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House of the Sun

A Tokyo resident, Mao liked to spend her time with the Nakamura family ever since she was a kid. Having troubled circumstances at home, she found happiness at the Nakamura household. However, the feelings of ease vanish when Mr. and Mrs. Nakamura died after a tragic incident. Mao, now a high school student, loses her sanctuary; her parents are divorced, and her father has decided to remarry. Hiro Nakamura, Mao's childhood friend, learns of her parents' abandonment of her and offers Mao to live with him. Mao decides to stay there until she can make up with her father and return to her original home. As they spend their days together, Hiro and Mao grow closer once again. They wait for Hiro's siblings, who had parted ways since their parents' death, to come back and live together. Mao's goal is to turn the home into "the house of magic, a place filled with both laughter and tears" once again.

Chop Suey (video game)

The girls, Lily and June Bugg, eat too much chop suey at the Ping Ping Palace, then daydream while staring at the clouds which turn into different shapes. While exploring the town, they can meet the black dog Mud Pup, and visit their favorite aunt's bedroom and try on her clothes and makeup where items tell of her past life as a Rockette on Broadway. After this, the girls pretend they are angels and fly to New York. Another location is the room of Aunt Vera's son Dooner, where the girls can look at graffiti on the walls, his diary, and magazines and records. They can also go on a picnic with Aunt Vera and her boyfriend Ned. Other locations include a Bingo Hall, the fortune teller Madame Mystery, a carnival where the player can play various games, and the Big Top where the girls can see various attractions.

Beavis and Butt-Head Do U.

Beavis and Butt-Head head out with the class on a field trip to Highland State College. They're assigned to gather the signatures of eight staff members to prove they spent the day learning about the benefits of a Highland State education. Beavis and Butt-Head become self-motivated to explore the campus at their own pace, mesmerized about the idea of interacting with "college sluts".

Success will be rewarded by being allowed to attend a party at the end of the day.

Around the World (1943 film)

Kay Kyser, his band, and several entertainers begin a tour of overseas U.S. military forces. In Australia, the group is approached by a stranded American teen-ager, Marcy McGuire, who pleads with Kyser for him to take her with them when they leave. Kyser refuses, but this does not deter McGuire, who stows away on the group's plane heading for India. When she is discovered, the American authorities insist she be returned to Australia, but Kyser agrees to take responsibility for her.

Meanwhile, Kyser's entourage is infatuated with obtaining historical relics from the cultures they visit. When the group reaches their next stop, China, Auer procures a scarab ring which supposedly belonged to the Borgias, not realizing that the ring contains a secret Nazi document. While in China, Marcy becomes a performer in Kyser's band. As the Nazis now attempt to retrieve the document, the band moves on to Egypt. The Nazis attempt to obtain the ring, but are foiled again.

The group moves on to Tunisia, and finally Monrovia. In Monrovia, Marcy learns that her father, who was in the Army Air Corps, has been killed in action. Regardless of her new knowledge, Marcy manages to take the stage with her new colleagues.

Rookies in Burma

While stationed in Burma, buck privates Jerry Miles and Mike Strager are assigned to kitchen duty when they end up captured and taken to a prisoner-of-war camp with other soldiers, including Sgt. Burke, a man they know well.

The three escape and encounter two stranded American women, Connie and Janie, along the way. A clever ruse causes a company of Japanese soldiers pursuing them to plunge off a cliff. An elephant helps enable the five to get back to safety, although not before a Japanese tank begins firing at them. Everyone ends up safe and sound, although Jerry and Mike end up right back where they began, peeling potatoes.

Peter (novel)

The book is set in New York City, but the New York of a few decades prior to 1908 when the book was released. Peter Grayson is an aging banker of the old school; an upstanding and cultured gentleman, and not prone to engage in speculation. Peter also influences the younger generation around him, including a young man who comes to New York to work in the financial world.

The Toy Soldiers

On one evening in a decade of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, the innocence of youth and family unravels. Five parallel coming-of-age stories dramatize the stages of grief. A youthful mother in a custody battle over her children finds tranquility with the bottle. The abuse of her ex-husband still haunts the children; a nineteen-year-old drug addict, and his younger brother, a bullied closet homosexual. There's the story of the dog; a teen who offers sexual favors to gain acceptance, the challenged classmate who would do anything for her love, and the redhead beauty, haunted by a secret, tragic past. These lives and others will change forever on this final evening before their hangout, The Toy Soldiers Roller Rink, closes its doors for the final time.

Genius at Work

Jerry Miles and Mike Strager co-host a radio mystery series, "Crime of the Week," with young Ellen Brent writing their scripts. What she writes about the kidnapping of millionaire John Saunders by someone called "The Cobra" is suspiciously close to the facts of the case.

It turns out that the radio station's owner, Latimer Marsh (Lionel Atwill), is the Cobra, assisted in his diabolical crimes by Stone (Bela Lugosi), his sadistic butler. Chloroform is used on Ellen when she gets too close to the truth and an attempt is made to frame her for the kidnapping and a murder. The bumbling and cowardly Jerry and Mike try to be of help to her in their own way, but Lt. Rick Campbell is the one who ends up saving them all.

Manifest: The Chryzinium Era

The film opens in the park with a family having a picnic. The father is John, a respected doctor. He has a wife and two children, Cory and Madison. Madison hasn't been born yet. In the coming years John's wife dies of cancer and a grief-stricken John turns to alcohol. Over time the family loses everything. Narration from Madison states "I thought life couldn't get any harder. But then one night everything changed." The camera pulls away from the small house in the country to reveal a massive spaceship overhead.

One year later Madison is in a country store trying to buy food. Her brother Cory works there but can't let her buy anything. Narration reveals that the aliens have taken over the government and that those who refuse to join them have their rights taken away, including buying or selling. After leaving the store, Cory runs after her with a bag of groceries. He apologises to Madison and says hello to his father. They drive home.

John has flashbacks back to park with his family.

The next morning John leaves the house to trade supplies for water. After he returns they are visited by an alien who encourages Madison to leave her father and join them. In addition to freedom, the drug he offers her will extend her life by one-hundred years. After a discussion with her father, Madison decides to join.

Time Out of Mind (2014 film)

Set in the urban cacophony of New York City, the story begins with the mild-mannered but confused George (Gere) being thrown out from an apartment by Art (Buscemi). Later viewers find out this apartment was not his, but rented to an evicted acquaintance, whom he calls "Sheila" (Sedgwick). From the start, George is indigent; he claims that someone has stolen his wallet. One can only guess he had been living on the edge for a while. Several attempted telephone calls yield no help, and George is forced to sleep on the streets.

At one point, seeking warmth, he sits at a public hospital emergency room where he is approached by staff nurse Maire (Hughes) who treats him with compassion. Up until shortly before the end of the film, he is denying to others and himself that he is homeless, George pawns his belongings to buy liquor, later only beer. He eventually gets a bed at a homeless shelter, where he befriends the mentally unstable but friendly Dixon (Vereen).

Dixon keeps George company as the latter goes through the trials of applying for public benefits. His eventual meeting with the advocate Laura (Datz) leads to more self-realizations about the help he needs. Seeking reconciliation with his estranged daughter Maggie (Malone), his vulnerability is palpable. He appears "guiltily obsessed with somehow reconnecting with her". Throughout the story, as George's character and background become more evident, he also becomes increasingly anhedonic; the only moments of joy seem to be when he enjoys an occasional six-pack. The story ends with George reaching out to Maggie in hopes for forgiveness and support.

The Truth About Murder

Christine Allen administers lie detector tests for the district attorney, Les Ashton, but wants to become a prosecutor in court. Frustrated, she leaves Les to work for lawyer Bill Crane, whose unhappy wife Marsha, a photographer, makes large bets with bookie Johnny Lacka and openly flirts with model Peggy's husband.

Les is in love with Chris and wants her back. He fools Bill into believing Marsha wants to reconcile, but instead Paul Marvin turns up, telling Bill he and Marsha have become romantically involved. Marsha then is found dead. Les and the police naturally suspect Bill.

Lacka refuses to pay the $20,000 that Marsha won with her bet. Peggy is then killed. At a party, Chris convinces her guests to take one of her lie detector tests. From the answers she gets, she deduces that Paul is the killer behind it all. She is saved from being his next victim by Les, with whom she is now in love.

Gildersleeve's Ghost

Gildersleeve is running for police commissioner against the incumbent Haley. He believes he can boost his chances by exposing the questionable experiments being conducted by scientist Wells. His attempts to do so are somewhat hindered by the ghosts of two of his ancestors (both also played by Peary), as well as an invisible woman and a lovesick gorilla—and naturally everyone thinks he's losing his mind.

Dabbe: Curse of the Jinn

Kübra was possessed by a djinn prior to her wedding when she stabbed her husband-to-be and killed him in front of the entire family. Ebru is a psychiatrist, Kübra's childhood friend from Kıbledere village. Ebru wants to observe Kübra and film the actions of so-called djinn exorcists in an attempt to prove whether djinns exist or not. Ebru and a djinn exorcist, Faruk, head to Kübra's village. They visit a cursed tree at the village entrance, hear stories about creepy events from Kıbledere's past and see a strange code, 7175, engraved in the tree.

Even with proof, Ebru isn't convinced about the curse, not even after Faruk performs exorcism on Kübra in her bedroom, then performs it alone in a room with two mirrors which are supernaturally smashed and give them a sign towards a toilet outside the house, which makes Faruk suspect that black magic tools are hidden under the toilet, which he finds. Faruk tells about Dabbe to Ebru, claiming he doesn't know what it means, but it is an apocalypse mentioned in the Quran which will cover the whole world like a web. Faruk thinks it refers to the internet; the World Wide Web. With just one click, the most dangerous spells of black magic can be found and thus, internet is the main issue here.

The story continues with Faruk performing exorcism in an even bigger warehouse and warns the djinn, Sare, inside Kübra to leave otherwise he will kill it. The exorcism ends in success with the djinn violently killed by Faruk. Everyone assumes that Kübra is healed, however with a strange turn of events, she tries to kill her aunt that same night and runs out to the cursed tree. Sick of Faruk's supposed exploitations, Ebru leaves him at the tree and takes Kübra to a hospital for medical and psychological assistance. The next morning, Kübra's injured aunt reveals to Faruk that Kübra's father died on the night of her birth, assumingly while being possessed by Sare. Faruk, still not satisfied about his discoveries, rings his friend outside town and asks him about the 7175 code. Meanwhile, Ebru returns and they both agree to visit İlyas, a man who resides in an abandoned village and supposedly knows about Sare.

The two hunt the village for İlyas’ house all to no avail, when suddenly Faruk finds it at the very edge of the village. They are welcomed by İlyas, who explains that this all is due to a curse placed on the village by Kübra and Ebru's father. Ebru is shocked on the revelation and tries to defend her deceased father when İlyas elaborates that the two were poor, but greedy men who sought the help of djinns for finding treasures. On finding it, they killed the djinn and buried it but it came back and haunted Kübra. Ebru seemed to have been left alone because her family shifted to İzmir. Faruk and Ebru ask how İlyas knows all this on which he reveals his wife told him about this. They ask about where she is, and he tells she is right here, watching all of them. Revealing that his wife isn't human, but a djinn, with whom İlyas even has a child. Frightened, İlyas yells on them both to leave, saying the djinns of Sare's clan will try to harm him and his wife. He tells Faruk that the only way to lift the curse is to dig up Sare's dead body from under the cursed tree and bury it somewhere else in peace.

Faruk and Ebru drive back and do as İlyas had instructed and Faruk, after burying the vase with the supposed dead body of Sare, tells Ebru that her clan has decided to leave the village in peace. They return with the good news to Kübra's family and everyone is delighted. Kübra seems to have become healthy and normal and an obviously confused Ebru records all of her findings from the past days on camera, saying she still doesn't know whether to believe in all this or not.

That night, Kübra's mother suddenly tells Faruk that İlyas called him for a very urgent matter. Ebru follows but is stopped by Kübra's mother, pleading for her to stay with Kübra. Ebru agrees but asks Faruk to take her camera and record his conversation with İlyas. Ebru returns to her room and discovers a strange spell tucked inside her bra, while Faruk is stopped on his way by a call from his friend outside town. Faruk pulls over and the friend explains that 7175 is an ancient code originating from the Muslim tradition that believes Jesus wasn't killed but instead, saved by Allah and lives on to this day. The numbers 7175, in Arabic numerals are written as ۷۱۷۰ which, if read in Latin, spell “VIVO”. The word means “I am alive” and is used by djinns to signal they aren't dead. Upon the shocking revelation, Faruk realises Sare wasn't killed by Kübra and Ebru's father, but buried alive, which means he repeated the same deed as the last time.

His thoughts are interrupted by a frightened, injured İlyas banging on his car's window. Faruk hurries out and İlyas yells at him why he did that to Sare, for his wife has been captured by Sare's clan in revenge. Ebru, on the other hand enters Kübra's room as she sees Kübra in black clothes and a completely disfigured face, possessed completely by Sare. She screams and tries to escape but is suddenly trapped and beaten by Kübra's mother and sister. Injured and unable to understand the situation, Ebru faints.

İlyas on the other side reveals to Faruk that it was all a trap set to lure Ebru back to this village. There is absolutely no way to get rid of Sare, however she could be passed from one body to another. Hence, Kübra's family planned to save her daughter and make Ebru suffer for her father's deeds. As İlyas also, is captured by the djinns of Sare's clan, Faruk rushes back only to find the house empty and Kübra's aunt killed by her mother and sister. Panicking, he drives to the cursed tree, yelling Ebru's name when he is suddenly hit by someone and thrown into a well. He looks up to see the cunning faces of Kübra's mother and sister who throw heavy rocks on him. Unable to take the injuries, Faruk passes out. Ebru wakes up in a grave, seeing Kübra's mother and sister who tell her that they have suffered long enough and now it's Ebru's turn to have her soul devoured by Sare. An injured Ebru tries to plead and get up but is unable to do so. She is buried alive alongside several live snakes and after desperate cries for help, she starts to choke when suddenly the screen cuts to black, leaving her fate uncertain.

It is revealed in the credits that the film is based on a true story. Faruk was rescued by the villagers next morning, but the injuries to his head caused him amnesia. People tried to find Ebru and rescue her as well but she was never found. Kübra's family estate had been sold before Ebru and Faruk had arrived, hence after burying Ebru, the whole family escaped the village that night. They haven't been found to this day.

Goin' to Town (1944 film)

Lum Edwards and Abner Peabody own a general store in Pine Ridge. When oil tycoon M. A. Parker is stranded in the town awaiting his car being repaired, he decides to play a practical joke on the two small-town rubes, and feigns interest in purchasing their store, alleging that there is an oil deposit below the premises. He offers Lum and Abner $20,000 for their property, but the two believe he is trying to steal their property by offering them far less than the property is truly worth. Rather than take Parker's money, the pair convince their friends and neighbors to donate money to drill for oil.

As the days go by and they do not strike oil, Lum and Abner get their fellow citizens to invest more and more funds. Eventually, however, there comes a day when their oil speculation company runs out of money. Desperate to get their investors' money back, the pair head to Chicago to sell their property to Parker. While waiting to see him, the duo is overheard discussing their oil property by Jimmy Benton, who works for Parker's chief rival. He approaches Lum and Abner and offers them a large sum of money for their property, enough to pay back all their investors. Parker's partner, Clarke, overhears Benton's offer, and not wanting to lose out on such a lucrative prospect, offers the pair even more money. Lum and Abner agree to sell to Clarke, and return to Pine Ridge, able to pay back all their investors with interest, as well as making a tidy profit for themselves. Parker and Clarke, meanwhile, are left with a worthless piece of property.

My Pal Wolf

A young girl named Gretchen befriends an AWOL army German Shepherd dog, naming him Wolf. When she takes Wolf home, her strict governess notifies the army, who comes to claim him. Wolf escapes from the army training camp and finds his way back to Gretchen. She and her friends travel to Washington to ask the Secretary of War for the dog, but to no avail. In the end, she is given a puppy to replace Wolf.

Three Wishes (Singaporean TV series)

Zhao Yaozong (Thomas Ong), is a middle-aged man who works as an assistant horse trainer. He loved horses since he was a kid and trained hard through the years to realise his dream of becoming a champion horse trainer. His mentor was retiring and he thought that his chance had finally come only to see the place snatched away by a foreign horse trainer, Enlai. Enlai became his superior and proposed many changes. Yaozong was afraid of inviting trouble and slogged his guts out but still didn't meet the expectations of his boss.

Yaozong has three children. The eldest son, Zhao Youting (Shane Pow), is working as a gym instructor after his graduation. His daughter, Zhao Xiaomin (Julie Tan), who is still schooling, dreams of becoming a singer one day. His youngest son, Zhao Chenglong (Tan Junsheng), is facing the stress of PSLE. Yaozong is being bullied at work but puts up a front in front of his family to maintain his integrity of being a father figure. Deep inside, he feels terrible but he puts on a brave smile everyday just so he doesn't lose the respect of his family.

Yaozong meets a mysterious old woman who sells tissue paper. She wants to give him 3 wishes for him to fulfil what his heart desires. He does not believe her. Nevertheless, she leaves him with 3 coins for his wishes.

Enlai wants to force Yaozong to resign. He speaks behind his back and makes things difficult for him. Yaozong does not want to lose this job and be separated from his precious horses. He thought of the old woman and the 3 wishes. Although still sceptical, he decided to make a wish.

A miracle happens. Yaozong manages to complete an almost impossible task and is praised by the horse owner. He starts to grow in confidence. Xiaomin meets with an accident while chasing her idol and is trapped in the car. Her family realises she is missing and searches for her frantically. Yaozong decides to use his second wish and they rescue Xiaomin to safety.

Yaozong thinks that life has changed for the better, until he finds out that his wife, Zeng Shanmei (Huang Biren), has contracted a terminal illness. He tells her not to worry as he will use his last wish on her. He tells her all about the 3 wishes and the mysterious old woman. To his surprise, Shanmei tells him that she had arranged all these to give him confidence. She bribed the old woman to lie to Yaozong. She knew she had this illness all along but did not want him to worry. She thought of this plan, hoping that Yaozong and the family can continue living comfortably after she passes on.

Yaozong is devastated to learn that his 3 wishes were fake. Nevertheless, he uses the third wish coin to wish that Shanmei will be cured. Miraculously, his wish came true. After Shanmei recovers, she wants him to believe that the miracles were not caused by pure luck so she arranges for him and the old woman to meet. When they eventually meet, Yaozong exclaims that the wishes were true! The old woman that Shanmei arranged to meet was not the one that Yaozong met in the park that night.

When the mysterious old woman appears in front of Yaozong again, he gets greedy and request for 3 more wishes. She tells him that the previous 3 were given without asking for anything in return. However, if he were to ask for more wishes, the next 3 wishes will be granted in exchange for something else. The greater his wish, the greater the price he will have to pay. Nonetheless, he insists on getting the 3 wishes.

What price is Yaozong's family willing to pay for the wishes? Will Yaozong's family succeed in breaking this curse or be stuck in this never-ending chain reaction of unfortunate events?

Power Rangers (film)

In the Cenozoic era, a force of warriors known as the Power Rangers are tasked with protecting life on Earth and the Zeo Crystal. The Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa, betrays them and plans to dominate the universe. The Red Ranger, Zordon, survives Rita's attack and hides five of the Power Coins. He orders Alpha 5, his robotic assistant, to perform a meteor strike that kills him, the dinosaurs, and sends Rita to the bottom of the sea, foiling her scheme.

Sixty-five million years later in the town of Angel Grove, high school football star Jason Scott is dismissed from the team and placed under house arrest after an unsuccessful prank led to a car crash while escaping the police. In detention, he encounters class nerd Billy Cranston and former cheerleader Kimberly Hart. Billy offers to deactivate Jason's ankle monitor if he will drive him to an old gold mine that evening. Once there, Jason leaves to explore and runs into Kimberly swimming in a lake. Billy detonates explosives to break some rock, attracting the attention of Jason, Kimberly and nearby students Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor. The five discover the Power Coins and each take one. While escaping mine security, their car is hit by a train. The five find themselves at home the next morning and discover that the coins have granted them superhuman abilities. Elsewhere, Rita's body is found. Waking, she goes on a rampage, hunting pieces of gold to raise her minion Goldar to find the Zeo Crystal.

The five teenagers return to the mine and discover an ancient spaceship where they meet Alpha 5 and Zordon's consciousness. They inform the teenagers about the Rangers' history and Rita, warning that they have two weeks until Rita has her full power, finds the Zeo Crystal, and uses it to destroy life on Earth. Zordon pleads with Jason to convince the team to help.

The five spend the next week training against simulated Putties and trying to morph. To inspire the Rangers, Alpha reveals the Zords. Zack takes his Zord out for a joyride and almost kills the other Rangers when he crashes it. This angers Jason, and they fight. While trying to separate the two, Billy spontaneously morphs. However, when he becomes conscious of it, the armor disappears. Angered at their lack of progress, Zordon dismisses the group. Jason returns to the ship to confront Zordon and discovers that once the Rangers morph, it will open the Morphing Grid and allow Zordon to restore himself in a physical body. Feeling betrayed, Jason accuses Zordon of bringing the team together for the sole purpose of escaping the Grid. That night, the team camp at the mine and bond with each other.

Later that night, Rita attacks Trini and orders her to bring the Rangers to the docks. Trini informs them about Rita and they arrive to fight, but are quickly knocked down. Rita forces Billy to reveal the location of the Zeo Crystal, which he'd figured out to be under a Krispy Kreme, kills him, and releases the others. The Rangers take Billy's body to the ship and ask Zordon to resurrect him. The Rangers agree they would give their lives for each other and resolve to defeat Rita. In doing so, they unlock the Morphing Grid. Zordon revives Billy, sacrificing being able to restore his physical self. With the team restored and confident, the Rangers morph into their armor.

Rita creates Goldar, raises an army of Putties, and attacks Angel Grove to find the Zeo Crystal. The Rangers battle the Putties and head to Angel Grove in their Zords. After the Rangers destroy the Putties, Goldar pushes the Rangers and their Zords into a fiery pit. In the pit, the Zords combine and form the Megazord. Rita merges with Goldar. The Rangers battle and destroy Goldar. After refusing Jason's offer to surrender, a defiant Rita tells the Rangers that more will come for the Zeo Crystal and leaps at the Megazord only to be slapped into space. The Rangers are praised as local heroes, and with Rita defeated, they return to their normal lives while keeping their new powers.

Back at school, the teacher announces that Tommy Oliver will be joining them, but the desk is empty save for a green jacket.

Suicide Squad (film)

In the aftermath of intelligence officer Amanda Waller convinces the US Government to greenlight Task Force X, a response team of criminals and supervillains. The team will be used to combat metahuman threats, under Waller's control via nanite bombs implanted in each criminal's neck, which can be remotely detonated if they try to rebel or escape. If successful, they will have their sentences shortened.

Dr. June Moone, an American archaeologist, becomes possessed by a witch called Enchantress. Waller can control the Enchantress by seizing her magical heart, which wounds her if it is struck. Waller's subordinate Colonel Rick Flag is in love with Moone, and is made a member of Task Force X. However, Enchantress betrays Waller, conquering Midway City, transforming humans into monsters, and summoning her brother Incubus to destroy mankind.

Task Force X is formed to stop Enchantress, using six inmates from Belle Reve penitentiary. The roster consists of hitman Deadshot, who wants to reunite with his daughter Zoe; Harley Quinn, a former psychiatrist-turned-girlfriend of Gotham crime lord Joker; Australian thief Captain Boomerang; pyrokinetic ex-gangster El Diablo; mutant cannibal Killer Croc; and mercenary Slipknot. The team are led by Flag and joined by his associate Katana, a Japanese swordswoman. Waller and Flag deliberately hide the latter's relationship with Moone.

Upon arrival in Midway City, the team's helicopter is shot down, forcing them to travel on foot. Boomerang convinces Slipknot to take off, believing the bombs are a ruse, but Flag kills Slipknot when he tries to escape, proving Boomerang's theory false. Scaling a skyscraper, the team discover Waller is their mark, trying to cover up her involvement in Enchantress' revolt. Meanwhile, the Joker learns of Harley's predicament, locates A.R.G.U.S. scientist Dr. Van Criss and blackmails him into disabling Harley's bomb.

As Waller and the squad await helicopter extraction, the Joker intervenes, disables Harley's bomb, and helps her escape. Waller shoots down the Joker's helicopter, though Harley survives and rejoins the squad, believing the Joker is dead. Enchantress captures Waller to regain her heart. Deadshot finds Waller's top-secret files and discovers Flag's relationship with Moone. The team abandon Flag, sharing a drink in an abandoned bar, where El Diablo reveals his powers and criminal lifestyle led to the deaths of his family. Flag relieves the squad of their mission, but realizing they have the opportunity to prove themselves, the group set out to save the city.

The squad attack Enchantress, while Killer Croc and Flag's platoon of Navy SEALs plant a bomb beneath the subway to kill her brother. El Diablo embraces his pyrokinesis, sacrificing himself to maneuver and keep Incubus in the right spot. Enchantress invites the squad to join her, and Harley pretends to be tempted to get close enough to cut out Enchantress's heart. Flag crushes her heart, killing her and releasing Moone from her control. Waller deducts ten years off each squad member's sentence and fulfill their requests (except for Boomerang, who is instead detained). The Joker, alive, breaks into Belle Reve and rescues Harley.

In a mid-credits scene, Waller meets with Bruce Wayne, who agrees to protect her from the legal consequences of the events in Midway City in exchange for government files on the growing metahuman community. He reveals his plans to contact the heroes in the file, including Flash and Aquaman, in order to build his own superhero team. She advises him to stop working late nights, implying she knows Bruce is Batman. In response, he tells Waller to shut down Task Force X or he and his "friends" will do it for her.

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

19-year-old Specialist Billy Lynn is part of an eight-man unit, Bravo Squad, fighting in Iraq. After key moments of a brief but intense fight anointed as "the Battle of Al-Ansakar Canal" are filmed by an embedded Fox News crew, Lynn and seven other surviving members return to the US hailed as war heroes. Lynn is awarded the Silver Star.

The squad is sent on a two-week nationwide Victory Tour by the Bush administration to evoke support for the war. The culmination of the Victory Tour is Bravo Squad's invitation to attend the Dallas Cowboys' Thanksgiving game as the team's guests and to make an appearance during the halftime show with Destiny's Child. The squad is also accompanied by Albert Ratner, a veteran Hollywood producer who has attached himself to Bravo Squad and is trying to help them sell the rights of their story to a movie studio. Albert hopes to secure Cowboys owner Norman Oglesby as a major investor for the film project, and while Norman is interested in the project he reduces Albert's initial offer for Bravo Squad's story from $100,000 apiece to $5,500 each.

It is later revealed that following the Victory Tour, the government has not relieved the men of their duty for their achievements and they are to return to Iraq. A long flashback section of the book relays an earlier visit Lynn spends with his family in small-town Texas where his sister encourages him to consider abandoning the army and refusing to return to fight in Iraq.

As the book progresses, Lynn begins to express disenchantment with the treatment of supposed war heroes from American citizens who have seen nothing of war. He engages in a fight, has revelations about his family and how he was raised, reconsiders past decisions, and reminisces about dead comrades, including Shroom, the sergeant who died in Billy's arms in Iraq. As Lynn's time in the US and at the Cowboys' stadium wraps to a close, he experiences a lusty and intimate romance with a cheerleader on the team. However, she becomes shocked and noticeably shaken when he informs her that he is to return to duty despite his squad's accomplishments. She reassures him she wants to stay in contact and that they will make it work, but he is not so optimistic: he figures that people do not want to wait years for a soldier to return home. As he leaves, he finds comfort in his comrades and friends, who accompany him as they leave Texas Stadium.

The Little Match Girl (1928 film)

The story of a frozen girl who tries to sell matches during Christmas and dreams about a toy store. The film is based on the 1845 short story of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen.

What a Blonde

After running out of gas coupons due to wartime rationing, a lingerie tycoon (Leon Errol), must carpool with two other people in order to receive more. So, when he invites one of his new employees (Michael St. Angel) and a showgirl (Veda Ann Borg) to be his “riders” a whole series of misunderstandings ensue when a bunch of chorus girls move into the tycoon’s mansion and takeover everything.

Pete's Dragon (2016 film)

In 1977, 5-year-old Pete Healy is on a road trip with his parents when their car flips off the road after nearly colliding with a deer. Pete's parents are killed but he survives and is chased into the forest by a wolf pack, then rescued by a large dragon with wings, green fur, and yellow eyes. Pete and the dragon quickly bond; Pete names the dragon Elliot after the lost-puppy character in his favorite book, and Elliot becomes protective of Pete.

Six years later in 1983, 11-year-old Pete spots a lumberjack crew chopping down trees near his home. Natalie, the daughter of ethical site foreman Jack, spots and chases him. When she accidentally falls from a tree, her screams attract Jack and his girlfriend, park ranger Grace Meacham. Pete tries to run away, but Gavin, Jack's ruthless brother, accidentally knocks him unconscious. After realizing that Pete has vanished, Elliot stumbles around looking for him and ends up knocking over a tree near the lumber camp, leading Gavin to organize a hunting party to find him. Meanwhile, Pete awakens in a local hospital; he escapes and tries to return to the forest.

Gavin and his men locate Pete and Elliot's treehouse, but when they try to search it, Elliot reveals himself and scares them away. He follows them to town trying to find Pete. When he sees Pete settling in with Grace's family, he leaves. Pete gives Grace a drawing of Elliot and she shows her father, Conrad, who says he discovered the same dragon as a young man. He advises her to trust Pete and find Elliot.

The next day, Pete, Grace, Natalie, and Conrad travel to the forest to meet Elliot. A group of hunters led by Gavin surprises Elliot and shoots him with tranquilizer darts, then lock him up in Jack's warehouse. Before the authorities can inspect the dragon, Pete and Natalie free him from his chains and escape on a lumber truck with Conrad.

Angered, Gavin sets up a roadblock at the bridge to stop them. When Elliot tries to fly, he crashes into the truck, damaging its brakes and it goes through the barricade. Confused and frightened, Elliot perches on top of the bridge and starts breathing fire at the police. The bridge begins to collapse under the intense heat, causing Grace and Jack's truck to fall through, Gavin then abandons his attack and tries to save them from death. Elliot emerges from the ravine with Grace and Jack riding safely on his back. With a firefighting helicopter approaching, Pete flees with Elliot back to the woods.

Pete pleads with Elliot to let him stay so he can protect him from his attackers, just as Elliot protected him. However, Elliot concludes that as long as they stay close together, Pete will always be in danger. He points out Pete's book to encourage him to return to stay with Grace and Jack. Pete is reluctant, and worried for Elliot's safety, but ultimately trusts the dragon's judgment. After a very tearful hug, Elliot returns to the mountains and Pete returns to live with Grace and Jack as his new family.

In the years that follow, Grace and Jack marry and adopt Pete as their son. Not only has Elliot slowly faded from the town's memory, but Gavin has learned to be more scrupulous and has moved on from the experience. Pete and his family eventually go on vacation and see that Elliot is finally reunited with his fellow dragons.

The Judge Steps Out

Thomas Bailey is bored with his job as a probate judge in Boston and appears to be just going through the motions as he decides against a mother in a custody case in favor of the child’s more conservative grandfather. At home, he’s a milquetoast to his self-centered and domineering wife Evelyn, who appears to despise her husband for his lack of ambition. She tries to get him a position as a Washington lobbyist for a large industrial company. Tom agrees to go to Washington to check things out. While on the train he develops what appears to be an ulcer and stops at a small town where the local doctor prescribes a break from everything, both family and business.

Tom takes some time out to go fishing, forgetting to send a telegram to his wife. Feeling guilty about this short respite, he returns home to overhear his wife speaking disparagingly about him to her friends. He slips out of the house unnoticed and, after weeks of travelling across the country, finds a job as a short-order cook at a roadside cafe in California run by a woman called Peggy (Ann Sothern).

Tom is happy in his new life, and he and Peggy fall in love. However Peggy is trying to adopt a girl, Nan, and is struggling with the legal process. Tom tries to help with adoption papers, but Peggy is rejected. Tom realizes that the courts are prejudiced against Peggy, partly because she is unmarried and has a man living in her restaurant/residence. Moreover, he realizes that he himself was prejudiced in his decision against the woman at the beginning of the movie. He perfunctorily handed over the woman’s child to her grandfather simply because he was rich and had gone to Harvard.

Tom returns to Boston to resolve this miscarriage of justice, and succeeds with both. While appealing the case to the Appellate court he is offered a seat on the bench. He declines this as he wishes to return to California, Peggy and Nan. Planning to end things with Evelyn, he finds she has changed. She is now less self-centred; more empathetic and almost loving towards Tom.

Despite Evelyn's sadness, Tom prepares to return to California. He arrives at the train station but realizes that he loves the law, and that running off to California is only a childish dream. Unexpectedly, Peggy shows up at the station and, in a brief exchange, they explain how they have each found happiness; Peggy with Nan, and Tom in Boston. Tom gives his ticket to Peggy for her to return to California, and they part affectionately. Tom watches the train leave, and returns to his home.

Sembunyi: Amukan Azazil

Aishah is a Malay girl. During the Japanese Invasion of Malaya, she is knocked unconscious as she attempts to escape from invading Japanese soldiers. She wakes up in a strange silent town which seems to be unaffected by the invasion. The townsmen provide her with shelter, and she starts a new life. Soon she realises that there are other secrets being concealed by the town, such as a mysterious devil woods outside the town, and a demon called Azazil that preys on the villagers.

About Alex

The titular Alex (Jason Ritter) dresses himself at his old family home before filling a bathtub. After getting in, he posts a tweet, after a series of unanswered phone calls to his college friend Ben (Nate Parker), drops the phone into the water, and slits his wrists.

After hearing about Alex’s attempted suicide, his old college friends gather at his family’s country house: Ben and Siri (Maggie Grace), a married couple at a career crossroads; Josh (Max Greenfield), a disenchanted PhD candidate; Sarah (Aubrey Plaza), an un-happy M&A attorney; and Isaac (Max Minghella), a businessman from San Francisco and his date Kate (Jane Levy), who happens to work at a suicide hotline. Sarah suggests that they watch Alex in shifts while Josh suggests they confront Alex about his near suicide. Reunited for the first time in years, old flirtations are reignited.

Siri confides in Sarah that she may be pregnant, after receiving a dream job offer in Los Angeles. Josh is at a stalemate in writing his dissertation. Ben has been unable to finish his novel, and Sarah is left unfulfilled in her job as an attorney. The group is unable to clean the downstairs bathroom where Alex tried to kill himself and they rely solely on the upstairs bathroom. Sarah is hostile towards Kate because of her lingering feelings for Isaac but rekindles an old fling with Josh. Siri confides in Alex that Ben is having writer's block.

While fishing, the men come across a dog whom they name Timmy, and Kate goes food shopping with Sarah. The group gets high and drunk, and Kate agrees to monitor the suicide hotline despite the fact that she is high for the first time. Ben and Siri have a serious talk about their standing as a couple when Siri admits that she may be pregnant. After dinner, Siri, Ben, Sarah, Josh, and Alex then play a drinking game that turns hostile when Josh and Ben ask Alex why he tried to kill himself, causing a shift in the group dynamic. Afterward, Sarah rejects Josh and accosts him for not committing to her during their college years. In the meantime, Siri tells Alex she feels guilty for her and Ben’s problems, and they kiss. Empowered by her confrontation with Josh, Sarah later rejects Isaac's advances after he kisses her, citing that she is over him and what he has with Kate is real.

Josh and Ben have a talk when they encounter Sarah asks about Alex's whereabouts. They disperse to ensure that he has not tried another suicide attempt. Ben discovers Alex and Siri in the midst of making out (albeit clothed) and flees in Isaac’s rental car but crashes it into a tree. Meanwhile, Kate finds Isaac after a call and asks him to bed.

When Sunday arrives, Isaac offers to invest in Sarah and her culinary ambitions, and they playfully dance around the idea. Alex finds Ben, whose writer's block has been broken. The two reconcile and return to the house. After they return, Ben and Siri have a discussion about their relationship. As they all prepare to return to their respective lives, Alex announces that he is going to work with Kate at the suicide prevention hotline, and Ben is staying at the house to write for a while.

Before the group departs, they opt to take a group photo. Kate, after Isaac affirms his dedication to her, offers to take the photo. As the group poses, a flashback of Ben inviting Alex to their table in college appears.

Arctic Fury

As the film opens, government official Dan Riss informs the viewing audience that the film which follows tells an incredible-but-true story.

A doctor (Alfred Delcambre), who served as a U.S. Navy medical officer during World War II, settles down in Alaska with his wife and daughter (Eve Miller and Gloria Petroff, respectively) to open a private practice. But, the population still being sparse, even in 1949, he occasionally bush pilots his open-cockpit monoplane to out-of-the-way places in the wilderness to render medical aid. When he hears of an Inuit tribe afflicted with a contagious disease, unknown to them, he makes an extended flight to examine them. But, his plane develops engine trouble and he crash-lands in the Colville River region of northern Alaska, where he just barely swims to shore ahead of a hungry polar bear and an avalanche of falling glacial ice.

