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Borderland (1937 film)

The Plot follows ranger Hoppy who goes undercover in an outlaw gang operating in the border, Hoppy has to find the head of the gang and dismantle it.

The Crime Nobody Saw

The Plot follows play-authors, Horace Dryden, Nick Milburn and "Babe" Lawton, who are in an apartment seeking inspiration, when suddenly a intoxicated man enters and collapses on the floor. The man had $15,000 with him, but things go bad when they find that the man was murdered.


John is a cash-strapped taxi driver in Dublin, who lives with his mother, Jean, who is drinking herself to death. He finds her comatose in her own vomit and drives her to the hospital where she recuperates until her next bout of drunkenness. John spends his time trying to get more work driving, hanging out with his one mate, arguing with his mother about alcohol, taxiing prostitutes, and palling with his younger brother, who has Down syndrome and lives in a home with other disabled kids. John rids his house of alcohol and tries to convince his mother to stop drinking but she screams at him and smashes the plates as he impassively videos her rampage.

After searching the town for his mother, who he fears for, he finds her drunk on the doorstep. Not knowing what else to do with her, he invites her to party with him and watches emotionless as she drinks and dances in the kitchen. She confides in him that when John's younger brother was born disabled, the father left, and she always saw the child as less than human, and nothing but a drain on her. But she says that John was her precious child, who always came looking for her. After the father left, she felt destined to be utterly alone the rest of her life, until she found alcohol.

John convinces her to enter a treatment centre, by screaming at her that she is breaking his heart and that he can't take it any more. He shows her the video of her raging for alcohol. The free centre can only keep her for one week, but the concerned director finds a place at a private clinic with a fee of 8,000 euros. Desperate, John calls his boss to ask for an advance, agreeing to do his bidding. John drives his mate to the airport to leave the country, but on the way has arranged for him to have cathartic meeting with his young son that he almost never gets to see. Then John and his mate say a tearful goodbye at the airport.

John visits his mother at the new centre, along with his brother, and the mother makes an emotional connection with him. John's boss tells him to pick up something delicate for him. He drives to a desolate house where he finds a young Asian woman, abused and delirious in a bathtub. Disturbed and perplexed, he ends up driving her to the director of the treatment centre to get her help.

The Girls He Left Behind Him and The Iron Clad Lover

Though the films are presumed lost, the synopsis of both film survive in ''The Moving Picture World'' from December 10, 1910. The plot of ''The Girls He Left Behind Him'' follows Jack Redfern, a young bachelor, who is soon to be married. Jack receives a letter in feminine handwriting from an "old sweetheart" of his, stating how glad she is to hear of his approaching marriage. Jack goes through visions, remembering the various girls of his life and his interactions with each of them. Betty, Kate, Tootsie, Elizabeth, Clara, Jeanette, and Helen. According to the synopsis, the last vision he has is of all the old sweethearts of his waving good luck to him as he marries Mary. Though a review states that he awakes and is obliged to hurry to his wedding. Bowers believes the synopsis to be in error and that the film actually concluded with all the girls present at the wedding, rather than it being a "vision".

For the ''Iron Clad Lover'': "Dick makes love to Bessie while Tom plays a game of chess with her father. Tom, naturally nervous, plays such a poor game that he and the old man quarrel and Tom is ordered from the house. Next day is Bessie's birthday. Tom brings a bouquet and a box of candy. But he is turned away from the house and has the gifts thrown at his head by Bessie's father. Dick arrives and is welcomed. Tom, in desperation, buys a suit of armor, puts it on and has himself delivered to the house as a present to Bessie. Dick finds out that Tom is inside the armor and makes life miserable for him, blowing cigar smoke through the visor and making love to Bessie. Tom, unable to stand this, tries to announce himself, but only succeeds in stumbling over and breaking a valuable vase. Bessie's pa has the 'armor' thrown out. Dick's conscience makes him tell Bessie that Tom was in the armor and they started the rescue. They were horrified to learn that the old man has sold the armor to a junk dealer; and Dick and Bessie have an exciting chase before the junk man is rounded up, when it takes combined efforts of a policeman, locksmith, and plumber to release Tom from his iron suit."

Hills of Old Wyoming

An evil deputy is using Indian mixed-blood individuals to rustle cattle. This causes trouble between the cattlemen and the Indians. Hoppy, Windy and Lucky see that justice is served. Songs abound.

My Home Village

The film opens with a shot of Mount Paektu, the snow-capped volcano which is the holy mountain considered to be the origin of the Korean race, giving emotional basis for Kim's anti-Japanese guerrilla group. In fact, however, a scale-model of the mountain was used. The story concerns Gwan Pil, a poor farmer who is deprived of his land by an evil landlord and put in a Japanese prison. There he meets an agent of Kim Il-sung's . The two stage a riot and break out of prison to join the guerrillas. The guerrillas blow up a Japanese train which crashes through a railway bridge. Kim's army liberates Gwan Pil's home village, and he leads the fight to create a new society there. In the presentation of the liberation of Korea in 1945, there was no mention of American defeat of Japan or of the Soviet invasion but showed the liberation of Korea as the work of Kim Il Sung's guerrilla fighters working on their own.

Babilônia (TV series)

Once childhood friends, Beatriz (Glória Pires) and Inês (Adriana Esteves) eventually become arch-enemies due to Inês' envy for Beatriz's sudden enrichment. Beatriz married into money to businessman Evandro (Cassio Gabus Mendes) and raised playboy Gustavo (Bruno Gissoni), she gets involved with Cristóvão (Val Perré) and ends up being blackmailed with pictures by Inês. She ends up killing him and framing Inês so that she goes to prison instead of her. After being released, Inês end up in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, along with her husband Homero (Tuca Andrada) and her daughter Alice (Sophie Charlotte).

Crazy Bitches

Vivianna is making out with ranch hand, Gareth. She receives a call from a man she is having an affair with. The man informs her that he wants to break up with her and that he has informed his wife Alice of his infidelity. It is hinted that Vivianna knows Alice. Vivianna tries to convince him to stay on the call but the man disconnects the call. Vivianna is attacked and murdered by a man dressed in black.

Belinda, Alice's sister is dropped to the airport by Eddie, who turns out to be Alice's husband. It is revealed that their marriage is in trouble and Alice would be joining her sister next day due Eddie's business. Meanwhile, four friends Cassie, Taylor, Dorri and Princess meet up at the airport and head for the ranch to spend weekend to celebrate Alice's birthday. They are not happy that Alice will be joining them one day late. At the ranch Gareth hits on all the girls and it is apparent that Princess is interested in him and Cassie doesn't like him.

BJ and Minnie are already in the cabin. They are soon joined by Cassie, Taylor, Dorri and Princess. Minnie has an Intuitive mind and she sense that Dorri might be suffering from relapse of cancer. BJ and the girls settle down for dinner and slowly secrets start to tumble out. It is revealed that Princess was in extra-marital relationship with Eddie. They also discuss Vivianna's absence but nobody seems to be interested in it. Cassie and BJ turn out to be homosexuals.

During dinner Taylor accidentally spills some wine over the carpet, when they start cleaning it. Blood stains can be seen on the floors under replacement carpets. BJ explains to the girls that 15 years earlier mass murder had occurred in the same house. The teenage girls murdered on that day were having a sleepover. The killer was dubbed "Vanity Killer" and he/she was never found.

Finally Belinda arrives at the ranch and they all decide to retire for the night. Gareth arrives at the ranch and has sex with Princess. Cassie tries to make out with Taylor, but Taylor rejects her advances. Next day morning the girls bicker again and this time it is revealed that Belinda was also in relationship with Eddie. Belinda and Cassie trade insults, Belinda gets angry and walks away into the woods, where she is attacked and murdered by the man dressed in black. The killer uses her high heel sandals to kill her.

Gareth comes back to warn the group about the incoming storm and hits on Taylor, she seems uninterested but this makes Princess jealous. The group goes out to the town to have lunch, Dorri opts out of it. The group returns to the ranch and find all of Belinda's stuff missing. Gareth comes back and again hits on Taylor, this causes Taylor and Princess to get into a physical fight but the girls finally make peace sharing their secrets. The group decides to retire for the night. Cassie again tries to make out with Taylor but is rebuked. It is now revealed that Cassie and Taylor had made out with Eddie. Princess is murdered by the killer at night and he cuts her scalp.

An angry Cassie meets Minnie on her way back and they make out. Alice finally arrives at the ranch and meets up with rest of the folks. Next day the girls decide to go an hike. They talk and it is revealed that Eddie has had sex with all her friends (including BJ) other than Cassie, Minnie and Dorri, causing both Dorri and Alice to freak out. They realize that Taylor is missing and the groups goes out to find her and they end up finding Belinda's dead body in the woods. They go back to the house, hoping they could get network there and call for help. Cassie finds Princess's scalp and the group feels that the Vanity Killer might be back.

Cassie decides to take horse to get help from the ranch hands. The rest of the group stays inside the house. At night the killer kills Taylor by making her swallow the pearls from her necklace. It is now revealed that there are two killers and not one. Next day the group finds Taylor dead and with no signs of forced entry into the house, they decide to hike their way out of the ranch. On the way they meet dying Gareth and they start suspecting Cassie.

Further up the way they meet bloodied Cassie on the way, thinking she is behind all the killings BJ hits her on the head killing her. A stressed out BJ applies his face cream which burns his face and kills him instantaneously. Finally Dorri reveals that she is responsible for killings that happen 15 years earlier and the ones happening now. She explains that the girls who came to the ranch 15 years earlier were rude to her and the ranch hand's son helped her take revenge. She further explains she killed all the friends because they cheated Alice by having sex with her husband. She did this because Alice was the only person who was kind to her during her childhood. She further reveals that she is dying and she wanted to clean things up before she dies. Dorri then goes on to kill herself.

A cop finally explains to Minnie and Alice that Cassie is dead. He further explains that both the homicides are related. Eddie tries to win Alice back but she decides to start her life afresh.

North of the Rio Grande (1937 film)

Hopalong Cassidy's Brother, Buddy, is shot in the back by the Deputy Sheriff Plunkett. His friend Lucky tries to testify against Plunkett but is thwarted by the crooked coroner Stoneham. Lucky tells Buddy's wife, Mary, that he's dead...then tells her he's going to tell Hopalong Cassidy. Hoppy plans to enter town anonymously as an outlaw and work from that premise. Hoppy arrives posing as an outlaw to avenge his brother's killing by Plunkett. After robbing a train and killing Plunkett, he gets to meet the boss known as the Lone Wolf and lead his next job. Seeking help from Stoneman to capture the outlaws, he realizes too late that Stoneman is the Lone Wolf and is captured.

The Prisoner of Heaven

Daniel Sempere has settled into married life well and his son is shortly turning one year old. He is living above the family bookshop, Sempere & Sons with his elderly father, his wife Beatriz and son Julian. Though business has declined further in recent years, his friend Fermín Romero de Torres still finds a place at the bookshop and continues to source rare books while bringing a smile to the faces of the customers.

One day a mysterious man arrives and asks about a rare and expensive copy of ''The Count of Monte Cristo'' that is kept in a display case behind the counter. He purchases the book from Don Sempere Snr and writes an inscription on the cover page:

''"For Fermín Romero de Torres, who came back from among the dead and holds the key to the future."''

The book is left as a gift for Fermín. When he returns to the bookshop later he is upset by the gift. It's revealed that Fermín was in prison 20 years earlier with the mysterious stranger as well as David Martin (the protagonist of Zafón's second novel ''The Angel's Game''). While in prison Fermín, inspired by the story of ''The Count of Monte Cristo'', escaped by taking the place of a dead cell mate, stealing a key from the stranger. Knowing the stranger has finally tracked him down, Fermín, with the help of Daniel, attempts to locate the man and come to an arrangement before he's required to pay the ultimate price.

The Glamour (short story)

The narrator, who has a habit of taking late-night walks and patronizing movie theaters, takes a stroll into a part of town that he has never visited before. During his wandering, he comes across a strange theater advertising a single feature known as "The Glamour". His curiosity piqued, he approaches the theater. The building is dilapidated and condemned, with the front doors boarded up and the marquee bearing the name of the feature badly damaged. However, he notices a light in an alleyway adjacent to the theater, revealing a side-entrance.

Upon entering, he realizes that the building is quite odd. The entire place radiates with a sinister glow of purples and pinks, eerily reminding the narrator of human organs. The walls, floors and ceiling are covered with cobwebs reminiscent of human hair, but the narrator is distracted when a man approaches him and informs that the theater is under new management and admission is free, before heading to the restroom without further explanation.

The narrator makes his way to the auditorium where The Glamour is to be shown, and after he sits down, feels a strange presence behind him, as though someone is watching him. He turns to look, but sees nothing, save the small film projection window. The auditorium is nearly empty except for a scant few other patrons, one of whom is seated close to the narrator and makes odd and cryptic remarks when asked about the supposed feature. The patron gleefully tells the narrator that there is no feature, but there is something. He also asks if the narrator knew that the theater had just come under new ownership. The narrator presses for more information but the showing begins. The screen displays silent scenes depicting some nightmarish other world, and the projection screen appears as disembodied eyes which are guiding the viewers on a tour of this strange world.

The images on screen then shift to depict the man the narrator had met in the lobby earlier, now naked and surrounded by a purple glow. The patron next to the narrator informs him that the “witch” has taken the man and is now inside of him. Soon after, the naked man appears to undergo some kind of surgery, his organs completely exposed while being operated on and fully conscious. The man reasserts some control over his body, but is only able to utter a silent scream to the audience. As this is happening the narrator hears a scream coming from another part of the theater. Disturbed, he questions the nearby patron about the film, but the patron is transfixed by the screen. Unable to shake him out of his stupor, the narrator rises from his chair just as the hair-like cobwebs come to life and attempt to restrain him to his seat. He breaks free from the hairs while the other patrons are consumed and as he is leaving he sees in the projection window the visage of an evil old woman with glowing eyes and monstrous hair, apparently the “new management" spoken of earlier.

Having exited the building, the narrator notices the lights of the theater have shut off and the marquee outside has been taken down, signaling that it was the final performance. As he leaves the neighborhood, passing by the shops, all of which have gone dark despite being lighted when he first passed them, the narrator can feel the presence of the old woman staring at him from behind their blackened windows.

The Shuttle (novel)

Sir Nigel Anstruthers comes to New York in search of an heiress, as he no longer has enough money to keep up his estate, Stornham Court. He marries the pretty and cosseted Rosalie Vanderpoel, the daughter of an American millionaire. But on their return to England, Nigel and his mother control and isolate Rosalie from her family. Many years later, Rosalie's now-grown up sister Bettina, who has spent a decade wondering why Rosy has lost contact with the family, arrives at Stornham Court to investigate. She discovers Rosalie and her son Ughtred, physically and emotionally fragile, living in the ruined estate. Bettina, who is both beautiful and made of considerably stronger stuff than her sister, begins to restore both Rosalie's health and spirits and the building and grounds of Stornham Court in Nigel's absence. Bettina, as an attractive heiress, attracts the attention of the local gentry and re-integrates her sister into society, while also gaining the respect of the villagers by her insistence that repairs be done by local workers.

Bettina also makes the acquaintance of another impoverished English nobleman, Lord Mount Dunstan, who has considerably more pride and spirit than Sir Nigel and has no intention of marrying an American heiress to restore his estate, but who is not well-respected in the neighborhood due to his disreputable late father and brother. Mount Dunstan regains the respect of the neighborhood due to a chance encounter with an American typewriter salesman on holiday, G. Seldon, and because he opens his estate to workers afflicted by typhoid fever. When Sir Nigel returns home to discover Rosalie and Ughtred in improved health and spirits, the estate nearly restored, and Betty responsible for it all, he tries to conceal his ill-will but has never been particularly good at self-control. In a final confrontation, Nigel attempts to bully Bettina into leaving Rosalie at Stornham Court, this time with more of her father's money, but she hides from him and eventually returns with Mount Dunstan, who she had believed dead of typhus. Mount Dunstan whips Sir Nigel "like a dog," and the latter eventually suffers a fit and dies, while Bettina and Mount Dunstan overcome their pride and confess their love for each other.

Hopalong Rides Again

Hopalong, Lucky, and Windy are working for the Bar 20 Ranch owned by Buck Peters. Buck's niece, Laura, and his nephew, Artie, also live there. Lucky is in love with Laura. Buck needs cash and tells Hopalong to bring some cattle to Fort Hastings. They must arrive there in 10 days to fulfill contract terms. In order to get them there on time, the cattle have to be driven through the Black Butte area where the previous year rustlers stampeded the Bar 20 cattle leading to the loss of many cattle and the death of several of Hopalong's men. Nora Blake lives in the Black Butte area and Hopalong is smitten by her. It turns out that Nora's brother, Professor Hepburne, is the ruthless leader of the rustlers. Before the cattle drive Hopalong meets the Professor when he stops by the Bar 20 to get his horse reshod. Windy notices that the Professor is carrying a load of dynamite. The cattle drive begins. Buck's nephew pleads with his uncle to go on the drive. Buck relents and Artie rides after the cattle drive. Hopalong assigns him to the chuck wagon with Windy. As the drive is going through the Black Butte area, Hepburne sets off the dynamite. The cattle stampede. 200 are picked off by the rustlers. Windy and Artie are right under the area that was dynamited and save themselves by getting under the chuck wagon. But Artie is hurt. In the explosion a piece of the dynamite case lands near Windy. Hopalong then knows that Hepburne is the rustler chief. He lays a trap. He puts Lucky in charge of the drive. He is to take the cattle to Fort Hasting and come back to the Butte with the cash. Meanwhile, Hopalong goes to visit Nora. He lets Hepburne overhear that Lucky will be coming through the Butte with the cash. Windy who is taking care of Artie goes to get water and discovers the rustlers and the cattle. When he comes back to Artie, Artie has tried to get up and hurt himself again. So Windy can't go as Hopalong wished to get Buck to bring the ranch people back to fight the rustlers. But when Windy is not looking, Artie gets on his horse and goes back to the ranch to bring the reinforcements. Between Hopalong, Lucky, Windy and the ranch hands the rustlers are defeated. Hepburne was angered when one of his men talked back. Hepburne shoots the talker back. Hepburne carries a box of dynamite up one of the hills but the fellow he shot shoots Hepburne. The shot sets off the dynamite. So that is the end of Hepburne. Hopalong believes Nora will never know her brother was a villain. Good triumphs over evil.

Les Xipéhuz

The narrative consists of two parts. First is a descriptive third-person description of encounters between nomadic tribes and the Xipéhuz, resulting in many deaths from mysterious weapons and powers. This is followed by meetings of the clans and tribes, ritual sacrifices, and assembly of an army which is defeated by the Xipéhuz.

The second part is the memoir of a wise war chief who observes the Xipéhuz from afar, then carefully approaches them to find out their habits and vulnerabilities. Despite nearly being killed on several occasions, he discovers how individual Xipéhuz can be killed, and how to overwhelm them. He then describes a war of attrition where many thousands of warriors encircle the Xipéhuz and reduce their numbers, which have grown into the thousands, sacrificing many men to kill a greater number of the Xipéhuz. Finally the forest inhabited by the Xipéhuz is razed.

The Shadowhunter's Codex

This book is Clary Fray's personal copy of the 20th edition of ''The Shadowhunter's Codex'', which contains the history of the Nephilim, or Shadowhunters, as well as information they have compiled. The 20th edition of the book was intended to be an updated version, to help young Shadowhunters in a modern world, although Clary, and her friends, Jace Herondale and Simon Lewis, felt otherwise. Throughout the pages are sketches made by Clary, as well as comments by her and her friends.

The Making of a Marchioness

Emily Fox-Seton is a woman of good birth but no money who had worked as a lady's companion and now assists various members of the upper class with day-to-day practical matters. As the novel opens, she is 34 years old, living in a small room in a lodging house in an unfashionable area of London. Her chief employer is Lady Maria Bayne, who is both very selfish and very funny, although she does come to care for Emily. In a Cinderella-like twist, Emily marries a man twenty years her senior, James, the Marquess of Walderhurst, thus becoming a marchioness. In the sequel, originally ''The Methods of Lady Walderhurst'', Emily has Walderhurst's child, and his former heir, Alec Osborn, attempts to regain what he sees as his birthright.

The Wars to Come

Prologue, in the Westerlands

A young Cersei meets Maggy the Frog, a fortune teller. Cersei demands to know whether or not she will marry Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and have his children. Maggy informs her that she will instead be wed to "the king" (Robert Baratheon) and she will have three children, who will wear golden crowns, but also golden shrouds (meaning they will all die), and that another queen, younger and more beautiful than Cersei, will cast her down.

In King's Landing

Cersei arrives at the Sept of Baelor to pay her respects to Tywin and chastises Jaime for freeing Tyrion. At the wake, Cersei is approached by Lancel, who has become a member of the Sparrows, a religious group devoted to the Faith of the Seven. Lancel apologizes to Cersei for their affair and for getting Robert drunk before the hunt in which he was mortally wounded, but Cersei feigns ignorance.

Margaery catches Loras abed with Olyvar and warns him to be more discreet. Loras tells Margaery that no one can force Cersei to marry him now that Tywin is dead, but Cersei will remain in King's Landing instead of going to Highgarden. Margaery hints that she has a solution.

In Pentos

Tyrion and Varys arrive in Pentos. Varys tells Tyrion that he and Illyrio Mopatis worked in secret to make Daenerys the new ruler of Westeros and convinces him to travel to Meereen to meet her.

In Meereen

One of the Unsullied is killed by a member of Sons of the Harpy, an insurgency of former masters. Daenerys orders Grey Worm to find the killer.

Daario and Hizdahr return from Yunkai and tell Daenerys that the Wise Masters will turn over power to a council of former slaves and former masters, in return for the reopening of the fighting pits, where slaves fought to the death. Daenerys refuses, despite Daario's insistence that she reconsider. Daenerys visits her dragons under the Great Pyramid but leaves when they try to attack her.

In the Vale

Lord Yohn Royce agrees to take Robin Arryn as his ward. Petyr tells Royce that he and Sansa will travel to the Fingers, but they instead head west. Meanwhile, Brienne and Podrick ponder their next move, unaware that Sansa's carriage has just passed them.

At the Wall

Stannis wants Jon to persuade Mance to bend the knee and have the wildlings fight for Stannis so that he can take back the North from Roose Bolton. Mance refuses and is sentenced to burn at the stake. Out of mercy, Jon shoots him dead before he succumbs to the fire.

The House of Black and White

In Braavos

Terys takes Arya to the House of Black and White, the headquarters of the Faceless Men, but the doorkeeper denies her entry. After wandering the streets of Braavos, Arya encounters the doorkeeper again, who brings her back to the temple and changes his face to that of Jaqen H'ghar's. He grants Arya entry, but tells her that she must become "no one".

At the Wall

Stannis, unable to rally House Stark's former allies to his cause, offers to legitimize Jon as a Stark and make him Lord of Winterfell if Jon pledges his service to him. Jon plans to decline, but before he can tell Stannis, he is nominated by Sam to be the new Lord Commander. Jon defeats Ser Alliser after Maester Aemon casts a tiebreaker vote.

In the Vale

Brienne and Podrick stop at an inn, where they encounter Petyr and Sansa. Brienne asks Sansa to leave with her, but Sansa refuses. Petyr tries to capture Brienne, but she escapes with Podrick. Podrick suggests that since both Stark girls have refused her protection, Brienne is released from her vow to Catelyn Stark, but Brienne distrusts Petyr and decides to follow them.

In King's Landing

In King's Landing, Cersei and Jaime receive a message from Dorne: Myrcella's necklace in the jaws of a viper. Recognizing the threat, Jaime tells Cersei that he will infiltrate Dorne and retrieve Myrcella. He meets Bronn with his betrothed Lollys Stokeworth at Castle Stokeworth and tells him that if he helps him rescue Myrcella, he will be wed to a woman with a larger castle.

At a Small Council meeting, Cersei announces that she will sit in until Tommen chooses a new Hand. She makes Mace Tyrell Master of Coin and Qyburn Master of Whisperers, but her Uncle Kevan declines the office of Master of War and states that he will return to Casterly Rock until he hears directly from Tommen.

In Dorne

Ellaria Sand returns to Dorne following Oberyn's death. She attempts to persuade Prince Doran to kill Myrcella and go to war with House Lannister in a pursuit for vengeance. Doran refuses.

In the Flatlands

As Tyrion and Varys travel through the Flatlands on their way to Volantis, Varys attempts to motivate Tyrion by reminding him of his skill in ruling.

In Meereen

Daario and Grey Worm capture a member of the Sons of the Harpy. Mossador, a freedman sitting on Daenerys' council, kills the captive before the trial. Daenerys executes Mossador publicly, inciting a riot between freedmen and masters. At night, Drogon visits Daenerys at the Great Pyramid but flies away.

High Sparrow (Game of Thrones episode)

In Braavos

Jaqen helps a man drink from a pool of water. The man dies and Arya realizes that the pool of water is poison for those who seek a quick death. After Arya has an altercation with fellow acolyte the Waif, Jaqen asks her how she came to be surrounded by things owned by Arya Stark if she is no one. She throws her possessions into water, but does not want to discard Needle and instead hides it.

In King's Landing

Tommen marries Margaery Tyrell, who manipulates Tommen to persuade Cersei to return to Casterly Rock, but she declines. Cersei goes to visit Margaery and finds her telling her handmaidens about her wedding night, and leaves defeated.

After being attacked by Lancel and the Sparrows in a brothel, the High Septon asks the Small Council to execute their leader, the High Sparrow. Cersei instead meets the High Sparrow and tells him that he will replace the High Septon as head of the Faith. Cersei has Qyburn send a message to Baelish.

In the North

Roose Bolton tells his son Ramsay that they cannot rely on the Lannisters now that Tywin is dead, and that they will cement House Bolton's position by having Ramsay marry Sansa. Sansa is horrified, but agrees after Baelish tells her that this will be an opportunity to take revenge for Robb and Catelyn Stark's murders.

At Winterfell, Baelish tells Roose that they have no reason to fear the Lannisters. Roose shows him Cersei's letter. Baelish reassures him of their alliance, but Roose requests to read his reply. Meanwhile, Reek goes out of his way to avoid being seen by Sansa.

Baelish and Sansa have been secretly followed by Brienne and Podrick. Stopping at Moat Cailin, Brienne recalls Renly Baratheon's assassination and her intent to kill Stannis, whom she holds responsible.

At the Wall

Jon refuses Stannis' offer of legitimization, and assigns new positions to his brothers, making Alliser First Ranger and giving Slynt charge of restoring Greyguard. Slynt refuses and insults Jon, who executes him.

In Volantis

Tyrion and Varys arrive in Volantis, where they observe a red priestess telling slaves about the "savior," Daenerys Targaryen. Tyrion goes to a brothel and is kidnapped by Jorah, who declares that he is taking Tyrion to "the queen."

Sons of the Harpy

At the Wall

Jon sends letters to various nobles requesting men for the Night's Watch, including, to his chagrin, Roose Bolton. Melisandre attempts to seduce Jon to join Stannis in taking Winterfell from the Boltons, but he declines. As she departs, Melisandre repeats Ygritte's saying and final words to Jon, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

Shireen asks Stannis if he is ashamed of her deformity from greyscale. Stannis recalls how she contracted greyscale and his efforts to cure her rather than exile her and reaffirms her status as his daughter.

At Winterfell

Petyr informs Sansa that he is leaving Winterfell to return to King's Landing at Cersei's request. He adds that Stannis will soon take Winterfell from the Boltons and make Sansa Wardeness of the North.

In King's Landing

Mace informs Cersei that the Iron Bank has called in 10% of their debt and that they can pay only half that amount. Cersei sends Mace to Braavos with Meryn to negotiate a deal.

Cersei authorizes the High Sparrow to revive the Faith Militant, the military of the Faith of the Seven. The Faith Militant arrest Loras because of his homosexuality. Margaery asks Tommen to order his release, but the Faith Militant prevent Tommen from disturbing the High Sparrow from prayer. Margaery informs Olenna of the situation.

In Dorne

Jaime and Bronn arrive in Dorne. Jaime tells Bronn that he will kill Tyrion for murdering Tywin if he ever sees him again.

Oberyn's bastard daughters Obara, Nymeria and Tyene, known as the Sand Snakes, learn that Jaime has infiltrated Dorne. They agree to join Ellaria in starting a war against the Lannisters by killing Myrcella.

On the Summer Sea

Jorah sets sail with his captive Tyrion, who deduces Jorah's identity and that he is being taken to Daenerys.

In Meereen

Daenerys receives Hizdahr, who repeats his request to reopen the fighting pits, noting that it can unite the masters and freedmen. Meanwhile, Grey Worm and several Unsullied are attacked by the Sons of the Harpy. Barristan arrives to assist Grey Worm and they are successful in slaying their attackers, before both collapse from their wounds.

Purification (film)

Bret Fitzpatrick (Joe Ciminera) is a New York real-estate developer who values his business and money over the well-being of his family and friends. Bret has had a difficult childhood and all the success he has had in his life makes him want more.

Soon Bret has to travel back to his home town to evict Mrs. Keller (Natalie Swan) his tenant due to late rent payments. Bret arrives at Mrs. Keller's rented house and gives her 12 days time to vacate the house. Mrs. Keller agrees to vacate the premises but requests for longer time but Bret does not agree. As he leaves the premises, he is distracted by a call and nearly gets hit by a car after walking into its path.

After this, Bret starts seeing dead people. He sees his dead sister and goes to a priest to consult him. The rest of the movie is about Bret coming to terms with his imminent death.

Partners of the Plains

Lorna Drake (Gwen Gaze), is an aristocratic British girl and Hoppy's (William Boyd) new employer. When Cassidy refuses to be ordered, Lorna has him arrested for horse stealing. The dumbfounded sheriff (Earle Hodgins) is even more puzzled when Miss Drake turns right around and demands that Hoppy be released into her custody.

Cassidy of Bar 20

When bad-guys begin harassing the townsfolk, Hoppy's (William Boyd) former gal Nora Blake (Nora Lane) sends him a plea for help. Hoppy is the boss of Bar 20 ranch in Texas, so he rides down the Camino Real in the New Mexico cattle country near Alamogordo.

Before he and his saddlemates, "Lucky" Jenkins (Russell Hayden) and "Pappy (Frank Darien), can reach her ranch, they are stopped by Clay Allison (Robert Fiske), a cattle-rustler who is in almost complete control of the district, and wants to extend his holdings by seizing Nora's cattle and driving her out.

Shortly before the final shoot-out the good-guys are having dinner. When the shooting begins, Pappy hurries to finish his meal before joining in the mayhem.

Viennese Girls

The composer Carl Michael Ziehrer produces twenty two operettas during his career, although he is overshadowed by the more successful Strauss Family.

Life in Squares

The three-part serial centres on the close and often fraught relationship between sisters, Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf, and Vanessa’s sexually complicated alliance with gay artist Duncan Grant as they, and their group of like-minded friends, navigate their way through love, sex and artistic life through the first half of the 20th century.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

''Wolfenstein: The Old Blood'' takes place in an alternate history 1946, just prior to the prologue of ''Wolfenstein: The New Order'', with O.S.A. agents William "B.J." Blazkowicz (Brian Bloom) and Richard Wesley (taking up the codename Agent One) on a mission to infiltrate Castle Wolfenstein and obtain a top secret folder containing the location of ''SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer'' Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse from the castle's commander, Nazi archeologist and ''Obersturmbannführer'' Helga von Schabbs. Entering the castle disguised as Schutzstaffel officers, B.J. and Wesley fail to find the folder and are captured by Helga's lieutenant, ''Sturmbannführer'' Rudi Jäger, a massive and sadistic dog trainer who feeds captured prisoners to his mechanically augmented canines. While Wesley is dragged away by Rudi for interrogation, B.J. succeeds in escaping the prison cells and fighting his way through the castle. B.J. eventually locates Wesley strapped to an electric chair used by the Nazis for torture. Before B.J. can rescue Wesley, Rudi activates the chair and electrocutes him to death. Jäger then feeds Wesley's dead body to his prized albino dog, Greta, and straps B.J. into the chair to interrogate him. B.J. breaks free, injures Rudi, and kills Greta.

