Two Airmen are tasked with deciding the fate of a terrorist with a single push of a button. As the action plays out in real time, their window to use a deadly military drone on the target slowly closes. With time running out, the Airmen begin to question what the real motives are behind the ordered lethal attack.
Twenty years ago, humanity was infected by a variant of the fungus native to South America called ''Ophiocordyceps unilateralis,'' which led to the Breakdown - the end of civilization as it was before. The infected, referred to as "hungries", quickly lose their mental powers and feed on the flesh of healthy humans. The disease spreads through blood and saliva, but can also spread airborne through spores created by the fungus. In England, the few surviving uninfected humans either live in heavily guarded areas such as Beacon, or roam in packs of hostile, scavenging "junkers".
The authorities in Beacon set up a remote military base for the study of a specific group of child hungries. They, unlike others, are able to retain their mental powers and only lose control when they get too close to human scent. The only way to hide the scent is to use a substance called e-blocker, which is in limited supply.
Soldiers, led by Sergeant Eddie Parks, find such child hungries and bring them to the base, Hotel Echo, which is 30 miles outside of London and 74 miles outside of Beacon. At the base, the children are educated by teachers and tested by the head scientist, Dr. Caroline Caldwell. This often means she vivisects the children, which Helen Justineau, a behavioural psychologist and teacher at the base, dislikes. Justineau sees the child hungries as people, and is especially fond of Melanie, a 10-year-old with a genius-level IQ who loves Greek mythology, namely the story of Pandora. Melanie loves Justineau as a surrogate mother. Like the other children, Melanie does not understand that she is different from the adults.
Dr. Caldwell, who believes that she is close to a cure for the fungus, chooses to dissect Melanie. As Justineau interrupts and tries to save her, the base is attacked by a group of junkers and hungries; Caldwell is badly wounded, and in saving Justineau, Melanie eats flesh for the first time. The three find Parks and Private Kieran Gallagher, and flee the base together. The group decides to travel to Beacon, 74 miles away, argue over whether to bring Melanie. Parks only agrees after placing a muzzle and handcuffs on the child and making her ride on the roof of the tank. Melanie cooperates, now aware of the danger she poses to the others.
Melanie proves useful to the adults; hungries do not attack her and she can lead them away. While Caldwell still sees Melanie as a specimen, the others begin to trust the child. After several encounters with hungries, including a few adults that also retain some human-like behavior, the group finds the mobile laboratory ''Rosalind Franklin'', which has state-of-art facilities for experimentation and attack, but disappeared on its research mission. Caldwell, who is dying from sepsis, uses its equipment to urgently continue her research.
While Melanie sates her hunger away from the others by eating wild animals, she finds a group of child hungries. Melanie sees that they, too, retain their mental functions, although they have no language of their own, being uneducated. Afraid that they will be experimented on, Melanie instead tells the adults she saw a large group of junkers, but reveals the truth to Justineau. Gallagher, scared of junkers, flees the lab. He is found by the intelligent hungries and eaten.
While Parks and Justineau search for Gallagher, Caldwell—obsessed with finishing her research before dying—captures one of the intelligent hungries and experiments on him. She makes remarkable findings but does not let the others inside, fearing that they will interfere. Melanie finds a giant mass of fungal fruiting bodies that have grown in the years since the infection began; while there are enough spores to infect the entire world by air currents, the pods that contain the spores (sporangia) do not open on their own.
Melanie tricks Caldwell into letting her inside. Before dying, Caldwell shares her findings with Melanie: There is no cure or vaccine for the fungus. Intelligent hungries are second-generation ones, conceived by hungries who retained some human behavior. Those born in this way retain their mental abilities.
Outside the lab, Parks and Justineau are cornered by hungries. Melanie frightens them away, but Justineau is knocked unconscious and Parks is bitten and infected. Parks asks Melanie to shoot him before the infection cycle finishes so he does not turn into a hungry; she agrees to do so. She asks him to shoot the mass of spores with a flamethrower, deducing correctly that the environmental trigger to open the spores is fire. Melanie explains before she kills Parks that as long as there are healthy humans, the war between them and the hungries will continue. For second-generation hungries to be born and rebuild the world, every human must first be infected.
Justineau awakens in the ''Rosalind Franklin''. Melanie leads her to a group of intelligent hungries, to whom Justineau, wearing an environmental protection suit, starts teaching the alphabet.
A mysterious man known only as The Stranger spends his existence receiving endless torture within a highly advanced prison, composed of ten islands floating in orbit above a planet's surface. At the beginning of the game, an enigmatic man wearing a rabbit disguise who is known as The Voice frees The Stranger, gives him a sword and gun, and encourages him to fight for his freedom.
The Stranger must navigate each area, wherein dwells a single powerful guardian who exists only to prevent him from escaping: The Chain, a sadistic staff-wielding jailor who tortured the Stranger; The Strap, a prisoner armed with a laser cannon on her head driven mad from her imprisonment; The Line, a wise old man who wields a sword longer than his body and can manipulate time; The Scale, a vengeful diver armed with twin harpoons; The Hand, a noble knight who was responsible for imprisoning the Stranger in the first place; The Song, an angelic woman armed with twin crossbows who conceived the prison; The Burst, a sniper and master tactician; The Edge, an oar-wielding warrior who dedicated his life to fighting The Stranger; and The Beat, a young woman who strives to guard the final door.
As the journey goes on, more about the reasons for imprisoning The Stranger surface, and The Voice reveals that he was the architect who created the prison to protect the planet from The Stranger, but he could not stand being locked in it, and freed The Stranger to be able to escape with him so that he could see his daughter again. Upon reaching the planet's surface, the Stranger finds that his mere presence destroys all physical structures on the planet, including living things. Later exploring the planet more, The Stranger ventures into a structure which holds an attachable device he uses to fly off the planet and into space to meet The Star, the mothership who created him, and many other clones like him. She calls him Rider.
The game contains two normal endings and a secret ending. When facing The Star, Rider can decide to either assimilate the planet or refuse to obey the mothership, thus prompting the tenth and final boss fight against The Star. By assimilating the planet, Rider allows The Star to send out an army of other warriors like him to invade the planet. By refusing to obey the mothership and canceling the invasion, Rider battles and destroys The Star, preventing the planet from being invaded. The secret ending can occur by accepting The Song's offer to stay in her sanctuary-like section of the prison, where she will provide for The Rider. She claims that this will make her the hero of all her people.
The "One More Fight" DLC provides an additional boss, a cyborg called The Flame who challenges The Stranger in an arena beneath the structure holding the Stranger's flying rig. Like The Scale, he seeks vengeance on the Stranger for what happened to his world. However, the cutscene in which his connection to The Stranger is revealed only appears in the Xbox One version of the game. If the player defeats The Flame and all other bosses on the highest difficulty setting, they will unlock the hardest fight in the game: a basically modelled figure known as Bernard who fights using an amalgamation of the other bosses' attacks.
13-year-old Zach Wade and 12-year-old Hannah are brother and sister, whose parents have separated and are planning a divorce. It's a tough time for the entire family. Life is made a little easier for Zach and Hannah though because they have their trusty dog, Chinook (an Alaskan Malamute), the three make a great team and they have a lot of fun together.
Zach, Hannah, and Chinook, will be flying deep into the wilderness to meet up with their father (Robert) who is the vice president of a mining operation.
On the appointed day the children and their dog are picked up at their dock. They kiss their mother goodbye and the sea plane takes off. The children are thrilled to ride in this small plane, and they really enjoy the company of the extremely nice company pilot, Charlie Foster.
The plane heads North deep into the expanse of the wilderness, below them Zach and Hannah see nothing but lakes, rivers, and trees. They marvel at the beauty of the scene.
Suddenly, the engine sputters then makes a loud bang! Black smoke pours out of the engine, Charlie struggles to keep the plane in the air as his instruments give him nothing but bad news. He tells the children to brace themselves for a crash landing. The plane comes in low and begins to smash into the trees before slamming into the ground hard.
Inside the plane the three humans are alive but unconscious from the impact of the crash. Chinook licks Hannah's face and Hannah wakes up, Hannah shakes her brother and he wakes up. Zach examines Charlie, he is alive but moans in a state of semi consciousness. Zach tries the radio, he turns the dials, sparks shoot out, the radio is dead.
Zach and Hannah decide that they must try and find help, they gather up any useful object they can find in the plane and set off with Chinook.
Meanwhile, Robert Wade has been notified that the plane is overdue and cannot be reached via radio. The worried Robert informs Susan. Robert begins to co-ordinate a search and rescue effort.
Zach and Hannah trek through the woods, they begin to realize that they are in more trouble than they thought. They discuss going back to the plane to await rescue, and soon discover that they are so lost that returning to the plane is now impossible.
Meanwhile, Robert has taken to the skies in the company helicopter and is conducting a detailed search of the area they believe the plane went down.
The children and Chinook come across a large cave and build a fire by the entrance. The fire slowly dies as Zach and Hannah talk, Chinook is alerted by a strange noise, something is watching the children from inside the cave. Chinook looks into the cave and growls, “what is it boy?” Zach inquires.
Suddenly something charges toward the children, Chinook gets up and barks wildly, Hannah screams in terror as a flock of quail blast past the children, scaring them half to death. Chinook chases the quail into the woods, Zach and Hannah take deep breaths of relief, when Hannah suddenly hears something. The sound of a distant chopper can be heard. The children run into the woods and try to get the helicopters attention with a flashlight. They are not seen and the chopper flies off.
In the morning the children notice a plateau far off in the distance and make it their goal to reach this high spot where they are sure they will be seen.
Meanwhile, Robert and Susan are growing increasingly impatient with the rescue effort. Robert is frustrated with the authorities and Susan is frustrated with her estranged husband. Robert and Susan are told they cannot join the search on foot as they might also become lost. The company helicopter is now out of commission due to oil leaks.
Zach, Hannah, & Chinook, set off again they walk for hours. Finally they reach a fast running river that they need to cross. The children find an old log that has fallen across the river and decide to use it to cross the water. Zach goes across first, then Chinook, as Hannah gets halfway across she slips and falls in the water.
Hannah is swept downstream, Hannah cries out to Zach and Chinook. Finally Chinook dives in and brings Hannah back to shore. Hannah has injured her ankle in the ordeal.
The children camp so that Hannah can rest and dry out. Zach is off collecting firewood with Chinook when three wolves enter the camp. Hannah desperately tries to hold them off with a stick from the fire. Zach and Chinook soon arrive back at the camp. Chinook charges in and confronts a wolf, Zach throws his baseball at the other, and the wolves are driven off.
Hannah is unable to walk on her ankle. Zach builds a travois (sled made from sticks) so that the powerful Chinook can pull her through the woods.
A ground search team finally locates the wreckage. Soon a barely alive Charlie Foster is being taken out of an air ambulance and into the hospital. He tells Zach and Hannah's father that he has no idea were the children went to, when he woke up they were gone. Leaving him only a note.
As the search for the children has progressed, Robert and Susan have grown closer as the ordeal has drawn them together.
Zach and Hannah find a beautiful waterfall with a sparkling stream. Chinook alerts the children to the salmon in the shallows. Zach finally catches one with his bare hands after several attempts. The children enjoy their meal and spend the night.
Zach and Hannah continue to make their way through the woods and come across a nice rest spot where they stop. From the forest comes a curious raccoon who raids Zach's backpack.
Zach and Hannah trudge on, as they come to a high spot Zach spots smoke rising from the forest. A forest fire is fast approaching them.
The children enter a clearing, Chinook stops, raises his ears, and begins to growl. A grizzly bear bursts from the trees and heads straight for the children and Chinook. Zach and Hannah are frozen with fear. Chinook barks, snaps, and lunges at the bear. The bear stands up on its hind legs and roars. Chinook does not back down, he continues to harass the bear. Zach and Hannah run for their lives finding shelter under a fallen tree. The grizzly does not give up and gives chase. The bear attempts to get at Zach and Hannah through the tree branches. Chinook arrives on the scene and bravely bites the bear's paw, hard. The bear limps off in pain. The children are saved and reunite with Chinook.
Meanwhile, back at the search and rescue camp, Robert has just been informed by the captain that the search has been called off due to the forest fire. A frustrated Robert weighs his options.
The children finally arrive at the plateau and celebrate their achievement. As Hannah and Chinook dance around in joy Zach does not realize how close to the edge he has come and falls over the side.
Hannah yells down to Zach, he's ok, but he has fallen quite a ways and can't get back up. Zach tells Hannah to go and get help but Hannah refuses to leave Zach. Hannah speaks to Chinook, through her tears she tells Chinook he has to find some help. Chinook bounds off into the woods alone.
Robert and Susan commandeer an ATV and begin to search on their own.
Chinook runs fast through the woods, through the clearings, over fallen logs, etc. Chinook is being watched by the three wolves he confronted earlier and they give chase. The wolves catch up to Chinook. Chinook runs hard and jumps across a gorge in a mighty leap. The wolves stop and decide not to follow.
Hannah continues to comfort Zach as he tries to deal with his predicament.
Robert and Susan drive their ATV fast through the woods when Chinook suddenly bursts from the forest in front of them. Susan yells to Robert, “Follow him!” Robert and Susan are led back to Hannah and Zach by Chinook. After a brief reunion Robert engineers the rescue of Zach by using a rope and harness tied to the ATV. Susan drives the ATV, while Hannah relays the instructions from her dad to her mother. The entire family unites to save Zach.
Once safely inside the ATV, Robert and Susan inform Zach and Hannah that the divorce has been called off and that they will all live together as a family once again.
A crazed labrador, who is a musician, plays some music on his piano (one of which would be repeated by Krazy in ''Seeing Stars''). When his piano collapses due to being overplayed, the labrador gobbles some garlic pieces, and delivers a breath onto the instrument. Surprisingly, the piano returns to its normal shape, and the canine musician is able to play again. When he is finished playing, he spots someone outside singing with a voice he finds pretty.
Out in the street, it appears the one singing is the spaniel girlfriend of Krazy Kat. She then comes to a hotel, looking to get a room. The hotel guests find her likable as they courteously hurl their keys at her feet. One of the guests is Krazy who instead lowers a rope from his window to pick her up.
Inside his room, Krazy could not help looking constantly at his sweetheart. He then asks the spaniel to stand on a platform where he tries to paint a portrait of her. Their meeting, however, gets interrupted when the labrador comes unexpectedly. The labrador, who is also skilled in hypnosis, uses his spell to lure the spaniel out of the building, much to Krazy's surprise.
The labrador then lures the spaniel into a theater and onto a stage. Under the labrador's conducting, the spaniel sings in the style of a soprano. Although the conductor receives a bit of harassment from Krazy, the act continues. When the spaniel has trouble making the high notes, the labrador uses his garlic breath once more to improve her performance. But before he could hear the final notes, the labrador is sprayed ether on by Krazy. Krazy then sneaks behind the curtains, and jerks the spaniel at the back, causing her to let out a high note which the spectators find impressive. Krazy and the spaniel celebrate the act with a kiss.
Following the end of the previous Street Fighter World Tournament, in which Ryu defeated the decade-long world champion Sagat, Ryu and his friends Ken and Chun-Li have each taken different paths in life. While Ryu continues to train hard and pursue the way of the warrior, Chun-Li has joined Interpol to track down and bring her father's killer to justice and Ken (whom Ryu hasn't seen in a year) has become a celebrity. Sagat, humiliated over his loss to Ryu, has joined the Shadaloo organization to become strong enough to defeat Ryu and reclaim his title. Ken, now a married man, has retired from street fighting and acts in commercials for fun, but continues to train and is still very powerful. After hanging out with friends, Ken is unexpectedly confronted by Balrog, M. Bison's right-hand man (who seemingly joined Shadaloo to repay Bison for getting him off smuggling charges), who fought and lost against Ken is the previous tournament. Although badly beaten by Balrog, Ken overwhelms him with his berserker strength, but armed thugs arrive to help Balrog, who quickly flees from the scene. Ken is relieved that the fight seems to be over, but is soon confronted by a menacing-looking Sagat, who defeats Ken after a long fight and stabs him with a knife, seemingly killing him. Sometime later, a driverless car crashes through Ryu's garden at his home in Japan, and he cries in anguish when he finds Ken's scalp and pieces of his bloodied clothes in the car, in a box marked "for Ryu".
All over the world, various fighters from the previous tournament learn of Ken's apparent death, and vow to avenge him. Meanwhile, Bison continues to train Sagat, keeping his mind occupied on improving his fighting abilities to keep his mind off his guilt for Ken's apparent death and turn him into a killing machine. Bison also has one of his agents poison Ryu and Ken's former master Sheng Long, leaving him paralyzed. Although Bison doubts that Sheng Long will die, he is convinced that he will not be a threat to him for a while, and tells Balrog that Ryu is now their only concern.
On the island of Okinawa, where Sheng Long lives, the great martial arts warrior is being nursed back to health by Nida, a street fighter from the Philippines who came to Okinawa to learn the ways of Shotokan karate, Sheng Long's fighting style. Sheng Long is surprised that his pupils Ryu and Ken haven't come to visit him, but Nida tells him of a new street fighter tournament that is approaching and believes that they might be training for it. Sheng Long promises Nida to teach him Shotokan karate once he recovers, but she fears that he may never be able to overcome the deadly poison in his body. After leaving Sheng Long to rest, Nida goes into another room to train, and smashes a dummy bearing a photo of Ryu, vowing that once he defeats Ken's killer to restore their master's honor, he will have to face her next.
The third and final issue of "Street Fighter" included an epilogue which revealed what would have happened to the various characters had the comic continued. Amongst other developments, Ken would have been revealed to have survived, Ryu and Chun-Li (who were shown to have romantic feelings for each other in the first issue, but had not gone beyond kissing) would have finally ended up together, Sagat would have redeemed himself for siding with Bison, and it would have been revealed that Bison had conspired with "dark forces" to create evil doubles of the various street fighters around the world, one of which (an evil double of Ryu) had killed Nida's father, this being the reason for her grudge against him. According to the epilogue, the comic had been cancelled due to complications with Capcom and their dislike of the comic, and expressed the hope that someone would continue to publish the comic.
A woman is drowned in a bathtub and then placed in a trunk that lands in a pickup truck going to St. Hilda College. Among the teachers is a newcomer, Mrs. Clay, a science teacher. In addition, there is a young teacher, Richard Barrett, a diving instructor, and the college gardener La Foret. There are only seven girls at the institute, as the others are on vacation. Arrived at the destination, the trunk is brought to the basement.
Soon one of the girls, Betty Ann, who had gone to the basement, is strangled and taken away. The search for the missing girl begins. Jill claims she died and was killed by the gardener. All girls are told not to leave the rooms, but one, Lucille, has an appointment with her teacher Richard, with whom she has an affair. Nevertheless, Lucille decides to go out and goes to a small house on a hill, where she discovers Betty Ann's body and runs away. She meets Richard and tells him everything. When they return, Betty Ann's body is gone. Lucille is desperate to leave school, so Richard advises her to pack three in the pool and wait for him.
Lucille returns to boarding school, and while she takes a shower, the gardener spies on her from a tree. She notices strange movements on the plant and returns to the room frightened. Another girl, Cynthia, takes a shower and is killed in front of the gardener. But this time, Jill finds the body, and the police are called. Shortly after the agents arrive, the gardener is killed. Lucille wants to escape because she believes Cynthia was accidentally killed in her place. Meanwhile, he entrusts himself to his girlfriend Denise and tells her about the date with Richard at the pool. As she has to be questioned by the police, she asks her friend to go to her place. Denise accepts and is attacked by the killer, but Jill, who has followed her, manages to let him run away. The police dogs finally find the body of Betty Ann.
In the end, the girl finds him, but when he wants to go up, the man is pushed down the stairs. The killer reveals himself: it's Pierre, Lucille's cousin, who disguised himself as Mrs. Clay to capture the legacy and blame it on the real Mrs. Clay hiding in the trunk, and then stage her suicide.
Pierre wounds Richard, but Inspector Durand kills him. So tranquility returns to college, and Lucille and Richard end up together.
The story is set in the Middle Ages. The youngsters Folcacchio and Guffardo must bring an embassy to the Bishop of Volterra, and during the trip, the two boys meet the beautiful Gemmata. The woman is a poor peasant who is married to Nicholas. Folcacchio and Guffardo, to have a night of love with the girl, pretend to be magicians who can turn humans into beasts. In fact Gemmata wants to be transformed into a horse to plow the land of her property without fatigue. So Folcacchio and Guffardo invent a magic ritual that includes the use of the cock.
A British teenager angry with the world, a closeted Eagle Guide, and a Shooting Sports Director with a thirst for power, are part of the colorful staff that collide at Compass Guide Camp. A mysterious new Camp Director with a militant past (and pet chicken) finds he’s not sure where he’s going, but he’s leading the way.
A suicide bomber named Ivan Bolotny trying to destroy Lenin's Mausoleum ends up killing himself in a locked room. Shortly thereafter his brother is murdered and a bishop named Nescou has gone missing. The Militia Christi is tasked by the Catholic Church with solving the crime because church members can be implicated, and their lay brother Francis Killy is sent to Switzerland to track down Nescou. Whilst there he runs into a former colleague named Carlin who worked for the British Secret Service as has partnered with a Russian massage therapist named Marya. It turns out that Marya, Nescou and the Bolotny brothers are/were members of an fanatical anti-sex sect called Skoptsy. Carlin, who is not a member of the sect, reveals to Killy that he quit the Secret Service after inheriting money from a relative and stealing a patent to refine titanium. His company, however, has gone broke and he is now planning a train heist and requests Killy's help. Killy informs his superior, Cella, of this plan and is instructed to go along with it. The plan involves tracking down a Russian train and breaking into it whilst it is stationary, removing gold bullion, and then replacing it with gold-plated lead so that the theft is not detected until well after it has been removed. Though the heist is successful, the Skoptsy ambush Killy, and Nescou tries to shoot and kill Killy, but is ultimately unsuccessful. Killy returns to report to Cella and is sent to Russia to track down Nescou and the gold in the resorts of Sochi. While divining in a mud bath in Sochi, Killy discovers that the gold is hidden under the baths, but Nescou enters the room and tries to shoot Killy again. Killy manages to submerge Nescou in the water and drown him. Killy then returns to Switzerland where he expects Carlin has returned. Carlin must dilute the quality of the gold because all Russian gold is refined to .999, whereas other countries only refine gold to .995. Killy locates the smelting plant and tracks down Carlin. The two have a confrontation where Carlin reveals that he did not know about the ambush. Killy tells Carlin that the grandson of the man whose patent Carlin stole is aiming to get revenge, but the man enters the room and shoots Carlin before he can escape. Killy returns home to Rome where he runs into his former girlfriend and tells his frequently absent partner Mario that he plans on making sure she is happy with her new husband and on rescuing her should she be ill-treated.
James Rutherford has organized an expedition to the jungles of Central America to find his missing son, Bob, and his guide, Simpson. Professor Dangerfield intercepts the party, bringing with him Simpson, whose experiences in the jungle have made him a raving maniac. They go ashore and decide to spend the night at a Mayan temple. After Bob's fiancée Irene disappears, they come across a large ape chained to the temple floor, and Captain Rhodes, commander of the yacht, is abducted by a strange monster with great hairy talons. Messages are found warning the party to leave. Sewald, an explorer, is mysteriously killed by an arrow. Simpson's sanity returns, and he saves the party, revealing in flashback that he had lost his mind after murdering an old demented hermit who had been living in the ruins, because the fiend had murdered Rutherford's son Bob two months before.
Helga Larson Hanson is living in Sweden, but is engaged to the American fledgling attorney John Hanson. Hanson has Helga move to the United States, and sets her up in the same boarding house he lives in, prior to their marriage. His summons of her might be a bit premature, since once she arrives, he is too busy with his job and preparing for his bar exam, to spend much time with her. Lonely, she becomes attracted to a co-worker of Hanson's, Phil Wilson, who sees an opportunity to use Helga's loneliness to have his way with her.
Hanson is oblivious to Wilson's intent, believing him to be a friend. As time goes on, their landlady, Aunt Annie, becomes suspicious of Wilson, and warns Hanson. When Hanson confronts his co-worker, of course Hanson lies, assuring him that his interest in Helga is simply platonic. Clueless, Hanson accepts this explanation. Meanwhile Wilson continues his seduction of Helga, finally getting her to sleep with him by falsely promising to marry her.
Meanwhile, Hanson gets himself into some legal difficulty, when his investments go south and he loses the money he had been saving to buy a house for Helga and himself. Fearing that his loss of the money might lead to his losing Helga, he steals the balance from Wilson's drawer. When the theft is discovered, Wilson is naturally blamed, and Hanson, having learned of Helga's infidelity with Wilson, lets him be arrested for the crime. Heartbroken, Helga settles for marriage with Hanson.
Years later, Wilson breaks out of prison, and goes to confront Hanson, who is now living with Helga and their young child. When Wilson realizes that Helga is still in love with Wilson, he decides to own up to the crime. Before he can, however, Helga realizes that she has grown to love him. As Wilson tries to flee from their house, he is shot and killed by police. Helga begs Hanson not to confess, since there is no longer a reason to, but Hanson must clear his conscience. As he is led away, Helga vows that she will be waiting for him when he is eventually released.
A young boy named Finn rescues an injured dog from an abandoned property in St. Louis. 12-year-old Finn (Lucas Carroll) endures daily torment from the bullies at his school, but his life begins to change the day that he encounters a Labrador retriever named Marshall. When Finn first finds the dog, Marshall is being held in deplorable conditions by an animal hoarder who keeps 60 dogs penned up on her isolated ranch. The boy sees something of himself in Marshall: Both are bullied, but both are brave. By saving Marshall from the dogs that are attacking him, Finn pulls off a daring rescue—and that’s only the beginning of the story. Inspired by a true story, “Marshall the Miracle Dog” stars Shannon Elizabeth, Lauren Holly, and Matthew Settle.
Hoping to get medical care for her sister, Gianna, who suffers from a heart condition, Fiorella Bianchi, a recently orphaned Italian woman, moves to Mexico and accepts a marriage proposal from her late father's deceptive, but wealthy friend. After her fiance abandons the sisters, Fiorella works as a maid for the prominent Ángeles family, where she falls in love with Pedro Ángeles, a man whose family legacy is based on mysterious circumstances.
Three Vikings—Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce, and Olaf the Stout—get kidnapped by Tomator, emperor of the alien Croutonian empire, for an inter-galactic zoo. They are able to escape the ship, but get lost in various periods of time. They must traverse various bizarre locations, and eventually confront and defeat Tomator, to find their way home.
Percy Jackson adds his own viewpoint to the Greek myths. Here he presents an introduction to Greek mythology and the 12 major gods and goddesses. With 19 chapters, this includes a variety of stories, from the early tales of Gaea and the Titans to individual tales about the gods readers, encountered in the Camp Half-Blood chronicles. Percy's irreverent voice is evident from titles such as "Hera Gets a Little Cuckoo," "Zeus Kills Everyone," "Athena Adopts a Handkerchief," and "Artemis Unleashes the Death Pig," and the stories are told in his voice with his distinctive, sarcastic yet humorous perspective.
The series follows the personal and professional lives of the comedy folk duo Riki "Garfunkel" Lindholme and Kate "Oates" Micucci, as they attempt to make it big in Hollywood one satirical song at a time.
Paul finally decides to make a move when his old friend Sarah comes to stay for the weekend. But things don't quite go to plan and instead of triggering a weekend of passionate sex, Sarah's visit results in a series of disastrous, awkward encounters in Paul's bed that threaten to ruin their friendship forever.
Peter and Bronny Taylor go on a vacation to the Grand Canyon in Arizona with Stephanie, their bulimic teenage daughter, Mikey, their adolescent autistic son, and another family, the Carters. Mikey discovers a small Kiva cavern, where he finds black rocks with symbols on them. He takes the stones.
When the Taylors return home, strange things begin to happen. Bronny finds that the kitchen taps keep turning on, and Stephanie sees handprints on a mirror, both of which Mikey blames on “Jenny.” After Stephanie gets home from school, she vomits into a container and puts it under her bed. Bronny catches her, and she and Peter learn that Stephanie has been throwing up for a while. They take her to a hospital for help, leaving Mikey at Bronny's mother's house. Bronny's mother finds Mikey trying to kill her cat, much to Peter’s disbelief.
At home, Bronny searches online for answers to the strange activity and learns about the Anasazi Indians, who believed that demons were bound to rocks hidden in caves. If the rocks are taken, the demons take the shape of a crow, snake, coyote, wolf, and buffalo. The family has already had encounters with a crow and a snake. The demons connect to young children who are dragged into their world, triggering an event known as 'The Darkness.' The only way they can be banished is if the rocks are returned to where they were found by someone who is not afraid.
Bronny and Peter later find Mikey covered in black marks from a fire in his room, blood pouring from his mouth. Later that night, Bronny has a nightmare of a wolf. Depressed, she starts drinking. In Mikey's room, the fire-damaged part of the wall is revealed to be a portal. Stephanie is choked by handprints appearing all over her wall and body. In the treehouse, Peter sees a coyote and the shadow of a demon in Stephanie's window. The force stops choking Stephanie as he rushes in. He then breaks down Mikey's bathroom door and finds him with marks all over the walls and ceiling.
Peter calls a number given to him by his boss. It belongs to a woman named Teresa, who is said to perform spiritual healings. Teresa comes over with her granddaughter, Gloria, who acts as an interpreter. As they cleanse the house, Teresa and Gloria go into Mikey's room and note that this is where the real evil lives. They recite a chant as Mikey tries to enter the portal.
Peter sees Mikey walking into the portal with the demons. He finds the stones and follows Mikey into the portal but can't set the stones down due to his fear. He offers to swap places with Mikey, but Mikey ends the event of 'The Darkness' by picking the rocks up and putting them back down, as he is not afraid. The demons are banished, and Peter and Mikey jump out of the portal together. It disappears, and Gloria declares that the house is clean of evil energy.
The book consists of six stories set during different times of Holly’s life.
Fifteen-year-old Holly Sykes runs away from home to live with her 24-year-old boyfriend. Before she leaves, her younger brother Jacko hands her a maze and tells her to memorize it. Arriving at her boyfriend's home, Holly finds him in bed with her best friend. She nevertheless decides to keep running away alone and meets Esther Little, an older woman who insists on giving her green tea in exchange for asylum. Holly consents to the strange offer, thinking the woman insane. Holly, who was once plagued by auditory hallucinations, then has a violent daymare involving her brother Jacko and several of the violent voices she recognizes from childhood. Afterwards she encounters Ed Brubeck, an acquaintance, who feeds and helps shelter her. He talks about working on a strawberry farm in Kent. After securing the job by phone, Holly hitchhikes towards the farm. She is picked up by a young college-aged couple, Heidi and Ian, who believe in communism and take her to their home. After breakfast Holly washes up and then goes outside where she finds the couple dead. She is then attacked by a man called Rhîmes who mistakes her for Esther Little but soon comes to realize she has no powers at all. Rhîmes then tries to kill Holly but is stopped by the reanimated corpse of first Heidi and later Ian. Holly realizes that Ian is in fact Esther Little who has come to “claim sanctuary”. Esther embeds herself in Holly's brain but erases the incident from her memory.
Holly makes her way to the strawberry farm. While there she hears the news of Heidi and Ian's death but is unable to connect it with herself. She meets a young woman called Gwyn who says she too was once a runaway, and that unless her home situation is violently bad, she should return. While Holly is considering it, Ed Brubeck arrives having guessed where she is and tells her she needs to return home as Jacko is missing and the police are not treating the case seriously as they believe he is with Holly.
Hugo Lamb, an amoral politics student at the fictional Humber College, Cambridge, encounters a beautiful woman who calls herself Immaculée Constantin at a choir rehearsal, who tells him that immortality is possible. Hugo then blacks out for two hours. At a local pub, he re-encounters Elijah D'Arnoq, a New Zealander he met in his first year, and persuades the aristocratic Jonny Penhaligon to join a poker match at the end of term. A fight breaks out between Richard Cheeseman, an aspiring novelist and critic, and a local band he criticized in print, which ends with Hugo threatening to take the band to court for grievous bodily harm, and stealing away the current girlfriend of his friend Olly.
Hugo has created a second bank account under the false identity of Marcus Anyder, an Astrophysics student at Imperial College London, and has acquired nearly £50,000 through various illicit deeds, including selling his mentor's vintage stamps as he recovers from a stroke, and cheating his friends at cards. His newest scheme involves manipulating Jonny into selling his father's Aston Martin Coda to a vintage car dealer he knows. Jonny, having lost over £15,000 through gambling and with his once prestigious family already deeply in debt, reluctantly agrees. A homeless man he gives money to in Piccadilly Circus follows him home and claims to be Immaculée Constantin. Hugo persuades himself that the encounters were his own imagination. He then goes to Switzerland for the Christmas holidays where an attractive bar manager, Holly Sykes, catches his eye, and he tries to win her over with some small degree of success. On 30 December, he receives a call from Cheeseman, who informs him that Jonny has committed suicide by driving his father's Aston off a cliff, with an inquest forthcoming.
On New Year's Eve, annoyed by his friends picking up women he suspects to be prostitutes and rattled by accusations of theft and fraud, Hugo rings in the New Year at the bar Holly works at. In the morning, he receives a call from his father telling him that the police are looking for him, which he suspects is related to his most recent theft of vintage stamps. Furthermore, the women his friends slept with summon their pimps to the house in order to shake them down for money. Hugo manages to escape through the window of his room and runs into Holly, who warns him of an imminent whiteout coming. He stays overnight in her home and learns about her missing brother Jacko, who never resurfaced. He bluntly tells her to stop blaming herself for her brother’s death, and while stunned, the two later sleep together. Hugo, for the first time, falls in love, but discovers a postcard from Ed Brubeck, currently travelling around the world, and grows jealous. The morning after, Holly departs for work, telling Hugo she will have no hard feelings if he decides to leave. He goes to see her at the bar, but before he can he is intercepted by D'Arnoq and his companion, Baptiste Pfenninger. They invite him into their car, warning him there will be no turning back. Deciding that he has no chance of a long relationship with Holly and wary of the potential prosecution awaiting him back home, Hugo accepts. On the journey, D'Arnoq and Pfenninger tell him that they, along with Immaculée Constantin, are Anchorites, a group capable of telepathy as well as putting people on "hiatus" (i.e., causing time gaps and memory loss) and stopping the ageing process. Having vetted Hugo and finding him devious and amoral, they invite him to join.
Ed Brubeck, now a 35-year-old war journalist, returns to England for Holly's younger sister's wedding. A war junkie, he had initially planned to move back to London to settle down with Holly and their six-year-old daughter Aoife, while secretly planning to return to Baghdad instead. While out for a walk he and Aoife encounter Immaculée Constantin who checks to see if Aoife has an invisible eye as her mother once did and, finding she does not, disappears.
During the wedding Ed is lost in the memories of his time in Iraq working with Aziz and Nassar, two Iraqis who take him into territory dangerous for foreigners and help him with interviews and photos. After dropping him off at his hotel they are murdered by a suicide bomber targeting the hotel where the foreign-born journalists live. Ed feels intense guilt over their deaths.
Ed strikes up a conversation with Holly's great aunt Eilish, who lives in a remote part of Ireland called Sheep's Head. She confesses something she's never told the rest of the family: she believes that Holly's little brother Jacko is not who he appears to be. Similarly to the 'changeling' myth, she thinks he returned from his near-fatal hospitalization as a different person. Ed is unsure how to react to this information.
After the wedding, settling down with Aoife for a nap, Ed is awakened by Holly and realizes that Aoife has gone missing. The two split up to find her with Ed going to the Brighton Pier believing Aoife has gone in search of a fortune-teller she saw earlier, Dwight Silverwind. Silverwind has not seen Aoife but goes with Ed back to the hotel to try to find her. When they arrive Holly has a fit during which she intones the words "ten" and "fifteen". Silverwind suggests Holly might be psychic, something Ed noticed in Holly before but never previously believed. However he grabs the room key to 1015 and goes there where he finds Aoife. He makes up a story for the rest of Holly's family about how he was able to find Aoife but tells Holly the truth.
From 2015 to 2020, author Crispin Hershey, once a literary wunderkind, sees his fortunes decline. His latest novel has not sold well thanks to a brutally unfavourable review by Richard Cheeseman, now an established critic; he is estranged from his Canadian wife and two young daughters; and at a book fair, he is upstaged by new author Holly Sykes who has written an immensely popular book about her psychic visions called ''The Radio People''. Crispin also encounters a young Asian-American woman who introduces herself as Soleil Moore and hands him a book of her poetry which he promptly trashes. At a literary festival in Colombia, Crispin decides to get his revenge on Cheeseman by putting cocaine in his suitcase and phoning in a tip. Only intending to humiliate him, he is horrified when Cheeseman is sentenced to six years in Colombian prison for drug trafficking.
As Crispin tours the globe, attracting less and less of an audience and gathering more debt, he encounters Holly again several times, becoming more persuaded with each encounter that she is not lying about her abilities. While on Rottnest Island with Holly and a teenage Aoife, Crispin witnesses Holly appear to have an epileptic seizure, where she speaks in what he believes to be an Australian Aboriginal language. In Shanghai, she correctly predicts the results of a coin toss ten times in a row, astonishing Crispin. She also warns him that whenever she is near him she thinks of "A spider, a spiral, a one-eyed man." He also receives another book from Soleil which he also disposes of.
As the years pass, Crispin and Holly grow close and become good friends. On a trip to visit her in Iceland, he is attacked by the now-immortal Hugo Lamb who interrogates him about Holly, Esther Little, and what she knows about Horologists and Anchorites. Finding Crispin's answers satisfactory, Hugo then wipes his memory, but not before hinting of telling Cheeseman that Crispin put him in prison. Later during the trip, Crispin learns Holly has cancer and likely has very little time to live. A new doctor, named Iris Fenby, wants Holly to try an experimental new treatment. Crispin starts a brief relationship with Holly's Spanish-language agent, one that later results in a son.
