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American Honey (film)

Star is a teenager living in Muskogee, Oklahoma. She lives a painful life, caring for two children that aren't hers and living with their sexually abusive father, Nathan. While trying to hitchhike home one day, she spies a van full of young adults and makes eye contact with Jake, one of the boys in the group. Star follows them to a local Kmart and sees Jake dance to "We Found Love" on top of the registers before being forced out of the store. Star returns Jake's phone, as it had fallen out of his pocket, and he offers her a job as part of their magazine sales crew, telling her to come with him to Kansas City. Star declines but Jake nevertheless tells her to meet them in the parking lot of the local Motel 6 the next morning.

Packing her belongings while Nathan is in another room, Star secretly escapes and takes the children to the club where their step-mother Misty dances. Star confronts Misty and tells her it's her turn to care for the kids, and though Misty refuses, Star runs away from the club to the motel and sleeps outside the crew's van until morning.

Star is interviewed by the crew's leader, Krystal, who hires her after she establishes that Star is a legal adult, that no one will miss her, and that she promises to work hard. In the car on the way to Kansas, Star meets the other members of the crew. When they get there, they disperse into groups of two. Since Star is new, she is paired with Jake, the veteran of the group. Star finds it difficult to sell as Jake lies to a potential customer in order to make money. Star also distracts Jake by flirting with and eventually kissing him. That night, Krystal calls Star in and tells her that Jake has posted his lowest sales ever. Krystal then has Jake put tanning lotion on her body as Star watches, and Star promises to improve.

The following day, annoyed by Jake, Star vows to outsell him. Star is picked up by three strangers in cowboy hats who offer to help her, thinking she is being harassed by Jake. The trio bring her to their home and offer to buy several subscriptions if she eats the worm at the bottom of a bottle of mezcal. Star does, and makes the sale. Jake, however, fearing the worst, arrives and threatens the men with a gun before stealing their car. Initially angry at Jake, Star is later touched that he came to find her, and the two have sex in the car. When they return to the hotel for the evening, Jake tells her not to mention their relationship, and he gives the money Star earned to Krystal.

For a while, things between Jake and Star are tense, and Krystal threatens to drop her on the side of the road if she keeps causing trouble. The crew ends up living temporarily in a rundown house, and Jake and Star renew their relationship. Star asks him what his dreams are, and he shows her his private stash of cash and items he's stolen from the houses he visits, which he intends to use to buy a home.

Krystal dumps the girls off where oil workers are about to go to work in the morning. Star climbs in the back of their truck and tries to sell to them, but one of the oil workers tells her he'll pay her five hundred dollars to go on a date with him. Star asks for a thousand and performs sexually for the money. After the man drops her off, she hears him being attacked. Shortly after, a bloodied Jake asks her if she was hurt by the man and later asks if she slept with him. Star eventually admits what happened, causing Jake to get angry, smashing the belongings in the house before running off.

The following morning, the crew get in the car and there is a new girl there, while Jake is missing. Krystal calls Star to her room and informs her she has let Jake go, that she paid him money for each girl he recruited, and that he slept with all of them. Krystal later takes them to a poor area in Rapid City, South Dakota to sell subscriptions. Star enters a house and meets several affable children whose mother is on drugs. As Star's own mother died of a meth overdose, she feels sympathetic toward them and goes out to buy them groceries. At the pickup that day, Jake is in the van, and Star is confused as to whether to be happy to see him or not.

That evening, the crew light a bonfire. Dancing around the fire, Star is pulled aside by Jake, who privately hands her a turtle. Star takes it to the edge of the water and releases it before following the turtle into the water. Star then immerses herself fully before rising out of the water.

The Millie-churian Candidate

At Wagstaff elementary Tina tries to convince Louise and Gene to help her in Jimmy Jr.'s run for student body president. Louise mocks the process and refuses to help but Jimmy Jr. is unconcerned as his polling numbers show he has a 95-point lead over the only other candidate, Henry Haber. In the cafeteria, Henry hands a campaign flyer to Millie who promptly crumples it. He explains that though Jimmy Jr. wants to be everyone's friend Henry wants to be president so he can have power over people to help them. Struck with the idea of power Millie decides to run for president so she can control Louise.

Initially mocking the idea of Millie running, Louise becomes concerned when she has a nightmare where Millie wins the election and forces Louise to be her friend. Louise decides to run Jimmy Jr.'s campaign to ensure he wins over Millie. Louise creates a pro-Jimmy Jr. ad which the students find lame. She then changes tactics and creates an attack ad on Millie which backfires by making Millie sympathetic. Deciding that a negative attack ad will create sympathy for Jimmy Jr. Louise films one attacking Jimmy Jr, which causes him to slide even further in the polls. Jimmy Jr. decides to quit his campaign as Millie has offered to let him pick the songs for school dances which was his sole reason for running in the first place. Unwilling to let Millie win, Louise decides to run for office herself. She fails horribly at gaining traction for her campaign and during a debate Louise is horrified to learn Millie plans to institute an alphabetical "besties system", making it so Louise and Millie would be paired up as besties.

The day of the election Louise receives an anonymous note that encourages her to look in Abby's permanent record file. Louise forces Gene and Tina to help her break into Mr. Frond's office. They are caught by Mr. Frond, but only after Louise has already located what's inside Abby's permanent record. Louise escapes to the gym, where voting is going on, and reveals that Abby's real first name is Mabel and that, since her name comes before Millie's she will be Louise's bestie. Enraged Millie tells Louise that they will becomes besties no matter what even if she has to take out Abby and briefly chokes Abby with her own braid. Mr. Frond disqualifies both Millie and Louise in the race and then announces since there are no more candidates there will be no president. Henry reminds Mr. Frond that he is still in the race and thus becomes the de facto president. Louise tells Henry that he is lucky to have won but Henry reveals that he orchestrated both Jimmy Jr.'s downfall and was the one who sent the tip off to Louise ensuring that she would take out Millie and be disqualified herself. Louise is shocked but ultimately congratulates Henry believing he will be an amazing president.

Meanwhile, Bob buys a handcrafted $300 Japanese knife and obsesses over how well it performs. Teddy brings in his own favorite hammer to compare, and the two quickly argue over which tool is better. Linda settles the argument by having them do an "Olympics" style competition. The first round (pounding 10 nails vs slicing 10 tomatoes) ends in a tie, and so do the subsequent four rounds. The competition is settled by pitting the tools against each other and see which one causes the most damage. Bob tries to stab the hammer but doesn't make so much as a dent, and Teddy hammers the knife until it's crumpled and unusable. Though Bob is upset, he's impressed by Teddy's hammer and wishes to get one himself.

Act of Aggression

In 2023, Piet Vermaak, a former South African Special Forces captain presumed deceased, is contacted and hired by the Cartel's ''Olympus Cell'' leader, '''Poseidon''', to orchestrate the ascension of Raul Escobedo, a businessman with ulterior motives, as a leading political power by deposing the governor of Baja California and forming a separatist state, the "Republica Democratica de Nueva California" (New California's Democratic Republic), plunging Mexico into a civil war that warrants a US Army intervention led by General James Wittel, called by the media the "''Hero of Isfahan''".  However, two years later, the involvement and exposure of Zhang Yao, a former Chinese hacker with an Interpol arrest warrant (And Vermaak's aide in his operations), draws the attention of Chimera, whose task force under the command of Colonel Greg C. Schaefer attempts to unsuccessfully intercept her by covertly invading the RDNC at the same the US Army launches their offensive.  As Yao is unable to completely destroy her laptop drive before she's forced to evacuate by Veermak, Chimera is able to acquire the remaining data, mostly referencing Escobedo, prompting Schaefer to launch a missile strike at Escobedo's escape train and covertly capture him for interrogation, earning the ''Olympus Cell'''s interest in Chimera.

Following Escobedo's capture and transfer to the Hague, the Cartel attacks the International Criminal Court, killing Escobedo in the process, using the Serbian mercenary unit "''White Wolves''" under self-promoted Colonel Dragan Vesnic as their military force, backed by cutting-edge technology.  Schaefer is deployed to try and capture Vesnic and any intact military technology as clues, but the Cartel acts beforehand, deploying Veermak to eliminate Vesnic and as many evidence as possible before Chimera arrives.  The evidence points to a possible collusion between Weyland Defense Corps (A main military supplier for the US Army) and the Yueng Corporation (The company which Yao once worked for before joining the Cartel), using the WDC as a front.  Schaefer leads an illegal covert force into the Yeung holdings in China to acquire the data related to Yao and Escobedo.  The operation reveals that most of Yeung Corporation's military assets (including guidance systems for ballistic missiles) were smuggled worldwide via Escobedo's network to Damocles (An influential private military contractor for the United States and Veermak's previous employer), intended on using its control of military assets to coerce the US government into obeying them.

The information is transferred to the US government, which deploys General Wittel to neutralize Damocles (With Schaefer's assistance as an 'observer'), prompting the Cartel to counterattack utilizing experimental orbital weaponry, but Chimera is able to evacuate surviving assets in time.  Simultaneously, the Cartel strikes a blow against Chimera as Veermak is deployed to eliminate captured prisoners and erase retrieved data from a secondary base in South-East Asia.  Knowing that the orbital weapon requires resupplying, Schaefer leads an assault on the Baikonour Cosmodrome with the assistance of the Russian military, securing the Cartel's database, preventing the supplying of the orbital weapon which was intended on striking down the State of the Union address in Washington DC and exposing multiple high-profile US personnel as members of the Cartel, including General Wittel, whom is a high-ranking member of the ''Olympus Cell'', codenamed '''Hermes'''.

Exposed, Wittel is forced to escape to Mexico, covered by Veermak, after failing to organize a force of defecting US troops to stand against the government.  Schaefer leads a final assault against Wittel's forces and eliminates him, with Wittel being vilified as the supposed head of the Cartel, as the ''Olympus Cell'' disbands, fully exposed.  However, Veermak and Yao manage to escape by deserting the ''Olympus Cell'' and joining the ''Heliopolis Cell'', whose leader '''Osiris''' grants entry to Veermak and Yao after they assist ''Heliopolis'' in being rid of Wittel's incriminating data during Chimera's attack.  The Cartel then convenes through the secure channels concerning how and if should they deal with Chimera, the decision being made ambiguous.

The Gayle Tales

Gayle arrives at Bob's Burgers in tears because her date for the evening Stacy canceled and she had theater tickets to see “Yarnival”. Desperate to get out of the house after being grounded, the kids compete to be Aunt Gayle's "date" for the evening via an essay contest.

The Ballad of Gayle and Jo-Gene

Gene writes a story about him and Linda being a country western duo called Lindette and Jo-Gene. They are playing a show where Lou Belchera (Louise), a Hollywood singing agent, is in attendance. After the show, Lou offers to manage Lindette as a solo artist. Frustrated, Jo-Gene leaves and goes to a Soda Bar.

He encounters Gayle singing while working as a waitress and Jo-Gene, realizing her vocal potential, teams up with her to form a new duo as Gayle and Jo-Gene. They win the competition (Despite Lindette sabotaging their performance) with a song loosely based on the song "We'll Get Ahead Someday" by Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner, and Belchera takes them on and takes them to Hollywood to see the Hollywood sign and meet Scott Bakula. Lindette ends up marrying the drunk in the Soda Bar (Bob).

Lady Chatter-teeth’s Lover

Tina writes a romantic story in a Regency era-style setting reminiscent of ''Pride and Prejudice''. Said story is about the Chatter-teeth sisters Gayle, Tina, Eugenia (Gene) and Louisa (Louise). Tina longs to marry Lord Jimmy, Jr. but according to the law of the land, she cannot do so until Gayle marries first. Tina attempts to find Gayle a match but can only think of Theodore the blacksmith (Teddy).

Then Sir Bob Belcher, Lord and heir of the Belcher Burger fortune shows up and the sisters offer Gayle up to him. Linda briefly interrupts the story not wanting Gayle to be married off to Bob.

The night of the ball arrives and everyone from the town is there, Bob and Gayle dance all evening but Linda appears as Sir Bob’s loud, rude, American wife-to-be that he is only marrying for money. This causes Gayle to fall deathly ill with pooping cough. They call the vicar around to give her the last rites who happens to be Scott Bakula. This makes Gayle all better and they Quantum Leap into the future to the day of the double wedding of Gayle and Scott Bakula and Tina and Lord Jimmy, Jr.. Bob and Linda also have a baby but it was born with a tail because they were cousins. This leads to Linda to iterate that she and Bob are not cousins, or at least that they know of.

Gayle of Thrones

Louise writes a story based on the TV series Game of Thrones set in “Catsteros” (a parody of Westeros). Gayle is Queen of Catsteros who is receiving an official visit from Litter-boxia on behalf of her sister Lindaryen (Linda). Tina presents her with Gene from the House of the Unfarting, a Warlock with disappearing powers which he uses to steal her cat dragons (Jean Pawed Van Damme, Pinkeye and Mr. Business).

Gayle sets out on a quest with the bravest knight, Knight Louise to find the cat dragons. Along the way they get held prisoner three times. Eventually they arrive at Litter-Boxia where there are white talkers everywhere (Multiple Teddy’s telling stories). They arrive at the castle and challenge Lindaryen to a duel to the death. Lindaryen unleashes the Mort-ain (Mort) to fight in the duel but Louise succeeds by slapping him with her Burgarean Slapper Sword and making him fall into the pit of ravenous porcelain babies.

Bobdor (Bob), who is Lindaryen’s fool, is insulted when Lindaryen mentions that she should get a new fool as he is not skinny or hot. This causes him to throw Lindaryen into the pit. The cats are rescued and they fly home on them. Scott Bakula suddenly appears and Gayle falls for him. Bobdor realizes he is a third wheel in all this and throws himself off the cat dragon.


Gayle is impressed with all three of the kids’ stories. They make her feel that she is talented and wonderful and that she does not need Stacy. Then Stacy walks in offering to go on the date as his emergency canceled, they go out on the date. The kids are frustrated that they are still grounded.

We then reveal that the kids were grounded for pulling a prank on Linda at the supermarket where Tina and Louise got her to open the ice cream freezer while Gene grabbed her legs. This caused her to fall over into a pile of maxi-pads and fart. Linda does not see the funny side of things as she had to buy all the maxi-pads and farted again when she had her bags handed back.

Linda eventually agrees that it was funny and that they are grounded for the evening while Linda watches over them in the apartment. They leave the restaurant to do so and Bob is upset that they all left before closing time. Bob says that he should’ve gone with Gayle”.

Memory Man (novel)

Amos Decker is a former professional football player who was violently hit on his first play, resulting in severe injuries and changes to his brain. As his football career has ended, Decker becomes a police officer, and later a successful detective, while using his newly acquired mental abilities (synesthesia and hyperthymesia). After his family is murdered in an unsolved case, Decker loses his will to live, and becomes a transient while working as a private investigator.

After a mass shooting at a local high school, Decker is asked to assist in solving the case by the local police force he used to work for. It soon becomes apparent that the shooting is somehow related to the killing of his family 18 months before.


For a thousand years man has been adding a day to the calendar every 4 years and in doing so violated mankind's interpretation of the Mayan Calendar's prediction that the world would end in 2012. On the 13th day of the 13th month of the new millennium, survivors confront a world of demons. On 13/13/13 the entire human race (with the exception of those born on a leap year) go insane. Those who were born on a leap year are stuck to battle the demons.

Gosainpur Sargaram

Feluda is called to Gosaipur by Jiban Mallick, the son of the local Zamindar Shyamlal Mallick to investigate a threat of his father's life. Everyone in the village knows that father and the son are at loggerheads. Shyamlal is also an eccentric who eschews anything modern. Then, instead of Syamlal, his son Jiban Mallick is killed and the wealth of Mallick's looted. Oddly though, the dead body of Jiban Mallick vanishes, only to reappear again. Feluda works this out with a mixture of investigating skills and deception. The oxymoric title adds a lot to the story

Sicario (1994 film)

Jairo is a teenager living in a drugs- and violence-infested neighborhood who becomes a hired killer or ''sicario'' for a criminal gang.

A Mail Order Hypnotist

May Johnson is the center of attraction for Rubeville farmer's sons and is especially sought after by Jim Hudson and Lucius Milker. Lucius has a bit the best of it in May's affections and Jim casts about for something to make his stock stronger. He reads, in one of the weekly papers, the ad of a correspondence school which guarantees to teach the wonderful art of hypnotism in thirty lessons. Jims pictures to himself the added advantage he would possess over his rival by the knowledge of this power, and starts of save up his money for the course. Meanwhile he is steadily losing ground with May while Lucius gains.

At last Jim has money enough to buy the course in hypnotism, and he does so. He studies the lessons in his own room and his efforts to hypnotize himself are most amusing.

Finally, feeling that he has mastered the subject, he starts out to sway his new-found power over every one he comes in contact with. Cows, horses and chickens are cautiously approached by Jim, and on all he attempts to practice his new art. The barnyard inhabitants, however, prove poor subjects and his experiences in this direction afford many a laugh for the crowd that eagerly follows him. When he finally meets and tries to hypnotize May, his rival, Lucius, thinks it time to interfere, and he does so in rather a rough way. Jim gives up all hope of winning May and tossing his mail order course aside, he turns to his chores on the farm.

BoneMan's Daughters

Boneman is a serial killer who has abducted six young women. He believes that he is the perfect father, and he is looking for the perfect daughter. People might think that he is killing these girls based on sexual interest, but that is not what he is after. He is looking for a girl who is perfect enough to be his own daughter. When he abducts a girl and discovers she doesn’t measure up to his perfection, he proceeds to break her bones, which ends up killing her. He is careful when breaking bones as he applies the right amount of pressure to make sure he doesn’t break through the skin. He picks his victims based on their looks, and he wants them to appear unscathed. Boneman is very meticulous with his looks, and makes sure that he doesn’t miss his Noxzema skin cream.

Ryan Evans is a career naval intelligence officer who has let his career take over his life and in the process he has abandoned his family. He gave his best to honor is country, but it has cost him when he left his wife and daughter on their own who are trying to live a normal life without him. He has lost hope that he can ever be the perfect father that he needs to be. His wife and daughter have removed him from their lives.

During a mission in Iraq his life is changed and it has caused him to re-think the decisions that he has made about his family, he discovers how much regret he has about his decisions. He wants his family back and decides that he will come home and fight to have them back in his life. When Ryan returns home he notices that his wife and daughter are not eager to have him back home. Ryan discovers his wife has found another man to comfort her, and his daughter Bethany has decided to live life all on her own.

Ryan’s daughter becomes the Boneman’s seventh victim, and his world changes. With conflict going on in his family, the authorities suspect that he might be the Boneman. When the evidence is not enough to accuse him of being the Boneman, he decides to rescue Bethany from the psychopath. The FBI looks at the case differently and with new evidence pointing at Ryan being the Boneman they begin to seek him out. Ryan has to find his daughter, and he will do whatever he needs to in order to save her so he can be with her again.

Don't Let Mother Know

Rough and Ready Tom Moran discovers an inebriated individual, Dick Baird who is getting the worst of a quelling fight against odds and rescues the under man. Baird is about all in as the result of his previous dissipation and this last brawl. He confesses to Norman that he has not been at home or seen his mother for fifteen years. He shows Tom the picture of his mother and sister which he carries in a locket that he has cherished through all of his wanderings. He has just written home saying that he will return on a visit, but it is too late; he is next day slugged to death by a robber, his last words to his friend being: "Don't let mother know". Tom Moran finds his way to Dick's home and falls in love with his sister. The mother is blind and thinks her own boy has come back to her. He is allowed to become a member of the family and bless her declining years.

Pasión de Amor (Philippine TV series)

Follow the story of the Samonte family: Juan (Jake Cuenca), Oca (Ejay Falcon), Cocoy (Joseph Marco), and Lyvia (Ingrid dela Paz). Juan, being the eldest, wanted to provide a better life for his family after their parents died. Little did Juan and his brothers know that Olivia was seeing a much older and wealthy man, Bernardo Elizondo (Ronaldo Valdez). When Bernardo's wife, Gabriela (Teresa Loyzaga), finds out about his affair, she hires men to kill Olivia. When Olivia was brutally raped and murdered, Juan and his brothers will stop at nothing to bring justice to her death.

The Samonte brothers will infiltrate the household of the Elizondos, the family Juan suspects is responsible for what happened to Lyvia. There, Juan will meet Gabriela — the powerful matriarch, and Norma (Arci Muñoz) — the mysterious eldest daughter who has unwittingly captured his interest.

The more he spends time with the family, the more he's sure of Gabriela's guilt. But her daughters, Norma in particular, will protect their family and their mother no matter what. Juan must think of a way to get closer to the truth he's so desperately seeking, and the only way he finds is to make Norma fall in love. As time passes they have to fight for their love under the dangers caused by Gabriel Salcedo (Wendell Ramos), Gabriela's illegitimate son, and tries to succeed but as Juan and Norma get married along with Oca and Sari (Ellen Adarna) and Cocoy and Jamie (Coleen Garcia), they suffered in the hands of Gabriel during their honeymoon and succeeds in killing Jamie. Gabriel kidnaps Oca and Sari and the rest including JD and plants a bomb in the cave at first they succeed but they got caught causing Norma to have an accident in order for her and Juan’s son to escape. As for Gabriela, she teams up with them to destroy her son to stop his plan and kills both Gabriel and his father, Lazaro, in order to be safe. Norma is sent to the hospital to recover but as the doctors stated that Norma will die causing Gabriela to redeem her soul and regret her sins. At the hospital lobby, the Elizondos and Samontes are visited by a young image of the Elizondos father, Bernardo, and gives his daughter her life back and gives a chance of redemption of their mistakes, as a sign of Gabriela's sorrowful cries and hopes of a new hope. Two years later, they finally lived a peaceful life after all the struggles and hardships in the past years and Juan remembers his promise to his father for being the eldest he must be ready to protect his loved ones.

The Story of David

The narrative follows David's life from the time he was a boy shepherd to his death as the aged King of Israel.

'''''Part 1: David and King Saul''''' relates to the exploits of the young David (Bottoms) and his fraught relations with King Saul (Quayle). It begins with David as a humble shepherd who becomes lyre player and armourer to the King who is distraught after the prophet Samuel has chastised him for failing to follow the instructions of the Israelite god, Yahweh, in a battle. Samuel informs Saul that Yahweh will anoint another king in his place. Saul is counseled by his general and old friend Abner. Saul periodically withdraws due to an oppressive illness and, initially, David's music soothes his troubled mind. But Saul is filled with jealous rage when David becomes hero to his people after prevailing in single combat against Goliath and in a subsequent military victory over the Philistines. Although Saul has made David "Captain of a Thousand" and allowed him to marry his daughter Michal after another military exploit, in a private moment he makes an attempt on David's life with his spear, thus forcing him to flee. David is highly conflicted over his devotion to Saul as Yahweh's first anointed King over the people. He will not kill Saul, despite Saul's constant attempts on his own life, as he feels it will offend the deity. Saul's son Jonathan, the heir-apparent, secretly pledges his devotion to the fugitive David and insists on becoming blood brother to David ritualistically. Saul dies in battle and David, having previously been anointed in secret by Samuel, assumes the throne.

'''''Part 2: David the King''''' begins with a mature David (Michell) and tells the story of his sinning with Bathseba (Seymour), including the scenes with her bath and their subsequent love-making. As David ages he is challenged by the treason of one of his sons, and eventually passes the crown on to another of his sons, Solomon.

Gun Woman

Two assassins cross the desert to reach their evacuation point. During their journey, one recounts the tale of a man known as Mastermind. The man turned a junkie prostitute into a lethal killing machine.

Young Distance

Angela, an Italian-American woman, after many years returned to Sicily to attend the funeral of her father. During the ferry trip she knows Salvo, a teenager who claims to be hunted by the Mafia, because of a quantity of drugs he stole to some criminals. Angela decides to give him a ride and the two embark on a journey through Sicily.

Code Black (TV series)

The show centers on the fictional Angels Memorial Hospital, where four first-year residents and their colleagues must tend to patients in an understaffed, busy emergency room that lacks sufficient resources.

A Golden Boy

The film follows Davide (Riccardo Scamarcio), a copywriter whose father was a movie screenwriter. After his father's death, he leaves everything he has behind and moves to Rome, where he meets an actress-turned-publisher named Ludovica (Sharon Stone), who wants to release his father's autobiography.

The Informant (2013 film)

Marc Duval is a bar owner in Gibraltar. He is cornered by his creditors, so he agrees to become a paid informant for the French customs to report drug trafficking. He quickly finds himself drawn into events more and more dangerous and ends up being prosecuted as number 2 in a major drugs operation.

Loosely based on a true story.

Wall of Noise

A horse trainer, Joel Tarrant, needs a job and is hired by Matt Rubio, a wealthy building contractor. Joel has a girlfriend, Ann, but is tempted by the advances of Rubio's seductive wife, Laura.

Laura knows there is a horse Joel feels can become a champion and persuades him to buy it. He borrows money from Johnny Papadakis to do so, but the horse is injured and Rubio fires him after recognizing the relationship between his wife and Joel, who is unable to repay Papadakis his debt.

Ann goes to great lengths to help him out of trouble, even offering herself to Papadakis as a form of payment. But after Papadakis dies unexpectedly, Joel and Ann return to their lives, looking after their recovering horse.

The Last Call (The Good Wife)

The episode concerns events in the wake of Will's death; Alicia grieves over him, distancing herself from her husband Peter in the process. She finds a voicemail that Will left her; due to an interruption, though, it said nothing substantial. Trying to determine what Will wanted to say, Alicia interviews the presiding judge who witnessed the shooting, and talks to ASA Finn Polmar, who was also shot, and Polmar's assistant. Ultimately, she arrives at a dead end, and is left to guess. Kalinda tries to understand why Will's client, Jeffrey Grant, went on a shooting spree. Diane breaks the news of Will's death to the partners at her firm, while David Lee tries to keep Will's top clients from leaving. Forced to do a deposition without Alicia, Cary takes out his anger on opposing counsel.

The Taming of the Queen

Henry VIII of England chooses Kateryn Parr, a 31-year-old widow, as his new wife. Aware of the ends that Henry's other wives met, Kateryn is a studious woman who promotes projects, including advocating for Scriptures in English and supporting the Protestant Reformation. Henry suffers from gout and a leg wound that will not heal throughout the novel. Parr ensures Princess Mary and Princess Elizabeth are re-legitimized by the crown.

L'il Hard Dad

Bob buys a model of the helicopter from the movie ''True Lies'' and test-flies it in the alley behind the restaurant. Upon landing, however, the helicopter instantly falls apart. Bob calls the person from whom he bought the helicopter, a man named Sheldon Felds. Upon finding that Sheldon doesn't do refunds for “crash landings,” Bob takes it upon himself to ask for a refund in person. Gene, who had been previously horrified by his own inaction when Tina was about to get hit by a pair of falling shoes, goes with his father to prove to himself he has the ability to take action in bad situations.

Bob arrives at Sheldon's apartment and is again refused to be given a refund. When Bob refuses to leave, Sheldon attacks him with a drone outfitted with a long metal rod for poking. Bob and Gene “regroup” in a dumpster and return to find Sheldon waiting for them with several fish-shaped drones, which shoot B.B. pellets at Bob.

Bob, still insistent on fighting Sheldon, goes to local hobby shop The Hobby Hole to buy a new helicopter with which to combat Sheldon's machines. He meets an employee named Terry, who informs him Sheldon used to work at the Hobby Hole before he was fired for stealing food from out of the fridge in the break room that didn't belong to him and for attacking his co-workers with helicopters – including Terry, who still has a BB pellet lodged in his knee. Terry initially warns Bob not to go up against Sheldon but, realizing he can make a buck off Bob, sells him a $300 “Vanquisher” helicopter.

Bob arrives at Sheldon's apartment, climbs onto a roof across the street, and declares an air battle. Sheldon responds by sending out a “Vanquisher-er", a Vanquisher customized to destroy other Vanquishers. Bob loses his balance on the roof and is trapped hanging off a ledge, from where Sheldon shoots Bob's posterior full of darts. Terry and two other Hobby Hole employees arrive with their own combat copters and take on Sheldon. The intense air battle rages as Bob hangs off the building in pain. Realizing the futility and ridiculousness of the situation, Gene encourages everyone to “let it the freak go.” The Hobby Hole employees and Sheldon make amends, and Bob and Gene return home.

Meanwhile, Tina must do a report on ''The Call Of The Wild'' but is struggling to get through the book. Linda admits she never did her assigned readings in school, instead using “pizzazz” to impress her teachers. Linda dresses Tina up like a dog, ties a wheelbarrow to her back in lieu of a sled, and choreographs an elaborate musical number that Tina can neither sing nor remember. When Tina does the presentation, she tears off her dog outfit and wheelbarrow in a fit of frustration. The teacher and class are both impressed, believing she embodied the “savage” themes of the book with her performance.

Nicky 2

At the end of the first game, the little hero boy Nicky has managed to defeat the evil witch Zoldrane the Sorceress and rescue his grandfather, and it seemed peace was restored to their forest. But after his toys get mysteriously scattered, rumors arrive that the witch had an equally wicked but even more powerful sister who is now causing chaos and preparing terrible revenge. And so his grandfather sends Nicky with a magic goose to seek out her lair. If Nicky manages to reach and defeat the end boss (a dragon), a volcano erupts and destroys the entire dark realm as he flies away on his goose.

Xyanide: Resurrection

''Xyanide Resurrection'' takes place after the events of the first ''Xyanide'', as the space witch Aguira is still alive and the protagonist Drake fights to hunt her down in alternate dimension who she has escaped to.

The Cézanne Affair

The plot of the film is a flashback by Gabriele Rossetti, a young teacher who returns to Bari for the death of his father Ernesto. Ernesto Rossetti was the stationmaster in the small Apulian village of San Vito dei Normanni. He lived happily with his wife and his little son, Gabriele. However, Ernesto had artistic ambitions and was fond of Paul Cézanne's painting after he saw the artist's water colour self-portrait at Bari. Ernesto wanted to make an exhibition in his homage to the country, but the local art critic, truncated and conceited, stunned the exhibition with a newspaper article.
Ernesto did not win for himself. He copied to Cézanne's work, neglecting the family especially Gabriele, who began to grow afraid of him and hate him. On the birthday of his son, Ernesto showed the professor (local art critic) the new picture; and the professor again negatively commented the work, stirring up Ernesto's wrath, giving an inconvenient shock to his son Gabriele. When Gabriele grew up, he eventually discovered that Ernesto had deceived everyone with the second painting, which he replaced with the original painting of Paul Cézanne, in order to prove the deceit of the villagers and the professor.

Kiss (Dekker novel)

Shauna McAllister is unable to recall past events and it all started six weeks after a car accident that left her suffering a coma. She doesn’t recall anything about the accident, as well as the months leading up to the accident. Allegations surface that effect Shauna, and her father, Landon McAllister. Landon is head of McAllister MediVista, a pharmaceutical research company, who is a senator that has his eyes on the White House. Shauna is somewhat aware that something stands in the way for their relationship to be reconciled. Her brother Rudy who is her only ally, and her father’s favorite is the victim in the very accident she is being blamed for.

Shauna turns to Wayne Spade, her forgotten boyfriend, to help her piece things together to figure out the events that led up to the accident. On her journey for answers she discovers a mental ability which causes more questions to be raised. She begins to lose trust in all those around her, and it starts to become clear that those around her are determined to keep her from recovering her memories that she pursues.

How Six Made Their Way in the World

A soldier discharged from military duty receives only three coins for his service. He vows that the king will one day hand over all his treasures. While traveling, the soldier meets five others with extraordinary abilities, and recruits them to become his servants. They are: a strong man who pulled six trees from the ground with his bare hands, a keen-eyed hunter who was taking aim at a fly on a twig two miles away, a man whose breath could turn seven windmills, a fast runner who had to remove one leg to slow himself down, and a man who causes a terrible frost in the air unless he wears his hat crooked over one ear.

The soldier and his servants go to town where the king has organized a footrace with his daughter: the reward for victory was her hand in marriage, and punishment for defeat was death. The contestant and the princess must carry a pitcher (de: ''Krug'') of the same kind, draw water from a certain well and return. The soldier is granted permission to have his servant substitute for him in the race, and the fast runner completely outdistances the daughter immediately. But after he fills his pitcher, he feels weary halfway on his return, and takes a nap using a horse's skull as pillow This does not prevent him from oversleeping, and the daughter catches up with him and upsets his pitcher. The keen-eyed hunter witnesses this, and shoots the skull from under his head. The runner wakes, refills his pitcher and finishes the race well ahead of the princess.

The princess does not wish to marry a common ex-soldier, and the king decides not to honor the promise by plotting murder. He invites the six companions into an iron-floored room for a banquet, and orders a fire be stoked from underneath to roast them to death. But death is averted thanks to the ability of the frost-bringer, who straightens his hat.

The king, baffled that the men survived, bribes the soldier into renouncing marriage to his daughter. The soldier asks for as much gold as his servant can carry, and the strong man carries all the king's wealth in a huge bag, and they leave. The king angrily sends soldiers on horseback after them, but the man with the powerful breath power blows all the soldiers away. One sergeant is spared alive and sent back to tell the king what happened. Upon hearing the events the monarch decides to leave the soldier and his servants alone to live rich and happy for the rest of their lives.

Need for Speed (2015 video game)

The story revolves around the player and a small ragtag group of racers waiting to be noticed by any of the game's five icons, all of them being real-world motorsport and street racing figures. Spike (Adam Long) wants to meet Magnus Walker, Amy (Faye Marsay) has a desire to greet Akira Nakai, Robyn (Christina Wolfe) wants to come to Risky Devil, Manu (Howard Charles) wants to impress Ken Block, and Travis (Leo Gregory) is inspired by Shinichi Morohoshi. As the game progresses, the player earns money and reputation among the other drivers and people he meets along the way. As soon as the player defeats Magnus Walker, however, a cutscene appears in which Spike becomes jealous and angry, saying that the player got the chance before Spike did. After this, Spike gets over it because of Travis saying to him that if one of them gets noticed, they all get noticed. Once the player becomes the ultimate icon, the final challenge is against Travis, Spike, Amy, Robyn, Manu, and the icons. After the race, the final cutscene includes all of them taking a group photo together, with the player wearing a mask to hide his true identity.

The Keeper (Dekker novel)

While in the Russian wasteland, Talus has a secret that is so terrible that it will cost him his life if he shares it. The secret is so terrible that he must share it with those who will help him protect the knowledge that will one day save all of humanity. His two brothers, who are both hermit monks, are the ones he has decided to share his secret with. Time is short, and no man could fully prepare themselves with the revelation that this secret holds, a secret Talus’ two brothers will discover: that they are already dead.

