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Math for the Real World

The player manages a rock band and must secure funds to producing music videos and become successful by managing the budget efficiently. This is achieved by completing objectives like keeping on schedule and ensuring the van does not run out of fuel.

Born in '45

Alfred ("Al"), an auto mechanic and Lisa ("Li"), a pediatric nurse are a young married couple living in East Berlin during the summer of 1965. Both feel that their relationship is unfulfilling and arrange to get a divorce. While Li dutifully continues her work, Al chaffs under the on-the-job demands of his supervisors. Longing to escape the life-long drudgery his parents endured, he takes a short vacation, briefly rooms with his former motorcycle buddies, and finally moves in with his mother. Al forms a close friendship with the 70-year-old Mogul, a volunteer with the local residential housing commission who is sympathetic to the youngster's personal difficulties. Al's idleness leads to sheer boredom and he returns to his job. Socialist party administrators are troubled by his undisguised disaffection, labeling him a social "skeptic." The plant's political cadre take steps to correct his behavior on and off the job.

She Stoops to Conquer (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from August 20, 1910. It states: "The play deals with the love affair of two young people, both of whose parents are anxious that they should wed. Young Marlow sent by his father to court the daughter of an old friend, Mr. Hardcastle. Marlow has spent very little time in the company of the fairer sex, and as a consequence thereof is always shy and nervous in their presence. He, therefore, accepts his father's orders unwillingly and, accompanied by his friend, young Hastings, rides out to meet his future bride. On the road the travelers encounter Hardcastle's stepson, Tony Lumpkin, who in revenge for punishment his stepfather has inflicted, directs Marlow and his friend to the Hardcastle mansion, claiming that it is an inn where they will be well treated. In the meantime, great preparations are being made at the Hardcastle home for the reception of Hardcastle's old friend, and when Tony ushers in young Marlow, thinking Hardcastle merely the proprietor of an inn, he treats him with scant courtesy and orders him about, much to the older man's chagrin. Hardcastle is subjected to his daughter's extravagant costumes, and she appears on this memorable evening dressed in a simple dress and wearing the cap and apron that housewives in the neighborhood assume. This costume greatly pleases her father, but leads young Marlow further astray. He immediately jumps to the conclusion that she is a most attractive barmaid and loses his heart to her in short order. Upon the arrival of his father, Marlow learns his mistake as regards the inn question, but flatly refuses to marry Hardcastle's daughter, claiming that she is too grand for him, and citing his preference for the maid servant. While in the act of making love to the supposed barmaid he is discovered by his father, and, when told that this is the young lady his father had intended him to marry, he is overjoyed, as he feels sure that his bashful disposition would never have allowed him to woo and win her had he known her to be a lady of fashion."

The Infiltrator (2016 film)

During the 1980s, U.S. Customs Service special agent Robert Mazur uses his undercover alias "Bob Musella" to become a pivotal player for drug lords laundering their dirty cash. Later, he infiltrates the world's largest cartel, and helps expose the money-laundering organization of drug lord Pablo Escobar and take down the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), which had secretly taken illegal ownership of First American Bankshares in Washington, D.C.

Episode 1 (The Casual Vacancy)

The village of Pagford is left in shock when a local resident dies suddenly. Pagford is seemingly an English idyll, but what lies behind the pretty facade is a community at war. The empty seat left on the parish council soon becomes the catalyst for the biggest battle the village has yet seen.

The Trail Rider

Tex Hartwell (Buck Jones) rescues an old cobbler from the physical assault of corrupt banker Jim Mackey (Carl Stockdale). When Mackey orders his hired guns to kill Tex, the stranger outdraws them. Rancher Dee Winch (Jack McDonald) is impressed with Tex's fast draw and hires him as a trail rider, tasked with keeping diseased cattle off of his land.

Sometime later, Mackey's men stampede a herd of infected cattle onto Winch's land. When Winch learns of the infected cattle, he fires Tex, who leaves in disgrace. Meanwhile, Tex learns from Fanny Goodnight (Lucy Fox) that Mackey was behind the stampede of infected cattle. Tex confronts the corrupt banker and forces him to sign a confession admitting to his guilt. Later, the old cobbler kills Mackey, Tex's reputation is restored with the cattlemen, and he and Fanny ride trail together on their own.

White Night (2012 film)

The plot appears to follow a man who returns to Korea for one night. He has been away for two years. At a cafe, he meets up with a past love or friend he left behind when he left Korea. The mustached man is still upset about the past event, and perhaps also by him having left. He claims that he is involved with someone different, as does the main character - "a 35 year old in Germany". Equally wounded, tears begin to form in the eye of the main character, and he abruptly leaves the cafe without saying goodbye, when his friend or past love goes back in to make another order.

Later in the evening, he is approached by a man in an orange jacket. They seem to be acquainted through the internet and their communications escalate towards a sexual nature. The man in orange notices a scar on the back of the main character's shoulder. The main character becomes tentative and touchy, and decides suddenly he does not want to do anything sexual anymore, however, he still wants his company, and so after some small bickering, they head to a bar.

Suddenly the main character recognises a man in the bar, and chases after him, as they run through urban streets. The man in orange follows, despite not understanding the situation. It is later revealed that the main character was stabbed in a homophobic attack, and the man he chased after knows the man who stabbed him, and his current location - the pool hall. The man he met at the cafe in the beginning was also attacked. The main character states it is the reason he left Korea, as it shook his life up, and outed his sexuality publicly, leaving him stigmatised and outcast. They both head to the pool hall, despite the man in orange's discouragement, and together they punch up the man who stabbed him a long time ago.

Afterwards, despite shallow bickering between them, and not being comfortable being open about their emotions, it becomes clear they feel affection and compassion towards one another. They head to a park and discuss their pasts. This time, when asked, the main character states he is seeing "a 24 year old in Germany," which would seem to imply he has lied both times and therefore is actually single - too hurt to become close to anyone since. The man in orange reveals his name to the other, Lee Tae Joon. They have sex and before parting ways, Lee Tae Joon gives him his number. Also, he learns the main character's name only then: Kang Won Gyu. The film ends on a cliffhanger with Kang Won Gyu staring at a payphone from a taxi, thinking about calling Lee Tae Joon.

Free State of Jones (film)

After surviving the second Battle of Corinth and being told of the Twenty Negro Law that allows wealthy men to avoid being conscripted into military service, Newton Knight, a battlefield medic in the Confederate army, deserts after his nephew Daniel is forced into military service, only to be mortally wounded and then denied medical care while the officers are tended to first. Upon returning home, Knight buries Daniel and reconnects with his wife, Serena. He befriends Rachel, an enslaved woman who has secretly learned to read, after she treats his infant son's illness.

Newton's disenchantment with the Confederacy grows after he learns that Confederate troops have been seizing crops, livestock, and draft animals from his neighbors, even though most are already struggling to feed their families. Newton threatens a Confederate officer, Barbour, at gunpoint; when Confederate militiamen are ordered to arrest him for treason, Newton is bitten by one of their attack dogs while trying to escape. Abolitionist-oriented Aunt Sally, a sympathetic community leader, has her servant George take him into the swamps, where he is put under the protection of runaway slave Moses Washington and his followers.

After the fall of Vicksburg, Confederate deserters flock into Jones County. Newton persuades his neighbors to provide him with weapons and organizes the deserters and slaves into a well-disciplined militia. When the rebels begin ambushing military convoys to take back their property, Barbour and his commanding officer, Col. Hood, order their farms to be torched. Serena is forced to flee with her son as Newton cannot protect them. Hood offers pardons to any rebel who agrees to rejoin the army, but when some of Newton's men abandon him and ask to be pardoned, Hood goes back on his word and sentences them to be hanged.

The rebels, appearing to accept defeat, persuade Hood to let them hold a funeral for the deceased under military guard. Suddenly, marksmen hidden under the church and in the coffins fire on the soldiers as the mourners take pistols from their coats and join in. The soldiers are all killed, and Newton strangles Hood to death with his belt. Barbour escapes, but he and the remaining troops in the county are driven out by the rebels, who declare the establishment of the "Free State of Jones." Swearing allegiance to the United States, the rebels manage to defend their territory against Confederate reinforcements for the remainder of the war.

Newton continues to fight racial inequality after the war. He helps free Moses' son from an "apprenticeship" to Rachel's former master. After Moses is lynched while registering freedmen to vote, Newton is seen participating in a march of voters to the polls while they sing "John Brown's Body". He eventually reconciles with Serena and has a son with Rachel. Since they are unable to legally marry, Newton arranges for Rachel to be deeded a parcel of his land for farming upon his death.

The film ends with Newton's great-grandson, Davis Knight, being arrested under Mississippi's anti-miscegenation laws in 1948. Since he has an eighth of black ancestry, the law considers him to be black, and he therefore cannot legally marry his long-time white sweetheart. He is sentenced to five years in prison for refusing to leave the state, but his conviction is thrown out by the Mississippi Supreme Court in 1949, rather than risk the law being declared unconstitutional in light of the emerging civil rights movement.

Way Down East (1935 film)

The story centers upon a starving, impoverished gamin who lost everything after a wicked millionaire tricked her into a marriage and impregnated her. The baby doesn't survive the ordeal and the poor girl ends up sheltered by a puritanical farm family. While there, she falls in love with the son.

The Doctor and the Monkey

In a two-story home (the cross section design of the set allows the viewer to see both levels), a doctor is studying a caged monkey. When the doctor leaves for a moment, the monkey escapes from the cage and begins wreaking havoc on both floors. The monkey's tail detaches and takes on a life of its own, attaching itself to the doctor's nose. Both the doctor and a housekeeper run about attempting to restore order, but the monkey continues to overturn furniture, and tears off the housekeeper's skirt, leaving her in her pantalettes. As the short film ends, the whole house is in shambles.

Three Who Paid

Riley Sinclair (Farnum) seeks to avenge the death of his brother, whose three companions – Quade, Sanderson, and Lowrie – left him to die in the desert. Two of the three men die, and the third is spared so that he can confess to the crime. Sinclair helps John Caspar (Love), a schoolteacher, who is actually a rich young woman who is trying to get away from her opportunist husband. When her identity is revealed, she and Sinclair fall in love.

Toad Rage

Limpy, a young cane toad who narrowly escapes from becoming roadkill, enters the gates of the Olympic Games and finds a sweet girl who once again saves him from being squashed. Limpy tries and fails to have cane toads become the Sydney Olympic mascots. Limpy finally finds a way to protect his family from the terror of the highway. Soon, Limpy's plan succeeds, and cane toads everywhere (or almost everywhere) are safe again.

Daredevil Droopy

When a circus arrives to town, it features its famous attractions, including "''The Great Barko and His Famous Acrobatic Dogs''". And under the commercial posters, an advertisement stands, titled "''Dare Devil Dog Wanted''", advertising a job for Barko's new dog-acrobats, under the condition "''Must be Fearless!''". This attracts both Droopy and Spike's attention to apply for the job.

Satisfied with the reply from the two dogs, Barko decides to put the situation on the competitive basis: "''The one that gives me the best performance in strength and daring, gets the job!''", to which the dogs agree. During every tryouts – "''see Simpson the Strong Man''" test of strength, ringing the bell, "''Pop the Balloons''" shooting, "''See a Woman Sawed in Half''", "''The Flying Human''" flight test with a propeller on the head, riding a car through a solid brick wall, "''The Sharp Shooter''", juggling, riding on a motorcycle through a ring of fire, flying on the trapeze, tightrope-walking, figure skating and "''The Human Bullet''" shooting out of the cannon – Spike tries to outperform Droopy and sabotage his performances. He fails every time, and gets himself injured a couple of times.

During Droopy's final act, Spike tries to sabotage his competitor again, by burning his foot with a matchstick. But this leads Droopy to perform faster, leaving the audience to applaud. It also gives Droopy a minor burn on the foot. Impressed with Droopy's successful performances, Barko hires him to be one of his Acrobatic Dogs. Outraged, Spike chops one of the trapeze poles to bring it down on both Droopy and Barko, but instead, it lands on Spike ("'''TIM-''' crash -ber."), leaving him the loser.

Devious Maids (season 3)

A deranged gunman takes aim at the maids during Rosie and Spence's wedding, leaving everyone to wonder who will survive. In the wake of this tragedy, the women lean on each other like never before, even as they face complex problems in their own lives. Zoila ponders her next steps after discovering that she is pregnant and uncertain who the father may be. Carmen realizes there is more than meets the eye to the charming Sebastien. Meanwhile, Valentina and Remi struggle to connect in the aftermath of the shooting; Marisol's aspirations lead her to a surprising career change; and Blanca, a new maid in the neighborhood, lands a job with a seemingly picture-perfect family, but soon discovers a terrible secret that could change her life forever.

Without Dogma

The action starts in early 1889 and lasts almost two years. It takes place in Rome, Płoszów (where the main hero's manor house is), Paris, Warsaw, Berlin, Marçà, Florence and Gastein. Encouraged by his friend who “asserted that anybody who keeps a diary works for the common good, and does a meritorious thing.”, Leon Płoszowski, a thirty-five-year-old man from a wealthy family, begins to describe his everyday experiences and problems. As his aunt tries who serve as a matchmaker, he meets beautiful Anielka and falls in love with her. They become close to each other but just when everyone think that Płoszowski is about to propose to her, he receives news about a serious health condition that his father is in. Leon travels to visit him and meets Laura, an old friend who seems to be the opposite of sweet and innocent Anielka. She ignores her ill husband and a turbulent affair with Leon begins. When troubled Anielka writes Leon, he advises her in a letter to “consider herself free”. In despair, she marries the first man who proposes to her. When Leon returns, he haunts Anielka, now a faithful wife. Unsettled and depressed Anielka falls ill, discovers that she is pregnant and dies. Płoszowski finds himself guilty of what happened and commits suicide with a hope of oblivion.

Lumber Jerks

While moving into a new tree, the Gophers find that the bulk of it has been cut down and taken away. They locate what they assume to be their tree amidst a batch of logs in the river, awaiting transport to a lumber mill. The two begin rowing their home back to the forest but, not only are they going the wrong way, but also the current overtakes them, sending them over a waterfall. With tremendous effort, the gophers manage to row back up the falls, but the exertion exhausts them and they fall asleep.

While sleeping, they are conveyed to the mill and taken inside. They are awakened by a saw slicing into their log; they become aware of the bizarre machinery and machinations designed to turn trees into artificial fireplace logs, toothpicks, and furniture. Indeed, the gophers assume their home will be transformed into furniture and, after failing to prevent this, they venture outside and witness various pieces being loaded into a truck.

They decide to siphon the gas out of the truck. The Goofy Gopher who sucks it through a rubber hose turns green in the process; the vehicle drives from the factory, hose still attached, leaving a trail of fuel which the two follow. Eventually, they see walking toward them two mill workers who were manning the truck. The gophers hide in the woods while the men walk by, carrying a jerry can. One of the men says "''Are you sure you filled up before we left?''" The other says "''Yeah, I'm sure we filled up before we left''".

With the truck unguarded, Mac and Tosh unload their furniture and stack it on top of the stump where their tree used to be. They sit in front of a TV discussing how much nicer their home is now, and comment that it will be even better once they install electricity.

The law of ...

The Investigations of a lawyer for 3 Episodes.

Conceived as a three-episode miniseries, ''Barbara’s Law'' is one of the most praised television endeavors taken in France in recent years. In this production, Barbara, a lawyer by the book, does not get any rest until she is sure justice has triumphed in every case she takes; her only condition is the existence of doubt on her client’s guilt!

Also conceived as a three-episode miniseries, ''Alexandre’s Law'' is, like its prequel, one of the most praised television endeavors undertaken in France in recent years. In this production, Alexandre, a successful lawyer who faces more difficult cases in court.

Love Me Haiti

In so few minutes, Love Me Haiti mirrors 21st century geo-political corruption at its best. The film does it suspensefully by presenting the life of a couple: two doctors who naively think humanitarian medicine is about treating those in needs, having divine faith and hoping for a cure but soon find themselves fighting something beyond belief - a criminal injustice system in a decaying world.

In simple words, the film twistfully illustrates how life is a ''bitch''.

Of Course He's Dead

Alan (Jon Cryer) receives a letter stating that Charlie has $2.5 million in unclaimed royalties. He needs Charlie's death certificate to claim the money, but cannot find one and realizes his only proof is Rose's (Melanie Lynskey) word. Evidence that Charlie may be alive mounts after the royalty money is claimed by an unknown party, and Alan and Evelyn (Holland Taylor) receive threatening messages. Meanwhile, Jenny (Amber Tamblyn) receives a check for $100,000 along with an apology note, and a package addressed to Charlie arrives at the house, containing his whiskey, cigars, and a knife he used when he chased Alan around the house. Several women from Charlie's past, including Mia (Emmanuelle Vaugier), Chelsea (Jennifer Taylor) and Dolores Pasternak (Missi Pyle), are shown receiving checks and personalized apology letters.

Meanwhile, Rose is shown holding a captive in her basement. After the unknown captive escapes, Rose returns to the beach house to inform Alan and Walden (Ashton Kutcher) that Charlie is alive and to explain the entire story. While in Paris, Rose caught Charlie in bed with a hooker, a mime and a goat. When Charlie caught up with her at the train station, she tried to avenge his infidelity by pushing him into the path of an oncoming train, but the goat ended up taking the fall instead. Rose returned to California and kept Charlie imprisoned in her dungeon until he escaped. After hearing this, Evelyn and Rose go into hiding, while Walden, who also receives a threatening message, decides to go to the police with Alan, where they talk to Lieutenant Wagner (Arnold Schwarzenegger). Returning to the house, they find life-size cardboard cutouts of themselves wearing nooses with targets on the chests. Fearing for his life, Alan calls Judith (Marin Hinkle), Kandi (April Bowlby) and Lyndsey (Courtney Thorne-Smith) to tell them how much they each meant to him. Walden calls Bridget (Judy Greer) and Zoey (Sophie Winkleman) to apologize for how he behaved with each of them. All the women feign emotion while being generally dismissive, and Lyndsey pawns Alan's engagement ring.

Jake Harper (Angus T. Jones) shows up at the house to inform Alan and Walden that he left the Army and is now married and living in Japan. He mentions having received a $250,000 check and a note saying "I'm alive", but did not deduce who sent the letter. Jake then gambled with the money in Las Vegas, yielding $2.5 million in winnings. After Jake leaves, Alan and Walden are contacted by Wagner, who informs them that he has captured Charlie, but the camera reveals that the man is actually Christian Slater, dressed in attire similar to Charlie's. Alan, Walden and Berta (Conchata Ferrell), now believing that Charlie is in custody, celebrate by relaxing in lounge chairs while smoking Charlie's cigars and drinking his whiskey, when they see a helicopter carrying a grand piano, similar to the one Charlie used to play, approaching the house. The three ponder whether Wagner caught the right man, but quickly brush it off. Charlie, shown only from the back, approaches the beach house and rings the bell, but before anyone answers the door he is killed when the helicopter drops the piano on him. The camera then pulls back to reveal the series' set and Chuck Lorre, sitting in the director's chair. He says "Winning!", breaking the fourth wall, just before a second grand piano falls on him.

Atlantia (novel)

The story begins when Rio attends the ceremony of the Divide. Initially, Rio wants to go aboveground, but she has promised her Below-loving twin sister, Bay, to remain in Atlantia, an artificial city built entirely underwater.

Rio completed the ritual before Bay, choosing to stay below, but Bay surprised Rio by choosing to go Above. In a panic, Rio accidentally revealed the siren voice she had hidden since birth to a priest, risking arrest, but she was able to leave without issue.

Rio searched desperately for an explanation for Bay's choice, eventually meeting her siren aunt, Maire, whom she last saw at her mother's funeral, and running away due to being engulfed in the memories of her late mother, Oceana. As she wept, she met True Beck, a boy whose best friend departed similarly to Bay, seeking a partner with whom to solve these mysteries Rio rejected his offer, and when she changed her mind, True was gone.

The next day, the Minister of Atlantia, Nevio, insisted that Rio would be best suited to work in the mining bays, sending her off to work there. When Rio finished her shift, Maire found her outside the temple and led her to the floodgates, where she explained to Rio that they could serve as an alternate path to the surface, as they did for Oceana. Maire gave Rio a seashell, in which she could ask questions and Maire would answer.

After her encounter with Maire, Rio went to the swimming lanes motivated to grow strong enough to go through the floodgates and to earn enough money to buy a pressurized air tank, but she found herself to be far less skilled than Bay.

After swimming, Rio went to the deep market to search for True, where she told him she changed her mind about working together. Nevio the Minister gave his sermon after the deep market closed early, leading Rio to discover his secret identity as a siren.

Several days later, Rio discovered her ability to command non-living objects using her siren voice, an ability unique to her and Maire. In a later discussion at Maire's apartment, Rio learned there had never been two sirens in a family until she was born.

The next day, True gave Rio money so she would not have to swim in the lanes, thinking Rio wanted to buy back her mother's ring. Rio disagreed, but accepted the money. When she was back in her room, she talked to Maire through the seashell. Maire told her that the Council poisoned her mother because she knew too much.

A breach drill was announced at work. Rio forgot her air mask, which she was supposed to carry all day. After a while, a siren voice over the loudspeakers told her this was a real breach.

As the minutes passed, no water rushed in. The breach in the deep market had been sealed off. There were no survivors.True revealed that he also heard Rio speak with her siren voice on the day of the Divide.

The next day, it was announced that group burials would be held, since the death toll was too high. Rio took this as a chance to go Above through the floodgates. However, she failed. The water was lowered, and she was caught.

Maire met Rio in her holding cell. She signalled for her to tell the public about her identity as a siren. Maire wanted Rio to help the Below. When Nevio entered the room, Rio decided to listen to Maire. She spoke using her real voice, knowing it was the only way to go Above.

Rio was permitted to go Above with the other sirens. Maire gave Rio a letter from Bay. Bay explained the reason she went Above: Sirens could not survive long Above. She left to keep Rio safe.

True was escorted into the transport just before it began to ascend. True revealed that he was not a siren, but he could tell when a siren is lying.

When Rio was Above, Maire told her how to escape. The sirens sang in harmony. The sirens were shot down one by one. Maire gave Rio a seashell with her mother's voice and gestured for her and True to escape.

Rio and True swam to the temple of the Above. Rio met Bay, Fen (True's best friend), and Ciro, the Above Minister. Bay told her about the miserable life Above for the people Below.

The next morning, Ciro entered the storage room True and Rio was hiding in. He confirmed the death of all the other sirens and told them about a showing of the sirens being held by Nevio and the Below Council. Rio decided to speak, too, at the viewing, despite the risk. Bay would descend Below with True and talk to the people there.

Rio woke up in the afternoon. Someone tried to unlock the door to the storage room. Bay and Fen hid in the back closet and locked it from the inside. Nevio and an Above Council member arrived. The temple bats were brought Above and into the storage room. Nevio opened the closet and dumped a dead Ciro and temple bat inside.

Rio made herself seen by Nevio. She spoke to the people Above. She was weakened by the Above, but when she was about to pass out, one of the bats came. Rio realized that the bats could provide her strength. She talked about Atlantia and the need to save the city. Hundreds of temple bats soared past Nevio to land on Rio. As the bats flew away, Rio felt the strength leave her.

When Rio woke up again, she was in the transport, going Below. Her speech worked. However, Rio has sacrificed her siren voice to the Above.

Later, Rio is with Bay, and notices that her siren voice is present again, but she is no longer afraid.

Gold (2016 film)

In 1981, Kenny Wells helps to run a prospecting company, Washoe, with his father whom he clearly admires. But seven years after his father dies, the business and Kenny are nearly broke after having lost the office, so Kenny and his colleagues now work from his girlfriend's bar.

Kenny, now living with his girlfriend, Kay, has a dream that leads him to Indonesia where he meets up with geologist Michael Acosta. Both are struggling financially, but Kenny manages to convince Mike to go into business to acquire a gold prospect. Kenny then flies back to America and raises the promised money to finance their venture.

Unfortunately, the exploration program struggles and fails to show any gold, so the workers soon leave until Mike persuades them to come back with the promise of freshwater. Kenny contracts malaria and is bedridden for the next few weeks. When he finally wakes up, Mike reveals that they have had a strike and now have a huge gold deposit.

After celebrating, Kenny goes back to America where he sets up a new office for Washoe and is approached by a major Wall Street bank. Mike accompanies Kenny to their meeting and, after a disagreement, decides to bring some of the bank associates to Indonesia in order to show them the mine. This wins the bank over and it invests $20 million in Washoe, leading the venture to become a public company. Washoe proves to be a huge success and increases 70 points in its first day on the stock market.

Kenny's life becomes celebratory as he goes from one party to the next, but Kay, fearing that he will be tricked and cut out, argues with him and then leaves after seeing him flirting with another woman, Rachel Hill. He is interrupted by Mark Hancock, a high-profile executive of a major mining company, who approaches him regarding buying the company. Kenny meets with him the next day and is offered $300 million for a portion of the mine, but his company's name would be removed. Offended by this, Kenny declines the offer and storms out. The next day on his way into the office Mike phones to tell Kenny that the Indonesian Government has closed the mine; it is also revealed that a previous US President sits on the board in Hancock's company and that he is a friend of the Indonesian president Suharto.

Kenny is disconsolate and seems to be defeated, but Mike flies to the US and offers a plan to win their mine back. They manage to convince the president's son to join them in business after Kenny proves himself by stroking a tiger. The mine is reopened with Washoe receiving 15% of what now is a $30 billion business.

Kenny thinks of going back to Kay but, seeing her flirting with another man at her new job, decides against it. Kenny is then told that he has been honored with a golden pickaxe, the greatest prize for a prospector. The evening of the presentation comes, and he goes with Mike, who walks out during Kenny's speech.

The next day something has gone wrong as Kenny drives to his office and has to push his way through an angry crowd of people. It is then announced that Mike had faked the whole mine as he planted gold in the samples using a method called 'salting'. The gold that he planted was in fact 'river gold' that had been seen earlier in the film. Mike had traded freshwater for the people's river gold so that he could fake the gold mine. Mike is reported to have fled.

Kenny is then questioned by the FBI. He retells his story from a chair in his hotel room that he now cannot afford. The FBI agents seem to believe him and state that Mike was later captured by the Indonesian authorities while on the run and then possibly forced to jump out of a helicopter, some 1000 feet above the jungle. The corpse had its hands and face chewed clean off by wild animals, so Acosta's death is never proven. The agents also say that both the Indonesian minister and Mike dumped their stocks before the scandal broke and that Mike possessed 164 million US Dollars when he fled.

Kenny returns to Kay's house where he apologizes and later looks through his mail received since they have been apart. He opens one envelope and finds the napkin Mike and he signed as a contract, reading "50–50". Beneath the napkin is a deposit slip for $82 million to First Bank of Gibraltar, Queens Lane Branch, United Kingdom.

The Blue Hour (2015 film)

This gay romance-horror tells a story of a bullied teenager Tam (Atthaphan Phunsawat) who befriends and has a sexual relationship with a mysterious gay boy Phum (Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang) at a haunted abandoned pool. Their affair starts out as a romance but, later, shifts to a darker territory.

The Benson Murder Case (film)

A ruthless, crooked stockbroker is murdered at his luxurious country estate, and detective Philo Vance just happens to be there; he decides to find out who killed him.

The Social Lion

Marco Perkins (Oakie) is a garage mechanic and a would-be-prizefighter who gets a place on the ritzy country club's polo team because he is the town's most proficient mallet-wielder, having learned to play polo while serving in U.S. army. His hobnobbing with the town-elite and social upper-crust at the polo-matches gives him an inflated idea of his social position, and he decides he is moving on up. He breaks off with his girl-friend, true-blue Cynthia Brown (Brian), and hits on débutante Gloria Staunton (Borden), who appears to have an interest in being hit upon. Gloria's interest lies mostly in showing marco that hired-hands who can play polo still aren't to the manor born.

Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts

The film starts with an announcement of Gotham City's "newest and tallest building", the Aviary built by the Penguin as well as an asteroid called the Midas Heart passing by earth once every 77 years and Batman on patrol. However, a robotic wolf overtakes the guards and breaks into S.T.A.R. Labs to steal a power generator until Batman show up to stop it, but the wolf gets away. Over at the Gotham Jewelry Store, Nightwing (Dick Grayson) sees Cheetah steal some jewelry they start to fight until Killer Croc joins in. Right when they're about to leave, the Flash (Barry Allen) shows up to help even if Nightwing rejects him. Flash throws a flurry of punches on Croc, but Croc thinks they tickle and KO Flash. Once the 2 villains leave, Flash states he's been tracking Croc after he robbed a copper quarry.

Meanwhile, a gorilla named Silverback robs the Gotham Bank, but Green Arrow rips his bag with an arrow to make the silver bars fall out. Nightwing reports Croc and Cheetah's crime to Batman who finds it strange, and Alfred alerts him of Silverback's crime happening. After fighting for a while, Man-Bat appears, and Silverback refers to themselves as the "Animalitia" until Batman shows up to help, but then Silverback calls in a robotic tiger and bat for backup. The animals take off, and so does Batman. A group of street thugs scare a couple to steal their groceries when the Penguin walks by, and they make fun of the way he walks and talks. He knocks some loose bricks on a thug's head starting a fight which he wins. In the Batcave, Red Robin (Tim Drake) fights 2 robots for training, and Batman discovers that all the animal crimes form a perfect circle around the Aviary where Bruce Wayne's expected that night. Bruce attends and meets Commissioner James Gordon who's tired of old women asking him to fix potholes in their roads; Gladys Windsmere showing up is no help. She shows her dislike towards Oswald Cobblepot by calling him odd, but fetches him anyway. The Penguin eavesdrops on everyone's rude comments about him much to his chagrin.

When he leaves, Bruce runs into Oliver Queen who asks him if he found any info on the animals when Oswald starts a ceremony on "Bumbershoot Mechanics" who makes the robots committing crimes around town. He then introduces Dr. Kirk Langstrom who gave the designs for them. Batman pulls out a minuscule tracking device that Oliver flicks onto Langstrom's pants with no one noticing. Penguin concludes the ceremony with fireworks but chases everyone out with the robots while taking off backstage. Red Robin watches the whole thing with Batman's gadget. Back at the Batcave, Batman finds a gap at Gotham Zoo where they have rare california condors on display meaning that's where they'll strike next. The Animalitia take the sewers to break into the zoo where Man-Bat hears Batman, Red Robin, Nightwing, Green Arrow, and Flash come for them. Batman goes after Cheetah in the lion's den and outsmarts her with explosives. Green Arrow follows Croc into the crocodile swamp where none of his arrows work until he uses sleeping gas on him. Flash goes after Silverback in the gorilla exhibit where he gets tripped up in rope and toyed with by the gorillas until he cuts it with his foot. He then uses his speed to confuse Silverback and KO him with applause from the gorillas.

Nightwing and Red Robin follow Man-Bat into a cave filled with bats. Red Robin wakes him, and he carries Red Robin into the sky until Nightwing shocks him making him fall into a lagoon filled with flamingoes. Man-Bat spits goo Flash making him tumble into the Python Pit and frees the other villains and they all take off. The robots show up again and the heroes attempt to take them down. Green Arrow takes out the bat by firing a surprise arrow out of a tunnel, Nightwing uses a crane to crush the wolf with girders, and Flash, after getting unstuck, tricks the tiger into skidding into a building and breaking. They take the robots to the Batcave for analysis where they discover that they have copper wires explaining why Croc was at the copper quarry, but they need Langstrom to hack them. They also find out that the animals left something at their last 3 crime scenes instead of taking something. They use the tracking device to find Langstrom at Bumbershoot Mechanics. Batman has Red Robin stay behind and analyze the robots and Flash discover what they left behind at their crime scenes. Penguin appears at the Animalitia's hideout and notifies them of the arrival of the Midas Heart. As a distraction, Green Arrow fires an arrow at Penguin's top hat.

