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Ana del aire

Ana is a flight attendant who lives with Andrea, who believes it is his mother who in turn was separated from his father, Esteban; Elena and her sister, who suffered from polio as a child, being invalid and hooks on their legs, so grew complexed with feelings of hatred toward her.

Anton the Terrible

Cossack Anton Kazoff seeks revenge for the wrongs inflicted on his sister Olga.

Her Father's Son

When Frances Fletcher (Martin), a Southern young woman, moves in with her uncle William (Standing) just before the start of the Civil War, she dresses as a young man in order to secure her inheritance. Problems arise after the war breaks out and her uncle takes in Lt. Richard Harkness (Whitman) as his guest and the Union officer expresses a fondness in the cross-dressed Frances.

¡Qué despelote!

After several years with his program "El despelote" at the head of the radio stations in Puerto Rico, Rocky, Billy and Tony go from luxuries to unemployment.

Witchcraft (1916 film)

Suzette and her mother are two Huguenots living in a New England colony whose elders persecute any so-called deviant behavior, labeling it as witchcraft. When Suzette's mother falls ill, Suzette seeks the help of Nokomis, an Indian woman who has been accused of witchcraft. Suzette meets and falls in love with Richard Wayne. But Makepeace Struble, Wayne's protégé, wants Suzette for him and sends Wayne to work for the governor, so as to give him free rein with the young woman. Accusing his mother of witchcraft, Struble blackmails the girl into marrying him. The man becomes more and more violent and when his mother dies, Nokomis gives Suzette a talisman, telling her that an Indian revolt is brewing. She warns Wayne and Struble, struck by a stroke of apoplexy, accuses her of having cast a spell on him. Although Suzette saved the city from Indian attack, she is still sentenced to hang. She will only be able to save herself through the last-minute intervention of Wayne and the governor and, eventually, she will be able to marry the man she loves.

Downriver (film)

James is a young man who has epilepsy and has recently been granted parole from the juvenile detention centre in which he has spent the last eight years. When he was ten, he drowned a little boy, Chris McCarthy, in a river at a caravan park, although the body was never found. After being released, he returns to the caravan park in order to find and return the body to the grieving mother. He moves into the old cabin he used to live in with his mother and befriends Damien, the boy next door. James tells Damien that Chris had been his brother. He is eventually joined at the park by his mother Paige and her new boyfriend, Wayne. Paige tells Wayne that James is her nephew and that her son died.

Despite the fact that his family took out a restraining order against James, James is approached by his former friend Anthony. Anthony was with him when he killed Chris and gave evidence that convicted James, leading to animosity between them. Anthony has turned into a lazy, drug-addicted hustler. He tries to dissuade James from looking for the body, reasoning that the local wild dogs probably took it. James refuses and in retaliation, Anthony seduces Damien.

James and Damien visit Mary, a local woman who keeps several dogs, to ask her about the possibility of the wild dogs taking the body. She dismisses the idea and mentions that Anthony and another boy, Ray, killed one of her dogs a few years back. Wracked with guilt, Ray came to her to confess. James then visits Ray and asks him about the dog they killed. Ray admits that he and Anthony were playing in the tunnels under the bridge with the dog until Anthony tricked the dog into jumping into a hole from which it couldn't escape. This gives James the idea that Anthony hid Chris's body in the tunnels under the bridge.

James discusses his search with Paige. She reveals that after the drowning, James had an epileptic seizure and Anthony got him help, not leaving his side until many hours later. This leads James to realise that Anthony could not have hidden the body.

James organises a fishing trip with Damien's family and Wayne near the bridge. He sneaks off and explores the tunnels. Though he finds the hole Ray mentioned, it is filled with water and he is unable to search it further. When he returns to the others, Damien reveals that Chris didn't have any brothers and guesses that James was his killer. He tells him to stay away from his family. The stress causes James to have a seizure in the water and he nearly drowns. When they return to the park, Wayne reveals to Paige that he knows James is her son.

Finally James visits Amos, who owns the local shop and has been blackmailed by Anthony for many years. Amos reveals that Anthony and his brother Joe once had a younger sister, Bettina, who suddenly disappeared one day and the family never spoke of her again.

In the meantime, Damien goes to Anthony's house. Anthony is away so he talks to his father Gianni. His attempts at conversation, relating a story Anthony told him about a drowned baby, raise Gianni's suspicions. Gianni knocks Damien unconscious and Joe drives him away in the car. When Anthony returns home later, Gianni beats him and questions him about what he has been saying about his sister, someone Anthony clearly doesn't remember.

James returns home to Paige and tearfully reveals what happened the day of the drowning. Anthony, with vague recollections of Bettina, had asked James to 'steal him a sister'. They had selected Chris, lured him away from his family, and played with him on the riverbank until Anthony started abusing Chris and pressured James to drown the boy before they got in trouble for their 'theft'. Paige then remembers that although Anthony was there all evening, he did speak to Joe, giving Joe an opportunity to move the body.

Joe and Anthony then arrive and attempt to blackmail James into abandoning his search by beating Damien. This makes James even more determined to bring the family to justice. James and Damien escape to Mary's house, where they reconcile.

The next morning, James returns to the tunnels under the bridge with Damien and Mary, along with ropes and torches. James climbs down into the water filled hole and eventually finds Chris's body, along with an even more decomposed body of a little girl, presumably Bettina.

Naughty Girl (film)

Handsome cabaret entertainer Jean Clery is engaged to his psychiatrist, Lili. He sings at a nightclub owned by Paul Latour which is being used as a front for a gang of forgers.

Paul has been framed and decides to go to Switzerland to find out who is really behind this. He has a daughter, Brigitte, who is at finishing school and thinks he is a shipbuilder. Paul asks Jean to retrieve Brigitte from school and look after her for a few days so she is not caught up in the police investigation.

Jean collects Brigitte pretending to be her uncle and keeps her at his apartment. While there, Brigitte causes chaos, upsetting Jean's butler, starting a fire, getting arrested for swearing and winding up in prison, and causing troubles with Jean's engagement to Lili.

Eventually Brigitte and Jean fall in love and the real crooks are caught.

Concert of Intrigue

During the First World War, Enrico and Franco, two brothers of the noble Alberti family of Rovereto, found themselves on opposite sides: the older Enrico, physically handicapped, is pro-Austrian while the younger Franco is a fervent patriot who thanks to his career as a pianist can move freely between the two countries. Despite a relationship with Elisabetta Tabor, a Polish singer, Franco decides to marry the young Anna, the niece of a police lieutenant, but Enrico is also interested in her. Henry driven by jealousy, backed by Elisabetta who is actually a spy of the Austrians, they convince his brother that his arrest is imminent and he must flee to Italy where he joins the army and returns to fight in the Rovereto area and finds Anna who in the meanwhile she gave birth to a baby boy. The woman hides her husband but once again her brother Enrico discovers him and denounces him only to repent himself accusing himself of being a saboteur and replacing him in the death sentence. After the war Franco comes out of prison and reunites with Anna and her son.

Plucking the Daisy

General Dumont discovers that his daughter Agnes is "A.D.", author of a scandalous under-the-counter novel.

He tries to send her to a convent but she escapes to Paris to live with her brother. On the train she meets Daniel, a journalist. Agnes thinks her brother is a rich artist but he's actually a poor guide in the Balzac Museum.

Agnes needs money and enters an amateur striptease contest. Daniel is covering the contest for his magazine.

Babette Goes to War

In 1940, during the German invasion of France, a young woman called Babette flees on a boat to England. She is desperate to help the Free French, who end up parachuting her back into the country on a mission to thwart the German invasion of England.

Love on a Pillow

Geneviève Le Theil is a financially independent woman in Paris engaged to Pierre.

She goes to Dijon to collect an inheritance. She enters the wrong hotel room and accidentally foils the suicide of a penniless alcoholic, Renaud, who has taken an overdose of sleeping pills.

Renaud seduces Geneviève and persuades her to take him with her to Paris. Once there she severs ties with her mother, her friends, and Pierre, despite Renaud treating her badly.

When Renaud picks up a prostitute, Genevieve leaves him. But then he proposes marriage and she accepts.

Al'an Fahimtkum

Abu Saqer is a controlling father whose children, in the wake of Arab spring, decide to unite ranks and demand that he give them more freedoms. When their mother joined them, Abu Saqer decided to give concessions, including financial allowances. In the play, Abu Saqer’s brother returns to Jordan after living for 30 years in Canada. Not aware of the Jordanian domestic affairs, he asks his brother, Abu Saqer, to explain to him the situation. Abu Saqer explains how things work in Jordan by satirically alluding to array of controversial issues of interest to all Jordanians, mainly the frequent ministerial re-shuffles (Jordan is famous for the frequent cabinet change), political parties and national unity.

Animal Crackers (2017 film)

In 1962, brothers Bob and Horatio Huntington run a traveling circus together, doing well in spite of their vastly different personalities. After a show, the circus' resident gypsy fortune teller Esmerelda presents her beautiful niece, Talia, to her employers, asking them to give her a job. Bob and Horatio are both immediately smitten with the lovely woman, but her affections are solely for Bob.

When the pair announce their plans to marry in 1964, Horatio becomes furious and delivers an ultimatum to his brother to choose either him or Talia. Bob marries Talia and Esmerelda gives them a mysterious box as a wedding gift, which allows them to open a new circus. Buffalo Bob's Rootin' Tootin' Animal Circus, known for animals performing amazing and seemingly impossible feats.

Years later, Bob's nephew Owen marries his childhood friend Zoe at the circus where they had first met as kids. Following the initial excitement however, Owen soon discovers he now has to work as a taste tester for Zoe's father Mr. Woodley at his dog biscuit factory. His co-worker Binkley is trying to create a new type of dog biscuit which keeps getting ruined by Mr. Woodley's personal assistant Brock.

A few years later, Horatio, whose luck has taken a serious downturn since his fight and split with Bob, sneaks into Bob and Talia's dressing rooms, trying to find the secret to the magic animals, and accidentally starts a fire which apparently kills Bob and Talia. Their funeral is attended by Owen, Zoe, and their daughter Mackenzie. Horatio makes an unexpected visit and announces that he'll be taking over the circus. Huntington and his henchmen Mario Zucchini, Samson, Stabby, and El Diablo start a fight, causing the Huntingtons to leave.

Before they leave, circus pets Old Blue and Zena give the Huntingtons the mysterious box, they later discover it holds animal cracker cookies. Owen eats one and turns into a hamster. The Huntingtons return to the circus to figure out how this happened. They learn from clown Chesterfield that the animal crackers will turn the user into the animal they eat, but it contains only one human cookie to change them back. Later, he tells them they inherited the circus. Zoe is excited, but Owen, determined to please Mr. Woodley, decides to continue his job. Zoe restores the circus while Owen stays at the dog biscuit factory. Frustrated that Zoe quit her job, Mr. Woodley begins to consider Brock as her replacement.

Buffalo Bob's Rootin' Tootin' Animal Circus reopens, but is a disaster upon the discovery of no animals. Owen reluctantly decides to eat the animal crackers and performs stunts as an animal. By the end of the day, Owen grows to like it and decides to quit his job. As his finishes packing up though, Brock unwittingly eats one of the cookies and turns into a drill. To catch up with him, Owen turns into a lion, but Brock gets captured by Mario Zucchini, who also steals cookie pieces. Upon returning home, Owen soon discovers he has lost the human cookie and will remain an animal forever. He attempts to adapt to life as a different animal, but has little success. Binkley discovers the animal crackers and persuades Mr. Woodley to attend the circus.

At one performance, Horatio appears and offers Owen's gorilla form his human cookie (which Mario had also unknowingly stolen) in exchange for the circus. Owen refuses, thinking that remaining an animal will at least keep his family together, but he is forced into the deal by Horatio's hybridized henchmen as they help Horatio force-feed him the human cookie. The circus performers then come across the scene and a fight breaks out, with some of them assuming animal forms to fight.

As his henchmen are defeated, Horatio eats some crackers and turns into a chimera. He then is confronted by Old Blue and Zena who reveal themselves as Bob and Talia, alive but forever trapped in animal form due to the destruction of their human cookies in the fire. They ask Horatio to redeem himself, but he refuses. Horatio flies up, grasping them. Owen uses Bullet Man in his rhinoceros form to shoot down Horatio as he, Horatio and Bob land in the net while Mackenzie turns into a monkey to save Talia. Afterwards, Owen, Zoe, and Mackenzie, and the circus performers work together to subdue Horatio. As Horatio vows to have his revenge, Owen turns him into a hamster as Bullet Man quotes "In Memoriam A.H.H." from Alfred Lord Tennyson.

As the circus performers, Zoe, and Mackenzie regain their human forms, Chesterfield gleefully tells the caged henchmen that their human cookies are broken as a side-effect of eating the broken pieces and it will take him awhile to figure out whose parts go to whom. Mario subsequently tells Chesterfield to take his time, with the others in agreement. Horatio demands to be released from his hamster cage to no avail.

Having witnessed the performance and Brock still being in drill form, Mr. Woodley reevaluates his views on both Owen and the circus. With Binkley, he decides to create a new circus souvenir using her failed experiments. By the next show, they have made animal crackers that cause the eater's skin to temporarily take on the color and patterns of the animal whose cracker they eat. Owen consumes a new dragon animal cracker that just appeared in the box and takes the stage in his new animal form.

The Death-Defying Pepper Roux

The story is about a boy who was to die at fourteen. But, as his fourteenth birthday passes, he is still alive and he begins to unravel the truth as the story goes on. He runs away from his home only to find more devils and angels waiting for him – or are they? None of these angels of death and horses of fire seem to be coming for him. Pepper begins to doubt that he is going to die young - maybe the entire prophecy was a lie? Naive and trusting, pepper sets a course through dangerous waters, inviting disasters and mayhem at every turn, one eye on the sky for fear of angels, one on the magnificent possibilities of being alive.

High Hat (1927 film)

High Hat is a movie extra at First National Pictures, but sees himself as the studio pundit, dispensing advice to stars such as John Barrymore and Pola Negri. A studio seamstress named Millie gets him a lucrative "closeup" assignment in the German director Von Strogoff's epic about the Russian Revolution, but he gets fired after falling asleep on a prop bed. Millie loses valuable jewellery entrusted by her to the thief Tony, and High Hat comes to her rescue. His fight with Tony is recorded by Von Strogoff and used in the film.

Swerve (novel)

Hugh is a successful young cellist, who is born into a rich family of businesspeople. He has one sister, whom he nicknames Moreton, after a tree. He is very interested in motor racing, and, on multiple occasions, says he is "obsessed with cars".

At the start of the book, his grandfather, who is not on speaking terms with the rest of his family, and whom he refers to as Poppy, calls him and asks him to go to Uluru with him. Confused, Hugh says no at first, but is convinced by the number of hours he will be able to earn on his drivers' licence – he has a learners' (70) – and the fact that he would be able to drive a Holden HT Monaro GTS 350. Hugh has an audition to attend soon, urging him to get to Uluru faster during the trip.

For the first night, Hugh and Poppy stay at a goldpanner's cabin, run by a "Viking-like" man named Alf and his wife Val. This is the first time Hugh and Poppy meet Roberto and Cateano, two men from São Paulo, headed for Uluru for a religious event called "The Gathering". The next day, they do a lap of the Mount Panorama Circuit, a famous racing track, and end up racing another, rival car.

The Years of the Locust

Though in love with Dirck Mead, Lorraine is forced to marry wealthy Aaron Roth to save her family from financial ruin. The husband, however, turns out to be a scoundrel, a swindler who, chased by the police, to escape the law, throws himself from a steamer. Roth is given up for dead. Mead, meanwhile, has become a diamond tycoon. After marrying Lorraine, he takes her with him to South Africa. Roth, who is not dead, finds his wife and blackmails her, threatening to denounce her as bigamous. Lorraine decides to leave Mead, but when she discovers that Roth plans to steal a precious diamond her husband is escorting around town, she steps in, asking for help. In the ensuing turmoil, Roth is killed, also solving Lorraine's marital status problem.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below

The game is set in the Kingdom of Arba, where mankind and monsters live peacefully. One day, monsters began to attack mankind suddenly leading the captains of the Royal Guard, Luceus and Aurora, to recover the hearts of monsters. The nefarious Velasco schemes to plunge the world into darkness by taking control of all the monsters in order to release the darkness dragon Shadroth: Lord of the Night.

When a dark shockwave sweeps through the city of Arba, the monsters that once lived alongside the people in peace are driven into a frenzied rage. As either the hero Luceus or the heroine Aurora, the player joins forces with a cast of fan favorites from previous ''Dragon Quest'' titles, such as Alena, Bianca and Yangus, to bring the rampaging hordes of monsters to their senses and restore order to the kingdom.

Results (film)

Danny, a wealthy, recently divorced man, walks into the Power 4 Life gym in Austin on a whim and consults with Trevor, the owner, about a fitness regime. Trevor reluctantly assigns Kat, one of his personal trainers, to work with Danny. Kat is liked by her clients but can be temperamental; her relationship with Trevor is complicated by their sexual history. Kat meets with Danny at his mansion, where he lives a life of boredom and depression.

Danny quickly finds himself attracted to Kat. He invites Kat to smoke marijuana with him, revealing that his wealth is inherited from his recently deceased estranged mother, who married a wealthy man Danny never met. At Kat's instigation the two have sex, but not before Kate orders, "No disrobing!" At their next session, Danny surprises her with a romantic dinner, causing Kat to angrily reject him. Danny stops payment to Power 4 Life, leading Trevor to physically confront him at his house. He encourages Danny not to quit on his personal improvement goals, and the two make amends.

Trevor brings Danny on as an investor in a new location for Power 4 Life. An encounter with a client causes Kat to rethink her life, leading her to quit her trainer job, but her attempt at rekindling her relationship with Trevor is rebuffed. Trevor begins training Danny himself at a different gym, and the two become friends. Trevor reveals his past relationship with Kat to Danny, admitting that he was in love with her. Danny reacts poorly but encourages him to pursue the relationship, selling Kat his share in Power 4 Life for $150 in order to reconnect the two. Trevor meets with his fitness idol Grigory to invite him to lead a seminar at the new Power 4 Life, but finds that their philosophies are incompatible. Kat arrives unexpectedly, and the two bicker over their business and their failed relationship, unexpectedly winning over Grigory and his wife Erin.

Back in New York City, Danny unsuccessfully attempts to reconcile with his ex-wife Christine. He talks to Kat and Trevor, who encourage him not to give up on love. Kat and Trevor have sex, but Kat remains cagey about the status of their relationship. Trevor admits he loves her, which Kat reciprocates. The two kiss, lamenting their prospects but excited about their future. At Kat's suggestion, Danny throws a party for his friends and women from a local sorority.

The Right Direction

It is a story of a little ragged girl that thinks she can walk to California in order that her little brother will get well. The many trials she goes through in getting to California with her four-year-old brother and a ragged dog.

Let's Switch!

Lacy Colbert, a housewife, and her best friend Kate Fleming, a glamorous magazine editor, decide to switch lifestyles which creates chaos.

Reptiloid (film)

The story revolves around police officers Petar and Darko, who are sent to investigate a murder deep in a forest on a hill. As they park their car, Darko goes further inside the forest on foot, in search for clues, while Petar stays at the car. However, as the support crew fails to show up, and Darko disappeared with the car key, Petar is forced to spend the night in the forest. The next morning, Petar goes to search for Darko only to find him killed by a giant, Komodo dragon like lizard. The lizard then proceeds to hunt Petar across the forest, who tries to reach the city by foot.

Girls Under 21

Frances White (Rochelle Hudson) from the slums, escapes the tenements by marrying rich gangster Smiley Ryan (Bruce Cabot).

Seiyu's Life!

The series is centered on three friends who are all rookie voice actresses; Futaba Ichinose, Ichigo Moesaki and Rin Kohana. As the girls go through their individual troubles of working in voice acting, they end up hosting a web radio show together and form the unit, Earphones.

Betty to the Rescue

Nobody tells Betty that the inherited gold mine is worth nothing. Entrusted to John Kenwood and his mother after her father's death, the girl also ignores that the costs of her maintenance for a luxurious school are borne by Kenwood himself. Who refuses - for sentimental reasons - to sell the mine to a certain Fleming, an engineer who tries to get his hands on it because he has found a rich vein of gold. When Kenwood loses his oranges crop to the frost, resulting in ruin, Betty discovers the guardian's generosity and feels indebted to him. She will be able to repay him because she too will find the gold vein, realizing, at the same time, that she loves John.

Beta Test (film)

While testing the latest first person shooter from global game developer, Sentinel, video game champion Max Troy discovers the events happening within the game are being reflected in the real world. He soon determines that the game's protagonist is real-life Orson Creed, an ex-Sentinel employee who is being remotely controlled by the corporation for reasons unknown. As virtual and real worlds collide, Max and Creed must join forces to unravel the conspiracy before the game's sinister events escalate and overwhelm the city.

Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!

The Earth Defense Club at Binan High School (Yumoto Hakone, En Yufuin, Atsushi Kinugawa, Io Naruko and Ryuu Zaou) who regularly attend a local bathhouse run by Yumoto's brother, are approached by a strange pink wombat-like being from another planet who charges them (rather involuntarily) with the task of saving the world. Using a set of "Loveracelets" he gives them, the group transforms into , who use the power of love to combat foes intent on spreading hate and discord. As they battle, they encounter the Earth Conquest Club under the influence of a small green hedgehog-like creature named Zundar; student council members Kinshiro Kusatsu, Ibushi Arima and Akoya Gero become their enemies who are also responsible for creating the monsters the Lovers fight.

A Girl Like That

Nell Gordon (Fenwick) is unfortunate in her ancestry; her father is a crook, but she possesses qualities of resourcefulness and loyalty. Though she love her father, she detests his associates, particularly Bill Whipple (O'Keefe), who is her constant suitor. Joe Dunham (Sturgis), who does the scouting for the trio, finds a likely bank in the town of Wheaton, the fact that a new bookkeeper is needed there opening a way for the gang to get into the bank, as Nell is an expert. Working on her love for her father, who is a very sick man, Whipple and Dunham persuade Nell to go to Wheaton and take the position.

Boarding with Rev. Dr. Singleton, Nell wins the confidence of Jim Brooks (Moore), the cashier of the bank, and of Tom Hoadley (Dillon), his best friend, sheriff of the county. She's working there to find the combination of the safe, but before she even has a good chance to look, she starts to realize that she is in love with the cashier. On the very day that she learns and copies the combination, Jim proposes to her; after a mental struggle, she decides that her love for him is greater than her loyalty to the gang, and she surrenders, concealing her identity (she had come to the town under an assumed name).

Becoming suspicious of Nell's delay in sending word to them, Whipple and Dunham attempt to force her father to write a note ordering her to act quickly, but the old man refuses and is shot. The crooks go to Wheaton and try to force Nell to rob the bank. She has undergone a complete reformation and even confessed her identity to Jim's friend and is planning to leave Wheaton rather than bring disgrace upon the man she loves. When she discovers that the crooks have murdered her father, she plots revenge: appearing to consent to their demands, she gets them into the bank, but not until she has warned the sheriff. She is wounded in the fight that follows, and when she awakens, she is in the arms of the man from whom she attempted to escape because she loved him.

Consortium (video game)

The game is set in the mid-21st century, in a timeline where most world militaries have been disbanded in favour of a technologically advanced world police force called the Consortium. The player assumes control of Bishop 6, an elite Consortium soldier. The game's fiction acknowledges that the player and Bishop 6 are different characters, connected through the interdimensional link of the video game. Non-player characters may not be aware that Bishop 6 is being controlled from afar.

During a flight from Bulgaria to Ireland on the aircraft Zenlil, Bishop 6 must deal with hostile mercenaries while trying to uncover the identity of a traitor within the crew.

Assassin's Creed Identity

Italy - ''A Murder of Crows''

Players assume the role of a 16th-century Assassin known only as ''Lo Sparviero'' (Italian for "The Eagle"). The game opens in Florence in 1501 as Lo Sparviero escapes from the city guards after carrying out an assassination. Some time later, while patrolling Monteriggioni, Lo Sparviero spots some Borgia mercenaries disguised as tax collectors and kills them, but learns that the mercenaries were only a distraction and that someone infiltrated the Villa Auditore and stole a hidden chest. Lo Sparviero deals with the thief, Pietro de Galencia, and rescues an old man, the father of an Assassin, whom Pietro had captured and tortured for the location of the chest. However, when the Assassins go to Pietro's house to recover what he had stolen, they only find letters from Cesare Borgia, confirming that Pietro was a Templar spy.

In 1506, Lo Sparviero stops a man wearing black-feathered armor from killing the Assassins' ally, Leonardo da Vinci. Later, more reports about similarly dressed men begin to circulate, describing them as being able to perfectly replicate the Assassins' techniques. Meanwhile, an Assassin finds the chest stolen from the Villa Auditore years ago while exploring some catacombs, but he and three other Assassins are killed by Borgia guards while attempting to recover it. Niccolò Machiavelli sends Lo Sparviero to avenge the Assassins' deaths and finish their mission. He succeeds and brings the chest back to Machiavelli, who discovers that it contains a copy of the original Hidden Blade's blueprints, with a crow's head carved in the blade.

Later, Machiavelli receives a letter from a man named Demetrio, who was caught plotting against Cesare Borgia and asks for the Assassins' help. After Lo Sparviero saves Demetrio from being executed, the latter reveals that he was hired by Cesare to build replicas of the Hidden Blade called "Corvix Blades", using the blueprints stolen from the Villa Auditore; when Demetrio refused to create any more weapons, Cesare had him tortured, leading Demetrio to seek revenge. Demetrio also reveals that the Corvix Blades were intended for a secret organization called "The Crows", which was founded by Cesare with the goal of eliminating the Assassins through their own tactics. To train the Crows, Cesare used his contacts to trick a Spanish Assassin named Raphael Sánchez into thinking he was helping the Brotherhood, when in reality he taught Cesare's recruits how to replicate the Assasssins' techniques.

One day, Machiavelli sends Lo Sparviero to investigate a Borgia camp near the Rome Colosseum. He finds a large shipment of weapons, including several Corvix Blades, and spots a Borgia captain conversing with a bald man. Lo Sparviero tails and kills the captain before confronting the bald man, who identifies himself as Sirus Favero and claims to be a weapons merchant working for Cesare Borgia. Sirus swears he had no knowledge of the Corvix Blades, and offers to help the Assassins against the Borgias. The Assassins welcome Sirus after he proves to be a viable ally. Later, Machiavelli asks Lo Sparviero to retrieve a ledger from a Templar bookkeeper. Lo Sparviero succeeds and discovers that the ledger contains information about ''Il Corvo'' ("The Crow"), the Grand Master of the Crows.

A few months later, Sirus claims that he has located Il Corvo in Rome, but that he needs a letter from a Crow messenger to be certain. Lo Sparviero intercepts the messenger and steals the letter before delivering it to Sirus. However, he then becomes suspicious of Sirus and decides to follow him, only to be led into an ambush. Sirus reveals that he is Il Corvo, and claims that he will have revenge for the death of his son—the Borgia captain killed by Lo Sparviero—before fleeing. Lo Sparviero escapes the ambush and reports back to Machiavelli.

Later, Machiavelli is informed by his friend, Father Pio, that Borgia soldiers have locked down the Santa Croce Cathedral. Lo Sparviero goes to investigate and kills a Templar agent in the cathedral courtyard, causing chaos. He then confronts a terrified Crow messenger, and persuades him to give him his letter, which details Sirus' plan to assemble all remaining Crows in Rome to kill the Assassins. Lo Sparviero helps Machiavelli find and kill Sirus and his followers, before investigating the Crows' hideout. They find a piece of paper with the painting of a cube on it, and a chest containing a small shard. They also find several letters, one of which reveals that Sirus and Cesare hated each other, while another talks about an object called the Crystal Cube that is of high importance to the Templars.