Escaping the castle, B.J. travels to the nearby village of Paderborn and meets up with the local German resistance leader, Ludwig Kessler, as well as Kessler's assistant Annette, a young Jewish girl whom Kessler is sheltering from the Nazis. Kessler's tavern is attacked by Nazi forces led by Rudi, wearing an experimental suit of power armor, whom B.J. defeats and kills. B.J., Kessler, and Annette flee via rowboat to the village of Wulfburg, where Helga is conducting an archeological excavation attempting to find a hidden underground vault containing occult knowledge previously possessed by King Otto I.

After meeting up with O.S.A. operative Pippa (codenamed Agent Two), B.J. disguises himself as a waiter and infiltrates the tavern where Helga is staying. Helga sees through B.J.'s disguise and briefly captures him, but a massive earthquake caused by the Nazis opening the vault forces her and her cohort, ''Obersturmführer'' Emmerich Schreiner, to escape to the excavation site and leave B.J. behind. The opening of the vault also releases a gas that causes anyone that dies within the vicinity of Wulfburg to reanimate as hostile zombies known as "shamblers". B.J. makes his way through the burning ruins of Wulfburg while fighting the zombified Nazis and civilians who died in the earthquake. Agent Two is killed by a shambler, and B.J. has to kill her again when she reanimates as one. Returning to Kessler and Annette, B.J. finds the two of them have left their hiding spot in an attempt to find and rescue Annette's friend, Katrin.

B.J. finds Annette and Kessler separated by a collapsing bridge and stranded on opposite buildings, and the player is given the choice of traveling to Annette's building or Kessler's building. The person B.J. travels to will be rescued by him, while the other person will be killed by the shamblers then put down by B.J. when they reanimate. B.J. then travels to the dig site in pursuit of Helga, finally encountering her and Schreiner within King Otto's vault. There he finds the source of the zombie-creating gas, an undead giant known as 'The Monstrosity,' a creature created by King Otto's alchemists as a weapon of war, then sealed away by the king after deciding it was an abomination. Helga is initially successful in using Old High German commands to control the monster, but when she attempts to order it to eat B.J., the monster kills her and Schreiner instead. B.J. fights and kills The Monstrosity, then finally obtains the secret folder from Helga's body. B.J. is extracted from Wulfburg by his friend Fergus Reid, and the two of them embark from RAF Kinloss to assassinate Deathshead and end the war, while B.J. thinks about the nature of monsters and hopes that he can finally rest after this one final mission.

The Story of Voyages

In a medieval fantasy kingdom, two orphans, May and his sister Martha, live in poverty. A group of robbers kidnap May to use his magic talent: he feels sick when surrounded by gold, therefore he can feel gold from a long distance.

Martha goes on a quest to find her brother. She is soon joined by a travelling scientist, Orlando. Together, the two wander through various fantastic countries. They visit a city built on the back of a dragon, and see it burnt down when the dragon wakes. In another city, they are sentenced to death for starting a bar brawl. They manage to escape from prison using hang-glider Orlando invented. Finally they land in a country hit by Black Death, which is personified as a witch in black. Orlando sacrifices himself to stop the plague.

Years later, Martha finally finds May, who has changed dramatically. He became one of the robbers, a violent and evil person; he is rich, but feels sick of his affluence. Martha talks him out of this way of life. May magically destroys his castle and feels that the spirit of Orlando has been reborn in him.

A Thanksgiving Surprise

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from November 26, 1910. It states: "Jack Clyde is a rich young fellow who has been brought up by his wealthy uncle in a small Western town. Jack decides that he wants to move to New York and is indulged in this whim by his uncle, who sends with the lad as valet a faithful old servant, who has his welfare at heart. In the city Jack rents expensive apartments, and leads a vain, idle life. Jack's uncle hears of his conduct and devises a scheme whereby he can make a thorough test of the boy. He instructs his lawyers to announce his death, that the entire fortune has gone to charity, and Jack has been left penniless. Jack is turned out of his rooms and shunned by his rich friends. Among the very poor, whom he formerly despised, he is treated as a comrade. They share with him their last crust, and he ends by marrying them, and falling in love with a humble little flower girl. Jack finally secures a situation as a porter in a hotel. His uncle discovers that he is planning to give a Thanksgiving dinner to all those poorer than himself and decides that Jack has learned his lesson. Jack brings to his poor room a few meager provisions that his week's salary has permitted him to buy. While waiting for his guests to arrive Jack goes to sleep. His uncle and the old servant who have been watching him closely, seize upon this opportunity to enter Jack's room and substitute for his poor meal a real Thanksgiving feast. The guests arrive, their host awakes, uncle returns, and Jack is assured that his prosperity is real and not a dream."

Heroes in Black

The main character in the series is a masked thief called "Wolaiye" (literally "Here I Come") who steals from corrupt officials in a city, Zhencheng, to help the poor. The citizens regard him as their hero. Wolaiye is actually the alter ego of Song Dou, a constable who works in Zhencheng's administrative office. Song Dou aspires to serve his country but feels disappointed when he sees that the government is dominated by corrupt officials, so he decided to become a vigilante while pretending to be a constable at the same time.

Feng Pobu is an official famous for his literary talent and unyielding personality. The Chancellor, who dislikes him, slanders him in front of the Emperor and causes him to be demoted and sent out of the capital to serve as an adviser to the magistrate of Zhencheng. When Feng Pobu discovers that the magistrate has been stealing national treasures and selling them to foreigners, he teams up with Song Dou and Prince Kang to stop the magistrate and expose his misdeeds. The magistrate is sacked and Feng Pobu replaces him as the new magistrate of Zhencheng. Feng Pobu continues to work together with Song Dou to bring peace to the citizens in Zhencheng.

Song Dou and Feng Pobu gradually develop a love rivalry because they fall in love with the same woman: Liu Feiyan, the lady boss of a famous restaurant. Feng Pobu is attracted to her fiery personality and wants to marry her. However, she already has a crush on Wolaiye. Song Dou also has romantic feelings for Liu Feiyan, but is hesitant to reveal his identity as Wolaiye to her.

The evil Chancellor is aware that the Emperor, who is childless, has the intention of abdicating the throne to his brother Prince Kang. He comes up with a scheme to turn the Emperor and Prince Kang against each other in the hope that they will destroy each other so that he can become the next emperor. At the same time, he also discovers that Song Dou's foster son, Doudou, is actually the Emperor's son because the Emperor had a secret affair with a commoner. He then sends his henchmen to kill Doudou.

The Emperor falls for the Chancellor's ruse, mistakenly believes that Prince Kang is plotting against him, and orders his brother's execution. On the execution day, Song Dou, Feng Pobu, Liu Feiyan and their friends show up and manage to convince the Emperor that Prince Kang is innocent. They also bring along Doudou, who has survived the attack by the Chancellor's henchmen. The Emperor realises his folly so he removes the Chancellor from office, pardons Prince Kang and passes the throne to him. The newly enthroned Prince Kang intends to reward Song Dou and Feng Pobu by granting them titles and honours, but they reject his offers because they are only interested in winning Liu Feiyan's hand-in-marriage. The story ends with Liu Feiyan undecided on whether she should marry Song Dou or Feng Pobu while the two men debate on who can bring happiness to her.

Splitting Adam (film)

After accidentally stumbling into his uncle's mysterious "tanning bed", Adam (Jace Norman) learns the answer to all of his problems with multiple clones. With the help of his new creation, Adam is hopping on one wild summer ride with an epic splash. Adam's Uncle Magic Mitch (Tony Cavalero) comes to Adam's house and asks Adam to put his tanning bed into the garage. When he is leaving home to go to work, his next door neighbor tells him he needs to cut his grass to a specific length. He goes to work with Sheldon (Amarr M. Wooten) and they are on Pee/Poop patrol. When they clean themselves, they go to a meeting and Vance Hansum (Jack Griffo), his rival, taunts him about how he was spying on Lori Collins (Isabela Moner) and she tries to get people to sign up. Adam puts his hand up. However, things get worse when the clones start to degenerate and Adam must return them to the tanning bed with the help of brainiac Danny (Seth Isaac Johnson), before it's too late....

Bar 20 Justice

Ann Dennis' mine is being used by some criminals to steal ore, cowboy Hopalong Cassidy pursues the crooks through the mine shafts.

Heart of Arizona

Belle (Natalie Moorhead) is being released after serving a five-year prison sentence for standing by her outlaw husband, Sam. The sheriff (John Beach) wants to drop her off in a Nogales dancehall, but Hoppy (William Boyd) forces him to let her go back to her ranch.

Eye in the Sky (TV series)

CID investigator Szeto Shun (Kevin Cheng) becomes the prime suspect of an arson case when surveillance cameras capture a culprit who looks identical to him. Thanks to an alibi, Szeto finally gets eliminated as a suspect, but his colleagues remain skeptical. To prove his innocence, Szeto resigns from his position in the police force and takes up a job as Head of Security at the swanky Y Suite Hotel. He decides to solve the arson mystery on his own, but not without the help of his former colleague, CID detective Scarlett Wong (Lin Xiawei), who seems to be the only one who believed his innocence.

Small time private investigator Jan Ng (Tavia Yeung) falls in love with Szeto at first sight after seeing him take down a gun-crazed criminal. When a client who looks identical to Szeto shows up at her father's investigation firm later that day, she automatically assumes him to be Szeto without asking his name. Since the client does not want to divulge his true identity, he goes along with Jan thinking he is Szeto. The man hires her to trail a person that leads her entangled with the triads, but saves her in time and the two have a one-night stand. Eighteen months later, Jan runs into the real Szeto and assumes him to be the same person she had spent the night with, but while investigating another client's case at the Y Suite Hotel, she finds out that Szeto and her client are not the same. Thinking that Jan's client may be the true culprit in the arson case, Szeto tells Jan to find the man, and the two form a mentor-protege relationship.

During this time, Szeto befriends security guard Cheng Nik-hang (Ruco Chan), a seasoned thief in disguise, who infiltrates the Y Suite Hotel to find a stolen treasure. While helping Szeto investigate his arson case, Szeto discovers Nik-hang's own tragic past, including being a twin brother who had his face burned during a burglary and reconstructed to look different 18 months later.

The Mother of Dartmoor

A mother testifies against her own poacher son and he is sent to prison.

Donut County

Human Mira works for her friend BK, a raccoon, at the local donut shop in Donut County. She finds BK more interested in a new mobile app, trying to earn enough points for a quadcopter drone, which he does by scheduling the delivery of donuts to the residents of Donut County. However, Mira discovers that these aren't donuts being sent by the app, but actual holes which have been consuming the homes and residents of the place.

BK refuses to acknowledge he did anything wrong, and when he receives his quadcopter, Mira purposely destroys it and then orders a donut to the shop, swallowing it up as well. They join the other residents trapped underground, and they all try to reason with BK of what he did was wrong. They come to learn that this was part of the plan of BK's boss, the Trash King - to acquire more trash, the Trash King and other raccoons developed the app to swallow all the trash it could find, ignoring the whims of the people that lived there.

Mira and BK launch a mission to stop the Trash King. As Mira uses a hole to wreak havoc within the raccoon's facilities, BK tries to convince the Trash King to stop what he is doing. The Trash King tempts BK with a lucrative position, while sending a giant quadcopter to fight off Mira. BK rejects the offer and races out to help hack the quadcopter and destroy it, destroying the raccoons' facilities as well. BK agrees to help return all the people of Donut County back to the surface.

Little Miss Nobody (1923 film)

The caretaker of a Scottish castle tries to trick his aunt into believing that some of the guests are aristocrats.

A Saint She Ain't

The musical is based on Molière's ''Le Cocu Imaginaire''. Set in the 1940s, the play parodies wartime musical movies of that era, with characters based on film stars of that era. Snaveley T. Bogle, based on W. C. Fields, is married to Faye (based on Mae West). Ray Bagalucci (based on Jimmy Durante) has a daughter Anna (based on Rita Hayworth). She is involved with Danny O'Reilly (based on Gene Kelly). The sailors Willoughby and Skip, reminiscent of Abbott and Costello, most notably perform a version of the famous "Who's on First?" routine.

Anna Bagalucci proclaims her intent to marry Danny O'Reilly, a sailor on leave. Anna's father Ray strongly opposes the marriage, as he has always wished that she will marry a rich man. The relationship between Anna and Danny becomes unstable when Anna suspects Danny of infidelity. While this is going on, the aged drunk Bogle sends Danny in a different direction when he suggests that the actual Mrs. Bogle is Anna, not Faye.

After Bogle's remarks, Danny begins to believe that Anna has secretly married. Similarly, Bogle believes that the sex-obsessed Faye has left him for Danny, though her attempts to seduce Danny fail. As the actions reach a climax, the malapropistic Ray attempts to prevent Danny and Anna's wedding, while Willoughby hooks up with Anna's best friend, the dancing Lovette George. In the end, the central conceit is revealed, after which Danny and Anna marry.

Little Miss Nobody (1933 film)

A Danish actress working on the London stage earns a film contract.

Good Luck (1996 film)

Hines plays a former dental student, Bern Lemley, who had to quit school just before finals because of a car accident that left him in a wheelchair. D'Onofrio plays a former pro football player, Ole Olezniak, who was blinded in a freak accident on the field. Before their accidents, Bern had been a tutor for Ole, and, after quitting his post-accident job as a denture technician, he approaches Ole about teaming up to enter a white-water rafting race on Oregon's Rogue River.

Enter the Dragon (Once Upon a Time)

Opening Sequence

A tree that Maleficent left burning for eternity is shown in the forest.

Event Chronology

The Enchanted Forest events take place after "Labor of Love (Once Upon a Time)" and before "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree". The Storybrooke events take place after "Unforgiven".

In the Characters' Past

In the Enchanted Forest, before the Dark Curse, Rumplestiltskin finds Regina exploring Maleficent's spell book. However, Rumplestiltskin tells her that she is rushing into this too fast, saying that the key to Maleficent's skills is time, and sends Regina to Maleficent's palace, where she sees a tree still burning from Maleficent's wrath "half a lifetime" after she burned down a forest. Regina enters Maleficent's palace to discover a disheveled, depressed Maleficent; the sorceress explains that an encounter with Briar Rose drained her of all her spirit. Regina tells her that Briar Rose's daughter, Aurora, is about to be married. Regina is furious to see heroes getting happy endings, and, after Maleficent reveals that her fire and ability to transform into a dragon has disappeared, Regina decides to use the royal wedding to inspire Maleficent.

Regina takes Maleficent to the remnants of the forest that the sorceress once burned and shows her the tree that is burning eternally. Maleficent attempts to channel the fire back into her body but she still lacks the ability to transform and the duo are captured by King Stefan, who had ruined Maleficent's plans in the past, and his guards. Regina refuses to give up and burns through the ropes binding her hands; she throws a fireball at a guard before her magic begins to fail her, which prompts Maleficent to realize that she does not want to go down without a fight, thus rekindling her fire and allowing her to transform into her dragon form. As they reach the castle, Maleficent and Regina are able to find Aurora, whom Maleficent puts under her legendary sleeping curse. Afterwards, Regina returns to see Rumplestiltskin, who is very impressed that she helped Maleficent regain her fire. Regina reveals that she has realized that she already had the perfect teacher all along in Rumplestiltskin, and feels that there are fates worse than death, one of them being the sleeping curse.

In Storybrooke

An undercover Regina meets with Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella to convince them that she is still a villain, and the Queens start testing Regina's loyalty to them in a night of debauchery. Mary Margaret and David worry that something has happened to Regina when she does not return as planned. After the couple finds her, Regina explains that she needs time to learn about their "very powerful" secret plan. Later on, Maleficent, Cruella, and Ursula meet with Gold, who is convinced that Regina has reverted to her evil ways because of the heartbreak she has gone through, but cryptically adds that, "When war hits Storybrooke, everyone will have to pick a side."

Maleficent then meets up with Regina, revealing that they, too, are after the Author and that they have leads that Regina does not. She says that The Queens are willing to share the leads if Regina helps them with a task. The Queens are planning to reverse the history and destiny of every story that was ever written in the "Once Upon a Time" fairy tale book so the heroes will become the losers this time, and Regina must go with Maleficent to steal something. When Regina tells Hook and the Charmings about this, Emma Swan decides that she will follow. At the same time, Maleficent takes Regina to Marco's house, where it is revealed that the item they intend to steal is Pinocchio, and by kidnapping the now-human boy, it will prove to Maleficent that Regina is on their side.

After Regina completes the tasks by knocking both Marco and Pinocchio unconscious, Emma enters, having tracked Regina's phone, and says she thinks that things have gone too far. Regina swears to Emma that she will protect Pinocchio. Maleficent is now convinced that Regina is on their side after she completed the kidnapping of the boy, but at this point Regina decides to keep Emma from following her, and she drops her phone on purpose.

Hook steals Belle away from a date with Will Scarlet and tells her his suspicions that the Queens are after the Dark One's dagger and plan to use it to force the Dark One to find the Author. The twosome agree to hide the dagger, but Belle has a strange feeling that Gold is already in Storybrooke, so Hook suggests that she try to conjure him. Belle uses the dagger to try to summon Gold, but he does not appear, and she gives the dagger to Hook and leaves. However, it is revealed that Belle calling the Dark One to her did not work because Gold was already there, masquerading as Hook in an attempt to acquire the dagger. Gold, as Hook, goes to the pawn shop to make Belle promise to never mention the events that transpired with the dagger, to which she agrees, believing it to be the safest option. He then questions her about her relationship with Will. She responds that she could never be truly over Gold but that Will makes her happy for the time being.

Later, Maleficent brings Regina to Gold's remote cabin, where Regina is shocked to find Gold back in Storybrooke, and with his reclaimed dagger. Gold then uses his magic to turn Pinocchio back into his older self, August Booth, who might know about the Author, now that his memories have been restored.

The Queen of the Caribbean

Four years have passed since the battle of Gibraltar. The Black Corsair has tracked Duke Van Guld down to Veracruz at last, and has formed an alliance with Nicholas van Hoorn, Michel de Grammont and Laurens de Graaf, three of the most formidable pirates in the Gulf, to finally bring his foe to justice. After Van Guld explodes his ship as a final resource, the Black Corsair and some of his men manage to escape and are lost in the jungles, at which point they're captured by the native Caribs. Fortunately for them, Honorata had shipwrecked on the coast before and was believed by the natives to be a sea deity and then followed as their queen. After they're freed by her, the Corsair decides to stop his piracy and return with Honorata to Italy.

Angry Birds 2

After the events of ''Angry Birds'', Chef Pig takes the eggs and puts them in an airship, leaving Red to gather the rest of the flock pursuing him and the rest of the pigs. After Chef Pig is defeated, Foreman Pig takes over the ship in order to prevent the birds from recovering the eggs. Once Foreman Pig is defeated, King Pig commands the airship. This cycle repeats for the entirety of the campaign levels.

An Inspector Calls (2015 TV film)

The film is set in 1912 and follows the events of a single evening on which the wealthy Birling family is holding a dinner party to celebrate the engagement of their daughter, Sheila, to Gerald Croft. The festivities are then interrupted by a visit from what is taken to be a policeman, Inspector Goole, who is investigating the recent suicide of a local young woman named Eva Smith. Goole’s interrogations of each member of the dinner party make it clear that all of them have contributed to the tragedy through individually unjust, selfish or exploitative behaviour. The "Inspector" leaves the subdued group with a warning that human beings have shared responsibility for each other and that this lesson will soon be taught "in fire and blood and anguish"—an apparent reference to the outbreak of World War I two years later.

Final scenes establish that Goole is not a real policeman, and suggest that he is some form of supernatural messenger.

Young Lord Stanley

Jack Stanley is disinherited by his father, Lord Stanley, because he refuses to marry his cousin, Lady Maude. Jack emigrates to America, but has no money and has no job upon which to sustain himself. While pondering his actions, he witnesses a trio of riders approach and speak to him. He accepts a position as a groom for a wealthy American, but he falls in love with his daughter, Ann. When her father learns of this, he dismisses Jack and Ann says she will never marry anyone but him. Meanwhile, Lord Stanley has come to forgive his son and decided to reinstate him in his will. No sooner has the task been completed does Lord Stanley suddenly dies.

Upon reading the paper, Jack sees an advertisement about the heir of the late Lord Stanley. He heads to Hotel Astor and learns that he has received his father's entire fortune. The lawyer accepts a dinner invitation at the wealthy American's house and brings along Jack. The father urges his daughter to win the affections of the rich, handsome and unmarried young Lord Stanley. Upon his arrival, the father who had shunned him is taken aback and greets him, but Ann refuses to even look at the guest. She ignores him, and refuses to face him even as they head towards the dining room, but Jack attempts to kiss her and she pulls away. Suddenly, Ann sees it is Jack and embraces him with a kiss.

The Big Chapel

The Big Chapel – part of the Liberties Revival series – centers around an infamous clerical scandal in Victorian Ireland. Within this story comes the ideas of humanity and ideology, taking a detailed look at the community and depicting life in Ireland with a focus on history and folklore in the region. It’s a book that looks at how state education is received in nineteenth century Ireland.

At times the book is humorous; other times tragic. The main character Father Lannigan struggles with his revolution while Master Scully is stuck with too many choices. And then there is Horace Percy Butler and the landlord and amateur scientist who presents a whole tragic comic character.

The major themes in The Big Chapel center around: humanity, ideology, power and religion, depicted through tragic comedy. It is about community, and dealing with choice. It is littered with one man being forced to make a choice set in historic Ireland.

Winter Journey (2013 film)

Music student and gifted singer, Erik, is preparing to sing Schubert's ''Winterreise'' for a competition. As his teacher slams him for his poor performance, Erik's life is changed irrevocably by a chance meeting with Lyokha, a coarse and aggressive petty criminal.

The Wild Flower and the Rose

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from November 26, 1910. It states: "Frank Wilson is the son of an inventor who has perfected an airship model in which Jack is greatly interested, but which neither of them have the money to finance. Wilson tries to interest his wealthy employer, Fisher, but is unsuccessful in the attempt. However he gains the support of his employer's beautiful daughter, Rose. The old inventor suggests to his son that if he marries Rose they could secure the money to perfect the invention. But Jack spurns the idea, as he is already engaged to marry a country girl, Daisy Lane, who, he believes, loves him devotedly. Upon learning that Daisy is a heartless coquette, Jack is heartbroken, and goes west to seek a fortune and forget her conduct. Success comes to him quickly, and he returns to tell his father that now, unaided, they can finance the invention. On the aviation field, Jack once more meets Rose, and confesses to her that it was the memory of her kindness that helped him achieve success. Jack makes a successful flight in the invention – a new style of aeroplane – and in offering her congratulations Rose confesses that she has loved him from the first."

Eddie the Eagle (film)

In 1973, after a long period of medical treatment for walking difficulties, ten-year-old Michael Edwards dreams of Olympic glory, practicing in various Olympic events and failing miserably. His mother supports him, while his father constantly discourages him. As a young teen, he gives up his dream of participating in the Summer Games in favour of skiing in the Winter Games. Although successful at the sport, he is rejected by British Olympic officials for being uncouth. Realising he could make the team as a ski jumper (a sport in which the United Kingdom had not participated for six decades), he decamps to a training facility in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany. The more seasoned jumpers, especially the Norwegian team, belittle him.

Edwards self-trains, and after successfully completing the hill on his first try, he injures himself on his first attempt at a slope. Alcoholic snow groomer Bronson Peary advises Eddie to give up, but Eddie's tenacious spirit and a shared sense of being an outsider convince Bronson to train Eddie. Peary is an American former champion ski jumper who left the sport in his twenties after a conflict with his mentor, Warren Sharp, as Eddie learns from Petra, a cafe owner who takes him in. With very little time to qualify for the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta, Eddie and Bronson employ various unorthodox methods to condition and refine Eddie's form, and he successfully completes the 40m hill.

To qualify for the British Olympic division in ski jumping, Eddie only needs to complete a jump from a hill. He manages to land the jump successfully, with a distance of 34 metres (112 ft), thus winning a place on the British Olympic Team. However, the officials, in an effort to keep Eddie from sullying the Winter Games with his amateurish skillset, change their criteria and demand that he jump at least . Though discouraged, Eddie decides to continue training and performs on a circuit, his jumps increasing in length each time.

While practicing for the final event before the cutoff date for qualification, he lands a 61m jump exactly, but misses the mark on his official jump and is disqualified. Eddie resolves to return home to work with his father as a plasterer, but he receives a letter stating that his qualifying practice jump is valid, and he tells Bronson that he is eligible to compete in the Winter Olympics. Bronson suggests he wait until the 1992 games and train for the next four years to give himself a better chance of winning a medal, concerned that he will make a fool of himself and his country if he goes ahead, but Eddie is undeterred, since simply competing in the Olympics was always his goal.

Upon arriving in Calgary, he is scorned by the other British competitors, who get him drunk so that he fails to attend the opening ceremonies. Despite finishing last in the 70m jump with , Eddie sets a British record. His triumphant celebrations win the audience over, and the media embrace him as Eddie "The Eagle". Over the phone, Bronson criticizes Edwards for not taking the sport seriously. Edwards publicly apologises for his antics and, wanting to ensure he does not leave the games without recognition, he enters the jump, which he has never attempted before. Bronson now travels to the games to support him.

After an encouraging conversation with his idol Matti "The Flying Finn" Nykänen on the lift to the top of the hill, Eddie miraculously lands a jump. Once again, he comes last in the event, but is nonetheless cheered by the audience and TV viewers worldwide, which earns him recognition in the closing speech of the President of the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, Frank King, who says, "You have broken world records. You have established many of your own personal bests and some of you have even soared like an Eagle". British Olympic officials grudgingly accept him.

Warren Sharp is reconciled with Bronson, and Edwards returns home a national hero, welcomed by fans at the airport, as well as his mother and father; the latter reveals he is wearing a jumper that says "I'm Eddie's dad," and says he is proud of him.

Zapolya (play)

The first part of the drama presents Raab Kiuprili, a heroic chieftain who confronts Emerick, the usurper of the crown of Illyria. Casimir, Kiuprili's son, turns against his father as a result of Emerick's deceit. Kiuprili is imprisoned with the deposed queen, Zapolya, but they escape with her son and rightful heir, Prince Andreas. In the second part, Zapolya is forced to live in the forest and is separated from Andreas, who is raised as a peasant by Old Bathory, a mountaineer. The play culminates in the defeat of Emerick and the reunification of Zapolya and Andreas. Kiuprili and Casimir are also reconciled.

Continuidad de los parques

The story begins with a landowner reading a novel that he had started a few days earlier. He had been sidetracked by business matters and a trip to town to discuss a matter of joint ownership, but on his return to his estate, he resumes reading the novel. He sits in a high-backed, green velvet armchair, savoring the "almost perverse pleasure" of reading the story while enjoying his cigarettes and the view of the park from his study window. In his novel, a man and woman, two lovers, meet in the woods to carry out a plan.

The novel that the businessman is reading is about a couple of lovers who are meeting in a cabin in the woods. He has a wound on the face from a branch, and she is waiting for him. She wants to caress him but he rejects her because they have planned this meeting to finalize how they were going to kill someone. They review their alibis and eliminate possible errors. Nightfall is approaching. In the second paragraph, the woman goes north, while the man approaches a house on the estate. Armed with the dagger, the man goes inside the house, all according to plan and sees his victim: a man sitting in a green velvet armchair reading a novel.

At that moment, the two stories join, as the (real) reader realizes that the man in the chair is the victim of the two lovers in the novel he is reading.

Arcade America

Joey's band "Joey and the Monsters" is offered a deal to perform at Woodstock. The next day, the monsters try to wake Joey up, but he's a heavy sleeper. They decide to try blowing up his house in order to get him up in time, causing California to get destroyed and sending the monsters flying across America. Now Joey must travel across the US to save his friends and eventually make it to Woodstock in time.

A Fallen Idol

The plot centers around the Hawaiian Princess Laone (Nesbit), whose love for a man named Keith Parrish is thwarted by societal pressure from her benefactor Mrs. Parrish, who is his aunt. Princess Laone is despondent after being persuaded to refuse Keith Parrish's proposal, and she attempts suicide, but is rescued by Keith Parrish. After Parrish leaves town to take care of his father, Princess Laone is told he has abandoned her, and she departs for Hawaii on board the yacht of the dastardly wealthy playboy Stephen Brainard. Princess Laone is forced into having sex with Brainard by being threatened with gang rape by his crew. Keith Parrish is accused of stealing a sacred necklace, but Princess Laone is able to prove that he is innocent and that Brainard was smuggling the necklace. Brainard is arrested and the princess is able to marry Keith Parrish in the end.

Pride of the West

The Sheriff gets criticised by Caldwell and Nixon for not catching a robbery commanded by themselves and their men, then the Sheriff's daughter Mary, calls for the help of Hoppy who finds the stolen money and has a plan to capture the whole gang.

Parallels (TV series)

Four lifelong friends preparing to start high school – Bilal, Romane, and brothers Sam and Victor – find their reality disrupted when the test of an experimental particle collider sends them into parallel worlds.

In Old Mexico

Hoppy (William Boyd) and his pals must journey to Mexico after receiving a summons. Upon arrival, they realize that it was fake and that a good friend has been mysteriously murdered. They solve the puzzle with the assistance of the killer's feisty sister and a band of helpful caballeros.

The Fearless Four (film)

In the near future, four animals face misfortune and each choose to run away to become singers. Buster the bloodhound gets in trouble for refusing to hunt, Fred the donkey gets replaced with a robot centaur, Gwendolyn the Siamese cat is accused of hiding her deceased owner's jewels and nearly killed, and Tortellini the rooster gets thrown out. They plan on going to Paris, but end up in Bremen due to a broken road sign and meet each other along the way.

Upon their arrival however, the four find Bremen has been taken over by Dr. Greed, head of the Mix Max corporation. Even in spite various "no singing" signs posted around town, the four do so anyway. Mix Max official Platini overhears them and intends to punish them, but upon hearing how talented they are, offers them a contract to sing radio jingles for Mix Max. Taking charge, Tortellini immediately signs on everyone's behalf, much to their annoyance, and the animals become known as the Fearless Four. They quickly become famous as Mix Max's sales skyrocket, but the four soon become tired of singing the same song repeatedly. They approach Platini to sing their own songs, but he insists they follow the contract, which he reveals is perpetual. Angered, the four incorporate their own lyrics the next time they sing the jingle, mocking the company, though they are all thrown into a dungeon afterward.

A mouse named Mozart helps them escape, after which they learn Mix Max is luring in animals to turn into sausages. Horrified, the four resolve to stop the corporation. They return to Platini and ask for their jobs back, which he agrees to since Mix Max's sales have dropped and Dr. Greed is running for president, and he believes singing animals will help his campaign. The four are to put on a live concert supporting Dr. Greed with a snake bodyguard to ensure they do not sabotage it. However, Mozart saves them once more, allowing the four to expose Mix Max's activities. The Mix Max officials retreat to their factory in panic, but the four follow, attack, and defeat them before releasing their prisoners. Tortellini destroys the factory and the four return to the countryside, where they have a party to celebrate their freedom and Gwendolyn finds her owner's jewels, which she uses to purchase her old home and convert it into a refuge for the animals they freed.

The Last Door

;Season 1 :Jeremiah Devitt receives a mysterious letter from his old friend Anthony Beechworth and immediately rushes to his friend's aid, only to find out that the latter had committed suicide shortly after sending the letter. Anthony warns Devitt that a terrible supernatural force now plagues him and all of their friends, and Devitt must investigate at once before it's too late. Devitt returns to an old boarding school where he and Anthony originally met, and slowly remembers his days helping Anthony running a small secret organization that attempted to explore a supernatural territory known as the Veil in an effort to seek "truth". To do this, they had developed a special serum that would allow the user's mind to enter a higher state of consciousness, which from there they can cross the Veil. While investigating, Devitt gets attacked and buried alive, but is later rescued by local nuns. While recovering from the ordeal, he recalls another member of their organization, Alexander Du Pré, and promptly goes to him for answers. Alexandre reveals that he had been very invested in exploring the Veil even after they all went about their separate ways. Alexander then requests that Devitt joins him in crossing the Veil together. Devitt agrees, and then disappears.

