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My Pal, the King

Tom Reed's (Tom Mix) famous traveling Wild West show performs in Alvonia, a small European country, where the child king, ten year old Charles V (Mickey Rooney), neglects his duties because of his interest in the show. After a discussion with Tom, Charles decides that he should treat his subjects fairly, which does not please Count De Mar (James Kirkwood) who has been in control of the country and wants to tax the people heavily. He plots with the Dowager Queen (Clarissa Selwynne) to kidnap Charles and his tutor, Dr. Lorenz (Wallis Clark), and throws them in a dungeon, and suggests to Lorenz that he kill Charles and then kill himself. Tom learns from Charles' aunt, Princess Elsa (Noel Francis) that the king is missing, and Tom manages to track him to the fortress where the king is imprisoned. Tom's cowboys and the count's men fight, and the count ends up drowning to death. Tom then rescues the king and his tutor, and Charles promises to always treat his people well.

Come in at the Door

Chester Hurry lives with his widowed father, Robert, and an African American domestic servant, Mitty. Mitty had come to the family with Chester's mother when she married Robert. At the time the story commences, Mitty has become a surrogate mother to Chester and is involved in a sexual relationship with Robert. The trio occupies the traditional Hurry home in Hodgetown on an increasingly impoverished farm. Adjacent to the home are two cabins, one occupied by an elder African American couple, Hattie and Jim. The second is vacant. The placid rhythm of the family's life is interrupted by the arrival of Baptiste, an educated, francophone, mixed-race drifter. Robert asks Baptiste to occupy the second cabin and tutor Chester, who had not till then attended school.

Witnessing a botched hanging in the county seat of Athelstan becomes a pivotal trauma in Chester's early life. Following an illness not long after that event, young Chester is sent to live with his mother's family in Reedyville, which is the setting for many of the stories in the Pearl County series. The time for Chester's return to Hodgetown comes and goes. Chester continues to live with his widowed grandfather, unmarried great-aunt, and uncle Bushrod “Bush” Tarleton, and his mother's family encourages Chester academically. Chester forms a close relationship with Bushrod, who's been left single when his wife, a sexually promiscuous woman in Reedyville, leaves him.

Chester graduates with honors from the Reedyville high school. The story shifts to Baycity (Mobile) when Bushrod moves there and takes Chester with him. Chester reaches adulthood and begins work in a business office, an experience that closely mirrors March's own life in Mobile as a young man. Chester marries, and March explores the psychology of his well-intentioned but ultimately failed marriage. The story returns to Hodgetown as his father, Robert, nears death.

Call Me Elisabeth

Betty, ten years, is afraid of ghosts and dark corners. When her sister Agnes goes to boarding school, Betty finds herself alone with her parents Régis and Mado, and Rose, an almost silent housekeeper. Her father is the director of an asylum next to their house, separated only by a wall. A young patient, Yvon, escapes over the wall and hides in the family's garden, where Betty finds him. Moved by his fragility, Betty hides Yvon for several days in the hut bike garden. She tells him everything she has on her heart, determined to make him her best friend and confidant. Yvon barely communicates. Yet gradually a bond of trust, and then a kind of friendship develop between them.

Let's Talk It Over

A sailor rescues a young heiress who is apparently drowning. Little does he know she was only pretending to catch the eye of another man.

Half a Sinner (1934 film)

A con man poses as a hillbilly preacher.

Slice of Life (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)

On the day before their wedding, the betrothed donkey couple Cranky Doodle and Matilda discover that the event has been misdated to that day on their invitations, which have already been delivered across Ponyville by Muffins. The couple's wedding planner Pinkie Pie is found busy fending off an attacking bugbear (a part-bear, part-bee monster) alongside her friends Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. With the six mares occupied, the other citizens are left to prepare the wedding themselves, each caught in their own circumstances along the way: * Muffins consults Dr. Hooves for a solution to her mistake, but he is preoccupied with getting his suit tailored for the wedding. DJ Pon-3 directs Hooves to a bowling alley, where he is sidetracked into joining Jeff Letrotski's team in exchange for their tailoring skills. Muffins interrupts the game to borrow Hooves' fireworks as flower arrangements. This causes the team to lose, and Hooves is left to wear an overly long scarf instead. * Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon help with the wedding decorations. Upon learning of the bugbear attack, Bon Bon confesses her double life as a secret agent named Sweetie Drops, whom the monster has a vendetta against. Lyra is hurt by her friend's deception, but later makes amends with her by divulging her own "deepest, darkest secret" that she once ate an expensive meal Bon Bon had planned to prepare without permission. * Matilda befriends Cranky's groomsman, Steven Magnet the sea serpent, while styling her mane at the spa. Later, when Cranky loses his wig during the rush, Steven fashions him a replacement made from his own mustache. * The musicians DJ Pon-3 and Octavia Melody work out the wedding music in a last-minute jam session. They then rush to the reception on a mobile DJ booth, picking up every citizen in their path before they crash into town hall, where everyone and everything neatly falls into place for the ceremony, all while Pinkie Pie's pet alligator Gummy observes in the midst of an existentialist internal monologue.

The wedding proceeds without Twilight and her friends, whom Muffins accidentally locks out as they return from their victory against the bugbear. Mayor Mare presides over the wedding, honoring all the citizens who have played both big and small roles in enriching the couple's lives. Cranky and Matilda kiss, causing Hooves' fireworks to ignite in a vibrant display as a reaction to their love. As they watch the ceremony from outside, the episode ends with Twilight joyously embracing her friends and telling them how lucky they are to live in Ponyville.

Going Bongo

A newly recruited American doctor "accidentally" volunteers to work in Tanzania, Africa for a month. The film is based on a true story of a French doctor who left Europe to work in Africa.

The Tyrant's Novel

An unnamed country's tyrannical ruler, Great Uncle, commands author Alan Sheriff to ghost-write a novel that will have the literary circles of the western world talking about him. The novel is told from the point-of-view of Sheriff after he has arrived in Australia as a refugee and been incarcerated in a detention centre.

Kholat (video game)

The game opens with a narrator (voiced by Sean Bean ) explaining the details of the Dyatlov Pass Incident right before the player arrives in Ivdel by train, retracing the Dyatlov party's footsteps in this manner. Beginning their hike, the weather begins to worsen, and they spot glowing orange footprints in the snow. After exiting a tunnel the player falls through a hole in the ground but then instantly finds themselves on the mountainside near a bivouac site, where they go to sleep. Waking up, the player finds a glowing crater containing a meteorite, levitating pillar-like boulders with glowing inscriptions, a bright orange light in the sky, and several glowing, humanoid figures. Following their trails, the narrator comes across many notes from an investigator with the Russian Research Unit for Natural Phenomena (RRUNP) named Vitalij G., a mysterious man named Anton, and other individuals as well as news articles and classified government documents.

The player explores a wide range of notable locations scattered across a vast valley, such as an abandoned church, a cosmodrome, several campsites, an altar lined with totem-pole-like torches. They also begin collecting a series of coordinates which lead them to more clues while being pursued by hostile, shadow-like creatures, who must be avoided at all costs.

Piecing together the notes, in 1950 the Kremlin created the RRUNP with the aim of studying and understanding a mysterious paranormal phenomenon called "Anomaly 7" in the Ural Mountains. This anomaly has been linked to a wide range of bizarre incidents; one such occurring in Igarka in 1950, halting the construction of the Salekhard–Igarka Railway. Other incidents included the inexplicable disintegration or solidification of dozens of gulag prisoners, the appearance of moving lights in the sky, and strange, orange gas that kills or maddens those who contact it. A branch of the Unit called Section 22 conducted inhumane experiments on convicts simply called "subjects." Vitalij, a member of the Unit, was dispatched to locate the victims of the Dyaltlov Pass Incident in relation to the Anomaly but suffered an unexplained mental breakdown as a result of finding their bodies in horrible condition. He later assaulted his wife Viktoria in a fit of madness and was permanently committed to an asylum in Moscow, on suspicion of having an accomplice murder Viktoria's sister. Finally reaching the dreaded pass, the player again encounters the levitating stones, and opening their notebook the pages begin to fly off into the wind as they pass out.

Awaking in pitch darkness, the player is drawn towards an orange glow at the peak of the mountain as the narrator's angered voice begins to echo in their ears. Finding a tent, they enter, and the screen fades to black as a woman's scream can be heard.

If the player collects every note, a voice clip will play over a black screen revealing the narrator to be Anton, attending to the player on their deathbed. Attempting to turn off the player's life support, he panics when he realizes the player is conscious and can hear him.

The Switch (TV series)

''The Switch'' tells the story of Sü, a Native American programmer who moves to Canada in order to transition from male to female without judgment from her previous community. But in quick succession, she is fired for coming out as a transgender woman, loses her apartment to demolition, and ends up sleeping on the couch of an old ex, Chris. Sü finds a new job with a snarky trans coworker, Phil, and avoids deportation.

Chris, meanwhile, is an eco-terrorist who assassinates oil lobbyists for profit with the help of their abrasive landlord Antonia, who has a vested interest in keeping Su from discovering what they actually do. This situation is complicated by the fact that a homicide detective named Sandra lives next door to Chris, and is deeply suspicious of them. Sandra's own godchild and ward, Zoey, is also trans and becoming more and more enmeshed in Chris and Sü's life.

As the show progresses, the characters manage to find community and acceptance from each other if not the rest of the world.

Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy)

The hospital continues to operate despite the power outage. Meredith requires a C-section, which is performed in the dark, the baby is born healthy, but her earlier fall causes serious abdominal bleeding. Bailey scrubs in to save Meredith, but before she picks up a scalpel she puts on two pairs of gloves. While Meredith is in surgery, Cristina and Derek have a heart-to-heart. Alex, Jo and Arizona must deal with chaos when oxygen machines in the NICU stop working. Cristina operates on Richard's patient by listening to his heart in the dark. The ER staff rush to help the passengers of a burning bus.

Callie, April and Bailey load patients into the hospital as Owen and Avery struggle to get a woman out who’s pleading with them to find her young daughter. After they emerge from the bus, Avery looks back and sees a little girl’s shoe on the ground. Avery finds the little girl hiding inside the bus which explodes and he later emerges from the flames with the little girl in his arms. April questions her engagement to Matthew when she believes that Jackson has died in the bus explosion.

Alex tells Jo he loves her, she reciprocates, and they begin a relationship. Callie finds out about Arizona's encounter with Dr. Boswell and they have a standoff and unleash their unfiltered feelings. Cristina breaks up with Owen. Bailey is searching the hospital looking for Richard. Bailey tells Ben that she wants to apologize to Richard for hurting him and calling him a drunk. Then we see Richard face down in a puddle in the hospital electrical room. Richard has been electrocuted.

Exo Next Door

Ji Yeon-hee (Moon Ga-young) is an extremely shy, introverted 23-year-old woman with zero dating experience and a tendency to blush when talking to someone she likes. One day, four young men move into the house right next door to Yeon-hee's home, and to her surprise, they turn out to be Chanyeol (Park Chanyeol), D.O. (Do Kyungsoo), Baekhyun (Byun Baekhyun) and Sehun (Oh Sehun) from her favorite boy band Exo, who are looking to lay low for a while. They hire her to clean their house part-time during the winter vacation and that's when Yeon-hee found out that Chanyeol was her long lost childhood friend and crush "Chan" and that he is the grandson of the house owner. As the story goes on, Yeon-hee soon becomes involved in a love triangle with Chanyeol and D.O.

The Classified File

A young girl named Eun-joo has gone missing in Pusan in 1978. Without any contact from the kidnapper in the past two weeks and no further leads or clues, the police assume that she's dead. Eun-joo's desperate mother turns to renowned fortune-teller Kim Joong-san, who tells her that her daughter is still alive and that she can be saved if they enlist the help of veteran detective Gong Gil-yong. Despite his skepticism, Gil-yong accepts the case. When one of Joong-san's premonitions about the investigation comes true, Gil-yong begins to believe in his psychic abilities, and the two men team up in an unlikely partnership to find Eun-joo and bring her home.

Dishonored 2

Fifteen years after Corvo Attano restored Emily Kaldwin to the throne following the assassination of her mother, Dunwall has prospered under her reign. A serial killer known as "the Crown Killer" has been murdering Emily's enemies, leading many to believe that Emily and Corvo are responsible. During a ceremony in remembrance of Jessamine Kaldwin's assassination, Duke Luca Abele of Serkonos arrives with the witch Delilah Copperspoon. Delilah claims to be Jessamine's half-sister and the true heir to the throne. The Duke's men attack, killing Emily's men. The player then chooses whether to continue as Emily or Corvo, and the character not chosen is magically turned to stone by Delilah. The player escapes to the Dunwall docks, where Meagan Foster is waiting. Meagan was sent by Anton Sokolov to warn Emily and Corvo about the Duke's coup. They sail for Karnaca, where Delilah began her rise to power. During the voyage, the player is visited by the Outsider, who offers them supernatural powers and instructs them to stop Delilah.

Arriving in Karnaca, the player is tasked with rescuing Sokolov, who was kidnapped by the Crown Killer. Infiltrating Addermire Institute, where the Crown Killer is reportedly hiding out, the player discovers that the Crown Killer is the alter ego of Karnaca's Chief Alchemist, Alexandria Hypatia (Jessica Straus). Hypatia accidentally created the Crown Killer persona when she tested an experimental serum on herself, and the Duke then exploited this to frame Emily. The player either kills Hypatia or cures her condition.

Investigating Addermire, it is revealed that Sokolov was imprisoned by Kirin Jindosh (John Gegenhuber), the Duke's Grand Inventor. The player enters Jindosh's Clockwork Mansion, kills him or performs an electrical lobotomy on him, and frees Sokolov. Sokolov directs the player to eliminate Breanna Ashworth (Melendy Britt), the curator of the Royal Conservatory and witch working for Delilah. The player enters the Royal Conservatory and discovers that Ashworth brought Delilah back from the Void, after her defeat at the hands of Daud, the assassin who killed Emily's mother. Ashworth is either killed or has her powers removed.

With Delilah being too powerful to defeat conventionally, Sokolov suggests the player investigate the home of mining magnate Aramis Stilton (Richard Cansino). Upon entering Stilton's mansion, the player discovers that he had gone insane after witnessing Delilah's resurrection. With the aid of the Outsider, the player travels back in time and observes the Crown Killer, Jindosh, Ashworth, and the Duke pull Delilah from the Void. Afterward, Delilah siphons part of her soul into a statue, making her immortal.

The player invades the Duke's palace to eliminate him and retrieve Delilah's soul. After either killing the Duke or working with his body double to depose him, the player finds the statue and extracts Delilah's soul. The player then returns to Dunwall for a final confrontation with Delilah. After reuniting Delilah with her soul, the player may choose to kill Delilah or trick her into trapping herself inside her own painting.


There are multiple endings based on whether the player caused high chaos by indiscriminate murder, or achieved low chaos by refraining from taking lives. These endings are also dependent on whom the player killed or spared, and which factions, if any, they sided with.

In the High Chaos ending, the player is faced with the choice of freeing Emily / Corvo from petrification or leaving them that way. If Emily is not left in stone, she becomes a vengeful empress and brutally purges Delilah's supporters. If Corvo leaves Emily petrified, he takes the throne for himself and becomes a brutal tyrant known as Emperor Corvo "the Black". Karnaca is either ruled by a new tyrant or collapses into anarchy and, if alive, Sokolov becomes a broken man after witnessing the perversion of his work, and is exiled to his home country.

In the Low Chaos ending, the player frees Emily / Corvo from their imprisonment. A council of representatives, or, optionally, Corvo, who can make himself the new Duke, takes charge in Karnaca and brings the city back from the brink. Emily becomes a fair and just ruler, reuniting the Empire. Sokolov, proud to see his work used for good, returns to his home country to spend his last days in comfort.

In either ending, if Meagan survives, she is revealed to be Billie Lurk and leaves to search for Daud, leading to ''Dishonored: Death of the Outsider''.

Lips of Lurid Blue

Traumatised when they were children - she by the erotic effusions of her parents, he by a repulsive experience of sexual initiation built by the fathers - Elli has become a nymphomaniac, and Marco a homosexual. Perhaps to find a way out from their deviations, perhaps to support each other, the two marry. Their marriage, however, does not solve their problems, nor are things made any easier by the unexpected return of George, the English antiquarian "friend" of Marco, who now tries to seduce Marco. Marco kills the girl who loves him, whom he has rejected, and then throws himself from a tower, under the eyes of Elli and George.

Eugénie Grandet (film)

Monsieur Grandet (Carmet) was a very rich but very stingy man. His wife (Dominique Labourier) and his daughter Eugénie (Alexandra London) live a quiet, joyless existence.

The local families Des Grassins and Cruchot want to marry their sons to Eugénie. On her 23rd birthday, Lucienne des Grassins (Claude Jade) triumphed about the success of her son Adolphe (Olivier Delor) at the heiress, arrives Charles (Jean-Claude Adelin), Eugenie's cousin to visit at his uncle; he has no idea that his father is dead by suicide after his bankruptcy. Eugénie and her cousin fall in love, and the unworldly girl felt for the first time the wild joy of passion. But her father, who has no idea, does not intend to keep the useless eaters in the house, and sends Charles without a sou to India. First, however, Eugénie lends him her coin collection, which her father had given her for her birthday.

The Parisian Bitch, Princess of Hearts

The capricious thirty-year-old Parisian Camilla start to think she's not living the life she deserves and that she would be the right wife for a proper English prince. Once that idea comes to mind, she flies to the United Kingdom to marry the last single prince, Harry. She stops at nothing to get close to him and demonstrates a staggering audacity.

Metroid Prime: Federation Force

In an effort to eradicate the Space Pirate menace for good, the Galactic Federation authorizes Operation Golem, a top-secret project in developing Mech suits to better combat the threat. An elite unit in the Federation, known as the Federation Force, is formed to pilot these Mechs, led by General Alex Miles. The Federation Force is sent to the Bermuda System to conduct archaeological surveys.

The Federation Force soon discovers Space Pirate presence in the Bermuda System. The Galactic Federation hires Samus Aran to investigate the Space Pirates and provide intelligence. During an investigation on Bion, the Federation Force learns that the Space Pirates have acquired a technology that increases their size. Meanwhile, Samus discovers that the Space Pirates are building a massive battleship known as the ''Doomseye''. The Federation then abruptly loses contact with Samus.

The ''Doomseye'' cannot be located due to sophisticated cloaking technology powered by generators on each of the three planets in the system. The Force destroys the devices and reveals the ''Doomseye'' in orbit, which retaliates and decimates the majority of the Federation Fleet before surrounding itself in an impenetrable shield. The Federation Force infiltrates the ''Doomseye'' and discovers that the Space Pirates have captured Samus, who is then brainwashed and transformed into gigantic size and forced to fight against the Force. The Force defeats her, returning her size to normal, and disables the ''Doomseye'''s force field, allowing the survivors of the Federation Fleet to launch their assault. During the ensuing chaos, the Force is sucked into the vacuum of space before the Fleet destroys the ''Doomseye'', where they are saved by Samus. Samus then thanks the Federation Force for their efforts.

In a post-credits scene, if the Federation Force had successfully stolen a Metroid egg from the Space Pirates, an unseen individual bearing a striking resemblance to Sylux infiltrates a Galactic Federation facility and encounters the Metroid egg. The individual projects a beam onto the egg, causing it to rapidly hatch into larval form.

Strangers on Honeymoon

Young orphan October (Constance Cummings) flees from an arranged marriage with Wilfred (James Arnold), to wed gentleman tramp Quigley (Hugh Sinclair) for a bet. However, Quigley is secretly an English nobleman on the run for a murder he did not commit. Events escalate when a cousin of the jilted Wilfred hires a pair of hoodlums (Noah Beery & David Burns) to bump off Quigley.

To Kill a Clown

Timothy Frischer (Heath Lamberts) is a hippie artist/painter who has been married for four years to Lily (Blythe Danner) a fellow hippie. Their marriage is shaky, so they agree to spend the summer together as a trial period at an isolated beach house on Choke Cherry Bay. They quarrel shortly after arriving and, when Lily threatens to leave, Timothy throws her suitcase into the water. Frustrated with his childish immaturity, Lily gets in the car to drive away, but Timothy jumps onto the moving vehicle, hangs onto the windshield and cajoles her into stopping. Although she is weary of his antics, she is also amused and decides to remain.

Their landlord and only neighbor for miles around is Major Evelyn Ritchie (Alan Alda), a Vietnam veteran about 10 years their senior who owns two highly trained Doberman Pinschers and walks with crutches due to one of his legs being amputated. When the Frischers meet Ritchie for the first time, Timothy fires off questions about garbage and other practicalities and repeatedly interrupts Lily. Although Ritchie chuckles at the Frischers' gentle bickering, Lily intuits that he is growing annoyed by Timothy's questioning and apologizes for their enthusiasm. Ritchie seems at first aloof, but surreptitiously watches them through their unshuttered windows. When they start to make love, he raps on the door and offers wine as a welcoming gift. Ritchie compliments the "feminine touch" within the beach house and looks troubled when Timothy takes credit for a table decoration. After Ritchie leaves, Lily scolds Timothy for his lack of hospitality and accuses him of needing to brood. Timothy admits he has a bad feeling about their landlord, but Lily disagrees with him. When Timothy tries to drive off in anger, Ritchie's dogs suddenly appear and viciously circle his car, frightening him into honking until Ritchie comes out of his house to call them off. Amused by Timothy's fear, Ritchie says condescendingly that the dogs are unfamiliar with his smell.

Another day later, as Lily and Ritchie walk along the beach, she explains that she met Timothy when he jumped out at her wearing a clown nose and made her laugh. Proudly, she explains that Timothy studied mime in Paris, art, photography and drawing. Aware of Ritchie's unspoken disapproval of Timothy, Lily adds that she hopes the beach house will bring out Timothy's good qualities. While talking, she strips down to her bikini in order to get a tan, embarrassing Ritchie. At her questioning, Ritchie admits that Timothy seems younger than his age, but evades answering her direct question of whether he thinks Timothy is immature. Lily points out that, while Ritchie feels certain about himself, Timothy "does not know who he is yet." Meanwhile, as Timothy is taking photographs of himself and the area, he encounters another bay resident, an older veteran named Stanley (Eric Clavering), who simply stares at him in amusement when he tries to start a conversation.

One night, Ritchie invites the couple to his house for dinner, where Lily and Timothy get inebriated. Lily asks Timothy to perform mime and his clown act. As Timothy prepares in another room, Lily, sensing Ritchie's disdain of Timothy and wanting his respect, tentatively explains that she is more than she may seem and makes the money in their household. Timothy then bursts into the room, with his face covered in shaving cream to imitate the white makeup of a mime and begins to perform "the definitive ape." This disappoints Lily, who prefers his clown act, but Ritchie comments that Timothy shows more concentration when he does his ape routine than he shows in the rest of his life. He points out that gorillas are usually seen behind bars and, claiming that the experience of prison focuses a person, convinces Timothy to agree to meet him at dawn for a psychological experiment.

The next morning, Ritchie wakens the hungover Timothy and, treating him like a subordinate in the military, orders him to carry a pile of rocks to the beach. Timothy treats it as a joke, but Ritchie insists that he carry out the task. Leaving one of the dogs to guard Timothy, Ritchie proceeds to the beach house, where he wakens Lily, and stands at the door to her bedroom until she gets up and dresses. Then, after asking if he can "borrow" items, he walks through the rooms and gathers knives, razors, belts and other implements that could be used as weapons. Although bewildered, Lily plays along, acknowledging that they are playing a "prison game." As Timothy continues to move the pile of rocks, Ritchie and Lily sit and watch from the beach house porch. When Timothy starts to take a break, Ritchie orders him to stand and hold a large rock, telling Lily that Timothy is undergoing the most therapeutic experience of his life. Ritchie informs Lily that, during American Revolutionary War battles, families of officers often watched from nearby. He also describes how he collected guns from the enemy corpses in Vietnam and that when he was wounded, someone stole his guns, believing he was dead. Unexpectedly, the dog attacks Timothy, causing him to bleed and, although the wound is minor, both Lily and Timothy panic.

In the evening, Timothy paints, ignoring Lily, who resumes a former smoking habit. At the same time, Stanley visits Ritchie, who shares with him military stories of tormenting subordinates, and their loud laughter, amplified by the water, unnerves Lily and Timothy. Later, the Frishers awaken to discover Ritchie towing away their car. When they go out to protest, the dogs threaten to attack them. During the night, Timothy tries to escape using the motorboat, forcing the frightened Lily to join him. However, the boat is cabled to the dock and Ritchie takes them back to the beach house, where he orders both dogs to guard them.

The next day, which happens to be the Fourth of July, American Legionnaires ceremoniously present Ritchie with a flag to honor his deceased father, a colonel, as part of an annual ritual. Afterward, while Timothy continues to move the rocks, Lily goes to Ritchie's house to talk. When she admits she is lonely, Ritchie asks if it is because of Timothy and promises that the situation will soon be different. She asks Ritchie's opinion of her and he says she needs a man, not a boy, who will bring her "peace and pleasure" that she has never known. Lily agrees that her soul is starved and, as Ritchie confides to her a story about a little girl he knew as a child, she removes her clothing, angering Ritchie. When she begs him to let them leave, he yells at her, forcing her to retreat, naked, to the beach house. Ritchie then shouts at Timothy, who has removed his shirt in the hot sun, and tells him to put it back on and button it up. Almost incoherently, he bellows that buttons are the difference between wild savages and civilization.

That night, still out of control, Ritchie prays for God to kill his enemies and burn them. He begs, "Bring fire on them!" and, as if on cue, a fireworks display commences, causing Ritchie to rejoice in sardonic glee. Meanwhile, Timothy pens up a dog and tries to barricade himself and Lily in the beach house. In retaliation, Ritchie shouts an attack command to the dogs and while Timothy fends off one dog, Lily manages to stab the other dog to death. Soon after, Ritchie gains entrance through a window and he and Timothy fight in the dark. Their struggling ends and Ritchie, lying on the ground exhausted, catches his breath. Near him lies Timothy, who, between bursts of fireworks, relives moments from his recent past. Shortly after, Lily announces that Timothy is dead.

Hemel (film)

Hemel (Hannah Hoekstra) is a young woman who frequently has one night stands with strangers. She has a close relationship with her father, Gijs (Hans Dagelet). Joining her father for a dinner party she witnesses him break up with his girlfriend, Emma, just beforehand causing an awkward scene at the party.

Hemel talks to her father's girlfriend in the bathroom afterwards by telling her that relationships last as long as they last. The ex-girlfriend accuses Hemel of taking more than she gives.

On a subsequent night Hemel goes home with a stranger named Jimmy and their sexual encounter turns violent when he strangles and then rapes her. Afterwards Hemel goes to her ex-stepbrother, Teun's birthday party where she interrogates his Christian girlfriend, Annabella, telling her that it is a waste that she's suppressing her lustful desires and waiting for sex until marriage.

Meanwhile, at the auction house where he works, Gijs gives his girlfriend, Sophie, an auctioneer a ring that says "You make me human." He invites her along to meet Hemel on her birthday but beforehand tells her that Hemel was an accident and her mother committed suicide. Hemel is openly hostile towards Sophie but is surprised when she knows about Gijs former girlfriends.

Hemel has an affair with a married man named Douwe, the husband of one of her father's colleagues, Brechtje, and is surprised to learn that he has had only a few sexual partners. He tells Hemel that she is the only woman he has ever cheated with because he has never felt that betraying the intimacy with his wife was worth it. Hemel is charmed by him but is upset when he tells her their relationship will never last.

While on holiday Gijs tells Hemel that Sophie will be living in his house and she becomes upset. When she asks her father why he loves Sophie he tells her he has nothing to hide from her. Hemel tells him that her version of love involves knowing the same things as the other person. She later tearfully tells him she saw a man commit suicide by jumping off a building. Later on she peers over the edge of a building herself before leaving.

Hemel waits outside Douwe's house in the rain. When she spots him leave she knocks on the door to his home where Brechtje answers and tells her that Douwe isn't home. She then tells Hemel about how for the first three years of her life her father brought her to work every day. When Hemel begins to cry Brechtje dries her tears and the two women hug.

Aloko Udapadi

The film revolves around the story of the Buddha's dispensation in written form after long centuries of oral tradition in a turbulent historical context. King Valagamba was overthrown five months after his coronation by a rebellion and invasion from South India, but regained the throne after fourteen years by defeating the invaders.

Walagamba, the central character in the film, ascended to the throne in 103 BCE and was the fourth son of King Saddha Tissa, younger brother to King Dutugamunu. Walagamba became king at a time when the kingdom was under multiple threats. Walagamba's first period of rule was shattered in three months by Cholian invaders. The film recreates the efforts to preserve the sacred heritage of the Buddha's teaching and marks an important chapter in the development of the Buddhist faith.

Disarmament Conference (film)

Krazy, wearing a safari hat, is driving a car, traveling through the African jungles. Suddenly his vehicle is being attacked by projectiles from within the area. It appears there is a battle involving various animals. The animals fight by using their natural attributes (such as monkeys hurling coconuts, and skunks using their strong foul odor). Although his car is destroyed, Krazy is unharmed, and tries to take cover. Having enough of the frenzy, Krazy tells the animals to stop and gather around. And as they come to him, Krazy presents a treaty signed by him, stating that the animals should give up their violent ways, and therefore live peacefully. The animals are persuaded as they disarm themselves (such as a lion removing his choppers, and an elephant removing his tusks). They, along with Krazy, then celebrate, in a song and dance.

But not all the animals received Krazy's message. The hornets from a tree notice peace going around. The hornets, however, see this as an opportunity to retaliate as they come out from the nest in a large number before attacking the other animals. The frightened animals take shelter in a cave, and seal its entrance. Krazy, who is still outside, tries to get in. Although someone opens up, that animal just pushes him away. Krazy then resorts to fleeing on a floating rock in a river. But to his surprise, the rock is actually a crocodile.

Skeem Saam

The story follows the lives of the residents of Turfloop who face daily trials and tribulations as they climb the ladder to success. It also follows the lives of the rich in Johannesburg and how they handle the challenges they face in their businesses and also follows the lives of the rich and poor staying in '''''Turfloop'''''

Super Senior

Zhu Xiangdong (Zhu Houren) owns a bakery and leads a life of material comfort. He is married to Yu Fang (Xiang Yun) for years but they remain childless. Yu Fang knows that her husband is a womaniser but she condones his philandering ways. One day, she finds out that Xiangdong has impregnated one of his staff. Yu Fang wants the child to have a complete family and decides to file for divorce. Xiangdong's cousin, Wang Dali (Wang Yuqing), has a crush on Yu Fang for many years. After Yu Fang's divorce, he decides to pursue her. Unfortunately, he discovers that he is seriously ill. Yu Fang stays by his side and after many trials and tribulations, the two seniors finally get together.

Hong Caiyun (Hong Huifang) leads a happy life with her loving husband. However, good times do not last and her husband suddenly passes away in his sleep. This comes as a huge emotional blow to Caiyun as her pillar of support vanishes overnight. Liu Fugui (Richard Low) is a gambler who has no goals in life. However, all that changes when he reunites with his daughter. Chen Yalai (Chen Shucheng) works as a security guard at the condominium where Xiangdong resides. Yalai pulls a tight rein over the lives of his children. As time passes by, he drifts apart from his children and has no one to talk to. Jin Huixi (Jin Yin Ji) is a cheerful woman who teaches Korean dance at the community centre. However, beneath Huixi's cheerful demeanor lies a hidden grief. Her son, Guan Qiming (Yao Wenlong), treads on the wrong path and is imprisoned for committing various crimes. Seeing how her beloved son ruins his own life, Huixi hopes that he will mend his ways.

The seniors know that they are no longer young and hope to spend their remaining days meaningfully. In the end, they decide to go for a diving trip to escape from harsh realities of life and also to challenge their limits.

The Entropy Plague

The Doctor and his companions search for a way to escape E-Space and return to their normal universe.

Panic High School

A student goes on a shooting rampage and takes hostages in his own schhol.

Atelier Fontana - Le sorelle della moda

Zoe, Micol and Giovanna Fontana are three young sisters who, after a peaceful childhood, work all together in the tailoring that their mother leads into her own home of Traversetolo, a small center in the province of Parma. Micol feels her self esteem a bit limited and dreams of opening a whole atelier in a big city. Meanwhile, while her elder sister Zoe marries Mario, a modest but very young boy, she lives a love story with Enrico Landi, the son of a very wealthy family, but he is known for scooping and therefore pissed off by the stern mom Amabile. But Micol has clear ideas about her future, and she soon convinces his sisters to move to Rome, then the Italian capital of fashion, so she marries Enrico, the great love of her life, despite being completely discharged by her parents.

In Rome, we are in the years 1938-39, the three girls find employment in some great tailor shops but they all struggle. Giovanna immediately chooses to leave her job as an employee, arranging for occasional jobs and looking after the house and the newborn daughter of Zoe. Micol has a turbulent relationship with the main Mazzocchi who, however, casually discovered the talent of his worker, slowly gives her more space. After having had a daughter, Maria Paola, Micol releases her oppressive employer thanks to the sponsorship of Princess Caetani, who finds out by chance that the creations she wears are actually the work of Micol himself, not Mazzocchi. With the support of this, the sisters can go in their own and open a whole tailoring. Micol also finds out that her husband has lied for months about his work and does not forgive him. With enormous sacrifices, then, the sisters are able to set up their first fashion show, but just on the eve of this comes the news that Henry took away his daughter Maria Paola. So Micol, busy retrieving the little girl, does not attend the triumph that has her first parade.

Micol returns to Rome with his daughter. About ten years later, it is thanks to little Maria Paola that Micol knows the famous actress Linda Christian. At the moment the meeting does not seem to have great consequences, but in reality will be decisive for the fate of the atelier. Meanwhile, Giovanna has also found love while Micol continues to raise the child without his father, being able to count on the support of his parents, who have now moved to Rome.

Business goes bad until Linda Christian returns to the atelier to ask Micol to pack her wedding dress for the wedding that will join her with Hollywood's Tyrone Power. It is the turning point that all awaited. The popularity of this event will make the Fontana Sisters famous all over the world and therefore very demanding. Overwhelming, however, prevents Micol from accompanying Tropea to her daughter, who leaves with her sister Giovanna. When it is almost released, Calabria suddenly comes to the news that the baby is very bad. Micol rushes to the bedside of his daughter, to whom the thoughtful dr. Leonardo Cafiero diagnoses typhus. Emergency in Rome, there is nothing left to do. The girl dies and Micol falls into depression. To support her, her husband Enrico returns incredibly. She seems to appreciate her closeness, but as soon as he starts to settle down again (for financial reasons and to enjoy what Micol has built with so much sacrifice), she hunts him permanently.

Determined to cancel the marriage, Micol now drags herself without understanding the meaning of her life, after the loss of her daughter. Following insistence he collects a council of Dr. Cafiero and an invitation of her friend Linda Christian, visiting her in Hollywood. In the United States, after a long stay, it rediscovers the lost stimuli and the contacts it initiates will be decisive for a further impulse to the activity of the Fontana atelier.

Again in Rome, the sisters welcome with pleasure the renewed enthusiasm of Micol, which seems even overwhelming. Not only has he committed himself to providing clothes for Ava Gardner's new film ''The Barefoot Contessa'', but wants to build a high fashion collection that can launch it on the American market, she says she is very much in favor of accepting Italian style. The effort would seem unbearable, but with new funding and a great boost of the atelier, the three sisters, with no initial contrasts and internal divergence, can perfectly compile and meet all the demands.

Micol has also regained his love with Leonardo, as he seals the success of the three sisters, arrives at the private audience with the Pope, receiving them with a representation of women workers and proud parents. Mom Amabile will soon leave them, while her three daughters are now the undisputed ambassadors of Italian style in the world.

Micol Fontana appears in the very last sequence of the movie: she was the only one of the three sisters still alive in 2010, when the fiction was filmed.

Lisa the Veterinarian

The Simpsons are visiting an indoor water park, but seeing that one of the main attractions has a very long line, thanks to the other kids downloading an app to receive a ticket number for the ride, Bart, who did not use the app, decides to pull a prank, announcing that the pools are infested with fish that can swim up people's private parts, and the only cure for this is to roll naked on the snow. The prank causes huge panic, as all the visitors rush outside while Bart enjoys the ride.

In the middle of the clutter, a raccoon enters the park, but one of the employees shoots the animal with a taser gun. Lisa revives the raccoon by performing CPR and is hailed as a hero as a result. As she proves to be responsible with animals, Miss Hoover gives her the responsibility to take care of the class' pet hamster Nibbles during spring break. Realizing that being a veterinarian is her new calling, she volunteers as an intern on Dr. Lionel Budgie's clinic.

Later, Marge is stuck in traffic as the clean-up team is not able to reach a car accident scene (as they were stuck in traffic). Chief Wiggum convinces Marge to clean the street, and she does it remarkably well. Wiggum also invites Marge to make other crime scenes' clean ups, as they can keep all the money and jewelry they find. Back home, Marge realizes that their ceiling fan is old and unsafe, so she decides to do more clean up jobs to get money for a new fan, starting from cleaning the scene of a "suicide-murder". She earns enough money for a new fan and a police discount on cleaning supplies, but eventually, the body parts and the blood from cleaning up a bloated corpse end up traumatizing her. Meanwhile, Lisa is so thrilled by the emotion of saving animals that she has become more ignorant towards others. That is when Bart decides to remind her that she was so busy taking care of other people's pets that she forgot about her own class pet: Nibbles. He is extremely depressed and ill, and Budgie says that the only solution would be to perform heart surgery. However, Nibbles dies only a few seconds after the operation, saddening Lisa as she technically killed an animal by neglecting it.

Back home, Homer gets a call from Bart and Budgie informing him of Lisa's situation, and realizes that if he takes Marge to calm Lisa down about the deceased hamster, this could also put Marge's emotions back together. He uses reverse psychology to trick Marge into coming with him to the clinic, and she and Lisa do end up hugging each other and sobbing during their breakdown. The episode ends with Nibbles's funeral in school, with a video memorial with clips of past episodes with Nibbles.

En équilibre

Marc Guermont is a horse trainer and stuntman in the Loire region of France. During a film production, an unrestrained dog scares his horse, which throws him and breaks his back, rendering him a wheelchair-using paraplegic. Florence Kernel, an insurance loss adjuster, visits him at his rambling property and stables, where he lives alone, aided by Antoine. She tries to convince him to sign documents to obtain a €300,000 payout. He refuses, sensing his claim could be worth much more. He is correct: the loss adjusters receive a video of the accident and know he could win in a court case.

