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Bad Turn Worse

After B. J. steals $20,000, he surprises his best friend, Bobby, and girlfriend, Sue, with an impromptu plan to party together one last time before Bobby and Sue leave rural Texas for college. B. J. later confides in Bobby that he stole the money from Giff, a local mobster who employs them. Giff immediately suspects his Mexican security guard, and Bobby and B. J. arrive at work as Giff savagely beats the man. Concerned that Giff will kill the worker, Bobby confesses to stealing the money, though it does not stop Giff from killing the man. As they dispose of the body for Giff, Bobby expresses regret that the man still died, and B. J. berates him for getting them all involved. When they can't repay him the money, Giff forces them to agree to rob a cotton mill owned by Big Red, an infamous mob boss who uses it to launder his funds. Over Bobby's objection, B. J. reveals that Sue was also involved in spending Giff's money, and she is forced to participate in the robbery, too.

When B. J. learns that Bobby and Sue are having an affair and plan to go to the police, he confides in Giff about both situations. At the police station, the Sheriff obliquely warns Bobby to fulfill his obligations. Bobby and Sue discuss fleeing the town together, but Giff threatens to rape Sue, if either one backs out. Unable to think of any escape, Bobby and Sue commit to the robbery they were initially forced to agree to. B. J. visits both Bobby and Sue, harassing them and leaving them wondering how much he knows about their affair. On the night of the robbery, Bobby and Sue enter Big Red's business as B. J. takes lookout duty. They find that the safe is empty and the workers have been brutally murdered. Confused, they return to B. J., only to find that he and Giff have decided to frame them for the crime.

B. J. initially does not believe that Giff murdered the workers, and Giff shoots B. J. when he protests. Before he can kill Sue and Bobby, Sue tells him that she has contacted Big Red, who she says is on his way as they speak. Convinced that she is bluffing, Giff attempts to kill the two, who flee further into the cotton mill. After an extended chase, Giff corners the two on rafters. Giff taunts Bobby and says that he is actually doing him a favor, as it will save him the pain and humiliation of being dumped by Sue as she finds a more ambitious and sophisticated lover at college. Bobby rushes Giff, and both he and Giff fall many feet to the ground. At the same time, Big Red arrives. Red allows Sue and the wounded Bobby to leave, and the two proclaim their love for each other. When Giff refuses to reveal the location of Red's missing cash, Red kills him.

Hardcase (1972 film)

Jack Rutherford has returned to his ranch in Texas after soldiering in the Spanish–American War. Because he was presumed dead, his wife Rozaline remarried a Mexican revolutionary leader named Simon Fuegus. Rozaline also sold Jack's ranch and belongings to buy weapons for Simon's band. Jack travels to Mexico to get his share of the proceeds of the sale but gets nothing. Taking matters into his own hands, Jack decides to raise income by kidnapping Simon for $10,000 ransom to be paid either by Simon's band or the Mexican Federal Government who wish to get their hands on Simon.

Love Me Strangely

Alain Revent sadistically abuses women. In the beginning of the movie, he is shown making his wife find an udentified object, most likely a bottle of medicine. The woman doesn't seem to find it and is in an intense state of terror because of the abuse Alain perpetuated with her. The woman, driven to suicide, leaps out of a window as soon as Alain leaves the room for a moment. He enlists the aid of another pervert named Dino, known as "the handsome beast", and they proceed to emotionally torment his second wife, Nathalie. Officer Leroy begins to suspect the truth and is determined to save the unfortunate woman from Alain's clutches before she too is driven to suicide. The woman is driven to anorexia because of the abuse she has been suffering. Alain hides her bottle of medicine. After a visit from Alain's friend, Dino, she decides that she wants a divorce. Alain reacted in a threatening way. He proceeds to rape the woman in her sleep and use the excuse that she's pregnant as an excuse to not divorce, which came as a shock to the woman. She then recalls the moments Alain raped her.The woman runs away from her house, in fear. However, as she developed a slight dependence on Alain, she tells the officers that she doesn't need help and that Alain needs her. She stops at a hotel where she gets a call from the man, telling her that he's coming to find her. After they reunite, they kiss passionately, then they go home, quietly. However, in the last scene of the movie, the police are shown investigating something that is revealed to be the bodies of Nathalie and Alain next to each other on the ground. The two spouses have most likely committed suicide together.

I Love N.Y. (1987 film)

Mario Cotone (Baio) is an American-Italian struggling photographer who meets and falls in love with Nicole Yeats (Van der Velden), a pretty young debutante and the daughter of stage actor John R. Yeats (Plummer).

Home Made Mince Pie

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from September 24, 1910. It states: "Life in a country town is often tedious and tiresome, and were it not for the little dinners and teas the townsfolk are constantly given, existence in some localities would be a very dreary thing indeed. So the time honored get-togethers of the small town are an established feature to the social calendar; they are just as much a matter of necessity and as such have come to stay. The Gales thought well of this established feature. They made it a joyous occasion for themselves as well as their guests. They were hardly an overly wealthy family, and their table was never notable for an oversupply of the good things of life, but whenever they gave a dinner they cast all thoughts of economy to the country winds and worked to the one end that their guests have a pleasant time."

"On the night before such an event neither Mamma, Pappa, or Daughter Gale could get those minutes' solid sleep for thought that they might have overlooked some essential in the guests' comfort. At the first crow of the rooster they would come hopping down to the kitchen to get the larder into shape. So little wonder that on occasion of the dinner here pictured - when the prize dish was a splendid homemade mince pie - the Gales were ever looking after the need of the said pie. First Mamma Gale would tiptoe to the table whereupon it sat in solemn state, and give it a stir; then Pappa Gale would tiptoe over and give it a stir; finally Daughter Gale would have to come over and honor it likewise. Then arrived the guests. The Minister and the Mrs. Minister, they were, and some neighbors. While she was receiving them the recollection came to Mamma Gale that the beloved mince pie had not received its flavoring. Off she speeds to a decanter of whiskey in the kitchen. She pours into the pie the right proportion of liquor, and goes back to her guests. Then Pappa Gale remembers that the pie has not been flavored. He, too, excuses himself and a moment later is found pouring whiskey into the sacred mince. No sooner has he ceased and returned to his guest than Daughter Gale, who has just remembered about the forgotten flavoring, rushes in and makes for the whiskey. She pours 'the right proportion' in, too."

My Name Is David

David Howard, an obsessive-compulsive workaholic with a severe addiction to prescription drugs, struggles to find order in a world full of chaos. Desperately in search of a life better than the one he leads, David often relies on his neighbor, a hot-tempered single mother trying to make ends meet.

Returning home on the subway late one night, David finds an abandoned baby—which could be the key to his happiness, or the catalyst that spirals his world completely out of control.

Uncharted Seas

As described in a film magazine, after her drunken husband Tom Eastman (Gerard) brings home three cabaret women, Lucretia (Lake) can no longer bear the abuse and turns to arctic explorer Frank Underwood (Valentino), who has long loved her and promised to come whenever she needs his help. Urging her husband to become a man and do something worth while, Lucretia goes with him to the North seas in search of a treasure ship. Tom becomes panic stricken and turns back, while she goes on with Frank, who is on the same mission in his own ship. The two fight against temptation and win, and when their ship is destroyed on the ice they set off to civilization with a dog sled. They are saved by a government cruiser.

A Matter of Time (Cook novel)

The book has three distinct plot lines, set out in alternating chapters, and weaving back and forth in time. The reader, sharing the various points of view of the alternating characters, is in effect omniscient, knowing many things which are a mystery to the characters themselves.

First plot line ("The Y Axis")

The main plot line centers on Norman Cash, a middle-aged police detective sergeant at St. Louis, Missouri, and his younger partner John Harald. On 3 March 1975, the police is perplexed at finding a body on a snowbound street. The man had died of unclear causes, cannot be identified or accounted for by any investigation, is not on file anywhere and carried nothing on his body except for a handful of American coins from the early 20th century – the latest being a 1921 coin in mint condition.

The body was found near the home of an old lady of Central European origin named Fiala Groloch, who politely receives the police in her old-fashioned parlor, offering them tea. There is no evidence against her but Cash still feels suspicious – especially when records show the woman to be incredibly old, having lived in the same house continually since 1869. Also, old police records show that in 1921 a small-time criminal named Jack O'Brian disappeared mysteriously on the same spot; the police at the time suspected Groloch of killing him – since he had been her lover and badly abused her – but were never able to find the body. Some witnesses are found to testify that the body found in 1975 does strongly resemble the Jack O'Brian who disappeared in 1921. However, in order to link the two cases it must be assumed that time travel exists, a conclusion Cash's commander shies away from, for fear of being ridiculed should the story leak to the media, and Cash is ordered to take up other cases.

At the time, the fall of South Vietnam hits Cash hard, reviving the trauma of his soldier son Michael having gone missing in action in Vietnam back in 1967 and no certain information of his fate ever being found out. It increases the tie between Cash and his partner John, Michael's childhood friend who had been with him in Vietnam on the day he was lost.

After some time, Cash takes up the Groloch investigation again, and from a rather "loony" affair it becomes deadly serious and grim: evidence is discovered that at various times people who went into the old lady's house disappeared without a trace, including several armed gangsters; then Cash's partner John also disappears when attempting an unauthorized search of the house; when police raid the house in force, they find the old lady gone, and mysterious machinery hidden in the basement turns out to be bobby-trapped, exploding and causing more police casualties; then in another part of the town, the house of a doctor – also a refugee from Europe – burns and mysterious bodies are found in the wreckage – which seems somehow tied to the Groloch affair; and the CIA turns out to have a considerable interest in all these doings... Cash, now bitterly determined to settle accounts with the sinister Groloch, has one ace left up his sleeve: he knows of another Groloch who had been living for a century at Rochester, New York, assumes that the fugitive woman went there, and sets out in pursuit.

Second plot line ("The X Axis")

In a dystopian 2058, the world is in the grip of a totalitarian State in which Czechs are the top dogs, and the center of power is the fearsome headquarters of the Agency for State Security at Prague. The State's virtually invincible weapon is the Tachyon Displacement Data Transfer System by which the Agency can send messages into the past, warn itself of coming threats and take action to eliminate them. The system is tended by the brilliant Zumsteg brothers, Otho and Stephan, who are honest in their way and completely devoted to the State. But the psychotic Colonel Neulist, consumed with jealousy of the Zumstegs and angry because Otho's daughter Marda rejected his advances, bursts into the chamber and starts wildly shooting – causing the Tachyon system to explode. Everybody's physical bodies are destroyed, but the personalities of both the Zumstegs and their foe Neulist are hurled into the past.

The three Zumstegs find themselves in 1866, inhabiting the bodies of peasants in the then obscure village of Lidice; few people show an interest in the doings of these peasants while the great Battle of Königgrätz is fought some kilometers away. Knowing that Neulist might eventually appear in the past, the Zumstegs take the name of Groloch. In possession of advanced medical knowledge which can extend human lifespan to two hundred years and more, they decide to take the slow road back to their own time. Two of them cross the Atlantic and hole up in America, patiently waiting for the 21st century and for their beloved State to arise – Marda Zumsteg/Fiala Groloch in St. Louis, and her uncle Stephan, as Fian Groloch, in Rochester. The third, Otho Zumsteg/Fial Groloch, remains in Bohemia, taking up residence in the village of Lidice.

However, the vengeful Neulist does appear eventually and gets on his tracks. In 1942, it is the nefarious Neulist who manipulates the Nazi occupiers to destroy Lidice, causing one of the most notorious atrocities of World War II to be perpetrated just in order that his hated rival be among the victims. After the war, Neulist goes to America to settle accounts with the other two Zumstegs. He eventually gets on the trace in St. Louis, and is behind some of the sinister events which perplexed Sergeant Cash. When Fiala Groloch flees to Rochester, Neulist is also in hot pursuit of her.

Third plot line ("The Z Axis")

In Beijing, the genius psychologist and spy master Huang Hua had spent decades secretly improving the methods of brainwashing which had not worked out in the Korean War. With the outbreak of the Vietnam War, the Chinese get their North Vietnamese allies to secretly deliver some American prisoners to Huang's installation in the Gobi Desert.

Among these prisoners, considered MIA's in the US, is Sergeant Cash's son Michael Cash. Huang's techniques work on him and he becomes an ardent Maoist, committed to overthrowing American Imperialism and dreaming of himself becoming the American Mao. Huang decides to keep him and a few other Americans in China, while other brainwashed prisoners are sent back to Vietnam and eventually repatriated – to act as Chinese sleeper agents in the US.

Michael Cash rises high within the Chinese espionage system. Still, he remains flawed from Huang's point of view, being still motivated by personal feelings and not having achieved the requisite complete ruthlessness. In particular, he retains his friendship with a fellow-prisoner, Sergeant A.O."Snake" Cantrell. A fierce individualist resisting all authority, Capitalist or Communist alike, Cantrell proved immune to even the worse which Huang could do. He was destined to be sent to hard labor and die unknown in China – but Michael Cash connives at letting him join the repatriated prisoners, carrying back his knowledge of the Chinese brainwashing program. An observant journalist suspects that the returning POW's had been brainwashed and talks to Cantrell – but Cantrell refuses to be involved in anti-Communist propaganda, either, eventually ending up as a rock guitar player in Britain. Still, some editorials in the US point to the possibility of brainwashing, and Huang discovers the source of the leak.

Meanwhile, Michael Cash had been sent to Prague, to establish Chinese contacts with dissenting elements in the local Communist Party towards an eventual showdown between China and the USSR. He succeeds in the mission – but has also fallen deeply in love with his Czech Communist contact person, a woman named Ilse, left her bearing his child, and dreams hopelessly of building a life with her. However, Huang – far from open to his agent's romantic dreams – is furious at discovering Cash's having let Cantrell get away and endanger the entire program.

Michael Cash is sternly ordered to "correct his egoistic mistake" and himself go to Britain and assassinate his friend. Cash – knowing that refusal would lead to his liquidation and that Cantrell would then be killed anyway by another Chinese agent – goes through with shooting Cantrell by sniper rifle during a performance. However, he vows revenge on Huang, who had forced him into this "act of cannibalism".

Convegence of plot lines

The book's diverging plot lines come together with the explosive showdown at Rochester. Detective Cash catches up with the fugitive Grolochs, but their nemesis Neulist also comes on the scene. In the confrontation Norman Cash learns that his son Michael is still alive and is in China. Neulist fatally shoots the Grolochs and escapes. Before dying, Fiala Groloch – of whom Cash thought as an ancient old lady – reveals to Cash that in fact she is his great-granddaughter from the 21st century, and that his son Michael was her grandfather.

Michael Cash is destined to be one of the major figures of human history, as influential in the second half of the 20th century as Hitler was in its first half. When the Chinese and Russians embark on an all-out confrontation and smash each other up, Michael Cash would escape to Prague and – along with his Czech beloved, Ilse Zumsteg – would forge a new power hub centered on the Czech capital, becoming a world dictator of unprecedented power.

Having been given this shattering information, the shaken father Norman Cash is now in a position to change the course of history. He could still avert this entire future and redeem his lost son.

Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation

Sakurako Kujō is a genius beauty in her mid-twenties whose life is centered around one thing and one thing only: bones. With little tolerance for others, she would be completely isolated in her study full of skeletons if it weren't for high school boy Shotaro—her new assistant and constant companion. Why exactly she has taken a shine to him remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: Whenever the two go out together, the chances are high that they will come across a human corpse.

Legend of a Rabbit: The Martial of Fire

It has been a couple of years since Tu defeated Slash. Tu is now regarded as the protector of the village, defeating bandits and upholding justice. However, with no skills, Tu has to start training to harness the kung fu skills he inherited from the grandmaster. One day, Fu rescues an old injured warrior who turns out to be the evil Zhan. Zhan is badly injured and Fu decides to keep him safe because Zhan told him that he is in danger. This is just a plan as Zhan plans to take over the world of martial arts by acquiring a martial of fire from Lan of Huell Clan. Lan is the leader of Huell clan, who are the guardians of Martial of fire, and nobody can cross the barrier between martial and the temple of fire. Zhane fools Tu because only Tu, after getting the powers of Grandmaster Ape, can cross the barrier. Fu fails to save Laun and the martial of fire, and realizes he is just a lucky rabbit who happened to inherit the grandmaster's kung fu, but Penny encourages him to practice and go for it. He starts to practice hard with Laun and Penny, as they both know kung fu very well. Becky is also eventually able to join them in stopping Zhan's evil plan, as Becky has been thrown in a valley by Zhane. This finally makes Fu able to overthrow Zhan by holding the true harmony of the martial of fire.

The Broadway Malady

At a subway station, Krazy tries to get a ride on a train. But before he could get aboard, numerous commuters come and quickly fill the carriages. By the time the commuters are in, Krazy is flat on his front. A station worker tries to help him by pushing those inside to make more space. But as Krazy attempts to come in, he is overtaken by more outside commuters. The jam-packed train leaves the station.

Another train stops by moments later. This time Krazy chews some garlic pieces and blows a cloud wall which keeps the incoming commuters at bay. With this, Krazy boards the train with ease. But as he takes a seat, the commuters quickly come in until Krazy gets pushed out the door. Thankfully the station worker is generous to slip him back in. Krazy finally gets to ride as that train departs.

Krazy's train is so full that its cars bulge almost to the point of bursting. Nevertheless, it remains in one piece. And although he manages to get a ride, Krazy has to avoid getting smushed by the passengers. When the train reaches its destination, the passengers come out flat, and a station employee has to inflate them with a pump. Krazy is in a worse situation as he is in pieces similar to a jigsaw puzzle. The station employee puts him back together on time.

Exit (2011 film)

In the film, inhabitants of a city begin to believe they are living in a giant maze. They leave their lives behind to walk the streets opening doors, searching for the door they are convinced has been lost for thousands of years: the exit from the city. Whatever is behind it is the subject of contemplation and conflict in the film. The story focuses on one inhabitant, Alice, and her team that believes she has found it using a strange system of maps, symbols and measurements.

We Were Liars

Cadence Sinclair Eastman is the eldest grandchild of the wealthy Harris Sinclair. Although her family pretends to be perfect, Cadence knows that beneath the surface, wealth and privilege have taken an insidious toll on her family and that any unhappiness or odd behavior is ignored or repressed to perpetuate the image of refinement. Harris has three daughters, Cadence's mother Penny, and her aunts Carrie and Bess. Harris owns an island called Beechwood Island near Martha's Vineyard and has built a home for himself along with a house for each of his daughters.

The Sinclairs spend their summers on the island. Cadence and the other older cousins, Mirren, Johnny, along with Gat Patil (the nephew of Carrie's partner Ed) are known by the family as "The Liars". The summer Cadence is fifteen, which she refers to as Summer Fifteen, Gat and Cadence fall in love and begin a relationship.

During Summer Fifteen, Cadence suffers a serious head injury recalling only that she struck her head in the water. She loses most of her memories of that summer and begins to suffer from migraines. She also becomes addicted to Percocet and is forced to repeat a year at school. When she tries to reach out to her cousins she is ignored. Rather than allowing her to go to the island for the summer, Cadence's mother forces her to go on a tour of Europe with her father, with whom Cadence is no longer close to after he had an affair and abandoned the family.

During Summer Seventeen, Cadence is allowed to go back to the island and is surprised to find much has changed. Her controlling grandfather now suffers from dementia. His estate, Clairmont, has been replaced by New Clairmont, a cold architectural monstrosity that has none of the charms of the previous Clairmont. The Liars act strange around Cadence and refuse to talk about what happened in Summer Fifteen. They reject the idea of spending time at New Clairmont and instead camp out at Cuddledown, formerly the estate of Bess and her family.

Cadence begins to slowly remember events from the Summer Fifteen. She recalls that after her grandmother Tipper had died, her mother and aunts began to bicker over their inheritances. Though each woman had been given access to trust funds and education, none of them were able to earn a living independently and continued to depend on their controlling father to ensure their financial futures. Carrie had refused to marry Gat's uncle despite living together for nine years because Harris is opposed to her marrying a man of Indian descent. Cadence finally remembers that in Summer Fifteen, she proposed that she and the rest of the Liars should burn down Clairmont in order to get the family to stop feuding over the property. She is delighted with the idea that she was able to keep the family together until she recalls that the Liars forgot to release her grandfather's dogs, killing them. When she goes to Gat for comfort, he asks if she was able to recall anything else. Cadence realizes that Johnny, Mirren, and Gat all died in the fire. She goes to visit the Liars at Cuddledown where they tell her that their deaths were not her fault and reveal that they will no longer be able to appear to her, diving into the ocean and disappearing.

The Ruling Class (play)

After a speech at a dinner proposing a toast to England, the 13th Earl of Gurney is got ready for bed by his butler Tucker. This includes setting up a silken noose above his four-poster, which the Earl uses for a bizarre autoerotic asphyxiation ritual. He survives this the first time, but it goes wrong the second time he tries it and kills him.

His half-brother Sir Charles, Charles' wife Lady Claire and their son Dinsdale gather to hear the reading of the 13th Earl's will. Three of the Earl's sons have already died overseas in the British Empire and the one survivor, Jack, is in a mental institution and thought to be unable to be present. He has been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic prone to delusions of grandeur, caused or worsened by his time at boarding school, where he felt abandoned and victimized. As a subconscious defence against such abandonment, he developed a delusion that he was Jesus Christ returned to bring and embody love, so that people would have to love ''him'' in order to find peace and salvation.

The reading goes ahead - besides £30,000 left to Tucker and other bequests to eccentric charities, the relations are shocked to hear that the 13th Earl has left his title and estates not to Charles but to Jack, making him the 14th Earl. Jack arrives and asks for a moment of prayer, which actually turns into a conversation with himself, still thinking he is Jesus and God. Charles finds a loophole, that Jack can be sent back to the insane asylum so soon as he has married and begotten a sane heir to succeed him. However, Jack states he is already married, to La Dame aux Camélias, who he insists is a real person not a fictional character.

Charles has his long-time mistress Grace Shelly arrive in disguise as 'La Dame' and Jack agrees to her request for a 'second' wedding. This goes ahead, but Grace falls in love with Jack and becomes his ally. She also conceives a child by him, despite him spending their wedding night on a unicycle. Lady Claire also proves obstructive and begins an affair with Jack's psychiatrist Herder to try to persuade him to cure Gurney more quickly. Herder attempts to achieve this through intensive psychotherapy then - when this fails - resorts to shock therapy on the night that Grace goes into labour. This consists of bringing in another patient who also believed himself to be Christ, or, as the patient put it, "the God of electricity". Rather than drawing Jack to the conclusion that they cannot both be Christ, it causes him an apparent breakdown and he seemingly returns to his true identity as Jack Gurney.

Sir Charles, still intent on stealing the lordship, sends for a court psychiatrist to evaluate Gurney, confident that his nephew would be sent to an asylum for life. However, Jack puts up a front and plays on the psychiatrist being a fellow Etonian, getting himself declared sane. Jack also reveals to the audience that he has not been cured but instead switched to believing he is both the Old Testament God of vengeance and Jack the Ripper. Now a violent psychopath with a puritanical hatred of women, Gurney murders Sir Charles' wife in a fit of enraged revulsion when she tries to seduce him and frames Tucker (still working for the family) for the crime. Jack then assumes his place in the House of Lords with a fiery speech in favour of capital and corporal punishment. That night, Grace admits her love for him and he murders her for it.

We Built This Glee Club

While New Directions practice a dance routine for the imminent Sectionals competition, their new members from the Warblers complain that Roderick Meeks (Noah Guthrie) and Spencer Porter (Marshall Williams) are poor dancers, and will ruin the number. Kitty Wilde (Becca Tobin) suggests that they stay in the back for the good of the team, and they later go to her for help with their dancing. While they practice, Spencer injures his ankle. Football coach Sheldon Beiste diagnoses a very severe sprain, and recommends that he not compete, but Spencer insists that he be given a cortisone shot on the day of Sectionals despite the risk of permanent damage to his ankle.

Sam Evans (Chord Overstreet) continues to urge Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) to return to school at NYADA, while she seems more intent on accepting the role she has been offered on Broadway. Alone, she begins to sing and is joined by former boyfriend and rival Jesse St. James (Jonathan Groff), who tells her that he is the male lead in that Broadway musical and urges her to take the part. Later, Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) and Rachel talk, and he tells her that she has the rare chance to revisit her decision of a year ago and take a different path, though he will support her whatever she decides.

Boxes placed in the choir room turn out to be glitter bombs, which inundate the room and destroy the piano. People throughout the school are vomiting, and Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) discovers that Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) tainted the water supply and sent the bombs. She also firebombs his car. Will gets his revenge by masquerading as Sue's hairdresser and forcibly shaving her head bald.

At Sectionals, the Falconers go first, performing with live falcons. Vocal Adrenaline, coached by Sue who is wearing a wig resembling her normal hair, does an elaborate performance with set pieces, ending their final song with a pair of human cannonballs. Rachel leads New Directions in a show circle pep talk before their set. Spencer is about to get his cortisone shot, but Roderick stops him, and offers another plan: Spencer appears in "Chandelier" by swinging in on one of the stage's chandeliers, and sings and dances in the final number while on crutches. After the judges deliberate, New Directions wins Sectionals, with an angry Vocal Adrenaline in second place.

Afterward, Sue meets Will and claims that because Will was one of the few people to stand up for her during the recent television exposé of her by Geraldo Rivera, she planned her pranks to help New Directions perform better, and deliberately sabotaged Vocal Adrenaline by devising a performance that would alienate the judges. Rachel finds Jesse in the auditorium, and tells him that she has decided to return to NYADA, and has turned down the Broadway role. Jesse is disappointed but understanding, and they kiss. New Directions says goodbye to Rachel as they place the Sectionals trophy in their trophy case, and decide to also bring back the trophies from past years. Sue observes this from the hallway with a small smile.

The Katnips of 1940

Krazy is a dance instructor who is teaching moves to a quartet of clowns wearing leotards and high-heeled pumps. When the clowns are having trouble following his instructions, Krazy puts ropes on their legs to show them how to move.

Momentarily, a Swedish girl with a blond spiral hair comes out of a dance school only a few yards away before entering Krazy's studio. The Swedish girl comes to Krazy, and shows him her dance skills. Krazy, however, isn't interested and therefore turns her down as he is expecting a famous soprano to arrive. The Swedish girl then shows her singing skills by letting out a high tone that jolts Krazy off his feet. But Krazy still turns her down. The Swedish girl then demonstrates her acting skills as she goes into a movable balcony, and recites some romantic poems. To keep her away, Krazy raises and sets the balcony to the peak. The Swedish girl screams in horror upon seeing no way down.

A fancy car arrives just outside the studio minutes later. Exiting the vehicle is the soprano whom Krazy was waiting for. The soprano comes to Krazy, and sings a few notes for demonstration. The Swedish girl, who is still up on the movable balcony, applauds the soprano's test act. The Swedish girl is also leaning forward too much before falling off the platform and onto the soprano. The soprano is deformed as a result, and even has a distorted voice. The soprano leaves the scene embarrassed. Krazy has no choice but to pick the Swedish girl for the show.

Later that night, the scene shows the outside of the theater with a banner of the event called "The Katnips of 1940." The name of the soprano on the banner is also shown being replaced by that of the Swedish girl. The event is started by a group of singing can can dancers. Next it is the turn of the Swedish girl to take center stage. The Swedish girl, wearing a fedora, is at first too hesitant to step into the limelight but thankfully Krazy literally gives her a push. The Swedish girl sings, dances, and plays castanets on the stage with complete fluency. Krazy, also wearing a fedora, joins her on stage seconds afterward. With three flawless performances, both of them receive applause. After the lights move away from them and back, Krazy and the Swedish girl are seen dressed like Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty respectively.

Dots and Dashes

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 1, 1910. It states: "May Wilson and Jack Preston are employed at a downtown brokerage office, she as telegraph operator of the private wire of the firm, and he as head bookkeeper. The young people are fond of each other, and at the opening of the play have just made an engagement to spend the evening in each other's company at one of the theatres. May has been teaching Jack mysteries of the Morse code and is greatly pleased when she finds that he has so far mastered it as to be able to rap back an answer to her messages. After May has left the office for the day, the head of the firm calls Jack into his private office and there confides to him that there is something wrong with the books of the concern, and tells Jack to investigate. On looking into the matter, Jack discovers that his fellow worker, Carson, is the defaulter, and accuses him to his face. Alone in the office, Carson begs Jack to shield him, while Jack insists that he must make their employer conversant with the facts. As Jack leans far into the large safe to deposit the ledgers of the firm, Bill thrusts him inside, and turning the knob entombs him alive in the steel prison. Trembling with fear at his act, Bill steals cautiously from the office."

"May, becoming impatient when theatre time arrives and Jack fails to call for her, decides that he must still be working at the office, forgetful of the lateness of the hour. She proceeds to the office to remind him of his appointment, and finding it deserted, she is about to leave, when muffled groans reach her from the safe. She realizes that it must be her sweetheart who is imprisoned, and that unless she can free him in short order, he will surely die of suffocation. Not knowing the combination of the safe, and being unable to reach by telephone her employer, she suddenly conceives the idea that if by telegraphic signal she can make known to the man in the safe that she is there, trying to help him, he in his turn can in the same code give her the combination of the safe. This plan works out successfully, the two lovers tapping out their messages against the steel sides of the safe. The door of the safe finally yields to the combination, and Jack's apparently lifeless body rolls to the floor of the office. May revives him, and amid tears and laughter they rejoice over Jack's narrow escape. Haunted by the fear of what he has done, Bill creeps stealthily back into the office, opens the door of the safe, impelled to learn its horrible secret. As the door opens he is confronted by two officers of the law, who place him under arrest."

Coolie Killer

Ko Tat-fu (Charlie Chin), leader of a coolie killer group in Sai Ying Pun who specializes in assassinations in countries, is now the boss of a shipping company in Central, Hong Kong. However, one time, after an ambushed by a group of killers which left four of his underlings dead, he re-assumed his old profession. Ko believes the ambush was related to his refusal of a recent contract to kill someone in Hong Kong. He asks his lover, Hung-kam (Lisa Chiao Chiao) to investigate in to this, but she commits suicide. Ko is determined to battle for the truth. During a rainy night, when Ko takes out his foes, he ends his legendary and romantic life.

Crazy Beautiful You

Jackie (Kathryn Bernardo) is a troubled, nineteen-year-old wild child, much to the dismay of her separated parents. Her only interest lies within photography, and she hopes that she can one day move to New York to study and escape her complicated life. One night, Jackie is thrown in jail after crashing her car while drag racing with some other teenagers. Finally fed up of Jackie's reckless antics, her father sends her off to spend time with her mother (Lorna Tolentino) on a medical mission camp in Tarlac. Both her parents are hopeful that the experience will straighten her out. Jackie, however, has no intention of following through with orders and tries to sneak out of the house, only to be stopped by her older brother who was sent by their mother to collect her.

During the car trip, Jackie points out that she never got over the fact that her mother didn't take her with her when she left her father. Jackie convinces her brother to stop for a bathroom break at a marketplace where she attempts to escape yet again. Here she meets the lively Kiko (Daniel Padilla), who helps her retrieve her mobile phone from a thief. She offers to pay Kiko to take her to the nearest bus terminal so she can head back to Manila; however, she is shocked when he takes her to a hotel where her mother is waiting for her. It is revealed that Kiko knew who Jackie was all along and is one of the coordinators for the volunteer medical mission. He had been assigned by both Jackie's mother and the mayor of the town (who is also his father), to act as Jackie's escort and guide on the trip.

While at the hotel, in one last bid to escape, Jackie manages to trick Kiko and proceeds to take his car. It is only when she's driving for some time that she discovers Kiko's younger brother is in the car. She drops him off intending to leave him; however, guilt gets the better of her and she stays with him until Kiko finds them and takes them back. Later on, Kiko is seen bailing his carefree mother out of jail. At the mayor's house, Kiko tells Jackie that while the mayor is his father he does not live there as he has a different family. He, however, lives with his mother and three younger siblings, acting as head of the family. It is here also that Jackie becomes acquainted with Marcus (Iñigo Pascual), Kiko's brother, via video call. Marcus, currently studying abroad, had first noticed Jackie after seeing her in Manila while she was drag racing, and has been infatuated with her ever since.

Back at the hotel, Jackie's mother makes a deal with her that if she completes the full period of the medical mission, she will fund Jackie's studies in New York and give her the freedom she desperately seeks. The next day, Kiko takes Jackie to the medical mission in a remote mountain community where she initially finds it difficult to adjust to the conditions. After her mother arrives at the medical mission, Jackie becomes visibly upset after seeing her being openly affectionate with the children she is treating. Jackie runs off, and her mother follows after which she demands to know the reason why she was the one left behind. Her mother reveals that she made multiple attempts to take Jackie with her; however, her father prevented any previous contact. Jackie voices her struggle with growing up without her mother and expresses her inability to forgive her. She walks off, determined to finally leave once and for all, only to be followed by Kiko.

Kiko scolds Jackie for her constant wallowing in self-pity when others are suffering too. Kiko then receives an frantic call from his younger brother that his sister Nene (Andrea Brillantes) is bleeding for an unknown reason. Jackie drives Kiko back and helps out his sister, after learning that she had just gotten her period. Kiko thanks Jackie for her help and takes her to the bus terminal; however, she has a change of heart and goes back to the medical mission to fulfil her deal for her New York plans.

Jackie begins to put more effort into the mission and becomes closer to the people of the community. She also manages to patch things up with her mother and soon, she and Kiko find themselves falling in love. Marcus returns from the U.S early and visits the medical mission. He and Kiko end up competing for Jackie's affection, and Kiko decides to give Jackie up out of love for his brother. Jackie directly and firmly rejects Marcus' advances, because she is in love with Kiko. Hurt that Kiko would give her up so easily, she confronts him for not fighting for love and leaves for Manila. Meanwhile, Marcus confronts Kiko for always being the better of the two of them and a fight ensues, broken up by their father and his wife. Kiko finally talks to his father and asks him to fight for him too, because he is also his son. Heartbroken, Jackie and Kiko have both gone their separate ways.

The mayor finally decides to establish more of a father-son relationship with Kiko, while Jackie has decided not to go to New York but to help her mother in her charitable works. Marcus and Kiko reconcile and they go to Manila to find Jackie again. Kiko calls Jackie and manages to find her in Manila. He admits his feelings for her and the two become a couple. The movie ends in a romantic shot of Jackie and Kiko happily.

Orange Marmalade

Vampires were once hunted to extinction, but for the last 200 years there’s a peace treaty between humans and vampires. Now vampires are living amongst the humans hiding their nature by drinking only pig blood. However, vampires are still predators by nature and still desire human blood.

