Two young communist spouses, Mario and Maria Boschi, lead an ordinary life of work: he in the newspaper "L'Unità", she in a haberdashery, a little tense, like many, for the often urged need to reconcile the inexorable work commitments with the care and schedules of two very young children. To disturb the daily routine of the two is the crisis that arises within the local section of their party at the time of the Achille Occhetto's proposal to change name and symbol of the Italian Communist Party. Mario is for the yes, Mary for the no, and political disagreement risks to break the conjugal harmony. This risk is accentuated when in section another Mario makes an unadorned but convinced intervention in favor of the no.
An anonymous official of a television company leads an ordinary life; going to work every day and coming home to his wife. However, his marriage is in crisis because he and his wife can no longer communicate with one another. One day, he is contacted by an old friend he hasn't seen for several years. His friend confides that he is being threatened by mysterious assassins. After a series of adventures, including an erotic interlude with his friend's wife, he receives an envelope from his friend with the words, "not to be opened" on a series of cards that repeat that same sentence over and over. At his friend's Jewish funeral, the protagonist's wife tells him that she is expecting his dead friend's child.
The film is divided into many small episodes: various characters represent the typical vices and comedy of Italian society (especially Rome) early 2000. These characters are ruled by the King of Jokes, in Paradise, which is commissioned by San Gennaro who promise them eternal life.
''Zero Time Dilemma'' is set between the events of ''Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors'' and ''Virtue's Last Reward''. The game follows nine characters who have been locked up in an underground nuclear bomb shelter and are forced to play a death game called the Decision Game, which is led by a masked person known as Zero. The shelter is divided into three wards, with three people placed in each section, making up three teams: C-Team, Q-Team, and D-Team. To get to the central elevator hall and escape, the characters need six passwords; one password is revealed each time one of them dies. The characters are all wearing watches that inject them with a drug every 90 minutes, inducing memory loss. Heavily involved in the game's lore is the many-worlds theory, where every decision made creates alternate universes where the opposite was chosen; these timelines make up the game's multiple routes.
C-Team includes Carlos, a firefighter with a strong sense of justice; Akane, a member of a secret society working for a peaceful future, and who pretends to be a "neat and clean, ideal Japanese woman"; and Junpei, a childhood friend of Akane's, who has joined a detective agency to find her after she has not been heard from. Q-Team includes a naive amnesiac boy wearing a spherical helmet; Eric, an ice cream shop clerk who easily cracks under pressure; and Mira, who does not show much emotion and is in a relationship with Eric. D-Team includes Diana, a pacifist nurse who dislikes fighting; Phi, an intelligent woman who participated in the Dcom (Dwelling for Experimental Cohabitation of Mars) experiment together with Akane and Sigma to save the world from the Radical-6 virus; and Sigma, a 67-year-old man in the body of a 22-year-old. Additionally, there is a dog named Gab who is able to pass through vents between the sections to deliver messages between the teams.
The nine participants of the Dcom experiment are kidnapped by a masked individual known as Zero, who makes them play a coin toss; if they win, they are set free with no memory of what happened, and if they lose they awake in a facility separated into three wards, with one team in each. After losing, they are forced to play the "Decision Game", and submit a vote for one of the teams; the one with the most votes gets executed. At this point, the story starts branching into different timelines depending on player choices.
In one timeline, Phi is killed, and Diana and Sigma are trapped in the facility. They discover a transporter device, which they use to send copies of themselves to another timeline; their original selves remain, however, and the transporter takes ten months to recharge. They begin a relationship, and Diana later gives birth to fraternal twins, a boy and a girl whom they name Delta and Phi. Using the recharged transporter, they send the babies to the past, to keep them safe from Zero. In another timeline, Akane realizes that Carlos can send his consciousness between timelines in times of danger, which she calls "Spacetime Human Internal Fluctuating Transfer", or "shifting". Through the resonance from Carlos's ability, C-Team shifts between timelines to collect passwords, but Zero sends the boy in the helmet – revealed to be a humanoid robot named Sean – to attack them for violating the rules.
Carlos flees by shifting to the timeline that the copies of Diana and Sigma had been transported to. Diana and Sigma reach a room with sleeping pods, where they find and wake up Eric and Sean, and find the dead bodies of the remaining participants. Armed with a shotgun, Eric demands to know who killed Mira; Carlos says that he must be innocent as he was in the C Ward, but Diana realizes that the wards are not separate: there is only one lounge, which changes its appearance using projection mapping. They realize that only one team is active at a time, while the rest are kept asleep in the pods. Sean reveals Zero's true identity: he is Delta, an elderly man thought to be wheelchair-bound, deaf, blind and mute, who had been with Q-Team the entire time, but off-camera from the player's perspective. He admits that he killed Mira, who is revealed to be a serial killer called the Heart Ripper, and prevents the participants from escaping by using his esper abilities to make Eric shoot everyone but Diana.
In the timeline leading to the events of ''Virtue's Last Reward'', Phi is infected with Radical-6, which has a 75% possibility of causing suicidal intention. Junpei and Akane learn that Zero caused a Radical-6 outbreak in the hopes that it would kill a religious fanatic who would cause the complete extinction of humanity; Radical-6 was seen as the lesser evil, as it would allow two billion people to survive. In the timeline where no teams were executed, the participants who are able to shift recall their memories from previous timelines. Delta says that he ran the Decision Game to ensure his and Phi's birth, and to cause epigenetic changes in Diana and Sigma, giving Phi the ability to shift and Delta the ability to read minds and briefly control others' bodies.
The participants activate the "force quit box" in the lounge, starting the facility's self-destruct sequence. Akane realizes that the impending danger and the resonance of the gathered shifters would allow the participants to shift to the timeline where they won the coin toss and were freed. After shifting, they threaten to call the police on Delta, but he points out that he has not committed any crimes in the current timeline. He says that there will be no Radical-6 outbreak in this timeline, meaning that mankind will go extinct, but that the participants now are determined to change the future; he says that one of his goals was to get them into this frame of mind. He gives Carlos a handgun with the choice of killing Delta or letting him live, saying that the fate of humanity is on the line. The game ends with Carlos aiming the gun.
In the epilogues, Carlos' sister recovers from an illness and also gains the ability to jump between timelines. Carlos has become a brother figure to Akane and Junpei, who are to be married, and the three of them vow to stop the religious extremist. Mira has turned herself in for her killings and married Eric, but Sean breaks her out of prison so that they can use the transporter to stop Mira from committing her murders in the past. The Phi of 1904 is speculated to have become a researcher who studied the transporter well into her 100s.
Hester High School is a place where being different is what makes you popular. When outcast sophomore students Karma Ashcroft (Katie Stevens) and her best friend Amy Raudenfeld (Rita Volk) are mistaken for a lesbian couple, they find themselves the center of the school's attention, so they decide to go along with the charade.
They are invited to a party hosted by popular gay student Shane Harvey (Michael Willett). With the intention of impressing Shane's best friend, Liam Booker (Gregg Sulkin), Karma attends the party with Amy, who is not entirely sure she wants to continue with the lie. When they are unexpectedly nominated as homecoming queens, they are forced to kiss in front of the entire school in order to maintain their new popular status, but Amy is slowly discovering that she might not actually be faking it.
Fireman Bill O'Connell is allocated in the Arson Squad with the objective of stopping a gang of for-profit arsonists who are causing property and lives to be lost.
The novel follows the fortunes of three Tasmanian families from 1826 to the twentieth century.
The film takes place in London and Paris, where Jeffrey Clavering is sent to prevent vital oilfields falling into the hands of a villainous industrialist working for a hostile foreign power.
The Sole Survivor intercepts a distress call from a trading caravan outside Cambridge, but arrives too late to save them from a horde of robots. After repelling the attack, the Sole Survivor meets Ada, a customized robot who had been travelling with the caravan. Lamenting her inability to save her owners, Ada agrees to join the Sole Survivor in the hopes of getting revenge and thwarting the wider threat posed by the Mechanist, the person assembling robots which have been attacking settlers and caravans across the Commonwealth.
In order to locate the Mechanist, the Sole Survivor needs to triangulate the signal being sent to RoboBrains—a model of robot with a human brain as a central processing unit—the units controlling each individual cell of robots. After recovering the receiver devices from two RoboBrains overseeing scavenging operations, the Sole Survivor confronts the Rust Devils, a gang of raiders notorious for stripping robots for parts, in order to recover the third transponder. The Sole Survivor meets Jezebel, a RoboBrain unit held captive by the Rust Devils, and she agrees to help in exchange for building her a new body when they escape.
Jezebel provides the Sole Survivor with the final transponder needed to locate the Mechanist, and a device that will allow Ada to open locked doors within the Mechanist's hideout. Before the Sole Survivor departs, Jezebel reveals that her mission was to save the people of the Commonwealth. Calculating that their odds of survival decreased without her presence, she decided that killing people was more humane as she could not always be present to save them.
The Sole Survivor follows the Mechanist's signal to a robotics retailer and service center that was the cover for a secret military installation prior to the Great War. The facility was used to create RoboBrains, conditioning condemned prisoners and asylum inmates to have their brains removed, preserved and installed in robotic bodies; the trauma of the process accounts for the RoboBrains' difficult personalities.
After fighting off waves of robots, the Sole Survivor confronts the Mechanist, who claims to be saving the Commonwealth. However, the Sole Survivor convinces her that the RoboBrains misinterpreted their orders and started killing innocent people. Horrified, the Mechanist reveals herself to be Isabel Cruz, a young woman with an affinity for making robots and trouble relating to people who was inspired to create the Mechanist persona after finding a child's drawings of a robot-themed superhero in the remains of a caravan that had been attacked by raiders. Devastated that her good intentions led to the deaths of innocents, Isabel retires from being the Mechanist and offers to help the Sole Survivor track down and destroy the rogue robots terrorizing the Commonwealth.
Valentine's Detective Agency receives a request for help from the Nakano family, who live in a remote corner of the Commonwealth. Their daughter, Kasumi, has vanished without a trace or explanation, and the Sole Survivor is enlisted to investigate. They discover that Kasumi had been in contact with Acadia, a colony of escaped synths living on an island in Maine.
With the aid of a local hunter named Old Longfellow, the Sole Survivor finds Kasumi living in Acadia. At Kasumi's behest, the player switches focus to investigating the synth DiMA, leader of Acadia, and learns that he has stored some of his memories outside his body. He has hidden them inside a computer simulation in the Children of Atom's base of Operations, the Nucleus, but has grown concerned that if the Children access the memories, they will have the means to destroy Far Harbor.
The Sole Survivor travels to a former submarine base to recover DiMA's memories and learns that he put in place a series of fail-safes to protect Acadia and to preserve the balance of power between Far Harbor and a cult of the Children of Atom who have occupied the base. These are the access codes to a nuclear warhead, stored within the Nucleus, and the means to sabotage the fog condensers protecting Far Harbor. The Sole Survivor also discovers that DiMA murdered Captain Avery and replaced her with a synth to maintain peace between Far Harbor and Acadia. At this point, the player is faced with a choice: to destroy Far Harbor, to destroy the Children of Atom, inform the people of Far Harbor of DiMA's crime and start a war with Acadia, or, depending on the story's progress back at the Commonwealth, inform any of the three main Factions there and let them decide their fate themselves. Alternatively, the player may establish a more permanent peace between all parties by assassinating or chasing away High Confessor Tektus, and allowing DiMA to replace him with a synth who will adopt a more moderate stance towards Far Harbor.
In the aftermath, the Sole Survivor returns to the Nakano family back at the Commonwealth, with or without Kasumi.
The Sole Survivor picks up a radio beacon from Vault 88, an unfinished fallout shelter located outside Quincy. Raider activity in the area has triggered the Vault's distress beacon, forcing the Sole Survivor to fight them off to gain entry. Once inside, the Sole Survivor meets Barstow, a ghoul who was originally intended to be the Vault 88 Overseer, but was sealed inside the unfinished Vault when the Great War started.
Undeterred, Barstow intends to see Vault 88 complete its planned social experiment, and enlists the Sole Survivor in achieving her vision. After restoring power and broadcasting a signal, Vault 88 begins to receive settlers. Barstow and the Sole Survivor search for potential human guinea pigs in the population and find one in Clem, a naïve and enthusiastic—but nevertheless well-meaning—young man. Through Clem, Barstow and the Sole Survivor plan to conduct a series of experiments on the population.
Barstow reveals that Vault 88's original purpose was to test a series of devices designed to minimize "social waste", or turn unproductive residents into contributing members of society. These include an exercise bike that provides power; a drinks station that can be spiked with a variety of drugs; and a device for examining eyes that can be used to read a person's thoughts. Each experiment has an additional set of parameters that can be chosen by the Sole Survivor.
Upon the successful conclusion of the final experiment, Barstow confides to the Sole Survivor her ambitions of contributing to the Vault program with her own invention, a slot machine that can be used to identify deviant behavior in the population. After realizing this dream, she appoints the Sole Survivor as Overseer, intending to visit other Vaults with the results of their experiments. The Sole Survivor is skeptical, pointing out that many Vaults did not survive and that Vault-Tec no longer exists. However, Barstow counters that Vault-Tec should not be underestimated, implying that some part of the company survived and that the original Vault program was much larger than originally believed.
''Nuka-World'' begins with the Sole Survivor picking up a radio broadcast and heading to the Nuka World Transit Station, in which they find a still functional monorail to Nuka World, a pre-war amusement park. Taking the train to the park, the Sole Survivor finds themselves trapped in a test called The Gauntlet, a series of traps and dangers intended to stop all but the strongest from entering Nuka World. After reaching the end of the Gauntlet, Gage, a raider occupying the park, contacts the Sole Survivor and proposes a deal to defeat current Overboss, Colter. Colter is highly unpopular amongst the raider gangs who occupy Nuka World - The Operators, The Disciples and The Pack. Facing off against each other in the Arena, Colter is killed and the Sole Survivor becomes the new Overboss. Now in command of the area, the Sole Survivor must decide on either siding with the raiders and retaking the other park areas and spreading their influence into the Commonwealth, or instead turning against the raiders and restoring Nuka World by themselves.
In the aftermath of the first-season finale, the gang has to deal with the consequences of their choices. Karma (Katie Stevens) finds out Amy (Rita Volk) and Liam (Gregg Sulkin) slept together and starts having trust issues with both of them. Lauren (Bailey De Young) has her secret about being intersex exposed. Shane (Michael Willett) finds himself a new boyfriend—Duke (Skyler Maxon)—and Amy tries to figure out her sexuality while she tries to push her feelings for Karma away.
After being locked up for drug dealing, Karma's family is having financial problems and have to rent their house to Felix (Parker Mack), the new guy in school. Liam promised his dad to give up art and started an internship at his family's company, along with Zita (Chloe Bridges), whom he befriends. After Shane outing him as gay, Duke and him fight and they break up. Amy tries to spend more time with her dad while she's still unsure about her feelings for Karma.
The game begins with the MC ''(Main Character)'' in an empty lot and is first introduced to the character Autumn Brooks. After a basic tutorial on the game, Autumn confides in the MC that she is miserable at a future rival school called Hearst High and wishes to attend the MC's school. They immediately receive a text from the main enemy, Max Warren, son of the principal of Hearst ''(or Kara Sinclair, head cheerleader, depending on the gender of the MC)'' and are threatened stating that unless their school contains fifteen students, it will be closed down.
After an introduction to Autumn's friend, Julian, the two characters try to convince him to transfer to the MC's school from Hearst due to him not being able to play because his coach benches him for Max. To their dismay, he turns them down because his being at the school is the only opportunity to be recognized by football scouts, as he is not entirely good in school or other activities. But when the MC and Autumn show up at a Hearst football game, Julian is banned from playing the game for the remaining season as a result of fighting Max.
Seeing the capability of the MC's school, Julian joins the school because he sees there is teamwork, a quality that Hearst now woefully lacks. To celebrate, they throw a party to get other students to come to their school with the help of Hearst student, Payton. The party is a success, but Payton forgets about throwing a party for Mia, Max's sister, and she and Kara swear to make her life awful in Hearst. Payton, feeling terrible, is convinced by Autumn to join the MC's school. She is initially sad because she is dumped by her boyfriend, but is happy again as she is able to date again.
Hearst challenges the MC and their school to a homecoming game. If they win, Autumn will be able to transfer to the MC's school. They are warned by an anonymous text messenger that Hearst has a plan to steal their playbook plans. Unfortunately, the text message comes to pass - Hearst uses a quadrocopter with a camera to view their plan and steal it. Julian manages to take it down in time but Max tells him that the footage has been streaming live and they have all that they need. They are able to create a new playbook, but as they practice it, Julian kicks the football to the direction of Payton's float and they have an argument with each other, leaving the MC to solve it. They work their differences out and Julian and the football team win the homecoming game.
Owing to the success of the homecoming game, Autumn finally gets to transfer to the MC's school. The MC is still curious about the quadrocopter that Max used to spy on them. Autumn tells her the only person who seems to know how to create one but to talk to him, the MC is required to go undercover. The MC is almost caught but barely escapes. Upon arrival, they meet Nishan, nerdy inventor and scientist. The MC tries to convince him to transfer schools but he declines stating that Hearst has a better academic program and a robotics club.
The story has been summed up as "Squire's son weds fishergirl who saved his life, becomes dockers' leader, and weds lady he loves on wife's death".
Masayo is a rebellious inmate at a female prison managed by a sadistic warden. The warden develops a special interest in Masayo and makes plans to have her subdued.
Steph is kicked off his college's tennis team and dresses up as a girl to join the women's team and be closer to his crush.
Teenager Ray Trueblood (Fahey) is wrongfully accused of murdering a police officer after his fellow gang member Billy Masters (Drago) does the deed. Hoping to elude the police, he flees Brooklyn, NY and joins the U.S. Marines. Returning 10 years later, Trueblood is dismayed to learn that his younger brother Donny (Lowe) is now running with a gang led by Masters. Trueblood soon finds himself depending on his military training & experience to protect his friends and family from the ruthless Masters.
After graduation eight teens fly a seaplane to a private island, bad weather causes the plane to crash. They end up on a deserted island, but they are not alone and must fight drug smugglers in order to survive.
Agaguk has become isolated from his fellow Inuit after he was disowned by his father, the ''angakkuq'' (shaman), Kroomak, for challenging the latter's chosen wife. Brown, a white man, comes to do business in the territory. Agakuk is forced to go on the run after a dramatic altercation with Brown and flee from the pursuing police, impacting the stability of his community.
Karen, a life-weary single-mother and waitress finds her life disrupted when her father, Frank, is finally released after 20 years in the State Pen. It was she who provided the key testimony that had him convicted of uxoricide. She still believes he did it, but is unable to remember the exact details of the traumatic event. This thriller chronicles the events that follow her father's return.
First of all he begins ingratiating himself with her young son and her lover. Angered, she confronts him, but finds him too persuasively charming to stay angry. He then convinces her that her memory is faulty and that her mother died accidentally. She believes him and accepts him back. The tale takes a much darker turn, when her father begins isolating her from her friends and dominating her life. It is soon after she announces her intent to marry Dan that a new string of killings begin. Around that time certain events trigger Karen's dormant memories and she realizes that she knows the truth about her father.
The film is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which civilisation has crumbled. A massive electromagnetic pulse has killed all children on the planet with the exception of Molly (Billie Rutherford), the daughter of Jake Slater (Jake Ryan). Slater is also the only man immune to a virus released by the film pulse.
Eugene Aram is a down-on-his luck character, who is explained to be a distant relation of Richard Housman, who is a criminal just trying to get by. Housman is entertained by Eugene's problems. Eugene is trying to teach himself and devises his own curriculum, but fails.
Housman comes across a letter written by a man named Clark Lester to his son, Walter. The letter promises a reward of jewels and valuables to Walter, who has saved a man's life in India. The letter came from Grassdale, England. Housman decides that he should rob Clark of his jewels and valuables, and takes Eugene along with him.
In Grassdale, Housman attacks Clark, just as Eugene comes along to find the two. Eugene seizes Clark and Clark is killed by Housman. Eaten with remorse, Eugene refuses to take anything from Housman.
Five years later, Eugene is a school teacher in Grassdale. Walter, the son of the dead Clark, lives in Grassdale and is in love with a woman named Madeline. Madeline does not care about Walter at all, but her sister, Eleanor, loves him.
Aram is struggling with the guilt of killing Clark. Everything seems to be conspiring to remind him that he killed a man. Even his pupils seem to put too much emphasis on certain words and sentences.
Eugene meets Madeline and they fall in love. This, of course, enrages Walter. He warns Madeline that Eugene is no good.
Housman is now a professional thief. He and his gang force themselves into the Lester home and run into Eugene, who shoots Housman. Housman asks Eugene to meet him at the glen the next day. At the glen, Housman demands money to keep him quiet, or else he will inform Eugene's friends about Clark's murder. Eugene agrees, and travels to London to give Housman his money. Housman promises to leave the country.
Back in Grassdale, Walter keeps insulting Eugene to Madeline's face. Housman receives word that his daughter, Ann, is dying. He besieges Walter on his way to London and steals his horse, renowned for its speed. However, he is too late. Ann has already died. He finds Ann dead and stumbles off to the nearest inn, to get drunk.
At the inn, some strangers are discussing the unearthing of a skeleton. They believe it to be Clark's skeleton, who was said to have gone missing five years earlier. Walter enters the inn and is listening. Housman drunkenly gets up and says they are wrong, and he knows where Clark's body is. He takes them to St. Robert's cave, unearths the skeleton of Clark, and then tells Walter that Eugene committed the murder.
Eugene is arrested, tried, and condemned based on Housman's testimony. Walter asks Eugene to confess, and Eugene tells the whole story. However, this does not take away his sentence. Madeline hears of his sentence and dies on the spot. The movie ends with Eugene being hanged for his crime.
Lovejoy (June Archer) is a neglected young girl in post-war London who finds solace in the secret garden she creates on the site of a bombed-out church with the help of a friend.
Bryan (David Hallyday) is a singer, and his best friend Reggie (T. K. Carter) is his manager. They both reside in Missouri. In order to help advance his music career, Reggie enters Bryan into a competition to win a trip to L.A. Bryan wins, but he has to bring a girl with him. In order to go, Reggie poses as a girl.
When the couple arrive in L.A., Bryan falls for Lisa (Jennifer Tilly), while Reggie falls for Tasha (Misha McK). They both find themselves pursuing their love while having to maintain their cover. Things hilariously go wrong, and they have to clear up the mess that ensues.
Jimmy Fox-Upton (Leslie Philips) is an accident prone and less than brilliant veterinary student in his final year of college having already failed his finals 4 times. He unexpectedly passes and his good heart outweighs any academic shortcomings.
He takes over an old practice and becomes rivals with a fellow student who opens a very swanky practice around the corner. Jimmy keeps a chimpanzee in the surgery.
The overarching plot revolves around trying to prevent a consignment of horses being sent to France as meat by a Mr Peddle aided by Skeffington.
Near the end of the film a lion escapes into a crowded pet show filled with a variety of both pets and people.
The three main heroes try to sabotage the shipment of horses but end up tied in the back of the lorry with the horses. The chimpanzee unties them.
They then chase Peddle and Skeffington on the rescued horses. This gets in the newspapers.
The vet is then called to Buckingham Palace to treat the corgis.
Jimmy Morgan, a financially successful entrepreneur, is watching his financial and personal life collapse around him as he sits in his posh New York City apartment. His estranged wife reveals her plan to leave with his daughter for Chicago. In the meantime, Morgan's stock market portfolio evaporates in a bad market, his business partner Leo Gross is embezzling money entrusted to their business for himself, and Morgan is gambling (and losing) on professional football games in larger and larger amounts.
Morgan orders food, prostitutes, and drugs over the telephone or (later in the film) using his computer and a modem. His television is on almost nonstop. As friends visit, Morgan is revealed to be an agoraphobe, and cannot seem to find the courage to leave his apartment even when doing so may save him financially or personally. He watches the world through his television, video cameras pointed out past his apartment door, and through his windows. Morgan's answering machine is as much the center of his world as his television, used to carefully screen calls and people.
Gross, his business partner, assures him that the temporary business losses will be ironed out, and that if Morgan is unavailable to solve the problem, he will be happy to do so on his behalf. In reality, he is redirecting this money for himself, and using Morgan's agoraphobia to his advantage. Meanwhile, Morgan, who gambles on National Football League games casually, has begun to bet more and more on these games to cover quickly mounting losses. Friends make efforts to help Jimmy and even to get him to leave the house, but begin to drift away the deeper he digs himself into his apartment. He finds himself truly alone as they give up, frustrated.
Jimmy makes a friendship over his apartment intercom with a homeless person that sleeps in the entryway. He occasionally orders food for the man over the course of days to weeks. Eventually the man disappears as quietly as he arrived. Finances become desperate as Morgan's savings disappear, and gambling losses destroy what little money Morgan has left. He is left in an empty apartment with only his answering machine, after all his possessions are foreclosed upon. Only in this final desperate situation does Morgan finally build the courage to leave his apartment to begin anew, and to contact his wife and daughter before they leave for Chicago.
News anchor Barry Baron (Elliott Gould) discovers that a drug smuggling ring is operating out of the building where he works, and is chased down and eventually shot dead by the drug dealers. His co-anchor, Dulcie Niles (Melissa Sue Anderson) finds Barry's body, calls the police and prepares to film the investigation, but before the police can arrive Barry's body is stolen by the building's cleaner, Chafuka (Mabel King), who uses her voodoo powers to reanimate Barry's corpse as a zombie, allowing her to take over Barry's luxury apartment.
In order to keep up appearances, Chafuka has Barry, who is otherwise unable to speak, continue performing his news broadcasts by controlling him with a voodoo doll, while Dulcie continues to investigate the drug ring with the help of incompetent police detective Jordan Penrose (Mark Moses). Meanwhile, the head of the drug ring, Nolan (Phil Bruns) sees one of Barry's news broadcasts and assumes that his henchmen bungled Barry's murder, and sends them to finish the job off. When they arrive at the station however, they end up being killed in a series of mishaps, and Chafuka turns them into more zombies.
