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Bodies of Evidence (TV series)

A team of homicide detectives, led by the veteran head of the department Lt. Ben Carroll (Lee Horsley), work cases in an unnamed big city. Carroll's team is made up of Det. Ryan Walker (George Clooney), a talented detective with a propensity to get too emotionally invested in his cases; Det. Nora Houghton, a rookie detective unsure of her skills; and Houghton's partner, Det. Will Stratton, a jaded veteran detective close to retirement. They are assisted in their cases by the department's forensics specialist, Lemar Samuels (Leslie Jordan). The series also attempts to highlight how the homicide detectives' work life impacts their personal lives.

The Man in Blue (1925 film)

As described in a film magazine review, Police Officer Tom Conlin on his beat in New York City's Italian quarter meets and falls in love with a florist's daughter, Tita Sartori. Because he is rearing two children, Tita thinks that he is married. She is being wooed by Italian-American politician Carlo Guido, who is wealthy. The politician kidnaps Tita and keeps her at his apartment. Tom rescues her and tells her that he is single, and she admits that she loves him.

The Young Swingers

Vicki Crawford's aunt owns a building currently being used as a nightclub. Vicki takes a job there and falls in love with singer Mel Hudson, together hoping her Aunt Roberta will change her mind about tearing the building down.

A party is planned for Vicki's 21st birthday, but the club is destroyed by a fire. Vicki suspects her aunt of arson, but Mel proves to her satisfaction that faulty wiring was responsible for the blaze. Roberta has a change of heart, and she is willing to build a new club for Vicki and the other performers.

Thunder Island (1963 film)

Contract killer Billy Poole is hired to assassinate a South American dictator. When he arrives, he and associate Anita Chavez arrange to have an innocent bystander, advertising man Vincent Dodge, take them by boat to the intended victim's island compound, holding Vincent's wife Helen hostage.

Poole is able only to wound his target. After killing his accomplice Anita himself, Poole is shot by Vincent, who then rescues his wife.

Mullumbimby (novel)

Following her divorce, Jo Breen mows the lawns at a cemetery for white settlers in the small town of Mullumbimby, inland from the north coast of New South Wales. She works to buy herself a block of land and to care for herself and her teenage daughter. Breen is a Goorie, an Indigenous woman from the local area, and her relationship to the land she owns is deep-felt and defining.

Jo becomes embroiled in a local Native Title dispute between two rival Aboriginal families, which leads her to profound discoveries about culture, and her and her daughter’s place in it.

State Fair (1976 film)

Melissa and Jim Bryant live on an Iowa farm with their adult son Chuck, their adult daughter Karen, and their teenage son Wayne, who is a high school sophomore. Wayne is a talented singer and guitarist who dreams of country music stardom. Karen, newly separated from her husband, has recently rejoined the family with her own young son Tommy, who misses his father.

The Bryants attend the Iowa State Fair, where Wayne enters the "Stars of Tomorrow" talent contest and falls in love with fellow competitor Bobbie Jean Shaw, who also aspires to a country music career in Nashville. Bobbie Jean, who may be using Wayne to further her own ambitions, pressures him to run away with her so they can pursue their musical dreams together. Meanwhile, Karen begins a new romance with her former classmate, David, after they run into each other at the fair.

Stunning and Brave

Mr. Mackey announces to the parents and students of South Park Elementary that following an incident in which a student referred to rape as a "Hot Cosby", Principal Victoria has been fired, and a new school administrator, PC Principal, has been hired in her place to make the school more progressive. PC Principal tells the assembly that he will work to make people aware of their racism and biases. When Kyle Broflovski is given two weeks' detention for saying that Caitlyn Jenner is not a hero, his father, Gerald, confronts Principal, and when he refers to Jenner as Bruce Jenner, Principal becomes violent and throws them both out of his office. When Gerald, Randy Marsh, Stuart McCormick and others speak critically of Jenner at a college bar, they are confronted by a group of violent, politically correct college men who insist that Jenner is stunning and brave. The college men and Principal decide to form a fraternity house. At school, Kyle, Stan Marsh, Kenny McCormick and Butters Stotch convince Cartman to form a scheme to resolve the problem of Principal, invoking to him the image of Cartman's rule-breaking hero, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Cartman confronts Principal in the restroom, and threatens to frame him for child molestation, but Principal violently beats him for employing words that Principal perceives to be politically incorrect, and Cartman is hospitalized as a result.

Randy goes to the fraternity house and is inadvertently pledged into the group with the help of a large amount of alcohol. In the hospital, Cartman is ready to give up and accept that he and the rest of the gang are bigots, but Kyle refuses to accept this and is resolute in his position that Jenner is not a nice person. Randy and the other pledges shame Kyle by waking him to a room full of pigs painted with the word "biggit". After a dream where Cartman is simultaneously Tom Brady, Roger Goodell and Bill Belichick, with Brady evading consequences for his actions during the Deflategate scandal, Cartman pledges to Butters that he will get the better of Principal. After a brutal hazing, Kyle asks Stan to make Randy and his PC gang stop assaulting him. When Butters tells Cartman that Kyle is now the main target of the PC fraternity members, Cartman vows retribution. Cartman and others mount an 'anti-PC' assault on the fraternity house but Kyle interrupts it, publicly calling Jenner a hero and brave. Everyone applauds Kyle, and a clip from the 2015 ESPY Awards is shown. Randy is then initiated into the PC fraternity, which believes he was responsible for Cartman's assault that prompted Kyle to "check his privilege". The boys begrudgingly conclude that political correctness is not going away any time soon.

Under the Lake

The crew of an underwater mining facility in Caithness, Scotland in 2119 discover an alien craft in the ruins of a submerged town. They bring it aboard only to find it is missing one of its two power cells, and four glyphs carved into the interior walls. Suddenly the craft's engines ignite, and Commander Moran is killed in the act of pushing another out of the way. Later, the crew finds two ghostly figures, Moran and an unidentified alien, roaming during the night cycle, soundlessly chanting before turning to attack the crew. The crew take shelter in the base's Faraday cage which the ghosts cannot enter.

The Twelfth Doctor and Clara arrive later via the TARDIS and are briefed by acting commander Cass, who is deaf and assisted by her interpreter Lunn. Suddenly the base's systems switch to the night cycle, and before they can restore the day cycle, the ghosts have killed another crew member, and soon the ghost of that crew joins the other two. The Doctor recognises the alien ghost as Tivolian, a cowardly, peaceful race. Cass calls for an evacuation shuttle only to learn one has already been dispatched. The Doctor orders it to turn around, believing the ghosts have a nefarious purpose.

The Doctor is able to lure the ghosts into the Faraday cage, and with Cass's help, can read what they are chanting: "the dark, the sword, the forsaken, the temple". The Doctor determines these are galactic coordinates pointing to this location, and believes that the ghosts are killing the crew and trying to draw more victims to boost the strength of the broadcast of this signal; however, only those that have seen the glyphs in the ship are susceptible to the ghosts' influence. Using the base's remote drones, they find and collect a stasis chamber among the ruins, which the Doctor suspects is what the coordinates point to, but they cannot open it. The Doctor determines he must go back in time before the town was flooded to find the origin of the signal. The ghosts manipulate hatchways that separate Clara, Cass, and Lunn from the Doctor and crew members O'Donnell and Bennett. The Doctor promises Clara he will be back, and takes O'Donnell and Bennett with him to the TARDIS. Shortly after the TARDIS' departure, Clara, Cass, and Lunn witness a new ghost outside of the base – that of the Doctor.


The Doctor says that the ghost in the top hat is from the planet Tivoli, first mentioned in the Eleventh Doctor story "The God Complex", which featured a member of its native species named Gibbis.

When pondering what the ghosts actually are, the Doctor eliminates the possibility that they are Flesh avatars ("The Rebel Flesh" / "The Almost People"), Autons (''Spearhead from Space'' et al.), or digital copies in the Nethersphere ("Dark Water" / "Death in Heaven").

One of the Doctor's "cards" has him offering reassurance that no-one, among other disasters, is going to be "exterminated/upgraded". This is a scripted response to potential Dalek and/or Cybermen encounters. Another is an apology for dropping someone off in Aberdeen, which refers to the Doctor mistakenly dropping off companion Sarah Jane Smith in Aberdeen, rather than Croydon in ''The Hand of Fear'' (1976) (as later revealed in "School Reunion" (2006)).

Outside references

When planning to abandon the base, Cass wants her superiors to send marines or "ghostbusters", an allusion to the 1984 film. She tells the Doctor that he can do the "whole ''Cabin in the Woods'' thing" if he wants to stay, another film reference.

The Doctor mentions meeting Shirley Bassey and reveals that he is not a fan of Peter Andre's "Mysterious Girl": after suffering a two-week earworm of the song, he "was begging for the brush of death's merciful hand."

Before the Flood (Doctor Who)

The Twelfth Doctor, O'Donnell, and Bennett arrive in a Scottish town in 1980, before the town was flooded, and the day the salvaged alien craft from the future landed. O'Donnell and Bennett observe the ship still has the stasis chamber, both power cells, and the absence of glyphs on the walls. They are met by Prentis, a Tivolian funeral director whom O'Donnell recognises as one of the ghosts in the future. Prentis landed on the "barren" planet Earth to bury the Fisher King, a former enslaver of the Tivolians.

A ghost of the Doctor has appeared outside the mining facility near the flooded town in 2119, mouthing a set of names, those of the crew, Prentis, the Doctor, and Clara. Clara relays this to the Doctor in the past, who laments he now knows his future. During this, the still-alive Fisher King escapes the stasis chamber, kills Prentis, scratches the glyphs into the walls, and takes the chamber to the church. O'Donnell is killed, and the Doctor confirms his theory that his ghost's list is the order in which they will die. When the Doctor and Bennett try to return to the future to save Clara, the TARDIS sends them back half an hour.

The Fisher King confronts the Doctor, affirming that his glyphs and the ghosts he creates with them will send a signal that will draw an armada to enslave humanity. The Doctor says he removed the glyphs from the ship's wall. The Fisher King runs to the ship to find the Doctor lied to him, as the glyphs are still on the walls. The Doctor had set one of the power cells to destroy the dam, flooding the town, and killing the Fisher King. The TARDIS transports Bennett to the future.

In the future, the Doctor's ghost releases the other ghosts from the Faraday cage. Clara, Cass, and Lunn are cornered in the hangar bay, when the stasis chamber opens, revealing the Doctor, who had used it to survive the flood. He creates the image of the ghost Doctor to lure the ghosts to the Faraday cage and trap them there until UNIT can arrive to remove it. The Doctor wipes the memories of the glyphs from everyone's minds.

The plot of the episode is a bootstrap paradox—the Doctor programmed the ghost to say the list of names because that is what the ghost's message said.


In the prologue, the Doctor performs Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 with his electric guitar. The Doctor had previously been shown playing such an instrument atop a tank in the ninth series opener, "The Magician's Apprentice".

The electric guitar amplifier seen in the Doctor's prologue has a plaque reading Magpie Electricals, a shop originally owned by Mr Magpie and visited by the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler in the episode "The Idiot's Lantern". The name often appears on electronic equipment throughout the series, such as Martha Jones' television in "The Sound of Drums", and a shop with the same name is seen in "The Beast Below".

O'Donnell mentions prior companions Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Amy Pond, as well as Harold Saxon and events from "Kill the Moon". She also mentions "the Minister of War", but the Doctor has no knowledge of this, surmising that this will be in his future.

The Tivolian race previously appeared in the episode "The God Complex". Prentis says they were liberated from the Fisher King's people by the "glorious Arcateenians", only to be conquered by them in turn; the Arcateenians were first mentioned in the ''Torchwood'' episode "Greeks Bearing Gifts". Both episodes were written by Toby Whithouse.

The TARDIS' "Security Protocol 712" first appeared in "Blink". Other console room holograms have included the Emergency Program One ("The Parting of the Ways") and the "voice interface" with a holographic feature ("Let's Kill Hitler").

The Fisher King describes Time Lords as "cowardly, vain curators who suddenly remembered they had teeth and became the most war-like race in the galaxy," referring to the Time Lords' passive role in earlier series and their subsequent participation in the Time War.

Outside references

During the episode's prologue, the Doctor mentions that he met the actual Ludwig van Beethoven – a "nice chap, very intense". The Tenth Doctor alluded to such a meeting in ''Music of the Spheres''.

O'Donnell alludes to Neil Armstrong's famous line from the first moon walk: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". The Eleventh Doctor made use of Armstrong's line when he first defeated the Silence in "Day of the Moon".

Prentis has business cards with the motto "May the remorse be with you." This is a pun on the ''Star Wars'' catchphrase "May The Force Be With You".

The Zygon Invasion

Ever since the War, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors ensured the creation of a peace treaty between humans and Zygons, there existed two versions of UNIT scientist Osgood: one human and a Zygon duplicate. 20 million Zygons have been resettled on Earth, peacefully living out their lives disguised as humans. The Doctor leaves the Osgoods the Osgood Box to be used as a last resort. After one of the Osgoods was killed, the other left UNIT and disappeared.

In the present, Osgood is captured by a splinter group of Zygons in the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico just after sending a warning to the Twelfth Doctor that the treaty is failing. In London, the splinter group, which seeks to be themselves no matter what, kidnaps and kills Zygon High Command, leaving a Zygon called Bonnie in charge. In Turmezistan, Osgood is forced to read a video message declaring the splinter group's intent to go to war. At the block of flats where Clara lives, Clara is knocked unconscious and hidden in a pod underground. Bonnie takes Clara's place.

The Doctor travels to Turmezistan via the aeroplane afforded him by being President of Earth to rescue Osgood. The Doctor and UNIT troops converge on the church Osgood is holed up in. The Zygon splinter group, appearing as the soldiers' relatives and friends, kills the soldiers and flees back to the UK through underground tunnels. The Doctor finds Osgood safe under the church. The Doctor and Osgood bring a Zygon, injured from a bombing run, aboard their flight back to the UK. The Zygon tells the Doctor that their invasion has already taken place.

In New Mexico, UNIT leader Kate Stewart finds Truth or Consequences uninhabited aside from the sheriff, Norlander. The sheriff reveals herself as a Zygon, and prepares to kill Kate. In London, Bonnie tricks UNIT scientist Jac into going to Clara's block with UNIT troops, where a lift takes them to a series of underground tunnels, which lifts across the city are connected to. When one pod is revealed to contain Clara, Jac realises that Clara was switched with a Zygon. Jac and the troops are killed by the splinter group when they attempt to escape. Bonnie travels to UNIT to obtain a shoulder-fired missile. She goes to the coast and contacts the Doctor, informing him of the deaths of his friends. She fires the missile at the plane.


Events from the Fourth Doctor serial ''Terror of the Zygons'' (1975) are brought up in the episode. Kate mentions this previous Zygon attack taking place in either the 1970s or 1980s, referring to the UNIT dating controversy regarding in which decade the Third and Fourth Doctors' UNIT stories actually took place. Kate references Harry Sullivan, a companion to the Fourth Doctor in this serial, as the "naval surgeon" that helped create the Z67 anti-Zygon nerve gas. Kate states the gas was developed in secret at Porton Down, alluding to Harry's location as reported by the Brigadier in the serial ''Mawdryn Undead'' (1983).

Following from her appearances in "The Day of the Doctor" (2013) and "Death in Heaven" (2014), both Osgoods are shown wearing costume elements of the Doctor's earlier incarnations. In addition to the Fourth Doctor's scarf, one Osgood is shown with a bow tie similar to the Eleventh Doctor's, while the other wears a question mark-decorated sweater vest similar to that worn by the Seventh Doctor. Both have shirts with question marks on the collar points, a common element of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Doctors' outfits. Osgood asks the Doctor why he does not use the question mark motif anymore, to which he replies that he still does – on his underpants.

A portrait of the First Doctor is displayed by the stairs in the UNIT safe house.

The Doctor remarks that he once "snogged a Zygon". The Tenth Doctor kissed a Zygon impersonating Queen Elizabeth in "The Day of the Doctor".

The Doctor resumes the position of "President of the World" and the use of the plane afforded by that position, both mentioned in "Death in Heaven". However, when he introduces himself as President of the World, he is told, "yes, we know who you are." This continues a running joke from earlier in the series: Prime Minister Harriet Jones is regularly told this after introducing herself, multiple times in both "The Christmas Invasion" (2005), and in "The Stolen Earth" (2008).

The Doctor suggests that Osgood is a hybrid between a Zygon and human, continuing the theme of hybrids mentioned in "The Magician's Apprentice" / "The Witch's Familiar", "The Girl Who Died" and "The Woman Who Lived".

Outside references

The Doctor plays the opening to the hymn "Amazing Grace" on his electric guitar.

Clara claims to memorize obscure facts to help her win at ''Trivial Pursuit'', a popular trivia quiz board game. She also explains, from her knowledge of ''Trivial Pursuit'', how the town of Truth or Consequences got its name from the television show ''Truth or Consequences''.

As well as identifying himself as "Dr. Disco", the Doctor also calls himself "Dr. Funkenstein" after a song of the same name by the band Parliament.

The episode pays homage to several science-fiction classics, including ''Invasion of the Body Snatchers'' and ''The Midwich Cuckoos''.

When the Doctor enters the presedential plane he raises both of his hands showing the victory sign, a pose commonly associated with former US president Richard Nixon.

The Zygon Inversion

In the present, Bonnie, the leader of a splinter group of shapeshifting Zygons, has taken Clara's form, keeping her body in a pod. Clara finds herself in a dream version of her flat, able to control Bonnie's actions to a small degree due to a telepathic connection between them, giving the Twelfth Doctor and UNIT scientist Osgood time to parachute out of their plane before Bonnie shoots it down.

The Doctor and Osgood land on a beach. Controlling Bonnie's hand, Clara sends a message to the Doctor's phone saying "I'm awake." The Doctor video calls Bonnie. From winks Bonnie exhibits, the Doctor recognises that Clara is telling him her pod is in London. In interrogating Clara via their telepathic connection, Bonnie learns the Osgood Box is in the UNIT Black Archive under the Tower of London. Against the wishes of the Zygons who are not aligned with the splinter group, Bonnie intends to start a war against humanity by using the Osgood Box to unmask 20 million Zygons on Earth. UNIT leader Kate Stewart, having survived the encounter with the Zygon in New Mexico, reconvenes with the Doctor and Osgood in London.

Bonnie discovers that there are two identical Osgood Boxes in the Archive, only differing by colour. By the time the Doctor, Osgood, and Kate arrive, Bonnie has found that either box's button reveals a second set of two buttons within. When Bonnie prepares to press a button on the blue box, which would either unmask the Zygons or make their human forms permanent, Kate prepares to do the same on the red box, which would destroy either every Zygon or everyone in London. The Doctor tries to talk both of them out of this action – the Osgood Boxes have been a means to assure peace because of the consequences of declaring a war. Eventually, after the Doctor admits the consequences he had to live with since the Time War, both Bonnie and Kate back off with the former realising the boxes are empty and were only a ploy to avoid a disaster. The Doctor wipes Kate's memories to keep the peace treaty. Bonnie calls off the splinter group and says they will live peacefully. Later, the Doctor offers Osgood a chance to ride in the TARDIS, but she refuses and instead reveals her new duplicate – Bonnie, who has taken a new form after giving up Clara.


Kate Stewart describes her gunfire while escaping an attacking Zygon as "five rounds rapid". This is a phrase closely associated with Kate's father, the Brigadier, that he first used in ''The Dæmons'' (1971).

The Fourth Doctor's companion Harry Sullivan is mentioned in this episode by name (he was only alluded to in the prior episode) as developing Z67 – "Sullivan's Gas" – as a means of stopping the Zygons. The Doctor also refers to Sullivan as "the imbecile", a reference to the Fourth Doctor serial ''Revenge of the Cybermen'', where the Doctor shouted "Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!" after Sullivan triggered a rockslide and then tried to remove a Cyberbomb from the Doctor without deactivating the booby trap.

UNIT's Black Archive, first seen in "The Day of the Doctor" (2013) and containing items from several past episodes, currently has a Mire battle helmet first seen in "The Girl Who Died" (2015).

The Doctor claims that he himself planned to use a box with a button to commit mass murder. This is a reference to "The Day of the Doctor" when three of the Doctor's past incarnations planned to use the Moment, a Time Lord doomsday device, to end the Time War.

Osgood says that there has been more than one meaning for the acronym ''TARDIS''. The 'D' in TARDIS has been given as both "''dimension''" and "''dimensions''" during both the classic series and the revival, giving the name ''TARDIS'' two different meanings. In "The Next Doctor" (2008), Jackson Lake says his 'TARDIS'—in reality, a hot air balloon—stands for “Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style”. In this episode, the Doctor gives it yet another meaning: "Totally And Radically Driving In Space".

As he departs, the Doctor tells the Osgoods that "I'm a very big fan", the same thing Osgood says to the Eleventh Doctor in "The Day of the Doctor".

Outside references

The Doctor's Union Jack parachute prototype (calling it "camouflage... we're in Britain.") is a direct reference to the pre-titles sequence of the 1977 James Bond film ''The Spy Who Loved Me'', in which Bond jumps from a cliff and expands a parachute with the same design.

The Doctor calls Bonnie "Zygella", a pun on chef Nigella Lawson's name.

Bonnie is asked by the Doctor about the "brave new world" her revolution will create, citing William Shakespeare's play ''The Tempest'': "O brave new world, that has such people in it".

The Doctor borrows the phrase "And I mean that most sincerely" from the UK television show ''Opportunity Knocks''.

Sleep No More (Doctor Who)

The viewer is addressed by Gagan Rassmussen, a researcher aboard Le Verrier Lab, a space station in orbit around Neptune in the 38th century, through a glitch-filled video transmitted across the Solar System. Rassmussen warns the viewer not to watch the video, but says its found footage will explain the events that have occurred.

When communication with Le Verrier is lost, a rescue ship is dispatched from Triton. Aboard Le Verrier, the four soldiers, Nagata, Chopra, Deep-Ando, and 474, discover the station empty save for the Twelfth Doctor and Clara, passing off as assessors. The group is chased by "Sandmen", humanoid forms composed of dust.

They take safety in a lab filled with large pods, and discover Rassmussen. He explains he is the inventor of the pods, known as Morpheus, which are machines that send signals to the brains of the humans inside to compress a month's worth of sleep into a few minutes, and the pods on Le Verrier are more advanced than on Triton. The Doctor suspects that Morpheus has transformed the rheum in the corner of the eye into a carnivorous lifeform which digested the crew.

The gravity shields are powered down before the Doctor fixes them. During this, a Sandman appears to consume Rassmussen. Chopra, Deep-Ando, and 474 are also killed during their escape. The Doctor silently monitors the Sandmen and realises that Rassmussen is making them blind by hijacking the visual receptors in the rheum in the Sandmen and in the eyes of anyone who has used Morpheus to collate video footage.

They make their way to the ship but Rassmussen is alive, trapping them in a room with a Sandman. Rassmussen plans to use the ship to return to Triton and release Morpheus there with the Sandman, which he says is now spread by spores. Nagata shoots Rassmussen. The Doctor engineers their escape and destroys the gravity shields, sending the station and ship into Neptune. The Doctor comments that the inconsistencies in how Morpheus is spread along with the gravity shields being powered down seems to be contrived like a story. The Doctor, Clara, and Nagata escape in the TARDIS.

Rassmussen reveals to the viewer he is a Sandman, being pulled apart by Neptune's gravity. Rassmussen explains he wanted to ensure the video the viewer is watching was seen by others, as its glitches contain the Morpheus signal and will allow it to spread.


When debating with Clara about naming the creatures, the Doctor mutters "It's like the Silurians all over again", referring to an old adversary that first appeared in ''Doctor Who and the Silurians'' (1970).

According to writer Mark Gatiss, the Doctor's mention of "the Great Catastrophe" that befell humankind is referring to the collision between the Earth and the Sun described in the Season 21 serial ''Frontios''.

Outside references

The title is in reference to the Shakespeare play, ''Macbeth'': "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep" which the Doctor quotes during the episode.

Clara asks if the Morpheus Machine is actually named after Morpheus, the god of dreams. The Morpheus hologram also uses the term 'in the arms of Morpheus', a phrase meaning to be in a deep sleep.

The Morpheus machine theme song, "Mr. Sandman", was popularized by the group The Chordettes among others in 1954.

Those like Chopra who refuse to compress their sleep via the Morpheus process are referred to as 'Rips'—a reference to the short story "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving.

Face the Raven

Rigsy contacts the Twelfth Doctor and Clara for help. He shows them a number tattoo on his neck, counting down, with no memory of how he got it nor events of the last day. They trace his movements to a trap street in present-day London that houses extraterrestrial refugees, using telepathic alien worms to appear as human to the Doctor, Clara, and Rigsy.

Me, the immortal mayor of the trap street, explains that she sentenced Rigsy to death after he was accused of murdering Anah, a two-face Janus. They gave him a Chronolock: a tattoo which counts down with each passing minute. When it reaches zero, a Quantum Shade (a being that takes the form of a raven) is summoned to kill him. However, they also had to give Rigsy an amnesia drug to forget the trap street's existence. Me allows the Doctor and Clara to prove Rigsy's innocence. Clara learns that the Chronolock can be transferred to another willingly. Believing Me will not let her die, Clara takes Rigsy's Chronolock without the Doctor's knowledge to buy them more time.

The trio meet Anah's psychic daughter, Anahson, and learn that Me used Rigsy to bring the Doctor to the trap street and that Me is afraid of someone Anahson cannot identify. The Doctor realises from the medical data in the stasis pod Anah is stored inside that Anah is still alive, and that Me wants Anah to be released with the TARDIS key. However, the device clamps a metal ring around his wrist and takes the TARDIS key from him. The band is a teleportation device to send the Doctor far away to keep the street safe from the people Me made a deal with. Me demands the Doctor's Confession Dial. Me then goes to remove the Chronolock from Rigsy only to discover Clara had taken it; Clara broke the contract Me had made with the Shade and she cannot undo it. The Doctor becomes angry and threatens Me, demanding that she save Clara, but Clara calms him down, asking him not to be upset nor avenge her death. Clara says her goodbyes and then steps into the street to face the Shade before it kills her. Back in the house, the Doctor warns Me to keep away from him in future. Me then activates the band, sending the Doctor away.


The Doctor once again consults his response cards, first seen in "Under the Lake", in "an effort to be nice" before breaking the news to Rigsy of his impending death.

Rigsy is injected with Retcon, a substance introduced in the ''Doctor Who'' spinoff, ''Torchwood'', to cause those that take it to lose their memory of meeting members of Torchwood and having alien encounters.

Among the disguised aliens living on the trap street are a Sontaran, Judoon, an Ice Warrior and an Ood caring for a Cyberman.

Me asks the Doctor for his confession dial, first seen in "The Magician's Apprentice" and retrieved by the Doctor in "The Witch's Familiar".

Clara mentions her deceased lover Danny Pink, saying that if he could face death (as he did in "Death in Heaven"), then so can she.

As Clara entreats the Doctor not to take revenge on Ashildr, she tells him "don't be a warrior.... be a Doctor". This is the same plea she made to the Eleventh Doctor when he planned to destroy Gallifrey to end the Time War in "The Day of the Doctor". .

Outside references

Clara mentions having a romantic relationship with writer Jane Austen. In "The Magician's Apprentice", she even calls her "a great kisser". Earlier in "The Caretaker", the Doctor disputes with Clara about when Austen wrote ''Pride and Prejudice''.

As they prepare to investigate, Clara suggests that she and the Doctor employ the good cop/bad cop interrogation method, with her as the 'good' cop. When the Doctor asks why he can't play 'good cop', Clara says that his face won't allow him.

Heaven Sent (Doctor Who)

The Twelfth Doctor is teleported into a glass chamber within an empty castle in the sea. He is pursued by a cloaked veiled figure, which evokes the Doctor’s childhood fears. When the figure corners the Doctor, he admits he is afraid to die. The figure halts and the castle reconfigures itself. The Doctor jumps out of a window into the sea, finding many skulls under the water. The Doctor concludes that the castle is a torture chamber. He takes advantage of the figure's slow reaction time to explore the castle, finding several strange remnants of his predecessors, such as dry replacement clothes, a skull connected to the transportation chamber, and the word "bird" written in dust. The Doctor investigates clues left in the castle, directing him to find Room 12. He delays the figure by alleging knowledge of the Hybrid; the movement of the reconfiguring castle causes the skull to fall into the sea.

Inside Room 12, the Doctor discovers a wall of Azbantium, a mineral harder than diamond, behind which he theorises the TARDIS to be. He realises that "bird" refers to "The Shepherd Boy", a fairytale by the Brothers Grimm in which a shepherd's boy says to an Emperor that a second of eternity will have passed when a bird chisels a diamond mountain down to nothing with its beak. The Doctor temporarily despairs following an epiphany: the prison was made solely for him, and thus the skulls were his own and he has been in the castle for 7000 years. Revitalised by a vision of his dead companion, Clara, the Doctor punches the wall while reciting the fable. The figure mortally injures the Doctor, disabling his regeneration. He crawls back to the teleportation chamber, and burns his body as a catalyst to restart the teleport, aware that due to the resetting rooms, a copy of himself is inside. He then falls to the ground, writes "bird" in the dust, and disintegrates, reduced to the skull which the Doctor had seen earlier. A new Doctor appears, starting the cycle anew.

After many more cycles, the Doctor finally breaks through the wall. He finds himself outside the Capitol on Gallifrey; the castle was in his confession dial. The Doctor tells a young boy to tell the Time Lords that he is on his way and that he knows what they did. He then proclaims the Hybrid prophesied by the Time Lords is "Me".


As he walks down the corridor, the Doctor says to his unseen adversary "the Doctor will see you now". The Eleventh Doctor shouts this same line to the Atraxi in "The Eleventh Hour" (2010).

The Doctor tells himself "Assume you're going to survive. Always assume that." This is what Clara says of the Doctor in "The Witch's Familiar": "he always assumes he's going to win. He always knows there's a way to survive".

The Doctor confesses that he ran from Gallifrey because he was scared, and that the pretense of being bored was a lie. Originally, in ''The War Games'' (1969), the Second Doctor admitted to his companions that "Well, I was bored".

Once he arrives on Gallifrey, the Doctor tells the young boy to announce that he "came the long way around", finally finishing the objective set by the Eleventh Doctor in "The Day of the Doctor" (2013) saying that he was going "home, the long way around".

Throughout the episode, the Doctor mentions the "hybrid", echoing a prophecy related by Davros in "The Magician's Apprentice" / "The Witch's Familiar" – two great warrior races, speculated to be the Time Lords and the Daleks, would merge to become a "hybrid". "Hell Bent" clarifies that the Doctor's declaration that the hybrid is "Me" expresses his belief that it is Ashildr, who became a human-Mire hybrid in "The Girl Who Died" and later adopted the name Me.

Hell Bent (Doctor Who)

On Gallifrey, the Twelfth Doctor has escaped from his confession dial after four and a half billion years of imprisonment, alerting the Time Lords. Aided by the Gallifreyan military, the Doctor usurps and exiles Lord President Rassilon. Now the new President, the Doctor learns that Rassilon imprisoned him in the dial to force him to confess about the Hybrid, which is prophesied by the Time Lords to stand in Gallifrey's ruins and unravel the Web of Time.

The Doctor has the Time Lords retrieve Clara from her timeline the instant before her death, with her biological processes suspended in a time loop, leaving her without a pulse, ostensibly so the Doctor can consult her about the Hybrid. The Doctor flees with Clara and steals a TARDIS from the workshops under the Capitol, telling her he held out confessing to have something to bargain for her life with.

The Doctor attempts to take Clara far enough away in the hope that her pulse will resume and she will not have to be returned to the moment of her death, despite potentially damaging time itself in the process. When this fails, they go to the extreme end of the universe. The Doctor finds the immortal human Ashildr waiting in the ruins of Gallifrey. Ashildr theorises that the Doctor and Clara together are the Hybrid. Since they are so alike, each pushes the other to potentially catastrophic actions. The Doctor reveals his intention to erase Clara's memories of him, hoping that the Time Lords will not be able to find her. Overhearing them, Clara attempts to reverse the neuro block to backfire on the Doctor; Clara accepts her death, but insists on retaining her memory. The two agree to activate the neuro block together, not knowing if Clara succeeded at reversing it. The Doctor concedes that he became the Hybrid by trying to save Clara.

The Doctor's memories of Clara are erased. He awakens in the Nevada desert. In a diner, the Doctor tells his story about Gallifrey to Clara, dressed as a waitress; the Doctor has pieced together the hole left by the wipe aside from what Clara looks like. After Clara goes into the toilets, the diner, the TARDIS stolen from Gallifrey, disappears, leaving the Doctor behind and revealing the Doctor's TARDIS. Clara, travelling with Ashildr, begins her trip to Gallifrey to return to her death, "the long way 'round". The Doctor's TARDIS produces a new sonic screwdriver.


The interior of the TARDIS that the Doctor and Clara steal to escape the Cloisters is modelled on the original, as seen in ''An Unearthly Child'' (1963). This is the first episode since "The End of Time" (2009–10) to feature Rassilon. Clara uses the phrase "reversed the polarity" in modifying the memory wiping device; this is a phrase commonly associated with the Third Doctor, but has been used by other Doctors as well. The Doctor, once on Gallifrey, travels to the same barn in the Dry Lands where he spent time as a child, as seen in "Listen", and would later be where he debates the use of the Moment in "The Day of the Doctor" (2013).

Before deciding that the Doctor and Clara, combined, are the Hybrid, Ashildr postulated that the Doctor might be half-human and thus the Hybrid. The Eighth Doctor made a similar statement about his lineage in the 1996 television movie. When Ashildr knocks on the TARDIS's door, she knocks four times, which the Doctor points out. This is a reference to the Tenth Doctor's regeneration and the prophecy stating "He will knock four times" just before his death. When the Doctor decides to wipe Clara's memory of himself to save her, he mentions that he has done it before, telepathically, referring to the Tenth Doctor's wiping of Donna Noble's memory of him and her travels in the TARDIS in "Journey's End" (2008). The Doctor recognises the diner as the same one he visited as the Eleventh Doctor in "The Impossible Astronaut" with companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

The Cloister Wars were mentioned by Missy in "The Magician's Apprentice", along with the Doctor stealing "the moon and the President's wife." The Doctor sets the record straight in this episode (albeit inadvertently in his babbling when reunited with Clara after over four billion years), claiming that it was his daughter, not his wife, and that he did not steal the moon, he 'lost' it. The Doctor claims he rescued Clara because he has "a duty of care", a phrase mentioned before.

Foxes' version of "Don't Stop Me Now" is heard playing when the Doctor first walks into the diner; the song was also used in "Mummy on the Orient Express". The Doctor, while talking to the waitress, plays on an electric guitar, and at times plays variations on both Clara's theme, as composed by Murray Gold and heard first in "Asylum of the Daleks", and the "Bad Wolf" leitmotif.

CSI: Cyber (season 1)

The first season of ''Cyber'' follows the work of Mary Aiken inspired Special Agent in Charge Avery Ryan (Patricia Arquette), who leads an FBI division tasked with working on the dark web, investigating everything from online baby auctions ("Kidnapping 2.0"), to the disabling of roller-coaster safeguards ("CMND:\CRASH"), the world of black market weaponry ("Ghost in the Machine"), the death of those using a transport app ("Killer En Route"), and a design flaw in a printer ("Fire Code"). Focusing on the psychological aspects of computer forensics, Ryan uses her experience as a Ph.D. to get inside the mind of the subjects she pursues, battling bombings ("Crowd Sourced"), electronic crime scene tampering ("The Evil Twin"), cyber-bullying ("URL Interrupted"), pop-ups ("Click Your Poison"), planes ("L0m1s"), and bit coins ("Bit by Bit"), all with the knowledge that her own past threatens to put her, and her colleagues, at risk ("Selfie 2.0", "Family Secrets"). Ryan and her team, Elijah Mundo (James Van Der Beek), Daniel Krumitz (Charley Koontz), Raven Ramirez (Hayley Kiyoko), and Brody Nelson (Shad Moss), work under the watchful eye of Assistant Deputy Director Simon Sifter (Peter MacNicol), a shrewd career agent who built his career investigating gang violence and gun crime.

There is generally a jargon of the cyber world, with its explanation, that shows as subtitles right after the title of the series displays in each episode, except for the first episode of Season 1. It reveals that the story in the episode will be relative to this jargon.

One Way Pendulum (play)

Subtitled on the Royal Court's posters as "an evening of high drung and slarrit", the play is in the absurdist tradition. It contains numerous diversions and non-sequiturs, such as people riding to hounds on camels, and a game of three-handed whist played by two participants, without cards, in the dark, but the core consists of the efforts of the son of the house, Kirby, to teach a collection of talking weight machines, which he has stolen, to sing the Hallelujah chorus from ''Messiah'', and his father's decision to build a replica of the Old Bailey in the sitting room. Elsewhere in the household Mrs Groomkirby is so obsessed with cooking that she employs a neighbour to come in twice a week to help eat the food, and the daughter, Sylvia is dissatisfied with the length of her arms. In Mr Groomkirby's home-made Old Bailey a judge and counsel appear; Kirby is put on trial for mass murder (he kills people so as to indulge his passion for wearing black mourning) and his father is discredited as a witness under cross-examination, for failing to prove that he isn't in Chester-le-Street."Non Sequiturs Ad Nauseam", ''The Times'', 23 December 1959, p. 9

The Good, the Bad, and the Dead

Brian Barns wakes up in the middle of the desert injured and with no memory of who he is. Surrounded by eight dead bodies, $3 million in cash, and a van full of cocaine, he is pursued by drug lord Mateo Perez, who wants his drugs and money back; DEA agent Bob Rooker; and Sheriff Olson, who is corrupt and out for his own financial gain.