Adventures in Chinchilla-sitting

Linda is singing about the date night she and Bob are having that night. The kids come home, with Louise carrying Princess Little Piddles, the class chinchilla. Tina successfully negotiates $3/hour for babysitting.

As Louise is playing with the chinchilla, Wayne, who usually takes care of the chinchilla, barges into the house and begins arguing with Louise. As Wayne left the door open, the chinchilla escapes, and Jonas takes him after finding him on the sidewalk.

Trying to find the chinchilla, the kids and Wayne go to Reggie's sub shop, which turns out to be closed. They go to his house, an Reggie doesn't know where he is. Jonas and his friend's mothers both think their children are doing homework at the other child's house. To find them, they go to Tammy.

After being asked, Tammy finds out that Jonas is at a high school party via social media. They proceed to sneak into the party, and discover that Jonas gave the chinchilla to Vanessa, a girl he has a crush on. They find out that Vanessa and her friends are at the roller rink.

They are able to convince Jonas to come with them to the roller rink, where they find that Vanessa sold the chinchilla to a security guard for $40. He accepts the offer for them to buy him back, but the chinchilla has escaped. After finding him on the roller rink, the strobe lights give the chinchilla a seizure. They manage to get the chinchilla and get home uncaught.

Once home, Louise and Wayne proceed to argue again over who should get the chinchilla. They put the chinchilla in between them, and it goes to Louise.

Meanwhile, Bob reveals that the date is bar trivia, which they quickly prove to be terrible at. After Linda steals the answer sheet, they soar into first place before being caught. After being kicked out for cheating, they start making out.

Bob and Linda go home to find Wayne running out the door crying. Feeling bad, Louise goes to his house and gives him back the chinchilla.

Bulgaran is Gallant

Bulgaran is an elegant and outgoing gentleman. He meets a young lady in the street of the city and starts flirting with her. However, she decides to teach him a lesson and asks if he would accompany her to the marketplace. There she goes on a shopping spree, but it turns out she had left all her money home. The lady asks Bulgaran to lend her some to which plea he readily agrees.

The lady then takes the gentleman to a fancy restaurant where she orders expensive drinks and refreshments, all to Bulgaran's expense. When they are finished in the restaurant Bulgaran is asked to carry the parcels with the lady's purchases to her home. On the way to there, they meet her husband and the lady proposes the couple took a cab to their house so they can relieve the "porter" from his heavy duty. The couple takes the cab leaving the bewildered Bulgaran a coin for his services.

Book of Mortals

''The Keeper''

In a Russian wasteland two hermits, Pavel and Gustov have heard a horrible secret. As the two sit by a fire one night they are visited by Talus, a man with a secret to share with the two. He shares a secret so terrible that he must share it with those who will help him protect the knowledge that will one day save all of humanity.


Rom Sebastian is thrust into a situation that he never anticipated. A man, who is being chased by the Royal Guard, gives Rom a vial of blood and cryptic vellum before he dies. Rom discovers that the blood will give him life. Emotions that he has never felt before wash over him as he realizes that the whole world has been dead, but this blood gives life. He is joined by others who discover the same emotions after taking the blood. He will abandon everything he has ever known, and awaken humanity to true life and love. The blood also will introduce hatred, ambition and greed which will make it a difficult journey for Rom.


Nine years ago, Rom discovered an ancient blood that brought people to life. He discovered a boy named Jonathan, “who has the true life flowing through his veins.” Jonathan is next in line to become Sovereign leader, but he must wait until his 18th birthday before he can ascend to the throne. Rom and the Mortals must protect Jonathan from the evil Saric. Saric has developed a lowly, foul smelling group called Dark Bloods to hunt down the Mortals. Saric has even revived his dead sister Feyn so that she can take the throne, and obey her brother’s demands.


A war torn world where the Immortals, the Dark Bloods and the Corpses, to the Sovereigns have fought for the supremacy of Earth, and the Sovereigns are losing numbers. Filled with the blood of Jonathan, Jordin becomes one of the leaders of the Sovereigns. Although Jonathan is gone, his blood still heals and those that are healed become followers. Sovereigns are being hunted by Saric and Feyn, and they have to hide in abandoned mazes in the city. They have developed a virus that will kill their enemies, but Rom is convinced that killing Feyn goes against the teachings of Jonathan. Rom tries to bring Feyn to her senses, but Jordin has her own plan. Jordin promises to bring the heads of Saric and Feyn, and the virus will not be spread immediately. It is a dangerous journey for Jordin and Kaya as they try and take advantage of their enemy in a desperate attempt for survival.

In Bed One Night

This is a postmodern story that challenges the formal conventions of punctuation and storytelling. The action in the story is fast-paced and provides the reader with few signals for plot progression, changes in points of view, and character dialogue. The story opens with a man in his bedroom winding down at the end of his day and getting ready for bed. When he lies down, his arm brushes against someone else. He looks over and sees a pale white-haired lady. He notices a lisp in the lady’s speech as she starts speaking to him. The elderly woman tells him that all five of them have been assigned to be in one bed by Social Security. She goes on to explain to him that, with the current situation, no one can afford a private beds anymore because they are now luxury items. She advises the bed owner not to kick at night because her ailing brother Albert, who wears a cloth cap and long underwear of which one pant-leg is empty and pinned up to the rear flap, is sleeping at the foot of the bed. She believes that the man is lucky because he has his own bed in which he can sleep. The owner of the bed is surprised that Social Security has assigned that many folks. At the same time, the owner of the bed sees an Asian man whose work seems to be washing dishes. At this point, another man named Duke, who appears to be a heavy-bellied worker, shows up with a woman of similar build. Both look like they are drunk. Duke and the woman crash onto the bed, hit the night-table, and knock the dentures into the air; and, as a result, the elderly woman goes and chases after them. Duke forces his companion to have sexual relations with him while everyone is still on the bed. She argues with him at first; but he finally overpowers her. Albert gets mad that Duke has a girl to himself. Duke gets so wrapped up in his sexual activity that he ends up kicking Albert in the face causing him to fall off the bed. The old lady tells her brother to get back on the bed while ordering Duke to kill the Asian person. Duke suddenly cries because he is thinking about the days of the past. Albert, then, crawls back onto the bed from the foot of the bed, and the pin that was holding up this empty pant-leg is now between his teeth. As the Asian person—who is holding a knife—crouches tremulously on the pillow by the headboard, the old lady tells Duke to forget about killing the Asian person because she now wants no violence. Duke feels some intense pain and manages to wipe his tears away. A mother suddenly enters with three runny-nosed kids and begs to stay overnight because she and her kids are all tired. Duke tells her to stay and rest because tomorrow she will need to go to the social security office to request a new bed assignment. Duke starts to fade away wondering if he remembered the light in the bathroom and the cap on the toothpaste. At the same time, the old lady, with a lisp, suddenly shouts out in fear asking whether Albert has swallowed the pin.

The Girl Who Loved Animals

Set in the near future and narrated by Jo, a Victim Rights Advocate, the story begins as Jo arrives at the Hi-Tec thirty-three million dollar holding cell where Lissy is being held. Jo is there to interview Lissy Tomer, a twenty-one-year-old woman who was beaten up by her abusive husband. The holding cell is state of the art with CCTV, microwave eyes, pressure mats, blast doors, laser blinds, eight different kinds of gas, and Vulcan mini cannons form the Helipad three floors above.

Lissy has a history. She was abused as a child by both parents and as far no better in marriage. Due to her I.Q score of an eighty-four Lissy is classified as a Collins psycho-type class three dependent with a Vulnerability Rating of a nine-point six, and with all factors considered, County classifies her as protected.

Lissy is pale and skinny, with a bloody nose and lip, clothing bloodied as well. But that’s not the only reason she’s here. Lissy is seven months pregnant; something that her felony restraining option on the marital bond should have taken care of. But that wasn’t the only problem, Lissy wasn’t just pregnant, she had been impregnated with the embryo of an animal.

Jo soon finds out that a man had approached Lissy in the park and that he had noticed how she liked to watch the squirrels in the trees. He was nice and they talked about how she loved animals. The man was a Lawyer, and had offered her a lot of money: nine thousand to be exact. But it wasn’t about the money, he had promised she could see and visit the ape when it was born.

The broker represented a species resurrection group; he calls himself a resource advisor because it sounds better. His job was to find woman of childbearing age, in good health, without any drug problems. Lissy was one of ten woman he found who would agree to carry a baby ape. The apes had been extinct for over thirty years, victims of inbred depression, petechial hemorrhages, cirrhosis, and renal failure.

Jo takes a special interest in Lissy, perhaps because of her own failure as a mother. Jo has a young daughter who after a failed sex change operation turns to drugs. Jo couldn’t help her, or wouldn’t and her daughter wants to hurt her for it.

She is a walljacker, one of the four hundred thousand who have chosen to deal with life’s disappointments by hooking themselves up to a wall jack in order to shut out the world. They say you don’t feel a thing when you’re on the juice, that you’re numb to the world around you.

In the past Jo has always been able to shut off the circuit breaker when she finds her, but now her daughter has rigged it so Jo cannot shut it off. She has wired it so no one can turn it off, or death will come to both of them. All she can do for her now is to prolong he death with an I.V, but even then she has two months tops.

After the public outcry it’s decided that the baby ape must be aborted, but Jo finds herself torn and so she works a deal. The broker Group and County agreed on an arrangement, Lissy would have her baby, but would have a post partum wipe to erase her memory, new I.D, and a fund set up to take care of her afterwards. Her new name is Mary McLoughlin.

A year later as the story comes to a close, Mary is standing in front of the primate exhibit, looking at Cleo, the baby ape, at the San Diego zoo. A year has passed. That when Mary senses that the baby ape staring at her knows her, but she can’t really remember how that would be possible. Jo shares her last thoughts about Mary (Lissy). Jo has filed for guardianship and if all goes well Lissy will be moving back to L.A with her.

Free Radicals (short story)

"Free Radicals" is the story of a recently widowed woman named Nita. Her husband, Rich, had just died while on his way to the hardware store. Rich's death came as a surprise to Nita. She had been diagnosed with cancer a year before, and they were expecting her to die before him, especially because Rich had just been given a good bill of health the week before his death. Nita and her husband had planned only the humblest of funerals. She had buried him and had since been secluding herself in her house. Rich had been married once before to a woman named Bett. Nita had been Rich's mistress. Bett and Richard eventually divorced, and Rich married Nita. When Rich and Bett divorced, Rich got the house where Rich and Nita lived until his death. After his death, Nita took it upon herself to go through and tidy the house. One morning there was a knock at the door. A man claimed to be there to check out her fuse box. When he was finished, he feigned being ill from his diabetes. He asked Nita if she could fix him something to eat. The situation quickly soured. The man forced Nita to listen to his story. The story of how he killed his family. The man had been under the impression that his parents were going to give him their house. He then found out that the deal stipulated that he was to take care of his sister, whom he disdained. When he found out the stipulation to the deal, he hatched a plan and killed his family. When the man finished the story, Nita was certain that her knowledge of what the man had done would be the end of her. She then decided to tell a story of her own. She fabricated a story where she was not Nita, and in fact, she was Bett. She told the man that she had baked a poison tart for "Nita" and fed it to her. She told the man that "Nita" had died and that it had saved her marriage. Nita told the man this story to empathize with his situation. If they had both performed murderous acts, they both had an understanding of each other, and maybe he would not kill her for her knowledge of his wrongdoings. After Nita told the man her story, he became upset and wanted to leave. He took Nita's late husband's car and fled. The next morning Nita was awakened by a police officer who told her that the man who had taken the car was in an accident and killed instantly.

Backtrack (film)

Troubled psychotherapist Peter Bower suffers from nightmares and eerie visions ever since the death of his daughter Evie in a street accident a year earlier, which he blames himself for after he was briefly distracted by something in a store window and failed to notice her veer off the sidewalk. His wife Carol suffers extreme depression and rarely gets out of bed while he works in his practice, meeting some clients referred to him by his mentor, Duncan. One client, Felix, apparently suffers from anterograde amnesia, believing that it is still the 80s; another, Erica, talks of her suicidal thoughts, but finds herself unable to commit suicide; and another, Elizabeth Valentine, is a girl who is apparently mute and who reacts with fear to the sound of the train passing by Peter's office, and before she flees, she writes a series of numbers on one of Peter's notepads: 12787.

Elizabeth returns unexpectedly, and Peter finds her looking out of his window to where the train will pass. Again, she is disturbed by the sound of it and begins to choke; she hits the window, leaving a handprint. Peter records her, but she disappears before he can speak to her further. He plays the recording to Duncan, who claims he hears nothing and believes that Peter is hallucinating Elizabeth out of guilt from failing to prevent his daughter's death, pointing out that her initials sound like Evie's name. Later, Peter hallucinates Elizabeth saying that "we have her" before turning into Evie and then vanishing, and later, he has a nightmare about Erica, who says she wasn't able to commit suicide because she's already dead. Doing research, Peter discovers that Elizabeth died in 1987, along with all the other clients who have been seeing him. The numbers that Elizabeth wrote on his notepad was a date: July 12, 1987. Perplexed, he calls Duncan and asks to speak with him later, and then has a vision of his deceased patients on the train outside of his window.

Duncan comes over, and Peter worries about his sanity and questions how Duncan could have referred the patients when all of them have been deceased for decades. He then notices that Duncan doesn't appear in a mirror, and he, too, is a ghost. Now fully disturbed, Peter uses a map to discover that all the deceased patients lived along a train line leading to his hometown, False Creek. He travels there alone and meets with his father, William, a retired cop. Going to the bar, Peter meets with a childhood friend, Barry, and tells him that there is a weight on his conscience that he wants lifted. Barry alludes to a horrifying event that happened in their youth that they promised to keep a secret, and tells Peter to leave him out of any confession.

When the two were teenagers, Barry led Peter to a secret location that his brother mentioned, where couples would apparently have sex in their cars. The two left their bikes at the side of the train tracks and went to go spy on a couple in a car. Peter panics when he hears a train whistle, and he raced to move their bikes; in the process, he saw what he thought was Barry, running ahead of him. However, neither got there in time, and the train was violently derailed, killing 47 of the passengers on board. Peter saw several of the victims, all of whom would be his deceased future clients. He is then terrorized by the ghosts of Evie, Felix, and Elizabeth.

The next morning, Barry drives to the train tracks, and Peter goes to the police station. There, he meets Barbara, a constable, and confesses the incident to her. She tells him that he will likely face no charges, as it was an accident that happened when he was a teenager, and the statute of limitations has expired. Peter also discovers that she was the daughter of Erica. He apologizes, and Barbara tells him that her mother was the only local killed in the accident, and that William was kind to her at the funeral, inspiring her to become a police officer.

Barbara investigates the accident while Peter tries and fails to burn his newspaper clipping of the accident. He is drawn to a closet, where the ghost of Elizabeth briefly strangles him. Duncan then appears, telling him that there was no way that bicycles lying against the tracks would have derailed the train, and that there was more to the accident. He also urges Peter to remember exactly what distracted him on the day of Evie's death. Peter recalls looking into a toy shop window at a railroad set, specifically, a model of a switch tower. The next morning, he investigates the switch tower beside the tracks and finds Barry, who has committed suicide, inside. When the police arrive, Peter confesses to Barbara that Barry was there the night of the accident, but he intentionally left him out of the confession. Later, he tells her about his hallucinations since Evie's death. When she does not believe him, he tells her details about Erica that he wouldn't otherwise know. Rattled, she orders him to leave.

A police officer finds an old and encrusted pin lying on the floor of the switch house and gives it to Barbara, who discovers that it's the insignia of Elizabeth's high school. As Peter once more returns to the scene of the accident, she pays a visit to William and tells him that during her investigation, she has discovered that the road he apparently drove to get to the aftermath of the crash was blocked off, and he would have only been able to drive there if his car had already been on the right side of the tracks, as the crossing was blocked by the derailment. Furthermore, Elizabeth was the only victim with a cause of death that the coroners deemed inconclusive. Meanwhile, Peter sees Elizabeth's ghost once more, and, taking the same path he did as the night of the accident, he realizes that it was not Barry he saw running ahead of him, but Elizabeth. Going up to the switch house, he suddenly remembers all of the night: he looked through the windows of the house to see his father (William) strangling Elizabeth. In her struggle to survive, she left a handprint on the window (the same one he saw earlier), and she also accidentally pulled the lever of the track points, leading it to derail and kill the passengers. Afterwards, William placed her body at the scene of the crash inside a derailed carriage.

Barbara asserts to William that she knows Elizabeth was not a victim of the crash, and she believes that Peter saw something that night that William wanted covered up. William knocks her unconscious and puts her in the trunk of her police car. Peter returns and tells William that he knows the truth: the couple that Peter and Barry saw in the car was really William raping Elizabeth, and he saw William kill her; he asks William if Elizabeth was his only victim. William pulls a gun on him and tells him to get in the police car in the garage. Inside, Peter hears Barbara regain consciousness while in the car boot, and after a brief struggle, William knocks him unconscious as well.

The next morning, William drives out with both Peter and Barbara restrained in the car. A gun is on the passenger seat. However, the ghost of Elizabeth appears in the road and in the car, startling William and making him lose control of the car. In the process, Peter is thrown out of the backseat of the car and ends up a safe distance away, with the gun. William ends up on the train tracks, the engine dead and the doors locked as a train begins to approach. He tries and fails to escape and yells to Peter for help. Peter attempts to shoot out a window so William can escape, but only succeeds when the train is extremely close. The trunk opens and Barbara manages to climb out, and Peter pushes her off the tracks to safety. William, held back by Elizabeth's ghost, is crushed by the train. As Peter and Barbara stand on the side of the tracks, Peter can see the ghosts of the victims on the train, and sees a tranquil Elizabeth turn and depart.

Later, Peter is on the beach with the ghost of Evie, who gets up and walks into the ocean, finally moving on and at peace. His wife joins him and asks what he's thinking about; Peter tells her that he's thinking about kids. Carol smiles, and they embrace.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

Toula Portokalos-Miller's life is in shambles. Her travel agency and the family dry cleaners have closed due to the recession. The only business still open is the family restaurant that her father, Gus, still runs. Her husband, Ian, is the principal at their teen-aged daughter Paris' high school. Paris, who is applying to college, feels smothered by her close-knit clan, who constantly interfere in her life. Desperate for independence and privacy, she applies to schools across the country. Ian and Toula's marriage has become strained due to Toula's obsessive need to be involved in Paris' life and to "fix" whatever goes wrong in her family.

Meanwhile, Gus has convinced himself that he is directly descended from Alexander the Great and wants to write to an online ancestry site for confirmation. While sorting through his records, he discovers that his and Maria's marriage certificate was never signed by the priest, technically invalidating their union. His current priest isn't allowed to sign it but agrees to perform a new ceremony. Gus insists that he and Maria must marry again after fifty years together, but Maria wants Gus to propose properly. Gus refuses, infuriating Maria, who refuses to go through with the ceremony. Meanwhile, when Toula and Ian are on a date night to rekindle their romance, their family catches them making out in their car outside their house. After Gus lands in the hospital and Maria refuses to go, saying she is not his wife, Gus pleads for her to marry him again. This time she accepts.

Maria wants the wedding she never had and hires a wedding planner who quits after the rowdy family's choices become too outlandish. The whole family, including Ian's parents, Rodney and Harriet, and Angelo's business partner, Patrick, pitch in to make the wedding happen. Nick urges Angelo to tell his parents, Voula and Taki, that Patrick is also Angelo's romantic partner. Gus's estranged brother, Panos, arrives from Greece as a surprise.

Paris has been accepted to Northwestern University in Chicago and NYU in New York City. She chooses Northwestern to please her mother, but Paris' great-grandmother convinces her she should go to New York. Paris asks Bennett, a boy she has a crush on, to the prom. He is also Greek, with an equally crazy Greek family. Prom is the same night as the wedding. Toula tells Paris she can go to the prom if she attends the reception later. En route to the church, Gus, Panos, and Taki arrive drunk after many shots of ouzo. Maria storms off to the vestry after seeing Gus acting foolishly, feeling he is not taking the wedding seriously. Panos tells Maria that Gus had confided to him his love for Maria, and the ceremony continues. Watching as Gus and Maria renew their marriage ceremony (Greeks don't recite vows), Ian and Toula privately renew theirs. At the prom, Paris and Bennett share their first kiss while slow-dancing.

At the wedding reception, Gus reads a letter from the ancestry site verifying that he is a descendant of Alexander the Great. Ian, however, realizes that Toula forged the letter to make her father happy. The movie ends with the entire family dropping Paris off at her college dorm in New York.

Sammy J & Randy in Ricketts Lane

Sammy J is a hopeless lawyer who six years into his legal career has yet to win a case. This is not helped by his tendency to wet himself in court, nor the relentless bullying of his sadistic boss Borkman. Randy (the purple puppet) hit rock bottom after the divorce from his wife, the host of a top-rating current affairs program, "Thumbs Down with Victoria Vincent". Apart from cheating on his wife, Randy's hobbies included gambling, drinking, and cheating on his wife. After Sammy J managed to lose him everything in the divorce case, he offered his spare room at Ricketts Lane to Randy for a fortnight but that was twelve months ago.

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Serene Village

The player wakes up transformed into a Pokémon and only remembering that they used to be a human. When they are suddenly attacked by a group of Beheeyem, a friendly Nuzleaf helps them escape, gives them shelter in Serene Village, and enrolls them in a school for young Pokémon. There, they meet their partner, who dreams of joining the Expedition Society but has become the town pariah due to his overeager nature. Taking advantage of the player not knowing the area, school bullies Pancham and Shelmet trick the player (and the partner, to their chagrin) to enter a mine owned by a Gabite, but the local Drilbur defuse the situation before it gets out of control.

Several days later, the other kids ask the player where they're from, having ascertained that they can't feasibly be Nuzleaf's kid. Not wanting to hide the truth, the player reveals what they remember, but Pancham gets everyone (except the partner and the school principal) to think they're a pathological liar looking for attention. The next day, Nuzleaf's neighbor, Roselia, arrives at the school looking for her daughter Budew, who's disappeared without any real explanation. Recalling a conversation they had with the partner's father about a special honey that Budew overheard, the player and partner rush to a nearby meadow and save her, winning the respect of their classmates and the town. That night, the partner sympathizes with the player's outsider status and gives them one of the Harmony Scarves he has as a sign of friendship.

They eventually meet Ampharos, a member of the Expedition Society who gives them a Connection Orb and names them junior Expedition Society members. After saving Pancham and Shelmet from a group of Litwick who came to town to feed on their fears, Nuzleaf informs the pair that he wants them to join him to explore Revelation Mountain, a local mountain range the town has guarded for years with no reason why. However, the Beheeyem are spotted outside the village, forcing the player and partner to flee to Lively Town, the site of the Expedition Society headquarters.

Lively Town and the Expedition Society

Upon arriving, Ampharos inducts them into the Expedition Society and introduces them to the other members: explorers Archen, Bunnelby, Buizel, archaeologist Mawile, astronomer Jirachi, communications officer Dedenne, and cook Swirlix. After a few days of work, Archen invites them to a trip to the Air Continent, where they discover that a malicious entity has been turning Pokémon to stone. The Society initially assumes Entei is involved after Latios and Latias are found turned to stone, but when the player and partner inexplicably evolve to their final forms and defeat him, they realize he was only investigating the current events.

A few days later, the entity confronts Entei. Although the Society is unable to prevent Entei from being turned to stone, they find evidence that implies that Krookodile, a local thug, is the culprit. When it is found that a dungeon called the Prehistoric Ruins may help them find more answers, the Society initially intends to go, but the player and partner hear that Krookodile is headed towards Serene Village and leave with Archen to intercept him. Nuzleaf meets up with them and informs them that Krookodile was heading up Revelation Mountain and joins the chase. At the top, the group discovers a sealed spring that can return petrified Pokémon to normal. They confront Krookodile, but Krookodile reveals that Nuzleaf paid him to go to Revelation Mountain. Nuzleaf reveals himself to be the culprit behind the Pokémon turning to stone and, along with the legendary Pokémon Yveltal, petrifies the player, partner, Archen, Suicune and Raikou, dries out the spring water, and begin attacking Pokémon around the world. Ampharos, Jirachi, and Espurr manage to survive while everyone else in Serene Village and Lively Town are turned to stone.

Escaping the Voidlands and going to the Tree of Life

During this time, the player wakes up in a world called the Voidlands and is reunited with most of the Society. As they try to find a way back to their world, they discover that the planet's life source, the Tree of Life, was once pulled toward the sun by the entity, now known as Dark Matter, but was stopped by 'the alignment of the stars'. However, they are attacked by manifestations of the Voidlands' darkness. Raikou, Entei, and Suicune save the player, partner, and Mawile, but the others are incapacitated. They make their way up Reverse Mountain, the only way out of the Voidlands, but the battle at the top is so fierce that the player and partner's allies have to sacrifice themselves to let them escape.

The player and partner return to the Society headquarters where they reunite with Espurr, but are confronted by an escaped Beheeyem, who informs them that Dark Matter feeds on the negativity of others and can possess Pokémon. He also mentions that he believes the Tree of Life to be in the deepest part of the Prehistoric Ruins. He leads the player and partner to the ruins, but when they reach the depths, they realize that Nuzleaf, anticipating Beheeyem's betrayal, lied about the Tree's true location. Nuzleaf reveals that Beheeyem was responsible for the player's memory loss, and Espurr is revealed to be a double agent for Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf then tries using the room's energy to attempt to send the player to the deepest part of the Voidlands. Ampharos, Jirachi, and Celebi intervene and transport the player, partner and Espurr, who was actually a double agent for Ampharos, to the Tree of Life.

Defeating Dark Matter and conclusion

Celebi explains that the player might have been summoned once before by Mew and the Harmony Scarves protect its wearers from turning to stone when near the Tree of Life. Upon reaching the end of the forest, they find the Tree of Life near dead. They are confronted by Yveltal, Nuzleaf, and the remaining Beheeyem, whom Dark Matter has corrupted. They turn the escaped Beheeyem to stone and try to turn the group to stone as well, but the group are protected thanks to the harmony scarves. The group manage to defeat them and free them from their brainwashed state, but the battle allowed Dark Matter, who was inside the Tree of Life, to get the energy needed to pull the Tree out of the ground and send the planet toward the sun.

However, various flying Pokémon stall the ascent long enough for Arceus to send the player and partner into the Tree of Life. With help from Yveltal and the others, the two battle and destroy Dark Matter. The Society and Xerneas, the physical form of the Tree of Life, congratulate them, but the player soon becomes worried that they might be forced to leave the Pokémon world. When expressing their concerns to the partner, the partner informs them that, upon talking with Xerneas, they are the reincarnation of Mew and have to leave the world instead. The partner tells the player to not be upset before departing in a ball of light.

After story

Some time later, the player has returned to working at the Expedition Society, but has lost motivation since their partner left. Ampharos advises the player to seek out a Pokémon named Xatu on the possibility of bringing back their partner. Upon reaching him, Xatu tells the player that Mew is living in a dungeon called Mystery Forest. However, the Mew the player finds is nothing like their partner. Initially returning home alone, the player discovers Mew following them and Ampharos brings him on to help the player with work. After several days of work, the player and Mew bond, allowing the player to get over the pain of their partner's departure. However, the player wakes up one day on the Serene Village hill with Mew gone and no memory of how they wound up there. After returning to the headquarters and not finding Mew there either, their memories come flooding back: Mew had gotten sick at some point and Xatu feared Dark Matter might be involved. Thinking the hill might help, the player took Mew there but was attacked by an unknown party upon arrival.

Immediately, Ampharos and Mawile come forward with a letter saying the individuals that took Mew were at Purifying Cave. At the depths of the cave, the player discovers the kidnappers were Nuzleaf and the Beheeyem, having learned of Dark Matter's presence in Mew and intending to destroy Mew before Dark Matter could revive. The player demands that Mew stays, as they can't bear losing another friend. The player's Harmony Scarf begins to glow and revives the partner. Ampharos, Mawile and Xatu then show up and explain that the partner was inside Mew and the kidnapping was a ruse to bring the partner back. Mew then returns home, and the player and partner resume their work.

Night Games (1966 film)

Jan returns with his fiancée to his childhood home. While there he flashes back to his childhood, twenty years before when he lived an unfettered life watched over by a strange great-aunt and a hedonistic and often neglectful mother and father.

In particular he remembers watching his mother give birth to a stillborn child after refusing to go to the hospital in the middle of a party and his sexual obsession with his mother which included being caught by her while he was masturbating while listening to her read a bedtime story.

In the present, his relationship with his fiancée grows more strained as his past begins to affect the way he acts in the present.

Bonus (film)

At a meeting of the Communist Party committee of a construction trust ( ), one of the supervisors, Potapov, makes a surprise announcement. He and his team refuse to receive the bonus money issued for overfulfillment of plan targets. According to Potapov, the management of the trust regularly artificially lowers targets so that the trust can easily exceed its targets. Potapov proves his words with compelling economic data.

The director of the trust, Batarcev, dismisses his allegations. He tries to disparage Potapov as a "troublemaker" and attempts to cover up the scandal. However, the Party Secretary unexpectedly supports Potapov's initiative ...

Bathroom Break

Beavis and Butt-Head are working at Burger World when the latter returns from the bathroom and realizes that he has been paid to defecate. Beavis finds this to be a genius discovery, and joins him in the bathroom, while the queue to be served grows longer and longer. The manager is upset and drags them out of the bathroom. However, a labor lawyer in the queue tells the manager that it is illegal to limit his employees' bathroom break. Beavis and Butt-Head return to slack off in the bathroom, and the manager has to serve the impatient queue. The manager leaves the restaurant and hides behind a secluded wall to urinate, but the police park right next to him and arrest him for public urination. As he turns to face them without doing up his zipper, he is also arrested for indecent exposure.

I Am a Fugitive

A janitor in a large bank is accused of pulling of a major heist. He is forced to become a fugitive while hunting for the real culprits.

The Genius (1948 film)

Cantinflas is an assistant to a leading scientist. He is pursued by a gang who wish to discover the secret formula for a cheaper fuel that his boss has allegedly discovered.

Lowriders (film)

Danny is a talented but troubled graffiti artist. His mother is dead, and his father, Miguel, would rather have Danny working in the family auto shop, helping to make the coveted lowriders that are so important in their East L.A. Latino culture. Their relationship is further strained when Danny is arrested for tagging a bridge and must be bailed out.

Danny's older brother Francisco, nicknamed "Ghost", is released from a long prison stint. His relationship with his father is also strained, due to Miguel's past drinking problem, the way he treated their mother and the fact that he didn't go visit him while he was in prison. Danny enters into a relationship with a young photographer, Lorelei, that exposes him to a different avenue to share his graffiti skills. Ghost and Danny decide to enter their own car in the big Elysian Park lowrider competition, against their father's legendary "Green Poison."

When Miguel's car wins, Ghost sends his crew to destroy the car and in the ensuing confrontation Miguel gets shot. He survives and Danny visits his father at the hospital where he encounters his crying stepmother who informs him that his father needs to see him. Danny dedicates his time in fixing another lowrider which he names "Marisol", after his mother, and showing at the El Chele exclusive invitation only car show.

The trials and tribulations everyone faces leads Danny to decide his life's true direction, Miguel to come to terms with the consequences of all his life's actions and a family to unite within the confines of a lowrider culture that is unique, special and little understood.

The Runway Club

Tina, Gene, and Louise arrive at school for a Saturday detention session, upset that they were missing out on the Cotton Candy festival which would be over by the time the detention ended. Jimmy Jr., Tammy, Jocelyn, and Zeke were also at detention. A flashback revealed the punishments were handed out after Tina and Tammy wore the same sparkly jelly bracelet to school and caused an argument and a fight where the younger Belcher kids tried to pull them apart, Zeke jumped into the fight for fun, Jocelyn pulled the fire alarm to try and call for help, and Jimmy Jr. sprayed the fire extinguisher over everyone trying to make a "foam party".

While serving their detention, Mr. Frond decided to hold a fashion contest (since fashion was responsible for the melee) à la Project Runway called ''Scared Fabulous''. The students are reluctant to participate until he told them that the winners could leave detention 3 hours early. The three teams were Tammy and Jocelyn, Zeke and Jimmy Jr, and the three Belcher children. Tammy and Tina make a side bet where the winner gets to keep wearing their sparkly jelly bracelet and the loser had to throw their bracelet away. There were three challenges and three judges (Coach Blevins, Secretary Schnur, and Custodian Branca) who were chosen because they were the only ones in the school on Saturday.

The first challenge involved designing an outfit for Ms. Schnur to wear over a three day weekend on the couch using materials from her supply closet (like folders, construction paper, and staples). Tammy and Jocelyn won that challenge and didn't have to compete in the second round. The second challenge involved designing an outfit for Coach Blevins that's good for three different activities using wrestling mats and old jerseys. The coach didn't know much about fashion and after being told he couldn't call it a tie, he had the team's models (Zeke and Gene) wrestle to determine the winner.

During the wrestling match, Principal Spoors just called Mr. Frond, to say he despised the idea of ''Scared Fabulous'' which put an end to the contest. Mr. Frond told the kids to go back to class and finish their detention, clearly disappointed, seeing himself as exceptionally experienced with fashion. The kids protested and Louise challenged Mr. Frond to compete against all of them. If Mr. Frond wins, the kids would all talk up the ''Scared Fabulous'' fashion program to the principal. But if the kids win, they all get to leave early. The final challenge was judged by Mr. Branca who wanted something fit for a presidential speech made out of trash.

Despite arguing and fighting, Tina and Tammy gave up their jelly bracelets (though Tammy needed a bit more "persuading") to help finish their team's outfit, earning them the victory over Mr. Frond. Though initially upset, Mr. Frond noticed the jelly bracelets and took it as a sign they set aside their differences and were rehabilitated thanks to his fashion program. After the kids leave, Principal Spoors made a surprise visit, forcing Mr. Frond to set off the fire alarm as a distraction.

Meanwhile, Bob and Linda were visited by a neighborhood girl named Sally who was offering magazine subscriptions as part of a fundraiser. Bob suspected someone was scamming Sally, and that no magazines would be delivered after receiving the money. They told Sally she was part of a scam fundraiser and she left, flustered, but soon returned with Trish, the angry head of the fundraiser. Trish pressured/threatened them into buying 20 magazines by nearly ripping up their serving counter. Jimmy Pesto stopped by to jeer at Bob but Bob managed to use reverse psychology to trick Jimmy Pesto into ordering and paying for 40 magazines, which had Bob and Linda overall pleased (they may have gotten scammed but Jimmy Pesto got scammed twice as hard).