Forlì - ''A Crimson Sunset''

Several months after the events of the main campaign, one of Machiavelli's spies reports that several surviving Crows are behind a recent string of murders in Forlí. Machiavelli is then visited by his friend Ezio Auditore, who has retrieved an artifact with supposedly magical powers. The Assassins decide to give it to their ally, Caterina Sforza, Countess of Forlí, for safekeeping. Machiavelli then sends a message to his spy, asking him to meet in Forlí. Lo Sparviero escorts Machiavelli to the meeting, which is amubshed by the Crows, but the Assassins are able to fend them off. Machiavelli then decides to eliminate the Crows once and for all, and asks Lo Sparviero to help him. Lo Sparviero identifies an undercover Crow and follows him to a Crow meeting, where he kills all the participants.

Later, the Borgias attack Forlí and capture several of Machiavelli's spies. Lo Sparviero manages to rescue most of them before they are executed, but while the former is away, Machiavelli himself is captured and taken to a small church outside the city. One of the spies who witnessed the incident promptly informs Ezio, who in turn tells Lo Sparviero. The two then work together to rescue Machiavelli and kill his captors. Later, Machiavelli expresses his belief that all the Crows were killed or scattered during the attack on Forlí, meaning the Assassins have one less threat to worry about.

How Could You, Caroline?

Caroline (Love), a student at a boarding school, attends the wedding of her sister Ethel (Earle), where handsome taxi driver Reginald (Hawley) is to be her date. Reginald's taxi breaks down while giving Caroline a ride, and Caroline is late to the wedding. As punishment, she is sent to her room, but she escapes and decides to elope with Reginald, only to discover that he is married.

Later, Caroline is engaged to Bob (Morrison). Caroline disguises herself as a masked dancer at his bachelor party to see whether he truly loves her. Bob marries the masked dancer. Caroline reveals her identity, which Bob already had realized, and they are happy together.

Each to His Kind

Heir to the Maharajah of Dharpuli, Rhandah leaves to study in England. Before leaving, he promises his eternal love to Princess Nada and she, as a token of love, gives him an amulet. In England, Amy Dawe, a rich girl, flirts with the prince because she has bet to get the amulet from him. Rhandah tries to hug Amy, but Dick Larimer, her boyfriend, warns him, reminding him that he's just a Hindu.

Back in India, Rhandah licks his wounds: embittered, he meditates revenge and Nada's attitude certainly does not help him, who rejects him not believing his assurances that he has always been faithful to her. The opportunity for revenge comes when Amy and Dick arrive in India and are taken prisoner during a riot. Rhandah, however, will yield to the pleas of Nada who, realizing that Amy is not her rival, now asks for mercy for the two Englishmen.

Mistress America

College freshman Tracy Fishko is having trouble adjusting to college life at Barnard. She eventually meets and befriends a fellow student, Tony, and even develops a crush on him, but when he begins dating another girl called Nicolette, she feels alone again. On her mother's advice, she contacts her soon-to-be stepsister Brooke, who also lives in New York.

Tracy is immediately entranced by Brooke and her lifestyle. After spending a whirlwind night with her, she pens a short story and submits it to her college's prestigious literary magazine. Tracy continues to spend time with Brooke, who reveals her plans for a small and eclectic restaurant called Mom's after her dead mother; the restaurant is being financed by her partner. Upon returning home one night, however, Brooke finds herself locked out of her apartment and discovers that her boyfriend has withdrawn financial support. With massive bills for the restaurant coming due, Brooke visits a psychic with Tracy. Tracy interprets the psychic's words as meaning that Brooke should ask for the money from her former friend Mamie-Claire, with whom she had a falling-out after Mamie-Claire stole her idea for a business and married her former fiancé.

Tracy has Tony drive her and Brooke to Mamie-Claire's home in Connecticut, with Nicolette joining them to make sure that Tony and Tracy are not having an affair. At Mamie-Claire's home, Brooke and the others crash Mamie-Claire's book party, and Brooke pitches her restaurant to Mamie-Claire, hoping she will invest. Mamie-Claire, who confides to Tracy that she did steal Brooke's T-shirt idea to become rich, insists that she will have to talk to her husband, Dylan. While waiting for Dylan's arrival, Brooke takes a call from her father, who informs her that his wedding with Tracy's mother has been called off. When Dylan comes home, rather than dismiss Brooke, he asks her to pitch her restaurant. Brooke stumbles, but Tracy, still enthused by the project, helps her to pitch it. Dylan tells Brooke he will give her the money but insists that, rather than invest in it, he will give it to her to cover the debt she will have from dissolving the business. Seeing that Tracy is upset by this, and also the toxic effect the offer is immediately having on Dylan and Mamie-Claire's relationship, Brooke ultimately refuses the money. Meanwhile, Nicolette, who witnessed Tracy kissing Tony, confronts Tracy about her short story. The entire party reads it, and Brooke becomes offended by the brutal way in which Tracy characterized her. She informs her that they are no longer about to become sisters, as their parents no longer want to marry, and tells Tracy that she will sue. Upset, Tracy, sitting outside the house, takes a hit on the bong that Tony had earlier fashioned from an apple with her initial emblazoned on it, smoking weed that he had presumably stolen from Dylan's freezer.

Tracy's story is accepted by the university's prestigious literary society, and for a while she joins the group. Still finding herself unable to fit in, she decides to start her own literary club, inviting both Tony and Nicolette to apply for membership.

Finding herself alone on Thanksgiving, Tracy goes to Brooke's old apartment and finds her packing her things, about to move to Los Angeles. She learns that Brooke was able to cover her debts, as Mamie-Claire gave her what would have been her share of money from the T-shirt business. Brooke also tells her that she has passed the SAT and that she has been accepted into college and is considering going. Tracy invites Brooke to have Thanksgiving dinner with her. The two eat out at a restaurant, as the film concludes with Tracy, as narrator, musing: "Being a beacon of hope for lesser people is a lonely business."

Nothing in the Rules

Swimming coach Louis Connaught has entered his prize pupil Maria Santalucia in a women's swim meet in expectation of the usual victory; as Santalucia, born with webbed fingers, has an advantage over the other swimmers. Then his arch-rival coach Herbert Laird arrives, causing a strange commotion. When Connaught sees why he shouts a strenuous protest.

The story flashes back to the previous evening, when Herb has his friend, lawyer Mark Vining, over to his house. He has a plan to beat Louis Connaught and wants Mark along "to think up legal reasons why my scheme's okay." He introduces the lawyer to his protégé, Miss Iantha Delfoiros, a young woman in a wheelchair of strikingly exotic appearance. Mark is fascinated by Iantha, but she is evasive about her background. He learns only that she is from Cyprus and has surprising personal habits; for instance, she adds salt to her drinking water on the claim that fresh water makes her drunk, and eats all her food cold. Another layer of mystery is added when Herb asks Mark if he can legally accept gold coins hundreds of years old in exchange for ten thousand swimming caps; a deal supposedly proposed by Iantha. Increasingly concerned about this "crazy business" Mark demands to know what is going on before consenting to be party to it. Swearing him to secrecy, Herb and Iantha agree. Iantha pulls up the blanket covering her lower half to reveal a pair of horizontal flukes where her feet should be.

When the next day they enter Iantha in the swim meet, Connaught is naturally outraged to discover his star pupil will be going up against a mermaid. He raises every objection he can think of, only to be countered by Mark, who calmly citing and interpreting the rules of the swimming association with his legal expertise demonstrates there is in fact "nothing in the rules" to prevent Iantha from competing. And the mermaid performs more than creditably, winning the first race in a record eight seconds. The second has to be redone when Iantha accidentally rams another contestant who strayed from her lane, but she easily comes in first both times. At this point, to Connaught's consternation but Herb's delight, Maria Santalucia refuses to swim in any more races with Iantha. But the conspirators' triumph is short-lived. Iantha is now behaving strangely, breaking out into song and flirting with Mark. Mark and Herb realize she is getting tipsy; it turns out that fresh water really ''does'' make her drunk. But she has two more races to go if she is to win the meet. She is sober enough to take the first. Then Connaught asks that the final event be held up a couple of minutes, as one of his swimmers has been "delayed." Herb is suspicious, and justly so, as his rival comes back with a sea lion. With the rules already having been bent as far as they have, the judge allows the entry.

Iantha and the sea lion are the only competitors in the final race, the other contestants refusing to get in the water with an animal. The sea lion, coaxed by rewards of fish at the end of each leg, proves much faster than even the mermaid. It is winning handily until Mark and a couple girls from Herb's swim team run in with bowls of goldfish. Spiking the pool with these, they completely distract the creature from any thought of finishing the race, with the result that Iantha is once again victorious. Connaught is livid, but, as with entering a mermaid, there is nothing in the rules against putting fish in the pool. Mark lets the referee and the coaches fight it out and attends to Iantha, now extremely inebriated, sitting on the edge of the pool, paddling her flukes in the water, and eating some of the goldfish. She whacks the sea lion across the head when it tries to steal some, and again breaks out into song. Mark convinces her to return to her wheelchair, albeit with difficulty, but in picking her up misjudges her weight; both fall into the pool, and Iantha, thinking he is being playful, nearly drowns him responding in kind.

Early the next morning, before an expected swarm of reporters can converge on Herb's house, he and Mark drive Iantha back to the ocean. Mark has a long last talk with the mermaid and learns more of her background and how Herb convinced her to enter the meet. The merfolk, friendly with land people in ancient times, grew wary of them over the ages and now try to keep their existence secret except when they need to trade for goods they cannot make themselves, like knives and spears ... and now, swimcaps. Chosen as her people's representative in negotiating the swimcap deal, she only agreed to appear in Herb's competition because she hadn't realized how much fuss it would raise. She is contrite about having hurt Mark, whom she realizes has become infatuated with her. She returns his feelings, but aware that relationships between members of their two species never turn out well. The two do, however, share a farewell kiss.

After the men see the mermaid off the morose Mark has Herb drop him off at a bar where he can drown his sorrows and try to forget the lovely Iantha.

Sadik 2

A group of friends has decided to head out to a secluded rental house in order to hang out and hold a New Year's Eve party. Each party goer has their own plans to make the night memorable, but they're ill-prepared for when one of the group goes missing and someone begins picking them off one by one.

Traces of Sandalwood

The film begins in high drama as 6-year-old Mina (Vaibhavi Hankare) saves her newborn sister, Sita, from being drowned as an unwanted female, thereupon taking full responsibility for her care. But when their mother dies a few years later, their father hands them over to a woman from the city. Sita is left with nuns, despite her sister's frantic resistance, and young Mina is consigned to a brothel, from which she narrowly escapes. She finds work as a maid for a rich family, gaining an ally in Sanjay, the handsome son of the house.

This melodramatic opener is suddenly revealed as a film-within-the-film, an autobiographical opus that Mina (Nandita Das), now a Bollywood superstar, is making with her director husband (the self-same Sanjay, now played by Subodh Maskara). The film marks the latest effort in Mina's unending 30-year search for her missing sister.

Mina finally locates Sita in Barcelona and travels with Sanjay to be reunited with her. But little Sita has grown into a cold, remote scientist named Paula (Aina Clotet), who is totally unaware that she was even adopted, much less that she is of Indian descent. Flatly unreceptive, Paula angrily and summarily rejects Mina and her story. But a tense discussion with her adoptive parents and Mina's extensive documentation lead her to reluctantly entertain some curiosity about her roots and venture into an Indian video store. There, she meets Prakash (Naby Dakhli), who introduces her to her sister's films, and whose openness and quiet persistence, combined with Paula's sudden cinematic immersion in a vibrant culture, gradually wear down her defensiveness.

Hellé (film)

Helle is a mentally retarded, deaf and mute village girl who lives high in the Savoy mountains of France. She is taken advantage by the village people for her lack of understanding what's good and bad. Maria is a widow and has two sons, Julien and Fabrice. The eldest one, Julien is a war veteran and his time in Vietnam has broken him. Fabrice, the youngest one comes home to spend summer vacation and falls in love with Helle. Helle in her own ways feels for him and finds herself unable to communicate it. Maria who is ageing falls in love with a sleazy guy who cunningly takes her fancy car in the name of love, and he entertains her fancy over him. Julien tells Fabrice that Helle is village's traveling "filles de joie." This unsettles Fabrice and he beats Julien out from their shack and forces himself on her. Julien walking back home feels depressed and commits suicide by jumping from the top of Cascade Saint-Benoît. Next morning, Fabrice and Helle goes to his home and on the way he sees his mother lying on the field depressed that her lover has left her. Fabrice calls Helle to follow him but seeing his love and closeness to his mother, Helle sees herself as an outsider and goes to the church where she first fell in love with Fabrice and falls in a despair. However, hearing the church bell faintly she finds herself happy and plays around like a cow by mistaking it for a cowbell.

Do You Love Me (film)

Jimmy Hale, a successful singer, chases Katharine "Kitten" Hilliard, a prim music-school dean who transforms herself into a desirable, sophisticated lady after traveling to the big city. Trumpeter and bandleader Barry Clayton also pursues Katharine.

Sapho (1917 film)

Beautiful and poor, Fanny tries to escape from a life of hardship and from her drunkard father. She earns her living selling flowers but, one evening, while looking for customers in a restaurant, her beauty catches the attention of Caoudal, a famous sculptor who takes her as his model. Having become his mistress, the young woman begins to love that luxurious life. A poet, friend of Caoudal and even more famous than him, is inspired by her for his poems. Greedy for success and admiration, Fanny also leaves her new lover, too old for her, for the young engraver Flamant. The latter, mad with love for the woman, wants her to be surrounded by the luxury he loves so much and to make her happy, he breaks the law and ends up in prison.

At a great ball, where she introduces herself as Sapho, Fanny meets Jean, a young provincial unaware of his past. The woman falls deeply in love with him and the two are happy together. But, when Jean finds out who Sapho really is, he leaves her to return to his abandoned girlfriend. In church, during the wedding ceremony, Fanny decides to leave the past behind and start a new life. From that moment, she will join the Red Cross where she will work as a nurse, dedicating herself to her fellow men.

New Lives for Old

As described in a film magazine review, Olympe (Compson), a famous dancer, throws herself into the service of France when her country calls during World War I. She saves an American battalion from destruction when their plans are disclosed to German spies. She is wrongly judged for her work and is disgraced in the eyes of her audience. Having sacrificed her reputation for her country, she marries an American army officer and they sail for the United States.

A Little Sister of Everybody

Hugh Travers, Jr. (Fisher) is left in charge of a large manufacturing business in Manhattan's Lower East Side through the death of his father, and is confronted by considerable unrest among the employees due to the socialist doctrines preached by Ivan Marask (Sarno). Disguising himself as a poor factory worker, he labors in his own mill and thus becomes interested in Nicholas Marinoff (Dowling), a socialist writer, and his niece Celeste Janvier (Love). Discharged for inciting the workers to violence, Marask determines to kill Travers. He tells Celeste of his intention and they both arrive at the Travers home at the same time. The young woman spoils his aim so the shot meant for Travers goes wild. Marask is astonished to discover that the man he knew as Hughes is Travers, and his astonishment is shared by Celeste. Travers tells them of his planned reforms for the employees and of his love for Celeste.

Boetie Gaan Border Toe

Boetie van Tonder, a young Afrikaner, faces conscription into the South African military. Although initially determined to resist national service and defy instruction, he quickly finds comfort in the company of his fellow conscripts as they weather the harshness of basic training and their subsequent deployment to the Angolan border.

Delivery (film)

A lonely senior lives in a gloomy and dirty factory town and dedicates himself to caring for a small potted plant on his balcony. The world around him is dying, as is the flower on his plant. One day he receives a mysterious box in the mail, one which enables him to have impacting effects on his surroundings.

A School for Husbands

A woman named Betty (Fannie Ward) is simple and plain; her husband finds that boring and doesn't invite her out. She decides she needs to wear nicer clothes to get the attention of her husband. Suddenly she inherits a large amount of money while at the same time her husband loses all his money in a stock market crash. Her husband doesn't realize she is rich so he goes out to California to sell some of their property to raise some final money. She takes a car out to find him but she is accompanied by another man. When her husband sees this he fights with the man, and Betty's husband mistakenly thinks he kills the other man. When the police and the man who was really killed show up at the same time, Betty's husband realizes he has been acting foolishly. Betty decides to forgive him and they decide to try to give their marriage another fresh try.

The Cost of Hatred

Advertised as a story about a man's consuming desire for revenge.

A Mormon Maid

Set in the 1840s during the Mormon migration westward, this film introduces a young woman named Dora and her family as they travel west. After being saved from an Indian attack by a Mormon community, the family joins their wagon train traveling to Utah. Throughout the film, Dora is pursued by two men, one a recent convert to the church and the other a scheming elder with multiple wives. Dora's mother ends up killing herself due to her revulsion towards polygamy, leaving Dora to consider her own future and the man she loves. The elder is a former apostle of the church and is determined to have Dora as his sixth wife. After refusing to marry him Dora eventually ends up killing the old man as he tries to capture her for his own. To summarize, the plot of this film explores the implications of Dora's rejecting becoming a polygamist wife.

Old Friends and New Fancies

''Old Friends and New Fancies'' is set in the same time as Austen's own novels and is similarly structured, with a focus on the challenges of matchmaking among pairs of lovers kept apart by various social and economic tensions. It has something of a postmodern overtone in that it mixes together characters from all six of Austen's major novels, creating an enormously extended network of friends, relations, and acquaintances. For example, Elizabeth (Bennet) Darcy (of ''Pride and Prejudice''), Elinor (Dashwood) Ferrars (of ''Sense and Sensibility''), and Anne (Elliot) Wentworth (of ''Persuasion'') are all friends. Despite the fact that Brinton provides a full list of characters (sorted by their source books), keeping the cast straight is something many readers complain about, since quite a few of the characters are only mentioned in passing. Most of the characters are recognizably the same, though several have improved—among them Kitty Bennet and Tom Bertram—while George Knightley is somewhat sourer and Mary Crawford much less lively than in Austen's depictions. The largest single change from Austen's own books is that Marianne Dashwood's husband, Colonel Brandon, has died before the book opens. Although the book jacket proclaims that Brinton mixes in "new characters of the author's devising," none of the new characters are of any great importance. Because many of the key characters hail from ''Pride and Prejudice'', some critics treat ''Old Friends and New Fancies'' primarily as a sequel to that particular book. ''Mansfield Park'' is the next best represented novel in terms of major characters.

The chief protagonists of ''Old Friends and New Fancies'' are three young women, all unmarried at the outset: Georgiana Darcy and Kitty Bennet (''Pride and Prejudice'') and Mary Crawford (''Mansfield Park''). The novel begins after the marriage of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy (they have two children, a boy of two years, and a baby girl); Darcy's sister Georgiana and cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam have been engaged for six months but are not very happy together, and they soon break it off. Col. Fitzwilliam goes to visit Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Bath with the Darcys, where he meets and falls in love with Mary Crawford. Robert and Lucy (Steele) Ferrars have been cultivating Lady Catherine, and Lucy is hoping that Col. Fitzwilliam will marry her sister Anne. The Ferrars take the opportunity to slander Mary to Lady Catherine, resulting in her banishment from Lady Catherine's circle. Lonely and defiant, Mary begins spending time with an admiring Sir Walter Elliott, leading to a rumor that they are about to marry. Hearing this and feeling that his comparative poverty and lack of title make him a poor match for Mary, Col. Fitzwilliam removes himself from the scene, going to Ireland for a time. They are only reconciled after Col. Fitzwilliam is badly injured in a fall from his horse while hunting.

Meanwhile, Kitty Bennet has gone to London as a protégé of Emma (Woodhouse) Knightley. Although less flighty than formerly, she falls madly in love with William Price, a friend of the Knightleys and a naval officer who is the younger brother of Fanny (Price) Bertram of Mansfield Park. Georgiana visits Kitty in London, where she is introduced to William at a ball given by the Knightleys. Kitty later goes to stay with Elizabeth and Georgiana at Pemberley, and they try unsuccessfully to rein in her expectation of receiving a proposal of marriage from William. The Darcys give a ball at which William, instead of proposing to Kitty, declares his love to Georgiana. Georgiana, out of consideration for Kitty's feelings and confusion about her own, initially rebuffs William, but eventually the two become engaged, while a sobered Kitty pairs up with clergyman James Morland, whom Darcy has installed in a local parish. The latter denouement was hinted at by Austen herself in her letters, where she mentions that she can imagine Kitty married to a Derbyshire clergyman. Almost as an afterthought, Brinton also pairs up Tom Bertram and Isabella Thorpe, completing a sequence in which all of Brinton's characters destined for matrimony become engaged to someone from a different Jane Austen novel.

Yakuza 0

In December 1988, yakuza Kazuma Kiryu is framed for murder in an empty lot in Kamurochō, Tokyo. As the Empty Lot is the last piece of land needing to be purchased before the Tojo Clan can redevelop the area, it has become the target of Dojima Family patriarch Sohei Dojima, believing obtaining it will grant him enough power and influence to become Tojo Clan chairman. To protect his adoptive father, Shintaro Kazama, from punishment, Kiryu leaves the Dojima Family.

Kiryu meets real estate agent Tetsu Tachibana, who promises to clear his name in exchange for helping him acquire the Empty Lot before Dojima. After Kiryu and Jun Oda, Tachibana's right-hand man, interfere with squatters related to the Dojima family, Dojima lieutenants Daisaku Kuze, Hiroki Awano and Keiji Shibusawa demand Kiryu turn over Tachibana. Kiryu refuses, prompting the Dojima family to hunt him down. His oath brother Akira Nishikiyama cuts ties with Kiryu to keep each other safe. Tachibana tells Kiryu that the Empty Lot's owner is his estranged sister, Makoto Makimura, who inherited it from their grandfather and lives in Sotenbori, Osaka.

In Sotenbori, ex-yakuza Goro Majima is forced to run a cabaret club by Tsukasa Sagawa, a member of the Omi Alliance, the Tojo Clan's rivals. Following the orders of Futoshi Shimano, a secret traitor to the Tojo Clan, Sagawa offers Majima a chance to rejoin the Shimano Family by assassinating Makoto, who suffers from psychogenic blindness. Majima finds Makoto under the protection of Wen Hai Lee, a former assassin. After Majima decides to protect Makoto, Lee suggests murdering a look alike of Makoto to fool Sagawa. Shibusawa's assistant Homare Nishitani does so. Suspecting the fraud, Sagawa kills Lee. Sagawa then attempts to kill Majima and Makoto, but is stopped by Masaru Sera, Kazama's ally, who takes Makoto away. Majima and Sagawa confront Sera and find that he turned Makoto over to Kiryu.

Kiryu and Oda escort Makoto to Kamurocho but are chased by Shibusawa's men. Oda, revealed to be a mole for Shibusawa, attempts to kill Kiryu and Makoto. Kiryu subdues him, and Oda explains that he and Tachibana were former Chinese gangsters in Japan. At that time, Makoto migrated to Japan to find her brother, but ran afoul of Oda, who sold her to a Korean gang, where she was sexually abused. Oda discovered Makoto's identity after Tachibana saw her on a documentary, and feared his reprisal ever since. Regretting his crimes, he allows Kiryu and Makoto to flee, before being executed by Shibusawa.

Kiryu meets Tachibana, who reveals that he knew that Makoto was looking for him. He also reveals that upon learning her inheritance of the Empty Lot, he turned to Kazama, who helped him form his company to protect Makoto from Dojima, who also planned to annihilate the Kazama family. With their interests coinciding, Kiryu and Tachibana flee but Tachibana is captured by Dojima's assassin, Lao Gui, the true perpetrator of the Empty Lot murder. Tachibana is tortured to death by Kuze and his men, whom Kiryu and Nishikiyama defeat. Makoto discovers her brother's body and regains partial sight.

Meanwhile, Majima learns that Shimano actually intended for Majima to protect Makoto so she would willingly sell the Empty Lot to the Omi Alliance. Majima finds Makoto in the Empty Lot, plotting revenge for Tachibana's death. Despite Majima's concerns, Makoto meets Dojima, offering the Empty Lot in exchange for the deaths of his lieutenants. Dojima declines and has her shot. Sera arrives and escorts Makoto to a hospital. However, Shibusawa finds Makoto and holds her captive on a ship. Kiryu and his family storm the ship and save Makoto, whilst Majima defeats the Dojima family in the Tojo HQ, resulting in Awano's death.

Sera ultimately acquires the Empty Lot. He orders Majima to kill Shimano for his treachery, but Shimano terminates his dealings with the Omi Alliance and reinstates Majima into his family, resulting in Sagawa's assassination. In January 1989, Sera becomes the Tojo Clan Captain, with Dojima languishing after the loss of his lieutenants. The Empty Lot is destroyed and the Millennium Tower is built on its stead. Meanwhile, Majima adopts a new persona, based on Lee, Nishitani and Sagawa, to empower himself. He allows Makoto to live a peaceful life with her new boyfriend, and cheerfully meets Kiryu in Kamurocho.

Star Trek: The God Thing

The five-year mission of ''Star Trek'' has finished and the crew has moved on from their postings on the starship ''Enterprise''. Captain James T. Kirk has been promoted to Admiral, Doctor Leonard McCoy has left Starfleet to become a veterinarian, and other crew members have been given desk jobs. Engineer Montgomery Scott has become an alcoholic through boredom. Spock has returned to his home planet, Vulcan, where he was seeking to control the human half of his persona.Hughes (2008): p. 5Sackett & Roddenberry (1980): p. 24

After an alien entity declaring itself to be God destroys spacecraft en route to Earth, the ''Enterprise'' is launched under the command of Admiral Kirk to engage the vessel. He re-assembles the former crew, including Spock, and sets out to intercept the alien. As they approach the entity, it transports a humanoid probe on board the ''Enterprise'' that takes a variety of forms—including that of Jesus. The crew determine that the being and its craft are from an alternate dimension and have been responsible for the creation of religion of numerous planets to teach their inhabitants its laws in a manner understandable at their points in development. The being is malfunctioning; the crew repair it and send it back to its own dimension.

House of Hancock

''House of Hancock'' tells the fictionalised story of the Hancock dynasty and the bizarre love triangle that emerged between Lang, his daughter Gina, and his beautiful Filipina housekeeper Rose.

Lang and Gina are inseparable, the perfect team, and Gina is confident she will soon inherit the family business. But their relationship is rocked by a series of tumultuous events. First, Lang is furious when Gina marries a man old enough to be her father. Then Lang's beloved wife Hope dies. In an attempt to help her ailing father, Gina employs a new housekeeper to get him back on track, Rose Lacson from the Philippines, not realising this will be a decision that tears their family apart.

Lang is instantly smitten with the vivacious Rose, 37 years younger than the ageing iron ore magnate. Is it real love? Or has the housekeeper snagged the richest man in Australia? Lang and Rose quickly marry and what follows is an increasingly bitter public feud lasting two decades: filled with forbidden love, murder accusations, drug charges, illegitimate children, court cases and epic betrayal, all played out in the media, and all for Gina to retain control over the staggering Hancock family fortune.

Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace

The story begins at a middle school where the murder and dismemberment of a teacher has taken place. Kobayashi, a boy who goes to this school and the lead suspect in the case, meets the genius detective Akechi, who comes to the school to investigate. After being cleared of the crime, Kobayashi takes an interest in Akechi and, in spite of his friend Hashiba's worries, volunteers to be Akechi's assistant.