On seeing his zombified former henchmen, Nolan panics and takes refuge with the station's owner, Alex Cavanaugh (Jack Betts), who it turns out is the mastermind behind the drug ring. He takes Dulcie and Jordan hostage and has Nolan drive them to safety, while Barry, Chafuka and the zombie henchmen give chase. During the course of the chase Dulcie and Jordan are rescued, and then Nolan loses control of the car, with both he and Cavanaugh being killed in the resulting crash. Chafuka turns Cavanaugh and Nolan into zombies and then takes full control of the station, with Barry continuing as lead anchor after his original personality fully returns, and Jordan quitting the police to become the station's head of security, with the zombie Nolan and his henchmen becoming security guards.
Italy late 1980s. Determined not to remain an unknown woman, Marina gives rise to fame going from one room to another bed, from one scandal to another. She married a penniless duke then loves a journalist, an artist and a politician.
A series of murders has shaken the community of Limehouse in the docklands of Victorian London. Journalists dub the murderer the Golem, after the Jewish legend. When music-hall star Elizabeth Cree is accused of poisoning her husband, John, on the same night as the last Golem murder, Inspector John Kildare discovers evidence linking John Cree to the murders and wants to solve the cases before Elizabeth is hanged.
Kildare finds a diary written by the Golem of the crimes, handwritten in a printed copy of Thomas De Quincey's essay "On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts", in a collected volume in the reading room of the library in the British Museum. He deduces that the Golem must be one of the four men who were in the library on the date of the last entry; Dan Leno, Karl Marx, George Gissing and John Cree. Kildare acquires handwriting samples of the other three men, while listening to Elizabeth's story about how she was the daughter of an unmarried mother and went from sewing sail-cloths at the docks to becoming a star.
When Elizabeth's abusive mother died, she was befriended by Dan Leno and fell in with his music-hall troupe, performing comic songs while dressed as a man. Her act quickly becomes second in popularity only to Leno but she aspires to become a dramatic actor. She is wooed by John Cree, a struggling playwright. Her fellow performer, Aveline Ortega (María Valverde), becomes jealous since she herself is interested in John, and sabotages Elizabeth's first dramatic role.
Elizabeth is entrapped by the theatre's owner, a man known as 'Uncle' (Eddie Marsan) and is forced to pose nude for photographs and to beat him for his sexual gratification. She tells John, who offers to marry her and keep her safe. Elizabeth accepts and Kildare notes that Uncle died suddenly only days later, leaving the theatre to Dan Leno. John's career stalls, and he grows bitter toward Elizabeth, who supports him financially, but is only interested in what he can do for her career. She hires Aveline as a maid and facilitates an affair between Aveline and John so that she will not have to keep sleeping with him. The two remain estranged until John Cree's poisoning.
Kildare finds a handwritten copy of the play written by Cree before his death on the day Elizabeth is to be hanged. He finds it to be a match with the diary and gets an hour's postponement to her sentence, hoping that revealing John Cree's crimes will cause her sentence to be commuted. Kildare instructs her to write a statement, but she writes the confession "I am the Golem", her handwriting matching the diary. Kildare realises that ''she'' is the true Golem rather than her husband. She killed 'Uncle' and began committing murders as the Golem to make a lasting name for herself, poisoning her husband when he found evidence.
Broken at this revelation, Kildare delays announcing the revelation that Cree was the Golem to the press until after Elizabeth is hanged, granting her the fame of eliminating the Golem rather than the greater fame of being a killer, which she would have desired more. In the final scene, Dan Leno's troupe perform John's play, rewritten to tell Elizabeth's life story. Aveline, playing Elizabeth, commits suicide during the hanging scene by removing the safety mechanism. Leno covers up the death and dresses as Elizabeth to continue the play. He takes a bow, as we no longer see him, but Elizabeth herself on the stage.
A sex comedy of various raunchy comedic sketches.
Jim Loomis is a reporter after a big story about a heist, the kid Tommy Turner knows the identity of the gang, but Loomis has a hard time getting him to spill the beans.
Durango Valley is controlled by Shadow and his gang. The Sheriff while investigating a killing, arrests ranch worker Keene Cordner, with some help Keene gets out of jail and hides out, but will now become an actual bandit, in the hopes of catching Shadow.
Mick (Mick Jagger) is in Rio shooting a video. He is with his wife/girlfriend played by Jerry Hall. Mick performs Half a Loaf while the director, played by Dennis Hopper, screams and yells at Mick who is drunk. Mick and Jerry Hall are trying to make each other jealous. Jerry starts making out with a cabana boy which makes Mick disturbed. Mick picks up three girls and invites them to his trailer. On the way to the trailer, Mick starts feeling up the girls and realizes that they are not girls, and the three female imposters beat up and rob Mick and throw him in the back of a truck. Jerry Hall leaves Rio alone and meets a rich man in first class while Mick has found himself lost in the countryside of Brazil, seeing mirages and going crazy from the heat.
Mick is found by a plantation owner woman who rescues him and puts him to work. She also uses Mick as her sex slave. A truckload of prostitutes come to visit the plantation workers and Mick offers his shoes to a man who is roughing up a prostitute played by Rae Dawn Chong (daughter of Tommy Chong of Cheech & Chong fame). Mick escapes the plantation by dressing up in drag and getting on the back of the truck when the prostitutes leave.
They try to get money by cheating at a casino back in Rio, and Mick got caught and thrown in jail. Rae helps him escape by drugging the warden and Mick goes back to London. Although everyone thinks Mick is dead, the press catch on to his return as he makes new music with a new band upstairs in a pub.
In the nightmarish last days of the Third Reich, a psychotic Nazi scientist (Robert Vaughn) escapes to the impenetrable jungles of the Amazon. Years later, a mysterious incurable disease breaks out among the natives and adventurer John Hamilton (Michael Dudikoff) is hired to lead investigators on a search for the cause. Braving bloodthirsty river pirates, hostile native tribes and headhunting cannibals, Hamilton, guides a group of explorers up the deadly Rio del Morte to the fabulous lost Inca city.
A girl (Ami Dolenz) is kidnapped by two men, and Daniel and Fraser go after the kidnappers. The kidnappers hold her hostage inside the house until she climbs out the bathroom window and escapes the kidnappers.
After a home invasion leaves Joseph Lawrence in a wheelchair and his wife dead, Joseph asks his friend Larry to assemble the other 5 members of their old squad to help him track down the criminals. A flashback reveals Joseph, Larry, and the five other members of the squad were prisoners of war in the Vietnam War. Joseph earned the loyalty of the unit by stepping on a land mine while the others escaped.
Since the end of the war, the members of the squad have gone their separate ways but when Larry tells each one that "Joseph needs them," they each immediately agree to help their friend. After they assemble and show their skills, Larry informs the team that a rival electronics company owner by the name of Dutch may be responsible for the attack on Joseph.
As the squad attempts to track down Dutch, a sniper mysteriously appearing and kills them one by one until Larry and Joseph are the only squad members left. Larry finally learns where Dutch but when confronted, Dutch is accidentally killed by one of his house guests.
Upon returning to Joseph's house, the mysterious masked sniper appears. As Larry takes on the sniper, the horrible truth is revealed: Joseph was the mastermind of his own attack. Joseph explains that he resented the squad for his losing his leg in the land mine explosion and that his wife was the owner of the business. Joseph planned the murder of his wife to gain control of the business and faked being paralyzed to lure his squad mates back for revenge.
Joseph attacks Larry with an axe but Larry dodges, leaving the axe embedded in a fence. Larry then accidentally kicks Joseph into the axe which kills him.
Before a rodeo in Yuma, a woman's body is found, presumed murdered by her wealthy husband sixteen years earlier, but the body's much fresher than that.
Following the Second Congo War, hostilities soon broke out again in 2004 in the eastern part of the country. Tutsi-allied rebels fought against government troops and UN forces. The warfare in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has involved troops and insurgents from numerous countries and resulted in more deaths than any other war since World War II.
In November 2012, the M23 rebellion drove the Congolese Army out of the eastern city of Goma. After retreating to Minova, the humiliated government soldiers systematically raped hundreds of civilian women for the next three days. There were reports that officers encouraged the men to attack the women. The atrocity drew international outrage, and the "UN condemned the atrocity as “horrifying” in its scale and systematic nature."
The global community promised intervention. William Hague, then foreign secretary in the United Kingdom, and the film star Angelina Jolie, a UN special envoy for refugees, visited a refugee camp and later pledged "to eradicate sexual violence in war zones, with its lead focus on eastern Congo."
This attention galvanized the DRC Army, which began to organize prosecution of the rapes. The documentary chronicles what became known as the Minova Trial of 2014, the largest rape trial conducted in Congo's history. It is focused on the women of Minova. Fifty-six women testified, with their heads covered by hoods to preserve their anonymity.
Two boyhood friends, Fred and Paul, become lawyers. Fred goes to work for criminals while Paul remains honest.I Stand Accused Monthly Film Bulletin; London Vol. 6, Iss. 61, (Jan 1, 1939): 18.
With inside help, criminal Pete Rennick escapes prison as well as roadblocks and searches set by the local police, now detective Bill Hasford is after him.
At Janet Allen's wedding to Steve Payson, owner of the Sweetwater Cattle Ranch, her former fiancée Greg Lane, whom she thought dead, turns up. Greg disregards the fact she is now a married woman and tries to make love to her behind her husband's back.
Soon, on the Sweetwater ranch, against a background of Indian uprisings, rustlers, gun-running and bandits, the young bride is torn between loyalty to her husband and a burning love for her returned sweetheart.
A very pointy bully bothers a girl who is building a model spaceship. So, she designs a larger one and tricks him into thinking that it's a real spaceship. After he gets inside, she moves it to another location, causing him to think that he actually landed on the moon. As a result, he thinks that a nearby cow is an alien.
The story takes place in the urban districts of Pest focusing on the marketplace on Teleki square (which was still existing mostly unchanged when the movie was made) from after the end of World War II in 1945 until the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. The movie contains some archive footag
The film follows the life of Louis, who holds a trustworthy but subordinate job in a major company. He lives with his wife Sybèle and their daughter Anne-Marie, with whom he has a special relationship. He starts to grow sick of his seemingly mundane life, however, and starts to look for happiness elsewhere; this is where he starts discovering his attractions to men. He meets Yvan, a mysterious yet fascinating character, though the two do not pursue a sexual relationship. It is through Yvan however that Louis meets Frantz, a gay movie star. Their love only begins to unfurl the horrific events upon his horizon, which will ultimately change their lives forever.
A comical tale about how the coward Nazar who, as a joke of fate, appears to preside over the throne..
At the beginning of the eighties, Sirio, a young worker of the Terni steelworks with a past in student protesting, decides to abandon his job to join an extreme left-wing group. Although he declares himself contrary to the armed struggle following the decision by some elements of the group to carry out terrorist actions, he is arrested upon being caught with his best friend Apache.
Although there is no real evidence of his guilt, Sirio is promised freedom only if he will talk about the organization and his companions. He refuses, and is subsequently transferred to a maximum security prison where he meets some of his companions (including Apache) and the Professor, a far-left philosopher considered the main inspiration of the movement. Life in the special prison seems to be better than in the penitentiary until, following a revolt led by some extreme leftist militants and sedated by the Special Intervention Group of the police, maximum security is re-established.
These events will lead Sirio to estrange himself more and more from reality, until he finally loses contact with the outside world.
The show starts three years after Zhou Weiyun (Zoe Tay) was transferred from the Variety department to the Drama department as Vice President. Since the death of Yu Fan (Chen Hanwei), Weiyun's outlook on life had changed. She becomes more cheerful and personable in her dealings with others. She lives with her mother, who has dementia and focuses on her career to produce sentimental television programs. The rising popularity of internet content has caused the ratings for traditional television shows to fall, adversely affecting advertising revenue.
Her bosses decide to hire Guan Xie En (Huang Biren) as a second Vice President to create healthy competition within the department. She is a business management genius and takes over half of Weiyun's production resources, splitting the department into two teams. Although initially in charge of the 7pm primetime slot, Xie En reels enough sponsors to take over Weiyun's primetime slot of 9pm. Some of Weiyun's subordinates attempt to betray her to join Xie En's team but fail.
Meanwhile, Lin Tao (Li Nanxing) takes over the helms of the variety department. His creative and innovative input lead to soaring ratings for variety shows. His eager for success is motivated by a personal vendetta against his good friend Richard, who owns a competing drama production house. Richard previously absconded with his money and even stole his girlfriend.
For years, Lin Tao has been watching over Eddy (Edwin Goh), a former teenage thief who became his godson. Lin Tao soon finds out that Eddy is the son of Xie En, who divorced his father and gave up custody of him and his younger brother Eden (Damien Teo). Eden is led to believe his mother is dead. After their father dies, the brothers go to live with Xie En, who tries to mend her relationship with her estranged sons.
Joey (Ian Fang), Weiyun's cocky nephew joins the entertainment industry. Weiyun reprimands him frequently, straining their relationship. Joey's parents die in a freak accident while on a Greek holiday sponsored by Weiyun. Overwhelmed by the sudden loss of his family, Joey's antics turn for the extreme. Feeling guilty for causing his parents' death, Weiyun tries to make it up to Joey. The struggles that both Weiyun and Xie En face help develop a mutual understanding between them.
Fang Tonglin (Rui En) is excellent in both hosting and acting, pressuring the reigning queen of the station, Zhao Fei Er (Jeanette Aw). Meanwhile, Tonglin and Jason Lam's (Qi Yu Wu) relationship stabilize with marriage on the cards. Jason has been promoted to executive producer, but his artistic vision leads to clashes with the company's more commercial approach to production. Fei Er still has not gotten over him, secretly envying Tonglin. She is paired as an onscreen couple with Zhong Yiming (Romeo Tan), a new actor who found success in major Chinese-speaking markets, but loathes his narcissistic personality. Eventually, their tension blossoms into romance.
A filming accident with Jason and Joey injures a passerby on set. Joey pushes the blame to Jason, who eventually quits. He starts a career as a hawker, leading to various arguments with Tonglin, whose popularity has risen.
A new television station is also awarded a broadcasting license, introducing added competition to the industry, and Lin Tao is poached to run the company's productions. Lin Tao recruits VBS's best talents to follow him, but is horrified to find out Richard will be his superior in the new company. The fighting and rivalry leaves Weiyun bitter and disillusioned, and she considers leaving the entertainment industry.
Anthea Vine is a vain, controlling spinster. She gives an illusion of youth and charm. She lives in a solitary house, Jamaica Court, on a hill, keeping her fellow five inmates financially imprisoned. She interferes in their love affairs and keeps their lives under complete control. However, someone is out to get Miss Vine, and Jamaica Court suddenly becomes her own prison.
Iris Carr, a young English society woman, is staying at a small hotel in ‘a remote corner of Europe’. Her friends leave on the train to Trieste. Iris is glad to be alone, but then starts to miss them. The remaining guests are also glad to see them leave, due to their noisy ways and monopolising of the hotel facilities. After going for a long walk and getting lost in the local mountains, Iris decides to leave also, but waiting at the railway station, she is struck or hit on the back of the head and loses consciousness. She wakes up in the waiting room, but as she can’t speak the local language, no-one can tell her what happened. She concludes that it must have been sunstroke, but manages to get on the crowded train. She finds herself in a compartment with only one English speaker, Miss Winifred Froy.
Miss Froy explains that she was a teacher of the children of a local aristocrat. His widow, the Baroness, is also a passenger in the compartment. Fellow hotel guests, the Reverend and Mrs Barnes and the Misses Flood-Porter are also aboard the train. She spies a heavily bandaged body in another compartment, supervised by a sinister-looking doctor apparently taking an accident victim to hospital in Trieste.
Miss Froy confides that she has most recently been teacher to the children of the ‘Leader of the Opposition’, understood to be part of a nascent Communist faction. Iris and Miss Froy lunch in the restaurant car and on returning, Iris takes tablets for her headache. When she awakens, Miss Froy is not there.
All her fellow passengers deny having seen Miss Froy. Iris eventually finds two Englishmen who speak the local language; Max Hare, a young engineer and his travelling companion, 'the Professor'. All the passengers still deny Miss Froy’s existence. A lady dressed identically to Miss Froy reappears, but it isn’t her – it’s Frau Kummer. The Flood-Porters and the Barnes have their own reasons for wanting to get back to England without delay and continue to deny Miss Froy’s existence. The 'Todhunters', ostensibly honeymooners but actually an adulterous couple, remain in their private compartment and play no part in the events. Iris begins to believe that she has been hallucinating.
The doctor convinces Max to surreptitiously administer a sleeping-draught to Iris; as it takes effect, she summons the strength to enter the next compartment and rip off the bandages from the 'victim'. It is indeed Miss Froy.
Iris spends the rest of the journey through Italy and France in semi-consciousness. Only at Victoria station in London, does Max explain what happened. Miss Froy innocently witnessed something without realising its significance. The doctor and his assistants have been arrested, but he feels that the Baroness will use her influence to hush up the matter.
Miss Froy returns home, having enjoyed her adventure, and Iris decides that she and Max will make his next trip ‘together’.
The title is a reference to a poem of the same name by English poet Stevie Smith, in which a dead man berates those who failed to notice or acknowledge the circumstances leading to his death.
Leaving small-town life in her dust, Adele moves wide-eyed to New York City, and her best friend Sara is stuck in their boring hometown. Separate for the first time in their lives, the film charts their new relationships, while beautiful background music sequences capture fleeting emotions as their lives move in unexpected directions.
Dan Frazer is a border Patrolman in the California-Mexico border with a hot temper, this indirectly leads to the death of a comrade. Dan decides to leave the force and go find his comrade's killer, who he believes is part of smuggler gang.
The first directorial work by Ryosuke Takahashi. In response to the failure of Hazedon in the previous year, the second work of Soeisha changed the project content from marine adventure to science fiction.
"Thunderbird was a Japanese copyright's" Tohokushinsha planning as a concept of "Japanese-made Thunderbird" is, was produced as the No. 2 work of creation Utsusha a subsidiary. In contrast to "Hazedon," which failed in terms of audience rating, this work succeeded in terms of audience rating.
Initially, the Zero Tester was also in a scenario that eventually led to battle in the incident investigation and rescue mission, but the battle color was strengthened by repeated route changes.
At the end of the next announcement , the line "Let's charge this channel again next week" was always included.
The mechanical design has been credited as "John Dedowa" is a fictional character, the reality is Studio Nue is a SF planning company Crystal Art Studio is a de facto predecessor, as those of the current studio bran example relationship first It is a TV animation of.
PROLOGUE In the prologue of the play authentic video- and photo material is projected for the audience, while Meredith Kercher, as a wise voice from the afterlife, in heightened language narrates the story of the crime and the first two main trials. She concludes that what the audience is about to see is the third struggle about the verdict of Perugia, the so-called Nencini trial.
The first act opens with judge Nencini opening the trial and explaining in an introductory speech the task of the court in this case. This is followed by the opening statements of prosecutor Carla Collodi and defense attorney Vincente Petroscaglia. While the prosecution puts forward a theory of three perpetrators of the crime, Amanda Knox, Raffaele Sollecito and Rudy Guede, who murdered together for different reasons, the defense argues that Meredith Kercher was the victim of a sole killer, serial burglar Rudy Guede, who broke into the apartment in Via della Pergola 7, and was caught in the act by the victim returning home. The prosecution presents as first piece of evidence a reading of Rudy Guedes 2007 statement to the prosecution, in which he identified Knox. When Collodi wants to conclude the reading, the defense interrupts pointing out, that the reading of the protocol was incomplete. Petroscaglia reads the rest of the statement, to prove that originally Rudy Guede did not mention Sollecito but was tricked into it, during a recorded interruption of this first interrogation. The prosecution then presents Amanda Knox 1.45 statement from early 6 November 2007, often misinterpreted as a "confession".
The next day Collodi calls the scientific witnesses of the prosecution to the stand. Dr.Patrizia Stefanoni from the Polizia Scientifica testifies that a lot of Rudy Guede's traces were found in the victim's blood, that DNA traces of Knox were found in her house, also shoeprints of her and her bare footprints in Kerchers blood. She also heavily incriminates Sollecito. Regarding the two main pieces of evidence, the bra clasp and the alleged murder weapon, the double DNA knife, Stefanoni clearly attributes them to Sollecito and Knox, therefore providing convincing evidence for three murderers. Stefanoni is followed by pathologist Dr. Luca Lalli who, visibly shaken by the memory of the crime scene, gives the results of Kerchers autopsy. When Collodi wants to bring him to testify that more than one person was necessary to hold the victim, he refuses to do so, to Collodi's dismay. Petroscaglia cross examines Dr. Lalli, who then explains that there were absolutely no traces of the defendants to be found on the victim's body, that there is no evidence that more than one person held the victim, and that the fatal knife wound was dealt to Kercher be someone who stood behind her, presumably attacking her by surprise. Petroscaglia is able to move Lalli into confirming that the alleged murder weapon is not fitting the wounds of the body, being too long by almost ten centimeters.
The scene jumps several days forward, to the point in time when the defense opens their case, beginning with a speech in which Petroscaglia sharply criticizes the rule of the judge in the constitutional state especially the complete freedom of evidence evaluation, which makes the profession of judge the only one standing above the law. After an argument with Nencini, Petroscaglia calls Rudy Guede to the stand. But the Judge denies the request to hear that witness, even if Guede is the only person whose presence at the crime scene at the night of the murder is undoubtedly confirmed. Angrily the defense calls police officers Edgardo Giobbi and Rita Ficarra to the stand, in order to cross examine them. In the relentless questioning of Giobbi Petroscaglia is able to prove that Giobbi's opinion that the break in into the apartment was faked, is not based on police investigation of any kind, but only by Giobbis "certain feeling". The defense is also able to establish that the investigators’ suspicions based on Knox’ alleged strange behavior after murder are completely unfounded – using Giobbi himself as an example. In the even more forceful interrogation of Officer Ficarra Petroscaglia can show that Knox’ 1.45 statement, memoriale one, was made under extreme suggestive pressure and duress, and was the result of a highly illegal questioning. Ficarra is shown to be very aggressive and forced to admit, that the statement was not given voluntarily. The scene fades into black, and the meta level of the play emerges for the first time. Amanda Knox enters the stage and speaks about her tribulations of being unjustly accused. The First Act closes with Knox’ remark that there may be a lot more wrongful conviction cases than anybody thinks.
The Second Act starts again with a monologue of Amanda Knox on the Meta level of the plot, in which she tells us, how she met Meredith Kercher for the first time, and also explains how naïve she had been, when she first came to Perugia not knowing what life would hold in store for her. Throughout the second act, whenever time shifts happen, monologues of the Amanda character are placed, so that the audience can find many-sided ways to identify with her and her subjective point of view.
The Action then shifts back into the courtroom where Judge Nencini announces that the defense will now present its scientific witnesses. First Giuseppe Codispoti from the crime scene investigation squad is called to the witness stand. The good hearted Codispoti is confronted with the famous picture of the alleged bloody bathroom that was reprinted worldwide. He freely admits that the red substance is not blood but a forensic marker and Amanda Knox did never see the bathroom with those supposed "fountains of blood". When Codispoti is asked to comment the original police video containing the discovery of the bra clasp, which is projected for the court, he cannot help but confirm that the bra clasp could very easily have been contaminated since the international protocols for evidence collection have all been neglected entirely. The video clearly shows that the gloves with which the clasp was touched, were visible dirty. Dr. Collodi forgoes the opportunity to cross examine Codispoti.
The central witness for the defense is Prof. Dr. Carla Vecchiotti, who, together with Dr. Stefano Conti, provided the first independent examination of the physical DNA evidence in the case. She reluctantly takes the stand. Vecchiotti, very timid and shy at the beginning, grows more and more confident during her testimony. She states clearly that the evidence collection was botched up so much, that a cross contamination of all physical evidence from the crime scene is likely. She also points out that the DNA traces of Knox found in her own flat are completely irrelevant because they were only found on those places were everyone necessarily leaves DNA. When Petroscaglia questions Vecchiotti about the alleged murder weapon, Vecchiotti cannot confirm that Kerchers DNA ever was on the knife, since the first sample has been destroyed and could not be tested anymore, and the second sample was proven not to be human DNA, least of all Kerchers, but starch. Since the knife does neither fit the victim's wounds, nor the bloody imprint found on one of the bed sheets, and also shows no trace of Kerchers blood (which it should, if Kerchers DNA had actually still been on it, and the knife therefore could not have been cleaned then) – she comes to the conclusion, that it is not murder weapon, but a random knife out of Raffaeles kitchen that has nothing to do with the murder. Vecchiotti then cites the fact that the DNA quantity of the findings on the bra clasp after Stefanoni's testing was five times higher than before the testing, as a definitive proof of contamination. Finally, when asked about the traces in the murder room, Vecchiotti, even to Petroscaglias surprise, goes as far as pointing out, that the lack of any trace of Sollecito or Knox in the murder room, is undeniable proof of the defendants absence during the murder and therefore their innocence. The Judge has to restore order in the courtroom. In the cross examination that follows Collodi tries to lead Vecchiotti astray but the witness, grown confident during her questioning, lectures the prosecutor on scientific thinking instead.
One day later Vincente Petroscgalia cross examines Dr. Stefanoni, asking her about the hundreds of test results she did not provide to the defense, even though the court had ordered her to do so. The prosecutor interrupts, and after a heated argument the judge decides that the matter is not allowed to be discussed, which provokes the defense attorney to request a judicial disqualification of the judge for bias. Nencini rejects the request. In the following, brutal questioning of Stefanoni, Petroscaglia is able to prove by confronting the witness with photos and police illustrations that the attribution of singular shoe and footprints to the defendants made by her office, were intentionally wrong, and that Stefanoni had testified falsely about it before. By using a formerly hidden report from her own lab, the defense is able to show, that Stefanoni lied under oath about Knox having left her footprints in the victim's blood, knowing that the footprints were left from showering as early as in 2007. An attempt to break the witness to confess the truth fails, when prosecutor Collodi intervenes. The last witnesses are Amanda Knox herself and Raffaele Sollecito who both vividly and shockingly describe, in a scene based on word by word translations of earlier court transcripts, how they were set under pressure and manipulated during the infamous interrogation night from 5th to 6 November 2007.
The second Act nears its closure with extremely passionate and heated closing arguments of both sides. After a recession, and final time shift, during which on the meta level of the play, Knox describes a possible future as wrongfully convicted person incarcerated for three decades, Judge Nencini finally offers his verdict, which, at first seems to end with an acquittal, but then suddenly changes to an unexpected, almost grotesque conviction with even higher sentences. A traumatized Amanda stays back alone, while everybody else is leaving the stage and the epilogue sets in.