Steel Against the Sky

Rocky and Pete Evans are following in their father's footsteps working on girders building a bridge for John Powers. Chuck, their brother, prefers using his brains over brawn in get rich quick schemes that usually fail. Chuck tries to interest Rocky in financing a plan by Professor Samson, who claims to have invented a new product called Samsonite, (named after him), which is as strong as steel and as flexible as rubber. Rocky is not interested in wasting his money. Chuck brings the Professor home and Pop Evans loans him $25. A lab is set up in the basement of the Evans home. Rocky is romantically interested in Helen Powers, the daughter of the bridge contractor, and invites her home for dinner. The three brothers humorously vie for the use of the bathroom before Helen arrives. Meanwhile, the Professor's experiments create small explosions at the Evans' house. Chuck is enchanted with Helen and decides to work on the bridge with Rocky as his boss. Rocky is attacked on the girders by a disgruntled employee and Chuck rescues him, thus, impressing Helen. Completion of the job, on time, is threatened by an impending storm. Work begins around the clock. Rocky sees Chuck kissing Helen and is furious. The brothers fight. Pop is devastated by the rift between the boys, whom he has raised since he was widowed and disabled on the job. He blames Helen for toying with the feelings of the boys, when she goes to his house to explain. Helen tries to make amends by rejecting Chuck. The storm causes a problem on the bridge. Rocky and Pete climb the ice covered girders to attempt repairs. Pete slips and falls into the icy water. Rocky continues but also slips and is treacherously hanging by his safety belt. Chuck climbs the girders to rescue his brother and all is forgiven. Helen professes her love for Chuck and in the final scene they are married (They were married in real life for over 50 years.)

Padma Patar Jol

The film takes place during the late 19th century in Bengal. During that period of time, Zaminders had absolute power and controlled every aspect of common people's lives. Rizwan is the only son of a very powerful Zaminder who resides in the rural part of Bengal. As Rizwan grows up, His father sends him away to the city for higher education, however Rizwan have no interest in heart to seek higher education as he aspires to become a great poet. As he progresses with his life in the city, one day his friends persuades him to go to a Baizi Bari's Jhumri Mahal, where all the Raqasa (Dancers) resides.

As he stays there for few days, He comes across a very graceful Baiji named Rupak. As he get to knows her, he falls in love with her although it is forbidden for Baiji's to get involved in any kind of relationship and after all, He was a Zaminder and she was a dancer, but She also falls in love with him after all. Going opposite the social norm, many obstacles comes between them and overpowers their love. As they fails to unite in the time, both Rupak and Rizwan dies and reunites after death.

Itty Bitty Ditty Committee

The episodes starts with Linda talking on the phone about a rash that has developed underneath her armpits. Meanwhile, outside the restaurant, Gene is playing his keyboard in the burger suit to help drum up business outside Bob's Burgers. He is accompanied by Tina and Louise who are sliding straws through lids of to-go cups. Then Regular Sized Rudy and Peter Pescadero see them as they are returning from orchestra practice with their instruments. They jam successfully and the band Itty Bitty Ditty Committee is born. They later recruit Darryl after hearing him sing the Hall & Oates song "Maneater" in the computer lab. They try to recruit him and are able convince him to join the band. While the children practice, they begin to harmonize and are noticed by Lenny DeStefano who asks them to play at his birthday party. The children continue to practice but Darryl starts talking about creating a practice schedule, while Gene on the other hand is apathetic as he thinks it's waste of time to practice.

Meanwhile, the band begins to have conflicting differences between Darryl and Gene's styles of music as Darryl wants to play music that would go beyond a single beat. Gene becomes disturbed when Darryl demonstrated his point on Gene's keyboard. The final straw happens as Darryl, Peter, and Rudy are practicing without Gene. They tell Gene that they have decided to kick him and his sisters out of the band due to their conflicting ideals. Gene is upset by these events and has become convinced he shouldn't be playing music anymore and gives up his keyboard. His sisters try to get Gene to rediscover his love for music by pretending to destroy his keyboard. The gang decides to play outside like earlier in the episode. As the kids play they start to attract a crowd who are amazed by the children's abilities. Gene regains his confidence and is soon sought out by Darryl, Peter, and Rudy who realized that they missed Gene and were bored without him. Gene soon rejoins the band and leads the band and the crowd to Lenny's birthday party.

Meanwhile, Linda is bothered by her rash and his ordered by her doctor not to shave for a while until the rash clears up. This leads to some unfortunate events as Linda's pit hair grow at a large rate and becomes uncomfortable for the rest of the customers. Linda tries to avoid people by hiding in the kitchen, but Hugo and Ron show up for an inspection and force Linda to wear hair nets on her arm pits. After this she decides to shave her armpits but Bob convinces her to follow through with the doctors orders and try alternative cures to heal the rash. Linda's rash eventually clears up and Bob informs her that she can finally shave until she realizes she likes her pit hair.

Hitting the Fan

In the prior episode, Diane uncovered Alicia and Cary's plan to leave and start their own law firm. In the opening scene of Hitting the Fan, Diane reveals it to Will, and he angrily confronts Alicia about the situation. Hence, Alicia is fired along with all fourth year associates and a frantic pursuit of clients begins. Lockhart/Gardner imposes a restraining order on the new firm, preventing them from lobbying their biggest client, Chum-Hum. Florrick/Agos responds in kind as the two firms battle each other in and out of court, while relationships crumble. Meanwhile, Peter, after hearing of his wife's firing, helps Alicia secure a client and rescinds Diane's Illinois Supreme Court Justice nomination.

Snatched (2017 film)

Recently fired from her job and dumped by her rock musician boyfriend, Emily Middleton is determined to enjoy a previously planned nonrefundable trip to Ecuador. Learning of her relationship status from social media, her mother, Linda, tells her to come home in order to move on, where she reunites with her agoraphobic brother, Jeffrey. Initially refusing, Linda agrees to go on the trip with her daughter.

In Ecuador, after they check into the upscale hotel, Emily meets a handsome man named James at the hotel bar, and they begin a relationship. After one night of drinking and dancing with James, Emily and her mother take a sightseeing day trip with him. During their ride, a white van rams James' Jeep and the masked men abduct Emily and Linda. James escapes, but Linda suspects he was in on the kidnapping plot from the start. Emily awakens inside a cell and begins to panic, while Linda tries to calm herself by reading men's magazines. The leader, Hector Morgado, contacts Jeffrey and demands $100,000 in ransom money. Morgado then has his nephew take both women away from the kidnappers' hideout to another location. They manage to escape from their captors' car and stow away into a passing truck. As it drives away, Emily kills the leader's nephew who is chasing them by pounding his head with a shovel. The truck's driver then stops his truck and leaves them both in the middle of the jungle.

They find a phone at a nearby bar, where they call the U.S. State Department officer Morgan Russell, saying that they are in peril, and Morgan advises them to go to the US Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. They meet a rugged-looking American named Roger Simmons. He agrees to help them find the consulate. After the three share a meal, Morgado and his men track them down. Morgado is about to kill them both as revenge for his only nephew's death, but Linda distracts him while Emily retrieves a nearby spear gun with which to threaten him. As she retrieves it, she accidentally fires it, killing Morgado's only son. They manage to escape with Simmons onto a boat. Soon, however, they are forced off the boat when the captain detects another boat nearby that is looking for the two women.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey, learning that his mother and sister have been kidnapped, calls Morgan at the State Department, saying he will join forces with the agents in order to find his mother and sister. Morgan reluctantly agrees. In Colombia, Emily, Linda, and Simmons hike through the jungle until Simmons falls to his death from a cliff. Later, Emily passes out from the effects of a tapeworm infestation. After a local village doctor removes the tapeworm from her body, Morgado and his men track them down again. They spot a zip line and decide to use it to escape. Unfortunately, the zip line is good for only one person. Linda forces Emily to leave her behind and is recaptured.

Emily safely arrives at the US Consulate. Determined to find her mother, she seeks help from two feisty American women veterans, Ruth and Barb, whom Emily met at the resort in Ecuador. Ruth and Barb take her to James, who was conspiring with Morgado, to the apartment where he is being interrogated for the kidnappers' location. With the ladies' help, Emily rescues her mother at the kidnappers' apartment. They try to escape in another truck, but Morgado intercepts them. As he is about to kill Emily, Linda blows her dog whistle, summoning a dog that attacks Morgado. U.S. State Department agents arrive to arrest Morgado, and Jeffrey reunites with his mother and sister.

One year later, Emily and Linda take another trip to Kuala Lumpur, where Emily meets another man, who offers her a drink. Emily refuses, and she and Linda proceed to dance.

Slaughterhouse (Justified)

In the aftermath of the car bombing, Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) is told that Trooper Tom Bergen has died from his wounds, angering him. Boyd (Walton Goggins) tells him that Duffy (Jere Burns) was involved in the bombing and Raylan sends an all-points bulletin on Duffy. Boyd and Johnny (David Meunier) also confront Arlo (Raymond J. Barry) for locking Ava (Joelle Carter) in the basement, which he defends as "Helen" had him do it.

Raylan questions Duffy, going as far as to use the Russian roulette on him, scaring Duffy. Duffy confesses that Limehouse (Mykelti Williamson) set everything to get rid of Quarles. At a bridge, Limehouse and Boyd meet to finally conclude their business together. When Limehouse returns to the Holler, he finds Raylan waiting for him. Raylan threatens Limehouse but is overcome by Limehouse's hitmen surrounding them. Despite this, Limehouse offers to get rid of Boyd. Elsewhere, Quarles takes a family hostage and forces them to drive him in their car. He contacts Theo Tonin (Adam Arkin), who says that he must pay $500,000 to return home, but Tonin does not want him to continue working with him anymore.

Newly-inaugurated Sheriff Shelby Parlow (Jim Beaver) informs Boyd that the police and the Marshals received a tip about Boyd killing Devil and they will arrest him when they find the body. Shelby then proclaims that they are square after Boyd saved his life, cutting ties with him. Boyd, Ava and Johnny immediately suspect Arlo, given that his health has been deteriorating lately. Ava suggests that he flees but Boyd refuses to run anymore. Raylan, Mullen (Nick Searcy) and the Marshals arrive and arrest Boyd for Devil's murder. After the arrest, they are notified that Quarles has dropped off the mother, Sally Jenson (Cathy Cahlin Ryan) and is now with her children somewhere else.

Ava and Johnny start working on getting revenge on whoever may have told the police about Devil's murder. Johnny suspects Ellen May (Abby Miller) was involved as she met with Dickie, so Ava visits her to confront her. Ellen May does not cooperate, prompting Ava to shoot her. However, Johnny is revealed to be in an alliance with Limehouse, who reported the murder to the police. Johnny wants revenge against Boyd for ruining his life. Limehouse also confronts Errol (Demetrius Grosse) for his constant betrayals and forces him to leave the Holler or face death.

Raylan is called by Quarles, who is forcing the elder son Pete (Tyler Neitzel) to drive the vehicle while he threatens his brother. He forces him to meet with him and joins them in the car. They meet with Limehouse at the Holler, where Quarles threatens to kill the kids and Raylan if he does not give him $500,000. Limehouse is reluctant but Raylan convinces him as it would bring peace to him. Limehouse removes money from a pig carcass, to Quarles' joy. During this, Raylan mentions Trooper Tom's murder, surprising Quarles, as he didn't shoot him. Just then, Errol shoots at Quarles, who fires back. This gives time for Limehouse to take his butcher knife and chops off Quarles' left arm. With his dying breath, he reveals to Raylan that Arlo is the one who killed Trooper Tom.

Raylan and his team arrest Arlo in the night, taking him to the office. Before interrogating him, he shares a talk with Boyd in his cell, explaining that because of Arlo's association and Devil's murder, Boyd could face up to 20 years in prison. Boyd states that he saw a father figure in Arlo, deeming him part of his family. Raylan then goes to Arlo's interrogation, where he confesses to Trooper Tom's murder, but he also "confesses" to killing Devil to protect Boyd. Arlo is taken into custody while Boyd is released. The episode ends as Raylan visits Winona (Natalie Zea) at her sister's house to talk about his day. Before leaving, he tells Winona that he thinks Arlo just shot a "man in a hat" to protect Boyd and wonders if Arlo thought he was killing Raylan instead of Trooper Tom.

Ronin (video game)

''Ronin'' is about a young girl, known as the "Rōnin", who has lost her father for unknown reasons and the only thing she has left is a photo of five former associates of her father, responsible for his death. The Rōnin is now in charge of self-justice by taking revenge upon those five persons, one at a time.

Love Is All You Need? (2016 film)

"Love is all You Need?" takes place in an alternate reality where homosexuality is the norm and heterosexuality is shunned. Men and women typically only have sex during designated breeding periods for the sake of procreation, but it is the societal expectation to raise one's children with a same-sex partner. Gender roles are also turned on their head, with all the major sports teams being women's and religious leaders being largely female. The film cuts between two main stories throughout its run time. The first is of the forbidden romance between female college-quarterback Jude and classmate Ryan, while the second follows preteen Emily Curtis, who struggles to fit in and begins to develop a crush on her male playmate.

Jude Klein (Briana Evigan) is the star football player at the fictitious Western Indiana University, a highly religious school in an equally religious town. Her girlfriend Kelly (Emily Osment) is a popular sorority girl running for homecoming queen. Both are shown to be regular attendees at their local church and close with its fiercely heterophobic reverend, Rachel Duncan (Elisabeth Röhm).

While at a frat party, Jude meets Ryan Morris (Tyler Blackburn), a sports journalism major who has been recruited to write a story on her for the school magazine. The two quickly form a bond and begin to meet up regularly at a broken down merry-go-round near campus. Ryan is hinted to be a closeted heterosexual. He admits to Jude that he isn't religious and only went to the university because of a scholarship. Furthermore, when she offers to set her up with another male friend, he states that he's "not his type."

Jude begins to grow distant from her girlfriend and is clearly nursing an attraction towards Ryan. One night, after Ryan surprises her by fixing up the merry-go-round, they kiss. Jude confides in Susan Miller (Ana Ortiz), the head of the newly formed Heterosexual Alliance Club at Western Indiana, who encourages her to come out to her friends and family. Jude is adamant about burying her feelings, not wanting to put her football career in jeopardy. That night, however, Ryan asks her to sneak into the school pool with him after closing. They skinny dip and, after confessing their love for each other, have sex against the pool wall. Kelly, who has grown suspicious and secretly followed Jude to the pool, arrives to see them in the act from a window. Furious and heartbroken, she films them with her cell phone.

Jude is later shown at church, and has a conversation with Reverend Rachel in which she confesses that she believes she falling in love with the person that God wants her to be with. The Reverend senses that she is not talking about Kelly, though she is still under the impression the person Jude is referring to is female. She tells her that she needs to break up with Kelly because it's wrong to lead a person on. Jude immediately does so and Kelly, who is clearly planning something, tells her to keep their split quiet for the sake of her homecoming campaign until she finds a way to go public with it. Meanwhile, Ryan is kicked out of the fraternity he is rushing for refusing to play ''7 Minutes in Heaven'' with another guy, convincing them of his heterosexuality.

Later on, Jude discovers her dorm hall plastered with pictures of her and Ryan having sex. She finds Kelly in her room, who advises her to tell her "little boyfriend" that everybody knows. Left alone, a distraught Jude leaves a voicemail for Ryan, telling him to get somewhere safe. That night, she prays to God asking him for a sign that her love for Ryan is not wrong. She flips through her bible and lands on a verse that seems to set her at ease. The news of her outing reaches the reverend, who plots to use her power to encourage her followers at the university to act violently.

The next night, Jude faces hostility from the crowd at the homecoming game, while her teammates treat her with cold indifference. Ryan watches the game alone from afar, cheering her on. During the last play of the game, the other team decides to play ''Smear the Queer'' and ambush Jude, leaving her gravely injured. She is taken on a stretcher to an ambulance. Ryan attempts to go to her, but is cornered by his former fraternity brothers, who have been advised by Reverend Rachel to "snuff out sin wherever they see it." They kidnap him and take him to the merry-go-round, where they tie him up and severely beat him. Meanwhile, Jude awakens in the hospital with Susan at her side.

Emily Curtis' (Kyla Kennedy) story, based on what is referenced, largely takes place after the events at the university. In one of the film's opening scenes, she goes with one of her mothers, Karen (Jenica Bergere), to welcome their new neighbors, Susan Miller and her presumed wife. They quickly learn that she is married to a man. Karen explains to Emily as they leave that her other mother, Vicki (Katherine LaNasa), would not want their family associating with heterosexuals.

After being cut from her junior high's football team, she is comforted by classmate Ian Santilli (Jacob Rodier). They quickly realize they have a lot in common and begin having regular play-dates at her house. Both of them plan to try out for the titular roles in the school play, a rewritten version of Shakespeare's ''Romeo and Juli''o in which Julio is a woman (Juliet). The drama teacher Dave Thompson (Jermey Sisto), who is married to the male coach of the University's female football team (Leonard Roberts), aims to promote tolerance among his students. Ian's older sister, Paula (Ava Allen), begins to harass Emily alongside her friends. Meanwhile, her mother Vicki is immensely disapproving of her participating in a play that promotes the "perverted hetero lifestyle."

Mr. Thompson is eventually fired after the school receives a flood of complaints about the play. Ian ends his friendship with Emily after realizing she is a heterosexual, not wanting anyone to think he is "like her." Emily is heartbroken, clearly having developed feelings for him. She soon finds herself ambushed by Paula and her friends, who beat her up and write "HETERO" on her forehead.

Emily returns home to both of her mothers playing with her younger brother. They immediately notice her state, and while Karen attempts to comfort her, Vicki orders her to go upstairs and get herself cleaned up. The two women argue, Vicki eventually saying that Emily is at risk of becoming another "Ryan Morris." Emily overhears the name and looks it up on her computer. She finds video taken by one of the participants in his assault, and learns that he is currently in a coma. Traumatized and terrified, Emily locks herself in her bathroom and furiously tries to wipe the "HETERO" label off of her forehead. As her distress grows, she becomes convinced that she will never find happiness or acceptance. She decides to commit suicide by slitting her wrist in a full bathtub.

Meanwhile, the Santillis call the Curtis home to have Paula apologize after learning what she had done. Karen goes upstairs to bring the phone to her daughter. She notices the footage on her laptop, and finds that a sobbing Emily is unresponsive to her pleas to open the door. She grows increasingly panicked and calls for her wife. The women break the door down just as Emily loses consciousness from blood loss. Karen drops the phone to the floor, and the film cuts to the Santillis, still on the line and listening to the chaos. A visibly distraught Ian gets up and runs out of the room, while Paula and their fathers sit in shock. We see Vicki pulling her daughter out of the tub as the screen fades to black, the only noise being the still-running bathtub faucet.

The film cuts to a funeral, and it is at first unclear who it is for. Ian and his family are in attendance, along with the junior high drama teacher and the university's football coach. Susan and her husband sit with Jude. Through flashbacks, we learn that Emily survived her suicide attempt, and that the doctor caring for her was Susan's husband. We see Susan, who previously referenced the high rate of suicide among heterosexual youths, visit her in the hospital with a steadily-recovering Jude.

Emily is shown with her family at the funeral, her arm heavily bandaged. We realize the service is for Ryan, who succumbed to his injuries sometime after Emily attempted to kill herself. Jude gets up to speak, thanking God for giving her Ryan and reciting a quote from ''Romeo and Julio''. Emily approaches Jude after the service, asking why people hate them so much. They decide that heterosexual love is no different from same-sex love, and Emily suggests that "someone should teach them that." As Emily is gently called away by her mothers, we see that they are conversing with the Santillis and the Millers, indicating the two same-sex couples have made their peace and are growing accepting of their heterosexual neighbors.

Jude visits the prison, where Reverend Rachel is now serving a sentence for inciting the hate crime that led to Ryan's death. She reads from the bible page she landed on after asking for a sign from God - '''1 Peter 4:8''': ''Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.'' Jude leaves, but not before asking the reverend a final question: "I think that covers my sin. How about yours?"

The film ends with Jude sitting on the merry go round, repeatedly listening a voicemail Ryan left her during the homecoming game. He says that he called to let her that he is safe and has a great view of her from where he is. The message ends with him telling her that he loves her and will see her soon.

Lady Sazen and the Drenched Swallow Sword

Many years ago, ronin hired by Lord Daizen-dayu killed the parents of a young girl named O-kin, then crippled her by cutting off her right arm and gouging out her right eye. Nevertheless, O-kin grows up and becomes a great swords-woman. Despite her mutilated body, she becomes unbeatable. Now she lives in a small town and owns/wields a very valuable and rare sword - The Drenched Swallow.

A girl named O-mitsu has been led to believe that she will become a maid in a Lord's castle, but is instead taken to a temple where she is sexually degraded by the Head Priest. She escapes and is being pursued by hired Yakuza when O-kin appears and saves her. The Head Priest and the Lord (who is in cahoots with each other) are eager to silence O-mitsu, so they begin a massive manhunt for both her and O-kin, leading O-kin to cut her way to the heart of a massive conspiracy involving corrupt religious leaders and government officials, the Yakuza and the Lord who killed O-kin's parents and disfigured her body.

Punk's Dead

Ross is the child of Trish and Heroin Bob, having been conceived shortly before Bob's drug overdose. He has been raised alone by Trish, above her steam punk curio and clothing boutique. As a result of his mothers adoration of the macabre, as well as his immersion in the concept of death from a young age (his father's), he develops into a Victorian Goth. Despite his obvious affiliation, Ross insists that he is part of no social cliques, which is stressed even further when he states that despite a lifelong abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and sex he is not Straight Edge either.

Upon having his heart broken by his first girlfriend, Ross attempts to drown his sorrows, as well as his lifelong espousal that romantic love is trivial, with the aide of beer and liquor. In an attempt to further help him take his mind off of things, he also begrudgingly goes on a road trip to a punk rock concert with his only friend, Crash, as well as Crash's friend Penny. Ross has a low opinion of punks, despite his association with them, as Crash and Penny are punk rockers like his father.

As Ross is on the road with Crash and Penny, the situation is made known to Trish by Crash's mother. After being told that her only son was being extremely emotional and went to get drunk with Crash and go to a punk show, Trish becomes consumed with genuine concern for her son. She also has overwhelming anxiety, being that the last time she saw Bob alive, he was crying and drunk. Bob also notes distress from the afterlife by pointing out that alcoholism runs in the men in his family, and it's never turned out well for any of them.

Trish calls around to see if anyone has seen Ross and ultimately enlists the help of John and Sean, former friends of his Bob's, to help find him. In the 19 years that have transpired, both men have changed drastically from the first film. John has become the frontman of a black metal band as well as owning a black metal record store. He also no longer goes by the nickname of "John the Mod", instead going by his stage name of Johnny Jackyll. Sean voluntarily checked himself into a psychiatric rehabilitation center after the events of the first film left him homeless and psychologically fractured as a result of his drug use and has amazingly come into the employment of a Utah state senator since his release, though still retaining his punk mentality and love of punk music.

After some debate as to where Ross may have gone, Sean leads them in the direction of the concert that he believes they may be going to, and they are picked up by Eddy, another of Bob's old friends. Tensions flare between Sean and Eddy en route concerning the latter's profession. Eddy has become the proprietor of a very successful strip club as well as owning and operating a "tease" website, that is modeled after Suicide Girls. Sean accuses Eddy of being a parasite who exploits women for profit and says he is no different than a common pimp.

Along the way to the show, Ross is made aware of his outwardly callous and pompous attitude towards others by Penny, which unsettles him, and he decides to change. He spots a man by the side of the road and has Penny pull over to offer him a ride, showing a consideration for others. They approach the man, a Rastafarian named William, who accepts their offer and proceeds to tell them that he is standing there as a result of a "pick up.” As Ross is preoccupied, William opens his backpack and reveals to Crash and Penny several pounds of hallucinogenic mushrooms within. Ross approaches, and a combination of hunger, drunkenness, and complete ignorance of drugs leads him to grab a large handful and consume them before anyone can stop him. William assures an immediately alarmed Crash and Penny that "Him won't die, but him will fly!”They proceed to head down the road as the mushrooms kick into gear for Ross, Crash, and William. Penny begrudgingly abstained so she could drive.

Later in the day, Ross is roused from his drug-induced sleep by Crash as they are parked at a gas station. William has departed before Ross comes to, and he regrets not saying goodbye to him. As the three are talking, a voice shouts to them, and Penny snaps her head around to see her father who has stopped for gas. After a violent encounter ensues between the two, Penny destroys her father's truck and exposes his sexual abuse of her. The three then speed off without further incident.

Finally reaching the concert, Ross, who is still under the influence of mushrooms and alcohol, lets his inhibitions go; he joins Crash in the slam pit and interacts socially with the other punks in attendance. He continues to ride his feelings of excitation and decides to act on them by approaching Penny, who he has been growing feelings for, to ask her out. With her previous revelation of abuse, which has led to her own failures in otherwise healthy relationships, she rejects the possibility of anything happening between them. She sees Ross' true worth and affirms that if she were to let herself, she would fall in love with him, which scares her. As Ross is crushed but understanding, Penny rethinks her choice and kisses him passionately as Crash approaches excitedly to see his two friends both happy.

In his euphoria, Ross climbs onto the stage during Extreme Corporal Punishment's set, and after grabbing the microphone, tries to convey to the annoyed crowd that he loves all of them despite their differences. However, his attempt at unity comes out as an unintentional insult regarding his perceived redundancy and materialism of punk rock and punks in general, and he is pulled off the stage and attacked by the crowd. As Crash and Penny do their best to help Ross, John and Sean arrive and run to their aide, and they are successful in getting Ross outside where Trish and the others are waiting.

Ross and his mother have a confrontation wherein she demands to know why he is making such irregular and reckless decisions. Ross assures her that everything is alright and that he finally knows who he is. She rejects this and pushes further, comparing his actions to his father's, which spurs Ross to angrily disparage his father, causing Trish to slap him. Ross walks away with Penny and Crash after telling his mother that he is moving out. Sean intercedes and quells the situation by telling Trish that she has been overbearing on Ross his whole life, out of a fear of losing him like she lost Bob and has never let him be a kid. She has unknowingly forced Ross to fill his father's shoes in a sense, and he has never really been free to develop on his own. He alludes to the fact that it is her own post traumatic stress disorder that has led to a great deal of the conflict in that she has never been able to let Bob go and move on with her life. She resists but breaks down and admits that she wants to let Bob go, but she can't because he left her alone with Ross and broke her heart. Ross approaches, embraces his mother, and their relationship is repaired.

Bob ends the film by stating that even though everyone is letting go, moving on and living life, in the end, he's still dead, "So, fuck you!"

Miracle on 34th Street (NBC Friday Night Special Presentation)

The story takes place between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day in New York City, and focuses on the impact of a department store Santa Claus who claims to be the real Santa.

Nine Lives (2016 film)

Tom Brand is a major business tycoon in New York City whose workaholic attitude ruined his first marriage with Madison, and his adult son David now works for him and strives for his approval. He now lives with his second wife Lara, who is a little more tolerant of the fact that he is never at home, and his daughter Rebecca. (And possibly David as he is seen in the house most of the movie) His eponymous company FireBrand is nearing completion on its greatest achievement to date: the tallest skyscraper in the northern hemisphere that will be the new headquarters. In the opening scene, he skydives out of a plane and lands on the top of the new skyscraper, while David his oldest child, who is his assistant, remains in the plane, refusing to jump.

Rebecca's 11th birthday was coming and she has always wanted a cat, but Tom has always refused as he hates cats. Not wanting to disappoint her, he rushes to get a last-minute present for his daughter's birthday, but as he is distracted, the GPS redirects him to a mysterious pet store called Purrkins Pet Shop, brimming with odd and exotic cats. The store's eccentric owner Felix Perkins tells him he does not pick the cat, the cat picks him. The tomcat that picks him is called Mr. Fuzzypants, who, Perkins says, has used up seven of his nine lives. Tom buys the cat.

On his way home for the party, Tom meets with Ian Cox, one of the top managers of the company in charge of the new building, and learns that another building in Chicago will be taller. They have an argument while on the roof that ends with Tom firing Ian, but lightning strikes the antenna. Tom is blown off the building along with the cat, and without any effort from Ian to save him, he plummets off the side of the skyscraper, but his leg gets snagged on some stray equipment and gets flung back inside through a window as he passes out. When he wakes up, he realizes that his human body is in the hospital in a state of coma, and his consciousness is trapped inside the cat's body.

Tom is visited by Felix, who is able to talk to him and knows what happened. Felix warns Tom to reevaluate his priorities, connect with his family, and avoid past mistakes within one week or else remain as a cat forever. When Lara and Rebecca take Mr. Fuzzypants home, he acts in an odd and stubborn way to try to convince his wife and daughter that he is actually Tom. This only drives them mad and he slowly comes to see how much he has ignored his family. He suspects that Lara is cheating on him with model Josh Myers and they had been looking at houses together as a prelude to divorcing him. This motivates him to try to make her happy. He also learns that Ian is trying to make the company public with the help of the board of directors to take power from Tom, even though David is trying to stop him. Ian fires David from the company and plans to announce that the company will be sold at the party for the new tower opening.

Eventually, Rebecca realizes that Mr. Fuzzypants is really her father. Meanwhile, Tom's body is in crisis at the hospital and Lara, David, and Rebecca all go there. Rebecca has the cat hidden in her backpack. In a moment alone, David apologizes to Tom for failing to save the company and takes Tom's ID badge, implying he will commit suicide at the tower. At the hospital, Lara and Dr. Cole plan for Lara to sign a DNR, which is a legal form, indicating that if Tom's heart stops beating, they won't save him. Rebecca calls to the cat to come prove he is really Tom, but Tom remembers what Felix said about love being sacrifice and decides to save David instead, sacrificing his only chance at regaining his humanity.

At the tower, David jumps off the building and the cat jumps after him pulling a cable. It is then revealed that David is wearing a BASE jumping parachute. He lands in the middle of the party, presents the articles of incorporation of the company, and announces that he now controls his father's 51% of the stock. He says the company will remain a family company and fires Ian. Although the cat is not seen landing, Tom wakes up from his coma just in time to see David's announcement on the television. Meanwhile, Ian passes Felix who tells him to hang up his cell phone. Ian ignores him, but is then hit by a car, and his consciousness transfers into a cat that Felix takes back to his shop.

Tom and Rebecca return to Felix where Tom asks if he has any dogs. Felix says he does not, but presents Mr. Fuzzypants,who has one life left.

Let Us Prey (film)

A mysterious man arrives in a small town in Scotland where PC Rachel Heggie awakens from a nightmare about being abused as a child before heading out on patrol. Whilst on patrol, Heggie witnesses Francis "Caesar" Sargison's car strike the mystery man. He disappears, and Heggie arrests Caesar. At the police station, she is greeted by Sgt Jim Macready, who charges Caesar with reckless driving. Heggie radios PCs Jennifer Mundie and Jack Warnock to find the victim before taking Caesar to the cells, where he joins his teacher, Mr. Ralph Beswick, arrested for beating his wife.

Mundie and Warnock, having found the man that Caesar hit, bring him to the station, mute, covered in scratches and carrying only a notebook with lists of names. Heggie phones Dr. Duncan Hume to examine him; however, upon examination Hume experiences a flashback and attempts to kill his patient for supposedly knowing what Hume has done. Hume is placed in a cell, and the unknown man is identified as having the fingerprints of an old man who died over 20 years ago. He makes several references to Old Testament justice before Macready also suffers a flashback and angrily has Heggie and Mundie place him in cell six (and for this reason the character is named "Six" in the end credits, although never referred to as such by any other characters during the film). Mundie has a flashback to beating a prisoner with Warnock.

Macready has Mundie and Warnock go to Hume's house to find his wife before Macready drives to his own home. Heggie researches the names in Six's notebook, discovering they are all deceased criminals. In the cells, Six, who displays supernatural powers, quizzes Beswick about the true reason why he beats his wife. Unsatisfied with Beswick's answers, Six induces him to attempt suicide. Caesar alerts Heggie, who allows Hume to examine Beswick, who dies after claiming to know who Six is. Elsewhere, Mundie and Warnock enter Hume's house and find he has murdered his family. Macready is revealed to be a serial killer who seduces and then murders young men, as shown by several missing posters in the police station. He hurriedly disposes of a dismembered body in his fridge along with the body of one of the men shown on the posters, whom he had beaten to death in a drunken rage.

Hume helps Heggie carry Beswick upstairs, but he attacks her when she learns about his family. After restraining him, she returns him to his cell. Six reveals he knows about Heggie's childhood abuse, and, when she leaves, he offers Caesar redemption if he confesses to a second hit and run accident from earlier in the night when he ran over a young girl and left her to die. Mundie and Warnock return and drag Hume to interrogation, ignoring Caesar's attempt to confess. As Hume confesses to Mundie about killing his family out of nihilistic boredom with his career and a desire to unlock the secret of immortality, Warnock talks to Six and has a flashback to staging the suicide of the man he and Mundie had beaten. Enraged, Warnock rushes to interrogation and brutally kills Hume in front of Heggie and Mundie. Heggie is threatened into remaining silent.

Caesar confesses to Heggie about hitting the girl, but Six says it is too late for redemption, as the girl had died two minutes earlier where Caesar left her next to the road. Heggie also has a flashback and remembers that Six had distracted her childhood abuser, allowing her time to escape. Six informs her Mundie and Warnock are planning to kill her. Heggie fights Mundie and Warnock, who nearly succeed in strangling her, until the sudden return of Macready, now insane, wrapped in barbed wire, wielding a shotgun and quoting verses from the Bible. He shoots and kills Warnock, then wounds both Heggie and Mundie as they barricade themselves in the cells. While Macready sets the building on fire, Six makes references to his true identity, of losing an argument with "an old friend" about human sin, and being an outcast like Heggie. He offers to help her, but only if she asks him to. She refuses.

While escaping, Mundie slips and cuts her throat on a broken window and is killed by Macready's pressing of her throat further onto the broken glass with his rifle butt, and then Macready further wounds Heggie before killing Caesar with his gun after scarring his face. Heggie throws Macready's fuel can at him, which he accidentally shoots. Mortally wounded in the explosion, he quotes a final bible verse. Heggie responds "Amen" and kills him by crushing his face with a battering ram. Heggie escapes the police station, and Six appears, unburnt, with his notebook, which he reveals has everybody's name inside. He crosses off every name except Heggie's and condemns the others to Hell for their various sins: Mundie and Warnock as “adulterers and betrayers who dare to weigh justice in their own hands” as the married Warnock had been having an affair with Mundie, Beswick as a hypocrite, Macready as a pervert, Hume as being “cowardly and vicious”, and Caesar for both hitting the girl with his car and being too weak to confess. Six reveals he is in love with Heggie and offers her a place at his side to seek vengeance on the guilty; she agrees, and they kiss.