Having memorized a map to the Inuit village, shown him by Mack (Merrill McCormick), a Sourdough fur trapper, he begins traipsing overland. Along the way, he briefly takes shelter in a cave already inhabited by a mother black bear with two cubs. In chasing her off, however, he finds that her cubs are still in the cave. So, when he resumes his journey, he takes them with him. Eventually noting, in his pilot's log, that he has named them Tom and Jerry!

Wreckage from the doctor's plane is eventually found, renewing hope of the doctor's survival within both his wife and Mack. Guessing that the doctor is headed on foot towards the Inuit village, the trapper heads there in his boat. Arriving there just in time to rescue both the doctor and the bear cubs from feral sled dogs gone half-mad with hunger (their Inuit owners having died from the aforementioned illness).

The doctor eventually replaces his previous aircraft with a new one of the same type. And the narrator concludes the story by claiming how the doctor's tale of survival has been handed down among the Inuit as a campfire story worthy of retelling. With various members of other tribes looking up at his supposedly passing-by plane with grateful awe and respect.

If You Knew Susie (film)

Sam and Susie Parker, a husband and wife team of vaudeville performers retire and return to Sam's ancestral historic New England home to be with their children. The pair turn their 17th century home into a hotel with entertainment that turns the community against them. Sam and Susie's son Junior faces bullying and ridicule because his ancestor was "America's First Draft Dodger" in the American War of Independence. The town boycott of the Parker's inn forces Sam and Susie to sell their home and auction off the family's antique furniture. When moving a cabinet, a recess in the wall is discovered that contains a letter to Sam's ancestor from George Washington thanking him for his services as a blockade runner that brought needed munitions to the Continental Army. An additional part of the letter is illegible.

The pair travel to Washington D.C. to investigate whether the document is genuine. The National Archives not only prove that it is, but they possess a misfiled but genuine identical copy with the illegible portion of Sam's copy declaring the new American government will pay Sam's ancestor or his descendants £10,000 with compounded interest for the munitions giving the Parkers seven billion modern dollars that attract the attention of the media and criminals.

Having Wonderful Crime

Michael J. Malone, a lawyer and detective, keeps getting drawn into the mischief of his recently married friends, Jake and Helene Justus. The film opens as they run from the police and manage to hide in the theater of a magic show, where Movel, the magician, makes a disappearing act. After Movel fails to reappear, the audience panics and the police are called. However, Jake Justus, Helene Justus, and Michael J. Malone manage to escape the theater before the police arrive. As part of their escape, Malone insists on joining Jake and Helene for their honeymoon. While driving to the hotel, Helene was driving carelessly and accidentally ran another car off the road. Gilda, the driver of the other car, was one of Movel's assistants. Gilda's travels with a large trunk, which makes Malone suspicious of her but they decide to give Gilda a ride anyway. At the hotel, Gilda sees a mysterious man and faints. The trio take Gilda up to their room so she can get some rest and recover. While Gilda is sleeping Jake and Malone decide to look inside of Gilda's trunk. They find many of Movel's funny props, and after searching through the trunk for a few minutes, they discover a check for $50,000 made out to Movel from Elizabeth Lenhart. Malone and Jake then go to Elizabeth Lenhart's house to investigate while under the guise of window washers. At the same time, unbeknownst to Malone and Jake, Helene was speaking to Elizabeth Lenhart. After Helene informed Elizabeth Lenhart that she suspects that Movel has been murdered by his assistants, Elizabeth Lenhart writes a check for $50,000 to hire a lawyer to defend the assistants. However, the check later becomes blank because Elizabeth used invisible ink. Later that day Malone meets Winslow, the owner of the hotel, at the boathouse. Winslow confesses that he killed Movel in order to retrieve the $50,000 check. Winslow then holds Malone at gunpoint and forces him to step into a trunk. Then Winslow throws the trunk and Malone into the lake. After Jake and Helene come searching for Malone, Winslow attempts to kill them too by trapping them in a boat while the exhaust fills the cabin. However, Malone managed to escape from the trunk because it has a trick door at the bottom. So, Malone escapes and then frees Jake and Helene as well. The film then closes, as Malone walks into the hotel with the police to arrest Winslow.

The Alley Cat (1941 film)

Butch is a black male alley cat who is instantly smitten with Toodles, a white, elegant female cat he sees on the balcony of her wealthy family's penthouse apartment on Park Avenue. He serenades her, but the butler sends the family's bulldog named Rover after him.

A long, fast-paced chase ensues, with Rover outwitted by Butch every time, and the chase ends with the butler accidentally hitting Rover with a broom when the dog chases Butch, causing Rover to turn against the butler out of anger. With Rover and the butler out of the way, Butch makes it into the apartment to dance with his new love.

The Fireman (1931 film)

Oswald and his buddy Hoodoo the polecat are stowing away on a fire truck. But as the fire truck runs a slightly rough ride, Oswald and Hoodoo fall off the vehicle. Momentarily Hoodoo's weepy nephew comes to the scene, desperately wanting to be with them. Oswald does not think Hoodoo's nephew should come along but decides to play with the little polekitten for a moment. The three go on to play hide and seek where in Oswald and Hoodoo hide, and the polekitten will try to find them. The rabbit and the polecat try to run as far they could while the polekitten is counting. Nevertheless, Hoodoo's nephew gets to them quickly.

Oswald, Hoodoo, and Hoodoo's nephew continue walking. At the end of their journey, they find a soda festival being held at some fair grounds. Some of the participants are the firemen who were with them on the fire truck. After drinking some beverage, Oswald and his two companions see a trio of rats who wear sunglasses and are holding polo mallets. The three rats come to them to ask for spare change. Oswald is kind to give each rat a nickel. Hoodoo's nephew, however, is quite rude as the polekitten steals the rodents' coins.

The rats, who are very annoyed, start chasing Hoodoo's nephew. The polekitten tries to hide in a log but only half of him goes in. The rodents begin striking the polekitten in the rear with their polo mallets, and Oswald laughs. To get back at the rats, Hoodoo's nephew uses a knife to slice off their tails. The rats, however, are able to fuse back their tails. To get back at Oswald, Hoodoo's nephew moves a giant mouse trap behind the rabbit. The mouse trap snaps on Oswald's bottom not once but two times.

Hyena (film)

Michael Logan is a detective sergeant in London, working as part of a specialised taskforce alongside his friends and colleagues Chris, Martin and Keith. The taskforce's unconventional and corrupt operations bring the officers into contact with European drug syndicates, with them happy to turn a blind eye to their dealings for either a cut, or electing to confiscate suppliers' merchandise for their own profit. Logan meets with a contact in a Turkish drug cartel, who is organising a large scale shipment that he has invested £100,000 into with the hope of netting an even better profit. However, during the meeting his contact is ambushed and attacked by members of a rival Albanian gang, run by the Kabashi brothers, looking to expand their power. Logan meets with and aims to provide the Albanians with the same service he provided the Turks, but they aren't easily led.

Meanwhile, he and his colleagues are being investigated by the Professional Standards Department, headed up by Detective Inspector Nick Taylor. Complicating matters further, Logan is seconded from the Taskforce to a new operation run by the vice unit, aiming at investigating the Kabashi's involvement in people trafficking. It is headed up by DI David Knight, a former friend and colleague of Logans who he fell out with a decade prior.

Il ficcanaso

Luciano Persichetti is haunted by a mysterious killer who calls himself "The Guardian Angel" with precognitive abilities.


Pippo Sperandio is an employee of an Italian electronics company in direct contact with his boss, the pleasure-seeker Dr. Maramotti, who never misses an opportunity to have relationships with different types of women including Laura, his secretary. However, when he needs to be replaced during a holiday in Sardinia he calls and sends Pippo Sperandio to his place who - as Doctor Maramotti - will have to deal with a hectic holiday full of sport and goliardic parties, typical of the tourist villages of those years, which he is not used to.

Reclaim (film)

After a car accident that left her unable to have children, Shannon (Rachelle Lefevre) and her husband, Steven (Ryan Phillippe), decide to adopt a Haitian girl, Nina, orphaned after the 2010 earthquake, through the IRA (International Rescue Adoption), an organization run by Gabrielle Reigert (Jacki Weaver) and based in Puerto Rico. Having paid $60,000, the two move to a resort while they wait for Nina's United States passport to arrive. Steven takes an instant dislike at his neighbors, Benjamin (John Cusack), Salo (Jandres Burgos), and Paola (Veronica Faye Foo), especially after a misunderstanding with Salo at a bar, where he tells them about Nina, leads to a fight.

Two days after the adoption, the couple wakes up to discover that Nina has disappeared. They begin their search and contact a policeman (Luis Guzmán) who tells them that their adoption documents are not recorded, while the IRA's headquarters in Old San Juan has been deserted. Steven admits that Reigert had demanded an additional $30,000 as part of the adoption cost, which he did not tell to Shannon beforehand. Benjamin then suggests that the IRA is a confidence schemer which offers orphans to unsuspecting couples in exchange for a hefty sum of money, only to take them away just a few days afterward. That night, Steven and Shannon are kidnapped by Benjamin and his aides, who reveal themselves to be child traffickers working for Reigert. Holding Nina, they force the couple to send their entire savings, which is largely compensation for the car accident that left them unable to conceive.

The next day, Steven heads to the bank at gunpoint to collect the savings. Having taken note that Benjamin's mansion was in Maunabo, he escapes back to the mansion with the money from Salo. Meanwhile, Shannon breaks free from her captivity, takes Nina, then distracts Paola long enough for Steven to take her gun and vehicle to facilitate his escape with his wife and Nina. They are pursued by Benjamin and Salo, though the latter is killed when a truck hits his car. After a chase, Benjamin crashes his car and is presumed dead, while the couple and Nina narrowly avoid falling from a steep cliff.

The three are escorted back by the policeman, but he is killed by Benjamin who, having survived his crash, knocks Steven unconscious before taking them to Riegert's villa. A dispute regarding his shares of the money causes Benjamin to shoot Riegert dead. Steven recovers and follows Benjamin, who chases Shannon and Nina into a decrepit building. Just before he is able to murder Shannon, Steven arrives and kills Benjamin. Nina then arrives, traumatized by the incident, picks up Benjamin’s gun and points it at Steven and Shannon. They manage to convince her to put it down and to live with them.

The film ends with a text showing the viewers that 1.2 million children are being trafficked each year with a quote: "They are invisible and they are everywhere."

Three of a Kind (1936 film)

Barbara Penfield (Evalyn Knapp) tries to persuade her father, laundry magnate F. Thorndyke Penfield (Richard Carle), to invest in a business venture proposed by her sweetheart Rodney Randall (Bradley Page). Her father, knowing Randall to be a fortune hunter, refuses and stops her allowance and freezes her bank account. Undeterred from financing Randall, but lacking the cash, Barbara decides to trade in her expensive car for a very cheap one.

While she is out on a test drive with a salesman, her car is fraudulently sold by con man "Con" Cornelius (Berton Churchill) who is loitering around the car yard. The buyer, Jerry Bassett (Chick Chandler), is a Penfield Company laundry worker who has just quit after winning best employee award and $1,000. He sets out for the Royal Valley holiday resort and on the road picks up Barbara who, after the cheap car broke down, is hitchhiking to a rendezvous there with Randall. She does not recognize her own car which Bassett is driving, and introduces herself using the false name Beatrice Payne.

Arriving at the Royal Valley, Bassett and "Beatrice" book into separate rooms. Later Cornelius and his daughter Prudence arrive. Bassett learns that Beatrice is really Barbara Penfield, the daughter of his ex-employer, and it is confirmed when Penfield himself arrives to put a stop to any further negotiation between her and Randall.

Several cases of mistaken identity result between Penfield, Randall, Cornelius, and Bassett, with almost everyone believing the other is rich and manoeuvering to make a deal with him. Meanwhile, police investigator Cogarty is on the trail of the fraudulently sold car and he recognizes ex-convict Cornelius and swindler Randall. Bassett is wrongly arrested for stealing the car, with police compounding the mistaken identity situation.

Prudence and Randall marry, and when all the identities are sorted out, Barbara and Bassett announce their intention to do the same and to manage the Penfield business when Penfield retires.

Don Franco e Don Ciccio nell'anno della contestazione

Don Franco and Don Ciccio are the respective pastors of the two principal parishes of a village in Sicily. The two have different ideals about society, and so they always fight by way: Don Franco is a priest more open to the social level, which supports the protests of the young communists, while Don Ciccio is a severe priest of the old school, who speaks in Latin and who hates communists protesters. One day the two bitterly quarrel over a disputed land of the city: Don Franco would create there a public park, with the support of the communists, while Don Ciccio would fain give it to the municipality for other interests. So the two fathers decide to settle the matter with a game of football.


Ciccio loves very much the novel ''Satyricon'' of Petronius Arbiter, although his friend Franco does not understand him. Ciccio also saw the famous Federico Fellini's film about the novel, and he goes with Franco in a country inn, near Rome. The director, seeing the success of the film by Fellini, does furnish the inn in the fashion of ancient Rome. Even the guests and the waiters are dressed to the ancient, and so do Franco and Ciccio, but they break a jar of wine and are hunted. The two fall asleep in a clearing, and wake up in the Rome of the Emperor Nero.

Franco and Ciccio risk being killed, and so they're saved just by writer Petronius who hire them as servants. Petronius is the best adviser to Nero, who is scared because he believes that his mother Agrippina wants to kill him. Franco and Ciccio therefore must watch over the life of the emperor, but they soon discover that the killer who wants to murder Nero is not the mother.

The Suns of Scorpio

The book follows on from the first volume and sees Dray Prescot banished to Earth, arriving in Lisbon. Prescot later takes part in the Battle of Waterloo and eventually travels to India where, shortly after his arrival, he is returned to Kregen through intervention of the Star Lords.

Prescot arrives on Kregen naked and without arms to save a young couple from an attack by rock apes but the two prove ungrateful and leave without thanking him. The significance of this event was later revealed in The Tides of Kregen but unclear to Prescot at the time. He spends the following days with the Todalpheme, an order devoted to calculate the complicated tides of Kregen. He learns that he has been sent to Turismond, a continent to the west of Segesthes, the scene of most of the first book. He finds himself to the far west of this continent at an ancient, possibly man made canal, the only link between the open ocean and a Mediterranean Sea-like inland see, the Eye of the World. The local Todalpheme are trusted with closing the canal in case of a severe storm through an ancient dam at the western end.

Prescot, in fear of banishment back to Earth does not dare search out Delia, who does not make an appearance in the novel, sensing that he was returned to Kregen for a specific purpose, and instead opts to travel along the northern shore of the Eye of the World. He is eventually taken captive, enslaved and taken to Magdag to work as a scribe in the local brickworks. He learned that Magdag is the chief city of the northern shore and dedicated to the God Grodno and Genodras, the green sun of Kregen. The southern shore in turn worships the God Zair and the red sun Zim. The two sides are locked in a long-standing small-scale conflict, with the North defined by an autocratic society ruled by Overlords, employing mostly half-human mercenaries and relying on slaves for labor while the South enjoyes a somewhat freer society, which however is also more intolerant of half-humans. Prescot refuses to take part in a slave revolt and is treacherously sent to the galleys as an oar slave, where he meets and befriends a number of southerners. When the galley is attacked by another from the south Prescot breaks free, slows the galley and him and his comrades are rescued. He befriends the ship's captain, Pur Zeniken, a Krozair of Zy, an elite southern fighting order and is taken to Sanurkazz, the holy city of the south.

Dray Prescot rises to become a successful galley captain himself and is eventually chosen to train as a Krozair. After a year of training he is admitted to the order and continues his successful raiding career against the ships from the north. Prescots live is saved in an ambush by two Vallians, Kov Tharu of Vindelka and Vomanus, Delias half brother, unknown to Prescot at the time and send by Delia in search of him. He learns that she has returned to Vallia and send out emissaries in search of Dray Prescot. He takes off to sail to Vallia but the merchant ship he travels on is raided by a galley from Magdag and Prescot is involuntarily taken aboard under the disguise of Drak, Kov of Delphond, Kov being a noble title similar to the Earthly Duke. Prescot spends time with the nobles of Magdag while waiting for a ship to take him to Vallia but also makes contact again with his old slave friends to plot an uprising.

Prescot trains the slaves and designs and builds new weapons for an uprising. He is betrayed by two of his slave friends out of jeliousy over a slave girl and taken captive, identified as a Krozair but escapes with the help of Princess Susheeng, a noble women in love with him. At the time of the Great Death, when the green sun Gendoras is eclipsed by the red sun Zim the slaves rise up. While the Overloards of Magdag dress in red and perform their rituals the slaves rise up and attack, seemingly victorious. But once again, in the moment of triumph, Dray Prescot is taken away by the Star Lords and he learns later that the rebellion collapsed after his disappearance.

The House Guest

Katherine (Nina Dobrev) is free and out of the tomb now that Elijah (Daniel Gillies) is dead and she moves into the Salvatore house where she stays with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley). She tells them that she did not leave town because she wants to help them kill Klaus, something that the two brothers do not seem to believe.

Damon tries to burn Elijah's body so he can take the dagger but it is not working. Katherine informs him that he is wasting his time and when he asks her if she knew that the dagger would kill him if he had used it, Katherine admits that she did know and that she made a deal with Isobel to get out of the tomb. The deal was to stay and help with Klaus but one of them, Damon or Stefan, had to die and she chose to save Stefan.

Stefan informs Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) about Katherine and asks Bonnie if she can talk to the Martins and make them work with them. Jonas (Randy J. Goodwin) and Luka (Bryton James) meet Stefan and Bonnie to talk but they refuse to work with them. Bonnie and Stefan find out though that Elijah did not have a weapon to kill Klaus but if a witch can channel enough power, they would not need a weapon. That leads the Salvatores to try to find out the place where many witches were murdered in the past to use their power.

Elena, Bonnie and Caroline (Candice Accola) organize a girls’ night since Caroline broke up with Matt (Zach Roerig) and Jonas took Bonnie's powers. Jenna (Sara Canning) joins them since Alaric (Matt Davis) broke up with her. They all decide to go to the Grill where Caroline gets back with Matt and Bonnie asks Elena if she is fine with her dating Jeremy. Elena agrees with their relationship.

Jonas and Luka return home and they try to free Elijah using a magic spell that transfers Luka to the Salvatore basement. Luka tries to remove the dagger from Elijah's body but Katherine realizes that something is wrong and she stops him. Luka stabs her with a wooden stick and she calls Damon for help who runs into the basement and burns Luka killing him. Jonas goes after Elena to avenge Luka's death.

Jonas looks for Elena at the Grill but Bonnie tells him that she is not there. Stefan arrives with Katherine who pretends to be Elena to get Jonas' attention, so Elena can escape. Matt tries to help Caroline but Jonas stabs him in the neck with a broken bottle and Caroline is forced to give him her blood to save him. Stefan gets to Elena’s home with Katherine where Jonas is waiting for Elena and Katherine kills him. Before he dies, Jonas grabs Bonnie giving her powers back and showing her how she can kill Klaus.

Matt wakes up at Caroline's house not knowing what happened. Caroline tries to explain him that her blood healed him since she is a vampire and that she will tell him all the truth about it. Matt freaks out and realizes that Vicky was not crazy when she was talking about vampires before she died and he leaves believing that Caroline and the vampires did something to Vicky.

The episode ends with Isobel’s (Mia Kirshner) return and her going to Jenna’s house. She introduces herself as Alaric's ex-wife, something that shocks Jenna since a few moments ago Alaric was telling her once again that Isobel is dead.

Experiment Alcatraz

A number of Alcatraz prisoners have volunteered to take an experimental serum that could cure a fatal blood disease, promised a parole if they take part. During the experiments, notorious racketeer Barry Morgan steals one of lieutenant nurse Joan McKenna's scissors and stabs convict Eddie Ganz to death, then escapes.

The medical tests are abandoned, the vaccine called a failure. Joan is upset for many reasons, including that such a serum could help her wheelchair-bound brother Dick, who has the disease. Dr. Ross Williams created the medicine and he attempts, with Joan's help, to understand why Morgan behaved the way he did. Ross is beaten by one of Morgan's thugs, Duke Shaw, and told that he and Joan had better drop their pursuit, but they don't.

The trail leads them to Lake Tahoe and a lodge owner, Ethel Ganz, the dead inmate's stepdaughter. She pulls a gun on them. It turns out Eddie hid $250,000 in stolen loot that she found. Ethel is now married to Morgan, with whom she plotted the murder and prison breakout. Morgan turns up with a gun, putting the lives of Ross and Joan in peril, but she is rescued, the villains are incarcerated and the serum is put to good use.

She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum

73-year-old Masao is taking a river boat to pay his remote home village a visit. On his way, he reminiscences in flashbacks his youth during the Meiji era and his first great love Tamiko.

Tamiko works in the household of cousin Masao's parents. The families and the villagers are suspicious of the close, yet innocent relationship between the teenagers. While some people mock their spending time together, Tamiko's sister-in-law acts openly hostile. The contact between the two is more and more inhibited, and after Masao is sent away to a higher school in another town, Tamiko is pressured into an unwanted marriage. Tamiko first resists, but when Masao's mother declares that she will under no circumstances allow her to marry her son, she finally gives in. Omasu, the housemaid, meets Masao and gives him the news, at the same time reminding him that Tamiko will always love him. A few months later, Masao receives a telegram by his mother, asking him to come home quickly. Upon returning, he learns of Tamiko's unhappy marriage, divorce, and recent death due to an illness. The family, grieving the loss, tells Masao that the dead Tamiko held a letter from him in her hand, pressed against her heart.

Again in the present, the old Masao has reached his destination and visits Tamiko's grave, contemplating her fate with the words, "late autumn and the fields are lonesome, only crickets sing by her grave".

Deepwater Horizon (film)

On April 20, 2010, ''Deepwater Horizon'', an oil drilling rig operated by private contractor Transocean, is set to complete drilling off the southern coast of Louisiana on behalf of BP. Chief Electronics Technician Michael "Mike" Williams and Offshore Installation Manager James "Mr. Jimmy" Harrell are surprised to learn that the workers assigned to test the integrity of recently completed cement work are being sent home early, without conducting a cement bond log (CBL), at the insistence of BP managers Donald Vidrine and Robert Kaluza. While Mike prepares the drilling team, including Caleb Holloway, Harrell meets with Vidrine and persuades him to conduct a negative pressure test, which indicates the cement has not properly sealed the well from the high-pressure reservoir. Vidrine disputes the test finding and orders a second test. After concluding the second test was a success, Vidrine orders the rig to remove the drilling mud and prepare the rig to move to its next job.

At first, the operation goes smoothly, but the cement job eventually fails completely, triggering a massive blowout that overpowers and kills the drill team members Keith Manuel, Shane Roshto, Roy Kemp, Karl Kleppinger, Adam Weise, and Gordon Jones.

A chain of equipment malfunctions, coupled with a failed attempt to seal the well, ignites the oil, killing Dewey Revette, Stephen Curtis, Jason Anderson, and Donald Clark. Andrea Fleytas, the rig's Dynamic Position Operator, tries to alert the Coast Guard, only to be overruled by her superior, Captain Curt Kuchta, on the grounds that the rig is not in any imminent danger, at least until the rig erupts in flames, then Kuchta sends out his own call for help. With oil now spewing into the ocean, an oil-covered pelican flies into the bridge of a nearby vessel, the ''Damon Bankston'', which was there to collect the drilling mud from the well, and dies; the vessel heads towards the rig just as the workers begin a frantic evacuation, sending out a rescue team after seeing the rig burst into flames. Harrell, still alive, although seriously injured in the explosion, is rescued by Mike and assumes control of the situation, only to discover that the rig cannot be saved. Aaron Dale Burkeen, a close friend of Mike's, sacrifices himself to keep a burning crane from collapsing onto the surviving crew, while Mike and Caleb are able to rescue Vidrine and Kaluza and get them to safety.

As night falls and the burning oil lights up the area, the Coast Guard becomes aware of the incident and sends ships and aircraft to rescue the survivors, who are being ferried in the lifeboats to the ''Damon Bankston'' as it was already on scene to assist with the evacuation and rescue. With all the lifeboats full, Mike locates the emergency life raft, but it becomes separated from the rig before he and Andrea can board, causing the latter to suffer a panic attack. Just as the oil in the well itself ignites and destroys the rig, the two jump into the water and are picked up by rescuers, who then ferry them to the ''Damon Bankston'', where the surviving crew mourn their lost crewmen and say the Lord's Prayer.

Returned home, the workers reunite with their families in a hotel lobby, during which the father of one of the crew members accosts Mike, asking where his son is and if he got off the rig, resulting in Mike having a panic attack himself. Luckily, his family rushes in to comfort him.

The film ends with a series of clips showing the aftermath of the disaster, including testimony from the real-life Mike Williams and the revelation that Donald Vidrine and Robert Kaluza were the only two people prosecuted for their actions; both were charged with eleven cases of manslaughter. Pictures appear of the eleven men who lost their lives before the credits. The movie postscript reads: "The blowout lasted for 87 days, spilling an estimated 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. It was the worst oil disaster in U.S. history."

Extraño en su pueblo

Andrés Pereira is a man who has lived many years away from his hometown, San Lorenzo, learning different customs and adapting to a different lifestyle. However, when you decide to return discovers that his way of life no longer fits with the villagers, so that will not be well received.

The Great Wall (film)

European mercenaries, including Irishman William Garin and Spaniard Pero Tovar, travel to China during the reign of the Song dynasty's Renzong Emperor, searching for the secret to gunpowder. A few miles north of the Great Wall, they are attacked by a monster. Only Garin and Tovar survive; they sever the monster's arm and bring it with them. Upon reaching the Wall, they are taken prisoner by soldiers of the Nameless Order, led by General Shao and Strategist Wang. The Nameless Order exists to combat alien monsters called Tao Tie, which arrived from a meteorite and attack once every sixty years. While examining the severed monster arm, the Order's commanders are surprised by the monsters' first assault, which has come one week early.

Shortly after, a horde of Tao Tie assails the Wall. Both sides sustain heavy losses before the monsters' queen aborts the attack. During the battle, Garin and Tovar are freed by Ballard, another European who came east twenty-five years earlier in search of gunpowder; detained, he now serves as an English and Latin teacher. Garin and Tovar display amazing battle skills, saving the life of young warrior Peng Yong, then slaying two monsters, earning them the Order's respect. The three Europeans secretly plan to steal gunpowder and flee during the next monster attack.

That night, two Tao Tie reach the top of the Wall. General Shao is killed, placing Commander Lin in charge of the Nameless Order. Around this time, an envoy from the capital arrives with an ancient scroll which suggests that the monsters are pacified by magnets. Wang believes the stone Garin carries enabled him to slay the Tao Tie he fought at the cave. To test the hypothesis, Garin suggests they capture a Tao Tie alive and agrees to help. This delays his escape plans, angering Tovar, who nevertheless assists Garin despite Ballard's protests.

During the next attack, the Tao Tie are numerous enough to cause Lin to resort to using arrows equipped with black powder, whose capabilities had been kept secret from the Westerners until now. They capture a living Tao Tie and prove the theory. However, the Imperial envoy claims the monster and takes it to the capital to present to the Emperor.

A tunnel is discovered at the base of the Wall; the previous attacks had been a distraction so that the Tao Tie could dig the tunnel. While Lin investigates, Tovar and Ballard steal a supply of black powder and escape, knocking Garin unconscious for trying to stop them. Garin is arrested by the Nameless Order, and is locked up in the Wall. Some distance away, Ballard betrays and abandons Tovar, but is captured by bandits, who accidentally kill Ballard and themselves after igniting the powder. At the capital, the envoy presents the captive Tao Tie to the Emperor and his entourage, but it awakens and reveals its position to its queen, who signals the Tao Tie to attack.

The Order rushes to the capital. Lin orders the use of hot-air balloons, and sets Garin free before leaving. Wang tells him to warn the outside world, but Garin boards the last balloon with Peng and Wang. They arrive just in time to save Lin from being devoured. They land in the Emperor's palace, where Wang proposes killing the queen by tying explosives to the captured Tao Tie and giving it meat to be delivered to the queen. While approaching the site, a horde of Tao Tie attack the band, and Peng sacrifices himself to save the others.

After releasing the Tao Tie, Lin and Garin climb a tower so that Garin can detonate the explosives with an arrow. Wang sacrifices himself to buy time for Lin and Garin to reach the upper floors. Two of Garin's arrows are deflected by the Tao Tie queen's bodyguards, but Garin throws the magnet into the horde, creating a gap in the shields, allowing Lin's spear to get through. The queen is killed, and the rest of the horde is paralyzed. With the threat eliminated, Garin is allowed to return home and elects to take Tovar (whom the Nameless Order recaptured) with him instead of a reward of black powder, much to Tovar's annoyance.

The Last Face

Wren is a physician and activist working in West Africa with the organization Doctors of the World that her dead father started so many years ago. She's happy to lead the organization, but frequently finds herself negatively comparing herself to her father's achievements. During 2003 Wren meets Miguel, a handsome surgeon who has also devoted himself to treating people from impoverished and war torn sections of the world. The two fall in love but Wren soon discovers that Miguel has had a prior sexual relationship with her cousin, which contributes to the decay of their relationship.

On the Loose (1951 film)

Just a teenager, Jill Bradley has become suicidal over recent events. Almost everything in her life has gone wrong since her birthday, which her parents all but ignored, going out for the evening and leaving her by herself with a cake.

Alice and Frank Bradley continue to neglect their daughter. Alice scolds her for buying a new dress. Frank says she can keep it if she does household chores, then becomes furious after Jill sneaks out to see boyfriend Larry Lindsay and coming home late, smelling of liquor.

Unjust rumors are spread about Jill's reputation and teachers treat her unfairly as well. Classmates refuse to come to her home when invited and one provokes a fight. Frank, called to the school, slaps Jill rather than trust her. Larry's influence is a factor in her life. After ordering them champagne in a restaurant by pretending it's for their parents, he gets her into more trouble, then breaks up with her.

Frank tries to make amends to his daughter by taking her to a roadhouse and dancing together. Larry enters and wrongly assumes Frank is a date, insulting Jill as a girl of low morals. Frank strikes the boy and ends up under arrest for assault.

In court, although her father has advised her to keep silent, Jill testifies as to why Frank did what he did. The court lets him go, he and Alice vow to become better parents, and when they throw Jill a party, all her old school friends are there.


''Sanaaq'' opens on an episode about the title character, a young widow named Sanaaq, who is preparing to set out with her dogs to find and gather branches for weaving into a mat. The episode ends with Sanaaq returning home with her heavy load and offering berries to her daughter, Qumaq.

Through 48 short but sequential episodes, ''Sanaaq'' tells the story of an extended Inuit family and the various activities—such as making and repairing clothing, building seasonal ice shelters, gathering bird eggs, and hunting seals—that make up their day-to-day, semi-nomadic existence living almost entirely off the land apart. The novel is loosely set around the time of the early 1950s, when the Inuit of Kangirsujuaq had regular but limited contact with ''Qallunaat'', or Euro-Canadians.

Natale a New York

During the Christmas holidays, three groups of funny characters depart from Italy to spend the Christmas holiday season in New York City. Camillo (Lillo for short played by Christian De Sica) is a penniless pianist who has the fortune of marrying a rich woman named Milena (Fiorenza Marchegiani). However, Lillo, although happy living in comfort with his wife and beautiful dependent daughter Carlotta (Elisabetta Canalis), is still in love with Barbara (Sabrina Ferilli), a beautiful Roman uneducated peasant with whom he had dated years earlier. He must be careful not to break his prenuptial agreement demanded by his father-in-law before he could marry Milena and gain access to her vast fortune. Should he be untrue to Milena he could lose all his marital gains and return to being a poor Musician. A chance meeting reunites Lillo and Barbara and they resume their affair in secret. Barbara, however, is now married to Claudio (Massimo Ghini), a wealthy Doctor, who is also having a secret affair and is in love with Lillo's daughter Carlotta.

Dr. Severino Benci (Claudio Bisio) ships his assistant Filippo Vessato (Fabio De Luigi) to New York with a mandate to deliver an expensive and rare antique Medical Parchment as a gift to his son Francesco (Francesco Mandelli), who studies in the same university in New York City his father graduated from years earlier. Filippo is also to be married that week in New York and is dismayed that his boss, the Doctor, would send him on such a distracting task. But Francesco is a pleasure-loving slacker who doesn't attend classes and partakes in recreational drugs and hosts large parties for his friends. Filippo becomes corrupted by both Francesco and his cousin and fellow underachieving student Paolo Benci (Paolo Ruffini) during this short visit in order to complete his task. He is having fun with them and falls in love with a beautiful College Cheerleader Girl named Sylvia during a psychedelic induced episode at one of Francesco's parties. Filippo ends up covering for the delinquent students and tells Dr. Benci a lie that his son is to receive the 'Student Of The Year' achievement award but Dr. Benci comes to New York to see for himself and soon suspects something is wrong. But Filippo is to marry the love of his life in the days to come... Christmas in New York leads to some more surprises for all parties involved as their lives and situations intersect and crash during their Christmas holiday in New York.

The Furchester Hotel

The Furchester Hotel is a half-star hotel in England that is owned by a monster family called the Furchester-Fuzz Family. The Furchester-Fuzz Family alongside Elmo and Cookie Monster figure out how to solve different issues that are developed by the guests of the Furchester Hotel.

Step by Step (1946 film)

A secretary, Evelyn Smith, lands a job working for Remmy, a Senator. One day while swimming, she encounters Johnny Christopher, a passerby who stopped to admire her. Johnny just returned from active duty in the Pacific during WWII. He and his war dog, Bazuka, flirt with Evelyn who smiles and then returns to Remmy's home.

Johnny locks himself out of his car, so on foot (and in his bathing suit) he makes his way to Remmy's nearby home. A strange woman answers the door and claims to be Evelyn, confusing Johnny. The more he snoops around, the more he is convinced that something is wrong, but the police refuse to believe him.

Johnny sneaks back into Remmy's home, donning clothes he finds laying around. Enemy agents have tied up Remmy, the real Evelyn and the senator's chauffeur. They are searching for a list in the Senator's possession, but Johnny accidentally ends up with possession of it due to his new wardrobe. The chauffeur is shot, the Senator is unconscious and a government operative, James Blackton is dead. The chauffeur escapes and brings in the police and the coroner. The Senator comes around and the police are sure it is an inside job, with Evelyn and Johnny as the prime suspects.

Fleeing for their lives, Evelyn and Johnny end up at a motel run by Capt. Caleb Simpson and gain his trust. Unbeknownst to them, the enemy agents are also staying at the motel. Evelyn and Johnny track down the chauffeur and try to get information about the list from him. The chauffeur is about to spill the beans when the enemy agents shoot him through the open window. The enemy agents make a quick get-away, and Capt. Simpson helps Evelyn and Johnny escape from the police.

The enemy agents connect Johnny, Bazuka and the borrowed clothes. The spies decide the list must be in the jacket and then discover Evelyn and Johnny's hiding place at the motel. Johnny tells them he disposed of the jacket in the sea. The enemy agents knock out Johnny and Evelyn. After finding the jacket in the back of Johnny's car, and the list in the jacket pocket, the enemy agents plan to dispose of Evelyn and Johnny. They drive off with Johnny in the trunk and Evelyn wrapped up in the back seat. The police arrive and search the motel. They find a letter Johnny was writing to the Senator. After getting stopped at a police barricade, they are recognized and escape after shooting a police officer. Johnny tries to signal with the tail lights in Morse code.

The enemy agents plan to scuttle a boat with Evelyn and Johnny aboard. While in the boathouse, Johnny breaks loose and fights with the two male enemy agents and Evelyn takes care of the female agent. Capt. Caleb arrives with the police to place the enemy agents under arrest.

Evelyn and Johnny marry with Bazuka and Capt. Caleb in tow.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Shortly after the battle of Starkiller Base, General Leia Organa is leading the Resistance forces in evacuating their base when the First Order fleet arrives. Against Leia's orders, Poe Dameron leads a costly counterattack that destroys a First Order dreadnought. The remaining Resistance escapes into hyperspace, but the First Order uses a device to track them, and attacks again. Kylo Ren hesitates to fire on the lead Resistance ship after sensing his mother Leia's presence on board, but his wingmen destroy the bridge, killing most of the Resistance's leaders. Leia is dragged into space but survives by using the Force. While Leia recovers, Vice-Admiral Holdo assumes command of the Resistance. Running low on fuel, the remaining fleet is pursued by the First Order.