By 2020 Crispin, now heavily in debt, is teaching at an Ivy League college (fictional, but resembling Bard College) in the Hudson Valley, New York. He is visited by the newly released Cheeseman, now wearing an eyepatch. Crispin believes him to be the one-eyed man of Holly's prophecy. Cheeseman confronts him and tells him he spent his time in jail fantasising about killing Crispin, but at the climactic moment, he decides not to, and leaves. Just afterwards, Crispin is visited by Soleil Moore, whom he does not remember, and who is horrified that he still has not read the works she gave him. She tells him he is part of "the Script" and that humans are being used and abused by higher beings, and she hoped Crispin would help her publish her works so this would become widespread knowledge. She then goes to her Plan B and shoots Crispin, knowing that the murder will make her and her work infamous. Before he dies, Crispin sees spirals on the carpet, a dead spider between a filing cabinet and the wall, and a toy pirate with an eye patch, thus fulfilling Holly's prophecy.
In 2025 Marinus begins to receive messages from Esther Little, who she had previously believed dead. Marinus is a being who has reincarnated into many bodies, including the doctor who once cured Holly of her "radio people" as a child and the doctor who helped put Holly's cancer into remission under the name Iris Fenby. Through Esther's messages Marinus realizes that Esther Little has been stowed away inside of Holly's memories since 1984.
Marinus (in her current form as Iris Fenby) contacts Holly and reveals herself to be part of a group of "atemporals" who call themselves Horologists. Horologists are beings who are naturally immortal, and either come back 49 days after the death of their previous host body into the body of a child who was already dying, or are able to transfer their souls into dying children when new bodies wear out. The Horologists' reincarnation processes are natural and harm no one, unlike their enemies, the Anchorites, who achieve their immortality by draining the souls of psychically gifted children into something called "Black Wine", which halts the ageing process. In one final revelation, Marinus explains that Holly's brother, Jacko, was in fact an atemporal leader called Xi Lo, inhabiting Jacko's body, and the child's seeming disappearance was actually due to Xi Lo falling in battle during the Horologist's first mission in 1984.
Holly is naturally skeptical, but after she is almost killed by a group of Anchorites she decides to work with Marinus and the Horologists. Marinus is able to locate Esther in Holly's memory and extract her by saying her 'long name', which is a compilation of all the names she has ever had throughout her various lifetimes. They then make a plan to go to the Chapel of the Blind Cathar in order to try to destroy its icon and thus the source of the Anchorites' power. The Blind Cathar, a heretic monk who willed the Chapel of the Dusk into being and has since become one with it, is the source of the Anchorites' rituals, and to destroy him and the temple would end their ability to prey on mortals.
Believing that Xi Lo / Jacko may have survived the battle in 1984 and still be hiding in the temple, Holly accompanies them. The Horologists engage in a "psychosoteric" war with the Anchorites that kills many of the Horologists but manages to buy Esther Little enough time to destroy the Blind Cathar. Marinus' body is destroyed, but she climbs inside Holly's mind and is able to protect her this way. As the chapel is crumbling around them, an opening appears and Holly goes through it. She realizes the space is actually the maze Jacko gave her in 1984 and asked her to memorize, and is able to find her way through. Along the way, she and Marinus are stopped by Immaculée Constantin, who threatens to destroy them with her mental powers. Marinus manages to distract her long enough for Holly to club her with a rolling pin. At the centre of the maze is a golden apple. Marinus leaves Holly's mind and asks her to touch it, transporting her to safety. Marinus realizes she has been left behind with Hugo Lamb, who admits that the reason he did not take the golden apple himself and leave Holly to die was because he truly loved Holly during their brief encounter together. Just as they are about to die, Marinus realizes there is another possible way for them to escape.
Holly is now living in her great-aunt's house in Sheep's Head, Ireland. It has been five years since a period called the Endarkenment, during which climate change brought about a depletion of resources, and people are now forced to live off the land combined with government rationing. Holly is taking care of her teenage granddaughter Lorelei, orphaned after the death of her parents in a plane crash, and an orphaned young boy called Rafiq. Despite the fact that the rest of Europe is suffering terribly, Ireland is relatively stable due to the fact that the Chinese have brokered a deal with them, giving them oil and sporadic internet usage in return for leasing some of their land. However, the Chinese abruptly pull their resources and, despite promises that the Irish government will be able to keep things stable, a mixture of rogue government troops and militiamen invade the town, taking solar panels and oil. Over an argument on how to split their resources, the invaders begin shooting at each other, sparing most of the locals and leaving them time to form a small militia of their own.
Back at Holly's home, a military vessel arrives asking for Holly Sykes by name. The vessel reveals that it is from Iceland, where law and order still prevails, and has been sent to repatriate Lorelei, whose father was from Iceland. One of the crew members is revealed to be the reincarnated Marinus. Holly asks him to use his powers of mind control to take Rafiq with Lorelei as he is diabetic and his insulin is running out. Marinus reveals that he has just enough skill to get the Icelandic soldiers to take both Lorelei and Rafiq with him, but Holly must be left behind. Holly says goodbye to her grandchildren, knowing she will likely never see them in person again, but resigned to her fate if it gives Lorelei and Rafiq a new beginning at life.
Through the development of groundbreaking information transfer and material generation technology called "Mana", various problems, such as pollution and war have disappeared, and days of peace have arrived in the world. However, the people who receive the benefit of the Mana live in a false peace. Those who cannot use the Mana, referred to by the derogatory term "Norma", who are seen as an opposition to the structures of society, live in oppression. Because this is the norm, the people who use Mana do not question it.
The first princess of the Misurugi Empire, Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi, was convinced of the belief of exterminating the Norma. But on the day she turned 16, and was baptised, her elder brother, Julio, exposed her as a Norma to the public. Angelise, bewildered by the revelation that she herself was a Norma all along, turns into a target of hate by the people in the blink of an eye and is exiled to Arzenal, an isolated military base where Norma are conscripted into service against their will to fight interdimensional creatures known as DRAGONs, and starts her new life as the Norma soldier named Ange.
As she struggles to adjust to her new identity, Ange's now stormy life takes one surprising turn after another as she embarks on a personal quest to correct the world she lives in, all while learning there may be a bigger conspiracy involving the DRAGONs, the world she lives in, and mana itself.
On the coast off of a private beach on a tropical island, a huge shark is waiting for his prey. Beautiful young college students Miki and Mai arrive on the island but are unable to find a hotel in which to stay. Both the young women soon find out that something is seriously wrong after they find a hotel and spend some time there happily filming each other, using video cameras offered by the hotel to guests, yet Miki discovers material filmed by a previous occupant. Dream sequences and actual events become intermingled as Miki realizes that a human serial killer is on the loose as well as finding herself and her friend attacked by a gigantic, almost whale-sized shark. Despite both the movie's Japanese and US titles, the vast majority of the scenes consist of either the girls playing together in bikinis or of them examining materials that have been recorded. Whether or not the killer shark actually exists or is a metaphorical device relating to the human serial killer discovered by Miki in the hotel room recording is left unexplained.
Eun-jin struggles to make her seventh relationship work after six failed ones. But she begins to suspect that her new boyfriend, bumbling but sweet Hyun-suk, may be hiding something.
Architect and happily married man Evan Webber (Keanu Reeves) has the house to himself and his dog, Monkey, on Father's Day weekend due to work and a physical therapy appointment for a shoulder injury while his wife and children go on a family-planned beach trip. His wife Karen (Ignacia Allamand), a successful artist, leaves their assistant Louis (Aaron Burns) in charge of her sculpture that needs to be moved to an art gallery for her show.
Two women, Genesis (Lorenza Izzo) and Bel (Ana de Armas) knock on Evan's door during a rainstorm. Soaking wet, they tell him they are looking for the address of a party. As their phone is not working, Evan allows them in to dry off and use the Internet to get hold of the party's host. He gives them robes so they can dry their clothes in his dryer. The girls make themselves at home and flirt with Evan while he orders an Uber for them and plays a few of his old vinyl records from his days as a DJ. They then disappear to the bathroom when their driver arrives. Evan brings them their clothes and finds them nude. He tries to convince them to leave, but as they start forcing themselves upon him, he gives in and has a threesome with them.
The next morning, Evan finds out that his wife's sculpture has been vandalized by the girls. When Evan threatens to call the police, the girls claim they are underage. Vivian (Colleen Camp), a friend of Karen's, stops by to see if Evan needs help. Seeing Genesis, Vivian angrily leaves. When Evan threatens to report a break-in, they give in and agree to be taken home.
He then returns home, cleans the mess the girls have made, and tries to go back to his work. Just as he is getting closer to completing his project, he hears a shattering noise. When he stoops to pick up a broken picture frame of his family, Genesis knocks him out with one of his wife's sculptures. Bel climbs onto him in an attempt to arouse him while role-playing as a schoolgirl in his daughter's school uniform. Evan initially refuses, but the girls threaten to FaceTime his wife with him unless he agrees to do what they demand. He is tied to his bed, and Bel rapes him while Genesis records everything, calling him a pedophile. However, Evan breaks free and knocks Bel to the floor. He charges at Genesis, but she stabs him with a fork; she and Bel tie him to a chair with an electrical cord.
Louis arrives to collect the sculpture and finds Evan, but before he can help him he hears the girls smashing the vandalized sculpture. He runs to stop them, but then has an asthma attack and realizes they have taken his inhaler. As he tries to get it back, he slips on a piece of the sculpture, hits his head while falling, and dies. The giggling girls turn Louis' corpse into a red sculpture and dig a makeshift grave in the backyard for Evan. They also use both Evan's and Louis' phones to text and make it look like Louis discovered that Evan had an affair with Louis' wife and because of this, was murdered by Evan. The sadistic girls trash the house, torment and torture Evan, cut his hair, and force him to play hide and seek. When Genesis and Bel begin trying to find Evan, he escapes from the house, only to be stopped and held at gunpoint by Genesis. The girls tell him that they have killed other men and announce that he will die at dawn.
At dawn, they tie Evan up with a hose, bury him in the hole, leaving only his head above ground, and tell him they will crush his skull with a large stone. It misses his head by inches, and the girls, laughing hysterically, then reveal that the entire ordeal was merely a "game", as they never intended to kill Evan, nor are either of them underage, and that everything they did was part of a wicked hobby of seducing, victimizing, and ruining the homes of married men with children. Genesis shows Evan the video she recorded earlier with his phone of Bel raping him. As Evan watches on, she uploads it to his Facebook profile. They depart for another victim and take Monkey with them, leaving Evan to his fate. Karen and the kids arrive to find the house ruined; Evan's son, Jake, says, "Daddy had a party." In an alternate ending, Evan takes his revenge by tracking the girls at another victim's house via Monkey's GPS tracker on his collar. He knocks on the door and the girls ask 'Who's there?'.
The series follows the life of Yuto Sakuraba, a high school boy who is open about his ''otaku'' lifestyle, much to the dismay of his classmates. He works at a shop called ''Anime Haven''. He fawns over an online artist named Sayane because of her ''moe''-styled drawings. At the beginning of the school year, he is assigned a seat next to Kotone Kashiwagi, a popular girl who is known to strongly dislike otaku culture. However, when he discovers that Kotone actually does like anime and manga, they begin a friendship where they discuss their passion in secret. However, Kotone has another secret: she is actually the artist Sayane. When Yuto eventually makes that connection, he must figure out how it will affect their friendship. Meanwhile, Yuto and Kotone's best friends try to encourage them to advance their relationship together, while ending up coupling themselves.
As described in a film magazine, Clarence Elwood Butts (Gibson) was one of his university's best customers, having been there seven years. His wealthy father Jonathan Butts (Torrence) wanted to put him to work in his factory, but Clarence, who hated the prospect, evaded it by pretending to be weak and delicate. Finally a doctor's examination discovered his perfect health, at the same time that an outraged prohibition officer was looking for him to pay a reward for a blackened eye received in a café fight the night before. Clarence denied the officer's charge and played "sissy," but the doctor, in private, called him "the best liar I've ever known." However, the physician "kept mum," and finally advised working in a wild west show. Tickled at the prospect, Clarence nevertheless had to go into it as a weakling to keep up the pretense. The leading woman of the show was "Calamity June" (Sedgwick), so called because she was a man-hater, carried a pair of wicked guns, and used them and her temper when any man spoke to her. Clarence made the fatal mistake of flirting with her right off the bat. "Calamity June" stood for this with a steely eye, but she made a "sap" out of Clarence by having him ride a bronco that threw him. Undismayed by her hardness, he continued to "fuss around" her. On her birthday he gave her a pair of boxing gloves and sneaked outside the tent where he stood laughing. "Calamity June" stole up on his shadow inside the tent, wearing the gloves, knocked him out through the tent wall and then rushed outside and completed the job. Unwilling to hit her, he suffered the ignominy of being knocked down five times. The manager of the show cursed him for being a troublemaker. Clarence added to the consternation of the general staff by licking a man about twice his size. There came a day when, just before the show started, "Calamity June" sat on a barrel. Clarence tipped a "bum" five dollars to give the barrel a kick. It was highly successful. "Calamity June" started firing and the crowd went crazy. The "bum" fell in agony. "Calamity" ran to her horse and was gone like a flash. Into his speedster went Clarence and after her with the speed demon in him on top. He had sworn to make her eat out of his hand, literally. Jerking her from her horse as he went by her, he carried the woman many miles faster than the speedometer could tell. "Calamity June," up against a real, reckless speed demon, whimpered and begged for mercy, and then suddenly made an "S" turn in the road at sixty-five m.p.h. resulting in the car smashed at the bottom of a hill. What then happened completes the story of a tame man and how he made a "wild woman" eat out of his hand.
Oswald is on the streets selling newspapers. Suddenly he hears a distress call coming from a nearby house.
Oswald comes to the house, and peeps through a window. Inside he sees a large turbulent dog interrogating a small living doll about the money's location. When the doll refuses to tell, the dog turns to an old lynx who is the doll's "grandfather." Oswald tries to intervene, only to be easily pushed aside. And when the lynx also refuses, the dog ties the doll onto a lumber which is then placed to be sliced by a buzz saw. The lynx finally gives in, and the dog immediately finds a sack of cash hidden within that feline. The lynx then asks the dog to release the doll but the dog just thinks it would be pleasant to have her halved as the canine flees. Oswald returns to the house with a group of cops but the dog has already gone. Instead, the rabbit stops the buzz saw and unties the doll.
The dog attempts to leave using a nearby aircraft. Though the plane takes off, Oswald is able to grab onto its tail. The dog, who aware of his presence, tries to separate Oswald by removing the plane's tail but Oswald manages to build another plane with it. The dog then drops a sack onto Oswald's plane which is full of primates. The primates, however, teamed with Oswald to get back at the dog. Upon returning to the dog's plane, Oswald and the primates manage to dispose the dog and recover the loot. When Oswald jumps to return to the ground, troubles are not over for him as his parachute refuses to deploy.
The doll and the lynx spot Oswald in the sky. They then use the lynx's long beard to cushion his fall. Oswald and the doll give each other a smooch.
Struggling New York City graphic novelist John Hollar learns that his mother, Sally is diagnosed with a brain tumor, and joins his brother, Ron, and father, Don, by her side. Her attending physician Dr. Fong tells them that the tumor is scheduled to be removed later that week. John is also facing the birth of his first child with his girlfriend Rebecca. Ron is spying on his ex-wife Stacey, whom he divorced years ago, but he is confronted by her new partner Reverend Dan. John meets his high school classmate and mother's nurse Jason, who married Gwen, John's ex-fiancée. Jason rightly suspects that Gwen only married him after becoming pregnant with their child, and still has feelings for John.
Don is forced to work at the wine shop to support his failing plumbing business. At night, Ron sneaks inside Stacey's house to see his two daughters, but is subsequently arrested by the police when Stacey finds out. He is immediately bailed when Rev. Dan learns how much he loves his kids. One day before her operation, John and Sally sneak out of the hospital to enjoy her last meal. On the day of the operation, the doctors successfully remove the tumor, but later, she dies with Don at her side. Don emotionally reads a letter Sally wrote before she died. Rev. Dan marries John and Rebecca, and later, in the middle of their mother's funeral, John, Ron, and Don rush Rebecca to the hospital as she goes into labor.
A tanuki (Japanese raccoon dog) called has her parents killed by lynxes; she feels lonely as she is the only tanuki without a family. A day while she is fishing, Monoko finds an abandoned human baby, whose name is , and decides to raise him as her child. In a world inhabited only by animals, the human baby is a mystery; he can speak with all animal species even when the different species cannot communicate between them. This ability makes him able to save , a lynx who questions the world's concept of "law of the jungle". He injures himself while trying to protect the tanuki and vows to protect Taroza thenceforth. Seven years later, Taroza has reunited many other animal species and constructed a village, where he lives with them.
As the story progress Taroza meets with other humans: , a girl raised by lions; , a sadistic boy who lives along with a wolf; , a man who wants to destroy all animals using genetically-altered beings called "Chimera"; and , a girl raised by gorillas. In his quest to make all animals live in peace, Taroza discovers the existence of the "Eternity Fruit" that can be eaten by carnivore and herbivore. This fruit was created by , the last human who lived some years before the start of the series. He had the same desire Taroza has and found the Eternity Fruit and the ability to speak are the solutions. For this purpose, he created a machine to make all animals understand others cries, and brought Taroza, Capri, Jyu, Giller, and Riemu from their times to the present.
In October 1984, rock musician Bob Geldof is appalled by the plight of starving Ethiopians which he sees on television news. He persuades his pop musician friends to record the million-selling charity single "Do They Know It's Christmas?". Determined to stage a massive live concert, Geldof brings in hard-headed rock promoter Harvey Goldsmith who provides a realistic foil to Bob's wish-list of performers. Preparations are fraught with arguments, and Geldof is disappointed to fail to secure Bruce Springsteen. After addressing his old school, and with only five days before the big event, Geldof gets involved with the complicated matters of finance, logistics and co-ordinating international broadcasters. Geldof gets Prince Charles and Princess Diana to attend simply by asking them. Finally the day of the concerts arrives and, as Paul McCartney sings "Let It Be", Harvey and Bob know they have succeeded.
In 1930 in China the Korean professional kicker Tiger (Park Young Cheol) fell in love with Hyang Souk however at the same time he made an agreement with Yamamoto (As a suggestion from the Wang Herim) to steal the carriage with full of gold and Tiger steal it. After Tiger realized that the carriage was belongs to Hyang Souk's brother he felt himself guilty, break himself his leg and spent his time with alcoholic. Meanwhile, Yamamoto killed Herim, kidnapped Hyang Souk and take over the territory Tiger is now in rage and alongside Korean independent army Kim Sung, he defeat the Yamamoto save Hyang Souk, take the gold and went back to Korea.
Hachimitsu Academy, one of the strictest girls' academies in Tokyo, has decided to admit boys into their system. Kiyoshi Fujino is one of these new boys, but he discovers to his shock that he and his four friends—Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu, Shingo Wakamoto, Jouji "Joe" Nezu, and Reiji "Andre" Andou—are the only male students among 1,000 girls. The draconian laws that are still in place make the school even worse, which punishes even the most minor infractions with a stay in the school's prison. The five boys all commit to voyeurism in the school's bathing area with the lecherous philosophy of "all for one, one for all". Their capture and "arrest" by the Underground Student Council causes the five boys to receive an ultimatum: either stay a month in the school's Prison Block or be expelled. The boys are incarcerated in the Prison Block together and Kiyoshi is overwhelmed by the discovery that all the other boys are masochists that revel in the punishments handed to them by their attractive but vicious supervisors.
Dolores Santos Estrella is a simple and devoted nurse working in a modest clinic. Jorge Avellaneda is the best surgeon cosmetic main center of the country. Both have lifestyles very different tastes and opinions. However, fate will unite in marriage shortly after they met. Motivated by his perfectionist spirit, want to make it an ideal beauty and unable to convince her to operate, lied and tricked into surgery leads up into an almost perfect woman, as if he were Dr. Frankenstein. She betrayed and transfigured now fight to reclaim their dreams making Jorge, now hopelessly in love with her, not left him nothing to fight to regain his love, just as everyone says: "¡Qué buena se puso Lola!".
Set in a predominantly Islamic village in Northern Nigeria, the film starts with Hauwa (Mannura Umar) performing the daily Salat. While performing her duties as a wife for her husband, she is confronted by her neighbor, Samira (Lucy Ameh), who questioned her dedication and satisfaction as a housewife. After ignoring Samira through her body language, she leaves the scene then tries to inform her husband, Musa (Johnson Yakubu) of her encounter with Samira. But he rubbished her, saying that she always does not mind her business, and she shouldn't be associating with a woman [Samira], that is neither in her husband or parents house.
After getting to her shop in the morning of the same day, Hauwa and her colleagues began discussing on the happenings in town. Hauwa initiates a talk about Samira, then the conversation ended when one of her friends suggested that she may be a lesbian, hence she isn't living with a man. Some hours past, then Hauwa gets a call to hair-dress one of her customers at home. On her way out of the salon, she meets Samira, who wanted her to fix her hair, Hauwa nearly obliged but her fellow stylists wanted her [Samira] to wait for her turn before being attended to; Hauwa comes to her rescue by defending her, Samira turned down the offer to wait and decided to do hers another time. They both stare at each other for a while, then Hauwa leaves for the home service.
On getting home, she informed her husband that she has gathered enough money to assist them to pay their due rent. Musa accepted her payment without showing any form of appreciation towards her as he was more concerned about his faulty bike. Hauwa goes to Samira's lodge and ask her for extra candles, which she says she doesn't have, she then requests that she assist in loosening her hair, which she later accepted after much plead. As she straightens her hair, they began to bond and discuss about their individual lives and the importance of marriage. One thing led to another, then Samira persuasively kissed Hauwa, who neither stopped or reciprocated the romantic gesture. After she retired, Hauwa left Samira's house describing the act as an "abomination", after Samira told her to leave her husband to stay with her. On getting home, Musa began a quarrel with Hauwa, however, she spoke back at him for the first time, that he is not treating her right, this made Musa to slap her severally.
Later during the day, Musa began to feel guilty and for the first time expressed some form of regret about his action towards her.
Alice Kingsleigh has spent the past three years following her father's footsteps and sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London from China, she learns that her ex-fiancé, Hamish Ascot, has taken over his deceased father's company and plans to have Alice sign over her father's ship in exchange for her family home. Alice follows a butterfly she recognizes as the Absolem the Butterfly, who was previously a caterpillar, and returns to Wonderland through a mirror. Alice is greeted by the White Queen, the White Rabbit, the Tweedles, the Dormouse, the March Hare, the Bloodhound and the Cheshire Cat. They inform her that the Mad Hatter is acting madder than usual because his family is missing.
Alice tries to console him, but he remains certain that his family survived the attack of the Jabberwocky. The White Queen, believing that finding the Hatter's family is the only way to restore his health, sends Alice to consult Time and convince him to save the Hatter's family in the past. The White Queen warns Alice that history will be destroyed if a person's past and present selves meet. Upon entering the Castle of Eternity, Alice finds the Chronosphere, an object that controls all of time in Wonderland. After Time tells Alice that altering the past is impossible, she steals the Chronosphere and travels back in time, shortly after finding the exiled Red Queen in Time's care. The Red Queen orders Time to pursue Alice, who accidentally travels to the Red Queen's coronation. There, a younger Mad Hatter mocks the Red Queen when the royal crown does not fit her abnormal head. When her crown breaks, the Red Queen throws a tantrum that causes her head to swell. Her father deems her unfit to rule and passes the title of queen to her younger sister, the White Queen.
Alice learns of an event in both the Queens' pasts that causes friction between the two, and she travels back in time again, hoping to change the Red Queen's character and stop the Jabberwocky from killing the Hatter's family. The young White Queen steals a tart from her mother and eats it. When confronted by their mother, she lies about eating the tart, which gets her sister accused and causes her to run out of the castle in a fit. Alice sees her about to run into a clock and believes this to be the event that deforms her head and personality. She manages to move the clock out of the way, but fails to change the past as the Red Queen actually stumbles and hits her head. Alice is confronted by a weakened Time, who berates her for putting all of time in danger. She runs into a nearby mirror back into the real world, where she wakes up in a mental hospital, diagnosed with female hysteria. With the help of her mother, she returns to Wonderland, where she travels to the Jabberwocky attack and discovers that the Hatter's family did not die, but were captured by the Red Queen's Red Knights.
Returning to the present, Alice discovers the Mad Hatter at the brink of death. After Alice tearfully says that she believes him, the Hatter awakens and reforms back to his normal self. The Wonderlanders go to the Red Queen's castle and find the Hatter's family shrunk and trapped in an ant farm. The Red Queen apprehends them and steals the Chronosphere from Alice, taking her sister back to the day she lied about the tart. By the time Alice and Hatter get there, the Red Queen and her past self see each other. This creates a time paradox, and Wonderland quickly turns to rust. Using the Chronosphere, Alice and the Hatter race back to the present, where Alice is able to place the Chronosphere back in its original place. With the Chronosphere stabilized, Wonderland reverts to normal. The Mad Hatter reunites with his family. The White Queen apologizes to her sister for lying, and both of them make amends. Alice bids her friends farewell and returns to the real world where her mother refuses to turn Alice's ship over to Hamish, and the two set to travel the world on behalf of their own company.
In Latina, 100 kilometers from Rome, Luisa Santini is said to have murdered her husband's lover, Norma Zeitzler. The defendant asserts her innocence, but the evidence speaks against her. Prosecutor Turrisi sees the chance of getting a promotion to Rome through this case and is making sure that the process is pushed ahead in great haste. Only the young and inexperienced defense lawyer Marco Manin doubts Santini's guilt. Turrisi eventually wins the guilty verdict and is promoted. Luisa Santini is sentenced to ten years in prison for manslaughter. Marco Manin then changes from criminal to civil law out of disappointment with the judiciary.
Luisa Santini will have three years off her sentence for good conduct, so that she will be released after seven years. Manin, who apparently also has a romantic interest in Santini, picks her up from prison and helps her with the first steps in freedom. He also determines the current address of her husband, who meanwhile lives with a new lover in Rome. When Santini visits her husband, she sees that the supposed new lover is Norma Zeitzler, for whose murder she was convicted. In a blind rage, she kills the woman and subsequently insists that she can no longer be prosecuted because she has already served the sentence. Nevertheless, she will be tried again.
Lawyer Manin then decides to defend Luisa Santini and also to reopen the old proceedings, Turrisi acts again as public prosecutor.
Krazy lives in a barn with his farm animals. Whenever he has no farm work to do, he plays on his piano.
One day a pig in black coat and sunglasses comes to the farm. He then puts up a stand to sell liquor. His first customer is a cow. The cow, after drinking a few ounces, then heads to tell the other animals. They too are instrested as they flock to the stand.
Eventually, Krazy learns of this when he sees an intoxicated chicken. Though he reprimands that fowl for drinking, he also becomes interested when other animals come and offer him a bottle. And when he too drinks and gets intoxicated, Krazy celebrates by playing a piano and singing the song ''Down by the Old Mill Stream''. The animals join his singing.
After playing his instrument, Krazy goes to collect milk from a cow. It turns out what he tries to milk is actually a donkey. The angry donkey pushes Krazy back and smashes the pail on his head. A real cow shows up feeling sympathetic for Krazy as the cartoon irises out.
Oswald and a big badger are sitting on a bench in a park. Momentarily a pretty female cat walks around and sings the song ''A Bench in the Park'' (this song was used earlier in ''King of Jazz''). When she drops a handkerchief, Oswald and the badger rush to pick it up. Upon picking, they pulled the handkerchief until it is rip apart. When the cat passes by again, Oswald snags part of the badger's clothing onto a nail on the bench. The badger rushes again and ends up wearing just his undergarments. Oswald then approaches the cat as the other guy runs away in embarrassment. But before he could spend a long time with her, the badger returns in a wine barrel before kicking Oswald in the rear. The kick is so strong that Oswald is sent into space.
Following a long trip after being booted, Oswald finds himself landing on the planet Mars. He encounters a lot of bizarre animals before meeting their king. When the Martian king asks for his identity, Oswald introduces himself by singing his theme song. The king likes his song, and so do the bizarre animals. After everybody parties around for several moments, a giant spider-like creature comes to the scene. All the other animals run away, including Oswald. Oswald continues to run until he reaches an edge. Without any other place to go, the rabbit is forced to jump. Oswald falls and finds himself moving in space again. On the way, he finds a meteoroid which he rides on.
Back on Earth, the badger and the cat are recently married as they walk around in their wedding outfits in the park. The cat, however, does not seem to enjoy her newfound relationship. Suddenly, Oswald's meteoroid drops by, striking and knocking the badger unconscious, later knocked Oswald for a second. The cat appears to be overjoyed by the sight as the badger got knocked out, laying down on the sidewalk, and the cat and Oswald walks towards the badger's stomach and gives Oswald a kiss. Later, the cat goes on to date Oswald.
After military leaders are assassinated, Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins), receives word that his father, Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger), was among the people assassinated. Attempting to track down David Simpson (Doug Allen), the assassin, a renegade 75th Ranger Regiment sniper, Brandon finds out that his father isn't dead and realizes that he is being used as bait.
Pluto chases a kitten through a window and right into Mickey's lap, causing a mess in Mickey's house. Mickey scolds Pluto for his cruel attitude towards cats, adding that he will have "plenty to answer for on (his) judgement day" if he keeps this up. Mickey then goes off to wash the kitten while Pluto falls asleep in front of the fireplace.
While asleep, a phantom cat goads Pluto into chasing him, over Mickey's objections, and Pluto is lured into a trap where he is shackled and put on trial as the cats declare him "Public Enemy No. 1" for all his crimes against cats. All the cats Pluto tormented testify against him: a tubby kitten speaks of being flattened by a steamroller, a psychiatric patient is wheeled out to demonstrate the post-traumatic stress disorder he developed from Pluto's barking, and three young kittens sing of how Pluto stole their meals and drowned their Uncle Tom (as Tom's nine ghosts briefly appear). Pluto is inevitably found guilty and is about to be burned alive by the angry cats, when he wakes up after a hot cinder from the fireplace strikes his rear. Pluto rushes off into the tub to ease the burn, and Mickey, washing the kitten, urges the two to make up, which each one readily does.
Three couples - one Australian, one English, one American - encounter each other on a cruise.
Jim Tahna, a quiet and solitary man, explains in voice-over narration his hatred of society and his employers, though he enjoys his work as security guard, as it allows him long periods of solitude. On his vacation time, he engages in dark tourism, the visitation of murder sites. His current subject is Carl Marznap, a mass murderer and arsonist. He leaves Yonkers, New York, to visit Carl's home in California. His neighbor at the cheap motel in which he stays, Iris, turns out to be a prostitute. Nervous, Jim fumbles in conversation with her, then states in voice-over how much he hates prostitutes. At a local restaurant, he meets Betsy, a friendly waitress. Jim introduces himself to her as Carl and falsely claims that his sister has been diagnosed with cancer. Betsy and Jim draw closer over their difficult lives, and she invites him to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
On his tour of Marznap's home and crime scenes, Jim becomes increasingly disturbed by hallucinations and vague flashbacks. Eventually, Jim hallucinates Marznap himself, who urges him to teach the world what it feels like to be a victim. Once tortured and gang-raped in juvenile detention, Marznap explains that he sought revenge by burning down a church, as he blamed those people for doing nothing to help him while his father abused him. After the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Jim and Betsy bond further, and Betsy invites him to dinner at her house. Betsy offers him marijuana, and he reluctantly accepts. When she tries to kiss him, he becomes agitated and demands that they have sex without any affection. When she asks him to slow down, he berates her and leaves. Marznap encourages him to visit Iris. A trans woman, Iris has anal sex with Jim, and he flashbacks to a childhood gang rape.
Jim and Carl discuss their shared experiences, and Jim expresses his belief that he is broken beyond repair. The next day, at the restaurant, Betsy apologizes to Jim, and he calls her disgusting. She runs away crying, and Jim returns to his motel. Jim breaks into Iris' room, scares off her client, and beats her savagely. After he berates Iris, God, and the kids who raped him, he takes Iris to the church, where he strangles her. Marznap and Jim then discuss what to do next; Marznap counsels him to commit suicide, and Jim slits his own throat. In the epilogue, the police reveal that Jim has killed six trans-women prostitutes on his various dark tourism trips, and a young man visits Jim's house as part of his own dark tourism. Around a hole in the wall in Jim's house, a message reads, "From this void, no one returns!"
The story of ''North Wind'' takes place in a small town surrounded by the mountains. Every winter there, a special event called the "Love Letter Festival" is held. The idea, is that if you write a letter to the person that you have feelings for, and post it at the local shrine on the 26th of December, which is the day after Christmas, then you will get to meet that person. Makoto Akizuki, the main protagonist and player character, has been living in Tokyo for the last three years, and is now visiting that town.
is the protagonist of the game. He lived in Tokyo for three years before moving to the small town where his relatives live. Makoto is the only character to not be voiced in the game. He is accompanied by a junior at his school, , who is also the main heroine of the game. She is very gentle and kind, but has a weak constitution. Another heroine in the game includes , a mysterious girl who has lost her memory, but due to her bright, cheerful personality, she befriends Makoto quickly. Makoto also has a childhood friend called , she grew up with Makoto like a brother and sister since they were both little. Kanon has a very honest personality, and works part-time in a cafe.
An additional heroine called was added in the PlayStation 2 port of the game. Other characters include , another childhood friend of Makoto, and is one year older than him. She is an older sister figure for him. The last heroine is , a kind and polite shrine maiden.
The film narrates the story of Mrs Badmus (Abiola Segun Williams) who owns a multimillion business empire (Da Costa Holdings), but her son Olumide (Desmond Elliot) is very wayward and is not interested in running the business. Mrs Badmus eventually reveals to her son that she is dying of cancer and she has few months left to live. She gives a condition that if he wants her to be happy, he needs to marry Hope (Uche Jombo), the financial director of the company and a very dedicated employee. Mrs Badmus also feels Hope is the perfect wife that can keep her son's wasteful spending in check when she is no more. Olumide orchestrates a plan with her girlfriend, Sabina (Nadia Buari) and Olumide starts to fake his love for Hope, waiting for the day his mother will die. However, Mrs Badmus' Will states that Olumide has to be married to Hope to have her properties; If anything otherwise happens, Hope should have the properties. Olumide has no other choice than to marry Hope, but however frustrates her with everything after wedlock, while still going out with Sabina. Hope, who continues to play a good and faithful wife despite her husband's attitude, finds out that she is also suffering from Leukaemia. Olumide eventually falls deeply in love with Hope, but it is too late because she now has few months left to live.
In 1752, Shay Patrick Cormac (Steven Piovesan) is a new recruit to the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins, whose potential is offset by his insubordination. While Shay trains with the North Atlantic chapter under the Assassin Mentor Achilles Davenport (Roger Aaron Brown), the Assassin Adéwalé (Tristan D. Lalla) arrives with news that Port-au-Prince has been devastated by an earthquake during their search for a Precursor site. Due to his experience captaining ships, Shay is tasked to retrieve a Precursor box and manuscript linked to the temple from the Templars. However, Shay begins to question the Assassins' motives after they refuse to engage in dialogue with the Templars, instead ordering Shay to assassinate them regardless of circumstance.
In 1754, after recovering the box and manuscript, Shay delivers them to Benjamin Franklin (Rick Jones), whose experiments on the box generate a map that shows the locations of more Precursor temples around the world. Ordered to investigate a temple in Lisbon, Shay inadvertently triggers a devastating earthquake when he tries removing the artifact at its center, leaving him guilt-ridden. Deducing that Port-au-Prince was destroyed similarly, Shay is horrified to learn that Achilles intends to continue the search for Pieces of Eden, endangering more lives. He steals the manuscript and attempts to escape with it, but is cornered by the Brotherhood. Shay is shot and left for dead before he can destroy the manuscript.
Cast adrift, Shay is found by Colonel George Monro (Graham J. Cuthbertson), who saves him and leaves him in the care of Templar sympathizers in New York City. After recovering in 1756, Shay cleans out Assassin-allied gangs that are extorting the citizenry, catching Monro's attention, who convinces Shay that he can improve the lives of others. After retaking his ship, the ''Morrigan'', from the Assassins and recruiting Christopher Gist (Richard M. Dumont) as his quartermaster, Shay agrees to assist his newfound Templar allies. With the Seven Years' War in full swing, Shay helps the Templars keep the colonies under British control, despite the Brotherhood's efforts to stop them. In the process, he discovers the Assassins have not given up their search for the Pieces of Eden, and vows to stop them. After killing Le Chasseur (Chimwemwe Miller), Kesegowaase (Danny Blanco-Hall), Adéwalé, Hope Jensen (Patricia Summersett), and Louis-Joseph Gaultier de La Vérendrye (Marcel Jeannin), only two members of the Colonial Brotherhood remain: Achilles and his second-in-command, Liam O'Brien (Julian Casey), once Shay's best friend.
Shay and the Templar Grand Master Haytham Kenway (Adrian Hough) pursue the Assassins to the Arctic, where another Temple has been located. After eliminating the Assassin expedition, Shay and Haytham enter the Temple to find Liam and Achilles, who have realized that the artifact is a means to stabilize the world, not a weapon to control it. During the confrontation, the artifact is accidentally destroyed, triggering another earthquake. As the four escape, Shay and Liam duel as they are evenly matched in fighting skills, though it was cut short as they fell to the ground once the earthquake shook among them, and Liam is fatally injured as a result. Shay returns to his ship as Haytham overpowers Achilles. Shay persuades Haytham to spare Achilles, to ensure knowledge of the Temples is not lost, so the Assassins will not pursue them again. Haytham agrees, but chose to permanently cripple Achilles to prevent the latter from ever operating as an active Assassin again.