The Last Passenger

'''''August 28, 1939'''''. A coal-cargo ship named ''Pass of Ballaster'' is heading towards Bristol when it finds an abandoned-looking ocean liner named ''Valkyrie''. A rescue team is assembled and sent to check the mysterious ship. When they board, they find a very interesting puzzle: a deserted ship, with recently cooked meals in the dining room; a few months-old baby dropped in the ballroom; and something else, something evil that no one can identify.

'''''Present Day'''''. Journalist Kate Kilroy is recovering from her husband's sudden death. In his memory, she decides to finish and publish the story he was working on before his death, the ''Valkyrie''. She starts to research it and goes to an old naval base in northern England for some information. The local officers tell Kate the story of the ''Valkyrie'' and her ghostly legacy. She also learns that the ship's new owner is a multi-millionaire man named Isaac Feldman, who does anything to get what he wants. Kate meets an old man who was on board the ''Pass of Ballaster'' the night she found the ''Valkyrie''. He tells her what happened on the ship when they first boarded, and what happened to the others from the crew. After trying to break into Isaac Feldman's house, Kate tells him what she knows about the ship and he reveals that he was the baby found in ''Valkyrie's'' ballroom. When she goes back to see the old man with Feldman, she finds him mutilated and deceased. Now being the only person who knows the whole story, Kate is invited by Feldman to join his team on the new voyage of the ''Valkyrie'', to find out what really happened in 1939.

Eat, Spray, Linda

It's Linda's birthday, and Bob needs more time to plan her birthday surprise. As Linda grows more impatient with how long it's taking Bob and the kids to put together her surprise, she volunteers to go to the store for groceries. On her way to buy groceries, she runs across the "Chalk of the Town" Chalk Festival, and once at the grocery store, she finds herself cut in line and then stuck behind a woman who proceeds to take forever with purchasing cups for "Chalk of the Town". Already despondent over her birthday and the many irritations she has had to endure, Linda returns to her car only to find it stuck between two larger vehicles. Having little room for maneuvering, she makes her way to the car door, opens it up enough to get her purse and keys in it, and unfortunately splits her pants trying to get into the car. Her pants splitting causes her to move forward in surprise, closing the car door behind her with the both her cell phone and keys inside.

The grocery store won't allow Linda to make a call to Bob to tell him what has happened. Putting a plastic grocery bag over her pants to cover up the split, Linda decides to try and take the bus back to Wonder Wharf, but gets on the wrong bus and has to get off to walk back. Meanwhile, Bob and the kids realize that Linda hasn't returned yet, and decide to call Teddy to drive them to the store to go look for her. Not finding her at the store, Gene suggests a bakery that he and Linda go to frequently as a place to look for her. They go to the bakery, but Bob finds that Linda was banned for taking too many free samples. Tina then suggests that they go to the Royal Oyster Hotel where Linda enjoys going to the bathroom. Although Linda is not at the hotel, Bob does find out that Linda has been coming to the hotel for years to go to the bathroom and that the staff all like her. Running out of places to look, Louise suggests a local pet shop where she and Linda enjoy cuddling with the puppies. Realizing that Linda doesn't have her keys to get back into the apartment, Bob and the kids head home to see if she has made her way back.

As this is going on, Linda gets sprayed by a skunk twice while walking back home, breaks her glasses, and is forced to hitchhike and eventually get in a horse trailer to make her way back. She finds her way blocked by the "Chalk of the Town" festival and quickly gets into an argument with the woman who previously held her up at the grocery store. Without a ticket to get in, Linda decides to run through the festival of sidewalk chalk displays, all the while pursued by the woman who is wrecking the displays right and left. Linda finally loses the woman when she leaps over a display crafted to look like a chasm and the woman refuses to jump. Linda arrives back at the apartment, and breaks in when she can't get in any other way.

Linda finds out that Bob and the kids have prepared a homemade "spa day" at the apartment for her. Bob tells Linda that he learned a lot about her today and that he's happy to find that he is still finding out new things about his wife after being married all these years. Bob tells her he's sorry her birthday was terrible, but Linda replies that it was the best birthday ever, showing her that she still has spunk even while getting older. Linda even says she wants this to be a new tradition on her birthday: every year on her birthday Bob and the kids would have to blindfold her and drop her somewhere with no cellphone or money and she would find a way home herself.


Two families fight over land that belonged to their father/grandfather. Jassa and Surjit take care of the land that their grandfather gave to them. Their cousins are envious of them. One day, Pali and Dara murder Jassa's father. Jassa takes revenge by killing Pali. After killing Pali, his brother forces Jassa to leave India. Ekam leaves with his chacha. Jassa leaves Jassi, whom he loves. There is a ten-year leap. Agam marries Roohi. The land that had belonged to Jassa's father was put on trial. After some time, the court makes Agam the rightful owner of the land. Dara gets envious and hires a truck that hits Agam, causing him to die. Jassa comes back to India after he finds out that his nephew was killed. Roohi is made the owner of the land. Dara makes a plan and asks Roohi's father if Roohi and his brother can get married. Roohi's father agreed. Ekam comes back to India and learns that his brother has passed away.the family asks him to marry Roohi, and he agrees. Jassa kills Dara, which causes him to go to prison. When he is released in 2015, his son, Zorawar kills him by shooting him in the head. (Zorawar is the son of Jassa and Jassi).

Jenny (1962 film)

Jenny is a 16-year-old girl whose father Roger, an actor, and mother Margaret, a television personality, have been separated for 15 months. Jenny has a boyfriend, Michael, a law student.

Margaret tells Jenny she has met a Melbourne businessman, Rex Porter, that she wants to marry.

This sends Jenny out looking for her father and boyfriend. She winds up at a party at Kings Cross being held by beatniks.

She gets a cab driver to take her to The Gap where she intends on committing suicide. However the cab driver talks her out of it and takes Jenny home to her father.

Roger returns and he and Margaret realise how troubled Jenny is. They decide to try again for her sake.

The One That Got Away (1964 film)

A family leave a teaching job and a home in the suburbs. They live in a tiny shack in the bush and the father becomes a fisherman.

Dark Enchantment

A young woman becomes obsessed with a ventriloquist.

Curly on the Rack

After World War Two, two brothers, the tough Max and the gentler Harry, live in Rabaul with their sister Pet, salvaging war time equipment. Their truck driver, Curly, waits for his opportunity to recover £10,000 he planted on a nearby island during the Japanese invasion along with a fellow soldier called Scobie. Scobie arrives, having lost both his legs during the war, demanding his half of the money. Smith, a philosophical drunk, comments on the action.

The Bastard Country

John Willy is a violent man who owns a farm in northern Victoria and has a mistress, Connie. He is visited by Greek Nick Diargos, who intends to kill John raping and murdering Nick's wife in Greece with John was a soldier.

However he falls for John's daughter Mary.

The Right Thing (film)

The adventures of a Sydney family. Clarrie and Vera Hamlin are holding an engagement party for their eldest daughter Elena when a handsome young Spanish man, J.G., comes into an encounter with them.

Stopp! Tänk på något annat

Karsten falls in love with Sonja, she rejects him, but not because of lack of interest. She travels to France and he goes after her. They get to know each other and become close. When Karsten has to travel back home again he fails to persuade her to come along with him. When she finally returns he continues his courtship. Sonja does not trust Karsten, but she soon realizes that he has matured considerably and she decides to start a relationship with him.

Cisza (film)

The film begins in 1978 in Łódź when a young boy Szymon accidentally causes a deadly car crash while playing pranks with his friends. The scene then jumps forward 22 years, when Szymon, now portrayed by Bartosz Opania becomes friendly with Mimi, played by Preis. Mimi's parents had been killed in the car crash 22 years earlier and Mimi herself had survived the crash. The relationship forces Mimi to face the issues from her past and her attitude to her own daughter, while Szymon attempts to relieve the guilt he feels by watching over and trying to protect Mimi.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

After helping the 110th US Army CID Military Police arrest corrupt [ Oklahoma County Sheriff] Raymond Wood and bust a human trafficking ring operating on US Army land, drifter and ex-US Army Military Police Investigator and Major, Jack Reacher, returns to his old military headquarters in Washington, DC, to meet Major Susan Turner, holding his former command, with whom he has been working by phone during his travels. He learns from Colonel Sam Morgan that Turner has been accused of espionage and arrested.

Turner's lawyer, Colonel Moorcroft, reveals that some evidence shows that Turner is involved in the murders of two US Army Military Police soldiers in Afghanistan, but Reacher believes she is being framed. Moorcroft also reveals an old acquaintance of Reacher's, Candice Dutton, has filed a paternity suit against him, claiming he is the biological father of her 15-year-old daughter, Samantha. Reacher tries to reach out to Samantha, but she rebuffs him.

Moorcroft is later killed by an ex-SOCOM operator-turned mercenary known as the Hunter, framing Reacher for the murder. Reacher is arrested by the Military Police and transported to the prison where Turner is being detained. When two hitmen arrive, Reacher neutralizes them, then escapes with Turner. They go to Morgan's house, having deduced he is involved in the conspiracy, and extract information. The Hunter, revealed to be working with Morgan, later kills Morgan and again frames Reacher.

Reacher and Turner uncover surveillance pictures of Samantha and surmise she is in danger, arriving at her home to find her foster parents killed and Samantha hiding. The three travel to Turner's old private school for protection, but discover that Samantha has her mobile phone with her, which the enemy has likely tracked. They make a quick exit, during which Samantha steals credit cards from one of the students.

The trio goes to New Orleans in search of Daniel Prudhomme, the only eyewitness to the murders for which Turner has been framed. En route, Reacher admits to Samantha he might be her father while Samantha reveals that she's the one who filed the paternity suit in order to gain financial support from him for her mother. Reacher and Turner find Prudhomme in a derelict warehouse filled with drug addicts, and learn that Prudhomme is connected to Parasource, a rogue private military organization that is trying to cover up the murders. Reacher contacts Turner's friend, Captain Anthony Espin, to move Prudhomme into custody, but they are ambushed by Parasource operatives and Prudhomme is killed, while Reacher rescues a wounded Espin. Parasource's CEO, General James Harkness, sends the Hunter to capture Samantha after she uses a stolen credit card to purchase food.

Reacher, Turner, Espin and a team of Military Police officers, acting on information from Prudhomme, intercept a shipment of weapons due to enter the country, where they confront Harkness and his men, and accuse them of corruption. Espin finds antitank weapons, though, as declared in the flight manifest. Before Turner can be rearrested, Reacher opens up one of the weapons and dumps out bags of pure opium. They learn that Harkness framed Turner, who had been investigating his activities, for the murders of the two Military Police soldiers who had discovered that Harkness was selling weapons to insurgents, then smuggling opium into the United States. Espin and his MPs arrest Harkness.

The Hunter and his men chase Samantha through the streets of New Orleans to lure Reacher into a confrontation. Turner kills one of the assassins, while Reacher takes out another one. The Hunter captures Samantha on a rooftop, but when Reacher arrives, she manages to escape. Reacher tackles the Hunter and they have a vicious fight, ending with Reacher breaking the Hunter's arm, leg, and neck, before dumping his body off the rooftop.

Following Harkness' arrest, Turner is reinstated to her command. Reacher promises to keep in touch, then goes to meet Samantha at a diner. He tells Samantha he will recognize her mother, if he knows her, as he remembers every woman he has slept with. Samantha reveals that the waitress that had been serving him is, in fact, her mother, and that Reacher cannot be her father, as neither had recognized the other. Reacher and Samantha then reluctantly part.

As Reacher is walking along a road, he is surprised when a phone Samantha had slipped into his pocket rings. He finds a text message from her reading, "Miss me yet?". Reacher smiles as he sticks out his thumb to hitch a ride.

Lady Possessed

While barely conscious, Jean Wilson (June Havoc), a patient in a London hospital, overhears Jimmy Del Palma (James Mason) berating hospital staff for their treatment of his wife, who then dies shortly afterwards. To recuperate following a miscarriage, Jean coincidentally rents the former country home of Del Palma, a famous pianist, and his wife. She starts to fall in love with the absent musician and dreams of taking his dead wife's place, even of being taken over and possessed by her. With the encouragement of her friend Sybil (Pamela Mason), Jean arranges a seance with a medium in an attempt to contact the dead woman.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Thomas, Newt and Frypan are the last of the free "Gladers" immune to the Flare virus that has ravaged the world's population. They and the Right Arm resistance conduct an operation and retrieve other Immunes from a carriage of a train operated by WCKD, an organization responsible for capturing and experimenting on immune children. They discover that Minho, their remaining Glader friend whom WCKD had captured, was on a different carriage of the train, which is headed to the "Last City", WCKD's base of operations. Against the orders of Vince, the leader of the Right Arm, the three leave their camp to rescue Minho, who is being tortured by WCKD in the hope of developing a cure for the virus. Heading for the Last City, the group is attacked by Cranks, humans infected with the Flare. However, they are saved by Jorge and Brenda, who join them.

The group makes it to the wall of the Last City, which protects the city from Cranks. Outside the wall, people are rallying in protest to be let into the city. When WCKD opens fire at the protesters, the group is captured and taken to a hideout by a crew wearing gas masks. One of the members is revealed to be Gally, who survived Minho's attack. Gally takes them to see Lawrence, a rebellion leader for those outside the walls who rescued and nursed Gally back to health, who helps Thomas, Newt and Gally enter the Last City through a secret entrance. Gally leads Thomas and Newt through to the city and, spotting Teresa, tells Thomas that he can get them into WCKD headquarters. Newt then confides to Thomas that he is infected. Promising to cure him, Thomas and Gally capture Teresa.

Disguised as WCKD soldiers, Thomas, Newt and Gally escort Teresa inside WCKD headquarters and toward the location of the Immunes. Gally looks after the Immune children and stays to find a serum that slows the Flare. Thomas, Teresa and Newt go to find Minho, but are discovered and chased by Janson. Teresa lets them escape to find Minho before rushing to do a blood test on Thomas's blood, which she obtained when she was removing trackers from the Gladers. After delivering the Immune children and the serum to Brenda, Gally returns to WCKD headquarters to find Thomas. Brenda is forced to flee with the Immune children to avoid capture. Thomas and Newt reunite with Minho in the medical wing. Teresa discovers that Thomas's blood can cure the Flare. She shares her discovery with WCKD's leader, Ava Paige, both of whom agree that they must find Thomas. Brenda and the Immune children escape WCKD with Frypan's help.

Meanwhile, Lawrence rallies his rebels outside the city before he blows a hole in the city wall and sacrifices himself to allow his allies and the infected people to storm the city. Gally saves Thomas, Newt, and Minho from WCKD soldiers. While Minho and Gally go to get the serum from Brenda, Thomas gets a pendant from Newt before Newt passes out. Teresa transmits her voice throughout the city and tells Thomas that his blood can save Newt if only he will return to WCKD. Newt, nearly consumed by the Flare, regains consciousness, attacks Thomas, and begs Thomas to kill him. When Thomas refuses, Newt, left with no other option, stabs himself in the chest. Thomas returns to the WCKD facility and confronts Paige. While she talks with him, Janson, having caught the Flare, kills her and uses a sedative on Thomas. Thomas wakes up inside the facility. Teresa successfully removes some of his blood. She hears that Janson is interested only in curing himself and others whom he deems worthy. Teresa attacks Janson and frees Thomas, who fights with Janson. The fight ends when Thomas releases two Cranks, who kill Janson. With the building on fire, Thomas and Teresa escape to the roof. The rest of the team arrives on a berg. Thomas climbs aboard, but Teresa dies when the platform gives way as the building caves in.

The group reunites with the rest of the Immunes and the Right Arm and escapes to a safe haven, where the remaining population can live in safety. There, Thomas discovers that the pendant that Newt gave him had a note in it. Still traumatized by his friends' deaths, he reads the note in which Newt tells him to look after everyone before he thanks Thomas for being his friend.

Parasyte: Part 2

The police use serial killer Uragami to identify parasites among humans, as he has a special ability to detect them; however, he is unable to correctly identify Shinichi Izumi. A few months after the events of the previous film, Shinichi continues to track down and kill the parasites who terrorize the human world for food, with help from Migi, the parasite that infects his right hand. He learns that he is being tracked by Shiro Kuramori, a reporter hired by parasite Ryoko Tamiya. Shiro discovers the truth about Migi, and plans to expose Shinichi. Shinichi tells Shiro that Tamiya is a parasite, and urges him to stop getting involved for the sake of his safety. Tamiya meanwhile, has given birth to her human son and slowly learns how to become a mother, growing furiously protective of her baby and killing her fellow parasites when they threaten him.

Despite Shinichi's warning, Kuramori goes on to record his conversation with mayor Takeshi Hirokawa, who secretly heads an organization composed of parasites. Hirokawa orders the parasites to kill Kuramori, but they are only successful in killing his daughter. Swearing revenge, Kuramori kidnaps Tamiya's son and calls her to a park so she can see him kill the baby. Despite Tamiya and Shinichi's attempts to convince him otherwise, Kuramori almost goes through with his plan, resulting in his death at Tamiya's hands. When Tamiya then approaches Shinichi, the police fatally shoot her. Instead of defending herself, Tamiya protects her child, explaining to Shinichi that she now knows what it is to be human. She hands her son over to Shinichi before dying, reminding Shinichi of his own mother.

At the same time, a secret service team evacuates the town hall upon discovering Hirokawa's true alignment. They are able to kill nearly all of the parasites as well as Hirokawa himself, who turns out to be a human who supports parasites and distrusts humans. The remaining parasite, Goto, turns out to be too powerful for the team, as his body contains five parasites. He massacres the team and begins his pursuit of Shinichi. Cornered at a forest, Migi sacrifices himself to allow Shinichi to escape.

Shinichi mourns Migi and is comforted by his girlfriend, Satomi Murano. The next morning, Shinichi discovers that a part of Migi is still in his right hand, thanks to his body being infected with Migi's cells in the previous film. He lures Goto to a disposal facility and is able to fatally injure him. At first reluctant in killing him, Shinichi ultimately decides that he wants to protect his loved ones, and finishes Goto off. Back home, Migi tells a dismayed Shinichi that since the parasites have died down, he will now go into hibernation to achieve an evolution, presumably up to the point where the two will never see each other again, breaking Shinichi's heart.

A few years later, Shinichi and Satomi visit the now toddler son of Tamiya, who is named Taiki Tamiya. Afterward, Uragami appears, kidnaps Satomi, and takes her to a roof. He states his belief that humans are the real monsters and asks for Shinichi's opinion, since he is certain that Shinichi is a parasite. However, with Satomi's encouragement, Shinichi defies Uragami's opinion and successfully saves Satomi with help from Migi, who had momentarily awakened from his dormant state to help him.

Man Wanted (1995 film)

Lok Man-wah (Simon Yam), an undercover cop, sets up a sting for a notorious drug lord and Man-wah's friend Luk Chan-fung (Yu Rongguang). Luk manages to escape but falls victim to a car bomb planted in his getaway vehicle. Following the funeral, Man-wah begins to put the moves on Luk's ex-girlfriend Yung (Christy Chung), even though he is already involved with June (Eileen Tung), another woman. Later it is revealed that Luk is not dead and insists on Man-wah help him in a kidnapping scheme, thus beginning an elaborate revenge scheme that costs June her life and Lok his career.

Bullets Don't Argue

On his wedding day, sheriff Pat Garrett must arrest two bank robbers.

Pilot (The Blacklist)

One of the FBI's most wanted men, Raymond Reddington (James Spader), strolls into the bureau headquarters in D.C. and turns himself in. He has information on a crime about to be perpetrated by a Serbian terrorist believed by the bureau to be dead. When the Serbian is recognized at the airport by facial identification software as Ranko Zamani (Jamie Jackson), the division head answers to Reddington's demands in order to get his help catching Zamani. Reddington insists on working exclusively with Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone), a profiler who had just been hired. Reddington knows quite a bit about Keen, which convinces her and the SAC to acquiesce to Reddington's plan. Zamani plans to kidnap and booby trap the daughter of a general responsible for destroying a chemical weapons factory that poisoned Zamani's family.

Keen gets to the girl first but loses her in a daring raid by Zamani's forces. Now aware of Keen, Zamani attacks her husband, Tom, in their home, gravely wounding him. Keen notes a stamp on the man's hand and deduces the attack will take place at a zoo. Reddington briefly escapes custody to meet with Zamani, revealing that unbeknownst to the FBI, he masterminded the ploy, as well as the attack on Tom. Reddington removes the tracking device and places it with Zamani, which helps the FBI track down and kill the latter. Keen finds the daughter and a bomb in her backpack. Reddington calls in a clandestine bomb tech to disable the bomb, who then escapes with it. Reddington tells Elizabeth that her husband, with whom she is trying to adopt a baby, is not what he appears to be.

Returning to the FBI, Reddington offers to provide information on a number of the world's dangerous criminals, his “blacklist,” in order to commute sentence and work with Keen. At home, Keen discovers a hidden box of cash, passports, and a gun, all belonging to her husband. She confronts Reddington to find out what he knows and stares at him as the episode ends.

The Winner (2014 film)

It is a short fiction movie about an old swimming coach, István Kovács (Andor Lukáts), who won a gold medal at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow in swimming.

He gets a life-changing medical diagnosis. As a result, he has to abstain from any physical activity. By now all his fame and honour has faded, and he's stuck coaching undisciplined, useless children who'd never understand what it means to strive for something and achieve it. Every day he races against the younger version of himself (Iván Kamarás), unable to come to terms with his present circumstances. He decides to swim his top score from back at the Olympics. But this battle defeats him.

The film focuses on the question "is a winner really a winner?"

Johnny Trouble

For 27 years, invalid Katherine Chandler has been waiting for her missing son John to return to her. A nearby college buys her apartment building and intends to evict her and construct a men's dormitory, but Katherine has a lease that stipulates she cannot be moved without her consent.

Workmen begin the construction all around her unit, but rather than drive her away, Katherine charms the young men and invites them for tea. Assisted by her longtime chauffeur Tom McKay, she is carried up and down the stairs in her chair by the workers and students.

One night, Julie Horton breaks in through the fire escape. Julie is having trouble with her boyfriend Johnny, a former Marine who is now in school. Katherine wants to meet him. She begins to wonder if this could be the son of her long-lost Johnny and quickly begins to enjoy his company and trust him.

Johnny's grades and behavior are poor, resulting in him being expelled. Katherine goes to the university's administrators to say if they will give Johnny a second chance, she will vacate her premises. They agree.

Johnny does better in school. Despite passing all of his courses, Johnny decides to drop out of school to support Julie who is now pregnant until she has the baby and places it up for adoption. After speaking to Katherine, Johnny has a change of heart and marries Julie while also deciding against dropping out. The newly married couple decide to find an off campus apartment, where they will live with Katherine.

Katherine feels as if she has a family again. That night, she dies in her sleep. All the workmen and students come to her funeral, where Tom explains that her son Johnny was killed in a car crash 27 years ago, but Katherine's husband made Tom promise never to tell her, giving her hope that he might still be out there somewhere.

Back Spin (novel)

In Back Spin, sports agent Myron Bolitar is called on to investigate the kidnapping of Chad Coldren, son of two professional golfers, while Chad's father Jack is well on his way to winning the U.S. Open. Myron is drawn into a plot that goes back to the last time Jack Coldren nearly won the U.S. Open, twenty-three years ago. Myron's investigations suddenly shift when Jack Coldren is murdered and Chad is released. Finally, Myron traces the murder to Jack's wife Linda, who shot him because he could not succumb to the kidnappers' real demands, that he throw the U.S. Open.

As the story opens, Myron is attending the U.S. Open. Jack Coldren is unexpectedly leading, and promising newcomer Tad Crispin is in second place. Jack's wife Linda, a professional golfer as well, asks Myron for help. Their son has been kidnapped. Myron agrees to help, even though his friend and business associate Win refuses to assist because Linda is his first cousin, related to Win's estranged mother. The kidnappers phone twice without making specific demands. Meanwhile, Myron learns that Chad used his ATM card at a cash machine near a sleazy motel. At first, Myron suspects that Chad might be pulling a hoax, but he soon learns that one of the kidnappers is a neo-Nazi thug.

Slowly, Myron uncovers possible suspects. Jack's former caddy, who Jack blamed for his loss at the U.S. Open years ago, has disappeared. He's possibly committed suicide, but he could be out for revenge. Esme Fong has signed Tad Crispin as a spokesman for a new line of golf clothes, and if Jack loses, her ad campaign will be a success. Chad's best friend's father is a rich crook, and Jack has a mysterious argument with his female caddy.

The kidnappers send Chad's severed finger to Linda, and Myron is horrified. Then, he tracks down the neo-Nazi and finds that he's been murdered. The next thing Myron knows, Jack has been murdered, too. Then, the kidnappers release Chad, leaving Myron with unanswered questions. Jack's wife Linda is arrested, and her lawyer makes Myron an attorney of record to protect her.

Myron learns that Esme is really Lloyd Rennart's daughter from his first marriage, and she kidnapped Chad to make sure Jack lost the U.S. Open. After Tito, the neo-Nazi, cut off Chad's finger, Esme killed him. Myron turns Esme over to the police. Myron realizes that there's more to the story, though. Jack knew that the kidnappers wanted him to lose the U.S. Open, but he kept winning anyway. When his wife Linda found out, she killed him to save her son. As Linda's attorney, Myron can't go to the police, and Linda will likely never be brought to justice for her husband's murder.


''Ani - Imo'' is about Youta and his twin sister Hikaru. Youta is very protective of her and has been since childhood. He always thought of his sister as innocent and quiet, until one day a freak accident causes the two to swap bodies. Hikaru, now in her brother's body shows her true self and states that she is and always has been deeply in love with him as more than a brother. At first, Youta is surprised, but as the story progresses, he realizes he feels the same.

Synapse (film)

The film takes places in a future where a bio tech narcotic has become the drug of choice for addicts and dealers. “Mems” as they are called, allows the user to download memories provided by “Mem Farmers.” The story follows an addicted memory dealer Nathan Stafford as he is chased relentlessly by federal narcotics agents bent on keeping the secrets he has locked in his mind hidden.


Teddy reveals that for extra income he sometimes aids in the maintenance of a beach house in Craggy Neck owned by a widow named Helen. To help him out Linda offers to drive over to move the patio furniture inside so it will not be ruined in the upcoming storm. Bob and the kids join her.

Once there the family is impressed by the view and leave Bob to drag in the furniture alone. Meanwhile, Louise and Linda enter the unlocked house and soon the entire family is exploring. Through pictures Linda and Louise begin to snoop around the house, discovering that the owner of the house was a man named Larry Goodwin by reading the mail in the home office. They open the drawers at the desk and discover that all the pictures in the house are of the second wife when they find a wedding picture depicting a younger Larry with a different woman.

Teddy arrives to check up on the Belchers and is shocked to see them inside the home. When Linda accuses Larry of dumping his first wife for a younger, prettier model Teddy reveals that Larry died before he started working there by falling off of the widow's walk onto the decorative boulders below. When Linda makes the connection that the boulders were picked by the second wife, Helen, and that she had murdered Larry for his clock fortune, Teddy defends her saying that her husband fell off the widow's walk on the roof and that, though the railing was loose, it was impossible that Helen loosened it as she has no tools and thus has hired Teddy. Teddy also believes that Helen may have hired him because she was lonely. Helen becomes a possible love interest for Teddy. Linda decides to do a reenactment of what she thinks happened, Helen pushing Larry off the widow's walk. With Bob in Larry's place and Linda in Helen's she pushed Bob onto the floor, injuring his back in the process.

A storm begins and Helen unexpectedly arrives at the beach house. Helen has a strange way of joking, saying cruel or acerbic things, and then laughing it off. Bob finds her charming, especially after she gives him pain relievers to aid his bad back. With the knowledge that Teddy has a crush on Helen, he asks Linda to stop interfering between them saying that Linda's going to ruin his chances. Later, drugged on pain relievers, Bob tells Helen she is nice and reveals to her that Linda thinks she is a murderer.

Helen takes Linda up to the widow's walk and tells her that she never killed her husband. When Linda backs away from her she slips and falls over the railing, but is pulled up by Helen. The rest of the family arrive and Louise attacks Helen trying to save her mother. However Linda reveals that she no longer believes Helen is a murderer after she pulled her to safety. Teddy meanwhile, does fall off the roof but is saved when he lands on mud instead of the rocks. As the rest of the family gathers around Teddy and helps him up, a drugged Bob reaches into the mud and discovers a box filled with a hammer and pulled-out nails, indicating that Helen really did murder her husband. In his state Bob takes the box to mean that Helen, despite knowing how to do basic maintenance, hides this fact in order to continue to keep Teddy around. He promises to keep Helen's secret.

The episode ends as the family is leaving the next morning, as well as Teddy. Linda tells Helen to drop by their restaurant anytime with Teddy and they drive off. In the last shot, the family faces the camera, and through the back window, the camera shows Helen with a serious expression on her face as dramatic music plays.

American Skyper

The family is gathered at Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria's (Sofia Vergara) house to celebrate Alex's (Ariel Winter) high school graduation except for Phil (Ty Burrell), who is in Seattle and joins them via a telepresence robot. Claire (Julie Bowen) stresses about giving Alex a perfect graduation gift after Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Jay unknowingly outperform her. Alex tells her mother that she does not have to offer her a present, since it is thanks to her that she graduated and tells her that the only gift she wants from her is to join her on her trip to Europe.

Mitchell and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) learn that their offer was accepted and that they will have the apartment above theirs in order to transform it into a guest room. However, Mitchell wants Phil to "kill the deal" because he has lost his job and they cannot afford buying the apartment. Cameron does not know about this and due to Mitchell's behavior, he believes that Mitchell has been having an affair. He confronts Mitchell who tells him the truth and how he spends all his days in the park where he met and befriended an old man named Spencer (Lou Beatty Jr), and his cockatoo George.

Gloria's cousin Armando (Horatio Sanz) stays at Jay's house, much to Jay's chagrin. Armando does not speak English and sits around the house all day doing nothing. Gloria is fed-up with Jay's attitude because he treats her family like criminals. After Gloria gives a toast to Alex, which makes Jay guilty, Jay finally allows Armando to stay at his home. However, Gloria discovers that Armando has been stealing Jay's cigars and forces him to leave, without telling Jay the truth.

Haley (Sarah Hyland) spends some more time with Beth (Laura Ashley Samuel), Andy's (Adam DeVine) girlfriend, and she thinks that is insane and is aiming to kill her so she can have Andy all to herself. Andy seeks advice from Phil, asking him whether or not he should propose to Beth, as he still has feelings for another girl. Phil tells Andy that it is normal to think about the path not taken in life, but that he should still propose to Beth if he really loves her. Later, Haley seeks advice from Phil regarding her feelings for Andy and Phil points to her that she loves him. As Andy says goodbye to Haley on his way to propose to Beth, they share a long hug, and Phil realizes that the "other girl" Andy was talking about is Haley. He attempts to tell Andy and Haley that they love each other, only for the sound to cut out on his vessel. Andy leaves to propose to Beth, while Haley shuts the door behind him. Attempting to draw attention to himself to help Andy and Haley, Phil drives his vessel down the stairs, only for the iPad to be stolen by Armando, who leaves the house with it.

Key Exchange

A young woman wishes to get her boyfriend to commit to her, yet the most she can manage to do is get him to exchange apartment keys.

Covenant of Solitude

Fort, Elicia and Legna are childhood friends, all orphans who live at a village orphanage. The three form a love triangle, as both Fort and Legna love Elicia. Fort is known to be a genie, a human who can summon and control monsters. He is frequently bullied due to his genie status, and Legna often comes to his aid.

Fort's village is attacked and burned by the Empire, an expansionist government with a powerful military. Elicia is trapped inside the orphanage, and Fort runs to her rescue. When an Empire soldier takes Elicia captive, Fort's power activates and he summons monsters in desperation. The monsters kill the soldier but also attack Elicia. Legna arrives too late to save Elicia. Legna blames Fort for Elicia's death for the rest of his life.

Fort awakens in an Empire prison, and a shadowy creature appears, called Wicca. Wicca is a devil who makes contracts with monsters. Wicca promises to break Fort free, provided he learns to control his genie power. Fort agrees. From this point onwards, the player can build and customize a party of up to four members (including Fort). Fort escapes into the Forest of Black Poison, and reaches the Town of Fatma. Here he meets Evans, the leader of the resistance movement against the Empire. Evans requests Fort to deliver an important letter to the Village of Barbas. Fort delivers the letter and the response back.

Evans requests Fort to aid the resistance in freeing other genies held by the Empire. Fort enters the Genie's Camp but discovers it is a trap laid by Legna, now a pawn of the Empire. Legna is also a genie and the leader of the Empire genie troop. Legna summons powerful monsters to kill Fort. Evans uses a flashbomb to blind Legna, and they all escape in the confusion. Evans suggests gaining the support of the Kingdom, a small and defensive government often targeted by the Empire. Evans and Fort make a perilous journey to meet Queen Illia of the Kingdom. Queen Illia agrees to join the resistance if Fort liberates the Gallia Fortress, a stronghold of the Empire.

Fort and Evans manage to liberate the Fortress, but Queen Illia demands that Fort join her army, and refuses to join the movement. To force her hand, Evans sets fire to the Village of Barbas. Fort refuses to ahelpid Evans, so Evans attempts to assassinate Fort. Fort escapes and uses a secret path (the Abyss Cloister) to reach Queen Illia's castle. Evans gets to Queen Illia first, and blames Fort and the Empire for the burning. The Kingdom makes preparations for war with the Empire. When Fort arrives, Queen Illia attempts to kill him, but Wicca helps Fort escape via a secret passageway.

Almost freed, Fort is confronted by Legna once again, who is now an extremely powerful genie. Legna has staged a coup d'état against the Empire and become emperor. He has changed the imperial policies to be pro-genie and anti-human. The Kingdom is defeated and Queen Illia flees with a few guards. Legna imprisons Fort after he refuses to join the Empire. Evans agrees to help Fort break free if Fort rejoins him. Fort reluctantly agrees, and escapes the Zolda Prison. Fort rescues Queen Illia from the Town of Hide, where she is being held captive by the Empire. Queen Illia has lost her mind after severe torture. Evans asks Fort to enter the Empire castle and distract the genie troop. Fort activates an ancient flying machine and uses it to enter the castle from the air. Fort confronts and defeats various members of the genie troop.