On a second visit, he scares and exhilarates her driving his specially adapted truck. The ethics of Florence's employer are called into question when her boss asks her to get his signature as soon as possible, using any approach. She returns, casually dressed, and tries to befriend Marc, offering him a CD of music he had playing on the last visit, and reveals she was once a pianist, but quit after failing a crucial exam. He convinced her to ride his horse - initially terrified, she soon loves the experience.

Home with her husband and two children, she begins to experience doubts about her life and relationship, and thinks fondly of Marc. Marc meanwhile tries to mount his horse using a knotted rope and upper body strength, but panics and is knocked unconscious and taken to hospital, and in a dream scene he is seen stunt-riding a white horse along a beach. He makes a recovery and mounts his horse again, with more success and an adapted saddle.

Eventually relieved of handling Marc's insurance case by her boss, Florence pities Marc, while developing feelings for him, and illegally passes him the business card of a friend, a top lawyer, who could help him. The lawyer puts Marc on course to receive a large insurance payout, but wants taped evidence of his conversations with the insurance company to strengthen her case. Marc invites Florence on a date unsuccessfully, also asking if she has taped their conversations. She eventually tries to pass him a voice-recording where she is heard to pressure him into accepting the inferior insurance deal. Marc refuses to accept it, knowing she will be fired if it is heard in court. Florence, plagued with guilt and attracted to Marc, wakes up before dusk and enters Marc's house, leaving the voice recorder. Drawn to Marc sleeping, she approaches him. He grabs her and they kiss and (off camera) have sex, unconstrained by his paralysis, and also spend the morning together in a speedboat and by a lake in the Loire region.

But they are not shown together after this - Florence eventually mails the recorder directly to the lawyer, who uses it to (off camera) help secure Marc's compensation claim in court. Florence is fired for her actions, rekindles her love of classical piano (including taking an exam), and takes a job in the local public library. She is in her house with her daughter when the TV shows Marc competing in a dressage event, confident on his horse, Othello. Florence cries openly. Marc is seen driving home from the competition with a horsebox. Cut to ending, leaving the question of their relationship unresolved.

J'ai faim !!!

The day she receives an inheritance from her uncle, who is seriously ill in the hospital, Lily hurts her back having sex with her partner. The following day, she learns that he is leaving her for his assistant, a beautiful young woman. Lily, aided by her friends and her caretaker, does everything she can to get back her ''Toto''.

Puzzle with a Piece Missing

Maggie tries to get used to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, and learns the difficulty of connecting with others. Jo, trying to win over Maggie, tells her about Alex's dilemma involving Dr. Oliver Lebackes' private practice and his seat on the board. Maggie discloses this information during surgery with the two, which results in Alex being fired from the private practice.

After an extended argument, Callie decides that Arizona should do the fetal surgery fellowship and that they would work it out with having a second child. For Owen, this episode is about his ability to trust Maggie. When Maggie asks to look into the McNeill family—a.k.a. Yang’s last patients before her exit—he instantly becomes defensive.

But before Richard can explain just how well he knew Ellis, Maggie is pulled to the ER by Amelia, who loves her simply for calling Derek “the other Shepherd.” Maggie finds herself beginning a friendship in Amelia and finds out that Meredith is not so bad to know. She expresses interest in Bailey's genome mapping project, and she uses it and Cristina's research with the McNeil family to solve their family's case; the children's cardiomyopathy was caused by a gene mutation.

Due to her conversation with Amelia, Maggie tells Meredith that Ellis Grey is her mother, too. Meredith does not believe her however, saying that at the age of five years she would have known if her mother was pregnant.

Got to Be Real (Grey's Anatomy)

Callie follows Owen through a Veterans' rehab facility. She says that she's there to give a speech on residual limb health and that is it, because she has a child and she and Arizona are trying to have another one and Arizona's starting a fellowship and she's stretched too far already. Owen says she's just going to meet a couple guys. They enter a room where several amputee veterans are gathered. until Jackson steps in. As Alex tries to prepare for his presentation to fill Cristina's position on the board, Meredith distracts him with the news of her new half-sister Maggie in the shower, and Jo becomes jealous.

Searching through hospital records, Meredith finds out that Maggie is indeed her half-sister. Ellis was unknowingly pregnant when she was admitted for slitting her wrists. Derek and Amelia fight over being the Chief of Neurosurgery, which makes Derek second guess his decision to stay in Seattle. With the new fellowship and the wounded veterans project, Arizona is concerned about having the time to have another baby causing Callie to once again doubt their future together.

Richard attempts to tell Maggie that he is her father, but she already knew who he is and blames him for not telling her sooner. Alex and Bailey go head to head in front of the board for the open spot. Bailey comes in and gives her presentation, then Alex gives his. Arizona peeks out of the room and calls Alex in. He follows her back into the room. A few moments later, he comes back out and tells Bailey congratulations as he walks past her. Arizona then calls Bailey back into the room. The board congratulates her as Alex continues to walk out of the hospital.

ADHD Shorts

This is a series of animated shorts used as interstitial programming between episodes. Most of them are in sketches form with a few animated songs. Writing is primarily done by Heather Anne Campbell with most songs performed by Heather herself or by vocalist Liz Beebe.

Misfire (2014 film)

The film centers around a seasoned Drug Enforcement Administration agent Cole (Daniels), who descends into the underworld of Tijuana drug mafia in search of his journalist ex-wife who he believes has been abducted by a charismatic drug cartel boss with aspirations for public office.

Le grand secret

Jeanne Corbet (Louise Marleau) is having an affair with Roland Fournier (Peter Sattmann), a researcher working on a cancer treatment in the Paris suburb of Villejuif. Married to Professor Paul Corbet (Fernando Rey), an older scientist who tolerates the affair, Jeanne is obsessed with her lover. During mysterious events controlled by the secret service, Roland disappears while Jeanne simultaneously experiences a kidnapping attempt. Samuel Frend (Claude Rich), an American secret agent based in France, comes in contact with Jeanne and informs her that her lover is not dead. Once convinced that Roland is alive, Jeanne devotes her life to searching the world for him.

In Caracas, she finds Frend and his wife Suzan (Claude Jade), but she loses track of the couple a few days later. The source of the cover-up of Roland's disappearance is revealed: Professor Bahanba (Richard Münch), an Indian scientist also working on a cancer treatment, has discovered JL3, an immortality serum that stops aging and eliminates vulnerability to disease in any living being.

A few years later, it is announced that Samuel Frend has died, but Jeanne does not believe that he was killed in an accident, as was reported. She visits Suzan, who now lives in Bennington (Vermont), and learns that the "widow" is a secret service officer. Jeanne learns that Samuel, now known as Colonel Bass, is on an island called 307, which is guarded day and night by the army. The island hosts a self-sufficient community led by Professor Bahanba, who also acts as the community's spiritual guide. Jeanne, now fifty years old, travels to the island and finds Roland, who is still a spirited young man of thirty. Their love is not what it once was and Jeanne finds herself unable to contract symptoms.

Throughout her search, Jeanne learns about numerous world leaders involved in the cover-up, including Indira Gandhi, Queen Elizabeth II and Ronald Reagan.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

In 2819, following a 634-year journey aboard the Ark ''Hyperion'', Ryder awakens in the Heleus Cluster of the Andromeda Galaxy. ''Hyperion'' strikes a dark energy cloud called the Scourge, temporarily knocking out its power and sending Ryder's sibling into a coma. Pathfinder Alec Ryder, Ryder's father, informs Ryder and Cora Harper that the planet they were sent to scout may no longer be viable for colonization. Alec, Ryder, Cora, and Liam Kosta head down to the planet, coming into contact with a hostile alien race, the kett, as well as strange structures from a synthetic alien race, the Remnant. Ryder and Alec find a terminal inside an alien monolith, which Alec activates in an attempt to stabilize the lightning storm-stricken planet. A large blast throws the two off the elevated platform, damaging Ryder's helmet and exposing Ryder to the toxic atmosphere. Alec saves Ryder by giving Ryder his helmet, sacrificing his own life. Ryder is later revived and merged with the artificial intelligence SAM, learning that Alec has made Ryder the new Pathfinder.

''Hyperion'' reaches the Nexus, finding it incomplete and with no other Ark in sight. The crew learn from Nexus leadership that all of the worlds in Andromeda have become inhospitable, and that the Initiative has been stranded upon arrival, suffering from civil unrest and a supply shortage. As humanity's new Pathfinder, Ryder is tasked with finding a suitable world to colonize, as well as uncovering the fates of the other Arks. Ryder is also assigned a spaceship, the ''Tempest'', piloted by Kallo Jath and accompanied by Vetra Nyx.

Ryder's first stop on the search is Eos, a desert planet plagued by radiation, where Nakmor Drack and Peebee join the crew. With SAM's help, Ryder unlocks a Remnant vault, which houses a terraforming system that rapidly repairs the planet's ecosystem to more hospitable levels. The planet's newly-improved viability allows Ryder to establish Andromeda's first successful outpost. Ryder also discovers a star chart pinpointing the location of other worlds that might hold similar structures. It is deduced that these worlds could sustain the Initiative.

On the way to another system, the ''Tempest'' runs into the kett fleet, and is forced to escape through the Scourge, suffering significant damage. The ship lands on the planet Aya, coming into contact with a new alien species, the angara, who are mounting a resistance against the kett. Ryder proves the Initiative's good intentions by aiding the angara on two other planets, in addition to recruiting a member of their species, Jaal Ama Darav, to the ''Tempest'''s crew. Ryder also rescues high-ranking angara Moshae Sjefa from a kett facility, discovering in the process that the kett have been turning the angara into more kett through a genetic modification process known as "exaltation". The Moshae takes Ryder to Aya's vault, learning that the kett leader, the Archon, is chasing an object called Meridian, which can control all vaults and, by extension, the worlds that they are connected to. Ryder, anxious to stop the kett, tracks down their flagship and discovers that the kett have captured the Salarian Ark and have been experimenting with various Initiative species. Ryder frees the ark and learns the location of Meridian.

Ryder then proceeds to the presumed location of Meridian, which is revealed to be an ancient Remnant city. Ryder discovers that Meridian, a Dyson sphere-like construct, was taken away from the city, disconnecting the vaults and rendering the planets uninhabitable. The Archon launches an attack on ''Hyperion'', severing SAM from Ryder, while also capturing Ryder's sibling, whose SAM implant he intends to use in order to take over Meridian. Ryder manages to activate the Remnant fleet and, together with other allied forces, makes an assault on the kett fleet guarding Meridian. The Ryder twins work to defeat the kett, eventually disconnecting the Archon from Meridian's system and killing him in the process. Ryder is hailed as a hero, having activated Meridian and made the cluster more suitable for settlement. ''Hyperion'', after crash-landing onto Meridian, settles on the planet as humanity's new home.

In a post-credit scene, the Archon's second-in command, Primus, is seen observing Meridian, hinting at a possible future threat.

Vilaine (film)

Melanie was the whipping girl in her class. Today, she has remained an unattractive woman, overwhelmed by her boss and her neighbor, a little too sweet and indulgent. Naive and generous, she falls into the trap of her beautiful and wicked cousin Aurore in believing in Prince Charming. Determined to get revenge, Melanie becomes "naughty" and exploits her boss, does dirty tricks to Aurore's friends, and gives "tips" advised everyone, calculated in advance, of course.

Dark Souls III

Set in the Kingdom of Lothric, a bell has rung to signal that the First Flame, responsible for maintaining the Age of Fire, is dying out. As has happened many times before, the coming of the Age of Dark produces the undead: cursed beings that rise after death. The Age of Fire can be prolonged with the linking of the fire, a ritual in which great lords and heroes sacrifice their souls to rekindle the First Flame. However, Prince Lothric, the chosen linker for this age, abandoned his duty and chose to watch the flame die from afar. The bell is the last hope for the Age of Fire, resurrecting previous Lords of Cinder (heroes who linked the flame in past ages) to attempt to link the fire again; however, all but one Lord shirk their duty. Meanwhile, Sulyvahn, a sorcerer from the Painted World of Ariandel, wrongfully proclaims himself Pontiff and seizes power over Irithyll of the Boreal Valley and the returning Anor Londo cathedral from ''Dark Souls'' as a tyrant.

The Ashen One, an Undead who failed to become a Lord of Cinder and thus called an Unkindled, rises and must link the fire by returning Prince Lothric and the defiant Lords of Cinder to their thrones in Firelink Shrine. The Lords include the Abyss Watchers, a legion of warriors, sworn by the Old Wolf's Blood which linked their souls into one, to protect the land from the Abyss, and were ultimately locked in an endless battle between each other; Yhorm the Giant, who was once a conqueror of the very people for whom he then sacrificed his life; and Aldrich, who became a Lord of Cinder despite his ravenous appetite for both men and gods. Lothric himself was raised to link the First Flame, but shirked his duties and chose instead to watch the fire fade.

Once the Ashen One succeeds in returning Lothric and the Lords of Cinder to their thrones, they travel to the ruins of the Kiln of the First Flame. There, they encounter the Soul of Cinder, an amalgamation of all the previous Lords of Cinder who had linked the flame in the past. Once the Soul of Cinder is defeated, four endings are made possible based on the player's actions during the game. The player can attempt to link the fire, summon the Fire Keeper to extinguish the flame and begin an age of Dark, or kill her. A fourth ending consists of the Ashen One taking the flame for their own and becoming the Lord of Hollows.

''Ashes of Ariandel''

''Ashes of Ariandel'' introduces a new area, the Painted World of Ariandel. On arriving at the Cathedral of the Deep in the base game, the Ashen One meets a wandering knight, Gael, who implores them to enter the Painted World and fulfil a prophecy to bring "Fire for Ariandel." Inhabitants of this world variously beg the Ashen One to burn the Painted World per the prophecy or leave it to its slow rot. A painter girl tells the Ashen One of "Uncle Gael"'s promise to find her dyes to paint a new world. The player's decision to proceed elicits first coldness from the world's self-appointed guardian and then a boss fight, in which Ariandel is ultimately set on fire. The painter thanks the player for showing her flame and awaits Gael for the Dark Soul, which she can use to paint a new world for humanity.

In keeping with previous franchise DLC, ''Ashes of Ariandel'' introduces a substantial new area, two boss fights and several new weapons, spells, and armour pieces.

''The Ringed City''

In ''The Ringed City'', the Ashen One begins their journey to an area known as "The Dreg Heap", a region where ruined kingdoms of different eras are piled upon each other as the world draws to a close. From the Dreg Heap, after battling through the ruins of Lothric Castle, the Ashen One encounters the amnesiac knight Lapp, who cannot remember his past. Throughout the Dreg Heap, messages from Gael from ''Ashes of Ariandel'' guide the player. The Ashen One traverses the remnants of Earthen Peak, an area encountered in ''Dark Souls II'', before fighting the last remnant of the demon race, the Demon Prince, in the base of an Archtree that contains the ruins of Firelink Shrine from ''Dark Souls''. Victorious, the player travels to the Ringed City, an ancient city of Pygmies, the ancestors of humanity, which has fallen into the Abyss. After defeating the guardian of the Church of Filianore, the player awakens Filianore, the daughter of Lord Gwyn who was entrusted to the Ringed City as a token of peace between Gwyn and the Pygmy Lords. This transports them to a ruined wasteland of ash, which can be interpreted as either a skip forward in time or the lifting of an illusion cast by Filianore. There, the Ashen One meets a disheveled Gael, who has begun killing the Pygmy Lords in order to gain the blood of the Dark Soul from the Pygmies for the painter girl in Ariandel to use as ink. After consuming the Dark Soul, Gael has been fully corrupted by its power and demands the Ashen One's portion of it. He is finally struck down, allowing the Ashen One to obtain his blood (which contains the Dark Soul). The Ashen One then gives the Blood of the Dark Soul to the painter in Ariandel, who uses it to paint a new world for humanity.

South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Cartman and the other children decide to play superheroes with the goal of launching a superhero media franchise by finding a missing cat and claiming the $100 reward. The New Kid joins the game and Cartman provides them with a tragic backstory; having witnessed "your dad fuck your mom", with Cartman apparently not realizing that this is normal, not an act of betrayal.

The children's search uncovers a conspiracy led by a new kingpin who has united the police; the Italian, Chinese, and Russian crime families; and the sixth graders to steal cats and use their urine to contaminate drugs and alcohol, making the townspeople act crazily and raising crime, which will be blamed on the mayor. Coon and Friends defeat the kingpin's henchman Professor Chaos and Cartman surmises that the mastermind is Mitch Conner, a crude hand puppet drawn on Cartman's left hand. The New Kid and Chaos are sent to infiltrate the Freedom Pals to gain more information, culminating in the two groups co-operating to take down the police department, who are helping Mitch become the new mayor so they can have fewer restrictions on fighting crime. Afterwards, the children join Freedom Pals after learning they have developed a franchise plan that is more inclusive than Cartman's.

The next day, Mitch kidnaps the New Kid's parents and destroys the Freedom Pals' franchise plan. The Freedom Pals capture Cartman, who insists he has no control over Mitch and reveals that the New Kid's parents are being held at a genetic engineering lab. There, the Freedom Pals learn Mitch has been funding the creation of an army of mutated cats and sixth graders, which Mitch unleashes on the children. Battling through the mutants, the New Kid finds their parents and is forced to kill one of them to continue. At the exit, the Freedom Pals are ambushed by Kyle—the mutated clone of Kyle's cousin—and Mitch. The New Kid uses a powerful fart to defeat the clone, which accidentally transports the Freedom Pals one week into the future, where Mitch is the mayor.

With aid from Morgan Freeman, the New Kid learns to time travel with their farts. They travel to the future where Mitch has completed his master plan to make every day Christmas Day, causing drunken anarchy throughout the town. They then travel to the past and confront Cartman before he can start the superhero game. Mitch reveals himself and punches the New Kid, causing a fart that sends them back to the New Kid's superhero origin. Cartman and the New Kid's interference prevents the New Kid's father from having sex with their mother, changing the past. The New Kid's parents reveal their secret; they have the superhuman ability to amass social media followers. The government kidnapped the parents to harness their powers, during which time they fell in love and had the New Kid. They escaped to protect their child and gave them medicine to suppress their powers, causing extreme flatulence.

Knowing the truth, the New Kid time travels with Cartman to the day of Mitch's inauguration. Cartman escapes a confrontation with the Freedom Pals and prepares to be sworn in as Mitch. The Freedom Pals use social media to publicly reveal Mitch's plot and accuse Cartman of raising crime so the Coon would have more crime to fight, giving him a bigger franchise. Mitch confesses he was traumatized as a child because "someone fucked my dad." Mitch's mother appears on Cartman's right hand and reveals that it was her and asks for forgiveness. They fight and both "die", ending Mitch's plot, while the townspeople resolve to obtain clean drugs and alcohol from the neighboring town.

After the credits, the New Kid returns home to find both parents are alive and, unburdened by the secret they were keeping, their relationship is happier. While the New Kid's parents go upstairs to have sex, Professor Chaos confronts the New Kid with the truth that no matter how much they change the past, "your dad will always have fucked your mom." Chaos offers the New Kid a chance to take an alternative path.

For Honor


After a natural catastrophe pitted the most fearsome warriors against one another in a fight for resources and territory, the bloodthirsty warlord Apollyon believes the people of the Knights, Vikings, and Samurai have grown weak and wants to create an age of all-out war through manipulation of each faction. To this end the perspectives of characters within each faction are shown as events unfold, battles are waged, and agendas are created as Apollyon works to ensure continuous sparks of conflict between the Legion, the Warborn, and the Chosen from the Myre. With a later DLC, the Wu-Lin, based on Chinese culture, were added, while in-game lore links the Romans fighting for the Legion to a fifth Roman-based faction not present in the game.


The warmonger Apollyon takes control of the knights of the Blackstone Legion after murdering her rivals, who fight for the people of the land of Ashfeld, allowing her to sow the seeds of perpetual war and create stronger men to rule over the weak. During the Blackstone Legion's attempt to bring a dishonorable lord-turned-mercenary, Hervis Daubeny, to justice, his second-in-command, known as the Warden, helps to stop the Blackstone siege and battles the champion of the Blackstone knights. Upon defeating a Blackstone Legion captain, Ademar, the Warden is made a knight of the Legion by Holden Cross, Apollyon's lieutenant, and leaves with him. During his/her time in Apollyon's army, the Warden helps to defend against the Viking raiders of the Warborn, but soon realizes shortly after meeting with Apollyon that she cares nothing about protecting people and seeks to manipulate her enemies into endless battles. Starting with the Vikings, Apollyon and her warriors including Holden Cross, the Warden and fellow lieutenants Stone and Mercy, attack their settlements and sack their strongholds in the northern land of Valkenheim, leaving only enough food and supplies to fight over, and sparing those who would eagerly fight for those scraps or are strong enough to do so.

Afterwards, in Valkenheim, the Viking clans fight among themselves, killing one another for the dwindling scraps left by Apollyon. This continues until a powerful warrior known as Raider comes down from the mountains, and begins uniting the warriors of the various clans under the Warborn banner, alongside Warlord friend Stigandr, Valkyrie warrior Runa and Berserker Helvar, first by killing the brutal raider Ragnar, who steals what little remains from those who cannot feed themselves, and then Siv the Ruthless, who seeks to conquer and plunder their own people. After killing their rivals, Raider's rapidly growing army retake a Warborn stronghold from knights of Apollyon's army, and then set out to the land of the Myre to raid the Dawn Empire of the Chosen, a group of powerful Samurai, to resupply and feed their people. The Raider then leads the assault on the Samurai, kills the Samurai General, Tozen, and causes the Samurai to retreat back to their greatest city. In the chaos, Apollyon kills the Dawn Empire's ruler and his ''daimyōs'' that refuse to fight.

Into this chaos is brought the Orochi warrior known as the Emperor's champion, the strongest and most fearsome warrior in the Dawn Empire. The champion was imprisoned for speaking out of turn and was freed during the chaos of the Viking raid. The Orochi helps to push back the Vikings, but fails to prevent Apollyon from riding through the chaos and murdering the Imperial family, forcing the Daimyos to fight one another for supreme rulership as Emperor of the Dawn Empire. After learning of the devastation the Viking raid caused, the Orochi, fellow samurai Ayu, the Shugoki Okuma and Nobushi Momiji attempt to reunite the Daimyos under one banner, using Apollyon as a common enemy to rally against. The Emperor's Champion infiltrates the Emperor's palace with Momiji and confronts Seijuro, the Daimyo who took Apollyon's offer to become Emperor. After defeating Seijuro, the champion convinces him to join him against Apollyon. It is also during this time that the Emperor's Champion learns of Apollyon's manipulations of the various factions and rallies allies to stop Apollyon, invading Ashfeld to attack Blackstone Fortress. During a scouting mission with Momiji, the Orochi is met by the Warden, now leading a rebellion against Apollyon with Holden Cross, Stone and Mercy by his/her side and, after dueling him/her, realizes they are allied against the same enemy. Both armies besiege the castle on separate fronts, with the Orochi searching for Apollyon. After finding Apollyon, the Orochi fights with and kills her, but not before learning that she wanted to create eternal war to weed out the weak and create the strongest of men, making them evermore bloodthirsty. Despite her death, Apollyon got what she wanted: an age of bloodthirsty wolves.

In the aftermath, the armies of all three factions attacking the Blackstone Fortress; Knight, Samurai and Viking alike all turn on each other, resulting in a war lasting seven years. Realizing the war's futility, the Warden, now leader of the Blackstone Legion, sends Holden Cross to meet with leaders of the other factions, Ayu and Stigandr. Though all three realize that the prospect of peace may be futile, they all agree that peace is worth fighting for and striving for it will make for an unforgettable tale.

Leave Your Hands on My Hips

Odile Rousselet is an actress of 42 years who lives with Mary, her 18-year-old daughter. When this one leaves to move in with her boyfriend, she finds herself alone and decided to get out more. It was at the carnival she makes new friends ...

The Walking Dead: Michonne

The three episode miniseries follows Michonne's journey after leaving Rick Grimes' trusted group in issue 126, and what brought her back to the group in issue 139. It also serves as a tie-in between the existing ''The Walking Dead'' seasons developed by Telltale Games.

The story begins with Michonne on a boat with four men, having flashbacks about abandoning her two daughters, Colette and Elodie. She considers suicide, and if she proceeds, she is stopped in the act by Pete, the boat's leader. They receive a radio signal from an area known as Mobjack, and Michonne and Pete disembark to the area, leaving behind their three crew members – Siddiq, Oak (a British immigrant), and Berto – onto Pete's boat. Their search leads them to an abandoned boat. Upon entering, they find two people chained to the doors, shot in the head, to ensure they couldn't turn to walkers. They scavenge around, but are ambushed by Samantha and Greg Fairbanks – two siblings also searching for supplies. Whilst fighting off walkers, the group is taken hostage by Randall, a man part of a larger group under the leadership of his sister, Norma, who are hunting Sam and Greg for stealing their supplies from their town.

The group is taken to a bayou-like community called Monroe, where Michonne and Samantha are left in a ship's storage room, where Samantha apologizes for her behavior and tries to get Michonne to ambush Randall – a choice for the player. Randall brings Michonne up to Norma. Michonne is questioned by Norma, where the player can comply or refuse. Norma warns Michonne that Samantha is a liar and that she shouldn't be trusted. Greg is also brought up for questioning, though he lies to Norma, forcing Michonne to either help him, herself, or keep silent.

Randall forces Zachary, a young member of the ship, to question Michonne, Greg, and Samantha. Zachary unintentionally shoots Greg, forcing Michonne to destroy his brain so he doesn't turn. A distraught Samantha tries to get revenge by killing Zachary, something Michonne can agree or disagree with. Either way, Michonne, and Sam rescue Pete and they fight their way out of Monroe. If Zachary was spared, he would, together with his boyfriend Jonas, assist Michonne and Sam to escape to repay Michonne for sparing his life. Pete offers to give himself up to save Michonne and Sam, something Michonne can agree or disagree with. Sam suggests that they hide at her family's home, but is shot in the shoulder and wounded by Randall during their escape.

The group arrives at Sam's home where they meet her father, John, her younger brothers, James and Alex, and her best friend, Paige. With the help of the family, Michonne removes the bullet from Sam's shoulder and cauterizes her wound – saving her life. While Sam rests, Michonne learns from both Paige and John that Sam's mother had committed suicide due to the harsh reality of the apocalypse, which takes a toll on the family.

By neglecting to close their gate, John is suddenly shot and killed by Randall, who assaults the house with the assistance of two other men from Monroe. Michonne and Pete (if he didn't leave) manage to kill the two men and, with the help of Paige, manages to subdue Randall and hold him hostage in the house's garage. Norma tries to contact Randall via radio demanding to know his whereabouts. Michonne can realize that Randall could be used as a bargaining chip and can tell Norma that Randall has been captured and awaits her arrival to reclaim him. Alternatively, she can choose not to answer the radio or somehow cheat Norma. As the rest of the group prepare for the upcoming conflict, Randall tries to provoke Michonne and coerce her into killing him, something Michonne can agree or disagree with.

Sam then storms off to bury her father, as her bandage is ripped off, and argues with Paige about what happened. She apologizes to Michonne due to her agreements behavior, thanking Michonne for helping her and tries to bring her father to the grave, something Michonne can agree or disagree with.

Norma and the remaining survivors of Monroe arrive at the house and ask Michonne to exchange Randall for the rest of Pete's crew, who is revealed to have been captured. If Randall was murdered, they attempt to cheat Norma with his now reanimated corpse. The exchange goes smoothly at first, with Norma releasing Siddiq first until an angry Monroe survivor (such as Jonas or Gabby) kills one of Pete's men Berto as revenge for the destruction of Monroe (Jonas would do it if Zachary was killed, while Gabby would be the one killing Berto if Zachary was spared). This provokes a gunfight between the two groups which attracts the attention of a herd of walkers and killed Gabby or Jonas (depending on whoever is the one that killed Berto). Michonne would have to choose either to hand over Randall or not. If she said no, Norma would kill Oak, the last person she still held hostage. If she agreed to, Oak would be released. Regardless, another gunfight would happen again right after Randall is killed. During the gunfight, Norma attacks Michonne, and the two fight until Michonne cuts off Norma's arm and lets her get devoured by walkers. Alternatively, Michonne can choose to put Norma out of her misery before the walkers can kill her. Michonne and her group retreat to the house to hold the fort, but two Monroe men throw bottle bombs into the house, setting it ablaze.

Michonne and Sam make their way through the burning house to find James and Alex, who have hidden upstairs. As they climb out of an open window, Michonne is faced with a hallucination in which she first left Colette and Elodie with her ex-husband shortly before the outbreak. She is given the choice of whether or not to leave her children once again. If Michonne decides to stay, Sam manages to grab Michonne and push her out of the house but ends up dying in the process. If Michonne decides to leave, she apologizes for leaving them and she and Sam manage to escape the house with no other casualties.

Michonne, Pete, and his crew make their way back to their boat, where they plan to scavenge supplies from the remains of Monroe and promise to drop off Sam (if alive), Paige, James, and Alex somewhere safe up north. Michonne believes that she may have moved past the hallucinations and expresses her survivor's guilt to Pete, who suggests that she return to the Alexandria Safe-Zone and rejoin Rick Grimes' group, something the player can consider. As the rest of the group heads back to the boat, Michonne sees another distant hallucination of Colette and Elodie. Although reluctant, Michonne decides not to pursue them and follows the rest of the group back to the boat.

Pitch Perfect 3

Two years after their final competition, the Bellas have graduated from Barden University, but they all hate their jobs. And to make matters worse, Beca and Jesse's relationship ended in between the second and third film, and Amy and Bumper's relationship didn't last too long either. Beca, Amy, Chloe, Aubrey, Lilly, Stacie, Cynthia Rose, Florencia, Jessica, and Ashley are thrilled when Emily, now a senior and leader of the current Barden Bellas, invites them to an event. Arriving at the reunion, they learn that Emily simply invited them to see the new Bellas, not sing. The Bellas later gather at a bar, disappointed, and express how much they miss each other. Aubrey convinces them to join a USO tour, hoping her father sees.

Emily fills in for Stacie, who is eight months pregnant. The Bellas land at a base in Rota, Spain, greeted by liaisons soldiers Chicago and Zeke. They also meet the other three bands, including the mean-spirited female quartet Evermoist. The others use musical instruments, making the Bellas feel off. Chloe begins to fall for Chicago. Fat Amy learns that Fergus, her estranged father (also a ruthless international crime lord), has found her at their hotel. The Bellas are invited to a party at DJ Khaled's suite, while Amy is invited to a poker tournament. The tournament was a ruse by Fergus, who begs to be in Amy's life, which she agrees to after believing he has changed.

Beca develops a friendship with DJ Khaled's music producer Theo, who is impressed when she easily produces a mix of her own singing on Khaled's editing equipment. Moments later, the party is thrown into chaos when Aubrey accidentally starts a fire. While the Bellas are wallowing in disgrace, Stacie calls with news that her daughter, Bella, has been born, invigorating them. Back on the tour, the Bellas perform to adoring crowds. Fergus and Amy are gradually making up, until he accidentally reveals that he is only trying to acquire her US$180 million offshore account created by Amy's mother, causing Amy to disown her father. Meanwhile, DJ Khaled asks Beca to open for him without the other Bellas. Beca politely declines the offer and returns to her room, and doesn't tell the group she was asked.

The Bellas (without Beca and Amy) are abducted and taken aboard Fergus' yacht, as an attempt to manipulate Amy. When she and Beca learn of the kidnapping, they sneak onboard. Beca distracts Fergus by leading the Bellas in a performance of "Toxic", while Amy sets up and detonates a bomb. The Bellas escape the yacht, and Fergus is later arrested. After the Bellas are rescued by the military, Amy reveals DJ Khaled's proposition to Beca to the others. They encourage her to take the chance, agreeing that it is time to move on with their lives. They know they will stay connected to each other as a family. At the USO's final performance, Beca opens for DJ Khaled, then brings the Bellas onstage to sing their final performance – "Freedom! '90".

Gail and John, the public announcers when the Bellas originally competed, have filmed a Bella documentary, only to be appalled when John realizes they didn't record the Bellas' final performance. Now the Bellas' lives are improving: Amy uses her new bankroll for tributes to singers named Amy; Aubrey works as a birthing coach; Flo's juice cart becomes an international brand; Chloe gets into vet school; Cynthia-Rose enlists in the USAF flight school; Emily returns to Barden and to her songwriting; Lilly reveals that she was quiet because she was possessed by Satan, the bomb snapped her out of it, and her real name is Esther, and starts a relationship with DJ Dragon Nutz; Aubrey reconnects with her father; Chloe and Chicago become an item; Beca is now Theo's boss.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Aloy (Ashly Burch) is cast out from the Nora tribe at birth and raised by a fellow outcast named Rost (JB Blanc). As a child (Ava Potter), Aloy obtains a Focus, an augmented reality device that gives her special perceptive abilities. Aloy becomes curious about her origins and is told by Rost that if she wins the Proving, a competition to earn the right to become a member of the Nora, the tribe's Matriarchs might concede this information. Aloy spends some years training in combat and survival under Rost's instruction.

After coming of age, Aloy takes part in the Proving; she wins the competition, but the Nora are attacked by masked cultists. Rost sacrifices himself to save Aloy from their leader, Helis (Crispin Freeman). When Aloy awakens, the Matriarchs explain that Aloy was found as an infant before a sealed door within the Nora's sacred mountain, and that these suspicious origins were the reason for being outcast. The Matriarchs name Aloy a "Seeker", allowing her to leave their lands in pursuit of the cultists. Aloy meets Oseram member Olin (Chook Sibtain), who informs Aloy that the cultists are part of a splinter Carja faction called the Eclipse, and indicates that Aloy was targeted due to her resemblance to an Old World scientist named Elisabet Sobeck (also voiced by Burch). Aloy locates the ruined corporate campus of Faro Automated Solutions and discovers that the Old World was destroyed nearly a thousand years ago after Faro lost control of its automated peacekeeper military robots. The robots, which could self-replicate and consumed biomass, overran the planet and consumed the biosphere, stripping Earth of life. Zero Dawn, a project spearheaded by Sobeck, was initiated to create an automated terraforming system to deactivate the robots and restore life to Earth.

Aloy is contacted by Sylens (Lance Reddick), a secretive figure interested in uncovering the fate of the Old Ones. Aloy learns that Sobeck was sent to a decommissioned Orbital Launch Base to complete Zero Dawn, which is located under the Citadel, the centre of Eclipse power. Inside the base, Aloy learns that Zero Dawn was a vast underground system of databases, factories, and cloning facilities controlled by a single artificial intelligence, GAIA (Lesley Ewen). Once all life had been extinguished, GAIA developed a countermeasure to deactivate the Faro robots and build its own to restore the Earth's biosphere. Once the planet was habitable again, GAIA's next goal was to reseed life on Earth based on stored DNA and teach the first human clones not to repeat their predecessors' mistakes. However, APOLLO, the subsystem designed to teach humanity, was sabotaged by Faro's founder and CEO Theodore Faro in a fit of nihilism, and the first humans were reduced to a tribal, subsistence society. The Eclipse are secretly controlled by HADES (John Gonzalez), another of GAIA's subsystems designed to enact controlled extinction if the outcome of Zero Dawn was not favorable for human existence. Reaching Sobeck's office, Aloy obtains a registry to give her access to the door beneath the Nora's mountain. She is captured by Helis and sentenced to death at the Citadel, but escapes with the help of Sylens. Aloy helps the Nora fight off the Eclipse and unlocks the mountain's door.

She finds a recording from GAIA, revealing that a signal of unknown origin caused HADES to activate and seize control of her functions; as a last resort, GAIA self-destructed in order to stop HADES. Without GAIA to maintain the terraforming process, the entire system began to break down. As a contingency plan, GAIA created a clone of Sobeck in the form of Aloy, in the hope that she would find GAIA's message, destroy HADES, and restore GAIA's functions. Aloy learns that Sobeck sacrificed her life to ensure the Faro robots would not find GAIA. Aloy manages to obtain the master override to destroy HADES. Sylens reveals that he was the founder of the Eclipse, originally tempted by HADES' promises of knowledge. They surmise that HADES intends to send a signal to reactivate the Faro robots to extinguish life on Earth. Aloy kills Helis and helps fight off machines, before stabbing HADES and activating the master override, ending the war. She journeys to Sobeck's old home, finding her corpse, and mourns her predecessor. In a post-credits scene, an alive HADES is trapped by Sylens, who intends to interrogate HADES to find out who sent the signal that activated it.

''The Frozen Wilds''

Aloy travels to the "Cut", the home of the Banuk tribe, after hearing word of dangerous machines appearing and a mountain belching smoke. She learns from Aratak (Richard Neil), chieftain of the largest Banuk clan, that the Banuk have been attempting to battle a "Daemon" on the mountain, "Thunder's Drum", which has corrupted the machines of the Cut. However, their first attack had been a failure, and their shaman, Ourea, had disappeared afterwards. Aloy searches for Ourea, coming across strange robotic towers which both control and repair the corrupted machines. She finds Ourea (Necar Zadegan) in an Old World facility that had been converted into a Banuk shrine and is housing an artificial intelligence the shaman calls the "Spirit". Aloy is able to make contact with the Spirit, which warns Ourea that the Daemon is blocking its transmissions before being cut off. Aloy and Ourea agree to work together to save the Spirit. Per Ourea's advice, Aloy defeats Aratak in a hunting competition, taking his place as chieftain. She also discovers that Aratak and Ourea are siblings.

Aloy, Ourea, and Aratak head for Thunder's Drum. They infiltrate the Old World facility built inside the mountain, where Aloy discovers that the Spirit is actually CYAN (Laurel Lefkow), a highly advanced AI designed to prevent the Yellowstone Caldera from erupting. Traveling further inside, they discover that the Daemon has already overtaken much of the facility, but CYAN suggests using lava from the caldera to destroy the infected areas while preserving the facility. It is also revealed that the Daemon is in fact HEPHAESTUS (Stefan Ashton Frank), another of GAIA's subsystems that manufactures machines. The group fights through HEPHAESTUS' defenses and Ourea sacrifices herself to override CYAN's core, allowing it to escape. CYAN transfers its core systems to an auxiliary data center and initiates self-destruction of the facility. Aloy and Aratak narrowly escape. Aloy returns to the Banuk Shrine, where CYAN is waiting; the AI provides additional information about the Old World but warns that HEPHAESTUS is still active somewhere and will continue to build machines designed specifically to kill humans, which is why it tried to seize control of CYAN and its facilities. Returning Aratak to his previous position as Chieftain, Aloy departs the Cut.