To Courier with Love

In the Stone Age, ancient counterparts of the Simpsons portray ''The Invention of Motherhood'' as Marge tries to keep Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie under control.

Moving to the present day, the same things are happening at the Simpson house, and Marge tries to convince Homer to do his chores. In the garage, Lisa finds a rare Morgan car, left by the previous owner of the house and Homer decides to keep it.

In bed later, Marge confesses that she is not happy with her life. Homer seizes an opportunity to cheer her up when he sells Jay Leno his newly found car, and has the money for a trip. However, Leno soon returns and wants his money back, claiming the car was not registered to Homer and the police impounded it. Unfortunately, Marge has already decided on a trip to Paris and is very happy. To avoid disappointing her, Homer asks a travel agent if he can get the family to Paris at no cost. The agent offers to have Homer smuggle a package, which he must not open. On the plane, he opens it, finding a blue snake. Lisa finds out it is a rare endangered species. Homer promises not to let anything bad happen to it, while Lisa promises to help him preserve his marriage. Upon delivering the briefcase at the airport, they find out that the snake would be turned into a belt. Homer and Lisa manage to evade the snake's buyers.

Later, Marge, Bart and Maggie are enjoying a Parisian restaurant, but when Marge finds out about the degree of animal cruelty involved, she asks Bart to dump her pâté in an alley. After putting down the plate, Bart finds out the alley is filled with starving paper-thin models for Paris Fashion Week. Bart proceeds to prank them by making them chase a hot dog on stage, where they get sucked up. Later, when Homer and Lisa try to set the snake free in the gardens of the Louvre, the buyers find them. They chase them to the rue des Lombards, where Homer and Lisa hide in one of the three main jazz clubs, leaving the briefcase behind near a statue. While there, Lisa plays the saxophone when the lead saxophonist collapses. Later in the evening, Homer and Marge go on a stroll and enjoy Paris. Homer confesses to Marge about the snake, retrieving it from the statue, and that he did it to make her happy. They spot the buyers near the river and make a run for it. However, back at the hotel, they are arrested by the police (French Wiggum, Eddie and Lou counterparts) after the contractors called them and having been informed of both Bart's and Lisa's shenanigans. The police search the briefcase and the entire room but find nothing and free the family. After everybody leaves, the snake comes out of its hiding spot in Marge's hair and the family later goes to set the snake free.

The episode ends back at Moe's Tavern, where Homer gives Lenny, Carl and Moe gifts from the trip, Moe's gift being a synthetic snakeskin belt. The episode shifts back to the Stone Age, showing a prehistoric Matt Groening drawing and signing the drawing of the scene at Moe's.

Cradle to Grave

It is 1973 and 15-year-old Danny is our guide through the ups and downs of life with the Baker family. Dad Fred, nicknamed 'Spud', is a proud South London docker with a penchant for schemes. Wife Bet loves him but longs for the family to go 'straight' and do daft things like pay taxes and put money in the electricity meter instead of always trying to scam it. With eldest daughter Sharon's wedding looming, the docks facing closure, and a switch to the dreaded 'containerisation', which will put thousands of dockers out of work, times are challenging. So, too, are Danny's attempts to get closer to the opposite sex.

With an accompanying soundtrack combining songs from the era with material from Squeeze's Chris Difford and Glenn Tilbrook, ''Cradle to Grave'' is based on actual events and characters.

Convict Stage

When inept bandits the Simes Brothers kill his sister during a stagecoach robbery, gunfighter Ben Lattimore vows vengeance. When he learns that an old lawman has captured them, he considers shooting them but then decides to ride along to prevent rescue by their fellow gang members, who are still on the loose. But neither Ben nor lawman Jethro Karnin are aware that Ma Simes is also a passenger on the stagecoach . . .

The Greatest Story Ever Told (Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever)

Master Shake and Meatwad are watching a video of Shake photobombing clams from the previous weekend on television. Shake turns off the television and announces that he is, in fact, immortal. He then proceeds to pull out a book called "The Bibble" which he refers to as the Bible. Shake becomes angered when Meatwad corrects him on his error and demands he kneel down and pray to the "Almighty Jimmy", as part of his religion. Frylock enters the room and questions Shake's religion, which promises immortality. Shake states that Frylock isn't eligible for his religion or immortality, before leaving the house with Meatwad. Frylock denounces immortality, before cutting to him washing his fries in Carl's pool with a bottle of "Ceaseless" shampoo.

While Frylock is in the pool Carl comes to question him. Carl picks up the shampoo bottle and reads the label explaining that it gives the user immortality. Carl steals the bottle from Frylock and washes his own hair in his house against Frylock's wishes. Soon after Christopher Lambert abruptly enters Carl's house and explains that Frylock, Carl, and himself are all immortal. To prove this Lambert allows Carl to decapitate him on video. After Lambert successfully comes back to life after decapitation the three of them decide to make a viral internet video of themselves repeatedly committing suicide in various gruesome ways.

Meanwhile, Shake and Meatwad are seen in a church alongside eleven other characters from the series, in an homage to ''The Last Supper''. Shake is dressed up as Jesus Christ and is severing his organs and blood for consumption. Frylock, Carl, and Lambert have entered the church and show their video to Meatwad, explaining to him that it is real. Shake in a paranoid state commands everyone in the church to shoot at Frylock, Carl and Lambert. Everyone in the church complies but are not successful due to the fact that the three of them are immortal. Two policemen enter the church and begin shooting several patrons to death, including Shake.

After the shooting Frylock and Carl take Lambert to see a magic show by Unbelievable Ron, to help alleviate his boredom, which he had been expressing throughout the episode. During Ron's performance he accidentally kills his assistant by cutting her in half. Ron uses his powers to turn witnesses in the audience into birds, including Lambert. During the commotion the two police officers return and arrest Frylock and Carl for the murder of Lambert. 35 years in the future Meatwad is visiting Frylock in prison. Frylock explains that Meatwad needs to track down Lambert (in the form of five white birds) to get him and Carl exonerated. Meatwad responds by pulling out a bucket of fried chicken, which annoys Frylock. As the on-screen closing credits start, Frylock explains that Meatwad can use the remaining shampoo to become immortal himself. Meatwad asks if they would be on TV forever and Frylock confidently answers yes, before the screen abruptly cuts to the Williams Street production card.

The fourth wall is broken in the post-credits scene were the Aqua Teens are seen in their living room with Carl watching the episode itself on television. Shake, Carl and Frylock each express disappointment in the episode. Meatwad optimistically suggests doing another joke in the show's final seconds, before the screen abruptly cuts to a message stating the episode was made in Georgia (which was used throughout the eleventh season and regularly in other productions made in Georgia), thus ending the series.

Shangri-La (novel)

In the mid-21st century, the international committee decided to forcefully reduce CO2 emission levels to mitigate the global warming crisis. As a result, the economic market was absorbed predominantly by the trade of carbon. A great earthquake destroys much of Japan, yet the heavy carbon tax placed on the once-industrialized country is not lifted, so Tokyo is turned into the world's largest "jungle-polis" that absorbs carbon dioxide. Project Atlas is commenced to plan the rebuilding of Tokyo and oversee the government organization, which the Metal Age group opposes due to its oppressive nature. However, Atlas is built with enough room for only 3,500,000 people, and most are not allowed to migrate into the city. The disparity between the elite within Atlas and the refugees living in the jungles outside its walls sets up the background of the story.


The series focuses his plot into a scandal in each of its separate chapters walks through several themes of the social environment, such as family, money and the laws.

Man from Guangdong

Wong Fei-hung (Shih Kien), one of the Ten Tigers of Canton, has passed his prime and decides to close down his martial arts school and clinic, Po Chi Lam. His disciples has scattered to different places and Wong himself decides to retire to Foshan and no longer wants to be involved in the martial world. One while, while playing chess with Kwan Yan-kin (Cheng Gwan-min), they mention Wong's favored disciple, Leung Foon, lamenting his premature death. According to rumors, Leung has descendants that are living. Wong then send his disciple Buckteeth So's (Sai Gwa-Pau) daughter, So Siu-mui (Wu Man-yam) to find the whereabouts that descendant, hoping to teach him his skills and revive the former prestige of Po Chi Lam. Leung Foon had a naturally upright personality and never indulged in romance, but during one night when he got drunk, he had a one-night stand with a showgirl named Koo Kam-fung (Pak Yan). Not long after, Leung was brutally killed by rivals, leaving Kam-fung heartbroken. The pregnant Kam-fung returns to her ancestral home, leaving all her glory behind, and gives birth to her child. As the years flow by, Kam-fung's son, Leung Kan (Aaron Kwok), has grown up and works as a pig breeder for a living. Due to his mother's background, Kan was often given cold stares and ridiculed by others. Kan aspires to make it out to the province one day and study under his grandmaster, Wong Fei-hung, hoping to wash out his past shame. On the other hand, one of Kan's fellow disciples, Law Kam-loi (Gary Chan), who came from a wealthy family, is often bullied by other disciples. Kam-loi is like-minded with Kan and never looked-down upon Kan's background and they develop a brotherly friendship. Kam-loi's father, Law Pak-man (Tin Ching), has prearranged his son to marry with village leader Koo Tin-ho's (Sing Yan) daughter, Ku Yuet-fan (Chan On-ying). However, Yuet-fan has an unruly pungent personality and Kam-loi is disinterested in her so he makes up many excuses to stall the marriage.

Moro Witch Doctor

CIA agent Jefferson Stark is ordered to the Philippines to investigate the double homicide of two American plantation owners, Cameron and Kruger. Authorities believe the two were killed as a result of local gun smuggling and drug dealing. Cameron's sister Paula helps Stark in his investigation, and learns her brother is still alive and has gone into hiding from the syndicate. Stark discovers the plantation is all just a cover for the crime ring's smuggling operations. A fanatical cult leader named Datu Sumlang tries to buy the property, but when Paula refuses to sell, her brother's ex-friends start getting murdered. Stark uses Paula as a lure by telling her to meet him in Manila with a suitcase full of money. She gets attacked by the supposedly dead Kruger, and Stark comes to Paula's aid and kills him. With Kruger's death, the crime ring dissolves and her brother Cameron is exonerated.

The Snowman (2017 film)

At a remote cabin, a boy and his mother, Sarah, are visited by his abusive biological father, a police officer named Jonas. Jonas strikes and sexually assaults Sarah, who threatens to tell Jonas's wife about their illegitimate son. Jonas leaves and Sarah follows in her car with her son. During the chase, she drifts into a catatonic state, letting go of the steering wheel. The boy escapes as the car crashes into a lake. Despite his pleading, his mother remains seated and sinks.

Years later, Harry Hole is an inspector with the Norwegian Police Service's Oslo district. He struggles with alcoholism and a recent break-up with Rakel, mother of a boy named Oleg whom Harry loves like a son. After receiving a mysterious letter signed with a childlike drawing of a snowman, Harry meets new recruit Katrine Bratt and accompanies her investigation into the disappearance of Birte Becker, a woman with a husband and daughter. The two find a snowman at Becker's home.

Harry realizes Bratt has taken police files without permission. He learns she's looking for a link between several missing persons cases and another case, from nine years before, that was investigated by an alcoholic inspector named Gert Rafto. Katrine convinces Harry to join a new investigation into the disappearance of Sylvia Otterson, whom they find alive and well at her farm. Shortly after they leave, a masked figure beheads Sylvia with an electrified cable harness. A call comes in requesting Harry specifically so he and Katrine return to the farmhouse. There they meet Sylvia's identical twin, Ane. Sylvia's body is inside her barn and her head atop a snowman.

Katrine believes corrupt businessman Arve Støp is responsible for the deaths. Traveling to Bergen to investigate further, Harry runs into Rakel's new boyfriend Mathias, a cosmetic surgeon, and realizes he forgot he had promised to take Oleg on a camping trip the same day. In Bergen, Harry finds that Inspector Rafto died by an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Harry then discovers Katrine is Rafto's daughter.

It's discovered that the recent victims each visited the clinic of Dr. Vetlesen, who also oversees Støp's high-class prostitution ring. When Becker's phone is reactivated, the signal is traced to Vetlesen's house. Katrine goes to arrest Vetlesen herself but finds him dead of a gunshot wound to the head, along with the remains of Birte Becker and another missing person, Hegen Dahl. The police rule Vetlesen's death a suicide and suspend Katrine for breaking protocol.

Katrine, hoping to trick Støp into confessing to killing her father, flirts with him at a public event. He invites her to his hotel room where she sets up a hidden camera but to no avail; she is attacked and drugged by a masked figure who severs a finger on her right hand. The attacker uses the finger to unlock her work tablet and wipe all its data. The next morning, Harry finds Katrine dead inside a car decorated by the outline of a snowman on its roof.

Rakel visits Harry, admitting she is conflicted and misses him. They start kissing passionately but are interrupted by a phone call. The next day, Harry remembers Mathias worked at Vetlesen's clinic and realizes he is the killer. Meanwhile, Mathias kidnaps Rakel and Oleg, taking them to a cottage in Telemark. Harry locates the cottage and finds Mathias holding the mother and child hostage. Mathias is revealed to be the boy from the first scene, hating his mother for abandoning him and eventually targeting mothers whom he judges are harming their children. Harry frees Rakel from a cable harness but loses a finger. Mathias escapes and Harry chases him onto a frozen lake. Mathias shoots Harry then walks towards him. The ice beneath him breaks apart and he falls into the water, dragged beneath the ice by the current.

The final scene shows Harry, having had his missing finger replaced by a metal prosthesis, volunteering for a new homicide case.

Fort Courageous

An ex-cavalry sergeant, being escorted to prison after being convicted of a crime he didn't commit, finds himself leading the remnants of a unit that has been under Indian attack at a fort. The commanding officer has been killed, the Indians vastly outnumber them, and the only bargaining chip they have is the fact that they have captured the Indian chief's son.

Commander in Chief (novel)

In Russia, the silovik, a group of military & intelligence officers and businessmen who basically control the country’s affairs, are concerned about the country’s economic decline. President Valeri Volodin brings up a plan of covert armed conflict within Europe that will ensure the restoration of Russia’s status as a superpower, while at the same time revamping its economy and benefiting the siloviki as a result. Privately however, Volodin tasks a financial expert, Andrei Limonov, with securing his assets worldwide in case his plan does not work.

Weeks later, a string of attacks plague most of Eastern Europe. A Lithuanian LNG tanker, the ''Independence'', gets attacked by an eco-terrorist group. A Russian military train transporting men and materiel to Kaliningrad Oblast gets attacked by a Polish terrorist group, which gives Volodin an excuse to increase military presence in the region. Russian submarines begin attacking the Lithuanian Navy, and had torpedoed another oil tanker bound for Estonia. U.S. President Jack Ryan immediately notices a pattern in the recent attacks and the corresponding increase in Russia’s oil profit. He tries to recruit the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)’s help, but they decline, fearing the consequences of an all-out war. Frustrated, he later deploys the U.S. Navy to dispatch its Russian counterpart.

Meanwhile, Jack Ryan, Jr. is in Rome, Italy, investigating Russia’s money networks as well as spending time with his Iranian girlfriend Ysabel Kashani. He finds out about Limonov and moves to Luxembourg to follow up on his investigation, despite being followed by a paparazzo named Salvatore. Unbeknownst to him, the paparazzo had implanted a tracking device on Kashani's belongings, and the Iranian is later attacked by a group of men led by Russian hitman Yegor Morozov; they are dispatched by Ryan in the resulting altercation. Ysabel is later hospitalized.

Domingo “Ding” Chavez and Dominic “Dom” Caruso are tasked by Director of National Intelligence Mary Pat Foley to photograph specific locations along the Belarusian border. While there, they are asked to escort Pete Branyon, a local CIA station chief in Lithuania, to a meeting with some of his assets. During the meeting, Branyon gets kidnapped; Chavez and Caruso give chase and later rescue him. With help from Lithuanian intelligence director Linus Sabonis, they find out the identity of Branyon’s kidnappers as Serbs who posed as the Polish group that attacked the Russian train in Kaliningrad Oblast.

Distraught about what happened to his girlfriend, Ryan returns to the US and goes on his investigation into Limonov; he finds out that he is in the British Virgin Islands to meet with Terry Walker, inventor of the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, to propose moving eight billion dollars for his client (implied to be Volodin) in and out of Bitcoin with a large commission. Campus operative John Clark is tasked with turning Walker, but finds out that Walker has been coerced into working with the Russians by kidnapping his wife and son, because he had turned down Limonov’s deal due to concern that the deal would draw too much attention to himself. Clark tries to save Walker’s family, but is ambushed by a group of men working for Kozlov, Limonov’s personal bodyguard. Clark was later rescued by Adara Sherman. Together, they rescue Walker and his family and capture Limonov, who later reveals Volodin’s frantic plan to move his assets.

Against orders, Ryan tracks down Salvatore to Brussels, Belgium (at the Stanhope hotel by Thon Hotels). Chavez and Caruso are redirected there to assist him. They find out that Salvatore is part of an eco-terrorist group that are preparing to attack a nearby oil and gas conference. They later dispatch the attackers, and find out that they are also responsible for the attack on the ''Independence''. Meanwhile, a naval battle in the Baltic Sea results in victory for the U.S. and Polish navies over the Russian submarines, and the Russian advance into Lithuania is averted by the Swedish Air Force, who aid U.S. marines that are being pushed back by the Russian forces.

His diabolical plan in shambles, Volodin is later assassinated by the silovik. Ryan gets suspended from The Campus for not reporting Salvatore sooner and for not following orders.

Don't Blink (film)

A group of ten friends – Jack, his girlfriend Tracy, and her brother Lucas; Alex, his friend Sam, and Sam's girlfriend Charlotte; Claire and Amelia, friends of Tracy; Jack's ex-girlfriend Ella and her new boyfriend, Noah – arrive at an isolated resort far from civilization. Each of the cars is near-empty from the long drive, and nobody has cell service. When they attempt to refill their cars, they find the gasoline tanks locked. Nobody is at the resort, though they find half-eaten food, unpacked luggage, and a car at the pumps, apparently left idling until running out of gas and draining the battery. They cannot find the keys for the gas pumps or any landline phones. Jack urges them to remain calm and organizes several parties to search the area for the missing people.

Alex and Claire head to the lake, Tracy and Jack check cabins to the left, and Lucas and Amelia check cabins to the right. The rest stay at the resort, where they continue looking for clues. The other cabins are similarly empty, though Alex and Claire find the lake has frozen over despite the unseasonably warm weather at the resort. They further realize that there are no insects or animals in the entire area. When the friends regroup, Alex insists they leave immediately. They discuss pooling their gas together into one vehicle, but Jack suggests they stay, as the resort has supplies and the pooled gas will only take them halfway. The situation becomes even more tense when Tracy disappears.

Now worried about Tracy, Jack refuses to leave, and a majority of the others vote to stay. Although angry, Alex backs off and warns Jack that anything else that happens is his fault. As the friends debate what to do and search for Tracy, Lucas and Noah disappear, too. Alex retrieves a pistol from his car, and, after Amelia disappears, Sam steals Alex's pistol. Disturbed and panicked, Sam shoots Alex in the shoulder and forces Charlotte to join him as he drives off. His car only goes a few feet before he disappears, along with the keys. Charlotte, who was in the car with him when he disappeared, enters a catatonic state. Alex threatens to kill her unless she explains what she saw, but Jack stops Alex by punching him.

The remaining friends return to the resort, where they agree to watch each other closely. Ella, a nurse, bandages Alex. Jack and Ella comfort each other, and after Jack escorts Ella upstairs, they have sex. When Jack turns away from her, Ella disappears. Noah surprises them by knocking on the door, and Alex interrogates him. When Noah claims to have simply fallen in a ditch and wandered back to the resort, Alex shoots him in the leg despite Claire's objections. Noah continues to profess his ignorance, and Alex shoots him again. Jack protests, but Alex points out that it is too late for him to protest, as he had already tacitly given his approval to torture. Claire convinces Alex to stop, but Alex kicks Noah out of the resort. When his cries suddenly end, they assume he has also disappeared.

Alex says the impending threat of nonexistence invalidates morality. After casually threatening to murder them, he commits suicide to leave behind evidence of his own existence. When they turn away, his corpse vanishes. After a novelty phone rings, Claire calls for help; the police tell her it will take three hours to arrive. Claire and Jack agree to look into each other's eyes until help arrives. When they lose power, they light candles. Jack, Claire, and Charlotte enter the bathroom when Claire says she must urinate, and Charlotte announces her own disappearance. Shocked, Claire and Jack watch each other in a mirror until they experience microsleep and Jack disappears. Claire panics but soon realizes that the emergency services have arrived. A man in black assures her that the situation is under control. After she is loaded in a patrol car, she is horrified to find that she is suddenly all alone and all the emergency workers are nowhere to be seen.

The Dead End

Seven years after the events of the Water Chamber Murders, newly transferred officer Yi Guchun began to suspect that his assistant police, Xin Xiaofeng, is deeply-tied with the murders.

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony


The game features 16 high-school students being forced into a mutual killing game. Each character has a special skill or ability, known as an Ultimate Talent. ''Danganronpa V3'' is viewed from the point of view of two protagonists. Despite being advertised as the game's sole lead, Kaede Akamatsu is only a false protagonist, as she is no longer the player-character after the first chapter. The remainder of the game is played from Shuichi Saihara's perspective; the Ultimate Detective, reserved and unsure of his talents. Other participants of the Killing Game include child caregiver Maki Harukawa, anthropologist Korekiyo Shinguuji, astronaut Kaito Momota among several others. The game features a mascot character, an evil anthropomorphic talking robotic bear known as Monokuma who's in charge of the killing game. Alongside Monokuma, the game introduces the Monokubs, five smaller robot bears who serve as the secondary antagonists and are viewed as children by Monokuma.


High school student Kaede Akamatsu is kidnapped and awakens trapped in Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, where she meets 15 fellow students including Shuichi Saihara. The group is abruptly accosted by the Monokubs who expose them to a "Flashback Light," a flashlight similar to a neuralyzer. When Kaede next awakens the students remember having ultimate talents; for example, Kaede is the "Ultimate Pianist" and Shuichi is the "Ultimate Detective". Monokuma – a robotic bear – arrives and informs the students that the only way to escape the academy is to successfully murder another student and not be voted as the culprit at the resulting trial, known as a class trial. Initially, the participants are unwilling to take part in the "killing game", until a new rule is imposed – if nobody is killed within two days, Monokuma will prematurely end the game by killing all of the students. Shuichi reasons that there must be a mastermind controlling Monokuma, and Kaede works with him to set a trap to expose the mastermind just prior to the time limit. Kaede accidentally kills the amnesiac Rantaro Amami instead of the mastermind. During the following class trial, Kaede encourages Shuichi to expose her and is executed. Afterwards, Shuichi develops a friendship with the Ultimate Astronaut Kaito Momota, and the Ultimate Childcare Giver (later revealed Ultimate Assassin) Maki Harukawa. Many more murders occur throughout the game, with each culprit getting caught and executed. Ultimate Tennis Pro Ryoma Hoshi is willingly killed by Ultimate Maid Kirumi Tojo in hopes that she may escape the killing game and save Japan from destruction. Ultimate Artist Angie Yonaga and Ultimate Aikido Master Tenko Chabashira are killed by Ultimate Anthropologist Korekiyo Shinguji in his belief that killing people brings his dead sister "friends" in the afterlife. Ultimate Inventor Miu Iruma is killed by Ultimate Entomologist Gonta Gokuhara after he was manipulated into doing so by Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kokichi Oma.

The students find additional Flashback Lights and remember that they are students of the Hope's Peak Academy led by Makoto Naegi, whom he sent into space in the hopes of preserving humanity after meteors began to fall upon the Earth and a deadly epidemic had ravaged the remainder of the population. Near the end of the game, Kokichi reveals the outside world to be destroyed and claims to have returned the spaceship to Earth and masterminded the killing game. It is later revealed that Kokichi is in fact not the mastermind and, through a complex process, he collaborates with Kaito to create a murder in which either he or Kaito are plausible victims, to such a point that even Monokuma doesn't know whom was killed. Through Shuichi's deductions, it's eventually revealed that Kaito killed Kokichi, and is subsequently executed. Later, the students discover evidence contradicting their memories, as well as inconsistencies in Rantaro's crime scene. In response, Shuichi demands a retrial with Kaede's case. At the trial, Shuichi accuses Ultimate Cosplayer Tsumugi Shirogane of being the mastermind, having killed Rantaro and framed Kaede.

Tsumugi confesses and reveals that the students' memories, talents, relationships, and personalities are entirely fake, the Flashback Light being a brainwashing device and the destroyed world being a sound stage. The students are in fact taking part in "Danganronpa 53 (V3)", the 53rd season of a lethal reality TV show watched by millions based on the fictional ''Danganronpa'' media franchise. All of the Ultimates, barring Keebo, were ordinary individuals who willingly had their previous lives' memories permanently erased in exchange for talent and a fake background who have joined purely for fame, fortune, or the thrill of the game, and were far less trusting and altruistic than their killing game selves. Keebo is revealed to be the camera for the viewers and possesses an antenna that lets him hear the audience's opinions on the show, who encourage him to battle Tsumugi's despair with hope.

Realizing either choice will still continue the killing game, Shuichi encourages the students to abstain from voting, meaning everyone will be executed but the killing game will also end. At the vote, all parties abstain including Tsumugi and Keebo, the former willing to sacrifice herself to continue ''Danganronpa'' and the latter indicating the audience has given up on ''Danganronpa''. As the remaining viewers tune out, a defeated Tsumugi orders Keebo to destroy the school. He does so, killing Tsumugi and Monokuma in the process, then activates his self-destruct feature. The survivors, Shuichi, Maki, and Ultimate Magician Himiko Yumeno consider the possibility that Tsumugi was lying about their past selves willingly signing up to participate in ''Danganronpa'', and depart for the real world.

Babylon's Ashes

Following the events of ''Nemesis Games'', the so-called Free Navy, made up of Belters using stolen military ships, has been growing ever bolder. After the crippling attacks on Earth and the Martian Navy, the Free Navy turns its attention to the colony ships headed for the ring gates and the worlds beyond. The relatively defenseless ships are left to fend for themselves, as neither Earth nor Mars is powerful enough to protect them. James Holden and the crew of the ''Rocinante'' are called upon once again by what remains of the UN and Martian governments to go to Medina Station, now in the hands of the Free Navy, in the ring station. On the other side of the rings an alien threat is growing; the Free Navy may be the least of humanity's problems.

The Secret Service Agent's Memories

A messenger of the Order of Masons visits Prince Menshikov with a plan to marry the heir to the throne to the daughter of a gray cardinal. At the same time, the prince is visited by a young officer, Ivan Samoilov. He receives the task, which, having shown ingenuity and courage, performs brilliantly. After that, the head of the Secret Chancellery draws attention to the resourceful officer and, thanks to a deft intrigue, forces him to enter the service of his department. Now Ivan can expect dizzying adventures: hunting for a serial killer, investigating the death of an elderly nobleman in a house of tolerance, trying to figure out the intrigues of the ancestor of evil, etc.

Welcome Home Soldier Boys

Danny, Shooter, Kid and Fatback are a group of four veterans returning home from Vietnam who decide to subsequently go on a road trip. They decided to purchase a Cadillac, managing to hustle the price down from $6,200 to $5,500 from the dealer and load the Cadillac with weapons. On their way they pick up a girl who begins to party with the gang, but then Danny gets a hold of her and tries to sexually assault her. As she struggles she is thrown out of the car driving at 65 mph, killing her.

The gang decide to visit a bunch of old settlements, meet up in a basketball court inside of a local high school and watching the game, reminiscing on the old times at the school. They meet up in a motel and order a room, where they are accompanied by various women where they play around and start to somewhat discuss about their pasts. Eventually, they leave and try to find another place to stay and crack up a deal with the sheriff in order to allow them to use the cells as a place to stay for the night. He agrees but treats the event almost as if he’s performing a routine arrest in order to keep with policy.

Their car breaks down and eventually they must seek repairs culminating in a total of $1,400 which they eventually pay up after an argument, and then get back to driving. The gang eventually meet up in a diner where they apparently have won $50 from a contest although the diner can not pay up, so the gang eventually steal from the cash register and make the owner prepare a bunch of meals in order to recuperate for the cost. They drive off again and eventually stop at a gas pump, although they are completely broke.

Danny tries to vandalise a gas-pump in order to steal gas from it, when someone peers out the window with a shotgun and shoots at the gang, before eventually being shot by one of the gang members in retaliation. The rest of the gang eventually arm up and go on a killing spree, killing everybody in the village and subsequently destroying various vehicles and houses. The gang begin to experience intense memories of their time in Vietnam and dress up in uniform taking the village as their own, almost like a compound of their own.

Amidst the chaos, the National Guard are called in to dispatch the soldier replete with a convoy of armoured vehicles and a helicopter. The gang manage to shoot the helicopter down with a rocket launcher. The National Guard attempt to dispatch the soldiers by throwing gas bombs down on the area causing the gang to slowly suffocate. A troop of National Guardsmen wearing gas masks slowly march towards the gang each with a rifle in hand, and the gang decide to retaliate against the guardsmen by throwing grenades at them and trying to shoot them, but each of them are shot dead by the guardsmen.

The final shot is of an unknown woman walking slowly among the carnage resulting from the massacre, over a voice-over of Danny reading the Oath of Enlistment at the recruitment centre.

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

Recovering from injuries sustained in the previous game, Kazuma Kiryu is arrested for past crimes, and willingly spends three years in prison, hoping for a peaceful life with his fostered children. In his absence, an arson in Kamurocho's Little Asia district skews the criminal underworld's power balance: Daigo Dojima, Taiga Saejima and Goro Majima are framed for the arson and imprisoned; Katsumi Sugai and Takumi Someya usurp the Tojo Clan; the Chinese Saio Triad, specializing in heihaizi human trafficking, rises to power in the area; and the Jingweon Mafia resurfaces, occupying most of Kamurocho.

Upon release in 2016, Kiryu discovers that Haruka hid herself in Onomichi, Hiroshima from the paparazzi after her controversial retirement, and is currently unconscious after being a hit-and-run victim in Kamurocho. Learning that she has an infant son, Haruto, Kiryu travels with the baby to Onomichi. Upon arrival, Kiryu befriends the local Hirose family, its patriarch Toru Hirose, and members Tsuyoshi Nagumo, Naoto Tagashira, Takaaki Matsunaga and Yuta Usami.

Searching for Haruto's father, he meets prominent figures of the Onomichi Yakuza world: Takeru Kurusu, real name Heizo Iwami, chairman of the powerful Yomei alliance, and his son Tsuneo Iwami, CEO of his front company, Iwami Shipbuilding. Kiryu also learns that Sugai and Someya initially provoked the war with the Saio Triad in the Tojo Clan's name, which included burning Little Asia, so that Daigo could be framed and arrested. However, the hostility between the gangs became genuine after Tsuneo Iwami empowered the Saio Triad. Iwami later betrayed them and dispatched the Jingweon Mafia to murder the eldest son of their leader, Big Lo. Iwami and the Saio Triad also share the "secret of Omonichi". Likewise, Sugai and Someya want the Saio Triad suppressed, with the latter requesting support from Kiryu. Kiryu rejects the offer because of his role in framing Daigo.

Hirose eventually reveals that Yuta is Haruto's father, and the youngest son of Big Lo. From birth, Big Lo's subordinates, Masuzose and Tatsukawa, secretly manipulated Yuta into learning Chinese culture in case his elder brother died, so that he could replace him and reign over the triad, per hereditary succession. After his brother's murder, the Saio Triad attempted to kill Haruto because of his mixed bloodline. However, Tatsukawa and his Jingweon allies decide to sell Haruto to Tsueno Iwami. He convinces Haruka of the plan in Kamurocho but accidentally runs her over during the process. The triad then tortures Tatsukawa to death for his treachery.

Iwami later orders the Jingweon Mafia to kidnap Haruto, who is saved by Kiryu and his allies. Yuta, disgusted by his father's actions, attempts to commit murder-suicide by burning down Little Asia. Kiryu saves them. Big Lo recovers and tells Kiryu that Hirose deliberately told Yuta about his background to provoke him to kill him. This is because Big Lo failed to obey Hirose's command to leave Japan, because of his knowledge of the "secret of Omonichi". Realizing that Hirose had been killing anyone connected to the "Secret", Kiryu returns to Onomichi to confront him; the secret is revealed to be a intended for use against the American occupation forces, built illegally by Iwami Shipbuilding. The project was funded by Minoru Daidoji, nicknamed the Fixer, a politician who embezzled taxpayer money from Hiroshima citizens. Kurusu appears and reveals that not only did he order Hirose to commit the murders, but that he was the one who thought of the idea in the first place. He orders Hirose to kill Kiryu and the Hirose Family for exposing the secret but Hirose refuses, resulting in his execution. Daidoji names Iwami as his new right-hand man and orders him to execute his father, since he failed to execute Kiryu and his allies. Iwami also announces his plan to fully dominate the Yomei Alliance and Tojo Clan.

Kiryu invades the Millenium Tower to confront Iwami and Sugai, but is forced to fight Someya. Someya's defeat however led to his ex-wife being held hostage at gunpoint by Iwami and Sugai, forcing him to commit seppuku to save her. Mourning Someya, Kiryu and the Hirose Family mount a full-scale invasion on the Yomei Alliance. In anticipation, Iwami and Sugai kidnap the awoken Haruka and Haruto. The Hirose Family rescues the two, and a heavily wounded Kiryu defeats Iwami, but is shot by Sugai. Iwami is imprisoned, Daidoji dies of old age, and Sugai commits suicide.

By January 2017, a politician serving as Daidoji's successor attempts to bribe a recovering Kiryu into silence regarding Daidoji's crimes, which would jeopardize several high-profile politicians. In exchange for his silence, Kiryu demands Daigo's release from imprisonment to prevent a war between the Tojo Clan and Yomei Alliance, and has the politician fake his death to ensure that Haruka and her family can live in peace. After their release from prison, Daigo, Saejima, and Majima create an alliance with the Yomei in honor of Kiryu's will.

In the final scene, Kiryu observes the Morning Glory orphanage from a distance, where Haruka, Yuta, Haruto, and his fostered children live peacefully. As Haruto take his first steps, he sees Kiryu, who disappears before anyone else can spot him.

CSI: Cyber (season 2)

The second season of ''Cyber'' follows the work Avery Ryan (Patricia Arquette), as she and the team welcome D.B. Russell (Ted Danson), a Las Vegas veteran Crime Scene Investigator recruited by Ryan to direct the FBI's Next Generation Cyber Forensics Division. Still grieving the loss of his best friend ("Hack ER"), and following a recent divorce, Russell decides to take on new challenges. Studying how crimes play out in the real world, he combines old school forensics with new school tech, providing a foil for Ryan who, this season, faces the prospect of losing her own ex-husband ("The Walking Dead"). Before being faced with the collapse of the federal government ("Legacy"), Ryan and Russell investigate a murder recorded on motion sensors ("Why-Fi"), a riot in a small town ("Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes"), questionable social media activity ("5 Deadly Sins"), child abduction ("Red Crone"), the death of a jogger ("Fit-and-Run"), a murder on webcam ("Corrupted Memory"), a series of bizarre banking hacks ("Shades of Grey"), and a death linked to an online forum ("iWitness"), all while entering the worlds of street racing ("Gone in 6 Seconds") and online dating ("Heart Me"). Later, Daniel Krumitz (Charley Koontz) and Brody Nelson (Shad Moss) meet a celebrity during an investigation into airline hacking ("404: Flight Not Found"), the team aid the NYPD when cell-phone hacking causes a citywide incident ("Going Viral"), Russell connects with a Private Investigator ("Flash Squad"), and Ryan's first case as FBI Deputy Director pits her against Python ("Python"), who infiltrates the FBI and puts the team, also including Raven Ramirez (Hayley Kiyoko) and Elijah Mundo (James Van Der Beek), at risk ("Python's Revenge").

Sirens of the Sea (film)

As described in a film magazine, a little girl, cast up from the sea in a fisherman's net from a wrecked ship, is adopted by the wealthy Wellington Stanhope (Deane) and his wife (Wright). The girl is the only survivor of the lost ship and no one knows anything about her. Eighteen years elapse and the child appears as the young debutante Sybil (Lovely) at a birthday party where she meets Hartley Royce (Quinn) and Gerald Waldron (Mulhall), who both fall in love with her. Julie (Myers) is jealous of Sybil, and plots with Harley to keep her separated from Gerald. Sybil tries to have Hadji (Selbie) tell the fortunes of the guests. While on an errand Sybil is followed by the impetuous Hartley who takes her in his arms, and to avoid him she jumps off a cliff into the sea. As the guests from the party search for her in boats, Gerald Waldron has a dream in which witches, spirits, nymphs, and sirens dance and plot on the beach at night. During the allegorical dream love (represented by Lovely) overcomes evil (represented by Myers). The spirits are driven away at the break of day and Gerald wakes up, finds his sweetheart Sybil on the beach, and takes her home.

The King of Fighters XIV

''The King of Fighters XIV'' takes place a few years after the events of ''The King of Fighters XIII''. A Russian billionaire named Antonov buys the rights to the King of Fighters competitions to host a new tournament in which veterans and newcomers compete. Following the competition, the chosen faces Antonov. In the aftermath, the winning team must confront a strange, threatening entity named Verse. This anomaly attracts characters from other dimensions, timelines and universes. Following Verse's defeat, some characters take missions to confront people revived through this mysterious enemy.

