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The Hostage Heart

Terrorists take over the operating room where a billionaire is having coronary bypass surgery and demand a $10 million ransom.

The Wizardwar

The foreign armies were defeated. Waiting for help in the field of Black Fairies, Tizgone experiences the power that makes her an anomaly in Halruaa. Matteo, with the help of a mysterious secret that as king he must struggle with the affairs of a kingdom which stirred after decades of placidity, why Andris has strangely taken prisoner and who is behind powerful spells dropped during battles, among other things. While the company is in full Halruaa disorder, Kiva forgetting who it was, returned to finish his plan with which to shake the kingdom to its foundations. Everything heads for the outbreak of a civil war, a war of wizards for the heart of Halruaa.


Koja is presented Khahan while his army completes submit Semphar its authority. Impressed by his erudition and his diplomatic skills of the monk, it makes its regular columnist in charge to relate how a simple warrior Tuigan became the ''Illustrious Emperor of All Nations'' (because it is his ambition). Its role is rapidly gaining importance and is responsible for diplomacy Khahan and even became his ''anda'' (blood brother) after saving her life.

It is obviously not to the liking of general Tuigan to see a stranger so close to their leader, including General Chanar Ong Kho, also ''anda'' of Khahan and own mother Yamun, Bayalun Khadun, dedicated to his son visceral hatred. Thus, after further conquests Tuigan, such as taking the Khazari, Koja manages to uncover a plot against the Khahan. Officials Tuigan unmasked are severely punished but untouchable because sponsors are located in the mighty empire of Shou Lung.

It is not that deter the Khahan wash what he sees as a personal affront and after the first battle in which magical talents Koja used to open a breach in the Dragonwall, the invasion of Shou Lung can begin in earnest.


After all attempts by the Minister of War Kwan Chan Sen have failed miserably, Emperor Kai Tsao Shou Chin instructs the General Batu Min Ho to counter the enemy. Tuiganes its origins suggest indeed think the emperor that he can repel the barbarians, but his loyalty is in doubt after the discovery of blatant evidence of treason. This is why his wife Wu and her children are left under the protection of the Emperor, ostensibly for their safety, unofficially as hostages.

Batu Min Ho then develops a plan with the help of her stepfather, General Hsuan Yu Po, of encircling and ensnare Tuigan in the town of Shu Kuan. Hsuan and his army attract enemy, leading tough battles and testing the use of cannon powder. When Batu reaches Shou Kuan after ascending the river Shengti the Tuigan are trapped but the army of Hsuan is destroyed. Vastly superior in numbers, Tuigan cannot be dislodged, but cannot break the siege. The status quo and a brief negotiation with Koja, the spokesman Khahan, Batu lead to return to the Emperor. But the dark revelations await: he is accused of treason.

In fact the wife and children of Batu, at the center of intrigues bureaucracy, soon to discover that the Minister of War Kwan Chan Sen and Minister of State Ju-Hai Chou are at the origin of the attack against Yamun Khahan, and thus the war. Wu discovered at the same time that the Minister of Security, Ting Mei Wan, sing the War Minister and is none other than the traitor who informs enemies. However, she is accused of treason by Ting and she and her children are executed before he could reveal what they know. When Batu joined the imperial palace, he is accused of treason by the Minister of Public Safety, but a document submitted by the Tuigan help prove innocence are confused and Ting Mei Wan.

The Emperor publicly perform treacherous and decides to grant the Chief Tuigan it asks the two ministers sponsors of the attack. This puts an end to the war and the Emperor then offers Batu a minister in recognition of his services. Thereof, devastated by the loss of his family refused and left the service of the Emperor, joining the Tuigan army. Yamun Khahan is delighted to welcome a good general in its ranks. He did not in fact abandoned its ambitions and is already planning his next conquest. The being is now a dead end, his thoughts turn to the west and the conquest of Faerûn .

Crusade (Forgotten Realms novel)

After much diplomatic negotiations and tough negotiations, Azoun finally convince his allies to mount a coalition to counter the threat of Tuigan. Against all odds, even Zhentil Keep promises to send troops. Although suspecting (rightly) rear political thoughts, Azoun accept this help and is an alliance of Cormyrians, the Dalesfolk, the Sembians, dwarf of the Foothills of the Earth and the Centaurs of forest Léthyr convinced by Princess Alusair who arrived in the region of Thesk, soon joined by Zhents forces, commanded by orcish General Vrakk.

This motley army led several battles against the horde, but both armies succeeded in taking a decisive advantage. It is only thanks to an ingenious stratagem that the coalition succeeds in isolating the Khahan and his Praetorian guard the rest of Tuigan. After a fierce battle, the Khahan is killed by Azoun in person.

The Tuigan army's private chef folds under the command of General Chanar Ong Kho, General Batu Min Ho refuses to be captured and committed suicide, joining his murdered family, while the monk Koja is presented to the king Azoun that loads to tell everything he knows about Tuigan.

Evermeet: Island of Elves

The Island of Evermeet is a refuge for the elves, which faced hordes capable of destroying empires, and was in turn threatened by pirates, mercenaries, wizards, elves and renegades swarms of dragons. The novel gives us fragments of the history of the island kingdom, from its inception to the present day, while the drow launch a devastating attack.

The Returned (novel)

The series follows residents of Arcadia, North Carolina, in particular the Hargrave family, whose lives are upended when their loved ones return from the dead, unaged since their deaths. Among the returned is Jacob Hargrave, an eight-year-old boy who drowned 32 years earlier. Having been found alive, Jacob is brought back by the Bureau, which investigates the phenomenon of the Returned. The military agent Bellamy returns Jacob to his parents, Harold and Lucille Hargrave, who must deal with his return.

The novel also occasionally looks at the phenomenon from the viewpoint of the Returned, who appear to have no knowledge of or explanation for their return, and only want to live their lives. The Returned are described as being largely identical to their pre-death selves except for strange quirks that are frequently described as odd or unnerving by people who formerly knew them.

Harold initially refuses to see the Returned Jacob as his son, as he had been the one to pull Jacob's body out of the river, but Lucille fully embraces his return as a miracle. As the novel progresses Harold slowly softens to Jacob's presence, even going so far as to willingly accompany the boy when the military imprisons all of the Returned at an Arcadian schoolhouse. While imprisoned, Harold is made the temporary caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia, Patricia – a woman he later discovers is Bellamy's mother, as the agent knew that Harold would treat her with consideration.

The imprisonment is met with some controversy on both sides, as the Returned resent being caged like animals, while a movement called the "True Living" see the Returned as beings that need to be destroyed. This movement strikes a particular chord with Fred Green, a local widower who grows resentful towards the Returned when his wife does not come back. Fred leads other locals in a series of protests that eventually grow violent and result in a riot at the schoolhouse where the Returned are tear gassed. After the riot the entire town is put in lockdown and used as a containment facility for the Returned, which only causes the townspeople to grow more resentful.

During all of this Lucille is left alone at her house trying to make sense of everything, and she takes in a Returned family, the Wilsons. After they are abducted she begins to believe that she is supposed to help defend the Returned, leading her to stage a revolt that results in the Returned's taking control of the town. She manages to save Harold, Jacob, and most of the Wilsons, although Jim Wilson is killed in the process. They make it home, only Fred follows them and threatens to burn down their home if they do not surrender all of the Returned. Harold tries to trick Fred into believing that he's killed the Returned Wilsons and Jacob, but Fred sees through this and proceeds to burn the house down.

The Wilsons manage to escape, but Lucille dies trying to protect Jacob. Fred nearly kills Jacob and Harold, but is moved to sympathy after Jacob states that he doesn't know the reason why he returned instead of his wife.

After the fire Harold rebuilds the house, but Jacob has grown quiet and withdrawn, spending his days at Lucille's grave. Bellamy occasionally visits them and on one visit informs them that the Returned are slowly vanishing. Harold finds a letter left by Lucille wherein she admits that she's always known that Returned Jacob wasn't their son, but advises Harold to love Jacob and let them go, as this is the proper order of things. As he goes outside, Harold finds that Jacob has vanished and realizes that while Lucille never believed that the Returned Jacob was her son, Harold always knew.

Let There Be Light (Clarke short story)

The tale is told through a narrator that Clarke often uses, Harry Purvis, one of the regulars at the White Hart pub. He intervenes in a discussion of the depiction of "death rays" in pulp science fiction. Most science fiction pictures show a visible beam but visible light is harmless. However, Harry insists he knows of a death ray that was quite visible.

Harry relates the tale of Edgar Burton, a stockbroker who retires to the Yorkshire moors with his younger wife, who quickly tires of country life. Edgar soon realizes that she is having an affair, but he is content to carry on with his hobby of astronomy. However, he eventually feels that he is being made a fool, and is irritated that her midnight returns from her trysts are ruining his observing sessions as her car headlights shine on the house from a sharp bend in the road. Edgar concocts a scheme to kill his wife by building a searchlight and blinding her with it as she makes the bend, which is next to a cliff. In due course, he carries out the plan and sees the car plunge over the cliff.

Edgar is shocked to learn that he has killed the lover instead of his wife. The couple were about to elope, and the man was on his way to break the news. Edgar goes insane with guilt and is institutionalized, leaving his wife in charge of his considerable fortune.

Purvis ends the story by claiming that his "death ray" is real: it was a ray, and it killed somebody.

The Singer of Naples

A blacksmith's son from Naples rises to become a celebrated opera singer, performing at La Scala in Milan.

The She Wolf (1919 film)

As described in a film magazine, The She Wolf (Guinan) walks into The Last Hope saloon and discovers its Chinese owner Mui Fing (Wing) and the sheriff (Richardson) cheating a Stranger (Chesebro) in a card game. Drawing her gun, she joins in the game, and in the fight that follows the Stranger is wounded. She takes him back to her shack and tends to him. Several days later the sheriff, who heads a band of outlaws, robs a mail coach and leaves some letters scattered on the road. The She Wolf picks one up and finds that it was written by Sallie Bigby (Wild) to her sweetheart John Williams. The letter says that Sallie's father is in the power of the Chinese saloon owner and that she will be compelled to marry him unless she is rescued. The She Wolf returns to the saloon and starts a second fight, and carries off Sallie to her cabin. Matters are then resolved when Sallie and her sweetheart meet and the Stranger letting it be known that he intends to marry the woman who nursed him back to health.

Thus Is Life

A British ex-Grenadier Guards officer moves to America, but struggles to find work. After he is employed as a chauffeur to a wealthy family, he falls in love with his employer's daughter.

The Moonshae Trilogy

''The Moonshae Trilogy'' takes place on the Moonshae Isles, and involves a young prince on his way to unite all the people on the islands.

Songs & Swords

The ''Songs & Swords'' series covers the adventures of the Harper agents Arilyn Moonblade and Danilo Thann.

Venus on Trial

The film is set in the 1920s. Peter Brake, a sculptor, believes modern art to be decadent. He creates a neoclassical-style statue of Venus, which he then buries in a Bavarian field in order to protect the identity of Charlotte, the woman who modelled for it. When it is dug up, experts believe that ''Venus vom Acker ('Venus of the Fields')'' is an ancient statue made by Praxiteles.

Peter is unable to prove that he is the creator of the statue, as the only person able to verify his claim is the model. He tries to keep her out of the matter, as she is now a respectable housewife. Ultimately, however, she decides to come forward as a witness.

No Picnic Tomorrow

An Australian woman, Gwennie, and a man of Greek descent, Tony, intend to marry. However Tony's mother decides to arrange a marriage between him and a Greek woman who is coming to Australia.

Shadow of a Pale Horse

Set in the 19th century in the New South Wales town of Cobar, a young man is found battered to death. A man called Jem is found next to him, drunk, and is accused of the crime. Jem is arrested but floods prevent him from being transported for trial.

Condringer, an old German prospector, suggests the town hold its own trial. Rigger, the father of the murdered youth, is given the job of defending Jem. Kirk, the dead youth's employer, is given the job of prosecuting him.

The Last Bandit

Frank Norris, now working as a railroad detective, is implicated in an attempt by his former outlaw colleagues to rob a series of gold shipments.

I, James Blunt

The novel chronicles the occupation of the United Kingdom by the Nazis from 11 September 1944 to 13 March 1945 who begin a programme of "complete Germanisation" of the country. St Paul's Cathedral is razed to make room for a Nazi Party headquarters and guerrilla warfare and any potential dissidence is suppressed through heavy policing.

The Cuckoo Clock

A small child and a cuckoo from a cuckoo clock become unlikely friends. At night the clock transports her to magical places.

Final Jeopardy (1985 film)

Marty (Thomas) and Susan (Crosby) Campbell are a small town couple visiting a large, somewhat unfriendly, declining northern city. They accidentally get lost and stranded in a deserted, rundown neighborhood after dark when Marty gets the wrong address for meeting a business client and are both left behind by a cab that drops Susan off after dark from shopping and whose taxi business requires callers to have business names and phone numbers before sending any cabs after dark. The parking lot that their rental car is in is locked between 7:00 P.M. until 6:00 A.M., leaving them unable to retrieve it before then as they didn't come back until after 7:00 P.M.'s closing time. After Marty barely escapes getting hit by a newspaper delivery truck, they both find a nearly deserted apartment building but no phone to use. Marty and Susan go back to the locked parking lot to try to get their rental car to drive back to their hotel.

When Marty climbs the fence, two Dobermans attack him and he drops the car keys and barely escapes with his life. Marty calls the police from an outdated payphone that still requires coins to obtain a dial tone for emergency calls to try to get help but is told that since he trespassed on the locked parking lot, he can't file a complaint. Susan wanders away and is seen by a gang in a neighboring alley and runs back to Marty, who the police hung up on. They're chased through another alley and barely escape again. Marty finds another payphone that also needs coins for emergency calls and tries to get help again, but the gang leader catches him, forcing the usually non-violent Marty to fight back and he and Susan barely escape again. They hide in an abandoned theatre but flee when they find a corpse. Then they find a man and try to offer him money to drive them to their hotel, but the man is scared off. Next, they find an unstable derelict (Jeff Corey) who sends Marty on a wild sewer chase to a non existent police station. Marty and Susan leave the derelict and wander down another rundown, empty street, where Marty breaks a store's windows in frustration over the lack of police response, setting off its alarms.

They are sent to a subway by an untrustworthy street kid only to find it locked, but also find a burglarized church that was vandalized by the gang and sneak into through its broken door. They find an incapacitated junkie whose also-druggie sister thinks they're inside a hospital and that Marty is a doctor. Another gang member appears, giving the sisters directions to another subway to get home, which Marty and Susan overhear while hiding, meaning that both of these girls are members of this gang. Marty's watch has stopped and they find the subway's revolving gate locked to them but manage to squeeze in just as the gang finds them again and chases them through the subway. Marty drives the E-train while the gang enters the train and pulls the cord to stop it. Marty and Susan abandon the train, Susan is sent to hide while Marty lures the gang into another tunnel, where he knocks a pile of rubble onto three of its members and lures its leader into the boiler room, blinding him with steam and knocking him out with a large wooden board.

He goes back above ground and finds Susan telling a policeman (Dennis Farina) about their ordeal, who ironically, says "Glad to be of service" to a disgusted Marty. They go to their hotel to get cleaned up and change their clothes, return to the parking lot to retrieve their rental car and drive away after paying a $5.00 overnight fee to its attendant that found its keys but has no change if they didn't have the exact amount. The attendant tells them to be more careful next time and Marty and Susan drive off to return the rental car to its agency before going home.

A Million Nightingales

Moinette Antoine is a young slave at Azure, a sugarcane plantation south of New Orleans owned by the Bordelons, where she lives with her mother, Marie-Thérèse, who is the plantation's laundress. Moinette is the housemaid to Céphaline, the teenage daughter of the Bordelons, who is a scholar and a misfit. Moinette surreptitiously teaches herself how to read by listening to Céphaline's lessons and observing her studies. After Céphaline unexpectedly dies, Moinette is sold to Laurent de la Rosière, the owner of another sugarcane plantation.

Soon after she arrives at Rosière, Moinette attempts to escape and return to her mother in Azure, but she is quickly captured and returned to Rosière. Moinette becomes the housemaid of Madame Pélagie who is a relative of the Bordelons. Madame Pélagie is another intelligent and free-spirited woman who promises to bring Moinette to New Orleans where they can run a shop together. Moinette becomes pregnant after she is raped by three men, including the Bordelons' son. She gives birth to a boy, Jean-Paul. Before Madame Pélagie can take Moinette to New Orleans, tragedy strikes again, and Moinette is sold to Julien Antoine, a lawyer from Opelousas.

In Opelousas, Moinette discovers that Julien Antoine is a kind person who is willing to help her. She pretends to be his mistress while she runs his boardinghouse. She continues her self-education by reading Antoine's legal papers and learning how to write. Eventually, Antoine helps her to purchase her son and become a free woman. However, even when Moinette is free, her life continues to be marked by brutality and tragedy.

Black Ransom

Before his wife was murdered, Inspector Mann Cheung (Simon Yam) was a model to young detectives. However, with his wife's death, he was indulged in deep sorrow and became downhearted and dispirited. Not only was his detective image affected, his relationship with his daughter Yan (Wada Hiromi) also went downhill. The new superintendent Koo Kwok-keung (Fala Chen) assigned him to take charge of a series of kidnapping cases. Several triad leaders were kidnapped, held to ransom and murdered. The modus operandi was violent, brutal, professional and efficient. Mann soon discovers that the gang of kidnappers were former members of the Special Duties Unit, led by Sam Ho (Michael Miu) and his girlfriend, Can (Qu Ying), a former member of the VIP Protection Unit, who were familiar with the police modus operandi and were able to escape from apprehension. Sam also discovers that Mann is after him. A duel to the death between the two elites of the police force is ensured.

Ku! Kin-dza-dza

The remake follows the plot of the original with minor changes. While the original story was set in 1980s, the remake is set in 2010s, some of the scenes were altered, and the two new protagonists are different from their 1986 counterparts.

A renowned cellist Vladimir Chizhov (Uncle Vova) and his teenage nephew Tolik meet an alien with a teleportation device. Tolik carelessly pushes a button on the device, and he and Uncle Vova are beamed to the planet Plyuk in Kin-dza-dza galaxy. The planet is a post-apocalyptic desert without resources, ruled by a brutal racist regime. The two travellers meet three locals, Bi, Wef and their robot Abradox, who travel on a pepelats and constantly try to cheat and betray the naive newcomers. Tolik and Uncle Vova have to go a long distance through the rusting world of Kin-dza-dza to find their way home.

The Tribe (2014 film)

A teenage boy, Serhiy, arrives at a boarding school for the deaf. There he tries to find his place in the hierarchy of the academic community, which operates like a Gang ruled by the King of the group. Their squad participates in acts of violence, robbery, sex and prostitution. When one of the boys who helps in pimping two girls from the school gets crushed by a truck, Serhiy takes his place. He falls in love with one of the girls, Anya, whom he impregnates. Serhiy finds a purse on a train which he steals, giving the money to Anya for a makeshift abortion. Some time later, Serhiy follows one of the teachers home, knocks him unconscious, and robs him, giving the substantial sum to Anya and then raping her. One of the gangmasters prepare to send the two girls to Italy, but Serhiy ruins Anya's passport and is eventually beaten by King and his gang. Serhiy later retaliates by crushing their heads with their nightstands in their sleep.

The Toast Derivation

Due to Leonard and Priya's relationship, the gang begins to have dinner at Raj's place instead of Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. This upsets Sheldon, who dislikes change and constantly complains when eating dinner at Raj's apartment. Sheldon goes to the Cheesecake Factory where he converses with Penny at the bar and Amy over the phone. Penny tells Sheldon that he will have to deal with hanging out at Raj's more often, and Amy agrees, claiming that Leonard is the "nucleus" of their social group and that "where he goes, the group goes".

To make Leonard jealous, Sheldon invites several other men to have dinner in his apartment and sends a tweet to LeVar Burton, asking him to come. After the other guests have arrived, they introduce themselves, although Sheldon realizes that he does not particularly like his guests: Stuart came because he is in financial distress and wanted a hot shower; Barry only came because Sheldon said there would be a raffle; Zack is extremely unintelligent. Sheldon's plans are dismissed: instead, Zack tells dating stories and they sing karaoke. Sheldon eventually leaves, missing his own friends.

At Raj's apartment, the gang realise they miss Sheldon and his eccentric habits. They reminisce about previous events (such as Sheldon getting a loom). When Sheldon arrives to have dinner with them, he slowly begins to warm up to Priya after being slightly impressed with her knowledge and her cooking.

Meanwhile, Bernadette and Amy try to take Penny out dancing to get her mind off Leonard and Priya. Penny agrees to go provided that they do not pester her about it, but Amy finds the snowflake Leonard gave Penny when he went to the North Pole, causing Penny's feelings for Leonard to resurface. Penny goes out anyway with the intention of having a one-night stand.

In the final scene, LeVar Burton arrives at Sheldon's apartment, but upon seeing Sheldon's guests singing "Walking on Sunshine" badly, he leaves unseen.

Bullet Girls

''Bullet Girls'' is set in Misakimori Academy, a girls-only private high school founded 149 years ago somewhere in Japan. Founded on the principles of duty and self-refinement, the academy features numerous school clubs which allow students to practice defensive military techniques, and every student is obliged to join. The game's story begins on the first day after students have officially become club members, thus starting the adventures of the Ranger Clubs and their activities.

Cool It Carol!

The cautionary tale of Joe and Carol, a couple of youngsters who leave the "sticks" behind and journey to Swinging London in search of fame and fortune. Joe fails to find employment in the big city, but Carol enrols as a fashion model. As the naïve couple begin to enjoy the night life of London they are drawn ever deeper into a world of pornography, drugs and prostitution.

The Good Old Boys (film)

An aging cowboy must choose between his desire to remain free and the responsibilities of maintaining a family.

My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days

In Paris, Lucas is a talented and successful computer scientist who is diagnosed with a rare and fatal brain disorder, which means he will rapidly lose his memory and his ability to speak coherently. Going from the hospital to a café, he is struck by a beautiful but eccentric young woman called Blanche. When she walks out on him just after he orders them dinner, he waits in the street until dawn. Driving by, she stops and weeps at his devotion, but has to go to work.

Her job is in a hotel at Biarritz, where she does a clairvoyant act removing her clothes. He follows her there and takes a luxury suite. At dawn she comes in exhausted and falls asleep. Just after he orders them breakfast she walks out, not realising that his awkward remarks are through failing mental powers.

Later she returns and the two make love. She too is under heavy stress, forced by her promiscuous mother into an exploitative act she detests. That night she breaks down on stage and at dawn comes to find Lucas. He takes her onto the deserted beach, where the two laugh and kiss as they walk to their deaths in the Atlantic breakers.

The Adderall Diaries (film)

Stephen Elliott is a successful author with a troubled childhood. His mother died when he was a child and his father Neil was physically and psychologically abusive. During his adolescence, Stephen has lived most of his life behaving very destructively and abusing drugs (of which Adderall is an example) and committing petty vandalism.

Now in his 30s, Stephen accepts a deal to write his next book about Hans Reiser, a software guru who developed the Reiser filesystem. Hans had a volatile marriage and his wife has recently gone missing. Despite Hans' claims that his wife has simply gone into hiding to hurt him, the police arrested him on suspicion of murder, where he awaits trial. In attendance to the trial is Stephen who is hoping to make Hans' memoir a best seller.

Stephen's previous book is an autobiography about his childhood that is about to get released. At a press release, Stephen reads a part from the book talking about how his estranged father hurt and abused him only for Neil to stand out and brand him a liar. This causes Stephen to question his childhood memories. In despair, Stephen hooks up on recreational drugs, goes to a club, and sleeps with a random person. The next morning, a hungover Stephen checks his voicemails, which include his publisher dropping him for missing an important meeting, and Lana Edmond, a woman he was starting a relationship with, dumping him. To make matters worse, Stephen realizes that he also slept through the jury announcing their verdict on Hans, finding him guilty of murder.

Stephen reconnects with Neil where he finds out about his cancer diagnosis. While talking, Stephen figures out that while Neil made some parenting mistakes, Stephen is falsely remembering his father being downright abusive. A recurring memory of Neil handcuffing him until he bled was because Stephen was trying to commit suicide and Neil was desperately trying to restrain him.

In the end, Stephen writes over the course of two days about making amends with his father. Stephen's agent approves of the newly written manuscript and agrees to have it published. Meanwhile, it is revealed in the news that Hans has finally admitted to killing his wife because she was going to leave him and take his children. He has shown the cops where her body is buried in exchange for a lesser sentence.

We Make Music

It is a revue film, loosely based on the stage work ''Karl III. und Anna von Österreich'' by Manfried Rössner. Karl Zimmermann, a composer whose idols are Johann Sebastian Bach and classical composers, dreams of being successful with his own opera and composes popular music for fun, but does not try to distribute it for reasons of honor. His wife, Anni Pichler is a popular singer and secretly sells his popular songs so that they can make a living. When he finally completes his opera and it is rejected by the public, he realizes that his true talent is composing popular music and not dishonorable.

Kikaider Reboot

In the near future, the Japanese government develops the ARK Project, led by Dr. Nobuhiko Kohmyoji, to create androids to help public citizens. Two prototypes are constructed: one by Dr. Kohmyoji, Jiro/Kikaider, an android built with an experimental Conscience Circuit, and another by Professor Gilbert Kanzaki, Mari, a combat-based android.

Dr. Kohmyoji mysteriously dies and his children, Mitsuko and Masaru are suddenly targeted by Japan's Defense Minister. Jiro comes to their aide and vows to protected them, a final request from Dr. Kohmyoji. Masaru becomes fond of Jiro but Mitsuko becomes wary of him. Mari eventually finds Jiro and nearly destroys him but spares him after Mitsuko and Masaru agree to go with her without resistance. A data chip is then retrieved from within Masaru's body, containing all of Dr. Kohmyoji's research. The Defense Minister then turns the ARK Project into the DARK Project ('''D'''eveloping '''A'''dvanced '''R'''esearch by '''K'''ohmyoji) and forces Professor Gil to complete his work.

Jiro is then attacked by another android named "Hakaider", who is revealed to be Professor Gil, having surgically placed his brain within an android body. Hakaider proceeds to destroy the ARK Project facility where he is counter-attacked by Jiro. Mitsuko tries to stop him from fighting but Jiro finally realizes his own free-will and chooses to protect by fighting. Jiro manages to defeat Hakaider but at the cost of his life. Mitsuko vows to one day rebuild him.