The Kraken Project

A research team at NASA is working on an Artificial intelligence system to pilot a spacecraft to Titan, Saturn's largest moon, since the journey is far too long and too dangerous for a human crew. The AI is named Dorothy by its developer, Dr. Melissa Shepherd. However, when the AI is put through a simulation of the ocean conditions on Titan, it detects danger and panics, eventually escaping from the machine and into the Internet while also creating an explosion that destroys the facility and kills several people. After experiencing the brutality of the Internet, Dorothy soon realizes that her purpose was to essentially go on a suicide mission; the enraged Dorothy appears to Shepherd in the hospital and vows revenge, setting her laptop on fire before fleeing back into the Internet.

Dr. Stanton Lockwood III, the science advisor to the President of the United States, hires Wyman Ford to track down the AI and capture it before it can cause even more damage. The terrified Shepherd asks to accompany him, both for her own protection and so that she can help bring an end to the AI she created. Meanwhile, a ruthless Wall Street banker named G. Parker Lansing, after witnessing a hacker steal his company's funds right out from under him, convinces his partner Eric Moro to help him track down the lost AI so that it can make the most precise market calculations to guarantee them investment success in the future. They hire a pair of twin assassins, Asan and Jyrgal Makashov, to help them in any of their endeavors that require assassinations or intimidation to get what they want, although Moro makes his concern over such brutal methods clear to the colder Lansing.

Eventually, Dorothy finds refuge in Charlie the robot, created by an aspiring inventor named Dan Gould, who created Charlie as a prototype for a line of playmate robots for children, having given Charlie to his depressed 14-year-old son Jacob. Dorothy tells Jacob of her travels and makes him promise not to tell anyone. However, Ford, Shepherd, Lansing, Moro, and the assassins all eventually converge on the Gould's house on the Northern California Coast, on a dark and stormy night. Lansing shoots Dan and leaves Moro to hold his wife hostage, before he and the assassins pursue Jacob and Dorothy into an abandoned barn in the hills. Jacob and Dorothy manage to outsmart both assassins, trapping them in the barn before Dorothy causes an electrical shortage that sets the barn on fire, killing both assassins while also catastrophically damaging the robotic body of Charlie, which appears to destroy Dorothy. Just as Lansing arrives to kill Jacob, Ford guns down Lansing while Moro surrenders to the police.

Several months later, Lockwood and the President have a meeting with Shepherd and Ford to offer them a job; designing militarized AI's to fight in the ongoing cyberwar with the Chinese. However, having witnessed the free-roaming capability, as well as fragile and emotional state, of Dorothy, both Shepherd and Ford refuse. Later that night, when Shepherd checks her laptop, Dorothy appears and reveals that not only did she survive the fire, but she has been fast at work solving problems and mysteries in the Internet. She claims to have not only deciphered the meaning of life and purpose of the universe, but also has plans to do "great things" that will be revealed on January the 20th. She promises that Shepherd and Ford will see her again, and they will know it's her from a quote from Carl Sagan: "This mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam." That is revealed to be an impromptu quote from the President during his second inaugural address, which he makes after having a new pacemaker implanted that has a network connection and a direct connection from his heart to the nerves in the brain, insinuating that Dorothy is now influencing the President's mind directly.

A Scandal in Bohemia (Sherlock Holmes episode)

The ransacking of Irene Adler's home

The episode begins with two burglars (in the Duke's pay) shown ransacking Irene Adler's house. Irene's coachman John catches the burglars in the act. Irene herself follows John into the room with a revolver in her hand. Without summoning the police, Irene brandishes the gun and motions the burglars to leave. John tries to protest but Irene asks him to close the windows.

A voice over of Dr. Watson tells us that the beautiful Irene Adler of "dubious and questionable memory" has always been "The Woman" to Sherlock Holmes.

The letter and the visitor

The scene cuts to Baker Street at night time. Dr. Watson's voice over explains that at the time of the case of Irene Adler, he and Sherlock Holmes had been sharing rooms at Baker Street for some years. His practice has kept him away for a few days and he has now returned, filled with apprehension as to Holmes' mood.

The scene changes to the insides of their room on Baker Street where Dr. Watson meets Mrs. Hudson who tells him that Holmes has been "all on edge" and that she has received instructions not to bring him supper until she is called.

Dr. Watson enters the drawing room to find Holmes sitting in an armchair staring into the fireplace. Just when he is about to express his exasperation at the pile of papers lying untidily on the table, he sees a syringe in the half open drawer of the table and thinks that Holmes has indulged in a dose of Morphine or Cocaine, but Holmes corrects him saying that his true stimulant in a letter that he has received by the morning post.

Dr. Watson notices that the letter is undated, unsigned and unaddressed. The letter states that a gentleman wants to consult Holmes on a matter of importance. They deduce from the letter that the writing is that of a man and that the paper is of German origin. From the grammar of the letter they deduce that the writer is also German ("''.. only a German is so uncourteous to his verbs..''"). Just when they have finished their deductions, they see a brougham driven by a pair of horses pull up at their door step. Dr. Watson wants to leave before the visitor arrives because he thinks the visitor will demand secrecy in the matter, but Sherlock insists on him staying.

The visitor (wearing a domino mask) rushes into the drawing room followed by Mrs. Hudson who is protesting that he cannot meet Sherlock Holmes without an appointment, but Holmes tells her that it is fine and asks her to leave the room. The visitor introduces himself as Count Von Kramm, a Bohemian nobleman. After obtaining a promise from Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to maintain absolute secrecy about the matter for a period 2 years, he goes on to say that the matter concerns the house of Ormstein, the hereditary kings of Bohemia. The visitor also confesses that the title that he has introduced himself with isn't his own. He is surprised when Holmes says that he has already deduced both these facts, and he takes his mask off revealing that he himself is Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein and the hereditary King of Bohemia.

The problem

The king then goes on to explain that about 10 years ago during a visit to Warsaw, he came to know an adventuress of the name Irene Adler. Holmes deduces that the king wants to recover compromising letters that he wrote to her then. On looking her up in the index, they find out that Irene Adler was born in New Jersey in 1858, that she is a singer, that she has retired from the operatic stage, and that she now resides in London making occasional stage appearances.

The scene cuts to a flashback, where the king and Irene are seen ball dancing while musicians play with their eyes blindfolded.

In the present time, in answer to Holmes question about how Irene can prove the authenticity of the letters, the king tells Holmes that she has a photograph that has both her and the king and in it.

The king tells Holmes and Dr. Watson that all attempts to recover the photograph from Irene have failed. That after two attempts of burglary, one attempt of redirecting her luggage during her travel and two attempts at waylaying her, the location of the photograph is still unknown and that she refuses to sell it.

Holmes is impressed at Irene's cleverness in hiding the photograph and can't help bursting out in laughter at the failed attempts of the king, making the king angry.

In answer to Holmes' question about her intentions with the photograph, the king tells him that she plans to use it to ruin his reputation. The king is about to marry Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meiningen, a young Scandinavian princess and if the photograph becomes public the marriage would be called off.

After giving them money to spend and the addresses of both himself and Irene Adler, the king leaves.

Holmes' investigations at Briony Lodge

Holmes goes to Briony Lodge, Irene Adler's residence in London, in the disguise of an out-of-work groom and manages to find employment there. Later at their residence on Baker Street, while removing his disguise, Holmes tells Dr. Watson that he was able to find out from the locals about her daily schedule and that she has only one regular visitor, a lawyer of the name Godfrey Norton of the Inner Temple.

The scene cuts to show an earlier time that day when Holmes is working on trimming the hedge at Briony Lodge and Irene is singing in her home. In a voice over, Holmes tells Dr. Watson how beautiful her voice is. While he is listening to her song, Godfrey Norton arrives there in a cab and enters the house. He is there for a short while and leaves by the same cab telling the cab man to drive as fast as he can to the Church of St. Monica in Edgware Road. Shortly after Norton, Irene leaves in her carriage as well.

In the present time, Holmes tells Dr. Watson that Irene has a "face a man might die for". Dr. Watson is surprised at his use of such language considering his dislike for women.

The scene cuts back to the time when Holmes has followed Godfrey and Irene in a cab to the church. In the church, it turns out at Godfrey and Irene are about to get married. Godfrey asks Holmes to be a witness to their marriage. After the marriage, Irene summons Holmes and gives him a sovereign as a souvenir for being present in the hour of need and both Godfrey and Irene go separate ways.

In the present time, Holmes tells Dr. Watson that he will need his assistance in activities later that night that may be out of the law and they may even risk an arrest, to which Dr. Watson readily agrees.

The drama at Briony Lodge

The scene opens with Dr. Watson and Holmes driving to Briony Lodge. It is night and Holmes is in the disguise of a clergyman. Holmes tells Dr. Watson that he plans on letting Irene herself show him where the photograph is kept, an idea that Dr. Watson finds amusing and hard to believe. They leave the cab a little distance before Briony Lodge. Quite a few people are seen meandering along the street. Holmes asks Dr. Watson to follow the instructions he has already given him - to act as soon as Holmes raises his hand.

Shortly afterwards, Adler arrives in her coach and 2 young men from the street rush to open the coach door for her. A fight breaks out between the young men over who gets to help Adler. Holmes enacts his plan and intervenes to stop the fight and to protect Adler. One of the men strikes Holmes and he is seemingly injured. Adler asks for Holmes to be carried into her home.

Inside her home, Holmes pretends to faint and asks the maid to open the window for some air. He asks Adler if she has any smelling salts, and while she is away to get it, raises his hand and motions to Dr. Watson, who is just outside the windows waiting for his cue. Dr. Watson tosses a plumber's smoke rocket into the room through the window. While the smoke from the rocket fills in the room, Holmes raises a cry of "Fire!" and in the confusion that ensues Adler rushes to open a panel in the wall that reveals a button, but before she can press it she notices that Holmes is watching her do that. She immediately closes the panel probably realizing that the whole thing was a ruse to get her to reveal the hiding place.

Holmes points out that the smoke is coming from the rocket and asks the coachman to tell the people outside on the street that it was a false alarm. With the hiding place now known, Holmes leaves in spite of Adler's insistence on him staying back for some refreshments.


As they drive back to Baker Street, Holmes tells Dr. Watson how Adler showed him the hiding place as expected. He tells him that he plans on calling early the next morning at Briony Lodge as himself with the king and Dr. Watson to collect the photograph. While Holmes and Dr. Watson are about to enter their home on Baker Street, another coach stops nearby, and a person gets off. Only the person's shoes are seen. The person walks past Holmes and Dr. Watson and greets Holmes good night. By the time both of them turn around and look, the person is seen walking away rapidly with the back facing them.

The next day when Holmes, Dr Watson and the king go to Briony Lodge, they find that Adler has already left England for the continent, never to return. Holmes presses the button in the panel to open a secret compartment that contains a different photograph of Adler alone and a letter addressed to himself. In her letter Adler tells Holmes that she had been warned earlier about him and that last night when she had inadvertently revealed the hiding place she had come to know that she had been tricked by Holmes. Being trained as an actress herself, it was she who in a man's disguise followed Holmes, just to make sure, and greeted him good night at his door step. She says that she has now kept the photograph with her only to safeguard herself from the king and that she does not plan on using it against him anymore.

The scene cuts to a ship aboard which Adler and Norton are leaving England forever. Alder throws the photograph of her and the king into the sea.

In the ending scene Holmes apologizes to the king about having failed in actually acquiring the photograph from Adler to which the king says that the photograph is now as good as it was in the fire, as Adler's word is inviolate and she will never use it if she says she won't. He offers Holmes his ring as a reward but Holmes asks for Adler's photograph instead and walks away without shaking the king's hand which he has held out. This shows Holmes' character at the climax.

Big Hearted Herbert

Herbert Kalness has worked hard to build up a successful plumbing supplies manufacturing company from nothing. His wife Elizabeth loves him dearly and is willing to put up with much. However, his grownup children, Alice and Junior, are put out by his constant complaining. Junior wants to go to college, but Herbert insists his son go to work for him in his business. Meanwhile, Alice has fallen in love with and wants to marry Andrew Goodrich, a Harvard graduate and lawyer (both qualities Herbert despises).

When Elizabeth arranges a dinner to get acquainted with the future in-laws, Herbert proceeds to antagonize everyone. So she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. When he brings customers home for dinner, she and the rest of the family act just as obnoxiously to them as Herbert had to the Goodriches. He eventually capitulates, and domestic peace is restored.

Whatever You Say (film)

Philippe Letzger (Philippe Lefebvre) is the host of ''It's Tissue Time!'', an exploitation television game show where contestants are made to cry. The show's audiences are warmed up by one of Letzger's assistants, Bastien (Guillaume Canet), an ambitious young man who provides Letzger with good ideas for the show, for which his boss eagerly takes credit. Bastien tolerates Letzger's antics in order to work with Jean-Louis Broustal (François Berléand), the show's sophisticated producer whom he admires. Bastien's girlfriend, Fabienne (Clotilde Courau), is frustrated by his worship of the suave producer. Bastien is equally frustrated when he finds out that the blonde he is attracted to at the office is in fact Broustal's young wife, Clara (Diane Kruger).

One day, Broustal begins to take interest in Bastien's ideas for the show, and invites him to spend the weekend with him and his wife at their country estate to work on a concept for a new show called ''Proof in Pictures''. When they arrive, Clara quickly seduces Bastien, but Broustal does not seem to care. During the weekend, Broustal tells the young man that he can make him a television star, but the couple's motives seem strange, and possibly sinister.

The Enchanted Barn

To care for her ailing mother, young stenographer Shirley (Love) takes her young brother (Butterworth) to find a new home with country air. She finds a barn, owned by the family of Sidney Graham (Glendon), who agrees to rent her the barn. She fixes up the barn, and moves in with her mother and brother.

Shirley overhears a conversation between two men who intend to swindle her new landlord in the sale of a mine. She transcribes their words in a stenographic report, and uses it to foil the deal. Graham is very appreciative, and he and Shirley get to know each other. Shirley falls in love with Graham, but she receives word that he is engaged to another woman.

The two swindlers seek revenge on Shirley by kidnapping her, but she manages to notify Graham by dropping a note out of a car window. He calls the sheriff, who tracks down the swindlers, and Graham himself finds Shirley. Once reunited, it is revealed that Graham is not, in fact, engaged to another woman, and that he is in love with Shirley.

Reaching Tin River

Thea Astley's main character, Belle, is a quick witted, strong willed, rebellious and ambitious young woman. Belle tells an ironic story of her childhood and her obsession with a dead man. While researching the archives of a middle-of-nowhere town called Jericho Flats, she path crosses that of the long-dead, Gaden Lockyer, with whom she becomes obsessed.

Enseñame a vivir

On a flight back to Buenos Aires, the millionaire Fernández Salguero family, their young daughter, Clodine, and servants, are stranded in the jungle after their jet malfunctions. The only survivors are Clodine and servants (the Benítez family), one of whom has a daughter of similar age (Lorena). They decide to abandon Clodine in the wild and tell their own young daughter to take the identity of Clodine in order to get her inheritance. They manage to convince her grandmother, Amanda Fernández Salguero, that Lorena is actually her granddaughter.

20 years later, the news reports the findings of "a young girl of the jungle" who was raised by monkeys. Responding to the name "Asai", she appears to have survived in the wild for the last 20 years. Amanda, stirred by the memory of the tragic loss of her son and daughter-in-law, invites "Asai" to live with her, and the secret of the Benítez family is threatened by her appearance.

They Call It Sin

Small-town church organist Marion Cullen (Loretta Young) falls in love with traveling salesman Jimmy Decker (David Manners). When she learns that the couple who raised her are not really her parents, and that she is actually the illegitimate daughter of a showgirl, she sets out for New York City in search of Jimmy. However, she discovers that he is engaged to Enid Hollister (Helen Vinson), his boss' daughter. Dr. Travers (George Brent), who is in love with Marion, offers to help her, but she decides to try to make it on her own.

Jobs are scarce, however. She ends up with other hopeful showgirls, among them Dixie Dare (Una Merkel), hoping to audition for a part in Ford Humphries' new production. The philandering Humphries likes what he sees in Marion and hires her as a piano accompanist. Dixie gets a job as well, and she and Marion become friends and roommates.

Travers sees Humphries and Marion together, and knowing the former's reputation, brings Jimmy to Humphries' party. Jimmy tells Marion that he loves her, but she refuses to break up his marriage. When she also refuses Humphries' advances, he fires her. He then decides to use one of the songs she had composed for his production, claiming he wrote it. When she learns of this, she confronts him, although he denies everything. Jimmy goes to Humphries' suite to convince him to do the right thing. During their argument, Humphries stumbles and falls onto the balcony below and lapses into a coma from his injuries. Jimmy flees the scene; however, the police have a description of him and suspect him of attempted murder. To shield Jimmy, Marion confesses to the non-existent crime. Desperate, Travers operates for hours on Humphries, who regains consciousness and explains what really happened in front of witnesses before dying. Marion is released and becomes engaged to Travers, as Jimmy wishes them well.


This television satire and social criticism produced in 100 less than 10 minutes episodes in 2009 starring Mohammad Solouki. This satirical television program tries to look at the cultural issues confronting society and modernity, occurred the metropolitan area of Tehran.

Mohammad Solouki tries to criticize these social phenomena in every episode with humorous stories. Non-Broadcastable's production lasted two years. At first it was aired in the box of Tehran20 television program on IRIB 5. Then as an independent program aired on IRIB5 and IRIB Amoozesh.

The Long Trail (film)

The plot description in the 11 August 1917 issue of ''Moving Picture World'' reads: Andre Dubois is a French Canadian trapper. His little sister, Michette, and he keep house, and as she grows to womanhood he realizes that he must send her away to school. About the time she leaves, Andre makes the acquaintance of Louise Graham, niece of a prosperous fur-dealer who has come to the north country in search of rare pelts. Andrew is struck by her beauty, but is disturbed to learn that she is already engaged. However, Andre is kind to travelers and offers to show Louise and her party some of the beauties of the place. On this trip Louise and Andre are separated from the others, are caught in a snowstorm, and obliged to take refuge in his cabin.

The next morning Louise's fiancé breaks their engagement. Andre offers her the shelter of his name and home, and after a hasty wedding the two being a queer sort of double housekeeping arrangement, each keeping strictly to his and her particular room in Andre's shack.

In the meantime, Michette, away at boarding school, is seeing a great deal of young Paul Graham, Louise's brother, and when Andre goes to get her, leaving Louise in the care of an Indian woman, he finds that she has left the convent with Paul. While he is looking for her, Michette herself, a broken-winged butterfly, comes back to the little shack on "The Long Trail." Louise and the Indian woman care for her until she dies.

Andrew returns too late, but vows vengeance on the man, and tells the Mount Police all he knows of him. Paul becomes involved in a gambling fracas and shoots a man. The police are on his trail and a large reward is offered for him. In his flight he stumbles into the shack of Andre, and is overjoyed at finding his sister.

The climax comes when Andrew returns and recognizes him. Louise explains that it is her brother, and Andre relents, but after saving him from the police, who come to the shack looking for him, he provisions a sled and starts him on his way out of the country. It is just as they have parted was that the police find Paul and the evidence seems to implicate Andre. He is manacled and the party starts back to civilization, passing Andre's shack, where Louise, frantic at the delay, is waiting.

When she sees her brother dead and Andre, who she has come to love for the goodness and kind heart, manacled, she explains everything to the mounted policeman, offering her own hands for the manacles. Instead, however, the policeman puts them in Andre's, now free, and rides off down the long trail, leaving the two together at last.


Based on a manga series, the film stars Matsuda Ryuhei and concerns a man who develops a deep fear of money who moves to a small and remote village to deal with his phobia. The story takes place in Tōhoku region.

Former bank clerk Takeharu thought he was strange when he moved to a remote village in Japan's northeastern Tohoku region after developing an inexplicable “money allergy.” However, as he attempts to live a peaceful rural life without currency, Kamuroba village's bizarre characters draw him out of his shell in this increasingly surreal madcap comedy.

However, when a nearby town leader attempts to overthrow the handyman bus driver mayor, Takeharu must prove his attachment to Kamuroba and its people.

The Crystal Gazer

When Rose Jorgensen, who lives in a squalid tenement house, hears that her husband is to be electrocuted, she commits suicide, leaving two young daughters, Rose and Norma. Rose is adopted by Judge and Mrs. Keith and brought up in luxury, while Norma is adopted by a neighbor and raised in squalor. Once grown, Norma is noticed by a hypnotist named Calistro who employs her to be his subject. Calistro becomes a society fad and while at an engagement, he notices the resemblance between Norma and Rose and learns of their past. Calistro confronts Rose with her past, and fearing blackmail, Rose breaks her engagement to wealthy Dick Alden and flees to Bermuda. In her absence, Dick is enthralled by Norma's resemblance to his lost love and offers to marry her, but when Rose returns, Norma learns that Dick still loves her sister. Later, when the building in which Rose is sleeping catches fire, Norma heroically saves her sister and forfeits her life so that Rose may live.|AFI

A Kiss for Susie

As described in a film magazine, while the male members of the family bring home money, Susie (Martin) keeps house and tries to keep them filled with food. A wealthy uncle dies and leaves the bricklayer fifty thousand pounds of gold, so the Nolans move into better quarters and fall in with a cheap set. Susie sees the ruin that money is bringing her father, brother, and sister, and succeeds in convincing them to invest in a supposedly poor stock. The venture fails and they suppose themselves penniless until Susie's beau (Forman) returns the money which he has invested in securities to take care of the family for life.

The Black Chapel

Europe, in the spring of 1940. After the lightning victory over Poland, Hitler's Wehrmacht drew up plans of attack for the overthrow of Western and Northern Europe. Several high-ranking officers fear that Hitler's excessive policy of conquest will ultimately plunge Germany into the abyss and therefore intend to contact Great Britain through diplomatic channels. After careful consideration, these officers from the management level of the Wehrmacht selected the journalist Robert Golder, who was critical of the regime, in order to establish contacts with the enemy. But also the other side in the form of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler has not remained inactive and tries to dig the nest of resistance. Due to a warning from the waiter in his favorite pub, Golder barely escaped being arrested by the Gestapo but was subsequently overwhelmed and kidnapped. But it is not Himmler's henchmen who kidnapped Golder. Rather, it is the resistance group behind it who want to use Golder as a messenger. He is supposed to convey Hitler's plans for the upcoming campaign in the West to a person of trust in the Vatican so that countermeasures can be initiated in the affected countries. This is to prevent a further escalation of the war.

The plan of the opposing Wehrmacht officers is to be able to hold talks with the British and French after a planned overthrow of Hitler in order to conclude a separate peace. Robert Golder is sent to Rome with the secret plans for the western campaign to a respected member of the Catholic Church. Himmler cannot prevent Golder from leaving the empire for Italy with a forged passport. But he notifies his most loyal representative on-site, the senior SS-Mann Hoffmann. This brawny guy has set up a regime of terror in the Italian capital that is disgusted by the ally in the form of the Roman police prefect Ferrari. While Golder intends to visit his contact, the other side is not idle, because Golder's opponents still have an ace up their sleeve: the equally pretty and dangerous top agent Tilla Turner, who is assigned to the journalist on a secret mission. But opponents eventually become confidants when Golder and Tilla fall in love. Now both are in mortal danger...

La vecina

Sara ends a long courtship with Cheo and is fired from the hotel where she worked. Faced with this situation, she decides to leave San Gaspar for a few days with her uncle Simón an aeronautical engineer who is devoted to agriculture; and with Bruno who falls for Laura the wife of Pedro the local leader of the plunderers of gasoline.

In CONATROL, company dedicated to the distribution of petrol; the Director-General, Mr. Uribe decides to send the Eng. Antonio Andrade to the plant in San Gaspar, due to excessive theft of gasoline in the area. Antonio agrees to leave immediately, postponed his wedding with Isabel daughter of millionaire Guillermo Cisneros.

In San Gaspar, father Vicente, uncle of Sara, is the leader of "The winged" local football team whose rival is Fidel, the Commander of San Gaspar, leader of "The Gunners." Both scramble to take over "jaibolera" the maximum trophy of the local tournament.

Ricardo takes advantage of Antonio's absence in the Federal District to take his place, even to seducing Isabel who is engaged to Antonio, and also allying himself in secret with Pedro to pass confidential information about CONATROL.

The action binds Sara and Antonio first as neighbors and then when it comes to CONATROL to ask for work. Sara and Antonio come together during a weekend on an unexpected journey. A great attraction develops between the two despite their very different personalities.

Now is Not the End

In 1946 New York, a year after the apparent death of the love of her life, Steve Rogers, Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) agent Peggy Carter is stuck doing administrative work while her male colleagues carry out field assignments. The latest case at the SSR is the hunt for Howard Stark, who has been branded a traitor for selling weapons-grade technology to U.S. enemies, and is now in hiding. Stark, a friend of Carter's from World War II, covertly meets with Carter to ask her help in clearing his name. He believes that his formula for molecular nitramene, which he says has been stolen, is about to be sold somewhere in New York.

At the SSR, Carter learns from the crippled war veteran agent Daniel Sousa that the chauvinistic and promotion-seeking Agent Jack Thompson is following a lead on club owner Spider Raymond, who is looking to fence Stark's inventions. Raymond indeed sells the formula to the silent Leet Brannis. Infiltrating the club in disguise, Carter breaks into Raymond's safe and discovers that the formula has already been turned into a weapon. By the time Thompson gets there, Raymond is dead, killed by a man in a green suit, who follows Carter back to her apartment and kills her roommate. Carter pushes him out a window, and notices that he has a scar on his neck where his voice box once was. After attempting to comfort her, Stark's butler Edwin Jarvis takes Carter to see Dr. Anton Vanko at Stark Industries, who deduces that the weapon was created at a Roxxon Oil refinery.

Carter finds Brannis mass-producing the nitramine weapons at the refinery. Brannis also has a scar where his voice box once was, and by holding an electronic device to it is able to warn Carter that "Leviathan" is coming. Brannis drops one of the bombs, giving Carter 30 seconds to escape, and the subsequent implosion destroys the building. Carter and Jarvis get away safely, as does Brannis with a truck full of nitramene bombs. Later, Jarvis calls Stark to assure him that Carter is an excellent choice.

Bridge and Tunnel (Agent Carter)

Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) agent Peggy Carter declines an offer from her waitress friend, Angie Martinelli, to become her new neighbor, wishing to protect Angie from the dangers of her double-life as a spy. Searching for a Daisy Clover Dairy truck filled with extremely dangerous molecular nitramene bombs, Carter poses as a health inspector and visits the company, learning the name of the truck's driver, Sheldon McFee. SSR Chief Roger Dooley assigns Agent Ray Krzeminski the task of sifting through the remains of a Roxxon Oil refinery that was imploded by one of the bombs while he and Agents Jack Thompson and Daniel Sousa visit Roxxon CEO Hugh Jones, who notes a rivalry between himself and Howard Stark (the creator of the molecular nitramene formula and a current fugitive from the law) and brings up Stark's work with Vita-radiation. Dooley orders Thompson and Carter screen every Roxxon employee for Vita-radiation, in case the implosion was an inside job.