EPILOGUE The Epilogue starts again with the voice of Meredith Kercher who in poetic terms comments on the travesty called justice, that just happened. After a final goodbye, the epilogue shifts its focus onto the destiny of Amanda and Raffaele and describes the events up to the final and complete exoneration by the Corte Di Cassazione Di Roma in March 2015. The play ends with a quotation from Jean De La Bruyere "One Person who is wrongfully convicted is the concern of every decent human being"
The plot revolves around Dylan Wilkins, a federal agent. Narrating the story in first person, Wilkins presents a kaleidoscope of men and women who make the crucial decision to collaborate with the law to avoid a legal process or reduce their criminal charges.
From a 75-year-old grandmother who fell into the trap of transporting drugs for a companion work. Until a software engineer whose close ties to a Mexican cartel give unparalleled access. Since the informant "professional" carrying many years living a dangerous double life. Until the premium of a ruthless kingpin, thirsting for reward offering on his head. These "snitches" risk their lives day after day in a dark and difficult, mission driven by diverse personal reasons such as fear, greed, revenge, and even love.
Nancy Chaney, the daughter of Los Angeles surgeon Leonard Chaney, loses her eyesight following a violent car accident. Leonard becomes determined to restore her eyesight, along with the help of his assistant, Katherine, first experimenting with the idea of an animal corneal transplant. He soon becomes obsessed with the idea of performing a full eye transplant, despite Katherine's insistence that it would destroy Nancy's optic nerve.
Leonard drugs one of his ophthalmologist peers, Dr. Dan Bryan, and harvests his eyes for Nancy. The surgery fails, and Leonard keeps the now-eyeless Dan locked in his basement. Meanwhile, Leonard continues to search for new potential eye "donors", picking up a witless female hitchhiker on Sunset Boulevard, kidnapping her, and bringing her to his home to harvest her eyes and transplant them into Nancy. Another surgical failure, Leonard begins to interview women under the guise of them applying for a job as caregiver for his daughter.
As the transplants continue to fail, Leonard amasses a group of eyeless victims whom he keeps contained in a large holding cell in his basement. Katherine, horrified by the mounting situation, suggests to Leonard that he perform mercy killings on them to put them out of their misery. Leonard next attempts to kidnap a young girl, promising to take her to Disneyland, but she manages to escape.
Leonard's victims soon devise a way to break out of their cell, and manage to escape from the house. One is stopped by Leonard and Katherine, while another woman flees down the street, with Leonard in pursuit. She screams for help, but runs into traffic and is hit and killed by a motorist. Detective Simon begins investigating the eyeless woman's death, and visits Leonard for his professional opinion on the state of the woman's body, specifically her lack of eyes. Leonard tells Simon that, though rare in younger people, the eyes may be removed for a number of reasons, ranging from syphilis to cancer.
After Simon leaves, Leonard enters the basement and promises his victims that he will restore their eyes once Nancy's surgery is successful. During this, Dan reaches through the bars of the cage and strangles Katherine to death. Leonard harvests the dead Katherine's eyes, transplanting them into Nancy, and buries Katherine on his property. Miraculously, the transplanted Katherine's eyes function properly, and Nancy awakens with her vision restored. She stumbles downstairs, where she comes across her father's cage of "donors", and is horrified by what she sees. She subsequently pretends to be blind, leading her father to believe the surgery was another failure. Shortly after, Nancy frees her father's victims from their cell, and Al, one of the "donors", gouges out Leonard's eyes with his finger before the rest of the captives flee from the doctor's home.
Joe Higgins is going to offer an expensive ring to his wife Lil to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, but gets fired from his job at the candy factory on the same day. Then Joe losses the ring and his son Sidney offers a reward to who finds it, meanwhile Grandpa begins to worry about the Higgins' finances and decides to marry a wealthy widow.
Reporter Jeff Shannon stops trying to expose political corruption after his son and wife are threatened. On election day, corrupt politicians broadcast the 1933 apocalyptic science-fiction film ''Deluge'' on the news, hoping to trick voters into believing that New York City has been hit by a tidal wave to discourage them from voting.
A couple of cops, Jimmy Duffy and partner Joe, answer a call after a neighbor complains about the noise from an apartment where Hollywood studio animators Linda Fay and Bob Adams are auditioning actors for a cartoon pig.
After buying tickets to a policemen's ball and promising to keep the noise down, Linda overhears Jimmy singing a few notes and has an inspiration, hiring him. She neglects to tell him what for, however, and Jimmy believes he will be seen singing in a movie.
They fall in love and marry, but Jimmy is humiliated at the film's premiere, with all his family and friends there, when his voice comes from "Paddy," the cartoon pig. It leads to a separation, but Jimmy has a change of heart when he finds out that Linda is expecting a baby, which will also be used in the story of Paddy's next cartoon.
Joe Higgins' wife Lil gets hired into a job that was meant for Joe, so now he has to stay home and do housework while she goes to work.
In 1979, Nathan Bishop and his mother are invited to the house of the respected Lady Grayer. Nathan is quickly acquainted with her son Jonah, and the two spend the afternoon in the garden of Slade House whilst Norah Grayer entertains Nathan’s mother. Nathan begins hallucinating strange people and other visions and becomes worried that the Valium he took from his mother is having a bad effect. After being invited into the house, he experiences more hallucinations before finding himself at his father's lodge in Rhodesia. This dream is quickly broken by the Grayers, who reveal themselves to be twin siblings and carnivorous Anchorites, beings who steal the souls of certain people to maintain their youth. The Anchorites conduct a ceremony, and feast on Nathan’s soul.
In 1988, a detective inspector, Gordon Edmonds, is investigating Slade Alley, and stumbles into the garden. There, he meets a widowed woman named Chloe Chetwynd. While they talk, Edmonds hears children playing but is confused to see there are none. Edmonds reveals he’s investigating the disappearance of the Bishops, who were assumed to have fled debts, but a window cleaner awakened from a coma revealed his interactions with them on the day of their disappearance. The inspector and Chloe strike up a relationship, and Chloe reveals that the voices Edmonds heard are ghosts she too hears. They become intimate, but it is short-lived. Edmonds is lured upstairs, and has a brief encounter with the remnants of Nathan. The twins reveal they are not members of the Anchorites, but act alone. Norah, to Jonah's disdain, believes they can no longer operate as they have. They begin their ceremony and absorb Edmonds' soul.
In 1997, a group of students belonging to a paranormal club converge upon Slade House, intending to investigate the disappearances of the Bishops and Edmonds. One of the students, Sally Timms, is infatuated with a fellow member. The leader of the group is the nephew of Fred Pink, the window cleaner who saw the Bishops before they disappeared. The group stumble into a previously non-existent Slade House and discover it appears as a student house in the throes of a Halloween party. Sally mingles with the guests of the party before waking to find herself next to a frozen man implied to be Inspector Edmonds, who hands her a weapon, a hairpin with a fox head. Sally is led to the attic via the Grayers' mind games. The twins argue once again about their methods, and prepare their ceremony. Sally swears someone will stop them, and then her soul is consumed.
In 2006, Sally Timms' sister Freya meets with Fred Pink in a pub near the supposed Slade House. Pink reveals he has been investigating the House and the Grayers for years. He tells her they were born in the late 1800s, and were known for their mystical abilities. They travelled the world learning all they could and eventually retired to Slade House in the 1930s. They used their power to isolate Slade House from time, placing it in a bubble where it existed long after its destruction during bombings in the 1940s. Freya, believing Pink to be mad, intends to leave, but finds herself in the attic of Slade House. Jonah reveals he was playing Pink all along. Norah is furious with him for revealing their history to Freya, but they begin their ceremony. Just as Freya's soul is taken from her body, Sally appears, stabbing Jonah in the neck with the fox pin. The twins are enraged, and Freya's soul is not consumed and allowed to pass on.
In 2015, Norah Grayer invites the former psychologist of Fred Pink, a Doctor Iris Marinus-Fenby, to Slade House. After eighteen years without fresh energy, the house's reality is decaying and Jonah remains injured and trapped in the attic. Norah inhabits the body of a young conspiracy theorist, who lures Iris into the garden with the insistence Pink was not mad. Within the reality of Slade House, it is clearly fading away, and a weakened Norah and Jonah are unable to play their normal mind games. Iris is drawn to the attic, where Jonah and Norah prepare to consume her, but at the last minute she reveals herself to be an Horologist, immortals who are reincarnated as opposed to the Shaded Way method of consuming souls for immortality. Marinus criticises the antiquity of the Grayers' methods compared to new ones, and encourages Jonah to attack, allowing her to easily destroy him. She leaves Norah in the collapsing attic of Slade House's final moments to age and wither into nothing. At the last second, Norah, enraged and powered by the desire for revenge, transplants her soul into an unborn child.
In 2013, two years after the events of ''Crazy Rich Asians'', Eddie meets a wealthy client of his European bank, Bao Shaoyen, a distraught mother who is anxious to hear about her troubled son who was in a car accident from racing an expensive car. He is undergoing serious surgery, while one of his two passengers becomes paralyzed and the other dies. She needs this incident to be discreetly addressed, and Eddie manages to blackmail Eleanor Young into helping the woman, who she learns is extremely wealthy and has a son named Carlton who strongly resembles Rachel.
In Manhattan, Nick has managed to repair his relationship with Rachel, and have planned a wedding in California, near Rachel's relatives. Astrid is invited to the wedding, and later meets with Charlie Wu, her former fiancé. Michael has become extremely successful due to Charlie's secret investment, and his behavior has become arrogant and hostile. Charlie is stuck in an unhappy marriage with Isabel, but does not let Astrid know, and continues to help her with her troubled marital issues. Meanwhile, Kitty Pong, the former soap actress who managed to marry her way into the Singapore elite, tries to buy her way into the high society of Hong Kong by appearing in gossip magazines and buying high-profile art. However, she is socially clumsy and finds herself continually shunned; so she hires the services of Corinna Ko-Tung, a woman from a well-born family, who helps Kitty appear more sophisticated by trying to change her behavior and make better social connections. Kitty acts well and manages to amend some of the damages she created.
Nick is still not on speaking terms with his mother or his grandmother, and he does not attend his grandmother's Chinese New Year event. While still investigating Bao Shaoyen and her son, Eleanor learns of the upcoming wedding details from Astrid's son. Intruding upon Rachel and Nick's wedding rehearsal, she informs Rachel that she has located her long-lost father, and she reconnects him with Rachel and her mother. Eleanor decides that she approves of Nick and Rachel's marriage, Nick is suspicious and asks her why she is reversing her position. She reveals it wasn't just because Rachel now associates with the wealthy elite of China, but also that Eleanor was trying to protect both him and Rachel from Su Yi's wrath. Years ago, she endured life as Su Yi's disapproved daughter-in-law due to Philip marrying her out of love. Rachel meets her father, Bao Gaoling, prior to the wedding, and is afterwards invited to spend time with his entire family in Shanghai during her honeymoon. Bao Shaoyen is angered by this and demands Bao Gaoling keep her away from her house. He places her in a fancy hotel and stalls any meeting for over a week, but Nick suspects mischief.
Carlton is also banned from associating with her, but decides to meet Rachel anyway, and quickly becomes close with her and Nick. He introduces her to his wealthy party-time friend Colette Bing. The four of them eventually travel to Paris for a shopping spree. At a party, Colette's boyfriend of three years, Richie Yang, proposes but she does not accept. He gets angry at Carlton; and the two begin a fight.
Rachel begins to feel upset she has only met her father once since reuniting. Colette and Rachel try to stop Carlton from a drag race against Richie. In anger, he accidentally tells Rachel that Bao Shaoyen refuses to let her into her household. Bao Shaoyen is in fear of losing her husband's political advantages for having an illegitimate child, and wishes to prevent Rachel from receiving Carlton's inheritance. Before leaving, Colette calls him a spoiled brat for hurting Rachel and tells him to go through with the race with Richie. Upon learning about his previous accident, Rachel convinces Carlton not to race Richie. In turn, Carlton apologizes to Rachel for his behavior.
Rachel decides to leave China, but returns for a spa weekend with her friend Peik Lin. However, at the spa, she becomes very ill and is placed under medical watch after experiencing mysterious organ failures. Peik Lin and Nick receive a bouquet of flowers with a note, saying that Rachel was poisoned as a warning. The poison is extremely rare, and Carlton realizes that his parents' pharmaceutical company may be involved. Believing Bao Shaoyen poisoned Rachel, he comes home to confront her about it and she denies involvement in the poisoning. Refusing to believe his mother, Carlton then confesses to his father about how she bribed everyone to cover up the truth of his accident as well as the other girl's death. However, when Rachel discovered the truth about the crash, he claims Shaoyen intentionally poisoned her in order to prevent her from causing a scandal. Carlton ends his confession stating that their family will face disgrace from the China Elite, but not by Rachel and him, but when the police come to arrest Shaoyen for his sister's poisoning. Now remorseful for how he's treated Rachel, Bao Gaoling visits her and Nick over in Hong Kong at Eddie's apartment. Apologizing, Gaoling confesses that Shaoyen has become cooperative with the police. He invites Rachel into his home, where she is introduced to the rest of his family who are all touched by her story. Bao Shaoyen finally meets Rachel and discovers how similar she looks to her son. She realizes her fears were misplaced and apologizes to her. In doing so, they start to get along.
The police discover that Colette's assistant Roxanne was behind the poisoning, which was done in response to Colette's tearful concerns that her inheritance would be reduced. Despite Colette's lack of knowledge to the situation, Carlton blames Colette and breaks up with her. Nick is hesitant, but Rachel agrees to meet with Colette and accepts her apology. Colette later asks that Rachel help her and Carlton reconcile. Rachel does not want to get involved, and Colette becomes hysterical. She accuses Rachel of vindictively keeping them apart. She begins yelling at and berating her. Rachel responds by accusing Colette of being selfish. She points out that she learned to be content in having a loving supportive family and working hard in the real world. Rachel claims that Colette never knew how to be content. The argument ends when Rachel tells Colette to grow up. The incident is taped and becomes widely viewed on the internet. Humiliated, Colette loses her sponsorship to a popular fashion designer label. This is made worse when she learns through the tabloids that her father, Jack, had been having an affair with Kitty behind her back.
Meanwhile, Astrid finds herself increasingly confiding in Charlie Wu after her husband becomes detached and cold. Michael gets interviewed by a magazine about his family, naming him Father of the Year after bragging about his accomplishments and showcasing his luxury items. The magazine then does research into Astrid Leong and publishes information about her lineage and wealth. This angers her family and he is forced to meet with her father, who berates him in front of a man Michael is trying to impress. The magazines are recalled and retracted from distribution, and Michael begins to believe that his company's situation is the result of Astrid's father's meddling. Astrid eventually realizes that the company was bought at a loss by Charlie so that Michael would feel more confident in the marriage. Michael confronts Astrid about her relationship with Charlie, revealing he has read her messages and threatening her with a weapon. Astrid takes control of the situation and escapes with her son. Later, it is revealed that Charlie Wu had divorced Isabel, and that he and Astrid have not left each other's sides all night.
Kitty Pong and Corinna Ko-Tung, her society consultant, have a problem: no one has seen Kitty's husband, Bernard Tai, in ages. There are rumors regarding his disappearance along with their daughter. Kitty reveals to Corinna where Bernard is hiding: in a small house in Los Angeles while undergoing reconstructive surgery. He has dramatically changed from being in California for so long, and their daughter is forced to engage in his new and unfamiliar lifestyle. Kitty kidnaps her daughter and they escape using the private plane of her lover Jack Bing. She returns to her lavish house in Singapore with her daughter and reconnects her mother-in-law Carol Tai with her granddaughter, while beginning her lawsuit with Bernard for full custody of Giselle.
A corrupt consortium of fruit growers exploit migrant workers out of their rightful wages, until Gerry Clayton (Barry MacKay), the son of one of the growers, decides to champion their cause.
Set on a sheep station in the Yass district of New South Wales, the novel tells the story of the Waldron family. The owner John is partially paralysed and forced to cede control of his beloved Laverock station to his nephew, which ends badly.
A chapter book targeted to ages 6–8, the book is about a small house-loving dog and a large wandering cat who become friends in Paris.[ "''The Story of Diva and Flea''" (review)], ''Publishers Weekly'', (accessed 2015-12-20).Elizabeth Bleumlie, [ "That Mo Willems, At It Again"], ''Publishers Weekly'', November 20, 2015. It is based on a real pair of animals that the author met in Paris.Meghan Cox Gurdon, [ "Children’s Books: Animal Allies"], ''The Wall Street Journal'', October 9, 2015.
The fallen Storybrooke clock tower in the Underworld appears in the red-tinted forest.
The Enchanted Forest events take place after "Page 23" and some time before "Hat Trick". The Storybrooke events take place during "Swan Song", after Emma makes a deal with Mr. Gold and before the group's departure for the Underworld. The Underworld events take place after Hook's death in "Swan Song".
In the Enchanted Forest, Prince Henry is trying to convince his daughter, Regina, still after Snow White's heart, to give up vengeance, but she is unable to let go of her anger. He turns to the Magic Mirror in desperation to speak with Cora, believing that the best way to force Regina to get over Snow White is to just help her complete her plot, which Prince Henry is not in favor of. Unknown to Prince Henry and Regina, Cora has managed to enter the realm of the Enchanted Forest through the mirror again. Later on, Prince Henry meets with Snow White in the woods. The real Prince Henry comes up behind her, and Snow realizes that the first Prince Henry was actually Cora, who rips out her heart while she is distracted. Cora takes Snow's heart to Regina as a birthday present, only to then learn that Snow's heart was switched out with that of a guard. It turned out that Prince Henry saved Snow White by switching the hearts. A furious Regina then shrinks her father and condemns him into the very box that was holding the heart. Regina confronts Cora and sends her mother back into the mirror and seals it forever. At the last minute Cora takes the box containing her husband so Regina will be truly alone.
In what appears to be a dream, Emma wakes up in a car and is greeted by Neal, who tells her that he's just sending her a "long distance call from an old friend." He explains that he personally isn't in the Underworld, as it is only for those who have unfinished business, and that once they arrive, it's very hard to leave. Neal warns Emma not to go, but she refuses to listen to his advice and he knew she would and so he tells her he loves her and kisses her goodbye on the forehead and Emma wakes up. As Emma, Gold, Mary Margaret, David, Henry, Regina, and Robin Hood arrive in the Underworld in their quest to find Hook, the ensemble comes across a brimstone-hued version of Storybrooke. Gold tells them that every soul with unfinished business lives here until it is fulfilled, and since they have arrived that means they are ready to finish it as they were responsible, as Emma sees Cruella's car that serves as an example.
As they split up Regina and Robin are being followed by a resident (the person that Regina choked back in the Enchanted Forest), who leads them to Cora, who is the mayor of the Underworld Storybrooke. Cora offers Regina a way out, telling her she has one hour to leave on the ferry with Henry and Robin. She then takes Regina to a ledge over the Phlegethon, the River of Fire. She threatens to send Regina's father to a worse place if Regina does not comply, and she uses her messenger as an example by sending him off into the flames. Around the same time, Mary Margaret enters an Underworld version of Granny's and is recognized by the Blind Witch by her smell, and is then encountered by David wearing different clothes and proceeds to kiss her, as she realizes it's James, who is the "Sheriff" in this world. Gold goes to the Underworld version of his pawn shop and encounters his father Malcolm, whose soul must live as Peter Pan. Knowing already what Gold wants, Pan is willing to make a deal with no strings attached. However, he urges Gold to leave the Underworld, telling him that the others aren't his real friends, but Gold ignores his plea, accepting some sort of potion. Pan ominously adds that he himself would be able to leave, if only he could trade places with a living soul, although Gold refuses this. As everyone meets up again, Regina tells the others about Cora's warning, while Gold gives Emma the potion he obtained, which is from DunBroch, and can be used to summon the dead by pouring it over someone's grave. Gold explains it can be used to summon Hook and ask him where he is, but will not join them as he has decided that he is returning to Storybrooke.
The group travels to the site of Hook's grave (everyone in the underworld has a grave site) and Emma pours the ale of Seonaidh potion (Seonaidh is a Celtic water spirit from the Isle of Lewis) on the ground but lacks the power to bring him back, although they get a glimpse of an injured Hook before the potion wears off. Regina uses the potion and finds the soul of her father Prince Henry. Prince Henry tells Regina she has come too far to betray her friends now and tells her she must stay. Regina races to the banishment site with Henry as Cora attempts to banish the elder Henry, only to see the flames die down and a pathway to heaven open up. Since Regina has chosen to stay, remain a hero, and is no longer under the influence of her mother, Prince Henry's unfinished business is resolved. With his soul at peace, he is accepted into "a better place," and departs the Underworld after saying goodbye to Regina and Henry, who meets his namesake for the first time. The heroes realize they could potentially rescue all the souls here, and continue their quest to find Hook with this in mind. Cora meets with the ruler of the Underworld, Hades, who wishes the heroes gone (the clock on the broken tower will tick each time a soul leaves the Underworld), and punishes Cora for her failure with an eternity as a miller's daughter once again.
Norwark's field director "Pop" Hussey has a lot of trouble. His airport is well-equipped, but a high-voltage line located on the edge leads the administration to close it and Hussey is given two months to find a solution. Hussey does not have the money to move the line, and the municipality is turning a deaf ear. The CAA inspector is still present when a student pilot crashes after narrowly avoiding power lines. "Spinner" McGee is a Midway Airlines pilot who hauls mail at night. He is also a true romantic and is often lovestruck.
After a hectic flight during which McGee also narrowly avoids high-voltage cables, he meets the beautiful air hostess Maxine. He learns that he has been suspended for two months because of his repetitive delays and bad judgment. He then opens a flying school, with much publicity, and its success endangers the mail flights. McGee is to test a new aircraft that interests the Coast Guard. But because he late, his mechanic takes his place and is killed in a crash. McGee feels the loss very deeply.
Hussey interests the local authorities in the future of his airport, stressing that he needs help. While the notables are in an aircraft piloted by Roscoe Turner, the mayor, from the air, can address the crowd below. But the aircraft has engine trouble and must land immediately but the electrical wires are in its path. Just then, an aircraft piloted by McGee suddenly cuts in front of them before crashing to the ground.
The airliner and its passengers and pilot are saved and McGee is taken to the hospital, where he finds Maxine running to console him.
A mobster enlists in the marines in order to help his gang leader stealing secret military documents, but will his experience change his ways?
The novel begins with a quote from the 14th-century Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta:
The book is told from the perspective of five main characters: Rachel Chu, Nicholas (Nick) Young, Eleanor Young, Astrid Leong, and Edison Cheng. The story revolves around the grand wedding of Singapore's most eligible bachelor, Colin Khoo, and a fashion icon, Araminta Lee, which everyone calls the wedding of the year.
Rachel is a New York University (NYU) professor of economics, who is originally from Cupertino, California. She was raised by her single mother and leads a typical middle-class life. When her boyfriend Nick, an NYU professor of history, takes her to meet his family in Singapore, she is completely unaware of what is in store for her. Although he grew up in London, Nick is a Singapore native. Unknown to anyone in New York, he not only belongs to one of the top ten wealthiest families in Asia but is possibly sole heir to his family's great fortune. Despite this wealth, he was raised to be humble and to keep a low profile. Because of his upbringing, he is confident his family will approve of his simple girlfriend, but things turn out very differently than he expects.
Eleanor Young is Nick's controlling mother who is obsessed with prestige and pride. Since Nick was born, she has allowed her mother-in-law, the Young family matriarch, to practically raise her only child, so that, when the time comes, she will leave the family fortune to him. As a result, Eleanor is not very involved in Nick's upbringing and is even separated from his father, who chooses to live and work in Australia to manage their family's businesses there. She is also very adamant that Nick marry someone from the close-knit, rich circle of her friends and plans to sabotage Nick and Rachel's relationship. She hires a private detective to gather information on Rachel's family, which she later attempts to use to drive Rachel out of Nick's life, but ultimately results in her son freezing her out of his life. Rachel is shocked when she learns who her father, Zhou Fang Min, is and leaves to stay with her friend Goh Peik Lin and her family.
Astrid Teo (née Leong) is Nick's famous cousin whose beauty is well known all across Asia. Although she maintains a positive image to her family and society, her marriage is suffering. Michael, her long-suffering husband, is a self-made young man who is looked down on because he does not come from money. Astrid discovers that he might be having an affair with someone in Hong Kong. When she confronts him, Michael admits to having an affair and leaves. With the help of her ex-fiancé Charlie Wu, Astrid confronts him again in Hong Kong where he reveals that he has, in fact, not been having an affair and has only made it seem like he had so that she would want to divorce him, being no longer able to deal with the outsider status since he married into Astrid's family. In a last-ditch effort to help save their marriage and make Astrid happy, Charlie secretly buys shares in Michael's startup company at a highly inflated price.
Edison Cheng is Nick's spoiled Hong Kong cousin who works as a banker. He is one of the few members of his clan who lives up to his birthright as a member of one of the wealthiest families in the world. He wants to impress all his friends and relatives at the wedding, but his plans fall short because of his family, particularly his younger brother Alistair who is dating Kitty Pong, a starlet of questionable background and intentions. Alistair and Kitty are briefly engaged but she leaves him for Bernard Tai, a billionaire's son, after Oliver T'Sien misleads her to believe that the Chengs are not as rich as she thought.
Rachel and Nick suffer a falling out. Nick tries to convince her to stay in the relationship with him, professing that he no longer cares about what society and his family expect from him. Rachel doesn't believe him, claiming that no matter how much they try to ignore his family's legacy, they know they may not be able to. She tells Nick that she wants her children to grow up treasured and loved by their relatives like her own family has done, not raised with a family whose primary concern is their own wealth, family legacy, and the kinds of rich people they know. Rachel breaks up with him as a result and Nick realizes she's lost to him. Depressed, he stays at Colin's house for a while. At the Goh house, Rachel calls her mother, Kerry, and they have a falling out. She demands to know why Kerry didn't tell her about Fang Min being her father. When Kerry tries to explain that he was abusive and she had to save her life, Rachel blames her for her actions and hangs up the phone.