The Fishermen (Obioma novel)

Four brothers, Ikenna, Boja, Obembe, and Benjamin, begin to fish at the Omi-Ala river near their home in a quiet neighbourhood of the city of Akure in Nigeria, despite being forbidden from doing so by their parents, as the river is heavily polluted. On one of their fishing trips, they encounter a local madman, Abulu, who follows them shouting the name of Ikenna, the oldest brother. The other children flee, but the four brothers stop to listen, as Abulu shouts a series of prophecies: that Ikenna will become blind, mute, crippled. He finishes by prophesying that Ikenna will be killed by a fisherman. Ikenna thinks this means that one of his brothers will kill him, and he gradually turns against them. The prophecy undoes the family and the expectations the brothers' parents have for them.

The Conqueror (1917 film)

This was a big budget biography film from William Fox and Raoul Walsh about Sam Houston.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

In 1985 Japan, Kurabe, Fuyusaka, and Amiguchi experience shared dreams, either of themselves fighting previous wars against the Kaiju or of what appear to be older versions of themselves in the future. They are later seen by Morimura, who Kurabe learns is administering an unknown medication to some students; Kurabe is referred to in Morimura's notes as "Juro Izumi", an identity he cannot remember. Takamiya is blackmailed by SIU member Ida into monitoring students at Sakura High School. Takamiya's friend Minami finds a robot called BJ; assumed to be an alien, BJ is an AI robot from 2105 searching for its Sentinel. Yakushiji, from 2025, is approached by Fluffy, who says he can bring back "Izumi" if she shoots select people with a special gun. Gouto and Shinonome both work for the SIU, recruiting Kisaragi from 2025 after the Deimos attack her time period. At a later point, an amnesiac Sekigahara wakes up next to the murdered Morimura, ending up pursued by SIU operatives. In 1945; Miura and his little sister Chihiro live with Tamao Kurabe, and are friends with Hijiyama and newcomer "Kiriko Douji", later revealed to be the cross-dressing Okino. Shortly after Okino takes Hijiyama to 1985, the Deimos attack 1945. Tamao vanishes upon being "killed", Gouto kidnaps Chihiro, and Miura accidentally travels to 1985 using a Sentinel. Each playable character has dedicated intertwining story arcs, revealing more about individual pieces of the plot.

It is gradually revealed that rather than time periods, the protagonists inhabit five different areas, or "Sectors", which replicate a specific era. In the real-world 2188, a nanomachine virus ravaged the Earth, leaving only fifteen survivors; the thirteen protagonists, as well as Okino and Tamao. The survivors initiated Project Ark, sending their DNA and records of their history to a new planet where they would restart humanity. The events of the game are happening on a distant terraformed planet and the simulation housing and training their minds is otherwise populated by human-like AIs. Project Ark and its population are managed by Universal Control, an AI which erases inconsistencies and falsifies information to preserve the simulation. The 2188 Shinonome, disillusioned with humanity, secretly implemented the Deimos Code; this would cause Shikishima, a mega-corporation that exists in all Sectors, to produce the Deimos. Once the Deimos invades all five Sectors, the simulation resets to sixteen years prior to protect Universal Control, with the fifteen humans losing their memories of the events, trapping them in an endless loop. Some characters survive loops with their memories intact using "Sector 0", a non-spatial area at the system's core.

Some key plot threads are scattered through each character's narrative. Ida, an earlier version of Amuguchi, seeks to perpetuate the loops in an attempt to restore an earlier version of his lover Kisaragi, who exists in the current world as Inaba. He loses hope and is killed after learning that Sector 0 will be erased in the next reset. Juro Izumi, the original version of Kurabe, uses extreme measures to change events and is dubbed Prisoner 426, going on to use the avatars of Aiba, Fluffy and Shiba to further his plans and ending up directly aiding the thirteen pilots. The current Morimura—a former associate and lover of Izumi—is determined to trigger Operation Aegis, which will cut off Universal Control from the Deimos while trapping them in the ruined simulation. She is killed by the preserved personality of the original Chihiro Morimura, who exists in the avatar of Miura's sister. Initially pessimistic of their chances, she is persuaded by Gouto to aid them. Fuyusaka is revealed to be another avatar of Morimura. Minami, Takamiya, Kisaragi, Ogata and Miura cross paths repeatedly and end up discovering several aspects of the backstory through travels to different sectors. In Hijiyama's route, it is revealed that the originals in the space colony eventually descended into violence over resource disputes.

Each arc concludes with the protagonist joining the final battle. When the Deimos arrive, the 13 pilots band together to fight them, with remote assistance from Inaba and Chihiro. The pilots fend the Deimos off long enough for Inaba to contact Universal Control and shut down the simulation, allowing the pilots, together with Okino and Tamao, to awaken from their hibernation pods in the real world. Five years later, the pilots have formed families with their loved ones on the new planet. They restore the simulation and all its inhabitants, and plan to use the pods to create bodies for the AI humans so they can all live in the real world. Inaba and Ida plan to live in Universal Control, while Izumi and Morimura are reunited in the simulation. A secret cutscene shows self-replicating machines sent into space by Project Ark have colonized at least one other planet, where the game's events are repeating with some differences.

Woman and Wife

As described in a film magazine, Jane Eyre (Brady) is sent to an orphan's home by her domineering aunt, and is expelled from that institution after she slaps the superintendent's face for trying to embrace her. She secures a position in the Rochester home as a governess for their only child. The lonesome Edward Rochester, believing his wife dead, proposes to Jane. His wife's brother appears, bringing along his demented sister, who is Edward's wife. He hides her in a room, and while the household is asleep the demented woman escapes and stabs Edward. Upon his recovery, the wedding proceeds, and at its height Edward's demented wife escapes from her room and interrupts the ceremony. Pursued by servants, she throws herself into a pool and drowns.

Time of Miracles

The village of Bethany (modeled after the village that, according to the Bible, is located near Jerusalem where Lazarus was resurrected), September 1945, World War II has just ended. The new communist revolutionary government begins the fight against folk customs and beliefs and initiates the process of "exorcising God". The village school burned down in a fire, and the authorities break into the village church and drive out the priest. A revolutionary climbs the church and hangs the Communist flag on the cross . Other revolutionaries painted frescoes on the walls. However, after every attempt to whitewash the walls, the frescoes miraculously return. Communists perceive this act as a counter-revolutionary act. Soon the teacher dies and a stranger appears in the village.

A young man whom no one knows touches the hands of the deceased teacher on the scaffold, and raises him from the dead. The people begin to believe that Christ has arrived in their village and is performing miracles, while the communists declare the raising from the dead a counter-revolutionary act. The problem of the communists is now the teacher who rose from the dead, because the revolution does not believe in miracles. There is a conflict between two dogmas: the primitive interpretation of Communism and Christianity.

Sliding Bobs


Bob is working out on a stationary bike picked up from the trash, but while taking a shower, notices that he’s losing hair in his mustache. The discussion of his facial hair leads Linda to tell the story of how she and Bob met: when she was engaged to Hugo, she was at a bar with her friend Ginger and her ring got stuck in Bob’s mustache. The encounter led to her leaving Hugo for Bob. With the possibility of Bob losing his mustache, Tina, Gene, and Louise speculate about what life would be like if Bob hadn’t had his mustache when he met Linda.

Gene's story

Gene's story has Bob and Linda at the bar, where Linda accidentally hits Bob on his lip telling a story, and without his mustache, he starts bleeding from a cut on the lip. While at the hospital, Sergeant Bosco comes in and makes Bob faint. Later, Bob wakes up having no memory of what happened, and given a robotic mustache to search for crime. While nitpicking minor and non-existent crimes, he meets Linda on the streets singing about Hugo. When Linda and Bob try to kiss, Bob's mustache electrocutes both of them and shocks back parts of his memory. While trying to confront Bosco about this, it is revealed that the cops are owned by Mr. Fischoeder, who also wishes to tear down the town and replace it with an amusement park city, and that Bosco is Fischoeder under a mask with a robotic eye. A battle ensues in which RoboBob is killed, with Linda putting his robot mustache on a cactus.

Louise's story

Louise's story has Bob and Linda meet in the bar, where Bob falls in love with Linda at first sight, but Linda does not care as she sarcastically tells him he needs to grow a mustache to win her heart. Determined to win Linda, Bob tries to grow a mustache with various medications and methods. After failing with all of them, Bob goes to an automated carnival attraction, The Swami, only to find it under repair, and instead asks the repairman for a mustache. Although at first he is able to grow a mustache and win Linda, he soon develops uncontrollable hair growth and after being unable to join society, is forced to become a freak show act at the Wonder Wharf, while Linda becomes a nun before being kicked out, and ends up in jail.

Tina's story

Tina's story tries to make her parents end up together but no scenario works at first, and soon she imagines that Linda would have married Hugo, had three Hugo-versions of the children, and run a hot dog restaurant in the manner of Bob's Burgers, while Bob has become a bitter health inspector like Hugo in the real world. In a parody of the pilot episode, the restaurant is investigated for having real wiener dogs in the hot dog meat, and when Linda tries to cheer him up with a chocolate milkshake, he gains a milkshake mustache but soon leaves. The family is disturbed by this story, and Tina accepts that if Bob's hadn't had his mustache, Linda would not have canceled her engagement to Hugo and she would have married him, and also that there is no such thing as fate, just randomness and chaos.


While their parents are trying to comfort Tina, Gene sits on the exercise bike but hurts his testicles, and Bob realizes that the bike was responsible for Bob losing his hair by causing testicular failure. Meanwhile, as Ron and Hugo are having lunch in their van, Ron asks Hugo if they were meant to be together, causing Hugo to yell "not this again!"

The Cook, the Steve, the Gayle, & Her Lover

Phillip Frond confiscates an Abumi-Guchi grabber from Louise; she is not amused. Teddy gets jealous when Bob invites his new "man crush," Steve (and klepto son, Zander) to a dinner party for Gayle. She is celebrating a landmark: her first ever second date with the same man! And, as it turns out, Mystery Date has quite a yarn for Gayle. It is an age old recipe of rib roast, robbery and rage, with a ragout of recycling and remorse. But what will land on the menu when the Belcher kids guess who's coming to dinner?

The Hauntening

In the family restaurant Bob and Linda Belcher tell their regular customer Teddy that they go to a haunted house with their children every year on Halloween. Louise, however, who would love to genuinely be scared, does not look forward to this, as she finds Haunted Houses boring and predictable. The parents explain that they have planned something to scare her themselves this time. Louise asks her siblings Tina and Gene if they know anything about it, which they deny.

Linda and Bob show the children around the haunted house, but do not succeed in scaring them. Louise gets the idea to scare the parents, and the children hide in a pile of leaves in the garden and jump out of it when their parents frantically come looking. The family decides to go home, but discover there is not enough air in one of the car tires. As Bob tries to dial a tow truck, they see a man standing silently in the street wielding hedge trimmers. When he doesn't respond to their questions, they quickly shuffle back into the house. As the power goes out, they hear strange sounds from the basement, and go downstairs looking for the source. When a monstrous cry sends them back upstairs, they're stopped at the front door by the man with the shears trying to force his way in. Desperate, the family runs upstairs and locks themselves in the bathroom, avoiding a room containing only a chair on which sits a doll with twigs coming out of its eyes. Moments later, they hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, and as the strage man attempts to enter the bathroom, the family climbs through the window to the projecting roof. Attempting to call for help, Bob drops his phone from the roof just as Three hooded figures appear on the lawn outside, and a large circle of grass seemingly catches fire around the house. Trapped with no way out, a flustered Louise turns to see the strange man in the open window behind her, and screams with fear... just as Gene snaps a photograph of her. Confused, Louise soon learns from her family that it all was a trick to get her scared, with even Gene and Tina privy to the plan.

While the children scared their parents in the garden, Teddy deflated the tire (and, to Bob's dismay, cut the car's brake line). Mort was in the basement making the strange sounds, caused by him accidentally throwing out his back while trying to pick up a large sledgehammer. The house belongs to Mort's mother, and her boyfriend is the man who scared Louise. Ecstatic, Louise thanks her family. After the Belchers go back home, they watch the music video of "I Love U So Much (It's Scary)" by the boyband ''Boyz 4 Now'' from the episode of the same name.

Sexy Dance Healing

Bob wants his groove back and walks to the produce market for Burger du jour inspiration. En route, he slips and has a bad fall in front of the Capoeira Emporium in a pool of massage oil Jairo admitted dumping there. At the doctor's office, Bob receives a cast for his torn labrum, needs surgery and rehab, and his deductible is $6000. Bob is most concerned about being unable to cook. Nurse Sandra has an idea and Louise likes it. At the other (juris) doctor's office, the Belcher children learn the real power of attorney: letterhead. Jairo tries to mitigate damages, which leads to trouble, Capoeira and ethical violations.

Sacred Couch

A hit is ordered on the family sofa when Bob and Louise lose the vote to replace the eyesore. At first, Bob and the kids hope TV's "Sofa Queen" (Wanda Sykes) can help Linda cope with the loss of the symbol of their family. Soon, they come to understand how Linda feels.

Stand by Gene

To thine own self be Bleu... Linda's skill at hoops turns Bob, Teddy, Mailman Mike and Mort against one another while the kids enjoy a fun day. All Louise wants is to scour for change, eat Fortune Fudge and ride the Zany Plane inverted; Tina wants to ponder her fudge fortune. But, Gene has other ideas. The kids meet Darryl, Jimmy Jr., Jocelyn, Tammy, Zeke, and Rudy on the Wharf. Gene suggests they travel to a farm on Route 6 where Gene heard there lives a two-butted goat. The other kids do not believe, but Gene wants mystery and magic...or he will die trying to find it.


A few days before Christmas the Belcher children want to use a massage chair in the mall but it is being used by a man. The kids force the man to leave, but he reveals that he is a mall Santa, and says that he will send his report about the children's behaviour to the real Santa Claus. After Louise has a nightmare about her and her siblings only getting coal for Christmas, she is worried that her bad dream will come true. The kids go to Santa's village in the mall to apologize to Santa. The first time, they are sent away by Santa's elf because they do not want a picture to be taken, and the second time Tina accidentally spills milk over Santa's coat, so they are forced to leave again.

Later they have the idea of doing an ice capades show named ''Nice-Capades'' on the mall's ice rink to impress Santa and singing about all the nice things they did that year. Louise asks Calvin Fischoeder to talk to the mall management so they can use the ice rink on Christmas Eve for the last half-hour before the mall closes. In return, Mr. Fischoeder wants to sing a song while his brother Felix does a figure skating performance, which Louise accepts. Gene writes the song the children want to sing, Linda makes costumes, and Teddy asks the other players of the Jewish ice hockey team which he is on for help during the show.

After the Fischoeder brothers do their performance, the kids are about to begin singing when they see that the mall Santa is gone. While the Fischoeders stave the audience off, Bob and Linda search the mall for Santa. They find him trying to get a present for his nephew, so Bob agrees to buy a present so that Santa has time to watch the children's show. First, Gene sings about how he gave Regular-sized Rudy the last taco during lunch at school, with Gene playing himself and Teddy playing Rudy. Next Tina sings about how she was on the beach, getting a horseshoe crab back into the ocean and later adopting it, with Tina playing herself and Teddy playing the crab. (In fact, she just kicked the animal back into the sea and never took it home.) Last, Louise begins singing about the many nice things she did, such as regrowing the rainforest or giving shoes to shoeless people. After she sees her reflection in the ice, she stops and tells Santa that all of her lyrics are a lie and that he should bring just her siblings presents, because they are good kids and she is not. Linda says that Louise is also a good kid who does nice things all the time. Her family tells her what nice things she does such as her constructive criticism on Tina's secret diary. Santa explains to her that she is a good person because she has a sense of right and wrong, and does not care about what she thinks of herself, but cares about what other people think of her. He asks her what she wishes for and she answers that she wants to have a pet shark. On Christmas morning she gets an aquarium with a gold fish instead, which disappoints her.

Headin' for Broadway

Four young hopefuls from different parts of the country head to Broadway for a shot at stardom.

The Black Panther Warriors

Black Cougar (Alan Tang) is a professional thief who charges high fees and had never made a mistake. One night, Cougar was hired by minister Chu (Melvin Wong) to steal a silver box to test the newly installed security system in the police headquarters. Panthers then assembles his team of acquaintances possessing special skills to assistant. They include dart-thrower Madam Rose (Carrie Ng), sharpshooter Mang-po Fai (Tony Leung), gambling expert and card thrower Black Jack Love (Simon Yam), computer genius Robert Parkinson (Dicky Cheung), and Cougar's junior fellow apprentice, Ching-ching (Brigitte Lin). During their operation, they realized that in order for them to activate the security system, they would need to obtain the weight of police officer Fat Wong (Sze Kai-keung) and the fingerprints of his partner Enna (Elsie Chan). When they finally obtain the fingerprints and weight of the two, Cougar proceeds to steal the silver box on his own. However, Cougar was ambushed and was abducted and trapped in a cell by his senior fellow apprentice Bloody Wolf (Yuen Wah). While Wolf was torturing Cougar, Cougar's assistant, Chan-chan (Jennifer Chan) comes to rescue him. Ching-ching also comes and fights Chan-chan, revealing the later to be a traitor. Ching-ching tells Cougar that this was all a setup by Wolf, which originated ten years ago when Wolf killed their mentor and faked his own death in order to obtain the "Cougar Head Blade". Chan-chan also comes back to confess and apologize for her betrayal and reveals that the silver box contains a photographic paper, which turns to be a photo showing Wolf killing his mentor. Cougar therefore decides to battle to the death with Wolf.

Dakota Lil

Tom, a secret service agent on the hunt for gang of counterfeiters, gains the confidence of one of the gang's ringleaders.

Hardcore Henry

A man wakes inside a laboratory on an airship. A scientist, Estelle, tells him his name is Henry, she is his wife, and he has been revived from an accident that left him amnesiac and mute. She replaces his missing limbs with cybernetic prostheses, but mercenaries led by the psychokinetic Akan raid the ship before she can replace Henry's voice. Akan claims all of Estelle's research is his corporate property. He kills Estelle's scientists, but Henry and Estelle flee in an escape pod, landing in Moscow. The mercenaries follow and abduct Estelle.

Henry is rescued by a stranger named Jimmy, who informs him that his cybernetic limbs are running out of power, which will kill him if he cannot recharge. Jimmy is killed by corrupt police paid by Akan, but Henry escapes. He is joined by another Jimmy, now an alcoholic bum, who informs him that one of Akan's associates, Slick Dimitry, has a charging pump which Henry needs to recharge. The two are attacked, and again Jimmy is killed. Henry escapes, and hunts Dimitry through Moscow before capturing him. Just as Dimitry promises him information, he is killed by a sniper. Henry removes the pump and receives a call from Jimmy, who directs Henry to a brothel.

Henry meets two more distinct versions of Jimmy; one a nervous nerd, the other a drug-fuelled sex manic, who replace his pump. The brothel is attacked by Akan's forces. Akan taunts Henry about Estelle, who is being transported by an armored convoy, before ejecting Henry from the brothel. Outside, Henry encounters another Jimmy, a stoner, who transports him to Akan's convoy. Henry attacks the convoy and locates Estelle and Akan, who beats him with a baseball bat and buries him in the woods.

Jimmy finds and resuscitates Henry, only to be shelled by a tank. After killing the tank crew and fending off a helicopter, Henry finds another Jimmy, who leads him to an abandoned hotel and a hidden laboratory. Here, the original Jimmy—a quadriplegic scientist—reveals that he is seeking revenge against Akan, who crippled him after his own cyborg super-soldiers failed. The other Jimmys are clones based on aspects of Jimmy's personality that he can control via a headset. The clones sing and dance with Henry to the song "I've Got You Under My Skin".

Jimmy realizes that Henry has been unknowingly broadcasting his location to Akan, with a strike force closing in, and the clones attack Henry. Fending off Jimmy, Henry convinces him to help. Henry and the clones fight their way out, killing Akan's forces by collapsing the laboratory on them.

Jimmy and Henry drive to Akan's headquarters. They fight their way into an elevator, but Jimmy is mortally wounded. Before dying, Jimmy thanks Henry for being a friend, and removes a memory blocker, gradually restoring Henry's memories. Henry fights his way to the highest floor, where he is greeted by Akan and an army of cyborg super-soldiers with Henry's memories. The soldiers chase Henry to the roof.

Henry wipes out the entire army to the Queen song "Don't Stop Me Now", before Akan arrives and severely wounds Henry. Estelle arrives and reveals that she is actually Akan's wife. Everything that happened was an elaborate ruse to field-test their ability to manipulate cyborg soldiers into doing anything to "rescue" their "wives", including committing terrorist acts.

Akan and Estelle prepare to board a helicopter, leaving Henry for dead. Henry blacks out, but a memory of his father revives him and motivates him to crush Akan's hands and wrap his robotic eyestalk around Akan's jaw, decapitating him. He jumps onto Estelle's helicopter, presenting her with Akan's head. She shoots Henry, but a bullet ricochets and hits her, causing her to stumble out of the helicopter. Henry slams the door on her hands, sending her plumetting to her death.

Birth of the Dragon

In 1964, a young Bruce Lee owns and operates a San Francisco Kung Fu Academy, specializing in the Chinese martial art Wing Chun. Lee provides advice, roles as extras, and defends them from Chinatown gangs. One student, Steve McKee, spars with Lee while fighting in anger, causing Lee to counter and embarrass him. McKee and Vinnie Wei work for Wei's mother's laundry business, where they learn Wong Jack-man is observing the American kung fu scene. While carrying out a delivery to the China Gate restaurant, McKee falls for an employee, Xiulan, who is forbidden to communicate with outsiders. McKee sneaks into the restaurant to gives Xiulan an English grammar book so that she can develop her language skills, as well as teach her roommates basic English.

McKee acquaints himself with Man, who is working as a dishwasher. Lee worries about Man's presence, thinking he would be punished for teaching whites kung fu and asks McKee to set up a meeting. At the Long Beach International Karate Championships, Lee performs a karate exhibition against his kung fu and debuts his famous one-inch punch. Among those in attendance, Lee points out Man in the audience. Man commends Lee's skill and technique but notices that Lee is his own limitation. Lee challenges him to a fight as Man leaves in peace. McKee learns that Man is in America to perform penance working as a dishwasher because of a near-fatal kick, the Mon Shan. Realizing that teaching McKee would help liberate himself, Man takes McKee as his student. Meeting up with Lee, who tells him that he would begin filming ''The Green Hornet'', McKee reveals his intention to end his time at Lee's academy. The relationship between McKee and Man captures the attention of Auntie Blossom, a gangster who owns the China Gate. She says that if McKee gets both martial artists to fight, she will release Xiulan. Man appears at Lee's academy and accepts his challenge. Despite Auntie Blossom's conditions, Xiulan refuses to leave without her roommates, who are all under the control of Wing Lo. Lee reluctantly agrees to fight under Man's conditions: only 12 witnesses at an empty warehouse, and the winner is revealed in the newspaper the next day.

Auntie Blossom, McKee, and a few other spectators bear witness to the private match. Lee's aggressive style of Wing Chun gains him the upper hand, drawing first blood. Man's traditional style of Shaolin is fluid, countering Lee, enraging him. They engage until reaching the top of an unfinished staircase, which Man uses to show Lee the limitation of his style. Man leaps down to the floor with grace, and Lee follows suit as a symbol of exceeding his own limits. They continue to fight until Man is knocked down and attempts the Mon Shan, which Lee prepares to parry. They stop and show their mutual respect with a bow, ending the fight. With no winner formally announced and $15 million ($ million today) in bets still in the balance, Auntie Blossom keeps the girls until one concedes.

Lee contemplates his style, knowing he could have been killed during the fight. McKee demands Man declare himself the victor to Auntie Blossom; however, Man says he won the fight by virtue of showing Lee a new path after exceeding his limitation. Wei notifies Lee that McKee has grown desperate to release Xiulan from captivity and has been beaten by gangsters. Lee teams up with Man to help their mutual student. Lee, Man, and McKee confront Auntie Blossom and her boss, Wing Lo. Man concedes, declaring Lee to be the winner. However, Lee only accepts on the condition that Lo frees all captive girls in Chinatown. Lo's nephew attempts to shoot Lee with a shotgun, but Lee swiftly performs the Mon Shan, knocking him out. While visiting McKee at the hospital, Lee reveals his desire to develop a new, more fluid and expressive style. McKee and Xiulan bid farewell to Man before boarding his ship back to China. Man firmly believes that Lee is the right person to show kung fu to the world.

In a closing disclaimer, Lee had altered his fighting style. In July 1969, he introduced Jeet Kune Do, the forerunner of mixed martial arts.

The Suicide Theory

As Steven discusses his wife's pregnancy with a friend who owns a store, a rude man interrupts them. Steven ambushes the man outside and murders him. Shortly afterward, his wife Annie is killed in a hit-and-run accident as they cross the street together. Steven is left with traumatic flashbacks whenever he attempts to cross a street. Three years later, Steven works as a contract killer. As he prepares to kill his next target, Frank Dubois, a man falls from the building on to the cab he is in, setting off another panic attack.

Having seen Steven before passing out, the suicidal man, Percival, tracks down Steven. Percival explains that he has attempted suicide countless times and has consistently failed, surviving overwhelming odds, and these attempts have left him heavily scarred. Percival believes he is cursed with the inability to take his own life, and his meeting Steven is meant to be. He pays Steven to kill him. Steven, scoffing at the idea, gives Percival a chance to reconsider, then shoots him in the chest. When Percival survives both this and another shooting from Steven, which leaves him blinded in one eye, Steven accepts it is more than mere luck.

Intrigued by the challenge, Steven probes Percival for clues to defeat the curse. Percival reveals that he is a gay man and that part of his suicidal tendencies come from the death of his boyfriend, Christopher. The two men slowly bond over their shared loss.

Steven hires a gay man to sleep with Percival, hoping that an emotional high may make him mortal; this too fails, and Percival is disgusted when Steven murders the other man. As they consider their next course of action, Percival flirts with a friendly bartender. They end up at the bartender's house, where the barkeep and several of his homophobic friends severely beat up Percival. After learning about this, Steven feigns homosexuality at the same bar and allows himself to fall into the bartender's scam. Steven kills all of the bartender's friends and shoots the bartender in the groin. Percival is once again disgusted by Steven's behavior, but Steven insists that Percival must have wanted this to happen at some level, or else he would not have given Steven the bartender's address.

Steven experiences continued reluctance in killing Frank Dubois, much to the annoyance of his employer, Thomas. Steven learns Percival is a painter and sees him working on a portrait of Chris. When Percival comes to Steven's house, he sees Annie's dress and abruptly leaves. That night, Steven puts on his wife's dress and makeup, and points a gun at his head. Before he can pull the trigger, he sees a thug about to kill a policeman outside. Steven kills the thug and saves the policeman's life. He excitedly calls Percival, thanks him, and explains that he has found his purpose in life and now believes in fate. Steven later approaches Frank and tells him that Frank is not a contracted target. Steven has been killing people based on a half-remembered license plate ever since Annie's death to hopefully get to his wife's killer. He resolves to stop doing this, much to Thomas' dismay.

Percival confesses that it was he who accidentally killed Annie while drunk driving after Christopher's death. He begs Steven for forgiveness. Steven refuses to forgive him. After sharing a hug, he pushes him off his balcony. Percival finally dies. Steven meets with Thomas at a restaurant and says he is quitting; it is revealed that Thomas is only part of Steven's hallucination. After Percival's funeral, Steven visits a gallery of Percival's work. When he sees Christopher's finished portrait, he is horrified to recognize him as the rude man from the store, whose murder set in motion his own tragedy. Steven wanders into the street in a daze and sees Annie beckon him on the other side. As he crosses the street, a truck strikes him. When Steven wakes up, a doctor tells him that he is lucky to be alive. Steven smiles bitterly like Percival had previously done when told the same thing.

Arthur and Merlin

In Medieval Britain, a time of magic and legend, a powerful druid (Nigel Cooke) is bent on destroying the Celtic people. Arthur (Kirk Barker) a banished warrior, and Merlin (Stefan Butler) a hermit wizard, embark on a heroic quest to stop the druid and save their people, before the Celts are lost forever and become a myth themselves.

The Gaze (novel)

Istanbul – 1999

Soon after B-C and the narrator meet, they become lovers and live together. The narrator thinks that the new place that she is living in is more comfortable and is even better than her own home that she used to share with her parents. Even though the narrator knows and feels that her parents love and care about her, she thinks that when she looks into their eyes, she sees the pain inside. She is different from others and she does not feel comfortable. Unfortunately, B-C decides to write a Dictionary of Gaze, and the narrator feels that she is being neglected while the Dictionary of the Gaze becomes the first thing in B-C's mind. Even though they live in the same house, they began to see less and less of each other as time pass by.

B-C encourages the narrator to go out cross-dressing. While they are outside, the narrator fights with a man for B-C under the gaze of a circled crowd. The next day, the narrator decides to go on a diet because she doesn't like to be constantly looked upon. She becomes increasingly anxious as B-C focuses on the Dictionary of Gazes every day and he sees everything as material. When she reads the Dictionary of Gazes she discovers one of the vocabularies.

sisko (fatty): She was so fat that wherever she went, people would stop whatever they were doing and stare at her. The way people looked at her made her so uncomfortable that she would eat even more and become even fatter. (P242 The Gaze)

The narrator feels pain as she realises she is just an object observed by B-C. She starts eating like crazy again. Then she rises to the air like a floating balloon, in the eyes of a lonely-child.

Pera – 1885

The Pera narrative focuses on the character of Keramet Mumi Keske Memis Efendi. Efendi's birth causes his mother's death; he is born with a wax-like, featureless face. His aunt hurriedly "draws" him a face, but the wax hardens before his eyes could be completed. Efendi's wedding night is the turning point of his life; his beautiful but deaf and mute fiancée asks to leave due his expressionless eyes. Efendi observes his slanted eyes for the first time and remains in solitude for a long time.

One day, Efendi is inspired that he will to gather as many people as possible to ease the pain of loneliness by building the cherry-colored tent that will be remembered forever. The cherry-colored tent is an important set piece of the novel. Women come together in packs and enter the through the west door of the tent to see the ugliest being in the world, Sable-girl. Women leave the tent in fear and misery, as they are scared of what they see. Proving that women fear of being alone and seeing others who are uglier than them. Men come to the tent alone as ordered and enter through the east door of the tent to see the most beautiful girl, La Belle Annabelle. Efendi concludes through his observation that men fear most of not being loved and being seen weeping.

France – 1868

Madame de Marelle finds a large locked box containing a portrait of a handsome young man who becomes the object of her obsession. A married woman, Madame de Marelle is tortured by her desire for another man. When he arrives at her mansion in the flesh, she gives him a job, but eventually gives herself to him.

She gives birth to twins; one is ugly and one is beautiful. She loves the ugly baby, but neglects the beautiful one because it reminds her of the young man. As she decides not to take care of the beautiful baby, her husband Monsieur de Marelle hires a wet nurse to take care of her. The wet nurse really loves the beautiful baby, but later, she was also told to take care of the ugly one as Madam de Marelle gave up taking care of him. Meanwhile, Monsieur de Marelle has an affair with the nurse.

After discovering the young man's portrait, Monsieur and the nurse abandon the beautiful girl in favor of the ugly boy. Nevertheless, the girl is so enchanted by her own appearance and her reflection on the surface of the water that she does not realize when the sun sets or when it is getting dark.

A theater company comes to the village and one of the members sees the beautiful girl Annabelle who is dangling her legs in the river. The leader of the troupe, recognizing that her beauty can bring wealth and success to the troupe, buys her from the family and gives her a name—La Belle Annabelle. They depart with the girl to Istanbul, where she will become the main attraction on the female side of Efendi's cherry-coloured tent.

Skulduggery Pleasant: The Dying of the Light

The story follows the sorcerer and detective Skulduggery Pleasant after the loss of Valkyrie Cain, as he allies with his former protegé's murderous reflection to track down and stop Darquesse before she destroys the world.

Countdown to War

Europe's most powerful leaders desperately plot their strategies, attempting to determine the next moves of both their allies and enemies. The private meetings, arguments, anguish and personal battles will change the course of history. The Second World War is about to begin.


Set in an alternate universe, in a college called ''Faeryville'', a group of teenage misfits struggle to find themselves and make sense of their ‘teenhood’. They decide that there is no reason to try to fit in, and fashion themselves as pranksters, calling themselves The Nobodies. Laer, a new transfer student who joins The Nobodies, inspires them to move from stink bombs to homemade bombs. Youthful idealism soon becomes an excuse for all-out anarchy.

The Visitor (2015 film)

Ten years after being thrown out of her parental home, Nur hears that her mother is at death’s door. Taking her young daughter with her, Nur hurries back to her father’s world to see, and reconcile with her mother before it is too late. While the universal theme of mother-daughter relationships lies at the centre of the film, this is underpinned by an allusive subtext of incest, one of the most common but least addressed social problems in Turkey. The individual stories of the family members combine with a sense of hope fuelled by tragedy to paint a portrait of the socially disconnected.

Loie Fuller (film)

After two special effects (a flying vampire and its transmutation to a danseuse), the film depicts a serpentine dance by Loie Fuller.

Mother Didn't Tell Me

Advertising jingle writer Jane Morgan is treated for a cold by a doctor, Bill Wright, and soon they date and fall in love. Jane is warned by Bill's mother and by another doctor's wife, Maggie, about the complications of being married to someone in that profession, work always taking priority over his personal life.

Jane gives birth to twins, but her gradual frustration over Bill's absences are further irritated by his intended collaboration with physician Helen Porter, who is very attractive and makes Jane jealous. When she pretends to be ill simply to coax Bill into coming home, Jane is annoyed when Helen turns up to treat her instead, causing friction between the two women.

Just as Jane is packed and preparing to leave her husband, the couple's children are accidentally poisoned. Bill is able to save them. A grateful Jane also learns that Mrs. Wright has persuaded Helen to take a job in another city.

Conception (video game)


On his high school graduation day, Itsuki's cousin, Mahiru, tells him that she's pregnant. Just then, a gate of light emerges and transports the two into the world of Granvania. In this land, "Impurities" have been causing a disturbance to the Stars, ultimately plunging Granvania into chaos and disorder. And Itsuki, now revealed to be the "God's Gift" who is fated to meet with the Star Maidens, is seen as Granvania's last hope and was thus given the task to produce "Star Children" and combat the "impurities". And unless the task is complete, Itsuki may never be able to return home.


; :Voiced by (English): Erik Scott Kimerer (game); Ricco Fajardo (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Yūki Ono (game, anime) :An unmotivated male high school student from Granvania National Star God Academy, and is the main protagonist of the game. He's prone to making cold statements, but has a strong sense of justice. He was summoned to Granvania as the God's Gift who makes Star Children with the 12 Star Maidens in order to save the World.

; :Voiced by (English): Cherami Leigh (game); Megan Shipman (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Emiri Katō (game, anime) :Itsuki's cousin and childhood friend. Mahiru is the Maiden of Virgo, one of the twelve Star Maidens who Itsuki must meet.

; :Voiced by (English): Lauren Landa (game); Natalie Hoover (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Aya Endō (game, anime) :Arie is the Maiden of Aries and a kindhearted nun. She has been studying and teach young children at church for quite sometimes. She's capable of casting a spell which causes dizziness.

; :Voiced by (English): Amber Lee Connors (game); Amanda Lee (anime) (English)
Voiced by (Japanese): Saki Fujita (game, anime) :Femiruna is the Maiden of Leo and the only daughter of a certain millionaire. As such, she has a large number of servants at her beck and call.

; :Voiced by (English): Christine Marie Cabanos (game); Rachel Thompson (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Asami Shimoda (game, anime) :Collette is the Maiden of Aquarius. She runs a bakery.

; :Voiced by (English): Erika Harlacher (game); Amber Lee Connors (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Yukiyo Fujii (game, anime) :Yuzuha is the Maiden of Pisces. She works as an artist and has a shortened life-span due to illness.

; :Voiced by (English): Cristina Vee (game); Tia Ballard (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Makiko Ohmoto (game, anime) :Ruka is the Maiden of Cancer. She has a very perceptive insight which allows her to see into the hearts of the people around her as well as read their minds, though she is unable to do so with God's Gifts. She maintains a cold attitude toward others. She works in an orphanage.

; :Voiced by (English): Kira Buckland (game); Jamie Marchi (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Yuriko Yamaguchi (game, anime) :Reone is the Maiden of Scorpio and the academy's physician. She also takes care of other Maidens' health. In the English dub of the anime, she is instead named Leone.

; :Voiced by (English): Tia Ballard (game); Jad Saxton (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Kazusa Aranami (game, anime) :Farun is the Maiden of Capricorn. She works as both a dancer and a waitress in a tavern. In the English dub of the anime, she is instead named Falun.

; :Voiced by (English): Rachelle Heger (game); Kristen McGuire (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Momoko Ohara (original game); Riho Sugiyama (anime, ''Plus'') :Tarua is the Maiden of Taurus and a postman in-training. She always gives her best at everything, and strives to be a respectable in the future. She loves running all over the town and works as a mailman.

; :Voiced by (English): Jeannie Tirado (game); Monica Rial (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Kana Asumi (game, anime) :Lilith and Lille are the Maidens of Gemini. They share one body, and their personalities switch if hit on the head. Lilith is more reserved, whilst Lillie is mischievous and likes to demand people to obey her commands unconditionally. They work as a fortune teller. In the English dub of the anime, Lille is instead named Lily.

; :Voiced by (English): Elizabeth Maxwell (game); Brianna Roberts (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Sanae Kobayashi (game, anime) :Mirei is the Maiden of Libra. She is a very calm and logical person. Mirei has been studying magic for many years. Her interest lies mainly in her research. She views love as a foolish concept.