;Season 2 :Doctor John Wakefield, Devitt's former psychiatrist and the player character for this season, is troubled by Devitt's sudden disappearance. He travels with his colleague, Herr Doctor Johann Kaufmann, an enigmatic German gentleman who assisted Wakefield in researching Devitt's condition, in an effort to find Devitt. Kaufmann appears to have a high degree of understanding of the dark forces that affect Devitt, but he keeps most of this knowledge to himself. Together they set out to find out what happened to Devitt. They reach a mental hospital in London, where they find out that Alexander Du Pré had been running a large organization known as The Playwright, whose sole purpose was to explore the Veil. They then venture to the home of Adam Wright, an expert on the occult. Here, Wright dies under mysterious circumstances and Kaufmann comes down with an illness and dies. Wakefield, stricken with grief by the death of his friend, resolves to continue his quest. He visits a sleepy fishing village on a secluded Irish island after learning about the island's mysterious past. Intrigued, he investigates the island's history further, eventually stumbling into a portal of sorts that leads to the Veil, the barren wasteland that separates our world from another, ancient world. Here, he encounters Devitt and learns that he, and not Anthony, was the true leader of the cult. However, he learns, Devitt was stricken with amnesia after an experiment gone wrong. Anthony only recently elected to bring him back to the group by setting him on his quest because he and Alexandre felt that they were close to crossing the Last Door. Wakefield finds out from Alexandre that Devitt has already crossed the Threshold to the other world and that he intends to use the "First Language" in order to harness the power of creation. However, he intends to destroy the work of the Playwright so that no one can ever open the Door again. The curtain that marks the threshold separating our world from the ancient one then slowly begins to close, and Alexandre implores Wakefield to choose to either stop Devitt, or let him go through with the plan.

;Alternate Endings

From here, the game has at least two alternate endings. Wakefield can either travel through the curtain, or he can let the curtain close. Each triggers a unique ending to the game. If the player goes through the curtain, Wakefield sacrifices himself and takes Devitt's place. He stays behind to close The Last Door and is killed. Devitt then finds himself in a London street, where he returns home and burns evidence. If the player lets the curtain close, then Devitt is killed as he closes the Last Door. After closing it, Wakefield is transported to a London street and he finds his way home, before burning all remnants of his journey through the Veil. In both endings, the surviving characters makes a pact to "see that no one knows," reflecting the Playwright's motto, ''videte ne quis sciat.'' Additionally, both endings also feature those members of the Playwright who were in the Veil (including Alexandre) becoming trapped in the Veil, essentially rendering them nonexistent.


;Jeremiah Devitt :A man living in England who had been sent to boarding school by his neglectful father after the death of his mother. There, he had co-founded the secret society that would be integral to the game's plot. When he receives a letter many years later from his childhood friend Anthony, his youthful actions come back to haunt him. He is one of "The Four Witnesses." Devitt is an extremely brave character almost to a fault. He pushes onward with his investigation into the Veil despite the severe risks. Devitt is a philosopher, and originally wanted to explore the Veil to find true philosophy. It is later revealed that Devitt was the one who spearheaded the founding of the student society, and that he was obsessed with crossing the veil, even more so than Anthony. However, during an experiment he is stricken with amnesia, until being summoned back to the society by his old friends, setting him on a path to rediscover his actions of the past. ;Anthony Beechworth :A man who had attended the same boarding school as Devitt and had been instrumental in the founding of the secret student society. He had an insatiable curiosity, which drove his desire to explore the Veil in the first place, where he had hoped to find true science. He is charismatic and very amiable, having been the one to reach out to Devitt when the latter was struggling to cope with the loss of his mother and father's abandonment. He continued to work with Alexandre through mail even after leaving school on exploring the Veil, but later implies that their research may lead to severe widespread consequences. His research later in life ultimately drives him mad, and notes in his brief moments of lucidity that an unknown supernatural force, likely from the Veil, has completely corrupted him. He hangs himself shortly after writing a letter to Devitt. Although he was a founder of the society, he is not one of "The Four Witnesses", as he had been the one to inject the four subjects with his experimental serum. ;Dr. John Wakefield, Ph.D. :Devitt's psychiatrist, who later takes it upon himself to find where Devitt has disappeared to. He is intelligent and loyal to his friends, forcing himself to face his own fears to maintain such loyalty. ;Dr. Johann Kaufmann, Ph.D. :Kaufmann is a German scholar who seems to know much about the occult. He is kind and highly intelligent, but he is very enigmatic when it comes to revealing information to his partner. He dies of mysterious illness while visiting Wickport with Wakefield. It is later revealed that the companions of "travellers," in this case Dr. Wakefield, are often hunted by the guardian of the Last Door, and thus Kaufmann was targeted and struck down. ;Alexandre Du Pré :One of the "Four Witnesses" and co-founder of the society. He later founded another society known as The Playwright, and he himself is then known as The Playwright. He continued to work with Anthony long after they left the boarding school and, like Anthony, showed signed of going mad as the research continued. While still alive, Alexandre mysteriously exists in two separate mental states simultaneously: a vegetative trance-like state and a normal functioning state, suggesting that he had long since crossed the Veil. ;Father Ernest Glynn :One of "The Four Witnesses." Glynn had been a teacher and priest at the Aberdeen boarding school. After visiting the Veil for the first time, where he had hoped to find true religion, he becomes ill and subsequently is the reason why the boarding school shuts down. He continues to live in the school for many decades trying to return to the Veil, but ultimately concludes that had committed an unforgivable sin, and thus burns out his own eyes and constantly physically punishes himself. He commits suicide at the end of Season 1 Episode 2 by burning himself. ;Hugo Ashdown :One of the "Four Witnesses", whose full history remains quite enigmatic. One of his family members, Lena Ashdown, had died at the Aberdeen hospital, which had been built on the site of the boarding school years later. He apparently participated in an experiment conducted by Professor Adam Wright and was transformed into a being from beyond the veil, residing underneath Professor Wright's home. ;Professor Wright :An old mentor of Kaufmann living in Wickport. He is only ever seen in a heavy trance-like state, not at all unlike the one Alexandre had been in at his house when Devitt first finds him. He dies under mysterious circumstances while Wakefield and Kaufman are in Wickport investigating Devitt's disappearance. ;Captain Skidd :Skidd is a veteran captain in the British Army. During the war in South Africa, he encounters the Simurg, the guardian of the threshold. He is later recruited by the Playwright in an attempt to cross the Veil.

Scar Tissue (novel)

The book details one woman’s struggle with Alzheimer's (or dementia, it’s not clear) and how her family respond to it. In particular, it is one of her son’s voice the reader hears since he is narrating it. Another son isn’t involved so much as he is living in Boston practicing as a neuroscientist. So it is the narrator who bears most of the burden. And all the while, he is trying to work on his marriage and his career as a philosophy professor. His own family life is hardly acknowledged and tears in his marriage begin to show, towards his wife; there for moral support but can't come to terms with him not being a consistent, central figure at the moment.

While her illness begins with her repeating stories ad nauseam, things get much worse as she starts to be incapable of recognizing her own family. Thus the prime caretaker – the son – ends up separating from his wife and living in derelict conditions. Nonetheless, he remains positive about the nature of life and death, even once he has lost both his parents, concluding that he “know[s] that there is a life beyond this death, a time beyond this time. I know that at the very last moment…I will be face to face at last with a pure and heartless reality beyond anything a living soul can possibly imagine.”


Original version

While investigating a string of mysterious car accidents, Dr. Franklin Char is abducted by the perpetrators. This incident activates his creations called "Tobots", cars that transform into robots with a special key called a "Tokey". Dr. Char's first two Tobots, Tobot X and Tobot Y, are entrusted to his twin sons Ryan and Kory, respectively, to fight crime and protect their neighborhood.

Season 1 (unmanned airing date: April 2010)

The first start of Tobot. Twin sons, Ryan and Kory's father, Dr. Franklin Char, was kidnapped. Will Ryan and Kory be able to save Dr. Char with Tobots, X and Y?

Season 2 (Combined Tobot Titans, Aired date; September 2010)

The first appearance of Tobot Titan, the intergration of X and Y. Will Titan be able to keep Deado City at peace?

Season 3 (Another Tobot, Aired date; March 2011)

The first appearance of Tobot Z and pilot Dylan Kwon. A fight breaks out between Ryan, Kory, and Dylan, who need to work together, and Titan's energy needs to be recharged. Can the boys save Tobot X, Y, and Z and keep the peace and safety of the big city?

Season 4 (The strongest united Tritan, Aired date; September 2011)

Tobot's pilots Ryan, Kory, and Dylan, promised to join forces, and Dr. Char completed Tritan. In a situation where Titan is framed, can Ryan Dolly, Kory, and Dylan, defeat the Titan's counterfeit robot, Zaritan, and keep the peace and safety of the big city?

Season 5 (Tritan Super Combo, Aired date; November 2011)

Tritan was unable to keep the metropolis forever, and he met Professor Noh to become more powerful. Tritan's super combo must match the hearts and minds of Ryan, Kory, and Dylan succeed in the Tritan Super Combo?

Season 6 (Start of Evolution, Aired date; March 2012)

Tobot X, Y Evolution Form Tobot X, Y Evolution is complete and Neon's first appearance. Neon is said to be a delivery man, but he has something suspicious. What is his secret?

Season 7 (Fly Tobot, Aired date; July 2012)

Ryan, Kory, Dylan, and Nathan, who completed the new Tobot Tobot W. Who will be the pilot of Tobot W?

One day, when the tobots were living normally, a Raven similar to a Crow appeared. The Crow is actually Hades Raven and he revived. And the seal of being trapped by The gods. Can Victor and the Tobots find the happiness of Athena, Tobot magma Cerberus, Blizzard dragon, astral Phoenix, and Maximus V become one, vow to protect the universe, and fight hades raven. Can Magma Cerberus, Blizzard dragon, Astral Phoenix, and Maximus V be able to keep the peace in the universe?

Value—Beyond Price

Though a modern synopsis has not been published, the original synopsis was published in ''The Moving Picture World'' on December 3, 1910. It states: "Captain Smith sails away on his vessel for a trip around South America, through the Pacific, leaving behind him his wife and little girl, whom he dearly loves. The ship is reported lost with all on board, with the exception of a cabin boy who is picked up in mid ocean. The captain's wife struggles to support her child, but owing to a rapidly failing health she fights a losing battle with poverty. One by one her valued possessions find their way to the pawnshop, where the kind-hearted old pawnbroker, Levy, becomes interested in the sad-faced woman and pretty child, who never seem able to redeem any of their possessions. The last article of value left in Mrs. Smith's possession is her wedding ring, and Levy refuses to take this. Instead he offers her help, which the widow proudly refuses. She insists that she can go out and get work. Levy, seeing that he can help in no other way, offers to care for little Marie, and to this the mother finally gives her consent. Half in jest, Levy gives the mother a pawn ticket for the little girl, which he fills out to read that 'a precious jewel, a value beyond price,' has been left with him and can be redeemed 'at any time.' The mother leaves the little one in Levy's care and upon reaching home and finding herself mortally stricken, she puts the pawn ticket he has given her in an envelope which she entrusts to a friendly janitoress, to be given into no other hands than those of her husband should it be that he is not dead.

"And he is not. He has been cast up on a fertile island in the South Seas, where he lives a Crusoe-like existence for 10 years, and incidentally finds buried treasure which makes him rich. He was finally rescued by a passing steamer and brought back to his own country, only to find that in his absence his wife has died, no one knows the fate of his child. He only finds, in an envelope addressed to him in the hand of his dying wife, a pawn ticket for a 'precious jewel' which she has pledged. Thinking the jewel to be some gift of his to his wife, which she desired him to have as a remembrance, he goes to the pawnshop and is there waited upon by a sweet-faced girl of 15 to whom he is at once attracted. The girl is unable to find any article in the shop with a ticket corresponding to the number on the ticket which the captain carries, and appeals to her foster father, Levy, to help her find the gentleman's goods. Levy at once recognizes the ticket as the one he gave for his little adopted daughter. Although he dislikes to surrender the one joy of his life, he finally decides to reunite father and daughter. The latter have the old pawnbroker make his home with them, so the reunion brings happiness to all."

Full Circle (novel)

Tana Roberts, coming of age in the turbulent 1960s, has ambitions of an important career. Her feelings about love and marriage have been shaped by her mother's role as a married man's longtime mistress.

Jotun (video game)

The story follows Thora, a recently deceased Viking woman. Having suffered an inglorious death, she must travel across the realms defeating Jötunn, giant elementals of nature, chaos, power, etc. This will allow her to impress the gods and enter Valhalla. After defeating the plant giant Jera, the lightning giant Hagalaz, the ice giant Isa, the fire giant Kaunan, and the warrior giant Fé, she fights against Odin himself. Having proven herself, she is ascended to Valhalla.

Lake Placid vs. Anaconda

After surviving the attack in ''Lake Placid: The Final Chapter'', Jim Bickerman; due to his injuries, is left with an eye patch, hook and wooden leg. Working in Black Lake, Maine, with another mercenary named Beach, they capture a female giant crocodile. They take it back to their truck, where two scientists crossbreed its blood with a female giant anaconda to perfect a Blood Orchid serum. However, the crocodile escapes, killing a scientist, and freeing a female and two male anacondas before causing the truck to explode. The explosion destroys part of the electric fence keeping the crocodiles in Black Lake. Beach, Bickerman, and the one remaining scientist survive. A small group of crocodiles also escape.

The crocodiles search for food and one kills Daphne Mailer and her boyfriend, while another kills the remaining scientist, and multiple baby crocodiles kill a poacher. The crocodiles eventually make their way to nearby Clear Lake, along with the anacondas.

Reba now the sheriff of Black Lake, calls U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officer Will "Tully" Tull to help recapture the escaped crocodiles. Meanwhile, a group of college sorority girls from Delta Gamma, led by Tiffani and Amber, and two fraternity boys from Sigma Phi, Brett and Andrew, arrive at Clear Lake to initialize some new members, including Margo and Tully's daughter, Bethany.

The crocodiles feast upon sorority girls along with Amber (whom Tiffani pushes towards the crocodiles), Brett, Andrew and Heather (the latter three who were wakeboarding). The survivors run into the forest to get to the cars. The girls left the keys on the beach, but the crocodiles attack the students. One of the girls, Cassie, runs out of Jennifer's car, but a crocodile attacks and eats her. Tiffani's car is crushed by an anaconda with Jennifer still inside. A crocodile kills Tiffani and the others flee.

Deputy Ferguson discovers one of the surviving sorority girls hiding on a boat. The traumatized girl, Melissa, is taken to a hospital, while Tully and Reba continue to search for Bethany. Clear Lake is evacuated by Ferguson.

Sarah Murdoch, daughter of the late Peter "J.D." Murdoch and CEO of Wexel Hall Corporation in New York, leads a team of herself, Beach, Bickerman and two mercenaries and go to capture the female anaconda before it lays its eggs. One of the mercenaries is attacked by a crocodile, and Beach is forced to shoot them both.

Tully and Reba are attacked by a crocodile, which is in turn attacked by an anaconda, which crushes the crocodile until it explodes. The anaconda then escapes. Sarah's group steals a boat, but Bickerman falls off and is dragged underwater by a crocodile. After landing, the other mercenary is killed by an anaconda. Tully and Reba kill the other anaconda and rescue Bethany, Margo and Jane. They regroup along with Ferguson until Sarah and Beach arrive. They discover two crocodiles eating a male anaconda. The female anaconda appears and kills a crocodile, and a crocodile flings the male anaconda into a helicopter, containing Sarah's extraction team, causing it to crash. The female anaconda kills the crocodile and eats Beach alive, who sacrifices his life by detonating a grenade and killing the anaconda that swallowed him. Sarah is arrested, and Bickerman emerges from the lake, laughing maniacally.

In the nest of eggs laid by the female anaconda, one egg hatches to reveal a baby anaconda with crocodile-like attributes.

The Magic Circle (video game)

In ''The Magic Circle'', the player takes on the role of a QA tester who was recently hired to help prepare the live demo for a game that has been in development hell for nearly twenty years; said game is the sequel to a cult classic interactive fiction title with a dedicated fan following. The player is introduced to the developers of the game, who make their appearances in the world as floating eyes capable of changing the environment on a whim, only to discover that the two project leads, Ishmael Gilder and Maze Evelyn, have entered into a bitter rivalry over their respective creative philosophies, and due to their inability to cooperate have rendered the game largely vaporware. Once the playtest session is officially "complete", a rogue AI from a previous version of the game makes contact with the player and teaches them how to manipulate the creatures of the world in order to either complete or at least escape the game world.

Noct (video game)

''Noct'' plays in a post-apocalyptic world, in which the Earth has become a ruined wasteland. Filled with darkness, it is now known as the Noct. An ancient evil, called the Nocturnal, has spread over the Earth's surface, devouring the human population and leaving the survivors of that purge at distress. One unnamed survivor is now set to uncover the origins of alien-like creatures and fight their way through to put an end to the unhuman rulership. To get there, the survivor has to make themselves up to seek for weaponry, food and water to stay alive and be prepared to encounter and fight against the Nocturnal, ultimately surviving in a decaying world.

China Versus Allied Powers

According to a surviving catalogue description of the film:

A magician presents a circular piece of paper from which he removes the flags of the allies. Then from each flag he produces a soldier from the respective country, and finally he produces a Chinaman. But hardly have the allies seen the latter than they pounce on him and try to cut him into pieces. The funniest part of our story is that the Chinaman escapes in a balloon, with an expression of childish innocence on his face as the allies try to cut him up.

Necropolis (video game)

The game's plot involves an archmage named Abraxis and his efforts in a secret underground tomb to practice magic far from civilization. The player takes on the role of various adventurers who have arrived at this strange, otherworldly Necropolis with unknown motivations—loot, glory, and exile all give way to the need for escape.

Megaton Rainfall

The plot revolves around an intergalactic superbeing tasked by its creator with saving planet Earth from an alien invasion.

Googly Mohalla

The drama opens when all the boys of compound are all set to play cricket. But one of the members of the team, Asif Lamboo doesn't show serious behaviour towards the game. Due to his non-serious behaviour the captain of the team, Farhat Goli feels the need of another guy to replace Asif. Meanwhile a new Pathan family consisting of a son (Zahid Afridi), mother (Shahnaz), father (Jahanzeb), grandmother (Bibi Gul) and grandfather (Baba Saeen) shifts to the respective compound. Zahid Afridi proves to be a very good all-rounder and hence after a series of events, he replaces Asif Lamboo in the team. Asif is a volcano after being kicked from the team. He joins another team Ghosia from the same colony. Ghosia is a competent of compound's team.

Tom Sawyer, Detective (film)

Aunt Polly sends Tom and Huck to Arkansas to spend the summer with Tom's Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas Phelps. Unsuccessful lawyer Jeff Rutledge wants to marry Sally and Silas' daughter, Ruth, but wealthy Brace Dunlap also has eyes for her. At the end of the summer, Tom and Huck return to St. Petersburg to return to school. At the start of the following summer, Aunt Sally calls Tom and Huck back to help with the farm since Uncle Silas is in frail health. Aboard the steamship to Arkansas, Tom and Huck are approached by two men claiming to be detectives who ask for their help in finding out about a passenger. At first, Tom and Huck think the man in question is Jupiter Dunlap, the lazy oaf who was supposed to be working on Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas' farm. But the man confesses to being Jake Dunlap, Jupiter's twin brother, who was believed to have died. Jake is carrying two diamonds worth $20,000 inside the hollow heel of his boot and he is certain the "detectives" are actually a pair of thieves trying to rob and kill him. Tom and Huck help Jake disguise himself so he can slip off the boat during a stopover. At Uncle Silas and Aunt Sally's place, Tom and Huck learn Brace Dunlap has been spreading vicious gossip about Uncle Silas losing his mind. When Jupiter makes a crack about Uncle Silas allowing Ruth to marry white trash, Uncle Silas hits him over the head with a stick, temporarily knocking him out. Uncle Silas fears he's killed Jupiter and runs off. Recovering from the blow, Jupiter runs to Brace for help and assists him in killing Jake Dunlap, who is hiding out in a nearby cabin. Brace concocts a plan to dress Jake's body in Jupiter's clothes and dump him in the place where Uncle Silas assaulted Jupiter; this should ensure Uncle Silas will be accused of murder. The next morning, Brace drops by Uncle Silas' farm and asks to see Jupiter. When Uncle Silas tries to stonewall him, Brace threatens to get Sheriff Slocum involved. Tom and Huck borrow a bloodhound and go in search of Jupiter's body. The sheriff's posse is also hunting for the corpse. The bloodhound runs away and finds the body just as the sheriff and his men show up. Shortly afterward, Sheriff Slocum shows up at the house and arrests Silas for murder. The night before the trial, Tom and Huck attempt to help Uncle Silas escape from jail, but Aunt Sally refuses to let Uncle Silas leave. Jeff plans to defend Uncle Silas in court, although the outlook is bleak. Tom and Huck head to the graveyard to break into the Dunlap family crypt and open Jupiter's coffin. The gate of the crypt locks and they're trapped inside. At the trial, the prosecution calls the mysterious Kaylen Joshua Peters; he's actually Jupiter pretending to be a mute who witnessed Uncle Silas killing and burying Jupiter. After Tom and Huck escape the crypt, they encounter St. Louis sheriff Walker, who has arrested the two men Tom and Huck met on the boat. Sheriff Walker tells Tom and Huck there's a generous reward for the return of the stolen diamonds, and they rush off to the courthouse. Tom asks the judge to let him question Peters on the stand. At Tom's request, Sheriff Slocum removes the steel plate from the bottom of the boot Peters is wearing and the pair of diamonds are revealed. Tom then tells the court Jupiter Dunlap got his name from a collection of moles on his leg that looked like the planet Jupiter and its moons. Those moles were not on the body of the man in Jupiter Dunlap's grave. Peters tries in vain to flee the courthouse and then drops his act, telling the judge and jury Brace forced him to go along with the scheme. Jeff tells the judge Brace and Jupiter should be tried for killing and burying Jake Dunlap and trying to frame Uncle Silas for the murder. The case against Uncle Silas is dismissed and the courtroom erupts in cheers.

The Ridiculous 6

In the Old West, Tommy (Adam Sandler), known as "White Knife" by the American Indian tribe who raised him after his mother was murdered, is to marry a member of the tribe named Smoking Fox (Julia Jones) as arranged by his adoptive father Chief Screaming Eagle (Saginaw Grant). Following a run-in with Will Patch (Will Forte) and his Left-Eye Gang who claimed to have removed their right eye, as well as a one-eyed food proprietor named Clem (Steve Zahn), Tommy is visited by a bank robber named Frank Stockburn (Nick Nolte) who claims to be his biological father. Frank tells Tommy that he is dying of consumption and had amassed $50,000 buried in a meadow, which he offers to Tommy and his tribe.

The next day, a group of bandits led by the ruthless Cicero (Danny Trejo) come to the village and want Frank to give them his "big score.” Frank has the bandits kidnap him so he can lead them to the money at the so-called "Singing Windmill", in return for the bandits not attacking Tommy or the Natives. After searching the meadow Tommy is unable to find the stash of money and sets off on a quest to steal the amount needed and save his father.

During his journey, Tommy discovers that he has 5 half-brothers: Mexican burro rider Ramon (Rob Schneider) whose innkeeper mother had a fling with Frank; mentally challenged yet happy-go-lucky Lil' Pete (Taylor Lautner) whose strong neck makes him immune to hanging; mountain man Herm (Jorge Garcia) who speaks incomprehensibly and helped his mother sell their moonshine; a drunkard named Danny (Luke Wilson) who was the former bodyguard of Abraham Lincoln (Dan Patrick) and is guilt-ridden from accidentally leading John Wilkes Booth (Chris Kattan) to murder the president when he mistook him for a fan of the president on his way to the restroom; and African-American saloon pianist Chico (Terry Crews) who confesses to being half-White.

Meanwhile, Clem joins the Left-Eye Gang at the cost of his only functional eye and helps them abduct Smoking Fox. She escapes due to Clem's blindness and begins searching for Tommy and his half-brothers, now known as the Ridiculous 6.

After meeting Chico and Danny, the half-brothers have a run in with Chico's boss, sociopathic saloon owner Smiley Harris (Harvey Keitel), who was part of Frank's gang until Frank stole his cut of their biggest score and left him to die at the windmill. When Smiley attempts to kill the half-brothers out of revenge against Frank, he ends up being unintentionally decapitated by Ramon. The group later encounters Abner Doubleday (John Turturro) who is developing baseball with some Chinese immigrants.

The Left-Eye Gang soon catch up to the Ridiculous 6 while the latter are relaxing in a pond. The gang overpowers the Ridiculous 6 and steal their loot. Through Herm's ramblings, translated by Tommy, the Ridiculous 6 then decide to rob a gambling game in Yuma hosted by Ezekiel Grant (Jon Lovitz) and attended by Mark Twain (Vanilla Ice) and General George Armstrong Custer (David Spade). The Ridiculous 6 succeed, though Wyatt Earp (Blake Shelton) nearly jeopardizes their plan, and set off to ransom their father.

On the way, the Ridiculous 6 come across the Left-Eye Gang who have been left to die in the desert by Cicero. Tommy and the brothers rescue the Left-Eye Gang and reclaim the $50,000 they had stolen from them. That evening, Tommy sees a photograph carried by Danny that proves Cicero is the one who murdered his mother and sets off alone to rescue his father and confront the bandit leader. After meeting with Cicero and paying the ransom, Tommy confronts Cicero just and gets his revenge on his mother's killer.

The Ridiculous 6, who followed Tommy along with the Left-Eye Gang, have a reunion with their long-lost father. When Frank learns his sons exceeded his expectations by amassing $100,000, he reveals that he masterminded his abduction. But Tommy counters that his group had a Plan B: a hidden bomb inside the bag containing the ransom money. When the bomb explodes and commotion ensues, Frank runs off to a mine with Smoking Fox as his hostage. Tommy runs after them and successfully rescues his bride-to-be and captures his father.

Back in the Native Village, Tommy weds Smoking Fox with his half-brothers in attendance. Since the revelation that their biological father Frank Stockburn was no more than a two-bit crook, Screaming Eagle decides to adopt all the half-brothers as he did with Tommy. The Left-Eye Gang revealed that they lied about removing their right eyes, much to the anger of Clem.

In the post-credits, Abner Doubleday and his Chinese baseball team do a chant to detail their appreciation for the Stockburns.

Sara (2015 film)

After being sexually abused as a child by her stepfather, Sara (Choi) runs away from home, earns her own keep and spends her nights in various locales, including country parks and fast-food joints that stay open 24 hours. While hanging around the Tsim Sha Tsui East promenade late one evening, she meets the gentlemanly, middle-aged Kam Ho-yin (Simon Yam Tat-wah). The two embark on a complex relationship that involves his getting her into a good school and a new life she chooses to take.

Outer Wilds

The player takes the role of an unnamed space explorer preparing for their first solo flight. After being involuntarily paired with a statue on their home planet made by the Nomai, an ancient and mysterious race that had once colonized the system, the player discovers they are trapped in a time loop. Every loop resets when the sun goes supernova after 22 minutes, or when the player-character otherwise dies.

The player learns that the Nomai were obsessed with finding the "Eye of the Universe", a massive anomaly using macroscopic quantum mechanics that is older than the universe itself. Curious to find out what was held within the Eye, but having lost its signal, the Nomai built an orbital cannon to launch probes to visually find the Eye. The chance of visually finding the object with a random shot into space was infinitesimally small, so they also developed a device, the Ash Twin Project, to send the results of the probe's scan 22 minutes back in time, so that the cannon could be "reused" an infinite number of times. The amount of power required to go back in time was so high that the only viable way of obtaining it would be from a supernova, so they attempted to artificially induce the sun to explode, but were unsuccessful. The Nomai were wiped out by an extinction-level event after completing construction of these projects but before setting the time-loop process into motion. The system is now operating because the sun has naturally reached the end of its life cycle. The resulting supernova feeds power into the Ash Twin Project, conveying the player's memories back in time to their previous self and resetting the cannon for another scan.

Armed with this knowledge, the player is eventually able to recover the coordinates of the Eye and input them into a derelict Nomai interstellar vessel, warping to the Eye's location. They discover that their star is not the only one going supernova. All the stars in the sky have reached the end of their lifespans and the universe is about to end. Upon entering the Eye, the player encounters quantum versions of the various characters they had befriended in their travels, and working together, they create a Big Bang, giving rise to a new universe. The ending shows a similar solar system with new life forms 14.3 billion years after its creation.

''Echoes of the Eye''

The ''Echoes of the Eye'' expansion adds a new exhibit to the observatory at the beginning of the game, which shows off the deep space satellite used to generate the player's solar system map. The player soon discovers an object that eclipses the sun – a planet-sized rotating ship, hidden within a cloaking field. Within this ship, called "the Stranger", the player finds theaters and heavily damaged slide reels that tell the story of the Stranger's inhabitants, an extinct race of owl and elk-like creatures.

Similar to the Nomai, the inhabitants of the Stranger also came to the solar system after discovering the Eye of the Universe's signals, but gave up their quest after seeing that the Eye would destroy the universe and everything in it. After destroying their monuments to the Eye and constructing a device in order to block its signal from other extraterrestrial races, the inhabitants began to regret destroying their homeworld, which they stripped barren in order to build the Stranger. The inhabitants eventually created artifacts and areas where they could sleep in order to enter a virtual reality of their homeworld.

The player learns how to enter the simulation via the use of artifacts and discovers the active consciousness of the inhabitants who are hostile to the player. The player eventually finds archives with more detailed reels of the history of the Stranger's inhabitants, as well as a vault secured by three seals. Using information about glitches within the simulation learned from the archives, the player is eventually able to unlock the vault's three seals and open it, discovering a friendly inhabitant called the Prisoner. Communicating with the player via a telepathic projection staff, the Prisoner transmits a memory where they temporarily disabled the signal blocker surrounding the Eye, causing the other inhabitants to force the Prisoner within the vault, before returning to the simulation and dying in the physical world. The player then uses the staff to explain to the Prisoner how their actions eventually lead the Nomai to discover the signal of the Eye and enter the solar system, setting the events of the game in motion.

After learning that their actions were not in vain, the Prisoner exits the vault and leaves behind their staff, showing a vision of the Prisoner and player together on a raft, venturing along a river into the sunrise. If the player chooses to travel to the Eye of the Universe after having met with the Prisoner, they find a quantum version of the Prisoner who works with the player to create the new universe.

The Boxcar Children (film)

''The Boxcar Children'' tells the story of four orphaned children: Henry, Jessie (or Jess), Violet, and Benny, who have evidently been orphaned for some time.

They come to a bakery to buy some bread, and ask to stay for the night. When a baker and his wife learn that the children are orphans, they plan to take in the three elder children, who are big enough to be useful in the bakery, but to send little Benny to a Children's Home. The children overhear the couple talking about this, and escape from the bakery. The bakers decide to chase them but then leave the children to go on their own.

Finding an abandoned boxcar, the children start a new life of independence. Henry ends up working various odd jobs in a nearby town Silver City for a doctor, named Dr. Moore, in order to earn money for food and other materials they need. He also does gardening for the doctor's mother. The children also find a Wire Fox Terrier and they name him Watch. The children's lives are pleasant and full of hard work until Violet becomes ill and they go to Dr. Moore's office for assistance.

Unbeknownst to the children, by that time Dr. Moore knows very well who they are and where they are living; indeed, he has been keeping a discreet eye on them for weeks. Their grandfather, who lives nearby, has been advertising in the papers, offering a reward for news of them, but Dr. Moore hasn't wanted to spoil the children's fun by informing on them. When Violet becomes ill, however, he feels it is time to do so.

Their grandfather, a steel baron, named James Henry Alden, comes at once to see them. The doctor suggests that he gets to know them first before telling them who he is, so he is simply introduced to them as a friend of the doctor's. The children warm to his kindness and are surprised but delighted when they eventually learn that he is their much feared grandfather (but the children had been brought up to fear their grandfather, whom they had never met, because he did not approve of their parents' marriage). They go to live with him after all, and he has the boxcar transferred to his backyard for their enjoyment.