Tasked by Haytham to recover the Precursor box from the Assassins, Shay spends the next sixteen years tracking it down. In 1776, with Benjamin Franklin's unwitting help, Shay infiltrates the Palace of Versailles in France and kills the Assassin Charles Dorian to obtain the box. He reaffirms his commitment to the Templar cause, and suggests that the Templars should soon start their own revolution in response to the actions of Connor and the Assassins in America.
In the modern-day, the player is an unnamed Abstergo Entertainment employee tasked with researching Shay's memories. During their investigation, the player inadvertently trips a hidden memory file that infects the Animus servers. Abstergo is placed in lockdown, and the player must clean the Animus servers by living out Shay's memories. Juhani Otso Berg (Andreas Apergis), a senior Templar, orders the player to upload Shay's memories to the Assassin servers, to weaken their resolve. The Brotherhood responds by cutting off communications. In a mid-credits scene, Berg thanks the player for their help, and gives them a choice: join the Templars, or die. The player's decision is not revealed.
The film takes place during Christmas Eve when a citywide blackout traps the tenants in The Ravenwood. As the building's occupants try to escape the building they find themselves stalked and attacked by terrifying creatures. The group must work together in order to escape and survive the blackout.
Six years after ''Petals on the Wind'', Cathy and Chris are happily married and living in California with Cathy's sons, Jory and Bart. Bart feels lonely and outshone by his older brother whom his parents seemingly favour. One day, a woman entirely dressed in black moves into the mansion next door and invites Bart and Jory over for tea and cookies. During this, she explains to them that she is rich but has no family except for her butler, John Amos. She takes a picture of them for a keepsake, and asks them to visit her often. Jory declines, but Bart agrees after she promises to give him anything he wishes for. Bart is curious as to why he has no other relatives, both he and Jory being aware that Chris is merely their step-father. Jory tells him that their maternal grandmother is in a mental hospital and that all of Chris's relatives are deceased. The woman lavishes treats and gifts on Bart, including a pet python, and eventually tells him that she is in fact his grandmother, Corrine. John Amos gives Bart a journal that belonged to his great-grandfather, Malcolm, and makes him promise never to reveal it to his family. Bart reads Malcolm's fanatical entries and writings, referring to beautiful women as sinful and degrading, which begins to leave a deep impression on him.
One night, Cathy places three beds in the house attic, which worries Chris about her behaving similarly to their mother. However, Cathy insists that she is only creating a back-up plan in case her and Chris's incestuous secret is ever exposed and they face the possibility of losing the children. She pleads with Chris to adopt Cindy, one of her ballet students, whose mother has died from cancer, and he agrees in order to calm her down about losing their family. Bart soon goes missing and the family discover him unconscious in the woods due to an infected cut on his arm, leading him to be hospitalized. Bart starts to suspect that his parents are keeping secrets from him, and he confronts Corrine over a painting of a boy who resembles Chris since he believed she had never met him. Corrine confesses that Cathy and Chris are both actually her children, leaving him horrified at his parents' incestuous relationship.
Bart starts to withdraw and lash out at his family, greatly worrying them. Bart begins to pressure Corrine to tell him about his biological father, about whom he knows nothing. John Amos continues to influence Bart regarding the sins and hypocrisy of the family, further straining his relationship with his parents and brother. Jory soon finds the family dog killed, and begins to believe Corrine responsible for the change in Bart. He tries to convince Bart to stay away from her, but Bart blackmails him into staying quiet and calls him weak for feeling emotion. Feeling pressured by Bart, Corrine admits that his biological father is her late second husband whom Cathy seduced to get back at her. Corrine then reveals how she wants Bart to become the child that she never got to have with his father, vengefully wishing to steal him away from her daughter.
Having become resentful towards Cindy since her adoption into the family, Bart attempts to drown her in the kiddie pool when she calls Cathy "mommy". However, he is stopped by Jory. As punishment, Chris locks him in the attic. Bart then begins to shout that they are "the devil's spawn" and that Chris is "fornicating with his sister". Realizing that he knows about their secret, Cathy and Chris desperately wonder how he could have found out. Bart is placed in a mental hospital and claims that it was Malcolm who tried to drown Cindy, leading doctors to suspect that he suffers from a mild case of schizophrenia. Jory goes to confront Corrine, who tells him that Cathy and Chris are siblings, which horrifies him. Jory then tells Chris that Corrine is living next door, and Chris goes to confront her. Corrine begs for Chris to forgive her and let her be part of her grandsons' lives, but what she wants most of all is to raise Bart as her own son. Chris rejects her and demands that she stay away from his family and children.
At Cindy's dance recital, Cathy sees Corrine in the audience and falls off the stage in shock, injuring her leg so severely that she is no longer able to dance. Jory's paternal grandmother, Marisha, comes for a visit upon hearing about Cathy's accident. However, she has learned about Chris and Cathy's true relationship and threatens to turn them in to the police for incest, wishing to take Jory into her own custody. Cathy is put on edge and argues with her, but Marisha insists that Jory's current living situation is unhealthy for him and points out how "nuts" Bart is. Bart, overhearing this, storms out of the house with Cathy chasing after him. He runs to John Amos, who tells him that if he cannot deal with the sins and hypocrisy of his family, then he should not be with Corrine either. John Amos tells him that she is a sinner just like his parents, due to her committing incest with her half-uncle, who was Cathy and Chris's father. Cathy goes to Corrine's mansion to find Bart, and finds a portrait of her siblings and herself. She confronts Corrine about involving herself in her children's lives and orders her to leave her family alone. Corrine pleads for forgiveness, but Cathy rejects her and blames her for ruining the life she and Chris worked so hard to build and maintain. Corrine asks Cathy if she truly does love Chris, which Cathy confirms and blames Corrine for.
During this, John Amos comes into the room, knocks both women out and forces Bart to lock them in the barn. Corrine wakes up, at which John Amos reveals his disgust over the family for their incestuous bloodline and his plan to burn them alive and finally end the "family's cycle of abomination". Bart, however, intervenes to save his family and soon runs off to get Chris. John Amos sets the barn on fire just as Chris and Bart arrive to rescue Cathy and Corrine. Believing that they are about to die, Corrine professes her love for her children, and Cathy embraces her, confirming her forgiveness. Chris rescues Cathy as Bart tries to save Corrine, but John Amos attempts to attack him. Corrine manages to stab him with an arrow which gives Bart enough time to escape, but she is unable to do likewise and burns to death alongside Amos. Realizing how much he loves his parents despite their history, Jory decides to remain with them and threatens his grandmother Marisha that he will never forgive her if she reports Cathy and Chris.
Afterwards, Bart calms down and even begins to form somewhat of a good relationship with adopted sister Cindy. Jory and Melodie make up their strained relationship and everything appears to be returning to normal again. However, Bart begins secretly dressing like Malcolm and still has his journal, hinting that he has not recovered from his madness.
Thirteen years after ''If There Be Thorns'', Cathy and Chris arrive at Foxworth Hall, which has been re-built by Bart, for his 25th birthday party. Bart has remained obsessed with Malcolm and has an estranged relationship with his mother and uncle/stepfather due to their incestuous relationship. He has even changed his last name to Foxworth in order to emphasize his distance from them. His anger and hatred is particularly aimed towards Chris, though still showing a deep love for his mother. Jory and his wife, Melodie, arrive to announce she is pregnant with twins. Everyone but Bart is excited about the news and Bart is jealous of his brother because he secretly lusts after Melodie.
The next day, Cindy arrives and Bart welcomes her with contempt, not even wanting to acknowledge her as his sister due to her merely being adopted. At the birthday party, Jory and Cindy perform a ballet for the guests, but Jory has an accident that leaves him paralyzed from the waist down and ends his dance career. Melodie is distraught since she is unable to live with a husband who cannot dance, nor make love to her again. Cindy suspects that Bart was responsible for the incident since he had updated his insurance policy the day before the accident. When confronted with this suspicion, Bart denies this to Cathy and Chris, but they do not fully believe him.
As months pass with Jory hospitalized and Melodie becoming more depressed, Bart takes advantage of her vulnerable state and seduces her. When Jory comes home, Corrine's will is read and Bart is enraged to learn that he will inherit the Foxworth estate only on his 35th birthday, leaving Chris as the guardian of his money until then. Cathy discovers Bart and Melodie's affair when walking in on them having sex. Bart tells Cathy that Melodie loves him and points out that Malcolm was obsessed with his own mother until she abandoned him and how much he hates seeing his own mother with Chris. Cathy then confronts Melodie and threatens to ruin her life if she does not start supporting her husband Jory. Jory however soon attempts suicide by drowning himself in the pool, but is saved by Chris. Following this, Melodie promises Jory that she will be more attentive to him, but she soon tries to continue her affair with Bart, who having had her, rejects her. Cindy brings home a new boyfriend, Lance, to meet the family during dinner. However, Bart beats him after catching the two having sex. Despite his hatred towards her, Bart nevertheless starts to lust for Cindy.
On Christmas Day, Bart deliberately confesses his affair with Melodie to Jory, and the shock causes her to go into premature labour. She gives birth to a boy and girl named Darren and Deirdre. However, she shows no interest in them as well as Jory and abruptly abandons them. Bart follows Cindy meeting with another boyfriend at a bar and confronts her on her way home through the woods and, in the heat of the moment, has sex with her. Cindy is interested in having a relationship with Bart and admits that she has genuine feelings for him, even revealing she knows about Cathy and Chris' secret, but he rejects her, having sated his lust. Devastated, Cindy returns to school in New York.
Chris decides to look for a new house for Cathy, Jory, the twins, and himself to give Bart his own space. They hire a nanny, Toni, to take care of the twins. Bart starts pursuing her, which troubles Cathy since she was hoping Toni would end up with Jory instead. Bart soon accuses Toni of being with him merely for his money and breaks up with her. He then forces the family to attend a baptism at the Foxworth chapel for the twins and almost drowns Deirdre in the font, causing Cathy and Chris to decide to leave Foxworth Hall with Jory, Toni, and the twins to get away from sociopathic Bart. Bart has a mental breakdown and accuses Cathy of abandoning him for Chris, and blames her for ruining the family. He is about to kill her with a dagger before he is stopped by Jory. Finally seeing that it is hopeless to help him, Cathy decides to leave Bart for good. As he returns home after finding them a new house, Chris pulls over to help a stranded motorist and is struck by a passing truck, which kills him instantly.
Several hours pass before the police arrive to inform the family of Chris' accident and death. This causes Bart to realize his wrongdoings and how he has pushed people away. He realizes his love for Cindy and confesses to her when she comes home for Chris' funeral. Bart remorsefully gives a moving eulogy at Chris' funeral and is thankful to Chris for raising him when he did not need to. In the end, Cathy reveals that Jory finished his recovery, has married Toni, and they are raising the twins and expecting a child together. Bart becomes a televangelist and marries Cindy. However, Cathy chooses to remain at Foxworth Hall as she continues to mourn the loss of her beloved Chris. One day, she goes up to the attic, sits by a window and, as she envisions yellow paper flowers, there is an implication that she had died of a broken heart.
''The Message to the Planet'' centres on Marcus Vallar, a charismatic former mathematician and painter who has abandoned both these pursuits, and on a group of London friends, former associates of Vallar, with whom he has broken off contact. The plot begins with the decision of Alfred Ludens, a young history professor, to seek out his former mentor Vallar in the hope that he can restore his friend Patrick Fenman to health. Fenman is apparently dying of a mysterious wasting disease and believes that his illness is the result of his having been cursed by Vallar.
Ludens finds Vallar living in the country with his daughter, a young woman named Irina. The three return to London, where, by a combination of physical manipulation and verbal exhortation, Vallar initiates Fenman's recovery. Ludens is convinced that Vallar is a brilliant philosopher and that it is his responsibility to help Vallar to express his thoughts in writing, something he is reluctant or unable to do. After a short period living in London, Irina arranges for her father to be admitted to Bellmain, an exclusive mental institution in the country near Salisbury Plain, where she will live with him in a cottage. Ludens is appalled by the suggestion that Vallar is mentally ill. He moves into a hotel in the nearby village and continues seeing Vallar daily in the hope of getting him to write, while trying to convince Irina, to whom he has become engaged, that Vallar should be removed from the institution.
Before long the story spreads that a healer who has raised a man from the dead is living at Bellmain. A group of new age travellers on their way to Stonehenge arrives, followed by others wishing to see him. Marcus Vallar begins making public appearances to his visitors, on whom he makes a strong impression of holiness. He also receives people asking for healing. However, he later renounces his position as a holy man.
The book's secondary plot concerns a ménage à trois involving the artist Jack Sheerwater, who had been Vallar's painting instructor, Jack's wife Franca, and his mistress Alison. Jack has had mistresses in the past, and has told Franca about them while assuring her that these extramarital relationships are temporary and insignificant. However, he decides that his relationship with Alison is to be permanent, and that all three should live together. Franca, still in love with Jack, acquiesces at first, but eventually she decides to leave him, as also does Alison. By the end of the novel Marcus Vallar has died, Ludens is no longer engaged to Irina, and Franca is still married to Jack, while Alison has left him.
Chief, an undercover cop posing as a drug dealer, humiliates another drug dealer, Tony, by beating him and his underlings up and then sells some fake marijuana to bar girl, Stella. Meanwhile, a terrorist organization led by Suzuki blow up a school van, which kills, Mark the son of the American consul, Mr. Robinson, who received a call from the FBI the previous night regarding the terrorists' arrival to Hong Kong. Senior Inspector Hui Tat-ming Regional Crime Unit worries the case will affect the international reputation of Hong Kong's security, but his superior officer, Superintendent Lee, informs Hui he is no longer in charge as the case has been transferred to the Special Branch, led by Chief Inspector Terry Chiu. Lee and Chiu had actually set up a secret special unit to take care of the case. Chiu later follows an Arabian firearms buyer but is caught and he fights his henchmen who manage to escape, but Chiu picks up one of their wallets. The Arabian goes to the club where Stella works where her friend and her cousin, Yeung attempt to get intel from. However, Chief shows up at the same time and gets into a fight with Yeung while Stella encounters Tony and gets urinated on by him
At Mark's funeral, Hui arrives and attempts to ask information from Mr. Robinson, who refuses him. Hui then strikes a conversation with Catherine, Mark's cousin who is a reporter from the New York Times. Hui later follows a suspicious criminal, Ironman, who snatches his pistol runs away from him. When Hui later discovered Ironman is an expert of electronic remote, he believes Ironman is involved in the explosion and arrests him but Lee orders Hui to release him due to lack of evidence. Later, Hero, an undercover cop posing as a taxi driver drives two female members of the terrorist organization and follows them but they beat him in a fight before fleeing. Suzuki then receives a call from his boss to bomb a supermarket.
Hui believes the case is politically influenced and asks Catherine whether Mr. Robinson told her anything about a politician coming to Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Lee and Choy briefs with the special unit, whose member include Chief, Yeung, Hero, Stella'a friend and Ironman, who is also an undercover cop, the operation to take down the terrorists. Ironman finds small-time criminal Snake Ming to bring him to arms dealer, Uncle Kwan at his yacht claiming to sell to an Arabian client. Uncle Kwan had just completed a transaction with Suzuki before Ironman arrived, but Suzuki comes back and kills Kwan. At this time, Hui arrives Suzuki and Ironman flee. Hui then abducts Ironman from his hideout and beats him while attempting to interrogate him. As a result, Hui was suspended from his duties.
Chief and Yeung encounter Tony and gang and fights them where Stella attacks Tony but is heavily injured. At the hospital, Stella expresses her love for Yeung but he rejects her because of his dangerous life, but Chief consoles her telling her about his rough childhood. Due to their failure in actions, Chiu announces they will have a new plan to take down the terrorists, who found out the US military politician will hold a meeting at the Special Duties Unit (SDU) headquarters and will assassinate him.
While dejected, Hui goes out to dinner with Catherine, who tells him the US military politician will arrive on Sunday. Afterwards, Catherine finds her car vandalised by thugs at the parking lot but she turns out to be a capable fighter and beats up the thugs. Meanwhile, Chief receives a call to arrive at the terrorists' hideout at No. 1 Austin Road while hanging out with Stella, who overheard him and follows. However, she is caught by the terrorists and the special unit attempts to save her. However, she is killed when she is kicked off the building.
Hui later finds files of the terrorists organisation and confidently calls Lee that he will solve the calls. He then goes to Catherine's home to tell her to warn Mr. Robinson of his safety. However, one of the female terrorists show up, revealing Catherine to be the mastermind behind the terrorist organization. Hui fights the female terrorist, but Catherine stabs him and throws him in the swimming pool. Catherine then goes to Chiu's officer and lures his special unit to an abandoned building of illegal immigrants from China while she and her terrorists raid the SDU headquarters, killing a number of officers. When they go into the meeting room, they find it empty and on the screen projector, a clip with Hui in front of the hospital shows up, revealing he survived the stab, where he informs them they are being surrounded. As the terrorists attempt to leave, the special units arrives on time and engages in a major fight with them. After the terrorists have been defeated, Hui arrives and reveals to Catherine that he had sent the US military politician to a safe place a week ago and the meeting went smoothly before she is arrested.
Danilo is a boy with a positive attitude and an inner strength that nothing in the world can break. He has to work hard to buy food for himself and his dog Tomás, who is his best friend. Danilo looks forward to his mother coming back one day. Due to the circumstances, he will meet an old man, Don Julián, and they will unite the joy of childhood with the wisdom of age. In addition, Danilo will meet a rich girl, Alejandra, with a totally different life from his. However, her affection is so great that they become best friends, despite the difference in social class.
In Egypt, a three-sided pyramid is discovered buried beneath the desert surface by an archaeological team led by Dr. Miles Holden. After a remote-controlled rover vehicle sent to map the interior goes offline the team enters the pyramid to recover it. They soon become lost and enter a room with an unstable floor that collapses beneath them, injuring Zahir whose leg is crushed and pinned beneath debris. Sunni attempts to climb back up but is attacked by an emaciated feline creature and forced to retreat. The team leaves Zahir to look for a way out. Moments later, Zahir's screams are heard - the team return to find only his severed leg left pinned under the rock.
Chased through a tunnel by a pack of the creatures, they are rescued by an Egyptian soldier who is then killed by a larger creature. The team comes upon a carved mural that depicts passages from the Book of the Dead and its guide to immortality – Anubis's weighing of the heart for access into the afterlife. Sunni falls into a pit and is impaled on several spikes before she is set upon by the creatures. The team try to rescue her but she succumbs to her injuries and they are forced to retreat.
The team finds a burial chamber which contains the corpse of a 19th Century explorer along with his journal detailing a possible escape route. As Holden examines the map a clawed hand stabs through his chest, tearing out his heart. His daughter Nora and cameraman Fitzie flee, but after realizing they're trapped, they return to find Holden still alive tied to a large scale. The large creature re-enters the room and Nora identifies it as the Egyptian god Anubis, who weighs Holden's heart to determine his worthiness to enter the afterlife. He dies when Anubis eats his heart.
After Anubis leaves, Nora and Fitzie decipher hieroglyphs in the chamber that indicate the pyramid was constructed to imprison Anubis, who is seeking to reunite with his creator, Osiris. They find an air shaft with a ladder left behind by the soldier, but are pursued by Anubis, who kills Fitzie. Now alone, Nora is captured by Anubis. Tied to an obelisk, she uses a blade hidden in her hand to cut through her bonds. Once free, she wounds Anubis, who is then attacked by a horde of the cats. Nora climbs her way to freedom and collapses just before clearing the pyramid's exit. She awakens to find a child playing with her camera. Anubis suddenly appears from the dark and lunges at them as the screen cuts to black.
The night of the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot has finally arrived. At the Gala, although Spike hopes to enjoy the Gala together, Twilight Sparkle and her friends quickly separate to enjoy it in their own ways, but each of them soon finds their experience fall well short of their expectations. Twilight intends to talk privately with Princess Celestia, however she is repeatedly interrupted by having to welcome other guests to the Gala. Rainbow Dash attempts to impress the Wonderbolts after their performance, however their time is continually taken up by other attendees. Rarity spends time with Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood hoping to fall in love with him, only to discover that he is self-absorbed and obnoxious. Applejack opens a stand to sell her family's apple products to the other attendees, but makes minimal sales. Fluttershy ends up scaring away the animals she wishes to see in the castle gardens. Pinkie Pie tries to become the life of the Gala, but learns that the Gala is a different kind of party than what she dreamed it would be.
As events mount, the friends' actions lead to a mass of chaos in the grand ballroom. They regroup with Spike later at a donut shop and express their disappointment with the night's events, but are soon joined by Princess Celestia, who explains that she had invited Twilight and her friends to liven up the normally boring Gala, and is happy with what happened. Everyone agrees the night to be the "best night ever."
In Milan, Giacomo is a good real estate agent. But he fights with his wife, because he does not stand his life, and wants to be the guy globetrotter of yesteryear. The two are separated, and Giacomo tries to change his life with Jessica. However, Giacomo has to deal with the problems of the life of a grown man, because he can no longer act like a kid.
Following a Miss Universe-style contest in Miami, Florida, the five semi-finalists are flown to Nassau, Bahamas in a flying boat along with the American contestant's stage mother; the group's escort, Kate Malloy (Stella Stevens); Miss Beautiful Master of Ceremonies Marv Barker (Phil Silvers) and a deadheading pilot, Paul Fabiani (Gary Collins).
At the airport, no one notices notice two men in flight mechanic's coveralls board the aircraft and conceal themselves. The two, members of a Symbionese Liberation Army-type revolutionary terrorist group, hijack the aircraft, killing the co-pilot when he attempts to send a warning over the radio. The surviving pilot lowers the aircraft to 200 feet to avoid radar and lands on a small uninhabited island that has World War II-vintage buildings. What the two terrorists do not know is that a deadly contagious nerve agent is aboard.
Awaiting the kidnapped passengers is Layla Burden (Sheree North), de facto leader of the terrorists who will kill the captives one by one until a $5 million ransom is paid.
Back at the small Miami airport the flying boat left from, security manager Mike O'Toole (Chuck Connors) meets two government agents, who are not from the Federal Bureau of Investigation but from an unnamed government agency with higher authority. The two agents are accompanied by several soldiers wearing American combat uniforms without insignia carrying automatic weapons.
Mike is shocked that the government agents not only have no intention of paying the ransom, but will instead get a fix on their position from the next radio transmission of their demands and launch an airstrike to kill the lot of them, including the hostages. Mike concludes that the captive's only hope rests with him.
After being expelled from the magical realm of Fillory, magician Quentin Coldwater returns to his alma mater, the magical college of Brakebills, as a new professor. There he is finally given a discipline, the repair of small objects (minor mendings), and spends his spare time studying an ancient spell found in his travels through the Neitherlands, the magical space between worlds. Near the end of his first semester, he rescues a student, Plum, after a magical prank gone wrong, revealing to Quentin that Alice, now a niffin (a malicious spirit of pure magic), is still alive. The school's dean expels Plum for the prank and fires Quentin for failing to follow protocol in his rescue attempt.
Needing money, Quentin and Plum independently join a gang of magician thieves led by a talking bird intent on stealing a mysterious suitcase. They are interrupted during the heist by a competing group of thieves with translucent golden hands; a battle and chase ensue, and the survivors disband. The suitcase contains an old book and a blade capable of killing a god, and one of the gang reveals she is Asmodeus when she takes the blade to kill Reynard the Fox; Quentin and Plum take the book. Written to tell his side of the story before he dies in the second world war, the book is Rupert Chatwin's memoir and tells the story of how his family discovered and inhabited Fillory and then of how he accompanied Martin as he sells his humanity to Umber to be able to stay in Fillory.
In Fillory, Eliot and Janet learn from Ember, the ram god, that the magical realm is dying. After Eliot leaves for Earth, Janet, Josh, and Poppy continue searching for answers in a hidden castle (after receiving a clue from Rupert's book sent by Eliot) where they find Umber, confronting him just as an apocalypse begins.
In New York, Quentin and Plum use a spell tucked into Rupert's book to create a new magical land, but, missing an ingredient, the spell goes wrong and creates an eerie mirror image of their house in which Alice is trapped. Eliot arrives from Fillory to share the news of that realm's demise while Quentin uses the spell from the Neitherlands to restore Alice to her human form. Initially furious at being reincorporated, she tells Quentin, Eliot, and Plum of her travels, which included going back in time to the dawn of Fillory when a tigress goddess sacrificed herself to give life to Ember, Umber, and eventually Fillory itself. The talking bird arrives, desperate for help, and reveals he was sent by Ember; Quentin throws him out, and slowly begins to reconcile with Alice.
Quentin, Plum, Eliot, and Alice travel to the Neitherlands, where they encounter their former classmate Penny, now a powerful librarian with new, translucent golden hands that some of his subordinates have emulated. They meet Janet, Josh, and Poppy escaping the end of Fillory, but Quentin and Alice refuse to give up, travelling back to the dying world. There, Quentin, mimicking the beginning of Fillory, sacrifices Ember and Umber to assume their power and rebuild the world. When the job is finished, he relinquishes the divine power and Julia, now a demigoddess and queen of the dryads, rewards him with a brief tour of the Far Side of Fillory, where he is given a seed pod from the Drowned Garden and informed that Asmodeus was successful in killing Reynard.
Eliot, Janet, Josh, and Poppy return to Fillory as its rulers and Plum joins them to find her own adventures. Quentin returns with Alice to New York and attempts the spell to create a magical realm again, this time with the seed pod. He succeeds, and he and Alice head into the land to explore. To Quentin's surprise, they encounter the "cozy horse" a large horse made of cloth that was described in the "Fillory and Further" book series. After getting on the horse, Quentin and Alice discover that their new world is connected to Fillory.
In the year 2005, a contest is organised to convince French people on the interest of space research and its budget. The contest consists of a scratch game with millions of scratchcards, where the two winners will receive tickets for space. The winners leave for the French orbital station with two professional astronauts and a scientist. However, once in space, the adventure takes an unexpected turn. One of the contestants, who cheated to obtain his ticket, is revealed to be a dangerous madman seeking for revenge.
Moe and the owner of King Toot's have a fight and are arrested, forcing their businesses to be closed down. Because of this, Homer and Lisa have to buy a saxophone reed from a retail music store. Whilst there, Homer buys a bass guitar and he plays it wherever he is. Annoyed, Marge meets up with other wives in town who also have been annoyed by their husbands' constant playing. They decide to have their husbands form a garage band so they will not always have to listen to their music. Homer gathers Reverend Lovejoy on guitars, Kirk Van Houten on keyboards, and Dr. Hibbert on drums. Apu later joins as the lead singer when they hear him sing a classic song called "Hopin' for a Dream" by the famous (fictitious), heydey, 1980s glam metal band, Sungazer. They call their band Covercraft and start playing shows. At a gig at the Cabbage Festival, Apu admits to Homer that he has stage fright, but Homer suggests that he picture himself alone at the Kwik-E-Mart to cope. The gig is ultimately successful, the band gains recognition and Sungazer sees the video and asks Apu to replace their dead lead singer.
When Homer first sees the success Apu has gotten, he is happy to announce that his friend is becoming rich and successful, until Kirk mentions his jealousy and Apu points out that Sungazer are playing in Las Vegas. When Lisa calls out his jealousy, Homer corrects her, stating he is envious, not jealous, because he wants what someone else has, whereas being jealous is being afraid someone will take what you already have. Lisa quickly looks it up in a dictionary and realizes he is right. Without their lead vocalist, Covercraft's rehearsal sessions grind to a halt when Kirk volunteers to replace Apu and Homer criticizes his vocal abilities. When the others tell Homer to calm down, he angrily breaks up the band.
Marge reminds Homer that he did not start the band to become rich and famous, and encourages him to go to Sungazer's concert in Springfield Costington's arena to show his support for Apu. At the concert, Homer uses a backstage pass to sneak into Apu's dressing room and steal his special Apu shirt, but then overhears the band denying Apu vacation time to spend with his family and mentioning his contract instead. Apu sees Homer and admits that he feels lonely and homesick. Homer decides to take revenge on Sungazer by having Sanjay poison them with Kwik-E-Mart hot dogs. Apu brings out the reunited Covercraft to perform until Homer and Apu are arrested by Chief Wiggum for food poisoning. Sungazer's concert subsequently falters while Sanjay mingles with the groupies.
Chief Wiggum is mistakenly delivered a military jet pack, which he gleefully accepts. He is later found by a military general who originally bought the jet pack, and received his order for an off-brand dust ruffle. Wiggum tries to escape, but is shot down by the general's soldiers. The jet pack goes off course and crashes into the church, causing massive damage. Because Reverend Lovejoy did not get an insurance plan that covers "acts of God" the company gleefully denies his claim and the building is left unusable.
The congregation, led by Marge, must resort to gambling and counting cards, taught by Apu, in order to collect money to pay for the repairs. Marge then proceeds to go to the casino with Sideshow Mel, Ned Flanders, Agnes Skinner, Lovejoy and his wife Helen. They win enough money for the church but Homer finds out (Marge lied to him that they were preparing a comedy revue to raise money for the church) and goes looking for Marge at the casino. The casino then holds Homer hostage in exchange for the return of the money won, but the church already gave it to the contractor, who refuses to give it back.
Marge prays in the middle of the casino which attracts a huge crowd. Having data that shows the prayer is a "disturbance" that is hurting business, the manager releases Homer and allows Marge to keep the money won for the church in exchange for Marge and her group leaving and never returning. Homer then demands that the casino stop treating people who count cards as cheaters when all they are doing is playing by the rules, so a robot picks him up and throws him into the street. Homer and Marge then enjoy a lovely sunset in front of their fully restored house of worship.
Hansel (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit) and Gretel are two simple children who live with their father and stepmother. Although they have little resources, they are happy. One day the stepmother is irritated by the food shortage, and makes the children go to bed without dinner. (When the children protest, the stepmother replies, "I should worry! Nuts to you!") The stepmother then talks to the father about taking the children deep in the forest to be abandoned. The father is too timid to argue. Hansel and Gretel overhear their conversation.
The next day, the stepmother takes the children into the forest. Hansel picks up a sunflower, and drops its seeds on the way to mark their path. Eventually the stepmother tells the children cover their eyes, pretending she has a surprise for them, and abandons them. Hansel is optimistic that he and his sister will have no trouble getting home, but to his dismay, discovers that forest birds have eaten the sunflower seeds.
Lost in the forest, Hansel and Gretel come across a cottage made of candy. They eat pieces of the house. A voice inside invites them to come in. Upon entry, the two little rabbits are met by a hag who grabs them.
The hag places Hansel in a cage to be fattened before she eats him. Gretel, however, is hung on a column of the house, reserved for some later purpose. The hag offers Hansel a whole roasted turkey, which he allows a rat to eat. Impatiently, the hag seizes Hansel, and tries to stuff him in the oven. Hansel, however, gets out of her grasp and runs. He then helps to free his sister. After a comic chase scene, the little rabbits manage to trick the hag into running into the oven. (Instead of perishing in the fire, as in the Grimm Brothers' version, the scorched hag flies out of the chimney and lands in a barrel of molasses, and runs away, barrel and all.)
Back at home, the father laments for the lost children but the stepmother shows no regret. To their parents' surprise, Hansel and Gretel have returned home somehow, even managing to drag home the entire candy house. When the stepmother asks if the children have brought something home for her, they offer her bags of nuts, exclaiming, "Nuts to you!"
A violent slaughter occurs in an abandoned house in Louisiana where three college students are found dead. Detective Mark Lewis (Frank Grillo) examines the crime scene and finds a shocked survivor, John (Dustin Milligan), before calling reinforcements. Several police cars then arrive at the house alongside an ambulance with psychologist, Dr. Elizabeth Klein (Maria Bello). She talks to John, who tells her that a seance performed in the house called the attention of many spirits, including one he identified as his mother, and that two of the group members – his pregnant girlfriend, Michelle (Cody Horn), and her ex-boyfriend, Bryan (Scott Mechlowicz) – are still missing.
The following scenes consist of two interlaced plots: one shows the interrogation of John by Dr. Klein and the investigation of videotapes found in the house by police officers, and the other shows the actual events (often filmed by a camera) that John and the five other visitors of the house experienced, including several paranormal phenomena.
Bryan is later found alive but runs away from the police, ending up cornered in a store. John hears the news on the police radio and, in a fit of rage, grabs a radio, shouting at Bryan to tell him where Michelle is. Bryan begins to act strangely while John almost goes into cardiac arrest. Elizabeth screams for Mark to stop Bryan before he kills John, wherein Mark promptly shoots Bryan dead.
Mark returns to the house and discovers a secret area where he finds Michelle. As the paramedics are rolling her on the stretcher, Elizabeth discovers that John killed everybody at the same time that Detective Mark finds John's lifeless body hanging.
As it turns out, the "John" that Elizabeth was interrogating was the demon, who, as he begins to make Elizabeth choke, elaborates on the events that transpired – the seal the group found in the living room is what bound him to the house; John's mother was supposed to be the vessel of his escape, his possessing John, killing everybody and that he needs to cross the seal – in order to set himself free. The lights begin to turn on and off, and as Mark bursts open the door, he vanishes just as Michelle is wheeled out of the house.
The film concludes with Michelle in the ambulance showing a sinister figure moving in her belly.
Tas and his friends have adventures with rockets and spaceships.
Players assume the role of a Dr. John Pilgrim, who has a wife named Penny and a daughter named Molly. Pilgrim is the leader of a small group of scientists who have discovered what seems to be the cure for cancer, titled E48K15. They soon realize that the experimental cure doesn't just kill cancer cells, but all living cells as well. The cure is released into the air, and the player is given 6 days to save the Earth.
''Señorita Pólvora'' follows Valentina, a young, beautiful and wealthy woman who falls for a hit man and thus discovers that the love of her life, and her own family, belong to one of the most powerful of Mexico drug cartels. The chronicle of their explosive life and its gradual descent into the world of crime.
''Brilhante F.C.'' revolves around the lives of five young girls who gather up to form the first female soccer team in Santa Rita do Sapucaí, rural zone of Minas Gerais. Together, they cope with the prejudice and the difficulties of dealing with a team without monetary resources and state aid in the middle of an inner city. Meanwhile, each one deal with their own personal problems, such as religion choice, puberty, love relationships, and schoolwork.
Finn and Jake are kept awake by an unsettling horse that does nothing but stare at them with its big eyes. Eventually, after a night of attempting to get the horse to leave them alone, the two discover that it is actually the Ice King in disguise; he is trying to learn the secret to being happy like Finn and Jake.
Issue One starts with the trial of Khan Noonien Singn on stardate 2259.246 (September 3, 2259). Khan is brought forward, where he states that he rejects the court's authority. But Kirk note that the defendant calling himself Khan, looks nothing like the records of Khan Noonien Singn and asks him who he really is. In New Delhi in November 1971, a group of children are gassed and taken by masked men. A year later, in January 1972, Doctor Heisen is talking to a group of investors about investing in his eugenics experiment to create super soldiers. Heisen then takes a look at his test subjects, 24 boys and 15 girls, when he notices one with one leg being picked and notices his fury when he beats them. A year later, Dr. Heisen is in his office with the crippled boy who is seen to have regrown his leg through the genetic experiments that have been performed on him. Heisen shows the boy his computer and explains how he wishes for the boy to use it to unlock all of the knowledge of the world, the boy named Noonien Singh. By 1979 all the children make progress in their intellectual and physical prowess. Doctor Heisen observes a sparring session between Noonien and another boy using real knives. After scratching the other boy and seeing his wounds heal instantly, Noonien tests his own regenerative powers by impaling himself with both of his knives. While in a recovery room, Noonien hacks into the facility's security system and disables it, then proceeds to escape by digging out through the solid rock floor. Dr. Heisen goes to retrieve Noonien from the Gobi desert by incapacitating him using a neural inhibitor that has been implanted into all of the subjects. In August 1985 Noonien Singn presents Heisen with a box filled with all of the students removed neural inhibitors. He crushes Dr. Heisen's skull with his bare hands before informing his companions that the world is waiting for them.
Category:2014 comics debuts Category:Comics based on Star Trek Category:Prequel comics Category:Sequel comics
On the eve of his wedding trip (destination Sanremo) Alfredo Riva learns that he had won a contest of "Playmen" whose prize is a five-day vacation in Jamaica together, day and night, with the beautiful playmate Christine. Reached the Caribbean island with the unsuspecting wife Graziella, Alfredo has to use a series of subterfuges of which will end up making expenses.
In Italy there's the 2000s, bringing fresh air. In several episodes, Carlo Vanzina offers a glimpse of the typical behavior of the Italian character of the middle-class who is struggling with beautiful women, betrayal, love affairs, and much more.
The film is about a satire on modern life and on the nature of power, interweaving many subplots to create an overview of young people's lives today. It is told in an experimental visual- and editing style. The film has been called an experimental film.
The film consists of four chapters that are explicitly named in the storyline. Their names correspond with the general theme of each chapter:
Lucy Brennan is a tough, sadistic, foul-mouthed, bisexual personal trainer. When she’s not finding new ways to insult her clients and hitting Miami’s nightclubs, she diligently tracks her calories with an app called Life map. Lucy leaves a failed romantic evening. She gets caught up in a chase—one gunman and two fleeing homeless victims on the road she finds herself on. In an instant, she reacts and knocks the gunman to the ground, allowing the victims to escape.
She becomes a huge media story when the incident is recorded by Lena Sorenson, an overweight, successful, sculptor who is sorely lacking in self-confidence. Lucy's heroic intervention to stop the murderous assault gets a lot of media attention and unsurprisingly, Sorenson’s video turns Brennan into a media sensation. The story competes for airtime and America’s rapt attention with a story about conjoined twins Anabelle and Amy and the should-they/ shouldn’t-they debate about a risky separation operation so Anabelle can have sex with her boyfriend.
