get in pretending to be a group of girls from the local brothel. Although they fail to catch a plane they attach "Agatha" to a blimp and float off to safety.

However, in the final scene Fred is entertaining a group of Germans, in drag, singing "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball".

Dr. Dimensionpants

Kyle Lipton was a normal 12-year-old kid, until a portal opened and dropped a pair of "The Dimensionpants", also called the 'Pants of Power' or 'Power Pants'. It is one of several powerful clothing items constructed in the Unicrone dimension, which also included socks and a summer dress. When he wears them, he becomes a new superhero called Dr. Dimensionpants. Now Kyle has all the superhero powers he ever wanted, along with responsibility. With the help of a talking unicorn named Philip, Dr. Dimensionpants learns his powers to save the dimensions, while dealing with normal kid issues.

Senhora do Destino

The plot is divided into two phases. The first - aired in four chapters - takes place in December 1968, telling the story of three women: Josefa de Medeiros Duarte Pinto (Marília Gabriela), journalist for the Diário de Notícias, a stunning and brave woman who becomes a mortal enemy of the dictatorship; Maria do Carmo Ferreira da Silva (Carolina Dieckmann), a humble northeastern woman who comes to the city of Rio de Janeiro in search of a better life for herself and her children; and Maria de Nazaré Esteves Tedesco (Adriana Esteves), a prostitute who wants to change her life at all costs and will play dirty for it.

First phase

Maria do Carmo, a suffering Northeastern woman, abandoned by her husband Josivaldo, leaves with her five children from Belém de São Francisco, in the Pernambuco hinterland, to Rio de Janeiro. She is desperate to see a better future for her children because she lives in extreme poverty. Therefore, she writes to her brother, Sebastião, asking him to receive them in his house. Sebastião works as a driver for Josefa de Medeiros Duarte Pinto, with whom he is secretly in love. She is the daughter of a traditional family and owner of the Rio de Janeiro newspaper Diário de Notícias, inherited after the death of her second husband. After a series of setbacks on the trip, Maria do Carmo and her children arrive in Rio de Janeiro on December 13, 1968, the very day of the decree of Institutional Act Number Five (AI-5). There is a great commotion in the streets of the City Center, taken over by protesters and riot police.

The Diário de Notícias, an opponent of the military regime, is invaded by the police, and Sebastião cannot fetch Maria do Carmo from the bus station. Since she lost her paper on the road where she had written her brother's address, she goes with her children looking for the newspaper, where she expects to find Sebastião. Maria do Carmo manages to take refuge with the children in an abandoned house. Nazaré, a prostitute from Madame Berthe's brothel, is also housed there. She wants to marry her lover José Carlos and change her life. So she pretends to be a nurse and to be pregnant because she believes that pregnancy is the only way to separate him from his wife and daughter. As she became sterile after 5 successive miscarriages, she invented that she was pregnant to force Jose Carlos to take over the child. In the abandoned place, Nazaré tells Maria do Carmo that her name is Lourdes and promises to take care of the children while Maria do Carmo takes Reginaldo, who had been injured, to the hospital. Being alone with the youngest, two-month-old Lindalva in her arms, Nazaré glimpses the chance to realize her plan and kidnap the girl. She decides to pretend to have given birth to the child, sensitizing her lover, who leaves his wife and daughter to be with her. Maria do Carmo's struggle to recover her stolen daughter is the guiding thread of the plot.

Desolate with the kidnapping of Lindalva, Maria do Carmo is lost in the streets of Rio. She is mistaken for a protester and arrested, along with two other men in particular: Dirceu de Castro, a reporter for the Diário de Notícias, who refuses to leave the newsroom of the newspaper, and Giovanni Improtta, a well-known gambler full of scams and shady activities in his life. Josefa is also arrested, has her newspaper closed, and is advised to leave the country, which takes her to a luxurious exile in Paris. Maria do Carmo, Dirceu and Giovanni are in neighboring cells in a prison, and the journalist hears the story of the Northeastern woman. Dirceu draws the attention of the prison commander, the wicked Commander Saraiva, to the mistaken identity, and the young woman is released. She encounters Sebastian by chance, and the two manage to prevent the children of Maria do Carmo, who had been taken to the Juvenile Court, from being sent to an orphanage. Maria do Carmo decides to settle in the same place where her brother lives, in Vila São Miguel, fictitious district of Duque de Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense, and swears that she will dedicate her life to locate her daughter Lindalva.

Second phase

The years pass, and Maria do Carmo is a strong and successful woman, dedicated mother, owner of the Do Carmo building supply store, dear and respected in Vila São Miguel for her ethics and generosity. She still suffers because she never heard from Lindalva again, and no one has found the whereabouts of the kidnapper who she thinks is named Lourdes. She has an old romantic relationship with Dirceu, now editor and political columnist for a major Rio newspaper. The two live in separate houses and live a quiet relationship. But the northeastern woman has another admirer: the now former bicheiro Giovanni Improtta, who honestly liquidated all his past accounts and earns his living as president of the Vila Sao Miguel United samba school and disputes with Dirceu the love of Maria do Carmo. One of his characteristics is his inseparable bow tie, as well as the effort to speak correctly, which causes him to make several Portuguese grammar mistakes. His way of speaking fell in the favor of the public, who reproduced on the streets expressions such as “felomenal” (instead of “phenomenal”). Among the phrases popularized by the character are: "There are suitcases that come by train!"; "I'm going to lolly myself"; "Do not forget my motto: with Giovanni Improtta no problem"; "Then there is the saying by the unspoken, the unspoken by the said and, as always, the writing is worthwhile"; "Here you do, here you pay"; "In life, as in the restaurant, the bill always comes"; "Istrastegic output"; "The cow will fly!", "Time is roaring, and Sapucai is big!", "Giovanni Improtta, in charm and bone."

Giovanni is the father of João Manoel and Jenifer. A widower, he lives with his children and his mother-in-law, Flaviana. His girlfriend is the aspiring celebrity Danielle, whom he calls "Baby Nymph" (and he is called "Daddy"). But the former bicheiro, who keeps repeating his debt to the police or tax authorities, is in love even with Do Carmo, having to vie for his love with rival Dirceu, whom he calls "letter exchange."

Sebastião, Maria do Carmo's brother, married Janice and has three children: Eleonora, Venâncio and Regininha; He is the driver of the refined Pedro Correia de Andrade and Couto, Baron de Bonsucesso, and his wife, Baroness Laura - a happy couple who enjoy celebrating life, although they no longer have the same financial situation as before. The baron's money is managed by his son, Leonardo, who complains about his father's eccentric spending. After meeting Giovanni Improtta, the baron agrees to be his personal stylist and teaches the former boss, who addresses Laura as Dona Baroa, ensuring many comic moments in history. In the course of the plot, the baroness finds herself suffering from Alzheimer's.

The children of Maria do Carmo are headed in life. The eldest, Reginaldo, has become an ambitious politician who does not shy away from trying to take advantage of his mother's popularity, averse to his populist and demagogic profile. Maria do Carmo always knew that Reginaldo, known as Naldo, was never worth anything and was always false and in favor of his father who abandoned them in misery. Reginaldo wants to become mayor of Vila São Miguel and campaigns for the emancipation of the town, which is in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense (RJ). He is married to Leila, with whom he has two children, Bruno and Bianca, but keeps a secret affair with his parliamentary advisor Viviane, as ambitious as he. Leila discovers her husband's unfaithfulness and, willing to catch him with his mistress, asks for help from Reginaldo's cousin Venancio to follow them to a motel. She tries to get to Reginaldo's room through the wall, but suffers a fatal accident as she falls from the building. Clever, Reginaldo reverses the situation, accuses his wife of being his cousin's lover, and convinces him not to deny the story. Sebastião believes and expels Venancio from home, unhappy with his involvement with his cousin's wife. The driver only makes his peace with his son months later, when he is in an accident and gets between life and death, being saved thanks to a blood donation made by his own father. Although forgiven, Venancio makes a point of telling his father the truth about Leila's death. Sebastião is disgusted by his nephew's attitude, but cannot tell the truth, as it would harm his son, who lied to the police. Already Reginaldo, widowed, marries Viviane, and the double arms many fights along the plot in favor of their personal interests. Among the frames are the false kidnapping of his own son, the arrest of the mother and the murders of the marginal Gypsy and Seboso.

Leandro, second son of Maria do Carmo, works as an accountant for Giovanni. He has a troubled relationship with his wife, Marinalva, a highlight of the Vila Sao Miguel Unidos samba school (better known as Nalva), which hides a passion for his brother-in-law Viriato, which causes many conflicts in his marriage.

Viriato, the third son of Maria do Carmo, is the head of Edgard Legrand's restaurant, Monsieur Vatel, in Ipanema, in the southern part of the city. Her fate intersects with Maria Eduarda's, Duda's, when he saves her from a robbery. Eduarda's parents, Leonardo and Gisela, do not accept their daughter's relationship with a lower-class man and do what they can to see her married to young federal deputy Thomas Jefferson. In the end, Leonardo discovers that he is the son of Butler Alfred with a cook who died in childbirth and was adopted by the Baron, which changes his outlook on life.

The youngest, Plínio, is a young womanizer who doesn't want to know about work and just thinks about enjoying life. He ends up in the trap of the independent Yara, a few years older woman who wants to be a mother and chooses him as a "surrogate father" without even consulting him. Although she only wanted to use it, Yara is forced to turn to Pliny when her company goes bankrupt. For the first time, then, the boy faces a responsibility in life.

Lindalva, the youngest stolen from Maria do Carmo and baptized as Like Isabel, she has grown into a sweet and beautiful young woman who has a loving, loving, respectful, and complicit relationship with the troubled and dangerous psychopath Nazareth, whom she thinks is her mother. Nazaré still lives with José Carlos and is always at war with stepdaughter Maria Claudia, who went to live with her father after her mother, abandoned by her husband, succumb to depression and die.

The farce of Nazaré begins to surface when photographer Rodolfo hands Dirceu a picture of a pregnant nurse with a baby on his lap taken by him during the riot in central Rio on December 13, 1968. Maria do Carmo e Leandro recognize the kidnapper. Dirceu asks Rodolfo to use computer programs to “age” the photo and get to the woman's current face. Then, he gets Maria do Carmo's story to be the subject of an investigative program on TV. José Carlos watches the program and tells Nazaré that he will report it. They argue and she pushes him off the stairs. On the floor, with severe chest pains, he asks Nazareth to take his medicine, but the villain throws it away, leaving him to die in Isabel's arms.

With the death of the man she thinks is her father and loves very much, Isabel begins to work in the restaurant Monsieur Vatel. She and Edgard fall in love, and Maitre Viriato doesn't even know that the boss's girlfriend is his missing sister. Isabel and Edgard's dating makes Nazaré desperate because the boy is Madame Berthe's grandson. At the end of the plot, Nazaré's fear is justified: it is the caffeine diary that confirms the story of the abduction. Before that, however, the villain gets many ready. She has as lover and ally the unscrupulous Josivaldo, the naughty husband of Do Carmo, who returns to the family after leaving her to have a wealth that no longer wanted, asking for alimony from his wife.

While Maria do Carmo continues to search for her daughter, Dirceu and Giovanni try hard to locate the girl. In one of these attempts, Angelica appears, who was found as a baby on the same day Lindalva disappeared. But Maria do Carmo's joy is short-lived: Angelica has a birthmark on her leg and therefore cannot be the kidnapped daughter. Even so, Maria do Carmo welcomes her home and makes her his secretary in the store. Angelica gets involved with Plínio, and the two end up getting married. In the course of the plot, she reunites with her real mother, Belmira, but is disappointed to find that she has abandoned her to marry a millionaire out of interest. That is why he decides to keep the story a secret. But Reginaldo and Viviane discover and force her to collaborate with the overpriced works of Vila São Miguel City Hall, issuing cold invoices at Do Carmo's store, and threaten to tell the truth about her origin to the Ferreira da Silva family if she doesn't obey them. Angelica gives in to blackmail, but one day the frame is discovered by the IRS inspectors who appear in the store. She manages to flee, but Maria do Carmo ends up being held responsible for the illicit acts and is caught red-handed for tax evasion and contempt of authority. Reginaldo learns that Angelica is hiding in the real mother's house and the threat of death if she doesn't leave town, as she fears her sister-in-law will reveal that he is involved in the scheme. But Pliny manages to locate the woman, learns her true story, and forces her to tell the truth to the police. And so can prove the innocence of Do Carmo, who promises to send Reginaldo to jail.

The siege against Nazareth is closing, with the collaboration of several friends of Maria do Carmo, including Claudia. She also becomes an ally of the Northeastern, since she always hated her stepmother and suffered a lot from her childhood. Claudia meets Leandro, who is interested in Isabel without suspecting that she is her sister Lindalva. He has a difficult time, because he has decided to separate from Marinalva, and confuses Isabel's friendship with love. Claudia warns about their feelings, the two approach and end up falling in love.

The ladder of the character's house and his scissors became symbols of his psychotic personality. At the same time, Nazaré was laughing at her curses - among other expressions, she referred to Maria do Carmo as “northeastern tapir”, called Claudia “songa monga” and Josivaldo “flagelladão” - and also made her laugh in scenes where praised himself before the mirror. One of the highlights of the plot was the meeting of Nazareth with Maria do Carmo, which gives her a good beating that leaves her bloody and broken.

Even after discovering that she was stolen from her real mother, Isabel still takes a while to accept Do Carmo as her mother. Nazaré apologizes to Isabel, says she kidnapped her because José Carlos forced her. Divided and sensitized, Isabel decides to stand by the shrew because she was raised by her as a mother and loves her very much, until she realizes her true character.

Jenifer, the studious daughter of Giovanni, and Eleonora, daughter of Sebastião, fall in love, and after much resistance the parents find themselves forced to accept romance, overriding prejudice. The two assume the relationship, live together and adopt a newborn, abandoned near the hospital where Eleonora works as a doctor. Jenifer and Eleonora did not form the only homosexual couple in the plot: Carnival Ubiracy, Bira, also had his partner, Turcão.

The Pedra Lascada community, located in Vila São Miguel, is the setting for the history of Rita de Cássia. Mother of Lady Daiane and Maikel Jackson, Rita is a victim of domestic violence and drug addiction. She picks up her husband, the marginal and evil Gypsy - who is trapped at the beginning of the plot - and wages a fight against drugs. Her life gets even more tumultuous when her 15-year-old daughter becomes pregnant with Shao Lin. He is a dreaded “fringe” in the community (his real name is Polybius), leader of an unoccupied class, and does not want to assume the paternity of the child. Later, Rita goes on to date the Portuguese taxi driver Constantino, who faces Gypsy in the name of his love. Daiane, already with her son in her arms, gets pregnant again, this time from Bruno, Reginaldo's son, but loses the baby. At the end of the plot, Shao Lin becomes a responsible boy, realizes that he is in love with Daiane and takes over his son. Daiane, in turn, begins to work on educating young girls, preventing them from the difficulties of early pregnancy.

Another theme that had repercussions was the drama lived by Seu Jacques. He has become a kind of representative of retirees who suffer from the delays, omissions, mismatches and humiliations imposed by the INSS. Outraged, he keeps repeating his story wherever he goes: a former salesman, his retirement was miscalculated, and his request for review has been going on for seven years. Seu Jacques, in humorous scenes, has become a ruthless "chronicler" of everyday life, with accurate and cutting analysis of reality.

Seu Jacques falls in love with Djenane, Nazaré's former colleague at the brothel, who reappears in the former prostitute's life to blackmail her, as he witnessed along with Madame Berthe that Nazaré kidnapped and forged the birth of Lindalva (Isabel), and threatens to tell everything to Isabel if Nazareth doesn't give her much money, because she knows where Madame Berthe's diary incriminating Nazareth is. During an argument with Nazareth, Djenane falls down the stairs and dies. Fearful of being suspected of her colleague's death, the vixen sets up a situation for people to think that Djenane had stolen her jewelry and too much money from her home and would have stumbled and fallen down the stairs. [23] At the end of the plot, Seu Jacques meets Djenane's sister and the two end up together. The core scenario is Bairro Peixoto, in Copacabana (southern Rio). Nazaré has done a lot and will do more: he killed a lover of his electrocuted, stole a lot of money from a bank and tried to kill Claudia with treasures, as well as emotional blackmail with Isabel.

Actress Marilia Gabriela returns to the soap opera as Guilhermina, Josefa's daughter, who becomes an obstacle in the realization of an old dream of Sebastião and Dirceu: reopening the Diário de Notícias. Guilhermina tries to prevent the auction of an original by the painter Cezanne, which Josefa had left for Sebastião, and whose income would be used to reopen the newspaper. The screen remained hidden for several years in the Ford Galaxie that Sebastião inherited from his former employer and keeps in his garage. [24] Despite the obstacles, the newspaper is reopened, and work on it Claudia, Alberto and Rodolfo. Guilhermina and Dirceu are surprised at first, and their meetings always end in exchange for accusations. Mutual hostility gives way to passion, and the two are together at the end of the story after Maria do Carmo agrees to marry Giovanni.

Reginaldo, denounced for his scams in the town hall of Vila São Miguel, is harassed by the people. He decides to hold a rally, where he hopes to once again deceive voters. Sebastião, however, reveals the truth about Leila's death to Maria do Carmo, who in turn tells the electorate everything. Reginaldo is booed and stoned by the popular. One stone in particular thrown by his former electoral corporal Merival hits him in the head and this time he dies.

Nazaré apparently dies after throwing himself from a bridge in the Paulo Afonso waterfall in Bahia. She commits suicide after abducting Linda, the daughter of Isabel and Edgard. Before Isabel, however, she redeems herself and gives him the baby before she jumps to her death. But Fausta, his former maid, sees the figure of a mysterious person very close to his home, implying that Nazareth might still be alive.

Leandro marries Claudia, who becomes pregnant. Viriato, after spending a period in France specializing in cooking, returns to Brazil and reunites with Duda, who is pregnant, with whom he had married. Plínio, married to Angelica, who becomes pregnant with him, earns from Yara the permission to stay with the son Dado, since she will move to Japan. Regininha becomes pregnant with her boyfriend João Manoel and they both rush the marriage. Danielle and Venancio, married, discover that they will be parents. Nalva marries Congressman Thomas Jefferson, and Viviane reappears in Brasilia, married to Victório Vianna (soap opera character Porto dos Milagres, who returned to Senhora do Destino as senator, played in both versions by Lima Duarte). Josivaldo ends up in the streets, like a ragged and freaking beggar, with the only friend, the statue of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Maria do Carmo marries Giovanni. Through a narration by Maria do Carmo, viewers learn about the future of the young characters: Daiane wins the Nobel Peace Prize for her social role in raising awareness of teenage pregnancy and Bianca, granddaughter of Do Carmo and daughter of Reginaldo, will be elected mayor of Vila São Miguel, always seeking to ensure respect and honesty.

Couch (film)

An "entirely pornographic" series of sexual encounters on the old red couch at The Factory, with all permutations and orientations.

Fool Me Once (The Vampire Diaries)

Elena (Nina Dobrev) wakes up and finds herself in a strange hotel room. She sees Ben (Sean Faris) sleeping and tries to slowly sneak out but Ben wakes up. Anna (Malese Jow) arrives and drags Elena to the bathroom locking her in. Elena finds Bonnie (Kat Graham) lying unconscious in the bathtub. She tries to help Bonnie and Elena informs her that Ben is with Anna and they want to open the tomb but they need a witch to do that.

Meanwhile, Stefan (Paul Wesley) looks everywhere for Elena all over Mystic Falls but he cannot find her. He goes to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) asking for his help but Damon, who is still mad at him, does not want to help. Damon leaves Stefan alone and goes to Bonnie's grandmother, Sheila (Jasmine Guy), asking for Bonnie but Sheila knows really well who he is and tells him to go away.

Back at the hotel room, Anna explains to Elena that she wants to get into the tomb to free her mother Pearl (Kelly Hu) who's trapped in there. Anna calls Stefan and asks him to bring her the Grimoire otherwise she will kill Elena. Stefan does not have it but promises he can get it and they arrange to meet Damon at a public place.

While Anna goes to meet Damon, she runs into Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) who invites her to a party. Anna tries to avoid him at the beginning but she changes her mind when she hears where the party will be — near the old cemetery. She takes off to meet Damon. Damon insists that he works alone but when Anna threatens to kill Elena, the two of them come to an agreement.

In the meantime, Stefan appears at the motel room and helps Elena and Bonnie. As they run out of the room, Stefan warns Ben to leave town otherwise, if he sees him again he will kill him. Anna comes back and finds Ben hiding behind the bed to avoid the sunlight. Ben tells her that Stefan came and he couldn't do anything. Anna realizes that she lost the witch but she knows that Damon will open the tomb no matter what and she has to be there when that happens.

Bonnie, Elena and Stefan are at Sheila's house talking and Elena thinks they do not have choice but to help Damon get Katherine back. Sheila agrees to open the tomb as long as the rest of the vampires are burned. Elena has to earn Damon's trust back and leaves to go and find him and talk to him. She finds him at the Salvatore house and she convinces him to trust her again. Stefan, Bonnie and Sheila wait for Damon and Elena at the church ruins. Stefan brought along arsonist tools. Damon, who brought an IV bag of blood for Katherine, and Elena arrive and Sheila and Bonnie start the process to break the spell and open the tomb. Stefan runs outside to get his arsonist tools.

Meanwhile, Jeremy gets to the party and looks around for Anna. Anna shows up and the two of them go for a walk away from the crowd. Anna tells him that she is leaving town with her mom and Jeremy kisses her. Anna's face begins to show that she is a vampire and Jeremy asks her what is going on when Ben appears and knocks him out. Anna tells Ben to drag Jeremy close to the tomb so they can use him for Pearl to feed on when they get her out.

Stefan runs into Ben while he is getting his tools. Anna also appears and tells him that she will take her mother out and gives Stefan a choice. He can try to stop her or save Jeremy from Ben. Stefan leaves Anna and goes and stays alone with Ben who tries to attack him believing he is stronger. Stefan uses the arsonist tool and burns him.

Meanwhile, Bonnie and Sheila keep chanting the spell and the tomb's door cracks open. Damon, to be sure that Sheila won't seal him into the tomb, grabs Elena and takes her with him. Inside the tomb, Elena hears whispering and asks what is happening. Damon informs her that they can sense her but he runs off to find Katherine leaving Elena alone. Elena searches for him while she stumbles over the desiccated bodies of the vampires and freaks out.

Anna arrives at the tomb finding the door open. Bonnie wants to stop her but Sheila does not let her, so Anna goes into the tomb. Bonnie wants to know why her Grams let her in and Sheila says that ''no'' vampire will come out of the tomb. They managed to open the door but not break the seal spell so a vampire can go in but not come out. Stefan comes back and wants to run into the tomb when he hears Damon took Elena with him but Sheila stops him, explaining to him why.

Inside the tomb, Anna finds Elena and explains to her how Stefan and Jonathan Gilbert are responsible for her mother's imprisonment and why she decided that it would be Gilbert family's blood that will bring her mother back to life. She bites Elena who starts screaming making Stefan run into the tomb to find her. Anna feeds Elena's blood to Pearl but Stefan gets there in time before Pearl kills her. Elena runs away to get out of the tomb.

Bonnie wants to help Stefan get out and she begs Sheila to lift the seal just for a while so Stefan can escape. Elena escapes and Bonnie tells her about the seal. Stefan gets to the door but cannot step outside and Elena realizes that he went in only to save her even though he knew. She also remembers the promise they gave Damon and Stefan goes back inside to find his brother. Bonnie and Sheila cast a spell to lift the seal and Anna comes out with her mother.

Damon is still in the tomb but he cannot find Katherine anywhere. Stefan comes to him and realizes that Katherine is not in the tomb, never was. Damon is frustrated and throws the IV bag of blood against the wall breaking it. Stefan urges him to hurry so they can get out before the seal closes again. Elena runs in to beg them to leave. The three of them get out just in time before the door closes again.

Bonnie and Sheila go back home while Sheila looks exhausted over the energy she spent for the spell and goes to lie down. Elena and Stefan rush to find Jeremy who is waking up and he is fine. Damon is shocked for not finding Katherine and Elena hugs him telling him she is sorry. Elena takes Jeremy home who says he cannot remember anything but when Elena leaves to go to Bonnie, Jeremy starts searching on the Internet about vampires.

Anna brings her mother to the motel room where they find Damon waiting for them. Damon grabs Pearl threatening to kill her and accuses Anna of knowing the whole time that Katherine was not in the tomb. Anna admits that she did know but she did not tell him because then he would never have helped her open the tomb. Pearl explains to him how Katherine got away and Anna tells him that she saw Katherine a few years ago. Katherine knew where Damon was but she did not care to find him. Damon is heart broken over the information and leaves.

Bonnie goes to check on her Grams but she finds her dead. She starts yelling for help while she desperately goes through the spell book to find a spell that will bring her back and Elena calls 911.

Back at the tomb, a vampire manages to get to the blood bag Damon threw against the wall and he feeds on its contents. He gets up, slowly gets to the door sliding it open and exits the tomb revealing that the seal spell did not work.

ISpy (Modern Family)

Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) meets with a friend, Brett (Noah Weisberg), at a cafeteria and while they are talking, Brett wants to tell Mitch his secret, but makes him promise not to tell anyone especially Cam (Eric Stonestreet) because he will definitely tell everyone. Mitch promises and Brett tells him that he got calf implants. Mitch gets back home and Cam figures out that Mitch is hiding something from him and he pressures him into telling him despite he promising not to tell anyone. Cam starts spreading the news by texting his friends.

Gloria (Sofía Vergara) is mad at Jay (Ed O'Neill) because she thinks he was dreaming of another woman in his sleep. Jay can see that she is mad at him, but he does not know why and believes that Gloria went through his emails and saw that he loaned a woman friend some money.

Meanwhile, at the Dunphy house, Claire (Julie Bowen) wants to spy on her kids, Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Luke (Nolan Gould), because she believes they are hiding something from her. Haley has a photography class activity, but she does not want them to go and Luke says he is going to his friend's place with Manny (Rico Rodriguez), but Claire does not trust that friend of his. She gets more worried when Haley tells them that Luke is going to a place that is notorious for kids to do drugs there.

Claire asks Alex (Ariel Winter) to snoop into Haley's room and find out what her sister is hiding while she and Phil (Ty Burrell) go and find Luke. Alex finds out where the exhibition is going to be and that Haley was selected from her class as one of the five who should take part at it. She calls the whole family to tell them to go to the exhibition after Claire's urge. Meanwhile, Claire and Phil discover that Luke and his friends are only making a movie and they run away when their drone is spotted by the kids.

The whole family meets at Haley's exhibition, and Haley is freaked out to find them there. Her pictures are all moments of her family that she took without them knowing. Claire's paranoia and spying is exposed, but she defensively states that as a parent she has the right to worry. While watching the pictures, Cam claims that he only told one person about Brett, but Mitch sees on his phone that more than one person knows and that Cam lied. Gloria tells Jay why she is mad and Jay explains that he was only dreaming of their son Joe in danger of falling off a building and it was Joe he was calling baby. Jay admits, in a talking head cut, that it was actually Stella, the family French Bulldog, who was in danger in his dream.

Everything is settled down when the man who is in charge of the event tells Haley that one of her photos was sold. Haley is excited that she managed to get money from something she did on her own and everyone is proud of her.

The Profiteer

In a small town in Apulia , the seminarian Ercole, who failed to become a priest due to an injury that caused him to lose his speech, is hired as driver and male nurse into a rich and apparently pious family of landowners, and soon became the lover of the beautiful Baroness Clotilde.