This is a story about a vampire named Baek Ma-ri, who tries to conceal her identity from the world. Seeing vampires as monsters, the humans shun them and wish that they would die out already. Until one day, Jae-min's sweet-smelling blood made Ma-ri lose control of herself, resulting in a new sweet beginning.

New York Nights 2: Friends For Life

The plot centers around the protagonist (whose gender is chosen by the player), who has gone to New York City to be with their sibling. In the airport, the protagonist's cab is taken by someone else who punches them, causing them to get dizzy and eventually get hit by a limousine owned by a famous actor. The actor then sends the player to their apartment in Greenwich where the protagonist meets their sibling who tells them that they should look for a roommate due to lack of money for rent. After they find a roommate, they get a job as a dancer at a prestigious nightclub in Times Square. After paying the rent to the landlord's child, the character seeks a job opportunity as a stock trader in Wall Street.

After acquiring the trader job, the protagonist's sibling reunites them with their high school sweetheart. They go on 3 dates and then go steady (if the player already has a lover, this will not happen). The protagonist's sibling tells them to go to Chinatown to celebrate; there they see the actor being robbed by a thug. They help the actor only to realize that they intruded the filming set of the actor's new film. At the apartment, they are given a surprise birthday party where the protagonist befriends the friends of their lover. After spending the night together, the protagonist's sweetheart prepares breakfast only to hear the actor calling the character to the nightclub over a phone call using seductive words. This infuriates the lover, who then leaves the player character. After meeting with the actor, the player is introduced to a famous NYC agent who gives them an offer in exchange of the player being used as publicity for the actor.

The actor/actress forces the player character to break up with their lover during the premiere of the actor/actress's movie. As the protagonist walks along the red carpet, their sibling and lover arrive at the gate and crash the event and demand that the player come back to them. The player must make a decision whether to take the contract with the actor or go with their sibling, lover, and friends.

One ending, where the player character chooses their friends reveals that the actor burned the contract and that the protagonist is very happy and content with their life. The other ending has the player character choosing the actor and becoming big time in NYC as they become successful in the city together with the actor declaring their true feelings for the player.

La gorilla

Misadventures of the bodyguard Ruby, a muscular girl is in love with a shy designer in spite of her father, the owner of the security agency Securitas, who would want her married to more rich and important pretenders.

Al bar dello sport

Misadventures of Lino, a penniless Apulian immigrant in Turin, after he won 1.3 billion lire at Totocalcio.

Rice Girl

Pietro, the owner of a large paddy, recognizes among his young workers Elena, his natural daughter. He then begins to follow her and to protect her, causing misunderstandings in his family.

Refuge (2012 film)

After her parents disappear, Amy drops out of college to care for her two younger siblings. Sam, a man with whom Amy has had a one-night stand, requests to rent space at Amy's house, and a romance develops between the two.

Salvo D'Acquisto (film)

Real life events of the Carabinieri member Salvo D'Acquisto, who during the Nazi occupation of Rome saved 22 civilians from being executed by German soldiers.

The Invaders (miniseries)

Former Air Force officer Nolan Wood, an inmate in prison for manslaughter charges, meets David Vincent (from the original TV series) while both are in prison. Vincent tells Nolan a fantastic story about the alien conspiracy to control the world. Wood begins to have visions about aliens and UFOs.

Later, Wood (Bakula), now a recently released convict, is taken over by aliens. He thinks he is able to throw off their control with the help of nurse Garza (Pena). In fact the control and Wood's apparent successful resistance and visions are part of a plot by the aliens to kill a Harvard ecologist.

With knowledge of the aliens plot, Wood must save a presidential candidate on a train that is out of control

Fire and Stone

''Fire and Stone – Prometheus''

A journey funded by Weyland-Yutani corporation sees a captain Angela lead her team on a discovery mission to planet LV-223. A small group lands on the planet on a shuttle craft and survey the planet to find remnants of a black goo which caused the barren planet they were to survey to evolve into a jungle with alien lifeforms including the protagonist Alien.

A scientist on the survey team Francis, along with synth Elden find discovery notes on the black goos power to cause rapid evolution. The survey team find an Engineer ship along the way and encounter an Engineer. Galgo a swarthy character finds an Engineer developed gun and keeps it. The survey team also discover the Engineers laboratory where they were breeding aliens. The scientist meanwhile plagued with cancer injects the black goo substance into Elden to visualise what the effect would be. Elden then transforms into a semi robotic and fleshy humanoid and subsequently chases down Francis after feelings of being betrayed.

The survey team encounter different aliens on their journey fighting them while responding to their landed shuttle craft now under attack by the same aliens. Angela orders Galgo to apprehend Francis due to his experiment on Elden. Elden has since been evolving further into a merged flesh and metal being and leads aliens into the shuttle craft where the aliens kill the crew. During this time Galgo commandeers with 2 other team mates and kills the crew of a rescue shuttle from the space ship they arrived in and escapes the planet. The remaining survey team survivors Angela and 2 others then set off to safety where Francis originally discovered a base camp of scientific information regarding the black blob and relax.

''Fire and Stone – Aliens''

Set concurrently around the same time as ''Aliens'', the narrative begins prior to the arrival of the colonial marines as seen in the film, during the Xenomorph infestation of the Hadley's Hope colony on LV-426. As the Xenomorphs ravage the colony, engineer Derrick Russell and greenhouse specialist Genevieve Dione attempt to lead other colonists to safety. To do so, they seek to acquire transportation to evacuate survivors from the surface. The survivors enlist the help of Nolan Cale, a scavenger and pilot in possession of a small freighter known as the Onager. However, the Onager is only capable of short-range flights, imposing constraints on the survivors' escape plan. While the colonists board the freighter, Cale notices several xenomorphs that manage to stow away aboard one of the ship's cargo bulkheads. However, afraid of being marooned on LV-426 should he remain behind to decouple the infested cargo bulkhead, Cale abstains from informing the survivors and gives the all-clear for the ship to depart.

Because of the ship's limited flight range, the Onager lands on LV-223, a nearby planetoid within the same sector as LV-426. The survivors plan to hold out with the provisions aboard the ship and use a distress beacon to flag down rescue. However, the colonists inadvertently unlock the infested cargo bulkhead, and the concealed xenomorphs emerge, killing some of the survivors. Outmatched and helpless, the survivors are forced to abandon their supplies and flee into the nearby jungle.

Over the next several weeks, the group continues to traverse the surface of LV-223, constantly being pursued by the xenomorphs. As the survivors' numbers dwindle, Dione, becoming the group's self-appointed leader, urges that they erect defenses and frequently seek safety whenever possible. However, Cale dissents and insists that the remaining survivors mount an offensive to reclaim the supplies from the Onager and kill the Xenomorphs.

As Cale and Dione continue to bicker over the group's course of action, and the xenomorphs continue to whittle down the group's numbers, Russell becomes increasingly distant from the group affairs. Having stumbled upon a probe from the ''Prometheus'' expedition decades ago, Russell analyzes the data from the probe and finds that the current landscape of LV-223 has changed drastically from what it was at the time of the previous expedition. Russell deduces that the enigmatic black substance that the members of the Prometheus expedition encountered acted as a catalyst that expedited the evolution of the environment on the planet from a barren, rocky wasteland to a lush jungle setting. Russell also explores a crashed ship of the "Engineer" species encountered in the film, and finds a dormant Engineer in stasis, although much to his dismay, he is unable to wake it. Russell continues to compile his findings and stores notes and work in a cave situated within a mountain that the xenomorphs are wary of approaching. Although he reports his discoveries to the group, Russell's findings are dismissed as unimportant in comparison to the immediate goal of survival.

As the group endeavors to survive by scavenging for food, a few of the members on a fishing excursion at a lake are attacked by xenomorphs. One of the survivors, Luis, is dragged beneath the lake after a scuffle with a Xenomorph and in the process, both are fused together as one organism- a product of the black substance that Russell is investigating. After Cale kills the Luis-Xenomorph hybrid, Cale is unable to withstand his emotions of guilt and confesses to the group of his role in the group's dire situation, having failed to inform them during the escape from LV-426 of the presence of xenomorphs aboard the Onager. An enraged Dione berates him for his incompetence, but Cale vows to redeem himself by leading a group of survivors to attack the xenomorphs guarding the Onager and recovering the distress transmitter. Cale and his group ultimately fail in their attempt, and during the battle, he is exposed to the black substance.

The mutated Cale leads the xenomorphs back to the survivors' camp, where a massacre ensues as Dione and the last of the survivors are wiped out. Russell, now the sole remaining member of the group, continues to take refuge in his cave and focuses on his studies of the LV-223 environment. However, as the days pass, he becomes increasingly unstable and erratic from weeks of isolation, and a diagnosis from the probe reveals that he is afflicted with brain tumors. Russell also notes that the mutant Cale experiences conflict with the xenomorphs.

Russell buries the deceased members of the group, but is assaulted by Cale, who Russell kills with a stake. The struggle attracts the attention of the xenomorphs, and as Russell attempts to flee, he becomes injured and is unable to reach his mountain hideout. With the xenomorphs poised for the kill, and a puddle of the black substance within reach, Russell reaches out, believing that it can save him. The narrative cuts off as the xenomorphs emit a roar, leaving Russell's fate unknown.

''Fire and Stone – Alien vs. Predator''

Following the events of Fire and Stone - Prometheus, Galgo since escaped the planet LV-223 with Francis apprehended along with 2 other survivors is pursued by Elden who has since taken over the original space ship the crew arrived on the planet with, with aliens onboard. Elden is now rapidly evolving into a more stronger being and more humanlike. The aliens from planet LV-223 also seem to ignore or listen to him for the most part. Elden then uses the capital ship to remotely power down systems on the shuttlecraft piloted by Galgo and requests Francis as ransom. Galgo then takes a spare shuttlecraft and arrives on the capital ship. Sometime during the backdrop the silhouette figures of the predators can be seen onboard the capital ship.

Elden follows Francis and Galgo back to the ship, unleashing the pack of xenomorphs upon the ship. Galgo gives up Francis, abandoning him for Elden to find. Amidst the chaos, a hunting party of predators shows up to hunt the xenomorphs. Galgo and his crew retreat, being unknowingly followed by one of the predators. Meanwhile, the predators encounter Elden. They shoot him, to no effect. When one attempts to tackle him, he sprouts a mouth on his stomach, and bites it. He violently kills another, prompting another predator to mark him with the blood of a xenomorph. The Predator proceeds to offer up his ritual knife as a trophy, with Elden rejecting it. Elden proceeds on his mission to find Francis. Suddenly the xenomorphs turn on Elden, nearly injuring him. One of the predators saves Elden from his attackers and lends him a weapon. The predator accidentally breaches the hull of the ship, killing itself. Elden floats back to the ship, to resume his search. Francis hides in the vents, dying of cancer. He briefly encounters Elden, but escapes. Elden later gets onto Francis's trail, when Francis springs a trap on him, taking some of his blood, in hopes it would cure him. Elden yells at him that he will feel nothing but pain, but Francis injects the blood into himself anyway. He begins to violently mutate. Meanwhile, the predator that was bitten by Elden mutates and kills a member of its hunting party. Elden and Francis encounter the creature, and fight it. They win by ripping it in half. Francis starts to die. As he dies he tells Elden that he is his legacy, and that he should do as he chooses with his eternal life.

''Fire and Stone – Predator''

The Predator named "Ahab" by the protagonist Galgo hides in invisibility among the escaped crew of the ship escaping Eldens command ship. Ahab fights and traps Galgo forcing him to descend to planet LV-223 so that it may hunt the Engineer on the planet. Tethering Galgo to himself through Ahabs wrist attachment the pair descend to planet LV-223 where after a series of encounters with aliens and also the former crew from Prometheus Fire and stone, the pair eventually lure the Engineer onto the ship they arrived in and detonate it. Without a way to escape the planet Ahab then parts ways with Galgo and continues to hunt beings on the planet, while Galgo reunited with former captain Angela continue on their unknown journey to safety.

''Fire and Stone – Omega''

Angela, along with Galgo and 2 other survivors are left surviving off any food they can acquire foraging the planet with regular encounters with Ahab assisting them in hunting. Soon Elden descends onto the planet in a crashed ship. The survivors including Ahab all meet up when a plan from Angela involves finding a means of entering the mountain they setup base in as a beacon is inside. The characters then find a ship filled with aliens and after an encounter with them continue along to the mountain base. The team use the ship to puncture a hole into the mountain after which they come to the realisation the mountain is alive and evolved from the original Weyland-Yutani crashed vessel hosting Welyand himself. An encounter causes Elden to merge with the mountain to allow the characters to escape to the other side from which they end up against a barren landscape away from the evolved jungle landmass and into the moons barren surface. The characters including Ahab stand against the backdrop pondering their fate.

The Misfits (2011 film)

A solitary boy does not want to live anymore until he meets a girl who pretends it to be a "Star" player. An arrogant Attorney receives a lesson by staying stuck in an elevator with a maid servant out of series. A "computer-freak" make an appointment blindly on the internet, the stranger turns out to be not as "unknown". Five elders decide to kill boredom and are planning to Rob a bank.

The Cutting Room (film)

College students Raz, Charlie and Jess are about to start work on their end of year Media Studies project unaware of a malevolent force lurking deep below their sleepy town. A recent wave of apparent Cyberbullying and the disappearance of two local girls lead the group to an abandoned army barracks situated deep in the forests that surround the college. What they find there is a terrifying labyrinth of tunnels from which there seems no escape and a dark figure hell bent on tormenting them. Hunted, frightened and lost, Raz, Charlie and Jess must now escape the barracks or suffer the unspeakable fate that awaits them.

Arcana (film)

In a neighborhood in Milan, Ms. Tarantino, a widow, lives with her son and dedicates herself to practices of spiritualism. Convinced that his mother knows the true secrets of magic and not just some tricks, the son forces her to reveal them. He will use them against a young girl to be married, Marisa, and he will also spread panic in the neighbourhood, causing accidents of all kinds.

Happy Slapping (film)

Five suburban youths embark on a night of violence in the city, attacking unsuspecting victims while recording the assaults on smartphones. They seek out fame by creating an evening so shocking that their camera phone footage will turn them into instant Internet celebrities. After they are rivaled by another gang and intimidated by their online idol, they are forced to take their mischief up a notch if they want to make a name for themselves.

Bilal: A New Breed of Hero

Bilal lives a peaceful life with his mother and his younger sister in the outskirt of the village until the Byzantine soldiers come, enslave them and killed his mother.

During his childhood, he is sold as a slave to the richest man in the city of Mecca, Umayyah, one of the Quraysh's leaders. While getting water for his master, he encounters Okba, another of Quraysh's leaders, who is persuading the people of Mecca to come to his shop and buy various types of idols from him, and the mysterious and masked Charlatan Priest, who tricks people to give their money to him with promises that the idols will grant them all of their desires.

In another part of the city, Safwan, Umayyah's son, is bullying Ghufaira, Bilal's sister, along with his friends and is about to shoot her with an arrow when Bilal intervenes and saves her. Umayyah hears about this from one of his merchants and reminds Bilal of his status with brutality before ordering the guards to whip him. After that, Umayyah slaps Safwan for losing to a slave and embarrassing him.

One day, Bilal meets and befriends a white horse, whom he rides until he reaches adulthood. He becomes friends with Saad, a skilled archer. On his way back to Umayyah's mansion, he stops a hungry young boy from stealing from the idol's bowl to spare him a beating from the Meccan Priest's guards. He gives the boy his own food instead. His act of kindness is seen by Abu Bakr, a man who believes in equality for everyone and sees greatness in Bilal. However, Bilal doubts him and his beliefs, unable to see a future where slaves are treated with fairness. Unbeknownst to both of them, Safwan's servant d been watching them while they were having their conversation.

After receiving a gift from Sohaib, a slave of Persian origin purchased from the Roman lands, which is actually the gift from his master to Umayyah, Bilal is told to sing at Umayyah's feast at night. He leaves after his song to the sound of his master's friends mockingly praising, laughing and insulting his late mother. The next day, Bilal goes back to Abu Bakr to ask for clarity and accepts his beliefs that there is only one God. He also learns that even people like Umayyah are slaves as well, their master being "greed".

At the next feast celebrating Safwan's first success as a merchant, another Quraysh leader named Abu al-Hakam, warned Umayyah of the new movement opposing them. Upon learning from al-Hakam that some of his fellow merchants are beginning to join the new movement, Umayyah is enraged by this and demands to know of anymore traitors among his ranks. Seeing the opportunity, Safwan accuses Bilal of being part of the new movement. After being questioned by his master, Bilal then defies Umayyah and is taken to a cage where he is tortured everyday in an effort to force him to renounce his claims. One day, Umayyah comes and offers him an opportunity to be a spy against the movement. Bilal does not yield and is then taken out to the public where he is chained in front of the Meccans. A large boulder is put on top of him to slowly crush him, but he was saved by Abu Bakr who buys him from his oppressive master.

Ghufaira, however, was given to Safwan by his father as a gift. He chooses not to sell her just to torture Bilal mentally. Three months later, after being sold off to his new master, Abu Bakr frees Bilal. Bilal is then taught how to fight with a sword by Hamza, who is the foster brother, paternal uncle and also one of the companions of the movement's leader, while also traveling with them up north, fleeing from the persecution of the Meccans. One year later, after the migration to the great city of Yathrib, now renamed as Medina, Safwan sends Bilal a lock of Ghufaira's hair. Bilal immediately rides back to Mecca after receiving it, followed by Hamza. They find a part of the city on fire, where many who are part of the new movement are slaughtered by order of Umayyah and his fellow corrupted merchants. Bilal hurries to Umayyah's mansion and is caught by the guards. Safwan then shows him a coin that Ghufaira had been keeping safe for Bilal. However, the coin is drenched in blood, implying that Ghufaira has been killed. Just as the guards are about to execute Bilal, Hamza steps in and saves him, after which they both successfully escape back to Medina.

A year later, two more cities join the new movement like Medina, resulting in Umayyah and his merchants deciding to declare war on them for threatening the Meccans' power. In the midst of the battle, Bilal faces Umayyah and asks that they end war for the sake of peace. However, Umayyah refuses and is killed by Bilal. Due to the deaths of Umayyah and al-Hakam in the battle as well as help from divine warriors who come to the movement's aid, the army of Qurayshi Meccans quickly fall into disorganization and are subsequently defeated.

The death of Umayyah spreads fast in every city and the angry Safwan prepares for revenge with his troops from various allying cities of the peninsula. A year later, Hamza dies in another battle against the Qurayshi warriors of Mecca, becoming a martyr along with those who were killed in the battle.

Many years later, most of the cities in Arabia have fallen and only Mecca remains opposing the newly-emerged and unified polity. The High Priest of Mecca is dead after an attempt to please the idols by fasting. However, his attempt ends in vain and all idols of Mecca have proven to be powerless. Bilal confronts Safwan during the conquest of Mecca, and asks why he had to kill Ghufaira. It was then revealed that Ghufaira was alive. Safwan reiterates Bilal's words, that a man is judged by his actions and says that freeing Ghufaira will be his one act of morality. Bilal spares Safwan, leaves his chamber and encourages him to continue on this path.

After Bilal and Ghufaira reunite, Safwan hears the noise coming from the city's holy site and comes out to see Bilal call for prayer at the Kaaba after the statue of Hubal and the other idols have been removed.

While the Door Was Locked

In an apartment building at an address in Östermalm, Stockholm the residents and their guests each play their part in a night full of drama, while the door is locked.

Victoria (Mexican TV series)

This telenovela tells the adventures of Victoria a foreign girl who comes to Mexico with the aim of finding a husband, clearly these situations are rare with a dose of melodrama and comedy that gave freshness to the story, despite not being a success equaled the success of the original, this according to critics of the lack of independence between one and the other because they were exactly alike.

City Under Siege (1974 film)

Michele Parrino (Enrico Maria Salerno) is a grouchy, solitary, sickly but legitimate police commissioner in Turin. Parrino, helped by boozer journalist of ''La Stampa'' Paolo Ferrero (Luciano Salce) and supported by his wealthy girlfriend Cristina (Françoise Fabian), shall investigate about a murder of a young woman, daughter of a rich man.

Also if his city appear like an historical and industrial center, with a lot of rich family, Parrino's investigations discover another reality: a deceiver city, when the most rich capitalists live in luxury surrounded by vices, and the common people live of illusions. At the end, Parrino succeed to foil a prostitution and narcotics ring, but in the attempt of arrest the bosses (well-known aristocrats and industrialists), Parrino is transferred to the ''Guardia di Finanza'' and the Ferrero's article is blocked by his director.

For revenge, Parrino and Ferrero go to Teatro Regio as guests, but with the only goal of taunt the crime lords giving to them compromising sexual photos. Finally, Parrino and Ferrero distance themselves from the theatre to a dark night.

Golden Harvest (film)

An ambitious grain trader Chris Martin (Chester Morris), who through fair and foul means corners the wheat market and becomes a millionaire. Outgrowing his humble farm beginnings, Chris makes a bid for respectability by marrying Chicago socialite Cynthia Flint (Genevieve Tobin). Meanwhile, Chris's ex-sweetheart Ellen (Julie Haydon) marries his down-to-earth brother Walt (Richard Arlen), who has chosen to remain on the family farm. Inevitably, the two brothers find themselves on opposite sides when Chris's greed overtakes his common sense.

The War Lord (I Spy)

Kelly Robinson and Alexander Scott are assigned to rescue Katherine Faulkner, the daughter of a highly influential British arms producer, who has been kidnapped by a Chinese warlord in Burma; however, when they arrive, they find that not only was the kidnap a hoax, but Katherine is the War Lord's lover.

After Sundown (2006 film)

After a female corpse in perfect condition is exhumed, two funeral home employees remove a wooden stake from it. The corpse instantly revives and reveals itself as a vampire. Sensing the return of his bride, the vampire who created her, an Old West gunslinger, comes to the town and begins to turn the people into zombies that serve his will.

Meet the Prince

A bankrupt Russian prince (Schildkraut) and princess (Faye) come to New York's Lower East Side to escape a revolution at home. They hatch a plan to marry rich Americans. While pretending to be rich, the prince falls in love with a poor girl (De La Motte), who herself is trying to marry for money. The prince ends up marrying the poor girl, and his sister marries a butler, but they are all happily in love.

Miracle in Harlem

A young woman is suspected of killing the business magnate who swindled her out of her family run candy business.

Tomb Raider (film)

Following the disappearance of her father, Lord Richard Croft, Lara Croft makes a living as a bike courier. She is arrested after a collision with a police car. Richard's business partner Ana Miller posts her bail and urges Lara to accept her inheritance. Lara believes her father to still be alive, but Miller warns Lara that if she does not claim her inheritance, the family estate, Croft Manor, will be sold off. Lara reluctantly accepts and gains access to a secret chamber in her father's tomb, where she finds a pre-recorded video message from Richard detailing his research into Himiko, the mythical Queen of Yamatai who was said to command the power over life and death. Richard warns Lara to destroy his research, but she ignores his warnings and investigates further.

Not yet having received her inheritance Lara is forced to pawn the jade pendant her father gave her. With the money Lara travels to Hong Kong where she hires Lu Ren, captain of the ship ''Endurance'', to sail into the Devil's Sea and the island of Yamatai. The ship capsizes in a violent storm and Lara has washed ashore where she is knocked unconscious. She awakens only to encounter Mathias Vogel, the leader of an expedition to locate Himiko's tomb. The expedition has been funded by a shadowy organization called Trinity, which seeks to harness and weaponize Himiko's power. Vogel takes Lara prisoner, claiming that he killed her father and revealing that he intends to use Richard's research to continue his expedition. He adds Lara and Lu Ren to his slave force. The two of them try to escape, but only Lara succeeds.

After surviving rapids and narrowly avoiding falling over a waterfall with the wreck of a wartime airplane, Lara is forced to kill a Trinity guard after nightfall. She follows a mysterious figure through the jungle and discovers that the figure is her father, who stayed on the island to prevent Trinity from finding Himiko's tomb. After Lara convinces him that she is real and not a figment of his imagination, Richard treats her injuries. Despite his protests, Lara sets off the next morning to steal Vogel's satellite phone. Lara makes contact with Lu Ren, and he, along with the other slaves, stage a distraction that allows Lara to infiltrate the Trinity camp and take the phone. In the ensuing chaos, Lu Ren commandeers an assault rifle, provides cover for the escapees, and guns down several Trinity soldiers, while Richard makes his way to Himiko's tomb but is captured by Vogel, who persuades Lara to open the tomb, something she has prepared for since she was a child. At that point, the entrance to the tomb self-destructs and falls away, allowing the party to enter the tomb which has not been seen for over two thousand years.

The party navigates a series of booby traps and locates Himiko's sarcophagus. When a Trinity soldier attempts to remove her corpse, he is infected by a highly infectious pathogen that reduces him to an aggressive, necrotic zombie. Lara realizes that Himiko was an asymptomatic carrier of the virus, who chose to entomb herself so that she could not infect others. Vogel concludes that Trinity wants to create a bio-weapon out of her body but he cannot remove Himiko's body and instead settles for detaching a finger, which he seals in a pouch. In the confusion, Lara and Richard overpower the remaining soldiers, although Vogel escapes and Richard becomes infected. Knowing there is no cure, Richard proposes destroying Himiko's tomb to prevent the disease from spreading across the world. Lara pursues Vogel as Richard sets off a bomb, killing himself and sealing the tomb. Lara confronts and kills Vogel by stuffing the finger in his throat. She barely escapes the tomb as it collapses, regrouping with Lu Ren and the slaves; they commandeer a Trinity helicopter to escape Yamatai.

Lara returns to London, where she formally accepts her inheritance and inadvertently discovers that Trinity's front company, Patna, is a subsidiary of Croft Holdings. She investigates further and suspects Ana is an agent of Trinity and manipulated her into accepting her inheritance to take control of Croft Holdings' business operations when Richard stopped cooperating with Trinity. Having witnessed Trinity's ruthlessness firsthand, she prepares for her next adventure. Later, Lara returns to Alan's pawnshop to buy back her pendant and also purchases two-identical guns.


After the Machine Empire defeats the Power Rangers and destroys the Megazord in battle, Earth's governments negotiate a truce with the Machine Empire and the Power Rangers are disbanded.

Years later, Rocky DeSantos, the second Red Ranger has defected to the Machine Empire, critical of Zordon's use of the Power Rangers as child soldiers, and now sports a prosthetic leg. While interrogating a restrained Kimberly Hart, the former Pink Ranger, about the location of Tommy Oliver, the former Green Ranger, he details the fates of the other Rangers in flashback:

Jason Lee Scott, Rocky's Red Ranger predecessor, was gunned down eight hours after marrying Kimberly, when Farkas Bulkmeier and Eugene Skullovitch seemingly revealed their location to a police force (later dying of a meth overdose and drowning, respectively). Zack Taylor, the former Black Ranger, was an insatiable action junkie and "Hip Hop Kido" workout instructor who became a Machine Empire enforcer (seen taking down the North Korean Kim and his goons personally) before being murdered by an unknown assassin. *Billy Cranston, the former Blue Ranger, became an openly-gay trillionaire who ended up buying Lockheed Martin and was found dead of an apparent suicide.

Rejecting Rocky's claim that Tommy is hunting down the Rangers, Kimberly tells Rocky that she has not seen him since the funeral of Trini Kwan, the former Yellow Ranger, who died during the treaty negotiations. Rocky acknowledges that he already knew that; she is really being held as bait to lure out Tommy. Tommy arrives and kills the guards, entering into single combat against Rocky in a sword duel. When Rocky gains the upper hand, Kimberly shoots and kills him, but Tommy demands to know who she is, revealing that the real Kimberly died during the final battle years earlier. The fake Kimberly's façade crumbles to reveal Rita Repulsa, who killed all the others: she distracted Jason during the shootout and executed Zack and Billy with gunshots. Rita attempts to lure Tommy into her plan of world domination (noting that she created him) but he denies her, attacking her as the film ends.

Several of the plot points make references to real-life incidents in the original Power Rangers actors' lives:

David Yost, who played Billy, came out as gay after the series ended and was bullied by the original show's producers because of it, which caused him to leave the show and contemplate suicide. Thuy Trang, who played Trini, died in an automobile accident in 2001; Jason David Frank, who played Tommy, was unable to attend Trang's funeral (as he was burying his then-recently deceased brother at the time).

Boffins (TV series)

Boffins follows the adventures of four tiny furry alien-like creatures known as Boffins, who spend their days in kitchen cupboards and surrounding areas, trying to discover the science behind how the world works, Madame Curie and Aristotle are very close to some of the answers, but Newton and Echo, the young boffins from the house next door are only interested in having fun!

The series was designed to introduce primary school children to some of the basic laws of science. Each episode explores a different concept; the transmission of sound, levers, pulleys, magnetism, gravity, siphons, evaporation, reflection and dispersion of light, friction, and requirements for growth.

Leon of the Table D'hote

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 8, 1910. It states: "Leon is a waiter in a cheap table d'hote restaurant and makes desperate love to the fat French cashier, Rosa. Off on his vacation, Leon decides to pose as a foreign nobleman. At a seaside hotel where he stops, he becomes all the rage. One of the guests at the same hotel is a beautiful young heiress, a Violet Hope, whose designing mother at once conceives the idea of marrying her off to the supposed count. The plan does not meet with Violet's approval, she is already in love with a native born. One day while bathing in the surf, Violet, who is an expert swimmer, comes to the assistance of the bogus count, who has been knocked over by a breaker, and delivers him safely into the hands of the lifeguard. The count at once lays his life and fortune at Violet's feet, greatly to that young lady's disgust and her mother's delight. In the meantime Rosa becomes acquainted with the doings of her absent lover and traces him to the beach. Finding him in the water, and beyond her reach, Rosa also dons a bathing suit and after a chase through the waves, captures Leon and forces him to confess that he has been sailing under false colors. He was led back to the restaurant by the triumphant Rosa, while Violet obtains her mother's consent to wed the man of her choice."

Avenged (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 8, 1910. It states: "John Warren, a prosperous young clerk, is run down by a taxi cab while crossing a city street. The chauffeur, Allen, afraid of the consequences of his carelessness, makes his escape when he sees a crowd gathering around his victim. He abandons his machine on a lonely country road, and catching a westbound train, succeeds in making good his escape. Six years later finds John, now a cripple, living in a mining town with his devoted wife. Here John, incapacitated from other work, lives out a miserable existence as the timekeeper at the mine. Here, also, Allen comes, applying for work as a miner. They do not recognize each other. John, poor and ill, is visited by another misfortune. His beloved wife, who has clung to him through all the years of his adversity, sickens and dies. His one joy in life is taken from him. John refuses to be comforted by Allen, who feels deep sympathy for the poor cripple. While reciting his sad history to Allen, John learns for the first time that Allen is the man who, by crippling him, wrecked his life. At last the vengeance he has sought all these years is within his reach. He raises his gun to end Allen's existence, when a vision of his wife appears, breathing the message, 'Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord.' John rushes from the house to the grave of his loved one, and there, after forgiving Allen, dies at peace with mankind."

Night in the Woods

Margaret "Mae" Borowski is a 20-year-old college dropout, who relocates back to her Rust Belt-inspired hometown of Possum Springs, where the closure of the local coal mines has led to economic stagnation. She meets up with her old friends, including gloomy but intelligent Beatrice "Bea" Santello, hyperactive delinquent Greggory "Gregg" Lee, and Gregg's quiet, modest boyfriend Angus Delaney. Mae also learns that another one of her old friends, Casey Hartley, has mysteriously disappeared.

Mae spends several days exploring Possum Springs and spending time with her friends, but she also begins to have strange and vivid dreams. At the town's Halloween festival, Mae witnesses a teenager being kidnapped by a mysterious figure, whom Mae believes is a ghost, though her friends are skeptical. The four begin working together to figure out the goings-on, as Mae's mental health slowly deteriorates with each one of her dreams. After intensive investigation, the friends come across a mysterious group of cloaked figures in the woods, who give chase; Mae falls and lapses into a coma, while her friends escape.

Mae eventually wakes up and returns to her friends after being rescued by churchgoers, and reveals that she dropped out due to her increasing dissociation from people and the world (implied to be a form of depersonalization disorder), seeing everything as merely shapes. Mae's journal, in which she draws pictures for each major in-game event, was given to her by a doctor to write down her emotions after she bludgeoned a student with a softball bat six years prior to the game's events during a dissociative episode. This incident caused the townsfolk to become wary of Mae and imposed a financial and emotional strain on her family. As her dissociation worsened at college, Mae chose to return home, hoping that being in a familiar place would help her return to normal.

Still wounded, Mae ventures out into the woods alone to find the group who chased her and the others, only for Gregg, Bea, and Angus to arrive and refuse to let her go by herself. The group enters the old mines and meets the mysterious cult, who have been kidnapping those whom they deem will "not be missed" into the mines to be sacrificed to a god-like chthonic entity called the Black Goat, in the hope that it will revitalize the economy of Possum Springs; this includes their missing friend Casey. The cult's leader allows the group to leave, threatening them never to tell anyone about the cult – however while the group leaves in the mine's elevator, a cultist ambushes them and attacks Mae. The others manage to save her and the elevator falls, collapsing the mine and presumably trapping the cult underground.

The next day, depending on whom the player interacted with the most throughout the course of the game, Mae sits down with either Bea or Gregg and discuss the events of the previous night, and all the happenings in Possum Springs. The others join them shortly after, and Mae learns that although they will all be forced to grow and adapt to life, for better and for worse, they can still enjoy their time together now. The game ends as the four decide to forget about their problems for the time being and have band practice.

Dos vidas

Teresa is a beautiful woman, born in Mazatlán, which may well seem like any other woman, but that really has to deal with an internal struggle over whether to rescue their individuality or resign themselves to the submissive life be imposed by a man. Displays the subjugation of women to men, whether or not voluntary.

Lone Cowboy (film)

Jackie Cooper plays an orphan who travels by railroad to live on a ranch in Nevada.

Egen ingång

It is a seemingly ordinary day in October. Since she separated from her husband six months ago, Marianne Stenman has lived in a room with a separate entrance on Kavallerigatan 27 in Stockholm. But to Marianne this is not an ordinary day, when we first meet her she has only six hours to live. The film lays the puzzle of Marianne's last hours, piece by piece.

Maryam and Mitil

''Maryam and Mitil'' is about Maryam who is a six-year-old girl, living in an orphanage who wants to experience life in a family to fill out the emptiness of her life. She has to face a lot of difficulties in order to depend to a great extent on her own determination.

One of Us Tripped

Some children in Los Angeles are drawn into a mystery.

The Firing Squad

A woman tries to obtain justice for a friend and instead finds she and her friends are in grave danger in this crime drama.