Lucy Brennan is a body-obsessed personal trainer, and Lena Sorenson is a food-obsessed sculptor. They are both fascinated with shape and form and suffer from trauma-induced ruts.
In an exciting twist, it turns out that the two frightened men; Lucy saves from the angry gunman, turned out to be paedophiles. The media focus shifts quickly from the heroine to whether she should have stopped a victim of sexual abuse from taking his revenge.
We find this all out just as Lucy and Lena are getting closer, the latter having hired the former as her trainer. What initially appears to be a one-way relationship bordering on stalking, Lena to Lucy, turns out to be much more. Lena gradually becomes Lucy's obsession, and more specifically Lucy's obsession with removing the fat from Lena's body.
When Lena keeps sneaking key lime pies, Lucy's behavior turns abusive while her interest in Lena turns perversely sexual. Lena is finally drugged and imprisoned in an abandoned apartment complex after she runs out of patience. Lena finally manages to lose weight thanks to her captor's blueberry and protein shake diet, which leaves her alone in her home gym and treadmill. Despite being cuffed to a pillar and urinating into a bucket, she still looks amazing.
Just as America becomes obsessed with the sex lives of the twins, Lucy and Lena become increasingly intertwined with one another’s lives- what starts as a seemingly innocuous. However, this curious friendship soon explodes into an intensely sadomasochistic tango, which leads to kidnapping, commando-regulated diets and murder.
Two very different families live in the village of Santa Lucía who are involved in a whirlwind of passion, pain, and revenge. The rivaling families are the Mendozas and the Alcocers.
Severiano Mendoza and Candela Santana are a rich and powerful marriage who live at the ranch, "Las Ánimas", along with their young son, Cristóbal. Roberta and Raymundo Alcocer also have a daughter named Aldonza; however, they do not live with the same luxuries as the Mendoza family, which causes frustration and resentment in Roberta as nothing is enough to fill the inferiority complex that follows her like a shadow.
Successful lobbyist Leah Vaughn breaks up with her boyfriend, Dave King, because he refuses to commit to her wishes of starting a family. Two months later, she meets Carter Duncan, a charming man who works in IT for another company. They quickly grow close and he works his way into the hearts of her friends and family. On their way home from a trip to San Francisco to meet her parents, a stranger at a gas station asks Leah about Carter's Dodge Charger. Carter viciously attacks the man, and Carter and Leah drive off when the station's owner orders them to leave. Distraught over his actions, Leah decides to break up with him that night.
Over the next several weeks, Carter stalks Leah at her job, and makes numerous phone calls, even after she changes her phone number. Unbeknownst to Leah, Carter also gets into her house with her spare key. He goes through her belongings, hacks into her computer, and abducts her cat. She finally decides to go to the police, meeting with Detective Hansen, who advises her to keep records of any further attempts Carter makes to contact her. Leah later finds a threatening note and a single red rose attached to her car and files a restraining order against Carter, causing him to lose his job.
Later, Dave contacts Leah about rekindling their relationship and Leah eagerly agrees. One night, Leah and Dave find Carter watching them at a restaurant, and Dave grimly warns him to stay away. They notify the police and, after Hansen interrogates Carter over the violation, Carter feigns innocence, stating he had no idea she was there and that Dave was aggressive towards him. Hansen lets him go.
One night, Leah's neighbor, Mrs. McCarthy, discovers Carter inside Leah's house, and he pushes her down the stairs, killing her. Carter secretly videotapes Leah and Dave as they sleep and make love and uses Leah's work email account to send the video to her co-workers and her business's clients, causing her to be suspended from her job. Carter also sabotages Dave's car, causing it to crash, and suffocates the injured Dave.
Both Leah and Hansen are certain that Carter is involved in Dave's death, though they lack the evidence necessary to incriminate him. After investigating further, Hansen learns that Carter's real name is Robert Adams, and that he changed his identity after a similar series of harassment. With the situation escalating, a concerned Hansen relays a story to Leah of a friend of his that bought a 12-gauge Remington shotgun that he loaded with two bean bag rounds and five live shells. Hansen explains that the bean bag rounds, if fired first as warning shots, would give justification in the event of an intruder and implies that Leah should take such action, leading to Leah buying a shotgun.
Leah discovers Robert, with a new identity, with another woman. She frightens her off and files another restraining order against him in front of his new employers, once again getting him fired. She then manages to find his hideout, where he monitors her, as well as finding her cat. She destroys his numerous computers and leaves, daring him to come after her again.
That night, Robert breaks into Leah's home, and, after luring him to an empty room, she aims her gun at him. After managing to knock the gun out of her hand, a struggle ensues. Leah manages to recover her shotgun and, per Hansen's story, shoots Robert twice with bean bag rounds as a warning to make killing him justified, while claiming that the bean bag rounds are all that she has in the shotgun. When Robert persists in attacking, believing that Leah cannot kill him, Leah shoots him with a live shell from the shotgun; a fatally wounded and stunned Robert only has enough time to hear Leah confess that she lied about having no live shells before dying. A now-relieved Leah reports Robert to Hansen as an intruder, and the police cart his corpse out of her house.
Documentary filmmaker Darren convinces his friend Anthony to travel with him back to his hometown in Georgia and make a film about Darren's brother, Rusty, a flower deliveryman. With the help of the blind voice actor Mr. Emerson, they follow the reluctant subject throughout his delivery schedule despite his objections. While filming, a zombie outbreak occurs, and Rusty insists that they continue the documentary. Annoyed with the disruption from zombies, Rusty attempts to shoot around them and maintain his creative vision, which does not allow for zombies in his artistic documentary.
Tullio Venturini, a retired widower, has a daughter, Anna, who is an actress. However, he is the only one not to know that she works in the industry of porn. When he turns out the truth goes in full crisis. The daughter will be able to rebuild her relationship with him as to make him participate in a biopic about her career as a hard diva.
A stranger, calling himself Jeff Young, imposes on rancher Lucy Lee for a meal and a night's rest, then saves her from being robbed. Jeff helps deliver her cattle to town, where he encounters Kit Banion running her saloon, ''The Maverick Queen''.
Kit is secretly in cahoots with the notorious Hole in the Wall Gang, led by Butch Cassidy and Sundance, and a jealous Sundance is angered when Jeff beats him at poker and attracts romantic interest from Kit, who offers Jeff a job as a faro dealer. He reveals he is actually Jeff Younger, a relative of the Younger Gang outlaws, and wants to help Kit and her associates with their illegal holdups.
Lucy is held captive by Sundance after a train robbery, and Jeff ends up killing him to save her. Holding off the other outlaws while their cabin is on fire, Jeff is helped by Kit, who is shot and dies in his arms. The posse arrives, whereupon Jeff confesses that he is actually a Pinkerton detective, working undercover to catch the thieves.
In the small town of Brescello, skirmishes are continuing between the parish priest Don Camillo and the Communist mayor Peppone Bottazzi. After staging a theft of Don Camillo's prized chickens in retribution for a political prank pulled by the priest, Peppone decides to enter the big time of politics by standing for national senator. Peppone has been assisted by a winsome young lady comrade sent from the big city to assist him, but the mayor's wife - suspecting more - complains to Don Camillo, who endeavours to remedy the threatened domestic breakdown.
Tanya X works as an agent for the ''Bureau of International Knowledge Intelligence and Nonstandard Investigations''. Her assignment is to solve a problem with an operating radio station which is actually a cover for communicating the ''Federal Bureau of Investigation'' and the ''Central Intelligence Agency''. Tanya X also races against time to save Samantha Rhinehart, the daughter of the radio station's owner, from the evil Fay Wong.
In Brescello, Don Camillo and Peppone have left for Rome, after yet another battle royal. Don Camillo has become a monsignor, while Peppone has become a national senator. Both retain their pure and provincial spirit, not suitable to the crude realities of the city, and so they both contrive to return to Brescello. While Don Camillo is planning - in secret - the wedding in a Catholic ceremony of the son of Peppone, the mayor tries to bribe the bride's father to undergo a civil wedding. Don Camillo responds with a proposed deal on the sale of a gas station. Since Peppone, being a Communist, cannot be seen to deal with money, having won the lottery, he decides to hide the ticket. Don Camillo unmasks him, and the two return to fight, as they prepare once again to leave for Rome.
Nolan (Grant Bowler), Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) and some E-Rep soldiers make a raid at the Need/Want to arrest Mahsuvus Gorath (Merwin Mondesir), an Irathient man who works for the Votanis Collective (VC). The E-Rep has information about a bomb in New York City and Mahsuvus can give them details of where it is. As Mahsuvus is interrogated, Amanda (Julie Benz) gets a phone call from a stranger who asks her to help Mahsuvus escape otherwise Kenya (Mia Kirshner) will die.
Nolan tortures Mahcuvus with shrills in order to give them the information they need but shrills do not work on Mahcuvus. Viceroy orders the use of an ego implant, so they can get the information they need from Mahcuvus' memories, even though the implant will be fatal. Amanda knows that if Mahcuvus dies she will never get Kenya back. She informs Nolan about the call and asks his help. Nolan tells her that he can not do anything about Mahcuvus but he asks her hailer so he can track the location of the blackmailer the next time he calls.
Irisa convinces Nolan to let her go and track the blackmailer since she can not be killed. On her way though, she has a new vision and changes her direction. She gets trapped by the Castithan woman Irisa attacked back in the Angel Arc and Irisa tells her that she was the one who started everything and who attacked her. While they talk, Sukar (Noah Danby) appears along with Bertie and all the people who got "attacked" and are now like Irisa. Irzu (Katie Douglas) tells Irisa that everything now begins and she names it "Arkrise".
Back in Defiance, Stahma (Jaime Murray) is interrogated as well about how she and her family is connected to Mahcuvus. She tells Berlin (Anna Hopkins) and Tommy (Dewshane Williams) that her husband has some business with him but nothing more. She then goes to Datak (Tony Curran) to warn him about it, especially after she learn that the E-Rep was going to implant an ego device to Mahcuvus, since she knows that Mahcuvus was providing him and Rafe (Graham Greene) with weapons to use to overthrow the E-Rep government. If the E-Rep finds out about this, they are going to kill all three of them, so she gives Datak a rifle and asks him to "take care" of the issue.
In the meantime, Kenya tries to escape and manages to get away for a while before her captor gets her again. Kenya manages to send a message to Amanda to not do what they asked her but when Kenya is recaptured, Amanda goes on with her plan to help Mahcuvus escape. She manages to get him out of the interrogation room but Nolan gets in time to stop her before they leave the town. This gives the opportunity to Datak to shoot and kill Mahcuvus but before he dies, Mahcuvus gives the location of the bomb to Nolan.
Amanda blames Nolan for what happened and for Kenya's death since now that Mahcuvus is dead, the VC people are going to kill her. Nolan promises her they will take Kenya back since VC do not know that Mahcuvus is dead. Nolan dresses up like Mahcuvus and pretends to be him to the exchange. Nolan shoots the blackmailers who escape and they leave Kenya behind. Amanda and Kenya finally meet each other again.
In a small town in Appalachia, Autumn's father died in a coal mining accident, and her boyfriend Lonnie died the same way. She thinks that the fatalities would not have happened if the owner of the mines, Douglas Osbourne, was concerned about others. His son, Brian Osbourne, is angry with his father because of how he treats others, so he decides to not inherit the business. Due to her belief that Douglas murdered her husband because of his disregard for others, Autmn decides to go up against him and his business. Autumn becomes a successful businesswoman by working at a store and a bar. Both the store owner and bar owner fall in love with her, but she is only interested in stopping Douglas.
High school student Laura Barns committed suicide by gunshot after an anonymous user uploaded a video of her passing out and defecating at an unsupervised party, and the video went viral. One year later, her former childhood best friend Blaire Lily is chatting with her boyfriend Mitch Roussel on Skype, during which they agree to lose their virginities to each other on prom night. Soon after they are joined by their friends and classmates Jess Felton, Ken Smith, and Adam Sewell, and an unknown user known as "billie227."
The group of friends tries various ways to get rid of the intruder but are unsuccessful each time. Blaire looks up the account and realizes that it belonged to Laura Barns, revealing "billie227" as Laura even though the friends are still incredulous about this possibility. The group suspects that a classmate, Val Rommel, is pranking them. After they invite Val to their chat, Jess's Facebook page is updated with embarrassing photos of Val at a party. Jess denies uploading the photos and deletes them from her account, but the pictures instantly reappear on Adam's account. Val receives a message or picture not visible to the others, but which she considers a threat. Angry, she calls 911 to report that she is being harassed, and abruptly leaves the chat. The group receives a photo of Val and Laura's Facebook messages from before Laura's death, with Val telling Laura to kill herself. Val reappears on the chat, sitting motionless and silent next to a bottle of bleach before collapsing. Police officers arrive shortly after; the friends eavesdrop and learn that Val died from a presumed suicide. User "billie227" then sends each of the friends a personalized message proving intimate knowledge of their secrets; in Blaire's case, which is the one visible to the audience, this turns out to be a couple of pictures revealing that she had an affair with Adam. Ken distributes a program to remove "billie227" from the chat, and then attempts to call the police. However, the 911 operator turns out to be the intruder and re-enters the chat, revealing a camera view from the other side of Ken's room. He approaches the camera source and his Skype is briefly cut before it shows him killing himself with a blender.
Billie/Laura forces the remaining four friends to play a game of Never Have I Ever, stating that the loser will die. During the course of the game, it is revealed that Jess started a rumor that Blaire had an eating disorder; Blaire stole and crashed Jess's mother's car; Mitch made out with Laura (although he says it was one-sided on her end and he pushed her off), and also reported Adam to the police for dealing cannabis; Jess stole $800 from Adam; and Adam offered to trade Jess's life for the others in the group. Tensions flare and a drunken Adam finally loses his temper and uses the game to force Blaire to reveal that she is no longer a virgin, having slept with him behind Mitch's back. Mitch is distraught and retaliates by forcing Adam to admit that he roofied a classmate, raped her while she was unconscious, and then forced her to abort the resulting pregnancy.
Blaire and Adam receive messages sent remotely to their printers which they refuse to show to Mitch and Jess. Mitch threatens to leave if Blaire does not show the note and Laura warns that Mitch will die if he signs off. In a moment of panic, Blaire shows her paper which states: "If you reveal this note, Adam will die." Adam shoots himself, revealing he had the same note, except it was for Blaire.
Laura continues the game, asking Jess if she defaced her grave. When Blaire convinces Jess not to continue playing, Laura cuts the lights in Jess's house and disconnects her video feed. Blaire looks for help on Chatroulette and has a stranger in Nevada send police to Jess‘s house. Soon after, Jess‘s Skype reconnects showing her with an activated curling iron forced down her throat, killing her.
Laura cuts the lights in Blaire's and Mitch's houses, wanting them to confess who uploaded the video. Blaire tells her that Mitch was the one who posted it; Mitch grabs a knife and stabs himself in the eye. Laura thanks Blaire, but begins counting down again. Blaire attempts to remind Laura about their friendship, but Laura uploads an extended version of the party video to Blaire's Facebook which reveals Blaire as the camera operator for the original video. Laura's spirit then slams Blaire's laptop shut and violently lunges at her.
Walter is a non-commissioned officer of the Navy, while Raf is a ship's cook; they become great friends but unfortunately they fall in love, without knowing it, with the same girl, Sonia, who clearly prefers the most brilliant Walter. The girl does not have the courage to reveal it to Raf, who believes instead that she loves him to death.
Mondardini and Battistini, two old men on their own, strike up a friendship and decide to go on an expedition. While Mondardini, driving a beautiful old Lancia Aurelia, is a man of culture, Battistini is not and his view of life is soured since his wife left him when his leg was amputated. They head for Bordighera to see a childhood friend of Mondardini, but on arriving find that he has just died. Turning round, they head for Portofino and in a restaurant meet a young woman going to St Tropez whose friends have accidentally left her behind. Although Battistini refuses to enter France, Mondardini drives across the frontier while he is asleep and delivers the grateful girl.
In the middle of August the two men can find no room for the night and at least find something to eat at a dance for old folk. Outside they meet the girl they brought, who has rejoined her friends, and they all go to a quiet spot beside the sea where the two old men are given their first joint of marijuana. Waking in the morning they are surrounded by naked people, for it is a nudist beach. Thirsty, they ask for water at an industrial plant nearby, where the man in charge gives them recycled sewage.
Driving to Cannes, they meet Germaine, who has just lost everything in the casino. The two take her to lunch, which is ruined for Battistini because the chef is Riccardo, the man who stole his wife. When Riccardo says he can have his wife back, Battistini refuses. That night Mondardini takes Germaine to the casino and wins back for her all she had lost. She gracefully refuses his offer to spend the night in her room, only to find that Battistini has sneaked in. She lets him stay on the floor, while a grumpy Mondardini sleeps in the car.
In the morning the two men quarrel fiercely and Mondardini drives off to Portofino alone. Battistini wangles a ride in a bus full of German tourists, which is halted by an accident: Mondardini's car is smashed and he is being loaded unconscious into an ambulance. Battistini wangles his way into the ambulance, where he loudly proclaims the merits of his dying friend. Then a jolt brings Mondardini back to life, and he starts bantering with Battistini all over again.
Marie (Sonia Suhl) is a shy sixteen-year-old growing up in a remote fishing village in Denmark where she lives with her father Thor (Lars Mikkelsen) and mother (Sonja Richter), who is catatonic and confined to a wheelchair. She's bothered by a strange rash that develops on her chest, only to become more unnerved when she begins to sprout hair. During this time Marie begins working at a fish processing plant where her coworkers bully her under the false premise that it is hazing and not intended to be malicious. As Marie's body undergoes more changes, she begins to realize that her family has been hiding strange secrets and that her mother's current condition may relate to what Marie is currently going through.
During the Mexican Revolution a small town is presided over by a tyrant (Telly Savalas) who commands a grizzled outlaw (Al Lettieri) and his men. Also in town is a priest (Robert Shaw) with a violent past, who has abandoned his clerical duties. A widow (Stella Stevens) arrives with her faithful servant (Dudley Sutton) promising to pay $20,000 in gold if the man who killed her husband is found and delivered to her. Further violence erupts when a brutal army Colonel (Martin Landau) arrives on the scene searching for an elusive rebel leader. The colonel and the priest knew each other years before.
The film is set in an alienated mansion in Eastern Canada that houses Marguerite, 15, the main protagonist, her mother Katherine and her maternal grandmother, Julia.
Marguerite suffers from what appears to be paranoia as is apparent when she is shown talking to her dolls, especially one named Aaron or an amoeba collected from a pond, or painting unsettling pictures in seclusion. She also takes daily shots of what she believes is insulin, although the labels have been removed.
Out of the blue, she expresses her yearning to connect with her father, Michael, a writer, who was estranged from the family for a decade and is now in a relationship with a woman named Anne. Katherine and Julia take issue with Marguerite's desire, but Michael, on the pretext of obtaining a divorce from Katherine, arrives at the hamlet with Anne and feels the need to fortify his relationship with his daughter.
In time, Marguerite's affection for her father turns inordinate and her sense of insecurity escalates as she is seen spying on the members of the household through crevices. "Aaron" murders Katherine in her bed with the aid of a wooden pole and also kills Julia.
Following these incidents, Marguerite is comforted by her father who arranges for an outing to a local beach for Marguerite, Anne and himself. It is evident to Anne that the father-daughter relationship between Michael and Marguerite is excessive as is revealed by their immoderate physical contact and Michael's doting on her, even disregarding Anne who walks away dejectedly to be met with a knowing look from Hector, the young man at the inn.
After the picnic, Anne confronts Michael about his questionable behavior towards his daughter, following which they attempt to make love. Marguerite is shown masturbating in her room, crying out for her father when she approaches her climax. Hector attempts to make a move on Marguerite and mysteriously, his boat spirals out of control, killing him. Later, Marguerite, who is intoxicated with the violent element in her personality, attempts to pounce on Anne, who has temporarily left Michael after an argument ensued, but is rendered safe by an unknown figure.
That night, Michael and Anne hear sounds of breaking glass upstairs; when Michael goes up to investigate, Marguerite, in the personality of Aaron with a stocking mask, repeatedly tries to kill him. At last she stops attacking him and retreats, collapsing in a corner, unmasking and sobbing. As he comes toward her with a troubled expression, we hear a recording of the call he made to the hospital in which Marguerite was delivered fifteen years ago, when the nurse informed him that Katherine had delivered not a girl but a boy.
Aoi Miyamori and her four best friends, Ema Yasuhara, Shizuka Sakaki, Misa Tōdō, and Midori Imai, were all part of their school's animation club, promising to make an anime together. Years later, Aoi is now working as a production assistant for the animation production company, Musashino Animation, where Ema also works as an animator, while Shizuka, Misa, and Midori are working as a voice actress, 3D graphics artist, and an aspiring writer respectively. The story mainly focuses on Aoi and her team at Musashino Animation as they work on two different anime projects; an original anime series and a manga adaptation, facing the various obstacles that each project brings with them.
In September 1937, Eugene Jerome is almost 15 and lives in a Jewish-American household in Brighton Beach with his parents Kate and Jack, his 18-year-old brother Stanley, his widowed, asthmatic aunt Blanche Morton, and her two daughters, pretty 16-year-old Nora and sickly 13-year-old Laurie. Blanche is Kate's sister, and after being widowed in her 30s, she and her daughters moved in with the Jeromes, causing Jack to take a second job to support the enlarged household. The extended family lives on the money from Jack's two jobs and Stanley's job at a men's hat shop.
Each member of the family has their own personal problems and concerns, which end up affecting the other family members. Eugene, who hopes to go to college and become a writer, is obsessed with baseball and attempting to see a well-developed girl naked, spying on both Nora and a sexy older woman neighbor. Jack loses his second job and is forced to work nights as a cab driver, until he has a heart attack and must stop working entirely to rest. Jack also worries about his cousin and other relatives who still live in Poland, due to the ominous news bulletins coming from pre-World War II Europe. Stanley dislikes his job, but hesitates to quit because the family needs his salary and he doesn't want to put more stress on Jack, whom he fears might die. Kate is fed up with the pressure of trying to take care of everyone, including her sister Blanche, who lacks confidence and is mutually attracted to the Jeromes' Irish neighbor Frank Murphy, who sometimes drinks. Blanche grieves her late husband and struggles with raising her daughters, especially Nora, who aspires to a Broadway career and wants to accept a well-known producer's offer of an audition. Blanche, finally forced to make a decision, forbids Nora from auditioning, telling her she needs to finish high school first.
Frank invites Blanche on a date, which she accepts despite Kate's disapproval. On the night of the date, Nora retaliates against her mother by leaving the house, causing Blanche to break down in tears right before Frank is due to arrive. Frank's mother, Mrs. Murphy, then sadly lets Blanche know that Frank won't be able to keep the date because he had a car accident while inebriated, is in the hospital, will likely face drunk driving charges, and then the Murphys will be moving away to get Frank help for his drinking problem. Meanwhile, Stanley confesses to his mother Kate that he gambled and lost his entire weekly paycheck trying to make up for the family's loss of Jack's wages. Stanley then leaves home to join the Army. Kate and Blanche argue over Kate's lack of sympathy for the Murphys, and Blanche plans to move out the next day, get her own job and apartment, and send for her daughters as soon as possible.
Nora and Stanley (who at the last minute decides not to join the Army because his father needs him) both return home and are reunited with their respective parents. Kate and Blanche reconcile, and Kate suggests that Blanche remain with the family while she looks for a job, and also that Blanche should move into the Murphys' soon-to-be-vacant apartment across the street. To thank Eugene for his brotherly support, Stanley gives him a picture of a beautiful naked woman. Jack receives the good news that his Polish relatives have escaped from their country and are en route to New York, and the Jeromes excitedly plan for these new additions to their household.
Leonard, still in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend Priya, meets an artist and comic book enthusiast named Alice (Courtney Ford), and they are attracted to each other. He asks Penny (Kaley Cuoco) for advice, but she does not offer anything he finds useful. He then goes to Sheldon, who quotes Friedrich Nietzsche. Leonard finds this advice helpful and goes to Alice's apartment. As they are kissing, he changes his mind and decides not to cheat on Priya. Leonard tells Alice that he is in a relationship and is thrown out of her apartment. Afterwards, he tells Priya via Skype what happened with Alice. Priya, however, admits she had sex with her ex-boyfriend. Shocked that she outright slept with another man while he only kissed a woman, Leonard ends the conversation and is left in dismay.
Meanwhile, Sheldon is the victim of a Halloween prank. He attempts to get revenge on Leonard by placing an airbag in his mailbox, but this backfires because Leonard turns it on him. Then, he hides a snake in Raj's (Kunal Nayyar) desk at work; however, Raj is not afraid of it and adores it. Sheldon goes to Howard's (Simon Helberg) house with a joy buzzer and asks to shake his hand. Howard shakes hands and then falls to the floor. Bernadette tells Sheldon that Howard had a heart condition and forces Sheldon to inject adrenaline into his heart. Howard opens his eyes and reveals that he was just pretending to faint. Sheldon then accidentally shocks himself while giving himself a face slap in frustration.
Finally, Sheldon successfully pranks Leonard; after his video chat with Priya, Sheldon jumps up from under the couch cushions dressed as a zombie. Successfully scaring Leonard, he declares, "Bazinga, punk! Now we're even."
Set in modern Los Angeles, the story of a variety of relationships told through the concept that nothing good ever happens after midnight.
A pop thriller about a multinational cabal planning to subjugate humanity by privatizing all information.
''The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story'' delves into the experiences of six unknown young actors placed into the Hollywood spotlight, exposing the challenges of growing up under public scrutiny while trying to maintain the squeaky-clean image of their popular characters both on and off-screen.
When a convicted drug smuggler leaves prison after 22 years for one youthful mistake, he just wants to start over and obey the law. But, unable to find work, he's forced to take a supposedly legitimate job with his old crime partners. And they have big plans for their newest employee.
The series follows the trial of Malcolm Miller, a man accused of kidnapping and murdering the governor's young son. A jury is sequestered in a hotel where it has to decide Miller's fate, while his young lawyer Danny Firmin starts to put together what seems to be pieces of a conspiracy. Anna, one of the jurors who believes in Miller's innocence, is soon threatened.
On the day of his graduation from high school Bruce Rhodes finds his classmates shunning him. He discovers that his father, Dr. Emanuel Rhodes, who has worked for the Terraluna Corporation for thirty years, most of that time as head of research, has been fired and the corporation is now smearing him. With a borrowed United Nations exploration ship, Dr. Rhodes intends to lead an expedition to Saturn, farther from Earth than anyone has ever gone.
Dr. Rhodes explains that he has discovered that a nuclear-explosion-driven mining machine that he invented for Terraluna will actually blast the moon apart, sending debris raining down onto Earth and destroying civilization. Terraluna's executives had dismissed him (in both senses of the term) as a crackpot, so he went to the United Nations. Requiring additional proof of his hypothesis, the United Nations has loaned him a ship so that he can go to Saturn to determine whether the planet's rings are the remains of an exploded moon.
With the other three members of the crew – able spaceman Arpad Benz (who will work with Bruce), astrogator Frank Garcia, and pilot Kurt Jennings – Bruce and his father board the ship and prepare for liftoff. The ship is launched up the side of a mountain, much of the initial boost being provided by a series of magnetic rings (similar to the ringroad that Robert Heinlein described in Starman Jones). Soon they're on their way to the moon to top off their fuel tanks, knowing that Terraluna intends to use every filthy, vile trick in the corporate playbook to stop them. In spite of those tricks, they land on Mimas, Saturn's innermost moon, and set up camp. Immediately Dr. Rhodes takes one of the rocketship's two lifeboats and flies it into the rings. Radio contact is lost as the signal is lost in intense static. While waiting for radio contact to resume, Bruce and the others find artefacts, signs that an alien city once occupied the ground on which they stand and has since crumbled into the gravel on which their ship and camp sit.
When radio contact still has not been reestablished and only one day remains before the expedition must leave Saturn to return to Earth, Bruce takes the other lifeboat and flies into the rings. With some effort and luck he finds his father, whose rocketboat had broken down, and the two men return to Mimas just in time to see Garcia and Benz take off in their rocketship and head for Hidalgo. So intent are Garcia and Benz on running the ship that they don't notice the lifeboat landing behind them.
Marooned, the Rhodeses decide to write down descriptions of their discoveries for future explorers to find. While the Rhodeses are exploring, two of the villains arrive, but an old Saturnian cannon destroys their ship and kills them. In the wreckage of the ship Bruce and his father find three fuel tanks, intact and full. With nothing to lose, they fuel up an old Saturnian rocket and blast off. Shedding parts as it goes, the rickety craft barely gets the men to the asteroid Hidalgo, where Garcia and Benz run to greet them and the four men settle down for a long and successful journey to Earth.
Returning to Mars from a four-year stay on Earth, sixteen-year-old Nelson Parr feels anger toward all the talk he hears about the possibility of the Earth authorities shutting down the Martian colony and bringing all of the colonists back to Earth. For a century the colonists had tried to make a living on Mars and, more importantly, to unlock the secrets of the abandoned cities that they found on the planet and now some people just wanted to give up. He’s distracted from his anger when he’s attacked by an intruder in his sleep cubicle. The assailant gets away but leaves behind, on the mirror over the wash basin, the evaporating print of a three-fingered hand. Nelson assumes that the burglar was looking for the letter that Leroy Perrault, a scientist with the Interplanetary Bureau, had given to him to pass on to his father, John Carson Parr.
After arriving on Mars Nelson learns from his father that the planet is indeed being abandoned and over the next few days the remaining three hundred colonists are put on ships and sent to Earth. But Nelson, his father, his father’s assistant (Jim Worden), and three other men secretly stay behind. Perrault’s letter has authorized this clandestine group because certain anomalous events noticed over the previous century indicate that the Martians are still present, hiding in their impenetrably sealed cities. To catch out the hidden Martians the six men ride a small rocketship to Phobos, the larger and innermore of Mars’s moons, and set up camp with their telescopes.
Weeks go by, but then Nelson sees a light in one of the cities. Over the following days the men see more signs of activity in the city and one day they see a collection of crates lying in a plaza. To keep a longer watch on the crates Nelson and Jim take their rocketship’s lifeboat to Deimos and set up the spare telescope some distance from their landing site. Jim goes back to the lifeboat to get the telescope’s other lens and when he doesn’t come back after some time Nelson goes to see what’s taking him so long. He finds that Jim has been murdered: someone bashed in the back of Jim’s helmet to let the air out of his spacesuit and then sabotaged the lifeboat and its radio.
Trying to spot the murderers while at the same time evading them, Nelson crosses the surface of Deimos in long, gliding bounds, hoping, in some desperation, to find the killers’ spaceship and somehow take it. Feeling that he’s being followed, he hides in a small, narrow canyon and, believing he’s under active pursuit, goes to its dead end and takes refuge in a cave that ends at a door. He hides in a side tunnel and watches five humanoid aliens come to the door, open it, and pass through. A few minutes later he goes through the door, through the airlock beyond, and into a large alien base under the surface of Deimos.
As he’s exploring the base he’s confronted by one of the three-fingered aliens, who introduces himself as Kunosh, the leader of the Deimosians. Hearing of Jim Worden’s murder, the timid Kunosh enlists Nelson’s help in ridding Deimos of certain bad men who, Kunosh assures Nelson, killed his friend. In the control room of the hollow moon Nelson knocks out the five aliens who he believes killed Jim, enabling Kunosh’s people to tie them up. Then he finds out that the five came from Phobos, where his father and three other men are at risk.
In response to Nelson’s demand and the taunts of one of the Phobosians, Kunosh tells Nelson that his people, both Deimosians and Phobosians, are not Martians. These aliens had originated on a planet revolving around the star Vega, where they had evolved a perfect society with a perfect culture. They want nothing to do with alien cultures, which they regard as absolutely inferior to theirs. But then they learned that the Marauders, an immense horde of interstellar pirates in a vast armada of huge, black ships, were headed their way. They responded by building two giant, spherical spaceships, loading their entire population into them, and fleeing into interstellar space for a three thousand-year journey to Sol, where they arrived and went into orbit around Mars sometime in the 1600s.
Suddenly realizing that the Phobosian spaceship must still be available, Nelson coerces Kunosh into taking him to it. They arrive in the hangar just in time to see the five Phobosians that Nelson helped capture boarding the craft and leaving Deimos in it. Returning to the Deimos control room, Nelson is put into television contact with the Phobos control room and the leaders there. The Phobosian leader demands that the Deimosians capture Nelson so that his men can pick him up and bring him to Phobos, where the Deimosians cannot secretly murder him as they did Jim Worden. Before the Deimosians can act panic breaks out – the lead elements of the Marauder fleet have been detected crossing the orbit of Pluto.
In the panic Nelson drags Kunosh back to the spaceship hangar and compels him to explain the controls of a cube-shaped vehicle. Once alone he lifts the ship off Deimos, which has thrust itself out of its orbit to head into interstellar space, where it will never be found. Phobos has also left its orbit and is headed toward Earth. Trying to keep up, Nelson is captured by the Marauders.
It turns out that the Marauders are the Martians, descendants of people taken from Earth to Mars half a million years ago by unknown visitors from the stars. Having learned the technology and techniques of interstellar flight, they tell Nelson, they pack up their entire population every ten generations or so, seal their cities, and take off on a millennia-long interstellar road trip. They have just returned from their latest adventure and find that they must now prevent a war with Earth. A single fast cruiser takes Nelson to Earth, lands at the Capitol, and Nelson and the Martian representatives convince Earth authorities that peace is best.
Helping his father on an archeological expedition in the Peruvian Andes, Burl Denning looks forward to studying engineering when he enters college in the fall. The expedition's study of Inca ruins is interrupted by the arrival of a small guided missile from California. Inside the missile they find a message informing them that over the past several days the Sun's light has dimmed all over the world, threatening the onset of a new ice age, and that the source of the dimming has been traced to a point seven miles from their camp.
Burl and his father hike to the location they were given and come to a dome surrounded by a wall. Inside the dome they find alien machinery that will not respond to their manipulations of the controls. Burl tries to pick up a small sphere and it blasts him with what feels like an electric shock. He then discovers that the controls will respond to him, so he shuts down the installation and sees immediately that the sunlight outside the dome has returned to normal.
Picked up by the military and taken to California, the Dennings are told that astronomers have detected a dimming of sunlight on Mercury and Mars and suspect it's occurring on the other planets as well. Worse, calculations show that if the Sun-stealers’ program continues, the Sun will blow up as a nova in two to three years. Fortunately the means to solve the problem stands readily at hand for those who dare to use it – a giant spaceship propelled by an experimental antigravity drive.
Burl is told that, unlike Cavorite, which H.G. Wells described in his 1901 novel ''First Men in the Moon'', the drive on A-G 17 (also called ''Magellan'') is an active device, requiring thermonuclear reactors to provide the necessary power. The drive can produce attraction as well as attraction of gravitational fields and it can concentrate the force, enabling the ship to produce tremendous accelerations. With Burl on board, the crew takes the ship into space and grabs the Sun's gravitational field to pull the ship onto a trajectory that will take it to Venus.
An error in their understanding of the A-G drive leads them to shoot past Venus, so they go to Mercury instead. There, protected by parasols, the wrecking crew invades the Sun-tap station and Burl shuts it down. An alarm flashes and some time later, just as the men have finished photographing the station, the station destroys itself, saving the Earthmen the need to bomb it. They then head out to Venus.
They find the Sun-tap station on Venus sitting on a wide mudbar in the middle of a shallow, planet-wide ocean. Inside the station Burl shuts down the alarm and then shuts down the station. Then he and his two companions must fight their way past a large, flesh-eating amoeba on their way to the helicopter that will take them back to ''Magellan''.
Mars is their next stop. While they pass close to Earth they learn that the Sun-tap transmissions have been traced and they point to Pluto as their destination. On Mars the men discover that the Sun-tap station has been built underneath a Martian city. Again Burl shuts down the alarm and then the station as the other men on his team take pictures and set a tactical atomic bomb to destroy the place. On their way out Boulton fires his gun at what looks like another alarm and is hit by a bolt of electricity. Fighting their way through a mob of the ant-like Martians, they return to Magellan and set course for Jupiter.
On the way Boulton tries to sabotage the ship, but when Burl grapples with him in an effort to stop him both men are knocked out by a flash of light. When they regain consciousness they find that Boulton is back to normal, the electric contact with Burl having freed him from the alien compulsion.
The Jovian Sun-tap station sits on Callisto. Burl shuts it down and he and his two companions leave immediately, barely escaping the explosion of the booby-trapped station destroying itself.
Partway to Saturn they encounter a Plutonian ship, a dumbbell shaped, globe-and-rod craft that launches what looks like a lightning bolt at Magellan. The bolt is absorbed by the bazooka rocket that the men had already launched at the alien ship. A tactical atomic bomb on a rocket obliterates half of the Plutonian ship, which flees.
At Saturn they find the Sun-tap station on Iapetus and, wary of booby traps, drop an H-bomb on it. At Uranus the Sun-tap station sits on Oberon and again they wipe it out with a bomb. Then they head toward Pluto, figuring that they will hit the Sun-tap station at Neptune on their way home. They soon overtake the half-ruined Plutonian ship, which hits ''Magellan'' with an energy bolt that nearly cripples the ship, but then Burl obliterates the alien completely with an atomic blast.
Arriving at Pluto, an Earth-sized world, the Earthmen discover the last Plutonian city at the north pole with two dumbbell ships hovering over it. They put ''Magellan'' into a low equatorial orbit to avoid being spotted while they finish repairing the ship.
Burl and two companions go down to the surface to explore, working their way north and landing their small rocketship several times to examine a dead Plutonian city. Finally they come to within a mile of the planet's last stronghold. They infiltrate the place, set out a small atomic bomb with its timer set for four hours, and try to leave. Discovered and chased by Plutonians, Burl is trapped and knocked out.