In a post-credit scene, the Defense Minister, having escaped the demise of the facility with Mari, confirms the official start of the true android project.

The Girl at the Reception

An office worker employed at a publishing house is upset, when her former lover is appointed as the new director.

Beloved World

Director General Dr. Blohm and his secretary Karin Hanke are both unmarried and a close-knit couple at work. Professionally, the two play perfectly hand in hand. Since both of them have no private commitments, they focus exclusively on their professional activities. When the two are seen in public, where they inevitably go out together in the evenings, those around them suspect that the two are a couple. One day, Blohm's friend Strickbach, who of course knows that the two are not together, asks Blohm why he actually doesn't marry the attractive Karin.

Everything goes well until one day the general director and his secretary have to spend a night together after an emergency landing far away from civilization. In addition, Blohm wonders whether his friend Strickbach might not be right when he asked why he didn't marry his secretary. So he gathers all his courage and proposes marriage to Karin, which she accepts, completely surprised.

But now, of course, everything is changing. Since Karin is now Blohm's wife, both are separated from each other by work life. Blohm continues to take care of his job as general director, while Karin, who is now his wife, naturally no longer has to be involved in day-to-day business. For her part, however, Karin cannot deal with the new situation. Her sudden inactivity in day-to-day business is alien to her and also uncomfortable. As a result, she decides to separate from her husband in order to finally be active and productive again.


The main protagonist of ''Fairchild'' is Takanashi Kazuki, a boy whose parents died when he was young, and despite the tragedy, in the present time, he lives an enjoyable, peaceful life in his aunt's house, with his childish, energetic cousin Hazumi Kotori and his sweet, gullible next-door neighbor and friend Hinamori Kokoro. Kazuki wants to live this life forever, however, nothing lasts forever. To gain something means to lose something. He and the people around him are all growing up into adults. The game's primary focuses are friendship, family conflict, and romance. Other heroines in the game other than Kotori and Kokoro include Aizara Tobari, the teasing childhood friend of Kazuki, Arisugawa Yuuhi, Kazuki's cold classmate, and Kagami Sakuya, Kazuki's senpai who is the student council president.

Mickey's Service Station

Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy are working together at a car service station to fix a broken car. Soon Peg-Leg Pete comes by, and angrily demands that they fix a squeak (to the tune of "Yankee Doodle") in his tire. He tells them that if they do not get the job done in ten minutes they would face Pete’s wrath. Scared by the thought, they quickly get to work. Sight gags show them to be inept at car repairing, including scenes where Goofy and Donald pull each other through the car's lights, Mickey gets stuck in a tire several times, and Goofy smashes pieces of the car's engine.

Finally Mickey is able to squeeze a tire and pop out what was making the noise: a grasshopper. The trio smash several pieces of the car with hammers before Mickey is able to drive away the grasshopper. They then get to the job of repairing the car, noticing that their ten minutes are almost up. They are better at repairing the car, though Donald gets accidentally injured a few times and Mickey gets himself stuck in the tire again. When they finally finish the job, Mickey gets in the driver's seat and tests the engine, but Goofy accidentally hits a lever making the stand the car is on go up. Goofy saves the car and Mickey from crashing by making the stand's base land in Goofy's shirt.

But the weight of the stand causes Goofy to wobble around, causing Goofy to enter an underground station and pick up a bucket of motor oil. As Goofy struggles to shake the bucket off, he lets loose several rivets and finally gets the bucket off by sliding on a skateboard. He swings around on a gas pump and heads toward Donald, who puts down a plank of wood for Goofy to cross the underground station. Goofy bangs into Donald and causes Donald to hit a larger oil can, which splatters oil everywhere. Goofy slides around on the oil (his movements looking like he is doing a tap dance) and finally gets off the slick, causing Mickey and the car to crash to the ground, and Goofy gets his head stuck in the lever. Just then, Pete arrives. He pushes Mickey aside and gets into the car, but due to the team's inadequate work, the car won't start. They tiptoe away while Pete is distracted and as they watch the car dismantles itself until only the engine is remaining. The engine moves forward on four "legs" and chases Pete away, banging into him the whole time.

The Impersonator

In an effort to improve relations between a US air force base and the sleepy local English village nearby, airman Sergeant Jimmy Bradford organises a school trip to see the pantomime "Mother Goose". Meanwhile a prowling killer is on the loose and after a night out with the victim, the finger of suspicion points at Bradford.

Hoard of the Dragon Queen

''Hoard of the Dragon Queen'' and a second adventure, ''The Rise of Tiamat'', pits players against Tiamat.

The Rise of Tiamat

''The Rise of Tiamat'', along with the previous adventure, ''Hoard of the Dragon Queen'', pits players against Tiamat.

One Small Hitch

Molly Mahoney is going home for her mother's wedding, and is bringing her boyfriend Lance to meet her family. Knowing they will be skeptical of him if she tells them he's in a band, she doesn't tell them anything about him, including his name. En route to the airport she discovers he's married and breaks up with him. At the airport, Molly meets up with Josh Shiffman, her brother's playboy best friend from childhood, as he is also flying from LA to Chicago for the wedding.

While waiting at the airport with Molly, Josh receives a call from his parents and learns that his dad, Max, is expected to die of cancer in the next 6 months. His father says that his only regret is not seeing the woman his son would marry. Josh, in a moment of panic, says that it is Molly. She agrees to play along for the weekend.

At Molly's mother's wedding, Josh reconnects with a former flame, Giselle Brousard. After telling her the truth about the fake engagement, they begin a friends with benefits relationship. While Molly says the relationship isn't a problem, she eventually begins to feel jealous of Giselle. Josh's parents ask Josh and Molly to stay longer to help with Josh's family's framing shop, as Max's health is failing. They agree, and the family starts to plan the wedding. Josh continues to see Giselle, and Molly tries to date other men.

One night, Josh is with his dad who asks him if he's happy with Molly, stating that being truly in love means you can be yourself with the other person. Josh replies that he is more comfortable with Molly than anyone else he knows. The same night, Molly attends her surprise bachelorette party where Molly describes Josh as one she could spend the rest of her life with. Josh overhears this and walks away in confusion before he is discovered. That night, they have sex. The next day, as they jokingly register for their wedding, Josh and Molly run into Giselle. Josh and Giselle flirt and Molly is upset.

Later, in front of their parents, Molly ends the engagement, saying she can't do this anymore. Josh chases after her and she admits that she loves him, returns his grandmother's ring, and leaves. Josh ends the "benefits" part of his relationship with Giselle and confesses he may love Molly.

Meanwhile, Josh's father has what the family thinks is a heart attack. Josh and Giselle rush to the hospital where Molly and the family are waiting. Josh's mother angrily reveals she knew he was having an affair and is horrified that he would bring Giselle to the hospital. Josh finally admits the truth; that he and Molly are not engaged.

After much yelling, Josh admits that he loves Molly. Molly, surprised, punches him. When Josh regains consciousness, he proposes to Molly. She accepts and they kiss. After a fade to black, we see Josh and Molly in the delivery room as they have their first baby. They name him Max.

The Crocodile's Dilemma

On January 18, 2006, a drifter named Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) crashes a car at night on a wintry rural highway outside Bemidji, Minnesota, after hitting a deer, and cuts his forehead after banging it into the steering wheel. A nearly naked man jumps from the popped trunk and bolts through the snow into the woods. Malvo calmly watches as the man runs away and makes no attempt at pursuit, instead choosing to gaze upon the dying deer.

In town, the next day, a put-upon insurance salesman named Lester Nygaard (Martin Freeman) runs into Sam Hess (Kevin O'Grady), a former high school bully along with his sons Mickey and Moe. After reminiscing about the bullying he gave Lester, Sam intimidates Lester into accidentally running into a window and breaking his nose. At the hospital, Lester meets Malvo and tells him about Sam, and Malvo offers to murder him. Lester fails to respond, but Malvo goes to Sam's workplace, to get a glimpse of him, and later that night murders him at a strip club by throwing a knife into his head.

The next day, Lester meets Malvo in a motel restaurant and confronts him about the murder. Malvo tells Lester that if Lester does not stand up to "the boss, [Lester] will get washed away". Meanwhile, Chief Vern Thurman (Shawn Doyle) and Deputy Molly Solverson (Allison Tolman) investigate the car wreck and find the nearly naked man's frozen body in the nearby woods. They also look into Sam's death. While they are questioning Sam's wife Gina (Kate Walsh), Malvo calls Mickey pretending to be an attorney, and claims Moe inherited everything, leading the Mickey to beat Moe with a hockey stick before Molly tackles him.

The police learn that Lester was overheard discussing Sam with another man (Malvo), at the hospital. Lester tries to impress his wife, Pearl (Kelly Holden Bashar), by repairing the couple's washing machine, but he fails at it, and Pearl mocks him. Lester, reaching his breaking point after years of her psychological abuse, hits her with a hammer and kills her. A panicked Lester summons Malvo to help with the aftermath. Vern arrives at Lester's house to question him about Sam, but discovers Pearl’s body in the basement. Vern radios for backup, but Malvo arrives soon afterward and fatally shoots him. Malvo disappears before Molly shows up, and Lester intentionally knocks himself out to make the killings look like a home invasion. He eventually wakes up in the hospital and notices a piece of gun shot lodged in his hand.

Later, in Duluth, police officer Gus Grimly (Colin Hanks) converses over radio with his daughter Greta (Joey King), until he pulls Malvo over for running a stop sign. Malvo overhears the radio and threatens Gus to either press the issue and face death, or allow Malvo to leave and live. Malvo drives away as a shaken Gus returns to his patrol car.

The Lady from the Sea (1961 film)

A young woman, Eldsa, is married but still carries a torch for a former lover, who she believes is drowned. The husband believes another man was also his wife's former lover. A young consumptive man seems to be interested in the wife, but actually wants her daughter. The former lover emerges from the sea.

The Fair Jilt

When the story opens, young Miranda is living in a convent of ''Begines'', an order of "galloping nuns" who take only temporary vows. Her parents are dead and her younger sister, Alcidiana, lives with an uncle. The seeming unattainability of the Begines makes them more desirable to men, and Miranda is beautiful, accomplished, and wealthy. Not surprisingly, she has many admirers; she receives their gifts and attention with pleasure, while loving none of them. Then one day she meets Henrick, a handsome young prince who has taken monastic vows and changed his name to Francisco. (Miranda's maid tells her about Henrick's tragic past in a story within a story.) Miranda becomes infatuated with Henrick. When he rejects her advances, she accuses him of rape and has him thrown in prison.

Soon afterwards, Miranda meets Prince Tarquin and the two marry, but Miranda's extravagant lifestyle soon sees her wealth greatly reduced. She invites her sister to move in with her and Tarquin so that she can pilfer from her sister's funds. To keep a hold over her sister, she rebuffs all of her sister's suitors until Alcidiana moves out. Miranda then sends a servant to poison Alcidiana, which he does, but Alcidiana does not die and the servant reveals Miranda's plan to the authorities. The servant is hanged, and Miranda, due to her position, is only shamed, though a great sum of money is owed to Alcidiana and Tarquin is ordered to pay it by the court. Miranda talks Tarquin into killing her sister, and so he attempts to shoot her but fails. He is caught, confesses, and is sent to be beheaded, but the executioner misses the mark and hits Tarquin's shoulder instead, causing severe injury. Tarquin is then released, and he and Miranda leave the country. In the closing lines, it is noted that Miranda eventually repents her sinful past and that Tarquin has since died, though no explanation is offered for his death.

Ballad of Seodong

Seodong is just a commoner, a technician who grew up in Baekje's prestigious science and technology institute Taehaksa, but his life is on the brink of extraordinary change. He meets and falls for Princess Seonhwa of the rival kingdom Silla, and his love for her transcends social position. Seodong also carries a secret that could alter the fate of the Baekje kingdom, but his rival Sataek Giru plots with Buyeo Seon to disrupt his plans.

Two Thumbs Up (film)

On 5 April 2014, ''Twitch'' released a plot synopsis of the film:

Thousand Years of Love

Over a thousand years ago during the Baekje Dynasty, there was a princess unlike any other. Skilled in both arts and athletics, the beautiful Princess Buyeo Ju is beloved by royals and citizens alike. When Baekje is betrayed by the spy Kum-hwa, Buyeo Ju even steals the heart of her kingdom's conqueror, Silla general Kim Yu-seok. But alas, her love lies with her protector, General Guishil Ari. Determined to have the princess, Kim Yu-seok kills Guishil Ari, but Buyeo Ju chooses death over submission. When she jumps off a cliff, however, she is mysteriously time warped into the future. In present-day Korea (2003), Buyeo Ju again meets the two men of her life, reincarnated as aimless but warm-hearted fashion designer Kang In-chul and Japanese tycoon Fujiwara Tatsuji. The two men have no idea about their past lives, but Tatsuji begins to feel a mysterious attraction towards Buyeo Ju. Despite her fear that history will repeat itself, Buyeo Ju finds herself falling for In-chul, in a fateful romance spanning from ancient Korea to modern times.

X: Night of Vengeance

Shay, a runaway teenager on her first night in Sydney, finds work as a prostitute. During one of her rounds, Shay is beaten up by couple of pimps because she took one of their customers. Meanwhile, Holly is on her last night working as a high-class call girl before departing with one of her clients to Paris. Needing a brunette girl for one of her customers, Holly discovers Shay and recruits her for a sexual encounter. In the client's hotel room, the two witness him being killed by Bennett, a corrupt police officer.

The girls flee the hotel, chased by Bennett through King's Cross, Sydney's red-light district. Desperate to throw him off their trail, Holly and Shay use a cab driven by Harry, and the pair manage to evade Bennett, only for him to track Holly using the murder victim's recent call list. Bennett intercepts Holly, murders the pimps surrounding her, and proceeds to assault and capture a defenseless Holly. They drive through the street looking for Shay. It is then revealed that Shay is seventeen years old and ran away from home after her mother died. Bennett finds Shay walking through the streets, and starts chasing after her, leaving Holly trapped inside the car.

Holly takes Bennett's car and rescues Shay by running over Bennett. Holly decides to seek help from her boyfriend Ligurian, who happens to be another police officer. Holly and Shay visit Ligurian at a strip club in need of assistance in fleeing the city. However, Bennett arrives, brutally kills an employee of the club, and proceeds to shoot Holly only for Ligurian to gun him down, killing him.

Unfortunately, due to his relationship with Bennett, Ligurian turns on the women and forces Shay to escort him and Holly out of the building. In a split second, Holly drives the car into a wall, killing Ligurian. Holly and Shay then escape with a briefcase they found before Holly succumbs to grievous injuries from the crash. Heartbroken, Shay leaves in Harry's taxi and receives a pet rabbit from Harry the next morning.

The Dark Heart of Uukrul

Four adventurers are sent to the abandoned remnants of the once-great underground city of Eriosthé. Their mission, as stated by the Western Council, is to defeat the evil Uukrul, a dark magician of incredible power, who ages ago overthrew the Ancients of the city, and claimed all of its passages and caverns as his dominion. Now Eriosthé is plagued by monsters and the minions of Uukrul. Fearing Uukrul will attack the western lands, 18 months back the Council sent a party lead by one Mara, but without news a new party must be assembled.

However, there's a way to achieve this seemingly impossible task. To reach the greatest possible powers, Uukrul detached his soul from his body, and stored his heart of dark stone somewhere within the furthest reaches of the maze-like passages of Eriosthé. Access to the heart is in turn opened by several other hearts, which must be found behind battles with fierce enemies, hidden at secret places, or guarded by inscrutable riddles.

20 Feet Below: The Darkness Descending

Documentary filmmaker Chelsea enters the abandoned New York City Subway tunnels that homeless squatters use. Cops Smitty and Lockeheed warn her to be careful, but she dismisses their concerns. There, she befriends and interviews Skeeter, who leads her on a tour. Skeeter introduces her to Jake, an ex-cop who has become self-destructive since his wife's murder; Gabriel, a former social worker; Harmony, an artist; Razor and Ajax, gang members; Flash and Alexis, orphaned twins; and, at her insistence, Angel, the leader of a cult-like, violent anarchist gang. Angel plans a revolution against the surface world, whom he blames for persecuting the homeless. After he offhandedly threatens to murder Chelsea as a show of power, Angel releases her and tells her to warn the surface world of his wrath.

Instead of fleeing, Chelsea stays behind and records a hazing ritual performed by Angel's gang. When Ajax discovers her, Jake rescues Chelsea, drawing the further ire of the gang, who promise retaliations against both of them. The increased gang activity, including the murder of a Wall Street investor, draws the attention of the cops, who organize a sweep through the tunnels. Lockeheed's aggressive behavior during the raid culminates in a violent confrontation with Jake. As Smitty defuses the situation, the gang quietly abducts a young and idealistic cop named Jimmy. Angel sets fire to Jake's home and mounts Jimmy's bloody body nearby as a warning. Chelsea and Gabriel rescue Jake, and they attempt to help Jimmy, who is already dead.

Above ground, Smitty and Lockeheed argue over Jake and return to the tunnels to interrogate him about Jimmy, who has been reported missing. When Lockeheed finds Jake next to Jimmy's dead body, Smitty is no longer able to hold him back. Jake flees deeper into the tunnels, where he receives conflicting advice from Gabriel and Flash. Gabriel advises him to avoid violence, and Flash urges him to confront Angel. When Ajax fails to kill Flash and instead gets beaten, Angel kills Ajax. Angel then sends his gang out to set bombs in the subway tunnels, and Jake forces Skeeter to lead him to Angel's lair, which is hidden in the deepest, maze-like tunnels. Jake attempts to stop Razor from setting a bomb, but it explodes, derails a subway train, and brings further police activity in the tunnels.

Razor and Jake fight each other; when Lockeheed shoots Jake in the arm, Razor and Jake both flee into the tunnels. Angel's gang wounds Flash as they kidnap Chelsea. Smitty arrests Jake, but Jake convinces Smitty to let him go so that he can rescue Chelsea. When Jake reaches Angel, he discovers that Angel has planned his own death so that he will become a legend to his followers. Smitty and Lockeheed, who have reconciled, converge with the rest of the homeless people on Angel's lair, and they join Chelsea in attempting to stop Jake from killing Angel. Sensing Jake's reluctance, Angel reveals that he was the one who killed Jake's wife. At the last minute, Jake accepts Gabriel's advice and chooses to forgo violence and revenge. Smitty and Lockeheed arrest Angel and lead him away.

Walking on Sunshine (film)

The opening scene shows Taylor and her boyfriend, Raf, by the sea. Raf wants Taylor to stay with him in Italy, but Taylor wishes to go to university and start her "real life".

Three years later, Taylor goes to the south Italian region of Apulia on holiday ("Holiday"). Her sister Maddie, who went there five weeks before upon Taylor's instruction to get over a break-up with her boyfriend Doug, greets her when she arrives and surprises Taylor with her extravagant house and their friend Lil. Maddie also reveals she is getting married in two days, which shocks Taylor ("Venus"). Lil reveals that Taylor had a boyfriend in Apulia on her holiday three years ago, but Taylor explains she doesn't want to rekindle her relationship with him. Taylor then goes down to the beach to see if she recognizes anybody from her holiday three years ago. She is reunited with her friend Elena and her boyfriend Enrico, as well as her friend Mikey. Taylor sees Raf on the beach and follows him cleverly ("How Will I Know?") before falling right in front of him. Raf recognizes her and is about to greet her when Maddie runs over and kisses Raf, revealing that Raf is Maddie's fiancé. Raf, Elena, Mikey and Enrico are all very surprised that Maddie and Taylor are sisters as they don't think the pair have anything in common. Taylor is shocked that Maddie is marrying Raf, but pretends she doesn't know him, Elena, Enrico, or Mikey, despite Elena telling her she should tell Maddie the truth. Taylor declines, and tells her she would prefer to keep it a secret as not to worry Maddie.

Later on that night the group attends a dinner, where Raf makes a speech about Maddie that brings Taylor to tears, which she disguises. Maddie makes a speech ("The Power of Love"). Taylor goes outside to the bar and Raf follows her, saying that the relationship between them is "weird", which Taylor denies at first but then agrees with. Raf wants to tell Maddie about their relationship three years ago but Taylor refuses, wanting to protect Maddie and to stop her from feeling like a fool.

The next day, Raf and Taylor are sent by Maddie to go and sort out their clothes and also the rings. Raf and Taylor argue about their past relationship and Taylor says she doesn't believe people should "sing from the rooftops", referring to people's feelings. Raf argues that if they do, they really mean it. Elena, Mikey and Enrico overhear and leave. However, when Raf and Taylor step out of the changing cubicles in their wedding outfits it is hinted that they still have feelings for each other.

While this is happening, Doug turns up and surprises Maddie at the market. He tells her he made a mistake by breaking up with her, and wants her back. She declines, but Doug tries to persuade her ("Don't You Want Me"). He follows Maddie back to her house, where she agrees to have dinner with him before her hen party as a "final farewell". Elena and Enrico are discussing Taylor's secret by the pool and Maddie walks in, finding out Elena has a secret. Elena panics and tells her she is pregnant.

Raf and Taylor return from wedding preparations and Maddie asks if Taylor would like a plus one, hinting at her past boyfriend from three years ago. Taylor declines and then finds out about Doug and Maddie's dinner after Doug sends Maddie pink roses with a note saying he can't wait for it, and an argument ensues. The others break up the argument by taking Taylor to the tomato festival ("Walking on Sunshine"). Maddie is left behind to be pampered for her hen night.

After the festival, Raf takes Taylor to the sea to wash off the tomatoes. The sun is setting ("Eternal Flame"). Raf overhears Taylor and the two go to kiss, but Taylor runs away, still thinking about Maddie. Raf chases her as she runs back to the house, and he demands to know if she has any feelings for him and to discuss what happened between them on the beach. Whilst they are arguing, Maddie walks in and her hen party guests led by Elena and Lil surprise them. Taylor is forced to reveal that Raf was her old love from her past Puglia holiday but lies, saying that she has no feelings for him. Raf is hurt, but says the same, to keep his relationship with Maddie strong. Lil kicks Raf out of the hen night and Maddie tells Taylor to change for the party.

The girls go out on the hen night, dressed up ("Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"); the boys do the same ("The Wild Boys"). Taylor leaves the nightclub that the girls are visiting, and sings It Must Have Been Love, along with Raf who is in a different part of Puglia at his stag do. Taylor realizes she still loves Raf and decides she can't stay in case she destroys Maddie and Raf's relationship. She leaves for the airport in a taxi, throwing a picture of her and Raf out of the taxi window.

Whilst Taylor is leaving, Maddie goes back to her bedroom where Doug is waiting. He says he does not want anything from her but he wants to give his blessing, which Maddie says is "sweet" before she realizes what Doug is doing. She ties Doug up, pretending she is going to have sex with him ("Faith"); instead, she pushes him into the pool. Everything goes silent and Maddie goes to see if he is alright, and Doug is on one knee with an engagement ring, which confuses Maddie.

The morning afterwards, Lil finds Taylor in the airport and offers advice. She says that Taylor must forget her feelings for Raf as her relationship with Maddie is more important. Taylor agrees and the pair get in a taxi to go to the wedding, after Lil realizes they are late. Taylor changes in the taxi. Maddie also wakes up late, hugging a picture of Raf, meaning she turned Doug away. Raf is shown duct taped to a tree next to a nunnery. The cast congregates at the church ("White Wedding"). Maddie and Taylor reconcile before heading inside.

At the altar, the priest asks if anybody objects to Raf and Maddie's marriage, to which Doug stands up, but Maddie tells him to sit down. Maddie then surprises everyone, telling Raf she is in love with love itself rather than him specifically and that he deserves better. Raf leaves the church but Taylor pursues him to apologize ("If I Could Turn Back Time"). When it doesn't work, Taylor runs to the roof and sings to Raf from there, as earlier on in the film Raf said if somebody sings from the rooftops you can tell they mean their feelings. Raf joins Taylor on the roof where Taylor tells Raf she loves him and the two kiss.

Later at the beach, Elena admits to Enrico that she actually is pregnant and Enrico is overjoyed. Lil hints at having feelings for Mikey by kissing him. Maddie and Taylor discuss how Maddie is now alone, but she says she will be fine. Doug interrupts the girls, and Lil and Taylor strap him into a hang glider whilst Maddie distracts him. Lil gives a signal to a boat offshore and Doug is flown up into the air, screaming. The entire cast then perform "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" and the film ends.

See Naples and Die

Drug dealer Sanesi is trying to get her old friend Marisa to have her husband, a senior bank official, sing. But the official becomes convinced that Marisa is cheating on him with Sanesi and throws his wife out of the house. In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating, Marisa decides to assassinate Sanesi. A murder trial then opens against Marisa. Her acquittal in self-defense will lead Marisa and her husband to reconciliation.

The Girl from Nagasaki

The film is a reworking of Puccini's opera ''Madama Butterfly'', in which the tragic heroine is obsessed with an American pilot.

High School (1954 film)

Last year of school for the III C of the Gobetti high school in Rome: the events of the boys and girls who have to face the final exams are intertwined with more or less happy loves, shy disputes and small dramas. Lucia, scion of a rich family, but with a generous and rebellious soul, shares with Andrea, who instead comes from a family of modest conditions, the project for a school newspaper. The contents of the file put them in collision with the principal, but they unite the two boys, who eventually fall in love. Their relationship, however, is opposed by Lucia's family, who want her to be paired with the stolid but rich Pupo.

World Trigger

Four years later, people in Mikado City have grown used to the occasional battles with the Neighbors, and have returned more or less to their everyday lives. Border has become popular. One day, a mysterious white-haired student named transfers to the local school. Kuga is actually a strong humanoid Neighbor, a fact that he wants to hide from Border. In the school he meets another student, , who is secretly a C-class Border trainee. Since Kuga is completely oblivious about life in Mikado City, it falls to Mikumo to guide him through it, and to prevent him from being discovered by Border.