; :Voiced by (English): Jad Saxton (game); Sarah Wiedenheft (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Eri Kitamura (game, anime) :Sue is the Maiden of Sagittarius. She loves taking care of animals and often bring them to the academy, even without permission. Her dream is to one day becomes a veterinarian.

; :Voiced by (English): Sarah Anne Williams (game); Felecia Angelle (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Yurin (game, anime ) :Mana is the perverted red panda mascot of Granvania. She is an impurity who grew to love humans after bonding with Shangri-la 100 years ago. He sends her to look after the God's Gifts and help them save the World every ten years.

; :Voiced by (English): Christopher Corey Smith (game); David Wald (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): (game, anime) :Shangri-la is the ruler of the Kingdom of Granvania. 100 years before the events of the game, he was summoned from the real world as a God's Gift (God's Gifts only age once every three years, rather than every year, allowing him to live longer than others) and saved it by making Star Children with previous Star Maidens, much like Isuki now has to do with the current Star Maidens. Instead of returning to his own World he remained in Granvania, became the King, and informs the God's Gifts who arrive every 10 years of their duty (as only the current God's Gift can make Star Children and fight the Impurities) with them reporting to him of their successes.

; :Voiced by (English): Kyle Hebert (game); J. Michael Tatum (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Daisuke Hirakawa (game, anime) :Narcisstes is the scholar in service of the Kingdom of Granvania.

; :Voiced by (English): Hunter MacKenzie Austin (game); Caitlin Glass (anime)
Voiced by (Japanese): Ai Kakuma (game, anime) :Alfie is in charge of training the Star Children. She is later revealed to be the 13th Maiden. 30 years before the events of the game, she was a Star Child from a previous God's Gift and her body was modified to turn her into a Star Maiden (in the hopes that a Star Child would be able to make more powerful Star Children). This removed her immortality (as Star Children are immortal) though allowed her to create Star Children in exchange which she didn't mind as she would be able to help save the World once again like she had 30 years ago despite her now being able to die, as only current Star Children could fight impurities and as such making new ones with the God's Gift would allow her to aid in saving the World once again.

; :Voiced by: Shō Hayami :The Thirteenth Phantom is the source of all Impurities. Its true name is Chaos.

; :Voiced by: Various actors :Star Children are magical children created by Itsuki and the various Star Maidens through a ritual with them appearing from thin air already able to talk and fight, rather than through pregnancy. They are able to fight the Impurities alongside Itsuki. The more Ituski and the Star Maidens love each other when creating them, the more powerful they are. There are 19 different types of Star Children, each with varying stats, attacks etc.

Charlie's Angels (2019 film)

A team of Angels, led by senior operative John Bosley, capture international embezzler Jonny Smith in Rio de Janeiro and turn him over to American authorities. A year later, the European division of the Townsend Agency is informed that Elena Houghlin, an engineer and programmer employed by entrepreneur Alexander Brok, wants to expose her superiors. She knows that Brok's head of development, Peter Fleming, is covering up a discovery about how an energy conservation device that she helped invent, Calisto, has the potential to trigger fatal seizures when used. She meets with operative Edgar "Bosley" in Hamburg to turn over her findings, but an assassin named Hodak ambushes the meeting and subsequently kills Edgar, leaving Elena to drown. Edgar's protégé, Jane Kano, rescues her and brings her to operative Rebekah "Bosley" with the help of her partner, Sabina Wilson. Meanwhile, John, who has since retired from the agency, discovers that Rebekah has tagged him with the agency's specialized subdermal implant without his knowledge.

Rebekah tasks Sabina and Jane, joined by Elena, with breaking into Brok's corporate headquarters to steal the remaining Calisto prototypes before they can be duplicated. Elena finds one but is forced to use it to escape, accidentally killing the chief of security, Ralph, in the process. After learning that Fleming took the other prototypes, Rebekah tracks him to Istanbul, where Jane utilizes one of her old intelligence contacts, Fatima, to locate him. They track him to a remote rock quarry, where the supposedly-imprisoned Smith is revealed to be Fleming's intermediary for selling Calisto. Hodak is also present and kills Fleming before the Angels break up the sale. Rebekah suddenly disappears, allowing Smith and Hodak to escape with the prototypes.

Returning to their safehouse, Sabina shares her growing belief that Rebekah is secretly working against the agency and manipulating them to steal Calisto for her own benefit. While the three ponder Sabina's suspicion, the safehouse is bombed. Rebekah shows up only to be shot by John, who has come to rescue Elena. Sabina and Jane manage to survive and seek medical help from Fatima. Rebekah reappears and explains that John is the real traitor and that he has spent the last few decades secretly building his own network within the agency after he was passed over to succeed the late Charlie Townsend.

John takes Elena to a party in Chamonix hosted by Brok, who reveals himself as the mastermind behind the attempt to assassinate Elena and, unbeknownst to him, John's plan to weaponize Calisto. Using Elena's colleague Langston as a hostage, John forces her to program a Calisto device to kill both herself and Langston before leaving. The Angels, having deduced his plan due to the information provided by Smith, who is later revealed to have defected to their side, show up and rescue Elena and Langston, Elena having already disabled the Calisto device. Jane exacts revenge by impaling Hodak on a spike, while Rebekah catches up with John and his men. Outnumbered, she has other Angels posing as guests subdue the men, after which Sabina knocks out John with a punch. Brok is arrested for conspiracy, and Jane and Langston start a relationship. Elena is recruited as an Angel by the Townsend Agency after passing a series of rigorous training exercises.

In a mid-credits scene, Elena receives an official Angels tattoo and congratulations from former Angel Kelly Garrett (Jaclyn Smith), who has become the new "Charlie".

The Christmas Candle (novel)

The story starts before Christmas in the Village of Gladstone 1664 where the first Haddington couple are approached by the angel who by touching a candle in their shop can create miracles who anyone who they give it to and must carry on generation after generation. Centuries later, in 1864, Edward Haddington and his wife Bea are nearing Christmas, and the village people are gossiping already about the Christmas Candle as it is nearing the time. When the village gather for church, Reverend Richmond refuses to mention the Christmas Candle as it is not part of the church ceremony, which everyone is disappointed about. Meanwhile, Edward and Bea are unsure as to whom to give the candle to when the angel comes as there are so many who are in need for a miracle. Bea mentions about using the Candle for her and Edward as they might be in need for it. Finally when the angel does come and touches the candle Edward falls and knocks all the candles, including the Christmas Candle, on the floor making it impossible to tell which one.

Without telling each other, at first, Edward and Bea take the basket of candles, which is holding the Christmas one, to the villagers feeling guilty that only one of them will receive the miracle and that they would protest with no miracle. One day Reverend Richmond explains to Edward and Bea that when he was young he went on a drunken reck and with his friends ridden a wagon over a cliff killing one of his friends and how Richmond would spend the rest of his life regretting, it so Edward gives him a candle out of sympathy. When the villagers all gather for church on Christmas Eve the villagers who were given a candle received a miracle each, then suddenly a man bursts into the church saying a girl and her baby are in trouble near a bridge.

Edward and the reverend run to the bridge, but Richmond falls in the stream and tells Edward to light his candle. He does and the light illuminates the scene. Then Edward finds the girl and her baby and with the help of the villagers takes her home to rest with her child. Then Edward and Bea realize that she is their granddaughter who ran away from them because of a mistake she thought they would never forgive her for. Edward says "Looks like God still gives babies at Christmas". In the end, the Haddington family, set in modern times, are approached by the same angel giving the touch to the Christmas Candle.

The Sword of Monte Cristo

In 1858 France, Emperor Louis Napoleon sends Captain Renault of the Royal Dragoons, Minister La Roche and Major Nicolet to Normandy in search of the members of a group of rebels. A Masked Cavalier, the niece, Lady Christianne, of the Marquis De Montableau, announces at a secret meeting of the Normandy underground leaders that the fabled treasure of Monte Cristo was willed to her and she will use it to finance their cause. Her uncle, the only one who can decipher the symbols on the sword of Monte Cristo, the key to the treasure, derides her stand against the Emperor. La Roche takes possession of the sword and has the Marquis put into the dungeon. Christianne, as the Masked Cavalier, regains the sword from La Roche, but Captain Renault apprehends her and returns to sword to La Roche, the key to locating the treasure . La Roche has him removed and placed under guard but he manages to escape and with Christianne tries to stop him.

The Cloud Rider

As described in a review in a film magazine, champion aviator Bruce Torrence (Wilson) and member of the secret service has a formidable rival for the hand of Zella Wingate (Ferguson) in the person of Juan Lascelles (von Meter), who owns a fleet of airplanes used to smuggle drugs. Thinking to get rid of Bruce, Juan loosens a wheel on the airplane. Zella goes up in the machine and is saved from death by Bruce who makes a thrilling transfer to the airplane in midair. Later, Bruce finds Zella in Juan's arms. Zella's little sister Blythe (Corbin), forbidden to attend a party, goes to the beach and finds Juan talking to his henchmen. Reporting to Bruce, he starts out after Juan's machine. Blythe hides in the fuselage and accidentally wrecks the airplane by monkeying with the control wires. Bruce and Blythe find themselves in the woods and Bruce realizes that it is Blythe that he loves. They are captured by Juan who takes Blythe away in his airplane. Bruce escapes with the aid of a former buddy among Juan's henchman. Bruce gives chase. Blythe operates the controls and causes the airplane to drop into the water. Bruce jumps from his machine and saves Blythe and captures Juan. Bruce and Blythe start out on their aerial honeymoon.

Rogue Lawyer

Sebastian Rudd is a street lawyer, but not your typical street lawyer. His office is a black customized bulletproof van, complete with Wi-Fi, a bar, a small fridge, and fine leather chairs. He has no firm, no partners, and only one employee: his heavily armed driver, who used to be his client, and who also happens to be his bodyguard, law clerk, confidant, golf caddie, and his only friend. Sebastian drinks small-batch bourbon and carries a gun. His beautiful ex-wife is a lawyer too, and she left him for another woman while still they were married. He only gets to see his son for 36 hours per month and his ex-wife wants to stop all visits. He defends people other lawyers won't go near: a drug-addled, tattooed kid rumored to be in a satanic cult who is (falsely) accused of murdering two girls; a vicious crime lord on death row who ends up escaping before Rudd's eyes; a homeowner arrested for shooting at a SWAT team that mistakenly invaded his house, and killed his wife and dogs; a Mixed martial arts fighter previously financed by Rudd who killed a referee after losing a fight. In between these adventures, he's contacted by a serial kidnapper and killer who's involved in human trafficking, and knows the whereabouts of the assistant chief of police's missing daughter.

The High Powered Rifle

A private eye is attacked by an assassin.

The Phantom Flyer

Farmer James Crandall (Buck Connors) is homesteading on a western tract with the aid of his daughter, Mary (Lillian Gilmore), his son, Nick (Billy "Red" Jones), and Isabella (Myrtis Crinley), an orphan girl. Rancher Julia Hart (Mary Cornwallis), is in a struggle with the Crandalls over the water rights of her ranch.

Mary catches Julia's men running brands on their cattle and after running away from them, is rescued by Dick Stanton (Al Wilson), a border patrol aviator, who agrees to help her. One of Hart's gang, Joe Calvert (Larry Steers) shoots Nick in an attempted raid and sabotages her aircraft, loosening a wheel that will fall off in mid-air.

Dick flies to Mary's aid, taking with him a replacement wheel that he attaches while hanging from the landing gear in the air. Together they bring a doctor for Nick.

When Crandall discovers that his "first entry" papers have been stolen, Dick goes to the Hart ranch to investigate. Crandall is forced to sign a quit-claim deed, but Dick arrives just as Calvert abducts Mary in an aircraft. "Slim" Decker (Don Fuller) flies with Dick and a battle takes place in the sky. Calvert falls to his death while Julia ultimately relinquishes her claim to the Crandall deed, and, finally there is peace.

Siege at Red River

In Ohio in 1865, a Gatling gun is being transported by a Confederate Army officer in civilian clothes, calling himself Jim Farraday, and a sergeant, going by Benjy, to aid the Southern cause in the war. They come to the aid of a Rebel-hating Yankee nurse, Nora Curtis, whose wagon is stuck in the mud.

Stopping off in a town for supplies and information, Farraday falls under the suspicion of a Pinkerton detective, Frank Kelso, who has been assigned to locate the stolen Gatling gun. Behind her back, Farraday and Benjy smuggle the gun out of town in Nora's wagon.

A mercenary, Brett Manning, befriends the soldiers on the trail, then betrays them, shooting Benjy and stealing the gun. He sells it to tribal leader Chief Yellow Hawk, who uses it during an attack on a fort against soldiers, women and children. Farraday joins forces with Kelso to overcome Yellow Hawk's men and take the gun back, turning the battle in the fort's favor. Nora successfully argues that Kelso should reward Farraday by letting him go home to Georgia. Knowing that the war is nearly over, he allows Farraday to leave.

Los héroes del sitio de Zaragoza

The film is composed of three scenes introduced by intertitles:

'''Scene 1: Condesa de Bureta'''

A sitting room. A man and a woman loading guns. A group of men wearing guns enter and shoot from the windows. Some of them are hit by shots from outside.

'''Scene 2: El tío Jorge'''

A courtyard with an arched gate. A group of armed men behind a makeshift barricade are discussing. Some women bring them food. Soldiers come running in from behind the camera and start shooting at other soldiers coming from the other side of the gate. The invading soldiers reach the barricade but they are pushed back and routed by the defenders encouraged by a man standing on the barricade.

'''Scene 3: Agustina de Aragón'''

A cannon served by two men, in front of city walls. Several men are shot dead. A woman enters and seeing the dead men shoots herself the cannon, creating a huge cloud of smoke. When the smoke dissipates, a group of men celebrating victory appears while the woman waves a flag at the top of the city walls.

The Devil's Sleep

Umberto Scalli has returned from a prison sentence with two lucrative enterprises: a women's health spa that gives the women Dinitrophenol tablets that reduce weight but may have dangerous side effects; and selling Benzedrine to teenagers through a young man who provides them through swinging parties held at a house Scalli owns. Some of the teenagers attempt to pay for their drugs by committing burglaries. Judge Rosalind Ballentine and Police Detective Sergeant Dave Kerrigan unite to end the menace, but Scalli attempts to blackmail the judge with photographs of her daughter Margie willfully drugged and nude at one of the parties.

21 Nights with Pattie

A forty-two-year-old Parisian named Caroline comes to a small village in Southern France because she has to organise the funeral of her mother. Caroline, who didn't get along all too well with her deceased mother, finds a new friend in a local woman named Pattie who introduces her to local gossip. While the traditional mid-summer dance is about to take place, the corpse disappears.

Scarface (novel)

The book's storyline is heavily inspired by the real life gangster Al Capone whose nickname was also "Scarface". It concerns the rise and fall of Tony "Scarface" Guarino, who after performing a hit on mob leader Al Springola, moves in to take over the illegal alcohol business in Chicago during the Prohibition Era. He is ultimately shot dead by his brother (who concurrently rises in the ranks of Chicago PD), who fails to recognise him due to the family believing him to have died in World War I.

Home Care (film)

Vlasta is a home nurse who selflessly lives in the countryside in South Moravia for her patients; her husband; and her daughter, Lada. One day, their lives drastically changed when Vlasta becomes sick, and help from outside is needed. Through the daughter of one of her patients, she tries alternative medicine, much to the dismay of her husband, who has little confidence in it.

Eva Doesn't Sleep

The film details the fate of the corpse of Eva Perón, from her death on July 26, 1952 to the final arrival to the La Recoleta Cemetery in October 1976, where it has been located since then. The plot is divided in three short chapters, starring the embalmer of her corpse, the military that takes it to a secret location, and the kidnapping of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu by revolutionaries.


Meme and her brother Jere are teenagers, still at home under a passive father, Daniel, and a massively domineering mother, Lucía. Ezequiel, the eldest child, arrives from Spain with his bride Montse, who finds both the family and the society of upper-middle-class Argentina hollow and pretentious. Gradually, the other characters learn that Meme and Jere, neither of whom has developed satisfactory outside links, have started an incestuous sexual relationship.

The Gambler from Natchez

After four years away from New Orleans, Vance Colby is summoned by his gambler father. On a riverboat, a gambler named Gottfried accuses him of cheating. Vance beats him into submission, but when Vance's back is turned, Gottfried comes after him with a baling hook. Riverboat captain Barbee's attractive daughter Melanie intervenes to save Vance.

Ashore, Vance comes to the aid of Ivette Rivage when her carriage's horse goes lame. At her family plantation, Araby, he meets her brother André and fiancé Claude St. Germaine, who become noticeably less friendly when they learn that he is Chip Colby's son. After Vance departs, André sends his henchman Etienne and two others to ambush him. Etienne throws a knife that pierces Vance's side, but he manages to shoot Etienne in the arm and escape in a small boat. He is spotted by Melanie, and his wound is treated by Barbee after Josh pulls the knife carefully out. Barbee informs Vance that his father once saved Barbee from losing his riverboat to a card sharp.

When Vance goes to see his father, he finds a coffin. The elder Colby was accused of cheating and shot by Rivage. Rivage's claim is backed by casino owner Nicholas Cadiz and a waiter name René Garonne. Vance abducts Garonne and pressures him into telling the truth. Chip Colby and Rivage were playing 21 in a private room at Cadiz's establishment. Rivage lost his brand new riverboat, the ''Baton Rouge'', to Colby, then insisted on one more hand, wagering Araby against the ''Baton Rouge''. After he lost, he became enraged and shot Colby. Cruz then placed a marked deck in the dead man's hand. Garonne also reveals that Rivage, St. Germaine, Cadiz and Colby were partners in the riverboat. However, Garonne is taken in the middle of the night, leaving Colby with no proof.

Vance's enemies try to frame him by planting Garonne's body in his hotel room, but St. Germaine is caught in the act. With Vance in pursuit, St. Germaine falls to his death.

Vance then has Barbee gamble at Cruz's casino. Barbee secretly marks the cards, so that when Vance brings Commissioner Renard, he can "prove" that Cruz is cheating his patrons. Renard revokes Cruz's license. Cruz strikes Vance in the face, which leads to a duel. Before the pistol duel, Vance gets Cruz to bet his stake in the ''Baton Rouge'' against Vance's inheritance of $50,000. Cruz fires, but only nicks Vance's cheek. Vance holds his fire, offering to spare Cruz if he will confess what really happened to Vance's father. Cruz agrees, but then draws a derringer, and Vance kills him.

When Rivage's final scheme fails, involving sending his sister to Vance's room, he challenges Vance to one hand of 21, each wagering their half share of the ''Baton Rouge''. When Vance wins, Rivage once again bets Araby against the riverboat. He loses again, just as he did against Vance's father. He then draws his cane sword and attacks the unarmed Vance. Melanie throws Vance a sword, and a prolonged duel ensues. Etienne waits to throw his knife, but Josh deals with him. Then Vance kills Rivage.

Afterward, Vance returns the estate's deed to a grateful Ivette. She invites him to stay with her, but he has other plans, which include Melanie.

Orange Is the New Yellow

Homer is leaving the Power Plant for the weekend, as he promised Marge to be home for dinner. However, as he is leaving, Mr. Burns asks him for his help to fix a gas leak with a "Safety First" poster, and to measure its level with a plumb bob (a procedure that takes hours to complete).

At home, Marge is having trouble taking care of the kids. She is trying to help Lisa with a school project (dressing her as a male seahorse) and feed Maggie. However, Maggie spills her food all over the room. Bart offers to help clean the mess, but he ends up causing even more of a mess with the chemical products. Frustrated, Marge asks him to go play outside. Bart goes to the Springfield Park, where Martin's mother, Martha, realizes that he is by himself and calls the police. The cops take Bart back home and arrest Marge for neglecting her son just in time for Homer to witness this.

Marge is sentenced to three months in the Springfield Women's Prison. However, she realizes that she could use the time to take a break from the stress of being a homemaker. Meanwhile, Homer is having trouble taking care of the kids, but some Springfield residents (especially Ned Flanders) realize that he is going through a difficult phase and decide to help him.

Back at the jail, Marge manages to fit in well. She uses her hair as a weapon against bullies and makes some friends, but Homer hires the Blue-Haired Lawyer, who finds out that Marge could not be arrested because of a technicality, and she is set free. However, Marge, not ready to go back to all the responsibilities of being a homemaker, fires a guard's gun and earns two more months inside.

Homer, depressed at Marge's unwillingness to come home, vows to become the perfect homemaker for her sake, imagining a black and white scenario where he is dressed as a woman and Marge in a suit going to her job. Meanwhile, other parents take Marge's position as a warning, and they decide to overprotect their children to the point of each one taking turns to take them all on a walk on leashes. When Homer's turn to walk them goes wrong, the kids have had enough of their parents' attitudes and decide to sneak into the park to have fun by themselves. Their fun is ruined by a tornado, which drags them into a tree. Meanwhile, Marge realizes she too misses her family when everything begins to remind her of them, and in her sorrow, accidentally causes a prison break. In the middle of the mayhem, she finds Homer undercover as a prison guard in order to rescue her, they both escape safely as the police are too busy sorting out the disarray caused by the tornado to bother going after them.

They soon arrive back home, where Bart and Lisa become overly attached to her and the entire family ends up hugging inside the closet.

The Quiet Gun

Doug Sadler (Lee Van Cleef), a cattle rustler comes to town. He's in a secret partnership with saloon owner John Reilly (Tom Brown). They plan to run the stolen cattle into Hell's Canyon, located on land belonging to Ralph Carpenter (Jim Davis). Carpenter and his wife Teresa (Kathleen Crowley) are separated, so Reilly has sent Native American beauty Irene (Mara Corday) to seduce Carpenter. Then Reilly put a flea in the ear of Steven Hardy (Lewis Martin), the town's Eastern born city attorney about "immorality". When Hardy tries to serve a warrant for his arrest, in the resulting confrontation Hardy is killed. Sheriff Brandon (Forrest Tucker), who was in love with Teresa before her marriage and was friends with Ralph Carpenter, sets out to arrest Carpenter. However, a lynch mob knocks out the sheriff and hangs Carpenter. Brandon arrests the mob and tricks the city council into stopping another mob that demands the release of the arrested men. Meanwhile, Irene returns to the Carpenter house where she is discovered by Reilly and Sadler, who assault her. At the trial the members of the lynch mob are sentenced to three years in jail. Then Mrs. Carpenter arrives with the news that Reilly and Sadler have killed Irene. In a gunfight Sadler and Reilly are killed. Sheriff Brandon is only wounded and reunited with Teresa.

The Storm Rider

It was a dark & stormy night , when Bad Matt walked his 8-hand roan out into the desert night, ,

THE end.

Ex with Benefits

After a tumultuous med school romance that comes to an abrupt end, Dr. Adam Castrances and Arkisha "Arki" Aragon meet again ten years later. Arki is a pharmaceutical sales representative with a track record of doing anything to make a sale. Adam is a doctor of sports medicine with a successful blog and commitment issues. When Arki finds that it will take more than her usual sales tactics to convince Adam to endorse her product, she does her best to step up her game without falling in love again but eventually fails. Their second chance at love is tested, however, when the reasons for their med school breakup come to the surface.


Miranda is the cold, ruthless head of the Winterthorne candy empire. Her marriage is in shambles, she is estranged from her son and their lives are all in danger. But it was not always this way. A decade earlier, naive Miranda's eyes were opened to her family's best kept secrets, and their violent treachery. Her only means to secure the survival of her loved ones and her livelihood has been to embrace the dark, cruel and murderous heart of a Winterthorne.

James Bond (Dynamite Entertainment)


British Intelligence agent James Bond is assigned by his boss, M, to take up the workload of a deceased fellow agent who was working on a case related to a European drug smuggling syndicate. Following a lead to Berlin, Bond is met by Dharma Reach, who is posing as a CIA contact. She tries to kill him, but fails and escapes. Bond meets with Slaven Kurjak, a rich Serbian scientist who was disabled during the Kosovo War. Kurjak now develops advanced technology for prosthetics. When asked about the unusual drugs spreading across London and Europe, Kurjak directs Bond to a suspicious laboratory. Unbeknownst to 007, Kurjak is the one who sent Dharma to kill him. At the laboratory, Bond engages in a firefight with a Lebanese crime clan. After the battle is over, Bond learns that he was tricked by Kurjak and the Lebanese were not connected to the drugs.

Kurjak sends Bryan Masters to kill Bond at the Berlin MI-6 station. Bond is not there, but Masters kills the staff who are. When Bond arrives at the station, Masters introduces himself as a CIA agent and wants to escort Bond to a secure location since the Berlin Station was ambushed. Although Bond secretly knows Masters is an enemy, they travel together to Kurjak's security resort, where Kurjak's staff are found dead from Kurjak's drug tests, known as "Condition Vargr." Masters attacks Bond, who kills him by injecting him with the drug. Kurjak reveals himself and traps Bond in a sealed chamber. Kurjack explains the drug has been his life's work since the concentration camps in Kosovo. It was supposed to be a cure for cancer, but it kills anyone who uses it. Kurjak now plans to use the drug to control the world. He activates a decontamination cycle process in the chamber and leaves Bond to die, but Bond escapes.

Bond returns to London and reports the incidents. He is sent to liaise with MI-5, who have been quarantining the places where the drug has spread. While looking for the MI-5 team, Bond is attacked by and kills Dharma Reach. With the help of Bill Tanner, Bond traces Reach's prosthetics to a decommissioned Norwegian battleship, the HNoMS Vargr. Bond infiltrates Vargr and discovers the laboratory where Kurjak's drugs are developed. He plants explosive devices but is found by Kurjak and attacked by prosthetic enhanced henchmen. Bond evacuates and detonates the bombs, sinking Vargr. Afterwards, Bond sees an injured Kurjak crawling on the shore and executes him.


Following the events of the exposure of dark money transferred from the backdoor channels of electronic bank accounts using legitimate company firms as fronts putting into British soil, James Bond is sent to Los Angeles to retrieve a forensic accountant planted by the MI-6 in the Turkish Consulate, Cadence Birdwhistle, to study backchannel financial movement and discovered the leak for which she is targeted by Turkish MIT Service gunmen and other rogue CIA operatives. Equipped with weaponry provided to him by his trustworthy CIA ally, Felix Leiter, Bond takes out the assailants and smuggles Cadence out of the US back to London.

Upon their arrival at Heathrow Airport, Bond and Cadence are attacked by unidentified mercenaries led by a man called Beckett Hawkwood, which they are not aware of, but nevertheless manage to survive due to their containment in a heavily armoured car, which drives them safely back to the MI-6 headquarters at Vauxhall. At debriefing with M, Bond states that the weapons used on them by the mercenaries are C8 Carbines fitted with UGLs which are SAS and SBS standard issue items, both being financed by the MI-5. They also discover that the operation of the financial transfers of dark money are labeled under the name of "Eidolon", which intrigues M into suspecting there might be an obvious connection from a past enemy organization.

Meanwhile, with the aid of Bill Tanner, Cadence discovers the entire chain of the Eidolon transactions that are moved through deep cover MI-5 channels to a final stop that is the Box Tunnel where the country's domestic intelligence service draws an administration from. M sends 007 on an off-records mission to infiltrate the tunnel and investigate the happenings inside, where Bond himself discovers an ongoing attack being planned by a group of secret society. After sparking into a gunfight and slightly missing Hawkwood who flees the scene, Bond abducts one of the injured underlings and tortures the information out of him regarding the entity of Eidolon. It turns out that M's suspicion of the shortcomings was right, as Eidolon is revealed to be a system of SPECTRE stay-behinds initiated during World War II, along with the exposition of Hawkwood's identity, a former apparent war hero, as one of the four global lead assets of the operation.

MI-5 agent, Eve Sharma approaches Bond off-duty later on to discuss a rogue operation's existence in a secret cell within her organization, to which Bond informs her with the truth and the involvement of the SPECTRE stay-behinds. The next day, M, with the company of Cadence and Moneypenny, goes to meet the head of MI-5, Sir Stephen Mackmain and the Intelligence Services Commissioner to discuss the irrelevance of The Hard Rule, a policy that prevents MI-6 agents from carrying firearms on British soil (which was also a problem in the ''VARGR'' storyline). During the heated conversation between M and Mackmain, whose hypocrisy in the formation of rule ranged on surface, the latter unveils his true schemes and takes M as well as the rest of the crew as a hostage, with Hawkwood himself eliminating the London Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism unit protecting them. Mackmain's purpose is to resurrect SPECTRE and take over both domestic and foreign intelligence roles worldwide. Just in time, Bond and Eve attack Hawkwood's team and invade into the safehouse where a heavy shootout occurs, killing Mackmain in the process. Hawkwood, however, escapes and Bond gives a pursuit in an intense car chase, but fails to capture Hawkwood.

Reaching his own extraction point, Hawkwood collects and prepares to deploy a volumetric vacuum bomb at the Houses of Parliament to announce the return of SPECTRE. Before ensuing the catastrophe, he also intends to assassinate Cadence to silence her and prevent her from testifying against Mackmain in a political trial. But, he's soon discovered by Bond, who pursues him on the streets of London with Hawkwood behind the wheel of a truck carrying the fuel-air bomb, attempting to drive in to the MI-6 Headquarters and detonate the bomb there. 007 sabotages the truck, and continues the assault on foot when the two men engage in a violent fistfight, with Hawkwood almost gaining the upper hand. Bond, at the nick of time, manages to injure Hawkwood with a knife and manipulates him into taking his own life with self-pity as Bond watches him from afar, smoking his cigarette in relief after the prevention of the terror.

Black Box

While on a mission to infiltrate the Tokyo underworld, James Bond investigates Saga Genji, a very influential rich tech mogul, who is responsible for the creation of The Black Box, an artificially controlled cubicle device that contains data regarding universal worldwide government secrets involving agencies, organizations and deep cover operations, willing to sell them to the highest bidder. While on pursuit, 007 finds himself being aided by a freelance shadowy assassin going by the name of Selah Sax, a former member of an extinct deep cover British government black ops unit, who herself tends to eliminate other unjustly assassins with the sole determination to protect Britain.

Nannaku Prematho

Abhiram is the youngest son of London-based businessman Subrahmanyam, who quits his job and starts his own company, K.M.C Pipes and Canals and he completes his company's first project in Spain. He learns that his father is suffering from pancreatic cancer and has roughly a month or more to live. Subrahmanyam reveals his name as Ramesh Chandra Prasad, who was once London's richest entrepreneur, who lost all his wealth because of a cunning man, Krishna Murthy Kautilya, who made his worldwide business empire cheating Ramesh Chandra. He was then forced to change his name to Subrahmanyam and got rich again after years of work.

Subrahmanyam requests his three sons to take revenge on his behalf. His first son lies to him that he has filed a lawsuit against Krishna Murthy to pacify him, but Abhiram ends up taking matters into his own hands. He sets 30 days to bring down Krishna Murthy and hires three youngsters who are shown to love their fathers dearly. He targets Krishnamurty's daughter Divyanka aka Divya to reach him. Divya reappropriates Abhiram's feelings after saving her from kidnapping and spending every last penny of their family bank balance to buy her a worth of painting.

Abhiram meets Krishnamurty at Divya's birthday party, but Krishna Murthy turns out to be aware of Abhiram's intentions. Subrahmanyam gets admitted to the hospital as his condition turns critical. Abhiram's brothers break up with him after they come to know that Abhiram wasted their property on the painting. Krishna Murthy plants a bug in Abhiram's lair, because of which he discovers their plans, and Divya too learns of Abhiraam's intentions and breaks up with him. Krishna Murthy had grabbed the ''People Oil and Natural Gas'' project, which is one of the largest oil and gas bases in Europe belonging to a businessman Kapil Sinha in Spain, to where he goes with Divya.

Abhiram follows them with his group but gets kidnapped by Divya's henchman. She does so as she wants to find his plans of ruining her father. Abhiram regains Divya's love and also gets her to meet her mother in prison, whom she had not met since she was 4 years old, and revealed her mysterious dream. Her father had planted drugs in their bag during one of their travels, but the airport security find the bag with Divya's mother when Krishna Murthy and Divya were in the washroom. Krishna Murthy leaves his wife to save himself and his daughter. Divya begins to loathe Krishna Murthy. Meanwhile, it turns out that the painting gifted to Krishna Murthy had a camera in it and that Abhiraam was also aware of Krishna Murthy's plans.

Abhiram accesses Krishna Murthy's bank number, transferring to his family account. It is also revealed that the ''People Oil and Natural Gas'' land that Krishna Murthy grabbed was no real gas land, and the gas there was given by tunnels planted by Abhiram's KMC company: ''Krishna Murthy Mosam Chese'' company (lit. 'Cheating Krishna Murthy Company'). Kapil is revealed to be Satpal Singh, Subrahmanyam's ex-adviser and best friend, who had been supporting Abhiram since the beginning. Krishna Murthy becomes of the same condition as Ramesh Chandra Prasad and absconds and changes his identity to Subrahmanyam. Divya and her mother move in with Abhiram's family, but sadly, Ramesh Chandra succumbs to his disease and dies. Abhiram still does not cry as he thinks that his father will go the day he cries.

Dear Yelena Sergeyevna

…After the final exams at a regular school, three schoolchildren understand that they have not passed the exams, and it can break their future career. Fraudulently the teenagers enter the house of their teacher Yelena Sergeevna and demand the key to the safe in which the examination papers are stored. At first, schoolchildren try to persuade Yelena Sergeevna, then they come to bribery and blackmail. But the high-minded teacher does not agree to the deal with her conscience and tries to explain to her schoolchildren all the meanness and baseness of their actions ...

Hustle & Flow

DJay is a pimp and drug dealer living in Memphis, Tennessee, who is dissatisfied with his life. After reacquainting himself with an old friend and sound technician, Key, DJay decides to make hip hop music.

Key and his sound-mixer friend Shelby help DJay put together several songs in which he expresses the frustrations of struggling to survive in the ghetto. DJay proves his talent, and his first song appears to have a decent chance of getting local radio play.

The group experiences setbacks throughout the creative process. DJay must hustle those around him in order to procure equipment and recording time, and Key's relationship with his wife becomes strained. DJay throws out one of his prostitutes, Lexus, along with her infant son, for ridiculing him. DJay's pregnant prostitute, Shug, joins in the creative process, singing hooks. The group eventually records several tracks, including "Whoop That Trick" and "It's Hard out Here for a Pimp". After their first recording, DJay gains romantic feelings toward Shug.

DJay's friend Arnel informs him that Skinny Black, a successful Memphis rapper, will be returning for a Fourth of July party. DJay gains admittance under the pretext of providing marijuana, with the true intention of giving Black his demo tape. Black is dismissive at first, but DJay successfully persuades him into taking the tape.

Before leaving the party, DJay discovers that a drunken Black has destroyed his tape. DJay confronts Black who insults him. In a fit of rage, DJay nearly beats Black to death but attempts to resuscitate him. A member of Black's entourage enters the bathroom and pulls out his gun. DJay shoots the man in his arm with Black's gun and escapes.

DJay arrives home to find the police and Black's associates waiting for him. DJay turns himself in and tells prostitute Nola to safeguard his writing pad with his lyrics on it, also placing her in charge of sending his songs to radio stations. He then exchanges a glance with a tearful Shug before a brawl breaks out after one of Black's crew sucker punches him. DJay is charged with assault and possession of a firearm and is sentenced to 11 months in prison.

While serving his time, DJay is visited by Key and learns that Nola has successfully gotten radio DJs to play his songs, which have become local hits. The pair then prepare to discuss their future business plans. Two correctional officers ask DJay to listen to their demo. Humbled and flattered, DJay accepts.

Get Rich or Die Tryin' (film)

After Marcus Greer and his friends rob a Colombian safe house, an unidentified shooter points the gun to Marcus' head and shoots him several times (similar to 50 Cent, who also was shot in real life). The film then flashes back to his childhood.

Marcus is a quiet young boy who adores his loving mother Katrina, and the two live a relatively comfortable life on her drug-dealing income. She often has to leave him with his grandparents while she conducts business. Marcus enjoys the company of his friends, especially his love interest Charlene. He writes Charlene a song and sends her a cassette tape, though it is deemed inappropriate by her stepfather. As a result, she is forced to be sent away to live with her grandparents. Meanwhile, Katrina is murdered by an anonymous figure in an apparent drug deal gone wrong.

Forced to live with his grandparents full-time, they themselves also having children to look after, Marcus finds his life less appealing as his grandfather works long hours to support the family. No longer able to get the shoes his mother could afford, Marcus turns to selling drugs in order to afford new shoes. As he grows older, he rejects the idea of legal work and decides to deal drugs, buying new clothing and a gun. Eventually he abandons high school to sell drugs for local kingpin Levar and his underling, Majestic, full-time. Majestic, however, plans to become a major drug lord himself, often conspiring with a rap artist he manages named Dangerous.

Years later, Marcus reunites with Charlene and the two become intimate. Later, one of his close friends, Antwan, got shot and is paralyzed at a club by a Colombian named Raul. The gunman initially aimed for Marcus. In retaliation, Marcus attacks Raul, but stops short of murdering him when he realizes it's not worth throwing away the rest of his life, and instead shoots Raul in the legs multiple times as payback for Antwan.

When Raul refuses to identify Marcus as the shooter in a police line up, he is allowed to go free. After an anonymous tip off, cops raid his house and find a gun and drugs, which didn't belong to Marcus. Marcus is jailed, and during his time in prison, he befriends an inmate named "Bama". Meanwhile, Majestic makes his move to seize control of the local drug trade: he sets Levar up to go to prison, and then frames Levar's second-in-command Odell for it. After publicly torturing and murdering Odell for his "betrayal", Majestic then takes over Levar's empire as the new kingpin.