Legna finally appears and refuses to change his anti-human policies. Fort and Legna battle using their monsters, and Fort defeats Legna. Legna dies choking on his own blood, and claims he was never a genie. He tells Fort that Elicia is still alive, and he became a genie using her blood. Legna confesses that he did everything he could to save Elicia, but failed. With Legna dead and the Queen insane, Evans takes the throne and is revealed to be a megalomaniac. Fort leaves to rescue Elicia. Fort enters deep into the Genie Production Factory, and finally encounters Elicia, now in a deep coma. With Wicca's help, Fort enters Elicia's unconscious field. Fort frees her mind by defeating her fears, which appear as a final monster. Fort and Elicia are reunited at last.

37.5°C no Namida

As Momoko Sugisaki is working in a child care service, she has a tough time learning how to react to the children in need of her help, since the child care she is working for specializes in in-home day care for sick children. Trying to find out when the rules should be overlooked to satisfy the needs of the sick children. Growing up with them, Momoko is able to tell how one person can make a difference to the lives of the children.

Les Deschiens

This semi-improvised series of short sketches depicts a gallery of quirky characters having arguments or selling bizarre products.

Gal of Constant Sorrow

During breakfast, Marge discovers a loose tile on the floor and says that she will have to call a handyman. Homer gets the hint that he is not handy and decides to replace the tile himself. He succeeds with the help of an online tutorial, but soon realizes that he has trapped the family cat Snowball II inside the floor. He later manages to free the cat from the walls, but then traps Santa's Little Helper inside. Homer eventually falls through the roof trying to rescue the dog, only to find that Marge has already rescued him and has been doing the handiwork around the house to cover for Homer's mistakes; she admits she played along with this as she found the idea of Homer being "handy" attractive.

Meanwhile, Bart participates in a sled race on a hill, but Milhouse slows them down out of fear of slants. Bart knocks Milhouse off, but he loses control of the sled and hits the shopping cart of a homeless woman named Hettie Mae Boggs, throwing it and all of her things into a frozen river. Feeling guilty, he invites Hettie to the Simpsons' house. Hettie gets too comfortable in Bart's closet, so she decides to give Bart one dollar per day as rent. Lisa soon notices Bart's suspicious income and discovers Hettie, but Bart convinces her not to tell Marge out of fear that Hettie will get kicked out of the house.

They also discover Hettie's incredible talent for music, so Lisa invites her to stay in her closet and helps her record her songs. Bart warns Lisa against this because if Hettie lets her down, Lisa will not be able to deal with her emotions. Lisa showcases the songs for the town and manages to arrange a concert and an NPR interview for Hettie. Much to Lisa's shock, Hettie reveals during the interview that she is a heroin addict who has a propensity for shooting people in the face if she does not get the drug.

When Hettie goes missing on the night of her concert, Bart and Lisa come clean about her to Marge and Homer. With less than thirty minutes before the concert, Lisa distracts the audience by playing her saxophone while Homer and Bart search for Hettie. They manage to find Hettie drinking on Cletus Spuckler's farm. They calm her down and persuade her to come to her concert, only to find that a heartbroken Lisa had failed to entertain the crowd and the place is almost empty. Hettie sings one last song dedicated to Lisa, who decides to forgive her.

During the credits, Hettie is shown playing in a rehab clinic as the interns and fellow patients escape to Moe's Tavern through a secret tunnel. One of the group, Disco Stu, comments that the bar is dirtier than the tunnel.

Ye Olden Days

Set in Europe, during the Middle Ages, Mickey Mouse, the wandering minstrel, rides on his donkey whilst strumming on his lute, singing his own song. He then arrives at a castle and witnesses the king of "Kalapazoo" declare that his daughter, Princess Minnie, shall marry the prince of "Poopapadoo" (Dippy Dawg/Goofy ). However, Minnie does not love the prince at all and slaps him in the face three times in rejection. Angered at his daughter's rebellion, the king ordered his knights to "Lock her in the attic!", and so Minnie and her servant, Clarabelle Cow are both taken away. Concerned for the princess, Mickey then climbs a tree near the "attic", which is another castle tower.

As they are both locked in, Minnie immediately bursts into tears along with Clarabelle sobbing as well as there's no hope left. However, Mickey sings to Minnie that he'll save her, with Minnie throwing a flower in approval of her savior. Mickey gets to the window of her cell via catapulted bird's nest, but realizes that there isn't a rope to climb down from the window. While the king indulges himself on the wedding feast, Mickey grabs hold of his newfound love, and glides down the rope of clothes made from Clarabelle, who is now nude in a barrel. The two lovebirds are halfway down, but the king spots them and has them arrested. He then orders Mickey to be executed by guillotine.

But Minnie begs her father to spare Mickey's life, declaring that she loves him. Seeing that she truly has feelings for the young minstrel, as well as an opportunity for some entertainment, the king grants Mickey a chance to prove his worth for his daughter's hand by having a duel with the prince, exciting everyone. Mickey prepares himself by wearing a stove and helmet as armor and riding atop his donkey while the prince uses actual armor and horse. The prince and Mickey are both catapulted off their steeds and into the wall. The prince then grabs a spear and chases after Mickey, but the mouse avoids it and chops it with a small guillotine. Then Mickey grabs the spear and starts to poke the prince as the king and princess cheer on. Mickey's donkey and the prince's horse also fight each other, but the donkey bites the horse's bottom making him whinny and bump into a wall where the king's picture falls onto him, knocking out the horse. The minstrel wins the duel as the prince jumps out of the window. Then the princess kisses the king and goes off after the minstrel. They both ride on the donkey as the crowd carries them outside. The short ends with Mickey and Minnie kissing behind a fan.

Nothing Personal (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Maria Hill leaves a debrief with Congress regarding S.H.I.E.L.D., speaking with Pepper Potts about the day's events and the obvious tails following her. The tails are suddenly incapacitated, and Hill finds herself facing Melinda May in an alleyway. May asks Hill to help Phil Coulson, expressing her concerns that Coulson may be compromised and Hydra leader Alexander Pierce may have been behind his neural "reprogramming" in the T.A.H.I.T.I. program. May asks to speak with Director Nick Fury and Hill insists he is dead, which May does not believe.

In the Providence bunker, the agents are watching footage that demonstrates that May has left the team, and that Grant Ward and Skye left together, hand-in-hand, on the ''Bus''. Agent Eric Koenig is nowhere to be found. Confused by the events, the team disperses to make dinner, when Leo Fitz discovers a hidden message from Skye that says "Ward is Hydra." At the same time, Jemma Simmons finds Koenig's body. Realizing that Skye has uncovered Ward's duplicity, the team, after overcoming their shock, decide to pursue Ward to rescue Skye. As they prepare to leave, US Special forces led by Colonel Glenn Talbot swarm the Providence bunker - Agent Hill has led them to Coulson's location.

Talbot threatens prison for Coulson's team, but Coulson informs Hill of Ward's betrayal. She and Coulson incapacitate the Special Forces, and the team heads out to intercept Skye and Ward. Skye, in the meantime, has led Ward to the diner where she first met Mike Peterson / Deathlok and is delaying the decryption of her hard drive. While stalling, she alerts the Police to their whereabouts, and the police attempt to apprehend the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Ward overpowers them, but Skye attempts to flee in a Police vehicle. However, she is stopped by Deathlok, who takes her back to the ''Bus''.

She refuses to help Ward and Deathlok decrypt the hard drive, and expresses her hatred of Ward, despite his insistence that his feelings for her are real. Deathlok uses one of his weapons to induce a heart attack by "stopping" Ward's heart, and Skye gives in to save him, agreeing to decrypt the drive. She reveals that the harddrive encryption is tied to altitude, stating that they must be at 35,000 ft for the drive to unlock. While preparing to take off, Ward is confronted by Hill in John Garrett's old aircraft, who threatens him, but Ward calls her bluff stating that Coulson would never risk Skye, and takes off anyway. However, Hill's delay allowed Coulson time to sneak on board via the wheel well.

Coulson finds Skye and plans to take down Ward, but he doesn't know about Deathlok’s presence. That necessitates a new plan; running away. Skye and Coulson retreat to Lola and, under fire from Ward and Deathlok, drop out of the sky and plummet towards LA. Lola’s thrusters kick in at the last second and they fly to the ground.

Deathlok then attempts to convince Ward to let them go now that the drive is decrypting on Garrett's orders, but Ward refuses. The team retires to a hotel, where Skye reveals she left a trap in the hard drive. Later, May returns and shows Coulson the contents of a flash drive she recovered from his "grave," specifically a message to Fury from the director of T.A.H.I.T.I. The file is a video of Coulson himself informing Fury that T.A.H.I.T.I. must be shut down because of horrific side effects the drugs had on test subjects, which could only be mitigated by erasing the victim's memory of what happened.

End of the Beginning (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

In a safe house, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents John Garrett and Antoine Triplett are attacked by Mike Peterson, who had become the cyborg "Deathlok" and is working for their nemesis, the Clairvoyant. Weeks later, Phil Coulson recruits agents Garrett, Triplett, Victoria Hand, Felix Blake and Jasper Sitwell to join his team to hunt down the Clairvoyant and Deathlok. Garrett and Coulson believe that the Clairvoyant is a psychic, and that Deathlok's recent attack signifies that they are getting close to unraveling the true identity of the Clairvoyant. The two have narrowed their list to those who were rejected by S.H.I.E.L.D. as gifted people. Garrett believes that they should compartmentalize the information to withhold this from the Clairvoyant. Coulson assigns Skye to choose which candidates to pursue and to pair the agents into teams; he promotes her into a full-fledged S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to help her gain access to the information.

Before they could begin, Sitwell leaves the team after he is ordered by the Triskelion to report to the S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel ''Lemurian Star'', and Hand decides to assist them via satellite from the Hub. Garrett tells Skye that the team has changed the perspective of Agent Grant Ward, who now has a cause to fight for. Agent Melinda May offers to help fellow agents Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons in their research of the drug that helped heal the injuries of Coulson and Skye. Triplett, who is partnered with Ward, is revealed to harbor a grudge against the Clairvoyant for killing his partner. Coulson, Garrett, May and Blake are assigned to other locations, however Blake is ambushed by Deathlok. Deathlok declares that "Mike Peterson is dead" before critically injuring Blake, who manages to plant a tracker on him. The team concludes that the target May and Blake were following, Thomas Nash, is their prime suspect.

Through the tracker planted by Blake, the agents pursue Deathlok in an abandoned horse racing track, while Triplett and Simmons stay behind at the Hub with Hand. After a brief battle with Deathlok, Coulson and Garrett discover Nash, who is in a vegetative state, but seems to communicate through a speech-generating device. Nash, boasting that he is the Clairvoyant, claims he can see everything, and threatens to kill Skye, causing an enraged Ward to shoot him dead. Before they depart to interrogate Ward, May informs Coulson that Director Nick Fury needs Coulson at the Triskelion.

Meanwhile, on the ''Bus'', Fitz discovers May's secret phone line while attempting to create another line to contact Simmons. When Skye presents the results of her analysis of the S.H.I.E.L.D. psychological files to Coulson, the two realize that the Clairvoyant was not Nash, but a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. with similar access to the files allowing them to manipulate the agents by apparently having privileged information. While Coulson accuses a defensive Ward of shooting Nash to misdirect them on the Clairvoyant's true identity, Fitz informs Skye of the secret phone line. Coulson is informed of May's secret line and, alongside Skye, confronts her. As May tries to explain that she could not disclose who is on the other end of the line, the plane is remotely hijacked. At the Hub, Hand is revealed to be the one that commissioned the hijack and orders her subordinates to kill the agents except for Coulson, saying, "He's mine".

Providence (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Grant Ward rescues Raina from prison and takes her to an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Cuba, now repurposed by Hydra. He introduces her to Garrett, who gives her the drug samples he collected from T.A.H.I.T.I. and instructs her to synthesize GH325. Ward provides Raina with the drive containing the ''Bus'' data, while he and Garrett raid the Fridge, killing the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel stationed there. Garrett reveals that the Slingshot program, in which weapons are fired into space to keep them out of the wrong hands, is a deception, and all the weaponry is instead stored in a secret vault; they retrieve the Tesseract weapon found in Peru, the gravitonium generator and the Berserker staff, and also release numerous prisoners, including Ian Quinn.

Meanwhile, Phil Coulson's team, including Antoine Triplett, abandon the Hub when Glenn Talbot is dispatched to capture the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. Coulson's badge displays co-ordinates which he believes have been sent by Nick Fury, and he decides to follow the co-ordinates to the Canadian wilderness. The others are worried about his state of mind, with Melinda May concerned that Hydra may have used T.A.H.I.T.I. to hijack Coulson's brain, if the agent overseeing the project was a sleeper agent. They search the wilderness and find a secret base, Providence, manned by communications specialist agent Eric Koenig, who initially tells the team that Fury is dead, but privately informs Coulson of his survival.

Raina informs Ward and Garrett that Skye's encryption is too sophisticated and she cannot retrieve the data on the drive, so Garrett orders Ward to rejoin Coulson's team at Providence, and manipulate Skye into unlocking the drive. In an end tag, Garrett offers Quinn the gravitonium in exchange for continuing to assist Hydra.

The Only Light in the Darkness

After arriving at Providence, Grant Ward tells Phil Coulson's team that he failed to stop the Fridge raid, but claims that he killed Garrett. Eric Koenig insists on interrogating everyone except Coulson, using a near-unbeatable lie detector. Everyone passes, including Ward, who is nearly caught out when asked why he is continuing to stay with his team, before admitting his feelings for Skye.

Intending to recapture Fridge escapees, Coulson takes Ward's quinjet to Portland, Oregon, along with Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, and Antoine Triplett, to apprehend Marcus Daniels, who can absorb energy and attack others using Darkforce. Daniels ambushes Audrey Nathan, a woman he has been obsessed with for years, but she is rescued by Simmons and Triplett, while Coulson and Fitz attack Daniels with light, trying to feed him more energy than he can handle. However, his powers have been increased as a result of experimentation by Hydra, and he overpowers them and escapes. Audrey is revealed to be the cellist Coulson previously had a relationship with, having fallen for him after he saved her from Daniels. Coulson decides not to reveal himself to her, because she is moving on with her life and he still has a duty to stop Hydra.

Fitz suggests using Audrey to lure Daniels into a trap, and Coulson reluctantly agrees, as does Audrey. Rehearsing in a music hall, Audrey is again accosted by Daniels, before Fitz, Simmons and Triplett attack him with advanced pure light weapons, hoping they will be enough to kill Daniels. He overpowers them and approaches Audrey, but Coulson, obscured from Audrey's view, attacks Daniels with another light weapon, as does Triplett, causing Daniels to explode. The blast knocks Audrey unconscious, and Coulson tends to her, reassuring her that he is still alive, before she wakes up to find him gone.

Melinda May leaves Providence after repairing the damaged ''Bus'', knowing Coulson no longer wants her around. Skye convinces Koenig to help her hack the NSA so they can review the CCTV footage of the Fridge raid to try to trace the escapees. Ward murders Koenig to conceal his involvement in the raid, covering up the footage, and then spends time with Skye, confiding in her further about his childhood and admitting that he beat up his younger brother Thomas on the instructions of his older brother Christian, of whom he was terrified. Ward insists that he is not a good man and Skye tries to console him, leading to a kiss, but Skye finds blood behind Ward's ear and he leaves the room to clean it. Looking for Koenig, Skye discovers his body and realizes that Ward is a Hydra agent. She leaves a message to warn the others before rejoining Ward, pretending to still be unaware of his true nature. He tells her that Coulson has sent orders for them to take the ''Bus'' to Portland and meet them. Coulson, Fitz, Simmons and Triplett later return to Providence and are confused to find no sign of May, Ward, Skye, Koenig, or the ''Bus''.

In an end tag, May is picked up by her mother, a retired spy, who has located Maria Hill for her.

The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail

The story of a mouse in London in search of information about his identity. A rollicking adventure that brings him to Windsor Castle.

A Royal Reminder

Part One: The Royal Mews

The Smallest Mouse in the Mews

Mouse Minor at School

Two Crimes

Evening Stables

Part Two: The Royal Park

Peg's Ear

A Life of Drum and Trumpet

Yeomice on Parade

Snatched and Dispatched

Part Three: The Royal Palace


Eyes and Spies

A Rush of Black Wings

A Field of Gray

A Hard Mouse to Convince

Ludovic the 237th

The New Mutants (film)

Danielle "Dani" Moonstar, a young Cheyenne Native American, is hidden in a tree by her father as her entire reservation is devastated by a tornado, leaving her the only survivor. After falling unconscious, Dani awakens in an oddly empty hospital run by Dr. Cecilia Reyes, who comforts Dani, explaining that she is not an ordinary human being but, rather, has unique mutant DNA, and she advises her to remain in the hospital until she learns the effects and how to control them.

Dani is introduced to four other teenagers; Samuel "Sam" Guthrie, Illyana Rasputin, Roberto "Bobby" da Costa and Rahne Sinclair. Reyes has brought each of them to the hospital, after they have each either experienced, or accidentally caused, a horrible tragedy; Sam collapsed an entire coal mine on his father and coworkers killing them all, Roberto accidentally burned his girlfriend to death, Rahne escaped her devoutly Catholic village by killing the priest after he branded her as a witch, and Illyana was enslaved and sexually abused as a child. All of them also possess superhuman abilities due to mutations in their DNA; Roberto can manipulate solar energy, Sam can fly at jet speed, Illyana has inter-dimensional sorcery powers, and Rahne's lycanthropy allows her to turn into a wolf. Reyes herself is also a powerful mutant who can manipulate "plasma-energy" force fields, preventing the five of them from leaving the facility.

Collectively, the five teenagers believe they are being trained to join the X-Men, hence the strict supervision. Reyes warns them that they are considered dangerous and should not leave until they have mastered their superhuman abilities. Dani attempts to escape, but is stopped by a force field surrounding the entire hospital grounds. She then plans suicide from the church clock-tower, but is prevented by Rahne. The two begin to form a romantic relationship, but on the other hand Illyana antagonizes Dani, who discovers that Illyana has a hand puppet of a purple dragon called Lockheed. Soon, the group all begin to have horrifying real visions of their past tragedies, one of which results in Rahne getting branded on the neck by the same Priest whom she had previously killed. Both Illyana and Reyes deduce that the visions are the result of Dani's powers manifesting themselves; the ability to physically manifest fears, desires or other thoughts from a person's mind into reality as tangible illusions. Reyes consults her employers, the Essex Corporation, who instruct her to collect Dani's DNA and then euthanize her.

As Reyes straps her down on a gurney, Dani's panic causes her powers to go haywire. Illyana and Sam are attacked by physical manifestations of Illyana's childhood abusers - monstrous humanoid creatures called the "Smiling Men" - while Roberto tries to break through the hospital's outer barrier, which has now contracted in diameter. Dani uses her powers to discover Reyes's true intentions before Rahne arrives in half-wolf form and mauls Reyes, forcing her to flee. The five regroup in Reyes's office and realize that Reyes was training them to be assassins for Essex and that, to escape, they must kill Reyes to deprive the force fields of their power source. They find and confront Reyes, who warns them that Dani is too powerful and will destroy them all. Reyes restricts them all with force fields and tries to again kill Dani by asphyxiating her with a force field, which unleashes the Demon Bear – Dani's own fears manifested through her power, and the true cause of her reservation's destruction – on her; Reyes is devoured and Dani rendered unconscious. Rahne tries to reach through to Dani's subconscious and urges her to wake up, while Illyana uses her powers to travel to "limbo" where she retrieves a glowing sword, armor and a tiny, physical manifestation of Lockheed to battle Demon Bear. Eventually, Sam and Roberto join the fight, as well as Rahne, all to no avail. Dani is visited by her father's spirit, who encourages her to face her fear; she awakens and confronts Demon Bear, calming and thus dissipating it. As day breaks, the group leaves the now unshielded facility to find the nearest town.

Kamera Obskura

Film archivists uncover a lost Filipino black-and-white silent film about an escaped convict who uses a magic camera to help the people of a small town. After showing the 70-minute film, the archivists debate its significance and the best way to preserve Filipino cinema.

The Extendables

The film begins with Brian Thompson's explanation that the movie is his answer to the question: "What's it like to work with Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal or Jean-Claude Van Damme?" By combining the distinguishable features of these movie stars, he created one fictional character, Vardell Düsseldorfer or VD. VD is an aged and retired action movie star who is now a drug addict and alcoholic. VD plans to return to fame through directing and starring in a science fiction movie called ''Hard Times on Mars''.

As shooting for the film begins, it is clear that VD is out of touch and not performing. VD refuses to alter the poorly-written script, breaks sets, and states that he no longer wants to release the movie. At the peak of the chaos, VD suffers a heart attack.

Following his heart attack, VD's attends the premiere of his movie in Los Angeles, which, as it turns out, is a great success.

The Wind's Fierce

Andalusia, the late nineteenth century. Wealthy landowner Don Antonio hires two assassins, Marcos and Jacobo, to infiltrate a group of peasant revolutionaries and kill the leaders. After falling in love with the rebel Soledad, Marcos has a change of heart and decides to unite with the peasants.

Eyes of the Totem

Mariam Hardy, young daughter Betty and husband Jim live in a log cabin in the desolate and frozen north, where Jim works their mining claim. Mariam longs for a normal life in the civilized world. Her husband returns one day with cash and the news that he has sold the claim. They board a steamer bound for Tacoma. Upon reaching the city, Jim is murdered and the cash is stolen by a mysterious steely-eyed stranger. Left penniless with a small child to care for, Mariam becomes a beggar. Over the years she becomes a respectable member of society, but she always keeps a watch for the eyes of the murderer. A chance encounter reveals his identity, leading to a violent confrontation.

Sioux City Sue (film)

Hollywood talent scout Sue Warner is in search of a singing cowboy. She discovers cattle rancher Gene Autry and offers him a contract. In danger of losing his herd and ranch from financial problems, Gene agrees to go to Hollywood if there is a part for his horse Champion, unaware that the producers only want to use his voice in an animated cartoon. After the preview, in which he feels ridiculed because his character is a donkey, he and Champ depart in a huff. The annoyed Sue also follows and gets work on Gene's ranch as a cook. Later, the studio heads, while looking at Gene's screen test, decide he is a natural and want to sign him to a contract. After a few misunderstandings, Gene realizes that Sue is sincere, and he signs a contract to star in a musical western, but first he has to stop a cattle stampede and rout a gang of rustlers trying to blow up his ranch dam.

A Horse Called Bear

''A Horse Called Bear'' tells the story of Ethan who inherits his mother's horse after she dies unexpectedly in a car accident. Being a city kid he has no desire to own a horse and tells the lawyer managing his mother's estate to sell it. The horse was purchased by one of the ranch hands to use as a training horse for young riders. Ethan then moves across the country to live with his grandparents. While living with them he learns that the horse is still kept nearby at his uncle's horse ranch. He is hired by his uncle and begins to work at the ranch with his mom's horse "Bear." During this time he falls in love with the horse and eventually buys it back.

The Death Strain

The story is set in an unspecified year (probably 1970).

Dr Joseph Carlsbad, director of a secret US Government virus stockpile, steals a vial of lethal X-V77 virus and threatens to release its contents unless every country in the world destroys its biological weapons stockpiles. The theft comes on the eve of a major international symposium at the United Nations, at which the heads of state of most nations will attend.

Carter is sent to interview Carlsbad's niece, Rita Kenmore, at her home in the hope that she will reveal his plans. Instead Carter is attacked and Rita is spirited away by Carlsbad's henchmen.

Carter meets the heads of several foreign security services, including UK, Japan, Russia and China, at a briefing at the White House to prepare for the international summit. Carlsbad is found to have links with a semi-religious cult hiding out in the Kuril Islands. Carter is sent to follow up this lead with logistic support from Japan, China and Russia.

Carter identifies the cult's base in the Kuril Islands. Inside he finds Carlsbad, Rita and many of their supporters who have all suffered badly from the effects of war. Carlsbad leaves by helicopter to initiate the next phase of the operation. Carter and Rita are bound and tortured by some of Carlsbad's followers who intend to undermine his authority in his absence. Carter radios for help from Russian patrol boats and he and Rita are taken to a US aircraft carrier off Japan. AXE identifies Carlsbad's destination as an area near Changkufeng / Lake Khasan where China, Russia and North Korea share a border.

Carter and Rita parachute into Changkufeng. They are met by Chung Li, head of Chinese intelligence. Carlsbad has been mortally wounded in an encounter with Chung Li and his men. The stolen virus is missing. Carter is concerned that Carlsbad's aides have been instructed to deploy the virus. Chung Li is dismissive of Carter's concerns but arranges for an ambulance to escort them to Yenki. On the way they are attacked by Chinese soldiers disguised as bandits. Carter, Rita and Carlsbad evade capture and arrive in Yenki. They steal a plane and fly to a US aircraft carrier in the Sea of Japan.

Carlsbad is taken to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to recover. Chung Li calls AXE and informs them that one of Carlsbad's henchmen has been spotted in New York's Chinatown. Carter goes to investigate and is kidnapped by Chung Li's agents but manages to escape.

At the last minute, the Chinese delegates pull out of the international summit meeting. Carter realizes that Chung Li has co-opted Carlsbad's plan and the Chinese intend to assassinate all the world's leaders at the United Nations (UN) meeting. Knowing that X-V77 is airborne Carter investigates the UN's ventilation system.

Carter intercepts and kills Carlsbad's henchmen before they can contaminate the ventilation system. Carlsbad dies in hospital without regaining consciousness. Carter returns to Washington, D.C to be with Rita.

Adventures of Pip

An evil witch has come and turned the King and Queen into pixels and kidnapped Princess Adeline. It is up to Pip to venture forth and navigate the strange landscapes to rescue the damsel in distress from the clutches of Queen DeRezzia.

Bloed, zweet & tranen

The movie focuses on three stages in Hazes' life and are shown in no particular order.

As an 8-year-old, Hazes is ordered by his aggressive father Joop to sing in pubs and at markets. Joop uses the collected money to buy his drinks and even forces his son to drink beer. One day the famous John Kraaijkamp Sr. hears André singing at the Albert Cuyp Market. He tries to convince Joop to have André on national television. Joop is not impressed; he thinks that his other son sings much better, until he finds out about the financial benefits. The performance is a success and subsequently Hazes records two duets with Kraaijkamp (''Droomschip'' and ''Juanita'') for single-release; it makes no impact. As an adult, Hazes runs a pub and builds up a reputation as "singing bartender". He enjoys his first chart-hit with ''Eenzame kerst'' (''Lonely Christmas'') which is distributed by Philips Records. When Hazes ends this collaboration, EMI sends Tim Griek - one of their producers - to the pub to convince Hazes to join them. Hazes initially declines because he's expected to sing levenslied (Dutch sentimental songs about everyday life) instead of his beloved blues; but he changes his mind when Griek convinces him that the time is not right to record a blues album (that would happen in the late 1980s). Hazes becomes close friends with Griek although they have their tensions which are often caused by Hazes' excessive drinking alcohol abuse. The friendship temporarily ends when Hazes reveals that he has an affair with a fifteen-year-old girl called Rachel. Soon afterwards Griek gets involved in a car accident and drowns in the nearby river. *In his final stage Hazes prepares for his farewell performance in Amsterdam Arena which is scheduled for September 27, 2004. This is not an easy task because of his addiction to alcohol (mainly Heineken) and cigarettes (mainly Camel); he is also deaf and has diabetes. A few weeks before this final performance he even had to stop his show as he was too drunk; his health deteriorates. On September 21, 2004 a sick Hazes falls into coma whilst dreaming about his performance in Amsterdam Arena. He passes away two days later. The farewell performance does take place but becomes a tribute.

The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow

Left penniless when her father dies, Sophie is pleased to find a job in the millinery department of Sinclair’s, soon to be London’s largest and most glamorous department store. There, she makes friends with Billy, a junior porter, and beautiful Lil, who is one of the department store “mannequins” by day and an aspiring actress by night. And, together with the help of vagabond Joe, they soon find out who stole the priceless jewellery.

Just before the store is due to open, there is a daring burglary, including the theft of the priceless Clockwork Sparrow. When Sophie herself becomes a suspect, the only solution is to solve the mystery of the clockwork sparrow. Her friends Lil and Billy help her to solve the crime.

The Princess Diaries, Volume XI: Royal Wedding

Eight years after the events of ''Forever Princess'', Mia Thermopolis is about to turn 26, has graduated from college, and runs a youth community center in New York City named after her late stepfather Frank Gianini (whom we learn died unexpectedly of an undiagnosed congestive heart failure). She is still dating Michael Moscovitz, and remains close to her high school friends. Perin and Ling Su are now a couple (they both work for Mia at the youth center), Lily Moscovitz is a law student about to take the bar exam, Tina Hakim Baba is a medical student though she has broken up with Boris (who left behind classical music to become the world's biggest rock star) due to Boris becoming embroiled in a sex scandal with a fan, Shameeka Taylor works in marketing for Vera Wang, and Lana Weinberger is now Lana Rockefeller, a married mom.

Mia's father, Prince Phillipe, is up for re-election as Genovia's prime minister, but becomes embroiled in scandal when he is arrested for car racing on the streets of New York, damaging his chances at re-election. He has also become a heavy drinker, which contributes to his unpopularity in the polls. The scandal has caused Mia to have to move into an apartment in the Genovian embassy, in order to be somewhat protected from the protesters and paparazzi that hound her every move.

While on vacation in the Exumas, Michael proposes to Mia, and she happily accepts. Upon their return to New York, Grandmere tells her of a shocking discovery: Phillipe fathered an illegitimate child 12 years ago in a fling with a now-deceased charter flight pilot, and has been secretly making child-support payments all this time. After he confesses to Mia, she tracks down her half-sister, Olivia Grace, in New Jersey, where she is being raised by her maternal aunt's family. Upon discovering that they are treating her poorly, she takes Olivia back to New York, where they are soon subject to intense press exposure and a custody battle with Olivia's aunt and uncle, who have been embezzling the child-support money. To complicate matters, Mia finds out that she is pregnant with twins when she goes to the doctor for a foot injury.

As she brings Olivia into the family while preparing for the wedding, Mia comes to understand what Grandmere has been trying to teach her for years: in the real world, there will be no one to cushion blows for you, and every challenge she has faced has been to prepare her for a situation like Olivia's. Phillipe, realizing that he is still in love with Mia's mother (to Grandmere's dismay), abdicates, and moves to Genovia with her, Rocky, and Olivia. At the end of the novel, Mia marries Michael, and prepares for her new life as crown princess of Genovia.

Hawk & Chick

While shopping at the farmer's market, Bob and Louise spot Kojima, a Japanese actor who was once the star of a father-daughter samurai series called ''Hawk & Chick'' starring himself and his real life daughter. Bob invites him back to the restaurant and plays one of his old movies and is surprised to see Kojima tearing up. Kojima reveals that he was in town to see his daughter, Yuki, who lives there now and whom he has not spoken to for 30 years.

Louise decides that in order to reunite Kojima and his daughter the Belchers need to throw a Hawk & Chick film festival and invite both Kojima and Yuki.

Bob and Louise go to the local theatre and are turned down by management who refuses to loan out the theatre on such short notice. However they are approached by Dominic, a theatre employee who tells them he will allow them to use the theatre after hours. After securing the theatre, Bob and Louise go to see Yuki who now works as an accountant. Yuki is reluctant to go to the festival and Bob empathizes with her difficult working relationship with her father. However Louise is distressed by Yuki's indifference to her father and decides to con her into going to the festival, inviting her as a guest without telling her her father will be there.

The festival runs into problems when Dominic can only locate one Hawk & Chick movie in the original Japanese. The family decides to dub the movie over themselves, with Bob playing Hawk and Louise playing Chick. At the actual festival however the dubbing goes awry causing Bob and Louise to have to redub the movie live behind a curtain.

Yuki, already reluctant to take part in the festival, decides to leave. Spotting her departure Bob changes the dialogue in the movie to draw Yuki's attention and let her know that her father loves her. Meanwhile, Louise gets upset and acting as Chick insists that she should be apologizing to Hawk. Bob realizes that Louise's desire to reunite Kojima and Yuki came from a fear that she and Bob could have a rift between them when Louise got older. He promises her that they will always talk to one another. Meanwhile, Kojima reveals himself to Yuki and the two happily reunite.

The Heart of Ezra Greer

The film follows Ezra Greer, a middle-aged man who has worked hard since his youth. He cares deeply for his motherless daughter, Mary, but was unable to attend the annual commencement at her co-educational college. He awaits for her to return from college, but Mary leaves with her romantic interest, Jack Denbeigh. On promise of marriage and wealth, Mary is romanced and gives birth to a fatherless child. Without word from his daughter, Ezra resigns from his job and attempts to seek her out and finds a poor motherless child, Marie. With Ezra's money exhausted he seeks employment and finds it as the valet of Jack.

One day, Mary seeks an announcement of Jack's engagement to a cabaret girl known as "The Baby Vamp". Bitter over the prospect of her child's future, she leaves the child at Jack's home during his absence with a note. Jack orders Ezra to take the baby to an orphanage, but Marie begs Ezra to keep him. After continually seeing the child, Jack is overcome with remorse and explains to Ezra and seeks his advice. Not knowing he was making the case for his own daughter, Ezra convinces Jack to seek out Mary and forget the Baby Vamp. The Baby Vamp seeks out Jack, but finds Ezra who convinces her to leave Jack. Jack's son is later injured in a coach accident and is taken to the hospital. Jack and Ezra rush to the hospital and find Mary, as a nurse, crying over the injured child. Ezra is enraged upon learning that his own daughter was mistreated by Jack, but Mary steps between the two men. Jack apologizes and wants to make it right. The film concludes with Jack and Mary.

Corpse Party (film)

Facing graduation, Naomi Nakashima, her childhood friend Satoshi Mochida, and their classmates; Seiko Shinohara, Yoshiki Kishinuma, Sakutaro Morishige, and Mayu Suzumoto are clearing up after their last cultural festival, when class representative Ayumi Shinozaki decides to perform a charm called "Sachiko Ever After" using paper slips so they will all stay friends forever. Their teacher, Yui Shishido, comes in with Satoshi's little sister Yuka, and everyone performs the ritual but are swallowed away to a different dimension. They find themselves at Tenjin Elementary School, forced to close years ago after a series of gruesome murders.