The Priest (2009 film)

The film begins in June 1941 in the backwater Russian village of Tikhoye in Soviet Latvia. Priest Alexander carries out the duties of his ministry, helped by his wife, Alevtina. Two days later the Nazi invaders enter the village. The Nazi invaders are keen to reopen the Orthodox churches closed by the Soviet authorities. Alexander is offered a position at the Pskov Orthodox Mission (:ru:Псковская православная миссия) to the Pskov oblast. An Orthodox church building in the village Zakaty, confiscated and turned into a hall for film showings and the like, is restored to its former use, the church bell rescued from the lake etc. However life under the Nazis is ambiguous and the priest must walk a tightrope (metaphorically) between faithful Christian service and loyalty to his country and people. A poignant scene is the Easter service, celebrated along with Red Army POWs surrounded by German guards. Alexander and Alevtina also harbour Jewish orphans. Alevtina falls ill from contact with the POWs and puts the children first by losing herself in a snowstorm lest she infect the orphans. The plot concludes with the Soviet authorities back in power and the priest imprisoned by the NKVD. The epilogue shows the priest decades later, visited by the orphans he saved many years before.

Friends with Better Lives

Six people all think their friends have better lives. Will (James Van Der Beek) is a newly-single bachelor pining for his ex-wife; Jules (Brooklyn Decker) and Lowell (Rick Donald) are newly engaged; Kate (Zoe Lister-Jones) is a successful, single career woman who does not have the best luck with dating; and Andi (Majandra Delfino) and Bobby (Kevin Connolly) are a happily married couple with one child and one on the way, pining for their younger fun days.

The Rock 'n' Roll Diaries

Burt has fancied Bex since Year Seven. His quest to score a date with the hottest girl in the school has been a catalogue of failure, and Bex isn't impressed by Burt's wealth and good looks. Suddenly there is a glimmer of hope when she lets it be known she likes boys in rock bands. Burt sets himself the challenge of forming a band – and he needs help. His mates won't make the grade so he enlists the help of ginger, musical uber-geek Egg and they hold auditions after school. Burt's gang try out with risible auditions, but then soccer ace Clipper shows what he can do on drums and estate bad-boy Tea surprises them with his skill on the bass guitar. An unlikely quartet is formed and rehearsal sees Burt's first crack as lead singer, Egg's amazing talent on guitar ...and interest from Bex. Burt thinks he's on to a winner – and Egg can't believe the girl he watches wistfully from across the canteen is actually in the school hall, watching him play.

It's not only Burt who needs the band. Clipper is on a fast track to football academy, but that's his dad's dream, not his. Tea needs to get off his rough estate and Egg needs to escape the monotony of music lessons, an overbearing mum and a friendless existence. The band rehearse cover songs with Bex a regular at the weekly rehearsals. The RockAteers are born. Privately, the boys are loving the new call on their time. But Bex's presence barely outweighs Burt's frustrations with his bandmates, especially when Egg surprises them with a self-penned original song. They are all blown away, especially Bex and when Egg reveals he has more, the band take on a new lease of life. Burt announces their first gig in the garage of his mansion, where he lives with his little sister despite his parents being away much of the time. Egg thinks it's too soon for a show, but Burt's already invited everyone and the local press. The RockAteers have the crowd eating out of their hands and everything is brilliant until the after-party sees Egg's ritual humiliation at the hands of Burt's bullying best mate George. Forced to smoke weed until he passes out, Egg escapes the house in the early hours and returns home to find his parents waiting for him and the horrifying sight of his eye-browless face in the bathroom mirror.

Clipper also has an unfortunate end to the night and is distraught when George calls him gay. Burt ends up sleeping with a crazy girl from his front row – Hazel, who he nicknames Crazel when he sees her lurking outside his house the morning after. Egg decides to stay with the band despite the lack of eyebrows. The RockAteers need to raise the funds for a demo fast. Tea decides to accelerate the process by stealing a car but Burt disapproves and Tea's gangster Uncle makes him take it back. No-one has any cash until Burt's little sister Millie cracks open her money box and insists Burt takes the lot. After some eventful studio time the band are armed with a demo and their online profile begins to see some heat. Egg and Bex's friendship is flourishing after she takes him shopping and puts a brave face on meeting his scary mum, who is less than friendly. Egg realises he is totally in love with her. Next up it's a ‘Battle of the Bands’ and despite an on-stage fight between Tea and Burt the RockAteers emerge triumphant. Once again Egg finds himself the subject of unwanted attention from George and has his pants pulled down in front of everyone back at Burt's house, including Bex. This time he's had enough and leaves the band.

Billy Visconti is under orders to find a hot new rock band and he thinks he's struck gold when he discovers The RockAteers online. His boss, the Cowell-like Sir Wilson Cloom, agrees so Billy sets up a meeting. Burt is afraid the new problem with Egg could jeopardise their chances of being signed so he visits the Big Tone offices alone and claims all creative credit. He asks Bex to pretend to fancy Egg to get him back in the band but she refuses and then relays the conversation to Egg. Egg is unable to cope with this new twist and insults her. Their friendship seems irretrievable. It's left to Tea and Clipper to persuade Egg to come back. Burt's untruths are quickly exposed when Billy takes the band, with Egg back on board, out to dinner. Billy sees that the true creative genius is Egg and relationships are smoothed over in time for the band's record company showcase, which Wilson Cloom himself will attend. Egg and Bex's friendship is also repaired in time for the big event.

Egg isn't sure the band should sign for the first label to show interest and neither is Bex. She arranges for her dad's friend and ‘third most important person in the music industry’ Jerome Clincher to attend the showcase – and he likes what he sees. The band and Big Tone shake on a deal. Egg's instinct not to rush into a deal with Big Tone is validated after he chats to Jerome, who urges caution and puts a different spin on everything. Then Egg sees Burt kissing someone at the back of the venue. It's Bex. His world comes crashing down. Burt feel's he's hit the jackpot despite the fact that Bex was drunk when he made his move. He goes back to Big Tone Records, once again alone because Egg's not taking calls, only to hear that Wilson and Billy wish to remove Clipper as drummer and send them to a ‘song doctor’ once signing of the deal is complete. Even Burt's not liking what he's hearing.

Once again flirting with Cloom's sexy assistant, Sophia, he leaves with the instruction to replace Clipper sooner rather than later. Burt calls a meeting with Tea and Egg on High Bench to talk about replacing Clipper. The suggestion is met with dismay and accusations and despite his protestations Burt realises that Big Tone might not be the best way forward for the band.

With Egg once again persuaded back the four of them visit Jerome's office. His advice to just be a band and enjoy it all is refreshing to all. They decide not to sign for Big Tone. Wilson Cloom is apoplectic when he receives the email declining his offer of a recording deal and his thoughts immediately turn to revenge. He orders his assistant Sophia to sleep with Burt and discover the band's immediate plans. She's quick to deliver the news that the band are going to sigh for Jerome's Fictitious Records and have secured a support slot for a UK arena tour in the summer. Wilson calls an old friend and ensures the support slot is withdrawn.

Egg secures an awesome set of GCSE results and his romance with Bex is steps up another gear when he writes her a song and arranges to meet on High Bench to play it to her. The result is a kiss and more. Egg is on cloud nine. Burt gets a nasty surprise at the end of the summer when his mother unexpectedly returns from abroad with the news she has enrolled Millie in a Scottish Boarding school with immediate effect. Millie is dragged away and Burt is left devastated. It's easy for Jerome to work out where the leak about future RockAteers plan came from Burt's big mouth via Sophia and straight to Wilson Cloom. He enlists the band in a plan to resurrect their tour support slot involving Burt and the now fired Billy Visconti. Tricking Cloom into admitting his hand in the support slot being cancelled is easy and with the exchange on tape Jerome calls Cloom and warns him of any further meddling in the band's affairs. He sets the date for a triumphant showcase on the River Thames for The RockAteers.

Everything is back on track for The RockAteers and Burt's focus is back onto Bex. It's the night of the showcase and Burt is expecting his little sister back but when he is devastated when he sees that Bex is very definitely with Egg. The band storm through a fabulous showcase gig but at the end when Millie has not shown up as promised Burt has had enough of everything. Then Crazel is waiting on the pier with the news she is expecting Burt's baby. Its all too much. Once at home Burt drinks a bottle of vodka and a handful of mother's pills. But then Clipper texts asking him where he is – the band have gone down a storm and Millie has arrived. Burt crashes the car in his attempts to reach hospital and survives the crash and overdose.

London Calling (Sheridan novel)

Set in the post-war atmosphere of 1952, ''London Calling'' follows ex-Secret Service agent Mirabelle Bevan as she investigates the mystery of a missing debutante, wealthy eighteen-year-old Rose Bellamy Gore. Mirabelle is assisted once again by the upbeat Vesta Churchill as they explore an underworld of smoky nightclubs, jazz bars, and intriguing characters to gather information and seek answers. Detective Superintendent Alan McGregor keeps an eye on Mirabelle's activities as a fledgling romance blooms between the two.

Shack Out on 101

Slob (Marvin), the lecherous short-order cook at the seaside greasy-spoon diner of sarcastic war veteran George (Wynn), lusts after sexy waitress Kotty (Moore). Also interested in Kotty is a scientist (Lovejoy), who spends the better part of his free time at the diner's counter. He works down the highway at a top-secret military base. As it turns out, Slob is not just a short-order cook but also a spy using the diner as a home base for smuggling nuclear secrets out of the country through a connection with one of the diner's regulars.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Thirteen years after the battle of Calypso's maelstrom, a twelve-year-old Henry Turner boards the ''Flying Dutchman'' and informs his father, Will, that the curse which binds Will to the ''Dutchman'' and only permits him to step on land once a decade can be broken by the Trident of Poseidon. Henry intends to recruit Captain Jack Sparrow to help find it, but Will believes this is impossible and orders Henry to leave. Will and the ''Dutchman'' then disappear into the sea, but Henry vows to find Jack and the Trident.

Nine years later, Henry is a sailor in the Royal Navy. The ship sails into the supernatural Devil's Triangle and stumbles upon the wreck of the ''Silent Mary'', whose ghostly crew led by Spanish pirate-hunter, Captain Armando Salazar, attacks, sparing Henry's life so that he can deliver a message to Jack, who killed Salazar and his crew decades ago by leading them to the Devil’s Triangle and inadvertently cursed them.

On Saint Martin, a young astronomer named Carina Smyth is sentenced to death for witchcraft but escapes and crosses paths with Jack as he and his crew botch a bank robbery, suffering from a spell of bad luck. Jack later trades his compass for a drink, an act which destroys the Devil's Triangle and frees Salazar and his crew once more. Carina learns Henry is looking for the Trident's location and offers to help him using her unknown father's diary. Carina and Jack stall the execution process, but they escape with the help of Henry and Jack's crew, setting sail on the ''Dying Gull''. Carina deciphers the clues in her diary, discovering that the stars will lead to an island where the Trident is hidden.

Meanwhile, Captain Hector Barbossa hears from his pirate crew that the revived Captain Salazar has killed several pirates at sea and is destroying Barbossa's fleet. Barbossa talks his way out of being killed by offering to help find Jack and learns that the Trident could lead him to a "treasure". Salazar agrees, wanting revenge on Jack. Salazar pursues the ''Dying Gull'', forcing Jack, Henry, and Carina to flee to an island, discovering that Salazar's crew cannot go on land. Barbossa allies himself with Jack, returning his compass and restoring the miniaturized ''Black Pearl'' to its original size. They continue their journey to the island, with Barbossa taking command of the ''Pearl'' once more. During the voyage, Jack and Barbossa realize Carina is the latter's long-lost daughter.

The ''Pearl'' approaches the Trident's island and evades a Royal Navy warship until it is destroyed by the ''Silent Mary'' before the ''Pearl'' runs aground on the island. Jack, Barbossa, and Carina use the island's magic to part the ocean which opens a path to the Trident on the ocean floor. Salazar captures Henry and possesses him to walk on the ocean floor and seize the Trident. Once he does so, Henry is given his body back, and Jack distracts Salazar, allowing Henry to destroy the Trident, breaking all curses upon the sea and restoring Salazar's crew to life. However, the Trident's destruction causes the divided sea to close in on them. The ''Pearl'' lowers its anchor to lift the group to safety, but Salazar pursues them, still hell-bent on killing Jack. Carina realizes that Barbossa is her father when she spots a tattoo on his arm identical to the diary's cover, a trident star formation. Barbossa sacrifices himself to kill Salazar, allowing the others to escape.

Sometime later, Henry and Carina reach Port Royal, where Will appears, free from the ''Dutchman''. His wife, Elizabeth Swann, appears moments later and the Turner family reunites. Henry and Carina kiss. Jack watches from the ''Pearl'' before sailing away into the horizon, captain once again, while also adopting Captain Barbossa's monkey.

In a post-credits scene, Will and Elizabeth are asleep in their bed, when Davy Jones appears in their room. When he prepares to strike the couple, Will wakes up. Assuming he had a nightmare, he goes back to sleep, oblivious to the wet barnacles on the floor.

Home (2011 film)

The Shamanov family lives in a two-story house in the middle of the Don steppes. Head of the family is the venerable Grigory Ivanovich (Bogdan Stupka), whom every member of the family respects and fears. Father of Grigory Ivanovich, Ivan Matveyevich (Viktor Khorkin), is a veteran of the First World War, chained to a wheelchair and almost unresponsive to the outside world who is preparing to celebrate his centenary. Everyone is busy preparing for the coming celebration.

Meanwhile, Viktor (Sergei Garmash) is coming from Moscow to his old home by train - the eldest son of Grigory Ivanovich, an authoritative criminal nicknamed "Shaman". He is accompanied by three accomplices-subordinates. Upon arrival at the house, the whole family sits down to dine, but the atmosphere at the table is tense, as everyone present knows that Viktor is a criminal. Grigory Ivanovich, on the contrary, is immensely pleased with Viktor's arrival, stressing that it was on him in his youth that he placed his highest hopes. However, Viktor's mother, Nadezhda Petrovna (Larisa Malevannaya), doubts that the reason for his son's visit was the anniversary of his grandfather.

In news reports there is information about the elimination of the major St. Petersburg crime boss Leonid Barygin nicknamed "Banker", and the accomplices understand that the next victim should be "Shaman". Viktor releases the associates and they in turn, leave him with a part of the arsenal brought with them, including a box of dynamite.

Meanwhile, several people are dressed in costumes at the Stepnaya Hotel, not far from the Shamanovs' house (according to Sergei Garmash, these are FSB officers) who are searching for Viktor. Under the guise of electricians, they try to find out information about the whereabouts of the Shaman, but none of the family members admit that Viktor returned home.

The next night Pashka (Vladimir Epifantsev), one of the sons of Grigory Ivanovich, goes with Viktor to hunt. Left alone with his older brother, Pashka asks him about how he went to jail. Viktor tells that he stabbed his opponent "because of a woman", and her, he beat up. He later learned that she had a miscarriage because of what he did. Pashka asks Viktor to take him along to Moscow to join his gang. Pashka provokes a fight with Viktor and insists beforehand that Viktor take him along to Moscow if he wins. The fight ends with Pasha getting beat up and the bet is lost.

In the meantime, the militants accidentally meet at the restaurant with Viktor's accomplices and kill all three, first finding out where Shamanov is.

The hundredth birthday of Ivan Matveyevich is approaching. To the celebration the second son of the hero, Alexei Ivanovich (Pyotr Zaychenko), comes together with his wife (Tatiana Shankina) and children. After another quarrel in the house the youngest son of the Shamanovs Andrey (Ivan Dobronravov) secretly collects things from his relatives and, having borrowed money from Alexei Ivanovich, gets on a train to Moscow.

The battle group approaches the house and takes up positions. The sniper is located on a hill in front of the mansion, looking out for the target, the senior group enters imperceptibly into the house. Viktor feels that danger is near. In the courtyard at this time between the head of the family and his brother, a grand scandal unfolds, into which the rest of the relatives are drawn. A skirmish begins, as a result of which both enemies (both Viktor and the squad leader) are seriously injured. Shouts from the yard drown out the shooting, and no one notices that Viktor alone is in the house confronting the murderers. Finally, the bleeding Viktor notices Pashka. From the window, he opens fire on the machines of the servicemen, but kills only one of them. By order of the senior group, Pashka is killed by a sniper.

Having come to the conclusion that they have organized resistance, the senior group gives the order to open heavy fire around the house. The shelling ends with the death of all the members of the Shamanov family who remained in the house, except for Viktor, Natalia and her husband Igor. The children are also saved because they have left for the river sometime before. Shamanov manages to take revenge on the attackers with the help of Ivan Matveyevich, who, realizing that something was wrong, left the house in a wheelchair and, close to the car of the last survivors, blew up a box of TNT that Viktor hid in his room. Having given vent to his anger, Shamanov looks into the distance and sees a girl approaching him. He recognizes in her Sveta (Angela Koltsova) - his former bride. They have not seen each other since Viktor was in prison. Sveta puts a gun to him and shoots twice, taking revenge for her broken life and for the unborn child whom she lost because of Shamanov.

In the final scene of the picture, joyful children return home from the river by car.

The Wise Guys

When his father dies, Hector returns after 20 years in Canada to the Vosges mountains in order to take over the family sawmill. Remote and antiquated, it cannot compete with modern concerns and nobody wants to work there. At an auction, he runs into two ex-convicts, Laurent and Mick, who are looking for a job. Laurent persuades Hector to recruit a group of parolees from the local prison.

At first, the arrangement works well. With a labour force who are paid little and cannot leave, he is able to get the sawmill into production again. This incurs the wrath of Therraz, owner of a timber business further down the valley who does not want a competitor with lower costs, and battles ensue between rival groups of woodcutters.

One parolee, called Reichmann, was held back and eventually Hector is told that he will be arriving by bus the day after the village fête. The workers are enjoying the fête until a group of Therraz's men break it up in an epic battle. When the police arrive, Mick is found dead. Next morning, when Hector goes to pick up Reichmann, the man is not there.

Returning to the sawmill, he finds the police taking all the parolees back to jail and learns that Laurent's motive for hiring them was to get Reichmann into a lonely place where he could kill him. In despair at the treachery, and the failure of his dream, Hector decides to burn down the sawmill and die in the flames. Laurent, who was heading off for Italy, repents and rushes back to the mill, just in time to save him.

Window to Paris

In the film, which is set in the 1990s, a magical portal connecting Saint Petersburg with Paris is discovered. The main character, Nikolai Chizhov, is a school music teacher and a member of the Russian intelligentsia.

Tiger House

Mark, who comes from a well-off family, meets his gymnast girlfriend Kelly after school. She becomes uncomfortable when he shows her a crossbow. While demonstrating it, he accidentally shoots her in the leg. An unspecified time later, Kelly sneaks into Mark's house through his second-story window and confronts him on why he has not contacted her lately. Mark reveals that his parents have grounded him and taken away his mobile phone after finding a condom and drugs among his possessions. Lynn, Mark's mother, interrupts them. As Kelly hides, she overhears Lynn insult her, calling her low class and unworthy of Mark.

After Lynn leaves, Kelly tells Mark she is pregnant. Upset, Mark complains his life plans could be ruined. Before they can discuss it further, Mark hears a loud thump. Unknown to Mark, home invaders have killed his dog and taken his parents hostage. He leaves his room to investigate, and Kelly hears further noises. Panicking, she hides under Mark's bed. The bedroom door bursts open, and robbers Shane, Callum, Sveta, and Reg enter. Shane has a glass shard embedded in his side, and they set him down on the bed. He instructs the others to stick to their plan: Reg and Sveta are to take Mark's father, Doug, to his bank and rob it while Callum and Shane watch the hostages.

As Callum researches how to make a tourniquet on Mark's computer, Kelly desperately reaches for a cell phone, only to find its battery is dead. Callum becomes excited when he learns Lynn is a doctor, and he temporarily frees her so she can look at Shane. Suspicious Mark may have invited her over, Lynn intentionally drops an item so she can glance under the bed. After stabilizing Shane, she is taken back to her bedroom and tied up with Mark. As Callum is distracted and Shane rests, Kelly escapes the bedroom. She is about to leave the house when Ferdinand, a man with whom Lynn is having an affair, arrives. When Ferdinand sees Callum's unmasked face, Callum kills him.

As Callum menaces Mark and Lynn, Kelly sneaks up on him and stabs him with a pair of scissors. Callum chases her back to the bedroom, and she flees to the attic, stacking heavy objects on the trapdoor. In the attic, Kelly finds Mark's crossbow, though it is not loaded. As Callum enters the attic, she slips by him and traps him there. Shane stops her with a pistol. He confesses to her that he knows he is dying and has become scared. After they have a tense conversation, in which he learns about Ferdinand's murder, Shane allows Kelly to go. She frees Mark and Lynn, and they race downstairs. Mark and Lynn are immediately recaptured by Reg and Sveta, who have returned from the successful heist.

Reg and Sveta free Callum. After grabbing a bolt, Kelly returns to the attic and retrieves the crossbow. When Reg refuses to kill the hostages, Callum takes his shotgun and says he will do it himself. As Callum leaves to look for her, Kelly shoots Reg with the crossbow, killing him, though he starts a fire before he dies. As the house burns, Kelly jumps out a window and surprises Sveta, killing him with the same bolt used to kill Reg. Kelly puts on Sveta's mask, tricking Callum into believing he needs assistance. Before she can kill him, Doug knocks her unconscious. As Callum prepares to kill Kelly, Shane recovers long enough to shoot and kill him.

Doug says he only wanted to escape his unhappy marriage and retire wealthy. Blaming him for the entire ordeal, Lynn shoots and kills him with Reg's shotgun. With all the robbers dead, Mark, Kelly, and Lynn leave the burning house. As Mark helps Kelly load up her car with the stolen money, he offers to leave with her. Kelly stops him, telling him that he has his whole life ahead of him. Mark and Lynn practice their story, in which they say Kelly was never there and infighting caused the deaths of the robbers, and Kelly drives off.

Bronx Bombers (play)

The show begins in 1977, the day after Reggie Jackson and Billy Martin engaged in a near-brawl during a game. Berra attempts to bring Jackson and Martin back together, with the help of other Yankees stars. In the first scene, Berra brings Martin and Jackson, with team captain Thurman Munson, to his hotel room to settle their argument. Berra spends the night with his wife discussing the problem. Berra then has a dream where he and his wife have dinner with Yankees' greats Joe DiMaggio, Elston Howard, Mickey Mantle, Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, and Derek Jeter.

Hitman: Agent 47

47 is an "Agent"; a genetically-enhanced supersoldier created by Dr. Petr Litvenko, a skilled Ukrainian geneticist. Litvenko, unable to bear the guilt of his creation, abandoned the Agent project. 47 works as a hitman for the ICA (International Contracts Agency) and has spent the last few years tracking down Litvenko's daughter, Katia; he gets a lead from mercenaries led by Delriego, who have been trying to find Litvenko in order to recreate the Agent program for their own means.

Katia, living in Berlin under the assumed surname of Van Dees, has worked tirelessly to find an unknown man and is plagued by overwhelming anxiety and a superhuman awareness of everything around her. Katia is approached at a subway station by a man calling himself John Smith. He tells her that 47 is on his way to kill her, and offers her protection, while hinting that he has information about the man she's searching for. 47 finds and attacks the pair, who are able to escape, but not before 47 grazes Katia's arm with a sniper bullet.

Smith and Katia hide out in a hotel room. He explains that he is an operative for a corporation known as Syndicate International and that the man she's searching for is her father. Katia shows him the clues she has put together and asks John to tell her everything he knows about her father. Based on the languages he knows, his age, his love of orchids and medical condition (lung cancer), Katia deduces where her father must be living. Before she can tell Smith, 47 enters, leaving Smith for dead and capturing Katia.

Once Katia awakens, 47 explains to her that she is an Agent, designed by her father to be better than even 47 himself (he explains that her name "Katia van Dees" is an homophone for her real name, "Quatre-vingt-dix"; which is French for "90"). He shows her how to use her heightened senses in combat and the two fight against Syndicate forces. They are confronted by Smith, who is revealed to have surgically implanted subdermal body armor, making him impervious to gunshots. After fighting off Smith, 47 and Katia manage to escape. Katia makes 47 promise that he won't harm her father and finally reveals Litvenko's location: Singapore. Elsewhere, 47's handler Diana, learning of his situation, contacts another Agent with a contract in Singapore.

47 and Katia track down Litvenko, who apologizes to Katia for abandoning her, saying that he only wanted to keep her safe and referring to 47 as her "brother". Just then, Syndicate soldiers attack the group and they are forced to flee. During the escape, Litvenko is captured by the Syndicate, but not before 47 slips him an inhaler.

Smith tortures Litvenko under the supervision of Syndicate director Antoine Le Clerq but Litvenko refuses to reopen the Agent program. 47 hacks into the Syndicate announcing system and Katia crashes a stolen helicopter into the building; 47 disguises himself as a firefighter to get inside undetected. The two fight their way through Syndicate security forces, and 47 is once again confronted by Smith. 47 defeats him by electrocuting him.

On the rooftop, 47 and Katia mop up the rest of the Syndicate's troops, but not before Le Clerq escapes in a helicopter with Litvenko. In mid-air, Litvenko detonates the inhaler, killing himself and the director. 47 then calls Diana and confirms his first target (Le Clerq) has been eliminated. When Diana asks about the second target (implied to be Katia), 47 drops his phone off the side of the building. As the two prepare to leave, they are confronted by Agent 48, an exact look-alike of Agent 47, who tells them "Diana says 'Hello'" before firing.

In the mid-credits scene, Smith is shown to be still alive.

The Killing (season 4)

The season features detectives Sarah Linden and Stephen Holder handling the fallout of their actions from the previous season while investigating the murder of a family whose only survivor is a member of an all-boys military academy.

Rock the Kasbah (film)

Richie Lanz, a has-been rock manager takes his last remaining client on a USO tour of Afghanistan. When Richie finds himself in Kabul, abandoned, penniless and without his U.S. passport, he discovers a young Afghan girl named Salima with an extraordinary voice and manages to convince Producer of Afghan Star Daoud to put her through Afghanistan's version of ''American Idol''.

The story is very freely adapted from the 2009 documentary ''Afghan Star'', and was dedicated to one of the stars of that film, Setara Hussainzada.

Mississippi Grind

Gerry, a struggling gambler and real estate agent, meets Curtis, an itinerant younger gambler, at a casino in Dubuque, Iowa. Curtis buys Gerry a drink; hours later, Gerry returns the favor, leading to a night of heavy drinking.

After an unsuccessful real estate showing, at the dog track, Gerry and Curtis win big, but Gerry gambles it away. At a bar, they drunkenly attempt to bet $1,000 on a game of pool and are kicked out. Curtis tells Gerry it's almost "Machu Picchu time" – a phrase he uses whenever he leaves town. In the parking lot, Gerry is stabbed in an attempted mugging.

Gerry's loan shark, Sam, threatens him to pay the money he owes her. Running into Curtis, Gerry proposes a gambling trip down the Mississippi, culminating in a New Orleans poker game with a $25,000 buy-in. The game is being held by Curtis' former acquaintance, Tony Roundtree. He agrees, spotting Gerry $2,000. Before hitting the road, Gerry steals the petty cash from his office.

Arriving in St. Louis, Curtis reunites with Simone, a prostitute. After Gerry's successful poker session on a riverboat casino, he and Curtis spend the night with Simone and fellow prostitute Vanessa. While Gerry bonds with Vanessa, Simone reminds Curtis she has been taken advantage of by a gambler before, and remains unwilling to run away with him.

In Memphis, Gerry plays well at Texas Hold 'em but loses everything on the final "river" card. Lying to Curtis that he won $7,000, he asks to go to Little Rock to see his ex Dorothy and estranged daughter, Wendy. Wendy is at school; when Dorothy catches him stealing money, she asks him to leave.

Curtis and Gerry go to the Tunica, Mississippi casino, where Curtis' VIP card is rejected; asking Gerry for money, he discovers his lie. Disappointed, Curtis provokes strangers in the bathroom into assaulting Gerry, who later admits to his problems with money, and his belief that Curtis is his good luck charm.