After encouragement from Bama, Marcus leaves the drug trade behind to pursue and fulfill his lifelong dream of being a rapper, calling himself Young Caesar. Bama joins as his manager and producer. Bama gets out of prison before Marcus, but promises he will see him again.

When Marcus leaves prison, Bama, Justice, Majestic, and June Bug are waiting for him. Majestic invites Marcus to become his right-hand man (taking June Bug's place), but Marcus tells him of his aspirations to being a rapper, which Majestic laughs off. Marcus leaves with Bama and takes Justice with him.

Justice and Bama initially have a clash of personalities, but Marcus calms them after a roadside stop. Unconvinced of Marcus' dream, Justice informs Majestic of his activities. As Marcus more seriously pursues music, Majestic tries everything in his power to sabotage his success, threatening record label employees, DJs, and more, even going as far as to threaten Charlene and Marcus's newborn son while at the hospital. Marcus, however, refuses to stop and retaliates by taunting Majestic and Dangerous in his songs.

Despite Marcus' insistence at avoiding crime, Bama convinces him to carry out one last robbery on a Colombian safe house. While this happens, Majestic targets Marcus for death. After Marcus and his crew complete the robbery, the film returns to the first scene. It is then revealed that Marcus got shot outside of his family's home by Justice, eventually being saved by his grandparents. After being hospitalized, and going through a period of self-loathing and pity, Marcus reevaluates his life, prioritizing his family. After a long and painful recovery, he records music again.

Angered with Justice's failure to kill Marcus, Majestic kills Justice. Shortly after, Marcus meets with Levar in prison, who remorsefully reveals that he is Marcus' biological father and regrets not being there for him and his mother to protect them. Marcus then organizes his concert debut, using his stage name "Young Caesar" with the support of his family and friends.

The night of his concert, Marcus organizes protection for his family and Charlene's family from Majestic. As he prepares to go on stage, Majestic shows up with his goons and tries to intimidate Marcus, but to no avail. In the ensuing confrontation, Majestic reveals he killed Marcus's mother years earlier for spurning his affections. In a fit of rage by Marcus, a fight ensues, and Marcus prevails.

Before he can finish off Majestic once and for all, Bama persuades him to start the show, citing that Majestic isn't worth him killing and urging him think about his family. As Marcus starts to walk out on stage, Majestic tries to stab him, but Bama shoots Majestic. Majestic begs for Marcus to kill him, but Marcus refuses. As he walks out towards the crowd, Bama shoots Majestic again, killing him. Marcus steps onto the stage, removes his bulletproof vest and performs "Hustler's Ambition".

Francis: Pray for Me

The story narrates the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Darío Grandinetti), the man who would later become Pope Francis in the perspective of a Spanish journalist named Ana (Silvia Abascal), who first met the future pope at the 2005 Papal conclave, until the naming of Bergoglio as pope at the 2013 Papal conclave.

Powder My Back

The actress of the comedy "powder My back", Fritzi Foy, was angry with Rex Hale, the mayor who closes the comedy. With the help of Fritzi's press agent, Claude, she succeeds to enter the mayor's home by performing an fake accident and tells him that she need to leave until her fully recovered. This action infuriated Hale, however, his son Jack falls in love with Fritzi. When Fritzi figures out that her action has brought misfortune to Jack, she persuade him to go back to his fiancé, Ruth Stevens.

Prince Hodong and the Princess of Nakrang

Prince Hodong

The Prince Hodong of Goguryeo was the son of King Daemusin of Goguryeo and his second Queen, the granddaughter of the Kalsa Kingdom. He was a favorite of King Daemusin due to his good looks and intelligence. Despite the favor of the King, his path to the throne was uncertain since the first Queen also had a son, Haeu, who was around 15 years younger than him. Because of the lack of power from his maternal side, he knew he had to accomplish something big to become king. At the time, Goguryeo was in the middle of expanding their land. Their southern neighbor country, Nakrang, was in a better geographic location for farming and fishing, which was crucial for their growing population. Although Goguyeo was tremendously stronger in military power, Nakrang's Jamyunggo was a great concern for King Daemusin. This was a huge opportunity to prove himself if Prince Hodong could defeat Nakrang.

Princess of Nakrang

The Princess of Nakrang was the daughter of the King of Nakrang Choi Ri (Lelang). Nakrang owned a mythical drum and flute, Jamyunggo, that played themselves when an enemy approached, which served as a heavenly protector for the country. Neighbor countries were afraid to attack for fear of going against the heavens.

The Marriage of Prince Hodong and Princess Nakrang

In April of 32 AD (15th year of King Daemusin's reign) Prince Hodong was hunting at Okjeo when the King of Nakrang found him. The Prince was hunting near the border of Nakrang to explore and analyze the enemy land. When King Choi Ri saw him, he took interest in his looks and asked: "By looking at your appearance, you don't seem to be common folk. Are you the prince of the northern country (Goguryeo)?" When Prince Hodong replied yes, the King of Nakrang invited him back to his country for a feast. The King was aware that the expanding Goguryeo was a brutal country with a base of strong military power and feared they would be the next target. To form an alliance with Goguryeo, he planned for the Prince to marry his daughter, the Princess of Nakrang. The Princess fell in love with the prince at first sight but the prince had other intentions in mind. The marriage of Prince Hodong and the Princess of Nakrang quickly proceeded. After the marriage, Prince Hodong went back to Goguryeo and sent a letter to the Princess of Nakrang stating:

''"I am the prince of Goguryeo. If you destroy the mythical drum and the flute of your country then I will accept you as my wife. However, if you do not accept my favor we cannot be together."''
The Princess was torn when she heard the Prince's request. Although the love that she had for the Prince was overbearing, she faced the dilemma of betraying her own country. After much consideration, the Princess decided to destroy the Jamyunggo for Prince Hodong. As soon as they got the signal it was destroyed, the troops of Goguryeo attacked their way into Nakrang. Because the Jamyunggo did not ring, the King of Nakrang was not aware of the attack until the enemy troops reached the palace. When found out that his daughter destroyed the Jamyunggo, he had to kill her because she had committed treason. The King of Nakrang then ended up surrendering to Goguryeo, which led to the fall of Nakrang Kingdom.

Jungle Rhythm

Mickey Mouse wanders into a jungle and comes across several animals, including elephants, monkeys, and lions. A monkey and parrot begin playing a tune on Mickey's accordion, and it turns into a concert for the jungle animals. Mickey dances with a lion, a bear and a pair of monkeys to the tune of Johann Strauss' ''The Blue Danube''. Then two ostriches dance as Mickey plays "Auld Lang Syne" on a makeshift saxophone. Mickey continues with "Aloha 'Oe", "Turkey in the Straw" and "Yankee Doodle", and the animals applaud.

Hell on Devil's Island

In the French Guinea prison known as Devil's Island, the ruthless commandant Bayard savagely beats Paul Rigaud and other convicts. The island's new governor, Renault, is determined to put an end to such brutality.

Efforts by the evil Bayard and his seductive accomplice Suzanne, a cafe owner, fail to keep Rigaud confined and he is released. He meets up with former cellmate Lulu and is approached by Governor Renault, who has discovered Rigaud was a newspaper editor who was imprisoned unjustly for his published opinions. Renault requests that Rigaud help him expose the prison's cruel punishments, with help from the governor's daughter, Giselle.

Suzanne agrees to betray Bayard, only to be stabbed to death by a bartender loyal to the commandant. Justice is ultimately done, however, after which Rigaud and Lulu begin personally tearing down the barriers of the prison.

Summer Lovin' (Modern Family)

Picking up where the last season left off, Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Claire (Julie Bowen) attempt to stop Andy (Adam DeVine) from proposing to Beth (Laura Ashley Samuels). They are too late, and Haley becomes sad and depressed, with Claire taking advantage of the situation by getting closer to Haley with doing things they normally wouldn't do. Phil (Ty Burrell) and Luke (Nolan Gould) try to end Haley's sadness by taking her to a movie, but on the way over Haley meets Dylan (Reid Ewing), leading to them getting back together. In the meantime, Alex (Ariel Winter) is still dating Sanjay Patel (Suraj Partha) but they have decided to end their relationship when going back to school.

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), after being laid off from his old job, goes through a mid-life crisis and starts investing in painting. He becomes more obsessed with the hobby which begins to concern Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) after Cam learns that Mitchell gave Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) a ketchup packet for dinner. This leads Cameron to convince Mitchell's old boss Charlie Bingham (Justin Kirk) to hire Mitchell back in his firm, but when Charlie meets Mitchell, he is so inspired by the painting that he decides to let Mitchell continue.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) decide to look for preschools for Joe, but discovers the long waiting list after picking a high-class preschool. When looking at another school, Jay is not pleased with the low-quality school, but Gloria convinces him to let Joe attend after seeing how much Joe likes it there.

On July 4, after Claire tells Phil about wanting to reveal to Andy that Haley almost stopped the proposal, Andy overhears the conversation accidentally, making him uncertain about the proposal. In September the family gathers at the Dunphy house for a barbecue, and they are shocked about Andy's sudden weight gain in the last two months. Haley confronts Andy about Beth, with Andy refusing to admit his feelings for Haley and decides to stay with Beth. Alex breaks up with Sanjay, and Mitchell shows her how to paint, but goes on a rampage after seeing how much better of a painter Alex is. Jay talks to Mitchell about his mid-life crisis and advises him to go back to work, while Alex gets back together with Sanjay.

The Day Alex Left for College

Alex (Ariel Winter) is ready to start her first day as a college student, and leaves home for Caltech a day early, with only Haley (Sarah Hyland) going with her. While moving in, Alex meets her new roommate, Maisie, who is replacing her original foreign roommate and with whom Alex does not get along with her as she finds her loud and boisterous. The sisters share a tender moment when Haley explains to her that college is a big adjustment, and there is nothing wrong with having a personal cheerleader, making Alex reconsider her decision as she realise that her sister is looking out for her.

Elsewhere, Phil (Ty Burrell) asks Luke (Nolan Gould) to follow him to sell a house that is unsellable. However, Luke is uninterested by the house as he would rather hang out with his friends. Despite the fact that he wants his son to help him to finish the sale, Phil finally agrees to let him go. But that night, Luke asks his dad to help him to build a village for the duck eggs that the pair found on the road earlier that day.

Claire (Julie Bowen) and the Delgado-Pritchetts have to go to Lily’s (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) first soccer game, though no one wants to. While thinking of an excuse, Gloria (Sofía Vergara) suggests that Jay (Ed O'Neill) could be injured and shoots him in the left foot with Manny’s BB gun to make it realistic. When they arrive, Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), who has become the coach, initially believes them until Joe (Jeremy Maguire) spills the beans. Meanwhile, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) helps Mitchell to be a good coach from afar when the referee asks him to leave the game after the couple fought over the rented apartment upstairs. Mitchell temporarily loses his position as coach due to his shaky coaching, but manages to get it back thanks to Cam’s encouragement and Lily wins her game.

At the end of this episode, the family makes a pact to be able to skip a child’s event once a year without consequence, much to Manny's (Rico Rodriguez) disappointment as nobody wants to see his theater performance.

Back from the Dead (film)

A happy vacation along California's rocky coast for a pregnant Mandy Anthony (Peggie Castle), her husband Dick (Arthur Franz) and her sister Kate Hazelton (Marsha Hunt) is ruined when Mandy has a seizure, loses consciousness and miscarries. Worse, when she awakens, she says that she is "Felicia" and calls Dick "Dickens." A stunned Dick tells an uncomprehending Kate that Felicia was his first wife and Dickens was her pet name for him - ''and'' that he's never told Mandy of his first marriage, Dickens or Felicia's death six years earlier!

Felicia demands to visit the Bradleys, an elderly couple whom Dick says that Mandy doesn't know. They're Felicia's parents. She convinces them that she is indeed Felicia, back from the dead. Mrs. Bradley (Helen Wallace) is delighted; Mr. Bradley (James Bell) is horrified. Dick, upset by the reunion, tells Kate that Mrs. Bradley "was a strange, evil woman - Felicia, too" and that he was a fool to not face the truth. Meanwhile, Mr. Bradley says to Mrs. Bradley, "God will punish you for this." Mrs. Bradley contemptuously replies, "You believe in your god. I'll believe in mine."

Dick invites his friends John Mitchell (Don Haggerty) and Molly Prentiss (Evelyn Scott) to the vacation house for cocktails. Afterwards, Felicia tries to gas Kate in her bedroom - Kate survives when Mandy's voice awakens her - then goes outside and kills their dog, Copper, who loved Mandy but hates Felicia.

The next day, Kate is at John's house when neighbor Nancy Cordell (Marianne Stewart) drops by. She casually tells Kate that she and the Bradleys are members of Maître Victor Renall's (Otto Reichow) devil cult, as was Felicia. Kate expresses an interest and Nancy arranges for Kate to meet Renault.

Kate tells Renault that Mrs. Bradley has brought Felicia back. This angers Renault because, he says, Mrs. Bradley went behind his back. After Kate and Nancy leave, Renault gazes lovingly at a photo and murmurs, "Now that you've returned, Felicia, I'll never let you go again." He fails to notice that a jealous Nancy has stayed behind and is watching him.

Mr. Bradley asks Kate to come see him. He tells her that he has left the devil cult and will help her bring Mandy back. But Mrs. Bradley threatens Kate, saying, "There are secret ways of causing pain - pain that will end in death." Kate is quite ill by the time she gets home, but John arrives and his feelings for Kate break Mrs. Bradley's curse.

John tells Kate his secret shame - that he feels responsible for Felicia's death. After a party, he found her hiding in his car. They stopped near the cliffs overlooking the sea and quarreled. Felicia said that she'd kill herself if John didn't submit to her advances. An angry John told her that if she wanted to die, they were in a good place for it. Felicia got out and started backing toward the edge of the cliff. John tried to stop her but she fell to her death on the rocks below.

The Bradley's housekeeper, Agnes (Jeanne Bates), calls Dick in a panic. Dick, Felicia and Kate rush to the Bradley's house, where they find them both dead. Mrs. Bradley had killed Mr. Bradley but then died from a spell cast on her by Renault. Dick and Kate take Felicia home and lock her in her room. But she escapes after convincing Kate that she's really Mandy and then knocking Kate unconscious. Felicia goes to Renault and tells him that they have to act quickly or Mandy will return and reclaim the body they're sharing.

Nancy tells Dick, Kate and John that Renault will sacrifice Molly to keep Felicia alive. They all rush to Renault's to stop him. Dick and John wrestle a knife away from Renault but then Nancy, holding a pistol, yells at them to let Renault go. Nancy leads Renault outside and shoots him. Felicia has a seizure and the others take her home.

When she awakens, she is Mandy again and thinks that she has had an odd dream. Kate says that Mandy must never learn the truth about Felicia, while John asks rhetorically, "Will anyone ever?"

Curve (film)

Mallory is a young bride-to-be on her way to Denver for her wedding rehearsal. She video chats with her sister, Ella, on her way there. Ella tells her that she hasn't bought her plane tickets yet because she wants to make sure Mallory is actually in love and happy with her decision. Mallory responds by telling her she is happy in a fake voice and hangs up. A few minutes later, her car breaks down. She tries calling AAA, but has no service.

While Mallory tries changing her clothes near the back of the car, she spots a man, Christian. She tells him her situation. He gets her car started for her and she starts to drive away but, out of guilt, stops and offers him a ride.

Along the way, he starts acting odd. He talks about how fate brought them together and it was meant to happen like this. He then tells her how she couldn't "deepthroat his huge cock". She stops and tells him to get out but he pulls out a knife and tells her to drive. She notices his seat belt is off and tries to kill him by speeding towards a guardrail near a curve. They crash violently. Mallory wakes up to find the car upside down. She unhooks her seat belt, but can't get out as her leg is pinned in the seat. Christian slowly wakes up and tells her she needs to get herself out of this one and leaves her.

Mallory puts on a hoodie and drinks the last bit of her water bottle. The following morning, Christian comes back and eats and drinks in front of her. He tells her how fate is a funny thing. That night, rats come in and slather around her. She kills one of them and eats a strip of its meat and drinks her own urine. Christian comes back and tells her how he's holding a family hostage. He then gives her a saw. At first, Mallory thinks he gave it to her to cut through the door, but he tells her he doesn't expect it to and how if she doesn't cut off her leg, she's going to die.

That night a huge rainstorm hits and Christian comes to say his goodbyes but she attacks him and throws his car keys outside to where he can't find them. A police car pulls up from the curve and the officer tells Christian he'll give him a ride. He hears Mallory's scream but thinks he's imagining things and drives away with Christian.

As the car starts to flood, Mallory starts trying to cut her leg off, but barely makes a few superficial cuts before her leg comes free due to the assistance of the flood. She goes to the cabin where Christian says he was. She witnesses him killing the police officer and sees that he has killed the homeowners but is keeping their daughter Katie as a hostage. Mallory aims a gun that she found and tells him that she will shoot him if he moves. He attacks Mallory as Katie flees. Mallory struggles with Christian before finally pushing him off of a second-story balcony. He falls and crushes his leg in a bear trap. She limps downstairs and gives him his knife and tells him that she is going to give him the same chance that he gave her. Christian succumbs to his wound and dies. Mallory limps down the road with Katie as the front door slams shut.

Purpose in the Machine

S.H.I.E.L.D. calls in Dr. Andrew Garner to evaluate Joey Gutierrez, a new Inhuman whom Agent Daisy Johnson wishes to add to her potential Secret Warriors team, for which Garner has not yet approved a member other than Johnson. Garner again denies the request, stating that Gutierrez needs time to adjust to his new reality before even being considered for a covert strike force.

Grant Ward, looking to rebuild Hydra, kidnaps the young Alexander Braun, a child of wealth whose ransom could support the now fledgling terrorist organisation. While being interrogated by Ward’s right-hand man Kebo, Braun fights back rather than submitting, and reveals himself to actually be Werner von Strucker, son of the previous Hydra leader. Ward, already having known this, explains that Strucker has proven his own strength beyond his name, and tasks him with infiltrating Garner's psychology class.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lance Hunter tracks down Agent Melinda May, who has been on leave from S.H.I.E.L.D. for six months and is looking after her father, who was injured in a car accident. Hunter hopes that May will help him find and kill Ward, and notes that she suspects that Ward was behind her father’s accident, but May is hiding from her life at S.H.I.E.L.D. and difficulties in her relationships with Garner and S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Phil Coulson. May is eventually convinced by her father that getting back into her S.H.I.E.L.D. life by going with Hunter is the best thing for her, and the two leave to infiltrate the new ranks of Hydra.

Agent Leo Fitz, who has been searching for his partner Jemma Simmons since she was apparently consumed by a Kree Monolith, realizes that the stone is a portal. S.H.I.E.L.D. enlists Asgardian Elliot Randolph, who had investigated the portal centuries earlier when it was used by some English Lords for ritualistic sacrifices. Randolph takes them to the ancient English castle of the lords, where a machine was constructed to open the Monolith using vibrations. When the machine falls apart due to age, Johnson uses her Inhuman abilities to replicate its vibrations, despite the portal causing her physical harm. Fitz enters the portal and finds Simmons on a barren planet, bringing her back as Johnson's power destroys the Monolith. Later, Simmons takes comfort with Fitz after a nightmare of her time on that planet.

Dagashi Kashi

Shikada Dagashi, a countryside shop selling cheap candy and snacks ("''dagashi''") has been run by the Shikada family for nine generations, but Kokonotsu does not want to take over the shop from his father, Yō, instead aiming to become a manga artist. Hotaru Shidare visits the shop one day hoping to recruit Yō to her family's company, the sweets manufacturer Shidare Corporation, but Yō refuses unless Hotaru first can convince Kokonotsu to take over Shikada Dagashi.

Violated Paradise

A Japanese village girl travels to Tokyo in the hope of becoming a geisha. On her way to the city, she sees a village where she is attracted towards a fisherman. There women work as pearl divers (''ama''s). When she reaches the city, she decides against being a geisha and works as a hotel maid instead. In the end, the fisherman reaches the city, marries her and takes her to the village, where she works as a pearl diver.

The Deerslayer (1957 film)

Frontiersman Deerslayer and his Mohican blood brother Chingachgook are attacked by a scout for a Huron war party. Dispatching the Huron, they hear war cries from the river and help white trader Harry March, who is being chased by the war party in canoes. Deerslayer and Chingachgook, cannot understand why the Hurons have gone on the warpath so far west of the white settlements. Harry tells them that he is making for a floating fort moored in the middle of Lake Otsego, on which old Tom Hutter and his two daughters, Judith and Hetty, live. Harry needs the help of Deerslayer and Chingachgook to deliver the girls to safety in Albany. When they arrive at the fort, Deerslayer and Chingachgook offer their help because a band of Hurons is coming down the river, but they are shunned by Tom, who knows why the Hurons are about to attack but is also trying to hide a sinister secret.

Get Thee Out

The film was based on literary works of Sholom Aleichem, Aleksandr Kuprin and Isaac Babel.[ Дмитрий Астрахан: «Евреи не только молятся, иногда они дерутся»]

Jericho (1991 film)

In the 16th century, Santiago, a Dominican friar, is the only survivor of an expedition that set out in search of the mythical South Seas under the direction of the cruel Gazcuña. Thanks to his Christian faith and his missionary ardor, he was integrated among the Caribbean Indians, until, after an incident with the chief of the tribe, he was forced to flee with his wife and son. He is arrested by the Spanish soldiers and accused of heretic, which means Inquisition and torture. But the real secret that the mercenaries want to extract from him is the place where Gazcuña has hidden 30,000 pesos in gold.

The Castaway (film)

Stranded on a lonely raft in the ocean, Mickey Mouse spies an island ahead. He reaches the island with the unwilling help of a local swordfish. Hungry, he shakes a banana tree, and down falls a banana. Then he gets frightened away by a spider. A waterlogged piano is washed up on the shore, and Mickey plays for a trio of dancing seals. A young tiger tries to help by banging on the keys, and Mickey tries to shoo him away. The pair are interrupted by a giant ape, who turns out to be an accomplished pianist himself, but ends up smashing the piano. Mickey tries to fight back, but is intimidated and dances away. He gets chased by a lion, who accidentally jumps into a crocodile's mouth. Mickey finds himself riding on a turtle, which swims away.


After moving to the big city, 11-year-old Joey is turned into a rat by a rat magician (or "Ragician") and sent on a mission to report to Uther, king of the rat kingdom Ravalon. On the way, he inadvertently pulls the legendary Spork, named Ratscalibur, from the legendary Scone, and is hailed as the prophesied hero. Subsequently, he is expected to go on a quest to save the rats from the wicked wizard Salaman, if he is to be restored to his human form.

Mickey's Mechanical Man

Mickey finds out about a new boxing match involving "Kongo the Killer". So what Mickey does is construct a mechanical man, and teaches it how to box while playing piano. Minnie Mouse then comes and honks her car horn, causing the mechanical man to run into a frenzy. The match then begins, and the mechanical man, however, is losing, once felt dazed by Kongo. Kongo is hitting his neck, causing his head to aim toward the ceiling. This continues, until Minnie uses her horn like she did earlier, causing the metal man becomes angry and knocks Kongo to the ground. The Mechanical man is seen beating up Kongo, and Mickey and the other fans happily clap, and Mickey and Minnie kiss successfully as the cartoon ends.

Ghost Diver

When a diver discovers an ancient idol in the sea below some South American cliffs, dive captain Manco Capao cuts his air line and kills him and takes the idol. He sells it to Richard Bristol, host of a television show. Richard, his son Bob, and his secretary Anne fly to South America and begin to explore the island where it was found. They meet the dead man's daughter, Pelu Rico, who shows Anne ruins of a "Paracan temple".

Richard and Bob discover an underwater cave below the ruins and decide to restore the idol to its location in the belief that it will point them to even more treasure. Manco attacks Richard while doing so, but Bob rescues him. Manco escapes, and sure enough the idol points him to more treasure. Manco attempts to kill Bob, but escapes again. Pelu and Bob go night-diving to find the treasure cave. Manco, crazed with a lust for gold, attacks Bob underwater. An earthquake strikes, and the collapsing cliffs kill Manco and seal the treasure cave forever. Bob escapes to the surface and his new-found love, Pelu.

Une époque formidable...

Michel Berthier is a qualified employee in a company specialized in sale of mattresses, until he is laid off. Absolutely wanting to have a child with his wife Juliette, who already has two children from her first marriage, he tells nothing, and quickly finds himself in a situation to leave the family home. After a few misadventures, Michel Berthier meets Crayon, Le Toubib and Mimosa, who will become his unfortunate companions among the homelesses.

Heartbeat (1938 film)

Irénée lives and works in the little grocery shop of his childless uncle, who brought him up, and dreams of becoming a famous and rich film actor with an exotic car. One day a film crew stops in the village and he attempts to interest them in his undiscovered talents. They play along with his obsession, calling him the village idiot or ''schpountz'', and even give him a fake contract. His uncle ridicules his naïvety and the sympathetic Françoise, a member of the team, warns him not to take it seriously. But Irénée withdraws his savings and, taking a train to Paris, arrives at the studio, from which he is repeatedly thrown out. Taking pity on him, Françoise gets him a job as a props assistant.

However the jokers who first ensnared him then use him in another trick to ruin the take of a pompous actor, Galubert, under an even more pompous director. Sending him on to the set results in chaos, but some realise that he is actually funny rather than pitiable and he is given a part. The film is a success, with the public preferring the comedy of Irénée to the grandeur of Galubert. The head of the studio gives him a real contract, which he will not sign until he also gets a Peugeot 601 Éclipse convertible, and on the strength of this he proposes to Françoise. Once married, the two drive down to his uncle's village, where he enters the shop alone in the clothes in which he left, telling his uncle that his dream of fame has proved false and asking to come home again. The uncle is delighted to be proved right, and Irénée then brings in his wife. The uncle is delighted to have someone else to work in the shop, until Irénée tells him to look at the car outside and so reveals the truth.

All the Way (film)

Lyndon Baines Johnson becomes President of the United States after the John F. Kennedy assassination, assisted and advised by his wife Lady Bird. Johnson enters the White House but soon must work on the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Martin Luther King Jr. pressures Johnson to pass the bill without amendments that would defang it; Southern Democrats such as Richard Russell Jr. of Georgia oppose the bill so much that they may abandon the Democratic Party if the bill passes, and Republicans and Democrats on the fence offer amendments opposed by the liberals and the Civil Rights activists. At the same time, Johnson wants to declare a War on Poverty. The Gulf of Tonkin incident causes Johnson to ask Congress for a resolution endorsing a reprisal against North Vietnam, wary of being outflanked on the issue by the Republicans.

After successful passage of the Civil Rights Act over a filibuster, Johnson contends for election against Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election. This is complicated by the Freedom Summer movement and pulls between the northern liberal wing and Southern Dixiecrat wing of the Democratic Party. Johnson assigns J. Edgar Hoover to investigate the murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner in Mississippi. The state of Mississippi also sends two delegations to the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City: the "normal" delegation from the Dixiecrat wing, which threatened to walk out on Johnson, and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a renegade wing supported by the Civil Rights Movement, but vehemently opposed by other Southerners. Johnson, in a bid to save the South, offers the MFDP a compromise that satisfies neither side; the Mississippi delegation walks out, and the MFDP is unhappy with the two at-large delegates offered to them.

Johnson hits Goldwater hard in the election, portraying him as a dangerous fanatic who will destroy the world, but is worried. Johnson's aide and friend Walter Jenkins is arrested for "disorderly conduct" after he is found in a tryst with another man in a public restroom; Johnson has an uncomfortable conversation with Hoover on how this fact slipped by security screening. Martin Luther King wins the Nobel Peace Prize; Hoover, still distrusting King, sends him an insulting, anonymous letter demanding King commit suicide, which is ignored. Johnson wins the election conclusively, but the Democratic Party loses the states of the Deep South.

Hints of the Vietnam War, the Great Society programs against poverty, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the continuing loss of the South to the Republicans are given at the end.

Young and Dangerous (1957 film)

Rosemary Clinton's parents are displeased by her interest in a boy, Tommy Price, who, although a doctor's son, has a reputation as a juvenile delinquent.

Making a bet with his friends that Rosemary will grant him her favors, Tommy chases her under a pier and is arrested by police. His disappointed parents must bail Tommy out of jail, while the Clintons forbid their daughter from seeing the boy again.

Rosemary and Tommy date without their parents knowing it. She appeals to his better nature, persuading Tommy to go to college and perhaps become a doctor like his dad. But after a bully called Rock picks a fight with him, Tommy ends up bloodied. Then he and Rosemary are caught together by her father, who slaps her. Rosemary runs away, but Tommy convinces her that no one can keep them apart.

Nimue (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

Middlemist flowers are scattered in the forest.

Event chronology

The first Camelot flashback about Merlin take place 1,000 years before Arthur becomes king in "The Broken Kingdom" and the rest of Camelot flashbacks about Merlin take place 500 years later, before "Dreamcatcher" and 533 years before Emma comes to Camelot in "The Dark Swan". The Enchanted Forest flashbacks with Merlin and Nimue at the site of the Flame of Prometheus take place before the scene with Zoso and the Apprentice in "The Apprentice". The Enchanted Forest events take place after "The Bear and the Bow". The Storybrooke events take place after "The Bear and the Bow".

In the Characters' Past

1,000 years before "the Age of Arthur" (approximately 1,033 years before the Present Day), Merlin and a friend, Adda, were deserters from an army and were trekking through a desert, desperate for water. Merlin saw a light and ran after it, revealed to be the Holy Grail, on top of a stone. Thinking that it was sacred, Merlin initially refuses to touch it, but his friend, Abbas, disregards his warnings and decides to drink from it anyway. When his friend grabbed it, he turned to ashes. Merlin then grabbed the grail after praying to God for permission, and was able to drink from it. When he put his hand down, he realized he had magic. The desert was no more — only lush greenery and forests. 500 years later, Merlin is at a village healing people, where his apprentice informs him of a woman who escaped a burning village. Merlin meets the woman, who introduces herself as Nimue. She wants revenge on Vortigan, the masked man responsible. She also had Middlemist flowers to offer, as their survival will guarantee a form of revenge. Merlin agrees to help her and places the seeds in a planter, and he uses his magic to grow them instantly. Over the course of the next several months, they fall in love, and Merlin reveals the truth about the Grail and how he acquired magic. He expresses a wish to reforge the grail into a sword that can destroy his immortality, so that he can live a normal mortal life with Nimue as his wife. However, as they start their quest, it turns out that Vortigan has been watching them.

Nimue takes Merlin to her burnt village, Oxleigh, where they learn that Vortigan has been after the Holy Grail. They trek to the Flame of Prometheus, where Merlin uses a portion of the flame to reforge the Grail into Excalibur. Vortigan followed them in his quest for the Grail, and when he sees Excalibur, he attacks Nimue, apparently killing her, before taking Excalibur for himself. Merlin believes Nimue to be dead, and is racked by grief as Vortigan turns to him. Unexpectedly, at this point, a healthy Nimue rips out Vortigan's heart and reveals that she had drunk from the Holy Grail, desiring power and immortality like Merlin's, and thirsty for vengeance against Vortigan. Despite Merlin's pleas and warning, Nimue crushes Vortigan's heart, killing him. This allows the darkness from within Vortigan's heart to infect her, transforming Nimue into the very first "Dark One". The Promethean Flame is extinguished to an ember, and Nimue goes on to shatter Excalibur into two pieces, in order to prevent Merlin from ending the immortality of both of them. Then, Nimue apologizes to him for her actions, but Merlin says no, that he is the one who is sorry.

In the Enchanted Forest and Camelot

Three weeks before the Present, Hook thinks that Merlin is not helping Emma at all, as Hook sees her making Dreamcatchers instead of sleeping now (she cannot sleep and is making dreamcatchers instead; Dark Ones do not need sleep). But Merlin tells Hook that he is doing his best to help her, as he knows what it means to lose a loved one to the Dark One. Merlin tells the residents they need to acquire Excalibur from Arthur, while he takes Emma with him to the site of the Promethean Flame to acquire the spark needed to reunite Excalibur's halves. Before they go on their mission, Hook gives Emma a necklace with a ring as reminder of their love, and as a keepsake. As Emma embarks on this quest, Merlin tells her that the quest will force her to choose between the light and darkness, which could have dire consequences for the two of them. As they reached the ruins of Oxleigh, the site of the Flame, Merlin had brought the dagger with him and gives it to Emma, in order for her to summon the oldest and darkest of the Dark Ones to obtain the Spark. As Emma looked into the dagger, its display rolls back the names of the previous Dark Ones, until they saw Nimue, who appeared to them, as she was the original Dark One. Then Nimue attacks Merlin through Emma. Nimue forces Emma's hand to choke Merlin's throat, with Nimue telling her to finish him off. Nimue urges Emma to kill Merlin, telling her that Merlin wants to destroy them and make her go back to being powerless, while Merlin counters by telling Emma to fight the darkness and to "let the light win." However, Emma fights it off by telling Nimue, "I’m not nothing! I was never nothing! The power you have I don’t need!" Then, she uses the Dagger to scroll back to her name, giving her control of Nimue, before removing the Promethean Spark from Nimue's chest. However, Nimue warns Emma that it isn't over yet, that the reforged Excalibur "has more than one purpose," and adds that she is still inside her head, before disappearing.

Meanwhile, the residents are coming up with plans to get into the castle and steal Excalibur, but Zelena already knew a way in, having studied the place, on the condition that her powers were restored. As Regina, Hook, David, and Robin sneak their way into the castle, Regina asked Mary Margaret to watch Zelena, with her cuff still on. At the same time, Arthur had other plans for the residents, as he showed Guinevere a potion that melts anything that it touches. It also turns out that Zelena had double crossed her fellow Storybrookers by tricking Mary Margaret with fake contractions, before knocking her out and tying her up. When they reached the Round Table, Regina freezes Arthur, and they are ready to take the sword from Arthur, only to discover that Zelena was working with Arthur and tethered Merlin to Excalibur, which now bears an inscription of his name. (This spell introduced Dark Magic into Merlin's body.) Despite David's pleas, Arthur uses the sword to summon Merlin. As Merlin and Emma are returning to Camelot, Emma discovers that Merlin is missing, even as he appears in front of Arthur. Arthur forces Merlin to disarm the others, but Merlin informs him that Emma had passed her test, and that he had what he needed to unite Excalibur. However, Arthur refuses to give Merlin the sword, in hopes of obtaining more glory, before ordering Merlin to make the "intruders" disappear.

In Storybrooke

In the basement, Emma has both the dagger and the sword, as the manifestations of both Rumplstiltskin, Nimue, and previous Dark Ones appear. She then uses the Promethean Spark she took from Nimue and fuses the dagger and the Excalibur fragment together, making the sword whole once again. Despite remembering Merlin's warning not to touch Excalibur, Emma gives in to the temptation from Nimue and the other Dark One manifestations to "take the power," and she takes control of the sword, cementing her title as the most powerful Dark One ever.

My Struggle (The X-Files)

The episode opens with a monologue by Fox Mulder detailing alien-related events in history, leading up to his partnership with Dana Scully and their investigations into the X-Files. The subsequent scene takes place in 1947, when an unnamed doctor is escorted by a Man in Black via bus to the site of a crashed spacecraft in the New Mexico desert. After viewing the wreck in amazement, the doctor finds a trail of blood leading to a wounded being, ostensibly an alien, crawling away from the scene. Despite the doctor's pleas, soldiers shoot and kill the alien.

Moving to the present day, fourteen years after the closure of the X-Files, Mulder is contacted by Scully at the behest of FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner, who wants him to meet a right-wing online webcaster named Tad O'Malley. Mulder and Scully reunite in Washington, D.C., where they are picked up by O'Malley in his limousine and driven to a remote farmhouse in Low Moor, Virginia. Inside, they meet a young woman named Sveta, who claims to have fragmented memories of having her fetuses stolen from her during alien abductions and to possess alien DNA, which Scully agrees to examine. O'Malley takes Mulder to a secret location where a triangular aircraft built from alien technology is being housed. The craft is referred to as an "ARV", or Alien Replica Vehicle.

During her medical examination, Sveta makes several astute observations which allude to Scully's strained relationship with Mulder, making Scully uncomfortable. When the test results on Sveta's blood come back, Scully immediately orders the sample re-tested. Meanwhile, Mulder meets with the now-aged doctor from the New Mexico crash site, a man he has known for 10 years. Mulder offers the doctor a new theory based on the "ARV", Sveta's memories and past hints from the doctor: Mulder now believes that Colonization and the alien invasion were all an elaborate hoax to distract.

Instead, Mulder thinks it was a "conspiracy of men" who have used extraterrestrial technology on human parties for decades, and these events were subsequently made to look like alien abductions. Mulder outlines a global conspiracy involving the hoarding and testing of alien technology which will be utilized at some future point to stage an attack on America and eventually take over the world. The doctor refers to Mulder's previous belief in Colonization as "nonsense" and says that Mulder is now close to the truth, but refuses to disclose the purpose behind the abductions and the tests on human subjects.

Following these revelations, Mulder shares his theory with Scully that the conspiracy is a group armed with alien technology attempting to subvert democracy and assume power over the world. Before O'Malley can go public with his claims, his website is shut down, the "ARV" craft is destroyed and its scientists are killed by heavily armed men dressed in military uniforms, and a UFO intercepts Sveta while she is driving, she attempts to escape but is killed when her car is destroyed in an explosion. Mulder and Scully meet in a dark parking garage and Scully reveals that Sveta's re-tested DNA sample confirms that she does in fact possess extraterrestrial DNA; a test Scully has performed on herself has revealed that she does as well. Mulder states that Sveta is the key to exposing the conspiracy and those responsible. They then receive an urgent summons from Skinner requesting them to meet him.