Penguin fires back, but Arrow ensnares him with a net arrow making him order the animals to attack. Cheetah and Silverback go after Arrow, and Batman and Nightwing break in to face Croc and Man-Bat. Batman hangs onto Man-Bat but sees the tracker on him meaning that Langstrom is Man-Bat. Batman stuns him with a sonic device. Nightwing fights Croc, but Penguin breaks out of the net and shocks Nightwing. Croc throws Nightwing out the window, but Flash runs up the building and saves him. Green Arrow uses an explosion on Silverback revealing that he's actually a robot. Flash joins in the fight, but Penguin orders the animals to follow him. Batman shows that he captured Man-Bat, and they analyze his DNA in the Batcave showing that he ''is'' Langstrom. They give him a serum to revert him to human form for 3 hours. Langstrom reveals that Penguin assigned him to build the robots for a retrieval mission.

Meanwhile, the Anilmalitia build a tractor beam and red force field to protect them while they make the Midas Heart fall into Gotham and get the gold at the center. The heroes see the force field erect and tractor beam shoot letting Batman discover their plan. They end up locking up Langstrom who reverts to Man-Bat after the serum wears off. Batman and Flash use a transmitter Langstrom gave him to match the frequency of force field. Batman walks through it, while Flash runs through. Penguin has Silverback send out an army of animal robots to take him out. Batman has Red Robin upload a bug to revert the robots, but Man-Bat breaks out of his containment capsule. Flash runs to a beam to take out a power generator and stop the force field, but some robo-tigers tangle him up with their tails. One takes the others out, and Flash throws it the power generator for it to take out. The other robots turn to the heroes' side after the bug is uploaded. Penguin takes off in an escape pod leaving the animals behind. Red Robin rides Man-Bat trying to reach him, but is unsuccessful until he sees Red Robin falling showing that he came to senses by rescuing him. The heroes take out the villains with the robots, and Red Robin and Man-Bat show up to help revert the Midas Heart. Flash and Nightwing collect robot parts, and they use Silverback as a power source.

Unable to reverse the Midas Heart, Batman has Flash move the generators outside of Gotham and Man-Bat take the robot parts above the city to make a green force field to keep Gotham safe. The Midas Heart smashes into the force field with Gotham unharmed, and Man-Bat permanently returns to Langstrom. The villains are taken to prison, and the heroes go their separate ways. Penguin' pod got an arrow in it making him crash into Antarctica where he's hounded by a waddle of penguins as the film ends.

Macbeth Skit

Lady Macbeth soliloquises about her husband's letter describing his encounter with the witches. Macbeth arrives and says he's very impressed by his wife's poetic way of speaking. Lady Macbeth says that he should kill Duncan, emphasising that he should appear to be wholly innocent in public. But Macbeth takes literally her Shakespearean imagery — such as trying to resemble a flower after his wife tells him he should "look like the innocent flower" when Duncan arrives. He's also perplexed by the reference to "the poor cat in the adage", having no clue what cat appears in what adage, and is totally defeated by the suggestion that the "receipt of reason shall be a limbec only". Eventually he works out what her plan is and agrees, but as soon as he misunderstands her line about his "terrible feat" as a derogatory comment on his feet, Lillah McCarthy as Lady Macbeth steps out of character in despair and says "Gerald: come off it. I shall never make a Shakespearan actor of you."

The Big Punch (1948 film)

New York City boxer Johnny Grant has been ordered by his manager to throw his next match, but Johnny double-crosses him and knocks out his opponent instead. To even the score, the manager kills a police officer and frames Johnny for the murder.

Johnny leaves town and hides out with pastor Chris Thorgenson in a small Pennsylvania town. Johnny phones his girlfriend Midge Parker and asks that she hire a private detective to clear his name. Chris helps him secure a bank job, but Johnny is blackmailed into robbing the bank. Johnny refuses and plots to run away, but Chris stops him.

A police chief identifies Johnny as the wanted killer. Karen Long convinces the chief to let them find the real murderer, and she and Chris travel to New York to help with the search. The real killer is revealed, and now that his name has been cleared, Johnny returns to New York.

The Magic Cup

Every time Mary Mallory needs money she pawns a silver cup which her mother left to her. The Patrician, a crook, tells Abe the pawn broker, that Mary must be the granddaughter of Lord Fitzroy, an Irish nobleman. One of the crooks impersonates Fitzroy and Mary is established in a beautiful Long Island home as the long lost granddaughter. Bob, a reporter known to Mary in her dishwasher days, falls in love with her but is suspicious of her "relatives". He cables to Ireland and the real Fitzroy arrives. He recognizes the butler as his son, but at his request Mary never knows that he is her father. The man dies, Mary pleads for the freedom of the crooks and then goes back to Ireland with Bob and her real grandfather.

Cats and Dogs (1932 film)

Pooch is a football player who leads the Hot Dogs, an all-dog team. They take on the Wild Cats, a team which is composed entirely of cats.

Just before the start of the game, Pooch is spending time with his girlfriend, Poodles Hound (now wearing a beret with a cottonball of top) as she sits in the stands. A Wild Cats player comes by, pushes Pooch aside, and tries to impress Poodles with his large chest. Pooch tries to answer back by placing an overinflated football in his shirt, but the cat pops the ball with a pin. Despite Pooch's failed stunt, Poodles still has affection for him. She even kisses Pooch and encourages him to perform well.

The game begins and Pooch is first to take the ball. After some exchanges, the Hot Dogs score a touchdown, thanks to a stretchy dachshund player. As the game resumes, more trades with the ball ensue until this time the feline team scores a touchdown, thus evening the score.

When the match still goes on, only a minute left remains. Pooch's teammates, however, morph into a steamroller which flattens most of the feline team. The flatten players are carried away on stretchers. Although one of the cats, who has the ball, gets close to the feline team's touchdown area, that player is stopped on time by the morphed dogs. Pooch manages to take the ball, and ends the game in his favor with a field goal.

Following the win, Pooch and Poodles spend the rest of the day romancing, with the sky behind them fading from day to night as they sit and snuggle.

Alien Outpost

In 2021, aliens called "Heavies" invade Earth and make quick gains against a disorganised response from various nations. When the United Nations disbands and a united military front, the USDF (United Space Defense Force), replaces it, the aliens are driven off Earth, though thousands of their troops are left behind. Defensive satellites are thought to protect Earth from a second invasion. In 2033, two embedded journalists accompany reinforcements to a demilitarised zone between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where Outpost 37, one of the last USDF outposts, is located. After a hazing period, the reinforcements settle into life at the outpost.

Local villagers assault the outpost, and a soldier explains they had no problems until recently when he believes that the continued violation of their sovereignty has soured relations. Although the soldiers are victorious over the villagers, one soldier is wounded and sent off to recuperate. Their requests for supplies are denied, but they receive a replacement for the injured soldier in the form of Hans, a German national who volunteers to serve with the primarily American group. Later, Saleem, a loyal local to Outpost 37 after they rescued him, reports that villagers complain of animal mutilations. The captain sends several soldiers back with Saleem to determine the cause.

An angry villager says mortar fire killed his animals, but the soldiers deny this. As Saleem translates for them, a seemingly dazed villager approaches despite the warnings. He explodes when the herder speaks to him. A Heavy opens fire from a hill above them, and the soldiers fall back. Saleem notices that North, one of the soldiers, is missing, and they mount an unsuccessful search. Video evidence from North's recovered helmet reveals that the Heavies abducted him. Concerned that the Heavies have changed their tactics to include ambushes and abductions, the captain leaves the base to discuss the situation with his superiors. He orders them not to leave under any circumstances.

A private military contractor approaches the base and claims jurisdiction, and the soldiers back down when their orders confirm this. Unable to mount their own rescue mission, they deploy a drone and, during routine reconnaissance, discover that Saleem is in danger. They violate their orders to save him and take a Heavy prisoner in the process. The captain is furious when he returns; he kills the Heavy and demands they cease their attempts to save North, an action that violates orders. Saleem volunteers to help. When he visits the base, Saleem seems dazed and uncommunicative. He opens fire on the soldiers and kills one before the captain kills him. In interviews, the soldiers express shock that Saleem would betray them. Omohundro, the medic, discovers an incision at the back of Saleem's head.

To find answers, the soldiers leave for Saleem's village. There, they discover North, near-unconscious and wounded. They take him back to the base, where he falls into a coma. One of the soldiers recognises his rhythmic blinking as a code, and they translate it as a series of coordinates. When they attempt to question North, he wakes and chokes the captain, hysterically demanding that the captain kill him; he does. Omohundro discovers an incision at the back of his head and recovers an implant, which he suspects may have been a mind-control device. During the next attack by insurrectionists, Omohundro examines their heads, also finding incisions. Overwhelmed, the soldiers abandon Outpost 37 and blow it up.

In violation of orders, the soldiers investigate the coordinates. There, they find an alien structure. Several soldiers fall back into the structure under fire from mind-controlled locals and Heavies, where they discover the contractors and several missing villagers. Although several soldiers and one of the journalists are killed, they destroy the structure and free the villagers from the mind-control effects. The remaining journalist reveals that the structure was designed to defeat the USDF satellite system and allow resupply of the Heavies. The soldiers are given commendations for foiling this plan, but the journalist expresses doubt that the apathetic public will ever understand their sacrifices.

A short scene after the credits shows many of the survivors of Outpost 37 with advanced prosthetics as they engage in an all-out fight against a second invasion.

Paris Under Watch

A bomb attack takes place at Gare d'Austerlitz in Paris, killing several people a few days before the presidential election. The police is suspecting an Al-Qaeda satellite-group, the security camera footage is lost. A hacker with an interest in security cameras gets hold of the lost footage. He decides to use his wide access to security cameras all over Paris to track down the culprits. In doing so, he discovers that the plot is bigger than expected.

Starship Through Space

Walter Hansman has just graduated from Schiaparelli Space Academy on Mars in June 2150. His father, Dr. George W. Hansman, sends a telegram telling him to return to Terra immediately. Finding that he automatically has all of the necessary permissions from the Terrestrial Space Navy, he goes to Red Sands Spaceport, where he boards the Space Ship ''Fafnir'' for his journey home.

On the ship he finds that Don Salter, a classmate from Schiaparelli, is also going to Terra on mysterious orders. Together the two young men help prepare SS ''Fafnir'' for launch and then help around the ship on the long flight to Terra. Finally the ship lands at Peak City Spaceport, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, and the men find their fathers waiting for them.

Taken to a small, closed-off spaceport, Walt and Don are told that they are to participate in the construction and flight of humanity's first interstellar spaceship, one equipped with a space-warping hyperdrive. After extensive physical and psychological testing, Don is assigned to work on the starship's propulsion and Walt is to help develop the control circuits. When the ship is complete and ready for flight, she is christened with the name of Magellan's ship, ''Vittoria'', and prepared for a trial run to Pluto.

Under inertial drive ''Vittoria'' rises into space and accelerates to a speed close to the speed of light. The crew then engages the "high drive", which pushes the ship into hyperspace, enabling the ship, in essence, to fly faster than light. At the research station on Pluto the crew takes some R&R and makes needed repairs to the ship, then they take ''Vittoria'' back to Earth, putting her into orbit near the space station ''Asgard''.

After the crew makes more extensive repairs and upgrades the ship, after loading aboard more provisions and additional crew members, ''Vittoria'' heads back out into space and sets course for Alpha Centauri. When the ship arrives at that destination the crew discovers that the second planet of Alpha Centauri A is Earth-like. Bringing ''Vittoria'' down on that planet obliges Walt and Don to take one of the ship's small rocket shuttles down to the surface and set up a landing radar.

As ''Vittoria'' lands on what Walt and Don have named New Terra, the two men see two perfectly human-looking natives also watching the ship. Walt makes initial contact and finds that the natives, who call themselves Ainsath, are friendly and eager to talk. Though primitive-looking, the Ainsath are highly civilized, but, where Terrans built their engineering expertise mostly on physics, the Ainsath have done so on chemistry and biology. Later the ship's doctor discovers that the Ainsath are not native to New Terra: as far as he can tell, they are biologically identical to the Terrans.

One day Walt and Don are taken alone to the nearby Ainsath city and led to an old woman, who reads from a book that mimics Genesis up to the Tower of Babel and then deviates from it. The Ainsath are Terrans, displaced millennia ago.

''Vittoria'' returns to Terra with two of the Ainsath as passengers. After receiving a noisy reception at Peak City Spaceport, Walt, now Starman Hansman, is ready to head back out to the stars.

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy

The novel opens in 1825 London, at the annual Smythe-Smith musicale. After seeing Iris Smythe-Smith perform, Sir Richard Kenworthy finagles an introduction and begins a flirtation. After only a week's courtship, he proposes. Although she likes him, Iris is unused to attention from men and is slightly suspicious of his haste. She asks for more time to decide.

The reader is informed that Sir Richard needs wife immediately. He maneuvers Iris into a compromising position, knowing her family will force them to marry to save her reputation. Iris is fairly upset. She wanted to marry Richard, but she neither understands nor approves of his attempt to coerce her into the agreement. After the wedding, Sir Richard uses a series of excuses to postpone consummating the marriage, to Iris's dismay.

Once the couple arrive at Richard's home in Yorkshire, he begins to court her again. The author makes it clear that Richard has come to care for Iris, that he feels guilty for manipulating her, but that his courtship is designed to make her fall in love with him so that she will not leave when she discovers his secret. As the novel progresses, Iris becomes increasingly confused, as it is obvious that something is amiss but no one will tell her what. Eventually, Iris discovers that Sir Richard's eldest sister Fleur is pregnant, and he intends to pass her child off as theirs, thus saving Fleur's reputation. Although initially horrified by the plan, Iris eventually agrees to participate. The plan is nullified when Iris learns that Fleur has an additional secret; that knowledge allows Iris to find a solution to the situation that makes all of the characters happy.

Augustus Does His Bit

In the small town of Little Pifflington, Lord Augustus Highcastle tells his secretary Horatio Beamish that the war is a very serious matter, especially as he has three German brothers-in-law. He soon learns that a female spy is after an important document in his possession. A glamorous woman visits him. After flattering him by saying how important he is, she tells him that she suspects her sister-in-law of being the spy. She explains that Augustus' brother, known as "Blueloo", has made a bet that Augustus can be easily tricked, and intends to use this woman to prove it. If she can get the document, a list of British gun emplacements, and take it to "Blueloo", Augustus's incompetence will be exposed.

Beamish enters holding the document, which Augustus had left on a coffee table in the hotel. The lady manages to switch the document for a fake one and leaves. Having secured the document before witnesses, she returns to telephone the War Office. She tells "Blueloo" that she easily outwitted Lord Augustus. Augustus then realises that she was the spy and the document he has is a fake.

The Inca of Perusalem

In a prologue, a character called Ermyntrude says that (though she is the widow of a millionaire) she is now poor, and living on a small income from her father. He is the Archdeacon; he has told her to take a job as a lady's maid, meet another millionaire, and marry back into money.

In a hotel sitting room the Princess is met by the hotel manager. Ermyntrude, now dressed very plainly gets the job as her lady's maid. Captain Duval, a messenger from the "Inca of Perusalem" appears with news that Inca wants one of his sons to marry the Princess. Ermyntrude realises that the messenger is in fact the Inca in disguise. She offers to return the trick, by pretending to be the Princess to find out what his intentions are. The Princess, who is very timid, agrees to let Ermyntrude take charge. Ermyntrude receives the "captain" with an air of great superiority. She is given a gift of a jewel, designed by the Inca, but she is horrified by its size. The Inca is impressed by the "Princess"'s grand manner and reveals his true identity. However, he says that he recognises Ermyntrude. He knows she is the Archdeacon's daughter, not the Princess. But she is so convincing as a princess that now he wishes to marry her himself. Unfortunately he already has a wife, so he suggests they should to convert to Islam so he can legally have another one. Ermyntrude says the Inca is far too poor for her, since his country is going bankrupt because of its foolish war. The Inca says that the war will result in his overthrow and the creation of a republic, but this will not be a problem as he will be elected as "super-president" of the republic. He then says how surprised he is by the popularity of the war in his homeland. He used to rely for popularity on his contributions to art, literature and science, but he was ignored. Now the mass killing in the war leads to cheering crowds. Despite being turned down for marriage, the Inca offers to take Ermyntrude on a drive round the town. She accepts, but emphasises that she will "refuse any incorrect proposals" he makes to her.

The Book of True Desires

The heroine of the novel, Cordelia O'Keefe, wants adventure, and she convinces her grandfather to provide the funds for her to search for the Mayan "gift of the jaguar". Her grandfather insists that she be accompanied by his butler, Hartford Goodnight. Hartford is actually a chemist who has been working for her grandfather to pay off a debt.

During the pair's adventures in the Yucatán jungle, they fall in love.

A Night to Surrender

The novel is set during the Regency era, in the remote seaside community of Spindle Cove. Local woman Susanna Finch has turned the village into a retreat for young ladies who do not quite fit into society. Men are, for the most part, not welcome, so that the ladies can be free to be themselves.

Their quiet haven is disrupted with the arrival of the novel's hero, Lieutenant Colonel Victor "Bram" Bramwell. As the new Earl of Rycliff, Bram has inherited a rundown castle on the edge of the village. As rumors fly that Napoleon might invade England, Bram has been assigned to journey to Spindle Cove and organize the local men into a militia. The assignment is important to Bram; he had been injured in battle and wants to prove that he is capable of returning to his command.

Susanna is adamantly opposed to changes in how the town operates, leading to a battle of wits between the protagonists.

The Sap from Syracuse

When Littleton Looney, a crane driver, inherits $18,000 from his uncle, he decides to fulfill his dream and go to Europe (he is a great admirer of Napoleon). His ex-boss, Hopkins, and a couple of Hopkins' cronies decide to pull a prank on him; they send telegrams (supposedly from John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and others) to the captain of the luxury liner that Looney takes, asking that Looney be treated well. On the ship before it departs, one of the pranksters convince Senator Powell, another passenger, that Looney is Vanderhoff, a famous engineer, traveling incognito.

Also aboard is Ellen Saunders. She has 90 days to put some nickel mines in Macedonia into operation, despite not knowing anything about mining, otherwise she will lose them to a syndicate represented by her guardian, banker Sidney Hycross. She rejects his lowball offer for property worth "over a million." When she finds out that a noted engineer is aboard, she learns from the senator that it is Looney. Soon the senator has spread the news all over the ship. When Hycross hears it, he assigns Nick Pangalos the task of keeping Ellen away from Looney.

Hycross is pleased to receive a coded telegram informing him that the machinery Ellen needs has been stranded (at his orders) hundreds of miles from the mines. Ellen gets the same news and decides to consult Looney. Looney is only too happy to help however he can, and a romance develops between them. Meanwhile, he is pursued by a gold digger named Flo Goodrich, while her friend Dolly Clark targets Hycross.

Hycross, suspicious of Looney's alleged identity, goads Ellen into a bet: if Looney is not Vanderhoff, she will accept his deal and sign over the mines. Hycross sends a telegram to the Syracuse chamber of commerce. Hopkins, the organization's secretary, responds with a glowing recommendation, stating "he occupies a unique position in the engineering world". However, Hycross remains unconvinced. In Macedonia, he arranges for real engineers working on the mine problem to meet (and expose) Looney. The machinery cannot be transported to the mines until the September rains raise the level of a river. That would be too late. Looney finally confesses to Ellen that he is not an engineer. Upset, she tells Hycross she will sign his agreement. However, when a persistent engineer pleads with Looney, still believing he is the builder of the New Erie Canal, to think some more, Looney tells him, "Oh, dry up. Damn the canal." That suddenly gives him an idea. He tells the engineers to dam the river. The river bed is composed of slate, which will make a usable road for the stranded machinery. Impressed, "Senator Powell", who is really Vanderhoff, decides to hire Looney; the syndicate hired him to check up on Hycross. Looney ends up with Ellen and a job as consulting engineer at her mines.

The Silent Enemy (1930 film)

The Chief of the tribe, Chetoga (played by Chauncey Yellow Robe) trusts his best hunter Baluk (played by Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance) to ensure the tribe does not suffer from starvation in the coming winter. They agree, and Baluk inquires about the Chief's daughter, who is trapping partridges; he insists her path is rocky and goes to make sure she is safe. The Chief obliges him to do so.

The Chief is then approached by Dagwan, the tribe's corrupt medicine man (played by Chief Awakanush). He ridicules Baluk behind his back and requests "another squaw" for himself, implying that he wishes to bed Chetoga's daughter, Neewa. The Chief declines his offer and suggests he look towards a group of jolly spinsters nearby.

Meanwhile, the Chief's daughter Neewa (played by Molly Spotted Elk) is cornered by a bear and nearly forced off the edge of a cliff and into a river. As soon as he arrives, Baluk slays the bear and captures the bear cubs, adding to Neewa's affection towards him. He returns to the village and gifts the cubs as pets for the Chief's other child, his young son Cheeka (played by Cheeka).

Soon, the adults of the tribe go merrily on a hunt; Cheeka, the son of the Chief, is eager to help but is told by Baluk that he is too young to join. Cheeka still makes a daring attempt to join them, paddling a canoe, with a basket containing his bear cubs behind him, but upon reaching the hunters, he is told to return home. As the days pass, the hunt is fruitless. At last, the hunters and Baluk returns to the Chief with nothing.

Dagwan rejoices in Baluk's failure, saying a "''good'' hunter" would have found food here. Hoping to gain more influence over Baluk, he secretly slays an elk using dark magic. He brings prove his superiority. The tribe rejoices in the meat. During the feast, Neewa privately comforts Baluk by dismissing Dagwan as a threat, insinuating that one lucky kill does not make him a great hunter. Jealous, Dagwan becomes yet more cruel in his plan to take power from Baluk.

During Council, the Chief recalls that, in the past, 6 years of abundance inevitably lead to a 7th year of famine. Nevertheless, Baluk inspires the tribe to march north for the crossing of the caribou, where they can hunt and feed on thousands of the fauna. The Chief approves it, while Dagwan ridicules and demeans Baluk's idea.

The tribes marches north and finds more barren lands and bitter cold. This pattern repeats again and again, each time with a worse result. During the marches, multiple members of the tribe die from the cold and starvation.

As the tribe is desperate for food, the Chief announces that he must meditate on a solution. Baluk and Dagwan help him to a solitary mountain, where he sits for days watching the sun rise and sun set as he meditates on a solution. He asks them not to find him until his prayers have manifested food for the tribe. He appears to be dressed little else besides a fur blanket despite the snow and cold.

The Chief returns and is nursed back to health by Dagwan and Neewa. Weakly, the Chief describes a vision of marching animals and a wolf growling at the sky, which Dagwan insists means that Baluk has led the tribe to doom and turning back is necessary. Despite Dagwan's explanation, the Chief continues to obey Baluk.

Secretly searching for ways to turn the tribe against Baluk, Dagwan goes south and encounters another tribe's cache during a snowstorm. He pauses, aware that stealing food from other tribes is prohibited, but decides that it would be justified if the cache was presented as a supernatural event. Knowing his tracks would be erased from the snowstorm, he steals some meat for himself and later leads the tribe to it, pretending a large cache of meat is a prophecy he saw in a vision that would reward them for going south and disobeying Baluk. However, a wolverine fouls the carcasses in the cache (presumably with urine), ruining Dagwan's plan. Dagwan quickly explains this was their punishment for going north.

As the marches north continue, the Chief realizes he is weak and soon to die. A heartfelt scene shows his passing, as he rises to his feet and demands the items he wishes to have in the afterlife, including his war bonnet and hunting bow, and a vision that shows him crossing over to the other side. His last words include a command to move north and for Baluk to be the next Chief of the tribe.

After the Chief's passing, Baluk instructs Neewa and the tribe to keep mourning to a minimum in order to keep marching north, so as to honor the late Chief's last wishes. He inspires the hunters to set up smoke signals, to ignite once the caribou are hopefully spotted.

Even as Chief, Baluk struggles to remain in power due to Dagwan's manipulation of the tribe. At last, Dagwan convinces the Ojibwes to use Baluk as the scapegoat for their hunger and suffering since their journey north. He libelously blames Baluk for every father, mother, and child's death, and soon performs supernatural bending of the elements such as smoke-bending to awe the tribe. He announces that the Great Spirit has commanded for a person to be sacrificed, and he declares it should be the Chief, Baluk. The tribe grimly sides with him and they begin to chant and search for Baluk.

Baluk laments his fate with Neewa when they hear the tribe chanting for his death. Baluk accepts that this is his end, and he steps out to meet Dagwan. With mirth, Dagwan asks him how he wishes to be executed. Baluk tells Dagwan he wishes to die by fire, as an Ojibwe chief should. Drummers perform and the entire tribe gathers to watch as Baluk sits atop a large stack of wood, playing an instrument and crying as he prepares for his painful death. The fire encircles him, burning him, and he throws a tarp over himself possibly to abate the pain. Dagwan sneaks glances at Neewa and Cheeka, who are sobbing with horror. Suddenly, a smoke signal ignites - the caribou are crossing just as Baluk foretold. Immediately, the tribe runs over the wood to rescue Baluk from the fire, and though his chest and face appear to be painfully burned, he fights to stand upright and help capture the caribou with the rest of the tribe.

The hunters gather to spear the caribou, which turns out to be much more difficult than expected, as there are thousands of them in hordes causing them to be difficult to distract or kill. Cheeka fires a distant bow and arrow and kills a caribou, presumably his first kill. He runs to the carcass to fetch his arrow and check whether the animal is dead, but he is soon trapped by a stampede that nearly kills him. Baluk runs in to rescue Cheeka and bring him back to the tribe. For 6 days, the caribou migrate by the thousands.

Dagwan knows that he has wronged the tribe and awaits his sentence. At last, Baluk arrives to discuss his punishment, particularly for doing evil in the name of the Great Spirit. He reminds him the penalty for this is not an honorable death like fire, but "the slow death," and Dagwan reproachfully accepts. As per tradition, Dagwan is exiled to the barren lands with no food and no weapons. A final shot shows him wandering through an empty, snowy plain, looking around but seeing nothing before him.

A splendid, warm feast after the famine occurs. The new village has been constructed from the skin of the caribous, and roasted meat hangs in the forefront of the circles. Toddlers and older adults eat, laugh, and sing songs. In a nearby tent, Neewa watches lovingly as Baluk and Cheeka reminisce about Baluk's adventures and play-fight as they roleplay previous hunts. The film ends on a recurring vision; a wolf growing in a cloudy sky.


Eighteen months prior to the start of the show, the Israeli soldier Doron and his unit were credited with killing the terrorist Taufiq Hammed. Following this, Doron retires from service in order to grow a vineyard. At the beginning of season 1 Doron is visited by Moreno, the commander of his old unit, who informs him that Taufiq Hammed is still alive and plans to attend his brother Bashir's wedding. Doron rejoins his team in order to go undercover at the wedding. Ultimately they are discovered and Bashir is killed, moments before Taufiq is to arrive. Although Doron is able to shoot Taufiq, and injures him, Taufiq escapes.

Taufiq barely survives the gunshot wound and is forced to have secret emergency surgery so as to not reveal that he is alive or where he is. Doron convinces Moreno to allow him to stay on with the unit until they catch Taufiq. Bashir's family all mourn him as a shahid (martyr) and his wife, Amal, vows revenge. Taufiq's right-hand man, Walid, convinces his cousin Shirin to help Taufiq escape from the hospital minutes before Doron's team arrives.

Amal, distraught over Bashir's death, volunteers to bomb a nightclub which Boaz, Doron's brother-in-law and a member of his unit, frequents. This will ensure that the Israelis get the message that it is revenge on Boaz for the killing of Bashir. The plan is for Amal to arm the bomb in her purse and then leave the club three minutes before its detonation. However, Amal decides to stay and die in the explosion. Boaz regains consciousness following the blast and finds his girlfriend's body. Boaz does not handle the discovery well, and after getting pulled over, physically assaults the police and ends up in jail.

While on a mission, Boaz gets captured and is held hostage by Hamas. Doron and his team decide to prepare an unapproved mission to kidnap Taufiq's friend Sheikh Awadalla in an attempt to get Boaz back. When Doron finds out that Taufiq had a bomb implanted inside of Boaz, the team kidnap Taufiq's daughter to use as additional leverage. Ultimately Boaz and the Sheikh both get blown up, and Taufiq's daughter gets badly injured.

Doron, still undercover, interviews for a position to be a shahid for Taufiq, a role which he ultimately gets recruited for. Taufiq reveals his plan to Walid: they received sarin nerve gas that will be detonated in the synagogue, which will cause Israel to retaliate with force, committing war crimes and forcing other Islamic states to respond. Walid eventually discovers Doron's true identity and orders Doron to be killed, however the rest of the unit shows up just in time to kill everyone who was watching him. Walid shows the proof to Taufiq and then shoots him in the back of the head.

Anybody's Woman

Neil Dunlap, an attorney whose wife has left him for a richer man, goes on a drinking binge and impulsively marries his neighbor Pansy Gray, a burlesque performer he once defended in court. After initially contemplating annulment, the unusual couple decide to try making the marriage work.

The Sea God

Pink Barker (Arlen) loses his boat and his girl Daisy (Wray) to his bitter rival Schultz (Gleckler), but his fortunes change when an old, dying sailor he rescues at sea tells him about a fortune to be had in pearls. Unfortunately, the pearl beds lie off an island inhabited by cannibals. Barker sails in search of the island with his friend Square Deal (Pallette). Still in love with Pink, Daisy stows away but is soon discovered and forced by her unforgiving ex to work her passage. The cannibals attack Pink’s boat while he is underwater collecting the pearl oysters, forcing him to cut his air line and make for the shore. Unable to remove his cumbersome diving suit he later stumbles into the native village where Square Deal and Daisy are being held, and the islanders mistake him for a god. Schultz and his men, having followed Pink’s boat to the island, capture Pink, Square Deal and Daisy. Square Deal and Daisy are sent as prisoners to his boat, but just as Schultz is about to do away with Pink, his party are attacked by the natives. Pink escapes but Schultz and his men are all killed. Still trapped on the island, Pink puts on his god-like diving suit again and is able to subdue the natives long enough to swim out to the boat where he is reunited with his friends.

The End of the Road (1919 film)

As described with colorful language in a film magazine, Mary Lee (Adams), at the age of seven, is told the truth about life by her mother. Vera Lynch (Fair), her playmate, is deceived by her parents in the approved manner. At graduation time Mary is sought in marriage by Paul Horton, but she puts him off to study nursing. Vera's mother sends her off to New York City with instructions to make a money marriage. Mary also goes to New York City to work in a hospital and becomes acquainted with Dr. Bell, who falls in love with her. They rescue Vera from a drunken companion on one occasion, but are unable to prevent her from accepting the unlawful love of the same wealthy young man later on. When she develops a loathsome disease, they ensure that she receives proper medical care. Dr. Bell and Mary go to France for the war in the medical service. Paul Horton previously had made a disgraceful proposition to Mary, and she now accepts Dr. Bell's proposal of marriage. There are numerous subplots involving other characters in the film.

Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness

The celebrated ship ''Heerlijkheid'' is usually the centerpiece of Skipbrot, Iceland's local festival. Now that its captain has disappeared, the renovated vessel has become an eerie distraction. Did Captain Magnus sail away with a legendary treasure, or was he carried off into the night? Take the helm as detective Nancy Drew and set a course for the Sea of Darkness!

Grandma (2015 film)

Elle is a lesbian poet coping with the recent death of her long-term life partner. She ends a four-month relationship with a younger admirer, Olivia, telling her their relationship meant nothing, before receiving a visit from her 18-year-old granddaughter Sage. Sage is pregnant and requests $630 for an abortion, which is scheduled for that afternoon. As Elle is broke and Sage has had her credit card confiscated by her overbearing mother, the two embark on a road trip across Los Angeles to try and come up with the money.