Morgan (2016 film)

Lee Weathers is a "risk-management specialist" for genetic-engineering company SynSect. She arrives at a rural site hosting its L-9 project, an artificial being with nanotechnology-infused synthetic DNA named Morgan. The "hybrid biological organism with the capacity for autonomous decision making and sophisticated emotional responses" is smarter than humans and matures quickly, walking and talking within a month and physically a teenager despite being five years old.

The cold and precise Weathers, who insists on calling Morgan "it", is at the site to assess the project while a psychologist evaluates Morgan, who has used a pen to stab Dr. Kathy Grieff in the eye. Over dinner with the team of eight scientists, Weathers and project leaders Dr. Lui Cheng and Dr. Simon Ziegler discuss an incident in Helsinki involving Cheng in which 21 SynSect researchers were killed in an hour by "crude prototypes".

Lee learns that Morgan attacked Grieff when she was prohibited from leaving her room, a glass cell, after killing a deer impaled on a fallen tree while outside. The scientists have reared Morgan from birth following two failed attempts, and most consider her to be their child; Grieff defends Morgan to Weathers despite her injury, and Dr. Amy Menser wants to resume taking her on outings. Menser promises to take Morgan to a nearby lake that she describes as wonderful; the behavioral therapist understands that Morgan is, despite her intellect and physical appearance and abilities, emotionally childlike. Although Morgan considers Cheng to be her "mother", the scientist is pessimistic about the project; she admits to Weathers that she ended the outings as it is cruel to expose Morgan to a world she cannot be allowed to enter.

Psychologist and artificial intelligence expert Dr. Alan Shapiro arrives to assess Morgan and quickly defies the scientists' requests to stay outside Morgan's room for the assessment. When Shapiro aggressively taunts Morgan as part of his evaluation, she becomes angry and spontaneously kills him. Weathers tranquilizes Morgan after a brief escape, and decides that she is too unpredictable and must be terminated. The scientists refuse to kill Morgan; before Weathers can do so, they shoot her with a tranquilizer dart and imprison her in the cell in which Morgan was held. The scientists plan to escape with Morgan, but after waking, Morgan, believing they have betrayed her, kills most of them, while Ziegler commits suicide.

In the scientists' house, Cheng records an apology for the failure of the project. The scientists tried to make Morgan "more human" than the previous attempts so she could exceed her design as a combat weapon, but found that the result was harder to control. Morgan arrives and, after conversing with her "mother" in Chinese, manually suffocates her. Weathers escapes the cell and briefly fights Morgan, able to match her. Morgan flees with the terrified Menser, who Morgan says is the only scientist who was a real friend to her.

Weathers and nutritionist Skip Vronsky follow the pair. Vronsky deduces that Morgan has forced Menser to take her to the lake, which entrances Morgan. She and Weathers fight again, seemingly matched in strength and speed. Morgan knocks down Weathers, who is impaled on the branch of a fallen tree. Morgan flees again and meets with Menser at the pier but Weathers, having survived the impaling, appears and forcibly drowns her into the water. She then shoots Menser and Vronsky, apologizing first, before leaving the scene.

Weathers's superior at SynSect and another executive discuss the incident. They decide that it proves that the company's earlier L-4 project is superior. When the executive asks about Weathers, the superior says she is perfect, revealing that Weathers is actually the L-4 prototype, lacking much of the emotional development Morgan had.

Waiting in another room, Weathers makes the same gesture with her hands as Morgan did.

John Halifax, Gentleman (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from December 3, 1910. It states: "John Halifax, an orphan, trudges to town to make his fortune. There he is befriended first by Ursula March, the daughter of the richest man in town, who gives him food, and later by Abel Fletcher, a rich Quaker. Fletcher's invalid son takes a great fancy to John, and through his influence John is employed in his father's mill. After five years of faithful work, John has risen to the position of foreman. He and Fletcher's son, Phineas, had become fast friends. Against the wishes of his father, Phineas persuades John to take him to a theatre. The trip proves too much for the invalid, and John carries him home from the theatre in a fainting condition. Fletcher is furious with John, and drives him from the house. About this time there is a great discontent at the mill, among the workmen. Fletcher decides to close it down. After six weeks of starvation, the workmen and their families come in a crowd to the mill and demand that they be given the grain which is stored there. Rather than accede to their demands, Fletcher hurls the bags of grain into the river. This so infuriates the mob that they try to set fire to the mill and put an end to Fletcher. Unable to control the mob, John helps Fletcher, his son and Ursula, to escape. Finally he wins Fletcher's consent to compromise with the men. Realizing that he owes his property and life to John, Fletcher asks his forgiveness for his former harsh treatment. John becomes Fletcher's adopted son and wins Ursula for his bride."

Embrujo antillano

A young girl tired of working in the cultivation of tobacco with her father in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, decides to go to Havana to try her luck, but after several setbacks ends up working in a tobacco factory. In this place, she falls in love with one of the owners of the factory, a young man newly arrived in the country after years of study abroad. But this young man was engaged to the daughter of her partner, and here begins a struggle between the two women, which ends with an unexpected ending.

Off Track

Lui (Jacky Cheung), a street racer and triad member, who owns a auto shop while also smuggling cocaine for his boss, Brother Bing (Lung Fong). Because of his life, he has been neglecting his girlfriend, Katy (Ellen Chan) and would let out his frustrations on her. A acquainted police offiver Bad Breath (Billy Ching) informs Lui a rival named Chang-pau bets HK$40,000 against Lui in a race on Princess Margaret Road against one his racers Joe (Max Mok), who also owns an auto repair shop. Lui loans HK$20,000 from Bad Breath. On the night of their duel, Lui and Joe taunt each other before proceeding to race, where Lui was leading until near the end when Joe catches up and Lui rams Joe. The winner was undermined as a result and fight between Lui's and Chang-pau underlings breaks out until the police arrive and arrest Joe, Lui, and his younger sister, Ann (Rachel Lee) who fail to flee from the scene. At the police station, Lui's estranged father (Wu Ma), who is a seasoned officer, snacks and scolds Lui for his illegal activities and getting his sister involved. Before his father detains him, Lui rants about how his father is a hypocrite for being a corrupt policeman before the establishment of the ICAC and blames his father as the cause of him becoming a criminal.

After being released from the police station, Lui's underling Bull (Karel Wong) reveals to him that Bad Breath attacked them and crashed into their shop for his debt while his henchmen also attacked Ann but was saved by Joe, who is trying to pursue her. Lui retaliates by blowing up Bad Breath's car and fights his henchmen beforethe police arrive.

The next day Brother Bing tells Lui to settle with Bad Breath and that he will pay for the car blown up by Lui but Lui would have to give Joe to Bad Breath for beating up his henchmen while saving Ann. Lui is reluctant to do so since Joe saved his sister. Bull and his henchmen beat up and capture Joe and allows him to be beaten by Bad Breath and his gang before Ann and Katy arrive and bring him back home and Ann take care of his wounds after Katy leaves. Ann leaves after berating him for being afraid of his brother. Joe then chases after her and they later make love. The next morning, Katy arrives and warns Ann that her brother may find out of her relationship with Joe. Right when Katy leaves, Lui arrives with Bull and his other underling, Fat Dog and Lui slaps Katy when she gets into the way. Lui then matches into Joe's apartment and attacks Joe before Joe's colleagues and the police led by Lui's father arrive. Lui leaves after Joe refuses to press charges on Lui and Ann is upset at his brother for his actions. However, when her father scold Lui, she also blames his father for often berating her brother and becoming what he is now. Katy also leaves Lui being tired of his cold treatment.

Meanwhile, Chang-pau meets up Lui in a restaurant to settle their previous score and turns into a heated argument before Joe arrives and proposes another race with Lui. Lui agrees to race for HK$500,000 and warns Joe not to touch his sister. Lui's father then arrives and scolds him to quit his lifestyle as his girlfriend and sister are both unhappy with him and criminal record is very messy.

The next day while Lui was executing a drug deal for Brother Bing, his father notices him and results in car chase where Lui's father eventually dies from a collision, with his dying words that asking his son when will he grow up and know his mistakes. After reuniting with his sister and girlfriend at his father's funeral, he tells Brother Bing he wants to quit the triads but Bing dissuades him. Joe also meets up with Ann and express his love for her, but Ann says she worries her brother will kill him but Joe kisses her and tells her be will stop racing for good after his race with Lui.

Later, Ann tells his brother that Katy is leaving for Canada soon and Lui goes to find her. On the way, he gets challenged by a couple youngsters to a race where the youngsters crash their car before he brings Katy to talk with Brother Bing again that he wants to leave the triads for good. Lui and Katy finally reconcile but Lui insists to race with Joe as a way to end all conflicts. Lui also tells Bull and Fat Dog of his decision to quit and that they have the reward money if he wins the race. Lui and Joe then meet up and race, followed by Lui's underlings and Joe's colleagues in each of their respective cars. Near the end of the race, Bull rams into Joe's car, which results in Joe hitting Lui's car into the sea.

Joe, terrified that he killed Lui, tells Ann what happened and Ann is upset at him until he leaves to turn himself in but she stops him and pleads him not to turn himself in. Katy arrives at Ann's home and Joe sneaks out through the window. Bull arrives afterwards and orders a gun on the phone to kill Joe and seek revenge for Lui. Katy then arrives at Joe's shop to warn him but his colleague do not trust her and abuse her until Joe arrives to stop them. Katy then returns to Ann's home where Bull is, finds out about their plan and is enraged. At this moment, Joe arrives and Bull chases him down with a gun down the parking lot but Joe manages to knock his gun down and fight him. During this critical moment, Lui, who survived to crash, arrives to stop Bull but is too late when Bull manages to pick up his gun and shoots Joe, who dies in Ann's arms. Afterwards, Bull admits his greed for the HK$500,000 and is the cause of all this by ramming into Joe and Lui berates him for his impulsiveness. Bull then tries to make amends and lures the cops into a shootout, but Lui saves him in a car and drives out the parking lot when the police fire at them, eventually flipping the car.

Germinal (1963 film)

The year is 1863. Étienne Lantier gets work as a mineworker after having been fired from his job on the railroad for revolutionary behavior. Disheartened by the conditions in the mines, he returns to his revolutionary ideas and leads a strike of the mineworkers. Soldiers are brought in to quell the strike.

Rat Trap (novel)

While on approach at London Heathrow Airport, a Boeing 707 begins experiencing engine trouble consistent with an engine fire. After a fraught landing, the plane is hijacked.

The contingency plans for a hijacking are mobilized at the Home Office. Hilary Latymer is the 'Ratcatcher' who will negotiate with the terrorists and attempt to outwit them. During negotiations, the hijackers, led by a man named Packer, demand a prisoner held by the UK, one Shafiq Nasoud. Nasoud is currently being held at HM Prison Dartmoor, charged with attempting to smuggle firearms through Heathrow. It is ordered that Nasoud be brought to London in case it becomes necessary to hand him over to the terrorists. While ferrying him from Devon in a small airplane, the plane experiences engine trouble and crash lands. Nasoud manages to escape his jailers.

Latymer's negotiations with the hijackers do not go well. He surmises from discussion with Packer that Packer is high on heroin. He also deduces from information provided by the American Federal Bureau of Investigation that a female hijacker, Joanne Fender, has a death wish and does not intend for the hijacking to be resolved non-violently. An attempt to take the plane ends in bloodshed.

For most of the evening and night, Nasoud is able to elude a massive manhunt. He kills one British soldier and steals his rifle, and later holds a family hostage. After many close scrapes and several shootouts with the military, who have strict orders to take him alive, Nasoud steals a jeep. He is identified shortly after evading a roadblock, and pursued to a small farm. There, a soldier disables his jeep by shooting the engine block, but he drives into a stone wall and is killed.

With Nasoud dead, Latymer has no options left. On the brink of paying a large bribe to the hijackers, he decides to pass off an imposter as Nasoud, simply to get the hostages released. In the course of the exchange, the imposter is found out, but not before the passengers disembark the plane safely. Gunfire is exchanged between hijackers and police, and meanwhile on the plane, Joanne Fender sets off a bomb, killing Packer and the flight crew, bringing an end to the incident.

The Boy (2016 film)

Greta Evans, an American from Montana, travels to the United Kingdom after being hired as a nanny by the elderly Heelshires. Upon her arrival, the couple introduce Greta to her charge: a lifesize porcelain doll named Brahms that they treat like their son. The Heelshires coach Greta on taking care of Brahms and their house while they are on holiday; leaving her a list of strict rules to follow, including reading to Brahms in a loud, clear voice and playing loud music for him.

Initially, Greta ignores the rules. She regularly calls her sister, who tells her that Greta’s abusive ex-boyfriend Cole has been trying to find out where she is. Malcolm, the local deliveryman, stops by often, and Greta learns that the real Brahms was killed in a fire 20 years ago on his eighth birthday. Malcolm asks Greta out, and she accepts. While preparing for the date, her dress and jewelry vanish while she is in the shower; she is lured to the attic by strange noises and locked inside, and is mysteriously let out the next morning. She explains to Malcolm what happened, and they discuss the real Brahms, whom Malcolm says Mr. Heelshire described as "odd".

Strange events occur: a child's sobs are heard in the hallways, phone calls are cut off, and the doll seems to move on its own. After receiving a phone call in which a child's voice urges her to follow the rules, Greta locks herself in her room. She then finds a peanut butter and jelly sandwich outside her door, her favorite, and the child's voice promises he will be good. Believing that Brahms' spirit lives within the doll, Greta begins to take the rules seriously.

Remembering that the Heelshires said Brahms was shy, she realizes that the doll only moves when she isn't in the room with him; she demonstrates this to Malcolm, who becomes worried. He informs Greta that a girl Brahms was friends with was found in the forest with her skull crushed. Before the police could question Brahms, the Heelshires' house was burnt down with him in it. Malcolm warns her not to stay, but Greta, having previously suffered a miscarriage after being beaten by Cole, feels obligated to care for Brahms. Elsewhere, the Heelshires write a goodbye letter to Brahms before drowning themselves.

One evening, Cole arrives, intending to force Greta back home. For Greta's safety, Malcolm stays nearby. Greta asks the doll for help. Cole wakes up and sees a message written in blood telling him to leave. Believing it was done by either Greta or Malcolm, he angrily smashes the doll to pieces. The house begins to shake and they hear noises behind the walls. The mirror explodes; from a hole behind it emerges the real, now-adult Brahms wearing a porcelain mask identical to the doll's face; after surviving the fire, Brahms has been living in the walls of the house and is abnormal. Brahms kills Cole, then turns on Malcolm and Greta.

As they are pursued, Greta and Malcolm discover Brahms' room; a doll made from Greta's missing dress, hair, and jewelry sits in Brahms' bed, and Greta finds the goodbye letter from the Heelshires, revealing their plan of leaving Greta behind as a mate for Brahms. Brahms knocks out Malcolm, threatening to kill him if Greta leaves. Greta is able to escape the house but returns to save Malcolm. Arming herself with a screwdriver, she invokes the rules and forces Brahms to bed. He asks for a good night kiss; when he tries to kiss her, she stabs him. Brahms tries to choke her but she pushes the weapon in deeper and he collapses. Greta rescues Malcolm and they escape the house.

Later, someone is seen repairing the doll on the stairs.

Honey So Sweet

The story follows Nao Kogure, a high school girl, as she is asked out by a reputed delinquent Taiga Onise to be his girlfriend with intent of marriage. Nao discovers that Onise is actually a very kind and misunderstood person who she had helped out back in middle school by lending him her umbrella and some bandages. As Nao and Onise work on becoming friends, they befriend other students.

Rip Van Winkle (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from December 10, 1910. It states: "Rip Van Winkle, although a loving father to his little girl Meenie and a hail-fellow-well-met with all of his fellow townsmen, is being constantly scolded by his wife for leading an idle and profitless existence. Rip is also fond of the bottle and spends a greater part of his time and money at the village tavern. Catching him entering the house late one night after a day's carousing, his wife Gretchen becomes thoroughly angry with him and drives him from the house. In the face of a terrible storm with only his dog Schneider and his faithful rifle to protect him, Rip wanders toward the mountains. Here he comes across a band of gnomes who are supposed to be the spirits of Heinrich Hudson [sic] and his merry men who disappeared near the Catskill Mountains hundreds of years before, and had never been heard of since. The gnomes give Rip some magic schnapps to drink, and under its influence he goes to sleep for 20 years. When he awakes, he is an old man and in ragged clothes. His dog is dead, and his rifle has rusted away. He makes his way as best he can back to the village, and his own home. But there no one knows him. He finds his wife married to another man, his daughter grown to womanhood, and most of his old friends dead and gone. Rip, however, finally manages to prove his identity, and also to lay claim to his property, which has greatly increased in value during his sleep, in which he is just in time to save from being unlawfully confiscated by his old-time enemy. Happily reunited to his family, Rip looks forward to his declining years with a spirit born of peace and solace."


Inuyashiki Ichiro is an older, friendless man with an uncaring family. One fateful evening in a nearly empty public park, he is struck by an explosion of extraterrestrial origin, and his body is replaced by an incredibly powerful, but still outwardly human, mechanical body. He quickly realizes the extent of his body's powers, and after saving a homeless man being beaten by a pack of teenagers, he decides to dedicate himself to doing good, using his powers to heal those with incurable diseases and fight crime.

However, a teenager who was with him at the time of the explosion, Shishigami Hiro, had the same fate as Ichiro, but unlike Inuyashiki, Shishigami becomes a psychopath who goes about using his newfound abilities to murder various people, from classmates that annoy him to innocent families, including young children, just for amusement. His acts of merciless cruelty bring him the attention of the police, who can do nothing to stop him. Hiro becomes the most wanted criminal in the country.

The series follows these two different people who once shared the same bizarre experience, as their paths are destined to clash.

Bill Bergson, Master Detective (novel)

Bill Bergson investigates his friend's mysterious cousin, who is behaving suspiciously, and solves the mystery of a jewel robbery.

Bill and five of his friends also play a mock war game, with the White Roses and the Red Roses vying for possession of an unusual stone.

Sunset Trail

Widow Ann Marsh (Charlotte Wynters), and her daughter Dorrie (Jan Clayton) return to Silver City and open a dude ranch after husband is killed and his $30,000 is missing.

The Cold Deck (film)

As described in a film trade magazine, "Level" Leigh (Hart), a notorious gambler, endeavors to keep his profession a secret from his sister Alice (Harris), who is an invalid. He plans to win a sufficient amount of money to give her proper care and restore her health. Coralie (Rubins), a Spanish dancer, is infatuated with Leigh, but when he returns little attention she has him "cold decked" and he loses all his money. The immediate need for a physician and his lack of funds lead Leigh to hold up a stage coach, but his little sister dies. When Leigh becomes wanted for the murder of a messenger, he gives himself up even though he did not commit the murder. The citizens are planning to lynch Leigh, but one man helps him to escape. While in hiding, he unearths the money from the stage coach. Leigh brings the real murderer of the messenger, "Black Jack" Hurley (Wallock), back to town where he gets his just deserts. Leigh is urged to remain in the town, and Rose Larkin (Breamer), daughter of the murdered messenger, promises to look after him.

Silver on the Sage

Windy (George "Gabby" Hayes) makes the mistake of accusing the buyer, Lazy-J owner Tom Hamilton (Frederick Burton), of the theft, but Lucky (Russell Hayden) suspects the foreman Dave Talbot (Stanley Ridges). Hamilton is murdered, however, and Talbot has the perfect alibi: He was playing cards at the Mirage Bar where Hoppy (William Boyd) had gotten himself a job under the guise of being the noted gambler Bill Thompson. With Talbot not able to be in two places at the same time, the marshal (Jack Rockwell) has no choice but to arrest Lucky for murder.

Not Born Beautiful

Katya, a plain-looking girl, works as a secretary at the company Zimaletto, a manufacturer of uniforms and wedding dresses. No man has paid attention to her yet, but she doesn't allow her looks to keep her from dreaming about love and happiness. (with plot summary credited to

The Intruder (1999 film)

In a police station, a blood-splattered woman named Catherine confesses to killing her husband's first wife earlier that day. Although she produces the murder weapon, Detective Fordham does not believe her, as the crime occurred three years earlier. Catherine explains the events that lead up to the crime.

Three years prior to the murder, Catherine and Nick meet at a gallery. As Catherine leaves, a mugger attacks her. Nick comes to her aid and, when he notices that she is injured, invites her to stay overnight at his apartment while she recuperates from a twisted ankle. The two quickly fall in love and get married. A widower, Nick does not like to talk about his dead wife, Stella. Curious, Catherine questions their friends: Badge, an art broker and former girlfriend of Nick who lives in the loft below them; Charlie, a mathematician and video game programmer who lives below them; and Daisy, Charlie's on-and-off girlfriend. Catherine learns that an intruder murdered Stella three years ago after an apparent struggle. Due to Stella's mental instability, she and Nick had a rocky marriage.

Eventually, Catherine comes to believe that someone has been sneaking into their apartment and vandalizing her possessions. However, the evidence always disappears before she can show it to Nick, who becomes concerned that she is suffering from the same delusions that affected Stella. When Catherine finds Stella's diary, she learns that Stella suspected Nick of infidelity. Jealous and enraged, Stella describes in her diary how she gets revenge on the suspected mistress by destroying her possessions, though the evidence always disappears before she can present it to Nick. When Catherine confides to Charlie that she thinks Stella may still be alive, Charlie says that he believes a wormhole may be allowing Stella, who lives in the past, to interact with Catherine in the present.

Catherine investigates further, contacting Stella's twin sister and ex-husband. Both confirm that she was jealous of an unknown woman, whom Catherine comes to believe is herself. After Daisy and Charlie both die under suspicious circumstances, Catherine borrows Badge's pistol, a new model imported directly from Germany. Nick finally believes her once Stella's diary, which had gone missing, reappears and includes a new entry in which Stella threatens to murder Catherine by name. Nick and Catherine make preparations to stay at a hotel, and Nick leaves to meet her there. As Catherine packs, Stella attacks her with a pair of scissors. After a brief struggle, Catherine shoots and kills Stella in self-defense.

Back in the police station, Catherine is booked and about to be given a psychiatric evaluation when she remembers that the murder weapon, Badge's pistol, can be easily traced. At her urging, the police discover that the pistol was manufactured after the crime took place. With no evidence and disbelieving her story of a wormhole, the police let her go with a warning not to further waste their time. From a distance, Stella jealously watches Nick and Catherine embrace.

John Doe: Vigilante

John Doe (Jamie Bamber) is an ordinary man who decides to take the law into his own hands after the unsolved murder of his wife and nine-year-old daughter. John Doe then exacts justice by killing other criminals, one at a time. He films the process and sends it to the media. However, the mainstream media edits the films, showing only the execution, not the reason. John Doe then gives the films to a smaller outfit, which publishes them uncut, on the internet.

A movement in support of John Doe's actions ("Speak for the Dead") begins to publicize information about John Doe's "victims" - pimps, rapists, and paedophiles - criminals who were arrested, sentenced and, upon their release, reoffended.

At a night club, two bouncers eject and assault a teenage boy. He dies. John Doe kills one of the bouncers with a home-made cyanide patch. This inspires copycat vigilantes. Three teenage boys decide to kill the other bouncer but, instead, the bouncer kills all three. This causes the movement to organise more, and the next scene shows a larger group of people wearing masks and attacking the bouncer with baseball bats.

One of the three teenage boys was a patient of John Doe. The question arises whether John Doe had "influenced" the boys to carry out the actions on his behalf.

The story ends with John Doe filming his interaction with Adam, the criminal who killed his wife and daughter. The whole incident is broadcast live, and John Doe removes his mask. He offers Adam an opportunity to plead his case and be allowed to live.

The Gracie Allen Murder Case (film)

The zany plot of the movie follows nitwit Gracie Allen trying to help master sleuth Philo Vance solve a murder. Allen's uncle fixes her up with Bill at a company picnic. When the two go out to a nightclub that night, Gracie inadvertently links Bill to the murder of a thug after finding the dead body and Bill's cigarette case at the scene of the crime. While being questioned at the club, she meets Vance who's investigating the homicide. After Gracie's bungled attempts to solve the case, Vance decides it might be easier to have her working with him. Despite Gracie's "help," the two eventually find the real killer.

The Old Miao Myth

Thirty years ago, a man of Miao descent asked Tse Kong (Lau Siu-ming) to keep a statue called the "Old Cave" on his behalf, telling him that the statue can allow him to become wealthy. Tse Kong soon makes a fortune, and became a tycoon in Shanghai, dominating both the police and underworld. However, Tse becomes intoxicated with Gu poison. Tse's friend Hao Cheung-ching (Ho Pik-kin) unscrupulously informs the secret of the "Old Cave" to the Japanese. Tse's second son Seung-wai (Stephen Tung), who is slightly neurotic, falls in love with female spy Yip Ching-wah (Fu Yuk-lan). Although Seung-wai knows that Ching-wah is getting close to him to steal the "Old Cave", he does not debunk her. Tse's third son Seung-cho (Andy Lau) is confidant and stable. Although he is greatly trusted by his father, Seung-wai has no interest in taking over the family business. Seung-cho and Chin Pong (Ray Lui) are close friends, but they both fall in love with Cho's classmate Yan So-sam (Patrica Chong). Difficult to choose between friendship and love, the three of them fall into a tangled love triangle. At this time, Ching-wah mysteriously dies, while Wai disappears with the "Old Cave". The influence of the Tse family have since declined, with strange things occurring and disasters coming one after another. Whether all this is manipulated by a culprit or caused by an unknown divine force, it is all unknown.

Emme Fahu Vindha Jehendhen

Ryan (Mohamed Jumayyil), a rich boy and Meera (Mariyam Majudha), an ordinary girl meet while holidaying in an island and fall madly in love. But tragedy strikes when they decide to get married. Despite his father's (Mohamed Manik) discontentment, Ryan marries Meera only to find him being cut off from his father's wealth. Their perfect life is thrown into turmoil when Ryan learns that Meera has blood cancer.

Since Ryan has been cut off his father's property he can't afford Meera's treatment. On top of this Ryan's mother died from a heart attack leaving him more devastated. Not wanting Meera to leave him Ryan tries his best to keep her happy. Meanwhile, Ryan gets fired from his job due a conspiracy by his rival.

After being jobless, Ryan has no option but to take help from his father for financial support, but after seeing his father's ego he refused to accept his help. After few days Meera come to know about her health condition, and both Meera and Ryan decided to go abord for treatment. On their way to airport Meera faints and gets hospitalised. Meera's get condition worsen day by day, while Ryan kept on praying fot her recovery. On doctor's advice, Ryan takes Meera home and try to keep her happy as she has very little time left to live. However Meera dies in Ryan's arms with the assurance that no matter that Ryan will support her till her last pulse.

The film ends with Afeef regret for his mistake of considering Meera as a gold digger and apologise Ryan for it, but Ryan doesn't forgive him as Afeef is the reason he lost his Meera forever.

The Long Song

''The Long Song'' is written as a memoir by an elderly Jamaican woman living in early 19th-century Jamaica during the final years of slavery and the transition to freedom that took place thereafter. It tells the tale of a young slave girl, July, who lives at Amity – a sugarcane plantation. She lived through the 1831 Baptist War, and then the beginning of freedom. Her mother, Kitty; the slaves working the plantation land; and the owner of the plantation, the white woman Caroline Mortimer, are other characters in the novel.

The Heart (1955 film)

Student Hioki befriends an elder man, Nobuchi, and his wife Shizu, who live a reclusive life in their Tokyo home. A shadow of the past hangs over the couple in the shape of a long deceased friend, Kaji, whose grave Nobuchi regularly visits. Nobuchi slowly opens up to Hioki, who sees in him his tutor and addresses him as "sensei", explaining his distrust in people with his relatives' past attempt to withhold him of his share of his parents' inheritance. Hioki travels back to his hometown in the countryside, where his father is in a critical condition. Nobuchi writes a long letter to Hioki, his "testament", in which he recounts his friendship to Kaji, which he ultimately betrayed over their mutual love for Shizu, resulting in Kaji's suicide. When Hioki receives the letter, he hurries to Nobuchi's home, only to learn that Nobuchi has taken his own life.

Guerillas in Pink Lace

American expatriate gambler Murphy's luck is running from bad to worse. Twenty seven days after the attack on Pearl Harbor Murphy has lost his fortune in a high-stakes poker game, is beaten up by some of his many creditors and is trapped in the Philippines during the Japanese invasion. He is comforted by an elderly priest Fr Osgood who laments the fact that he has a pass to ride on a United States Army Air Forces DC-3 evacuating American civilians to Australia when he would rather minister to the troubled souls who will be left behind to face the Japanese. Murphy supports the priest in his decision by allowing the priest to give him his pass so Murphy can escape to Australia. He gleefully dons a pair of spectacles and a cassock to impersonate the 74-year-old priest.

At the same hotel as Murphy and the priest are a troupe of exotic dancers who have scored similar passes due to one of them having sexual relations with a US Army Lieutenant Colonel who had the power to issue the passes. Facing the wrath of the many Americans unable to leave, they decide to avoid hostility by travelling with Murphy, thinking he is an actual priest; despite the fact that he never wears his cassock correctly and carries a M1911A1 .45 calibre pistol in a shoulder holster.

Murphy's bad luck returns when their plane is shot down by the Japanese. With the survivors separating during the night, Murphy awakes to find himself on a life raft with the five dancers. They come ashore on one of the many small Philippine islands. Murphy soon discovers a Japanese radio station but his reconnaissance leads him to believe that the post is only manned by two idiots. The party's luck changes when Murphy finds a suitable hiding place, a large supply of fresh fruit and water with Murphy able to enter the Japanese outpost to steal food and make a distress call to the US Navy. Their luck turns to bad again when Murphy finds a large company of Japanese troops. When they are discovered, Murphy and the girls decide to give the Japanese a party they will never forget with the dynamite they discover in a supply building.

Love and Law

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from December 17, 1910. It states: "Sue Jennings and Tom Egan have been sweethearts, Sue decides to marry another man, and holds a secret meeting with Tom, in which she returns his love letters and demands her own. On the same night, Jack Deming, a friend of Tom's who has lost heavily in speculation on Tom's advice, calls at the latter's rooms, very much intoxicated, brandishing a revolver and vowing vengeance. Tom calms his excited visitor, who falls asleep on the couch, after which Tom writes a letter to his former sweetheart and dispatches it by his servant. When the servant returns, he discovers his master dead on the floor of his apartment and Jack just leaving the room revolver in hand. Jack is arrested on suspicion, and young Miss Marsh [sic], a bright young woman in the detective department, is detailed from headquarters to investigate the case. She does some clever work in the case, and proves Jack's innocence in a novel way, incidentally falling in love with the man whose life she is working to save. On the strength of her evidence, Jack is set free; and with love to live for, he starts out to make a new record in life for himself."

Checkmate (play)

Sir Everton and his cousin Charlotte have been arranged to be married, but have not seen each other since they were young. Each switches places with a servant to secretly view their betrothed before meeting them.James, M.E. [ What Shall We Act?], p. 27 (1882)(3 November 1869). [ Park Theatre (review)], ''Brooklyn Eagle'' The plot is similar to ''The Game of Love and Chance'' a French play by Marivaux first performed in 1730.[ The Comedie Francaise], ''London Society'', p. 484 (June 1879)

Mírmans saga
Mírman kills his heathen father, Earl Hermann of Saxland. Mírman's mother avenges her husband by giving Mírman a philtre that makes him a leper. Mírman journes to Sicily to be healed by Cecilia, daughter of the king. He is cured and marries her, and subsequently Mírman journeys to Frakkland to visit his foster-father, King Hlöðver whose queen makes Mírman forget Cecilia and, after the death of Hlöðver, to marry her. Cecilia disguises herself as Earl Hiringr, joins Mírman's enemies, vanquishes her husband in combat-at-arms and leads him away captive. After their reconciliation, Mírman becomes King of Sicily.

According to Astrid von Nahl, the plot is divided into two parts: the first one concerning the – for the translated Riddarasögur typical – problems of heathenism and Christianity. The second part, however, deals with the typical topics of the original ''Riddarasögur'': a fraudulent mother, love and betrayal!