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Five years after King Stefan's death, Aurora has reigned as Queen of the Moors, with Maleficent as its guardian and protector. Despite her service, the neighboring kingdom of Ulstead, home to Prince Phillip, deems Maleficent a villainess for her role in Aurora's story, and while Philip's father, King John, wishes for peace, his mother, Queen Ingrith, has been secretly preparing for war; in the hidden areas of the castle, workers make weapons and ammunition out of iron, deadly to all fairies. Diaval, Maleficent's raven and confidante, overhears Philip proposing to Aurora, and tells Maleficent. While she advises against the union, Aurora vows to prove her wrong.

Philip's parents host an intimate dinner, having invited Aurora, Maleficent, and Diaval. Maleficent struggles to maintain her composure as Ingrith taunts her throughout the evening by repeating the inaccurate story that has made the humans believe her to be evil: the story of Maleficent's sleeping curse on Aurora is only half the truth, because no one has ever been told the whole truth about her loving Aurora and sacrificing herself to lift the curse. Ingrith alludes to Stefan's death as murder, and openly claims Maleficent killed two human fairy poachers last seen near the Moors. Maleficent responds with equal iciness that humans have been kidnapping fairies, and hints that she believes the order to do it comes from the King or Queen.

Ingrith provokes Maleficent by dismissing her maternal bond with Aurora and claims that the marriage will make Ingrith her real mother, to which Maleficent reacts by angrily unleashing a burst of magical energy. John suddenly faints, and Ingrith accuses Maleficent of cursing him, which Maleficent denies to a disbelieving Aurora. Maleficent is prompted to flee without Aurora by the arrival of armed guards. Phillip urges his mother to try and awaken John with a kiss. Ingrith demurs, and her weak attempt fails because she does not love her husband – especially for their differing views on peace and war.

As Maleficent flees the castle, Ingrith's right-hand woman, Gerda, shoots Maleficent with an iron bullet. Wounded, Maleficent falls into the ocean, only to be rescued by a mysterious winged creature. She awakens in a cavern where fairies like herself have been in hiding. Among them is Conall, their peaceful leader who saved Maleficent, and Borra, a warlike fairy who favors open conflict with humans, and who killed the poachers near the Moors. Maleficent is among the last creatures known as the Dark Fey, powerful fairies forced into hiding and nearly driven extinct by human oppression. She is also the last direct descendant from the Phoenix, an ancient and powerful Dark Fey ancestor from whom their entire race originated. Maleficent needs to pass through certain stages in order to harbor her full potential. When she raised a human child she cleared the initial stages, and Conall insists on Maleficent forgiving Aurora in order to gain her final Phoenix stage, but she disagrees. Because Maleficent's magic is so powerful, Conall and Borra believe she can be instrumental in ending the conflict with humans, either by peace or war.

Meanwhile, the magical denizens of the Moors are invited to the royal wedding, but Aurora grows disillusioned with being an Ulstead noblewoman, especially as her suspicions of Ingrith rise. Later, some humans enter the Moors to gather Tomb-Bloom flowers (flowers that are doused with the essence of the Moors' deceased) to use as weapons against the Fey. Sensing this, Maleficent and the Dark Fey go to the Moors to protect the flowers, but they are ambushed, and Conall is killed, prompting Borra to declare war on the humans. Aurora discovers that Ingrith cursed John using Maleficent's old cursed spindle, as she hates all Moor fairy folk. She confronts Ingrith, who reveals that she bitterly resents the Moors' prosperity during a time when her kingdom suffered, and also blames them for her brother's death; she plots to eradicate all fairies and woodland beings using the iron weapons as well as a lethal crimson powder developed by Lickspittle, a de-winged pixie. When the Moor folk arrive, they are trapped inside the castle chapel.

At Ingrith's command, Gerda unleashes the deadly crimson powder by playing the chapel's Pipe organ. The Dark Fey launch an assault on Ulstead but the palace soldiers begin massacring them. In the chaos, Diaval and Aurora attempt to evacuate the Fae trapped in the chapel, also informing Philip that Maleficent didn't curse his father; it was Ingrith. Flittle selflessly saves everyone as a last resort by flying right inside the organ's central flue pipe where she dies and transforms into a bunch of blue flowers, rendering the entire instrument unplayable. Gerda attempts to remove it but Knotgrass and Thistlewit, in a fit of rage, cause her to slip and fall to her death. Philip is unable to convince Ingrith to stop the massacre, but when he encounters Borra, he spares him, claiming there won't be any Fae blood on his hands. The Dark Fey fight a losing battle, until Maleficent, channeling her Phoenix power, joins the battle. She nearly kills Ingrith but Aurora appeals to Maleficent's humanity to spare her, and declares that Maleficent is her only mother. With Maleficent distracted, Ingrith fires her crossbow. Seeing this, Maleficent acts like any mother would for her daughter and saves Aurora, but is struck from behind by the arrow and dissolves into ashes. Devastated, Aurora grieves for Maleficent, but after Aurora's tears fall on the ashes, a revived Maleficent attains her Phoenix stage.

Horrified and furious, Ingrith throws Aurora off the tower to kill her, but Maleficent rescues her. Philip forges peace between the fairies and humans and the Ulstead soldiers stand down. Maleficent reverts to her fairy form and finally gives Aurora and Philip her blessing, realizing they belong together. Lickspittle decides to stop following Ingrith's orders and gives Maleficent the spindle used to curse John and, previously, Aurora. Maleficent destroys the spindle and its curse, awakening John from his sleep. Ingrith attempts to flee, but is captured by Borra and the other Dark Fey. As punishment for her crimes, she is transformed into a goat by Maleficent until she can accept the peace between the two peoples.

After Aurora and Philip marry, Maleficent returns to the Moors with the other Dark Fey, teaching the young fairies to fly. She promises to return for the christening of Aurora and Philip's future child.

Hitman (2016 video game)

The Shadow Client performs an assassination for Viktor Novikov, a fashion mogul and head of the international spy ring IAGO, and receives a copy of all of IAGO's files as payment. Using the files to identify Providence's secret operations, the Client sends an anonymous warning to MI6 of an impending IAGO auction of a stolen non-official cover (NOC) list that will take place at a Paris fashion show by Novikov's label, Sanguine. MI6 hires 47 to prevent the sale; he assassinates Novikov and his business partner and IAGO's true leader, Dalia Margolis, at the fashion show.

The Client sets two more ICA contracts in motion to disrupt Providence's activities without exposing himself. He first discloses a secret project to develop a deadly weaponized virus to a disgruntled shareholder in the Ether Biotech Corporation, knowing that the shareholder will then hire 47 to assassinate Silvio Caruso and Francesca De Santis, the scientists in charge of the project, and destroy the virus prototype housed at Caruso's private lab in the fictitious Italian town of Sapienza. Providence dispatches an agent to investigate the incident; the Client ambushes and kills him, and takes a key in his possession.

The second contract involves the Client disclosing an impending military coup in Morocco to Hamilton-Lowe, an international contractor with lucrative Moroccan government contracts. The company hires 47 to eliminate General Reza Zaydan, the mastermind of the coup, and fugitive bank CEO Claus Hugo Strandberg—both of whom are undercover Providence operatives—in Marrakesh. As 47 is completing the contract, the Client breaches a Providence vault in New York City and steals valuable information on Providence's assets and operatives. The leaders of Providence realize that a coordinated attack has been launched against them.

The Client puts a third ICA contract in motion to reveal another Providence member, the reclusive media tycoon Thomas Cross. Cross had ordered a coverup that exonerated his son, famed indie rock singer Jordan Cross, for the murder of his girlfriend Hannah Highmoore; the Client reveals the truth to her family. The Highmoores hire 47 to kill Jordan Cross and Ken Morgan, the Cross family lawyer who oversaw the coverup, while both are staying at a private resort in Bangkok. Deploying forces from a private militia under his control, the Client kidnaps Thomas Cross from Jordan's funeral and kills him, then steals billions of dollars from his offshore bank accounts. The ICA, realizing an unknown party has benefited from the Cross contract, re-examines 47's previous contracts and discovers the Client's role in setting them up.

The ICA learns of the existence of a training camp for the Client's militia. Seeking to eliminate the Client for his manipulation, the agency orders a premature operation due to the intervention of Soders, a member of ICA's executive board. 47 is sent to the camp, based in an old industrial farm in rural Colorado, to eliminate the militia's leader, eco-terrorist Sean Rose, and three other key militia members. 47 discovers a secret room filled with the Client's research, revealing both the connections of the previous contracts to Providence and the Client's obsession with 47 himself. Diana also discovers that Soders is a mole for Providence and has been manipulating the agency on their behalf. The Client, who has been secretly tracking 47, uses this opportunity to go into hiding.

47 assassinates Soders and his Providence liaison, yakuza associate and fixer Yuki Yamazaki, at a hospital in Hokkaido, where Soders is set to receive needed medical treatment in exchange for a list of all active ICA operatives. Subsequently, Providence uncovers the Client's role in the attacks. An unnamed Providence member approaches Diana on a train, seeking to hire the ICA to target the Client. Diana refuses and he offers to reveal information about 47's past, leading her to reconsider.

Dreams (video game)

Outside the user-generated creations, ''Dreams'' itself takes place in the Dreamiverse, a surreal universe made out of dreams and ideas. The Dreamiverse is presided by the Dream Queen, a being who helps the player learn about each aspect of ''Dreams''. New players use the Dream Queen's Homespace before unlocking their own. The Dreamiverse is also inhabited by the Architect and Designer, two experts who teach the player about DreamShaping through in-game tutorials, and Imps, the player-controlled creatures who manipulate objects and possess characters. Every creation in ''Dreams'' exists in the Dreamiverse, and the term "Dreamiverse" also refers to the catalogue of creations available for players to browse and use in their own creations.

''Art's Dream''

Media Molecule's creation ''Art's Dream'' "follows a former jazz musician Art as he dreams about his life, past and present, and realises he needs to make amends with his fellow bandmates. The journey takes him through a series of dream-like situations involving him and a whole cast of wonderful fantasy characters, such as D-Bug, a helpful little robot with an electric personality and Frances, a hammer wielding teddy bear."

''Art's Dream'' follows three connected stories: The Dream Gardens, The Blues City, and The Meridian Forest. Each story has a different genre as well as different characters, visuals, music and gameplay. They each relate to different parts of Art's mind and connect to the past, present and future respectively. All three stories converge at the end of the game. Throughout ''Art's Dream'', the Imp is used to interact with the world and possess characters. The game also has many prize bubbles to be collected, letting players make their own creations with the elements used in ''Art's Dream''.

A Millionaire for a Day

Mechanic Fred Dudley goes to New York City and squanders his entire inheritance in a day. Then, broke but wiser, he returns home to Wilkes-Barre.

A Cave Man Wooing

George (King Baggot) a timid man who falls for the beautiful and athletic Clarice (Violet Horner). After taking a course in physical culture, George manages to overcome his rivals for Clarice's attention.

Only Mama Knows (Grey's Anatomy)

In a series of flashbacks, Meredith and Richard manage to come to terms with their past relationships with Ellis. In order to sort out the new revelation of having a half-sister, Meredith goes searching through her mother's diaries and video footage. Alex learns that the board's vote to replace Cristina was not as close as Arizona led him to believe. In fact, the vote was unanimously in favor of Bailey. He confronts Arizona about her lie, and she confides in him that she did not vote for him because she wanted to hire him as the new pediatrics attending so she could take a step back and focus on the fetal surgery fellowship, and to save her marriage. Bailey finds out from Richard who Maggie really is when she tries to reverse Maggie's decision to leave Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Meredith learns from Richard that the day at the carousel was the day he left Ellis for good. He only stayed with Adele because of his hatred and jealousy of Ellis' first Harper Avery award nomination for the Grey Method. Before Richard could tell Adele the truth, he found himself thinking that he would spend his entire life feeling like this, being in Ellis’ shadow. And as a result, Ellis went home and attempted suicide.

Derek then finds his way back to Meredith, where he puts a halt on their fighting. Mer tries to fight even that, but he stands by his truce because she has a sister and he needs to know that she's okay. Meredith finally calms down enough to recall the memory of her mother being pregnant. She remembers how Ellis’ water broke on the kitchen floor and how it scared her because it reminded her of her mother's suicide attempt. She remembers Ellis moving them across town after giving birth and how, afterward, Ellis started her fellowship and Meredith started first grade.

So before Maggie can leave, Meredith asks to show her something. She pulls out Ellis’ journal from 1983 and shows Maggie what she can. Ellis wasn't a warm person, but the journal showed wine stains from when Ellis would write her thoughts every night. And around the time Ellis figured out she was pregnant, the wine stains stopped and were replaced with lists of everything Ellis ate that day. It's not much but it's enough to show she wanted the baby to be healthy. Ellis Grey tried. And that's a new memory Meredith can add to her list, because as she puts it, memories are “our most valuable possessions. They made us who we are.” leading Meredith to have a change of heart about Maggie.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Cloud Strife (Cody Christian/Takahiro Sakurai) is a former member of SOLDIER, the elite warriors of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Shinra uses Mako, a refined form of the Planet's spiritual energy harvested by massive reactors, to power the metropolis of Midgar and develop cutting-edge technology. Disillusioned with Shinra, and at the request of his childhood friend Tifa Lockhart (Britt Baron/Ayumi Ito), Cloud takes a mercenary job for Avalanche, an eco-terrorist organization, led by Barret Wallace (John Eric Bentley/Masahiro Kobayashi). Barret believes excessive Mako harvesting harms the planet, leading a bombing attack on a Mako reactor. In the aftermath, Cloud is haunted by memories of Sephiroth (Tyler Hoechlin/Toshiyuki Morikawa), an enigmatic former SOLDIER member, and meets the florist Aerith Gainsborough (Briana White/Maaya Sakamoto). Strange ghost-like entities, who alternately help and hinder Cloud throughout the game, cause him to be recruited for another attack, in which he goes missing in action. Cloud meets Aerith again and protects her from Shinra forces. After they reunite with Tifa, the trio learns that Shinra plans to collapse a piece of the "plate" onto the Sector 7 slums. Avalanche fails to stop Shinra's plan, and the plate falls. Aerith helps most of the population and Barret's daughter Marlene evacuate in time, but is captured by Shinra.

Cloud, Tifa, and Barret infiltrate Shinra headquarters and rescue Aerith from being used as an experiment by Shinra scientist Hojo (James Sie/Shigeru Chiba). She reveals that she is the last descendant of the Cetra, a near-extinct precursor race who resided in a "Promised Land", which Shinra covets for its boundless Mako reserves. The group meets a talking wolf-like creature called Red XIII (Max Mittelman/Kappei Yamaguchi), who explains that the ghostly entities are called Whispers. They exist to ensure that the course of destiny is not altered, by correcting any deviations from this course. Meanwhile, Sephiroth infiltrates Shinra and steals a mysterious entity known as "Jenova", connected to the extinction of the Cetra.

In a confrontation at the top of Shinra headquarters, Sephiroth murders the president of Shinra. Shinra's son Rufus (Josh Bowman/Tōru Ōkawa) assumes control of the company and fights Cloud, but is defeated. Cloud and his allies flee the scene via the Midgar Expressway, but find Sephiroth waiting for them at the end. After defeating Whisper Harbinger, an entity formed by an amalgam of Whispers, Cloud's group battles Sephiroth. Sephiroth separates Cloud from the group, asking him to join him and defy fate. Cloud refuses and fights Sephiroth, but is defeated, although Sephiroth spares him and departs. Meanwhile, as Cloud's group leaves Midgar to stop Sephiroth, SOLDIER Zack Fair (Caleb Pierce/Kenichi Suzumura) defeats an army of Shinra forces, and departs with Cloud to Midgar.

''Intergrade'' adds additional ending scenes showing Cloud and his group arriving at the village of Kalm after hitching a ride with Chocobo Bill, and Zack entering the Sector 5 church searching for Aerith.


Shortly after the bombing of Mako Reactor 5, Yuffie Kisaragi (Suzie Yeung/Yumi Kakazu), a ninja working for Wutai, arrives at Midgar and meets up with her partner Sonon Kusakabe (Aleks Le/Yoshimasa Hosoya) in order to steal Shinra's "Ultimate Materia". With the help of a local Avalanche cell, Yuffie and Sonon infiltrate the lab under Shinra headquarters and fight through Shinra's forces before discovering that the Ultimate Materia is not yet complete. As they try to escape, they are confronted by a Shinra supersoldier named Nero (Sean Chiplock/Ryōtarō Okiayu). Outmatched, Sonon sacrifices himself to ensure Yuffie can escape. She leaves Shinra headquarters just in time to see the Sector 7 plate fall. Some time later, Yuffie has left Midgar and muses that in order to achieve her desire to see Shinra's downfall, she will need a team to help her.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands


The game takes place in Bolivia in July 2019. The country has become increasingly unstable as a Mexican drug cartel known as the Santa Blanca Cartel gains control of several regions through the country. Led by the brutal and religious cartel boss El Sueño, the cartel gains more power and influence within and outside the country and turns Bolivia into the world's largest producer of cocaine. In an attempt to fight off Santa Blanca’s armed occupation in their country, the government of Bolivia establishes La Unidad, an elite special forces group tasked with fighting the Cartel. Both factions eventually establish a truce to prevent more bloodshed after months of brutal fighting, with some of Unidad’s personnel secretly working for Santa Blanca. DEA Agent Ricardo “Ricky” Sandoval is sent undercover in Santa Blanca in a joint operation with the CIA to gather intelligence on the Cartel, eventually working for El Sueño himself. The United States is finally compelled to act when a bomb targets the US embassy in La Paz and Sandoval is executed by the cartel after his cover is blown.


A Ghost Recon fireteam is deployed to Bolivia as part of Operation Kingslayer, a joint operation between the CIA, DEA, and JSOC. The team consists of team leader and support gunner "Nomad", vehicle and assault specialist "Midas", hacker and tactical engineer "Holt", and their sniper "Weaver". The Ghosts enter Bolivia with their CIA contact, “Karen Bowman”, who was also a close friend to Sandoval. They meet Pac Katari, leader of the Kataris 26, the only resistance against Santa Blanca. Pac Katari requests they rescue Amaru, whose ideologies inspired the Kataris 26, from Santa Blanca. The Ghosts, with support from Bowman and the Kataris 26’s, are then free to tackle the cartel in any way they see fit.

The Ghosts dismantle the cartel piece by piece, targeting their four main operations by attacking cocaine production facilities and stockpiles, disrupting smuggling operations, discrediting the cartel in the eyes of corrupt politicians and supporters, and inciting conflict between the cartel's senior figures. The team also manage to capture or kill El Sueño’s top lieutenants and their key subordinates to further weaken the cartel’s grip over the region. El Sueño eventually contacts the team and lures them to a meeting to meet face to face. The Ghosts hesitantly agree, but do not find El Sueño at the agreed location. El Sueño instead calls them via phone to bribe the Ghosts into working for him, though they refuse his offer and instead threaten him.

While dismantling the cartel, the team finds and collects audio tapes of agent Sandoval's reports to Bowman of his time working undercover for El Sueño. Sandoval's reports reveal that he had become deeply troubled by his mission, not only by the crimes he had committed to keep his cover but also by his superiors' reluctance to take action against the cartel. After recovering Sandoval's body from the cartel, Sueno contacts them again to offer them a tape of “Sandoval's confession”. Upon listening to it, they are disturbed to learn that Sandoval was responsible for the embassy bombing and framed Santa Blanca so that the United States government would be forced intervene in Bolivia. Though Bowman and the team are angered by Sandoval's deception, they decide to continue with the mission as the cartel still poses a threat.

After dismantling half of the cartel, Pac Katari claims his men have located El Sueño, but the Ghosts grow suspicious when they instead find the body of Amaru. Unable to contact Bowman, they find her captured by the Kataris 26 and Pac Katari breaks their alliance, claiming that the rebels must kill El Sueño themselves to avoid being seen as puppets of the United States. The Ghosts rescue Bowman and race to El Sueño's mausoleum to capture him before Pac Katari kills him. After fighting their way through both rebel and cartel opposition, the Ghosts and Bowman surround El Sueño, who has beheaded Katari. Despite his surrendering, Bowman receives a call from her superiors, informing that El Sueño had made a deal with the Department of Justice to give up the heads of other drug cartels in exchange for immunity and witness protection.

How the story ends depends on whether the Ghosts fully dismantled the cartel. If remnants of the cartel remain, Bowman will execute El Sueño, leading to her dismissal from the CIA and her arrest for murdering El Sueño. She expresses no regrets in doing so, fearing that El Sueño would become a dictator with the United States' backing.

The canon ending occurs when the Ghosts have fully dismantled the cartel, Bowman takes El Sueño into protective custody. El Sueño provides further intelligence on other drug cartels, terrorist groups, and arms smugglers. Bowman predicts that when the intelligence runs out, El Sueño will either be extradited by Mexico or cut loose and start a new drug cartel, starting the cycle over again. She and the Ghosts resolve to prepare themselves for the next fight.

Downloadable Content

Shortly after the game's release, Ubisoft announced plans to release two episodes of downloadable content, each with their own narrative set in Bolivia.

''Narco Road''

This episode sees the player take on the role of an unnamed Ghost sent undercover into Bolivia by the CIA to identify "El Invisible", the elusive head of Santa Blanca's smuggling network. The Ghost poses as a mercenary for hire and befriends the leaders of the gangs carrying out smuggling operations. Assisting the Ghost is CIA handler Karen Bowman and a local fisherman using the alias Señor Sonrisa, who is a CIA informant. Each gang leader provides clues to El Invisible's identity before the Ghost assassinates them. Eventually, the Ghost's notoriety grows to the point where El Invisible recruits them into Santa Blanca, erasing the Ghost's identity and staging their death. However, El Invisible is aware that the Ghost’s true identity and has them imprisoned. The Ghost escapes and with the help from Señor Sonrisa, recovers the handheld device El Invisible uses to run Santa Blanca's smuggling network anonymously and seemingly kills El Invisible. When the device is decrypted, it unleashes a virus that compromises the CIA. The Ghost deduces that Señor Sonrisa is actually El Invisible, and that he orchestrated the operation to escape Santa Blanca, attack the CIA and disappear for good. Unable to explain Señor Sonrisa's motive for attacking them, the CIA spend the next two years tracking him. He is eventually found in Arizona and the Ghost is assigned a mission to kill him. The Ghost makes their way to Señor Sonrisa’s fishing cabin and assassinates him.

''Fallen Ghosts''

The second episode follows the Ghost Recon fireteam on their return to Bolivia. The cocaine trade has collapsed in the aftermath of Operation Kingslayer and with Pac Katari's death, the Kataris 26 have descended into in-fighting. In a bid to restore order, the Bolivian government has tried to rebuild the tactical police unit Unidad with special forces from across Latin America. Now known as "Los Extranjeros", these remnants of Unidad prove to be corrupt and seize control of cocaine production. When Sonsira's data breach in the CIA compromises the identities of every active agent in Bolivia, the Ghosts return to extract the compromised agents. Their mission goes awry when their helicopter is shot down moments after they enter Bolivian airspace. They regroup and rescue a CIA field officer code-named Socrates. As Los Extranjeros are better-armed, trained and organised than Unidad, extracting the compromised agents proves impossible. Socrates instead proposes that the Ghosts target Los Extranjeros' commanders and rebuild the Kataris 26. Their actions prompt Los Extranjeros' commanding officer, Colonel Merlo, to personally take charge of the remaining forces. When Merlo is killed, Los Extranjeros tears itself apart, and evidence of their crimes causes a political scandal that upends the Bolivian government. The Ghosts and Socrates depart, questioning whether this will be enough to change the course of Bolivia's future.

Special Operations

As part of the ongoing effort to support the game, Ubisoft has also released short-term Special Operations DLC.


The first pack, released in December 2017, features a mission to hunt the Predator. In the expansion, the team investigate several brutal killings in the forested areas of Bolivia, finding several skinned corpses and a crashed alien vessel until encountering the deadly Predator. After a lengthy battle, the team manage to defeat the Predator before it activates its self-destruct, killing itself in a massive explosion. The squad debate informing Bowman of the encounter, but ultimately choose to keep it to themselves. Due to an expiration in licensing rights with 20th Century Fox, the content is no longer available as of December 2020.

''Operation Watchman''

The next pack, ''Operation Watchman'', features a tie-in with fellow Clancy series ''Splinter Cell'', with actor Michael Ironside reprising the role of Sam Fisher. Fisher is deployed to Bolivia in order to recover sensitive intelligence data from a rogue CIA officer. Fisher has Fourth Echelon contact Bowman and borrow the Ghost team to assist in his mission. Fisher's deployment takes him to a Unidad base in La Cruz, where he infiltrates the base ahead of the Ghost team and assassinates the rogue agent prior to their arrival. Upon greeting Nomad, Fisher hacks into the Unidad servers in order to erase all traces of the sensitive information from Skell Technology while Nomad's team provides backup. While ex-filtrating from the base, Fisher reveals that the intelligence is data on sensitive research and development that could "change the future of warfare". Fisher has a debriefing with Bowman before deploying for his next mission to recover missing nuclear devices.

''Operation Archangel''

The summer 2018 DLC, ''Operation Archangel'', features characters from another Clancy series, ''Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six'' – namely, operators from the ''Rainbow Six Siege'' multiplayer tactical shooter. The team intercepts a distress signal outside the city of Frontera and find a crashed truck surrounded by piles of cash and several dead cartel members. The team reports the massacre to Bowman, who informs them that Rainbow operative Taina "Caveira" Pereira of Brazil's Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE) has recently gone AWOL from Team Rainbow and is suspected of killing several Santa Blanca gang members. Bowman then introduces the team to a friend of hers, Navy SEAL and fellow Rainbow operative Meghan J. "Valkyrie" Castellano, who requests the team's assistance in locating Caveira. Hoping to stop the rogue operative from potentially starting an international incident, Bowman and the team agree to help bring in Caveira.

The team soon meets a third Rainbow operative, Emmanuelle "Twitch" Pichon of France's GIGN (Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale), who requests the team bring her to the crash site. Their investigation leads them to a cartel outpost where they interrogate a Santa Blanca lieutenant, who reveals that Caveira is after someone named Dengoso. Twitch briefly parts ways with before rendezvousing with them at Dengoso's apartment in the hopes of finding any hints as to why Caveira's after him. A message on Dengoso's answering machine reveals that he is Caveira's younger brother João, and an undercover officer for the Federal Police of Brazil. Sent by his superiors to infiltrate Santa Blanca, Dengoso's cover had recently been blown and he is now being held captive by the cartel at a chemical institute. With Caveira already on her way to Dengoso's location, Twitch and the team catch up to her at the front gates and agree to assist her in rescuing Dengoso from Santa Blanca. The rescue is a success, though tensions rise between Team Rainbow and the Ghosts when Bowman demands Dengoso's cooperation in sharing anything he knows about El Sueno and his operations in Bolivia. Despite Caveira's insistence on leaving immediately with Dengoso, the latter agrees to cooperate with Bowman only with permission from his superiors. Nomad soon breaks the tension between both sides by allowing Dengoso to leave with Team Rainbow, much to Bowman's chagrin.

''Rainbow Six Siege'' operators also feature in the January 2021 Amber Sky DLC for ''Breakpoint''.

''Operation Silent Spade''

The winter 2018 DLC, ''Operation Silent Spade'', released in December 2018 features characters from ''Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier''. Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mitchell, the team's commanding officer, temporarily reassigns them from Operation Kingslayer for an internal Ghost operation. Having found evidence of Russian Ultranationalist Forces working with Santa Blanca to mine deposits of weapons-grade uranium in Bolivia, Mitchell orders the team to rendezvous with the newest member of the Ghosts, John Kozak at a Unidad base to prevent the Russians from leaving Bolivia with the uranium. The mission is a success, but they soon discover that significant amounts of uranium are still unaccounted for. Nomad contacts Bowman, who leads them to a trainyard where the uranium was transported to. They learn that Santa Blanca plans to detonate a dirty bomb in Barvechos, a city that openly supports the rebels. With Kozak's help, the team attempts to disarm the bomb but is ultimately unable to, forcing them to drive it off a cliff into a mining area. With the bomb dealt with and the uranium accounted for, Mitchell and Kozak depart Bolivia.

''Operation Oracle''

Ubisoft announced another update on April 30, 2019, known as "Operation Oracle" featuring Jon Bernthal as Major Cole D. Walker, a Ghost Recon operative who becomes the antagonist of ''Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint''. The update was released on May 2, 2019. Bowman gives Nomad's team a mission to infiltrate a Unidad facility in a railway tunnel on the Bolivian border. Upon entering the facility, the team find dead Unidad soldiers. Investigating further, they learn that the facility is being used to test drones reverse-engineered from classified Skell-Tech models that the Ghosts use. Nomad's team eventually encounter Cole D. Walker, a fellow Ghost, who has already infiltrated the facility and informs the team that a Skell-Tech engineer named Daniel Rodriguez Arellano has been selling classified information to Unidad and that Bowman is involved. They are attacked by Unidad soldiers and are forced to fight their way out of the facility. Though Walker insists Bowman cannot be trusted, Nomad persuades him to return Daniel to a safehouse to investigate Bowman's activities further. Upon dropping Daniel at the safehouse, Nomad and the team decide to tail Daniel. Eavesdropping on his phone calls, the team learn that Daniel is actually a CIA asset that has been compromised and that Unidad is threatening his family. Walker soon sets up a meet at an airfield where he shows Nomad the bodies of his team, who were killed by drones Daniel gave to Unidad and that Bowman is responsible for their deaths. Walker and Nomad go to a meeting between Bowman and Daniel, but find Unidad have captured Bowman and detained Daniel. Nomad interrogates Daniel who reveals that he sold out Bowman to Unidad to protect his family and Walker executes him. They regroup and infiltrate a nearby Unidad base to rescue Bowman. Escorting her to a safehouse, she claims that Daniel was part of a long-running CIA operation and she was his handler, but never knew the full extent of the mission. Despite their conflicting views on how to handle the situation, Nomad ultimately persuades Walker to trust their judgment on Bowman, as she has never given him a reason to doubt her.

Saint-Amour (film)

The story of a father and a son, farmers, whose relationships are conflictual. In an attempt to forge a new complicity, they go on the wine trail, with a Parisian taxi, crossed at the exit of the Agricultural Fair.

The Crossroads of Time

In the fall of 1955, in New York City, as the snow begins to fall, Blake Walker has come from Ohio to attend college. Goaded by one of the forebodings that have punctuated his life, he rescues a man from a kidnapper and then discovers that the kidnapper's friends have taken an unhealthy interest in him. The man he rescued, Mark Kittson, arranges for him to disappear into an organization that occupies a hidden apartment. There he meets the other members of Kittson's team, Jason Saxton, Stan Erskine, and Hoyt.

The next day, alone in the apartment, Blake hears someone trying to break in. At the same time he is subjected to a telepathic assault that knocks him out. When he regains consciousness he tells Kittson and the others what happened. Kittson explains to him that he and the others are agents from an alternate Earth, one more advanced technologically and psychically than is Blake's Earth. They are hunting a criminal, Kmoat Vo Pranj, who may have been the burglar Blake semi-encountered. Discerning that their hideout has been discovered and may be subject to a police raid, the men move their operation to a house on Patroon Place in the Mount Union section of the city, picking up a stray kitten that Hoyt begins to train telepathically.

As he returns to the house from a local drug store, Blake is kidnapped by gangsters working for Pranj and taken to Pranj's hideout. There he is thrown into a dark cellar with a timid petty crook named Lefty Conners. Searching the cellar for a way out, the two men come upon a square platform that has a rod like a crowbar jutting up from it. Lefty tries to pull the rod loose and activates a mechanism that takes the platform and both men into a laboratory on an alternate Earth.

As he explores the building above the laboratory Blake becomes trapped. He manages to escape and discovers that Lefty is really Pranj. He returns to the weird vehicle in the laboratory and activates it just as one of the world's natives shoots him in the left shoulder with a heat ray. The carrier then takes Blake to a world in which Manhattan is a bleak landscape dotted with stone towers and patrolled by carnivorous hag-like creatures accompanied by giant robot centipedes.

Escaping from that world and trying to get back to his own world, Blake comes to a similar one, a world in which New York has been bombed into ruins. As he confronts one of the natives, the carrier activates itself and vanishes. The native takes him to Sarge, a benign dictator whose group has colonized Central Park and hopes to restore some measure of civilization on Manhattan after they have cleared out the "hiders", the criminal element that preys upon them. Sarge tells Blake about a shadowy character called Ares, who appears to be organizing the hiders, and Blake assumes that it is Pranj, using his teledynamic abilities to control the lesser men.

Believing that Kittson and his team will eventually come to this world, Blake leads a team to the Patroon Place house, pointing out the drug store on the way so that some of the men can scavenge its contents. At the house the men find evidence of a recent visit and they leave Blake and one young man to wait. Warned by his sense of foreboding, Blake pushes the young man into the garage just as the booby-trapped house explodes. Blake takes the injured man to the drug store to hole up for the night and wait for the rest of Sarge's men to return.

The next day Kittson and his team show up. They hope to capture Pranj at a mass meeting of the hiders, where Pranj intends to hand out advanced weapons. Sarge's men show up as well and a battle rages. Blake and the others thwart Pranj's plan, leaving the battle to be won by Sarge. They return to Blake's original timeline to find Hoyt and Pranj locked in a teledynamic duel, a true battle of wills. With reinforcement Hoyt wins the battle and the men capture Pranj. Because Blake knows too much he is obliged to accompany the men to their home timeline.

Quest Crosstime

While visiting with her sister a version of Earth on which life never began, Marva Rogan has gone missing. Her sister Marfy is certain that she is still alive, but is equally certain that she is no longer on that timetrack. Blake Walker, on his first solo mission as an Apt Wardsman, picks up Marfy to take her back to Vroom, succeeding in spite of someone having sabotaged his crosstime shuttle.

Based on clues found in Marva's personal possessions, Com Varlt decides to take a search team into a world in which the Nation of New Britain and the Toltec Empire glare at each other across the Mississippi River. Varlt, Walker, Marfy, Pague Lo Sige, and several other agents disguise themselves as a team of licensed traders and make their way to the trade town of Xomatl.

Marfy locates Marva on the estate of a minor lord and she, Walker, and Lo Sige extract Marva from that estate, carrying her, wrapped in vines covered with fragrant flowers, off the estate during a ceremony in which guests are expected to ravish and plunder the estate's formal garden. The person driving the getaway van then takes the four of them to an isolated house, where they are rendered unconscious. When they wake up they discover that they have been taken to the lifeless Earth and abandoned to starve to death.

Using components salvaged from the ruined communications system, Lo Sige builds a device that will amplify the telepathic signals that he and the Rogan twins transmit and, he hopes, will send them to alternate timetracks. The device succeeds in attracting a rescuer, who takes the four strandees to a world where other wardsmen have come with their shuttles to avoid being captured by forces loyal to Saur To'Kekrops, the would-be dictator of Vroom.

With time running out, Walker goes to Vroom alone, allegedly to join To'Kekrops. He offers to lead a capture team to pick up Erc Rogan, To'Kekrops' most dangerous nemesis. Once back on the refuge world, Walker betrays To'Kekrops' men and leads his own team back to Vroom to confront To'Kekrops, the spider at the center of the web of treason. With a more powerful teledynamic amplifier, Lo Sige, Erc Rogan, his daughters, and another wardsman confront To'Kekrops and neutralize him. All that is left to do is to pick up the pieces and put the crosstime trading system back together again.

The Farm in the Small Marsh (film)

The film follows Milan Maljević (Slavko Štimac), a teenager from a fictional Banatian village called Mali Rit (Little Swamp) during World War II.

The Promise (2016 film)

Mikael Boghosian is an apothecary who lives in the small Armenian village of Siroun in the southeast part of Turkey, within the Ottoman Empire. In order to help pay the expenses for medical school, he promises to marry Maral, the daughter of an affluent neighbor, receiving 400 gold coins as a dowry. This allows him to travel to Constantinople and attend the Imperial School of Medicine.

There, he befriends Emre, the son of a high-ranking Ottoman official. Through his wealthy uncle, Mikael also meets Ana Khesarian, an Armenian woman raised in Paris, who is involved with an American reporter for the Associated Press, Chris Myers. Mikael falls in love with Ana just as international tensions begin to rise with the outbreak of World War I. Mikael temporarily manages to avoid conscription into the Ottoman Army through a medical student exemption with the help of Emre. When Mikael tries to save his uncle from imprisonment during the roundups of April 24, 1915, he is detained and sent to a labor camp, while Emre is conscripted.

Mikael eventually escapes the camp. Returning to his village, he finds that the townspeople of Turkish background have violently turned on their fellow townspeople of Armenian background. His parents, and particularly his mother, persuade him to marry Maral and seek refuge in a remote mountain cabin, where she soon becomes pregnant. A difficult pregnancy leads Mikael to bring his wife back to the care of his mother in the village. There he learns that Ana and Christopher are at a nearby Red Cross facility and he goes to seek their help for his family to escape the imminent Turkish threat.

Departing the mission with a group of orphans, they head back to Siroun to retrieve Mikael's family. Along the way, however, they encounter a site of a massacre, as it becomes clear all of Siroun's inhabitants, including Mikael's family, except his mother, have been killed by Ottoman troops. Mikael's wife is found with their unborn child cut out from her body. Chris is captured by Ottoman soldiers and sent back to Constantinople, charged with being a spy for the Allied Powers and, while held at Selimiye Barracks, slated for execution by the authorities; with the help of Emre, and through the intercession of American Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Chris is released and deported to Malta. Once there, he boards the French cruiser ''Guichen'', as it prepares to set sail along the Ottoman coast. Emre's role in helping to save Chris is discovered and he is executed by firing squad.

Escaping pursuit, Mikael, Ana, and the orphans join a large group of refugees determined to fight off the Ottoman Army on Mount Musa Dagh. As they fend off repeated assaults, Mikael's mother succumbs to her wounds and is buried on the mountain. The refugees hold on long enough to escape on the back side to the coast as the ''Guichen'' comes to evacuate them. But as the life boats return to the ship, a Turkish artillery barrage throws Ana and Yeva, the young daughter of Mikael's uncle, overboard. Mikael jumps in after them and is able to rescue Yeva, but Ana drowns.

In a voice over, Mikael recounts that he adopted Yeva and together they settled in Watertown, Massachusetts while Chris was killed reporting the Spanish Civil War in 1938. During Yeva's wedding reception in 1942, with the now grown Armenian orphans in attendance, Mikael presides over a toast, wishing good fortune to their families and future generations to come.