No More Blood

Olivia is about to be handed off to the Iranians when she speaks their language and foils the deal. Gus reopens the auction, allowing Huck one more chance to bid on Olivia using Marie's credentials. Meanwhile, Fitz and Cyrus disagree on how to handle the situation, eventually leading Cyrus to plot with the CIA to kill Olivia to prevent international secrets from being leaked. Mellie explains to Fitz that Andrew's blackmail threatens her chance at becoming President herself, and Fitz agrees to let Andrew walk. However, Mellie also plots with Elizabeth to take Andrew down. Olivia is eventually sold to a group in Russia, despite Huck tying for the winning bid. Stephen Finch shows up and rescues Olivia, then brings her back to America, shortly before Andrew has a massive stroke. Fitz goes to Olivia's apartment, but she reveals her disgust at his decision to go to war with West Angola for her, and tells him that she is on her own.

Eight Girls in a Boat (1934 film)

While attending a girls' school in Switzerland, young Christa Storm discovers she is expecting a baby. Student David wants to marry her, but he is poor and Christa's father objects to him as a suitable spouse. Christa contemplates suicide by poison and even enjoys a final night out with friends before having a change of heart.

Others from the rowing team, including the coach, are unaware of Christa's plight. To punish her, the coach at one point makes Christa do strenuous dives and strokes in the water until she nearly collapses. All turns out well for her in the end.

Forget (The Walking Dead)

Sasha Williams (Sonequa Martin-Green) wakes up and glances at several family portraits left behind in her new house. Later that day, she takes them outside the walls to use as target practice. Finally she sits down on a tree stump, quietly saying to the walkers, "Come and get me."

In the woods, Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus), and Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) start scheming to steal back their weapons. A walker creeps up on them, which Carol shoots multiple times before finally killing it, to make it seem like they were practicing. The trio notices the letter "W" carved in the walker's forehead. Back at Rick's house, he and Michonne (Danai Gurira) discuss the reasons why they have been made town constables and wonder if it's part of a larger plan.

Elsewhere in the woods, Daryl catches Aaron (Ross Marquand) following him, and together they go hunting when they come across a black horse Aaron calls Buttons which he has been trying to catch for months. The horse is spooked away by some walkers, and others later corner and attack it. Aaron and Daryl kill the walkers, and Aaron regretfully puts down the mortally wounded horse.

Meanwhile, Deanna Monroe (Tovah Feldshuh) explains a bit more about Rick and Michonne's job securing the community. She explains that Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) will be helping her with politics and her vision is that one day the community will have a government. Outside, Deanna tells Rick she cannot have everyone walking around with guns. Sasha approaches them, saying she wants to man the clock tower with her rifle and displays her eagerness to have as "many shifts as possible" in the tower; Rick endorses Sasha as his group's sniper but Deanna rejects it.

That night, Deanna throws a welcoming party for the group and invites the entire community. The group has trouble adjusting to their new surroundings: Abraham Ford (Michael Cudlitz) and Michonne discuss the difficulty of leaving behind the road and its dangers, and Sasha has flashbacks of her recent traumas and storms out after an outburst. Rick meets Jessie's son, Sam (Major Dodson), and later gives Jessie a kiss on the cheek. Daryl skips the party, so Aaron invites him to dinner along with Eric (Jordan Woods-Robinson), and shows Daryl their garage full of old motorcycle parts. Aaron tells Daryl that he will need to construct a bike because Aaron wants him to replace Eric as a recruiter for Alexandria.

While the party is underway, Carol, having already unlatched a window, sneaks into the storeroom where the guns are being held and takes three pistols from a bin as well as a small chocolate ration. Jessie's son Sam catches her and says he will tell his mother what he saw. Carol persuades him to remain silent with the promise of cookies, and a threat of tying him to a tree for walkers to eat if he breaks his silence.

At their meeting spot in the woods, Carol hands both Rick and Daryl a revolver, but Daryl refuses. Rick goes for a walk in Alexandria, where he sees Jessie and her husband, Pete Anderson (Corey Brill), and briefly reaches towards his revolver. He hears a noise from outside the wall and runs in its direction, where a lone walker is banging on it from the other side. Rick puts his hand on the wall and appears to take some satisfaction in reconnecting with the animalistic life outside the walls.

Ombyte av tåg

Inga Dahl, an unemployed actress, and Joakim Lundell is a couple from times past, many years later by chance they happen to meet on a train station. They drink a cup of coffee together and in flashbacks we get to follow their love sagas beginning and end.

Pocahontas (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 15, 1910. It states: "Captain John Smith comes to America as the head of a band of English colonists and settles in Jamestown, Virginia. While at the head of the colony Smith makes a trip of exploration into the interior and is captured there by King Powhatan, the acknowledged head of all of the red men in Virginia. Powhatan orders his prisoner's execution. Just as the fatal club is about to descend, Pocahontas, the favorite daughter of the King, throws herself before her father. She begs so fervently that the white man's life be spared that Powhatan relents and orders his release. Captain Smith returns in safety to his friends. Later Pocahontas is taken prisoner by the English and held as hostage. While a prisoner, she is converted to Christianity, and falls in love with Rolfe, a handsome young Englishman. They are married in a rude little church at Jamestown, and the Indian princess sails away with her husband to England. There she is received with royal honors by King James I, but the foreign flower cannot stand transplanting. She soon sickens and dies, and in her last hours is visited by visions of the home in the wilderness that she would fly back to if she could."

Unforgiven (Once Upon a Time)

Opening Sequence

A dragon flies through the forest.

In the Characters' Past

In the Enchanted Forest, pre-first curse, Snow White and Charming ride back to their castle after their honeymoon to discover everyone in town has been struck by a sleeping spell. They call out for Regina, only to have Maleficent appear to admit the spell was her doing. She then introduces her associates Cruella and Ursula, and says that they have come to make a deal. The Queens tell Snow and Charming that Regina has stolen the darkest curse from Maleficent, and that the tree of wisdom and it can tell them how to defeat Regina and the curse, but it will only answer to two of the most valiant heroes.

As they reach the location of the tree of wisdom, Snow and Charming each place a hand on a designated rock nearby and they ask how to stop the Regina's curse. The tree lights up with gold and then red and they are blown backward. Maleficent reveals that Snow is pregnant, and says that, while they may be heroes, their daughter has the potential to either become good or evil, and could become the darkest villain the realm has ever seen.

Maleficent later visits Snow White and says that she, too, is expecting a child, and that they need to work together to stop Regina and the Dark Curse from harming their children and the land. Snow declines Maleficent's offer due to the latter being a villain, and tells her that they will not turn to darkness to ensure the safety of the kingdom.

In Storybrooke

Mary Margaret has a nightmare wherein Maleficent threatens her family; she wakes and finds David sitting on the stairs drinking whisky, struggling to sleep with the new villains in town. They attempt to come up with a plan to make the Queens leave Storybrooke before their secret is revealed.

The following morning at Granny's diner, Cruella and Ursula remind others of Regina's formerly wicked ways in front of Henry, prompting Regina to threaten them with expulsion from town. Emma Swan and Captain Hook enter, and Hook is startled by Ursula, with whom he shares a secretive past.

Queens visit Gold's pawn shop, where they receive an unwelcome greeting from Belle. They steal a wooden box and head to the cave where Gold is hiding. After David and Emma sees the Queens leave the shop, Emma calls Belle and learns that a box disappeared from the shop. David and Emma stop the Queens and David searches the vehicle, discovering the box a jeweled bauble it contains. He takes the bauble but tells Emma there was nothing in the car. He later informs Mary Margaret that the Queens are planning to bring back Maleficent through a resurrection spell, which gives Mary Margaret a plan to keep her from coming back to life.

The Charmings lie about going on a hike while actually going to the tunnels where Maleficent was once slain. As they come upon Maleficent's ashes, they are knocked out by Ursula's tentacles, allowing Cruella to slice their hands to take a sample of their blood. She then pours the blood of the people who had wronged Maleficent on the ashes, and it is revealed that the stolen box was bait to lure the two into a trap planned by Gold. The ashes then swirl until a dragon is formed, which crashes towards the ground, and Maleficent reappears in human form. Maleficent informs Mary Margaret that she is not worried about their secret, since her goal is to see her family suffer and revel in their pain until the time comes when they meet again. After the reunited Queens disappear, David tells Mary Margaret it is time to tell Emma the truth.

Meanwhile, Emma is still pressing Hook about his past with Ursula, and admits that they had an ugly history. While Emma believes she can trust Hook to tell her when the time comes, she begins to start questioning her parents' motives, which they overhear. They then come into the office with news that Maleficent has reappeared in Storybrooke, giving Emma more concern about the Queens' plans for revenge, with Mary Margaret reminding Emma that they are heroes and the Queens are villains.

Regina and Henry are scouring the fairy tale book for clues to the author's identity. They come across additional pages about Pinocchio, suggesting that, before he reverted to his form as normal boy, August Booth may have known about the author. Regina decides to bring both the boy and Marco into the office. When Emma stops by to see Regina, she asks her to see if he can remember his life before returning to a boy but Pinocchio has no memory of being August and Regina snaps at him, infuriating Marco, who asks why she deserves a happy ending. She reminds him that he lied his way into bringing Pinocchio into the real world and Marco warns Regina to stay away from Pinocchio; hours later she stops by Marco's shop to apologize, and Marco gives her a bag of August's belongings, in which Henry later discovers a page with an illustration of a door and a note that reads "Author."

At the town limits, Regina meets with Mary Margaret to come up with a plan to find out about what the Queens are plotting, and suggest that Regina get close to them. As Regina asks Mary Margaret about the reason for this, Mary Margaret tells her that, back in the Enchanted Forest, they made a deal with Maleficent that resulted in her betraying the sorceress. It turns out that because Emma was born with the potential for great darkness, they took steps to prevent their daughter from turning evil, and caused Maleficent to lose her child.

At the same time, Gold watches Belle from the window of the pawn shop, and is stunned to see Will kissing his wife, while Maleficent puts together a totem and conjures up a baby rattle.

The Adventures of Jimmy

Jimmy (Broughton) is a woodsman who lives in a remote, mountain cabin. Several times he travels to the city in search of a wife, each time changing his appearance and clothing somewhat in hopes of improving his chances.

Isn't It Shocking?

Daniel Barnes (Alan Alda) is a small-town New England police chief. His life is complicated by a romance with local motel owner Mrs. Tate (Patricia Quinn). She is eager for him to move in with her and her children; Barnes is equally eager to keep the affair secret, but it's all quite well known. (This is what happens when you take your lover and her brood out to family restaurants.) But Barnes's life is further complicated when the village is beset by a killer preying on the town's elderly citizens. A few deaths later, the victims are all found to have one thing in common—they all graduated from the local high school in 1928.

Working with police receptionist Blanche (Louise Lasser), Barnes pores through the 1928 yearbook and identifies another couple, the Yettas, as potential victims. When Barnes drives to the couple's isolated house, his police cruiser is rammed and disabled by another automobile, which turns around to finish him off. Barnes escapes into the woods. Circling around to the isolated house, he finds the Yettas already dead. Later, when another member of the class is killed, the coroner Lemuel Lovell (Will Geer) and his daughter Doc Lovell (Dorothy Tristan) theorize that a modified defibrillator machine is being used by the murderer to induce heart attacks.

Because the Class of '28 was small, the process of elimination leads Barnes to suspect another member of the class, Justin Oates (Edmond O'Brien). Until recently, Oates had been a guest at Mrs. Tate's motel. Daniel sets a trap for him. Oates takes the bait. When he is caught, it is revealed that he was traumatically humiliated by his classmates at a surprise birthday party for his 17-year-old fiancée. There, his beloved was discovered frolicking naked with another classmate. After Oates' arrest, Daniel surmises he will likely be remanded to the care of a mental health facility for the criminally insane.

A subplot woven throughout has Barnes considering a lucrative job offer from a nearby town. The pay raise would make it easier for him to settle down with Mrs. Tate and the kids. But Barnes ultimately turns down the offer and decides to stay put. He also considers marriage to Blanche.

På en bänk i en park

Sam Persson, previously worked as a musician but has resided for several years in a mental hospital. When he is discharged he reads in the newspaper that his childhood friend Stig Brender has become a big name in the theatre.

Persson has gotten the idea that it is Brender who is the cause of all accidents occurring to him. Persson finds Brender at the Royal Theatre one evening and tries to kill him with a hammer, instead Persson himself falls dead to the floor. Brender avoids calling the police, being scared to become a suspect, instead he places the corpse on a bench in a park.

Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn

The adventure unfolds as Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn – Tom's friend from the streets – witness a murder in the graveyard. Tom and Huck flee to Jackson's Island and make a pact never to tell anyone about the incident. However, when the good-natured Muff Potter, who has been blamed for the murder, is sentenced to death by hanging, Tom attempts to break Muff out of jail, but it does not go as planned and Muff returns to jail. So Tom breaks his promise and returns to exonerate Muff Potter. Injun Joe, the actual murderer, makes a hasty exit from the courtroom during the trial. A short time later, Tom and Huck find references to a treasure and have to face Injun Joe again.

Med dej i mina armar

Krister Dahl loses his memory when he is hit in the head by a golf ball one day. He later goes to a party and meets his ex-wife and immediately fall in love with her again, not knowing who she is. She does not know what to think about this sudden change in his behaviour. He is like new man, only question is, who is he?

Gabrielle (1954 film)

Bertil Lindström starts to work at the Swedish embassy in Paris while his wife Gabrielle choose to spend the summer alone in the Stockholm archipelago. She is very secretive about her past. He then starts to fantasize about all sorts of things she possibly can be doing separated from him, is she true to him? His jealousy and imaginative mind plays him all sorts of tricks on this theme.

Double Door (film)

In 1910 Manhattan, Victoria Van Brett is a bitter, domineering spinster who lives an isolated life with her half-sister, Caroline, in the palatial mansion built by their late industrialist father. Victoria keeps the home shuttered and rarely leaves, controlling the operations of the residence, as well as Caroline's daily life. The sisters' younger half-brother, Rip, returns home to wed Anne Darrow, a nurse who saved his life. Victoria believes Anne to be a social climber after the family money, and surreptitiously has Rip taken out of the family will on his wedding day. She dispatches other cruel methods of sabotage on the wedding day, including disarming the organ during Anne's walk down the aisle.

While Rip and Anne go on their honeymoon, Victoria forces Caroline to take her side, threatening to lock Caroline away in a soundproof vault in the home to suffocate to death. During Rip and Anne's honeymoon, they receive a telegram from Victoria demanding they return to handle the affairs of the estate. Anne, wanting to please Victoria within reason, agrees to return with Rip early. Upon return, Rip informs Victoria that he and Anne plan to move out of the familial mansion, and purchase a home of their own in the country. This enrages Victoria. Anne suffers through Victoria's manipulative and demeaning actions, which includes her restricting Anne's use of the mansion, and attempting to convince Rip that Anne is having an affair with their mutual friend, doctor John Lucas.

Exasperated by Victoria's relentless manipulations, Anne suggests to Rip that they leave and make a living on their own, but Rip wishes to stay in hopes of winning Victoria over and re-securing the family's fortune. In conversation, Rip recounts childhood memories of Victoria's abusive behavior toward him after their father died. Anne attempts to retaliate against Victoria by inviting John over for a dinner party. Victoria responds by inviting a private investigator to the house, whom she hired to stalk Anne. In front of the guests—including Mortimer, the family's attorney—Victoria accuses Anne of having an affair with John. Defeated, Anne declares she is leaving the mansion, and Rip agrees to follow her.

As Anne packs her belongings upstairs, Victoria approaches her, and offers to send her away with several strings of pearls, a family heirloom that Victoria previously denied Anne on her wedding day. Anne accepts the offer, and is lured by Victoria to the soundproof vault in the mansion. Once in the vault, Victoria locks the door behind her, sealing her inside. Caroline hears Anne's initial scream before the vault closes, and rushes to the room, but Victoria insists that Caroline was only having a nightmare. Caroline notices Anne's suitcase on the floor before she returns to bed.

Rip and Mortimer attempt to locate the missing Anne, whom Victoria asserts left Rip to new with John. Based on Caroline's recollection of the night, the men ultimately locate the vault. Victoria, the only one with the code, initially refuses to open it, but Rip twists her arm and threatens to break it if she does not comply. Victoria opens the vault, and Anne is saved. Caroline finally defies Victoria by telling her she is leaving the mansion with Rip and Anne. Victoria tries to lure Caroline into the vault with her, but Caroline refuses, and departs with the others. Before leaving, Mortimer reverts the family will back to Rip, and blackmails Victoria with her attempted murder of Anne, threatening to report her to police if she does not sign it. After Mortimer exits the room, Victoria realizes they have forgotten the pearls. As she enters the vault to retrieve them, the door closes behind her as she screams.

The King (2002 film)

A young man, recently released from prison, returns to his childhood hometown in order to escape from his recent criminal past. There, he is confronted with suspicion and hostility by local people, including the community leader. The only friendly person is the policeman. After his former girlfriend arrives, his past catches up with him and conflict with locals goes to extremes.

One Last Ride

Present (2017)

The gang all gather inside the parks department before business hours, as many of them are leaving Pawnee, to reminisce about their time together there. A citizen comes in, saying that a swing set behind his house on a playground has been broken for about three months. Leslie (Amy Poehler) sees this as an opportunity for them all to go on one last mission together as she is worried these people will never be together again in the same room at the same time. The gang agrees, with Leslie saying goodbye to everyone on the way to getting it fixed. After fixing the swing, the group gathers for a picture together and Ben asks Leslie if she is ready. In the last shot of the series, Leslie smiles at the camera, and says "Yes. I'm ready."

The Future

After his interim term, Garry (Jim O'Heir) is elected mayor after a massive write-in campaign. In 2019, Craig (Billy Eichner) continues to work at Tom's Bistro, where he meets Typhoon, Donna and Ron's old hairdresser, and the two end up getting married (with Ron as their best man) and living a long life together. Elsewhere, Tom (Aziz Ansari), now married to Lucy (Natalie Morales), looks to expand his restaurant business, only to lose almost all his money because of an economic recession. He then uses his experiences with failure to become a best selling author and motivational speaker.

In 2022, Andy (Chris Pratt) wants to have kids despite April's (Aubrey Plaza) reluctance. After advice and support from Ben (Adam Scott) and Leslie, April and Andy decide they are ready for kids. April later gives birth to a boy, Jack, on Halloween. Elsewhere, Jean-Ralphio (Ben Schwartz) fakes his death with his sister Mona-Lisa (Jenny Slate) for the insurance money with plans to leave the country and start up a casino, but is caught when he spies on his own funeral. Ron (Nick Offerman) resigns from the Very Good Building Company, and turns to Leslie to help him, as he is at a personal crossroads; Leslie makes him the superintendent of the Pawnee National Park, where he spends his days patrolling the forest. In 2023, Donna (Retta) and Joe (Keegan-Michael Key) are living happily in Seattle, where Donna's real-estate firm has been extremely successful due to a resurgence in the housing market. With help from April, Donna sets up an online learning initiative with her husband called "Teach Yo' Self" with Donna's commission money.

In 2025, at the Bidens' home, Leslie is approached about running for governor of Indiana. Meanwhile, Ben is approached by Jennifer Barkley (Kathryn Hahn) about running for the same position. The two try and figure out how to decide which one shall run, and head back to Pawnee to help with their decision. They decide to stop by the parks department, where the entire gang – and their respective kids – have gathered to give them support and reunite, including Ann (Rashida Jones) and Chris (Rob Lowe). While there, April and Andy reveal they are having another child, and Ann and Chris reveal that they are returning to Pawnee. It's revealed that Leslie and Ann have secretly conspired to spark a romance between their teenaged children, Oliver and Sonia, and their efforts appear to be succeeding. Ben and Leslie decide to flip a coin to see who will run. However, right before the two announce that one of them will run, Ben tells everyone that Leslie is the one who will be running, as he knows this has been her dream for her entire life.

In 2035, Leslie is making a commencement speech at Indiana University, where it is confirmed she is now governor, and has been for two consecutive terms. The university also names its library after Leslie, an unwelcome honor due to the long-standing antipathy between Pawnee's library and parks departments.

In 2048, Leslie and Ben attend the funeral of Garry, who continued to be mayor of Pawnee until his death at the age of 100. At his funeral, Leslie and Ben are surrounded by Secret Service members, implying that either Ben or Leslie has become the President of the United States or the Vice President of the United States. They both notice that the carving on Garry's tombstone misspells his last name, but neither of them care enough to attempt to correct the mistake or even tell anyone else about it.

Producer's cut

In the producer's cut of the episode, Shauna Malwae-Tweep's (Alison Becker) and Jeremy Jamm's (Jon Glaser) futures are explored. In 2018, Shauna's fiancé leaves her at the altar, and Bobby Newport (Paul Rudd) sees her crying on a park bench. Shauna and Bobby end up getting married five hours later. In 2020, Jamm is working in a hibachi restaurant in Florida.

Som folk är mest

Kurre and Inga are engaged to be married, but their income is not sufficient for that just yet. Inga has no prospects of getting a raise, she has a hard time with the zealous office manager Enander. Inga has a liability to be late for work in the mornings and therefore get into trouble. The dictatorial Enander, to whom punctuality is more than a virtue, has had enough of it and is ready to burst out his anger at her. If only he can catch her being late...

To complicate matters further, one of Kurres colleagues, the sweet and flirtatious Miss Hansson, has started to court Kurre. All this will lead to misunderstandings and complications which are not so easy to solve. Will Kurre and Inga ever be able to get married?

The Village in the Jungle

The novel describes the lives of a poor family in a small village called Beddagama (literally, "The village in the jungle") as they struggle to survive the challenges presented by poverty, disease, superstition, the unsympathetic colonial system, and the jungle itself. The head of the family is a farmer named Silindu, who has two daughters named Punchi Menika and Hinnihami. After being manipulated by the village authorities and a debt collector, Silindu is put on trial for murder.

Lucifer (TV series)

The series focuses on Lucifer Morningstar, a handsome and powerful angel who was cast out of Heaven for his rebellion. As the Devil, Lucifer tires of the millennia he spent being the Lord of Hell, punishing people. Becoming increasingly bored and unhappy with his life in Hell, he abdicates his throne in defiance of his father (God) and abandons his kingdom for Los Angeles, where he runs his own nightclub called Lux.

When he finds himself involved in a murder investigation, he meets the intriguing Detective Chloe Decker. After helping the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) solve the case by using his power to manipulate humans into revealing their deepest desires, Lucifer accepts a subsequent invitation to work with Chloe as a consultant to the department, and throughout the series, they encounter all sorts of supernatural beings while solving crimes together and developing their relationship.

Wandering with the Moon

A young man, Dan, leaves his home after a quarrel with his father. He starts to wander along the country road. During his walk he meets a travelling theatre company and falls in love with a young actress, Pia. Together they leave the theatre company, meeting a string of different people while they ponder over life and love together.

Şeref Meselesi

This series is about Kılıç family who moves to Istanbul from Ayvalık. Yiğit's father commits suicide because of the Mafia. Yiğit goes to take revenge from Mafia.

The White Cat (film)

A man arrives one night by train to Stockholm Central Station. The man has lost his memory. Newspapers report about an escaped insane sex offender, and the man dreads that it might be him.

In a café at the train station the man meets a waitress named Auri. She realizes that the man has no money and no place to go. He tells her about his situation. She offers to pay for his food and to take him home with her. The man, who calls himself X, and Auri start to trace his repressed memories and past life, while he dreads to find out why and what he fled.

Love Goes Up and Down

Sixten is a screenwriter who reluctantly travels to a ski resort in Åre to prepare a love story for a film set in a ski environment. Before he has time to go a journalist from a tabloid newspaper, Vivi Bostrom, calls him to ask him about his plans. They end up immediately quarrelling. She then takes the train to Åre and does her best to get back at him. Revenge will be sweet, and snowy.

Resan till dej

The young and happy couple Emil and Gun have been married for five years but are still saving money for their honeymoon. One day Gun happens to sing on a radio show, successfully and signs a contract with a gramophone company, fame and fortune is soon hers. But the marriage is strained by her career and her touring when Emil feels alone and abandoned at home.

April 9th (film)

During the night of 9 April 1940, the Danish army is alerted that the German army has crossed the border, and Denmark is now at war with Europe's strongest army. In South Jutland, a Danish bicycle infantry company and motorcycle platoon is ordered to hold off the German advance until reinforcements can arrive but are quickly overwhelmed by superior German forces. During the morning Second Lieutenant Sand (Pilou Asbæk) and his platoon of soldiers battle the Germans and then retreat to Haderslev.

Delightful Dolly

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 15, 1910. It states: "Little Marie Allen, a penniless orphan, lives with her granddad. Out for a walk she admires a huge doll in a shop window. That night, after her granddad has fallen asleep, she slips out to have another look at the doll. Arriving at the toy shop, she sees that the doll is gone. Unseen by anyone, she enters the store. She finds the wonderful doll and lifts it out of its box to admire it. Hearing a clerk approaching, she becomes frightened and gets into the doll box. The doll rolls under the counter. The clerk sends the errand boy off with the box, thinking it contains the doll, which has been ordered for Daisy Smythe, a rich little girl. Arriving at Daisy's house, Marie steps out of the box as soon as the room is empty. She removes the doll clothes from the box and admires them greatly. She decides to try them on, and soon a little cap, shoes and garments are on her figure. Then she hears Daisy coming and retreats to the box. Daisy enters and takes the supposed doll from the box, falls in love with it instantly and enthusiastically works its arms and limbs. Marie lives up to her role well, imitating with stiff, jerky movements of the limbs that belong to real dolls. Then Daisy eats, and Marie grows hungry as she watches. When Daisy sets down her bowl of milk, Marie reaches over and drinks it down. Daisy is amazed when she misses the milk. Marie helps herself to all the food and Daisy's wonderment is amusing to see. Finally Daisy falls asleep in her chair and Marie falls asleep on the floor. Here she is found by her granddad, who managed to trace her from the toy shop, and Daisy and her mother laugh so heartily over Marie's adventure that they reward her cleverness with - the doll itself!"

Old Overland Trail

Rex (Rex Allen) and Slim (Slim Pickens) and army sergeant (Marshall Reed) encounter two drunk Indians. After dealing with them a third is spotted and Rex catches chief Blackhawk (Leonard Nimoy) who claims a white man gave them the whiskey. Blackhawk rides off and meets with John Anchor (Ray Barcroft), a crooked railroader. The next day, Rex and Slim meets Mary Peterson (Virginia Hall) arriving on a wagon train. Blackhawk attacks and burns the wagons enabling Anchor to get the settlers to work for him. Back in town Rex's brother Jim (Gil Herman) confronts Anchor about the Indian attack. At the Indian camp Rex accuses Blackhawk of the attack. A fight ensues with Rex sparing Blackhawks life. Next the incoming stage is robbed of the settlers payroll by Anchor's men enabling him to issue strips to the settlers for supplies. The storekeeper (Harry Harvet, Sr.) offers to redeem the strips for 25 cents on the dollar. In town Rex accuses his brother of being part of the swindle, they fight with Rex emerging the victor. Rex is now sure Anchor is behind the swindle and he and Slim rob the stage of the second settlers payroll beating Anchor's men to the punch. During all this Jim tells Anchor he wants no part of the swindle. Anchor slugs him and Jim dies on the way to the doctor. In town Mary tells Rex a posse is after him for killing his brother. Rex and Slim leave to hide in the hills but not before giving the payroll to Mary who tells him, “ I know you didn’t do it.” At Blackhawk's camp Anchor promises more guns if he catches Rex and Slim. Blackhawk does and ties up Rex and Slim at his camp. Anchor receives a telegram informing him the railroad commissioner is arriving with the settlers payroll to investigate and he is to assist. Anchor knows he will found out and rides to the Indian camp. Blackhawk refuses to help Anchor rob the train and is shot. Anchor then persuades the Indians for help robbing the train and they ride off. Blackhawk, only wounded frees Rex and Slim who ride to town for help. Rex, Slim and the settlers stop the train robbery but Anchor escapes with Rex after him. Anchor waits to ambush Rex but Blackhawk arrives and kills him with an arrow. Rex waves a final salute to Blackhawk as he falls off his horse and dies. Back in town Rex bids Mary goodbye and rides off.

Beneath the Surface (2007 film)

High school senior Ethan has a crush on his childhood friend, Kahlah. Ethan believes that Kahlah's boyfriend, Shane, is dangerous, but he does not know how to tell her without seeming to be crazy. Annoyed by her reluctance to have sex with him, Shane drugs and accidentally kills Kahlah. Convinced that Shane is guilty, Ethan uses his anthropologist neighbor's knowledge of voodoo to raise Kahlah from the dead as a zombie so that she can help him prove Shane's guilt.

Spend (The Walking Dead)

Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam), torn over by his loss of faith, tears up a Bible. As Rick (Andrew Lincoln) makes his rounds, he passes Jessie's (Alexandra Breckenridge) house and notices her working on one of her sculptures, which has been vandalized. Rick offers to find the culprit, but she brushes him off. Rick is later approached by Jessie's husband Pete (Corey Brill), who tries to cultivate a friendship with him. Elsewhere, Noah asks to meet with Reg (Steve Coulter) to become his student so he'll know what to do to keep the walls up.

Parts are needed from a nearby warehouse to repair the solar power system. Eugene (Josh McDermitt) is reluctant to go, but is the only one that can identify the required parts; he is joined by Glenn (Steven Yeun), Noah (Tyler James Williams), Tara (Alanna Masterson), Aiden (Daniel Bonjour), and Nicholas (Michael Traynor). Although the group is initially cautious, Aiden's poor shooting skills (as he shot a grenade) leads to Tara suffering a severe head injury. As the group rescues Tara, they are shocked to learn Aiden is still alive but has been impaled against a wall. After Eugene promises to protect Tara, the others try to free Aiden, but realizing it is impossible, they leave him to be attacked. Nicholas, panicking at the onslaught of walkers, tries to escape through revolving doors in the front of the warehouse. Glenn and Noah try to follow to stop him but all three end up surrounded by walkers and stuck in the door. Eugene is able to overcome his cowardice to evacuate Tara to their van which he uses to lure the walkers away from outside the building. To save himself, Nicholas ignores Glenn and opens the door far enough for the walkers to grab and drag Noah out, where he is consumed; a horrified Glenn watches but can do nothing. Nicholas catches up to Eugene in the van and threatens to leave him behind. Glenn, having made it out of the door, knocks Nicholas out. Though they have collected the parts, the ride back to Alexandria is somber and they hold Nicholas under gunpoint.

Meanwhile, Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) helps a crew to extend Alexandria's walls. When the crew is ambushed by walkers, trapping their lookout Francine (Dahlia Legault), the foreman Tobin (Jason Douglas) sees no way to save her and orders them to abandon her. Abraham instead races in to help rescue her, later assisted by other members of the crew. With the walkers dispatched, Abraham takes leadership of the group. Tobin later resigns his position to Deanna (Tovah Feldshuh), Reg, and Maggie (Lauren Cohan) admitting that Abraham is a better leader. Deanna agrees, but expresses her concern to Maggie that Rick's group is quickly filling in positions of leadership in the community. Father Gabriel later speaks to Deanna, expressing his doubts on the sincerity of Rick's group and not to trust them, unaware that Maggie has overheard them.

Carol (Melissa McBride) is visited several times by Jessie's son, Sam (Major Dodson), who keeps asking for cookies. To get rid of him, Carol tells him she will only make them if he steals two bars of chocolate from the town's food storage. Sam returns with the chocolate. While waiting for the cookies to bake, he admits to breaking Jessie's statue, then asks for one of her guns. When Carol asks him why, he runs off. She goes to the Anderson home to try and talk to Sam or Jessie, but is coldly turned away by Pete, arousing her suspicion. When Rick returns home, Carol tells him that Pete is abusing Jessie and maybe Sam, and the only way to stop it is to kill Pete.

Try (The Walking Dead)

Deanna Monroe (Tovah Feldshuh) and her family mourns Aiden's (Daniel Bonjour) death when Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) leaves a tuna pasta bake and a note of condolences on Deanna's doorstep. Deanna picks up the note leaving the pasta behind and afterwards proceeds to burn the card. She then watches a video of Nicholas (Michael Traynor) describing the incident, in which he lies and places blames on Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun) for Aiden and Noah's (Tyler James Williams) deaths, while Glenn relates the true series of events to Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln). Deanna prohibits them from carrying firearms and from leaving the Safe-Zone while she investigates.

The next morning, Rosita Espinosa (Christian Serratos) tells Michonne (Danai Gurira) that Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) has gone missing from her post in the tower. Worried, they venture outside the walls to look for her. They find several dead walkers and realize Sasha is actively hunting them. They track her down and help her eliminate a large pack of walkers, which leads to an outburst from Sasha.

Glenn confronts Nicholas and tells him men like him should have died to the walkers, but he was lucky that the Alexandria's walls came up in time. Glenn tells Nicholas never to set foot outside of the walls again. Fearing that Glenn will reveal his cowardice, Nicholas later retrieves a pistol, the same one that Rick had stashed away but lost.

Meanwhile, Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) follows Enid (Katelyn Nacon) outside the walls. She reveals she knows Carl has been following her, but allows him to come with her. They bond over their shared experiences as survivors from the outside, but are forced to hide inside a hollow tree from a walker horde. Enid says the world belongs to the walkers, and humans just live in it. They look into each other's eyes, and Carl touches Enid's hand for a second before pulling back.

Elsewhere outside the walls, Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) and Aaron (Ross Marquand) notice more walkers are coming into the area. They investigate a light in the distance and come across freshly-severed limbs and a woman who had been tied to a tree and eaten alive by walkers, her body reanimating as they find her, killing the resultant walker. There is a "W" carved into her forehead.

Rick approaches Deanna about Pete Anderson's (Corey Brill) abusive behavior, and is shocked when Deanna reveals she already knows about it. Since Pete is a surgeon, his skills are invaluable to Alexandria and Deanna is not willing to have Pete separated from Jessie (Alexandra Breckenridge) or executed. If it comes down to it, she says that she will have Pete exiled. Rick believes exiling Pete will only put Alexandria in danger, but Deanna refuses to listen. Rick talks to Jessie again and reveals that he knows Pete is abusing her. Jessie assures Rick she can fix her relationship with Pete, but Rick is not convinced. He promises to protect Jessie, and she agrees to let him protect her just as Pete returns home. Jessie stands up for herself and orders Pete to leave, but Pete grows angry and the two men begin to fight. Their fight makes its way to the street as the entire town watches. Jessie and Carl attempt to stop the fight, but fail. Rick finally subdues Pete in a headlock. Deanna orders Rick to stand down, but Rick doesn't acknowledge, instead warning Pete that if he harms either Jessie or Sam again, he will kill him. Deanna once again orders Rick to withdraw, but Rick points his revolver at the crowd and goes on a rant, telling Deanna how Alexandria is too complacent and will eventually destroy itself under her leadership, and that the way to survive is to have people like Pete executed. Michonne eventually silences him mid-rant by knocking him unconscious.