Elle forcefully extorts $50 from the father of the child, and then tries to call in a $400 debt from her friend Deathy, a tattoo artist. Because she is also broke at the time, Deathy cannot help them beyond some $60 she borrows from the register, but gives Elle a new tattoo that looks like the letter "O". Sage presumes this to be Olivia's initial, though Elle insists it is only meant to be a circle. Elle tries to sell some of her rare books to an acquaintance, Carla, who owns a café, but gets into a fight with Olivia, who is working there. Elle storms out when Carla, who is much more tech-savvy than Elle, gauges the price of the books on eBay and offers her a paltry $60, and Olivia berates her as they leave.

Becoming desperate, Elle and Sage visit Elle's ex-husband Karl, whom Elle has not seen in decades. She tells him she needs to borrow the money for rent, and he requests a kiss in return. This leads to an argument over how Elle ended their relationship, but when she pleads with him, he agrees to hand over the cash. When he asks her to be honest about the reason for needing the money, she tells him that Sage needs an abortion, and Karl becomes angry and emotional. Elle once aborted his child without telling him, yet went on to give birth to a baby born from a one-night stand. She explains that she wanted a child but not a husband, and Karl angrily insists he will not pay for an abortion.

Sage and Elle work up the courage to visit Sage's busy single mother, Judy, who is furious to learn Sage is pregnant. Judy reluctantly produces the money and Elle drives Sage to the abortion clinic. After receiving an abortion, Judy forgives Sage and takes her home. On her own way home, Elle giggles and rejoices at memories of her partner Violet. Before reaching home, she makes a short stop at Olivia's house to apologize for saying their relationship meant nothing. Afterwards, Elle walks down the sidewalk, laughing on her way home.

The Notre Dame de Paris Mosque

Muslim immigrants seized power in Western Europe. Sharia becomes the law of the land, Catholic churches are destroyed and desecrated. Frenchmen who did not convert to Islam are shut in ghettoes. The Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral is turned into the Al-Frankoni Mosque. The Catholic Church, which by the beginning of the Muslim expansion turned into a "parody of itself", collapses. Only the traditionalist Catholics from the Society of St. Pius X remain and return to the catacombs. The outnumbered members of the Resistance - the maquis - continue to fight. The protagonists of the novel blame the downfall of Europe on liberalism, atheism, tolerance, and the fall of the authority and hollowing out of the Catholic Church through the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Even though the maquis understand that their resistance will not change anything, their motto is to "die standing". After they find out about impending bloody liquidation of the non-Muslim ghettoes, they join forces with the last remaining Catholics to take over Notre Dame.

Abyssinian Chronicles

The book is set in Uganda, in the 1970s and '80s. The book follows the life of narrator Mugezi Muwaabi, as he plots his own independence from his parents and capitalizes on his considerable natural resources of charm and intelligence. A grandfather, a father and his son are the three figures that form a tripod from which the novel is set. Grandpa represents the traditional order, his son Serenity the chaos of transition, and Mugezi the despair of a younger generation over the dead end of transition and its own prospects. Rootless and bitter, Mugezi flees to Europe from Uganda. The first part of the book centres on Mugezi, a young man growing up in post-colonial Uganda. Born in 1961, a year before Uganda attained independence, Mugenzi describes a troubled childhood living under the tyranny and strict rules of his parents. The family moves to Kampala, the nation's capital about the time Idi Amin comes to power in 1971. In the second half of the book Mugezi is excited about the country's prospects under Idi Amin, following the ouster of Milton Obote and his corrupt government. Soon, however, Amin's regime descends to the depths of brutality and mismanagement – starting with a botched "Africanization" campaign that leads to the expulsion of thousands of Asian businessmen.

The Curse of Iku

As described in a film magazine, Carroll (Borzage), an American sailor, is shipwrecked on the coast of Japan, and is befriended by a Japanese prince. As Americans are banned from the country, he is sentenced to being tortured but Iku, his prosecutor, is killed. Iku dies cursing Carroll, who escapes with Iku's sister, Omi San (Aoki). Fifty years later Iku the third is sent to America to learn its customs. He falls in love with Virginia Stafford and, learning that she is the fiancé of Allan Carroll III (Borzage) and remembering his ancestor's band of hate, he kidnaps Virginia, takes her to Japan and marries her according to Japanese custom. Carroll comes to Japan and locates Virginia. A terrible struggle ensues in which Iku meets his death and Virginia is rescued. With the death of Iku, the curse is lifted.

His Birthright

As described in a film magazine, Yukio is a Japanese-American whose father, a naval officer, failed to return to his mother after the honeymoon. The mother commits harakiri and the son becomes determined to kill his father and goes to America. Influenced by a female German spy, Yukio steals an important document from his father, who is now an admiral. Rebuffed by the woman and ashamed to have sunk to the level of a thief, he then decides to recover the paper. He does so after a desperate battle with the woman's colleagues and returns the document to his father, who descends upon the place with police and captures the spies. Yukio announces that he came to take his father's life, but the admiral tells him that he loved Yukio's mother and did not return to her as he could not find her. Taking his place as the admiral's son, Yukio is now determined to join the U.S. army and fight in World War I, a cause in which Japan and America are united.

Legend of Grimrock II

In the game, the party of prisoners gets stranded on the mysterious island of Nex after their transport ship is caught in a severe thunderstorm and gets wrecked on the island beach. The prisoners gradually explore the island and discover forests, rivers and swamps on the ground level, and ancient ruins and crypts below it. Their progress is monitored by the elusive Island Master who alternates between providing hints for the prisoners and taunting them of upcoming challenges.

The prisoners gather a number of elemental gems scattered around the island, and use them to enter the castle that towers in the middle of the island. On top of the castle, they encounter the Island Master, defeat him, and escape from the island. An alternative ending sees the party confront the Island Master in a hidden dungeon to learn the island's real purpose: to protect and defend the secrets of creation.

The Gray Horizon

As described in a film magazine, the skill of colorful Japanese artist Yamo Masata (Hayakawa), who lives in the hills of California, attracts the attention of a clever counterfeiter who seeks the artist's aid in the preparation of spurious bonds. At first deceived, the artist becomes indignant when he learns the truth of the enterprise, and shows the man the door. The artist's sister, O Haru San (Aoki), who is newly arrived in America and is searching for the American husband who deserted her, identifies the stranger as her spouse. He seeks to escape but in the encounter that follows both the counterfeiter and the sister meet death. In time, the artist is taken up by society and becomes wealthy and famous. Then he discovers that his chief patroness Doris Furthman (Percy), a lady he has come to love, is the bigamous widow of the man the artist murdered. The lady's brother accuses the artist of evil designs and learns the truth about the murder. When the artist demands proof regarding the accusation, he discovers that the evidence will blast the life of the woman he has come to love, so the artist destroys the evidence and prepares to go to trial.

Bonds of Honor

Sessue Hayakawa as Yamashito commits treason in WWI to pay off debts from gambling, and his brother Sasamoto also played by Hayakawa assumes his identity to restore the family honor and track him down.

A Tokyo Siren

A young American doctor is in Tokyo trying to heal his heartbreak after being jilted by his lover. Just as he is about to return to his home country, he decides to help a young Japanese woman escape a bad situation by making her legally his wife. When the doctor arrives in America, his former lover returns, and is sad to find that he is married. Meanwhile, the young woman begins to fall for the doctor's Japanese assistant.

O'Flaherty V.C.

Dennis O'Flaherty, winner of the Victoria Cross for his outstanding bravery, has returned home to his local village to take part in a recruitment campaign. In conversation with General Pearce Madigan, the local squire, O'Flaherty admits that he had not told his Fenian mother that he would be fighting for the British side in the war, not against it. Madigan says he must explain to her why the war is being fought, and that even Republicans should help in the struggle against German oppression. O'Flaherty says he's no idea why the war is being fought, he just joined up to get away from home, but one thing he's become convinced of is that patriotism is part of the problem: "You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race".

His mother appears, incensed to discover he's being fighting for the British. But she's even more horrified when Dennis' girlfriend, Teresa, arrives, expecting that the V.C. comes with a large payout in cash. She's dismayed to learn that the government may only give him a pension if he is wounded first. Still, she thinks it will be worth it, even if he does have to be badly wounded. Dennis says he's sick of life in provincial Ireland. Since he's experienced France, he never wants to come back. He hopes he can get a French wife. Teresa is outraged. When Mrs O'Flaherty discovers that her son gave Teresa a valuable gold watch, she launches into a tirade and the two women berate each other mercilessly. O'Flaherty says he can't wait to get back to the peace and quiet of the trenches. General Madigan sympathises, commenting, "Do you think that we should have got an army without conscription if domestic life had been as happy as people say it is?"

The Music Cure

Lord Reginald Fitzambey, Under-Secretary of State for War, is in a distressed state. He explains to his doctor that, knowing the British army would soon be put on a vegetarian diet, he bought shares in the Macaroni Trust. Brought before a parliamentary committee for profiteering, Fitzambey had tried to explain that macaroni was a normal investment. Now he is highly sensitised to anything distressing.

His doctor prescribes rest and offers him opium pills. A woman starts to play the piano, causing Reginald to scream. The woman turns out to be famous pianist Strega Thundridge, employed by Reginald's mother at considerable cost to play in the room for two hours to soothe Reginald's nerves. Although Strega can hear Reginald screaming, she continues to play.

Reginald finds himself powerfully attracted to her, but when he tries to make a pass at her, she starts playing Chopin, causing Reginald convulsions. She then restores his vitality with a stirring Polonaise. Reginald, who adores dominant women, is now hopelessly in love with Strega. He begs her to marry him so she can dominate him completely. She accepts, having always dreamed of meeting a man who was utterly in thrall to her.

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished

The novel opens in London in 1831. The hero, William Harrow, the Marquess of Chapin, is better known as Temple, a partner in a popular casino known as The Fallen Angel. Temple was exiled from his life as a privileged aristocrat twelve years previously, when he was accused of murdering his father's fiance, Mara. In actuality, Mara had chosen to disappear, as she did not want to marry a man old enough to be her father.

Mara's brother loses a great deal of money in The Fallen Angel. Mara comes out of hiding to offer Temple a deal. She will reveal that she is alive, thus clearing his name, if he will forgive her brother's debts.

Saints and Soldiers: The Void

In May 1945, remnants of the German Army continue to fight on in the Harz mountains, nicknamed "The Void" by American troops. An American M18 Hellcat tank destroyer, "The Avenging Angel", fires on a German prison and liberates the Allied prisoners held there, including Lieutenant Goss (Ben Urie). The next day the prisoners are to be transported to the rear by Sergeant Jesse Owens (K. Danor Gerald) and Private Perry (Alex Boye). Owens is not respected by some of the white soldiers because he is an African-American.

Captain Briton McConkie orders Sergeant John Atwood, commander of the Angel, and Max Whitaker, to take their respective tanks to clear the roads of any Germans to protect Owens' and Perry's convoy. The two tanks travel along the roads, with some tension arising between Private Daniel Barlow (Matt Meese) and Rodney Mitchell. Corporal Carey Simms (Adam Gregory) stops the arguments. The convoy comes across a fake body in the road, and then a hidden German Panzer III tank fires, destroying Perry's truck, killing everyone inside. The Germans open fire at Owens's truck, and he and Goss manage to escape. Further tank vs. tank encounters ensue, ending when Owens destroys a German tank with a panzerfaust. Barlow and Mitchell reconcile from their previous arguments, and Simms and Owens befriend one another over the course of the conflict.

Talking Marriage with Ryan Bailey

Ryan Bailey is a self-styled talk show host and marriage expert who, thanks to his own experience of being 'happily married,' claims to possess the secrets of marriage needed to help others. Convinced that he is a kind of modern-day 'marriage prophet,' he launches his own series. However, Ryan's ambitions vastly outweigh his means to realize them, and as a result he films the show in his garage and relies on his often-reluctant friends to provide technical assistance. Ryan has a troubled relationship with his wife (who remains an unseen character), though he attempts to hide this reality from the crew members and audience. His position as a 'marriage advisor' allows him to ridicule others for their inadequacies, though all too often, his own shine through in the process.

Although Ryan's connections are dubious, he and his crew manage to lure celebrities to take part in the show as guests whom he then interviews. The means by which the celebrities have been induced to participate have included (to date) misinformation, blackmail, and kidnapping. On the rare occasions that a guest fails to materialize, the disappointment and shock is enough to send Ryan into a tailspin that only an impromptu musical number can cure.

Beauty's Duty

The husband tells his lawyer that he needs to legally separate from his wife. The lawyer says he has no grounds for doing so, as his wife appears to have done nothing wrong. The husband says she has some extraordinary ideas. She believes that her beauty and charm are such that men fall in love with her easily. Since she has a talent for making men love her, it would be wrong not to use her talent on as many men as she can.

At this point the solicitor's clerk enters and says that a beautiful woman has just arrived. The solicitor asks who she is, but the clerk says it would have been a violation of her perfection to ask her name. The husband says it must be his wife trying out her "talent" on the clerk.

My Favorite Orkan

At Arnold's Drive-In, Richie remarks that he thinks he saw a flying saucer, but Fonzie, Ralph, Potsie and Chachi don't believe him. When Richie returns home, he finds his family has gone to the movies. Someone knocks on the door: a visitor dressed in red, with a triangle on his shirt and wearing a helmet. The visitor speaks very strangely and Richie thinks it is Ralph pulling a prank; instead, the visitor reveals himself as "Mork", an alien from the planet Ork.

Richie decides to interview Mork. When asked why he is visiting Earth, Mork tells him that he is trying to collect a "specimen". Richie asks him if he is going to take the President or maybe baseball star Hank Aaron; Mork says no, telling Richie that Ork would have to trade the entire planet for someone so famous. Instead, Mork claims he needs someone average and "humdrum": Richie himself. At first, Richie demurs, but when Mork tells him that he will bring him back in an "instant", Richie agrees to go. He heads upstairs to pack and tells Mork to make himself comfortable; the spaceman does, watching ''The Andy Griffith Show'' on the family TV set. ("I like that boy Opie," Mork remarks, "but why does Earth boy have Martian name?" Opie was played by a young Ron Howard, who played Richie on ''Happy Days''.) The movie over, Joanie, Marion and Howard return to the house and notice Mork sitting on the couch; thinking "he must be a friend of Richard's", they let Mork's odd behavior go for the moment, including the Orkan's predilection to "sit down" by laying face first on the couch with his backside in the air.

Howard and Mork get into a dispute when Mork seemingly damages the TV set by pointing his finger at it; Howard starts to point his finger at Mork and all three Cunninghams (except Richie) are frozen and cannot move. (Howard "drew first", Mork explains to Richie.) After being assured the "freezing" effects will eventually wear off, Richie ask Mork exactly how long they will be gone; the spaceman tells Richie it will be a mere 2,000 years in Earth time. When Mork is not looking, though, Richie makes a run for it, escaping to Arnold's.

Back at Arnold's, Richie tells Fonzie in the men's room that there is a spaceman after him. Fonzie is dubious, which causes Richie grab hold of Fonzie's jacket: a serious breach of "cool" protocol. Fonzie heads out of the rest room and sees the gang singing a song onstage and Al smiling and watching them; suddenly, Mork points his finger and everybody but Richie and Fonzie are frozen. Fonzie introduces himself, but things don't go well. ("Do you want to rumble [i.e. fight]?" Fonzie asks, to which Mork replies, "Ah, rhumba!" and hums a bit from ''West Side Story''.) Mork says if he wins, Richie will go with him, but if Fonzie wins he does not have to go; the fight starts and is seemingly over in an instant as Mork freezes the Fonz with his all-powerful finger. Just when Mork is about to take Richie away, however, Fonzie gets out of the frozen position and says "Ayyy!" with both of his thumbs up.

The battle continues, as Mork and Fonzie put their thumbs together, causing a green light to appear between them. When Mork points his finger at the jukebox and turns it on, Fonzie (using his patented move) bangs on it to turn it off again; all the while, Richie writes the events down in his notebook. At one point, Mork strips Ralph to his underwear, then unfreezes him. Ralph, confused, runs out of Arnold's in terror. Fonzie snaps his fingers at a frozen waitress and they start to make out; Mork tries this on a blond girl, only to make Potsie walk to him instead ("I'll give you that one," Mork concedes). When Mork uses Al for "target practice", making the owner walk around like a robot and bumping into things, Fonzie does the same thing by snapping his fingers.

Finally, Mork says "no one can top this one": he will put his fingers together and make the whole building collapse. Not wanting to see anyone get hurt, Fonzie stops the Orkan and reluctantly admits defeat. Richie says he will go in peace, but Mork decides to take Fonzie back to Ork instead. When Richie tries to stop Mork from taking Fonzie, he suddenly wakes up on the family couch: it was all just a dream. When Richie mentions the flying saucer, Howard says it was actually a weather balloon (a common official explanation for UFOs in the 1950s). Again, the doorbell rings and Richie answers it; at the door is a man who resembles Mork, except he is speaking with a Southern accent and merely asking for directions. (In an ending shot for the summer 1978 rerun, it turns out the man really ''is'' Mork, and he made it seem like the entire event was a dream. He recounts the events to his superior Orson, who assigns him to modern-day 1978, leading up to the events of ''Mork and Mindy''. This ending now airs in syndication.)

Scandal Sheet (1931 film)

Newspaper editor Mark Flint cares about only two things, reporting a big story, no matter whose life it adversely affects, and Edith, his wife. He is unaware that Edith, bored by him, has been having a romantic affair with Noel Adams, a banker.

Adams gives a 24-hour deadline to Edith to leave her husband or end the affair. He books passage on a steamship and packs his bags. But after a crisis develops that could ruin his bank, Flint finds out, confronts Adams and, seeing his luggage, mistakenly believes Adams is fleeing the country. He prints the story without giving Adams a chance to manage the crisis at the bank.

Although his journalistic coups please Franklin, the newspaper's owner, Flint is asked by Franklin if he would be willing to publish a photograph that would hurt a colleague. Flint says yes, whereupon Franklin shows him a picture of his wife and Adams together. An enraged Flint murders Adams, turns himself in and is sentenced to Sing Sing, where he ends up running the prison's newspaper.

The Crystal Gazebo

In a multi-domed palace somewhere in the Middle East, a jackal wearing a turban is looking at things monitored by his crystal ball. Besides being able to see, the jackal can also touch and take things shown by the ball. He spots Krazy riding on a camel with his girlfriend, a spaniel. The jackal kills the camel and kidnaps the spaniel.

Krazy is able to find a replacement camel inside the dead camel and rides it to the palace. With the entrance blocked by two hippo guards, Krazy drills his way in. Inside, Krazy finds the jackal and the spaniel. The jackal flees through an elevator while holding the spaniel. Krazy tries to enter a door, but the door crushes him against the wall, and sends him through a hole, which becomes narrow, then wide, then swirly. He gets past a pack of mummies that try to pound him with a bat. Then the cat gets trapped inside a transparent clock with a giant knife moving within. Next a bee stings him and he turns fat and floats upward, bringing the clock with him. Two birds peck the back of the clock, opening it, and pinch Krazy, making him deflate to his regular size.

Krazy reaches a room where he again finds the jackal and the spaniel, while the ''Poet and Peasant'' overture begins to play. The jackal tosses an urn at Krazy, who responds by throwing punches at the jackal. The spaniel joins Krazy in striking her captor. Finally the jackal is slammed against a wall where bottles fall from a shelf. The jackal slams a TNT bottle on the ground, and it explodes.

At this point, Krazy and the spaniel wake up on a sofa from the nightmare they were having, and hear a radio in the room telling the end of a story about a magician.

Homegoing (Pohl novel)

The protagonist, Lysander (Sandy) Washington, has been raised by aliens, the Hakh'hli. When their interstellar ship arrives at Earth, Sandy serves as part of the aliens' liaison team with Earth. Pohl uses Sandy's alien perspective to make some observations about our culture.

Sandy believes his alien friends are peaceful and benevolent, as they present themselves to be.
However, after it becomes clear their plans are far from benevolent, Sandy has to decide whether to side with the aliens who raised him, who are the only family he knows, or to side with humanity. This decision becomes more complicated when he learns he is only ''partially'' human.


Agent Phil Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. team rush agent Skye to a medical facility after she was shot twice at close range by Ian Quinn. They are soon told that nothing can be done and that they will have to decide whether to keep her on life support or not. Coulson is unable to reach Director Nick Fury, who previously resurrected Coulson, and so decides to go looking for the doctors that brought him back to life himself, knowing that they will be able to save her. As they travel to Bethesda to see Dr. Streiten, who oversaw Coulson's resurrection, Coulson reveals to agents Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons how he was brought back, despite the information being above their clearance: his injuries were healed and then his brain was stimulated until he woke up. Whatever was used to heal his injuries can be used to save Skye.

Coulson is ordered to take Quinn in by S.H.I.E.L.D., but he knows that he cannot delay, and so keeps him in custody on their plane. They are soon boarded by agents John Garrett and Antoine Triplett. They have been hunting Quinn for some time now, and Coulson, who is old friends with Garrett, convinces them to leave Quinn on board until Skye is saved. Garrett interrogates Quinn on the plane, and Quinn reveals that he was instructed to shoot Skye by the Clairvoyant, who can see everything except for how Coulson was resurrected, and is now forcing Coulson to find out how he was brought back. Unfortunately, Coulson learns that Dr. Streiten and the facility where he was treated actually do not exist in Bethesda.

Fitz and Simmons search through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s digital archives and find evidence of an old World War II bunker known as the Guest House with Level 10 access, which is the highest clearance. Not knowing the countersign, the team attack the base and take out the guards, before realizing that there is a failsafe that will shortly destroy the entire facility. They find the drug that healed Coulson's injuries, GH-325, while he also finds the room where he was resurrected, and a room labelled T.A.H.I.T.I. Just before the compound explodes, Garrett finds Coulson, who warns that the drug shouldn't be given to Skye, but by the time they get back to the plane, Simmons has already injected her with it. It saves her life.

Garrett and Triplett leave with Quinn. Agent Melinda May later asks Coulson why he didn't want them to use the drug on Skye, and he tells her that he didn't want her to suffer the way he did when he was resurrected. However, the real reason is that in the room labelled T.A.H.I.T.I. he had discovered the source of GH-325: a blue, alien corpse.

In an end tag, a mysterious woman named Lorelei wanders through the Death Valley where she meets a newlywed couple and convinces the man to leave his new bride and drive off with her.

The Conquering Horde

Dan McMasters arrives in Texas from Washington to help establish a route for ranchers to get their cattle to market. He faces opposition from land barons who are accustomed to charging tolls for use of their land.


Maribel Montesinos is a beautiful girl from a wealthy family who is engaged to José Manuel Montesinos, another young man of good family. But shortly before the wedding, Maribel suffers a blow: he is a victim of rape, and as a result become pregnant. Maribel, initially, is undecided about whether to have the baby, but eventually decides to continue her pregnancy, thanks to the values instilled her mother when she was alive. However, her father opposes his decision and Maribel decides to break his commitment to José Manuel. Initially not give any explanation, but ultimately feels obliged to tell the truth. José Manuel does not react well and asks her to abort, she indignantly denies it and despite the rejection of society and his family circle decides to have the baby against all odds.

Maribel's father decides to take her to live in his house to avoid the gossip of the town, but there is discovered that abused the girl who was the builder of poor Pascual, alcoholic and evil death. At birth the baby Maribel, her father hatches an evil plan and gives her granddaughter Pascual, while Maribel decides to take her to Paris. Maribel refuses, but her father threatens to never tell who gave his daughter if you do not go with him.

So Rosa daughter of Maribel, grows in a neighborhood in the company of Ticha, a noble woman raising as his own daughter, while supporting the harassment of useless Pascual, which remains mired in drink. When Rosa turns into a beautiful young woman, helps Ticha in the fruit stand she has also Chucho Rosa falls in love with a blind girl who lives in the neighborhood with his mother Nena a former actress who, by too old to get pregnant, your child was born with blindness.

Ticha hides Rosa as daughter of a society lady. When the economic situation of the two women becomes very precarious, Rosa offers to go to sell fruit on the streets. In one of the streets, in front of the National Institute of Fine Arts, will meet José Manuel who was engaged to her mother. José Manuel is now professor of literature at the university, and is attracted by the beautiful girl and want to transform it into a cultured and refined woman. Since suffering the disappointment with Maribel, José Manuel became sullen and reluctant to engage in another relationship with a woman, so it feels very happy when seen in the innocence of Rosa another chance to find love.

José Manuel Rosa takes her home, and instead of refined classes he gives her, she began working as a servant in his house. However, not all received with equal enthusiasm to the girl. Amanda's mother, José Manuel, the poor girl looks like an opportunist who seeks only money the family, so in protest leaves the house. While Mérida, the housekeeper, is responsible for making life miserable for her.

Although the worst is yet to come, as Maribel, who still suffers the loss of his daughter, reappears in the life of José Manuel ready to conquer it, however you will see Rosa as their main enemy, suspecting that rivals his own daughter.

The Great Prince Shan

The father of a young aristocratic woman is assassinated and she is reluctant to marry a cultured, reserved and brilliant Prince Shan, graduate of Oxford and Harvard, but becomes his mistress.

Sen Yan's Devotion

A servant of a Japanese prince works to get back important papers of the line of succession.

Locked Lips

As described in a film magazine, Blossom (Aoki), a Japanese orphan girl and a teacher at a native school in Hawaii, finds Parker (Wheatcroft), an American and a derelict, attempting to rob her cottage. She sympathizes with him and partially reclaims him, and then they are married. Park fleas to Honolulu and then to the United States, leaving behind indications that he drowned. Blossom comes to the United States and gets a position as a lady's maid to Audry (Lane). On the day that a baby is born to Audry, her husband Harvey Stanwood returns home, and Blossom recognizes in him her former husband Park. He, aware of Blossom's identity and fearing exposure, attempts to kill her with poison incense, but he falls victim to it instead. Blossom returns to her Japanese lover Komo and they find happiness.

Black Roses (1921 film)

As described in a film magazine, when Benson Burleigh (Robson) is found murdered with his gardener Yoda (Hayakawa) beside him with a knife in his hand, the police conclude that Yoda is guilty. While in prison Yoda learns that 'Monocle' Harry (Herbert), Blanche De Vore (Stedman), and Wong Fu (Fujita) framed him of the crime. When the opportunity arrives, with the assistance of his fellow convicts he steals a locomotive while its crew is eating lunch and uses it to burst through the prison yard gates. He drives the locomotive at full speed until they outrun an automobile full of prison guards. With money provided by a fellow cellmate, he poses as a wealthy Japanese nobleman. He outwits the trio of criminals and frees his wife Blossom (Aoki), whom they had kidnapped, and turns them over to the police.

Five Days to Live

As described in a film magazine, Tai Leung (Hayakawa), a poor artist who paints vases, befriends Ko Ai (Aoki) when she is knocked down by a passing vehicle and he later returns a pig to her that was lost in the melee. Her guardian orders him from the place, but his love for the young Chinese woman grows stronger each day and he makes love to her by stealth through the barred window of her room. To satisfy a debt owed by the guardian, Ko Ai is betrothed to a wicked old money lender and Tai becomes desperate as the day of the wedding approaches. On learning that the notorious thief "The Canton Wolf," who is set to be executed in five days, will turn over his ill-gotten wealth to anyone who will take his place on the day of his execution, Tai goes to him and agrees to be his substitute in return for his gold. The Tai then showers Ko Ai with jewels and money and wins her guardian's consent for their marriage. The five days of their honeymoon slip by rapidly and, on the last day, Tai tells her of his sacrifice. She agrees to die also. Tai goes to the prison to fulfill his promise but is saved from the executioner's ax as he finds that "The Wolf" has died from cholera. Tai rushes back to his cottage just in time to save his bride from taking her own life by inhaling poisonous incense.

Unfaithful (1931 film)

“A woman sacrifices her good name to save her brother from being disillusioned by his wife's unfaithfulness.”

Overruled (play)

Gregory Lunn and Mrs Juno are in love, having met during a sea voyage. On a sofa in a hotel where both are staying, they discuss their feelings. They are both already married, so they decide they must part, but are unable to do so. They then recognise the voices of their respective spouses, apparently staying together at the same hotel. They leave in confusion. Mrs Lunn and Mr. Sibthorpe Juno enter and sit together on the same sofa that the other pair have just left. Sibthorpe says he is in love with Mrs Lunn, but she says she is only mildly attracted to him. Sibthorpe wants her to either accept or reject him outright. Her willingness to merely have an affair disturbs him. Gregory and Mrs. Juno re-enter and both couples reveal their conflicting feelings. They all find they have different views about the situation. Gregory feels that there is a morally unacceptable contradiction between his desires and his honour. Sibthorpe, in contrast, says that such mixed feelings are fine, as long as one acts according to moral principles. Mrs Lunn believes that moral rules are silly. She thinks that as long as everyone gets the best they can out of the situation, that is all that matters. She is quite happy for Mrs Juno to have her husband for a while, and to return the compliment by enjoying her affair with Sibthorpe. Sibthorpe says that this is justifying polygamy. Mrs Lunn says she intends to continue the affair with Sibthorpe, because she enjoys it. Mrs Juno likewise refuses to stop seeing Gregory, because she enjoys being adored by him. So they agree to leave things as they are.

The Glimpse of Reality

Fifteenth century Italy, an inn: Giulia, a beautiful peasant girl, tells a friar that she is about to commit a sin so that she can obtain the money she needs to marry her beloved Sandro, a fisherman. When she mentions Count Ferruccio, a notorious womaniser, the friar assumes that she has agreed to sleep with him for the money, and cheerfully comments that she could not sin with a better young fellow. But Giulia says that the sin is far worse. She has agreed to lure the Count to the inn with the promise of sex, where her father Squarcio, a professional assassin, is waiting to murder him.

The friar reveals himself to be the Count in disguise, and exposes the hidden Squarcio. He tells Squarcio that if he is killed it will bring down the revenge of the local Baron, who has made bet with the count's father that he could catch any murderer. Squarcio says he'll make the Count's death look like an accident, but for that he'll need assistance. He decides they should have dinner first, and promises there will be no attempt at poisoning.

At dinner, the Count and Squarcio discuss issues of class and crime. The Count says he will buy Giulia from her father, generously offering her back for free when he gets fed up with her. When this does not work, he offers to marry her. She refuses. The Count is dismayed that he, a nobleman, will be killed by such lowlife peasants. Giulia replies that he's already living off peasants, so why shouldn't he die by them? She will help to rid the world of a parasite. The Count proclaims that he has been living a fantasy-life, but now, confronted by death, he sees reality for the first time. Squarcio leaves to get Sandro.

Squarcio and Sandro enter. The Count determines to fight to the end, attacking the "dog of a bandit" Squarcio. He stabs Squarcio, but the blade just breaks on Squarcio's chain-mail. He expounds his new philosophy to the bemused killers, then Sandro throws a fishing net over the Count. Sandro says they cannot kill him, as he is clearly mad, and it is bad luck to kill the mad. The Count says "My life is only a drop falling from the vanishing clouds to the everlasting sea, from finite to infinite, and itself part of the infinite." This proves his madness for Sandro. They reveal that they were paid to kill him by a Cardinal, whom the Count offended. They will take him to safety if they are rewarded - with a nice wedding present for Giulia. The Count says he will have a painter he knows portray Giulia as Saint Barbara.

Going to Bed Under Difficulties

A man in a hotel room wants to sleep for the night. He takes off his suit (placing it on a clothing rack) and his trousers (placing them on a chair), but then finds himself wearing a coat and hat that have appeared magically. The man removes them, but a new hat and a plaid pair of trousers appear in their places. He removes these clothes as well; this process repeats, with the man undoing each addition of clothing with more and more agitation.

The end of the film is lost; according to a contemporary catalogue description, the man's attempt to undress ends with him rolling about on the floor and on the bed, and finally collapsing in an epileptic seizure.