He regains consciousness in a transparent enclosure on the surface of Triton, just outside the main temple of the Plutonians’ lunar religion. He finds the controls and frees himself, then he joins a ragtag band of Neptunians while ''Magellan'' lures the two dumbbell ships out into space where the crew destroys them both. Inside the temple Burl finds the inner sanctum lined with glass cases containing aliens, including one of his companions, in suspended animation, waiting to be sacrificed. Burl battles the priests and smashes the cases in a desperate fight. As each alien regains consciousness it joins the fight and soon there are no more Plutonians.
With all of the Plutonians dead, the danger to the Solar System is past. Burl sees then the people of other planets and of other stars coming together in peace and mutual understanding.
In residence in the mountains of St Moritz, intertwine the stories of five characters. Nick, a poor waiter, wins a bet on a horse race, but he loses his voice. So he goes on vacation meets a rich lady. Bindo and Toni, old friends, meet them after an argument, and one falls for the wife of the other. Arturo and Beppe, also friends, participating in races with runners, stay in a chalet near the residence of St Moritz. Arturo also falls in love with a woman, but she is the wife of his best friend...
The film follows an eleven-year-old boy named Aslan (Dogan Izci) and his relationship to a fighting dog, Sivas. The initial scenes show Aslan's life at school and home. Many of the interactions with his classmates and family members display conflict.
The teacher (Okan Avci) announces at school that there's to be a performance of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves put on by the students. Ayse (Ezgi Ergin), a girl Aslan likes, is selected to be the princess and Aslan's friend Osman (Furkan Uyar) is selected to be the prince. However, Aslan wants the role, mainly to impress Ayse. Later, Aslan tries to convince his teacher to make him the prince. His teacher does not.
Echoing the later encounter with Sivas, Aslan is charged with putting his family's old horse out to pasture. He tries to shoo away the horse with stones. One of them leads to the horse falling down, as if dead. Thinking he's killed the animal, Aslan goes to get his brother, Sahin. When they return, the horse is nowhere to be found.
Many of the men in the village gather by a secluded stream (to avoid police attention) for a dog fight. Sivas fights another dog, is wounded, and left for dead. Aslan stays back when he notices the dog isn't dead and begs his brother to let him take the dog home. When refused, Aslan stays back when Sahin leaves before night falls. He tries to befriend the dog, trying to move close to him and warm him with his coat. Sahin finally returns in search of Aslan and takes both home.
Aslan cares for Sivas as he recovers. He shows off his dog to his friends and attempts to impress Ayse. Goaded by the owner of the dog that had bested Sivas, Aslan lets him fight the other dog again. Sivas emerges victorious.
One day, Aslan arrives home to find Sivas tied up. Discovering his family wants to sell the dog, he throws a tantrum. The original owners of Sivas come to make him fight again. They all travel in a car to a large meetup of dog fighters, where Sivas once again wins.
On the way back home, Aslan declares Sivas won't fight again. He is told Sivas was meant to be a fighter, so he must.
Ten years after the end of the "Great Tokyo War" that rocked Japan, most of the country's political and economic elites mysteriously vanished. As a result, the country split up into the original 10 prefectures that soon became independent city-states that competed with each other. Many vigilantes who fought in the aforementioned war became hired as the "Best" (''mosa''), representing their prefectures in territorial disputes. Their supporters, the "Rest" (''mob''), work to support them while maintaining the peace within their respective prefectures.
After a prolonged battle with Kuniko leads her friend, Masami to become seriously injured, a rookie Rest named Nozomi decides to travel around Japan on her motorcycle with her new friends, fulfilling requests for Maccha Green while they seek to grow stronger and search for special heart-shaped jewels, the moonlight stones. It is said that the moonlight stone can make a person possesses unlimited power when it is worn, especially by Bests of different regions when combat or fight happens in order to protect themselves, but may lead to serious consequences such as injury of people and damage of properties because of the force emitted by the battle or the people who used it. In reality, it is used as a fuel by aliens in outer space to operate their spaceship.
Nathan Ellis, a 9 year old maths prodigy, has just lost his father in a car accident. Nathan is diagnosed with autism early in the film, and his father was the only one who was able to connect normally with him. Although Nathan values his mother, Julie, he shuns any physical contact with her and treats her as more of a caretaker than a parent. Wanting to make sure Nathan is not distracted from his studies, Julie enrolls him in advanced classes at a new school (filmed at High Storrs School in Sheffield, United Kingdom). There, he comes under the tutelage of teacher Martin, also a math genius, who has multiple sclerosis. Martin sees himself in Nathan, once a promising young mind in the field of mathematics, who gave it all up once he was diagnosed with his illness.
Seven years later, Martin is preparing Nathan to compete for a place in the International Mathematical Olympiad, a prestigious high school competition consisting of the world's best young mathematicians. This year, it is to be held at Cambridge, after a two-week math camp in Taiwan where the students will study for the test that determines the winners. Nathan fears he is not good enough to qualify but ends up doing well enough to accompany 15 other British teenagers to Taiwan.
Suddenly thrust out of his comfort zone, Nathan finds himself no longer the smartest maths whiz in the room, and his social anxieties nearly paralyse his performance. He has trouble reading the social cues of others and flinches at the slightest physical contact with another person. Nathan is paired with a female Chinese student, Zhang Mei, who slowly helps him adjust to his new surroundings and helps him fight through his fears. By the skin of their teeth, Nathan and Zhang make the cut to compete in Cambridge.
Back in England, Zhang stays with Nathan and his mother, who is shocked to find that his behaviour has transformed into something more normal. She becomes aware that he may have feelings for Zhang, which she asks him. Not fully understanding the concept of love, Nathan is unsure how to express his feelings. He keeps his emotions bottled up as they all travel to Cambridge and settle in for the Olympiad.
Things quickly unravel when Zhang's uncle catches her in Nathan's room one morning. This causes Zhang to withdraw from the competition and leave. Nathan, who now believes he loves Zhang, is torn between her and the Olympiad. When he sits down among hundreds of other students around the world for the exam, the first question triggers memories of his dead father, which combined with his newly lost love, creates an emotional overload. At the pinnacle moment of his mathematical career, Nathan must make a decision whether to stay and pursue his dream, or give in to the pain that has haunted him for most of his life.
Nathan rushes out of the exam hall with Martin and Julie in tow. The latter finds him in a café, where he speaks of his emotional overload, both from the loss of his father and the girl who appreciated and loved him, Zhang Mei. They embrace at last, then Julie drives Nathan to the station to fetch back Zhang Mei.
In 2008, Fisher Miller (Ben Rosenfield), a young photography student, has a meeting with a wealthy businessman Mr. Carson (Roger Rees) to help him get into art school, only to be told his work reflects the decline of a generation rather than its future hope, Carson laments this as he declares his generation are going out of business in a "fire sale".
It then flashes back a month before the financial crash as Fisher moves in with his aunt Bunny and uncle Philip (Samantha Mathis and Steve Guttenberg) in Great Neck, New York, to escape his middle-class life for the mansions of the young, beautiful elite of Long Island's moneyed class. With a stash of high-quality marijuana and a vintage camera, he gains access to his gorgeous cousin Kate's (Nicola Peltz) circle of wealthy and indulged friends.
Fisher befriends the stepson of the community's richest resident, Dylan Carson (Gregg Sulkin), an insecure outsider in his own world who uses his money in an attempt to gain the acceptance he craves. Central to his pursuit is the love of his former flame Kate, now dating the preppy Todd (Grant Gustin). Through Fisher's help, Dylan attempts to regain Kate's affection only for the triangle to come crashing down, just as the financial system around them, with devastating consequences for all those involved.
Nika Tamiya, the most popular girl at her high school, is a "switch girl" — in public, she is in her "on" mode, where she is as a put-together, charismatic, and fashionable girl. However, in private, she is in her "off" mode, where she is unorganized, unfeminine, and lazy. One day, Arata Kamiyama transfers into her class and moves into her apartment building. Not only does Arata discover Nika's secret, but he also has an "on" and "off" mode, where his "off" mode reveals he is secretly handsome. As Nika urges Arata to keep her "off" mode a secret, the two begin to learn more about each other and fall in love.
The miniseries revolves around the aftermath of a birthday party for a middle-aged city employee where Harry Apostolou slaps someone else's misbehaving child, Hugo, after he attempts to hit another child with a bat and kicks Harry in the leg. Hugo's mother, Rosie, insists on criminal charges, claiming that Harry's slap has caused Hugo PTSD. Though Rosie's diagnosis is later undermined when Hugo mentions how much he misses seeing Harry, the case slowly makes its way to court. Each episode tells the story from the perspective of a different character.
Kate Wilson (Annette O'Toole), leads a double life by spending her days working in a real estate office and her nights caring for her ailing, manipulative mother (Eva Marie Saint). Once a week she tells her mother that she is staying with her friend Reba, when she is actually driving across town to stay at the Red Oak Inn, a local hotel resort which is her "escape". One of her encounters at the Red Oak Inn brings her into close contact with a serial rapist who has just stepped up to homicide.
It is the story of a mother who suffers from her three children, and one of her sons despises her and does not support the poverty in which his family live.
The story is set between 1987 and 1994 in Yonkers, New York, a city north of New York City in Westchester County, and focuses on efforts to desegregate public housing.
Federal judge Leonard B. Sand ruled against Yonkers and issued a desegregation order, mandating that public housing for 200 units – possibly scattered-site public housing ("SSPH"), which became the example of new public housing – be built in the middle-class, mostly white, east side of Yonkers. By 1988, the city had already spent $11 million in legal fees fighting against the order, including a failed effort to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. The case and resulting politics resulted in national focus on issues of race, class, and housing. Mayor Nick Wasicsko ran on the platform opposing the judge's order, but before taking office, in the face of the issue being supported by a federal appeals court, became an advocate for desegregation in Yonkers. Wasicsko and the city councillors who supported him worked out a plan to meet the court order, using the SSPH system to build the 200 homes at eight different sites of only 25 homes each, spread across a city with more than 10,000 homes. Despite this, four councillors a majority refused to vote to uphold the law, consistently opposing any limited desegregation. For refusing to follow the court order, the city of Yonkers was crippled by heavy, possibly bankrupting fines – estimated to be close to $1 million a day from a compounded charge that started at $100 a day. Basic services stopped and parks and libraries were shuttered, with 630 city workers facing mandatory lay-offs in order to maintain enough budget for police and fire services. There were ongoing protests, including Wasicsko and others receiving death threats, such as letters containing bullets with a note that “You won’t see the next one”. Wasicsko was forced to comply. The suit was finally settled in May 2007.
In addition to the Yonkers City Council members and other local politicians, two groups took opposing sides on the issue: Save Yonkers Federation, led by Jack O'Toole, who were anti-desegregation and voted to defy the federal order, and the Citizens and Neighbors Organized to Protect Yonkers ("Canopy"), who supported the court order, wanting to end the crippling fines. New York Secretary of State Gail Shaffer was appointed by then governor Mario Cuomo as the chair of the Yonkers Emergency Financial Control Board, which was in charge of the city's finances in 1988 as the fines reduced all city services and the city became bankrupt. The Housing Education Relocation Enterprise (H.E.R.E.) was a community-based organization that supported the tenants moving into the scattered-site public housing.
Yonkers hires city planner Oscar Newman, originator of the defensible space theory, to work with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development on the housing plan. Newman's theories emphasize the value of small groups of townhouses with yards, rather than multi-story apartment blocks, to provide a sense of ownership for the low income residents, while being immersed in the activities and culture of middle-class neighborhoods. The challenges of the existing projects are shown through the lives of a number of families living there.
Hoping to escape their own troubles, Wit (Wrenn Schmidt), her husband Mike (Aaron Staton), and his brother Sean (Pablo Schreiber) decide to head out into a secluded forest preserve on a hunting trip. Mike is hoping that this will help Sean deal with his PTSD while Wit is hoping that she can rekindle her sagging relationship with Mike, who seems to be more interested in spending time on his cellphone than with her. Once they reach their destination the trio is undeterred by signs proclaiming that the preserve is closed and they continue on with their vacation unabated. The already strained atmosphere is made even worse when they wake up the next morning to discover that someone has stolen all of their belongings and marked each person's forehead with a big black "X". As the trio tries to deal with their existing stresses and the new fear of being hunted, they begin to turn on one another.
The series traces the often tumultuous life of a group of friends in their mid-twenties who live in a St Kilda apartment building and are all looking for the same thing – love, sex, romance and success. The problem is they haven't worked out how to get it yet – so they make it up as they go along. Exploring sympathetic themes and establishing a recognised trifecta of homelife, lovelife and worklife, their experiences become a salient reminder that despite the struggle, juggle and balance of these things – friendship is what matters. Alex Christensen is an ambitious doctor who is riddled with insecurities and shares a flat with would-be-writer Evan Wylde who is in need of motivation and Kelly Lewis, a vivacious real estate agent who quits her job because of the affair she was having with her boss. Miranda Lang has her sighs set on stardom and together with her actor boyfriend Richie Blake, they share a flat with the no-nonsense Will McGill. Simon Trader works as a bartender at the local pub and is a source of wisdom and love. Jason Kennedy and Gabrielle Kovitch are about to get married for the wrong reasons – who will be the first to realise their mistake?
After a sudden dismissal, the engineer Andrea Ferrini, unable to find another job, begins to carry out the household chores. His wife Franca, on the contrary, is a career woman and she seems to wear the pants between the two.
After leaving their native village, Nadia and her friend travel to the big city. Along the way, Nadia gets a job in a teashop and meets Maxim, a charming and educated young geologist of whom she becomes enamored. However, Maxim already has a woman he loves, local district committee leader Valya. When Nadia leaves the tea shop and ends up in Valya's town, the latter hires her as a maid and puts her up at her house, while Valya is not aware that they have Maxim in common.
Two down on their luck Liverpool cabbies, Tommy and Gerry, strike an unusual deal with a local gangster to take their sons on a trip of a lifetime, to watch their beloved football team play in the European Cup Final in Istanbul. Hoping to use the trip as a chance to bond with their sons, big trouble awaits them in the form of a sexy hotel chambermaid, two ruthless crooks on a mission and a bag of counterfeit cash".
Albert (Jon Wachter) works the night shift as a hot-dog vendor on the Lower East Side, where he meets photographer Ivan (Theodore Bouloukos) after having a confrontation with two drunk patrons. Ivan is fascinated by the slow-witted Albert and decides to give him a job working with him at his studio, where he takes fetish photos. Albert is reluctant to participate in Ivan's photos but shows interest in the photography job and lessons that Ivan offers. When Ivan decides to go to a fashion shoot in Milan, he accidentally leaves the studio's keys with Albert- who uses this as an opportunity to lure unsuspecting women to their deaths by enticing them with promises of a modeling shoot.
Mid-level drug dealers Eddie and Frank grow restless with their limited growth potential and set up a meeting with their supplier, Madsen. Instead of negotiating, Frank impulsively murders Madsen and takes his cocaine. Eddie's excitement quickly turns to apprehension when he hears about Madsen's death, but Frank talks him into bluffing their way back into drug lord Vincent Camastra's good graces. At the same time, dirty cop Jack Reiley investigates the murder and is annoyed when DEA agent Maxwell takes over the investigation. As Frank attempts to save his relationship with his naive girlfriend, Ashley, Reiley violently bullies his informants for information, and Camastra sends assassins to kill Eddie. After Eddie engages in a brief gunfight with the assassins, Camastra himself beats Eddie unconscious. Ashley, who has become suspicious of Frank's secretive lifestyle, is shocked when Kathy and Beverly, Eddie's friends, interrupt them to explain that Camastra has kidnapped Eddie.
Beverly, an undercover DEA agent, is in a relationship with Maxwell, who is concerned that she has gone too deep. However, she protests when he requests that she abandon the case. Beverly and Maxwell expand their investigation to include Reiley, but they are forbidden from taking action until they can also get Camastra. Frustrated, they bide their time until Camastra makes his move. Frank visits Camastra, and Eddie successfully buys them two days time to pay Camastra back. At the nightclub Frank owns, Reiley attempts to blackmail him, only to be shot in his hand and left on the side of the road. Unable to explain his predicament, Reiley is put on unpaid leave and learns that Internal Affairs is preparing a case against him. Forced to abandon his plans to retire comfortably, Reiley becomes even more unstable and kidnaps Ashley. He breaks into Eddie's apartment, takes Kathy and Beverly hostage, and waits for Frank and Eddie to return.
As Maxwell and his team race to the apartment, Frank and Eddie discuss their future plans. Frank wants to retire from the criminal life; Eddie, while wishing Frank well, says that he will stay in the business and take over. Frank admits that he will miss the excitement, but he wants a normal life with Ashley, whom he plans to marry. Frank, Eddie, and the DEA agents all enter the apartment within minutes of each other. Panicked, Reiley kills several people, including Eddie and Ashley. In the chaos, Beverly sets Kathy free, and Reiley and Frank escape. Maxwell corners Reiley, and they face off against each other; reinforcements arrive just as Maxwell subdues Reiley. In the last scene, Frank mourns the loss of Ashley and speculates on what he will do next, now that both his main plan and backup plan have been ruined.
Nice guy and horror fanatic Max (Anton Yelchin) is dating the beautiful-but-manipulative Evelyn (Ashley Greene). Evelyn is an extreme environmentalist working for a blog company that promotes "going green", while Max works a dead-end job at the local horror memorabilia shop. Max often finds himself trapped trying to do whatever he can to keep Evelyn happy, including changing his diet and selling his old car. In addition to this, Max dreams of opening up a horror memorabilia shop of his own, much to Evelyn's dismay. One day at the shop, Max unloads the latest shipments and finds a Satan Genie, an object that claims it can grant anyone's wants or desires. Believing it to just be another silly item for the shop, Max places it on the shelf in the storage room and dismisses it.
Later that night, he and Evelyn have sex in the shop and make a promise to each other that they'll be together forever. Shortly thereafter, Max has Evelyn move in with him. Max and Evelyn initially decide to celebrate this new step in their relationship by grabbing a bite to eat. Wanting Evelyn to try something he enjoys for a change, Max suggests they go to a horror themed ice cream shop run by Olivia (Alexandra Daddario). Evelyn is immediately unkind to Olivia, believing her and Max were flirting with each other. As Max pleads his case to her, Evelyn tearfully admits that she doesn't want to lose him and that he is the only thing in her life that has made her happy since her mother's death.
All seems to be great until Max comes back home to discover that Evelyn has redecorated their apartment to what she finds aesthetically pleasing and has put away all of Max's collectables and posters, ruining their price values. This leads to an argument where Max states that he and Evelyn should be making decisions together instead of her taking the reins on every little thing. Feeling that Evelyn's overbearing nature will lead him to be unhappy for the duration of their relationship, Max plans to break up with her but is too scared to do so. Max turns to his slacker half-brother Travis (Oliver Cooper) for advice. Travis suggests that Max break up with Evelyn in a public place so he can make a quick getaway and have everyone present see her for the control freak she truly is. However, the plan backfires when Evelyn accidentally gets hit by a bus on her way to the park. She dies in the middle of the road while in the arms of a tearful Max.
A couple weeks go by and Max has shut himself off emotionally, feeling responsible for Evelyn's death. Travis swings by his place and, after seeing the funk he is in, encourages him to get back out and move on. Max eventually runs into Olivia again and starts to hit it off with her. As the night progresses, Max and Olivia learn that they both share the same fascination for horror. But when Max and Olivia visit the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Evelyn is shown to have risen up from the dead and has dug herself out of the ground. After Olivia walks Max back home, he is quickly greeted by an undead Evelyn at the door. Evelyn is overjoyed and believes hers and Max's love is being given a second chance and thinks they're still dating. Frightened, Max realizes that the Satan Genie from the shop made their wish of being "together forever" come true and that it has brought Evelyn back from the dead. Still wanting to pursue Olivia, Max actively attempts to hide Evelyn from her. He is also left to ponder how exactly he is going to officially dump Evelyn. Max presumes that the answer to his problems lie with the Satan Genie, only to have it shatter on the ground when he loses his footing. For his backup plan, Max then researches the occult/spell books the shop has available in the hopes of finding something that will send Evelyn back to her grave. He tries these techniques, but to no avail; as they have no effect on Evelyn whatsoever.
Travis stumbles upon Max with a drunken Evelyn, and is reluctant to help him. He soon has a change of heart and tells Max that the only true way he can get rid of Evelyn is to decapitate her with a machete. Max tries to accomplish this but backs out at the last minute. The day before Halloween, Olivia drops by the shop to visit Max. It's later interrupted by a phone call from Evelyn. Olivia, who still doesn't know that Evelyn's a zombie, thinks Max hasn't gotten over her yet, but offers him an invitation to a screening of ''Night of the Living Dead'' at the cemetery. Travis steps up to the plate and offers to kill Evelyn so Max can meet Olivia at the movie. Travis shows up at the apartment under the guise of searching for an old DVD Max never returned and intentionally prolongs his stay, annoying Evelyn. She then develops a sudden craving for brains and ends up eating Travis. Meanwhile, Max and Olivia are enjoying each other's company and end up having sex in the back of Olivia's car.
Upon Max's return, he discovers Travis's corpse in the living room. Knowing that Evelyn is now determined to kill anyone who gets in her way, Max tricks her into drawing a hot bubble bath for themselves in order to barricade the bathroom door and trap her inside. He rushes out of the apartment to get the police but leaves his cell phone behind by mistake. Evelyn wastes no time breaking free and escapes. She then kidnaps Olivia after reading the texts between her and Max. Having had no luck with the police, Max hears through one of the police scanners about someone knocking over a malt shop and realizes Olivia's in trouble. Back at the apartment, Max sees Olivia tied up and Evelyn threatens to kill her. A battle ensues between Max, Evelyn, and Olivia, ending with Travis (now revealed to be a zombie himself) fatally stabbing Evelyn through the chest with the machete. With Evelyn finally gone, Max and Olivia take her body back to the cemetery and bury her.
One year later, Max and Olivia's relationship is still going strong. Max has long since quit his job, became business partners with Olivia, having joined his horror memorabilia store and her ice cream shop as an enterprise of their own and is now truly happy. Max then surprises Olivia with an engagement ring, which she gladly accepts. And Travis, still in his zombie form, is shown sign-spinning outside the shop.
The game follows Duke Grabowski, a brutish pirate who must convince his crew that he has what it takes to become a captain.
The once cheerful and happy Du Kai Qi has grown up to be a cold, fierce and isolated person due to her harsh upbringing. Her father is a money asking, alcoholic and abusive person. Even though both of her parents have been separated for many years, her father still harasses and abuses her mother for money. With so many difficulties in her life, it has made her liked to be left alone. Kai Qi works as an assistant chef at "Figaro Cuisine", a fancy French restaurant owned by her mother's former employer. At Figaro's, it brings her pleasant memories of her childhood when both she and her mother had their most delicious meal there. Knowing how happy that meal made her mother feel, it drives her to become an accomplished chef hoping to provide a better life for her and her mother. Already struggling financially, she is forced to take in her young nephew when his father abandons him to get remarried.
Fu Zi Jie has just returned home for the first time after many years living abroad in France. A highly skilled French chef, he has never risen pass an intern position because of a promise he made to his brother. During dinner with his parents, his mother begs him to take a position as an intern for one month at one of his father's restaurants hoping it will change his mind to stay in Taiwan and takeover his father's business. Seeing his mother's persistence he agrees, but ask that his real identity be concealed from the restaurant staff and that he moves out on his own. He arrives at "Figaro Cuisine" and instantly remembers the happy times he had as a child with his nanny and her daughter who became his best friend. He tells the restaurant staff to call him Ah Jie. On his first day at the restaurant he is asked by the executive chef to judge the sous chef promotion test between Kai Qi and her rival Cheng Le Xuan. Not happy with the outcome of the sous chef promotion test, Kai Qi instantly makes enemies with Ah Jie, but also finds out her dish has been sabotaged by the executive chef because she rejected his advances to be his girlfriend earlier.
Ah Jie finds out by accident that Kai Qi besides being a fierce new co-worker is also his childhood friend and his nanny's daughter. He becomes intrigue to find out why she has become a total opposite of how he had remembered her to be. Stalking her after work he finds out from a drunk shouting Kai Qi how much that work promotion meant to her as the salary increase would have made her able to provide for her mother. While taking her home he discovers that they are also next door neighbors and mistakes her nephew to be her son when her nephew accidentally calls her mom. Curious of Kai Qi's current life he becomes extra kind and nice to her at work to get closer to her, even though she keeps pushing him away. Le Xuan notices Ah Jie over helping Kai Qi, so she forces them to participate in a cooking competition and win a title or else both will be fired, hesitant to compete but with their jobs on the line he breaks one of his promises to his brother for Kai Qi's sake. He uses this opportunity to let Kai Qi mentor him in cooking, even though he is more skilled than her, as an excuse to become closer to her.
Through their lessons and time together Ah Jie starts to uncover the difficult life Kai Qi has had to go through for the past years. Using his reliance and her discovering his real identity, he gets the once isolated Kai Qi to start opening up and warm up to others. However, Ah Jie starts to show his jealous side when Kai Qi resolves her misunderstanding with her estranged college buddy Cheng Hao Wei. He soon realizes that his feelings for Kai Qi has turned from friendship to love. With his one month in Taiwan almost up and sensing Hao Wei actively pursuing Kai Qi, he is torn between telling her how he feels or just leaving Taiwan quietly. Living abroad all these years has also made Ah Jie adjust to life being alone, but for the first time in his life he has formed a bond with someone outside of his family and don't want to lose that feeling. Knowing he can't stay in Taiwan and can't take Kai Qi with him, also not wanting her to end up with Hao Wei, he decides to confess his feelings for her hoping to leave with a lasting memory.
After confessing his feelings and Kai Qi returning the same feelings for him, Ah Jie breaks all of his promises to his brother by staying in Taiwan. His brother who holds a grudge against him is unhappy with this news and threatens Ah Jie with Kai Qi's job. Ah Jie threatens his brother back, that he will retaliate by taking over all of their father's businesses and competing in all the cooking competitions he can. His brother then resorts to offering to buy off Kai Qi hoping she will break up with Ah Jie. Kai Qi slowly starts to understand the volatile relationship between Ah Jie and his brother, she helps and supports Ah Jie in making his brother realizes how much Ah Jie has sacrificed to make him happy. His brother finally drops his grudge against Ah Jie and promises that he won't come between Ah Jie and Kai Qi anymore.
However, Ah Jie and Kai Qi's happiness is short lived when her father is part of a gang that kidnaps Ah Jie's brother for ransom. Kai Qi knowing her father is one of the cohorts protects him from the police by withholding information about the kidnappers identities when she thinks this will cause her to lose her new-found happiness with Ah Jie. Soon Ah Jie's brother is found badly injured in a comatose state, the authorities show Ah Jie's family that Kai Qi's father is one of the kidnappers. Ah Jie becomes furious with Kai Qi and blames her for not telling the authorities earlier as it might have saved his brother from serious injuries. Due to her father's actions Kai Qi is too ashamed to face others and starts to revert to her isolated self, but once Ah Jie's anger cools down he tries hard to overlook what her father has done to save their relationship.
Kai Qi unable to deal with the guilt her father has burden her with, quits her job at the restaurant and moves to the countryside to live with her mother in order to avoid Ah Jie. Hao Wei uses this opportunity to be a friend in need while still hoping that he might still have a chance with Kai Qi. He invests in a restaurant according to Kai Qi's dreams and ask her to be the head chef. Hao Wei also uses this chance to see if there is still any hope for Kai Qi and Ah Jie before confessing his feelings to her, by suggest the two complete in a cooking competition. If Kai Qi wins ShiFu Restaurant Corp will have to provide free advertisement for Hao Wei's restaurant for a month, but if Ah Jie wins Kai Qi must reconcile with him.
Ah Jie's brother wakes up from his coma on the day the winner of the cooking competition is to be decided. Kai Qi wins and Ah Jie knowing that she can now accept being together with him again leans in for a kiss, however Kai Qi's reaction surprises everyone. Hao Wei sees it as a sign to confess his feelings for Kai Qi, but she rejects him midway into his confession. Knowing what her answer will be beforehand, Hao Wei tells her he will be leaving the country to pursue his real interest. Ah Jie unhappy with Kai Qi running out on him that day, has the entire restaurant staff help him teach her a lesson by pretending to ignore his love for her. Knowing she has done Ah Jie wrong, Kai Qi puts her pride aside and publicly confesses her love for Ah Jie.
One year later Kai Qi is now a successful chef recognized by food writers and on the cover of magazines praising her restaurant. She is also no longer alone as she and Ah Jie are finally in a stable loving relationship cohabiting together. Ah Jie tells Kai Qi that even if they weren't who they were he would still encounter her and fall in love with her.
This series begins with Tokugawa Ieyasu betraying and killing Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Several groups start forming alliances in preparation of the upcoming Battle of Sekigahara.
In 2015, a man claiming to be Zeus, the ancient Greek god of thunder, arrives in Vatican City and claims the Earth as his domain. This event becomes known as the Second Coming. In subsequent months, several other figures claiming to be gods and goddesses emerge as if from nowhere, and begin to divide the Earth into different territories. Fighting between the various gods breaks out, and drags the Earth into war.
Unknown to the gods, an underground society known as the Collective suspects that the gods are not who they appear to be, and seek to create their own new gods to rival those of the ancient pantheons. The Collective is eventually destroyed by the gods, but one member, Gaby, survives, and a generation later has risen to take the identity of the Earth Mother, Gaia.
As Gaia, Gaby rules over the world virtually unchallenged by the gods that still remain. One of her followers, Tansy, travels to Australia, which has been abandoned since the events of the Second Coming. Once there, she meets a man named Albert Spencer, who survived the Second Coming and has been residing in the Dreamtime with a ragtag group of humans. Together, they use a device to go to Heaven and find the Judeo-Christian God with his head blown off. Albert then decides to unite the remnants of Earth's pantheons to lead an assault on Gaia.
As Albert attempts to form alliances, at Gaia's palace, her servants begin to question her motives and her divinity after she kills multiple members of the community that worship her. Hephaestus forms his own alliance among Gaia and Baldr, and organizes a counterattack against the lesser gods, which is successful, until the lesser gods attack. Hephaestus then descends into the bowels of a nearby mountain, and releases the Titans to do battle. Meanwhile, Lily, Gaia's high priestess who discovers the Collective's hideout, flies with a massive dragon, carrying a nuclear weapon. A final battle is waged between the Titans and the remnants of the gods, ending with Lily dropping a nuclear weapon and killing Gaia. In doing so, the Earth begins to dry and shrivel, until Jesus, dressed as a normal human man, emerges in a flash of light.
Soon after, Albert shoots Jesus in the head, saying he has had enough of Saviors and gods. However, he soon discovers the world dissolving, including the Dreamtime. Jesus shows up in Australia and resurrects not only the Earth, but the population as well. Albert rushes home and finds his family alive and well. As they explore the city, they are attacked by a group of thugs, and his family is attacked and seemingly killed. But he discovers they are alive, although maimed. He goes and confronts Jesus, Dionysus, and Tansy as they celebrate. Jesus and Tansy escape, but Dionysus is torn apart. Across the world in Greece, Hephaestus, who has escaped from the Underworld with Apollo, arrives in Olympus, and to his shock finds Zeus alive and well, having been resurrected by Jesus's powers.
Accused of treachery by the other Olympian gods, Hephaestus is imprisoned, and soon after it is revealed that Jesus's resurrection magic worked not only on the Olympian pantheon, but all the other Pantheons as well as the Norse Gods arrive led by Odin to lead an assault on Olympus. The attack results in every Olympian being massacred, with Zeus being sent to the Underworld underneath his brother Hades. In the Underworld, it is revealed that there is a tentative alliance between Hades and Satan, who is having relations with Hades' wife, Persephone. A city is founded called Apollonia, named after the sun god Apollo, which only allows the most perfect physical specimens of mankind into its walls. In Australia, in order to stop the suffering of all the people in the world who cannot die from their horrific wounds, Tansy releases the dragon Baphomet who bites Jesus in half and kills him, enabling people on Earth to die again.
As people now find that they are able to die again, an assault is led on the Titans to stop them from destroying the Earth. In a final desperate attempt, Atlas calls upon Gaia, Mother Earth, herself to avenge him and his brethren. She resurrects and begins to destroy the Earth and the heavens, even going so far as to devour the moon. The only who can stop her is Gaby, who is still human in this resurrected timeline. In order to stop Gaia, she chooses to take the concoction that made her Gaia, and emerges as a stone encrusted female figure. She attacks Gaia, but the resulting attack succeeds in destroying the Earth and opening a black hole. Satan reveals this was the plan all along, even though it will result in his destruction. He is consumed by Baphomet and the Earth vanishes, along with the deities, into a black hole.
In a limbo, all the deities have been resurrected and are constantly fighting under the eyes of the death deities of various Pantheons. The Hindu Pantheon receive a visitor in the form of a nude woman who calls herself Siddharta and the Buddha, and that she is here to spread learning and knowledge to the Pantheons. It is revealed that she has actually come from another universe where there is no belief in gods, where she sought enlightenment and ended up travelling between dimensions to the limbo where the deities are. As she travels to visit the various gods to collect artifacts, the death gods become curious as to where the portal she came through leads. One of them, the African deity Ogbunabali, decides to investigate and falls into a void to land in Siddharta's mortal body on the other side. Crazed with the ability to feel life, he goes on a murderous rampage.
Elsewhere, the mention in the world of the name Zeus summons the Greek deity from limbo to this world. Once there, he goes about establishing himself by bringing Hermes with him and having sex with multiple women to bring his bastards into the world. Sensing new territory, the Egyptian pantheon follows suit, and soon are engaged into another battle with the Greek deities. The Aztecs are soon called upon to fight for this world, but all the Pantheons are shocked when God is resurrected.
Flashing forward, churches are being constructed. Siddharta seeks asylum in the realm of the Japanese Kami, as the other Pantheons are attacked by the angels of God. She makes an alliance with the Kami and travels to the trickster Gods, asking them for help in retrieving her body. With the help of them and the Kami, she is able to take control of her body and banish Ogbunabali from it. As Siddharta recovers, Satan leads the remainder of the Norse gods to Heaven and begins an assault on it, while Loki on a mission to start Ragnarok obtains two god killers, who are able to end the lives of gods permanently. He is betrayed by Ogbunabali, who kills Loki and takes control of the god killers. Satan kills God and takes control of heaven as Siddharta takes control of the global news network.
In the final conflict, Ogbunabali is killed by Amaterasu, and this leads the two god killers to go on a rampage, killing all the members of every Pantheon on Earth. With all the deities destroyed, Siddharta kills herself, appearing in spirit form before the god killing brothers, and summons them to an eternal paradise as the world has no more need of deities. Years later, society has rebuilt, but in a final shot, the skull Siddharta drew can be seen on a wall in an alleyway.
The fall of Tichi Risopatrón has been brutal. Thunderous. Especially because this woman has never worked for anyone, nor is she a homemaker: she does not know how to cook, has never used a microwave and lives isolated from what happens in the real world. But her new status as a working and courageous woman helps her to become a new Tichi, one she never even knew existed: a strong woman that is able to support her family and do the unimaginable to provide for her young daughters. In fact, she doesn’t even have problems moving from her super mansion in La Dehesa to a semi-detached house in a middle-class neighborhood.
Can Tichi adapt to her new status, learn to work and avoid falling for her new neighbor, who attracts her so passionately? Can they give in to this budding love they are feeling? They can try to avoid fate, but nothing will change the destiny of these two clandestine lovers.
The Electroclan travel to Timepiece Ranch (a base owned by the Voice). There Michael, Ostin, and Taylor meet their respective parents (with the exception of Taylor's father) along with fellow Glows, Grace and Tanner. The Clan is briefed about their mission to rescue Jade Dragon, a Chinese child prodigy who has figured out how to make more electric children. On the last night before the mission begins Michael has a "prom" with Taylor after he heard her remorse over never being able to go back to regular life. Before he goes the resistance tells Michael that he should recruit Nichelle to combat Hatch's electric children. Michael is at first reluctant to seek Nichelle's help as he cannot trust her, but he ultimately decides to make her an offer.
Michael and the Clan fly back to Pasadena to approach Nichelle. Though at first hesitant, (Michael tempted her with money) Nichelle agrees to help them in order to get her revenge on Hatch for leaving her to die. The Electroclan journey to Taiwan where they are boarded in a hotel until they can rescue Jade. After a brief reconnaissance of the seemingly impenetrable Starxource plant where Jade Dragon is held, they decide to intercept her while the Elgen move onto the research boat, ''The Volta'.
The Electroclan are ordered to stay in their hotel by their handler while Zeus and Tessa are moved to another Starxource plant in order to confuse the Elgen. However, the Clan grows stir-crazy and leave to explore the local market. When they return, both Nichelle and Taylor act strangely. That night, Nichelle goes to see Hatch and seemingly sells out the rest of the Clan.
The Elgen attack and capture the Electroclan at their hotel. It is then revealed that the 'Taylor' who returned with them from the market was actually Tara, Taylor's twin sister who is with Hatch and the rest of the Elgen. Michael then is tortured by an Elgen assassin until someone who appears to be Michael's father stops him. After a brief exchange, Michael's 'father' states the "Elgen are the good guys."
Nichelle visits Michael in his cell, and he quickly attacks her. Nichelle reveals that she knew Tara had switched places with Taylor all along, but didn't say anything because she knew that Hatch would just kill Taylor. Together, Michael and Nichelle free the rest of the Electroclan and escape the compound.
After meeting back up with Zeus and Tessa, the Clan regroups back at a safe house. Ian reveals to Michael that the man he thought was his father was actually Hatch disguised by Tara's new power. The two then tell their handler that Hatch might know where Timepiece Ranch is with information Michael had given him.