Conquer (The Walking Dead)

One morning, Morgan Jones (Lennie James) brews coffee in his camp when a man (Benedict Samuel) with a "W" written in his forehead approaches and holds him at gunpoint. He explains that he and his group, the Wolves, are hunting down other survivors and eliminating them. Morgan offers his supplies in exchange for being let go, but the Wolf refuses. Morgan evades another Wolf's attempt to ambush him and knocks both of them out with his walking stick.

In Alexandria, Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) regains consciousness after being knocked out by Michonne (Danai Gurira) and is informed that Pete (Corey Brill) has been separated from Jessie (Alexandra Breckenridge), and Deanna Monroe (Tovah Feldshuh) is holding a forum to decide whether Rick should be exiled. Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) tries to talk Deanna out of it, but is unsuccessful. Rick later admits to Michonne that he and Carol (Melissa McBride) stole guns from the armory and tries to return the gun, but Michonne says she would not have stopped him, and that she knocked out Rick to protect ''him'', not Alexandria.

In the meantime, Carol visits Pete and asks him to check on Tara Chambler (Alanna Masterson), who is still wounded. When he refuses, Carol pulls a knife and threatens him, saying that she can get away with claiming self-defense. Abraham Ford (Michael Cudlitz) visits Tara and talks with Eugene Porter (Josh McDermitt), and they apologize for things that happened on the road. Eventually, Tara wakes up while Rosita Espinosa (Christian Serratos) is watching her. Outside the walls, Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) buries a group of walkers she had killed. However, still emotionally unstable, she goes into the grave and lies among the pile of corpses.

Meanwhile, Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) and Aaron (Ross Marquand) see a survivor wearing a red poncho (Jason Alexander Davis) in the forest, but lose track of him, and decide to scavenge supplies from a food truck. However, they set off a trap that unleashes a horde of walkers and are forced to take shelter inside a car. Morgan arrives and Daryl and Aaron are able to escape. Aaron invites Morgan to Alexandria, but Morgan declines, asking instead for directions and shows them the map he picked up in the church. That night, the two Wolves Morgan previously encountered bring the survivor with the red poncho to the location, only to find their trap triggered, and they slit his throat. While resetting the trap, the Wolves find Aaron's dropped pack, containing evidence of Alexandria's existence.

Elsewhere, Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun) sees Nicholas (Michael Traynor) climbing over the wall and follows him into the woods. While tracking him, Glenn is shot and wounded by Nicholas. Glenn escapes and tackles Nicholas when his attention is focused on a lone walker. A struggle ensues and Nicholas runs off, leaving Glenn to defend himself against the walkers they attracted. As Nicholas moves through the night, Glenn catches up and holds him at gunpoint. Nicholas begs for his life, and Glenn reluctantly spares him.

Later, Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) goes outside the walls, unarmed. He finds a walker eating a man and approaches, offering himself to the walker, but he ends up killing both the walker and the dying man. Upon returning to Alexandria, Gabriel leaves the front gate ajar. Sasha goes to the church and asks Gabriel for help, but he says he cannot help her. Sasha admits she wants to die, and Gabriel, in a fit of anger, blames Bob Stookey and Tyreese Williams's deaths on her sins. A struggle ensues and Sasha holds Gabriel at gunpoint. Gabriel tells her to shoot him but Maggie arrives and stops her. Maggie hears Gabriel's confession over letting his congregation die and helps him to his feet.

On his way to the meeting, Rick notices the front gate open. He closes it and follows a trail of blood to find walkers amongst the houses. At the meeting, Michonne, Carol, Abraham, and Maggie speak in Rick's defense, while Deanna reveals Gabriel's claims. Rick arrives with a walker corpse, saying the walls alone are not enough to keep the residents safe. An inebriated Pete shows up wielding Michonne's katana, angrily proclaiming that Rick does not belong in Alexandria while attempting to assassinate him. Reg tries to stop Pete, but Pete shoves Reg away and accidentally slices open his throat with the katana, for which Abraham pins him down afterward. At Deanna's request, Rick executes Pete. He looks up to find that Daryl and Aaron have returned with Morgan, who all witnessed the execution.

In a post-credits scene, Michonne contemplates mounting her katana back on the wall but decides to carry it. At the Wolves' trap, the red poncho survivor, now a walker, stumbles past the car in which Daryl and Aaron had taken shelter, upon which has been written "WOLVES NOT FAR".

Water Polo Yankees

Naoya Inaba, who spends the majority of his adolescence abroad, returns to his hometown for his third year of high school. He enrolls in Saku High, which he admires thanks to one of its graduates, Yoshio Kurosawa, a yankee (20th century Japanese delinquent) who saved him from bullies and who encouraged him to never give up in pursuit of his dreams. However, to his dismay, he finds out that Saku High is inhabited by low-lives who resign to being underdogs in the town, and the school itself is about to be closed due to a lack of popularity. Naoya determines to resurrect the spirit of old Saku High by creating a water polo club to compete with Suiran High, a private rival high school whose successful water polo team brings the town out of obscurity.

Needing seven members to start the club, Naoya builds friendship with the playful trio Tomoki Kimura, Kohei Shimura, and Shinsuke Kato, the pessimistic but good water polo player Ryuji Mifune, as well as the wild Ryo Chiaki and his friend Koki Miyaguchi. He is assisted by the school math teacher Chiharu Aoyama for advisory purposes. Naoya also gets emotional support from his childhood friend, Nagisa Iwasaki despite her being associated with Suiran High's water polo team, who grows to accept the current Naoya after her initial disappointment of seeing him changing into a yankee.

Slowly, Naoya learns about the team's problems and bring them from their sulking with a determination to beat Suiran High, whose water polo team is aced by Torao Kitajima, a frenemy of Ryuji who strives to beat the latter to win the heart of Rei Fujisaki, despite the fact that Rei is unconditionally in love with him. Later, Naoya also reunites with Kurosawa, but his expectation is temporarily stripped when he learns that Kurosawa has given up his pride on Saku High. During the Inter-High tournament against Suiran High, Naoya overcomes an injury brought upon by a member of Suiran High and manages to score his team's victory. After the match, Naoya confesses his feelings to Nagisa, who accepts.

The epilogue, narrated in a letter from Nagisa to Suiran High's water polo teams' adviser, Mayu Shoji, tells of the events happening after the Inter-High tournament: Saku High is successfully prevented from being closed and its water polo team continues to thrive; Ryuji competes for the national championship team thanks to his performance in the Inter-High tournament; while Kurosawa has regained his faith in Saku High and is training to be its teacher. The series ends with Naoya saving a boy from bullies and advising him never to give up, just as Kurosawa has done to him years before.

Eruption (film)

Scientist Clive de Roo (played by Mark Mitchinson) detects volcanic activity under Waitematā Harbour. As de Roo presents as a maverick, he is not being taken seriously by his colleagues and his calls for having the city evacuated fall on deaf ears. ''Eruption'' follows the reaction of several families to the increasing seismic activity that precedes volcanic eruptions, including de Roo's own family. His wife, Mere (played by Nicola Kawana), is one of the people who disagree with his concerns. After a few days, the volcano starts erupting without any organised evacuation having taken place, with de Roo filming from his home. As the eruption intensifies, de Roo says "These will be my final observations" before his home gets pelted by rocks.

Första divisionen

After a period of hospitalization, caused by an aircraft accident, second lieutenant Gunnar Bråde returns to his old squadron. During an exercise a bomb hits his plane's propeller and he is forced to jump out with a parachute over the target area. This is not observed by any of the pilots, who continue to drop their bombs...

Flames in the Dark

Rolf Nordmark and Eva Berg both work as teachers at Ringsala boarding school. Rolf has long been in love with Eva, but when the semester begins again in the fall, he learns that she is to leave her job and marry a newly hired teacher at the school, Birger Sjögren. Rolf and Eva continues their friendship, but Birger who is very jealous thinks that it is more than that and becomes more and more angry.

A series of mysterious fires begins to take place around the school. Per Sahlén, one of the students, is sure that he has seen the severe Latin teacher Sjögren setting fire to a barn. But can he convince the trusted and psychologically skilled teacher Nordmark of his suspicions in time to stop a disaster?

Jack of Hearts (1950 film)

Lieutenant Anders Canitz only interests in life are women and horses. He lives on inherited money and has spent all of it. When he finds out that his brother leaves home for a while to meet with an old flame of his, Anders seduces his brothers wife. He breaks hearts, ruin other peoples relationships, lies and cheats with no regrets, or has he?

Wicked City (TV series)

In 1982 Los Angeles, police detectives Jack Roth (Jeremy Sisto) and Paco Contreras (Gabriel Luna) are partnered up to investigate a series of murders on the Sunset Strip. The detectives enlist the help of journalist Karen McClaren (Taissa Farmiga), photographer Diver Hawkes (Evan Ross), and Jack's mistress and undercover cop Dianne Kubek (Karolina Wydra) in order to identify and capture the Hollywood Slayer (Ed Westwick) and his lover (Erika Christensen).

Meeting in the Night

The journalist Åke Bergström writes a critical article about prisons in Sweden. The magazine's editor in chief disagrees with him and removes the article. He also fires Åke, who gets the idea that he should pretend to murder a friend to gain real knowledge about life inside the walls of a prison. What sounds like a clever but mad idea at first, soon turns out to be a real nightmare...

The Lion of Thebes

When the Greek army conquers Troy, Helen is exiled from her city. Her loyal guard Arion and Helene ends up shipwrecked on the shores of Egypt, they meet a caravan in the desert and escape from them to Thebes. In the Egyptian city, the Pharaoh Ramses falls in love with Helen, and this ends up making her numerous enemies during her stay in Egypt. She ends up being blamed for the assassination of Ramses, and its up to Arion to save her from those who wish to harm her.

The Sixth Shot

Two people who feel unsuccessful meet one evening in Monte Carlo. Georg Winkler even plans to commit suicide, but he is hindered by Marguerite Hoffman and they start discussing their lives over a drink. They agree to start a new life together.

Georg's talent is pistol shooting and Marguerite has been an actress, but not a successful one. They now start touring under the name "Hard & Hardy", where Georg uses his pistol in a lethally dangerous number with Marguerite as a target. They are now touring with a hit number, happy and in love. But even the best of plans can go terribly wrong...

Schuld nach Ferdinand von Schirach

The lawyer and criminal defense attorney Friedrich Kronberg meets in his cases not only interesting characters from real life, but he is often confronted with moral issues.

Urban Legend in Limbo

A series of false rumours spread around the Human Village, rumours of odd creatures and strange events. Unlike the Youkai, however, the nature of these rumours is foreign and unsettling, scaring the human children (although most of adults regard it is as simple child's play). But when Reimu, the Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, started to notice the rumors, she concluded that it must be the work of a higher power. With that, she and the others decided to investigate this new incident and find the culprit behind the rumors.

The New Adventures of Wisely

The 30 episodes long series is divided into six segments, each involving a mystery case that Wisely has to solve.

;''Shadow'' (影子) Uncle Cai is accused of murdering a man who claimed that his shadow was after his life. Wisely investigates the mystery and learns that the shadow is the ghost of a man who committed suicide by throwing himself into a charcoal kiln. Once the shadow attaches himself to someone, he can control the person's movements and make him/her do things against his/her will. Wisely helps the shadow find a new "home", a rare piece of charcoal, and in return, the shadow helps to prove Uncle Cai's innocence. After the incident is over, Wisely's friends steal the charcoal out of mischief and accidentally destroy it. The shadow swears to take his revenge unless Wisely and his friends find him a similar piece of charcoal. When they fail, they have no choice but to lure the shadow into a trap and destroy him.

;''Heavenly Book'' (天书) Wisely and Bai Su meet Fang Qi, a fortune teller, who predicts his own death and says three events will happen to Bai Su. First, Bai Su will lose something important but will get it back later. Second, Chief Bai (Bai Su's father) will be affected by a life-threatening illness but will eventually survive. Third, Bai Su will die on 7 July. Fang Qi is murdered later and the first two events happened as he predicted. In the meantime, Wen Baoyu encounters and romances the alien Haide, who has come to Earth to search for the Jade Compass and Heavenly Book – the two items Fang Qi used to predict the future. Wisely tries to get hold of the Heavenly Book and use it to change Bai Su's destiny, but fails as she still dies from a serious injury on 7 July. At this critical moment, Haide uses her powers to bring Bai Su back to life and then leaves for her home planet with Wen Baoyu.

;''Reincarnation'' (轮回) A serial murderer responsible for killing many young women over a span of 20 years strikes again. One of the victims was Guo Zeqing's girlfriend; Guo has been feeling depressed since her death and is determined to avenge her. While investigating the case, Guo meets Wang Yufen, who narrowly escaped from the killer. After the ordeal, Wang experiences visions about her past life as Laura, who was murdered by the killer on the day she was born, and believes she was Laura in her past life. She manages to contact David, Laura's dead fiancé, whose soul is trapped inside a computer system, and continues their past romance. With help from David and Wang Yufen's recollections of her past life, Guo manages to identify the killer, who turns out to be the forensic psychologist Lin Liren. Lin dies in a scuffle with Guo while trying to escape. Guo finally puts the past behind him and realises he has fallen in love with Wang Yufen.

;''Immortal'' (神仙) Bai Su's ex-boyfriend enters a contract with a blue-blooded alien to "sell" ten years of his life to the business magnate Tao Qiquan in exchange for US$20 million. He is killed later when he tries to break his promise. The alien's spacecraft malfunctioned while he was travelling in space and he ended up on Earth. The only way for him to return home is to obtain two ancient daggers and use them to activate a signalling device in an Egyptian pyramid. He has agreed to help Tao Qiquan become immortal; in return, Tao will help him obtain the things he needs. Tao also secretly makes a side deal with Bai Su's brother, Bai Qiwei, to help him find the elixir of immortality in the pyramid. When Wisely's friend, the highly skilled thief Qi Bai, goes missing while searching for the dagger, Wisely and Bai Su travel to Egypt to find him. Bai Qiwei insists on joining them even though there are already tensions between him and Wisely. Wisely suspects Bai Qiwei is working with Tao Qiquan even though Bai Qiwei denies it. With help from the alien, they navigate their way past deadly traps in the pyramid and enter a secret chamber, where the elixir and signalling device are located. Wisely and Bai Su fall into an underground chamber after Bai Qiwei accidentally opens a trap door. Bai Qiwei then kills the alien and seizes the elixir for himself. The three of them escape from the pyramid before it collapses. After returning to Coral Island, Wisely tricks Bai Qiwei into revealing his dealings with Tao Qiquan and secretly records their conversation. When Bai Qiwei finds out, he attacks Wisely but accidentally falls off a tower and dies.

;''Building'' (大厦) One of Bai Su's colleagues goes missing in a new building and is eventually found dead on the roof. He purportedly fell to his death from a high location even though there are no taller buildings in the vicinity. Bai Su and Guo Zeqing seek help from Wisely in solving the mystery, but they also disappear under strange circumstances while taking the lift in the building. While investigating, Wisely enters the lift and ends up being trapped and transported through time into a fourth dimension, which is actually a secret experiment sponsored by Tao Qiquan. Wisely meets Bai Su and Guo in the fourth dimension and manages to make his way out. He teams up with Qi Bai to confront Tao Qiquan and destroy his lab. Wisely enters the fourth dimension again and successfully brings Bai Su and Guo with him out of the dimension. Upon returning to their time zone, they are ambushed by Tao's henchmen. Bai Su is shot while using her body to shield Wisely and ends up in a coma.

;''Souls'' (离魂) Due to an accident during a thunderstorm, Bai Su's body is struck by lightning and her soul leaves her body. Bei Mengdan is able to communicate with Bai Su's soul and decides to help her after seeing how distressed Wisely feels over Bai Su's condition. She lets Bai Su's soul possess her body and then electrocutes herself and Bai Su's body so that Bai Su's soul can return to her body. She succeeds in her attempt but loses her sense of sight as a consequence.

;''God of Wishes'' (愿望之神) When Qi Bai is accused of committing rape and murder, Wisely refuses to believe the accusations and secretly helps his friend escape from police custody. However, he makes a shocking discovery later that there are actually two Qi Bais. The other Qi Bai is a clone of the real Qi Bai and has been responsible for committing the evil deeds. He follows the real Qi Bai to a secret room inside an old mansion which supposedly contains a treasure that can lead one to the God of Wishes. They see that the room is filled with mirrors and has nothing inside except for an empty chest. Qi Bai and his clone are eventually cornered by the police in a hostage situation. Qi Bai commits suicide because that is the only way to destroy his clone. However, the entire saga is not over yet because a clone of Wisely was created when Wisely entered the secret room. Wisely is caught off guard by his clone, knocked out and held captive. His clone then impersonates him, harms his loved ones and close friends, and terrorises the city by setting off poison gas bombs. Wisely manages to break out of captivity, proves his identity to his friends, and puts an end to his evil clone's rampage. Before the series ends, he visits the God of Wishes in an ancient Egyptian temple and makes three wishes.

Lyckan kommer

This fairy tale for grown-up children tells us about Georg and Monika Hedberg, they are so rich and live in such luxury that they have lost sight of each other and the ability to be happy, the way they were when they lived in humble circumstances. Now they quarrel and annoy each other instead, and finally they agree to get a divorce.

In consultation with their lawyer they make a bet to save their marriage. The lawyer says that they are simply too spoiled, impractical and behave like two children. They will now start over again, move to a humble apartment, go back to work and live solely on their income during these months while the lawyer freezes all their assets. Can a more modest life make happiness come back?

The Lemon Drop Kid (1934 film)

Con artist and racetrack tout Wally Brooks hands a lemon drop to a man in a wheelchair, saying it will cure whatever ails him, then persuades the man, a millionaire named Griggsby, to bet $100 on a horse. Wally knows this horse can't win and intends to pocket the cash. The horse does win, so Wally and his partner Dunhill, alias "The Professor," take it on the lam.

Lying low in an out-of-the-way place, Wally meets town drunk Jonas Deering and his beautiful daughter Alice. A love affair blossoms and they marry, but when Alice is about to give birth and having serious medical problems, Wally needs money so he robs Mr. Potter, her boss. Alice dies in childbirth.

A despondent Wally shuns his own son, Wally Jr., and isn't sure where to turn next. The Professor marries longtime girlfriend Maizie and offers to raise Wally Jr., and even better, Griggsby shows up, claiming the lemon drop did help his arthritis. He volunteers to become Wally Jr.'s legal guardian and gives Wally some money, minus what the bet on his horse would have won.

Friend with Benefit

The episode opens with a short parody of the Disney short ''Feast'' entitled "Fat". Santa's Little Helper is fed scraps from the Simpsons' dinner table until he gets too fat and dies. He goes to Heaven and God offers him a choice between Fit Dog Heaven and Fat Dog Hell. Fat Dog Hell flashes a "Free Pizza" sign and Santa's Little Helper runs inside.

Homer sees a commercial for a self-lifting chair and becomes interested in buying one, but the $1,100 price dismays him. After Lenny and Carl suggest that he try to raise the money through crowdfunding, Homer posts a video that persuades the residents of Springfield to donate. He soon has enough to buy the chair and posts a follow-up video of himself enjoying it, but the townspeople become so enraged upon seeing his frivolous use of their money that they storm the Simpson house and destroy the chair.

Meanwhile, at Springfield Elementary, Lisa tries to attract potential members for the school magic club. A girl named Harper Jambowski (voiced by Kristen Bell) becomes interested in signing up, and the two begin to spend time together. Lisa tries to calm Homer's anger about losing the chair by asking him to take her and Harper to an Australian boy band concert, for which Harper's father Mike has already bought tickets. Homer agrees, but is surprised to discover that the group's seats are in an expensive VIP skybox. Mike, a wealthy entrepreneur and owner of several businesses and sports teams, joins them in the box, and he and Homer strike up a friendship of their own.

On the way home, Lisa complains to Homer that Harper never let her talk during the show, but Homer persuades her to stay friends with Harper so she can enjoy all the luxuries of the Jambowskis' lifestyle. Harper invites Homer and Lisa to see a performance by David Copperfield, but again she stops Lisa from participating as the fathers enjoy themselves. As Lisa becomes disenchanted with Harper, Mike invites the Simpsons to spend a week on his private island. They decline at first due to the children needing to attend school, but Mike bribes Principal Skinner to close Springfield Elementary for a week so they can go.

Harper gives Lisa a fancy new bicycle, but Lisa sees it as an insult to the one she owns and feels that Harper is trying to control everything around her. Although their argument escalates, Lisa decides to remain friends with Harper so that the family can enjoy the island's comforts. When the girls begin fighting again during the trip, Homer reluctantly takes the family home early for Lisa's sake, commenting that no one who would treat her so badly deserves to be her friend.

During the credits, Homer ruefully says goodbye to the island's amenities as the family flies back to Springfield. Looking out the window, he and Lisa see that Bart is still on the island and has spelled out the message "So long suckers" on the shore.


Bart is not excited about going to his first school dance, but after he accidentally destroys the orange drink machine that Nelson's mom's fiancé brought over, a 5th grade girl is impressed and asks him to dance. Bart then wins the "Best Dancer" trophy and his date asks him to meet her outside, but the bullies are waiting for him and they break his trophy and mock him, leading his date to desert him. After a humiliated Bart tells Marge about the incident, she goes to a City Council meeting and says it is time to make bullies feel scared instead of their victims, and a bill giving the police wide powers to crack down on bullying is passed unanimously.

Chief Wiggum starts out by legitimately arresting bullies like Jimbo, Kearney, and Dolph after they try to steal Bart and Milhouse's sleds. However due to how vaguely the law defines a bully, Wiggum soon begins to arrest anyone he wants to even if they are wrongly accused. Homer, who has abused the new law on anyone who even mildly inconveniences him, gets a taste of his own medicine when Rod and Todd Flanders, fed up with how Homer treats their father Ned, have him arrested and sentenced to 90 days of treatment. While in the center, Homer has an epiphany that he is cruel to Ned because his neighbor is better than him in every way. A distraught Homer begs for forgiveness which an angry Ned refuses several times for how he treated him. But after Homer penitently kneels on Ned's lawn for a long stretch, Ned reluctantly forgives him. The Simpsons and the Flanders then join together and have brunch.

The Blackcoat's Daughter

The plot is split into three timelines. The first two, "Rose" and "Joan", intercut between each other throughout the bulk of the film, before a third timeline, "Kat", is introduced and comprises the film's climax.


In February, students at the prestigious Bramford Academy, a Catholic boarding school in upstate New York, are about to be picked up by their parents for a week-long break. Kat (Kiernan Shipka), a freshman, and Rose (Lucy Boynton), a senior student, are left behind. Suspecting she may be pregnant, Rose has lied to her parents about the vacation dates to buy time. Kat has a premonitory dream of her parents dying in a car crash and is unable to reach them by phone. The girls are left alone in the academy overnight, and Rose departs with her boyfriend to inform him of the pregnancy. Meanwhile, Kat receives a call. Hours later, Rose returns and finds Kat in the boiler room, repeatedly prostrating herself before the boiler. She presses for an explanation of the strange behavior, but Kat speaks cryptically and claims her parents are dead, disturbing Rose. After Rose leaves, Kat's body starts convulsing and contorting in her bed.

The next morning, Rose and a sickly-looking Kat join the nuns for breakfast, where Kat behaves erratically, vomits, and curses at the nuns. After receiving an alarming phone call, the nuns order Rose to shovel the driveway "down to the earth" for the abrupt return of the headmaster Gordon. Gordon arrives with a policeman; as they enter the nun's cabin, a bloodstain is seen on the wall, and the men react with shock to something offscreen.


A young woman, Joan (Emma Roberts), arrives at a bus stop after escaping a mental institution. A friendly older man named Bill (James Remar) offers her a ride with him and his wife Linda (Lauren Holly) to Bramford, which is near the town where she claims to be headed. They stop at a motel and Joan showers, revealing a scar on her shoulder, and a flashback shows her being shot by a policeman. Bill tells Joan that he picked her up because she reminded him of his deceased daughter, revealed to be Rose - the next day will be the ninth anniversary of Rose's death, on which her parents visit Bramford every year. Joan recognizes Rose's name and retreats to the bathroom, where she suppresses laughter. Joan is revealed to be a fake name; the real Joan was a woman she killed to steal her ID.


During the days leading up to winter break, Kat is in contact with an entity depicted alternately as a horned shadow and a gravelly voice on the phone. This entity informs her of her parents' impending death, and instructs her to kill everyone. After breakfast, the nuns receive a phone call informing them that Kat's parents have indeed died. After Rose is dismissed to shovel the driveway, Kat murders both nuns. She pursues Rose; shortly after Rose has her period, confirming she is not pregnant, Kat stabs her to death and beheads her. Gordon and the policeman find Kat prostrating in front of the boiler again, with the decapitated heads of her three victims next to her. She exclaims "Hail Satan!" before the policeman shoots her in the shoulder, revealing that "Joan" is Kat. Kat is detained in a mental hospital, where a priest performs an exorcism. The exorcism is seemingly successful, but Kat begs the demon not to leave her before it vanishes.

"Joan", the Kat of nine years later, murders Bill and Linda when they pull over in Bramford. She beheads their corpses, and brings the heads to the boiler room of the academy, seemingly in an effort to summon the demon she lost years ago. However, she finds the boiler cold and unused. Now completely alone, she leaves the academy and breaks down crying in the middle of the road.

Woman They Almost Lynched

Civil War factions along the Arkansas-Missouri border are warned by Border City's mayor, Delilah Courtney, to stay five miles from her neutral town or risk arrest. Quantrill, a former Confederate officer gone rogue, brings his gang of marauders to the region, including wife Kate, who he kidnapped from Border City two years ago.

Another new arrival is Sally Maris, who has traveled from Michigan to join her brother, Bitterroot Bill, the owner of a saloon. Kate takes an immediate dislike to Sally and challenges her to a fight, which Sally wins, then a gunfight, where Sally also surprises Kate with her skill with a weapon. Bill is killed, and has left behind so many debts, Sally must stay to run the business.

Quantrill's interest in a mine, owned by Delilah, pits him against foreman Lance Horton, who is secretly a Confederate spy. Sally falls in love with Lance, who is wounded in a gunfight. After saving Kate's life during the melee, the women join forces. Sally prevents the arrest of Lance by claiming to be the spy herself. She is about to be hanged by vigilantes, but Kate reveals the truth, then rides off with the men in hot pursuit, saving Sally.

Strange Sisters

Narges and Nasrin are two elementary school girls who meet each other in a school festival and find out that they are twin sisters. Their parents were separated. Their mother was a dress maker, and their father was a composer and musician, but they have never told their kids about this. One of girls lives with their mother and another one lives with their father. The girls decide to change places, and their parents don't realize what they have done, because the girls look very much alike each other. The father is going to marry with his partner, Soraya.

So the girls try to persuade Soraya to leave their father. Then, they pretend that they are lost so that their parents would look for them and meet each other.

The Bardy Bunch

It is the summer of 1974 and the sitcom-perfect Sunshine Days are about to come to an end for the Bradys and the Partridges. The two singing families meet for the first time after being double-booked at the same gig, and a feud immediately erupts. So, too, do the passions of Keith Partridge and Marcia Brady, who fall in love at first sight.

That night, Keith woos Marcia outside her window and together they hatch a plan to bring peace to the warring families, by convincing Greg Brady and Laurie Partridge that they are secretly in love with each other. Laurie disguises herself as a man to befriend Greg and test his loyalty.

Other, more nefarious, plots abound: Carol Brady, a la Lady Macbeth, convinces Mike to murder his boss, Mr. Phillips, and take his job. Meanwhile, a conniving Chris Partridge schemes to take over as bassist in the family band by driving his brother Danny to madness and persuading him to believe that their manager, Reuben Kincaid, killed their father to win the hand of their mother, Shirley. Confusing? Perhaps. But this is how Shakespeare rolled.

Many deaths ensue – some plotted, some accidental, some involving frozen steak—and many ghosts abound. Blood is shed, corny jokes are told, and groovy songs are sung. By the final act, virtually all our favorite characters have canceled each other out—just as their shows were slain in the summer of 1974. But, modern classics that they are, “The Brady Bunch” and “The Partridge Family” live on, in rerun heaven, and in the hearts of fans all over the world.

War Room (film)

Pharmaceutical salesman Tony Jordan and his wife, realtor Elizabeth Jordan, appear outwardly successful; they have a large house, plenty of money, and a beautiful daughter named Danielle. Behind the façade, however, Tony and Elizabeth's relationship is strained. Tony is callous, verbally abusive and thinking about cheating on Elizabeth. In addition, because his job requires frequent travel, he is almost never there for his daughter.

Elizabeth goes to work with the elderly Miss Clara to sell her house. Miss Clara senses the stress Elizabeth is under, and suggests that Elizabeth fight for their marriage by praying for Tony. Miss Clara shows Elizabeth a special closet she has dedicated to praying, which she calls her "War Room"; as she puts it, "in order to stand up and fight the enemy, you need to get on your knees and pray." As Elizabeth starts to seriously pray for her husband, Tony leaves for a business trip, having dinner with a beautiful woman who invites him back to her apartment. Just as he is about to leave with her, he becomes nauseous and runs to the bathroom to throw up.

Shortly afterward, Tony is fired for stealing drug samples; unbeknownst to Elizabeth and Danielle, he has been illegally selling those stolen samples to make even more money. Realizing he has hit rock bottom, Tony rededicates his life to God. He now realizes that he has to return both the stolen samples and his ill-gotten money, even though revealing what he's done could potentially send him to prison. Tony meets with his former boss and confesses; his former boss is moved by his willingness to admit his wrongdoing and make amends, and decides not to press charges. Tony begins to show an interest in his daughter's jump-roping skills and offers to participate with her and her friends in the upcoming double Dutch competition at the local community center. Tony and his daughter's team takes second place in the competition, creating a new bond between him and his daughter.

Elizabeth successfully sells Miss Clara's house to a retired pastor who realizes someone has been praying in the closet. Shortly afterwards, Tony is offered a job as the director of the community center. Although the pay is only half of what he used to make, he realizes that with the income from this new job combined with Elizabeth picking up some extra work, the family can make a budget and survive.


Undercover police officer Lucas White enters the world of underground street racing to join a gang of street racers led by Vin Serento to get closer to a crime ring led by Los Angeles kingpin Juan Carlos De la Sol. The morning after losing a street race, Lucas goes to Vin's garage with a wrecked Smart Fortwo and lands a job as a mechanic, despite objections by Vin's friend Curtis. He also develops a relationship with Vin's sister Jordana.

The next day, Lucas and Vin head to a secluded area, where they win a dance audition for de la Sol. The duo drive de la Sol's supercar to a warehouse to meet up with a gang and exchange it for a briefcase of cash, only to discover a bomb inside. They play catch with the gang until the bomb explodes on Vin's face before a shootout ensues. Vin chases after the gang leader while Lucas accidentally guns down Detective Hanover, his superior and the only one aware of his identity as an undercover cop. After the duo flee from the scene, Detective Rock Johnson and Officer Julie Canaro arrive to investigate the shootout. Meanwhile, de la Sol orders a hit on Vin following the double-cross. Back at Serento Garage, Vin and the gang discover a list of de la Sol's illegal activities through a computer in the supercar, to which they set out to steal de la Sol's secret stash of $100 million. For this heist, Vin employs the services of Rapper Cameo, Cool Asian Guy, and Model Turned Actress. At the same time, Jordana reveals to Lucas that she is pregnant with their child. Later, the gang begin their heist, but end up on the wrong street and mistakenly mug a pastor and a nun delivering bingo night money. They regroup and deduce that the secret stash is inside a Big Ass Taco restaurant owned by De la Sol. They hatch a plan to break into the vault, steal the cash, and flee to an extradition-free country with no casualties involved, except for Curtis. The next morning, Johnson and his squad raid the garage; the facility is empty, but Canaro discovers the gang's plans, which are heavily ignored by Johnson.

At the Big Ass Taco, the gang realize they have been double-crossed by Curtis and engage in a shootout with de la Sol's thugs. At the last minute, Curtis is shot dead by de la Sol's henchman Cesar while protecting Vin. Using the restored Smart and Lucas' Toyota Corolla, Vin and Lucas tow the whole restaurant away. De la Sol and Cesar chase after them with Johnson and his squad in pursuit. Vin's lesbian girlfriend Michelle hands herself over to Canaro to help the gang get away. Meanwhile, de la Sol kicks Cesar out of his SUV after an argument over the climate control. Johnson kills Cesar in a shootout and stops de la Sol, but the kingpin flees after bribing the detective with a male enhancement kit. Upon hearing an explosion, Johnson heads to the abandoned restaurant and chases after the gang. He nabs Jordana and reveals to her and Vin that Lucas is an undercover cop. Lucas, instead, handcuffs Johnson to the spoiler of Jordana's Scion tC and walks away with Vin and Jordana while Johnson struggles to grab his bottle of baby oil on the ground. With the cash stowed in the trunks, Lucas and Vin agree to one more race, with Jordana's unborn baby at stake. However, de la Sol arrives, demanding the return of his money, but is run over by a squad car driven by Michelle and Canaro (who have begun a relationship). Lucas, Vin, and Jordana then race off, with Vin arguing with his GPS device after it directs him to a wig shop.

Wings of the Hawk

Mexico, 1911: An expatriate American known as "Irish" Gallagher joins up with Mexican revolutionaries when the mine where he and partner Marco have just struck gold is seized by Colonel Paco Ruiz, a corrupt official who rules the province. Marco is killed by Ruiz.

A band of rebels saves Irish from certain death, with a particularly brave one, a woman, Raquel Noriega, being wounded by gunfire. The rebels aren't sure about Irish so they take him back to their leader, Arturo Torres. As they talk, Raquel faints from her injury, and Irish offers to remove the bullet.

Raquel is engaged to marry Arturo. Her sister Elena has been kidnapped. When they go search for the sister, Raquel and Irish are taken prisoner by Ruiz and locked in a cell. Elena is not a captive after all and says she intends to marry Ruiz. She mistakenly trusts the villainous Ruiz, who coldly executes the mother of one of Arturo's loyal rebels, Tomas.

Irish and Raquel are broken out of jail by the rebels, but Arturo is killed. Irish, realizing how much Ruiz values the gold in the mine, booby-traps it with dynamite and sets off the explosions while Tomas kills Ruiz to avenge his mother's death. When asked by Raquel why he destroyed his own mine, Irish says there is something he loves more, and they kiss.