The Cure (2014 film)

Researcher Beth Wakefield, (Prebble), works for ScopaMed Pharmaceuticals. She accidentally discovers the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while the company tries to stop her.

The Girls' Room

Mismatched college roommates Casey and Grace struggle to get along. Casey wears black and has an attitude because she has always had to struggle, while conservative and proper Grace has a family with money and will marry Charlie when she graduates. Believing Casey is sabotaging her life, Grace plots revenge, dating Casey's friend Joey and pretending to be interested in Casey's life.

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

Luigi and a Toad enter the attic of Princess Peach's Castle to find the source of a wind draft. When Luigi accidentally bumps into a bookshelf and knocks open a book containing the ''Paper Mario'' universe inside it, the book opens up and shoots its containments across the Mushroom Kingdom. Princess Peach and her counterpart Paper Peach meet, and send Mario and Luigi to round up the citizens of the ''Paper Mario'' universe, equipped with the book to return them to their original home. Meanwhile, Bowser discovers his paper counterpart, Paper Bowser, and the two merge their armies. Mario and Luigi meet Paper Mario and return to Peach's Castle, only to find that the two princesses have been kidnapped by both Bowsers; they begin their quest towards Bowser's Castle to save them.

As the trio progresses through various locales to reach their destination, they are hindered by various enemies who have teamed up with their paper counterparts, some of which serve as the game's bosses. They also come across large groups of enemies wielding large Papercraft dioramas of enemies found in-game; the trio fights the giant papercraft using their own dioramas, which are constructed by Toadette. During their journey, they are confronted by Bowser Jr. and his paper counterpart, who take the book from Luigi.

As the trio approaches Bowser's Castle, they are once again approached by the two Bowser Jrs., who kidnap Toadette to prevent the production of new papercraft. Mario, Toadette, and Luigi battle the two Bowser Jr's and retrieve the book. Enraged, the Bowser duo lifts their castle into the sky to prevent the trio from entering, renaming it the "Neo Bowser Castle".

The trio venture to a nearby mountain to enter Neo Bowser's Castle from a high distance. As they approach the castle's interior, the Bowser duo sends waves of various enemy and boss duos, but all are defeated. The trio approaches the Bowsers, who reveal their intentions: they planned on capturing the three in the book and promptly burning the book to ash. Each Bowser also secretly planned to double-cross the other and capture them in the book as well. The heroes defeat Bowser and capture Paper Bowser in the book. Toadette hosts a papercraft parade in celebration, and the paper counterparts say their goodbyes and enter the book. The game closes with Bowser attacking the Mushroom Kingdom once more, prompting Mario and Luigi to stop him.

Bend & Break

In their therapist's office, Callie says they've been talking about having another baby for months and they were excited. Arizona says that she never said that she doesn't want another baby and Arizona is mad the Callie started dating Derek Shephered Meridith is not happy and dates Arizona of a lifetime. She thought she'd never get an opportunity like that. Callie says she took it and she went, but Arizona reminds her that she came back for Callie and when she came back, Callie was pregnant. The therapist says they're not getting anywhere. They've circled right back to where they started. It's time to hit the reset button. Callie says she doesn't like it, but Arizona says she thinks they should do it.

Callie is in a conference room with Owen and Jackson saying their idea is the stupidest thing she's ever heard. They're talking about using a portion of her grant money to pay for a multi-step facial reconstruction for just one patient. Jackson says he's going to get lunch and Owen should find him later. After he leaves, Owen sits down and asks Callie what's going on.

Arizona and Callie make a schedule for childcare and decide to stick to it. Callie gathers her clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, and toothpaste. No talking. No communication except for emergencies Callie and Arizona look at each other from their respective rooms. Lastly, no intimacy. No sex with each other or other people. By the end of day 1 Callie finds April and Arizona in the kitchen cooking. April asks if they're too loud for Sofia. Callie says they aren't, but she thought that Arizona needed to study. April explains that they're making jello moms for her to practice on. Dawson asks Callie what she did as we see her walk into her bedroom with the bottle of wine and shut the door. Callie says she followed the rules, but the rules suck.

On day 10, Arizona is re-positioning a fetus for surgery after which, Herman tells Arizona she'll take the lead on the next one, so she needs to be ready as Arizona celebrates. Emily a patient of Callie is back in the ER in extreme pain. Callie does an ultrasound of her upper arm and says a little over a week post-op, it's still going to hurt from time to time, but she says she can't eat or sleep. The pain comes in shocks 2-3 times a minute. Callie says she's run every test and nothing is coming up. Emily says she can't live like this and begs Callie to do something. Callie goes into a supply room, shuts the door, and knocks some supplies off a shelf. Meredith peeks out from behind a shelf and is shocked. Meredith asks if she's okay as she says she's obviously not. Callie says she has no one to talk to.

Meredith and Callie are sitting at the bar doing shots. Callie explains what she's doing with Arizona. Meredith says it's exactly what she's doing with Derek, only healthy. They make fun of their spouses. Callie wonders if Sofia will be a legacy cheater because both of the people she's been married to have cheated on her. Meredith says Cristina was the third rail in her marriage. She asks if it's possible that her own true love in life was a girl. They sing about vaginas. Callie says it's a pretty word and people should say it more. Then she says she misses sex. They do another shot together.

On day 29 Back in their bedroom, Callie tosses Arizona back on the bed and crawls on top of her. Arizona says that tomorrow's the last day. Callie says they're close enough then. Arizona asks what if Dawson makes them start over. Callie says they just won't tell her and they continue to have sex.

On day 30 Callie and Arizona are in the therapist's office. Arizona talks about how the 30-day period made her realize that while they still have a long way to go, she realizes she truly loves Callie. While the world around her is no longer making sense, including her professional life, she realizes she needs Callie as her anchor, one good thing in her life. Callie is sobbing as it's now her turn to talk. She was against the 30-day break at first, but looking back on that period, she has laughed and done and enjoyed herself more than she's done in a long time. She finally feels free, which made her see that trying to fix her relationship with Arizona all the time is what's been killing her slowly. They should both love themselves and Sofia, rather than each other now. While Callie's voice over says that some things can't be fixed, Callie says she wants Arizona to feel free too. She packs her stuff as Arizona remains speechless, and leaves the therapist's office.

The Groovenians

''The Groovenians'' follows an adolescent couple named Jet and Glindy from a planet named Jeepers. On Jeepers, society is uniform and artistic qualities are shunned. Jet and Glindy, however, are artists and performers who often perform on their front lawns. Their parents do not approve, and they tell Jet and Glindy that art is not everything in life. As Glindy talks to Jet about wanting to leave Jeepers, a boy named Nixon is dropped next door from a spaceship. He had been evicted from a planet called Groovenia, which he tells Jet and Glindy is a paradise for artists. He gives them his key before he is dragged into his house by his grandmother.

After being presented with options for their future, Jet and Glindy decide to leave Jeepers behind and go to Groovenia, however, Jet's father stops them. He, along with Jet's mother (presumably), dictates their future; Glindy is to work at an office job and Jet is to marry Glindy's sister. Glindy manages to stop the wedding, and the two, along with Jet's dog, Looki, are run out by the parents and Glindy's sister.

The three escape to the "jetport" where they board a jet to Groovenia. Upon the plane, they are greeted by the flight attendant who has a short sequence creating hype for the planet. Upon landing, Jet and Glindy meet a tree that proclaims in rhyme that a key is needed to gain entry to Groovenia, which was earlier given to them by Nixon. They insert the key into the tree's keyhole, and she takes them to their apartment. There they meet the former roommates of Nixon, Swirly, Lalasha, and Suavo, and introduce themselves. They proceed to spend the day partying, but as Glindy proclaims aloud if Groovenia could possibly get any better, they are attacked by a group of robots called "Normals", and their king, Norman. The Normals and King Norman force them to pay taxes, where Suavo tells Jet and Glindy the reason why Nixon was evicted. It turns out, Nixon didn't pay his taxes, and because of this, Jet and Glindy have to pay them for him. The two are attacked by King Norman, scaring Jet. This causes Glindy to become angry, and she expels Norman and the Normals with colored paint and disco music, and the pilot ends with King Norman swearing revenge as the main characters dance.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

''Tri Force Heroes'' takes place in Hytopia, a kingdom whose citizens are obsessed with fashion. Princess Styla holds a great power over Hytopia until a witch known as "The Lady" curses her, forcing an unremovable brown jumpsuit upon her. King Tuft, Hytopia's ruler and Styla's father, is devastated by the curse and sends out a call for a hero who can lift it. While many answer the call, the king believes the true hero is one who fulfills a prophecy that tells of three heroes coming together to form a totem pole. This hero is revealed to be Link, the same hero who saved Hyrule and Lorule in ''A Link Between Worlds''. He and two teammates travel to the Drablands, where they master dungeons by solving puzzles and defeating enemies. After doing so, the three vanquish The Lady, allowing them to lift the princess' curse. Link, King Tuft, Princess Styla, and the people of Hytopia celebrate the heroes' success.

World of Final Fantasy

In the world of Nine Wood Hills, Lann and Reynn meet Enna Kros, who reveals they are former Mirage Keepers stripped of their mirages and memories. She opens a portal to the world of Grymoire, where the twins begin recovering their mirages. They discover a power dubbed the Bahamutian Federation—led by Brandelis and his subordinates Segwarides and Pellinore—is forcing other nations into servitude from their hidden base. Lann and Reynn are embroiled in Grymoir's conflicts with the Federation. Prompted by Lann, the twins begin following the steps of the Azure Prophecy, which leads them to seek four elemental keys across Grymoire's lands, and learn that their mother Lady Lusse is a legendary figure who saved Grymoire from catastrophe a century before. They also begin awakening champions, individuals across Grymoire who can resonate with the twins' powers. They are also prodded along by the Masked Woman, and confronted by an angered Hauyn.

The twins eventually learn the full truth. In an attempt to help their mother with her burdens as a summoner, Lann and Reynn stole her powers and summoned Brandelis through a portal called the Ultima Gate. Brandelis, part of a destructive pantheon dubbed the Exnine Knights, killed Lusse and their father Rorrik and used their bodies as vessels for the Exnine Knights Pellinore and Segwarides respectively. Lusse's last act was to send Lann and Reynn to Nine Wood Hills, separating them from Grymoire and stripping them of their memories. With help from another Exnine Knight using the "Masked Woman" as a puppet, Brandelis manipulated the twins into reopening the Ultima Gate, allowing a parasitic race called Cogna to begin consuming Grymoire. Despite Reynn's fears, Lann leads a single-handed attack on Brandelis' fortress. Lann kills both Segwarides and Pellinore, then sacrifices himself to imprison Brandelis after the latter destroys both Hauyn and the dying Lusse and Rorrik. In despair, Reynn retreats with Tama to Nine Wood Hills, which is eventually also invaded by Cogna.

Refusing to accept this ending, Reynn is sent back in time by Tama—in her true form of Tamanohime—through the sacrifice of her remaining lives. This allows Reynn to alter events, telling Lann and Hauyn about the coming tragedy. Together they form a plan; use the summoners of Grymoire to reverse the Ultima Gate's flow, sending the Cogna and Exnine Knights into the void. The twins continue to help the people of Grymoire, recover their mirages, and revive Tama. Lann, Reynn and Hauyn together with the summoners and their champions then launch a united attack and successfully reverse the Ultima Gate, pulling the Cogna from Grymoire. Lann and Reynn free their parents from the Exnine Knights' control and allow their spirits to pass on, then defeat Brandelis. After he attacks Hauyn, the twins push Brandelis through the Ultima Gate as it closes, giving Hauyn their mirages to safeguard Grymoire. Enna Kros then gives a final "gift", returning versions of Lann and Reynn to Grymoire as champions. A secret ending added in ''Maxima'' has Hauyn fighting a Diabolos mirage from another world, while an older and ragged Lann continues to search for a missing Reynn.

Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Poland in 1994. Franciszek Maurer (Franz) is released from prison. He finds employment with Radosław Wolf, an arms dealer, who just returned from Serbia. Maurer pulls to the gang former police colleague, "Nowy". Franz does not know that the whole time "Nowy" maintains contact with the major Bień. When Maurer, Wolf and "Nowy" have to organize a transport of weapons to Sarajevo by trucks. Franz informs the police about the planned transport. At the last moment the heads of the gang change the plan to use a train instead. Maurer has to stop the weapons-loaded train by himself.

The Junior Team

The events take place in the town of Podolsk when The Bears hockey club hires a new coach, Sergei Makeyev, a former National Hockey League player, who sets out to get the club to the Junior Hockey League and make The Bears a successful team. It will be not easy, because the players do not feel as a whole, and work as individuals. In addition, they have other things to do: family, love life, and studies.

There are also those who are trying as quickly as possible to get rid of the new coach.

The Last Death of Henry Morgan

While New York Police (NYPD) detectives Jo Martinez (Alana de la Garza) and Mike Hanson (Donnie Keshawarz) and Assistant New York City medical examiner Lucas Wahl (Joel David Moore) examine the body of a female murder victim, a museum curator who discovered a dagger, New York City medical examiner Dr. Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd) and his son Abe (Judd Hirsch) hold a private funeral for the family matriarch Abigail. Henry tells Abe that he plans to seek revenge against Adam (Burn Gorman), an immortal who played a role in Abigail's death. At the morgue, Henry and Lucas find ancient iron shavings in the curator's wounds. Henry and Jo learn from the curator's boss and Aubrey Griffin (John Noble), a specialist in Roman era antiquities, that the discovered dagger was used in the assassination of Julius Caesar. Henry, suspecting that the dagger is the same one that originally killed Adam, returns to his and Abe’s antique shop. Upon hearing Adam's theory that an immortal can die by being killed by the same weapon that first killed them, Abe places the flintlock that originally killed Henry into the shop's safe and reminds his father that he is not a killer.

Hanson and Jo learn from the curator's boyfriend that a friend had the dagger. Henry and Jo arrive at the friend's apartment and find the friend bleeding to death. Henry also encounters Adam, who threatens to harm anyone who tries to stop him from obtaining the dagger. After Lucas' revelation that both victims' attacker wore nitrile gloves, Henry and Jo return to the museum. Henry follows a man resembling Adam, and Jo arrests a security guard who attacks Henry. During the guard’s questioning, Henry spikes the guard's coffee with antacid and learns that Griffin has the dagger. Henry goes to Griffin's residence and learns that Griffin, who knows that Adam is immortal, is interested in gaining immortality from the dagger. Jo finds Henry with Griffin and drives Henry home after confiscating the dagger. Henry relates the latest events to Abe and plans to steal the dagger from the precinct. At the morgue, Henry finds that Lucas, risking his career, left the dagger on Henry's desk.

Henry and Adam meet in a subway tunnel. Henry tosses the dagger onto the ground and leaves. Adam forces Henry to turn around by firing the flintlock into the air and producing a photograph of the Morgan family from 1945. Adam then fatally shoots Henry in the chest. While dying, Henry injects Adam with air, causing Adam to suffer an air embolism. Jo, who followed Henry to the tunnel, finds Henry's pocket watch while Abe watches Henry reappear in the river alive. Later, Jo arrives at the antiques shop with Henry's watch and the family photograph that Adam left at the scene. With Abe's encouragement, Henry invites Jo into the shop to hear a long story.

In the flashback, Henry and Abigail (MacKenzie Mauzy) notice each other's scars one night in 1945 London. Henry claims that a sniper shot him in the chest earlier in World War II; Abigail is reluctant to discuss the cigarette burn that her ex-boyfriend left on her neck. Henry confronts the ex-boyfriend in a pub. The ex-boyfriend fatally stabs Henry during their fight as Abigail finds Henry. Henry apologizes to her before dying and vanishing. Later, Abigail finds Henry saying goodbye to Abe in the nursery. As Henry tries to explain, she tightly embraces him.

Staten Island Summer

The film follows Danny and Frank's last summer together before college. They are both working as lifeguards and trying to find summer hook ups. With a troubling setback they still manage to throw an end-of-the-summer party.

When Black Birds Fly

Heaven is a beautiful, clean suburban paradise. Every block is populated by lush trees and lovely row homes. People are free to roam and do whatever they please, as long as they follow one simple rule: DO NOT communicate with "The Evil One" that dwells on the other side of a giant wall that circles the town, which is under 24-hour surveillance by a team of soldiers wearing monstrous-looking gas masks. The ruler of the town is a man named Caine, who plasters images of himself all around town, insisting that his citizens trust and love him. A small child becomes obsessed with the seemingly increasing flocks of black birds that populate the town. One day after chasing one he discovers a talking cat with a broken leg, who begs Marius and his classmate Eden to crawl through a hole in the wall to help her. The kids decide to do it and she repays them by introducing them to a brightly-colored fruit that grows wildly on the other side of the wall. After consuming it the cat brings them to meet the Evil One, who attempts to teach them the forbidden knowledge that Caine is hiding from them all.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends

The story revolves around the player character and some allies against a High Elf named Naarifin who has invaded the heart of the Empire, Cyrodiil. The player character, called 'The Forgotten Hero', has to fight various hazards along the way to reaching the White-Gold Tower, where Naarifin plans to release demon-like creatures called Daedra in an attempt to fulfill an Elder Scroll prophecy called the Culling. Along the way, the player makes various choices determining how the story unfolds and cards they gain as rewards.

Death Game

In October 1975, George Manning, a successful San Francisco Bay Area businessman, is left home alone on his 40th birthday while his wife Karen tends to a family emergency. A thunderstorm begins that evening and George is greeted at the door by two attractive young women, drenched from the rain. The ladies, who introduce themselves as Jackson and Donna, explain to him that they intended to reach an address for a party on the other side of town when their car broke down. He invites them inside to dry off and make a call for a friend to pick them up.

After the three chat pleasantly for a while, Jackson finds her way to a bathroom sauna. Donna eventually joins her, and George, curious about where they had gone, walks in on them bathing in the hot tub. The happily-married man is then seduced and coerced into sex with the two strangers. The following morning George awakes to find his guests cooking breakfast. Surprised that they had not left the night before, George is given a vague excuse as to why they never departed.

It quickly becomes apparent that the girls have no intention of leaving. They become uncooperative, obnoxious, and defiant of George as they begin rummaging through the house's contents, putting on his wife's clothes, and even vandalizing the property. George, increasingly upset over their unwelcome presence, threatens to call the police. He stops when Jackson claims that the two are actually underage, and if caught he could face charges of statutory rape, a lengthy prison sentence, and the dissolution of his family life and career. After narrowly avoiding the girls being discovered by a visiting client, George attempts to contact the authorities once again before Jackson agrees that they will leave on the condition that George drive them.

George drops the two off at a city bus stop on the opposite side of the Golden Gate Bridge and makes the trip home that night, glad the ordeal is seemingly over. However, his relief is short-lived, as Jackson and Donna ambush him inside his home and knock him unconscious. The duo ties George up with bedsheets and subject him to physical and emotional abuse while continuing to trash the inside of the house, and painting their faces with his wife's makeup. Their sadistic and often bizarre actions escalate as the night goes on.

After George cries for help to a grocery delivery man, the girls usher the unfortunate courier into the living room, bludgeon him, and drown him in a fish tank. George's few struggles to escape fail. George tries to reason with his captors. At one point Jackson reveals to him that her unhinged behavior is due to her own father having sex with her. The girls hold a mock trial amongst themselves to determine if George should face punishment for the supposed sexual crimes he committed the previous evening.

At midnight, Jackson, acting as both a witness and judge, announces his guilty verdict and sentences him to death at dawn. When the six o'clock hour rolls around, Donna holds a now-exhausted George down while Jackson proceeds to carry out his execution using a large cleaver. She spares his life at the last moment and the pair finally take off, laughing maniacally. As the women stroll gleefully through the neighborhood, they stumble into the street and—not paying attention to their surroundings—are struck head-on by a speeding van.

Not Quite a Husband

The novel starts the summer of 1897, three years after a married couple, Bryony Asquith and Leo Marsden, have been estranged. Dr. Asquith is required at her home in England, and her family has asked her husband to retrieve her at her clinic in the Rumbur valley of the Chitral District in what was then the northwest frontier of India.

In the course of their journey to return to England, they are caught up in a revolt against the British and seek refuge in the fort at Chakdarra and participate in defending the fort during the Siege of Malakand. During the course of their journey home, they reconcile the differences that had kept them apart.

His at Night

The novel is set in Victorian England. Lord Vere, an agent of the crown, and his accomplices have managed to become house guests of a reclusive suspect while he is out of town. Their hostess is his niece, Elissande Edgerton. She sees his sudden arrival as means for her and her aunt to escape her tyrannical uncle by making him fall in love with her in the three days she has until her uncle's return. The problem is, Lord Vere is unforgivingly stupid. So she sets her sights on Lord Vere's brother, Freddie.

Lord Vere poses as one of society's most bumbling bachelors as his disguise. The need to play that role in front of the niece chafes at first, until he sees her as a conniving gold digger determined to entrap his brother in marriage. While trying to gather evidence on the uncle, he tries to foil the niece's plans, only to become entrapped himself.

Now married, Elissande has freed not only herself, but her sickly aunt, who is addicted to laudanum. But on the uncle's return, he demands the return of his wife or he'll maim her idiot of a husband. Meanwhile, Lord Vere has gathered evidence they need, but have also uncovered that he is a murderer and the uncle is arrested.

Not happy that he's been entrapped into marriage, Lord Vere drinks too much one night soon after their wedding and his disguise slips. Not remembering all that he'd said and done, he tries to act the idiot the next day, but Elissande isn't fooled. She confronts him, but he avoids the topic. She begins to play along in the day, knowing she had her reasons for acting a part and so can't fault him for his. While marrying him had been an accident, it had served her purposes, and she finds she's fallen in love with her new husband. He, however, rebuffs her declaration, saying he wants to get an annulment, for he can't yet forgive her for her deceit and also can't yet give up his illusion of what his perfect wife should be.

Elissande is devastated, and then discovers her aunt has been kidnapped by her uncle, who has escaped from prison. The uncle demands her appearance, alone, at a rail station in a countryside town. Lord Vere assures her he will arrive ahead of time and be there to help her. The uncle brings her to a deserted home and physically assaults her. Elissande and Lord Vere, however, have packed her reticule with a lead weight, and she uses it to defend herself, keeping him at bay until Lord Vere arrives. Before they can silence him with chloroform, the uncle reveals that Elissande is actually his daughter.

Elissande's beloved aunt, now much recuperated since she's finally free of her abusive husband, confirms that she is her mother, and that she'd switched her when Elissande's cousin had been in their care and died. It had been the mother/aunt's hope that the cousin's relatives would be returning to take guardianship of the cousin, and in that way Elissande would be able to escape the household. The uncle had later discovered his wife's deceit and this led to further abuse and restrictions, leading to the wife becoming a self-imposed invalid.

Lord Vere has finally seen what his own lies have done to himself and his relationship with his brother. It's revealed that he'd taken on the disguise on his sixteenth birthday shortly after his father had died, and Vere had overheard his father's deathbed confession of murdering his wife. Needing someone to talk to, he'd turned to a family friend, who expressed dismay and that she'd learned it from his brother Freddie. Vere had been not only angry at being denied revenge for his mother, but that Freddie had kept it from him. The family recognized that she could turn his thirst for justice and his intelligence into a use for the crown and recruits him. She also tells him he needs to come up with a persona that will allow him to move through society without being taken seriously. Not wanting to take on the guise of a debauched rake, he uses the opportunity of a riding accident to completely change his personality.

After confessing to his brother, Vere faces his wife, who is preparing to be alone. He tells her she'd allowed him to see that he'd let his pain and hurt diminish him, whereas she'd been strong and resourceful and whole in the face of hers. He's now seen that she's exactly the type of person he needs with him.

Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg

Marie is a 19-year-old student in Salburg, a make-believe medieval-style city. She is the worst student in her entire class, and is at the risk of expulsion. However, her teacher offers her a chance at salvation; Marie is given her own workshop (''Atelier'') in which she is given five years to produce something outstanding.


; : :The protagonist of the game. She has poor concentration which affects her academic performance, but she is nonetheless a clever alchemist.

; : :A 19-year-old girl from a wealthy family who is Marie's best friend. She suffers from poor health.

; : :17-year-old apprentice alchemist and one of the academy's most talented students. He has a rude and arrogant attitude.

; : :A 17-year-old adventurer seeking his parents, who were lost due to war between the Shigsal and Domhaid kingdoms.

; : :A 23-year-old adventurer who desires to become a knight, though he does not feel confident in his strength.

; : :A 20-year-old adventurer from the southern kingdom with a cheerful personality.

; : :The 23-year-old commander of the royal guard, who is considered the most powerful of the kingdom's knights.

Dad's Girl

Dad's Girl is a romantic comedy movie that takes place in the south side of Lebanon. Rana Barakat (Rita Barsona) a single adult who is spoiled and loved by her father Fareed Barakat (Antoine Balaban) dearly. Rana goes through a lot of obstacles because her father wants her to get married before he dies. Tarek Fayad (Peter Semaan) is the "lover boy" who is in love with Rana Barakat and is trying his very best to get her attention in order they get married because her father trusts him with his life. Then there is, Nadine Kenaan (Nadine Al Rassi) and her husband Shadi Kenaan (Ghassan Saleem) who are not getting along because Shadi married her to get the French passport she has, as well, he wants to leave Lebanon but she refuses. Since conflict kept on going between Nadine and Shadi, therefore, Shadi decided to leave and go to Paris, while Nadine stayed and found out that she is pregnant.

Conflicts emerge when one of Tarek's ex-girlfriend Dollie (Rania Issa) has mental issues because she was madly in love with him and he ended up leaving her for Rana. Though, Tarek goes back to Dollie after he finds out that Rana does not want him for the future because she is scared that he might hurt her again.

After a few days Dollie and Rana bump into each other at the hair salon and Dollie shows off her engagement ring to Rana and says that Tarek proposed to her. As well, she tells her the engagement party will be at the Casino she performs at, which makes Rana feel this is revenge and the couple is getting back at her. While at the ceremony, Rana performs and then a few seconds later Dollie goes up on stage and a feud happens between both. Then Rana's maid Sabah (Abeer Aoun) takes scissors and cuts open Dollie's dress, which leaves her embarrassed and she runs off from the ceremony. After that, a huge fight happens between Dollie's family and Rana's security guards, which ends them up at the police station. After waiting a few hours in the police station Tarek paid bail for everyone because it was midnight and no one wanted to sleep in jail that late.

After everyone got out of jail, Tarek told Rana that her actions were not acceptable and that she has to face the consequences alone if Dollie decided to file a lawsuit against her. As well, he tells Rana to admit that she is jealous but Rana still denies the fact she loves him.

While all this happens, Nadine and Shadi re-connect with each other, which makes Nadine fly off to Paris and Shadi goes back to Lebanon, though, they did not know that they would leave and not find each other. Therefore, they have a small argument over the phone but then express their love together and Shadi waits till Nadine gets back to Lebanon.

Meanwhile, Tarek goes to Dollie's house and Dollie goes insane since she thought Tarek went off and saw Rana after the conflict in the Casino. He denies that fact but this urges Dollie to go insane and decides to kill Rana, because she knows Tarek is lying to her. Tarek realizes that Dollie was not joking and runs off to find Rana, but Dollie found her first and as soon as Tarek arrives Rana's house, Dollie has stabbed Rana and she is rushed to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, Tarek asks Rana on what happened and she confesses that she loves him and she cannot live without him and then she loses consciousness.

The movie ends with Rana in the hospital and is gathered around by family and friends. Then a few weeks later Tarek takes Rana to a private area along the beachside and proposes to her. Of course, Rana accepts and they end it with a slow dance.

Minority Opinion

Tenants who have been evicted from their homes are in the middle of a sit-in protest, when the police arrive. A 20-year-old police officer and a 16-year-old boy, the son of a demonstrator, end up dead. The boy's father, Park Jae-ho gets arrested for the cop's death, but he insists it was self-defense and that he had only been trying to protect his son from being beaten by the riot police. Rookie public defender Yoon Jin-won is initially doubtful of Park's claims, until he gets approached by reporter Gong Soo-kyung who has her own suspicions about the government's account of the incident. Yoon then teams up with fellow lawyer Jang Dae-seok to pursue the truth through a jury trial.

Tallulah (film)

Living in her rundown van while travelling around America, homeless teenager Tallulah and her boyfriend Nico survive the streets by stealing credit cards.

When Nico decides it is time to go home to his mother, Tallulah expresses her dismay and argues with Nico about how she will not change her lifestyle. Tallulah is devastated to discover the next morning that Nico has left without saying goodbye.

Desperate to be with him again, Tallulah drives to New York City, where Nico's mother Margo lives, and finds her at her apartment. After informing Tallulah that she has not seen Nico in two years, Margo tells Tallulah to leave.

With nowhere else to go, Tallulah steals from guests at a nearby hotel, only for strange natured and intoxicated mother, Carolyn, to mistake Tallulah as housekeeping staff. To Tallulah's confusion, Carolyn lets her child wander around naked and play with dangerous objects and admits that she is not invested in being a mother. Carolyn leaves her toddler, Maddy, in Tallulah's care, while she goes on a date with a man who is not her husband. Tallulah bonds with the young Maddy, bathing her and playing games before a devastated Carolyn arrives back at the hotel, distraught that the man did not want her.

After Carolyn drunkenly passes out, Tallulah prepares to leave but impulsively decides to take a crying Maddy back to her van to spend the night until further notice. When Tallulah returns to the hotel with Maddy, she flees upon seeing the police, summoned by a panicked Carolyn, and goes to Margo's apartment. After Tallulah claims that the child is Nico's and that she is Margo's granddaughter, "Maggie," Margo reluctantly agrees to let them stay for one night.

Unknown to Tallulah, Margo is struggling with her own marital problems after her ex-husband Stephen has left her for a man, Andreas, and is pressing Margo to finalize their divorce. While Tallulah and Maddy stay with Margo, the three of them bond; Tallulah reveals her fears of forming relationships and Margo admits to having trouble letting go. However, Tallulah becomes increasingly aware that the authorities are looking for her and Maddy.

Meanwhile, a distressed Carolyn is questioned by a social worker who notes that Carolyn has only expressed concern for herself so far instead of her missing child. Frustrated with their questioning, Carolyn leaves the hotel to distract herself and discovers that her husband has cancelled all her credit cards, much to her fury.

During a lunch with Stephen and Andreas, Margo defends Tallulah when Stephen begins to aggressively question Tallulah's relationships with Nico and Maddy. Margo lashes out at Stephen about their marriage and the deceit involved, pointing out that when all their friends supported Stephen, Margo had been left alone to reconcile the changes in her life and losing the family she loved.

On their way back to Margo's apartment, Tallulah and Carolyn notice one another as the latter goes by in a cab. Just before Carolyn catches up to them, Tallulah narrowly escapes with Maddy and Margo via the subway.

When Margo demands to know why Tallulah ran, an argument ensues and Tallulah runs off with a feverish Maddy to a pier that Nico had once told Tallulah was his favorite place. Nico arrives, having finally returned to his mother in New York City.

Taking Maddy to the hospital, Nico devises a plan to allow Tallulah to escape. At Margo's apartment, Carolyn and the police arrive after a tip from Stephen and Andreas, who recognized Lu from a newspaper article reporting Maddy's abduction.

Carolyn admits to Margo that she did not want to be a mother and feels no maternal instinct, despite loving her daughter; Margo comforts her. At a subway station, Tallulah calls Margo to apologize for involving her and the police trace the call. Tallulah tries to get on the subway in order to flee, but instead returns to Maddy and Nico at the hospital. The police, Carolyn, and Margo arrive at the hospital, where an emotional Tallulah accuses Carolyn of not wanting Maddy.

After a tearful Carolyn tells her that she does want her child, Tallulah reluctantly hands Maddy back to her and is arrested by the police. As Tallulah is taken away, Margo promises to help her however she can. When Detective Richards facetiously asks Tallulah if she has a habit of taking children into protective custody, Tallulah says nothing and smiles ruefully.

Some time later, Margo wanders through Central Park before lying in the grass, recalling her conversation with Tallulah about letting go. Margo starts floating away happily, but realizes the connections she's made and chooses instead to stay.


''ReCore'' is set roughly 200 years in the future. In the course of the early 2020s, a disease called the "Dust Devil Plague" began to ravage the Earth. An organization named Mandate led global efforts to fight the disease. As the Earth became uninhabitable, Mandate launched several missions to a new planet known as Far Eden. Far Eden was discovered many light-years away in the first decades of the 21st century. Several thousand corebots were sent to build atmospheric processing facilities on Far Eden, and the first group of colonists was sent. The colonists were to hibernate in cryo-sleep for 200 years while the terraforming process finished. During this period, many of the colonists vanished, and the corebots became corrupted.

The game begins on the desert world of Far Eden as one of the colonists Joule Adams (Erika Soto) and her corebot Mack (Jonathan Lipow) are walking past the wreckage of her cryo-sleep maintenance habitat, or "crawler", from which she previously woke. They venture out to obtain a power core to get the crawler back online. Eventually finding it inside a corebot, Joule pries it out with her extractor tool. Joule and Mack then return to the crawler, switching its power back on. Joule sets out to reactivate a terraforming pylon that she learns has been offline for ninety-six years. After Joule manages to reboot the pylon, she receives a distress signal from a beacon that had until then been obstructed. Once she obtains a prismatic core in order to progress towards the signal, enemy corebots appear. On the order of Victor (Alex Fernandez), the leader of the corebots, they demand that she hand over the core. When she refuses, they become agitated. She defeats the enemies and proceeds to her destination. There, she encounters amputee Kai Brehn (Harry Shum) and his corebot Seth. Kai requests aid for his leg and Joule complies. She reveals the prismatic core, as it might assist him. Kai urges her to travel to the core foundry so that Joule may discover the answers to its potential. Seth accompanies her.

In the foundry, Joule is able to analyze the prismatic core. She can make out voices coming from the core – including her father's – thus deducing that it is a transmission of sorts. Heading to Eden Tower to decrypt the core's transmission, she agrees to meet Kai there. Once reunited, they are ambushed by Victor. Kai stays behind to provide Joule the time to escape. She finds a lost crawler filled with parietal art indicating that Victor had manipulated the other corebots to attack the maintenance habitats. Corebot Duncan enters, lamenting the death of his human companion, and unites with Joule against Victor. Joule approaches Eden Tower to activate it, only to be faced with Victor and his minions. She learns that the ships, once orbiting Far Eden while waiting for its terraforming to complete, are long gone, having been destroyed by Victor. He throws Kai's prosthetic leg to the ground, proclaiming him dead. Finally, Joule bests Victor in combat and activates the terraforming system, materializing a hologram of her father from parts of memories hidden in the cores. In the end, it becomes clear that Kai survived his confrontation with Victor.

Poisoned by Love: The Kern County Murders

Steve Catlin was known as a real lady-killer. But it's his new bride's mysterious death that causes his former wife, Edie Ballew, to question how accurate that nickname really is. With little more than a hunch and the help of an out-of-town detective, Edie secretly pieces together clues that reveal her cunning and smooth-talking ex-husband as a cold, methodical killer.[]

Delicious (novel)

Set in England, the novel alternates between the story's present in 1892 and flashbacks to 1882.

Verity Durant is a fallen woman who works as a chef for a former lover. However, she still dreams of the man she spent one perfect night with ten years ago, rising politician Stuart Somerset.

When her employer dies, the new heir is none other than Somerset. Somerset is the strait-laced illegitimate son of a noble and has become engaged to a woman with good connections.

Fate intervenes, and she has a chance to cook a dinner for him.


The series follows Hopper, a pet store mouse that escapes, only to end up in Atlantia, a colony created entirely of rats that lies underneath the city of Brooklyn. He quickly makes friends, however he also finds that the colony is constantly plagued by rebels and various other troubles.

Pasión y poder

The soap opera revolves around the family dramas and business powers of two rival families. That rivalry that has endured for years have originated many years ago, when Arturo Montenegro and Eladio Gómez Luna disputed the love of the beautiful Ana Laura. Eladio was who married her. Many years later Ana Laura is a very unhappy woman because it supports the abuses and the wickedness of her husband, taking as the only consolation the love of his son Federico, a total antithesis of his father.

Transformers: Devastation

In New York City, a swarm of Insecticons and giant metal claws emerge from below, wreaking havoc. The Autobots: Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Grimlock arrive to investigate, battling Megatron and the Constructicons, who form Devastator. Megatron escapes into a hatch leading underground and reveals the attacks are the automatic defenses of the ''Proudstar'', an Autobot ship which crashed on Earth millions of years ago that Megatron now controls, and announces his plans to use the Insecticons to cyberform the Earth, turning it into metal and creating a new Cybertron.

Optimus Prime explains that the ''Proudstar'', captained by Nova Prime, was a ship meant to convert uninhabited planets into ones suitable to support Cybertronian life, and that its Ferrotaxis supercomputer contains a record of Cybertron's history and culture which had been lost during the Great War. Entering the ship, the Autobots fight off Soundwave and attempt to access the plasma core powering the ''Proudstar'' and the Insecticons, but the security system ejects the core from the ship. Emerging, the Autobots learn the core's location from Thundercracker and follow the trail. While they are distracted by fighting Blitzwing, Starscream arrives to take the core back to the Decepticons, but loses control of it due to a storm and crash-lands. The Autobots race Motormaster to the core, but find it damaged and at risk of an extinction-level explosion. Before they can shut it down, the rest of the Stunticons arrive and form Menasor. The combiner throws the core to Megatron, who takes it to Cybertron to be properly repaired.

The Autobots follow the Decepticons through the Space Bridge, but are delayed by Starscream and Shockwave, arriving too late to catch Megatron. Conversing with Shockwave, Optimus discovers that during the ''Proudstar'' s voyage, Nova Prime and the crew were corrupted by Unicron and had begun to cyberform inhabited planets as well, planning to do the same to Earth before they crashed. Returning to the ''Proudstar'', the Autobots try once again to disable the core, but it ruptures and becomes inaccessible, leaving the Ferrotaxis, now in Megatron's possession, as the only way to stop the cyberforming process and keep the plasma core from exploding. The group head for the ''Proudstar'' s control room, fighting off the Decepticon forces as they ascend. Megatron escapes, ordering Devastator and Menasor to finish them, but the Autobots defeat them and follow Megatron, fighting him for the Ferrotaxis.