On Ahch-To, Rey attempts to recruit Luke Skywalker to the Resistance. Under self-imposed exile, Luke refuses to help and says that the Jedi should end. After encouragement from R2-D2, he agrees to give Rey three lessons in the ways of the Force. Rey and Kylo begin communicating through the Force, which puzzles them both. Kylo tells Rey that Luke feared his power; Luke confesses that he momentarily contemplated killing Kylo upon sensing that Snoke was corrupting him, which prompted Kylo to destroy Luke's new Jedi Order. Convinced that Kylo can be redeemed, Rey leaves Ahch-To. Luke prepares to burn the Jedi library but hesitates. The spirit of Luke's master Yoda appears and destroys the library by summoning a bolt of lightning. He encourages Luke to learn from his failure.

Meanwhile, Poe entrusts Finn, mechanic Rose, and BB-8 with a secret mission to disable the First Order's tracking device. Maz Kanata directs them to the casino town of Canto Bight, where they meet the hacker DJ. Pursued by the local security, they escape Canto Bight with the help of stablehand children and racing animals they set free. Finn, Rose, and DJ infiltrate Snoke's flagship but are captured by Captain Phasma. Rey also infiltrates the flagship and is captured by Kylo, who brings her before Snoke. Snoke reveals that he connected their minds to discover Luke's whereabouts.

Holdo plans to evacuate the remaining members of the Resistance using small transport vessels. Believing her plan cowardly and futile, Poe leads a mutiny. A recovered Leia stuns Poe with a blaster and proceeds with the evacuation. Holdo remains aboard the ship as a decoy to mislead Snoke's fleet as the others flee to an abandoned base on Crait. DJ buys his freedom by revealing the Resistance's plan to General Hux, and the First Order fleet begins firing on the evacuation transports, destroying many.

Ordered to kill Rey, Kylo instead kills Snoke and defeats his Praetorian Guard with her help. Rey hopes that Kylo has abandoned the dark side, but he instead asks her to rule the galaxy with him. Refusing, she battles him for control of Luke's lightsaber, bisecting the weapon. Holdo sacrifices herself by slicing through Snoke's flagship at lightspeed, crippling the First Order fleet. Rey escapes the destruction while Kylo declares himself Supreme Leader. BB-8 frees Finn and Rose; they defeat Phasma and join the survivors on Crait. When the First Order arrives, Poe, Finn, and Rose attack with obsolete speeders. Rey and Chewbacca draw TIE fighters away in the ''Millennium Falcon'', while Rose stops Finn from sacrificing himself. The First Order penetrates the Resistance fortress using a siege cannon.

Luke appears and confronts the First Order, allowing the surviving Resistance to escape. Kylo orders the First Order's forces to fire on Luke, but they fail to harm him. He then engages Luke in a lightsaber duel; upon striking Luke, Kylo realizes that Luke is not physically present, but projecting his image through the Force. Rey helps the remaining Resistance escape on the ''Falcon''. Exhausted, Luke dies peacefully on Ahch-To, becoming one with the Force. Rey and Leia sense his death, and Leia tells Rey that the Resistance can rise again.

At Canto Bight, the stablehands recount the story of Luke Skywalker; afterward, one of them moves a broom with the Force and gazes into space.

Minnie the Moocher (film)

The cartoon opens with a live action sequence of the famous black musician Cab Calloway and his orchestra performing an instrumental rendition of "St. James Infirmary". Betty Boop gets into an argument with her strict immigrant parents when she will not eat the traditional Hasenpfeffer. She runs away with her boyfriend Bimbo, and sings excerpts of the Harry Von Tilzer song "They Always Pick on Me" and the song "Mean to Me".

Betty and Bimbo end up in a cave where a walrus-like apparition appears (voiced by Calloway), who sings "Minnie the Moocher" and dances to the melancholy song. Calloway is joined in the performance by other ghosts, goblins, skeletons, and other creatures. Betty and Bimbo are subjected to skeletons drinking at a bar; ghost prisoners sitting in electric chairs; a cat with empty eye-sockets feeding her equally empty-eyed kittens; and so on. Betty and Bimbo both change their minds about running away and rush back home with the ghouls in hot pursuit. Betty makes it safely back to her home and hides under the blankets of her bed. As she shakes in terror, the note she earlier wrote to her parents tears, leaving "Home Sweet Home" on it. The film ends with Calloway performing the instrumental "Vine Street Blues".

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Following a threat of revenge by the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, Kylo Ren obtains a Sith wayfinder that leads to the planet Exegol. There, he finds Palpatine, who reveals that he created Snoke to rule the First Order and lure Kylo to the dark side. Palpatine unveils the Final Order—a secret armada of superlaser-equipped Star Destroyers—and tells Kylo to find and kill Rey, who is continuing her Jedi training under Resistance leader Leia Organa. Poe Dameron and Finn deliver intelligence from a spy in the First Order that Palpatine is on Exegol; Rey reads in Luke Skywalker's notes that a Sith wayfinder can lead them there. Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, , and depart in the ''Millennium Falcon'' to Pasaana, to find a hidden clue leading to a wayfinder.

Kylo initiates a Force bond with Rey to discover her location. He travels to Pasaana with his warrior subordinates, the Knights of Ren. With Lando Calrissian's help, Rey and her friends find the clue—a dagger inscribed with Sith text, which programming forbids him from interpreting—and the remains of a Jedi hunter named Ochi and his ship. Rey senses Kylo nearby, and faces him. The First Order capture the ''Falcon'', Chewbacca, and the dagger. Attempting to save Chewbacca, Rey accidentally destroys a First Order transport with Force lightning. Believing Chewbacca is dead, the group escape on Ochi's ship.

They travel to Kijimi, where a droidsmith extracts the Sith text from memory, revealing coordinates to a wayfinder. Rey senses Chewbacca is alive, and the group mount a rescue mission to Kylo's Star Destroyer. Rey recovers the dagger and has visions of Ochi killing her parents. Kylo informs her that she is Palpatine's granddaughter; Palpatine had ordered Ochi to recover the young Rey, but her parents hid her on Jakku. General Hux saves Poe, Finn, and Chewbacca from execution, revealing himself as the spy. After allowing the group to escape, Hux is discovered and executed by Allegiant General Pryde. The group fly the ''Falcon'' to the wayfinder's coordinates on a moon in the Endor system.

Rey retrieves the wayfinder from the crashed second Death Star, but she is met by Kylo, who destroys the wayfinder and duels her. In a dying act, Leia calls to Kylo through the Force, distracting him as Rey impales him. Sensing Leia's death, Rey is overcome by guilt. She heals Kylo and takes his TIE fighter to exile herself on Ahch-To. Meanwhile, Kylo converses with a memory of his father, Han Solo. He throws away his lightsaber and reclaims his identity as Ben Solo. Sensing Leia's death and Ben's redemption, Palpatine sends a Star Destroyer to destroy Kijimi as a show of force. On Ahch-To, Luke's Force spirit encourages Rey to face Palpatine and gives her Leia's lightsaber. Rey leaves for Exegol in Luke's X-wing fighter, using the wayfinder from Kylo's ship.

Rey transmits her coordinates to R2-D2, allowing the Resistance—now led by Poe and Finn—to follow her to Exegol. There, she confronts Palpatine. He demands she kill him to allow his spirit to pass into her. The Resistance launch an attack on the Star Destroyers and Lando arrives with reinforcements from across the galaxy. Ben overpowers the Knights of Ren and joins Rey, but Palpatine drains their power to rejuvenate himself. He incapacitates Ben and attacks the Resistance fleet with Force lightning. Weakened, Rey hears the voices of past Jedi, who give her strength. Palpatine attacks her with lightning, but Rey deflects it using Luke and Leia's lightsabers, killing Palpatine before dying herself. Ben uses the Force to revive Rey and they kiss before he dies. The Resistance defeats Palpatine's remaining forces, while people across the galaxy rise up against the First Order.

The Resistance celebrate their victory. Rey visits Luke's abandoned homestead on Tatooine and buries Luke and Leia's lightsabers. A passerby asks her name; seeing Luke and Leia's Force spirits nearby, she responds, "Rey Skywalker".

On the Rocks: A Political Comedy

In the near future Britain is descending into social chaos as a result of economic collapse. The Liberal Prime minister, Sir Arthur Chavender, is having to find a way to deal with the problem. A national government has not worked. In the Cabinet Room the Prime Minister meets various advisers, members of his family, a mysterious female doctor, and deputations from the people. Chavender is described as a typical politician, who "could be trusted to talk and say nothing, to thump the table and do nothing". When the deputation representing the unemployed arrives, Chavender suavely dismisses them with empty promises, but finds himself disturbed by the resentment of the more perceptive delegates. A conversation with his wife further weakens his self-confidence.

Chavender meets with Old Hipney, a veteran of the Labour movement. Hipney says that parliament has had its day. Decisive leadership is needed. A female doctor arrives and tells him that he will die of mental enervation unless he changes. Chavender has a radical change of heart. Inspired by Stalin, he proposes to introduce wholesale nationalisation of industry and compulsory public service. He meets with members of the Labour and Conservative parties, who initially approve his plan, as does Sir Jafna Pandranath, an Indian millionaire who represents the business interests of the British Empire. Soon, however, negotiations break down, and Chavender says that a dictatorship is the only answer to stop the ineffective chatter and competing interests of the various factions. Dexter Rightside, the Conservative leader, is horrified and promises to provoke a counter-revolution should any such thing happen. The Labour figures are also appalled that the independence of Trades Unions will be lost. Pandranath, however, is in favour of the scheme, declaring democracy to be dead. Hipney states that we need a new Napoleon. Chavender agrees that such a man might be needed, but that he would hate the man for the brutality of the regime he would have to introduce to make it work. The mob of the unemployed then break into the room, smashing windows and singing "England arise!".

Go Fund Yourself

Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Butters decide to leave school and get rich quick by creating a start-up company through crowdfunding website Kickstarter, but have a hard time getting a name that is not already taken. When Cartman finds out that the Washington Redskins football team has lost the trademark to their team name, he suggests using it for their company. This angers Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, who tries to blackball Cartman. With ISIS supporting them, Kyle and Stan leave to form their own startup company, which Stan eventually also quits.

Snyder, increasingly frustrated, asks other NFL owners to use their connections to have Cartman change his company's logo. Cartman responds by adding hand-drawn breasts, testicles and a penis to the Redskins logo. This leads to Snyder and his team to break into Kickstarter headquarters and burn it to the ground. Cartman, Kyle, and Stan lose the money from their Kickstarter projects, but reconcile and refurbish their company into a replacement for Kickstarter to make money off their clients. Everything goes well for the boys until the Redskins' game against the Dallas Cowboys when Snyder himself is forced to play in place of his disillusioned team and is severely injured. Taking pity on the team owner, the townspeople form a mob against the boys' company (including ISIS), threatening to boycott them unless the boys change the name and go back to school.

Systemic Shock (book)

The book is based around Ted Quantrill and his activities during the post-apocalyptic anarchy that followed the limited nuclear exchange that destroyed the major cities in the United States.

Riverboat Rhythm

Matt Lindsay is the owner of a broken-down showboat, perpetually one small step ahead of his creditors and the law. At one point, he disguises himself as Col. Witherspoon, a con artist he'd met earlier, only to find himself in the middle of a blood feud with Col. Beeler, who aims to settle things once and for all—with a pistol.

The Heart of the Valley

In the winter a female dunnock left her territory to find food and came to the front garden of Brook Cottage where other birds were also feeding from the bird table. That evening Eve Conrad of the cottage received a phone call telling her that her son Daniel was in hospital from an accident so she left to be with him. The next morning the dunnock was among the birds who arrived at Brook Cottage but there was no new food with the house vacant. While searching for food at nearby Forge Farm she heard the voice of her own kind and met a male dunnock. After flying around together the male showed the female a storeroom on the farm with food. When the spring came the dunnocks built a nest on a ledge in the building but after a rat searched and wrecked it they searched for another site. The next day they settled in the hedge opposite Brook Cottage. The dunnocks mated and laid four eggs but the nest along with three eggs were destroyed by a lorry passing a parked car whilst taking a shortcut down the lane. The fourth egg was eaten by a hedgehog that evening.

The dunnocks moved to a bullace bush by Forge Farm where they nested and laid four more eggs. Meanwhile, a cuckoo who was raised in the valley had migrated from Africa and substituted the dunnocks' fourth egg for her own feeling the need to lay. The cuckoo egg hatched three and a half days after the first of the dunnocks' eggs and that evening whilst the parents searched for food the newborn evicted the dunnock weakling who broke her neck when she landed on the ground and was eaten by a fox. The following day the cuckoo had evicted the other female dunnock nestling who survived the fall out of the bush but was taken by a jay. On the cuckoo's seventh day the dunnock father was hit by a car whilst searching for food in the early morning light and was eaten by a crow when he died. The remaining dunnock nestling spent much of his time and energy dodging attacks from the cuckoo and the feeding became less frequent with the mother being the sole provider. When the dunnock nestling was two days away from full growth the cuckoo tried to evict him but he survived by perching on the branches of the bush. He did the same the following day and on the next day he practiced flying. After learning to hunt for himself the young male dunnock flew away wanting to be independent.

When the summer was over the mother cuckoo migrated back to Africa but would die en route the following year. Her offspring also migrated though five of them also died but the one raised by the dunnocks survived. The mother dunnock died the following winter during a cold spell and was eaten by a fox. The surviving male dunnock mated the following year and had six offspring. The story ends with the writer taking a walk in the valley.

Sang Sinxay

Phanya Kousarath is the king of Muang Pengchan, a powerful kingdom. He and his wife, Nang Chanta, are unable to have children. The king’s sister, Soumountha, is abducted by a demon called Nyak Koumphan, ruler of a far-away kingdom of ogres. Phanya Kousarath, after becoming a Buddhist monk, embarks on a journey to find his sister. An abbot at a temple tells him that only someone with a lineage to Buddha or Indra would be able to defeat Nyak Koumphan. After being reinstated as king, Phanya Kousarath meets and marries the seven sisters he met on the monks’ morning alms. He asks them to pray to the gods for pregnancy, in order to give birth to an extraordinary child with the power to rescue Soumountha. Nang Chanta and Nang Lun pray together to Indra, who hears their prayers and chooses three of his sons to come down to earth.

Nang Lun gives birth to two twins: Sangthong (ສັງທອງ), who has the body of a conch shell, and Sinxay, ( “he who will triumph by his virtues”), who holds a sword, bow and arrows. Nang Chanta gives birth to Siho (ສີໂຫ), a boy with the body of a lion and the head of an elephant, while the other six sisters give birth to normal looking human sons. Lun and Chanta and their sons are banished from the palace because of the babies’ strange appearance. They are left in the forest, where Indra sees their hardships and builds a small palace for them. When Nang Lun returns Sinxay's weapons to him, the young man demonstrates his power by shooting two arrows. The first lands in the kingdom of the khut (garuda in Thai), while the second one lands in the kingdom of the nagas. Both kings lead millions of their followers to Sinxay’s palace, pledging their service to him.

Once the six brothers have become young men, Phanya Kousarath sends them on a quest to find the power needed to rescue Soumountha. After getting lost in the forest, they are led by Indra to Sinxay’s palace. Through deception, they convince Sinxay to make all the animals in the forest appear at the palace in Muang Pengchan. They use this to convince their father that they have gained the magical powers they were seeking. The king sends them on a quest to rescue his sister. They end up at Sinxay’s palace again, and trick him into believing he is the one chosen by the king for the quest. The six brothers, Sinxay, Sangthong and Siho leave together, but upon meeting a giant snake the six flee in terror while Siho and Sinxay kill the snake. When they arrive at a river, the six brothers refuse to proceed further. Sinxay leaves Siho to protect them, and sets off to rescue Soumountha along with Sangthong.

In his journey, Sinxay meets many obstacles, some of which set on his course by Nyak Koumphan. He also encounters the fabled Nariphon tree, jealously guarded by Phanyathone. After enjoying the nariphon and having to fight the phanyathone, Sinxay comes upon Ton Kalapheuk, the mythical Wishing Tree, covered in jewels and hand woven silk textiles. He chooses one textile to keep, along with a set of royal clothes to wear when meeting Soumountha. He also meets a group of ''kinnari'', and falls in love with one of them, Kiengkham. He leaves her after seven days with the promise of returning to marry her. Finally Sinxay and Sangthong reach Nyak Koumphan’s palace, where they meet their aunt Soumountha, only to discover she has fallen in love with Koumphan and does not want to go back to Muang Pengchan. Sinxay shoots an arrow, whose power makes Koumphan fall into a deep sleep. After leading Soumountha to a cave created by Indra, Sinxay and Sangthong go back to Koumphan’s palace, and try to kill him while he sleeps. Every time they slice off their head, though, seven more nyaks appear. Sinxay then shoots an arrow that burns many of the nyaks and makes the remaining ones flee into the forest.

After retrieving Soumountha and finding a palace in the forest created for them by Indra, the two brothers are surrounded by millions of nyaks. After two great battles Sinxay manages to kill Koumphan. Soumountha then asks Sinxay to rescue her daughter, Sidachan, who is now the wife of Nak Valoonarat, king of the nagas and guardian of underworld treasures. When they reach his palace, Sinxay challenges him to a game of chess. He bets his weapons, while the king bets his kingdom. After three wins, Sinxay proposes to take Sidachan instead of the kingdom, but Nak Valoonarat refuses, prompting a battle against millions of nagas. Sinxay and Sangthong are helped in the battle by the khut, and they finally prevail, capturing Nak Valoonarat, who agrees to hand over Sidachan.

Sinxay, Sangthong, Soumountha and Sidachan are rejoined with Siho and the six brothers, still by the river. The six brothers start planning to take credit for the rescue. While bathing at the top of the waterfall, they push Sinxay over the edge, believing he is dead. Soumountha leaves her silk scarf, her ornamented hairpin and her hair extension by the river, praying they would be returned to the palace as proof of Sinxay’s survival. Indra descends from the heavens and pours sacred water on Sinxay, bringing him back to life and leading him to the palace in the forest, to his mother Nang Lun and his aunt Nang Chanta.

Back in Muang Pengchan, a celebration is held in honor of the six brothers, who would soon be kings. Soon, though, Soumountha and Sidachan tell Phanya Kousarath how the events unfolded. He receives proof when a mariner tells him of the three objects he found by the river. The six brothers and their mothers are thrown into jail, and the king embarks on a journey to locate Sinxay. They find him at his palace, but Sinxay refuses to return to Muang Pengchan to become king. Soumountha convinces Sinxay with a speech, explaining that it is in the best interest of the kingdom. He returns to Muang Pengchang, where he becomes king, marries Kiengkham, and rules virtuously.

Alternate ending

''The original Sang Sinxay edited by Mahasila Viravong ends with Sinxay’s marriage with Kiengkham. This is the most commonly known version in Laos. In Isan an alternate ending is best known, and is also represented on murals in temples of the region.''

After Sinxay becomes king, Vedsuvan, the nyak leader, notices he has not heard from Nyak Koumphan in over seven years. He sends two of his nobles down to earth, where they discover that Koumphan has been killed by Sinxay. Vedsuvan descends to earth, and pours sacred water on Koumphan’s bones, which were laid in a stupa after his funeral and cremation, bringing him back to life. Koumphan is still angry, and wants to return Soumountha to his kingdom. Defying Vedsuvan, he becomes a queen fly, and flies at night into the palace in Muang Pengchan, abducting Soumountha and Sinxay. Returning to his kingdom he places Sinxay in a wooden cage, planning to boil him alive in an iron cauldron.

Sangthong and Siho, upon discovering the abduction, fly to the kingdom of the nyaks with Sinxay’s weapons. Transforming themselves, they sneak their way through the thousands of nyaks gathered around Sinxay’s cage. Siho slips Sinxay’s bow and arrows and sword through the bars, while Sangthong, who has become a frog, knocks over the iron cauldron, scalding the nearby nyaks. Sinxay frees himself using his sword, and he is challenged to a battle by a furious Koumphan. Indra, from Tavatimsa Heaven, sees the confrontation that is about to take place, and intervenes, calming down Koumphan.

Koumphan’s anger finally dissipates, and he agrees to travel to Muang Pengchan and ask for Soumountha’s hand in the traditional and customary way. She accepts his proposal, they marry, and Koumphan builds a ''saphanthong'', a golden bridge connecting the kingdom of nyaks with the humans, as a symbol of alliance. Sinxay continues being the virtuous king of Muang Pengchan, with his kingdom now strengthened by the new alliances with the khuts, naks and nyaks..

Fighting Father Dunne

In St. Louis, renovations are about to begin on the News Boys' Home and Protectorate. Fred Carver approaches the men about to rip up the sidewalk out front, and asks that they preserve a slab of the sidewalk which contains two sets of footprints: his as a boy, and those of Father Dunne. The workers do not know who Father Dunne was, and Carver begins to relate the tale of the late priest, and creation of the building they stand in front of.

In 1905 St. Louis, newspapers employ young boys, many of them orphans to deliver their papers. One brutally cold morning, one of the homeless boys, falls ill and can't work. His two friends, Tony and Jimmy, not knowing what to do, go to Father Dunne's parish where they tell the priest of their concerns. Dunne accompanies the two youths to where their friend lives: in a cardboard box. After he takes the three boys to his sister Kate's house, he convinces her and her husband Emmett to take the boys in on a temporary basis until he can figure out a more permanent solution.

Dunne visits his Archbishop John Joseph Glennon and tells him of his intent to build a home for the newsboys and other children who live on the street. The Archbishop pledges to support Dunne's efforts, but makes it clear that the diocese is not in a financial position where they can contribute any money to the project. Undaunted, Father Dunne uses his winning personality and gifts of persuasion, to cajole, harangue, and otherwise convince local business people to support his project. Using the donations, Dunne rents a run-down townhouse, and begins to refurbish it, again convincing local businesses to donate the materials for the renovation. He also enlists the help of a local attorney, Thomas Lee, to help him in his negotiations, as well as providing free legal council.

As the house gets more and more fixed up, the number of youths staying there grows. In addition to providing them food and shelter, Father Dunne also provides guidance to the young men, attempting to help them turn into productive members of society. Dunne particularly works hard on one of the more sullen, violent youths, Matt Davis, who has been physically abused by his alcoholic father. Eventually, Dunne becomes aware that the adolescents under his care are being violently bullied by some of the older teenagers who also compete in selling papers. He at first attempts to talk to the manager at the paper in charge of sales, but his efforts are frustrated. Matt then organizes the boys at the home to work as a group, in support of one another, in order to offset the larger, stronger teenagers. While it is initially successful, the violence begins to ratchet up, eventually leading to a violent confrontation which sees the horse which has been loaned to the boys to help them deliver the papers killed, and Jimmy's leg is crushed under a wagon wheel. Matt blames himself for the altercation, and flees the home in shame.

Father Dunne then convinces Michael O'Donnell, who had loaned the boys the horse, to threaten to evict the newspaper from their building, since he owns it. The newspaper then relents and intervenes on the boys' behalf with the older delivery boys, averting further violence. Dunne then turns his efforts into raising money to build a larger, more permanent home for the boys. While he is doing that, he also continues to search for Matt. He eventually finds him, but cannot convince to him to leave his abusive father and return to the home.

Eventually, O'Donnell and Lee help Dunne form a board of directors to help raise money for the permanent home, and it is eventually built. After it opens, Matt arrives to ask for help from Dunne. He is fleeing from the police, after having almost been caught during a robbery. Dunne agrees to help him, but convinces him that the first step is to turn himself in. Before he can, however, they are surprised by a police officer. Matt mistakes him for his drunken father and shoots him, killing him.

Matt surrenders, but is sentenced to death. Even though Dunne intercedes on his behalf with the governor, the execution is carried out. While he was unsuccessful with Matt, Father Dunne is gets solace from all the boys waiting for him when he returns to the home, all of which he has saved.

The Pace That Thrills (1952 film)

Los Angeles newspaper reporter Eve Drake is assigned to cover a motorcycle race. There she sees Dusty Weston win a race using questionable tactics. She is asked to present the winner's trophy afterward, but when Dusty plants a kiss on her, she slaps his face.

Eve's critical article irks Dusty and his employer, J.C. Barton, who owns a motorcycle factory. At a home belonging to his mechanic pal Rocket Anderson, they discuss Eve with rival cyclist Chris Rhodes, another friend. Chris suggests softening her up and invites Eve to pay another visit. She enjoys a cycle ride until Chris and Dusty try to elude two motorcycle police officers and crash into a ditch.

Chris then suffers a leg injury in a race after Dusty's dangerous maneuver. Dusty is fired, after which Chris is given a new hydraulic bike to race that Barton needs to be a success if he is going to be able to keep his factory up and running. Chris protests that Dusty is the better rider and could win the big race on the new bike. Barton refuses to budge, and while Dusty takes a job as a trick rider for a carnival.

Chris falls in love with Eve, but she's romantically attracted to Dusty and unsure what to do. Chris punches him when Dusty says they intend to marry. Dusty then surprisingly enters the big race, competing against Chris and the new Barton bike. At the last minute, when Chris takes a spill, Dusty deliberately does the same, giving Chris a chance to get back up and be victorious. A grateful Chris congratulates his friend and Eve on their engagement.

Il magnate

Furio Cicerone, a large Sicilian entrepreneur who came from the ranks, finds himself hindered by a loan from a bank due to an indispensable assessment. The large sum requested by him is available only after five days from the assessment, while he needs it immediately to prevent his employment contract from being canceled; then he turns to an acquaintance, Gianni, who however places conditions on him to help him.

The conditions imposed by Gianni are those of being able to woo Clara, Furio's wife and eventually have a sexual relationship with her; all without Furio intervening. Furio, having his hands tied, reluctantly accepts; Clara, feeling overshadowed, decides to play along with the two men.

Clara, wanting to teach both of them a lesson, makes them believe she is faithful and foolish at the same time. Gianni, with a devious move, manages to extend the duration of the contract to buy time; despite this expedient, her shrewdness is useless, because Clara realizes that Gianni does not intend to respect the agreed terms. Clara, seeing Furio begging Gianni to stop with these absurdities, realizes that her husband is willing to go broke rather than have a cheating wife.

Clara, however, still wants to give a lesson to Furio, in fact she tells him that she wants to leave him alone for a period of time because she wants him to reflect on the fact that love and affections are not barter goods or buying and selling.

Furio, furious, he drives his car and voluntarily collides with Gianni's car.

Sword of Venus

The Count of Monte Cristo's son is framed for a murder he didn't commit by a man who is plotting to get his hands on his wealth, a man who was one of his father's deadliest enemies.

The Bodyguard (2016 film)

The film is set in the 2000s in a medium-sized Chinese city located in northeast China, close to the Russian border. An old, overweight man named Ding witnesses a man being stabbed by a gang, but when he is summoned by the police to identify the suspect, he hesitates and is unable to. The police research Ding's background and discover that he is a retired Central Security Bureau officer from Beijing, and they figure that he is suffering from dementia. Back at his home, Ding is frequently invited for supper by his land-lord, Park, an elderly lady who is attracted to him. Ding, in turn, frequently cares for a little girl next door named Cherry, whose father, Li, is an abusive gambler.

When Li becomes heavily in debt because of his gambling, Choi, a Chinese person of Korean descent, who happens to be the leader of the aforementioned gang, forces Li to embark on a criminal assignment. Li is driven to a hotel and told to steal the shoulder-bag of a Russian gang leader. The alarm is raised but Li escapes with the bag after a protracted chase. However, upon being told that his debt isn't absolved, Li goes into hiding, taking the bag with him. Choi reacts by sending men to abduct Li's daughter. Meanwhile, the Russian gang leader feels angry and plans an attack against Choi's gang for violating their territory.

Choi's gang members follow Cherry and assault Ding's home after she enters it, but to their dismay, Ding proves to be a remarkable fighter, and they are repelled. To avoid arrest, two of them are sent by Choi to hide in the countryside. The police, noticing that Li has disappeared, send Cherry to live with her aunt and uncle. However, within a short time, the aunt and uncle wish to eject her, and Ding agrees to provide for her living. Then one night, Cherry goes missing, and what is more, Li suddenly appears in Ding's home, bringing money in order to compensate Ding for his service. As Li exits the house, he is assaulted by Choi's gang and killed, and the shoulder-bag is taken back.

Ding, who has been plagued with guilt for years, ever since his granddaughter went missing on a hiking trip, resolves to bring Cherry back using force. He visits the gambling house demanding Cherry's release, and when Choi's gang attempts to kill him, he overpowers around 20 of them including a skilled knife assassin. At that moment, some of the Russian gang members appear and start to kill the rest of Choi's men in an attempt to reclaim their stolen money. Seeing this, Choi escapes, but not before Ding wounds his leg. The Russians proceed to attack Ding, believing that he works for Choi, and Ding is forced to kill them. At the same time, the police, led by Park's son, chase after two leaders of the Russian gang, who die when they collide with a truck. Choi, who thinks he is safe, is approached by the two subordinates he sent into the countryside. They proceed to murder Choi and to rob him, having accepted a Russian bribe to do so.

In the aftermath of the incident, Ding's dementia worsens, and he is paralyzed by the loss of Cherry. The police make no attempt to blame Ding, recognizing that his actions were self-defense. Suddenly, Cherry returns, revealing that she simply ran off to live at a friend's house. Even as Ding forgets his family members, he remembers his relationship with Cherry, who cares for him well into his senescence. In a scene after the credits, the two countryside criminals accidentally encounter a group of drilling PLA military police, who turn and give chase. After a short chase the remaining criminals are captured.

The Golden Twenties

A student at the New York Public Library is about to write a paper about the United States during the 1920s. Frederick Lewis Allen agrees to help him, and to utilize several other personalities to tell the youth about the decade. Utilizing footage from newsreels of the period, several narrators take the student from 1920 through 1929. Allen handles the narration when dealing with customs, Robert Q. Lewis deals with cultural events like films and plays, Allen Prescott covers the lighter moments of the decade, Red Barber covers sports, and Elmer Davis handles political issues.

We see the creation of the League of Nations, and the decision by the United States not to join. World War I heroes such as Alvin York, John J. Pershing and William Sims. Airplanes begin to make trans-oceanic flight, and the US Postal Service begins airmail delivery. The Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is passed, beginning Prohibition. Racial tensions rise in the country, and the Ku Klux Klan spreads. Union influence spreads, and strikes, sometimes violent, are carried out. The Sacco and Vanzetti trail received worldwide attention.

Gallagher and Shean, Ruth St. Denis, and Harry Houdini are incredibly popular, as are marathon dances. Other popular entertainers are highlighted, including Enrico Caruso, Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks Sr., Will Rogers, and Greta Garbo. Rudolph Valentino is also one of the most popular, and his death in 1926 drew thousands to his funeral. The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed, giving women the right to vote. The Jazz Age began, which played a significant part in wider cultural changes in this period. To counter the increasing amount of sex and violence in films, movie producers hire Will Hays, who by the end of the decade developed the Motion Picture Production Code. Warren G. Harding is elected president.

The Scopes Monkey Trial, pits Clarence Darrow against William Jennings Bryan. Calvin Coolidge becomes president after Harding's death in 1923, and wins re-election in 1924, despite revelations of the Teapot Dome scandal.

Sports events which are covered include the rise of prominence of Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees; the success of Bobby Jones; Man o' War's success on the race track; football's Red Grange and Knute Rockne are the stars of their sport; Bill Tilden, Molla Mallory, Suzanne Lenglen, and Helen Wills dominated the tennis world. Johnny Weissmuller garnered the moniker of "fastest swimmer in the world", while Gertrude Ederle set a record for swimming the English Channel. Boxing saw the rise of "Kid Blackie", better known as Jack Dempsey, "The Manassa Mauler".

The arts saw the rise of writers like Michael Arlen, Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells and John Galsworthy. While the music scene included the popularity of Lawrence Tibbett, Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Grace Moore, Marion Talley, George Gershwin, and Irving Berlin.

Prohibition sees the rise of gangsters like Al Capone. The Hall–Mills murder case captivated the nation's attention, as did the tragic death of Floyd Collins, who became trapped while exploring a cave system, and died after 18 days.

Charles Lindbergh does a solo crossing of the Atlantic. And the automotive industry begins to take off. The automobile industry booms. By the end of the decade, the Kellogg–Briand Pact is passed, which outlaws war as an instrument of national policy. Herbert Hoover follows Coolidge as president, and the prosperity of the nation is shattered by the stock market crash of 1929, which begins the Great Depression.

The 9th Life of Louis Drax

Louis Drax, a 9-year-old boy, narrates a series of near-fatal accidents, the most recent being a suspicious fall off a cliff. Through a series of flashbacks, Louis's sessions with psychiatrist Dr. Perez are shown. Additional flashbacks reveal a strained relationship between Louis's parents, Peter and Natalie. Despite Dr. Perez promising that everything Louis told him would be confidential, he tells Natalie about his concerns, causing her to end the sessions.

In the present, a doctor examining Louis after his latest accident pronounces him dead. After Louis is transported to the morgue, however, he suddenly awakes, and is placed in intensive care in a coma. Peter, who has disappeared, is immediately the primary suspect in the possible attempted murder of Louis. Louis's case attracts the attention of Dr. Allan Pascal, who becomes the lead doctor in charge of Louis's care. Despite Allan being married, he and Natalie share a mutual attraction, and he kisses her one day while the two go on a walk.

Natalie and Allan receive threatening letters telling them to stay away from each other, with the author of said letters claiming to be Louis himself. Dalton, the lead investigator on Louis's case, believes the letters to be written by Peter. Dalton warns Allan not to become involved with Natalie, telling him that Peter is not Louis's real father, and at one point Natalie attempted to give Louis up for adoption. Natalie confesses to Allan that Louis was the result of rape, and despite Dalton's warnings, she and Allan have sex.

Louis is visited in the hospital by his grandmother, Violet, who notices Allan and Natalie's relationship. She warns Allan that Natalie is unstable and manipulative. Dalton suddenly enters, informing Violet and Allan that Peter's body has been found at the bottom of a cliff, having been dead for several days.

While all of the above is happening, Louis continues to narrate. At certain points he is visited by a mysterious creature covered in seaweed. Louis visits the creature in a cave, and it is revealed to be Louis's manifestation of Peter, who was found dead in a cave covered in seaweed.

One day, while waking up from a nap, Allan is told by another doctor that not only did he sleepwalk during his nap, but he also wrote a prescription for Natalie, for dangerous doses of insulin and chloroform. This, combined with Allan's other dreams and the suspicious letters, leads Allan to believe that while he sleeps, Louis has somehow been controlling him and his actions. Allan informs Dr. Perez, who hooks Allan up to an EKG and manages to directly communicate with Louis via Allan's mind and voice.

Louis reveals what happened during the picnic: Natalie tries to give Louis some candy but refuses to allow Peter to have any, making Peter suspicious and leading to a fight. Louis flees to the cliff edge, while Natalie and Peter follow and get into a scuffle, which ends when Natalie pushes Peter off the cliff to his death. Louis sees this and walks off the edge of the cliff on his own in an apparent suicide attempt.

At this point, Louis's heartbeat suddenly stops and Allan wakes up. While Allan tries to revive him with a defibrillator, it is shown that Natalie is responsible for Louis's "accidents," having done things such as poison his candy, electrocute him while near a socket, and smother him with a pillow. Allan succeeds in restarting Louis's heart while Natalie looks on.

Some time later, Allan moves out after separating from his wife. He visits Natalie, who has been placed in a psychiatric ward under Dr. Perez's care. Perez explains to Allan that he has diagnosed Natalie with Munchausen syndrome by proxy. It is shown that Natalie is now pregnant, presumably with Allan's child.

In a final narration, Louis ponders whether being in a coma forever is bad, as it allows him to stay with his father. Peter's voice, however, tells Louis that the world is beautiful and he needs to grow up and live his life. Louis awakens from his coma, and the film ends.

Passion (1954 film)

A greedy California land baron stakes a claim to the property of Gaspar Melo, sending hired guns to seize control. A rancher, Juan Obreon, learns that Melo's granddaughter Rosa has given birth to a baby. Juan is the child's father and intends to marry Rosa, but she is forced to hide her new son before hired gun Sandro shoots her.

Rosa has a sister, Tonya, who flees before Sandro or his man Castro can find her. Captain Rodriguez, a friend of Juan's, becomes involved when Juan seeks vengeance for Rosa by killing the new land owner's men. Thanks to the captain's intervention, Juan is able to live in peace with Tonya and his child.

Double Deal (1950 film)

After a dice game one night in the Oklahoma oil town of Richfield, out-of-work engineer Buzz Doyle is broke. Another gambler, Reno Sebastian, has been cleaned out too, but hostess Terry Miller tips them off that her boss Walter Karns, the big winner, was cheating with loaded dice.

Reno has a ranch and an oil well that has not yet produced. He invites Buzz to come work for him, and Terry, who is close to Reno, thinks that it is a good idea because Reno must strike oil within 45 days or the well will belong to his sister Lilli, as stipulated in their father's will.

Lilli has hated Reno ever since he killed her fiancé during a fight while they were gambling. Lilli is ruthlessly determined to obtain all of his holdings. She even tries to seduce Buzz into abandoning Reno and working for her, and when that fails, Lilli threatens that something bad will happen to Buzz if he stands in her way. The corrupt Karns is in love with Lilli and will do her bidding.