They read newspaper articles detailing a killer of two children, Yuki, Ryou, and a third, a girl in a red dress, Sachiko, gone missing. A man with a hammer, Yoshikazu, kills Yui. Naomi twists her ankle and Yuka disappears after an argument with Naomi. Ayumi and Yoshiki witness Yuki and Ryou's ghosts killing Mayu, and Naomi finds Seiko hanged. Yoshikazu kills an insane Sakutaro. Ayumi and Yoshiki discover a video cassette and a jar of severed tongues, belonging to the children. The video was recorded by famous spiritualist Kou Kibiki, showing him and his assistant exploring the school before facing their demise at the hands of the spirits. In the video, Kou explains that to return home, the school's curse must be lifted and they need their original paper slips. Naomi thinks she has lost her slip, but Ayumi actually has it, jealous because of Naomi's close relationship with Satoshi, whom Ayumi likes. She gives Naomi a fake slip and secretly burns her real one. Ayumi returns Yuki and Ryou their severed tongues, restoring their sanity. Yuki shows Ayumi a vision, revealing that their murderer is actually Sachiko.

Satoshi's little sister is murdered by Sachiko, and Yoshiki sacrifices himself to protect the others. Naomi discovers Seiko's true death when looking at Kou's ghost capture cameras: Naomi was possessed by Sachiko and killed Seiko. She breaks down at this but Seiko's spirit comforts her. Naomi rushes to protect Satoshi from Sachiko and sees a vision: Sachiko's mother, Yoshie, the school's nurse, was pushed down the stairs by Takamine, the principal. She broke her neck, and her daughter Sachiko, who witnessed the incident, was strangled by Takamine. He hid her body and cut out her tongue; this began the curse.

Naomi, Ayumi, and Satoshi uncover Sachiko's body. Sachiko attacks them; they try to convince her that her mother doesn't want her killing anyone but Sachiko doesn't believe them until Naomi reveals her mother's pendant, which she had found. Sachiko calms and her mother embraces her, ending the curse. With the school collapsing, the trio proceed with the reverse ritual. Naomi and Ayumi make it back home but discover they are each holding Satoshi's severed arms; he had seen Ayumi give Naomi a fake slip and took it from Naomi, giving her his real one and using the fake one himself.

In a post-credits scene, Naomi is in her room, gazing at Sachiko.

Annie and the Old One

A young Native American girl, Annie, is willing to do anything to stop her mother from finishing a rug after hearing from her grandmother that she will die when the rug is finished. Annie misbehaves in school to make her parents come speak to the teacher, but the teacher does not call for her mother. Then, Annie let the sheep escape, so her mother and father would spend the morning chasing after the sheep. Her last attempt to distract her mother from finishing the rug is pulling out the strands of yarn, one by one .

The Oeder Games

The tenants of Ocean Avenue meet in Bob's restaurant to talk about Mr. Fischoeder's latest rent increase, which none of them can afford. Bob rallies the other tenants to join him in a rent strike if Fischoeder will not price their rent more reasonably. Together, all the tenants go to Fischoeder's place to deliver their demand. In response, Fischoeder proposes a water balloon fight on his entire property saying that, though the losers will suffer the rent increase, the winner will have their rent cut in half. Though Bob tries to convince the other tenants not to participate they quickly fold, grabbing balloons and going into hiding. Louise and the rest of the family conspire to protect Bob, who refuses to attack anyone.

While Gene and Louise leave to acquire more water balloons, Bob convinces Sal, the owner of the porn shop, to quit playing and join him. However Jimmy Pesto gives him a water balloon and convinces him to betray Bob. Sal lobs the water balloon but Linda takes the hit for Bob. Before she leaves for the "porch of losers" she tells Bob to forget about rallying the tenants and focus on winning, handing him her bra to use as a balloon launcher.

After taking out Mort, Bob gives Linda's bra to Gene and Louise who use it to take out the competition and climb a ladder to an ostentatious tree fort located on Fischoeder's grounds. Inside they find Fischoeder's brother, Felix, who uses the treehouse as a guest home, and a bucket of balloons.

Eventually Bob and Tina and Jimmy Pesto and his twins, Andy and Ollie, who he is using as human shields, are left. Jimmy knocks out Tina but Louise and Gene, with help from Felix's catapult, take out Andy and Ollie from the tree house. Instead of eliminating Jimmy right away, Bob goes on a rant to the spectators about their playing Fischoeder's game. Annoyed, Fischoeder tells the crowd that he will provide them with balloons and a new game; each time a person hits Bob they will have $50 removed from their rent and Bob will have that amount added to his with the game lasting till sundown.

The children and Linda create diversions so that Bob can escape and seek refuge in an abandoned ferris wheel. Shortly before sundown the crowd finds Bob. Linda tells them to go ahead and attack Bob and says that all the rent increases will destroy their business when all Bob ever wanted to do was help everyone. When Fischoeder arrives to witness Bob being hit the tenants turn and instead of ballooning Bob, smash their balloons on the ground in protest. After Bob apologizes to Fischoeder for not speaking to him about the rent hike man-to-man before organizing the strike, Fischoeder decides to postpone the rent hike.

The tenants, along with Mr. Fischoeder, engage in a water balloon fight to celebrate.

Exile (Casualty)

Charlie Fairhead (Derek Thompson) and Connie Beauchamp (Amanda Mealing) travel to the Bucharest University Emergency Hospital to visit Charlie's son Louis (Gregory Foreman) who has been beaten up. At the hospital, Louis's doctor Alex Anghelescu (Florian Ghimpu) tells Charlie that Louis's injuries are extensive, but not dangerous. Louis is surprised by Charlie's appearance and his girlfriend Sofia (Crina Semciuc) admits that she called him. Charlie tells Louis he brought the money Sofia asked for, assuming it is for hospital fees. Connie checks Louis over and questions Alex about his treatment. He tells her that Louis is addicted to heroin, and Charlie overhears. He returns to the ward to find Louis has gone. Alex believes Louis is staying at an old warehouse, which is home to many other drug addicts, and offers them medical kits, so they can treat those inside and ask for information. Charlie tries to stop Louis from leaving with drug dealer Cristian Vaduva (George Pistereanu), but Connie pulls him out of the way of the car.

Charlie and Connie go to the warehouse, where they find many homeless people sheltering in a series of tunnels. Charlie meets Razvan Ionesco (Mihai Gruia Sandu), who tells him that Cristian arranges for people to sell their kidneys in order to pay their debts. Charlie becomes frustrated and argues with Connie, questioning why she pulled him away Cristian's car and her reasons for coming to Romania. He calls her a glory hunter, as she has put her ambition before her own daughter. Connie replies that he has done the same. Charlie reports Louis's disappearance to the police, and learns he was arrested for drug offences at a nightclub. Charlie is given another address for Louis and he finds Louis's possessions at a nearby flat. He then goes to the nightclub, while Connie visits Alex and they have sex. Cristian checks on Louis, who assures him that he will pay his debt by donating his kidney.

Charlie confronts Cristian at the nightclub, but he is thrown out. Cristian hits Sofia when she tries to go to Charlie's aid. The following morning, Connie finds a beaten Sofia on Alex's doorstep. She calls Charlie, who meets them at Alex's house. Sofia explains that Louis was already using heroin when they met and that he is at a clinic outside of the city. Connie interrupts the operation in time and finds Alex performing the surgery. Charlie pushes Alex away, causing Alex to cut a blood vessel. Connie helps to stop the resulting bleed. Alex explains that he works for Cristian and was given no choice about the surgery. With Cristian on his way, Charlie gets Louis into a car, while Connie stays behind to look after Sofia. Cristian shoots at Charlie's car and attempts to run him off the road. Charlie drives into Cristian's car, causing it to flip over, and Charlie drives away.

The Loner (children's novel)

A young orphan boy, whose name, age, and background are unknown in the beginning of the book, is struggling to make ends meet for himself. He bounces from migrant family to migrant family, surviving by picking crops, but he makes no profit due to his wages being taken by the families he stays with. Near the beginning of the book, he makes his first friend, a girl named Raidy. Raidy befriends him and says he should have a name. Before she can decide on one, their friendship is cut short when Raidy dies in a farming accident. Exhausted, hungry, and distraught over his only friend's death, the boy takes off on his own and collapses onto the ground without knowing or caring where he is or if he will survive. He is in Montana, where he is found by a woman named "Boss" and her dog Jupiter. Boss is a modern-day shepherd, tending a flock of 900 sheep with the help of two dogs, and she brings the boy to her camp, caring for him until he recovers. Boss's camp tender, Tex explains to the boy how Boss's son, Ben, was killed by a bear and that Boss sometimes hunts the bear that killed her son. He talks to the boy, motivating him to keep the place clean and do what Ben would have done for Boss. Pointing to a random page in the Bible, the boy chooses the name "David," which Boss takes a sign that she is supposed to help him (David was also a shepherd). Angie, Ben's widow, brings David some of Ben's old clothing, gives him a haircut, and intends to teach him how to read and write. Throughout the story there is a pattern: each person that David meets expresses interest in helping him. David is understandably quite skeptical of people's intentions and feels like he's only a stray or a burden. However, he grows from a loner to someone who welcomes love and other people into his life. He also learns about the give and take of civilization, and how to handle the responsibility of caring for Boss's sheep and doing chores as he accepts help from others to meet his own needs and overcome his hardships.

Kao the Kangaroo: Mystery of the Volcano

In this installment, Kao ends up in an archipelago where he has to collect four artifacts to overcome evil forces manifesting from a nearby volcano, in order to get inside and defeat the God of the Volcano and free his friend.

Lewis and Irene

Lewis is a French financial speculator of an adventurous and gambling type. He takes up an option is a sulphur mine on Sicily, but is outmatched by Irene Apostolatos, a young Greek widow who represents the Apostolatos Bank. The two fall in love. They decide to settle down and devote themselves to domestic life, but this turns out to be impossible as they are struck with boredom. Irene returns to the bank in secret. Lewis has an affair, which Irene immediately discovers. The couple break up. Although no longer lovers, Lewis and Irene continue their relationship as business partners.

The Secret Life of Kathy McCormick

A modern-day Cinderella tale about a grocery-store cashier named Kathy McCormick (Barbara Eden) who becomes a member of local high society through a series of misunderstandings and when she tells her society peers she works at The Market, they believe she's talking about the stock market. While attending a charity luncheon, she meets and falls in love with Grant Sherwood (Josh Taylor), a wealthy playboy who is unaware of her true identity.

The Go Getter (1937 film)

When the US Navy rigid airship ''Macon'' is damaged in a storm and crashes into the water (as the real did in 1935), helmsman Bill Austin stays with his commanding officer until the rest of the crew has gotten safely away. Bill loses a leg as a result of the crash and leaves the Navy.

He goes looking for employment, but jobs are scarce in San Francisco. He tries a lumber company run by Lloyd Skinner, interrupting a meeting between Skinner and his fiancee Margaret Ricks. Skinner orders him to leave his office. Matt Peasely, head of a shipping firm in the same building, is more polite, but the answer is still the same. Undeterred, Bill seeks out Cappy Ricks, the retired founder of both companies.

While waiting in the reception area, he encounters Margaret again. He assumes she is also a job seeker and makes a date with her, unaware she is Cappy's only offspring. She sees her father first, and asks him to give Bill a chance. Cappy, who is frustrated with the way Skinner and Peasely have been running the businesses he built up, is quite willing to countermand them. He and Skinner decide to give Bill the hardest task they can think of: selling a half million feet of unwanted skunk spruce Cappy bought years ago as a favor to a friend. Not only does Bill sell all of the spruce, he also generates orders for all of the lumber the company has and more, all in a single business trip across the western United States, forcing Cappy to send him to Seattle to buy the shortfall from a hard-negotiating competitor.

Meanwhile, Bill and Margaret fall in love. With his commission from his trip, he buys an engagement ring. When he tells Cappy of his plans, however, the widowed Cappy is adamantly opposed to losing Margaret's company. He and Skinner go ahead with the "blue vase" test, a test everybody has failed, including Skinner. Cappy telephones Bill and tells him he saw a vase he liked, but could not spare the time to purchase it. He gives Bill instructions to buy it whatever the cost and bring it to him at the railway station by eight o'clock. Cappy and Skinner have pre-arranged all sorts of obstacles to make the task impossible, but Bill overcomes them all, and by hocking Margaret's ring to help pay the $1000 price of the vase and persuading a Navy pilot friend (on his honeymoon night, no less) to fly him ahead of the already departed train, he succeeds. Cappy is so impressed, he offers Bill a promotion to manager of his Shanghai office.

When Bill insists on marrying Margaret immediately so she can accompany him, Cappy does his best to stop him. He buys up all the staterooms in the ship Bill is to take, but Bill and Margaret get married and manage to sneak aboard the ship anyway. Then Cappy receives word that his men have gone on strike, and they trust and will only negotiate with Bill. Cappy sends him an urgent radiogram. When the captain of the ship refuses Bill's request to turn around, Bill jumps overboard. Margaret follows him, and the captain drops a lifeboat. Cappy finds them rowing back to land.

Bill negotiates an end to the strike, and Cappy decides to send Skinner to Shanghai instead. For Cappy's sake, the couple agree to live in his mansion.

The Green-Eyed Blonde

Maggie Wilson joins the staff of a California institution for wayward girls, run by the stern Mrs. Nichols. A new arrival, Betsy Abel, hates her mother and has a two-month-old baby of her own, refusing to identify the father.

"Greeneyes", one of the girls, is due to be released in a few weeks. Her boyfriend Cliff is a former drug addict, determined to stay clean. The girls at the institution bond, particularly when Betsy's mother visits, threatening to put the baby up for adoption unless Betsy names the father so he can pay for the baby's support. The mother is unaware her own boyfriend impregnated her daughter.

The girls kidnap the child and care for it in secret. Maggie finally finds the baby, and lets them keep it through Christmas, but once Mrs. Nichols has it taken away, the girls start a full-scale riot. Greeneyes is given a six-month extension to her sentence, against Maggie's recommendation. Greeneyes escapes, but when Cliff and she are chased by police, they are killed.

You're My Home (TV series)

The story follows the Fontanilla family and their eldest daughter Grace (Jessy Mendiola). After many years of living in simplicity, the lives of the Fontanillas suddenly changed when Gabriel (Richard Gomez) handles the frustrated homicide case against Christian Vergara (JC de Vera), the son of a powerful senator. The young Grace turns rebellious after realizing that her father Gabriel and her mother Marian (Dawn Zulueta) had no time for their children anymore. One night, Grace tries to leave the house, and her brother Rahm runs after her, leaving Vince alone inside. The Fontanillas discovers that Vince is missing and their family will put to test. Twelve years later, the Fontanilla family faces the consequences of Vince's disappearance. Grace's parents are separated. Marian works on her own clothing line, while Gabriel finds love on Roni (Precious Lara Quigaman), a police officer who handles Vince's kidnapping case. Rahm (Sam Concepcion), at an early age, already has a son and a wife. Grace continues to move on with her life, still blaming herself for what happened to her family. Fate comes into play when Grace crosses paths with Ken (Paul Salas), and Marian learns that Ken is her missing son Vince. Things become worse as Grace falls in love with Christian, the man who got convicted for the kidnapping of her brother.

Pale Blood

Michael Fury (Chakiris) arrives in Los Angeles to investigate a series of mysterious high-profile murders where the victims have been completely drained of blood. Aiding him in his quest is Lori (Ludwig), a junior member at an investigative firm who is obsessed with the occult. Unbeknownst to her, Fury is himself a vampire. Yet, unbeknownst to Fury, Lori has been keeping a little surprise hidden too.

Intimate Enemies (2015 film)

Tow truck driver Na-mi, corporate intern Ji-noo, African worker Yakubu and his Korean wife Jung-sook discover bags full of cash at the site of a car crash, which is actually the slush fund of a conglomerate president. They initially pocket the money, but when the president sends ruthless criminals after them, they decide to use it to mete out revenge on corrupt corporations.

Belorussian Station

25 years after the end of Great Patriotic War four comrades-in-arms attend the funeral of their friend. He was the only one of them who stayed in the military and rose to the rank of colonel. The rest of them turned to civil professions: locksmith, journalist, accountant and director of the plant.

Being gathered together due to tragic circumstances, during one day they suddenly fall into a variety of situations – both comic and tragic ones. But in each case friends are united by friendship, generosity and willingness to act according to justice, no matter what ...

That difficult day friends complete with a visit to their friend, the former front-line nurse. She sings a lyrical song of the war years, and they cry from the flood of memories as they think back 25 years ago, May 1945, when all of them were alive, young and happy of their victory ...

Cheese in the Trap

Model student, Hong Seol returning to college from a long break and finds herself caught up with Yoo Jung, a senior who's also known as Mr. Perfect. Seol feels like her life took a turn for the worse since Jung came into her life. The story focuses on a group of university students, especially the delicate relationship between female protagonist, Seol and Jung. Hong-Seol is studious and a hard working overachiever who has to works part time to make her ends meet. Jung is the rich and heir to Taerang Group and is seemingly perfect. Although, he is nice and kind to everyone around him, he is quite manipulative by using people around him to destroy others that irritate him. Seol decides to take time off school to be away from Jung as life had started to become so miserable. But she gets a call from school and returns by getting a scholarship that was intended for Jung. On returning, he is unexpectedly nice to her and asks her out on a date. Although she isn't sure what kind of person he is, they begin an awkward relationship that is complicated by the distance between them as well as the aftermath of his various schemes. The situation is further complicated by the arrival of In-ho Baek and his sister In-ha Baek, childhood friends of Jung who have since had a fall-out.

Akane the Kunoichi

The game's protagonist Akane is a kunoichi who secretly loves her feudal master Goro. When he is kidnapped, Akane goes off to rescue him from the evil Hiromi and her minions.

Miss Match (film)

Miss Match is a story of a girl named Priya (Mrinmai Kolwalkar) and her search for her perfect match. Priya is the only daughter of a U.S based N.R.I businessman Suryakant Samarth (Uday Tikekar). Like every father Suryakant Samarth wants his daughter to get married. But Priya doesn't believe in arranged marriages and asks her father to give her a time of 2 years in which she will find a perfect match for herself, she also convinces him to send her to Pune for her post graduation course.

Her father agrees but puts a condition that if she fails to do so in the given time she will have to marry a person of his choice.

One and half years is already over and Priya has not found her match yet but Priya has still not given up hope.

Mira who is Priya's cousin, college mate & confidante suggests her to imagine and visualise the man she is longing for and assures her of finding the man of her dream by doing so. Priya follows that and suddenly declares to her friends of having a boyfriend. She describes in detail her imaginary boyfriend his name, looks, job etc. Her friends are shocked by this impromptu boyfriend theory. But to Priya's surprise a man called Raj (Bhushan Pradhan) enters her life and his profile matches completely to the imaginary profile created by her. Priya confronts Raj and asks him to reveal his identity to her, he denies but at the same time takes efforts to win her confidence and create a place for himself in Priya's life.

Priya's situation gets more complicated since Raj keeps his identity concealed but continues to pursue her and on the other hand the given time is running out and her father is lining up marriage proposals for her.

The pressure, confusion and dilemma is built up in Priya's life.

Does Priya find a solution, does she go ahead to find out the truth of Raj or does she give up on her dreams and settle for her father's choice? All the queries, confusion and the struggle to find a girls perfect match is beautifully concluded in the film Miss Match.

Billions (TV series)

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Chuck Roades (Giamatti) goes after hedge fund king and popular philanthropist Bobby "Axe" Axelrod (Lewis). A collision course, with each using all of their considerable smarts and influence to outmaneuver the other, looms.

The Queen's Messenger

A British diplomat has a romantic encounter with a mysterious Russian woman who is secretly trying to obtain secret papers he is carrying in his dispatch case for the queen.

Under False Colors

As described in a film magazine, John Colton (Warde) sends his son Jack (Vaughn) to Russia to compete the details of a loan to that government. While there, Jack assists the Countess Olga (Eagels), who is hounded by spies, out of the country. She sails for America and on the steamer meets Vera Ladislaus (Gregory), who is going to stay with the Coltons. The steamer is torpedoed and Vera loses her life. Olga, on arrival in New York, poses as Vera in order to obtain information in the John Colton home as she has been told that he is aiding the Russian government. After being established in the home, the kindness of the Coltons make her regret her situation. Jack's return home and the arrival of Vera's father complicates matters. However, upon Colton's statement to the assembled Russians at their headquarters that he is really helping the cause of freedom, Olga's true feelings to the Coltons, and especially Jack, are seen.

The Seventh Dwarf

In the castle Fantabularasa there is a big celebration because of the 18th birthday of Princess Rose, who has been cursed by the evil ice fairy, Dellamorta. If she gets pricked with a sharp object before midnight, the whole kingdom will sleep for one hundred years. Thus, the princess is required to wear armor. Everything goes according to plan until clumsy Bobo, the seventh dwarf, makes a big mistake and Dellamorta's curse is fulfilled. Only with a kiss of true love the curse can be stopped, but Dellamorta captures the Kitchen Boy, Jack, who loves Rose. With the help of a dragon named Burner, the dwarves search for the "Prince Charming".

Perfect High

A teenager named Amanda is obsessed with dance. She dislocates her knee during a school pep rally dance performance. She is rushed to a hospital where she is given the drug hydrocodone for pain. Upon returning to school, she is later approached by Riley, who asks her to share one of her pills with her. Amanda is suspicious, but gives her one anyway.

Later that week, Amanda starts dancing again, which makes Alexis a little jealous. While Amanda is waiting outside the school, Riley introduces Amanda to her boyfriend, Nate, and her brother, Carson. Amanda ends up hanging out with the group. Although Amanda is hesitant at first, they convince her to share her prescription meds with them.

Amanda ends up injuring her knee again and is given a renewed prescription of hydrocodone. Amanda is upset when she sees Carson and Bridget together at school again. She begins spending more time with Riley who persuades her to go for Carson. Amanda spends one day with Riley, Nate and Carson while watching movies and begins to grow a connection with Carson. While at an old lady's garage sale, they go into her house to use the bathroom and steal some oxycodone from her room and run out. While under the influence of the drugs, Carson and Amanda kiss and begin to spend more time together all the while Amanda's tolerance for the hydrocodone grows as she is shown taking the pills often. Unfortunately after her prescription runs out, she begins to feel sluggish and vomits due to withdrawal.

When Amanda catches Carson kissing his ex-girlfriend Bridget at a pharm party, she ignores his attempts to contact her until her birthday, where he approaches her while making an homage to her favorite movie, ''Say Anything...'', and presents a slideshow of them together in an attempt to have her forgive him. Amanda is still very angry with him, but forgives him. Rick the dealer brings them drugs from Mexico to snort, claiming that it's cheap oxycontin. They snort the drugs and Amanda gets so high that she is slurring. She proceeds to black out, only regaining consciousness on her drive home when she almost crashes her car. She is later at Riley and Carson's house snorting the drug when they suddenly find out that they've actually been snorting heroin. Riley, just brushes it off, and Amanda makes Carson promise not to do it again. She again suffers from withdrawals.

After hearing her vomit during dinner, her mother suspects that she has an eating disorder and takes her to a doctor who prescribes her anti-anxiety medication. Amanda's team decides to replace her solo with Alexis on the audition, angering her. She finds out that Carson and the others have been doing heroin again and fools herself into believing that it can get her through her dance audition. They go to Rick to trade Amanda's anti-anxiety pills for heroin, and discover Riley shooting heroin. The others are worried at first, but later decide to try it too. While high, Carson and Amanda profess their love for another, and the group continues to drug themselves. Later, after hanging with Nate, Amanda, and Carson getting Starbucks, Riley begins to act frantic and urges the rest of the group to go on. While in the car, in the backseat, Riley begins to shoot heroin. Amanda then sees Riley turn blue and not wake up. Carson immediately rushes them to the hospital, where they are told Riley overdosed. Sadly, Riley is presumed to have died, due to the heroin intoxication. When Amanda gets back home, her mother confronts her about the heroin in her room that her brother found. Amanda goes to rehab, where she is visited by Alexis. She informs her about Carson and Nate. The two girls take a selfie together.

The Walls of Jericho (1948 film)

County attorney Dave Connors is stuck in an unhappy marriage to his wife Belle. He invites his friends, newly married Tucker and Algeria Wedge, to come and visit.

Algeria is secretly attracted to Dave and is frustrated that he doesn't return her feelings. When Dave decides to run for senator, Algeria encourages Tucker to run as well in an effort to make Tucker more like Dave.

Dave is reunited with an old friend, Julia Norman. She has been in love with Dave since childhood, and as they spend more time together, Dave begins to fall in love with her as well. They begin an affair, but they feel guilty over Dave's marriage to Belle. Julia decides to leave Jericho.

Marjorie Ransom, a mutual friend of Dave and Julia, runs away from home one night and accidentally kills a man who was harassing her. She goes to Julia for help, and she and Dave agree to help her. Algeria has learned of Julia and Dave's affair and uses this information to spoil the trial and ruin Dave's chances of being elected as senator. Algeria tells Belle of Dave's infidelity. Belle shoots Dave, leaving Julia to defend Marjorie in court. Julia uses the opportunity to defend herself and Dave's relationship as well as publicly question Algeria's own obsession with Dave. Marjorie is found not guilty. The film ends with Julia going to visit Dave in the hospital.

Bertie's Brainstorm

An official synopsis published in the ''Billboard'' states, "Bertie Fawcett is a dudish chap, who believes that he has won the heart of May Vernon. May, however, regards Bertie as very much of a joke, and is in love with Jack Mace, who is her ideal of manly beauty. May's father has no objection to Jack personally, but he does not propose that the daughter he idolizes shall wed a weakling or a ne'er do well. Therefore, he tells May in a letter that if 'that young man wants to marry you, he must show his ability by earning his own living during vacation.' Unfortunately for Bertie, he sees the letter, and egotistically jumps to the conclusion that he is the person referred to. He starts out to make his own living, but soon finds that it is not as easy as it sounds. He is successfully a writer, a billposter, a village constable, and a living target in the baseball show, but fails to shine in any one sphere. And then to cap the climax, when he returns to claim his bride, he finds that May is married to Jack."

Superman: Last Stand on Krypton

In 2000, Earth has been hit with an asteroid, Superman, using Kryptonian technology, hopes to bring Earth back to its potential. In 2011, Metropolis is a paradise, but the government is corrupt. In a council meeting Superman refuses to share more Kryptonian technology, fearing Earth would suffer the same fate as Krypton. At the ''Daily Planet'', Superman seeks the advice of Perry White, who tells him to check on Lois Lane, who is now a Captain in the military and is doing work in South America. Jimmy Olsen asks Superman about Morgan Edge calling him a traitor to humanity. At the Arkham Island, Lex Luthor bargains with Morgan Edge for freedom, and vows to take Superman down. Edge says that Superman has disappeared, Luthor tells Edge that he's the only one who could find Superman and destroy him.

Meanwhile, Superman comes out of warp near Krypton, finds Jor-El and Lara and has a happy family reunion. On Krypton Zod has takes up the mantle of General again, to defend the true Kryptonian heritage. Superman is informed how Zod would have the land reduced to a barren waste, rather than using the cloning tech to restore Krypton to its former glory. Somewhere on Krypton a spaceship crashes on the planet, Lois and Luthor in his exo-suit comes out. Robots attacks Luthor and the two are brought before Zod. Zod questions Luthor and finds out Superman is on the planet and Luthor agrees to help him. Zod's robots descend upon the New Kryptonian sanctuary, where the colonists are infected with Kryptonium, a.k.a. the green death. The animals and people in the colony die horribly. Superman pleads with Zod to avoid war, but Zod declines, and hands him over to Luthor. Luthor infects Superman with forms of the green death, which turns him into a brutish being in the process. Superman is thus rendered animalistic and unintelligible, but his motives are still pure. He takes Lois to his father, and Lois tells Jor-El that she will run his war for him.

Zod finds he has no more use for Luthor and is about to attack him, when Lex turns a red energy ray on himself. Luthor informs Zod that he now has sufficient brainpower to control Zod's army, and order Zod's soldiers to attack Zod. Luthor then gathers Zod's army to him and marches upon the colony. Lois initiates phase three using the Phantom Zone on Luthor's troops. Despite the loss of his armies, Luthor is still able to bring down the spire Superman is in. He then tries to control Superman's will but is unable to do so. They are enveloped in an energy field of their mental projection and an explosion ensues. Both burned beyond recognition and dying, Luthor tells Superman that a madman's work is never done, and unhinges Krypton. Superman tries to warn his family to leave. Lara, Jor-El and Lois run to Jor-El's lab and find a spaceship with a hyperdrive. There is only enough room for Lois and Lara, and Jor-El sends them on the spaceship as Krypton explodes.

Heads (film)

Guy Franklin acquires a job at a newspaper in a small town where a series of decapitations have occurred. Before long, Franklin begins to wonder if the killer is closer than he thinks.

Return to Sender (2015 film)

Miranda Wells is a nurse living in a small town. She is about to become a surgical nurse and is buying a new house. Her friend sets her up on a blind date with a man named Kevin. On the day of the date, while she's still getting ready, Miranda finds someone outside her porch, whom she assumes is Kevin, and invites him in. She offers him lemonade and goes into her bedroom to finish dressing. When she comes out of her room she sees he is blocking the door. Beginning to feel uneasy, she asks him to leave and come back later for their date. He refuses, and walks to the door and locks it. He then attacks and rapes her. Later he is seen running away from the house as someone else comes to the door and knocks. The door is slightly open and the man, Kevin, comes in calling out for Miranda. He finds her in the kitchen and calls the police. Miranda is next seen in the hospital, beaten, and having a rape kit and photos taken by the police. The police ask if she had ever seen the man before, and she says that, actually, she had. They promptly go and arrest the rapist, William Finn.

Miranda tries to carry on with her life normally. Her real estate agent tells her that they can't sell her house now as no one wants to buy a house where someone was just raped. While icing a cake at home she notices a tremor in her right hand and realizes that she can't work in surgery because of it. She decides to write a letter to William in prison.

Miranda's letter to William keeps being returned to sender. She continues to resend the letter and finally receives a response and goes to visit William. He apologizes repeatedly for what he did to her and she begins to visit him regularly. They become friendly and flirt with each other during her visits. While in prison, William has also been abusing his cell mate without the knowledge of the officers and is eventually released on parole.

Meanwhile, Miranda also befriends her father's aggressive dog by feeding him treats. The dog gets sick, stops eating, and eventually dies.

When he is released, William sends Miranda flowers and makes plans to visit her. When he arrives at her home she puts him to work fixing up the porch of her house. They continue to flirt but she never allows him into her house. When William goes to the hardware store where Mitchell works, Mitchell realizes who he is and charges over to Miranda's house to warn her he is out of prison. When he realises William has been to the house, they have an argument.

One day after working on the porch, William says he is not feeling well and begs to be allowed in to use the bathroom. Miranda reluctantly agrees and upon entering the house he collapses. When he wakes up he finds himself strapped to a bed in the basement. She admits to poisoning him with antifreeze in his lemonade. Miranda tells him that she also poisoned her father's dog and allowed her mother to die. He then passes out again as she rolls over a surgical tray. Over the next few hours she operates and when he wakes up, leads him to believe she has amputated his left hand, taunting him with a fake one and asking what matters to him. It is later revealed that she actually castrated him. The film ends with Miranda visiting her father, stating that William will not be coming around any more.

The Old Curiosity Shop (1911 film)

Adapted from ''The Old Curiosity Shop'' by Charles Dickens, the film has been shortened and streamlined for the single reel format. The film focuses on a grandfather who gambles himself into poverty. He dotes on his granddaughter, Little Nell, and desires to give her every luxury. The grandfather turns to gambling to try and earn money, firmly believing that luck would favor him. His gambling results in losing everything and Nell fears that he will be taken away to an asylum. At night, Nell flees with him and they find refuge and shelter with Mrs. Jarley. The grandfather, seeking to win money, robs Nell of her money and proceeds to gamble it away. The grandfather is coerced by men to steal to pay the debts, but Nell intervenes and flees with her grandfather again. Exhausted and feeble in health, Nell meets a kind schoolmaster and appeals to him for aid before falling unconscious at his feet. The schoolmaster takes the two in, but it is too late to save Nell and she dies. Her grandfather is brokenhearted and is found dead on her grave several days later.

Der Spalt

The film is a drama which revolves around the isolation of a young transsexual called Alex. She is living together with her jobless mother in a dystopia. There is no hope for her. But Alex is getting in touch with Christian, a photo reporter. He is the first who recognized Alex as a woman. Together they try a revolution against sex and gender norming.

Jönssonligan – Den perfekta stöten

Charles-Ingvar Jönsson (Simon J. Berger), are together with his uncle Ralf, Stockholm's most skilled car thieves. But one day a robbery goes wrong and Ralf is murdered, while Charles-Ingvar is framed for the murder. To take revenge on Ralf's killer, the corrupt business woman Wallentin (Andrea Edwards), the banking director of Wallentin Exchange, Charles-Ingvar makes a plan to implement the most complicated heist in the history of Sweden.

He recruits the fraudster Ragnar Vanheden (Alexander Karim), explosives expert Harry (Torkel Petersson), and lock specialist Rocky (Susanne Thorson), who is also Charles-Ingvar's ex-girlfriend, to help him in his revenge mission.


Theresa provides her terminally-ill mother a cannabis joint laced with poison, allowing her to commit assisted suicide. After her mother's death, she inherits her home in rural Northern California. Theresa's boyfriend, Nick, wants her to move elsewhere with him, but she insists on staying in her mother's house. Theresa returns to her job at a cannabis dispensary owned by her friend Keith, but is noticeably withdrawn. She attends a house party with Keith, and talks with Johnny, a mutual friend who is younger than both of them.

One day while Theresa is working, a sick elderly man, Ed, comes into the shop to pick up the same poison-laced cannabis Theresa administered to her mother. Theresa gives him the cannabis and he leaves; aware that he is using it to commit suicide, Theresa experiences an emotional breakdown. Ed returns later in the evening, informing Theresa and Keith that the drug failed to work. In the middle of the night, Theresa receives a phone call from Keith. She meets him at a carwash, where he tells her that Johnny has died, and accuses her of accidentally selling Johnny the poison-laced cannabis intended for Ed.

Her grief now compounded by guilt, Theresa's emotional state becomes increasingly fragile, and she begins retreating to the surrounding woods for hours at a time, causing strain on her relationship with Nick. Contemplating suicide, she prepares five individual joints laced with the poison, but at first cannot bring herself to smoke them. Later that night, she goes into the woods and works up the nerve to smoke one of the joints, but it does not kill her; she awakens the next morning with scratches on her legs. She smokes a second joint in the morning, and has visions of herself walking through the wilderness. Later, she smokes the third joint, which induces powerful hallucinations, but does not kill her. When she returns to consciousness, she finds that she has dismantled a wooden fence outside the house, but has no recollection of doing so.