The episode ends revealing the Cigarette Smoking Man alive in the present day, receiving word via telephone that the X-Files have been re-opened.

Home Again (The X-Files)

Mulder and Scully are sent to investigate the murder of a city official, which it seems no human could have committed. At the crime scene, Scully receives a phone call from her older brother Bill, in Germany, telling her that their mother had a heart attack, causing her to leave and visit her. At the hospital, she again receives another call from her older brother asking for his mother's condition, and also learns that her mother had changed her living will, stating not to attempt resuscitation if she is unconscious or on life support. Mulder then meets Scully, who tells him that her mother had asked for Charlie before falling into coma and had changed her living will without consulting. Shortly afterwards, her mother is extubated and Scully receives a phone call from her younger brother, Charlie, who talks to their mother on speaker. Upon hearing Charlie's voice, her mother suddenly opens her eyes and then holds Mulder's hands and says "my son is named William, too", dying shortly afterwards.

Back at their investigation, Mulder and Scully then track down a mysterious creature known as the Band-Aid Nose Man. He is a force of destruction — ripping bodies apart — but the cause of the rage is complicated. The creature is the inadvertent creation of a street artist named Trashman, who drew the image of a defender of the homeless. Trashman claims the Band-Aid Nose Man is a "thought form". Meanwhile, Scully has flashbacks about her and Mulder's child, William, who was given up for adoption for his protection.

After identifying city official Landry as the last victim, Scully, Mulder and the Trashman head to Franklin Hospital to prevent him from being killed by the Band-Aid Nose Man. There, Landry starts smelling a very unpleasant odour and goes to an off-limits corridor, where he is confronted by the creature. He tries to flee, and in doing so, he enters a room where he is attacked by the creature. Seconds later, the agents and the Trashman arrive in the room, only to find Landry's dismembered body and no signs of the creature, prompting Scully to question how the creature left the room, given there is only one exit door and Landry's shouts were heard a few seconds ago.

The episode ends with Mulder and Scully at a beach talking about Scully's interpretation of her mother's dying words, where she tells Mulder that her mother had asked for her brother, despite him being out of her mother's life, because her mother was responsible for him, as they, Mulder and Scully, are for their son, William.

Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster

When a dead body is found with its throat ripped open in the woods outside Shawan, Oregon, Dana Scully and Fox Mulder are called in to investigate whether it was an animal attack, a serial killer or just maybe a strange creature as described by eyewitnesses. Mulder continues to question his faith in the unexplained as he attempts to gather proof of the existence of the new creature he and Scully investigate before jumping to conclusions. During an inspection of a truck stop, Mulder, Scully, and an animal control officer named Pasha (Kumail Nanjiani) seemingly encounter the creature.

Eventually, evidence starts to coalesce, and Mulder begins to suspect that an individual named Guy Mann (Rhys Darby) is actually a murderous were-monster, capable of transforming into a lizard person. After confronting Mann, his suspicions are proven only half correct: Mann is not a man who turns into a lizard person, but rather a lizard person who turns into a human. Mann apparently became a shape-shifter after being bitten by a human some days before and laments the existential hopelessness of human life, full sentience, and modern society. In the end, it is revealed that Pasha was the true killer, and that Mann was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Upon learning this, Mulder rushes to tell Mann, who quickly brushes off the news. He informs Mulder that he will be going into a 10,000 year hibernation, but that he was glad to have met Mulder. Then, before Mulder's eyes, Mann turns back into his original lizard person form and scampers off into the night. Mulder thus witnesses a paranormal happening, and his faith is renewed.

Babylon (The X-Files)

In Texas, a young Muslim man prays and goes about his daily routine. After driving to a motel to meet a friend, they then head over to an art gallery called Ziggurat for an art opening, which is later revealed to have been showcasing controversial depictions of Muhammad considered offensive to Muslims. Prior to leaving the car, they hold hands and say a prayer and then walk into the gallery, which shortly thereafter explodes. One of the men, now presumed to be a suicide bomber along with his friend, survives but is incapacitated in a vegetative state. Meanwhile, other bombers are shown to be planning another attack.

Back in Washington, D.C., Mulder and Scully meet Agents Miller and Einstein, both younger counterparts to the agents (believer and skeptic) but Miller is more extreme. While Agents Miller and Einstein leave to solve the bombing in Texas, Mulder asks Einstein (instead of Scully due to her recent loss) to meet up with him while Scully meets Miller in Texas.

Mulder and Einstein's relationship starts off rocky due to Einstein's extreme skepticism. Scully and Miller get along well but clash with bigoted Homeland Security agents who try to silence him. The agents try to find a way to communicate with the vegetative bomber. Miller, who had worked with the FBI in Iraq, tries to speak with him in Arabic, while Scully checks his EEG for any subconscious reaction.

Arriving in Texas, Mulder comes up with an idea to communicate with the comatose bomber. Einstein gives Mulder psilocybin mushrooms, making Mulder high. He wanders into a rodeo themed bar where he dances and passes out after seeing The Lone Gunmen amongst the crowd. In his dreams Mulder is on a ship being beaten by the Cigarette Smoking Man. He sees the comatose man in his mother's arms. He speaks to Mulder in Arabic.

Mulder wakes up in a hospital and is scolded by Skinner. Einstein reveals that she had given Mulder a placebo, despite Mulder's objections considering his powerful and profound experience. Mulder later spots the bomber's mother hoping her presence would wake him up. However, the man dies. Agent Miller asks Mulder about his dreams, after trying to remember Mulder says, "''Babil al funduq''" which turns out to be the name of the hotel where the other bombers are hiding, Babylon Hotel. FBI SWAT agents arrive at the hotel and capture the bombers.

Mulder later questions human nature and their beliefs, but then hears a loud sound of trumpets, suggesting it is the voice of God.

Founder's Mutation

At the headquarters of Nugenics Technology, researcher Dr. Sanjay arrives at work in a troubled state, hearing a mysterious high-pitched noise in his head. At a staff meeting, the noise becomes so overwhelming that he flees and locks himself inside a server room, where he begins frantically deleting data. Desperate to stop the noise, he shoves a letter opener through his eardrum and into his brain, killing himself. Before doing so, he writes something on the palm of his left hand.

With the X-Files now re-opened by the FBI, reinstated agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are dispatched to investigate the incident. Receiving little cooperation from Nugenics, Mulder steals Sanjay's mobile phone and contacts the last person he called. At a Washington bar, he meets a man named Gupta, Sanjay's secret lover. Gupta tells Mulder that Sanjay had expressed concern that his "kids" were dying. Meanwhile, Scully performs Sanjay's autopsy and finds the words "founder's mutation" written on his left palm – a reference to Nugenics' reclusive owner, Dr. Augustus Goldman, known to employees as "The Founder". Upon searching Sanjay's apartment in Dupont Circle, the agents discover several photographs of horribly disfigured children. Police arrive, and Mulder suddenly becomes overwhelmed by the high-pitched noise which afflicted Sanjay. The sound somehow conveys the message "find her" to Mulder.

Upon presenting their findings to Assistant Director Walter Skinner, Mulder and Scully are told that the case has been closed in order to placate the Department of Defense, which has ties to Goldman and Nugenics. Privately, however, he tells the agents to continue. Observing footage of birds which flocked near the Nugenics building at the time of Sanjay's death, Mulder thinks that the noise is a frequency normally unheard by humans. Citing Nugenics' reluctance to assist in the investigation, the agents visit the hospital where Scully works in order to find Goldman, who happens to be one of the hospital's biggest donors. They are approached by a young woman named Agnes, who expresses a desire to leave and claims her unborn child is abnormal. Outside, Mulder and Scully discuss the possibility that Goldman is experimenting on pregnant women for The Project, and reminisce about their son William, who remains in hiding. Later, Scully has a fantasy about living with William, shown as a teenager going to school, having an accident, and having alien, lizard-like black eyes.

The agents receive approval to meet Goldman, who purports to conduct research on children suffering from debilitating genetic conditions. During a tour of his facility, they witness a confrontation in which one of his patients causes objects to move on their own. Soon afterward, they learn that Agnes has been struck and killed by a car, with her fetus mysteriously missing. The agents next question Goldman's wife Jackie, who has been confined to an insane asylum and claims her husband is keeping her there against her will. She recalls an incident in which her young daughter fell into a swimming pool and was thought to have drowned after spending ten minutes submerged. Jumping into the water, Jackie was shocked to find her daughter instead breathing normally underwater. Realizing that Goldman experimented on her while pregnant, she fled but wrecked her car. Under attack by the noise – her unborn child's attempt to communicate with her telepathically – Jackie cut her uterus open with a kitchen knife; the baby escaped and was presumed dead.

Using security footage, Mulder and Scully discover that a Nugenics janitor working one floor directly beneath Sanjay reacted strangely at the precise moment of his suicide. They drive to the remote home of the janitor, Kyle Gilligan, and are confronted by his adoptive mother. Mulder is once again incapacitated by the noise. Noticing a nearby flock of birds, Scully quickly locates Kyle, forces him to stop, and takes him in to custody. Kyle reveals that he killed Sanjay unintentionally and demands to meet his sister, who is one of Goldman's test subjects. Kyle is taken to Goldman's lab, where he is presented with a girl who Goldman claims to be his sister. However, Kyle quickly realizes that the girl is a decoy and not his actual sister, and he runs down the corridor where he encounters the irate patient from earlier – his real sister, Molly. After speaking to each other telepathically, the siblings use their abilities to repel the agents. Utilizing the noise, they kill Goldman and flee the Nugenics building.

My Struggle II

Six weeks after the events of "My Struggle", Scully arrives at FBI headquarters to find that Mulder has disappeared after watching an excerpt from Tad O'Malley's online news broadcast (which had been revived). As Scully informs Skinner and Einstein of Mulder's absence, Mulder attempts to leave Washington—visibly unwell and badly bruised.

Back in Washington, D.C., Scully receives a phone call from O'Malley, who has arrived at Mulder's house for a pre-arranged meeting and found signs of a struggle. O'Malley explains that he suspects that alien DNA has been injected into every American citizen in order to facilitate the widespread outbreak of the Spartan Virus. Designed to strip humans of their immune systems, this contagion quickly manifests itself nationwide, with Scully and Einstein noting a sharp increase in the number of patients admitted to hospitals and triage centers.

Miller finds a phone-tracking app on Mulder's computer, notes his position in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and leaves Washington in order to track him down, while Einstein questions Scully's medical theories. Scully, accepting that Einstein may be correct, receives a phone-call from former X-Files agent Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish), who asks to meet, claiming that she knows how to develop a vaccine.

During their meeting, Reyes reveals that, shortly after the closure of the X-Files, she was contacted by the badly injured Cigarette Smoking Man, who had survived the confrontation in New Mexico. Cigarette Smoking Man offers to secure both Scully and Reyes a place among the designated survivors of the end-times, in exchange for Reyes' assistance in the colonization effort. Reyes departs the FBI shortly thereafter, and is absent when Scully "looks her up" in 2015. Reyes also reveals that she has spent the past twelve years assisting Cigarette Smoking Man, but intending to halt the invasion from within the Syndicate.

Scully and Einstein attempt to develop a vaccine using Scully's DNA. Scully realizes that she is being protected from the contagion by a combination of the alien genomes that remained after she was abducted and experimented on, and the DNA anomalies instilled within her at the request of Reyes. It is the absence of alien DNA that makes everybody else susceptible. Mulder, meanwhile, approaches Cigarette Smoking Man, who offers him a chance to survive the outbreak. Mulder declines, and is found by Miller, who returns him to Washington with the hope of finding a cure.

O'Malley tells the nation that a friend, a doctor, has informed him of the existence of a vaccine.

After administering a vaccine to Einstein, Scully travels to Mulder and Miller's location, finding them at the 14th Street Bridge. She realizes that Mulder is too badly ill to survive without a stem cell transplant. When Miller asks how this will be possible, Scully replies that William, their son, will have to be the donor. While Scully and Miller discuss Mulder's prognosis, Mulder begins to succumb to the virus. Suddenly, a beam of light shines down onto Miller, Scully, and Mulder, and a triangle-shaped UFO slowly descends and hovers above them.

The episode ends with Scully looking at the lights of the spacecraft, shining down directly onto her and her partners.

Midnight (1989 film)

The sultry midnight, late-night horror movie hostess, has the highest rated show on TV. Mr. B is scheming to steal the rights to the show. The tug of war begins and soon escalates into a deadly conflict.

Shok (film)

The film starts by scenes in present-day Kosovo, in which the adult Petrit (Kushtrim Sheremeti) finds an old bicycle like Oki's in the middle of the road.

The story shifts back during the 1990s war in Kosovo and centers on two young boys, Petrit (Lum Veseli) and Oki (Andi Bajgora). At the start of the film, the two ride on Oki's new bicycle to see a group of Serbian soldiers, to whom Petrit gives several slips of paper for rolling cigarettes. The soldiers' leader, Dragan (Eshref Durmishi), pays Petrit for the papers, and Petrit splits the money with Oki. Oki stays the night with Petrit's family, and Petrit asks him about making another delivery the following day. Oki is at first reluctant, thinking the soldiers cannot be trusted; but Petrit assures him he is safe, showing him a pistol he keeps hidden away. He also says he will soon be able to buy his own bicycle with the money he is earning, and Oki agrees to help him again.

The boys arrive at the soldiers' hideout, first a soldier (Fisnik Ademi) asks them for what are they here and Petrit says to see Dragan, where Petrit brings Dragan more paper slips; but as they leave, one of the other soldiers demands Oki's bicycle, intending to give it to his nephew. At Petrit's insistence, Oki complies; but he later berates Petrit for cooperating with the soldiers, calling him a traitor. Oki does not speak to Petrit for several days, despite the latter's apologies, until a bus they are on is stopped by the soldiers. The boys and several others are removed from the bus and searched; and when a soldier finds Albanian schoolbooks in Oki's backpack, Petrit claims they are his. In response, Dragan hits Petrit in the stomach with the butt of his rifle.

Oki comes by later to thank Petrit, and the two reconcile. Oki again spends the night at Petrit's, but the house is invaded by soldiers the following morning. Petrit and his family are led outside and lined up along the wall, while Oki remains hidden inside. As a soldier threatens Petrit at gunpoint, Oki appears, pointing Petrit's pistol at the soldier. The soldier takes the pistol, which he finds is not loaded, and throws Oki in line with Petrit's family. Another soldier then orders them all to leave the town and not look back, or else they will be killed. As Petrit's family, Oki, and several other residents walk out of town carrying their possessions, they see a young boy riding Oki's bicycle. Oki looks back at him as he passes and is shot through the head and killed by one of the soldiers. Petrit who is splattered with Oki's blood keeps walking with his family

The film switches to the adult Petrit. He rides off on the bicycle and eventually reaches the now-empty town, looking out on it forlornly as the film ends in that scene.

The Five Cents of Lavarede (1939 film)

In order to claim an inheritance, a young man must travel all the way around the world with only five centime in his pocket.

Battle of the Sexes (2017 film)

In 1970, Billie Jean King and Gladys Heldman confront Jack Kramer, who has organized a tennis tournament where the top prize for women is one-eighth of the men's prize, despite equal ticket sales. King and Heldman threaten to start their own tour but Kramer won't alter the terms, citing the inferiority of women's tennis. When Billie Jean, Julie Heldman, Valerie Ziegenfuss, Judy Dalton, Kristy Pigeon, Peaches Bartkowicz, Kerry Melville Reid, Nancy Richey, and Rosie Casals sign on as the “Original 9” players of what becomes the WTA Tour, Kramer bans them from tournaments organized by the US Lawn Tennis Association.

While the women's tour struggles during its early days, Billie Jean begins an affair with Marilyn Barnett, her hairdresser, threatening her marriage to Larry King. Meanwhile, Bobby Riggs' marriage to the wealthy Priscilla Whelan is in trouble because of his addiction to gambling. Thrown out of his house when he can't conceal a Rolls Royce he won in a tennis bet, he hits upon the idea of a challenge match against the top woman player, boasting that even at age 55 he can beat any woman.

The women's tour has slowly gained a stronger foothold, with the Women's Tennis Association formed in 1973. Riggs continues to pressure King to play him. Eventually, Riggs persuades Margaret Court, who recently overtook King to gain the World No. 1 ranking, to play a match in May 1973. Riggs easily defeats Court and King decides she has to accept his challenge, but demands a final say as to the arrangements. King trains intensely, while Riggs relaxes. King objects to Kramer as a game announcer, threatening to not play unless he withdraws, which he does. After a slow start, King wins the match changing the future of women's tennis. The film ends with a written epilogue that King eventually divorced her husband and had a long-term same-sex relationship while Riggs reunited with his wife.

Jake the Brick

Finn wanders all over Ooo until he manages to locate Jake, who is fulfilling a bizarre lifelong ambition of being a brick inside a shack as it collapses. Finn expresses his support, but decides to head back to the Tree Fort. He leaves a walkie talkie with Jake. After a period of time passes, Jake begins absentmindedly narrating the events around him. Finn and BMO are drawn into Jake's storytelling, and Finn uses Starchy's radio station to broadcast Jake's narration.

Jake focuses his attention on the trials and tribulations of a rabbit. First, the rabbit is tormented by a rogue deer. Then, a storm threatens to destroy his home. But luckily, the rabbit enlists the aid of a friendly sea lard and several beavers, and together, the animals are able to rebuild the rabbit's home. While Jake narrates, the entirety of Ooo tunes into the broadcast and becomes engrossed in the tale of the rabbit, unbeknownst to Jake.


A cute young girl, Akane formerly lived in the countryside with her grandfather, but decides to return home to Tokyo and go to a prestigious school. However, coming from the country has its downfalls and Akane soon realizes that she doesn't fit in with the snobby rich kids at school. Nonetheless, she finds a friend in a delinquent kid named Hidemaro. He is consistently the victim of bullying and Akane begins to stand up for him. At school, the pair find a dog which they ironically name Chibi despite its great stature. Akane, Hidemaro, and Chibi begin their zany, comedic misadventures.

'''Opening Theme:'''

"Akane-chan Song" by Minori Matsushima

'''Ending Theme:'''

"Hidebaro Song" by Kazue Takahashi

James Bond 007: Serpent's Tooth

Part I: Introduction

Several years ago, unusual incidents have taken place to the matters of national security when a woman mysteriously went missing in Peru, several scientists went abducted, and the occurrence of manslaughter on a British soil in the Arctic, with a whole ice station of naval maintenance were assassinated, as well as their submarine sabotaged by an unknown group of mercenaries, whose primary plan was to steal all the six nuclear missiles within, which they succeed in.

In present day, while on holiday in Switzerland, James Bond is contacted by M for an urgent assignment to take right after disabling the widow of a downed KGB assassin. Upon his arrival in London, Bond learns that the British Secret Service has lost an operative, Agent 009 in Peru who was investigating the notable submarine incident a few years back. Bond is immediately sent to Peru to meet his contact, Enrique Cruzado, who sends one of his own operatives, Sunny Vasquez, to collect him from the airport. During the driveway to Cruzado's compound, Bond and Sunny are chased by an unknown assailant who unsuccessfully try to eliminate them, mainly aiming for Sunny herself since she and her superior, Cruzado were also the local contacts for 009 when he was on the case.

After they are safely delivered to the compound, Bond is informed by Cruzado that 009 was investigating a corporation called Paradiso Industries, which he suspected it was a front for a biomedical research specializing in genetics, headed by a North American mogul named Indigo. Posing as a Scottish biogeneticist, Derek Pentecost, Bond confronts Indigo at a casino off the shores of Lima he runs and beats him at a game of baccarat, only to capture the mogul's interest who insists to get to know the man who cleaned him out better. Bond, as the supposedly Dr. Pentecost, convinces Indigo to hire him, unveiling he is 'stationed in the same field work', which the latter accepts and arranges a meeting for him the next day.

The following night during an intimate conversation, Sunny briefs Bond about Indigo's background, stating that he carries a rare blood disorder which mimics coldbloodedness, requiring thermal control of a hermetic environment, all caused by a failed experiment. According to theories, the experiment itself merged reptilian chromosomes into his blood, leading him to believe that he is The Great Serpent.

In the next morning, Bond travels to Paradiso Industries to the meeting he's been drawn to and encounters strange-looking twins in white shape, Kane and Abel, who escort him into a trap room, unbeknownst to 007, for a brainwash. As the operation commenced, a loud voice lent by Indigo himself attempted to convert Bond's mind into full obedient subhuman, which he survives, tricking his way out, he escapes, heading to the vault to steal a few envelopes and documents concerning the secrets of the corporation, along with a blood sample in his pocket. After bursting through several corridors and dodging bullets in a firefight, Bond escapes the building and is driven away by Sunny who arrives right on time.

In the aftermath of the incident, Indigo decides to pack up and move out of the place before his sinister operation is fully exposed. Going through his experimental materials he caged in a hidden sector, it was revealed he has resurrected an animalistic race that became extinct: A dinosaur.

Part II: Blood in Eden

Back in the compound, Bond, Cruzado and Sunny analyze the documents the former stole from Indigo's vaults, which appear to be charts and close up maps on the Ancash Region with circulated targets stamped on selected villages, where several kidnappings of girl children have taken place at, which the villagers claim it was the works of local superstitious figures called Hupias, faceless ghostly vampires of sorts, and Chupas, a strange light in the night sky. Cruzado mockingly dismisses the belief as the locals' version of UFO. 007, without wasting a moment, opts to investigate the entire region, after Major Boothroyd equips him with a few gadgets and a weapon-laden speedboat to ride on the Santa River.

Before departing to surveillance, Bond is contacted by M who tells him that the blood sample he acquired from Paradiso Industries is to that of the vials of 009 himself, injected with unusual chromosomes, much to the shock of everyone. Already highlighted as a threat, Indigo's corporation is demanded to be shut down in immediate action. Meanwhile, back in a hidden lair, Indigo puts his plans into test, only to reveal that he is planning to flood the earth by causing massive sea-quakes, terminate the entire human race and form a new world thereafter, becoming its ruler.

Bond and Sunny head to the Ancash Region to keep an eye out for potential kidnappings. In the middle of the night, a flying saucer, very much in resemblance of an extraterrestrial's UFO, emerges from nowhere. Another local girl, who believes she is chased by a "Chupa" is abducted, and surprisingly enough, Sunny is gone, as well. 007 attempts to fight the saucer by opening fire at it, and is shot at in return, merely making an escape in his speedboat, unsuccessful to apprehend the assailant.

The next few hours has Bond remaining awake with the company of his cigarettes, waiting for the flying saucer to appear, again. On guard, his expectation is fulfilled when he spots one and gives it a chase over the river with the speedboat, only to be confronted by rival gunmen on their own vehicle of the same sorts. After eliminating everyone in sight, using all the weapons attached to the machinery, as well as destroying a saucer in the process, Bond's speedboat is hovered down the waterfalls and destroyed. But, he was able to leap over in time and land to safety with the aid of a parachute. Through the radio transmitter he carried, he contacts Cruzado to prepare his commandos for an assault mission.

The quest afoot, thriving into the jungles, Bond finds a secret entrance to Indigo's lair which is hidden behind the ruins of an Inca temple. Exploring the path inside to the lair, 007 infiltrates "an isle" which is custom made by the hands of man, which Indigo has named "Eden". The center of Eden was a remote island, ordered by Indigo to submerge, covered with solid treads around to protect the diving land against the push of the water's thick waves. In the meantime, Bond comes across animals who were supposed to have gone extinct with the death of the stone age, only to be surprised by an abrupt attacking dinosaur, which, after exhausting efforts, he defeated.

Sneaking deeper inside, Bond discovers that many of the Quinto girls kidnapped years ago from the Ancash villages are located there, and one of them he recognizes as Laya Rio, whom he briefly met as Indigo's travelling companion back at the casino. They are protected inside an electric fence, orchestrating a plan to breach it.

Part III: Mass Extinction

Indigo sends Kane to cross the outer yard of the fence to tranquilize the dinosaur, assuming it killed the intruder, and cage the animal to neutralize the threat to the other rare creations of The Great Serpent. Bond surprises Kane in an instant drop on a speeding topless jeep, and kills the henchman in a struggling fistfight, taking advantage from the circumstances that allowed the fence to have its gates open and delve deep into it. He tracks down and approaches Laya, informing him of Indigo's motivations, but the latter finds it hard to believe that Indigo is an arachist and believes he has created her and all the other girls he kidnapped, willing to disrupt the world from evil. Bond convinces her that she has been tricked and none of the stories are true and that Indigo seeks nothing but world domination for himself.

Convinced, Laya, by Bond's demand, takes him to the central heart of the computers that control the entire isle of Eden, only to be surprised by Indigo who shows up with armed troops and Kane's twin brother or clone to presume, Abel. Indigo orders the capture of them both but slits the throat of the girl, calling her "ungrateful child," leaving Bond heavily disturbed by the motion. Furthermore, he demonstrates his entire plan of a new world order, seeing himself as a god, flooding the Earth in its entirely, starting with the two American continents. The stolen nuclear missiles years ago were specifically reserved to fire at strategically sensitive places in the world to cause quakes. He orders Abel to lock up Bond and strips him entirely from his weapons.

Managing to provide distraction on the right time, while on a bridge with a large water tank underneath, Bond engages in a hand-to-hand combat with Abel, wrestling, with both ultimately falling down to the water. In result, Abel is captured by a giant octopus as a prey and killed, while Bond makes his way out of the pool, only to be captured by gunmen, again and properly escorted to prison. He is, however, surprised to find out that Sunny is still alive and had broken free, taking out the guards once she was out of the cells. Encouraged, Bond teams up with Sunny to go after Indigo and stop the countdown of the missiles launch, killing as many troops as they can see in the process, while from outside, due to a signal Bond's wristwatch has sent, Cruzado's commandos attack the gunships that escorted Eden from above, taking over the forces for themselves against the isle.

Indigo makes an escape to the main control room, calling in an experiment he transformed from a human body to a giant beast that resembled a neanderthal to kill Bond and Sunny, much to Bond's shock, who identifies the experimented creature as 009. The latter hesitates to take the shot once he also recognizes Bond as a friend and an ally, only to be stabbed in the back by Indigo for being "disobedient". Enraged, 007 races after him, and both of them are caught in an intensive fistfight, while Sunny tries to stop the countdown. At last but not the least, Bond manages to drain the life out of Indigo by sending him across the skull of a dinosaur, whose sharp teeth penetrate the victim's body and kill him for good. Bond ironically calls the scenery "Serpent's Tooth".

With the gunships destroying, sinking down into the water, they all head the treads and cause a flood through a broken glass into Eden that is underneath. Bond and Sunny head to the launch-tubes to escape the place before it is too late, freeing all the abducted Quinto girls and scientists on the way. While Sunny keeps her presence around them, Bond finds a scuba gear and dives into the spreading water to open the tube hatches as well as take control of Indigo's personal escape pod, a small submarine. Before he could reach it, he fights the giant squid from earlier and by the skin of his teeth, defeats the creature. On the last leg of the moment, Bond delivers the submarine in time for the rescue of Sunny and the others, as they manage to evacuate the pod in time.

They were expected out there by a victorious Cruzado and his men, helping up all the girls and the scientists. Leaving Cruzado confused, Bond kidnaps the submarine for himself with Sunny as his companion to enjoy a rather romantic moment they share.

Ride a Violent Mile

A stranger in town, Jeff Donner, intervenes when dancehall girl Susan Crowley is accosted by two men. He then discovers a man's mortally wounded body, listens to his last words, then is arrested for murder by Thorne, the new marshal.

Susan helps him get away and confides to Donner that she is actually a Union Army undercover operative. She says the dead man was to deliver a coded message to her, but was killed while she was being roughed up by the two cowboys. Donner repeats what the man said, which Susan is to pass along to a Cavalry officer. A man named Norman murders the officer and pretends to be him, then takes Susan captive.

Donner, discovering that the man's coded message involves a Confederate plot to rustle cattle and seize advantageous land, confronts Thorne, who's in league with the rebels. He is successful and rescues Susan as well.

Descendants: Wicked World

After Ben's coronation in ''Descendants'', the villain kids Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay settle in at being good while their villainous parents are still roaming the Isle of the Lost. The story goes deeper at the arrival of new villain kids, Freddie (Dr. Facilier's daughter), CJ (Captain Hook's daughter) and Zevon (Yzma's son).

Mikosch of the Secret Service

Ferdinand Mikosch and Otto Schummrich, like the young Susi Lindinger, Ferdinand's girlfriend, belong to Max Sperling's small theater group. Ferdinand is always jealous of Susi and soon she has enough of it: she refuses to perform, and Max’s friend Fanny, who is actually responsible for the kitchen, jumps in spontaneously and annoys the audience with her singing. When the three dancers named “Praterelfen” drop out because Max has not paid them a fee for a long time, everything is over: Ferdinand, Otto and Max jump in and there is rioting. In the end there is the demolition of the theater by the angry audience. Susi in turn quits. This pleases the Rittmeister Gustl von Schöndorn, who recruits Susi as an agent: The Austrian Gustl, together with the Prussian Major Claus Dieter Graf Schnackewitz and the Russian Colonel Fedor Fedorowitsch Ganiew, have been commissioned by the Austrian chief of the Wedel secret service, their respective rulers for the historic three to protect the Emperor's meeting in Ischl. Gustl distrusts Ganiew and Susi is supposed to secretly shadow the colonel. She wins his trust as a maid and is taken to Ischl after some time.

In the meantime, Gustl and his superior Colonel Ferdinand von Weißenburg-Schwarzeneck are developing an emergency plan, which they call the “Mikosch Plan”. For this three men are necessary and so Ferdinand, Otto and Max are brought to Ischl, where they are supposed to give a guest appearance. Instead, the three let themselves be seduced by the barrack's charms and voluntarily join the regiment. Here they meet Susi, but also Fanny, who is now cooking for the regiment. Not knowing that they are part of a larger plan, they let the soldier Wokurka torment him for days. Only when they want to escape secretly does Gustl initiate them into his plan. They should play their part in the security of the three heads of state. First, however, they climb up to waiters.

Wokurka has the three men thrown into the barrack prison when he meets them again. However, the three flee to their wives. Max, however, who has fallen in love with the barrack doctor, hides in her treatment room. So he gets to know how the doctor talks to Ganiew and both discuss their plan to kill the heads of state in more detail. The doctor hands Ganiew a bomb, which is built into an alarm clock and should only explode shortly after the alarm clock rings. Max tells the others about the plan and the bomb, which in turn hears Ganiew. He secretly exchanges the alarm clock so that Susi brings the wrong alarm clock to the others. The attempt to bring the alarm clock back to Ganiew fails: Susi is captured by Ganiew and the doctor. Ferdinand, Otto and Max examine further alarm clocks, but Ganiew has long since brought the original back into his possession. Only now is the “Mikosch plan” coming into force. Ferdinand, Otto and Max dress up as the three heads of state and appear at a reception. Ganiew activates the bomb, but it does no more damage. Ganiew and the doctor are arrested and Susi, who was under her control, can be released unharmed.

The Go-Between (2015 film)

Leo, an elderly man, is travelling back to the place where he spent the summer of 1900 as the guest of a much wealthier school friend, Marcus Maudsley. On his journey he recalls the events surrounding his original visit, during which he had celebrated his thirteenth birthday and also become besotted with his friend’s older sister Marian, whose family strongly hoped that she would marry the local landowner, Viscount Trimingham.

During Leo’s stay, Marcus had become unwell and, with nothing else to do, Leo had been persuaded to carry secret messages between Marian and a local tenant farmer, Ted Burgess. Initially unaware of the implication of their messages, Leo started to realise their significance shortly before becoming caught up in a sequence of events that he could not control, and barely comprehended at the time. As an older man, everything that happened that summer – the memories of which he has suppressed ever since – become clearer. At the end of his journey, the older Leo sees both Marian and her estranged grandson; Marian persuades him to act as a go-between one last time.

Blood Arrow

Bess Johnson, newly arrived in a Mormon settlement in Wyoming Territory, is having difficulty getting a shipment of smallpox vaccine delivered. In her way are Little Otter, a chief of the Blackfeet who wishes death to all whites in the territory, and Brill, a gambler who is interested in both Bess and a secret gold mine the Mormons might be hiding.

Dan Kree, a gunfighter, happens by on his way to Oregon and gives aid to Bess, who in turn saves him from a lethal snake bite. The mine turns out to be real, but Little Otter is killed and Dan gets the better of Brill. He leaves, but tells Bess he could be back.

Seven Times Lucky

When a veteran grafter (Pollak) loses $10,000 of his boss's money at the track, his talented young protégé (Balaban) devises a risky scheme to get it back. A low-budget film noir set in the underbelly of Winnipeg with plenty of twists and turns, ''7 Times Lucky'' spins a fairly clichéd yarn with some sharp dialogue. The film's cast also includes Jonas Chernick, Babz Chula and Gordon Tootoosis.

Thundering Jets

At the United States Edwards Air Force Base Flight Test School, instructor wartime veteran, Capt. Steve Morley (Rex Reason) resents "playing nursemaid to a bunch of glory jockeys." The new class includes Kurt Weber (Giuseppe Addobbati), who flew for Germany during World War II; Maj. Mike Geron (Buck Class); show-off Capt. Murphy (Lee Farr); Lt. Jimmy Erskine (Robert Dix) and Lt. Bob Kiley (Robert Conrad).

Steve meets his sweetheart, Susan Blair (Audrey Dalton), a secretary for Lt. Col. Spalding (Dick Fora). Dissatisfied with his role, his pupils continue to have problems as he tries to stress that discipline is important. Both Susan and Steve's fellow flight instructors caution him that he is too harsh. Asking again for a transfer, Steve is denied.

On a training mission the next day, Murphy flies dangerously and is expelled for his irresponsible behaviour. Fellow students, are certain that Steve is to blame. Later Steve takes Mike up, but the engine flames out and Mike passes out. Steve seizes the controls and lands the aircraft safely, saving them both and the aircraft. Finally, his students accept Steve, realizing he is just trying to help them achieve their goal of becoming test pilots.

Machine Gun Molly (film)

Monique Sparvieri, oldest daughter to an impoverished Montreal family vows to find a way out of the ghetto which she calls home. After the abandonment of Michael, the love of her life, Monique finds herself alone yet again, once her second husband, Gaston, is sentenced to ten months in prison. While other girls her age were still fantasizing about their Prince Charming, and being married off into a better life, Monique took matters into her own hands. Her and her new love, Gerald Simard, plan a series of bank robberies to help them alleviate their current financial stress. Infatuated by love and success, Monique is fearless in her pursuit of crime, as she tirelessly ensures her children do not experience the same miserable upbringing as she once did.

A Shot in the Dark (Family Guy)

Peter brings the Griffin family couch outside so that he, Quagmire, Cleveland, and Joe take advantage of it to do their drinking. But when it is stolen (when it was really just mistaken for trash), they decide to form a neighborhood watch. Peter manages to get the guys guns to use; when he spots a shadowy figure trying to get into Cleveland's house via the window, he shoots him in the arm, only to discover that he is Cleveland Jr.

At the hospital, Peter meets the Browns to apologize, but Cleveland and Donna refuse and call him a racist; Cleveland Jr. explains that he didn't hear Peter approaching due to listening to music on a headset and that he was using the window to avoid letting out too much air conditioning through the front door. Although Joe explains that the police have deemed the shooting an accident, an angry Cleveland refuses to have anything further to do with Peter. Later at the Drunken Clam, Peter, Quagmire, and Joe see Cleveland on Tom Tucker's show, where he is trying to convince the Quahog residents that Peter's actions were a hate crime. The town starts acting angrily towards the Griffins, so Peter sets out to prove that he isn't racist. He tries to take Cleveland a drink and cigars, but his clumsiness results in Cleveland's house catching on fire, and as a crowd gathers, Peter's screams for the family to get out of the burning house are misconstrued as threats. An angry crowd later forms outside of the Griffins' house, where Joe and his fellow police officers are forced to arrest Peter on orders of his supervisors to pacify the black community.

While incarcerated, Peter is visited by his father-in-law Carter, who offers his help in bailing him out as well as providing a distraction for the community with the help of his lawyer. In court, the lawyer uses lyrics from Jay-Z's "Threat" and Cleveland Jr's. last name being the same as Chris Brown's to suggest that Cleveland Jr. is a criminal, despite Peter's objections. Following the trial, in which Peter is found innocent, an outraged Cleveland confronts Peter and declares that their friendship is over.

As the mob turns on Cleveland and his family outside of their home, Peter intercedes and admits to shooting Cleveland Jr., stating that he didn't do it because of the color of his skin, but due to him being scared and doing something stupid, and he should be held accountable for his actions. As Joe once again attempts to arrest Peter, Cleveland, touched by Peter finally taking responsibility for his actions and falsely claims to have shot Cleveland Jr. himself, causing the crowd to flee in disinterest in black-on-black crime. He admits that he realizes Peter only shot Cleveland Jr. due to his stupidity, not by being racist and finally forgives him, to which then Peter apologizes to Cleveland Jr. However, Peter is left in shock after Cleveland Jr. threatens him, claims he is joking, then immediately returns to an aggressive tone to suggest that he may not be before happily saying bye and skipping away.

Mary Poppins Returns

The scene is set in London, during the Great Depression. Michael Banks lives in his childhood home with his three children, John, Annabel and Georgie, after the death of his wife, Kate, a year earlier. Michael has taken a loan from his employer, the Fidelity Fiduciary Bank, and is three months behind on payments. Wilkins, the bank's corrupt new chairman, sends associates to warn him that his house will be repossessed if the loan is not repaid in full by Friday. Michael and his sister Jane recall that their father left them shares in the bank that should cover the loan, and they search the house for the share certificate. During the search, Michael finds his childhood kite and disposes of it.