Reno is found dead in Buzz's hotel room. Buzz is initially a suspect but is cleared. In his will, Reno left his ranch to Terry, not to his sister. To sort out what is entitled to Reno's survivors, Terry and Buzz seek the advice of Corpus P. Mills, a tipsy attorney who represented Reno's and Lilli's father before he died.

Lilli is found dead directly after a contentious meeting with Terry, who becomes a suspect because she now stands to inherit the ranch and the oil well. Mills convinces the authorities that Terry is not guilty and that, considering the apparent pattern of the murders, she is more likely to be the next victim.

When Terry is escorted home by a police officer, a sober Mills intercepts and kidnaps her. When they arrive at his place, it soon becomes clear that, from the start, Mills has been masterminding a scheme. He had once held leases on all the rich land in the area, and when the leases expired, the land was parcelled to people such as Reno and Lilli.

Mills admits to both killings and reveals to Terry how Reno's will stipulates that if something happens to her, which it will as he completes his plan, the properties return to Mills. Walter Karns has been hiding in the house and now reveals himself to inform Mills that he saw him murder Lilli. Mills shoots Karns, killing him.

Unaware of recent events and believing Terry to still be a suspect in Lilli's murder, Buzz arrives to ask Mills for help. Before letting Buzz in, Mills forces Terry into the basement and covers up the death of Karns. He then convinces Buzz that Terry is not in any trouble and that she is waiting for Buzz back at the hotel.

Thanks to a tip-off from an unlikely source, Buzz discovers Karns' body and Terry. A fight ensues, the police arrive and Mills is brought to justice. Terry and Buzz finally strike oil.

23 Blast

Travis Freeman, a local football star, is an average high school junior. Living in the town of Corbin, Kentucky, his inner circle includes his supporting parents, girlfriend, and childhood best friend, Jerry Baker (Bram Hoover) Life is normal for Travis until one day he is stricken with a series of severe headaches and a bacterial meningitis infection. After being rushed to the hospital, Travis undergoes surgery to remove the infection and save his life. He comes out of the procedure alive, but he is now blind. After losing his sight, Travis experiences depression as he adjusts to life without sight. When forced to abandon football, Travis’ shallow, cheerleader girlfriend quits on him, and he faces the decision of having to attend the school for the blind away from home. With the help of his parents, best friend, Jerry, another childhood friend, Ashley, and his mobility coach, Travis pulls through and is able to adapt to his new disability and starts his senior year at Corbin High School. Every day after school, Travis attends football practice, but stays, with help from his friend, Ashley, on the sidelines. His coach and mentor, Coach Farris, approaches him one day about joining the team again. Without much convincing, Travis rejoins the football team as a center and helps the team turn around their losing season advancing to the state playoffs.

Mischief Night (2014 film)

Kaylie (Brooke Anne Smith) is a beautiful high school senior who doesn't quite fit in. She's got a dark sense of humor, and a somewhat warped view of life that isolates her from most of her peers. Her best friend Daphne (Nikki Limo), on the other hand, is incredibly popular. It's Friday night, the night before Halloween, and Daphne has asked Kaylie to fill in and babysit for her at the Payton household. Daphne claims to be sick at home with the flu, but, unbeknownst to Kaylie, she's really headed out for a night on the town.

To help occupy her time, Kaylie watches horror movies, drinks the Payton's booze, pops their pills, and starts a war with a roaming group of middle schoolers trying to vandalize the home.

There are many people out in the neighborhood. One of them, a creepy old neighbor (Malcolm McDowell), knocks at the door, warning Kaylie to stay inside tonight and not answer the door for anyone. She immediately rejects his advice, answering the door for a costumed stranger who turns out to be Graham (Matt Angel), a classmate of Kaylie's who she has a crush on. Graham, it turns out, was expecting Daphne to answer the door. He's been visiting Daphne at the house whenever she babysits, which comes as both a surprise to Kaylie, and a devastating blow. When he leaves, she cuts herself, revealing a series of scars. But there's one more person lurking the streets, and prowling the dark shadows surrounding the Payton house. It's a masked man (Marc Valera), carrying a large knife.

When Kaylie realizes he's out there, she begins to tease him and taunt him into confrontation. She appears to think he's just another prankster. When she is convinced he is quietly watching from behind the trees, she strips down to her underwear and swims in the Payton's pool. Things intensify quickly when Daphne shows up and is brutally murdered. The masked stranger then breaks into the house, attacking Kaylie, when she gives fights back, bashing him with a free-weight and sending him tumbling down the stairs. He takes off his mask to reveal the man underneath and overpowers her.

It's within his power to kill her now, and instead of begging for her life, she encourages him to do it. The man, who is far less intimidating without his mask on, doesn't know how to react. He eventually decides against killing her, and sets her free. The two start talking, and soon a strange, twisted romance blossoms between them. They head into the neighborhood to cause a little mischief themselves, and gradually, over the course of the night, begin to reveal to each other what makes them tick.

Kaylie and the man have sex, but when she asks him to stab her during he becomes disturbed and goes outside to think. Meanwhile, the middle school vandals return to seek revenge on Kaylie and are brutally murdered outside the house.

Kaylie and the man have a final conversation in which the man explains that he has a family he must go home to and that he doesn't have the strength to go through with killing anyone, as he had previously thought. They say goodbye and Kaylie slices his throat with a carving knife, revealing that she has been the killer all along, responsible for Daphne and the middle schooler's deaths. She explains that she was always unstable and that finding out about Daphne and Graham's affair caused her to snap.

Later, the police investigate the crime scene and we learn that Kaylie has pinned all the murders on the masked man. Graham shows up, concerned for her well-being, and the two hug as Kaylie winks at the camera.

Chōgattai Majutsu Robo Ginguiser

The three "Spheres of Anderes" were artifacts created by the people of the alien empire of Sazoriani. These spheres were created 20,000 years ago to concentrate the energy of the constellation Scorpius and defeat Plasmani, another alien race, whom they held a long space war that was ended right on Earth. However, in order to retrieve the missing spheres, the Sazoriani led an invasion force of huge mechanical monsters to Earth. To combat the invaders, Dr. Godo, the last descendant of the alien race Plasman, built the mecha Ginguiser and entrusted the four robot that combined into it (Spin Lancer, Grand Fighter, Bull Gator and the aircraft Air Roin) to four children respectively: Goro Shigoron, Miki Akitsu, Torajiro Haranami and Zanta. The four, who toured around the world with their traveling magic show, also had real magical powers (the "point barrier") and therefore capable of controlling Ginguiser to stop the alien threat.

This Is My Love

Vida Dove lives with younger sister Evelyn and brother-in-law Murray Myer, working in a diner he owns. A former beau of hers, Murray fell in love with her sister, married her, then became paralyzed from a car crash. He now suffers from frequent convulsions and is bitter and cruel to Vida, calling her a spinster and cajoling her to marry and move out.

Vida does have a boyfriend, Eddie Collins, but isn't crazy about him. She forms an instant attraction, however, when Eddie brings his handsome friend Glenn Harris to the diner. Glenn asks her out, but Vida is shocked to discover that Glenn is interested in the married Evelyn as well.

Murray has fits of jealous rage. He makes accusations against his wife when she comes home late. Vida is overjoyed when Glenn asks her on another date, then devastated to learn that Evelyn put him up to it, just to fool her husband. Vida can't believe her sister is going to steal a man she loves for the second time.

At home, Vida takes sleeping pills and neglects Murray, who goes into convulsions. Next morning, she finds him dead. A police investigation, however, shows that Murray received a fatal injection of poison before he died, and Evelyn immediately becomes their prime suspect. Vida refuses to help her sister, and Glenn comes to hate her for it. However, she seems to have a change of heart, and is last seen walking into the police station.

Tender are the Feet

Sein Lin (Zaw Lwin) is the drummer for a traditional Burmese dance theater group in Rangoon, who is very passionate about Burmese music, art and cultural traditions. He gets frustrated when, in his opinion, one of the dancers dances against—not with—the beat, and he turns his back on his troupe, only to join another soon after, where he meet and falls in love with beautiful dancer Khin San (San San Aye). Yet Khin San is at first affronted by Sein Lin's teachings. Although they argue incessantly, they cannot deny their attraction for one another. When she leaves the group to pursue a career as a film actress, he gives her a small figure as a keepsake, a symbol of traditional theater. He tells her to return it only when she is certain she wants to stay in film. After celebrating her first cinema successes and deciding to marry producer Hla Tun (Aung Pyae), Khin San finally gives the figure back to the heart-broken Sein Lin. The story takes a different turn however when Khin San realizes that Hla Tun has been keeping something significant from her, and she returns to her traveling theater group.

The Debtors

People with various addictions meet up at the tables in Las Vegas.

Beyond the Reach

Ruthless tycoon and trophy collector John Madec flaunts his $500,000 all-terrain vehicle in a small Mojave desert town, buying off the local sheriff to bag an endangered desert bighorn sheep. The sheriff solicits the young but experienced tracker Ben to guide Madec an hour outside of town into the canyon country of Shiprock. Madec taunts Ben over his girlfriend, who has gone away to Colorado on a college swimming scholarship after being gifted a gun that Ben taught her to shoot. When Ben asks to see the permit to hunt the endangered bighorn, Madec offers a wad of cash, which the stunned Ben begrudgingly accepts.

When Madec—with a shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later philosophy—accidentally shoots an old prospector, Ben insists that they must report it as an accident. Madec puts another bullet from Ben's gun into the corpse, and after explaining how he can now blackmail Ben with questions of who was the actual killer, offers Ben a deal: Madec will put him through college with a finance major and give him a $300,000 dollar-a-year job in return for his complicity in covering up the crime.

When Ben picks up his emergency transponder, Madec destroys it and berates Ben for breaking the deal. Madec then threatens Ben with his high-powered rifle and orders him to strip off his clothes and shoes, forcing him to wander out in the desert, 45 miles from the nearest town, to die of dehydration and exposure. Madec plans to report that Ben went mad, shot the prospector, and wandered off into the barren horizon alone. To ensure his story is not contradicted, Madec watches Ben from a distance, using the scope from his rifle. Ben hides in the dead prospector's subterranean lair, but Madec blows it up with the prospector's dynamite stash. Before it explodes, Ben escapes with a 'treasure map' belonging to Charlie, whom Ben vows will not die without justice. Ben finds enough water inside of a barrel to survive. Madec shoots the barrel.

By sunset, Ben uses the map to find a wrist-brace slingshot and some marbles amongst a buried box of Charlie's personal effects. Ben heads for a hidden grotto of water that he and his girlfriend had swum in, only to find it dried up as his sun-burnt body now freezes in the desert night. Madec keeps watch with his vehicle's high-powered floodlights. Ben eventually outsmarts Madec to overcome him with the slingshot.

Back in town, Madec escapes from police custody during a bathroom break to board a helicopter that he solicited using his one phone call. Ben goes to his girlfriend and promises not to leave her side again. An armed Madec sneaks into their house as Ben and his girlfriend sleep and confronts them, but Ben's girlfriend shoots Madec using the same gun Ben gave to her. Madec is then killed by Ben.

Pearl of the South Pacific

Dan Merrill awakens on his boat after a night of drinking to find his former love, Rita Delaine, there with his partner, Bully Hague. Appealing to his greed, Rita and Bully coax him into coming along to an island where supposedly they can dive for a hidden treasure of rare black pearls.

On the island, high priest Michael, a white man, has a son, George, who is about to marry Momu, the daughter of Halemano, the native chief. The arrival of the boat carrying Dan, Rita, and Bully interrupts the wedding ceremony. Before the interlopers can be repelled, Rita poses as a missionary and George, who has never seen the outside world, persuades his father to welcome her to their isle.

After a prank during which her clothes are stolen, Rita ingratiates herself with the natives and infatuates George. He shows her a lagoon where the pearls can be found but refuses to dive, calling it taboo. Rita laughs and dives in, only to encounter a giant, deadly octopus.

Dan and Bully become more aggressive in seeking the pearls. Dan goes to the lagoon with George and together they slay the octopus. George does another dive for the pearls after making a deal with Bully for him to leave but Bully then stabs him in the back and takes the pearls. The natives come after the newcomers and kill Bully with a spear. Halemano also orders Rita to be put to death, but Dan rescues her. He gives back the pearls, however, and decides with Rita to remain there, living on the island, rather than sail away.

I Am Nancy

Actress Heather Langenkamp attends several horror conventions across the globe as she interacts with fans to gain insight into why people are so drawn to the series and the characters of Nancy and Freddy. Additionally, she interviews Robert Englund and Wes Craven to understand what qualities make Nancy a definitive film hero.

We Are Brothers

Two brothers were separated in childhood at an orphanage, only to find each other as adults 30 years later. But right after their reunion, their birth mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, suddenly disappears. So Sang-yeon (a pastor raised in America) and Ha-yeon (a shaman) team up together and go on a road trip to search for her.

Lady Luck (1936 film)

In New York City, Mamie Murphy is working as a manicurist when she hears on the salon's radio that she has won $2,500 on the racehorse Lady Luck in the sweepstakes draw, with the chance to win a further $150,000. Newspaper reporter Dave Haines is sent to interview Mamie because he already knows her and fancies her. She turns down his invitation to accompany him that evening to the Blue Moon nightclub, but accepts an invitation from "businessman" Jack Conroy to meet there.

Conroy, who is actually a financially strapped playboy, is visited at his home by mild-mannered James Hemingway, who half-heartedly threatens him with a revolver and tells him to stay away from his wife. Conroy denies any involvement with her.

Arriving at the Blue Moon about 9pm, Conroy wines and dines Mamie, while being watched scathingly by Mrs. Hemingway who is seated nearby. It's obvious that Conroy has in fact had a romantic liaison with her.

The next day at the salon, Mamie signs a deal with theatrical agents Feinberg Goldberg Sternberg & O'Rooney that will give her a career in showbiz, but only if she wins the $150,000 sweepstake. The win is stipulated because it will give Mamie and any productions in which she appears an enormous amount of free publicity.

That evening Mamie learns that she hasn't won anything at all when the real winner, an older woman also named Mamie Murphy, turns up at her door. The older Murphy offers to keep silent so the showbiz deal will go through.

The horse race is held and Lady Luck wins. Mamie is now making newspaper headlines, and she and "Aunt" Mamie accept the offer from a real estate dealer to move into a plush apartment complete with servants for one month, for his publicity purposes. Mamie and Conroy publicly announce plans to marry.

A maid at the new apartment overhears Mamie telling "Aunt" Mamie the whereabouts of her ticket. Soon after, Mamie and Aunt Mamie are drugged with laced coffee and sleep for hours. They find Conroy's dead body in the room when they awaken.

Haines, Mamie, Aunt Mamie, Conroy's valet Briggs, Hemingway and his wife all come under suspicion, but eventually it's revealed that Blue Moon owner Tony Morelli and his wife Rita had planned to get their hands on the sweepstake ticket from the start and had set up the loan of the apartment with crooked servants for that purpose. Their plan was to get the ticket, pass off Rita as Mamie, and collect a fortune from a banker in exchange for the ticket. Conroy had unexpectedly arrived ahead of the banker, realized a plot was going on, and threatened to reveal the plotters to police so that Mamie's fortune and his marriage to her wouldn't be jeopardized. Tony had shot him and implicated Mamie and Aunt Mamie.

The rich Aunt Mamie is attracted to Detective Lieutenant James Riley and they go off to a movie together. Mamie, although left with nothing, realises that may be better than the troubles brought on by fame and fortune, and resumes her feisty friendship with Dave Haines.


Sieger is a fifteen-year-old boy, living with his widowed father, Theo, and his brother, Eddy, who, burdened with his mother's death, clashes with and acts out against his father. Along with his best friend (Stef), Sieger is a member of the local athletics team. They—and two other boys, Tom and Marc—are chosen to represent the team at the national championship relay race. In order to win, they must train intensively.

One day, they decide to go swimming in a nearby river. After Stef and Tom leave, Sieger and Marc share two kisses. Confused, Sieger insists that he isn't gay, to which Marc responds, "Of course you're not," before Sieger heads home. Despite the incident, the boys remain close friends. When Stef meets and begins dating a local girl named Kim, Sieger feels pressured to romance her best friend, Jessica, and suppress his feelings for Marc.

One weekend, the athletics team goes on a training trip. On the first night, Sieger sneaks out, and Marc follows him to the beach, where they spend the rest of the night kissing and resting in each other's arms. When they return home, Sieger, Jessica, Stef, and Kim attend a fair. Also at the fair, Marc sees them and wants to join up. However, afraid that the truth will come out, Sieger tries to ignore Marc. He manages to distract and appease Jessica by winning her a stuffed animal; and after, Jessica kisses Sieger, stirring in Marc feelings of confusion and pain.

Some days later, Sieger attempts to make up with Marc, and they agree to go swimming that evening. However, Theo and Eddy get into a fight after Theo learns Eddy was fired from his job a while ago and has been spending the time riding motorbikes with his friends. Theo locks up the motorbike. Instead of going to the river, Sieger tries to convince his brother to come home. Eddy won't heed his pleas but offers him a ride in a car he's driving. On the way, they almost hit Marc while he's riding his bike. Marc gets the chance to ask Sieger why he did not turn up at their appointment, and Sieger, afraid to be caught speaking to Marc, does not answer him and walks off.

On the day of the relay race, Sieger offers Marc a simple "sorry" which Marc, waiting for an explanation that does not come, tells Sieger to go back to his "charade". Despite this, the team wins. Sieger, Eddy, Theo, and Stef celebrate with dinner at Sieger's house, where Theo gives Eddy back his motorbike. Stef reveals that he knows about Sieger and Marc, telling Sieger "that they make a good team". At dinner, Theo notices Sieger acting rather introverted and asks if he is okay. Sieger answers "no" and jumps on the motorbike, and drives away.

The final scene shows Sieger driving Eddy's motorbike with Marc on the back, embracing him. Perhaps to the beach, but as the words of the final song indicates, Sieger is on a journey of self-acceptance. They are finally together and appear to be happy.

Mambo y canela

The love between Canela and Rodrigo is one that has grown out of friendship. Canela is a cheerful young girl who is in love with mambo, although she was in an orphanage and lived a harsh life. She finally lands a job as a product demonstrator, part of a team which participates in conferences and exclusive hotels. During one of these events, she meets Rodrigo, a photographer and son of a powerful businessman. Rodrigo has been cut off from his family after refusing to be in charge of the family business to pursue photography. There is an immediate spark between them even though he is courting Vanessa, a beautiful and sophisticated lawyer. However, things get complicated for the lovers when Canela is accused of killing Rodrigo's father.

Blue Labyrinth

—Review by ''Kirkus Reviews''

My Beloved Dearest

The film tells the story of the fractious relationship between Murni, a homesick Indonesian caregiver slash domestic helper and her crabby and disabled older Singaporean master, a widower named Pak Harun who sits on his wheelchair all day by the sliding glass door where the curtains are shut and seemingly waiting for someone to rescue him from his loneliness and helplessness. Pak Harun resists all basic conversation with Murni and rudely expresses his dislike of the food that she serves him every day, including the traditional Nusantara dish sambal goreng.

Burebista (film)

The film begins with a shot of a rocky outcrop, shaped like a human head, apparently gazing out over the Carpathian Mountains. A voice-over explains that the expansion of Roman power is beginning to threaten the borders of the kingdom of Dacia under its "enigmatic" ruler Burebista.

The high priest Deceneus convinces the Dacian lords to swear allegiance to Burebista as king of a unified Dacia. He promises to keep Dacia free from the increasing power of Rome. A rigorous regime of military training is introduced by the king. Some refugees from Rome arrive, including Calopor, a former gladiator who had served with Spartacus. Burebista welcomes them, asking Calopor to tell him about Spartacus' exploits. Burebista also learns about the ambition of the young Julius Caesar, and his rivalry with Pompey.

Messengers from Mithridates VI of Pontus and from Greece arrive to ask Burebista's help in resisting the advance of Roman forces. Burebista agrees to help. Calopor is sent to assess the situation in Greece. While there he meets his former girlfriend Lydia, who has been forced to marry the arrogant Roman aristocrat Gaius Antonius Hybrida. Hybrida demands games in his honour. Calopor takes part as a gladiator, planning to kill Hybrida. When Calopor throws a trident at him, Hybrida pulls Lydia in front of his body, and the trident kills her. Horrified, Calopor leaps up and stabs Hybrida to death, giving the signal for a general uprising. With the Romans in confusion, Burebista launches his cavalry against their retreating forces, defeating them.

Burebista celebrates his victory with a festival in Dacia. He learns from a messenger that Mithridates has killed himself to avoid being captured by Pompey, but is given a letter in which the dead king encourages him to continue to resist Rome. Another letter also arrives, from Pompey. Pompey is now asking Burebista's help to curb Caesar. He ponders trouble to come.

The Boii, a Celtic tribe, raids Dacia, capturing and enslaving villagers with the help of a Dacian traitor. Burebista discovers that the raid succeeded because guards were drunk. He orders the destruction of grapevines. He attempts to negotiate with the Celts, telling them that Dacians and Celts need to cooperate to preserve independence from Rome. The Celts, influenced by their fanatical Druid Breza, refuse to negotiate. Forced to fight, Burebista is worried that the war will weaken both sides, giving Caesar an opportunity to invade. The Celts, meanwhile, threaten to kill all their Dacian captives. Deceneus tells Burebista that there will soon be a solar eclipse. Burebista decides to use this to frighten the Celts with the power of the Dacian gods. He tells them that the gods will darken the sun. The eclipse terrifies the Celts, who agree to surrender the captives. Breza flees, pursued by Calopor. When Calopor follows him into a building, Breza stabs him in the back. As he dies, Calopor reveals that he is Burebista's illegitimate son. Breza is captured and executed by being thrown into an altar pyre of the goddess Epona.

With Celtic tribes now acknowledging his rule, Burebista has created a strong kingdom. In Gaul, Caesar announces that he has conquered the country and absorbed it into the Roman empire. After he has defeated Pompey, he will proceed to absorb Dacia too. As, some time later, Burebista ponders Caesar's vow, he is told that the threat is over — Caesar has been assassinated. Deceneus speaks of the transience of life. Burebista says that all kings must die, but the unity of the nation he has created should be immortal. He gazes over the mountains, and his head fades into a merge with the rock with which the film began.

The Half-Breed

The Apache near the fictional town of San Remo, Arizona, are subject to exploitation by local whites and a corrupt US Indian agent. Charlie Wolf (known as the half-breed for his partial European ancestry) tries to lead his people during difficult times. Dan Craig (Robert Young) is a gambler who comes to town and gets involved in negotiations between Wolf and the townspeople, who fear an Apache attack. At the same time, there are rumors of gold in the ground under the Apache reservation, increasing the threat to them by European-American encroachment.

The Lawbreakers

Allen Bardeman (Robert Douglas) is a prominent, married lawyer who collects money from the numbers racket for the syndicate. His legal secretary, Angela Walsh (Vera Miles), is also his mistress, and he provides her with a house of her own, where Sam Henry (Robert Bailey) – a corrupt New York City administrator who acts as a "bag man" for the syndicate – makes a weekly visit to pick up money from Bardeman. Bardeman s lavish lifestyle and tax problems have placed him deeply in debt. Angela urges him to solve his money problems by staging a robbery of the syndicate s money, using a man he knows will play the role of armed robber for him. She then visits Ed Rackin (Ken Lynch), a nightclub owner who looks out for the syndicate s local interests and who Henry also visits to collect syndicate numbers proceeds. Their conversation reveals that Bardeman is unaware that they know one another, and that Angela and Rackin are scheming to take Bardeman s money after the staged robbery and run off together.

Bardeman arranges to have the robbery take place at Angela s house during Henry s weekly visit. During the robbery, Henry unexpectedly pulls a gun on the disguised robber, who shoots and mortally wounds Henry. The robber turns out to be Rackin, who drives off in Henry s car with the money and the dying Henry. When the police find Henry s body at the wheel of his car alongside a road soon afterwards, New York Police Department Captain Matthew Gower (Jack Warden) and his homicide squad launch an investigation into his murder.

Gower is an idealistic and honest cop and outspoken critic of the corruption he finds all around him in the city government and police force. He has faced repeated reprimands and disciplinary action, including a demotion from deputy inspector to captain, at the hands of the corrupt Police Commissioner James Deane (David White), who punishes him when he interferes in syndicate activities. When Mayor Harold Emshaw (James Seay), facing pressure from the press to clean up the city government and police department, removes Deane from his position, he appoints Gower as acting commissioner, promoting him over the head of his superior, Chief Inspector Gus Honochek (Arch Johnson). Gower sets about creating a hand-picked team of honest detectives to work directly under him to investigate organized crime activities, including Sergeant Frank Orte (Douglas Odney) and the resentful Honochek.

Gower s men quickly determine that Henry was a syndicate collector, and observe Rackin meeting Joe Selkin (Robert H. Harris), a syndicate troubleshooter, at the airport. They secretly begin to follow Selkin. Selkin visits Bardeman s office, accuses Bardeman of stealing the missing money, and orders him to return it by the following morning. After Selkin leaves, Angela comforts the panicky Bardeman. She urges him to call Rackin and tell him to bring the money to Bardeman; she tells Bardeman to threaten to tell Selkin that Rackin has the money if Rackin does not bring it. Bardeman agrees to make the call. Meanwhile, when word of Selkin s visit to Bardeman reaches Gower, Gower and Orte begin to suspect that Bardeman is a frontman for the syndicate

Rackin visits Bardeman in his law office that evening without bringing the money and pulls a gun on Bardeman. When Bardeman tells Rackin that he has a way of protecting himself from such threats, Rackin shocks him by replying that he knows because Angela told him; it is the first time that Bardeman realizes that Angela and Rackin know one another. Rackin then shoots Bardeman to death and removes the audio tape from a tape recorder in Bardeman s desk drawer that Angela had told him would be making a recording of the encounter. When Angela arrives at the office the following morning, she enters Bardeman s office, sees his body on the floor, checks to make sure the tape is missing, and then collects a second tape recorder that has been running overnight and was hidden under a statue in the office. She then feigns emotional distress and calls the police.

That same morning, Selkin, unaware of Bardeman s death the evening before, calls Rackin and orders him to kill Bardeman for not delivering the stolen money on time. A delighted Rackin agrees, realizing that the syndicate suspects only Bardeman of having stolen its money, and does not tell Selkin that Bardeman already is dead. Immediately afterwards, Honochek brings Selkin in for questioning. Orte reports to Gower that ballistics evidence shows that the same gun killed both Henry and Bardeman, and Gower hypothesizes that someone else was involved in Henry s murder and then killed Bardeman to avoid having to split the money stolen from Henry. When Honochek reports that Selkin had called Rackin that morning, Gower informs Selkin – much to Selkin's surprise – that Bardeman had been murdered the previous evening and orders Selkin held on suspicion of homicide. Deciding that Rackin is the man who can tie together Bardeman s death with syndicate activities, Gower orders Honochek to tail Rackin.

Angela telephones Rackin and plays the second audio tape over the phone to him; it clearly incriminates him in Bardeman s murder. When he expresses gratitude that she found it instead of the police and asks her to erase or destroy it, she informs him that instead she will give the tape to him, but only if he gives her all of the stolen money. They agree to meet at the train station to exchange the tape for the money. Meanwhile, Orte s questioning of Angela s officemates at Bardeman s law firm reveals that she entered his office every morning to retrieve and transcribe audio tapes Bardeman used for dictation, and the tape being missing on the morning Angela found Bardeman s body prompts Gower to order that Angela be brought in for further questioning. Before the police can do so, Honochek, tailing Rackin, telephones Gower to report Angela meeting with Rackin at the train station. Gower and Orte immediately drive to the train station and join up with Honochek.

When Angela meets Rackin, she admits to him that she had been planning all along to double-cross him as well as Bardeman. She orders him to place the money in a locker at the train station, after which she will place the tape in the same locker. Rackin places the money in the locker, and when Angela exchanges the tape for the money, approaches her threateningly. She throws the locker key at him to force him to retrieve it rather than chase her, then runs off and gets into a taxicab, but two of Gower s detectives stop the cab almost immediately and arrest her. At the train station, Rackin gets the tape from the locker, then runs when he sees Gower, Honochek, and Orte approaching. Cornered, he pulls a gun, and Orte fatally shoots him.

Believing that Selkin ordered Rackin to kill Bardeman but unable to prove it with Rackin dead, Gower orders Selkin released. Gower tells Selkin to take word back to the syndicate that with him as police commissioner, organized crime activities were going to become very difficult in the future, and that the syndicate would be wise to pull out of town. Dropping Gower off at his home that evening, Honochek calls Gower "Commissioner" with a smile, demonstrating that Gower has earned his respect as a leader and that he no longer harbors any ill will about Gower s promotion.

Gakuen Polizi

Police officer Sasami Aoba is assigned to enter an all girls High School as an undercover cop to monitor for any suspicious activity, but when she arrives there she discovers that there is already another officer assigned to the school. Sakuraba Midori is her name, and the two of them are forced to become partners and watch over the school together.

Hunting Humans

In Maryland, Aric Blue, a mortgage broker, leads a double life as a narcissistic serial killer, one who prides himself in discerning his victims' patterns and routines, while claiming to not have any traceable ones of his own. One night, Aric breaks into a multiplex to murder a projectionist, who he is shocked to discover is already dead, with a note left on his body that reads "I've Got Your Pattern". Enraged over the prospect of someone being on to him, Aric, in a fit of paranoia, shoots a suspicious dog walker. A few nights later, Aric is beaten unconscious in his home by the actual stalker, who identifies himself as "Dark". After Aric hires a private investigator named Marv to uncover information on Dark, his self-proclaimed rival challenges him to outdo his slaying of three picnickers, which Aric does by knifing four people in a theatre. Afterward, Aric learns from Marv that Dark is watching him through his own P.I., Frank Cooper.

Aric dismisses Marv, and picks up where he left off, intent on digging up everything he can on Dark through Frank. While doing so, Aric realizes that Dark is also spying on him through a co-worker named Barb, who Aric threatens into helping with his plan to get rid of Dark. Later, Aric breaks into Frank's house again, and this time he is confronted by Marv, who is really Dark. The two serial killers try to one-up each other with various trump cards, ending with Dark gunning down Frank (who kept switching sides for monetary reasons) and running off when Aric reveals he has brought along a sniper rifle-wielding workmate named Doug. Aric chases and fights Dark in the woods, with Dark having the upper hand until Aric shoots him with a handgun, one of eighteen he had left in the area in anticipation that his and Dark's battle would take place outside. Brad (who is unaware of Aric's true nature) appears, and is murdered by Aric, who relocates to another city after eliminating the rest of his co-workers, and other loose ends.

The Summerland Project

Amelia and Carter Summerland are a newly married couple. Amelia has an aneurysm and becomes locked in. Carter is approached by a corporation who would like to use Amelia as a test subject for a procedure where they will copy her personality and memories into an android body.

The themes of ''The Summerland Project'' have been compared to ''Pygmalion'', ''Blade Runner'' (and its source material ''Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?''), ''Frankenstein'', and ''The Monkey's Paw''. The story raises questions about the nature of humanity.

Boy Round the Corner

Gerry Lacey, the son of a shoemaker, attempts to rob a taxi. The taxi crashes, killing the driver and injuring Gerry. He then appears in the living room of a cafe owner he is friendly with, Nev Hallors. Nev owns a cafe in Erskineville and regards Gerry and his sister Sue like his own children. Shannon is the brother of the driver who was killed. Carrie is Gerry's society girlfriend.

Lum and Abner Abroad

The film consists of three two-reel episodes. In each, Lum and Abner visit a different city in Europe.

In Zagreb, Yugoslavia, the two involve themselves in the disappearance of an American reporter, who is engaged to a local ballerina. In Paris, France, a thief and his ''femme fatale'' co-conspirator plot to use Lum and Abner as pawns to smuggle a valuable figurine out of the country. *In Monte Carlo, Monaco, Lum and Abner are mistaken for two much wealthier Americans; a deadbeat duchess sees them as an easy mark and hopes to get a cut of the duo's losses at the local casino. To her dismay, the two hit a lucky streak and end up making 100 times their wager.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (film)

Abe Portman has told stories to his grandson Jake about battling monsters and spending his childhood at "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" at Cairnholm, an island off the coast of Wales. The home's children and headmistress, Miss Alma Peregrine, possess paranormal abilities and are known as "Peculiars". One day, Jake finds Abe dying with his eyes removed, and he tells Jake to go to "the loop of September 3, 1943".

Following advice from Dr. Golan, Jake travels to the United Kingdom to go to Cairnholm with his father Frank to investigate the children’s home, learning that it was destroyed during a Luftwaffe raid. Upon entering the ruins, he finds the children from Abe's stories. They take him through a portal and he emerges in the year 1943 with the house still intact. Miss Peregrine explains that she belongs to a class of female Peculiars named "Ymbrynes", who can transform into birds (in Miss Peregrine's case, a peregrine falcon) and manipulate time. To avoid persecution for being Peculiars, she and her children hide from the outside world in a time loop she created, accessible only to Peculiars and set to September 3, 1943, allowing them to live the same day repeatedly and avoid aging as long as they stay inside it.

Jake is introduced to the rest of the children, including aerokinetic Emma Bloom, whom he likes. Jake learns he is also a Peculiar like his grandfather, and can see the invisible monsters from his stories, called "Hollowgasts" (or "Hollows"). They are disfigured Peculiar scientists who killed a Ymbryne in a failed experiment to harvest her powers trying to achieve immortality. Led by shapeshifter Mr. Barron, they hunt Peculiars to consume their eyeballs, which allow them to regain visibly human form, but with milky-white eyes, named "Wights".

A wounded Ymbryne named Miss Avocet arrives, explaining Barron assaulted her in the January 2016 time loop at Blackpool, England, killing her children and is trying to repeat the failed experiment using more Ymbrynes. Jake returns to 2016, but finding an elderly man killed by a Hollow, goes back to the portal to warn them the Hollow is near. He is followed by an ornithologist who is actually Mr. Barron.

Barron had tried to extract the location of Ms. Peregrine's loop from Abe, but his hungry Hollow companion, Mr. Malthus killed Abe before he could do so. He then posed as Dr. Golan, encouraging Jake to go to the island so Jake could lead him to the loop. Using Jake as a hostage, Barron forces Miss Peregrine to trap herself in bird form and takes her to Blackpool, leaving Jake, the other children, and Miss Avocet as prey for Malthus.

Malthus kills Miss Avocet, but Jake and the children escape just as the Luftwaffe raid destroys the house, killing Malthus. Without Miss Peregrine to reset it, the loop closes, leaving them stuck in 1943. Salvaging a sunken ocean liner ''RMS Augusta'', they travel to Blackpool and enter its January 2016 loop, fight Barron's Wight and Hollow allies, and rescue Miss Peregrine and other captive Ymbrynes. When the last remaining Hollow arrives, Jake is able to see and avoid it. The Hollow kills Barron and is in turn killed by Jake.

Jake says goodbye to the children as they return to 1943 while he stays in 2016 and relates his adventures to Abe, who is alive and well: Barron's death in the beginning of 2016 erased his presence in Florida later on. Abe gives Jake a map of international time loops, allowing Jake to reunite with his friends in 1943. The children and Miss Peregrine journey to seek a happy time loop.

Falcon Rising

John "Falcon" Chapman is a United States Marine Corps veteran who suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. After playing Russian roulette, he enters a convenience store moments before it is robbed. He demands one of the robbers shoot him, and when the man hesitates, Chapman grows impatient, disarms the robbers, and foils the robbery. When he meets with his sister Cindy, who has briefly returned to New York for a wedding, she chastises him for not taking his medication and explains that she is returning to Brazil, where she has been doing charity work for a non-profit organization. Chapman receives word from Manny Ridley, a fellow veteran and diplomat, that his sister has been severely beaten. Chapman immediately leaves for Brazil.

Chapman meets Thiago Santo and his partner Carlo Bororo, who are investigating his sister's assault. Though no witnesses have come forward, Santo promises justice. Santo and Ridley warn Chapman to avoid the gangster-controlled favelas, but Chapman insists on performing his own investigation. Katarina Da Silva, a beat cop, shows Chapman where his sister was found. When Chapman visits his sister in the hospital, an Asian nurse administers medicine to Cindy's IV. Cindy goes into convulsions, and Chapman calls for help. The hospital says they have no Asian nurses, and Ridley suggests that the yakuza may be involved, as Brazil has a sizeable Japanese immigrant population.

Chapman returns to the favela and beats up several people when he notices one is wearing Cindy's necklace. Da Silva arrives and stops him, explaining that the man is Cindy's friend. Da Silva translates for him, and Chapman learns that Cindy gave her necklace to him after his sister disappeared. The man gives Chapman Cindy's torn journal, which he recovered, and Chapman apologizes. Using carbon paper, Chapman recovers a phone number and contacts another of Cindy's friends, a photographer, who explains that she was investigating corruption and a possible conspiracy involving human trafficking. When the photographer is unwilling to part with proof, Chapman pickpockets it. The photographer dies in a car bomb seconds later.