While staying at Colin's house, Nick regrets bringing Rachel to Singapore without giving her an insight into how to deal with his wealthy family. Instead of his family liking Rachel, they successfully turn her against Nick, which leads to their eventual break up. He mentions this to Colin, along with his thoughts of letting Rachel go. However, Colin suggests that Nick fight for Rachel and do one thing to win her back. As Rachel and Peik Lin are preparing to leave to meet Fang Min, Rachel's father who is in jail, Nick stops them from leaving, revealing that he's brought something from China to her. To Rachel's anger, it's her own mother that he brought to Singapore. Annoyed with Nick for preventing her one chance of meeting her father, Rachel tells Kerry off: she doesn't want to see her again and wants her to just let her meet her father. In desperation, Kerry finally reveals the truth about her real father: it isn't Fang Min but a man nicknamed Kao Wei. Rachel decides to listen to her mother and learn about the abuse she went through with Fang Min, including how Kao Wei saved her life by helping her escape to America, where she stayed with her relatives. Upon realizing how abusive Fang Min was to Kerry, Rachel is remorseful for her earlier behavior and reconciles with her mother. Nick takes the ladies to Marina Bay Sands for Singapore Slings. Rachel reunites with Nick.
The story follows the crew of the CNCS landship ''Vigilance'' (an enormous hovercraft carrier) as they played a cat-and-mouse game across the badlands with a rival landship from the AST, the ''Draco''.
An atrocity caused by the New Earth Concordat (NEC) — the destruction of the Badlands city of Peace River by an antimatter bomb — leads to a formal cease-fire between the Northern and Southern Leagues. A team of elite Special-Ops pilots from across the planet, equipped with advanced prototype Gears and a newly unveiled intersystem assault shuttle, are sent through the interstellar Tannhauser gate to the planet Caprice, the nearest NEC base, to find out more and strike back at the enemy.
In the Kappa House, Chanel (Emma Roberts) organizes a funeral for Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande) and delivers a scathing eulogy, as she is still annoyed that Chanel #2 slept with Chanel's boyfriend, Chad (Glen Powell). Concerned for their leader, Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd), Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin), and Hester/Chanel #6 (Lea Michele) convince Chanel to use a Ouija board to contact Chanel #2 so the two can make up. Via the board, Chanel #2 answers various questions and informs them that Chad is cheating on Chanel again. Chanel visits the frat house to see for herself and finds Chad in bed with a goat. Chad explains that he's lactose intolerant and he keeps the goat for its lactose-free milk. Chanel apologizes, blaming Chanel #2 for doubting him.
At the next séance, the Ouija board claims that Chanel is the Red Devil killer and Hester convinces the others to kill Chanel. At night, Chanel #2's ghost visits Chanel. Chanel #2 explains that she is in Hell and in order for her to make it into Heaven, she must make amends with Chanel. She apologizes for falsely naming Chanel as the killer and warns that her minions are plotting against her. Chanel confronts them and convinces them that Grace (Skyler Samuels) and Zayday (Keke Palmer) are the Red Devil.
Meanwhile, Gigi (Nasim Pedrad) advises Grace and Pete (Diego Boneta) to investigate Feather McCarthy (Tavi Gevinson), a former Wallace University student who had a feud with Dean Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis). When they go to meet Feather, Feather reveals that she had an affair with professor Steven Munsch (Philip Casnoff), the ex-husband of Dean Munsch. When Steven announced he was divorcing Dean Munsch, she went ballistic, forcing Steven to temporarily move into the Kappa House. Dean Munsch then stalked Feather, showing up dressed exactly like her. After the divorce finalized, Steven and Feather moved in together, which further enraged Dean Munsch. She then attempted to murder Feather by pushing a transistor radio into the bathtub while Feather was bathing. Pete asks Feather whether she would be able to go on record as a source on a story about Munsch, to which she willingly agrees.
Later that night, Feather returns home to discover Steven's severed head in a fish tank. Dean Munsch is arrested by Detective Chisolm as the prime suspect. Dean Munsch is also suspected of being behind the other Red Devil murders. Grace and Pete celebrate their victory but Dean Munsch invites them to visit her at the mental hospital where she is incarcerated, promising information on the 1995 "bathtub baby" lead.
When they visit Dean Munsch at the asylum, they find her relatively calm and happy but she insists Feather is Steven's true murderer. After hearing Dean Munsch refuse a lunchmeat sandwich because she is extremely allergic, Peter remembers Steven's murderer made and ate a sandwich at the scene of the crime. They discover it was a bologna sandwich, which means Cathy couldn't have been the killer. They find evidence that points to Feather as Steven's murderer and she is arrested.
An ending sequence shows Cathy dancing to the song "Beware of Young Girls" and her narration reveals that she had in fact killed her ex-husband and she made the bologna sandwich as a cover-up so that Feather would get framed. She decided to take advantage of the Red Devil murders to get revenge on Feather and Steven. Feather is last seen in a mental asylum, insisting on her innocence. Meanwhile, the Chanels ominously observe Grace and Zayday.
Grace (Skyler Samuels) and Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) discuss about the baby in the bathtub incident. Despite making a promise to Grace and Pete to reveal the events of what happened that night in 1995 in exchange for pursuing Feather, Cathy claims she has no memory of ever saying that. She says she was probably high on Klonopin, and so she can't be held accountable for anything she may have said during that time. Cathy also says that because Feather is the killer, the murders have nothing to do with what happened at Kappa 20 years ago, and since Feather has been caught, there's nothing to worry about. Grace is angry that Munsch will not offer up any information, especially since it would greatly help solve who the murderer really is. She tells Cathy that she knows for a fact that Cathy is going to ignore everything that's going on at Wallace University until it personally sneaks up behind her and stabs her in the heart. She then storms out of Cathy's office. That was proven when Cathy is attacked by two Red devils and one more killer dressed as Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia when she was about to take a shower (a remake to the infamous shower scene from the movie Psycho, where Curtis' mother, Janet Leigh stars in the same scene). She fights the 3 of them, and, unable to defeat the Dean, the killers flee.
Since Cathy personally got attacked by the killers, she is now willing to give some information to Grace, just as Grace had predicted. Cathy tells Grace that she hypothetically would be an accessory to homicide if she did in fact witness the death at Kappa in 1995 and proceeded to cover it up. She says that even if she did think the murders were linked to what happened 20 years ago, she couldn't start offering up information to the authorities because she would risk implicating herself. She also says that she thought someone would just shoot the killer and it would all be over with, but now, since they are coming after her, and Wallace University would not survive without her, something needs to be done. She then hands Grace a file that contains the name of the girl who died in the tub. Grace then looks at the name of the bathtub baby's mother - Sophia Doyle (McKaley Miller). She immediately gets confused because she was convinced that ''she'' was the bathtub baby, but her mom's last name was Mulligan, according to her dad. Dean Munsch tells Grace that she acts like she's a hero who's trying to solve the murders and bring justice to the campus, but really it's just about her finding out who her mother is. Grace gets angry and says she wants to solve the murders, but she also wants to know if she's the reason why they're happening. Cathy then says to Grace she might have something for her but she's gonna get filthy doing it, and Grace storms out the office.
Back at Kappa house, The Chanels gather evidence they discovered that prove Zayday (Keke Palmer) and Grace are the killers. Hester (Lea Michele) says she found out that Zayday and Grace are on the pill, with synced cycles, just like their thirst for murder. She says that "those who pill together, kill together" and Chanel gets annoyed because that's not even a saying. Next, Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) says she knows for a fact that Zayday is the murderer and plans on killing again because the anagram of Zayday Williams is "I MAY SLAY LIZ DAW". She says she has no clue who Liz Daw is, but clearly Zayday is contemplating slaying her. Chanel goes mad since the clues are ridiculous and pays two British detectives to do the job. Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd) discovers that Denise (Niecy Nash) has moved into Kappa House and offers her money to prove that Zayday is the killer. Later, Denise and Jennifer "The Candle Vlogger" (Breezy Eslin) talk about Zayday but get overheard by Zayday, who is mad and warns them to stay away from her. Jennifer is later murdered by the Red Devil when she's hosting her web show. The Chanels and Denise find her body is posed in the dinner table covered in melted wax and surrounded by candles. Jennifer's murder leads Cathy to close the university indefinitely, and a candle light vigil is held for Jennifer.
Grace and Pete (Diego Boneta) discover from the painter in the asylum that Gigi (Nasim Pedrad) is The Hag of Shady Lane and that the Hag took care of two babies, and Grace goes to confront her, only to be shut down. In Kappa House, Chanel asks the two detectives about Zayday and Grace, but instead they find something suspicious on her housemate, Libby Putney. Chanel has no idea who that is, and they tell her she might know Libby as Chanel #5. Chanel states she only wants them to prove that Zayday and Grace are the killers. Then, Grace realizes that Gigi must have known her mom from the bathtub incident, which means Wes must have known Gigi. Grace assumes her dad might have something to do with the murders, so she tells him to stay away from her as she runs out of the house. Grace heads back to Kappa, where Chanel is waiting for her in the living room. She presents Grace with a folder containing her mother's criminal records. It turned out the Grace's mother was Bethany Stevens (Anna Grace Barlow), the ruthless Kappa president in 1995 who refused to help Sophia. She hooked up with Wes and married him before having Grace nine months later. The birth of her daughter caused Bethany to change her name to Mary Mulligan and later was arrested for multiple criminal charges. Wes then sued for custody and won. Mary then died a month later in a fiery car crash while intoxicated. The news causes Grace to slap Chanel and storm out. Wes later confirms it to her. Meanwhile, Chanel is forced to apologize to Grace by Denise, being threatened that if she doesn't apologize, she will steal Chad (Glen Powell) away from her. Chanel later apologizes to Grace, and the two make amends. The episode ends with the return of Boone (Nick Jonas) at the gym, who wears a fake beard and disguises as Joaquin Phoenix. He is on the phone with the Red Devil and states that Gigi is the only thing standing in their way and he plans to get rid of her.
As Boone Clemens (Nick Jonas) continues his disguise as Joaquin Phoenix as he calls an unknown person over the phone, his fake beard falls off, just as he runs into Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd). He realizes that he's been caught and as soon as he starts to confess, she mistakes him for a ghost. Confused, Boone decides to play along with it and tells her he is the ghost, scaring her away. When she goes back to Kappa House and informs the other Chanels of her encounter with Boone, Denise (Niecy Nash) tells them a couple of ghost stories, stating that they'll be so scared of the cautionary tales that their minds off of the Red Devil and Boone's ghost. The stories only make the Chanels more frightened, with a lore about killers that drag people in the toilet while they're using it, or killers that murder you based on your decision of toilet paper. Later, Boone pays a visit to Chad (Glen Powell), who also thinks he's a ghost. He asks Chad if he can borrow a 'date shirt' of his, saying that the only way for him to be 'among the living' would be to have sex with Zayday (Keke Palmer), much to Chad's confusion at first, knowing Boone is gay, but later complies.
Denise is then seen about to use the bathroom, sitting down only to find a choice of blue and red toilet paper. Suddenly, the Red Devil pounces from above, attempting to give her a swirly. She barely escapes, rushing over to the rest of the girls, saying that she needs a ghost story to calm her down. Hester (Lea Michele) begins a story about a meathook killer that runs away and is never found. The legend is that a girl driving a car and got honked by a truck behind her who tried to warn her about a meathook killer in the back seat of her car. Nobody seems to have enjoyed the tale. Denise, feeling much more refreshed, unlocks the doors. Later, Hester told everyone that she is pregnant with Chad's baby. An outraged Chanel goes to confront her boyfriend, who doesn't deny it. She threatens to kill him.
Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) has had enough of being hunted down by the Red Devil, stating that she's leaving and driving home. Sitting in her car, on the radio there is an announcement that warns all passersby of Wallace University to be on the lookout for serial killer, Boone Clemens. The radio then reverts to a calming song, but she is then suddenly interrupted by the honking of a truck driver behind her. She begins to speed up, as we see the Red Devil in her car being honked by the truck driver every time he pops up. She then pulls up in a gas station alongside the truck driver, kicking him in the groin. The truck driver says he was only trying to protect her. As he's explaining this to her, the Red Devil sneaks up behind him and fatally stabs him with a machete. Libby escapes and drives back to campus.
Zayday and Earl Grey (Lucien Laviscount) are passionately kissing on Zayday's bed until Earl stops them, saying that he wants everything to be perfect, running quickly to get his 'equipment', implying they want to have sex. Boone climbs through her bedroom window, trying to seduce Zayday, still pretending to be his ghost. Zayday does not buy into it at all and realizes Boone is one of the Red Devil. Grace walks in and realizes everything that's going on. They try to drag him away so they can turn him in, but he shoves them away and falls out the window. But when they look out the window, he has disappeared. Before he can make it back to Zayday's room, Earl is fatally stabbed by the Red Devil. Before Earl dies, the Red Devil removes his mask, revealing him as Boone.
Arriving back at the Kappa House, Libby returns with news that the Red Devil attacked her, but Chanel (Emma Roberts) says that this was just mirroring the tale that Hester had told them before about the meathook killer. Libby still continually rants about how nobody is consoling her, as Zayday still grieves the death of her boyfriend Earl. Boone is at Gigi's (Nasim Pedrad) house, telling her that he'd had enough following her instructions. He did everything; including pretending to be gay, to follow her schemes. He is intent on murdering her with the help of the other Red Devil, only to be turned on by the other Red Devil, who fatally stabs him in the chest. Back at the Kappa House, The Chanels try to prove that Hester isn't actually pregnant, which succeeds. But Hester says that she will still have Chad get her pregnant. Angered, Chanel pushes Hester down the stairs, presumably breaking her neck and the Chanels stare at her lifeless body while Chanel announces that they've made their "own ghost story".
José has been sent by the employment agency as an extra for the taping of a New Year's Eve television special (four months in advance) in an industrial pavilion just outside Madrid, leaving his mother Dolores (an old woman unable to detach herself from a big crucifix she tore from her husband's grave) alone. He is replacing another extra who died in the wake of an accident involving a production crane during a reharsal. Hundreds of people like him are locked in the set, replaying reharsal after reharsal, applauding for musical performances they do not actually see and celebrating the false arrival of the new year. José starts to fall for dinner companion Paloma (a jinxed woman) to the amusement of the rest of extras sharing the table (Antonio, Yanire, and Josua). Meanwhile major clashes of egos are unfolding backstage.
On the one hand, veteran (and ruthless) crooner Alphonso comes face to face with his bitter rival, Latin pop young sensation Adanne as Alphonso is not willing to let anyone else than him to come out at the top. Yuri, Alphonso's presumed adopted son and primary target of his cruelty, has hired an assassin (Óscar) to get rid of Alphonso. A purported fan has managed to get a vial with Adanne's semen so he can be blackmailed. On the other hand, the two co-hosts of the show and an actual disfunctional couple (Roberto and Cristina) cannot stand each other and fight over the trust of the producer Benítez, who is aware the channel is struggling to avoid its closure. Meanwhile a mobile control unit formed by Rosa and Amparo stays aloof trying to save the insane television shoot.
A series of Vignettes that begin at the Civil War and end at the Spanish Economic Miracle is interwoven with 2 separate abstractions
The film tells the fictionalized biography of the famous musician Vincenzo Bellini, who lived in the 19th century and died at the age of 34.
Naples. In the military academy of the Nisida Air Force a new course begins which sees among the new recruits called "chicks": Giorgio, forced by his father after he squandered millions at the gaming table; De Montel son of a general, Mario who wants to follow in the footsteps of his father who died in combat; Antonio who declares himself Neapolitan while coming from the province and Ugo who comes from the north.
Giorgio suffers from the rigid military life from which he always tries to escape while the others are interested in his career. During a leave of absence, De Montel meets Luisa, Giorgio's sister who has returned to the game table in plain clothes. The captain puts him under arrest and he convinces the comrade that it was Mario who was the spy and that he must be isolated.
Giorgio meets Elena, a hostess several times, thanks to which he begins to understand the importance of not only an emotional commitment. De Montel discovers that he has a weak heart that does not allow him to continue his military life and Mario, disappointed by the isolation in which he finds himself, thinks of leaving his uniform and going back to work in his mother's tobacconist. When after months Giorgio discovers Mario's innocence he goes to him to apologize and convince him to return to the Academy, he also learns that Elena has just died in a plane crash.
The academic year ends, De Montel is forced to leave due to health problems while the others have earned the driver's badge. At the time of saying goodbye, Giorgio confesses that he wants to remain in the body until he becomes a general and Mario gives the badge to De Montel which is part of him accompanied by Luisa.
Divorce attorney Sara Lancetti, soon to be married, starts getting notes and phone calls threatening her life if she marries. Hoping to identify the person who made the threats, she tries to track down all her former boyfriends.
Mirai Kakehashi is a young orphaned high school student who lives with his abusive aunt and uncle after the death of his parents. One day, Mirai decides he cannot take it anymore and attempts suicide, but is saved by a Guardian Angel called Nasse, who also gives Mirai special powers. Upon learning from Nasse that his aunt and uncle were responsible for the deaths of his father and mother due to their jealousy and hatred toward to them, Mirai uses the powers that she bestowed to him in order to enact justice upon them. This is only the beginning of Mirai’s story, however, as Nasse soon after informs him that God will retire in 999 days and thirteen candidates to replace him were selected, one of which is Mirai. To make matters worse, not only is Mirai forced to take part in the contest to decide the next God, but some of the other candidates will do anything to win, including killing all of the other candidates as soon as possible. To combat these ruthless killers, Mirai forms an alliance with several candidates who share his goal: to win the contest without killing any other competitors.
Jang-woo and Eun-ji are orphaned siblings living in a small seaside town. They are very close, having only each other to rely on after their parents died. Jang-woo is saving up to move to the city so that his younger sister Eun-ji will have better opportunities once she graduates from high school. But one day Eun-ji suddenly disappears, and she turns up dead three days later, her body bruised all over and dumped in a large bucket of water at their washhouse. No witnesses and evidence to the crime can be found. Jang-woo turns to shamanism, but during the ritual to send Eun-ji's spirit to heaven in peace, he notices a suspicious man and takes the latter's behavior as Eun-ji's hint from the afterlife to find her killer.
Si-eun has been ostracized by the townspeople for her mysterious psychic ability to foresee death. She received a premonition of the death of her only friend Eun-ji, but stayed silent. Now wracked with guilt, Si-eun approaches Jang-woo to help him with the clues in her vision. She saw fragmented images related to the murder, but not the face of the killer. The duo begins tracking down a number of other murder cases suspected to have been done by the same person. Then Si-eun sees premonitions of the next target, and Jang-woo goes to the location where she predicts the murder will take place to catch the perpetrator. There, he encounters Pharmacist Min, known as the kindest person in town. Jang-woo becomes absolutely certain that the pharmacist is the serial killer, but the police refuses to investigate Min due to his upstanding reputation. Obsessed with avenging his sister, Jang-woo decides to take matters into his own hands, while Si-eun has another vision of the next murder.
Robert Marvin-Jones is a billionaire recluse who decides to pay homage to Alfred Hitchcock by making a film in his backyard; however his film crew have gone missing and possibly been brutally murdered. Meanwhile, private detective Joseph Shamley has psychic power. Jones' niece, a mute named Alicia, asks Shamley to use his powers of deduction to solve the mystery.
The game is set in the Middle Ages, and its storyline is inspired by the historical 1980 murder mystery novel ''The Name of the Rose''. When a monk named Leonardo of Toledo is ordered to deliver the young Bruno to the Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Abbey for study with the local monks, a "dark, dastardly murder interferes with this kiddie drop-off".
Players assume the role of one of two characters: the sea captain Faust or smuggler Jazz. They go on a quest to find lost treasure in the Ancient East.
Fifty captures few pivotal days of four women at the pinnacle of their careers. Tola, Elizabeth, Maria and Kate are four friends forced at midlife to take inventory at their personal lives, while juggling career and family against the backdrops of the neighbourhoods of Lagos.
Tola is a reality TV star whose marriage to lawyer Kunle never stood a chance thanks to an invidious family secret. Elizabeth is a celebrated obstetrician whose penchant for younger men has estranged her from her daughter. Maria, a forty nine-year old has an affair with a married man that results in an unexpected pregnancy and Kate's battle with a life-threatening illness has plugged her into religious obsession.
Factory worker Judy Wingate financially supports her stepmother Frances, who is keeping company with Eddie Nolan, a gangster. Eddie makes a pass at Judy, who knocks him cold with a skillet. A furious Frances finds Eddie recovering, strikes him again and kills him. But it is Judy who is arrested, convicted and sent to prison for five years.
A reporter covering the trial, Dan Donahue, develops a romantic attraction to Judy, who finds prison bearable, at least being far from her wicked stepmother. A guilty conscience persuades Frances, however, to offer $10,000 from Judy's life insurance policy to mobsters Gorno and Mullins to break her out of jail.
All spirals downhill from there. Judy threatens to go to the police and tell all she knows. Mullins, angry with Frances, runs her down with a car. On her deathbed, Frances attempts to confess, but Gorno shoots her before she can speak. Donahue and the police, however, are able to get the better of the villains and clear Judy's name once and for all.
Government agent Tim Brandon, comes to Silver City to investigate a series of stagecoach and gold shipment disappearances. During the investigation he teams with the local sheriff and stagecoach line worker Linda to take on the local gang responsible for the disappearances.
After selling their house, the Higgins family is convinced by a crafty real estate agent to invest the proceeds in a hotel at Coyote Wells, Nevada, sight unseen. Upon arriving at their new establishment, the Higginses find that what has been described as a thriving western community is actually a ghost town, inhabited by a gang of mobsters fleeing from the law. Things look bleak until two film actors, dressed as prospectors, appear in town and the Higginses mistake them for real gold miners and spread word of a gold strike. This announcement results in a rush of miners which transforms Coyote Wells into a boom town and the Higgins' hotel into a profitable enterprise. Their prosperity is short lived however, when the miners fail to discover gold and decide to lynch the family. Grandpa saves their hides by salting the abandoned mine with gold dust, but as he leaves the mine, he accidentally sets off a stick of dynamite. Hurrying back to Apache Wells, Grandpa rounds up the prospectors and takes them back to the mine where, much to everyone's amazement, Grandpa discovers that the explosion has uncovered a rich vein of gold. As the miners prepare to rush to the land office to file their claims, Mugsy, the head of the gangsters, pulls a gun and announces that he is holding everyone hostage until his men can file a claim on the mine. All seems lost until Grandpa mounts an old nag and gallops into town, where he convinces the movie extras, costumed as Indians, to stage a raid on the gangsters and free the miners.
''Women of Owu'' focuses on the aftermath of a 19th-century war-torn Owu Kingdom. It reflects on the pains, depression and agony of the survivors who were only women after the killing of all males in the kingdom by the combined forces of Ife, Oyo and Ijebu. The relationship between ''Women of Owu'' and ''The Trojan Women'' has been explored by Olakunbi Olasope.
The married Kuznetsovs are experiencing a midlife crisis — Maria and Sergei do not have feelings for each other anymore. Their children Yulia and Alexander — have grown up and have their own interests. There are financial problems in the family as Sergey loses his job. Famous fashion designer Igor Shvedov starts to make advances for Maria, she agrees to leave her husband for him. Masha goes to the Shvedov but they have a severe quarrel which leads to Masha running away in the night from her new husband. Afterwards she gets admitted to a hospital where it is discovered that she had a miscarriage. Because of Shvedov's advice Masha is sent to a sanatorium in Almaty which is owned by his old friend. On the way Masha dies (the plot was amended because of Maria Zubareva's death, in the original version Masha would return to Sergei).
During lunchtime at school, Principal Shepherd reminds the students to nominate for this year's homecoming king. After a brief discussion, Chris is nominated by just his best friend Neil Goldman. At home, Chris announces the news to Lois, Brian, and Stewie, to Lois' concern. The next day, Chris unexpectedly wins the election, much to the surprise of Lois, Brian, and Stewie, who had come to console him after he lost.
Meanwhile, at the Drunken Clam, Cleveland leaves for a moment to go to the bathroom. Peter, Joe, and Quagmire head out, leaving Cleveland to pay the bill for the boys. Cleveland complains to Jerome, and they bond over more drinks. Later, Cleveland ditches his friends to hang out with Jerome, surprising them. Wanting to get Cleveland back, they decide to try and win him back through antics such as dancing foolishly on his lawn. All of these efforts are met with failure as Cleveland continues to spend time with Jerome.
At home, Lois and Peter give Chris plenty of respect and congratulations for his success, causing him to act like a King. Meg however is skeptical about the votes, saying that they are part of an elaborate prank by the popular students, on account of the high school's liking of "making unpopular kids look stupid". Brian and Stewie go to the school to clarify this. They attempt to disguise themselves and sneak in, but Brian gets distracted by two attractive teen girls and is subsequently thrown out of the school. At night, they see a news story about Chris, 'a big guy with a heart of dreams', becoming homecoming king, and realize after hearing his interviewed classmates responses that he was elected because they pitied him upon knowing of his "records". When Chris comes home he continues to believe he is a King of high importance and power, much to Stewie and Brian's irritation. The next day, an exasperated Brian reveals the truth to a skeptical Chris, who refuses to believe it.
After Peter, Joe, and Quagmire unsuccessfully attempt a third method to get Cleveland back, they address the idea that Cleveland may be hanging out with Jerome because they're both black people. They head to the Brown house dressed like famous black people to win Cleveland back, but he reveals that he is still angry about the unsettled bar tab he was stuck with and feels Jerome is a better friend. That night, Cleveland tells Jerome of the guys' theory and learns that there's some truth behind it, as Jerome personally considers Cleveland boring but feels a connection to him because of their shared race nonetheless.
Brian and Stewie attend the homecoming dance after Stewie realizes that they were a little too harsh on him and should support him anyway. Principal Shepherd introduces Chris as the prom king. However, when Chris steps up to give another bizarre speech, his classmates give sympathetic comments. When Principal Shepard introduces the Homecoming Queen, which turns out to be a memorial to a girl who died in a car accident, it dawns on him that they merely elected him because they thought he was mentally challenged just like his father and wanted him to feel good about himself. Outside the school, Chris reconciles with Stewie and Brian, having learned from the experience that he doesn't need pity, just support from his family and friends.
After reuniting and patching things up with his friends at the Griffins' house, Cleveland plays ''Double Dribble'' with Peter, where Peter takes advantage of a glitch. Peter starts to win, but hits a wrong button at the last minute before the episode ends.
Bernard has been brutally left by his wife, without even a file for divorce, and attempts to absolutely get her back, on the sudden departure of her flight for Lausanne, but he fails. Having committed several infractions during his trip, he is arrested by the police but is finally free a few hours later.