Reaching New Orleans, they sell Gerry's car, going to a horse race, and lose almost everything on a longshot. Curtis splits their funds equally, giving Gerry $100 for a bus ticket home. But then he collects his winnings, $5000, having bet on a different horse instead. Gerry fails to talk his way into the high-stakes poker game using Curtis as his in, as Tony clearly dislikes him and gets punched in the nose. Curtis gets thumped after a pickup basketball game. Offering strangers $100 for a game, he expects them to rob him when he loses and says he has no money; to his surprise they just take the $100. Curtis then visits his mother Cherry, a cabaret performer, leaving her most of his winnings.

At a casino, Gerry bets the last of his money first on a slot machine then on roulette and wins. Curtis arrives at Gerry's blackjack table and loses his remaining money, but Gerry shares his chips. Their winnings continue to grow as they play craps, and Simone calls Curtis, who proclaims his love for her. Convinced they cannot lose, Gerry and Curtis bet their entire $285,000.

Over an expensive dinner, Gerry and Curtis discuss their plans, having won a half-million dollars. Gerry wants to pay off his debts, get a car and a white suit and do something nice for his daughter.

In the morning, Curtis finds Gerry has gone, leaving his half of the money with a note: "It's Machu Picchu time". Curtis flirts with the hotel clerk; asked if he is going anywhere special, he replies, "Peru", offering to take her with him.

In the final scene, Gerry buys back his car from the dealer he sold it to, telling the man he "got lucky." Sitting in his own car again, he turns it on and hears the gambling tips CD he left in the stereo. As the CD describes the mark of a confident player (sitting back, relaxed shoulders), Gerry's slouching posture transforms into a confidant one and an American flag can be seen reflected upside down in the windshield.


The game is centered on a top-secret espionage agency operating out of an abandoned subway station in a fictional place called Japanada in the late 1950s in a surreal retro-futuristic, alternate reality where the Empire of Japan conquered most of North America. The player takes the role of Polyblank, a silent protagonist. The game begins when Polyblank is mailed to the espionage agency in a human-shaped suitcase. He is then given several missions by the head of the organization, all of which begin by ingesting a dose of prescription medicine. The missions assigned to Polyblank are almost always bizarre and nonsensical, relying heavily on free association and references to older movies and video games. Tasks include degaussing and smuggling pigeons, assassinating cowboys, cross-dressing, killing a pig with a ukulele, and photocopying Polyblank's buttocks to fool a security scanner (this also can be done by taking a photo off of the wall).

The first mission begins with Polyblank having to infiltrate a Soviet consulate to recover a data cartridge, the second to go to a sushi restaurant to steal a cowboy's artificial kidney. On the way back from the sushi restaurant, Polyblank is intercepted by agents telling him to 'hand over the wetware', but he escapes. The Director then states that Polyblank should take a holiday while they wait for things to die down. When Polyblank gets to Kai Tak Resort for his holiday, he receives a phone call telling him he has to find the syndicate man (The Editor) on site and switch briefcases with him. Polyblank succeeds, but then passes out after drinking a cocktail. Polyblank wakes up in a hotel room at night with a message telling him to come to the rear pool. In the empty rear pool, Polyblank talks to a man who tells him the resort is a simulation, and to get out he must find, kill and cook the mechanical pig. After doing this, and navigating an electric maze, Polyblank finds himself back in the subway station, only to find the Director and his secretary are cardboard cutouts. He then finds an audio message from the Editor telling him if he wants to see them again he should come to his house. Polyblank goes there, and he is told he must beat the Editor in a game of sport for the Director to be freed. Polyblank loses, and so must find prizes for the Editor. Polyblank does this, inflating the Editor's ego (which inflates the Editor physically), then he pops the Editor with a needle. Polyblank then finds the Director, where to free him he must either press one of two buttons. No matter which Polyblank presses, the Director turns into a crocodile and eats Polyblank. The credits take place in the Director's intestines, and then Polyblank is given special tablets to help him get out. The game ends after Polyblank takes the pills.

The Last of Us: American Dreams

At the Boston quarantine zone, Ellie becomes caught in a fight with a group of boys who attempt to steal her belongings. Riley Abel steps in to break up the fight, beating one of the boys and making the others flee. Ellie becomes angered by this, claiming that she can take care of herself. Riley then advises Ellie to flee, but the latter is caught and assigned to cleaning duty. While she is completing the chore, she realizes that Riley stole her Walkman, and later demands that she return it, which Riley reluctantly does.

At night, Ellie catches Riley attempting to sneak out of the school, and demands to accompany her. Riley reluctantly agrees, and the two make their way to the mall, where they meet Riley's friend Winston. As Winston teaches Ellie how to ride a horse, Riley steals his radio, and discovers that an attack by the Fireflies—a rebel group opposing the quarantine zone authorities—has occurred nearby. Ellie and Riley make their way to the attack, and find that the Fireflies are wounded and outnumbered. To help, Ellie and Riley throw smoke grenades at the military, allowing the Fireflies to retreat safely. They are spotted by the military, and escape into a nearby alley, where they narrowly avoid being bitten by an Infected—zombie-like creatures infected by a mutated strain of the ''Cordyceps'' fungus.

The girls are soon captured by Fireflies, who restrain them; Marlene, the leader of the Fireflies, recognizes Ellie, and demands that she remain safe. When Riley claims she would like to join their group, Marlene refuses, and the two argue, resulting in Marlene threatening to shoot Riley. Ellie intervenes, demanding at gunpoint that Marlene explain how she knows information about Ellie. When Ellie finally lowers the gun, Marlene informs her that she knew Ellie's mother, and had promised her that she would take care of Ellie. Ellie hands the gun to Marlene, who says that she would tell her more about her mother in the future, before telling the girls to leave. When Ellie and Riley reenter the quarantine zone, Riley says that there is no escape. Ellie suggests running away, but Riley informs her that this will just result in death. The two then walk back into the school.

Jessica Jones (TV series)

Jessica Jones is a superpowered woman who had a brief superhero career until an incident in which the villainous Kilgrave caused her to kill someone. After that incident, she became a private investigator. When Kilgrave resurfaces, Jessica must rise up to stop him.

In the second season, Jessica Jones discovers that her mother is still alive due to the experiments done by Karl Malus.

In the third season, Jessica Jones faces off against Gregory Sallinger, an enemy who is determined to prove that she is a fraud, as well as her adoptive sister turned murderous vigilante Trish Walker.

The Melomaniac

A music master leads his band to a field where five telegraph lines are strung on utility poles. Hoisting up a giant treble clef, he turns the set of lines into a giant musical staff. He then uses copies of his own head to spell out the tune for "God Save the King," and his band joins in.

Sardines (Inside No. 9)

Rebecca and Jeremy host their engagement party at her family's stately home. The guests play sardines, a variation of hide-and-seek in which one person hides and the other players join them in their hiding place once found. Rebecca finds a boring man called Ian in a bedroom wardrobe. As they wait for more people to arrive, Ian mistakenly calls her "Rachel". A young man, Lee, enters the room but does not find the pair, though they are later found and joined by Rebecca's prudish brother, Carl, and then Carl's flamboyant partner, Stuart. Jeremy's ex-girlfriend Rachel finds and joins them. Ian mentions that Jeremy frequently talks about "you", but it is unclear whether he is talking to Rebecca or Rachel. To Rebecca's annoyance, Stuart, Rachel and Ian leave the wardrobe for a break. Stuart enters the en suite where Geraldine (Rebecca and Carl's former nanny) is on the toilet. In the wardrobe, Carl and Rebecca talk; he is uncomfortable, and, when she asks why, he tells her to "look where we are".

Ian, Rachel, and Geraldine join Rebecca and Carl. Geraldine says that the room is normally locked, but Rebecca rebukes her. Stuart rejoins the group after using the toilet. As the group talk, Mark (Jeremy's boss) and his wife, Liz, enter the bedroom, unaware of the people in the wardrobe. The pair talk candidly before beginning foreplay on the bed. Geraldine shouts to alert them, and the wardrobe occupants pretend they did not hear Mark and Liz's conversation. Mark and Liz reluctantly enter the wardrobe. As the doors close, Rachel's boyfriend Lee re-enters the room, but as the wardrobe has become more cramped, Stuart and Lee hide under the bed, while Ian moves to the en suite. Stuart and Carl argue, and it is revealed that Carl has a fear of intimacy. When "Stinky" John enters the room, the others claim there is no room in their hiding places, so he hides behind a curtain. Jeremy enters and tells Rebecca he is going to pick up another guest from the train station, but as he turns to leave he mistakenly calls her "Rachel". Andrew, Rebecca and Carl's father, enters and becomes annoyed when he sees people hiding in different places. He takes charge, forcing Jeremy, Stuart, Lee, and Stinky John into the wardrobe, then follows them in.

Everyone becomes uncomfortable, not least because of John's odour. Geraldine passes around mints as Andrew tells Mark that he no longer has contact with Dicky Lawrence, a potential business contact of Mark's. Andrew sings the "sardine song", but Carl angrily stops him. Andrew and Geraldine reminisce about a scout jamboree held in the house many years ago, but Geraldine remembers that a boy named Phillip Harrison, nicknamed "Little Pip", accused Andrew of "horrible things", and that the police were involved. Carl says Andrew paid Pip's family to move away, and Andrew counters by claiming he did nothing to Pip and was only teaching him how to wash himself. Carl implies that he and John were not as lucky as Pip, and John says he can smell carbolic soap. There is silence, and Stuart points out no one else is looking for them, but they realise Ian has not yet returned. Jeremy says Ian is the person he was going to pick up from the station, but when Mark claims Ian is already at the party, Jeremy reveals the person Mark is referring to is not Ian. Outside, "Ian" locks the wardrobe and sprays it with lighter fluid while singing the sardine song. Carl realises "Ian" is Phillip, and the episode ends with Phillip leaning against the wardrobe, a lighter in his hand.

Glasha and Kikimora

The Plot of The Film based on The Original Fairy Tale including The Heroes of The Folk Tales.
It is The Magic Story how Glasha has rescued her younger little sister from The Malicious Kikimora. Glasha's Adventures happen in the night forest. Glasha also helps her Black cat. When the sun rises, evil sorcery dissipated. Glasha decides, that it was her dream.

Sounds of Rain

Taha is a successful businessman and a widower living with his five year old daughter. On a business trip to Turkey, he is framed for smuggling drugs and sentenced to life in prison, so he entrusts everything he has, including his daughter, to his nephew. After 20 years, Taha is released and comes back home, but things are not exactly as he had left them. He soon realizes he may have put his trust in the wrong people.

Another Promise

Shortly after graduating from high school, Yoon-mi begins looking for a job in order to earn money to help support her struggling family; she especially wants to pay for her younger brother Yoon-seok's tuition when he goes to college in the next few years. Her father Sang-gu, a taxi driver in Gangwon Province, is proud and overjoyed when Yoon-mi gets hired as a factory worker at the Jinsung semiconductor factory. But just two years later he learns that his daughter has been diagnosed with leukemia; four years after her diagnosis, Yoon-mi dies in the backseat of Sang-gu's cab. After learning that a number of Yoon-mi's coworkers at the factory are also suffering unlikely diseases, Sang-gu is convinced that Jinsung is responsible for his late daughter's disease and death. He makes a visit to a labor attorney to file a claim against the most powerful conglomerate in the country. Sang-gu and his family, along with their attorney and other families of leukemia patients, are soon shaken up as the company uses different methods of appeasement and pressure to keep the families from uniting, among them offering money to keep the issue from becoming public. Jinsung workers also spy on the families of the plaintiffs, stalk them and threaten them, all for the sake of their company, which they genuinely believe to be in the right. People become reluctant to be a witness for trial, either because of their loyalty to the company or for the well being of their families. But Sang-gu is determined to continue in his quest for truth and justice.

Venus Talk

Shin-hye (Uhm Jung-hwa) is a capable, successful TV producer, sometimes derided as a "gold miss" for still being single in her forties. Her protege-turned-longtime boyfriend, the current chief of their TV network, just left her for a younger woman who also happens to be Shin-hye's junior colleague.

Shin-hye has two best friends, Mi-yeon (Moon So-ri), a housewife who isn't satisfied with her sex life with her rather docile husband Jae-ho (Lee Sung-min), and Hae-young (Jo Min-su), a soft-hearted, divorced single mother who wants her grown daughter Soo-jung (Jeon Hye-jin) to move out so she can have more time with her widowed boyfriend, carpenter Sung-jae (Lee Geung-young).

Soon, life gets better for the three friends. Shin-hye begins a thrilling relationship with a younger man (Lee Jae-yoon), another TV producer who is 17 years her junior; she tries to keep the relationship casual but can't stop herself from falling for him. Mi-yeon and Jae-ho enjoy a second honeymoon after their daughter leaves to study abroad and he starts taking Viagra. Soo-jung finally gets married upon her unexpected pregnancy and moves out of Hae-young's home. But things take a turn when Hae-young is diagnosed with cancer, and Mi-yeon finds out her husband had an affair.

Way Back Home (2013 film)

Jeong-yeon (Jeon Do-yeon) and Jong-bae (Go Soo) are a happily married couple with a young daughter; they pour their savings into an auto repair shop only to have the rug pulled out from underneath them when a friend of Jong-bae's commits suicide after he is unable to pay his loans. Since Jong-bae acted as his friend's guarantor, the debt now falls onto them. With Jong-bae gradually growing despondent following their financial turmoil, Jeong-yeon makes the hard decision to do a job for a seedy acquaintance. She agrees to deliver diamonds from Paris to Seoul, which she thought would be legal. Jeong-yeon arrives in France, but as soon as she sets foot in Orly Airport she is arrested and police discover more than 30 kilograms (66 pounds) of cocaine in her bag. Being thrown in a French jail is only the beginning of her troubles as legal wranglings and an indifferent Korean embassy in France soon see her shipped off to a penitentiary on the far-flung island of Martinique, a French territory in the Caribbean, where she is jailed for two years without being tried in court. Back in Korea, her husband does his best to get through to the diplomats and secure her passage home.

Obsessed (1977 film)

Anna Carson awakens from a recurring nightmare, and later has unsatisfying sex with her husband, a businessman named David, as a prowler watches the two of them through their living room window. The next morning, Anna and David argue about the long hours David has been working, and about how bad their sex has become. Anna then drives into town, followed by the voyeur, as her car radio discusses the Long Island Rape Murderer, a serial killer who has been raping and killing women and children. At a train station, Anna meets Maggie Ronson, a photographer who later tracks Anna down to a beauty salon, to return a datebook Anna had dropped.

In the Carson home, Anna and David discuss their failing marriage before David goes to work, where he makes dinner plans with his secretary. While out shopping one night, Anna is sexually assaulted by the Long Island Rape Murderer. After Maggie invites her over, Anna confides in Maggie about being attacked, and the two enter a relationship, while David begins an affair of his own with his secretary. The Long Island Rape Murderer continues to stalk Anna, steals objects like pictures and underwear from her, and has erotic fantasies about her.

Anna has sex with David (flashing back to being raped in the midst) and afterward tells him about how she believes Maggie can help their floundering relationship. The Long Island Rape Murderer is shown angrily destroying a photograph of Anna, who has dinner with David and Maggie, then a threesome. After the trio finish, Maggie is revealed to be the Long Island Rape Murderer, and she shoots David and Anna. The police arrive, and as they arrest the seemingly catatonic Maggie, she shoots a detective, and is in turn brought down in a hail of gunfire by a lieutenant.

Bitter Harvest (2017 film)

The Ukrainian Cossack, Ivan Kachanuik, defends his family in the Central Ukraine country village of Smila.

Years later, in 1932, Ivan's artist grandson Yuri marries his childhood sweetheart, Natalka, and studies at the Kyiv Art Academy. His family are independent Cossack farmers, "kurkuli". They make a living from grain, sunflowers and other crops until Joseph Stalin's collectivization campaign sends the Soviet army to requisition 90% of Ukraine's harvest.

The State Art Institute is forced to replace the art instructors with communist instructors who censor art such as Yuri's, condemning its expression of Ukrainian cultural identity as anti-Soviet. Yuri storms out in disgust.

During a memorial in a pub for a friend who committed suicide, a drunk Soviet captain insults Ukrainian folklore, music, songs, and dance, starting a fight during which Yuri stabs the captain. Yuri is locked up in a brutal Soviet prison with farmers and nationalists and others whom Stalin deems "enemies of the people." He witnesses daily mass executions and is in line for execution himself, when the prison director demands he paint his portrait in return for his life. Yuri is sure the director will have him killed as soon as the portrait is completed. During their second sitting, Yuri stabs the director with his paintbrush, killing him, and escapes in the director's uniform during a blizzard while being hunted by the Bolshevik soldier guards.

Meanwhile, back in the Cossack farming village Smila, Yuri's wife and family are enduring the terror of farm director Commissar Sergei Koltsov. He attempts to rape Natalka and uses food as a weapon to control her, but Natalka poisons his borscht with wild mushrooms. He survives as Natalka flees to joins the other peasant women. She plans a revolt, which backfires, and they are overpowered by the Bolshevik attack. Yuri's family and the villagers are imprisoned and tortured in the local church, which becomes a torture chamber and prison cell.

While being hunted by the Bolshevik police and soldiers in the northern Kyivan forests Yuri comes across a hungry desperate boy named Lubko who asks Yuri to help him survive as he offers his help through the forest to a cattle train stop towards Smila . That evening they are joined at their camp by the Kholodnoyarska Ukrainian Cossack detachment. They plan an attack on the Bolsheviks and wind up in a bloody battle the next morning against the Bolsheviks Gatling gunning down the uprising. Both sides suffer heavy casualties.

Yuri and Lubko survive and continue their journey towards Smila by sneaking aboard a cattle train full of starved Ukrainian corpses. They witness massive starvation and death of their fellow Ukrainians on the roadsides and in pits. Nearing Smila they hijack a loaded Soviet grain truck whose sympathetic Bolshevik soldier driver joins Yuri's rescue mission, bringing grain to Yuris family and the villagers.

Yuri, Natalka, and Lubko escape, others of the family starve or are murdered by Koltsov's forces. They are pursued onto another cattle train of Ukrainian corpses on their way to be dumped into fire pits, and, jumping the train, are chased to the Soviet border, the cold and turbulent Zbruch River. They dodge bullets under water crossing to Polish-controlled West Ukraine to get to the city of Lviv, hoping for help from the priest Andrey Sheptytsky to exchange the vast rich pastures of Ukraine for the prairies of Manitoba, Canada.

Triple 9

An Atlanta criminal crew consisting of former Navy SEALs Michael Atwood and Russell Welch, Russell’s ex-cop brother Gabe, and corrupt detectives Marcus Belmont and Franco Rodriguez, rob a bank to retrieve a safe deposit box. The box contains information that could overturn the recent conviction of a Jewish-Russian Mafia boss. When Michael brings the safe deposit box to the boss's wife, Irina, she withholds their reward money and gives Michael and his crew another mission, which involves breaking into a DHS office and stealing more data on her husband. To convince them to take the job, the mafia tortures and then dumps a mortally wounded Russell off in front of the crew, forcing Michael to mercy-kill Russell in front of them, traumatizing Gabe.

The group decides to go forward with the job. As they think of ways they can pull it off, Marcus and Franco suggest a Triple 9 scenario, which involves an "officer down" call that sends all of the police to the location of the incident, with Marcus nominating his new partner, Chris Allen, a Marine veteran, as the cop to be killed. Marcus tries to befriend Chris as they go out on calls together. During one call, Chris attempts to question a local gang member, Luis Pinto, about a gang-related homicide, only for Luis to attack Chris before being detained for his actions. Chris's uncle, Jeffrey Allen, is a Sgt. Detective in the police force working on the bank robbery case. Jeffrey gets a lead and discovers that Gabe is one of the people involved in the bank robbery. Gabe, still grieving over his brother, tries to stop the heist from happening by following Chris and Marcus around and telling Chris, but is stopped by both Michael and Jeffrey.

On the day of the heist, Marcus takes Chris to an abandoned housing project to meet an informant with information on their homicide case. As they walk around the building, Marcus slips away, and Luis comes in and tries to find Chris. Chris bumps into Gabe who tries to warn him that he is going to die. Luis then charges in and tries to shoot Chris but hits Gabe. As Luis runs away, Chris confronts a critically wounded Gabe. Before Gabe can say anything, Marcus comes in, triggering a shootout between the two. Gabe is killed, and Marcus is shot in the head. Fearing Marcus is dead, Chris makes the Triple 9 call. Thinking his nephew is the officer down, Jeffrey rushes to the scene. Meanwhile, Michael and Franco break into the DHS office and steal the information with little police disruption. Luis flees the projects and is later shot dead by SWAT after barricading himself in a nearby home.

In the aftermath, Marcus survives but is in critical condition. Michael meets with Irina and her henchmen for the exchange. He has a gift for his son to give to him upon their reunion. Irina gives him the money but does not bring Michael's son as she had promised to earlier. Michael and Irina were earlier revealed to have a family relationship: the mother of Michael's son is Irina's sister; nonetheless, Irina refers to Michael as a "monkey." After being beaten by her henchmen, Michael walks back to his car and triggers a bomb that was wired into his "gift," killing Irina and her thugs. As he drives away, Michael is pulled over by Franco, who kills him and steals the money. After investigating Luis's belongings at the morgue, Chris finds a note in Luis's wallet, which contained the location where Marcus took him the day of the shooting. Chris later finds out that Marcus met Luis the day of the shooting, letting him know where to kill Chris. Angered, Chris visits an unconscious Marcus to try to get answers but is interrupted by Franco, who invites Chris back to the station to get his account of the shooting. As the two head to the car, Chris receives a call from Jeffrey, who tells him that Franco has been cleaning house and that he might be next. Chris, clutching his holstered weapon, stops and tells Franco that he'll meet him at the station. Franco, realizing Chris has been tipped of his involvement, agrees to meet Chris there. As the two head out to their respective cars, Jeffrey is seen in the backseat of Franco's car, and they both shoot each other when Franco takes a seat in his car. Franco is killed, and Jeffrey is shot in the abdomen. As Chris makes a Triple 9 call, Jeffrey calmly pulls a joint and smokes it. Jeffrey's fate is left unknown.

The Chess Player

In 1776, a young Polish patriot, Boleslas Vorowski, is wounded in an abortive uprising against the Russian forces in Vilnius. A reward for his capture is offered but he is sheltered by Baron von Kempelen, an inventor of lifelike automata, who plans to smuggle Vorowski, a skilful chess-player, to Germany concealed inside a chess-playing automaton called The Turk. Major Nicolaïeff, a Russian rival of Vorowski, challenges The Turk to a game and is defeated, but he realises that the machine is being secretly operated by Vorowski. He arranges for The Turk to be sent to Moscow to entertain the Empress Catherine II. When The Turk refuses to allow Catherine to cheat, the Empress orders that the automaton is to be executed by firing squad at dawn. During a masked ball, von Kempelen replaces Vorowski inside The Turk, to enable him to escape with his lover Sophie. Nicolaïeff, who has been sent to search von Kempelen's house, is slain by the inventor's sabre-wielding automata.

Alan Poza

Alan Poza (OC Ukeje) is a rich, young music label executive who is extremely narcissistic and boasts that he can get any lady he wants eating out of his hands in approximately "3 seconds". He refers to himself as a 'sharp-shooter' and the 'rave' amongst ladies.

Alan has a snazzy job in Scorpio Media, a top media company; and is convinced that he will be promoted to 'Vice-President'. His friend and partner-in-crime; 'Kokori Oshare' (Okey Uzoeshi) works in the same media house and is equally as 'notorious' as Alan. They share tales of their 'playboy' escapades and tend to 'help' each other out with conquering their 'victims'; women who are unaware of their riotous acts. Alan and Kokori inadvertently leave behind a trail of 'angry' women who want to see them punished for their sins.

In its bid to further penetrate the entertainment industry, Scorpio Media is split into 'Scorpio Movies' and 'Scorpio `Records', Kokori is made Vice-President of Scorpio Movies while new joiner; Pride (Beverley Naya) is appointed as the Vice-President of Scorpio Records. Alan is advised that her appointment is due to a wealth of experience within the industry and is made Pride's deputy. He is extremely embarrassed by this unexpected turn of events and vows to lure Pride into his bed and break her heart, so that he can become her boss technically and emotionally.

He is particularly angry that the Managing Director of the firm has strung him on for weeks. Kokori tells Alan that the reason he was sidetracked was because he had slept with Bunmi (Belinda Effah), who was also the Managing Directors' (Norbert Young) girlfriend.

Alan proceeds to charm Pride but she constantly refutes his efforts having heard that his nickname is '''Corporate Casanova''' as well as of his 'vile' reputation with women, but Alan remains persistent.

Pride eventually agrees to go on a date with Alan after he signs a 'known' artist and ends up sleeping with him after 'one too many' drinks. She claims that their relationship is '''strictly business''' and leaves the next morning without saying a word. Alan remains persistent in his pursuit and Pride finally gives in after making Alan sit through a 'torturous' evening '''daddy-sitting''' her senile father and an extremely embarrassing counselling forum for sex addiction. At the counselling session Alan admits to being cheated on by his first love, blaming his current attitude to women on that experience. Pride tells him explicitly that she is a '''dangerous woman when in love''' pleading with him not to hurt her.

Totally unplanned, Alan notices his secretary; Ina (Kemi Lala Akindoju); and falls in love with her. Ina is your typical 'good girl', extremely simple and caring. Pride finds out Alan is cheating on her when she walks into his office and sees him kissing Ina. She is hurt and enraged. Alan starts to receive threatening messages and Pride remains extremely upset with him.

One evening after work Alan, Kokori and Ina have plans to go out. Ina goes into the ladies toilet and does not come out, she has been kidnapped. Stood outside the ladies' toilet waiting for her, Alan receives a message from Pride telling him where Ina is being held. On getting there he finds Bunmi, threatening to kill Ina, knife in hand, she wants to see Alan hurt and decides the best way to achieve this is to kill Ina, the love of his life. It turns out that Bunmi was the one sending Alan threatening messages all along. She was one of his 'victims' and the relationship had ended badly. The police, led by Pride, rescue Alan and Ina and arrest Bunmi. Bunmi had stolen Pride's phone and sent Alan the message luring him to where Ina was being held. Alan promises to change his attitude to women completely after this ordeal.

Six months later; the movie ends with Kokori marrying singer, Kiki, who Alan and Pride '''discovered''' on their first date and signed up to Scorpio Records. Alan becomes a '''reformed casanova''', him and Ina are still together and are looking forward to a fantastic future. He may get married some day.

Total Eclipse of the Heart (The Vampire Diaries)

The episode starts with Katherine (Nina Dobrev) writing on her diary of how great her life is now with everyone thinking that she is Elena (Nina Dobrev) and she thinks of how to win Stefan (Paul Wesley) back. Caroline (Candice Accola), Bonnie (Kat Graham) and "Elena" are back to college and Caroline wants them to celebrate single life by going to the Bitter Ball. Elena agrees while Bonnie notices a girl next to her spinning her pen in a magic way before Caroline and Elena call her to answer if she is also going to the Ball.

Stefan finds Aaron's (Shaun Sipos) body in their home driveway and demands from Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to explain what is going on. Damon says that he just wanted to get rid of the Whitemores for good and then Enzo (Michael Malarkey) shows up saying that it was his idea and asks if Stefan knows where Dr. Wes (Rick Cosnett) might be because he is next on the list. Stefan warns Enzo to stay away from his brother later on, when Enzo tries to bury Aaron's body otherwise he will kill him but Enzo does not seem to listen.

Wes is at a laboratory continue with his research even though he does not have his sponsor (Aaron) anymore. He has a new man named Joey (Christopher Marrone) chained up that he is turned into a vampire. Joey asks what is going on and Wes informs him about his transformation and that he will train him how to feed on other vampires. A woman, Sloane (Caitlin McHugh) gets into the room and offers Wes a new funding for his research. Sloane tells Wes that Aaron is probably dead and he is next and she gives him some blood to analyze.