Captain Phantom

In the early 1800s, the Spanish regiments are celebrating their victory over the French Legions of Bonaparte. In the midst of the celebration, Miguel, Duke of Canabil, is summoned to his commander's quarters and given the news that his father, and Admiral in the Spanish Navy, has betrayed the crown of Spain by turning his fleet over to the enemy. The stunned Miguel, humiliated and scorned by his regiment, takes a blood oath to find out the truth about his father. His search leads him to the mystery ship "Asuncion", commanded by Ingio de Costa, an unscrupulous, vicious man with a hand for evil. The latter is also trying to get one of his evil hands on the fair Consuelo, daughter of the governor of Cadiz.

The Double Life of Henry Phyfe

Henry Phyfe (Buttons) was a mild-mannered accountant, until circumstances forced the American Counter Intelligence Service (CIS) to recruit him to impersonate a foreign agent named U-31, who had been killed in an automobile accident. The agent looked just like Phyfe, but the two men's personalities were drastically different. That severe contrast laid the groundwork for many of the episodes.

Phyfe's girlfriend, Judy Kimball, her mother Florence and his boss at the accounting firm, Mr. Hamble, were all unaware of Henry's secret life, with Gerald Hannahan, the regional director of the agency the lone person to know the secret. The characters of the girlfriend and mother-in-law were phased out halfway through the abbreviated run.

A recurring plot line was that U-31 had a wide range of skills (golf, samurai sword fighting, etc) which Phyfe would attempt to learn (generally unsuccessfully) just before his mission.

All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard

Lam Chung (Tony Leung), the coach of eight hundred thousand Royal Guards, is a righteous person that is highly regarded by the imperial court and is addressed as a "martial arts mania". One day, Lam meets "Flowery Monk" Lo Chi-sam at Mount Wutai and with their wise appreciation of each other, they become sworn brothers. In order to help his brother to avoid frustration, Lo advises Lam to go to Liangshan County with him, but Lam rejects due to his loyalty.

Lam meets Sau Ng (Sean Lau) and became good friends with him. Ko Nga-noi (Pal Sinn), the godson of evil official Ko Chau (Lau Shun) is coveted by the beauty of Lam's wife (Joey Wong). His underling Luk Him (Lam Wai) is bent on taking the title of the coach of the eight hundred thousand Royal Guards. Lam is later framed by Ko Chau and was sentenced to be escorted to Changzhou Road. In the meantime, Lam's wife, who was trying to protect her chastity, was accidentally killed by Ko Nga-noi. Sau, who is mortally wounded, informs Lam and at this time, Lo joins forces with his brother Lam to battle the army soldiers. Finally, Lam kills Luk Him and avenges his beloved wife and his friend Sau. While on despair, Lam goes to Liangshan with Lo and they become Water Margin Heroes.

Return of the Obra Dinn

The ''Obra Dinn'', an East Indiaman trade ship, departs from Falmouth to the Orient in 1802 with 51 crewmen and 9 passengers. The ship fails to meet her rendezvous at the Cape of Good Hope, and is declared lost. Five years later, the ''Obra Dinn'' reappears off the coast of England with every hand either dead or missing. The East India Company sends its Chief Inspector to determine what happened aboard the ship. The inspector receives a logbook and the ''Memento Mortem'' stopwatch from Henry Evans, the ship's surgeon. The stopwatch, when used on a corpse, enables the user to experience and walk around the exact moment of the corpses death, frozen in time. With this and the logbook, the inspector sets out to unravel the fate of all 60 aboard.

The ''Obra Dinn'' had launched with a number of passengers, including two royal Formosans and their guards carrying an exquisite treasure chest. Initial calamity struck after launch, with one crew member killed by falling cargo, and two others taken by pneumonia. However, a small group of the crew saw the potential of stealing the Formosan chest and, as they neared the Canary Islands, abducted the royal Formosans and the chest via rowboat and fled. However, three mermaids ambushed the boats killing most of the group. The mermaids' attack was quelled when a Formosan used a magical shell pulled from the chest to stun the mermaids, but resulted in his death. The remaining crew member returned to the ''Obra Dinn'', along with the captured mermaids (who also had shells), but he was shot on approach by the surviving Formosan guard. As they were brought aboard, the mermaids attacked and killed more of the crew before they were subdued and locked in the lazarette.

The ''Obra Dinn'' circled around to return to England due to the increasing number of deaths. As they started their return, the mermaids caused a terrible storm to strike, and a pair of sea demons mounted on giant spider crabs boarded the ship intent on reaching the lazarette to liberate the mermaids, killing more of the crew before being put down. Shortly after dispelling the first assault, the ship was attacked by a kraken, killing more crewmen and the captain's wife. The captain went to the lazarette and threatened to kill all the mermaids in hopes of ending the attack. He executed two before the final one called off the kraken. The shells and the surviving mermaid were then tossed overboard by one of the Captain's mates, with the mermaid agreeing to guide the ship back to England. The surviving passengers and some of the crew decided to abandon the ''Obra Dinn'' and make for the western coast of Africa. Evans, knowing that the East India Company will investigate the ship via the ''Memento Mortem'', purposefully killed his pet monkey inside the locked lazarette, and kept its paw for safekeeping before leaving with the others. The three remaining crewmen turned on the captain, wanting to reclaim the chest and shells as compensation for their hardships, not knowing they were already thrown overboard. The captain killed the mutineers, and then, next to his wife's body, committed suicide.

Several years later, the insurance inspector is able to catalogue all the deaths on the ship, except those within the locked lazarette. After the inspector leaves the ship, a fierce storm rolls in and the ''Obra Dinn'' sinks. The completed logbook is mailed back to Evans, and an insurance report is written, compensating or fining the estates of lost crewmen, depending on their conduct. A year later, Jane Bird, one of the survivors who fled with Evans, mails the book back to the inspector along with the monkey's paw and a letter saying that Evans had died shortly after receiving the logbook back. The Inspector then uses the "Memento Mortem" on the monkey paw in order to deduce what happened in the lazarette, thereby completing the whole story of the "Obra Dinn".

Hito Hitori Futari

''Hito Hitori Futari'' follows the story of the Japanese Prime Minister, Kasuga Soichiro, and his guardian spirit, Riyon, as they struggle to survive in the world of Japanese politics.

World Wharf II: The Wharfening (or How Bob Saves/Destroys the Town – Part II)

The episode picks up where the previous one left off, which saw Felix vow to kill Mr. Fischoeder and Bob due to Bob convincing Fischoeder to go back on his plan to sell Wonder Wharf to developers who will then tear the park down to build condominiums. Felix takes Bob and his brother underneath the pier housing Wonder Wharf and ties them to one of the pilings supporting it. After being chastised by Mr. Fischoeder for going to all that trouble, Felix explains that his plan is not to shoot them as he originally intended. He instead intends to draw out the process by abandoning them under the pier and waiting for high tide to come in, and since neither Bob nor Mr. Fischoeder can move, they will eventually become trapped under the water and drown.

Meanwhile, Linda mopes about the loss of the opportunity by not getting another restaurant as Felix had previously promised. Linda, Teddy, and the kids then realize that Bob has been missing for hours without contact. Everyone heads back to Bob's Burgers, believing that if he would be anywhere it would be at the restaurant. Once they get there, though, they find out that Bob is not there either and Linda becomes concerned.

Bob tries to call Linda while trapped under the pier but because his phone is too far from his mouth, Linda believes he is butt dialing her and can only hear laughter. She puts the phone on silent, which causes Bob to send several multi-media messages, one of which Tina identifies as a picture of Mr. Fischoeder's buttocks. Linda then deduces that Bob and Mr. Fischoeder are together and probably just drunk. Bob attempts to text and call them again but the phone falls into the water. Linda and the rest try to break the almost unrecognizable text, and start genuinely worrying about Bob. They look for him all over town until they end up at Wonder Wharf, where they see the guilt-ridden Felix. A sound from a nearby horror house (which was heard in Bob's attempted phone call) leads Linda and the kids to believe that Bob is being held captive under the pier.

Felix starts to feel guilty about his actions and goes on to save Bob and his brother. Riding a pedal boat, Felix, Linda, and the kids go where Bob and Mr. Fischoeder are tied up. The tides have gone high and Felix is about to release them when Fanny, Felix's girlfriend whom he promised her own club where she can perform, arrives and says that she will kill Bob and Calvin herself so that she could get her own nightclub. Bob momentarily distracts her by asking her to sing so that Linda can crash her pedal boat on a weak post of the pier. Linda succeeds and the weight of the carousel from above gives in, destroying part of the wharf. Everyone is safe, and only Fanny is sent to jail as Mr. Fischoeder covered for Felix. The Belchers go home.

10 Endrathukulla

A driving instructor who refers to himself by various names (such as "James Bond", "Mani Ratnam", or "Sunil Gavaskar") but never reveals his actual name is assigned by a local criminal Das to deliver a woman named Shakeela to Pooran Singh in Mussoorie. Shakeela is an orphan who has failed her driving test 14 times. The driving instructor is constantly irritated by Shakeela's antics during the journey to Mussoorie but soon falls in love with her. At Mussoorie, he learns from Pooran that Shakeela is to be delivered to Daksha Bhai, an upper-caste landlord from an Uttarakhand village. He delivers Shakeela to Daksha and is invited to stay at his ancestral mansion for a festival. During the stay, he finds out why Shakeela has been delivered to Daksha: Shakeela is the doppelgänger of Daksha Bhai's sister Gadgi Moi, a cruel, merciless upper-caste leader who has been sentenced to death for orchestrating a massacre against the lower-caste people. Daksha Bhai plans to send Shakeela to jail in the place of Gadgi, who has been released on parole to perform the last rites of her dead grandmother. The plan backfires as Shakeela escapes from the police. In the chaos that ensues, Gadgi breaks her cover and kidnaps Shakeela, planning to kill her in a moving train. The driving instructor manages to rescue Shakeela and kill Gadgi. Daksha, distraught at Gadgi's death, commits suicide by jumping off the train with her body. In the end, the driving instructor and Shakeela, who are now in a relationship, happily drive back to Chennai. During the journey, the driving instructor whispers his real name in Shakeela's ear, to which she reacts in a disgusting manner.

Endless Love (2014 TV series)

A period drama that tells the story of the loves, dreams, and ambitions of a woman who lived from the 1970s to the 1990s, an era of great political and economic upheaval in South Korea.

Seo In-ae is determined to do whatever it takes to avenge her murdered mother. She also faces many trials and tribulations while upholding justice and the law in her profession, where she meets important government and military figures. Brothers Han Gwang-hoon and Han Gwang-cheol were her childhood friends. In-ae and Gwang-hoon loved each other, but their ambitions and conflict of interests marred their relationship. On the other hand, Gwang-cheol has always loved In-ae passionately.

The Diamond (film)

After a gang pulls off a heist to acquire freshly minted dollars, American Treasury Agent Joe Dennison pursues their trail to London. With the assistance of a Scotland Yard detective, he attempts to break a racket involving the production of synthetic diamonds.

Suzunone Seven!

The story of ''Suzunone Seven!'' takes place in a world where magic is established as one of the energies. There is a prestige school called Suzunone Magic School, which has many talented pupils capable of magic, however, there are also dropout students, and the worst seven students are forced to contribute to a studying camp called the Suzunone Trial. There, they will take exams and whoever does the worst will be expelled from school.

Sleeping Beauty (short story)

A discussion of bizarre names leads Harry Purvis to describe Sigmund Snoring, whose family had one of those European names that "starts with 'Sch' and carries on in the same manner" but Anglicized it with unfortunate results. Sigmund, or to be more accurate, his wife, discovers that he lives up to his name on his wedding night, which is unfortunate because he stands to inherit a large fortune if he remains married and reaches the age of 30 without separation or divorce. In an effort to ensure his future he contacts his uncle Hymie, a famous physiologist. Hymie has Sigmund sign a contract guaranteeing him a big cut of the inheritance, and produces a serum which stops Sigmund's snoring. It also renders him unable to sleep. After some months of 24-hour days, Sigmund pleads for an antidote. This is duly produced, putting Sigmund to sleep, never to wake again. His wife approves of the arrangement and in due course takes the inheritance on his behalf, putting it to good use on the French Riviera.

Debatik (film)

Three years after the Italian invasion of Albania, children create their anti-fascist organization, called Debatik ( , in English United Boys Members of Communist Ideas). Coli, an orphaned poor boy, is proud to be accepted in the organization. He manages to inform his communist teacher that he is trapped by the fascist prosecutors, but is killed while doing so. Uncle Demir finds the boy and transports his dead body in his carriage.

Breaking Dad

The year is 2022. Ross is in his forties, and is horrified when his daughter Honor brings home her boyfriend Traolach — a little too similar to a young Ross. His father Charles is Director of Elections for a resurgent Fianna Fáil.

Glamour for Sale

A poor girl, working for an escort agency, is given for her first client a man working for the police, who suspect the business is involved in blackmail. Her innocence of the agency's criminal activities, along with her looks, charm, and wit mean that only she among all the club's girls can help the police break one of the city's many criminal rackets.

The Secret Lover

After her tutor embezzles and squanders her inheritance, a young woman is forced to seek work in a series of different occupations.

Selma (film)

In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) accepts his Nobel Peace Prize. Four black girls walking down stairs in the Birmingham, Alabama 16th Street Baptist Church are killed by a bomb set by the Ku Klux Klan. Annie Lee Cooper attempts to register to vote in Selma, Alabama, but is prevented by the white registrar. King meets with Lyndon B. Johnson and asks for federal legislation to allow black citizens to register to vote unencumbered, but the president responds that, although he understands Dr. King's concerns, he has more important projects. King travels to Selma with Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young, James Orange, and Diane Nash. James Bevel greets them, and other SCLC activists appear. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover tells Johnson that King is a problem, and suggests they disrupt his marriage. Coretta Scott King has concerns about her husband's upcoming work in Selma. King calls singer Mahalia Jackson to inspire him with a song.

King, other SCLC leaders, and black Selma residents march to the registration office to register. After a confrontation in front of the courthouse, a shoving match occurs as the police go into the crowd. Cooper fights back, knocking Sheriff Jim Clark to the ground, leading to the arrest of Cooper, King, and others.

Alabama Governor George Wallace speaks out against the movement. Coretta meets with Malcolm X, who says he will drive whites to ally with King by advocating a more extreme position. Wallace and Al Lingo decide to use force at an upcoming night march in Marion, Alabama, using state troopers to assault the marchers. A group of protesters runs into a restaurant to hide, but troopers rush in and beat and shoot Jimmie Lee Jackson. King and Bevel meet with Cager Lee, Jackson's grandfather, at the morgue. King speaks to ask people to continue to fight for their rights. Harassing phone calls with a recording of sexual activity implied to be King and another woman lead to an argument with Coretta; she knows it is a fabrication, but the strain of constant death threats has taken its toll on her. King is criticized by members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

As the Selma-to-Montgomery march is about to begin, King talks to Young about delaying it for a day so he can spend some time with his family, but Young convinces King to let the march begin as scheduled without him, saying he can join later. The marchers, including John Lewis of SNCC, Hosea Williams of SCLC, and Selma activist Amelia Boynton, cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge and approach a line of state troopers who put on gas masks. The troopers order the marchers to turn back and, when the marchers hold their ground, the troopers attack with clubs, horses, tear gas, and other weapons. Lewis and Boynton are among those badly injured. The attack is shown on national television and the wounded are treated at Brown Chapel, the movement's headquarter church.

Movement attorney Fred Gray asks federal Judge Frank Minis Johnson to let another attempt at the march go forward. President Johnson demands that King and Wallace cease their activities and sends Assistant Attorney General John Doar to convince King to postpone the next march. Numerous white Americans, including Viola Liuzzo and James Reeb, arrive to join the second march. Marchers cross the bridge again and see the state troopers lined up, but the troopers turn aside to let them pass. King, after praying, turns around and leads the group away, which again draws sharp criticism from SNCC activists. That evening, Reeb is beaten to death by an angry white mob on a street in Selma.

After a hearing, Judge Johnson approves the march. President Johnson speaks before a Joint Session of Congress to ask for quick passage of a bill to eliminate restrictions on voting, praising the courage of the activists. The march on the highway to Montgomery takes place, and, when the marchers reach Montgomery, King delivers a speech on the steps of the State Capitol.

Lee Jang-ho's Baseball Team

Hye-sung grew up poor but he has a gifted talent for baseball. Eom-ji has watched over him since they were young. Hye-sung falls in love with Eom-ji but when she transfers to another school, they don't see each other for years. Hye-sung and Eom-ji meet again at a baseball field but she is now the girlfriend of the exceptional hitter of high school, Ma Dong-tak. Hye-sung competes endlessly with Dong-tak over Eom-ji. But he ends up with a serious shoulder injury and gives up baseball. Then baseball manager Sohn Byung-ho gathers up dismissed baseball players and forms a team. Manager Sohn puts his team through extreme training and Hye-sung returns to the baseball world. He competes once more with Dong-tak, who has Eom-ji by his side.

O Circo das Qualidades Humanas

On a Sunday morning, Ulysses, Maria Germana, Eduardo and the cronies Carioca and Preto arrive in Congonhas, Minas Gerais. Each of them has a different reason to come to the town: some personal, others professional. Ulysses was born there. Living an identity crisis, he decides to return to his hometown in a quest to find himself. Maria Germana is a shooting model that comes to Congonhas because of a photographic session. She gets interested in Ulysses after seeing him in a bar. Eduardo is an engineer whom also came because of professional reasons. He ends up falling in love with a mysterious woman named Helena, whom he met in the streets of the city. Carioca and Preto came to search for Chicão, with who they plan to have a reckoning. Besides them, there is Bosco, a young man that has returned home recently after a period recovering from substances dependency. He struggles with family problems, such as the sexual harassment from his sister, and the despise from his father.

Merdeka 17805

In early 1942, the army of the Empire of Japan occupies the Dutch East Indies and overthrows its Dutch colonial leaders. During a visit to a Javanese village, Captain Takeo Shimazaki (Jundai Yamada) and his translator Yamana (Naomasa Musaka) are told that their arrival was predicted by King Jayabaya centuries before. Touched by this pronouncement, Shimazaki promises to free the archipelago from colonialism. Later, he is assigned to sneak into the last Dutch stronghold in Bandung and negotiate the unconditional surrender of the Dutch Army, a mission he completes successfully.

With control of the archipelago assured, General Hitoshi Imamura allows the military training of the indigenous population, with promises that it will lead to Indonesian independence. Shimazaki becomes a teacher at the Seinen Dojo ("Youth School"), and his students – including Nurhadi (Muhammad Iqbal), Asep (Aulia Achsan), and Parto (Fajar Umbara) – are willing to fight to the death for the independence of their homeland. Although this school is dissolved after Parto beats a drunken Japanese soldier for attempting to assault his sister, the three remain fiercely dedicated to fighting for independence, and they join the Defenders of the Homeland (PETA) after it is established; Shimazaki holds a leadership role.

After Japan's defeat in the Pacific and subsequent surrender, Shimazaki is conflicted in his loyalties, wondering if he should go back to Japan, or stay in the newly proclaimed Republic of Indonesia and fight to defend its sovereignty. At first, he does not abandon his duties to Japan, and refuses to give PETA weapons to the Indonesian guerillas, said weapons having been earmarked for surrender to the Allies. Armed only with ''bambu runcing'' (sharpened bamboo spears), these guerillas are easily killed by the returning Dutch forces and their allies. Finally, a group of former PETA soldiers – led by Nurhadi, Parto and Asep – go to the Japanese headquarters to force Shimizaki to give them the weapons. After a lengthy stand-off, he agrees to surrender the weapons and to accompany the guerrillas in fighting, saying goodbye to his friend Lieutenant Miyata (Naoki Hosaka).

Shimazaki is captured by Dutch forces, but saved by his fellow guerillas; many die in the effort, including Parto. In reciprocation, the Dutch capture Miyata, accuse him masterminding Shimazaki's escape, and execute him. Learning of this, Shimazaki hardens his resolve to fight for Indonesian independence. After marrying a Javanese nurse, Aryati, Shimazaki goes with several other Japanese soldiers to retake the republican capital at Yogyakarta, which had been occupied during Operation Crow.

The troops, under the leadership of Shimazaki and Nurhadi, face off against better-equipped pro-Dutch troops. Shimazaki's fellow Japanese soldiers are killed during the battle, as are many Indonesian guerrillas, but the battle invigorates the nationalistic spirit of the fighters. When Shimazaki and Nurhadi return to camp, they discuss the meaning of freedom. Later, as Shimazaki goes through the tags of the fallen and mourns their loss, he is killed by a sniper. After killing the sniper, Nurhadi, Aryati, and the guerrillas bury Shimazaki while singing the Indonesian national anthem, "Indonesia Raya".

Decades later, at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in Jakarta, Miyata's daughter Fumiko lays flowers on the graves of Miyata and Shimazaki. She is accompanied by Aryati (Mila Karmila) and Nurhadi (Eman Sulaeman), and has accepted the sacrifice of her father and his comrades, remarking that they had become "stars for freedom".

Whirlpool of Desire

A newlywed couple suffer tragedy when the husband is seriously injured in a car accident.

Queen of the Mist

In the early 1900s, in western New York State, at Niagara Falls, Anna Edson Taylor is a 63-year-old teacher. Needing money, she decides to become the first woman to go over Niagara Falls, and designs her own barrel. She is helped by her manager, Frank Russell. "Navigating both the treacherous Falls and a fickle public with a ravenous appetite for sensationalism, this unconventional heroine vies for her legacy in a world clamoring with swindling managers, assassins, revolutionaries, moralizing family, anarchists, and activists. Convinced that there is greatness in her and determined not to live as ordinary, she sets out to battle her fear and tempt her fate." The score incorporates turn-of-the-century themes. Anna attempts to take advantage of her fame on the lecture circuit, but that does not last. Anna dies in a nursing home at age 82, a pauper.

The Ornithologist (film)

Fernando is out in nature camping on riverbank birdwatching in Portugal. He gets into his yellow kayak watching all kinds of beautiful birds. He is so intent looking through his binoculars his kayak is swept into rapids and capsizes.

Two Chinese women Fei and Lin are hiking through the woods and they find Fernando's body. The one woman is afraid and the other sees a duty to try and help. They resuscitate Fernando. He speaks Portuguese and the Chinese women don't but English allows them to communicate. He explains that they are lost and far off their route. The women are afraid of the forest spirits and he appears to be a non-believer. The women tie the man up in ropes from a tree. They ignore his pleas and promises of help. During the night he frees himself and he climbs high up a cliff for safety. His phone will not work.

After a strange night of a full moon with tribal men dancing around a fire and the ritual killing of a boar, Fernando finds Jesus. Jesus is a deaf and mute goat herder. Both men distrust the other but after Jesus goes swimming naked Fernando joins him. Jesus shares his food, they sunbathe and Fernando shows Jesus how his binoculars work. They make love. Jesus uses his whistle and dog to round up his goats. Fernando sees that Jesus has his sweatshirt and gets angry. Jesus pulls out his knife and the two men fight. Fernando stabs and kills Jesus.

Fernando continues his journey finding an apple tree and bird eggs for food. He finds an old abandoned mission abbey with statues of saints and angels. He talks to some Koi fish in a pond and wonders did they survive the flood and who feeds them. He hears the sound of a horn and three topless women on horses are hunting with their dogs. There are elk and deer in the woods. The woman shoots an elk that disappears and Fernando looks as if he was hit by a bullet. She asks him is he Ok? They offer food and help. Is he lost? After he assures them he is fine they ride off.

The surreal experiences continue with a white dove watching him. He comes upon a dead body and he breathes it back to life. He died last night dancing with his friends. Who are you and am I dead? He tells him that he is Anthony. The now living man says that he is Thomas. Some things you can not understand but just believe. A spirit just burns within us. Should I believe a lie? I know I am dead. Anthony answers it is only a lie to you. You never died. You have my brother's whistle and knife. Did you kill Jesus? I am a new man and am here to correct a wrong. Thomas slices the neck of Fernando.

You hear the horn of a truck and see the city sign of Padua. Jesus and Fernando are walking into town and across the street, the two Chinese women are waving and shouting friendly greetings.

Sweets from a Stranger (film)

In Rome a maniac kills several prostitutes torturing them with a razor. Soon they are informed that the murderer kills the victims not only with a razor, but delivers the deathblow to them with a bolt gun. Stella, a luxury call girl, learns about the murder of Bruna, a fellow streetwalker and old friend. Only Bruna's colleagues attend the funeral. Nadine, an experienced sex worker with a cheerful but tenacious personality, decides to organize a group of her fellow prostitutes in order to protect themselves and to discover the identity of the serial killer before he strikes again.

Infelici e contenti

Aldo and Vittorio are two men with disabilities. One is blind, the other is reliant on a wheelchair. Vittorio one day by chance meets Aldo in the hospice and invites him to brake a pleasure trip to Sanremo in Liguria. In fact Vittorio, though blind, is a cheat who's in trouble, and he needs to go to Sanremo to settle a business. But in his messes, Vittorio also involves the gentle and naive Aldo...

Citadels (video game)

The game is set during the fall of King Arthur's reign. His Kingdom loses to an invading force backed by Mordred and Morgan.

Bókasafn Ömmu Huldar

The novel is set in Reykjavík, in a dystopian future in which the world is largely controlled by a bank called Gullbanki ('Gold Bank'). Gullbanki was once a small bank but, by speculating on uncaught fish and on land, grew, and bought up first other banks and ultimately everything in the world. Schooling is merely instrumental, the Internet has been prohibited, people are discouraged from reading, and books are largely unavailable. The protagonist's elder brother Sóli is brought into debt slavery during his teens through mobile phone bills, while parents find themselves effectively offering themselves as collateral for property purchases, and are taken away to work for Gullbanki when they default on their debts (as they inevitably do).

The novel's protagonist is Albertína Haraldsdóttir, an eleven-year-old girl whose family has, at the start of the story, recently moved into a new block of flats, Gullbúrið ('Gilded Cage'), built as part of a housing boom and characterised by impersonality, and screens in every room which cannot be switched off and which continually broadcast adverts. Gullbanki's representative at Gullbúrið is the self-important but ultimately hapless Hávar M. Grímsson, who is shown to be able to use his wealth to control the mayor of Reykjavík. It emerges that Albertína's family, having defaulted on the loans for their pleasant house, has been sent to live in the flat by Gullbanki to advertise the new block; Albertína has to spend several hours a day standing in the window dressed in a frock as a living advertisement. Albertína's brother has already been taken away by Gullbanki and both Albertína's parents and those of her friends are also seized in the earlier part of the book.