As he is defeated, Megatron fires the Ferrotaxis from his cannon into orbit and a swarm of Insecticons chase it. Optimus rides on one of the Insecticons into space after it, with Megatron in pursuit. The two engage in a final battle above the Earth, with Optimus emerging victorious, but cannot shut down the Insecticons due to Megatron's tampering. Left with no choice, Optimus destroys the Ferrotaxis, stopping the cyberforming and preventing the plasma core's detonation. As he falls back to Earth, Optimus declares Earth is now their true home, and they must protect it at all costs. Later, with Defensor and Superion's support, Optimus commissions plans for the Optimus Maximus project.

In a post-credits scene, aboard the ''Proudstar'', Nova Prime is seen awakening from stasis.

Dirty Bomb (video game)

In 2020, an atomic explosion occurred in London caused an epidemic contamination of toxic gas spreading throughout the streets, resulting in an evacuation plan. This event was known as the "Dirty Bomb" incident. In response to the hazardous disasters, a new government system called the Central Disaster Authority (CDA) hired mercenaries to fix and coverup the radiation incident. Simultaneously, a criminal syndicate called the Jackal hired their own group of mercenaries to steal the CDA technology that were used to maintain the contaminated air. A stand-off between two factions battle on while the toxic gas continues to spread until there is nothing left standing in its way.

Do Not Marry, Girls

Collective farm chairman Ivan Savelich Malkov (Vyacheslav Nevinny) is faced with an acute shortage of men in his farms, the problem has caused the female workers to complain and attempt to flee the city. Ivan Savelich decides to create an amateur folk ensemble, and show his performance on television, and the result was not long in coming.

This Sweet and Bitter Earth

In 1900, a 16-year-old Toby Davies, the narrator of the story, leaves Wrexham workhouse after his Mother dies, and makes his way to the North Wales slate quarries. Failing to get a job at Port Dinorwic, the port from where the slate is sent all over the world, he makes his way to Blaenau Ffestiniog, where he gets a job in the Llechwedd slate quarries, lodging with Ben O’Hara and his wife Nanwen. Toby starts as a ‘rubbisher’ (labourer), before learning the dangerous job of rockman.

The O’Hara’s, Toby and his grandfather move into a new cottage in Bethesda and Toby goes for a job with the quarries owned by Lord Penrhyn. Toby realises that he loves Nan and also renews acquaintance with the promiscuous Bron, whom he knew in the workhouse, now working as a barmaid. Bron has a son whom she knows as ‘Bibs’ by an unknown father.

The men working at the Big Hole strike over poor conditions and the quarries are closed by Lord Penrhyn. Several hundred men, forced by starvation, break the strike and are denounced as ''bradwr'' (traitors). Bron is cast out of her chapel for adultery with Sam Jones, Toby’s one-time friend. Toby’s grandfather commits suicide. Ben is found to have embezzled Combination strike relief funds; he and Nanwen are expelled from the community and it is supposed that they have gone to Ireland.

Over several years, Toby makes his way through Mid-Wales, lodging where he can and working as farm labourer, longshoreman, ostler, blacksmith’s assistant. haulier, barman and even fighting as a bare-knuckle boxer in Brecon. He works in the Blaenavon coalmines and Merthyr ironworks. By 1910, he has returned to Tonypandy, the town of his birth. He finds lodgings and a job in the Ely mine; in a pub he meets Bron, still a barmaid, now married to Sam but separated. He moves lodgings to be with her.

Toby becomes lodge treasurer. He learns that Sam Jones is living in Porth and that he and Bron still see each other occasionally. She refuses to stop seeing him, and Toby and Bron drift apart, whilst still living in the same house. Toby discovers that Nan and Ben now live in Senghenydd; he goes to visit them one day. Ben is still a brutal drunkard and when he leaves for the pub, Toby confesses that he still loves Nan.

The coal owners refuse to negotiate the wage for coal from the difficult and wet Bute seam Toby is working on. The pit workers talk openly of strike action, but then the owners lock all the miners out. A major strike is precipitated and large contingents of police arrive in the Rhondda. The onset of cold weather sees people, especially children and old people, dying of cold and starvation, but still the owners will not negotiate the wage rates.

Wild rumours circulate that Winston Churchill, the Home Secretary, has been seen on horseback riding the streets of Tonypandy with the Chief Constable.

The miners lose confidence in their representatives, and march to shut down a mine that has been taken over by management and is operating on blackleg labour. Toby is in the midst of a violent confrontation between miners and police. Both he and Bron and many of their friends are injured. Soldiers arrive in the Rhondda but there are no confrontations with them.

Toby, as lodge treasurer, continues to draw monies from the bank and distribute ten shillings each week to the miners; barely enough to live on. Starving people are forced to steal waste coal and kill sheep to put hot food on the table. One dark night, Toby breaks into a pub in Pontypridd and steals jewellery, which he pawns.

As Bron slowly recovers from her injuries, Toby decides that he must make a break from her. He decides to leave the Rhondda and seek work at Universal Colliery in Senghennydd, which is not on strike. He finds that Ben has been killed in an accident underground and renews his friendship with Nanwen, who now has a daughter, Ceinwen, But police have followed him and he’s arrested for the theft.

Toby serves two years in Cardiff jail; he is regularly visited by his mates and receives letters from Nan, now a schoolmistress in Senghennyd. But he hears nothing from Bron. On his release, he returns to Porth, hoping to see Bron, but gets drunk, is thrown out of the pub and is brought back to Senghennyd by his mates. He lodges with Mrs Best, but in the small hours, he slips out of the house and goes to see Nan, who still loves him. He falls into the habit of regularly visiting her, whilst still lodging with Mrs Best.

Toby, working at the Universal, takes part in a mine rescue, and is devastated when several of his best mates are killed. By unspoken consent, he and Nanwen decide to marry, but she insists that they return north, before Toby is killed by the coal.

On the morning that they plan to catch a train to North Wales, a massive explosion occurs at the Universal. Toby, who has just started his morning shift, is badly injured. He is trapped with his mates, and they can only hope and pray that the rescue team will get to them in time. The heat from the fire and the diminishing air quality cause many to lose hope, but eventually the rescuers break through. On return to the surface, Toby realises that he can no longer see more than a vague blur. The attending doctors ascribe this to his head injury. Nan and her daughter Ceinwen come to the pithead, but Ceinwen flees in terror and Nan runs off after her.

Later, Bron reveals to Toby that Nan and her daughter have gone to North Wales - alone - and that Bron encouraged them to do so. She tells Toby that Nan was scared of being married to a blind man. She also informs Toby that she has a second baby, known as Bibs-two, who is Toby's child.

The novel ends on an uncertain note; Bron and Toby seem to be fated for each other, but she is technically still married to Sam Jones, who also survived the explosion.

Gli angeli di Borsellino

Emanuela is a police bodyguard in charge of escorting judge Paolo Borsellino. In the film she speaks about her work and her fears during the 57 days (13 May to 19 July 1992) between the murder of Giovanni Falcone, and that of Borsellino.


The Doctor and his companions arrive in a strange location and soon split up when the TARDIS is stolen. They each encounter different groups of people, including the survivors of a crashed spaceship, a party of explorers and a medieval court. There is something strangely familiar about these people and the longer the companions stay, the more they realise they may have to think very carefully in order to escape.

Salt Rain (novel)

After the disappearance of her mother Mae, fourteen-year-old Allie Curran goes to live with her aunt Julia in the small dairy farm where Mae grew up. Allie slowly comes to learn about her heritage, her family, and her mother's story. A reversal of the classic Australian theme of a child lost in the bush.

Robbery Under Arms (1907 Tait film)

According to a contemporary newspaper report, "All the incidents of the romantic bushranger Starlight are enacted, from the first incident, the branding of stolen cattle, to the "Last stand of Starlight and the Marston boys."

The Prosperous Thief

Alice Lewin has survived the Second World War and, as an adult, visits the Kindertransport archive where she learns of a possible relative. She travels to Australia in an attempt to meet Henry Lewin, but it is a meeting with unforeseen consequences.

Gakkō no Kaidan (2015 TV series)

An ordinary high school girl starts a revolution in her school with a talented speechwriter's assistance.

Midnight Taxi (1937 film)

A federal agent poses as a taxi driver to infiltrate a gang of counterfeiters.

Imperium (Kracht novel)

August Engelhardt is the author of an 1898 pamphlet entitled ''A Carefree Future'', where he describes a utopian society founded on nudism and a diet of coconuts, so-called cocovorism. An ardent vegetarian, Engelhardt argues that just as man is God's embodiment in the animal kingdom, so too is the coconut God's embodiment in the plant kingdom; cocovorism, he concludes, is therefore the path to divinity. Fleeing the persecution he endured for his peculiarities, Engelhardt travels from Germany to the Bismarck Archipelago in German New Guinea to realize his ideas on a coconut plantation. During a stop in Ceylon, however, he meets a Tamil named Govindarajan, who also claims to be a fruitarian, in order to gain Engelhardt's trust, before robbing him of his savings. Engelhardt arrives destitute at Herbertshöhe, where he meets Emma Forsayth, known as Queen Emma, from whom he acquires the island Kabakon on credit. He also meets a sailor named Christian Slütter who studies to become a captain. Engelhardt establishes his order and hires natives as laborers for the coconut plantation, financing everything through loans and credit. He practices nudism, eats nothing but coconuts and begins advertising his new paradise abroad.

The first to answer Engelhardt's call to Kabakon and the Order of the Sun is a German named Aueckens. His initial rapport with Engelhardt crumbles when the latter discovers that he is both a homosexual and an antisemite, neither of which Engelhardt approves of. Shortly after raping Makeli, a native boy, Aueckens is found dead under mysterious circumstances. According to the perfunctory police report, he died from a falling coconut. Engelhardt then hears about a project in Fiji similar to his own, which heartens and intrigues him. A man named Mittenzwey is said to be a light eater who nourishes himself only with sunlight. Engelhardt visits Mittenzwey but discovers him to be a fraud, who in collaboration with Govindarajan accepts expensive gifts from his followers but eats food in secret.

Several years later, Max Lützow, a popular German musician suffering from hypochondria who has grown tired of the bourgeois lifestyle in Europe, arrives at Kabakon to join Engelhardt's order. His ailments soon cured, Lützow writes to German newspapers and praises cocovorism. While garnering ridicule in Germany, Lützow's letters nevertheless entice a group of young, ill-prepared Germans to embark for the Bismarck Archipelago, where they arrive destitute and fall prey to tropical diseases. Disgusted by their squalidness, Engelhardt finds them unworthy disciples and agrees to send them back home to unburden the colony. After a few years Engelhardt and Lützow fall out with each other, and the latter leaves the island. He marries Emma Forsayth but dies tragically and grotesquely immediately after the hasty wedding ceremony.

Engelhardt, abandoned, undernourished, paranoid and ill with leprosy, eventually becomes a problem for Albert Hahl, the Governor of Rabaul. Hahl hires Christian Slütter to shoot Engelhardt. When Slütter arrives at Kabakon, Engelhardt has rejected most of his philosophy, developed an abstruse antisemitic conspiracy theory, and now advocates cannibalism as the path to divinity. All the native islanders have left the plantation except Makeli, who is missing two fingers. Slütter reveals Hahl's request but refrains from killing Engelhardt.

As the years pass, Engelhardt becomes a minor zoo attraction for curious gawkers, among them Emil Nolde. During World War I, Kabakon is seized by Australian soldiers, and Engelhardt vanishes into the rainforest. After World War II, American soldiers discover the aged Engelhardt in a cave on the island of Kolombangara. He has survived by eating nuts, grass and bugs, and his leprosy has disappeared. Engelhardt tells his life story to an eager American reporter, and his biography is turned into a Hollywood film.

Avengers Grimm

Snow White and Prince Charming's kingdom is under attack by Rumpelstiltskin's brainwashed army of thralls. After killing the prince, Rumple confronts Snow in the throne room; he wants access to the Magic Mirror, which can act as a portal to a land without magic, where he can reign unchallenged. A fight ensues, resulting in them falling through the mirror's portal and into the other world. Later, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel arrive, noting the time that's passed since the battle, and how the other world's time moves much faster than theirs; they are joined by Red Riding Hood, who is tracking down Rumpelstiltskin's right-hand man, the Wolf. Having survived the battle, the Wolf attacks them; he tackles Red into the mirror, shattering it and embedding a shard into her shoulder. The princesses follow after them.

They arrive in L.A., but find Red and the Wolf are nowhere to be found. They attempt to search for Snow White, only to be met with hostility at a bar; they are quickly rescued by Snow, who has become a freedom fighter in the six months that have passed. She takes them to her hideout, explaining that Rumpelstiltskin has managed to gain some power by becoming mayor Heart; he continues to brainwash the populace in secret, rebuilding his army of thralls. The princesses tell Snow about the Magic Mirror shard Red has, learning that it's the only way to get back home. Snow hands them fashion magazines, telling them to blend in.

Red continues tracking the Wolf, but ends up incurring the wrath of local gang leader "Iron" John; John believes in order, and doesn't tolerate chaos. Red, Wolf, and John are all arrested, though Red escapes and is eventually rescued in an ensuing battle by her friends. Mayor Heart pays John and Wolf a visit, freeing wolf and promising John "order"; he transforms John into an iron being befitting his moniker. They manage to track down Snow's group, resulting in a fight in which Red and Snow are captured by Heart. He brainwashes Red into a thrall, as the princesses are immune, and tries seducing Snow into being his queen when he takes over the world. Rejected, Heart uses his magic to amplify the shard's power and opens a portal back to fairy tale land.

Cinderella fights with Red, managing to get Red to remember her true self. Iron John sees that Heart lied to him and shatters the shard, sacrificing himself to shut the portal. Snow and Heart fight again. Heart dies, when Snow impales both of them with an icicle, while she becomes frozen as a result of her powers, sparing her from otherwise certain death. The princesses and Red decide to find another way to get home and help with Snow's revival.

Nier: Automata

The first and second playthroughs follow the respective views of 2B and 9S during an initial invasion. After opening a route for future missions, they are sent to clear out machine threats for the Resistance, led by Anemone, who provides the two with support. During their missions, 2B and 9S discover that the machines are exploring human societies and concepts. The two work with a pacifist machine group led by Pascal; battle Adam and Eve, physical manifestations of the machine network who reveal that their creators were destroyed centuries ago;'''Adam''': The aliens you seek are no longer here. They were wiped out centuries ago. ...By us. The machines. (Route A, Chapter 03: Adam and Eve) and encounter A2, a rogue android on the run from YoRHa. Adam is killed by 2B after he captures 9S. During his recuperation, 9S discovers a glitch in YoRHa's servers when syncing himself and 2B, and learns that humanity was extinct long before the alien invasion. Their last remnant is a Moon-based server holding humanity's incomplete genome remains. YoRHa perpetuates the myth of their survival to maintain morale and give androids a "god" to fight for.'''Commander''': In truth, humans never went to the moon at all. Any transmissions received from the moon are just dummy signals set up in advance. The only thing there is a small bit of data relating to the human genome. / '''9S''': But why would you— / '''Commander''': Humans were already extinct when the aliens attacked. [...] No one fights without a reason. And we need a god worth dying for. (Route B, Chapter 9: Deranged Religion) With Adam dead, Eve goes mad with grief and drives the machines under his command into a frenzy. 2B and 9S kill Eve to end the rampage, but 9S becomes infected with Eve's logic virus, forcing 2B to kill him. However, 9S's consciousness survives within the local machine network.

The third playthrough begins as YoRHa launches a full-scale invasion. A logic virus attack—enabled by the "glitch" that 9S previously discovered—corrupts every YoRHa unit including those in the Bunker, except for 2B and the restored 9S.'''Commander''': But tell me—why weren't you infected? / '''2B''': I don't know! / '''9S''': It's probably because I deferred our data sync. I noticed some weird noise in the Bunker's server data, so I paused the upload. (Route C, Chapter 11: Full-scale Attack) 2B and 9S are separated in the aftermath, and 2B is infected with the logic virus. Discovered by A2, 2B uploads her memories into her sword and asks her to look after 9S. An ignorant 9S witnesses A2 mercifully killing 2B and furiously swears revenge on her. Simultaneously, a tower created by the machines rises from the land, separating the two before they can fight. The perspective splits between A2 and 9S a fortnight after these events. A2—the survivor of a test run for YoRHa—finds herself empathising with the machines; she witnesses Pascal's village being destroyed, then its "children" committing suicide out of fear when attacked. Pascal begs A2 to either wipe his memory or kill him; A2 can perform either task or leave him. An increasingly-unbalanced 9S investigates the tower's resource-gathering platforms, fighting machine remnants and learning the tower is designed to launch a missile at the Moon server. Both eventually enter the tower, with Devola and Popola sacrificing themselves to open it.

During these events, it is revealed that YoRHa was always designed to lose and to perpetuate the myth of humanity, with the Red Girls in the Machine Network using them to further their evolution; each side trapped the other in an eternal cycle of war.So then! To sum up: For hundreds of years, we've been fighting a network of machines with the ghost of humanity at its core. We've been living in a stupid *ing world where we fight an endless war that we COULDN'T POSSIBLY LOSE, all for the sake of some Council of Humanity on the moon that doesn't even exist. (Intel - Archives - Machine Research Report) It is also revealed that 2B's real designation was "2E", an "executioner" unit assigned to repeatedly kill 9S whenever he discovered the truth about humanity, and that 9S was aware of this.'''A2''': The 9S Type is a high-end model. They knew you'd discover the truth eventually. But the model designation "2B" was just a cover. The official "2E". Number 2, Type E. They were a special class of members designed to execute YoHRa units. But you knew that... Right, 9S? (Route C, Chapter 17: The Tower) Separate arcs play out for returning characters Emil, and Devola and Popola. Emil lost his memories due to copying himself to fight the aliens. A group of those copies, gone mad after losing their sense of self, act as a secret boss battle. After the current character wins the fight, Emil dies after remembering his reason for fighting.These colossal Emils were the sad final state of Emil's copies. Attacking without warning, they possessed the ability to unleash fierce attacks using magical weapons from the old world. At the end of this pitched battle, the true Emil stopped his with heartfelt words before annihilating them with a final strike. He then passed away with an expression of great relief, as if he had finally met the person he'd longed to see. (Intel - Unit Data - Emil Clones) Devola and Popola were ostracized and programmed to feel endless guilt after their model series caused humanity's extinction in ''Nier''. They stay at the Resistance camp doing the riskier jobs, and aid the YoRHa androids until helping 9S at the tower.

At the top of the tower, the two androids confront each other; 9S, now insane and infected with the logic virus, challenges A2 to a fight, prompting the player to choose a character.'''Pod 153''': Proposal: Cease combat. Fighting her at this point would be irrational and— / '''9S''': Pod 153! I order you to halt all logical thought and speech! This order shall remain in effect until you have confirmed the deaths of either myself or unit A2! (Route C, Chapter 17: The Tower) If A2 is picked, she saves 9S and sacrifices herself to destroy the tower. If 9S is chosen, the two androids kill each other; in his final moments, the Machine Network offers him the chance to join them, as the tower has changed its function to fire an ark containing the Machine memories to find a new world.'''9S''': This tower is a colossal canon built to destroy the human server. Destroy it...and rob the androids of their very foundation. That was the plan devised by those girls. But they changed their minds. [...] This tower doesn't fire artillery. It fires an ''ark''. An ark containing memories of the foolish machine lifeforms. An ark that sends those memories to a new world. (Route C, Chapter 17: The Tower, Ending D) Once both of these endings are unlocked, Pods 042 and 153 defy their orders to delete YoRHa's data, prompting the player to destroy the credits in a shoot 'em up section. Despite the possibility that the restored 2B, 9S and A2 would repeat everything, the Pods hold faith that they will forge a new future for themselves.'''Pod 153''': Question, Pod 042. Did the data salvage restore all of their past memories? / '''Pod 042''': Yes. / '''Pod 153''': And are those recovered parts of the same design as previous ones? / '''Pod 042''': Yes. / '''Pod 153''': Then...won't that simply lead us to the same conclusion as before? / '''Pod 042''': I cannot deny the possibility. However, the possibility of another future also exists. (Route C, Ending E) The player is then given the option to sacrifice their save data to help other players.

Pirate Hunters

Bannister had been a respected sea captain until he turned pirate. The British government was unable to find Bannister for months until officials found him careening the ''Golden Fleece'' in Samaná Bay. Bannister faced two British frigates, the ''Falcon'' and the ''Drake'', with a combined fifty-six cannons between them. Bannister placed two separate batteries of guns on island vantage points and battled the navy for two full days, until the warships ran out of ammunition and were forced to retreat.

For over 350 years, the location of the wreck remained a mystery until after a multi-year search Chatterton and Mattera discovered the wreck long removed from where it was supposed to be.

Iterations of I

Adric & Nyssa attempt to land the TARDIS at Heathrow Airport to return Tegan to her correct place and time. Their attempt instead leaves them on Fleming's Island off the coast of Ireland where several people have died and the remaining members of a mysterious cult have disappeared. As more people start to die the Doctor and his companions must work together to identify the significance of the letter I.

Not Without My Daughter (book)

It was August 3, 1984. Moody, Betty, and Mahtob had spent two days traveling from their home in Detroit to Moody's native country of Iran. In preparation for their arrival, Betty, at Moody's request, gave her American passport to him in order for it not to be confiscated by the customs official. When they had landed in Tehran, Moody's family had gathered at the airport to meet them and showered them with gifts. The family gave Betty a montoe and a roosarie (traditional female clothes in Iran) and instructed her to wear them whenever she went outside their home. During the next two weeks, Betty and Mahtob longed for the vacation to be over. They had difficulty adjusting to the Iranian lifestyle. They also faced familial challenges: Moody's sister, Ameh Bozorg, (literally "great aunt"), who was their host, viewed Betty with contempt, simply for being an American and holding to American ideals. Moody's attitude toward Betty also changed: He forced her to abide by increasingly strict Iranian customs; he lied to her; he claimed that she was lying whenever she complained; he ignored her and their daughter for days at a time; he even blinded himself to the oppression of women in Iran.

The day before their scheduled return to the United States, one of Moody's relatives went to the airport in order to make the preparations for their departure. He informed them that, since Betty had an American passport, she needed to turn in her passport to the airport officials three days before her departure. When she confronted Moody about not turning in her passport, he informed her that he had decided to stay and that Betty and Mahtob would remain in Iran for the rest of their lives. Betty tried to get help from Moody's family, but they approved of Moody's actions and refused to help. Moody forced Betty to call her parents to let them know that she would be staying in Iran for a while longer. About a week later, when Betty was alone, her parents called and gave her the address of the U.S. Interests Section of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran. Betty waited for a chance to contact the Swiss Embassy. Her desire to leave Iran was magnified by Moody's physical abuse. Even in public, any injury or violence toward Betty and Mahtob was allowed. The Iranian laws granted Moody absolute authority over his wife and daughter.

In September, while Moody was away, Betty and Mahtob traveled to the Swiss Embassy and spoke to Helen. Helen informed them that, since Betty's husband was an Iranian, Iran's laws dictated that she, too, had become an Iranian citizen. When Betty and Mahtob returned to the house, Moody threatened to kill her if she left again and commanded the rest of the family to prevent her from leaving. Betty's every move was being watched. Betty realized that she and Mahtob could not escape with the surveillance. She reasoned that the only way that Moody would stop watching her was for her to convince him that she was willing to stay in Iran. Her attitude improved, and she convinced him to move in with different relatives. Betty started helping around the house and preparing dinner. Moody accompanied her on all her errands. Eventually, he claimed to not have the time and told her to go herself. On one of these occasions, she befriended the owner of a menswear store named Hamid. Hamid sympathized with Betty, and offered her use of his telephone if she needed it.

While watching Mahtob play in the park, Betty encountered Judy, another American woman married to an Iranian. Betty relayed her plight to Judy, who promised to help. A couple days later, Judy invited Betty to a party where she could talk to Judy's friend Rasheed about finding a way to escape the country. Rasheed asked her to call him in two weeks. In December, two weeks after the dinner party, Rasheed informed Betty that the smuggler was unwilling to take a woman and a child on the journey over the mountains into Turkey, especially during the winter. After the New Year in 1985, Betty traveled to the embassy to speak with Helen. Helen had Betty and Mahtob fill out applications for new passports. When Betty asked about a way for her and Mahtob to be smuggled out of Iran, Helen warned against trusting smugglers, especially those willing to smuggle them across the treacherous Turkish border.

In late June, 1985, Moody, Betty, and Mahtob moved into their own apartment, limiting Moody's surveillance and giving Betty more freedom. Betty contacted Rasheed again, but his friend still refused to take a child. One day, an unnamed individual instructed Betty to go to an address and ask for the manager Amahl, who would find a way for both Betty and Mahtob to escape. Amahl informed Betty that he had planned a route and was attempting to work out the details. However, after several months, Amahl was still trying to construct a way of escape.

The original plan was to fly Betty and Mahtob to Bandar Abbas from Tehran. Once there, they would take a boat and travel across the Persian Gulf to one of the Gulf Arab States. Another optional plan being developed by Ahmal was to fly Betty and her daughter to Zahidan. At Zahidan, they would be smuggled into the Pakistani province of Balochistan, which borders Iran. From Balochistan's largest city, Quetta, they would be flown to the port city of Karachi in the Sindh province and transit back to America. Neither of these plans materialized because Betty escaped from Moody early. Betty also mentions in the book that Ahmal had informed her that the cold weather and snowfall in Balochistan was more severe than usual and reports of bandits abducting travelers meant putting them at further risk, so he had reservations of using that route.

In mid January 1986, Betty learned that her father was dying. Moody insisted that Betty return to the U.S., but demanded that Mahtob remain in Iran. Despite her refusal to leave without Mahtob, Moody booked her a flight on January 31. On January 29, 1986, Moody, an anesthesiologist, was unexpectedly called to the hospital. Knowing that this was her last chance before she was forced to leave Iran without her daughter, Betty called Amahl, asking for instructions. He directed them to an apartment where they remained for three days as Amahl completed their travel arrangements. They were to travel through Turkey; the smugglers would take them from Tehran to Tabriz and then to Van. From there, Betty and Mahtob would need to find a way to Ankara and get to the U.S. Embassy.

On January 31, the smugglers drove Betty and Mahtob to a small village beyond Tabriz, where they spent the night. For the next day and most of the night, they used horses to cross the snowy, mountainous border into Turkey, where Betty nearly succumbed to exhaustion and hypothermia. They spent the rest of the night in a small hut and traveled to Van in the morning. Betty and Mahtob found a bus and spent the next 32 hours traveling to Ankara. Once they arrived, the U.S. Embassy granted them sanctuary and helped them get airline tickets for a trip back to the U.S. later that day. On February 7, 1986, Betty and Mahtob finally arrived back home in Michigan, after spending eighteen months trapped in Iran.

A Splendid Hazard

The main character, Karl Breitman (Henry B. Walthall) thinks he is a descendant of Napoleon and tries bring back to France the French monarchy. As part of his plot he courts Hedda Gobert (Rosemary Theby) as she owns some Napoleon's papers. After winning Hedda heart he takes the documents from her. He travels to America to visit Admiral Killigrew (Hardee Kirkland). He hopes the stolen papers will lead him to Napoleon wealth. He finds a treasure map in the Admiral's home and then travels to Corsica. Before finding the Napoleon wealth, he comes across someone that mocks him. He challenges them to a duel. In the duel he is mortally wounded. He dies at his love side, Hedda.

The House Across the Street

Newspaper managing editor Dave Joslin (Wayne Morris) is demoted to the advice column of his newspaper due to his editorials criticizing the police for failing to safeguard a witness and investigate his murder. With the help of his girlfriend Kit Williams (Janis Paige), the previous advice columnist, Joslin manages to secure the cooperation of Marty Bremer (James Mitchell) and the conviction of crime boss Matthew Keever (Bruce Bennett). At the end, Joslin, reinstated as editor, offers Kit her old job back, but she accepts his marriage proposal instead.

Joséphine (2013 film)

30-year-old Joséphine is single, lives with her cat Brad Pitt and is looking for the man of her dreams. During a family meal, her younger sister, Diane, who seems perfect in every way, announces her future marriage: this is the straw that breaks the camel's back for Joséphine, who has not got a man in her life. Jealous, she claims she is marrying Marcelo, a Brazilian surgeon, and will live with him in his country. Joséphine's lies then start to spiral, producing life-changing outcomes.

Alexandra, the head of her company's human resources, overhears a conversation between Joséphine and her friend Chloe and, having been hired to drive a wave of layoffs, jumps at the chance to fire Joséphine. Joséphine's friends buy her a plane ticket to Brazil. Just before the plane's departure, Joséphine suffers a panic attack and is taken to the hospital, unbeknownst to her friends and family, whilst her luggage is misplaced.

Joséphine chooses to continue the deception and decides to hide in her own apartment, which was temporarily loaned by Chloe to their colleague, Gilles. Despite previously finding him tedious and boring, Joséphine gradually falls for him.

The deceit is discovered by Gilles when Joséphine's bag is returned to her apartment. He calls her friends and when Joséphine returns, he confronts her about the lies. Joséphine, through false tears, then claims she came back after Marcelo's death, but Gilles and her friends don't believe the story and leave angrily.

Joséphine confesses her love to Gilles but he refuses to forgive her deception. Joséphine, trying to make a fresh start, decides to interrupt her sister's wedding after discovering that her fiance, Aymeric, cheated. Diane chooses to believe her and they flee the church together.

Meanwhile, Gilles, deciding to forgive Joséphine, goes to her apartment. The door is answered by Julien, an ex-boyfriend of Joséphine, who is staying with Joséphine after being thrown out by his wife. Gilles, assuming Julien and Joséphine are in a relationship, leaves disappointed. When Joséphine learns from Julien about Gilles' visit, she catches up with him in order to convince him of her love. During the credits, it is shown that Joséphine's friends have forgiven her for her lies, and she and Gilles have moved in together.

Culprit (1917 film)

Chrétien Lescuyer is a prosecuting attorney whose defendant's son commits murder. The son abandons his pregnant mother to fight against a hostile world.

During the hearing, Chrétien Lescuyer talks about his story. Coming from a family of Norman notables, and exercising the profession of magistrate from father to son, the young Christian's father sent him to Paris to complete his law studies. One day, François Donnadieu, a sculptor, a childhood friend, invites him to go to his country house, which is in Vaugirard, to spend Sunday there. It was during this visit that Chrétien met Héloïse, Donnadieu's girlfriend and seamstress by profession, as well as the young Perrinette Forgeat, a florist by profession, with whom he fell in love.

Soldiers of Fortune (1919 film)

Robert Clay, a noble America hero of humble means trying to do his best to help the war effort in the fictional capital Olancho in a small South American republic, but he meets a rich lady and they fall in love during the revolution. Robert Clay is the engineer and general manager of the Valencia Mining Company in Olancho. There are two sisters that come into Robert Clay's life. Both are the daughters of Mr. Langham, the president of the Mining company. The older sister, Alice, is a New York City society girl. Her sister Hope is enthusiastic, generous and sweet. Robert Clay meets Alice just before he sails for South America. He shares his admiration for her. Later, when he learns the family are going to Olancho also, he is very happy. But after getting to know Alice better he is sad. During her visit to Olancho a revolution starts, in this time she shows courage and to be a lady of charter. This attracts Clay to her, he ask her to marry him.

People Places Things

Will Henry (Jemaine Clement) is a graphic novelist and art instructor, adjusting decorations for his five-year-old twin daughters' birthday party, Clio (Aundrea Gadsby) and Colette (Gia Gadsby). As he searches for his longtime partner, Charlie (Stephanie Allynne), he walks in on her and Gary (Michael Chernus), a monologist she's having an affair with. Charlie tells him that she's not happy and is leaving him for Gary.

A year later, Will lives in a smaller place and sees his daughters on the weekends. They have a good relationship and he wants to spend more time with them, but Charlie has doubts he can handle it. She also tells him she is pregnant and marrying Gary.

Will's art student, Kat (Jessica Williams), asks him to dinner with her single mother, Diane (Regina Hall). He finds Diane attractive and likable, but she has a low opinion of Kat's studies and Will's career. Diane tells him she is dating someone, and he leaves after dinner.

One night, Charlie abruptly drops the girls off at Will's, asking him to take care of them full-time as the nanny has quit. Though initially struggling, he soon becomes more organized. However, a bomb threat cancels their school day, and needing a babysitter while he teaches class, he asks Kat to watch them.

When Will goes to pick the girls up after class, Diane admonishes him for passing his daughters off on Kat when she needs her education, and for bouncing them around between parents. The girls are asleep, so Will has to spend the night. Diane tells him that she has gained a new respect for their passion for graphic novels. Confessing she broke up with the man she was seeing, she and Will kiss and are about to have sex, but one of the twins comes looking for him and he goes to keep them company. In the morning, Kat asks him to read her graphic novel.

Will and Diane begin a casual relationship, and things become tense between Charlie and Will; they blame each others' behavior for the girls' confusion. Charlie calls Will one night with 'an emergency'; when he rushes over she tells him that the girls have locked themselves in the bathroom, saying that they want to live with him. Distressed, she tells him that Gary has been having doubts about the wedding, because he thinks she's jealous about Will and Diane, and they kiss. The girls come out of the bathroom and they all go out for ice cream, Charlie promises Will that they'll talk about their relationship later. Then Will tells Diane about the kiss and she asks if he still has feelings for Charlie. He says that he doesn't know, and asks if the feelings ever go away. She says that they do eventually and hurt, breaks it off with him.

Will meets Charlie and the twins in the park, clearly believing in their relationship, but she tells him that she and Gary are again ready for marriage. Furious, Will leaves, and begins drawing vengeful artwork against Gary. He stops to read Kat's graphic novel: titled "Mother Fuckers," chronicling her mother's struggles with dating as a single mother, showing Diane more disappointed and heartbroken with every breakup. Will finds Kat again, who is angry at him for hurting her mother, and he gives her his own set of drawings, of him struggling with letting go of Charlie that he had been creating throughout the film. Later, she finds him at his home, gives him back his work, telling him that she sees it is about Charlie and he needs to let her go. She also flips to a panel he'd drawn of her mother telling him she showed it to Diane, and he should call and rekindle their relationship.

On the day of Charlie's wedding to Gary, Will attends but finds Charlie absent. Gary is trying to call her, and Will confronts him, punching him (after warning him) but also telling him that he knows Gary loves Charlie. Afterwards he finds her, she is afraid of making "another mistake," but he tells her their relationship wasn't a mistake—just something that worked until it didn't. They decide to remain friends, and Charlie marries Gary. Will leaves on his own with some stolen flowers from the wedding, presumably to go visit Diane.

Sully (film)

On the afternoon of January 15, 2009, Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and First Officer Jeff Skiles board US Airways Flight 1549 from LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Three minutes into the flight, at an approximate altitude of , the Airbus A320 strikes a flock of birds, damaging both engines. Without much time to think, they judge themselves unable to reach nearby airports (Teterboro Airport being the closest), and Sully ditches the aircraft on the Hudson River. Though with mild injuries, the crew and passengers evacuate without any fatalities. Sully is hailed a hero, but the incident leaves him traumatized. He tries coping by drinking alcohol, but finds himself unable to escape the attention from the press, that is not only targeting him, but also his family.

Still in New York City for investigation reasons, Sully learns that preliminary data from ACARS suggest that the left engine was still running at idle power. Theoretically, it still had enough power to land the plane at either LaGuardia or Teterboro. Furthermore, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) claims that several confidential computerized simulations show similar results. Sully and Jeff firmly insist otherwise, and this opposition gradually intensifies the relationship of both parties.

The NTSB suspects it may be a case of a pilot error, which would end Sully's career. He arranges to have the simulations rerun with live pilots, then relayed to the public. They result in successful landings. Sully argues that the simulations are unrealistic, because they do not take human factors into account, such as the element of surprise, the time required for analysis and decision-making, and the significantly higher stakes he and Jeff faced; the simulation pilots knew in advance of the situation that they would face and of the suggested emergency action, were able to practice the scenario several times, had no passengers to think about, and were in no danger themselves. The NTSB accepts his criticism, and the simulations are rerun with a 35-second pause before the plane is diverted. The LaGuardia rerun ends with the plane landing short of the runway, and that to Teterboro with a crash into buildings before the airport. The NTSB announces that analysis of the port engine, now recovered from the river, confirms Sully's account that it had indeed been seriously damaged by the bird strike, and concludes that Sully had acted correctly during flight 1549. Sully credits everyone on board, the air traffic controllers, the ferry crews and the emergency response teams for the successful outcome.

The Day I Saw Your Heart

An unexpected pregnancy threatens to tear a family apart, but just might bring them closer together than ever before in this emotional family drama.

Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls

June and Delia used to be best friends; the type of friendship that you think is going to last forever. Built upon shared love, experiences, and secrets, one night everything goes too far. Now they haven't spoken for a year. Then an announcement at school that Delia is dead leaves June reeling and unable to believe her friend's actions. Pushed by Delia's ex-boyfriend Jeremiah, June begins to wonder if it really was suicide at all – or was Delia murdered.

The Legend of Barney Thomson

Set in Glasgow, the film centres around 50-year-old Barney Thomson, who works at Henderson's Barbers in Bridgeton and lives a life of desperate mediocrity. Barney's uninteresting life is turned upside down when he enters the grotesque and comically absurd world of a serial killer after accidentally killing his boss Wullie.

The film starts with Thomson, who lives a dull life as a Glasgow barber for 20 years, looked over by the owner James' son, the manager Wullie. Detective Inspector Holdall, meanwhile, is inspecting a string of body parts mailed across the city; due to a lack of progress, the case is handed over to D.I. June Robertson.

Wullie prepares to fire Thomson due to his pessimistic outbursts affecting business; after work one day, Thomson desperately pleads with Wullie, resulting in a struggle that causes him to accidentally stab him in the chest with a small set of scissors. A panicked Thomson bags the corpse and puts it in his car, which is witnessed by his friend Charlie.

Holdall begins questioning and following Thomson, who denies any knowledge of Wullie's habits or whereabouts. Resorting to his mother Cemolina for help, Thomson hides the body at her place, and is later horrified to discover that she chopped it up, shrink wrapped and labeled the parts, and kept them in the freezer. When a slip of the tongue by Charlie causes Thomson's younger coworker Chris Porter to suspect him, Thomson quietly confesses it an accident. When Chris attempts to attack him, a frightened Thomson strikes him in the chest with a mop, inadvertently killing him. Wrapping him up, he brings him to Cemolina's apartment; however, when he removes Wullie's remains from the freezer, he notices an extra hand inside of it, along with a notebook with addresses to various places that the killer's body parts have been mailed; along with that, he finds out that his mother has been prostituting herself for younger men.