The children visit a local park and Georgie, who has found the kite, flies it. Mary Poppins descends from the sky with the kite in her hand. She takes the children home and announces that she will take charge of them as their nanny. She draws a bath for the three children, leading to underwater adventures ("Can You Imagine That?").

Michael visits the bank seeking proof of his shares, but Wilkins denies that there are any records before covertly destroying the page from the official ledger. Annabel and John decide to sell their mother's 'priceless' bowl to pay off the debt. Georgie tries to stop them, and the bowl becomes damaged while the three fight over it. Jack, a lamplighter, greets Mary Poppins and joins her and the children on a trip into the scene decorating the bowl. During their visit to the Royal Doulton Music Hall ("A Cover is Not the Book"), Georgie is kidnapped by a talking wolf, weasel, and badger that are repossessing their belongings, and Annabel and John set out to rescue him. They do so successfully, fall off the edge of the bowl, and wake in their beds. Realizing they are hurting after the loss of their mother, Mary sings them a lullaby ("The Place Where Lost Things Go").

The children visit Mary Poppins's cousin Topsy, hoping to get the bowl mended ("Turning Turtle") and learn that it has little monetary value. They take Michael's briefcase to him at the bank, where they overhear Wilkins discussing the planned repossession of their house. Believing that he and his associates are the same animal gang who kidnapped him, Georgie interrupts the meeting. Michael is angry with the children for putting the house and his job at risk. Mary Poppins takes the children home, guided by Jack and his fellow lamplighters who teach the children their rhyming slang ("Trip A Little Light Fantastic"). The children comfort a despairing Michael, and the four reconcile.

As midnight on Friday approaches, the Bankses prepare to move out of their house. While examining his old kite, Michael discovers that Georgie had used the missing share certificate to mend it. Jane and Michael rush to the bank while Mary Poppins and the children go with Jack and the lamplighters to Big Ben to 'turn back time'. After scaling the clock tower, they turn the clock back five minutes, giving Jane and Michael just enough time to reach the bank. Wilkins, however, will not accept the certificate as part of it is still missing. Wilkins's elderly uncle and the bank's previous chairman, Mr. Dawes Jr., arrives and sacks Wilkins on the spot for his corrupt business practices. He reveals that Michael has plenty of assets to cover the loan, namely the judiciously invested tuppence he had deposited with the bank many years earlier.

The next day, the Bankses visit the park, where a fair is in full swing. They purchase balloons that carry them into the air, where they are joined by Jack and many others ("Nowhere to Go but Up"). On their return home, Mary Poppins announces that it is time for her to leave. Jane and Michael thank her as her umbrella carries her back up into the sky and away.

Showdown at Boot Hill

An unusual western plot that is character driven and reaches beyond right/wrong morality, requiring its male and female leads to develop and act on introspection. Bronson portrays a Marshall who has turned bounty hunter explicitly as a reaction to his being "short" and unable to command the allegiance of those he is to protect. His beliefs and lifestyle are challenged by Doc played by John Carradine who sees something of his younger self in this angry man with a gun. Also driving the psychological elements of the film is the Marshall's growing attachment to Jill (Carole Mathews) and her daughter Sally (Fintan Meyler).

The War Bride

In 1941, during World War II, Lily meets Charlie, a Canadian soldier in a bar. They meet during a dance that Lily is attending with her friend Sophie. They quickly fall in love and get married. Lily finds out she's pregnant just as Charlie is being shipped off and has the baby alone in London. She and her friend Sophie, who has also married a French Canadian soldier named Louie (Benjamin Boyd), get shipped off of to Canada under the War Brides program. Lily and her daughter arrive at Charlie's childhood home to find his surly mother, handicapped sister and a home on a remote farm. Charlie's mother and sister Sylvia don't take too kindly to Lily as she appears to be a fast woman from the big city. Lily tries really hard to win over her mother-in-law and sister-in-law with little success. There is also Peggy, who was Charlie's ex-girlfriend who resents Lily's presence as well. Sophie comes to visit Lily and realizes that her living arrangements are less than favorable. She notices the open hostility from Charlie's mother and Sylvia and is the recipient of it as well. Sophie's husband is rich, so she arrives in a hired car wearing a fur coat an obvious sign of her wealth. This does not settle well with Charlie's mom or Sylvia. Sophie offers to take Lily to Montreal so that she can be in a better environment. Lily refuses and says that while she hates being there most days, she will tough it out.

Peggy's brother Joe is the object of Sylvia's affection but she is hesitant in her relationship with him because she is self-conscious about her leg brace, which is a result of polio as a child. Joe seems a little enamored with Lily. Lily attempts to show Sylvia how to dance and shows her some dance steps. Lily invites Peggy, Joe and their mother to dinner one night and proceeds to show Joe some dance moves. Sylvia watches on jealously and later on tells Lily that she is a slut. Lily takes the baby and flees in the middle of the night to Joe's house, asking him to take her to the train station. He proceeds to kiss her passionately and Lily responds and then stops him, reminding him that she is married. Unbeknownst to them, Peggy is watching from her bedroom window and sees their passionate embrace. Lily returns home with her daughter.

Shortly after, Charlie returns home unannounced from the war. Lily is excited to see him but notices that he is withdrawn and emotionally detached. Sylvia and Joe have started a relationship. Joe, Peggy and their mother come over for dinner and while the two couples are dancing, Peggy reveals that she saw Joe and Lily kissing that night. Charlie lunges at Joe in a fit of rage and asks Lily if she was just using him to get out of London.

Sophie comes by and announces that she is going back to London because her husband was killed in the war. Lily asked Charlie how Lou was doing when he first got back and Charlie did not tell her that Lou had been captured and killed during the war.

Joe and Sylvia fall in love and embark on a relationship. The movie ends with Lily and Charlie sitting a top the water shed kissing and it is clear that they are feeling the love they felt when they first met.

An Involuntary Spy

The novel is the story of Seth Rogan, a biologist for Germinat, the fictional biotech company, which, in the novel, is the largest one in the world. Rogan was comfortable in his job until, while working on a project for the company's genetically engineered (GMO) foods, he uncovered secret reports that had been hidden from the public by the company and the government. He is charged with espionage, and flees to Russia, which he determines is the only safe place from where he can tell his story.

Where My Country Gone?

Kyle is unwillingly honored at the White House by Barack Obama for his acceptance of Caitlyn Jenner (in the previous episode). His reward is to be driven back home by Jenner, who runs over a pedestrian while leaving the White House (in reference to Jenner's real life collision ).

Mr. Garrison observes that many Canadians have entered the United States illegally, placing many Canadian students in South Park Elementary. When he reacts intolerantly to a group of them disrupting his class, PC Principal forces the entire faculty to take "Canadian-language" night classes to better help their Canadian students. Garrison reacts to this by composing a song, "Where My Country Gone?" lamenting how illegal immigration has ruined his country. He uses the song to rally the townspeople to his cause. When Garrison interrupts a school presentation on Canadian history he is fired, stirring tension between American and Canadian students. Cartman and his friends decide that the only way to bring peace is to encourage a romantic relationship between the factions: they appoint Butters to ask out a Canadian girl.

Garrison gets the entire town behind his proposal to literally "fuck the Canadians to death", then build a wall to prevent further illegal immigration from Canada. However, it is discovered that Canada has already built an immense border wall of its own, to (according to a Canada border guard) prevent Americans from raping Canadian women and preserve Canada's "cool shit". To find out what "cool shit" they are hiding, Garrison sneaks into Canada by going over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

Meanwhile, Butters begins dating a Canadian girl named Charlotte. The two find themselves falling in love. At dinner with her family, he learns that they and other Canadians left Canada unwillingly. Charlotte's father explains that during the last Canadian election there was a brash candidate (a parody of Donald Trump and his positions on immigration ) that said outrageous things without offering realistic solutions to problems. Everyone thought it was funny, and thus did not take him seriously as a candidate. He was elected, to their chagrin, because they let the joke go on for too long and neglected to vote against him. After dinner, Butters reveals his romantic feelings for Charlotte, who reciprocates.

Barely surviving his jaunt across the border, Garrison finds that Canada has become a deserted wasteland and heads to the President's office. There, a physical altercation ensues between the two, which ends when Garrison gains the upper hand and rapes the Canadian President to death. Upon hearing the news that the Canadian President is dead, the emigrants - including Charlotte's family - return to Canada. Back in the United States, Garrison attributes the "win" to his policy. Kyle starts to point out that the conflict actually stemmed from such hostile policies but suddenly goes silent because "no one wants another speech". Garrison tells the people of South Park that he will join the 2016 campaign for President of the United States with his running mate, Caitlyn Jenner. The two leave for Washington in a car driven by Jenner, who immediately runs over another pedestrian.

You Call It Passion

Do Ra-hee (Park Bo-young) enters Dongmyung, a newspaper company, as an intern in the entertainment section. She soon discovers the dirty and hidden aspects of the journalism industry and learns the passion and enthusiasm of the press. She has to make non-existing news by corroborating stories. Her first assignment as an official journalist is to do a write up of a sexual assault scandal involving an upcoming young actor, Woo Ji-han (Yoon Kyun-sang), of a film studio JS. From her investigation of the new evidence of the scandal given to her for the write up, she found the evidence to be fabricated. So she told her boss, Ha Jae-kwan (Jung Jae-young) she is not going to do the write up. Her boss did the write up and post the scandalous article on their website. Later, from Seon-woo's (Bae Sung-woo) her ex-mentor suggestion she do a write up exposing the fabricated evidence used against the actor. The company refuses to use the write up. So, Ra-hee's colleagues assisted by posting the write up in the internet using public computers. This results in the arrest and prosecution of the film studio manager Jang (Jin Kyung) for corruption. The actor thanked her for clearing his name of the scandal. The movie ends with Ra-hee rushing out of the airport terminal where she send off her boyfriend Seo-jin (Ryu Deok-hwan) after receiving a tip off of a potential entertainment scoop.

Gang War (1958 film)

A Los Angeles high-school teacher's problems begin when he happens to witness a gangland killing and agrees to identify the murderers. Not realizing this will cause the underworld to retaliate "big time".

Fran Bow

Set in 1944, the game tells the story of Fran, a ten-year-old girl struggling with mental illness after witnessing the murder of her parents. She is then found alone in the woods and admitted to Oswald Asylum, separating Fran from her black cat and only friend, Mr. Midnight. Under the care of psychiatrist Dr. Marcel Deern, Fran is administered pills. The pills cause vivid hallucinations of a phantasmagoric parallel universe, filling Oswald Asylum with smears of blood, mysterious messages, grisly torture, human subject research in psychiatry and neurology, and otherworldly shadow beings. Driven to escape her imprisonment, find her cat, and return home, Fran escapes and flees into a nocturnal forest in which she encounters ghostly nature spirits. Fran then finds herself and Mr. Midnight trapped together in a haunted house that belongs to conjoined twins named Clara and Mia Buhalmet. Fran eventually escapes and attempts to cross a bridge of roots, which frays and collapses. She awakens to discover that she has been transformed into a tree in a brighter world called Ithersta, a land where vegetables, insects, pine cones, and roots live in harmony. There she meets Palontras who helps her return home. After departing Ithersta, Fran meets Itward, a giant skeletal creature. She discovers that it was Itward who had helped her in her search for Mr. Midnight. Itward tries to take Fran back home in his flying machine.

The flying machine crashes, however, and Fran Bow and Itward are seperated. Fran awakens near her home where she is taken away by Dr. Deern. After visiting Frans parents grave, Remor, a demonic creature that has pursued Fran throughout the game, captures them. She is trapped in a hell-like dimension, ruled by Remor's mother, Mabuka. It is revealed Frans aunt Grace and Dr. Oswald, who experimented on Grace and Frans mother, had Remor possess Fran to murder her parents believing Frans suffering is key to his experiment. After Oswald shoots her, Itward and Palontras come to save Fran, killing Grace and Oswald. After being revived, Fran, Mr. Midnight, Itward, and Palontras fly away with Fran resolving to be happy.

Throughout the game, Fran and other characters grapple with psychological trauma, survive the abuse of parents and doctors, and learn what it means to live amongst many types of beings and spirits.

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom

This documentary follows the 2013–2014 Maidan Uprising, in Kyiv, via a chronological approach to key events via historic footage and testimonies of two dozen protesters. The first events narrated are the expected EU-Ukraine trade agreement being promised as a way to elevate Ukraine's future, but this agreement is suddenly discarded in favor of one with Russia. Pro-Europe citizens organize protests and occupations, centered on and around Kyiv's Maidan square. After 4 months, the standoff between the government, its forces, and increasingly organized and dedicated protesters escalate into barricades, violent skirmishes, brutal repression, and deadly shootings by police on protesters. With the latest bloody and gruesome killings of protesters in February 2014, protest leaders vow to take down the government by force the following day. Ukraine's pro-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych flew to Russia in the early hours opening the way to new elections and a new Ukraine looking toward Europe.

Walnuts & Rain

While wandering in the woods, Finn and Jake fall down two separate holes. Finn lands in the Kingdom of Huge, where he is greeted by its sovereign, King Huge. The king lavishes Finn with food and asks that he stay and watch the chiming of his cuckoo clock. However, it soon becomes apparent that King Huge is insane; he demands that Finn remain and watch every time the clock chimes the hour. Meanwhile, Jake lands on the barge of a bear named Seven. According to Seven, the barge has been falling for years, and he warns Jake not to try and escape, lest he die.

Eventually, Finn has enough, and knocks the king's clock from the wall. It crashes into the kingdom's huge stove, knocking over a pot of water. The water puts out the fire, which causes the warm updraft going into the chimney to cease; this updraft was actually holding Seven's barge in stasis all of this time. The barge comes crashing down into the kingdom, and Jake uses his stretching powers to save Finn. Thence, Finn, Jake, and Seven escape.

Desert Hell

After an ambush by an Arab tribe, two surviving French Legionnaires return to their fort. One of them, Capt. Edwards, is assigned a new patrol and a mission to alert another fort that an attack may be imminent. The other, Sgt. Major Benet, remains behind. Edwards' situation is further complicated when he catches his wife, Celie, in the arms of a lieutenant, Forbes.

Forbes catches up to the patrol to inform Edwards that the mission has been called off. Edwards disobeys orders and rides on, Forbes joining him in what he calls a suicide mission. A pair of privates, Bergstrom and Hoffstetter, desert the patrol. They are ambushed and Bergstrom is killed. A scout, Kufra, is captured and tortured as well.

In another attack, five Legionnaires are killed and Edwards is mortally wounded. He places Forbes in command. Almost making it back safely, Forbes, too, is seriously wounded and expires as Sgt. Major Benet drags him back to the fort.

Entirely Beloved

In December 1529, following Cardinal Thomas Wolsey's departure as Lord Chancellor, Thomas Cromwell gains favor from King Henry VIII and is sworn into the king's Privy Council.

Anna Regina (Wolf Hall)

In 1531, King Henry VIII pushes his cause of marrying Anne Boleyn by proposing a bill that would make him, and not the Pope, the head of the Church in England. Thomas Cromwell's influence in the king's affairs continues to grow, but he seeks more power.

93 Days

On 20 July 2014, Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American diplomat, arrives in Lagos, Nigeria. He is immediately taken to First Consultants Medical Center after suffering from worsening symptoms. One of his accompanying physicians, Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh, is concerned that he may have Ebola, even though Sawyer denies the suggestion; nevertheless, she decides to quarantine Sawyer and asks her staff to exercise caution when tending to him.

The next afternoon, the test results are returned, and Sawyer is confirmed to have Ebola. Word travels quickly that there is a potential first case Ebola patient in Lagos, and soon news organizations around the world start broadcasting the news. Nigeria immediately begins preparations for an Ebola epidemic.

Dr. Adadevoh meets with Dr. Wasiu Gbadamosi, who is in charge of the Yaba infectious facility, and Dr. David Brett-Major from the World Health Organization. She finds the Yasu facility is under-equipped to handle Ebola patients. On July 25, the physicians discover that Sawyer has died. The First Consultants Medical Center begins enhanced precautions and monitors its staff for Ebola signs and symptoms.

The story centers on the sacrifices made by men and women who risked their lives to make sure the Ebola virus was contained, before it becomes an epidemic.

Orlean (film)

The small town of Orlean, located on the shores of the salt lake in the Altai steppe. In the hospital room where after yet another abortion the local beauty Lidka lies, appears a strange gentleman who identifies himself as Pavlyuchek, executioner. His questions drive Lidka to hysterics and she runs for help to her friend surgeon Rudik. In a changed appearance the clerk appears in the apartment of Rudik, where lies his paralyzed father in a bad condition.

The Sad Horse

Polio-stricken 10-year-old boy Jackie Connors stays at his grandfather Captain Connors' horse farm while his father Bart goes away on a honeymoon with Sheila, his new wife. Jackie and his dog Hansel become acquainted with a woman named Leslie MacDonald and her thoroughbred North Wind, who hasn't seemed the same since the death of a dog that had been the horse's steady companion.

The unhappy Leslie is seeking a divorce from husband Bill and sees the child's Hansel as a replacement for the horse's dog. Jackie resists and she bribes Captain Connors with a $5,000 trust fund for the boy. Jackie and the dog head off to the hills, looking for a rumored buried treasure that could keep his grandfather from needing the woman's money. A mountain lion menaces the boy, who is saved in the nick of time.

Leslie and Bill reconcile. Bart returns and persuades Jackie that giving up the dog would be a grand gesture, and he agrees.

Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys

Ted Jargenson, a city maintenance employee, is checking on a remote roadside pipe when he's attacked and killed by several hungry lampreys. Roughly a week later, Michael Parker, his wife Cate, daughter Nicole and son Kyle move to the small lakeside town for the summer, as Michael is tasked with controlling the lamprey population in Lake Charlevoix. Meeting the local fish and wildlife department, consisting of Will, Rich, and Marcy, Michael learns that these lampreys are particularly hungry and seem to be feeding aggressively on the fish population, effectively destroying it. The mayor, Bruce Akerman, demands that Michael fix the problem within a day so that no tourist revenue is lost to the town.

Soon, the lampreys begin feeding on people, first attacking Rich when he sets out on the lake to try to get a lamprey count. His body is found and brought to the morgue where lampreys burst from his chest cavity and kill the coroner, before they escape into the pipes and infiltrate the water system. Despite this, Mayor Akerman still refuses to shut down the lake and Michael talks to the press himself. When Mayor Akerman sees this, he gets Michael fired by calling a favor in with Michael's boss.

Meanwhile, Michael and Cate's flirtatious summer neighbor Ellen invites her pool boy Alex over to clean her pool. She intends to seduce him by surprising him in the pool when he gets there. Alex has coincidentally started a summer fling with Nicole and invites her with him to Ellen's house, having been told that Ellen will be out running errands. After arriving, the two discover Ellen's body in the pool being devoured by lampreys. Cate hears their screams and runs next door and call the police. An officer arrives and he's promptly eaten by the lampreys in the pool, which allows Cate, Nicole, and Alex to escape.

The lampreys attack the town en masse, through pipes and any water sources outside. Cate and Nicole go to rescue young Kyle (who went to the beach earlier as lampreys begin attacking) while Alex goes to check on his own family. Mayor Ackerman is also killed during this time by a lamprey that enters his body as he sits on the toilet. Will convinces Michael to help him despite being fired and they witness Marcy being attacked and killed by lampreys. They plan to shut down the main water system before the lampreys can escape into Lake Michigan and discover several dead throughout town including the mayor.

They encounter Cate and Nicole, who are busy trying to rescue Kyle from an attic storage area where he's barricaded himself. They succeed once Alex shows up with a ladder and everyone is able to escape the town. They resolve to use the bio salts from the dead lamprey's livers to lure the live ones to the main water plant where they can electrocute them. They eventually succeed in their plan of electrocuting all the lampreys at the main power plant but Will is lost to the lampreys. As the town cleans up and Michael and his family leave, having seemingly solved the crisis, a lamprey attacks a member of the cleanup crew.

Celia (2015 TV series)

''Celia'' tells the story of one of the legends of Latin music and her major international career: Celia Cruz. We know the beginnings of her passion for singing in Cuba starting in 1950, and her recognition as the most decisive singer of La Sonora Matancera. Leaving Cuba with her future husband Pedro Knight, a trumpeter with La Sonora Matancera, the series follows her departure from Cuba to Mexico soon after the Castro revolution took control of the island in 1959. The series then showcases her subsequent move to New York City, and follows her early days there, and then how her career conquered markets in other languages as she became one of the most recognized Salsa singers of all time. She honored the musical genre with her signature phrase "Azucar" (Sugar). The series showcases her love and longing for her Cuban country, always hoping that a positive change would come during her lifetime. Celia Cruz has become an invaluable legacy in the world in which she was renowned internationally as the "Queen of Salsa", "La Guarachera de Cuba", as well as "The Queen of Latin Music."

Conman in Tokyo

Hong Kong's gambling champion Cool (Louis Koo) was once boundlessly glorious, specializing in a card-flying stunt that reputed the gambling world. In Asia, only Japan's Tetsuo (Yasuaki Kurata) is considered a worthy opponent to Cool. Cool is bent on defeating Tetsuo to become Asia's number one. To gain this title, Cool works hard to improve his gambling skills, but was framed by his god-brother Yeung Kwong (Ben Lam), who tricks Cool's girlfriend, Karen (Athena Chu), and marries her. Cool rushes into the wedding hall and falls into Yeung's trap. Karen sees through Yeung's scheme and while protecting Cool, she gets shot and becomes a vegetable as a result. However, since Karen is legally married to Yeung, Cool is unable take her away back to Hong Kong and Cool retires from the gambling world and opens a Chinese restaurant in Japan and everyday, Cool will secretly take a look at the unconscious Karen.

Several years later, an agile triad punk named Jersy (Nick Cheung) appears in Mongkok. Jersy idolizes Cool and always wanted to become the latter's disciple. His wish is never able to come true until one day, after he won a gambling match during a tour in Japan with his girlfriend, Banana (Christy Chung). When in Japan, Jersy happens to walk into Cool's restaurant where gangsters were causing trouble. Cool and Jersy work together to get rid of the gangsters and Jersy discovers Cool's identity and they become friends.

At the same time, Tetsuo is bent on battling Cool to prove that he is Asia's number one. However, Cool, who has no intention of re-entering the gambling world, rejects Tetsuo. Desperate for Tetsuo to battle Cool to execute his scheme, Yeung hires Karen's younger twin sister (Athena Chu) from America to lure Cool, and plans to kill them during their battle. Desperate, Cool breaks his vow and engages in a century battle against Tetsuo.

The Aethra Chronicles

The small kingdom of Celystra was prosperous under its old king, "Korros the Wise". The prince, Lythare, has ascended to the throne and his wife has given birth to a child on his coronation day. However, two days later this newborn infant disappears, presumed kidnapped. Lythare blames the kingdom's Champion Knight-Paladin, as well as several members of the court for failing to protect the child, and imprisons them in the dungeon. The Champion's son, knowing that his father must not have deserved imprisonment, sets out on a quest to find the baby with his two companions.


Joyjatra takes place during the liberation war of Bangladesh. Many people from various villages and ethnic backgrounds attempt to flee to India after the Pakistan Army launched an attack on them. For days, the refugees have been stuck on a boat on a journey to India, but eventually, some of them were killed by the army.

Carlos, rey emperador

The series tells the story of Charles I or Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, one of the most powerful men Europe has met, the ruler of an empire as great in size as in diversity.

As the life of Charles of Habsburg is told since his arrival to Spain, it can be seen how the heir to the crowns of Germany, Burgundy, the Netherlands, the territories of the Crown of Aragon and its related Italian territories, and of the territories of the Catholic Monarchs in Castile, North Africa and the Americas, matures as a statesman and gets stronger in face of menaces around him and good and bad advice from his counselors.

First Time Again

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and the Alexandrians stand at the top of a granite quarry filled with thousands of walkers. As Rick begins to make a speech outlining his plan to lure the walkers out of the quarry and away from the Alexandria Safe-Zone, a rock collapses beneath one of the trucks that had been blocking an exit, freeing the walkers. Rick is forced to immediately execute his plan, a day ahead of schedule, while the Alexandrians who haven't been told the details flee for their lives. Flare guns and Daryl Dixon's (Norman Reedus) noisy motorcycle are used to lure the walkers out in a parade, turning them west and up a valley.

Black and white flashbacks show select events following the town council meeting where Reg and Pete were killed. Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun) brings Nicholas (Michael Traynor) in for medical treatment, concealing his actions. Tara (Alanna Masterson) awakens. Deanna Monroe (Tovah Feldshuh) blames Gabriel Stokes (Seth Gilliam) for turning her against Rick's group. In the morning, Heath (Corey Hawkins) returns from a two-week supply run with his team of Scott (Kenric Green) and Annie (Beth Keener). Morgan Jones (Lennie James) tells Rick about the "Wolves", when they encounter Tobin (Jason Douglas) and Gabriel burying Pete and Reg's corpses. Rick stops them from burying Pete saying the killer should not be buried within the walls, while the grieving Deanna tells them to discard Pete's corpse in a lonely woods. There, Rick and Morgan discover the quarry where they deposit walkers accidentally attracted by Pete's oldest son Ron (Austin Abrams), who had followed them. Rick realizes that the quarry serves as a walker trap that had helped keep Alexandria safe, but it now represents a serious threat with hundreds of walkers behind barricades which will eventually fail. Morgan has been provoking Rick to question his conscience, and in Ron's presence Rick changes his mind and begins to dig a grave for Pete instead of dumping his body like trash.

Rick warns Alexandria about the threat of the herd in the quarry. Grieving, Deanna has mentally checked out and effectively cedes authority to Rick, who voices his intention to free the walkers from the quarry and lure them 20 miles away from Alexandria. Rick's group present a strong and united front against protests from the Alexandrians, though Carter (Ethan Embry) is brave enough to raise valid objections at the risks in executing Rick's plan. Later, when an unarmed construction team is building a wall intended to turn the herd, Rick unexpectedly holds back his armed people and allows walkers to close with them, in an effort to teach them to defend themselves with their tools at hand. Shocked, the construction team panic and falter, and Rick's people defy his orders to save the Alexandrians' lives. Carter is outraged and secretly meets with Spencer Monroe (Austin Nichols), Tobin, Francine (Dahlia Legault), and Olivia (Ann Mahoney) in the armory and proposes to assassinate Rick before he kills someone else. Eugene Porter (Josh McDermitt) is caught overhearing the proposed plot and Carter contemplates killing Eugene but is stopped by Rick, who arrives in force with Daryl and Morgan. Rick takes Carter down to his knees and holds Carter's pistol to his head for several moments, thoroughly dominating Carter before letting him up to serve his plan.

In the present, Daryl, Abraham Ford (Michael Cudlitz), and Sasha Williams (Sonequa Martin-Green) act as bait to lure the escaped walkers away from Alexandria. Abraham shows signs of PTSD over Rick's slaying of Pete while Abraham was restraining him. Glenn leads Nicholas and Heath to kill walkers trapped in a store along the route, whose noise might otherwise distract the herd. Glenn is concerned about Nicholas being ready but Nicholas does more than his part.

Rick has lines of people in the woods on either side of the road and tells them they need to watch the walkers like "cops at a parade" to ensure walkers do not stray off. Carter runs to the front, thoroughly submissive and trusting his life to Rick's plan rather than his own judgement, and is grabbed and bitten in the face by a walker unexpectedly trapped amongst the trees. Carter's terrified screaming attracts the walkers on the road, so Rick has the group fire guns to redirect them back to the course. Rick finds Carter and kills the walker attacking him, then stabs the screaming man in the neck.

They are nearing the green marker where Rick believes the parade of walkers will continue on course without further intervention, when a distant horn starts blaring. The rear half of the parade turn toward the noise and break into a loose herd as they filter through the woods. Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) immediately realize the sound is coming from Alexandria, and that Rick's plan has no contingency for this.

Here Come the Jets

Ex-USAF pilot, and now an alcoholic, James Logan (Steve Brodie) resorts to pawning his Distinguished Service Medal awarded in the Korean War. to raise money for his next drink. Jailed for disorderly conduct, after a fight at a seedy nightclub, his arrest makes headlines. His friend, Ted Wallack (Mark Dana), heads up the test pilot program at the Harrison Air Craft Company, and offers Jim a job. Randall (John Doucette), the no-nonsense head of engineering is wary of Logan and his drinking. Getting lodging at a boarding house owned by Jean Carter (Jean Carson), Logan soon ends up back at a bar where he accidentally spills his drink on Joyce Matthews (Lyn Thomas) who later turns up as the head of the plant's medical department, who will oversee a battery of physical and psychological exams.

As the prototype Harrison airliner nears completion, Logan trains in a flight simulator but the sound of the raring engines causes him to panic. He tries to resign but Randall refuses to accept his resignation, assigning him to be Ted's co-pilot. Company president Burton (Carleton Young) wants Logan to be fired as he is too controversial but Randall refuses.

The night before the maiden flight, at the local restaurant, Logan is greeted by "Logan's Loonies," his old squadron from the war. His former friend, Steve Henley Joe Turkel can not forget what he called "ditching the fight" in Korea and starts a fight. Logan is shaken and is not sure he will be able to go through with the flight.

On the day of the test flight, Randall orders Logan to take the controls from Ted, telling him that "Logan's Loonies" saved his son's life in Korea, and he feels bound to give him a second chance. Encouraged by Randall, Logan confidently takes the controls and safely lands the aircraft.

Whisker Haven

Whisker Haven Tales with the Palace Pets is a series starring a core group of six palace pets: Treasure, Pumpkin, Petite, Sultan, Dreamy and Berry along with the caretaker fairy hummingbird Miss Featherbon. These Palace Pets enter magical portals from their respective Princess Kingdoms and travel to the animal kingdom of Whisker Haven. In this new magical world, the Palace Pets go on fun-filled adventures and learn to value friendship, kindness and loyalty. From putting on a dance show to throwing the biggest ball, there's no task too big, too small, or too glamorous for the Palace Pets.

The Miracle of the Hills

A minister arrives at a run-down mining town to take over the church there. He finds he has his work cut out for him, especially when an earthquake causes a flood in the mineshaft and traps some of the local children.

Rapid Fire (1989 film)

A former US special agent-turned-mercenary named Eddy Williams sneaks aboard a battleship disguised as a U.S. Navy officer where an international terrorist named Mustapha Amed is held. Armed with a rapid-firing, multi-purpose machine gun, Williams releases Amed, kills many crewmen and soldiers on the ship and gets away with the terrorist. Mike Thompson, a former government agent, is forced to come out of retirement by his former superior officer, Hansen, to help the government track down and find Williams and Amed before they plan a major terrorist strike using the multi-purpose weapon. Thompson seeks assistance of a mercenary friend of his, named Pappy, to help find Williams while a seductive female agent, named Corey Parker, is assigned to keep a close eye on Thompson and of his movements. Williams and Thompson both have a personal grudge against the other when, while serving in Vietnam, Williams attempted to kill Thompson during a firefight and left him for dead. When Williams learns that Thompson is alive and after him, he decides to use Corey as a hostage to get Thompson to approach him for a showdown.

Williams has his men kidnap Corey and offer Thompson to give up his life to spare hers. After getting away from Hansen and his agents, Thompson and Pappy rescue Corey before she is to be killed and force one of the enemy henchmen to reveal the location of the hideout of Williams. Thompson, Pappy, and Corey launch a climatic attack against the Williams compound where in the firefight, all of William's men are killed. Corey personally takes on and kills Amed while he is trying to escape. Williams arms himself with his multi-purpose machine gun and exchanges gunfire with Thompson. Cornered in a warehouse, Thompson and Williams engage each other in a hand-to-hand combat fistfight, which ends with Thompson besting Williams, but back out on finishing him off. As Thompson, Pappy and Corey walk away, Williams re-arms himself with his machine gun, but upon pulling the trigger, finds that minutes before, Thompson changed the fail-safe code on the weapon which enables itself to self-destruct should the improper code be put in prior to being armed. The weapon explodes and takes Williams with it.

Operation Warzone

During the Vietnam War, three U.S. Army soldiers, Sgt. Holt, Butler and Adams, survive a Viet Cong ambush and rescue two undercover American agents, named Hawkins and Jensen, whom are seeking out a mysterious Intelligence agent, known only as 'the General' who has classified documents detailing an illegal arms deal between a corrupt general, named Delevane based in the Pentagon, whom is involved in an arms-for-profit deal with a corrupt U.S. Army officer back in Vietnam, named Colonel Harker, who sends troops, led by Corporal Stringer, to look for 'the General'. During this, Hawkins tells Holt that there will be an arms shipment to be made very soon which will go to the North Vietnamese for huge profit which will prolong the war for the military back home.

Hawkins and Holt are captured by another group of soldiers, led by a shady Australian named Lt. Smitty, who tries to find out which one of them is the General. Hawkins and Holt are later rescued by Stringer and his soldiers where after asking a coded number question, Hawkins is revealed to be the General. They are taken to Colonel Harker, whom asks for the documents of the arms shipment, and then orders Stringer to execute both of them. But Stringer is revealed to be a turncoat who is working with Butler, also an undercover agent, who wants to help stop the arms deal from happening which leads to Holt, Butler, Hawkins, Stringer, Smitty, Adams and Jensen to team up to launch an climatic attack against Harker's camp. During the battle, Smitty and all of Harker's men are killed, but Hawkins is fatally wounded by Harker before he is killed. However, before he dies, Hawkins gives Holt the location and code word to the location of the arms shipment and urges the squad to acquire and use it to win the war for the U.S. Army. The film ends with a news report about a major American military offensive into North Vietnam related to the arms shipment, and the distraught Delevane commits suicide before he is to be questioned about his involvement in the deal.

Five Gates to Hell

Several nurses including Athena Roberts, Joy Brooks and a Catholic nun, Sister Marie, and a surgeon, Dr. Richter, are taken captive in Indochina by a band of marauders led by Chen Pamok. He leads them to a jungle fortress guarded by five gates and heavily armed men and demands Dr. Richter treat the gravely ill Gung Sa, a warlord.

Chen becomes infatuated with Athena and, after she resists, she is raped. Richter diagnoses a malignant brain tumor and is told that, if his surgery does not save Gung Sa, he and the other prisoners will be put to death. When the patient survives, Richter is told the women will be kept as sex slaves but, as a reward, the doctor may choose one woman as his own. Although he is in love with Athena, he chooses Sister Marie, to spare her virtue.

Athena uses her wiles to lead a revolt, mowing down guerrillas with machine guns and leading an escape into the wild, Richter sacrificing his own life to help save theirs. Chen's men pursue and many from both sides are killed. Sister Marie, appreciating how protective the others have been of her, ultimately picks up a weapon to fight back. Athena is able to shoot Chen, who dies pledging his love for her.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song

After the events of ''Hollow Fragment'' and escaping Sword Art Online, Kirito expresses an interest in playing ''ALO'', and decides to join after hearing of Seven's work in the game. Rain, aware of Kirito's feats in SAO, decides to follow him, though he notices her presence. The two eventually meet when she was attacked by a field monster in a valley, and Kirito invites her to join his adventures.

Kirito begins to express doubts about Shamrock and Seven's fan club, and decides to attend one of her concerts. There, he notices that the attendees become motivated to perform Seven's interests that she mentions onstage. Seven later reveals that Sumeragi is her research partner for a project she is working on, known as the Cloud Brain. She describes the experiment as a network that unites ''ALO'' players' emotions into one, as seen at the concert. She invites Kirito to assist her in creating it, but he turns it down, as he wants to enjoy playing the game with his friends.

Returning to the final dungeon, Kirito notices Sumeragi, who challenges him to a duel. After being teleported to a different area, the two begin fighting. With the usage of Skill Connect, a game exploit in which two consecutive Sword Skills are used without delay, Kirito defeats Sumeragi. Kirito advances through the dungeon to confront Seven, while Sumeragi and other Shamrock members transfer their Original Sword Skills (OSS) to her.

Upon reaching the boss room, Kirito finds out that Seven had already defeated it by herself. While she discusses the results of the project, Rain questions her actions and how they interfere with her idol status. The three begin fighting, and despite possessing a wide array of OSS, Seven is defeated. An angered Seven proclaims that she will be the one who clears Svart ALfheim and her avatar corrupts as a result of overload from the OSS. As the battle continues, Rain tells Seven that she does not want to fight, and after Seven's loss, Rain consoles her while her HP decreases to zero.

Afterwards, Seven stops performing concerts ingame, as Shamrock membership declines. After logging out, Kirito meets Rain and learns of the rift between her and Seven that prompted her to play ''ALO''. Back in ''ALO'', Seven meets Rain again; Rain tells her about their childhood and their split after their parents divorced. After she was reminded of two Russian greetings that Rain had taught her, Seven's memories return and the two are finally reunited.

Hell Week (Scream Queens)

Kappa Kappa Tau's "Hell Week" continues, as it welcomes Detective Chisolm (Jim Clock) and Denise Hemphill (Niecy Nash), the latter is a security guard hired by Gigi Caldwell (Nasim Pedrad) who has odd methods to protect the girls from the killer, and the former is an incompetent police detective who has a history with the dean. The Chanels still don't know what to do with Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande)'s body, and are worried that they will be blamed if someone finds it. Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd) and Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) propose to feed the body to pigs. Then, Hester (Lea Michele) walks in and suggests to put her in a food processor or to bone her, disturbing the others with her obsession with death. Chanel rejects all the ideas and decides to put the body in the same freezer where they put Ms. Bean (Jan Hoag)'s body. Hester promises to keep the secret of Number 2's death only if she can call Chanel "Mom". Grace (Skyler Samuels) is in the house basement, where she finds a mysterious locked door and tries to open it but Chanel #5 catches her and says that only Chanel has the key to that door. Grace tells Pete (Diego Boneta) about the secret door, who says that people have been said for years that the Kappa house has a really dark secret. This makes him think that Dean Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis)'s office may have some archives that can explain that secret, so they both think at the same time that they will have to break in. They start kissing passionately but Grace stops him, saying that they can't kiss if there is a killer on the campus of Wallace University. They both agree that she will break into that secret door at Kappa house and he will break into the dean's office.