Gullbanki's power is subverted by a number of forces. One of Albertína's schoolfriends, Valgarður (Valli) veira, has perceived and explains Gullbanki's business practices. Meanwhile, Albertína teaches herself to read by inspecting instructions on bathroom products. Crucially, the witch Arnheiður Huld, Albertína's cigar-smoking great-great-grandmother on her father's side and the Granny Huld of the book's title, escapes from her old people's home at the age of 158 to join Albertína and her family in Gullbúrið. With the help of a number of dwarvish minions whom she has used her magical powers to enslave, Huld moves in her million-book library, giving Albertína and her friends access to knowledge which they work voraciously to acquire. One of the more dramatic effects of this reading is that Albertína acquires the power to breathe fire like a dragon. Valli veira plans to become a suicide bomber in a futile attempt to resist Gullbanki's power but is eventually discouraged by Huld and Albertína, who instead lead a more effective assault on Gullbanki.

Huld uses her magic to fly Gullbúrið to the space-station where Gullbanki is based, taking the opportunity to curse Hávar into becoming another of her dwarfish minions, exposing his own powerlessness in the face of Gullbanki, along with his loneliness and need for friendship. It transpires that the parents and relatives of Albertína and her friends are working in the space-station, but so engrossed are they by their pointless labours for Gullbanki, and the spurious internal competitions that characterise the business, that they are unable to spare their children any time; indeed it is later only by adopting the hollow marketing methods of Gullbanki itself that the children are able to convince them to flee the doomed space station. Eventually, Albertína is at least able to free her brother Sóli from Gullbanki's ideological grip and with him she, Huld and her friends find and face Gullbanki's director Böðvar gamli. Böðvar turns out to be an ex-boyfriend of Huld's and to have played bass in a band in which Huld herself played drums, and to have been driven to his megalomaniacal spree of financial acquisitions by bitterness at Huld's rejection of him. Eventually, Böðvar and Huld kill each other, and the children are able to engineer the evacuation of Gullbanki's space station, reuniting with their parents in Reykjavík and ushering in a new age of enlightened living.

The Shiralee (novel)

The swagman Macauley takes his young daughter Buster on the road with him.

Battlefield Hardline

In 2012, Miami Police Detectives Nick Mendoza and Carl Stoddard (Travis Willingham) make a drug bust that goes violent. After arresting a fleeing suspect, Captain Julian Dawes (Benito Martinez) has Nick partner up with Khai Minh Dao (Kelly Hu) to follow a lead to cocaine broker Tyson Latchford (Adam J. Harrington). Forcing his associate to wear a wire, they find a new drug called Hot Shot being sold in the streets of Miami and rescue Tyson from a group of armed men. In the process Khai is severely wounded, putting her out of action for several weeks. After returning (against her doctor's orders), Dawes orders the two to bring in Leo Ray (Graham Shiels) from the Elmore Hotel but are forced to fight their way through armed men connected to drug dealer Remy Neltz (T.J. Storm), who is distributing the Hot Shot drug. While capturing Leo, Khai beats him up for seemingly insulting her.

Leo's information leads the two detectives to the Everglades, where drug bales are being dropped. Investigating the area, they discover several of Neltz's drug operations and Leo's mutilated corpse, who was presumably killed for cooperating with the Miami Police. They eventually find Neltz only to escape back to Miami. Before leaving, he mentions that he took a deal from Stoddard. The officers corner him in a Miami warehouse only for Stoddard to kill Neltz as he was about to elaborate more on their deal. Nick leaves in disgust after Stoddard and Khai take some cash before more officers arrive. Later, as a hurricane makes landfall, Dawes sends Nick and Khai back to the crime scene for any evidence incriminating Stoddard. Finding Neltz's recording implicating Stoddard, Nick finds his former partner in a meeting with other dealers but is forced to work with him to rescue Khai from more armed men. The three later meet Dawes, who destroys the evidence implicating Stoddard and revealing that himself and Khai are corrupt. The three betray Nick due to his refusal to go along with their scheme, framing him for laundering Neltz's drug money.

Three years later in 2015, while on a prison bus, Nick escapes with the help of Tap and Tyson. The mastermind behind Nick's escape is none other than Khai. Despite raw feelings about her betrayal and being framed, Nick leaves with Khai and Tyson for Los Angeles. Khai briefs Nick that during the three years he has been in prison, Dawes founded private law enforcement firm Preferred Outcomes, having 'cleaned up' Miami and is starting to expand into other US cities. Wanting to ruin Dawes, Khai sends Nick and Tyson to rendezvous with Marcus "Boomer" Boone (Eugene Byrd) and the three of them disrupt Korean Mafia leader Kang's drug business (Dawes' main drug distribution spot in LA). Although not finding much, Nick and Khai follow another lead to the house of drug kingpin Neil Roark (Mark Rolston). During Roark's meeting, Nick comes up with the idea to steal Dawes' money before he can launder it and uses Khai's phone as a makeshift tracking device by placing it in a briefcase to be taken to where the rest of Dawes's money is being kept. After surviving a brief assault by Roark's men, Nick and Khai make their escape.

Discovering Dawes' money is kept in the penthouse of his corporate HQ skyscraper back in Miami and behind an impregnable vault, Boomer calls a former associate of his for a safecracking robot. He and Nick drive to the desert to meet Boomer's contact, his ex-girlfriend Dune (Alexandra Daddario), who sets up a meeting with her father, Tony Alpert (Fred Tatasciore). Alpert backstabs them, however, revealing he knows Nick is an escaped felon and that Stoddard has placed a bounty on him for his capture alive. Nick and Boomer escape their prison and retrieve their gear from Alpert's compound. Along the way, Nick discovers that Alpert was behind the creation and manufacturing of the Hot Shot drug, and murdered an ATF agent (Josh Keaton) to cover up his plans of starting a civil war. Dune helps the two escape to an abandoned airfield but separate after surviving Alpert's ambush at a gas station. At the airfield, Nick retrieves the safecracking robot and wins a tank duel against Alpert, before he and Boomer escape in a plane Boomer had repaired.

As Khai, Nick, Boomer, and Tyson prepare to leave for Miami they are ambushed by Stoddard and his men. Nick kills his former partner and sends a picture of Stoddard's body to Dawes. The group arrive at Miami and infiltrate Preferred Outcomes HQ. They find the vault in Dawes' penthouse only to find it booby-trapped. Tyson is gravely wounded by the blast but survives. Nick answers Khai's ringing phone in the empty vault to hear Dawes on the other side, telling Nick to come find him at Santa Rosita off the coast of Florida. Nick departs from his group on the island, who leave to find medical attention for Tyson, and infiltrates it alone to Dawes's mansion. Nick finds his corrupt former captain in his office, where Dawes tells him that he wishes Nick to join him and take over Preferred Outcomes once Dawes is gone and that the two are akin to be "more criminal than cop". Nick agrees to the last remark and unhesitantly shoots Dawes dead. Searching his office, he finds a letter addressed to him from Dawes explaining why he framed Nick three years earlier and follows a passage to his underground vault. Inside the vault, Nick finds Dawes' laundered fortune, which is now his, left to wonder how he will use it.

Happy Killers

Jung-min is the new detective assigned to a neighborhood where a serial killer commits murder every rainy Thursday. Laidback and blundering at his job, Jung-min is actually secretly studying for a civil servant exam to get away from his boss who's always picking on him. Every day, residents protest outside the police station, shouting that the police should make up for the falling apartment prices and catch the murderer. To make matters worse, Jung-min's mother who happens to be the president of the women's association is leading the protest. He vows to catch the killer this time in order to save his dignity as a detective and a son. However, his elaborate plans are upset by the appearance of Young-seok, the neighborhood unemployed bum. Because of the reward for the killer's capture, Young-seok is trying to catch him well, and his natural detective skills lead him to always arrive at the crime scene one step ahead of the police. Furthermore, he criticizes every little thing that Jung-min does and is a royal pain in the neck. Jung-min absolutely cannot let Young-seok solve the case and take away his chance of a lifetime, so a rivalry forms between the two as they both race to catch the killer.

How to Top My Wife

Park Bong-soo, the head of a film production company, falls in love and marries one of his employees, Jang So-young. They begin fighting constantly about how to manage the business, and Bong-soo embarks on an affair with Kim Hye-ri, an actress in one of the movies he's producing. When Hye-ri pressures him to leave his wife, Bong-soo finds it difficult to bring up the subject of divorce, so instead, he hires a hit man to kill So-young.

Man on High Heels

Yoon Ji-wook is a hard-as-nails homicide detective known for his undisputed ability to nab violent criminals. He is revered as a legend in the police force and at the same time feared among the mafia for his brutality in cracking down on crime. Yet, beneath his cool, macho appearance lies a secret that he must hide from the world he lives in. Ji-wook was born male, and he has wanted to live his life as a woman since his teenage years. He tries to suppress this inner desire, but in vain. Ji-wook finally reaches the point where he can no longer hide who he truly is, and decides to take the plunge and get a gender affirmation operation. However, before he has a chance to do so, unexpected crises arise and interfere with his plans. A gang that suffered from the cold, hard steel of Ji-wook's handcuffs is dead set on getting their revenge against him. Ji-wook resigns and tries to go about making his dream a reality, but people close to him gets sucked into the revenge plot he finds himself at the center of. When some of those people get killed and a girl named Jang-mi falls into danger, he realizes that he can't stand idly by any longer.

The Stone (2013 film)

Min-su is a graduate of the Korean Baduk Academy but despite his outstanding talent, he has been wasting his days as a gambler without pursuing a real career out of it. He chooses to play the game for money, easily beating every opponent that comes his way. Nam-hae is a middle-aged, smalltime gangster boss, brought up on the streets and used to using his fists to gain authority. After accidentally meeting, playing and losing to Min-su in a gambling club, while his goons were collecting the monthly installment of protection money, his taste for the ancient game is rekindled and he hires the boy to become his private instructor.

As he goes deeper into the baduk experience, Nam-hae begins reviewing his own past in the perspective of the rules and requirements of the game and begins to lose interest in the criminal world, becoming far more concerned with the future of his tutor, whom he encourages to face the challenge of a pro tournament and carve a legitimate future for himself. The fatherless young Min-su, on the other hand, discovers the coarse masculine underworld, the meaning of life and true victory through Nam-hae. However, when Nam-hae's competition starts to expand their territory, he is forced into a path to destruction.

Fast Friends (novel)

Fast Friends is a romantic comedy from author Jill Mansell. The story begins when housewife and mother Camilla Stewart impulsively invites her old school friends for dinner. However, Roz Vallender and Loulou Marks are no ordinary guests. Camilla soon discovers that her husband Jack has been having an affair and she decides to make some changes in her life. With a little help from her friends, Camilla finds out that life in the fast lane is a lot more fun and that the future holds plenty of surprises.

Don't Forget Me (2016 film)

In the middle of the night, a man reports a missing person to the police office...himself. He has lost his memory. He can only remember from the moment he found himself left alone in an apartment. He tries to find any clue as to who he might be, but nothing comes out. When he plucks up the courage to go out, he meets a woman at a psychiatric hospital, whom immediately begins to cry upon seeing him. He begins to piece together the missing fragments of his memory, he reaches out to those he thinks might know him.

Hell's Angels '69

Two brothers, Chuck and Wes, plan to rob the Caesar's Palace Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. They decide to use the Oakland Hells Angels as dupes in their plans by pretending to be members of an East Coast motorcycle club/gang and winning the Angels' trust, and then using them to create a disturbance outside the casino while they are inside robbing it. While gaining the trust of the Angels, Wes becomes romantically involved with Betsy, one of the Angels' "old ladies" who has a rocky relationship with the Angel Tramp.

Chuck and Wes's plan to rob Caesar's Palace first involves them persuading the Angels to make a weekend run to Las Vegas, where the Angels occupy a farm just outside of town belonging to the sister of one the club members. Chuck and Wes make a bet with the Angels that they can go directly to Caesar's Palace, in spite of their shabby biker appearances, to both gamble and rent a hotel room. Betsy asks the brothers to take her into town with them, but they leave her behind, after which she decides to hitchhike into town to join up with them. Once inside Las Vegas, the brothers stop at a bus terminal mail stop and pick up a set of dress suits they had shipped to themselves in advance of the planned robbery.

Chuck and Wes check into a reserved room at Caesar's Palace wearing their biker garb. They then make a phone call to the farm where the Angels are camping, feigning harassment in the hotel for being bikers, asking for the club to come into town to back them up. With the bikers en route to the hotel, they quickly change into their suits and a more "square" appearance. They enter the casino and use the pretense of one of them having a stolen credit card and being detained by casino security as a means by which to gain access to the cash cage, whilst outside the Hells Angels arrive, squaring off against casino security and the police, demanding entrance to the casino while Chuck and Wes return to their room (and are witnessed doing so by the just-arrived Betsy), change back into their biker garb, and leave the hotel with $600,000 in stolen cash, unbeknownst to both the Angels and law enforcement, who are looking for two suspects in suits instead of two bikers.

Once camping back outside of Las Vegas, the Angels expel Chuck, Wes, and Betsy from the group for wasting their time over coming into Las Vegas over far less apparent trouble than they purported to be having. The trio exchange their choppers for smaller scrambler motorcycles and plan to cross the open desert to make their way back toward Los Angeles. Shortly afterward, the local sheriff pays a visit to the Hells Angels and relays his suspicions that the robbery may have been carried out by Chuck and Wes, who in turn were playing the Angels this whole time. The Angels plan to track down Chuck and Wes, locating the motorcycle shop where they also obtain scramblers and pursue the brothers and Betsy out into the desert.

It becomes revealed that Chuck and Wes are in fact half-brothers, and that neither of them needed the money from the robbery because they live off of a sizable inheritance which is solely in Chuck's name. The robbery was carried out simply for the thrill of it with the intention of returning the entire stolen sum once the brothers have returned to their home in Los Angeles. Wes, however, becomes resentful at the idea of continually depending on Chuck for his livelihood and decides to keep half of the money stolen from Caesar's Palace. They fight, with Wes and Betsy splitting off from Chuck. The Angels arrive and see that the trio has split up. They ride after Chuck on a prolonged motorcycle chase. Chuck is nearly trapped, and attempts to jump his bike across a gorge to get away from being surrounded by the Angels. Chuck jumps short, his bike explodes on the other side of the gorge and he is killed.

Wes and Betsy arrive just in time to see Chuck die, after which they are surrounded by the Angels, who take the stolen money, disable Wes and Betsy's motorcycles, and dump out their water supply. The Angels ride off as Wes and Betsy abandon their now useless motorcycles and are left to an uncertain fate as the movie ends.

The movie is noteworthy for having many prominent members of the Hells Angels (most notably Sonny Barger) play themselves.

Angel, Angel, Down We Go

The overweight, emotionally troubled daughter of an affluent but brittle Hollywood couple becomes involved with a charismatic rock singer and his friends. The singer proceeds to seduce and manipulate her entire family.

The Glory Stompers

After a standoff between two biker gangs in California, members of the Black Souls, led by the vicious and unstable Chino (Dennis Hopper) ambush Darryl (Jody McCrea), leader of the Glory Stompers, and beat him severely. Thinking they've killed Darryl, the Black Souls kidnap his girlfriend (Chris Noel) to prevent her from becoming a witness against them. They decide to traffic her in Mexico and head south for the border, unaware that Darryl has recovered and is in pursuit.

The Great Spy Chase

In Paris, French counter-espionage are alerted to the death in an expensive brothel of international arms dealer Shah. To avoid repercussions and to exploit this opportunity, they smuggle his corpse back to his castle in Bavaria in the care of top agent Francis, posing as the dead man's cousin Ludo. There he hands it over to the young and very attractive French widow Amaranth, who is now the legal owner of the valuable patents for nuclear weaponry that Shah had acquired. The fake cousin Ludo's mission is to get the patents for France, but he is joined at the castle by a fake Russian step-brother Boris, a fake German psychoanalyst Hans and a fake Swiss priest Eusebio.

After trying unsuccessfully to eliminate each other by such devices as a bomb in the bathroom cistern and a scorpion in the bed, the four agents agree an uneasy truce and instead concentrate on charming the widow. While she is in no hurry to decide the future of her person or her patents, the shaky alliance of the spies faces two new challenges. One is O'Brien, a brash American who regularly bursts in and is regularly thrown out into the moat by the temporary allies. The other is gradual and subtle, in the form of Chinese spies who infiltrate the castle by killing the servants one by one and assuming their clothes and jobs.

Following a climactic battle in which the hordes of Chinese using martial arts are eliminated, Francis is admitted to the widow's bed and in the morning escapes with her to Lisbon, where the patents are in a bank vault. She, regarding the trip as an advance honeymoon with her next husband, agrees to return to France with him and the patents. But the three foiled spies and O'Brien have not given up, leading to further battles which demolish part of the Portuguese hotel and result in bodies dropping regularly from the night express to Paris. In the end, as a patriotic act to secure the patents for France, Francis commits bigamy by marrying Amaranth.

The Fool Killer

A 12-year-old boy roams the post-Civil War South with a philosophical axe murderer.

Navajo Run

Mathew Whitehawk, a "half-breed Navajo," is bitten by a rattlesnake and seeks aid at the ranch of Sarah and Luke Grog. Mathew is nursed back to health on the orders of Luke. It turns out that Luke hates Native Americans. He sets Mathew loose in the forest without food or water, and hunts him down as he has done with other Native Americans. The film ends with Mathew killing Luke.

S.I.U. (film)

Seong-beom is a foul-mouthed, hot-tempered detective with uncanny animal instincts in the violent crimes section who has never failed to solve a case. While he is on an undercover operation, he hears that a colleague of his has been brutally murdered by an unknown assailant. Seong-beom and the police agency instinctively know there is something behind this murder case. They set up a Special Investigations Unit (S.I.U.), and profiler Ho-ryong, a former FBI agent, is assigned as Seong-beom's partner. As the police dragnet begins to close in, the suspect is always faster than the police. They then receive a suspicious shoot to kill order from high-ranking police officials once the suspect is found. The team must fight against conspiring powers responsible for the crime, all the while dealing with tension and mistrust that begin to build within the police force itself as more information about the case begins to surface that may implicate corrupt detectives within their ranks.

Pyro... The Thing Without a Face

Vance Pierson is an engineer with a wife and daughter, who is having an affair with a widow, Laura. He wants to end the affair but Laura gets upset and sets the family home on fire. The fire kills Vance's family and disfigures him. He seeks revenge on his former mistress.

The Continental Twist

A group of musicians are concerned when it appears that they will be evicted from their nightclub. Musician Louis Evans and girlfriend Jenny Watson accidentally encounter a group of art thieves.

Make-Up (1937 film)

Born in a circus, Bux (Nils Asther) hankers after life there, but is pressurised by his family to study to become a surgeon. However, the lure of the Big Top proves too strong, and he abandons his medical career for a life as a circus clown. His clinical expertise comes in handy when attending the injuries of a young woman knocked down by an elephant, and romance beckons.

White Slave Ship

Set in 1675, the film was about a group of convicts being transported from London to the New World as white slaves aboard the ship Albatross, captained by Isaac Cooper (Ivan Desny). Among the convicts held in chains below decks are Doctor Robert Bradley, a political prisoner being transported to the American colonies for treating a wounded rebel (Purdom); Polly, a prostitute (Pier Angeli) and a murderer, Calico Jack (Armand Mestral). Above decks and living in comparative luxury are an upper class English family, the Medford's, including their beautiful daughter Anna (Michele Girardon). Halfway across the Atlantic; the prisoners escape and take over the ship. Robert Bradley saves Anna's life and, despite their very different stations in life, the two gradually fall in love.

Samson and the Slave Queen

The king of Nogara dies, leaving behind a will naming one of his nieces as his successor. Will it be blonde and virtuous Isabella or evil, dark-haired Malva? Each woman relies on a hero to locate the will. Malva hires the bare-chested strongman Samson while Isabella relies on the masked El Toro (a.k.a. Zorro) even though her heart belongs to the mild-mannered poet, Ramon. Malva's ruthless desire for the throne soon alienates Samson and he and El Toro then team up to bring about a proper resolution to the Nogara succession. Meanwhile, Isabella learns El Toto's true identity, an identity which both surprises and pleases her.

Sin Town (1929 film)

"Silk" Merrick (Hugh Allan) and "Chicken" O'Toole (Jack Oakie) are two World War I veterans who head West. The two friends find themselves accused of murdering a local rancher. Merrick escapes from jail and helps another rancher burn down Sin Town. Merrick frees O'Toole from jail, captures the real murderer, and the two of them settle down with Mary Barton, the murdered rancher's daughter.

Little Jessie James

''Little Jessie James'' is a musical farce in two acts. Despite its name, it was not a western but was set in an apartment looking over Central Park. Jessie Jamieson (Halperin) is out to get Paul Revere (Velie) and will not let the usual bedroom farce complications distract her from winning her man.

The Mayan Secrets

Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are in Mexico, when they come upon a remarkable discovery—the skeleton of a man clutching an ancient sealed pot, and within the pot, a Mayan codex, larger than anyone has ever seen. The codex contains astonishing information about the Mayans, their cities, and mankind itself. The secrets are so powerful that some people would do anything to possess them—as the Fargos are just about to find out who.

The Night of January 16th (film)

Steve Van Ruyle (Robert Preston) is a sailor who inherits a position on the board of a company headed by Bjorn Faulkner (Nils Asther). The board discovers $20 million has disappeared from the company's funds, and demands answers from Faulkner. That night Faulkner meets with a man called Anton Haraba, and is apparently thrown from his penthouse balcony to his death. Faulkner's secretary, Kit Lane (Ellen Drew), enters the penthouse moments later, leading police to arrest her for Faulkner's murder. Van Ruyle decides to investigate the crime. Suspecting that Lane and Faulkner were embezzling the money together, he pays her bail so he can question her about the situation. They find Faulkner's diary, and the entries lead Van Ruyle to believe Lane is innocent. The district attorney (Paul Stanton) disagrees, and Lane goes to trial.

Van Ruyle attempts to prove Lane's innocence with fake evidence, but his ruse is discovered. The two flee with evidence from Faulkner's apartment, which they use to track down the mysterious Haraba. They trace him to a hotel in Havana, Cuba, where they discover that "Haraba" is a pseudonym being used by Faulkner, who has faked his own death. When Faulkner takes Lane captive, Van Ruyle rushes with police to Faulkner's room to rescue her. Faulkner is arrested, and Van Ruyle and Lane decide to get married.

Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang

Twin brothers Zip and Zap are sent to the summer school Hope, a re-education centre ran by strict Falconetti, who forbids all forms of recreation and entertainment. When Zap gets in trouble for disrupting a class, he is locked in the "Isolation Room" where he is told to think about what he has done. However, he finds a bag of marbles hidden in the room, and forms the "Marble gang" with several other students in the school, who are Filo, Micro, and Matilda, who is Falconetti's niece, and do various pranks, such as vandalising the statue of Sebastian Hope, the school's founder, and they always leave a single marble at their prank.

When Falconetti attempts to take down the vandalism, he accidentally breaks the part of the statue, revealing a map leading a path to hidden diamonds under the school. Zip and Zap steal the map from his office and follow the map's clues while they are pursued by Falconetti. The Marble Gang end up in a room full of toys, and Zap considers that the "diamonds" in the map were really just a reference to Sebastian Hope's diamonds - his toys. Falconetti finds them, then reveals that the school was originally a school of play and toys ran by Hope, until Falconetti bought over the school and transformed it to please his father. Falconetti locks them in the room of toys, but Micro notices a machine where they insert several toys they picked up while exploring the school. Music starts playing around the school and the students and teachers discover it is coming from the statue of Hope. The underground room Zip and Zap were locked in starts spiralling up into the main garden in front of the school, where all the students and teachers are gathered. The other students start cheering on the Marble Gang, and another teacher punches Falconetti and tells the other teachers to lock Falconetti until the police arrives. The movie ends with Zap recollecting how "we never found the diamonds, but it was the best summer we ever had," and the 5 members of the Marble Gang all holding their last marble together, than tossing it into the air. The diamonds are revealed to have been hidden in the marble.

Arabian Nights (2015 film)

The film is set in Portugal, with the plot drawing from current events. The structure of the film is based on the ''One Thousand and One Nights'' collection of fantasy tales.

The Eye of Heaven

Baffin Island: Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are on a climate-control expedition in the Arctic, when to their astonishment they discover a Viking ship in the ice, perfectly preserved—and filled with pre–Columbian artifacts from Mexico.

How can that be? As they plunge into their research, tantalizing clues about a link between the Vikings and the legendary Toltec feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl/Ce Acatl Topiltzin —and a fabled object known as the Eye of Heaven— begin to emerge. But so do many dangerous people. Soon the Fargos find themselves on the run through jungles, temples, and secret tombs, caught between treasure hunters, crime cartels, and those with a far more personal motivation for stopping them. At the end of the road will be the solution to a thousand-year-old mystery—or death.

Loaded Guns

A flight attendant finds herself in the middle of fighting between rival gangs in Naples.

For the Emperor

Promising baseball player Lee Hwan was kicked out of his league and lost everything after being implicated in a match fixing scandal. While waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback, the disgraced pro gets recruited into working for Emperor Capital, the biggest private loan company in Busan. Its loan shark boss, Jeong Sang-ha leads his organized crime mob with a combination of authority, loyalty and cold-bloodedness. Sang-ha takes the naïve young man under his wing, and fascinated by money and power, Hwan soon finds himself climbing the ranks at Emperor Capital. Hwan and Sang-ha successfully take control of all Busan gangs, collecting money through gambling and lending, and killing hundreds of people in the process. Hwan also falls under the charms of a bar owner, Cha Yeon-soo. But when Yeon-soo suddenly vanishes, Hwan suspects that Sang-ha had something to do with her disappearance, and begins to face off against his mentor in a cutthroat, winner-takes-all rivalry.

Cage on the Sea

During the Pacific War, after three Japanese supply ships are sunk off the shore of Anatahan, the survivors are taken in by Kikuichiro Higa and Kuzuko, his live-in wife, who have a small coconut plantation on the island. Commanding officer, Sgt. Junzo Itami, tries to maintain discipline, but as the group endures U.S. airstrikes and food shortages order begins to break down. Soon the men become obsessed with Kazuko, the lone woman on the island, and a vicious dynamic sets in among the survivors.