Firmly convinced that they were happy together, Bernard does not understand why she is gone. Trying to forget it but having a hard time overcoming his sorrow, he goes living in a residence "for bachelors". Employed by SOS Médecins, he decides to ensure the overnight care to occupy his insomnia. He is demanded one evening to rescue a neighbor, Nadine Foulon, who has gotten ill in an elevator. Nadine is also crossing a difficult period, since her partner Terry, a singer and guitarist, has completely abandoned her and is continuing to "mess" with her feelings. Working as a photographer, she is unable to forget it and swings between depression and bulimia.
In ''Volcanic Dungeon'', the Knight of Star Jewel rescued the kidnapped Princess Edora and killed her evil captor Magra, the most powerful sorceress in the world. However, Magra has been restored back to life by her followers and wants revenge upon the man who defeated her. She cursed Edora and so the knight needs to once again save the princess. He needs to reach Magra's the castle in the Black Mountains and find a way to destroy the witch forever.
The story closely follows the story of "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. The player takes on the role of Gerda, whose friend Kay has been kidnapped by the Snow Queen and taken to her home in the mountains. Gerda must attempt to rescue her friend.
Twin brothers David and Tom Cook go their separate ways, David as a lawman, Tom as an outlaw. Tom is in league with corrupt sheriff Jim McDaniels and at odds with two members of his gang, Hardman and Marsden. The honest, upright David has few allies except for an elderly uncle, Hardtack.
Saloon singer Phyllis O'Conover is in love with Tom even though he has gone bad. Because of a case of mistaken identities, she marries his twin. Tom considers this unforgivable, even though Phyllis was sincerely in love with him, and kills her. David falls in love with Phyllis's jealous older sister Julie.
A showdown occurs between the twins. Tom has the drop on David and appears to be the victor until he is shot dead by their uncle.
The film starts with the governor wandering into a duck hunt and getting killed.
The plot then revolves around a campaign to elect a new governor, candidates focussing upon a proposed Farmer's Bill.
The campaign speeches (and songs) are broadcast on the XYZ radio channel.
Candidates are disrupted by singing on a constant basis. Weaver proves the popular choice as he opts for Grand Ole Oprey as the music of his campaign.
Back in 1897, Dracula and his friends travel in disguise on a train to Budapest. However, Dracula's arch-nemesis Professor Abraham Van Helsing boards the train and unveils the monsters; the monsters escape by climbing through the roof, and Dracula pushes his friends off the train for their safety. Van Helsing becomes obsessed with destroying Dracula, but is constantly outsmarted by him.
In the present-day following a few weeks after the second film, Dracula is running his hotel business smoothly with his daughter Mavis and son-in-law Johnny. Drac is depressed that he has remained single since his wife Martha's death despite his attempts to meet someone. Misinterpreting this as stress from overwork, Mavis books a cruise so they can all take a break and spend more time together as a family. Dracula, Johnny, Mavis, their son Dennisovitch, Dracula's father Vlad, and the hotel guests board a cruise ship called ''Legacy''. Dracula sees the ship's human captain, Ericka, and immediately falls in love with her at first sight, something that he thought was impossible as he had already "zinged" before.
Ericka afther goes to a private and secret room on the lower decks where she meets Abraham Van Helsing, secretly her great-grandfather. Van Helsing has almost entirely mechanized his body to avoid death, and has a plan to eliminate all the monsters: on the cruise's arrival at the lost city of Atlantis, he will use an Instrument of Destruction in Atlantis' ruins. Van Helsing makes Ericka promise to not assassinate Dracula beforehand, but she makes repeated unsuccessful attempts to do so anyway. Dracula's friends hear Ericka complain about her inability to get him and misinterpret this as a sign of affection. Dracula nervously asks Ericka out on a date, and she accepts since she sees this as another opportunity to kill him. As they dine on a deserted island, Ericka unexpectedly begins to fall in love with Drac, after they learn about each other's pasts about losing their loved ones - for Dracula, it was his beloved wife Martha and for Ericka, it was her parents.
Mavis discovers Dracula is interested in Ericka and becomes suspicious of Ericka's motives. The cruise ship reaches Atlantis, which has been converted into a casino; Dracula decides to tell Mavis the truth about Ericka but gets distracted seeing Ericka enter an underground crypt. Drac follows her, with Mavis not far behind, and learns that Ericka is after a "family heirloom". With Dracula's help, she evades the booby traps around the object and escapes. Mavis arrives and confronts them, and Dracula confesses that he "zinged" with Ericka, to Mavis' surprise and confusion. After Ericka is told what a "zing" is, her inner guilt about lying to Dracula forces her to reject Dracula's feelings for her, leaving Dracula heartbroken and Mavis feeling guilty.
A regretful Ericka gives Van Helsing the object—the Instrument of Destruction—and he sets a trap for the monsters at a dance party. Noticing that Dracula is still depressed about Ericka, Mavis takes advice from Johnny and tells her father to talk to Ericka, admitting that she was afraid of him leaving her, which allays Drac's fears. Van Helsing shows up and pushes away the DJ, and a saddened Ericka is forced to reveal that she is his great-granddaughter. Van Helsing unveils the Instrument of Destruction—a case for a music note sheet—and plays a song that drives a friendly Kraken living near the island to attack the monsters. Dracula tries to stop the Kraken, but gets injured. Ericka saves Dracula from the Kraken and pleads with her great-grandfather to stop the destruction, confessing her love for Drac. This infuriates Van Helsing, and he attacks them both.
To pacify the Kraken, Johnny opens up a portable DJ kit and plays positive songs ("Good Vibrations" and "Don't Worry, Be Happy") to beat Van Helsing's song. Upon playing the "Macarena," the Kraken is relaxed and happy for good; Van Helsing is unable to counter the song as the humans and monsters begins to dance, including the music sheet, which rips itself to pieces during the process. When Van Helsing also dances, he accidentally slips and falls, but Dracula saves him. Touched by the act of kindness, Van Helsing apologizes to the monsters and gives everybody a full refund for the cruise, before sending them back.
Back at Hotel Transylvania, Dracula proposes to Ericka, who gets tongue-tied at the question before accepting.
The film begins with Nasiwatte Hitler being released from jail and resuming his criminal activities with his gang. He runs a beggar group, which includes crouched men, dumb and deaf men, disabled women and children who have to beg in many places and earn money for Hitler. Meanwhile, a rich businessmen, Sathgunawath Pinsara, plays an innocent role in public by helping poor people, but behind the scenes he is a canny person who deals with gangs such as Hitler, and Karaa. Chaplin is a deaf and dumb beggar, but not to his daughter Subha, who is a student at the law college. Subha is a courageous girl who is very loyal to her deaf and dumb father. Pinsara's son Kapila flirts with Subha to achieve her love and he proposes a program about the life of beggars for their college course. Sandya is the wife of Hitler, who has a child who was secretly moved away from her after birth. Pinsara gives a contract to Hitler and Karaa for a murder. Kara eventually kills the wrong person, and a girl named Nathalia was is killed by the gunshot. Police search the gunman and capture Karaa. After torturing him, he tells them that the contract was given by Hitler and DIG (Bimal) searches for him. When all this happens, the beggar program was carried out in Naziwatte and they started to show films outdoors. Chaplin started to act like Hitler and the police capture Chaplin as Naziwatte Hitler for the death of Nathalia. But soon they realize he is not the actual person and Chaplin is released. Nathalia's boyfriend Kalinga searches for Hitler with DIG and finally captures him from Pinsara's house. Hitler is heavily drunk and tries to kill Pinsara for his dirty works, then Kapila intervenes and hits Hitler. Hitler confesses that his wife Sandya's daughter was given to Chaplin and she is Pinsara's blood. When Hitler is captured by police, Sandya is captured at the same times and Hitler told the story of her daughter and asks Chaplin about the girl. The film ends when Kapila searches for Chaplin everywhere and finally enters Subha's house. Subha smiles and Kapil sees Chaplin at the house.
Set in an unspecified future, the narrative focuses on a young man named Beni, whose sister is kidnapped, causing him to embark on a quest to loot the tomb of a technologically-advanced race that has since vanished.
The plot centers around a character named Randal, a sociopath and kleptomaniac, who becomes stuck in a ''Groundhog Day''-esque loop. The game's dark humor has been compared to that of ''Hector: Badge of Carnage''.
"In A Quiet Weekend in Capri", the player is a tourist visiting Capri in the hopes of having a relaxing weekend, but things start to take a strange turn once you arrive.
"AnaCapri" sees the player return to the northern region of Capri, for an adventure that has a mix of mythology, literature, science fiction, history, and psychology.
In "The Capri Connection", you play as Dr. Nico Fredi, whose mind becomes swapped with that of his alternate universe double Dr. Nick Freuds; the result of Space-Time rip from an experiment-gone-wrong by Dr. Costanzo Gravitiello. The player has to set things back to normal.
One night, the Nohara family were enjoying a pleasant dream, when suddenly a big fish appeared in their dreams and ate them. The next morning, Hiroshi read in the newspaper that everybody in another town had the same nightmare as him, but it seemed to have ended. But Hiroshi also heard the same dream from Misae, Shinnosuke, Himawari and even Shiro. They were surprised and thought if the same thing is happening in Kasukabe too. In kindergarten, on telling others about his nightmare, Shinnosuke was surprised to know that everybody too had the same dream.
Then a mysterious girl named Saki was transferred to Futaba Kindergarten and joined Shinnosuke's class. Everyone in the class, including the rather inactive Bo-chan, were all excited and happy on seeing her. But Saki had a cold attitude and didn't get along well.
That night, Shinnosuke and others were taken to a fantasy dreaming world (called ''Yumemi-World''). Shinnosuke could see all the Kasukabe Defense Group members. They were riding on big balls. Whatever they wished was granted. When Masao said that he wanted to be a manga-artist, the ball grew bigger and he was transformed into a manga artist. Kazama was a TV announcer and Nene was an actress and a singer. Shinnosuke wished for ''chocobi'' and sweets which were instantly granted. Then he wished to play with young attractive girls in swimsuits and was taken to a beach-like area where he could do all sorts of enjoyment.
While the kids had good dreams, Hiroshi, Misae and other adults too had nice dreams, but their dream was soon converted into nightmares. The dreaming power of children is big while that of adults is small. Adults were losing dreaming energy faster than the kids. When the dreaming power of kids was consumed, they too started having nightmares. The kids became disheartened and depressed when their dreams couldn't be fulfilled completely. Masao on losing all his manga started crying.
The next day, the Kasukabe Defense Group held a meeting and decided to solve this problem of nightmares. Meanwhile, they were gradually befriending Saki. Then they asked Saki to join their group, to which she agreed. While Kazama was worrying about the cause of such nightmares, he came to realise that while everyone was having the same dream, Saki was not present. He also recalled that their dreams were being sucked and converted into nightmares. Kazama gradually started to suspect that Saki and her family are the ones who are sucking up their good dreams.
Kazama went to Saki and questioned her about this. Shinnosuke told not to accuse Saki. But Saki finally decided to reveal the truth.
Saki had lost her mother in an accident when she was small. Her mother to protect Saki had sacrificed her life. Considering her mother's death to be her fault, Saki started having nightmares fearing that her mother is having a grudge against her. Saki's father, Nubatama Yumehiko, was worried about Saki and created a psychological magical world called the ''Yumemi-world''. To protect her from having nightmares, he absorbed all the good dreams from others and poured it into Saki's dream world so that she could have happy dreams. As a result, others' dream energy was sucked and they all started having nightmares.
Despite knowing all this, Saki said that she didn't want to upset her father and so she neither said anything to him or others.
In the Yumemi-world, Saki always had a stuffed toy ''baku'' (tapir) which ate all her nightmares. In Japanese mythology, the tapir (called "Baku") is a spirit that devours dreams and nightmares. Shinnosuke said that Baku must be existing somewhere and decided to find it together, but could not see it anywhere.
Meanwhile, Saki's father came to know about this and worrying about Saki, he interfered in their plan. Hiroshi and Misae too came to know about their plan. They said that children are pure in heart and adults shouldn't play with their feelings. They along with other adults decided to help the kids.
In the dream, a grey old female monster appeared suddenly and swallowed Saki. Saki cried for her mother. Just then, the Yumemi-world broke and everybody woke up. But Saki was still in her dreams. So Shinnnosuke and the kids again slept, this time forming a circle around Saki and went into her dream.
In Saki's dream, the monster was powerful. They fought with the monster. Shinnosuke transformed to a tapir, Nene to a crab, Kazama to an aeroplane, Bo-chan to rock and Masao used a pen as a sword, but they couldn’t win. Shinnosuke being a tapir ate Saki's nightmare, but the nightmare was born again. Just then, little Saki, around the age when her mother had died, appeared and said to Saki, "Mom died because of you. She won’t forgive you. You can’t escape from nightmares."
Seeing the children sleeping in torment, Misae couldn't resist and decided to go into their dream. Misae said that "There is no such parent who doesn't care about their children. It is the duty of every parent to protect their children during trouble. For a parent, children are more important than themselves. Even if a mother hates her child for some reason, still the child is much precious than her own self." Misae being a mother herself fought the monster bravely and can defeat it.
Misae then embraced Saki explaining that parents never have a grudge against their children. She apologized for making her face sad and told that she is her dream and her smile is their power. Saki was able to accept her mother's death and was able to destroy the nightmare.
Then little Saki appeared again and asked if she was going to disappear. Saki said that since she was fine, little Saki can be inside her. So they two get unified into one. Seeing the nightmare getting disappeared, Kazama asked whether it was all over. Saki replied that it was still left but she is going to live better than before.
To prevent others from getting further nightmares, Saki's father along with Saki moved to overseas. Everybody returned to their normal lifestyles. Later Shinnosuke and others received an overseas letter from Saki saying that she wants to meet them in her dreams. In the Kasukabe Defense Group meeting, they decided to meet Saki in their dream world and slept together that night in excitement.
The scientist protagonist Jack Lanser commences a quest, and not soon after his body is body-snatched, and the possessor runs off with the player's girlfriend. It is up the player, now inhabiting a different body, to right the wrongs.
Arriving at their annual camp retreat, the teens and staff of Good Friends Church Camp are unaware of the horror that awaits them. Near the camp grounds in an old abandoned log home an undead Lumber Jack has arisen. Armed with his axes, saw, a rolling griddle with giant flapjacks he begins to stalk and kill the teens using their blood for syrup to eat with his meal. While this goes on Dr. Peter Shirtcliff (Michael Madsen) tries to warn the head park ranger LuAnn Potts (Brina Palencia) of the terror awaiting the campers. She does not believe him as the story sounds too ridiculous to be true especially when he says it relates to the award winning Instant pancakes from J.T. Jeppson. Shirtcliff leaves to save the campers while LuAnn looking through old newspaper articles and police reports begins to believe there is something going on but is later attacked by the Lumberjack Man who nearly kills her by throwing an axe to her back, but retreats when she throws a cup of syrup at him her deputy was using earlier. Back at the camp the campers and staff are killed off one by one in the mess hall till only Faith, Reggie the cook, and counselor Doug (Adam Sessler) are left standing. Doug abandons the two to save himself but dies from being cut in half. Shirtcliff arrives to help and reveals the truth of the Lumberjack Man and Jeppson. Back in the 19th century, in the year of 1892, when Jeppson was in the woods hunting wild cats, he was lured by a strong aroma that led him to the Lumberjack Man. Originally, he was Nehemiah Easterday, a quiet and secluded man who every first Tuesday before Lent would cook his family’s secret pancake recipe as tradition. When he refused to share the recipe for profit, due to that he has vowed to take his family's secret recipe to the grave, Jeppson kills him by drowning him in his own syrup and steals the recipe in a stuffed ocelot invoking the wrath of Easterday turning him into a vengeful monster. Shirtcliff states he rises and kills everyone who enters his woods and once he finishes his pancakes before Lent morning he becomes more powerful till he’s become unstoppable. After finding him and his home the trio try to fight Easterday but he has already finished his breakfast and now is stronger. Faith after finding the missing barrel of syrup from the mess hall in his cabin covers herself with it revealing also she’s the descendant of Jeppson, taunting Easterday to attack she fights him to he’s finally vanquished ending his murder spree, with Shirtcliff, Reggie, and an injured LuAnn they hitch a ride to town leaving the camp and the Lumberjack Man’s memory behind.
''Wax'' is set in the small, fictional town of Riverpool. On the outskirts of the town is a mysterious Waxwork museum with a dark history. Young Journalist Sonia Thompson arrives at the town to work at the local newspaper, and is instantly intrigued by the museum. She meets the suspicious townspeople and soon predicts there will be another death at the museum. Very soon she is proved right, and it is up to Sonia to bust the legends surrounding the Waxworks and to discover who the real killer is.
Even before the events described in the book, Doono with Fuksiya and Selyodochka from Sun City visited the Moon and brought out the moon mineral with extraordinary properties (later called ''lunit''). After a number of events it turns out that its rapprochement with the magnet gives the effect of local weightlessness that can allow to send to the moon a spaceship with large crew and supplies on board. As Doono hopes, there is intelligent life over there, which due to the loss of the atmosphere has moved inside of the Moon. The cosmonauts take the seeds of terrestrial cultivated plants with them. However, the exclusion of Dunno from the flight for stealing the weightlessness device from the Pavilion and careless handling of it, which nearly led to its loss, brings to these plans unexpected adjustments. Dunno instigates Roly-Poly, who was also not included into the crew, to fly as stowaways. The day before the launch they snuck into the rocket. At night before the flight Roly-Poly has changed his mind, but instead of getting out of the rocket accidentally launched it into flight in automatic mode.
After the moon landing Dunno and Roly-Poly come out in space suits for a walk to a nearby mountain. In a cave Dunno falls into an icy tunnel leading down to the internal cavity of the moon and slides down, apparently sitting down, thereon in the sublunary space. Going down on a parafoil, he finds on the inner core of the moon (which the locals call the Earth, too) with the civilization of the same shorties, but living according to the laws of capitalism. The size of lunar plants, in contrast to terrestrial, is proportional to the height of the shorties so they appear to be undersized for Dunno. Roly-Poly, after losing Dunno, runs in panic back to the rocket.
Being on the moon, Dunno, unfamiliar with the concepts of money (lunar currency — "ferting" (author-derived from British "farthing") consisting of a hundred of "santik" (author-derived from French "centime")) and private property is always getting into unpleasant situations. At first, he appears in the garden of Mr. Klops and eats his raspberries, that's why he was grabbed and hounded by order of Klops as a thief. Dunno, fortunately, managed to escape over the fence, while he did not understand what was, in fact, his fault. Then he was taken to jail for refusing to pay in a street cafe, where during registration through a system of identification using simplified Bertillon method he was mistakenly identified as the famous gangster Pretty Boy (Красавчик), as a result the police were extorting a bribe, and Dunno's refusal and complete misunderstanding of the situation were regarded as intractability and he was placed into a prison cell. There he met unemployed shorty Kozlik and small crook Miga. Miga believed the story of Dunno about the seeds of giant plants, helped him to avoid a scuffle in the cell, and before the release of Dunno from prison gave him a letter to his friend, arms dealer Zhulio.
After leaving the jail Dunno and Kozlik come to Zhulio. He makes a bail for Miga and all four are discussing the prospects for growing terrestrial plants on the Moon, the seeds of which were left in the rocket on the Moon surface. To raise funds for the construction of an aircraft capable to reach the outer Moon surface, they start a joint-stock company called "The Society of Giant Plants", whose shares are secured by future shares of prospective seeds (i.e., at the beginning of the company's activities it is actually a consumer cooperative). In doing so they promote the fact of Dunno's arrival as an cosmonaut in mass media and using methods of outdoor advertising (it was especially effective in the countryside, whose residents, as a rule, do not buy newspapers). Gradually the shares are selling. Their activities are disturbing the local monopolists, because appearance of giant plants threatens them with devastation. Spruts, their leader, the largest landowner and owner of the textile and sugar factories, takes measures to collapse their company. He bribes Miga and Zhulio, and they run with the cash received for the shares, leaving Dunno and Kozlik to their fate. At the same time fragmentary allusions to the fraudulent nature of the company, launched by the editor of Spruts-owned newspaper, Grizzle, lead to a panic among small shareholders. Remaining unaware about what was happening Dunno and Kozlik are forced to flee, and go to San Komarik. Not finding there Miga and Zhulio, they have found themselves on the dark side of life. They wander, with hunger and disasters in flophouses without any work.
Meanwhile, stock traders Zhmurik, Teftel and Hanakonda are buying huge batch of the Society's shares on an upward trend, and are taking steps to rectify the situation of their cheapness by entering an information war in the media against Spruts' newspapers. Skuperfild, the owner of the pasta factory, being in the dark about the backstage war of financial speculators, spent almost all capital buying Society's shares, but Spruts deals a decisive blow: he published the documentary details about the collapse of the company. All shares have depreciated at one moment, and as a result Skuperfild was on the verge of bankruptcy. In desperation, he reduced his workers' pay down to half — initially workers threaten to strike, and then have declare it. Then Skuperfild decides to recruit new workers among the inhabitants of flophouses in San Komarik. Among those hired were Dunno and Kozlik. Cars with new employees have arrived in Brehenville. According to the Skuperfild's plan, they should immediately get to work. But striking regular workers becomes aware of this trick. The strikers organize a defense - in cold blood they push newcomers away from Skuperfild's factory and begin to frantically chase them all over the city, as a result unfortunate Dunno and Kozlik are thrown into the river. Dunno lost shoes, Kozlik lost hat. To earn some money, Kozlik takes Dunno's hat and goes to the city, Dunno remains under a bridge. There he soon met a group of other homeless. Kozlik failed to scrape up a santik in a strange city, he came back with nothing. They dined a piece of bread, that one of the tramps (Bubble) gave them and stay with tramps overnight. Police shut down lights on the embankment and arrested whole company in the middle of the night, except Bubble, who was able to take out one of the attackers with his own stun baton and escaped down the river on an inflatable rubber pillow. In the end Dunno and Kozlik sent to The Fools' Island for the sleeping outside and for not having boots and hat. On Fools' Island lunar shorties in course of time turn into rams exposed to harmful air.
Roly-Poly, after abandoning Dunno to his fate, is trying to stifle the voice of conscience with continuous absorption of food. Eventually, he ate a year's supply of food in the rocket in four days. Deciding to go in search of food, he returns to the cave, falls inside of the Moon, but as a result of rotation of the "inner Moon" found himself in another place. Unlike Dunno, Roly-Poly, as a more cautious and practical shorty, quickly learns the essence of commodity-money relations. In addition, he gets lucky from the outset and he opens a new market niche — sale of salt. He quickly gets richer, hires workers for the salt production, but soon go bankrupt, unable to compete with owners of large factories, led by Dracula — the owner of the coast with raw salt. After the bankruptcy Roly-Poly becomes "Twister" — a worker at an amusement park, actuating rides. After some time he joins the "Society of Free Twisters" (Trade union analogue).
Doono with friends found disappearance of the rocket with Dunno and Roly-Poly on board, and organize a rescue mission. Having built a new multistage rocket FaH ("Fuchsia and Herring"), 12 shorties led by Doono go to the moon. Having found big rocket (called "DaR" ( "Dunno and Roly-Poly")) empty, they go in search of Dunno and Roly-Poly and discover the icy corridor leading to the inner cavity of the Moon. Having discovered large deposits of lunit and antilunit (Mineral which levels effect of the lunit, with a smaller radius of action than lunit), Doono and his companions go down in a rocket on the ice corridor.
However, lunar astronomers employed by Spruts inform him about the arrival of the new rocket. Therefore, while approaching city of Fantomas rocket was fired upon and Doono has been forced down in the countryside. Police raid on earthlings ends in complete failure after the use of weightlessness by Doono.
Earthlings have founded the "Space City", come into contact with the villagers, give them the seeds of giant plants, as well as supplying all of them weightlessness devices and antilunit. Armed with this "terrible power" — weightlessness, they overthrow the capitalists. Roly-Poly came out to another "Twisters" during all of these events and tell them that he's alien. They sent him on train to Fantomas, from where he reached the "Space City". Roly-Poly offered to search for Dunno on Fool's island. Earthlings arrived in Los Paganos and seized one of the ships. With the help of the captain Rumbik, familiar to Roly-Poly, characters get to the Fool's island and rescued Dunno and Kozlik, who already begun to turn into a ram, and other doomed shorties. Dunno offers to bury weightlessness device in the middle of Fool's island so harmful air, converting shorties to rams, went up and the fresh sea air would start come to the island. But it didn't come to that. (You never know where it will go with the wind). Characters come back with Dunno and Kozlik to the "Space City". Dunno feels bad. Dr. Pillman diagnosed him with an acute nostalgia and noted the need for urgent return to Earth. Despite the sabotage of Spruts and Zhulio, who blew up the FaH rocket, earthlings fly away using propellers at spacesuits and the device of weightlessness. On the surface of the Moon, they boarded the DaR rocket and made their way back to Earth. Once home, Dunno immediately healed, and declared that "now we can go somewhere on a journey again."
Judith Traherne is a Long Island socialite whose life is spent in frivolous, hedonistic pastimes. She indulges in alcohol and cigarettes, and enjoys horse riding. She experiences dizziness and headaches, and after an uncharacteristic riding accident, she is referred to a specialist, Dr. Frederick Steele. Steele is in the midst of closing his New York City office in preparation of a move to Brattleboro, Vermont, where he plans to devote his time to brain cell research. He reluctantly agrees to see Judith, who is initially antagonistic towards him. She shows signs of short-term memory loss, but dismisses these and other symptoms. Steele convinces her the ailments she is experiencing are serious and potentially life-threatening, and puts his career plans on hold to tend to her. Steele finds that she has an inoperable brain tumor, and predicts she has only a year to live. Shortly after becoming blind, she will die. Judith falls in love with the idealistic doctor, and they enjoy a brief respite in the Vermont countryside before she faces imminent death. She comes to the realization that their relationship has brought meaning to the life she had been leading.
The game takes place in the year 2138, and includes ties to the 1942 Battle of Stalingrad. You play as Ren Silver, a private investigator, has discovered that your journalist friend, Ted, has been kidnapped while researching a story. Ren has to solve the mystery. Throughout the game, the player can sometimes control a character named Jack Black. The plot has elements of Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, Johnny Mnemonic, and Alien, while the landscape has a bleak, postapocalyptic feel.