Stefan calls Elena to tell her about Enzo and Damon but Katherine has no idea who Enzo is. Katherine invites Stefan to the Ball to talk about it there and they hang up. Katherine texts Nadia (Olga Fonda) to ask her find out about Enzo from Matt (Zach Roerig). Nadia is at the bar where Matt works and the moment she gets the text from Katherine, Tyler (Michael Trevino) shows up. Tyler is suspicious about Nadia being there but Matt reassures him that she is fine. The three of them start drinking shots and at the moment Tyler leaves, Nadia compels Matt to tell her about Enzo. Tyler hears the conversation from across the bar.

Back at the college, Bonnie tells Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) about the Ball when Damon appears to ask for Bonnie's help about a locator spell. Bonnie reminds him that she is not a witch anymore. Damon and Enzo kidnap Jeremy and threatened to kill him to make her find them a witch who can make the spell. Bonnie agrees to help and she tries to find the girl she saw earlier in class spinning the pen.

Stefan arrives at the Ball right after Katherine gets a text from Nadia about who is Enzo. Stefan and Katherine dance while he tells her about that Damon is into some bad stuff but she does not seem surprised or caring. Caroline appears as they dance and takes her away with an excuse, something that makes Katherine wonder if Caroline has feelings about Stefan. She calls Nadia to ask her find out from Matt.

Tyler tries to warn Matt that Nadia compels him and he only believes him when he notices that he is not wearing his vervain bracelet anymore. Matt drinks some vervain and when Nadia asks him about Caroline and Stefan, he answers pretending he is compelled. When Nadia leaves, Tyler comes to ask Matt what she asked him but the moment Matt is going to tell him, Nadia comes back and snaps Tyler's neck.

Damon and Bonnie come to the dance and run into Stefan and Caroline and Damon tells them that Bonnie is helping him find a witch to find Wes. Caroline tells him to let Bonnie go but Bonnie informs Stefan and Caroline that Enzo holds Jeremy as a hostage and he will kill him if she does not help them. She shows them a photo of Jeremy being tied when Katherine approaches. She pretends to be panicked and rushes away looking upset. She later comes back to beg Stefan help her find Jeremy.

Bonnie finds Liv (Penelope Mitchell) asking for her help. Liv acts like she does not know what Bonnie is talking about until Bonnie tells her she knows she is a witch. Liv cannot help because she does not know how to do spells and Bonnie says she will help her by showing her how to do the locator spell. At the middle of the spell, Liv says she cannot do it because she cannot control her power and she does not want to hurt anyone. Enzo calls to ask what is taking so long and tells them that he will kill Jeremy soon.

Bonnie convinces Liv to try again while in the meantime, Enzo informs Jeremy that Bonnie is failing and he tries to kill him. Stefan and Katherine rush in where Enzo and Jeremy are and while Stefan fights Enzo, Katherine tries to revive Jeremy. Damon shows up saying that the spell worked and he knows where Wes is. Damon and Enzo head out and Stefan tells Damon not to bother coming back.

Later, Stefan admits to Katherine that since the first moment she (Elena) and Damon got together he was waiting and hoping for Damon to screw it up so he can have her back but he stopped waiting when he figured out that he loved that Damon and he did not want to lose him. Katherine tells him that she will not go back to Damon but she will help him save him.

Tyler wakes up and asks Matt about Nadia. Matt tries to convince him that it was a misunderstanding but Tyler warns him to stay away from her. When Tyler leaves, Matt gets in the car where Nadia is waiting. She tells Matt that if Tyler follows them, she will kill both. Matt figures out what Nadia and Katherine did and that Katherine is now in Elena's body.

Damon and Enzo arrive at the place where Wes is and suddenly they are surrounded by travellers who are chanting and cause them pain and Wes injects Damon with something. Damon and Enzo wake up a little later alone and Damon tells Enzo about Wes' plan to have vampires feed on each other. They hear a noise and they try to find out from where it comes. Damon finds Joey and frees him but when he smells his blood he attacks him and kills him. Enzo tells him to stop but when he does not, he realizes that Damon craving vampire blood is going to be a problem.

Mid-Century Loves

Episode # 01: "Romantic love", directed by: Glauco Pellegrini

In 1900 Elena, a young man from a rich bourgeois family, falls in love with the musician Mario. Her father and her aunt Matilde, however, would like the girl to marry a rich count. When Mario leaves for his tour, Matilde promises both young people to foster their feelings, while she actually destroys the letters they send each other, and persuades Elena that Mario has forgotten her. Elena ends up marrying the count.

Episode # 02: "War 1915-18", directed by: Pietro Germi

During the First World War, in a small Abruzzo village the very young lovers Antonio and Carmela get married and are expecting a child. Antonio is called to the front between the draft of 1900: Carmela and all friends and acquaintances are very proud of him and confidently await the end of the war. In the end the victory is announced and the celebrations are unleashed in the town: still no one knows that Antonio was killed in his first assault with the Sicily Brigade.

Episode # 03: "Postwar 1920", directed by: Mario Chiari

Alberto, an exalted squadist, leaves his country greeting his relatives and his girlfriend Susanna to take part in the March on Rome. In reality, he is mainly interested in Rome's nightlife and beautiful women. Susanna joins him in disguise and discovers him in a tabarin in equivocal attitudes with an entrîneuse, to whom she does not fail to reveal her contempt for her peasant girlfriend. But Susanna is not far behind in terms of beauty and sensuality, so much so that she is hired for a provocative number in the part of Salome, and she takes the opportunity to take her revenge on Alberto.

Episode # 04: "Naples 1943", directed by: Roberto Rossellini

During the bombings of the Second World War, actors and extras engaged in rehearsals at the Teatro di San Carlo rush into the air-raid shelter, and there the extra Carla and the airman Renato fall in love, but will be divided by death.

Episode # 05: "Girandola 1910", directed by: Antonio Pietrangeli

We are in the belle époque. A doctor advises a patient to limit his sexual activity; this however asks the doctor to mediate with his mistress so that she is less demanding. The woman is also having another relationship, and she too begs the doctor to intervene discreetly with the second man; and so on until among the whirlwind of lovers the doctor recognizes his wife.

Horse (1941 film)

A young girl named Ine from a poor village family wants nothing more than to own a horse. Her family soon takes in a pregnant mare which they have signed on to care for over the winter. Financial troubles push the family towards the edge of ruin and neither they nor the horse have much to eat. The horse becomes very ill and the vet determines only grass will save it. Ine walks many miles through the snow to a hot spring where grass grows year-round and saves the horse's life. That spring gives birth to a colt and it looks as if Ine will finally have her horse. But when the colt is grown, the government orders it auctioned and sold to the army, as unpaid bills force the family to sell the colt. Ine takes a job in a mill to save money to buy her horse back. On the day of the auction, she is outbid and cries as the horse is led away for the last time.

A View from the Bridge (film)

The Carbones are a working class Italian-American family living in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn - patriarch Eddie, his wife Beatrice, and their niece Catherine. Eddie is a longshoreman on the waterfront, and he and Beatrice have raised 18-year old Catherine from infancy.

When two of Beatrice's cousins from Sicily, Marco and Rodolpho, illegally enter the United States and take refuge in Eddie's home, an attraction develops between Catherine and the handsome young Rodolpho. Eddie's incestuous love for his niece drives him into cruel criticism of Rodolpho, including the accusation that he is an opportunist who plans to marry Catherine only to obtain his U.S. citizenship papers.

When Eddie's efforts fail to influence Catherine, he brands Rodolpho a homosexual and degrades him in front of Catherine by kissing him on the lips. His desperation only serves to further alienate Catherine, however, and when she and Rodolpho make plans to marry, Eddie betrays both Marco and Rodolpho to the immigration authorities. As the two brothers are led away, Marco spits on Eddie, denouncing him as an informer.

A waterfront lawyer, Alfieri, succeeds in winning freedom for Rodolpho because of his pending marriage, but Marco is slated for deportation. While out on bail, Marco goes to the Carbone house and forces Eddie to his knees; humiliated before his family and neighbors, Eddie commits suicide by plunging a cargo hook into his chest.

Special Affairs Team TEN

"Special Affairs Team TEN" is a criminal investigation unit that tackles the most violent, hardcore crimes in South Korea. These crimes usually have less than a 10% rate for arrests. Following the motto of "No more unsolved cases," the detectives chase those who attempt to commit the perfect crime, facing some of the most twisted and perverted criminals that they have ever encountered in their careers.

Yeo Ji-hoon (Joo Sang-wook) was a former ace detective with keen deductive powers and a strong logical mind, who now works as a police academy instructor. But he gives up teaching crime-solving to get back into the field after the brutal murder of his wife. Called "the monster who catches monsters" for thinking like his targets, Ji-hoon is tasked to be the lead investigator of the special task force TEN. The team includes: Nam Ye-ri (Jo An), a profiling specialist; Baek Do-shik (Kim Sang-ho), a veteran cop who possesses a keen sense of intuition, which he honed from 24 years on the job, and who good-naturedly chides the team to always treat people like human beings; and Park Min-ho (Choi Woo-shik), a "pretty boy" rookie who impressed Ji-hoon in class, and is the man on the ground who does all the running and grunt work.

Special Affairs Team TEN

Yeo Ji-hoon has suddenly disappeared. The other members of the team, Baek Do-shik, Nam Ye-ri and Park Min-ho are initially confused by the situation, but they soon find a message which explains Ji-hoon's intentions. Team TEN then chases after a serial killer known as "Murderer F." As they get closer to Murderer F, they are in for a shock.

Blood and Ties

Da-eun (Son Ye-jin) has completed graduate school and is set to become a newspaper reporter. She lives with her father Son-man (Kim Kap-soo) who lovingly refers to her as "my heart." Although her father does menial work, Da-eun is proud of him.

One day, Da-eun goes to the movies with her boyfriend Jae-kyung (Lee Kyu-han) and friend Bo-ra (Jo An). They watch a movie based on a real-life unsolved crime: A boy was kidnapped and the kidnapper demanded ransom from the parents, but the child was later found dead. The only clue the police had to the killer's identity was the ransom phone call he made to the parents. At the end of the film, they play the actual recorded audio from that phone call. Da-eun freezes when she hears the voice; the man's voice sounds eerily like her father and he also uses the phrase "It Ain't Over 'til It's Over," which her father always favored.

When Da-eun gets back home, she looks up the crime that took place nearly 15 years ago on the internet. Awash with horror and guilt for even suspecting her father, she begins to look into his past with only a few days remaining before the statute of limitations lapses on the unsolved crime. As the relationship between father and daughter wrenches apart due to mounting distrust, a man (Im Hyung-joon) from Son-man's past suddenly appears.

Brighton Belle (Sheridan novel)

Set in post-war 1951 Brighton, the plot follows bereaved ex-Secret Service agent Mirabelle Bevan whose work at a debt collection agency leads her to investigate a disappearance mystery with the help of insurance clerk Vesta Churchill. Along the way they discover murder, Nazi war criminals, betting scams, and counterfeit coins. Brighton Belle has been described as 'a cosy crime noir mystery'.

Lila & Eve

Lila, a single mother living in Atlanta, struggles after the murder of her son Stephon in a drive-by shooting. Faced with indifference from the police force and barely able to take care of herself and her younger son Justin, Lila joins a support group for mothers of murdered children. There, she meets Eve, whose daughter died. Eve sits off to the side without participating. Eve seems less interested in moving on with her life than in seeking revenge.

Lila chooses Eve to be her sponsor, and one night, while engaging in therapeutic home redecorating, they find a gun in Justin's book bag. This discovery horrifies Lila but inspires Eve to suggest they investigate Stephon's murder themselves. The two women find someone with the information they seek. When he pulls a gun on them, Eve shoots him dead, and they flee.

When it seems as if they have gotten away with the shooting, the two women move up the underworld chain of command to discover who ordered the drive-by. With the death of the drug dealer, Alonzo Troys, who actually pulled the trigger, they come to the attention of Ojeda, the hired gun of the kingpin of the criminal organization. As the bodies begin piling up, Lila becomes increasingly unsure of the morality of their actions, while Eve becomes bolder and more daring. Finally, a rift develops between the two women and Eve suddenly disappears.

Around this time, their actions pique the interest of Detective Holliston, the cop assigned to Lila's case. It appears to be only a matter of time before he puts two and two together and figures out who is behind the killings. Lila and Justin are on the way to school one morning when, while sitting at a stop sign, a van containing armed men drives up beside them. Before the men can shoot, Lila pulls out into traffic and is involved in a car accident. This saves their lives when witnesses aid, stopping the gunmen from finishing them off.

After Lila gets out of the hospital, she and Eve make up. They rig Lila's house with explosives and set up a trap to lure local criminal kingpin, Miguel Alejandro, and his henchmen to come after her by shooting at his home. After he threatens to kill her, and she drops off Eve, Lila visits Ben, her neighbour. When he questions her about Eve, she shows him pictures from her phone, only to be confused when Eve appears in none of them. During the course of the night, Lila realizes that Eve is a figment of her imagination. Lila has done everything herself and is responsible for all the drug dealers' murders. In a late night conversation in the street, "Eve" talks her into finishing the job so she can move on and keep Justin safe.

Ojeda poses as a cable installer and breaks into Lila's house. Finding it empty, he invites Alejandro to wait for her arrival at the house. Lila watches them via a laptop's webcam at Ben's house. When Alejandro and another henchman arrive, Lila asks Ben to take care of Justin while she takes care of things at home. Lila walks across the street with Eve and lights a fuse at Eve's urging. When Eve tells her that she cannot stop it, Lila throws herself into the blast. Lila is blown onto the front yard, and the house burns as Ben arrives to take care of her.

Detective Holliston fails to convince his partner, Detective Skaketti, that Lila is responsible. Undeterred, Holliston approaches Lila at a support meeting once she is released from the hospital. When Holliston threatens to take in Ben and Justin if she does not cooperate, the other mothers, who have collected donations to assist Lila, stop her from confessing and volunteer alibis. Holliston recognizes that grieving mothers are a strong alibi and leaves.

Ben says goodbye to Justin and Lila as they leave Atlanta for a new life elsewhere. As she is driving down the road, Justin asks his mother if she is okay, and she replies that she will be.

Adventures of Zatoichi

Outside of town, a man asks Ichi to give a letter to a maid called Sen at Musashi Inn. Ichi does this and there shares a room with a young woman called Saki. Saki is looking for her father, the headman of a nearby village disappeared while protesting against the harshness of new government intendant Gorota Kajime.

With the support of the new intendant, local crime boss Jinbei demands an extortionate 40% of the takings of all the town vendors who have come to town. Worried that a man called Shinsuke has escaped, the boss's henchmen plan to take his sister Sen to Jinbei but Ichi intervenes.

At night Ichi overhears a meeting between Sen and the man who gave Ichi the letter: Shinsuke. To cover up the crimes of Jinbei and the intendant, Shinsuke was told to kill a man but Shinsuke was double-crossed and sent to gaol. He plans to kill Jinbei.

Ichi goes to Jinbei's gambling house and again (like the last film) spectacularly cuts weighted dice in two and retrieves the genuine, fair dice from their hiding location in the thrower's top-knot. Ichi is taken to a back room where the boss and the intendant are playing go. A skilled retainer, Gounosuke, acting as the intendant's bodyguard tests Ichi in an impromptu iaijutsu display. The end of Ichi's sword-cane handle is cut off and Ichi asks to be excused. After he leaves the go table, a foot thick block of solid wood, falls in half.

Tired of waiting for her companion Gosuke, Saki decides to travel to Shimokawa and is abducted by Jinbei's men. Ichi followed her and his reputation prompts the men to release her. Ichi and Saki return to the inn where Gounosuke is waiting and demands a rematch. Ichi declines but Gounosuke insists until Ichi cuts in mid air a spinning top thrown at Gounosuke; the top remains spinning after it hits the ground then splits in two. Gounosuke accepts an invitation to drink. Gonosuke says as the third son of a minor lord he couldn't expect much more than his lowly job. All he wants is to meet someone who can beat him in a duel. Ichi just wants to celebrate by worshipping the new year's sun on Mount Myogi but Gounosuke insists on a duel.

Walking about town Ichi meets the town drunk. Over sake the old man relates how he had a son who would be about Ichi's age but that he lost him nearly 30 years ago as a young boy while worshipping the new year's sun on Mount Myogi. The old man gives his name as Giju and Ichi looks surprised and later says to himself that, despite the similarities between his childhood and Giju's story, Giju couldn't be the right name.

At night Ichi he accompanies Sen to see Shinsuke. Ichi calls Shinsuke a fool for treating his sister so badly. Jinbei's men followed Ichi who fights them. Shinsuke nearly escapes but is mortally stabbed, as he dies he confesses to Sen that he killed the headman.

Just after her companion returns, Ichi tells Saki of her father's death and that she should go home as Jinbei plans to kill her. He hires Giju to guide her around checkpoints to escape but Giju is paid by Jinbei and betrays her.

Two young boys tell Ichi Giju betrayed Saki. Ichi confront Giju but spares him because Giju reminds him of his own father. As he leaves Ichi is attacked by six swordsmen. Sensing their attack he kills five and the sixth throws himself to the ground to avoid being attacked.

Ichi goes to the guardhouse, frees Saki then duels Gounosuke as a gentle snow falls. He fights dozens of guards and kills many as well as Jinbei and the intendant. At dawn he worships the new year's first sun light before walking off alone.

Tangerines (film)

In a rural village of ethnic Estonians in Abkhazia, a Russian-backed separatist region in the newly independent Georgia, Ivo (Lembit Ulfsak) and his friend Margus (Elmo Nüganen) are the only two of their once large community who have not fled for Estonia after the outbreak of the war. Margus has delayed leaving until he can harvest his lucrative tangerine crop. Ivo, a carpenter, is attempting to make enough wooden crates to hold all the unpicked tangerines, but doesn't reveal his reasons for staying.

Two Chechen mercenaries fighting alongside the Abkhaz separatists show up and demand food from Ivo before leaving peacefully. However, they get into a firefight with Georgian soldiers in front of Margus' house, leaving only one alive from each side. Ahmed (Giorgi Nakashidze), the surviving Chechen, and Nika (Mikheil Meskhi), a Georgian volunteer, are both gravely wounded, and Ivo brings them into his home to nurse them back to health.

While both vow to kill each other once they have the strength, Ivo secures a pledge from each to not enact any vengeance under his roof. A great deal of tension ensues between the two enemies as they begin to recover over many days in the same tiny house. Slowly, the two begin to recognize the humanity and honor in each other. Under the moral tutelage of the senior and wise Ivo, the two move from hatred and antagonism, to respect and camaraderie.

When Abkhaz soldiers come to the house, Ivo convinces Ahmed to tell them that Nika is also a fellow Chechen, but whose head wound has left him unable to speak.

After a local military patrol fails to show to harvest the tangerines as planned, Margus is desperate. The Abkhaz soldiers, having set up camp nearby, promise to help harvest the tangerines in two days. That night, however, shelling hits the village, destroying Margus' property. Ahmed offers Margus a large wad of cash that he has made from being a mercenary, but Margus refuses money "made like that".

Russian Ground Forces troops allied to the Abkhaz and Chechens later drive up to Ivo's house, finding Ahmed and Margus outside, and falsely accuse Ahmed of being Georgian. They are about to execute him when Nika shoots them from the house with a rifle. In the firefight, Margus is killed by Russian gunfire. Ahmed and Nika partner to fight the Russians, but Nika is shot dead by a wounded Russian before Ahmed finishes off Nika's killer.

Ivo and Ahmed bury Margus and Nika. Ivo reveals that Nika's body lies next to that of his own son, who was killed when the war broke out in August 1992. Ivo tells Ahmed that if he had died instead of Nika, Ivo would have buried Ahmed next to his son as well. Ahmed tells Ivo that he misses his own family, and begins his drive home to a Chechnya that will be plunged into a similar bloody war less than two years later. He listens to a cassette tape of Georgian music that belonged to Nika.

Della (film)

Della Chappell (Joan Crawford) is a reclusive wealthy woman, consumed by power and dedicated to protecting the future of her daughter Jenny (Diane Baker). Her father founded the town of Royal Bay and she still owns most of it. An outside company wants to buy parts of the town for development but Della refuses to consider the option. Barney Stafford (Paul Burke), a lawyer representing the developers' interests, butts heads with Della frequently.

She invites him to her home for a meeting at 2:00 AM. Barney, eager to settle the matter, heads over to Della's estate and instead he meets Jenny. Barney notices strange happenings at the house, such as everyone sleeping during the day and all business is conducted in the middle of the night. He comes to learn that Jenny has a skin condition that prevents her from being in the light and keeps her inside the home at all times. At a particularly tense meeting, Della attempts to employ Barney in a veiled attempt to buy his company for Jenny.

After a discussion with his father, Barney goes to apologize to Della. After all is revealed (why Jenny must never leave) Barney leaves, presumably for good. Angry and upset, Jenny then leaves the house and ultimately crashes her car because she is disoriented and is killed.

Messalina (1960 film)

After the death of the Emperor Caligula, Claudius is chosen to replace him. Claudius decides to take a new wife, the Vestal Virgin Messalina, the niece of Augustus Caesar.

The night before the wedding Messalina murders a noble via poison. An assassin is sent to kill Messalina; she seduces him, has him killed and presents his severed head.

Per amore... per magia...

Fantastic Middle Ages. Aladdin is a nice and penniless boy: like his sister Algisa he has no degree of nobility, but he is in love with the daughter of the Grand Duke of Forilarì, the beautiful princess Esmeralda, whom the Viscount of Pallerineri would like to marry, to take over the Duchy.

Aladdin, who for a living is a model in the tailor Jo Babà's atelier, was born on a moonless night and is therefore one of the few who can get to own the magic lamp containing the genie, which is located under a mysterious trap door in the woods of witches.

Even the princess loves Aladdin and this love gives him the strength to overcome any obstacle: the Viscount, the Maghreb magician, the charming Aichesiade, a strange penguin, the interrogation of the four wise men and other obstacles.

Aided only by his five inseparable friends and the genie of the lamp, he manages to make his dream come true, saving his sister from the executioner and giving freedom to the genie of the lamp.


The adventure story takes place in an early 20th century alternate North America, in a desolate Arctic frontier known as the Northern Territory. It is a world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals instead of humans. The plot focuses on a sled dog team, led by a Border Collie named Pi, of the Nordguard Elite, which is a search and recovery organization responsible for cutting trails, carrying the mail, and rescuing lost travelers.

On the Edge (Hinton novel)

Fifteen-year-old Dillon and his ten-year-old brother Robbie were home alone when Robbie received a telephone call from their father who they had not seen for two years after he beat up Dillon and his mother. Their father said he wanted to take them on holiday saying that their mother said it was OK despite his restraining order. Robbie was excited about the idea but Dillon was suspicious. Dad came round in a brand new 4x4 and dressed in his army gear. After talking to their father Dillon decided to go but left a note on his bed just in case.

When they stopped at a motorway service station Dillon decided to call Mum’s boyfriend Andy as Mum left her mobile at home and he did not have her office number but Dad removed the battery and the SIM card from Dillon’s mobile and Robbie left his at home.

When they arrived at Gardle Head they set up camp near the cliff top and slept in a hollow.

In the morning after breakfast Dad set up two snares to catch rabbits for dinner then they went swimming and skipping stones on the beach. That evening Robbie was squeamish about eating the rabbit due to his vegetarianism but accepted the meat to please his Dad. When Dad sent Dillon to the car to get drinks he found the note he left for Mum which Dad had removed before they left and a shotgun in a black leather case.

The next morning Dad saved the scrambled egg for Robbie whilst Dillon and their Dad ate the cold leftover rabbit. They spent the rest of the morning building a sandcastle on the beach and in the afternoon they lazed around on the top of the cliff. On their way to Dartley for the evening Dillon went into a shop for ice creams and saw photographs of him and Robbie on the front page of a newspaper. When they got to Dartley they had a huge fish and chip supper and went to the funfair. On the way out from Dartley Dad noticed photos of himself and the boys on the television whilst passing a Chinese takeaway.

Before bed Dad got the boys to say the prayer Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep with the line ''If I die before I wake''. Dillon saw Dad acting strangely and fearing that their father was mentally ill again and was about to kill them Dillon woke Robbie and led him down to the beach and hid behind a rock in the sea. Dad could be heard singing the nursery rhyme Bye, baby Bunting. When Dillon was sure it was safe they went back to the top of the cliff. As they passed the camp Dad came out of hiding and led them to the edge of the cliff with the shotgun about to shoot them. At the last minute Dad wondered what he was doing and shot himself. He got blown off the edge and his body was lost at sea.

The two boys walked to the road and were stopped by a passing police car where they were reunited with their mother.

Six weeks later Dad’s body washed up on a beach 50 miles south of Gardle head. The two boys and their mother decided not to go to the funeral but changed their minds on the night before. At the service they met a fellow mourner called Steve Selby who was in the army with Dad. According to Steve, Scott saved his life when he was wounded and trapped by enemy fire but the war messed up a lot of good men such as Scott.

A Night in Malnéant

Our unnamed narrator is weary from his aimless wandering across the remote cities and roads of the old world. These wanderings began soon after the suicide of his wife Lady Mariel, which was caused by his cruel and vicious temper. He soon stumbles upon Malnéant, a city enveloped by fog and the sepulchral tolling of mortuary bells.

While roaming the mostly deserted streets the townspeople all tell him they are preparing items for the Lady Mariel's funeral. The tavern and inn he approaches both deny him entry, as all of Malnéant's accommodations and services have been appropriated for Lady Mariel's funeral. It is her funeral that is constantly being announced via the tolling of the mortuary bells. Despite the uncanny coincidence, our narrator refuses to suspect a connection to his late wife.

He eventually follows the townspeople into the cathedral, whereupon he is stunned to see that it truly is his Mariel lying dead within the coffin. Eventually he leaves the church and immediately loses his way in the labyrinthine city. After hours of roaming, our narrator finally finds his way out of Malnéant.

Let the Right One In (The Vampire Diaries)

Anna (Malese Jow) is still at Jeremy's (Steven R. McQueen) room where Jeremy tries to convince her to turn him but she does not agree with it. Elena (Nina Dobrev) knocks on the door to ask Jeremy's help on checking all the windows due to the storm and Anna disappears before she opens the door.

Frederick (Stephen Martines) wants to go hunting with Anna but Pearl (Kelly Hu) does not allow him to. While Pearl plans her next trip into town where she will continue her research on how to get their town back, Frederick allies with the rest of the vampires who are all wanting to take their revenge on the Salvatore brothers and humans now and do not want to wait.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) explains Pearl's plan to Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Elena cannot believe that he made a deal with her. Damon leaves and Stefan promises Elena to handle the situation.

Anna and Jeremy meet at the Grill where Jeremy tries once again to convince Anna to turn him. She asks him to keep her secret from everyone and she sees his bracelet with the vervain that Elena gave him. Jeremy offers to give it to her since she likes it so much but she gives it back to him and asks him to keep wearing it. Pearl gets into the Grill to find and take Anna and Anna gets up to walk away from Jeremy sending him a text to explain that her mother walked in. On their way out they run into Mayor Lockwood (Robert Pralgo) and Tyler (Michael Trevino). Mayor asks them not to go out in the storm and invites them to join them for dinner but Pearl declines. She hears his name on her way out and changes her mind coming back.

Meanwhile, Stefan is weakened by the fight with Frederick and Bethanne and goes out for hunting alone. Frederick and the other vampires find him, they stab him in the gut and take him to their house. Damon worries about Stefan not coming back home and not answering his phone and goes to Elena to ask if he is there. He suspects that Stefan has been taken by Pearl's vampires and his suspicions are confirmed when he visits the house and Frederick answers the door. They show him Stefan who is wounded but Damon can't enter the house to help him without invitation.