After engaging in a gun fight with yakuza gangsters, Chapman investigates a nightclub with yakuza ties. There, he beats up a Brazilian smuggler who works for Hirimoto, the yakuza boss. Ridley identifies official documents as fakes and the two realize the yakuza are kidnapping young girls from the favela and forcing them into prostitution. At the same time, Santo organizes a violent raid of the favela, killing many Brazilian drug dealers. When one of his officers stumbles onto a yakuza kidnapping, Santo kills the officer and demands double his pay from the yakuza. Chapman investigates a yakuza brothel, where he is recognized and beats up several gangsters. Santo is called to kill him, but when Da Silva also arrives, Santo is unable to do anything.

Chapman hands over the evidence of smuggling and human trafficking to Santo but becomes suspicious when Santo accidentally reveals knowledge of the operation. On a hunch, Chapman sends Da Silva to protect his sister, and Da Silva kills the same yakuza assassin who previously pretended to be a nurse. Chapman tracks down a meeting between Santo, Bororo, and Hirimoto. After alerting Ridley, Chapman kills several yakuza and confronts the three men at once. Santo goes down first, then Bororo, and finally Hirimoto. As he lies dying, Santo denies involvement with Cindy's near-fatal attack, gives Chapman a key to a locker full of incriminating evidence, and requests a gun to commit suicide; Chapman obliges. Later, at a cafe, Ridley offers Chapman a job with the state department as an agent, which he accepts.

No Way Home (1996 film)

Joey (Tim Roth) was convicted of killing a shop-owner during a botched burglary and serves a six years sentence. His prison term leaves Joey with many mental and physical scars due to assaults he suffered.

Upon release, Joey is determined to never go back to prison. He seeks out his elder brother, Tommy (James Russo), and meets his new wife Lorraine (Deborah Kara Unger), a beautiful blonde who is initially distrustful of Joey. Joey discovers that Tommy has gotten involved with drug dealing. Meanwhile, Lorraine and Joey develop a special relationship.

The Hobby Horse (film)

Billy Brocknell gets a job breaking horses on a large property. His former wife, Margaret, is now married to the older property owner. The two meet for the first time since their marriage was annulled by their parents.

The Forgotten (2014 film)

Tommy (Clem Tibber) is a fourteen-year-old boy who goes to live with his father Mark (Shaun Dingwall) after his mother has a nervous breakdown. Dismayed upon learning that his father is now a squatter in an empty council estate destined for demolition, he nonetheless tries to make the best of it. Tommy is awoken each night by strange noises and on one occasion, finds that he and all of his belongings have been dragged from one side of the room to the other. Growing ever more terrified, Tommy tries to talk to his father but finds him becoming ever more bizarre and disturbing in behaviour.

Optical Allusions

Wrinkles the Wonder Brain has lost his bosses' eye and now he has to search all of human imagination for it. Along the way, he confronts biology head on and accidentally learns more about eyes and the evolution of vision than he thought possible.

The Last Showing

Stuart (Robert Englund) is a film purist who despises the current film world, viewing it as vulgar and cheap. After being laid-off from his job as a projectionist and forced to work at the concession stand, Stuart decides to take his revenge. Stuart manages to capture Martin (Finn Jones) and Allie (Emily Berrington), a young couple who have come to his theatre to watch ''The Hills Have Eyes 2'' and make out. After drugging Allie and incapacitating his manager, Stuart traps the couple in the theatre overnight. He then proceeds to use the building's CCTV system and a handheld camcorder to make his own personal horror movie.

The Harvest (2013 film)

Reeling from the loss of her mother and father, teenage Maryann (Natasha Calis) moves in with her grandparents, and is grateful when she manages to befriend Andy (Charlie Tahan), a boy who uses a wheelchair. As Andy is very sick he must stay within his home per the instructions of his mother, Katherine (Samantha Morton), who also forbids him from having any visitors. When their visits are discovered, Andy's father, Richard (Michael Shannon), is initially fine with the visits, but Katherine is having none of it and her behavior grows increasingly erratic.

After Katherine meets up with Maryann's grandparents, and reveals to them that Andy is dying, they prohibit her from visiting Andy again. However, Maryann's visits continue in Katherine's absence; she even takes Andy outside to play baseball. Their time together is cut short when Katherine calls her son to inform him she's on her way home. They manage to get back inside the house and Maryann hides in the basement, where she discovers a comatose boy.

After Katherine discovers that Maryann visited her son, she verbally and physically assaults him. Richard comforts Andy, while Katherine takes care of Jason, the comatose boy. When Richard goes to get medical supplies, it is revealed he is having an affair. Katherine's behavior grows even more volatile, while Maryann discovers that Jason was abducted from the hospital as a baby. She sneaks back to Andy's house and discovers that a liver transplant will take place. Katherine and Richard operate on Andy, removing part of his liver. Richard later tells Andy that he had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix.

Meanwhile, Maryann returns to the house and informs Andy about the boy in the basement, and her suspicions that he was kidnapped. Andy, still skeptical, sneaks down to the basement and sees Jason. Richard spots him and tries to get him out before Katherine wakes up, but is unsuccessful. Andy pulls out the cords to Jason's machines, and Richard frantically tries to plug them in again. As Richard carries Andy out, Katherine divulges that Jason is her son.

Maryann returns to the house again and Andy reveals to her that he is the real Jason, and that Jason is the real Andy. It is disclosed that the heart transplant, that is about to take place, is for the real Andy, Katherine and Richard's biological son. The pair had abducted the real Jason as a baby, so they could harvest his organs, and save their ill son. Maryann tries to help him escape, while Richard goes to retrieve him for surgery. Feeling remorseful for his actions, Richard helps him escape with Maryann. A frantic Katherine, refusing to accept that there is no hope for her son, subdues Richard with a sedative and pursues the children. A dazed Richard heads down to the basement, and, after unplugging his son's ventilator, sets the basement on fire and lies next to his son. Katherine, who had caught up to Jason and Maryann, is informed via her pager that her son's ventilator has been unplugged, and runs back to the house. She desperately tries to get her deceased son out of the burning house, but is unsuccessful when the roof collapses on them.

In the end, Maryann and Jason, who has regained the use of his legs, are seen playing baseball.

The King's Face

Gwanghae, the child of a concubine, becomes the Crown Prince of Joseon. For the next 16 years, the illegitimate prince lives through turbulent times, enduring death threats and possible dethronement. Gwanghae has a contentious relationship with his father King Seonjo, and the two eventually become rivals in politics and love. Using physiognomy as a weapon and means to gain power, Gwanghae enlists a face-reading fortuneteller to help him become the next King.

More Than Friendship

They belonged to different worlds; Jim's background was the industrial North, and Janet was a girl from his own class, but Tessa came from the romantic world of ballet. What change would the spotlight make in the Tessa's young life? Was it love that chained Tessa to the exotic world of ballet?

Category:1960 British novels Category:Contemporary romance novels Category:British romance novels Category:William Collins, Sons books

Countess (novel)

Viola Corbett lives amid luxury in Vienna with her husband, Count Eugene Erhmann, their children, Therese and Lorenz, and her illegitimate son James-Carlo, until all collapses with the outbreak of the First World War. A story of greed, lust, and unreasonable hate; but most of all, a captivating romance.

Category:1978 British novels Category:British romance novels Category:English novels Category:Historical romance novels Category:Novels set during World War I

Pink Cupcakes

Stanley introduces himself to Elsa as a WBN television agent, offering to give her a show of her own. Elsa turns down his offer when she finds out that it is television.

Jimmy arrives at Dell's trailer to retrieve him as Ethel asked, but he instead finds Desiree. The two bond and nearly have sex before Desiree tells Jimmy she is intersex.

Stanley has a fantasy about killing the twins with poisoned pink cupcakes and presenting them to the museum, but in reality Dot refuses cupcakes for both of them because they needed to keep their figure.

Dandy finds his way into a gay bar, where he finds Dell having a drink with a male prostitute named Andy. Dandy leads Andy into the bus by paying him $100, but insists he is not gay. Dandy offers that they strip naked facing away from each other. When Andy turns around, Dandy stabs him, and begins to dismember him, disposing of his limbs in a tub of acid.

Regina Ross, Dora's daughter, calls from the Barbizon after her mother missed their weekly phone call. Gloria initially puts her off, saying that Dora is too busy to call. As they are about to hang up, Gloria recalls that Regina used to live with them and played with Dandy, and asks what she thought about Gloria as a mother. Regina recalls that Gloria was never really there as a mother, and Gloria defends herself, saying she raised Dandy how she was raised growing up.

Elsa drives away from Jupiter with the twins under the pretense of taking them to get new outfits, but instead takes them to Mott Manor. She offers them to Gloria, who previously offered to buy them to please Dandy.

Bullseye (American Horror Story)

Elsa brings out an old spinning wheel and begins throwing daggers at it to prepare for her upcoming TV show. The night of her birthday party, she learns of the troupe's suspicions of her involvement with Bette and Dot's disappearance. Elsa reminds them that none of them would be here without her, and they should be grateful for her saving them. To prove their loyalty, Elsa demands that one of them be strapped to the wheel while she does her routine. Paul reluctantly volunteers, and Elsa purposefully hits him in the gut and refuses to call a doctor.

Dandy declares his love for the twins and wants to marry them. Dot learns of a pair of conjoined twins that have been separated for the first time and thinks Dandy could pay for the surgery.

Stanley pressures Maggie into leading Jimmy to a barn and killing him. However, she suggests Ma Petite instead, but she can't go through with it. She begs Jimmy to leave town with her immediately, but Stanley confronts her angrily, telling her they need the hands of Jimmy no matter what.

Test of Strength

The twins leave Dandy after Dot learns that he read her diary, and Dandy becomes furious.

Upon returning to the freak show, Jimmy confronts Elsa for selling the twins. Still, they tell Jimmy he misunderstood and lie for Elsa, eventually blackmailing her for 50% of the box office returns in the process.

After caring for Paul, Penny returns home to tell her father that she is moving out, but he knocks her out and has his "artist friend" tattoo her face and head and give her a forked tongue.

Stanley sees Dell at the gay bar and threatens to out him unless he delivers him the body of a freak. While trying to kill Amazon Eve, Dell underestimates her size and strength and is beaten up by her. Jimmy later tells Dell that he knows Dell is his father, and they bond. Later that night, Dell sneaks into Ma Petite's tent and brings her a pretty dress. She tries it on, and he hugs her until he crushes her, breaking her spine in the process. He delivers the body to Stanley, who sells it to the Museum of Morbid Curiosities, where Ma Petite's body is shown on exhibition.

That Night!

Chris Bowden works at a New York City agency, writing commercials for television, and commutes to his Connecticut home daily on the train. One day, late for his daughter's birthday, Chris suffers a heart attack while aboard the train. An unscheduled stop is made to rush him to a hospital.

Although he is in his early 40s, Chris becomes concerned that his life could be near an end, particularly after a second attack. His wife Maggie also reevaluates her life, wondering if the stress of a marriage and work has led to this development. Each vows to reconsider what's important to them after Chris is finally released to come home.

Jean Santeuil

Jean Santeuil tells the story of a young man, Jean Santeuil, who loves literature and poetry. The novel chronicles his childhood and his entry into the broader world. This includes his movement into high society within late nineteenth-century Paris and his adventures in other places, such as Illiers and Brittany.

The Legend of Legacy

Each of the seven protagonists comes to Avalon, making their base in the town of Initium. At the request of the King of Adventurers, the seven begin mapping the uncharted regions of Avalon. As they explore, they find magical stones called Singing Shards scattered across the world that reveal the story of Avalon. The ancient native kingdom was once prosperous through the efforts of Elementalists, sorcerers who created and communed with Elementals, harnessing their power and consequently growing overly dependent upon them. A civil war sparked between its reigning queen and her power-hungry successor Amelius. Emerging victorious, Amelius created an artifact called the Star Graal, granting immortality to himself and his followers including General Cherubim, the only military figurehead to betray Avalon's former ruler. The Star Graal imprisoned the Elementals, created a dark "Shadow" element which drove Amelius insane, cursed those it had made immortal, and caused both Avalon's initial disappearance and the vanishing of stars from the night sky. It was the Elementals' painful enslavement to the Star Graal that prompted them to call for Meurs.

Within each part of Avalon, the group discovers ancient temples which unlock the way to the City of the Unseen, Amelius' capital. During their adventure, Filmia rediscovers remnants of his people, and Bianca learns that she was crafted by Amelius as a servant. Exploring the City of the Unseen and fighting its enthralled inhabitants, the group then fight first Cherubim and then Amelius—he is defeated after merging with the Star Graal in a desperate attempt to defeat them. The destruction of the Star Graal leads to the deaths of Amelius's followers and the return of starlight, allowing nighttime navigation at sea and opening the way for Initium to become a major port. All the main characters aside from Filmia choose to leave Avalon behind. Each character has their own ending: Meurs continues his wanderings satisfied that the Elementals have been freed; Bianca decides to forge her own life free from her origins; Liber briefly settles down before setting out on another adventure; Garment decides to leave the Church to explore the wider world; Eloise—revealed to be actually called Lydia, sister to the real Eloise—decides to return to her sister; Filmia establishes his kingdom on Avalon and is hailed as a new god; and Owen is hired by the Church to hunt Filmia.

Belle and Sebastian (film)

In the French Alps, during the year 1943, Sébastien is a seven year old orphan boy living with César, an adoptive "grandfather" and his niece, Angélina. The unusual little family lives in the small village of Saint-Martin, whose inhabitants, despite the German occupation, secretly organize the passage of Jewish exiles into Switzerland. The village is also plagued by a mysterious "Beast" who preys on the flocks of the shepherds and the inhabitants, including César's animals.

Sébastien is a very lonely child who is suffering from the absence of his mother. He believes that she migrated "to America, just over the mountains", and spends all his days in the mountains. One day, on the way home, he meets a huge dog, wild and completely discredited: it is the so-called "Beast". Sébastien quickly makes friends with the animal, a female livestock guardian dog, and names her "Belle" because he is struck by her beauty after she is cleaned up from the mud that she was coated with. Sébastien decides to keep his friendship with Belle a secret to protect her.

Meanwhile, a German patrol, commanded by the ambiguous Lieutenant Peter Braun, arrives in Saint-Martin to put an end to the secret escape route of the Jews. Sébastien, during one of his trips along with Belle, collides with two of the soldiers; Belle responds by attacking and injuring one of the soldiers. Lieutenant Braun orders the mayor of Saint-Martin to arrange a hunt to track down and kill the "Beast". Meanwhile, César discovers Sébastien's secret and is horrified. Knowing that Sébastien will try to prevent Belle from being shot, César gives the boy the wrong directions to the hunting area. But he is still able to interfere, at least for a while. Then César takes him out of the area, while the hunt goes on. César and the village men manage to find and hurt Belle. Sébastien escapes confinement, and finds the wounded dog and tries to help her. He is now furious with César, but asks for help from Dr. Guillaume, the village doctor and Angélina's boyfriend. After an initial hesitation, (and being prodded with a con from Sébastien) he agrees to treat Belle and saves her life.

Unbeknownst to Sébastien, Dr. Guillaume is also the one who is responsible for escorting the Jews to the Swiss border. One evening, the doctor hides a family in a cave prior to a trip to the border, when the sound of wolves is heard in the valley. The doctor goes out as the wolves start causing a ruckus in the sheepfold. Guillaume slips and falls into the sheepfold as Belle bounds down out of nowhere and drives off the wolves. The doctor sits up and moans: his ankle is broken, he cannot walk. He finds a sled, lies down on it, and starts pawing his way to town when Belle stops him, picks up the rope, and begins to tow him. She takes him to Angélina's house where everyone except Sébastien and Guillaume is surprised by the dog. César instantly apologizes to Sébastien for wanting to kill Belle.

Guillaume, who is now injured, can no longer lead the Jews, and his place is taken by Angélina and Sébastien, who followed her and sneaked into the cave behind her. The boy befriends Esther, the daughter of the two refugees that Guillaume was to escort, and by talking with her, he discovers that César lied to him about where America truly is. That evening, Sébastien creeps back into town and sneaks into the schoolhouse to look at a map. Later, César discovers him in the schoolhouse and reveals the truth: his mother died while giving birth to him. César was present by chance and agreed to take care of Sébastien; he has so far been silent or preferring to lie to protect him. Sébastien is sad, but now he knows he can always count on César and he makes peace with him. It is Christmas Eve, and César gives him a treasured gift: a pocket watch with a compass.

Meanwhile, the Germans realize that some Jews might try to escape on Christmas Day, and begin to scour the mountain passes. Angélina and the Jews leave the cave, but the trip is cut short by Lieutenant Braun. He shouts to her, and she herds the family faster up the mountain. He shouts to her again, but all of them are suddenly overwhelmed by an avalanche caused by his shouts. Lt. Braun, when dug out of the snow, surprisingly warns her to take another route to reach the border because his soldiers are patrolling the mountain. Angélina is moved.

The only possible way now is dangerous and full of crevasses; Sébastien boasts that Belle, thanks to her sense of smell, will guide them. Not without difficulty, Belle, Sébastien and Angélina manage to escape from the Germans and to bring the Jews to Switzerland, where they are greeted by a local guide. Here, Angélina reveals that she will go on to England to help win the war. She promises Sébastien that she will return once it's all over, leaving Belle and Sébastien to walk back home alone. The Swiss guide questions her if she is sure that he is able to make such a long, difficult journey on his own, but Angélina, in tears, replies that Sébastien is not all alone.

A Japanese Tragedy

War widow Haruke, mother of two children, gets involved in prostitution during and after the Second World War to raise money for the family and secure the children a proper education. Her son Seiichi and daughter Utako, sharing a flat of their own, are embarrassed by their mother's activities and reluctant to her visits. Eager to cut ties with his past and poor upbringing, Seiichi, a medical student, aims at being adopted by an upper-class family. His sister Utako studies dressmaking and attends an English language school, engaging with her married teacher. Eventually, Seiichi's plan fulfils, while Utako, who claims that she can't lead a normal relationship after being raped by a cousin as a child, evokes a marital crisis. When Haruke finally realises that she has lost both her children, she commits suicide.

L.A. Slasher

Los Angeles learns that the city’s minor celebrities are being stalked when The Reality Star is found wandering the Hollywood hills wrapped in bloodied bandages. The self-proclaimed pop culture obsessed L.A. Slasher, a masked killer with a burning hatred for reality TV, begins abducting and torturing various stars while amassing a large cult following that monitors his activities as he posts videos online.

The Slasher stalks The Heiress as she dines with her friend The Socialite. After picking up a stash of cocaine from a pair of Drug Dealers in a cheap motel room, The Heiress is grounded by her parents for embarrassing herself while high at a family dinner. The Slasher abducts The Heiress from her room and later kidnaps The Socialite, as well.

As the kidnappings and torture continue, the citizens of Los Angeles are interviewed about the actions of the Slasher; most people generally do not care and feel that society is better off without them.

While The Actress hosts a party attended by her friend The Stripper, The Slasher nearly drowns The Teen Mom in a pool before abducting her. The Slasher releases video of the captive Heiress, prompting her parents to beg for her release on TV.

The Mayor publicly decries The Slasher’s actions. The Slasher then forcibly kidnaps him after The Mayor has a drunken sexual encounter with two women in a car outside a sleazy bar.

After taking a drive with The Actress, The Stripper ends up abducted by The Slasher. Meanwhile, The Producer plans on making a horror movie based on the crimes and The Slasher kidnaps him, too.

Holding his victims captive, The Slasher forces everyone to perform humiliating auditions that he posts online for his followers’ entertainment. The Teen Mom is killed on camera with an ax while dressed as Marilyn Monroe.

The Slasher cuts off The Socialite’s fingers. He then briefly attends a group therapy session at a Killers Anonymous meeting, but leaves before participating. The Slasher next abducts The Popstar at a boxing gym. After getting a haircut, The Slasher attacks The Heiress back at his lair. The Slasher then kidnaps The Actress while she searches for her missing stripper friend.

The Slasher releases The Stripper in order to play a cat and mouse game. The Stripper escapes to an abandoned gas station with online-enabled cameras, but no one watching at home responds to her cries for help. The Slasher continues chasing The Stripper through the desert before finally running her over with his van.

The Drug Dealers come to the desert looking for the location of an underground drug lab. One of the Drug Dealers reveals himself to be an Undercover Cop after calling in the discovery of The Stripper’s body lying in the sand. The other Drug Dealer shoots the Undercover Cop, but The Slasher then kills the Drug Dealer with a machete.

The Slasher loads up his van with the remaining hostages and drives into the city. He meets The Reporter who has been covering his crimes for local newscasts and they kiss because she “understands him.”

The police arrive at The Slasher’s desert lair with an ambulance. They discover The Mayor being held captive and forced to watch recordings of disgraced politicians making public apologies. The police also rescue The Actress.

After making his escape with The Reporter, The Slasher uses a remote control to unlock the back doors of his van. The Producer, The Popstar, The Heiress, and The Socialite go free.

Chasing Shadows (TV series)

D.S. Sean Stone (Reece Shearsmith) is intense and socially awkward, a misfit who is happier dealing with data rather than people. His lack of people skills and forthright honesty make him some powerful enemies in the force, and he finds himself exiled to missing persons. Sean's new caseload is overwhelming - up to 300,000 people go missing in the UK each year - but his brilliant mind turns out to be perfectly adapted to his new role. Where others see a hopeless, ever-growing sea of lost faces, Sean spots patterns, that lead to victims... and their killers. Ruth Hattersley (Alex Kingston) is the analyst from the Missing Persons Bureau tasked with working alongside Sean. She puts people first - a born connector able to get on with anyone, but Sean pushes even her patience to breaking point. DCI Pryor (Noel Clarke) has ambitions and a clear plan for rising up the ranks. But all this is jeopardised when DS Stone becomes his responsibility.

Remainder (novel)

''Remainder'' tells the story of an unnamed narrator traumatized by an accident which "involved something falling from the sky". Eight and a half million pounds richer due to a compensation settlement but hopelessly estranged from the world around him, the protagonist spends his time and money paying others to reconstruct and re-enact vaguely remembered scenes and situations from his past. These re-enactments are driven by a need to inhabit the world "authentically" rather than in the "second-hand" manner that his traumatic situation has bequeathed him. When the recreation of mundane events fails to quench this thirst for authenticity, he starts re-enacting more and more violent events, including drive-by shootings and a bank heist.

Self-Control (novel)

The heroine, the devout Laura Montreville, is pursued by the lecherous rake Colonel Hargrave. Realising that he has offended her, the Colonel gives Laura a more honourable proposal of marriage, but she refuses him gently on grounds of moral incompatibility, despite this meaning that she would miss out on the Colonel's title and fortune. Captain Montreville, Laura's father, finds out that Laura's annuity is not assured, and so takes Laura to London to fix the matter. Without the knowledge of her father, Laura consents to marry the Colonel eventually, if he can reform himself within two years.

When Laura is left without any money in London, she decides to support her ailing father by selling sketches. During her time in London, a man named Montague De Courcy begins to fall in love with her. De Courcy buys Laura's sketches in secret. Hargrave meanwhile follows Laura to London and becomes involved in an affair with a married woman. He meets Laura in the shop where she sells her sketches and paintings, and accompanies her home and harasses her. Hargrave's affair is discovered by the husband of his lover and the two men fight a duel. Hargrave wounds the husband, and then goes to Laura, urging her to marry him, before she has found out about his affair. Because Hargrave threatens to kill himself, Laura faints, and is found by her father, who then realises that Hargrave has been threatening his daughter, and she has been encouraging Hargrave. This causes Captain Montreville such grief that he dies the next morning.

After the death of Captain Montreville, Laura goes to live with Lady Pelham, her maternal aunt, who helps her to receive her annuity, but she is not religious and colludes with Colonel Hargrave. Laura learns of Hargrave's duel, and resolves to refuse him. Hargrave attempts to persuade her to marry him by more drastic measures – having her arrested under false pretenses and tricking her into joining a gambling party. When Lady Pelham dies, Hargrave kidnaps Laura and takes her to the wilderness of America. He plans to rape and then force Laura into marriage. She then fakes her own death by escaping down the rapids in a canoe, to which she ties herself. Hargrave commits suicide and Laura returns to her home country, where she marries Montague De Courcy and has five children with him.

Lemon Tree Passage (film)

Oscar (Andrew Ryan) and Geordie (Tim Phillipps) are two Australian friends who decide to take a group of American backpackers, Amelia (Pippa Black), Maya (Jessica Tovey), and her brother Toby (Tim Pocock), home with them. Oscar is keen on scoring with the beautiful Amelia while the shy Geordie finds himself becoming attracted to Maya. As the night progresses the Americans are introduced to Geordie's brother Sam (Nicholas Gunn), and Maya begins to suffer terrible nightmares. The group ultimately decides to try to summon the ghost of Lemon Tree Passage, only to find that this spurs on more strange occurrences.

Miss You Already

Milly (Toni Collette) and Jess (Drew Barrymore) are best friends who met in school and do everything together. As they grow older, Milly settles down and marries her rocker boyfriend Kit while Jess becomes an environmentalist and marries her long-time boyfriend Jago.

Milly, busy with her career and her young family, learns that she has breast cancer after a long-delayed check-up. She finds herself unable to tell Kit and, after a week, finally confides in Jess. Once she tells Kit and their children, Scarlett and Ben, Milly tasks Jess with helping her get through chemotherapy and the two women joke around as Milly receives her treatments. During this time period, Jess, who has been unable to conceive naturally, puts off IVF treatments with Jago, feeling that she cannot keep trying to have children while Milly is sick. After Jago grows exasperated, Jess finally decides to give it a shot and the couple manage to conceive a baby shortly after.

The night Jess learns that she is pregnant, Milly learns that though she has responded to the chemotherapy, she still needs a double mastectomy. She goes to a bar and gets drunk and, when Jess retrieves her, confesses that she has a big ego and does not want to appear unattractive. Jess reassures her that she will always want her in her life. Milly goes through with the double mastectomy but Jess finds herself unable to tell Milly she is pregnant as she feels as though her good news would cause Milly grief. Meanwhile, Jess learns Jago must go away to work on an oil-rig to pay for their IVF treatments.

Milly finds herself growing increasingly distant from Kit after the surgery. After he arranges a surprise birthday dinner, Milly walks out, taking Jess with her and the two go all the way to West Yorkshire ostensibly to see the moors where the Brontë sisters grew up, though, in reality, Milly is chasing down a barman, Ace, that she had sex with post-surgery. When Jess discovers the deception, she and Milly argue and she reveals her pregnancy to Milly.

For a while, Milly and Jess are estranged. During this period, Jess learns that she is having a high-risk pregnancy while Milly learns that while her breast cancer is in remission she also has fatal malignant tumours in her brain. Milly tracks down Jess and the women reconcile. She also confesses her affair to Kit and although he feels betrayed, he decides to make love to Milly knowing that her days are numbered. Milly eventually tells her children that she will die and must go into hospice care. While there, she tells Jess she is holding on for the birth of Jess's first child.

Jess goes into labour early while Jago is still on the oil rig. While Kit does not want Milly to attend the labour, her mother, Miranda, helps her sneak out of the hospice so she is able to be there when Jess gives birth. Some days after, Milly dies at the hospice with Jess by her side. A few years later, Jess is pregnant with her second child, and the two families are having lunch together. Jess muses on how her friend was irreplaceable but then recognises a trait of hers in Scarlett.

The Mirror (2014 film)

Flatmates Jemma, Matt, and Steve have decided to purchase a haunted mirror off of eBay in the hopes of winning the James Randi Foundation's Paranormal Challenge. If they can show proof of supernatural or paranormal activity that can hold up under scientific testing, they will win a million dollars. After receiving the mirror, the trio sets up cameras to record any and all events that occur around the mirror, only to find that this may prove fatal.

Muñeca de trapo

Destiny plays a cruel trick on Laurita Arteaga. Born into a wealthy family, she is separated from them as a baby due to the evil schemes of Luis Felipe Montesinos who due to jealousy, steals away her father's fortune and murders her mother while putting the blame on him. Eugenio Arteaga, her father, is sent to jail for a crime he didn't commit. On the day Laurita's mother is murdered, her nanny arrives in their house when the crime is being committed, and as she attempts to escape with the baby, Luis Felipe follows her in his car and hits her. Lying helpless, they are later found by the nursemaid's mother Doña Coromoto who raises up Laurita. Years later, Laurita has grown into a young woman who is being exploited by her foster mother Doña Coromoto by being sent out to look for scraps to sell and also newspapers. In the slum where they live, Laurita has been nicknamed "rag doll" by the neighbors because of her beauty and noble hears. One day, Laurita comes face to face with Alejandro Montesinos, the son of the man who ruined her father's life. Despite their social differences, they fall in love with each other. Once again, the Montesinos family will bring suffering to Laurita. But she will be reunited with her father and come back to get revenge on those who wronged her in the past.

Magi (film)

Marla Watkins moved to Istanbul a few years ago. She now teaches English in a local language school. Her sister, Olivia, is a New York-based journalist. When informed about Marla's pregnancy, Olivia travels to Turkey to visit her sister. Marla lives in a fancy neighborhood. She was previously married to an Iranian artist, but the two have recently put an end to their relationship. Marla decided she'd keep the baby and that is when sinister happenings begin to occur.

The Insatiable Moon

Arthur is a Māori man, who sees himself as the second son of God, and works to enlighten those around him. Arthur is considered mentally ill, and lives in a Ponsonby boarding house, operated by the foul-mouthed but hard-working house manager Bob. His friends at the boarding house all have their share of problems, and view Arthur as a role model in many ways.

Arthur wanders the streets, searching for the 'Queen of Heaven', and finds her with community worker Margaret, during a chance encounter at a local cafe. Arthur returns to the boarding house, where the TV series 'Marae Investigates' are filming, and they speak to him as part of a series on boarding houses in the area. Margaret and Arthur meet again at the funeral of one of Arthur's friends, a man with mental problems who commits suicide. Margaret attends in the place of her colleague, who feels guilty as she turned the man away from the community centre because she could not understand him. After the funeral, Arthur invites Margaret back to the boarding house, and introduces her to Bob and the other house residents. Although Margaret is married, she forms a relationship with Arthur.

Health bureaucrats threaten the future of the boarding house, supported by a real estate developer, and so the local Vicar, Kevin, works with Bob and Margaret, who is eager to help, to organize a meeting with local businesses and residents. However, after arguments at the meeting between the opposing sides, no conclusion is decided. Arthur is frustrated at the meeting, and intervenes as the sides argue, eventually being removed by Bob after venting his frustrations at the audience.

Although the boarding house's future is uncertain, Arthur still has faith and buys a lottery ticket, in the hope of winning enough money to support expansions to the house and fix the health problems. However, when the ticket does not win, Arthur becomes withdrawn and is visibly upset and frustrated for several days, and grows distant with Margaret. Norm, a friend of Arthur's and an occasional resident at the house, notices these signs and recommends to Bob that Arthur is taken to a mental hospital, for assessment and help. While Arthur is at the hospital, a woman whose daughter was abused by the man who committed suicide earlier in the film approaches Bob, and offers a cheque of $100,000 dollars, ensuring the future of the house.

Arthur is treated at the hospital, but attempts to escape and so staff are forced to restrain him, inject him with some form of sedative. However, due to the drugs he is already on for his mental health, Arthur loses consciousness and attempts by staff to resuscitate him are unsuccessful.

Bob is angry at the hospital staff and Margaret is devastated by Arthur's death, and a funeral is held for everyone to farewell him. The film ends with Arthur sitting on a park bench with Norm, where he hands him a pie and talks to him for a while. Although Norm realises Arthur is not actually there, he is still left holding the pie, as the film ends.

All Is Forgiven (film)

Victor (Paul Blain), is a Frenchman living in Austria with his wife, Annette, and their six-year-old daughter Pamela. Victor is aimless, working infrequently as a teacher and a writer. He begins to use drugs and drink at night. Eventually Annette moves to Paris hoping it will cure Victor of his depression but his drug use becomes more frequent and he becomes abusive.

After separating from Annette, Victor begins an affair with Gisèle, a fellow drug-addict. When she overdoses he is finally inspired to seek treatment. While visiting Victor in rehab Annette reveals that she cannot forgive him and that she is taking Pamela with her to Caracas and asks him to never contact her again.

Eleven years later Pamela receives a message from her paternal aunt, Martine. Against her mother's wishes she contacts her and learns her father never left Paris and her mother has blocked all attempts at communication between him and Pamela.

The two are able to meet a handful of times before Pamela goes on vacation. However, before she can return, Victor dies abruptly.

His last letter to her contains several poems, including one in German which Pamela later translates for her friend that is on loss and rebirth.

Bone Tomahawk

In the 1890s, brigands Purvis and Buddy encounter a Native American burial site. They are ambushed and Buddy is killed while Purvis escapes. Purvis reaches the nearby town of Bright Hope and buries his loot. However, Deputy Chicory reports him to Sheriff Franklin Hunt, who shoots Purvis in the leg when he attempted to escape. Hunt sends the confident gunslinger John Brooder to fetch the town's doctor, but ends up fetching Samantha O'Dwyer, the doctor's daughter and assistant, who is caring for her husband Arthur, a ranch foreman, after he broke his leg. Hunt leaves Samantha in the sheriff's office with his other deputy Nick to tend to Purvis' wounds in the jail cell. That night, a nearby stable boy is killed.

Hunt learns of the murder and goes to his office finding it empty, with an arrow left behind. The Professor, an educated Native American, links the arrow to a tribe that he refers to as "Troglodytes" and locates the valley where they inhabited on a map, warning Hunt that they are a group of inbred cannibals shunned and avoided by other native tribes. Certain that Samantha, Nick, and Purvis have been captured by them, Hunt forms a rescue party with Chicory and Brooder, and then later joined by Arthur, who insists on accompanying them to find his wife despite his injury.

Days into their ride, two strangers stumble across the rescue party's camp and are killed by Brooder, fearing they are scouts for a raid. The rescue party then set up a camp at another spot, but are ambushed by a group of raiders who injures Brooder's horse and steals the rest. The following day, a fight breaks out between Brooder and Arthur, exacerbating Arthur's leg wound. Chicory leaves him to recover while he, Hunt, and Brooder continue on-foot. Reaching the valley, the rescue party are ambushed by the Troglodytes, killing three but with Brooder killed and Hunt and Chicory captured and imprisoned within their cave.

Hunt and Chicory find Samantha and Nick in a different cell and are informed by them that the Troglodytes have already killed and eaten Purvis. The group later witness Nick stripped, brutally scalped, bisected alive, and then consumed. Samantha estimates that there are twelve Troglodytes inhabiting the valley, decreased to nine after their encounter with the rescue party. Hunt tricks several Troglodytes into drinking liquor laced with opium tincture, with one dying while another becomes unconscious. Arthur follows the men's trail and discovers the valley, he kills two Troglodytes and notices an object embedded in their windpipes. After cutting one out, he realizes that it is animal bone that acts as a whistle. He blows on it, luring another Troglodyte, then kills him.

In the cave, realizing two of their clan were poisoned, the Troglodyte leader grows angry. They cut open Hunt's abdomen, shove the heated opium flask into the wound, and shoot him. Arthur arrives and kills one of them while Hunt decapitates the leader. Arthur frees Samantha and Chicory, while a mortally wounded Hunt stays behind with a rifle. He promises to kill the surviving cannibals when they return, to prevent them from terrorizing Bright Hope. As the three leave the cave, they see two pregnant Troglodyte women, who are blinded and have had all their limbs amputated. After the party is at a distance from the valley, Arthur blows on the Troglodyte whistle, with no response. They then hear three gunshots, implying that Hunt has killed the remaining Troglodytes.

Blockhead (film)

Set in Italy in the early 1860s, during the unification (Risorgimento) of the various Italian states into one kingdom, Testadirapa addresses the issue of compulsory education (usually in government-run schools): a concept that has just been introduced by the new national government in the name of the King. (The concept of the "King of Italy" is often mentioned in the film, because in that time and place, it was a new idea — as was compulsory education.) The main character is a stubborn, ignorant peasant known as "Tonio the Mule." Tonio is a widower with a young son, and he objects to the government forcing him to send his son to school. He says he wants the boy to stay home and help on their farm; he doesn't want the boy to get above himself; he doesn't think the government should be able to tell him how to bring up his son. The boy wants to go to school; finally, Tonio tries to keep him at home by literally putting him on a chain. The new national police (the "carabinieri") arrest Tonio. A gang of bandits takes pity on the little boy and offer to break Tonio out of jail, but when Tonio refuses to pledge full allegiance to the gang, they decide to leave him there to take the consequences of his stubbornness. At Tonio's trial, he is sentenced to six months imprisonment — long enough for his son to complete most of his first year of school under the care of a kindly young woman teacher. (At one point, the chief of the bandit gang, in disguise, visits the school to make sure that the boy is getting along well.) Tonio, on receiving a letter from his son (which a guard has to read to him), comes to regret his own attitude. On his release at the end of his sentence, Tonio stops by the school for a friendly chat with the teacher, then arrives home where he sees his son practicing his penmanship. In the final scene, Tonio happily allows his son to teach him how to form letters.