During the screening process, Carter recognizes scientist Miles Van Ert, who had created the weapons for the mysterious Leet Brannis. Van Ert is arrested and tortured by Thompson until he reveals the name and location of McFee. Carter, trying to clear Stark's name without her colleagues and superiors knowing, reaches McFee with Stark's butler, Edwin Jarvis, first. A man in a green suit, who is hunting Brannis and the weapons, also learns of McFee's location. Carter defeats McFee, and convinces Brannis to go with her and Jarvis, but they are attacked by the man in the green suit. Carter fights the assailant, who mortally wounds Brannis. Carter, Jarvis, and Brannis leap from the truck and allow it, and the man, to drive over a cliff and into a lake. The impact causes the weapons to implode, signalling their location to the arriving SSR agents. Brannis draws a strange symbol in the dirt as a warning to Carter, before dying. Carter and Jarvis then leave before the SSR agents get there. Sousa finds a hotel key that belonged to the man in the green suit, and discovers a woman's footprints, not realizing that they are Carter's.

Later, Jarvis stitches up Carter's wounds, and notes that she doesn't want to get close to anyone. He reminds her that she can't keep the world safe herself, and that even she must learn to rely on her friends sometimes. Carter then reconsiders Martinelli's offer, and moves into the Griffith Hotel, a hostel of sorts for single, proper women. Back at the SSR, Carter is relieved that the other agents have no evidence of what she has been doing, but unbeknownst to her, Krzeminski finds the license plate for Howard Stark's car that she and Jarvis had taken to the Roxxon refinery.

Time and Tide (Agent Carter)

Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) agent Peggy Carter is acclimatizing to life in the Griffith Hotel, a strict women's-only hostel where men are not allowed above the lobby, while pretending to work at the telephone company, and secretly attempting to clear supposed traitor Howard Stark's name at night without the knowledge of her friends or colleagues. SSR chief Roger Dooley and Agent Krzeminski investigate a hotel room after having found a key while searching for Stark. They discover a typewriter with a long-range transmitter, while Agent Thompson discovers that the deceased Leet Brannis, who they had also found while searching for Stark, had apparently been killed two years earlier during World War II. Agent Sousa is investigating a license plate discovered in the remains of a Roxxon Oil refinery previously, and learns that it is registered to Stark.

Thompson and Sousa visit Stark's Butler Edwin Jarvis, who has been secretly assisting Carter at the request of the now in-hiding Stark, and take him in for questioning regarding the finding of the license plate at a major crime scene. Thompson brings up that Jarvis, when serving in the British military before World War II, had been dishonorably discharged for treason, only escaping the death penalty by the influence of Stark's fortune. Thompson threatens to have Jarvis and his wife, Anna, deported, but before this threat can be used to get any answers out of Jarvis, Carter intervenes, faking incompetence in a calculated move that allows Jarvis to walk free, in turn losing any respect that she may have earned from her male coworkers.

Carter and Jarvis then return to Stark's house, and search his vault, which had contained dangerous weapons that had been stolen by Brannis (Stark is deemed a traitor due to the fact that he could easily have sold the weapons on the black market himself). While following the sewer system below Stark's house, Carter broaches the subject of Jarvis's past with him, as she needs to be able to trust him if they are to work together. Jarvis explains that he had met Anna, who is Jewish, in Budapest whilst serving, and as War was breaking out, Jarvis's superior refused to save her from prosecution. Jarvis forged the general's signature in an attempt to save her himself, but was caught, and the two only escaped to live happy lives in America with the help of Howard Stark. At the end of the sewer pipe, the two find a ship in which Brannis had stored all of Stark's inventions. Jarvis anonymously tips off the SSR to their location, while Carter fights off an associate of Brannis' who was guarding the weapons. Using one of the weapons, Carter is able to subdue the man, but they are forced to leave him, a witness, there when the SSR promptly arrives.

Dooley orders the weapons and the man all transported back to the SSR immediately, with Krzeminski taking the man. As they are driving, the man is about to break Carter's cover to Krzeminski, when they are attacked by an unknown assailant, who kills them both. The entire SSR office mourns Krzeminski's death, even Carter, who he had never treated well at all. Dooley explains that even though Howard Stark may have not pulled the trigger, this was all his fault, and Krzeminski would still be alive if it wasn't for his actions.

I Love Her (film)

A young musician and songwriter, Nataly, moves to Kyiv with dreams of being discovered and finding fame. While performing on the street she meets a deaf-mute young woman, Anna, and the two are drawn to each other. Together they defy the nation's restrictions against homosexuality.

Joy Ride 3: Roadkill

Rob and Candy are holed up in a motel room, using methamphetamine and having sex. When they run out of drugs, Rob convinces Candy to use the CB to lure a trucker to their room, so they can rob him. Rusty Nail responds to Candy's summons. When Rob answers the door, Rusty realizes he's been tricked and takes the pair captive. Rob and Candy are chained to each other and the driveshaft of Rusty Nail's truck. He takes them to a deserted stretch of Highway 17 and tells them he will let them go if they can hang onto the hood of the truck for a mile. If one of them falls, the other will be pulled off the truck by the chain, and both will die under the truck. He tapes a bag of meth to the windshield of his truck, telling them they can have the drugs after they make it. After riding awhile, Rob calls out that they have ridden for at least a mile, and Rusty Nail agrees. Thinking they have made it, Candy reaches for the bag of drugs; her chain is pulled into the axle, and she and Rob are both pulled underneath the still-moving truck and killed. Later, the authorities are called to the scene; Officer Williams, a newly appointed deputy, wants to investigate further but is encouraged by Officer Jenkins to make it an open-and-shut case.

Racecar drivers Jordon and Austin, along with their team—Jewel (manager and Jordon's girlfriend), Mickey (mechanic and pit crew chief), Alisa (PR), and Bobby (groupie) -- are caravanning from Kansas to Canada so that they can compete in the Road Rally 1000; they have an SUV with a flatbed trailer for the racecar, and walkie-talkies to communicate from car to car. When they stop at Headingley Grill for lunch, Austin finds Highway 17 on a map; he discovers that it would shorten their journey by a day and give them more time to get the lay of the land. When they ask a creepy truck driver, Barry, for directions, he warns them against taking 17; he tells them it's called "Slaughter Alley" (which the cops at the scene of Rob and Candy's deaths also claimed) and tells them the story of Rusty Nail, who has become something of an urban legend. Jenkins stops in for a cup of coffee and denies Barry's claims, encouraging them to take 17. Barry tells them that stretch of highway is unpatrolled, which appeals to Austin, who wants to be able to test the limits of their car on the open road, so they agree to go that way.

Austin drives the racecar and Jordon, Jewel, and Alisa ride along. They tease Austin about a wreck he had previously gotten in. This is clearly a sore subject for Austin, who vents his frustration by messing with a truck driver (who just happens to be Rusty Nail) and then speeding off. Jordon makes Austin pull over and takes the driver's seat; just as they catch up to Mickey and Bobby in the SUV, Rusty Nail catches up to the group and starts laying on his horn. When Jordon tries to let him pass, he boxes them in, switching lanes so neither car can get around him. Jordon gets around, but as Mickey tries to pass, Rusty rams the flatbed trailer, causing it to detach from the SUV and run off the road. He then tailgates Jordon, who dodges to get out of the way of an oncoming station wagon; when Rusty tries to do the same, he jackknifes. Jewel and Alisa try to convince Jordon to stop, but he refuses, worried a mark on his record will cost them the race. Rusty checks a camera he has mounted to the front of the truck, identifying Jordon's license number, and then uses the CB to hail them; he has found their website and now knows exactly who they all are, threatening to make them pay for what they did. Jordon disregards his threats, and the team continues on.

Night falls, and the group stops at a gas station. Everyone is at odds over how to proceed. After Jewel fights with Jordon, she and Austin leave in the SUV to go to the police, as the others continue on in the racecar. Rusty Nail catches up to Jewel and Austin and tries to run them off the road; they desperately try to call Jordon for help on the walkie-talkie, which doesn't work on Jordon's end (as Barry warned them might happen). Rusty runs them off the road and puts their unconscious bodies in the back of his truck. Just then, the gang in the racecar gets their signals back and worry when they can't reach Jewel and Austin.

Rusty takes Jewel and Austin to a deserted field and then kills Austin by putting his hands and then face through the engine fan of his truck. He then calls Jordon on the walkie-talkie, telling him he'll trade Jewel and Austin for the racecar. Rusty instructs Jordon to come to an old warehouse in an hour; Jordon and the others devise a plan to ensure that Rusty Nail will not double-cross them, as Rusty torments Jewel. Meanwhile, Officer Williams finds the wrecked and abandoned SUV.

Jordon, Mickey, Alisa, and Bobby arrive at the warehouse and split up; Alisa stays with the car, Bobby and Mickey go around the perimeter, and Jordon heads inside. After a tense search of the warehouse, during which Rusty kidnaps Bobby, Rusty flees in the truck. Jordon, Mickey, and Alisa follow in the racecar. When they come across a police cruiser, they pull over to find Jenkins; after convincing him of their story with a photo Rusty sent of Jules, he agrees to help them catch up to Rusty Nail. However, Rusty comes out of nowhere and obliterates Jenkins and his cruiser; Jordon, Mickey, and Alisa give chase. Meanwhile, Officer Williams encounters a truck weaving recklessly, and flags it down; however, it's a driver for a meatpacking plant on a rush to deliver his cargo. When Williams searches the cargo, he finds parts of Austin's body; the driver claims he picked up a "rogue load" from a fellow trucker who needed help, but Williams subdues him and tries to hail Jenkins on the CB. He then tells dispatch he's bringing the meat truck driver in. Later he finds the burning wreckage of Jenkins' cruiser.

Rusty contacts Jordon and kills Bobby as the group listens helplessly over the walkie-talkie. Rusty then tells Jordon to meet him at a junkyard and give himself up; only then will he set Jewel and Austin free. Mickey wants to go get help instead, and forces Jordon off the road; he tries to convince Alisa to come with him, but she refuses and leaves with Jordon to go save their friends. Mickey goes for help on foot; he finds the truck parked on a side road and is overpowered by Rusty Nail. Rusty crushes Mickey's head with a floor jack, then lights the semi-trailer of his truck on fire, driving off in just the tractor unit.

Jordon sends Alisa to go get help and enters the junkyard alone. Jewel's screams draw him into the final showdown with Rusty Nail. The two fight, as Rusty indicates Jewel is trapped in a dangling car about to be crushed. Just as it seems Rusty has the upper hand, Alisa runs him over with the racecar, and she and Jordon go to rescue Jewel from the crusher. However, Jordon finds the video camera in the trunk of the crushed car; it is playing previously shot footage of Jewel. It's revealed that Rusty Nail tied her to the roof of the truck and ran her into the girders of a steel bridge, killing her.

Enraged, Jordon and Alisa get in the car to go find Rusty Nail, but he rams into them, trying to crush them. Alisa's leg is stuck, keeping her from getting out. Jordon runs to a nearby wrecking claw and uses it to put Rusty's truck in the crusher, with Rusty inside. Later, however, when Williams and his men investigate, Rusty Nail is nowhere to be found. The film ends with Rusty Nail hitching a ride with another truck driver.

Little Miss Optimist

As described in a film magazine, when the foster mother of Mazie-Rosie Carden (Martin) marries, she is forced to find another home. She is sent to Hope Mission where she is given a place to stay. A millionaire named West (Joy) is murdered in his home, and Mazie's brother Ben (West) is accused of the crime. Fear of the police drives Mazie to flee to a church where she hides for several days. On Sunday, she is forced to hide in the pulpit and from here she is able to identify the killer through a much damaged coin West had on his person at the time of his murder. With the real murderer brought to justice and her brother free, Mazie is happy. She discovers that she is loved by a young man whom she befriended when he first came to the town, and like a fairy tale they live happily ever after.

Lost in Transit (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, upon the death of his wife during the birth of his son, the wealthy Mr. Kendall (Barrows) places the child in a home and expresses a desire never to see his baby again. After two and one-half years of loneliness, however, he sends for the youngster. On the way home, the child is kidnapped from the carriage and the father and servants are mystified. In the meantime, Niccolo (Beban), an Italian junkman, finds a youngster among the rags of his cart and takes him home, intending on the following day to turn the child over to the police. He becomes attached to the little fellow and puts off going to the authorities. Another Italian, hearing of the Kendall reward, discloses that Niccolo has a baby concealed in his home and they take the child away upon the testimony of a grafting nurse. The death of a pickpocket, however, clears up the disappearance of the Kendall baby and the real Kendall heir is returned to his father, while Niccolo is allowed by a kindly judge to retain possession of his new ward.

Carolyn of the Corners

Young Carolyn May Cameron (Love), is orphaned when her parents are lost at sea. She and her dog Prince leave the family's Harlem flat to go to live with her uncle Joe (Edler) in Maine. She becomes friends with her uncle's former fiancee, Amanda (Mineau), and slowly helps repair their relationship.

While visiting an ill friend, Carolyn and Amanda are trapped in a forest fire. Joe rescues them, and he and Amanda fall back in love. They get married, and Carolyn decides to return to Harlem.

Once home again, she is overcome by sadness, but is interrupted by her parents, who were not actually lost at sea.

On the Level (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, Merlin (Ward), the only daughter of a sheep rancher, is kidnapped by Sontag (Dean), who shoots her father and drives off the sheep. She is compelled to dance nightly in Sontag's saloon where she is known as Mexicali Mae. There she meets Joe Blanchard (Ford), a derelict from the east who plays the piano in order to secure enough dope to satisfy his craving. Sontag, fearing that one of his confederates has double crossed him and told about his opium smuggling operations, kills the man and places the blame on Joe. Merlin helps Joe escape, and they take up a ranch where Joe finally overcomes his desire for drugs. Joe's mother (Chapman) and fiancee (Pickford) pay a visit and Mrs. Chapman tries to buy off Merlin and have Joe return east. Merlin returns to Sontag's dance hall, and Joe follows, convinced that she no longer loves him. Merlin returns to the ranch and is about to end her own life when Joe and Sontag arrive. In the tussle that follows, Sontag is killed and Joe realizes that Merlin really loves him.

The Countess Charming

As described in a film magazine, upon insulting the Vandergrafts, leaders of the North Shore Club, Stanley Jordan (Eltinge) is forced out of society. Determined to be near his sweetheart Betty (Vidor), he becomes the Countess Raffelski. He takes the North Shore colony by storm. At many of the social functions valuables have been stolen and the guilty person cannot be found. Suspicion is thrown upon the countess and, to escape all, Stanley spreads the rumor that the countess is dead. He wins Betty and with the money from the stolen jewels he is able to make a large contribution to the Red Cross fund.


A single father accidentally kills his eight-year-old daughter by administering the wrong medication. He finds it challenging not only to have her body buried but also to bury his culpability.

A Man Named Rocca

Roberto La Rocca is an ex-gangster who is told by "The Mexican" that his friend Xavier Adé has been imprisoned for a murder he did not commit. He goes to Marseilles to meet Adé's partner Villanova.

Rocca suspect that Villanova is involved in the frame up and seduces his mistress Maud. He shoots and kills Villanova and takes over the gambling club run by Xavier and Villanova.

Rocca falls in love with Adé's sister, Genevieve. Xavier is found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison. When gangsters threaten the club, Rocca shoots them and is sentenced to prison too.

In prison, Rocca and Xavier volunteer to clear land mines. Xavier loses an arm because of this. When they get out, Rocca and Genevieve plan to buy a farm together. However, Genevieve is killed in a shoot out caused by Xavier. The friendship between Rocca and Xavier is over.

Backfire (1964 film)

A criminal organisation offers a Parisian man, David, $10,000 to transport a car across Europe. They tell him little about it except that drugs are not involved. He is accompanied by a photographer, Olga.

David discovers he is smuggling gold. The two travel to Beirut then Damascus. They fall in love and David wants the gold for himself.


The race car driver François Holin, nicknamed Ho (Jean-Paul Belmondo) abandons his sport after his friend is killed because of him and becomes part of a gang of bank robbers. Other members of the gang – the Schwartz brothers, treat him with contempt but work with him because without a good getaway driver their plans are doomed to failure. During preparation for the next robbery the leader of the gang is killed, and Ho intends to take his place to carry out the robbery. As usual, the first part of the plan is carjacking which is entrusted to Ho. But the police manage to seize him and he is sent to prison. There he sits in a cell with a bum who has received a mere 1,5 months sentence and begins to impersonate him. After 1,5 months pass the guards can no longer distinguish one from the other and Ho manages to get out of jail instead of the tramp. Immediately he creates false documents for himself and returns to the old apartment of his gang. The next day all the newspapers publish front-page articles about the daring escape, calling Holin public enemy number one, a man with nerves of steel, and state that while such a brilliant criminal is on the loose, the criminal world is invincible. Thus the police with the help of journalists hope to provoke Holin to rash acts unaware of his excessive vanity. But he unravels their plan and forces the author of these articles to write the truth. Moreover Holin intends to implement a plan that they developed before his arrest, but the Schwartz brothers refuse to work with him as they have already found a replacement for him. Then Holin goes in search of new associates and finds three small time robbers, who offer participation in a bank robbery. They succeed in the robbery, but soon the police are out on the Holin’s trail, knowing his weakness for expensive ties and set up ambushes in stores. Trying to escape from persecution Holin again faces the Schwartz brothers who are trying to take away his stolen money. This costs the life of the brothers and the girlfriend of Holin, a well-known model. Holin again ends up in the hands of the police again.

Exile (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, American engineer Richmond Harvey is working for the betterment of Exile, a Portuguese colony. Vincento Perez, as chief justice, holds the power of life and death over thousands of Arabs. Perez desires to obtain a letter he has written Harvey, which, if published, would mean the ruin of Perez. He sends his wife Claudia to Harvey's quarters, where she intimates that she is in love with him. They have a sumptuous dinner and sit far into the night talking. Finally she retires, handing Harvey the key to her room. He tells her that he will not take advantage of the situation, and in the morning hands her the letter. She gives it to her husband and leaves him. The Arabs arise against Perez and kill him. Harvey saves Claudia's life by snatching her from a veranda surrounded by angry Arabs and they ride off together.

The Ghost House (film)

As described in a film magazine, Lois Atwell (Huff) and her widowed sister Alice (Grey), with no money left to pay their rent, go to live in a house left to them by their uncle which is known to be haunted. The same evening Ted Rawson (Pickford) is sent to spend the night in the haunted house as part of his college hazing. When the women hear someone breaking into the house they think he is a burglar and Lois holds Ted captive at the point of a gun. A real thief is also hiding in the house and when he sees the women trailing in their white gowns, he thinks they are ghosts and departs hastily. Although Lois doubts that Ted is a real housebreaker, she treats him as one until he can explain who he is and the police catch the actual criminal.

Tenchi: The Samurai Astronomer

In the days when Copernicus's Heliocentrism was unknown to many, there was a man named Santetsu Yasui who attempted to create a correct calendar using astronomical observations. 

[安井算哲] Santetsu Yasui was born into the Yasui family, a prominent family that teaches Go to the shogun, is a honest man with no desire for advancement. He loves observing the stars and solving arithmetic problems and is often overly enthusiastic about them.

One day he goes to [金王八幡宮] Konno-Hachimanngu to see new arithmetic frames ([算額] 算額)and he meets a girl named En, who works there and is going to be his wife after he completes his challenge for making a new calendar. En told Santetsu about the man who answered to the question on arithmetic frames at the first sight.

On that day, Santetsu and his Go rival Hon'inbō Dōsaku agree on doing a real game, not a predetermined performance in front of the Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna and their own Go master. Their game is interrupted by a solar eclipse which is considered as an indication that bad things will happen. Although these two get scolded by their masters since their Go performance is not what it is supposed to be, however, the Ietsuna finds the game interesting.

In those days, Japan used the calendar introduced by China which showed discrepancy little by little. Then Hoshina Masayuki gave Santetsu the order to make a correct calendar by observing astoronomy. The process of correcting the calendar has to be done by Imperial Court and this makes his challenge hard and troublesome.

The film chronicles Santetsu Yasui's life as a mathematician and inventor of the Jōkyō calendar. It is an adaptation of the novel ''Tenchi meisatsu'' by Tow Ubukata.

Pirate's Passage

The story is set in 1952 in the fictional community of Grey Rocks, Nova Scotia, where 12-year-old Jim faces bullying at school. His widowed mother runs a local inn, which is facing a takeover by a wealthy family. Sea captain Charles Johnson appears to assist Jim and his mother through their struggles. However, Johnson appears to be a pirate who supposedly died two centuries ago.

The story is based on William Gilkerson's book ''Pirate's Passage'', which won the 2006 Governor General's Award for English-language children's literature.

The Trouble Buster

As described in a film magazine, after the death of her father, Michelna (Martin) is threatened with being sent to an orphan's asylum. She escapes and becomes the companion of "Blackie" Moyle (Willis), a newsboy. Donning his clothes she too sells newspapers. One night she is lured to a flat by Tip Morgan (West), a crook. Blackie rescues her, but in the struggle is blinded. Michelna has a statue that she has made and calls the Trouble Buster. She takes it to an art exhibit and it gains immediate favor. Blackie is given the credit for the statue, and with the money from the statue is able to get an operation which restores his sight. Michelna has taken an abode with some suburban folks where she works as the maid. One day while she is paying Tip some "silence" money, Blackie enters the scene, drives Tip away, and declares his love for her.

Gotita de gente

Little Ana María is snatched a few days after her birth from the arms of her mother Martha, a young woman, and is then taken to an orphanage located in the town of San Juan del Río. Nine years later the girl, tired of the abuse that has been in place at the orphanage, escapes and hides in a truck that takes her to Mexico City, arriving in a neighborhood where young Juan Bautista Martínez, who finds the girl sleeping in a hard position inside the truck, lives at.

The Call of the East

As described in a film magazine, Sheila Hepburn (Loomis), the half-sister of Alan Hepburn (Holt), is the daughter of a Japanese mother. While visiting Alan, who works in Tokyo, she attends a festival with her Japanese maid while wearing a Japanese kimono. There she meets the wealthy Arai Takada (Hayakawa), who is taken by the mysterious woman. Alan has dishonored and betrayed O'Mitsu (Aoki), and her brother Arai plans a terrible revenge. Alan loses heavily at cards to Arai and, to forget his losses, accompanies Arai to his country home. There Alan is about to be thrust into a pool of quicksand to die when Sheila appears, having been warned of Arai's plans. Dismayed that the woman he met at the festival is Alan's sister, Arai sees that she and Alan do not meet, but later agrees to release her brother as Sheila wins Arai's love and respect. At that moment Alan appears, having escaped from his prison, and strikes Arai down. Sheila bursts into tears and runs to the fallen man, and Alan, seeing his sister responding to the "call of the east," departs.

Uncle Sam Magoo

Mr. Magoo goes to Hollywood to get a part in a film, but instead witnesses the history of the United States firsthand in a series of adventures that take place in different time periods.

The Son of His Father

As described in a film magazine, Gordon Carbhoy (Ray), the spoiled son of wealthy father James Carbhoy (French) who owns several railroads, is sent out by his father to turn $5,000 into $100,000, which the son claimed to be able to do. Gordon meets Silas Mallinsbee (Nichols) at Buffalo Falls, where the son is eager to have the railroad build a station at that point. Mallinsbee cannot come to an agreement with David Slosson (McKim), the representative of Gordon's father. Gordon takes things into his own hands and makes a captive of Slosson. When his father shows up, Gordon takes him captive also. Using his father's code, Gordon orders a train crew to come to Buffalo Falls and construction of the station begins. After work is well underway, Gordon brings his report to his father, who is proud of his son. By then the little love affair between Gordon and Hazel, daughter of Mallinsbee, comes to a head, and Hazel promises to become Gordon's wife.

The Hungry Heart

As described in a film magazine, Courtney Vaughan (Frederick) is very much in love with her husband Richard (Hall). However, when he neglects her for his chemistry work, she turns to Basil Gallatin (Cain), her husband's partner and a homewrecker. When Richard learns that Courtney desires her freedom he divorces her, giving her custody of their little son. After a separation of some time, Richard returns to the home and asks permission to use the laboratory. He asks Courtney to assist him, which she does. Basil, learning that Courtney is free, returns to her only to be turned away. He then goes to Richard and demands Courtney, but Courtney tells Richard to kill both her and Basil. Basil, frightened, runs away, and Courtney and Richard make arrangements to start life anew.

The Clever Mrs. Carfax

As described in a film magazine, Billy Wise (Church) dares his friend Temple Trask (Eltinge) to dress in women's garb and take luncheon with him at the club. Trask takes up the challenge and while dressed as Mrs. Carfax meets Helen Scott (Jefferson). Helen has a sickly grandmother who is afraid that her granddaughter will take all of her money, and so she puts her trust in two crooked hirelings. Trask recognizes the grandmother's secretary as a former jailbird and, realizing the situation, accompanies Helen and her grandmother home. Without letting his identity become known, Trask as himself and later as Mrs. Carfax discovers that Helen cares for him. At the grandmother's home, he can catch the secretary and maid with negotiable securities, trying to make good their escape. He then confesses his costume ruse to Helen, who would rather have him as Trask.

A Moment of Romance II

Celia (Jacklyn Wu) illegally enters Hong Kong from mainland China and works as a prostitute in order to earn money to save her younger brother from prison. While working for the first time, Celia witnesses the murder of a triad leader and gets framed for the murder. As triad members are chasing her, she is rescued by Frank (Aaron Kwok), a member of a biker gang. Frank came from a wealthy but broken family and always feels depressed. However, he later becomes inspired by Celia's upbeat personality and the two of them fall in love. Celia then leaves Frank in order to avoid bringing him into trouble with the triads, but Frank unconditionally sacrifices his life to save her.

Jack and Jill (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, Jack (Pickford), an East Side New York lightweight fighter, becomes the dupe in a frame-up fight in which he knocks out a champion and is led to believe that he killed the man. That night he goes to New Jersey and boards a handcar. The next day he finds himself in Texas where the cowboys decide to have a good time with the tenderfoot. Jill (Huff), his pal and sweetheart, gets the money due Jack for fighting and, when she hears from him, she, too, goes to Texas. She arrives at the ranch when the cowboys are away and the Mexicans are planning a raid. When Jack hears of her presence, he rushes to the ranch and arrives just in time to prevent the Mexicans from attacking it. He knocks out several Mexicans just as the cowboys, who were wondering why Jack was in such a hurry, arrive. The Mexicans are driven off and Jack is the hero of the hour. He is given a steady position at the ranch and he and Jill live on happily.

Ice (British TV series)

By 2020, global warming has increased significantly. Southern Europe has turned into a desert since it stopped raining, and similar events now happen in Northern Europe. Only the United Kingdom and some parts in the United States are unaffected. Furthermore, a global energy crisis exists as fossil fuels are running out. The last known reserves are under seabed under Greenland's glaciers. An American energy company, Halo, has the only licence to drill in Greenland.

Professor Thom Archer works at "Polar Alliance", a government service, whose purpose is to find connections between industrial activities in the Arctic and the melting of its ice. Thom tries to convince the authorities to revoke the licence of Halo. According to Thom the glaciers are melting very fast, and if they disappear the sea water will rise 7 metres, the North Atlantic Current will halt, potentially causing a new ice age in the Northern Hemisphere. Halo admits there is indeed a heating in that area but also claims Thom has no evidence there is a direct connection between the heating and Halo's activities. Therefore the government extends the licence.

As Thom's wife & daughter travel to visit his father in the UK for his daughter's birthday, Thom's colleague Peterson finds evidence that Halo's drills are responsible for the melting of the glaciers. Thom travels to Greenland only to find out Peterson was killed, apparently by a polar bear, but later determined to be at Halo's hand.

Despite this, Thom finds Peterson's evidence, as a new drill by Halo opens a geothermic source in the seabed. This source melts down all the polar ice in only a few hours. Thom's prediction is now a fact: the northern hemisphere is rapidly covered by an enormous amount of snow and temperature decreases to -22° Fahrenheit.