Woody and Tex, a pair of American oilmen working in South America, both fall for a beautiful young woman they simply call "Havana." The more prosperous suitor is Tex, who just earned a $2,500 bonus due to Woody planting explosives to bring oil up in his derrick, but the oil comes up in Tex's instead. Tex doesn't share the bounty that sets the two against each other. Woody bets Tex in love when Havana is more smitten with Woody, who lands in jail after using Havana's loaded dice in a craps game.
Woody, fired from his job, is sprung by pal Tubby Waters, who is then killed by a man named Drenov in a fight when he tries to protect Woody. Woody avenges him by killing Drenov, whose job he is promptly offered as a gunrunner to Captain Lazear, a revolutionary.
Sensing that he is in grave danger, Havana ventures into the jungle to find Woody near a hidden storehouse of ammunition. explosives and weapons including Tommy guns and hand grenades. There she encounters Lazear's jealous girlfriend, Chita, and pretends she and Woody are married. Tex arrives to help Woody fight off the revolutionaries using the smuggled arms, then is by their side again when Woody and Havana are actually wed.
Valdomiro Lacerda moves to Leblon.
Nate, Whisper, Jibanyan, Hailey, USApyon, and all of their Yo-kai friends embark on five unique adventures that all end up tied together in the end. ; : On his way to school, Nate unexpectedly and mysteriously falls into a manhole, dies, and becomes the Yo-kai Fuu 2, so he becomes friends with a kid, who's the opposite of him, has trouble with his grades at school, and wishes to become a comic artist. ; : Jibanyan, Shogunyan, and Robonyan F-Type are flung 8 years into the future, where Jibanyan helps Amy (his former owner before becoming a Yo-kai) at her new job. ; : Komasan and Komajiro return home and discover that their mother has had a third child named Komasaburō, But much to their shock, Komasaburō is a human baby. ; : USApyon is chosen to be Santa Claus this year by the Yo-kai Committee, so he and Hailey go throughout town to hand out gifts, but they come across a boy who does not want one, and instead, he wants his mom cured at the hospital. ; :Whisper, Jibanyan, USApyon, Komasan, and Hovernyan go to the Yo-kai World to fight King Enma, who has suddenly declared that humans and Yo-kai should never be friends. But is it really King Enma or the head of the Yo-kai council Nurarihyon? As the journey of Whisper, Jibanyan, USApyon, Hovernyan and Komasan in Yo-kai World continues, they discovered that Nurarihyon has sealed King Enma making the citizens of the Yo-kai World believe that King Enma got his disease in the human world, and now with Nate and Hailey joining the team, they must defeat the power hungry Chairman Nurarihyon and his servants to save the King, and Nate and Hailey will use the new Yo-kai Medal the mysterious boy gave him in the first episode, which turned out to be...The Yo-kai Medal of King Enma!!
The film has Oswald the Lucky Rabbit playing in an ice hockey game with surreal plot points. With a "winter wonderland backdrop", Oswald takes off his ear to form a balloon plus a laughing donkey, who gets the puck in the mouth which sticks.
On the day of his graduation from middle school the extremely tall, gorilla like boy Takeo Goda attempts to confess his love to his crush, Kagami, but Kagami instead confesses her love to Takeo's best friend and next door neighbour, the handsome and popular Sunakawa "Suna" Makoto, who promptly turns her down.
On the first day in high school every girl is in love with Suna and most of the boys are jealous, except for Takeo, who knows Suna has no feelings for any of them. Suna and Takeo see a girl from another high school being harassed by a molester. Takeo confronts the molester who flees. Takeo sees the girl is crying and, assuming she is scared of him, hurriedly apologises and leaves but the girl follows and thanks him for saving her. Takeo instantly falls in love with her.
Takeo promises to help the Karate club win their championship match. The girl, who had also fallen in love with Takeo, plans to ask him if he has a girlfriend, though when her friends see Takeo with Suna, they automatically assume that the cooler Suna is Takeo and that Takeo must be his older relative. She introduces herself to Takeo as Rinko Yamato and gives Takeo and Suna a cheesecake she baked as a thank you, which Takeo finds delicious. Takeo believes Rinko has fallen in love with Suna and promises to bring Suna to meet her again.
Takeo tries to find the type of girl Suna likes. Suna admits he has never met a truly nice girl. Takeo concludes that as Rinko is a nice person, Suna must like her. Takeo is surprised when Rinko asks if she can call him by his first name. Takeo spends his time training with the Karate club while attempting to bring Suna and Rinko together. Rinko makes more difficult and elaborate sweets hoping to impress Takeo. Suna leaves Takeo and Rinko alone and Takeo tells her stories of their childhood together. Suna admits Rinko may be the first nice girl he has ever met, furthering Takeo's assumption that Suna likes her. After Takeo easily wins the Karate championship Rinko gives him his favourite pork miso onigiri as a reward. When Takeo tells Rinko she should date Suna she runs away. Rinko believes that Takeo sees her as a nuisance and hates her. Suna assures her Takeo has never hated anybody. Rinko admits she is in love with Takeo.
Rinko invites Takeo and Suna on a group date to an amusement park where her friends meet Takeo for the first time. They immediately criticise him behind his back but Rinko defends Takeo who she thinks is cool. In the Haunted House Suna almost tells Takeo that Rinko likes him when Takeo realises the attraction is on fire. Trapped by the fire, Takeo breaks through the wall to let people escape. A falling coffin almost hurts Rinko but Takeo manages to stop it. Rinko tries to help Takeo and, spurred on by her smile, he manages to throw the coffin by himself and they escape. Suna admits he never had a girlfriend because every girl who confessed to him had insulted Takeo behind his back, whereas Rinko only says nice things. Rinko's friends admit Takeo is cool. Takeo's previous crush, Kagami, works at the theme park, and when she asks if Rinko is his girlfriend Takeo states that such a thing would be impossible, upsetting Rinko.
A depressed Takeo starts performing poorly in sports, while a similarly depressed Rinko bakes numerous cakes nonstop. She learns that Takeo had a crush on Kagami. Takeo meets with Rinko to buy a present for Suna's birthday. Awkward at first they end up enjoying the trip but when they talk about who they both like, Takeo assumes Rinko is talking about Suna, while Rinko thinks Takeo still likes Kagami. They end up promising to help each other with their future relationships. After Suna overhears Takeo talking with his father about love he hatches a plan.
On his birthday Suna tells Takeo Rinko is crying at a bakery when she is actually at home with her friends. Takeo rushes to find her and eventually realises Rinko is not at the bakery, but she had asked the owner to teach her how to make a cake she once gave to him. Following several messages from Suna, Takeo travels to other bakeries and sweet shops, each of which Rinko had visited to learn how to make all the cakes and sweets she gave to him, including the shop where Takeo's mother works to learn how to cook his favourite pork miso onigiri. She had written every recipe in a notebook, including notes on which food Takeo liked best, which Takeo's mother remembered she used to do when she first fell in love with Takeo's father. Takeo slowly realises Rinko had actually liked him the whole time, and with some encouragement from Suna, runs to Rinko's house. Rinko hears Takeo shouting and rushes to meet him and they finally confess they love each other. To thank Suna for his help they throw a birthday party for him with a cake baked by Rinko. Suna ends up laughing hysterically at how similar Takeo and Rinko's personalities are now they are dating.
In an after credits scene in Suna's bedroom Takeo admits that he managed to mess up on holding Rinko's hand for the first time and is worried he will also mess up their first kiss. To keep that from happening he insists on practising kissing with Suna.
Pappy Cheshire, his assistant Louise Dale and farmhand Bucksaw Beechwood manage an orphanage near the village of Farmdale. Pappy has loaned $5,000 of community-provided funding to the orphans for their new 4-H Club projects so that the orphanage will become self-supporting. Believing this to be a ridiculous idea, community leaders Hiram Crabtree, Sam Spitz and Mrs. Uppington pressure Pappy to return the money within 30 days.
Hearing on the radio that Pappy's long-lost brother Henry has died and left Pappy $20,000, Bubbles Martin, one of the teenage orphan girls, tells Pappy about his good fortune. The inheritance includes the Peep Inn, a nightclub that Pappy and Bubbles visit in the city. Pappy plans to close the club, sell the building and use the proceeds for the orphanage. He approaches the Peep Inn's group of musicians, dancers and their director Jeff Hill to settle their contracts for their release. The entertainers refuse the offer and Pappy insists that they come to Farmdale to work for him for the remainder of their contract.
When Jeff and his troupe arrive at the orphanage, he is immediately smitten with Louise but she gives him the cold shoulder. Receiving a check for only $900 from his brother's estate after taxes and expenses, Pappy is unable to pay back the community. Jeff wants to stage a show called the Barnyard Follies to earn enough money to solve the financial problem, but Dolly and the other dancers quit when they learn of the plan. Bubbles convinces the orphans to do the show with the help of Jeff.
The fire inspector prevents the show from taking place. Under pressure from Hiram and Sam, Pappy leaves the orphanage. A haystack goes up in flames, and a fire truck becomes stuck on the bridge in the driveway at the orphanage. With the entire fire department now at the orphanage waiting for the fire truck to be freed, the mayor of Farmdale allows the show to proceed. Pappy returns when he hears on the radio that the orphans' 4-H Club animals are to be auctioned. Mrs. Uppington accuses Hiram and Sam of political graft as their motive for driving Pappy to leave. Hiram and Sam flee the scene. Jeff and Louise are arm in arm by the end of the film.
When Huck Finn is released from jail he is greeted by his lifelong friend, Tom Sawyer, now an underachieving cop who just can't let go of their childhood dreams of wealth and glory. Tom convinces the reluctant Huck and their bumbling friends Joe Harper and Ben Rogers to rob a pawnshop where their friend and contact, the alcoholic vagrant Muff Potter, believes Injun Joe, a savage and murderous white career criminal who admires and appropriates Native American culture, has hidden Murrell's treasure. Tom explains that robbing bad guys makes them the good guys. Things get complicated when Tom's commander assigns him to train Becky Thatcher, an eager-to-please rookie partner, and the hung-over band of robbers' heist goes awry. But that doesn't stop Tom; instead, he leads the band on a wild treasure hunt from one mysterious clue to another. When Huck's friend, Mexican day laborer Jorge Jimenez, is mistaken as part of the band's activities and arrested, Huck and Tom, on the run from a vengeful Injun Joe and the police, lead the band on a mission to rescue him and be "heroes".
In order to save her home from rampant pollution, a little girl goes in search of a magical spell and transforms into a mermaid.
As described in a review of the film in a film magazine, Terence O’Toole (Hines) leaves his old home in Ireland to seek his fortune in America. He becomes "Conductor 1492" on a trolley car belonging to a system which both the president and vice-president are struggling to gain control. The final outcome of this fight depends on two shares of stock which are missing and which if not found will bring disgrace to President Connelly. The villain produces two forged shares but Johnny’s father saves the day by producing the real shares, which he bought a number of years before. In the meantime Terence has fallen in love with Connelly’s daughter and he gets her as his reward.
Hélène Duvernet (Jane Birkin), owner of an art gallery, is questioned by the inspectors Pelissier (Jacques Villeret) and Leroux (Michel Blanc) for a routine affair. But Leroux suddenly has a passion for Hélène, and starts finding any pretext to talk to her or keep an eye on her. He enters her house several times unexpectedly, takes her spinning, and even steels her car so she must pass by the police office. Ironically, Hélène seems to have something to reproach herself, because she does art traffic with her lover Marc. When she leaves for Geneva to sell paintings of Amedeo Modigliani hidden under a paint coating to let think that they are contemporary paintings, she defies Leroux to follow her flight by car, what he does. He finally discovers the truth once arrived in Switzerland, becomes angry at Hélène and suddenly has a pain. While Hélène gives her a cold shower, he kisses her by surprise.
Feeling troubled, he goes back to Paris, but both end by seeing each other at Hélène's house. They discover Marc taking a bath drying his hair. Hélène announces him that Leroux is there and has discovered their traffic. Marc is surprised and is electrocuted in his bathtub with his hairdryer. Hélène and Leaux work as a team to hide Marc's body. They finally throw it from the top a bridge, but it finally falls on a houseboat. Hélène flies alone to Brasil, estimating that she is the only one related to Marc's death. But Leroux realises that a part of his eternal raincoat has been torn and stayed on the corpse of Marc.
Soldier Bill Gannon returns to Wyoming after being released from service in the Spanish-American war, however when he gets there, he discovers that his father has turned into an outlaw due to the dishonesty and bad faith of others. His father still cares for him, and does not want him to be involved in the bandit life, so pushes him away. Bill moves somewhere else and gets a job has a guard on a stagecoach route, too bad it's the stagecoach his father's gang was about to steal.
In a land inspired by feudal Japan and entirely inhabited by cats, Ika Chu, a conniving high ranking official of the land's Shogun, desires to expand his giant palace. However, it resides right next to the impoverished village of Kakamucho. Hoping to get rid of it, Ika Chu plans to force Kakamucho's residents to abandon their town by sending a gang of thugs led by his second-in-hand Ohga to trash the town. The townspeople demand that the Shogun appoint a new samurai to protect them after the previous one flees. Ika Chu, hoping to offend the townspeople, decides to appoint Hank, a dog prisoner about to be executed, as Kakamucho's samurai.
After an initial hostile reception, Hank relies on the assistance of Jimbo, a catnip-addled samurai who reluctantly agrees to train him, in order to overcome the townspeople's hostility. While training with Jimbo, Hank manages to subdue Sumo, an immensely strong, dim-witted, yet philosophical henchman that Ika Chu sent to drive out the townspeople quicker. The townspeople see Hank as a hero, but his newfound popularity ends up going to Hank's head, and he neglects his training, which causes a fallout between him and Jimbo. Ika Chu takes Hank to a private nightclub, in order to distract him as his thugs trash Kakamucho. Hank returns to a devastated town and after a heated argument with both Jimbo and the cat townspeople he finds had enough and decides to return home, but an origami figure of himself reminds him of his samurai oath.
Jimbo, meanwhile, attempts to storm Ika Chu's palace in hopes to free Sumo, who was captured by Ika Chu's goons. Hank returns in order to help him out. Upon hearing about Sumo's escape, Ika Chu recruits an army of thugs to get rid of Kakamucho for good. Hank returns to Kakamucho, and explains his plan to defeat Ika Chu's army. The townspeople then build a perfect paper copy of the town and themselves as a diversion. When the raiders attack the fake town and its population of dummies, which have been booby-trapped with dynamite, Hank ignites the bombs and the townspeople attack the thugs. The Shogun arrives, who questions the fighting. Ohga accidentally exposes Ika Chu's plan to him, causing Ika Chu to flee. Hank chases Ika Chu to his palace, where he fights him on his giant jade toilet, which overflows and threatens to flood the town. Hank warns the Kakamucho townspeople of the incoming flood, and leads them in the digging of a channel to safely divert the water around the town.
With Kakamucho saved, the impressed Shogun decides to appoint Jimbo as the new samurai, but he gives the position to Hank. Hank however, feels that he is not entirely ready, so he ends up giving the position to Emiko, a kitten who also desires to be a samurai. Hank and Jimbo continue to train in their own time, with their relationship mended.
In a post-credits scene, a now imprisoned and sulking Ika Chu consoles himself that at least he will have a part in a sequel.
A well-connected and well-educated young lawyer P. Cadwallader Jones gets an appointment as deputy district attorney through the influence of his uncle. After embarrassing his superior in court, he is punished by being assigned a seemingly unsolvable cold case concerning a notorious embezzler who has been missing for four years. However, with the assistance of a streetwise young female journalist he soon begins making inroads into the mystery.
Arthur and Jerry Dixon are twin brothers, but they are very different: one is introverted and weak, the other is a womanizer and an adventurer who just arrived from China. The two switch roles.
Michael Kettman Jr. is a small town teenage boy, who has a scandalous romantic affair with Jimmie Sue Finger, an older, married woman. Jimmie Sue is in an abusive marriage, and she and Michael plot to murder her husband, which will lead to either eternal bliss for the both of them or a curse on their relationship.
Frank Logan (Lee Majors), a Vietnam War veteran, attempts to rehabilitate his friend, Kenny Briggs (James Stacy), who had lost an arm and a leg during the war. Logan teaches Briggs how to ski, and Briggs begins to see his double amputations as "just a little inconvenience."
The plot of the tribute is fundamentally identical to the original film, with some additional scenes wrapped around the film. These scenes show several people attending a theatrical showing of ''The Rocky Horror Picture Show'', and subsequently are used to introduce some of the audience participation elements from the original film (such as throwing toilet paper on the line "Great Scott!").
Yuan Zhen-xia is a top class surgeon, amateur detective and martial artist with an insatiable curiosity and the moral code of the traditional youxia. His curiosity draws him into investigating a slew of seemingly unrelated kidnappings and other bizarre crimes. However, as Yuan investigates deeper he discovers all the crimes are in fact linked and are part of a plot by a doomsday cult. Convinced that mankind is due to be wiped out by an extraterrestrial source, the cult's crimes are carried out to hide and fund the theft of genetic material from the brightest and fittest human specimens in order to create a master race with which to repopulate the earth. Despite becoming an implacable enemy of the cult, as an example of what the cult considers to be a perfect human, Yuan himself becomes a prime candidate for recruitment into the cult. To this end the cult sends its top agent, the beautiful model/actress Huang Juan to recruit Yuan.
Despite its illegal activities the cult's crimes are carried out in a perverted desire to protect humanity and to ensure its survival. Yuan discovers his true enemy is someone closer to home. Jin Shí, an adventuring companion of Yuan, a fellow surgeon and martial artist, becomes frustrated at always coming second best to Yuan, especially in the pursuit of the love of the dancer Lan Ling. Twisted by his own inferiority complex, Jin sets out to gain his revenge against Yuan, by destroying all that Yuan loves, starting with Lan Ling.
Marshall and Geologist Jim Randall goes to investigate some ore robberies, he finds out that Parker is stealing ore from other miners and selling it as his own. Things go bad when Parker gets the mine owner killed and blames it on Jim.
After much convincing, Mark Levin and his family adopted a Spaniel mix named Sprite and immediately the whole family developed a deep bond with him. Even the Levin's current dog from years prior, Pepsi, develops a deep relationship with the newly rescued Sprite right off the bat. Three weeks after rescuing Sprite, the Levin family started to notice Sprite's health was deteriorating and Sprite eventually collapses on Halloween, landing him and the Levin family a visit to the animal hospital. Little did the Levin family know, this would be the first of many visits to the animal hospital as Sprite's condition continually worsened. Further, they discover him to be older than they had originally thought. It shows the pain, passion, and love the Levin family and Sprite experience with their short amount of time together.
Chu Ju lives in China near the Gan River with her parents and her grandmother. When she is fourteen, her mother gets pregnant and her whole family hopes the baby will be a boy. At this time in China, the law states that each family may only have two children, and tradition says that each family must have a son. However, a baby girl is born, and so Chu Ju's father and grandmother both agree that the baby girl must be sent away to make room for a son, although Chu Ju's mother begs to be able to keep her baby. Chu Ju develops a love for her new sister, so she decides to make a sacrifice. Chu Ju runs away secretly. This way, her parents will only have one daughter, her new baby sister, Hua.
First, Chu Ju gets a job on a fishing boat cleaning fish and mending nets with the mother while the man and boys fish. After that, she gets a job working with silk worms at a silk farm, but she and the other girls who work there are treated horribly. Chu Ju eventually writes a letter in protest of their unfair treatment, since she is the only one who knows how to write (her parents paid for her schooling, even though girls didn't normally receive educations). The girls are treated somewhat better, but Chu Ju loses her job. Subsequently, Chu Ju meets a woman named Han Na and gets a job helping her with her rice paddies. Han Na comes to love Chu Ju as a daughter, so when she dies, Han Na leaves land for Chu Ju. Four years after she secretly left home, Chu Ju decides to go home to visit her family. Her parents are overjoyed to see her. Chu Ju is relieved to see that her little sister, Hua, is safe and was not sent away. Chu Ju's mother has also had another baby when she was away. She gave birth to another girl named Nu Hai, but this one is going to stay in their family, even if it means they will break tradition since, there will be no son in their family because of certain circumstances. After Chu Ju's visit with her family, Chu Ju goes back to her rice paddies determined to save up money to pay for her sisters' educations.
Harold l. Montgomery, the scatterbrain vice-president of the United Broadcasting System, is dismayed when he learns that one-foot of the ground on which the station's imposing new structure has been built is part of the adjoining lot belonging to Judy Goober, a hillbilly girl, who could sue them for millions. Mortally afraid of his domineering, ill-tempered sister, Matilda. who is the president of the company, Montgomery decides to say nothing to her regarding the problem and, instead, takes his equally-scatterbrained son, Junior, with him to the Ozarks to talk Judy into selling the property before she learns the truth. But Judy turns out to be a hard-sell and Montgomery enlists the services of handsome Prince Karl, a frayed-at-the-cuffs but glib-of-tongue Russian who faces jail for back-alimony payments, and needs any job he can get.
The prologue of the novel relates how humanity gives up the dream of space travel, which is too difficult and dangerous and offers too little benefit, only to discover that there is another way to explore the universe. Some people possess the ability to travel with their minds to other worlds. Helped by new technology, they can explore another planet far across the galaxy while their bodies remain on Earth.
Shep Blaine is an explorer working for Fishhook, an organization exploiting paranormal powers to explore planets around other stars. Because of anti-paranormal prejudice in the US, Fishhook operates in northern Mexico. Explorers spend time in "star machines", which are boxes shaped and decorated to stimulate the mind to leave the body and explore the universe. They are accompanied by a small machine that can record experiences and gather physical samples. Some explorers have returned with minds affected by what they encountered. Those explorers have disappeared and never been heard from again.
Blaine returns from one expedition having encountered an intelligence that looks like a large pink blob sitting immobile in a room open to the sky. The blob greets him telepathically with the message "Hi pal! I trade with you my mind." Blaine immediately feels the alien mind alongside his own. Returning to his body, he knows he must get away before the recording of his trip is checked. However he is impeded, first by Kirby Rand, Fishhook's head of security, and then by a friend who persuades him to go to a high society cocktail party. Realizing that fleeing to the US is the obvious thing to do, he goes along with this, since Fishhook would not risk the scandal of arresting him at the party, and he might find an opportunity to do something his pursuers are not likely to expect. At the party he meets Harriet Quimby, an investigative reporter who reveals herself to be a telepath. She knows he is in trouble and tells him to discreetly leave the party and meet her outside. His pursuers are waiting for him, but he escapes them as, for some reason, time slows down enabling him to slip past. Harriet uses her knowledge of back roads, practiced for situations like this, to escape with him.
In the United States, he is separated from Harriet by local townspeople who identify him as a witch and intend to hang him. Again, something unexpected happens to the flow of time, placing him a short time in the past, which is a ghostly, decaying shadow of the world. He is able to walk out of the town before returning to normal time. He encounters Riley, an old man nursing a decrepit pickup truck on a journey north. They travel together for a while, discussing the state of the world. Fishhook is operating a commercial monopoly on the science and technology found in the galaxy, disrupting commerce and daily life while people lapse into superstition and hatred of paranormals. Some paranormals are retaliating by using their powers to terrorize people. They meet a group of young levitators who fly around at night. Riley shoots at them with a shotgun, but Blaine tries to make peace using his telepathy. He bonds with one young girl, Anita. He becomes separated from Riley, and enters a trance which results in him returning to visit the alien, who he calls the Pinkness. The Pinkness is far older than the human race, and has been traveling the universe, exchanging minds with beings of all kinds. Blaine settles in to learn from the Pinkness, but is abruptly returned to his body which has been in a coma for days. He is in hospital next to Riley, who is severely injured.
Harriet shows up with Godfrey Stone, one of the travelers who disappeared. He claimed to have seen a world free of evil, and was sent to an isolated institution where he could have lived in comfort. He escaped, as did Lambert Finn, another explorer who found a place of total evil and became obsessed with eliminating Fishhook and all paranormal people. Harriet reveals that Riley was transporting a stolen "star machine" for Stone, but intended to give it to Finn for use in his campaign. Stone is killed by an unknown assailant, and the star machine is held by the police. Again Blaine is able to manipulate time, removing the star machine to the future, which is a formless void. Having done this, he is confronted by Kirby Rand, who has been tracking Blaine and the stolen machine. Fishhook is determined to maintain its monopoly at all costs. Finn is playing into their hands by keeping the technology illegal in the US.
Blaine is about to be returned to Fishhook when he uses another part of the alien knowledge to escape. Confronting Finn, he uses his ultimate weapon: he trades minds with Finn. Finn is driven insane by the presence in his own mind of all the things he hates and fears. With Finn's mental state in his own mind, Blaine discovers that Finn had been secretly encouraging groups of paranormals to unleash a night of terror on Halloween, in order to turn the rest of the population against them. He leaves to spread a warning among the paranormals, but in the process is trapped in an icy storm and almost freezes to death.
Ironically the horrors that Finn experienced, and that drove him to try to eliminate all paranormals, contained a clue to the ability to travel to other stars physically as well as mentally. Blaine uses this to find an Earth-like planet and travel there to escape the storm. He passes this knowledge to the other paranormals in the hope that they can escape the coming witch hunts. Returning to Finn he finds that the man has committed suicide. He decides to remain on Earth until all the paranormals have made it to safety.
The film is about the adventures of three young agents, fighters of the 1st Cavalry Army, set against the background of the Russian Civil War and the struggle with the Makhnovist forces. At the beginning Nestor Makhno and his troops attack the village, committing various crimes, including murdering peasants, robbing huts, stealing livestock, killing communists. In the attack, a man's father is captured, tortured and killed under Makhno's orders. Afterwards, the three of them organize a detachment against Makhno.
The sultan of eastern Arabia, Caliph Almanzor, has just executed his wife for committing adultery with one of her slaves. The sultan is so enraged over his wife's infidelity that he resolves to take revenge on all women by taking a new, virginal wife every night, and then executing her on the following morning. Now that the sultaness has been executed, the sultan no longer has an heir to the throne, so makes his brother Abdalla his heir. He expects Abdalla to adopt the same marriage practices that he does, but Abdalla is in love with Almyna, the Grand Vizier's eldest daughter. In Act 1, Abdalla and The Grand Vizier ask for the sultan's blessing so that Abdalla and Almyna can begin their courtship, arguing that if the sultan "Cou'd . . . but read Almyna's noble soul" and see that she is "wise and good" then he would gladly give his blessing on the match (1.1.266, 269). The sultan hesitantly gives his blessing, concluding that "for vain, 'tis found, to Combate youthful Passions" (1.1.357).