Murder in the Cathedral (1951 film)

Archbishop Thomas Becket (Father John Groser) deals with his temptations before his murder in the Canterbury Cathedral in 1170.

Dino (film)

The film opens as Dino (Sal Mineo) is released from a juvenile detention center where he has spent several years for taking part in a murder of a night watchmen when he was 13 years old. He is brought by his case worker Mr. Mandel to Larry Sheridan (Brian Keith), a case worker at the local settlement house, for therapy. While initially hesitant to take on a new patient due to his heavy workload, he agrees to see Dino and continues seeing him after he meets the troubled young man. It is revealed that Dino’s family life is problematic and that Dino has as much trouble liking himself as others do liking him. While he has been away, his brother has been involved with a gang and Dino is persuaded to become involved in their next “job”, the robbery of a gas station.

The Ensign (video game)

''The Ensign'' takes place on an unnamed planet. The player character is part of an alien species known as "the Wanderers", so named for their lust to conquer planet by planet. At the time of the game, the Wanderers are losing a war with humans despite possessing highly advanced technology. As ''The Ensign'' starts, the player character's ship has fallen, leaving both him and his admiral heavily injured. The wounded admiral stays behind while the protagonist seeks out the fallen ship. Eventually discovering and repairing it, the player character takes off in the ship, but it collides with an asteroid and crashes, leading into the events of ''A Dark Room''.

The Fury of Hercules

Hercules is reached by the slave Daria, who informes him that his country has fallen into the hands of the tyrant Meniste. Hercules follows Daria in his homeland, where he discovers that Meniste enslaves the citizens of the city, and that a group of rebels are trying an insurrection. Meniste fears the power of Hercules, however he kills Daria. So Hercules puts himself in charge of the band of rebels, and destroys the power of Meniste.

Queen of Earth

Catherine and Virginia, two women who grew up together, spend a week together at a lake house retreat, as they did the previous year. This time, however, Catherine's mood (and possibly her sanity) has been affected by the death of her father, as well as the ending of a relationship, and the women realize they have drifted apart.

Witches' Sabbath (novel)

Tamar Brown arrives in a tiny English village to research her latest book, about Abigail Parkes, who had been burned as a witch three centuries before. Tamar is a redhead, as was Abigail, and soon the superstitious villagers fear that the witch has come back from the grave to take revenge. Never mind that, though. By the most amazing coincidence, Tamar is reunited with William, the lover who left her six years ago. The suspicion of his involvement in his wife's death, the speculation that she is a reincarnation of Abigail all lead to further vengeful and nearly fatal deeds.

The Dark Man (film)

At a farmhouse in a lonely wood, ruthless killer "The Dark Man" (Maxwell Reed) murders a petty criminal. He then shoots the taxi driver who drove him there, knowing he would be able to identify him. However, the murder is witnessed by a young actress, Molly (Natasha Parry), who is passing by. The Dark Man now has reason to silence her as well. When the police investigate the murder, Inspector Viner (Edward Underdown) is assigned to the case, and soon develops romantic feelings for Molly. Meanwhile, The Dark Man continues to stalk his prey, and is foiled in an attempt to strangle Molly at her home - but continues to pursue her. The climax comes with a desperate chase across a desolate landscape.

Rent Boys

The realities of life of male prostitutes in Berlin are dealt with through interviews with young men who are or were sexworkers. The film also gives an insight into the scene and the lives of these men. The film remains nonjudgmental and factual and shows the gay "hustler scene" as a social sub-milieu that is shaped by tragic fates as well as by everyday things and routines. Not only the direct sale of sexual services is discussed, but also other aspects of male prostitution such as poverty, drug addiction, mental stress, risk of sexually transmitted diseases, crime, migration, love and partnership. Innkeepers from bars where male sexworkers start their business, and clients of male prostitutes, such as the Austrian actor and director Peter Kern, also have their say.

Detained (novel)

The novel's storyline explores tortuous conditions at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, and centers around a U.S. Navy Petty officer who is falsely arrested and sent to the camp, and a U.S. Navy JAG defense counsel's efforts to free him. In the story, Hasan Makari and his son Najib, both Lebanese nationals, have dreamed of moving to America. But when they arrive in the US, they are arrested, accused of terrorism, and incarcerated at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba, all on false charges. Suddenly, they face the nightmare of death by execution. Their only hope is Navy JAG Officer Matt Davis, who has been assigned to the case of his life, to defend the Makaris in court at Guantanamo Bay.

'''''Detained''''' is the first novel in Don Brown's ''Navy JAG'' series.

Desert Desperadoes

A merchant's caravan led by Verrus, a former Roman soldier, comes across a beautiful woman bound to a post. The merchant doesn't wish to intervene, but Verrus takes her along. She is mysterious, identifying herself only as Isthar, a name that may or may not be real.

The merchant is transporting gold, spices and other valuable commodities across the desert. When a band of refugees and a small child who might be the rumored messiah need sanctuary, Verrus agrees, even though King Herod's soldiers are likely to come after them. The merchant conspires behind Verrus's back, coaxing Isthar into distracting Fabius Quintus, a guard who has become infatuated with her beauty.

Isthar later is in need of help and pleads with Fabius, who spurns and injures her. No one else but the refugees will help her. Herod's soldiers attack, so Isthar gives up her own camels to the infant's mother, remaining behind. She, along with all the others, is killed, but the child is safe.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series, season 3)

In the first half of the third season, after the events of previous season, the turtles are recuperating at O'Neil's farmhouse, while dealing with multiple mutants, they also find a Kraang clone in the likeness of April's mother, leading them to realize that she possesses psychological abilities because the Kraang experimented on her mother when she was pregnant. they eventually return to New York and save Splinter who has become mindless and bring him back. They team up with the Mighty Mutanimals and save the Humans and New York from the Kraang.

The second half of the season focuses on the turtles and the Shredder trying to bring Karai back, the latter succeeds and creates a brain worm to control her, the turtles and Splinter eventually free her from Shredder's control but she is lost again.

At the end of the season, the turtles meet Zog, a Triceraton who is investigating Kraang activity on earth, due to lack of the air they breath, he first mistakes the turtles as allies and leads them to realize that the Kraang are still active on earth. After finding his equipment and being able to breath, Zog turns against the turtles and alerts the Triceraton Empire before falling to his doom. the turtles then meet Bishop, an Utrom who is the same specie as Kraang and tells them about the history between Kraang and the Triceratons, that the two alien species fighting for control over the Dimension X with the Triceratons gaining the upper hand until the Kraang used the black hole generator and destroyed their planet with a single fleet surviving, he then warns them that both the Kraang and Triceratons are plan to invade Earth and if the latter arrive after the former, they will destroy the planet. The turtles try to stop Kraang from rising the Technodrome but fail and the Triceratons destroy it with Kraang Prime and Kraang Subprime in it, they then try to activate the black hole generator on Earth, the turtles join with allies and enemies to prevent Earth's destruction but Shredder betrays them and kills Splinter for revenge, uncaring for the consequences. As the planet is being destroyed, the turtles are saved by a robot calling himself Professor Honeycutt, who offers them a chance to save their world.

The Lady in Scarlet

In New York City, Dr. Phillip Boyer purchases an antique clock at the premises of antique dealer Albert J. Sayre and arranges with salesman Arthur Pennyward for the clock to be delivered that afternoon. When Boyer departs, Sayre, who has been secretly watching, accuses his wife of taking a romantic interest in Boyer.

About 5.30pm, Mrs. Sayre meets Dr. Boyer at a restaurant. Also present at the restaurant are Private Investigator Oliver Keith and his "girl friday" Ella Carey. When Boyer departs, Mrs. Sayre approaches Keith, asking for his help in finding out why a man has been watching the Sayre house and the reason for her husband's strange behavior. Keith escorts her home and together they find an unlocked front door and the dead body of Sayre in his office.

Police are called and establish time of death at "about 5 o'clock." Mrs. Sayre says she went to her hairdressing salon at around 4pm. Sayre's daughter Alice accuses Mrs. Sayre, her stepmother, of murdering her father for inheritance money. Dr. Boyer denies any romantic interest in Mrs. Sayre. Fingerprints provide a lead to rival antique dealer F.W. Dyker. Questioning reveals that Pennyward and Alice married the previous day over Sayre's objections. Boyer's alibi of being at his medical practice till 5.30 is found to be false as he left about 3.30. Pennyward reveals to Keith that Sayre ran a profitable enterprise selling fake antiques through Dyker, but they argued over payments.

The family assembles for the reading of the will by attorney Shelby. The estate is shared equally between Sayre's wife and daughter, as Sayre was murdered before signing the new will. Strangely, $100,000 in bonds which Alice knows should be hers upon marriage are not mentioned in the will. When the bonds are found to be missing, Alice accuses Mrs. Sayre of theft.

Keith, Ella, and Officer Trainey find the man who has been seen watching the Sayre home. Named Quigley, he reveals he was paid by Sayre to follow Mrs. Sayre and that she and Boyer were together much earlier on the afternoon of the murder than they had admitted. Later that evening, Dr. Boyer is found murdered in his car.

Several of the missing bonds are found in Pennyward's satchel and are identified by Shelby as exactly the same type as the missing bonds, despite his remark on the day of the reading of the will that he knew nothing of their type or denomination. Caught in a lie, Shelby is accused by Keith of murdering Sayre when he visited Sayre's home for the signing of the will. Shelby pulls a gun and fires it but is overpowered, with the bullet expected to provide ballistics evidence that he killed Boyer too. Quigley is arrested for blackmailing both Sayre and Boyer.

Alice and her stepmother reconcile. Pennyward and Alice go off on their honeymoon. Dyker goes free but with his reputation even more tarnished.

When Night Falls (1985 film)

Giora (Assi Dayan) runs a bar and dreams of opening a restaurant. He has made a mess of his life — his marriage is in trouble, since he is pathologically cheating on his wife; his parents (Yosef Millo and Orna Porat) have separated; and his father arrives for an extended visit from Nahariya. Giora spends time with his army buddies, recalling their experiences during the War in Lebanon. His father is undergoing a major life crisis and finds both the loneliness of the city and his son's lifestyle unappealing. As a non-Jew in a Jewish society, he feels estranged, an outsider who has never been able to adapt, and contemplates suicide. Eventually, Giora's parents decide to attempt a reconciliation, until tragedy strikes.


In 2019, following many catastrophic natural disasters, an international coalition commissions a system of climate-controlling satellites called "Dutch Boy". After Dutch Boy neutralizes a typhoon in Shanghai, a United States Senate sub-committee reprimands chief architect Jake Lawson because he brought Dutch Boy online without authorization and replaces him with his brother Max, who works under United States Secretary of State Leonard Dekkom.

Three years later, a United Nations team stationed in the Registan Desert comes across a frozen village. Makmoud Habib, an Indian engineer working on the International Climate Space Station (ICSS), copies data from the satellite responsible for Afghanistan onto a hard drive before he is killed in a supposed accident. After convincing President Andrew Palma to conduct an investigation, Max persuades Jake to go to the ICSS to investigate. In Hong Kong, a satellite severely increases city temperatures and causes fire whirls and the collapse of several buildings.

Jake arrives at the ICSS to examine the malfunctioning satellites, which were damaged and their data erased. He works with station commander Ute Fassbinder and her crew, which consists of engineer Eni Adisa, systems specialist Duncan Taylor, technician Al Hernandez, and security officer Ray Dussette. They recover the hard drive but hide it from the crew, suspecting a traitor, and examine the data, leading to the discovery that a computer virus has been introduced, causing the malfunctions and has wiped out the login access of key senior people to the satellite. Suspecting Palma is using Dutch Boy as a weapon, Jake tells Max he needs to reboot the system to eliminate the virus, which requires the kill code held by Palma. The ICSS staff neutralize malfunctioning satellites by deliberately knocking them offline via collisions with replacement satellites.

Back on Earth, Cheng Long discovers that he and Max have lost login access and warns Max of a global cataclysm known as a "Geostorm" if the malfunction continues. Cheng is pursued to Washington, D.C. by a team of rogue government agents, who ultimately kill him in a traffic incident, but not before he says "Zeus." Discovering Project Zeus simulates extreme weather patterns to create a Geostorm, Max enlists his girlfriend, Secret Service agent Sarah Wilson, to acquire the code. During this time, the ICSS team loses control of all operations as the virus initiates the self-destruct program.

During the Democratic National Convention in Orlando, Florida, Max discovers Orlando is next to be targeted after a massive hailstorm hits Tokyo and an offshore cold snap takes out a portion of Rio de Janeiro. Max requests Dekkom's help, but Dekkom instead tries to kill Max unsuccessfully, unveiling himself as the saboteur; Max immediately informs Sarah. The two kidnap Palma to protect him from Dekkom's agents and secure the kill code. As they escape from the arena before a lightning storm destroys it, Max reveals their activities and Dekkom's treachery to Palma. After outsmarting Dekkom's mercenaries, the three arrest Dekkom and confront him about his plans: to eliminate the other elected officials in America's line of succession, allowing him to dominate the world while eliminating America's enemies at the same time. Max and Sarah escort Palma to the Kennedy Space Center, where they transmit the code but learn that the self-destruct sequence cannot be stopped.

As more disasters strike around the world (including tornadoes in Mumbai, a major heatwave in Moscow, and a megatsunami in Dubai), Jake realizes that Duncan is the traitor who masterminded Habib's death and created the storms on Dekkom's orders and confronts him. Duncan reveals that his doings are for the big paycheck from Dekkom by joining his scheme compared to the meager salary he receives as a software engineer. Jake mocks Duncan for his foolishness as if he does not stop the Geostorm, there will be nothing left on Earth for him to spend his millions but Duncan sadistically states that he is curious to see how the world would end. Jake escapes in the ensuing confrontation, but Duncan accidentally ejects himself into space. As the crew evacuates the station, Jake and Ute stay behind to ensure the system's reboot, eliminating the virus and transferring satellite control to NASA, thus preventing the Geostorm at the last second.

They then escape in a replacement satellite, where they take shelter as the self-destruct sequence completes. They use the replacement satellite's thrusters as a beacon, and a nearby shuttle piloted by Hernandez picks them up.

Six months later, Jake is working as the head engineer for Dutch Boy once more, which an international committee now administers.

Frida Still Life

''Frida Still Life'' opens with Frida Kahlo's coffin laid out in the Bellas Artes palace in Mexico City. Throughout the film, we see a series of flashbacks of Kahlo's life as she lies on her deathbed. The flashbacks show her relationship with Diego Rivera and Leon Trotsky, as well as her artwork, miscarriages, and physical ailments.

A Rogue's Luck

Sydney clerk Kendall Curtis disappears on the day of his marriage to Vera with a sum of money belonging to his employer, the firm of Hardgoods, Hopkins and Co. His general manager, Horace Wakefield, persuades Vera to marry him instead.

It turns out that Wakefield is leading a double life as a bookie, Doods Dodson. And that Wakefield had arranged for Curtis to be robbed on the way to the ceremony, drugged with chloroform, and dumped on a boat to Melbourne.

Wakefield/Doods then kills Vera's father. Vera and Curtis are reunited in Melbourne where Wakefield then kills a detective.


Film about the life of Lotti Huber, who was discovered by Rosa von Praunheim for the big stage when she was almost 70 years old. The multi-talented artist tells a moving story about catastrophes and successes that she has experienced.

Dead Girl (film)

Ari Rose, an unsuccessful actor, falls for a beautiful woman named Helen-Catherine but strangles her when she rejects him. Ari then takes the dead woman home, has sex with her corpse, and comes to believe that she is still alive and in love with him. He's soon taking her out in public without anyone seeming to notice her condition.

Dolly, Lotte and Maria

Portrait of three remarkable women who were once celebrated figures in the German cultural scene: film star Dolly Haas, dancer Lotte Goslar and artist Maria Ley, Erwin Piscator's widow.

Red Love (1982 film)

This film, based on a novella by Alexandra Kollontai, is about the Soviet women's rights activist and revolutionary Vasilissa, who wants to emancipate herself from her domineering lover Vladimir, the director of the trade cooperative. As a last resort, she has only the murder of the bitter patriarch.

Drunks (film)

A group of alcoholics and addicts attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting held in a church basement in Times Square. At the beginning of the meeting, Jim (Richard Lewis), reluctantly tells the story of his drug and alcohol abuse and subsequent sobriety, but gets upset and abruptly leaves the meeting.

The movie proceeds to alternate between scenes of Jim's futile attempts to resist the temptation to drink that same night, intermixed with scenes of the remaining attendees of the meeting recounting their own struggles with addiction. Some of the meeting's attendees include Becky (Faye Dunaway), a mother who worries about the effect of her drinking on her teenage son; Rachel (Dianne Wiest), a doctor who worries that she is replacing her alcohol and pill addiction with workaholism; Louis (Spalding Gray), a man who claims he came to the AA meeting in error, thinking it was choir practice; Shelly (Amanda Plummer), a neurotic woman dealing with a domineering mother; Debbie (Parker Posey), a party girl who idolizes Janis Joplin and has replaced her alcoholism with an addiction to football; Marty (George Martin), a clergyman and the meeting's chairperson; Joseph (Howard Rollins), a man who lost his marriage and nearly lost his son due to a drunk driving accident; Brenda (LisaGay Hamilton), an HIV-positive former heroin addict.

Criminal (2016 film)

Spanish industrialist-turned-anarchist Xavier Heimdahl arranges for his associate Jan Strook—a hacker known as "the Dutchman"—to create a wormhole program that would allow the owner to bypass all computer codes protecting the world's nuclear defense codes. The Dutchman panics and attempts to hand his secret over to CIA agent Bill Pope. Although Pope gets the Dutchman to a safe house and recovers the money to pay him for his services, he is caught by Heimdahl's men and tortured to death before he can tell anyone where he hid the Dutchman.

Desperate to find the Dutchman, Pope's supervisor Quaker Wells contacts Dr. Micah Franks, who has developed a treatment that could theoretically plant the memory patterns of a dead person onto a living one. Franks requests that they "graft" Pope's knowledge into the brain of convict Jerico Stewart, who received damage in his frontal lobe by being abused as a child and is effectively a sociopath.

After the operation, Jerico escapes custody and fakes his death. He steals a maintenance van and goes to Pope's house, where he holds Pope's widow Jillian hostage while he looks for the money. As time goes on, he experiences memory flashes of Pope's past, but all he can determine is that the bag of money was hidden behind a bookshelf, without identifying where it or the Dutchman is kept.

The CIA learns that the Dutchman is planning to sell the program to the Russians, believing that the CIA has betrayed him. Fortunately, they are able to find Jerico after he contacts Dr. Franks for medication using Pope's CIA codes. Jerico is beginning to develop emotions and draw on Pope's experience. As Jerico attempts to retrace the route Pope took to hide the Dutchman, Heimdahl creates a distraction at the airport that draws Wells' attention, allowing Heimdahl's accomplice and lover Elsa to try and capture Jerico, killing his CIA guards before Jerico escapes by driving a taxi off a bridge.

Jerico retreats to the Pope house, where he encounters Jillian and explains the situation to her. Although she initially fears him, Jillian comes to accept Jerico as she sees him bonding with her daughter, Emma, allowing Jerico to stay the night. The next morning, Jerico realizes through a conversation with Jillian that the bag is hidden in the rare books collection at the University of London where she works. He attempts to retrieve the bag, but he is captured by Heimdahl and Elsa once he has found it. Heimdahl threatens to kill Jillian and Emma unless Jerico takes him to the Dutchman.

With the CIA and a Russian strike team now seeking the Dutchman, Jerico—who has recalled that Pope hid the Dutchman in Jillian's office at the university—is able to escape Elsa using an improvised nitro-glycerine bomb, returning to the office to provide a hurried explanation to the Dutchman. Elsa finds them before they can escape, shooting Jerico in the shoulder and killing the Dutchman, but Jerico gets the upper hand and bludgeons her to death with a lamp.

Jerico steals an ambulance and takes the flash drive containing the wormhole program to the airfield where Heimdahl is attempting an escape. Jerico saves Jillian and Emma, even as Heimdahl shoots him. As Heimdahl's plane takes off, Jerico reveals to Wells that he had the Dutchman reprogram the wormhole so that it would target the source of the next transmission. This results in Heimdahl unwittingly destroying his own plane when he tries to fire a missile at the airfield.

A few months later, Jerico is shown on the beach where Pope and Jillian had their honeymoon. He is initially unresponsive to anything but automatic reflexes and responses. With all other options exhausted, Wells and Franks take Jillian and Emma to see him. The sight of Pope's family confirms that some part of Pope exists in Jerico as he responds with a nose-tap. This was Pope and Jillian's way of saying "I love you". Witnessing this, Quaker reflects that he will offer Jerico a job.

Beginning of the End (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Following the events of "Ragtag", Coulson, Melinda May, Skye and Antoine Triplett are attacked by several Centipede soldiers (controlled from Cybertek) and a Hydra operative wielding the Berserker staff in a Cuban Hydra base. After Skye activates her Trojan virus within Hydra's computer systems so the team can uncover their plans, May uses the staff to collapse the base and bury the Hydra agents.

Trapped on the ocean floor, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons send out a distress signal, and devise a controlled explosive to blow the windows open and escape. Fitz forces a distraught Simmons to take the sole oxygen tank, professing his feelings for her. He is nearly drowned after using the explosive, while Simmons swims to the surface with his unconscious body, where they are rescued by Nick Fury, who picked up their distress signal. Fitz survives, but sustains damage to his temporal lobe as a result of oxygen deprivation and is left comatose.

After being saved from death by Raina's synthesized GH325, Garrett begins exhibiting the super-strength given by the Centipede serum, as well as the manic behavior and hypergraphia caused by GH325, and the symbols he carves resemble those found in an earlier mission by Grant Ward in the Todorov Building in Minsk. Coulson, May, Skye and Triplett use the Trojan to locate the new Cybertek facility, and launch an assault while Ian Quinn is giving some military generals a tour. Hearing the gunfire, the generals demand to know the situation, and an annoyed Garrett murders one of them. A panicked Quinn flees with the gravitonium, along with Raina.

Ward tries to capture Skye, but is attacked and incapacitated by May, while Skye releases prisoners Hydra took to coerce the Cybertek staff and Centipede soldiers into doing their bidding, including Ace Peterson. Fury arrives and provides Coulson with the Destroyer gun, which he uses to take out the remaining Centipede soldiers, before they confront Garrett and Mike Peterson. Skye sends Peterson a message from Ace through his eye implant ('Dad, what are we? We're a team'), and Peterson, realizing Ace is safe, fires a missile at Garrett and then kills him with his cybernetic leg.

In the aftermath, the Centipede soldiers are arrested by the military, Coulson takes Ward captive, and Peterson, unable to face his son, leaves to seek redemption for his crimes. The GH325 in Garrett's blood revives him, and he uses Cybertek machinery to upgrade into an advanced Deathlok, but Coulson vaporizes him with the Peruvian Tesseract weapon. Coulson criticizes Fury for using GH325 to revive him, but Fury asserts that he values Coulson as much as any Avenger, because he represents the heart and moral center of SHIELD. He then declares Coulson the new director of SHIELD, tasking him with rebuilding the organization from scratch, and equips him with a 'toolbox' containing useful data. Under cover of his apparent death, Fury heads to eastern Europe to continue hunting Hydra, while Coulson, May, Skye and Triplett use co-ordinates in the toolbox to locate another secret base, the Playground, where they reunite with Simmons and meet Billy Koenig, the deceased Eric's identical brother. Elsewhere, Raina meets with Skye's father, 'the Doctor'.

In an end tag, Coulson begins experiencing hypergraphic episodes as a belated side effect of the GH325.

Heavy Is the Head (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Following the events of "Shadows", mercenary Lance Hunter is captured by Brigadier General Glenn Talbot, who offers him $2 million and a proper burial for late S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Isabelle Hartley, in exchange for selling out Director Phil Coulson. Agent Melinda May meanwhile follows Carl Creel, who can absorb the properties of anything he touches, and has absorbed the abilities of the mysterious Obelisk, which causes him to accidentally kill a waitress. After losing May, Creel is confronted by former Hydra associate Raina, who tries to bargain for the Obelisk. When this is unsuccessful, she contacts Coulson, and gives him the location of a meeting between Creel and his Hydra superior.

Hunter returns to the team and reveals his deal with Talbot, but explains that he wishes to work with them to take down Creel, who killed Hartley. Realizing that Coulson would rather take Creel prisoner than kill him, Hunter turns on Agents May, Skye, and Antoine Triplett, and attempts to assassinate Creel. A fight breaks out between Creel and Hunter, ended when Coulson uses a refined version of the Overkill Device, created by Agent Leo Fitz and Mack, to turn Creel to stone. During the fight, Raina steals the Obelisk from Hydra, and delivers it to Skye's father, "The Doctor". She discovers that she is able to hold it without dying, and "The Doctor" promises to reveal its secrets once Raina brings Skye to him.

At the Playground, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters, Coulson has another 'episode', carving symbols also found on the Obelisk into the wall, with May documenting the process. After Hartley's funeral, Hunter agrees to join S.H.I.E.L.D. permanently, though Coulson asks him to follow through with Talbot's deal.

In an end tag, Coulson and Talbot meet, but Talbot refuses to negotiate. Despite this, Coulson remains open to working with the U.S. government and military, and reveals that S.H.I.E.L.D. now has both a quinjet and carrier plane with operational cloaking technology among their arsenal.

Shadows (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

In 1945, Agents Peggy Carter, Dum Dum Dugan, and Jim Morita of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR), the precursor to S.H.I.E.L.D., attack the last known Hydra base following the defeat of the Red Skull, and arrest the Hydra agents, including their leader, Werner Reinhardt. They confiscate all Hydra weaponry and technology they find, including a blue body and the mysterious Obelisk.

In the present day, former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Roger Browning is attempting to sell information about the Obelisk to Agent Isabelle Hartley and her mercenary colleagues Lance Hunter and Idaho, all working undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D., when Browning is murdered by Carl Creel, who can "absorb" the properties of any substance he touches.

At the Playground, the former SSR base that now serves as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters, Director Phil Coulson recognizes the importance of the Obelisk, noting that it is the first 0-8-4, an object of unknown origin. Hydra double-agent, and S.H.I.E.L.D. prisoner, Grant Ward tells Agent Skye of secret frequencies Hydra uses to communicate, and Agent Billy Koenig intercepts Creel's next directive—to use the family of Brigadier General Glenn Talbot as leverage to find the Obelisk. Agent Melinda May, Skye, Hunter, and Hartley help Talbot fight off Creel, before abducting Talbot and deceiving him into giving them access codes for a U.S. military base near Washington, D.C. that contains numerous confiscated S.H.I.E.L.D. assets.

All available S.H.I.E.L.D. field operatives infiltrate the base, and Hartley finds the Obelisk, which begins to kill her. Hunter and Idaho flee with Hartley, desperate to save her life, while the other agents carry out Coulson's orders to steal a S.H.I.E.L.D. quinjet. Mechanic Mack questions why Coulson would risk lives just to steal a quinjet, but Coulson explains that they need its ability to literally disappear, something they currently cannot do themselves following the injuries engineer Agent Leo Fitz recently suffered at the hands of Ward; he now struggles with technology and hallucinates the presence of Agent Jemma Simmons, who left S.H.I.E.L.D. some time earlier because of Fitz's condition.

Creel turns himself into tarmac in front of the vehicle that Idaho, Hartley, and Hunter are in, causing it to flip. Hartley and Idaho are killed, and Creel retrieves the Obelisk for his employer, Sunil Bakshi. In an end tag, Bakshi is shown to be working for Reinhardt, now going by the name Daniel Whitehall, who does not appear to have aged since 1945.

Making Friends and Influencing People

Hydra leader Daniel Whitehall attempts to brainwash the captured Agent 33 of S.H.I.E.L.D. , while Hydra is also searching for Donnie Gill, who has cryokinetic abilities. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Jemma Simmons, a mole for S.H.I.E.L.D. inside Hydra, informs S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Phil Coulson of this, who has so far told only Agent Melinda May about Simmons's current whereabouts. May, meanwhile, is training Agent Skye to keep control whilst in the field. When Gill is approached by Hydra agents while hiding out in Marakech, Morocco, he decides to retaliate, freezing a Hydra frigate in Casablanca, Morocco, in hopes of gaining Hydra's attention. Former S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and Hydra mole Grant Ward, now a S.H.I.E.L.D. prisoner with no loyalties to Hydra, tells Skye that Hydra has a way of 'convincing' people to join them. Coulson sends a team of agents to recruit Gill, hoping to reach him before Hydra does. Whitehall also sends a team of agents to recruit Gill, with high-level agent Sunil Bakshi taking Simmons with them to test her loyalties, and to take advantage of her previous short-lived association with Gill.

With many of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents gone, Agent Leo Fitz investigates where Skye gets her Hydra information from, finding Ward, who severely injured Fitz's brain previously, leaving Fitz with communication and memory issues. Though Ward tries to explain himself, Fitz wishes for Ward to experience the same feeling, so he drains the oxygen from Ward's cell. However, Fitz relents when Ward explains that Gill had already been brainwashed by Hydra once, and that they would be looking to simply re-trigger it. Simmons finds Gill, and unknowingly begins to re-trigger his brainwashing, though she is interrupted by the arrival of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team. Simmons leads Gill to Bakshi, who completes the re-triggering, and orders Gill to freeze all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Skye, having learned from Fitz that Gill was under Hydra control, shoots Gill from a sniper position, apparently killing him and sending his freezing body into the ocean. Hydra leaves, with Bakshi now much more trusting of Simmons, while S.H.I.E.L.D. claims the Hydra cargo left behind. Whitehall, having successfully brainwashed Agent 33, muses to Bakshi that S.H.I.E.L.D. is becoming a problem for Hydra.

In an end tag, Ward tells Skye that her father is alive and that Ward will take her to him one day. Skye is troubled by this statement, causing her heart rate to spike.

Web Therapy (season 4)

Following the events of season three, Web Therapy has been shut down by Putsy, while Gareth contacts Fiona and reveals that Putsy is treating him harshly and cheating on him with another man. When Fiona convinces him to take more control over his marriage, he gets Web Therapy back up and running, which results in Putsy ending their marriage and moving out of Fiona's New York penthouse.

Fiona contacts Jerome, who has been enjoying baby Angus' trust inheritance, revalued at nearly $40,000,000, with Gina and Hayley, who is away on a business trip to Bali. While expenses for the New York penthouse are piling up, Fiona tries to get Jerome to pay the bills but learns that he can only make baby-related purchases with the money. After Jerome and Angus spend a night in the penthouse in an unsuccessful attempt to cover the costs with the trust at Fiona's behest, Jerome moves to a new apartment in the Plaza Hotel with Angus and Gina. As Fiona struggles to find another way to pay off her penthouse bills, she is contacted by Austen's brother Ewan Clarke, who is the executor of Angus' trust and is conducting an investigation into Austen's former assets as well as his sanity and ability to make good financial decisions. Fiona is able to provide proof to clear Austen, destroying Ewan's case, but Ewan reveals that he has been given Putsy's Net Therapy, now worth $250,000,000. When Fiona learns that Ewan and his wife plan to start a medical business with their newfound fortune, she graciously allows them to use the penthouse as a vacation home, realizing that they may need it more than she does.

Kip and Fiona are at a better place in their relationship, although they have not consummated their remarriage as Kip has been appointed as a circuit judge thanks to Putsy's help and is working long hours as a result. While Putsy continues her plans to help Kip get appointed as a Supreme Court judge, his assistant April, contacts Fiona to tell her that she is falling in love with Kip and wants to marry him when he gets his seat on the Supreme Court. Fiona tells Kip of this and tries to deter them from the affair, revealing that Kip is gay; but Kip admits to April that he also has feelings for her, leaving Fiona dumbfounded.

With construction at Jerome and Hayley's next door house in Philadelphia being a constant nuisance to Fiona, she is horrified to learn that she is going to be surrounded as they have also purchased another home next to her and Hayley, having returned from Bali, wants to build horse stables for Angus. Hayley then confesses to Fiona that she cheated on Jerome while in Bali and is thus pregnant with another man's child. Fiona secretly records this confession and reveals the truth to Jerome, which diminishes the plans of the construction project and destroys their marriage. Gina is starting a business of sex toys (wanting to have Fiona as the spokesperson) and sexually harasses Jerome, leaving him to need Fiona's help, so they send her to a sex addiction rehab facility in Nevada.

Richard and Robin are living in Montana under the names Jacques and Betsy with their newborn son Tyrone. Richard has become a biker and opened a dance studio. Because of fracking in the area, the water has become polluted. Robin takes advantage of this by faking amnesia in order to get out of the witness protection program and leave Richard for Las Vegas, and then secretly contacts Fiona to leak the details of her plan. Angered by the manipulation, Fiona informs Richard of Robin's activities and books her a one-way flight to Vegas. When Richard wrongly suspects that Fiona has romantic feelings for him again; she reluctantly decides to get him out of the witness protection program too and take him back to Philadelphia in order to set him straight.

Fiona also does therapy with a rageful meditation teacher, a lottery winner, a head-mistress who needs Fiona's help with her impending marriage, a phone sex operator for older women, and Fiona's next-door neighbor. After discovering the NSA has hacked her computer and watched her sessions, Fiona is able to get them to stop, but when every session is accidentally released, Fiona becomes one of the most hated women in America, which also jeopardizes Kip's chances of becoming a Supreme Court judge. As a result, April breaks up with Kip, revealing that she had only been using him for the attention of being romantically involved with a Supreme Court judge. Kip then decides to go on a spiritual retreat to Montana with Ben, who has recently been released from prison. Kip tries to affirm that neither him nor Ben are gay anymore and that he will not be divorcing Fiona, but she is left confused and unsure if he is telling the truth. Jerome is arrested for helping Putsy cut the brakes of a Supreme Court judge's car in an attempt to get Kip nominated, but asks Fiona to care for Angus in his absence.

Jenny Bologna, a Boston-based fixer, is able to tone down the hatred towards Fiona, and begins to reveal that she thinks that she and Fiona had been switched at birth; thus making Putsy Jenny's biological mother and not Fiona's. After getting DNA samples from herself, Fiona, and Putsy, Jenny does a DNA test, which confirms that Jenny is Putsy's daughter and Fiona is not Putsy's daughter. As Putsy and Jenny revel in their newfound familial bond, Fiona is also thrilled with the news herself and her joy is put over the top when Austen calls, saying he is rich again and wants to marry her.

The Room of the Scirocco

An elderly marquis, persecuted by fascism, returns to his homeland to be able to sell a property. On his arrival in the fire of his building his butler dies. In order not to suffer the persecutions, the Marquis of Acquafurata decides to take his place in order to carry out his plan undisturbed. The Fascist Party would like to appropriate the building. But instead the Marquis, thanks to the notary Spatafora, finds a false will in which the palace is given to the poorest couple in the country.

Two young spouses, Vincenzo Labate and his wife Rosalia, take possession of the building. The beauty and reluctance of the young woman make the elderly Marquis fall in love, who after her husband's departure confesses his love to Rosalia. The house has a sirocco room in the basement, over which a legend hovers. Built by Arab architects, it is said that by shouting three times inside, the whole building will collapse, leaving no escape for the enemies. The crazy love between the two is consumed in the room, until her parents, who have smelled their daughter's feelings for the Marquis, force her to leave the palace to return to their home. The Marquis chases her, tells her that he will wait for her in the sirocco room, and from there he will take her with him to Paris, after having mocked her fascist pursuers. But the wait is in vain. The Marquis, in a delirium, seems to hear the voice of the young woman, his love screams at her three times, and the palace collapses on him. Disillusioned by now, the man goes to escape, a motorboat awaits him at the sea that will take him to safety. But right there he will find Rosalia, and together they will flee to freedom.

Plastic Memories

''Plastic Memories'' takes place in a city (modeled after Singapore) in the near future, in which humans live alongside androids that look exactly like humans and have human emotion and memory. SAI Corp, the leading android production company, has introduced the Giftia, an advanced android model with the most human-like qualities of any model. However, there is a catch. The lifespan of a Giftia is determined beforehand, and a Giftia can only live for a maximum of 81,920 hours (roughly nine years and four months). If they pass their expiration date, it causes personality disintegration, memory loss, and outbreaks of violence; those who experience this are known as wanderers. Wanderers only act on instinct and can no longer recognize their owners. As a result, the Terminal Services are established with the duty of retrieving Giftias who are close to the end of their lifespans from their owners, and erasing the Giftias' memories. To perform this job, the Terminal Service employees work in teams consisting of a human (called a "spotter") and a Giftia (called a "marksman"). The story follows the work and life of such a team in SAI Corp's Terminal Service One office, the human protagonist Tsukasa Mizugaki and a Giftia named Isla. Their relationship progresses, and as they both slowly fall in love, Isla is revealed to be nearing the end of her own lifespan.