Except the Dying (novel)

In the first chapter, William Murdoch is introduced, as a man of strong principles, who uses his unique abilities to solve crimes, sometimes using advanced science for his time.

On the street of Toronto, in 1895, the body of a prostitute is found, murdered in a back alley. Inspector Brackenreid decides that this is an accidental death, but Murdoch feels there's more to the situation at hand.

As Murdoch digs deeper into the prostitute's death, he discovers that there is something more sinister going and that the young girl was actually a housemaid for a very rich and prominent family in Toronto.

Her autopsy reveals she was pregnant and had opium in her system, which makes Murdoch even more suspicious of her death. With the help of Constable George Crabtree, Murdoch solves the crime and brings justice for a young girl's wrongful death.

Twenty (film)

Chi-ho, Kyung-jae and Dong-woo are best friends who've just graduated from high school and turned 20. Chi-ho is an unemployed player living in the moment and whose number one priority is dating and chasing women. Kyung-jae is a goody-two-shoes university student whose goal is to get accepted at a corporate job; he's extremely shy around girls, but completely transforms when he gets drunk. And happy-go-lucky Dong-woo dreams of becoming a cartoonist, but when his family goes bankrupt, he's forced to become the breadwinner and take on several part-time jobs.

Sazaa (2011 film)

Reema (Niuma Mohamed), a happy-go-lucky girl while in her island for holidays meets Zaid (Lufshan Shakeeb), a land surveyor from Male'. For them, it's hate at first sight which as predicted turns into love.

But Reema's life is thrown into unpredictability and turmoil when connection to Zaid is mysteriously lost after he leaves to Male’ promising to return within few days. Days turn to weeks and weeks to months. While Reema waits desperately, she sees her life changing unexpectedly as if fate has other plans for her.

One Million Yen Girl

Suzuko Sato ('''Yū Aoi''') is an unremarkable young teen that has trouble fitting in. While her younger brother is often praised for his smarts, her family & neighbors have nothing to say about Suzuko.

One day at work, Suzuko's co-worker offers to become roommates with Suzuko. Suzuko jumps at that chance to move out of her parents' house and they set out to find an apartment. Unfortunately, Suzuko's friend never mentions her plan to have her boyfriend Takeshi live with them – until after they sign the lease on their apartment. Making matters worse, on their big moving day, Suzuko finds her co-worker a no-show but her boyfriend Takeshi (Ryusei Saito) sits glumly in the apartment. It turns out that the couple recently experienced a falling out, with the boyfriend still intending to move into the apartment without his girlfriend. Things then hit the boiling point when Takeshi throws out Suzuko's cat. Suzuko retaliates the next day by throwing away all of his belongings and then quickly moves out before Takeshi returns.

The next day at work, Suzuko is visited by detectives who ask Suzuko to come in for questioning. It seems Suzuko broke the law by throwing away Takeshi's belongings, and she is fined and receives a criminal record. When news of this spreads to Suzuko's neighborhood, Suzuko suddenly feels even more alienated. She then decides to save up one million yen with the goal of moving out of town. Suzuko then plans to find another job, save one million yen, and then move on to the next town.

Boss Lady

Gwen F. Allen was the chief executive Hillandale Homes, a construction firm. Her father was the chairman of the board.

The Millionaire Milkman

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from December 17, 1910. It states: "Clara Moore is a society girl who has won the affections of Jack Cass, a young millionaire. He thinks she loves him, but it is really his money that she adores. Prompted by a letter of warning, Jack decides to prove his sweetheart's love. One reason is that he privately disapproves of the way Clara and her mother have treated a poor relation, an orphan girl, who has been left in their care. Instead of giving her a home, they make a servant of her. Jack's plot works like a charm. His faithful valet gives the newspapers the story of the failure of Jack's mind, and that young man's ruin. Clara reads it and when Jack calls and admits that the reports are correct, she returns his ring and says that all is over between them. In fact the only person in the house that shows any sympathy for Jack is the poor relation, May Dustin, and naturally he compares her with the heartless society girl. Jack wants to see more of May, and invents a unique way of doing so. He buys out the milkman who serves the family, and in that way is able to call on May everyday. Liking soon ripens into love, and May agrees to wed Jack, although thinking he has nothing in the world but a meager salary. After marriage she is told the truth and finds that her husband has money enough to supply her every wish. As for Clara, she has lost her only chance to win a prized millionaire."

Święta wojna

The plot centers around Hubert Dworniok (a Silesian twist on the Polish surname Dworniak) and his wife Anna. Hubert, more commonly known as Bercik, is a former miner. His wife Anna often refers to him as her 'silesian Tamagotchi', a play on the fact that Bercik exhibits small-man syndrome.

In retirement, the plot follows Bercik's inept and optimistic attempts to get rich, often using his Warsaw friend from their time at the Army, Zbyszek - who always enlists to help Bercik and attempts to keep Bercik out of trouble. Zbyszek often stays over at Bercik's flat when he comes to Katowice to do business. Zbyszek, a rookie salesman and a womanizer, sometimes falls to scams, much to Bercik's amusement and delight.

In a large number of episodes, Alojz, the local barman often finds himself as the mediator of the duo, as they often visit ''szynk'' (the boozer; the pub) to discuss their next business ideas. Gerard and Kipuś are the two local unemployed alcoholics who both seem to have more common sense than Bercik. There is a running gag with Gerard who often comes to Bercik 'to borrow five zlotys for a pint'.

Various other characters appear throughout the series. Anna's successful brother Ernest has his businesses frequently ruined by Bercik whom Bercik has a great dislike towards, for being a 'gorol' (referring to Poles with no Silesian culture) and a 'hapol' (miser; penny-pincher). Johnny, the local postman, is afraid of Bercik whom he calles a 'silesian Psychopath', and Karlikowa, an old woman and Bercik's upstairs neighbour, who often pries and meddles.

The Shepherd's Crown

Tiffany Aching is busy running her steading and taking care of the people of the Chalk. Jeannie, the Kelda of the Nac Mac Feegle, is worried that she's overworked. When Granny Weatherwax, Tiffany's mentor, dies, she leaves everything to Tiffany, who becomes the first among equals of the witches.

Geoffrey, the third son of Lord Swivel, is well educated, vegetarian and a pacifist. He is dissatisfied with hunting practices he considers barbaric, and after a confrontation with his father, heads towards Lancre, intending to become a witch.

Meanwhile, in the domain of the Elves, Peaseblossom senses that the passing of Granny Weatherwax has weakened the barriers between the realms. When a goblin shows the faerie court what the humans are capable of with iron and the status that goblins have achieved, Peaseblossom usurps the Queen, intending to reenter the human world and reestablish the elves' power.

Tiffany, spread thin tending to the Chalk and Granny Weatherwax's old steading, employs Geoffrey as a backhouse boy and starts teaching him. He and his goat get on well with everybody, and Tiffany dubs him a calm-weaver. Intending to help old men have some autonomy from their wives, he introduces the idea of sheds.

Nightshade, the former Queen of the Elves, is found by the Feegle stationed on the Chalk at the gateway to fairyland. Her wings had been ripped off before she had been forcibly ejected from her world. The Feegles restrain her until Tiffany arrives and takes her in on her family farm. While there, she decides to carry as a talisman the shepherd's crown, or fossilised Echinoid, that had been in the Aching family for many generations. Tiffany attempts to teach Nightshade what it is to be human and the motivations of kindness.

Tiffany gathers the witches to prepare for an invasion by the Elves. Geoffrey marshals the old men, and assembles a fighting force. Tiffany attempts to enlist the help of the Elf King. When that fails, she assigns the Feegles to build the King a shed in the hope that it will earn his allegiance.

The elves break through at two stone circles: up in Lancre and down in the Chalk. In Lancre, they are met by the assembled witches with help from Geoffrey and the men and they are defeated. In the Chalk, they are met by Miss Tick, Letitia, Tiffany, and the Nac Mac Feegle. Nightshade, with her glamour restored, fights for Tiffany, whom she now considers a friend, until she is killed by Peaseblossom. The elves seem to have the upper hand until Tiffany, wearing the shepherd's crown, calls the power of the Chalk to bring a storm and commands the ghosts of her grandmother's sheepdogs, Thunder and Lightning. She summons the King of the Elves, who kills Peaseblossom, and she banishes the elves from the Land.

Tiffany decides to devote herself to the Chalk. She recommends that Geoffrey be given Granny Weatherwax's steading, and hand-builds herself her own shepherd's hut, reusing the old iron wheels from her late Granny Aching's shepherd's hut.

Invitation to Happiness

Albert 'King' Cole is a talented heavyweight boxer who has potential to achieve the championship. At least his trainer, Henry 'Pop' Hardy thinks so. Hardy brings in his friend Mr. Wayne to sponsor Cole. Cole meets Mr. Wayne's daughter, Eleanor who is arrogant, but Cole manages to catch Eleanor's attention. Will they overcome their differences and obstacles and be together?


In the spring of 1989, after his wife develops early-onset dementia, Henry (Rich Sommer) takes a job as a fire lookout in Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. On his first day, Delilah (Cissy Jones), a lookout in another watchtower, contacts him via walkie-talkie and asks him to investigate illegal fireworks by the lake. Henry discovers a pair of teenage girls, who accuse him of leering. On his way back to his tower, he comes across a locked cave and spots a shadowy figure watching him before disappearing. He returns to his watchtower to find it ransacked. The next day, Delilah asks Henry to investigate a downed communication line. He finds it cut, with a note apparently signed by the teens. He and Delilah plot to scare the girls off, but when he finds the girls' campsite ransacked and abandoned, they begin to worry.

Henry finds an old backpack and a disposable camera belonging to a boy named Brian Goodwin, who Delilah explains was the son of Ned, a former lookout. Ned was an outdoorsman who drank heavily due to his traumatic experiences in the Vietnam War, while his son, Brian, enjoyed fantasy novels and role-playing games. Though it is against the rules for employees to bring their children to the towers, Delilah was fond of Brian and lied about his presence. He and Ned apparently left abruptly and never returned. The teenage girls are reported missing. Fearing an inquiry, Delilah falsifies reports to say that neither she nor Henry encountered the girls.

Two months after Henry started his job, a small wildfire breaks out south of his tower. Two weeks later, Henry discovers a radio and a clipboard while fishing, with notes including transcripts of his conversations with Delilah. He is beaten unconscious by an unseen assailant and wakes up to find the clipboard and radio gone. In a meadow referred to on the clipboard letterhead, he finds a fenced-off government research area. He breaks in and discovers surveillance equipment and typewritten reports detailing his and Delilah's conversations and private lives. He also discovers a tracking device, which he takes with him. Henry and Delilah discuss destroying the government camp but decide against it. As Henry hikes home, however, someone sets fire to the camp.

The next day, Henry uses the tracking device to find a backpack with a key to the locked cave. Delilah reports a figure in Henry's tower; when Henry arrives, he finds a Walkman taped to the door with an incriminating recording of Henry and Delilah's discussion about destroying the government camp. The next day, someone impersonating Henry calls another lookout and claims that Delilah knows the cause of the station fire, putting her and Henry more on edge.

Henry uses the found key to enter the cave but is suddenly locked inside by an unseen figure. Deep in the cave, Henry discovers Brian's body and broken climbing gear before escaping the cave. Delilah is upset by the news. The next day, an evacuation order is given for all the lookouts, as the wildfire that Henry had spotted and named earlier has grown out of control.

As Henry prepares to leave, the tracking device begins beeping. He follows the signal and discovers a tape from Ned. Ned claims that Brian's death was accidental, and that the boy fell due to climbing inexperience. Unwilling to return to society after Brian's death, Ned secretly lived in the area ever since. Choosing to venture deeper into the wilderness, Ned warns Henry not to look for him. Henry finds Ned's makeshift bunker, along with items stolen from the government camp, the lookout towers, and the teenage girls, who Delilah confirms have been found safe. The government camp was simply studying wildlife; Ned had been using its radio equipment to ensure that no one was looking for him and to create transcripts to scare Henry away. Despite Ned’s confession, Delilah blames him for Brian's death and leaves on the rescue helicopter. Henry goes to her tower, and he and Delilah say their goodbyes via radio before Henry evacuates.

Con Man (web series)

Wray Nerely (Tudyk) is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on ''Spectrum'', a canceled science fiction series that went on to become a cult classic. Wray's good friend Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion), who starred as the ship's captain, has become an A-list movie star. Frustrated by Jack's success and his lack thereof, Wray travels the science fiction convention circuit, makes appearances at comic book stores, and visits pop culture events. He navigates the odd people and incidents he encounters along the way while learning to love the fans he has.

Eleventh Hour (1942 documentary film)

A woman wonders if the sacrifices of war are worth it. Her first World War veteran husband assures her that it is.

Fourth Liberty Loans: I Had A Son

A father mourns the loss of his fighter pilot son, who crashes in New Guinea during World War II and survives, then sacrifices his life to save other Australian soldiers from a Japanese ambush.

First Victory Loan: Return Journey

A Padre visits the Davidson Family to console the mother and wife of an Australian soldier killed at the front.

Attempting to calm the angry wife, the padre relates his experience of his ship being torpedoed and then being stranded at sea on an open lifeboat for many days. One of the two who died of wounds on the lifeboat was the Padre's only brother.

Shoes (1916 film)

Eva Mayer (Mary MacLaren) works in a five-and-dime store for five dollars a week. That meager salary must solely support her family of two parents and three sisters because her father (Harry Griffith) prefers to lie in bed reading, smoking his pipe, and drinking pails of beer rather than looking for work. Eva desperately needs new shoes. The only pair she has are literally falling to pieces with soles that have large holes, so large in fact that she must insert pieces of cardboard inside her shoes to protect her feet. Finally, Eva decides to sleep with Charlie (William V. Mong), a local cabaret singer, in exchange for money. She buys new shoes but learns the same day that her father has finally secured a job, at least temporary work.

Looking Forward (1910 film)

The film focuses on Jack Goodwin, a young chemistry student who has discovered a novel compound that allows a person to be put in a state of sleep for any length of time. The compound causes an effect similar to suspended animation, with no ill-effects or bodily changes. Jack tests the compound on himself for a period of a week and desires to test it for a century. In preparation for this, he obtains a safety deposit vault and provides instructions to be presented before the mayor in a hundred years. Jack's experiment works and he awakes in the year 2010 to a very different future. Transportation has been radically changed to pneumatic tubes allowing him to be transported to the mayor. The woman mayor takes an interest in him and invites her over to her home. In the intervening years, the world has become ruled by women and Jack is now out of place, but the two fall in love. Her father is an advocate for men's rights and Jack joins their society. The group soon appears before the mayor and she sends all of them to jail through the pneumatic tube, except for Jack. She proposes to him, but Jack only consents if the rights of men would be granted. The mayor is true to her word and signs a decree to give the men their liberty. During the ceremony, she attempts to lead Jack to the altar, but Jack shows her that the man must lead. When the bridal veil is placed on Jack, he places it on his new wife.

Angry Mom

The protagonist, Jo Kang-ja (Kim Hee-sun) was once legendary for being the toughest, most feared troublemaker at her high school in Busan. Due to her pregnancy in her late teens, she drops out of school and tries to become a responsible mother to her daughter, Oh Ah-ran (Kim Yoo-jung). Fast-forward to the present, Kang-ja is now 34 years old and Ah-ran is a teenager attending high school. The two have a contentious relationship, with Ah-ran ashamed of Kang-ja's unrefined ''ajumma'' manners.

Meanwhile, in Myungsung High School, when Ah-ran befriends the class outcast Jin Yi–kyung, it makes her the target of the school bullies who make her life hell, yet she's too proud to tell her mother what's happening. When Kang-ja finds out that her daughter is getting bullied, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Unbeknownst to Ah-ran, Kang-ja enrolls in Myungsung High as an undercover student with the false name "Jo Bang-wool" to teach those bullies a lesson. But she ends up unraveling the darker problems within the educational system. Kang-ja makes it her mission to put a stop to the school violence, dig up the flaws of the education system, and school corruption at Myungsung High with the help of Ah-ran and naive, idealistic homeroom teacher Park No-ah.

What a Life (film)

Henry (Jackie Cooper) is falsely accused of making trouble at school. He must clear himself.

One of Us (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Cal recruits several “Gifted” individuals listed on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Index who all have grievances against S.H.I.E.L.D., and together they break out David A. Angar from a S.H.I.E.L.D. secure facility. Angar’s vocal cords were experimented on to the point that he can cause instant catatonia with a whisper. Though one of his recruits, Karla Faye Gideon, suggests forgetting S.H.I.E.L.D. and just running away to live new lives, Cal can’t forget about his daughter, Skye, who was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and has now developed abilities of her own. He has been developing a serum in the hopes of making himself stronger ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. had taken Skye and his wife had been killed, but results have been inconsistent, and now he hopes that he can stand against S.H.I.E.L.D. with the help of his new team.

Now that Skye has powers, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Phil Coulson has put her on the Index. She needs a psychological analysis and threat assessment, so Coulson asks Agent Melinda May to contact her ex-husband, Dr. Andrew Garner, who consulted for S.H.I.E.L.D. previously. He agrees to help on the condition that Skye gets to see his report as well, as he is doing this for her, not S.H.I.E.L.D. May explains that that won’t be a problem now that Coulson is in charge. Skye admits to Garner that she iced herself previously because she couldn’t control her abilities, and that she was scared of losing her status as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, even having nightmares of being targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. as she knows many Gifted individuals are.

Coulson and Agent Bobbi Morse investigate Angar’s breakout, and track Cal and his team to Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where Coulson was born. At the local football stadium, Angar has induced catatonia in many local high school students, and Cal’s team are standing watch over them, waiting for Coulson to arrive. Coulson calls May for backup, and rather than interfere in Garner’s session with Skye, which is taking place in the cage on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s plane, May flies straight to Manitowoc with Skye and Garner on board. Coulson confronts Cal on the field as May arrives. When Cal sees Skye in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s clutches (May holds a gun to her) he points out how terribly S.H.I.E.L.D. treats Gifted people. Before he can do anything, however, Gordon teleports into the stadium and takes Cal away.

Coulson, Morse, and May subdue the rest of Cal’s team, but as Skye witnesses the brutality S.H.I.E.L.D. uses against them, she loses control of her abilities again. As the stadium shakes, she tries to push her emotions aside as May has taught her, and as the shaking stops, she falls unconscious. Upon waking up, she learns that she had just directed her abilities inwards, causing hairline fractures up her arms. Garner recommends that Skye leave S.H.I.E.L.D. altogether, and notes to May that S.H.I.E.L.D. really hasn’t changed, as she said it had, turning down an offer to stay on and consult. Meanwhile, Agent Mack takes Lance Hunter as a prisoner to “the real S.H.I.E.L.D.”, an organization that he and Morse are secretly working for.

In an end tag, Cal is enraged that Gordon didn't take Skye, who he feels should be saved from S.H.I.E.L.D. Gordon taunts Cal about being a "science experiment", rather than being born with his gifts like himself and Skye. Cal then goes to learn his fate from Gordon's superiors.

Doea Tanda Mata

The film covers the limited nationalist resistance to Dutch colonial rule in the 1930s. A musician, played by Alex Komang, angered by the political murder of one of his friends, decides to murder a Dutch official. However, on falling in love with the sister (played by Jenny Rachman) of the murdered friend, he begins to wonder if vengeance is the right course.

The Childhood of Jack Harkaway

The film is not lost, but a modern synopsis has not been published. The official synopsis of the film was published in ''The Moving Picture World'' on December 24, 1910. It states: "Jack Harkaway is of aristocratic birth, being the son of a wealthy Englishman's daughter and a poor young man, with whom she has eloped. Her parents bring about a separation and compel her to place the child in the hands of strangers, who are bribed to keep his whereabouts a secret from his mother. At the age of 12 Jack is placed in a school, the master of which is prejudiced against him, owing to the boy's mischievous disposition. After having received severe and unjust punishment from the schoolmaster, Jack decides to run away from school, and escapes from the room in which he is locked, through the window. Wandering along a country road, he accidentally overhears two sneak thieves planning to rob a house. Jack makes his way to the house in time to warn its mistress of the proposed robbery. Two [man] servants are placed in hiding, when the would-be thieves put in an appearance there and are immediately captured. Jack is given a fine supper by the lady of the house, who is very grateful to him. And when the schoolmaster, accompanied by Jack's guardian, arrives, she is touched by the boy's appeal not to be turned over to his rough-looking 'friends.' Upon getting a closer view of the man who calls himself the lad's guardian, she realizes that he is the man to whom she was forced to give over her child. The man admits that Jack is her own boy, and the picture ends with the men being turned out of the house and Jack restored to his mother's arms."

The Trail to Yesterday

As described in a film magazine, David Langford (Maupain) kills his partner and accuses the son of the murder. A fugitive from justice, Ned Keegles (Lytell) goes out west, determined on revenge. When he meets Sheila Langford (Nilsson), he forces her to marry him, and believes his revenge is complete. When he hears that Langford is Sheila's stepfather, he is sorry. He tells Sheila so and begs for her forgiveness, but his enemies have darkened his character and she is slow to forgive. The attempted murder of Ned's best friend forces him to talk. Sheila comes to understand the true state of affairs and becomes satisfied with her marriage and the forced ceremony.

Tale of Tales (2015 film)

The Enchanted Doe

In the Kingdom of Longtrellis, the King and Queen cannot conceive a child. A necromancer suggests that if the Queen eats a sea dragon's heart cooked by a virgin, she will become with child but this will cost a life. The King slays the sea dragon but dies from his wounds. The Queen eats the heart and the next day bears a son, Elias, with hair as white as the dragon. The cook also gives birth to a boy, Jonah. The boys are identical and inseparable friends. This so vexes the Queen that she attempts to murder Jonah, though he manages to escape. Jonah leaves the kingdom, plunging a knife into a tree root and telling Elias that as long as the root spouts clear water, he is alive and well. One day the water is clouded with blood. Elias leaves to find Jonah. The Queen has her subjects search for Elias to no avail. The necromancer blames the Queen and says the youths are truly inseparable, and that her violent desire can be achieved only through violence. Elias finds Jonah wounded in a cave. They are threatened by a monster, which wounds Jonah but hesitates to attack Elias, who kills the monster and returns Jonah to his wife. In the cave, the monster's corpse dissolves into that of the Queen.

The Flayed Old Lady

The lustful King of Strongcliff is intrigued by the sound of a woman's heavenly singing. He courts her outside her home, unaware that she is one of two elderly sisters, Imma and Dora. Dora agrees to spend the night with him as long as it is in complete darkness. He is horrified when he sees her appearance the next morning and has his guards throw her out of the window. She survives, entangled in the branches of a tree. A witch rescues her and nurses her from her breast. Dora awakens as a young, beautiful maiden. The King comes upon her while hunting and decides to make her his Queen. Dora invites Imma to the wedding and promises to take care of her, but says she cannot stay in the castle. Imma refuses to leave, asking for the secret to her sister's youth and beauty. In annoyance, Dora says she got herself flayed. Finally thrown out after violating the royal couple's privacy in their bedroom, Imma finds someone willing to flay her, leaving her bloody and disfigured.

The Flea

The King of Highhills becomes fascinated by a flea, which he hides in his room as a pet. It grows gigantic under his care. When it dies, the King decides to skin it. His daughter Violet tells him she wants to be married, so he offers her as a bride to whoever can guess from what beast the skin was taken, believing no one can do so. However, an ogre correctly identifies the hide by smell. Violet is horrified but her father says he cannot go back on his word. Violet goes through with the marriage but says her father never loved her. The ogre takes Violet to his cave, where she is raped and kept prisoner. A family of acrobats helps her to escape, but the ogre gives chase and kills the entire family. He is mollified by Violet, who then slits his throat. Violet returns to the castle, where the King has grown ill and reveals she has the head of the ogre, the husband he "chose" for her. The King falls to his knees crying and the courtiers follow suit. Violet, too, begins to cry.

Elias, Dora and the King of Strongcliff are among the guests for Violet's coronation as Queen. There, Elias nods to her and the King of Strongcliff. As Violet's father walks her to the throne the crowd looks skyward, where an entertainer is walking a tightrope of fire. We see Dora's beauty begin to fade and, unnoticed, she flees the castle.

The Miller of Burgundy

In the picturesque little province of Burgundy in Eastern France, there lived an old miller named Meunier. With him, the joy of his heart and administrator to his simple needs, lived his daughter Louise, she of the dancing eyes and roughish beauty. Meunier enjoyed the respect of the simple easy going peasantry thereabouts and, from profits of his grist mill, he was enabled to live in a comparative comfort and contentment. This happy condition was interrupted when one Monsieur Bontemps, a rich Parisian financier and mill speculator, decided that he need Meunier's mill. To his offers, the miller however, turned a deaf ear and when Bontemp's son was sent to either purchase Meunier's mill, or start one in opposition, the old miller's future looked dark and foreboding. How the opposition mill was started, and how young Bontemps, having met with a serious accident, was nursed and cared for by Louise and her father; of how the Elder Bontemps himself, met with an accident and how this incident awakened him to a realization of his greed, all combine to make one of the sweetest stories of that year. It is pictured in a simple, charming manner amid the quaint, picturesque backgrounds of that romantic country.

I, the Worst of All

In Mexico in the 17th century, the Viceroy of New Spain and the newly elected Archbishop discuss how they will rule. The Archbishop sends a letter to the convent where Sor Juana lives informing the abbess that his first official order of business will be to visit their convent and to meet Sor Juana. For the occasion Sor Juana presents a play she has been working on. The Viceroy and his wife, the Vicereine are impressed with Sor Juana's writing. The Archbishop on the other hand is disturbed that the convent is so lax. He secretly meets with a few nuns and persuades them to elect a more formal abbess.

In the meantime Sor Juana and the Vicereine grow close. The Vicereine warns Sor Juana to be careful about how she speaks and what she reads and tells her of an auto-da-fé she witnessed in which hundreds were burned. Other nuns also approach Sor Juana and ask her to run for election to be the abbess, but Sor Juana refuses saying that she is in the middle of writing an epic poem which she cannot give up.

When the new abbess is elected she institutes a vow of poverty and tries to take away Sor Juana's books but the Vicereine insists that she keeps them. The Archbishop then attempts to censor Sor Juana's books based on a poem she has written about the Vicereine which he claims is sinful. Sor Juana's books are taken away but when the Viceroy hears of this he demands they be returned to her. The Vicereine tells Sor Juana that as long as she and her husband are in Mexico she will be protected.

Sometime later the Viceroy learns that he has lost favour with the King of Spain and is to be replaced. Before he leaves he visits Sor Juana and asks that she give the Vicereine permission to take her works with her to be published in Spain. Sor Juana agrees.

A political enemy of the Archbishop's encourages Sor Juana to write a rebuttal to one of the favourite theologians of the Archbishop. Sor Juana obliges believing the paper is for private circulation. However the work is published along with an attack on Sor Juana condemning her entire oeuvre.

In Spain the first volume of Sor Juana's poems have been published. The former Vicereine tasks a friend to bring a copy to Sor Juana who no longer answers letters and lives in seclusion and poverty in the abbey. When her former friend, a priest, agrees to hear her confession he orders her to do penance by relinquishing all her worldly possessions. As a final act of contrition Sor Juana writes a letter to the head of the church confessing that she lived her life as a pagan and signing it with her blood and the words, "I worst of all."

Monsters Wanted

The documentary follows Rich Teachout, a businessman who has quit his job in order to focus on cultivating a unique haunted attraction. Together with Janel Nash, the two will work on building and operating the Asylum Haunted Scream park during its first year of operation. The documentary also follows other haunted attractions in the Louisville area.

Law of the Pampas

Hoppy (William Boyd) and his pal Lucky (Russell Hayden) head to South America to look after a herd of cattle sold by Cassidy's boss to an Argentine rancher. Villain Ralph Merritt (Sidney Blackmer) wants to get his mitts on that cattle, and he's not above hiring the scum of the earth to do his bidding. Fortunately, Hoppy, Lucky and their new Latin American buddy Don Fernando (Sidney Toler) make short work of the bad guys in an outsized barroom brawl.

Hypnotized (1910 film)

Though the film is presumed lost, a synopsis survives in ''The Moving Picture World'' from December 31, 1910. It states, "May Smalley is a simple little country girl with whom Jack, a youth whom she has known since childhood, is very much in love. When a traveling show, consisting of a hypnotist and a Hindu magician comes to the opera house in her little town, the two young people are among the other interested spectators who flock to see the performance. May's youth and beauty attract the hypnotist, who plans to lure her away from her home. He sends May a message that he has a communication for her from the spirit world. Against the protest of Jack, her escort, May goes behind the scenes after the performance to meet with the great hypnotist, who fascinates her with his wiles. The hypnotist is an unscrupulous villain, and seeing that May is thoroughly impressed with his few tricks and considers him quite superhuman, he induces her to follow him when he leaves the town. How Jack proves himself to be a youth of resource as well as courage, the important part he played in May's deliverance by the Hindu fakir, is well told by the picture. Finally the hypnotist is shown in his true light. May is disillusioned, and comes to decide that Jack is just about the kind of protection she needs in a world of uncertainty." According to a reviewer, Jack comes up to the stage where the Hindu magician is and knocks him down. Jack takes his costume and follows the hypnotist and May to the hotel where he rescues her.


Nenette is a lady who has the mental age of an eight year old. After the death of her mother, she leaves on a search of her father, but ends up meeting her half brother Paul, a pharmacist surly.

The Man with the Iron Fists 2

Thaddeus is on his way to the monks at Wu Chi Temple on a quest on inner peace when he is attacked by the brother of Silver Lion and his henchmen. Thaddeus manages to defeat them all but receives a near fatal wound from claw of Silver's brother. He passes out and is seen drifting on a log down a river.

A narration tells about a spring of chi, the Golden Nectar flowing from the mountains that were protected by monks and the Gemini Twins. Lord Pi raided the temple in an attempt to gain control of the Golden Nectar but was defeated. His ghost is rumored to roam the mountains, still looking for the Nectar and stealing chi from anyone he encounters.

Meanwhile, in Tsai Fu village, a man is burying his daughter and demands that the killer be found. He challenges the mayor and Master Ho, the silver mine owner. All the men proceed to the mine to work where Master Ho is shown to be an oppressive task master, frequently maiming and killing underperforming workers. Most of the village men seek to rebel but Li Kung talks them down. Another girl is killed but nothing is done.

Li Kung's brother challenges Master Ho's man, Duyan, to a fight and wins. However, he is later found dead in the mines. Meanwhile, Li Kung's daughter, Innocence, finds Thaddeus floating in the river and tends him to health. His presence is hidden from the village and he is moved to the old blacksmith's residence. Li Kung and his men find a hidden cave with a fountain which Kung drinks from. The cave is rich in silver but they hide the existence of the cave from Master Ho. Li Kung, infuriated by the death of his brother, challenges Master Ho's clan to a fight. He asks Thaddeus to build weapons for the village but Thaddeus claims he is on a path of peace. He promises to forge better mining tools but whatever the tools are used for are not Thaddeus' responsibility.

Li Kung defeats two of Master Ho's men and Kung is threatened with the safety of his family. He replies by challenging Master Ho himself. However, on the way to the fight, a masked man cuts Kung badly. He proceeds with the fight in spite of his injuries and Master Ho aims punches to open the wound. As Ho is about to defeat Kung, Thaddeus arrives and saves his life. They are recaptured and sentenced to hanging the next morning. That night, his fellow miners aided by the bow wielding Mayor, rescue them. Thaddeus chooses to build the crippled Mayor iron legs, like his iron fists so he can join in the rebellion.

Li Kung reveals to the abbot of temple of the Golden Nectar that Master Ho wants to mine under the well and steal it. The abbot reveals that they did not kill Lord Pi because he was of royal blood but they ensured that he would never be able to steal the Nectar again. The monks join forces with the villagers against Master Ho and the Black Beetles to protect the source of the Golden Nectar.

The battle begins in the morning when the Mayor is revealed to be Lord Pi. His legs were cut off so he would not be able to try for the nectar again. After drinking from the spring, he steals the chi out of Innocence and kills her. After defeating the abbot, Lord Pi fights Li Kung, but together with Thaddeus, Kung manages to defeat and kill Lord Pi. Kung bathes his daughter in the river and is resuscitated. Thaddeus continues on his journey while the village is being rebuilt. Kung becomes Mayor and the villagers protect the source of chi.