Car 99

A story of the Michigan State Police and the strong sense of loyalty and duty it instills in its men. It follows the career of a newly-inducted rookie, Ross Martin, who has joined the force at the urging of his sweetheart, Mary Adams. Martin soon distinguishes himself by his bravery in the apprehension of criminals. But when the leader of a gang of bank robbers falls into his hands and then escapes, because of carelessness on Martin's part, he is suspended from the force.

Oh, What a Knight!

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 22, 1910. It states: "May Brandon is a young woman of the present day who finds that the course of true love can sometimes run too smooth. She is engaged to the man of her choice, but no one objects. In fact, there is not the slightest opposition to her marriage in any quarter. And, being a woman, she does not like it. Perhaps she would have been married in the orthodox way had it not been for a dream that she had. In her sleep she found herself a beautiful young woman, persecuted because she was loyal to the knight she had selected. Her father was obdurate, and finally practically made her a prisoner in his gloomy old castle. Her sweetheart called with a rope ladder. They escaped, and after a number of thrilling adventures were married, and presumably lived happy forever afterwards. When May awoke, she was more discontented than ever. She flouted her fiancé, and returned his ring and swore she would never marry him. But finally she told him of her dream, and he won forgiveness by promising to run away with her like the knight of her dreams. Being a man of his word, he did. But the romance all faded out of it. The adventures they passed through were not to the woman's liking, and her experience convinced her that swashbuckling knights are as much out of date as are stagecoaches."

Will O' the Wisp (novel)

Alain Leroy is 30 years old. He served in World War I and has led a cosmopolitan, decadent life for a few years, before being admitted to a mental institution for depression, fatigue and heroin addiction. He is unable to adapt to the regulated life of the institution, but the doctor does not think his stay needs to be extended.

Alain visits several old friends in Paris. He is presented with several opportunities to return to a regular life, but is unable to find any satisfying human connection, and other people have a hard time sympathising with his situation. Alain returns to his room at the hospital where he commits suicide.

The Black Vortex


Star-Lord (Peter Quill) tries to avoid the Slaughter Lords and those hunting him for a bounty posted by Mister Knife, while attempting to maintain a long-distance relationship with Kitty Pryde. He is eventually caught by ex-Spartax warriors led by his half-sister, Victoria. Together they concoct a plan to turn him in on the prison planet Viderdoom, collect the bounty, and then steal the remaining funds from Blight, the jailer.

The Slaughter Lords approach Thanos' son Thane with an offer to join Mister Knife, but Thane has disavowed violence and become a minister. Mister Knife secretly kills the congregation in a plot to enrage Thane into joining his cause. Mister Knife later captures Star-Lord while he is teleconferencing with Kitty Pryde, and Star-Lord learns that Mister Knife is actually his father, J'Son, the dethroned emperor of Spartax.

Kitty Pryde rescues Star-Lord by throwing herself from her ship and phasing through his flying fortress. She grabs Peter Quill while phasing both of them through the bottom of the fortress, landing back in her ship. At first, she is angry that Quill is back to his pirating ways. Learning that he sends everything to the orphanage on Spartax where he grew up, Pryde decides that she will help him steal the Black Vortex from Mister Knife.

Main event

Twelve billion years ago, an ancient race called the Viscardi were visited by a Celestial. He gifted them with a mirror known as the Black Vortex. Those who "submit" to the Black Vortex gain Celestial power, and with this immense power the Viscardi attacked each other toward extinction. There was only one survivor, Gala, and the Vortex was lost.

Eventually Mister Knife locates the Black Vortex after visiting a Celestial graveyard. Kitty Pryde and Star-Lord decide to steal it before Mister Knife uses it on himself and Thane. However, he uses it on his Slaughter Lords. Kitty and Star-Lord recruit the X-Men, Nova, and the Guardians of the Galaxy to prevent the Slaughter Lords from retrieving the Black Vortex. Greatly overpowered when the Slaughter Lords attack, Gamora, Beast, and Angel submit and tip the balance of the battle. The team then fight among themselves, and Ronan the Accuser steals the Vortex.

Gamora, Beast, and Angel are enraged and attack Hala, the Kree empire's capital planet. The team split into three groups: one battles Gamora, Beast, and Angel; the second stays on Spartax to distract the Slaughter Lords; and the third team speaks with the Kree Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme Intelligence demands that Ronan stand down until their star fleet can return, but Ronan uses the Vortex. He is successful in repelling Gamora, Beast, and Angel, but is banished by the Supreme Intelligence. The Slaughter Lords and Mister Knife use this opportunity to sneak into Hala to steal the Vortex, and the floating fortress unleashes a massive barrage that destroys Hala. The heroes narrowly escape, and Nova acquires the Vortex from the Slaughter Lords. The Collector follows Nova to Earth and attempts to steal the Vortex, but Nova goes to Spartax and unknowingly returns it to Mister Knife who empowers Thane. Thane then uses his super-powered "Living Death" and engulfs Spartax in amber. Mister Knife allows the Brood to invade Spartax and use its citizens as hosts. His plan was to take out the two largest empires, Spartax and Hala, allowing the Brood to spread, then use it to take over the galaxy.

Cyclops, Iceman, and Groot are captured by the Slaughter Lords but are able to escape and steal the Vortex. They give themselves cosmic powers and pass the Vortex to Captain Marvel. She is confronted by a super-powered Thane and Mister Knife and resists the temptation to use the Vortex, instead using the mirror surface to reflect Thane's Living Death blast at Mister Knife, encasing him in amber. Gala then returns, defeats Thane, and attempts to destroy the Black Vortex before it can corrupt anyone else. Captain Marvel is able to return the Vortex to the team, and they debate who should use the power one more time to save Spartax. Jean Grey offers, but everybody is worried about a repeat of the Dark Phoenix. Star-Lord contemplates but knows if he is super-powered he will waste his potential. Kitty Pryde volunteers to shoulder the burden. Gala agrees to it being used one last time.

Kitty Pryde gains cosmic powers and uses her phasing ability to phase out the entire planet of Spartax from the amber, except for the Brood, which are then destroyed. The Slaughter Lords retreat afterwards. Cyclops, Iceman, Groot, and Beast return their cosmic powers, but Gamora, Angel, Kitty, and Ronan keep theirs. Star-Lord then proposes to Kitty. Gala takes away the Black Vortex. The Collector collects the amber-encased Mister Knife. The Ebony Maw then attaches himself to the cosmically powered Thane.

In the aftermath, Ronan vows to rebuild the Kree Empire. Victoria, Star-Lord's half-sister, meets with the Collector. She strikes a deal with him in order to secure Mister Knife's body, but secretly steals the last remaining seed of the Kree Supreme Intelligence.

Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales

In the aftermath of ''Return of the Jedi'', the rebels celebrate their victory against the Galactic Empire by having C-3PO and R2-D2 share their previous encounters throughout the Clone Wars, their affiliation with the ''Ghost'' crew from ''Star Wars Rebels'', and their activism against the Galactic Empire. During this time, C-3PO pursues a mysterious person who has abducted R2-D2 which is later revealed to be Lando Calrissian. However, 3PO, R2 and Chewbacca (who was enlisted by 3PO to help find R2) are captured by General Veers and a few surviving Stormtroopers but the trio manage to escape with the help of Admiral Ackbar and return to Endor to celebrate with their friends.

El alma no tiene color

The story deals with issues related to racism by narrating the story of Guadalupe Roldán, daughter of Don Humberto Roldán and "La Negra Macaria", whom she takes as her nanny. Guadalupe, by an agreement between her family and the Álamo family to save her father from financial ruin, is forced to abandon her boyfriend, Luis Diego Morales, a teacher of modest means, and marry Lisandro del Álamo, a Rich and powerful man for whom Guadalupe has no love. But over time, Guadalupe develops strong feelings for him.

Guadalupe, when she becomes pregnant, thinks that Lisandro is the happiest man in the world. But when her son is born, she turns out to be a dark-skinned girl and Lisandro abandons Guadalupe, accusing her of adultery. Don Humberto coerces Macaria to maintain Guadalupe's true affiliation and Macaria is in no position to tell Lisandro that it is the ancestry and not the adultery responsible for the baby being colored.

Among this, Ana Luisa Roldán appears, Guadalupe's cousin who hates her, bringing tragedies to Guadalupe's life, takes Luis Diego from her and makes Lisandro believe that he is not the father of her daughter Estrellita. Don Humberto falls into depression and alcoholism due to the absence of his wife Sara and the disappearance of his other daughter, Sarita, whom his grandmother took very far.

Lisandro discovers that Estrellita is his daughter through Macaria, who explains that she is Guadalupe's mother. The couple reconciles but before running away from the Roldán family with Macaria.

One day, Lisandro discovers that Guadalupe works as a singer for the club "Sapo Enamorado" and sees her with bad eyes, and through an Ana Luisa trap, ends up spending the night with her. Ana Luisa pretends to be pregnant, so Lisandro agrees to marry her. Guadalupe decides to divorce him, since she does not want to leave a child without a father.

Ana Luisa poisons Lisandro's heart, making her see that if Guadalupe stays with the baby, Luis Diego will be the only father figure she will have, so that Lisandro obtains sole custody of Estrellita. However, Ana Luisa is not willing to be the mother of a black girl, so with the help of Luis Diego, her mother, Begoña Roldán, and Lisandro's ex-girlfriend, kidnap the girl and abandon her in the United States.

Before long, Sara finds the girl and decides to adopt her without knowing that she is her niece. When she informs Rodrigo, Lisandro's cousin, that she found a girl of color, she tells Lisandro about the find, and Lisandro decides to go to the United States without telling Guadalupe the truth about her daughter.

Time passes and Lisandro returns to Mexico, meets Guadalupe and asks him why he did not want to know anything about the girl, and they discover that it was all a plan by Ana Luisa and Begoña to separate them. The two reconcile and form a beautiful family, but he dies in a plane crash soon after. Guadalupe goes crazy and is admitted to a psychiatric hospital. It is there that she meets her true love, Víctor Manuel.

Ana Luisa changes her name to Sandra Bracho and assassinates the doctor who attends Guadalupe, Luis Diego and Gonzalo, her accomplice. However, seeing that the police are after her, she seeks help from Alina, Lisandro's mother. Ana Luisa tries to steal Alina's jewelry, but Alina shoots her and leaves her seriously injured. In the hospital, knowing that she will go to prison, Ana Luisa takes off her artificial respirator, causing her own death.

In the end, Estrellita asks her mother to please not abandon her, to which Guadalupe reacts and realizes that in her entire life she never decided anything for herself. For this reason, she asks Víctor Manuel for time, to be able to enjoy her daughter and her mother. A little sad, Víctor Manuel accepts.

The Firebird (1952 film)

A famous Italian tenor gets an offer to make a guest appearance in Sweden, but is unwilling to go, until he sees a Swedish dance film with the beautiful ballerina Linda Corina. He travels to the Royal Opera in Stockholm, and falls in love with her. And so, a passionate and colourful drama begins.

Father's House (TV series)

The story revolves on the life of Kang Man Ho (Choi Min-soo), who had a one-night stand with a pianist, Lee Hyun Jae (Moon Jung-hee). But because he needs to serve some time in prison, it wasn't until he got released that he realizes he had become a father;the mother has dropped off the boy with his closest relations (with a man that is like a father figure to Choi) and headed back home to the U.S. Although he didn't feel an immediate love for his son, the bond is solidified when both survived a bus crash, and after that near-death experience, he became determined to be a loving father.

The Nuthouse (film)

During excavations in Stockholm in the year 2248 45,000 feet film from the 1940s by master director Hasse Ekman is found. The material is in disarray but the ''Society for Ancient Film Research'' compiles material that is believed to master his artistic intentions.

The story is compiled from several of Hasse Ekman's 1940s movies. Among them: ''Första divisionen'', ''Flames in the Dark'', ''Ombyte av tåg'', ''Excellensen'', ''Kungliga patrasket'', ''Fram för lilla Märta'', ''Lilla Märta kommer tillbaka'' and ''Banketten''.

Love in Bloom (film)

Colonel Downey, a carnival owner, goes bankrupt and lands in jail. His daughter-in-law Gracie Downey decides to travel to New York City to find George's sister Violet and ask for financial aid. George goes along with Gracie, and together they find Vi dining with songwriter Larry Deane, unaware that both Vi and Larry don't have a dollar left between them.

Vi and Larry each get a job in Pop Heinrich's music store, where she turns out to be good at sales by singing songs to customers with Larry's accompaniment. Vi is able to get her belongings back from the apartment where she was locked out, but gives what's left of her money to Gracie, then decides to go to work for the carnival. Larry then decides to use his earnings to become one of the carnival's new owners.

Parallels (film)

Ronan and Beatrix each receive a message from their father, Alex, who requests they meet him. Curious, they separately converge at their father's house, where they find him missing, though Ronan recovers a strange, ball-shaped device. When Harry, Beatrix's friend, arrives, he joins them in their attempts to locate their father despite Ronan's dislike for him. Harry, a public defender, suggests that they contact the police. However, Captain Stone can offer little help to them, as they have no evidence of wrongdoing. He directs them to the building Alex described and tells them that it is abandoned.

The three find the building empty and covered in graffiti that describes alternate timelines and histories. Initially dismissive of the seemingly nonsensical graffiti, they discover that the building has transported them to an alternate Earth devastated by nuclear blasts. When they see a roving patrol shoot down pedestrians, they flee back into the building, where they meet Polly. Polly, a traveler between worlds, explains that the building transports anyone within it to a new, random world if they return to it in exactly 36 hours. In hostile worlds such as the one in which they currently reside, she suggests that they stay inside the building and not interact with the locals. The group sleeps to pass the time.

They are woken by an armed patrol, who take them to meet the leader of the local settlement. Polly takes charge and convinces him that they are merely confused travelers. Recognizing Captain Stone as their leader, Harry thanks him for his help. Stone, suddenly distrustful of outsiders who know both his name and former occupation, takes them hostage and orders Tinker, the local surgeon and gadget-man, to interrogate them. Tinker shows them footage of a terrorist attack via suitcase nuke, and Ronan and Beatrix are horrified to recognize their father as the perpetrator.

Ronan breaks free, knocks Tinker unconscious and frees the others. Desperate for revenge against Alex, Tinker sets off with his own suitcase nuke to destroy the building. The group returns to the building just in time to escape the blast and transport to the next world, though they do not know that Tinker transports with them. This world is technologically advanced, and the group splits up to learn more about both it and Alex. Ronan and Polly explore Alex's house, which turns out to be empty. Ronan reveals that he blames himself for his mother's death, and Polly seems confused when he jokingly quotes slang from her world back to her. Ronan shows her the device he found earlier, and she says that it could only be from the "core world" where the building was constructed. They flee the house when they find a hidden warning and a team of assassins attack them.

Beatrix and Harry discover, that in this world he is a wealthy and corrupt corporate lawyer. They hack into his computer and learn that this world's Alex was killed in an accident and Ronan apparently never existed. Harry sends evidence of his double's wrongdoing to the media, and they return to the building, where they find that Tinker has apparently taken Ronan and Polly hostage. Beatrix threatens to kill Tinker, but Ronan convinces her to allow Tinker to use an invention that hacks into the building. Impressed with the device, Alex reveals himself after stepping out from a secure elevator. Alex directs Tinker to the top floor of the building, where he says Tinker will find answers.

Once Tinker leaves, Alex tells his children that he and their mother were not born on what they perceived as their home world. Tinker returns from the elevator, yelling to them not to trust Alex, and Alex shoots and kills Tinker. Alex leaves the building after telling Ronan and Beatrix that they must find their mother, who they insist is dead, in order to return to the core world. After the building transports them once again, three different versions of Polly convene in secret and two of them play rock-paper-scissors to presumably determine who will accompany the rest of the group into the next world.

Their Child

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 22, 1910. It states: "Ellen Stokes is a loving wife and mother, but she has one fault - extravagance. On the day that her only child is playing the host at a birthday party, Ellen's husband informs her that he is practically ruined, and places the fault at her door. Ellen, conscience stricken, declares that she will aid her husband, and tells him that she will induce her rich uncle to aid them. When she talks to him on the subject, she finds that he is not disposed to aid her. Soon after his refusal, a friend of the family drops in, finds Ellen in tears, learns of her trouble, and offers a loan which she finally accepts. The woman's husband is of a jealous nature and when Ellen gives him the money, he asks if it came from the other man. She hastily denies it, and says that her uncle was the one. The husband takes the money, and later finds that his wife has deceived him. In anger he leaves the house, taking their only child with him."

"When Ellen finds that she has been deserted, she listens to the pleadings of the other man and is about to elope with him, when the baby, Tom, unexpectedly appears. He has run away from his father, and trudged through the streets, alone, to rejoin his mother. The woman clasped her child in her arms and decides to live for him in the future. The mother takes her child to humble lodgings, the whereabouts of which are unknown even to her husband. There she tries to make a living for herself and him by sewing, but is unable to do so. She has given the last crust of bread to the little one, and is herself in a starving condition, when the baby boy himself comes to the rescue by starting out on a business career, selling papers in the street. In this way the wolf is kept from the door for a little while longer, and the little fellow, while applying his trade on the street corner, is met and recognized by his father. With his son as his guide, the repentant husband, who now realizes his unjust action, goes to his wife, and with the baby as a mediator, the two become reconciled."

Pin Feathers

Pooch is walking around in the forest. Though he whistles sometimes, he does not have any lines in this film. On his way, he encounters a young featherless bird that is trying to get a worm. But the worm suddenly reverses direction and swallows the bird. Pooch, who is sympathetic for the little fowl, extracts the bird from within the worm.

It appears that the young bird is taking lessons from an older bird that's teaching him bird things. The older bird is teaching the young one how to fly by flapping wings. The young bird takes off from a branch, only to drop after only a few seconds. Pooch then helps out by taking feathers from a turkey, and offers them to the young bird. The young bird is able to fly properly as a result.

The older bird then tells the young bird about learning to chirp before directing the student to another teacher. After attending a brief class from the other teacher, the young bird tries to chirp but to no avail. Pooch tries to help with some demonstration but the little fowl still has difficulty. Because of this, Pooch places a whistle in the young bird's esophagus. The little bird can now make some music.

Meanwhile, a wild cat slowly comes to the scene. The wild cat lures the young bird using its tail disguised as a worm. The wild cat captures and runs away with its prey while Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 plays. Pooch, however, sees the deed, and sends other birds to intervene. Despite receiving disruptive acts from the birds, the wild cat is able to enter a caged compound with the young bird. But the caged compound turns out to be a pound occupied by stray dogs which attack the wild cat. The little bird manages to escape.

The end scene shows Pooch walking and whistling the tune of ''Kingdom Coming'' which is the opening music of some of his cartoons. The young bird joins him but coughs out the whistle Pooch gave. Pooch simply places it back.

French Cops Learning English

In a room labelled "English School under the management of Miss Blackford," four French policemen and their chief are practicing English words. Miss Blackford, writing "What a fair fish" on her blackboard, tells one of the policemen to translate it into French; his attempt is "Va te faire fiche." The process repeats, with "Very well thank you" translated as "Manivelle St. Cloud." Miss Blackford, holding up a placard reading "Conversation," lets in four young English ladies; the policemen and ladies court each other fervently.

The lesson is interrupted by the entrance of a higher-ranking officer, a Police Inspector, who is appalled at the sight of the police force in chaotic flirtation. However, when the "Conversation" placard is shown to him by way of explanation, he is immediately appeased, and nods cheerfully. The entire classroom bursts into a raucous can-can dance as the Inspector holds up a placard reading "Entente Cordiale."

Echo of Soul

The story begins with a war between the two creators: The Gods and Giants. The Gods win the war, but the corrupted blood of Ymir the Giant King spread and threatened to contaminate the World Tree, the source of all creation. The Gods attempted to purify the world from the malicious spirit, but were unable to. The player must become the 'Soulkeeper' of the Gods and protect the world from harm.


A research company founded by ex-Nazi scientists moves to a small town. Bored, several teens break in and find that the company has been reanimating the dead. Stuck there with the zombies, they attempt to escape with the help of a few cops and employees who are also present.

Fortune Favors the Brave (film)

A young boy's adventure takes him to the domain of the Genie of the Cathedral Bell, where he finds a fortune to enrich his family.

Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan

The story follows Enzo Kori-Odan, a prince of the fictional land of Zama. He is the last heir to the Kori-Odan family, rulers of Zama. Moments before his coronation as King as well as marrying Erine Evou of Soma he is ambushed, overthrown and exiled from his palace in a coup led by his embittered brother-in-law. In order to regain his throne, the two embark on a quest seeking help from other countries and meet new cultures, to form an alliance to defeat Erine's brother, restore the throne, and save their kingdom.

Beyond retrieving their position, the dethroned Royal couple will precisely discover the geopolitical and existential dilemmas attached to their functions of King and Queen. They will have to find answers in order to secure the fate of Zama.

Wild and Woolly (1932 film)

In a town in the Old West, the girl beagle comes to a bank to make a deposit. The banker is none other than Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Momentarily a gun-slinging rotweiler also comes to the bank, and causes a frenzy, even shoving an umbrella down an old woman's throat. Oswald flees the bank with the girl beagle's money.

Oswald leaves town on a horse, although he is being followed by the rotweiler who is also on a horse. The chase continues until they reach a cabin which Oswald enters. Unfortunately, the house is occupied by a thin dog who is an accomplice of the rotweiler. After the rotweiler breaks in, another frenzy ensues until the thin dog gets thrown out of the cabin. Nearby buzzards eat at the thin dog until that canine is nothing but a skeleton. Back in the cabin, Oswald is still having trouble with the rotweiler. To protect the girl beagle's cash, Oswald swallows the sack. The rotweiler punches Oswald. The punch sends Oswald bouncing off the walls until he knocks off a goat's skull that falls on and covers his head. Oswald uses the skull to bash the rotweiler around and out of the cabin before locking the door. The rotweiler tries to break back in using a log. But upon doing so, the rotweiler overshoots and falls into a canyon which is on the other side of the house. The rotweiler ends up in the bottom, getting pummeled by two jaguars.

Oswald is seen just outside the cabin relaxed. He is momentarily greeted and approached by the girl beagle. When Oswald tries to kiss her, the girl beagle asks for her money. Oswald manages to pull out the sack through his mouth. The rabbit and his canine girlfriend go on with the kissing.

Arthur & George (TV series)

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


College Scandal

Julie Fresnel, the daughter of a new French professor on the campus of Rudgate College, becomes the center of all attractions. One of her admirers get murdered, followed by a second and a third one. Eventually, she is rescued from a house with a time bomb.

Burning Grass

The story revolves around a series of adventures involving the Fulani Sunsaye family, particularly Mai Sunsaye, head of the household and chief of Dokan Toro. Mai Sunsaye rescues a slave-girl, Fatimeh, from the servant of a rough man known as Shehu. The appearance of Fatimeh in the family leads to a series of unfortunate incidents which precipitate the adventures in the rest of the novel, leading Shaitu, Mai Sunsaye's wife, to view her as bad luck. First, Rikku, Mai Sunsaye's youngest son falls in love with Fatimeh who is much older than he is. Hodio, Rikku's brother, and Mai Sunsaye's second son, however, runs away with Fatimeh, leaving Rikku love-sick. Mai Sunsaye vows to do everything in his power to make Rikku feel better. Around the same time Mai Sunsaye's rival to the throne of Dokan Toro, Ardo, casts a spell on Mai Sunsaye by the aid of a talisman bound to the leg of a "grey-breasted" and "red-toed" Senegal dove. The spell, known as the "sokugo" or the "wandering sickness" is a magic charm that "turned studious men into wanderers, that led husbands to desert their wives, Chiefs their people, and sane men their reason". Under the sway of this wanderlust-inspiring spell, Mai Sunsaye is launched into several adventures, in the course of which he crosses path with Jalla, his oldest son, and other characters, including Baba, an enigmatic old man he meets in the deserted village of Old Chanka (evacuated by British colonial authorities, with inhabitants relocated to New Chanka, due to an outbreak of the tse-tse fly, the vector of the sleeping sickness), and a legendary and mysterious herds-woman known as Ligu, "the champion cattle-herder". At the close of the novel, most of the family is reunited once more in Dokan Toro, and Mai Sunsaye finally dies from the strenuous tolls of his adventures.

Liza, the Fox-Fairy

Liza is a 30-year-old, naïve, lonely nurse living in "Csudapest", the capital of a fictionalized 1970s Hungary with a capitalist system. She has taken care of Marta, the widow of the former Japanese ambassador, for the last 12 years. On her 30th birthday Liza goes to a Mekk Burger restaurant to find romance, upon reading about it in a Japanese romance novel. While she’s away, Marta is killed by Liza’s only friend, Tomy Tani, the ghost of a Japanese pop singer from the 1950s, resulting in Liza inheriting her apartment. Relatives report Liza to the police for murdering Marta. Sergeant Zoltan is put on the case, who gets very nearly killed in the process, and falls slowly in love with Liza after moving into her apartment as a flatmate. She gains confidence, but all her dating efforts end in fatal accidents. Liza is convinced that she has become a fox-fairy, a demon from Japanese mythology. According to the legend, men who fall in love with a fox-fairy die soon afterwards.

The Golden Child (novel)

In London in January 1973 the Museum (unnamed in the novel) is exhibiting for the first time anywhere the golden Garamantian treasures, on loan from the Garamantian government, that had been discovered years earlier by the eminent archaeologist Sir William Simpkin. Sir William, wealthy and now elderly, is retained by the Museum as a figurehead, largely because the Museum’s director, Sir John Allison, expects to receive a large bequest on the old man's death. Huge crowds queue for hours for a brief glimpse under poor lighting of the two most famous exhibits: the Golden Child and the Ball of Golden Twine. Rumours circulate that the Child is cursed.

Sir William shows little interest in the exhibition, but he does ask to take a closer look at one of the many clay tablets that accompany the treasures. Late at night, while returning the tablet to its case at Sir William’s request, a Junior Exhibition Officer, Waring Smith, is attacked and partly strangled, apparently with the Golden Twine.

The German Garamantologist Professor Untermensch tells the Director that all the artefacts in the exhibition are fakes. Sir John decides that a second opinion is needed; this has to be obtained covertly because of the political sensitivities of the Garamantian loan. He dispatches Smith to Moscow, along with one of the lesser treasures, to get the opinion of the Russian Garamantologist Professor Semyonov. The Director expects that no one will be suspicious of Smith because of his lowly position. Untermensch, however, thinks that the Soviets will assume he is a spy, and he shadows him. The Soviets do indeed make that assumption and, to show that they know the game the British are playing, they allow Smith and Untermensch into the Kremlin to view the real Garamantian treasures. Smith discovers that there is no such person as Semyonov.

Smith returns, demoralised, and is temporarily detained on his arrival by a man from the Ministry of Defence who wants to know what his business was in Russia. Trying to explain himself, he mentions Sir William, whom he expects will clarify the reasons for his visit, only to learn that Sir William has been found dead, trapped between two sliding steel shelf units in the Museum library. A warder, Jones, is also later found dead: he has fallen from a fifth-floor window.

Len Coker, a Museum technician, reveals that the tablet Smith took back to its case was a fake that he had made himself on Sir William’s instructions. Untermensch decodes the Garamantian characters on the tablet to reveal Sir William’s message: that he revokes his bequest to Sir John Allison. Accused of murder, Sir John pulls a gun and flees. Cornered, he shoots himself and crashes down on the exhibits, revealing them for the fakes they are. The staff patch up the exhibits so that they look convincing in the dim light, just in time for the evening opening.

Human Voices

Seymour ‘Sam’ Brooks is the BBC's Recorded Programme Director (RPD), a technically brilliant though needy man. Self-centred, obsessed with his work, and oblivious to much of what goes on around him, he deals with his colleagues’ lack of understanding and sympathy by surrounding himself with young female Recorded Programme Assistants (RPAs) with whom he shares his complaints and worries. He faces constant fights to maintain his department’s status within Broadcasting House. His manager, the Director of Programme Planning (DPP) Jeff Haggard, helps to protect Sam from the day-to-day annoyances of working for the Corporation.

After one of Sam's new RPAs, Lise Bernard, leaves unexpectedly very soon after being appointed in order to seek her French soldier boyfriend, Jeff and senior management decide that Sam should no longer be permitted to recruit. Without Sam's input they select as his new RPA Annie Asra, the 17-year-old orphaned daughter of a piano tuner from Birmingham. She astonishes Sam the first time they meet when she steadfastly maintains that the singer on one of Sam's cherished recordings is slightly flat. To celebrate the successful completion of his design for a new microphone windshield, Sam takes his RPAs out to dinner at an expensive French restaurant. Annie realises that she has fallen in love with him.

Lise, who has not been seen for months, unexpectedly contacts one of her ex-colleagues and persuades her to provide a ticket allowing her to sleep for a few nights in the BBC's bunk room, intended for employees who are not able to get home after their shift. It transpires that Lise is pregnant, and on arriving at the bunk room she goes into labour. Jeff arranges for Lise to be transferred to a nearby hospital.

Bombs rain down on broadcasting house, and Annie rushes to Sam's office. She acknowledges her love for him, and the two leave the building together to talk at a local cafe. Sam telephones Jeff to ask him to come over immediately, to discuss his intended resignation. Unknown to Sam, Jeff has also decided to resign from the BBC. He hesitates, and then tells Sam that he cannot come. Leaving Broadcasting House in the dark, Jeff mistakes an unexploded parachute bomb resting against the kerb for his taxi. It explodes, and he is killed.

The Gate of Angels

Fred Fairly, a Junior Fellow of St Angelicus ('Angels'), a fictional Cambridge college, is a physicist whose research focuses on the exciting modern field of quantum theory. As Fred cycles along the Guestingley Road in the dark, an unlit farmer's cart pulls out of a gateway into his path, causing him to crash into a stranger - a young woman by the name of Daisy Saunders. Both are knocked unconscious, and are taken in by the wife of Professor Wrayburn who lives nearby. Noting that the young woman wears a wedding ring, she incorrectly assumes that the pair are husband and wife and she puts them into the same bed to recover. On coming round, Fred immediately falls in love with Daisy, but she leaves without giving an address and he has no way of locating her.

Daisy is in fact an impoverished young woman from South London, who has been working towards a nursing position at Blackfriars Hospital. She is single but wears a wedding ring to fend off unwanted male attention. At the time of the accident she was cycling with Thomas Kelly, a seedy journalist, who quickly made himself scarce.

While Fred is recuperating in a nursing home, Daisy returns to Cambridge and gets a job at the local asylum. She visits Mrs Wrayburn, quickly realises that the household chores are a burden to her, and offers to take them over in return for lodging. As soon as Fred learns of her return, he proposes marriage. Daisy says that she will consider it.

The driver of the farmer's cart that caused the accident has not been found and this draws the interest of Dr Matthews, Provost of St James and teller of ghost stories. It also draws the attention of the local police who open an investigation. In the ensuing trial, Fred, Daisy and Mrs Wrayburn are called as witnesses. While Daisy is in the witness box, the police unexpectedly introduce Thomas Kelly, whom she denies knowing. But Kelly, determined to cause Daisy damage, testifies that he was waiting for her to come to him at a local hotel where rooms are rented out by the hour. Fred is horrified. He leaves the courtroom and waits in a nearby cafe for three hours until Kelly emerges. When he does, Fred knocks him unconscious.

Following the trial, Daisy loses her job. She responds indignantly to Fred's questioning and their relationship appears to be at an end. Daisy says goodbye to Mrs Wrayburn and with no job and no money walks the several miles back to the station for a train to London. After losing her way, she finds herself outside a side gate of Fred's college, St Angelicus, which mysteriously stands open for only the third time in the college's long history. She hears a cry, goes in and helps the blind master of the college who has fainted. The incident has taken only five minutes - a delay just long enough for her to run into Fred, who is returning from a physics lecture.

Regular Show: The Movie

In the distant future, Rigby leads Benson, Skips, Hi-Five Ghost, Muscle Man, and Pops against a madman named Mr. Ross, who is plotting to erase all of time. They find Mr. Ross' weapon is guarded by a cyborg version of Mordecai, who attempts to kill Rigby for a transgression he did in the past. The entire team is killed except for Rigby, who escapes using a timeship to travel to the past, though not before Mordecai mortally shoots him.

In the present, Mordecai and Rigby barely convince Benson not to fire them after running late due to Rigby's idea to get breakfast burritos. When the timeship crash lands in the park, future Rigby appears to tell Mordecai, Rigby and their co-workers that when Mordecai and Rigby were in high school, they built a time machine that backfired and created a "Time-nado", a tornado with the ability to travel through space and time, which was later harnessed and weaponized by their former science teacher and volleyball coach, Mr. Ross, who was held responsible for the incident and arrested. Before dying, future Rigby also reveals future Mordecai shot him, shocking the group, and tells Rigby that he will soon have to reveal a secret from his past to save the universe, even if it costs him his friendship with Mordecai. When questioned for details, Mordecai explains they created the time machine because Rigby got into their dream college, College University, but he did not.

After preparing for the mission, the employees use the timeship to travel back in time, but damage the ship's engines in the process. Skips, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost stay behind to fix them, while the others go to Mordecai and Rigby's old high school to destroy the time machine that their past selves are working on with past Mr. Ross, who is angry at Rigby for costing his volleyball team the championship but was forced to let him do an extra credit assignment to pass his class. After an encounter with the volleyball team, who mistake Benson and Pops for spies from a rival school, Mordecai and Rigby meet their past selves and convince past Rigby to make a model volcano instead.

Believing their mission to be over, the group returns to the timeship, only to find the repairs stalled due to an encounter with Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost's past selves. Complicating matters further is that temporal ruptures begin appearing just as the repairs are finished. Rigby, who had slipped away earlier, informs the group that his and Mordecai's past selves are heading to the high school to finish a second time machine future Mr. Ross planted. The employees race back to the school but are held up by Mr. Ross and future Mordecai, allowing past Mordecai and past Rigby to botch the second time machine and create the Time-nado. Mr. Ross then forces Rigby to admit the truth while holding Mordecai hostage: he never got into College University, but Mordecai did; not wanting to lose his best friend, Rigby faked Mordecai's rejection letter, thus ruining his promising future. Mr. Ross then tries to kill Mordecai with a volleyball bomb, but future Mordecai, having a change of heart, jumps into the bomb's path, forcing Mr. Ross to retreat.