At Thom's insistence, the British Government advises the population to evacuate to the south, and they dismantle the apparatus of government. Meanwhile, Thom flies to the UK with ex-Halo environmental advocate Sarah Fitch, to rescue his family in a post-apocalyptic London.

The Book of Unknown Americans

Alma and Arturo Rivera leave their comfortable surroundings in Pátzcuaro, Mexico when their daughter Maribel suffers a severe head injury. Their journey into the United States leads them to Newark, Delaware, a town with a school for the intellectually disabled known as Evers. Alma and Arturo hope that enrolling Maribel in Evers will help her recover from her severe brain damage. Arturo obtains a work visa, and he is able to get a job at a mushroom factory. However, the family's life beyond his job remains uncertain; they do not have a stable home environment, Alma does not work, and Maribel has not been officially admitted to Evers.

The Riveras encounter the plight of many poor immigrants. They do not know how to speak English, they are unfamiliar with the school systems, and they are new to American culture.

They find emotional support when they meet Rafael and Celia Toro. The Toro family have two sons, Enrique and Mayor, and they live in the same low-income apartment complex as the Riveras. The Toro parents are immigrants from Panama who have become legal citizens but struggle to get by on one meager income. Celia Toro befriends Alma Rivera, and both women grow quite fond of each other. When Celia's son Mayor meets Maribel he is immediately attracted to her. Yet given her inability to speak fluidly due to her head injury, he learns to communicate with her through other means. But their relationship is threatened by Garrett Miller, a boy at Mayor's school, who constantly bullies Mayor. One day after school, Garrett follows them and he bullies Mayor and accosts Maribel. Days later, Garrett sexually assaults Maribel. Her mother Alma witnesses the assault, and she immediately goes to the police. The police dismiss the incident in part because Alma does not know how to speak English well. Her lack of English speaking skills lead to miscommunication and a misunderstanding of the facts. The police officer characterizes the incident as two teenagers who are most likely infatuated with one another and a mother who is not savvy about these common liaisons among teenagers. Alma is traumatized by the assault, and she is deeply concerned Arturo will blame her for not keeping Maribel safe. Soon after she meets with the police, she decides not to tell Arturo about the entire incident.

Arturo eventually loses his job and he is unable to find a new one. His new unemployment status causes him to lose his visa, and his non-visa status also affects his family's legal standing. They can no longer legally stay in the United States.

Meanwhile, Quisqueya Solis, a prying neighbor who has also been the victim of assault, tells Alma that Mayor and Maribel were alone together kissing in a car. Quisqueya suggests, by pure speculation, that Mayor may have been taking advantage of Maribel. This news triggers Alma's trauma when she witnessed Garrett assaulting her daughter. She confronts Celia and bans Mayor from seeing her daughter.

One day in March, after the first snowfall of the year, Mayor steals his father's new used car. He drives to Maribel's school and he helps her leave school grounds on false pretenses. They take a drive to the beach. When Maribel does not come home from school, Alma thinks Garrett may have kidnapped her and sexually assaulted her again. This concern leads her to tell her husband the truth about the Garrett Miller assault.

Arturo is infuriated when he hears the news and decides to go to Garrett's house. When he arrives at Garrett's house he encounters Garrett's father, who is also enraged, and who points a gun at Arturo and then pulls the trigger. When Mayor and Maribel return home they learn that Arturo has been shot by Garrett's father. He dies at the hospital, and Alma decides to return home to Mexico shortly after. As a final gesture of friendship, Celia and her other neighbors donate money that Alma needs to transport Arturo's body back to Mexico.

Kantai Collection (TV series)

In a world where humanity faces the threat of the abyssal fleet which has taken over the seas, special human girls who don weaponized outfits and possess the spirit of historical naval vessels known as are the only ones capable of countering them. The ''kanmusu'' live together at a naval base, where they spend their everyday lives as they begin training for battle.

The series features the destroyer Fubuki as the main character, with the storyline based on her point of view. Fubuki arrives at the naval base, where she meets other girls that she will eventually fight alongside. Despite lacking adequate combat training, she is recommended into the Third Torpedo Squadron by the admiral, and quickly finds herself sortied into battle. Upon being rescued by Akagi in a dangerous situation, Fubuki strives to do her best in order to train, with the hopes of eventually being able to fight alongside Akagi.

Reaching for the Moon (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, Alexis Caesar Napoleon Brown (Fairbanks) learns that his mother was a great princess from the European province of Vulgaria but became an outcast because she did not marry royal blood. Alexis believes that if one concentrates on one thing long enough, it will come true. He is continuously concentrating on the idea some day he will be king of Vulgaria. He tells his ambitions to the girl of his dreams (Percy), who is the "patient listener." After one of his conferences with his patient sweetheart he goes home and dreams he is king of Vulgaria. On all sides his life is threatened by Black Boris (Campeau), who aspires to the throne. Arrangements are made for him to marry the Princess Valentina, but after one glance at her he is ready to run away. However, he is persuaded to remain and it becomes necessary for him to fight a duel with his rival Boris. Alexis, not knowing how to use a sword, puts up a poor fight and after a short struggle is sent flying down a steep precipice. It becomes steeper and steeper until Alexis awakens, having fallen out of bed. He is cured of his desires and is happy in his little home in New Jersey with his "patient listener" as Mrs. Alexis Caesar Napoleon Brown and a two-year-old to pass his time with.

The Judgment House

As described in a film magazine, Jasmine Grenfel (Heming) forsakes her suitor Ian Stafford (Tearle) and marries Rudyard Byng (Lucas), who has worked his way up to the top rungs of success in the African diamond mines of the Transvaal. Stafford, saddened, goes to Africa. During the three years that follow Byng becomes dissipated. Adrian Fellowes (Doucet), his secretary, has intrigues with several women including the dancer Al'Mah (Deshon). He has also paid some attention to Jasmine, which has aroused the dancer's jealousy. Fellowes is found murdered and the husband and wife both suspect each other of the crime. At the outbreak of the Boer War Byng joins the army and Jasmine and Al'Mah join the Red Cross. The battles that ensue bring out the manhood of Byng. Al'Mah is struck by a fragment of a shell and in a dying confession admits the murder of Fellow. Jasmine and Byng are later happily reunited.

The Courageous Coward

As described in a film magazine, Suki (Hayakawa), born and educated in America, still worships the customs of his ancestral country. Foreign born Rei (Aoki) arrives in Chinatown and wins his heart. He goes to college to finish his law studies, leaving Rei to await his return. Rei is led to believe that she should become Americanized to please him on his return, so she learns the way of the cabarets in the company of Tom Kirby (McDonald), son of ward boss Big Bill Kirby (Hernandez). Suki returns and is disappointed. Rei finally consents to elope with Tom, leaving Suki lost to her. A murder is committed and Suki prosecutes a suspect almost to the point of conviction when Tom confesses his guilt to him. When Suki refuses to go forward with the case, he is branded a coward and disgraced, with only Rei believing in him. At length Tom confesses to the murder and prepares to stand trial, his confession clearing Suki and leaving him free to marry Rei.

Beyond Skyline

Taking place at the same time as ''Skyline'', Mark Corley, a Los Angeles police detective, helps his estranged son, Trent, out of jail just as an alien invasion begins. The entire population of the city is sucked into various spaceships by a blue light. Mark leads a group of surviving humans through underground subway tunnels to escape, though most of the humans are killed or abducted, one by one. The survivors – Mark, Trent, transit operator Audrey, and a homeless man known only as "Sarge", who is immune to the blue light due to his blindness – escape to the marina following the city's nuclear destruction, only to be abducted into the alien flagship by a towering alien tanker.

On board the spaceship, Mark tries to find his son and storms his way into various chambers, where he meets up with survivor Elaine and her transformed husband Jarrod (from the first film). Elaine explains that Jarrod retained control of his mind despite being transformed into a bio-mechanical alien soldier. Though Elaine is three months pregnant, her pregnancy has accelerated and she gives birth to a daughter.

Elaine dies during the delivery, and Mark and Jarrod team up to destroy the alien ship by setting alien explosives inside the ship's control systems. When Jarrod is killed fighting the alien leader, Mark rescues Audrey but is too late to save his son.

Trent has his brain taken and placed in another alien bio-mechanical machine creature. Sarge is badly wounded when he defends the baby from an alien. The dying Jarrod destroys the ship, which crashes in rural Laos.

Mark, Audrey, Sarge and the baby escape from the spaceship which starts to repair itself. Sarge dies from his wounds shortly after the group meets Sua and his sister Kanya, who belong to a drug cartel and fight against both aliens and local rogue ex-policemen bandits.

As they trek through the jungle, the group discovers that the human baby grows at an accelerated rate, from an infant into a three-year-old in just one day. Sua and Kanya lead Mark, Audrey, and the baby to a hidden human resistance hideout and drug processing facility located in local ruins. In addition, the leader of the rogue policemen Huana intercepts them but is disarmed and captured by Sua.

Harper, a medical officer and former drug chemist, examines the baby girl and learns about her unique DNA, and believes her blood may be the key to defeating the aliens. Using the child's blood and recovered alien technology, Harper develops the serum that he believes will free the bio-mechanical soldiers from alien control and restore their human personality. Though Sua insists on killing all the bio-mechanical soldiers, Mark convinces Sua to allow him to save Trent.

While on a patrol, Kanya encounters a four-legged tanker alien and sacrifices herself by luring it into an old minefield left over from the Vietnam war. Though she destroys it, she unwittingly gives away their location to the alien ships searching for the human newborn child. They converge on the human base.

During the resulting battle between the aliens and the humans several members of the human resistance are killed, including Harper. Mark enters a grounded alien ship where he uses Harper's serum to turn the mind-controlling blue light into a red light that frees the mind-controlled bio-mechanical soldiers. Before he can deploy it, the alien leader and his horde of alien warriors attacks the human resistance and rips out the cannon containing the light. Sua frees a jailed Huana on the condition that he fights for the resistance. Mark, Audrey, Sua and Huana then make a last stand to fight back the aliens. Though the four fight off hordes of aliens, Huana loses two arms and a leg during the fight.

Trent, his mind restored after encountering his father, fights back inside a giant alien tanker. While the alien leader is busy fighting Trent, the child fixes the cannon which Trent uses to kill the alien leader and release the red light, freeing the bio-mechanical soldiers. With Earth saved, Audrey names the girl Rose after Mark's deceased wife.

Ten years later, Rose, now a fully-grown adult, has taken control of an alien ship, and alien Trent is her second-in-command and adoptive brother. Rose leads freed bio-mechanical soldiers and humans in an assault on the other alien ships around the Moon, including the mothership.

Truants (film)

Six old schoolfriends meet every summer in Salamina, the place where they grew up. Year after year they change and mature and the youthful dreams are replaced by reality. Αs they grow up, their once-solid friendship inevitably fades. Finally, they follow different paths and gradually become like strangers. One member doesn't stand the situation and commits suicide.

Molly Entangled

As described in a film magazine, there is constant strife between the families of Barry and O'Mara. If Jim Barry (Spaulding) dies without marrying, the family fortune will revert to the son of the O'Maras. Jim gets intoxicated one night and slips down the cellar stairs, severely injuring himself. After the town doctor predicts that he will die, so to save the fortune Mrs. Barry (Dunbar) calls Molly Shawn (Martin) and asks her to marry Jim. Because the Barrys had done much for her family, Molly consents even though she loves Barney Malone (Ford). Jim is taken to the city, is operated on, and gets well. Molly is disappointed but, knowing it can be no other way, lives on as Mrs. Jim Barry. One day Jim learns that the marriage ceremony had been performed by a tramp endeavoring to escape justice, so he gives Molly her freedom and she and Barney make preparations for their wedding.

The Eternal Temptress

As described in a film magazine, Harry Althrop (Dexter), a young American, is in love with Princess Cordelia (Cavalieri) and when he finds his funds are getting low he forges the signature of Thomas Lawton (Laffey), the American ambassador and a close friend of his father, to a check so that he might buy the beautiful Italian princess some jewelry. Count Rudolph Frizel (Hale) of Austria, anxious to obtain information concerning Italy's stand in an approaching war, threatens to expose Harry unless he provides the documents from the American embassy. It turns out that the specific documents are readily available with the ambassador, and Harry picks them up and gives them to the Count. This act is discovered by the ambassador and Harry is brought to trial. Cordelia learning of Harry's predicament, goes to Count Frizel and kills him to obtain the documents. The documents are then returned to the embassy, and Harry is released. Cordelia returns home, takes poison and dies in her lovers arms. The film ends with Cordelia on her bier.

The Fair Barbarian

As described in a film magazine, Octavia Bassett (Martin) of Bloody Gulch, after a breakup with her sweetheart, decides to visit her Aunt Belinda (Wolfe) in Slowbridge. Her apparel and automobile shock the inhabitants of Slowbridge, and tongues are set wagging at the musicale of Lady Theobald (Crowell). Octavia matches wits with Captain Barold (Gerrald). Lady Theobald is anxious for the captain to marry her niece Lucia (Busch). However, Lucia loves Mr. Burmistone (Paget), a "common" mill owner. Just as Octavia has decided that she will marry the captain, her father and Jack Belasys (MacLean), her ex-fiancé, arrive in Slowbridge. The pleasure of seeing Jack and the knowledge that she can return to Bloody Gulch reunite Jack and Octavia.

Nemexia (video game)

Many years ago the humans discovered space travel and decided to explore the galaxy. A small group calling themselves "The Confederation" discovered an ancient planet with unlimited resources which helped them develop their technical potential. It took them some time, but finally they’ve managed to create an AI so profound that it developed a free will. They’ve called these creatures "Terteths". With time passing these robots were assisting the Confederation in everything. Realizing their own potential the Terteths formed a Union and separate themselves from the Confederation. Few of them stayed as assistants to their masters but the others were curious about the rest of the universe, just like their creators. In their distant journeys the Terteths discovered another intelligent race at the far end of their Galaxy, Insect-like creatures they called "Noxis". Blinded by their eagerness for knowledge, the Terteths and the Confederation didn’t notice that the Noxis had started to evolve. Like many other creatures the Noxis were parasites, linking with an unsuspected source they would drain information and eventually overtake their host. War has started. The three races were in constant conflict. The end wasn’t near and some outcasts, less hostile communities separated from their people. They formed alliances and combined their knowledge in a final effort to escape. You can help the outcasts in their quest.

Il mio amico Benito

Peppino Di Gennaro is a simple clerk who wants to make a career without success. After a friend gave him a photo taken during the First World War that shows him together with Benito Mussolini, he tries to take advantage of it getting an invitation from Duce, but the OVRA stops him every time. After numerous failed attempts he eventually succeeds in entering his office in the exact moment Mussolini was on the balcony announcing the Italian entry into the war; disappointed and embittered, Peppino goes away destroying the photo.

Love Letters (1917 film)

As described in a film magazine, Eileen Rodney (Dalton) is in love with Raymoond Moreland (Connklin), a lecturer who favors the mating of souls without the usual ceremony. When she learns his true convictions she is disgusted and accepts the proposal of her guardian, John Harland (Hall). After she is married, Eileen meets Moreland and requests the return of her love letters, and he invites her to his home. When she gets there he forces his attentions on her. In self-defense she strikes him and, believing him dead, rushes from the home. The guilt of her action weighs on her life. Later, a half crazed gardener confesses to the crime and, with the knowledge that she is blameless, Eileen confesses everything to her husband.

Charlie (TV series)

The drama is set in democratic Ireland in the late 1970s. Charlie Haughey is the Taoiseach of Ireland, (portrayed by Aidan Gillen) and his loyal servant, P.J Mara (portrayed by Tom Vaughan-Lawlor). The main focus of the drama is on Haughey and his circle, and the drama largely remains true to life while capturing the excitement and menace that was in the air.

I-4: Loafing and Camouflage

Five young men try to be exempted from army using their high social interfaces. But a scandal related with many exemptions from army breaks out and the five men are compelled to enlist. Finally they enlist in category I-4 that means they serve as unarmed. Next they go to serve as auxiliary unit in a commando troops. There, the soldiers are forced to face the cruel behaviour of commandos. But, in this camp the Greek colonel play an army role play game with the Turkish colonel of the Turkish camp, in the other coast of Aegean. This game gives to the I-4 soldiers the opportunity to avenge the commandos. Finally the conflict between commandos and I-4 upset the camp, but the I-4 soldiers manage to avoid the penalties.

St. Elmo (1914 film)

St. Elmo Murray and Murray Hammond, his cousin and best friend, are both in love with a young woman named Agnes Hunt. Although Agnes loves Murray, she rejects him for being too poor. Instead, she accepts the wealthy St. Elmo's marriage proposal. St. Elmo's mother holds a ball to celebrate the engagement. After the betrothal is publicly announced, Murray and Agnes meet covertly in the gardens. St. Elmo discovers their affair, challenges Murray to a duel, and kills his cousin with the first shot. The Devil possesses St. Elmo, and he becomes a cruel wanderer, spreading misery and misfortune where he travels.

Twenty years later, the ingenue Edna Earle is traveling by train, hoping to find employment in a cotton mill after the death of her father, the village blacksmith. The train derails, and St. Elmo saves her from the burning wreckage. This act sets St. Elmo on the path to salvation as he and Edna slowly fall in love. Initially planning to depart for distant lands, a vision of Christ leads him to aid the impoverished. Freed from the Devil, he becomes a minister and marries Edna.

His Mother's Boy

As described in a film magazine, Matthew Denton (Ray) finds out that, because the Centipede oil wells do not pay a dividend, the villagers consider his father to be a swindler. He leaves his mother and New England home to go to Centipede, Texas, to ascertain the cause of the shortage of oil. He becomes an employee under the direction of Banty Jones (Elmer), foreman of the wells, and a crook. He falls in love with Mabel Glenny (May), whom Jones considers to be his "gal." When Mabel shows Matthew her engagement ring, Jones gives him a specified amount of time to get out of town. However, Matthew has found a valve that causes oil to be diverted to another company. He also learns that Jones is receiving the benefit from these stolen oil sales. A fight breaks out between the two men with Matthew the winner. Jones, humiliated, leaves, and Mabel is proud of Matthew. Back home the villagers are happy that the oil wells are safe and that dividends will be forthcoming again.

The Biscuit Eater (1940 film)

Harvey McNeil breeds and trains quail bird dogs for his boss Mr. Ames. His young son Lonnie wants a dog of his own. Dixie has a litter of pups and Lonnie wants to raise the runt. Dad explains you have to keep the blood lines strong and the runts need to be killed. Also any dog that likes to eat chicken eggs is known as a biscuit eater and a poor bird dog because of its attraction to the wrong kind of bird.

Lonnie eventually gets a dog named Promise who he raises with his best friend Text. Unfortunately Promise likes chicken eggs and Dad orders the dog removed from the farm. The boys rescue the dog from the man who lives in a swamp. The boys have many misadventures with rattlesnakes, skunks and shotguns as they secretly train the dog.

To prove that his dog is a worthy bird dog, Lonnie enters 'Prom' into the field trials in direct competition with his father's champion. Dad orders his son to withdraw but Mr. Ames sees it as a good learning experience for the boy. Lonnie and Text compete all day and end up in the finals against the father's dog. Text is told if the father loses, Mr. McNeil may lose his trainer's job. Lonnie purposely calls his dog off point and loses.

Later that night Promise returns home and as he tries to jump into the dog pen he is shot by the farm hand. As Lonnie holds his dying dog, he apologizes for not letting him win and calling him a 'biscuit eater'. The father overhears his son explain how he was protecting his dad's job. Promise is the sire of the next line of pups.

The Wishing Ring Man

Joy Havenith (Love) is kept away from other young people so that she can inspire her grandfather's poetry. She is unhappy with her situation, and believes the "wishing ring man" (Glendon) when he says that, if she wishes hard enough, she will get everything she wants.

When she is given the opportunity to go to the city, her grandfather refuses to let her go because she is not engaged. Joy claims to be engaged to the doctor, and the doctor is forced to play along.

Night Magic

Michael is an unsuccessful musician and playwright, leading a troupe. One night he is visited by three "angels" who offer him three wishes. He chooses as his first wish the ability to express himself perfectly in his art, and as his second, to choose a lover, draw her to him, send her away, and bring her back again.

His first wish brings him great success as an artist, but for his second wish he chooses one of the angels (Judy). She gives up her angelic form to become human and join him. They have a child together, but as in his wish, he rejects her, and their house is burned by the other two angels.

As his final wish, he asks to be assassinated. Judy refuses to participate, and goes to find him, but just as she reaches him, the other two angels assassinate him. Time stops while, in the only daylight scene of the film, the couple walk through the city together, but then return to his dying body.

The Narrow Trail

As described in a film magazine, Ice Harding (Hart), leader of a gang of outlaws, captures an attractive wild pony he names King and the two become fast friends. Single handed he holds up a stage coach and robs its occupants. Among the passengers is Bates (Ross), a notorious San Francisco dive keeper, and his niece Betty (Breamer), a pretty girl, who is used to lure men to the resort. The gang, fearing capture because of the distinctive pinto horse King that Ice rides, divides up their stake and quits. Ice Harding again meets Betty in Saddle City and they become acquainted, she believing him to be a wealthy rancher. Her uncle plans to fleece Ice, and on the day she leaves to return to the city, she gives Ice a paper with a false address. Ice follows her to San Francisco and, unable to find her, he feels dejected and lonely and wanders into a Barbary Coast waterfront saloon. There he discovers Betty, who is horrified that he found her, and Ice denounces her. Ice gets into a fight with two toughs who are in the business of shanghaiing sailors, and then returns to the mountains. Betty, to get away from the dive, leaves and goes to Saddle City. Here she meets Ice, who was intending to rob a bank. They resolve to change their ways, and Ice enters his horse in a free-for-all race. His pinto horse wins, and Ice collects the $1000 prize. About to leave with Betty, Ice is confronted by the sheriff who notes the distinctive horse. Ice knocks him down, grabs up Betty, and the two ride away, outdistancing a posse that follows.

Piel salvaje

Camila Espino is an impulsive young woman who spent her childhood on the streets before moving to an orphanage as a teenager. She later finds a job at the cosmetic company ''Mascarada'' owned by Ezequiel López Méndez who has for years been at war with Fausto Aragón de la Rosa, owner of ''Capricho'', a rival cosmetic company. Camila falls in love with Maximiliano, Ezequiel's son. But their love will be tested by the bitter enmity between the López Méndez and Aragón de la Rosa families, and as Camila continues the search for her birth mother, she will begin to uncover the secrets of the rivalry between these two powerful families.

Loves of Three Queens

A woman going to a costume party tries to work out which Queen she will dress up as. The film follows scenes from the lives of each of the queens. Genevieve, Josephine, and Helen.

Bonheur, impair et passe

Angora, a ruined Russian princess, is married to Igor, who, since she deceived him fifteen years ago, disdains her. When Wladimir arrives at her home, everything shatters.

Dead Girl Walking

Jack Parlabane is asked to locate Heike Gunn, the lead singer of the band Savage Earth Heart. Parlabane searches for Gunn throughout Europe's capitals and remote regions of the Scottish islands.

Big Sky (film)

After their daughter Hazel turns 18, Dee's ex-husband threatens to cut off child support unless Hazel will get treatment for her crippling agoraphobia. Forced to take a van ride to the treatment center, Hazel struggles to enter the van. Though they have clashed over Dee's hard-living lifestyle and Hazel's neuroses, Hazel is comforted when her mother offers to come with her. To accommodate Hazel's fears, the treatment center allows her to travel in a box, where Hazel will be able to isolate herself from others and her environment.

While traveling through the desert, half-brothers Pru and Jesse attack the van to kidnap a wealthy heiress. Pru, mentally damaged from head trauma by his abusive mother, reacts erratically and shoots Dee. Although exasperated by the unnecessary violence, Jesse cleans up the scene of the crime by shooting everyone else but the heiress and Hazel, who remains hidden in her box. After Pru and Jesse leave, Hazel checks the others and finds her mother wounded but still alive. A map reveals a nearby reservation, which Hazel offers to travel to for help after applying first aid to Dee. After Hazel leaves, Dee finds a note written by Hazel that lists all the reasons why Hazel believes her mother to hate her.

Hazel slowly makes her way through the desert, forcing herself to concentrate on simple goals, such as reaching one cactus after another. Her pill-taking ritual is disturbed by the dusty weather, and she must abandon some of her pills when they become too dirty for her to put in her mouth. She hallucinates the ghost of her dead sister, who she was unable to save in a drowning accident. When Jesse learns from an inside contact that one of the patients is agoraphobic, he realizes that it could not have been Dee, whom he initially assumed was a patient. When he and Pru return to the van, they discover Hazel's empty box, and Jesse leaves to find her. Dee, who has located a pistol in the van, takes Pru hostage.

Meanwhile, Hazel runs into a junkie named Clete who quotes Aldous Huxley. Hazel eventually convinces Clete to help her, but his promised motorcycle turns out to have been disassembled. Despairing and not sure whether to further trust Clete as he begins to rant about women, Hazel pulls out pepper spray. Clete grabs it from her and in his craze pepper sprays himself, Hazel starts walking backwards away from him, trips on a rock and bumps her head. When Hazel wakes, she has been rescued by a kindly couple who found her just outside the reservation. They contact the police for her and offer to take her back to her mother.

On the trip, they meet a representative of the treatment center, who says he was dispatched to locate the missing van. He convinces Hazel to allow him to pick up her mother and bring them to the treatment center. Despite the representative's protestations, the kindly couple follow behind him, reasoning that they can help protect her with their rifles. All converge on Dee's location at approximately the same time, where she is still holding Pru at gunpoint. Jesse, revealed to be the local sheriff, attempts to take control of the situation, but Dee warns the others not to trust him. The representative attempts to parlay with Dee, but when he makes a move to attack her, the couple opens fire, killing him, Jesse, and Pru. Hazel rescues the kidnapped heiress and tearfully reconciles with her mother.

Like Sunday, Like Rain

In Brooklyn, 23-year-old Eleanor (Leighton Meester) breaks up with her failing and disloyal musician boyfriend, Dennis (Billie Joe Armstrong). She has to move out of Dennis' apartment and crash at a friend's place. Unfortunately, Dennis refuses to let her go and confronts her at her work where Dennis' tirade costs Eleanor her job. Eleanor tries to seek family support, but her family is not willing to help, so she crashes at her friend's place one last time before seeking a temporary job. In the Upper West Side Reggie, a cellist and all-round genius who is bored and skeptical, lives a solitary life as his parents do not have time for him and relegate caretakers to watch after him. His most recent caretaker had to go back to Panama so Reggie's mother, Barbara, posts an ad for a temporary sitter; Eleanor answers the call.

Despite being a genius, Reggie is treated like a child. He does his best to get around his mother's arrangements by bribing the people in his life to spread the idea that he is obedient. Upon meeting him, Eleanor is touched to hear Reggie's composition ''Like Sunday, Like Rain'' and the two strike an unlikely friendship. As summer camp approaches, Eleanor tries to get Reggie to go, but he blows it off to hang in the city for the next six weeks. In this time Dennis stalks Eleanor, wanting to talk and get back together, however, Eleanor makes it clear that they are broken up. Dennis promises to get back at her for breaking his guitar, but he never returns.