Nasty Habits (film)

At the little-known and extremely wealthy Abbey of Philadelphia the Abbess, Sister Hildegard, is dying. She wishes her favorite, Sister Alexandra, to succeed her but dies moments before she can make her endorsement public. Alexandra conspires with Sisters Gertrude and Walburga to win the coming election, and to defeat her rival, Sister Felicity, who is openly carrying on an affair with a Jesuit priest, Father Thomas. Alexandra orders hidden microphones and cameras installed throughout the convent, and even hires a pair of Jesuit students, Gregory and Ambrose, to break in and steal Thomas's compromising letters from Sister Felicity's sewing box. The break-in is discovered, but the real meaning is kept hidden and Alexandra wins the election by a landslide. Once she is made Abbess, Alexandra expels and excommunicates Felicity, who begins a very public campaign to topple Alexandra. At the same time, the publicity brings the abbey to the attention of the Holy See, which discovers that the order is an unofficial one, with no actual ties to the Roman Catholic Church. To make matters worse, Gregory and Ambrose blackmail Gertrude and Walburga, who send the bungling Sister Winifred to pay them off only to have the whole scandal made public.

Island Days

The story follows Makoto Itou, with his various female companions, who find themselves stranded on a remote island. While awaiting rescue, Makoto and the others must do their best to survive on the island.

The Mob Song

"The Mob Song" sees Gaston instill fear into the villagers about the scary monster who will supposedly kill them. He then proceeds to lead the angry mob up to the Beast's castle so that he can kill the Beast while the rest of the villagers rob the castle of its treasures. CommonSenseMedia explains that "misguided townspeople say scary and violent things about the Beast, proposing they kill him and mount his head on a wall."

At one point, Gaston says, "Screw your courage to the sticking place", which is a line from ''Macbeth''.

Todo un hombre (1943 film)

Francisco Petrone is a tough, hard-working independent river man, who finds it difficult to communicate and express his true feeling to his young wife (Amelia Bence). The two travel up a winding river, and tension between the two escalates.

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

A year after the events of Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Brainiac captures six members of the seven "Emotional Spectrum" Lantern Corps, and heads to Earth to abduct the final one: Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern. In Gotham City, Batman and Robin pursue Killer Croc, who has stolen a map of the sewer system underneath the Hall of Justice, but he escapes and reunites with his accomplices: the Joker, Cheetah, Firefly, and Solomon Grundy. Meanwhile, Cyborg completes the "Slideways Teleporter" linking the Hall of Justice to the Justice League Watchtower and sends Green Lantern through it to meet with Martian Manhunter as a trial run, leaving the portal open.

While observing Brainiac's approaching spaceship from the Batcave, Batman is exposed to its mind-control rays and goes berserk, until Robin talks him out of the trance with a heartfelt speech; however, Batman is convinced that he was awoken from the trance by the Batmobile's defense system, which had electrocuted him. Meanwhile, the villains use the stolen map to infiltrate the Hall of Justice undetected, where they meet with their benefactor, Lex Luthor, who posed as Hawkman to gain access. The group then travels to the Watchtower through the Slideways Teleporter, intending to use its fusion cannon to hold the Earth at ransom until Luthor is elected "President of Earth", but unwittingly trigger the Watchtower's alarm. Martian Manhunter informs the Justice League (sans Green Lantern, who was captured while investigating Brainiac's ship) and together they defeat the villains. However, Brainiac arrives and reveals his intentions to the group: to shrink the Earth with his ray, powered by the combined energies of the Lantern Corps' power rings, and add it to his collection of miniature planets.

While Superman flies into space to stop the shrink ray from reaching Earth, the remaining heroes form an uneasy alliance with the villains (who want to save the Earth so that they might conquer it afterward) and they infiltrate Brainiac's ship together, only to get captured. Robin, who is protected from Brainiac's mind-control rays by Doctor Fate's helmet, frees the others, while Superman punches his way through the shrink ray and into the ship, damaging the main computer and causing the Lanterns to be teleported back to their home planets. Deeming his ship doomed, Brainiac escapes in a smaller spacecraft to Earth (which has been only partially shrunk), and Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman pursue him. After shrinking Paris, London, and Pisa, Brainiac attacks Gotham, but is defeated by the combined efforts of the heroes and villains, and trapped within his own ship.

To restore Earth to its original size, Superman suggests recreating the shrink ray using the crystals at the Fortress of Solitude, shards of the destroyed ray which Robin retrieved, and the energy of each Lantern's power ring. While Superman goes after the crystals and most of the villains are locked up, the other heroes and Solomon Grundy split into two groups to recruit Star Sapphire, Indigo-1, and Saint Walker to help, and confront Atrocitus, Larfleeze, and Sinestro to provoke them into following them to Earth. During a battle between the positive and negative emotions Lanterns at the Fortress, the heroes manage to harvest the combined energies of their rings and use them to power their replica of the shrink ray, using it to restore Earth to its original size; as a side effect, the Lanterns are sent back to their homeworlds once again. Meanwhile, Brainiac escapes and regains control of his ship, using it to mind-control Superman, who had grown to gigantic proportions as a result of holding the shrink ray during its activation. After all attempts to free Superman from Brainiac's control fail, Batman realizes that it was Robin's speech that helped him recover from his trance when he was exposed to the same mind-control rays, and holds a similar speech. Awakening from the trance, Superman destroys Brainiac's ship, shrinking himself back to normal proportions and the latter to a minuscule size in the process.

Later, the Justice League restore all the shrunken cities collected by Brainiac to their original locations, and capture the Legion of Doom, who escaped and took over the White House while the heroes were distracted by Brainiac's attack. Luthor and the Joker are imprisoned in the same cell as the shrunken Brainiac, but accidentally break the bottle he was held in, causing Brainiac to return to normal proportions.

In the mid- and post-credits scenes, Sinestro vows revenge against the Justice League, only to bump into Wonder Woman's invisible jet; a new group of heroes arrive at the Watchtower through the Slideways Teleporter; and Hawkman, who was locked up in a cage underneath the Hall of Justice by Luthor, unsuccessfully tries to escape.

Crime and Passion

André Ferren learns from his girlfriend and co-worker Susan Winters that the biggest client of his brokerage firm, Hermann Rolf, not only wants to replace André with Susan, but asked Susan on a date. André orders Susan to go on the date and Rolf asks Susan to marry him. Susan agrees on the condition that Rolf entrust his fortune to André as a gift. Weeks later, Rolf and Susan are married at Rolf's castle in the Swiss Alps. André assures Susan that he will create a financial scandal that will ruin Rolf and she can divorce him.

André is then accused by the top executives at the brokerage firm of stealing $2.5 million from Rolf's account. He is given ten days to return the money or go to prison. André drives to a ski resort where Susan is having an affair with Larry, a ski instructor. André explains to Susan that he is being framed. A skier attempts to murder André with a ski pole, but André falls and the other skier dies instead. That night, Susan informs André that they cannot be seen together or Rolf will divorce her, and explains that Rolf murdered all his ex-wives.

André survives several more attempts on his life as he follows Susan and Larry to Rolf's castle, including an episode at a village inn where a woman attempts to strangle him. Eventually André sneaks into the castle, where he is imprisoned by a sword-wielding Larry. Susan asks Larry to drive her Maserati Indy to Switzerland and deliver a letter to a banker. In the process of doing so, he passes Rolf's Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud, and Rolf's manservant Henkel shoots, causing the Maserati to explode. Susan shoots a man in a suit of armor attempting to stab André through the cell bars; lifting the visor reveals the face of the innkeeper. Susan then begins noticing hidden surveillance cameras throughout the castle as Rolf sends Henkel on foot to kill André. Susan tells Rolf through one of the cameras that her feelings have changed. She then tells André to make love to her and smashes the camera, bringing a tear to Rolf's eye as he watches surveillance footage from inside the Rolls-Royce. Henkel locks the castle gates and hides in a mortar, but is shot out of it when Susan pulls the lanyard. Rolf gets drunk, falls down a ravine and walks through the snow.

The next morning, Susan and André lie in bed and realize that Rolf had set them both up in a scheme to murder them. Meanwhile, Rolf has frozen to death standing up.

World at Your Feet (TV series)

Mei Renxin (Ha Yu) is a weirdo who is withdrawn. He does not get along well with people and is very unapproachable.

Renxin’s anti-social behaviour is a result of an incident some years ago. His wife fainted on the road but nobody went to her aid. She died tragically and in bitterness after missing the window period to revive her.

Renxin was a celebrated football coach well known for his game strategies back then. However, the sudden death of his wife caused him much guilt. He could not forgive himself for neglecting and shortchanging her. Thereafter, he sank into oblivion and kept a distance from the sports arena.

The Mei family lives next door to the Mo family. The two families are separated by a thin wall.

The two neighbours are on bad terms as Renxin is unapproachable. He had several brushes with Mo Lihua (Vivian Lai), the second sister in the Mo family, over some petty matters. It came to the point where their neighbourly ties were soured. The feuding resulted in the enmity between the Mei and Mo families.

In his youth, Hong Canghai (Tay Ping Hui) was high-spirited and a name to be reckoned with in football. His tricky “random kick” was a delight to watch. His forte was the penalty kick where he could send the ball to any point and even kick it straight into the goal. As his wife Zheng Yongyi (Yvonne Lim) cannot get along with his mother, Canghai has no choice but to move out. This leads to his younger brother, Hong Dehai (Ian Fang), resenting him for abandoning their mother over a woman. They became estranged. Canghai has always been someone who values friendship. He never turns down anyone’s request to borrow money from him. As a result of that, his wife is very unhappy with him. Seeing that he has achieved nothing, his career-minded wife decides to leave him. The couple have two sons, Hong Qian Feng (Ivan Lo Kai Jun) and Hong Houwei (Tan Jun Sheng), aged 11 and 10 respectively. After the separation, Yongyi gains custody of the two children. Canghai and his children are miserable over their situation. Canghai refuses to give up. He will do anything to bring his broken family back together again.

Wu Weixiong (Elvin Ng), a professional footballer, falls in love with Mo Yuqing (Jeanette Aw) at first sight. However, because Weixiong has an eye disease, he carries on an ambiguous relationship with Yuqing. Later, his role in an assault case discourages him from accepting Yuqing’s love as he has made up his mind to turn himself in. However, Yuqing is adamant that Weixiong is avoiding her for reasons he will not disclose. In the end, he is forced to hit Yuqing to drive her away.

Ever since Lihua met Canghai, she is captivated by his manliness, and love for his children. She rents a room to Canghai in the hope of capturing his heart. Unfortunately for her, Canghai rejects her love as he still loves his wife.

After his release from jail, Weixiong’s eye disease worsens and he avoids people by living on his own. One day, Yuqing chances to meet Weixiong, who is a guide of “Dialogue in Darkness” Experiential Walk. She finds out the truth and decides to help Weixiong brace up and make a comeback. But Yuqing, who has accepted Gao Guotian’s (Zhang Zhenhuan) love, is in a dilemma now.

Although Guotian is a gifted footballer, he faces objections from Gao Shou (Zheng Geping) over a football career. Gao Shou is his paternal uncle who has raised him.

Guotian and Weixiong are good friends. One day, both of them got into a drunken stupor. Guotian injured someone in his bid to save him. To protect himself, he bribes the witness, Ann (Silver Ang), to frame the miserable Weixiong. Weixiong, who is in the dark, chooses to turn himself in. Guotian pleads with him against doing so, yet is afraid to tell him the truth. He feels distressed.

Guotian is in love with Yuqing and stands by her. His constant encouragement and assistance finally moves Yuqing into accepting his love. However, Guotian is perfectly aware that their relationship rests on a time bomb that will go off anytime…

Gao Shou, too, was a professional footballer when he was young. He gave up his dream for the sake of his career, and became a successful businessman. Ye Laixiang (Aileen Tan) was a waitress but worked very hard to get close to Gao Shou to become his assistant. Although she knows that he is married with Qifang (Chen Huihui), she continues to have feelings for him. It leads to a hopeless relationship with no end in sight, but gives a boost to her relationship with Renxin.

Mo Shijing (Brandon Wong), the eldest son of the Mo family, has incredible arm strength. Unfortunately, he is a bum addicted to gambling. He and Lan Yangyang (Dennis Chew), Renxin’s brother-in-law, are colleagues in a warehouse. In his youth, he fathered an illegitimate son, Liao Huancong (Xu Bin), without knowing it. He thought that the other party, Xiuhe, had the child with another man. It was only after Xiuhe revealed the truth on her deathbed that he came to his senses. Henceforth, he turned over a new leaf for Huancong.

Yangyang is Renxin’s brother-in-law. He is languid by nature and does everything by foot instead of using his hands. This turns out to be a boon because it actually trains him to develop a set of skills using his feet. Yangyang, a former columnist, is a man of emotions. He falls for Yuqing but after being spurned by her, turns his attention to her elder sister, Lihua, creating some funny episodes in the process.

Wang Jiannan (Douglas Kung) is the teammate of Canghai, Weixiong and Guotian. He requires a huge sum of money for medical treatment for his younger sister who is suffering from a serious illness.

This bunch of desperate people with a common passion for football decide to participate in a street football tournament that comes with a generous prize. But they are thrashed soundly in their first match. At the critical juncture, Renxin finally shows his prowess. Only then does everyone know that he is someone to be reckoned with. Thereafter, under Renxin’s coaching, the team surprisingly scores a victory and goes on to win match after match.

Meanwhile, Dehai, Huancong, Fang Yangming (Aloysius Pang) and a few other young men form “Peaks Team” so that Renxin’s “Fire Team” cannot steal the limelight. This group of boys whose future seems uncertain are not exactly enthusiastic initially about participating in the tournament. Later, with encouragement from Yangming, who is afflicted with an incurable illness, they decide to take the tournament seriously in order to score a personal triumph as the boys feel that they have never won any prizes in their lives before.

And so the battle begins. The “Fire Team” of men past their prime and the “Peaks Team” of young men vie for the trophy. The two teams start out as rivals who are uncompromising but end up as friends who appreciate one other. The situation is certainly one of “The ball is in your court” and “Life is how you deal with it”. Faced with a common enemy subsequently, the Mei and Mo families discard their animosity to join hands in forming the “Brave Lions Team” to defeat the mighty Hong Kong team.

Renxin is the captain of the Singapore team. Whether this group of people will turn their lives around and make a comeback or not, one can only hear him shouting fervently on the sideline: “Don’t give up! The world is at your feet!”

Strange Shadows in an Empty Room

A tough cop learns that his sister was poisoned, and puts the alleged murderer in jail. Later he begins to doubt the suspect was the guilty party, and sets out to discover the real killer.

Record City

The youth-oriented film chronicles the zany exploits of the employees at a record store.

The Norseman

An 11th-century Viking prince sails to North America to find his father, who on a previous voyage had been captured by Native Americans.

Goliath and the Sins of Babylon

Maciste (Goliath in the American release) is in Nefir, a vassal state of the Babylonian empire. He becomes involved in local politics when as part of their tribute to Babylon, Nefir must provide thirty virgin girls each year. When one escapes her captor Maciste vanquishes a large group of soldiers. He comes to the attention of the local resistance who conceal their military training to overthrow the regime by acting as gladiators. Maciste joins the Resistance along with a dwarf giving them a strength of 'forty-two and a half'. The film features a sea battle and a large scale chariot race.

Swedish Fly Girls

Christa is a 23-year old Danish single mother, who as a stewardess meets many men. While she enjoys her promiscuity and carefree, urban single lifestyle, Christa seeks marriage with a man who will accept both her and her son Rolf, who lives with her parents.

As Christa forms temporary relationships with an Italian businessman (who does not want to be a stepfather), an American artist (who wants an open marriage), and a French conductor (who tells her that he is too dedicated to music to give her what she wants), a private detective follows her. Torben, wealthy and reckless heir to a family fortune and Rolf's father, tried to force Christa to abort their son. He insists to her that she will return to him and secretly builds a library of dossiers on her lovers, while his business empire collapses from overaggressive expansion.

London lawyer Derek is Christa's most serious relationship; she accepts his proposal, and plans to move to Australia with him. Torben threatens to use the dossiers and his greater financial resources to gain custody of Rolf, forcing her to end the engagement. After his last hope for saving his company fails, however, Torben commits suicide in front of Christa. The film ends with Derek, Christa, and Rolf reuniting at the nude beach.

The Kansas City Massacre

Gangsters free one of their colleagues being escorted to prison and kill several FBI agents and local police officers in the attempt. FBI agent Melvin Purvis puts together a special squad to track down and capture the men responsible.

Romeo and Juliet (2013 Broadway play)

Classic retelling of Romeo and Juliet storyline with Shakespeare play dialogue. However the play is set in modern-day with Romeo arriving on stage riding a motorcycle in blue jeans and sunglasses. The Montague family is all white and the Capulet family all black adding a new dimension of racial conflict between the two families. Balcony scene remains unchanged and the ending is still a tragedy that unites the families.

Mortal Kombat X

Two years after the defeat of Outworld's ruler, Shao Kahn, Shinnok attacks Earthrealm with his army of Netherrealm demons, as well as Earthrealm warriors who were killed during Kahn's invasion and are now resurrected as revenants under Quan Chi's control. After fighting their fallen comrades, a strike team led by Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, and Kenshi open a portal to Raiden's Sky Temple and head to the Jinsei Chamber, the source of Earthrealm's life force, where Raiden and Fujin are seen battling Shinnok and his Netherrealm forces. When Shinnok tries to kill Sonya, Johnny rushes to defend her, inadvertently awakening ancient superhuman powers within himself. Using his newfound powers, Johnny holds Shinnok at bay long enough for Raiden to steal Shinnok's amulet and imprison him inside it, but Quan Chi escapes. Johnny, Raiden, and Sonya track him to his lair in the Netherrealm and defeat him, successfully restoring Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Jax to human form in the process after Quan Chi's failed attempt to turn Cage into a revenant, though the former escapes again. In the years that follow, Johnny and Sonya marry and have a daughter, Cassie, though they later divorced. Scorpion, now using his original name, Hanzo Hasashi, rebuilds his Shirai Ryu clan while mentoring Kenshi's son Takeda, and Sub-Zero becomes the new Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei after killing Sektor. Sub-Zero uses the data from Sektor's memory banks detailing Quan Chi's various manipulations of the Lin Kuei, including the truth about the deaths of Hasashi's wife and son, to help end his feud with Hasashi.

Twenty years after Shinnok's defeat, Johnny assembles a new team of young fighters composed of Cassie, Takeda, Jax's daughter Jacqui, and Kung Lao's younger cousin (later retconned as his nephew) Kung Jin. After undergoing a training exercise with Sub-Zero, they are deployed to Outworld to resolve a civil war between former empress Mileena, who has obtained Shinnok's amulet from Kano, and Outworld's current emperor Kotal Kahn, with whom Earthrealm has a fragile peace treaty. Meanwhile, in an Outworld refugee camp in Earthrealm, Sonya captures Kano and forces him to reveal Mileena's location. Using this information, Cassie's team aids Kotal in recovering Shinnok's amulet and capturing Mileena, who is subsequently executed on Kotal's orders. No longer believing Earthrealm capable of keeping the amulet safe, Kotal decides to keep it in Outworld's hands and takes Cassie and her friends hostage as leverage against Raiden. Kotal's insectoid second-in-command D'Vorah, who had killed Baraka when Kotal started his rule, is revealed as a double agent for Quan Chi and steals the amulet. Cassie and her team escape captivity and inform Earthrealm of D'Vorah's intentions.

Hoping to stop Quan Chi from getting the amulet, Jax and Kenshi, aided by a Netherrealm local named Sareena, lead an assault on the Netherrealm. After fighting his way through the revenants of his former allies, Jax captures a weakened Quan Chi, who is brought to Earthrealm and held at an Outworld refugee camp. Hasashi infiltrates the refugee camp alongside his clan with the intent of assassinating Quan Chi as revenge for ruining his life, defeating Kenshi, Johnny, and Sonya in the process. As Hasashi prepares to kill Quan Chi, D'Vorah arrives with the amulet. Quan Chi manages to finish his spell moments before being beheaded by Hasashi, releasing Shinnok from captivity. Weakened by the Shirai Ryu's previous attack, Johnny is taken hostage by Shinnok and D'Vorah. With the aid of Quan Chi's revenants, Shinnok and D'Vorah assault the Sky Temple, and subdue Raiden and Bo' Rai Cho in the process. Shinnok then enters the Jinsei and corrupts it, transforming himself into a powerful demon in the process.

Cassie's team pursues Shinnok, only to be intercepted by Kotal Kahn and his army. They inform him of Shinnok's return and Kotal decides to kill them, hoping to appease Shinnok and buy time to bolster Outworld's defenses, but Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei warriors appear just in time to repel the Outworld forces. At the Sky Temple, Jacqui and Takeda occupy the revenants, while Cassie and Jin enter the Jinsei chamber. When D'Vorah begins torturing Johnny, Cassie manifests powers similar to her father's, which she uses to defeat Shinnok. A grievously wounded Raiden then purifies the Jinsei, stripping Shinnok of his powers and forcing the revenants to withdraw. Sonya and her soldiers arrive to take Shinnok and D'Vorah away, and the Cage family reunites.

Sometime later, Raiden, now in possession of Shinnok's amulet and corrupted in the process of purifying the Jinsei, issues a warning to the revenants Liu Kang and Kitana, now rulers of the Netherrealm, that they will face "fates worse than death" if they threaten Earthrealm. Raiden leaves behind Shinnok's severed, but still living head as a final warning before departing.

The Rooster Prince (Fargo)

Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers are two hitmen sent from Fargo to Bemidji looking for Sam Hess' killer. An associate named Max Gold points them to the strip club where he was killed and a dancer gives a description, and they abduct a man matching it. When they are later told he is not the one, they kill him by dropping him into an ice fishing hole.

Meanwhile, Bill Oswalt becomes the new police chief, and he and deputy Molly Solverson differ on suspects in Thurman's death. She believes Lester Nygaard is connected to the frozen man at the car accident and the killings of Sam Hess, Pearl Nygaard, and Thurman due to the fact that he was seen talking with Malvo about Hess. Bill believes that it was a drifter who killed Hess, Pearl and Thurman during a home invasion. They interrogate Nygaard, who claims that he does not remember, and Bill, a childhood friend of his, refuses to believe that Lester is capable of something so despicable. Nevertheless, Solverson continues to investigate Nygaard in his personal life over the matter and is removed from the case as a result.

In Duluth, Malvo is hired to find out who is blackmailing Stavros Milos, the "Supermarket King" of Minnesota. Milos believes his soon-to-be ex-wife might be the culprit. Malvo notices traces of tanning spray on the blackmail note, leading him to believe that the ex-wife's current boyfriend Don Chumph is the culprit. News of the events in Bemidji reach the Duluth Police Department, where Grimly realizes the car he stopped matches the one stolen there. Unsure of what to do, he converses with his daughter over a school assembly, where she says she would do anything to help, and Gus smiles and says he is proud of her.

Some Kind of Fairy Tale

The novel takes place in Leicestershire, England in current times. Tara disappears after meeting a stranger, Hiero, in Charnwood Forest. After a long absence, she returns to her parents on Christmas Day. She claims she had been trapped in a parallel reality populated by fairies. Tara believes she was missing for only six months, yet her family knows she has been gone for 20 years. During her absence Tara has barely aged at all, still resembling a 15-year-old girl. But her parents have become elderly and feeble, her brother Peter has become a husband and father, and her boyfriend Richie has led a life of underachievement and substance abuse, unable to recover from Tara's disappearance. Tara's family refuses to accept her explanation for her disappearance. Nevertheless, Tara insists it is true. The family employs Dr. Underwood to assess Tara's sanity. The psychiatrist concludes she has unconsciously fabricated her story as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting some trauma that must have occurred during the period of her absence.

Tara becomes increasingly dissatisfied with life with her parents and boyfriend, finding it pales in comparison to her supposed experiences in the parallel world. Her neighbor, Mrs. Larwood, claims to have had the same experience, and warns her of the dangers involved in moving between the two worlds.

Richie is attacked twice by an unknown assailant, and is later stricken with brain cancer. Tara believes that this is the work of Hiero, who followed her back to the human world and threatened to "blast" Richie's mind. At the novel's conclusion Tara once again disappears, leaving a note for Richie indicating that her departure was voluntary, and done in an effort to protect him from Hiero's revenge. Richie discovers that his cancer has miraculously disappeared.

3D Silicon Fish

According to the instruction manual, the game takes place on Earth in the future where inhabitants are dependent on silicon for technology. Unfortunately, the silicon reserves are running out, but another source of silicon has been located in a faraway part of the galaxy. A mercenary going by the name of Sillo is sent to the dangerous area with a vehicle called the "silicon fisher" to gather the silicon and transport the cargo back to Earth.

An Untamed State

Mireille Duval Jameson is born and raised in the United States, her parents are from Haitian descent. Her parents move back to Haiti. While vacationing at her parents' house with her husband and child in Haiti, she is kidnapped. When her father, who by now has become a wealthy Haitian developer, refuses to pay her ransom, she is gang-raped and tortured by her captors, who keep her imprisoned for 13 days before finally releasing her.

"Happily Ever After"

In the first portion of the book, called "Happily Ever After," the novel moves back and forth in time between Mireille's captivity and her earlier life, meeting and falling in love with husband Michael during graduate school in the Midwest of the United States.

"Once Upon a Time"

The latter section of the novel, "Once Upon a Time," follows Mireille in the aftermath of her trauma, including her time living with Michael's mother, Lorraine, on the family farm in Nebraska.

Mi corazón es tuyo

Fernando Lascurain is a wealthy businessman and recent widower, attempting to raise his seven unruly children: Estefania "Fanny", Fernando "Nando", Alicia, Sebastian, Alex, Guille and Luz. He seeks the assistance of a new nanny, despite his children having driven away all the previous ones. He hires and falls in love with Ana Leal, a struggling exotic dancer who tries to hide her double life. Although Ana lacks experience and a refined education, she quickly bonds with the Lascurain children. Ana dreams of being a mother and also to find her lost-long mother, who left her in an orphanage at the age of three with only her beloved guitar, but when her home is destroyed following an accident, she must borrow money from her ruthless boss at "Chicago", the night club where she is secretly employed. When Fernando simultaneously falls for Ana and Isabela, an economist and sophisticated woman who is trained by her mother to marry a millionaire, he must choose between both women.