Damon tells Elena that Stefan is in the house but he cannot get in. Elena wants to go herself but Damon stops her. He knows that they have to save Stefan but does not know how. They go to school to ask Alaric's (Matt Davis) help since he knows about vampires, has weapons and the ring that protects him. Alaric denies to help them but he accepts when Damon tells him that Pearl can lead him to Isobel.

Meanwhile, the vampires keep torturing Stefan by stringing him up on vervain-laced ropes and stabbing him. Harper (Sterling Sulieman) shows up and tries to stop them since Pearl would not agree to this but the other vampires tie him up as well and stake him on the legs.

Damon and Alaric make their plan while Elena insists to go into the house with them. Damon refuses and explains her why she cannot get into that house that is, in case she does not know, full of vampires. Elena can drive the car but she has to stay in it while the two of them try to help Stefan.

Alaric knocks on Pearl's door and when Frederick answers he tells him that he needs to use his phone because his car broke down. Frederick lets him in and when Alaric is led to the kitchen, he stakes the vampire who'is there and leads Miss Gibbons (Tiffany Morgan) to the door but she refuses to invite Damon in since she is compelled not to do it. Damon asks if there are any other living people who live in this house and when he is sure that there are not, he breaks her neck and gets in.

Back at the Grill, Pearl tries to get as many details as she can from the Mayor about his family at the dinner. Anna and Jeremy exchange texts from across the room but Pearl notices and asks the Mayor who is the boy. He tells her that his name is Jeremy Gilbert. Pearl follows Anna to the ladies' room and confronts her about Jeremy. She tells her the Gilbert family is the reason she was trapped in the tomb for over a century and asks her to stop seeing him because when he finds out what she is he will turn on her. Anna reveals that Jeremy already knows and Pearl slaps her. Anna walks out of the Grill texting Jeremy: "I'll do it".

Damon keeps looking for Stefan killing some other vampires in the process. Alaric returns to the car but Elena is not there so he goes back to the house knowing that she went there to help Stefan. Elena sneaks into the basement getting herself in trouble before Damon appears to save her. They find Stefan and Harper and they free them. Damon goes to distract Frederick, who already got suspicious that something is going on, while Elena helps Stefan to get out.

Damon fights with Frederick and two other vampires when Alaric shows up to help him. Frederick escapes and Damon searches the house to find him but he is not there. They try to get out to head to the car but a bunch of vampires appear and they return in. Pearl and Anna return home to find them inside. Damon explains what happened before he and Alaric walk out the door, leaving Pearl and Anna behind with all the vampire bodies.

Stefan and Elena make it back to the car but the key is missing. Frederick shows up and starts hitting and stabbing Stefan. He is about to kill him when Elena stabs him in the back. Stefan tells Elena to run but she gives him her wrist to drink from so he can regain his strength. Stefan tries to resist but eventually he drinks and manages to kill Frederick.

In the meantime, Caroline (Candice Accola) has to drive to a family engagement in the storm and she leaves after she says goodbye to Matt (Zach Roerig). The main roads are closed so she drives in the backwoods when her car gets stuck in the mud. She has no cell reception so she decides to get out trying to get one and call for help. She falls down and grabs a tree root to steady herself only to discover that it is a human arm.

Matt and Kelly (Melinda Clarke) prepare their dinner when the doorbell rings and Caroline is at the door with her mom, Liz (Marguerite MacIntyre). They ask to see Kelly and they inform her, and Matt, that they found Vicky's body. Liz calls the Mayor to let him know. When he tells Tyler they have to go, he tells him about Vicky and Jeremy also hears. Tyler and Jeremy head to Matt's house and Jeremy also calls Elena to tell her.

Elena and Jeremy return home where Jeremy finds Anna waiting on his room. Anna realizes that Jeremy only wanted to turn to find Vicky and she takes off before Jeremy apologizes.

Damon sits next to Alaric at the bar for a drink and tries to have a friend-talk with him but Alaric punches him and leaves. Damon returns home and finds IV blood bags all over the place and Stefan drinking from one.

Darkest Night (film)

The story in ''Darkest Night'' unfolds as a Found footage (pseudo-documentary) "documentary" by a Filipino television journalist, Danny Valencia (Jonas Gruet). In what are purportedly his words, Danny writes that he created the film from videotape found at the site of a 2003 unsolved crime. The opening scene shows him and some workmen at the crime site, ruins of a mansion where a family disappeared.

Then, the video begins. On December 25, 2003, Michelle Espino (Issa Litton) and her husband, David (Allan Dale Alojipan), host their upscale family's Christmas Day reunion at their mansion in the mountains. Susan (Anne Gauthier) and American Ken Tyler (DJ Perry) are engaged after dating for months in Manila. They travel to the Espinos' home with Susan's live-in sister, Chelsea (Jill Palencia). When they arrive, Susan announces the engagement to the entire family and introduces Ken. An autistic cousin, Justin, a video camera savant, takes over videotaping from then on. (See Autism and Savant syndrome.)

After dinner, a mild earthquake jolts everyone, and the power goes out, plunging all into darkness. Everyone realizes that all batteries and electricity are useless except for Justin's video camera. A dense fog surrounds the mansion and the entire area. David goes out, walking toward a neighbor's house to seek information. Later, the television switches on by itself without power, showing a strange pagan ritual congregation with weird singing. Now more frightened, the family members try to guard each other. After several other family members die or disappear, Susan finds an old book bearing the French title “The Way of Baphomet" and the motto ''Ensemble Toujours'' (Together Always). Soon, only Michelle, Steven, Susan and Ken are left. They realize the time is 9 am, and it's still dark outside. Susan discovers the French words ''Ensemble Toujours'' written on a wall. An upset Michelle rushes outside, finding a prowler. She shoots him, only to find David's grotesquely deformed body. Michelle then shoots herself dead.

Later, Susan, Ken and Steven gather in the kitchen. She shows them the old "[Baphomet]" book and demands an explanation from Steven. He tells them Michelle was into black magic, and the book was her "Bible." She was able to learn powerful magic spells from it. Many years ago, a cult from France worshiped the demon god Baphomet and practiced black magic on this very land. They all mysteriously disappeared on Christmas Day 1914. Steven confesses he and Michelle also had an affair. Michelle later told him she had found an easy way to ascend magically into "heaven" along with the whole family. Earlier, she had cast a spell on everyone there. However, these rites actually required human sacrifice, mutilation and torture. When Michelle realized her "god" had deceived her, she killed herself. Susan reads from the book that, in the final rite, a man and woman must wed, and then the bride has to castrate her groom.

Trying to break the magic spell, Susan leads them all in a seance, calling on Michael and requesting release. Michael appears and goes to Steven. Both disappear. Finally, Susan finds that Ken is dead too, and only she is left. She places her engagement ring on his finger with a ring she gave him. Then he vanishes like all the others. The television flickers on again. They see the pagan cult robed in white, gathering outdoors around an altar. Before all, Ken and Michelle make love. She proceeds to castrate him as a human sacrifice. The set then shows a picture of the entire family, robed and near the altar, without Susan and Justin. The scene slowly dissolves. A robed Susan and Justin now stand with the rest of the family.

In the final scene the journalist, Danny, is still among the original ruins with the work crew, as at first. Everyone gathers by a box they had found, and inside is the old French book, “The Way of Baphomet." On top of the book are the two rings together, Susan's and Ken's.

Last Days in the Desert

Jesus walks through the desert, while stopping to pray and asking where God is. He encounters an old woman to whom he gives water, before noticing she has a snake tail, and she laughs at him.

Throughout the film, Satan appears to Jesus, adopting his appearance. He offers Jesus water, but Jesus doesn't reply. Eventually, Jesus finds a boy taking care of his mother in a tent. The boy is building a home with his father for him to live, although he wishes to go to Jerusalem. The mother is dying of an unspecified cause, since she cannot eat. The father gives food to Jesus, but he refuses, saying he is fasting. Jesus leaves, but soon returns and works with them to build the house, while he stays at his tent. Satan poses as the mother, wanting Jesus to believe that the boy is product of an infidelity.

Satan reveals to Jesus that he can see the future, and that the world is one more iteration of history, which God always tries again while changing some details. Satan reveals that whenever Jesus intervenes, he cannot predict the outcome. Jesus asks Satan how it is to be in God's presence, and Satan explains an abstract feeling, while saying God has no face. Later, Satan adopts the figure of the naked mother, and tells Jesus that he is weak.

The boy develops a taste in inventing riddles, which Jesus enjoys. His father discovers a red rock (possibly ruby) in a cliff, and plans to lower the boy with ropes while he and Jesus hold him, so he can get it. The boy refuses, and the father attacks him. Jesus offers himself to be the one to descend, but the father does it, while Jesus and the boy hold him. The father falls and demands the rope to be cut, and falls into a chasm. Jesus and the boy go to look for him, but he dies from his injuries.

Jesus returns with the body so the mother can see her husband one last time. Jesus and the boy later find the body being burned. The boy gets some of his father's ashes, and his mother tells him to leave her. The boy obeys, and Jesus demands that Satan show him the boy's destiny. Jesus watches it in a bowl of water, and smiles. He attempts to heal the mother, but she refuses. Jesus leaves to Jerusalem. On the way, Satan tells him that he's tired of walking, and that in his final moments he will offer Jesus help. He tells Jesus to say hello to God when he sees him.

The film jumps to Jesus' crucifixion. Dying, Jesus sees a Hummingbird in front of him. The apostles then bury Jesus' body and stay outside of his tomb.

In the present day, two tourists take pictures in the same desert Jesus walked in.

Vienna Blood (film)

The young Count Georg Wolkersheim (Willy Fritsch) is sent to the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) to represent the interests of his country, Reuss-Schleiz-Greiz. Tensions arise between the count, his wife Melanie (Maria Holst), and their two chamberlains (Hans Moser and Theo Lingen), and when the four of them attend a court ball, Melanie leaves Georg, assumes the identity of a famous actress, and attracts the affections of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria (Fred Liewehr). Georg quits the ball and returns to his lodgings to wait for his wife. Meanwhile, the two servants plot to further inflame Georg's jealousy by posing as Ludwig to commission a portrait of Melanie from the famous artist Moritz Daffinger (Egon von Jordan). The next day, however, Georg and Daffinger expose the servants' ruse, Ludwig reveals to Melanie that he has discovered her true identity, and all is forgiven.

Miss Granny

Oh Mal-soon, a 74-year-old widow, lives with her son and his family. Foul-mouthed, stubborn, controlling and shameless, she has a difficult relationship with her depressed daughter-in-law Ae-ja, but is very proud of her son Hyun-chul, who became a university professor of gerontology, and whom she raised by herself against all odds. One day, Ae-ja gets hospitalized after suddenly collapsing. Her doctors strongly advise her to live apart from Mal-soon. On the day she is told by her son that she is being sent to a nursing home, the dismayed Mal-soon wanders the streets and comes across a mysterious photo studio that claims it captures the moments of one's youth. She takes what she believes will be her last self-portrait for her not-so-far-off funeral, but when she comes out of the studio, Mal-soon is dumbfounded by her own reflection in the mirror: she's now a fresh, young 20-year-old woman.

At first not knowing what to do, she hides from her family and soon ends up lodging with her fellow café shop worker who used to be a servant of her family. With no one recognizing her, Mal-soon decides to make the most out of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She renames herself Oh Doo-ri after her all-time favorite actress Audrey Hepburn, gets a haircut similar to Hepburn's in ''Roman Holiday'', and takes advantage of her youth. As the "suspicious girl" of the Korean title, all anyone sees is that Doo-ri speaks with a regional accent and walks like an old lady, and that she acts very strangely and motherly for her age. After wowing a group of pensioners with a stirring karaoke tune one day, she attracts the notice of her unknowing grandson Ji-ha, a 4th year in university, and Han Seung-woo, a TV music producer. Ji-ha invites her to join his heavy metal band, and after she convinces them to switch to more audience-pleasing melodies.

She gets caught romantically between two men: Mr. Park, her now ex-café worker friend who had always secretly loved Mal-soon, and Seung-woo, who's doing his best to track her down again. Mr. Park's daughter forces her out as she thinks Doo-ri is scheming after his money and she takes refuge in Mr. Han's apartment.

Meanwhile, the band becomes successful with her as vocalist and Seung-woo decides to take them under his wing. Doo-ri is thrilled to be pursuing a career in music ― something she had to give up when she was young. They are booked for an extravaganza at the studio and Ji-ha is late due to a traffic jam. He decides to leave the taxi and bike but is hit by a lorry on the way there. He is in a critical condition at the hospital but Doo-ri decides to go on stage so as to tell him that his song was a success afterwards. As she arrives at the hospital it is found that only she has the correct blood type for a transfusion. She does the transfusion knowing that it would return her back to her aged condition.

Ji-ha's band takes off with the sister as the lead singer and Doo-ri as a fan. Mr. Park finds the same photo studio and becomes young. He picks her up at a bus stop and rides off bickering good naturedly as they always do.

Two Weddings and a Funeral

A gay man, Min-soo (Kim Dong-yoon) and a lesbian woman, Hyo-jin (Ryu Hyun-kyung) are both promising doctors at a general hospital. The colleagues agree to marry so Hyo-jin can legally adopt a child with her lover of ten years Seo-young (Jung Ae-yeon), and Min-soo can please his parents while maintaining his closeted lifestyle. While secretly living with their respective partners, who move in next door, Min-soo and Hyo-jin appear to be a happy, "normal" couple. They enjoy all the benefits afforded to heterosexual couples and are also able to ward off public scrutiny and parental disapproval. However, Min-soo's intrusive parents begin to get a bit too involved with the couple's life, threatening their scheme.

Happy Face Killer (film)

Over the course of two years, Keith Jesperson (David Arquette), a long-haul truck driver, kills at least eight women, following his failed marriage and an injury which prevented him from joining the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He meets his first victim in a Portland, Oregon bar and kills her after an argument in his rented home. When Delores Parnicke falsely confesses to committing the murder with her boyfriend, Jesperson sends disturbing letters to the press and even writes confessions on the wall of a highway rest stop and at the body dumps. He signs his notes with a smiley face, earning himself the nickname, "Happy Face Killer", as he resumes his killing spree.

Jesperson is being tracked by FBI Agent Melinda Gand (Gloria Reuben) and Ruskin County Sheriff (Daryl Shuttleworth), with little help from the district attorney after Parnicke confesses to the first murder. It is not until a young mother comes forward to say Jesperson assaulted her, and his new fiancée Diane Loftin (Stefanie von Pfetten) disappears, that he can finally be apprehended.

Max Steel (film)

Teenager Max McGrath moves with his mother Molly to the town of Copper Canyon, where he was born and where his father Jim McGrath died in a supposed storm. In his first few days at school, he realizes that almost everyone in town knows more about Jim than he does because his mother refuses to talk about Jim's past or death. During dinner with Jim's friend Miles Edwards, Max learns that his father worked for N-TEK, an advanced research company now run by Miles. Concurrently after arriving, Max discovers he emits a unique form of tachyonic energy called TURBO which is powerful enough to overload any electrical item, but he has no control over when he emits it. After sensing an oncoming overload during a date with classmate Sofia, Max encounters an amnesiac alien creature named Steel, who symbiotically bonds with Max to absorb the energy.

Finding themselves chased by mysterious men, Max takes Steel to his high school to hide and finds himself opening up emotionally for the first time in his life. Max learns to control and harness his powers, including linking with Steel to form a suit of armor. While linked, Max starts to see his father's life through flashbacks shared with Steel and learns that an alien race called the Ultralinks with the power to manipulate the elements launched an attack on N-TEK. In search of answers, Max goes there to visit Miles, who explains that Jim was working on creating a generator capable of creating an unlimited source of power, and suggests that Jim died in an accident caused by not following safety procedures. Feeling another energy spike, Max finds solace but is soon caught in a powerful storm, which he realizes is an Ultralink. Working together, Max and Steel defeat the Ultralink and, to their shock, find it looks identical to Steel. Another flashback hints that Steel was responsible for Jim's death, causing Max to lash out at Steel and walk away.

Max discovers Molly is missing, borrows Sofia's car, and calls Miles, who reveals he is aware of the Ultralinks and that Molly was kidnapped as a trap for Max at the old N-TEK Facility where Jim died. Max goes to the facility and finds Steel captured, where he has a flashback that shows the truth: Jim McGrath was an alien who naturally generated TURBO, Steel was his partner, and the power generator was a machine designed to harness and focus his natural energy; however, Miles became addicted to infusing the TURBO for the power it gave him, and allied with the Ultralinks to absorb Jim's energy for himself. Jim overloaded the core to stop Miles and, with his final words, told Steel to find and protect Max at all costs.

Miles entraps Max, having created a suit of armor that drains TURBO, seeking to harvest the energy for himself. Learning to use his armored form as Max Steel, Max fights Miles aided by the mysterious men, revealed to be an N-TEK Special Forces Squad who were working for Miles to find Steel, but are now working for Molly (as majority shareholder of the company). Working together, Max and Steel generate so much energy that Miles is unable to absorb it, overloading him in a massive explosion. Molly reveals that after Jim's death, she feared the Ultralinks would come after Max, so she constantly moved until Miles suggested they move back to Copper Canyon in case Max started to emit TURBO. Max apologizes to Sofia for his behavior and makes a date for that night, then goes for a flight in the armor with Steel's assistance.

Frozen (musical)

Act I

A Greek chorus introduces Princess Elsa of Arendelle and her playful younger sister, Princess Anna ("Vuelie", "Let the Sun Shine On"). While the family knows about Elsa's magic, it is kept a secret from the people of Arendelle. One night at bedtime, Elsa and Anna build a magical snowman and name it Olaf ("A Little Bit of You"); Elsa creates snow in their room. In their excitement, Elsa accidentally injures Anna with her icy magic. Their parents, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, call for the aid of the colony of hidden folk, led by Grand Pabbie. He heals Anna and removes her memories of Elsa's magic. Elsa asks Grand Pabbie to remove her magic, but he says that it is a part of her. He gives her a vision of her future, frightening Elsa, who believes that her magic will cause death. The King isolates the sisters within the castle. Elsa shuts Anna out when Anna seeks to play ("Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"), and Elsa's fear of her powers grows. While the princesses are still young, the Queen and King sail to seek a solution to help Elsa control her powers, and they die at sea during a storm.

Years pass. The day before Elsa's coronation as Queen of Arendelle, Anna asks if there is anything she can do for her sister. Elsa, her room coated in ice, refuses to open her door out of fear of hurting Anna again. Anna is excited for the castle's gates to open ("For the First Time in Forever") and meets the handsome Prince Hans ("Hans of the Southern Isles"). Elsa is terrified that the kingdom's citizens might find out about her powers and fear her, while wishing to be able to reconnect with Anna ("Dangerous to Dream"). Elsa's coronation goes smoothly, and she initiates her first contact with Anna in years. They enjoy the coronation together, with Anna talking the Duke of Weselton out of dancing with the newly crowned Queen. However, Elsa leaves after Anna asks about keeping the gates open. Anna falls in love with Hans ("Love Is an Open Door"), who quickly proposes marriage to her, and the two share a kiss after she accepts. The couple asks for Elsa's blessing, who objects because the two have only known each other for a day. After intense questioning from Anna about shutting her out of her life, Elsa accidentally unleashes her powers before the court. The Duke brands her a monster. Elsa flees to the North Mountain without realizing that her suppressed magic has engulfed Arendelle in an eternal winter.

Anna goes in search of Elsa, leaving Hans in charge of the kingdom during her absence. Up in the mountains, ice harvester Kristoff and his reindeer Sven ("Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People") are found by the ill-equipped Anna, still in her coronation dress. She orders Kristoff to take her to the North Mountain, the source of the storm. Kristoff gives her a set of winter clothes, and she leaves her dress behind. In view of her sudden engagement, Kristoff and Anna disagree about love as they cross a bridge ("What Do You Know About Love"), and Anna saves Kristoff from falling off the bridge. Anna and Kristoff then encounter a newly created Olaf, who offers to guide them to Elsa and sings about his love for summer ("In Summer"). A soldier arrives in Arendelle with Anna's dress, and Hans fears for Anna's safety. He assembles a search party ("Hans of the Southern Isles" (reprise)), including the Duke and two of his men, who intend to put her in her place. Meanwhile, on the North Mountain, Elsa builds an ice castle with her powers and transforms her coronation dress into a sparkly ice gown ("Let It Go").

Act II

Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf arrive at Wandering Oaken's Trading Post & Sauna to meet the owner, Oaken ("Hygge"). Anna enjoys the sauna together with its many other patrons. Kristoff convinces Oaken and his patrons to aid their journey; Oaken gives them provisions and a winter dress for Anna.

Reaching the ice palace, Anna meets Elsa, but when she reveals what has become of Arendelle, Elsa becomes angry and frustrated, saying that she cannot fix it, and she accidentally freezes Anna's heart ("I Can't Lose You"). Out of fear of hurting Anna further, Elsa forces her, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf out of the palace. Anna's hair begins turning white, so Kristoff takes her to meet the hidden folk, his adoptive family, who recognize Anna as the princess and attempt to match her with Kristoff, despite him mentioning her betrothal to Hans ("Fixer Upper"). Grand Pabbie attempts to remove the magic freezing Anna's heart but fails; Kristoff realizes that he is falling in love with her ("Kristoff Lullaby"). Grand Pabbie reveals that Anna will freeze solid unless "an act of true love" reverses the spell. Kristoff selflessly races Anna back home so Hans can give her true love's kiss.

In the ice castle, Elsa considers whether she is a monster and wonders how can she end the storm, unsure whether the storm would end or grow worse if she were to die ("Monster"). She resolves to stay alive to end the storm and lowers the defenses around the castle, allowing Hans and his men to capture her. Home, Anna is delivered to Hans, but rather than kissing her, he reveals that he has been plotting to seize the throne of Arendelle by allowing Anna to freeze to death and accusing Elsa of her murder ("Hans of the Southern Isles" (reprise 2)). Hans locks Anna in a room to die, as Anna reflects on her mistakes while still holding on to the idea of love ("True Love"). Olaf frees Anna, and they venture into the blizzard outside to meet Kristoff, whom Olaf reveals is in love with her.

Hans publicly charges Elsa with treason and sentences her to death. Elsa escapes her chains and flees outside as a blizzard grows ("Colder by the Minute"). Kristoff and Anna struggle to find each other. Hans confronts Elsa, claiming that she killed Anna, causing Elsa to break down and the storm to pause. Anna finally finds Kristoff but spots Hans about to kill Elsa; she leaps in the way and freezes solid, stopping Hans. Devastated, Elsa mourns her sister, who thaws out, her sacrifice constituting "an act of true love". Realizing that her magic is controlled by love, Elsa ends the winter ("Vuelie (Love Thaws)"). Anna punches Hans, and she and Kristoff become a couple, with Elsa's blessing. Elsa and Anna reunite without fear for the first time, as their parents, young Elsa and young Anna appear in the background, signaling the healing of the sisters' painful past (Finale).

Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead

Previously, Martin and his friends draw the ire of Nazi zombies after unwittingly taking their gold. When Martin is bitten on the arm, he removes the infected arm with a chainsaw. After returning their gold to the Nazi zombies, Martin realizes he forgot a coin. The zombies chase after him, and their commander, Herzog, tenaciously holds on to Martin's car as he flees. An oncoming truck slices off Herzog's arm, which remains in the car with Martin.

After Martin passes out at the wheel and is involved in an accident, he wakes in a hospital. The police disbelieve his wild stories about zombies and charge him with the murder of his friends. To his horror, Martin finds that a surgeon has attached Herzog's arm to his stump (believing it to be Martin's). The zombie arm goes berserk and attacks everyone within reach. After Martin kills several people against his will, he is sedated and strapped tightly to the bed. In the meantime, Herzog has his lost arm replaced and begins to conscript more zombie troops by resurrecting freshly killed locals.

Bobby, a young American tourist, sneaks into Martin's room when he hears rumors of a zombie attack. Impressed with Martin's zombie arm, Bobby frees Martin and tells him about the Zombie Squad, American professional zombie hunters. Before Bobby can contact them, the zombie arm throws Bobby out a window. Panicked, Martin follows and administers CPR, but the zombie arm instead crushes Bobby's chest, killing him. Martin flees the police, who believe him a child killer, and makes contact with the Zombie Squad - who turn out to be three nerdy friends: Daniel, Monica, and Blake - who promise to come to Norway and assist. In the meantime, they ask Martin to find out what Herzog wants.

At a World War II museum, Martin meets Glenn Kenneth, the souvenir shop's clerk. After the zombie arm intimidates him, Glenn takes Martin to the museum, where they read about Herzog's history: Herzog was originally tasked by Hitler himself to wipe out Talvik for their anti-Nazi sabotage. As Martin realizes Herzog intends to carry out his orders, Herzog and his Nazi zombies attack a group of tourists outside, and following the slaughter, Herzog has his troops arm themselves with old weapons from the museum, including a World War II-era Tiger tank. Martin and Glenn escape death by pretending to be mannequins in the museum. While surveying the carnage, Martin accidentally discovers that his zombie arm can also raise and control the dead. When Daniel arrives, he kills the zombie Martin has resurrected; Martin demonstrates his newfound power by raising it again.

Martin, Daniel, and the sidekick zombie race to find the burial ground of a group of Russian POWs, who had been executed by Herzog during the war, as Monica, Blake, and Glenn work to slow down Herzog. Monica and Blake convince Glenn to act as bait to draw some of the zombies into a local swamp, where they kill them with pipe bombs they made from the supplies they had. After shooting at them with the tank gun several times, Herzog continues on his way, believing Blake, Glenn and Monica to be dead. Meanwhile, the others discover the graveyard, and Martin raises an entire troop of loyal Russian zombies. All converge at the town, where Martin confronts Herzog. Martin points out that they have evacuated the townspeople and thus prevented Herzog from completing his orders, but Herzog does not care and attacks them.

The battle goes well at first, but the Nazi zombies eventually overpower Martin's Russian zombies after Herzog kills the Russian Commander, Lt Stavarin. As the Nazi zombies close in on them, Daniel tells Martin to kill Herzog, as it is their only chance. Daniel attempts to take control of the Nazi zombie's tank, Martin directly confronts Herzog, and the others fight Herzog's remaining zombies. Glenn is killed by a sneaky knife attack to the throat by a Nazi zombie, and Monica and Blake are about to be overwhelmed when Daniel fires the tank gun directly at Herzog while Martin keeps him distracted. Herzog is decapitated, and the head goes far off into the further away mountains; his troops fall lifelessly to the ground, saving Monica and Blake.

After they have celebrated, and having been exonerated from the murder charges after the police also witnessed the zombie battle, Martin drives to the church where Hanna is buried, digs up her corpse, and brings her back as a zombie. The two proceed to make out and have sex as the sidekick zombie looks on in the distance. In a post-credits scene, the Nazi doctor recovers Herzog's severed head, which opens its eyes.

The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story

With her world in turmoil, Janet (Lee Remick) feels she is losing so much that is important… her beloved mother (Angela Lansbury), the family business, maybe even her husband. Janet dreams of simpler times, of Christmas in the idyllic Vermont of her younger days, and of taking her children back to the family home where her parents and spinster aunt (Polly Holliday) would be waiting for them. And they are, in all the warmth of the holiday. But only when even more seems lost, as one of her children is in jeopardy, does Janet search for that ‘secret place’ where we all may find what really matters, at Christmas and always.

Journey to Self

The film tells a story of 5 childhood friends that converge at the home of the deceased Uche reading a series of letters she left that explains her struggles through life and eventually leading to their self-discovery.

Rume (Katherine Obiang) is married to a man, whom she later discovered was a "crossdresser", she filed for divorce after several attempt to make him normal proved abortive. however he pleaded with her to stage infidelity as the reason for the divorce to avoid disgrace and societal outrage from family and friends for his eccentric lifestyle.