While Abdalla asks for the sultan's blessing on his engagement, Almyna and her sister Zoradia congregate in a garden in the sultan's palace. Almyna does not speak until Act 2, when she comforts Zoradia in the garden. Zoradia is distraught but she refuses to tell Almyna why she is upset. At the end of the act she admits that she and Abdalla used to be in a secret courtship:
'Tis two years since, the Prince pretended Love,The Grand Vizier is angry with Abdalla, and desires to exact revenge on him for Zoradia, but Almyna asks her father to remain calm, reminding him that "Passions . . . seldom mend a Wrong" (3.1.17). Almyna's resolves to rekindle Abdalla's love for Zoradia, and to marry "another Lord". Later in Act 3, Almyna asks for her father's permission to go before the sultan so that she can offer herself as his next wife:
And gain'd no easy Conquest over mine;
I him keep the Secret from my Father.
(A fault for which I have severely suffered)
Till over-come at length by his Persuasion,
I gave him Leave, to ask me of the Vizier,
Just in that fatal Moment, thou arrived'st
With thy Superior, and too Charms! ''(2.1.349-356)''
Start not at my Request, it comes from Heav'n,Almyna assures her father that ultimately, she will go before the sultan with or without his blessing, because she sees this act as a divine calling and believes that she can change the sultan. The sultan agrees to see Almyna, but he is struck by her "strange Request," and "her slight regard of Life", because he does not plan to veer from his pattern of "fatal Nuptials" (4.1.5, 9).
From thence derived, to save the innocent Lives
Of Virgin-daughters, and their Parent's tears.
To stop the course of such Barbarity;
Dispel the fear of trembling Mothers, who
Thro' this great Empire hourly dread his Choice. ''(3.1.94-99)''
In Act 4, the sultan begins to change his attitude, and this change is first indicated in his dream where the sultan is confronted "with the Ghost of those fair Queens / Whom in the fear of jealousy" he had murdered, and at the end of the dream, the sultan is "Charg'd with the Blood of" the "Innocents" (4.1.34-35, 38). Later in Act 4, the sultan meets Almyna, and when she is unveiled before him, he confesses that he is taken back by her beauty: "Her glistering Eyes, like Lightning flash thro' mine. / All-seeing, all-commanding; how they pierce me?" Although he is mesmerized by Almyna, the sultan reminds her that he will not veer from his murdering, and asks that she consider this before she decides to marry him. Almyna presents an argument to the sultan:
I, who have left the certainty of Power,The sultan and Almyna are wed, and the following day, in Act 5, Scene 2, Almyna is to be executed. As she kneels before the mutes who are about to strangle her, the sultan calls off the execution, and tells Almyna that the execution was ""design'd but as a Tryal," of "How far" her "bravery of Soul cou'd reach" (5.2.177-78). He admits that Almyna has changed his attitude towards women, and commits himself to her: "I am all thine: / For ever thine we're thus to part no more" (5.2.195-96).
A Crown presented by the young Abdalla,
Nay, (in Succession) all thy Crowns and Power,
Have left his bloom of Charms, his Virgin Heart,
To go in search of thine, where death requites me,
Yet cou'd I gain but this, to fall the last
That with my Life, thy cruel Vow might end,
To save thy precious Soul, so near to ruin,
And in my Blood; to wash the stains away ... ''(4.1.292-300)''
While Almyna's trial was underway, a revolt was forming outside the palace. Abdalla rushes into the palace, and he assumes that he will save Almyna from her execution, because he is unaware that the execution was a test. Abdalla and the Grand Vizier fight, and Abdalla is mortally wounded along with Zoradia, who had come into the palace to support Abdalla. Both Abdalla and Zoradia die at the end of the play.
Hurricane Smith is a rodeo rider, who is wrongly convicted of murder and robbery, but escapes and creates a new start for himself. However one of the real criminals shows up to, since he believes that Smith has some of his loot.
Carrie (Claire Danes) and Saul (Mandy Patinkin) ask doctors to revive Quinn (Rupert Friend) to query him for information on the impending terrorist attack, but Quinn is unresponsive and goes into respiratory arrest. When Carrie is told that Quinn's bullet wound was expertly treated, she begins asking her contacts for information on an underground doctor in the area where Quinn went missing. Following a tip from Al-Amin, she tracks down Dr. Hussein, who brings Carrie to Qasim's (Alireza Baryam) apartment where the terrorist cell had been residing. In the apartment, Carrie finds extensive research on the Hauptbahnhof train station and heads there to investigate.
Saul tries to coax information out of Faisal Marwan, who has been detained by the BND and subjected to harsh interrogations. Laura Sutton (Sarah Sokolovic) does a live television interview and demands that she be allowed to see Faisal immediately, or else she will release the remaining classified CIA documents in her possession; Saul is summoned away to watch the interview. He returns and finds that Faisal has jumped out of the window and killed himself.
Allison (Miranda Otto) receives her final assignment from the SVR: she must ensure that the chemical attack on Berlin succeeds. When the CIA learns that Zaheer, slain member of the cell, was enrolled at TU Berlin, Allison volunteers to talk to professors she knows there. She is allowed to do so if accompanied by a CIA escort, Conrad Fuller (Morocco Omari). As directed by the SVR, Allison goes directly to mathematics professor Dr. Aziz (Rachid Sabitri). Allison aggressively questions Aziz, and asks for Conrad's gun in order to scare him, but kills Conrad with it instead. She threatens Dr. Aziz until he reveals the target of the chemical attack: the 5:15 train to Potsdam at the Hauptbahnhof. Allison then kills Dr. Aziz, and shoots herself in the shoulder, staging the scene as if Dr. Aziz incited a shootout. After phoning Astrid (Nina Hoss), she is promptly taken to a hospital. She lies to Astrid, saying she learned that Berlin Brandenburg Airport is the target. The BND begins coordinating a full evacuation there.
Saul starts to question Allison as to what happened at the university but is interrupted when a doctor arrives to drain her wound. Bibi's team enters the train station. Posing as employees, they start closing and locking access gates. Referencing a photo she took from the apartment, Carrie spots Qasim. While attempting to get a text message to Saul, she loses track of Qasim's whereabouts. When some bystanders tell her that a man jumped down to the subway tracks, Carrie ventures into the tunnel with gun drawn. Saul receives Carrie's text and rushes back to Allison's hospital room only to discover that she is gone.
Med student Ralph Sawyer operates on Diana Wayne, victim of a vehicular accident, saving her life. Later, Sawyer opens a medical practice with buddies Frank Blake and Peter Piper. Even though Sawyer woos Diana, she falls for Blake.
Blake purchases some much-needed medical supplies on the black market from scarred gangster Joe Grant and his bodyguard, Barney Millen. When Millen is shot during a shake-down attempt, Blake cares for him. Millen is arrested and Blake defends him at trial, claiming he fixed an acid burn and not a gunshot wound. Sawyer, who has a side job working for the medical examiner's office, discovers that most of his clients are thugs sent to the doctor's office by Joe Grant. He realizes that Blake lied in court.
Grant murders the shake-down victim, who tells the cops before he dies that a "man with a scar on his face" shot him. Grant forces Blake to remove Grant's facial scar or get exposed as a gangland doctor. Blake does so, but takes photos of the operation that documents what he's done. Diana walks in as the surgery is ending, and realizes her beau is in league with a criminal element.
Grant goes on trial. Blake sends his photos to Sawyer, who is forced by a judge to admit that Blake was the source of the images. Blake, realizing his future is finished no matter what, testifies in court against Grant. Grant is found guilty, and Millen shoots Blake when he leaves the courtroom. Millen himself is then killed by the cops. Sawyer, Piper, and Diana mourn Blake.
In the introduction, sisters Camilla and Lisbeth Salander are seen as young girls playing chess at the home of their father, crime lord Alexander Zalachenko. When Zalachenko asks Camilla to play a game with him (the implication being inappropriate sexual behaviour) Lisbeth tries to drag her away, before leaping from a high balcony into a snowdrift and making her escape, leaving Camilla behind.
Some years later, in Stockholm, Sweden, computer programmer Frans Balder hires Lisbeth, now a vigilante hacker, to retrieve Firefall, a program he developed for the National Security Agency (NSA) that can access the world's nuclear codes. Balder believes it too dangerous to exist. Lisbeth successfully retrieves Firefall from the NSA's servers, but she is unable to unlock it. Her actions attract the attention of NSA agent Edwin Needham.
Mercenaries led by Jan Holtser steal the program from Lisbeth and attempt to kill her, though she survives. When she misses a scheduled rendezvous with Balder, he mistakenly believes Lisbeth has kept Firefall for herself and contacts Gabrielle Grane, the deputy director of the Swedish Security Service (SÄPO). Grane moves Balder and his young son, August, to a safe house. Meanwhile, Needham tracks the unauthorized login to Stockholm and arrives there seeking Lisbeth and Firefall.
Lisbeth and her hacker friend, Plague, contact Lisbeth's former lover, investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist, for help identifying her assailants. Blomkvist learns Holtser previously worked for Lisbeth's late father, Zalachenko, and is now affiliated with an elusive international crime syndicate known as the "Spiders". Lisbeth puts surveillance on Balder's safe house, and when it is attacked, she intervenes, attempting to protect Balder and his son. She is intercepted by Holtser, who kills Balder and frames Lisbeth, then kidnaps August. Lisbeth pursues them and rescues August. Lisbeth also learns the Spiders' leader is her sister, Camilla, whom Lisbeth believed was dead. As a child, Lisbeth escaped her abusive father, leaving Camilla behind after she hesitated to leave. After years of physical and sexual abuse, Camilla faked her suicide and went underground to form the Spiders.
Lisbeth takes August to another safe house, where she confirms only he can unlock Firefall. Elsewhere, Needham locates Lisbeth's girlfriend, Sofia, and persuades her to arrange a meeting between them, intending to lure Lisbeth into a trap. Lisbeth evades him, and Needham is later arrested by SÄPO. Lisbeth helps him escape in exchange for him safely escorting August to San Francisco to reunite him with his mother; she begrudgingly agrees to later give him Firefall.
The Spiders trick August by calling him from his father's cellphone, then track him to Lisbeth's safe house. Camilla and the Spiders take August to her base of operations, the sisters' childhood home. Grane had hired the Spiders to retrieve Firefall for her and informed them of Balder's location, but Camilla kills Grane, instead.
Using a tracker hidden on August, Lisbeth, Blomkvist, Plague, and Needham locate him. Lisbeth breaks in to give Plague remote computer access to the building's surveillance system. She is caught and taken to where August is being held. She learns that Blomkvist has also been captured. When Camilla threatens to torture him, Lisbeth tells August to trust her and to reveal the Firefall password. Camilla tries suffocating Lisbeth while describing their father's abuse.
Armed with a .50 BMG sniper rifle and remotely guided by Plague via computer, Needham fires through brick walls, eliminating Camilla's henchmen, saving August and Blomkvist. Camilla escapes with the laptop containing Firefall, and Lisbeth pursues her. Holtser, injected with a poison that induces blindness, stumbles through some woods onto a road, where he is fatally hit by Camilla's fleeing car. The vehicle crashes into the trees. Camilla, injured, escapes into the woods. Lisbeth pursues her to a nearby clifftop, where Camilla tearfully asks why she never returned to rescue her; Lisbeth says Camilla chose to remain with their father rather than escape with her. Camilla, heavily bleeding, drops the laptop computer and steps off the cliff before Lisbeth can stop her, disappearing into a snowy mist and apparently falling to her death.
Needham attempts to access Firefall, only to discover Lisbeth has destroyed it. August is reunited with his mother in the United States. Blomkvist writes an investigative article about the Spider's Web to be published in'' Millennium'', but then deletes it. Lisbeth destroys her childhood home as closure, then rides away on her motorcycle.
Michael Bryce lives a luxurious life as a successful UK-based private bodyguard, until his client Takashi Kurosawa, an international arms dealer, is assassinated on his watch. Two years later, the fallen from grace Bryce survives by protecting drug-addicted corporate executives in London.
Meanwhile, Vladislav Dukhovich, the vicious dictator of Belarus, is on trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court. Unable to secure solid evidence or testimony against Dukhovich, the prosecution's last hope is incarcerated hitman Darius Kincaid, who agrees to testify against Dukhovich in exchange for the release of his wife Sonia from prison. Led by Interpol Agent Roussel, an armed convoy escorts Kincaid from the UK to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
With the aid of treacherous Interpol Assistant Director Jean Foucher, Dukhovich's men successfully ambush the convoy as it passes through Coventry and kill most of the security team. Kincaid eliminates the attackers and Agent Roussel, the sole survivor, takes Kincaid to an Interpol safehouse in the city. Realizing that the agency cannot be entrusted with the mission due to a possible leak, she enlists the help of Bryce, her ex, to escort and protect Kincaid on the way to The Hague.
They hitchhike to a ferry going to Amsterdam, where Sonia is being held. Kincaid reveals to Bryce that he was the one who shot and killed Kurosawa, having spotted him by chance while on another job, causing an outraged Bryce to abandon him. As Bryce evaluates his past mistakes at a beer stand, Dukhovich's men attack Kincaid. Bryce regains his composure and helps Kincaid escape, but is captured in the process. As Dukhovich's men torture him, Kincaid arrives and rescues Bryce.
After reconciling their differences, they arrive at The Hague with seconds to spare. Kincaid testifies that Dukhovich hired him to assassinate a political rival, but Kincaid witnessed Dukhovich carry out a mass execution, and uploaded the massacre photos to a secret FTP site that he provides to the court.
Dukhovich admits guilt, then resorts to his backup plan: bombing the court to escape. Foucher leaves the court before the bombing and Roussel deduces he was the traitor. In the confusion after the bomb goes off, Dukhovich seizes a gun to kill Kincaid, but Bryce dives in front of the bullet and takes the hit. Injured, he tells Kincaid to stop Dukhovich. Foucher and Roussel struggle, until Bryce fatally shoots and kills Foucher in order to save Roussel. Kincaid pursues Dukhovich to the roof, where he attempts to escape by helicopter. Kincaid destroys the helicopter and angrily kicks Dukhovich off the roof to his death for shooting Bryce.
Kincaid is rearrested for his various crimes but breaks out of Belmarsh Prison several months later so he and Sonia can celebrate their anniversary in the bar in Honduras where they first met. As a wild bar brawl breaks out around them, they kiss.
Chuck Stephens is fooled by his sailor pals Swifty and Mike into believing (and betting on) that if he marries by his 27th birthday, he will inherit $25,000. With only days to go before his deadline, a frantic Chuck is taken to Aunt Navy's nightclub in San Pedro, California and introduced to singer Linda Hall, making a bad first impression.
Linda eventually grows more interested in Chuck, but ends up arrested after a bracelet he gives her as a gift turns out to be stolen. Chuck considers marrying other women rounded up by the guys, but realizes he loves Linda after all. He marries her after the deadline, but unexpectedly gets a $5,000 reward for recovering the stolen bracelet.
Dr. Christopher 'Fluke' Kelso (Daniel Craig), is in Moscow for an academic conference on Joseph Stalin. After the conference, Papu Rapava, an old man, says that he has important information for Dr. Kelso.
In Hotel Ukraine, where Kelso is staying, Rapava recounts in detail how he, as a young security guard in 1953, witnessed the death of Stalin. He saw Lavrentiy Beria steal a key from Stalin as he lay dying in his Middle dacha. Beria and Rapava drove to Stalin's private quarters in the Kremlin and Beria opened a safe. In the safe was a red folder which Beria removed and later placed in a metal tool box at his mansion. He instructed Rapava to dig a hole in the yard in which this box was buried.
Believing this folder to contain Stalin's notebook, Kelso sees this as an opportunity to write a book based on the personal writings of the late Soviet leader. He tells Rapava that it would be worth a lot of money and would help Rapava reconcile with his estranged daughter. Rapava leaves while Kelso's attention is elsewhere. The next day, a reporter called RJ O'Brian (Gabriel Macht) turns up and recognises Kelso. Kelso begins his research in earnest, visiting a library to get information and eyewitness accounts of Stalin's death. He engages with a young librarian, Yelena, who provides him with the address where Beria used to live.
Kelso goes to Beria's former mansion, now in a state of disrepair. By accident, he discovers the key Beria took from Stalin. He finds the yard has already been excavated and the box is gone. He visits Vladimir Mamantov (Lev Prygunov), a powerful politician (and former KGB agent) who leads the Communist ''Aurora'' movement. Kelso invites Mamantov to talk about the notebook, but Mamantov denies knowledge of it. Kelso leaves, unconvinced by Mamantov's denial. Soon Kelso becomes aware that he is being followed.
Coming across a matchbook in his hotel room, Kelso goes to the advertised night club. Again he meets O'Brian. Kelso has asked to speak with Rapava's daughter, Zinaida (Yekaterina Rednikova), who works as a high-class prostitute to fund her law studies. He asks to speak with her father again and, after Kelso agrees to pay for her assistance, she takes him to her father's apartment block. Kelso finds Rapava murdered in the bathtub. As he is leaving, Kelso is mugged and beaten by hooligans. Despite Kelso's appeals for help from the police, he ends up being detained as a suspect. The FSB soon become involved as they are interested in what Kelso is doing. They arrange for him to be released without charge. The agent in charge, Suvorin, introduces himself, revealing that Kelso's actions led to the death of Rapava. Mamantov was aware of only one witness who knew about the notebook. Suvorin advises Kelso to leave Russia.
Zinaida tracks down Kelso. She found a note from her father telling her that Kelso has information for her. She tells him of their estrangement and asks why her father would contact her after so many years. When she says that she doesn't want to speak to her father, Kelso has to break the news to her that Rapava is dead. She takes Kelso to an old garage owned by her father in a search for more clues. Kelso finds a Makarov pistol and the tool box but before they can look inside, O'Brian turns up again. O'Brian wants a share of what they have found. In the tool box is the journal of a young woman called Anoushka from Archangel, who was selected to work for high-ranking Communist Party officials in Moscow.
Zinaida translates Anoushka's writings and learns that the woman took care of Stalin. She writes of a different, humbler aspect to Stalin, different than the brutal dictatorial nature he demonstrated to others. One night she observes his cruelty when she sees that he forces officials to dance for him. After this, she voluntarily dances for Stalin. Pages have been torn from the journal. O'Brian presses Kelso on the book's authenticity. Kelso is convinced it is genuine. Other papers found in the red folder contain reports from the NKVD and medical records. From other information known from that time, they conclude that Anoushka may have been the mother to an heir of Stalin. O'Brian deduces that the story continues in Archangel and makes plans for them to travel. When O'Brian leaves the room, Kelso and Zinaida plot to leave him behind and travel to Archangel together.
Zinaida plans a brief stop at her apartment to get her savings. An intruder waits inside but they make their escape and continue travelling north. Angered by their betrayal, O'Brian discusses his own travel plans with his colleague, Louise.
Suvorin confronts Mamantov about Rapava's murder at a book signing, but Mamantov has a watertight alibi. Suvorin's boss is outraged at O'Brian's breaking news report about Stalin's secret notebook. He orders Suvorin to talk with O'Brian.
Reaching Archangel, Kelso asks at the local records office about past party members. A male clerk, Tsarev, tells them that Anoushka's mother is still alive and living locally.
Kelso and Zinaida leave the records office, returning to their hotel. As they are getting closer, Kelso notices two policemen checking O'Brian's car and the pair are chased. Just before the police catch them, a car arrives and an assassin fatally shoots both policemen. Returning to the hotel unmolested, Kelso and Zinaida discover O'Brian waiting. Meanwhile, Suvorin is questioning Louise about O'Brian and she gives him the information he wants.
At the home of Anoushka's mother, it is revealed that Anoushka returned home pregnant, and died two days after she gave birth. Her baby boy was adopted by a local couple who lived in the forest.
In Moscow, Suvorin is again summoned to speak with his boss. Plans to have the military transport Suvorin to Archangel are under way. His boss cites the reasons for the importance of the notebook.
Kelso questions O'Brian about his sources and how he always seems to find them. Kelso appears suspicious of O'Brian's answer. When Zinaida comes out of the house to smoke a cigarette, she and Kelso discuss what they know. Zinaida agrees to remain with the mother so that Kelso and O'Brian can travel in order to find the child, now a man. Kelso also wants to keep an eye on O'Brian. The mother has revealed that her husband once tried to find his grandson. He left the house but never returned. Kelso and Zinaida believe that Anoushka met the same fate.
While the men are away, the local police arrive at the house and arrest Zinaida for murdering the two policemen. Before they arrest her, she manages to hide her father's Makarov pistol and some money.
Kelso and O'Brian begin their journey but fall foul of a road trap which stops the car. As they review their predicament, a man watches them from a nearby hill. Kelso is convinced the man is Josef, Stalin's son by Anoushka. They agree to go with him to prove they are not a threat to him.
Suvorin arrives by helicopter and gets an update from Lev, the local Militsiya captain. Suvorin examines the dead policemen and concludes that it was an execution carried out by a hitman and not a "call girl" or a "history professor" He asks to speak with Zinaida. Suvorin assures her that she will not be hurt by the Militsiya as he has established that she did not kill the two policemen.
At a remote cabin, Kelso and O'Brian are presented with a large suitcase. On opening it, they discover relics from the past that belonged to Stalin as well as identity papers of others who came before them. These people wrote confessions and died. An old man who chops logs for Josef states that Josef's time is nearing.
Kelso asks Josef about his adoptive parents. The father, when drunk, would beat Josef. He died falling into one of his own traps while drunk and the mother was too old to work. Josef suggests that he killed the woman as a kindness. Kelso offers Josef a photograph of his birth mother but Josef says that he has picture of his real father and they are enough. Josef plies the men with vodka. In a menacing tone, Josef encourages Kelso and O'Brian to dance for him, just as his father did.
The next morning, Kelso awakes to discover Josef has gone. He and O'Brian make their way to the car to get a message out. Elsewhere, Suvorin is met by Major Kretov, with a squad of Russian Special Forces. Their mission is not immediately evident but Suvorin joins them. Finally O'Brian manages to get a signal with his satellite communications device and he begins a broadcast from the forest. Kelso tries to stop him and they struggle. The special forces arrive at the cabin and kill the old man. Kretov is aware of the satellite transmission by O'Brian and he informs Suvorin. Josef kills a guard left by the special forces transport. Soldiers capture Kelso and O'Brian and bring them to Kretov. Suvorin makes a move to protect the two men by threatening to kill Kretov. Kretov reveals that even if he is killed, his men will kill Kelso and O'Brian.
Suddenly, the group comes under attack from Josef. Suvorin orders Kelso and O'Brian to run for their lives. Suvorin accompanies them but Kretov shoots him in the back as they make their escape. O'Brian is caught in a bear trap and Kelso helps him remove it. Kretov kills the limping O'Brian. Kelso falls into a nearby river and takes refuge under the dock. Kretov runs onto the dock and raises his weapon just as Josef shoots him. Kelso escapes in a small motorboat.
Back at the cabin, Josef shaves and dresses, producing a striking resemblance to his father.
Kelso reaches a harbour and gets a lift in a truck to the mother's house. He learns that Zinaida is with the Militsiya. The old woman gives him Rapava's Makarov pistol. Kelso finds Zinaida at the police station. He pays Lev a huge bribe for her release. Kelso tells her that they must travel to the Kremlin because Mamantov wants Kelso alive. En route to the train, they watch O'Brian's broadcast on a television set in front of a small crowd.
On the train, Kelso tells Zinaida that Mamantov wants a credible person to reveal Anoushka's notebook and the existence of Josef. He tells her that Papu Rapava died because he wanted Zinaida to have the wealth from the notebook to stop her prostitution. Kelso tells her they will go to the American embassy in Moscow and he invites her to go with him to New York. She confesses that her father never held or loved his children. He taught her and her brother to be tough, never show fear and only trust themselves.
As they settle down in a compartment for the rest of their journey, the assassin shows up and demands the notebook. He takes Kelso to see Mamantov. Mamantov explains how he planned for Kelso to come to Moscow to speak at the conference, discover the notebook and reveal Josef to Russia. Kelso believes Josef to be unstable and that Mamantov might be his first victim. A hand resting on Mamantov's shoulder is Josef's and Mamantov believes Josef supports him.
Back in the compartment, Kelso tells Zinaida about his meeting with Mamantov and that they must get off at Vologda, the next station. As they are pulling in to the station, a huge crowd is there to greet the arrival of Josef. Kelso tells her to go to Moscow and get on a plane to anywhere. He is going to authenticate the notebook for Mamantov. He meets Louise and tells her that O'Brian is dead.
Kelso wants her cameraman to broadcast his speech and he begins to expose the corruption of the people who want Josef to rule over Russia with the same brutality as his father. Mamantov's henchmen interrupt him, kicking and beating him to the ground.
From above the crowd, Zinaida draws her father's Makarov and kills Josef.
The play is a comedic dramatization of the largely forgotten Herero and Namaqua genocide which took place in Namibia between 1904 and 1907 when the region was a German colony, after Germany confiscated tribal lands and the Herero people rebelled. The retribution over four years by German soldiers resulted in more than 65,000 deaths. The play deals with the enormity of this story by introducing it through the actors of a "presentation" which is intended to tell the story, and shows how the various players respond to the gruesome facts during first rehearsal.
Dining car waitress Olga Koreneva arrives in the village of Ferzikovo, home to her mother, Ksenia, and her son, Anton (nicknamed Spine). Ksenia's neighbors trust Olga. Ksenia inherited a small apartment from Baba Vali, who has recently died. Anton has constantly been at boarding school. Because of the son, fights constantly occur between Olga and Ksenia. To be with her beloved, Olga decides to take her son away from her mother.
An American business executive is kidnapped by a revolutionary guerrilla group in an unnamed Asian nation. Unwilling to meet the terrorist's demands or to use the security forces of the nation, the victim's employer and his wife hire two fun-loving American expatriate Vietnam veterans to rescue him. Together with their local friend and guide, the trio find out that they are up against an unexpected and deadly enemy.
Andy (Louis Koo) and John (Eason Chan) are made redundant by their employer, a comic book publisher, and together with laid off colleagues go in search of a magazine publishing idea with which to make their fortunes. They ultimately stumble on the idea of a pornographic brothel guide; rather than unobtainable porn models their magazine features actual prostitutes working in the territory, together with an assessment of the girl and where she can be found. Their magazine, Ho Ching (豪情), is an unexpected hit and rakes in profits from both readers and working girls, as girls featured in the magazine see a jump in the number of punters and rates.