Just when Fernando realizes he's in love with Ana, he decides to marry Isabela instead, who is pregnant and he believes that the baby is his, when the father is actually Enrique, a fellow employee from their company and Isabela's ex-lover who secretly hates Fernando.

Fernando and Isabela marry, much to his children's dismay and Ana's heartbreak, and she later finds solace with Diego, Fernando's brother. Time pass and Isabela and Fernando's marriage fails because he still has feelings for Ana, and also because Isabela mistreats Fernando's children and Ana, and he sees her true colors and divorces her.

Soon, after many efforts, he manages to reconcile with Ana and proposes to her and she accepts, but Isabela sets him up to discover Ana's double life in the Chicago club and feeling deceived, he angrily calls off their engagement.

However, after almost losing Ana to a vengeful and insane Enrique (who dies before he could reveal to Fernando that he was the real father of Isabela's son, Diego Nicolas), Fernado forgives her and despite Isabela's efforts to sabotage them, they get married and Ana gives birth to twin girls and live happily with their ten children, while Isabela ends up morbidly obese, poor and alone.

10 Minutes (2013 film)

Kang Ho-chan is studying and preparing for his dream job as a TV station producer. Barely scraping by since his father's retirement, his family has high hopes for him. However, he fails time and time again to get into the station and eventually ends up getting a part-time job at a government office to support his family. One day, one full-time employee resigns and Ho-chan's boss offers him a permanent position. Ho-chan hesitates between his long-time dream of becoming a producer and a steady job. After thinking long and hard, he chooses to be realistic and take the offer, but someone else gets appointed for the job.

Queen of the Night (2013 film)

Young-soo is a nerdy, timid man without any interest in women until he meets Hee-joo in a sandwich store one day. They get married and at first, the couple settles into a happy marriage. But three years later when by chance, at the reunion for his university class, the allure of winning a kimchi-fridge for her mother-in-law makes her dance a super-sexy show, the shockingly surprised Young-soo begins to doubt his seemingly perfect wife and does some digging into her past. To his dismay he discovers plenty of evidence that her past isn't as pristine as he thought. This begins to deepen the question of how this nerdy computer technician with ordinary looks and no social skills could have married such a beautiful woman who seems happily content as a sort of Stepford Wife male fantasy, the perfect virgin/whore who submissively cleans his ears but surprises him one night in a Naughty Nurse outfit and then plays it out.

Confession (2014 film)

Hyun-tae, In-chul and Min-soo have been best friends since childhood. Hyun-tae is a paramedic with a daughter in kindergarten, In-chul is a con man who works at an insurance company, and Min-soo is a small business owner. Hyun-tae's mother, who owns an illegal gambling arcade, asks In-chul to stage a robbery/arson of her arcade to get an insurance settlement. But when it results in her accidental death, the friends have a falling out and their relationships with each other are forever changed.

Mall (film)

Mal, an addict, shoots his mother, sets their trailer on fire, and heads to the mall. At the same time, a cop urges philosophical college student Jeff to stop loitering on private property. Jeff and his friend Adelle also go to the mall, as Jeff tells her about his belief that modern society has become soulless and a shallow facsimile of itself. Jeff describes several of the people that they see at the mall and narratives what he imagines their back story to be: Donna, a bored housewife who obsesses over her attractiveness; Barry, a salesman who hates his business but stays in it because he understands it; Michael, a security guard who, after immigrating, becomes a widower and lives only for his job; and Danny, a married businessman who engages in casual sex.

Jeff and Adelle meet up with Beckett and Shel, and Beckett shares ecstasy with Jeff. Beckett attempts to talk Jeff out of his crush on Adelle, to no avail. When Danny is arrested (by the same cop who hassled Jeff) for peeping on Donna who forgets to lock the fitting room door while she changes clothes, Beckett and Shel leave to gawk at the scene. Alone with Adelle, Jeff confesses to her that he has fallen in love with her, but she calls him unexciting and wanders off. Mal arrives at the mall and kills Barry, who is his father, and several cops. Hurt, Jeff stumbles in a drug-addled daze through the mall, not aware of the crowds that have begun to flee. Mal leaves the mall, kills the cops who arrested Danny, and heads to the forest. Michael grabs a spare rifle from Mal's car and follows him.

Beckett, Shel, and Adelle arrive in the parking lot, where they find Danny still handcuffed. As they discuss what to do with him, he begs them to free him so that he can go home. After Beckett and Shel leave to vandalize the mall, Adelle points out that she can do anything she wants to Danny. She moves him to his own car, binds him in place with a seat belt, tightens his handcuffs, and molests him while forcing him to repeat, "I'm a pervert." She leaves once he passes out. Meanwhile, Jeff meets Donna in a bar, and after he tells her that she does not look old enough to have kids, she invites him to a motel room, where they have sex. Unconcerned with what has happened at the mall, Donna merely asks for details so that she can craft a believable cover story.

Jeff wanders back to the mall, where he discovers Beckett and Shell taking pictures of Danny with their cell phones. Jeff chases them away and offers to take Danny to a hospital. Danny requests that he brought back to his home. When Danny asks Jeff if he knows Adelle based on her description, Jeff says that she is not a friend. Satisfied, Danny approaches his house, still handcuffed. As Jeff walks off, he encounters Mal, who ended up wounded after a shootout with Michael. Mal and Jeff talk briefly, and Mal requests that Jeff kill him. Jeff refuses and calls him a coward who is willing to die but not to live. As Jeff runs off, the cops gather for an assault on Mal's location. As Donna returns to her boring life, Jeff quotes ''Steppenwolf'', saying that one day he will learn to laugh. The film ends as he laughs.

Criminal Activities

Four young men invest borrowed money in a company guaranteed to return their venture capital tenfold or more. It does not seem to trouble them that the privileged information on which they are acting was derived from insider trading. Two little things go wrong. The company suddenly folds under the pressure of federal scrutiny and their financial benefactor turns out to be a high-powered mobster.

The mobster, named Eddie (John Travolta), offers them a way out of their awkward situation. They are to kidnap and hold a man for 24 hours before turning him over to Eddie and his two-man wrecking crew. This action will clear their massive debt with him, and everyone will cheerfully go their separate ways. But a couple more annoying little inconveniences crop up. One of them is that the kidnap victim is related to an underworld kingpin who offers a two million dollar reward to the first one to recover his nephew. Another is that the four kidnappers are now required to collectively murder their victim before being allowed to leave the building alive.

Adding to these contingencies is the fact that things are not at all what they seem. Perceived motivations may turn out to be vastly different from actual motivations. What at first seemed patently predictable is anything but.

The Little Lost Sheep

A lady shepherd owns dozens of lambs. She even runs a school where she teaches them. One day, while giving roll call in a class, she notices one of her lambs is missing. She then abandons her teaching session, and goes out to find the lost one.

Out in the open, the missing lamb is playing with some blossoms instead of attending school. She is momentarily spotted by a jackal in luxury car. To deceive the lamb, the jackal, disguised as a person in a mask, greets and offers her a ride. But the lamb is uninterested and just walks away. In his second plan, the jackal dresses as a sheep and carries a picnic basket. He then asks the lamb if she would like to come along. This time the lamb accepts.

Meanwhile, the lady shepherd, after being unable to locate her lamb, comes to a detective agency owned by Krazy Kat. When he hears about her problem, Krazy takes out a pair of hounds, and sets off.

Up on a hill in the open, the missing lamb and the jackal, who's still in his sheep disguise, are having their "picnic." Eventually, Krazy and the hounds come to the scene. Krazy warns the lamb that her companion is actually a vicious jackal. When the lamb is doubtful of the idea, the hounds rush forth at the impostor sheep, tearing up his disguise. Upon getting exposed, the jackal quickly picks up the lamb, and flees in a nearby car. Krazy and the hounds go on a chase and struggle to rescue the lamb. Moments later, the agitated lamb strikes the jackal who then loses control, causing both of them to be thrown out of the car. And before he could do anything else, the jackal is tackled by the hounds.

Krazy returns to the lady shepherd's school, dragging the jackal with him. The other lambs celebrate his deed in cheering him on.

Samurai: Way of the Warrior

The story is told through comic book cutscenes. It is about a wandering samurai Daisuke Shimada as he is dealing with villainous Lord Hattoro and his henchmen Kumo and Orochi. Before he can face them he has to defeat their army.

Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants

In the valleys of France, a family of ladybugs give birth to their first litter & raise them throughout the years until they're ready to reach independence. A bold male named Cox is constantly bullied by a group of flies led by the childish Toofette, and during one time where he gets separated while being annoyed, attempts to fly away back to his family, but when they chase after him, he crashes into a rock and into a crevice, knocking him out and breaking off a wing. Unable to fly and locate his family, Cox shelters in a tin for the night. The tin is full of sugar cubes, part of an abandoned picnic, having its owners abandon it due to them rushing to the city for their new baby to arrive. The following morning, various bugs have raided the picnic's bounty and are busy carrying off the spoils when Cox gets up to join them in their heist. A foraging patrol of black ants, find the picnic, abandon their original load, and start carrying off the tin, with Cox still inside, whom they find and allow him to join them after he fends them off from a hungry lizard while crossing a stone wall, on their journey to their busy fortress on the top of a cliff.

During their trek, the ants encounter a patrol of red ants led by the fearful Butor, who try to stop them so they can get their food, so the black ants try to give them one of the sugar cubes as a peace offering, but they pursue them anyway for the rest of the sugar, due to them not satisfied with what they got. The black ants escape by sliding down an embankment and into a river, on board the top of the tin, sending them on a wild ride. Cox falls overboard and the ants rescue him from a hungry pike named Boboche. The red ants track them down stream in a soda can. They all go over a waterfall and the tin washes up on the shore, while the soda can and Boboche sink down onto the river bottom. The red ants escape the soda can & manage to get back to the surface while Boboche get stuck in the sand & suffocates to death. The black ants abandon the tin, pick up the sugar cubes and start hauling them back to their nest. After hauling themselves onto land and find the tin empty, Butor's patrol continue to follow them until they break up while following the black patrol onto a road, due to his patrol afraid they'll get run over & killed while crossing, leaving Butor all by himself to find the anthill, and return back to his colony's nest & report to his queen for reinforcements to get the sugar, while his patrol run back home all together.

On the journey, Cox becomes friends with the patrol's leader, Mandible. He meets another family of ladybugs Cox tries to join for a replacement family, with one female Cox falls in love with, but unable to fly with them on one wing, makes the decision to remain with the ants as his new family. After the long and arduous journey, they arrive at the busting big city citadel where Mandible invites him to join the colony until they find Cox's family, and they present their hoard of sugar cubes to their egg-laden queen in her throne room & put it in the food storage. At midnight, he dreams of flying with both families and his girlfriend, wakes up and tests its wings outside the nest. His wing and strength is regrowing slowly and steady, but he still can't fly.

The next morning, Butor, his patrol & queen and the entire red ant colony arrive and besiege the black ant's nest by bombarding and destroying it using slingshots, using bug spray to flush the black ants out of the nest, and try to ram the front door with a pinecone, sometimes killing both kinds of ants in the process. The black ants use their own weapons including dropping objects on them to knock them out and crush them or setting off fireworks which incinerates and kills some red ants when exploded, but they don't have any more matches to light the rest. Cox remembers that there was a box of matches at the abandoned picnic, and now able to fly, even though the ants make a paper plane out of a dollar for him, escapes the red ant siege, and sets off into the forest to retrieve them.

At the now empty picnic area, Cox finds the matchbox but isn't strong enough to fly back with it. A tiny black male spider runs off with the matchbox and takes it to its dollhouse home in a sewage pipe, which his parents warned him about. Cox follows anyway and sneaks into the house. A frog named Jean-Paul tries to eat them for dinner by grabbing them with his tongue through a window, but the duo fight back and the house topples onto Jean-Paul, seemingly crushing and killing him off-screen and knocking Cox out in the process, as he has an actual dream about the other family leaving behind his girlfriend, as she has reached independence. After a night's rest, and grapes for breakfast, Cox's strength is regained. After he makes a bond with the spider, Cox persuades him to let him have the matches and sets out with them back to the nest. Cox stops on the way to save his lover from Toofette's gang, which are all killed and knocked out after an open chase ends up with an automobile hitting them, with the ladybugs getting the last laugh. They have a wedding and a honeymoon in the valley before Cox leaves her to resume his mission.

He returns to the besieged fortress which has now been half demolished. With their new matches, the black ants fire off their remaining weapons incinerating and wiping out some of the red ants and starting a wildfire that surrounds the cliff & drives the entire red ant colony away to their anthill in defeat, with Butor swearing revenge on the heroes. A fire and rescue plane patrol arrives and extinguishes the wildfire, saving Cox and the entire black ant colony, but flattening the nest into a mound of mud in the process. They all emerge from the basement and begin rebuilding, while Cox leaves back to the meadow to raise his new family with his lover. A few years later, they return to the newly rebuilt ant nest and Cox sits with his old friend, as they watch the sunset, and their next adventures are just beginning.

In a mid-credits scene, the ant that was storing the objects that were used to defeat the red ants, manages to complete a number shuffle puzzle that he was trying to solve ago, & figures out which number is missing.

Palamon and Arcite (Edwardes)

Though the text was never published the plot was described in a Latin text by John Bereblock, a Fellow of Exeter College and artist, who recorded all the entertainments provided for the queen's visit. There are also records of conversations about the play, and comments by the queen on particular scenes. Albert S. Cook summarises Bereblock's account as follows:

'''Part I''' Palamon and Arcite, in prison, see Emilia, and quarrel over their love for her. Escape of Arcite. ::::(Considerable time-interval here in Chaucer.) Return of Arcite, who lives disguised as a servant in Emilia's household. Escape of Palamon, who meets Arcite in the woods, and quarrels with him. *Intervention of Theseus, who ordains a tournament in forty days' time.

'''Part 2''' Arrival of the two knights, with their friends and retainers. The prayers of Palamon, Arcite, and Emilia. The single combat won by Arcite. The contention of the gods. Saturn strikes Arcite with subterranean fire, as he goes in triumphal procession. Funeral of Arcite, and marriage of Emilia to Palamon.

Papa (2012 South Korean film)

Choon-sub (Park Yong-woo) is a talent manager from South Korea who flies to America to chase after his client who ran away with another manager. He soon learns that she is with child and would be unable to pursue her career. To avoid returning to Korea and face his boss, he gets a residency permit through a contract marriage with a Korean-American woman. When his wife dies in a car accident, he is left with her 6 children, all of different races, from her previous marriages. He discovers that the eldest daughter, June (Go Ara), is a talented singer and dancer. Now in need of money, he convinces her to take part in a reality TV show contest. Because the children need Choon-sub to keep the family together and not be relocated to different homes, June agrees.

Spike Island (film)

Set in May 1990, the film follows the exploits of five lads: Gary 'Tits' Titchfield, Darren 'Dodge' Hodge, Chris 'Zippy' Weeks, 'Little Gaz' Gareth Barrett and 'Penfold' Andrew Peach. They are fans of The Stone Roses and members of wannabe band Shadowcaster. It starts 60 hours prior to The Stone Roses' legendary gig at Spike Island, Widnes, Cheshire. The group get an idea to give The Stone Roses their cassette tape via Sally, a girl whom both Tits and Dodge show interest in, although Dodge has never spoken to her. They hatch a plan to get tickets to the gig and kick-start their career. Tits' brother 'Ibiza' Steve gets the boys on the guest-list for the gig. But when Tits' dad becomes increasingly ill during the 60 hours, he fails to turn up and on the morning of the gig his dad worsens but his dad tells Tits to go to the gig. Penfold's dad burns his top in an effort to stop him from going and when he goes to hit him Penfold stands up to his dad after his dad has been abusing him and heads to the gig. They lure 'Uncle Hairy' out of his van and steal it but when they run out of fuel they have to stop but Penfold convinces them to walk to the M6. They hide in the baggage hold of the bus until they arrive at Spike Island. Once arrived they jump out of their hiding place and are chased by police and the bus driver but lose them in the crowd. They lose Penfold and are unable to find him, so they carry on to the entry zone but are turned away because they do not have tickets and are not on the guest-list. The remaining four make their way to the outside of the venue. They meet Sally who has lost her friends in the crowd and doesn't want to go in alone and gives Dodge her ticket. Dodge heads for the gig without the cassette tape because he was afraid "to fuck it up". On his way back to the boys, he sees Sally and Tits hooking up. Tits and Dodge later argue but when Tits' dad eventually dies they make up. Meanwhile, Zippy visits the nearby Catalyst Science Discovery Centre (at that point still called The Museum of the Chemical Industry). At the end of the movie it is shown that Tits and Sally are together and all the boys have moved on as school has finished. The ending scene shows Tits looking at Dodge from his window while Dodge walks down the lane with his guitar and bags.

Woman in Gold (film)

In a series of flashbacks, Maria Altmann recalls the Anschluss, the arrival of Nazi forces in Vienna, the persecution of the Jewish community and the looting and pillaging by the Nazis against Jewish families. Maria Altmann and members of her family attempt to flee to the United States. While Altmann and her husband are successful, she is forced to abandon her parents in Vienna.

In the present, living in Los Angeles, an elderly and widowed Altmann attends the funeral for her sister. She discovers letters in her sister's possession dating to the late 1940s, which reveal an attempt to recover artwork owned by the Bloch-Bauer family that was left behind during the family's flight for freedom and stolen by the Nazis. Of particular note is a painting of Altmann's aunt, Adele Bloch-Bauer, now known in Austria as the "Woman in Gold".

Altmann enlists the help of E. Randol Schoenberg (the son of her close friend, Barbara), a lawyer with little experience, to make a claim to the art restitution board in Austria. Reluctantly returning to her homeland, Altmann discovers that the country's minister and art director are unwilling to part with the painting, which they feel has become part of the national identity. Altmann is told that the painting was legitimately bequeathed to the gallery by her aunt. Upon further investigation by her lawyer and Austrian journalist Hubertus Czernin, this claim proves to be wrong as the alleged will is invalid due to the fact that her aunt did not own the painting, the artist's fee having been paid by Altmann's uncle. Adele Bloch-Bauer wanted the painting to go to the museum at her husband's death but it was taken from him by the Nazis and placed in the museum by a Nazi-collaborating curator, well before his death. Schoenberg files a challenge with the art restitution board, but it is denied and Altmann does not have the money needed to challenge the ruling. Defeated, she and Schoenberg return to the United States.

Months later, happening upon an art book with "Woman in Gold" on the cover, Schoenberg has an epiphany. Using a narrow rule of law and precedents in which an art restitution law was retrospectively applied, Schoenberg files a claim in US court against the Austrian government contesting their claim to the painting. An appeal goes to the Supreme Court of the United States, where in the matter of ''Republic of Austria v. Altmann'', the court rules in Altmann's favor, which results in the Austrian government attempting to persuade Altmann to retain the painting for the gallery, which she refuses. After a falling out over the issue of returning to Austria for a second time to argue the case, Altmann agrees for Schoenberg to go and argue the case in front of a panel of three arbiters in Vienna.

In Austria, the panel hears the case, during which Schoenberg reminds them of the Nazi regime's crimes. He implores the arbitration panel to think of the meaning of the word "restitution" and to look past the artwork hanging in art galleries to see the injustice to the families who once owned such great paintings and were forcibly separated from them by the Nazis. Unexpectedly, Altmann arrives during the session, indicating to Czernin that she came to support her lawyer. After considering both sides of the dispute, the arbitration panel rules in favour of Altmann, returning her paintings. The Austrian government representative makes a last-minute proposal begging Altmann to keep the paintings in the Belvedere against a generous compensation. Altmann refuses and elects to have the painting moved to the United States with her ("They will now travel to America like I once had to as well") and takes up an offer made earlier by Ronald Lauder to acquire them for his New York gallery to display the painting on condition that it be a permanent exhibit.

Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction

Period: "Not for an age but for all time". Scene: A bed sitting-room in a fashionable quarter of London.

Late at night, Phyllis, the maid, is combing the hair of her employer, Lady Magnesia FitzTollemache. Phyllis expresses foreboding and the fear that she will never see her beloved mistress again. Magnesia retires to sleep, serenaded by a heavenly choir singing "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey". A murderous figure enters, brandishing a dagger. Before he can stab Magnesia she wakes, and recognises her husband. Her admirer, Adolphus, demands admittance so that he can show her his new suit of evening clothes made of bright yellow and black cloth with a silver-spangled waistcoat and red kerchief.

Fitz offers Adolphus a whisky and soda. The gazogene (soda-siphon) contains poison and Adolphus is soon writhing on the floor. Magnesia declares that with Adolphus dead she will have to devote all her energies to doting on her husband. Finding this prospect overwhelming, Fitz reveals that there is an antidote to the poison, namely lime, which they can get from the plaster of the ceiling. They throw boots up to bring pieces of the ceiling down. Adolphus cannot force the plaster down this throat, and instead Magnesia reaches for a plaster bust of herself, which she bids Phyllis dissolve in hot water. Adolphus drinks the mixture, and with the poison neutralised he sinks into a deep sleep.

The FitzTollemaches' landlord appears, complaining at the noise from the room. He believes that the recumbent Adolphus is dead, accuses the others of murdering him, and summons the police. The constable cannot rouse Adolphus, and discovers that the plaster has set inside him, turning him into a living statue. A doctor arrives as a violent storm breaks. Lightning fatally strikes the doctor, the policeman and the landlord. The FitzTollemaches raise the statue upright and kneel before it, as the heavenly choir again sings "Bill Bailey". The statue raises its hands in benediction, the band plays the national anthem and attendants pass through the auditorium ejecting the audience.

Max (2015 film)

Max, a Belgian Malinois military dog used to help U.S. Marines in Afghanistan, is handled by Kyle Wincott (Robbie Amell) (Marine MWD). Kyle is questioned when weapons seized by his squad go missing. Realizing his friend Tyler Harne (Luke Kleintank) is among those involved with the shady dealings, he warns Tyler that he cannot cover for him. The two then go into the battlefield with their squad, with Max on point. While advancing on a suicide bomber, Max is injured by an explosion. In the ensuing gunfight, Kyle is shot and killed.

Kyle's brother Justin (Josh Wiggins), who makes money selling illegally copied video games, their mother Pamela (Lauren Graham) and their father Ray (Thomas Haden Church) are informed of his death. After Kyle's body is brought home for burial, the other Marines notice that Max is only calm when he is around Justin, apparently sensing that he is Kyle's brother. The family adopts the dog, who would otherwise be euthanized for his disturbed behavior. Justin initially wants little to do with Max but eventually warms up to him. While meeting up with his friend Chuy (Dejon LaQuake), Justin meets Chuy's cousin Carmen (Mia Xitlali), who offers to go to his house and show him some handling tricks for Max. Little by little, Max's behavior improves around other people.

Tyler visits the Wincotts one evening, provoking an aggressive response by Max. Later, after the Fourth of July, Ray asks Tyler what really happened. Tyler implies that Max turned on Kyle and caused him to discharge his weapon on himself, leading to his death. Justin decides to investigate the matter. He receives a DVD of Kyle training Max; he later contacts a friend of Kyle, Sergeant Reyes, for help.

Later, Justin is approached by Chuy's other cousin Emilio (Joseph Julian Soria), a cartel member, who presses him over a video game bootleg. Afterwards, Justin and Max follow Emilio into the woods, where they secretly observe a meeting between cartel members and Tyler, who tries selling stolen weapons to them. The cartel's dogs sense Max and run after him. Max fights them off, severely wounding one of the dogs, while Justin runs away and leaves his bike behind. When he gets home, he finds Tyler and Stack, the cartel's dog handler, who was injured in the melee. Feigning innocence, they accuse Max of doing harm and demand his euthanization.

Max is taken by animal control officers but escapes. Meanwhile, Ray catches Tyler making a business deal with the cartel but is held hostage by Emilio. Max makes it home and leads Justin, Chuy, and Carmen into the woods to rescue Ray. Confronting the cartel, they incapacitate Emilio and the last cartel dog and rescue Ray. Tyler and Stack chase after Justin and Ray, but Stack is killed after crashing his off-road pickup truck. Tyler corners Justin at a damaged bridge and is threatening to shoot him and Max attacks Tyler and saves Justin's life. The two are knocked over the side of the bridge; while Tyler is killed by the fall, Max survives. Afterwards, Emilio is arrested and sent to jail.

The family welcomes Max into their home. After Justin and Max visit Kyle's grave, they invite Chuy and Carmen over for dinner.

The Longest Ride (film)

Professional bull rider Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood) meets Sophia Danko (Britt Robertson), an art student at Wake Forest University, after she attends a show. On the way home from their first date, they spot a car crash in the woods and help rescue an elderly man from the vehicle, along with a box full of letters.

In the hospital, Sophia visits the 91-year old man she rescued, Ira Levinson (Alan Alda). He explains the letters are what he wrote as a teenager to his late wife, Ruth, and she offers to read them to him, which tell the story of how they met and fell in love in 1940.

In flashbacks, Ruth (Oona Chaplin) tells a young Ira (Jack Huston) that she wants a big family, and he eventually proposes to her before leaving to fight in World War II. However, Ira is shot during an attack and is later informed that he can no longer have children, news that causes distance between Ruth and him when he returns. Regardless, they decide to make it work and move in together, decorating the house with many paintings that Ruth and he love.

Back in the present day, Ira is moved to a nursing home where Sophia continues to visit. Luke continues bull riding as Sophia and he fall in love. Luke attends an art exhibit with Sophia, which he finds disinteresting, and they realize how different their two worlds are; Luke says he does not feel their relationship will work. Sophia goes to Ira for advice, who tells her how he and Ruth made it work. In flashbacks, it is revealed that Ruth, a school teacher, became attached to a young student called Daniel McDonald after finding out she and Ira wouldn't have children of their own. They wanted to adopt him but Daniel's uncaring relatives wouldn't allow it.