Later that night, Theresa meets with Keith at a local bar, and smokes a fourth joint. After, she drives to Ed's house and confesses to him how she inadvertently killed Johnny. After telling him the news, Ed dies in front of her. Upon returning home, she gets into a fight with Nick when she refuses to tell him where she has been. She eventually leaves and walks to Keith's house, visibly ill and vomiting. Keith, who perceives Theresa's guilt over the deaths of her mother and Johnny, suggests she confide in Nick. Theresa refutes the idea, and Keith threatens to call Nick on the phone. Theresa begins burning her fingertips on a hot clothes iron that Keith has left on. When he attempts to stop her, she attacks him, burning his face with the iron, and then beats him over the head with it numerous times, killing him.

Covered in blood, Theresa wanders into the woods and smokes the last of the poison-laced joints. This induces numerous visions of the landscape, during which Theresa begins levitating, and ascends into the tree canopy.

Your Cheatin' Heart (TV series)

Cissie Crouch (Tilda Swinton) is working as a waitress in an American themed bar and restaurant in Glasgow called "Bar L", while her husband Dorwood Crouch (Kevin McMonagle) is in prison for a robbery she believes he did not commit. (The prison where Crouch is being held is a thinly disguised version of Barlinnie Prison, known locally as "The Bar L"). She meets journalist Frank McClusky (John Gordon-Sinclair) who agrees to help her to clear her husband's name by investigating Fraser Boyle (Ken Stott), a violent small-time criminal and drug dealer who had been a member of Dorwood's band "Dorwood Crouch and The Deadwood Playboys". McClusky discovers a connection between Boyle and Irish band "Jim Bob O'May (Guy Mitchell) and The Wild Bunch". Boyle is the father of Cissie's child, who has been taken into care due to Cissie's inability to meet the child's needs and is living with foster parents in Aberdeen.

McClusky uses a taxi operated by Billie McPhail (Katy Murphy) and Jolene Jowett (Eddi Reader), who also perform as Country and Western duo "The McPhail Sisters", and are looking for additional support musicians for what they see as their big chance as support act for the Wild Bunch. McCluskey pretends to be a musician and persuades Cissie to join him in supporting them in order to infiltrate the Country and Western scene in Glasgow.

David Cole (Guy Gregory), the owner and manager of the Bar L, has been engaging in large scale international drug dealing, and is murdered by the gang of rival Ralph Henderson (Jack Fortune) over possession of a package of 18 pounds of cocaine which they believe to be concealed in the Bar-L, but are unable to find. Henderson plans to use The Wild Bunch to transport the drugs.

Dorwood climbs onto the prison roof to protest his innocence but falls off and then escapes from hospital, still seriously injured, with the help of Boyle who plans, incompetently, to smuggle him out of the country with the Wild Bunch.

All the characters converge on the venue of the Wild Bunch concert at the "Ponderosa", a roadhouse bar outside Glasgow. Tamara MacAskill (Helen Atkinson-Wood), a local radio reporter who has been following the Dorwood Crouch escape and the David Cole murder, appears for a routine interview with O'May and recognises Henderson, who incorrectly assumes that she is investigating the drugs deal and abducts her while he goes to pick up the drugs shipment which has now been found by one of his associates.

Dorwood has been left in the car park while the others go into the bar to perform, where he shoots and wounds one of Boyle's associates using Boyle's revolver. Cissie, Dorwood, and McClusky escape in MacAskill's radio car and proceed to Aberdeen where Cissie hopes to find her child. Henderson, now in possession of the drugs and still holding MacAskill, goes to Aberdeen to catch up with O'May at his next engagement. The McPhail sisters go to Aberdeen hoping to perform again with O'May.

McCluskey declares his love for Cissie but she is non-committal. Together they find the address where the child is living, but she turns away without seeing him.

Henderson attempts to murder MacAskill with a drugs overdose. Dorwood, who has been contemplating suicide, finds Henderson about to deliver the drugs to O'May and leads him away at gunpoint. Henderson is later found dead and the audience is left to speculate on the fate of Dorwood and the drugs. McCluskey and Cissie find MacAskill and save her life.

McCluskey walks away from Cissie who he feels has been using him all along.

Resisting the Aggressor Down the Ages

The platoon's pageant item tells of England's defeat of many oppressors down the ages, including Julius Caesar (played by Godfrey), William the Conqueror (Frazer), Philip of Spain (Pike) and Napoleon (Wilson). Captain Mainwaring, in the guise of John Bull, is, as usual, struggling to motivate his platoon to give convincing performances.

The conceit of the item is that England has always defeated its aggressors (generally ignoring historical fact), with each aggressor in turn saying "England shall be crushed, never to rise again" and each segment ending with the proclamation "The aggressor shall not pass, the aggressor did not pass" jointly said by the spirits of Agriculture and Commerce (Jones & Walker respectively).

However, the rehearsal is rudely interrupted by an air raid and Chief ARP Warden Hodges brings a bailed out Luftwaffe pilot to see the Home Guard. When presented to Captain Mainwaring, the airman proclaims "England shall be crushed, never to rise again – Heil Hitler!", at which point Corporal Jones pokes the pilot from behind with a pitchfork (to the pilot's obvious discomfort) and proclaims: "They don't like it up 'em, Captain Mainwaring".

The Freelancer

Red alerts Elizabeth about a location and time where an unknown terrorist action will occur. Following a train derailment at the site, which Red believes to be the work of an assassin known as "The Freelancer," he and Elizabeth learn of the assassin's next target: Floriana Campo (Isabella Rossellini), a humanitarian working to end sex slavery by cartel gangs. The two attend one of Campo's charity events where Red identifies the Freelancer, whom Ressler apprehends. The Freelancer confesses that he is just a decoy Red hired to poison Campo. It is revealed that Red knew Campo was a fraud; she is actually running a sex slavery ring and uses the charity to eliminate competition. Meanwhile, as part of Red's immunity agreement, CIA agent Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) is assigned to his security detail. Tom is released from the hospital, and Elizabeth places his box back under the floorboards where she found it; she later views a recording of Tom speaking of his love for her during an adoption hearing.

Heaven Knows What

Harley, a homeless heroin addict in New York City, has just been dumped by another homeless addict named Ilya for a recent infidelity, and he refuses to have anything to do with her. Desperate to win him back, Harley asks Ilya if he would love her if she died, and he coldly says yes. After buying razor blades with money earned from begging and being encouraged by Ilya, Harley slits one wrist before Ilya panics and calls an ambulance. Harley is admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

After her release, Harley meets up with her friend, Mike, a low-level drug dealer, and another man she met earlier named Skully. However, annoyed at Skully's harassment, Harley soon drives him away. She spends her time crashing with Mike and using him as a source for heroin. Eventually, Ilya and Mike get into a fight at a park with Harley watching, and Ilya injures Mike's hand. While he recovers from his wound, Harley admits to Mike that she still loves Ilya, which causes Mike to leave her in frustration.

One night, Harley receives a phone call; Ilya is unconscious at a fast food restaurant from a drug overdose. Harley rushes there and revives Ilya, causing them to passionately reconcile. They then board a bus for Miami. While Harley is sleeping, Ilya gets off the bus alone and enters a vacant house. At night, the candle near his bed causes a fire, and Ilya dies after being enveloped in flames.

Harley wakes up on the bus and notices Ilya is not there. Devastated, she gets off the bus and goes back to New York. She goes to another fast food restaurant, where Mike is recounting the story of a fight he was in. Harley silently sits with Mike and his friends as he tells his story.

Trigger Mortis

The book is set in 1957 against the backdrop of the Space Race, and begins two weeks after the events of ''Goldfinger''. The novel is the third in the current-era literary series to be set during the original timeline created by Fleming since 1968's ''Colonel Sun'' (following ''Devil May Care'' by Sebastian Faulks and ''Solo'' by William Boyd) and sees the return of Bond girl Pussy Galore, who made her debut in ''Goldfinger''.

The Lady Is Willing (1934 film)

Set in France, private detective Albert Latour is employed by three men who aim to take revenge on the man responsible for a failed investment. Realising that the man's wife is wealthy, Latour kidnaps her in order to hold a ransom. The matter gets complicated when he finds himself falling in love with her.

Papá a la deriva

The story follows the life of Bruno Montt (Gonzalo Valenzuela), a Navy captain with four children. He is strict and fearless. The plot starts from the day that one of his son's, Cristóbal Montt (Simón Pesutic), arrives in Valparaíso. He's greeted by his three siblings who have all been up to trouble at school recently. That same day, Bruno gets a call from the school principal (Paulina Hunt) saying that the children have done terrible things at school. His son Arturo (Nahuel Cantillano) uploaded naked photos of his teachers. His daughter Esmeralda (Li Fridman) bribed a teacher to get out of physical education. Finally, his daughter Marina (Giulia Inostroza) robbed her teacher's makeup.

Things get even worse for Bruno, his children are very mischievous and the only person who had been taking care of the house and keeping things in order was the butler Eugenio Padilla (Claudio Arredondo). One day, Bruno goes out and leaves Eugenio in charge of the house, but seeing as he can't manage the kids on his own he calls his daughter Violeta (María Gracia Omegna). She works on a boat at the Muelle Prat port, she lost her house in the 2014 fires in Valparaíso. Violeta will make the captain a better person by telling him that rules were meant to be broken, and not necessarily to be followed. Bruno is attracted to Violeta from the start, however she has a jealous boyfriend Matías (Ignacio Achurra), the waiter at the restaurant "El Bote Salvavidas" ("The lifesaving boat" in English).

However, the captain's secretary, Rosario (Francisca Imboden) tries to distance Bruno from Violeta and would do anything to get money and satisfy her and her daughter Barbara's needs (Francisca Walker).

Bruno has to learn that his rank as captain won't help him control his children and he has to understand that only through love can he overcome his problems.

Toxic Love

Cesare, Enzo and Ciopper are a group of heroin addicts whose main occupation is to find money for their daily fix. Cesare hopes that his girlfriend, Michela, would help them but she has already bought drugs on her own from Teresa, a prostitute in Ostia, and the two have an argument. Cesare, Ciopper and Enzo eventually manage to score from a local pusher, nicknamed Dartagnan. When Michela test Teresa's heroin, and finds out that she's been ripped off, she tries to convince Cesare to get her money back. Cesare reluctantly agreed on confronting Teresa, but her pimp steps in and protects her. The next day, Michela, Cesare, Ciopper and Enzo take the train to Rome, to go to a methadone clinic. Here they meet a group of friends, including Donna, a transvestite, her boyfriend Debora, and Massimo, a fellow heroin-addict who has just been released from prison. Massimo talks Cesare into the idea of sticking up a local shop, but the results are poor, and Cesare lets Massimo taking all the money so that he can score. Meanwhile, Enzo meets a local pusher, Mario, who is looking for a young heroin-addicted girl he is smitten with called Loredana. Taking advantage of Mario's temporal vulnerability, Enzo manages to get four heroin doses with the promise of selling them and give Mario the profits, but eventually he shoots them all himself. The next day the group pay a visit to Patrizia, a local artist who is willing to share her stash, and they all do drugs in her studio. During the course of the night Cesare and Michela break away from the group and return to Ostia. Unsatisfied with their life, they talk about their future and agree on kicking their addiction. To celebrate, they shoot dope for one last time, this time cocaine, but Michela unexpectedly overdoses. Cesare rushes her to the hospital, and consumed by guilt and anxiety, returns to the beach and shoots the rest of their drugs before frantically running back to the emergency room where a doctor is trying to save Michela. A police car spots him and intimates him to stop, but as he refuses, they shoot him. The film ends with a series of flashbacks of Enzo, Michela and Cesare's initiation to drugs as teenagers.

Amazing Princess Sarah

Demon queen Lilith has seduced and kidnapped the king of Kaleiya. Princess Sarah embarks on a quest to destroy Lilith's forces and rescue her father.

A Damaged Mirror

The book opens with Yael reaching out to a rabbi for a rabbinic judgement for “Alex”. In subsequent correspondence with the rabbi, Rav Ish-Shalom, we learn that Alex's real name is Ovadya. He was deported to Birkenau from his home in Salonika, Greece at the age of 17. His mother and sister were gassed on arrival and Ovadya was sent to the Sonderkommando, the group of prisoners responsible for running the machinery of murder.

Ovadya wants the rabbi to serve as a rabbinic judge—essentially to put himself on trial for what he did in Birkenau. “The fact that good people can be forced to do wrong doesn’t make them less good,” he says. “But it also doesn’t make the wrong less wrong.” However, he is unable to speak of what he did to survive, and his past is gradually revealed in a series of letters to the rabbi and to Masha, a woman who was forced into prostitution during the war. He is able to tell her what he cannot speak aloud.

Yael, born two decades later in America, has no connection with Ovadya, and yet she haunted by a mysterious memory of something she could not have lived. In an attempt to understand the source of these memories, she sets out on a quest to Europe and eventually Israel. Her quest to learn what and how she remembers is bound up with Ovadya’s search for forgiveness and atonement. She too is unable to speak of the harrowing glimpses revealed by memory, but Ovadya holds the key to fitting the pieces together.

The second half of the book follows Ovadya in his spiritual quest, under the guidance of Rav Ish-Shalom. The rabbi sets him the task of bearing witness for those who perished in the gas chambers, but, scarred by the memory, Ovadya is reluctant to tell what he saw. Little by little, his memory returns, and he finds that he had suppressed even the good memories of his childhood in Salonika. Eventually, a breakthrough occurs and he is able to do what is required by Jewish Law—to journey back to Birkenau and make a formal confession to the souls of those he feels that he has wronged.

Il suo nome è Donna Rosa

Andrea, a young boatman from Capri, arrives in Naples on a commission; he clashes with Rosetta, a young student, and the clash causes him to break the arm of a jade statuette that he had to bring to an antiquarian, the widower Antonio Belmonte, who because of this pays him a lower price than hoped for.

It happens that Rosetta is the antiquarian's daughter, and having overheard the conversation in secret, she decides to bring Andrea's mother an envelope with some money to repay him for the damage she caused him.

The two young people thus begin dating and fall in love; Meanwhile, Rosetta's father woos Countess Rosa De Barberis, who however promised her deceased husband to marry only a nobleman, and for this reason Belmonte seeks the birth certificate of his great-great-grandfather, which would prove that his real surname is Di Belmonte and therefore is noble.

In the meantime, Rosetta mistakenly believes that Andrea is in love with a foreign tourist, and is therefore wooed by the son of Countess De Barberis, Giorgio, a lover of the game, who because of his "vice" puts his mother in trouble, forced to sell. the works of art of the house to settle the debts of the son; however, the situation is resolved and love triumphs.

Are We There Yet? (novel)

The novel follows two brothers, Elijah and Danny, who have been tricked by their parents into taking a trip to Italy together. The brother's don't get along, as Elijah thinks Danny is stuffy and Danny thinks Elijah is lazy. In Venice, Elijah meets a girl named Julia, and he quickly devotes spending more time with her than with Danny. Julia is following the same trip schedule, and her and Elijah meet up in Florence and Rome. Danny spends much of his time alone in the cities, as Elijah is off with Julia, but is surprised when Julia returns to the brothers' hotel room and attempts to seduce Danny. Danny rejects her, and Elijah and Julia break up soon after. The brothers discover they have more in common then they thought and return home with a much better relationship.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (novel)

The novel is told from the alternating perspectives of Nick, the only straight member of a queercore rock band, and Norah, the daughter of a well-known music producer. After a concert, Nick sees his ex-girlfriend in the bar and asks Norah to pretend to be his girlfriend for five minutes. Norah agrees but only because she wants to find a ride for her very drunk friend Caroline. Through myriad circumstances, Nick and Norah find themselves spending the rest of the night together, heading to a strip club to watch nuns gyrate to the sound of music and sneaking into a hotel to make out. At the end of the novel, they decide that perhaps they don't know what the future holds, but they are willing to give this relationship a try.

Duffy of San Quentin

Clinton T. Duffy (Paul Kelly (Kelly was a prisoners in San Quentin int the 1920s)) suddenly has a job few would ever want. He's the interim warden at San Quentin, given the job for 30 days after violence and corruption swept what was then the nation's largest prison facility. Duffy aims to make his few days matter, cracking down on notorious guards, wiping out a stool-pigeon network and hiring the institute's first female nurse (Joanne Dru). The reforms take hold. Duffy's 30 days would become 12 years. Based on his memoir, Duffy of San Quentin tells the story of the warden's pivotal early tenure through the prism of his interactions with volatile inmate Edward Harper (Louis Hayward). Filmmaker Walter Doniger guides the action. He next made the prison film The Steel Cage (with Kelly and Maureen O’Sullivan returning as the Duffys) and explored life behind bars again in The Steel Jungle


The novel is set on the small Melanesian island of Kristi in the far-western Pacific. A band of discontented Kristians and sympathetic colonials launch a revolution against the island government, which is composed of both French and British officials. While no single character predominates, it is the dilemma of Gavi Salway trapped between ties of blood and tradition and forced to decide whether to aid or betray the revolution's leader that affects us most.[ Amazon - "Beachmasters"]

An Item from the Late News

The narrator here is arch, sarcastic, oblique Gabby, a painter who, in reaction against her boring upper-middle family, has been through marriage, affairs, bohemianism, and a breakdown..Now, back in her home-town of Allbut, a former mining center that's become a near-ghost town ""in our continental funkerama,"" Gabby is oddly entranced by a newcomer named Wafer--an overage hippie whose only goal is to find ""the perfect bomb shelter."" (His father was a WW II bomb fatality; he's obsessed with Hiroshima.) But Wafer's quiet quest on the town's outskirts will be doomed--by the town's greed and hypocrisy and violence, by Gabby's own self-involved apathy: Wafer is terrorized by a local macho-thug; his fatherly affection for a teenage girl (the thug's rape victim) is used against him. And when Wafer happens to find a precious stone on one of his wanderings, the town will stop at nothing to learn the location of this possible new gem-lode. . . with a predictably fatal outcome.[ Kirkus Reviews]

Table 19

Eloise McGarry attends her oldest friend Francie Millner's wedding. Originally maid of honor, she "dropped out" two months ago after her (now) ex-boyfriend Teddy, the best man and the bride's brother, broke up with her by text after two years together. Teddy is now back with his old girlfriend. At the reception, Eloise discovers she is seated at Table 19. As she considers leaving, a fellow guest named Huck offers unsolicited advice, and she decides to stay.

Eloise meets her table mates: Jerry and Bina Kepp, Facebook friends of the groom's father; teen Renzo Eckberg, whose mom is an acquaintance of the groom; Jo Flanagan, Teddy and Francie's childhood nanny; and Walter Thimble, the bride's cousin, who is out on parole. They discuss if Table 19 is a "good table," Eloise tells them that she helped plan the wedding, and she knows Table 19 is for misfits.

As the newlyweds arrive and begin dancing, Eloise starts feeling insecure and dances with Huck, who she kisses. When he won't sit with her, she realizes he is a wedding crasher and "Huck" isn't his real name, and he leaves.

Although not bonding initially, they come together when Jo realizes Eloise is pregnant. With the table's help, Eloise confronts Teddy about dumping her when she told him about the baby. Teddy says he broke up with her because she said they would be ridiculous parents, leaving Teddy hurt and worried he'd disappoint her. The argument ends with them accidentally destroying the cake and hastily covering it up.

Bitter and covered in cake, Table 19 changes clothes and moves to Jo's room to smoke pot and talk. Walter reveals he went to prison for stealing $125,000 from the father of the bride because a former friend conned him. Renzo came to the wedding in lieu of his junior prom, as his mom thought he could meet someone. Jo feels she has wasted her life and the children she cared for have forgotten her.

The table goes on a walk, and Jerry gives Renzo advice on how to pick up girls, while Eloise realizes Jo has terminal cancer and will die in the next year. Jo tells Eloise that if she has a daughter she shouldn't name her "Jo" as it's a tough name for a girl. Bina admits to Jerry she came to the wedding to have an affair with an ex, who did not show. They fight, and she heads back inside with Walter.

On Jo's suggestion, the six try to find the wedding crasher Eloise met earlier. They learn "Huck" is actually the groom from another wedding. As payback, Walter steals Huck's wedding cake to replace the one they destroyed earlier.

Returning to the reception, Table 19 is visited by the bride and groom, who express genuine happiness that everyone there has attended. Francie and Eloise talk briefly, Francie apologizes that she was seated so far away from her, and Eloise decides to leave early. Francie then assures Jo she has not forgotten her, telling a brief but touching childhood story about Teddy, inspiring the table to see him differently. They track down Eloise, encouraging her to tell him how she really feels. As the core wedding party leaves on a ferry, she tries to apologize to him from the dock, but he's too far away to hear her.

Eloise, Walter, Jo, and Renzo return to the wedding hall for the last of the cake. In their room, the Kepps discuss their fragile marriage and reconcile before joining them. Teddy suddenly reappears, dripping wet from jumping off the ferry, and asks Eloise to repeat what she said. Eloise asks that they be willing to forgive each other and they reconcile, and the entire group dances to one last song.

A few months later, the Kepps have repaired their strained marriage, Jo has died of cancer, and the Kepps have taken in Jo's dog. Renzo has a girlfriend, and Walter refers to the other Table 19 guests as family. Eloise and Teddy are together and have had their baby. They mail birth announcements to their friends and family, including Table 19. The card reveals they had a son who they named Joe.

The Chemistry of Tears

Catherine Gehrig is a middle-aged horologist working in "the Georgian halls" of the Swinburne Museum, London SW1. For the last 13 years she has been in love with her married colleague, Matthew Tindall, and when he dies suddenly she is distraught. Her boss Eric Croft moves her to the museum annexe in Olympia and gives her a recent acquisition to assemble: a complex mechanical toy that she first thinks might be a monkey, then decides is a duck. Croft's hope is that Catherine will be led towards recovery by "the huge peace of mechanical things". She slowly becomes entranced by a story that has some peculiar parallels with her own.

This story, which is told in sections that alternate with Catherine's own, involves Henry Brandling, scion of a wealthy 19th-century railway family, husband of sourpuss Hermione and father of sickly Percy. When Percy falls ill, and all the usual Victorian therapies have failed, Henry becomes convinced that a foreign and mechanical entertainment might heal him. Henry's search for the mechanism and Catherine's restoration of it provide the novel's counterpoints.

Amnesia (Carey novel)

The novel follows the story of journalist Felix Moore who is writing an investigative piece about Gaby Baillieux, a young Australian computer hacker. Baillieux has written a computer virus which is originally intended to open the doors of Australian prison cells, but which also finds its way to the US.

The novel makes connections between various incidents in Australia's past (the 1942 Battle of Brisbane and the 1975 sacking of the Whitlam government) to build a picture of conspiracy and political interference.

Tales of Frankenstein

Baron Frankenstein sends his servants away every night, even in the worst weather, so he can be alone with his experiments. One night he brings his creation to life, but having the brain of a murderer, it tries to strangle him. In the struggle it is accidentally electrocuted. He decides he needs to find a new brain, from someone more intelligent.

That night, Paul and Christine Halpert arrive in the village, to visit the Baron. They are hoping he can cure Paul's illness, but the Baron refuses, telling them that a hospital can do more than he can. The couple stay at a local inn and consult the village doctor. It is no use; Paul dies.

The Baron pays the cemetery groundskeeper to leave the grave unsealed the night after the funeral. Christine finds the grave defiled the next day, with a locket that was buried with Paul lying on the ground. Christine coerces the groundskeeper to tell her who paid him to leave the grave open. He tells her it was Frankenstein.

Frankenstein has by this time transplanted Paul's brain into the body of the Monster. As Paul discovers his new body, he becomes violent and pursues the Baron. Christine arrives at the castle to find out what the Baron did with Paul. The Baron tries to feign ignorance until the Monster smashes into the room to kill Frankenstein.

Paul chases the Baron outside, through woods and old castle ruins before catching up with him. Christine stops him from harming the Baron, reminding him that the Baron had only done what they asked. She tells him he was a good man and begs him not to throw it away just because of a hideous body.

Paul throws himself down some castle ruins, and is buried. Frankenstein tries to dig him out, but the constable arrives to charge him with body snatching.

As he is being arrested, the Baron tells the policeman, "You have your job to do, and so have I – and I don't think either of us would let anything stand in the way of our respective destinies...time is a small matter... there is always tomorrow."

1000 to 1: The Cory Weissman Story

Cory Weissman was a student-athlete, a basketball player, who had a stroke while attending Gettysburg College. He scored 1000 points in high school and looked forward to success as a starting point guard. Basketball is his life's primary focus, but as a freshman, he has an AVM stroke which paralyzes his left side. Cory has to cope with his disability and answer the question "why me?" Does everything happen for a reason or just fate?

Despite the sad prognosis of his brain damage, the young athlete is hopeful of his recovery and return to basketball. Physical therapy is slow, but with the support of his cat, fish, coach and teammates, Cory returns to college. Cory is allowed to dress and play in the last game his senior year. To the joy of everyone, he scores one point—hence the title "1000 to 1". He finds new meaning in his life, both on and off the court. He played hockey and cricket

That Sugar Film

The film follows Gameau's experiment on himself, changing from his normal diet containing no refined sugar to a 'health-conscious' diet low in fat but high in sugar, equivalent to 160 grams (40 tsp) of sugar per day. As a result, Gameau gained weight, grew lethargic, and developed fatty liver disease. The sugar diet was selected such that his calorie intake was not increased from his normal diet.

Interviews with experts attribute this change to the high level of sugar he was ingesting, and in particular suggest that fructose may be the main culprit. It is suggested that artificial sweeteners may be no better.

The viewers are introduced to the "bliss point", a term coined in the 1960s which applies here to the amount of sugar you can add to a food to make it optimally desirable. Adding more sugar beyond the "bliss point" leads to a significant drop in desirability.

Following the experiment, he returned to his previous diet, and the ill effects were largely and quickly reversed.

Killing Reagan

In 1981, after delivering a speech at the Washington Hilton Hotel on March 30, President Reagan is shot by John Hinckley, Jr. Near death, Reagan's life is in the balance in the hands of doctors at George Washington University Hospital. At the White House however, there is chaos as Reagan's cabinet is led by Secretary of State Alexander Haig.

Target Zero

During a Korean War skirmish, a United Nations relief worker, Ann Galloway (Peggie Castle), is injured and her assistant killed after suffering enemy fire. As the Communist forces take over the region, she is rescued by a British patrol. Ann then hooks up with American troops led by Lt. Tom Flagler (Richard Conte), a soldier's soldier, admired by his men. Finding themselves behind enemy lines, they try to break through to rejoin Easy Company and other allied troops.

The British sergeant named Kensemmit (Richard Wyler) bears a grudge against all fellow soldiers and is particularly contemptuous of Flagler, as well as possibly interested in Ann romantically, though this latter point is never made clear and seems deliberately left unclear. SFC Vince Gaspari (Charles Bronson) vouches for Tom completely as a born leader, although he acknowledges Ann's conclusion that Tom cares about nothing else than his military duty to be true. By contrast the other two British tank soldiers, Harry (pronounced "'arry" due to his working class accent) Fontenoy (Terence De Marney) and Cpt. Devon Enoch (John Alderson) both get along very well with the Americans, and in two scenes explicitly criticize Sgt. Kensemmit for his unnecessary hostile attitude. During one scene Pvt. Geronimo, a Native American soldier (played by Abel Fernandez) from the Apache reservation in Arizona says to a southern-accented white American soldier that Native Americans were in this war so that they could get practice fighting for the eventual day when they reconquer the United States. Pvt. Harry "'arry" Fontenoy says to the southern-accented GI "Don't worry mate, if they chuck you out, we'll take you back!" to which the southern-accented GI says "Thanks ole buddy, but the problem with that is I don't speak the language!"

On a scouting mission hoping to reconnect with "Sullivan's Muscle," Tom discovers that Easy Company has been massacred, leaving him bewildered. However, under orders to hold the line until help can arrive, Tom and his men fight off North Korean foes. In the course of this Flagler and Kensemmit reconcile their differences, with Kensemmit apologizing and saying that "I just woke up on the wrong side of the world this morning", to which Flagler replied, "No worries, you're a handy guy to have around" in reference to a previous scene in which Kensemmit's fighting abilities proved crucial to a victory against the communists. In victory, Flagler and Kensemmit both come to realize that Ann represents the very kind of thing they have been fighting for all along.

The Stewmaker

Elizabeth testifies against drug lord Hector Lorca (Clifton Collins, Jr.) when a vital witness is kidnapped. Red believes the witness was taken by "The Stewmaker" (Tom Noonan), a chemical expert who uses chemicals to dissolve his victims, who is also believed to have been responsible for countless disappearances. Elizabeth appeals to Lorca to help capture the Stewmaker, only to become the Stewmaker's captive. Red and Ressler are forced to work together; Ressler poses as an inside man when they meet with Lorca to obtain contact information for the Stewmaker (real name Stanley Kornish). Meanwhile, Elizabeth is being tortured by Stanley with injected chemicals. Red finds Kornish's hideout, saves Elizabeth, and kills him by pushing him into the chemical bath Kornish had prepared for Elizabeth. Red also steals a photograph from the picture album containing all Kornish's victims. Elizabeth tries to find out something about the homicide perpetrated with her husband's hidden weapon and finds out when and where it occurred – in Boston, while she was there with Tom, who said he had a job interview at the hotel where the murder occurred.

Me Before You

Twenty-six-year-old Louisa Clark lives with her working-class family. Unambitious and with few qualifications, she feels constantly outshone by her younger sister, Treena, an outgoing single mother. Louisa, who helps support her family, loses her job at a local café when the café closes. She goes to the Job Center and, after several failed attempts, is offered a unique employment opportunity: help care for Will Traynor, a successful, wealthy, and once-active young man who has quadriplegia as a result of a pedestrian-motorcycle accident two years earlier. Will's mother, Camilla, hires Louisa despite her lack of experience, believing Louisa can brighten his spirit. Louisa meets Nathan, who cares for Will's medical needs, and Will's father, Steven, a friendly upper-class businessman whose marriage to Camilla is strained.

Louisa and Will's relationship starts out rocky due to his bitterness and resentment over being disabled. Things worsen after Will's ex-girlfriend, Alicia, and best friend Rupert reveal that they are getting married. Under Louisa's care, Will gradually becomes more communicative and open-minded as they share experiences together. Louisa notices Will's scarred wrists and later overhears his mother and father discussing how he attempted suicide shortly after Camilla refused his request to end his life through Dignitas, a Swiss-based assisted suicide organization. Horrified by his attempt, Camilla promised to honor her son's wish, but only if he agreed to live six more months. Camilla intends to prove that, in time, he will believe his life's worth living.

Louisa conceals knowing about Will and Camilla's agreement. However, she tells Treena, and together they devise ways that will help convince Will to abandon his death wish. Over the next few weeks, Will loosens up and Louisa begins taking him on outings and the two grow closer.

Through their frequent talks, Louisa learns that Will has traveled extensively; his favorite place is a café in Paris. Noticing how limited his life is now and that he has few ambitions, Louisa tries to motivate Will to change.

Louisa continues seeing her longtime boyfriend of 7 years, Patrick, though they eventually break up due to her relationship with Will. Meanwhile, Louisa's father loses his job, causing more financial difficulties. Steven Traynor offers Mr. Clark a position. Louisa realizes that Will is trying to help her secure her freedom from her family. The two attend Alicia and Rupert's wedding where they dance and flirt. Will tells Louisa that she is the only reason he wakes in the morning.

Louisa convinces Will to go on a holiday with her, but before they can leave, Will contracts near-fatal pneumonia. Louisa cancels the plans for a whirlwind trip. Instead, she takes Will to the island of Mauritius. The night before returning home, Louisa tells Will that she loves him. Will says he wants to confide something, but she admits that she already knows about his plans with Dignitas. Will says their time together has been special, but he cannot bear to live in a wheelchair. He will be following through with his plans. Angry and hurt, Louisa storms off and does not speak to him for the remainder of the trip. When they return home, Will's parents are pleasantly surprised by his good physical condition. Louisa, however, resigns as his caretaker, and they understand that Will intends to end his life.

Back at home Louisa is miserable and her mother is outraged when Louisa tells them everything about Will. The media and journalists arrive at the house having been tipped off by Patrick and the family become isolated. Treena then finds a message from Camilla Traynor requesting Louisa to come to Switzerland. Louisa accepts despite her mother forbidding it and flies out to see Will. Once reunited again at the clinic they agree that the past six months have been the best in their lives. He dies shortly after in the clinic, and it is revealed that he left Louisa a considerable inheritance, meant to continue her education and to fully experience life. The novel ends with Louisa at a café in Paris, reading Will's last words to her in a letter, that tell her to 'live well'.

Bereft (novel)

In 1919 the First World War is over and Spanish Flu is at epidemic proportions in Australia. Quinn Walker returns from the war to the small town of Flint to face the consequences of his sister's killing, ageing parents and a police constable who is intent on blaming him for the death.

Dirty Tricks (film)

A Harvard University student, (Nicholas Campbell) attempts to contact Prof. Chandler, (Elliott Gould) to authenticate a mysterious letter supposedly signed by George Washington. The student is murdered and the letter vanishes. Professor Chandler finds himself being hunted by a mafia killer and intrepid TV reporter Karen Polly Bishop (Kate Jackson).

Seven Types of Ambiguity (novel)

The novel is narrated by seven different characters whose lives intersect in various ways. The first of these, Alex Klima, is a Czech psychiatrist who has been hired to treat Simon for his depression. Simon is obsessed with his ex-lover Anna, and it is this obsession that leads him in a downward spiral. He takes a child from school but the child is found a few hours later. The boy is the son of Anna and the police wonder if the case is more complex than it first appears.

The Member of the Wedding (film)

Feeling rejected when her older brother goes off on his honeymoon without inviting her along, Frankie (Julie Harris) runs away from her middle-class Southern home. She endures several other adolescent traumas, not least of which is the sudden death of her bespectacled young cousin John Henry (Brandon De Wilde). With the help of warm-hearted housekeeper Berenice Sadie Brown (Ethel Waters), Frankie eventually makes an awkward transition to young womanhood.

Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4

Mr. Smithers reminds Mr. Burns about Valentine's Day and tries to convince him to let the employees leave early to stay with their loved ones. Burns refuses, but Smithers convinces him to host a Sweethearts Dance. While enjoying the party with Marge, Homer gets a phone call from Grampa saying that he is alone and scared that a cat who can smell death is staring at him.

Homer and Marge decide to visit Grampa, spending the rest of Valentine's Day with him. At the Retirement Castle, a nurse gives a pill to the elders, making them hallucinate and start dancing with the ghosts of late loved ones including Grampa deceased wife Mona. Marge thinks it is not fair to do that to the old folks and decides to do something about it.