Ju-On: The Final Curse

Like previous films in the series, ''Ju-on: The Final Curse'' is told in an anachronistic order through eight vignettes titled after characters featured in the story. They are, in order: Mai (麻衣), Reo (玲央), Ena (絵菜), Madoka (まどか), Toshio (俊雄), Midori (碧), Sota (奏太), and Kayako (伽椰子). The synopsis presents a rough chronology of the film's plot.

Reo Hasegawa, a high school girl living with Maki, her single mother, gets to live with her maternal cousin, Toshio Saeki, who has recently lost his parents. Ever since Toshio moves into her house, strange things begin to happen, including hauntings by Toshio's mother, Kayako, experienced by both Reo and Maki. Reo's friend, Midori, is disturbed after a creepy encounter with Toshio and decides to do a karaoke while mourning for her older sister, Yayoi, who went missing nine years ago. Her karaoke screen distorts into a freakish image and when she returns from the restroom, Midori sees apparitions of Yayoi and a meowing Toshio. Yayoi then grabs Midori and kills her by throwing her into the ceiling. Reo's other friend, Madoka, searches about Toshio and finds the truth about the deaths of his parents, Reo's uncle Takeo, and Kayako. Just after she uploads the information to Reo, Madoka sees Toshio's ghost, who boils her from the inside.

Reo sneaks into Toshio's room and finds him motionless. When she is grabbed by another Toshio, Reo freaks out and falls down the stairs. She and Maki board themselves from Kayako, but the latter realizes that the ghosts will never let them go. She heads into the kitchen to arm herself with a knife and gets killed by Kayako. Swearing revenge, Reo heads upstairs with the knife and attempts to kill Toshio, but Kayako kills her by breaking her back.

Meanwhile, Mai Shono, a hotel staff member, is concerned about her younger sister, Yui, who disappeared mysteriously. She meets an apparition of Yui telling her about Toshio and receives a voice message that contains croaking noises. Receiving Yui's belongings, Mai finds Yui's former teacher book and searches for Toshio's address, but learns that the Saeki house has been demolished and barred from being built again by Kyosuke Takeda, who had lost his wife and sister-in-law to the curse. Mai asks Kyosuke for Reo's address, but finds her house empty. Mai's boyfriend, the train station guard Sota Kitamura, questions Ena, a psychic girl living near Reo's house, as she has been recording Toshio's activities. Experiencing her telepathic visions, he goes to the house but is strangled by Toshio. Ending up killing him but surviving, Sota becomes paranoid and is eventually killed by Kayako in his and Mai's apartment.

Deciding to end the curse, Mai arrives at Reo's house again and meets with the ghosts of Reo and her mother. They present the possessed Ena as Toshio. It is then revealed that Toshio Yamaga, the true mastermind of the curse, has the ability to enter and leave other people's bodies. Toshio Yamaga had left Toshio Saeki's body when Sota killed him and now possesses Ena as his new vessel. Seeing Toshio leave Ena's body, Mai frantically tries to escape but is cornered by Kayako. Kayako suddenly changes into Yui, who bemoans about her suffering and states that the curse will never end. Laughing at Mai, she morphs back into Kayako, her mouth now cut and hanging wide open. The film ends with Toshio sitting at the kitchen and Mai whispering "Help me."

June Moon (film)

Aspiring lyricist Fred Stevens leaves Schenectady for New York City, with hopes of making it big in the songwriting business.

The Fascinating Foundling

Horace Brabazon, an elegant young man, enters the office of the Lord Chancellor, Sir Cardonius Boshington. After a scuffle with Mercer, the Chancellor's faithful clerk, he is granted an interview with the great man. Horace says that he was a foundling who was made ward of the Court. As an orphan, he expects the Chancellor to behave as the father of all orphans who are such wards. He has a duty to find Horace a job and also to find him a suitable wife, someone old enough to mother him. Horace then leaves.

Miss Anastasia Vulliamy, another foundling, appears. A suffragette who has recently been released from prison, she demands to be given a weak-willed husband whom she can dominate. Having forgotten his walking-stick, Horace reappears. Anastasia says he looks just like the kind of man she wants. Horace is reluctant to commit to a relationship, but when he discovers that she is a foundling like himself, he embraces her.

Terrace House: Closing Door

Picking up immediately from the final episode of ''Terrace House: Boys × Girls Next Door'', Tetsuya Sugaya opens the door to move out of the house and sees Yuiko Matsukawa, who introduces herself and says she will be living there from today onward. Informing him that ''Terrace House'' is not over yet and is being turned into a movie, Yuiko convinces Tetsuya to stay a little longer. The next day Maya Izumi, a fashion design student, Jin Otabe, an editor for ''Quick Japan'', and Keisuke Yoshino, a basketball coach, move in. Seina Shimabukuro tells her boyfriend and fellow former cast member Daiki Ito that she wants to move back into the house, and although he says he will be jealous she is living with other guys, he accepts her decision.

Jin plans to write a book on ''Terrace House'' and interviews previous former house members at various points throughout the film. First he visits Michiko Yamanaka at an exhibition for her bikini line, where he interviews her and her boyfriend Kenya Yasuda. He later interviews Chie Onuki, Masato Yukawa, who has become president of the clothing brand Alive, and Momoko Takeuchi, who has published a book. He also sees a comedy show by Ippei Shima.

Jin asks Yuiko out to eat, where they talk about what kind of guys she likes. Tetsuya also asks to meet up with Yuiko, where she feeds him. Former member Yosuke Imai visits the house and flirts with Maya, who flirts back. Tetsuya offers Yosuke the chance to stay in his place while he is away working in Bangladesh for two weeks. Tetsuya meets up with Hana Imai and Miwako Kakei to get advice on how to proceed with Yuiko. However, Yuiko reveals to Maya that she heard rumors that Tetsuya goes to hostess clubs, so her feelings have cooled off.

After he moves in, Maya asks Yosuke to take her with him on a photography trip to the ocean. Yosuke meets up with Dyki Miyagi, who got a main character acting role, and Masato Yukawa to tell them about Maya. Jin asks Yuiko out again, but she declines, before accepting when he tries again the following day. Yosuke and Maya go out to eat, and later hold hands on the beach. The day he moves out, Yosuke plays Maya a song he wrote for her. When Tetsuya returns, he asks Yuiko out, but she declines and explains it is because of his visits to hostess clubs. He later explains his actions and gives her time to reconsider. When Yuiko later accepts a date offer from Jin in front of Tetsuya, Tetsuya asks if she has reconsidered, and she agrees to go out with him again.

Tetsuya takes Yuiko to the beach and to eat ramen. She later admits to Maya that it was fun, but she was expecting a proper date and the beach ruined her new heels. Yuiko informs Jin that she is interested in going out again with Tetsuya, and therefore is not romantically interested in him. Masato goes surfing with Tetsuya with Seina tagging along to watch, after which Tetsuya says he wants to go on one last date with Yuiko as ''Terrace House'' is ending. Maya visits Yosuke at his photo exhibit before going to dinner where she tells him that while she has special feelings for him, she can not see him as a boyfriend because he was married before and has a child, which he accepts. Seina and Daiki go to dinner and then to the beach where they became a couple, which he lit with candles. There he gives her a necklace and asks her to marry him once he graduates and becomes successful, to which she says she will wait. Tetsuya takes Yuiko on a boat trip and to dinner at a fancy restaurant, where he gives her flowers and gloves. Afterwards, he confesses his love, but Yuiko tells him that she can only see Tetsuya as a boy and not a man.

Tetsuya surprises everyone by getting a buzz cut in the style he first arrived at the house with two years earlier. All the members move out of Terrace House, with Tetsuya the last to leave.

Gun Smoke (1931 film)

Following a killing and robbery in a big city back east, gang leader Kedge Darvas (Boyd) and some of his henchies take a train to a small western town in Idaho, with intentions of hiding out there until things cool down back in Chi or NYC, or wherever they lammed from. They are welcomed with open arms by the citizens under the impression they are there as capital investors with money to spend. Before long, Darvas figures the town is ripe for the taking and sends word for reinforcements, and each arriving train unloads a few suits and snappy-brim hats. Then they get rough, kill Sheriff Posey Meed (Oliver) and rile up the citizens, led by cowhand Brad Farley (Arlen), who had Darvas spotted for a wrong number just by the way he made moves on Sue Vancey (Brian),

What Pet Should I Get?

In a pet store, a young brother and sister (Jay and Kay) are trying to choose a pet. They consider a vast array of possible pets as their deadline of noon approaches. Finally, they settle on a pet whose identity remains unrevealed.

The Mezzotint

Mr. Williams, the curator of a university art museum (implied to be Oxford) receives a mezzotint from an art dealer. The very disturbing engraving changes each time Mr. Williams and the colleagues he enlists look at it. In the end, it is suggested that the nighttime engraving depicts a vengeful poacher named Gawdy, returning from the grave to kidnap and murder the infant heir of a Mr. Arthur Francis. Gawdy had been hanged for shooting a gamekeeper while poaching on Francis' land.

Fatal Honeymoon

Eleven days into their marriage, Alabama couple Gabe Watson and his wife Tina Watson go scuba diving near Australia's Great Barrier Reef, where Tina drowns in what appears to be a freak accident. But her father Tommy Thomas begins to suspect that his daughter's death was by no means an accident, a belief shared by authorities in both America and Australia, including Detective Gary Campbell. An investigation ensues, as does a media frenzy and a series of legal battles.

Hannah Lee

Bus Crow (Macdonald Carey), a professional gunfighter from Texas, arrives in Pearl City looking for work. After slapping around a boy who offers to watch his horse and shooting someone over a small slight at the local saloon, he makes quite an impression on the locals. This leads to his being hired by powerful ranchers to convince squatters to leave the area. U.S. Marshal Sam Rochelle (John Ireland) is brought in to investigate subsequent murders and immediately suspects Crow.

The Vice Squad

“The vice squad trick a foreign embassy into squealing on an infamous gang of crooks.”

Number 13 (short story)

While researching church history in Viborg, Denmark, in particular the events of the reformation, the narrator's cousin stays in a Danish inn. While staying in room Number 12, he notices that his room seems to grow smaller and his furniture sometimes vanishes. After hearing dancing next door, he assumes it comes from Number 13, however upon discussing the matter with the inn-keep, he learns that there is no Number 13. He asks the inn-keep to visit his room at night. While talking, the protagonist and the inn-keep hear ominous singing in the room next door. They check Number 14, but learn that its occupant thought it was them, then they find the "nonexistent" door to Number 13. A clawed hand attacks them, and they attempt to break down the door but break through the plaster wall. The occupants of 12 and 14 spend the night in a double bedded room. The narrator meets his cousin a few months later, and relates the tale to him.

Count Magnus

A traveller in Sweden stumbles upon the history of a mysterious and ominous figure, Count Magnus.

Mr. Wraxall is an author of travelogues, having previously published one of Brittany. During his travels in Sweden, he comes upon an ancient manor house (herrgård) in Vestergothland and decides to do some research there. He is offered to lodge there but declines and stays at the local village inn. The local church has a mausoleum nearby, built by Count Magnus for himself and his family, de la Gardie. He inquires of his landlord about local traditions surrounding Count Magnus.

The Count is known locally for being a harsh landowner, who severely punished his tenants if they were late with their rent. Houses built too near his lands often burned down. He had also been on the Black Pilgrimage and brought something back. Later, in doing research among the family papers, he discovers an explanation of the Pilgrimage in a book of alchemical tracts, entitled ' '. The pilgrimage is to Chorazin and involves a salute to the Prince of the Air. Walking home, he finds himself at the mausoleum and expresses a desire to see Count Magnus. Later on, he meets with the Deacon and queries him about Chorazin, but he is evasive. He presses the landlord of the inn about what Count Magnus brought back from Chorazin and is told a tale about two men who went poaching at night in the Count's lands. One man is found catatonic, and the other is dead and his face has been sucked off his skull.

The next day, along with the Deacon, he visits the mausoleum. The Count's copper sarcophagus is ornate and contains scenes from his life, as well as a depiction of the Count on its top. One of the scenes shows a man being pursued by a cloaked and hooded thing while a man watches. The lid is secured with three padlocks, one of which is unlocked. Later, on his way back to the mausoleum, his mind wanders and he finds himself chanting. He finds that now two padlocks are unfastened.

The following day, he makes preparation to finish his researches and return to England. He stops at the mausoleum to bid farewell to Count Magnus and again expresses a desire to see him. As he does so, the third padlock detaches and the lid begins to rise. Quickly, he leaves but is unable to get the key to turn.

He returns to England safely by canal-boat but feels that among his fellow passengers are two strange figures who fail to show at mealtimes. He lands at Harwich and takes a vehicle to Belchamp St. Paul. Along the way, he sees the two strange figures. He finds lodgings there and spends the next day awaiting the two strange figures.

The next day, he is found dead in a terrible condition and a jury rules it to be a visitation of God. The house where he died is abandoned and eventually acquired by the narrator, who has it pulled down since nobody will stay there.

Southern Exposure (film)

Krazy and his spaniel girlfriend (who is wearing a blond coily wig in this short) are attending an outdoor party organized by a community of apes. The apes sing, dance, and play instruments. Krazy and the spaniel join in the activities. But the celebration of the apes gets interrupted when their master, a labrador holding a whip, shows up. It is shown that the apes are forced laborers who work on sowing and harvesting crops for little rewards.

Krazy and the spaniel are also forced laborers whose job is to harvest cotton from the shrubs. Suddenly they accidentally shave the rear of a sheep, causing it to runaway. This irritates the master who starts chasing them.

Krazy and the spaniel try to escape by attempting to hide in a truck carrying ice blocks. But as the truck leaves, the ice blocks slip out along with them into a lake. They then continue their run on the floating ice blocks, although the master pursues them in the same way. Eventually, Krazy and the spaniel lose their pursuer as they reach the end of the ice block path. But as they reach solid ground, they stumble and fall hard face first. While Krazy is able to get back on his feet, the spaniel is lifeless. Momentarily a pair of angels put wings on the spaniel and take her to the sky. Krazy, who could not afford to not have her around, decides to join the spaniel in the sky as he puts on a white robe and some fake wings. Krazy enters the sky's abode and notices the spaniel playing an organ. But before he could get to her, Krazy is nabbed by the sky's gatekeeper who isn't fooled by his disguise. The gatekeeper tosses Krazy past the gates. As Krazy falls back towards the earth, a nearby angel tells him he can join them but he has to wait another time.

But all that trouble was just a nightmare as Krazy is seen napping on a balcony seat at a theater. He then wakes up and is relieved of his grief to see the spaniel (in her usual appearance) right beside him, alive, and unscathed. Krazy and spaniel then kiss each other. The event of the theater features a quartet singing and dancing on stage. Some of the performers resemble the characters from Krazy's dream.

Cantonen Iron Kung Fu

Leung Kwan (Bryan Leung) is a coolie who gets to a fight with worker Yu (Lee Chiu) over a misunderstanding. While their misunderstanding was resolved, they become friends. Meanwhile, a corrupt businessman Black Eagle (Philip Ko) is planning to take over the supply routes. Yu stands up to him and challenges to fight several of his henchmen where he is killed as a result. After seeing this, Leung vows to seek revenge despite his lackluster martial arts skills. Leung then meets Master Lin Tao-hoi (Wong Hap), a merchant and martial arts instructor who becomes Leung's boss and mentor. Black Eagle then kills Lin and Leung's friends. Later, Chen Sun (Wong Chung) a fighter who have been tracking Black Eagle from Northern China for six years, poses as a coolie where he meets Leung, and together, they join forces to take down Black Eagle.

A Dainty Politician

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from August 27, 1910. It states: "Congressman Casey is a type of the ward politician who is now, fortunately, being rapidly eliminated from politics. He is planning his re-election to Congress. The decent movement in the community has been aroused and a movement is on foot to nominate Professor Blake, a citizen of high standing and character. John Willette, a reporter for the ''Daily Globe'', calls on Professor Blake to inform him that he will be requested to run for the nomination and shows an article on the subject that has appeared in the Daily Globe. Professor Blake receives him cordially and he meets Professor Blake's daughter, Marie; the young people proceed to fall in love. The time for the convention arrives. As the convention is assembling and before they proceed to business, a band of suffragettes headed by Miss Croup gain admission and attempt to get a plank introduced in the platform favoring 'votes for women.' The convention turns them down and they are ejected from the floor."

"Nominations are then made for candidates, and after a vote has been taken it is found that ballots for Casey and Professor Blake are very evenly divided in that a candidate named Jennings, who is receiving the fewest votes, holds the balance of power. The convention takes a recess and Casey endeavors to bribe Jennings to retire in his favor and throw all his votes to Casey. Willett overhears enough of the bargain to make him suspicious, and communicates his beliefs to Marie. Between them they contrive to so fix the connection of the telephone in Casey's room that they can overhear the completion of the bribery plot. They succeed in this, and hear Jennings agree to the bargain for the consideration of a large-size check which Casey hands to him. The convention reconvenes, and John Willette appears and makes the charge publicly that Casey has bribed Jennings to throw his votes. Casey and Jennings indignantly deny this, and Marie comes forward as a witness; whereupon Jennings and Casey try to leave the convention. Delegates grab Jennings; search him and find the check given him by Casey. The two are ejected from the convention, which at once nominates Professor Blake and acclaims the two lovers who made the nomination possible."

'Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad'


Parkins, the protagonist, is a young "Professor of Ontography" at Cambridge University, who when the story opens is about to embark on a golfing holiday at the town of Burnstow (a fictionalized version of Felixstowe, Suffolk), on the east coast of England. He has secured a room at The Globe Inn for the duration of his stay, though he is somewhat uncomfortable that the room will contain a second bed. At dinner in his College, an archaeological colleague asks him to investigate the grounds of a ruined Templar preceptory near the Globe, with a view to its suitability for a dig.

On his first day at Burnstow, after a round of Golf with Colonel Wilson, another guest at the Globe, Parkins proceeds to find and examine the site of the preceptory. He happens upon a hole in the masonry, in which he finds an ancient bronze whistle. As he returns to the inn along the desolate beach, he notes that "the shape of a rather indistinct personage" in the distance appears to be making great efforts to catch up with him, but to no avail.

Inspection and calling

After an evening meal at the inn, Parkins inspects the whistle while alone in his room. First clearing the hard-packed soil from the item onto a sheet of paper, he then empties the soil out of the window, observing what he believes to be a sole individual "stationed on the shore, facing the inn". Parkins then holds the whistle close to a candle, discovering two inscriptions on the item. On one side appears


of which Parkins is unable to make anything . The inscription on the other side reads "QUIS EST ISTE QUI UENIT", a Latin phrase which Parkins translates as "Who is this who is coming?"This may be a Biblical reference to the Latin version of Isaiah 63:1. Upon blowing the whistle, Parkins notices sudden surge of wind outside his window, and has a vision of a "wide, dark expanse at night with a fresh wind blowing", in the middle of which he sees a solitary figure.

First night

Unable to sleep that night, Parkins experiences visions of a man desperately running and clambering over high groynes, while anxiously looking back. After the man collapses to the ground in exhaustion, Parkins sees the cause of his flight, "a figure in pale, fluttering draperies, ill-defined", moving in a strange manner and with incredible speed. Realising he is unable to dispel the visions, Parkins decides to read through the night, although when he attempts to light a match, he hears the sound of scurrying on his floor in the direction away from his bed, which he believes may be the sound of rats fleeing. Parkins then reads himself to a sound sleep, with the candle beside his bed still burning when he is woken the following morning.

Second day

As he prepares to leave the inn, Parkins is informed by a maid that both beds in his room appeared to have been slept in. The maid had already made both beds, explaining the sheets on the bed he had not slept in were "crumpled and thrown about all ways". Parkins supposes he must have disturbed the sheets while unpacking. He then leaves the inn to play golf with an acquaintance, Colonel Wilson, whom he tells about the whistle. The Colonel, who has "pronouncedly protestant views", says that he would "be careful about using a thing that had belonged to a set of Papists".

Returning to the inn, Parkins and Wilson encounter a terrified boy running from it, who explains he has just seen a strange, white figure waving at him from the window of one of the rooms. Parkins realises from the boy's description that the room must be his own. Investigating, they find the room still locked, but find that the sheets on the unused bed are twisted and contorted.

Second night

That night, Parkins is woken from sleep by the collapse of an improvised partition that he had constructed to block the moonlight. He sees a figure sitting on the unused bed, which causes him to jump from his own bed in the direction of the window, to retrieve his cane. As he does so, the "personage in the empty bed" moves into a position in front of the door, with arms outspread. This apparition remains stationary in the shadows for several moments as Parkins's fear escalates. It then gropes blindly about the room in a stooping posture, darting towards Parkins's bed, and feeling about the pillow and sheets for his body. Realising he is no longer in the bed, the apparition moves into the moonlit part of the room; Parkins's impression is of "a horrible, an intensely horrible, face of ''crumpled linen''".

Parkins lets out a cry of disgust, revealing his general location by the window. The figure moves rapidly at him, and he is backed half-way through the window, screaming, as its face is "thrust close into his own". Arriving just in time, Colonel Wilson kicks the door to his room open; before he reaches the window, the apparition tumbles to the floor, a heap of bed-clothes, while Parkins collapses in a faint. The following day, the Colonel removes the whistle and throws it into the sea.

Ragtag (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

In flashbacks, a teenage Grant Ward is seen in juvenile detention where he first meets John Garrett, and accepts his offer to join his organization, SHIELD. Over the years, Garrett trains Ward, and eventually tells him about Hydra and their presence within SHIELD.

In the present, Phil Coulson's team realize Cybertek Industries is a front for Hydra, and decide to investigate them to find out what Garrett is planning and stop him, despite not being officially sanctioned to do so (with Leo Fitz describing them as vigilantes). Antoine Triplett provides the team with 1940s SSR gadgets, which belonged to his grandfather, a Howling Commando. Coulson and May infiltrate a Cybertek facility posing as scientists, so they can remotely trigger a Trojan virus on Skye's hard drive, which will hack the Cybertek mainframe and give them access to Hydra's systems. They discover that Cybertek only keeps hard copies, to avoid being hacked, but they find a file on Project Deathlok, and learn that Garrett was the first test subject in 1990: after he was injured on a mission and received no help from SHIELD, he turned against them and joined Hydra, from whom he received cybernetic implants to save his life. The team realize that Garrett wants GH325 for himself, as his organs are failing and he is near death, but he is willing to also use GH325 to perfect the Centipede serum for Hydra's use.

While Garrett relocates Hydra's operations to a new Cybertek facility in the US, Raina reveals extensive information to Ward regarding Skye's origins, including the revelation that Skye's parents were the 'monsters' which killed the villagers protecting her. Tracking Cybertek shipments, the team realize that Hydra is using the Cuban SHIELD base. Coulson, May, Skye and Triplett go to the base to activate the Trojan program, and are attacked by several Centipede soldiers and a Hydra operative wielding the Berserker staff. Meanwhile, Fitz and Jemma Simmons search for the ''Bus'' and are captured by Ward, but Fitz uses an electromagnetic pulse device to damage Garrett's implants. Crippled, Garrett orders Ward to execute Fitz and Simmons, who lock themselves inside a medical unit, which Ward ejects from the plane, into the ocean. Having synthesized GH325 from the assorted T.A.H.I.T.I. drugs, Raina injects the sample into Garrett's Centipede serum intravenous filter, saving him.

In an end tag, Ian Quinn meets with generals in Washington to sell the Deathlok concept to the military.

A School Story

Two men are discussing the folklore of the private schools they attended. One tells of a Latin teacher named Mr. Sampson who kept a Byzantine coin that he would show his students. The narrator's friend gives the teacher a strange message in Latin which translates to "remember the well among the four yews", though he doesn't know why he wrote it. Later another paper shows up translating to "If you don't come to me, I'll come to you", and it visibly worries Sampson. Later at night the narrator's friend sees a man sitting on Sampson's window-sill, but when he returns with the narrator he's gone. Sampson is missing the next day. Years later a body is found - with Sampson's coin - in a well that sits between four trees.

El padre Gallo

The setting is the small town of Cuetzalan which El Gallo, a bandit fugitive from justice who plans to avoid being found reaches. He decides on hiding in the village so no one ever suspect where he is. There he is confused by the village faithful for the new priest it was expected would come to town. The problem is that this priest died on the way and the Bandit found his body.

As he was dressed as an inmate he decided to take the cassock and dress himself in it. Now El Gallo has no choice but to go along with the villagers and impersonating a priest, a point in his favor because no one would ever suspect a priest as a fugitive from justice. Thus, "The priest Gallo" becomes the new priest of Cuetzalán that despite his obvious inexperience, soon the sympathy and affection of all the inhabitants win.

Alongside a love story starring Ray and Patricio develops. The first is a beautiful girl who disguises herself as a man for the day to keep her jobs, because if they were to discover that she was a woman she would be fired immediately. While the second is a young man who knows one night while dressed as a woman and falls for her.

Ray rightful, but suffers from not being able to see with Patricio during the day because she is not willing to lose the job that she worked so hard to achieve. Therefore, two lovers appear only at night, when Ray can show your true self and live freely her relationship with Patricio without arousing suspicion.

Pobre juventud

Jorge is a rebellious and troubled young man who becomes interned in a reformatory where he discovers many of his colleagues in the same predicament, including Ponchado, Freddy, Muelas, El Chino and El Ruso. They all suffer cruelty and maltreatment at the hands of Remigio and Antonio, the sadistic guards.

Rosario, who works as a nurse at the reformatory, is a courageous young woman who is strongly opposed to the mistreatment and abuse daily dished out to the boys. Due to her kindness and great sense of justice, Rosario wins the sympathy of the delinquents there.

Jorge is a disturbed delinquent owing to the lack of affection at home, where he lives with his drunken father Evaristo, who only passes the time in an alcoholic stupor. On the other hand, there is Eduardo, a father/widower who mourns his only son Miguel, who died in an accident and who lives with his mother Eugenia.

One day Jorge and Ponchado decide to escape the harsh environment of the reformatory, masquerading as doctors. Jorge flees to the neighborhood where he lives, soliciting help from his neighbor, Teresa. Confronting Evaristo and asking him to take her son once and for all, the man becomes angry and denies Jorge is his own son, thus revealing that Jorge was adopted.

Then the vengeful man goes to the reformatory and claims that George (Jorge) is in the vicinity. Teresa gives money to the boy to flee and be saved. Evading the police, Jorge decides to hide in Eduardo's house by climbing the wall. Eduardo finds out, and also notices the huge resemblance to Michael, who he hides in his house.

Jorge Anselmo quickly befriends the family butler, but Eugenia turns reproachful, saying it is unacceptable that "a disgusting boy" is allowed to live at home.

Rosario does not support the sordid atmosphere of the reformatory and thanks to the help of Dr. Alberto Junquera resigns and goes to work in his office. Soon thereafter, she meets Eduardo and falls 💘 in love with him. Meanwhile, Jorge suffers the death of his girlfriend, Chelito from leukemia, but finds love again in Alejandra, eventually discovering the truth about his origins.

Goreyan Nu Daffa Karo

For Kala, a boy from a village in Punjab, India, it is love at first sight when he sees Aleesha, an Indo-Canadian girl. Kala also helps clear obstacles in the way of marriage of his brother Roop to his white Canadian girlfriend, Julia. Roop's father does not want him marrying a white girl. Kala fights the cultural and historical differences to bring together and unite the two families.

The Witch's Familiar

Clara and Missy are outside the Dalek city. Missy had rigged their vortex manipulators to make them appear to have died from the Dalek attack, a trick she learned from the Doctor; however, the manipulators have been destroyed. They make their way in through a sewer, which contains a number of decaying and insane Dalek mutants. They capture a Dalek using the mutants in the sewer and steal its casing, which Missy convinces Clara to enter to help them re-enter the city. Once inside, Clara finds any spoken expression of emotion or individual identity is translated into only "Exterminate!" or "I am a Dalek". Once they access the city, Missy abandons Clara.

The Doctor does not believe Clara is dead. While confronting Davros and the Supreme Dalek, the Doctor is knocked unconscious by Colony Sarff. When he wakes, the Doctor is back with Davros, who is attached to numerous cables that provide life-support to him from every Dalek. Davros tempts the Doctor to kill all the Daleks using the cables, but the Doctor reveals he came to express compassion to Davros having abandoned him as a boy in the past. To give Davros enough life to see the sun rise, the Doctor provides some of his regeneration energy, but this travels through the cables to every Dalek, creating new hybrid forms.

Missy appears and saves the Doctor while killing Sarff. The Doctor, aware of Davros' plan, notes even the insane Daleks will regenerate. They arise and attack the city, seeking revenge. The Doctor and Missy escape and run into Clara, still within the Dalek casing and unable to identify herself. Missy tries to tell the Doctor that Clara was killed, but the Doctor is able to see through her lies, particularly when the "Dalek" asks for mercy. He frees Clara and tells Missy to run. Missy is cornered by a number of Daleks but suddenly claims to have a clever plan.

Using his new sonic sunglasses, the Doctor summons the TARDIS, which also had avoided destruction by its automated systems. As the Dalek city is destroyed, the Doctor recalls why the Dalek casing allowed Clara to express a plea for mercy, and realises what he must do. He travels to the battlefield that young Davros was caught in, and uses a Dalek gun to eradicate the "handmines" and escort Davros away. The boy asks which side he fights for, and the Doctor replies it does not matter as long as there is mercy.


Missy and Clara teleport out of the city using the energy emitted by the Daleks, revealing how Missy survived after being shot by the Brigadier at the end of "Death in Heaven". The Fourth and First Doctors make brief appearances during Missy's exposition of her account of the Doctor's fight with 50 android assassins.

Among the past Dalek designs shown in this episode is the Special Weapons Dalek that first appeared in ''Remembrance of the Daleks'' (1988).

The scene where Clara is being put into the Dalek mirrors a scene from her debut episode, "Asylum of the Daleks" (2012). A similar tactic was used by Ian Chesterton in ''The Daleks'' (1963–64), the first Dalek serial of the original ''Doctor Who'' series, and again by Rebec, a Thal, in the Third Doctor serial ''Planet of the Daleks'' (1973).

Davros informs the Doctor that he has been given 'the only other chair on Skaro...' This references the first Dalek adventure; the Doctor's companion Barbara comments that on the Daleks' world, 'there wasn't any furniture, now I come to think about it...'

The Doctor lost his original sonic screwdriver when it was destroyed in the Fifth Doctor story ''The Visitation'' (1982). It wasn't replaced until the Seventh Doctor produced one in the 1996 ''Doctor Who'' movie. It remained a part of the Doctor's arsenal ever since, until this two-part episode.

When Davros tempts the Doctor with killing every Dalek on Skaro, knowingly committing genocide, he asks "Are you ready to be a god?" This echoes the debate the Fourth Doctor has with Davros in ''Genesis of the Daleks'' (1975); when the Doctor asks him whether he would knowingly unleash a virus that would destroy all life in the universe, Davros is intrigued at the concept: "Yes... I ''would'' do it. That power would set me up above the gods!" It also refers back to the climax of ''Genesis'', when the Doctor agonizes over whether he has the moral right to destroy the newly created Daleks, ultimately deciding against genocide.

Davros' question to the Doctor – "Am I a good man? – is the same one the Doctor himself asks Clara in "Into the Dalek" (2014).

The TARDIS' Hostile Action ''Displacement'' System has been referred to on prior occasions. In the Eleventh Doctor story "Cold War" (2013), it caused the TARDIS to leave the area. The system was first used in the Second Doctor story ''The Krotons'' (1968–69), also making the TARDIS dematerialise to avoid destruction.

Outside references

Missy tells a Dalek to inform the Supreme Dalek that "the bitch is back", an allusion to the Elton John song, "The Bitch Is Back".

End of an Era (film)

Christos a high school student of the last class moves to Athens with his family in order to prepare better for his entry exams of university. He soon is accepted by a group of school students. He and his new friends live their youth through the era of great changes, at the end of 60s. The music, the theatre, the pirate radio and the love are the way out from the illiberal and conservative environment caused by Greek military junta. At the end of the decade the friends finishes the school and their routes separate.