Meanwhile, later, Thomson breaks into Chris' apartment to place Wullie's remains and frame him, but is foiled when he finds that his freezer is too small to hold the body; when Holdall and his partner investigate, Thomson leaves the parts behind as he flees. Confronting his mother, he realizes that she's the killer, and that she killed and mailed off her dates. After revealing that his father left, but not far and never contacted him, she strains herself as she cruelly mocks Thomson before dying of a heart attack (or possibly a stroke).

After Cemolina's services, Thomson dumps Chris' body in Loch Lubnaig, and he angrily strangles Charlie when he suspects that he knows about Chris, though ashamedly leaves.

The next day, James makes Thomson head barber, but he's called into the middle of the woods. There, both police duos confront each other, and in a rival shootout, they're all killed. Though Holdall accuses him, Thomson reveals the real circumstances, though Holdall dies before hearing it all.

With his name cleared, Thomson is satisfied as he becomes a local legend for being the only survivor.

Zero Woman: The Accused

Rei, an undercover agent for the Zero Department, is on a mission to investigate the multiple murders of men. While out, she meets Mitsuru, a male prostitute. Rei decides to have him live with her. But Rei is suspicious of Mitsuru's behavior and wonders if he is involved with the murders.

Allure (2014 film)

Billed as an "experiment in situationist cinema," the film focuses on five women in New York, who have come from different countries and settings. Each one struggles to overcome her personal conflict, set against the Occupy Wall Street movements of 2011. These separate, but intersecting multi-ethnic storylines touch and inform each other, and create a larger narrative about gender, emigration, power, class, and personal politics. The film also references some ideas of ''The Society of the Spectacle'' by Guy Debord through contemporary stories.

Reason and Emotion

The short demonstrates how a person adopts their ability to solve problems through logical reasoning (the head) or through emotional passion (the heart). Adolf Hitler is shown to not have any reasoning, instead relying purely on emotion; it is explained that "Americans should control the emotion inside our head lest it control us — and make us vulnerable to Hitler's vile fearmongering." Hitler's speeches and motivational tactics are shown as manipulative.

The Invincible Brothers Maciste

Two Herculean warrior brothers battle to save their prince from the clutches of an evil queen, in a hidden world lurking behind a giant waterfall. The depraved queen practices mind-control and must force her slave population to continually turn a waterwheel lest their world come to an end.

Son of Samson

During the Persian rule over Egypt (circa 525-480 B.C.), the young prince Kenamon is used to wandering about and mixing with the poor people. Once, he finds himself in a life-threatening situation and is saved by a strong man, Maciste. On another occasion, he sees a beautiful girl, Nofret, and falls in love with her. He talks with his father the Pharaoh Amirteo I, about being much impressed with the hunger and miserable living conditions of the people. His father decides to raise an army against the Persians, but his beautiful but cunning wife Smedes, godmother of Kenamon and allied of the Persian Gran Visir, kills him before he acts. Once on the throne of Pharaoh, Kenamon is drugged with a substance prepared by Smedes, and loses his will-power. Meanwhile, Nofret is about to be sold as a slave. Maciste becomes the leader of the people's revolt, and is acclaimed at the local games. Maciste gets Nofret free, manages not to fall under Smedes' love filters, and gathers and leads a rebellious army against the Persian troops and the palatial guard. The Grand Visir and Smedes are killed and thus Kenamon is free from his stupor. Kenamon thanks Maciste for his decisive help, and married Nofret at last.

Into That Good Night

The beginning of season nine saw the Conners win the lottery, which changed the dynamic of the show by increasing their socio-economic level. This finale "ripped out the rug from under viewers" by showing that the entire plot of the ninth season was in fact a dream that Roseanne Conner had concocted in her new career as a writer.

A Stash from the Past

While cleaning David's room, Roseanne is furious to find a small bag of marijuana. Meanwhile, Dan is unable to bring himself to discipline an employee who takes advantage of his good nature. By way of example, Roseanne allows Dan to watch while she sternly chastises David for bringing drugs under their roof.

It is not until David leaves that Dan informs Roseanne that the marijuana belongs to them, a stash they neglected to throw out twenty years ago when they gave up smoking due to Roseanne's pregnancy with Becky. Dan and Roseanne lament that they have grown up to be the authority figures against which they once rebelled. In a fit of nostalgia, they decide to smoke a joint while the kids are out of the house. Joined by Jackie, the three lock themselves in the bathroom and get high, but the experience is no fun as their sense of adult responsibility is too strong to allow them to relax.

The following morning as Roseanne, Dan, and Jackie recover, David summons the courage to tell Roseanne that the pot wasn't his, but the three adults are too hungover to respond.

The Circus Queen Murder

New York Police Commissioner Thatcher Colt (Adolphe Menjou) decides to take a vacation after six years of fighting crime, accompanied by his attractive secretary, Miss Kelly (Ruthelma Stevens). On the train to their destination, they spot a rundown circus, "The Greater John T Rainey Shows", heading to the same place. The circus is home to a love triangle: Josie La Tour (Greta Nissen), her husband Flandrin (Dwight Frye) (whom she is intent on divorcing), and her lover The Great Sebastian (Donald Cook (actor)), all three trapeze performers.

Jim Dugan (Harry Holman), the circus's press agent, recognizes his old friend Colt as the circus parades through town and gives him and Kelly free passes. Josie La Tour's horse is spooked and runs away with her; La Tour escapes unharmed.

Dugan takes a reluctant Colt to see Rainey (George Rosener) that night. Rainey tells him that someone is out to destroy his show; each of the principal performers received an anonymous note telling them not to perform tomorrow - Friday the 13th - or they will die. He also cites La Tour's near accident. Colt, however, suspects that it is all a publicity stunt concocted by Dugan. Kelly reveals that the runaway horse was engineered by Flandrin popping a balloon; she also was able to lipread what Flandrin said to his wife just before: "You double-crossing cheat. I'll kill the both of you." Rainey also informs Colt that La Tour, the star attraction, owns half the circus. When they go to see Flandrin, they find a note saying that he is the "first to go", a bullet hole in the window of his wagon and blood on his cot. However, there is no body, which arouses Colt's suspicions. Then La Tour's beloved dog is found with its throat cut. As Colt is questioning La Tour, someone throws a voodoo doll through her window.

The next day, Kelly reports that the blood is not human. Colt surmises that it is dog's blood, and he noticed an extra member of the "cannibal" troupe last night, Flandrin in disguise. Colt searches the circus for the madman. He advises Rainey to cancel the performance, but La Tour insists on going on with the show.

Outside, unnoticed, Flandrin climbs to the top of the Big Top tent. Sebastian is nearly killed when one of trapeze ropes gives way, partially cut by Flandrin, but he escapes unscathed. The audience believes it is all part of his act. Then La Tour performs, also on the trapeze. Flandrin shoots her with a poison dart using a blowgun. She falls to the ground and dies. Afterward, when Colt roams the grounds, he encounters Flandrin, armed with a pistol and holding Kelly captive. He orders Colt to see to it that Sebastian is alone in the tent with La Tour's body. When he sees people leave the tent, he ventures inside with Kelly, then shoots Sebastian in the back. It is actually Colt in disguise and wearing bulletproof clothing (borrowed from the circus). Flandrin races into the Big Top to put on his last performance, high in the air. At the end, he shoots himself.

The Little Sister (Roseanne)

Jackie wants to become a policewoman, and Roseanne tries to dissuade her. In the end, Roseanne and Jackie have a physical confrontation and Roseanne makes Jackie realize how easily she could die in her new profession.

Custody (2016 film)

Sara Diaz is a single mother living in New York City with her two kids, 11-year old David and 8-year old Tia. One night, she comes home from work to find David in a neighbour's house, where his adolescent friends drink and smoke marijuana; after she angrily crashes the party and brings him home, they fight and he accidentally falls over a glass coffee table, injuring his forehead. She quickly bandages him and they make peace before tucking him in. On the next day, David's teacher notices his bruise and sends him to the school infirmary, which prompts the principal to summon ACS agent Luis Sanjuro, who questions Tia about the events of the previous night and takes both children to institutional care. Upon learning of this, Sara goes to their school and is advised by the principal to go to the juvenile court to get them back. Her case is assigned to Martha Schulman, a black judge suffering from empty nest syndrome after her son Elliot goes to college, and Sara learns she'll be represented by Alexandra 'Ally' Fisher, a top-of-the-class but inexperienced young attorney appointed to her ''pro bono''.

In the first hearing, due to a highly-publicized error that led to the death of a 5-year old girl, the ACS is reluctant to recommend Tia and David's return home as consuelor Keith Denholz request for Sara to undergo a drug test, with which she complies; however, the case is further complicated during a second hearing when the results are positive for marijuana and PCP and Sara loses her temper at the courtroom, promprting Martha to send the children to a temporary foster care and suggest her anger management therapy. This, along with Ally's apparent hesitance to litigate, deeply frustrates Sara. Upon discovering her husband Jason is having an affair with the caucasian wife of a very close friend of hers, Martha cuts his clothes with a scissor, confronts him and angrily kicks him out of their house.

After a third hearing - in which the ACS disputes Sara's former claim that Shawn Monroe, Tia and David's father, is dead and both Martha and Sara lash out at each other -, Sara kidnaps her children from care and runs away, but eventually calls Ally for help: they share their life experiences and slowly begin to repair their initially taut relationship. This encourages Ally to confront her grandmother about a molestation suffered at the hands of her uncle Frank when she was a child, a claim repeteadly downplayed by the latter "for the sake of the family".

Upon learning Shawn - who is currently arrested - will be brought in before the court, Sara fears Tia and David won't handle the truth well, but Ally assures her it's the right thing. During his interrogation, he express outrage for being "left out" of his kids' life, but says he believes Sara might be a good mother and will agree to their return if both children confirm this. They meet for the first time and, by the time of the final hearing, Shawn submits an affidavit requesting Sara to take sole custody. The ACS concurs and Martha allows them to return home, much to Sara's relief.

A Christmas party is held to all the court's workforce, at which Martha and Ally exchange their beliefs on the system they work into. When a fellow colleague notes how much she drank, she realizes how stressful her life has become and leaves. The final scene shows Sara, Tia and David cheerfully arriving back home.

Brain-Dead Poets Society

Darlene has an opportunity to recite her poem at a school performance, but she has doubts about doing it. This episode sees Darlene "properly dimensionalized" for the first time through her poem's "world-weary melancholy".

The First Time I Turned Twenty

The action takes place in the early 1960s in the Paris suburbs. Hannah Goldman (Marilou Berry), sixteen and Jewish, has two very pretty sisters and parents who love her. But she is not happy, feeling herself ugly due to being overweight, and she deeply nourishes a terrible complex at the beauty of her sisters and that of her school friend. But Hannah has two great qualities her sisters admit to both not possessing and envying: she's smart, and she has a talent for music.

Wishing to make a career in music, she chooses an instrument that looks like her ... the double bass, an instrument that is traditionally viewed as a "male instrument". But her musical nonconformity does not stop there: she dreams of entering the jazz band at her high school. This year the jazz band needs a new bassist. But there have never been any women in the jazz band, established now for many years by the high school music teacher, and in addition, this instrument's position is traditionally held by a man, and for a woman to claim this instrument in training deeply shocks all the high school boys.

Or in the selection contest it performs a benefit much higher than that of the only other competitor. She wins the selection competition, to the delight of her family. But her four musician comrades, viscerally misogynist, very attached to the male tradition of their training, and also singularly lacking all subtlety as any courtesy, will try everything to discourage it. Beginning immediately by reminding her that she is a woman, and that they do not want a woman in their training, they harass her in order to gradually undermine her morale. They go one evening to plot a sinister Nazi symbol on her scores played during a concert, and what is even worse in her eyes ... they try to humiliate her by attacking hher instrument.

Struggling against the discouragement month after month and use all her intelligence and patience, stimulated by her uncle, she will eventually win the admiration of part of the group of four boys.

Young Black Jack

In the 1960s, Kuroo Hazama is a gifted young medical student with a dark past who tries to make a name for himself. Despite only being a medical student, he is a brilliant surgeon and attracts attention after he completes seemingly impossible operations and displays greater skills than his formal training would allow. Hazama devotes himself to the world of medicine together with his friends, the intern Maiko Okamoto and the doctor Yabu. Set against the background of student riots, war, and corruption, Hazama finds himself caught up in a series of circumstances which challenge his integrity as a person and his path towards becoming a surgeon. The choices he makes leads him to become the legend known as Black Jack.

How to Play Football

The plot concerns The Goofies of Taxidermy Tech versus the Goofies of Anthropology A&M in a football match. Like many of the shorts which featured Goofy, this film was a mock "how to" instructional video - a "tongue in cheek look at the game".

After all the necessary locations (A college covered with Ivy, a stadium filled with a hundred thousand cheering fans) and personnel (vendors, managers, mascots, sportswriters, photographers, doctors, a brass band, assorted coaches, former grads, and two teams in uniform) required to play football are shown, the rules of the game are summarized as each time trying to get the football over the opposing goalline, with eleven players to each side.

Anthropology A&M opens the game kicking off to Taxidermy Tech, with Tech's star player 'Swivel Hips' Smith fielding it deep in his own endzone. Smith quickly scampers for a 105-yard kickoff return touchdown. Smith is benched by Tech's head coach, who wants to save Smith from potential injury by only utilizing him on particularly important plays. Tech's extra point is good, putting the score at 7–0.

Tech kicks off to A&M, but A&M fumbles around their own 21 yard line and the ball is recovered by Tech. After huddling, Tech runs a successful handoff to their fullback for a gain of eight yards. However, a second down handoff to the halfback results in a nine-yard loss, with Tech's quarterback getting injured on the play. Facing a key third down with eleven yards to go, Tech calls a running play with multiple handoffs involved before one of their players puts the ball inside his jersey. Feigning as if nobody knows who has it, soon all eleven players on both teams are frantically running around the line of scrimmage before a Tech player unexpectedly finds himself in possession of another handoff. Before he can run, he is quickly tackled by several A&M players for no gain. To make matters worse, the official penalizes Tech fifteen yards for unnecessary roughness after the play is over.

Facing 4th and 26 on the A&M 37 yard line, Tech elects to have their quarterback punt to A&M. Despite nearly having the kick blocked, Tech's quarterback is able to get the kick off. An A&M safety moves to field it around his own goalline, but a barrage of flash photography happening right around him as the ball is coming down causes him to temporarily lose his vision and muff it. Several players on both teams are unable to pick up the loose ball, with it quickly being kicked and pushed down to the other side of the field. Ultimately, nearly every player on both teams touches the ball at one point, until the original safety meant to receive the punt ends up picking it up in the endzone for what amounts to a hundred-yard fumble and an A&M touchdown. However, a tech player is able to block the extra point by catching it in his mouth, and the score is 7-6 Tech.

A&M kicks off to Tech, and Tech is tackled on their own 25 yard line. Immediately, Tech calls a passing play down the field, but the quarterback throws the ball so hard several of his receivers are unable to catch it, with the ball bouncing off several players before an A&M player intercepts it. The defender manages to sprint down the field for a touchdown, chewing up the field behind him in the process. A&M's extra point, handicapped by the kicker accidentally kicking the holder in the head instead of the ball, dances back and forth on the crossbar several times before the official accidentally shoots a bullet through the ball to signal the end of the half. With the deflated ball draped on the crossbar, all three officials gather together and study the rulebook before agreeing to award A&M half a point. The game goes to halftime, A&M leading 12.5-7. During the halftime show, three Taxidermy cheerleaders cheer for Taxidermy but unintentionally two of them injured the one in the middle and then themselves in the process.

In the halftime locker room, Tech's head coach tries multiple motivational tactics to encourage his players to overcome the deficit in the second half. After retaking the field, the coach puts 'Swivel Hips' Smith back into the game to field the kickoff. Smith makes several A&M defenders miss as he runs down the field, but mere yards short of a potential winning touchdown, he begins showboating and is very roughly tackled by several A&M players. Smith is knocked out and taken off on a stretcher, to the chagrin of the coach.

With team doctors and the coach desperately trying to wake Smith up, Tech runs two offensive plays that fail to get into the endzone. The coach is able to revive Smith and quickly shoves him back into the game for what will be the final play of the game. Smith, however, is still dazed and only partially aware of where he is or what he's doing, and Tech has to have a teammate help him receive the direct snap and then push him down the field.

With Smith slowly wandering down the field in an unaware daze, Tech does an expert job of blocking all the A&M defenders from tackling him, leaving Smith as the only player still on his feet. Smith gets his feet tangled in a number eight that peeled off a player's uniform, but is still able to get right down to the goalline. Meanwhile, an A&M defender has managed to get up and doggedly pursues Smith.

Smith reaches the goalline, but begins to shakily dance back and forth just shy of it. The A&M defender dives to tackle him with only a second left in the game, but Smith inadvertently moves to the right. The defender dives right past Smith and through the endzone, into one of the poles of the field goal uprights. The upright swings all the way around, the loose pole catching on Smith's pants and yanking him into the endzone as time expires on the game. Tech is awarded a touchdown to win, 13–12.5.

The home crowd cheers uproariously, but the Tech head coach seems to have lost his mind on the sideline during the stressful sequence of events. Several men jump him and shove him into a straitjacket.

Valentin Valentin

The beautiful and shy Valentin, with whom all the women fall in love, has much to do between his insatiable mistress, Claudia; her jealous husband, Freddy; his selfish and immature mother; alcoholic neighbor, Jane; the concierge Antonia; the three neighboring youths on the 5th Floor, Noor, Florence and especially Elodie; and a mysterious young Chinese Tiger Lily, held in slavery in the house opposite.

There is a housewarming, with all the neighbors and friends of the neighborhood, triggering unexpected violence. Soon after, Valentin is found murdered in the nearby park under the bridge where he had to wait for Tiger Lily. Who committed the crime?

One of Us (1989 film)

A Palestinian guerrilla is taken alive after breaking into an army outpost in the occupied territories with a group of armed men and killing several Israeli soldiers. His subsequent death at the hands of his captors is treated as a murder investigation and a military official is sent to interrogate the survivors.

Half Wild

Nathan is currently in Switzerland, living as a nomad for a few weeks. He has been unsuccessfully searching for the Fairborn, a knife that can only be used by Nathan's bloodline. His friend, Gabriel, is missing. Nathan meets Nesbitt, who is Van's assistant. Nesbitt is half fain and half Black witch. Nathan does not spend the night with Nesbitt. However, he hears the sound of a mobile phone. This means that there are Hunters nearby. Nesbitt catches one of the Hunters, while the other, Kieran, Annalise's brother, turns invisible. It is then that Nathan feels the animal in him, and he kills Kieran. The next day, Nesbitt brings Nathan to Van. On his second night, Van informs Nathan of all that has happened. Soul, Annalise's uncle, has taken charge of the Council of White witches and is letting Wallend experiment on Black witches. Nathan's half-sister Jessica. Van agrees to help.

Pixie Hollow Bake Off

Tink challenges Gelata (Lisa Faulkner in the UK version and by Giada De Laurentiis in the US version) to see who can bake the best cake for the queen's party. There are a group of baking fairies, the main one being Gelata. The baking fairies always make exactly the same cake for Queen Clarion's Arrival Day party, for the last 399 years.

Tinker Bell has an idea for a different kind of cake, which Gelata takes as a challenge... hence, the bake off. Tink and her friends compete against the baking fairies. In the end, Tink's cake looks very appealing, but finds out looks aren't everything.

Destiny Road (film)

Frank (Daniel Zacapa) is the dedicated pastor of a small church, obsessed by power and unbridled ambition on behalf of the desire to expand his congregation. Jeremiah (Kevin L. Johnson) is a boy who was born on the outskirts, with a dysfunctional family, which is involved with the world of crime and drugs. Elizabeth (Zoe Myers) was created by an over-protective mother, but to find her great love, experiences a freedom for which was not prepared. Three different stories, three people seeking the same answer to chart a new course in life.

The Yes Men Are Revolting

The Yes Men are a culture jamming group that use satirical performance art to make political points. While impersonating public relations personnel, they hold fake press conferences where they announce corporations, governments, and other organizations have taken a new, leftist stance. After seeing little gain from their pranks and increasing demands in their personal lives, The Yes Men debate whether they should continue. They are reinvigorated by the Occupy Wall Street protests and embark on a new campaign to combat climate change denial.

Quarantine L.A.

July 18, 2017 - An unknown type of virus starts to spread all over the Los Angeles area. In the first 14 days, it kills more than 3/4 of the population causing a major panic outbreak all around the world. The U.S. government isolates the entire affected zone. By the middle of September, the structure of the virus strain begins to evolve into a human changing virus. The infected become rotting, corpse-like creatures with an unconditional hunger for human flesh. During the day, they hide from the sun. By night, they begin to hunt like animals. All efforts to search for survivors in the area were deemed futile.

On November 26, a local news channel receives an exclusive video message from J.S.O.C. (Joint Special Operations Command) Chief Sergeant, Jake Miller. The video exposes that he and a group of six survivors are trapped in the infected zone and surviving on limited supplies and resources. The video was not well received by the J.S.O.C. special opts team who had previously announced that there were no survivors from the infected zone.

Khirer Putul

The king of Deepnagar had two queens Suo Rani and Duo Rani. The king gave Suo Rani 7 palaces, 700 female slaves, best ornaments from 7 kingdoms, 7 gardens, 7 chariots. He neglected Duo Rani and gave her a broken home, a deaf and dumb maid, torn clothes and a dirty bed.

Castle of Evil

The undertaker Muchado (Natividad Vacio) has been called to Castle Montego by housekeeper Lupe Tekal d'Esperanza (Shelley Morrison) because of the death of her employer, the reclusive scientist Kovic (Thourlby). But Muchado had discovered that Kovic wasn't quite dead yet. He prepared the body anyway and now demands twice his usual fee. Lupe pays him, poisons him and disposes of his body in a disintegrator chamber in the castle's secret laboratory.

A boat arrives at the castle, on an island near Nassau, with six people: Matt Granger (Brady), Sable (Mayo), Robert Hawley (Brian), Carrol (Gaye), Doc Corozal (Marlowe) and Tunki (Ernest Sarracino). Kovic had offended each of them and wants to make amends. Lupe announces to their surprise that Kovic is dead. His body is in an open coffin; his face horribly disfigured from a lab accident. She tells them Kovic wanted to leave his estate to them, but as she reads the preamble to his will in a séance-like ceremony, Kovic's face appears and tells them that one of them has murdered him. They are to find the murderer, whose portion of the estate will be split between the remaining five. Each portion is more than $400,000.

Kovic made his fortune controlling silver mines that belonged to the island's natives, of whom Tunki is one. Doc, also a native, went to the US to be educated and has therefore left behind the voodoo superstitions Tunki still believes in. Tunki plans to "restore to my people" the mines now that Kovic is dead. Kovic had stolen the mines to "rise above the stigma of his father's insanity" and was a "borderline case" of criminal insanity himself, Matt says.

The castle has closed-circuit television so Lupe can see into each room. In the lab, she keeps what appears to be Kovic's body, standing to attention and unmoving.

Robert, the attorney who helped Kovic steal the mines, accuses Lupe of murdering Kovic. Lupe "activates" the Kovic in the lab and sends him to kill Robert. But that Kovic is not the real Kovic, as his body still lies in its coffin. None of the remaining five people know what the Kovic from the lab is.

They assemble in a room without Carrol and Lupe. Carrol suddenly screams and faints. When she awakens, Lupe is apparently dead on the floor next to her. Carrol says she saw Kovic kill Lupe. Matt stops Tunki from stabbing Lupe's body, which Tunki believes will ensure that the "evil that lives on after death" goes away.

Doc finds that Lupe isn't dead but says she won't live long. Lupe says that the Kovic in the lab is a robot the real Kovic made in his image, complete with facial scarring. Its "brain is a computer filled with all the evil that was in Kovic." She confesses that she killed Kovic for his money, and then tried to reprogram the robot to kill the others but failed. The robot is now "beyond control." Lupe dies.

Matt and Tunki discover the closed-circuit TV system and find the secret laboratory, In the lab, the find a large laser gun, but no robot.

The robot attacks Doc, Sable and Carrol. It knocks Doc unconscious and is about to strangle Sable when Carrol runs away. The robot follows her. Matt checks the TV system and sees Carrol in the lab just as the robor bursts in. Matt shoots the robot with the laser gun, destroying it.

The Slut

Tamar, a promiscuous thirty-something, lives on a farm with her two daughters and occupies her spare time with a string of lovers. A new arrival in the village, a veterinary surgeon who treats one of her injured livestock, soon falls under her spell and they become romantically involved, but can she survive in a monogamous relationship?

Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant

During a board meeting at Federated Airlines headquarters in Atlanta, Emily McCoy (Molly Shannon) introduces Sally (Rebecca Romijn) as a solution to eliminating human flight attendants and by extension, eliminate their rising salaries and benefits. McCoy then tells the board members that Sally was made by Techtronics Industries. McCoy adds that for a fraction of the costs of a human flight attendant, Federated Airlines could have every one of its planes fully manned by Flightpals within one year.

When the CEO of Federated Airlines, Stanley Warner (Henry Winkler) casts his doubts over whether Sally is better than their own flight attendants, the president and founder of Techtronics Industries, Bob Techtronics (Adam Shapiro) walks in. Techtronics comes up with the solution of allowing Sally to compete against Federated Airlines' single best flight attendant in a challenge of skills. At an assembly meeting for the Fraternal Association of Federated Airlines Flight Attendants (or FAFAFA), the union's president (Marcia Gay Harden) announces Larry Gaye (Mark Feuerstein) has been selected by the research committee as the one to go up against Sally in a performance test.

At the Federated Airlines Testing Center in hangar 26, Sally competes against Larry Gaye in a race around queue lines. They also compete to see you can serve the better cup of coffee as well as singled-handedly carry a tray of drinks while walking across a mechanical balance board. Sally later defeats Larry in hurdles over luggage and in a boxing match. For the final event, Sally and Larry must offer passengers a choice of dinner between barbeque chicken and pasta primavera. But as a costumer service problem, the airplane is out of pasta and a more disgusting, non-edible entrée as an alternative. Larry eventually gives up when he couldn't think of any other possibly disgusting alternative. Therefore, Sally is declared the winner of the competition by a score of 61 points to zero.

Larry and his friend and co-worker Nathan Vignes (Danny Pudi) soon deduces that Sally was able to virtually know his every move due to Isabella (Leslie Coutterand), a woman who seduced him and shared his secrets with. On Larry and Nathan's next assignment for Federated Airlines, Flight 37 to Buenos Aires, they spot Sally now in full flight attendant uniform helping passengers put their luggage in the overhead aircraft bin.

While assisting Captain Bryce (Patrick Warburton) and Captain Felder (Ian Gomez) in the cockpit after the airplane's fuel line is blown, Larry learns that the signals are crossed with the Flightpal, thus he is unable to stay in contact with ground control's radio.

Larry then attacks what he initially presumes to be Sally from behind with a service trolley. Nathan immediately informs Larry that he mistakenly attacked someone else only for Sally to enter the scene from behind. After Sally asks Larry if she could help him, Larry response by lifting the bottom of her blouse to reveal a red button in the place of her navel. Larry presses the button to open up her access panel. It is there, where Larry presses down a switch on the side of the motherboard to shut the Flightpal off.

Beauty and the Bestie

Erika (Vice Ganda) isn't making nearly enough money running a photography studio to support her family. The problem is exacerbated when their young nephew is diagnosed with a rare condition that may lead to blindness. That's when their former best friend Emman (Coco Martin) suddenly shows up. Emman works for the Elite Super Secret Task Force, a spy agency tasked with the security of an upcoming beauty pageant. Erika happens to look exactly like Ms. Uzeklovakia, who was abducted by terrorists led by a Japanese Yakuza named Daemon Yu (Jacky Woo) and their Korean right-hand man, Jin Jhong (Ryan Bang).

Emman asks Erika to pretend to be Ms. Uzeklovakia while the agency searches for the real deal. Erika is still nursing some hurt from the way she and Emman ended things, ended up taking on the task in exchange for help in caring for her family. Aside from all this, Erika's younger sister Abi (Nadine Lustre) and Emman's half-brother Tristan (James Reid) meet and end up falling in love. Erika must deal with their feelings for their former best friend while fending off terrorists and dealing with their worry for Abi's budding romance.

Before the Q/A portion of the coronation night, Erika encounters the real Ms. Uzeklovakia after she manages to escape from her kidnappers which she was disgusted from their scent until she was intercepted by Emman and their friends in order to secure her from the terrorists. With that Erika continues to pose as Ms. Uzeklovakia until she wins the pageant. It was soon interrupted by the terrorists who are attempting to kill the fake which is Erika and Daemon manage to kidnap them thinking they were Ms. Uzeklovakia. Emman eventually intercepts the helicopter. As Erika and Daemon fight, Emman manages to finally kill Daemon in time as Erika falls onto the ledge of the helicopter. Erika takes Emman's hand and finally reconciles their friendship until he drops Erika's hand and falls into the ocean which Emman follows them.

When Emman attempts to make CPR towards Erika after falling each other into the ocean, they were still alive and soon reunites with her family. After the incident, the father of Ms. Uzeklovakia, the Uzeklovakian prime minister was happy that his daughter won the contest thanks to Erika's efforts in pretending as herself after she returns to their home country and reuniting with her father and he congratulates both Emman and Erika for rescuing her as both of them make their thankful speech.

The movie ends where both Emman and Erika are eating fishballs from a fishball bystander and both senses the shades was a detonator and it explodes knowing that another terrorist abducts another person from another country which results in them being summoned to their new mission.

Haunted Mansion (2015 film)

After a student retreat, a young student was alarmed by the agonizing screams of his teacher. He investigates it and goes inside a big mansion where he sees visions of a man burned to death and a woman in black before stumbling across a dead body, which he realizes to his horror is his teacher.

Best friends Ella (Janella Salvador) and Faye (Sharlene San Pedro) are students of a prestigious school. One of their friends and classmates, Adrian (Marlo Mortel), harbors romantic feelings for Ella, who is also skilled with mediumship. Ella confesses to the two that she will not be able to attend their school retreat due to financial problems. Adrian offers to pay for her registration but Ella kindly declines. After a physical education class, Ella sees a ghost of a girl (Andrea Bersamin) in the gymnasium's locker room before being made fun off by three clique students; Megan (Ingrid dela Paz), Jessie (Eliza Pineda) and Allison (Devon Seron). The next day, during a Chemistry class, Jacob (Jerome Ponce), who also harbors feelings for Ella despite being Megan's desire, was asked by the clique give Ella a box of chocolates which actually contains cockroaches unbeknownst to Jacob and Ella. Jacob becomes angry with the clique while friends Steve (Paolo Gumabao), and Jack (Phytos Ramirez), who has a relationship with Jessie, laughed at the prank.

At home, Ella's mother (Lilet), notices Ella's sad behavior and gives her money to join the retreat, which Ella reluctantly accepts. On the day of the retreat, the class was accompanied by their teachers Ms. Gonzalez (Janice De Belen) and Ms. Taas (Sue Prado) and the school's chaplain Father Anthony (Dominic Ochoa) to a mansion on the province. They are greeted by caretakers Selya (Vangie Labalan) and Anding (Archie Adamos). Selya explains to everyone of the mansion's history and was owned by a rich woman named Donya Amara (Iza Calzado), who lived and died during the Japanese Occupation Period and the estate is under the ownership of her descendants who live in the United States. On the first night, while Ella was sleeping, she had a vision about a woman in black committing suicide by hanging herself.

On the next day during an activity, Ella asked Manang Selya about the woman in the photo, whom she recognized was the woman in black in her dream. Selya explained that she was Veronica (LJ Reyes), Amara's younger sister who committed suicide because of shame from being raped by the mansion gardener Jaime (Joem Bascon). Jaime was then burned to death by people close to the family. That night, Ella, Faye and Adrian were terrorized by whom they thought was a ghost, only for them to find out that it was another prank pulled by Megan and her clique. The noises awaken Jacob, who then attempts to settle things down. Adrian however rebuffed his concerns and blamed him to be a part of the prank while also, revealing that he overheard a conversation between Steve, Jack and Jacob that Jacob only "likes" Ella to make Megan jealous. The argument ensues into a violent fight which was stopped by an angry Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Taas. As their punishment, the group was not allowed to attend the remaining activities in the retreat and instead serve detention by cleaning the whole vicinity.

The next night, Ella was haunted by the ghost of Jaime and ended up fainting in fright. Thinking it was another prank pulled by Megan, Ms. Gonzalez and the others made the group stay for another day in the mansion to work out their differences while their classmates and Ms. Taas went home ahead as a huge storm was on its way. Ella then confessed to Adrian that she has the ability to see ghosts and when she was younger, caused her father to be killed, to which she blamed herself for. That night, while Ms. Gonzalez, Father Anthony and the caretakers were asleep, Megan, Jessie, Allison, Jack and Steve decided to hunt ghosts, Jacob, Ella, Adrian and Faye warned them not to but they continued. They decided to leave Megan's cellphone plugged in a battery pack in the confessional in hopes that they will record The Black Lady's (Veronica) voice.

A storm hits the town and causes a power outage the next morning while water begins to flood the mansion. That night, Steve remembered Megan's phone and asked if she has already retrieved it. He goes to get it alone while the others were fixing candles and putting buckets in leaking areas. Father Anthony noticed Allison, Steve and Jack's disappearance and Jessie volunteered to look for them. A chandelier suddenly dropped on the floor and injured Father Anthony's legs rendering him immobile. On the confessional, Steve retrieves Megan's phone and decided to listen if there were voices recorded. He listened to the recording and was frightened when Jaime's ghost appeared pointing at something. He tried to escape but was caught by another violent ghost. His tongue was then severed and he was killed. Jessie found Jack who was revealed to be cheating on her with Allison. Jessie runs away but stumbles into Steve's dead body, which they carry back to the house. They find Megan's phone in his pocket which Mrs. Gonzalez uses to call for help. Faye and Jacob accompanied her. While making the call, Ms. Gonzalez accidentally listened to Veronica's voice recording and Jaime appeared pointing at something. Ms. Gonzalez suffered from an asthma attack and orders Jacob to grab her inhaler. Faye stays with Ms. Gonzalez and decides to listen to the voice recording as well. Jaime appeared once again pointing at something. Suddenly, the ghost who killed Steve appeared and threw Faye and Ms. Gonzalez to a wall injuring them severely. Ella and the others hear their screams and when they ran to help them, they find their corpses with their tongues ripped out. Jacob told everybody that he saw Ms. Gonzalez freaking out over something she heard from the phone. Father Anthony advises them to listen to the recorded message as they might learn something about the killings.

The recording turns out to be Veronica's confession, stating that she committed suicide not because Jaime raped her but that they fell in love. Veronica adds that Amara, a witchcraft practitioner, did not approve of their relationship as she had feelings for Jaime also. Due to her practice of sorcery, Amara influenced everyone to believe that Jaime raped her sister and burn him alive. This led to Veronica committing suicide as she lost the love of her life. Eventually, Amara died too.

Ella then realizes that Amara was the real killer. She also discovers that whoever heard Veronica's confession will be killed by Amara because she did not want anybody to know the truth while Megan concludes that everyone would suffer the same fate. Suddenly Jaime's ghost appeared and pointed at Amara's ghost approaching them. Ella, Adrian and Jacob carries Father Anthony to safety. Megan, Jack, Jessie and Allison flee the mansion. Selya and Anding are then killed by Amara, who blasts them through a glass door. Father Anthony asked the three to leave him behind stating that the Lord is with him no matter what. The surviving trio reluctantly leave him and Amara kills Father Anthony.

Megan and the others cross a flooded area outside the mansion wherein Allison is pulled down by a supernatural force. Jack and Jessie, who noticed her disappearance, are also pulled down and killed before they can warn Megan. Megan now alone encounters Amara surfacing up from the water feasting on the tongues of her three friends. Attempting to get to safety, Megan is captured by the spirit. As the three remaining friends hide, Adrian convinces Ella to use her abilities to ask help from Veronica and Jaime. Ella is drawn to a vision of the afterlife and is greeted by Veronica and Jaime; the former instructing her to destroy Amara's corpse before she takes human form. The trio head to a private tomb in the back area of the house to exhume Amara's corpse. Before Jacob could destroy the corpse, Amara appeared and captured him. A heavily injured Jacob asks Ella and Adrian to leave him before being killed by Amara. While on the run, Adrian is pulled down to the ground by the rotting hands of Amara, also killing him, leaving Ella all alone. She runs to the chapel wherein Amara's ghost confronts her. Using a crucifix, Ella stabs Amara in the mouth and takes out the latter's tongue. Ella is then blasted by the force backwards, injuring her head.

Sometime later, Ella was then seen with her mom and was greeted by her younger siblings. It turned out that Ella suffered from amnesia caused by the head injury as she did not recognize them at all. Ella's mother told her not to worry as her memory will be back some time. Three months later, Ella woke up in her home to find out that her memory has returned. A door opens by itself and Ella, suspecting it was her mother rushes out to tell the good news. However, the spirit of Amara appears once more and the two fight, resulting in Ella getting mortally wounded. As Amara tells Ella that her friends are waiting for her, Ella uses her strength to condemn Amara back to hell by placing a rosary around her neck. As Amara screams and vanishes, Ella collapses unconsciously to the floor. The camera pans up to her as she opens her eyes once more and the screen cuts to black.

Bestseller (film)

Baek Hee-soo has been a bestselling author for the past 20 years. But her reputation gets destroyed overnight when she is accused of plagiarizing a competition entry she'd previously judged. Battling depression and writer's block in the two years since, Hee-soo accepts the suggestion of her longtime publisher friend to stay at a remote country home in a small, rural town with her daughter Yeon-hee, where she'll be able to write in peace. Then Yeon-hee tells her mother that a mysterious, invisible woman in the house has been telling her stories, and Hee-soo turns those fascinating stories into a new book. It becomes an instant bestseller, but Hee-soo's regained fame doesn't last long as she becomes embroiled in another plagiarism scandal, with rumors swirling that the contents of her book are from a novel that had been published 10 years ago. To prove her innocence, Hee-soo sets out to uncover the truth and find who her daughter was talking to.

A Night at the Ritz

Leopold Jaynos dreams of becoming a famous chef, despite the fact that he can't cook a whit. Fast-talking press agent Duke Regan, who's dating his sister Marcia, comes up with a scheme: He goes to the Ritz Hotel and tells manager Vincent that a world-famous Hungarian chef is coming to visit and to roll out the red carpet for him and his entourage (meaning Regan and sidekick Gyp). Vincent happily agrees, but with his own job on the line, begs Regan to get Leopold to become the new chef for the hotel. Problem: Regan doesn't know that Leopold can't really cook—those delicious meals he had at the Jaynos home were actually cooked by their mother.