Luke is injured while riding and is rushed to hospital. He is advised not to ride again but he refuses to accept that his career is over. Following an argument, Luke and Sophia break up. In flashbacks, Ira and Ruth break up because she cannot see a life without children in their future. However, weeks later, Ruth returns as she cannot live without Ira. Decades later, now 80 years old, Ira wakes up to find Ruth has died in her sleep. One night, a woman knocks on his door, claiming to be the wife of Daniel McDonald, the child they almost adopted when they were younger, and informs Ira that Daniel, who later became a professor of physics and astronomy, has died. She gives him a portrait of Ruth that Daniel had painted, with a message on the back that reads: "Ruth Levinson, third grade teacher. She told me I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up".

Sophia and Luke are contacted by Ira's attorney who tells them that he has died and an auction will be held for his collection of paintings. Meanwhile, Luke wins his last ride, and the championship, but feels disappointed because Sophia is not there to share it with him. Going to the auction, he buys the first piece of art, Daniel's "Portrait of Ruth". Sophia and Luke reconcile with a kiss after he tells her he will not ride anymore because what he really wants is to be with her for the rest of his life. The auctioneer then reveals that Ira's clause in the auction rules was: whoever buys Daniel's portrait will receive the entire collection, worth almost $200 million, as it is the piece of art that meant the most to him.

A year later, Luke and Sophia, now married, have built a museum dedicated to Ira and Ruth and their paintings. Luke takes Sophia to Black Mountain College where Ira and Ruth used to spend their wedding anniversary. They sit under the same tree and read Ira's letters together.

City of the Mind

Through the daily life and thoughts of Matthew Halland, a recently divorced architect suffering from his relationship with his own past the reader is introduced to various characters he meets during his travels around London and given glimpses of the city's past and the relevance of that past to the present. The presence in his life of his young daughter Jane and the promise of renewed romance with a woman he encounters by chance serve to save him from descending into loneliness and despair.

Chapel Perilous

A door-to-door salesman, Robbin pays an unexpected visit to Levi Gold. This visit makes Levi confront his true mystical calling, as well as the nature of reality itself.

A Muddy Road

After being removed from the Hess case, Molly investigates the original car crash and the frozen man in the woods, and learns he was dragged from his workplace in Saint Paul by Malvo, allegedly because the man had a massive gambling debt. She obtains a still from the building's security cameras showing the abduction, but Malvo's face is partially obscured. Lester returns to work and calls on Gina Hess, Sam's widow, about his life insurance policy. She unexpectedly starts flirting with him in an attempt to get more money, unaware that Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers are watching from outside. Convinced he killed Hess, they later visit Lester's office and threaten him, but leave when Molly unexpectedly arrives. Molly claims that she is interested in a life insurance policy and "accidentally" shows Lester the abduction photo containing Malvo's face. Lester's reaction convinces her that he recognizes Malvo.

Molly tells Bill Oswalt about her visit to Lester, but he is only more upset that Molly is still harassing Lester. Meanwhile, Malvo informs Don Chumph, the fitness instructor for Stavros's wife, that he knows he is the blackmailer. Malvo takes over the blackmail scheme and torments Stavros by exploiting his extreme religious beliefs. He kills Stavros' dog, replaces his pain medication with Adderall, and sabotages the plumbing system, causing pig blood to flow out of the shower.

Gus finally tells his angry superior that he let Malvo off with a warning for speeding, and he is sent to Bemidji to inform their police department. He meets Molly for the first time and after seeing him with Greta, she invites them over to her father's restaurant where they share a friendly conversation.

Ladies Room (Mad Men)

In this episode, Don Draper's past is probed from different directions by different people and the viewer is presented with the mystery of "Who is Don Draper?" At a dinner with Don and Betty Draper and Roger and Mona Sterling, where all of the attendees talk about their affluent childhoods, Don remains silent. Roger Sterling idly probes Don about his past but Don deflects him, suggesting he will reveal the mystery in his forthcoming novel. Don says, "I was raised to see it as a sin of pride to go on like that about yourself", to explain to Betty why he deflected Roger's inquiry. Betty, meanwhile, is troubled—her mother has recently died, and since that time, Betty has periodically experienced her hands going numb so that she cannot use them. She and Mona commiserate in the ladies' room at the restaurant. At home, in bed with Don, Betty also attempts to probe Don about his past, but he casts his past into the category of "politics, religion, and sex...why talk about it?" As Betty drifts off to sleep she turns to Don, fast asleep, and asks herself, "Who's in there?"

The workplace is portrayed as being staffed by men who behave as boys on shore leave and who view the women as toys, an environment which the women must navigate; the title of the episode references the weeping women found in the ladies room. Sterling is portrayed as a cynical and distant alcoholic who has never grown up and misses his nanny. The members of the creative team, which Don leads, discuss a product and the question of "what women want" arises, leaving them puzzled. Paul Kinsey, attempting a Jamaican accent, tries to come across as the hip-cat man-of-the-world with the African-American man who comes to the office with a sandwich cart, but the man deflects Kinsey's comment. After Paul gives Peggy Olson the impression that he can be a good friend to her, he then comes on to her. Peggy rejects his advance, prompting him to ask "Do you belong to someone else?" Peggy expresses annoyance at being targeted by the sexually predatorial males in the office. Joan, the office manager, responds by advising Peggy to "enjoy it while it lasts". Bert Cooper, the senior partner of Sterling Cooper, is introduced as an eccentric, tolerant old man. The Draper's neighbor, Francine, gossips with Betty about their new neighbor, a divorcée named Helen, and Francine suggests that a divorcée may be bad for real estate values.

Betty's physicians suggest she try psychoanalysis, an idea that upsets Don. Don asks Roger "what do women want?", but Roger has no satisfactory answer. He asks the same question of his mistress Midge, who responds "not being asked something like that". Draper then comes up with the catch-phrase: "Any excuse to get closer". Meanwhile, in Betty's first session with the psychiatrist, she talks about her relationship with her late mother and her insecurities about the new divorcée neighbor. After Don and Betty arrive home from dinner, he makes a phone-call to Betty's therapist, shutting himself into his study while the therapist consults his notes from Betty's session.

Houdini (miniseries)

The miniseries follows the man behind the magic as he finds fame, engages in espionage, battles spiritualists and encounters the greatest names of the era. The drama will chronicle the life of a man who can defy death through his stunts, his visions and his mastery of illusion.

Worst Friends (2014 film)

''Worst Friends'' has been described as a dark Indie comedy. The film is set in an unnamed New Jersey suburb and focuses around a number of key characters. The film opens explaining the close but troubled friendship of two young boys.

It explores the role of friendships when a traumatic incident takes place and how there can be a fine line between help and dependence. Jake (Richard Tanne) is a young man suffering traumatic injuries after he is hit by a car. He turns to his childhood friend Sam (Noah Barrow) for support and to help him recover.

A physical therapist (Cody Horn) is enlisted and begins to help Sam with Jake's recovery. Sam and Jake's friendship takes a turn for the worse when Sam's childhood sweetheart, Zoe (Kristen Connolly), returns to town. Her presence becomes a true test of Sam and Jake's friendship.

Night of the Ding-Dong

In 19th century Adelaide, after the Crimean War, Colonial Administrator Colonel Beauchamp trains a volunteer defence corps at the weekends, and worries about a Russian invasion. Idealistic schoolteacher Higsen, who is in love with Beauchamp's daughter, is more concerned with free education. Higsen asks Beauchamp to marry the latter's daughter but is turned down because education must give way to defence.

When a Russian gunboat is rumoured to be near Adelaide, Beauchamp sets about whipping up the public into a frenzy in order to fund a standing army.

Beyond Desire

Ray "Elvis" Patterson (William Forsythe), an ex-con, joins forces with a sexy, high-priced call girl named Rita (Kari Wuhrer) to help clear his name from a murder charge 14 years earlier while a brutal gangster is after him for the location of some stolen money. Ray served 14 years at Nevada State Prison, after being wrongfully convicted of the murder of his girlfriend.

Now released, Ray sets out to find the true murderer and bring him to justice. Ray and Rita head into Las Vegas together, where Ray believes he will find the answers as to who the killer is. But all is not as it seems as Frank (Leo Rossi), Rita's boss, turns out to be the man Ray seeks.

Non-stop action and adventure ensue as bullets fly and Ray and Frank go head to head for justice, Rita's heart, and the money that turned up missing from the crime scene 14 years ago.

Happy Here and Now

When an unhappy young woman disappears, her worried sister desperately searches the Internet for a clue to her missing sibling's whereabouts.

Jaime (1999 film)

A woman takes her young son, leaves her husband and moves in with her lover. The boy, desperate to get his parents back together, becomes convinced that if only he can get his father's stolen motorcycle back everything will be fine again, so he sets out to get enough money to buy his father a new one. unsentimental tale about underage street kids in Portugal. The film opens with a teenage worker at a bakery getting dumped off at a hospital after losing his finger. The boss instructs the youth's father to tell the doctors that he lost his digit playing with a knife, but fearing an investigation, the boss subsequently dumps his other underage workers, including 13-year old Jaime (Saul Fonseca). Jaime is struggling to mend his tattered family. His mother threw his father out of the house and has taken up with a disreputable Brazilian. His heartbroken father moved into a shack and has been unemployed since his moped was stolen. Jaime's hopes that he could reunite his family by buying his dad a replacement scooter are dashed when the Brazilian steals his cash; Jaime subsequently moves out of his mom's place and in with his father. Meanwhile, Jaime and his sidekick Ulisses (Sandro Silva) sleep during their days at school and look for job opportunities at night.

Tropic of Orange

''Tropic of Orange'' revolves around seven distinct, yet interrelated characters and story lines (listed in bold below). The story covers the span of seven days, with each day getting its own unit, and with each character getting one chapter for each day.

In Los Angeles, Japanese-American television news executive, '''Emi''', and her lover, Latino journalist '''Gabriel Balboa''', are chasing newsworthy stories of local disaster, including an apocalyptic standstill on the Harbor Freeway and the creation of a new urban social order by homeless population moving into the abandoned cars. One of Gabriel's most reliable sources is '''Buzzworm''', an African American man who roams LA streets dispensing advice and help. Buzzworm gives Gabriel a few newsworthy tips, such as the mysterious package arriving at the L.A. airport and the presence of '''Manzanar Murakami''', a Sansei and former doctor who conducts freeway traffic from an overpass as if they were symphonies.

Gabriel also owns a home near Mazatlán, Mexico, which is being tended by Mexican-American '''Rafaela Cortes''' during her separation from husband '''Bobby Ngu'''. Gabriel's Mexican home is the site of early anomalies that become increasingly visible and widespread as the novel progresses, including a special orange that falls from Rafaela's favorite tree at the home. This orange is picked up by the mystical '''Arcangel''', who carries the fruit across the U.S.-Mexico border and, with it, the Tropic of Cancer. Rafaela also overhears a conversation between two men that makes her fear for the safety of herself and her son, Sol. Meanwhile, Bobby, who has been trying to locate Rafaela and Sol, is mysteriously informed of the arrival of a young Chinese girl who may or may not be a cousin of his.

In addition to the mystical orange, the plot includes illegal human organ harvesting in Mexico, a shipment of poisoned oranges from Brazil, a wrestling match between "SuperNAFTA" and "El Gran Mojado", a mystical symphony that connects everyone in L.A., and moments in which time and space become distorted.

Black Is White

As described in a film magazine, Margaret Brood (Dalton) is driven from her home by her jealous husband Jim (Herbert), who after imagining that she is untrue to him finally doubts if he is the father of their son. She causes a report to be published that she is dead and goes to Paris to live with a distant relation, taking the name Yvonne. Fifteen years later her husband comes to Paris, is attracted by what he considers is her resemblance to his dead wife, and marries her. She returns to America with him. Unable to hide her love for her son, she arouses her husband's suspicions and in a moment of rage he shoots the young man. After nursing her son back to health, Margaret tells her husband the truth, produces proof that she has always been true to him, and forgives him.

Winners & Losers (season 4)

This season is about having it all. Despite everything they've been through, Bec, Sophie, Jenny, Frances and Sam are as close as they've ever been to having the three key areas of life – love, work and home – firing on all cylinders. But when relationships, friendships, careers and aspirations are all tested, the girls will question if it is even possible to have it all? And if it is, do they really want it?


The documentary takes place between 2007 and 2008 in the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan. The film consists mainly of interviews with men in a platoon stationed at outpost Restrepo. Forty-two soldiers died in Korengal Valley before the United States pulled out in April 2010. Unlike ''Restrepo'', which was a film mostly about battle, ''Korengal'' examines the military life and experiences of those same men. The men are filmed in extreme closeup as they are interviewed; they express the most intense fear and exhilaration they ever experienced while in combat. They express bonds between each other that go beyond the intensity of their own family ties. One soldier states that he would gladly die for one of his fellow soldiers.

Whereas ''Restrepo'' showed the "high" of combat, ''Korengal'' expresses more bitterness. Many of the soldiers interviewed after their deployment missed the camaraderie of the other men, missed the adrenaline of war, and the excitement of "cheating death." One soldier expressed this simply as "I'd go back there if I could."

Ra Ra... Krishnayya

Krishna alias Kittu (Sundeep Kishan) is a cab driver who saves his money with the cab owner Manikyam Mogiliyar (Tanikella Bharani). When Manikyam refuses to return his money, Kittu kidnaps Manikyam's daughter Nandeshwari, alias Nandu (Regina Cassandra). As a consequence of Nandu's displeasure with her father's plans for her arranged marriage, she voluntarily cooperates as Kittu's hostage. While on the run, Kittu and his "hostage" unknowingly reach Kerala. They fall in love with each other in the process. On the day of the scheduled hostage exchange, Nandu is tied up with her hands behind her back while Kittu proceeds to collect the ransom money from her father. But when he is about to do so, Nandu gets kidnapped by another kidnapper Babji (Brahmaji), who takes her to Jaggu Bhai's (Jagapathi Babu) house. It is revealed that Kittu is Jaggu Bhai's brother, and he did not want to take up the family business of kidnapping. The rest of the story is all about various twists and turns.

Two Mothers (TV series)

Hwa-young believes that Yeon-hee, her brother's ex-girlfriend, drove him to his death. When the unhappily married Yeon-hee is diagnosed with uterine cancer, Hwa-young volunteers to become a surrogate mother for her, all the while planning her revenge. Hwa-young conceives and gives birth, lets Yeon-hee raise the child, then destroys Yeon-hee by trying to take the child back. Later, Yeon-hee tries her best to get her child back. Yeon-hee's husband regrets for letting Yeon-hee go.

A Girl Named Mahmoud

Ĥamida (Suhair Ramzi) is the daughter of an illiterate widower, al-Ĥag Firghalee. Firghalee attempts to prevent his daughter from studying at a university, so the medical student Ĥassan helps her. After Firghalee reveals he will marry Ĥamida to a boy she dislikes, Ĥassan has her disguise herself as a man, Mahmoud. Ĥassan and his friends lie to Firghalee, telling him they performed transsexual surgery to change Ĥamida into a man. Ĥamida's disguise has an effeminate appearance, and both male and female employees at Firghalee's furniture shop are attracted to "Mahmoud" and many conclude "he" is a homosexual.Habib, p. [ 127].

Firghalee's father mistakenly believes that "Mahmoud" is a homosexual when he sees "him" kiss Hassan. He arranges to have Lawaĥith, a cabaret entertainer, meet "Mahmood" to set "his" sexuality straight, but "Mahmoud" is not attracted to women and is unwilling to sleep with Lawaĥith. One woman says that she has the child of "Mahmoud" and two women claim to be engaged to "Mahmoud". After a doctor mistakenly states "Mahmoud" is pregnant, Ĥamida reveals her true identity. She and Ĥassan marry.Habib, p. [ 128].

Hideyoshi (TV series)

The story chronicles the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Tokugawa Ieyasu (TV series)

The story chronicles the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

A Very Special House

An unnamed little boy imagines a "special house" that is "just a house for Me ME". (The cover art shows the boy drawing a picture of the house.) He then imagines all the special things that make up the house including a special bed, special shelf, special chairs, a special door, special walls, and a special table. He brings to the special house a turtle, a rabbit, a giant, a dead mouse (in a box, according to the illustration), monkeys, and "some skunkeys and a very old lion". The lion proceeds to eat all the stuffing from the "chairs chairs chairs." The boy plays with the creatures "making secrets" and laughing and running and pretending to be chickens and singing until the play becomes frantic and tumultuous and "nobody says stop stop stop". The boy describes how his house is not really anywhere but "root in the moodle of my head head head": a statement which is complemented with images of the boy apparently asleep in a bed equipped with springs under it, his bouncing off the bed, and, on the following blank pages, him somersaulting through space. The illustrations conclude with an image, at the right bottom of the verso of a pair of blank pages, of the little boy looking mischievously over his shoulder.

Toy Story That Time Forgot

Trixie, a toy triceratops, is frustrated that Bonnie never depicts her as a dinosaur during playtime. On the 27th of December, two days after Christmas, Bonnie takes Trixie, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Rex, and aphorism-spouting Christmas ornament Angel Kitty to her best friend Mason's house for a play date. However, Bonnie ends up tossing the toys into Mason's playroom and joining Mason in playing with his new video game console.

Bonnie's toys discover the playroom is dominated by a huge "Battlesaurs" playset that Mason received for Christmas, complete with several humanoid-dinosaur-hybrid action figures led by the gallant warrior Reptillus Maximus and the ''pteranodon''-like shaman The Cleric. Trixie is delighted to interact with them as a dinosaur; she and Rex are armed as warriors, unaware that Woody and Buzz have been taken prisoners. Reptillus and Trixie quickly grow close, but it is soon revealed that the Battlesaurs have not yet been played with, and therefore do not know that they are toys. To Trixie's horror, Mason's other toys are violently attacked in a combat arena. Woody and Buzz are then brought in to fight, but Trixie defends them. The Cleric denounces Trixie as a heretic for bearing Bonnie's name on her foot; she flees to get Bonnie's help, and Reptillus is sent after her. She shows him his own toy package, which enrages him.

In the arena, the Cleric takes control of Rex's robotic armaments and forces him to seize Woody and Buzz. They realize the Cleric is aware of Mason and their status as toys; with Mason preoccupied by the video game, the Cleric maintains authoritarian control over the Battlesaurs, and apparently, the playroom. The Cleric intends to destroy Woody, Buzz, and Angel Kitty by tossing them in the air vent. In Mason's bedroom, Reptillus confronts Trixie as she is about to deactivate the video game. She convinces him that "surrendering" to a child for playtime will broaden his horizons, and he reluctantly turns the game off. Mason finds Reptillus, and Bonnie begins playing with him, which convinces Mason to do the same. The children return to the playroom just in time to unknowingly save Woody and Buzz, and they play with the Battlesaurs and other toys in a variety of non-combat settings. Reptillus calls the experience "glorious".

Back at Bonnie's house, Trixie tells the other toys that she is "Bonnie's dinosaur", and is happy in every role Bonnie has for her. Angel Kitty gives one last moral and inexplicably vanishes.

During the credits, Reptillus happily bears Mason's name on his hand, and looks forward to seeing Trixie at Mason and Bonnie's next playdate, already scheduled for the following week next Tuesday, around 3:30 PM.

Jubiabá (film)

The black orphan Balduíno (Charles Baiano) is adopted by the commendator Ferreira (Raymond Pellegrin), and falls in love with Ferreira's heiress, the white Lindinalva (Françoise Goussard). A day, he is kicked out of the Ferreira's house, becoming a famous ''malandro'' in Bahia streets. Even away from Lindinalva, their love is blessed by the ''pai-de-santo'' Jubiabá (Grande Otelo).

Being Human novels

The vampire Mitchell, the werewolf George and the ghost Annie are flatmates. Together they try to live a human life, and control their instincts. Mitchell wants to stop drinking blood, George tries to live a life that isn't affected by the werewolf curse and Annie likes to be with someone that can understand her and talk to her. This isn't as easy as it seems, as their supernatural part always finds a way to show itself. So they always need to support each other in living their lives, living with the guilt that some actions are causing and dealing with the "ghosts" from their past.

The Road

Annie is being threatened by the men with the sticks and ropes. These are demons who want to force Annie to go to the other side, to purgatory. When Annie hears a noise in the living room, while she is alone at home, she thinks that the men with the sticks and ropes have finally found her. But when she goes to the living room a door appears and the ghost Gemma enters the living room through the door. Since Gemma needs a place to stay Mitchell and George offer her to stay at the house. Annie doesn't like this idea, however Gemma seems to have nowhere to go, so Annie can't say no. Annie feels like her power is sucked away whenever she is around Gemma. Furthermore, Annie sees that Gemma is scared about something. Annie is sure that Gemma is scared of the men with the sticks and ropes who want Annie as well. Annie thinks that the men might go after Gemma and then might take Annie as well. This makes Annie even more scared. She also realizes that Gemma doesn't tell Annie all about herself. Meanwhile, George and Mitchell have problems with the new administrator at the St. Judes Hospital, Dr. Declan McGough. Since Dr. Declan McGough is working at the hospital, the members there are scared to get sacked. Dr. Declan McGough controls how they are working and tells the employees to asperse each other at him if something is wrong. Mitchell wants to find out whether he is a human or another supernatural being.


The lesbian couple Kaz and Gail want to have baby. They ask George to be the father. At first George is shocked, but then he likes the idea. However he needs to find out if the baby will suffer from the same curse as him and will become a werewolf or not. Meanwhile, Mitchell meets the patient Leo Willis at the hospital. Leo tells Mitchell that he has cancer and since Leo is pretty much interested in the 80s, Mitchell and Leo share something in common. They start spending a lot of time together.

Bad Blood

Annie's old friend Denise O'Halloran suddenly appears in front of Annie's door. She sees that Annie isn't leaving the house a lot and wants to change that. So Annie and Denise start going out. They even want to organize a big event, a Bingo night. Even though everything is very well planned, Mitchell and George have a feeling that something might go horribly wrong and they also wonder why their boss Dr. Declan McGough appears at the party.

The Tomboy

As described in a review in a film magazine, Tommy Smith (Devore), the village tomboy, runs a boarding house because her mother (Boardman) is dead and her father (Barrows) is lazy. A stranger appears and begins making love to Tommy. Coincident with her discovery of liquor in the barn and the fact that the stranger, Aldon Farwell (Rawlinson), is a revenue agent, she is led to believe that her father is a bootlegger. The Sheriff (Moran) is killed and her father is accused of the murder. Bootleggers make way with a truck and Aldon and Tommy join the chase. When captured, it develops that Rugby Blood (Gribbon), posing as an invalid, is the leader of the bootleggers and has been disguising as her father, while her father has been working on the case with Aldon. Tommy also discovers that Aldon's lover for her is real.

Neverending Nightmares

Setting and characters

''Neverending Nightmares'' revolves around Thomas Smith, a young man who is suffering from a seemingly-endless string of nightmares (hence the title). Another character, Gabby, is introduced as Thomas' little sister, and frequently appears in his nightmares, occasionally changing roles. At turning points in the game, Thomas finds Gabby dead in various situations; Thomas himself also dies in his nightmares, sometimes by his own hand, though this only leads him to wake up in yet another nightmare.

Throughout the game, which is implied to be set in the late 1800s, Thomas must explore various locations in his nightmares. These include a mansion, a cemetery, an insane asylum, a forest, and a hospital.


The game begins with Thomas "waking up" from a nightmare, in which he had stabbed his younger sister Gabby in the stomach. As he wanders through each nightmare, "waking up" in a bed each time, the player sees Thomas commit gruesome acts of self-harm out of depression, such as pulling a blood vessel or even a bone out of his arm.

Depending on the player's actions, Thomas will finally wake up into one of three different endings. * '''Wayward Dreamer''': after waking up, a young Thomas goes to Gabby's room, where he kisses his sleeping sister good-night.Archived at [ Ghostarchive] and the [ Wayback Machine] : * '''Destroyed Dreams''': after escaping a nightmarish version of himself, Thomas slowly awakens in a hospital, his arms bandaged and bloody. Gabby, either as his sister or wife, begs him to wake up, and rejoices when he finally does. * '''The Final Descent''': an adult Thomas wakes up at his desk, where he reads a letter from Gabrielle, his wife. After the loss of their daughter, Gabrielle was forced to leave Thomas, as he couldn't get over the tragedy. After reading the letter, Thomas quietly weeps in his chair. A portrait on the wall implies that the girl murdered at the beginning was his daughter, not Gabrielle.

My Dear Cat

While looking for her lost cat, magazine journalist Go Yang-soon meets law school student and part-time photographer Yeom Chi-woong. Soon, they begin to get to know each other and each other's families.

Kill As Directed

Harrison Brown is a young doctor who is a couple of years removed from medical school and has gone through his father's modest inheritance trying to set up his private practice. An old friend, Tony Mitchell, who was a lawyer that had a casual professional relationship with Brown's father, visits him one day and after catching up offers to co-sign a loan to help Brown get his private practice off the ground. He also offers to send some clients Brown's way. Kurt and Karen Gresham are two such clients. Kurt is an older man, over twice Karen's age, and Karen is a young beauty. A social relationship between the four takes them out of the medical office, and Brown soon starts an affair with Karen, who he suspects correctly is also having an affair with Tony. One evening, Kurt shows up at Brown's office with a young woman who has a gunshot wound. Brown fixes it up, but Kurt tells him to not report the incident. A short time later, Brown goes out to dinner with Tony and Karen and arrives home to find a dead woman in his apartment. He had never met her, but soon suspects Kurt is tied up with this. The women had, according to Kurt, committed suicide via heroin overdose and was placed in Brown's apartment to show Brown what Kurt was capable of. It is at this time that Kurt reveals he is a heroin dealer and compels Brown, under duress, to serve as his doctor whenever his business requires a doctor who will not report an incident to authorities. To further entice Brown to agree, Kurt pays off the $30,000 loan Brown took out, and gives him an addition $25,000 dollar, totalling over $400,000 dollars when adjust for inflation. Both men, though, are being manipulated by Tony and Karen. Karen reveals to Brown that she wants to marry him and plants the idea in Brown's head that Kurt must be killed in order to preserve their safety. He agrees to do this, but when he arrives to kill Kurt at the hotel where Kurt is staying, Brown is unable to pull the trigger. The hotel's security arrives, claiming that he had received a call that shots had been fired, though they hadn't. Karen had placed the call, planning on Kurt being killed and Brown being arrested so that she would be free to marry Tony. Both Kurt and Brown return to Kurt's home and hide out, waiting for Tony and Karen to arrive home. Once their conversation has confirmed Kurt's suspicions, Kurt shoots and kills both, adding second shots to each of their heads. He then turns the gun on Brown, who tackles Kurt. Kurt has a heart attack and dies. Afterward Brown calls the police and confesses the entire story, but police press do not charges as he is able to help them bring down the international drug ring with which Kurt was working.