Lost in Karastan

Lost in Karastan is a gentle black comedy about a confused British director, Emil, who is hired to direct a production in the Caucasus region. The country, Autonomous Republic of Karastan, is led by an eccentric corrupt but benign dictator. There Emil embarks on one of the wildest journeys of his already diverse career.

This Is Cinta

Indonesian kindergarten students Rachel and Farel, who have the same extracurricular activity of music, live in neighboring apartments. A problem is that at times, Rachel would suffer while hanging out with Farel, prompting Rachel's helicopter mother to avoid them meeting, though Rachel proudly rebels. One day, Farel promises to Rachel that he will bring her to a majestic castle he imagines of. In the extracurricular, a recurring song is "This is Cinta" ("This is Love"): Rachel sings, while Farel plays the piano.

It has been 12 years since they separate. Farel is a college student and soon-to-be pianist, while Rachel, still trapped within his mother, is being forced to form a romantic bond with a man named Nicko, with whom she can't. At a talent show, Farel reveals that he is motivated to be a pianist because of Rachel, and still keeps his castle sketch. Rachel sees this on TV, and they reunite the next morning. At the talent show, Farel succeeds to the final round, and the host asks Rachel to duet with him in said round.

Rachel's mother discovers her rehearsing, and grounds her. Rachel and her parents have a long argument about her being an independent 17-year-old adult. That night, Nicko brings her out— specifically, trapping her at a warehouse to rape her. Rachel texts Farel, who brings Rachel to flee. While chasing the two, Nicko crashes Farel's borrowed motorbike, critically injuring Rachel and putting Farel in asystole. Nicko is arrested, and Rachel's parents regret themselves. As the two near Heaven, Farel's desires drag him back to life, while Rachel tearfully walks away from life. To attract Rachel, Farel plays "This is Cinta" nearby her hospital room; he succeeds. As Rachel is discharged, the two fly to Auckland, where the majestic castle is revealed to exist amid a rural field.

Las trampas del deseo

The story shows a social reality immersed in a mix of melodrama and psychological-cop-politic thriller, of which their themes will be treated as they are, no makeup and a dose of truth. The story will be told through 3 women, each one looking to satisfy their most deep desires; Aura has fallen into an existential crisis after her mother's suicide, now looking for going beyond her mother's death, serve justice and committing suicide afterwards, but the only thing that can save her is Dario's love. Marina will look for justice after losing her sister by the hands of a white slave traffic ring and will end up infiltrating in said ring, which their leaders are Silvio and Gema. Lastly, Roberta is capable of anything in order to reach the highest echelons of power, reaching her most desired pleasure, being the first female president of Mexico.

Brimstone (2016 film)

The plot consists of four acts, which are presented in anachronic order. The chronological order is acts 3 (Genesis), 2 (Exodus), 1 (Revelation), 4 (Retribution). So, after the first act, Revelation, the following acts are what happened before and the fourth act is chronologically the last.

'''1. Revelation'''
Liz lives in the old west with her husband Eli and two children: Eli's son Matthew from Eli's prior marriage, and Liz and Eli's young daughter Sam. Liz is a midwife who can hear but is mute, and so communicates through sign language. A new minister comes to their church, and the moment that Liz hears his voice, she seems to recognize him and is terrified. Later that day Liz is forced to choose between delivering a baby safely or saving its mother; she chooses to euthanise the baby and save the mother, without telling the mother until after the procedure is finished. Afterwards, the father, Nathan, blames Liz. A drunken Nathan later shows up at Eli and Liz's house, violent and threatening; Nathan claims Liz is responsible for his son's death. In the middle of the fight, the Reverend shows up and tells Nathan to leave. He then goes into Eli's house and has a mysterious talk with Liz, saying she is guilty of the murder of Nathan's son and must be punished. As Eli overhears some of the conversation, the Reverend leaves the house. Later Eli's sheep are found dead, and he seeks out Nathan, who has since disappeared. Liz later sneaks off at night to murder the Reverend, but finds her daughter's doll in the Reverend's bed instead. Meanwhile, the Reverend disembowels Eli, and leaves him to die in his barn. As he is dying, Eli tells Matthew to take the family up into the mountains to Eli's father, before the boy shoots him. Liz and the children flee the farm.

'''2. Exodus'''
A young girl named Joanna walking through the desert is picked up by a Chinese family. In the mining town of Bismuth, she's sold to a brothel owned by Frank. Joanna is protected by Sally until Sally is hanged for shooting a violent customer; Elizabeth then protects Joanna. After Elizabeth bites the tongue of an abusive customer, her tongue is cut off in punishment. Joanna teaches Elizabeth sign language from a book the doctor gave her. Elizabeth plans to sneak out of Bismuth to start a new life, and arranges through a marriage broker to marry Eli. The Minister comes to the brothel and becomes violent with Joanna. Elizabeth saves Joanna and is murdered by the Minister. Joanna slashes his throat and runs away, cutting off her own tongue and taking Elizabeth's place with Eli.

'''3. Genesis'''
In the desert, two badly wounded men, Samuel and Wolf, are the last survivors in a dispute over gold that has left several other men dead. They depart on a single horse. Young Joanna lives with her mother, Anna, and father, who is the Minister. Samuel and Wolf collapse at the farm and Joanna secretly cares for them. Anna confronts the Minister when she realizes he lusts after their daughter, so he beats and humiliates her by placing a scold's bridle on her head. In response, Anna commits suicide in full view of the church congregation. The next day the Minister takes Joanna to church and starts to perform a wedding ceremony between himself and his daughter. Samuel tries to rescue her, but the Minister murders him. Her father whips Joanna and rapes her. In the morning she runs off.

'''4. Retribution'''
Matthew is shot by the Minister as he follows Liz to her father-in-law's place in the mountains. He murders her father-in-law and tells Liz he will beat and rape her daughter, but Liz murders him instead. Some time later, after Liz has turned Eli's place into a sawmill, Nathan arrives to arrest her. The Minister had sent him to Bismuth where he became a deputy and then sheriff. Having found a wanted poster of Elizabeth Brundy (the woman without a tongue who killed Frank before she saved Liz/Joanna), Nathan has come to arrest her (Liz). As Nathan is escorting her onto a ferry, with a last look at her daughter playing on the shore, Liz throws herself in the lake and drowns. Her daughter Sam, now a grown woman with a child of her own, remembers her well.

The Food Gamblers

As described in a film magazine, June Justice (Hopper), a reporter on the ''Globe'', is given an assignment to expose the food gamblers and find out who is responsible for the high price for food. She meets Henry Havens, president of the food gamblers' trust, and one of the richest commissions men as well as the meanest. June and Henry find themselves falling in love, but because he will not make restitution for his grafting, June does all in her power to expose his methods. Henry is attacked by an employee that he had fired for stealing, and is thrown into a discarded ice box. He is left several days without food and for the first time appreciates what it means to be hungry. After he is released and regains his strength, he joins the fight against the manipulation of food prices and works for the passage of legislation which will provide for state distribution.

At the end of the film, there was an exhortation for the public to contact their congressman for the passage of a state distribution of food bill.

The Latchkey

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Bioscope'' from November 10, 1910. It states: "Will and John are prosperous young businessmen and close friends. Will has an apartment in the city, while John lives in the suburbs. When Will goes to the country on his vacation he leaves the latchkey of his apartment with his chum, telling him to make himself at home. The landlady in the house in which Will lives is seized with a bright idea that she can sublet his apartment during his absence. May and Belle, two pretty girls who are in business, decide to try their hand at housekeeping. They rent Will's apartment and settle down in their new quarters. John decides to take advantage of his friend's invitation and make use of his rooms. He lets himself in with the latchkey, and is amazed to find the two girls sound asleep. Believing him to be a burglar the girls threaten him with annihilation. John thinks the joke too good to spoil, so does not try to square himself, but pleads for mercy. May secures his promise that he will never 'burgle' again, and allows him to escape. Unknown to John, May has been engaged by his partner as a typist, and when she enters the office the following morning and finds John opening the safe, she decides that once again her burglar has been caught red-handed. She calls for help, and is greatly chagrined when her supposed burglar is introduced as her employer. Amid explanations, the 'burglar' and the lady shake hands and become good friends."

In both ''The Moving Picture World'' and ''The Moving Picture News'' the character of Will was named Bill, but it is not clear if this was intentional, a renaming or error.

The Mass of Men

When Richard (Peter Faulkner), an unemployed man of 55, arrives three minutes late for an appointment at the job centre, Kate (Jane McDowell) penalises him for his tardiness. While she berates him, another man (Dominic Kinnaird), armed with a nail gun, attacks her.

The Rose Garden (short story)

Mrs. Anstruther would like to plant a rose garden, however the clearing she wishes to use gives people nightmares, and they hear whispers by an old post in the clearing. Soon she, along with her husband, learn the history of the clearing and the injustice that took place there.

Casting the Runes

Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed ''The Truth of Alchemy'' by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell's work and died in a freak accident not long after.

Harrington's brother helps Dunning to discover that Karswell cursed both men by slipping them a piece of paper with some runes on it. They deduce that the curse, once cast, will cause the bearer to die in three months. They track down Karswell a day before the curse is set to kill Dunning and manage to return the runes to him. Karswell dies the next day, killed by a stone that fell from scaffolding around St. Wulfram's Church in Abbeville.

Press Cuttings

A room in the War Office on 1 April 1912. General Mitchener is in a state of considerable anxiety about the number of Suffragettes chaining themselves to government buildings. He has had all the railings removed, but is informed by an orderly that another suffragette has padlocked herself to the door scraper. Surprisingly, he has received a letter from the Prime Minister, Balsquith, telling him to release the woman and let her into the building. When he does so, he learns that this suffragette is none other than the Prime Minister himself, disguised as a woman. As he tried to get to the War Office, there were so many suffragettes chasing him that he thought the safest option was to pretend to be one of them. Balsquith informs Mitchener that his arch-rival General Sandstone has resigned from the government, since his plan of creating a male-only exclusion zone of two miles around Westminster has failed. Women are refusing to leave. Mitchener is in favour of the plan, offering Balsquith his usual advice: "shoot them down". Balsquith says events are getting out of control. Already a pro-suffrage curate has been flogged by an army lieutenant, who fails to realise that the curate has aunts in the peerage. Britain needs to concentrate on the threat of German rearmament, but is distracted by these domestic issues.

Mitchener says that the solution to the German problem is simple - shoot them down. Balsquith points out that the Germans might shoot back. Mitchener says he's been wanting to invade them for years. Britain needs to think ahead. Soon it may be possible to travel to the moon, and if the Germans get there first there is a real prospect of a "German moon". Meanwhile, he suggests that the lieutenant should be flogged in reprisal for his actions, but Balsquith reminds him that the man's father donated a large sum to party funds. He suggests that Mitchener should charm one of the aunts, Lady Richmond, and offer to promote the curate. The General asks his housekeeper Mrs Farrell to find a uniform for him, as he needs to look his best to see Lady Richmond. It should be one befitting a hero who has risked his life in battle. Mrs Farrell says she has risked hers giving birth to eight children; risking life to create more life is better than risking it to destroy the lives of others.

The orderly announces that Mrs Banger and Lady Corinthia Fanshawe, leaders of the anti-suffrage movement, have arrived. Balsquith, he says, fled as soon as he saw them. Mitchener is shocked by the orderly's derogatory comments about the Prime Minister, but the orderly tells him that he wouldn't be in the army if it weren't for conscription, and now that he is, he trusts sergeants more than generals. Mitchener orders the orderly to arrest himself for insubordination. Mrs Banger and Lady Corinthia enter. They declare that the men have failed to defeat the suffragettes. New tactics are needed. Mrs Banger says that the suffragettes have got it all wrong. Women don't want to vote, they want to join the army. In fact most great leaders, including Bismarck and Napoleon, were women in disguise. Lady Corinthia, in contrast, believes that women should control men by using feminine glamour and charm. Giving votes to women will ensure that the ugly and dowdy ones will be as powerful as charming beauties such as herself, which is outrageous.

Mitchener is so shocked by the arguments of Mrs Banger and Lady Corinthia that he decides he is now in favour of votes for women. Mrs Banger says she will try to get Sandstone's support. After she leaves Balsquith reappears and says that the government is cracking. The Liberals and the Labour party have declared support for women's suffrage. Mitchener says he must now withdraw his support, since he cannot be seen to bow to pressure. The orderly returns with news that General Sandstone has been forced by Mrs Banger to allow women to join the army. Further, Mrs Banger's tactic of sitting on the general's head until he gives in has so impressed Sandstone that he's proposed marriage to her. Mitchener decides that he will marry the only sensible woman he knows, Mrs Farrell. Mrs Farrell only agrees after consulting her daughter, a variety performer who is engaged to the son of a Duke. Lady Corintha is left with Balsquith, but he insists that he does not wish to marry. She says that she too does not want marriage, which is far too vulgar. She must fulfil her destiny to be his "Egeria", or behind-the-scenes advisor. The orderly is promoted to the rank of lieutenant, as he is too incompetent to be a sergeant.

The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral

Archdeacon Pultney of Barchester Cathedral dies mysteriously and the new Archdeacon Haynes takes his place. Haynes is very talented and performs the duties of his office with great zeal, however he is haunted by the carved figures in the stalls of Barchester Cathedral.

Chaos Dragon

The story takes place in Huanli (the Year of Dazzling) 3015. D'natia and Kōran, two countries fighting for supremacy, are causing the world to be torn apart due to the constant war. Amidst the strife is the island country Nil Kamui, which has lost its independence. Red Dragon, the guardian god of Nil Kamui, goes out of control. Will the island country be able to regain its independence?

''Chaos Dragon'' is based on the role-playing fiction project ''Red Dragon'', a story which was created by five notable writers: Gen Urobuchi, Kinoko Nasu, Izuki Kogyoku, Ryōgo Narita, and Simadoriru (member of the Stripe Pattern doujin circle). The results of their tabletop role-playing game sessions over six days created material for a seven-volume light novel series.

An Assisted Elopement

The film is presumed lost as no known surviving copies of the film exist. A synopsis of the film was published in ''The Moving Picture World''. It states: "Glade and Sears are next door neighbors and old friends. Glade has a daughter, while Sears has a son. The young people have never met, being away at school while the old folks have been cementing their friendship. As the two men own adjoining places, they believe that the best thing for the younger people to do is to get married. So they try to bring this about. Gladys Glade and Charlie Sears meet on the train while they are returning home and start a flirtation. Perhaps they would have married in the end, if the old folks hadn't 'butted in.' As it is, they lose all interest in each other. Then the fathers try another tack. They decide to be bitter enemies in public, hoping the opposition will bring the children together. The new plan works like a charm, and Gladys and Charlie, realizing their parents' shortcomings, decide to elope. They do so, much to the satisfaction of Glade and Sears."

The Magnificent Lie (1931 film)

Recovering from a World War I head wound, soldier Bill Childers is paid a hospital visit by Rosa Duchene, a renowned French singer and actress who is contributing to the war effort. It is love at first sight, but Bill does not see her again for 12 years, during which time his combat injury has left him almost totally blind.

In the lumber business with partner Elmer Graham, word comes that the famous Rosa is coming to town to perform. Bill excitedly brings her flowers, but is duped by two French actors into believing that another woman, known as Poll, is actually Rosa.

Bill goes permanently blind and the haughty Rosa has no interest in him. Poll falls for Bill, but during her impersonation of the other woman, Bill recognizes their disparity in height. He is angered by her deception, he angrily leaves. An auto accident results in a serious leg injury for Poll but the sudden restoration of Bill's eyesight. Both agree to give their relationship one more try.

QB VII (miniseries)

Dr. Adam Kelno, a Pole, escapes from a Nazi concentration camp. During his recovery, he romances his nurse, Angela, and eventually marries her and settles in England.

After the end of World War II, the communists try to extradite Dr. Kelno for war crimes as a doctor working for the Nazis, performing medical experiments on Jewish prisoners. They fail to prove their case and Kelno is vindicated, but he takes his wife to the Middle East to escape the notoriety afterward.

During World War II, Abraham Cady was wounded, also marrying his nurse, Samantha, though he cheats on her, eventually taking up with Lady Margaret. Initially atheistic, Cady reconnects with his Jewish heritage while in Israel to see his ill father, who dies shortly after his arrival.

Cady writes a book, called ''The Holocaust'', naming Dr. Kelno as a Nazi collaborator who performed forced sterilizations on Jewish prisoners. Kelno brings a lawsuit for libel against Cady, which is heard in the London courts.

Kelno insists on his innocence. Cady is defiant when confronted by Kelno and reporters outside the courtroom. Kelno denies in court sterilizing healthy Jews at the behest of the ''SS'', but Cady's barrister presents evidence that Kelno castrated hundreds of healthy Jews as punishments or as medical experiments, and that some of them died as a result.

Kelno is devastated when his son turns on him and throws him out. Cady, too, loses his son, the young man dying while serving in the Israeli military.

The jury finds in favor of Kelno but only gives him damages in the sum of one half-penny, "the lowest coin in the realm", for damages to Kelno's reputation.

Return of the Moonwalker

Count Cagliostro has sent his agents Gog and Magog to retrieve the gloved hand of Michael Jackson (promising them gay marriage and eternal life in return). His plan is to resurrect the deceased pop star to lead a revolution which he feels will bring about peace on Earth. His wife Sarafina is opposed to this plan and feels that the two immortals should instead be focused on keeping a low profile and maintaining their own immortality. Despite her wishes Count Cagliostro manages to complete his ritual in preparation for a special performance at the punk circus that he has been using as a front for his sorcery.

Lesbian ghost hunters Raquel and Monique enter an underground chamber whose owner purports to have belonged to Adolf Hitler and claims is still inhabited by the former Nazi leader's ghost. After fleeing an attempted assault from this man the two girls manage to exit the labyrinth and happen upon the circus of Count Cagliostro.

Nico, T-Bag, and Obama are three young guys out getting drunk and causing trouble on the streets of Berlin when they get lured into a sex dungeon by Sarafina and her dominatrix friends. After torturing the guys and extracting their semen for her husband's elixir of eternal life, she gives them free passes to Cagliostro's circus where they are joined by Raquel and Monique.

During the performance the audience is stunned into silence upon first hearing the voice and then seeing the risen Michael Jackson in the flesh. He extends his hand to Raquel, but upon removing his glove she sees his exposed, decaying flesh. Cagliostro immediately calls a stop to the performance and the ghost hunters and the guys hatch a plan to rescue Jackson from the sorcerer.

While escaping and being chased by skinheads, Muslim extremists, and neo-nazis, Jackson unites them all into a rainbow army which Cagliostro and Sarafina accidentally transform into an army of the undead, leaving only Raquel and Sarafina to stop them.

Jesse James vs. the Daltons

Joe Branch (Brett King), rumored to be the son of outlaw Jesse James, sets out to contact the infamous Dalton Gang and to learn the truth about his legendary father.

Bound (2015 film)

Michelle Mulan, an attractive woman in her forties, is a real estate broker who has recently been promoted at a failing firm. Although she is fully qualified for her new position, she was promoted because of her father, Walter's, status as chairman. While other executives want to sell the firm, she thinks it would be more of an advantage for her father's company to merge with a larger firm.

Despite unfulfilled sexual desires, Michelle does not cheat on her boyfriend George. As a single mother, she struggles to raise her teenage daughter, Dara, who wants more freedom in her life. Michelle takes Dara to a local restaurant dinner one evening, where she meets a man named Ryan Black, 15 years younger than she, who becomes enamored of her. After dropping Dara off at home, Michelle returns to the restaurant, where Ryan tries to seduce her. She fends him off, but accepts his telephone number. Although, initially, she decides not to meet him, but the next day, after the merger is authorized, she does meet with him. After rejecting a marriage proposal from George, Michelle goes out with Ryan. On their date, he introduces her to the world of BDSM, after which Michelle cheats on George. After breaking up with George, Michelle begins to date Ryan, easily giving in to his dominating personality.

Falling in love, Michelle begins to call Ryan her "master" and refers to herself as a "messy whore." At a benefit dinner, Ryan begins to insult Michelle's client, Jesse Aaron, and to operate a vibrator egg she is wearing while she is with Jesse. Still, Michelle manages to get Jesse to consider a merger.

Michelle decides to learn more about being dominated and quickly finds that she enjoys submitting to Ryan's will. She learns that Ryan has a criminal record. She continues to try to negotiate a merger deal with Jesse Aaron in order to save her father's firm and continues to see Ryan, surrendering to him completely, while learning more and more about the submissive lifestyle. Along the way, she also learns how to become a dominant, and a woman at a BDSM club warns her that Ryan is a predator.

Unknown to her, Ryan also rapes Dara and has made her a submissive. Seeing this, Michelle finally throws off Ryan's bonds and uses her new-found sexual prowess to take control of her life. Ryan assaults her when she confronts him at his loft about his grooming and rape of Dara, but Michelle knocks him unconscious with a camera tripod. She takes him to his private dungeon and binds him, turning him into her submissive. After torturing Ryan, Michelle turns him over to the police for raping her underage daughter.

With her newfound confidence, Michelle seals the deal with Jesse Aaron and the merger of Walter's company to Jesse's is successful which impresses Walter so much that he makes Michelle a full partner in the company. Afterward in the final scene, Michelle signs the paperwork in her office finalizing the business merger with Jesse's company... and then makes him her submissive.

Silence (1931 film)

A gray-haired convict, within the shadows of the gallows, tells his story to the prison chaplain beginning twenty years earlier when he was sent to prison for a crime he did not commit.

Mother (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from September 10, 1910. It states: "The play deals with Will Allen, a country lad, who is unhappy at home, owing to the fact that he is a studious little chap and prefers his books to farm work, which incurs the displeasure and enmity of his stepfather, a rough and surly farmer, to whom book learning does not appeal. Will runs away from home, and although his mother keeps a light in the window, hoping to guide her boy home, he never returns. Twenty years later, when the boy has made a place for himself in the world as a successful lawyer, he goes back to the farm, only to find that his little mother, who has been left a widow, has gone away, whither, no one knows. The mother, in the meantime, being left alone in the world, goes to the city and there supports herself by dressmaking. While shopping in a department store she is unjustly accused of shoplifting. The only person who believes in her innocence is a salesgirl, who is discharged for her presumption and daring to correct her superiors. The girl, in her efforts to help the friendless old lady, enlists the aid of Will, whom she knows to be a lawyer of great ability. Will is about to refuse the case, as the dry goods company is a client of his, when the girl describes the lonely old lady, and begs him for the sake of his mother to befriend her. Will consents. Will's clear statement of the case to the judge, together with May's testimony, frees the mother. When her counsel approaches to offer his congratulations, mutual recognition results."

Martin's Close

The story is presented as a report of a trial in the year 1684, before Judge Jeffreys. Squire George Martin has been accused of murdering a young girl named Ann Clark, with whom he had a one-sided romance. The prosecution presents the case that Martin murdered Ann Clark, because she ruined a good marriage proposal for him. During the trial, an event is described in which Martin acted in a guilty manner when confronted with a possible apparition of the girl. In the end, Martin is found guilty of the crime, despite his attempt to have the case dismissed on a legal technicality, and is sentenced to death.

Sixteen Tongues

In a dystopian future, the lives of three deviants converge: Ginny, a cyborg assassin; Adrian, a rogue cop; and Alik, the assassin's lover. Alik, a hacker, is obsessed with finding her brother's killer, and Ginny wants to kill the scientist who caused her to experience bouts of homicidal rage and crippling sexual overload. The two encounter Adrian in a sleazy hotel where any desire can be sated, no matter how perverse. The only survivor of a massacre, Adrian has received skin grafts from the tongues of his slain comrades. Unknown to the others, the grafts have slowly driven him insane due to psychic trauma.

Night Life in Hollywood

Joe Powell (Glendon) runs away from his small town in Arkansas to visit Hollywood, anticipating debauchery. After his sister Carrie Powell (Henry) heads there too, their father (McComer), mother (Rhodes), and younger sister follow them out there. Once the family is reunited in Hollywood, they learn that it is great place to live.

When the Bough Breaks (2016 film)

A married couple in their 40s, named John and Laura Taylor (Morris Chestnut and Regina Hall) desperately want to have a baby, but they are unable to have a lasting pregnancy. Laura had already suffered three miscarriages in the past years. After attempting all other options, the couple hire a beautiful young woman named Anna (Jaz Sinclair) who agrees to become a gestational surrogate mother for the Taylors.

After Anna has a doctor's appointment, her boyfriend, Mike (Theo Rossi), doesn't pick her up, causing Anna to go to John's job for a ride home. That night, Laura receives an emergency phone call from Anna. John drives to her house seeing the police. It is then revealed that Mike assaulted Anna, leaving her face bloody and bruised. The police suggest Anna find another place to stay, and John offers for her to stay at the couple's house for the time being.

Everything seems fine for a while, until Anna starts to develop a fixation on John as the pregnancy moves further along. Anna's growing obsession interferes with what was a plan by her and her boyfriend, Mike, to scam the couple by demanding money. When Mike pushes Anna to demand money, she kills him.

Later, at a doctors appointment, John calls Laura trying to get her to the appointment. John and Anna find out that their baby is a boy. Later, at work John gets a call from Anna saying that they should go out for lunch, but he gets annoyed and Anna hangs up on him. John then avoids all calls from Anna. Eventually, he answers and she asks him why he's lying to her about having appointments. Anna walks into his office door and tries to seduce him but his boss enters and John prompts Anna to leave.

Anna later reveals her feelings to John and becomes outraged when he says he doesn't feel the same way. John is able to calm Anna down but Anna runs out of the guest house into the main house and picks up a knife. The police arrive and Anna lies and says she and John have sex every night. Laura and John then find out that Anna ordered a drug that will end her pregnancy. Laura and John devise a plan to get their unborn baby back by making John act as if he shares Anna's feelings. John and Anna meet at the aquarium. As Anna thinks she is being played, she walks away. John stops her and kisses her forcefully and asks her to come with him up to the family's lake house.

John returns home to Laura the next day. The plans works fine until Anna notices the two embracing each other. Anna leaves John a voicemail claiming the baby's coming. John leaves to go to the hospital while Laura stays home.

Anna returns to the Taylor house. She kills the family cat and then hits Laura in the head with a lamp, knocking her out. Anna then goes into labor. While in the hospital they discover that Anna has fled to the family lake-house with the baby. John manages to get the baby but Anna wakes up and a fight breaks out between the two of them. John throws her onto a cabinet which knocks her unconscious. John goes outside and Laura places the baby in the car. When Laura turns on the lights she sees Anna standing in front with a shotgun. Anna shoots at the car and misses but hits the window. Laura runs over Anna with her car, killing her.

The next morning, Laura, the baby, and John are sitting inside the lake house. They hear the police arrive and John turns to Laura and says, "It's going to be okay."

The Temple of Dusk

As described in a film magazine, Akira (Hayakawa), a Japanese poet who lives in Tokyo, falls in love with an American, Ruth Vale (Novak), who has grown to womanhood under his father's care. He is much saddened, however, when she marries an American. Three years elapse and Ruth dies of an illness, leaving a baby in the poet's care. Akira agrees to accompany the child and father to America, and when the American is accused of the murder of a man who entered his home, Akira assumes the guilt. He escapes from prison to visit the child and is shot by a guard. An allegorical scene shows Akira and Ruth entering the Temple of Dusk together.

Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance

Mr Humphreys has recently inherited an estate in Wilsthorpe, England. There he learns about the mysterious death of his uncle, the previous owner, and the history of the strange maze and temple situated beside his new home.

The Man Beneath

As described in a film magazine, Kate Erskine (Eddy) and her sister Mary (Curley) love Dr. Chindi Ashutor (Hayakawa) and James Bassett (Gilbert), respectively, the latter having been college chums, one being a noted physician while the other pursuing no occupation as yet. Mary and Bassett become engaged while Dr. Ashutor goes to aid his countrymen in plague-stricken India. While he is away Bassett receives a summons from the Black Hand, an order he joined in his youth for adventure. Feeling his life in danger, he goes to Dr. Ashutor in India and with his aid almost succeeds in establishing his feigned death as a reality. However, the spies of the order follow them to Scotland and to the home of the Erskines. Here Dr. Ashutor is instrumental in finally ridding Bassett from the menace of the order. Mary and Bassett then marry, while the situation of Kate and Dr. Ashutor remains undecided.

His Debt

As described in a film magazine, Goto Mariyama (Hayakawa), Japanese owner of a fashionable gambling house, accepts the worthless check of Blair Whitcomb (McDonald), who has lost his fortune at the gaming table. Whitcomb makes an attempt on Mariyama's life. Gloria Manning (Novak), Whitcomb's fiance, is a nurse and saves Mariyama's life. He is about to propose marriage when he learns of her engagement. Much as he loves her, he still is determined to have his revenge upon Whitcomb. When the police come to take Whitcomb prisoner, so earnestly does Gloria plead for her sweetheart, even after she learns of his guilt, that Mariyama relents.

Sete Vidas

Miguel (Domingos Montagner) is a photographer traumatized with life, which is why he lives in exile in the middle of nowhere, on an expedition in Antarctica. In the past, he made an anonymous donation to a sperm bank, which resulted in seven children by different mothers. At one point, the seven children discover their father's identity and begin a clandestine search for him. Everyone knows each other through lanes on the Internet, and they take flight to the place where Miguel is. The seven children go through various hassles to reach the parent, how to survive the sinking of a vessel, commanded by one of them who is Argentine and lives in El Calafate, on the border between Argentina and Chile.

At the same time, Julia (Isabelle Drummond), young generated via artificial insemination, registration number of the possession of their anonymous donor, discovers, through a specialized site, that she has a half-brother, Pedro (Jayme Matarazzo). The two make an appointment which, through a series of circumstances, ends up frustrating. On the way home, they inadvertently bump into each other at random, not knowing who the other is. The brief confusion, resulting in mutual attraction, makes them initiate a life marked by the weight of impossible love.

Its contribution has allowed some women to realize their dream of having children through IVF treatment. After being rescued, he will live a love triangle with Ligia (Débora Bloch) and Marina (Vanessa Gerbelli). The seven lives, that is, the seven children conceived through insemination, end up discovering the identity of Michael and know each other over the Internet through lanes. Together they organized a clandestine and dangerous search for her father, who survives a shipwreck.

The desired interaction between the six new stepbrothers, however, will soon be shaken: unable to control the feelings that nourish one another, Pedro and Julia end up giving a kiss that will separate them. Deeply guilty, come to the conclusion that should no longer live.


The story revolves around Haruki Nakano and his four sisters: Mutsuki, Yayoi, Uzuki, and Satsuki. While they may seem monotonous aside from the fact that Haruki's sisters do not give him a single opportunity to rest, lecturing him about every perceived mistake and playing tricks on him, he still loves his life.

Recipe for Disaster (book)

''Recipe for Disaster'' is a story about Hellen Ntale that follows the life choices she makes, how she gets expelled from St. Joseph's Girls School and how she leaves school three months to her high school final exams. She has a relationship with Kevin, a 42-year-old man, against her parents' approval. Hellen goes ahead to form other relationships with men outside her marriage. one of them being Kevin's partners son Trevor Kendall, a twenty five year old man nearly her age. after a fight on Christmas Eve with Kevin over his soon to be fourth wife Cindy, a student at the university, Kevin beat her up and Hellen decided to run to London where she intended to give Trevor a child in order to make Kevin jealous. However, once she has conceived, Trevor announced that he was engaged much to Hellen's surprise. She attempts to kill Trevor's fiancee, Diane. After an attempt to kill her, she ends up in the hospital and when she is released, Trevor and Diane are already married and long gone. She then decided to return home to Uganda where Kevin welcomes her with open arms. She then discovers Suzy has departed and is abroad. However during Hellen's absence, Kevin's first wife dies and soon after, Hellen gives birth upon laying eyes upon the child, Kevin is distressed to find its blond and demands to know the father. Discovering it is Trevor, he decides to kill Helen. However with the help of a nurse and bodyguard, Helen manages to escape and finds herself in one of the slums. Kevin has been admitted into a hospital for mentally ill personnel. Helen is then discovered by her parents whom she is extremely ashamed and happy to see. She narrates her story to them before breathing her last.