The Raffle

Bari, Italy. Francesca, a beautiful and wealthy woman, is widowed and left with her daughter Giulia, and a pile of debts incurred by her husband Maurizio, whose betrayals she also discovers. On the advice of her friend Cesare, who is also a lawyer, Francesca sells off her villa by the sea, furniture, furs and jewelry, as well as a boat (which Cesare buys), to pay for at least one year of rent, and the tuition for little Giulia's exclusive school. There are no job prospects for Giulia, so Francesca and Cesare decide to hold a raffle in which the prize will be Giulia. The raffle will be limited to twenty participants, who will each pay 100 million lire. The winner will have the right to live with Giulia for four years and can ask for whatever he wants. Raffle ticket buyers include friends of the late husband and Cesare himself.

One day, Francesca runs over a young man, Antonio, with whom she begins a love affair. He seems to know about the raffle and, despite proclaiming his amorous passion, he would be willing for her to be enjoyed by the winner, continuing his secret meetings with her. In reality, the penniless young man aims over time to benefit from the raffle money.

A few days before the raffle drawing, however, the prosecutor receives a complaint about the raffle and the lawyer. The lawyer's office is searched, and a scandal threatens that could disturb local society. When questioned by the police, Francesca does not deny the story of the raffle, but says that the prize is actually the boat purchased by Cesare and the friends have mobilized to help her and the child. To avoid a scandal, the commissioner accepts this story, after which Francesca takes a plane and leaves forever, living off the raffle money.

Orcs Must Die! Unchained

Despite being the third installment in the Orcs Must Die! franchise, the game is considered non-canon in the storyline of the following game, Orcs Must Die! 3.

A Sport from Hollowlog Flat

A city clerk is fired due to over fondness for horse racing. He sinks lower and lower, playing two up and even trying to con a visitor from the country, the "sport" from Hollow Log Flat. However the sport takes pity on him and takes him to the bush, where the clerk redeems himself.

Highway Pickup

In Paris, Daniel and Paul work installing safes by day and robbing them by night. When a raid goes wrong and a man is killed, Daniel is shot down by the police and jailed. He escapes and, heading south, is given a job and a room by Thomas, who runs an isolated café and garage with his much younger wife Maria. She scorns the drifter her husband has hired until, by chance, she sees an old newspaper that reports his escape. She tells Daniel she will turn him in unless he opens the safe where Thomas keeps his cash.

When Thomas is out one night, Daniel starts work; but Thomas returns early and after an argument Maria shoots him dead. Once Daniel has buried the body, the two try to run the place as before, except that they now share a bed. After Daniel rings Paris to tell Paul where he is, Paul joins them and Maria switches her attentions to him, thinking he will be easier to deal with if he opens the safe that Daniel refuses to touch again. Intruders then wound Daniel so that he is immobilised and, while Maria is out, Paul opens the safe. But she returns early and after an argument he shoots her dead. Leaving Daniel to his fate, he is making off with the money when he is caught at a police roadblock and shot dead.

Randy, Red, Superfreak and Julia

Two months after president Grant's reelection, Olivia (Kerry Washington) has relocated to an island off the coast of Zanzibar and is living in secrecy with Jake Ballard (Scott Foley) under the name Julia Baker. A mysterious letter arrives with a wine shipment containing only a news clipping on the murder of Harrison Wright (Columbus Short).

Olivia decides to go back to Washington, D.C. with Jake for a few days in order to plan Harrison's funeral. Upon her arrival, she learns that Olivia Pope & Associates is empty except for Quinn (Katie Lowes), who reveals herself as the sender of the letter. Quinn also informs her where the other gladiators have scattered since Olivia left. Huck (Guillermo Diaz), taking the name Randy, is working as a counter clerk at an electronics store and refuses to talk to Quinn or Olivia. Meanwhile, Abby (Darby Stanchfield) is working for the Grant administration as the White House Press Secretary. When Olivia meets Abby, she discovers that Abby blames her for Harrison's death. Olivia gets furious about the accusation, blaming Abby for abandoning the other gladiators for the White House.

As a result of his loss of his son, Jerry, Fitzgerald (Tony Goldwyn) tries to make a change in his presidency by firing most of his cabinet members and pushing a Paycheck Fairness Act, which makes the new head of Republican National Committee (RNC) Elizabeth North (Portia de Rossi) upset. She talks to Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) about how the Republican Party is getting impatient with Fitz's policies and "across the aisle" antics, in addition to a nomination of a Democratic Attorney General. She also complain about raising money for campaigns, and how Mellie's (Bellamy Young) erratic behavior and depression since the death of her son has affected public perception.

Jake visits David Rosen (Joshua Malina) to try to find out how far along he has come in his investigation to take down the administration and B613. David tells him that he has labeled the boxes in a color-coded system, but he has stopped working on it. When Cyrus calls David into his office to inform him of the nomination of Attorney General, he has second thoughts of continuing the investigation. However, when he talks to Abby about the nomination, she tells him to take it in order for him to get power which could help him with taking down B613.

While Olivia and Jake are in her apartment the assistant to Senator Stephanie Vaughn (Jessica Tuck) arrives pleading for help for the senator who specifically requested Olivia. When Olivia arrives at the scene, Senator Vaughn informs her she was attacked by Senator Benjamin Sterling and in the process of trying to fight him off she accidentally pushed him over a railing from the second floor. Olivia, realizing that Senator Sterling isn't dead, calls an ambulance and contacts a lawyer to take the case.

Though she claims not to want to be involved in Senator Vaughn's case, Olivia suspects the Senator is lying about being sexually assaulted and demands to know the truth about what happened. With help from Quinn, Olivia realizes that it was the assistant Kate Warner (Kelen Coleman) who was actually assaulted by Senator Sterling. However, she realizes that Senator Vaughn knew that Sterling was attracted to women who looked like Kate and was actually hoping that she would be assaulted so she could blackmail Sterling into supporting the Paycheck Fairness Act.

At Harrison's funeral, Huck, Quinn and Abby join Olivia and Jake to say their goodbyes. As Olivia and Jake hug, Jake spots Rowan (Joe Morton) in a car watching the funeral making him suspicious. At the balcony of the White House, Fitz reveals to Mellie that Olivia is back in town. Despite Fitz's insistence that he has no intention of being unfaithful to her ever again, Mellie asks him to inform her when if he does start the affair again that he will tell her.

David is nominated as Attorney General by Fitz, Olivia decides to represent Kate in the investigation of the incident with Senator Sterling, and both Huck and Quinn come back to Olivia Pope & Associates.

Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse

In the 9th century Northern Britain, a druid circle foresees a "falling star" from the constellation Draco, with Brude - one of the druids - summoning a Pict clan known as the "Painted tribe" to slaughter the druids and lead the clans to war against the southern kingdoms over Hadrian's Wall. A druid apprentice called Lorne escapes the druids' slaughter.

Gareth and a group of squires undergo their final tests on the wall's southern side to prove they are ready to be knighted. Gareth proves himself the best fighter but fails to collect enough money from the peasants; disappointed, his superior Sir Horsa refuses to knight him and tells Gareth that he owes him 100 crowns, after which he will give Gareth his knighthood. With nowhere to go, Gareth gets taken in by a peasant couple who could not pay him. That night, a meteor falls to Earth on the wall's north side, with Gareth stealing one of the knighted squires' swords and going to find the meteor after the couple told him it would contain riches.

Gareth finds the meteor but bursts open, revealing a dragon with nine eggs. The dragon proceeds to attack the Painted tribe members that also tracked down the meteor, with Gareth saving one of the dragon's eggs despite the warriors badly wounding him. Impressed by Gareth's mercy, the dragon shares its heart with him, saving Gareth's life. Then Brude curses the dragon before claiming the eggs. Lorne rescues Gareth and explains dragons and the bond Gareth now shares with the dragon. Gareth meets the rebel leader Rhonu, her uncle Traevor, and the clans who oppose Brude, hoping Gareth will get the dragon to fight for them. Gareth meets the dragon again, discovering it can now talk. Gareth names it Drago, who says he needs help retrieving the eggs. The group goes to Brude's campsite; Drago fails to rescue the eggs due to the curse rendering him powerless during daylight or by the light of a flame, and he explains his purpose to raise the young dragons he brought as friends to humanity. Gareth's attempt fails, with the painted clan capturing him. Brude intends to kill him but stops upon learning about Gareth's connection with Drago. With Rhonu and Lorne's help, he successfully escapes with the eggs.

Gareth convinces the group to head towards the wall, and Rhonu tells Traevor to gather the clans opposing Brude. Traveling with Rhonu and Lorne, the trio has to journey on foot after accidentally destroying an egg; Drago unsuccessfully tries teaching Gareth how to shadow-jump along the way. Lorne tells Gareth and Rhonu that Brude cast the Sorcerer's Curse on Drago, and Drago will be under Brude's control by the full moon. While attempting to rescue a group of the painted clan's prisoners, Gareth shows bravery, briefly freeing Drago from the curse before Brude recasts it. After Gareth sacrifices one of the dragon eggs and shadow-jumps to safety, the trio escapes Brude and the clan. Before reaching the wall, Gareth confesses to Drago he is not a knight and that the South has no respect for King Arthur's Old Code; however, Drago still considers Gareth his friend before leaving for Brude's location.

Reaching the gate, Gareth, Lorne, and Rhonu get arrested, and the dragon eggs seized upon learning of the Painted clan heading towards the wall. Drago, now under Brude's control, and the Painted tribe attack at the full moon, but Lorne's magic helps Gareth and Rhonu escape. As Gareth disrupts the sale of the dragon eggs and battles Sir Horsa to protect them, his brave act frees Drago, who then aids both the soldiers and the northern clans led by Traevor. Gareth slays Sir Horsa while Rhonu battles and kills Brude, getting herself wounded fatally. With Brude dead and Drago free, the remainder of the Painted tribe retreats. After the battle, Gareth tends to Rhonu, who gets saved by an unhatched dragon sharing its heart with her. Gareth becomes a knight and the settlement's leader, with peace achieved between the North and South as Hadrian's Wall is renamed the Dragon's Gate. Gareth and Rhonu express their love for each other, and the baby dragon that saved Rhonu begins hatching.

The Kids Are All Fight

Homer goes to Moe's Tavern with a new suit, but when he tries to pay for the beer, he finds out that his pocket has much old stuff, including an old roll of film. Moe tells Homer that his bar is legally a darkroom and Homer decides to develop the film. After bringing the family, they realize why the film was never developed: because it was full of photos of young Bart and Lisa fighting. The kids get curious about how they stopped fighting each other all the time, and Marge tells them a story, that leads to a flashback.

The flashback takes place six years ago in 1982, when Bart was 2 years old and Lisa was 8 months. They went to a library to attend a storytelling session, but the pair start hitting each other with books and were expelled from the library. Later that night, Bart is scared because of his clown bed, and he does a doodle about the bed, but Lisa takes his pencil claiming he stole it, and shows him that she could write his name better than Bart himself. Bart gets angry and starts hitting her with a toy, but Homer sees that and strangles him. Bart smacks Homer over the head with a lampshade, making Marge disappointed. Marge was so frustrated about the kids that she starts having nightmares, and they decide to take them to a psychologist, who tells them that one of their kids is smart and good (Lisa) and the other is dim and evil (Bart). Back at the house, Ned Flanders decides to help them, arranging for Grandma Flanders to babysit the kids for them to enjoy a day without the kids, but they enjoy their day at the house, causing them to be late for brunch with the Flanders. At the Flanders house, Grandma Flanders appears to have died; leaving the kids unsupervised. Bart and Lisa try to go back home, but the door is locked. They hear an ice cream truck, Bart takes his tricycle and Lisa takes her pedal car to buy ice cream, but they get lost in Springfield.

Later, Ned finds his Grandma unconscious and the Simpsons children gone, much to Homer and Marge's despair. In the city, Bart goes into an alley, where he finds Kearney, Dolph and Jimbo. The bullies take his tricycle, but Lisa starts crying and they decide to leave them alone. At this moment, Bart realizes Lisa was smart and they make a good team. Then, they go to the Retirement Castle, where Grampa takes care of them. Homer and Marge tries to find the kids desperately, and they eventually find them, on top of the Springfield Tire Fire. Homer tries to bend a tree to save them, but the branch he was holding snapped, catapulting the kids back to the Simpsons' house into the clown bed, which falls apart. Bart hears another ice cream truck, but Lisa holds him back. Back to the present day, Marge tells that since that day, they all got along, and they were able to have Maggie. At the end of the episode, Dr. Hibbert tells Ned his grandmother survived, and Moe calls Homer "Father of the Year."

My Fare Lady

After a parody of ''The Jetsons'' as a dream, Homer is awakened by Marge to drive the children to all their activities. In order to avoid the task, Homer escapes to Moe's tavern to pretend he is too drunk to drive. Because of this, Marge is forced to drive the kids to their activities herself.

In the bar, Moe tells Homer, Lenny, and Carl that he received tickets from Sideshow Mel to a Laney Fontaine theater show. The guys encourage Moe to go, though he is worried about the safety of the bar while he is gone. To this, Homer agrees to act as bartender in Moe's place for the night. Homer, Lenny and Carl devise a plan to get money for the bar by having a ladies' night there, as it will attract men to buy beer. However, the scheme backfires as no man enters the bar, and to make matters worse, the women turn the bar upside down. After the show, Moe returns with Laney Fontaine to the bar where it is already destroyed. Laney leaves Moe and the guys apologize to Moe by offering him a job at the Nuclear Power Plant. Mr. Burns offers Moe a job as the janitor, though soon promotes him to supervisor of Sector 7G after he prevents the NRC from trying to shut down the Power Plant. Moe soon angers Homer and the guys when he acts like a "jerk" to them (doing his job), leading the three to disown him as their friend.

Meanwhile, after completing the task of driving the children to their activities, Marge comes across a driver for a vehicle for hire company who encourages her to join. Marge quickly agrees hoping to use the earnings to buy an ice maker for the kitchen fridge, though also quickly acquires boredom from driving Springfield residents (such as Nelson Muntz, Groundskeeper Willie, Lenny, Dr. Nick, Gil Gunderson, etc.). She also manages to attract hatred from taxi drivers. Whilst driving Moe to his tavern, Marge tells him to quit his job and she will quit hers. Once they arrive at the bar, the taxi drivers attempt to kill Marge only to be stopped by Moe who threatens to kill them all with the shotgun he keeps behind the bar.

The Princess Guide (The Simpsons)

Homer takes Lisa to a "Take Your Daughter to Work Day". When Homer manages to trade a corn chip for a full salad for Lisa, they hug. Meanwhile, Mr. Burns needs uranium immediately to keep the SNPP running and has the King of Nigeria fly in for negotiations to supply it. When the king mentions that his daughter Princess Kemi is staying in the country and needs someone to care for her, Mr. Burns sees Lisa and Homer hugging on his surveillance monitors. He decides Homer is the perfect man for the job.

Marge is angry that Homer will care for the princess, but not their own child. However, Homer does poorly at his job, as the princess becomes bored in her apartment. When he takes Kemi to Moe's, Moe expresses displeasure since he suspects the princess' brother stole money for him. Homer returns to the apartment with the princess, who disappears. As he tries to explain the situation to Chief Wiggum, he gets arrested moments before she gets back to the bar. Lenny and Carl bail Homer out of the jail, but he is still responsible for Kemi and must find her.

At the bar, Moe finds himself bonding with Kemi. They spend the next day together seeing Springfield and having fun until Homer finds them, angry that Moe has taken his job to care for the princess. Moe and Kemi evade Homer and when she gives him a kiss, a paparazzo takes the picture. It quickly is viewed by her father on the Internet, leading him to declaring he will never sign the uranium deal with Mr. Burns. Kemi explains to her father that kiss was just friendly, which hurts Moe until she declares that Moe is a wonderful friend who made her happy. The king wants to punish her, but Homer explains to him that he should let his daughter live her life as she wants, and the king relents and signs the deal.

Rodina (TV series)
  1. Anna Zimina is an FSB officer recently recalled from Beirut after angering the Lebanese government. Anna is liked and trusted by her mentor Mikhail Volskiy and tolerated by her boss Bagmet. During her assignment in Lebanon, she hearing a rumor from one of her contacts in Beirut that a Russian military officer has been "turned."

In 1999, Anna learns that a Russian Army Alpha Force team in Chechnya has found Russian Marine Corps major Alexey Bragin, who had been believed killed in 1993. While the rest of the FSB and the political establishment believe Bragin to be a war hero, Anna is worried that he has been recruited and brainwashed by Chechen chief Bin Jalid to act as a sleeper agent. She begins an illegal audio and video surveillance of Bragin's home hoping to catch him at something to prove her suspicions correct.

The surveillance reveals the difficulties Bragin has upon his return home. Believing him dead, his wife Yelena had developed a relationship with Bragin's younger brother Dmitry that beyond the affair, was moving towards Dmitry moving in with the family. Bragin must now adjust to life at home with his wife and two children, 12-year-old Vanya and the troubled and self-destructive 16-year-old Katya. His readjustment is complicated by his erratic behavior and his difficulty being physically intimate with his wife. Unbeknownst to his family or Anna, Bragin converted to Islam during his captivity, and prays daily in his storage in private. Flashbacks also show that he has not been entirely truthful about his captivity. However, the surveillance by Anna uncovers no incriminating evidence and is eventually shut down.

Frustrated, Anna decides to continue the surveillance all by herself. Anna and Alexey meet at a pub and get drunk. They meet again when one of Bragin's former jailers is captured and Bragin is brought in to observe the interrogation. Bragin convinces Bagmet to allow him to have a moment to confront his former jailer, but the meeting ends violently. Later, the prisoner is found to have committed suicide. Anna believes Bragin killed him. She arranges for polygraphs for all those who had access to the prisoner. Bragin passes, but Anna suspects he is lying when he is able to deny that he has been unfaithful to his wife.

Meanwhile, an asset of Anna's who works as a courtesan for a Qatari prince contacts Anna with photo of Bin Jalid meeting with the prince. Shortly afterwards, she is murdered and an expensive necklace given to her by the prince is stolen. Suspecting that the necklace is being used to fund a terrorist operation, the FSB tracks the funds to a local couple, who have purchased a home near the Kremlin. After being tipped off by an anonymous contact, they are go on the run where the husband is killed and the wife tries to escape to Estonia, where she is captured by Mikhail.

Bragin, having discovered that his wife was having an affair with his brother, meets Anna and they go to her family's lakefront cabin. They have sex, but Bragin becomes suspicious after Anna inadvertently says the brand name of the tea he usually drinks. Bragin finds a loaded gun in the house and confronts Anna, who admits her suspicions. Bragin admits to having been converted to Islam by Bin Jalid, whom he met while being held captive. He explains that Jalid was kind to him and that he came to "love" the terrorist leader, but denies working for Chechen terrorists. Anna receives a call from Mikhail, indicating that a woman has identified the terrorist as Yuri Khamzin, Bragin's Scout Sniper partner, who even Bragin had believed to be dead. Anna profusely apologizes to Bragin, claiming that she has real feelings for him, but he angrily returns to his family.

As the FSB begins tracking Yuri Khamzin, Bragin has a surprise meeting with the State Duma member, Oleg Basov, who recruits Bragin to join his Party. Bragin then makes contact with Bin Jalid, revealing that he really is, in fact, a terrorist and spy for the Chechen. Flashbacks show that Bragin had been taken out of captivity by Jalid in order to teach his son, Mussa, to speak Russian. Bragin came to love the boy and when he was killed in a Russian military attack, Bragin vowed revenge on his own country. Bragin meets with a local tailor who gives him a suicide vest. All seems to be going according to plan, but his odd behavior begins to worry his daughter.

Bragin is asked to attend an event where Oleg Basov will announce his intention to run for the presidency. At the event (taking part in the Red Square), Yuri Khamzin assassinates one of Basov's aides, forcing all the dignitaries, including Bragin, to flee into Lenin's Mausoleum. Realizing that Bragin is likely working with Khamzin, Anna attempts to contact the FSB. Bragin tries to detonate his suicide vest but it malfunctions. He repairs it and is about to try again when he receives a phone call from his daughter Katya, who begs him to come home. He is unable to go through with his mission. Meanwhile, a Spetsnaz unit finds Yuri Khamzin and shoots him to death. Later, Bragin meets with Anna, who apologizes for suspecting him of terrorism, he warns her to stay away from him and his family from now on.

Afterwards, Mikhail talks to doctor near the hospital room to prepare Anna for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The doctors begin the ECT, which induces a seizure in Anna.

The Miracle (2013 film)

Tae Gong-shil (Son Na-eun) gets the request from ghosts to find a way to warm the hearts of everyone in the world. With the help of Kang Woo (Seo In-guk), who introduces her to Kim Tan (Taemin), Tae Gong-shil is able get the help of Cha Eun-sang (Minah). Cha Eun-sang asks the question "When do people's hearts become warm?" on her social network account. This question spreads online and various characters and idols answer in different ways that music warms their hearts. Kim Tan, Cha Eun-sang, Joo Joong-won (Jang Wooyoung), and Tae Gong-shil recruit the help of famous composer Kim Hyung-suk, as well as Yoon Chan-young (Kang Min-hyuk) and Lee Bo-na (Krystal) to form the "You Make Miracle-2013 Friendship Project".

|- |Bang Minah|| as Cha Eun

|- |Jang Wooyoung|| as Joo Jong-won |- |Son Na-eun|| as Tae Gong-shil |- |'''Supporting characters''' |- |Seo In-guk|| as Kang Woo |- |Krystal Jung|| as Lee Bo-na |- |Kang Min-hyuk|| as Yoon Chan-young |- |K.Will|| as Choi Young-do | }

Sango-sho Densetsu: Aoi Umi no Erufii

In the future, the oceans have risen to flood all the continents due to humanity's negligence of the environment. Only a few bits of land have been spared, and one of those is the city-island where Elfie lives with her grandfather. One day, due to an underwater incident, she discovers that she can breathe underwater. Her grandfather reveals that in truth she is one of the mythical sea-people. Using the city folk's xenophobia, local politicians spark a war with these hidden people to distract people from their current resource problems, and Elfie is caught in the middle of it.

Roots Search

Research station, four scientists. A small ship, the Green Planet, falls out of hyperspace at this station. 9 crew members are dead, only Assistant Captain Buzz survived. Scientists carry the guy to the station, and with it - a strange alien who does not show signs of life. At the insistence of the chief, the alien body is thrown into space. And then scientists are haunted by the memories of the meanness they have committed in life, dead friends, acquaintances and lovers cry for vengeance. Scientists are dying all but the only lady who falls in love with Buzz. Alien claims he was sent by God to punish mankind for sins. Buzz and the girl blow up the station, but do not have time to escape themselves.

A Tale of Two Sisters (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

Snowflakes glide through the title card, and snow is seen littering the forest.

Event chronology

The Enchanted Forest flashback with Gerda and her husband takes place years after the events of "The Snow Queen" and five years before the Arendelle events, which take place two years after the events of ''Frozen'', before "Rocky Road" and before Anna arrives in the Enchanted Forest in "White Out". The Enchanted Forest flashback with Maid Marian and the Evil Queen takes place sometime after "Ariel", and immediately before the events of "Snow Drifts". The Storybrooke events take place after "There's No Place Like Home".

In the Characters' Past

The episode begins in Arendelle with Anna (Elizabeth Lail) and Elsa's (Georgina Haig) parents sailing harsh waters, preparing for the worst; they release a message in a bottle to the water, containing the truth behind their expedition, before the ship capsizes.

Five years later (two years after the events of ''Frozen''), Anna and Elsa prepare for Anna's wedding to Kristoff (Scott Michael Foster) when Elsa finds her mother's diary, which reveals that the reason for their "business" trip had to do with Elsa's seemingly uncontrollable ice powers. Elsa feels guilty that she may be the reason for their deaths, but Anna sets out to prove it wasn't, and meets with Grand Pabbie (John Rhys-Davies), the Troll King, to find out where their parents had gone. He reveals that they were headed to a land called Misthaven.

Later, Anna goes missing and Elsa seeks out Kristoff to help her find Anna. He reveals that she has set out to Misthaven in an effort to prove to Elsa she was not the cause of her parents demise. Kristoff reveals that there is another name for Misthaven: the Enchanted Forest.

In Storybrooke

Elsa emerges from the barn where she entered Storybrooke. Grumpy (Lee Arenberg) and Sleepy (Faustino Di Bauda) are driving down the road when they almost run into Elsa; she freezes the truck before impact.

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) leaves the diner to apologize to Regina (Lana Parrilla) for breaking up her and Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) — whom she inadvertently reunited with his deceased wife Marian (Christie Laing) after traveling back in time in the previous episode. Angry, she leaves to her office. Robin later talks to her that although his feelings for her were (and are) real, he made a vow to his wife and intends to keep it. Regina later makes her way to the mental hospital and releases Sidney Glass (Giancarlo Esposito), who she has kept there since the first curse broke. She tasks him to help her turn back time to kill Marian. She reimprisons him within the Magic Mirror, promising to release him once she accomplishes her goal, to show her the exact moment she captured Marian, only to be given a visual reminder of herself as the Evil Queen.

Grumpy tells Emma about the incident with Sleepy; she and Killian "Hook" Jones (Colin O'Donoghue) follow a trail of ice that Elsa left which leads to a warehouse. In order to protect herself, Elsa creates a snow monster which chases them (and others) out of the area. Emma, Hook, Robin Hood, and David Nolan (Josh Dallas) try to defeat the monster in the woods, only for all to get knocked unconscious. Marian also shoots an arrow at the monster, but it too failed to stop its advances. Regina shows up, and initially unwilling to help Marian, however, at the last second, Regina defeats the snow monster by burning it. Marian thanks Regina, with Regina welcoming her to Storybrooke. Afterwards, Regina disappears, still heartbroken, before Emma could talk to her about the recent developments. Emma uses the recent events as a way of avoiding Hook. Emma later tells Regina that despite her heartbreak, she will continue to make sure that everyone has a happy ending. Regina comes to a realization: everyone in Henry's ''Once Upon a Time'' book has a happy ending except the villain(s); she then tells Sidney to find "the writer" of the book so she can make her, the villain, have a happy ending.

Elsewhere, Belle (Emilie de Ravin) and Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) prepare for their honeymoon. Mr. Gold stops by his son Neal's grave to say his goodbyes. While there, he tells Neal that he plans on undoing a lie he told to Belle and secretly give her the real dagger that holds his power. The two honeymoon in an old mansion (including recreating the waltz scene from ''Beauty and the Beast'', complete with costumes, chandelier and music), where Mr. Gold sneaks his dagger into her purse. Later that night, Mr. Gold finds a box sitting next to Belle's purse, and retrieves his dagger to open it, revealing a sorcerer's hat inside.

After the snow monster is defeated, Elsa finds out about Mr. Gold's pawn shop and breaks in. She finds Anna's necklace, and vows to find her sister.

Fray (film)

Justin (Kaplan) is a United States Marine who has come home from five tours of duty, having seen combat action in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Life back home isn't much easier; he passes his time doing clean-up work at a lumber mill or tending to his injured leg at his barely furnished apartment. He attends classes at the nearby community college as he works to create a life beyond his military service. A romance begins with a young instructor (Costa), but Justin finds navigating commitment to be challenging. Paul (Harris), his boss at the mill, is an old veteran who offers help, but Justin has trouble accepting it.

Thanks to spotty work hours in a difficult economy, Justin is perpetually late with his rent. The difficulties in readjusting to home life leave him yelling at noises made by the neighbors or escaping into the woods for a little quiet time. When he gets news that some of his buddies overseas have died in a battle, he retreats into the woods as if to disappear there. Still, Cheri and Paul continue their efforts to break through.

White Out (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

A giant ice wall appears in the back of the forest.

Event chronology

The Enchanted Forest events take place before "The Apprentice" and "Heartless", and after Anna leaves Arendelle for the Enchanted Forest in "A Tale of Two Sisters". The story also takes place several years after the Snow Queen and her sisters visit the Enchanted Forest in "The Snow Queen", and five years after Gerda perishes at sea in "A Tale of Two Sisters". The Storybrooke events take place after "A Tale of Two Sisters"

In the Characters' Past

Back in the Enchanted Forest prior to the first curse, Anna (under the alias of Joan) helps David − future Prince Charming − fight off a warlord called Bo Peep (Robin Weigert), who is threatening to take the land and their flock of sheep from his mother Ruth (Gabrielle Rose).

While training him through sword fighting, Anna encourages David to resist becoming Bo Peep's slave and a coward. David then explains to Anna his childhood memories of his father's alcoholism and constant disappearing until he overdosed. The next day, David finds Anna missing; Bo Peep has branded her with her shepherd's crook. Bo Peep intimidates David after the deadline for his dues are up; then, using the fighting skills he learned from Anna, David defeats Bo and her guards. David grabs her crook and finds Anna in a barn. He then thanks Anna for helping him fight and encouraging him to live his own life.

Afterwards, Anna asks Ruth about the magic in the land. Ruth tells her of a dangerous wizard who might be able to help her in her quest for magic, and that she will write down the name for her. David then gives Anna his prized horse as a token of his appreciation. Riding away, Anna reads the name aloud, which is revealed to be Rumpelstiltskin. After Anna says his name, it is revealed that Rumpelstiltskin is watching her.

In Storybrooke

While trying to find her sister Anna (Elizabeth Lail), Elsa (Georgina Haig) traps the exit from Storybrooke by a giant ice wall which cuts power to the town. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), David Nolan (Josh Dallas), and Killian "Hook" Jones (Colin O'Donoghue) go to investigate the wall, while the townspeople rely on Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) to lead them, since Regina (Lana Parrilla) has isolated herself from everyone — which worries her son Henry Mills (Jared S. Gilmore). Emma meets Elsa and tries talking to her; but Elsa is soon startled by David and Hook, and she blocks them off by forming a thick ice wall between them, trapping her and Emma.

Elsa then gives Emma an ultimatum: either give her Anna, or stay in the ice cave and risk having Storybrooke frozen over. Emma then realizes that Elsa is not in control of her powers; her ultimatum was not a threat; it was a warning, as Anna helps Elsa control her powers. Emma begins to relate to her by telling her that she has magic as well. While trying to present her powers (after explaining her history), Emma begins to suffer from hypothermia. Elsa apologizes for trapping her; Emma eventually falls unconscious due to the intense cold.

David and Hook ask Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) for assistance in saving Emma; it is at Gold's shop that David finds out who Anna is. David and Hook then interrogate Bo Peep, now a butcher and owner of a meat shop called "The Chop Shop." As Bo Peep is about to use her cleaver to chop off David as revenge for defeating her back in their previous lives, Hook clutches on to her hand she was using the cleaver with. Hook finds her crook, and hopes to use it to find Anna. Hook then gets a message from the walkie-talkie that Emma is freezing to death. David then tells Elsa that they have a way of finding Anna. David tells Elsa that despite her being able to survive the cold, she has to live more than she already is: alone. Elsa then finds the strength to control her powers and breach the ice wall. Afterwards, while Emma recovers, David promises Elsa that they will find Anna, using Bo's crook. Through the crook, they can hear a heartbeat, indicating that although they do not know where Anna is, she is in fact alive.

Elsewhere, Grumpy (Lee Arenberg), Happy (Michael Coleman) and Granny (Beverley Elliott) constantly nag Mary Margaret to help restart the power, to which she finally tells them to leave her alone, as she is already struggling as a new mother. Despite her anger and stress, she continues to try and fix the power by herself. She manages to restart it by starting up a backup fuel supply line.

Later, a determined Henry goes to Regina's door and knocks, shouting that he knows she can hear him and that he will not give up on his mother. She is touched by this, and after a while answers the door and tearfully embraces her son.

Elsa tries to bring down the ice wall, but to no avail. It is then revealed that another woman with similar powers is in Storybrooke. She is working at an ice-cream shop, and her powers are revealed when she freezes cream into ice cream using magic.

Debug (film)

Six young computer programmers on work release are tasked to debug the artificial intelligence of an interstellar spaceship. The sentient and psychotic AI of the ship tries to kill them all.

6 programmers incarcerated for hacking are out on work release lead by the corrections officer Capra. Their mission is to reboot and restore the abandoned spacecraft found floating aimlessly through space.

Once on the spacecraft each hacker is assigned a task to reboot the system. Before assignment begins Mel argues that he should be in charge of the task because Kaida had a fellow prisoner killed on last work release (unknown if intentional or accidental). Capra the corrections Officer puts Mel in charge and the mission begins. Capra restores power to the spacecraft so the hackers can get to work, each off on different computer terminals and separate levels of the ship, communicating through virtual headsets.

The system goes into lockdown, trapping the entire crew on the vessel. With Capra locked in with the rest of the hackers and nowhere to go, he decides to take a look around. Finding a medical bay, Capra goes in for a medical procedure for fun. Capra straps himself to an arm receptacle to test his blood pressure. His arm gets trapped and a needle appears, with the AI system taking form in front of him. Capra is then injected with some sort of nanotech which turns him into a killing machine for the AI.

Kaida and James team up to and start to experience the illusions of the AI system. Meanwhile Mel and Lara, who are secret lovers, get tricked by the AI system and lured into trouble. Samson, who is scared of rats, sets a trap for the rat, which leads to the AI system trapping him, when suddenly Capra appears. Diondra links into the AI system to reboot it when the AI programs tempts her with a cube full of bank accounts from the former crew aboard the spacecraft that all went missing. Diondra is lead to a sewage pipe, where a decayed dead body appears; she kicks it down the pipe and learns the dead body had a cube on it. Diondra follows after the body to find the cube, the AI system locks the door behind her, and floods the pipe with sewage.

Mel, James, and Kaida meet up after experiencing all the strange things the AI system is doing. Mel argues with Kaida and James defends her, then Capra appears and attacks the hackers. Kaida manages to kill Capra by shutting the airlock on him.

James is wounded and unconscious, Kaida is brought into the AI system simulation. Here she faces the AI lead system and proceeds to fight. Eventually Kaida destroys the AI but has no way of getting out. James is then seen waking up, and James and Kaida are now the only survivors.

The final scene shows James no longer a prisoner but instead an Admiral of the same spacecraft with Kaida who is now in the virtual world as the AI operating system. They are leading a new expedition with a new crew.

Dear Dead Delilah

In 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee, a pregnant woman, Luddy, murders her overbearing mother with an axe. Twenty-five years later, Luddy is released from prison. She visits a small college town nearby, where she observes a touch football game occurring in a local park. Luddy is inadvertently knocked over by one of the players, Richard. Richard's wife Ellen, a nurse, insists on letting a stunned Luddy stay with them at South Hall, a decrepit plantation where they reside with Ellen's infirm elderly aunt, Delilah.

Ellen discovers Luddy's prison paperwork while she is resting, and later confronts Luddy about it, but assures her she will not tell anyone. Ellen asks Luddy to stay at the home indefinitely, serving as a housekeeper. Ellen summons Delilah's brother Alonzo, a retired doctor, to examine Luddy. In conversation, Luddy tells Alonzo that she has a daughter that would be approximately Ellen's age. Meanwhile, Delilah meets with Ray Jurroe, her attorney, who warns her against enforcing a financial plan with her brothers Alonzo and Morgan, and sister, Grace. In a heated argument, Delilah threatens Ray and asks him to leave.

Several days later, Richard visits with his mistress, the alcoholic Grace, remarking his frustration over Delilah's control of the family fortune. Delilah has a dinner gathering at South Hall, attended by Ellen, Richard, Luddy, and Grace as well as Delilah's friend Morgan and his girlfriend Buffy. Alonzo, who is secretly battling a heroin addiction, also joins the gathering. During dinner, Delilah announces that she has mere months left to live, and that she has willed South Hall to the state of Tennessee. She also reveals that she located a packet of old money buried on the property amounting to $600,000; it had been left there by her father, Bailey Charles, who acquired it after covertly selling his expensive racehorses, setting his barn on fire, and collecting the insurance claim. Delilah declares that whoever finds the fortune it can keep it. Alonzo and Grace are skeptical of Delilah's story.

Later that night, Luddy awakens to find an axe in her bed, and hears a woman beckoning her outside. She wanders to the horse stables, where she finds a dying Ray with axe wounds to his body. Alonzo stumbles upon the scene, and Luddy insists she did not hurt Ray. Alonzo agrees to help conceal Ray's corpse, and implores her to help him find the money. The two hide Ray's body in a smokehouse on the property. The next morning, Morgan meets with Delilah and asks for $40,000 to repay embezzlement debts to avoid prison time. Delilah refuses. Morgan subsequently learns from Buffy and a servant, Marshall, that a new septic tank was recently installed on the property.

At nightfall, Morgan begins digging around the septic tank, convinced the money is buried there. Buffy, meanwhile, gets drunk on gin. After finding no trace of the money, a frustrated Morgan storms into the woods, leaving Buffy alone. As she attempts to follow him, an assailant hacks her to death with an axe. When Morgan returns, he finds Buffy's body before being attacked and killed as well. Luddy discovers both bodies, and spends the rest of the night burying the couple. The following day, while helping Delilah dress, Ellen is insulted when Delilah implores her to leave Richard, criticizing their open marriage. Delilah takes her motorized wheelchair to a nearby mausoleum on the grounds to visit her father's grave. Inside, she observes a figure that she believes is her dead father. She attempts to enter the crypt, and screams.