The Clan soon successfully rescues Jade Dragon. On their way back to the safe house, Michael and Taylor learn that Jade's parents were killed by the Elgen when she was kidnapped. Realizing that he can't bear the danger of losing those he loves anymore, Michael tells Taylor that he intends to leave when they return home. The Clan is shocked to learn that the Elgen have attacked the Ranch and that there are no reported survivors. Devastated, Michael demands to go to the Ranch despite the danger.
The book begins with Evan in his parents' basement, avoiding his younger sister, Jessie. It is revealed he is annoyed about a letter notifying their mother that Jessie is skipping third grade to be in Evan's fourth grade class. Jessie is excited about moving up, but Evan is irritated because his sister is good at math and is worried she might embarrass him. As payback, he makes a lemonade stand with his friend Scott, rudely rebuffing Jessie. In retaliation, Jessie sets up her own lemonade stand, and gets a friend, Megan, to help out. The two siblings concoct a plan to earn $100, and whoever has the more successful lemonade stand gets the loser's earnings. Jessie uses her math and business skills to set goals (such as creating a franchise scheme with many girls selling lemonade for her) and Evan utilizes his skills at talking to people. The five-day war takes a disastrous turn when Jessie mixes dead fruit flies in Evan's lemonade, leading to his sales tanking. Evan steals Jessie's earnings in revenge, but then loses the money while he attends a friend's pool party. The two siblings reconcile by expressing regret for their actions towards each other.
Marco Yuzon (Sam Milby) is attending a book signing event for his new book, ''The Gifted.'' He begins by reading a few chapters of the book.
Zoe Tuazon (Anne Curtis) is a mixed race, rich, overweight, aggressive, and intelligent girl who goes to a school for an entrance exam with the unattractive Aica Tabayoyong (Cristine Reyes) and their parents. Both of the students are highly gifted but are not admitted to the school. Instead, they get enrolled at a more prestigious school.
One day, during religion class, Zoe ruins her reputation when she questions the story of creation and discusses the merits of the big bang theory. The next day, Aica ruins her name when she soils herself during a music lesson. The two outcasts become close friends and start causing trouble at school by poisoning students and a teacher and by setting a booby trap for the religion teacher. The entire school develops a fear of the two.
Now in high school, Zoe (Anne Curtis) and Aica (Cristine Reyes) vie for the valedictory honors. Zoe's mother (Arlene Muhlach) convinces her to find Aica's weakness to prevent Aica achieving this. A new student, Mark Ferrer (Sam Milby), a stereotypical jock, arrives at the school, and Aica immediately falls in love with him prompting Zoe to proceed with her destructive plan. Zoe meets up with Mark and convinces him to pretend to fall in love with Aica. In exchange Zoe does his homework and helps him cheat on quizzes. While he is not attracted to Aica, Mark forces himself to date her. Mark and Zoe's arrangement continues.
After high school, Aica majors in Mathematics at the Ateneo de Manila University while Zoe goes to Princeton to study Neuroscience. Both girls graduate with summa cum laude honors at their university.
Before returning to the Philippines, Zoe and Aica undergo extensive plastic surgery to become more attractive. Both start a career in modelling and again become rivals. Zoe bumps into Mark who has graduated from a university in the U.S. Still furious with Aica, Zoe plots revenge and shows everybody the animated video version of Aica soiling herself pants during grade school.
Aica follows Zoe to her house and, as Aica enters, a booby trap almost kills her . After Zoe's several attempts of killing Aica backfire, Zoe finally gives up after Aica almost drowns her. The two make up, but Zoe reveals it was just an act and points a gun at Aica. Aica runs for her life only to bump into Mark who shields her from the gun shot, wounding his face. Mark is admitted to the hospital while Aica asks Zoe to apologize. At first, she shows no remorse, but upon seeing of a picture of Mark wounded, she realizes her mistake. Aica and Mark get married the day that Zoe plans to leave the country. She sets a trap in the couple's hotel room which leads to a picture of young Zoe and Aica. Zoe has left the couple a letter apologizing for the things she had done which marks the end of the Marco's book.
After the book signing, Marco Yuzon leaves the bookstore. A girl slams a copy of his book on his windshield; she turns out to be Aica. Zoe is with her, but the two have remained unattractive and overweight. The two, whose real names are Mica (Aica) and Joey (Zoe), are very angry at Marco who was their classmate in grade school and high school. Marco has always been envious of the girls' successes and is bitter for always placing third behind two girls. The novel is his way expressing his anger. The girls tell Marco they want him to sign their book with his blood and started to beat him up.
An importer of Argentine meat has to deal with a large amount of rotting flesh full of maggots and decides to recycle it as dog food. It is then produced an advertisement that tries to get people to feed their pets with nutritious worms.
Ansi Molina moves into the Wayne, a high-rise apartment building filled with strange and unusual things labeled as "Wayne Phenomena". Being one of the few people to see Wayne Phenomena without suffering psychological repercussions, he befriends siblings Olly and Saraline Timbers as they learn the mysteries of the Wayne and protects the outside world while contending with a spy cell seeking to exploit the apartment's supernatural aspects for their own nefarious ends.
A cheerful and easily distracted woman named Suzu lives in a seaside town called Eba near Hiroshima. As a child, Suzu enjoys sketching and painting the world around her, often viewing her surroundings through a surrealistic blend of real scenery and art-inspired flourishes that permeate her vision. As her proficiency for art increases, Suzu paints a superb picture for her childhood friend and crush, Tetsu, as he stares at the sea and laments the death of his brother, who drowned during his service as a sailor. In 1943, 18-year-old Suzu marries Shusaku, whom she had met as a child, and joins his family in Kure, a large naval port city 15 miles away from Hiroshima City, as a navy civilian. As she adjusts to her new life, the threat of the Pacific War begins to encroach on the townspeople.
As food shortages become commonplace, the government implements food rationing. Warning and evacuation preparations against United States air raids begin. Suzu, as a housewife in a Tonarigumi, takes turns overseeing food distribution, attends training against air raids, and makes women's trousers fit for emergency evacuation by cutting traditional clothing, such as kimonos. The family builds the air-raid shelter in the garden.
Suzu and Shusaku's family house is located on a hillside with a view of the Japanese Naval Fleet in the harbor, including the largest battleships, ''Yamato'' and ''Musashi''. Suzu enjoys viewing boats on the sea with her niece, Harumi.
Harumi and her mother Keiko had been living in another city. Keiko is an independent modern woman who had chosen her own husband who ran a watch shop. Keiko had met her husband in his shop when she went to get a watch. He died young leaving Keiko, Harumi and a son behind. Keiko's husband's family took over the family's watch business and Keiko left her husband's home leaving her son, the legal heir of her husband, behind.
One day, while sketching the bay area and some visiting ships, Suzu is accosted by the military police who come close to accusing her of espionage because of the potential militaristic nature of her drawings. Suzu is horrified, but her adopted family laughs off the incident, exclaiming at length that Suzu is too lackadaisical and good-natured for espionage.
In December 1944, Suzu's childhood friend and crush Tetsu, now a navy sailor, visits Suzu; he has been assigned to the Japanese cruiser ''Aoba'', stationed in Kure. Understanding that it might be Suzu's last chance to see Tetsu alive, Shusaku leaves them alone to talk. Though he confessed his love for her, Suzu told him she loved her husband more than anything. The next spring, Shusaku is drafted by the Navy and quartered with troops in Otake City, 40 miles away.
In 1945, the U.S. begins air raids on the Japanese mainland; in Kure, U.S. naval airplanes heavily attack warships and its naval facilities. In addition to the death of her brother Yōichi, Suzu loses her niece and her right hand when a time-delayed bomb detonates close to them. The guilt Suzu feels over the death of her niece couple with the loss of the hand she used to draw and paint sends Suzu into a depression. As her depression worsens, Suzu debates returning to the safety of her hometown in Hiroshima City in time for the summer festival; when she is unable to see a doctor, she decides to stay an extra week in Kure. That morning, Suzu and Keiko notice a bizarre light, followed by a sudden quake. The radio doesn't work and then the family sees a towering cloud in the direction of Hiroshima City. They soon learn that a new, devastating bomb has fallen on Hiroshima City, killing countless citizens. For a while, Suzu is unable to get information about her hometown.
A few days later, in a radio address, the Emperor of Japan announces the end of the War by declaring surrender to the Allied Powers. Suzu, having grown accustomed to the single-minded focus of keeping the family alive, is forced to accept the reality of her losses and falls into despair. U.S. occupation forces, no longer the enemy, come to Kure and provide food. Suzu visits her grandmother Ito's family house in Kusatsu, a rural town to the west of Hiroshima and out of the affected area, to see her sister Sumi, the only survivor of Suzu's family. Sumi informs her of the fate of their parents: their mother had left for supplies and is presumed to be one of the 70,000 people who were killed instantly by the initial blast and shock wave while their father died a few months later after falling ill and succumbing to possible radiation poisoning. Sumi herself has fallen seriously ill from the radiation left behind by the fallout. Shusaku returns and meets with Suzu. They come across an orphaned girl and adopt her. Suzu regains her passion for life slowly, with the courage and affection of her friends and family. As the credits roll, their adopted daughter is shown growing up in the Hojo residence, sewing clothes, aided by Suzu in post-war Japan.
Asmar, one of the main characters of the film, appears to be happy at first glance. She is married to a diplomat, has a daughter, and many friends. She has exciting memories of travelling all over the world. She used to enjoy her entertaining and pleasant lifestyle, but as time passed, its value and significance faded in her eyes. She still had not found her true place in life.
After separating from Ogtay, she desires to rebuild her life and make certain concessions. The film ends on the note that it is impossible to live clinging to the past and memories, and that everyone should look forward to their future.
During the shooting, actor Hasan Mammadov refused to perform the film's ending, which originally included a sexually intimate scene between Ogtay and Asmar. As a result, the writers were forced to make amends to certain parts of the screenplay.
Bernadette and Penny are shopping for bridesmaid dresses; Howard inadvertently mentions this in front of Amy, who is upset that they did not invite her.
Sheldon is unable to contact Amy: she does not answer Facebook messages, video chats or any other form of communication Sheldon tries to use. He and Leonard go round to her house and finds her singing "Everybody Hurts" while playing the harp. Leonard knocks on the door and leaves, leaving Sheldon alone with Amy. She wants physical intimacy with Sheldon and after negotiating, Sheldon reluctantly cuddles with her.
The following day, Sheldon angrily confronts Howard and Leonard, telling them to "get [their] women in line". They talk to Penny and Bernadette, who explain that Amy is over-enthusiastic about being a bridesmaid. Penny and Bernadette apologize to Amy, but Amy is still upset. She makes an analogy involving a brain's hemispheres, comparing Bernadette to the left hemisphere, Penny to the right hemisphere and herself to a brain tumour. Later, Sheldon receives a phone call telling him that Amy is drunk in a parking lot. He and Leonard go and take her home.
The next morning, Penny and Bernadette apologize again and offer Amy the chance to be the maid of honor at Bernadette's wedding. She is very excited about this. In the final scene, Amy records the three of them dress shopping.
In 1311 the coronation of King Henry of the Lombards takes place. After becoming the king he wages war against Italy and Brescia (ruled by Francesco de Barbiano). While campaigning, he sends for his queen, Margaret (Gertrude Welcker), who along with her ladies-in-waiting is captured and imprisoned by Barbiano. Barbiano orders the women to be sent to the House of Pillory. One of her maids, Roswitha (Hedda Vernon), impersonates the queen and asks him to leave the other women safe and capture only her. As a result, she is brought to the house of pillory where people hold a mock coronation with a crown of straw to humiliate her. She is forced into prostitution.
Two captured men, Gottwald (the queen's escort) and Herbolo (Roswitha's fiancé), flee from the house and inform Henry of the event. He is agitated after hearing all the information and vows to attack Brescia in vengeance. Meanwhile, in Brescia, Roswitha quickly gains popularity among the menfolk for her beauty and this makes their wives grow jealous of her. The women demand that Roswitha be handed over to them. They attack the pillory. Luigi, the local hangman, is killed during the struggle and Roswitha is led to the public stocks. Before anything happens to her, a nobleman, Alessandro, who knows her true identity and is in love with her, comes to rescue her.
Henry attacks the city and Alessandro is slain by Herbolo. When the local women come to know of her true identity they ask for Roswitha's forgiveness. In the end Roswitha and Herbolo's marriage takes place and the queen along with the other captives is freed and taken to the palace.
Harry Bosch and his rookie partner Lucia Soto are assigned the case of Orlando Merced, a mariachi performer who was shot in a crowded Los Angeles square and was paralyzed from the waist down. The shooter was never found, and Merced survived for ten years before dying from complications from his wounds. When the bullet is finally removed from his body, Bosch establishes that Merced was shot with a hunting rifle, and that the crime was not a random act of gang violence as originally suspected, but a targeted hit. This new evidence leads Bosch to one of the city's most powerful businessmen and a controversial former mayor with aspirations of becoming governor.
Meanwhile, Bosch notices strange behavior from Soto and begins to suspect that she has gang affiliations and has infiltrated the LAPD. After catching her carrying out an off-the-books investigation, she reveals that she is a survivor of a notorious apartment fire that killed nine children, but remained unsolved after a key suspect disappeared without trace. Bosch fabricates a connection to the Merced case to protect Soto, and the two investigate the fire parallel to the Merced case. The trail leads them to a series of robberies across Greater Los Angeles that the FBI believe were used to fund a white supremacist militia group, and ultimately to a witness hiding in a convent on the Mexican border.
Over the course of the story, Bosch wrestles with the knowledge that his retirement is imminent and makes it his mission to train Soto to take over in the Open-Unsolved Unit. Ultimately, he is caught breaking into the Robbery Homicide Division offices as part of the Merced investigation and is placed on indefinite suspension pending an investigation. With less than a year until his retirement, he leaves Open-Unsolved knowing that he may never return.
Category:2014 American novels Category:Harry Bosch series Category:Novels set in Los Angeles Category:American detective novels Category:Little, Brown and Company books
Fit-Boy (William Pearson) is a drug-dealing womanizer from Portsmouth. His buddies, Billy (Nathan Watkis), Jim (Tom Soane), Zac (Owen Llewelyn) and Steve (Charlie Bowes) help him out whenever they can, but when he starts conflicts with local hip-hop outfit Twisted Mindset, his drug supplier Jason (Chris St. Omer) and others who get in his way, they have to decide whether or not it's time to leave Fit-Boy alone to his own devices. But as things spin out of control, will Fit-Boy be leaving them alone?
Julio and Francisca have a strong marriage and five grown children, and there are problems: Teresa, when I was young and naive, fell in love with Álvaro, a married man, but 10 years later can not maintain the facade facing the family and confesses everything. However, although Álvaro is leaving, she can not; your love is true and completely mutual.
Kiko, another son, uses and abuses Susana's love, who loves him dearly. He turns his back to love, only to receive financial support from it, but then becomes the hunted hunter as falls in love with Susan. But Kiko has made too many mistakes in his life and thinks it would be unfair to tie Susana a man like him. Hilda has a perfect romance: love Jorge, a good young, professional and very correct, a white wedding and irreproachable life.
For Ignacio, love is a reckoning with himself. He gains confidence in himself, begins his terrible resolve their inferiority complex internal problems. Behind this is Claudia, a girl who loves him for the beauty of his spirit. Maria Graciela is in love for the first time, with Ricardo. She is all passionate kisses, languishing glances, sighs loudly and tantrums, but is it really love or infatuation?
In 3600 BC, the aged but powerful mutant En Sabah Nur rules ancient Egypt. Following a ceremony in which his consciousness is transferred into another man’s body in order to gain his healing factor, he and his four followers are ambushed. In the process his followers are killed and he is entombed alive.
In 1983, Alex Summers takes his brother Scott to Professor Charles Xavier's educational institute, hoping that Xavier and Hank McCoy will teach him to control his mutation for shooting optic beams. Scott meets the telepathic and telekinetic Jean Grey, and the two develop an attraction.
En Sabah Nur is awakened by a group of worshippers. He befriends orphan Ororo Munroe and learns about humanity. Deciding that humanity has lost its way, he plans to remake the world. Munroe becomes his follower after he enhances her power.
In East Berlin, shape-shifting mutant Raven discovers Kurt Wagner, a mutant who can teleport. Raven requests black marketeer Caliban to transport Kurt to America. En Sabah Nur recruits Psylocke and Angel and enhances both of their powers.
In Communist Poland, Erik Lehnsherr lives happily with his wife and daughter. During the worldwide disturbances caused by En Sabah Nur, Erik uses his powers to save a coworker during an earthquake, prompting the militia to capture him. They hold his daughter hostage in the forest in exchange for him to turn himself in. As tensions rise, Erik's daughter begins to displays mutant powers (by mentally calling in wild animals from all over the forest), and the militia accidentally kill his wife and daughter in the ensuing confusion. In despair, Erik kills the entire militia.
En Sabah Nur takes Erik to Auschwitz and shows him the true extent of his powers. Erik destroys the camp and joins En Sabah Nur. When Xavier contacts Erik, En Sabah Nur remotely accesses Cerebro, the device Xavier uses to locate mutants, and forces Xavier to make the global superpowers launch their entire nuclear arsenals into space to prevent interference with En Sabah Nur's plan. He and his Four Horsemen arrive at the mansion and kidnap Xavier. Attempting to stop them, Alex causes an explosion that destroys the mansion. Peter Maximoff arrives and uses his super-speed to evacuate everyone except Alex, who dies in the explosion. Colonel William Stryker's forces capture Hank, Raven, Peter, and Moira, and take them for interrogation. Scott, Jean, and Kurt follow covertly and liberate their comrades using Stryker's experiment Weapon X (Wolverine), whose memories Jean partially restores.
Erik uses his powers to alter the Earth's magnetic field, causing destruction across the planet. En Sabah Nur plans to transfer his consciousness into Xavier's body to gain his psychic powers. Xavier sends a telepathic distress call to Jean and the others, who travel to Cairo to battle En Sabah Nur and his mutants. They rescue Xavier and flee in a plane. When Angel and Psylocke attack the plane, Nightcrawler teleports his friends away. Psylocke jumps to safety, but Angel is killed in the plane crash.
Erik and Ororo turn on En Sabah Nur and, with Scott's help, keep him occupied physically while Xavier fights him telepathically in the astral plane. Xavier begs Jean to unleash the full strength of her abilities, and she incinerates En Sabah Nur. Psylocke escapes. Xavier and Moira rekindle their relationship. Erik and Jean help reconstruct the school, but Erik refuses Xavier's offer to stay and help teach. Peter decides not to tell Erik yet that he is Erik's son. Using confiscated Sentinels, Hank and Raven train the new X-Men recruits: Scott, Jean, Ororo, Kurt, and Peter.
In a post-credits scene, men in black suits visit the Weapon X facility to retrieve an X-ray and a blood sample marked "Weapon X", on behalf of the Essex Corporation.
The story begins in an unnamed, supposedly "barely civilized" country , during a meeting of the Prisoners’ Aid Society, an international organization of mice dedicated to brightening the lives of prisoners. When an old secretary informs delegates about the case of a Norwegian poet, imprisoned (presumably wrongfully) in the horrible Black Castle, the chairwoman mouse suggests changing the traditional rules of the organization to try to rescue him. Despite the secretary’s doubts, the Society agrees with her proposal. Needing a mouse who can speak the Norwegian language to translate for them, the society decides to ask Miss Bianca for help. Miss Bianca is a white mouse who is pampered by the Ambassador's little boy, and the Ambassador is about to be transferred to Norway.
Bernard, a young mouse who lives in the Embassy pantry and who has won a medal for "bravery in the face of cats", is volunteered by his friends and reluctantly agrees to talk to Miss Bianca. He uses the service lift in the pantry to enter the schoolroom of the Ambassador's house, and finds Miss Bianca in the magnificent porcelain pagoda the boy has given her. Bernard tries to convince her to find a brave Norwegian mouse for them, once she is in Norway. Though she is herself a poet and believes strongly in duty, Miss Bianca is at first terrified and refuses. However, as Bernard pleads with her, Miss Bianca begins to have feelings for Bernard, who makes no secret of the fact he is in love with her and would take her place if he could. When Miss Bianca travels to Oslo with the Ambassador's family, she decides to undertake the mission so she can return and see Bernard again.
Upon arrival in Oslo, Miss Bianca escapes the little boy's room and enters an underground wine cellar full of sailor mice at a bachelor party. The Petty Officer volunteers a sturdy, seasoned adventurer named Nils for the mission, and Nils instantly agrees. He takes Miss Bianca back to the Prisoner's Aid Society, the first half of the journey stowing away on a cargo ship and the rest of the way by speedboat (a toy of the Ambassador's son). Miss Bianca plans to bid Bernard one last fond goodbye and return to her home; however, when Bernard volunteers to help Nils at the Black Castle, Miss Bianca impulsively decides to do the same.
The three mice hitch a ride on a supply wagon, and travel two weeks across country to the prison, located in the nearly impenetrable ruins of an old castle. They find the castle's only mouse hole in the Head Jailer's office (the only chamber with wooden walls), and set up living quarters. However, expeditions by Bernard and Nils show the mission is nearly hopeless - all the doors in the castle are heavy iron, there are very few places to hide, and they are constantly in danger of Mamelouk, the Head Jailer's gigantic black half-Persian cat.
At first, Miss Bianca serves as de Facto chairwoman, but soon begins to take a more active part in the mission when she encounters Mamelouk and discovers her charm and wit both infuriate and fascinate him. She begins to distract Mamelouk by baiting him into conversation and taunting him, both easy tasks as he is incredibly boastful and equally stupid. At one point, she discovers a paper attached by treacle to Mamelouk's fur; this turns out to be a lament written by the Norwegian poet, proving he is still alive. Another day, she is able to get Mamelouk to admit he and all the jailers will be practically comatose on New Year's Day, having eaten and drunk more than their fill at a New Year's Eve party the night before. Bernard and Nils, now able to explore more freely with Mamelouk distracted, discover that the river that runs below the castle, swollen by a sudden storm, has washed away rocks blocking up an old water gate. Mamelouk catches Nils and Bernard as they return to Miss Bianca with the news, but she tricks him into slackening his grip, and they escape.
After packing up the living quarters, the mice set out on New Year's Day. They manage to steal the keys from a sleeping/drunk guard, who conveniently had unlocked the cell hall door before he collapsed. They travel past the cells, with Nils calling out in Norwegian, finally getting a response from a sick and emaciated young man with overgrown hair and nails. This is indeed the poet - being an artist and a dreamer, he is the only one in the prison who can believe the mice really are talking to him. He uses the key to leave his cell, follows them to the water gate, and escapes. The whole party nearly drowns in the freezing, swollen river, but they are rescued by a kindly family traveling on a large raft. Having no respect for the Black Castle, the family takes the poet and the mice downriver as far as they can, no questions asked.
The three mice are welcomed back to headquarters amidst a huge celebration, and several artifacts of their time in the Black Castle are framed in the meeting hall for posterity. All three mice receive new silver medals with a picture of a broken fetter etched upon them, as well. Healed and cleaned up by the barge people, the poet thanks the mice and returns to Norway, promising to meet up with Nils in Oslo. Miss Bianca gives Nils the speedboat, in which he sails home to Norway, and Bernard invites Miss Bianca to live with him. She nearly accepts, until the Ambassador's footman discovers her and picks her up, commenting on how much the Ambassador's little boy has grieved for her. Deciding her duty is to comfort the boy, she bids Bernard farewell, and returns to her beloved master, much to the joy of the household. Nils and the poet meet up in Oslo and have a night on the town together; afterwards, the poet publishes some verses about Miss Bianca which become famous, and Bernard becomes the new secretary of the Prisoner's Aid Society.
The novel is set in the empire of Kitai, an analogue of twelfth-century Song dynasty China, and takes place approximately five hundred years following the events of ''Under Heaven''. Kitai boasts of vast wealth and a rich civic culture centered on ''ci'' lyrical poetry, but the empire's military, intentionally weakened by the imperial civil service following the events of ''Under Heaven'', has proven unable to resist incursions by tribes of the northern steppe. By the time of ''River of Stars'', Kitai's borders have receded south of the long-abandoned Long Wall, and the empire has established an uneasy peace with the Xiaolu Empire on the steppe, which, despite its military superiority, has grown economically dependent on Kitai.
The events of the novel closely parallel the historical Disaster of Jingkang and the defeat of the Kaifeng-based Song dynasty by the invading Jin dynasty. The novel follows two protagonists: Ren Daiyan, a self-taught archer and swordsman whose fortuitous encounters with an up-and-coming magistrate lead him to become first an outlaw of the marsh and then a military officer, and Lin Shan, a talented ''ci'' poet given a man's education by her father. After an encounter with the exiled poet Lu Chen thrusts her into the world of court intrigue in the imperial capital of Hanjin, Lin is introduced to Emperor Wenzong and eventually becomes a favored courtier. Ren and Lin intersect and become lovers amid various intrigues in the capital. They find themselves aligned with Hang Dejin, the emperor's aging prime minister, against Hang's deputy and eventual successor, Kai Zhen, who has risen to power by building the emperor a massive pleasure garden. The expansion of the garden requires a system of oppressive taxes and requisitions, leading to banditry and unrest in rural Kitai.
Amid the unrest, the imperial court commits itself to a policy of military adventurism in the north, encouraging the restive Altai tribe to rebel against the Xiaolu. This strategy fails disastrously, and after easily conquering the Xiaolu, the Altai mount a scorched-earth invasion of Kitai, violently sacking Hanjin and capturing most of the imperial family. Ren, the only Kitan general capable of defeating Altai forces in the field, rescues Shan and an imperial heir, Prince Zhizheng, and conducts a fighting retreat to the south. Ren reorganizes the Kitai military and rapidly reconquers territory in the north. He quickly becomes a folk hero but is viewed with suspicion by his superiors, and is imprisoned on trumped-up treason charges when Zhizheng, to guard against his family's restoration in the north, proclaims himself emperor of a rump Kitan state and negotiates an unfavorable peace with the Altai. Lin, meanwhile, settles in the south on the estate of her old acquaintance Lu Chen.
The novel concludes ambiguously, with Hang Hsien, Zhizheng's prime minister and the son of Hang Dejin, offering Ren a choice between suicide and a life in obscurity following a faked death.
Mari Gaila (Silvia Pinal), is a lady who lives between ragged, thieves, prostitutes, dwarfs and other misshapen beings, in a rare box at a country and a vague time. Her husband, is a poor sacristan who agrees with other relatives to do business with the display of his orphaned nephew, a mentally retarded dwarf. Caught in committing deception with her lover, Mari Gaila is caged naked and punished by the people.
The story revolves around the Andersons, an American family who resided in Los Angeles, California. Everything was turned upside down when a strange boy named Jonathan arrived with his dog Adam and claimed to be an illegitimate son of Wilfred Anderson, the wimpy father of the family. That turned out not to be true, but aside from his trickery, Jonathan's kind nature won over the family and they decided to adopt him (and his dog, too).
The family had got involved in several misadventures, but despite their dysfunction, they remained a loving family and their relationships with each other and the people around them only strengthened.
The film is set in 1627, towards the end of the Ming dynasty, when the Chongzhen emperor decides to end the influence of all-powerful eunuch Wei Zhongxian or simply "Wei" (Chin Shih-Chieh) and purge his faction within the imperial court. Caught in the midst of the intrigue are three lowly cash-strapped officers of the embroidered uniform guard (锦衣卫; pinyin: ''Jǐnyīwè''i), the imperial secret police of the court at the time, who are tasked with killing Wei.
In 1620 AD, Wei Zhongxian is the head Eunuch to the ailing emperor and controls the embroidered uniform guard, the secret police of the Ming Dynasty. After the death of the late emperor, his younger son, emperor Chongzhen assumes power and orders the purging of Wei's faction within the court in order to eliminate his malign influence. Shen Lian, a lowly captain of the guard along with his two comrades Lu Jian Xing and Jin Yi Chuan are asked by Zhao Jingzhong to take kill or capture Wei. Wei, who has been banished from the court and in exile still holds sway through agents planted within the court and secret police through his years as head Eunuch and still holds significant influence on the secret police, making killing him extremely difficult. The three eventually find Wei's hideout however Shen is tempted by Wei's large offers of gold in the hopes of securing himself a new life from his meagre wages as a guard in the emperor's service. Shen takes the gold and obscures the fact Wei is alive from his two friends Lu and Chuan. Shen's attempts to use his newly acquired gold to convince the commander of his bureau to transfer him to the imperial capital of Nanjing, however, Shen's superiors eventually find out, resulting in Lu being executed. Zhao Jingzhong, the head of the imperial secret police at the time is in league with Wei and attempts to kill Shen to cover up his treason along with Miao Tong a prostitute Shen has fallen in love with and attempts to free from the courtesan academy. Zhao pays Yi Chuan's brother, Yan, to kill Yi Chuan to silence him and conceal knowledge of his treason, but Yi Chuan sacrifices his life to save Yan from assassins. Zhao and Shen fight in a brothel however Shen narrowly escapes with Miao and Zhao is left unconscious. Zhao goes ahead and burns Wei alive. The film ends with Zhao and Shen fighting to the death as Zhao attempts to join hands with the Manchu on the edge of the Ming empire. Shen kills Zhao while Yi helps and is scheduled for death row however receives a pardon from the newly crowned Chongzhen emperor.
Lakshmi, a young girl, lives in a mountain side village in rural Nepal with her mother and disabled, unemployed father. She wishes to work and save enough money to buy a tin roof for the house, while her mother encourages her to finish her schooling. A period of heavy rain causes the rice fields to become swamped and damages all remaining crops, leaving the family without a source of income. While attending a village festival, Lakshmi meets Bimla, a foreign woman who entices her with stories of the city and offers her a job in India as a maid. Lakshmi's mother rejects the proposal, but her father reveals that he has already agreed and accepted money from Bimla, out of desperation.
Lakshmi and Bimla pass the border without incident and arrive at their destination, a building known as 'Happiness House', which is a brothel run by a woman named Mumtaz. Unaware that she has been sold into sexual slavery, Lakshmi mingles with the other girls at the brothel, including Shahanna and Anita, who she befriends; and the temperamental Monica. Later that night, she is dressed and prepared for Varun, an important and high-paying customer who has a preference for virgins. Resisting his advances, Lakshmi bites Varun and uses the ensuing chaos to escape the building. On the street, she blindly runs for help but is caught and beaten by Mumtaz's workers, who subsequently lock her in an isolated room. While looking out of the window, Lakshmi is spotted by Sophia, an American photographer who has arrived in India to work with an anti-trafficking organisation, Hope House. Sophia takes pictures of Lakshmi, but she is noticed by a brothel worker, Suren, who breaks her camera. After recovering the photos, Sophia becomes determined to save 'the girl in the window', and requests help from Hope House manager Mrs. Tripathi, and her investigators Vikram and Sam.
After multiple failed attempts to ensure her cooperation, Mumtaz drugs Lakshmi's mango juice and prepares her once again for Varun, who rapes her. The next day, she is drugged again and forced to service multiple men. Sophia asks Vikram to raid Happiness House, but he is reluctant to do so without proper planning. No longer new, Lakshmi is given a bed in the communal living space and made to work as the other women do. She befriends Harish, a young boy living at the brothel with his infant sister Gina and mother Pushpa, who is a sickly prostitute. After witnessing workers bury a body in a shallow grave, Lakshmi contemplates suicide but is stopped by Shahanna. Days pass and soon Lakshmi becomes resigned to her fate. She calculates the number of days needed for her to pay off her debt to Mumtaz, but is discouraged by Shahanna, who warns her that there will be consequences if her notes are found. Anita tries to escape, and is punished by Mumtaz, who shoves chilli peppers into her vagina in front of the others. Lakshmi saves Shahanna after she is attacked by an irate customer, and Bimla informs her that the bodies of those who die on the premises are buried in the garden. Monica, who has managed to pay back her debt to Mumtaz after five years, leaves the brothel and returns to her village, where she expects to be welcomed as a heroine since she has been financially providing for her family. Vikram and Sam arrive at Happiness House, posing as customers. Sam gives Lakshmi a card containing the details of Hope House and informs her that a raid will be held soon. The exchange is overheard by Anita. Lakshmi confides in Shahanna, who is dismissive and claims that American men are sent to kidnap girls and harvest their organs. A bruised and battered Monica returns to Happiness House, having been beaten by her father and thrown out of her village. A week later, the women are taken to see a doctor, who examines them and discovers that Monica has Kaposi's sarcoma, a symptom of HIV/AIDS. She is forced to leave the brothel.
While delivering soft drinks to customers, Harish sees Lakshmi in the garden and offers her a bottle. They hide from Suren, who comes looking for Harish and the missing crate of drinks. Anita witnesses the scene and causes a power outage, which stops the pair being found and punished. Mumtaz confronts the women about the power cut, and finds the Hope House card. Anita falsely claims it is hers and is struck by Mumtaz, but she is able to return the card to Lakshmi and tells her that she lied to buy time for the upcoming raid. The raid begins but the police and Sam find nothing since the younger girls are hidden away by Bimla. Sophia apologizes to Vikram for pushing him to conduct a premature search. Anita is sold by Mumtaz to the Middle East, where she will be a sex slave and never be able to return. Pushpa becomes increasingly sick and is forced to leave with Harish and Gina, since she can no longer work. Lakshmi begins to plan her escape, and manages to slip out of a window while the others are watching a religious festival on TV. She is chased by one of the brothel workers but manages to escape in the thick crowds of worshipers. After initially getting lost, Lakshmi finally makes her way to Hope House and is reunited with Harish. Using her information, the police conduct a surprise raid on Happiness House, and find the hidden girls and buried bodies. Bimla, Suren and others are arrested, but Mumtaz gets away. Later that night, the rescued girls burn their working clothes at Hope House.
Sam (Cheng) and his girlfriend Barbara (Chau) open up a joint cafe - the "LA Cafe Pillowcase". It later becomes a hotspot for recently separated couples to share their stories and memorabilia from past relationships.
DARPA researcher Dr. Mark Clyne flies to Moldova from Virginia, the current deployment location of the US military in the ongoing Moldovan War, to be consulted on one of his creations, a line of hyperspectral imaging goggles that have been issued to troops there. After arriving at a US military airbase on the outskirts of Chișinău, he meets with US Army General Orland and CIA officer Fran Madison. They show him footage captured by the troops' goggles of a mysterious, translucent, humanoid apparition that kills almost instantaneously. Knowing it is not interference, Orland wants Clyne's expert opinion before forwarding the findings and footage to his superiors. Conversely, Madison believes the sightings to be members of the local insurgency wearing an advanced form of active camouflage and has orders from her superiors to retrieve a sample.
To get a clearer shot of the anomalies and identify them, both Clyne and Madison accompany a team of Delta Force operators into the field to find Utah team that went missing the day before. To capture a better image of the apparitions, Clyne mounts a larger, more powerful version of the hyperspectral camera on top of one of the armored personnel carriers. Upon arriving at the location, they discover all of the members of the Utah team (except one member named Comstock, who is found alive hiding under a bath tub) are dead along with the insurgents. They are ambushed by the apparitions, who, being impervious to small arms fire and explosives, inflict heavy casualties before the soldiers retreat. After landmines render their vehicles inoperable and kill Comstock, the group takes cover in an abandoned factory where they find two children barricaded inside. The apparitions attempt to follow them but are stopped by a barrier of iron shavings. The children share that their father scattered the shavings to protect his children before he was killed. The survivors make contact with the airbase and set up a rendezvous. Clyne modifies the hyperspectral camera into a large searchlight, which enables the group to see the apparitions without the need for goggles. Clyne points out numerous crates of iron shavings lying around the factory, which the unit uses to turn their grenades into IEDs laced with iron shavings to give them a fighting chance. Fortified with these new weapons, the group sets out for the rendezvous point about a half-mile away from the factory. About an hour before the extraction time, the apparitions find a way to cross the barrier, forcing the survivors to leave the factory.
The apparitions chase the group, who uses the iron explosives to slow them down. Reinforcements and a helicopter evac join them at the rendezvous point, a largely abandoned plaza. However, they are ambushed by the apparitions and are barely able to escape as the figures kill one of the children and the soldiers sent as backup. Once safely in the air, they receive word from Orland that the apparitions have overrun the airbase, so they are redirected to a civilian bunker controlled by the allied Moldovan military. Thinking over what he learned from the young girl they have rescued, Clyne deduces the apparitions are likely man-made and are made of Bose-Einstein condensate, which explains their ability to move through walls, freeze people to death, and the inability to pass through iron shavings and ceramic materials (hence their inability to penetrate ceramic tank armor and Comstock's hiding place under the bath tub). Working overnight with Orland and surviving military engineers, he constructs several makeshift pulse weapons capable of breaking down the condensate. The next morning, the remaining American soldiers head to the Masarov power plant in the center of the city by V-22 Ospreys, as Clyne believes it is the only facility capable of generating the power needed to create the condensate.
While the soldiers mount an offensive distraction on the roof of the plant, Clyne and Madison descend down to a recently overrun laboratory inside. They deduce that scientists, working in weapons research for the former regime, were scanning humans on a molecular level and using advanced 3D printing to replicate them in condensate form. The human test subjects' brains and peripheral nervous systems were then removed and hooked up to a central machine that keeps the condensate copies (or "apparitions") alive. With the battle above threatening to release the remaining condensates, Clyne finally finishes activation of the failsafe system, which deactivates the condensate apparitions. Believing that whatever level of consciousness remaining is in pain, he unplugs the human remains from the machine, finally giving them peace.
With the apparitions gone, the US and allied Moldovan military continue their work of taking control of the city from the insurgents. A Department of Defense extraction team is to be sent back to the plant with the Delta Force operators to take the machinery apart and potentially use it for their own purposes. Saying goodbye to Madison and General Orland, Clyne boards a V-22 Osprey to be taken back home to Virginia.