Fate of the Banished

The story centres on Father Santos Dila – the embodiment of Christian virtue, having trained from the Gregorian University in Italy, and who is now the parish priest. Father Santos falls in love with Flo, the wife of a rebel. It is set in a war torn area, the characters are furious, bitter and are ready to act with little remorse in the face of mischief against them or provocation. When Father Santos gets involved with Flo, he puts his life on the line. The story involves an investigation of whether the cleric was fully prepared by his priestly training to resist any temptation from the beautiful sister. Apire, Flo's husband, returns from the bush to find his wife with father Santos. He executes both of them and hands himself over to the Police. The book follows Apire, Flo and Father Santos.

Footprints of the Outsider
   ''Footprints of the Outsider'' is set in Teboke Village in the Apac district of Uganda. The only brick structure in the village is the ginnery at Teboke trading centre set up by two Indians, Hippos and Ramchand. It revolves around Abdul Olwit, whose mother, Alicinora is a prostitute. As he grows, Abdul suffers ridicule not only from his peers but from his mother. Despite odds being against him, he graduates from Makerere University with a bachelor's of arts degree in economics, and becomes a teacher.
   Abdul, seeking to work in government, goes to Adoli Awal, the Teboke Member of Parliament, for help. But because Adwong, Abdul's uncle is Adoli's political enemy, the latter refuses. Abdul is later arrested when Adoli thinks he is eyeing his parliamentary seat. Abdul is released and contests for the parliamentary seat. The clashes that break out on one of the campaign rallies leave some people hurt and others dead. The book seeks to find the candidate who will become Teboke's next MP.<ref name=africabookclub> </ref>

The Interlude at the Playhouse

Maude (as "Edwin Goldsmith") is an actor-manager who has to give a speech to the audience on the opening of a new theatre. He is so nervous that his wife has to appeal to the audience behind his back to be kind to him when he appears. Other members of the theatre company are getting anxious about the delay. Goldsmith has prepared an interminable speech outlining the history of the location going back to the Doomsday book. His wife is anxious that they should start the play "Pickles", but Edwin says he is bored with it and wants to play Hamlet. Eventually he is persuaded to finish his speech. He tells the audience, "I have dealt with our little play-house in its historical aspect. I have dealt with it in its political aspect, in its financial aspect, in its artistic aspect, in its social aspect, in its County Council aspect, in its biological and psychological aspects." He leaves, irritated, when the band start to play, undercutting his serious speech. His wife reminds the audience that drama is not mere entertainment, but has a higher purpose, so though they aim to please, "we will not please you except on terms honourable to ourselves and to you."

The Ninth Guest

Eight guests at a deadly party are informed by the voice of their unknown host from the radio that they are his enemies, and will all meet his ninth guest: Death.

The Purple Dawn

In San Francisco's Chinatown, Mui Far (Love), a Chinese American girl, falls in love with a young white sailor (Aldrich), who is robbed when he attempts to deliver a package of opium. The sailor meets a white girl in the country, and falls in love with her. The original owners of the opium think that the sailor stole the opium, and kidnap him and his new sweetheart. Mui Far is heartbroken, but rescues the sailor and his new sweetheart. She then commits suicide by walking into San Francisco Bay at dawn.

The Doctor's Carriage

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Bioscope'' from December 22, 1910. It states: "Max, an old musician, finds it hard to support his two motherless daughters, one of whom is blind, and the professor takes great pride in his daughters' musical education. The little one sings and the blind girl plays upon the violin. But sickness and death overtake the professor, and the orphans find themselves penniless and homeless. They are compelled to sing in the streets, and thus eke out a precarious livelihood. While walking through a fashionable street one day Marie sees the sign of the famous doctor. She calls her blind sister's attention to it, but the girl has no hope that the doctor will see penniless patients. Marie returns in time to see the doctor alight from his carriage, but the servant refuses to allow the ragged little girl to follow him. Marie conceives the idea of hiding in the doctor's carriage, and when he sets out on his rounds he discovers the terrified little girl. She pleads with him not to be angry, and tells of her sister's affliction. The doctor goes with her to see Violet, and has the stricken girl taken to a hospital, where he operates successfully upon her eyes. Mr. Grey brings Violet to the attention of some charitable women, who see that she does not lack professional engagements. While returning from one of her recitals, Dr. Grey offers to drive her home, and proposes to Violet, and is accepted. Marie is awakened by the sound of a kiss, and is told that she is to have a big brother."

My Sin

In Panama, infamous nightclub hostess Carlotta (Tallulah Bankhead) kills, in a struggle, a man in self-defence and is put on trial for murder. Her defence counsel is Dick Grady (Fredric March), a lawyer who has become an alcoholic. When he proves Carlotta's innocence, however, Dick regains respect and new employment through Roger Metcalf (Harry Davenport). He also manages to save Carlotta from committing suicide. He lends her money, and they both dream up a new identity for her as "Ann Trevor," and she moves to New York. Through various letters and repayment checks, Dick learns that "Ann Trevor" is happy and successful and he soon realizes he is in love with her. In the meantime Ann is successfully working in New York as interior decorator, sharing an apartment with her boss, Helen Grace (Lily Cahill). One customer, Larry Gordon (Scott Kolk), is so enthusiastic about Ann's work, that he falls in love with her. When Roger Metcalf comes to a dinner with Larry, his mother and Ann, Roger recognizes her and calls Dick to come along. Ann is somehow forced to tell Larry the truth about her past. And after that the relationship breaks apart. Finally Dick moves to New York, buys the cottage Larry had bought for her, and calls in the shop to send him Ann Trevor for remodeling. They confess their love for each other, and they walk together through the entrance of the cottage.

The Gadfly (play)

Arthur Burton is a devout Catholic who wishes to become a priest. While studying in Italy in the early stages of the ''Risorgimento'' he converts from Catholicism to radicalism, much to the dismay of his mentor in the priesthood. He travels to South America, and eventually returns to become a revolutionary writer under the pen name "the gadfly" .

Welcome to Temptation

The novel begins as Sophie Dempsey and her younger sister Amy approach the small Ohio town of Temptation. They have been hired by their former sister-in-law, Clea Whipple, to create a movie that will revive her failing acting career. Before the sisters reach the town, they are involved in a minor car accident with Stephen and Virginia Garvey, prominent citizens of Temptation who also consider themselves the moral pillars of society.

The hero of the book, Phinneas "Phin" Tucker, is another prominent citizen; he is the fourth generation of his family to serve as mayor of Temptation.

As the book progresses, there is conflict between the characters on the nature of the film they are making; ultimately three different versions are produced. One is a documentary, ''Return to Temptation'', showcasing Clea and the town's reactions to her return to her birthplace and the making of the movie. The second version, ''Cherished'', is women's soft-core pornography, with Clea and Rob Lutz, the sone of her former lover, as the featured actors. A third version, ''Hot Fleshy Thighs'' is a bad hard-corn porn movie aimed at men.

Near the middle of the novel, Clea's husband Zane is murdered.

Stakes (miniseries)

After losing her umbrella leaving her stuck in the shade of a tree in the desert, Marceline the Vampire Queen (voiced by Olivia Olson) approaches Princess Bubblegum (voiced by Hynden Walch) and asks her to cure her of her vampirism, as she no longer wants to be immortal. Bubblegum agrees and extracts the vampiric essence from Marceline's body. As Marceline recovers, the extracted essence gains sentience and escapes. Meanwhile, Finn (voiced by Jeremy Shada) and Jake (voiced by John DiMaggio) are called out to investigate livestock being attacked by a bloodsucking creature. Suspecting Marceline, they confront her, only to discover the extracted essence is behind the attacks. However, as Finn and Jake chase the vampiric essence, a mob of angry villagers capture Marceline and tie her to windmill, hoping that the rising sun will kill her. As the light hits her body, Marceline's life flashes before her eyes: Marceline first recalls a time when her mother (voiced by Rebecca Sugar) comforted her by singing a lullaby entitled "Everything Stays". Marceline then remembers Simon (voiced by Tom Kenny) leaving her before he is fully corrupted by the ice crown. She also remembers when she hunted vampires as a teenager and thereafter befriended a tribe of humans who survived the Mushroom War. Back in the present, the sunlight does not hurt Marceline, indicating that she has been cured.

Meanwhile, Jake encounters Marceline's freed vampiric essence, which has divided into five vampires whom Marceline had previously slain: the Fool (voiced by Ron Funches), the Empress (voiced by Rebecca Romijn), the Hierophant (voiced by Paul Williams), the Moon (voiced by Beau Billingslea), and the Vampire King himself (voiced by Billy Brown). As of a disagreeance of how to reestablish dominance, Hierophant goes to the forest, Empress goes to the Ice Kingdom to gather new troops, and Moon retreats to a marsh-like area. Witnessing this, Jake warns Finn and Marceline—the latter of whom recalls when she slew the Vampire King but was turned into a vampire in the process. Marceline tracks down and confronts the resurrected Vampire King, killing the Fool and reabsorbing his power of flight. However, before she can battle the Vampire King, he warns her that the Empress is headed for the Ice Kingdom. Fearing for the safety of the Ice King, Marceline gives chase, and with the help of Finn and Bubblegum, slays the Empress, reabsorbing her powers of invisibility. Finn, Jake, Marceline, and Bubblegum then encounter the shape-shifting Hierophant. When notified by Peppermint Butler (voiced by Steve Little) that the Hierophant cannot enter houses without permission, Jake shapeshifts into a house and the group takes shelter inside. The Hierophant manages to injure Marceline, but he is accidentally knocked into Jake and dies due to his entering a house uninvited. Marceline reabsorbs his shapeshifting powers but falls ill due to the Hierophant's wound. Princess Bubblegum takes Marceline to the Candy Kingdom to try to cure her. Meanwhile, Finn and Jake track down the Moon in hopes of using her powers to heal Marceline. Finn and Jake lure the Moon back to Marceline, who manages to reabsorb the vampire's healing power, thereby allowing her to recover from her injury.

Marceline and the group prepare for their final confrontation with the Vampire King. However, when he appears before them, he declares that he no longer wishes to be a vampire. The group reluctantly agrees to remove the King's vampiric essence. Bubblegum places the Vampire King in the same contraption that she used on Marceline, turning him into a relatively harmless lion. The vampiric essence, on the other hand, is placed in a bucket, which accidentally detonates and forms a new monstrosity: the Dark Cloud. This looming essence begins ambling towards the Candy Kingdom, causing Finn, Jake, and Bubblegum to go on the offensive. Marceline, however, loses the will to fight. The Ice King arrives and briefly talks to Marceline, instilling in her a sense of purpose; Marceline then realizes that it is her destiny to stop the Dark Cloud. Marceline flies into the Dark Cloud and, using her soul-sucking abilities, drains it from the inside out. However, she does so at the cost of once more becoming the Vampire Queen. Once the incident is over, Marceline comes to terms with her vampiric nature. The miniseries concludes with Marceline singing a rendition of "Everything Stays"; as she sings, the audience is presented with short sequences showing Ooo returning to normalcy.

Tough Cookies

Chicago police detective Cliff Brady (Robby Benson) is dating an older woman named Rita (Lainie Kazan), who is not sure she can handle their relationship.

Séance (2001 film)

Koji Sato (Kōji Yakusho) is a mild-mannered sound technician who is married to Junko (Jun Fubuki), a waitress who possesses powerful psychic abilities. Though these abilities allow her to see and communicate with spirits, they interfere in her day-to-day life and make it difficult for her to hold down a normal job. She hopes to build a business around her psychic powers, but faces a daunting task of proving her abilities to a skeptical world. When Hayakawa (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi), a young graduate student in psychology, invites her into a study of the paranormal, she leaps at the ability to demonstrate her skill as a medium.

Through Hayakawa, Junko becomes involved with the police search for a young girl kidnapped by a deranged ex-cop. But through a bizarre coincidence, the young girl escapes her captor and takes refuge in Koji's equipment case, unbeknownst to him. When the couple discover the unconscious child at their home, they devise a plan to keep her hidden, while Junko gradually leads the police to her. They reason that this will prove Junko's psychic abilities to the public, and also ensure that they are not falsely blamed for the kidnapping.

The plan quickly goes awry, however, and an accident leads to the child's death. Afterwards, Koji and Junko must try to hide their involvement in the girl's death, while being haunted by her angry spirit.

October Gale (film)

Helen Matthews (Patricia Clarkson), is a widow still grieving the untimely death of her husband, James (Callum Keith Rennie). Against the wishes of her son, Helen insists on going to the boat access island cottage she and her husband used as a vacation home. Early the next morning, Helen leaves the cabin's dock, travelling up Georgian Bay to get groceries. After several miles, her boat’s engine fails. Helen calls marine staff on her radio, and they agree to repair her boat's engine in a few days, dropping her back at her dock.

On her second night in the cabin, she is awakened by the sound of thunder. When she goes to investigate, she finds a strange skiff tied up at her pier. There is a puddle of blood on the rear seat of the boat. Upon her return to the cabin, she finds blood on her cabin's door handle and a stranger (Scott Speedman), who has been shot in the shoulder and has crawled into her home looking for help.

Helen, a doctor, performs surgery on the stranger's shoulder, removing a pistol round, then tends to his wound, saving his life. The following day she tries to learn who shot Will, the stranger, but he refuses to tell her and insists on departing. However, he is too weak to leave and Helen allows him to return to the house.

Later Al, a local handyman, comes by the cabin to enquire about odd job work. Al, it turns out, has spotted the boat Will had stolen. Will warns her not to let the man in the house as he will kill both of them but Helen, ignoring him, asks Al to tow both her and Will to shore. Al agrees, but instead unties both Helen and Will's boats from her dock and then departs. In an attempt to stop the boats from drifting off Helen dives into the water and nearly drowns before Will enters the water to save her. The next scene shows Will un-dressing Helen down to her underwear, and preparing a shower for her. Once out of the shower, Helen and Will share a kiss.

Will eventually reveals that he accidentally killed a man in a bar fight and, despite serving time, the father of the man he killed is pursuing him and won't stop until he's dead. Helen meanwhile reveals that her husband died the previous year in October after being caught in a storm.

Helen decides to try to help Will survive. They scour her home for bullets for the rifle and remove the dock from her home. Meanwhile, Al returns with Tom and after searching the house unsuccessfully, they hunt for Helen and Will in the woods where the two have split up and are trying to hide. Helen tries to assault Tom by hitting him in the shoulder, but is unsuccessful. Instead, Tom punches her in the nose, taking away her rifle, returning her to the cabin. Tom tells her that Will was his adopted son, which he raised to look after his own biological son. Will killed his son because his son had attacked a woman, though Tom denied this. When Al bursts back into the cabin, complaining that Tom needed to help him search for Will in the woods, Tom suddenly shoots Al, believing that the shot will lure Will back to the cottage.

After hearing the gunshot and fearing for Helen's life, Will does return to the house. Will and Tom speak softly of their regrets and share an intimate father and son hug on the porch. Inside the house, Helen remembers that when she and Tom had returned to the house having already had her rifle taken from her, Tom had ejected the cartridge that was in the rifle's chamber onto the floor. Tom then had put the rifles cartridge clip into his pocket, believing that he had disarmed her. Helen found the cartridge on the floor and managed to load the rifle. After Will apologizes, Tom lifts his gun with the intent of murdering Will. Suddenly Helen fires the single round killing Tom before he can hurt Will.

The following day in town after going to the police, Helen sees what she thinks is her dead Husband James. Only after speaking to him for a moment does she realize it is Will. He asks her to leave with him. The film ends with Helen contemplating either a return to Toronto and to her normal life or accepting Will’s offer.

Mary of the Movies

Mary (Mack), a country girl, moves to Hollywood to become a star, and earn money to pay for her brother's operation. She meets many famous stars, but has difficulty getting work. Finally, she gets a break when her resemblance to a star leads to her being cast in a film.

The False Madonna

In a heavy rainy night 2 couples -Dr. Ed Marcy, Tina, Rose and Peter Angel - are brought to the station by a hotel bus. Alone in the cabin, they argue with the one of them, who cheated at cards and whom to blame, that they were thrown out of the hotel. Sometime later the train conductor calls on Dr. Ed Marcy because a woman is seriously ill. Marcy refuses first, saying he didn't practice since long, but as the train conductor insists he goes to the cabin of the lady. He finds out, that she was going to see her son Philipp Bellows in New York, whom she hadn't seen for fourteen years and who inherited $10,000,000 from her estranged ex-husband. The woman dies in the train and Marcy takes her photographs and a necklace and convinces Tina to impersonate Philipps mother. Tina who has been longing an opportunity to quit the gang accepts. She meets Philipp at his Long Island New York estate, where he lives with his guardianship Grant Arnold and the nurse Alice. She soon finds out that he is blind due to an airplane crash two years before. He doesn't realize that she is an impostor and asks her to stay. She gets acquainted to Philipp and develops motherly feelings for Philipp and in general she's touched and moved by the affection of Philipp.

Philipp on his part is worried about leaving her something when he dies, knowing that through his will only an aunt will inherit. So he asks Grant to give her a cheque about $50.000 so that she can live better, but Grant tears up the cheque, as he knows about her. But he doesn't say anything to Philipp, as he knows how sick he is, and he'll soon have to die. So he warns Tina to avoid Philipp too much stress. Meantime Marcy is coming to the house to oblige Tina to do something, but in that night Philipp dies.

As Marcy appears the next day demanding money, Grant tells Marcy that he has called the police, and informs him that he found out that Marcy was disbarred from practicing medicine and is wanted by the police. Marcy escapes and Tina is relieved to have that part of her life over, now that she has learned the joy of giving. Grant offers her a home with him and she accepts with an embrace.

Working Girls (1931 film)

Two sisters from Indiana, Mae and June Thorpe, move into a house for homeless girls in New York. With June's help, Mae obtains a job as a stenographer for scientist Joseph von Schraeder, while June gets work as a telegraph operator. June begins dating Pat Kelly, a saxophone player who lavishes her with gifts. Mae begins to date Boyd Wheeler, a successful lawyer. Mae turns down a marriage proposal from von Schraeder, and von Shraeder asks that she then quit her job so he will not be hurt by having her around. Mae compromises her virtue with Boyd by staying alone with him one night in his apartment. She suffers for her choice when he goes out of town for a month and returns engaged to a socialite.

Now, June derides Mae for trusting someone from a higher class. As her sister has been out of work for months, June goes to von Schraeder, who kindly offers to rehire Mae. He realizes, however, that he is really in love with June. After her first week back at work, Mae asks von Schraeder to renew his proposal, as she is pregnant. He does so graciously, but on the eve of her engagement party, Boyd returns, his engagement having been broken. June is aware that Boyd is already responsible for one broken engagement and prevents Mae from seeing him again. June changes her mind, realizing her sister has a chance for happiness, and borrows Kelly's gun. Kelly, Mae, and June go to Boyd's apartment, where June forces Boyd at gunpoint to agree to marry Mae. He happily complies. Later, June and Kelly run into von Schraeder at a Chinese restaurant, and after sending Kelly away, June tells von Schraeder the news. He is not disappointed, revealing he is in love with her, which she reciprocates.

Darkness on the Edge of Town (Once Upon a Time)

Opening Sequence

Cruella De Vil's car arrives in the forest.

In The Characters' Past

"Many years ago" in the Enchanted Forest, a gathering takes place at Maleficent’s Forbidden Fortress, with Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella De Vil being brought together by an unknown person. Before they can fight amongst themselves, the person responsible for this meeting, Rumplestiltskin, appears with a plan to change their happy endings. The ladies are skeptical about his plan at first, but they listen and agree to join him.

At a nearby mountain, Rumplestiltskin points out to the ladies that the curse, concealed in an orb, lies within the deepest part of the area, but to reach it they must first get through a series of obstacles perfectly suited to their talents. After they complete the tasks, they hand the orb to Rumplestiltskin, who reveals he was simply using them and leaves them to die at the hands of the demon Chernabog, the Guardian of the mountain. The ladies hide from the demon, who seeks the person with the heart that has the darkest potential, until Maleficent notices a large crack in the wall that would provide escape. The ladies come out of hiding and while Chernabog targets Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella escape. Maleficent, thinking they are abandoning her, fights off the demon until Ursula rescues her by using her tentacles to pull her to safety.

Outside Storybrooke

It has been six weeks since Mr. Gold was banished to the real world. Since then, he has been making himself at home at Ursula's apartment in New York City, eating Ramen and mooching off of a furious Ursula, leading to tensions between the two. However, they put their differences aside when Gold receives an e-mail he states will end their troubles. Following this, they go to Great Neck, Long Island, where they meet a distraught Cruella de Vil watching her belongings being seized by the FBI after her criminal husband is arrested. After Gold arrives to see her lose everything, he tells her about joining him and Ursula on a trip to a place where magic exists, Storybrooke, where they hope to seek out the author of the "Once Upon a Time" book, whom Gold believes ruined their lives in the first place and can give them their happy endings.

In Storybrooke

During the six weeks, long after Gold was banished from Storybrooke, the residents are shown to be going back to their regular lives. Henry going to school, Mary Margaret goes back to teaching, Regina resumes being Mayor of Storybrooke and Emma Swan continues her job as Sheriff and her growing relationship with Hook. During the six weeks, Hook and Belle have been working together attempting to find a solution to liberate the fairies from Sorcerer's hat, they talk about their feelings towards Gold and their lives as they attempt to move on from what Gold did to them. Finding a solution, the two visit Regina and Emma in Regina's office, where Regina talks about the torn page of her and Robin Hood embracing after Emma finds it in a drawer. Hook informs the two that they managed to get a professor to translate a counter spell to free the fairies from the hat, but only Regina can enact it. When the foursome, along with Mary Margaret, return to the woods, Regina uses the Dark One's dagger to release the fairies. Unfortunately, just seconds after the fairies are freed, the hat releases a thick, black smoke that begins to ooze out, floating into the sky and forming the shape of the winged demon Chernabog, and starts flying away. As the town, save for a remorseful Hook, celebrates the fairies' return, Regina asks the Mother Superior about the author. She responds that the author and sorcerer are two different people and that the author had left behind clues to his identity in his works. The celebration is interrupted by earthquake-like thunder and strange cries. The people rush outside to find Chernabog perched on the clock tower. Realizing he must have been released from the hat, Emma asks if they can capture him again but Belle tells her that because he was released from the hat, he can not be placed back in. Emma and Regina attempt to use their magic to destroy the demon but quickly discover all they can do is temporarily repel it.

Meanwhile, Gold, Cruella and Ursula arrive at the town limits, where Gold placed a marker on the tree after his banishment. Both Ursula and Cruella are skeptical at first to trust Gold, but since he was banned, he tells them that he has to trust them to enter Storybrooke first and then come back for him if they choose. Gold then hands Ursula his phone to call Regina, and the queens ask to enter Storybrooke, saying they have realized the error of their ways and have decided to turn over a new leaf and be good. Regina does not trust them but makes a reluctant deal to let them in if they can help destroy Chernabog. The queens inform them what Chernabog is looking for and Regina suspects he is after her because she has the darkness in her heart. This gives Emma the idea to coax the demon to the town border since a creature made of magic should disappear when crossing into a land without magic. Regina and Emma drive to the town border as Chernabog attacks them. As the demon smashes the windshield, Regina vanishes and reappears at the line, trying to distract him. Emma slams on the brakes as she approaches the border and Chernabog is thrown off the car and across the line, where he disappears. Regina and Emma see Cruella and Ursula standing on the other side of the town line, but both David and Mary Margaret, who have just shown up, are reluctant to let them in, which surprises Emma since they both always want to see the good in people. They decide to give Cruella and Ursula another chance and the two are given the Snow Queen's magic scroll which allows them to cross the line. Hours later, the queens return and let Gold in using the same scroll. With that plan out of the way, Gold tells the queens that he, posing online as a professor with knowledge of translating ancient texts, was the one who told Belle how to free the fairies while releasing Chernabog at the same time, and plans to resurrects Maleficent and reveals that the Chernabog was actually after Emma, as Gold sees her as the one with the "darkest potential."

Later that night, David and Mary Margaret meet Cruella and Ursula and Mary Margaret says that they will allow them to stay on the condition that they must never speak to anyone about what happened between them in the Enchanted Forest, especially to Emma. If they do, Mary Margaret threatens to personally rip out each of their hearts.

Bowery Daze

Krazy is a bartender of a tavern on the street of Bowery. He serves his patrons by filling their mugs with lager from barrels.

When the pianist of the place is done playing, Krazy conducts for an orchestra to play some music. As the music plays, a stage act featuring dancing ladies takes place. The dancing ladies are fronted by none other than Krazy's spaniel girlfriend. Krazy's act is followed by one featuring a bass singer walrus singing a melancholy song.

Moments later, while Krazy and the spaniel are at a table chatting, a fat Onion Johnny comes in. The Onion Johnny takes the spaniel, and dances with her regardless of what she thinks. Krazy, who is a bit bothered, intervenes. When Krazy and the spaniel pummel at the Onion Johnny, the patrons hurl glassware around before going into a brawl. Eventually the spaniel restrains the Onion Johnny in a corset.

Ether One

The player assumes the role of a "Restorer", an employee of a futuristic memory-retrieval company called the Ether Institute of Telepathic Medicine. The Restorer is tasked with investigating the thoughts of Jean Thompson, a 69-year-old woman diagnosed with dementia, and retrieving her lost memories. The Institute is able to generate 3D simulations of damaged memories, and the Restorer must reconstruct them using the remaining pieces of those memories. The project is led by Dr. Phyllis Edmunds, who guides the Restorer through the memories. She claims that the project is on the brink of losing its funding, and that Jean's case will either make or break the future of the Institute.

Once inside the patient's mind, the Restorer makes their way through the patient's childhood memories of Pinwheel, a seaside village in England which relies heavily on tin and iron mining. Throughout the journey, the Restorer learns about the village's residents, a terrible accident in the mines that cost the lives of dozens of its citizens, and Jean's growing relationship with a boy named Thomas, whom she later marries. While rebuilding the memories, the Restorer encounters a gem-like stone, representing the dementia they are attempting to rid the patient's mind of. They must destroy the stones using the "Artifact", a lamp capable of erasing the dementia from the mind.

The patient's mind becomes more and more unstable as the process continues, and it is revealed through a series of flashbacks and revelations that the Restorer is actually Thomas. It is also revealed that he is not inside Jean's mind, but his own, trying to cure himself of his own dementia. Thomas had worked with Jean's father in the mines, and while Thomas managed to escape the deadly collapse, the father did not, leaving him riddled with guilt. Thomas' worsening condition and Jean's subsequent passing lead to Thomas creating his own fantasy world. Their son, Jim, had admitted him into a memory therapy clinic, where Dr. Edmunds had been working to bring his memories back and stop the dementia from progressing. With her help, and his memory of Jean encouraging him, he travels through the memories of his traumatic childhood in which his mother left his alcoholic father (who later dies in an accident at home), and is able to release himself from his fantasy world, curing his dementia and making the project a success. Afterward, Thomas is released to Jim's care, and thanks Dr. Edmunds for all her help.

Ladies of the Big House

Young florist Kathleen Storm (Sylvia Sidney) is instantly the object of desire of a young man standing in front of the shopwindow, where she is arranging flowers. They have two wonderful weeks in their life together before they marry. The same day her criminal ex-boyfriend Kid Athens (Earle Foxe), who heard about her wedding, decides to frame her and her new husband. She and her husband Standish (Gene Raymond) end up in prison. He is sentenced to death penalty on a charge of murder and she to a life sentence. In prison she meets a woman, Susie Thompson (Wynne Gibson), who was Kid Athens' girlfriend before her, who after an initial raging jealousy ends up helping her to tell the authorities the truth about Kid Athens and she and her husband's innocence. Justice wins and the couple can finally have a honeymoon on a ship.

Sleeping Fist

Plainclothes policeman Kam Tai-fat (Bryan Leung) discovers the crimes committed by Cho Tin-pa (Eddy Ko) and plans to report it to the capitol. When Cho discovers this, he sends a group of thugs to hunt Kam down. One day, Kam was severely beaten by Kam's thug and there, he meets Kid (Wong Yat-lung), a street urchin who rescues him and takes him to his master Old Fox (Yuen Siu-tien).

One day, Kid was injured in a fight with local bullies. Seeing this, Fox decides to teach Kam and Kid the martial arts style of Sleeping Fist. Fox, Kam and Kid then sets foot to Shang Wei martial arts school to teach a lesson to the bullies who injured Kid earlier. The trio easily defeat them. Feeling humiliated, Shang Wei school hires Cho, a master of Eagle Claw, to seek revenge.

The Burns-Johnson Fight

According to newspaper reports the film showed the following: the champions training, swimming, ball punching, sparring, skipping, motor pacing (Burns at Medlow, Johnson at Botany); the crowd arriving at the Stadium; interior preparations; the ring; the climax; view afterwards. According to Hugh MacIntosh:

The show lasts two hours, and not only is the whole fight presented in detail with all the doings between the rounds, but films are shown depicting Johnson and Burns going through their training work, swimming, hall-punching, boxing, massaging, and both. The figures are life-size and there is a wonderful absence of flicker. Then there are films showing the crowds flocking to and from the stadium. What a crowd it was! Nothing has ever been seen like it in Australia.

1969 Saudi Arabian coup d'état attempt

The plotters controlled some air force planes. Their plan was for these planes to bomb the Royal Palace in Riyadh, to kill the King and the other high ranking princes who might succeed him. After the King and princes were dead, the plotters planned to announce the formation of the Republic of the Arabian Peninsula.

Many of the conspirators were of Hejazi origin; there was an independent Kingdom of Hejaz, until it was annexed by the Saudis in 1925. One of the key conspirators, Yusuf Tawwil, a Hejazi merchant and acquaintance of Prince Fahd, was believed to hold Hejazi separatist beliefs. Others involved in the plot were Najdis or Sunnis from the Eastern Province.

After the Saudi government discovered the coup, a wave of mass arrests followed, including the arrest of 28 Lieutenant Colonels and 30 Majors alongside around 200 other officers. By the end of 1969 about 2,000 people had been arrested in connection with the coup attempt. Some other participants managed to flee the country. A number of coup participants were executed including two Colonels, Daoud Roumi and Said al Omari.

Cruel Gun Story

A wealthy Yakuza boss has arranged for the early prison release of Togawa, played by Joe Shishido, who has been serving time for having taken revenge on the man whose reckless driving has consigned his sister, Rei, to a wheelchair. Togawa has no chance to go straight as he is immediately coerced by the mob boss into organizing the hijacking of an armored car carrying 127 million yen in racetrack proceeds. The crime boss promises Togawa a cut which will allow Togawa to pay for surgery to help his sister to walk. After assembling a ragtag crew to undertake the robbery, Togawa must now pull off the hijacking and navigate through unanticipated developments and a series of double crosses arising from all sides.

Unkind Ladies

Three generations of a family of women are led by matriarch Kang Soon-ok, a famous cooking instructor to the rich and famous. Her older daughter Kim Hyun-jung is a rising network anchor at a television station, while younger daughter Kim Hyun-sook is the black sheep of the family. Jung Ma-ri is Hyun-sook's daughter but takes after her aunt by being accomplished, and is on track to become the youngest professor at the university where she works. Ma-ri gets caught up in a love triangle between a pair of half-brothers, reporter Lee Doo-jin and kendo instructor Lee Roo-oh.

The White Iris

Captain Kirk, Scotty, and Uhura are on the planet Chalcis to welcome its people to the Federation. To protect the Chalcidians from missile attacks by their warlike sister world of Eretria, the Federation has promised the Chalcidians a planetary defense grid. Kirk is struck in the back of the head by an Eretrian dissident, forcing an emergency beam out. In sickbay, Kirk has an hallucination of Rayna, an android girl who died after being overwhelmed by the emotions she developed by falling in love with Kirk. Spock had erased Rayna from Kirk's memory to save him from the emotional turmoil.