Media attention descends on Wallace University after the murder of a Kappa pledge, Tiffany, so Cathy's job is at risk. This problem increases when Grace's father, Wes Gardner (Oliver Hudson), wants to remove Grace from the school, because he fears that something could happen to her. A seductive Munsch convinces him to keep his daughter at school, but Wes demands to be hired as a professor so that he can keep an eye on her. After Grace breaks into the secret room in basement of the Kappa house, Chanel interrupts her and tells her that the room keeps Kappa's darkest secrets. Chanel proceeds to tell that a legend says that 20 years ago a girl died in a bathtub giving birth, that is now in that basement. She also reveals that Dean Munsch was supposedly the Dean in the story who knew about the death, but decided to cover it up to keep it from ruining her career. Despite Grace's comment that the story could be both real and the motive for the recent deaths, Chanel insists that it is nothing more than a scary story. After Chanel leaves, Grace asks herself who the baby is.

After having sex, Chanel realizes that her boyfriend Chad (Glen Powell) doesn't really love her so she breaks up with him. He furiously returns to his dormitory, with his roommate Boone (Nick Jonas). Boone says that he is scared because of the killer, so Chad lets him sleep with him, since they are best friends but clarifies that Boone will not try to touch him at night like in the past. Chanel, regretful, enters the room to fix her relationship with Chad, but walks in on them sharing a bed together and assumes that Chad is gay. After he explains that Boone was scared and nobody knows that Boone is gay, Chad breaks up with her for being too homophobic. Meanwhile, Pete got caught by the Red Devil during his break into Dean Munsch's office. He is tied up outside the building the next morning with a note "Mind Your Own Business", but still has the note that he found that read '1995 bathtub incident', followed by a list of names. Grace finds a Red Devil costume in his room and thinks Pete is the killer, but he explains that he has the costume because he is the school's mascot.

Boone tells Chanel that she doesn't have to tell everyone about his sexuality, because he wants to come out soon. He proposes that after he comes out, they accept him into Kappa, and Chanel likes the idea because that would give her a good reputation as the first girl who accepts a gay man in her sorority. Chanel #5 disagrees, and madly tells him off, but Boone leaves knowing that they will consider his idea. At night, after Denise and her friend Shondell (Deneen Tyler) fall asleep in their car outside of the Kappa house, Chanel gets attacked by the Red Devil but escapes. Denise hears her screams and runs to the house. The girls go upstairs to investigate, much to Denise's disapproval. Denise goes back to her car and finds Shondell dead. As Denise pushes Shondell's body out of the car and drives away, the girls find a message written on the wall that says "SLUTS WILL DIE". Inside the Dickie Dollar Scholars house, its members find a dead Boone laying on the dinner table with his throat cut. Chad and Denise interrupt the last dinner of Hell Week at Kappa, to announce that Shondell's body has disappeared and that Boone is dead. At the end of the episode, the Red Devil goes to the mortuary and opens a drawer where Boone's body is in. Boone opens his eyes and takes the fake skin used to make his throat seemed cut, revealing that he is an ally to the Red Devil.

Pilot (Scream Queens)


At a party in the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority house at Wallace University, Amy (Chelsea Ricketts) stumbles down the stairs with blood soaked hands and warns the current president Bethany Stevens (Anna Grace Barlow) and her friends Coco (Anna Margaret Collins) and Mandy (Grace Phipps) that something has happened upstairs in the bathroom. They enter the room only to find a postpartum Sophia Doyle (McKaley Miller) holding a baby. Disgusted, Bethany scolds Sophia before leaving the room to dance to "Waterfalls" by TLC instead of helping. When they come back, they are shocked to find Sophia dead and wonder how to cover the incident up.


In modern day, Kappa Kappa Tau is ruled by the cruel, vain queen bee and ruthless president Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) and her minions, whom she doesn't care enough to learn their names and just called them based on her own name; Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande), Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd), and Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin), are the most popular and mean girls of the campus and the current residents and of Kappa Kappa Tau. In the past, there was a Chanel #4, but she died of meningitis. Dean Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) hates sororities, especially Kappa, and won't let Kappa have the same system that it currently carries. She hates Chanel because she sees her as the example of what's wrong with girls these days. In her office, Munsch tells Chanel that she thinks that she was the one who injured the previous Kappa president, Melanie Dorkus (Brianne Howey), to get her position, but Chanel denies it. Munsch says that she's going to take Kappa down this year, starting by revoking their charter. Just then, Gigi Caldwell (Nasim Pedrad), president of the national chapter of Kappa Kappa Tau and a lawyer, walks in and says that Munsch is not allowed to revoke their charter. Chanel then threatens Cathy and exits. The dean then tells Gigi that Kappa won't have it easy this year and Gigi tells Cathy she has a suggestion. At the same time, Grace Gardner (Skyler Samuels) arrives at Wallace and has a tearful goodbye with her father, Wes Gardner (Oliver Hudson). She befriends her roommate, Zayday Williams (Keke Palmer) and they plan to pledge Kappa Kappa Tau, even though Zayday is hesitant.

At the "Rush Kappa" party, Cathy makes the announcement that Kappa will be required to accept anyone who wants to become a pledge. Shocked at the news, everybody leaves except for a few. Chanel is beyond mad to see the new pledges left. The only ones who stay are Grace and Zayday, along with; Hester Ulrich "Neckbrace" (Lea Michele), Tiffany DeSalle "Deaf Taylor Swift" (Whitney Meyer), and Sam "Predatory Lez" (Jeanna Han). Dean Munsch then introduces the Chanels to Jennifer (Breezy Eslin), another new pledge who terrifies Chanel with her candle vlogging hobby. Instead of comforting her, her boyfriend, Chad Radwell (Glen Powell) and his best friend Boone (Nick Jonas) tell her off by saying that he can't date her if she's no longer popular. Meanwhile, Chanel plans a prank to scare the pledges away that involves the Kappa Kappa Tau maid whom she treats poorly, Ms. Bean (Jan Hoag). She discuss the prank plan with Ms. Bean at the coffee shop where she has a heated argument with the barista, Pete Martínez (Diego Boneta) over Chanel's complex request for a Pumpkin Spice Latte. After that, Grace enters the coffee shop and meets Pete, whom after discovering that Grace wants to pledge Kappa Kappa Tau, warns her not to join Kappa Kappa Tau as 'everyone knows that terrible things happen in that house', but he is interrupted by Chanel, who revealed that Pete was her stalker since Chanel gave him fake hope for her own amusement. Grace assures Pete that she'll be fine.

Chanel and her minions start the prank to dunk Ms. Bean's face into the fryer. The prank goes horribly wrong when the fryer is actually on, burning Ms. Bean's face off and killing her. After a confrontation between Grace and Chanel, they all hide the body in the house's meat freezer. Later, Pete tells Grace he saw what they did, to which Grace replies that she wants to help him with his newspaper article exposing Kappa Kappa Tau's secrets. When they go to the freezer to see the body, Chanel and Chad arrive, forcing them to hide. Mysteriously, the body disappeared, much to Chanel's fear. The Chanels later have a blood oath to keep the incident a secret, but Chanel #2 backs out stating that she can't stay silent and fears that if someone were to find out, she couldn't be a network newscaster. She decides to pack her things and go home. While packing, someone in the Red Devil costume shows up at her room and dances with her until she is stabbed in the shoulder. Chanel #2 briefly stuns the Red Devil and goes to her computer to send out a tweet. The killer gets up and then murders #2, just as she sends out the tweet. The Chanels find her dead body later that night and decide to keep it in the room until they know what to do. "Hell Week" is about to begin for the pledges, but Grace and Chanel leave for coffee to discuss their leadership differences, which don't get resolved. Meanwhile, the rest of the pledges are forced by the Chanels to spend the night buried from neck to toe. The Red Devil appears riding a lawnmower and cuts Tiffany's head off, leaving the other girls screaming in horror.

Chainsaw (Scream Queens)

Grace (Skyler Samuels) and Zayday (Keke Palmer) are at the supermarket to buy food for Kappa. Grace sees the Red Devil running towards her and she tases him and Zayday knocks the shelves to stop him. It is revealed that he is someone from Zayday's class who just tried to scare them. Due to Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande)'s mysterious "absence", Zayday and Grace enter her room and find a blood stain, while Denise (Niecy Nash) enters and confirms it. That leads them to think that she was murdered, but Chanel #2 is still posting pictures on her Instagram from an unknown location. They decide to visit her parents in Bel Air, California to find out what happened. They tell her parents, Dr. Herfmann (Roger Bart) and Mrs. Herfmann (Charisma Carpenter) that she is missing but is still posting pictures. It is revealed that her real name is Sonya. Her parents reveal that she had a drinking problem and she used to date Chad Radwell (Glen Powell) (later it was revealed that every Chanel had dated/hooked-up with him behind Chanel (Emma Roberts)'s back). They tell them that Sonya got better when she dated Chad. They also show them that Chad wrote her a letter. They tell Zayday, Grace, and Denise to find her and tell her not to go home ever again.

At a candle-light vigil held for Boone, Dean Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis), reads a statement announcing that Tiffany's death was an accident and that Boone's death was a suicide, angering the Kappa's and the Dickie Dollar Scholars. Because the supposed killer is dressed as the schools mascot, the Dean introduces a new university mascot, Coney. Coney has his 15 minutes of fame before being decapitated by the Red Devil, in his dorm room, using a chainsaw. Out of frustration by the murders and Chanel's apathetic attitude, Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin), decides not to help her find Chanel's #2's missing body from the freezer, and instead she says she is having fun threesomes with twin members of the Dickie Dollar Scholars Roger (Aaron Rhodes) and Dodger (Austin Rhodes). Chanel, realizing she can make the outcast pledge popular after seeing Hester (Lea Michele) sneaking around her closet, decides to give her a makeover, taking her neckbrace off, and making Hester her new minion, Chanel #6. Chanel #5 is outraged by this as she's mad that Chanel made a pledge a Chanel. Meanwhile, Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd) befriends the "Predatory Lesbian" Sam (Jeanna Han), and tells her a secret; that she is the biological daughter of Charles Manson and that her step-father is a billionaire. The two promise to alibi each other if anyone else is killed.

Grace later learns that her father, Wes (Oliver Hudson), is her film analysis teacher, and they argue, resulting in Grace leaving. He plays ''The Texas Chain Saw Massacre'' during class and Gigi (Nasim Pedrad) enters. Dean Munsch sees them together and when she and Gigi play tennis, she tells Gigi to back off from Wes. Next, Cathy and Gigi move to the Kappa house for a week, much to Chanel's anger. Meanwhile, Chad and Earl Grey (Lucien Laviscount) encourage The Dickie Dollar Scholars fraternity to organize a witch hunt, to avenge Boone (Nick Jonas)'s "death", as the police aren't doing anything. The frat brothers start their witch hunt by getting baseball bats and they start smashing a red car in the middle of the street and the Red Devil appears with a chainsaw on one side and another person in a Red Devil costume appears on the other. The frat brothers fight the Devils which results in Chad being knocked out and Caulfield losing both arms.

Grace visits Pete (Diego Boneta) and apologizes for ignoring his messages since she assumed that he is the Red Devil and both tell each other new clues they found, including a girl who was 2 credits away from graduating 20 years ago and think she's Sophia (McKaley Miller), and one of the other girls on the list, whose name is the only one still currently in the system. Denise starts to obsessively suspect that Zayday is the killer due to the evidence that she owns a chainsaw. Denise ends up letting her go since Zayday explains that the chainsaw is protection from her grandma. Wes, Cathy, and Gigi are having a salad together when Zayday comes across them. Wes asks her where Grace is, and she doesn't know. Wes calls Grace, who lies to him by saying she's at the library when actually, she is at a gas station with Pete.

When Cathy and Gigi are about to sleep, Cathy turns a noise machine on with different sounds on a high volume, bothering Gigi. Gigi ends up sleeping on the couch downstairs, the Red Devil appears and chases Gigi with the chainsaw. Wes, who was asleep in his car hears her screaming and runs to help her and in the process, he gets his arm cut with the chainsaw. Gigi then flips one of the couches and knocks the Red Devil over. Gigi tells the girls to call 911. Wes and Gigi then look over the flipped couch to only see the chainsaw running with no Red Devil. Cathy then runs down the stairs and asks what's going on, Wes grabs the chainsaw and tells her not to take another step until the police arrive and accuses her of being the killer.

Haunted House (Scream Queens)

The episode opens with Chanel (Emma Roberts) talking about "Chanel-o-ween", where she gives her Instagram followers presents in celebration of Halloween. Some footage shows the girls receiving their present with their reactions being filmed. Some of the presents include a box filled with blood, a box of moths and apples with razors inside of them.

Detective Chisolm (Jim Clock) is interviewing Dean Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis), asking if she saw the Red Devil enter the house. Wes (Oliver Hudson) and Gigi (Nasim Pedrad) argue that she's the killer. Denise (Niecy Nash) rushes into the house and tells everyone about the attempted murder of Caulfield (Evan Paley) and says when they get fingerprints from the chainsaw that they'll find them to be Zayday (Keke Palmer)'s. Meanwhile, Grace (Skyler Samuels) and Pete (Diego Boneta) drive to a trailer which is owned by Mandy who tells them what happened 20 years ago. In a flashback to 1995, Mandy and her sorority sisters are forced to wear hoods while Cathy drives to a location to bury Sophia (McKaley Miller)'s body. Cathy tells them to leave the university immediately and never contact each other again. Then they throw her body in the hole. Back in the present, Mandy says one of the sisters killed herself, another was institutilized and another made it into FOX News. She then reveals that the bathtub baby is a girl, much to Grace's confusion as she believed the Red Devil was Chad Radwell (Glen Powell). Later that night, Mandy is watching a horror movie when someone knocks on her door, she grabs a baseball bat and opens the door to find no one there. Soon she hears knocking from outside all around the caravan. She turns on the light and while looking in the mirror she sees the Red Devil pull out a knife behind her as she is heard screaming.

At the coffee shop, Earl (Lucien Laviscount) tells Zayday that he heard that she was running for president and gives her advice. Later on in Kappa house, Zayday announces she's running for Kappa president against Chanel, which angers her and makes her vow vendetta. In her closet, Chanel, Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) and Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd) decide to have their own Pumpkin Patch to undermine Zayday's candidacy. During lunchtime at the university's cafeteria, Chanel and her minions are handing out flyers for their Pumpkin Patch and they run into a guy named Tommy (who is wearing a shirt with a Psi Theta Gamma fraternity) and his friends who make disrespectful remarks toward the ladies. Hester / Chanel #6 (Lea Michele) kicks Tommy in his groin area, leading the Chanels to beat them all up.

The next morning, in Wes's class, the class is watching another horror movie and afterwards Grace appears and confronts him about the bathtub baby and asking if her mom was Sophia. Before leaving, she says if she finds out he's the killer, she'll never speak to him again. When leaving the building, she receives a text from Pete to meet him at 53 Shady Lane. When she arrives, Pete scares her and soon Earl and Zayday scare him. When Grace asks what they're doing there, Zayday says she's having the haunted house charity for her presidential campaign there. Denise appears, startling them and says the house is haunted and she and Pete tell them the story of 'The Hag of Shady Lane', the former resident of the abandoned house, who took care of the bathtub baby in 1995. Still assuming Zayday is the killer, Denise refuses to allow Zayday to throw the party, but later backs off when Zayday reveals that she knows Denise was a former Kappa reject, and thus a possible suspect.

At night, Chad is about to masturbate to a tombstone in a graveyard when Hester appears. They both talk about their passion for death and soon Hester seduces him. He asks for them to have sex on a grave and she says it's not scary enough and says he might be lucky if he gets a text saying which scary location they should meet at. The next evening, Hester and Chad meet at the Shady Home to have sex, until Hester finds Ms. Bean (Jan Hoag)'s body, which they think at first is a wax replica. That is until Hester pokes the leg and they soon realize that it's her real body and start screaming and running and end up running into the bodies of Shondell (Deneen Tyler), Coney the university's latest mascot, Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande) and Mandy. Chad and Hester alert everyone about the bodies in the haunted house, but that only encourages them to go, which results in Zayday's haunted house being a success. At the Shady home, Zayday is suddenly kidnapped by the Red Devil. In the end, it is revealed that 'The Hag of Shady Lane' is Gigi.

The Three Musketeers (1973 animated film)

The queen consort of France is falsely accused by Cardinal Richelieu of being involved in a plot to overthrow her husband the king of France. The King's Musketeers, Athos, Porthos, Aramis and a new recruit named D'Artagnan, attempt to solve the situation.

The Long Way Home (2015 film)

Set during the Korean War and 3 days before a truce takes place. Nam-Bok (Sol Kyung-Gu) is South Korean soldier. He was a simple farmer before his conscription into the military. Nam-Bok then receives order to deliver a top secret document at a set time and place, but an attack by the North Korean army causes Nam-Bok to lose the document.

Meanwhile, Young-Gwang (Yeo Jin-Goo) is a North Korean soldier. He is a part of a tank crew. While heading to the South, his team is bombed and he is the only one left. He is about to return home, but he happens to come across a top secret document.

The two men face off in the western front alone.

Arizona Trail (film)

A singing cowboy comes home to help his family fight a land-grabber.

Blood and Steel (1959 film)

A native girl helps US Seabees free her villagers from Japanese troops. In 1943 a recon patrol of four CBs is sent to Gizo Island in the Southwest Pacific, their objective is to find out whether the small island is suitable for building an airfield after an American landing operation. They face a small Japanese force that enjoys the insignificance of their post and sake. The only black soldier GI hurts his leg and hides in the jungle. He is discovered by the young native woman (for some reason in a tight skirt) she helps him to hide and he can blow up the Japanese "headquarter". Finally the patrol loses one man and has to leave the girl behind and embarks on their small raft.

Thomas & Friends: The Great Race

While at Vicarstown Station, Thomas the Tank Engine is introduced to Gordon's brother, The Flying Scotsman, who is taking part in The Great Railway Show on the Mainland, encouraging Thomas to try and take part as well. Though every engine on Sodor wants to take part, Sir Topham Hatt has not made up his mind yet, and Thomas fears he won't be picked to go to the competition. Thomas tries several attempts to convince Sir Topham Hatt to choose him, such as getting the idea to be streamlined, but Sir Topham Hatt chooses Gordon to be streamlined instead.

At Brendam Docks, Thomas has a run-in with several of the competitors for The Great Railway Show when their rail ferry docks there by mistake, and as a result, one of them is left behind. Ashima, a beautifully-painted tank engine from India accidentally bumps Thomas in her hurry to try and make the ferry, nearly pushing him over the edge into the water. He quickly retreats from the docks.

Ashima is lost and the other engines are too busy to help her find her way. Meanwhile, at the Dieselworks, Diesel devises a trick that involves disguising Den, Dart, and Paxton as trucks, so as to trick Sir Topham Hatt into entering him into the competition instead of Henry. Ashima suggests to Thomas that he partake in the Shunting competition.

At Knapford Junction, Diesel's trick goes awry when Thomas tries to practice shunting with them. His buffer beam gets damaged in the crash, and his repairs mean he will not be able to go the competition. Sir Topham Hatt reveals he was planning to enter Thomas into the shunting challenge the whole time, but because of his repairs, Percy will take his place. However, upon learning that Gordon left without his safety valve being properly installed while he was being streamlined, Thomas rushes to the mainland to deliver it to him, despite not being fully repaired.

At The Great Railway Show, due to not waiting to have his safety valve installed, Gordon's boiler explodes and he loses the race after refusing to listen to Thomas about installing his safety valve. With Percy's insistence, Thomas takes his place in the shunting competition, but sacrifices his win to Ashima in order to save her from crashing into a derailed flatbed. However, the judges decide to award Thomas the win alongside Ashima for good sportsmanship. Sir Topham Hatt and the other Sodor engines are very proud of Thomas.

With The Great Railway Show over, everyone is helping Thomas to try and find Ashima so that he can say goodbye when Sir Topham signals for his engines to return to Sodor. Extremely forlorn, Thomas thinks he has missed his chance until he hears her singing as she fills up with coal. Elated, he invites Ashima to come back to Sodor with him, allowing them to spend some more time together before catching her rail ferry back to India from there.

During the credits, the Diesels look for Diesel at Brendan Docks, stuck in a crate, calls for help as he sails away on a ship leaving Sodor.

Mar de plástico

Season 1

On a hot night in Campoamargo, Almería, Ainhoa Sánchez (Mara López), daughter of the town's mayor, heads to a date in the greenhouse area, known as the "Plastic Sea". Suddenly there is a power outage and Ainhoa is brutally attacked and killed in the dark. The next morning, the crops are watered by her blood and nobody knows anything about the disappeared girl. The same day, Héctor Aguirre (Rodolfo Sancho), sergeant of the Civil Guard and chief of the Judicial Police, happens to arrive in Campoamargo and begins the crime investigation. A crime many people had reasons to commit, and few of them have alibis. Aguirre, a veteran of Afghanistan with severe anger management issues, knows he is in for the hardest investigation of his career.

Season 2

After the murderer of Ainhoa Sánchez is caught and imprisoned, Campoamargo seems to have regained its calm - but not for long: Marta Ezquerro (Belén López), a local engineer, is found dead in a container with signs of having received a hard blow to the head. And she might not be the only victim; a new killer has emerged in the town and nobody is safe.

Human Desires

As described in a film magazine review, Joan Thayer, ambitious for a stage career, becomes a wife in name only to Georges Gautier, a wealthy and influential banker. She loves the young poet Henri Regnier, but he fears to ask her to marry him because of his poverty. She cannot learn to care for her husband, and a former mistress of Georges' complicates things. When Georges realizes that Joan does not care for him, he secures a divorce. Joan gives up her stage ambitions and marries her poet, while the husband is left with his memories.

I, Ripper

A fictional diary of serial killer Jack the Ripper interleaved with a narrative from a newspaper journalist, Jeb, reporting on the killings.

Pilgrim Song

James, a music teacher, plans on hiking Kentucky's arduous Sheltowee Trace Trail, leaving his girlfriend Joan behind, he sets out on a two-month journey in hopes of discovering himself.

City of Chance

Steve Walker (Woods), is a gambler on the high society New York City scene, who owns an illegal gambling house. A young Texan woman, Julie (Lynn Bari), arrives in New York and enters the casino and she immediately takes a shining to him. Steve soon finds out that they were childhood sweethearts when she was a small girl known as "Pugnose" in Boonville, Texas. Despite the charm of the woman, Steve and The Judge (Aubrey Smith) immediately notice that she is intelligent and become suspicious of her intentions. Overhearing that a couple are due to be married but want to keep it a secret, Julie, who is a newspaper reporter, tries to contact her newspaper editor and inform them of the marriage, but Steve directs her call to his office and pretends to be the editor.

Julie overhears the woman due to be married (Lois) being threatened by Baron Joseph (D'Arcy). Julie intrudes and encounters Lois in Steve's office where Steve and The Judge confront Lynn and tell her that they know she's a reporter who has been sent to help shut his place down. The Judge informs Walker that he thinks Lynn is in love with him and the two amuse themselves by keeping her away from the telephone, which Julie becomes wise to.

Later on, Julie overhears a woman saying that she will interfere with a game with loaded dice and set up Steve. She tries to warn Steve, who playfully pushes her away, though Julie interferes at the start of the game and reveals the dice the Steve. In Steve's office, Julie is overpowered by an intruder (Charlie) and sets off an alarm which leads to Steve and The Judge resorting to trickery to enter the office and confront Charlie. The Judge rings Lois and tells her that everything will be fine with the Baron. Lynn tells The Judge that she wants Steve to quit at the casino due to the constant danger he is in, and to return to Texas to live with her. Finally, Julie gets through to her editor to tip him off shortly before a raid by the police. Fortunately Steve had just sold the casino to rival gangster Marty Connors (Lane) before the police raid, who is arrested. The Judge, making his fortune from the sale, enjoys a trip on the SS Queen.

High School (1940 film)

Growing up on her widower dad's ranch, Jane Wallace has become a big-mouthed tomboy. After she pranks her tutors for the umpteenth time, James Wallace decides to send her off to San Antonio to the Thomas Jefferson High School run by his brother, Henry, who is none too pleased that his niece, known for her high-handed shenanigans, is coming.

Accompanied by her father's cowhand Jeff Jefferson, Jane shows up at the school and is greeted with a royal welcome when the students mistake Jeff for Franklin Jefferson, an honored descendant of the school's founder who is also arriving that day. Jane alienates her freshman classmates with her cocky attitude and the girls, led by Cuddles Dixon, decide to put her in her place. During the welcoming ceremony on the school field, Cuddles humiliates Jane, and continues to devise schemes to embarrass her. Meanwhile, Jane's uncle decides to humble her by bumping her up to the sophomore class, where she smoothly answers the teacher's quiz questions when no one else does. What she doesn't know is that the class had been trying to protect star football player "Slats" Roberts, a less than stellar student, who subsequently flunks the test and is barred from playing in a big game the next day. Everyone blames Jane for the team's defeat, and when Jane tries out for the "Lasso Girls", she is the only girl not selected.

Jane packs her bags to return home in frustration, but Slats' older sister, Carol, takes pity on her and suggests that she tutor Slats as a way to make up for her missteps. Slats, who has a crush on Jane, does well on the next test and is allowed back on the team, which wins the next game. Jane also helps Carol get the attention of Tommy, an ROTC student whom Cuddles has also set her sights on. Then Jane overhears a conversation in the principal's office which reveals that Slats is under suspicion by the police for aiding a gang of stolen-car thieves in his work at an automobile repair shop. Jane goes to warn Slats but the criminals arrive and haul her off to a side room while they interrogate Slats. Jane escapes by knocking out her captor with a mechanized pulley and runs back to the school, where she rallies the entire ROTC unit to come rescue Slats. The students brawl with the criminals until the police come. In the final scene, Carol and Tommy appear at the ROTC ball as the major and major's lady, and Jane is accepted by the other girls into the "Lasso Girls". She and Slats do the jitterbug.

Au plus près du Soleil

Investigating magistrate Sophie learns that Juliette, a woman who she is questioning in regards to an ongoing case, is the biological mother of Léo, her adopted son. Despite her magistrate husband Olivier's disapproval, Sophie refuses to withdraw from the case so that she can continue her probe on Juliette, whilst hiding the truth from Léo. Appalled by Sophie's decision, Olivier decides to secretly approach Juliette without revealing his true identity.

List of the Lost

The book is about a 1970s relay team in Boston who accidentally kill a homeless person, whose death brings misfortune to the team.

Free, Blonde and 21

Jerry Daily and Carol Northrup are residents of a New York City hotel for women. Jerry fakes a suicide out of anger for her married lover spurning her. At the hospital, administrator Dr. Hugh Mayberry takes a liking to Carol, while young surgeon Dr. Steve Greig falls for Jerry.

Carol and Hugh hit it off and end up marrying. Jerry, however, two-times Steve with a gangster, Mickey Ryan, who robs and murders a tavern owner and is wounded in the process. Jerry pleads with Steve to operate on Mickey, who dies anyway.

After police suspicions point them toward Hugh as an accomplice, Steve confesses that he was the doctor in question. He doesn't inform on Jerry, but the cops trick her into an admission of guilt and take her away.

It Is the Law

Albert Woodruff and Justin Victor are friends who are both in love with the same woman, Ruth Allen. Allen chooses to wed Victor, and Woodruff storms off in a jealous rage. Woodruff locates his look-alike, "Sniffer" Evans, a drifter and drug addict. On the evening following Allen and Victor's wedding, Woodruff calls Allen and threatens to blackmail her. He also convinces Evans to come to his apartment.

Victor also travels to Woodruff's apartment, intending to confront his former friend about the threatening phone call. When Woodruff sees Victor outside the apartment building, he feigns a cry for help and shoots Evans to death. Victor is blamed for the murder of the man presumed to be Woodruff and is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Five years later, Woodruff disguises himself with a beard and monocle and assumes a new identity in an attempt to court Allen. She is able to recognize him as Woodruff because of his fear of fire tongs. Because she is friends with the governor, she is able to arrange her husband's release from prison. Victor locates Woodruff in a casino and kills him. At trial, he declares that the prohibition against double jeopardy prevents his prosecution for the murder; he is set free to live happily with his wife.

Range Law

Imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, Connors escapes to try find the culprit who framed him. He takes a job at a ranch whose owner (Warren), is engaged to the actual villain (Blont). Connors is arrested by the sheriff but escapes again. He eventually is vindicated, and his relationship with Warren is restored.

Girl in 313

Police agent Joan Matthews goes undercover in a gang of jewel thieves and when about to find who the evildoers are, she falls in love with one of the thieves.

The Accidental Detective

A true-crime enthusiast, Dae-Man (Kwon Sang-Woo) and a Sr. Detective Noh (Sung Dong-Il) now demoted under his Jr. investigate together to find the true murderer their friend is accused of.

Manhattan Heartbeat

Johnny Farrell is an airplane mechanic who has to test aircraft in order to make some extra money to support his relationship.

Street of Memories

Joe Manson has amnesia and gets in trouble quite often, however Catherine sees something in Joe and they end up getting married, after that, Joe gets into a fight and remembers being the son of a rich man from Chicago, unfortunately that's the only thing he remembers.

Brave Beats

One day, sixth grade student Hibiki Kazaguruma meets a small robot named Breakin. He discovers Breakin can talk, and Breakin tells him that he was banished from the Dance World, and to return, he must collect the Dance Stones, which are scattered all around the planet. Hibiki fuses with Breakin and becomes the dancing superhero Flash Beat. Flash Beat will collect the Dance Stones, but he is not the only one who wants them...

Devious Maids (season 4)

This season, Marisol finds herself acting as a support system to Evelyn (Rebecca Wisocky) in the wake of a big life change. Meanwhile, Rosie's positive and sunny disposition leaves much to be desired by her new boss, Genevieve (Susan Lucci) who is acclimating to a household without Zoila's honest and acerbic humor. Carmen continues to pursue her singing career until her cousin's daughter, Daniela (Sol Rodriguez) comes to town and shakes things up. Marisol also finds herself in a new relationship, which eventually becomes a complicated triangle when her old flame Jesse. Adrian tries to punish Evelyn for leaving him

Canyon River (film)

A cattleman (George Montgomery actor) goes south to pick up breeding stock that he can cross-breed to withstand his Wyoming ranch's winters, but his foreman (Peter Graves) is in cahoots with a crooked businessman from the ranch's hometown in Wyoming. They plan to buy up ranchland in that area, do away with the cattleman (George Montgomery) and steal his herd he's driving in from Oregon or elsewhere. Near the end of the movie and before they reach a planned 'stampede to steal the cattle', Montgomery likes Graves and offers him a share of his 6,000 acre ranch and also some cattle. Graves decides this would be a great deal and tries to call off the 'crooked deal' he made with the crooked investor and his hired guns, but the cattle do stampede anyway and Graves is critically injured trying to stop them. In the end Montgomery maintains his cattle and ranch ownership. So the 'good guy' wins. On the trail drive, there had been a shortage of 'meat' to feed the crew, because the boss Montgomery wouldn't kill a beef from his herd. The crew was about to mutiny, until a 'deer' was killed and steaks were served. This main plot coincides with a romance between Montgomery and a widow (Marcia Henderson), who Graves is also in love with.

Rabid Dogs (2015 film)

In downtown Montreal, four criminals rob a local bank and steal over $2 million in cash. The local police and bank security guards engage the robbers in a gunfight, wounding their leader, known only as 'The Boss'. Fleeing to an underground shopping center, the four are soon spotted and chased into the car park garage where they take a man and woman hostage. After one of the criminals accidentally kills the male hostage, the police back away and allow them to take the woman hostage with them in her car. They hide their getaway car at a warehouse where the Boss, aware that he will not get far with his bullet wound, stays behind to engage the pursuing police long enough so his three accomplices, Sabri, Manu and Vincent, escape while the Boss dies after getting shot by the police.

Needing a new getaway car, the three surviving criminals stop a passing Volvo SUV and force the middle aged man, a father who claims that he is taking his sick four-year-old daughter to the hospital, to drive them to their destination. the woman who's mouth is gagged with tape holds the girl close to protect her Once outside the city, they take a back road to lead them to their destination. However, soon they run into a traffic accident where an overturned truck has spilled its packages on the road. The father is forced to plead to the police on the scene to let them pass in order to get his sick daughter to the hospital.

Needing fuel, they stop at a rural garage where after paying for the gas and some food and beverages, the garage owner/clerk recognizes one of the robbers from a news report on the nearby TV set, resulting in Sabri killing him after he attempts to stop them from leaving.

As it gets dark, they stop off the road for a rest where the woman attempts to escape while carrying the sedate little girl with her, but she is quickly recaptured. The group then gets lost and takes the wrong road and ends up in a small rural town that is celebrating a festival. While one of the criminals, Manu, accompanies the father and the young woman to a house after a local offers to help them with the small child, Vincent attempts to make a run for it by stealing all of the bank loot for himself, but Sabri soon catches up to him and shoots him for his treachery. When Manu suspects that the Father and Woman plot to escape, he pulls out his gun leading to a fight resulting in him getting stabbed (non-fatally), but the Father and Woman are soon recaptured. After shooting and killing two armed locals who try to stop them, the group continues on.

After traveling on another dark back road, the group arrives at a lake where Sabri has arraigned for a boat to pick them up to take them across the border. As Sabri orders the Father and Woman out of the vehicle, the Father manages to break a beer bottle and kills Manu by stabbing him in the neck, then takes his gun and shoots and kills Sabri, but not before Sabri manages to return fire and seriously wound the Woman. Then, instead of helping the Woman, the Father brutally shoots her to death and kills Vincent as well, who is still wounded. The Father takes all of the stolen bank cash in his vehicle and drives away, leaving behind the dead bodies of Sabri, Manu, Vincent, and the unnamed woman hostage.

In the morning, as the Father drives away we hear a news report about the police still looking for the three bank robbers, as well as another news story about a kidnapping... of a young four-year-old girl, revealing that the Father is actually a criminal himself who abducted the little girl and left a ransom message for the girl's parents.

Impasse de la vignette

Thirty years of the life of a woman. Mother Fine lived impasse de la Vignette in Liège and lived years of grief and drama until her little girl comes to live at her side.

Romance of the Rio Grande (1941 film)

Knowing that his greedy nephew Ricardo hopes to inherit his ranch, aging and ailing Don Fernando de Vega sends for his grandson, Carlos Hernandez, his preferred heir. The stagecoach carrying Carlos is attacked and he is shot by Carver, a gunman sent by Ricardo and his scheming sweetheart Rosita. As he lays injured, Carlos is found by the Cisco Kid, a bandit who sees the attack on the stagecoach. Struck by their uncanny resemblance, Cisco takes him to have the bullet taken out by a friend in a nearby hacienda, and he finds a letter from Don Fernando and decides to impersonate him.

Ricardo and Rosita are stunned to see "Carlos" alive, unaware the real one is off recovering from his bullet wound. Cisco makes romantic passes at both Rosita and the lovely Maria Cordova, goddaughter of the Don. Cisco comes to respect Don Fernando de Vega, and when he finds out the nephew is trying to take ranch by force, he goes against the nephew Ricardo. By the time his scheme is done, Ricardo and Rosita have shot one another in a jealous rage, while Carlos returns to claim his rightful inheritance and Maria.

L'amore nasce a Roma

Lello, a painter, and Mario, a singer, move to Rome looking for fortune and success, their native country village far behind them. Expressing little in the way of artistic sophistication, their initial experiences are discouraging. They end up meeting Doretta and Silvia, two gracious flower stand sellers in Piazza di Spagna, and they immediately hit it off romantically. Doretta falls for Lello, and Silvia for Mario, and together they do what they can to help out their new love interests navigate the city's many challenges. One day it is revealed that Lello actually is a talented singer, so that the painter transforms into "the singer". Feeling slighted, Mario, out of sheer spite, takes Lello's brushes and proceeds to make his own paintings, which immediately attract interested buyers. With this apparent role reversal, the two women come to realize that their own interests have switched accordingly, with Doretta falling for Mario and Silvia realizing that Lello is the man of her dreams. Just like a fairy tale, everyone lives happily ever....

Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

The plot of the story occurs in the future when Earth is attacked by invaders from another universe through portals, and using weaponry that combines magic and science. Mankind's weapons are practically useless against the invaders. Mankind is forced to retreat from land and develops giant floating structures referred to as Mega Floats. A weapon referred to as Heart Hybrid Gear or HHG is developed, which is the only effective weapon against the invaders. A core is implanted within a person and by calling out the HHG's name, one can summon an armor around them which can effectively combat the Alternate Universe (AU) forces. Hida Kizuna possesses a HHG, but it is not strong enough to make him particularly important. His older sister calls him to transfer to a strategic defense school, where many of the students use their HHG abilities to fight invaders from another world while wearing extremely skimpy pilot outfits. Kizuna's fighting ability doesn't measure up, but his sister has another plan — performing erotic activities with Kizuna will allow the girls to replenish their energy or power-up. His ability proves to be critical to their success, as he and the other members of the Ataraxia defense academy find themselves engaged in a hidden agenda about the destruction of two worlds as well as to bring back his beloved from sorrow.