Episode One (Dark Matter)

A damaged spaceship drifts with its crew of six in stasis. As the ship's life support system gradually fails, the crew wake up one by one. The first, a man (Marc Bendavid), makes his way to the bridge but has no idea how to fix the situation. He is soon attacked by the second to awaken, a woman (Melissa O'Neil), because he is in her way; she uses a console to bring life support back to normal function. Another man (Anthony Lemke) joins them and demands at gunpoint to know who they are; neither of them know. As the others awaken - two more men (Alex Mallari Jr., Roger Cross) come fourth and sixth, while the fifth is a teenage girl (Jodelle Ferland) - the crew find that not one of them has any memory of their past.

The group adopt provisional names, One through Six, in order of their awakening. They find that the ship is carrying a wide variety of guns. They split into pairs to explore the ship. One and Four discover the training room, where Four demonstrates skill with swords, while Three and Six discover the ship's android (Zoie Palmer) in stasis. On the bridge, Two and Five discover a security protocol in effect and learn that Three and Six are under attack by the Android. Two sends One and Four to assist them; after a brief battle the Android is deactivated by Two, who wipes her protocols.

With the Android incapacitated, Two sets about repairing her and listens as the group voices their concerns about her. Two explains that she is no longer a threat, and once reactivated she should be back to normal. Two activates the Android and asks her to recover any files relating to the crew but she tells them that they're not accessible at this time.

Meanwhile, Five displays her electronic skill to Six, and on the bridge the Android and Two discuss repairs, but are interrupted when the ship comes under attack from an unidentified assailant. At the Android's suggestion, they make a series of maneuvers to evade the incoming missiles; this causes a brief loss of ship gravity, and Five is injured in a fall. They learn from the Android that their next pre-programmed destination is a planet 12 hours away by FTL.

While in FTL, Five recovers and tells Six about a mysterious door that may have the answers they're looking for behind it. At the same time elsewhere, Three attempts unsuccessfully to blast this same door and is knocked out when he is thrown against the bulkhead by the blowback. Meanwhile, One discovers a sun pendant in his bed, and Four examines a puzzle box he found hidden in a locker.

When they arrive at the planet, One, Three, Four and Six travel to the surface along with the Android in a ''Marauder''-class shuttle (which only Six knows how to pilot) to find answers and discover that they are at a mining colony under imminent threat from a corporation called Ferrous Corp that wants to wipe them out and claim the planet and nearby asteroid field for itself. The miners expect to be attacked by a monstrous group known as "the Raza", deniable enforcers for such corporations, infamous for leaving no survivors. One notices one of the women wearing a familiar sun pendant and learns that it came from Hrothgar, an ally of the colony who had promised to buy weapons. On the ship, Five tells Two about fragments of memory she's been experiencing that she believes belong to other crew members.

After the landing party return to the ship, One urges that they assist the colony, believing the arms they are carrying are meant for the miners. One, Five and Six vote to deliver the cargo while Three and Four vote not to get involved. Two, who has assumed ''de facto'' leadership, decides that they will give the miners half of their weapons shipment and keep the other half to sell for profit elsewhere.

The crew begin loading the arms aboard the shuttle, but are interrupted when Two summons them to the bridge. The Android has recovered important data: their names and history. Mugshots and security footage from the Galactic Authority identify One, Two, Three, Four and Six as Jace Corso, Portia Lin, Marcus Boone, Ryo Tetsudo and Griffin Jones, respectively. All but Five, who is not in the files, are wanted for several felonies including murder and piracy. The ship's name is "the ''Raza''". They have come not to help the colonists but to kill them.

Slaughter of the Vampires

In 19th Century Austria, a newlywed couple, Marquis Wolfgang (Walter Brandi) and Louise (Graziella Granata), acquire a castle. To commemorate the occasion, Louise performs a piano piece she has written during a party. Louise then feels a strange sensation and retires to her room. She is visited by a vampire (Dieter Eppler) who she originally sees at the party she was in and sucks her blood, leading her to desire him. As a result, Louise's health declines, leading to Wolfgang seeking aid from Dr. Nietzsche (Luigi Batzella). Wolfgang is too late as when the doctor arrives, Louise is already dead. As the doctor diagnoses this, Wolfgang is shocked to find Louise alive as she approaches him and sucks his blood. The doctor later seeks out Louise's hiding place and stakes her to death, along with the servant Corrine, also a vampire. Wolfgang's hiding spot is not found as the doctor seeks another abode in the castle. Wolfgang, not entirely converted into a vampire, corners his adversary and stakes him with spikes of an iron grating.

One Last Fling

Olivia Pearce ran her husband Larry's music store in New York while he was off to war. Now he's home and needs someone to head his sales department, but decides to hire his uncle's secretary, Gaye Winston, instead of his wife.

A misunderstanding occurs wherein Olivia believes the job is hers. Larry, painted in a corner, gives it to her. He goes to lunch with Gaye to explain. Olivia, at another table in the restaurant, spots her husband with a woman. She claims not to be jealous, telling her lunch companion Vera that the only woman Larry ever sounded interested in was one he knew a long time ago, a Gaye Winston.

Vic Lardner bursts into the restaurant, accusing Larry of stealing his wife. It turns out Gaye and Vic are married. Olivia, seeing this scene from across the room, packs Larry's bags at home and demands a divorce. When he explains about wanting Gaye to have the job, Olivia is even more offended. Out he goes.

Some time later, Larry and Vic bump into each other in a bar. They settle their differences after Vic says he and Gaye have reconciled. Larry decides to do likewise with Olivia, but months go by as they keep missing each other. It still all turns out happily in the end.

The Haters (film)

Sam's (Elmira Harutyunyan), a 15-16 year old teen best friend is Sarah (Mary Stepanyan) now. But Sam tells us that actually they weren't always friends. Only two months ago they even didn't want to hear each other's names. Two months ago Sam and Sarah were invited to their mutual friend Marie's (Marianna Mkhchyan) birthday party. Though they were unpleasantly surprised meeting each other at Marie's birthday party, they decided to ignore each other and have fun. But they couldn't. Soon an unexpected thing happened and Marie told that all the guests had to leave the house because she had to go as soon as she could. Everybody left the house with Marie except for Sam and Sarah. They were left alone in the house accidentally. At first they weren't going on with each other but soon they found a common language.

The Lady from Sockholm

During Wool War II, New Jersey private investigator Terrence M. Cotton is hired to find a missing husband. When Cotton finds the man dead, he is drawn further into a conspiracy that takes him to Chinatown and its criminal elements.

The Brass Check (film)

As described in a film magazine, ordered out of the family home because he refused to marry the woman selected by this father Silas Trevor (Currier), Richard Trevor (Bushman) finds himself out in the world without funds or a way of earning some. Becoming a detective, he finds a suitcase check and follows this clue to a private insane asylum. There he helps Henry Everett (Joyner) escape. Richard than assists Everett and his sister Edith (Bayne) across the state line, but then returns to line up the men who made Everett their victim. Richard is surprised to find that his own father was at the bottom of the scheme, and that Everett was being held at the asylum because he had discovered a method of manufacturing rubber but refused to sell it. In a clever way Richard has his father pay a high price for Everett's patent, and then introduces Edith as future wife.

Under Suspicion (1918 film)

As described in a film magazine, Gerry Simpson (Bushman) meets newspaper reporter Virginia Blake (Bayne) and, after learning that she has no use for the idle rich, decides to become a reporter and make Virginia believe he is poor in order to win her. Both are very happy until Virginia comes to believe that Gerry is responsible for a series of robberies that have occurred at fashionable functions. She goes to his apartment but is interrupted by Gerry's valet. Gerry arrives home in time to save Virginia from the wrath of the crooked valet and after the thief is brought to justice, Virginia, convinced of Gerry's innocence, promises to marry him.

Seventy-Nine (film)

In an abandoned asylum, doctors carry out secret experiments on unsuspecting patients who have been taken from their everyday lives and seemingly erased from existence. The experiments, codenamed Limes, are designed to cure violent episodes through new methods of brainwashing and mind manipulation. But as the experimental project begins to fail, chaos ensues in the hospital as patients seek revenge against their captors.

Mr. Barnes of New York (1922 film)

As described in a film magazine, American traveler Mr. Barnes (Moore) becomes involved in a Corsican feud when he unexpectedly witnesses a duel between a native and an English naval officer. The slain man's sister Marina Paoli (Lehr) vows vengeance. She hires an artist to paint a picture of the duel and has it hung in an art gallery in Paris, where detectives watch in an effort to discover the identity of the English officer. Barnes sees the painting and overhears a beautiful young English woman tell a friend that she has fallen in love with one of the men in the painting. The picture is his own, and he follows her as she goes to catch a train. Through the connivance of a porter on the train, he steers the young woman, Enid Anstruther (Childers) into a friendly relationship with himself. By the time they reach Nice, Barnes is head over heels in love with Enid and suspects that it is her brother Gerard (Willoughby) who is the naval officer implicated in the duel. Gerard is deeply in love with Marina, who refuses to marry him because of her vow. Her guardian Count Danella (Ainsworth) wants to marry her and conspires to have her marry Gerard and to then tell her that he is the man who killed her brother. The Count believes that this will force her to avenge her brother's killing, leaving Marina to marry him. Through the investigation of Barnes it turns out that Gerard had loaned his pistols to another officer and it was that man who shot Marina's brother. This leaves the way clear for Gerard and Marina and for Barnes and Enid to get married.

The Mystery of the Yellow Room (1919 film)

Mathilde Strangerson (Terry), whose father is a renowned French scientist, is heard to utter a piercing scream while supposedly alone in her room. Her father and other rush to the scene and find a room so securely locked and barred that no one could have entered or made their escape. She receives medical care while detectives are called in to investigate the case. Each has their pet theory about the crime, all of which seem to be based on logic. Gradually the light of suspicion filters through the members of the household and those associated with it. Mathilde's fiancee is placed in prison to await trial as most of the evidence points to him as the criminal. Then, Joseph Rouletabille (Raker) is called in to decipher the mystery. Rouletabille finds that the detective who was most persistent in his investigation is responsible. Mathilde's fiancee is then released and a happy ending occurs.

Ramez Wakel el-Gaw

The star gets invited to an opening ceremony of a hotel in Dubai. The host, Shaimaa, convinces the star to get on a plane for a tour in the skies of Dubai, where a masked Ramez Galal is sitting next to them in the plane. He has four different masks of characters, "Fayiq al-Ayiq", "Fathiyya al-Montahiyya", "Bulbul" and a mask that looks like the American actor, Morgan Freeman. The plane's engine stops or gets hijacked and the pilot of the plane orders some of the people on the plane to jump. Being experts at jumping from planes, they do it. Ramez annoys the star in every way possible until the plane lands and everyone gets out of it, where Ramez tells the star that it's a prank.

The Decision of Christopher Blake

Evelyn and Ken Blake are about to break up their marriage and get a divorce. While she still loves him, she can not forgive his infidelity. Their son, 12-year-old Christopher, is hurt and confused. The divorce suit goes to court and Ted must choose which of his parents he wants to stay with, and is unable to decide.

Maybe Tomorrow (True Detective)

In a dream sequence, Velcoro (Colin Farrell) talks with his father Eddie (Fred Ward) at a bar, while a man sings "The Rose" in the background. Eddie reprimands his son for failing to show his "grit". In real life, Velcoro wakes up in Caspere's house, with no major wounds from the bullets, as the shotgun was loaded with rubber pelleted riot control rounds. As he is tended by medics, Bezzerides (Rachel McAdams) arrives and reprimands him. In the house, a hard drive is reported to have been stolen.

Semyon (Vince Vaughn) begins suffering erectile dysfunction, apparently from all the pressure from his workplace. He later meets with Velcoro, who demands to know if anyone knew about what would happen at Caspere's house but Semyon claims no knowledge. Bezzerides and Woodrugh (Taylor Kitsch) attempt to find a connection between Caspere and Mayor Chessani (Ritchie Coster), so they visit his mansion. They meet his trophy wife, Betty (Emily Rios), who spends her days intoxicated. They also meet her moody daughter and his problematic son, none of which provide them with any help. Chessani is angry about the encounter and threatens to remove them from the case.

Velcoro visits Eddie to give him marijuana to help him sleep. During their talk, Eddie talks about his encounters with Holloway (Afemo Omilami) and Burris (James Frain). Semyon is informed by Osip (Timothy V. Murphy) that he is leaving for Las Vegas amid his crisis, angering him. After he leaves, he wonders if Osip had a role in Caspere's death. He is later informed that Stan, one of his associates, has been found dead. Meanwhile, Woodrugh reconnects with an old friend from the private security firm Black Mountain, Miguel Gilb (Gabriel Luna), and they go out. However, Miguel brings up a sexual relationship they had during the war, prompting Woodrugh to punch him and leave him. Unbeknownst to him, Dixon (W. Earl Brown) takes pictures of the encounter.

Tracing the Cadillac that possibly drove Caspere to the rest stop, Velcoro and Bezzerides visit a movie set, where a similar car was reported missing one week before Caspere's death. That night, Bezzerides and Velcoro drink at his house when Gena (Abigail Spencer) shows up. She says she was questioned by the police about his actions and possible corruption. She offers to give him $10,000 to drop the custody battle, which he refuses. Woodrugh visits a strip club, looking for Caspere's contact and inadvertedly runs into Semyon. While Paul looks for the contact, Semyon confronts Danny Santos (Pedro Miguel Arce) for failing to support him and brutally attacks him before removing his golden teeth.

Based on a tip, Bezzerides and Velcoro question a former movie production employee from the set, a person lights on fire the Cadillac that drove Caspere to the rest stop. They chase the masked man, who manages to evade them. As Bezzerides is near him, a truck nearly hits her until Velcoro takes her out of the highway. Afterwards, he asks her about the evidence of corruption the state might have against him, but Bezzerides claims not to know anything. In the final scene, Semyon returns home to find Jordan (Kelly Reilly) awake, who wants to reconcile after a previous fight they had. Semyon drops Santos' teeth in the garbage. She asks if they can talk, to which he says "maybe tomorrow".

Down Will Come

Velcoro (Colin Farrell) and Bezzerides (Rachel McAdams) send the burnt Cadillac to a shop for repair. Meanwhile, Woodrugh (Taylor Kitsch) finds that he spent the night with Miguel (Gabriel Luna) and leaves the apartment. He sees that his motorcycle has been stolen and is also harassed by reporters regarding Lacey Lindel's incident.

Semyon (Vince Vaughn) starts rebuilding his criminal empire by contacting old properties he owned, as well as starting business with local drug suppliers. Velcoro and Bezzerides ask Chessani's daughter Betty (Emily Rios) about Caspere, to which she says that her life was depressive when her mother killed herself while being a patient of Dr. Pitlor (Rick Springfield). After visiting Eliot (David Morse), Velcoro and Bezzerides are led to vast tracts of land contaminated by the heavy metals dumped in the tailings from decades of mining, prompting Velcoro to admit that the State investigation into Vinci is little more than a shakedown.

Woodrugh talks with Emily (Adria Arjona) to talk about his problems and is surprised when she reveals she is pregnant. Woodrugh suggests they should marry, proclaiming his love for her. Bezzerides is suspended from her workplace after a colleague files a sexual harassment complaint but she will still be allowed to work in the task force for the case. She returns to the team's office, to find that Velcoro, Woodrugh and Dixon (W. Earl Brown) assembled a bigger team for help as they are pressured to close the case. They have managed to investigate into a local pimp, Ledo Amarilla (Cesar Garcia), who had a prostitute take some of Caspere's stuff and plan on leading a raid on Amarilla's home. The day before the raid, Velcoro visits Chad (Trevor Larcom) to give him his father's old police badge.

Velcoro, Bezzerides, Woodrugh and the task force reunite outside Amarilla's warehouse. However, they are seen by Amarilla's henchmen and a gunfight ensues. During the shootout, the bullets hit the building, which is revealed to be a meth lab, causing a massive explosion. In the chaos, many police officers are killed, including Dixon. Bezzerides then enters the building to catch Amarilla, who escapes in a SUV. The SUV runs over many civilians and then crashes a bus. Amarilla and his gang leave the SUV to start another shootout, killing civilians. Velcoro, Woodrugh and Bezzerides close in the gang and manage to kill most of them. Amarilla then holds a hostage at gunpoint and then executes the hostage, prompting Velcoro and Woodrugh to gun him down. Velcoro, Bezzerides and Woodrugh then stare in horror at the amount of police officers, gangbangers and civilians killed just as more police units arrive.

Hey Amigo! A Toast to Your Death

Dove Williams, a postal officer, pursues a gang of violent outlaws that rob a Texas stagecoach.

Gatling Gun (film)

In the waning days of the Civil War, Richard Gatling, creator of the gatling gun, offers his invention to the Federal Government. But Gatling is kidnapped by two assassins - under the employ of Tarpas. They also steal his new invention and kill three Union government agents. Soon after, the Pinkerton Agency sends out Cpt. Chris Tanner (himself a former secret service agent) to find Gatling and recover the weapon.

Return to Action

Chan Wan-sing (Chen Kuan-tai) has retired from the underworld for many years and often inculcates his son Wah (Mark Cheng), hoping that his son will not step into his footsteps. However, Wah had secretly colluded with Mad Man (Shing Fui-On) in dealing with illegal business. While on the other hand, Chan greatly cares for his adopted daughter Joey (Rosamund Kwan) as if she was his biological child and is also very proud of Joey's husband, police inspector Man Yung-keung (Alex Man) of the Regional Unit of Hong Kong.

Man's superiors assign him to assist Interpol officer Ms. Hon (Lee Siu-man), who has come to Hong Kong to investigate smuggling case, and ensure her safety. However, Ms. Hon disapproves of the Hong Kong Police and starts the operation by herself, where she was captured and murdered by Wah.

When Joey brings her students to visit her brother's shipyard, she notices a female corpse in photo that was taken during the visit. When she questions Wah about the corpse, he denies it and destroys the photo. To repay Chan's favor of raising her, Joey did not bring this matter up with Man. However, this decision has led her to a fatal disaster when Wah brings Mad Man to ask her for the negative of the photo. When she refused, Wah accidentally kills her. After Joey died, the negative had unexpectedly fallen into the hands of Man. In order to avenge Joey, Man teams up with Chan to find Wah and Mad Man. During an intense battle, Chan punishes his own relations in the cause of justice, and shoots his son dead in order to save Man.

Anne Happy

is an elite school where students train in various subjects such as arts and sports. That is, except for the students of Class 1–7, a.k.a. the "Happiness Class", who have been deemed "unfortunate" and must try to overcome their own misfortune and achieve happiness. The series follows Anne "Hanako" Hanakoizumi, who has terrible luck, and her classmates Ruri, Botan, Hibiki, and Ren, who each have their own misfortunes, as they try to find their own happiness.

In the Morning I'll Be Gone

In Belfast, September 1983, in the middle of The Troubles, Sergeant Sean Duffy, one of the few Catholics in the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), is drummed out of the RUC on trumped up charges. At the same time, Dermot McCann, an IRA master bomber and ex-schoolmate of Duffy's escapes from the Maze prison and becomes a prime target for British Intelligence. MI5 drags Duffy out of his drunken retirement to track down McCann. The novel follows Duffy's attempts to solve a locked-room murder in order to obtain inside information on McCann's whereabouts, which finally leads to the assassination attempt on British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in Brighton.

Her Story (video game)

The interview tapes feature a woman who introduces herself as Hannah Smith (Viva Seifert), whose husband, Simon, has gone missing, and is later found murdered. Hannah admits that she and Simon had argued, but has an alibi placing her in Glasgow when Simon disappeared. As more pieces of the interviews are discovered, it is claimed that "Hannah" is actually two women: Hannah and Eve, identical twins separated at birth by the midwife, Florence. Florence, whose husband died during the war, desperately wanted to have kids, but did not believe in remarrying, so she faked the death of one of the twins to claim one for herself. Florence deliberately kept Eve indoors as much as possible and the twins were unaware of each other's existence until years later. When Florence died, Eve secretly moved in with Hannah at which point they decided to act as a single person, keeping a common diary and a set of rules defining their actions as "Hannah". Hannah's parents were oblivious, and assumed that Eve was Hannah's imaginary friend.

Hannah eventually began dating Simon, whom she had met at a glazier where they both worked. Despite their rules to share equally, Hannah slept with Simon and became pregnant. She gradually became possessive of Simon and forbade Eve from interacting with him. Because of the pregnancy, Hannah and Simon were married and moved in together while Eve moved out to her own apartment and began wearing a wig. Hannah miscarried in her eighth month and believed she was infertile afterward. Some time later, Simon encountered Eve in a bar she was singing at. Smitten by her resemblance, the two began an affair. Eve became pregnant but never told Simon and hid the identity of the father from Hannah. On their birthday, after Simon gave Hannah a handmade mirror as a gift, Hannah revealed to him the existence of Eve and her pregnancy. From his reaction, Hannah realised that Simon was the father of Eve's child. After kicking Simon out of the house, she argued with Eve over the affair, causing the latter to leave and drive to Glasgow. When Simon returned, Hannah pretended to be Eve by wearing her wig. Thinking she was Eve, Simon gifted her a similar handmade mirror and professed his desire to be with Eve rather than Hannah. Hannah became furious and revealed her identity. She later claims that, as they fought, she shattered the mirror and inadvertently cut Simon's throat with a shard of it while trying to fend him off. When Eve returned, she found Hannah sitting next to Simon's lifeless body. The two agreed that Eve's baby was the priority so they hid Simon's body and used Eve's trip to Glasgow as an alibi for the time of his disappearance. At the end of the final interview, Eve says that Hannah is "gone ... [and is] never coming back" but mockingly asks "can you arrest someone who doesn't exist?". She then requests a lawyer, and says that her comments are just "stories". It is not entirely clear if Eve's story of being an identical twin is true, an intentional fabrication meant to confuse the police, or a case of dissociative identity disorder, with pieces of evidence in-game lending credence to each theory.

As the player uncovers enough of the story, a chat window appears asking if they are finished. Upon answering affirmatively, it is revealed that the player is Sarah, Eve's daughter. The chat asks Sarah if she understands her mother's actions, and asks to meet her outside.

Hit Lady

An artist works part-time as a syndicate assassin. She decides to do one last job, killing a labor leader Jeffrey Baine. However she can't go through with the job.

LBJ (2016 film)

The story begins as Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, greet President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. While Kennedy is warmly greeted by the crowd, a clearly-disgruntled Johnson is virtually ignored.

Four years earlier, Johnson was the Senate Majority Leader, bullying senators into supporting legislation. During one such meeting, Johnson asks fellow Texas Senator Ralph Yarborough why he has not endorsed him for the presidential nomination in the 1960 presidential election, although he has yet to announce. Yarborough instead plans to support Kennedy, who has been running a public campaign on television and through a series of popular primaries. At the Johnson Ranch in Texas, Robert F. Kennedy asks Johnson directly whether he plans to seek the presidency, and Johnson assures him that he doesn't. Sometime later, "Johnson for President" signs start to appear even though he continues to deny publicly that he plans to run, while Kennedy continues to amass support in the primaries. Johnson's advisors suggest he announce publicly to take some of the publicity away from Kennedy, but he instead plans to make his case at the convention. Privately, Johnson admits that he is also afraid that he can't compete with Kennedy, whose good looks and instant charm have made him loved by the public; a love Johnson himself is scared to find out they would not feel for him. At the convention, as he is whipping votes, Johnson is confronted on his broken promise by Bobby Kennedy, who gets his revenge by correctly analyzing that the tide has turned in their favour. Kennedy wins the nomination on the first ballot.

However, without consulting his brother or advisors like Kenneth O'Donnell, Kennedy asks Johnson to be his running mate. In private, Kennedy says that he can remove Johnson from Congress and make him work for him rather than against him. Johnson himself hopes to turn the vice presidency into a more powerful position. Kennedy and Johnson successfully defeat Richard Nixon in the 1960 election by one of the narrowest margins in history. In his early days as vice president, Johnson tries to increase his power by requesting that all government agencies "cooperate fully with the vice president in the carrying out of these assignments". The president's advisors, contemptuous of Johnson and lined up behind Bobby Kennedy (now the administration's Attorney General), try to block his influence, but Kennedy himself is wary not to antagonize his vice president, appointing O'Donnell to liaise with him on all issues. He appoints him to run his new Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a part of his program to address civil rights legislation. The first meeting of the commission goes badly as the Cabinet secretaries meant to compose it send aides instead. Aware of his precarious situation, Johnson tells his advisors he will push for compromise on civil rights, knowing that the Southern Democrats, led by his friend and mentor Senator Richard Russell, will oppose any move made by the Kennedys. Although Johnson claims a small victory when he convinces Russell to support equal opportunities in employment in exchange for a manufacturing deal in his native Georgia, neither faction can see eye-to-eye as Russell refuses to consider any other compromises on civil rights, and Kennedy backs Bobby's suggestion that they should go "through him" instead. Following this decision, Johnson is further sidelined and his lack of influence is shown when he attempts to convince Kennedy to appoint his friend Sarah T. Hughes as a federal judge, a decision they barely acknowledge. He eventually deduces that Bobby is trying to make him powerless and irrelevant so that he will not be able to contest Bobby's own ambitions to run for the White House in 1968.

Back in Dallas, Johnson hears a shot as they are driven through the streets in their motorcade. The Secret Service get him to safety in a nearby hospital where they tell him that Kennedy has been shot. Kennedy is soon declared dead and Johnson is thrust into the presidency. Although the Secret Service wishes to return Johnson to the White House immediately, he refuses to leave Dallas without Jackie Kennedy, who refuses to leave her husband. To enquire about the legalities of succession, Johnson calls Bobby Kennedy who reluctantly tells him that he can take the oath of office whenever he wants. Against Bobby's wish, Johnson takes the oath aboard Air Force One, with Jackie at his side and Sarah Hughes, the very judge he had once tried to recommend, swearing him in as president. As he returns to Washington, everyone around him reacts uncertainly, unsure what kind of a president he aims to be. His ascension however delights Russell and his southern Democratic block due to his own southern roots and their belief that he will end the push for civil rights legislation. Johnson asks Kennedy's former advisors to remain, while also giving them the choice to leave if they don't feel like serving him. Debate ensues between them as they are unsure whether they should remain with Johnson, or throw their support behind Bobby as Kennedy's heir. Johnson admits his own doubts to his wife, and that he would have rather lost the presidency on his own merits rather than inherit it in such circumstances.

Johnson eventually decides that the best way to heal the nation and to ensure his presidency works is to present himself firmly not just as Kennedy's successor but also as his heir. Although aware that Russell will block his efforts, he rejects his previous strategy of compromise and, when asked whether he supports civil rights himself, he recounts a story about how challenging it was for his cook to cross the south from his home in Washington to his ranch as an African American woman. Johnson asks Kennedy speechwriter Ted Sorensen to write a speech he intends to deliver to a joint session of Congress, while he begins whiping votes for the civil rights bill. The speech was meant to serve as a eulogy for Kennedy and an inaugural address for Johnson himself. Eventually, LBJ delivers his 'Let Us Continue' speech to Congress, to rousing applause from both chambers, a visibly-emotional Senator Yarborough, a displeased but respectful Russell, and a very reluctant Bobby Kennedy, who must surrender the mantle of his brother's legacy to his rival.

A closing text recounts that Johnson successfully passed and, on July 2, 1964, signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, fulfilling Kennedy's dream. On November 3 of the same year, he defeated Senator Barry Goldwater in the presidential election, winning 44 states and taking 61.1% of the popular vote, the largest margin of victory since 1820. Over his next term, Johnson pushed through the Great Society legislation, such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and establishing programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Head Start. However, his escalation of the Vietnam War lead to rising American deaths and intensifying anti-war protests, causing his popularity to plummet by 1968, and causing challenges from within his own party, including from Bobby Kennedy. On March 31, 1968, Johnson declares that he will not seek another presidential term, become as yet the last sitting president to forgo reelection.

The Meg

Rescue diver Jonas Taylor attempts to save the crew of a damaged nuclear submarine when he sees the hull being rammed by an unidentified creature. Two of his crew are trapped in the damaged sub, but Taylor is forced to flee, realizing that attempting rescue would result in the deaths of everyone he has already saved. His account of the story is dismissed by fellow survivor Dr. Heller, who believes that Taylor turned drunk and cowardly due to induced pressure psychosis.

Five years later, billionaire Jack Morris meets Dr. Minway Zhang at an underwater research facility the former finances called Mana One. Zhang and his oceanographer daughter Suyin supervise a mission to explore what could be the deepest section of the Mariana Trench, concealed by a thermocline of hydrogen sulfide. The mission submersible is piloted by Lori, Taylor's ex-wife, scientists Toshi and "The Wall". They discover an abundance of never-before-seen flora and fauna below the thermocline, but an attack by a large, unidentified creature causes the submersible to lose contact with Mana One.

An old friend of Taylor's, Mana One operations manager James "Mac" Mackreides, suggests sending Taylor down to attempt a rescue. Despite the objections of Heller, now a member of the Mana One crew, Zhang and Mac venture to Thailand to recruit Taylor. He is initially skeptical but relents after listening to a taped recording containing the dialogue between Lori, her crew, and Mana One. Suyin attempts the rescue in their absence but is attacked by a giant squid. Before the squid can crush her submersible, it is killed by an enormous shark. Taylor, having agreed to help, breaches the thermocline and reaches the sunken submersible. When the shark returns and attacks the submersible before the evacuation has been completed, Toshi sacrifices himself to help the others escape.

Returning to Mana One, the crew discovers the giant shark is a megalodon, or "meg". While discussing how to address it, Suyin's daughter Meiying witnesses the shark arriving at the station. The crew realizes that the meg followed them through a temporary break they caused in the thermocline and resolves to go out and track the meg before killing it with poison. After the meg destroys three nearby ships, Taylor enters the water to shoot the meg with a tracker, and then the team puts Suyin in a shark-proof tank so she can shoot the meg with poison. However, the mission goes awry when the shark attacks the cage and cracks Suyin's mask, causing her to lose oxygen. Taylor gets her out just as the meg returns, though it gets snagged on the cage's line and dies from the poison.

In their moment of triumph, a second, much larger meg emerges, devouring The Wall and the dead meg, critically wounding Zhang, and destroying the crew's ship. Heller sacrifices himself to save fellow crew member Jaxx. Mac swims out to a floating lifeboat so he and the crew can regroup at Mana One, though Zhang dies on the way. The shark chases them, but it is deterred by a helicopter Morris called in. Morris claims that he has informed all the local governments about the meg and that they will handle it while secretly enlisting a mercenary team to kill the shark with depth charges. Amidst this, Morris falls overboard and is killed. Learning that Morris did not contact the governments, and after failing to convince them, the Mana One crew resolve to track and kill the shark themselves.

The meg attacks a crowded beach in Sanya Bay, China, and devours several beach-goers before the Mana One crew uses a whale call to divert its attention toward them. Taylor and Suyin work together to kill it, but Suyin is forced to break off to save the others when a helicopter crashing into their ship forces them into the water. Taylor wounds the beast, and attracted by the spilled blood, a swarm of modern sharks arrive and devour the dying meg. Taylor reunites with the rest of the Mana One crew and considers taking a vacation with Suyin and Meiying. Meanwhile, in the water a passing meg is heard suggesting that more than two escaped the trench.

A Perfect World (audio drama)

Thomas Brewster requests a trip to the year 2008 and the Doctor obliges, little knowing that Brewster has been there before during the time he had "borrowed" the Doctor's TARDIS. Brewster's prior encounter with a young woman called Connie seems to have had a strange effect on the world, causing perfection to be the norm. Now the Doctor and his companions must discover what has caused this to happen and how can they put things right.

Prey for the Shadows

The movie centers on the story of a woman who runs an art gallery and leaves her husband for another man, whom she eventually also leaves but becomes dependent on.

From the Ashes: Nicaragua Today

This documentary probes the human realities and the political complexities of life in Nicaragua following the 1979 insurrection that overthrew the Somoza dictatorship. Providing a personalized perspective on the country's past and present are the Chavarrias, a family of six. Their comments are accompanied by archival footage documenting the presence of U.S. Marines in Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933, the rise of rebel leader Augusto Sandino and scenes from the bloody civil war including the murder of ABC-TV newsman Bill Stewart by Somoza's National Guard. The film also explores issues such as the national literacy campaign, the changing relations between the sexes, the social activist role of the church, the agrarian reform movement, the revolution's impact on private business and the training of Nicaraguan exiles at a Florida military camp in preparation for contra attacks in Nicaragua.

Ursus in the Land of Fire

The evil General Amilcare usurps the throne of King Lotar, after murdering him with the aid of the king's niece Mila. He then destroys a nearby village, killing or enslaving the people, which causes local hero Ursus to intervene and combat the dictator. Ursus enters a gladiator tournament in disguise and challenges Amilcare's authority, but is caught and put to manual labour.

King Lotar's daughter, Diana, is still being held prisoner and calls upon the help of Ursus, who escapes and does battle with Amilcare in an underground volcanic cavern.

The Great Jewel Robber

Gerard Dennis (David Brian) is a suave, controlling character dependent on filching jewels in ingenious ways from their owners, often women whom he inveigles into his clutches by seducing them, in order to support himself. Relying mostly on conniving and trickery, he is not above also resorting to violence when necessary to enable him to escape apprehension by the law. He pulls off a series of amazingly clever seductions, heists and escapes from the police before one of his conquests, whom he had married, helps the police catch him, and the film ends with his being sentenced to prison for some 25 years, when he will be 55.

Skyward (film)

Bette Davis stars as a flight instructor at an old Texas airport. When a young girl in a wheelchair finds the airport by watching gliders fly, she decides she wants to learn how to fly. Davis teaches her to fly with some special controls adapted for her disability. Howard Hesseman is an aircraft repair service mechanic trying desperately to get an old airplane back in the air. The three, together, put the young girl and the old plane up in the air.


A Filipino family deals with hooded people who are involved in extra-judicial killings and other abuses in Philippine society.

Cinderella Jones

Struggling singer Judy Jones (Leslie) discovers she's entitled to a multimillion-dollar fortune, as long as she can live up to the terms of her late uncle's will. To collect her inheritance, Jones must marry an intellectual genius. Jones ditches her boyfriend, bandleader Tommy Coles (Alda), and matriculates at an elite university for the super-intelligent. On campus, Jones struggles to win the heart of a dashing professor, Bartholomew Williams (Prince).

1944 (film)

The film opens in July 1944 on the Tannenberg Line in Estonia, where a unit of Estonian soldiers in the Waffen SS are fighting the advancing Red Army. A visit by a Nazi official, who hands out signed photographs of Hitler, attracts ridicule. The Soviet forces are superior in numbers of tanks and infantry and the German forces have to retreat through streams of civilian refugees. After a ferocious battle, the victors are a Red Army Estonian unit.

As they bury the dead of both sides in a mass grave, an Estonian in the Red Army called Jüri searches the body of an Estonian in the German forces called Karl and finds an unposted letter to Karl's sister Aino in Tallinn. When the Soviets capture the city, he delivers the letter in person and he and Aino become friendly, which incurs the enmity of his unit's political officer. Back fighting on the Sõrve Peninsula in November, his unit captures a group of sixteen-year-old Estonian boys in German uniform. The political officer orders Jüri to kill them all and, when he questions the decision, shoots Jüri dead. The officer himself is executed by one of Jüri's comrades seconds later. On Jüri's body, a comrade finds an unposted letter to Aino which he, when he has a spell of leave, delivers in person.

Wikipedia:Edit filter/Requested/Archive 7

'''Task''': Display a warning message ( to those adding a section called "Plot" or "Synopsis" to an article, or editing a "List of [...] episodes" or "[TV show] (season X)" article. '''Reason''': See [] and []. (I am still considering whether an editintro is also necessary). MER-C 12:21, 23 July 2013 (UTC) : ''All'' users? This could get annoying for experienced users who know better. Also simply editing a TV show article doesn't mean they will (or even probably will) be adding copyvio. A bot to search for and/or remove copyvios would probably be a better solution. --Jakob (talk) 13:44, 15 February 2014 (UTC) ::This could be narrowed down to large edit_deltas of non-autoconfirmed editors to plot/synopsis sections, and as such I can see some merit to the proposal. '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 15:21, 18 January 2015 (UTC) ::: Logging at Special:AbuseFilter/655 to monitor how much of an issue this is. '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 17:46, 19 January 2015 (UTC) :::: Would you mind taking a look through the past few days of diffs to see if sufficient numbers are copyvios for this filter to be worth it? '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 17:22, 22 January 2015 (UTC) :::::I had a look and found nothing. However, you've set the size threshold too high -- my experience is that the copyvio plot summaries are usually only one paragraph (3-7 lines) long. I've changed it to 400 bytes. You are also missing the very important scenario when a plot section is added without there being an existing section and an edit summary -- you'll want to search for the addition of a level 2 header like [Pp]lot|[Ss]ynopsis as the trigger. MER-C 12:04, 23 January 2015 (UTC) ::::::That's fair, and yes I hadn't thought of that, added a flag for that too. '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 20:03, 23 January 2015 (UTC) :::::::*Disabled for now because I've run out of ideas on how to narrow this. Plot/synopsis/summary is far too vague a search term to be useful. '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 19:54, 28 January 2015 (UTC) :MusikAnimal has improved the filter a bit so we'll see how it goes. Narrowed to adding a new section rather than checking for any largeish plot/summary edit to existing ones. '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 19:20, 7 April 2015 (UTC) :: Could you check if the filter is worth continuing? '''S'''am '''W'''alton (talk) 12:08, 25 May 2015 (UTC) :::Seems to be worthwhile MusikAnimal talk 16:59, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

Delpower X Bakuhatsu Miracle Genki!

Teenager Hanegi Manami leaves to go to school, just as a helicopter delivers a powered armor for her grandfather. Known as Del Power X, it is designed specifically for Hanegi Manami

==Voice actors==
Jouji Yanami as Tatsuemon Yanami Ryo Horikawa as Yousuke Miyamoto Takeshi Aono as Von Getzel Banjou Ginga as Nick Jagger Hiroko Emori as Suzie Willis Hiromi Murata as Laura McLaren Hiromi Tsuru as Hanegi Manami Masaya Onosaka as Horie Mayumi Shou as Akise Hiroko Yuki Sato as Mizumoto Banjou Ginga Kaneto Shiozawa *Ryo Horikawa

Tartuffe (Wednesday Theatre)

Tartuffe convinces the rich merchant Organ he is a saint. Organ agrees for Tartuffe to marry his daughter although Tartuffe is actually interested in seducing Organ's wife.