McCoy uses the experimental drug alkysine to save Kirk's life. Kirk appears to make a recovery, and proceeds to the bridge in order to activate the defense grid with his own personal password. However, Kirk is suddenly stopped by the image of a beautiful woman in an old Starfleet uniform. She vanishes and Kirk cannot remember the password. As Chekov and Scott try to initialize the grid, Kirk sees a little girl running in the halls.

On the bridge, Smith reports a missile from Eretria heading directly for Chalcis. The Chalcidian minister demands the password to activate the grid, but Spock is forced to stall for time while the captain recovers. In sickbay, Kirk once again sees the beautiful woman lying on a bio-bed. McCoy reports that his heart appears to be shutting down with no medical explanation. Kirk tells him about the woman he's been seeing in his hallucinations: Nakia, an officer he dated on the ''Farragut''. She was killed along with 200 crewman at Tycho IV by the dikronium cloud creature.

McCoy believes Kirk's symptoms may be psychological, and that the injury or the alkysine may have unleashed emotions that Kirk's been keeping buried. McCoy suggests Dr. McKennah's help, but Kirk refuses and vows to return to the bridge. While arguing with Spock in the hallway, Kirk sees another old love: Edith Keeler, a woman he met on Earth in the 1930s, whom he allowed to die in order to restore history. Kirk suffers a brief but painful seizure.

Back on the bridge, Uhura reports that a replacement grid is four days away. Smith reports the Eretrian missile has vanished from sensors.

Spock, McKennah, and McCoy speculate as to the cause of the captain's condition, but once again Kirk is dismissive of McKennah's help. While Spock and McCoy try to plead with Kirk, he once again has another hallucination: this time of Miramanee, the American Indian princess whom he married during a memory lapse. Miramanee had become pregnant with Kirk's child, but subsequently died when Kirk was attacked by angry villagers. Kirk then experiences another seizure, but resolves to perform his duties.

On the bridge, Spock, Sulu, and Smith are able to detect and destroy the Eretrian warhead. But at a crucial moment, Kirk is tormented by the hallucinations of Nakia, Edith, and Miramanee. Disturbed, Kirk relieves himself of duty and hands control of the ship to Mr. Spock.

With McCoy in his quarters, Kirk wonders aloud about the women. Despite his love, he feels that they died because of him, since he had to "do his duty" in each case. Kirk has another seizure and sees all three women again; however, Spock mind-melds with him and witnesses the women as well. Spock is uncertain as to whether the women are figments of Kirk's imagination or actual ''katra''s (souls), and he suggests to Kirk that they may need closure in order to move on.

Kirk finally goes to see Dr. McKennah, who notes that he feels a tremendous amount of guilt. The feelings of grief that Kirk has kept buried for so long are coming out now, and it's not actually the women who need closure. It's Kirk himself.

Kirk goes to Scotty's experimental holographic rec room, and recreates the scenes in which he encountered each woman. In the 1930s he sees Edith, the woman he loved for her compassion and her intellect; the one who could see that humanity would find peace and explore the galaxy. Kirk informs her that she had to die in order for history to be restored properly, so that her dreams of a better future would eventually come into fruition. Understanding, she tells Kirk to be at peace. In sickbay on the ''Farragut'', Kirk sees Nakia, the woman he loved in his youth. She tells him she knew the risks when she entered Starfleet, and that he needs to forgive himself. In the American Indian village, Miramanee is on her deathbed. Kirk tells her he sometimes wishes that he had not been found, as he was never happier than when he was with her. She was a gift he could never repay. Miramanee tells him that he made her very happy; that her place was by his side; that one does not repay a gift. Finally Kirk sees the android girl Rayna, whom he loved because she, too, was lonely. Rayna simply smiles and says nothing; she is at peace as well.

Smith reports that Eretria has launched a barrage of missiles, and Kirk orders the Enterprise to physically block them in order to protect Chalcis. He begins to head to the bridge when he encounters the little girl again. He asks her name, and she says he never gave her one. She then shows him a gift – a piece of beadwork with markings from Miramanee's headband – at which point Kirk realizes she is a vision of his unborn child. Kirk imagines hugging her, and she whispers the word "Irises." Remembering now that this is the password, Kirk is able to activate the defense grid.

After witnessing the grid's power, the Eretrians declare their intention to sue for peace. Kirk thanks McKennah for her help and notes that he now sees the benefit of having a counselor on board. Meanwhile, Spock and McCoy are perplexed as to why Kirk chose the password "Irises." Spock discovers a painting called ''Irises'' by Vincent van Gogh – a single white iris in a field of purple flowers, which van Gogh apparently used to symbolize his loneliness.

McCoy notes that, despite most of his heart shutting down, Kirk still persevered because part of his heart belongs to another special lady. Kirk smiles as he realizes McCoy's referring to the ''Enterprise'' herself.

The Story of the Champions of the Round Table

The Story of Launcelot

The Book of Sir Tristram

The Book of Sir Percival

Percival and his mother live in a tower isolated from the kingdom of King Arthur. When Percival becomes 19 years old, he sees a knight riding from far away. He instantly becomes intrigued with knighthood. He leaves his mother to become a knight. Because his armor is made of twigs, Percival is humiliated by others. Percival comes across a pavilion which he mistakenly believes is a church. There he meets Yvette and is instantly charmed by her beauty. He promises to marry her after he gains glory as a knight, and they exchange their rings. Percival comes across Queen Guinevere, who is assaulted by a knight. This knight is known for being very strong, and Sir Kay, who is meant to protect the Queen, is afraid to take up a quarrel with him. Percival, who is mistaken for a jester, takes up the fight instead. A quiet damsel named Yolande scolds Kay and praises Percival for this, and Kay punches her. Percival promises Kay that he will avenge Yolande, and he later kills the knight who assaulted the Queen. Percival is accepted into the court of King Arthur as a knight. Sir Launcelot trains Percival, and he is given proper, knightly armor. Later, Percival comes across a beautiful, colorful castle. This castle is owned by an infamous sorceress named Vivien, who is hated for causing havoc all over the kingdom. The rocks all around the castle are actually humans who have been transformed into rocks. Percival overthrows Vivien and almost kills her, but feels pity because she is so beautiful. Percival feels he has earned merit now as a knight. For this reason, he goes to search for his beloved Yvette. When he finally finds her father's castle, he beholds that the father is mourning. The father leads Percival into a chamber where Yvette is laying. Percival holds back his tears when he learns that she has died, and he vows that he will never marry. When Percival is reflecting over these things, he sees the vision of two young boys. One holds a spear, another a chalice. This is the Holy Grail and Holy Spear, and Percival is the first of the knights of the Round Table to see it.

The Girl Without an Address

Young builder Pasha Gusarov meets on the train a girl of a quarrelsome nature, Katya Ivanova. At the beginning, their relationship does not go well, but by the end of the trip they become attached to each other. Nevertheless, fate makes its own adjustments. Coming out of the carriage through different doors, they do not meet at the station in Moscow. The only thing that Pasha hears from Katya, as she is going away on a bus, is the beginning of her street name. Pasha and his friend Mitya start searching for the girl in Russia's capital.

Seducción (TV series)

In the beautiful port of Acapulco the story of two completely different families develops. The first one is formed by the widower Santiago and his daughters Marina and Lupita. He is a possessive father limiting his daughters and denying the possibility of fulfillment in life, because of his outdated ideas and believes that women should only live devoted to family, home and children. The two girls suffer from authoritarianism and incomprehension of his father, especially the youngest, Lupita. Her father blames her for the death of her mother because she died at her birth.

The second family, meanwhile, is made by Alejandro and Virginia, who are divorcing because of the assurance that their marriage is not working because of irreconcilable differences. They are the parents of Juan Carlos and Gabriela, intelligent young and focused, who were capable of accepting the separation of their parents, although the latter are somewhat misplaced in life and therefore have not known how to be the best parents and spouses.

Julio is one of the protagonists of the story. He is a troubled young man who since childhood has had a family problem, and has become withdrawn and quiet. His only support is his best friend, Javier who is his antithesis: an outgoing, womanizing playboy. He owns the hotel in Acapulco where the daughters of Santiago work. Julio and Javier go to a party organized by Alejandro on his yacht to celebrate her divorce, along with Isabel and Roxana, the first the love of Julio who hides a scandalous past; and the second the latest conquest of Javier.

Lupita and Marina are invited to the same party by Juan Carlos. Julio and Marina meet and are immediately attracted, but must fight against the opposition of Santiago and Isabel who is not willing to let go of Julio. There is also Benjamin, an unscrupulous gangster who will make your life checkered many characters and cause more conflict to the plot.

R'coon Dawg

Mickey and Pluto are hunting a raccoon, who is quite clever and intends to make fun of his pursuers.

Awful Auntie

The book is set in December 1933. The central character is Stella Saxby, whose parents, Lord and Lady Saxby, have died in a tragic car accident. In the wake of the tragedy, Stella's Aunt Alberta launches a plot to trick Stella out of her inheritance. Also featured are Wagner (Aunt Alberta's enormous owl that was found in a war), Soot (a ghost of a chimney sweep) and Gibbon (the Saxby's elderly butler who offers much comic relief).

Alberta lives up to her moniker as being awful. She lacks all sympathy and morals, having chosen to fight on the German side in World War I simply because she preferred their uniforms. Alberta was determined to have her niece, Stella, sign over the deeds of the house for her own selfish reasons. Alberta also tortures poor Stella in unimaginable ways so she would sign the house deeds. She has tortured and killed people and loves vicious owls. Stella rightfully fears her, and has to use all her wits to overcome the antagonism. Stella also encounters a ghost named Soot who was her late uncle that she never knew. Soot and Stella become friends and decide to give Alberta a hard time so she would run away.

I Nostalgos

Anna married with a much older husband decides to return in the island where she was born. He persuades Matthios, a young shepherd, to help her to escape from her husband and return to her island. Matthios is secretly in love with Anna and during their travel he hopes to keep Anna forever. But anna is homesick only for the place that she was born. Her husband worried, follows her to persuade her to turn back.

Static (2012 film)

Jonathan Dade (Ventimiglia), a novelist, and his wife Addie (Shahi) live in a large house in the middle of nowhere. Their three-year-old son died in an accident some time ago and they are having a hard time forgiving themselves and moving on. One night, a strange woman named Rachel (Paxton) comes knocking on their front door, saying that her car broke down and that she was being followed by strange figures wearing gas masks. Jonathan and Addie are kind and take her in for the night. Some time later, intruders come to the house and take Rachel away. Then they come after Jonathan and Addie.

Jonathan and Addie flee from largely invisible intruders wearing gas masks and hoodies. Then they leave the house, run into the garden, then into the garage, then into the forest, and back to the house again. It is revealed at the end that Jonathan and Addie are ghosts and later, we realize that Rachel and her gas-masked crew are something like ghost hunters who clean haunted houses from spirits that won't leave.

Kindermädchen für Papa gesucht

Peter and Kurt Jäger are cousins, though extremely different from one another. While Peter has a reputation as a womanizer in the family's chocolate concern, Kurt is a teetotaler, a hypochondriac and a complete novice with women. He has never noticed that Inge, his secretary, has been in love with him for years.

One day, shortly after his birthday, Kurt confides to his cousin that he has fallen in love with Sabine, a customer. She has been working as a nanny but has just resigned from her job. When she is about to respond to a newspaper employment ad for a nanny, Peter secretly connects her call to Kurt who invites Sabine home for an interview. He is so uptight that he does not realize Sabine wants to work as a nanny until she enquires about his child. Kurt explains that there is in fact a child in the house but it belongs to his cousin Peter. The next day they "borrow" Heinerle, the son of one of Peter's friends. He soon turns the house upside down, driving the housekeeper Frau Stadelmeier to despair.

Peter pretends he is Heinerle's biological father, explaining that the boy has been brought up by his stepfather. So as to bring Sabine and Kurt together, Peter intends to go out with her and tell her what a wonderful cousin he has. Kurt should come and join the two of them in a restaurant. Peter should then leave, explaining he has a girlfriend he has recently hardly had time to see.

Kurt's secretary Inge decides to take action. From a plain, unobtrusively clad secretary, she turns herself into a fashionably dressed woman with dazzling make-up. Kurt is so overcome that he can no longer dictate letters to her. As the two are still planning how Sabine can impress Kurt that evening, they come closer together, have a few cognacs and end up tipsy at Kurt's. They go on drinking and Inge takes Kurt, now completely drunk, up to bed and the two become engaged. At the restaurant, Peter is in trouble. He had expected Kurt to turn up and does not have enough money to pay the bill. Fortunately, at that very moment there is an announcement about a dancing competition aimed at finding the "most sensitive couple". The prize is just enough to pay for the meal and so the two of them dance through to victory.

Next day: Peter has fallen in love with Sabine but she now suspects Heinerle is not Peter's child. Heinerle's real father appears and, mad with jealousy, turns on Kurt believing him to be his wife's secret lover. Sabine learns from Peter the truth about the "borrowed child" just as she is about to leave. She tells Heinerle's father how it all happened, now looking quite contrite. Sabine plans to stall Peter and reveals she has fallen in love with him just as Peter had planned it all for their evening together. It leads to a row between Peter and Kurt and even Inge is unhappy until a staged fight between Peter and Kurt comes to an end. Finally Peter and Sabine as well as Kurt and Inge end up as happy couples.

Remember Sunday

The story follows the characters of Molly (Bledel), a struggling waitress, and Gus (Levi), a jewelry store employee. Gus and Molly meet through a chance encounter when Gus is at Molly's diner waiting for his best friend. Molly sees Gus reciting notes into his pen recorder and when he goes to take a phone call she leaves a message on it for him. Soon after, Molly and Gus begin to date. Molly does not yet realize it, but Gus is unable to make new memories due to having had a brain aneurysm years before. As a result, he forgets the day's events every time he goes to sleep. Molly soon finds out that he has been recording all of their conversations on his pen. Gus tries to explain, but Molly mistakes it for being a disturbing and creepy habit. A few weeks later Molly returns to the apartment to find Gus's sister Lucy who explains everything and gives Molly the file folder Gus had filled with mementos and notes of their time together. Molly visits the hospital where Gus is under observation and introduces herself as his girlfriend. She shows him the folder so he can learn more about their relationship. We learn that prior to having his aneurysm, Gus was meant to be the next Einstein working at Caltech and the Mt. Wilson telescope in southern California. Molly takes Gus there, where he visits with his old colleagues. While visiting, they let him know that his work will help them to better understand the universe. Molly also meets Gus's ex-fiancée (one of his former co-workers) who explains why things had ended between them and warns her of the difficulties that any sort of serious relationship will have. Gus also tells Molly to leave him if an operation to fix his brain damage does not work. Gus's sister tells Molly that Gus has actually already had this operation, but it did not work. That night Molly sees a note on Gus's laptop to ask her to marry him the next day. Molly deletes the note after reflecting on what Gus had told her to do and Gus wakes up the next day without any memory of her. Molly continues her life with almost a quarter million dollars that she finally received from her great aunt's inheritance. With those extra funds she pays off her student loans and achieves her long standing dream of starting her own flower business. One day, while working at a wedding, a shooting star appears and Molly is reminded of Gus. She visits him at the jewelry shop he works at the next day. He recognizes her name from an envelope he had kept containing an antique ring that had belonged to Molly's great aunt. Shortly after they had originally met, Molly had come to the shop and had sold the ring to Gus for $200 that she had desperately needed. At the time the ring was in bad shape and missing half its stones. Gus had repaired the ring and kept it to return to Molly someday at no expense. He gives it back to her and she begins to cry tears of happiness and hints to him that they know each other. Gus is remembering something - her name - when he goes to retrieve the ring from the back of the store where he put it for safe keeping. We may take this as a hint that his ability to remember is slowly returning or, romantically, love has not forgotten her. Molly asks Gus if he would like to go out for coffee with her and says she knows a great place.

The Broken Wing (1932 film)

In a small Mexican town, Captain Innocencio (Leo Carrillo) pursues the beautiful Lolita (Lupe Vélez). Innocencio rules the town with an iron hand. Although he calls Lolita his "big love," her fortune teller assures her that another "king of hearts" awaits her, and will come in a storm. When pilot Philip "Phil" Marvin (Melvyn Douglas), during a storm, is forced to land in Lolita's garden, she is sure he is her true love. Suffering from amnesia, Philip falls in love with her. Seeing the initials on his underwear, Lolita calls him "BVD."

when he sees him kissing Lolita, in a jealous rage, Innocencio arrests the pilot and even threatens to kill him. Lolita's American guardian, Luther Farley (George Barbier), an old friend of Innocencio, threatens to call in government troops. Moments before the pilot's execution, an American engineer, Sylvester Cross (Willard Robertson), recognizes the pilot as Philip Marvin, a prominent resident of Los Angeles.

Although it breaks Lolita's heart, to save Philip's life, Cross tells him he is married and produces his own wife claiming she is his wife. Philip, who for days, has been listening to the song of a whippoorwill suddenly recalls the opening bars of "Over There" and his time as a fighter pilot in the war. With his memory back, he assures Lolita he is not married. Enraged, Innocencio draws his revolver on Philip but government troops arrive to arrest him.

Lolita and Philip leave in an aircraft, but Innocencio escapes from prison, shouting that danger is more fun than love.

A Good Man (2014 film)

Alexander (Steven Seagal) is the leader of a covert operation on the border of Dagestan. The primary target is Islamic terrorist Abu Alwaki, whereas the secondary target is Mr. Chen (Tzi Ma). Mr. Chen is an Islamic fundamentalist arms dealer who is financing terrorism. The operation fails, resulting in the death of Alexander's entire team and Mr. Chen's escape.

Long after the disastrous operation in Dagestan, Alexander has relocated to Eastern Europe. He starts to bond with his neighbor Lena (Iulia Verdes), and her younger sister Mya (Sofia Nicolaescu). Lena and Mya's older brother Sasha (Victor Webster) collects protection money for the Mafia, in order to pay off his father's debt and protect his younger sisters from any danger.

Lena works in a club that happens to be owned by mafia boss Vladimir (Claudiu Bleont), and Alexander drops by to have a chat. Vladimir notices the two of them bonding, and has his men to warn Alexander to stay away from Lena. Alexander refuses, and an ensuing fight results in death of three of Vladimir's men. After killing Vladimir's men, Alexander takes a bag containing $300,000 from the club. The $300,000 belongs to arms-dealer Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen was using Vladimir's club to launder money on behalf of one of his buyers. Mr. Chen gives Vlad 24 hours to retrieve the money; otherwise he will take Lena to compensate for the missing $300,000.

Afterwards, Sasha is suspected of stealing Vladimir's money. Because of this, Vladimir sends a team of hit-men to kill Sasha. Assuming that Sasha is now dead, Vladimir goes to Lena's flat to prepare her for Mr. Chen, but after noticing Lena's considerably younger sister Mya, he decides to take her instead. Mr. Chen's buyer has a particular taste for young women, and according to Mr. Chen, “the younger the better”.

Sasha goes to Vladimir's club, and Vladimir is surprised that he is still alive. Although Vladimir tried to have him killed, Sasha asks for more time to get Vladimir his money back. After beating up Vladimir's men in a fistfight, Sasha is given more time to recover the money. Vladimir tells Sasha that as long as he gets his money back in 14 hours, he will give Mya back to him in one piece.

To try to find out the location of Mya, Alexander kidnaps Vladimir. After being tortured, Vladimir discloses the location of where Mr. Chen is holding Mya. Alexander then attends a meeting with Mr. Chen, and offers to give Mr. Chen his $300,000 - in exchange for Mya's safe return. After initially accepting Alexander's offer, Mr. Chen soon double crosses him on the deal. A bloody shootout then ensues, and after killing all of Mr. Chen's men, Alexander finally kills Mr. Chen in a sword-fight. He then takes Mya safely home to her brother Sasha and sister Lena.

The World and the Flesh

“A soldier of fortune risks his life to save a rich girl’s friends during Russian Revolution—at a price!”

Secret Wars (2015 comic book)

Issue one

As Doctor Doom, Doctor Strange, and the Molecule Man confront the Beyonders in a last-ditch attempt to save the Multiverse, the final Incursion of Earth-1610 and Earth-616 begins. Heroes from each universe confront one another. Mister Fantastic and the Maker (the Mister Fantastic of Earth-1610) make plans to survive the cataclysm with a small group of colleagues; Mister Fantastic selects heroes and important scientists, while the Maker intends to save himself and the Cabal. The Maker sends a doomsday weapon and the Children of Tomorrow to Earth-616. Black Bolt, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Black Widow, Spider-Woman, and Beast are killed, and Stark Tower is destroyed. Meanwhile, the Kingpin hosts a viewing party of the incursion for villains. The festivities are interrupted by the arrival of the Punisher, who kills all the villains.

Manifold begins teleporting heroes to the lifeboat. Cyclops merges with the Phoenix Force and destroys the Children of Tomorrow before being teleported onto the ship. Mister Fantastic and the Black Panther pilot the ship to the center of the Incursion. A hull breach occurs, separating the part of the ship carrying the Invisible Woman, the Thing and most of the young Future Foundation. They are destroyed by the Incursion before Mister Fantastic can rescue them. The world fades to white as the two Earths collide. Doctor Doom's mask appears out of the white void, before the white turns to black. The life raft comes to rest on a mysterious planet.

Issue two

A new Thor is shown joining the Thor Corps, a police force composed of different versions of Thor. The young Thor from the Battleworld domain of Higher Avalon tells the story of how God Emperor Doom created the Earth and the universe. The Thor of Higher Avalon and Old Thor travel to Bar Sinister to bring its baron Mister Sinister to Castle Doom, where Doom holds court from his throne on the World Tree. Sinister is charged with secretly aligning with Baron Hyperion of Utopolis in opposition to Higher Avalon. Sinister chooses to face his accuser Brian Braddock in battle and defeats him. Before he can deal the killing blow, God Emperor Doom intervenes. To save his brother, Baron James Braddock confesses to crimes against God Emperor Doom. God Emperor Doom banishes James to the Shield, a massive wall that protects God Emperor Doom's realm from outside horrors. The Thor Corps escort Baron James to the Shield, where he jumps into the Deadlands and dies fighting zombies.

In the Kingdom of Utopolis, Minister Alex Power is brought to an object uncovered by an "earthquake": the life raft from Earth-1610. Valeria tells Sheriff Strange that the object is much older than the believed age of Earth. Strange tasks the Thor of Higher Avalon and Old Thor to enforce a quarantine around the discovery site. One of the Moloid diggers on site inadvertently opens the craft, and Old Thor is killed by weapons thrown from within. The young Thor flees to tell Strange what has happened. As he leaves, the Cabal and Maker emerge from the lifeboat. Thanos is told by a Moloid that they are in Battleworld.

Issue three

Sheriff Strange informs God Emperor Doom of recent events in the domains of Battleworld. Before a statue of the Molecule Man, they reminisce how God Emperor Doom had battled the Beyonders and managed to salvage various fragments of the Earths that were being destroyed. Sheriff Strange is summoned to Utopolis by the Thor Corps to examine the Cabal's life raft. A group of Thors are sent to apprehend the Cabal. Once all the Thors, aside from the Thor of Higher Avalon, have left, Sheriff Strange tells the hidden Miles Morales that he may come out of hiding. Miles reveals he snuck on to the ship just before the Incursion destroyed his planet.

On the Isle of Agamotto, Sheriff Strange explains Battleworld to Miles, then reveals he has found the other life raft. The young Thor opens the vessel and the survivors of Earth-616 exit stasis. Sheriff Strange realizes the heroes are from his timeline when he sees his fellow Illuminati the Black Panther and Mister Fantastic. Strange reveals they have been in stasis for eight years and that God Emperor Doom saved them all when he created Battleworld. In Utopolis, the Cabal and the Maker are discovered by the Thor Corps.''Secret Wars'' #3

Issue four

In Utopolis, the Thor Corps battle Thanos, the Cabal and the Maker. On the Isle of Agamotto, Sheriff Strange explains to the life rafters that the Beyonders were the ones behind the universes crashing together and that he and Doctor Doom were able to kill them and take their power. A boar version of Thor teleports to Castle Doom to report his findings. Sheriff Strange arrives at the battle with the raft survivors. God Emperor Doom also teleports to the battle and unleashes his power against the Cabal and the surviving members of the life raft. Cyclops, powered by the Phoenix Force, confronts God Emperor Doom and temporarily gains the upper hand. God Emperor Doom recovers, snaps Cyclops' neck, and orders the invaders to surrender. Sheriff Strange teleports the surviving members to safety. Enraged, God Emperor Doom kills Sheriff Strange with a blast of energy.''Secret Wars'' #4

Issue five

After Sheriff Strange's funeral, God Emperor Doom enters a realm located below the Molecule Man's statue and talks to the real Molecule Man, who lives there. It is explained that the Beyonders were the originators of reality, but eventually became harbingers of destruction. The Molecule Man was unique across the multiverse: a being whose presence in each reality represented a sliver of a single inter-dimensional entity. The Beyonders would initiate the end of a particular reality by detonating that reality's Molecule Man. God Emperor Doom, Sheriff Strange and the Earth-616 Molecule Man had gathered Molecule Men from across the multiverse and combined them into a bomb, which they directed towards the unsuspecting Beyonders. The detonation killed the Beyonders and allowed the Earth-616 Molecule Man to absorb their power and channel it to God Emperor Doom, who in turn created Battleworld.

Valeria's Justice Division of the Future Foundation prepares to hunt down the Earth-616 heroes and also the Cabal. Thor appears in Doomgard where the Thor Corps are located, The Black Panther and Namor appear in Egyptia, Captain Marvel in Bar Sinister, and the Black Swan in Doomstadt. At the end of the issue, Thanos appears at the base of the Shield.

Issue six

Three weeks later, Battleworld is in disarray, with several kingdoms in open rebellion. Someone called "the Prophet" has formed an army against God Emperor Doom, and has toppled the upper and lower kingdoms of Egyptia. God Emperor Doom orders his most loyal Barons (Mister Sinister, the Maestro, Apocalypse and Madelyne Pryor) to deal with the threat of the Prophet. Of the other Cabal members, only Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive have been captured, while the Black Swan offers help to God Emperor Doom. The Foundation find the source of God Emperor Doom's power and inform Valeria, who has become suspicious of her father.

Mister Fantastic and the Maker team up to find the source of God Emperor Doom's power, and send the Spider-Men, Peter and Miles, to infiltrate Castle Doom. The Spider-Men meet Valeria, who chooses not to go with them. Valeria demands to know who killed Sheriff Strange, and Peter confirms Valeria's suspicions that no one from the raft was responsible. After entering a trapdoor under the Molecule Man's statue, the Spider-Men are confronted by the real Molecule Man. Meanwhile, Namor and Black Panther arrive at the Isle of Agamotto. Using the Key of Agamotto given to them by Sheriff Strange, they are given access to powerful items Sheriff Strange had collected over the years, including the Siege Courageous and an Infinity Gauntlet that works only in Doomstadt.

Thanos, who had been captured by the Hel-Rangers, talks to the sentient structure that forms the Shield (a giant alternate version of Ben Grimm), and convinces him to reject God Emperor Doom and rise, causing the Shield to fall down.''Secret Wars'' #6

Issue seven

The Prophet, who is revealed to be Maximus, marches his troops to Castle Doom. Baron Sinister takes the chance to turn against Baroness Pryor, but is subsequently struck down by the former Baron Apocalypse. The Thor Corps joins the battle against God Emperor Doom, as Jane Foster has managed to convince her fellow Thors to fight against their god. Former Baron Maestro joins the battle with his army of Worldbreakers. The two Reed Richards use the fight ensuing on the steps of Castle Doom as cover to infiltrate the building and steal "the most valuable thing that's left from the Multiverse" from God Emperor Doom. The Black Panther and Namor travel to the Deadlands for reinforcements and the Black Panther uses his title as the King of the Dead to convince the zombies to join the forces opposing God Emperor Doom.''Secret Wars'' #7

Issue eight

Chaos continues on the outskirts of Castle Doom. The two Reed Richardses and Star-Lord fly to Castle Doom, but a Hulk causes their ship to crash. The Maestro calls God Emperor Doom out to face him, but is met instead by the giant Ben Grimm, who is destroying everything in his path. Susan, Valeria and one of the Black Swans save Doom. Grimm continues his rampage until Franklin and Galactus arrive. Franklin reveals God Emperor Doom is his father. Ben realizes Franklin is the son of Susan and allows the Franklin-controlled Galactus to destroy him, rather than fight the boy. Susan bursts into tears, until Valeria asks Susan to come with her.

In Castle Doom, Star-Lord is attacked by the Black Swan while he is repairing his ship. Star-Lord manages to prick his Groot 'toothpick' into the World-Tree, causing the toothpick to merge with the tree to form a giant Groot. Susan and Valeria head to the statues of the Molecule Man and Sheriff Strange, but stop when they see the two Reeds.

God Emperor Doom arrives on the battlefield and gives Thanos a chance to be a Baron. Thanos refuses the offer, as he believes he is already a god. God Emperor Doom rips out Thanos' skeleton. The battle continues until Captain Marvel spots the zombies coming from the remains of the Shield. The Black Panther (with the Infinity Gauntlet) and Namor arrive, declaring to God Emperor Doom that his reign is over.

Issue nine

God Emperor Doom and the Black Panther battle, with God Emperor Doom wielding the power of the Beyonders and the Black Panther wielding the Infinity Gauntlet. Susan does not recognize Mister Fantastic, and accuses him of being one of the "murderers" of Sheriff Strange. Mister Fantastic reveals that God Emperor Doom killed Sheriff Strange. Mister Fantastic and the Maker meet with the Molecule Man, after which the Maker betrays Mister Fantastic by trapping him in a temporal bubble that devolves him into an ape. The Molecule Man intervenes, rescuing Mister Fantastic while splitting the Maker into meat slices. Back on the battlefield, God Emperor Doom realizes the Black Panther's fight is a distraction, and teleports to the Molecule Man's statue to confront Mister Fantastic.

God Emperor Doom tries to use his powers to destroy his rival, but he finds that the Molecule Man has taken away most of his abilities so that the confrontation between the two will be fair. Mister Fantastic and God Emperor Doom face off, and God Emperor Doom, exclaiming of how it always comes down to him and Mister Fantastic like this, begins gaining the upper hand by mocking Mister Fantastic for, as the genius that he is, not having been able to find a way to save the entire Multiverse. Mister Fantastic, however, counters by calling God Emperor Doom out for his insecurity, as the first thing that God Emperor Doom did when he obtained the Beyonders' powers was to steal Mister Fantastic's life and family, making God Emperor Doom confess that Mister Fantastic would have done a better job with the Beyonders' power. Hearing this, the Molecule Man transfers the Beyonders' power to Mister Fantastic, which destroys Battleworld. In the wake of the destruction, the Black Panther uses the Reality Gem to recreate, and teleport himself to, Wakanda. There, he finds three Wakandan prodigies (the same he talked to in ''New Avengers'' #1) to whom he tasks with granting wisdom to the stars.

Miles Morales awakens on the restored Earth now known as Marvel's Earth Prime, along with his friends and his mother (who was brought back to life by the Molecule Man as gratitude for giving him a hamburger). Still shaken by the recent events, Miles goes on patrol with Peter as Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, Valeria, Franklin, the members of Future Foundation, and the Molecule Man work to restore the Multiverse one reality at a time. In Latveria, Doctor Doom removes his mask, reveals his face is no longer disfigured, and laughs with joy.

The Strange Case of Clara Deane

A young dress designer marries an insurance agent. They soon have a daughter, But what the wife doesn't know is that her husband is actually a criminal, who soon involves her—unwittingly—in robbery. Sentenced to prison, she gives up her baby for adoption. When she is released 15 years later, she set out to find her long-lost daughter. A police inspector get involved in her search and, for reasons of his own, tries to dissuade her from finding her child.