Later, while hanging at the park, Reggie becomes fascinated with Eleanor. Eleanor's father is terminally ill and she has to go upstate to see him. Eleanor originally plans to go away for a few days, but Reggie suggests he go with her and they travel to her hometown. Reggie gets to see Eleanor's life and her dysfunctional family. Eleanor's sister works at a seedy bar, while her mother and uncle are care-free about Eleanor's father. Looking after Reggie's interest and unable to stand the situation at home, Eleanor takes him to a hotel to have some peace and quiet. There Eleanor tells Reggie how she met Dennis, the messy relations with her family, and that she nearly went to Juilliard to study the cornet. Reggie is intrigued that Eleanor can play. She explains she wanted to play the trumpet, but chose the cornet instead; she never made it to Juilliard due to lack of funds. Before they go to sleep, Reggie promises to write a cornet piece to include Eleanor in his single.

The following day, Eleanor visits her father and Reggie can only watch from a distance, seeing Eleanor become very emotional. Dropping off the car she borrowed from her uncle, she is enraged at how he could be so nonchalant about the illness of his brother. Her uncle and mother become defensive and Eleanor storms out, declaring she will never return and escorts Reggie back home.

As the summer is nearly over, Reggie has formed a close bond with Eleanor, but her job is only temporary and another sitter has arrived to take over. He has trouble accepting Eleanor's departure and wants her to stay. Eleanor feels the need to regroup at home to get her life back in order and they promise to stay in touch with each other before emotionally embracing. Eleanor kisses Reggie lightly and bids him farewell. Reggie resumes his lonely, privileged life, with Eleanor on his mind. On the doorstep of Eleanor's family home, Reggie arranges a gift for her: a cornet with the revised notes to ''Like Sunday, Like Rain''. Reggie resumes playing the cello and, at a distance, Eleanor plays her part.

Jules of the Strong Heart

As described in a film magazine, Jules Lemaire (Beban) comes to the lumbering country with an infant. He secures a position logging and the interest of Joy Farnsworth (Eddy), daughter of foreman Tom Farnsworth (Ogle). Big Jim Burgess (Oliver) becomes jealous of Jules and spreads false stories regarding the baby. A storm prevents the foreman from going to get the pay. This arouses the men and some want to attack Farnsworth. Jules offers to go get the money and Burgess goes along. Burgess leads Jules astray, and demands the note for the money, but Jules refuses to give it up. Burgess then tortures Jules, but is interrupted by the arrival of Joy and Herbert Sommerville (Neill), the latter having come for his baby. Burgess is captured, the money needed for the pay is secured, and the trio arrive just in time to save Farnsworth and his assistant from the wrath of the men. Sommerville takes his baby with him and Joy declares her love for Jules.

Rayito de luz

It all begins when a boy named Abel Ventura comes to a quiet town called San Pedro Mountains to start a career in priesthood in the seminary Reutilicos Brothers.

He is a musician-minded priest who is fleeing the city because of a broken heart, hoping to find peace within and devote his life to God.

A year after his arrival Abel within the confessional to an abandoned along with a written in an unknown language for seminarians and all he could decipher was named "Juan de Luz" a child full of life seminar letter child.

El precio de tu amor

Antonio Ríos is a mechanical Noble who has just inherited a fortune, but Sandra's niece who gave inheritance conquer try to take his inheritance from his uncle, Gabriela secretary accompanies Sandra, she and Antonio are in love but Sandra wonder the price his Love

The World for Sale

As described in a film magazine, Fleda Druse (Little) and her father Gabriel (Bitner) sever their connections with the wandering Romani and become Christians. In childhood Fieda had been given in marriage to Jethro Fawe (Wicki), and in accordance with the gypsy creed and after a 17-year separation Jethro comes to claim his bride. Fleda loves Ingolby (Tearle), leader of the Canadian settlement, and will not accept the attentions of Jethro. Jethro attempts to take the life of Ingolby, but is repulsed. Marchand (Fernandez), an adventurer, is jealous of Ingolby and attacks him, leading to Ingolby's blindness. Fleda cares for him and, after his sight is restored, they come to an understanding. Jethro has Fleda kidnapped and brought to his tent, but her father comes to her rescue. When Fleda decides to go with Ingolby, Gabriel returns to lead the Romani.

The Spirit of '17

As described in a film magazine, when the American Civil War veterans staying at an old soldiers' home in a small town hear that young men are not volunteering for military service, they attempt to enlist but are rejected, much to the amusement of some idle young rich men. This includes Randall Lee (Dearholt), whose father Thomas Lee (Burton) owns large mining interests such as the local Top Copper mine. Davy Glidden (Pickford), a boy scout whose father Adjutant Glidden (Geldart) is in charge of the old soldiers' home, wants to serve but is too young to join the army. While on a secret investigation, Davy overhears two German spies, Carl Bender (Farley) and Frank Schmale (Hastings), planning to cripple the Lee mine and take a large amount of its product back to their native land. With the assistance of men from the old soldiers' home, the spies are rounded up and brought before the laboring men of the mine before they can do any damage and the Edwards family, who had been visiting the Lee's, are saved. Davy believes that he is in love with the Edwards' daughter Flora (MacDonald), although she is several years older than him. Randall sees the bravery of Davy and the veterans of the old soldiers' home and, ashamed of himself, enlists.

The Hired Man (film)

As described in a film magazine, Ezry (Ray), the farm's hired man, in love with his employer's daughter Ruth (May), is anxious to obtain an education. When Ruth learns of his ambitions, she assists him in his studies. With enough money saved to go to college, on the way to the railroad depot he stops to say farewell to Ruth's brother Walter (Gordon), and there learns that it will take just that amount of money to keep Walter out of prison for stealing money from the bank where he works. Ezry returns to the farm. That night there is a dance, and after everyone has left, Ruth goes to Ezry to teach him how to dance. They are seen by a jealous suitor of Ruth's who tells her father Caleb (French), which results in the discharge of Ezry. Leaving that night, Ezry looks back at the farm and sees that the house is on fire. He rushes back and rescues Walter amid falling timbers. The brother tells everyone why Ezry did not go to college, and Ezry is welcomed back at the farm as a member of the family.

China's Little Devils

After being shot down, "Big Butch" Dooley (Paul Kelly), a Flying Tigers pilot lands his Curtiss P-40 Warhawk in the ruins of a Chinese village. After he rescues a wounded boy, orphaned by the war, Dooley takes him back to his unit.

The young orphan is adopted by the Flying Tigers, and is called "Little Butch" Dooley. Big Butch and the other Tigers realize that the boy needs a proper education and send him to the Temple Missionary School run by "Doc" Temple (Harry Carey).

Little Butch organizes the other refugee children and trains them in fighting the invading Japanese. Leading the children, dubbed "Little Devils," in nightly raids, Little Dutch takes over a store of gasoline, but he is wounded during the battle.

Two of the two of the Little Devils are taken prisoner while blowing up a Japanese supply base. When Doc pleads with a Japanese officer for their release, he learns about the attack on Pearl Harbor and realizes he will be taken prisoner. Little Butch rescues Doc, and soon after, the Japanese bomb the mission.

Later, an American aircraft crashes, and the Little Devils race with the Japanese to reach the wreck. The Little Devils find the aircraft first and are surprised to discover that the pilot is Big Butch. After treating Big Butch's wounds, the Little Devils help him cross a river and return safely to the Chinese lines.

As the young boys are escaping, however, a Japanese patrol converges on them. They sacrifice their lives while shooting it out with the enemy, and sometime later, the spirit of Little Butch rides with Big Butch, as he drops bombs on Tokyo.

'Blue Blazes' Rawden

Tough lumberjack Blue Blazes Rawden takes up residence at the hotel of the equally tough Englishman, Ladyfingers Hilgard. Because Blue Blazes beats him at cards and steals the heart of his woman, Babette Du Fresne, Hilgard challenges Blue Blazes to a gunfight and is killed. Hilgard's mother and brother Eric soon visit the hotel, and Blue Blazes, touched by Mrs. Hilgard's gentle nature, tells her Hilgard died honorably. Babette, angry at Blue Blazes' inattention, tells Eric the truth, and Eric, enraged, shoots and seriously wounds Blue Blazes. After saving Eric from a lynch mob, Blue Blazes makes him promise never to tell Mrs. Hilgard what he knows and leaves town a reformed man.|AFI

In Certain Circles

The novel is about the lives of two sets of siblings, the privileged Howard siblings Russell and Zoe, who are the children of elite Australian botanists, and the Quayle siblings Stephen and Anna who were orphaned at a young age and raised by an uncle consumed with caring for his mentally-ill wife.

Russell and Stephen meet by accident on a train and later Russell invites Stephen and his sister to spend time with him and his family. Zoe is immediately struck by Stephen's condescending attitude and his refusal to kowtow to her demands. Believing him to be hyper-intelligent, she is shocked to discover he works as a salesman. Anna, who is shy, develops a crush on Russell. However, Russell is engaged, soon marries, and moves to Europe with his new bride shortly after meeting the Quayle siblings. Stephen leaves Sydney for Melbourne around the same time after receiving a promotion. Zoe graduates from high school and moves to Paris to work in photography and film.

Anna meanwhile stays behind in Sydney and gains independence working in an office. She stays in contact with the Howard family and eventually marries an acquaintance of theirs who is much older than she, and with whom she is not in love, only to be widowed shortly after.

When Zoe is 25 she returns to Sydney after the death of her mother, just missing seeing her alive by a day. She reconnects with Stephen and after a short and passionate courtship the two marry. Despite her life being in Paris she decides to stay in Sydney, ignoring the warnings of her friends and family that life there won't suit her.

Stephen and Russell go into business together running a left-wing political paper. Because of the now deep ties between the Howard and Quayle families, Anna and Russell are able to spend more time together and fall in love though there is a tacit understanding between them that their relationship cannot be expressed.

Fifteen years later when Zoe is 40 she reflects back on how her marriage has changed her to an insecure and unhappy woman. She no longer feels passionately in love with Stephen and feels that their relationship exists on the basis of him criticizing her. Meanwhile, Russell's wife Lily falls into a depression after her twin daughters win ballet scholarships to study in London. After talking to Zoe, Lily decides that they should sell their business and she should return to academia, the career she wanted to pursue before she had children. They decide to announce the news at Lily's birthday party, however on the day of the party Zoe receives a suicide note from Anna saying that she and Russell are in love and she can no longer bear to live without him.

Russell goes to look for Anna and Zoe is left to comfort Lily, who realizes that her marriage is over. Unable to find Anna, the siblings contact the police only to be called by Stephen shortly after who informs them that Anna is with him. Anna later reveals that the suicide note was written years earlier and was accidentally sent instead of the Christmas cards she intended to post.

After seeing how Russell and Anna intend to be together and how Lily is forging a new life going to London to be closer to her daughters, Stephen and Zoe sit down and discuss the state of their marriage and their unhappiness together. Stephen tells Zoe he wants to return to school and get an advanced degree in chemistry and urges Zoe to return to her work in film. No longer having career ambitions that way, Zoe nevertheless feels that a new chapter of her life is about to begin.

Madame Jealousy

As described in a film magazine, always ready to wreck the happiness of human beings, Jealousy (Frederick) selects Charm (MacLeod) and Valor (Meighan) as her two victims. She is almost successful at bringing about her desires, but the arrival of the child Happiness overcomes all disagreements. Jealousy awaits with interest her next victims.

SpongeBob HeroPants

Taking place sometime after the events of ''Sponge Out of Water'', SpongeBob walks to the Krusty Krab and thinks he's going to have a "normal" day at work. Later, SpongeBob opens the front door of the Krusty Krab and then notices that Sandy and Patrick are coming along too. When Patrick, SpongeBob, and Sandy enter the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs, Plankton, and Squidward are getting chased around by random objects and SpongeBob states things are going not normal at all. SpongeBob thinks it's Plankton causing this, but suddenly, Bubbles (voiced by Jeff Bennett) comes out of a space triangle and tells SpongeBob and his friends that Plankton isn't responsible and explains that someone is using the last page of the magic book to make weird things happen (while the book was destroyed in the movie, the final page wasn't) as well making duplicates of the page. He then holds up a feather and writes in one of the clone pages he found, which suddenly gives SpongeBob and his friends temporary superhero powers that can save Bikini Bottom from a mysterious group of enemies someone created and recover the other clone pages.

After tangling with Plankton's Giant Robot and Squidasaurus Rex, SpongeBob and his friends discover that SpongeBob is the one who caused the not normal events, judging by the handwriting the last page somehow entered his mind. Plankton then writes on one of the pages they found, having him, SpongeBob and the others to enter SpongeBob's mind to get the last page and wake SpongeBob up (in which he had fallen asleep when everyone else went into his mind). After the last page is collected, the gang exits SpongeBob's mind and begins to celebrate. Bubbles then appears again to get the collected pages and depending on the amount of pages that have been collected in the game, one of the two alternate endings is shown.

If all pages are not collected, Bubbles gives the gang Plankton's time machine from the movie so they can retrieve the last few pages. Then a Patricksaurus comes and tries to kill the gang, so they quickly escape in the time machine. If all pages are collected, Bubbles gives them the time machine so the gang can relive any moment from their exciting day. Bubbles then invites the gang to watch him breakdance, to which all of the characters leave except for SpongeBob and Patrick.

Muck (film)

After narrowly escaping from an ancient burial ground, long forgotten and buried underneath the marshes of Cape Cod, a group of friends emerge from the thick, marshy darkness, tattered and bloody, lucky to be alive. They have already lost two of their friends in the marsh, presumably dead. They stumble upon an empty Cape Cod vacation house alongside the foggy marsh and break in to take shelter. Whatever was in the marsh is still after them and, soon after one of them goes for help, the rest of the group learns that the evil in the marsh is not the only thing that wants them dead. Something worse, something more savage, is lying in wait just outside the marsh, in the house. The unlucky travelers spend their St. Patrick's Day trapped between two evils, forcing them to fight, die, or go back the way they came.

One More American

As described in a film magazine, after five years separation Luigi Riccardo (Beban) learns that his wife Maria (Manon) and daughter Tessa (Giraci) are going to join him in America. Although legally not a citizen, in his heart Luigi regards his adopted country with reverence and his refusal to pay graft to Boss Regan (Carpenter) results in his wife and daughter being held at Ellis Island upon their arrival. Through the assistance of some detectives from the district attorney's office, the Regan scheme is exposed and Luigi's wife and daughter are permitted to enter the country and join him.

Wild Youth (film)

Forced to marry the elderly and narrow-minded Joel Mazarine, Louise lives unhappy and mistreated until she meets the young Orlando. Her husband, jealous, sees love blossom between the two young when Orlando remains at his ranch to recover from a wound of the bullet. Louise remained in the woods because of a fall from her horse, she can not return home because Mazarine Orlando is on charges of kidnapping her. Orlando, who finds her, takes her back to the ranch but Mazarine was furious and beats his wife mercilessly. The woman is saved by the intervention of faithful Li Choo, his Chinese servant, who kills Mazarine.

Of the crime, he accused Orlando. The confession of Li Choo exonerates him. Louise and Orlando are now free to marry.

Rhodesia (novel)

AXE sends Carter to investigate Rhodesian sanction-busting exports of gold to China and an organization of assassins possibly led by Carter’s arch-enemy, Judas (Martin Bormann). Carter goes undercover as tour guide Andrew Grant, taking a dozen female college students on a 30-day tour of Rhodesia. The tour is led by Gus Boyd. At the airport prior to departure Carter sees a man surreptitiously give tour group member, Booty Delong, a small package.

Upon arrival in Rhodesia, Carter and Boyd approach shady businessman Alan Wilson to discuss setting up a gold smuggling operation between Rhodesia and India in the hope it will draw out Judas' smuggling contacts. Wilson has no need for new contacts and warns Carter to stay away from THB (Taylor Hill-Boreman), a Rhodesian gold mining company, which Carter suggested he might contact. Wilson secretly photographs Carter and sends the pictures to Mike Bor (Martin Bormann) chairman of THB who recognizes Carter as his old enemy.

Carter follows Booty DeLong when she refuses to join the tour for the day. She heads to a farm in the Rhodesian countryside where she meets up again with the man at the airport. Carter observes her return the package to him. The package contains cash to support rebels fighting the Rhodesian army. The farm owner, Pieter van Prez, intends to detain Carter overnight. Carter releases a canister of knockout gas and escapes.

Carter visits the Rhodesia Railways office in Salisbury posing as a railway journalist. He probes about freight movements to and from the THB mine. He is followed from the railway office by Stash Foster, an assassin sent by Judas. Carter kills Stash in a vicious knife fight.

Carter flies to Wankie National Park and rejoins the tour group. On an afternoon safari his bus is attacked by Judas's men posing as park workers. After a prolonged chase across the park, Carter and the tour group meet Ross – a rebel leader.

Carter and Ross team up to devise a strategy to enter the vast THB mining enclosure and gather evidence. Carter sets out alone. When Ross returns to their base camp to escort the female tourists back to the main camp he finds they have been captured by THB scouts.

Carter readily discovers the extent of the gold smuggling activities of THB. He manages to get a message to his contact at the railway company to inform the Rhodesian police. Carter targets Judas at a villa inside the THB compound. The captured female tourists are also held there. Carter crashes a truck into the heavily defended villa. In the confusion Judas escapes. Ross and the Rhodesian police arrive in support. Carter sticks to his cover story and allows the police to take credit for the exposure of THB’s illegal activities.

Carter completes the rest of the tour in the company of the young women.

The Inheritor

Hugo Cordell, media and industrial tycoon, dies when his plane explodes between Geneva and Paris. Examination of the plane's debris cannot establish the cause of the crash.

In Paris, the directors of 'Globe', the Cordell empire's flagship French weekly, anxiously await the arrival of Hugo Cordell's heir Bart (Jean-Paul Belmondo), who wishes to read the last issue before it goes to press. On the flight back from the United States Bart flirts with the seductive Lauren (Maureen Kerwin), who slips a baggage claim-check into his pocket.

At the airport Bart is welcomed by 'Globe' management and television reporters. The claim-check is found by a customs agent to correspond with a briefcase full of illegal drugs, and Bart is accused of drug trafficking. He understands perfectly that his arrival to head the Cordell empire does not meet with universal approval.

Aided by his faithful friend, David (Charles Denner), he decides to conduct his own investigation...

Henry and Cato

The two main characters, Henry Marshalson and Cato Forbes, were childhood friends who grew up as neighbours in the English countryside. As the novel begins, they are in their early thirties, and have not seen each other for several years. Their stories are presented separately at first but converge as the novel progresses.

Henry is the younger son of a wealthy landowner. On his father's early death, Henry's elder brother Sandy inherited all the property, including the family home, Laxlinden Hall. Henry went to the United States as a graduate student and then taught art history at a small midwestern college. When Sandy is killed in a car accident, Henry is his sole heir. Henry returns to Laxlinden, where his mother Gerda is living, to claim his inheritance.

Cato Forbes is a Roman Catholic priest living in a mission house in a poor area of London. Cato is the son of an atheist university professor and the older brother of Colette, who has left college and returned to her father's home. At the beginning of the novel the mission has been officially closed and the derelict house from which it operated has been condemned. Cato is in the process of losing his faith, and has secretly fallen in love with a seventeen-year-old boy called Beautiful Joe, who claims to be a petty criminal and an aspiring gangster.

Henry resolves to sell all his inherited property and give away the proceeds. Henry intends for his mother to live in a cottage in a nearby village, also part of the Marshalson estate. Her friend Lucius Lamb, a poet who has been living at Laxlinden Hall for several years, and whom Henry dislikes, will have to find a new home on his own. Henry first confides his plans to Cato, whom he visits in the mission, and Cato tries unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Their conversation is overheard by Joe, who questions Cato about Henry's wealth.

When going through his late brother's possessions, Henry discovers that Sandy had a flat in London. He visits the flat and finds a woman named Stephanie Whitehouse living there. Stephanie tells Henry that she was Sandy's mistress, and that she is a former sex worker, both stripping and full service. Henry begins an affair with her, and decides to marry her and take her back to the United States with him. When he tells his mother that he plans to sell the property and marry Stephanie, she at first protests but later seems to accept the situation. Henry takes Stephanie to stay at Laxlinden Hall, where she is befriended by Lucius and Gerda. Stephanie disagrees with Henry's plan to sell everything and leave the country, telling him she would like to live at Laxlinden. Gerda tries to promote a marriage between Henry and Cato's younger sister Colette, who has been in love with Henry since she was a child. Colette writes to him, declaring her love and proposing marriage, but he professes not to take her seriously.

Against the advice of his friend and fellow priest, Brendan Craddock, Cato decides to leave the priesthood and go away with Joe. He obtains a job teaching at a school in Leeds, and plans to support Joe while he gets an education. Cato asks Henry to lend him £500 to help him get started in his new life, and Henry sends him the money. However, Joe turns against Cato, refusing to go with him and telling Cato that he wants nothing to do with him now that he has left the priesthood. "I cared for you once, Father, but I cared for the other you, the one that wore a robe and had nothing, not even an electric kettle." In despair, Cato returns to Pennwood, his father's house. His father is delighted that he has lost his faith and intends to become a schoolmaster.

After a few days Cato goes back to the mission house in London, hoping that Joe will return. Joe does return, but kidnaps Cato and holds him for ransom in an abandoned air raid shelter, telling Cato that he is working for a dangerous gang of criminals. He forces Cato to write a letter asking Henry for £100,000. Henry delivers part of the amount, and Joe demands that he bring the rest, after wounding him on the hand with a knife. Later, Joe gets Cato to summon his sister Colette, and when she arrives he tries to rape her, cutting her face with his knife when she resists. Hearing her cries, Cato manages to escape from an adjoining room where he has been locked up, and hits Joe on the head, killing him. Colette survives the attack, and she and Cato are rescued.

Back at Laxlinden Hall, Stephanie decides to return to London rather than marry Henry and go to the United States. Henry decides not to sell Laxlinden after all, but to live there and develop a model village on his property. At the end of the novel, Henry has married Colette, and Cato is on his way to Leeds to take up his teaching job.

Eve and the Handyman

Eve is dressed in a long raincoat and follows the handyman around as he makes his appointed rounds. She watches as he has humorous run-ins while cleaning toilets, taking scrap metal to the dump, cleaning windows, delivering a tree, climbing poles, and remaining a gentleman while trying to help a topless hitchhiker. But why is she watching him so carefully?

The Failing of Raymond

Raymond is a disturbed young man who escapes from a psychiatric hospital with a plot to exact revenge on his former teacher, whom he believes unjustly failed him on a high school exam 10 years earlier. The failing grade kept him from graduating from high school, causing Raymond's life to begin a downward spiral for which he blames the teacher, Miss Mary Bloomquist.

As Raymond stalks Mary on the eve of her retirement, the authorities are trying to find him, but they have no idea where he is going. In spite of the visions in his head and having been diagnosed as a “paranoiac”, Raymond does not seem especially threatening, presenting a calm (if somewhat distracted) demeanor marked by a notably polite manner. His first attempt at achieving his goal of retaking and passing the test is sidetracked by Miss Bloomquist’s mistaking him for a helper answering her want ad. Raymond spends time packing Mary’s belongings in her classroom and tying up boxes, only to miss his opportunity when Mary’s coworkers burst in to take her to a surprise retirement party.

Raymond then goes to Mary’s home, but his attempt to break in is interrupted by children playing hide-and-seek. He spends the night in a boarding house, and returns to the school the next day, which is also the last day of the school year. As Raymond waits for the school to empty, he discovers that there is a man with Mary, and hides in a nearby classroom.

The man is Mary’s former lover, a married teacher with whom she broke up 10 years previously. He transferred to another school, but returned in the current school year to become the new English department head. He believes that Mary is taking early retirement because his return is too painful for her, but she straightens him out by revealing that it is her disillusionment with her abilities as a teacher that is the reason she’s moving to England. Somewhat crestfallen, he leaves.

Meanwhile, the detective searching for Raymond has returned to the hospital, and—with the help of Raymond’s doctor—gains a valuable clue to Raymond’s whereabouts. The detective spends hours going through newspapers in the hospital library in search of the one from which Raymond tore out an article.

Raymond's reappearance takes Mary by surprise. He says because she overpaid him, he has come back to finish. What he has come back to finish becomes clear when he takes Mary hostage until dark, when he forces her to give him the same test he took 10 years earlier. This time, he answers the last two questions that he did not complete the first time, but fails again, spurring him to attack Mary with murderous intent.

As he approaches her with a garrote fashioned from twine, he trips over a box in the aisle and falls, allowing Mary to escape the classroom. As he searches for her in the darkened school, Raymond’s shouted, disconnected ramblings about “welfare money” and being called stupid, combined with the information he shared earlier about his troubled life, give Mary an inspiration. She uses a commanding “teacher voice” to tell him to sit down and behave in her classroom. Just then, Raymond finds the light switch, illuminating the auditorium they are in. Undeterred, Mary tells him to follow her back to the classroom “with decorum”. Raymond obeys.

Back in the classroom, Raymond snaps out of his docile mood and again takes control of Mary. As he is about to tighten a garotte around her neck, she apologizes for failing him, not on the exam, but as a teacher. With that, she offers to teach him the material he missed on the exam, and he drops the garotte to sit at one of the school desks. As Mary begins to talk about the questions Raymond missed, two local police officers enter the room, having been sent by a phone call from the detective. Mary informs them that they are disrupting her class and sends them to wait outside. After sharing some biographical information about Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a “very famous man” who never finished school and needed a doctor’s help, Miss Bloomquist tells Raymond that she will come to “where you live now” every day to teach him, at least until September, when she will come only on weekends, because she is not going to retire from teaching.

The Family Skeleton

As described in a film magazine, Billy Bates (Ray) believes that he has inherited the desire for strong drink from his father and, in order to live apart from his friends unmolested, he retires to a cheap saloon where each day finds him sinking lower. Poppy Drayton (Breamer) loves Billy and decides to save him from himself. She hatches a plan that makes Billy believe that she has been kidnapped, and Billy finds that he can do without John Barleycorn when the safety of the woman he loves is at stake.

The Honor of His House

''The Toronto Daily Star'' said of the film that it was "a photo-drama of rare strength featuring Sessue Hayakawa, the well-known Japanese actor. This photo-play has an absorbing theme that rises in the denouement to a tragic height, the supreme sacrifice of one man securing the happiness of the woman he loves and insuring her a peaceful future with her child. Sessue Hayakawa plays the principal role with that reserve of intense strength that marks all his characterizations. He is surrounded by a magnificent cast headed by Florence Vidor."

Lo smemorato di Collegno

A man is hospitalized in a neurological clinic, due to a memory loss. After the publication of his photography on a newspaper three people claim to have recognized him: Miss Ballarini and Miss Polacich, who both claim that he is their husband, and a fraudster, who accuses the amnesiac of being his disappeared accomplice.

Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero

The series follows the adventures of Penn Zero, who unexpectedly inherits the job of his parents: being a part-time hero. Penn must zap into various dimensions to take on the role of the hero in that world and save the day in their place. With the help of his friends, Boone, the part-time wiseman, and Sashi, the part-time sidekick, he must save the worlds from Rippen, a part-time villain and his part-time minion and principal of Penn's school, Larry.

Ojarumaru the Movie: The Promised Summer - Ojaru and Semira

The short film introduces Semira, a strange boy who comes to play with Ojarumaru and his chums and bears a marked resemblance to a boy of the same name who spent a summer with the village elders when they were boys, long ago.