Uche (Tosin Sido) was married off by her dad as the 4th wife to a former business colleague as a remedy for an unpaid debt. As soon as it was revealed that she was barren, she began suffering an emotional breakdown caused by her much older husband and his jealous wives.

Regina (Ashionye Michelle Raccah) is a full housewife that is being assaulted by her husband, Their 2 kids were also affected by the domestic violence.

Nse (Nse Ikpe Etim) had a son when she was younger and her husband is yet to know about it.

Alex (Dakore Akande) is an entertainment celebrity that has been very unlucky with men taking advantage of her tenderheartedness.

The Husband She Met Online

Rachel Maleman (Meredith Monroe) is an event planner at a hotel in Philadelphia. She previously dated her co-worker John Anderson (Brett Watson), however, she found he was cheating on her. She begins online dating and met Craig Miller (Jason Gray-Stanford), a wealthy businessman who runs his mother's real estate company. The two start going on dates, however, at the same time, John still has feelings for Rachel. After seeing John and Rachel go out for lunch together, Craig's brother, Ryan (Damon Runyan) is sent to kill John, because of Craig's extreme jealousy. A private investigator named Jerry Berman (Bill Lake) is hired by the father of one of Craig's ex-girlfriends, Dominique (Allison Brennan), who went missing. She was murdered by Craig when she told him that she was pregnant. Another woman that Craig dated, Melissa (Sophie Gendron) was assaulted by Craig, in which he paid her to keep quiet about the incident. After dating Rachel for a while with John out of the picture, Craig proposes to her. Upon wedding dress shopping, Rachel and her friend and co-worker Laura (Krista Morin) see Craig stop by at the boutique. He then picks out a dress that both Rachel and Laura do not approve of, but she purchases it anyway. Craig asks his fiancée to quit her job at the hotel and work at his house, by starting her own event planning business, just so that he can spend more time with her. After he belittles her job and explains about his past relationships, this causes her to have concern and re-think getting married. Throughout the film, Craig is revealed to be more controlling and obsessive. He kidnaps his fiancée and abandons their dog, Cody, at the side of the road - he is eventually rescued. Rachel is in jeopardy when Craig becomes abusive towards her and eventually holds her at gunpoint when police arrive. He then gets shot by Mr. Berman.

Under Control (The Vampire Diaries)

Stefan (Paul Wesley) tries to detox himself from human blood by working out and staying away from other people. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) does not find the idea really good and he tempts him with a glass of blood before he drinks it himself. Stefan has his reasons for not wanting to drink human blood.

At the Gilbert house, uncle John (David Anders) shows up for a visit; he doesn't know how long it will be. Jenna (Sara Canning) is not really happy to see him. John does not state all of the reasons why he came back, but one of them is to prevent Jenna from selling his brother's office to Pearl (Kelly Hu).

At school, Matt (Zach Roerig) thanks Elena (Nina Dobrev) for being there for him while Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) and Tyler (Michael Trevino) talk about Vicky. Jeremy is not convinced that Vicky's death was due to overdose as was stated on the coroner's report, and he later asks the Sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) if they have any news about Vicky since somebody must have buried her.

The founders' council calls a meeting in which Damon is now a member. Elena's uncle John is also there and a member and warns the council that there were many break-ins at a blood bank not far away from Mystic Falls, meaning that the vampire problem is not over yet.

Alaric (Matt Davis) talks to Elena about Jeremy's last history paper that was based on vampires. He says that Jeremy made it clear it was not real but maybe she should talk to him. Elena asks Stefan about it and Stefan suggests that she should ask him and also talk to him about her being adopted. They start making out but Stefan cannot control his desire for blood and he throws himself off of Elena. Elena really worries about him and she calls Damon to ask how Stefan is dealing with the whole thing and how long it will take for him to be himself again.

Elena decides to tell Jeremy about her adoption, something that Jeremy takes really well. While they are talking, she brings up Jeremy's paper about vampires and Jeremy says that it is just another thing in a long list of the crazy Gilbert men, convincing Elena that he doesn't know the truth about vampires.

Everyone is gathered at the Founder's Day 150th Anniversary party. Stefan struggles to control his hunger and starts drinking. Elena notices that he is drunk and worries even more about him after an aggressive behavior to one of the attendants of the party while Damon is amused seeing him having fun. Damon is more concerned about Jeremy who is asking around more about Vicky's suspicious death. He wants to compel him but Elena tells him not to do it and that she will handle it herself.

Tyler runs into Kelly (Melinda Clarke) and the two of them go outside and, both being a little drunk, start making out. Matt gets out and attacks Tyler. The two of them start fighting and Kelly gets injured after they push her away. Alaric goes outside and breaks them up, seeing something strange in Tyler's face.

In the meantime, John introduces himself to Damon and the two of them have a talk about the history of Mystic Fall's vampire problem since 1864. John seems to know more than Damon thinks since he knows about the vampires that were locked in the tomb and that Damon was the one who opened it few days ago. Damon realizes that John knows he is a vampire and he kills him.

Elena tries to talk to Jeremy and convince him to move on from Vicky. From their conversation, Jeremy suspects that Elena knows something and she hides it from him. He leaves the party and goes home where he starts searching for her journal. He finds it and starts reading.

Back at the party, Stefan smells blood while heading out of the house. He searches around and finds Kelly, who got injured during Tyler and Matt's fight. Stefan goes to her and while she is talking to him, he wipes the blood with his fingers and when Kelly asks him what is he doing, he runs outside to collect himself but his hunger takes over and he licks the blood from his fingers.

Inside, Damon enjoys the party again but he is shocked seeing John across the room alive and well. Mayor Lockwood (Robert Pralgo) invites John to ring the charter bell in honor of the 150th Anniversary. Damon heads to Alaric and whispers to him that John has the same ring as his and wonders if Isobel was also involved with John since she was the one who gave the ring to Alaric.

Damon and Alaric follow John outside while he is heading home to ask him about the ring. John reveals that he knows much more about them and everyone in Mystic Falls than everyone suspects and he will tell everyone if anything happens to him. He says that the ring is a family heirloom and that his brother also had one. He gave one of them to Isobel and Isobel gave it to Alaric. John also tells Damon that he was the one who sent Isobel to him and that he knows about Katherine before he takes off, leaving the two men stunned looking at each other.

Elena comes back home where Jeremy acts like he did not just read her journal. She goes to her room and finds Stefan who came to apologize to her for his earlier behavior. He finally admits to her that he cannot control himself and wants to stay away from her so he will not hurt her, but Elena tells him that she is not scared and she will be there for him.

Stefan returns home to find Damon drinking blood from a glass and really worried after John's revelations. Before Damon tells him anything, he realizes how much Stefan is struggling and he leaves the room, leaving the glass of blood on the table. Stefan takes the glass and drinks the blood.

Six P.M.

In the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a young artillery officer Pavel (Ivan Lyubeznov) receives a package from an orphanage. In a leave, his comrade an he go to the orphanage to see the children who sent it. Pavel meets there a young woman Varia (Marina Ladynina). They fall in love from the first sight. They agree to meet again in Moscow "in 6 p.m. after the War'. Varia joins the army and becomes an anti-aircraft gunner. Varia and Pavel meet again after the War.

Be More (Adventure Time)

While deleting files, BMO accidentally deletes its core system drivers. Finn and Jake decide to accompany BMO to the Mo Factory so that BMO can get the drivers re-installed; BMO cautions Finn and Jake that its memory will be erased, so the trio disguise themselves as FMO and JMO and successfully sneak past DMO (voiced by Aziz Ansari) and infiltrate the facility. Once inside, they find the factory derelict and abandoned. DMO and the security SMOs (voiced by Paul F. Tompkins) soon catch onto Finn, Jake, and BMO's scheme and give chase. The three evade security and sneak into the SMO lounge.

BMO hacks into one of the SMOs and learns the location of the core system driver installation deck. Once again, the SMOs give chase until Finn, Jake, and BMO reach the heart of the facility. There, the three meet Moseph "Moe Mastro Giovanni" (voiced by Chuck McCann), the ancient and benevolent cyborg creator and leader of the MOs. Moe explains BMO's backstory, revealing that BMO was created to take care of and have fun with Moe's son; however, Moe never had children and so he released BMO into the wild to find another family. Moe updates BMO drivers, and introduces it to his "family" of MOs.

Sons of Mars (Adventure Time)

Magic Man (voiced by Tom Kenny) is spotted by his four-headed Martian brother Grob Gob Glob Grod (voiced by Tom Gammill, Miguel Ferrer, Melissa Villaseñor, and Tom Kenny) comes to arrest Magic Man (voiced by Kenny), who are planning on bringing Magic Man back to Mars to face trial for his many crimes. Magic Man soon runs into Finn and Jake, and knocks them both unconscious. He then physically turns himself into Jake, and transforms Jake into him. Grob Gob Glob Grod, not realizing the difference, seizes Jake and rockets off to Mars. Finn, aware of the charade, forces Magic Man to take him to his house in order to find something that can help him save Jake. Magic Man's house, however, is completely derelict, and is a reflection of Magic Man's "sick mind". For instance, plants and animals live wildly in the structure, and a tiny Manticore is kept in a glass jar, apparently for Magic Man's amusement.

Finn discovers a Martian teleporter that was given to Magic Man in the hopes that he would learn love and voluntarily return to his home planet. Finn warps to Mars, and witnesses Jake being put on trial in front of Abraham Lincoln (voiced by Pendleton Ward), the King of Mars. Magic Man is found guilty, and while Jake tries to plead his case, it falls on deaf ears. Lincoln gives Jake two options: he can either be put to death with the Wand of Disbursement, or Lincoln can use the power of the wand to turn him into living star dust. Before Jake can answer, Finn intervenes, accidentally causing the wand to touch Jake, killing him. Lincoln, realizing his mistake, travels to the 37th Dead World and pleads with Death; in exchange for Jake's soul, Lincoln offers up his immortality. Finn and Jake then rocket back to Earth and punch Magic Man in the face. Finn then frees the tiny Manticore.

Triangle (2014 TV series)

Jang Dong-soo, Jang Dong-chul and Jang Dong-woo are three brothers who got separated at a young age after their father died and their mother left them. They meet again twenty years later, but unaware of their blood ties, their ill-fated paths converge on casino territory where they find themselves at odds with each other.

Eldest brother Jang Dong-soo (Lee Beom-soo) followed in the footsteps of his father and became a detective. His greatest hope is to find his two brothers again and for the siblings to finally be reunited. Due to their different approaches to crime solving, Dong-soo clashes with Hwang Shin-hye (Oh Yeon-soo), a profiler who recently returned to Korea after studying overseas. They eventually gain a mutual respect for each other as colleagues, but find themselves in conflict once again when they learn that the gangster they're after is Dong-soo's own brother, Dong-chul.

Middle brother Jang Dong-chul (Kim Jae-joong) grew up as a petty thug on the streets, using his fists and wits to survive until he climbs to the top of a crime syndicate. Now a gang boss, he conceals his real identity and uses the name Heo Young-dal.

Youngest brother Jang Dong-woo (Im Si-wan) was adopted by a rich chaebol family, and now under the name Yoon Yang-ha, is being groomed as the heir to a casino empire. With no memory of his biological family and raised believing that the world revolves around money, Yang-ha is cynical and cold-hearted. Until he meets Oh Jung-hee (Baek Jin-hee), a poor girl supporting her family by working as a casino dealer, who changes the way Yang-ha sees the world. But he has a rival for her heart, Heo Young-dal. After losing a high-stakes game of Texas hold 'em to Young-dal, Yang-ha becomes furious and lands both Young-dal and Dong-soo in jail. Upon release, the two decide to embark on a mission to get revenge on everyone who has wronged them, including Dong-woo's father, Yoon Tae-joon, the CEO of Daejung group and Go Bok-Tae, the gang boss who helped Yang-ha put Young-dal in jail.

Hotel Noir

Los Angeles, 1958: a detective holes up in a downtown hotel awaiting killers to come get him. During the course of one night he will meet various occupants of the hotel and the truth of how he came to be in his present situation will be revealed.

Lord of Tears

James Findlay (Euan Douglas) is an average school teacher that has been estranged from his mother for years and has only returned to her home to settle her estate after her death. This somewhat baffles his friend Allen Milton (Jamie Scott Gordon), as his own father is undergoing a serious illness and is unlikely to recover. James discovers via letters that he stands to inherit two houses from her: one small and average, the other a large mansion that he is urged to never again visit. Confused, James ignores her request and moves into the house in hopes of making sense of everything, as he cannot remember his early childhood but does vaguely remember living at the house during this time. Soon after he arrives he meets the beautiful American, Eve Turner (Lexy Hulme), who lives nearby in a set of renovated stables. He also finds evidence that he had a mental breakdown as a child, brought about by visions of a creature known as the "Owl Man" (David Schofield).

As James stays at the mansion he begins to fall in love with Eve while also discovering that the house sits atop a series of catacombs and that his parents dabbled in pagan magic in order to achieve fortune. He eventually begins to recall more from his past even as the Owl Man's presence begins to grow increasingly ominous, culminating in James discovering that his parents had been worshipping Moloch, who would grant wishes in exchange for a sacrifice. This causes James to regain his lost memories, discovering that Moloch had been manifesting himself as the Owl Man and that he was supposed to be the sacrifice that Moloch demanded. His parents were unwilling to offer James, so they took in an orphaned American girl as a nanny and murdered her in James's stead, claiming that as they had been her guardians, she was a reasonable substitute. James then realizes that this girl was Eve, which has the unfortunate effect of making Eve remember the events as well and turn into a menacing figure intent on driving James insane via a series of attacks. He tries to flee from the house but finds that Moloch will not allow him to leave.

Moloch claims to have no ill will against James; rather his anger is directed at his now deceased parents. He tells James that only finding Eve's bones and putting them to rest will end the haunting and free him. If he does not, Moloch will haunt him forever. James is able to find Eve's bones and puts them to rest in the front yard. Her soul free, Eve leaves the grounds, as a heartbroken James begs her not to go.

James visits his friend Allen and tells his story, horrified that his parents made such a monstrous choice, and states that he would not have done the same. Standing up, James feels woozy. He realizes that Allen has poisoned him and plans to kill him using the ritual sacrifice to appease Moloch. Clearly upset, Allen begs for James to forgive him even as he is killing him, explaining that Moloch came to him and offered to save his father (Neil Cooper) if he completed the sacrifice. The film then cuts to Allen driving his father home from the hospital, with a haunted look on his face. The film ends at back to the mansion, where a light suddenly turns on in the catacombs, and a new skull rests in a ceremonial fashion, hinting that James's ghost has taken the place of Eve's and will remain there until another sacrifice is performed.

What We Did on Our Holiday

Doug McLeod (David Tennant) and his wife Abi (Rosamund Pike) unite following a tense separation to travel to the Scottish Highlands for Doug's father Gordie's (Billy Connolly) 75th birthday. Gordie has terminal cancer so Doug's brother, millionaire Gavin McLeod (Ben Miller) has arranged a lavish party for him, inviting all the important people in the neighbourhood. Despite difficulties getting their three children, Lottie (Emilia Jones), Mickey (Bobby Smalldridge), and Jess (Harriet Turnbull), to leave the house, they hit the road, but find it congested and they are forced to stop overnight.

Lottie expresses her troubles with trusting her parents following their recent separation and lies to each other; it is revealed that Doug had an affair, which led to Abi moving out and taking legal proceedings against him. They are only travelling to the Highlands together to appear as a couple for Gordie, not wanting to upset him in his final months.

On arriving at Gavin's mansion, a tense rivalry becomes apparent between Doug and Gavin. Gordie, despite being extremely ill, is fun-loving and encourages his grandchildren, particularly Lottie, to let go of their troubles and enjoy life. While Gavin, Doug, Abi and Gavin's wife Margaret (Amelia Bullmore) make the final arrangements for the party, Gordie takes the three children to the beach. He reveals that he is descended from Vikings, a fact that Mickey in particular is excited about; he reveals his desire to be buried "the Viking way" by being cremated and sent out to sea. He believes this will stop arguments between Doug and Gavin. Later, while Lottie, Mickey and Jess are playing, Gordie dies peacefully.

Lottie returns to the house to tell the adults, leaving her siblings with Gordie's body. However, when she arrives she sees them all arguing, Abi telling Doug she is seeing someone else and will be moving the children to Newcastle, and Gavin with his family over what Gordie wants for his birthday, Lottie returns to the beach without telling them. Fulfilling Gordie's last wish, the three children create an improvised raft and using petrol from Gordie's pickup, send him out to sea aflame, "Viking" style.

The children return home and tell the adults what has happened. The adults are horrified, and Doug and Gavin head to the beach, where they find Gordie's pick-up truck partially submerged by the high tide; Gavin breaks down in Doug's arms. Abi and Margaret break the news of Gordie's death to the party guests, and word quickly gets out about what the children did. The police arrive to investigate, accompanied by social services worker Agnes Chisholm (Celia Imrie), who interviews the children about their actions, and after speaking with Lottie she contemplates removing them from Doug and Abi's care. The press descends on the house, with Lottie, Jess and Mickey's actions making headlines worldwide.

While using Gavin and Margaret's son Kenneth's (Lewis Davie) computer, Mickey and Jess accidentally stumble upon a video of Gavin's wife Margaret attacking a fellow shopper at a supermarket as a result of depression. Gavin also sees it, having been previously unaware of his wife's issues. After the press paints the children's actions as depraved, Doug and Abi make a statement to the press that what their children did was not malicious, and that they support the children's efforts to honour their grandfather, however misguided it may seem; seeing the support the children receive, Chisholm ends her investigation, leaving the children with their parents.

In the final scene, Gavin and Doug hold a memorial for Gordie at the beach, where the brothers are shown to have buried the hatchet. Abi tells Doug she will not be moving to Newcastle, and the couple decides to divorce civilly, apologising to their children. The film ends with the extended family honouring Gordie on a hill above the beach with some friends, and then the family playfully splashing around at the water's edge on the beach.

Miss Mystic Falls

Stefan (Paul Wesley) continues drinking human blood, but he lies and tells everyone that he stopped. He tells Elena (Nina Dobrev) that the worst of his cravings are over, but when he goes to get his bag from his trunk, it is full of empty blood bags.

Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) reports another theft of blood bags to John (David Anders) and Damon, (Ian Somerhalder) and John proposes that he and Damon team up to investigate. Damon agrees since he does not want John to reveal to everyone about his true nature.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) is back at school after her Gram's death, but she is acting weird. Elena catches up with her outside of class but Bonnie keeps her distance from her while she is more friendly to Caroline (Candice Accola) when she comes to ask her help to choose a dress for the Founder's Ball where she will compete for being Miss Mystic Falls for the year. Elena is also going to participate and she asks Stefan to be her escort who agrees to do it.

Anna (Malese Jow) appears in Damon's doorstep to apologize on behalf of her mother Pearl (Kelly Hu) for what the other vampires did to Stefan. She informs him that after the incident, Pearl asked them to leave and now it is only the two of them and Harper (Sterling Sulieman). Damon believes that Pearl and the other vampires are responsible for the robberies at the hospitals, but Anna tells him that they are not responsible for this. Anna leaves and Damon looks suspicious.

Stefan comes home from school and Damon starts asking him about the human blood. Stefan insists that he is "clean", but Damon does not seem to believe him. Stefan leaves the room and heads to the basement get another blood bag but Damon follows him and catches him grabbing a bag out of a stash of human blood. Stefan says he has it under control, but Damon worries and tells him that stealing so many hospital blood bags draws attention their way plus after so many years of not drinking human blood it will not be easy to control it. Stefan, still in denial, tells him that he is fine.

John uses his excuse of "working with Damon" and shows up at the Salvatore house. He asks Damon to help him find one of Jonathan Gilbert's inventions that was lost in the church fire on 1864. John suspects that Pearl has it since she was the one who Jonathan was flirting with. Damon, who realizes that John has no idea where Katherine is so he will not be able to help him, pulls out of the deal and threatens John that he will kill him and the whole council if he reveals that he is a vampire.

Elena and Stefan attend the rehearsal for the Founder's Ball's dance along with the other contestants. Bonnie and Caroline are also there and Elena asks Bonnie to talk since she sees that Bonnie is avoiding her. Bonnie explains that she feels like her grandmother died for nothing since the spell for sealing the tomb did not work and the vampires escaped. She blames Stefan and Damon for everything but she does not want to make Elena choose between her and the brothers. Stefan overhears the whole conversation.

At the Founder's Ball Anna runs into Damon who takes the opportunity to tell her about John and that he wants something that Pearl must have. Meanwhile, Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) talks with John and tells him that he read Jonathan's journal, something that surprises John but he tells Jeremy that Jonathan was mad. Jeremy sees Anna across the room and excuses himself to go and talk to her. Anna is still mad at him because he wanted her to turn him only to be with Vicky and Jeremy says that she approached him only to save her mother. Anna wonders how he knows and he tells her that he read Elena's journal.

Upstairs, Jenna (Sara Canning) helps Elena to get ready for the Ball while they talk about Elena's mother. Elena goes to change and Damon shows up telling her about Stefan still drinking human blood. Elena looks shocked hearing it when Stefan gets into the room. Damon leaves and Stefan keeps denying that the blood drinking changed him. Mrs. Lockwood (Susan Walters) interrupts their fight and tells Stefan he has to wait for Elena downstairs.

Stefan leaves the room and heads to the bathroom clearly mad that Elena knows. Amber (Spencer Locke), one of the other contestants, gets into the bathroom and sees him.

In the meantime, the girls make their entrance one by one, Mrs. Lockwood notices that Amber is missing and Elena also can't find Stefan while she is coming down the stairs. Damon immediately steps in and escorts Elena to the dance floor and dances with her. They whisper to each other about where Stefan might be and Damon says that they should end with the dance first and then they will look for him.

Stefan, who kidnapped Amber, drags her along the street to his car. Stefan is torn about what he wants to do with her; he wants to feed on her but at the same time he does not want to do it because that is not him and if he does it then there will not be turning back. In the meantime, he has compelled Amber so she won't be afraid of him and when he tells her that he wants to drink her blood, Amber urges him to do it. Stefan bites her not able to resist anymore to his hunger.

Back at the Founder's Ball, Mayor Lockwood (Robert Pralgo) announces the winner of the Miss Mystic Falls who is Caroline. After the announcement Damon, Elena and Bonnie leave to search for Stefan while John finds out that the mother's name of the girl who was with Jeremy is Pearl. That is all he needs to know to understand that she is a vampire from the tomb.

Meanwhile, Stefan has stopped drinking from Amber who, due to his compulsion, tells him that it does not hurt if he wants to drink more. Stefan, then, reverses his compulsion making her afraid of him and asking her to run. Amber runs away but Stefan appears in front of her saying that he changed his mind and bites her again. Amber starts screaming when Damon arrives with Elena and Bonnie, and Stefan releases her. Damon tries to stop him but Stefan throws him away and then Bonnie uses her powers giving Stefan a headache, snapping him out of his bloody rage and he collapses. When Bonnie stops, Stefan gets up and runs away.

Sheriff Forbes arrives to the scene and Elena, Bonnie and Damon hide what really happened. Elena tries to talk to Bonnie but Bonnie makes her decision and tells her that she wants to stay away from her as long as she is not stepping away from the Salvatores. Damon returns home and finds Anna and Pearl waiting for him. Pearls gives him the device she took from Jonathan Gilbert but she does not know what it does. She thought she had gotten the watch that traces vampires but she realized her mistake the night she was caught.

The episode ends with Elena going to Stefan's bedroom. Stefan tells her that she should not be there and that earlier she saw who he really is; a monster. Elena keeps telling him that he is not that person and they fight. In a moment of no control, he pushes her against the wall and Elena looks scared. Stefan apologizes, they embrace and he starts crying. Elena promises him that she will help him and everything will be fine while she injects him with vervain. Stefan collapses and Elena, along with Damon, lock Stefan in the basement to detox. They both sit outside of the cell.

Pitch Perfect 2

In 2015, three years after winning their first championship, the Barden Bellas are now led by senior Beca Mitchell and three-time super senior Chloe Beale. The Bellas have been the ICCA National champions for three consecutive years. However, a national scandal (dubbed "Muffgate") erupts when Patricia "Fat Amy" Hobart accidentally rips her pants in front of U.S. President Barack Obama during his birthday performance at the Kennedy Center, exposing her genitalia due to her lack of underwear. The incident leads to the Bellas' suspension from the ICCAs.

However, they are not stripped of their competitive titles, leading Beca to make a deal that they can be reinstated should they win the A Cappella World Championship. Freshman Emily Junk begins her college career, hoping to follow in the footsteps of her mother, Katherine, by becoming a Bella. At orientation, she watches an A Cappella performance by the Treblemakers, now led by Beca's boyfriend Jesse Swanson. Jesse' best friend, Benjamin "Benji" Applebaum, develops a crush on Emily at first sight. The Bellas learn that Das Sound Machine (DSM), a German powerhouse group, has replaced them on their victory tour and is the favorite to win the Worlds. Additionally, Beca has started an internship at recording studio Residual Heat, something only Jesse knows (and Fat Amy later discovers).

As the Bellas' suspension means they cannot hold auditions, Emily goes directly to their sorority house. She sings her unfinished song "Flashlight," impressing them; they decide she can join, as since she came of her own accord, they technically aren't breaking any rules. The Bellas meet DSM when the latter performs at a car show; the group, led by intimidating duo Pieter Krämer and Kommissar, takes delight in mocking the Bellas. Later, both groups are invited to an exclusive riff-off; also in attendance are the Treblemakers, the Tone Hangers (a group composed of former Treblemakers, including previous leader Bumper Allen, with whom Amy is in a no-strings-attached relationship), and the Green Bay Packers.

The Bellas make it to the final two, but lose to DSM when Emily panics and sings "Flashlight", violating the tradition of singing non-original songs. Bumper surprises Amy with a traditional date and asks her to officially be his girlfriend; she refuses, leaving him devastated. At a practice performance for the Worlds, the Bellas' planned set ends in disaster when their incorporation of pyrotechnics sets Cynthia Rose's hair on fire. In order to rediscover their roots and synchronicity, Chloe takes them to a retreat led by former Bella Aubrey Posen. The truth about Beca's internship comes out, and she starts a heated debate with Chloe over her obsession with the group and accuses the other Bellas of not thinking about their futures. She angrily storms off, only to step into one of the camp's hidden bear traps. In a panic, she apologizes for her harsh words, before being saved by Lilly. Later, the Bellas accept that they must go their separate ways after graduation, and regain harmony by singing "When I'm Gone", the song Beca used to audition for the group.

Amy realizes she regrets ending things with Bumper, and the two reconcile the next day. Meanwhile, Beca's boss at her internship has been unimpressed with everything she has presented to him so far, so Beca offers to help Emily produce "Flashlight" at the studio to demonstrate her true abilities. When they show him the demo, he expresses envy for their talent and says he looks forward to working with them. The senior Bellas graduate, and the group heads to Copenhagen for the World Finals. Before their performance, Emily and Benji share a kiss. The Bellas deliver a stellar stripped-down performance, ending in a harmonized version of "Flashlight" with Aubrey, Katherine, and other past Bellas joining in. They win the championship, repairing their damaged legacy. As the senior Bellas leave Barden, they give Emily a belated initiation ceremony, with Amy demonstrating the last tradition: christening the house by sliding down the staircase.

Unreal (TV series)

Producer Rachel Goldberg returns to ''Everlasting'', a popular dating show, after a breakdown. With a reputation to rebuild and executive producer Quinn King breathing down her neck, Rachel must pull out all the stops in what she does best: manipulating the contestants to create the outrageous drama that viewers expect.

Peeples (film)

The Peeples are an affluent East Coast family celebrating their annual Moby Dick Day reunion at Sag Harbor in the Hamptons. The weekend is interrupted when Wade Walker (Robinson), the fiancé of Grace Peeples (Washington), shows up to propose after being goaded by his brother, Chris (Malcolm Barrett).