Meanwhile, at the party, Professor Frink is alone because he is not good in getting a girlfriend. The next day, Homer discovers him sleeping in one of the Nuclear Plant's rooms. Frink confesses that Valentine's Day is hard for people like him. Homer explains that love is a matter of trial and error. Frink gets the idea of determining what women like in a man and using science to become that person. Frink replaces his glasses with invisible blue contact lenses and uses shoe lifts for him to look taller, but even a droid that he programmed to say "yes" still thinks he is not attractive. Homer suggests it could be because of his voice, so Frink decides to use a chip under his tongue to make his voice more attractive.

To test his new self, Frink goes to a yoga class. He manages to impress all the girls in there and eventually begins an active dating life, but he soon notices that he cannot handle his new life and decides to hide inside Moe's Tavern where he realizes that most men there are lonely. He brings all the women to Springfield Planetarium, but instead of telling which woman he has chosen to be his girlfriend, he pairs them up with the lonely men of Springfield and decides to go back to his life as a single scientist. It is only then that the droid begins to see him as attractive while watching the stars, only to get interrupted by her mother as Frink wonders why he built the robot's mother.

At the Simpsons' house, Marge discovers that Bart is taking advantage of the old people's hallucinations to win money on gambling. She takes them back to the Retirement Castle only to discover that the nurse gives powerful drugs to them only to ease her job and Marge manages to convince the nurse to stop medicating them.

The next day, Marge realizes that the elders are extremely depressed. The nurse says that she hid the drugs in the library, but Grampa finds the pills and takes them so he can start hallucinating and win Mona back, running out of the Retirement Castle and into a 1940s-esque world. During his hallucination, Marge, Bart and Lisa convince Grampa to leave the past behind and live in the present, where there are people that still love him. He says goodbye to Mona before waking up in a mechanic's garage, having somehow wandered there during his hallucination.

In the final scene, Marge experiences the hallucinations and asks Grampa why they are there again. He explains that he flushed the drugs down the toilet, but suspects that the drugs may have entered Springfield's water system. Marge thinks they should wake up, but is distracted by Homer calling attention to Dean Martin being there.

A Very Murray Christmas

On Christmas Eve, Bill Murray waits in his suite at the Carlyle Hotel, gradually realizing that a massive snowstorm has caused most of the guests for his live Christmas special to cancel. As time runs out, his two producers, Liz (Amy Poehler), and Bev (Julie White), coerce him into going on with the show, as he is financially on the hook if he cancels. With minimal crew, Murray goes live; but in the middle of singing a song, he begins to weep and then flees the studio. While trying to leave the hotel, he sees Chris Rock, whom he forces into performing "Do You Hear What I Hear?" with him. During a power outage, Rock flees, and the producers inform Murray that as the power outage is considered an Act of God, the special can now be cancelled.

Filled with relief, Murray goes to the Carlyle bar, where he sings a song with an anonymous waitress (Jenny Lewis). After they hear the chefs shouting, they go to investigate, and realize that the French chefs (Phoenix) are overwhelmed, as the fridges have stopped working and the food is about to go bad. Murray encourages them to bring the food to the bar, so that the few patrons can eat it all. On his way back to the bar, he passes a weeping bride (Rashida Jones), who informs him that her wedding was called off due to the cold, and who is also upset because she has fought with her fiancé, Elliot (Jason Schwartzman).

The French chefs sing "Alone on Christmas Day", followed by the lounge singer (Maya Rudolph) performing "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)". Afterwards, the bride comes out wheeling a cake, and asks Murray about his theory of love. He asks Elliot and the bride to look at one another and think of the exact instant they knew they were in love with each other. The couple sing "I Saw the Light", and become re-engaged. At 12:01 am the remaining guests at the hotel wish each other a merry Christmas, and then sing "Fairytale of New York" together. At the end of the song, Murray, who had been drinking heavily, passes out.

While unconscious, Murray dreams that he awakens on a beautiful set in the middle of his Christmas special. In his dream, he is joined by George Clooney and Miley Cyrus. As Clooney prepares martinis, Cyrus and Murray sing "Sleigh Ride" together. After a few more musical numbers between himself, Cyrus, and Clooney, Murray reawakens in his suite at the Carlyle, where he realizes it is still Christmas.

The Terror of Rome Against the Son of Hercules

The hero Maciste suffers with the Christians the persecution from the Roman Empire. He, as a Spartan gladiator, falls in love with a young Christian and must save her from his condemnation in the arena. Maciste makes a desperate attempt to save the Christians. He will have to win monsters and gladiators to get the victory and stay with his beloved.

Romance of a Horsethief

In Polish Russia, Stoloff, a Cossack in exile has gained control over a Jewish village. The villagers live by horse-thievery and under the leadership of Kifke. Stoloff's regime is tolerated until he commandeers the village's horses for the Russian army. Naomi has been away in France and gotten ideas of a revolution and inspires the town to resist. This gets Naomi into deep trouble, from which only Kifke and his compatriot Zanvil can rescue her. Zanvil is highly motivated since he is in love with Naomi.

Three Days of Anarchy

The three days power vacuum in a Sicilian village shortly after the American landing in Sicily in July 1943.

Barricade (1950 film)

Gold-mine operator "Boss" Kruger (Raymond Massey) has certainly earned his nickname. A frontier dictator, Kruger runs his mine like a prison colony. Most of his workers are, in fact, fugitives from justice and are given dubious "protection" by Kruger. Two of the laborers are Judith Burns (Ruth Roman) and Bob Peters (Dane Clark), both on the lam from the law. Judith and Bob befriend lawyer Aubrey Milburn (Robert Douglas), who seeks to prove that Kruger is a murderer.

It's Only the End of the World

In a place identified only as "Somewhere," Louis, a 34-year-old gay playwright dealing with a terminal illness, takes a short flight to his home to reunite with his family, whom he has not seen in 12 years. His younger sister, Suzanne, has little memory of him. Upon arriving at the house, Louis' mother Martine is surprised to realize Louis has never met his brother Antoine's wife Catherine, as Louis was not present at their wedding. Catherine begins telling Louis about her and Antoine's children, nervously stammering to explain why they named one of their boys Louis, after Louis and Antoine's father. Antoine creates tension, snapping that Louis is uninterested in hearing about their children. Louis talks on the telephone to someone, saying he plans to tell his family about his impending death and then leave, while expressing uncertainty as to how they will react.

Louis and Catherine awkwardly meet in the hallway and attempt to apologize to each other for the tense conversations. Louis remarks he assumes Antoine has attempted to give her a negative opinion of Louis. Catherine replies Antoine actually speaks little of Louis, and Antoine feels Louis has little to no interest in their lives, and she openly suspects this belief may have some truth in it. She questions Louis if he knows what Antoine does for a living, explaining he makes tools in a nearby location. Martine also lectures Louis about taking responsibility in the family, saying his status, success and courage gives him some authority. She learns that he has moved from the address where she had been sending his mail, and he had not told her where he currently lives.

Louis expresses interest in seeing the family's former house, citing nostalgia, which bewilders the others who regard it as a ruin. The family argument that follows, puts an end to his wish. He rides with Antoine to the shops for cigarettes and makes small talk which angers Antoine who is sick of all the secrecy surrounding Louis's life and the reason as to why he's returned. He later tells Louis that his former lover Pierre died about a week ago from cancer.

During a meal, Louis promises to visit home more, and tells Suzanne she is welcome to visit him. However, it soon becomes apparent Louis intends to leave. Seizing upon this, Antoine tries to remove him from the house insisting on driving him to the airport, while the family shouts back at Antoine for his brutality. Antoine lashes back, saying he is tired with being treated as the family's freak. After a pause, Louis leaves without having told his family of his prognosis.


The Game is set in a Solar System where a Planet called Naturland can be found. It is inhabited by a Race called Naturix. They are dependent on Power Supplies from a Base on the farthest Moon of Naturland. The Protagonist is sent there for some Energy but the Base is occupied by Hostile beings. He has to find four Energy boxes and a Navigation Tool in order to get home.

He returns to his Spacecraft after he obtains everything and leaves the Base. He is last seen flying in the Spacecraft towards Home.

Fantozzi subisce ancora

New misadventures of Accountant Fantozzi: a reunion of the apartment building's tenants, the campervan holiday, the pregnancy of his daughter Mariangela, the company games of athletics, the moment of the political elections.

Fantozzi va in pensione

The accountant Fantozzi has reached the retirement age and left the work: he is now finally free from the stress of work but boredom seems to take over. He then tries the political activity, adopts a "puppy", goes on a trip to Venice, tries to find new jobs. He eventually came back to work at his former company in exchange for his pension.

Igualita a mí

Fredy, an unmarried 41-year-old man has no children and lives at night. He is the archetypal playboy, without a steady job and eternal seducer. One night, Fredy meets Aylin. Believing he will have a new affair, Aylin surprises him with the news that she is his daughter and he is going to be a grandfather. This changes his life when he least expected it.

Quando c'era lui... caro lei!

A limousine stops in front of a petrol station owned by Beretta, which recognizes two of his old friends in the car: the commissioner Pavanati and the Senator Rossetti, once an anarchist. The two invite Beretta to the restaurant, where they will recall their days under fascism.

Locos sueltos en el zoo

It's an adventure that focuses on animals at the Buenos Aires Zoo. What visitors don't know about the animals is that like, humans, they can talk. This piques the interest of some gangsters who don't have the best intentions.

The Courier (The Blacklist)

A courier (Robert Knepper) is scheduled to deliver a valuable shipment to an Iranian spy. Following a car chase, Elizabeth and Malik manage to arrest the courier, and they learn he has imprisoned Seth Nelson, an NSA analyst. Nelson is entombed and only has a limited amount of air left. While the FBI searches for him, the courier escapes. Red coerces the courier's contact, club owner Laurence Dechambou (Barbara Schulz), to help find him, and with that information Malik and Ressler eventually track the Courier and then kill him in self-defense. Elizabeth and Red meanwhile, find and save Seth. As an act of gratitude, Seth gives Red documents regarding the high-profile murder Elizabeth suspected Tom was involved in, and Red sends them to her. At the same time at home, Tom discovers the box and wants to talk to Elizabeth about it. They are unaware that their house is bugged with cameras and listening devices, and they're being watched.

Gina Zanetakos

After Tom confronts Liz about the box, and she produces the photo of him in Boston where the murder took place, he claims he is innocent and insists that they turn it in to the FBI so his name can be cleared. Elsewhere, Red informs Elizabeth and the FBI that the next name on the Blacklist is a beautiful and deadly corporate terrorist, Gina Zanetakos (Margarita Levieva), who he claims is Tom's lover. Elsewhere, Tom maintains his innocence while being interrogated. Soon, Liz realizes there is more than meets the eye when she discovers the passports containing Tom's face are forged, and he's possibly been set up. When Zanetakos says Red was behind the Boston incident, and Zanetakos has never seen Tom before, Liz tells Red the two of them are "done". The men watching Liz and Tom don't know whether Tom is innocent or not, but they are "sure he doesn't work for Reddington".

Leatherface (2017 film)

In 1955, couple Betty Hartman and Ted Hardesty are driving down a country road when they come across the seemingly wounded child Jedidiah Sawyer. In an attempt to help him, Betty follows him to a dilapidated barn, where she is promptly killed by his murderous and sadistic family. Her father, Sheriff Hartman, is called to the crime scene, where he is shocked to find his daughter deceased. Despite the efforts of matriarch Verna Sawyer, Hartman responds by taking Jedidiah into custody as retribution against the Sawyers, sending him to a mental institution known as the Gorman House Youth Reformery.

Ten years later at the Gorman House, where inmates are renamed to avoid their dangerous families, nurse Elizabeth White forms a bond with a boy named Jackson. Verna later shows up to the institution with an injunction to allow family visitation, only to be rejected by the director of the facility, Doctor Lang. On the way out, she violates security, causing an escape riot in which many of the nurses and patients are killed. Elizabeth is saved by Jackson, who gets her outside with fellow inmate Bud, where they are taken hostage by escapees Ike and Clarice.

The group arrives at a rest-stop diner after ditching their Gorman House uniforms. In an altercation with waitress Tammy, Ike and Clarice begin a murder spree within the diner which forces them to flee. Hartman arrives on the scene and pieces together that one of the escaped inmates is in fact Jedidiah Sawyer. That night, the escapees take refuge in an abandoned mobile home. Believing that everyone is asleep, Elizabeth tries to escape but Ike stops her from doing so. He then becomes engaged in a fight with Jackson and insults Bud, leading to his demise. The next morning, Clarice notices Ike is missing and heads off to find him. She searches the woods and is consequently apprehended by a patrolling Hartman. Upon disparaging both him and his dead daughter, he impulsively kills her as the others watch from a distance. Horrified, Elizabeth flees with Jackson in tow. As a police car passes, she screams for help, causing the deputy to notice them.

The deputy attempts to call for backup, resulting in the killing of Bud in the ensuing struggle. An enraged Jackson kills the deputy. Panicking, Jackson and Elizabeth steal his vehicle and try to reach safety, but are pursued by the deranged Hartman. He opens fire on them and one of the bullets severs Jackson's face, while another injures Elizabeth, causing the vehicle to careen off the side of the road. Later that night, Elizabeth regains consciousness at the barn where Betty Hartman was murdered, discovering that she and Jackson are being held hostage by Sheriff Hartman. Planning to kill them, he gleefully tells Elizabeth that Jackson is really Jedidiah Sawyer. However, the Sawyer family arrives to save the helpless Jedidiah, beating Hartman into submission and taking all three of them into captivity.

Back at the Sawyer home, Verna stitches the remnants of Jedidiah's face and applies a muzzle to hold them together. She then leads him into a room where his siblings are holding Elizabeth and Hartman captive. Verna gifts Jedidiah with a chainsaw and Elizabeth watches in horror as he bisects Hartman to death. As the family celebrates, Elizabeth flees into the woods while the Sawyers give chase. She nearly escapes, only to be caught in a bear trap. Elizabeth attempts to appeal to Jedidiah's sympathy, while Verna encourages him to kill her to protect their family. Unable to recall events prior to his injury, Jedidiah begins to listen to Elizabeth's pleas, but kills her after she insults Verna. The next morning, Verna burns the evidence of the prior night's events and the other Sawyers feed the remains of their victims to the pigs. In the house basement, Jedidiah crafts the faces of Hal Hartman and Elizabeth into a mask, donning it in front of a mirror as he applies lipstick. The film ends with him smashing the mirror at the sight of his reflection.

The Man Who Could Talk to Kids

This is the story of one boy isolated in his world, who allows one man to penetrate it, in order to bring the family back together.

Danger Dolls

In a world where nuclear arms have been outlawed and brilliant leader George W. Bush has eliminated firearms, the law is enforced by sword-wielding police. But aliens from another world have infiltrated this peaceful culture through a wormhole and only the Danger Dolls, a female quartet with unique powers can identify and destroy them. In order to keep their identity secret, the four girls, Arisa, Rei, Miki and Mari, go undercover as a J-pop idol group, the "i.Dolls". However, things are not quite what they seem, their leader, scientist Taichiro Yagyu, has withheld the full story from them and the Danger Dolls have some difficult decisions to make.

Special Correspondents

News radio journalist Frank Bonneville (Eric Bana) enters a murder scene posing as a cop. Getting the details of the crime, he is removed from the premises and, immediately reports the story live on the radio. Upon returning to the station, he is applauded by colleagues on getting the story first, but his boss Geoffrey Mallard (Kevin Pollak) warns that if he breaks the law one more time, he'll be fired.

That night, everyman Ian Finch (Ricky Gervais), also Frank's sound technician, takes his wife Eleanor (Vera Farmiga) to the station's annual ball, but must leave for a stake-out with co-worker Claire Maddox (Kelly Macdonald). Eleanor then meets Frank, who sleeps with her, unaware she is Finch's wife. The next day, Mallard puts Frank (and Finch) on a story about an uprising in Ecuador.

At first, Finch declines because he needs to try to save his marriage, but he later changes his mind. At the airport, they realize Finch has accidentally thrown their passports and plane tickets in a garbage truck. They return to the city and hide out at a café owned by Spanish couple Brigida and Domingo (America Ferrera and Raúl Castillo), located across from the radio station. With their help, Frank and Finch fake the war reports in their spare room.

After Finch and Frank decide the story needs to be bigger, they invent a man named Emilio Santiago Alvarez, who is elusive and closely linked to the war. The report alerts Washington, who now fear that Frank and Finch are targets for Alvarez's men. Meanwhile, Frank and Finch watch as other media outlets report on Alvarez, including their TV rival John Baker (Benjamin Bratt). Mallard calls Frank, telling them to go to the U.S. embassy in Quito, to be flown home. Panicking that they'll be found out, Frank and Finch destroy their SIM cards to not be traced.

The next morning, Frank fails to check in with Mallard, worrying the station. The media begins reporting on their 'disappearance'. Claire visits Eleanor to offer sympathy, but she seems more interested in getting her story out. Frank and Finch stage a hostage situation, and send a message to the President, demanding a ransom or they will be killed. Later, Frank and Finch watch as Eleanor appears on TV, so Frank finally realises she's Finch's wife. She then performs a song, "Dollar for a Hero", calling for their safe return.

Eleanor subsequently becomes a national sensation, setting up a charity for Finch and Frank. Mallard asks Claire to get to know her, who is using her husband's plight to start a singing career. Finch accepts Eleanor's selfishness, saying he's no longer upset she left him. On his birthday, he admits he can't keep up the charade any longer. Finch and Frank stop off at his apartment to take some of the donated money, but are caught by Eleanor. The three decide to split the cash so everyone can get what they want. The men drive, then sail illegally to Ecuador. They hitch a ride to Quito from a local, stopping first at a rundown bar. There, they are kidnapped and taken to a small village, where they are locked up. Thinking they're going to die, Frank admits he slept with Eleanor.

The next morning, the captors demand ransom from Eleanor but she refuses, telling them to kill Frank and Finch. When a captor returns, planning for them to fight to the death, Frank steals his gun and Finch shoots him. They escape stealing a car, make it to the U.S. embassy, and are flown home by private jet. On their return, they are greeted by the Secretary of State, press, friends and family. Frank makes a speech, and Finch bypasses Eleanor to greet Domingo and Brigida. Eleanor then speaks to the press about her upcoming album, as Finch takes off his wedding ring. He approaches Claire, who he realizes likes him for who he is. The pair happily walk off towards the city together.

The Pages (novel)

An Australian bush philosopher, Wesley Antill, dies leaving behind a vast collection of philosophical works. His will indicates that it should be published so Antill's siblings arrange for Erica, a philosopher, and Sophie, a psychoanalyst, to examine the work and decide if it is actually publishable.

Hold Me While I'm Naked

The film is about a depressed independent director who becomes frustrated when he asks to film his actresses nude. It features partial nudity and sex scenes, as the director becomes jealous after seeing Kerness and her boyfriend make love during a steamy session in the shower. In summary, "a very direct and subtle, very sad and funny look at nothing more or less than sexual frustration and aloneness", according to the Ann Arbor Film Festival, who screened it in 2012.

Evergreen (manga)

Hotaka likes to see his crush Niki swim from the window of the manga club. That day, the coach of the swimming club tells him that he needs to at least swim once to qualify, unlike the previous year when he just took the theoretical test without actually performing anything physically. His coach, however, knows of his self-consciousness about the large scar on his chest due to a heart operation. He assures him that no one will be present to witness his swimming except himself. Misfortune befalls Hotaka when the coach commits a clumsy mistake by calling everyone at the time. While he trembles out of water, Niki offers her hand. In his self-consciousnesses and nervousness, he slaps her hand away multiple times. Hotaka blames his father for having a weak heart and apparently, they have cut off all ties with his father's family, after his demise. Niki seems to have suffered a similar fate when her father left them alone. She also learns of Hotaka's past when he nonchalantly wrote about it in an article in the manga club magazine thinking that no one would read it anyway, titled "How I lost my father twice". Niki relates to Hotaka's situation and they confess their love for each other after overcoming many doubts about each other.

On their date in the summer festival, Niki asks about Hotaka's actual surname having changed it to his mother's after his father was gone. Hearing it, she runs away and calls her mother angrily, ordering her to pick her up. She then curses her mother with tears in her eyes. It turns out that she is the child conceived in Hotaka's father's second marriage, after he had left Hotaka's mother. The boy she curses everyday and deems the one who took away her father is none other than Hotaka. Following this revelation, she feels guilty of falling in love with her own step-brother and kissing him. As such, she cuts off all ties with him. When Hotaka approaches her, she gives him the cold shoulder and tells him never to touch her again.

Hotaka, in a state of confusion and sadness, goes to the house of his father in the hills, one of the keys to which was given by his paternal grandmother. When he reaches there, he finds Niki coming out of the door. She tells him everything: how he is her brother and asks him to leave the house to her as a compensation for stealing her father from her. He consents and leaves in agony.

Not a day after, the weather has suddenly turned bad with an impending typhoon. Hotaka, without any further delay and acting entirely on his resolve to save Niki, bikes to the house in the hill. She is there and relieved to see Hotaka. Her scooter has unable to cross the worsened road due to the rain. Hotaka offers his hand and she takes it. Together, they venture through the forest in the heavy rain until a gleam of light is seen, which he says is their father guiding them. They finally reach the safe zone.

In the relief camp, Hotaka's mother comes to visit them and she finally accepts Niki. Hotaka, witnessing the emotional scene, cries in joy. Hotaka starts believing in his father, that he gave up his life so that his son could save Niki.

After a few days, Hotaka and Niki have returned to their normal lives. Apparently, Hotaka and Niki had dated for a short while, and an awkward breakup. At least that's what they decided to leave as the public story to prevent everyone's questioning and therefore keeping their actual relationship a secret. They still share a close relationship, although as brother and sister. This conclusion is brought about by the comparison between sunlight (Niki) and rain (Hotaka). Together, they are the well-spring of all life. However, between them, no flowers shall ever bloom. For them, all of eternity shall be evergreen. Hotaka and Niki vow to always be there for the other. They end their short adventure with a heart-wrenching conclusion, uttering to each-other: "To you, I give eternity".

During the course of their story, On-chan and Soga also managed to confess to each-other after a lot of struggle, given the state of affairs between Hotaka and Niki. They are going out in the final scene.

Keanu (film)

Assassins the "Allentown Brothers", enter a Mexican cartel's drug-processing facility and kill everyone, including the boss, King Diaz. They try to take Diaz's kitten Iglesias, but the kitten escapes. Recently-dumped Rell finds the kitten on his doorstep, immediately falls in love with it, and names it Keanu. His cousin Clarence comes over to cheer him up and meets Keanu.

Two weeks later, Clarence's wife and daughter go away for the weekend, leaving Clarence alone. Rell takes Clarence out to see a Liam Neeson movie. When they return, Rell’s place has been ransacked and Keanu is missing.

Rell drags Clarence to his weed dealer Hulka, who tells them the gang 17th St. Blips may have raided Rell's looking for his cat. Hulka sends them to a strip club, where Rell convinces Clarence to adopt a "gangsta" persona to infiltrate the gang, calling themselves "Tectonic" and "Shark Tank".

They meet Hi-C, a female gangster, initially skeptical of them but introduces them to the gang's leader Cheddar, who mistakes them for the Allentown Boys. When they see Keanu (renamed New Jack and fitted with a do-rag), they ask Cheddar for the kitten. He will only return the kitten if they act as expert advisors for the Blips on a run to sell a new drug called "Holy Shit", so they agree.

After a team-building exercise, Rell, Clarence, Hi-C, and three other gang members drive to the delivery spot. While Clarence introduces the young men to George Michael, Rell and Hi-C go to make the sale. The buyer is Anna Faris, partying with two friends. She invites them to play Truth or Dare, and dares Hi-C to shoot Rell.

Hi-C refuses, a fight ensues, and Faris and her two guests are both shot by Hi-C. At the strip club after, Clarence accidentally smokes some Holy Shit, experiencing a drug trip in which he is in a George Michael video, and Keanu speaks to him with Keanu Reeves’s voice. Rell begins to worry about his cousin convincing him take Keanu and leave. They are abducted on their way by the real Allentown Boys.

Rell and Clarence are tied to chairs and the Allentown Boys prepare to torture them, Keanu frees Rell and Clarence, and they grab their guns. As the Allentown boys approach them, Clarence and Rell unload the guns into them, seemingly killing them. On their way out, searching for Keanu, they run into the Blips; Their real identities are discovered when they refuse to shoot a kidnapped Hulka, and Cheddar forces them to come along to meet with the Mexican drug cartel at its mansion next morning.

There, the Blips meet King Diaz's cousin, Bacon Diaz, offering Clarence and Rell, ‘The Allentown Boys.’ When Bacon also demands "Iglesias", Cheddar refuses and a gunfight erupts between the two gangs. Clarence and Rell realize the team-building exercise they taught the gang has improved their communication; they shoot their way out of the mansion pursuing Bacon, who has Keanu, only for Rell to be shot in the leg and Clarence shot in the hand.

Rell, who never learned to drive, hijacks Bacon's escape car with Bacon and Keanu in the back; Clarence chases them. It ends at Clarence's front yard where Rell crashes, sending Bacon flying through the broken windshield. Bacon gets up and attempts to shoot Rell, but Clarence runs him over. Again, Bacon gets up, but is shot dead by Cheddar and the Blips.

The Blips threaten Rell and Clarence, but Hi-C – secretly a police officer – breaks her cover and forces the Blips to drop their guns. When Cheddar attempts to shoot her, she kills him. The police arrive, and Hi-C reveals that Faris and her party guests were in on the whole operation and are all still alive, but Rell and Clarence will still have to go to jail. She promises to testify for leniency and agrees to go on a date with Rell after they get out of jail.

Six months later, Rell and Clarence have three weeks left on their jail sentences. They are respected by the inmates – including the Blips – for killing the Allentown Boys. Hi-C brings Keanu, telling Rell through a visitation phone, that the veterinarian says a rare disease means he will be a kitten forever.

In a post-credits scene, the Allentown Boys survived the shooting and get back into their car.

Tar Beach

The book is set in New York in 1939. Tar Beach is the roof of Cassie's Harlem apartment building. Cassie's dearest dream is to be free to go wherever she wants, and one day it comes true when the stars help her to fly across the city.

The Devil's Only Friend

John and Brooke have left Clayton, the tiny North Dakota town where they grew up. Even though "Nobody", the demon who possessed Brooke, has been destroyed, the girl is still suffering from its memories. As a result, she has multiple personalities and extensive knowledge about the ancient network of demons. John and a team of FBI agents are using her recollections to hunt down this network, whom they call "the Withered." The group consists of a police detective named Kelly, a scholar named Nathan, criminal psychologist Dr. Trujillo, sniper Diana, ex-special forces soldier Potash, and ring leader Ostler. After months of hunting in the small midwestern town of Fort Bruce, more demons begin to appear, and John fears that the Withered are starting to hunt his team in return.

Their next confrontation goes awry when Kelly is killed by the target demon. John bursts in and ends its life, but loses control and stabs the body dozens of times. Their next target is Meshara, a demon in the body of a man named Elijah who consistently visits a patient with Alzheimer's. After speaking with him undercover, John hypothesizes that he isn't a killer. Next, a victim of a cannibal attack is found, and the team uses their criminal profiling skills to try to determine this new demon's weakness. It sends letters to the team, using the name "the Hunter." New evidence from Brooke suggests that there are two factions of demons who are enemies. During a police raid, the team finds John was right about Meshara/Elijah: he has no desire to kill, and even saves the humans from the other Withered. Meanwhile, John grows frustrated with his team, and feels that he could work more effectively on his own. He begins communicating with the Hunter in secret.

Their next letter from the Hunter reveals the deep, dark secrets of each member of the team. John figures out that the Hunter has faked being a cannibal to throw them off the scent of who he really is: the king demon Rack, whose defining characteristic is his lack of a mouth and heart. The team and a police security detail break into Rack's house, but it goes horribly wrong. Ostler, Diana, and all the officers are killed. John calls Nathan and tells him to protect Brooke because he thinks Dr. Trujillo is a traitor. The three find Elijah, but shortly after they do, Potash shows up and kills him. While John confronts his team member, Nathan sneaks up from behind and shoots Potash in the head. It is revealed that Nathan, the true traitor, killed Dr. Trujillo and informed Rack of their current location. Using Brooke as a distraction, John stabs Nathan and sets a trap for Rack by embalming Nathan's body with gasoline, which will poison the Withered if he absorbs Nathan's heart. When Rack shows up, he chooses Potash's heart instead and tries to recruit John to his side and become a Withered himself. John is tempted but refuses. Rack then takes Nathan's heart and dies. John and Brooke leave town, with plans to hunt down Rack's friends.

Julieta (film)

Julieta lives in Madrid and is about to move to Portugal with her boyfriend Lorenzo. In a chance encounter on the street with her daughter Antía's childhood friend Beatriz, she learns that Antía, from whom she has long been estranged, is living in Switzerland and has three children. Overcome by her desire to re-establish contact with Antía, she abandons plans to leave Spain and instead leases an apartment elsewhere in the building in Madrid where she raised Antía, knowing that address is Antía's only means of contacting her.

Anticipating word from Antía, and aware that she owes her daughter an explanation of the events that led to their separation, Julieta fills a journal with an account of her life as mother, spouse, and daughter. She begins with the story of meeting Xoan, a fisherman and Antía's father. In a flashback, Julieta recounts meeting Xoan on a train, having fled to the restaurant carriage from an older man. He tells her about his life as a fisherman, and his wife who is in a coma. The train stops sharply, having hit the older man, who committed suicide. As Julieta blames herself for his death, Xoan comforts her, and they have sex on the train. Later, at the school at which she works, Julieta receives a letter from Xoan which she takes as an invitation to visit. She learns his wife has recently died and that he is with Ava, a friend. Julieta and Xoan resume their relationship, and she informs him that she is pregnant with his child. Two years later, Julieta and Antía visit Julieta's parents. Her mother is ill and apparently suffering from Alzheimer's disease, at first not recognising her daughter. Her father is having an affair with the maid, to Julieta's chagrin.

While an older Antía is at a summer camp, Xoan and Julieta argue over his occasional dalliances with Ava, prompted by the housekeeper. Julieta storms out to walk and Xoan goes fishing despite the weather. A storm rolls in and, as Julieta watches the news in panic, Xoan's boat capsizes and he is killed. His body is recovered and cremated, and together with Ava she gives Xoan's ashes out over the sea. Rather than call her back for the cremation, Julieta has left Antía at camp where she has become inseparable with a girl from a wealthy family named Beatriz, who invite Antia to leave camp a day early and spend some time with them in Madrid. Julieta then travels to Madrid, to break the news of Xoan's death to her daughter, and rents a flat there. They remain in Madrid, each doing their own thing but without sharing their respective lives, loves and sorrows. At the age of 18, Antía embarks on a spiritual retreat and announces that she will be incommunicado for three months.

When Julieta drives to the location of the retreat in the Pyrenees three months later, she is informed that her daughter has found enlightenment and has already left: she does not want her location disclosed to her mother. Julieta is racked by the loss and her attempts to find Antía are unsuccessful. The only contact she has is a blank card on her 19th, 20th and 21st birthdays, which she recognises with a cake that ends up uneaten in the trash. After the latter she has enough, becomes enraged and destroys most traces of her daughter in her life, including moving from her apartment to escape Antia's memory. Years later she visits Ava, who has multiple sclerosis and is dying. Ava tells her that Antía knew about the argument that precipitated Xoan's death and blamed Julieta and Ava, and that she had ultimately internalised guilt about this because she was away at camp at the time. First in the hospital and then at Ava's funeral, Julieta meets Lorenzo who has had an affair with Ava and has written a book about Ava's art. For some time the two embark on a happy relationship, which distracts Julieta from her loss. She tells him nothing of Antía and he respects that she has some secrets in her life.

Back in the present, Lorenzo has gone to Portugal and Julieta's mental state is deteriorating as she obsessively visits places she used to go to with her daughter. Beatriz happens to recognise her as the two watch young girls play basketball, and reveals that she and Antía had a relationship. The spiritual retreat may have made Antía ashamed of it, and caused her to cut Beatriz out of her life just as she had done with Julieta.

Julieta continues to deteriorate, walking through the city in a dreamlike state. She recognises Lorenzo on the street and, walking toward him, is hit by a car and collapses. Lorenzo takes her to the hospital, and, as she recovers, he goes to pick up items from her flat, which include an unread letter. It is from Antía, who tells her about the death of her 9-year-old son, which has finally allowed her to understand how Julieta must have felt when Antía left without leaving word. She has included a return address, which Lorenzo interprets as an invitation to visit. Lorenzo and Julieta drive to Switzerland and Julieta says she will not demand an explanation, simply wishing to be with her daughter.

The Hidden Agenda of Sigrid Sugden

Sigrid Sugden is a member of the Shrikes, the toughest girl bullies. When one of her victims barely escapes fatal danger, Sigrid decides to quit the group—however, it is not that simple. Sigrid, by leaving the only "friends" she had, has left herself miserable from cold stares from her classmates. With problems at home and from the rest of the Shrikes, Sigrid becomes friends with Hud, determined to make everything right.


The player plays as the "Star Nerd", a human soldier who travels across the galaxy attempting to conquer various planets that are ruled by warlords.

When We're Human

At this point in the movie, Louis, Tiana and Naveen are off down the bayou to visit Voodoo Queen Mama Odie, in order for her to change each of them into humans. There are no obstacles presented in their way, and they use this time to sing about what they will do once their wish has been granted. At face value, the song is about the characters "singing about their desires to become human again [while] reaching Mama Odie and reversing the curse of Dr. Facilier.

Red Cotton Silk Flower

Yar Zar Kyaw and Mani are a beloved couple that crossed the boundaries that leads Mani to get pregnant. By that time, Yar Zar Kyaw was supposed to be getting married with the person whom his parent wants to get married with, so, he gave Mani Abortion pills with some cash and decided to go their own separate ways. Mani did not want to abort the baby that she decided to deliver the baby, which causes her dad's death. Ten years later, Because Dr. Yar Zar Kyaw's spouse had died, he stayed with U Lay Mya and Amay Tuu in the city of Yangon. One day by the friend's introduction, he got to know a girl named Let Pan. Let Pan is a girl that wants nothing for free from anybody and believes that 'to want something is to give something'. One day, Let Pan was in a car accident and needed blood as she lost much of hers, so U Yar Zar Kyaw donated as they have the same tissues and blood types. So, Let Pan wants to give back something to U Yar Zar Kyaw for donating the blood, even if it's not cash. Consequently, U Yar Zar Kyaw asked Let Pan to tell the story of her parent. Then, he found out that Let Pan was his daughter, and Let Pan also told him about how she was sad, devastated, angry, and frustrated about how her dad did not accept her to come into this universe that he had to destroy her. This film is an entertainment about how deep a father's immeasurable love is to a daughter.