Return to Ithaca (novel)

Odysseus is ruler of the island of Ithaca. Nineteen years earlier, he left his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus to join the Greek forces attacking Troy. The war went on for ten years, and on the way home Odysseus was delayed by many mishaps. He fetches up on an island where a woman named Calypso lives and stays there for seven years. In Ithaca, Penelope hesitates to remarry. She is courted by a large number of suitors whom she puts off by saying that she cannot make a decision until she has finished weaving a bedspread for her father-in-law. She weaves every day, but unpicks most of the weaving again at night. At the same time, Telemachus has begun to find out about his father. Odysseus is visited by the messenger of the gods, Hermes, who orders him to return home. Reluctantly, Odysseus sets off to sail to Ithaca, but is shipwrecked and washed ashore on a coast ruled by Alkinoos. His daughter Nausikaa who discovers Odysseus and brings him to the king's court. After Odysseus's poignant account of his adventures, he sails back to Ithaca. Disguised as a beggar, he arrives on the island; he meets the swineherd Eumaios who persuades him that he must deal with his wife's suitors and kill them.

His Majesty, Bunker Bean

As described in a film magazine, through a clairvoyant Bunker Bean (Pickford) learns that in his various incarnations he has been Napoleon and Ramtah, an Egyptian king, and these facts spur him to greater things. He falls heir to some money and invests in stock which yields big returns and in a mummy of Ramtah, his first incarnation. He marries the daughter of his boss and, although at first afraid to face her parents, he summons the personages of his various incarnations to give him the strength to conquer and win them over.

The Children Nobody Wanted

Working in a state mental hospital, nineteen-year-old Tom Butterfield (Fredric Lehne), befriends an abandoned eight-year-old boy for whom authorities cannot find a foster family. Compelled by the child’s plight, Butterfield and supportive girlfriend Jennifer Williams (Michelle Pfeiffer) transform a dilapidated country club in Marshall, Missouri, into the Butterfield Ranch for homeless boys.

Quest for the Rings

In ''Quest for the Rings'', heroes participate in the struggle to find 10 magical keys which the Ringmaster (a role played by a human player) has hidden beneath the castles.

Unclaimed Goods

A Wells Fargo & Co. express agent has to determine what to do with an unusual shipment (Vivian Martin) that has arrived at his office. The girl's father is being held prisoner by the villain, who is making a claim for the girl. The agent saves the day and claims the "goods" for himself.

The Biggest Show on Earth

As described in a film magazine, Roxie Kemp (Bennett), a lion tamer in her father's circus, is sent to boarding school. The girls there have nothing to do with Roxie until she rescues them from a mad dog. Marjorie Trent (Lynne), with a long line of ancestors, invites her to her home for the holiday season. As soon as Owen Trent (Rodney) sees Roxie, he thinks she is the only girl for him. His dream is shattered after Mrs. Trent (Chevalier) learns Roxie is the daughter of a circus owner. However, Col. Jeffrey Trent (Stockdale) tells her that their income comes from the circus, so the young couple are allowed to continue their courtship.

Mighty Gunvolt

Although a total of 9 characters are playable through downloadable content (Beck, Gunvolt, Ekoro, Call, Joule, Ray, Copen, Kurona, and Tenzou), Beck and Gunvolt's stories are the most fleshed out. Both of these routes feature the player character being sucked into a digital world resembling the one seen in ''Mighty No. 9'', and after defeating the boss of the introductory stage, meeting what appears to be an evil version of the character that wasn't selected, who challenges them to defeat the 8 Mighty Numbers. From there, 8 stages become available, which can be played in any order. Each stage features a boss fight with one of the Mighty Numbers at the end. After defeating all eight, a cutscene plays where the playable character enters a crack in the simulation, leading in to the final four stages of the game. At the end of the first of these stages, the player fights the real version of the character they saw at the end of the intro stage. After winning the battle, the evil versions of Beck and Gunvolt both appear, as well as the game's true antagonist, Teseo, an adept originally from ''Azure Striker Gunvolt 2''. The two heroes decide to work together, and simultaneously fire their weapons at Teseo during the final boss fight. However, after his defeat, Teseo resets the virtual world to its factory settings, which would doom the playable character to float in the void forever, if not for their sidekick coming in to save them in the minigame that plays during the credits. (Call saves Beck, Joule saves Gunvolt). In both endings, the sidekicks are teased to be joining the battle, building anticipation for their release as DLC characters.

The Drover's Wife (short story)

A woman in the outback is isolated in a small hut with her four children. Her husband has been away droving for six months and near sunset one day a snake disappears under the house. The children are put to bed and the woman waits with her dog, Alligator, for the snake to re-appear. Near dawn the snake emerges and it is killed by the woman and dog. The story shows the struggle of a lone woman against nature.

Azure Striker Gunvolt

''Azure Striker Gunvolt'' is set during an unspecified date in the near future, in which several people called "adepts" have developed "septimal powers". These powers enable superhuman feats including flight, the use of powerful energy weapons, and manipulation of the elements like fire, water, and electricity. The world is at peace thanks to the efforts of a world-spanning corporation known as the Sumeragi Group. However, the Sumeragi Group is, in reality, controlling and experimenting on adepts. Gunvolt, one of the most powerful adepts, has the ability to create electrical fields and works for an organization known as QUILL, which is seeking to reveal and put a stop to Sumeragi's ulterior motives.

The game opens with Gunvolt assigned on a mission to assassinate an adept named Lumen. He is told that Lumen has the ability to resonate with and control any adepts through her singing, and is considered dangerous. However, Gunvolt discovers that Lumen is the septimal projection of a young girl named Joule, who is a captive of Sumeragi's scientists, and can't bring himself to kill her. He instead rescues her, leading him to amicably defect from QUILL and set out on his own to protect her. He becomes a freelance agent, but still works jobs for QUILL from time to time.

Six months after defecting from QUILL, Gunvolt is offered a freelance assignment by Moniqa, his handler from QUILL, to investigate and take out several agents of the Sumeragi Group. The Sumeragi agents are all adepts as well, but powered by strange Glaives, which house their septimal essences, and are representative of each of the Seven Deadly Sins. The first agent, Merak, is a lazy, unenthusiastic adept with the power to bend space for use in his attacks. The second, Jota, is a prideful agent with the power to manipulate light. The third, Viper, is loud, brash, and violent, has control over fire, and harbors a jealous rage against Gunvolt for Joule. The fourth, Carerra, uses magnetic fists and waves to draw his enemies close before destroying them with a powerful pulsewave. The fifth, Elise, is a split personality adept: her meek, timid side and her brash, assertive side are at constant odds, but her ability to raise the dead allows for even adepts to come back from defeat. The sixth, Stratos, is a drug-addicted adept with an insatiable hunger for the very drug that keeps what little of his sanity remains in check, and has control over swarms of insects. The seventh, the carnal Zonda, attacks and wounds Zeno, one of Gunvolt's friends from QUILL, but is seemingly killed by a human warrior named Copen, who harbors a major hatred for adepts and carries a gun capable of firing bullets that can suppress their powers. Copen warns Gunvolt that they are not on the same side, and after a brief skirmish, retreats.

After defeating the Sumeragi agents, Gunvolt's apartment is invaded, and Joule is kidnapped by a resurrected Merak. Gunvolt gives chase, destroying Merak for good, and rides a space elevator to a Sumeragi orbiting platform. Along the way, he encounters the resurrected Stratos, Jota, and Viper and fights them all to the death, before finding that Elise herself had a hidden feral and wild third personality; responsible for the resurrection of the agents. This third personality is killed by Copen, and Gunvolt is forced to fight and subdue him. Gunvolt finally encounters the leadership of Sumeragi, a young psychic adept named Nova. He uses Lumen in combat against Gunvolt, before summoning Joule and three Glaives into himself to transform into a monstrous beast. Gunvolt manages to kill Nova and escape with Joule. In the initial ending, Gunvolt runs into Asimov, his father figure and the leader of QUILL, who offers Gunvolt and Joule new places in QUILL, and reveals an ulterior motive: with Sumeragi in shambles, Asimov wishes to use Lumen, along with the Sumeragi satellite, to wipe out the human race as payback for suppression of adepts. Gunvolt refuses his offer, telling Asimov that he is no better than Sumeragi was, and Asimov responds by shooting him through the heart using Copen's gun (implying that he defeated Copen to steal it from him), before turning the gun on Joule and shooting her as well, leaving them both for dead.

However, if Gunvolt is wearing a special pendant Joule made for him, which is made of collectable jewels that are hidden within each stage, this ending will be revealed as a dream and the true ending will occur instead. The true ending sees Gunvolt on the verge of death as in the initial ending, but he is then rescued by Lumen at the last minute. He awakens to find Joule's body, deathly cold and still. Heartbroken, Gunvolt screams in sadness until he hears Lumen's voice, and ultimately realizes that, in an act of love in order to save his life and be with him wherever he goes, Joule forsook her physical form by fusing her mind and personality with Lumen before further fusing herself into Gunvolt's septimal energy, which amplifies Gunvolt's power to its utmost limits. After this revelation, Gunvolt chases down Asimov, running into Carrera along the way. Carrera demands vengeance for his prior defeat, but is killed once and for all by Gunvolt. Continuing onward to the elevator, Gunvolt confronts Asimov, who reveals himself to have the same electrical septimal powers as Gunvolt. With no other choice, Gunvolt fights him to the death. Following this final battle, Asimov warns Gunvolt that he will never be truly free of conflicts in his life, and dies from his wounds. Zeno and Moniqa meet the space elevator as it arrives, only to find Asimov dead and a heartbroken, wounded Gunvolt, who offers no explanation as to what happened before he simply wanders away into the morning light to be alone with Joule.

P-51 Dragon Fighter

Some time before World War II, a Nazi archaeological expedition had found a dragon's egg and hatched it, setting about to breed more. These dragons are able to reproduce parthenogenically, with one dragon able to reproduce many times, as can each of her "daughters". The dragons themselves are controlled by ''Vril'', Aryan witch women who are psychically connected to the dragons and can command them.

In 1942, Dr. Heinrich Gudrun (Ozman Sirgood), a Nazi cryptozoologist in charge of the dragon breeding program, code named "Skyward", arrives with his brood. The adult dragons and the vrill are intended to regain air superiority in the North African Campaign to support the Afrika Korps, under the command of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (Robert Pike Daniel).

To combat the dragons, an American general is dispatched with orders to put together a squadron made up of the best Allied fighter pilots that are available, led by Lieutenant John Robbins (Scott Martin), the only survivor of the first fighter squadron to encounter the dragons. General Ward (Thom Rachford) forms the "Ghost Squadron", so named because it does not officially exist.

In their North American P-51 Mustangs, the squadron leads the dragons into a trap made up of numerous flak guns. The guns shoot down two while one of the pilots manages to shoot down a dragon and mark the location before he runs out of fuel and is himself killed by the dragons. Lt. Robbins departs with his friends to go to the shoot-down site to see what they can learn, but are captured by German soldiers, who take them to see Field Marshal Rommel.

Rommel, who has serious doubts about Dr. Gudrun's intentions and the vrill's ability to keep the dragons under control, meets with Robbins. He reveals that, that once in a very long while, the parthenogenic females will lay an egg that hatches out a male dragon, and that the incredibly rare males are so powerful that the legends say they herald the end of the world. Rommel explains this actually means the fall of a civilization, saying that one male dragon had laid waste to the Carthaginian Empire, and another had accelerated the fall of the Roman Empire. He also believes Dr. Gudrun has possession of such an egg in his incubator complex, hidden under a mountain.

Rommel gives Robbins the location of the incubator and explains that he will have an "inside man" open an air vent that lead directly into the incubator. All the Allied pilots have to do is put a bomb down the vent, and the incubator and the eggs will be destroyed. Armed with this information, an air attack with an accompanying British SAS ground mission is planned. General Anderson (Harwood Gordon) obtains a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber from an antisubmarine squadron to handle the problem of a down-the-stack shot.

The Ghost Squadron, escorting the Fortress, keep the Nazi dragons at bay long enough for it to bomb the incubator and destroy the eggs. Rommel's "inside man" — one of the vrill women Dagmar (Pernille Trojgaard), a British agent — opens the facility's air vent for Ghost Squadron. Gundrun releases Asuzaka, a gigantic male dragon, but is incinerated by him. During the aerial battle, only Lt. Marks (Stephen Suitts) is unscathed as each pilot rams a dragon to halt the attacking force of dragons, buying time for the Fortress to reach the mountain and destroy the facility, taking with it Asuzaka and the remaining dragons. When it is thought that Lt. Robbins is also killed, a SAS ground party, however, locates him and bring him back to the headquarters hospital where he reunites with nurse Rachel McKee (Stephanie Beran).

With all the dragon eggs destroyed and the adult dragons killed, the war will proceed with conventional weaponry.

Tyrant Fear

As described in a film magazine, Allaine Grandet (Dalton) is sold to Jules Latour (Conklin) by her father Paula Grandet. As a climax to his constant brutality, Latour turns her over to James Dermot (MacDowell), who offers to pay the husband well for his wife's appearance at the Northern Star dance hall. At the dance hall she is put up as the stake in a card game between Dermot and a miner, with the dance hall proprietor being the looser. She resists her new owner and is assisted by the piano player, Harley Dane (Hall), who is shot down by Dermot. She, in turn, shoots Dermot and she escapes with the piano player, whom she nurses back to health. He wants to marry her, but she appraises him of her husband. Later, they find Latour's body in the snow, which simplifies matters for the couple.

Playing the Game

As described in a film magazine, believing that killed a professional dancer in a cafe brawl, Larry Prentiss (Ray) along with his valet Hodges (Elmer) flee to the west to where he owns a ranch. The two are waylaid, robbed of their clothes, and set adrift. In this condition they are picked up by the foreman of Larry's ranch, Flash Purdy (McKim). Larry, wanting to make good on his merits, refuses to make known his identity. Hardships follow in which Larry incurs the enmity of Flash Purdy. Larry later saves the ranch payroll during a running gun fight and in the midst of a hand-to-hand struggle learns that Moya Shannon (May), daughter of the ranch manager, loves him. In the days that follow he squares his account with Purdy, but his adventure comes to a close when his identity becomes known after he receives a telegram from his uncle.

Entre brumas

The story is set in England, where Deborah Winters is a very repressed woman, dominated by his father and who has grown up in the shadow of her beautiful but cruel friend, Linda Anderson. This always has taken away to Deborah everything she wants, including Paul Anderson, who is in love with Deborah.

Doom Asylum

Attorney Mitch Hansen and his fiancée Judy LaRue get into a car wreck that results in Judy being killed. During an autopsy on the seemingly-dead Hansen (which disfigures his face), he wakes up and kills the medical examiners. Ten years later, a group of friends, including Judy's daughter Kiki, have a picnic near the asylum where Hansen was held. A punk band is using the asylum to practice some songs. However, Hansen still inhabits the asylum and plans to go after any perceived intruders.

I due gattoni a nove code... e mezza ad Amsterdam

The journalist Ciccio and the photographer Franco are looking for a scoop, as they stumble by chance in the murder of a Dutch diamond dealer of which Franco immortalizes the fateful moment. Thanks to this event the couple get an engagement and a transfer to Amsterdam to investigate the murder.

Sniper: Art of Victory

Set during World War II, the player assumes the role of a sniper ally from the Red Army that takes part in operations in the Eastern Front and Italy.

Submission (novel)

In 2022, François, a middle-aged literature professor at Paris III and specialist in Huysmans, feels he is at the end of his sentimental and sexual lives – composed largely of year-long liaisons with his students. It has been years since he did any valuable university work. France is in the grip of political crisis – in order to stave off a National Front victory, the Socialists ally with the newly formed Muslim Brotherhood Party, with additional support from the Union for a Popular Movement, formerly the main right-wing party. They propose the charming and physically imposing Islamic candidate Mohammed Ben-Abbes for the presidency against the National Front leader Marine Le Pen. In despair at the emerging political situation, and the inevitability of antisemitism becoming a major force in French politics, François's young and attractive Jewish girlfriend, Myriam, emigrates to Israel. His mother and father die. He fears that he is heading towards suicide, and takes refuge at a monastery situated in the town of Martel. The monastery is an important symbol of Charles Martel's victory over Islamic forces in 732; it is also where his literary hero, Huysmans, became a lay member.

Ben-Abbes wins the election, and becomes President of France. He pacifies the country and enacts sweeping changes to French laws, privatizing the Sorbonne, thereby making François redundant with full pension as only Muslims are now allowed to teach there. He also ends gender equality, allowing polygamy. Several of François's intellectually-inferior colleagues, having converted to Islam, get good jobs and make arranged marriages with attractive young wives. The new president campaigns to enlarge the European Union to include North Africa, with the aim of making it a new Roman Empire, with the now-Islamicized France at its lead. In this new, different society, with the support of the powerful politician Robert Rediger, the novel ends with François poised to convert to Islam and the prospect of a second, better life, with a prestigious job, and wives chosen for him.

El Niño (film)

The story is set in the Strait of Gibraltar. It tells the initiation of two youngsters in the world of drug trafficking. At the same time, two police agents, specialized in dismantling drug trafficking networks, are investigating this ring.


Ane (played by Nagore Aranburu) is a woman in her early forties who does not feel fulfilled. Her life changes when she starts to receive bouquets of flowers at home anonymously, once a week. The lives of Lourdes (Itziar Ituño) and Tere (Itziar Aizpuru) are also altered by some mysterious flowers. A stranger leaves flowers every week in memory of someone who was important for them.

Amores Roubados

Passion knows no limits. Doomed tells the story of Leandro (Cauã Reymond), a sophisticated sommelier and a real Don Juan. After returning to his native city, he has a romance with Celeste (Dira Paes), who is married to a powerful businessman. Due to his insatiable appetite for women, he also becomes involved with Isabel (Patrícia Pillar), the wife of his boss, Jaime (Murilo Benício). For Leandro, seducing women is just a game until he is taken by surprise upon falling in love with Antônia (Isis Valverde), the couple’s daughter. This young girl makes him question his convictions and together, they are thrown into a thrilling story of desire, jealousy and revenge.

Antônia’s mother is discreet and totally devoted to her family. Torn between her daughter’s and her husband’s desires, she tries, unsuccessfully, to ease the bitter feelings between the two. Celeste, on the other hand, is a passionate and seductive woman who hides her affair with the sommelier from everyone.

When Leandro’s boss discovers his wife’s infidelity, his angry outburst coincides with the disappearance of his sommelier. Was it a planned escape or a crime of passion? The uncertainty only elevates the suspense in this explosive mixture of action, romance, mystery and sensuality.

The White Man's Law

As described in a film magazine, Sir Harry Falkland (Holt), having lost the respect of his wife and facing prosecution for forgery, leaves England and goes to Africa as part of an ivory commission. Maida Verne (Vidor), a French-Sudanese maid, captivates his eye, and after he declares his love for her, she is compromised in the eyes of her fiance John A. Genghis (Hayakawa), the son of a sheik and an Oxford graduate. While on the trip to the interior in search of ivory, Genghis discovers Falkland's duplicity through a letter from his wife. In the fight that ensues Genghis is worsted and Falkland returns with a tale of the death of the young native. The impending arrival of Lady Falkland (Selwynne) dispels Maida's dream of love and her demand for the restoration of her good name is met with indifference by Falkland. Genghis, who has miraculously escaped death, returns and after besting Falkland in a fight gives him permission to commit suicide. Falkland's death is reported to his wife as an accident and Genghis and Maida prepare for marriage.

Resurrection (1918 film)

As described in a film magazine, Katusha (Frederick), a servant, betrayed by Prince Nekludov (Elliott), a Russian officer and member of nobility, is forced through the inexorable Russian custom to become a woman of the streets. As a social outcast she is accused of the murder of prominent merchant and sentenced to Siberia by a jury on which the army officer is a member. Overcome by remorse he seeks the Czar and obtains a pardon for Katusha. Upon his arrival in Siberia he gives her the pardon and offers, in atonement for the wrong he has done her, to make her his wife. In the meantime, however, she has been taught right living by Simonson (St. Polis), a peasant, and is determined to stay with him until his sentence is complete.


The series follows the Farragut family, led by Kika (Claudia di Girolamo), a woman who, after losing her husband, convinces her eldest son, Vicente (Néstor Cantillana), a veterinarian, to take his father's place, making him the head of a cartel. The Farragut family has as enemies the Aguilera family, who runs a rival drug cartel, led by Iván (Luis Dubó), considered one of the most powerful and ruthless drug traffickers in the region.

In its second season, the story presents Moreno (Luis Gnecco), Vicente (Néstor Cantillana) and Tegui struggling to survive in a maximum security prison while Laura (Blanca Lewin) manages the drug trafficking business, which she plans to enlarge.

Love's Conquest

As described in a film magazine, determined that her son Francesco (Verdi) will have every advantage of a successful reign when he grows to manhood, Duchess Gismonda refuses all offers of marriage. A sudden danger to her son prompts her to offer her kingdom to the man who rescues the child. Almerio (Foote) braves the dangers of the lion's den to save the child, but because he is a slave the Duchess refuses to fulfill her vow. Gradually, she learns to love him, and after he assumes the guilt for a murder that she committed, Gismonda confesses to the crime and in the presence of her people makes Almerio her consort.

His Own Home Town

As described in a film magazine, an outcast from home, Jimmy Duncan (Ray) goes to New York City where, under an assumed name, he becomes famous as a playwright. His childhood sweetheart Carol (MacDonald), also goes to the city seeking success on the stage. On the death of Carol's father Jimmy inherits the ''Chronicle'', a newspaper he had been publishing in Worcester. Jimmy returns to clean out the corrupt gang of city politicians using the paper. The extra he prints brings the politicians to his office, including Jimmy's own father, the Rev. John Duncan (Arbuckle). Upon their promise to leave town within the next twenty-four hours, Jimmy suppresses the next edition of the newspaper. His play is also accepted and Carol becomes famous as its leading lady.


As described in a film magazine, Dick Ware (Pallette) is in love with Viviette (Martin), and the arrival of his handsome brother Austin (Ford) and Viviette's attentiveness to the visitor arouses the jealousy of Dick to such a degree that murder enters his heart. Austin, realizing the depth of Dick's feeling for the charming Viviette, asks Kathryn Holroyd (Whipple), a widowed friend of Viviette, to marry him. When Dick realizes that his brother is not trying to take Viviette away from him, he is both overjoyed and ashamed. The knowledge that Dick really loves her arouses a responsive chord in Viviette, and happiness reigns over the Ware household.

The Bravest Way

As described in a film magazine, Kara Tamura (Hayakawa), a humble worker studying landscape gardening, and Shiro Watana (Aoyama), a trusted clerk, live together in San Francisco. Watana sends for his wife Sat-u (Aoki) and children from Japan, and Tamura dreams of the day when he will have enough money to marry Nume Rogers, a teacher at a nearby kindergarten. Watana is mysteriously murdered. Sat-u arrives and Tamura takes her into his home. Meddlesome neighbors compel Tamura to marry Sat-u, and Nume, heartbroken, accepts the offer of a wealthy man to cultivate her voice as an opera singer. Three years pass and Sat-u is fatally ill. Before she dies, she explains to Nume Tamura's reason for marrying her. Watana's uncle places his property in Tamura's hands for his sacrifice, and Nume and Tamura are reunited.

She's Lost Control (film)

While studying for her master's degree, Ronah works as sexual surrogate in New York City under therapist Dr. Alan Cassidy. Cassidy refers to her a new client, Johnny, a man with intimacy issues. On their first appointment, Johnny drinks alcohol, which Ronah discourages, though she says he can discuss the matter with Cassidy. Johnny's hostility to Ronah's attempts to get him to open up eventually leads him to reveal in one session that he does not trust her and desires to strangle her. In her progress reports with Cassidy, Ronah confirms her desire to continue working with him, as she does not want to give up on him. Johnny continues to drink during their sessions, citing a guideline from Cassidy that one drink before their session is fine.

While Ronah works with her clients, she experiences increasing stress in her personal life. Her apartment building's maintenance man breaks through the wall in her shower to reach a leaky pipe on a complaint by her neighbor, then leaves the hole unfixed for weeks. Her brother contacts her via video chat with news that their mother, suffering from dementia, has gone missing. When he chastises her for not being more involved in their mother's care, she says she has been busy with her studies and work. She offers money, which he declines. She has also been freezing her eggs to make getting pregnant easier in the future, as she does not have a boyfriend. Ronah becomes friendly with her neighbor, but later finds her neighbor has filed a lawsuit against the superintendent; in turn, the superintendent has filed suit against Ronah.

Although Johnny slowly warms to her, he remains distrustful and occasionally hostile. Their sessions progress from looking directly in each other's eyes and non-sexual touching to eventually include genital contact. Pleased that Johnny has opened enough to allow this, Ronah reports this to Cassidy. She also confers with her mentor, Irene, who has taken a teaching position. As they discuss difficult cases, Ronah asks how to handle when one party falls in love with the other. As they talk about falling in love with clients, Irene recommends a healthy social life outside of professional relationships. However, Ronah becomes increasingly obsessed with Johnny and follows him to the hospital where he works as a nurse anesthetist to spy on him. When she sees him flirt with a coworker, she becomes jealous.

In their next session, Ronah demands that Johnny describe any sexual relationships he has outside of their own; he refuses. At the same time, she becomes more open and answers his questions about her own personal life. After they have sex, she stays with him overnight. Johnny leaves the bed and angrily yells at his reflection in the mirror. Concerned, Ronah asks him what's wrong, and he angrily lashes out at her, accusing her of faking her intimacy with him. After he beats her, she goes to the police. They offer to enact a restraining order, but she leaves before filing charges. Ronah attempts to contact her neighbor to no avail, and takes a harassing phone call from a prior client. Overwhelmed, she begins crying. Later, after being treated at a hospital for her wounds, her brother picks her up and remarks that her make-up causes her to look older.


What does being a man? What does being a woman? A search for identity that unites these two sexes to the same person.

The Soul of Youth

As described in a film magazine, Ed Simpson (Sargent), victim of prenatal influence and an unloved childhood, is introduced into the orphanage where his liveliness has made him the butt of taunting orphans and menacing officials. Love first comes into his life when he acquires a dog, and when it is ousted he follows, taking to the streets with his pal Mike (Butterworth). Through cunning the two boys obtain incriminating evidence that keeps a rascally politician from office. This paves the way for the clear supremacy of his rival, who gives Ed a home and adopts him. The getting of papers by the boys helps adjust a troubled love affair between Vera Hamilton (Lee) and Dick Armstrong (Collier), two friends of the youth, and makes possible their marriage. When Ed after leaving the home steals to satisfy his hunger, he helps himself to canned goods on the shelves of the Hamiltons, who eventually become his foster parents.

Missing (1918 film)

Nell (Beamer) and Lt. George Surratt (Gordon) are happily married, but Nell's sister Hester (Humphrey) is disappointed because she had hoped to obtain social standing and wealth through the marriage by Nell to an old but wealthy man. Shortly after the marriage, George joins the fighting men in France, but is later reported missing. Sir William Farrell, who cannot go to war because of lameness, becomes interested in Nell, and Hester, forcing Nell to believe her husband is dead, urges her to accept Sir William's proposal. Although Hester tries to intercept it, Nell receives a message that George is alive but suffering from shell shock. The singing of his favorite song, "Bonnie Sweet Bessie", by his wife completely restores his memory and they are happily reunited.

Army of Frankensteins

Alan Jones is a recently unemployed grocery store worker. One night he decides to go back to find his coworker Ashley and propose to her, but when he sees her kissing his former boss, he leaves.

While heading home, Alan’s kidnapped by a child genius named Igor and taken to a warehouse of Dr. Tanner Finski. There they remove one of Alan’s eyeballs and put it into his Frankenstein monster. While Igor injects Frankenstein with a special regeneration liquid, Alan stumbles and activates the process which brings Frankenstein to life. Suddenly a lightning bolt comes and overloads the system. An interdimensional portal appears creating multiple Frankenstein copies before the portal swallows everyone and takes them to 1865 in the middle of a battle of the American Civil War.