Enraged at Rigby's duplicity, Mordecai ends his friendship with him, prompting a heartbroken Rigby to run off with the timeship and leave the group behind. Before dying, future Mordecai gives his present self his timeship and instructs him to patch things up, saying what Rigby did was no excuse to side with Mr. Ross. As the group tries to rebound, a distress call from future Gene the Vending Machine prompts them to help out. Meanwhile, after a suicide attempt to fly into the Sun, Rigby encounters Father Time, who is falling apart due to the Time-nado, and convinces Rigby to apologize to Mordecai. Rigby heads to the future and races back to the Time-nado space station, but gets intercepted along with Mordecai by Mr. Ross at the temporal crystal power core. With Techmo's help, they manage to defeat Ross and restore their friendship before using the plutonium from Mordecai's timeship to destroy the Time-nado. Meanwhile, past Rigby apologizes to past Mr. Ross before the latter is taken to prison, ending the feud between them.

Returning to the present, Mordecai and Rigby agree that, despite how cool their future selves turned out, they will not let their friendship degrade into trying to kill each other, which alters the future and erases their dead future selves. The following day, as Benson catches them out of the park, the pair race back in the timeship from a fast food place with Rigby saying they will "never be late again" before using the timeship to travel back in time to the point before Benson catches them.

Billy Boy (1954 film)

The Southern-accented Wolf is having breakfast on his farm when there is a knock on his door. A letter is pushed under it, which reads:

::Please take care of my little Billy goat. P.S. You will have no trouble feeding him — HE EATS ANYTHING.

True to the letter's contents, the wolf opens the door and finds a basket with a baby goat, Billy, who walks around inside the wolf's house, eating anything in his path, such as the carpet, part of the sofa, the wallpaper, the calendar, the globe, the curtains, and the wolf's trousers. The wolf, here presented with palilalia, addresses the audience: "''You know? Now there's a pretty hungry little billy goat-goat-goat-goat-goat-goat.''" Oblivious to Billy's limitless hunger, the wolf gives him a bottle of milk, but Billy spills the milk and eats the bottle, the pacifier, the cutlery and crockery (like a sandwich), the coffeepot (along with all the coffee inside it), and the napkin.

Realizing that Billy will be more than a handful to deal with, the wolf tries to tie him in the garden to a hook hammered into the ground, but Billy eats the rope and comically eats the top part of the wolf's shoe when he tries to stop him. The wolf checks his foot and finds all ''ten'' of his toes still there, to his relief. Billy then tries to eat the wolf's spare tire, but is unable to chew the rubber and ends up shaped like the tire as soon as he swallows it whole.

The wolf then tries tying Billy to the windmill, but once again, Billy eats not only the rope, but the entire windmill, leaving the blades spinning at the top even with no support. He then attempts to take him away in a wheelbarrow and release him into the wild, but Billy eats the wheelbarrow ''and'' the wheel. The wolf ties Billy to a kite and releases him into the sky, but Billy eats the kite, the string and starts chewing on the wolf's arm. Unaffected, the wolf merely tells him to stop. He wraps Billy in chains and tries to tie him to a tree on a small island, but Billy proceeds to eat some of the film itself.

Next, the wolf places Billy in the trunk of his car and tries to drive him somewhere, but Billy somehow eats his way through the car and ends up devouring the motor. The wolf then ties Billy to a horse and hits it on the bottom to make it run away and take Billy with it. However, Billy eats the horse's hair, and the angry horse repeats the same tactic with the wolf, whose hair Billy eats as well. The wolf looks irritably at the horse and says "''Copycat''".

As a final attempt to rid himself of Billy for good, the wolf places pepper on a railroad track and has Billy eat the railway, following it all the way to California, which is 2360 miles away. With Billy gone, the wolf tucks himself into bed. That night, Billy returns, eating the other side of the railway and covered in stamps of all the States he crossed eating the railway. The wolf suddenly awakens to see that Billy has eaten his entire house. Feigning joy, the wolf welcomes Billy back but ties him to a rocket, which the wolf sends to the moon. Even this isn't enough to satisfy the little goat, as Billy then eats the moon, taking the moonlight along with it and leaving the Earth in darkness.

The wolf lights a match and says "''Goodnight, y'all-y'all-y'all-y'all''" as the cartoon closes.

The recurring melody played by woodwinds and/or whistled from 2:21 onward is the Civil War tune "Kingdom Coming" or "The Year of Jubilo".

Presence (play)

Pete Best, George Harrison and Paul McCartney share a room as they play the Indra Club (John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe are off-stage characters). Pete, newly joined to the group, is shown as an outsider, the diffident George, the youngest of the group, contrasts to the domineering Paul. The play ends as George is arrested for being out after the curfew imposed on minors in Hamburg (in real life he had lied to the German authorities about his age in order to be allowed to stay in Hamburg). The group play to dwindling audiences until Paul, angry at the band's lack of success and at being told that club owner Bruno Koschmider was in the Panzer division, begins sending up Nazism – wearing jackboots and crying “Sieg Heil” – which attracts a young audience to the club. That the Beatles are reported actually to have done this, coupled with Harrower's desire to write about the dynamics of a band were the origins of the play. The play alludes to events that followed this – Pete and Paul raised a small fire in their room – by having an older German woman, whose knowledge of the Nazi past counterpoints the young men's ignorance, set fire to a jacket hanging on the wall.

Orphan Black (comic book)

Series 01: The Clone Club

Issue #1: Sarah

The plot of the first issue closely follows the storyline established in the television series' pilot episode and similarly focuses on Sarah Manning and her discovery of her numerous genetic identicals. Scenes from the episode are recounted in the comic book, intermixed with new scenes and flashbacks. The new material specific to the comic books includes flashback sequences to Sarah's childhood, additions to and extensions of scenes in the present storyline, and insight into Sarah's thoughts and feelings as she takes over the life of a dead woman who shares her exact external appearance.

Issue #2: Helena

The second issue of the series, released in March 2015, focuses on Helena's childhood as well as her adult actions and motivations that are presented in the first season of the television series.

Series 02: Helsinki

Series 03: Deviations

Series 04: Crazy Science

''Crazy Science'' would have taken place after the end of the fifth season of the TV series. It would have starred Cosima and Delphine traveling around the world to cure 274 Leda clones while also falling even more in love. However, the series was cancelled in June 2018 due to low orders from comic shops. Due to an early printing deadline, the first issue was still released in July.

The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave

Littlefoot, a young ''Apatosaurus'' living in the verdant Great Valley, is eagerly awaiting the arrival of his father Bron, who returns to the valley with his herd once a year. However, he soon learns from a ''Nothronychus'' member of his dad's troupe named Wild Arms that his father became stranded in the wilderness when the ''fire mountain'' erupted, leaving the rest of the herd to go on without him. They ask Wild Arms for help, but he belligerently says no. The other grownups agree. After worrying about his father, Littlefoot sets out alone. However, the others soon catch up with him. They do fine at first, but run into the ''earth divide''. It is suggested that they follow the ''Long Valley'' instead, but Littlefoot says that that will take too long, and that they must cross there. Luckily, they are able to knock down a tree, and get across.

After two close encounters with a duo of ''Yutyrannus'', night falls and the children go to sleep. Meanwhile, the elder dinosaurs learn about their children's trek, and decide to go after them with two younger ones - Chomper and Ruby. They attempt to have Wild Arms guide them back to where Bron was last seen, but he faints at the mere sight of Chomper, a ''sharptooth'', and has to be carried, leaving Chomper to lead the way with his nose. The next morning, and a disagreement between Littlefoot and Cera on which path to take causes Littlefoot to decide to go ahead alone. A sand cloud (sandstorm) then occurs, and Littlefoot is trapped in a cave, where he meets a ''Pteranodon'' named Etta, who knows his father. Meanwhile, Cera, Ducky, and Spike lose Petrie, who comes across a tribe of ''diggers''. They soon find him, and they soon leave the diggers, who elect themselves a new leader.

Meanwhile, Etta tells Littlefoot what happened to Bron, and that he may well be dead. She also says that it was because Bron had rescued Wild Arms that he got into that mess. After many failed attempts to dig their way out of the cave, they head deeper into the cave itself, she sings a song to lead him on his way. The rest of the kids, meanwhile, run into a ''Carnotaurus'', though Etta is able to hit a hole through the cave ceiling and help them get away. Etta eventually leads Littlefoot and his friends out of the cave, and to the fire mountain where they find Bron. It looks hopeless as he is surrounded by lava, and Bron tells them to go so they do not get hurt, but Littlefoot refuses.

Later, the grownups, plus Chomper and Ruby, come across the ''Carnotaurus''. Chomper smells it and they are able to hide from it, but are nearly discovered due to Wild Arms cowering in fear and making noise. Just before the sharptooth discovers them, it is distracted by a flock of ''Archaeornithomimus''. Back at the fire mountain, Etta and the kids spring into action to save Bron. They are able to halt the Flowing Fire by sending water onto it, and use a tree to free Bron, though the flowing fire returns and Littlefoot and his father are trapped on the other side. Bron scoops him up, however, and jumps across the lava, and right after, the adults, Chomper, and Ruby, find them. Reunited with his father and the rest of the herd led by Chomper, the group extol the virtues of working together, and finding bravery through companionship.

Here Comes Cookie

Millionaire Harrison Allen is determined that his daughter Phyllis does not marry her fortune-hunting beau, Ramon del Ramos. Harrison and his secretary, George Burns, draw up a document in which Harrison temporarily signs over his fortune to his other daughter Gracie, who calls herself "Cookie," for a period of sixty days, in order to prove Ramon's avarice. While Harrison goes back to his hometown for a vacation, witless Gracie takes her father's farce to heart and proceeds to destroy his fortune and his home. She cuts George's salary, refuses to send her father any money, and destroys everyone's clothes so they will look like tramps. While the butler, Botts, George and Phyllis slowly starve, they also lose their sleep because Gracie turns the mansion into a no-cost boardinghouse for hundreds of out-of-work actors and their animals. When Ramon realizes that Gracie has all the money, he pursues her, and she naively decides to marry him. Spirits reach an all-time low when Botts finds it preferable to sleep on a park bench, rather than compete with an actor for a bed. At his wits end, Botts sells a trained seal to raise enough money to send Phyllis to Clarksville and retrieve her father. Meanwhile, Gracie is tearing down the inside of the mansion to construct a theater. She plans to stage a show that will do so poorly, that the family will be broke and Harrison will let her marry Ramon. Since Gracie has sent no money, Harrison and Phyllis are forced to hitchhike part of the way home. They arrive in a taxicab, owing the driver over one hundred dollars, on the opening night of "Gracie Allen's Flop," but are refused admittance. They sneak into the mansion and stumble on stage during Gracie's unintentionally comic balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet . George brings telegrams from Hollywood with offers to hire Gracie as a producer, because her show is a big success. At Harrison's insistence, George agrees to marry Gracie, but only on condition that while she is on the West Coast, he is in the East.

Jivaro (film)

Alice Parker (Fleming) arrives at the Brazilian trading outpost of Rio Galdez (Lamas) in search of her fiancé (Denning), an alcoholic engineer who has ventured into dangerous Jívaro territory on a quest for gold.

God on the Rocks

The book is set in a small seaside resort in the north east of England and starts in 1936. ''God on the Rocks ''takes place in a madhouse, a convalescent home for artists. It includes a pastor who likes to preach near the ocean, a Great War survivor, an ancient character and others. The main character, Margaret Marsh, is an eight-year-old who hides in the garden and listens to the conversations of the painters, gardeners and crazy people. She takes day trips to the shore to get away from her mother and new baby brother. Here she meets Charles and his sister Binkie. She hears stories of her mother's youth from them and the book shows the world through Margaret's eyes, as a child and as an adult.

The Clothes on Their Backs

A quiet, sensitive girl who loves to read grows up in a very quiet environment. Vivien Kovacs is raised by Hungarian parents who have been quite silenced by the war and thus she seems to be removed from both the past and present. So she uses her books to reinvent herself through her favorite characters. That is, until Uncle Sandor appears on the scene.

This uncle comes clad in a diamond watch, mohair suit and accompanied by a girl wearing a leopard-skin hat. He wants to share his life story with Vivien, telling her all about her family’s past. Vivien’s parents do not take well to this intruder. But Vivien wants to know why.

That is just the plot. Throughout the pages the readers learn about heroism, survival and betrayals and how our clothes define our personalities.

Alpine Shepherd Boy

Police arrive at Chuck's house after his neighbor reports the stolen newspaper. Chuck's living conditions cause the officers to believe he is producing methamphetamine, so they kick in his door and taser him.

The publicity from Jimmy's billboard rescue results in several new prospective clients, most of whom are not viable because of their eccentricities. After a fruitless day, Jimmy visits Mrs. Strauss, an elderly woman who collects Hummel figurines, one of which is a rare and valuable alpine shepherd boy. He assists her with estate planning, which consists mostly of allocating her Hummels to friends and relatives. Mrs. Strauss finds Jimmy's personality charming, and he offers to take half his fee in advance and half after her will is completed, but she pays the full amount up front in cash.

That evening, Kim suggests Jimmy's success with his older clients might lead to a career in elder law. Jimmy considers it, but is interrupted when Kim takes a call from Howard. After hanging up she tells Jimmy that Chuck is hospitalized.

A doctor proves Chuck's electromagnetic hypersensitivity is psychosomatic by turning on his hospital bed's control panel without him noticing. She recommends Chuck be committed to a mental institution, but Chuck wants to go home and Jimmy supports his decision. Howard then arrives and Jimmy concludes that Howard does not want Chuck committed because Jimmy would obtain guardianship and negotiate for Chuck to receive the full value of his partnership in a buyout. Jimmy then threatens to have Chuck committed, but after Howard leaves Jimmy tells Kim he said it only to scare Howard. Jimmy brings Chuck home and discovers Chuck has learned of his billboard rescue. Jimmy promises a skeptical Chuck he will follow the rules going forward.

After mimicking Andy Griffith's clothing and mannerisms from the TV series ''Matlock'', Jimmy promotes his new elder law specialty at a nursing home. Exiting the courthouse parking lot, Jimmy gives Mike a business card that has his new "Need a Will? Call McGill" slogan printed on it.

Mike is parked outside a woman's house. She comes out, gets in her car, and stares at Mike uncomfortably for several moments before they drive away in opposite directions. Mike is later visited at home by several police officers. He recognizes one detective and asks, "Long way from home, aren't you?" The detective replies, "You and me both."

The Children of Captain Grant (film)

The crew of the ''Duncan'' yacht belonging to Lord Glenarvan, catches a shark in the waters of Scotland. When cutting the carcass, a bottle is found inside the fish, in which a request for assistance is written in three languages from a victim of a shipwreck. The documents have been strongly spoiled by water, however they manage to decipher that Captain Grant's ship has crashed on the 37th degree south latitude. It is not possible to determine the longitude of the crash site.

Glenarvan goes to London to organize a rescue mission, but the government denies him, citing the vagueness and inadequacy of information. The implicit cause of the rejection was Captain Grant being a Scottish patriot who dreamed of independence for Scotland. Moreover, the main purpose of his voyage was to establish Nova Scotia.

During the absence of the Lord, Captain Grant's children, son and daughter came to the boat in the hope to learn something about their father. When Glenarvan returns home, his wife persuades him to go in search of the captain on the ''Duncan''.

The travelers move by land and sea, cross Patagonia by the 37th parallel, visit the islands of Tristan da Cunha, and Amsterdam, pass by the south-eastern Australia and New Zealand. Having experienced many dangerous adventures, they find Captain Grant on the small island of Tabor, which is also located at the 37° south latitude.

At Freddie's

The novel is set in Central London, in 1963. ''The Temple'' stage school (often known as ''Freddie’s'') has been owned and run on traditional lines by its principal Freddie Wentworth for 40 years. An august but shabby institution, it offers training in Shakespearean and other stage drama to child actors, deliberately eschewing more profitable types of work such as TV, film and modelling. In spite of pressure to modernise from her solicitor brother, and from Joey Blatt, an intending investor, Freddie prefers to beg or borrow anything she needs from the local theatre community, relying on her reputation and charm. She spends as little as she possibly can on staff, engaging just two temporary general studies teachers for the students: Hannah Graves and Pierce Carroll.

Hannah comes from a Catholic Northern Ireland background, and has taken the role as an entree into her much-loved theatre world. Carroll, about 10 years older, is from a repressive Protestant background; he has no interest in the theatre, and has taken the post merely because he can get no other. The teachers see a lot of each other during their long working hours, and Caroll becomes attracted to Hannah. Realising his incompetence at teaching, as in everything else, Carroll's attraction turns into unhealthy infatuation and after Hannah out of pity offers him sex she finds him assuming that marriage will follow. Hannah, however, has taken up with ‘Boney’ Lewis, an older professional actor who is appearing in a West End production of Shakespeare's ''King John''.

''Freddie’s'' is to provide two child actors who will play the young Prince Arthur in ''King John''. Mattie Stewart will take the part at the start of the run, handing over to Jonathan Kemp later. Although a competent actor, Mattie struggles in the role, and his fear of heights makes it particularly difficult for him to be convincing in the scene in which he has to jump from the castle battlements to his death. Jonathan is the more naturally talented actor, and realises that if the scene is to be realistic he will have to practise the jump repeatedly. In the novel's climax, Jonathan practises his jumps alone in the snowy darkness from a high wall that surrounds the school’s brick-paved back yard, after he has been accidentally locked into it after-hours. At the same time, Freddie has gone out to dine for the first time in many years, having decided at last to accept Joey Blatt’s offer to invest. She informs him of her intended decision, but when he confides how personally moving he finds Mattie's acting she angrily attacks him for having no taste. The investment remains unresolved. Meanwhile, Jonathan’s fate is also left unclear, the novel ending as he continues to climb and jump “again and again and again into the darkness.”

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (stage play)

A young scholar from New York City travels west in search of a new life he arrives beaten and half-dead on the dusty streets of Twotrees. Rescued from the plains, the town soon becomes his home as he finds the love of a local woman. This love gives him purpose in a broken land, but is it enough to save him from the vicious outlaw who wants him dead?[ "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"] at Oberon Books.

Let Hoi Decide

After 4 years in the US, Hoi has been a successful man in real estate field. He decides to come back to Vietnam to conduct his ambitious plan which is to build the biggest mall ever Mega Malls,. Arriving at the airport, Hoi is picked up by his personal driver Hoang My.

Hoang My drives Hoi to check in at luxurious hotel. He is robbed and later saved by the painter named Nam. Hoi grows love interest with Nam while Nam is secretly in love with hotel manager Thu Le who is working at the hotel where Hoi will stay.

Hoi meets Truc who is business partner. However, Truc is arrested for drug dealing. Hoi's property is also sealed which leads him to leave the hotel, Hoi decides to temporarily stay at Hoang My's house.

His business faces bad lucks so Hoi decides to have a reading session with a fortuneteller who claims that he could only choose either love or money, which he chooses money. With Hoang My's help, Hoi tries to forget Nam.

Nam has successfully approached Thu Le to ask her to become his painting model, later Thu Le begins to like Nam although her father has intended to link her with another man named Son.

Hoi's sold his Rolex watch to buy all of Nam's paintings. Later, Hoi and Hoang My make an appointment with Nam at a coffee shop where Hoang My acts as a businessman who is fond of art while Hoi is Hoang My's bodyguard.

Being a bodyguard, Hoi stays in the same house with Nam as "to protect Nam while he's painting". Hoi intends to dig Nam's flaws in order to quickly forget him, however, in Hoi's view, Nam has no flaw.

Nam and Thu Le have much chemistry together. While Huong - housekeeper of Thu Le starts to like Hoi because she doesn't know that Hoi is gay.

Nam's ex-girlfriend wants to reconcile which makes Thu Le misunderstand and get mad at Nam. She thinks Nam has cheated on her, being in despair, she agrees to marry Son.

Later, Hoi also reveals everything for Nam, Nam decides to leave the city but Hoang My and Hoi chase him to the ferry to convince him to stay in order to cancel Thu Le's wedding since Son is not a good guy.

Three of them want to confront Truc about Son, as Truc has pretended to be sick to be sent to the hospital so he could be able to escape. While Hoang My and Nam are guarding for Hoi so Hoi could confront Truc. Unfortunately, Hoi and Truc are infected therefore they're unable to move and the chase begins.

Finally, Truc admits that Son is the head of drug dealing, later Son is arrested and the wedding is cancelled. Nam and Thu Le get married and live happily ever after. Hoi gets his properties back. At the end of the movie, Hoi is sight seeing at the beach and someone snatches his handbag, a young handsome man helps him retrieve it.

Orphan Black: Sarah

;Wales, March 15, 1984 A surrogate mother, Amelia, is giving birth in a run-down medical facility. A cloaked person, a doctor, and a military soldier are seen assisting with the pregnancy. After the birth, the cloaked figure gives the doctor and the soldier "double" monetary compensation for the complications that occurred during birth.

Amelia is surprised to discover that she gave birth to two babies instead of the single one she was expecting. She announces her plans to separate the two children so that "they" do not find out about the double birth.

;29 Years Later and an Ocean Away Sarah Manning sits on a subway train, staring at a picture of her daughter, Kira. She wonders if Kira has forgotten about her in the time that she has been away.

Sarah steps off of the train and notices a woman crying and acting frantic on the train platform. Sarah approaches her; and, as she does so, the woman turns around. The two women look identical. Sarah is shocked as the woman steps in front of an oncoming train and is killed instantly. Sarah steals the woman's purse, which she left behind on the train platform, as she sees it as an opportunity to turn her life around.

Sarah meets with her foster brother, Felix, at a bar; and she recalls the scene she just witnessed at the train station.

:Sarah remembers protecting Felix when the two were younger and still active in the foster system.

Sarah shows Felix the woman's driver's license as a way to prove the resemblance between the two women. Felix reveals that the woman's name was Elizabeth Childs. Sarah divulges her plan to visit Elizabeth's home.

:Sarah and Felix as children stand in front of their final, permanent foster mother, Siobhan "Mrs. S" Sadler.

As Sarah walks to Beth's apartment, she is stopped by one of Beth's neighbors who asks her how Paul is doing. As Sarah speaks, the neighbor notices her harsh personality and is confused by her British accent. Sarah states that she has family in town visiting from London.

Sarah explores Beth's apartment and questions the reasons behind her suicide.

:Beth cries in her bed, strokes a picture of her and her boyfriend, Paul, and confirms a bank deposit with someone over the phone.

Sarah discover's Beth's $75,000 bank deposit and concocts a plan to con the bank so that she can start a better life with Felix and Kira. She perfects her accent, colors her hair, and dresses up to visit the bank. While she is there, the director asks if she would like to access her safety deposit box. Sarah agrees and discovers birth certificates inside the box.

:Sarah leaves Kira with Mrs. S and Felix as she is taken away by Victor "Vic" Schmidt, her ex-boyfriend.

As Sarah returns to Beth's apartment, Detective Arthur "Art" Bell convinces her to go with him to the police station.

:Siobhan visits a teenage Sarah in jail, who was arrested after impersonating a duchess. Mrs. S is disappointed in her for getting caught.

Lieutenant Gavin Hardcastle escorts Sarah into a conference room where she is to recall the events that lead to the shooting death of a civilian woman named Margaret Chen. Sarah drinks hand soap, becomes sick, and is sent home.

Back at the flat, Sarah finds a video that Beth had recorded. Beth is concerned because she does not know who the enemy is and she no longer knows who she can trust. She states that she will never be able to trust Paul, or anyone else again. She reveals that there are already too many bodies and that she can't tell her "sisters" about the murders until she knows for sure.

:A young Sarah is ambivalent about her place in Mrs. S's foster family. Siobhan attempts to reassure Sarah that she will not be sent away to another family again.

Earlier, Felix had positively identified the body found under the train as Sarah, so that Sarah could successfully assume Beth's identity and take over her life. Felix reveals that Vic wants a funeral, but Sarah is against it because she does not want Kira to think that her mother is dead.

:Elizabeth Childs contemplates taking a handful of pills, but hides in her closet to weep instead.

Sarah showers and is in the process of changing her clothes when Paul arrives home from his business trip. He confronts "Beth" about the police hearing and starts to become suspicious of her. Sarah begins kissing Paul to distract him.

:Beth and Paul practice shooting at a gun range, they run a marathon together, and they sleep together passionately in their bed. Later, Beth becomes suspicious of Paul, discovers letters that he has hidden, follows him as he sneaks around conspicuously, and the two are separated by an emotional barrier when they sleep.

Sarah cries as she witnesses the funeral that Vic has arranged for her. As she goes back to her car, she is followed by Katja Obinger, a red-haired woman who also shares a striking resemblance. Someone watches the two women from afar.

Katja gets into Sarah's car and recites a riddle in order to elicit a response from the woman she believes is Beth.

:Beth is on the phone and devises the riddle as a way for each of the look-alikes to identify each other.

Sarah does not know how to respond to the riddle, and Katja realizes that she is not Beth. Katja is suddenly shot by a sniper through the car's windshield, and Sarah flees the scene as Beth's pink phone rings in the background.

Helena, yet another woman who looks like Sarah, leaves the grassy area on a motor cycle with a sniper rifle in tow. She vows to enact her revenge against Beth for murdering Maggie Chen.

The Beginning of Spring

In March 1913, Nellie Reid leaves her husband Frank, a Russian-born Englishman who runs a printing shop in Moscow. She returns to England without warning or explanation and he urgently needs to find someone to look after his three children, Dolly, Ben and Annie (Annushka).

The Kuriatins, the family of a business partner, prove unsuitable: Frank's visit to them ends in disaster when a bear cub given as a birthday present to the son of the family becomes drunk, wreaks havoc in the dining room, and has to be shot. Then, Mrs Graham, wife of the Anglican chaplain, introduces him to Muriel Kinsman, an English governess who has for reasons that are unclear recently been dismissed from her post. He considers her equally unsuitable.

Frank's chief accountant Selwyn Crane is an idealistic follower of Tolstoy who spends much of his spare time seeking out those he considers to be oppressed; he is also a poet and author of ''Birch Tree Thoughts.'' Selwyn introduces Frank to Lisa Ivanovna, a young shop-girl found weeping at the men's handkerchief department of the local store. She is said to be the daughter of a country joiner. Frank employs her, and finds himself attracted by her beauty and serene presence. The children quickly become attached to her.

One night, Frank is called out to his printing works after hours where he surprises a student, Volodya Vasilych, who fires two shots. The intruder says he is there to print revolutionary pamphlets, but later confesses his true motivation: he is jealous of Frank, whom he suspects of courting Lisa. Lisa says that she does not know the student well but that he was one of those who used to hang about the men's handkerchief department.

Frank has been writing regularly to Nellie in England, but has received no reply and is unsure if his letters are reaching her. When her brother Charlie, who lives in Norbury, arrives in Moscow for a visit, Frank hopes for news, but Charlie does not know where Nellie is living. During his stay, Charlie becomes attracted to Lisa and suggests that he should take her and the children back to England with him. But the children want to stay in Moscow, and Frank declines.

Frank's feelings for Lisa can no longer be denied; he makes advances, and she reciprocates.

Lisa takes the children to stay at the family's dacha in the countryside. When Dolly catches Lisa leaving the dacha at night, Lisa says that she should come with her. In a clearing in the wood they see many mysterious and silent figures – unexplained within the novel – each pressing themselves against a separate birch tree. Lisa comments that if Dolly remembers this, "she'll understand in time what she's seen". They return to the dacha, the potent smell of birch sap following Dolly to her bed.

Meanwhile, Selwyn admits his part in Nellie's sudden departure. He tells Frank that Nellie had started to "turn toward the spiritual" and had been on the point of running away with him when his own last-minute scruples had prevented it. Since then, Nellie has been living in a Tolstoyan settlement in England – a settlement that he had earlier recommended to the governess, Muriel Kinsman. Muriel has been writing regularly, and has told him that Nellie recently left as she did not care for the communal life.

Frank receives a call telling him to pick up his children from the railway station, where they have arrived unattended. Lisa had put them on the train to Moscow and had herself caught a train to Berlin. Frank realises that Lisa was not the innocent joiner's daughter that she had pretended, and that she has taken the opportunity to escape from Russia illegally.

Spring has finally arrived, and Frank's servants have completed the annual spring clean and window-opening ritual. The novel ends with Nellie walking back into the house.

Bingo (Better Call Saul)

Jimmy and Mike return Abbasi's notebook, claiming they found it in the police station parking lot. Despite Abbasi's accusations, Sanders privately assures Mike he has little to fear. Jimmy finds Chuck standing outside his home, claiming to be building up tolerance to electromagnetism. He stores case files at Chuck's house, hoping to rekindle Chuck's interest in the law. He later brings Kim to an office suite he is considering renting and asks her to be his partner. She turns him down due to her loyalty to Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill.

Kim meets with Betsy and Craig Kettleman and proposes a plea deal that includes return of the embezzled $1.6 million and 16 months in prison for Craig. Since losing a trial would mean 30 years in prison, she recommends Craig accept. Betsy refuses, maintaining her husband's innocence and denying there is any money to return. The Kettlemans fire Kim and hire Jimmy, who initially urges them to accept the plea bargain. Betsy blackmails Jimmy by pointing out that the "retainer" the Kettlemans paid him implicates him in their crime. While picking up records from HHM, Jimmy discovers Kim has been demoted as a result of losing the Kettlemans as clients.

Jimmy enlists Mike's help, and Mike sprays a fluorescent liquid on cash taken from Jimmy's bribe, which he plants outside the Kettleman house. The Kettlemans find it, assume it came from the embezzled money, and add it to the rest of the cash in their hiding place. Mike breaks in and uses a blacklight to trace the money to a false bottom in a bathroom cabinet. He leaves with the cash, and Jimmy has him deliver it to the district attorney. Mike tells Jimmy that completing this task satisfies the debt he owes for Jimmy's aid in stealing Abbasi's notebook.

The next day, Jimmy visits the Kettlemans. When they discover the money missing, Betsy again threatens to reveal that Jimmy is also guilty. Jimmy replies that if she does, she will be guilty of a crime for bribing him. If Betsy and Craig are both convicted, the Kettleman children will grow up without their parents. The Kettlemans agree to accept the plea deal Kim negotiated, deciding that only one parent going to prison is their best option. Knowing he is now unable to afford a new workspace, a frustrated Jimmy returns to his prospective office to vent his anger.

RICO (Better Call Saul)


In a flashback, Jimmy works as a mail clerk for Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill. He receives notice that he has passed the state bar exam and hopes to be hired as an attorney at HHM, but Chuck provides a halting reply. During an office celebration, Howard tells Jimmy the firm will not hire him but will re-examine his application in six months.

Main story

Jimmy is suspicious when a client mentions her nursing home, Sandpiper Crossing, controls her pension and Social Security payments while providing her a monthly allowance. Upon reviewing her invoices, Jimmy's suspicions grow and he begins collecting invoices from other residents. Jimmy and Chuck analyze them and find evidence of Sandpiper systematically overcharging residents, making the company guilty of fraud. Chuck suggests there are grounds for a class action lawsuit and encourages Jimmy to continue investigating.

Jimmy is stopped at Sandpiper Crossing's front desk, preventing him from seeing clients. He hears papers being shredded and goes to a bathroom to hastily write a demand letter on toilet paper, which informs Sandpiper to cease document destruction. He hands the letter to a manager as he is escorted out and later finds in the nursing home's dumpster plastic bags containing shredded papers. Chuck and Jimmy sort through the shreds and piece together an incriminating document. Chuck decides to become Jimmy's co-counsel, and Sandpiper's attorneys agree to a meeting.

Mike babysits Kaylee. When Stacey returns from work, she asks Mike what to do with the money from her suitcase. Mike says she should use it to do something good for herself and her daughter. Stacey says that even if she does, she will not have enough to cover living expenses. Mike returns to Dr. Caldera to follow up on Caldera's previous offer of illegal work.

Sandpiper's attorneys deny the company is defrauding residents, but concede some were overcharged. The company offers $100,000 in compensation, but Jimmy presents evidence that Sandpiper's fraud makes them eligible for a RICO case. Chuck demands Sandpiper pay $20 million to settle, which their attorneys refuse. As Chuck and Jimmy continue to prepare their case, a preoccupied Chuck casually leaves his house to retrieve documents from Jimmy's car, taking none of his usual EHS precautions. Jimmy is speechless as he watches from inside the front door, then softly calls Chuck's name. Chuck is stunned to realize where he is and drops the papers.

Pimento (Better Call Saul)

Chuck warns Jimmy that Sandpiper's attorneys will attempt to obtain a restraining order barring Jimmy from their property, which Jimmy prevents from being approved. Upon returning to Chuck's house, he finds that Sandpiper's attorneys have resorted to a document dump. Chuck suggests referring the case to HHM. Jimmy is reluctant but arranges a meeting. While Jimmy is asleep, Chuck uses Jimmy's phone to make a call.

Because of Chuck's EHS, the next morning Howard prepares for Chuck and Jimmy's arrival at HHM by confiscating cell phones and shutting down electricity. Howard offers Jimmy twenty percent of the final settlement or judgment and a $20,000 of counsel fee but makes clear that Jimmy will not continue working on the case. Jimmy angrily demands to know why he is always excluded from the firm. When Howard does not answer, Jimmy keeps the case. Kim confronts Howard, who resists telling her the reason for his actions, but then confides the truth.

Mike receives a job offer to bodyguard Daniel Wormald, who wants to sell pills stolen from his employer. Daniel considers Mike, Sobchak, and Man Mountain while Sobchak mocks Mike for carrying no weapons, only a pimento cheese sandwich for lunch. Sobchak dares Mike to disarm him, which Mike easily does, prompting Man Mountain to flee. Mike coaches Daniel on how to act during the drug deal. Nacho hands over a large sum of cash. Daniel notes the payment is twenty dollars short and Mike calmly insists that Nacho pay in full. As they leave, Mike tells Daniel he had researched Nacho and knew the deal would be carried out without his bosses' knowledge, so Nacho would not risk a confrontation.

Kim suggests Jimmy take Howard's offer, which will enable him to start his own firm. After rejecting Kim's advice, Jimmy realizes Chuck used his phone the night before. The next day, Jimmy informs Chuck that he will accept Howard's deal, having deduced that Chuck was using Howard to keep Jimmy out of HHM.

Jimmy demands to know why Chuck has treated him so badly. Chuck says he does not consider Jimmy a real lawyer. He says he was proud when Jimmy stopped running cons and worked in the HHM mailroom, but Jimmy should not be an attorney because he has not changed his dishonest ways. Feeling betrayed, Jimmy cuts his ties with Chuck.

Marco (Better Call Saul)


In a flashback to 1992, Jimmy has been released from jail with Chuck's help. Jimmy agrees to Chuck's demand that he move to Albuquerque to live an honest life. Before leaving Cicero, Illinois, he goes to a favorite bar to say goodbye to Marco Pasternak, his partner in crime.