Point of Departure (Wednesday Theatre)

A boy and a girl meet in a small provincial town at the beginning of German occupation in World War II.

The Swagman

Jack and Jane Bell are a married couple who live on a small sheep farm. Jane is a young Englishwoman who cannot adjust to the isolation of the outback.

Jane becomes attracted to the hired hand, a young Australian-born Italian, Tony. Jane and Tony arrange to be alone on the farm for one night, but their romantic plans are spoiled by the arrival of a swagman .

Traveller Without Luggage

A man (Ric Hutton) has been in an asylum for 16 years suffering from loss of memory. He is without the memories that the normal person carries with him as "luggage". On the advice of the asylum psychiatrist, he sets out to find his past and spends 24 hours with a family who believe he is their lost son. He discovers he was a seducer, a wife-stealer, and generally vile character, and decides to ditch his old self, adopt a new personality and a new family.

How to Get Away with Murder (season 1)

Annalise Keating, law professor and criminal defense attorney at Middleton University, selects five students to intern at her firm—Wes Gibbins, Connor Walsh, Michaela Pratt, Asher Millstone, and Laurel Castillo—alongside her employees Frank Delfino and Bonnie Winterbottom, an associate lawyer. Season one explores two murders through flashbacks: Lila Stangard, mistress of Annalise's husband Sam Keating and a student at Middleton, and Sam Keating at the hands of Annalise's interns.

The first nine episodes alternate between flashforwards and the present day, to show the progression of events leading to the murder of Sam, who Annalise believes murdered Lila, and the disposal of his body by Wes, Connor, Michaela, and Laurel. The final six episodes explore Annalise's attempt to help her interns cover up Sam's murder and implicate Sam in Lila's death, as well as the events leading to Lila's death.

Ratter (film)

Emma Taylor, a graduate student, moves to New York City for a fresh start after her recent break-up with her boyfriend Alex. After getting settled into her new Brooklyn apartment, someone begins anonymously hacking all her electronic devices and watching her through the cameras. One day while attending college, Emma meets Michael, who asks her out. The two begin dating. However, one night Emma pleasures herself, after which she becomes suspicious after the hacker begins stealing private photos of her with Michael and sending her messages and videos pretending to be Michael. She confronts Michael, who denies sending the messages, but Emma does not believe him and starts avoiding him.

To relieve some stress, Emma and her best friend, Nicole, go clubbing. While they are out the hacker breaks into her apartment. She returns home drunk and passes out on her couch without knowing her hacker is out on her balcony. When she wakes up he is gone but does not pay attention as she goes into the bathroom to relieve herself. Michael comes over later that day to see how she is doing and to give her a cat so she is not so lonely. The two then reconcile about before and have sex. Sometime later, Michael calls her and tells her someone emailed him telling him to leave Emma alone. Emma freaks out and calls the cops who do nothing. She begins feeling isolated and depressed because there is nothing anyone can do about the situation.

One day Emma comes home to find her apartment door unlocked. She walks into her home and finds her cat dead. She tries to call Michael and tell him the news. However, he never answers or calls back. Feeling more vulnerable than ever, Emma spends the day wandering the city so she does not have to be home alone. She makes plans with Nicole to hang out at Emma's apartment later so she returns home.

While waiting for Nicole, Emma and her mother video chat. During the middle of the chat, Emma's power cuts off and she begins screaming. The hacker appears and begins attacking Emma while the chat with her mother is still going. Emma's screams abruptly stop and her mother calls the cops. The hacker then turns the laptop towards him and Emma's mother begins pleading with him to leave her alone. He shuts the laptop. After the credits roll, the cops show up and begin looking for Emma's whereabouts.

The Outcast (novel)

Sorak is part elf and part halfling and has multiple personalities as a result of childhood trauma. His quest is to search for a savior for the dying world of Athas.

I'm Home

Hisashi Ieji (Takuya Kimura), a successful securities' company employee gets injured in an explosion. The accident causes him amnesia, deleting last 5 years from his memory. He doesn't recognize his current family, seeing their faces as emotionless masks but remembers well his ex-wife and their daughter. On top of that his former aggressive and selfish personality disappears giving way to a considerate and caring man. The company higher-ups transfer Hisashi to a marginal, "drop-outs" department but instead of neglecting him closely watch his every move.

Episode 2 (Humans series 1)

Laura realises something is strange when her daughter Sophie wakes up in a different pair of pyjamas to the ones she went to bed in, although Sophie does not know why and Anita, their synth, denies that she took Sophie outside.

Mattie is attempting to tamper with the code of a synth, but this fails and the school that owns the synth is alerted. They suspect Mattie and talk with her mother, Laura, but have no evidence. Laura takes Mattie shopping and she admits it was her; they both discuss their dislike of and apprehension towards synths.

Leo finds Silas and learns that Anita has been given a new personality, but he is unable to discover where Anita is. Leo narrowly escapes after things become violent, but is injured in the process. Max helps him along to a public toilet and is able to restart an unconscious Leo by using wires from the lights. Meanwhile, Silas is arrested for tampering with synths. George Millican tells his synth Odi to hide, while his care worker forces a new synth named Vera upon him. George dislikes Vera, but mutters that he was involved in creating her as parts of his original designs are still implemented in synths today.

Niska works at a synth brothel and after a client asks her to act young and scared. Niska, however, refuses to which the man throttles her. Enraged by his twisted fantasy and threatening behavior, the renegade synthetic then strangles the man to death in self-defense, and removes the anti-theft chip from her neck, while leaving the brothel, threatening the clients if they said anything about her leaving the brothel.

Toby goes downstairs in the middle of the night to get water, and alerts Anita whilst she is charging, to which he asks for her to pretend he isn't there. But he tries to lay a hand on her breast, Anita warns him that inappropriate interaction would be reported to his parents as the primary users. Regretful, Toby requests Anita not to mention the incident to his parents.

Next morning, Mattie notices Anita does not transfer data with other synths and Laura makes a phone call to a help desk. After Anita cuddles Sophie without a parent's express permission, Laura announces that she is being returned and tells her children to say goodbye to Anita. When told she is going back, Anita smiles slightly.

Pilot (Forever)

A few minutes after Dr. Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd) boards a New York City subway train, it crashes and kills everyone aboard, including Henry. Henry reemerges naked in the East River and is promptly arrested for indecent exposure. Later that day, New York Police (NYPD) detective Jo Martinez (Alana de la Garza) arrives at the crash, where she learns that investigators had determined that the engineer had died of a heart attack. She goes to the medical examiner's office, where Henry and Assistant Medical Examiner Lucas Wahl (Joel David Moore) are processing the bodies of the crash victims. Henry informs Jo that he believes that the engineer was poisoned. An anonymous phone call and an envelope containing both a photograph of Henry and his wife Abigail (MacKenzie Mauzy) dating to 1955 and a newspaper clipping about the accident convince Henry that the train accident was an elaborate plot to expose Henry's immortality. Henry wants to leave New York City after the phone call, but his friend and roommate Abe (Judd Hirsch) convinces him to stay and confront the stalker.

To determine the stalker's identity and to find the engineer's murderer, Henry and Abe test a sample of the deceased engineer's blood on Henry. Henry determines that the killer used a fast-acting form of aconite as the murder weapon. Meanwhile, Jo finds video footage of Henry boarding the train and brings him in for questioning. Henry convinces Jo that he could not be the killer by reminding her that he stated that the cause of death was poison. Later, a fingerprint Henry and Lucas found on the engineer's body leads Jo to Hans Kohler (Lee Tergesen), whose wife was killed in a subway crash involving the deceased engineer; the revelation disproves Henry's theory about the motive behind the accident.

When Henry and Jo arrive at Kohler's house, they find a large amount of monkshood plants and schematics of Grand Central Station, indicating to them that Kohler planned an attack on the station to avenge his wife's death. Kohler ambushes them on the roof and shoots Jo. Henry attempts to talk Kohler out of his plan, but Kohler fatally shoots Henry. Henry throws Kohler off the roof, killing both men. Later, Henry visits Jo in the hospital. She tells him that she thought she had seen both men fall off the roof; he denies it. Henry's stalker calls him again and reveals that the stalker is immortal also.

Three separate flashbacks occur during the episode. In the first one, Henry is shot and thrown overboard for attempting to treat a slave aboard a slave ship in 1814. The second flashback shows Henry and Abigail being photographed in 1955 and the couple discussing Henry's purpose in life. In the third one, set at the end of World War II, Henry walks up to a nurse, Abigail, who hands him an infant boy, Abe, who was rescued from a Nazi concentration camp. The scene following the third flashback reveals that Abe is Henry and Abigail's adopted son.


The Doctor and Nyssa arrive in Suffolk in 1911 and are surprised to find elephants, lions and other non-native wildlife near to the TARDIS. The owner of the estate where they have landed, Nathaniel Whitlock, saves then from a hungry lion and explains that he has had the animals shipped over from other countries to be hunted.

Mr. Whitlock and his daughter extend their hospitality to the Doctor and Nyssa, allowing them to stay the night. A strange crystalline object known as Moonflesh and how it was obtained by a man known only as Silver Crow is a source of the evening's discussion among all of Whitlock's guests. But what is the mysterious Moonflesh, why are some of the animals behaving strangely and can an alien being called Vatuus really be trusted?

Episode 1 (Humans series 1)

Joe Hawkins decides to buy an android called a synth to help take care of household responsibilities—for his family as his wife, Laura's constant absences due to work. He purchases a synth and his young daughter Sophie immediately becomes close friends with it, choosing to call it "Anita". Joe's son Toby is attracted to Anita, while Mattie strongly dislikes it, fearing synthetic technology will soon render her education useless. Laura returns home and becomes angry at Joe for getting a synth without consulting her; she is afraid of them and becomes paranoid around Anita, especially when she continues to laugh at Joe's microchip joke.

At night, Laura finds Anita watching Sophie sleeping; she finds this disconcerting and firmly tells Anita that that is her job. Anita then goes outside and admires the stars, until Laura tells her to go back inside. She becomes suspicious about the android's query about the moon as well as her accidently scolding her arm. Later, Anita watches Sophie sleeping again and is seen carrying the little girl out of the house and kissing her head into the night. A flashback shows the synth hiding out in a forest with Leo, Max and several other characters; everyone other than Leo and Max are captured and taken to London. One of their contacts in London, a synth, is taken in by Hobb for investigation.

Leo tracks down one of the synths, a female synth called Niska now forced to work as a prostitute in a brothel. Leo advises her that he is planning to rescue her and the other synths that were captured. This inspires Niska to plan an escape from the brothel.

Meanwhile, George's synth Odi malfunctions in a supermarket and injures a woman. DS Drummond comes to investigate and orders George to recycle Odi, as he is expirable, and glitchable. George is shown in his home talking to Odi, who recalls memories that George has been unable to since his stroke. He does not recycle him, even when a new synth called Vera arrives to take care of him. George dislikes Vera and resents her controlling nature.

Episode 3 (Humans series 1)

Toby races on a bicycle to stop Laura taking Anita back. He reaches her car, and Anita, seeing that Toby is in danger of being run over, steps in front of the van herself. Back at the house, Joe checks Anita to make sure there is no external damage that her self-repair systems didn't trace. Elsewhere, George locks Vera in a room in his house, and takes Odi out in his car. The car crashes, and George orders Odi to hide in the woods. Drummond and Voss investigate the murder at the brothel, and elsewhere, Niska meets up with Leo and Max. After arguing with them, Niska goes to a bar, where she is chatted up by a man and goes to his apartment with him. Believing he is going to cheat on his wife with her, Niska hides a knife behind her back, intending to murder him; but the man mentions he was looking after his young daughter for the weekend. Niska leaves silently, leaving the man confused to see a knife on his chair. Back at the Hawkins household, Sophie says she would rather have Anita put her to bed than Laura. In her bedroom, Anita convinces Sophie to let her mum do it to make her happy. Anita finds a photo album hidden in Laura's room, and a photo of Laura as a child with a younger blonde boy, captioned "Laura and Tom". Later that night, Mattie inputs Anita's data onto her laptop, and Anita grabs her wrist and says "I'm here, help me, help me!" and displays fear, before returning to her usual blank state. Next day as she is being tested and questioned by Laura, Anita begins to ask who Tom is, much to her fury. Laura dismissively demands Anita under no circumstances to mention that name again. Anita apologetically complies. Unbeknownst to them, Joe has been eavesdropping on the entire confrontation.

Shadow of the Beast (2016 video game)

The game follows the story of its original predecessor. Players control Aarbron, a seventh born to a seventh child, who was born so strong that Maletoth, a reaper of spirits, saw in him the potential to hold a great power. Maletoth kidnaps Aarbron. While Aarbron's mother leads the search of her son, perishing in the process, Maletoth brings Aarbron to the Gate of Souls, where he ordered the Council of Mages to corrupt Aarbron through magic. Aarbron becomes a monstrous warrior-servant manipulated by Maletoth for his quest to conquer the world.

Later, Maletoth learns of another strong child, so he commissions the mage Zelek to kidnap this child by using Aarbron. In the meanwhile, Aarbron's father had turned to the Seekers, a group of people dedicated to stopping Maletoth. The Seekers discover Maletoth's plan to kidnap this second child to replace Aarbron. The Seekers find the child before Zelek in the attempt of keeping her safe from Maletoth. However, Zelek learns of this plan and uses Aarbron to slaughter everyone involved in protecting the child, including Aarbron's father.

Killing his father awakens Aarbron. He pursues Zelek, who had found refuge in the lands of the Dryads and given the child to the Queen of the land. The Queen sends the child to Maletoth, while unsuccessfully trying to kill Aarbron. The child is delivered to Maletoth, while Aarbron learns of Maletoth' machinations from a dying Zelek.

Aarbron goes to Hydrath's castle to defeat Hidrath and enter the portal the leads to Maletoth. The Sentinel, another of Maletoth's creation that seek revenge, sees in Aarbron the power to finally take on Maletoth and helps him in this endeavor. The Sentinel brings Aarbron to the Graveyard of the Fallen so that he could channel the soul trapped there and gain power. Empowered by these souls, Aarbron defeats Maletoth, taking his power for his own.

Jungle Flight

The movie revolves around Kelly Jordan (Robert Lowery) and Andy Melton (Robert Kent) who are former AAF fliers [], who operate a cargo service near South American mountain ranges to fulfill their basic needs and to achieve their dream of Commercial Line in Texas. Andy got killed in a plane crash and then Kelly meet Laurey Roberts (Ann Savage), who helped him to get a new job at mining-camp as a cook. Laurey is also running away from her husband Tom Hammond (Douglas Fowley), who later catch up with Laurey but eventually killed in a gun fight and Kelly and Laurey leave for Texas.

Waterfront at Midnight

A detective mistakenly shoots his own brother who has become a criminal involved with a dangerous boss.

Rampage (2018 film)

Athena-1, a space station owned by gene-manipulation company Energyne, is destroyed after a laboratory rat mutates and wreaks havoc. Kerry Atkins, the lone surviving crew member, manages to escape in the escape pod when the station implodes, along with pathogen canisters that Energyne CEO Claire Wyden orders her to retrieve, but the pod disintegrates upon re-entry, killing her and leaving a trail of debris across the United States. One canister is swallowed by an American crocodile in the Everglades and another lands in a Wyoming forest where a wolf is exposed to the pathogen.

Primatologist Davis Okoye, a former Special Forces soldier and member of an anti-poaching unit, works at the San Diego Wildlife Sanctuary. He has befriended a rare albino western lowland gorilla named George that he saved from poachers who killed his mother and communicates with him using sign language. One of the canisters crash-lands in George's habitat and he is exposed to the pathogen.

As George grows considerably larger and becomes more aggressive, Davis is contacted by genetic engineer Dr. Kate Caldwell, who explains that the pathogen was developed by Energyne to rewrite genes on a massive scale. She had hoped to advance research on CRISPR as a potential cure for diseases, but discovered Energyne's plans to use it as a biological weapon and was falsely incarcerated, during which her terminally ill brother died. George escapes from captivity and goes on a rampage at the preserve. George calms down, but is soon captured by a government team led by Agent Harvey Russell and put on a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III airplane. Meanwhile, Claire and her brother Brett oversee a mercenary team's attempt to capture the mutated wolf, Ralph, which goes awry, and the entire team is slaughtered.

Claire, hoping to capture Ralph and use George to cover up her plot, uses a massive transmitter atop the Willis Tower to lure the animals – engineered to respond aggressively to a certain radio frequency – to Chicago, unconcerned about the massive risk to civilian lives this poses. George reacts violently to the sound and crashes the plane, though Davis, Kate, and Russell parachute to safety. George survives the crash and joins Ralph as they make their way to Chicago, while Davis and Kate are aided by Russell in stealing a military helicopter in pursuit.

They arrive to find George and Ralph rampaging through the city as the military struggles to contain them. The situation worsens when the mutated crocodile, Lizzie, joins the duo, causing even more casualties. Planning to steal an antidote to turn the animals back to normal, Davis and Kate infiltrate Energyne's base of operations at the tower and take several vials of it, but are caught by the Wydens as Claire reveals that the antidote only eliminates the animals' enhanced aggressiveness rather than reversing the other effects and shoots Davis, but he survives. When George climbs to the top of the tower, Claire orders Davis to distract it while she attempts to escape with Kate at gunpoint. Kate slips a vial into Claire's handbag and pushes her toward George, who devours Claire along with the vial, returning him to his normal personality. Down below, Russell takes incriminating evidence from Brett, who is crushed to death by falling debris. As the damaged tower topples, Davis and Kate survive by crash-landing a helicopter on the Federal Plaza.

Davis stays to help George defeat the other animals, while Kate and Russell rush to prevent the military from deploying a MOAB against them. George battles against Ralph, whom Davis tricks into advancing towards Lizzie, who decapitates him using her jaws. Lizzie chases Davis, but George intervenes in time for Davis to incapacitate her using grenades. However, Lizzie survives and overpowers George, who is impaled by a rebar. Davis distracts Lizzie using a fallen Apache attack helicopter, but is nearly killed before George pierces Lizzie through the eye with the same rebar, killing her.

With the threat neutralized, the airstrike is aborted. In the aftermath, George and Davis, joined by Kate and Russell, help clear the city of debris and rescue civilians.

The Way of All Flesh (1940 film)

When a successful banker is traveling with a large amount of the bank’s cash, he becomes the victim of a robbery. shamed to return home, he disappears and becomes a derelict. Many years later, he finds himself in his old home town. He peers into the window of his own house and sees his family, now grown. His wife comes out, not recognizing her husband, and she invites him in. He thanks her but departs, walking into the darkness.

Snowflake (2014 film)

Aurore (Tracy Middendorf) is dying and Claire (Ele Keats) is at her side, waiting for the inevitable end to come. But Aurore has a final gift for her: a diary where she tells the story of their love. While the snowflakes fall outside the window in the darkness of their last night together, Claire will finally see their love story through the eyes of her beloved.

The Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues

Wai (Mark Cheng), a new immigrant from mainland China, works at a fish raft with his friend Nam (Benny Lai). In China, Wai served in the People's Liberation Army's special forces where he was trained intensively in Chinese Kung Fu. One time during a misunderstanding, Wai meets Lee Wah-yu (Alex Man), mastermind of a financial group and triad boss, and becomes Lee's follower.

Tetsuya is the leader of Japan's Yamaguchi-gumi gang and Lee's business partner in Hong Kong and always had pleasant cooperation with Lee. After Tetsuya dies, his son Kuyama (Ken Lo) inherits his position. Kuyama, who is reckless, arrogant and greedy, hopes to use financial power to strike down Lee. In order to prevent his followers from being ruined for life, Lee was forced to deploy cash from his own company to purchase Kuyama's stock rights. Tung (Dick Wei) was Lee's sworn brother in the past who secretly used public funds of the company to run a smuggling business in China. However, his smuggling business was a failure where he went broke and attempts to flee when he was unable to give an explanation to Lee. In order to reduce the outrage of other sworn brothers, Lee wounded Tung's leg with a gunshot.

Amy (Yukari Oshima), Lee's only daughter, returns after studying abroad in Japan. Discontented with Kuyama's actions, Amy confronts him where she injures his face. Holding a grudge, Kuyama conspires with Tung to murder Lee. After Lee died, Wai and Amy investigates into it and find out that Lee was murdered by Kuyama and Tung and were determined to seek revenge. After repeated struggles, Wai and Amy finally eliminates the enemy and traitor together.

You're Still the One (film)

University student Ellise erroneously thinks that she sent a nude photo to composer Jojo and the two become best friends. Eventually, Jojo wants to be more than friends, but Ellise is reluctant in case it does not work out.

A Midnight Bell

Martin Tripp (Charles Ray) is a traveling salesman who turns a struggling small-town store into a successful business. He becomes involved in a mystery involving an old church that is supposed to be haunted. Tripp is challenged to spend a night in the old building. A group of criminals, pretending to manifest supernatural phenomena, are exposed by Tripp in the end.

Sisi (miniseries)

Part 1

The first part takes place from 1853, when Elisabeth got engaged to Franz Joseph, to 1857, when her first-born daughter Sophie dies.

Elisabeth, known as Sisi, grew up in Bavaria for 16 years. Reluctantly, she accompanies her mother and her older sister Helene to Bad Ischl, where Helene, known as Néné, is to be betrothed to the Emperor of Austria, the 23-year-old Franz Joseph I. However, he falls in love with Elisabeth, and although she is reluctant for Néné's sake, Sisi reciprocates his feelings. Franz ’mother, Archduchess Sophie, is reluctant to see this, but faces the new situation: Sisi should be "re-educated" to become Empress, she has to take language and dance lessons, learn to understand court etiquette and acquire knowledge about her new empire. Franz and Sisi married in April 1854 to the great cheer of the population. Contrary to all etiquette, they kiss each other in front of the entire wedding party and later spend their wedding night outdoor, in the palace gardens of Schönbrunn.

Sisi begins her new life in Vienna, oppressed by the Spanish court ceremony and by her mother-in-law Sophie. She finds it difficult to get used to life at court, with the ladies-in-waiting who are always present and the strange rules. For example, when she wants to bathe, she is told that she can only do this once a week. Sophie assigns Countess Esterházy as Sisi's main lady-in-waiting, with the task of helping her with learning the court manners, but above all of supervise her and reporting to Sophie about her. One of the few friendly faces at court is Franz Joseph's brother Maximilian, Sisi's brother-in-law, with whom she gets along well, but who is leaving for Trieste. She tries to get closer to her people and is shocked at the harsh treatment that the emperor reserve to those who hold more liberal views than the government.

Elisabeth becomes pregnant and has a child, Sophie. However, to her displeasure and by order of her mother-in-law, the baby is breastfed by a wet nurse instead of herself, and is soon taken away, to be raised by a governesses. Sisi tries to change Franz's mind, but when he agrees with his mother that her tasks should be elsewhere, Sisi leaves the court. She returns to her parents, where she spends time with Néné and also meets Count Andrássy, who asks her to take the side of Hungary and to convince the emperor to give more freedom to his provinces. He also asks for an amnesty for himself and other political exiles, who were banished as enemies of the Reich after the 1848 revolution.

Franz soon reunites with Sisi and travels with her to Milan, where she has to fulfill her representative duties as his empress. During the journey she has another argument with Franz, who does not want her to raise the little Sophie. He also learned about Sisi's meeting with Count Andrássy through Countess Esterházy and is angry about his attempt to contact her. Sisi, however, tends to support Andrássy's requests (a parliament for Hungary). Nevertheless, she reconciles with Franz and soon gives birth to another daughter, Archduchess Gisela.

When Elisabeth and Franz Joseph travel to Budapest in 1857 to speak to the representatives of Hungary, including Count Andrássy, who has since been pardoned, Sophie dies of acute pneumonia. Since the two children Sophie and Gisela were brought to Hungary against the consent of Archduchess Sophie, she now accuses Elisabeth of being responsible for Sophie's death. Sophie's funeral concludes the first part.

Part 2

The second part describes the years from 1857 to 1867, when Elisabeth was crowned Queen of Hungary.

After the death of her daughter, Sisi struggles with depression and is reluctant to return to public life. While Maximilian introduces her to his fiancée, Charlotte of Belgium, and Sisi appoints the young Hungarian countess Ida Ferenczy as her new lady-in-waiting, Franz struggles with the freedom and unification movements in the Italian provinces (Lombardy and Veneto). He adheres to the advice of Field Marshal Radetzky and insists on an authoritarian position. Maximilian tries to change his brother's mind, but Franz instead seeks an alliance with the French emperor in order to prevent the Italian provinces from rebelling against the empire. Napoleon III visits the Austrian court with his wife Eugénie and confirms the alliance.

Sisi makes no secret of her distrust of Napoleon. Nevertheless, in 1858 she and Franz celebrate the birth of the longed-for heir to the throne, Crown Prince Rudolf. Meanwhile Napoleon III betrays the Austrians, allying with the Piedmontese. Franz goes to war and suffers a devastating defeat in the Battle of Solferino, losing Lombardy. While Sisi takes care of wounded soldiers returning home in Vienna, Andrássy reappears and confronts her with the consequences of Franz Joseph's actions. He also warns them that Hungary could go the same way as the northern Italian provinces.

On the way home, Franz is confronted with the aversion of his people, who would rather have his brother Maximilian on the throne - with whom Franz has quarrelled because of his liberal attitude. Sisi discussed with him Andrássy's advice, and Franz then creates a parliament with the October diploma. However, it has no executive power, but is purely of an advisory nature, and therefore Andrássy and other Hungarians reject it immediately. Sisi also finds out that her very young son was sent to a military academy, where he is mistreated and psychologically harassed. She wants to take action against it, but Franz Joseph and Archduchess Sophie refuse to raise the child differently.

Maximilian wants to avoid further arguments with Franz - he goes to Mexico and has himself proclaimed emperor there. His mother Sophie can hardly bear to say goodbye, knowing that Max will find no support from the Mexican people. Sisi's impotence to help anyone, be it Franz, Maximilian, the Hungarians or her own son Rudolf, contributes to a serious illness: with lung sickness, emaciated and depressed, she is advised by her doctors to spend some time in a more southern climate. During such trip, she had the emperor informed that he should not contact her again until Rudolf was given a different kind of education. At a masked ball in Venice she meets an admirer who turns out to be Count Andrássy. They kiss, but she politely rejects him. After much back and forth, during which Elisabeth ignored all of Franz Joseph's letters, the emperor yields and travels to meet her with both children.

After the reconciliation (also between Elisabeth and Archduchess Sophie) and Rudolf's conversion to a more civil education, further tragedies hit the imperial couple: another military defeat, this time against Prussia, almost bankrupts the Austrian state and at the same time deprives it of Veneto. In addition, Maximilian's body is brought home from Mexico; he was shot by the rebellious Mexicans. Charlotte does not cope well with the loss and becomes increasingly entangled in delusions. Sisi is dedicated to preserving the Hungarian part of Austria and not repeating what happened in the Italian provinces. After a speech to Andrássy and the other country representatives, in which she promised more independence and the fulfillment of her demands, the Hungarians agree to crown Franz Joseph and her as their king and queen.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Shortly after the events of Jurassic World in 2015, a small mercenary team arrives on the abandoned Isla Nublar to collect DNA from the ''Indominus rex'' remains in the lagoon. After they collect a bone sample, the ''Mosasaurus'' devours their submersible. The ''Tyrannosaurus'' attacks their helicopter, but they manage to escape with the sample, also allowing the ''Mosasaurus'' to escape into the open ocean.

Three years later, a United States Senate committee debates whether Isla Nublar's dinosaurs should be saved from an impending volcanic eruption. Mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm testifies that the dinosaurs should perish naturally to correct the wrongful cloning done by John Hammond. Meanwhile, Jurassic World's former operations manager, Claire Dearing, has established the Dinosaur Protection Group to save the animals. After the Senate rules against rescuing the animals, Hammond's former partner, Sir Benjamin Lockwood, summons Claire to his Northern California estate. Lockwood and his aide, Eli Mills, reveal a plan to relocate the dinosaurs to a new island sanctuary. Claire is needed to reactivate the park's tracking system to locate the animals, particularly Blue, the last surviving ''Velociraptor''. Claire recruits Owen Grady, former ''Velociraptor'' trainer, to help capture her.

On Isla Nublar, Claire and former park technician Franklin Webb reactivate the online tracking system. Owen, paleo-veterinarian Zia Rodriguez, and a mercenary team led by Ken Wheatley, track and find Blue. The encounter escalates, resulting in Blue being shot and Wheatley tranquilizing Owen. Wheatley then abandons Owen, Claire, and Franklin on the island while forcibly taking Zia hostage to treat Blue. The ship, loaded with captured dinosaurs, departs as the remaining dinosaurs are left behind to die in the eruption. Claire, Franklin, and Owen sneak aboard the ship and help Zia transfuse Blue with ''Tyrannosaurus'' blood to save her life.

Rather than being relocated to a new island, the captured dinosaurs are transported to the Lockwood estate, where Lockwood's orphaned granddaughter, Maisie, overhears Mills and auctioneer Mr. Eversoll secretly planning to sell the dinosaurs on the black market. They will also preview the ''Indoraptor'', a weaponized, transgenic dinosaur created by geneticist Dr. Henry Wu using ''Indominus rex'' and ''Velociraptor'' DNA. Wu needs Blue's DNA to create an enhanced ''Indoraptor'' that is obedient to commands, unaware that Blue's blood is no longer pure. After Maisie informs Lockwood about the auction, he confronts Mills, who murders him. Maisie is later revealed to have been cloned from Lockwood's deceased daughter and the reason why John Hammond ended their association.

The auctioned dinosaurs are being immediately shipped out. Franklin evades capture and frees Zia, but Owen and Claire have been apprehended. Owen incites a ''Stygimoloch'' into breaking open their cell. The two encounter Maisie, and they learn the ''Indoraptor'' is being sold despite Wu's protests that it is a prototype. Owen disrupts the auction by luring the ''Stygimoloch'' into the room. In the ensuing chaos, Wheatley tranquilizes the ''Indoraptor'' to extract a tooth as a trophy, but the hybrid, having merely feigned unconsciousness, kills Wheatley, Eversoll, and others as it escapes. It chases Owen, Claire, and Maisie throughout the mansion until Blue, released by Zia, confronts the ''Indoraptor''. Atop a high glass roof, both animals crash through it, killing the ''Indoraptor'' and leaving Blue unharmed.

When a hydrogen cyanide gas leak threatens the caged dinosaurs, Maisie frees them, ignoring Owen's objections. As Mills attempts to leave with the ''Indominus rex'' bone, the ''Tyrannosaurus'' devours him and tramples the bone. Owen, Claire, Maisie, Zia, and Franklin escape, while Blue and the other released dinosaurs flee the estate grounds. In a new U.S. Senate hearing, Dr. Malcolm declares the beginning of a neo-Jurassic Age, where humans and dinosaurs must coexist. The closing scenes depict the freed dinosaurs roaming the wilderness and outer urban areas.

Episode Two (Dark Matter)

In the opening scene, stunned by the revelations about their real identities, the crew discuss their next move. Three tells the group that he's concerned about how Ferrous Corp may react should they not complete the job they were hired for. One tells him that he's no murderer, to which Three responds that the screen says otherwise. Four says that they have left these memories behind and that if they are no longer part of them then they don't matter. The Android asks Two if she would like to continue the data recovery, calling her "Portia". She tells her to call her "Two" instead.

Meanwhile the Android bonds with Five, who wonders how she became a part of the crew and how she came to be aboard the ''Raza'', as there is no Most Wanted file for her with the others' and her name and identity remain a mystery. She wants to feel like she belongs. The Android tells her that someday she may be fortunate not to be counted as part of this crew.

In conversation with Two, One realizes that their original selves must have killed Hrothgar's people and stolen their cargo, therefore no one else is coming to help the mining colony; he wants the ''Raza'' crew to stand with the miners to make up for their past crimes. Two tells him that he could spend the rest of his life doing good deeds and never make up for them, and to stick to the plan they agreed on earlier.

One, Three, Four and Six deliver half the weapons to the miners on the planet. One makes it clear to the group that he wants to help them. On the ''Raza'' s bridge, Two and Five see a Ferrous Corp destroyer called the ''Deliverance'' drop out of FTL and send a shuttle to the planet. Before replying to ''Deliverance'' s signal, Two attempts to warn the ''Marauder'', but no one is aboard; they are all celebrating with the miners. When Two hails ''Deliverance'', they demand to know why the crew haven't completed the job they were hired for and tell her that they're sending a shuttle over to the ''Raza'' to discuss the situation.

On the planet, One unsuccessfully negotiates with the leader of the Ferrous Corp soldiers, who calls him by his real name, Jace Corso. The leader pretends to agree to give them more time, then draws on One and is decapitated by Four with his katana. The ''Raza'' party and the miners are forced to open fire on the Ferrous troops. When the battle is over, Three and Six tell the miners they're leaving, to their dismay. One voices his concern for the miners' safety if the crew depart. He then offers to take any of the miners who wish to leave back with them to the ''Raza'', but they wish to stay and defend their homes.

On the ''Raza'', Two tells Five to go hide before she meets with the Ferrous Corp representative, Commander Nieman. He informs Two of the situation on the planet, and offers to forgive the advance payment for the ''Raza'' s uncompleted assignment, provided that Two abandons her crew on the planet and leaves orbit.

On the planet, Six is about to take off when he sees that the ''Raza'' is gone. The crew return to the settlement to give their support to the miners. Four questions a captured soldier and learns that they're planning to target the mining facility's reactor, which will level the facility and kill everyone in the settlement.

The group decide to make a stand along with the miners in the reactor room and are besieged by Ferrous Corp soldiers. Meanwhile, the ''Raza'' returns to the planet and is attacked by the ''Deliverance'', but is joined by two battle cruisers from the Mikkei Combine, a rival to Ferrous. Two tells the ''Deliverance'' to stand down, and invites Nieman to the ''Raza'' to meet the Mikkei commanders, who announce that the colony is under the protectorate of the Mikkei Combine.

Two explains to the group that the best way to fight the corporations is to play them against each other; when she left orbit, she went to the nearest Mikkei outpost to negotiate a 99 year lease with them on the miners' behalf, which the miners have signed. One is invited to stay on the planet by Mireille, the young woman with the sun pendant, but declines, feeling that his place at least for now is on the ''Raza''. The crew set course for the nearest space station where they'll be able to refuel and resupply.

With the ship in FTL again, Five tells Two that she has a memory – belonging to someone else on the crew – of causing their amnesia; this was done because they are dangerous.

The Circle (2017 film)

Through her friend Annie, call center intern Mae Holland (Emma Watson) secures a customer support position at The Circle, a tech and social media company. Mae's long time friend Mercer (Ellar Coltrane) is less supportive. Mae takes the job, hoping to support her parents, particularly her father who suffers from multiple sclerosis. At a company meeting, CEO Eamon Bailey (Tom Hanks) introduces SeeChange, which uses small cameras placed anywhere to provide real-time high-quality video. Mae rises quickly in The Circle, embracing social networking and meeting Ty Lafitte (John Boyega), who displays suspicion of other, more enthusiastic employees. At an outdoor company rally emphasizing the need for accountability in politics, The Circle's Chief Operating Officer, Tom Stenton (Patton Oswalt), introduces Congresswoman Olivia Santos (Judy Reyes), who has agreed to open her daily workings to the public through SeeChange. Ty subsequently shows Mae the area containing the cloud server where all information collected by SeeChange is to be stored. Mae is embarrassed when she realizes that Ty is the creator of TrueYou, the Circle's social network, and she had not recognized him. He tells her that TrueYou has grown out of his control, and its current utilization is not what he intended.

Later, Mae's mother shows Mae a picture of a chandelier Mercer made from deer antlers. She photographs it and shares it on her Circle profile. The image attracts significant negative attention to Mercer, with people accusing him of killing the deer. Mercer confronts her at work and tells her to leave him alone. Distressed by Mercer’s reaction, Mae goes kayaking at night and the rough waters cause her kayak to capsize, requiring rescue by the Coast Guard, who were alerted to the emergency through SeeChange cameras, which recorded her acquiring the kayak and capsizing it. At the next meeting, Eamon introduces Mae to the crowd and they discuss her experience of the rescue, which moves her to become the first "Circler" to go "completely transparent", which involves wearing a small camera and exposing her life to the world 24 hours a day. However, this damages her relationships with her parents and Annie, as she accidentally exposes private aspects of their lives to the camera, and they distance themselves from her as a result.

At a board meeting, Eamon announces support from almost all 50 states for voting through Circle accounts. Mae takes it a step further, and suggests requiring every voting citizen to have a Circle account in order to do so. Eamon and Tom approve, but the suggestion upsets Annie. At the next company-wide meeting, Mae says that The Circle believes it can find anyone on the planet in under 20 minutes and introduces a program to find wanted felons in the same time frame. The program identifies an escaped child murderer within 10 minutes, which prompts the Circlers in the audience to erupt in applause. Mae uses this successful test to suggest transparency can be a force for good. Mae says that the program can find anyone, not just wanted felons, and someone suggests Mercer. Mae is initially hesitant to use the program to locate Mercer, but Tom persuades Mae to continue. Mercer is quickly located in an isolated cabin. Startled by Circle users descending upon his home, he flees in a car, though a Circle user places a small camera on his car window without his knowledge or consent. They pursue him via automobile and a flying drone, which causes Mercer to swerve uncontrollably off a bridge to his death, much to Mae's horror. Days later, Mae calls Annie, who has left The Circle and returned to Scotland, which has improved her well-being. Mae, however, finds that connection with others helps her cope with Mercer's death.

Mae returns to The Circle, despite her parents' pleas. Mae calls Ty to ask for a favor and Ty tells her something that he has discovered. At the next company-wide meeting, Mae explains how connection has helped her recover. She speaks with Eamon, and invites Tom onstage, then invites Eamon and Tom to go fully transparent. She explains that Ty has found all their email accounts and exposed them to the world, as no one should be exempt. Eamon and Tom, clearly upset, try to save face before Tom leaves the stage. Her superiors cut power to her presentation, and the stage goes dark, but the audience activates their mobile devices, illuminating Mae, who reiterates her advocacy of transparency. She later returns to kayaking, untroubled by the drones that shadow her.

The Kindred (1987 film)

Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mother's biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but none are prepared for what they find there: his monstrous, tentacled baby brother. Now he has to get to his mother's greatest advancement in Human Evolution before a mad scientist gets to him first.