Upon arrival, Wade loses his wallet while being chased by the family dog. At the grocery store, he sees Grace's father Virgil (David Allen Grier), a judge, talking to a woman later revealed to be the mayor. He also sees Grace's sister, Gloria (Hawk), with her lover, Meg (Lewis-Davis), who is not known to the family. Wade learns more about Grace, including about her ex-boyfriends, breast implants, and mother. Grace's mother, Daphne (S. Epatha Merkerson), is a former singer and recovering alcoholic. Wade attempts to propose at dinner, asking everyone to say what they love about the people in their lives. This ends abruptly when Virgil says he had to pay for Wade at the store.

Wade goes to see Virgil play at a club but discovers he is not there. In the park near the beach, Wade encounters a group of nudists, which includes Virgil. At the guest house, Wade confronts Grace about her implants, and she is honest. They play "naughty school girl". Virgil peeks through the window and runs off in disgust.

Wade discovers that Grace's musician brother, Simon (Tyler James Williams), is also a thief. While playing through the Peeples's house, Wade finds Daphne's headpiece from her days as a performer and begins to sing while wearing it. He is caught by Virgil. Chris shows up unexpectedly to "help" Wade propose. Because of Chris's borrowed Gamma Phi sweater, Virgil thinks they are fraternity brothers and invites him to stay.

At Nana Peeples's (Diahann Carroll) house, Wade gets Daphne to sing, while Virgil watches in disgust. Chris makes advances towards Gloria, angering Meg. Back home, Daphne discovers her expensive earrings have been stolen. Virgil believes Wade is the thief. Wade and Chris are at the bar, where they see Simon talking to an uninterested woman. They follow him into the bathroom and pretend to be thugs, but then tell him to return his mother's earrings and stop stealing. Chris returns to the guest house to find Gloria, while Wade finds Virgil in a sweat tent and tries to bear it for Grace's hand in marriage. Wade ends up burning the tent down.

At the Moby Dick Day celebration, Grace tells Wade he looks terrible and offers him a drink from a thermos with a mushroom drawn on it. The mayor confronts Wade. While Virgil is giving a rendition of Captain Ahab, Wade hallucinates that Virgil is talking to him and charges at him with a harpoon. Wade is knocked unconscious.

Wade wakes up and is insulted by Virgil. Wade wants to head back to New York with Grace and Chris, but Grace wants to stay with her family. Wade and Chris leave. After the brothers depart, Virgil admits he has been swimming with the Humpback Whale non-sexually, Gloria and Meg tell everyone about their relationship, Simon admits to his stealing, and Daphne admits she put mushrooms in her drinks. The dog returns Wade's wallet, and Simon takes Wade's engagement ring out of his pocket.

Grace falls into her mother's arms, realizing Wade was telling the truth. She returns to New York a few days later, without being able to contact Wade. She sees his schedule book and meets him at a kids' museum. Grace apologizes and proposes to Wade. He proposes to her in return. Virgil arrives to accept Wade into the family, and the entire family joins Wade on stage to perform for the children.

Gramps Is in the Resistance

The plot is set in France during the Second World War. Héléna Bourdelle, a.k.a. "La Bourdelle", is a world-renowned opera singer and the wife of maestro André Bourdelle. They live in a luxurious hôtel particulier in Paris, with their three grown-up children, Bernadette, Colette and Guy-Hubert, and André's father, known as "Gramps". Following the defeat, André becomes a leader of the Resistance but he is killed by the accidental explosion of a grenade. Two years later, the family's mansion is requisitioned by German forces to accommodate the General Spontz, transferred from Russia to Paris. The Germans brutally take over the whole house and leave the family occupying the cellar, and complaining to the Kommandantur about the excesses of Spontz and his men. While in the Kommandantur, Madame Bourdelle, her daughter Bernadette and Michel Taupin, a tenant in the family house, help by chance the escape an English airman, and are then forced to hide him in their cellar.

Michel Taupin woos without success Bernadette, after initially having views on Colette. His insistent desire to join the Resistance leads to many adventures. Imprisoned after the episode at the Kommandantur, he meets a resistant, Felix, who confides in him, thinking he is about to be shot by the Germans. When they are freed by an elusive vigilante known as "Super-Resistant", Felix finds himself unable to get rid of Michel.

The family is also persecuted by Adolfo Ramirez, the former Paris Opera caretaker and a fierce collaborationist who has become a Gestapo agent. Ramirez seeks to take revenge on the Bourdelles but they are protected by General Spontz, who is an admirer of Héléna Bourdelle and who has a soft spot for Bernadette. Ramirez finally discovers that Guy-Hubert, son of the family, a seemingly cowardly and effeminate hairdresser, is actually "Super-Resistant" and the boss of Felix, but Spontz does not believe him.

Although she had vowed not to sing while there were Germans in France, Madame Bourdelle is forced by General Spontz to attend a reception in honour of Hitler's half-brother, Marshal Ludwig von Apfelstrudel, held in a castle near Paris. With the help of Michel Taupin, the Resistance plans to detonate a bomb in the dining room. The operation fails and the Bourdelles and Taupin are about to be arrested but they are saved by Super-Resistant, who captures von Apfelstrudel and all the German generals, with the help of his men and of Gramps.

The story seems to end, but proves to be a "film within the film," and gives way to a contemporary television debate, designed to address the period of occupation, and to report on the reality of the depicted events in the film. The show brings together Bernadette Bourdelle and General Spontz (now happily married), Guy-Hubert, Adolfo Ramirez Jr. (son of Ramirez, who came from Bolivia to defend his father's memory), and Michel Taupin (now Cabinet Minister of Veterans Affairs). Soon, the discussion turns to disaster: Ramirez Jr. insults and defames the other protagonists of the story, who start to beat him up on the TV set, forcing the host to cut the transmission.

Hector and the Search for Happiness (film)

Hector is a quirky psychiatrist who has become increasingly tired of his humdrum life. He tells his girlfriend, Clara, that he needs to go on a journey to research happiness. On a flight to China, he is seated next to Edward, a cranky businessman. Edward takes Hector to a very exclusive nightclub in Shanghai, where Hector meets a young woman named Ying Li and instantly falls for her.

He asks to meet Ying Li's family. She declines, ashamed of how she makes her living. Their date is interrupted by her pimp, who takes Ying Li away by force. Hector then ventures into the mountains and visits a monastery, where he befriends their leader and talks briefly with Clara via Skype.

Hector departs on a terrifying plane ride to Africa, where a woman invites him to her family's house for sweet potato stew, and gives him a book about happiness written by one Professor Coreman. Hector meets up with his old friend Michael, a physician, with his bodyguard Marcel, and later meets a quick-tempered drug lord named Diego Baresco, who doesn't believe in happiness because his wife is unhappy due to her medication. After inquiring about these medications, Hector draws up a new list of drugs for her to take, using a pen loaned to him by Baresco.

Hector discovers that Marcel is Michael's lover, and they are happy. He Skypes again with Clara, who is going out in a fancy gown and seems uninterested in talking to him. He visits the local woman whom he befriended on the plane and her family for dinner. On the way home, his vehicle is carjacked and Hector is kidnapped and locked in a rat-infested cell. When the kidnappers decide to kill him, Hector claims to be friends with Diego to save himself, but cannot prove it. With a gun pointed at his head, Hector asks if he can make one final note in his book about what brings his captors happiness. When his captors give Hector the pen that fell from his book, Hector discovers that Baresco engraved his name onto the pen, thus proving his connection to the drug lord. Upon his release, Hector makes his way back to the village where he celebrates with the locals.

While flying to Los Angeles, Hector attends to a woman with a brain tumor. Hector then goes to the beach in Santa Monica and encounters Agnes, an old girlfriend, who is now happily married with children. Hector calls Clara and they break up in an argument.

Agnes and Hector meet with Professor Coreman, who is studying the effects of happiness on the brain. During a lecture, Coreman points out that people shouldn't be concerned with the pursuit of happiness, but with the happiness of pursuit. Agnes and Hector check out a project Coreman has been working on, which monitors brain activity in real time and how it reacts to different emotions.

Agnes is instructed to go into an isolated room and think about three things: times when she was happy, sad and scared. Through his brain-scanning technology, Coreman is able to tell in which order she thought about the three emotions. When Hector takes his turn, he thinks about Clara marrying someone else, about his time being kidnapped, and about Ying Li, but his emotions are strangely blocked. He receives a call from remorseful Clara, who tells him she wants to be a mother. Hector explains what he's learned, that the most unhappy thing he could imagine would be to lose her. Suddenly Hector's brain scan erupts with a flurry of activity, mimicking the colored flags from the monastery and revealing that true happiness isn't just one emotion; it's all of them. Having finally achieved his own happiness, Hector rushes home and marries Clara.

Little England (film)

The action takes place on the island of Andros, where Orsa, 20 years old, and her younger sister, Moscha, live. Orsa is deeply in love with Spyros Matabes, a lieutenant, but she has never revealed her secret to anybody. On the other hand, Moscha dreams of leaving Andros and escaping women's fate of marrying sailors, who are usually away from their families. Their mother, Mina, who is married to a captain, considers love to be a trouble and, overriding their emotions, wants her daughters to make wealthy marriages. As a result, Orsa marries captain Nikos Vatokouzis, and Moscha to Spyros Matabes, a captain now with whom her sister is in love. The two women live in the family's duplex home and the forbidden love will harm their lives.

Lost Girl (season 2)

Bo faces personal challenges with Dyson after she found out in Blood Lines that he had lied to her about knowing who her birth mother was and that he had been Trick's undercover agent, then later about his lost feelings of passion for her; and with Lauren when their relationship becomes complicated after The Morrigan informed Bo in "It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away" that Lauren had a girlfriend. At the same time that she is coping with these turmoils, a villainous and evil ancient enemy of the Fae, the Garuda, is awakened and reappears with the intent to destroy the truce between Light and Dark Fae, and reignite the Great War between them. The new Ash, Lachlan, recruits Bo to be his champion in the battle against the Garuda and she agrees on the condition that he regard her as a partner, not as his servant. Bo learns in Into the Dark that she is not only Trick's maternal granddaughter, but deduces that she has inherited some of his Blood Sage powers: if her blood comes into contact with someone's open wound, it can enslave and bind the recipient to her will (the same power that her mother, Aife, used to create male slaves). She uses her blood power to unite her team in the final battle against the Garuda.

Nearest and Dearest (film)

On their father's death, Eli and Nellie Pledge inherit a pickle factory in Colne, in the north of England. The warring siblings struggle to keep the decrepit "Pledge's Purer Pickles" afloat, hampered by severe lack of funds, zero business acumen and by having inherited a workforce that is a decade beyond retirement age. While Nellie works hard to keep the business going, Eli prefers to indulge in the delights of beer, cigarettes, gambling and women. The annual Summer holiday is soon upon them and the entire factory is closed down. Nellie takes Eli to a Blackpool boarding house run by landlady Mrs. Rowbottom, whose eyes light upon bachelor Eli. Eli though, only has eyes for the younger Freda. Eli's attempts to further his financial ambitions by marrying off Nellie to a colleague in the pickling business are challenged when Vernon Smallpiece is snatched from the altar by bailiffs for non-payment of his debts.

Forgotten Melody for a Flute

It tells the story of a former musician who must make a hard choice between freedom with his mistress and a comfortable life with his wife. Previously, he was a student of a conservatory and a good flute player and now is the husband of an important man's daughter. Himself he is the head of one of the units of the Main Directorate. One day Leonid Semenovich Filimonov feels a physical discomfort; his heart aches, and he is not even forty years old. This unpleasant incident provides an opportunity to get acquainted with Lida – a young nurse from the departmental clinic which becomes a start of a whirlwind romance.

Vaniusha The Newcomer

The Cold Russian Winter.
Vaniusha with His Friends make The Snow Sculpture. The winter ends. The Spring begins. The Snow Sculpture can melt. Vaniusha and His Friends decide to save The Snow Sculpture. They go in The Deep Space. They leave The Sculpture in The World, where The Sun was extinguished, and always cold.

This film has elements of folk tales and science fiction genres.

Metro (2013 film)

In Moscow Metro, in the tunnel's station Park Kultury, built in 1935, is starting to fail. One tunnel night crawler, Sergeitch (Sergey Sosnowski), sees a leak in the tunnel where it runs under the Moscow River and informs the assistant station master (Michael Fateev), who mocks the old man for worrying about it, saying it's only groundwater. Meanwhile, Irina Garina (Svetlana Hodchenkova) is torn between her lover, businessman Vlad Konstantinov (Anatoly Bely), and her husband, surgeon Andrei Garin (Sergei Puskepalis). Konstantinov tries to persuade Irina to divorce Andrei. Arriving from a trip abroad, Irina spends the night with Konstantinov rather than going home. Andrei has to take their daughter Ksenya (Anfisa Wistinghausen) to school but by chance, they take the "Garden" metro station. Simultaneously, Konstantinov arrives, hurrying to work and forced to park his car because of traffic jams. Meanwhile, Sergeitch, drinking with casual acquaintance Galina (Elena Panova) next to the "Garden", recalls that the water leaking into the tunnel smelled of slime, which means that it cannot be groundwater. They are detained by the police for drinking alcohol in a public place but Galina manages to escape, and flees into the subway. In custody Sergeitch asks for a phone to tell the dispatcher everything, but the police turn a deaf ear to his pleas.

In the tunnel the water breaches the ceiling. The driver of the train (Konstantin Ovseannicov) that by coincidence contains Garin, Konstantinov and Galina activates the emergency brake. The train derails and crashes into the water and rubble. Some of the passengers are killed. Konstantinov, instead of going along the rails, climbs onto the roof of the car. Crawling along, he sees Garin, who is trying to find Ksjushu in a pile of bodies, and helps Garin. Garin is going to follow the others but Konstantinov stops him, pointing out that the contact rail is still electrified. The water rises, a short circuit occurs, and all who did not escape the flooded area of the tunnel die from shock. Garin, Konstantinov and Galina, courier Michael (Stanislav Duzhkinov) and a couple, Denis (Alex Bardukov) and Alisa (Katerina Shpitsa), finally can seek to escape. All except Michael hurriedly make their way into a passage leading to a maintenance shaft. Michael, being very frightened, refuses to enter the passage and dies when the car rolls over.

From the passage the protagonists fall into a small bunker, built during the construction of underground. Above it, the vertical maintenance shaft ends in a sewer grate. However, they cannot reach the grate, which is too high, nor can they use their mobile phones underground. The water level in the tunnel and in the well begins to rise rapidly. Tension between Konstantinov and Garin rises, as the latter cannot understand why Konstantinov feels an interest in his daughter. When the water level raises them to the level of the grate, Garin and Konstantinov manage to phone Irina but only have time to tell her that they are in the bunker. They try to attract attention through the bars, but to no avail. Irina is hysterically trying to inform the rescue team that people are in the bunker. But at this time the pressure of the water rips off the train head and the water level in the shaft falls sharply, pulling the characters back into the tunnel. The rescuers descend into the bunker, but seeing the wet walls, assume that all who were there most likely drowned.

The protagonists get to the ghost station "Borodino" (close to the "Garden") and climb onto the platform to rest. Garin makes some indirect hints to Konstantinov that show that he realizes that Konstantinov and Irina are lovers. Konstantinov and Garin fight and Konstantinov nearly drowns in the water.

In the tunnel where the train is stuck the overhead arch collapses and waters fill the tunnel. The leaders of the rescue operation manage to shut off the water. The protagonists get to the bunker and finally get out through the bars on the street. Alisa and Dennis together leave the hospital. Garin and Irina tensely meet in a scene where Garin silently deflects all her pleas. The film ends with a scene where Konstantinov is driving around in different directions following the ambulance containing Garin.

Broken (2013 film)

The film starts with Samuel Gabriel (Iyke Adiele) falling into the trap of Police-men while trying to sell hard drugs. He tried escaping but was ambushed by several of them. His interrogation at the police station was aborted when the interrogating officer was being blackmailed by his guardian for violating his fundamental human rights some years ago as a minor, After his release he was informed that his sister Emmanuella (Tehilia Adiele) was alive but with a mental condition and asthma. He visited her at the asylum and after much persuasion and assurance he was eventually allowed to take her home.

Mariam (Nse Ikpe Etim) & Morris Idoko (Bimbo Manuel) are not home and two of their children Cassia and Pamela (Shalom Sharon Bada & Maksat Anpe) are alone with the housemaid (Mary Chukwu). After a brief knock on the day and a prompt response from Anna, Gabriel suddenly entered the house with Emmanuella on his hands, and hurriedly tries to remedy her asthma attack.

Morris got them arrested for intriguing his home on his arrival to the disapproval of his wife. She later revealed to him that Gabriel and Emmanuella were actually her kids from a previous marriage, he however angrily ignored her and slept off. The eccentric nature & emotional pain suffered by Gabriel and Emmanuella created several incidents that made Anna and Pamela to become uncomfortable in the house. These made Morris to prompt his wife to sort out her issues and not allow it affect their matrimonial home.

Mariam told her husband and children that she is the biological mother of Emmanuella and Samuel. To her surprise, Morris confessed to being the biological father of the housemaid Anna (Mary Chukwu), Miriam spoke to Anna about her knowledge and feelings on her dad's rejection and how she was able to create a cordial relationship with her lost kids, she replied that love is what all families needed. Anna passionately reconciled with Morris then advised Mariam to make peace with all her children. Miriam narrates her ordeal from her previous marriage to Emmanuella and Samuel, they were shocked when she mentioned they had a brother. On visiting the orphanage Samuel discovered that his brother has been sold and is in prison. Mariam visits Gabriel Ortega (Kalu Ikeagwu) after 16 years and informs him that his children are residing in her home. Samuel eventually met his brother Eric (Chuks Chyke) in prison where he explained what led to his death sentence.

The Fake (2013 film)

With their municipality scheduled to be flooded to make way for the construction of a new dam, the devout denizens of a rural village have placed their faith in Choi Gyeong-seok, a church elder who promises to relocate the flock. Choi tells the villagers they will build a church and a new housing development where they will all be able to live together after the town is completely submerged. He also says that only 144,000 people can go to heaven, and that church offerings are mandatory if one wants to "secure their spot." Even the town's much-revered Reverend Sung, a young and good-looking minister who seemingly has the ability to heal the sick, approves of Choi's plans. Behind his guise of devotion, however, Choi is a practiced con man posing as a representative of a fake religion; his true aim is to defraud the villagers of their resettlement compensation. The only obstacle to the scheme is Kim Min-chul, a skeptical outcast who accidentally discovers evidence of Choi's past misdeeds and suddenly finds himself becoming the center of resistance against the church institution.

But Min-chul himself is hardly a saint. One of the village's most vile and untrustworthy characters, Min-chul is a low-life neighborhood thug who gambles and drinks too much. He regularly beats his wife and daughter Young-sun, a young factory worker who's been saving up for her lifelong dream of going to college in Seoul.

No one in the village believes Min-chul and his attempts to expose Choi to the authorities fall on deaf ears. But after Young-sun is forced into prostitution by Choi, Min-chul becomes obsessed with revenge and makes a fateful decision to take matters into his own hands.

We Are Incredible

The novel consists of three parts, each named after a character. The first two parts are from the viewpoint of a follower of Linden, who remains in the background. In the third part, Linden becomes central.

Stephen Mitchell

Mitchell is a boarder at the Fry house, consisting of Rex and Myrtle, their young children, Gloria and Deva, and Myrtle's unmarried sister, Dora Weck, who has been something of a financial burden on the Frys since the death of Mrs. Weck. Mitchell barely eats, and stays out late, to Myrtle's annoyance. In general, Myrtle finds fault with everything, and the others try to ignore her.

Mitchell is a former follower of Linden (from ten years previously), and Weck is a current follower.

Weck has just gotten engaged to Joe Teeter, who has been sweet on her since high school. Myrtle approves, since he works at his family's creamery and does well. A celebration of sorts follows, with Weck uninterested at first.

Mitchell, Weck, and Mark Johns, another former follower of Linden, pay a visit to Amy Hemingway, also a former follower who has returned from living in Paris. Mitchell and Weck head back to the Frys' along a route that will pass by Linden's house. When Weck questions the choice of route, Mitchell finds himself succumbing to thoughts of Linden, and he lies down in the wet grass.

Dora Weck

Weck sleeps in, and meditates on how she actually desires Mitchell, not Teeter. Teeter comes over, but Weck says she's busy. Mitchell tries to convince Weck to give up on Linden. Myrtle is encouraging Weck to set a date for her wedding.

Weck and Mitchell go on a picnic together. A kiss is broken up by mosquitoes, flies, and gnats. They flee. Weck tells Mitchell that she loves him. He says there is no such thing.

While babysitting the Fry children together, Mitchell tells Weck his only interest in her is to liberate her from Linden. Myrtle comes home early, highly upset because she has all but proven that Rex is having an affair with his stenographer. Rex sleeps downstairs that night.

That evening, Teeter and Weck are together. Teeter has made arrangements to have a house ready for the two, but he alternates between worshipping Weck and wondering whether she really has any interest in him at all. Upon returning home, Weck tries to sleep, but can't, and hears the arguments when Rex comes home.

Next morning Deva is sick. Weck proves almost useless at being helpful, unable to remember how to make coffee even. Mitchell again tries to interest Weck in deprogramming. Teeter again comes by in the morning, this time with news that his parents will give them a new Buick as a wedding present, and that their marriage license will be ready in five days, to appear in that evening's newspaper.

Weck and Mitchell talk again. Mitchell gets Weck to promise to never return to Linden's, and Weck admits that she will never marry Teeter. Their conversation is interrupted by screaming from upstairs: Deva has died.

The next morning, during the planning of the funeral, there is a phone call for Weck. It is from Linden, and Weck leaves to talk to her in person.

Hester Linden

Linden wants Weck to repudiate her upcoming marriage to Teeter. Weck is uncertain. Linden berates her maid Agda for wearing glasses, and takes them away. Linden delivers a short feminist speech in the context of a woman running for mayor of their town.

Mitchell shows up, but Linden can hardly remember him. She is suspicious that he and Weck may be interested in each other. They talk, with Mitchell accusing Linden of destroying her followers, and Linden defending her philosophy. Their confrontation ends with Linden letting Weck and Mitchell leave.

The next morning the two are found dead in Linden's garden, "forever young, now forever beautiful."

Yella (film)

Following a separation from her husband, Yella Fichte (Nina Hoss) plans to leave Wittenberge for a new accountancy job in Hanover. Her husband, Ben (Hinnerk Schönemann), insists on giving her a ride to the train station. She reluctantly agrees. When she refuses to return to him, he becomes abusive and won't let her out of the car. He drives through a bridge siding into a river. They both escape the crash, but Yella leaves him unconscious on the shoreline and catches her train.

On her arrival, she is approached by Philipp (Devid Striesow), a businessman, about becoming his assistant. She doesn't give him a firm answer. The next day, she discovers that the man who hired her no longer works for the company. The man convinces her to steal a portfolio from the office for him but rewards her by making a crude pass that she rebuffs.

She plans to return to Wittenberge the next day and falls asleep with her door open. Philipp walks in, awakens her and renews his offer. She accepts. He involves her in a series of unethical moneymaking schemes using evidence of malfeasance to scam money out of competitors. Philipp tests her loyalty by asking her to make various deposits totaling €75,000, but actually gives her €100,000. She plans to keep the difference to bribe Ben to stay away, but Philipp catches her. She explains her situation and he forgives her.

On separate occasions, Ben attempts to kidnap her and tries to bargain with her to return to him. Instead, his abusive gestures drive her into Philipp's arms. Philipp loses his job due to his unethical practices. He tells Yella that their scams were intended to raise money to begin a new enterprise, but he's short €200,000. Yella blackmails one of his previous victims for the additional funds. As they wait for the man to deliver the money to them, Yella has a strange vision of him. When he doesn't arrive as expected, she is compelled to look for him.

At the man's home, his wife helps Yella. They find him face down in a backyard pond. Philipp arrives and helps pull the body out of the water while Yella leaves. As she's crying in the back of a taxi, Yella suddenly finds herself back in Ben's car, going off the bridge.

Wittenberge police pull Ben's car from the water and find Yella and Ben's bodies inside.

The Golem and the Jinni

In the Polish town of Konin at the end of the 19th century, a corrupt kabbalist named Yehudah Schaalman creates a golem in the shape of a woman at the request of young Otto Rotfeld, who seeks a submissive, attentive, and curious wife. Rotfeld dies during a subsequent sea voyage to New York City, leaving the newly awakened golem in an unfamiliar environment. A rabbi in New York takes in the golem and, naming her Chava, starts teaching her to pass as human among the diverse groups of people living in New York. Meanwhile, a tinsmith in New York's Little Syria accidentally frees a jinni from a flask in which he has been imprisoned for a millennium. With no memory of how he was subdued, the jinni is virtually powerless and trapped in human form. He takes the name Ahmad and apprentices with the tinsmith while searching for a way to return to his natural form.

Chava and Ahmad eventually meet, recognizing each other as inhuman, and become friends, though they have different views on being inhuman while living in a human world. Chava seeks to be more human and fears losing control and exposing herself, whereas Ahmad holds a jaded view towards social restraints and engages in hedonistic pursuits. Chava and Ahmad's influence on the lives of the people around them comes to a climax as Chava's creator comes to New York, intent on finding the secret to eternal life. He is discovered to be a reincarnation of the evil sorcerer who trapped Ahmad.

Vaniusha and The Space Pirate

The Alien Prince arrives on Earth, He asks for help Vanyusha. The Space Pirate kidnapped The Alien Princess. Vanyusha with His friends help The Alien Prince and save The Princess.

In The Plot of This Film are mixed The Elements of The Folk Tales and The Science Fiction Stories.

Hero: The Superstar

Hira (Shakib Khan) is a software engineer by profession and very candid at heart. He is smitten by Priya (Apu Biswas) and he falls in love with her. Salma Khan (Nothun), Priya's sister and a local rowdy, comes to learn about Hira, and wishes to kill him.

Salma Khan puts her men on Hira's trail and arrives at a place where they plan to kill him, but things don't go as planned. Salma Khan witnesses the killing of a senior police official by Hira, only to return home in complete shock and fear. Puzzled at the sight of the murder, Salma Khan sends her entourage to investigate about Hira.

Meanwhile, a CID officer (Shiba Shanu) comes barging into Salma Khan's residence and takes her into custody, where she is told that Hira is wanted for the murder of several rowdies much to the astonishment of everybody. Who is Hira and what prompted him to kill? This forms the rest of the story.

Good Gracious, Annabelle

As described in film magazines, Annabelle Leigh (Burke) lives extravagantly on a quarterly allowance that she spends monthly, until she is tricked out of two shares of a mining stock by crude, western miner John Rawson (Rawlinson), who compelled her to marry him after the death of her father in a squabble over the stock. The marriage is little more than form and rather than keeping her in a lonesome cabin where she cries perpetually, her magnanimous husband sets her free to go to New York City where she lives in an extravagant style. During a struggle for possession of her stock certificates with financier George Wimbledon (Kent), she takes a violent fancy towards a mysterious millionaire whom she meets during a party at Kent's Long Island estate. She tells him that she is resorting to all of the tricks she plays simply to save her husband, whose interests are threatened. The mysterious millionaire turns out to be that husband, who has shaved off his beard and wins her this time through love.

Dumb Starbucks

Elias Zacklin is the owner of The Helio Cafe, a small coffee shop in Los Feliz, Los Angeles, that lacks customers. Fielder meets with Zacklin to discuss how he can compete with bigger coffee chains. His idea is that parody law permits fair use of a company's logos and branding, which should attract their customers. He suggests they change Helio's name to a parody of Starbucks named "Dumb Starbucks". Fielder meets with lawyer Peter J. Marx, who informs him that the legality is not yet sound because individuals could confuse Dumb Starbucks for the famous corporation, unless Fielder has established himself as a parody artist. In a twist, Fielder reveals he has fooled Marx into signing a release form that holds him responsible for any legal damages the stunt may create. Marx refuses to give Fielder the contract back, but Fielder confirms they have video footage of him signing the contract, which will hold up in court. Zacklin and Fielder begin writing parodies of popular songs to perform at an open mic night. Fielder also opens an art gallery containing pieces of visual art mocking popular culture, continuing his quest to become a parody artist.