Not Everybody's Lucky Enough to Have Communist Parents

In 1958 open referendum for the adoption of the Constitution of the Fifth French Republic, the daily life of Irene, communist activist who was rescued from concentration camps by the Red Army when she was young, and who is married to Bernard small Gaullist shopkeeper. Their political differences undermine their couple, watched their son and brother of Irene that often comes with her sister. In this historical moment, the Alexandrov Ensemble come to give a representation in France, allowing Irene to meet veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad in the sight jealous of her husband. She will do anything to convince him to vote no in the referendum ...

Love in the Time of Hydra

Former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent 33 was brainwashed by Hydra leader Daniel Whitehall, electrocuted while wearing a nanomask that disguised her as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Melinda May, and now permanently looks like May, but with a large scar and distorted voice. When Whitehall was killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Phil Coulson, Agent 33 ran away with former Hydra agent and S.H.I.E.L.D. mole, but now free agent, Grant Ward. The two of them kidnap the inventor of the nanomask, who does his best to repair 33’s, leaving her with the ability to either turn off the mask, or transform it into the appearance of anyone she sees, though turning it off means revealing the scar, and turning it on gives her May’s voice. Using this technology, 33 and Ward infiltrate the US air force base of Brigadier General Glenn Talbot and break out former high ranking Hydra operative Sunil Bakshi, who had captured 33 for Whitehall originally.

Agent Mack introduces Lance Hunter to the leaders of “the real S.H.I.E.L.D.”, an organization formed by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who mistrusted former director Nick Fury’s secrets, and who fear the potential harm caused by Coulson being resurrected by Fury using alien DNA, and Agent Skye having developed incredible abilities thanks to contact with an alien substance. They don’t want Coulson, whose behaviour they call “troubling” since his resurrection, to be in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hunter’s ex-wife, Agent Bobbi Morse, agrees that Coulson “has been compromised”. Morse later attempts to apologize to Hunter for not telling him about the other S.H.I.E.L.D., as they had recently been rekindling their relationship, and then allows him to escape. Agent Anne Weaver calculates that it will take Hunter 12 hours to reach land from the aircraft carrier that serves as their base, and Morse says that it will take only 6 hours for her to take Coulson’s base.

Unaware of everything that is happening, Coulson takes Skye to a safe house after May admits that Skye should be removed from S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson gives Skye a pair of gloves designed by Agent Jemma Simmons that are intended to negate her abilities, which create earthquakes. Coulson explains to her that though she may have new powers, she is still the same person to him. He then returns to S.H.I.E.L.D., leaving Skye to adjust to her new status quo.

In an end tag, 33 and Ward learn of her past, including that her name is Kara, before brainwashing Bakshi themselves.

Charlie Work

Charlie gets tipped off that the health inspector is coming to do a surprise inspection of Paddy's Pub, alerting Frank and rushing back to the bar, only to discover the gang is in the midst of an ill-fated chicken and air mile steak scam.

Dennis is painting a sign for Carmine's: A Place for Steaks and Dee and Mac are attempting to wrangle chickens for the fraudulent scheme. Charlie deduces that the gang used Frank's credit card to buy airline miles ,which in turn was used to buy 400 steaks. They plan to contaminate the steaks with chicken feathers by rubbing live chickens all over them so that they can get compensation money from the delivery company which delivers a variety of animal products.While the plan is underway, Frank reveals he flushed his shoes down the toilet.

Charlie begins barking orders to the gang, demanding they move all of the chickens into the back office. Charlie works on digging Frank's shoes out of the toilet and hides the glory hole in the men's bathroom. The bar suddenly loses power due to the vacuum sealer being used for the scam. Charlie tells Dennis to use the machine to package lemons and limes. Charlie and Dee go to the basement to test the carbon monoxide detector. To Dee's horror, it begins going off — Charlie explains he blocks the vents to fill the basement with hazardous gases to clear out the rodents.

The steak delivery truck arrives and the gang learns that Dee has inadvertently ordered considerably more steaks than they had planned. Charlie has Dee pretend Paddy's Pub is a real restaurant, orders Mac and Dennis to remove the Carmine's sign and gets Frank to move the truck out of the way while the delivery man is distracted. Charlie leads the delivery man to the back alley under the conceit that it's patio seating.

When the health inspector arrives, Dennis poses as a bartender while Charlie confidently gives her a tour of the premises. Through a series of quick-thinking gambits, he's able to successfully pass off the bar as being in a clean and orderly condition. The rest of the gang was also able to successfully get the delivery driver to take back the chicken feather-filled steaks. Charlie is excited about getting a passing grade, but the rest of the gang reveals that they care more about the scheme than passing.

The Invitation (2015 film)

Will drives his girlfriend Kira to the Hollywood Hills home of his ex-wife Eden, who is hosting a dinner party with her new husband David. Will and Eden divorced after the accidental death of their young son Ty; Eden met David at a grief support group in Mexico. Their other dinner guests are Tommy, Tommy's boyfriend Miguel, and friends Ben, Claire, and Gina. It’s the first time this group has been together in over two years. Gina mentions that her boyfriend Choi is running late. Eden introduces Sadie, a girl she and David met in Mexico who is now staying with them.

Throughout the evening, Will wanders through his former home and relives memories, including Eden's attempted suicide. In the kitchen, Will witnesses Eden slap Ben when he makes a joke about her ideas on expelling pain. Eden and David's friend Pruitt arrive. David locks the front door, explaining that there was a home invasion in the neighborhood. Will goes outside for firewood and, through Eden's bedroom window, sees Eden hiding a pill bottle that he later learns contains the barbiturate phenobarbital.

David and Eden tell their guests about a cult-like group they joined, along with Pruitt and Sadie, called "The Invitation", which helps people work through their grief. David shows everyone a video in which the group's leader Dr. Joseph comforts a dying woman as she takes her last breaths. The guests then play a game of "I Want" in which Sadie kisses Gina, Eden kisses Ben, and Pruitt confesses to killing his wife and doing time in prison. David tries to convince an unsettled Claire not to leave, but Will challenges him. Claire leaves, accompanied by Pruitt, whose car is blocking Claire's. Will watches Pruitt take Claire out of sight to talk to her, and David confronts Will about being too suspicious.

After dinner, Will peers through a cracked door and sees Sadie make odd faces into a mirror. She makes eye contact with him, follows him outside, and startles him with an indecent proposal, which he rejects. Will talks with Tommy about the weird, unsafe atmosphere he feels at the party, but Tommy reassures him that it is natural to feel strange about visiting the house and that Will is brave for showing up. He returns to the party while Will stays outside. Will finally gets a cell phone signal and finds a voice mail from Choi indicating that he was at Eden and David's doorstep before the other guests. Presuming that David and Eden must have done something to Choi, Will angrily confronts the couple about their strange behavior and links to the cult. Choi arrives unexpectedly, explaining that he was called away by work. Will is embarrassed, but the others assume his residual grief over Ty's death is causing him to behave irrationally.

David lights a red lantern in the garden. Will finds a laptop with a foreboding message from Dr. Joseph. David and Eden pour drinks for the guests to toast, but Will smashes the glasses, fearing they are poisoned. Sadie attacks Will, who inadvertently knocks her unconscious in the scuffle. Gina, who had sipped her drink before Will's intervention, collapses and dies. David, Pruitt, and a recovered Sadie attack the guests, killing Miguel, Choi, and Ben. Will, Kira, and Tommy flee and hide in the house. Will overhears David tell Eden that they have been chosen and that finishing what they started is the only way they can leave the Earth and be free of their pain.

Tommy fatally wounds Sadie with a fireplace poker. Pruitt finds and attacks Will and Kira, who beats him to death with a wine bottle. Eden shoots Will, wounding him, then remorsefully shoots herself in the stomach. David stalks the survivors with a knife, but Tommy disarms and stabs him to death. Eden apologizes to Will and asks him to take her outside. Will, Kira, and Tommy carry the dying Eden into the garden, where they hear sirens and screams and helicopters overhead. They see more than a dozen nearby homes with red lanterns and realize that Los Angeles is erupting in chaos as other cult members carry out similar plans.

Flop Goes the Weasel (film)

A mother hen is off trying to catch a worm for her soon to be baby. While out, a weasel steals the egg, wanting it for breakfast. Unfortunately the egg hatches and it mistakes that the weasel as its mother. The weasel wants to eat the chick, but it outsmarted him every time. For the last 3 minutes of the film, the weasel is constantly sneezing because the chick put pepper in his nose. He goes back to his biological mother, who found out that he had beaten up the weasel.

The Vicar of Wakefield (1910 film)

The Thanhouser production is an adaptation of only part of the novel. The film departs significantly from the original plot, such as in the omission of the double-wedding scene. It begins with Dr Charles Primrose, the vicar of Wakefield, attending a picnic with his landlord Squire Thornhill. The vicar does not like Squire Thornhill, who is reputed to be a degenerate young man, but he has no reservations once he sees Thornhill's interest in his daughter, Olivia. The next scene shows Squire Thornhill convincing Olivia to elope with him, so the two can be married. But Squire Thornhill has no intention of marrying her, and commissions a farmer to arrange a fake wedding ceremony. The farmer accepts, but shakes his fist in anger at the squire after he has departed.

Squire Thornhill leaves in a carriage with Olivia, whose departure is soon reported to the rest of the family. Stricken with grief, the vicar heads off to reclaim his wayward daughter. At the end of the marriage ceremony the farmer receives his payment, and the squire and Olivia embrace. The vicar arrives shortly afterwards, but after failing to persuade his daughter to return home with him leaves in despair. Olivia learns later that the marriage was a sham, but continues to live in Thornhill's house until he offers her as a prostitute to an acquaintance of his. Olivia flees in a rage and returns home, where she is reunited with her family. Thornhill, now out for revenge, has the vicar arrested and thrown into jail for unpaid debts.

Olivia goes to meet her father in prison, and upon exiting the farmer who had arranged the marriage between Olivia and Thornhill appears and gasps in shock. The vicar explains that Olivia is his daughter, and the farmer reveals his role in the plot, but that out of hatred for Thornhill he procured the services of a real priest to officiate at the wedding. The farmer heads to Thornhill's house and reveals that the marriage was in fact legitimate. Thornhill's uncle, Sir William, forces him to take responsibility for his actions and beg Olivia's forgiveness. Olivia accepts Thornhill's apology and the couple embrace and kiss. Although not in the surviving print, the synopsis concludes with "Sir William then discloses his identity and asks for the hand of Sophia [another of the vicar's daughters]. The vicar is released from prison, and he and his family look forward to a future of happiness and plenty."

The Showdown (1940 film)

A Baron from Europe is out to steal some race horses, rename them and then race them from the Colonel's ranch. Hoppy becomes suspicious of the Baron, so when he wins money from him at poker, he marks the bills. Then gets robbed, but when the money appears it is in the Baron's hands.

Dupla Identidade

Eduardo Borges (Bruno Gagliasso), or Edu, is a young man above all suspicion: handsome, smart, and sensitive. However, his perfect man appearance is simply a mask that covers up his fearsome personality: a dangerous psychopath behind a number of crimes that have caught the police's attention. A cold, conniving, and callous criminal; a serial killer who kills purely out of pleasure.

Edu gets romantically involved with Ray (Débora Falabella), a compassionate and daring young woman who sees in him the personification of the perfect man. Erratic and emotionally unstable, Ray bets everything on this romance, letting herself be manipulated by her boyfriend, without suspecting his double life.

Unable to solve the murders, the police put together a team equipped with the most advanced forensic techniques, led by Chief Dias (Marcello Novaes) and the psychologist Vera (Luana Piovani), a specialist in criminal behavior. Both with contrasting personalities, they have already worked together in the past, and were once in a troubled relationship. This reencounter brings back old feelings, revealing that there still is a spark between them.

Due to a work-related matter, Edu manages to infiltrate the police. Oblivious to the fact that the killer is close by, they start an electrifying pursuit of the serial killer, who is deliberately leaving clues to challenge them. Edu becomes fascinated with playing mind games on Vera, who is determined to find out who the killer is and how he commits his crimes.

Interrogation Room 109

''Interrogation Room 109'' follows the quick rise and cataclysmic fall of the business partnership between Slice, a well-established Jersey City drug dealer, and G-low, a good-natured guy who naively entered the hustling world for extra money so he can play provider to his girlfriend, Sharon. However, Slice used to go out with Sharon and he’s still in love with her. G-low, naively approaches Slice to become partners in the drug game even after learning that Slice used to date Sharon. Slice reassures G-low his feelings for Sharon are long-gone and everything moving forward is about business. Against his best friend, Cee's, warnings, G-low takes a chance and joins forces with Slice.

With a car full of illegal drugs, Slice intentionally runs a red light and they are picked up by the police. During his interrogations, G-low begins to second guess himself and the interrogation tests his mettle and takes a toll on him. Meanwhile, during his detainment, Slice conspires with cop Detective. Monroe to ensure his own preservation, and to further set G-low up. Slice has Detective Jones mark two kilos in evidence, when there were really three in their possession.

Feeling the pressure of being incarcerated and interrogated, G-low allows himself to be blackmailed by Det. Jones and agrees to pay him $5,000, and then plans to run. Slice figures that G-low will run, leave Sharon behind, and then he can blame G-low for the missing drugs when it comes time to answer to their supplier's inevitable inquiries about his missing drugs and money. And, of course- Slice figures he could win back Sharon, even though he has a very jealous live-in girlfriend, Lisa.

G-low unknowingly throws a wrench in Slice's plan and pays their supplier, Rico, a visit to update him and smooth things over. This is when G-low learns that there were three kilos in the car- not two like he originally thought. It dawns on G-low that Slice has set him up. As he's coming out of Rico's apartment, he runs into Slice who realizes the cat is out of the bag.

Up until now, neither detective was aware that his partner has a non-kosher relationship with their respective detainees, which feeds into the distrust between Slice and G-low. Slice figures out that there's something fishy and pays Detective Monroe a visit to get the rest of the drugs Monroe was holding, and to kill him. His next target is G-low.

G-low now has more problems than he ever expected. Sharon leaves him in the midst of the chaos and he is still left to deal with a crooked cop, who upped the ante on him, and a former business partner with a major personal vendetta against him. Detective Jones drags G-low to Slice's apartment to get in on the deal with the extra kilo that Slice took from Detective Monroe.

In the meantime, a young kid who is trying to make a name for himself in the streets learned that Slice killed his homey. He seeks the help of an Wildpit, an OG, and Banks, a wanna-be gangsta to seek revenge on Slice. When Wildpit and C-note make their move, they find Slice with G-low and Detective Jones and open fire.

The Dragon, the Young Master

Pai Wu Lang, disguised as the "Silver Ninja", arrives in a Manchurian mining town seeking his father's killer. His search is complicated by a cache of jewels, the reward of a spy for Japan, buried somewhere on the mountain. He saves a flower seller, Xue Hua, and her blind father from government thugs, then discovers that the old man caused his father's death—accidentally. When Xue's father is himself murdered, she and Pai join forces to clean up the town.

The Farmer's Daughter (1940 film)

Nickie North, a producer, and Scoop Trimble, a press agent, find an investor for their film, who insists that they cast the producer's ex-girlfriend Clarice Sheldon, as the lead. After Sheldon finds out North has a new girlfriend, she leaves, leaving the producer to find a new lead actress.

Les gazelles

Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision: she leaves Eric to throw herself into the big sea of pleasure and freedom. But she actually ends up on the bottom of the pool, where she discovers a world without pity: at her age, being single is quickly perceived as a suspicious defect. Enlightened by new friendships, Marie learns to envisage her single life as a chance to become even stronger and to at last be ready to be happy.

A War

A Danish soldier in a squad patrolling Helmand province sets off an IED. He dies from horrific injuries while his commander, Claus, back at base camp can do little to help. After that, Claus resolves to join his men on every patrol. After treating an injured little girl, her family comes to the base because the Taliban has threatened to kill them for asking the Danes for help. Claus sends them back to their village.

Meanwhile, back in Denmark, Claus' wife Maria is trying to hold everyday life together, with a husband at war and three children missing their father. The strain their father's absence takes on the family is seen as the burdens of parenting fall solely on Maria.

The next day, Claus and his men return to the village to find that the Afghan family they had helped has been murdered. Then without warning, an ambush by insurgent forces ensues. Claus, in the confusion of battle, calls in an airstrike on a nearby compound, though he knows he lacks proper identification (PID) of the enemy. This allows the Danish troops to retreat without loss of life. However, Claus is charged with the killing of 11 innocent civilians and sent home. The potential consequences of these accusations shake him and his family. Claus' defense lawyer asserts that he needs to claim that he had PID in order to avoid prison. Though he plans to admit his guilt, Maria angrily admonishes him for not thinking of his children's lives without a father. He decides to claim he called in an airstrike because he had PID.

Evidence against him mounts as Claus' men testify in court. His close friend and comrade, who had known him since boot camp, testifies that Claus, despite being a good officer, was feeling the strain of leadership and making rash decisions. In the witness box, Claus maintains his position. After being probed by the prosecution, he angrily declares that those who have not been in combat can not understand what it takes to make life and death decisions. Unexpectedly, Claus' former radio operator testifies that he identified muzzle flashes in the compound, giving Claus a plausible reason to call the airstrike. Though this evidence is dubious, it is enough to convince the judge and sub-committee that Claus had a legitimate PID.

Later while tucking his young son into bed, Claus notices how his son's feet resemble those of the murdered little girl in Helmand. He sits alone outside looking at the night sky.

Crash and Burn (2008 film)

Kevin Hawkins, a former car thief now working as an undercover cop, hooks up with his old small-time crime buddies in order to infiltrate a warring gang of choppers who'll do anything to secure their territory. When a brutal murder adds a violent twist to Kevin's mission, he fears it's all headed for a violent crash and burn.

Undrafted (film)

A summer-league baseball team called the DBs (for Diamondbacks) is in the league semifinals. Maz, one of their players, decides to play despite the disappointment of finding out minutes earlier he was not drafted. The opposing team, the Bulldogs, have ringers so the DBs will have to play extra hard to win. The DBs manage to keep the Bulldogs from scoring until the final inning. Pitcher Dells loses his confidence and gives up several runs. The DBs must play perfectly in their final inning, and by some miracle, Maz becomes the hero of the game.

Dinner with Friends with Brett Gelman and Friends

Brett Gelman hosts a dinner party with Dale Dickey, Gilbert Gottfried, Alex Karpovsky, Fred Melamed, Alison Pill, and Lance Reddick. Gelman shows himself to have an evil side as the party goes on. When the guests have had enough, he reveals this to be a prank. Karpovsky leaves, however, Joey Fillipiano (Anthony Atamanuik) warns that there is no escape. In order to bond better, following his misbehavior, he makes the remaining five reveal their innermost secret to each other clandestinely.

After they receive their entrées, Gelman tells that he has devised a play starring each of the remaining five. He blackmails them with a recording of their telling of secrets—and threatens to tie them up just as Karpovsky has been—if they fail to comply. The five recite the play, but Gelman stops it, unamused. When police sirens sound, he instructs the guests to ambush the officers using the handguns they are given. It turns out to be a chimpanzee dressed in a police uniform, and everyone is relieved until a henchman informs Gelman that they are short a gun. Gottfried, who has it, threatens to shoot Gelman. Gelman convinces him to hand over the gun, with which he then uses to murder Gottfried.

Gelman forces Melamed to bury his corpse outside with a shovel. He uses it to attack Gelman, along with the rest. Afterward, Gelman wakes up and explains he must have had a psychotic episode. He laments the murder of Gottfried before revealing this to be a farce and that what he has done was planned from the start. He decides to let them go, informing that he will be following them for the rest of their lives.

Aunt Hilda!

The film is set in Beaumont-les-Vignes, a fictional town in south-eastern France in the near future. Two sisters, Hilda and Dolores, followed diametrically opposite course. Hilda, a young redhead with a lanky silhouette, is a fierce environmentalist: she goes around on a bicycle, is always concerned about the preservation of the environment and gathered a plant museum where she keeps all kinds of plants. Dolores, on the other side, became the ruthless CEO of a multinational food company seeking profits in the short term. Thanks to the GMO technology that involves genetically modifying plants, Dolores has developed a new cereal called Attilem, a kind of giant artichoke with tentacles. This new product, able to grow with very little water and no fertilizer, should bring her astronomical profits. She says it could even solve the problem of hunger in the world and replace oil as a new source of energy. But soon the Attilem plants begin to grow too fast, out of control, and invade the world. Dolores design then a pesticide and proposes to sell to governments to fight against the disaster that her company has provoked. Aunt Hilda does not agree and began to work to save the world her way, but the game is not over.

Twice Upon a Time (book series)

Rapunzel was in deep trouble. She was recently held prisoner by a witch as the result of a deal her parents made when she was born.

Prince Benjamin craved to have a grand adventure travelling minstrels would compose songs about. His mother, however, was overly protective and watched him “like a hawk”.

When the story began, Prince Benjamin was fetched for supper by his best friend Andrew. He was distressed to sit beside Prince Elkin, his “ever-bothersome, froglike” cousin.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel has been weeping. She was hungry, aching, and homesick.

The next day, Rapunzel woke to discover a little orange kitten on her feet. She named her Sir Kitty. When the witch appeared, Rapunzel threatened that her parents would find her soon. The witch laughed and told her she was far from any village.

At the same time, Prince Benjamin was wandering far from the castle. His glasses fell and broke. He stumbled around until a boy approached him and brought him to his house. The boy's father mended his spectacles as if it were never broken. In conversation, Prince Benjamin discovered that all the boys born the three years following his birth were also named Benjamin. He also found although the boy's father was excellent at making spectacles, he had to clean dung chutes for a stable income.

At late night, Andrew and Benjamin were furtively eating plum cakes in the kitchen. Benjamin admitted he wished for a way to prove himself and help the spectacle maker to work in his dream career. Andrew told him about a treasure cave in the Great Forest. A large, hairy troll guarded the entrance, so not even the bravest knights dared to approach it. If the prince defeated the troll, he could give the treasure to the spectacle maker.

The next day, Prince Benjamin discovered that Elkin was back for training to be a prince.

After a failed attempt at climbing down the tower, Rapunzel found a way to escape by looking into the mirror to see behind her when the witch was leaving. She found a trapdoor in the ceiling.

Later that day, Rapunzel discovered to her disappointment that she could not reach the trapdoor. However, she kept the mirror with her at all times. Using the mirror, she watched a person with green skin climb down the rope and drop off her dinner. She realized it was not the witch who brought her small gifts in her time trapped; it was the green creature. She wrote a letter to thank him for his kindness.

The next day, Prince Benjamin was given a map of the Great Forest and a book on trolls by Andrew. He was also notified by Elkin of his first hunt in six days. He learned that trolls were fatally allergic to tomatoes. When the hunting party splits up, he would ride off to the cave.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel's hair kept growing longer. In her dinner vegetable stew, she discovered seven peas on top forming a happy face.

Rapunzel woke up hours before dawn. She heard heaving sobs even though she was not crying. She discovered a round green face staring up at her. The creature introduced himself as Steven. Steven was in debt to the witch for saving his son when he suddenly could not breathe. The witch was the only person around, and she mumbled an incantation. A large bug flew out of Steven's son's throat. Steven asked what he could do to repay the witch, and the witch told him she needed a cook and guard. Therefore, Steven was stuck in the tower forever. If he leaves, his son would die.

Meanwhile, Benjamin was called by his father to go over the rules of the hunt. As per tradition, he was forced to ride with Elkin. Andrew thought it would be best to tell Elkin about the plans to go to the cave.

The next day, Rapunzel began to sing to keep her mind off the situation. She suddenly understood how to break the witch's bond with Steven.

Another day later, the hunting day came for Benjamin. He told Elkin his plans. Elkin was ecstatic to find the treasure cave and escape from hunting—a reaction Benjamin did not expect.

On the same day, Rapunzel explained her thinking to Steven: the bug that flew out of his son's mouth was controlled by the witch. The witch scared everyone else away so she was the only one around. Steven was not in debt at all. On the other hand, Rapunzel's mother was also bewitched when she made the deal.

Steven and Rapunzel tried to escape the tower, but encountered the witch. Steven ran away, urged by Rapunzel. The witch dragged her up the stairs and tossed her trunk. The trapdoor was locked thereon, and Rapunzel was truly trapped.

Meanwhile, Prince Benjamin and Elkin were searching for the cave. After a while, they found the cave, but they discovered the guard was not a troll, but an old hermit. Later that day, the witch visited Rapunzel. She asked her to let down her hair so she could climb up. Rapunzel discovered she was tricked. The witch had not brought her food, but a few branches. After the witch left, Rapunzel began singing again to release her stress.

Meanwhile, Benjamin and Elkin were talking to the hermit. They discovered the treasure cave was merely a rumor to keep visitors away. Benjamin confessed to the hermit that he had been expecting to give the treasure to a villager. The hermit told him there were other ways to help the villager, and someone would be singing for him. When Benjamin left the cave, he got lost in the forest. However, he heard a girl singing.

The horn signifying the end of the hunt was blown. Benjamin had to come back the next day to find the girl. Elkin shot some arrows onto nearby trees and dumped the rest on the ground to indicate the spot the singing was heard. Guided by the horses, the boys rejoined the hunting party.

The next day, Benjamin rode off early to find the singing girl. Guided by his horse, he soon found a tall tower. He discovered a strange woman asking the girl to let down her hair, and did the same after the woman left.

Rapunzel told Benjamin her story. Benjamin agreed to find silk to make a ladder so she could escape. Rapunzel found herself smiling long after the prince was gone. When Benjamin returned to the castle, he told Andrew and Elkin about Rapunzel. They stole silk from the seamstress's workroom at night. However, the next day, Benjamin found there was not enough silk.

After Benjamin left to get more silk, every minute seemed like an hour for Rapunzel. When the witch finally visited, Rapunzel blurted that she was slow like the prince. The witch was infuriated. She cut Rapunzel's hair and slid down the hair ladder with her. Rapunzel felt angry at herself for blurting out and for not cutting off the braid to escape earlier. The witch tossed Rapunzel into a ring of tall bushes and took off. Rapunzel did the only thing she could: sing.

Benjamin soon reached the tower. However, when he climbed up, he only encountered the furious witch. He was struck to the wall and tossed out the tower. Fortunately, his horse softened his fall. His glasses were broken, and he had no choice but to trust his horse.

Benjamin's horse trudged further and further into the forest until it was dusk. He heard Rapunzel singing again: the horse had led him to her. After tossing the cloak over the bushes so Rapunzel would not be scraped by the prickles, Benjamin was given a pair of glasses. Apparently, he left them in the tower. Rapunzel suggested he hire a full-time spectacle maker. Benjamin was immediately inspired to hire the villager.

Benjamin and Rapunzel finally returned to the castle at midnight. Elkin had told Benjamin's mother and father about Rapunzel. The castle guards had trapped the witch inside the tower.

In the morning, Benjamin woke to the singing of fifty boys who were his namesakes. They were singing a song about the prince. Benjamin's dream was achieved. Rapunzel's parents arrived as she was eating breakfast. The hermit and Steven arrived soon after. The hermit revealed that Steven bolted past his cave just before Benjamin and Elkin visited. The hermit promised Steven he would find help for Rapunzel.

Twice Upon a Time (book series)

Princess Rose was cursed by a fairy at her christening ceremony. She would slumber for a century after being pierced by a spindle.

The Prince's mother was an ogre. She banned all beautiful objects and people from the castle, and sought blood on the second and fourth Thursdays of a month. Everything in the castle was dusted and turned dull.

Princess Rose was constantly supervised and avoided all pointy objects. On her eighth birthday, she invited four girls, including a girl from town called Sara. All the girls except Sara were displeased by the constant supervision of the ladies-in-waiting.

A few weeks after Rose's birthday, Sara's mother moved her family to another part of town with a blacksmith and his five children in a tiny house. Rose wanted Sara to stay in the castle. She became her new lady-in-waiting.

Meanwhile, a hundred years later, the Prince's new page, Jonathan, taught the Prince how to survive in the wild, since he ran away often. When he first ran away, he glimpsed a familiar building on the castle grounds, hidden by vines.

When the Prince was fourteen, he discovered a small separation of the vines over a window of the mysterious building. He saw a castle library that looked exactly like the one in his castle. The Prince wanted to discuss this with Jonathan, but found that he went to be a squire.

The Prince was devastated. He spent nearly a month in the forest. When he returned home, he was told he was in charge, since his father and mother had gone to a meeting. The Prince saw this as an opportunity to learn more about the history of the castle, so he invited the oldest people in the kingdom and neighboring towns for tea. During teatime, he discovered that his castle used to be a field, and the old castle used to be farther away. One day, the castle spontaneously relocated. It moved just less than a hundred years ago, right after Princess Rose disappeared.

When Princess Rose was sixteen, she visited her cousins. She wandered around and found an old woman. She saw a sewing machine for the first time, and was amazed at her natural talent. She was just being passed a spindle as her parents and Sara arrived, but then, it was too late.

After he learned about the castle's history, the Prince dreamed of a fairy handing him a book. He searched for it in the library when he woke. Inside the book was a pamphlet about the story of a fairy who saved Princess Rose. The truth dawned on the Prince.

The night before the Prince's sixteenth birthday, he could not sleep. He stared at the mermaid fountain outside the castle. Suddenly, for a split second, it came alive. He checked on his hidden rosebush. One rose was blooming in the patch even though it is nighttime. He realized the next day marked a hundred years after the princess was put to sleep.

In the morning of the Prince's sixteenth birthday, he arrived at the door of the castle. The vines parted. He kissed the princess and awakened her. However, the princess was horrified that everyone she loved and knew was dead.

The Prince and princess walked through the gardens. They discovered that the princess could not walk past an invisible wall around the old castle grounds. When they returned to the old castle, Princess Rose found Sara waiting for her. Sara had requested to sleep along with Rose and wake when she woke.

The Prince returned to his castle to take care of things at home. He was worried that since Princess Rose was beautiful, his part-ogre mother would not accept her. Rose might also abandon him if she knew about his mother.

When the Prince returned home, he was on constant supervision. His enemy, Percival, told his father that he was imagining things. He could not return to Princess Rose on time.

The Prince sought help from the falconer. He told him the story. The falconer offered to cause a distraction that would divert the guards’ attention that night. At dinner, the Prince encountered a fairy, who told him that the princess could not leave the old castle grounds until his parents have accepted her.

The falconer's diversion worked. However, the Prince was spotted. He ran to the old castle, hid with Rose and Sara, and locked the room door. The Prince told Rose about his mother, and Rose chose to rub dirt on her face and cut her hair haphazardly.

The Prince's mother was happy at the Prince's choice for a mate. Suddenly, the colors of the old castle faded. The two castles had merged into one.

The Prince and Princess Rose lived happily ever after.

Funnel Web

A Canadian woman, Nina, is searching for her husband, Max Godfrey, who deserted her years ago. She finds him living in Sydney. Max has also defrauded his business partner. He decides to take steps to get rid of both his ex-wife and former business partner.

Nipples & Palm Trees

After having trouble with his girlfriend, a painter named Jackson searches Los Angeles to find love, though he mostly finds casual sex.

La Couchette

Maxwell (Shearsmith), an English doctor, settles into bunk 9E while traveling from Paris to Bourg-Saint-Maurice. Maxwell is disturbed first by Jorg (Pemberton), a drunk, flatulent German who climbs into bunk 9D, then by Kath (Hesmondhalgh) and Les (Benton), a couple en route to their daughter's wedding. Jorg is in Les's bed, but the couple climb into 9A. Shona (Gunning), an Australian backpacker, enters; she places her bag on bunk 9C then leaves, and Maxwell closes the door. Kath and Les, laughing at Maxwell, begin to undress on the bed. Les wakes Jorg, but understanding is limited until Maxwell translates. Jorg switches to 9F and Les climbs into 9D.