Category:1963 American novels Category:Novels by Ellery Queen

Indigenous (film)

Five friends, Scott (Zachary Soetenga) and his girlfriend Steph (Lindsey McKeon), Elena (Sofia Pernas), Trevor (Pierson Fodé) and Charlie (Jamie Anderson) meet in Panama for vacation. While partying at night, Trevor meets the natives Carmen (Layla Killino) and Julio (Juanxo Villaverd). Scott becomes interested in exploring the Darién Gap, despite a number of people believing that a group of teenagers were murdered by El Chupacabra in the area, including Julio who warns the group away from going. However, Carmen tells the group of a beautiful waterfall deep in the jungle and convinces them to hike there.

The following morning, Julio realizes that Carmen has taken the group into the jungle despite his warnings, and sets off to find them. Meanwhile, the group hike far into the jungle to reach the waterfall. After some time, Trevor and Carmen leave the rest of the group to be alone, but begin to hear strange noises in the jungle. While Trevor is investigating, Carmen disappears. They attempt phoning her, but find her phone smashed nearby, before losing service, leaving them stranded in the jungle. As night falls, the group realize that they are being stalked. After catching a glimpse of a wild animal, the group scatter through the jungle in terror, and Charlie is attacked and killed. Elena and Trevor discover the body and run into Scott and Steph. Scott decides to try and reach higher ground in order to get cell-phone service. After leaving the others, Scott records a distress video, hoping it will reach someone who can help. However, he is interrupted by the others screaming and rushes back, only to find a bloodied Trevor, who is quickly dragged away. Scott follows him into a cave where he finds El Chupacabra's lair, then flees and catches up with Steph and Elena.

Trevor awakens in the cave with a broken leg and finds Carmen's mauled body. He attempts to escape from the cave, but is attacked and killed. The following day, Scott's video has been posted on social media and has gone viral, prompting a search and rescue mission by Panama authorities, accompanied by Julio. Having survived the night, Scott, Steph and Elena are once again attacked by El Chupacabra. While running through the jungle, Steph breaks her ankle. Scott stays with Steph while Elena leaves to flag down the attention of an overhead helicopter. However, as the helicopter crew is recording Elena she is attacked by El Chupacabra. Soon afterwards, Scott and Steph are also attacked, but military personnel arrive and shoot El Chupacabra, saving them.

The Dragon's Snake Fist

Two fighters, Chu Man King and Master Wai, who are from different kung fu styles (Snake fist and Crane fist) meet for a duel secretly. The loser must leave the town and allow the winner to his art in peace. Chu Man King wins; Master Wai is upset and plans revenge. Several years after the duel, Chu Man King decides to send his students across the land to spread his Snake fist art.

Along the way one of Chu Man King's best students, Dragon Wu, is attacked by Wai's son and his gang from the Crane fist school. When they figure out that Wu was from the Snake fist school they decide to teach him a lesson. However, they let him go when his sister reminds him that if their father (Master Wai) found out what happened he would not be pleased. Wu continues his journey for his village for his new Snake fist school and to marry his arranged bride. This do not go smoothly since the students from the Crane fist school interrupt Wu's plan, however Wu still done his job done. Meanwhile, old Master Wai is still bitter over his defeat all those years ago and one of his legs is completely useless. He kept this as a secret from his son and daughter.

However Wai's son wants to know the truth and he decides to send a fake birthday invitation to Master Chu so he can have a duel with him. When Master Wai finds out about his son's actions, he is furious and tells him to stop it. Wai's son pays no attention to his father's advice and decides to take revenge on Master Chu and destroy the Snake fist school. Even worse, Wai's son kidnaps Wu's wife and Wu decides to destroy the Crane fist school.

Naked Vengeance

Carla Harris is living the American dream. She has a handsome and wealthy husband, Mark. On their way home from a restaurant, they spot a man attacking a woman. Mark tries to help but is killed. The man escapes when the police arrive. Russo, an officer, goes to her house and tells her that there are no witnesses. Russo says that he will contact her if they find anything.

On the way to her parents' house, Carla stops at a gas station where she sees her old boyfriend Burke and one of Burke's friends, Sparky. Later that night, Carla goes to a club and meets her old high school friends, her best friend Estelle and her husband Slob. After being accosted by Fletch, the local butcher, Carla goes home. While she is changing, she notices Timmy, the gardener spying on her. Later that night, the men break into her house and rape her. When her parents return, Burke grabs Mr. Harris's shotgun and kills them, as well as Timmy.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Carla wakes up and tells the doctor that she wants revenge. Later that night, she escapes from the hospital. She goes to the closed bar, seduces the bartender and convinces him to pour wine all over his body. She steals his gun, then throws a candle at him, leaving him to burn. The next day, Carla finds Burke in his speedboat. She grabs a knife on the boat and stabs him. She then takes a grapple and throws it through his chest. She ties the other end to his boat and starts the boat, making him drown, and then escapes. Carla then sneaks to Sparky's gas station. While Sparky is working on a car, Carla drops the car on him, killing him. Later that night, Carla goes to Arnie's ice company. Carla pushes Arnie in the ice cube maker. A block of ice pushes him in the cube hole, leaving him to die.

Carla goes to the ice truck when Fletch, the gang and some town locals spot her and chase her to her parents' house. Carla blocks the doors and hides in a corner. The men start to burn the house down, but Carla goes into the basement and escapes through a vent. When the Sheriff asks Fletch about the burning, he claims he knew nothing about it. Later that night, Fletch is alone in the butcher shop. Carla arrives and the two fight. Carla finds the shotgun that Fletch used to kill her family and kills him with it.

Two months later, in New York, Carla finds the man who killed her husband. She seduces him, then grabs his gun and shoots him. She then walks away in tears.

I Am a Dad

Han Jong-sik (Kim Seung-woo) is a corrupt detective who frames innocent people to further his career. One of his victims takes his revenge on Jong-sik by killing his wife and injuring his daughter, Min-ji (Kim Sae-ron), who is now in need of a heart transplant. To help his sick daughter, he starts working for a mob boss who deals in organ trafficking. Na Sang-man (Son Byong-ho), a magician and one of the people he falsely accused of murder, discovers that his daughter is dead and his wife is in a coma because of a suicide attempt. Now, the only thing on his mind is vengeance. He is released after two years behind bars when the officials find out by accident that he is innocent. He tracks down Detective Kim (Im Ha-ryong), Jong-sik's colleague, to re-open the murder case. Meanwhile, Soo-kyung (Choi Jung-yoon), the organ transplant coordinator, locates a heart for Min-ji, but Jong-sik finds out that the heart is from Sang-man's wife. Realizing that Sang-man would not allow the transplant, he finds a way to get rid of him. Sang-man discovers his plans and kidnaps his daughter.

Lady Scarface

The scar-faced gangster Slade is on the loose. Lieutenant Bill Mason travels to a hotel in New York to try and track her down. In New York Lt. Mason works together with Lt. Onslow and the crime reporter Ann Rogers to catch Slade, under the assumption that she is a man. An innocent couple at the hotel inadvertently gets involved.

The Day of the Pelican

the story follows a fictional family named the Lleshi. The Lleshis are an Albanian family living in Kosovo, which is in the midst of a war. The family suddenly finds themselves homeless refugees in the middle of a violent war. After enduring much hardship, including hunger, illness and a dangerous journey to escape their situation, they are surprised when a church group brings them to America. They find themselves in a small town in Vermont when the events of September 11, 2001 take place, placing more challenges in the path of this Muslim family.

Gregory Go Boom

Gregory, a paraplegic man tries dating for the first time and discovered that life is very different than he had imagined.

Eating the Blame

In a flashback to 1987, the Milos family runs out of gas along a deserted highway in winter. Stranded and heavily in debt, Stavros Milos prays for help. Stepping outside the car, he finds a briefcase of money ($920,000) buried in the snow and takes it as a sign from God. The suitcase was actually buried by Carl Showalter who was later murdered without having revealed its location to anyone else.

Nineteen years later, Chumph, disguised as a plumber, tells Stavros that everything appears normal in his pipes, and suggests the shower of blood is similar to a biblical plague. Stavros grabs Chumph from his neck and tells him off. Chumph tells him he is crazy and leaves, while Stavros worries about what Chumph said. Outside, Lorne Malvo was watching from a distance. Gus Grimly spots Malvo by Stavros' house and arrests him. He informs Molly Solverson, and when she requests to go to Duluth, Oswalt refuses her and goes instead. Malvo produces identification as "Frank Peterson," a Lutheran minister from Baudette, and has an alibi. Molly learns Malvo's name and calls Grimly, but Malvo (as Peterson) has already been released.

Malvo and Chumph release hundreds of crickets into Stavros's supermarket, simulating a plague of locusts, to further entice Stavros into paying the blackmail money. Meanwhile, Lester Nygaard is abducted by Numbers and Wrench who intend to kill him, but he escapes. Fleeing, he finds a police officer issuing a ticket for a car parked on the side of the road. Nygaard punches him to get arrested. Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers witness this and later stage a bar fight to get arrested, and end up in the same cell with Lester.

Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal

The game's backstory is explained in a comic tie-in included in the game: millennia ago, the evil serpentine cyborg, Lyric the Last Ancient, attempted to conquer the world using a powerful crystal. However, his fellow Ancients destroyed the crystal and detained him in stasis. In the present day, Lyric escapes from his imprisonment and begins searching for the lost fragments of the crystal to obtain ultimate power. While working, Lyric is confronted by Shadow, whom he captures using a mind-controlling device. Meanwhile, after rescuing Sticks from a rockslide, Amy enters a set of ancient ruins to collect research. She finds a secret ancient language and manuscript detailing the history and whereabouts of the crystal, but while trying to decipher it, she is ambushed by Lyric, leading to the game's opening scene. When Amy disengages to contact Sonic, Lyric, taking advantage of the distraction, incapacitates and captures her.

Together with Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks, Sonic traces Amy's footsteps in hopes of saving her from Lyric's clutches. Along the way, they encounter Shadow, whom Sonic proceeds to defeat in a race, freeing him from Lyric's control; Shadow then sets out to avenge his enslavement. Meanwhile, Lyric interrogates Amy to get the translation of the manuscripts she found. Sonic and company eventually catch up with them and rescue Amy before confronting Lyric aboard his airship. Refusing to concede defeat, Lyric attempts to destroy them with an experimental weapon, but Shadow intervenes and sends Lyric falling to his death through a floor hatch that Sonic opens. As Sticks makes a long, disorganized speech about teamwork, Shadow goes his own separate way. Sonic and his friends return home as Sonic and Knuckles argue over whether their group is named "Team Sonic" or "Team Knuckles".

Lovers of Music

A girl's journey to become a successful singer in the old-fashioned musical genre Trot, with the help of a songwriter and music producer who detests Trot.

Yeong-ja's Heydays

After returning from the Vietnam War, Chang-su (Song Jae-ho), who works as a scrubber at a public bath, runs into Yeong-ja (Yeom Bok-sun) in a police station. Three years previously, Chang-su was a laborer at an iron foundry. He met Yeong-ja at his boss's house, where she worked as a housemaid. He fell in love with the innocent and kindhearted Yeong-ja, and proposed to her before leaving for Vietnam. However, while he was gone, Yeong-ja was sexually assaulted by the boss's scoundrel son, and then kicked out of the house.

Wishing to live an upstanding life, she got a job at a garment factory, but her paltry wages were not enough to make ends meet. She even tried working in a bar at a friend's recommendation, but the work did not suit her. Yeong-ja became a conductor on a bus, only to lose one of her arms in a traffic accident with no other means to support herself she becomes a prostitute.

Reuniting with her for the first time in three years, Chang-su is shocked to discover that she is living an aimless life with no hope or prospects. He pours all his care into saving her, including making her an artificial arm, but she leaves him for the sake of his future.

Several more years pass. Chang-su discovers Yeong-ja's whereabouts and goes to her house. When he sees that she is living a happy life with her husband (Lee Soon-jae), who also has a disability, and their child, he wishes her happiness and departs.

This Is a Wasteland

The documentary follows Pierce the Veil during their first world tour, in support of their third album, ''Collide with the Sky'' (2012). It begins with their shows in Southeast Asia, followed by their first ever appearance at the Soundwave Festivals in Australia, the U.S. tour with All Time Low, a club tour in the United Kingdom, their first appearance at Rock am Ring and Rock im Park and ends with their first concert tour in South America.

The film shows snippets from their shows at international music festivals such as the Soundwave Festival, Rock am Ring, Rock im Park, Slam Dunk Festival, as of shows in Southeast Asia, the United States, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Argentina and the United Kingdom. The documentary also shows their appearance at the 2013 Kerrang! Awards in London. The film also gives an insight of the band's hectic life during the tour.

The DVD also features the music videos for "Bulls in the Bronx", "Hell Above" and "King for a Day", the latter of which received a Kerrang! Award for the best music video in 2013.

Dragon's Bait

Alys has been falsely accused of witchcraft and is about to be sacrificed to a dragon. Then, Selendrile, a LeGuinian dragon that can assume a human form, offers to help her retaliate. Along the way to revenge against her inquisitor, Alys and Selendrile find a complicated path. This adventure looks at issues of revenge, heroism, and more with a splash of irony.

All Hallows' Eve (2013 film)

After a night of trick-or-treating on Halloween, babysitter Sarah is surprised to see that children Tia and Timmy have received an unmarked VHS tape in one of their bags. The children convince Sarah to allow them to watch the tape, which contains three stories, each of which features a homicidal clown named Art.

The first segment features a young woman named Casey, who is drugged and kidnapped by Art the Clown while waiting for a train. She awakens to find herself chained in a room with two other women, Kristen and Sara. When Sara is dragged away by her chain, Casey and Kristen decide to follow where their chains lead. Upon reaching the end of the chains, Casey attempts to break the chains with a large rock but is interrupted by a deformed humanoid who dismembers Kristen with a cleaver. The humanoid unwittingly frees Casey by severing her chains with the cleaver, but she soon is tied down and surrounded by hooded figures. After watching the figures remove a fetus from the womb of a restrained pregnant woman, Casey is raped by Satan. After the segment ends, Sarah sends Tia and Timmy to bed and decides to continue watching the VHS tape by herself.

The second segment features Caroline, a woman who has just moved into a new countryside home. A bright object crashes near the house at night, and a power outage occurs. Caroline finds that her phone and car are malfunctioning and suspects that someone other than herself is in the house. She suddenly receives a call from her husband, John, a painter, but the connection soon breaks. She discovers that she is being stalked by an alien, and after managing to disorient it, she hides in a small room under a staircase. There, her phone rings again, alerting the alien to her location. As the alien drags her off, she pulls a sheet off of one of John's paintings, revealing an image of Art the Clown.

The third and final segment features a costume designer driving down an isolated road. Stopping at a gas station, she finds the attendant furiously kicking out Art, who had apparently smeared feces on the gas station's bathroom walls. The attendant fills her tank and hears a noise from inside the gas station while giving the costume designer directions. He goes inside to investigate, and when he does not return, the costume designer enters the building and sees Art chopping up the attendant's body with a hacksaw. She flees, and a chase ensues. Art eventually appears behind her seat in her car and attempts to suffocate her with cellophane. She slams on the brakes and escapes, barricading herself inside a large shed. Art digs his way into the shed and slashes her with a makeshift whip composed of sharp instruments. She stabs Art in the eye with a scalpel and in the back with a knife. She escapes again and is picked up by a man who tries to drive her to a nearby police station. Art follows them in a car and shoots the man in the head with a handgun, causing their car to crash into a tree. After some time, the costume designer regains consciousness on a crude operating table and finds that Art has amputated her limbs and breasts and carved misogynistic obscenities into her body.

Disturbed, Sarah turns off the television. A home phone rings, and when Sarah answers it, she hears the costume designer from the third segment pleading for help. The television turns back on, displaying a dingy room. Art steps into the frame, approaches Sarah from within the screen, and begins to pound on the glass. Sarah then sees herself on the television screen, with Art behind her. She frantically removes the tape from the VCR and smashes it on the floor, destroying it. Shortly afterwards, she hears Tia and Timmy scream. Sarah runs upstairs and sees Art the Clown outside their room, covered in blood, laughing at her and gleefully gesturing for her to enter. Sarah covers her eyes in terror; when she uncovers them seconds later, Art has disappeared. Sarah enters the room, finding Tia and Timmy's bodies hacked apart and "Art the Clown" written on the wall in blood.

Three Many Weddings

Ruth (Inma Cuesta) is a marine biologist who, in less than a month, is invited to the weddings of three of her ex-boyfriends. Single and unable to refuse, she manages to convince her new intern, Dani (Martiño Rivas), to go with her. During the weddings, plenty of outlandish events take place and eventually lead Ruth to decide who she wants to be with in the future.

Dragstrip Girl (1994 film)

Johnny is a bad guy trying to go straight. He becomes smitten with Laura, a wealthy good girl rebelling against her parents by pretending to go steady with him. This film is set against the backdrop of 1950s Los Angeles.

Reform School Girl (1994 film)

Donna seeks to escape her life of avoiding the advances of her legal guardian, her lecherous uncle, and takes a ride in a stolen car with bad boy Vince, who gets them involved in a hit-and-run accident. Unable to escape, she is sent to McCarthy Reform School for Wayward Girls to take the fall for Vince because she does not know his last name and cannot identify him, but she is most upset that her uncle will now turn his attention toward her younger sister Cathy.

Donna is befriended by a kleptomaniac nicknamed "Dink" on the way to the reform school and once there she meets the other girls. She resists the advances of the school psychologist, who accuses her of throwing herself at him in order to get her sent to solitary confinement. During an exercise break, her speed is noticed by Coach Buxbaum and reported to Headmistress Turnbull, an Olympic medal-winner who offers Donna early release if she wins a track competition at Velmont Academy, a girls' prep school in Hillsdale. Turnbull gives a silver medallion to Priscilla for running, but when Priscilla finds that Dink has stolen it she fights her and Dink injures Priscilla's knee. Dink is sent away and Priscilla is left unable to compete. Donna becomes intimate with Carmen Peña, who is the fastest girl at the reform school but refuses to compete for Headmistress Turnbull because she does not want to owe her anything.

Vince befriends Cathy, then visits Donna in prison and explains that he was arrested for grand theft auto and the police are trying to connect him to the hit-and-run incident. He warns Donna that he will hurt her sister if she talks to the police about him. After seeing how upset Donna is after a visit from her uncle and sister, Turnbull knows that Donna wants to call her sister but revokes her phone privileges to motivate her to compete, so Carmen calls Cathy and tells her about money hidden behind Donna's mirror. When Cathy finds the money, her uncle tries to take it from her but Cathy sprays him in the eyes with perfume and escapes with the money to take a bus to Kansas.

Priscilla reports Donna and Carmen's lovemaking to Turnbull but only Carmen is punished so that Donna can still compete in Kansas. At the competition, Donna wins a race while Velmont student Jody Beaumont wins the hurdles event and breaks the record in the long jump. The final event is the 4 × 440 yards relay, where Donna and Jody are put in the final slot against one another. They shake hands, receive the batons, and Donna overtakes Jody. Just before the finish line she remembers what Carmen said and how Dink was sent away. Instead of crossing the finish line, she stops and gives the finger to Turnbull. Jody comes from behind and wins. Back at the reform school she receives a letter from her sister that she is safe in Kansas.

The Six Ungraspables

The episode starts with a flashback on how Lester Nygaard obtained the gun which eventually was used by Lorne Malvo to kill Vern Thurman during Lester's arrest at his own home.

While in the present in jail, Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers obtain Malvo's name from Lester. They are released but Lester, whose hand has become severely infected after being hit by one of the shot gun pellets that Malvo fired at Thurman, is taken to the hospital. Molly Solverson rides in the ambulance and tries to get more information from Lester, though he is slightly delirious. She presents her evidence to Chief Oswalt, who is beginning to realize that all the recent events are related.

With Stavros close to paying the blackmail demand, Malvo locks Chumph in his kitchen pantry overnight to prevent him from ruining the scheme. Malvo takes Stavros home and leaves. He spots Grimly parked by the road near the house and later follows Grimly to his home, but is confronted in his car by Grimly's neighbor. He threatens the neighbor before driving away.

Mad Animals

Baron Tolomeo dei Tolemei is about to receive the inheritance of a relative, just died. The legacy, however, as he wants the will, must go in part to finance a medical structure for crazy animals. Only then Baron Tolomeo may have the rich heritage. The affair proves complicated, because Tolomeo has a love affair with the beautiful Maria Luisa. The troubles continue when in life of Tolomeo breaks his poor twin-brother Antonio, physically like him, who secretly falls in love with Maria Luisa.

Eleven Days (novel)

Sara's son Jason is missing from a Special Operations Forces mission undertaken on the same night as the Bin Laden raid. As Sara waits for news, in a series of flashbacks we learn about Jason's absentee father, while through letters home from his training and early missions, we get a picture of Jason as a strong, compassionate leader who is wise beyond his years and modest about his abilities. Those exceptional abilities give Jason the chance to participate in a wholly different level of assignment, the most important and dangerous of his career.

Maji Suki: Marginal Skip

On a night with the full moon glowing, Takayuki made a promise to a girl in the past; before she left, he told her that he would save her whenever she got in trouble. After that, the girl disappeared. In the present time, Takayuki is attending a private academy, and reunites with the girl, who is actually a princess from a magic world.

Principal characters

The main protagonist of the game is , who is the vice president of the student council. He is a very kind and considerate person. When Takayuki was young, he met a girl called who is the main heroine of the game, she is the princess of the magic world. Sheila is a skilled magic user, and has a sweet, polite personality, however, she is scary once angered. She loves mitarashi dango. Sheila's younger sister is , she is one year younger than her older sister. Neithright is an introverted girl who used to be a princess also, however, due to some issues, her parents divorced and she became a normal girl. She is quite quick to become jealous when it comes to Takayuki.

Takayuki has three childhood friends, , , and . Yukina is a girl who has known Takayuki since he was young, she lives in an orphanage. Touko is a popular girl who is a year older than Takayuki, she is the leader singer of the group Date Course, under the stage name of Risa Amatsu. Takayuki lives with Kanade because both of his parents have died; Kanade is one year younger than him, and is like a little sister to him.

Thicker than Water (1993 film)

Debbie and Jo (both portrayed by Theresa Russell) are identical twins. Jo is killed in a car accident, and her husband, Cardiff physician Sam Crawford (Jonathan Pryce) is grieving for her. Despite this, Debbie starts to act increasingly like Jo for Sam to overcome his grief. Sam meets with, and is drawn to, Chloe (Catherine Neilson), his wife's former colleague. Meanwhile, Debbie, whose fertility problems seems exacerbated by a post-viral weakness, insists that she still feels Jo's presence. Mysterious circumstances lead Sam to suspect that Jo's death wasn't an accident at all.

Prince Lestat

Over a decade after the events of ''Blood Canticle'', the remaining vampires of the world are in chaos. The most famous of them all, Lestat de Lioncourt, finds himself called upon to come out of his self-imposed exile to reassert order, and is reunited with fellow vampires ancient and new: Louis and Armand, Pandora, Marius, Maharet and Mekare, the former Talamasca leader David Talbot and even Lestat's distant mother Gabrielle.

Devious Maids (season 1)

The show opens with the murder of maid Flora Hernandez (Paula Garces) on a summer night of June 2013, and a man by the name of Eddie Suarez (Eddie Hassell) is arrested for the crime, which he allegedly did not commit. His mother, Marisol (Ana Ortiz) takes a job as a local Beverly Hills maid for Taylor (Brianna Brown) and Michael Stappord (Brett Cullen) in order to befriend three other local maids that were once friends with Flora. These include Rosie Falta (Dania Ramirez), a sweet and kindhearted maid who works for movie actors Peri (Mariana Klaveno) and Spence Westmore (Grant Show), and ends up having an affair with the latter; Carmen Luna (Roselyn Sanchez), an aspiring singer who works for Latino popstar Alejandro Rubio (Matt Cedeño), and eventually falls for her co-worker, Sam Alexander (Wolé Parks); and Zoila Diaz (Judy Reyes), longtime housekeeper for Genevieve Delatour (Susan Lucci). Zoila's daughter, Valentina Diaz (Edy Ganem), also stars; a 19-year-old wannabe fashion designer who has the 'hots' for Genevieve's son, Remi (Drew Van Acker). The season wraps up with Marisol discovering who killed Flora, and her son getting out of jail; Peri finds out about Rosie and Spence's affair and gets revenge by calling immigration; Carmen agrees to marry Alejandro in order to make the press believe he is not a homosexual, but this leads to the end of her romance with Sam; and Zoila has to wish her daughter a farewell as Valentina flies to Africa to be with Remi for the next year.

Rat Pack Rat

A Sammy Davis, Jr. impersonator, was hired by a Rat Pack fan's mother to perform on his birthday.

The Dependables

Five young American soldiers are held hostage in Afghanistan by a Taliban warlord. When the US Army is slow to act, a grandmother and four grandfathers with military backgrounds fly to Afghanistan to rescue them.

Reputation (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, Constance Bennett (Goodrich) is determined to make sufficient money to set her aunt up in business before her marriage, so she goes to New York City to work as a model in a cloak house. The manager Edmund Berste (Goldsmith), who has a jealous wife (Lee), takes a liking to Constance. The wife learns of this and goes to Constance's home town and denounces her. When Constance returns home, no one will have anything to do with her, so she returns to New York where her former employer Berste sets a trap for her. In order to save herself, Constance shoots Berste. However, at the trial she is acquitted, and shortly thereafter she and John Clavering (Hinckley) are married.

War of the Buttons (novel)

The children of Longeverne, Lebrac and his army, and the army of Velrans, led by Aztec de Gués, fight each other without mercy, with sticks, stones, and their bare hands.

Those who are unfortunate enough to fall into enemy hands are certain to face humiliation: their buttons and laces are cut off, and they are forced to return home, where they are sure to get a beating from their parents.

Lebrac is so driven by his desire to win each battle, that he has his troops use unorthodox fighting methods, such as fighting naked to prevent damage to their clothes, having girls sew their clothes when they are damaged, among other things.