Han Gil-ho wants to become a public servant, but so far has failed the civil service exam. His real interest is writing a kung-fu comic book which he has titled ''I'm a Public Official'', featuring a crime-fighting bureaucrat and his two nerdy friends (based on himself and his slacker friends Min-gu and Park). Gil-ho then meets Kim Jung-sook, when he tags along to a meeting where she berates Min-gu into taking responsibility for her pregnant best friend Seung-hee. Gil-ho and Jung-sook realize that they knew each other years ago in college, when she was geeky and similarly hot-tempered and Gil-ho couldn't stand her. After unexpectedly sleeping together after a party, the two begin dating and eventually move in together, with Jung-sook having a regular job as a manager at a water-purifying company. Gil-ho gets an offer from a comic book publisher, but his lack of ambition and inability to commit to anything start to take their toll on their relationship.
In December 2001, Ethan Miller loses his parents in a car accident. His best friends Isaac Greenberg and Chris Roberts resolve to spend every Christmas Eve with him so that he will not be alone. The three learn about the exclusive Nutcracker Ball party but are unable to find it. They continue their collective holiday tradition for many years until 2015, when they finally decide to end the tradition. Chris, now a famous football player, and Isaac, married with a baby on the way, worry that Ethan, a struggling musician working dead-end jobs, is not ready for the tradition to end.
At work, Ethan steals tickets to the Nutcracker Ball. Before embarking on their last Christmas Eve together, the friends meet at Isaac's house where his pregnant wife Betsy gives him various illegal drugs including magic mushrooms and cocaine. The friends stop first at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, where Ethan reveals the tickets to the ball. In an attempt to impress his teammates, Chris purchases marijuana from their former high school dealer, Mr. Green. At a karaoke bar, the friends run into Diana, who recently broke up with Ethan due to his failure to commit, and her friend Sarah, both of whom are also attending the Nutcracker Ball. Isaac, negatively affected by the drugs he took, records a video phone message confessing that he is terrified of having a child. Chris hooks up with a supposed fan who steals his marijuana.
The friends contact Mr. Green again, who meets them at Chris' mother's house, where the friends have dinner. Chris' mother encourages Ethan to make up with Diana, and Isaac realizes he has accidentally switched phones with Sarah when he begins to receive sexts. While they search for Isaac's phone, the thief steals Chris' marijuana again. The friends split up, as Chris wants his marijuana back, Isaac wants his phone, and Ethan wants to go to the party. Chris fails to recover his marijuana but through her learns the true value of his friends. Isaac, hallucinating from a mixture of drugs, meets his wife and her family and vomits during Midnight Mass. Ethan is beaten by two drunk pub crawling men dressed as Santa after defending the spirit of Christmas.
Meeting back at a subway station, the tension between the friends explodes as Ethan reveals that he and Isaac know Chris' sudden success is due to steroids, and Chris reveals that he and Isaac think Ethan is lost. Despite their revelations, the friends go to the Nutcracker Ball. Chris learns that his teammates did not need the marijuana he struggled to obtain, and mock him for a video shot earlier with his friends. Isaac retrieves his phone, learning Sarah never revealed his video message. Ethan finds Diana and spontaneously proposes to her in front of the entire party with Miley Cyrus. While she accepts publicly, she declines in private, saying that he only proposed out of fear of losing his friends. Ashamed, Ethan goes to the roof where he finds Mr. Green, who reveals that he is the creator and host of the Nutcracker Ball. After experiencing a memory of his friends initiating their yearly ritual, Ethan rejoins Chris and Isaac, who have been thrown out after an altercation with Chris' teammates.
As morning dawns, the friends reconcile just as Isaac receives a message that Betsy is in labor. Rushing to the hospital in Mr. Green's car, they discover it was a false alarm. Mr. Green is revealed to be an angel, helping the friends in order to earn his wings. Isaac shows his wife the video, and she admits she is also scared about raising their daughter. The trio spend Christmas at Isaac's house, after which Chris has dinner with his mother and admits to his steroid use. Ethan goes to Diana's house, where he apologizes for his behavior and not being ready to commit. Admitting that she has missed Ethan, Diana accepts his request to finally meet her parents.
One year later, the friends and their loved ones spend Christmas together. Isaac's baby cannot sleep, so the trio serenade her.
Count Vronsky (Alexander Godunov) spots Anna Karenina (Maya Plisetskaya) waiting at a train station. He is immediately taken with her. When the two meet again they cannot deny their attraction and dance passionately together.
When Refugio and her three children, Patricio, Edmundo and Ignacio are thrown from their home, by chance of destiny they arrive at the city of Mexico, where they initiate a new life. Eighteen years later, they find themselves established in a small apartment in a popular area. She has a modest job, and although she has serious eye problems, she does not take care of her health by attending to the needs of her children. Patricio studies Law and dreams of a comfortable and prosperous future; Edmundo studied Medicine and is a bright but undisciplined student, and Ignacio was only able to finish high school because he works in a mechanic's workshop, helping his mother pay the expenses of the house and the studies of his brothers.
Patricio has become a boyfriend of Lucero, daughter of Julieta, who hosted them when they arrived in the city, but soon after, he rejects her when he meets Olga, a fickle girl whose fortune dazzles him, which leads him to be ashamed of his family and to lie about their origin, even going so far as to deny his own mother. Olga begins to doubt the lies of Patricio, reason why she spies him and discovers that lives very modestly. Exposed, he lies to her again telling her that Refugio was her nanny, and because she has a mental illness, she has to take care of her. She admires him for charity. Refugio tries in vain to make Patricio understand that with Olga he will never be happy. On the other hand, Edmundo begins to court Lucero, unintentionally hurting Ignacio, who loves her in secret.
Olga asks her father, the lawyer Romulo Ancira, to employ Patricio in his law firm. As the father is fed up with the whims of the daughter, he agrees and soon announces his commitment to marriage. As a result of his wedding, Patricio moves away completely from his mother and his brothers. When Refugio tries to approach Olga to recover the affection of its son, only receives humiliations; This causes disputes between Edmundo and Ignacio.
Patricio finds out that his father is not the same as that of his brothers; Accuses his mother of being unfaithful and demands that she never come back to him. As a result, Refugio falls into a severe depression that leads her to lose her job and aggravates her loss of sight. Neither Edmundo nor Ignacio seem to be able to comfort her, but they intend to get her out; Edmundo, looking for easy money with an illegal business, and Ignacio, in debt. Edmundo soon falls in jail and the situation is aggravated when Ignacio goes to Patricio to ask him to defend it before the law and this one refuses.
The marriage life of Patricio and Olga is a disaster. Olga gives birth to a daughter whom she rejects; this causes the truth about Patricio's origin to be known, and Patricio's world of luxury and comfort crumbles. When the man who ruined the life of Refugio and her children crosses into their lives by chance, Patricio learns the truth of his origin and the efforts of his mother in spite of adversity. The pain of his own failures, has overcome the arrogance of Patricio, who begs Refugio to forgive him and agrees to defend his brother, after which he recovers the family harmony.
After getting caught in a sex scandal, literature professor Shim Hak-kyu (Jung Woo-sung) is forced to leave Seoul to teach in a small, rural town, until the matter is settled, leaving his depressed wife (Yoon Se-ah) and daughter, Chung-ee (Park Seo-yeon). Hak-kyu becomes involved in a relationship with Deok-ee (Esom), a naive ticket seller for a soon-to-be-dismantled amusement park. Their relationship quickly spreads to the town residents and greatly disturbs Deok-ee's deaf mother (Kim Nam-jin). Eventually, Hak-kyu's name is cleared with the help of his friend, Dong-woo (Lee Chang-hoon), allowing him to teach at his university. Before he departs, Deok-ee reveals that their previous intimacy had made her pregnant. After aborting the baby, Hak-kyu leaves, promising to return for Deok-ee. Instead, he goes back home and gives respite to his miserable wife.
Though Hak-kyu is still going to the rural town for a while, he avoids Deok-ee, telling her to "wait". One night, Hak-kyu visits her home to bribe her into never speaking their relationship again for a sum of money. During the conflict, Deok-ee forgets to turn off the stove, which engulfs her house with her mother still inside. Receiving distressing calls from Chung-ee, Hak-kyu returns home to find that his wife has committed suicide.
Eight years later, Hak-kyu has become a successful writer, but is leading a wild lifestyle, including drinking, smoking, and gambling, becoming heavily indebted in the process. At the same time, he learns that an illness is threatening his vision. Chung-ee (Park So-young), meanwhile, is beginning to slip away and go to a club, where she meets Deok-ee, who has taken up the identity of "Yoon Se-jung" and is moving as the Shim's new neighbor. Deok-ee starts to frequently tend to the Shim as Hak-kyu spirals down due to his debt and his firing from his university, also recommending him an ophthalmologist (Yang Jin-woo), who only makes him blind. Eventually, the gambling boss, Mr. Choi (Kim Hee-won), forces Hak-kyu to sign a contract sending Chung-ee to Japan to work as a prostitute in return for a hefty sum of money. During Hak-kyu's period of mourning, Deok-ee reveals her identity and her anger to him, saying she will continue to make him suffer until he dies. She is also revealed to have learned Hak-kyu's location and condition from Dong-woo in favor of a sex with him.
However, Deok-ee is horrified when the now-experienced Chung-ee manages to return home. Chung-ee reveals that she already knows what Deok-ee had done to her family, including recommending the mock ophthalmologist, promising to return her revenge back to her. Through her client, a Japanese man (Shinjo Huta) who controls Mr. Choi's casino, Deok-ee's contract with Mr. Choi is concluded. Chung-ee then forces Deok-ee into a surgery (surgery conducted by the ophthalmologist after he was beaten), to give her eyes to her father. Before the operation, Hak-kyu apologizes to the tearful Deok-ee, telling her that he will make everything right for her and Chung-ee.
The film closes with the now blind Deok-ee sitting near a lake and grabbing her hand was Hak-kyu, who watches her and says "Deok-ee, I love you".
A young Ruth Becker meets and marries a leading journalist, Hans Wesemann, while visiting her cousin Dora in Munich in 1923. Together they participate in left wing activism. Ten years later, as Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, Ruth and Hans, together with Dora Fabian and her lover, playwright Ernst Toller, are forced to flee to London. In exile in London, always in danger of being deported by the British Government, they dedicate themselves to making the world realise how dangerous Hitler really is. The storytelling shifts from the point of view of Toller shortly before his suicide in New York in 1939, and the sole survivor Ruth in Sydney in 2001.
All of the characters in ''All That I Am'' are real people; however Funder has reconstructed their stories, as a lot of the memories and moments that compel the story cannot be verified. In her notes Funder writes: "I have made connections and suppositions, for that I take full responsibility."
Anselmo Pandolfini lives in Palma de Mallorca. He meets a famous American diva Mary Moore who initially dislikes him, but persuades her to let him act as her bodyguard.
Michael (Ken Steadman) is looking for a woman who likes to play games, but when he finds Suzanne (Lisa Boyle), he discovers that she may be more than he bargained for. Once Michael meets Suzanne, they strike up a relationship, which proves to be intense. Their first date takes them first to a restaurant, then into an alley where they fool around for a bit. They go back to his place to fool around some more. She then leaves. The next day, both attend a business meeting, during which Suzanne plays footsie with Michael. They return to his residence to fool around in his bathtub, then move onto his bed to fool around some more. But Suzanne flees and boards a taxi. This causes Michael, still naked under a bathrobe, to run after the cab taking Suzanne away. Arrested for indecent exposure, Michael places two telephone calls seeking release on bail. The first, to Suzanne, is without success. The second, to Nick (James DiZazzo), one of his friends, yields results. Suzanne then lures Michael to a motel bed and leaves him cuffed there to the bed naked while she leaves to go back to work to attend a meeting. She returns to him and they have sex on the motel bed.
High schooler Krystal Williams receives various text messages from friends asking whether she is the girl featured in a sexual assault video. As she watches the video, she immediately becomes upset. At school the following day, her best friend Jenna is surprised that she has shown up given the circumstances. In the middle of class, Krystal notices her boyfriend Dylan using his phone, and decides to send him a text message. While composing the message, she receives another text with the video attached, and accidentally plays it out loud.
Her teacher Mr. White notices the sound and takes away her phone, telling her to come back at the end of the day to collect it. Once school ends, she retrieves her phone from Mr. White, who asks if everything is okay. On her way out of school, Dylan follows Krystal to the parking lot and the two talk about the situation. Krystal wonders if more than one person was in the room at the time of her assault, to which Dylan says he doesn't know. Back at home, Krystal ignores the text messages she is receiving on her phone.
Nicolás del Casal is a descendant of the former owners of Cantarrana, the hacienda where his half uncle Hilario and his family have been living. Raised in Europe, he returns to Venezuela to face his past, and he plans to repossess the property which was taken from his father, Louie del Casal. When he arrives in Venezuelan territory, he meets Nicolás Guanipa Victoria, the daughter of Hilario Guanipa, his sworn enemy. Victoria is a strong-willed woman who loves to show the world she was born to lead. She is a naive woman who has grown up all her life in the security of the Cantarrana Hacienda. Victoria is also the daughter of Hilario Guanipa, the bastard son of Jaime del Casal, who will be the center of Nicolás' revenge. Hilario grew up resenting his half brothers who always made him feel inferior to them and under the social prejudice of being an illegitimate child. Because of this resentment, Hilario became a ruthless man who fraudulently seized the Cantarrana Hacienda, disregarding the rights of the legitimate heirs. His actions led to the suicide of Louie del Casal, his half-brother, who killed himself after being stripped of what was rightfully his and his family's.
In 1985 Maine, lighthouse keeper Thomas Curry rescues Atlanna, the queen of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, during a storm. They fall in love and have a son named Arthur, who has the power to communicate with sea creatures. When Atlantean soldiers sent by King Orvax (the ruler of Atlantis) arrive to retrieve Atlanna, who fled her arranged marriage in Atlantis, she defeats them but is forced to leave her family to protect them from her people. She promises to return when safe to do so and goes back to Atlantis, entrusting her advisor, Nuidis Vulko, to train Arthur. Becoming a skilled warrior, Arthur rejects Atlantis upon learning that Atlanna was executed by Orvax for loving a human and having a half-breed son.
In the present, one year after Steppenwolf's defeat, Arthur confronts pirates hijacking a Russian ''Akula''-class submarine. Their leader is killed in a failed attempt to kill Arthur, and the leader's son David vows revenge. The present king Orm Marius, Orvax's son (who is now Atlantis's new ruler after his father died) and Arthur's younger half-brother, convinces King Nereus of Xebel to help unite Atlantis and destroy the surface world for polluting the oceans. If Orm unites all four kingdoms, he will receive the title of Ocean Master, commander of the most powerful force on the planet. Nereus agrees to help after they are attacked by the hijacked submarine.
Nereus' daughter Mera, betrothed to Orm, refuses to aid them and requests Arthur's help. Arthur accompanies her back to Atlantis, where Vulko urges him to find the Trident of Atlan, a magic artifact of Atlantis' first ruler, to reclaim his rightful place as king. They are ambushed by Orm's men, and Arthur is captured. Orm blames him for Atlanna's death and nearly kills him in a duel before Mera rescues him. Arthur and Mera journey to the fallen Kingdom of the Deserters hidden under the Sahara desert, where the trident was forged, and unlock a holographic message that leads them to Sicily, Italy, where they retrieve the trident's coordinates.
Orm gives David a prototype Atlantean battle suit to kill Arthur, imprisons Vulko, and coerces the Kingdom of the Fishermen to pledge their allegiance to him by killing their king and forcing the queen and princess to accept. It is also revealed that Orm hired David and his father to hijack the Russian submarine (which is the same one that attacked Atlantis earlier) to win Nereus's support. An armored David rechristens himself as Black Manta and injures Arthur, but Arthur manages to defeat David. At their destination, Arthur and Mera fend off amphibious monsters of the Trench, and a wormhole transports them to an uncharted sea at the center of the Earth. They are reunited with Atlanna, who was sacrificed to the Trench for Arthur's illegitimate birth 20 years ago, but had survived and escaped to the uncharted sea, alive and well.
Arthur faces the Karathen, a mythical leviathan and keeper of the trident, and voices his determination to protect both Atlantis and the surface, reclaiming the trident, which grants him control over the seven seas. Orm leads his army against the Kingdom of the Brine to declare himself Ocean Master, while Arthur, with Mera, Karathen, and the Trench, lead an army of marine creatures against him. Orm's followers embrace Arthur as the true king upon learning that he wields Atlan's trident. Arthur defeats Orm but spares his life, and Orm accepts his imprisonment after discovering that Arthur rescued their mother. Atlanna reunites with Thomas as promised, while Arthur ascends to the throne.
In a mid-credits scene, David is rescued by Dr. Stephen Shin, a marine scientist and conspiracy theorist obsessed with Atlantis, and agrees to lead Shin there in exchange for help in his revenge on Arthur.
Set in both modern day Earth and the parallel world of Embra, Heroes possessing magical powers wake up and are pulled into a dark realm and centuries old battle. They take part in adventures, facing off against an array of creatures in a war against the Shadow Legions, to save all of humanity.
The backstory for the game states that hidden pathways that exist between Earth and Embra have been crossed by only a few in all history. Arcane energy flows through the magical world of Embra from its molten core. Those born with the talent to harness this power can perform feats that reshape reality. Long before humans ever walked the Earth, cultures fueled by magic rose to greatness and fell to ruin on Embra over its millennia of history, destroying once grand civilizations and their achievements. Towering monuments and mystic relics that are preserved forever by arcane energies serve as legacies for these vanished people.
The Radiant Empires are the first great nations in Embra's long past to break their world's cycle of self-destruction. These diverse cultures joined together five thousand years ago to preserve themselves and their world in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill. Their alliance has been marked by unity, prosperity and significant advancements in mystic knowledge. The greatest of these discoveries was the revelation that Embra was not alone, but that another world much like it, but with an extremely weak flow of magic, Earth, was in existence.
When human civilization was still in its infancy, Embra's boldest explorers bravely crossed the barrier between the two worlds, and quickly realized that humanity's reactions towards them could be unpredictable and violent. Alongside this, Earth's weak flow of magical power made it uninhabitable to them.
Unfortunately, they had far greater concerns back home. After millennia spent in unchallenged peace and prosperity, the pacifist scholars and artists of the Radiant Empires were no match for the arrival of an enemy that knew only war. Though much about them remained shrouded in mystery, these foul invaders - the Shadow Legions - drove the Radiant Empires from their strongholds and toppled their cities. The citizens of the Radiant Empires knew their entire way of life was doomed without an army to defend it. As a result, they turned to their only hope: Earth.
A fraction of Earth's population, those modern society regards as urban legends, has always been able to wield magic, but the flow of magical energy on Earth is so poor that few ever suspect their potential. On Embra, the command of arcane force is infinite and the Radiant Empires have recruited strong young men and women to fight the Shadow Legions for almost a hundred years. Embra's magical human warriors channel power in many ways. Guns are one of Earth's only inventions that still function on Embra.
After decades of hard-won victories that pushed back the Shadow Legions, humanity and the Radiant Empires thought the long war was almost over. They were wrong. The enemy has returned, assisted by new allies: cunning beings called the Shadowlords. These foes have proved themselves to be extremely strong and hard to beat. As yet, no one knows where the Shadowlords came from, or why they remained hidden until now, but one thing is clear: if they conquer Embra, Earth will be next.
Policewoman Leung Chi-kwan (Cynthia Khan), instructor Lee Sin-yee (Loletta Lee), beautician Yip Yuk-hing (Fennie Yuen), taxi driver Daniel (Lau Ching-wan) and former triad member Rascal King (Dayo Wong) goes to Thailand for vacation led by tour guide Graham (Waise Lee), a born again Christian. There, they rescue a prostitute Ann (Gloria Yip) who was beaten up by brothel frequenters for scamming their money. Ann stole a case of money which turns out to be US$3 million counterfeit currency. During the tour, they were constantly being chased by gangsters wanting to silence them. During this critical moment, Graham reveals his true identity as a secret agent.
Don Salvatore Anastasia, a priest in a seminary in Tropea, Calabria (Italy), gets a ticket to visit his brother in New York. He has never known him, because the brother emigrated illegally in the U.S.A. years before.
Upon his arrival in America, he is greeted with much respect, as well as his brother, also from the Italian-American community of Little Italy. Enthusiastic of that, he decided to stay on as assistant pastor in the church of Saint Lucia and bring it to a new shine.
Accompanied in New York, his last name, Anastasia, commands respect and, above all, opens the door hitherto locked: his brother, really, is the infamous mob boss Albert Anastasia.
After the allegations of a clandestine horse race, there is a federal investigation, and Albert, brother of Don Salvatore, is locked up in the prison of Sing Sing and sentenced to 10 months for tax evasion.
Here begins the collapse of Don Salvatore, who will recover only when his brother gets out of jail. But the recovery will be short-lived because Albert dies shortly after, assassinated in a barber salon. Don Salvatore, overcome by grief at the loss of his brother, has no choice but to embark, sadly, and return to Italy.
Similarly to that of the original, the player controls the messenger Iota or Atoi (both play identically, with the only difference being the gender; Iota is male while Atoi is female) who is tasked with delivering a message to a portal that has mysteriously opened in the sky, displaying the player (referred to as "The You" in game). Along with The You, enemies known as Scraps are invading the world via the opening. Throughout the adventure, the messenger will traverse many new and reworked levels to reach the Portal, and save their paper world.
''Heroes VII'' takes place some 200 years after the events of ''Shades of Darkness'', and ten years after the assassination of the Holy Empress Maeve Falcon (i.e. another 100 years before ''Heroes V''). The story follows Ivan Griffin, Duke of Griffin Duchy, in his pursuit of the crown after the dissolution of the Falcon Empire; but to do so he must band together with a force of allies. One of which the world had not seen the likes of before.
Three young students have different experiences (including sexual) at Oxford University in England.
After accidentally causing the death of his son, geneticist William Blakely wakes in a house tended by a man who introduces himself as his twin brother. His brother explains that William was involved in a car crash. William can remember nothing of his life and must be taught basic concepts, such as how to walk and respond to knock-knock jokes. Together, they watch old footage of William and his twin as children. Though William does not recognize his estranged wife Jules, he is entranced by her. William's brother is finally called to return to work at Next Corp, and he leaves William alone in the house for the day.
At work, William's brother is revealed to be the real William Blakely – William 1. He stole material from the lab to create a clone, William 2. His assistant, Baxter, tells William 1 that their test subjects have been dying after mere weeks. Before William 1 can do anything further, his boss, Dr. Archer, takes him to see several security agents, who accuse him of stealing the lab materials. Dr. Archer supports him, but the security agents remain suspicious. At the same time, William 2 explores the house and discovers enough evidence that he becomes confused about his origins and identity. Further confusing William 2 is a phone call apparently from a haggard-sounding version of William (who is later revealed to be the original William, William Zero) who apologizes for leaving him and promises to return.
William 2 angrily confronts William 1. After interrogating William 1, William 2 ties him up and leaves to find Jules, who he hopes can explain further. Although overwhelmed by his first experiences in the world, William 2 quickly adapts and locates Jules. He awkwardly reestablishes contact with her, though she initially rejects him, as she feels abandoned and left alone to deal with her grief. William 2 secretly follows her around the city and becomes more smitten with her. Meanwhile, William 1 escapes his bonds and kills a Next Corp security agent who was investigating the house and its grounds. William 1 recovers a pistol from the agent's body and uses it to kill Dr. Archer.
William 1 quickly returns home and pretends to be bound. When his clone arrives, he convinces William 2 to take over his life, as William 1 does not wish to return to it. William 2 reluctantly agrees, and goes to work at Next Corp, where he learns that the animal test subjects are second generation clones. Baxter explains that cloning a clone causes extensive genetic problems, and William 2, who is experiencing the described symptoms, realizes that he must be a second generation clone, too. Before he can return home to further question William 1, a security team detains him for further questioning. Baxter, dubious about the company's ethics, frees him and traps the security team.
After growing increasingly suspicious of his neighbor's activities, Lester confronts William 1. William 1 invites Lester inside, and, after pushing him down a flight of stairs, explains his origins. The original William Blakely, William Zero, was so overcome by guilt and grief that he abandoned his wife and created a clone, William 1, to replace him. However, William 1 felt abandoned by his creator once William Zero disappeared. As he struggled through life with no help, he became bitter and disillusioned, eventually attempting suicide. Unable to face his own broken life, William 1 created a clone to replace him – freeing him to seek vengeance on William Zero and the world.
After killing Lester, William 1 lures Jules to the house, planning to kill her to spite William Zero. Although confused by his cold demeanor compared to William 2, Jules does not suspect anything. William 2 arrives before William 1 can kill Jules, and he tells Jules that he loves her. After the two embrace, William 2 attempts to dispose of William 1's body, only to be confronted by William Zero. Knowing he will soon die, William 2 convinces William Zero to return to his wife and promise never to leave her again. William Zero tearfully agrees, and they arrange for his death to be faked. Some time later, William Zero is shown together with Jules and his now-cloned son.
Eya (Nadine Lustre) is a kind-hearted girl who has faced several difficulties in life. Orphaned at the age of 14, her aunt adopts her but kicks her out as soon as she turns 18. Unable to make ends meet, she gets a new job as a personal maid only to realize she has to look after Cross (James Reid), an egoistic young man who she calls the "monster". Cross, having lost his mother at a young age, has grown resentful towards everybody around him. But regardless of their differences, they start developing feelings for each other. Eya does not realize this and starts developing a crush on her best friend Chad (Andre Paras), but later lets go of him since he likes her friend Lory (Yassi Pressman). However, Lory has had a crush on Cross since when they were in kindergarten and feels betrayed when Eya starts spending more time with Cross. Chad comforts Lory and expresses his love, which makes her think about exploring other options. Lory makes up with Eya and they decide to go to the school masquerade ball together. Eya gets to dance with a handsome young man who she thinks is her "prince charming", but she fails to recognize him with his mask on. The next day, Eya and her friends help her in finding her prince by measuring the height, voice, and foot size of all the guys in school but fails miserably.
At the end of the day, Eya gets a call from a man telling her to meet him since he has something to discuss with her. When she meets this man, he claims to be her "prince charming". Cross interrupts them claiming that the man is lying, and the man explains that he was sent by someone in order to provoke the real "prince charming". When Eya confronts Cross about this he comes clean about being her "prince", he also confesses that he likes her, and also explains that she couldn't recognize his voice since he had a cold the day of the ball. Eya then accepts the fact that she likes him too, and agrees to be his girlfriend.
Piera Cariani is married to Jonathan but their marriage is affected due to her husband's interest in her father's fortune. In a fit of jealousy, Jonathan kills Piera. When Don Giacomo Cariani notices her absence from the household, Jonathan lies that she is travelling abroad. To avoid suspicion, Jonathan and her grandmother Francesca resolve to find Piera's twin sister Yamalí who is unknown to the rest of the family and has been living in the Amazon jungle for years.
Meanwhile, Yamalí find herself at a crossroads as she is forced to leave the love of her life Sebastián in order to go to Caracas and take her sister's place without knowing she is going into a trap where she will be constantly harassed by Jonathan and Francesca. Later, she finally uncovers their schemes and big plan to steal the fortune of Don Giacomo who is ill and in a wheel chair.
is at a difficult crossroads as it should let your love Sebastian ( Eduardo Serrano ) to go to Caracas to supplant Piera, not knowing that it would be heavily harassed by Jonathan and Francesca, and she ends up discovering the plot armed to seize the fortune of Don Giacomo, who is ill and in a wheelchair. While thinking Yamalí is dead, Sebastián decides to move to the capital city to rebuild his life and once again meets Yamalí who is now impersonating Piera and he falls in love with her again.
The film focuses on the three soldiers, one American, one Israeli and one Arab who find themselves trapped in a secret remote communications base. Despite conflicting views, backgrounds and prejudices, the three have only one night to find common ground and work together if any of them are to remain alive.
Bob is a middle aged redneck political science nerd recruited by Israel to teach new equipment. He is only one day from completing his assignment and heading out to Dubai. Bob is tasked to train Ari, an angry, hot tempered European Jew seeking vengeance for the tragic loss of his family in an explosion on the streets of Tel Aviv. Baz is a member of the Australian army, who is in Lebanon visiting family and finds himself on the wrong side of the border after dark.
Addressing serious issues and timely questions in a comedic manner, ''Bordering on Bad Behavior'' tackles many deeply rooted issues in a manner that highlights the common humanity on all sides of the age old conflicts that plague the Middle East, and impact the world far beyond its borders.
In New York City, Richie (Shawn Christensen), a downtrodden young man whose girlfriend, Vista (Isabelle McNally), recently disappeared, discovers the corpse of a girl who died from a heroin overdose while he is cleaning bathroom stalls at a nightclub. The club owner, Bill (Ron Perlman), arranges for her body to be removed without notifying the authorities.
At his apartment, Richie attempts suicide by cutting one of his wrists in a bathtub, when he receives a call from his estranged sister, Maggie (Emmy Rossum), asking him to look after her eleven-year-old daughter, Sophia (Fátima Ptacek). Richie goes to her school, where she recites "Because I could not stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson in both English and Mandarin Chinese. Richie takes her to her apartment before heading home, where he attempts suicide by drug overdose. Richie hallucinates a drug dealer calling him on the phone, threatening him by saying he is in the building. Sophia calls, however, and informs Richie that her mother has not returned home.
Richie arrives at the lobby of Maggie's apartment, where he discovers that the drugs he took were Zolafren, intended for menopause. Outside Maggie's apartment, a suspicious-looking woman asks Richie about his sister's whereabouts. After entering, Maggie calls the apartment, indicating to Richie that she is in central booking and upon hearing of the woman, orders Richie to sneak Sophia out of the building.
Richie takes Sophia to a bowling alley where he works. Richie calls central booking, who inform him that his sister was arrested and is awaiting arraignment at 4:30 AM. The owner of the bowling alley, Gideon (Paul Wesley), has Richie brought to the office. Gideon informs him that his girlfriend has been missing for a day, with her last whereabouts being at Bill's nightclub, and produces a photograph, which Richie recognizes as being of the dead woman he saw the night before. Richie denies knowledge of her whereabouts. He calls Bill, who tells him to come in at 1:30 AM to discuss the situation.
As a favor to Richie, Gideon allows Maggie the use of his lawyer, Bruce Warham (Richard Schiff), who informs Maggie that in the public's eyes, she is a mistress, due to her having sexual relations to a married man, despite having been assaulted.
Richie tells Sophia about flip books he made growing up about a character called "Sophia". He brings Sophia to his former apartment in a downtrodden part of town, where he retrieves some flip books and calms his panicked niece by presenting the premise of a girl who dies in intricate ways, but comes back by the next installment. He then collapses from blood loss, but refuses to go to a hospital, due to promising Maggie to keep Sophia safe.
After Sophia tells him the cruel things her estranged father, Darren (Fran Kranz), says to her, Richie assaults him at his work. Richie and Sophia visit Bill, who divulges that Gideon's girlfriend had been resisting his advances and in retaliation, he gave her heroin. Richie returns to Maggie's apartment, where he returns Sophia home. Sophia tells him that his constant love letters to Vista would work if he told her he loves her.
Having reached an epiphany, Richie confronts Gideon, telling him what happened to his girlfriend. Gideon and his armed thugs abduct Richie, then drop him off alongside the road, before speeding off to deal with Bill. Richie re-encounters the blonde woman, who is revealed to be the wife of Maggie's lover. Richie makes his rendezvous with a released Maggie and escorts her to her apartment.
Maggie tells Richie that she does not want him to stay in her daughter's life, fearing him to be a "false idol". Richie tells her how much he looked up to her when they were younger and how much he still looks up to her now. He returns to his bathtub and prepares to kill himself, when Maggie calls him, inviting him over for dinner. Richie writes a much shorter letter to Vista, stating that he loves and misses her, before looking up and seeing an image of her sitting across from him.
Two young men are brutally murdered by an unseen force in an abandoned house after playing a prank on a young couple outside in their car. A short time later, Inspector Sturgess and his partner Hollister visit Reverend David Thompson, a new clergyman assigned to the local parish who is assuming the role of an elderly minister, Reverend Maier. The abandoned house being on church's property, Sturgess voices concern about the house being a local dumping ground, and cites the recent murders of the two teenage boys, which he believes are occult-driven, as well as the drownings that have occurred in the pond next to the home.
David, Maier, Sturgess and Hollister visit the property. They meet Arlen, the mute caretaker, who appears to be mentally ill. Elvira, Arlen's aging mother, resides in an adjacent bungalow. Sturgess suspects Arlen of the recent murders. While standing on the pond's dock after chasing Arlen, Hollister is dragged into the water by an unseen assailant. Enraged after hearing of David's plans to have the pond drained, Arlen eludes the police and disappears. Sturgess and Maier interview Elvira, but she tells them only that Arlen is obeying some mysterious "mistress."
In the house, David meets Mary, a friendly young girl who claims to have once lived there. Maier blesses the building, but is killed by the blade from a table saw in a freak accident. Shortly after, the alcoholic Reverend George, his wife Melinda, and their adolescent children Ann, Sheryl, and Justin move into the house as guests of the church. On their move-in date, a renovator is killed by a clawed figure who hangs him to death in an elevator shaft inside the home. While the children go swimming in the pond, Ann discovers a severed human hand, later determined to be that of Hollister. The event results in Ann having a psychological breakdown.
In the house's basement, Justin is attacked and murdered by the claw-handed figure. Sturgess and other police mount a search for Justin in and around the house. Meanwhile, Ann has nightmares of her family being slaughtered. David unearths an antique crucifix from the pond, which Elvira claims has kept a witch, executed on the property centuries ago, dormant. David subsequently unearths a book in the church archives documenting a local inquisition that occurred in 1692, during which Elondra Sharack, a woman accused of murdering a nine-year-old girl named Mary, was executed in the pond by drowning. At the moment of her death, the church erupted in flames.
While searching the house, Sturgess discovers Arlen hiding in a secret room in the basement, and also uncover the body of the renovator. Arlen is arrested, while Sturgess remains at the house to further investigate. In the secret room, he is killed by the witch. Melinda attempts to venture downstairs, but discovers Justin's body hanging in the doorway. She is then attacked by the witch, who corner her into the kitchen where she beats her brutally. Upstairs, Ann and Sheryl are startled by the commotion. George attempts to intervene, and David subsequently arrives at the house, bearing the crucifix. George barricades himself in his bedroom, and discovers Melinda's bloodied body in their bed. The witch appears in the window and causes a mirror in the room to explode, the shards of it slashing George to death.
David attempts to save Ann and Sheryl, but Sheryl flees into the attic to hide, where the witch kills her by driving a stake through her head. David instructs Ann to go outside and wait in his van, and is attacked by the witch moments later, but she vanishes before she is able to kill him. David exits the house, and finds Ann's dead body inside his van. Despondent, he takes cans of gasoline to the pond, pours them in it, and lights it on fire. Mary appears to him and reveals herself as another form of the witch; David drives the crucifix through her heart and she falls backwards into the pond. The disturbance seems over, but before David can leave, Elondra's hand erupts from the pond and drags him under water, drowning him.
Emilia, a 13-year-old girl, is sent by her parents from the small city of Vallenar, Chile, to live with her uncles in metropolitan Santiago, Chile. There, she enters the British College, where she befriends Fernanda, Valentina, Zico, Alex, and Martín, with whom she tries to fund a year-end trip overseas. The series follows exploring everyday-life problems of teenagers, including friendship and romance.
The play takes place in an imaginary port where two ferries await for their passengers. Each character argues with the Devil and the Angel about which ship they deserve to board. There is a pattern in which every character heads first to the Ship of Hell (which is more richly decorated), realize that this boat goes to Hell and then go to the Ship of Heaven. The characters that are not admitted in this boat, return to the Ship of Hell.
At the end only the four knights board the Ship of Heaven. All the other characters go to hell. To the Jew who refuses to give up his earthly possessions - a goat - is denied entrance even on the Ship of Hell (a rope is thrown to him and he is dragged in the water). The fool remains in the port, what is meant to say that he is a common and humble man but still has sins to atone. He helps the angel to judge the other characters and acts like a second voice to the author. His fate is not shown.
Three kinds of humour are present on the play: * humour from the character's demeanor, specially the Fool's. * situational humour (for instance, when the nobleman is mocked and humbled by the devil). * linguistic (several of the devil's lines are comic).
There are several allusions to the mythological Charon. For instance, the usurer claims to not have money to pay the ferryman's fee.
All the deceased want to embark on the Angel's ship. These people are condemned to expiate their sins in Purgatory. In the end, only the boy boards the Ship of Heaven and only the gambler goes to hell. The others remain in purgatory.
Nolan (Grant Bowler) tries to make Kenya (Mia Kirshner) remember what happened and why she left Defiance a year ago, but Kenya can not remember. She only remembers the last three weeks and few things from her past but nothing about the moment she left and why or where she was for a whole year. Nolan insists questioning her but Amanda (Julie Benz) takes Kenya to Need/Want telling him that they can continue tomorrow. Stahma (Jaime Murray) is at the Need/Want the moment Kenya arrives with Amanda and is in shock seeing her alive and runs away.
The next day, Nolan continues to push Kenya to remember and she remembers that she woke up in a glass tube filled with water and then abducted by the Votanis Collective (VA). When VA broke into the laboratory, they killed everyone except her because as they said, she was Amanda's sister and that would be helpful for them. Kenya remember two other people also being at the laboratory but she can not remember their faces.
When Pottinger (James Murray) finds out that Kenya is alive, he runs to Doc Yewll's (Trenna Keating) office to ask how is that possible. It is revealed that they were the ones who were experimenting on Kenya (who is in reality an Indogene in human form) and that is why they tried to steal Amanda's memories few days before. Pottinger tells Yewll that Kenya has to die but Yewll says that she can perform a chemical lobotomy to her so she will never remember.