When tensions with Zacklin arise, he decides to pursue Dumb Starbucks on his own, kicking Zacklin off the project. Renting a vacant retail space in nearby Los Feliz, they begin to construct the shop over the course of a week. Fielder posts a Craigslist ad seeking baristas with Starbucks experience, and hires two applicants. Dumb Starbucks opens to little fanfare, leading Fielder to promote the store in the parking lot of a local Starbucks. The next day, the location becomes a phenomenon, attracting dozens of visitors and international media coverage. Fielder announces plans to open a second location in Brooklyn, New York, but the store is shut down by the health department. To help him navigate the fiasco, he returns to Zacklin for help, who refuses. Fielder realizes that he has put himself above who he intends to help, and has become what he despises most. Attempting to right his wrongs, he posts a sign on the door of the now-empty former Dumb Starbucks, suggesting visitors instead visit The Helio Cafe.

Ikaw Lamang


Eduardo Hidalgo (Tirso Cruz III), a wealthy landowner based in Salvacion, Negros Island, has a relationship with one of the workers in his plantation, Elena Severino (Cherry Pie Picache). However, when Maximo Salazar (Ronaldo Valdez), the butler in the hacienda of the Hidalgos, learns that Elena is pregnant, he manipulates a robbery in which Elena is unjustly implicated, causing her to be imprisoned only to be released on the condition that she leaves Salvacion. Eduardo marries Maximo's daughter Miranda (Cherie Gil), unaware that Elena is pregnant with her son with him. Elena and Miranda give birth to their respective children named Samuel and Franco, with the latter not being Eduardo's biological son but that of a beauty contest judge. Luis (William Lorenzo) assumes the role of a father to Samuel but dies later on. With a heavy heart, however, Elena and her family are forced to return to Salvacion in the years that follow.


In the era of the sugar industry boom in the small town of Salvacion, two children from opposite sides of society will meet: the young Samuel Severino (Zaijian Jaranilla) and Isabelle Miravelez (Alyanna Angeles). Samuel is the son of sugarcane plantation worker Elena, while Isabelle is the daughter of wealthy couple Gonzalo (John Estrada) and Rebecca Miravelez (Angel Aquino). Through Isabelle, Samuel meets Franco Hidalgo (Louise Abuel), the son of wealthy landowners Miranda and Eduardo. A natural-born farmer, Samuel teaches Franco how to plant sugar cane and in return, Franco teaches Samuel how to read.

One night, a wild fire strikes the sugar cane field. Amidst the tragedy, Samuel is able to save Isabelle. However, with the influence of his grandfather Maximo, Franco claims he was the one who saved Isabelle. Relentless in their pursuit to know the truth as to who was behind the fire, Gonzalo and his right-hand man Pacquito (Ronnie Lazaro) was able to pinpoint a farmer as the culprit. To prove that the farmer was innocent, Samuel reveals that he was there when the fire happened and told everyone that he was the one who saved Isabelle. This ignites a rivalry between Samuel and Franco.


After studying in London, Isabelle (Kim Chiu) and Franco (Jake Cuenca) return to Salvacion. Meanwhile, Mona Roque (Julia Montes), the loyal friend and secret admirer of Samuel (Coco Martin), also returns to Salvacion from Manila where she studied. Samuel, on the other hand, continues his fight for the injustices against the workers. In the midst of this social turmoil, love develops between Samuel and Isabelle, to the consternation of Franco and Mona.

A planned elopement and wedding between Samuel and Isabelle is foiled by Gonzalo and Maximo, in favor of Franco. Samuel is abducted, electrocuted and buried alive, but a priest saves him. Isabelle ends up marrying Franco. Mona seduces a drunk, heartbroken Samuel; their one night stand eventually results in their marriage and the birth of their son named Gabriel, while Isabelle and Franco are blessed with a daughter named Natalia Isabelle.

Things get worse when Eduardo reveals that he is the biological father of Samuel. In addition, Rebecca divulges Franco's real identity. Maximo accidentally kills Miranda during a gunfight between him and Gonzalo, and is subsequently imprisoned as a result.

Franco suffers an accident but despite recovering, he pretends to be crippled in order to gain the sympathy of others, especially Isabelle. Isabelle becomes pregnant with Franco's second child but Franco believes that this child is Samuel's. Franco is able to make Mona and the townspeople believe in a lie, causing a jealous Mona to flee Salvacion with Gabriel despite not having the permission of her family. Samuel catches up with them and joins them along with Lupe and Calixto to Manila. While in Manila, Samuel and Mona enter university while fulfilling their duties as Gabriel's parents at the same time.

Franco decides to run as Mayor of Salvacion, while Eduardo seeks another term as governor. They both emerge victorious.


The plantation workers hold massive protests against Franco, who was then the corrupt mayor of their town. Samuel is implicated in their so-called rebellion and is arrested and tortured, only to be released as Eduardo leads a hunger strike. Eduardo, who had remarried to Elena, supports their son's gubernatorial bid against Franco, who is backed by Maximo. During the election, Mona is killed in an ambush ordered by Maximo, who also helps Franco cheat his way to victory. Gonzalo anonymously divulges Maximo's dishonest acts, but is caught, captured, and beaten by the latter and his men.

Gonzalo manages to escape Maximo's men, and files cases against the old man. Maximo is captured and detained following a police operation. He had aimed his gun at Samuel but Eduardo was hit by the bullets and dies later that night. Maximo attempts to escape jail by bribing the police chief and faking his death, but his attempt becomes unsuccessful as Gonzalo and Pacquito intercept his hearse. Gonzalo opens Maximo's coffin and buries Maximo alive along with his gold bars and venomous snakes even as the latter pleads for his life and offers to pay him.

Before the protests and elections, Maximo is released as a result of a presidential pardon, and vows to bring down his rivals. He orders the burning of the Miravelez mansion. As a result, Isabelle prematurely gives birth to Andrea. However, Franco believes the child is Isabelle's illegitimate child with Samuel. Franco abuses Isabelle and uses his children to keep her from leaving.

To save Isabelle from Franco's battering, Samuel plans to flee to Manila with Natalia and Andrea.

Franco learns of the plan and manages to get Natalia from Isabelle. On the night of their elopement, Franco plants a bomb on the ship where Samuel, Isabelle, and their families and friends are taking going to Manila. The bomb explodes. Samuel, Isabelle, Gabriel, and Andrea find themselves losing their beloved ones and separated by fate. Gonzalo told Gabriel that he is the only one will end Franco's evilness for which he kept before looking for his father.

In the aftermath of the explosion, a dying Elena gives Andrea to Roger (Neil Coleta) and Esther Sanggalang (Marlann Flores) who then raise her; not knowing the real identity of the little girl, they name her Jacqueline after their deceased daughter. Elena, her parents Damian and Trinidad Severino, Gonzalo and Rebecca all perished in the ship explosion, and Gabriel is left to the care of Mona's sister Lupe Roque (Meryll Soriano) and her friend (and future husband) Calixto de la Cruz (Lester Llansang). Days later, an old lady finds Isabelle and takes care of her, while Samuel confronts Franco and is unjustly imprisoned for 20 years.


Lupe (Rio Locsin) and Calixto (Nonie Buencamino) moved to Manila along with Gabriel (Yogo Singh) and their newborn daughter Darlene, after learning that Franco had engaged in land grabbing of Samuel's properties. Gabriel grows to become a quarrelsome boy, planting the seeds of his revenge against Franco.


Franco (Christopher de Leon) walks away with impunity, having been elected as senator and interested in the presidency. Gabriel (Coco Martin) begins his revenge against him by sabotaging Natalia's (KC Concepcion) wedding to James (Bryan Santos) as he produces photos showing the latter flirting with another woman.

A kind-hearted jail warden named Roman (Dennis Padilla) helps Samuel (Joel Torre) escape from jail. Samuel eventually locates Calixto, Lupe, and Gabriel. In order to begin life anew and help Gabriel exact revenge against Franco, Samuel and Calixto briefly return to Salvacion to dig and sell the gold bars that were buried with Maximo when he was buried alive by Gonzalo and Pacquito before the ship explosion.

Isabelle (Amy Austria-Ventura), introducing herself as Dolores, helps Esther (Arlene Muhlach) after the latter collapses in a public market. She becomes friends with Esther and Roger (Smokey Manaloto), and later meets Jacq (Kim Chiu), whom she is able to recognize as her daughter Andrea.

Gabriel enters into a relationship with Natalia, only to destroy their relationship later on in favor of Jacq (whose real identity Gabriel is not yet aware of) as part of his revenge against Franco. While courting her, Gabriel follows her to Salvacion, accompanied by Jacq. Natalia informs her father's chief of staff and mistress Tessa (Mylene Dizon) about somebody who looks like her mother. The paths of Franco and Jacq then cross as a DNA test proves a father-daughter relationship between them.

Franco holds a party introducing Andrea as his daughter. Isabelle sneaks into the party and Franco sees her, only for the former making the latter believe that she has amnesia. Franco lets his wife and children live in the same home, but locks up Isabelle and Andrea to prevent them from escaping again. Natalia got into a fight with Isabelle and Andrea. Later on, Franco came and stopped it by slapping Natalia. Isabelle then tells Andrea the whole truth about herself and Franco. Unluckily, Tessa recorded their discussion in which they plan to escape with Natalia. Franco forces Isabelle to renew their vows, but Isabelle continues her act of fake amnesia, telling him that they should not go too fast into renewing the vows because it is a decision for two people. During this occasion, Samuel and Gabriel successfully rescue Andrea and Isabelle, but the following day, Natalia can only helplessly watch as Franco ruthlessly murders Samuel.

Charges of murder, falsification of documents, and domestic violence are filed against Franco, but despite a legislative inquiry and the issuance of a warrant of arrest against him by the NBI, he refuses to surrender, holding Andrea hostage. Remembering what Gonzalo said to him before his death, Franco and Gabriel go on a duel in a ship, but Franco falls off the ship to his death after getting pierced by the ship's anchor. In the end, Andrea marries Gabriel and it is implied that Gabriel has regained the land in Salvacion that Franco took away from his family.

Horseplay (2014 film)

While interviewing for a relics smuggling case in London, television hostess Ha Mui (Kelly Chen) meets multi-faced thief Nine-Tailed Fox (Tony Leung) and washed out police detective Cheung Ho (Ekin Cheng). One wants to reveal the truth, one wants to steal the "Tang dynasty Pottery Horse" and one wants to bring criminals to justice. The three of them have different goals, but they must work together to acquire the pottery. Meanwhile, Nine-Tailed Fox is being hunted down by an old enemy and must evade capture. What will be the final outcome?

World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman

''World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman'' takes place at a school named Akane Academy, where students with special powers and known as Saviors are trained to defend against monsters called Metaphysicals, which brutally and indiscriminately attack humans. Saviors, divided into Shirogane (White Iron) and Kuroma (Black Magic), are the reincarnations of talented individuals who possess awakened memories of their past lives. Shirogane manifest weapons and martial techniques while Kuroma manifest magic for defense purposes.

The story follows main protagonist, Moroha Haimura, who is unique in that he has awakened memories of two past lives: Flaga, a swordmaster and prince of a small country, and Shu Saura, a magician and King of the Netherworld. This gives Moroha the abilities of both a Shirogane and Kuroma. At the Academy he meets Satsuki, a boisterous girl who is very boastful and brash and who was Sarasha, Flaga's sister, in her past life; and Shizuno, a calm and levelheaded girl, who was Shu Saura's wife. With his unique abilities he joins the Striker Unit, Akane Academy's team of elite Saviors.

Moroha's plans for a peaceful school life go up in flames when Satsuki and Shizuno begin to vie for his attention and matters only get worse when Metaphysicals start appearing.

The Cloud (film)

Due to a malfunction in the fictitious nuclear power plant Markt Ebersberg near Schweinfurt, Bavaria, an MCA occurs and the whole area is evacuated extensively by the authorities. Hannah's school is also located in the affected area. She has to take care of her younger brother on this day, since the mother is in Schweinfurt because of business matters; exactly where the disaster has occurred. Since there is no other way to get home to the East Hessian town of Schlitz, where her little brother Uli is already waiting for her, Hannah accepts the offer of her classmate Lars and lets herself be driven home by him and his friends. During the trip, the teenagers learn about the events on the radio, but they do not really understand - until they arrive in Schlitz, where Lars' mother drags him out of the car and tells the others that her son can not take them with him because he has to flee with his family. Hannah finally goes home on foot, where Uli is already waiting for her. Since their mother is at a cosmetics congress, the two children are on their own. As recommended by the emergency management, the children want to go to the cellar for protection, while all neighbors are already fleeing. There, Hannah wants to wait with her younger brother for Elmar, a schoolmate from whom she got a kiss shortly before the alarm and who has promised her help in the escape. In the midst of the panic, the two finally receive a call from their mother: she does not want the children to go to the cellar, because the radiation reaches them there, but flee to Bad Hersfeld with the neighbours, from where they take the train to Aunt Helga in Hamburg. But since all the neighbours have already fled and Elmar has not appeared (he grapples with the car at home, wants to hot-wire it because he can not find the car keys of his parents), the children decide to go to Bad Hersfeld by bike alone. On the way there, Uli is killed in a hit-and-run. A little later, a family with several children takes Hannah to the Bad Hersfeld station after the family father places Uli's body in a near corn field. Since the motorways are crowded, many others want to flee with the trains, so Hannah has to pay attention to the little daughters of the family on the platform, since the parents still have to fight their way through. Hannah however discovers her friend Elmar in the midst of the human masses and runs in his direction - but does not reach him. The couple who took Hannah to know where their children were, who she left behind in search of Elmar, but because she is still in a state of shock, she does not reply. While the father finally finds the children, Hannah leaves the train station as if in a trance, and enters the emptied station forecourt, where a few seconds later, the cloud burst happens. Hannah walks into the fallout and collapses shortly afterwards. She wakes up in a hospital near Hamburg. Beside her is Ayşe, a girl of the same age, with whom she makes friends. Hannah feels tired and sick; shortly afterwards she suffers from hair loss. A little later, Elmar comes to the hospital because he has found Hannah in a tracing file and wants to see her. Elmar is also contaminated, but his health is apparently much better than Hannah's. A month later, Aunt Helga comes to pick up Hannah. She tells her that her mother is dead, and not missed, like she'd been told in the hospital all the time. In Hamburg, where Aunt Helga lives, Hannah goes back to school, but remains isolated there because her radiation damage is too obvious because of her baldness and the people avoid her. Only Elmar, whose family also escaped to Hamburg, keeps to her. Elmar's parents want to go to America with their son, but he refuses because he thinks he has no chance and will soon die the radiation. He lets himself be admitted to the hospital, like Hannah finds out from Ayşe, who is also treated there. Hannah wants to see her friend; she finds him just at the moment he wants to commit suicide, but can stop him at the last minute. When the (least-radiated) Zone 3, in which Hannah's hometown is located, is opened, she goes there with Elmar, mainly to bury her brother. After they have buried Uli in the corn field, the two continue the journey to Schlitz. Elmar says he feels a fluff on Hannah's bald head, and Hannah sticks her head out of the sun-roof of the car "to let her hair fly in the wind".

Blue and Not So Pink

Diego is a photographer living in Caracas. In the opening scene, he photographs a performance choreographed by his friend Delirio del Río, who is a transgender woman. Diego meets his partner Fabrizio in a restaurant, and they kiss. Diego's employee Perla Marina turns up late to work, making excuses to hide the domestic violence inflicted on her by her partner Iván. Diego has lunch with his family, where they display homophobic opinions, which are also seen in the TV programme hosted by Estrellita.

Diego's son Armando returns to Caracas to live with Diego, after spending five years in Madrid with his mother. Their relationship is strained at first. Armando lacks confidence in his appearance. Shortly after Armando's arrival, Diego's partner Fabrizio is the victim of a homophobic attack by a gang led by Rasco, outside the Club 69 where Delirio is performing. Diego tries unsuccessfully to get Rasco arrested. In the aftermath of the attack, Diego, Armando, Delirio and Perla Marina come together. The four practice tango together to help Armando impress Laura, a girl he has met on the internet. After Fabrizio dies, Armando joins Diego to stand up to Rasco and his gang. They are attacked by the gang, but Delirio, in full stage make-up and high heels, scares the gang off with a warning shot.

Diego, Armando, Delirio and Perla Marina take a road trip to Mérida to plant a tree for Fabrizio and for Armando to meet Laura at a tango dance. Perla Marina admits she is pregnant. On returning home, she finally stands up to Iván and decides to raise the baby alone. At the end of the film, a dancer at the club reveals he filmed the attack on Fabrizio on his phone. Rasgo is arrested. Diego becomes closer to his family, who accept his homosexuality. Armando returns to Madrid much more confident. Estrellita's TV show is replaced by 'Noches de Delirio'. Delirio delivers a monologue urging acceptance of difference.

The Big Store (1973 film)

Four friends (Les Charlots) are fired from work due to their incompetence. They then decide to help a small shopkeeper who is struggling to compete with a large store nearby.

Jeong Do-jeon (TV series)

The drama begins in 1374, the final year of King Gongmin of Goryeo. Those times were marked by abuse of power, corruption and political chaos, as government officials and scholars dream of a new dynasty and a new era.

Jeong Do-jeon was an aristocrat and politician who assisted Yi Seong-gye (later King Taejo) when he seized power and established a new dynasty, Joseon. After Taejo became the first king of Joseon, he left all state affairs to Jeong, making him the most powerful and influential man who shaped the 500-year-long dynasty by laying down Joseon's ideological, institutional, and legal foundations. Deciding all policies from military affairs, diplomacy, and down to education, he laid down Joseon's political system and tax laws, replaced Buddhism with Confucianism as national religion, moved the capital from Kaesong to Hanyang (present-day Seoul), changed the kingdom's political system from feudalism to highly centralized bureaucracy, and wrote a code of laws that eventually became Joseon's constitution. He even decided the names of each palace, eight provinces, and districts in the capital. He also worked to free many slaves and reformed land policy.

Jeong died just six years after the foundation of Joseon, killed in 1398 by his political archenemy Yi Bang-won, Taejo's fifth son. Yi killed his two half-brothers (including the crown prince) as well as Jeong and his supporters in a coup that came to be known as the "First Strife of Princes", eventually becoming King Taejong, the third king of Joseon.

Haunt (2013 film)

A distraught man, Franklin, tries to speak to his dead children in the afterlife by using an EVP box; soon thereafter, he is mysteriously possessed by a ghost, which then apparently causes him to kill himself.

After this incident, a woman who will come to be known to the viewer as Dr. Morello begins narrating about her family and how they were murdered one by one by an unknown force. When Evan Asher (Harrison Gilbertson) and his family move into the old Morello house some years later, they are largely unaware that it has a history of death and grief. After having difficulties sleeping, Evan goes for a walk where he meets Samantha Richards (Liana Liberato) crying as a result of her drunk, abusive father. They say goodbye but she sneaks into his bed that same night. Soon after their arrival Evan begins to experience paranormal activity and enlists Samantha's help to uncover what is going on.

As the two teens spend more and more time with each other, they begin to fall in love and in the course of exploring the house, find the same EVP box from before. Not really expecting anything to actually happen, they use it to speak with the dead and it starts working. The ghosts continue haunting the two teens as well as psychically contacting the youngest child (leaving the parents unaware of the whole situation), and at the urging of Dr. Morello, whom they deduce might know something about the hauntings, the frightened Evan and Sam decide to burn the box and the belongings of the previous owners. They also seal the small room in their attic bedroom where the box was found. However, these actions fail to work as hoped and the ghost of a woman haunts them that night and locks the door.

It is then revealed to Sam in a psychic vision that the ghost is vengeful. Frank Morello had an affair with a woman who was his neighbor and his wife's patient . This woman gave birth to a daughter revealed to be Samantha . Doctor Morello finds out about the affair and brutally kills the woman while the weak-willed Frank stands by and watches, holding the daughter he sired. The woman is then buried in a small room in the attic, where Evan is staying now. Sam is then possessed by her mother's spirit who in turn kills Evan by bludgeoning him with a hammer saying "You shouldn't have burned the box, you shouldn't have closed the room."

Sam is caught by Evan's father when she tries to open the wooden plank in the floor under which the woman's body is buried, calling out "Mommy" the whole time. She is arrested and taken away by the cops. The movie ends with the voice of Dr. Morello wondering if Evan will haunt that house forever like she believes the members of her family will.

Lucky Pierre (film)

Pierre Dubois is a mathematics teacher (part-time stripper) at an all-girls high school in Aix-en-Provence. He also works as a ghostwriter for his father the mayor, who is seeking re-election, and for his friend who works for a tabloid newspaper.

When Pierre's students sitch the contents of his folders as a joke, a speech for the mayor, an article on a famous actress, and his students' papers all end up in the wrong hands.

Pierre finds himself on a film set trying to resolve the mix-up, and ends up spending the night at the house of a famous actress. The tabloids catch wind, and the next day's headlines provoke dismay for the mayor and for Pierre's fiancée.

Isobel (The Vampire Diaries)

Isobel (Mia Kirshner) and Alaric (Matt Davis) talk at the Grill. Alaric asks Isobel why she left him to become a vampire and she says that is what she always wanted. Isobel wants to meet Elena (Nina Dobrev) and asks Alaric to arrange a meeting for her but he refuses to do it and leaves. Isobel follows him and attacks him at the parking lot. She threatens to kill all his students if he will not do what she asked and leaves.

At Mystic High Alaric sets Matt (Zach Roerig) and Tyler (Michael Trevino) to work together and help to build the Founder's Day float before he sees Elena and Stefan (Paul Wesley) from afar and leaves. The two friends still do not talk to each other after Tyler made out with Matt's mother, Kelly, even though Tyler tries to apologize. Meanwhile, Caroline (Candice Accola) asks Bonnie (Kat Graham) what is going on between her and Elena but Bonnie does not want to say.

Alaric gets Elena and Stefan at his classroom to talk to them about Isobel's request. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) joins them a little bit later since Alaric called him. Damon is surprised hearing that Isobel is in town and wonders if she is working with John (David Anders) and why she wants the Gilbert device. When they tell him that the only thing she wants is to meet Elena, Damon tells Elena that she does not have to meet her if she does not want it but Elena agrees and meets her later at the Grill.

Elena and Isobel meet at the Grill while Stefan sits a few tables away for protection. Isobel is surprised of how much Elena looks like Katherine and says that Katherine found her after she became a vampire. Elena wants to know who her father is but Isobel has no any intentions of telling her. Instead, she reveals the real reason she wanted to meet Elena which is no other than the Gilbert device, the same one that John wants. Elena asks how she knows John and Isobel admits that John was in love with her in the past and that he was the one who told her about vampires. Elena refuses to help her with the device and Isobel threatens her that she has to do it. She leaves and Bonnie enters the Grill. She sees Elena upset but she turns around when she sees Stefan approaching her.

At the Gilbert house, Jeremy (Steven McQueen) keeps calling and leaving messages to Anna (Malese Jow) from who he did not hear since she went home and found her mother dead, something that Jeremy does not know. John hears Jeremy leaving the message and talking to Jenna (Sara Canning) about it and he tells him that if he wants to talk about girls he is there. Jeremy is surprised by the offer and he just leaves.

Isobel comes back home and finds Damon waiting for her. The two of them have a talk and Isobel tells Damon that it is Katherine the one who wants the device and Damon warns her to stay away from the people he cares about. Before he leaves, he delivers a message for Katherine; that if she wants the device then she should come and take it herself.

Bonnie shows up at Elena's house feeling bad for not talking to her at the Grill while she saw how upset she was and she apologizes. Elena tells her that she met her birth mother. Elena tells her about the device and later, Bonnie asks her to come and she shows Elena Emily's spellbook. Bonnie explains that Emily was the one responsible for all of Jonathan Gilbert's inventions since she was casting spell on them making him believe that they were working. From the book they learn that the device is a weapon against the vampires and that it's consisted of two parts. Damon only has one part of it.

Back outside at school's yard, Isobel shows up in front of Elena saying that she wants to be involved in her life. Elena refuses her "offer" and Isobel points out that she knows every one of Elena's friends; Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and her little brother Jeremy. To show her that she can hurt them without second thought, she has one of her compelled friends to jump on the float Matt's working on pinning his arm underneath. Tyler and Stefan run to help Matt, while Isobel's other compelled friend kidnaps Jeremy. She promises Elena to kill him if she will not bring her the device.

Elena, Stefan and Bonnie try to figure out how to get the device from Damon who does not want to hand it over, especially now that he knows what it does. Bonnie convinces them that she can remove the spell Emily put on it and that way, Isobel or anyone else won't be able to use it to kill vampires. Damon has his doubts but he eventually gives in and hands the device over to Elena. Bonnie works on the device and few moments later she says that she has removed the spell.

John arrives at Isobel's place and sees that Isobel kidnapped Jeremy. He tries to convince her to let him go but she orders her two friends to attack him. She removes the ring that protects him and leaves on the floor bleeding. Jeremy and John are alone and Jeremy asks what Isobel wants. John explains that there is a group of vampires who are out there and want revenge, and he and Isobel want to kill them.

Elena meets Isobel in the town square. Elena came with Damon and Stefan while Isobel came with her two friends for back-up. Elena does not want to hand over the device until she knows Jeremy is fine. Isobel tells her to call home and she does. Jeremy answers the phone and says that everything is fine. Elena believes that Isobel was never going to hurt Jeremy, but Isobel tells her that she was sure Elena would get the device from Damon because Damon is in love with her. She hands over the device and Isobel leaves warning her that as long as she has the Salvatores in her life she is doomed.

Back at home, Elena tries to talk to Jeremy and make up with him but Jeremy still worries about Anna. He admits to Elena that he knows what Anna is and everything else because he read her journal. He is mad at Elena for letting Damon erase his memory and while Elena tries to apologize, Jeremy will not listen and shuts the door in her face. After Elena leaves, Anna shows up crying and tells him that her mother is dead and she had nowhere else to go.

Isobel finds Alaric to say goodbye before she goes. Alaric wonders why she bothered since she did not do it the first time. The two of them have an intense conversation where Alaric removes his ring that protects him and throws the vervain he has on the floor daring her to either kill him or compel him. Isobel compels him to stop looking for her, she puts his ring back on his finger and leaves.

At the Salvatore house, Stefan tries to talk to Damon about what Isobel said; him being in love with Elena. Damon doesn't deny the accusation but Stefan makes it clear that Elena is not Katherine and history will not repeat itself. Damon, changes the subject and tells Stefan that Elena's birth father is John. Stefan asks if he has any proof for that but Damon says that he does not need one since he put everything together and it is clear that it is John.

Isobel calls John to tell him that she left the device at his doorstep along with his ring. He promises to do what Katherine wants and he will kill all the tomb vampires. Isobel asks him to kill Damon and Stefan as well because she does not want their daughter (revealing that John ''is'' Elena's father) to have this life. John reassures her that he will take care of it.

The episode ends with Bonnie talking to Caroline. She admits that she lied to Elena that she would do something but she did not and she knows that when Elena finds out, she will never forgive her.

Stadium Nuts

The foursome (Gérard Rinaldi, Jean Sarrus, Gérard Filipelli, Jean-Guy Fechner) are on a holiday. The Little Olympic flame is to be passed through their village. A grocer (Paul Préboist) calls upon them for help in decorating the village. On their job Gérard falls for the grocer's daughter Délice (Martine Kelly). However she runs away with the sportsman with the flame. The four then enter the Little Olympics to try to win her back and cause havoc in the process.