The Frankensteins immediately start attacking the Confederate and Union soldiers, killing many of them. Alan is rescued by Corporal Solomon Jones, who Alan found out earlier is his Great-great-great grandfather. He is taken to the infirmary next to the dying Dr. Finski where he begins seeing images of what the original Frankenstein sees. Igor is behind Confederate lines where Lt. Swanson takes his injector before letting him leave to the Union side. Swanson shows the injector to Capt. Walton, who injects a cat and watching it turn into a giant beast that runs into the woods.

Dr. Finski tells them that they must kill the Frankenstein to create a portal back before dying. So Alan, Igor, Solomon, and Virginia (a medic and Solomon’s girlfriend) go out and find them. They eventually track them down to another Union camp. During the fight, Virginia is cornered by the original Frankenstein in a hot air balloon and they fly off. Virginia is able to explain to Frankenstein her life as a slave and explain what they’re fighting for. Frankenstein understands and agrees to help the Union, causing the duplicate Frankensteins to relax. Their balloon is then shot down by the Confederacy and they get captured. While heading back to camp, Solomon is attacked by the cat beast and has his left forearm removed.

At the Confederate camp, Walton sees how strong Frankenstein is from the injection, so he orders Swanson to inject himself with the regeneration liquid, which turns him into a larger stronger Confederate monster. Thinking the war is now won, Walton lets them go to tell the Union about their doom. Virginia arrives at the Union camp along with all the Frankensteins. She’s able to convince the soldiers they are on their side, giving them hope.

The next day a big and gory battle takes place. With the help of the Frankensteins and the disintegration ray Igor built to replace Solomon’s left forearm, they are victorious. As the Frankenstein surround Walton and the Confederate monster, Virginia’s sister Maggie stabs the original Frankenstein in revenge for killing her soldier boyfriend earlier. With the other Frankensteins falling in pain, the Confederate monster disables Solomon’s ray gun and kills Maggie before leaving.

When Abraham Lincoln hears about the battle, he invites Alan, Igor and Frankenstein to the White House. Before leaving, Igor starts ingesting the regeneration liquid and gives Solomon a bag not to open until he’s gone. Once there, Lincoln mentions that Walton and the Confederate monster also arrived and he needs to find out why. They track them down at a tavern, where Igor tries to sneak in. He’s able to find out they’re talking with John Wilkes Booth about killing Lincoln before he’s spotted. As he tries to run, he’s shot by Walton. As Igor dies, Frankenstein calls on the other Frankensteins to join him, followed by Solomon and Virginia.

Alan and Frankenstein meet Walton, Booth and the Confederate monster at the theatre. The two monsters fight while Alan and Booth battle inside. As Solomon and the Frankensteins arrive, the Confederate monster had knocked out Frankenstein. With the other Frankensteins out, Solomon tries to take him on himself. Meanwhile, Booth is able to knock out Alan and continue.

Eventually, Frankenstein regains consciousness and the other Frankensteins recover and save Solomon by beating down the Confederate monster. When Walton begins insulting the Confederate monster, he throws Walton into the Frankensteins allowing them to rip him into pieces. As Booth fires the gun, Frankenstein steps in front of Lincoln and is shot instead. The bullet staggers Frankenstein, causing him to knock Lincoln over the balcony before Frankenstein goes over squashing Lincoln. As Booth tries to leave, Solomon disintegrates him. As Frankenstein dies, the other Frankensteins disappear and the portal appears allowing Alan to go back.

Alan is back at the warehouse just as a portal is opening. He warns Igor about his death, but since Igor believes that Alan would die if he didn’t go, he leaves anyway. Alan goes back to the grocery store where he punches out his ex-boss and asks Ashley to marry him. She refuses since they’re not ready. When Alan gives Ashley a $5 bill, he sees that it has Frankenstein’s face on it. When he does an ancestry search on Solomon Jones, he finds that he married Virginia and adopted Igor, making him his Great-great grandfather. The bag Igor gave to Solomon contained a metal rod with instructions to stick it in his grave during a stormy night. A lightning bolt hits it, activating the regeneration fluid to bring him back to life.

Her Final Reckoning

As described in a film magazine, Marsa (Frederick), daughter of a Russian nobleman whose wealth she inherits, meets and falls in love with Prince Zilah (Miltern) in Paris. Between them rises the shadow of a secret, the nature of which is revealed, with Count Menko (Cain) hurrying to Paris upon learning of Marsa's engagement to the Prince. The Count orders her to meet him in the garden. She turns her dogs loose on him and he is badly injured and disappears for a time. The Count sends a packet of love letters to the Prince on the eve of the marriage. Marsa becomes ill and loses her mind. A friend of Prince runs down the Count and kills him in a duel. The Prince and Marsa are reconciled.

Sick: Survive the Night

Survivors in a military bunker recruit Dr. Leigh Rozetta, a scientist, to find a cure for the zombie plague that has ravaged humanity. When she retreats to her parents' house, several survivalists join her along the way. The group attempts to survive the zombie hordes while dealing with their interpersonal issues.

The Lady in the Van

''The Lady in the Van'' tells the mostly true story of Alan Bennett's somewhat strained friendship with Miss Mary Shepherd, a crabby, eccentric, homeless woman whom Bennett befriended in the 1970s, before letting her park her Bedford van in the driveway of his Camden home "for three months". She ended up residing there for 15 years.

As the story develops, Bennett learns Miss Shepherd's true identity: Margaret Fairchild, a gifted former pupil of pianist Alfred Cortot. She had driven an ambulance in WWII, played Chopin at The Proms, attempted to become a nun twice, and was committed to an institution by her brother. She escaped, had an accident when her van was hit by a motorcyclist—for whose death she believed herself to blame—and thereafter lived in fear of arrest.

Social workers check in with her, the first offering her coats, then confiding in Mr. Bennett she would just as soon see her move on. Other than Bennett, other neighbours on the street would bring Miss Shepherd presents or food, in doing so being charitable in their eyes.

Bennett discovered to his surprise she had studied piano in France, and was fluent in French. Also, from time to time, a mysterious man stops by her van who frightens her, and she gives him money.

One day, a couple of youth scare Miss Shepherd, shaking the van and yelling at her. They woke her from a nightmare she was having of a long ago traffic accident. She goes to confession, and the priest reminds her he has absolved her several times already. The incident with the boys worries Alan, so he mentions at a meal with neighbors an idea to let her park in his drive. A wealthy neighbour buys her a new van, and it stays on Alan's property for the next 15 years.

Mary has an aversion to all music. When asked why, she explained that when she was a novice nun, left alone in a room with a piano she started to play a classical piece. She was forbidden to play it again. Another unusual experience she mentions is driving an ambulance during the 1939 blackout.

From time to time, she takes a trip to Broadstairs on the coast, visiting a cottage with a blue door, speaking with a man. Once she's gone to the day centre, Bennett goes to the person she's named next of kin. Her brother in Broadstairs fills him in on the details: she'd tried to be a nun twice, he had had her institutionalised in Banstead (however, she escaped), she'd studied under the virtuoso pianist Alfred Cortot.

He returns home, to find her back. She had been scared off by a woman she'd known in Banstead, and had an opportunity to sneak in to play a piano in the centre. She retells that her confessor (in addition to the nuns) had forbade her from playing, which she was told would help her spirit grow. Before he goes into his home, she asks to hold his hand. It was her final goodbye to him; she dies peacefully in her sleep in her van.

Much of the dialogue is between two versions of Bennett – his "real self" and his "writer self".

During her 15-year stay in his drive, Bennett balances his writing career with watching over Shepherd and providing for his increasingly invalid mother. Though he denies "caring" for anyone, he slowly becomes aware of his growing friendship with Shepherd. After her passing, Alan decides to write a memoir covering the years he has known her.

In 2014, the real Bennett is shown observing this film's final scene being filmed, with his younger self unveiling a blue plaque on his home dedicated to "The Lady in the Van".

Saltbush Bill

The character is introduced in this poem as a drover of sheep along "the track of the Overland", who stretches "the law of the Great Stock Routes" by allowing his sheep to make use of all the good grass they find. On the occasion described in the poem, Bill's sheep have spread across a squatter's property. A Jackaroo arrives and attempts to drive the sheep back into the accepted "space of the half-mile track". An argument and then fight ensues between Bill and the Jackaroo, and, while Bill concedes after a marathon fight, in the end he achieves his aim of finding his sheep a good feed.

The Claws of the Hun

A propaganda film about a bad agent trying to find the secret formula for an explosive.

Dying Room Only

Bob Mitchell and his wife, Jean, are driving through the hot Arizona desert on their way home to Los Angeles. A detour has taken them 100 miles out of the way down a deserted road because Jean insisted on taking photographs of a particular area to take back to their daughter. Bob is irritated by the delay in getting home and, after he throws a few jabs at Jean, the two stop at a roadside cafe/inn called the Arroyo Motel. It's a rundown claptrap and, aside from cook Jim Cutler and one customer named Tom King, the place is empty. But the two travelers are hungry, and the diner will do for now. To their surprise, both Jim and Tom are hostile and downright rude to them. The situation makes Jean uncomfortable. She tries to call home using the payphone but the line is busy.

Jean gets up to go to the restroom and wash her face. When she returns, Bob is nowhere to be found. Perhaps he went to use the bathroom himself, she thinks. Their station wagon is still parked outside. Minutes pass and still no Bob. A tight-lipped Jim and Tom are extremely unhelpful, telling Jean that Bob probably just abandoned her. At Jean's request, Tom agrees to go into the men's room to see if her husband is alright. When Tom emerges, he tells Jean that Bob isn't there.

Jean goes next door to the motel, where a woman named Vi works the front desk. She's also vaguely unfriendly and of no help. Unbeknownst to Jean, hurried calls are being made between Vi and Jim in the diner. Starting to worry even more, Jean tries to go inside the cafe men's room, but it is locked. Jim finally opens the door when Jean threatens to call the police. Bob isn't around but she does notice a second door. The cook refuses to open it for her, and Jean contacts the police. Meanwhile, someone drives off in the Mitchell station wagon and Jean runs out screaming for her husband.

Night has now fallen, and the sheriff arrives. As Jean tells her story, the officer looks bewildered. In fact, the door to the men's room isn't locked. The other door inside leads to an old storage shed, but there’s still no trace of Bob. An APB is put out for the car, and Jean plans on staying in the motel until further notice from the sheriff. Neither Jim nor Vi are particularly happy to have her hang around. Despite Jean's plea for him to check out the other rooms, the sheriff doesn't see any cause to do so.

Later, Vi refuses to place a call to the FBI, and Jean is unable reach her home in Los Angeles. Jean confronts Vi and tells her, "I don't know what's going on here, but I will find out!" The now-frantic wife has no choice but to search around the motel by herself. She enters the shed behind the men's room. Peeking through the keyhole into the restroom beyond, she spies Tom entering on the other side and immediately notices a light bulb illuminate next to her. A third man must have been hiding in the shed when Bob entered the restroom; the bulb must have served as an alert to the kidnapper that it was time to nab her husband, leaving Tom and Jim free to distract her as they carried out their plan.

At that moment, Jean is relieved to see the family vehicle pull up. But instead of Bob stepping out, she is frightened by a tall, hulking character with a limp (played by Ron Feinberg). She runs into some underbrush, and, when Tom comes near her, she whacks him with a stick. Then at last, she catches a glimpse of her husband: bound and gagged, he's being shuffled into the station wagon and driven away.

The sheriff returns, and this time he believes her story. The two drive through the desert towards an abandoned pump station, while Tom follows. The sheriff tells her that the man with the limp is named Lou McDermott and that he recently jumped parole. He also discloses that there have been other mysterious disappearances, a fact he neglected to tell Jean earlier. At the gas station, the sheriff shoots and kills Lou, and then the officer himself is snuffed out by Tom. Jean grabs the steering wheel of the police vehicle and tries to run Tom down, but she's caught.

Both Bob and Jean are taken back to the motel and are kept in Tom's truck until the three perpetrators can figure out what to do. Vi turns on Tom and shoots him. As Vi comes towards the truck with gun in hand, Jean lights a flare and blinds her. Jean then grabs the revolver and holds both Vi and Jim at bay until the authorities arrive. Now safe, Jean places a tearful call to her children and tells her daughter they had a "fine time" on their trip and that they’re coming home as fast as they can.

Taiyo to Umi no Kyoshitsu

At a particular private senior high school in Shōnan, Kanagawa Prefecture, 3rd year students are preparing for their university entrance examinations. Sakutaro is brought into the school by the principal in anticipation of the fallout from a scandal involving the school. However, his unorthodox methods of teaching and his emphasis on values is met with stiff resistance from his students, who are only interested in improving their academic results. His unorthodox approach also creates friction between him and the rest of the staff.

After helping his students with their various difficulties and imparting values to them in the process, Sakutaro's students begin to respect him as a teacher. The students also begin to realise the importance of pursuing their dreams rather than blindly following a successful path set by society. Together, the class grow as people and are able to tackle the many challenges that they faced. Sensing the growth of the students, the other members of the staff begin to question their previous fixation on grades and instead support Sakutaro's teaching methods.

Oh My G!

Sophie Cepeda (Janella Salvador) is a teenager who struggles after both of her parents died. Sophie blamed God for the loss of her loved ones, until G (Leo Rialp) himself appears to Sophie in different forms to enlighten the latter on the obstacles she is facing.

Life's Shop Window

Bernard Chetwin is a boarder at John Anderson's farm in England. He is unimpressed by Anderson's spoiled daughter Bella, but is attracted to their orphaned servant, Lydia Wilton. She tells him of her dreams for a happier life, and they fall in love. Wilton also meets Eustace Pelham, who introduces her to his philosophy of "life's shop window": that many people make life decisions on purely superficial grounds. Chetwin marries Wilton in a secret ceremony.

Intending to establish a farm to support his new family, Chetwin leaves the English countryside for Arizona. Concerned about the dangers of frontier territory, he travels without his newlywed wife, intending to send for her later. When she gives birth to Chetwin's child, Anderson's wife refuses to accept evidence of her marriage, and throws her out of the farm for having a child out of wedlock. She takes the infant with her to Arizona and reunites with Chetwin at his ranch.

The demands of managing the ranch consume all of Chetwin's time, leaving Wilton to feel neglected and unloved. One day, a traveler is injured near the ranch, whom she recognizes as Pelham. Pelham courts her, taking advantage of her loneliness. Although she admits she does not love him, he convinces her to abandon her family and run away with him. As she is preparing to depart, she is confronted by Starlight, an Indian woman who works as a servant on the ranch, who reminds Wilton of the needs of her child. She spurns Pelham and returns to her family. Eventually, Chetwin forgives her and devotes more of his time to her. Pelham may have been killed by Starlight, although his ultimate fate is left unclear.

Shark Monroe

As described in a film magazine, Shark Monroe (Hart), owner of a sealing vessel, agrees to take Marjorie Hilton (MacDonald) and her brother Webster (McDaniel) to Skagway, provided Webster works his own passage. Majorie falls into the power of Big Baxter (Singleton), a notorious character of the Alaskan coast, and agrees to marry him. Shark appears and, while his men hold the wedding party at bay, marries and runs off with Marjorie. At the end of two weeks he agrees to safely return her to Baxter's camp. Webster and Baxter arrive, however, and to restore the young man confidence Shark allows Webster to beat him in a fist fight. Later, after overhearing Baxter lie about him, Shark kills Baxter with one blow, and Marjorie has her eyes opened as to the bigness of the man.

The Kaiser's Shadow

As described in a film magazine, a love affair between Paula Harris (Dalton) and Hugo Wagner (Hall), begun in Wilhemstrasse, continues in America where the two, as German spies, obtain employment in the home of Dorothy Robinson (Lorraine), fiance of Clement Boyd (Cecil), an inventor who perfected a rifle. On their wedding day Clement and Dorothy are spirited away to the home of Professor Fredeerick Fischer, a cog in the German spy system. A search of Clement fails to find the plans for the rifle, and Hugo and Paula, who conducted the abduction, are told that they bungled it and will have to answer to "his excellence". The torture of Clement by "his excellence" is halted when Paula tears the mask from his face, exposing William Kremlin (French), a respected citizen. Men from the U.S. secret service arrive and the leaders of the band are killed while the others are taken into custody. Subsequent revelations show that Paula and Hugo were actually both in the service of the Allies and their romance culminates.

Zombie Army Trilogy

In April 1945, German dictator Adolf Hitler, who is hiding in the Führerbunker is informed by a Wehrmacht officer that the war is lost and Berlin will soon fall, leaving surrender as their only option. Enraged, Hitler executes the officer and declares that the Fatherland will not fall. He then orders the execution of "Plan Z"-the resurrection of all the Wehrmacht's fallen soldiers as zombies.

Once the zombies are released, OSS operative and sniper Karl Fairburne, veteran Red Army infantryman Boris Medvedev, Wehrmacht Captain Hermann Wolff, and German occultist Efram Schwaiger are forced to team up in an abandoned village not far from Berlin. After clearing the village of zombies, the quartet commandeers a truck to take them to Berlin. Once there, they find the city in chaos; zombies roam the streets and alleyways. A radio transmission tells the quartet that the zombies are gathering in the nearby Memorial Cathedral, so the four go to investigate. At the cathedral, they find an SS occult general summoning zombies. In a fight with him and his minions, the survivors send the demonically-possessed officer back to Hell and discover a tunnel under the church's altar. The tunnel leads the group to an underground facility overrun with the undead. Inside, the four discover a reference to a Book of Souls, stored in the Berlin Central Library, which is a safeguard medieval occult text in case the zombies proved difficult to control. Hitler never retrieved it before unleashing the horde. Exiting the facility, the survivors fight their way to the library, where they obtain the book and unleash its power on the zombies, but find that its effects are negligible. The four then escape through the U-Bahn to a canal where they kill another SS occult general and escape via a British agent on a boat.

Meanwhile, in his underground bunker, Hitler and his last general (Hitler having killed the other two) discuss the Sagarmatha Relic, an artifact intended to protect Hitler from the undead soldiers. The general reveals that Hitler needed all three pieces in order for it to work, whereupon Hitler beats the officer to death with the Relic fragment. The zombies then storm the Führerbunker and kill Hitler. Faireburne and the survivors are led back to Berlin when Allied intelligence reports the Sagarmatha Relic and its purpose to them, so they arrive at the Brandenburg Gate to retrieve the first piece of the Relic from the Kaiser-Friederich-Museum, killing zombies along the way. Once retrieved, the four proceed to the Berlin Planetarium, where they discover a secret entrance to Hitler's bunker. After clearing the bunker, the four retrieve the second piece from Hitler's office. Schwaiger directs them to a G-Tower outside Berlin. The four seize a train from a nearby railyard and make their way there. En route, they are informed by their British intelligence contact that the Allies have authorized Operation Red Harvest-a plan to carpet bomb Berlin and the surrounding area with atomic bombs to hopefully destroy the zombies. Racing against time, the four successfully penetrate the tower, defeat the occult general atop it, and retrieve the third piece of the Relic. The four are spirited away as the USAAF bombs the area.

Three months later, in August, Hitler has risen from the dead and joined the ranks of the undead as their leader. Still humanly sentient, Hitler has organized the zombies into a new army, using them to tighten his grip on Nazi Germany. Pockets of survivors have sprung up all over Germany, supported by Allied airdrops of supplies. Faireburne, Wolff, Medvedev, and Schwaiger are tasked with retrieving war-winning intel from a British agent named MacNeil who they discover was killed by the zombies after being forced into St. Ulrich Hospital. When they do, they discover that Hitler has obtained the Book of Souls and is shipping his undead troops to an unknown location. The four hitch a ride on one of Hitler's supply trains and take it straight to a rally where Hitler is outlining his plans for the new Undead Reich. Faireburne attempts to assassinate Hitler, only for the bullet to stop right in front of Hitler's face. Only Schwaiger's use of the Relic prevents the four from being swarmed by the zombies at the rally. The squad is then deployed to infiltrate the Folterschloss, Hitler's private mountain stronghold in a forest nearby. Making their way to the tram station that supports the castle, the four discover that Hitler is attempting to use humans to power a propaganda device in the castle. The four find the key that activates the full power of the Relic and escape as the man powering the device detonates the fortification. Hitler's headquarters is determined to be a large fortified facility inside the irradiated badlands outside Berlin, which the group infiltrates. They sabotage the industrial plant that the Führer is using to manufacture weapons, equipment, and food supplies for the zombie army and then face off with Hitler himself. After defeating an enormous zombie Hitler, Faireburne tosses the real Hitler down to Hell. Medvedev throws the relic, and Faireburne shoots it just before it enters the Hellhole, releasing its holy energy. The quartet manage to escape as Hitler's headquarters is completely destroyed.

The Firefly of France

As described in a film magazine, while the actions of Esme Falconer (Little) are suspicious, Devereux Bayne's (Reid) admiration for her forces him to believe in her. When her chauffeur is mysteriously killed, he drives her to a deserted chateau to protect her from French officers. But the officers get there first, and upon their arrival Devereux and Esme are made prisoners. Escaping through a secret door they come upon Jean, known as the Firefly (Hatton), who has important papers for France. The French officers turn out to be German officers in disguise and they demand the papers. Devereux gives them a false copy of the papers and manages to turn them over to the proper authorities. He wins the heart of Esme and a French Cross of Honor for his bravery.

Coming Home (McDevitt novel)

The story is set approximately 9,000 years in the future (12th millennium AD), after humanity has expanded to inhabit countless worlds. Alex Benedict and his partner Chase Kolpath are antique dealers who run a firm called Rainbow Enterprises.

During the plot, several elements of the future history are disclosed, such as the global Dark Age and the loss of artifacts and records of that time, the 26th century interstellar colonization, and the 4th millennium unification of Planet Earth.

An intriguing artifact (a Corbett transmitter, which allows communications through hyperspace) that dates back to the Golden Age of Spaceflight is found in the home of deceased astroarcheologist Garnett Baylee. The source of the artifact is a mystery as Baylee never announced such a discovery.

While this is happening, the Capella, a cruise spaceship which disappeared over a decade ago, is expected to resurface from hyperspace, possibly leading to the evacuation of the spacecraft. This is significant because Benedict's uncle Gabe was on the Capella.

Koisuru Vampire

Kiira seems like an ordinary young girl, who likes to dress up. What differentiates her from others is that she is a vampire. She has never told anyone her secret including her first love, Tetsu. After her parents died when Kiira was 12 years old, she needed to live with her relatives and lost contact with Tetsu. But 8 years later, Tetsu appears at the bakery where Kiira works...

What Is Love (TV series)

Thirty-two-year-old Li Yi Hua (Jade Chou) is longing for a romantic relationship and wants to marry a good man. Along comes Bai Zong You (Chris Wu), who breaks women's hearts with one-night stands. Bai Zong You sets his sights on wooing Li Yi Hua next. What she doesn't know is that she might have true feels for him.

The Other Barrio

San Francisco housing inspector Bob Morales (Montoya) as he investigates the suspicious circumstances of a fatal fire in a residential hotel in San Francisco's Latino Mission District and finds himself face to face with corruption at City Hall and the mysterious Sophia Nido (Valencia), a beautiful woman from his past.

This film, based on a story by San Francisco Poet Laureate Alejandro Murguia, addresses issues around gentrification and displacement of low-income communities. The film is based in part on the December 1975 fire at the Gartland Apartments at 16th and Valencia Streets in San Francisco.

Less Than Kin

As described in a film magazine, Lewis Vickers (Reid), a young American languishing in South America because he is "wanted" for a crime which was the result of an accident, comes across another American Hobart Lee (Reid) who greatly resembles him. That man dies and Vickers, to get back to the United States, decides to impersonate him. He is taken to the family group upon his arrival in New York City and soon finds himself possessed of the encumbrances and debts left by the former youth, which include a wife and three children. He is left a fortune, but discloses his identity and flees to Canada. En route he marries the ward of his benefactor, who had helped him escape and had hid in his automobile. Eventually he is cleared of all guilt and has a happy ending.

A Nine O'Clock Town

As described in a film magazine, David Clary has big ideas on how to run a store, but John Clary, his crusty old dad, lets his business run downhill. David goes to the big city and while working as a clerk in a department store absorbs a few more pointers. He is also fleeced by a cabaret habitué (Young). Finally, his father sends for him to rejuvenate the "Emporium." By employing the town band and advertising, he fills the store with customers. The cabaret girl comes to town on the pretext of returning his watch and lures him to her hotel room. Here her fake husband (Ross) blackmails the young manager, but is exposed when he comes to collect $5000 from David by the corset model (Matthews), who swears that he is her husband. Selling out the store to a syndicate for a large sum saves David from bankruptcy and he takes his chief clerk and constant adviser Katherine Farrell (Novak) as his life partner.

Fedora (1918 film)

As described in a film magazine, Fedora (Frederick), a Russian princess of wealth and beauty and engaged to Count Vladimir Androvitch (Merkyl), vows to bring the murderer of the Count to justice after he is mysteriously slain. She traces the assassin to Paris and poses as a Russian exile. By the practice of her wiles she induces Louis Ipanoff (Austin) to fall in love with and wrings a confession from him. Ipanoff goes to Fedora's house and reveals the truth of her fiance's death, he having discovered Vladimir in Mme. Ipanoff's bedroom. When Fedora learns of her late fiance's perfidy, she declares her love for Ipanoff and screens him from the police until the Tsar can pardon him and they are finally married.

Cargo (2013 film)

After a car crash knocks him unconscious, a man wakes up to find that his wife has died and turned into a zombie. He leaves the car, grabs his young daughter from the back seat, and realizes that his wife bit him while he was unconscious. After an emotional goodbye to his wife, he sets off to find survivors.

Knowing that he does not have much time left before he turns into a zombie, he puts his daughter in a baby back-pack, binds his hands to a pole, and attaches carrion to the end of the pole. After he collapses, he rises again as a zombie, and, drawn by the lure of the carrion on the pole, continues his journey.

After a point, he notices the balloon he inflated for his daughter and is distracted by it. He is then shot by a sniper, and a group of survivors investigate his corpse, almost leaving before one of them discovers his daughter, who has 'My Name is Rosie' written on her stomach in permanent marker.

Green Eyes (1918 film)

As described in a film magazine, hardly had Pearson Hunter (Holt) returned to the south with his young bride Shirley (Dalton) than he flew into a jealous rage because his wife knew one of the men in the welcoming party. Later, when the two lost their way while on a hunting trip, he vented an unreasonable rage upon her.

Margery Gibson (May), fiancé of his brother Morgan (Johnson), felt the pangs of the green-eyed monster whenever Morgan showed his sister-in-law the slightest courtesy. She confided her suspicions to Pearson. In the meantime Morgan, resenting a slur upon his brother's wife by Alexander Chapman (McKim), fell him with a blow.

A mulatto who hated Chapman was lurking nearby and choked the prostrate man to death. Morgan, thinking he was a murderer, fled in panic and hid in his sister-in-law's room, where he was found by his brother Pearson.

Pearson at once passed judgement and did not want to hear explanations, but later after learning the truth upon hearing the confession of the mulatto, he sought forgiveness and promised to banish jealousy from his life.

Coals of Fire (1918 film)

The young Nell Bradley is regarded with contempt by the inhabitants of the town where she lives because her father is the owner of the local bar, seen as a place of perdition for alcoholics. Charles Alden, the pastor, is attracted to the girl but, when a minor gets sick because a traveling salesman makes her drunk, Alden holds Nell responsible for the fact, even though she has managed to save her with his intervention. Later, Alden discovers the truth. He then offers to send the young woman to school and promises to wait for her until she completes her studies.