Tangled Lives (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Bioscope'' from December 22, 1910. It states: "A shortage is discovered in the accounts of John Hill, a young bank cashier. The manager of the bank agrees to give him three days' time in which to make good the shortage. John confides in his young wife, May, and a young reporter interviews May about her husband's shortage. He becomes interested in the plucky young woman, and decides to suppress the story. The husband fails to raise the money, and leaves his clothes, with a note telling of his intended suicide, on a wharf at the water's edge. After five years the young reporter wins May for his bride. On the day of their wedding, John is attracted to the house where the ceremony is to take place. Hearing of the many rich gifts which the bride has received, he enters the house, and witnesses a love scene between the young reporter and his (John's) wife. He finds it impossible to escape by the way he entered, and attempts to leave by the floor window, falls to the ground and is killed. Here Hastings finds him, and has the body carried away, and leads May to the altar."

Hong Kong Godfather (1985 film)

Mad Wai (Bryan Leung) is a former triad member who has retired from the underworld to raise his daughter after his wife died. When rival triad Jiaxi Lan (Wong Chun), who led a gang in Chinatown, Manhattan, decides to take over territories in East Tsim Sha Tsui belonging to Wai's former boss Han (Shih Kien), Lan manipulates Han's cowardly underling Rotten Chi (Shum Wai) to betray and kill his boss. Upon hearing the death, Wai vows to seek vengeance for Han. At this time, Lan also kidnaps Wai's daughter. Wai, alongside his old friends Playboy Lung (Norman Chu) and Sergeant Lam (Richard Cheung), engage in a bloody battle against Lan to avenge their former boss and save Wai's beloved daughter.

Dororo (film)

Dororo is a young woman assuming the identity of a man despite others seeing through her brash and often violent exterior. When her father was killed by Daigo when he attempted to call the warlord out, the girl and her mother escaped into the wilderness. At her mother's dying request, in order to carry on her father's insurmountable vendetta against Daigo, the child takes on a man's identity and grows up without a permanent home or any friends. As a result, She becomes a thief to make a living. Throughout her life, she's denied any name, citing that the best thieves never revealed their names as doing so meant they could be hunted and arrested. Only after travelling with Hyakkimaru does she decide to take on the name "Dororo", as that name had been one of many that Hyakkimaru had acquired during his previous travels. Although Hyakkimaru explained it as meaning "Little Monster," Dororo felt that it suited her better while Hyakkimaru kept his previous name.

Abandoned at birth, Hyakkimaru's body was sold to demons by his birth father, resulting in his lacking 48 body parts. He only survives because he is discovered by a master spellcaster, who takes pity on him and replaces his missing body parts with those of deceased children. From a young age, Hyakkimaru attracts a disproportionate amount of attention from supernatural beings, especially malignant ones. This supernatural magnetism results in the death of his adopted father. Hyakkimaru is emotionally destroyed but begins questing to destroy the demons and regain the body stolen from him at birth.

Among the demons Hyakkimaru encounters are a Jorōgumo, the moth demoness who abducted abandoned children in order to feed her Hanyō offspring, a cherry blossom tree monster and a lizard monster. After killing a Daitengu and regaining his right arm, Hyakkimaru learns that his curse was his birth father's doing and this man was in fact Daigo. Killing a pair of dog demons who tormented him about this revelation, Hyakkimaru gains his real eyes and is later confronted at daybreak by Tahōmaru, the man he learned to be his younger brother. Expressing jealous rage towards Hyakkimaru due to their mother's feelings for him, Tahōmaru's resulting anger brings about a confrontation in which he is accidentally killed by Hyakkimaru.

By then, Daigo arrives and cuts down his wife while she, despite her own despair over Tahōmaru's death, tries to persuade Daigo to spare Hyakkimaru's life, now their only living son. Though he came close to killing his father, Hyakkimaru refused and spared his father while telling him to strive for and create the utopia that he had once envisioned. However, with the promise of returning Tahōmaru to life, Daigo sold his body to one of the demons with whom he made the original pact. Dororo tried to convince Daigo not to do it, telling him that the demon would use his body to rule the land and cause greater despair and suffering among the people. Daigo accepted the proposal nonetheless, but was able to muster enough control to hold the monster at bay for Hyakkimaru to kill him. Once dead, Hyakkimaru regained his heart, yet complained that the pain in his chest did not subside afterward, an indication that he was feeling remorse for the first time in his life. Though later offered the throne, Hyakkimaru declines and entrusts his younger brother with it as he and Dororo continue their quest to kill the remaining two dozen demons.

The Big Chance (1957 British film)

Bill Anderson is disillusioned with his job as a travel agent and married life with a wife who is content with a quiet life. When a customer calls to postpone his flight, Anderson decides to escape it all by using the customer's ticket as booked and assuming the identity of the man, who left his passport because it required renewing. This has conveniently coincided with him taking over control of his employer's safe in which is stored all the foreign currency, which they supply to customers leaving the country. He makes two falsely initialled briefcases to use in a scheme to get the currency illegally past airport customs. He stays late on a Friday night after everybody else has left and, after emptying the safe of the currency, he heads to the airport for his flight to Panama. However, the airport being closed down because of fog is the first of many interruptions and delays he encounters, along with a woman he meets, Diana, who is also planning to escape to a new life.

Out of the Ether

Krazy, dressed as a surgeon, appears as though he is working on a patient. When he is done, and the fellow surgeons step aside, the patient turns out to be an animated radio. Krazy puts his newly repaired radio on a flying carpet before taking off.

Up in the sky, Krazy passes by a hot air balloon which resembles Paul Whiteman. Riding on that balloon are the fancy thin clarinet-playing man who once appeared in ''The Bandmaster'', and the Mills Brothers. Under the balloon hangs a piano at which the Boswell Sisters sit by. Further on the way, Marie Dressler is sitting on a crescent moon and singing. Dressler boards on Krazy's carpet, and dances with the cat. They dance until the woman accidentally pushes Krazy off the carpet.

Upon falling off, Krazy lands on some clouds. On one of them, two mysterious boxers wearing turbans trade punches. This goes until one of them accidentally bumps Krazy off.

Krazy falls from the sky once more. Finally he hits the ground bottom first. His radio follows as it falls on and gets pierced by his head.

The Stolen Invention

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from September 17, 1910. It states: "John Deering is a poor inventor living modestly with his wife and only daughter. He has approached Mr. Cobleigh, a capitalist, with a proposition to share the profits of a new invention with him, providing that he (Cobleigh) furnish the capital to swing it. Cobleigh comes to see the model of Deering's invention and is greatly impressed with it. Cobleigh offers Deering a small amount of money for the invention, but Deering refuses to accept it. Then Cobleigh, having failed to get his invention by fair means, determines to secure it by foul. He drugs Deering, and the result of the poison is to make the inventor temporarily insane. While in this condition, Cobleigh has Deering transferred to an insane asylum. Then he forges the inventor's name to the bill of sale and thinks that his crime will never be discovered. Deering's daughter, Grace, failing to induce her sweetheart, Tom Reynolds, to aid in rescuing Deering, breaks into the asylum and takes her father out singlehandedly. She conveys him to a camp in the woods where her tender care restores him to health. Then she takes him home again and he demands his rights from Cobleigh. The latter denies that he owes Deering a cent, and the inventor goes to law. Tom, who acts as his counsel, shows by enlarged stereopticon views of the two signatures that Cobleigh had traced the one from the other. Cobleigh, overcome by the revelation of his crime, is arrested, and the Deering family and the faithful Tom are happy."

Burning Flower

The series depict the Meiji Restoration, occurring during the last years of the Bakufu Shogunate and the early years of the Meiji Era, through the point of view of Sugi Fumi (ja), the younger sister of Yoshida Shōin.

Not Guilty (1910 film)

The film begins with Harry Martin saying goodbye to his blind mother before leaving the house. About this time Joinville, a thief, has committed a robbery and is being chased down the street by the policemen. Harry and the thief encounter each other on the street and a struggle ensues, Joinville slips the stolen purse into his pocket before fleeing. The police encounter Martin and find the stolen purse before promptly arresting him. Harry's sweetheart visits Martin's mother and the police take Harry to his apartment. Harry bids his mother and his sweetheart goodbye, an inter-title car states that Harry does not want his mother to know he has gone away on a journey instead of to jail.

Time passes and Harry receives a note from Kate, his sweetheart, that his mother is very ill and wants him to return. In the note, Kate states that it is impossible to prove his innocence. Harry escapes on a passing wagon, concealed in corn or hay, and returns home. The police gather and surround search the home, Harry escapes via a clothesline to another building, successfully eluding the police. The following morning, Harry buys a newspaper from a newspaperboy and reads of his innocence after the real thief confesses to the crime. The three rejoice at his proven innocence.

Hélas pour moi

Abraham Klimt arrives in a small Swiss village to investigate an incident that occurred on July 23, 1989 involving Rachel and Simon Donnadieu, a local couple. He interviews several of the townsfolk and enlists the aid of a poet, Aude Amiel. In flashback, the story of Rachel and Simon unfolds. Per the Greek myth on which the film is based, God, or a god, comes to earth with his assistant, Max Mercury. He decides he wants to possess Rachel Donnadieu, so he takes the form of Simon Donnadieu when Simon leaves home on a business trip. God-as-Simon returns to Rachel while Simon is away, and the two have an encounter.

Or not. Rachel is not talking about the incident, and Simon, in a brief encounter with Klimt at the end of the film, denies that it happened. The evidence provided by the flashbacks is contradictory. Ultimately, Klimt concludes, "There is nothing left to say concerning Simon and Rachel. The rest occurs beyond images and beyond stories."

Neck (film)

Tomokazu Shudo (Junpei Mizobata) has his first ever crush on Sugina Mayama (Saki Aibu), a senior student. Tomokazu has troubles confessing his feelings to the popular student, but one day, he is invited to the research lab where Sugina Mayama works. Tomokazu hopes to use this meeting to express his true feelings for her. To Tomokazu's surprise, when he arrives he first sees a big wooden box in the middle of the dark lab. Sugina tells Tomokazu that he looks scared and then proceeds to push Tomokazu into the box!

While being placed into the box, Tomokazu is told that he will watch a horror movie produced from his mind, with only his neck & head protruding from the box. Tomokazu will be the first test subject for Sugina's "Neck Machine". The device hopes to turn people into monsters from the neck down while watching or thinking horror-related things. The first experiment fails, but Sugina then gets the help of childhood friend Takashi Gori (Yuta Hiraoka), who is now a horror writer named Mataro Echizen.

70,000 Witnesses

Buck Buchanan plays football for State, but his criminal brother Slip Buchanan has placed a whopping $350,000 wager on University defeating State in the upcoming big game.

Slip attempts to coerce his brother into drugging a star teammate, Wally Clark, so he is unable to play. Buck refuses to do so, but is distracted on the field of play by his suspicions that Slip will find another way to do Wally harm.

Sure enough, just as Wally is about to score a State touchdown, he collapses at the 5 yard line. As 70,000 spectators look on, Wally is carried from the field and expires. A doctor rules the death accidental, but a police detective, Dan McKenna, is so convinced of foul play, he has the players reassembled and the entire football play re-enacted, solving the case.


Jacob Cotten is just about to turn 60 years old and his prominent family will hold a banquet in his honour to celebrate the occasion. At this time his youngest son announce that he will not inherit his father's business and money, because he is a communist and want to make it on his own.

Cottens daughter lives in a distorted marriage full of violence, arguments, abuse and alcohol. The eldest son lives like a spoiled parasite on his rich family and has no intent to change his ways. How will the banquet go and who will inherit the business and the fortune, that both created and destroyed the Cotten family?

The Silent Watcher

A lawyer (Bosworth) running for Congress decides to end his relationship with a showgirl (Bennett), so that he will be more presentable candidate. When the showgirl commits suicide, the police arrest the lawyer for murder. The lawyer's young secretary (Hunter) decides to take the blame for his employer by saying that he was the one in a relationship with the showgirl. However, this upsets his new bride (Love), who leaves him. The secretary is cleared of guilt when the truth of the showgirl's death is made known, but decides to commit suicide himself because he no longer has the woman he loves. As a final act of love, he cleans their home, when he is interrupted by her return, and the news that his former employer has been elected to Congress.

Madison Square Garden (film)

Middleweight contender Eddie Burke needs to change managers after his, Doc Williams, sets up a big fight at Madison Square Garden for him. Eddie becomes distracted by too much partying and girlfriend Bee, who is understandably worried about him.

Eddie falls into the hands of a crooked trainer, "Honest John" Miller, who works for a racketeer, Sloane. He is made to lose the fight, Miller wrapping his opponent's hands in plaster, and takes a terrible beating. But when the truth comes to light, some of Eddie's fellow boxers go after the crooks with their fists.

Shop Girls of Paris

M. Baudu, an irascible old man, runs a small fabric shop in 1860s Paris. A large department store, the first of its kind, opens nearby, putting Baudu's business in peril. Things get even more complicated for him when his niece and two nephews, all recently orphaned, leave their small village to go live with him. Denise, his young niece, is hired as a saleswoman at the department store, to Baudu's displeasure. She does well at her job, and begins receiving both professional and romantic interest from the store's owner, the wealthy and charming Octave Mouret.

He Learned About Women
"Story of youth who comes into fortune and prepares to see life."
"Alison Skipworth joins the cast as a would be swindler who doesn't quite succeed as she plans"
"a childlike playboy inherits the family fortune and gets himself a worldly butler who teaches him how to behave in a manner befitting his wealth and social station"
"A debonair butler shows his wealthy master how to be a sophisticated man of the world"
"When hermit Peter Potter Kendall II inherits fifty million dollars,
his attorney, James Drake, appoints Peter's valet, J. F. Wilson,
to teach Peter about the world, then leaves for Europe...."

The Buried Giant

Following the death of King Arthur, Saxons and Britons live in harmony. Along with everyone else in their community, Axl and Beatrice, an elderly Briton couple, suffer from severe selective amnesia that they call the 'mist'. Although barely able to remember, they feel sure that they once had a son, and they decide to travel to a village several days' walk away to seek him out. They stay at a Saxon village where two ogres have dragged off a boy named Edwin. A visiting Saxon warrior, Wistan, kills the ogres and rescues Edwin who is discovered to have a wound, believed to be an ogre-bite. The superstitious villagers attempt to kill the boy, but Wistan rescues him and joins Axl and Beatrice on their journey, hoping to leave Edwin at the son's village.

The group heads to a monastery to consult with Jonus, a wise monk, about a pain in Beatrice's side. They meet the elderly Sir Gawain, nephew of King Arthur, who – as is well known – was tasked decades ago with slaying the she-dragon Querig, but who has never succeeded. Wistan reveals that he was sent by the Saxon king to slay Querig out of concern that she would be used by Lord Brennus, king of the Britons, to kill Saxons. The travellers are treated with hospitality at the monastery, but are informed by Jonus that most of the monks are corrupt. Sir Gawain has spoken to the abbot, believing he will protect the four. Instead, the abbot informs Lord Brennus, who sends soldiers to murder them. As an experienced warrior, Wistan realises that the monastery was originally built as a fort, and he makes use of its structure to trap and kill the soldiers.

Sir Gawain, riding on alone, recalls how, years earlier, King Arthur had ordered the extermination of many Saxon villages. The massacre had been a betrayal of the peace treaties brokered by Axl, who had at the time been Arthur's envoy (although he has now forgotten it). Arthur also ordered that Querig be brought to the lair where she now lives, and that a spell be cast, turning her breath into an oblivion-inducing mist, causing the Saxons to forget about the massacres.

Axl and Beatrice become separated from Wistan and Edwin, and they travel on alone. They are persuaded by a girl to take a poisoned goat to Querig's lair. Sir Gawain joins them and shows the way. Travelling with Wistan, Edwin has been hearing a voice that he identifies as his lost mother, calling him to her. Wistan realises that Edwin's wound has been caused by a baby dragon, and that Edwin can lead him to Querig. As they approach, Edwin becomes increasingly crazed and has to be restrained.

Sir Gawain reveals that his duty was not in fact to slay Querig, but to protect her in order to maintain the mist. Wistan challenges Gawain to a duel and kills him. He proceeds to slay Querig, causing Edwin's madness to depart and the mist to dissipate, restoring the people's memories. He declares that "the giant, once well buried, now stirs": his action will cause the old animosities between Saxon and Briton to return, leading to a new war.

Axl and Beatrice are finally able to recall that their son had died many years ago of the plague. They meet a ferryman who offers to row the old couple over to an island where they can be close to him in perpetuity. Normally, he says, married couples have to dwell on the island separately and always apart, but in rare cases couples whose love is deep and profound may remain together. The ferryman tells Axl and Beatrice that they qualify, but as they are about to be rowed over, the waves increase and he informs them that he can carry only one person at a time. Axl is suspicious that the ferryman intends to trick them into separating forever, but Beatrice believes the man to be truthful and asks Axl to wait on the shore while she is taken over. Axl reluctantly agrees.

Second Life (novel)

Second Life is the story of Julia, who has a perfect life with her husband Hugh and their adopted son, until an incident changes everything. Her sister Kate is murdered in an apparently random attack in Paris and the police seems to be stuck in their investigations. Julia decides to inquire into the murder on her own and finds out, that her sister was using online sites to play out her sexual fantasy by meeting up with strangers. Julia starts visiting some of these sites herself in hope of finding someone connected to Kate.

35-sai no Koukousei

During the new semester in April, a woman suddenly appeared at Kunikida High. She was to be a new student in a class for 3rd year high school students. The other students in the class wondered who she truly was, and what her true intention for going back to school at 35 years old was. She did what ordinary high school students were expected to do, i.e. wearing school uniform and doing homework. However, she was clearly different. She went to school in an expensive car. During break time, she smoked with a teacher. After school, she drank beer. No one knows what she was up to, but they know, she was able to change people. She questioned the system and fought to change it. She tried to solve the problems faced by high school students, for example, bullying. She helped her classmates and befriended them, whilst trying to survive high school and put her tragic past behind her. Nevertheless, there is no secret that can be kept forever, and eventually the truth had to be let out... even if that meant having to confront her past.

Draft:Jump Derry

The book follows the story of Irish dancing champion Janie during Easter, 2005. She can win the Derry Feis but has no idea how to have a boyfriend. When her first one, Martin, is a parkour freerunner, she finds she can't keep up as he jumps and flips his way effortlessly round their city and their relationship. Janie's mum, Marianne, a victim of the Troubles, is slowly finding life unbearable, and desperately tries to find a way to cope as her life unravels. Janie and her mother struggle, but just about manage, to make sense of their world.

The Convict (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from September 24, 1910. It states: "The convict is discovered stealing along a country road, glancing about for signs of danger. His stripes are discernible on that portion of his breast and on that portion of his trousers' leg not covered by the long coat he wears - which cannot conceal the stripes that tell all; hence his keen watch for passersby. Still, he does not spy a nearby farmer until too late; the cry 'prisoner loose' is raised, and a dozen rustics make after the unfortunate. Convict meets accomplice who is waiting with carriage; jumps in the carriage and the pair drives off. Baffled pursuers come up, sight a wagon, all pile within and resume pursuit. Convict jumps from carriage and drops behind boulder, accomplice driving straight on with the wagon hot after him; when the wagon has passed him by, convict comes from behind boulder, crosses road and disappears on other side - but has been seen crossing the road by a small girl who kept out of sight until the convict had disappeared, but who now rushes off to tell of her discovery. Put back on the trail by the little girl, pursuers follow their quarry to the waterside, where a second accomplice awaits the convict with a rowboat, and into which he jumps and pulls for the other side. Another rowboat sets out in pursuit. One of the pursuers telephones constables on the other side of the water to catch convict when he tries to land."

"Race of the rowboats. Nearing shore the convict finds himself hemmed in - pursuers on water and constables on land. Luckily for him, pursuers in their efforts to grab his boat overturn their own; he gets to shore, where [the] accomplice is caught though [the convict] escapes. Constable and pursuer chase him to town road, where third accomplice awaits with auto; they speed off. An automobile too happens along, allows pursuers to use his auto to chase convict's, and all enter except constable who rushes off to 'phone town police of convict's coming. Receiving the message, chief of police leaves with coppers for town end of road, across which they stretch rope and await convict's auto. As the convict dashes down Main Street new pursuers spring up at every step. Yet when he reaches the opera house he calmly walks into the entrance and, facing his pursuers, takes a dignified stand beside the billboard on which is printed: 'Latest Moving Picture - Today's Feature - STUNG! or The Convict's Escape - A Roaring Comedy Now Showing.'"

Tal como somos

Ángel is a fisherman from Mazatlán who has become widowed. He moves with his family to Mexico City in search of fortune. When they arrive, the family is assaulted, and the thieves cut off the ears of Ángel's daughter Margarita in order to take her earrings. After this ominous beginning, the fisherman and his family settle in a building where they meet Eva, a very unhappy woman who is tortured by her husband and daughter. Miguel, her disabled husband, pretends to be a good person but is a born criminal. Years ago, he raped a woman and Eva not only forgave him but raised the child as her own.

Miguel blames Eva for his accident and has poisoned her daughter Delia against her. Delia's father has such a strong hold on her that she is practically "in love" with him. She hates Eva, and as a manifestation of her morbid nature, she spies on her parents when Miguel vainly tries to make love to his wife. This is another mental torture inflicted on Eva because, in reality, Miguel only pretends to be disabled. Eva, frustrated as a wife, mother, and woman, finds true passion in the arms of Ángel.

Evenings for Sale

Impoverished Count von Degenthal (Marshall) plans to commit suicide and spends his last night at a costume ball. There he meets lovely Lela Fischer (Maritza) and falls in love with her. A chance meeting with his former butler brings a job offer as a gigolo in a dance club. He dances with Jenny Kent (Boland), a wealthy American heiress, and she becomes so enamoured with him that she buys his castle, clearing all his debts. The count gives her his family's treasured ring in gratitude for her great sincerity. Lela drcides to visit him, but overhears Bimpfl deceiving her into believing that this was the count's way of expressing his understanding of their engagement to be married. He does so merely to try and secure a serving position in their household. Naturally, Lela believes it too. Kent receives news from America that she has become a grandmother, and it dawns on her that she has been foolish in pursuing a much younger man. She returns to America, after telling Bimpfl of her plans to turn the mansion into an hôtel. Lela's misunderstanding is cleared up, and she and the count reconcile.

The Corpse of Anna Fritz

Pau works as an orderly at a hospital, a job that gives him the opportunity to watch the bodies of young women that are brought to the hospital's morgue. One day he is stunned when the body of Anna Fritz, a beautiful and desirable actress, arrives. Pau cannot resist taking a picture and sending it to one of his friends, Ivan, who quickly arrives with Javi, his other friend, at the morgue to view Anna's nude body.

Ivan ponders out loud if it is possible to rape a corpse and Pau replies that saliva must be used for lubrication. When asked whether he knows this from past experience, Pau confesses he has raped the corpse of a 17 or 18-year-old girl. Ivan soon decides that he wants to rape Anna's corpse and begins raping it, prompting Pau to suggest that he take a turn after Ivan. Javi is disgusted when they suggest he takes a turn and refuses. During their act of necrophilia, however, Anna suddenly returns to life and opens her eyes while Pau is raping her. She cannot move, but her eyes are open in terror. Pau screams when he realizes this and the others come into the room.

The men are then faced with two choices: They can either report Anna's revival and face rape charges, as there was no way Anna could have consented to sex, or they can murder her and cover up their crimes. While Pau and Ivan both want to hide their crime, Javi pushes for them to save Anna and take responsibility for what they have done. The three men argue and Ivan unintentionally kills Javi. Without Javi to stop them, Ivan is set on killing Anna. Ivan convinces Pau that he would be an accessory to the murder of Javi, and that there is no way Anna would stay silent if she is left alive.

They decide to smother her with bunched up sheets so no mark is left on her body. While Ivan disposes of the evidence, Pau cleans Anna's body and covers her in a white sheet. As he is about to leave, Pau tells Anna to pretend she is dead and it is revealed that he faked the murder. Ivan returns and they both leave the room. As they are about to get on the elevator, Ivan checks his wallet and realizes he forgot his card in the morgue. Pau unsuccessfully tries to convince him to leave rather than get his card, saying he will pick it up the next day. Ivan opens the door to see Anna putting on a hospital gown.

Ivan furiously starts to choke Pau, accusing him of conspiring to blame all of it on him. He finally stops, announcing that he does not care anymore if Pau wants to go to jail. Anna sneaks up behind him and stabs him twice. He bleeds to death from the wound in his neck. Pau cries, saying that Ivan had already said he would leave. Silent, Anna repeatedly stabs Pau. Anna is then seen staring off with tears in her eyes and blood spatter on her face.

Boruto: Naruto the Movie

The film opens with a battle between ninja Sasuke Uchiha and an unknown adversary being watched by another enemy. The plot then moves to the protagonist from the ''Naruto'' series, Naruto Uzumaki, who has become "the Seventh Hokage", the leader of the village of Konohagakure. He is married to Hinata Uzumaki and has two children, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki. Boruto, Sarada Uchiha (Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno 's daughter), and a child named Mitsuki (Orochimaru's son) become an elite ninja team under their teacher, Konohamaru Sarutobi. Boruto is upset at Naruto for focusing more on being Hokage than on their family.

Sasuke returns to the village to warn Naruto about the powerful opponent he faced earlier. After Naruto misses Himawari's birthday, Boruto meets Sasuke and asks him to train him so that he can become strong enough to surpass Naruto. Sasuke agrees on the condition that Boruto performs the Rasengan technique, which he then learns from Konohamaru. Sasuke then honors his promise and helps Boruto prepare for the upcoming Chunin Exam, a test taken by young ninjas. Boruto, hoping to convince Naruto to spend more time with him, is tempted to cheat on the exam by using a prototype device, Kote, that stores each type of jutsu. It was given to him by the arrogant scientist Katasuke, who wanted his experiment to gain publicity for marketing purposes before Naruto shot down the proposal. In the exams, Naruto catches Boruto cheating and disqualifies his son. Before Naruto leaves the arena, the two figures Sasuke previously encountered, Kinshiki Otsutsuki and Momoshiki Otsutsuki, appear and destroy it.

The duo is revealed to be after the Nine-Tails creature sealed inside Naruto's body to create a chakra fruit so that they become immortal. Naruto sacrifices himself to protect everyone and entrusts Boruto's safety to Sasuke. Sensing that Naruto is still alive in another dimension, Sasuke allies himself with the other Kage to rescue him. Boruto insists on joining them to make amends with his father. They arrive in the other dimension and find Naruto bound by the Otsutsuki duo, and the four Kage engage Kinshiki in a fight. Across the battle, Momoshiki devours Kinshiki to increase his strength, while Naruto joins forces with Sasuke to defeat him. However, Katasuke shoots Momoshiki with a Kote that restores his strength. Weakened, Naruto lends his remaining chakra to Boruto to create a giant Rasengan while Sasuke distracts Momoshiki long enough for Boruto to use his attack and finish him.

In the days following the victory, Naruto reconciles with Boruto. Boruto resolves to become a ninja who protects the village from the shadows; he supports Sarada's dream of becoming Hokage. After the credits, Mitsuki reveals he is the son of the criminal Orochimaru, surprising both his teammates.

Tiempo de amar

This is the story of Carolina who falls for Luis Alberto and are happy for some time but she has an incurable disease that little by little leads to death, leaving behind a child.

Mojin: The Lost Legend

At the beginning of the 1990s, famous tomb explorer Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, and Hu's fiancée Shirley Yang decided to retire to Manhattan. After a supposedly split of the team, Wang Kaixuan was pulled into a deal to locate the ancient tomb of a Mongolian princess. Hu Bayi has been having recurring nightmares of his first love, Ding Sitian, who had supposedly died 20 years before in an underground tomb beneath the Mongolian plains. The team is lured back to their original vocation by a mysterious, businesswoman/cult leader Ying Caihong who wants them to find the ancient tomb of a Mongolian princess. They eventually learn that what she really wants is to possess a famed artifact known as the Equinox Flower that allegedly has the power to raise the dead.

The Last Innocent Man

A criminal defense attorney is seduced by a beautiful woman and reluctantly takes on the defense of her estranged husband who is charged with murder, but finds his career threatened because of the circumstances.

Crush (2014 film)

Girlband Cherrybelle consisting Cherly (Cherly Yuliana Anggraini), Angel (Margareth Angelina), Christy (Christy Saura Noela Uni), Gigi (Brigitta Cynthia), Ryn (Jessyca Stefani Auryn), Steffy (Stefanny Margaretha Aay), Felly (Yefani Filliang), Kezia (Kezia Karamoy), and Anisa (Anisa Rahma) requested by the producer (Farhan), to create a new dance choreographed for the sake of Cherrybelle' image more progressive than any other girlband in Indonesia. And finally, Anisa (Anisa Rahma) resigned from Cherrybelle because she wanted to continue her studies.

The management also bring in a new coach, Andre (Deva Mahenra), which is known as a reliable senior dancer in Jakarta. Andre' charismatic presence makes Cherrybelle' members uncomfortable, especially Kezia. Until one day, Andre finds a love letter from a secret fan. This makes Andre angry and disappointed to decide to quit teaching. Cherly, as leader of Cherrybelle, feeling guilty. When she was searching for Andre, Cherly know that Andre had gone to the town of Glenmore. According to Ryn, the city was in Australia, precisely near the city of Melbourne. Meanwhile, Angel face off her own problems. Her sister, Karen (Yuanita Christiani), who has lived in Melbourne on a year, continuous insulting Angel to spend time with Cherrybelle, the eyes of Karen, just a circus.

On the other occasion, Cherrybelle get bonus travel to Melbourne. All members of Cherrybelle excited, especially Cherly, who intends to seek Andre there. But not with Angel, because she had to meet with Karen.

Arriving in Melbourne, they focused search for Andre to ask him back as coach. But there it Cherrybelle must against with Karen and her dance group. Results of the search, Andre was doesn't there and they returned to Jakarta. But apparently the town of Glenmore in question, is not in Australia, but it is located in one of the villages in Indonesia precisely the name of the sub-district in Banyuwangi. Cherrybelle with the spirit came to Glenmore.

The Blue Flame (play)

In the first act, irreligious scientist John Varnum has developed a device to bring the recently dead back to life. His sweet, religious fiancée, Ruth Gordon, does not approve of his experiments and hopes to reform him. When she is struck by lightning and killed, she becomes the first person to be revived by his machine. Before she is reanimated, the audience sees her soul visibly leave her body as the "blue flame" of the title. With no soul, the revived Ruth has an entirely different personality. Upon waking, she asks John for a kiss, then suggests they marry immediately so they can begin having sex.

In the second and third acts, Ruth seduces a young man named Larry Winston and steals him away from his fiancée. She takes Larry to New York's Chinatown, where she gets him hooked on cocaine and steals an emerald from an idol. She meets another young man, Ned Maddox, whom she seduces and kills for insurance money, framing another man for the murder. In the final act, Ruth's death and revival is revealed to be a dream John was having. Upon waking he understands the importance of the soul; he embraces religion and destroys his life-restoration device.

Hello, Everybody!

The setting is a farm. Kate Smith and Sally Blane play sisters; assorted relatives live with the sisters, but everyone at home, and in the whole town, depends on Kate to hold everything together. The power company wants to build a dam which will require flooding many of the farms; Kate is holding out; if Kate sells, everyone else will sell; if Kate refuses, the rest of the town will refuse as well. Randolph Scott meets Kate's beautiful sister, Sally Blane, at a dance. Randolph Scott, as it turns out, is an agent for the power company. Kate thinks he's just using Sally; Sally believes that he truly likes her. Randolph comes to the farm and appears to woo Kate. Kate remains unconvinced about selling out, but falls for Randolph.