Hours later, Shona re-enters the room with the English trustafarian Hugo (Whitehall). The pair sit on 9C and share a can of Carling while swapping travel stories. Hugo says he would rather stay in this carriage than in first class, and the pair begin foreplay. A face appears from 9B, and a man (Glaves) falls to the floor. The carriage's inhabitants wake. Maxwell confirms that the man is dead, then leaves to look for a guard. Jorg finds a family photo in the man's pocket. Maxwell returns alone, and Jorg suggests they use the emergency stop button. Les prepares to smash the glass. Hugo stops him, confessing he is ticketless, Maxwell says he has an interview with the WHO in the morning, and Les, to Kath's annoyance, confesses that he does not want to risk missing the wedding. Maxwell explains the situation to Jorg, Les and Kath argue, and Shona refuses to let Hugo back into her bunk. Maxwell gives Jorg some tablets for his constipation, after which Shona offers a eulogy. The body is placed into 9B, and Hugo climbs into the same bunk. The passengers settle, but Kath lies sleepless.

After dawn, Les accidentally wakes Maxwell, but sees that Kath is absent. The train brakes, waking everyone, and Hugo and the corpse fall to the floor. Maxwell guesses that Kath has stopped the train as Jorg stands, dropping his trousers. Maxwell next guesses that Kath has jumped in front of the train, and Les repeatedly hits him with a pillow as Jorg defecates into Kath's shoebox, which is held by Hugo. Shona sees that the train has hit a deer, and Kath re-enters.

Later, Maxwell is dressed, and Hugo enters, wearing one of Shona's T-shirts. He says that Jorg is cleaning himself. Kath and Les talk; the latter feels remorse, and Kath insists they attend the dead man's funeral, after the wedding. Shona and Hugo leave the carriage; they intend to go "exploring" together. Maxwell says his goodbyes to Kath and Les, then, alone, receives a call from his driver, who is waiting for him and Dr Meyer. Maxwell turns to the body and says he is "terribly sorry", but there can only be "one candidate". As he says Meyer's name, Jorg, now smartly dressed, answers. Jorg explains that he is Dr Meyer, and that he is traveling to the same interview. As Jorg leaves the carriage, Maxwell looks at the corpse in silence.

Far West Story

A young girl living on an outback station comes down with polio.

El ministerio del tiempo

The Ministry of Time is the best kept and most closely guarded secret of the Spanish government: an autonomous government institution that reports directly to the Prime Minister and the Spanish Monarch. Its patrols watch the doors of time so that no intruder from other eras can change history for their own benefit.

The series follows the assignments of the Ministry's newest patrol: the one formed by Army of Flanders soldier Alonso de Entrerríos, 19th century student Amelia Folch and 21st century SAMUR paramedic Julián Martínez.

The Sergeant from Burralee

In the 1830s, a white settler is speared in the Newastle district. An Aboriginal, Jacko, is charged with the crime. However Captain Alcot interrogates Jacko, becomes convinced of his innocence, and sends a despatch to Sydney saying he is going to release the man. That night a party is held in the officers' mess and, in a drunken stupor, Lt Ned Louden shoots Jacko in the back.

Urged on by Nathaniel Carlton, the resident magistrate, Captain Alcot writes to Sydney to explain the situation. Louden is arrested and brought to Sydney for a trial. Thomas Morland, the acting attorney-general, is sent to Newcastle to investigate the murder.

Captain Alcot wishes to keep on the good side of the land-hungry Carlton so they attempt to defend the drunken lieutenant who has shot a native. Neither believe the prisoner Jacko had anything to do with the murder of a white settler, since he was captured 60 miles away from the crime. So they bribe Sergeant Constantine, who arrested Jacko, into saying that the place of arrest was close to Newcastle.

At a trial in Sydney, the lieutenant is charged with murder by the Acting Attorney-General. False testimony by Constantine brings a verdict of not guilty; but the playwright makes it clear that it is as much a victory as a defeat—"people will have second thoughts" about molesting aborigines after this.

The Tong Man

As described in a film magazine, Luk Chen (Hayakawa), whose heart beats for Sen Chee (Eddy) and for her alone, is commissioned by the tong of which he is a member to murder her father for failure to deliver her to Ming Tai (Roberts), a power in San Francisco's Chinatown. His love proves stronger than his sense of duty and he fails to execute the command, so Ming Tai performs the duty in his stead. Ming Tai then abducts Sen Chee. Luk Chen effects a rescue and they conceal themselves in a dungeon belonging to Ming Tai. Their enemy discovers them and for a time it seems their end is only seconds away. They are then rescued and make their way by boat to China.

A Perfect Man (2015 film)

Matthieu has had the manuscript of his first novel rejected repeatedly. When he discovers a manuscript among the abandoned possessions of a recently deceased man, he publishes it as his own work to great acclaim. He begins a relationship with Alice, a book critic. Years pass and he fails to produce another book and has spent what his first book earned as well as the advance he has received for his next work. He is blackmailed by a man who knows of and can prove he is a fraud even as others, especially Alice's brother, doubt his talent. In a confrontation he kills Alice's brother. In a burst of creative energy he writes a new novel, which he gives to Alice to read. Pursued by his blackmailer, he stages a car wreck to kill him and then retreats from life. Later, he comes across Alice in a bookstore with their newborn child, celebrating the posthumous publication of Matthieu's novel.

El Dandy (TV series)

Inspired by the 1997 American drama ''Donnie Brasco'', ''El Dandy'' tells the story of a law professor who has been hired by the Attorney General, to participate in a program of special operations, where he must infiltrate one of the most notorious drug cartels of Mexico City. Under the false name Daniel "El Dandy" Bracho (Alfonso Herrera), he begins the task of identifying all the members of this clandestine network. However, he quickly finds that his acute ability to police work is only comparable with the exciting sense of danger that experiences living life to the fullest. Along the way, it avails itself of the help of a criminal's petty, loyal, even corrupt, ally called El Chueco (Damián Alcázar), who quickly befriends Bracho and comes dangerously close to discover his true identity. Much deeper, Bracho is involved in the mafia, more work tells him to get out, and the professor, once incorruptible, has to choose between returning to a normal life as a respectable citizen or fully embrace his criminal life.

Bis (film)

After an accident two childhood friends are transported back to 1986.

Tommy Atkins (1915 film)

A German-born captain kills his wife and frames his fiancée, who loves a curate.

Mary Latimer, Nun

A girl from the slums marries the son of an aristocrat. When he abandons her, she makes a living as a music hall performer.

Comin' Round the Mountain (1940 film)

After briefly moving to the big city, Jed Blower, a musician, moves back to his hometown in rural Tennessee and becomes mayor. He then tries to convince his family to go to the city and play their music on the radio.

No Child of Mine

13-year-old Kerry (Brooke Kinsella), whose last name is not disclosed for safety reasons, endures problems at home with her parents fighting each other and eventually separating. Shortly after, her mother's new boyfriend, Graham, (Geoffery Church) moves in with them and begins physically and sexually abusing her. Her mother, Linda (Sharon Small), also occasionally takes part of/in the abuse. Kerry's father, Jim (Bill Geraghty), a construction worker, attempts to manipulate her into prostitution, something she is unaware of until a few truck drivers "borrow" her.

Kerry's situation worsens at home and she decides to run away after Jim attacks Linda and Graham for abusing Kerry. One of her class teachers, Paul (Colin Salmon) suddenly becomes aware of her situation and attempts to have her placed in childcare. The class teacher, social workers, and friends attempt to file charges of sexual and physical abuse on Kerry's behalf against her mother's boyfriend. However, the Crown Prosecution Service later declines to continue the case, arguing there is not enough legal evidence to support the allegations. Kerry is placed into foster care, but struggles to settle in and repeatedly destroys property, making it impossible for the foster family to keep her.

Kerry is then placed into a care home. She is seduced by a pimp (who knows exactly how Kerry feels about living with a stubborn mother and stepfather like hers who don't understand her), and for some time willingly leases herself for profit. A social worker in the childcare home also begins to sexually abuse her. Feeling helpless, Kerry frequently visits her class teacher and tries to move in with him, but he is unable to care for her. He consults his friend and child-support agent to have Kerry placed somewhere safe, but her case cannot be given any more priority than that of any other child.

Towards the end of the film, Kerry runs away and finds a small and peaceful care home in a rural location. They decline her offer of money, which she obtained by prostituting herself. Traumatized, Kerry does not speak for the past 5 days there. Then 12 days later, as she begins to trust the people in the home, she begins to reveal her story after a woman in the home saw inside that Kerry's been through an abusive life. Not only did the bad people get off scot-free for what they've done to Kerry, but she's finally free from her pain. It's then revealed that she went on to study at a university.

Princess Trulala

The young and wild Princess Trulala should finally get married! Her chosen one is the young and beautiful Prince Arnulf, whose father of the same name, the old Prince of Leinefeld, rules over a small empire. In order to get to know her groom better, Princess Trulala travels with her sister, Princess Hopsassa, both disguised as waitresses, to the residence of the young prince. The Prince too wants to get to know his bride better, and dresses up as a forester. Of course, as usual for a comedy of confusion of that time, this leads to all sorts of more or less funny misunderstandings.

Since the two waitresses are quite handsome, the village boys in Prince Arnulf's empire are now also beginning to develop interest in Trulala and Hopsassa, which in turn arouses plenty of displeasure among the village beauties of the country. When Trulala and Arnulf got to know each other better, they quickly take a liking to each other and want to escape the whole Tohuwabohu by tearing away to Munich. The old prince promptly leaves, believing that he has to free Arnulf junior from this improper "woman", this waitress. But eventually everything dissolves in pleasure, and Prince Arnulf gives his blessing to his son's marriage to that false "waitress", Princess Trulala. And quite en passé, the old man also finds pleasure in Trulala's sister Hopsassa, whom he finally leads home.

A Bachelor Husband

Inheritor weds stepsister who elopes with cad.

No. 5 John Street

A soap-making heiress disguises herself as a worker and gets employment at her own family's factory to find out about ordinary conditions. However she comes under threat from an anarchist.

Millions (1936 film)

Wealthy businessman and financier Otto Forbes has cut off his son Jimmy's allowance. Jimmy's valet Parsons comes up with a scheme to restore Jimmy to his father's good graces. The elder Forbes loves music, so Parsons suggests Jimmy "compose" a beautiful piece. Since Jimmy has no musical talent or training, Parsons tries to pass off works, such as a Beethoven sonata, as Jimmy's, but Forbes is not fooled, leaving Jimmy in deep financial trouble.

Forbes and bitter business rival Sir Charles Rimmer are running against each for Parliament. Jimmy meets and becomes enamoured with Rimmer's daughter, Jane.

Amityville Death House

During the 17th century, a white witch named Abigail Wilmont moved to Amityville after being run out of Salem. When Abigail's magic failed to save the life of a sick child, she was blamed for causing the child's illness in the first place, and lynched on the outskirts of Amityville. In the present, a warlock called the Dark Lord sets out to avenge Abigail's death by using a tarot deck and a Book of the Dead to resurrect Abigail as a semi-corporeal entity that he unleashes on Amityville.

While driving back home from a humanitarian trip to Florida, Tiffany Raymond and her friends Aric, Bree, and Dig stop in Amityville to visit Tiffany's grandmother, Florence. Florence, whose physical and mental health have been deteriorating ever since she found a diary that belonged to Abigail, lives in Abigail's old home, which has the same half moon-shaped upper windows as 112 Ocean Avenue. As Tiffany and her friends tend to Florence and read the diary, they are spied on by Abigail, who has begun slaughtering the descendants of the villagers who killed her back in the 1600s. The descendants include Florence and Tiffany.

After murdering five of the other descendants, Abigail snaps Florence's neck, and mesmerizes Aric and Dig into attacking Bree and Tiffany. During the struggle, Tiffany's blouse is ripped open to reveal that she has six breasts, a sign that she is a witch, according to the Dark Lord. Tiffany uses her own magic to bring Aric and Dig back to their senses, and together they attack Abigail, who fatally wounds Dig before being severely injured by Aric. Abigail proceeds to possess Florence's corpse, and then Bree. Abigail's possession causes Bree to mutate into a spider-like monster that kills Aric. Tiffany, having discerned that Abigail's power is tied to her diary, sets the book on fire; this causes Florence's house to explode, which attracts the attention of the passing Sheriff McGrath. One of the diary's pages is prevented from burning up completely by the oblivious McGrath.

Since her diary was not completely destroyed, Abigail was not vanquished, and the film ends with the reveal that she has possessed Tiffany.


Sir Mark Loddon, a war hero and Member of Parliament, is suing a newspaper for libel. The paper claims that he is an impostor, a fellow soldier and friend of Loddon from the war who happened to resemble the original Loddon. The play is set in the courtroom as the trial for the lawsuit takes place. Loddon takes the stand as the first witness. He recounts being taken prisoner during the war, then escaping a few years later. After the war he married his pre-war fiancée, Enid, and was elected to the House of Commons. However, he says he has no recollection of events from before he was taken prisoner, a condition he attributes to shell shock. On cross-examination, defence lawyer Thomas Foxley accuses Loddon of being Frank Wenley, a soldier who escaped with Loddon and had strikingly similar features. Another soldier from the escape, Patrick Buckenham, testifies that Loddon and Wenley looked so much alike that they could have been twins. He believes Wenley killed the real Loddon. Loddon's attorney elicits testimony that Buckenham is being paid a stipend by the newspaper and had previously attempted to blackmail Loddon.

Dr. Emile Flordon testifies to treating a severely beaten patient who was wearing a jacket from Loddon's brigade. The patient has recovered physically, but his injuries have left him mentally incapacitated. This man could be Wenley, or he could be Loddon. Foxley calls Enid Loddon to the stand, and she testifies that she no longer believes her husband is the real Mark Loddon. Just as it seems Loddon will lose his case, he has a sudden memory and asks to take the stand again. Loddon explains that the injured man was a German soldier that he encountered while escaping. He beat the man and switched clothing to aid the escape. He cuts open the lining of the jacket that Flordon had brought from his patient. Loddon pulls out a photograph of Enid from before the war, saying it was a gift from her before he left. The defence accepts this demonstration as proof of Loddon's identity. He wins his case and reunites with his wife.

Super Daddy Yeol

Cha Mi-rae is a doctor and single mother to her young daughter Sa-rang. When she gets diagnosed with terminal cancer and told she has one year left to live, she seeks out her ex-boyfriend Han Yeol, a former baseball player. Mi-rae and Yeol were a couple a decade ago, but she broke up with him to study abroad and because she didn't think much of his prospects. Soon after, a serious injury forced him to retire from the sport, and Yeol became the rehabilitation coach of a major league baseball team. Mi-rae is determined to transform still-single, grungy, irritable Yeol into the best father possible for her daughter.

Cicak Man 3

Seven years on after the "Black Planet" incident, Cicakman the former superhero of Metrofulus has since disappeared, assumed by the public to have either died or retired. In his absence, a new superhero known as SuperBro has emerged to become the defender of Metrofulus.

The film starts with terrorists defeated by SuperBro. Man (Zizan Razak), on the verge of divorce with his wife Linda (Lisa Surihani), who takes custody of their son Boboy (Raykarl). Inspector Adam Faiz (Fizz Fairuz), brother of the Commissioner of Police, Commissioner Kahar and Linda's former friend, is into Linda.

With Man felt troubled by his situation and ignoring the help of his friend, Jojo (Bell Ngasri), he discovers an emblem of Cicakman that belonged to his statue. Man places the emblem back at the statue and discovers a box belonging to the former Cicakman. He goes home and gets into a conversation with a girl. while Man walks away to his house, opens the box he had found and discovers he has been chosen as the new Cicakman.

Meanwhile, the girl Man had been in conversation with gets harassed by a motorcycle gang. As she was even close to being gang-raped and this damsel in distress scenario is getting more serious, So he wears the new suit, and with a sudden confidence goes down to halt the attack hours later. Cicakman fights the gangsters and loses, having yet to discover his true potential and gets him beaten, because he did not check the whole content of the box entirely. In that box is also contained the serum that will transform him into Cicakman. Only this time, he really starts finding his true potential. He gradually unlocks an ability with his tongue, his moves in combat, wall climbing and so. So Cicakman once again halts the gangsters for harassing the same girl again. But this time Cicakman defeats them and wins the day.

Within these chapters are the struggle of Man reconnecting with his family, the intrusion of Adam, and his attempt to save the day when a train gets hijacked by a group of gangsters, only to have SuperBro intervene and finish the job. The crowd disregard Cicakman who saved the day and favours SuperBro more. Later Cicakman gets beaten by SuperBro.

Man intervenes Linda's new job as a singer at a local bar (provided by Adam), at this point he discovers how much Adam is into Linda and founds a folder covered in blood containing a photo of Adam and other man.

As Man returns, he discovers Jojo got sodomised by SuperBro. He found a robotic stick stuck up Jojo's anus.

The next day, Man is supposed to attend his son's Sports day. He deliberately misses a bus to the venue and instead investigate a supposed suspicious truck he found near the bar where Linda sings. A roof on a car chase ensues, but Cicakman gets incapacitated with a gun, shot at his chest. However the superhero founds his full potential of regeneration. So he went to the Sports day venue extremely late and trying to explain to Linda why he missed his son's Sports day. He tells her the truth, which didn't work out well and then gets told off by Linda. At the same time, Adam threatens the son to bury him alive for eavesdropping.

Man is at his breaking point, he burns his suit out of despair. As he walks close to a wall, he sees a wanted poster of the same man from the photo with Adam. Realizing Adam is a criminal, Man retrieves back his burned outfit.

Cicakman proves himself a capable hero by sending the pictures of Adam and the gangster leader to the police.

Adam brings Linda to the pre-jubilee event where she will sing. Adam proposes his love and marriage to Linda, but reacts violently when he gets rejected. He shots an innocent sound mixer guy in the head. He ties the mother and son and challenges Cicakman for a battle.

Cicakman comes to save the day, and a fight ensues. There are two points where the villain shoots an explosion of round ammunition. The occupants of the Ferris Wheel got into trouble and were hanging for their life, but Cicakman managed to save them. SuperBro aimed another explosive round on a baby's carriage. Cicakman tried to stop the explosion by throwing the carriage out of the funfair crowd. Along the process, Cicakman got injured badly and was unable to stand up properly to fight. Due to his regenerative powers, he only needed to wait for his injuries to heal themselves before continue fighting until the villain's battery ran out. He managed to beat the villain then and kicked him into the sea. The villain rose up from the water, only for his battery to drain out and he got electrocuted and blown into fireworks.

Later, Cicakman is awarded for his bravery, and he took off his mask to prove that he will not receive the award as Cicakman but as a responsible citizen of Metrofulus and a father. The Mayor of Metrofulus had also erected a statue of Cicakman to commemorate his service.

My Demon Lover

Denny is a young woman with horrible luck in men. Her latest encounters have been particularly bad, so when she meets the horny and homeless street musician Kaz she thinks that she may have found a good man. Little does she know that Kaz was cursed by the mother of a young girl he was messing around when he was in middle school. Whenever he becomes aroused he becomes a demon.

When young women begin to die throughout the city, Kaz begins to wonder if he is "The Mangler" that is murdering them. His worries are compounded when Denny's friend Sonia, a psychic, receives a vision that seems to confirm his suspicions. The killer is ultimately revealed to be Charles, who kidnaps Denny.

To save Denny Kaz sleeps with Sonia to trigger his transformation. He saves Denny and is cured of his curse, while Charles is defeated.

Bet Me

The novel begin as the heroine, Minerva "Min" Dobbs, a chubby, 33-year-old actuary, is dumped by her boyfriend, David. He is upset that she has refused to have sex with him; she's irritated that she is now without a date to her sister's upcoming wedding. Min retreats to one corner of the bar to be comforted by her two best friends, Bonnie and Liza. At the other end of the bar, David finds acquaintance Calvin "Cal" Morrisey and his friends. Cal has a reputation as a ladies' man and someone full of luck, who has never lost a bet. David bets Cal $10,000 that he can't get Min into bed within a month. Cal refuses to accept the bet, but does accept a $10 bet that he can get Min to go to dinner with him. Unbeknownst to Cal, Min has overheard the conversation. but believes that Cal has agreed to try to seduce her for the money. She accepts the invitation to dinner and insists he hand over the money he earned from fulfilling the bet. They are not impressed with each other - she is upset about the bet, he thinks she is grumpy.

Orange Marmalade (TV series)

Set in a fantasy world where humans and vampires coexist, the latter have evolved and no longer rely on human blood as food. Still, they are feared and discriminated against by society, causing many of them to hide their true nature and live as "normal" citizens, or else become outcasts.

Baek Ma-ri (Kim Seolhyun) is a socially withdrawn teenage girl hiding her vampire identity. Driven away from several neighborhoods, she is eager to settle down in her new city and live quietly. But things change when she accidentally kisses the neck of Jung Jae-min (Yeo Jin-goo) and falls in love with him. Despite that he is the most popular boy at her high school.


The plot centers around the arrival of a man named Godbody in a small town in New England and explores how his arrival transforms the lives of the residents. Many residents find happiness but Godbody is shot by the town newspaper's gossip columnist who attempts to enforce her views on morality on the townsfolk. In a sequence similar to the Resurrection, Godbody returns to life and departs once more, having encouraged the townsfolk to love one another.

Allanon's Quest

Allanon is on a desperate quest to find the last heir of Shannara before the Skull Bearers can wipe them all out. His quest takes him to the small village of Archer Trace, where he interrogates an innkeeper about the whereabouts of Eldra Darrivanian. Eldra is an elf who worked for the Elessedil Royal family as a historian that specialized in genealogy. After his son was killed under mysterious circumstances while serving in the Home Guard, Eldra felt the king did not do enough to discover who the killer was and bring him to justice. He then began neglecting and sabotaging his work, and eventually was dismissed. In disgrace, he left Arborlon with his wife and went into hiding near Archer Trace. After tracking him down, Allanon questions him as to whom the last heir of Shannara is and Eldra tells him that it is a man named Weir.

Allanon travels to Weir's home, and wonders about Eldra's strange behavior. He seemed tense and afraid. When he arrives at Weir's home he is attacked and takes a dagger to the chest, but using Druid magic he is able to kill most of his attackers, while the rest flee. During the assault, Allanon uses one of his attackers as a human shield. The man is pierced and killed by arrows. Afterwards, a Skull Bearer reveals himself long enough to tell Allanon that the man he used as a human shield was Weir, last heir of Shannara.

Allanon retreats to the home of friends where he is healed of his wounds by medicine and magic, then returns to the home of Eldra. Eldra seems relieved to see him, and Allanon immediately knows he didn't expect him to survive. Eldra confesses that he had been ordered by the Skull Bearer to set Allanon up. The Skull Bearer had been in his bedroom during Allanon's visit, and had threatened to murder his wife if he didn't tell Allanon exactly what he was told. The Warlock Lord not only wanted Shannara's last heir dead, but he wanted him dead by Allanon's hand as revenge for Bremen casting him out of the Druid Keep. He wanted Allanon to know that he was responsible for the death of the Four Lands' last hope. Eldra reveals, however, that Weir was an evil man that allied himself to the Warlock Lord, and would have been no help anyway. He also reveals that Weir was not the last heir of Shannara. Aren Shea is. He has just reached manhood, and now goes by Shea Ohmsford. Shea's parents were murdered mysteriously, so Eldra and his wife hid the boy and later left him in the care of the Ohmsfords. Eldra then takes his own life to protect this secret from the Skull Bearers and to protect his wife, knowing that the Skull Bearers won't bother with her if he is dead. Allanon sets off to find Shea.

Escape from Tibet

On the roofs of a Tibetan monastery two boys let fly a kite, but suddenly a shot rips the relaxed silence, and one of the two boys gets shot, the "Golden Boy" which is the fictitious successor to the Dalai Lama. The monks act immediately and bring him out of Tibet to secure his body. In the meantime, the Berlinese mountaineer Johanna and her Swiss friend travel to the monastery to stay there for some days. The monks are convinced that Tempa is also close to death by the Chinese government because the orphaned boy was involved as a witness into the assassination. So Johanna is asked by the monks to refuge Tempa and other child refugees to their destination, the Tibetan capital Lhasa. Problems with the Chinese authorities occur, and Johanna decides to support Tashi, a refugee helpers, and to bring a group of children and Dolma, a widowed Tibetan woman, through the Chinese border controls to the Dalai Lama's residence towards Himachal Pradesh state in Northern India. But Johanna and Meto, a former nun, are captured by the Chinese border controls, and Meto is tortured by the soldiers to betray where the boy is hidden. In the meanwhile, Johanna gets back to the group of refugees ...

Scooby-Doo! and the Beach Beastie

Fred recently has had an extreme obsession with nets, as most of his plans to catch the monsters he and the rest of Mystery Inc. encounter are caught with nets. To get them out of his mind, Scooby and the gang decide to take a vacation in Florida, where Daphne's uncle Sandy owns a hotel, only to find that it is being attacked by a shape-shifting sea monster that is stealing jewelry. During their first encounter with it, Fred tries to use a net, but to no avail. Daphne tries to help Fred with his net problem by getting him to relax in an area without nets, which proves to be difficult, since the lobby and beach have nets all over the place. Velma goes to Kurt's hotel, the rival hotel next door. Kurt is somewhat glad about the commotion, as the people who have left Sandy's hotel in fear of the monster have come to his hotel. However, a holographic water show, which is supposed to be a big attraction at Kurt's hotel, is closed for repairs, and the repair company, Brownstone Industries, is taking too much time to fix it. Meanwhile, Shaggy becomes sad that Scooby is spending too much time with another guest's dog, Shana, making him feel lonely. Shaggy finds comfort with Kiki Brownstone, the female dog's owner, and the wife of Grafton Brownstone. Kiki, like Shaggy, also feels lonely, as her dog, Shana is with Scooby and her husband is nowhere to be found. That night, during a party, the hotel is attacked again by the monster, who is attracted to Kiki's necklace. Using the necklace as bait, the gang gets the monster to follow them, noticing a human silhouette in the center. Velma tells Fred to find them a net, which he builds out of video cassettes. As he prepares the trap, the monster wraps a tentacle around Velma. Fred successfully captures the person behind the monster, which turns out be Grafton Brownstone, Kiki's husband, and head of Brownstone Industries. Grafton had actually sold Kiki's necklace for money, and the necklace that Kiki was wearing was fake. In order to prevent Kiki from finding out, he planned on stealing the necklace. Kiki and Shana go to post Grafton's bail, and Scooby and Shaggy reconcile.

Gears of War

The ''Gears of War'' series takes place on Sera, a fictional Earth-like planet. Human civilization develops on Sera and endures a millennia-long conflict that leaves humanity on the brink of extinction. Sera's leaders broker an era of peace that ushers an era of scientific advancements and a cultural renaissance. Humanity's population sporadically grows and demands more energy provided by fossil and nuclear fuels. Sera's scientists discover Imulsion, a naturally occurring substance that can be refined into a potent energy source. Imulsion solves Sera's energy crisis but ultimately creates great economic disparity. Nations with direct access to Imulsion prosper, while other nations fall into financial turmoil.

Sera's citizens balkanize into two warring factions: the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) and Union of Independent Republics (UIR). The ensuing 79-year strife, known as the Pendulum Wars, consumes millions of lives with both sides locked in a virtual stalemate. The UIR develops the 'Hammer of Dawn', a system of satellites capable of delivering precise and potent orbital-to-surface laser strikes. However, a contingent of COG commandos, led by Marcus Fenix, Dominic Santiago, and Victor Hoffman launch a daring raid on a UIR stronghold and steal the schematics for the Hammer of Dawn. The UIR surrenders after witnessing the Hammer of Dawn devastate one of their naval vessels after being completed by Marcus Fenix's father, scientist Adam Fenix.

Six weeks after the COG and UIR agreed to an armistice, a race of creatures known as the Locust Horde emerge from Sera's depths and begin assaulting human cities, wiping out 25% of the world population in the first 26 hours. The Locust Horde overwhelms the already battleworn COG forces during this surprise attack, referred to as 'Emergence Day'. The COG retreats to cities located on the Jacinto Plateau, their last bastion where the Locust cannot dig through, and reluctantly bombard their own cities with the Hammer of Dawn to halt the Locust Horde's offensive. The ensuing scorched earth tactic destroys much of Sera's cities and human population. The COG continues to operate out of the capital city of Ephyra and cities on the plateau such as Jacinto, while the surviving humans, known as Stranded, are left to wander through Sera's charred ruins.

Five years after Emergence Day, the Locust reemerge and begin a campaign of occupying human cities located on the Jacinto Plateau to act as stepping stones in order to destroy Ephyra. The Locust are able to emerge and overrun the COG capital of Ephyra ten years after Emergence Day. During the chaos, Marcus Fenix leads an unauthorized mission to save his father, Adam, from the Locust assault. A helicopter is shot down by the Locust Horde and crash-lands into the Fenix estate, presumably killing Adam Fenix. The COG's leadership court martials Marcus and sentences him to life imprisonment. After losing Ephyra, the remainder of the COG retreats to Jacinto City, which resides on the edge of the plateau against an ocean.

''Gears of War'' is set fourteen years after the Locust emerged and attacked Sera's human population. The COG forces devise a last-ditch offensive to destroy the Locust Horde with the Lightmass Bomb, a weaponized form of Imulsion. Marcus Fenix, now a disgraced veteran, is reinstated into the COG army four years after imprisonment to supplement the COG's depleted ranks. Marcus joins his best friend, Dominic Santiago, on a mission to map the Locust Horde's tunnel network in preparation for the bombing. Their unit is ambushed by Locust Ground forces and sustain heavy casualties. Fenix and Santiago regroup with two other survivors, Augustus Cole and Damon Baird, and continue their mission. Marcus prevails in mapping and successfully deploying the Lightmass Bomb and crippling the Locust Horde. The Locust Queen Myrrah pledges to continue the war effort.

In the weeks following the Lightmass Bombing, the human population suffers from a condition known as Rustlung, a fatal disease caused by the inhalation of Imulsion fumes - due to the evaporation of Imulsion caused by the Lightmass Bomb. The Locust reemerge and bring with them a force allowing them to sink the cities on the Jacinto Plateau. Following the sinking of nearby cities Tollen and Montevado, and the desperate raid attacks on Jacinto City, the COG fears that the Locust might be trying to sink Jacinto as well.

In ''Gears of War 2'', the COG forces deploy thousands of soldiers into the depths of Sera to battle the Locust Horde and stop their plans to sink Jacinto. The COG discovers after the sinking of Ilima City that the Locust have been using a gargantuan worm to sink the cities on the Jacinto Plateau. After killing the Riftworm, Delta Squad is ordered to locate the Locust stronghold by accessing intel from a decommissioned COG laboratory called New Hope, which is full of genetically altered humans called Sires, which Marcus believes were experiments that led to the creation of the Locust Horde. Locating the Locust stronghold Nexus under Mount Kadar, the COG discovers during the battle that members of the Locust Horde are mutating from exposure from Imulsion into "Lambent". These abominations have been forcing the Locust to abandon their underground civilization to try to claim the surface world as their new home. Marcus devises a plan to intentionally sink Jacinto and using the surrounding sea water to flood the Locust and Lambent tunnel network. The COG evacuate Jacinto just as the city collapses and drowns a majority of the Locust Horde.

The remaining population of the COG rediscover an island base not attacked by the Locust Horde called Vectes, with a town known as Pelruan. The Stranded gangs on the island threaten the safety of the town, but the COG and Stranded cease when the Lambent begin to overrun the island and surrounding ocean. Due to the underground being flooded, the Imulsion from the Hollow was raised into the surface of Sera, causing a pandemic and turning all life into Lambent organisms. The leader of the COG, Chairman Richard Prescott, is believed to be holding secrets from the population. Prescott abandons the COG, forcing them to disband and live as nomads, surviving against the Lambent and Locust stragglers.

''Gears of War 3'' is set two years after the COG disbanded. Prescott returns to reveal that he kidnapped Marcus Fenix's father during the fall of Ephyra and transported him to a secret island facility known as Azura, and that Adam has created a device known as the Imulsion countermeasure that could neutralize both the Lambent and Locust. However, the island was attacked and is occupied by Queen Myrrah and the remaining Locust forces. Marcus and his allies reach Azura after Dominic sacrifices himself to rescue his friends from imminent demise. Adam is rescued and releases his anti-Imulsion weapon but reveals he infected himself with the Lambent contagion to develop the weapon. The Imulsion countermeasure vaporizes all Lambent, including Adam, and crystallizes the Locust. Marcus kills Myrrah and dedicates her demise to his fallen friends, family, and comrades.