Later that night, a drunken Grace finds the house is empty, and notices Delilah's empty wheelchair outside. She begins to playfully spin herself in the chair, only to be decapitated by a masked axe-wielding figure, who reveals himself to be Richard. Richard has returned bearing the hidden money, which he discovered in Bailey's tomb. Meanwhile, Ellen, who is in cahoots with Richard, injects Alonzo with a large quantity of heroin to produce a lethal overdose. The couple celebrate by having sex, but Richard subsequently turns on Ellen, slaughtering her as well. Meanwhile, an overdosing Alonzo screams for help, awakening Luddy. While wandering the grounds, Luddy is confronted by Richard, who admits to murdering the entire family—he plans to frame Luddy for his crimes. Richard attempts to drown Luddy in the swimming pool until Delilah, still alive, crawls from the mausoleum and shoots Richard in the head with his shotgun. Moments later, Delilah herself also dies.

Several days later, Alonzo and Luddy celebrate their receiving the money which will allow them to open a home for unwanted children, something they both had dreamed of doing.

Ons geluk

The series is set in the fictitious Belgian town of Lagerzeel in the province of Brabant during the 1950s. Door Onckeloms, a local brewer, has trouble with his son. He is studying at the university in Leuven but is not very interested. Réne Hox, son of clochards Tist and Trien, is asked by Door to keep an eye on him and offers him money to take courses at the university.

Under a Cloud (novel)

A jockey deliberately rides his horse to defeat in order to secure the hand of the girl he loves. He is disqualified from riding and the girl marries his rival. Ten years later he returns looking for revenge.

Over the Odds (novel)

Ossy Odson is left a fortune provided he gets married by a certain date.

The Breed Holds Good

Frank Lindsay, a squatter's son, falls in with a bad crowd during World War I.

Wings of Chance

Two Canadian bush pilots, Steve Kirby (James Brown) and Johnny Summers (Richard Tretter), are best friends and partners in a small flying business. They are also rivals for the affections of local girl Arlene Baker (Frances Rafferty). When Steve goes to the mountain lodge where Arlene works, a jealous Johnny flies there, and against air regulations, lands on a nearby lake, attracting the attention of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

While Johnny is held by the police, Steve flies back home, but an oil line breaks, forcing him to crash-land in remote bush country. Retrieving his survival gear, he sets up camp. With the few supplies on board, Steve manages to keep himself alive by hunting and fishing, but as winter is setting in, he realizes that rescuers are not coming. A desperate idea forms when he rescues a wild gander from a wolf. A bond develops between the gander and the pilot, allowing him to tag each of her newborn goslings with a metal strip bearing his name. When the young geese take to the sky, one of them is downed by a hunter who finds Steve's message and contacts the air force. Steve is found barely alive, but Arlene nurses him back to health.

Strangers (The Walking Dead)

Rick's (Andrew Lincoln) group continues to flee from Terminus, although Daryl (Norman Reedus) senses that someone is following them. They rescue Father Gabriel Stokes (Seth Gilliam) from a horde of walkers, and Gabriel shows them to his church, where he has been living in solitude since the onset of the apocalypse, surviving on canned food from a food drive just prior. Rick is suspicious of Gabriel, and warns his son Carl (Chandler Riggs) that he should never let his guard down.

Gabriel suggests that Rick's group help scour a nearby food bank that is overrun by walkers. Rick, Michonne (Danai Gurira), Bob (Lawrence Gilliard Jr.), and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) join Gabriel as he leads them there. They start to deal with the walkers, when Rick sees Gabriel seemingly ready to submit to a female walker, but Rick dispatches the walker first. Bob is also attacked by a walker, but he is rescued by Sasha. As they collect the salvagable food, Rick realizes Gabriel knew the person that became that walker. The other members of the group do their own supply runs, and Daryl and Carol (Melissa McBride) find a working car nearby, which they plan to save as "backup". When Rick returns with his group, Carl shows him writing scratched into the woodwork of a windowsill outside the church: "you'll burn for this".

The group celebrates that night with a feast. Rick announces that he has decided to follow Abraham's (Michael Cudlitz) proposal to head to Washington, D.C. to deliver Eugene (Josh McDermitt) there to help work a cure for the outbreak. Afterwards, Tara confesses to Maggie about her affiliation with the Governor and the prison attack, in which Maggie forgives her. Meanwhile, Gabriel sneaks off to be alone in his office, sadly looking at a photo of himself with the woman that became the walker from the food bank. Carol, who is still coming to terms with being exiled and the events of The Grove, leaves and goes to the car she found earlier. Daryl follows her and asks what she is doing. She replies she doesn't know, and Daryl asks her to come back with him. Just then they see a car race by with a white cross in its back windshield, which Daryl recognizes as the car that took Beth. The two get in the car and set off to follow without telling the others.

As the feast dies down, Bob steps outside the church, weeping. He is knocked out by a hooded figure, and when he wakes, finds himself watched by Gareth (Andrew J. West), Martin (Chris Coy), and four other Terminus members, all seeking revenge towards Rick's group as their actions forced them to abandon Terminus and wander. Gareth says they have devolved into "hunters" and the shot expands to show that they have cut off Bob's leg and are eating it. Gareth casually states, "If it makes you feel any better, you taste much better than we thought you would."

Four Walls and a Roof

Gareth (Andrew J. West) and the other remaining Terminus members taunt Bob (Lawrence Gilliard Jr.) as they eat his leg. Gareth expresses his anger towards Carol, who killed his mother, and states that they saw Carol and Daryl drive off together as they were approaching the church. They had planned to capture and eat Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the rest of his group, but Bob "would do fine". Bob starts laughing, and tells them that he was bitten the previous day. The Terminus group start panicking, fearing they will turn. Gareth knocks out Bob to stop his hysterical laughter.

At the church, as they realize that Bob, Carol, and Daryl are missing, Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) confronts Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) about their whereabouts. Gabriel cannot answer, but this leads to Rick questioning him about the fate of his congregation. Gabriel is forced to admit that when the apocalypse started, he had locked his congregation out of the church and allowed them to be killed by walkers.

The group hears a noise outside, and find Bob there, having been left there by the Terminus group. Bob tells them about his bite mark, Gareth, and Carol and Daryl's absence, and Gareth's presence nearby. Rick wants to stay until Carol and Daryl return, but Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) refuses to risk Eugene's (Josh McDermitt) life. Glenn (Steven Yeun) convinces Abraham to stay 12 more hours and promises to leave with him should Carol and Daryl not return by then. The group prepares to defend against Gareth, and Sasha instructs Tyreese (Chad L. Coleman) to watch Bob and prepare to stab his head with a knife should he die.

At night, Rick and some of the group leave to search for Gareth, but Gareth and his group are hiding nearby. They break into the church while Rick's group is out of sight, but Rick and the others were lying in wait and return. Two of the Terminus members are killed before Rick and the others hold Gareth and the others at gunpoint. Gareth begs for mercy, promising not to eat anyone of Rick's group. Rick tells him that if they don't feed on his friends, they will find someone else to feed on. Rick, Sasha, Michonne, and Abraham slaughter the Terminus group, much to the aghast of the others, and to Gabriel's anguish for the spilling blood in God's house. Maggie (Lauren Cohan) reminds him that the church is just "four walls and a roof". Michonne recovers her stolen katana from the bodies.

Bob survives until morning, where the group says their goodbyes to him. He dies in Sasha's arms before Tyreese stabs him. Bob is buried with Gabriel's other parishioners. Abraham prepares to set out with Eugene, Rosita Espinosa (Christian Serratos), Glenn, Maggie, and Tara Chambler (Alanna Masterson). Abraham gives Rick a map of their route to Washington D.C. As they leave, Rick sees that Abraham left an encouraging message for Rick to follow as soon as they can.

That evening, Michonne is talking to Gabriel, who is still distressed about the violence he saw. Michonne hears a noise in the nearby bushes and Daryl appears (Norman Reedus). Michonne asks him about Carol, and Daryl turns to a nearby bush and instructs someone to come out.

Gluten Free Ebola

Following the events of "Go Fund Yourself", Stan, Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny return to school, only to find themselves ostracized and ridiculed for their recent actions. Meanwhile, at a meeting, Mr. Mackey gloats about his newfound gluten-free diet, greatly annoying other staff.

In order to gain back their popularity, Cartman decides to throw a party for a "cause", choosing Scott Malkinson's diabetes. They announce the party over the local radio station WSPIC, with Principal Victoria, who had earlier been converted into gluten-free by Mr. Mackey, asking whether it has gluten-free foods, for which the boys have no response.

Later at the community center, a scientist from the United States Department of Agriculture tries to explain that the rumors about gluten being bad are false by extracting gluten from a piece of dough made of wheat. Mr. Mackey pressures him to drink the gluten sample in order to back the scientist's claims; he complies, and abruptly starts to violently die, sending the entire town into anarchy. Cartman, who's in a panicked state, calls Kyle and tells him that the whole town has taken all the food with gluten and the party cannot happen. The USDA tries to find a way to end the crisis.

At the Marsh residence, two USDA agents enter and find a can of beer in the garbage, which Randy sees no problem with. Unknown to him, beer contains wheat, which ends up getting him quarantined at a Papa John's restaurant with Mr. Garrison and an unnamed civilian.

Cartman then has a dream of Aunt Jemima (a parody reference to Mother Abigail), who tells him the food pyramids are upside-down, but Cartman has no idea what she is talking about. As the gluten-free toppings at the Papa John's run out, the unnamed resident eats the pizza dough containing gluten, thinking it's all a setup, but he dies shortly afterwards.

At the radio station, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny announced that they have canceled the party to focus their efforts on addressing the public about the dangers of gluten. Cartman, claiming that he knows how to solve the crisis, calls the USDA and tells them that the food pyramid is upside down. Much to their surprise, the new dietary system works. The boys then throw a successful party with Stan reconciling with Wendy, leading her to ask him to dance with her as the credits appended "GF" (gluten-free) to a handful of the cast and crew.

Exo (novel)

The main protagonist is Millicent (Cent) Rice, teenaged daughter of David (Davy) Rice and his wife Millicent (Millie) Harrison-Rice. Having learned in the previous novel that she can use jumping to modify her velocity, Cent experiments with heading toward space. She contacts Cory Matoska, a researcher who has made a lightweight space suit that is much more practical than existing models, with the one problem that because it is a single piece of fabric up to the neck gasket, no human can actually try it out — except Cent and her family, because of their ability to jump in and out of it.

After arguing with her parents, Cent sets Cory up with a lab of his own on the condition that she gets access to the suit. At first he thinks that she is planning for years in the future, but then she reveals the fact that she can get into the suit easily, and wants to test it out within weeks.

Millie's mother is very ill, and in a nursing home. When she takes a turn for the worse, Davy, Millie and Cent go to great lengths to set her up at their lodge home in the north of Canada.

Cent makes it to low earth orbit without incident. She finds that she can navigate in space easily, either by jumping simply based on coordinates, or by visualizing changes to the Earth's position or relative motion. She makes friends with a research team whose experimental satellite has failed to deploy properly by retrieving it for them. When the satellite is confiscated, she deploys the back-up in its place. Cent starts advertising her services, offering to deliver anything less than about 50 kilograms to any orbit, LEO to GEO, equatorial to polar, for a thousand dollars per kilogram, and promises to remove a kilogram of space junk for every kilogram she takes up.

Cent's activities are discovered by the government through her use of satellite phones. After some wrangling she ends up unofficially sanctioned, and works with the government to properly document her deliveries. Later, the government calls her because one of the cosmonauts at the International Space Station is having a medical emergency. She delivers him safely to an earth-bound hospital, to great acclaim.

The hostile group that has been hunting Davy and his family locates the home in Canada and blows it up, but everyone is safely evacuated just in time. Cent had already begun plans for a space station of her own. Those plans accelerate when Millie's mother takes a turn for the worse, and the family realizes that living in space would be the perfect treatment. Cent and Davy work together to implement a modest space station, consisting of two concentric spherical balloons with straw-filled water/ice between them. They successfully move Millie's mother to the station, and she improves.

The station needs regular resupply for almost everything. While on a run to get oxygen tanks, Cent is captured by the organization that has been hunting her family for years. They imprison her in a pressure chamber, with her boyfriend Joe nearby. If she tries to flood the chamber the way Davy did to escape previously, not only won't the pressure chamber give way, but Joe will drown. Cent realizes that the chamber is only built to withstand pressure from the inside, and twins to outer space, immediately evacuating the chamber and destroying it. Hyacinth Pope tries to knife Cent, and gets blown into orbit where she dies.

Happyland (TV series)

''Happyland'' follows the reality of the park workers of one of the most popular theme parks in America. The series centers on Lucy, the cynical daughter of the park's Princess Adriana, who, after deciding that she wants to leave the park and experience something real, is swept off her feet by the new park owner's son, Ian, not knowing that Ian is one of her half brothers and the park owner is her real dad.

A Novel Romance

After making a name for himself in the advertising world, Nate Shepard is fired for being out of touch with the times and technology. Out at a restaurant, where he is to meet up with his girlfriend Adi and another couple, drinking his woes away at the bar, Nate meets the instantly desirable Jenny. They connect wonderfully and soon discover that they are actually waiting for each other.

When their other halves arrive, (Adi and Buddy) it seems as though they bring out the worst in Nate and Jenny. Dinner is uncomfortable and after dinner is made even more uncomfortable when Adi breaks up with Nate due to his lack of ambition and money.

Meanwhile, Jenny leaves town for a wedding and Buddy refuses to go with her so he can party with his best friend, LA hipster Sam Steele. Together, Buddy and Sam party, find girls, and consume an enormous amount of cocaine. Buddy ends up hooking up with a girl at the club and doing even more cocaine. The next day we find out that Buddy has overdosed and died. We're led to believe the girl he hooked up with called 911, but it's not certain.

Jenny is in shock. Nate attends the memorial and once again, Nate and Jenny connect. Jenny soon realizes she needs to be out of the apartment she shared with her deceased boyfriend and through the recommendation of a mutual friend, she finds herself at Nate's Brooklyn loft to see if a roommate situation might work out. As Nate and Jenny start to co-mingle their lives, everything gets a new perspective. Nate's budding career as a novelist gains traction, and Jenny begins her journey to get over Buddy.

After living with Nate for several weeks, Jenny decides to invite him to her family thanksgiving celebration. The celebration falls apart when Jenny and her father get into a fight and Jenny calls her parents out for not keeping in touch to make sure she's okay after her boyfriend died. After Jenny leaves the room and Nate follows, they end up having sex in what appears to be her childhood bedroom at Jenny's request.

Marco Polo (Modern Family)

The Dunphys have to leave their house for few days while it is being treated for mold. Phil (Ty Burrell) closes the last room of a nearby hotel with only one single full-sized bed. Claire (Julie Bowen) figures that they can survive one night, but five nights later things don't seem so great. While there, Phil discovers that Claire has found a room for herself and has been sleeping there on her own. Phil feels betrayed, but Haley (Sarah Hyland) wonders why some of them can not stay with Claire so everyone will be more comfortable. The kids agree that Claire's room is actually livable and they all move to her room, leaving Phil alone. Phil, inordinately hurt by the kids and Claire's behavior, ends up trying to teach the Nigerian family located next door with noisy dogs how to play Marco Polo and fails miserably. Haley and Alex (Ariel Winter) find out that the hotel was half-full the whole week and they realize that Phil lied to them so they could all spend time together. The family relents and heads down to the pool to play Marco Polo with him in the middle of the night, which makes Phil very happy, but Claire dislikes how Phil unintentionally invited the Nigerian family to sleep at their house.

Cameron's (Eric Stonestreet) football team is up to 5-0. It is unprecedented at the school, so Cameron picks up several superstitions before every game. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) gets a bit tired of it and tries to stop Cameron of following those superstitions but with no luck. When Cameron leaves, Mitchell realizes that it does not matter if he does not like football and he has to be supportive to Cameron, so he leaves to go to the game. At the football game, the team plays well and is winning, but the moment Mitchell arrives, the luck of the team suddenly changes, something that makes Cameron think that Mitchell is a jinx. He tells Mitchell causing him to leave. When the team wins, Cameron is upset with himself when he realizes that Mitchell has gone and he calls to apologize for what he said. Mitchell tells him that he is on the fence at the far end of the stadium because he tried to take a shortcut to get back to his car and got stuck. Cameron helps him get down of the fence and they both apologize to each other for their behavior.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) are worried about Manny (Rico Rodriguez) hanging out with Sam (Madison Iseman), a new friend who is a senior while Manny is still a sophomore. They later realize that Manny's friend is actually a girl, and she is also his girlfriend, which makes Gloria worry even more. Jay tries to calm her down and convinces her that Sam really cares about Manny since she supports him so much during the football game. Later on, Jay sees Sam making out with another boy, but he does not want to tell Manny for fear of hurting him. But Manny returns home heartbroken as Sam broke up with him. He informs Jay that Sam was using him to make her ex-boyfriend to get jealous. Jay talks to him and points out that of all the boys, Sam chose him to make her ex to get jealous and that should make him feel important because it means he is at the same level as the other guy.

The Outlaw's Daughter

A bushranger, Devil Devine, abandons his daughter. Years later he holds her up and tries to marry her but is stopped. The bushranger is pursued by the boyfriend of his daughter.

The Aviation Cocktail

The film follows the lives of 3 three World War II veterans living in a rural midwestern town in 1958. It opens on pilot Jack Fisher (Michael Haskins), who gets a call from his sheriff brother Henry (Beau Kiger) with word about a suspected serial killer he has been tracking. They arrive to find the brothers' longtime friend Bob Halloran (Brandon Eaton), has a posse formed in a standoff with the suspect holding a young girl hostage in a barn. Once the posse discovers the hostage is dead, they unload bullets into the barn, injuring the suspect. The Fisher brothers and Halloran load the bleeding suspect into Jack's plane, but a decision is made during the flight that propels mounting tension between the 3 men.

A psychological aftermath unravels from the personal torment each of them deals with, as well as tensions from the estranged behavior of the victims' brother, Dale Riley, which leads to suspicions. As the story progresses, we see that the characters' idyllic family lives only disguise a reality of lies and betrayal.

Phantom Town

Three children go on a search to find their parents who mysteriously disappeared after entering a town called Long Hand that isn't found on any map. The children check in at the town's hotel and begin to notice that the residents of Long Hand behave strangely, repeating the same actions over and over. Further exploration of the town leads the children to discover that the town is inhabited by body snatchers, and they could be the next victims. The children eventually find their parents in catacombs located underneath the town, and manage to leave the town with their parents after killing the monster that runs the town. In the end, Mike throws a party and the children discover that their parents had been transformed just like the other residents of Long Hand.

C (novel)

The novel revolves around Serge Carrefax, born in the late 19th century in England. The plot follows his life before and after World War I.

388 Arletta Avenue

An unidentified stalker records video of married couple James and Amy Deakin as they hide their spare key outside their home. When the couple leaves to go jogging, he uses the key to enter their home and set up hidden security cameras in each room. He also makes subtle changes, such as setting their alarm to go off earlier and leaving a mix CD in their car. Amy protests when the alarm wakes her up early, and the two argue over who recorded the mix CD. When James finds the audio tracks on his computer, Amy considers the mystery solved, but James insists that he never downloaded them. As they argue, James dismisses Amy's PhD research on Afghan culture as a waste of time, and she refuses to speak to him. The next morning, as James leaves for work, he writes her a brief apology. The stalker enters the house, reads the note, and records video of Amy's reaction to noise that she hears in the house.

When James returns home, he finds a note ostensibly written in Amy's handwriting in which she says that she has left to clear her head. James attempts to contact Amy many times, but she does not answer her calls. Worried, he calls her friends, including Amy's sister Katherine, with whom he has an antagonistic relationship. James refuses to explain the situation to Katherine, and she becomes suspicious that something has happened between Amy and James. James eventually turns to his friend Alex, who suggests that their childhood acquaintance Bill may be involved. James contacts Bill, an Afghanistan veteran who now works nights at an animal shelter, and he apologizes for tormenting Bill mercilessly during their school years. Although Bill accepts both the apology and a gift, a collectable baseball, he says little except that the apology does not negate the bullying.

Later, James comes to believe that his cat has been replaced when he receives taunting e-mails and the cat exhibits uncharacteristic behavior. A police officer files a report but does not take James' claims seriously. When James finds the remains of his decapitated cat and video surveillance evidence that an intruder entered his home, he contacts the police again, but the police remain skeptical, as the cat's remains have gone missing. Convinced that the police will not act, James investigates the matter himself. James receives a brief video that shows Amy bound and gagged before it deletes itself. Frustrated, James demands the unseen antagonist reveal himself; immediately afterward, the collectable baseball is thrown through one of his windows, which initiates a violent confrontation between James and Bill. Hidden video surveillance later depicts James as he digs a shallow grave.

James becomes erratic and paranoid, and, with Alex's help, he illegally purchases a handgun. Katherine becomes increasingly suspicious of James and threatens to call the police, which James laughs off. James attempts to make contact with his unseen stalker, who intentionally reveals himself as being in the house. After a brief chase, James offers a deal: for Amy's safe return, James will stop investigating and not further contact the police. At work the next day, James receives video footage of Amy asleep in their bed. James leaves for his house at the same time that Alex, Katherine, and a policeman arrive. As Katherine discovers Amy's body hidden in the basement, James attempts to confront the stalker, only to realize that he has been framed for her murder. While still holding the pistol, James attempts to explain the situation, and the police officer shoots him dead. In his home, the still-unidentified stalker labels his surveillance tape as "388 Arletta Avenue" and sets it beside several other tapes. He then starts the cycle again with a new family.

Slow Video

Yeo Jang-boo possesses dynamic visual acuity, which enables him to visually discern fine detail in a moving object that ordinary people cannot, as if he's seeing the world in slow motion. Due to his special ability, Jang-boo has to constantly wear sunglasses, which made him a target of bullying at school and throughout his childhood. He spends 20 years isolated and alone, but his talent proves to be a gift later in life when he finally goes out into the world and ends up working at his neighbor's CCTV control center. One day while unenthusiastically watching passersby onscreen, he spots his first love Bong Soo-mi. Despite being terrible at social interactions, Jang-boo sets out to win her heart.

Whistle Blower (film)

TV news producer Yoon Min-cheol is desperate for a scoop for his investigative journalism program ''PD Chase''. One day, he receives a tip that The Newman Medical, the biggest sterility clinic in Korea, buys ova illegally. But while investigating, he is shocked to discover that scientist Lee Jang-hwan seems to be involved in the case. Lee had gained widespread acclaim and press attention following his groundbreaking experiments cloning human embryonic stem cells, and is considered a national hero whose research may mean the cure to several illnesses. As Yoon hesitates whether to pursue such a revered and powerful figure, he gets an anonymous call from Shim Min-ho, a young scientist who works for Lee's lab. Shim claims that Lee's stem cell research has largely been fabricated and unethical, and the two join forces to expose Lee's scientific fraud and bring the truth to the public, despite its disbelieving and harsh reaction.

My Dictator

After the North-South Korea Joint Statement on July 4, 1972, reunification fervor briefly sweeps over the Korean Peninsula. The Korean Central Intelligence Agency is forced to prepare for what could soon be the first inter-Korean summit and they are worried about South Korean president Park Chung-hee's meeting with the reclusive and potentially dangerous North Korean leader Kim Il-sung. They decide to stage an imaginary summit so that they can prepare Park for a variety of scenarios and outcomes. So the KCIA looks for an unknown (and bad) actor to play the body double for Kim Il-sung.

Kim Sung-geun earns his living doing odd jobs for a theater company, occasionally playing a walk-on part, and waiting for his big break. He gets cast in a small role as The Fool in Shakespeare's ''King Lear'', but he forgets his lines due to stage fright. Sung-geun not only ruins the show, but he feels shamed in front of his son Tae-sik, who was in the audience and had believed his father to be the greatest actor in the world.

Backstage, the devastated Sung-geun is approached by Professor Heo, who praises his performance and tells him to show up at a "special audition." At the audition, Sung-geun is confused when the casting directors all seem to be government scientists, and even when his performance goes terribly, he is told that it's exactly what they were looking for. He and 11 other actors pass the first round, then they're put on a bus and taken to the basement of the KCIA building where they are stripped, dragged into separate rooms and tortured. Too dumb to lie to his interrogators, Sung-geun is the only one left and gets chosen for the job. For Sung-geun, this is the role of a lifetime, and he puts his heart and soul into the performance, determined to have his acting acknowledged and to impress his son.

But when the summit gets cancelled, Sung-geun cannot let go of his Kim Il-sung persona and continues to act like the North Korean leader. Frustrated at his father, the adult Tae-sik places Sung-geun in a nursing home and refuses to visit him for the next 20 years. But when Tae-sik gets in trouble with loan sharks in the 1990s, he is forced to reconnect with his estranged father, whose dilapidated home could solve his problem.

As Time Goes By (novel)


Yitzik "Rick" Baline is a small-time New York criminal during the time of Prohibition. He meets and falls in love with Lois, daughter of Solly Horowitz, a big-time gangster and becomes a favorite of Solly. He eventually becomes Boss of the 'Tootsie-Wootsie' Club, a speakeasy. He is viewed with extreme disfavor by ''Tick-Tock'', Solly's principal assistant, who plans to be the heir to Solly's businesses if he should retire or be killed.

Solly makes it clear that Lois is intended for better things, and she eventually marries a lawyer and would-be politician, Robert Meredith, whom she does not really love.

Warfare erupts between the Horowitz, Salucci and O'Hanlon gangs and there are several deaths. Solly and Tick-Tock are killed, as are Lois and her husband, now exposed as a corrupt politician. Rick must flee America. He takes Solly's money, half a million dollars, probably intended for Lois, and travels to Boston with Sam. While the two are purchasing tickets for a steamship to Le Harve, Rick changes his name to Richard Blaine.


Rick, Louis and Sam leave Casablanca with documents provided by Louis. They all travel via Lisbon to London. America has now entered WW2 and they track down Victor, who is keen to resume his part in the work of the Czech Resistance. Ilsa begs him to allow her to assist him, and Rick and Louis also become involved while Sam stays in London.

Ilsa, who speaks perfect Russian, is placed in Prague as an assistant to Reinhard Heydrich, the 'Butcher of Prague'. Her cover is as a White Russian, and she gains his confidence to the point where he wants her to become his mistress.

The plot to assassinate Heydrich (Operation Anthropoid) goes ahead, despite last-minute delays and great risks. During the operation Victor kills Louis, having become convinced that he was a traitor. He then assassinates Heydrich but is killed in the process.

With North Africa once again in Allied hands, Ilsa and Rick marry and return to Casablanca with Sam. With Carl as the new owner, Rick's Café Americain is still operating.

Cart (film)

Sun-hee, a veteran cashier and mother of two, works at a large retail supermarket alongside Hye-mi, a single mother. Both are friendly with Soon-rye, a cleaning lady nearing retirement age, and all of them are temporary workers. Sun-hee is a model employee who works diligently in the belief that once she gets promoted as a regular worker, she'll be able to provide more for her children. However, their corporate employer abruptly notifies them that all the temporary workers will be laid off. Faced with these wrongful dismissals, Sun-hee, Hye-mi, Soon-rye, and fellow female employees such as naive ajumma Ok-soon and twenty-something Mi-jin, resolve to go on strike. They stage a series of increasingly impassioned protests against the company's exploitative practices, which gains more strength when junior manager Dong-joon, the only male representative of the store's labor union, joins in. The shy and passive Sun-hee, who finds herself thrust to the demonstrations' front lines, discovers within herself untapped resources of determination and resilience, which has an unexpected effect on her relationship with her estranged high school-age son, Tae-young. But as the women realize the power they can wield by taking a mutual stand, the company plays the workers against each other and Hye-mi, the leader of the strike, caves to the company's pressure and gives up.

The Zone of Interest

The novel begins in August 1942, with Thomsen's first sight of Hannah Doll, wife of Paul Doll, the camp's commandant. (Doll's name is similar to Otto Moll, a notorious camp commandant in real life.) He is immediately intrigued and initiates a few encounters with her. In time their relationship becomes more intimate, even though it remains unfulfilled. Despite their attempts at discretion, Paul Doll's suspicions are raised. He has her followed by one of the camp's prisoners, and is informed by him that they did indeed make two exchanges of letters. While spying on Hannah in the bathroom (as he does regularly), Paul watches her read the letter from Thomsen secretly and rather excitedly, before destroying it. From that point onward, his wife becomes increasingly contemptuous of him, viciously taunting him in private, and embarrassing him in public. Paul decides to assign Szmul, a long-serving member of the Sonderkommando, to the murder of his wife. He does so by threatening to capture Szmul's wife, Shulamith. The murder is scheduled to take place on April 30, 1943 - at Walpurgisnacht.

The narrative then skips a few years, to the story's aftermath. In September 1948, Thomsen attempts to find Hannah, who has disappeared. He finds her at Rosenheim, where she met her husband. He is told what happened at Walpurgisnacht: at the moment Szmul was supposed to murder Hannah, he instead pointed the weapon on himself, and revealed the truth to her. Paul Doll then shot him before he could commit suicide. Thomsen asks Hannah if they could still meet each other. She tells him that while in the concentration camp he was to her a figure for what was sane and decent, outside the camp he simply reminded her of her past life's insanity. Despondently, he withdraws and leaves her.

Both (film)

Rebeca Duarte (Jackie Parker) is a beautiful and bisexual stunt double, who regularly puts her life at risk in the course of her job. Duarte feels disconnected from her own body, but doesn't understand why that is. Out of the blue, she receives a photo album from a member of her family in Peru. In the photographs she finds her parents and her brother, who died, but she is missing. A telephone call to her mother doesn't explain the story behind the photograph album or her non-appearance. Duarte sets out to discover the mystery.

The Boy from Bullarah

Boxer Terry Truval wants to make it in the big city, Sydney. Dan Jay, filmmaker, tries to turn him into a film star.

The Merchant of Venice (1953 film)

In order to come to the aid of his friend Bassanio, the wealthy merchant Antonio, while awaiting the imminent arrival of his ships, is obliged to ask the usurer Shylock to advance him a sum of money. The latter accepts, on the condition that, if the loan is not returned on time, he will pay himself by taking a pound of flesh from his creditor...

Three Resurrected Drunkards

Three young men go to the beach. Someone steals their clothes while they swim, and replaces them with ones that then leave the three mistaken for illegal aliens. In a commentary on the way Korean immigrants are treated in Japan, the three must then flee from the authorities, who are presented in a ridiculing light.

Everybody Wants Some!! (film)

In Texas in the fall of 1980, college freshman Jake Bradford, an all-state pitcher in high school, moves into an off-campus house with other members of the college baseball team including his roommate Billy, nicknamed "Beuter" for his Deep Southern accent. He joins Finnegan, Roper, Dale, and Plummer cruising campus by car, looking for women. Upperclassmen Roper and Finnegan both "strike out" with two women, but one of them, Beverly, says she likes Jake; he makes a note of her room number.

At a team meeting in the house, the coach introduces the new players, including freshmen Jake, Plummer, Beuter, Brumley, and transfer students Jay and Willoughby. The coach cites two rules: no alcohol in the house, and no women upstairs. The team quickly disregards the rules and hosts a drunken party during which several players take women up to their bedrooms. The next morning, Beuter leaves temporarily for home, concerned his girlfriend is pregnant.

The team goes out drinking and "cruising chicks", beginning the night at a local disco. Jay makes arrogant remarks to a bartender, provoking a brawl, and the team is ejected. Jay goes home, and the rest of the team changes clothes and visits a western-themed bar. The next day Willoughby shares his marijuana, music, and philosophy with the freshmen. Jake happens upon Justin, a high school teammate who has embraced punk subculture. He invites the team to a punk concert, and with Jake's encouragement, they go. Jake leaves flowers and a note on Beverly's apartment door that night, then attends a massive party at the team's house.

Beverly calls him in the morning and they agree to meet. She says she is a performing arts major; Jake answers only that he is a baseball player, based on Finnegan's advice. At the team's first unofficial practice, Jay upsets his teammates by pitching aggressively. McReynolds, the team's captain and best player, puts Jay in his place by hitting a home run. The coach arrives unexpectedly and calls Willoughby off the pitcher's mound. It is later revealed that Willoughby is 30 and has been fraudulently transferring to new colleges to continue playing ball and enjoying the student lifestyle.

Beverly invites Jake to "Oz", a costume party thrown by performing arts students. Jake mentions the party to his teammates and tries to tell them they would not enjoy it, but they cajole him into taking them. Although they initially feel out of place, they enjoy themselves all the same. Finnegan is ridiculed by his friends for pretending to be into astrology, and Jake takes part in an improvised ''Alice in Wonderland''–themed take on ''The Dating Game''. Jake and Beverly spend the rest of the night together.

The next morning, the semester begins and Jake and Beverly walk to class together. Two teammates razz Jake for not returning home that night. He runs into Plummer in his classroom, and they settle in for their first lecture. Their history professor enters and writes "Frontiers are where you find them" on the chalkboard. As their first college class officially begins, Jake and Plummer fall asleep.

Sword Gai

Gai is a young man who became an apprentice under a blacksmith named Amon, who found him as newborn holding on to a legendary cursed katana called "Shiryū" that drove his mother into committing suicide rather than let its bloodlust to consume her. The katana is revealed to be one of many cursed weapons that turn the user into a thrall to embody their murderous impulses, the Chrystalis gradually losing their humanity while becoming armored monsters called Busoma. After Gai lost his right arm when a ceremony to quell Shiryū goes array, Amon forged the sword into a prosthetic limb for Gai. Becoming a chrysalis with the ability to fuse with his weapon, Gai clings on to his humanity while facing the Busoma seeking to exterminate humanity.

Arrival (film)

Linguist Louise Banks's daughter Hannah dies at the age of twelve from an incurable illness.

Twelve extraterrestrial spacecraft hover over various locations around the Earth. Affected nations send military and scientific experts to monitor and study them; in the United States, US Army Colonel Weber recruits Banks and physicist Ian Donnelly to study the craft above Montana. On board, Banks and Donnelly make contact with two cephalopod-like, seven-limbed aliens, whom they call 'heptapods'; Donnelly nicknames them Abbott and Costello. Banks and Donnelly research the complex written language of the aliens, consisting of palindromic phrases written with circular symbols, and share the results with other nations. As Banks studies the language, she starts to have flashback-like visions of her daughter.

When Banks is able to establish sufficient shared vocabulary to ask why the aliens have come, they answer with a statement that could be translated as "offer weapon". China interprets this as a "use weapon", prompting it to break off communications, and other nations follow. Banks argues that the symbol interpreted as "weapon" can be more abstractly referred to the concept of "means", and "tool"; China's translation likely results from interacting with the aliens using mahjong, a highly competitive winner-take-all game.

Rogue soldiers plant a bomb in the Montana craft. Unaware, Banks and Donnelly re-enter the alien vessel, and the aliens give them a more complex message. Just before the bomb explodes, one of the aliens ejects Donnelly and Banks from the vessel, knocking them unconscious. When they wake, the military is preparing to evacuate in case of retaliation, and the craft has moved beyond reach.

Donnelly discovers that the symbol for time is present throughout the message and that the writing occupies exactly one-twelfth of the 3D space into which it is projected. Banks suggests that the full message is split among the twelve craft and that the aliens want all the nations to share what they learn.

China's General Shang issues an ultimatum to his local alien craft, demanding that it leave China within 24 hours. Russia, Pakistan, and Sudan follow suit. Communications between the international research teams are terminated as worldwide panic sets in.

Banks goes alone to the Montana craft, and it sends down a transport pod. Abbott has been mortally injured as a result of the explosion (which Costello refers to as the "death process"); Costello explains that they have come to help humanity, for in 3,000 years they will need humanity's help in return. Banks realizes the "weapon" is their language, and learning it alters humans' linear perception of time, allowing them to experience "memories" of future events. Banks' visions of her daughter, Hannah, are revealed actually to be premonitions; her daughter will not be born until some time in the future.

Banks returns to the camp as it is being evacuated and tells Donnelly that the aliens' language is the "tool". She has a premonition of a United Nations event celebrating newfound unity following the alien arrival, in which Shang thanks her for having persuaded him to stop the attack by calling his private number and reciting his wife's dying words: "War doesn't make winners, only widows."

In the present, Banks steals CIA agent Halpern's satellite phone and calls Shang's number to recite the words. The Chinese announce that they are standing down and releasing their twelfth message. The other countries follow suit, and the twelve spacecraft depart.

During the evacuation, Donnelly expresses his love for Banks. They talk about life choices and whether he would change them if he could see the future. Banks knows that she will agree to have a child with him despite knowing their fate: Hannah will die from an incurable disease, and Donnelly will leave them after she reveals that she knew this.