Main story

Jimmy gives the Sandpiper case to HHM and reveals he figured out Chuck was sabotaging his career. Howard apologizes for his involvement and gives Jimmy his $20,000 of counsel fee. Jimmy requests that Howard take over caring for Chuck.

Jimmy calls bingo at the local senior center. After an improbable string of numbers beginning with "B" he fixates on words beginning with that letter which remind him of Chuck. Jimmy rants about taking revenge in Illinois against someone named Chet by defecating through the sunroof of Chet's car (the "Chicago Sunroof") without realizing Chet's children were in the back seat. Facing the possibility of registering as a sex offender if convicted, Jimmy asked Chuck for help. Chuck got the charges dropped but Jimmy blames this event for their feud.

Jimmy returns to Cicero and reunites with Marco. They run a scam on an unsuspecting businessman, then spend several days running cons. At the end of the week, Jimmy explains he is an attorney and must return to Albuquerque to see to his clients. Marco convinces Jimmy to stay for one last con. While running the scam, Marco suffers a heart attack and dies. Jimmy inherits Marco's pinky ring, which he begins to wear even though it is too big.

Kim calls Jimmy to report the Sandpiper case has grown too big for HHM, requiring them to partner with Davis & Main. Because of Jimmy's rapport with the clients, D&M is interested in hiring him. Jimmy arranges to meet the D&M partners at the courthouse but changes his mind and drives away. He stops to ask Mike why they did not keep the money they took from the Kettlemans. Mike recalls Jimmy did not take it because he wanted to do the "right thing" and says he did not because Jimmy hired him to do a job and he did it. Jimmy assures Mike he will not make the same mistake again and drives off while humming "Smoke on the Water", the song Marco was humming just before he died.

Sentinels From Space

Called before the World Council, Space Captain David Raven is told that he must stop a clandestine war being waged against Terra by people seeking independence for Mars and Venus. The Council's leader, Oswald Heraty, tells him that Humanity is on the verge of interstellar flight and that there have been hints of intelligent life "out there": Heraty wants Humanity to face any potential dangers as a unified society, so he doesn't want Mars and Venus gaining independence. After leaving the Council, David goes to see Mr. Conrad, the director of the Terran Security Bureau. As true telepaths, Conrad and David speak mind to mind. Conrad gives David a list of the twelve known types of mutants and notes that the clandestine war is being waged by mutants sabotaging Terran infrastructure.

David returns to the home that he shares with his companion, Leina, and shortly a team of phony police officers arrives. David switches bodies with the hypno and then with hypnotic power convinces the others on his team that David has already left. Later David reverses the switch and obtains from the shaken hypno the identity of the leader of the sabotage effort, a Venusian insectivocal named Arthur Kayder. Visiting Kayder, David obtains from Kayder's valet the information he wants on the underground base from with the saboteurs launch their attacks. He then goes to the spaceport and boards a ship bound for Venus.

Just before the ship lands David jumps out an airlock and lands gently in the forest below, then he walks to Plain City, where he meets up with Charles and Mavis, his and Leina's counterparts on Venus. He tells Charles and Mavis that he has come to Venus to find the man in charge of the clandestine war and get him to stop. When Mavis objects that it's none of their business, David tells her about the impending leap into interstellar space, which will hasten Humanity's meeting with the Denebs. Horrified, Charles tells David that he needs to deal with a power-behind-the-throne guy named Thorstein and that he's going to help.

With the purest insouciance, David and Charles enter Thorstein's castle, defeating every one of its security systems. They assassinate Thorstein's decoy and wait for Thorstein himself to arrive. After Thorstein arrives and quickly departs, David and Charles kidnap him from his helicopter and take him to Charles and Mavis's house. There the two men convince Thorstein to abandon his war against Terra, pointing out that he likely won't live long enough to become Emperor of Venus, that some unworthy stooge will get to enjoy that role.

Having completed his mission, David steals a rocketship and returns to Terra, letting Conrad clean up the legal mess he has created. He joins Leina in catching up on news, beamed telepathically across interstellar space, regarding the movements of the Denebs. Several weeks later he and Leina are picked up and taken to meet Major Lomax of Terrestrial Intelligence.

They are sealed inside a bunker alone with Lomax, who is in so much pain from an accident that he does not care whether he lives or dies. In order to walk out of the bunker alive, David and Leina must convince hidden observers that they are ordinary, if artful, telepaths and not, as has been hinted, zombies controlled by extraterrestrial beings (which, in fact, is what they are). Charles and Mavis are being subjected to an identical interrogation on Venus. The four zombies play their roles perfectly as their replacements appear on Terra and Venus, then, after the suspicions have been allayed, Lomax has an attack of intense pain. Feigning concern, David and Leina jump up as if to help and at the same time subject Lomax to a telepathic attack that makes him trigger the devices that kill all six of them.

Lomax regains consciousness in a realm where all pain is gone. He learns of the Denebs, advanced creatures possessed of a collective inferiority complex that they hide under delusions of superiority so brittle that the mere thought of creatures equal to them sends them into a genocidal rage. The secret that must be kept from Humanity, lest the Denebs discover it, is that humans are the larval form of creatures vastly superior to the Denebs.

Five-O (Better Call Saul)


In a flashback, Mike leaves a train in Albuquerque and re-bandages his wounded left shoulder. He meets up with his daughter-in-law Stacey and granddaughter Kaylee. Stacey and Mike briefly discuss the death of Matt, Mike's son and Stacey's husband. Afterwards, Mike's wounded shoulder is treated by Dr. Caldera, an Albuquerque veterinarian.

Main story

Philadelphia detectives Sanders and Abbasi attempt to question Mike, who requests that Jimmy represent him. The detectives are investigating the death of Mike's son Matt, a police officer who was killed in a 2001 ambush. Matt's partners, Troy Hoffman and Jack Fensky, were killed in a similar ambush six months later and the detectives suspect Mike. Jimmy intentionally spills his coffee and Mike pretends to help Abbasi clean his jacket while stealing Abassi's notebook.

Mike discovers from Abassi's notes that Stacey contacted Philadelphia police after she discovered money Matt previously hid in the lining of a suitcase, hoping that investigating the source of the cash would help identify Matt's killer. In a flashback to Philadelphia, Mike breaks into a police car outside a bar. He then enters the bar and confronts Fensky and Hoffman. At closing time Mike announces he plans to move to Albuquerque. As he staggers home, Fensky and Hoffman offer him a ride and help him into the back seat.

Mike tells Fensky and Hoffman he knows they were the ones who killed Matt. Fensky and Hoffman plan to kill Mike but Mike is not actually drunk. Mike shoots Fensky twice in the chest using the revolver he had hidden in the back seat when he broke into the car earlier. Hoffman attempts to draw his service pistol, but Mike kills him with a shot to the head. Fensky fires his service pistol and wounds Mike in the left shoulder, and Mike shoots Fensky in the neck. Mike then kills Fensky with a shot to the head, then walks away and prepares to depart for Albuquerque.

In Albuquerque, Mike admits to Stacey that corruption was rampant in Matt's precinct and included Mike. When Hoffman offered to include Matt, Matt asked for Mike's advice. Mike suggested not taking the bribes would mark him as a whistleblower, so he should accept. Hoffman and Fensky murdered Matt because his hesitation made them fear that he would turn them in. Stacey asks Mike who killed Hoffman and Fensky. Mike implies that he was responsible and asks whether she can live with it.

Bar 20 Rides Again

Hoppy gets a letter from the father of Johnny's girlfriend asking for help against rustlers. He also asks Hoppy to bring Red, but not Johnny because Margaret is now enamoured with an Easterner. Johnny doesn't believe it and, without Hoppy's knowledge, he races off to marry Margaret. Hoppy and Red follow 3 hours behind to help the rancher against the rustler known as "Nevada".

Wins Out

Oswald is a baker who bakes for a hippo king. For the majesty's dinner, Oswald bakes a giant pie filled with living crows, a reference to the nursery rhyme ''Sing a Song of Sixpence''. When a little mess from his work gets on his master's face, the hippo king threatens to penalize Oswald. However, the princess, who is Kitty, comes to his defense and begs to give the rabbit a second chance. The hippo king forgives Oswald but warns him that he'd be beheaded if something unpleasant happens to the pie.

Oswald is back at the kitchen, standing next to the pie. While the hippo king's dinner is still hours away, a crow from within the pie calls another crow from out the window. To Oswald's surprise, the outsider crow cuts a hole in the pie, enabling the crows from inside the dish to escape.

As the crows are just outdoors, Oswald attempts to put salt on their tails. One of the crows, however, is clever to replace the salt shaker with one containing pepper. When Oswald sprinkles pepper which has no effect, that crow blows the condiment on the rabbit's face. But as Oswald sneezes, the crows have their feathers blown off, therefore eliminating their ability to fly. The crows then get away by running. Oswald resorts to shooting arrows. One of Oswald's arrows unintendedly hits a giant serpent. The provoked serpent heads toward the hippo king's castle. Oswald and the crows hide themselves in the pie. The serpent also enters the dish.

The hippo king calls for the pie as it is dinner time. The servants are the ones who carry the dish to him. When Oswald pops out of the pie, the hippo king is quick to give the rabbit to the headsman. But before Oswald could lose his head, the serpent also pops out of the pie. The serpent frightens everybody around, especially the headsman who leaves the castle for good by smashing through the wall with his body. The serpent catches Kitty but Oswald is able to rescue her. Oswald and Kitty continue to keep distance as the long beast pursues them. As the chase goes on in circles, the serpent, without realizing, devours its tail and up to its torso, thus destroying itself.

Following the defeat of the serpent, the hippo king resumes to have the pie, and no longer seeks to penalize Oswald. The crows come out of the dead serpent's mouth (implying they were swallowed sometime earlier) before reentering the pie. As the pie is presented to the hippo king, the crows rise to the surface of the dish, and play musical instruments in the style of an orchestra.

Timothy's Quest (1936 film)

Timothy and his sister run away from an orphanage because of the poor treatment they experienced there. They end up together on a farm, where the owner puts Timothy through a series of arduous chores to earn his keep.

Night of the Fox (novel)

Alan Stacy, a professor from Harvard University, visits Jersey to complete his biography of his friend and pre-World War II fellow academic Harry Martineau. The work has lain unfinished since 1939. He has been unable to obtain any information on Harry's wartime activities, but he knows that Harry worked for the British Government in some very secret capacities. Harry is now dead and his body has been released to a Dr. Drayton.

Stacy arrives on the day of Harry's funeral, but only one mourner is present, Dr. Sarah Drayton. Invited back to her house, he is told by Sarah that the two of them worked for Special Operations Executive (SOE) during the war. She shows Stacy a photo of them posing with Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, and then tells the story behind the photo.

In the aftermath of the Slapton Sands disaster, Hugh Kelso, a US Army colonel and engineering officer, is badly wounded but manages to climb into a life-raft. He is washed ashore on Jersey, and rescued by Hélène de Ville, wife of the Seigneur of Jersey, and Sean Gallagher, a former General in the Irish Army, who has retired in Jersey. They manage to establish communications, via a French resistance contact, with SOE, reporting that Kelso is alive, although badly injured and under medical care.

Brigadier Dougal Munro of SOE is aware that Kelso is a 'bigot', one of the few officers who knows the full details of the planned D-Day landings. After consultation with General Dwight D. Eisenhower, he decides that Kelso must either be rescued – or eliminated – to stop him from talking, should he be captured and interrogated.

Munro recruits Harry Martineau, a former Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford, and now a covert operative and ruthless killer. Harry is recovering from an assignment in France in which he was shot and severely injured. As his assistant and 'cover', they also recruit Sarah Drayton, a young nurse with connections in, and local knowledge of, Jersey. Harry assumes the identity of SD ''Standartenführer'' Max Vogel. He is supplied with a forged letter of authority signed by Hitler and Himmler, giving him unlimited and unquestioned authority. Sarah's cover is that of Anne-Marie de la Tour, his French 'mistress'. She undertakes very brief training in the use of small arms under Sergeant Kelly, and a complete makeover by Mrs Moon, an expert make-up artist borrowed from Denham Film Studios.

The two are flown to occupied France by a Westland Lysander aeroplane and Harry uses his authority to demand transport on a regular convoy from the port of Granville to occupied Jersey. Harry sails on a naval vessel, but Sarah, as a civilian, must travel on a cargo boat. On board, she meets Lt. Guido Orsini, an Italian gunnery officer. The flotilla is attacked by Allied Motor Torpedo Boats and the boat on which Sarah is sailing is sunk by torpedoes. She is rescued by Orsini and they finally arrive in Jersey.

Sarah's civilian documents and status – and the Walther PPK pistol she carries – arouse some suspicion with Captain Muller, the local head of the ''Geheime Feldpolizei'', but Harry's impeccable authority leaves the Germans scrambling to assist him in any way he wishes, providing him accommodation and a personal vehicle, a Kubelwagen. Nevertheless, the Chief of Police, seconded from the Gestapo, decides to find out more about Vogel.

On a tour of the island, Vogel finds Inspector Willi Kleist, Muller's deputy, trying to rape a young local girl, and after a fight, Kleist is badly injured by Vogel. The former swears revenge on Vogel.

The plan to evacuate the wounded Kelso is upset by the arrival of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel on a surprise tour of inspection. But no-one of the party, and only one of the German officers, Major Hofer, is aware that 'Rommel' is actually Corporal Erich Berger, a cabaret performer and actor who is Rommel's double. The real Rommel has been drawn into a plot to assassinate Hitler and needs to be temporarily away from Germany, meeting with several generals in Normandy to formulate their plan. Berger is to serve as his alibi, with Hofer as his 'aide'.

A small aircraft is sitting at the airfield for the weekly mail flight, but the flight cannot be commandeered except by special authority. Harry, who has planned to assassinate Rommel, unmasks him as Berger and gets him to give that authority. Berger agrees to co-operate, and reveals that he is actually Heini Baum, a German Jew who has assumed the identity of the dead Berger and has survived as a soldier, even winning the Iron Cross while serving with the Afrika Korps.

The operation is nearly upset by the arrival of a drunken Kleist, who has overheard them speaking English and now knows the real identities of both Vogel and Berger. He holds them at gunpoint, but is overpowered and killed by Gallagher. They place him in a car which is set on fire and pushed over a cliff. Sarah, Harry and Baum commandeer the plane and fly towards France. The crew are overpowered and ordered to fly to England.

The escape plan is discovered, and Muller has learned that no-one in Berlin has ever heard of 'Vogel'. A Luftwaffe night fighter is scrambled to shoot them down. One of the crew is killed and the pilot, a Finn who has thrown in his lot with the escapees, drops to almost sea-level, drawing down the pursuing fighter, which crashes. They continue to England, now in radio contact with the RAF.

On landing, they are surrounded by armed soldiers. Baum rushes excitedly forward and is shot by a guard, ostensibly by accident but actually on Munro's orders. As he dies, he begs Harry to say Kaddish for him.

The action returns to the present, and Sarah reveals that after the war, she qualified as a medical doctor and worked in the Cromwell Hospital, where she'd been nursing when she was recruited. She later married Orsini and lived on the family estate outside Florence, operating a country practice as Contessa Orsini. When Guido died as a result of a motor race accident, she returned to Jersey, despite the desire of her son, the present Count, to stay in Italy.

She tells Stacy that Harry continued to work for SOE, but was shot down by friendly fire a few months later. His body, buried in the Essex marshes, was not found until recently and he has now received a much belated burial.

The Fairies' Hallowe'en

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 29, 1910. It states: "Marie is the tiny daughter of a well to do farmer. On Halloween her father, to amuse her, picks a pumpkin that she selects, and fashions a jack-o-lantern out of it. Her new toy pleases the child immensely, and at once takes a place in her affections equal to that held by her dollie. So it is natural that she should be thinking about the two of them when she is tucked into bed and falls asleep. Perhaps that was why the queen of the fairies came to her and invited her to a Halloween party that her loyal subjects were giving in their woodland retreat. And so that Marie would be perfectly happy, not feel embarrassed among strangers, the queen asked Dollie and Pumpkin to be her guests also. And, as a further mark of favor, she waved her hand, and Dollie and Pumpkin could run around and talk as well as Marie could. It certainly made it more enjoyable for the little girl. A fairy Halloween party is one of the finest things going in the amusement line, and only very nice and very good little girls are invited to them. As Marie filled these requirements, she had a perfectly glorious time, but was inclined to weep when she woke up later in her own little bed, and found that her toys had lost their miraculous gift of life. But it consoled her somewhat to have them, for they served as reminders of her wonderful evening. And perhaps the fairies will ask her to attend another party later. If they do, she has decided that Pumpkin and Dollie must have their shares of the good times as before."

Ghetto Freaks

The film is mainly plotless, following the daily activities of a group of hippies living in a communal apartment in Cleveland, Ohio. The hippies encounter hostile police at a peaceful gathering in a park, get arrested, and spend a night in jail. They earn money by panhandling and selling copies of an underground newspaper on the street. They stage a protest march against the Vietnam War on Cleveland's Public Square, discussing their viewpoints with random passersby. For recreation, they attend a rock concert at a club and frequently use marijuana and LSD. Under the influence of LSD (illustrated by the filmmakers using various psychedelic effects), the hippies engage in nude dancing and uninhibited sex, and one girl experiences a bad trip.

A rudimentary plot concerns the hippies' handsome, womanizing leader, Sonny (Paul Elliot), becoming attached to Donna (Gabe Lewis), a naive young girl who runs away from her parents' home to join the commune after a chance meeting with Sonny at the rock club. Sonny and Donna's newfound happiness is threatened by Billy, a violent drug dealer, who pressures Sonny to push drugs for the local rackets. Sonny refuses, leading to a tragic conclusion in which Donna is killed.

Bombshell (video game)

The game allows the player to control Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison, a Colonel in the Global Defense Force. Her career is abruptly brought to an end after an event titled "the Washington Incident", which caused her to lose her arm and her team. Shelly is then offered a new contract by a private military contractor and offered a second chance and a new mechanical arm.

Torpedo Alley (film)

When an American transport plane crashed, only the pilot, Lieutenant Bob Bingham, survived. Now he is drifting out to sea as a “shipwrecked man”. Fortunately for him, he is fished up by the crew of a submarine. Bingham's concern that he might be guilty of the deaths of his two comrades does not leave him in peace. After a while he decided to start a new professional life in the Navy. His goal is to become the commander of a submarine. At the training area he meets Commander Heywood and First Engineer Gates again, who saved him on the high seas. Bingham soon became friends with the nurse Susan Peabody.

In June 1950 the Korean War breaks out. In this, the United States supports the troops of South Korea. Heywood and Gates take command of a submarine. The crew also includes Bingham and his new friend Graham. As part of a special task force, Bingham and Gates are assigned to blow up a bridge. In the process of execution, two men are killed; Gates and Bingham are badly wounded. But the strategically important bridge could be destroyed.

Susan is a nurse on the hospital ship that recovered the two injured. Bingham realizes that she is very concerned about his health. Now he is convinced that not only does he love her, but she also loves him.


The eighteen-year-old narrator travels from his home in Mâcon, Burgundy, to Italy, staying first in Rome, then Naples. There he meets a young man named Aymon de Virieu, and the two decide to apprentice themselves to Andrea, a local fisherman. Although the first few months pass in contemplative tranquility and beauty, they are forced to take refuge at Andrea's home on Procida during a surging September storm, where they spend the night. Here the narrator first meets the fisherman's granddaughter, Graziella.

The following morning, the narrator overhears Andrea's wife, criticising him for taking on the two "pagan" Frenchmen. However, Graziella comes to their defense, silencing her grandmother by pointing out the two young men's compassion and religious acts. The family and their apprentices go to recover the remnants of the destroyed boat. Soon afterwards, the narrator and Virieu go to the village, where they purchase a new boat and fishing supplies for the fisherman. When they return, Andrea and his family are sleeping, but are soon awoken and brought to the beach, joyously accepting the new vessel.

Over the next several days, the narrator and Virieu enjoy an idyllic life, reading, walking, and enjoying the beauty, music, and dance of Procida. Graziella expresses interest in their reading, and thus the men read works by Ugo Foscolo and Tacitus to her and her family. Though these fall flat, all are interested in Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's romantic novel ''Paul et Virginie''. Such is Graziella's fascination with the tale that she abandons all reserve and sits near the narrator, her breath on his hand, and her hair brushing his forehead. When it is over, she begs the narrator to reread the tale.

The poor weather breaks on the ninth day, and Andrea takes the young men and his family to Naples. Virieu is recalled to France, and the narrator falls ill from sorrow over his friend's departure. He sends for Andrea, and Graziella rushes to his lodging, where she treats him. Their conversation, and Graziella's care, revives the narrator's spirits. Reinvigorated, the next day, he goes to Andrea's Neapolitan lodgings in Mergellina. Since coming to the city, he learns of their fortunes: Andrea and his wife are enjoying bountiful catches, while Graziella has taken up coral carving to earn extra money. When the narrator appears unhappy to leave, they ask him to lodge with them.

Months pass, and the narrator considers Andrea's family to be his own. The narrator attempts to treat Graziella as a sister. He accompanies her to church and teaches her to read and write, and she insists that he spend more time with her, talking and learning to carve coral than futilely writing poetry. However, he realizes the extent of his affection for her when, days before Christmas, Graziella is arranged to be married to her cousin Cecco: "My life without her presence was nothing". The imminent loss of Graziella drives the narrator to abandon Naples and wander the surrounding area, returning only after the new year.

Though Graziella accepts the proposed marriage on the day the narrator returns, she later escapes into the night, intent on joining a convent. The following day the family search for her in vain. Eventually, the narrator realizes that she must have returned to Procida and hurries there. In Andrea's home, he finds Graziella, who confesses her love for him, stating, "They wished me to take a husband—you are already the husband of my soul". The narrator replies in kind, and they spend the night together, discussing their romance. When Graziella's family comes to get her, they decide that she need not marry Cecco.

For three months, they enjoy their love, unknown to Graziella's family. However, she is pained at the thought of the narrator returning to France and by her social station, much beneath the narrator's own. When the narrator is recalled to France, Graziella collapses on the doorstep, and the narrator – though downhearted – cannot stay. Although they continue to exchange letters, once in French society, the narrator feels ashamed of his love for the poor fisherman's granddaughter. He only realizes his folly after learning of Graziella's death at age sixteen. The novel closes with a poem, "Le Premier Regret" ("The First Regret"), dedicated to her memory.

Mistress and Maid (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from November 5, 1910. It states: "Nan Willis is a wealthy young heiress who visits the fashionable seaside resort at which she is unknown. She is accompanied only by her maid, Susan, an envious woman, who bears her mistress no great love. Bored by the even tenor of her life, Nan decides to seek adventure by changing places with her maid, and thus escaping the restrictions of conventionality with which she has constantly been surrounded. She makes the acquaintance of a young lifeguard, Jim Holt, and accepts his offer to teach her to swim. A very real affection springs up between the two young people, and Nan is sure that Jim, unlike her other suitors, loves her for herself alone, as he thinks her only a lady's maid. While visiting an isolated lighthouse, Nan, accompanied only by Sue, is made a prisoner in one of the upper rooms of the structure. The plot is Sue's who hopes thus to be able to make her escape with Nan's jewels and other valuables. The rascal, a young keeper of the lighthouse, and his miserly old grandmother are made a party to the plot by accepting an offer to share in the spoils. Through her faithful Newfoundland dog, who braves an angry sea, Nan sends a message to her lifeguard sweetheart, who comes instantly to her aid. After a spirited encounter with the keeper of the light, who is also Nan's jailer, the young people make their escape in Jim's boat. They reach the hotel in time to confront Susan, who cringes with fear when caught red-handed with her mistress' belongings. Nan allows Susan to go unpunished, feeling that the happiness she has found in the proof of Jim's unselfish love more than compensates her for all the hardships she has endured."

Indomitable (short story)

Two years after the events chronicled in ''The Wishsong of Shannara'', Kimber Boh finds Jair Ohmsford working in his parents' inn while they are away. She tells him of a dream that has been haunting Cogline where the shade of the fallen Druid Allanon comes to him and tells him that a page from the Ildatch was not destroyed, and that Jair must destroy it. Jair is unconvinced, but agrees to travel to Hearthstone with Kimber and meet with Cogline. The first night Jair is there the shade of Allanon visits him and tells him that he must travel to the lair of the Mwellrets, Dun Fee Aran, and destroy the remaining page of the Ildatch before its power grows. The three companions journey to Dun Fee Aran, and along the way encounter a peddler who warns them against going there. Jair struggles with his own fears of going back to that evil place where he was once imprisoned by the lizard-like Mwellrets, with their hypnotizing eyes.

Once they arrive, Jair slips medication into Cogline and Kimber Boh's ale, which causes them to fall into a deep sleep, so that he may enter the fortress alone, and spare them harm. Jair uses his Wishsong to disguise himself and gain entry to the fortress. He conjures up an illusion of Allanon which sends the Mwellrets into a panic, then follows one to the chamber where the remaining Ildatch page is guarded. He then tries to pick up the page, but it burns him and he howls, giving away his presence. The Mwellrets begin searching for him, but cannot find him as he is hidden by the Wishsong. They get close to him, and he conjures up an illusion of warriors, but the Mwellrets quickly see through that and in a panic he conjures up an illusion of the Weapons Master, Garet Jax, which he inhabits. This endows him with Garet Jax's fighting abilities, allowing him to slaughter the Mwellrets and destroy the Ildatch page. He then returns to himself and escapes the fortress, realizing that his Wishsong is much more powerful than he had realized. He can not only conjure up illusions, but he can inhabit those illusions, along with their powers.

Tokyo Xanadu

In an alternate reality, Tokyo was hit by a huge earthquake in 2005 that took the city a decade to recover from. The game's protagonist, Kou Tokisaka, is a high school student who lives in Morimiya on the outskirts of Tokyo in 2015. He lives alone and has some part time jobs. One day after work, late at night, he sees his classmate Asuka Hiiragi is around some bad company. Kou follows them to a back alley. When he tries to get in between them, he is sucked into a vortex that brings him to the nightmare realm ''Eclipse''. Afterwards Asuka explains to Kou she is a member of Nemesis, a group that tries to close the Eclipse vortexes for good.

Asuka accepts Kou's assistance for the time being, during their missions they discover many wielders in their academy, people capable of fighting Greeds, the Eclipse inhabitants, Sora Ikushima, a first year and a martial artist, Yuuki Shinomiya, a first year and a genius, Shio Takahata, a third year and former co-leader of a street gang called Blaze, Mitsuki Hokuto, a third year and student council member, who is also the heir to Hokuto group that formed Zodiac which is involved with Eclipse and recruit them respectively, during a weekend vacation, Asuka and Mitsuki explain that Eclipse started spreading worldwide after the Great War II and that it was the cause of the earthquake ten years ago dubbed Tokyo Twilight Disaster, they also meet Rem, a girl who is an inhabitant of Eclipse and is known as the Child of Eclipse in the underworld.

Kou and his allies decide to form a school club as a cover for their mission and call it Xanadu Research Club(X.R.C), during an incident they discover that another second year named Rion Kugayama, who is also a member of famous idol group called SPiKA, is a wielder and convince her to join them, they also realize in another incident that their English teacher, Gorou Saeki is actually a member of Japan-Self Defense Force: Zero Battalion Aegis, a platoon tasked with fighting the Eclipse who also join them, when they supposedly prevented another Twilight Disaster, the entire city is engulfed by an Eclipse and they are separated.

During this new incident, they learn that Jun Kohinata, one of Kou's classmates and friends is in fact a Seal Knight of Orden, an Organization belonging to the church and is tasked with fighting the Eclipse as well. After the X.R.C members and their allies regroup, they form a plan to assault the source of the Eclipse, when they reach it, they realize its Shiori Kurashiki, Kou's childhood friend and classmate. She then explains that real Shiori died during the disaster ten years ago, but before her death wished everything was a lie after witnessing Kou's sorrow, in a sense this wish was granted by a mythical Greed called the Twilight Apostle and brought a fake Shiori back to life, due to Apostle's influence within her, the number of Eclipse incident in Morimiya was increased, and while the town believes she is alive, the rest of the world confirmed her as dead and so the entire world must be engulfed in Eclipse so that fact would change, but the X.R.C members defeat her and she passes away after a tearful goodbye with her friends. The town returns to normal and all people's memory of Eclipse and Shiori is erased except for the wielders, Asuka then asks Kou to walk her to her home in Brick Alley.

In the game's normal ending, while Asuka tries to convince Kou that nothing is his fault, they meet a girl who looks a lot like Shiori and seems to recognize them, after that the two of them go to the cafe that Asuka stays in. In the game's true ending which can be accessed after meeting certain qualifications and seeing the normal ending once, they hear Shiori's voice and are instructed by Rem to visit Shiori's home,once the entire X.R.C gathered there, they find an Eclipse gate which requires some keys, after recovering the keys and entering the gate, they meet the mythical Nine-tailed Fox who explains to them that he has retrieved the real Shiori's spirit and truly resurrected her as a priestess for himself, he then challenges the group to a fight and offers Shiori as a reward if they defeat him and they succeed, Kou then retrieves Shiori and has a tearful reunion with her, everyone's memory about Shiori has been restored as well, in the night of that event the X.R.C members and all their allies enjoy the Summer Festival.

The enhanced version of the game contains some side stories taking place between the chapters of the main story, and an After Story which takes place after the true ending of the game. The side stories include all X.R.C members except for Kou, Jun Kohinata the Seal Knight and an Armoured soldier who later revealed to be Gorou Saeki investigating an strange form of Eclipse. In the After Story, Morimiya is preparing for Autumnn Festival, but members of the X.R.C and all their allies, including Ryouta Ibuki, one of Kou's old friends and classmates, are taken into a Eclipse that is identical to Morimiya by a child wearing a fox-mask, after they regroup, the child's mask is broken and is revealed as a young Kou, he then explains that he is the Twilight Apostle, the being responsible for the Tokyo Twilight Disaster who almost defeated that day but managed to survive after granting Shiori's wish, since then he was moving between the Eclipse and the real world to gain power and is going to use his new powers to destroy everything, but the heroes fight him and defeat him.

After the Apostle's downfall, the group returned to the real world, they have one final encounter with Rem before the event, Kou asks her if she knows why the Twilight Disaster happened and why the Twilight Apostle came to be, she confirms that she does but all she says is that it was supposed to, she tells them that there will be a time when they need to make choices again and she will be there to observe them, the X.R.C members and their allies then swear to prepare themselves for the battles that have yet to come, the festival starts afterwards and everyone enjoy themselves.

Seein' Things (1908 film)

A partygoer (played by Méliès) comes home very drunk, and finds that his drunkenness makes him see two of everything.

The Weapon Master's Choice

The story begins when Garet Jax is found in the forest by the beautiful and mysterious Lyriana. She persuades him that he must travel with her to Tajarin on the coast to save her people from a dracul named Kronswiff who feeds on souls. Garet Jax knows she is keeping something from him, but is strangely attracted to her and compelled to help. That night she shares his camp, and in the dark of night Garet Jax awakens to a threatening feeling, only to find Lyriana already awake. Three masked men attack and Garet easily kills them. The next day they buy provisions for their 8 day journey and set off.

When they arrive at the town Garet Jax is surprised by what he sees. Tajarin is a crumbling ruin. It looks deserted except for the guards, called Hets. He and Lyriana stay hidden, and enter a building where he witnesses Kronswiff sucking the souls out of his helpless victims. Garet Jax knows he should wait until Kronswiff and the Hets retire so as to attack unawares, but he cannot bear to watch one more person drained of their soul and thrown into a cart, a lifeless bit of sagging flesh. He silently kills two Hets, then throws a dagger into Kronswiffs heart. The dracul does not perish, and Garet Jax realizes that he must behead the monster. He attacks and kills the Hets, and while doing so feels Lyriana using magic to block their blows from him. He kills them all then swings a deadly blow at Kronswiff, taking off his hands and head in one foul swoop.

Garet Jax and Lyriana then leave to free her captive people. He is disgusted to find them disfigured and sick, and demands to know what Kronswiff did to them. He realizes too late that they were already like that. Tajarin is a leper colony. Lyriana offers him gold for his service, but he says that he wants her. She says it can never be and reveals that she too is a leper. She has some magic that she uses to heal herself, but the sickness is getting worse. Her parents and brother were lepers and she had accompanied them to the colony to help care for them, but by the time they died she had contracted the disease. He kisses her and leaves in despair, but quickly forgets her as he looks for his next adventure, knowing that they could never have been.

The Lost Zeppelin

At a banquet preceding his flight to the South Pole, Commander Donald Hall (Conway Tearle), a Zeppelin commander in charge of the "Explorer", learns that his wife, Miriam (Virginia Valli), whom he worships, requests a divorce. She is in love with Lieutenant Tom Armstrong (Ricardo Cortez), his best friend and partner in the flight. Hall agrees to grant the divorce after the flight.

When the Zeppelin reaches the South Pole, a sudden gale causes it to crash and the men divide up into search parties. An aircraft with room for only one survivor leads to a decision by Hall that Armstrong should be the one to be saved.

Armstrong is welcomed in Washington as the only survivor but finds that Miriam still loves her husband. Later, news comes of Hall's rescue and miraculous recovery, and he is happily reunited with his wife.

Vladimir Mayakovsky (tragedy)

;Prologue Vladimir Mayakovsky, "the last of the poets," carrying his "soul on a plate for the Future's dinner," declares himself "the king of all lamps" and promises to reveal for the people their brand new, true souls.

; Act 1 The Holiday of the Paupers goes on in the City. After an Old man (with cats) greets the advent of the new age of electricity and an Ordinary man protesting against the impending mutiny, gets brushed off, a giant woman gets unveiled and carried by the crowd to the Door to be just thrown down to the floor there. A riot of things commences, with human limbs running about, disconnected from their bodies.

;Act II At the City's main square Mayakovsky, dressed in toga is treated as a new god, people bringing him presents, three Tears among them. One man relates the story of how two kisses that's been given him turned into the babies and started to multiply. The Poet packs the three Tears he's received from the three women and promises to deliver them to the great Northern god.

;Epilogue The Poet says farewells to his followers he refers to as "my poor rats," declares Heavens "a cheat" and, after meditating upon what he'd rather be - "a rooster from Holland or a Pskovian king," - decides he likes "the sound of my name, Vladimir Mayakovsky, the best."