''Gears of War: Judgment'' focuses on Baird and Cole during the early months after Emergence Day. With military cadet Sofia Hendrick and Garron Paduk, a former UIR soldier, they comprise the Kilo Squad. Baird disobeys orders to use a Lightmass Missile to destroy Locust forces and save survivors at Halvo Bay. Despite also killing the powerful Locust leader Karn, the squad is court-martialed because they disobeyed orders. But because they saved Col. Ezra Loomis and killed Karn, they avoid execution or imprisonment, with Baird demoted from lieutenant to private. A separate campaign, "Aftermath", portrays Baird, Cole, and Paduk in the hours before the activation of the anti-Imulsion energy wave.

Following the end of the Locust War and Lambent Pandemic, the humans of Sera began to rebuild and started with reorganizing the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Led by First Minister Anya Stroud, wife of Marcus Fenix, the humans begin to rebuild civilization with the assistance of robotic engineers created by Damon Baird. The COG was successful in creating New Ephyra and other walled cities known as Settlements outside of New Ephyra. Following fertility treatment, Anya was able to bear Marcus Fenix's son, James Dominic "JD" Fenix. Anya died from birthing complications and the COG began a more authoritarian rule - prompting many civilians to abandon the COG and live off the land, known as Outsiders. JD was sent to boarding school and met his friend Delmont "Del" Walker. After joining the military, both JD and Del were forced to execute civilians during a protest in Settlement 2, prompting them to leave the COG and becoming Outsiders. They joined a village led by Reyna Diaz and her brother-in-law, Oscar. Reyna's daughter, Kait, became close with JD and Del.

''Gears of War 4'' takes place 25 years after the original ''Gears of War'' trilogy. JD, accompanied by Kait and Del, conduct frequent raids on COG fortifications to acquire various supplies. The three successfully fend off a COG counterattack only to have their encampment devastated by a new foe, called the Swarm. Kait's mother, Reyna, is captured during the chaos. JD, Kait, and Del reach out to Marcus, a disgruntled COG expatriate, who reluctantly agrees to help them. The COG, led by First Minister Mina Jinn, pursue the group after erroneously believing they are behind a string of kidnappings. The four reach a Locust burial site, where they uncover evidence suggesting that Adam Fenix's countermeasure caused the Locust Horde to enter a cocooned metamorphosis state. Their fears are confirmed when various Locust Horde soldiers attack them in conjunction with the Swarm. The group receives assistance from Damon Baird along with Augustus Cole and Samantha Byrne. They battle their way to the Swarm's hive and defeat multiple Swarm and Locust monstrosities. However, they reach the hive to learn that Swarm's hive-mind has forcefully integrated with Reyna. Kait frees her mother, knowing she will die but will no longer suffer. Reyna gives Kait a parting gift that belonged to her mother – a necklace bearing the insignia of the Locust Queen, Myrrah.

Kait, JD, Del, and Marcus rejoin the COG and offer their intelligence to Jinn in order to help fight the Swarm. Kait begins to have nightmares and visions related to her mother, the Swarm, and the Locust - but refuses to tell the others about it. Marcus and Baird believe they will need the Hammer of Dawn back online to help defend against the upcoming war with the Swarm. Baird then uncovers additional Hammer of Dawn satellites at Azura.

In ''Gears 5'', JD, Kait, Del, and Marcus travel to Azura to launch the Hammer of Dawn satellites. Afterwards, they assist in the evacuation of Settlement 2 as the Swarm have begun their attack on COG Settlements. Four months later, Kait is captured by the Swarm and connects her to the Swarm hivemind, allowing her to control the Swarm to kill the humans, including her uncle. She is freed by Marcus and JD, but in her grief reveals that she has been having visions and nightmares and believes them to be messages by the Swarm, as evidenced by her amulet which bears the Locust symbol. Marcus has Kait and Del find answers at the New Hope facility. After discovering New Hope and an additional lab in Mount Kadar, Kait and Del learn that the Locust were the result of genetic experiments done to human children sick with Rustlung and splicing them with the DNA of creatures in the Hollow. The mutant children, known as Sires, were used to fertilize the stem cells of Myrrah, who was born with a genetic immunity to Imulsion. Kait discovers that Myrrah was Reyna's mother, making Kait the next in line for Queen of the Swarm. She manages to disconnect herself from the Swarm hivemind, but in doing so allowed Reyna to be awoken and become queen of the Swarm. The Swarm becomes stronger and more intelligent now that they have a queen and launch an attack against New Ephyra. Using the Hammer of Dawn, the COG is able to repel the Swarm attack, and Kait vows to kill Queen Reyna before she can attack again.

The Lost Chord (1925 film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, Arnold Grahme (Powell), celebrated organist, returning from abroad finds that his sweetheart, Madeline (Lake), has married Count Zara, who treats her brutally and has an affair with his "cousin," Pauline (Godowsky). Zara, jealous of Arnold, provokes a quarrel and in a duel fought later in Italy is killed by Arnold. Pauline in the meantime has persuaded Zara to kidnap his little daughter, Pauline. Madeline goes to a convent, Arnold tries to persuade her to marry him, and finally, speaking to her through his music, she agrees, but falls dead. Arnold’s nephew, Jack (Mack), quarrels with his chorus girl sweetheart Joan (Binney) and goes away. Arnold becomes interested in this girl because of her beautiful voice, falls in love with her and discovers she is Madeline's child. He proposes and is accepted, but the return of Jack reveals the fact that the young couple are in love with each other. Arnold sacrifices his own love that they may be happy, and while seeking solace at the organ the spirit of Madeline tells him "The Lost Chord" is the song of sacrifice the angels sing.

Flor y canela

In the 1940s, in a Mexican mining town lives María de la Canela, nicknamed Marianela. This dirty and ragged orphan is despised by villagers who see it inherited traits madness of his mother committed suicide by jumping off a ravine. Is that where Marianela goes in search of advice ghost of his mother. The only loving being with the beggar is Pablo, a rich guy but blind Marianela who served as guide.

Unable to see Pablo a picture of your guide as a beautiful woman is created and does not let anyone tell you otherwise. Pablo's father arranged the marriage of his son with Florentina, the daughter of the village notary. Tomás, an ophthalmologist known advises that Pablo go to the United States operated. It was decided that the wedding will take place after Paul can already see.

When Pablo returns, cured, he is horrified to see the true aspect of Marianela, and prefers to Florentina corresponding to their ideal of feminine beauty. However, Florentina in love with Carlos, a mining engineer married a frivolous woman. The Marianela desperate attempts suicide, but is rescued by Tomás who falls for her.

A Maid of the Silver Sea (film)

''The Bioscope'' provided the following synopsis of the film: :To a small island off the French coast comes Stephen Gard, a young Englishman, in charge of a gang of Cornish miners, whose presence arouses the hostility of the natives. Especially resentful is Tom Hamon, the bullying brother of Nance, in whom Stephen finds a friend. immediately after a fight one night with Stephen, Tom is found dead at the foot of a steep cliff. Although his assertion of innocence is accepted by the local magistrate, the fisher-folk, goaded on by the dead man's wife, believe that Stephen murdered Tom and threaten to lynch him. Hearing of their intentions, Nance rows Stephen to a lonely rock whither she brings him food. The angry fisher-folk discover Stephen's hiding-place, however, and, landing on the island, blockade his cavern. Meanwhile, another fisherman is killed on the spot where Tom died. Determined to solve the mystery, Nance visits the place with the magistrate and discovers that both men were killed by the kick of a wild pony, which attacks her. Hastening to Stephen's island, she is able to prove his innocence and secure his release.

After the Storm (1948 film)

A talented young female musician tries to rebuild her life having been imprisoned during the Second World War.

Princess Charming (film)

A Ruritanian princess is betrothed to the king of a neighbouring country, but falls in love with the army officer sent to escort her there. Meanwhile, a revolution breaks out.

Things Are Looking Up (film)

Cicely Fytte is a circus equestrienne and the twin sister of Bertha Fytte who disapproves of her. Bertha is a strict schoolteacher at a girls' boarding school and not well liked by the girls. One day Bertha elopes with a wrestler so Cicely temporarily takes her place as teacher for one day - to prevent her from losing her job. Cicely is livelier and not as disapproving as Bertha so the girls are initially surprised by Cicely's bubbly personality - unaware that she isn't Bertha. A series of comical events follow: up-beating singing in a music class (leading to the composition of the song "Things Are Looking Up"), winning a tennis match at Wimbledon (despite not having as much experience as Bertha and breaking a racket) and trying to teach geometry (despite not knowing the subject). In spite of her unorthodox methods, she becomes successful and by the time Bertha (having been shortlisted to succeed the retiring headmistress) returns, she becomes headmistress. As soon as Bertha comes back to the school, Cicely leaves with the music teacher, Van Gaard in his car and they sing their song from the music lesson Cicely covered - ''Things Are Looking Up''.

Tower of Terror (1941 film)

Anthony Hale is a British secret agent in Germany who takes a job as assistant to lighthouse keeper Wolfe Kristan under the assumed name of Albers. He plans to return to Britain with some valuable papers. The plan is for him to be picked up by a British boat. He meets and befriends Marie, who has escaped from a concentration camp and pretends to be the keeper's niece. She had tried to evade capture by the local police by jumping into the sea but was rescued and taken to the lighthouse by the deranged Kristan, who sees in her the image of Marthe, his wife whom he killed 16 years earlier and buried in the basement of the lighthouse. Kristan has a hook instead of a right hand giving him a sinister appearance. This disability increases his need for an assistant.

Kritan tries to kill Albers by hoisting him up the side of the lighthouse on the pretence of a high-level task but then releases the winch, hoping Albers will fall to his death. This does not work.

After several violent encounters with Kristan, Hale and Marie manage to make their way down to the beach where they board the British boat. The lighthouse is destroyed by gunfire from a German destroyer whose captain had been alerted by Hale's signal to his rescue vessel. Kristan, prostrate with grief over his wife's opened grave, is killed during the bombardment.

Signal to Noise (Moreno-Garcia novel)

In 2009, Mercedes "Meche" Vega returns to Mexico City to attend the funeral of her DJ father. While there she reminisces about her life in the city in 1988 when she was fifteen and how she accidentally discovered, along with her best friends Sebastian and Daniela, that she could perform spells by listening to songs.

That Woman (2003 film)

Woman cop, Michèle Varin can not forget the death of her son, February 29, despite medication, alcohol and psychotherapy. She spends her evenings doing puzzles, alone with her pet rabbit. Terrified, like every four years by the approach of a new February 29, it must investigate the murder of a woman found hanged in the forest. The starting point of an unforgettable intimate adventure.

The Magic Carpet (film)

Omar, the Caliph, and Yazmina, the queen, arrange their infant son's escape when rival Ali decides to forcibly overthrow them. Before they are slain, they make sure the baby, his locket and magic carpet end up in the safe hands of an uncle, Ahkmid, a physician who then raises young Ramoth to manhood.

Ramoth, unaware he is the rightful heir but disapproving of Ali's tyranny, disguises himself as "The Scarlet Falcon" and, assisted by friend Razi and Razi's beautiful sister Lida, attempts to disrupt the caliph's reign. The evil Boreg becomes his nemesis, as does Narah, a princess who is the sister of Ali.

Ahkmid, mortally wounded by Boreg, reveals to Ramoth his true identity. Lida endeavors to infiltrate Ali's forces by disguising herself as a dancer, but she is caught and imprisoned. Ramoth is also taken prisoner, but Lida escapes and sends the magic carpet to rescue Ramoth in the nick of time. Ali is killed, Narah placed in a dungeon as Ramoth and Lida fly off on the carpet to begin a new life.

Super Duper Alice Cooper

The main objective of the film was to explain the story behind rock phenomenon Alice Cooper.


The film starts by introducing the childhood of Vincent Furnier, who later becomes better known as American singer, songwriter and actor, Alice Cooper. Narrated by Furnier himself, he claims to have had an all American childhood, describing himself to have been the perfect 1950s kids who did not lie, cheat or swear and attended church two times a week. Furnier was and continues to be very in touch with God, his father was a pastor, which enabled him to grow up with a strong moral compass. He grew up in Detroit, Michigan, however, due to childhood illnesses such as severe asthma, his family moved to Phoenix, Arizona to try to reduce the symptoms. He discusses an appendicitis attack that he had as a child, claiming that doctors could not guarantee he would make it out from the surgery alive. However, the next day he was fine, which he believes to be the result of God and his parents' prayers. Every time he looked at his scar from the operation, he knew he was a miracle.

High school and creation of the Spiders

The film moves to discuss Furnier's life as a teenager. He discusses having a strong passion for high school art class, where he met and created his friendship with Dennis Dunaway. They were both interested in surrealism, especially artists such as René Magritte and Georges Braque. Salvador Dalí was also a huge influence for them, they state he was outrageously different and created an artistic statement that had an impact.

During this time, the Beatles were becoming a huge sensation, both Furnier and Dunaway became what they call "Beatles maniacs". They state that they loved everything about them, including their style, sound, look and especially the fact that parents did not understand them. Furnier and Dunaway decided that they wanted to do a spoof of the Beatles at their school talent show, however, at the time they did not know how to play any instruments. Dunaway knew a guitar player, Glen Buxton, who he approached and asked if he would be willing to play in the show with them. Buxton agreed and they performed the show, which received a big reaction. This began the start of their career as a band, which they originally named, the Earwigs. The following summer, they focused on becoming a real band, where they purchased instruments, learned how to play them and started songwriting. Dunaway focused his time learning the bass, where Furnier focused on vocals. They went to play for the owner of a teenage rock and roll dance hall known as the VIP Club, who suggested they come up with a new name. From there, they soon renamed themselves as the Spiders and ended up being the house band at the VIP Club. They focused their time on playing loud rock music, such as songs from the Yardbirds, the Rolling Stones and the Who. They started to become more well known, they opened for the Yardbirds, and the audience actually left after The Spiders were done playing. They also got their record to #2 on the charts, while still in high school. Music became the priority, they wanted to become rock stars and Furnier grew out his hair to fit the part. Furnier claims that church became the last thing on his mind, and the people at his church thought he was going off the deep end.

Moving to LA and becoming Alice Cooper

The film follows the band on their move to Los Angeles, California in 1967. At the time, it was the heart of The Love Generation, and the Hippie Movement. Once they arrived in Los Angeles, they realized that everything was not going to just fall into place for them, there were thousands of other bands from other states trying to accomplish the same thing that they were. While in Los Angeles, they met the GTOs, a girl band who Furnier describes as professional partiers, girls from another planet. Miss Pamela, one of the members from the GTO's, describes the boys to have been reserved, gentle and innocent in the midst of stoned people. However, that began to change, as they hung out more, a great deal of drug and alcohol use was occurring. Once again, they renamed themselves from the Spiders to Nazz, stating that The Spiders became dated. However, they soon found out that Todd Rundgren also had a band called Nazz, and found themselves in need of another stage name. One night, while using drugs they consulted the ouija board, asking it questions, which eventually led to Furnier spelling out Alice Cooper. They found the name humorous, stating it sounded like an older lady, who had dark secrets.

From there, they started to create an image for themselves. They realized that everyone was wearing the same kind of hippie based outfits and to stand out they needed to be outrageous. The GTO's helped in the creation of the band's early onstage look by styling the boys with their own personal clothing items, describing the look as "full size Barbie dolls". From there, the boys started to buy outfits from vintage stores, which would create a shock factor. Furnier states they knew they weren't as musically good as many of the other bands so the image and theatrics of Alice Cooper was necessary to create attention. They would take whatever items they could find and incorporate them into their shows. Furnier asks, how do you become Alice Cooper? You create it.

Miss Christine and Miss Pamela, from the GTOs, were able to introduce Alice Cooper to composer and renowned record producer Frank Zappa. Zappa suggested the band come over to his house at "7 o’clock". Mistakenly, the band assumed he had meant 7am, while being awoken by rock music, Zappa was impressed that the band could play such intense music so early. Zappa then asked if they had a manager, in which they said they did not.

Meeting Shep Gordon

Shep Gordon had moved to California and made many connections. He was living in a hotel room, paid by money he was collecting through drug dealing. He became conscious of the risks that drug dealing brought and from there, decided to become a manager. Gordon approached the band after hearing them play an unsuccessful gig, claiming he could help turn them in the right direction. Furnier describes their first meeting, stating that they walked in to see major stars, including Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix all getting high. From there, they knew almost instantly that they needed to sign with Gordon. They signed with Zappa's label, Straight Records and produced their first album, ''Pretties for You''. Zappa's vision for the album was for it to sound live, like he was driving by a garage and heard them playing. They recorded the entire album in a day, but received many negative reviews. They describe playing a show in Los Angeles for 6,000 hippies, which ended up to be a disaster with everyone running for the doors. There was an obvious personality crisis, the band knew their options were moving forward into what would become their iconic sound, or staying put with the trite psychedelia/art-rock of the time/region.

Leaving Los Angeles

The band decided to leave Los Angeles, they described themselves as stray dogs without a home. They played wherever they could, stating that they would move into the first city that they got a standing ovation. Shep said he was able to get them on a festival list in Detroit, where they would play in front of 5,000 people. They played after the MC5, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, thinking there was no way they could entertain the audience after them. They described the show to be odd, weird and full of theatrics, something that nobody else was doing at the time. Finally, the audience got it and they received a standing ovation.

Shep was able to get the band on the list for the Toronto Revival Festival in 1969. The deal was they did not get have to get paid, but they needed to open for John Lennon. This was huge for the band, who was strongly influenced by the Beetles. They state that the audience was bewildered by the band, however, they understood the energy behind them. They knew they needed to do something that would stand out, at the end of the show, their idea was to open three feather pillows and a CO2 cartridge to make the appearance of snow. However, for some reason Furnier found a chicken backstage, he grabbed it and threw it off the stage thinking it would fly. The audience grabbed the chicken, tore it apart and threw it back on stage. Both the audience and the band were shocked, Furnier saying “they just killed a chicken in front of 70,000 hippies”. This became a changing moment for the band, they became known as very notorious and something everyone wanted to learn about.

Meeting Bob Ezrin, 1970

The band became something that everyone wanted to learn about, however, at this time they still did not have a record on the radio. Shep got in contact with a Toronto company that made records, Bob Ezrin worked there at the time. Ezrin states that his boss did not want Alice Cooper, but they were persistent and he agreed to meet with them in New York City to hear them play. Ezrin describes the concert to have been an underground scene, the show started and the band made the appearance of their eyes and mouth to be filled with blood. He describes it to have been the most amazing thing he had ever seen, the beginning of a cultural movement. Ezrin agreed to produce records with them. They started to create different characters and theatrics to get into the songs that they were playing. Ezrin decided that "I'm Eighteen" would become their first song to put them on the map. The band talks highly of Ezrin, Dunaway states that he brought focus, and enthusiasm, and confidence to the band. On the way to rehearsal, they heard "I'm Eighteen" on the radio for the first time, and got everyone they knew to frequently request it. They became an overnight sensation. Their audience was new, consisting of kids who were left out and finally had someone who represented them.


They saw a lack of entertainment in rock music, they wanted to do something that would shock people, especially parents. This led to many representations on stage, which consisted of exaggerated, nightmarish imagery that includes monsters, blood, violence toward women, and executions. They also used many objects in their performances, which has included wearing a boa constrictor on stage and baby dolls, which they then chopped up. They picked up ideas like sponges, inspiration came from everything and anything. Much of their inspiration came from television, where they describe hearing an advertisement that said “schools out”. Hearing that led them to the creation of “School's Out”, which somehow to their belief became a bigger sensation than "I'm Eighteen".

The Hollywood Bowl

The band played the Hollywood Bowl at this show they paid for a helicopter to go over the crowd and drop panties into the audience. Elton John was in the audience, where he claims people were fighting to get a pair of these panties. Elton describes the band as becoming more famous than others, where girls were dying over them and parents hated them.

Inner Circle Shattering

The dynamic started to change with success. The band started to get treated like outsiders and the focus was placed mainly on Furnier, or the character of Alice. He started getting private cars, solo invitations to parties, solo interviews at radio stations, etc. Salvador Dalí contacted saying he wanted to do a moving holograph of Alice, but the band was not included. They decided they needed to go back to their roots, they played Ezrin a song they had written years before. Ezrin did not like the song, and suggested that he did not want to work with the band, however, if Furnier wanted to go out on his own to contact him. They did their next album without Ezrin, but the vibe was different, Furnier needed a break and became distant from the band while working on the album. The band started to fall apart without Ezrin, and they knew if they were going solo that Alice Cooper would be given to Furnier as he was the only one who could truly play him.

1975, Solo

Furnier started working on his first solo album as Alice Cooper, which he later released, known as ''Welcome to My Nightmare''. He knew it was harder for lead singers who broke out of their band to become successful, so he needed to make a statement, a new beginning. Everything he could get he put into his show. Eventually, he began a relationship with one of his dancers, Sheryl, and they later got married.

The Character & Alcoholism

It is very common for performers to “adopt onstage personae with the purpose of contributing to an authentic” connection between the performers and their respective audiences, and the character of Alice started to become iconic. However, it forced Furnier to be in a constant state of what Furnier described as “messed up”, including much alcohol use. The character was not necessarily a representation of Furnier, but he got caught up in the character, the things he could not do based on his moral compass became something that Alice could do instead. He ended up going to a rehabilitation center for alcoholism and once released, he believed to have been cured.

1978, working with Bernie Taupin

Alice got the chance to work with singer Bernie Taupin, where they developed a strong friendship. They created an album together, which was based on characters from Alice's rehabilitation experience. The album came as a confession, Furnier states that the audience had been through the alcoholism with him, so he wanted to let them be through the cure as well. However, during his time of rehabilitation, new artists had taken over the music scene. Furnier was sober, something he had never been while playing as Alice and he was not ready to fight that. Bernie was at the time using cocaine, and Alice caught wind of it. He started to sink into an abyss that is described to be more tragic than any of his previous drinking. Bernie had to leave recording, because he knew he would also go down a bad path if he stayed.

Personal life

During the time of his cocaine addiction, Sheryl gave birth to their first daughter. Sheryl did not want her daughter to be around him in the state he was in. She began divorce proceedings. Furnier went through a very bad high for a few days, he isolated himself and did not want anyone to see him in the state he was in. He eventually got up, looked in the mirror and saw that his eyes were bleeding. He knew that the situation he had placed himself in was turning into life or death. He packed up and left for Phoenix, where his parents helped him as much as they could, though his condition was very bad. He went to seek professional help, once he was out, he contacted Sheryl and said he was done with drugs. Sheryl agreed to counselling on the basis that he organized it.

Alice Cooper rises again, 1986

The world had moved on for the second time since Alice's break, he did not fit in anymore and was worried about how he would make a statement, especially sober. After five years away, he returned to the stage on Halloween night for a live MTV broadcast. As soon as the band started, he began and was back at it. This was Furnier's realization that the character of Alice did not want to live in his world, he just wanted to be on stage. As soon as the curtain was gone, so was Alice. Alice could be Alice Cooper with a healthy Vincent Furnier behind him.

Operation Moon Rocket

The novel is set in May 1968.

The Apollo space mission immediately prior to the moon mission explodes on the launchpad. AXE Chief, David Hawk, suspects sabotage and sends Nick Carter, agent N-3, to investigate. The saboteur is identified as a member of the launchpad crew but he is soon found dead – his murder staged to look like suicide. He was last seen in a high-end nightclub in West Palm Beach with NASA physician and prime suspect, Dr Joy Sun.

Carter and his inexperienced young assistant, Candy Sweet, investigate the nightclub. They discover a sophisticated covert surveillance operation run by The Syndicate – an organized crime gang. They also discover compromising photographs of Dr Sun with Reno Tree – former hitman for the Las Vegas mob and owner of the nightclub.

Hawk informs Carter that NASA is secretly preparing to launch a replacement mission (Phoenix One) in the next few days using the reserve crew. The leader of the reserve crew, Colonel Glenn Eglund, has been seriously injured in an assassination attempt at Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. Carter is to impersonate Eglund as it is expected that the assassin will strike again knowing that they failed the first time.

Carter, heavily made up to resemble Eglund, resumes training at Houston. He is attacked on the moon surface simulator by an unknown assailant but manages to break his assailant's wrist and escape. AXE discovers that the secret information about the Phoenix One launch has been leaked by someone high up in NASA. As the Phoenix One crew flies from Houston to Cape Canaveral for the launch, Carter confronts Dr Sun with the photograph. She is aware Carter is not Eglund and may be a US government agent. She denies trying to have Carter killed. An explosion causes the plane to decompress at high altitude but the crew manages to land the plane safely. Carter realises that the Apollo program security chief, Major Sollitz, is the saboteur.

Candy Sweet asks for Carter's help searching the swamps at the edge of the Kennedy Space Center. Major Sollitz is forced to crash a remotely controlled helicopter into them and is killed in the process. Carter traces the radio transmitter that controlled the helicopter to a nearby gas station. He discovers two men packing away electronic equipment on to a boat. Carter kills them both. Candy Sweet pulls a gun on Carter. Carter dives over board and escapes.

Carter returns to the nightclub in West Palm Beach posing as conman and gambler, Mickey Elgar, looking for a high-stakes poker game. He discovers Candy Sweet in a relationship with Reno Tree. Carter is beaten and awakens in the Riviera Beach home of Alex Simian – owner of NASA contractor, General Kinetic. He is invited to play cards with Simian and the leaders of The Syndicate. It is clear from the discussions that Simian is greatly in debt to The Syndicate.

Simian needs General Kinetic to displace rival contractor Connelly and secure the US$20 billion Apollo program funding to refloat his holdings. Simian has kidnapped the families of the Apollo program electronic guidance crew and held them captive in the General Kinetic medical center in Miami. The Phoenix One launch has been sabotaged to alter course after lift-off and crash into Miami. Carter and Joy Sun head for the medical center.

Carter leaves Joy Sun to recuperate in a cheap hotel while he surveils the medical center. When he returns he finds Joy Sun missing and Candy Sweet in her place – murdered. Carter is captured, drugged and taken to the medical center. When he regains consciousness there are only 4 minutes to the sabotaged launch of Phoenix One. Simian taunts him via a closed-circuit TV link from his beachfront home. Carter escapes and manages to contact NASA mission controllers to delay the launch for 24 hours. Carter races to Simian's home. He breaks in and confronts Simian who tries to escape by motor launch. Carter kills Reno Tree. Simian loses control of the motor launch and crashes it killing himself.

The next day, Carter relaxes in a Miami hotel watching the launch of Phoenix One in bed with a girlfriend.

West of Tombstone

Marshal Steve Langdon hears a rumor that the legendary criminal Billy the Kid is maybe still alive. Langdon finds Billy's coffin empty and believes that the respected older citizen Wilfred Barnet is Billy the Kid. He informs Wilfred’s lovely daughter Carol about. When Barnet confesses his true identity to his daughter and says that he got a second chance by Pat Garrett to start a new life. His clerk overhears the conversation and informs his old gang and this leads to trouble. Barnet helps Marshal Langdon against the gang. They defeat the gang but Barnet is mortally wounded. Steve decides to let the old man rest in peace and reports that Billy the Kid died long ago.

The Man Who Returned to Life

David Jameson lives in a rural town in Maryland. He is forced to flee after he is suspected of murdering Beth Beebe, who tried to force him to marry her although he was engaged to another woman, Daphne Turner. He flees from town and takes on a new identity as George Bishop, marries Jane Meadows, and gets a comfortable job. Years later a skeleton is found on the Jameson farm. Believed to be the remains of Jameson, Beth's brother, Clyde Beebe, is charged with the murder and sentenced to die. David returns to his home town in an attempt to exonerate Clyde.

The Ticket-of-Leave Man (play)

Robert Brierly, a young man from Lancashire, is enjoying his first visit to London. Two criminals, Melter Moss and James Dalton, pretend to lend him money, giving him a forged note. Brierly is arrested when he tries to exchange the note for currency and is sentenced to four years in prison. He had been kind to May, a young woman, who waits for his release from prison, even though Brierly's forged note caused the ruin of May's landlady Mrs Willoughby. Brierly secretly repays the money to Mrs Willoughby. May and Brierly are planning to marry, but on the day of his wedding, his employer finds out that he is an ex-convict, and he is fired. Brierly cannot find work, and Moss and Dalton try to force him to help them rob the brokerage firm where he had worked. Brierly plays along but reports them to the police; a detective uses a disguise to help him. Brierly is wounded in a fight in a churchyard, but the criminals are arrested, and Brierly's honour is restored.

The Deal (2015 film)

Veteran detective Tae-soo figures out that the suspect in a hit-and-run case, Gang-chun, is a serial killer wanted for several murders. But not long after his victory, Tae-soo realizes that his younger sister Soo-kyung was Gang-chun's last victim. Gang-chun receives the death penalty, but refuses to reveal the whereabouts of the victims' bodies, leaving Tae-soo and his brother-in-law Seung-hyun devastated. Three years later, Tae-soo is investigating the murder of a gangster boss when to his surprise, he finds evidence that Seung-hyun is the prime suspect. As he digs deeper, Tae-soo learns that the gang's former boss is now in the same prison as Gang-chun, who is thriving and looking better than ever (South Korea hasn't carried out a single execution since 1997).

Salut d'Amour (film)

Sung-chil is a grumpy 70-year-old man who lives alone and works part-time at the local supermarket. Jang-soo, owner of the supermarket and president of the city's redevelopment project, has been trying in vain to get Sung-chil's signature (he's the last hold-out and the only reason for the project's delay), but Sung-chil stubbornly refuses any change to his lifestyle. Then he meets his new neighbor Geum-nim, a feisty yet friendly elderly lady who runs the flower shop next door. Despite his age, Sung-chil is inexperienced and clumsy at romance so the entire town cheers him on and helps him court her. But Geum-nim's daughter Min-jung disapproves of the relationship.

Wakaba Girl

Wakaba Kohashi is a "a slightly out-of-tune super" daughter of a well-to-do family. She looks like an elegant rich daughter, but admires the trendy "gyaru" fashion subculture. Her friends are the pure, innocent, fairy-tale-like Moeko, the capricious Mao, and Nao who used to be an athletic type of girl, but now loves the boys-love genre. Most of the series takes place at Shirozume Girls High School.

The Brand of Lopez

As described in a film magazine, matador Vasco Lopez (Hayakawa) is the idol of Spain. His engagement to actress Lola Castillo (Turner) leads to complications when another man brings her home from the theater. Lopez brands her with his cigarette and stabs her escort, Captain Alvarez (Payne). He then escapes into the mountains and becomes a leader of a band of brigands. Lola obtains a divorce and marries Captain Alvarez. Lopez, seeking revenge, sends his men to abduct Lola, but they bring her younger sister Maria (Ward) instead and Lopez rapes her. She returns to the town and dies a year later, leaving a baby which is exchanged by a nurse for a child of Lola's that dies at birth. Five years later, Lopez surrounds their home and takes Captain Alvarez and the child prisoner, and then orders them shot. He locks himself in a room with Lola. When the nurse confesses the truth of the child's paternity and the police are surrounding the villa, Lopez leaves and sacrifices himself by interjecting himself as the bandits are shooting at Alvarez and his son.

Aoi (TV series)

The story begins with the battle of Sekigahara.

An Arabian Knight

As described in a film magazine, Cordelia Darwin (Inescourt), spinster sister of Egyptologist George Darwin (Clark) who resides in the desert, is a believer in reincarnation. Certain that she lived two thousand years ago as the Princess Rhodolphis and that youthful dragoman Ahmed (Hayakawa) is the reincarnation of her lost lover, she installs him in her home as a butler. Elinor Wayne (Hall), ward of the Darwins, becomes the prey of Egyptian nobleman Aboul Pasha (Jones). His determination to win her results in her abduction by rascals who take her to the home of the dancer Soada (Pavis). Ahmed follows and rescues Elinor. When murders hired by Pasha burn down the Darwin home, Ahmed aids the Darwins and Elinor in escaping. Elinor and George are reunited as sweethearts, while Ahmed finds his soul mate in Zorah (Acker).