Yewll tries to perform the chemical lobotomy, lying to Amanda and Kenya that is a new technique that will help her remember. Kenya gets ready for the procedure but a flashback makes her react badly and she runs away before Yewll does the lobotomy. Later Nolan visits Kenya in a new attempt to help her remember and realizes that Kenya remembers only things that Amanda knew about her, either because she told her either because she was there. When Nolan sees that Kenya's scars, from beatings at the hand of her late husband, have disappeared, he realizes that she is not Kenya.
In the meantime, Stahma tries to figure out how Kenya can be alive since she killed and buried her a year ago. She asks Datak (Tony Curran) to help her dig out the body just to confirm that Kenya is indeed dead. Datak tells her that he never believed that she had killed Kenya but Stahma insists that she did it. After spending a whole day digging, Datak finally finds Kenya's body and Stahma now knows that the woman who is in town is not Kenya. Stahma finds Amanda to let her know about it but Amanda does not believe her. Later, Nolan also tells her the same thing and she finally realizes that they are right.
Meanwhile, Kenya discovers that something is wrong with her and when she remembers Yewll and Pottinger being at the laboratory, she grabs a gun and goes to Yewll's office. She asks for the truth and Yewll tells her that she has only about three months to live. Pottinger arrives and takes the gun from Kenya, telling her that the whole thing was his idea. He wanted to bring Kenya back home so that Amanda would see him as a hero and be there to console her when Kenya would die later. He tries to kill Kenya, but both Kenya and Yewll, manage to escape.
Yewll goes to Datak for help and along with Rafe (Graham Greene) they take her to hide underground, in the remains of Old Saint Louis. Kenya goes to Need/Want and takes all the money to leave town. Amanda arrives and tries to stop her but she can not do it. After Kenya's departure, Amanda holds a memorial for her late sister.
At the end of the episode we see a man burning the mask of the man who was holding Kenya captive and it is revealed that it is Quentin (Justin Rain), Rafe's son.
A writer named Emilio meets in a theater foyer of a sudden and mysterious girl, Giulia, and the two begin dating. He, who lives with his sister Amalia, bound to him with some morbidity, courting and she rejects him several times, but later she accepts him and finally disappears, leaving him in need. Emilio tries to help but he realizes that he can not help it. Giulia has a disordered life and he tries to change her life, he even beat her, but she can not change and his sister Amalia becomes isolated for the continued absence of his brother, and he is victim of a love who has been betrayed: when Amalia commits suicide, Emilio decides to leave Giulia.
Sister Marie Fenche is a woman on the verge of collapse. Unable to distinguish reality from fantasy, Marie's life is thrown into turmoil when she awakens one morning, alone in a room with a corpse in the bathtub. The truth is not even Marie knows for sure. Marie's only grounding in this confused world is Jamie, an innocent young nun who is both equally enamored and repulsed by her. Jamie can only help so much, however, and Marie's world comes crashing down when she encounters a mysterious stranger who triggers dark and dangerous memories. Unable to sleep and addled by pills Marie releases her final grip on reality as her dementia leads her deeper and deeper into a world of violence, sex and drugs.
The main character has been sucked into the digital world called Pixekai and "your avatar immediately meets a quirky professor and is given a vague mission to explore a large and varied world, taming as many of the 250 different Micromon as you can, and leading them into battle against other tamers for fun and profit". Players are also instructed to defeat 4 Legion Members in order to achieve the title S-ranked tamer. As you explore, a darker grander story starts to unfold, with a Team Rocket-esque evil corporation called Black Root, a mythical Micromon called Vaithe, and eventually a plot to save the world ensue. By the end of the game the bridge between the real and digital worlds is crumbling and only the player can stop it. There are various mini-plots involving the unique towns, including a love story and a game of hide-and-seek with 2 mischievous twins. Touch Arcade notes "thanks to some excellent, colorful graphics, it's still a fun place to explore. Each of the towns has a very different style, and although there are a lot of reused objects, the towns and the houses have a nice lived-in feeling to them". A side-quest involves the player collecting four chip fragments.
In 1976 in provincial Denmark, 14-year-old Martin (Villads Bøye) is about to be confirmed when his mother dies of cancer. The weeks leading up to his confirmation are difficult and turbulent, as Martin's father and older brother are distraught and Martin must try to keep the family together. In addition, he must deal with his feelings, sexuality and friendships.
An elderly farmer, played by Victor Rebengiuc, has lost his wife in a flood. He has kept his wife's death hidden from their son, but his son discovers the truth anyway and rushes home to visit his father. Accompanying the son are his Japanese wife and their seven-year-old child. The farmer and his son become closer in the days that follow. However, sadness returns when they must part.
Zohar and Daffi are two soldiers trying to serve out their mandatory service with the IDF. On their way back to base after the weekend Daffi bumps into a new girl Tehila and, believing that she is her replacement, takes her under her wing. Daffi and Zohar work menial jobs with Daffi being forced to shred paper. After Daffi trains the new girl she goes to her supervisor Rama and explains that after writing letters to everyone she could trying to get a new position in Tel Aviv they have finally sent a replacement. However Tehila is not a replacement at all but has snuck onto the base to see a boy she slept with and fell in love with. After he rejects her she slits her belly and crawls into bed where she is discovered by the other girls in the morning. Daffi is crushed by her death realizing that she will not be replaced after all. However, when she complains to personnel the officer in charge tells her she herself got transferred by applying to be an officer. Daffi then gets a recommendation from Rama and a boy Zohar has a crush on and is transferred away. She and Zohar part on bad terms.
Left alone, Zohar is teased by the other girls for being a virgin. Irena, one of her co-workers, advises her to sleep with a boy as soon as possible. Zohar takes this advice to heart and flirts with a visiting soldier she meets while guarding the arms, setting up a date with him for the following night. Returning to her dorm room, she climbs into her bunk bed and it breaks. After she refuses to sleep in the only spare bed, where Tehila was found dead, Irena lets her sleep in her bed and sleeps in Tehila's old bed, where she hallucinates in the middle of the night that Tehila is there with her.
The following day Irena behaves bizarrely and the girls begin to believe that there is something wrong with her. Zohar offers to take her to the infirmary but instead prepares for her date with the visiting soldier. However Irena insists on coming on the date and behaves strangely the entire time. When Zohar and her date finally manage to be alone, he aggressively strips off her clothes and when she asks him to be gentle, he tells her she should have gone with a non-combatant. She asks him to stop; he ignores her but is stopped by Irena who pulls his rifle on him and humiliates him before finally letting him go. Once Irena and Zohar return to the office, Rama chastises them for not going to the infirmary. When Zohar explains that she was almost raped and that Irena saved her, Irena claims to have no idea what she's talking about, and Zohar realizes that Tehila's ghost must have left her. Unimpressed, Rama makes Zohar stay in the office all night cleaning. When she returns in the morning she is impressed that the office is spotless but soon finds that Zohar has shredded every record in the department and stuffed them in Rama's office.
As a result of destroying all the records, Zohar is sent to military prison, and Rama is discharged despite wanting to stay in the army and become a career officer. Meanwhile, Daffi finally graduates from officer training and instead of being placed in Tel-Aviv, receives Rama's old position. Despite trying to make the best of the situation Daffi finds that Zohar is insubordinate and rude. After she tries to punish Zohar, Zohar photocopies the old letters that Daffi wrote to try to get off base and posts them all around the base. Daffi in turn tries to delete all the computer game records that she and Zohar used to play together. The two get in a violent fight with staple guns and Daffi wins. However, instead of the games, Daffi accidentally deletes all the recently digitized staff records.
The two are arrested and when Daffi tries to admit her mistake, Zohar takes the blame for it. She is sentenced to more time in military prison while Daffi is demoted to a cushy office job in Tel Aviv. After she gets out of prison Zohar gives up on Minesweeper and becomes addicted to Freecell. She is transferred to the infirmary where she has sex with the soldier responsible for digitizing the military records, who suffered a nervous breakdown after she deleted them. Her service finally comes to an end, as E-mail replaces paper mail. She leaves the army base, helping Daffi draft another plea.
Faith Connors is released from prison and meets up with fellow runner Icarus, as well as Runner cabal leader Noah, who raised Faith after the death of her parents. During a data grab, Faith diverges from her orders and retrieves a valuable hard drive, but is seen by Gabriel Kruger, CEO of Kruger Security, or K-Sec. She manages to escape, intending to use the drive's contents to pay off her debt to Dogen, a black market boss. Faith takes the drive to Plastic, a talented hacker, who tells her the drive contains blueprints for a top-secret project known as Reflection.
Meanwhile, K-Sec cracks down hard on the Runners because of Faith's actions. While Icarus and Faith are away, they lead a raid on the Runners' lair and capture or kill everyone present, including Noah. Faith and Icarus, having nowhere to go, turn to Rebecca Thane, leader of Black November, a militant resistance movement. The rebels set up an ambush to capture a high-ranking K-Sec commander, whom they intend to trade for their own captured soldiers. The mission is a success and it turns out that the captured officer is Isabel Kruger, daughter of Gabriel Kruger.
Faith asks Plastic to infiltrate K-Sec servers and gather information about Isabel, who turns out to be Caitlyn "Cat" Connors, Faith's sister, who was assumed dead. Gabriel Kruger took her in as his adoptive daughter, telling her that Faith was killed along with the rest of her family. Faith races back to the Black November HQ where Thane is preparing to execute Isabel in order to send her father a message. Even though Isabel doesn't seem to remember who Faith is, Faith convinces Thane to save her.
Isabel lets on to Faith that Noah might still be alive, held in a compound called Kingdom. Upon reaching it, Faith rescues a group of Reflection scientists who were detained by K-Sec for "asking too many questions." The lead scientist, Aline Maera, explains that Reflection involves injecting the population with nanites that can be remote-controlled to regulate thoughts and emotions. Faith finds Noah who is being experimented on with prototype Reflection nanites, but is too late to prevent his death. Meanwhile, back at Black November HQ, the rebels are ambushed by K-Sec while moving Isabel above ground. Icarus and the rebels are injected with Reflection nanites.
Plastic and Aline work together to engineer a virus to disable Reflection once and for all. In order to do this they need Gabriel Kruger's ID, which Faith secures by breaking into his apartment. From there she witnesses a massive explosion at The Shard, the tallest building in all of Glass. Faith still needs to go on top of The Shard, which contains the broadcast antenna but is now unstable, to activate the virus. At the top she is confronted by Gabriel who defends his decision to launch Reflection, saying the nanites are a cure designed to keep Isabel's chronic lung condition at bay, and that the project is about survival rather than control.
They are joined by Isabel who attempts to stop the virus but is too late. They fight on the helipad, and Isabel accuses Faith of leaving her behind to die, while Faith attempts to remind Isabel of who she really is. Gabriel Kruger appears on a helicopter and begs a hesitating Isabel to come with him. The Shard starts to crumble and Gabriel flies out of the tumbling helicopter. Faith slides to the edge of the helipad but is caught by Isabel. Gabriel is heard calling out for his daughter to save him, and Isabel explains to Faith that she "has to" and runs off in his direction. However, as the helicopter rises again and flies away, only Isabel is standing in it, with Gabriel nowhere to be seen.
In the aftermath, it is reported on the news that Isabel will now supersede her missing father as Kruger Security CEO. While there was no uprising in the population, Faith did successfully disable the Reflection launch, thus keeping people safe from Conglomerate control.
Goofy appears as a wild man living in an African jungle, gracefully swinging from vine to vine (a nod to Tarzan).
Employed by the Ajax Circus, Frank Duck (Donald) arrives in the jungle on a river boat in search of a wild man. After Goofy bungles an attempt to kill Frank, Frank presents the illiterate wild man with a contract which the wild man eventually eats. Frank tries to capture the wild man and put him into a cage, but the wild man escapes, seemingly unintentionally, and helps Frank load the empty cage onto his boat.
Upon realizing his mistake, Frank angrily returns with the cage and continues to chase the wild man until he chases him into a lion's den. Viewing them as food, the lion walks into the den and starts chasing them. In the ensuing chaos, Frank and the wild man find themselves wearing each other's clothes. The lion chases them back to Frank's boat, which the wild man hops into and drives away, leaving Frank to be chased by the lion.
Haruki Chitose lives with his younger sister Sana Chitose, and at first glance, seems like an ordinary guy, however, he is extremely unfortunate to a degree. Eventually he accepts it as a part of his daily life. One day, Haruki receives a parcel with the only words written on it: "creature". This turns out to be a goddess who has come to remove his misfortune, and starts to live in the Chitose household. Sana does not approve of this, and several other characters get involved.
; :The main protagonist. He is extremely unlucky, causing him to come to terms with this and accept this as a daily routine. He is rather cold, though he does show his soft side from time to time. His younger sister is Sana Chitose.
; : :Unohana is a goddess who came delivered to the Chitose residence in a parcel, with the intention of removing Haruki's bad luck. She starts to live with him. Unohana is very talented, likes to read manga, and flirts with Haruki a lot.
; : :A fox-eared girl who serves Unohana. She loves sweets, and will often attempt to bite Haruki, to his dismay. Ruri also has a habit of smelling people.
; : :Sana is Haruki's younger sister. She is gentle and kind, but gets jealous easily. She is especially good at doing housework such as cooking and laundry. Sana is not actually blood related to Haruki.
; : :Hiroki's outgoing childhood friend. Aoi is very popular at school, due to her looks and personality. She tries to be helpful to Haruki, by giving him lucky charms in order to try to get rid of the bad luck. She is Wataru's younger sister.
Jacob Hunt has had some very bad breaks in life. His wife left him, his friends have all abandoned him, and his children barely see him! Jacob has been given an amazing gift and the chance he needs to get back on his feet and start anew. Jacob has landed the job of overnight security officer at the old ShadowView Manor. It has now been turned into a commercial office and retail building. Jacob is about to learn nights around the old Manor contains many secrets. A dark past that is breaking through the boundaries of time, leaking into this dimension. As luck would have it, Jacob's first night on the job is the anniversary of a dark tragedy that has stained the building.
Cocky college football star Francis Finnegan has his eye on the attractive Gloria van Dayham, as does his rival, Larry Stacey.
Francis gets a job in a department store owned by Stacey's father, where salesgirl June Cort develops an attraction to him. Finnegan proposes that Stacey's store sponsor a football team, which causes rival shop owner Whimple to do likewise. The team's head cheerleader, Mimi, falls for team mascot Joe, meanwhile, and everybody pairs off with the perfect partner after the big game.
A man is found dead in an office of the Takayanagi Ballet Company. The suspect, who a dancer in the company, is found lying down unconscious in the same room. According to the suspect, the man was a robber who had tried to attack her. She insists that in self-defence, she hit him on the head and killed him. After a series of investigations, suspicions surrounding her clam begins to surface. Later on, the director of the Takayanagi Ballet Company is poisoned to death. Are the cases related?
The ''shōgun'' Mito Mitsukuni crosses Japan in disguise, accompanied by two bodyguards, the master swordsman Suke (Sasashi Sukesumaburo) and the strongman Kaku-san (Atsumi Kakunoshin), the grandson Sutemaru, the dog Dombee and, in part of the series, by a girl named Yuki.
Each episode follows a basic plot: the group arrives in a village, with the ''shōgun'' hiding his identity. While they're resting they happen to witness some mysteries and some wrongdoings done by local personalities, prompting the group to investigate.
In the end of every episode Suke and Kaku confront the main evildoer and, after a brawl in which Suke and Kaku show their physical prowess besting the minions of the main perpetator with their abilities (Suke valiantly fighting with his katana, Kaku showing off "the strength of 100 men" to overcome his enemies), Suke shows the ''inrō'' that reveals Mitsukuni identity, ordering the villains to surrender and accept Mitsukuni's judgment, who then explains the mystery as an act of deliberate evil, punishes the wrongdoers and encourages the good people to go on with their lives.
Piero is a dentist who lives apart from his wife Roberta. To spend the traditional two weeks of vacation with his children Fiorella and Claudio he decides to buy a boat called Biba, Roberta's nickname, with which to leave Civitavecchia for Sardinia; Roberta also arrives from Milan to board the Kabir, a yacht owned by the engineer Casorati, full of rich snobs including Attilio.
Piero's holiday does not start under the best auspices, the Biba is actually a half-hut, which as soon as it is handed over to him immediately loses the propeller, forcing him to jump into the water to get it back; after a few miles of navigation he is forced to return to Civitavecchia for having damaged the net of a group of fishermen. Finally, having landed on the shores of the Argentario, Roberta, worried about the fate of her children, decides to leave the Kabir and join Piero and the boys on the Biba.
After several hardships, Biba reaches Sardinia and the journey brings Piero and Roberta closer together, but, in Porto Cervo, Piero meets Alessia, his nurse and lover, who asks him to recommend her to a well-known dentist. Piero with an excuse goes to dinner with Alessia, but is discovered by Roberta and, after yet another fight, the two understand that they still love each other and want to get back together.
In the meantime, however, Biba is taking off, Piero and Roberta manage to reach her with a rubber boat, but they will find themselves hostages of two prison escapees, who have taken the boat to go to Corsica. The couple, however, with cunning manage to knock out the two fugitives, but in the meantime the Biba is sunk by Claudio and Fiorella who believed that their parents had been killed by bandits; stranded in the middle of the sea they are saved by Attilio and finally they can start their life together again, perhaps by buying a bigger boat.
During World War I Barbisetti, a mediocre artisti also known as "Primo Baffo", tries to avoid the military service, but he doesn't succeed. During the war he meets two farmers, Tomo Secondo and Marianna, two scammers: the two manage to deceive the soldier many times, but eventually the three establish a friendship made of ups and downs.
Against the backdrop of Monte Carlo (where the film was shot) three different stories intertwine:
'''I episode'''
Attilio Carbone, a clumsy insurer, after having recklessly insured a dog against the damage caused to it, in order not to be fired must be able to pay the owner the least possible compensation. However, he will be seduced by the busty Dora who will convince him to have her husband take out a large life insurance policy and then kill him and pocket the insurance money; the woman, who is also in league with her husband, will end up cheating both of them, pocketing the money and abandoning them on a desert island.
'''II episode'''
On advice from the family doctor, agree to arrange a meeting between the two. While he finds himself at the height of despair at the thought of his wife with each other, Mapi will make him believe that Napoleon is homosexual and that it was all a plan to punish him for constant flings. They will promise each other loyalty, but in reality Napoleon is neither gay nor a busker, and he is really Mapi's lover, who will even give him a yacht. Petruzzelli too, however, will continue with his escapades.
'''III episode'''
Don Vittorino, returning from a trip to Lourdes with some parishioners, is blocked in Monte Carlo, as he is the striking copy of the man who disturbs the dreams of Princess Topazia. Under pressure from her future husband, from the psychiatrist who is treating her, from a monsignor and from Pope John Paul II himself, he agrees to impersonate the man, in an attempt to reproduce the princess's recurring dream. The staging, albeit with various obstacles and misunderstandings, will come to fruition. Don Vittorino is also appointed spiritual advisor to the princess with the joyful approval of the new husband and the parents of both spouses, but in reality, for Topazia, it is just an excuse to have him as a lover.
Several destinies are displayed as the soccer teams of Rome and Naples meet, with Sophia Loren in one of the episodes.
Set in the late 8th century, the game starts with Senua (Melina Juergens), a Pict warrior from Orkney arriving at the border of Helheim in a quest to save the soul of her dead lover, Dillion (Oliver Walker), from the goddess Hela. Senua believes she suffers from a curse that causes her to hear the voices of spirits, referred to as "Furies", in her head, the most notable of which is the Narrator (Chipo Chung), who is aware of the player's presence and often breaks the fourth wall by talking to them directly. She is followed by the Darkness (Steven Hartley), a dark entity at the core of the curse. She carries Dillion's severed head to use it as a vessel for his soul and is guided by her memories of the stories of Druth (Nicholas Boulton), a former slave of the Norsemen well-versed in their legends, now deceased, who became her friend and mentor during a year-long self-imposed exile. To enter Helheim, Senua overcomes several tests and defeats both the fire giant Surt and the god of illusions Valravn, but as she crosses the bridge to Helheim, she is attacked by Hela, who defeats her with a single blow and shatters her sword. Barely surviving the encounter, Senua contemplates suicide, but instead scars herself with her broken blade. She then follows visions of Druth and a man-shaped light she believes to be Dillion to a great tree, where she undergoes four trials that test her body, spirit, and mind and is rewarded with the legendary sword Gramr, a weapon powerful enough to kill Hela.
As the game progresses, Senua's backstory is unveiled in nonlinear order through her hallucinations, revealing that her mother, the healer Galena (Ellie Piercy), suffered the same curse she did but thought of it as a gift. However, Senua's devoutly religious father, Zynbel (also performed by Hartley), thought otherwise and burned Galena alive. Senua witnessed the event when she was just five years old, which caused her psychosis to worsen significantly and caused her to block out the memory. Her father, convincing her that she was tainted with evil, abused Senua emotionally and physically and isolated her from the rest of the world until she met Dillion when he visited her village. The two fell in love, and Senua left her father to be with him, as he saw her as different and misunderstood instead of cursed. However, after a plague killed many in Dillion's village, Senua, believing the fault to be hers, left in exile. When she returned a year later after seemingly conquering the Darkness, she found everyone killed by Norsemen raiders, who had sacrificed Dillion in a blood eagle to their gods. Remembering the stories of Druth, Senua then swore to save Dillion's soul from the gods of the Norsemen.
Ultimately, Senua fights against the influence of the Darkness, surviving the "Sea of Corpses" and defeating the beast Garm at the gates of Helheim. She realizes that the Darkness is a representation of her father's abuse and temporarily imprisons the Furies in a magic mirror. She then confronts Hela, who summons a legion of undead warriors; Senua fights them until she is finally overwhelmed and tries to bargain with Hela. In her final moments, she recalls Dillion telling her the importance of accepting loss. As the imagery of Helheim fades away, Hela stabs Senua with Gramr and drops Dillion's head into the abyss, but as the camera returns to her, Senua is standing in her place, with a dead Hela at her feet. Having accepted that it was never possible to bring her lover back and that she is not responsible for his death or anyone else's, Senua finally banishes the Darkness from her soul and accepts the Furies not as a curse, but as a part of who she is. She invites the player to follow her, saying that there is another story to tell.
The Philippines, 1972. Mysterious things are happening in a remote barrio. Wails are heard from the forest, cows are hacked to death, a man is found bleeding to death at the crossroad and houses are burned. Ferdinand E. Marcos announces Proclamation No. 1081 putting the entire country under Martial Law.
Everything became a mess when the Armed Forces of the Philippines decided to camp in the barrio. Or was it already messed up before?
The film is based on the true story of famed social psychologist Stanley Milgram, who in 1961 conducted a series of radical behavior experiments at Yale University that tested the willingness of ordinary humans to obey an authority figure while administering electric shocks to strangers. In the first half of the film, it is shown how the experiments are conducted, with nearly every test subject succumbing to the pressure of the circumstances and administering shocks to a stranger, despite the stranger begging him to stop. Between the experiments, it is shown how Milgram meets Alexandra (or Sasha), who will become his wife and mother of two children.
The second half of the film shows how Milgram struggles with the public outcry about the ethics of the experiments and how his career advances as he becomes a professor in New York City and continues to study social interactions and social pressure in more benign experimental settings, including the small-world experiment, the lost-letter experiment, the street-corner (or gawking) experiment, the familiar stranger experiment, and various experiments that he makes his students carry out.
Archive footage occurs frequently, either as recordings that Milgram watches or as a backdrop for entire scenes. Milgram's work continues until he dies from a heart attack at the age of 51. In the final scene, the street-corner experiment is repeated in the present day, with a cameo of the real-life Sasha Milgram. In a mid-credits scene, more archival footage is shown.
Tig-tig Khanum is a lonely insect who is searching for a friend. After altering her looks, she meets a human shepherd and asks him if they can be friends and what he would do if she makes him angry. He responds that he would hurt her with his flute, so she rejects the shepherd. Tig-tig Khanum finds a wolf and also asks him for friendship, but the wolf threatens to chew her if he gets upset, so she rejects the wolf. Tig-tig Khanum then finds Mouse bey, who accepts her friendship and won't harm her if he gets angry. They dance at a wedding ceremony with the song "Nalbaki" played by the mice.
Mouse bey tells Tig-tig Khanum that there's a wedding in the cat king's palace and he'll bring food home, leaving her at home because it's dangerous to go. Tig-tig Khanum gets bored, goes outside, and a hedgehog appears. She tells him Mouse bey abandoned her and she wants to be friends with the hedgehog, but he's satisfied with his own friends. Tig-tig Khanum falls to a river and struggles to swim. She shouts to the cats riding on a passing horse-drawn carriage that she wants to get rescued. The cats repeat Tig-tig Khanum's words; Mouse bey hears them and rushes to the river. He offers his hand to save Tig-tig Khanum, but she rejects due to his negligence. As Mouse bey turns around and walks away, she grabs his tail to escape the river and lets it go. Her appearance reverts due to her wetness and she becomes lonely again.
Singer: Flora Karimova
The first series is set in the fictitious , which resembles Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. After the king, under the influence of his advisor Mendoza, launches a witch hunt that endangers both Makai Knights and Makai Alchemists. A Makai Alchemist named Anna is burned at the stake while giving birth to León Luis, who is spirited off by his Makai Knight father Germán Luis to be trained to inherit the title of Golden Knight Garo. Years later, after Valiante is now plagued with Horrors as Mendoza, revealed to be an excommunicated Makai Alchemist, uses them to assert his authority after usurping the throne, the king's son Prince Alfonso seeks out the assistance of Garo to reclaim the throne, but also trains as a Makai Knight to become Gaia the Knight of Defense. The fully grown León returns to the land of his birth at this time to avenge his mother. Both he and Alfonso meet and learn that they are in fact maternal cousins whose grandfather was the previous Garo. Though León was relieved of the Garo title after Mendoza's assumed death for misconduct, Alfonso contends with the surviving Horrors in his kingdom. After casting away his drive for revenge and deciding to become a protector instead, León reclaims his armor and title, and joins forces with his friends to search after Mendoza once it is confirmed that he is still alive.
''Divine Flame'' takes place four years after the events of the first season, ''Garo: The Carved Seal of Flames''. It follows the adventures of León, Alfonso, Ema and Germán as they try to stop a powerful Horror who plans to use Germán's son Roberto as a sacrifice.
''Crimson Moon'' is set in Japan during the Heian period, and features fictionalized versions of many Japanese historical figures. This time, Garo is a young Japanese man named Raikou who cannot properly summon the Garo armor himself, and instead relies on his companion, a female Makai Alchemist named Seimei, whose Makai magic allows him to become Garo to fight the Horrors infesting Heian-kyō. They are accompanied by a young boy named Kintoki who wishes to follow in Raikou's footsteps. Their journey pits them against the evil Ashiya Douman, a fallen Makai Alchemist who summons Horrors to do his bidding. They are later accompanied in their fight by Fujiwara no Yasusuke, who becomes the bearer of the armor of Zanga the White Lotus Knight.
The film features the characters from the ''Crimson Moon'' series; Raikou, Kintoki and Seimei. They are confronted by a Horror that inhabits an ancient cherry blossom tree. The Horror is activated by the brother and sister Tokimaru and Akira in revenge against Emperor Michinaga for their clan's ancestor Duke Kan, Sugawara-no-Michizane of the Hajimi, who was accused of treason and exiled. Tokimaru and Akira plan to take revenge on the current Emperor Michinaga, but Raikou, Kintoki and Seimei with the aid of the Makai Knight Yasusuke combine to stop the Horror. Later, Michinaga is arrested for callous disregard of the safety of the population within the capital.
''Vanishing Line'' is set during the modern era in the fictitious Russell City, a prosperous American city based on New York City. This time, the bearer of Golden Knight Garo is a muscular man named Sword. He is the first to hear the first stirrings of the plot, and throws himself into a shadow war in order to expose it. His only clue is the key word "El Dorado." He meets Sophia Heness, a young girl searching for her missing older brother who has only left her with the same words: "El Dorado." With Sword having also lost his younger sister in the past, both are drawn together by the words, and work together to find out its meaning.
The story begins ten minutes after the last book ends and is divided into three parts: Kapugen, the Hunter; Amy, the Wolf Pup; Miyax, the Young Woman.
Julie has spent many months in the wilderness. During that time, she survived by relying on her culture's traditions and being accepted by a pack of wolves. However, she has now decided to return to human society and her father's home.
She's is not prepared for all the changes that have occurred, as her father has given up many of the old ways. Most upsetting is that he is willing to shoot wolves in order to protect the village's muskox herd.
Julie returns to the wolf pack and witnesses a new cub, whom she names Amy after her pen pal in San Francisco. Throughout the story, Julie learns to reconcile the old ways with the new, while struggling to protect her wolf pack.
As a child, Mariale witnesses the murder of her mother at her father's hands. She later becomes a recluse, living by herself in a dark, gloomy castle. Mariale decides to invite some friends over for the weekend and stages a decadent orgiastic party. Then a series of grisly murders begin to occur.
A sitcom following the lives of Hannah French and her younger brother Dan. They are lazy, selfish, carefree twentysomethings who share a flat in London. They look to lead easy, fun lives and frequently cause chaos.
A female buffalo who is a school teacher is attending a class. While she conducts as most of the students are singing, the boy beagle (making his debut in this film) blows his nose, much to her disturbance. When the buffalo tells the boy beagle to approach, another student puts a balloon under his very long shirt. And as she strikes the little dog in the rear with a rod, the balloon bursts, creating a loud noise. The buffalo then tells the boy beagle to just stand next to the extra chalk board.
The buffalo then draws some numbers on the main chalk board. She then calls Oswald to do something creative with them. Oswald takes out a music box which plays the song ''Raggamuffin Romeo''. Surprisingly, the numbers on the board dance to his music.
At the extra chalk board, the boy beagle attempts to win the buffalo's forgiveness as he writes words of praise for her. After getting a little appreciation from her, he attempts to get more as he replaces some of the words with the teacher's face. The buffalo, however, misinterprets the act for something insulting, and therefore tells the boy beagle to stand on a tall stool.
On one of the class chairs, a bear is sleeping, and the buffalo is seemingly bothered by this. The buffalo then sends a balloon carrying a cinderblock which subsequently drops on the bear. The bear is awaken, and a hound from behind laughs at the incident. The bear responds by punching the hound. The hound tries to retaliate by hurling a book, only to miss and hit Oswald instead. Oswald is sent in front, finding his head in a bin. The buffalo confronts Oswald for some reason. The buffalo and Oswald engaged in a stick fight, resulting in the rabbit winning and pushing the teacher further in the background. A tabby comes forward, tossing chalk sticks around. The boy beagle jumps off the stool, and kicks the buffalo out of a window where she crashes onto a cake seller who drops some of the deserts.
Having enough of the students' unruly antics, the buffalo dismisses the class. But as the students come out, the buffalo picks up and tosses the cakes at them. Oswald and the boy beagle, however, are able to dodge the scheming teacher's projectiles. When the buffalo tosses one more cake, Oswald uses a U-shaped tube to send it back. The buffalo is knocked down and covered in a gooey mess. The film ends with Oswald and the boy beagle laughing.
A tall Japanese young male with no recollection of his past wakes up in an apartment in a district outside Tekken City before he is chased by armed men and nabbed by a femme fatale assassin named Rhona Anders.
He is brought to a guerrilla leader known as "The Minister", who gives him the letter "K" as his codename and has an explosive surgically implanted in his chest, should he fail his mission or attempt to leave the organization.
Despite his amnesia, "K" displays exceptional expertise in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship skills. He befriends the district's local janitor, whose son killed his wife and crippled him before disappearing three years prior.
After defeating an opponent in a sparring match, "K" is ordered by the Minister to kill him or the janitor; "K" declines and tells the Minister to let the janitor go, to which the Minister's henchman breaks the defeated opponent's neck.
Over the next few days, "K" has been given an apartment to unit where he plots his next targets. He befriends a young female tenant named Laura after rescuing her from being victimized by a couple of muggers. After one of his jobs, he tells Rhona he wants out.
Recalling the events from where he first woke up, "K" returns to the apartment building from the beginning of the film and asks the manager for records on his previous stay, to which the manager only has him signed under the initials "K. M."
On his next job, "K" battles and is defeated by his target, Bryan Fury, who warns him to walk away from his job before disappearing. The next morning, "K" confronts Rhona about Fury, who is revealed to be a former associate of the Minister. As Laura is a nurse, "K" has her remove the explosive from his chest.
"K" receives a call from Fury, who warns him that the Minister has "K" marked as a target. He meets up with Rhona that night before they both encounter Fury, who shows them a newspaper article and tells them they are all pawns of the Minister.
Later, Rhona stabs the Minister in the back, but "K" later on discovers that Laura has been abducted by Gentek Factory. The duo infiltrate into Gentek, where Rhona butts heads with the Minister's other femme fatale assassin duo (who were both apparently modeled after Anna Williams and Nina Williams).
Inside of the factory, "K" meets Heihachi Mishima, who reveals that "K" is his biological son Kazuya Mishima. Like the ancient Spartans sending their male children to the wilderness to survive alone, Heihachi had Kazuya brainwashed and set loose to test his survival skills.
Heihachi is also showing Laura who has been brainwashed as well; this brain manipulation process has drastically altered her personality from a lovely and kind into a seductive woman. An enraged Kazuya witnesses Heihachi eliminating Laura at a moment's notice just after sharing a kiss with her.
Kazuya is then challenged by two formidable martial artists named Rip and Thorn. After being the victor of this final fight, Kazuya accepts his bloodline and has Rhona accompany him to find Heihachi, who stands over the skyline of Tekken City.
''Born To Race'' is the story of Danny Krueger (Joseph Cross), a rebellious young street racer on a collision course with trouble. After an accident at an illegal street race, he is sent to a small town to live with his estranged father (John Pyper-Ferguson), a washed up NASCAR racer. Attending high school, Danny meets Jessica (Nicole Badaan). She invites him to a party. Attempting to integrate, Danny accepts the invitation. At the party Danny runs into the local hot shot Jake Kendall (Brando Eaton). The two characters clash. Jake rules the neighborhood fiercely, and Danny will have to live up to those standards in order to become accepted, which means that he shall have to race again.
Meanwhile the relationship between Danny and his father has its own ups and downs. Danny cannot get over the fact that his father left him and his mother when he was still a young child. In his struggle to find his ways in his new hometown, he cannot get around his father, and through dialogue the two slowly come to realize that they have more in common then they suspected. When Danny decides to enter the NHRA High School Drags, he is forced to seek his father's help in taking down his rival Jake Kendall. Danny and Jake both advance to the finals. in the finals danny wins after jake in injured in a fiery crash.
Because Earthmen in the year 2479 have been made soft by widespread automation and easy living, the coach of Earth's football team uses time travel to build an all-star roster for the annual football match against the normally dominant team from Mars. Rule 18 of this Earth vs Mars contest specifies that players for a team must be natives of the planet for which they play and that his 9 preceding generations must also be natives of that planet.
As described in a film magazine, Sylvia Martin's (Frederick) past is that of despair. Turned out of an unhappy home, she becomes the wife of a handsome and manly type of crook. However, before the marriage can be consummated, he kills himself to avoid arrest. Sylvia is put on trial for murder and acquitted, but her name is recorded in a police index that falls into the hands of Hugo Declasse (Mack), an astute agent of the Bolsheviki. He pursues the wife, but she is also compelled to lend herself to the schemes of a secret service officer. She through her cleverness obtains documents held in the rooms of Declasse. In the end, she is returned to the arms of a forgiving and adoring husband.
The ride begins when the French narrator (Tom Kenny) tells the audience to put away their cameras, cell phones, and other electronics. The audience then "dives" underwater in a submarine, "hitting" an anchor in the process. It then lands on Jellyfish Fields, where SpongeBob (Kenny) and Patrick (Bill Fagerbakke) sing "The Jellyfish Song" (also heard on the episode "SpongeBob's Last Stand") while catching jellyfish. Then, Sandy (Carolyn Lawrence) shows up with her "net launcher" as a much better way of catching jellyfish. Suddenly, SpongeBob notices that the jellyfish had disappeared, and then a huge swarm of them menaces at the trio, launching them into the air.
After the jellyfish take the trio through the sky, the jellyfish get sucked inside a big truck, and SpongeBob reveals that the truck driver is Plankton (Mr. Lawrence). The trio chases after the truck, then the truck launches itself into the air. Plankton then shoves his face up against the audience and tells them that he plans to drain the jellyfish of their electricity and use it to destroy the Krusty Krab, then he uses an electrified Cannon to electrocute the trio. He then leaves.
After SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy recover from their electrocution, the Flying Dutchman (Brian Doyle-Murray) arrives in his ghost ship, he blames them for all the soot Plankton's truck is producing and then he pulls the trio inside it. The Flying Dutchman then sentences SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy to the "Perfume Department" for "bad deeds" and get perfume sprayed onto them by realistic hands (à la "Shanghaied"), not affecting Sandy due to her air helmet. She explains to the Dutchman that Plankton is responsible and Flying Dutchman takes the trio into the cannon room to stop him. When they arrive, Patrick looks through a telescope (which he calls an "evil television") to see Plankton zapping the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob sees this and shows it to the audience.
The Flying Dutchman launches a cannonball with Patrick's net, realizing that it's attached to his leg. SpongeBob and Sandy hold onto him while launching, then they land at SpongeBob's house. The trio then gets pulled into downtown Bikini Bottom and then into the Krusty Krab, crashing into Plankton's truck, destroying it, and freeing all of the jellyfish. But before Plankton can flee, a jellyfish shoots him with Sandy's net launcher, defeating him. Sandy then finds out that SpongeBob has absorbed the soot into his body, then he releases it. Mr. Krabs (Bob Joles) tells SpongeBob that his break is over, then he goes back inside the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy all say goodbye to the audience as they sing "The Jellyfish Song" and the submarine leaves the ocean floor.