Vladimir Mayakovsky, a poet, 20-25 years old His girlfriend, 2 or 3 sazhens in size. Doesn't speak. An Old man with black and dry cats, several thousand years old
An "ancient symbol" of electricity. Later in his article "No White Flags" (Без белых флагов) Mayakovsky thus explained the meaning of this image: "...The Egyptians and the Greeks while stroking black and dry cats might have been able to produce electric spark, yet it's not for them that we sing hymns of glory but for those who’s given shiny eyes to hanging heads and the power of a thousand arms poured into the humming tram arks."
A man without a leg and an eye A man without an ear A man without a head A man with stretched-out face A man with two kisses An ordinary young man A woman with a small tear A woman with a tear A woman with a huge tear *Paper boys, girls and othersThe Works by Vladimir Mayakovsky in 6 volumes. Ogonyok Library. Pravda Publishers. Moscow, 1973. Vol.I, pp. 41

The Trypillia Tragedy

The film is based on a historical incident, the massacre of a Komsomol special detachment during the Russian Civil War in Ukraine. In 1919, during Anton Denikin's offensive, the Komsomol forces faced the irregular troops of the Army of Independent Soviet Ukraine, led by the turncoat rebel Daniil Ilich Terpilo (known as Ataman Zelyony ( , literally "Green")).

Zelyony's men surrounded the Komsomol forces at the village of Trypillia in Ukraine south of Kyiv, trapped them on the steep banks of the Dnieper River, and slaughtered them.

And Sudden Death

Betty Winslow and others in her family are reckless drivers, and Lt. Knox of the police is determined to make her change her ways after repeated traffic violations. Betty eventually reforms, but when drunken brother Jackie gets behind the wheel of a car and causes an accident, Betty takes the blame and goes to prison.

Jackie's guilty conscience ultimately gets the better of him, freeing Betty to get on with her life, as well as a romantic future with Lt. Knox.

The Nebraskan

Set in 1867 in the newly formed state of Nebraska, cavalry scout Wade Harper (Phil Carey) attempts to make peace with the Sioux Indians, who demand the handover of Wingfoot (Maurice Jara), an Indian scout who is believed to be responsible for the murder of their chief Thundercloud. While being held in the guardhouse at Fort Kearny, Wingfoot escapes with Reno (Lee Van Cleef), an army private awaiting trial for murder.

Ten Nights in a Bar Room (1910 film)

The work was an adaptation of Timothy Shay Arthur's novel ''Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There''. ''The Moving Picture World'' synopsis states: "Despite the fact that he is a loving husband and father, Joe Morgan ruins his life by his fondness for drink and finally becomes a seemingly hopeless drunkard. He spends his time and money in the saloon kept by Slade, the man who took away Joe's mill and largely caused his financial ruin. Slade's saloon, when he first opened it, was well furnished, the landlord courteous and well groomed, and the customers happy and seemingly unaffected by their surroundings. But as time passed, a change for the worse was noted in everything. Probably this escaped Joe's notice, for a sharp shot, indeed, was needed to reform him. That shock came. Joe's only daughter, Mary, was in the habit of going to the saloon and piteously urging her father to come home. She knew that no matter how intoxicated he might be, he would never harm her. But one evening when she appeared her father and Slade had been quarreling, and the saloonkeeper threw a bottle at Morgan, who dodged. The missile struck the child, entering. The blow resulted fatally, but before Mary died, she extracted a promise from her grief-stricken father that he would never drink again, a promise which he ever-afterward kept. In later years Joe became wealthy and respected, and influenced by the thought of his daughter in heaven he kept in the straight and narrow path. The saloon keeper who killed Mary was never punished by the law - but through the irony of fate his taking off was much like that of Joe Morgan's helpless child."

The Other Side of the Horizon

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, a "Demon Region" appeared in the martial world. The "Demon Region" left a trail of destruction and gave hardships for the livelihood of people.

In order to eliminate the "Demon Region", the Wudang Sect dispatches a group of elite disciples to attack. The disciples fail to do so and Mo Chan-chi (Chu Tit-wo), head of the Sect, pushes the blame to disciples Fu Ching-wan (Andy Lau) and Mo-yung Pak (Lawrence Ng). Because of this, the entire martial world is hunting after Fu and Mo-yung, and the two of them eventually take refuge to the "Demon".

Fu and Mo-yung, however, were surprised to discover that the "Demon Region" is not an actual demon region, but is in fact, is an utopian society. It also turns out that Fu and Mo-yung were actually sent undercover by the Wudang Sect to investigate the "Demon Region". Under the sabotage of Mo-yun, the citizens of the "Demon Region" turn against each other and massacre one another. Fu, on the other hand, was deceived by Mo, which led Fu Chin-san (Shih Kien), leader of "Demon Region", to consume poisoned wine. "Demon Region" was ultimately destroyed by the many sects of the martial world.

However, unexpected to Fu, who is in deep regret, Fu Chin-san turns out to be his biological father. When he was about to confront Mo Chan-chi about this matter, he accidentally kills Mo, who at the time was battling with Mo-yung. Because of this, Fu, who was named the "Young Warrior of Wudang", is now known as the "Son of the Demon Region". Mo-yung is then appointed as the successor to the head of Wudang where he kills Fu Chin-san, who has lost his martial arts ability due to consuming poison. Originally like brothers, Fu and Mo-yung have now become sworn enemies, leading the martial world into a bloody storm.

Holy Enchilada!

Hank has been chosen to host a Japanese boy named Yoshi! Hank also needs to prepare some enchiladas for his school multi-cultural day. But, he may have added too much chili powder... and then the trouble starts!

Connection Lost

While waiting for her flight at O'Hare airport, returning from a presentation she had for a new client, Claire (Julie Bowen) attempts to get in touch with Haley (Sarah Hyland) after a big fight that they had. She uses FaceTime to contact Phil (Ty Burrell), who tells her that he thinks Haley slept over at a friend's house. Meanwhile, Alex (Ariel Winter) continuously sends Claire new versions of her college essay for her to proof read, but Claire ignores them.

While talking to Jay (Ed O'Neill), Claire gets a notification from Facebook that it also happens to be Mitchell's (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) birthday, so she FaceTimes him to wish him a good day. Knowing from Alex that Haley was baby sitting Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) the previous night, she asks Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell if they know where Haley is and they reveal that the last time they saw her was when she borrowed one of Mitchell's old blue suits. Lily tells her that Dylan (Reid Ewing) was there the previous night talking with Haley, something that surprises her since she was unaware that the two of them were still in touch.

Claire uses her fake Facebook profile to view Haley's Facebook page and sees that Haley has changed her relationship status to "Married". Claire starts to panic while Phil tries to calm her down, but putting the clues together (borrowed old blue suit and being with Dylan) makes her believe that Haley married Dylan. She calls him but after talking to him, she knows that Dylan was to her relief, not the groom. Having no other way to find her, Claire hacks into Haley's iCloud account to track the GPS on her phone, much to Alex's disapproval. Claire searches the address on Google Maps which shows up on a street in Las Vegas, next to a small wedding chapel. Claire panics even more and tries to think about whom Haley would end up married to, but she has no details about who Haley is dating.

While talking to everyone; Mitchell, Cameron, Alex, Phil, Jay, Gloria (Sofía Vergara), Luke (Nolan Gould) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez), who reveal that Andy (Adam DeVine) has taken time off to go to Vegas for a wedding, Claire comes to the conclusion that Haley has married Andy without telling anyone. A parcel then arrives for Haley at the Dunphy household, which Phil opens. The parcel is revealed to be the book ''What to Expect When You're Expecting''. Claire panics once again that Haley might be pregnant and after her last attempts to get in contact with her or Andy, she closes all of her FaceTime windows to open a slideshow of Haley's childhood pictures, eats Cameron's popcorn, and cries while watching it.

Feeling incredibly stressed by the situation, Claire FaceTimes her Dad, seeking his wisdom and to apologize for doing the same thing as Haley when she was her age. Jay reassures her that Haley being pregnant and married might not necessarily be a bad thing since when she did it years ago led her to have a loving family with a good husband. Jay says this without knowing Phil, who is now crying, is also listening and Jay tries to take back everything he said.

Claire finally receives an incoming call from Haley, who has just woken up. It turns out that Haley was in the Dunphy's household asleep the whole time and is neither pregnant nor married; the suit was to lend to her friend who was getting married, her phone was accidentally left in Andy's car when he went on his trip to Vegas, her Facebook status was a joke about a "Cronut," and the pregnancy book was to help her design clothes for her boss's new fashion range. The family expresses their relief over the situation as Claire, when Haley immediately questions how her mother got onto her Facebook page and found out where her phone was, pretends to lose connection and log out of the FaceTime call, before leaving for her flight.

Little Miss Perfect (film)

Belle, an over-achieving high school freshman, stumbles upon an online pro-eating disorder subculture as cracks begin to appear in her seemingly perfect life.

Ali and Nino (film)

During the Russian Empire, Ali and Nino fall in love. Ali is a Muslim from Azerbaijan who lives in the oil-rich city of Baku, in the family's Shirvanshir Palace. Nino is a Georgian Orthodox Christian whose wealthy Kipiani family also lives in Baku. Ali's friend, Malik, agrees to help bring the aristocratic parents to accept a marriage. World War I breaks out in Europe.

Malik and Nino go to the opera, while Ali and Nino agree to secretly meet afterward. Armenian Malik has also fallen in love with Nino and kidnaps her planning his own marriage to her. Prince Ali confronts and kills Malik with a dagger. Ali is injured during the fight and escapes to Dagestan to heal and hide out from Malik's powerful Nachararyan family. The Russian Revolution deposes Nicholas II of Russia.

Tamar is afraid no one will ever marry her daughter Nino and plans to send her to Moscow. Others have their own plans. Ever loyal Mustafa reunites Nino and Ali in the mountains. After a night of lovemaking and with Nino's virginity gone, Ali yells out to call a Mullah. Mustafa assures the couple no priest is necessary for he can perform the marriage ceremony. Despite aristocratic childhoods, simple country life suits the newlyweds and they find true happiness. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic wins its own independence.

Ali returns to Baku and gets appointed Deputy Foreign Minister. He begins to raise his young family in a free homeland. The young country signs friendship treaties with its neighbors but they fear the Bolsheviks in Russia. Learning that the Russians have amassed 30,000 troops on the border, the Azerbaijan government flees by train. As Nino and their daughter head toward Paris, Ali jumps off the train and blows up the bridge. Nino is safe but Ali gets shot and killed defending his country.

Epilogue text states that Ali Khan Shirvanshir died aged 24, Prime Minister Fatali Khan was assassinated 6 weeks later, it was 71 years before, in 1991, Azerbaijan reclaimed its independence, and Nino and her daughter escaped to Paris, but never returned to Baku.

The Little Fire Chief

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 29, 1910. It states: "Willie Stone is only six years old, but he yearns to be a fireman. He is much impressed with the parade of firemen he sees in his hometown, so much so in fact that he basely deserts his sister on the streets to follow the 'smoke eaters.' But Willie is only a little boy, and despite his enthusiasm, he is soon weary and footsore. His plight, added to his tears, attracts the attention of a kindly fireman who is driving with his engine back to quarters. The lad's discomfort is soon forgotten, for the fireman gives him a ride back to the engine house. There Willie gravely applies to the captain for a position on the uniformed force, and is jokingly accepted. But he does not see the humor in it and follows the other men to the bunkroom, where he takes part in their sports."

"But in the midst of the happiest day of his life, an alarm is sounded, and the firemen hastily slide down the pole to their duty. The new fireman, however, is not the kind to be deserted. Grabbing the helmet, the insignia of his office, he follows the others, but it is too late to go to the fire. He arrives in time to hold them up on their way back, but is captured by his weeping sister. He does not wish to leave his command, but his friend, fireman Jack Allen, finally induces him to go on the promise that he, Jack, will call later. Perhaps one reason Jack is so accommodating is because he likes [his] sister. Jack pays ardent court to her, and the flame of their affection[s] resists all of young Willie's efforts to put it out. He didn't really mean to try, but he assuredly poured cold water on Jack, for it was in the line of what he regarded as his duty."

Arrête ton cinéma

Sybille, a recognized actress, preparing with enthusiasm her first writing film to get behind the camera. Everything seems to go well. Her producers, two sisters, are two wacky but lovable characters, and Sybille empties into the adventure with them, putting aside her family life. But, from the unlikely choice of actresses, the successive rewrites of the script, through the financial refusal, the wonderful dream turns into a nightmare. Incorrigible optimist, Sybille will realize too late that her whimsical and totally crazy producers are going to drag her in their madness ... One thing is certain, nothing will happen as planned.


''Sikyionioi'' takes place in a street in Attica, probably in the demos of Eleusis, facing the houses of Kichesias and Smikrines, two Athenians who have reversed their luck, as the once rich Kichesias has grown poor and the poor Smikrines has become rich.

In the prologue speech the divinity has exposed how twelve years earlier the four-year-old Philumene, together with her nurse and the slave Dromon, was kidnapped by pirates from her father's estate on the coast of Attica and sold at Mylasa in Caria to a wealthy Sicyonian named Hegemon.

The action probably started with a conversation between Theron and his love interest Malthake, during which the audience learns that Theron is the parasite of Stratophanes, a mercenary soldier who has lately arrived from a successful campaign in Asia Minor. In the first act Stratophanes starts his search for a young slave girl who had previously been in his family's custody. Belonging to his late Sicyonian father Hegemon, the girl was educated like a lady and Stratophanes fell in love with her, but now, due to an important lawsuit lost by his father, her fate is uncertain as the property of the slaves is claimed by the Boeotian plaintiff.

When the girl takes refuge in a temple at Eleusis, the old slave in her company claims that she is an Athenian, and a pale beardless young man offers himself as her protector. But then Stratophanes steps up to declare that she belonged to his family. He implores the Eleusinian assembly to be given more time allowing to prove that she is actually an Athenian, which would save her from the Boeotian, but also make it impossible for the Sicyonian to marry her.

Toward the end of act three, however, Stratophanes' slave Pyrrhias reports him the last words of his mother who revealed on her dying bed that he was adopted from an Athenian family. When the slave also brings documents to prove his master's descent, Stratophanes exclaims: "At first I thought I too was a Sicyonian; but here is this man who now brings me my mother's testament and the proofs of my true birth. And I myself believe - if I am to infer from what is written here and to credit it - that I too am your fellow-citizen. Do not yet deprive me of my hope; but if I too am proved to be a fellow citizen of the girl whom I preserved for her father, allow me to ask him for her and to get her. And let none of my antagonists get the girl into his power before he is revealed."

Stratophanes then instructs Theron with the search and the parasite tries to cheat him by paying poor Kichesias to act as her father. At first Kichesias rejects the offer, but then Philumene's slave Dromon arrives to confirm that he is actually the father of the girl.

In act five Stratophanes confronts Smikrines and his pale son Moschion, who has been his rival with the girl, but at the end of their quarrel, when the proof for his Athenian birth is produced, the family recognizes that he is actually Moschion's elder brother given away to the Sicyonians by his father Smikrines when he was poor. As Kichesias consents, Stratophanes is finally free to marry his beloved Philumene.

Flight of Fancy (film)

A young single mother about to marry when a pilot crash-lands on her small island.

A Love Tragedy in Spain

A Spanish dancer, in front of an inn in the Spanish mountains, is courted by a smuggler, who asks her to marry him. She agrees. Later, in the dancer's room, another man enters and declares his love for her. The smuggler, entering unnoticed, hears the declaration of love, and a violent argument breaks out between the two rivals for the dancer's affection. The suitors travel to a remote spot in the mountains and fight to the death; the smuggler wins the fight when the other suitor falls over a precipice. Returning to the dancer's room, the smuggler comes to meet his beloved, but the dancer refuses him when she finds out he killed his rival. The smuggler stabs himself in despair. The dancer, running to his corpse, touches his hands, and is repulsed to find them covered with blood.

Alif the Unseen

In an unnamed Middle Eastern security state, the hacker Alif discovers that his love interest Intisar is entering an arranged marriage with another man. He creates a computer program, Tin Sari, to identify Intisar’s digital footprint and block her from seeing him online. Alif’s computer is attacked by The Hand, a prince who seeks to identify and imprison dissidents. The Hand is also Intisar's fiancé. Unable to contact Alif online, Intisar sends him a book.

Alif is stalked by secret police, causing him to flee with his neighbor Dina. They seek out a gang leader named Vikram the Vampire for protection. They are rescued by two djinn: Vikram and his sister Azalel, who had been living as Alif and Dina's housecat. Vikram reveals that Intisar’s book, the Alf Yeom, is a collection of djinn tales containing powerful secrets.

They meet a convert who specializes in antique books, and they learn that The Hand is seeking the Alf Yeom. Dina, the convert, Alif, and Vikram seek shelter from the police in a mosque. Alif decodes the Alf Yeom and attempts to create a quantum computer. Dina and the convert escape, Vikram is killed, and Alif is captured and interrogated by The Hand. Months later, he is rescued by NewQuarter01, a prince and hacker. Alif learns that his public arrest has become a cause célèbre for anti-regime activists.

Alif reunites with Dina and the convert in the djinn city of Irem. Vikram died during the escape, but the convert is pregnant with his child; she uses this status to assure the cooperation of Vikram's allies. In the City, The Hand’s attempt to replicate Alif’s quantum computer has failed, leading to massive Internet outages and riots in the streets. Alif uses Tin Sari to counteract the Hand’s control of the City’s infrastructure and restore Internet Access to the City, further assisting the rioters. As Alif's djinn allies battle The Hand's, The Hand is identified and lynched by rioters. Alif and Dina escape.

Apgujeong Midnight Sun

The lives of four people (and their families) intersect as they work at a cable TV station, where they learn that a fateful encounter can determine whether a man and a woman will become lovers or enemies.

Rash Decisions

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) begins to work at Jay's (Ed O'Neill) company along with Claire for few days and he decides to behave as best as possible leaving his snob personality so he will be likable. This seems to work and everybody likes him in comparison to Claire and her relationship with her co-workers. Claire believes they like her but through Mitchell she realizes that they only see her as their boss and not as a friend. When Jay gives Claire a list of things she has to say to the employees that will insult them and she does not feel well to do, Mitchell takes the list and does it himself not caring if everyone starts disliking him again.

In the meantime, Jay returns home with Stella and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) informs him that Joe is allergic to something (probably Stella) and they have to keep them separated for a week to see if he is indeed allergic to the dog. Though he loves Stella, Jay has no choice but to take her away from home till they know the truth about Joe's allergic rash. Stella stays at Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell's home even though Cameron is afraid that Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) might get attached to her. Later, Jay discovers that Joe's rash was caused by Gloria's new face cream and he goes to get Stella back making Cameron cry since he is the one who got attached to Stella and not Lily, who is happy that Stella is finally going.

Luke (Nolan Gould) decides to spend more time with his friends rather than with Phil (Ty Burrell). This forces Phil to hang-out more with Andy (Adam DeVine) who is now also his assistant at work and the two of them start doing things Phil used to do with Luke. Luke seeing his dad spending so much time with Andy ignoring his, makes him feel excluded and replaced and tries to "win" his dad back. He finally confronts Phil telling him that the fact he refuses to practice an activity with his father does not mean that he has to be replaced. Phil explains that he will never replace his son and the two hug.

Alex (Ariel Winter) has an interview with a Princeton recruiter named Vanessa (Aya Cash) and she tries to prepare for it. Haley (Sarah Hyland) has to drive her to the interview and in the car, she does not stop talking on the phone with her friends saying the same story over and over again. This gets on Alex's nerves who tries to concentrate in order to make a good impression at the interview. However, when she arrives there she overhears Vanessa complaining about her candidates' lack of personality and Alex decides to imitate her older sister and even "steal" Haley's story, saving her from an awkward situation.

Valentine's Day 4: Twisted Sister

It is Valentine's Day and Phil (Ty Burrell) wants to reprise the roles of Juliana and Clive Bixby with Claire (Julie Bowen) as they always do the last few years. Even though Claire seems like she is in no mood for role playing this time, she surprises him as Juliana at the bar Phil was supposed to meet Claire and the two of them, Phil and Juliana, have a great time together. Claire realizes that Phil is in love with Juliana and on their way home, she decides to take Juliana down and get her husband back.

Gloria's (Sofía Vergara) sister Sonia (Stephanie Beatriz) is in town and Gloria does everything to make her feel welcome and to fix their relationship. She even arranges to all three of them, herself, Sonia and Jay (Ed O'Neill), to have dinner together even if it is Valentine's Day. When Jay sees Sonia being sad, he gives her the present he bought for Stella telling her that he bought it for her. Sonia misunderstands his intentions and thinking that Jay wants to be with her she starts hitting on him. Jay tries to tell Gloria but Gloria thinks he is crazy. After a small accident where Gloria sprains her ankle, Jay and Sonia are left to have dinner alone. Manny (Rico Rodriguez) also understands that Sonia is acting weird and he thinks that she wants to kill him and Gloria so she can have Jay. Gloria is furious about the accusations towards her sister but when Sonia attacks Jay in the bedroom, the two of them start fighting all over again over Jay.

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) bought a wedding present for their friends Anders (Roger Bart) and Cooper and they visit them to give it to them. The problem is that they like the present very much that they want to keep it. When they get at their friends' house, they find out that Cooper left Anders and filed for divorce, so they decide to take their gift back. Their back and forth attempts to get it back lead them to finally leave with their present for Anders and Cooper as well as the present their friends bought them for their wedding.

Fight or Flight (Modern Family)

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) organize a baby shower for Sal (Elizabeth Banks) with Pepper (Nathan Lane) and Ronaldo's (Christian Barrillas) help. However, they are surprised when they discover that Sal is now a teetotaler who actually cares about her son, Sammy. Though they enjoy it at first, Sal leaves the baby shower leaving Sammy behind and the two couples believe that Sal abandoned her son. Mitchell and Cameron start arguing with Pepper and Ronaldo over Sammy since both couples want to adopt him. Sal finally returns to let them know that she would never abandon her son and informs them that she went to see Sammy's dad who is actually a hockey player for the Chicago Blackhawks and was unaware of Sammy's existence.

Claire (Julie Bowen) reluctantly agrees to attend Phil's (Ty Burrell) cheerleader friends reunion during a weekend. On their flight home, she takes the only first class seat while Phil lands in economy class. Things take an unexpected turn as Claire realizes that Dana (Natasha Leggero), the woman she is sitting with is actually a loud and obnoxious bigot, while Phil enjoys his time with a magician named Edward Legrand (Penn Jillette) and a masseuse named Jillian (Lauren Robertson). Claire asks Phil to switch seats but Phil avoids it by lying that he is having a terrible time himself with the people who sit next to him. Claire discovers the truth and the two of them end up fighting with Claire confessing how terrible was the weekend for her and the sacrifice she made for Phil. After Claire's confession, Phil accepts to switch his seat and let Claire have some peace and quiet.

In the meantime, Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) finally let Manny (Rico Rodriguez) join cooking classes. However, a fellow student named Gideon (Garrett Boyd) always plays pranks on him, which gets on his nerves. Gloria forces Jay to teach Manny some self-defense notions in order to stand up for himself. As Manny manages to attack Gideon, it turns out that Gideon's bad attitude is actually due to his parents' divorce and that he was trying to apologize and be nice to Manny the moment Manny attacked him. Manny feels bad about it but he is expelled from the cooking lessons even though he apologizes. Manny and Jay realize that Gloria is the actual tyrant in their lives as she obliged them to practice violence without understanding someone's real motivations and they decide to face her when they get back home.

Luke (Nolan Gould) decides to ask Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley's (Sarah Hyland) advice since he is attracted to a girl. When they ask him about the girl he is in relationship with, he says that he never broke up with her because he is unable to find a way to tell her without hurting her and that she will finally realize it on her own. Alex and Haley disagree with his decision and using his phone, they text the girl a polite way of breaking up only to get a rude answer back. The girls take it personally and they start texting with the girl while Luke enjoys the fact that they are the ones who look mean and not him, since they are the ones who are sending the texts.

Closet? You'll Love It!

Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) tries to distract his "tone deaf daughter" by over scheduling her entire day so she can miss her talent show. After Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) protests, Cameron is up to find a mutual solution that ends up being him singing "Kung Fu Fighting" and Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) yelling, dressed in a karate gi. Mitchell quickly comes to learn that the only reason Cameron is skeptical toward Lily’s performance is because of his nemesis, Andrew (Jeremy Scott Johnson), who will attend the talent show as well, to support his child. Mitchell puts the foot down and decides that Lily will be performing at the talent show, with or without Cameron’s support. At the talent show, after a powerful performance by Lily's classmate and Andrew revoking his daughter from the show, the couple decides to repeal Lily’s performance as well.

Claire (Julie Bowen) is assigned to create a new advertisement for the family business when the competitor company releases a new, catchy ad. After contacting her father, she learns that Jay (Ed O'Neill) has already decided to re-shoot the company's old commercial that he did back in the days. In the old commercial, Jay appears at the end pronouncing a slogan that reads "Closet? You’ll Love It!" whose meaning no one can understand. Claire expresses her concern about the commercial failing to reach the popularity it once did, but Jay decides to dismiss her skepticism and go on with it. During the shootings, the crew express their dislike from a "marketing standpoint" but no one wants to tell Jay about it and they ask Claire to inform Jay about the change of the concept. Claire ends up fighting with Jay about it and she tells him that everyone thinks he is grumpy, even his grandchildren, something that leads Jay to be smiling all the time to prove that he is not grumpy.

In the meantime, Phil (Ty Burrell) and Luke (Nolan Gould) arrive at Jay's to hang out with Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) by the pool. While Gloria enjoys the sun in her swim suit, a drone flies around her spying her and recording her with its camera. Phil, Luke and Manny try to destroy the drone or drift it away but a series of events leads to a video of Phil exposing his genitals being uploaded on YouTube and going viral. The three of them take it personally and they want to find the source that controls the drone by following it, something that leads to another video being uploaded on YouTube with their failure. After that, they are determined to break the camera by throwing balls at the drone while Jay joins their attempt. Finally, the drone is destroyed by Gloria who shoots it with a gun from the balcony, leading the men to believe that they are the ones who took it down.

Meanwhile, Haley (Sarah Hyland), Chase (Robbie Amell) and Andy (Adam DeVine) are on a double date but Andy’s girlfriend, Beth (Laura Ashley Samuels), fails to appear once again, which makes Haley even more suspicious if her being Andy's girlfriend is only in his mind. Later on, Andy ends up in the hospital with appendicitis and Haley rushes to his side. At the hospital, Andy is on drugs and falls asleep which gives Haley the opportunity to confess her feelings towards him right before Beth walks in. Haley, stunned seeing her there, leaves the room and Andy opens his eyes revealing that he was not sleeping while Haley was talking to him.

Spring Break (Modern Family)

It is Spring Break and Alex (Ariel Winter) is busy checking her e-mails to see if Harvard have accepted her. Under Claire's (Julie Bowen) instructions, Alex goes with Haley (Sarah Hyland) to a Music Festival so she can relax a little and take her mind away from colleges. After Haley gets Alex drunk, Haley is on the phone with Claire learning that Alex did not get accepted to Harvard and she understands why Alex behaves so weird outside the fact that she is also drunk. Haley talks to Alex, and manages to convince her to put things to perspective. Returning home, Alex looks better and admits that Haley made her proud of herself while heading to her room rejecting Claire's help.

Phil (Ty Burrell) decides to spend time with his son. However, Luke (Nolan Gould) begins to outperform his dad in every activity they practice together, like playing the banjo and trampolining. When Claire gets excited about how fast Luke learn to play the banjo and how good he is at trampolining, Phil's feelings get hurt. Later on, Phil finds a bra under Luke's pillow and berates him as he is still "a kid who lives under his Dad's roof, and should follow his rules". While Phil is yelling at Luke, an accident with the banjo injures Luke in the eye, and Phil has to escort him to the hospital. Phil apologizes for his behavior, which Luke accepts and reveals that the bra actually belongs to him because he has trouble un-doing it on girls and he wants to practice.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) try to give up one of their bad habits that annoys each other. Gloria has to stop watching her soap operas while Jay has to quit smoking. Jay gets the opportunity to leave the house and smoke when Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) believes that Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) is miserable at her scout camp and decides to pick her up. Jay goes with him and on their way there, they disagree on the fact that parents should always be there for their kids as Mitchell believes, while Jay supports that children have to learn to be independent. When the arrive at the camp, Mitchell realizes that he was wrong and that Lily enjoys her time there. He tries to apologize by narrating a scary story he heard during the time he was at camp but fails until the moment the scouts see Jay in the woods, who they mistakenly believe is the ghost from Mitchell's story.

Back in the town, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) has to participate in a talent show that his school is organizing, and Gloria accompanies him. At the talent show, Cameron meets Senor Kaplan (Will Sasso) and begrudgingly lets him sing his song. However, after an accident, Cameron is wrongly blamed by the others who think that he deliberately injured Senor Kaplan in order to take his place. Cameron feels bad knowing what everyone believes he did and his performance is not good. After the performance, Kaplan reveals to Gloria that he was the one responsible for the accident because he knew he could not perform the song, unaware that Gloria had turned his microphone on in order to reveal the truth and help Cameron. When everyone hears of Kaplan's plan, they turn their favor and Cameron fights him, much to Gloria's pleasure as she finally found a real soap opera to watch without commercial breaks.

The American and the Queen

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from October 22, 1910. It states: "Maud, the beautiful queen of Rumania, is deposed through the efforts of her wicked cousin, Rupert, who seizes the throne. He tries to make love to Maud, but when she spurns him he has her thrown into prison. Through the efforts of her faithful lady-in-waiting, and the kindly priest, the young queen escapes. While on a steamer, her cousin's spy locates her and decides to give her poison, but his attempt is detected by Jack Walton, wealthy young American who has seen the queen and fallen in love with her without knowing anything as to her history. A number of noblemen urge the queen to make an effort to regain the throne, and when Jack joins his plea to theirs, she consents. But the queen is only in her country a few hours when she is arrested during the absence of Jack on a mission."

"Jack prepares to save the queen, but has hit on no definite plan. Then Father Paul proposes a scheme. The queen's prison is on the ground floor; it is possible for her to stretch her hand through the bars. And Jack marries the woman he loves, though a stone wall is between them. The priest, with the bridegroom is outside, and the careless guards do not see them. Rupert then sends for his cousin again, and for the second time he offers to marry her. But she spurns him. Then he orders her execution. The sentence is about to be carried out when Jack arrives with a squad of U.S. troops from a troop ship in the harbor. The queen is entitled to their protection, for she is now the wife of an American. And she gets it. Rupert loses his life and the ensuing combat."

Help! Somebody Get me out of Fourth Grade!

When his parents get called for a parent-teacher conference, Hank just knows his teacher is going to tell them he is being held back. Hank and his best friends Ashley Wong and Frankie Townsend plans to send Hank's parents to a rock concert in Philadelphia at the same date and they accept! Hank is thrilled to be going into fifth grade. until his parents come back early! Hank remembers that it's family game night, so he decides to go to the pizza parlor and play in the arcade. Everything is going fine until Hank’s teacher, Mrs. Adolf, calls and reminds Hank's parents about the conference. They decide to postpone the trip and visit. After the conference, Hank finds out that he will have to attend summer school in order to pass the 4th grade.

Miss Mamma Mia

Seo Young-joo was abandoned by her parents as a child and betrayed by the man she loved. Despite all that, she stays positive as she raises her five-year-old daughter on her own while working part-time jobs.

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

The game's four protagonists, Wilbur a novice gnome mage, Nate a narcissistic human, Ivo a pregnant elf princess and a furry alien creature known as "Critter", partake in an adventure in the fantasy land of Aventasia. A magic force is turning beasts into puppies and castles into dollhouses. The four heroes reunite to combat this unusual transformation of Aventasia.

Bad Asses on the Bayou

Frank Vega and Bernie Pope return, this time to Louisiana in an attempt to find a kidnapped friend.

Paul and Virginia (film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from November 19, 1910. It states: "Paul and Virginia are two young lovers who have grown up together from babyhood. Their widowed mothers lived near each other in rude cottages, on an island in the Indies, on which there are few inhabitants. Here the children are reared, knowing no play fellows but each other. When Virginia is 16 years of age, her mother receives a letter from a wealthy aunt in Paris, who offers to make Virginia her heir and give her a good education, providing Virginia will, in the future, make her aunt's home her own. Virginia's mother, having lost her own fortune through marrying against the will of her family, feels that she must not let her daughter suffer the poverty that she has been compelled to endure. She accordingly insists upon Virginia's acceptance of her wealthy relatives offer. Virginia thereupon sets sail for France, leaving Paul broken-hearted at her departure. Virginia tries to be a dutiful niece to her aunt, who is very old and sickly, although she longs to return to her humble home and Paul, whom she dearly loves. When, however, the aunt insists that she marry a rich nobleman, Virginia refuses; her aunt disowns the girl and sends her back to the island home. Virginia's ship arrives at the Indies during a hurricane, and although a cable's length from shore, it sinks before help can reach it, and Virginia is drowned. Paul witnesses her death from the shore, and almost loses his own life in a vain attempt to save her."

The Lion's Mouth Opens

The film begins at a dinner party. Filmmaker and actress Marianna Palka, 33 years old, is joined by friends in anticipation of the genetic testing results she will receive the next day, revealing whether or not she has inherited the presently untreatable neurodegenerative illness, Huntington's disease, from her father, who has the illness.

Palka recounts how she has always felt she does not have the disease, and the film intercuts with home movie scenes from her childhood, as her father's disease develops, as well as with interviews with Palka, her mother, and Palka's close friend Jason Ritter.

The film finishes with Palka making the trip to the hospital with her friends to get the results. She tests positive for the mutation that results in Huntington's.

The City of Her Dreams

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from November 19, 1910. It states: "Ella Brown is the only child of a poor widower. Their home is in a small town in the Middle West, and Ella has never seen New York (City), although she has always wanted to go there. Her father, finding times hard, decides to take a chance in the gold fields of Alaska, and when the play opens, is about to start there. He leaves Ella in the care of an aunt, a sour old person who runs a boarding house, who promptly makes a drudge out of the girl. As she has no other relatives, there is nothing for her to do except submit. Sitting in her room one evening, tired after a day's hard work, she looks at her two treasured magazines, one showing views of her pet city and the other giving the latest fashion. The girl is filled with a longing to travel and wear pretty clothes, and falls asleep. In her dream she is transported to New York, where she finds enough money to enable her to buy all the pretty things she admires. Ella greatly enjoys her visit, and is extremely unhappy when she wakes up. But she finds that her dream will become reality before long, for her father has returned from the gold fields with a fortune and a desire to fulfill all the wishes of his pretty daughter."

Full Frontal (play)

The play is a monologue by Gabriel Nkoke - a man born in Nigeria but raised almost all his life in England, "the new type of man. I'm neither here. Nor neither there" - delivered to an unseen representative of the National Front, which Gabriel is at first seen trying to join because he agrees with their racialist agenda.