The visibility and money from this success leads to run ins with the law and organised crime, but what drives a wedge between Andy and John is their attitude to sexual temptation. Initially their write ups of their models are purely fictional, but the success of the magazine as an advertising tool leads to girls becoming willing to do whatever it takes in order to get a good review, and both Andy and John give in to the temptation of all the sex offered to them, damaging their relationships with girl friends and loved ones. Ultimately John manages to extract himself from the world of porn and prostitution, whilst Andy finds it impossible to leave.
The version released in Mainland China changes the focus of the film to law enforcement efforts to end the pornography industry. This version has a different title, '''''The Inescapable Snare''''' (天罗地网 ''Tiānluódìwǎng''). This version, in order to meet the standards of the ratio of employees for films jointly produced by Hong kong and Mainland China under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), adds another character who is a female police officer from Mainland China who goes undercover.
In 1970, ten-year-old Tuscan boy Mirco loses his sight following an accident with his father's rifle.
The parents are forced to make him attend an institution for the blind in Genoa. There, unable to use braille, he finds an old tape recorder and manages to invent fairy tales made only of noises and narration. In the meantime, he meets Francesca, the daughter of the concierge of the house next to them, although they could not meet. Mirco will increasingly involve all the other blind children by making them understand how much they are worth and how similar they are to all the other kids.
In the end the teacher organizes a play created by the kids, and all parents are impressed by it. Mirco's parents eventually decide to bring him home for the summer holidays.
At the opening it is said that the film is based on a true story, and before the closing credits we read: "Mirco left school at 16 years old. Although he has never recovered his sight, today he is one of the most recognized sound editors of Italian cinema."
Sisters Lisa (Mandy Moore) and Kate (Claire Holt) are on vacation in Mexico after Lisa's boyfriend recently broke up with her. They decide to go watch sharks from a diving cage with two local men. At the docks, Lisa is wary of the boat and its owner, Captain Taylor (Matthew Modine). Kate is a certified diver, but Lisa is new to diving. They lie to Taylor and tell him that Lisa is experienced. Unbeknownst to everyone, the cable supporting the cage is fraying.
Taylor sends Lisa and Kate down, with masks that allow them to talk to him on the surface and to each other. They are soon surrounded by great white sharks but the cable breaks, and the cage sinks 47 meters below the surface to the ocean floor and out of communication range with the boat. Kate swims up seven meters to resume communication with Taylor, who tells her that Javier (Chris J. Johnson) will be coming down with a spare winch cable to attach to the cage. He advises them to stay in the cage because the sharks are close by. Both women are running out of air but soon see a flashlight in the distance. With Kate low on air from the previous swim, Lisa swims out to get Javier's attention. A shark tries to attack her but she avoids it.
Lisa becomes disoriented about her position. Javier attempts to usher her back towards safety but he is killed by a great white shark. Lisa takes his spear gun and the winch cable and swims back to the cage. The spare cable is attached but it also snaps and the cage sinks back down, landing on Lisa's leg and pinning her. Kate tells Taylor they are low on air and Lisa is trapped. He sends air tanks down and tells them the coast guard is an hour out. He also warns that the second tank may cause nitrogen narcosis, which can lead to hallucinations. Kate finds three flares to signal the coast guard. As she returns to the cage, she is attacked and (presumably) devoured by a great white shark. Lisa uses the spear from the spear gun to pull a tank toward her and dons it, getting more air.
Kate is injured and her blood is attracting more sharks. Lisa uses her BCD to lift up the cage, freeing her leg, and she swims to Kate. Due to the nature of Kate's wounds, the sisters decide to swim to the surface, using one of the flares to scare off the sharks. At the 20-meter mark, Taylor reminds them they must wait five minutes to decompress and avoid the bends. Kate accidentally drops the second flare and lights the third, discovering that they are surrounded by sharks.
As the third flare goes out, Taylor yells for them to drop their gear and make a break for the surface, and they swim as fast as they can. One of the sharks bites Lisa's leg but she escapes. Both women make it to the boat but Lisa is attacked again. She sticks her fingers in the shark's eye and it releases her. The men pull the sisters onto the boat, saving them, and start patching up their wounds when they see that the shark has bitten off half of Lisa's leg.
It is revealed that Lisa has been hallucinating all this time due to nitrogen narcosis and that she is still at the bottom of the ocean with her leg pinned under the cage, with Kate gone. As Coast Guard divers arrive to rescue her and carry her to the surface, Lisa begins coming out of her hallucination, calling out to Kate. When Lisa looks around for Kate, she realizes that her sister is not present and begins crying, remembering that Kate was killed by the great white shark.
Like all sandbox games, the game has no clear objectives and has no concrete plot; the player creates their own storyline based on their individual experience. However, '''''Junk Jack ''''' contains obtainable items to travel to other worlds, an action that the game strongly recommends players do.
Five different love stories pan out as five different couples run into something that will change their lives forever.
In “So Long, My Love,” Su Le Qi (Zhang Ziyi) arrives in Japan after reading about the country in her ex's letters. She meets apprentice chef Feng Yu Jian (Eddie Peng), who offers to show her around Hokkaido.
In “Homeward Journey,” couple Tang Jing (Liang Jing) and Zhou Hong Yi (Zhang Yi) are on a family tour in Turkey. While visiting Istanbul, they lose their five-year-old daughter in the gargantuan market of the Grand Bazaar. As they frantically search for their daughter, the true problems of their marriage come to light.
In “Nothing Like Romance,” Chicago resident Guan Yue (Wu Mo Chou) spends life with her American husband Lu Jie (Wang Qian Yuan), whom she married for a green card. When she finds out that she is on her last breaths, Guan Yue convinces Lu Hie to join her on a 2,300 mile drive along Route 66 to Los Angeles, on a journey that will forever change the couple.
In “Artificial Sunlight,” Nurse Lily (Michelle Chen) hasn't visited her homeland in five years. She accepts a nursing job at an old home in Rjukan, Norway. She also meets and develops feelings for local lawyer Andrews (Sebastian Stiger). When one of Lily's dying patients mentions that she just wants to see the sun in the perpetually dark Rjukan, Lily and Andrews decide to find a way to fulfill this final wish.
In “Stolen Heart,” actress Ye Lan (Tong Li Ya) lives in Saipan, a small island near Guam. She is repeatedly haunted by memories of a tragic event from her past. One day, she meets mysterious young woman named Bai Qie Zi (Zhou Dong Yu). Bai Qie Zi claims to know a lot about Ye Lan, and is more than a little interested in the actress. What follows is a blast from Ye Lan's past that she never expected.
''Conquest Earth'' tells the story of a futuristic war between humans and Jovians, the gaseous inhabitants of Jupiter.
The series revolves around a secret Mossad compound called 'HaMidrasha', which is surrounded by surveillance cameras and is equipped with technological devices. The compound operates a training course in which 13 trainees are sent to complicated missions in order to test their suitability for the occupation, and their improvisation, seduction and impersonation abilities.
Yonna, the commander of the course, criticizes the mediocrity of Mossad's agents and demands from the new trainees a higher level of execution. He decides to create a new training program to test his trainees via unusual and radical situations, in which, apart from excellence, Yonna demands a creative "out of the box" thinking.
As individual trainees fail in different ways (physically, psychologically, ethically), they are unceremoniously dropped from the training program (and mostly from the show).
A handful of survivors in an abandoned building must deal with a zombie apocalypse.
'''Chhatra Jatra''' or '''Chatar Jatra''' or '''Chatar Yatra''' are meant to celebrate the Vijaya utsav with cheerful heart and splendid display. The festival is being celebrated during the Mahastami of Durga puja festival. The ritual practice of Khonds (Adivasis of Kalahandi Districts) Nabakalevar (the renewal of post-worship) is also performed during the festival.
Maa Manikeswari comes out from the ''Garbhagriha'' on Mahastami mid night to ''Jenakhal'' which is at about 3 km distance from the alma mater. The jatra starts with ''Nagar Paribhramana'' on Mahanavami auspicious morning. A bamboo covered with black cloth represents Maa Manikeswari in the jatra, and at the top on silver plate Dasamahavidya Yantra is installed which represents the Tantric Hinduism. To please Maa Manikeswari, a tribal dance is performed, which is known as Ghumura dance. Ghumura is a traditional dance and a heritage of Kalahandi district. It is a dance performed with a traditional instrument Ghumura Veer Badya. The dancers tie the Ghumura (badya/instrument) on their shoulders and hang it tight on their chest.
Opens in an ancient time in the town of Jogbo. The priest tells the king that there will be a pact between the citizens of Jogbo and their kings, using a brass bell in the ritual process, and that the ritual process would also be carried out of succeeding Kings.
A new king, Lapite (Kola Oyewo) has just been elected in Jogbo; there's been a long-standing saying that kings of Jogbo don't get to be influential and wealthy as kings of other territories. Lapite finds out from his friend and Chief, Balogun (Lere Paimo) that it is due to the old tradition of rituals made to kings, and as a result Lapite cheats the process. Balogun however later learns from the same elderly man who told him, that anyone who cheats the process faces the consequences of sharing his kingship with someone else, and that if he ever listens to the Saworoide (brass bell) being played, he would die of headache. Lapite as a result sends assassins to kill the family of Adebomi, who he considers to be threat (but they however didn't kill their kid), and also orders the capture of the custodian of Saworoide, Ayangalu (Ayantunji Amoo), along with his drum. Ayangalu is however tipped off by one of the chiefs and he escapes together with Adeboro's son, leaving behind Saworoide to be captured.
The new king takes another wife, Tinuola (Bukky Wright), who's already pregnant for her lover, but has been advised to keep it a secret so as not to lose the life changing opportunity of being a queen. Lapite connives with modern investors to start mass exploration of the town's resources, particularly logging, and nonchalantly destroying people's crops in the process. The Chiefs and King start to live a life of opulence, silencing the press by all means. Lapite also refuses to listen to the citizens of Jogbo who constantly stage protests against the goings on. As a result, militancy arises amongst the farm owners and they start to attack the workers on their farms, which led to the workers going on strike.
Lapite starts going against members of his cabinet, making arrests and becoming a tyrant. Some members of the farm owners' association consult the town priest, Amawomaro (Peter Fatomilola) and they are told that the only way out is to make sure the Adé idẹ (Brass Crown) is absent from the palace for 15 days. The militants seek external help; one of the logging firms gives funds, but secretly to use them naively for their own interest. They stage several attacks such as hijacking a ceremony to steal the king's crown, which is later recovered with the help of the logging firms after being given a bribe.
Aresejabata (Kunle Afolayan) starts to make friends with Araparegangan (Kabirat Kafidipe) the supposed daughter of Lapite. He opens up to her that while tipsy, that he is the son of Adebomi that was killed. Lapite finds out and orders the assassination of Aresejabata, not minding Arapa being killed in the process. Tinuola overhears and tells her daughter to run away along with Arese from the gathering and the village. The military stages a successful coup, killing Lapite; Officer Lagata (Kunle Bamtefa) takes over the government of Jogbo. Balogun and Seriki (Larinde Akinleye) again liaise with the new government.
The former militants plan to kill the new king by making Ayangalu, who has been in exile to play the Saworoide in Jogbo. One of the militants betray them and Ayangalu is arrested. Ayangalu has however used his drum to call on his son just before he is arrested. His son, Ayanniyi (Segun Oni) returns and plays the Saworoide just after Lagata is crowned, and he subsequently dies of migraine. The soldiers are hypnotized to be on the side of the people, Aresejabata received the initiation to become king.
Arrogant and unscrupulous pasta factory owner Alfonso Tammaro tells his workers Enzo, Carmine and Bandula, that the factory will close and that they are laid off. When they ask if they can work in his new factory, he tells them he doesn't need them since it's completely automated. They are hard put to make ends meet, but Enzo's wife Aurora, who has been hired by Tammaro as a translator, convinces Tammaro to hire them as security guards at the old factory, which he now uses to store his latest enthusiasm, modern art. They find the art bizarre and the prices outrageously high. When Carmine accidentally breaks one of the artworks, they realize they have to create a duplicate, and find it surprisingly easy. Angry at Tammaro and desperate to improve their prospects, they decide to create duplicates and leave them for Tammaro, while selling the originals. They achieve some early success and become more ambitious. They travel to Rome to meet with a buyer who isn't too fussy about how they came into possession of such pieces, and Enzo is taken for a great new sensation in the art world. Put on the spot by a wealthy patron, he creates a new work by tracing the woman's hand with a pen and adding whatever bits of color he finds handy. For this "original" she gives him 1000€.
Alas, just when they have finished recreating an entire collection of modern art, the scheme goes awry. After they have switched their fakes for the genuine artworks, but before they can sell the real ones, Tammaro closes down the operation and sends the (fake) collection to Rome for auction. Terrified at being found out and sent to prison, they confess what they have done to Aurora, who helps them come up with a plan to undo their fraud by switching the art pieces at the auction site. They are unable to complete the swap, and are astonished to learn that in the world of modern art, it doesn't even matter. The film ends with them once again completely broke, except for the 1000€ Enzo made for his hand tracing, which they end up giving to Bandula so he can attend his daughter's wedding back in India.
In 2007, "environmentalist" Lucy Mirando becomes CEO of the Mirando Corporation, succeeding her twin sister. Announcing they have been breeding a special kind of "super pig", 26 specimens are sent to farmers around the world, and ten years later, one will be crowned the winner as the best pig.
In 2017, a young girl named Mija lives in South Korea with her grandfather and their super pig, Okja. Mija and Okja have a very close relationship; they spend much of their time together, and at one point, Okja saves Mija from falling off a cliff. They are visited by Mirando spokesperson and zoologist Dr. Johnny Wilcox, who declares Okja the best super pig, and announces that they will take her to NYC. Her grandfather gives Mija a gold pig, explaining he saved up to replace Okja when she was taken away. Devastated, Mija goes to Seoul to find Okja, where she sees her being loaded onto a truck. Mija chases down the truck but it is intercepted by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).
In the resulting chaos, Mija and Okja run away but are eventually saved by the ALF, led by Jay. He asks another ALF member, K, to translate and tell Mija that they plan to put a recording device in Okja's ear and let her be recaptured by the Mirando Corporation to document how they mistreat animals. Mija asks them to return her to the mountains but K purposely mistranslates and tells them Mija agrees. They leave, and Okja is recaptured.
To minimize PR damage to the company, Lucy pays for Mija to come to NYC to reunite with her pig. Okja is taken to a laboratory where she is forcibly bred with another super pig and flesh is taken from her for a taste test. After the ALF sees the footage, K reveals that he lied to the rest of the group about Mija's support of the plan. Jay beats K, and expels him from the ALF.
In NYC, Mija has to comply with the Mirando Corp. Jay slips into her room and tells her they plan to rescue Okja while on stage. During the Mirando parade, a battered and temporarily blinded Okja attacks Mija. Jay tries to hurt Okja to protect the girl, but Mija doesn’t let him and calms Okja down. The ALF shows Okja's mistreatment to the public, who quickly turn on Mirando. Lucy surrenders the company to her twin sister Nancy, who contacts a private security firm to take out ALF members. Okja is recaptured and the ALF members are arrested, except for Mija and Jay, who are rescued by K. Nancy, Lucy’s twin sister, reassumes the position of CEO and starts full-time operations at their slaughterhouse.
K, Mija, and Jay travel to a processing plant in search of Okja, and find her at the processing plant, being forced up a ramp into a slaughterhouse. Mija shows a Mirando employee a photo of herself with baby Okja, prompting him to stop. Nancy arrives and Mija offers the gold pig in exchange for Okja's life. Nancy agrees, having Jay and K arrested. As Mija and Okja are escorted away, a pair of super pigs push their newborn to Okja to hide it and take it away.
Back in the countryside, Mija resumes her life with her grandfather, Okja, and the new piglet.
In a post-credits scene, Jay is released from prison, boarding a bus with K and the other members of the organization. With their newest member Kim Woo-shik, a former driver for Mirando Corporation, they plan to disrupt a major Mirando shareholders meeting.
Apple, a student at the prestigious Greene University, has a business editing other students' papers. Her main goal is to marry her rugby-playing boyfriend Todd. However, the rugby team is disbanded because of the Title IX rule, and Todd transfers to another school. Apple decides to start a women's gymnastics team so that he can stay. She and her roommate Cali find six athletic girls at Greene. She also meets Chet, another rugby player and the TA for her economics class. The athletics director eventually approves the gymnastics team. With Cali as their coach, the team starts to learn gymnastics. Apple and Chet grow closer, and he kisses her.
The rugby team is allowed to compete again. Todd returns to campus, makes Apple fold his clothes and then dumps her. Heartbroken, she quits the gymnastics team and starts spending her time going on dates. Without her, the team disbands, and her friends, including Chet and Cali, stop talking to her. Then, the school's dean finds out about Apple's paper-editing business. Apple has a hearing where she is accused of violating Greene University's academic policy. During the hearing, she realizes what the team meant to her, and the case is dismissed. She apologizes to her friends, and the gymnastics team is re-formed for the last competition of the season. Each gymnast improves with practice, and at the meet, they do well and hit all of their routines. Apple ends the competition by scoring a perfect 10 on floor exercise. Chet meets her afterwards, and the two kiss.
The movie starts on April 11, 1972. Nixon's advisers at the White House ask Mark Felt how to ask J. Edgar Hoover to step aside as the FBI director. Some days later, Hoover dies. Pat Gray becomes the acting FBI director. In June 1972, several ex-CIA and FBI agents burglarize Watergate hotel to bug the DNC headquarters.
Members of the Weather Underground bomb the Pentagon.
Attorney General Richard Kleindienst announces that the Watergate investigation has concluded without the White House or CREEP (Nixon's re-election committee) being implicated.
Pat Gray's Senate confirmation hearings gets derailed when it comes to light that he was sending the FBI investigative files to the White House.
A side story of the movie revolves around Mark Felt tracking and locating his runaway hippie daughter in a commune.
Hollywood studio boss R. B. Harris is desperate for a box-office hit. Reading about a young man in Kansas who has gained a reputation as the movies' number one fan, Harris summons him, Joe Ruddy, to ask his advice about a new gangster story. Joe suggests hiring a real gangster. Joe goes to Chicago to see the notorious "Buggsy" Malone, first trying a nightclub where Buggsie's sister Molly is the featured singer. Molly manages to coax her brother into doing the movie, eager to get him to give up his criminal ways and even hiding a million dollars of his cash until he turns over a new leaf.
On the movie set, leading lady Vera Valaize is irate about the casting and Buggsie's rewriting of the scenes, so she walks off. Molly is asked by her brother to take over the part. During a bank robbery scene shot on location, a couple of Buggsie's cronies hatch a scheme to actually rob the bank. By the time Buggsie straightens everything out, he finds out Molly's fallen in love with Joe and arranges their wedding on the way home.
Ikuo Ryuuzaki and Danno Tatsuya are 2 orphaned boys who were looked after by a person they called 'sensei'. Following their sensei's brutal murder, the two vow to hunt down the killers and the police officers who neglected to properly investigate the case.
15 years later, Ryuuzaki is a police detective and Tatsuya has become the leader of a group of mobsters. Helping each other out behind the scenes, they strive to rise to the tops of their respective fields so that they may exact their vengeance.
An Army Air Corp pilot has to bail out of his plane over the Ozarks. There he falls in love while his father tries to exploit mineral rights in the area that are desperately needed for the war effort.
The game follows Lorraine, a struggling single mother and widow with a troubled past, as she searches for her young son, Callum, who goes missing in Atlantic Island Park. Lorraine follows her son into the park just as it prepares to close for the afternoon. Nighttime comes unnaturally fast as she ascends the escalator and finds the park to be abandoned, vandalized and rundown as if several years have passed. Despite this, the rides and lights mysteriously still function. Lorraine calls for Callum and follows his voice deeper into the decrepit park.
Lorraine boards several rides which reveal the themes and backstory of the game: the Tunnel of Tales tells the story of Hansel and Gretel, ending with the two devouring the witch after cooking her. On the Ferris Wheel, Lorraine remembers Callum's father Don, a construction worker at the park who died in a fall from the Ferris Wheel when Lorraine was still pregnant with Callum. Between rides, Lorraine expresses her frustration with Callum, her belief that she is a failure as a mother, her history of mental health problems, and her fear that Callum is becoming changed by some mysterious threat. While aboard the roller coaster, a monstrous top-hatted ringmaster (identified in the credits as The Boogeyman) accosts Lorraine and claims 'the Witch' has her son.
According to notes, the park's grounds were tainted by a sinister history due to the actions of previous owner Archibald Henderson, which the new owner Mr. Winter took advantage of. Notes indicate he harvested the positive emotions of guests, and the energy he unlocked would grant him immortality. As a result, workers and employees alike experienced anxiety and a number of fatal incidents occurred. One case involved 'Chad the Chipmunk', the park's mascot. Steve, the employee wearing the chipmunk suit, refused to remove the costume and murdered a teenager with an icepick. Following Steve's arrest and the disappearance of over a dozen children inside the House of Horrors, the Park was closed permanently.
Lorraine follows Callum into the witch-faced House of Horrors, remarking on the similarity to the Hansel and Gretel story. Inside, messages from Mr. Winter reveal he retreated into the House with his machines when the Park closed, still hoping to achieve immortality. The interior of the House changes to a loop of Lorraine and Callum's home through time, similar to the game P.T. It is revealed that Lorraine's father abused and abducted her as a child, and that she suffered from depression when Callum was born and was given electroshock therapy. Each version of her house becomes more decrepit and disturbing. At the end, she finds a message by Mr. Winter revealing he needs children for his harvesting machines, and has already kidnapped and killed at least one. The notes, combined with depictions of Winter in a similar ringmaster's garb and top hat, suggest he is the Boogeyman haunting the grounds.
Lorraine reveals that in the oldest versions of the Hansel and Gretel story, the cruel mother and the Witch were the same person, and she believes she is the real Witch - apparently accepting that her neglect of Callum indirectly caused his disappearance. She reaches Callum, lying unconscious on a slab. Chad the Chipmunk appears behind her, then is replaced by the Boogeyman, who forces a bloody icepick into her hands, guides her hands above Callum's chest and allows her to stab him in the heart.
After, Lorraine sits grief-stricken in a police station interrogation room. A detective identical to the Park gatekeeper enters, carrying a jar with a bee in it, and tells her to think of the last place she saw her son. Lorraine narrates that, in her heart and mind, she will always return to Atlantic Island Park. Ultimately, though the game's supernatural elements are confirmed by Lorraine's appearance in ''The Secret World'', it's left ambiguous how much of ''The Park'' was real or imaginary.
The Doctor infiltrates a Sontaran timeship which is orbiting the planet Earth in the year 1965. Confronting the captain (Gol Clutha, an alien of another species whose crew took over the ship after filling it with gas poisonous to Sontarans) he is threatened by her with a Traulian mind-spike, which he has actually reconfigured to incapacitate her instead of killing her. Using Clutha's security pass, he is able to reach the ship's cargo, a large box formed with psi-responsive metal, holding something.
On the planet Cornucopia in the year 2013, a woman under the guise of "Miss Ghost" is over-seeing a space port that the planet now has been a base for. A ship run by a man by Pala has been delayed in take-off, and Pala demands to talk with her where the two fight and Pala is knocked unconscious. Searching the ship, Miss Ghost (in reality a disguised agent by the name of 'Cheshire') discovers a secret shipment of psi-responsive metal, and prepares to leave when her suit begins to fail and she only barely escapes being caught by the crew of the ship. As the ship takes off into trans-light mode by the orders of the now conscious Pala, it is attacked by a group of beings lit in fire who claim that the crew has stolen the burning stone, and begin attacking the ship in search for it.
The Doctor gains entrance to the metal cube by the use of his sonic screwdriver, where he discovers that inside the cube are Ian Chesterton and Barabra Wright, trapped in an illusion of Coal Hill School and their lives as teachers there. The Doctor attempts to free them of the illusion created by being inside the cube by questioning their thoughts on their student Susan Foreman, and questioning what would happen if they were to follow her home to investigate and what they would find. After drawing a police box on their chalk board, Ian and Barbara suddenly remember the events of their time on the TARDIS, and thus are able to be freed of the box's illusion.
Exiting back into the real world, the Doctor is at first excited to see the pair again, before he is shocked to learn that they do not know who he is (unaware of regeneration or the life that the Doctor had after them). As the crew of the ship begin to cut through the door, the Doctor leads Ian and Barbara through the ventilation shafts of the ship to where the TARDIS is. Ian and Barbara automatically begin calling for the Doctor from the outside the ship, believing that who they perceive to be the Doctor will be inside. They are shocked when the Eleventh Doctor leads them inside, where the interior has completely changed since they had last seen it.
The Doctor begins to explain that in his more recent travels he has continued to cross paths with psychic metal, in different important eras in human history. He collects some of the items which he has gathered in his travels together, including a gauntlet. Ian becomes convinced that the Doctor is nothing more than an imposter trying to fool the pair, and begins to argue with him over his identity. Barbara breaks the two apart, and the Doctor begins to set the TARDIS for Cornucopia, to which Ian notes that the real TARDIS would never be able to land in the right place or the right time.
On Pala's ship, the hulls are torn apart by the Hunters, who search for the "burning stone," in actuality the psychic metal. As they find and reach it, Cheshire detonates a fusion charge and destroys the crates. The Hunters, furious, destroy the ship as Cheshire escapes in a portal, leaving the crew to die.
The Doctor lands in Cornucopia, attempting to keep a low profile as there is evidently a bounty on the heads of Ian and Barbara. At that same moment, the Hunters return to the planet, where they learn that another piece of psychic metal, the Ziggurat of Cornucopia, had been destroyed long before their arrival. Furious, they begin to attack the marketplace, saying that they will make the world burn. Cheshire arrives and takes Barbara as a hostage through a portal. The Doctor confronts one of the Hunters and reveals that he was the one who destroyed the Ziggurat, at which point he is attacked but saved by Ian, who has accepted that he is the Doctor due to his moment of brave stupidity.
Escaping to a roof-top, the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to reveal the presence of an alien race known as the Prometheans, who reveal that they were behind the capture of Ian and Barbara. The Doctor realizes that they must have been behind the previous encounters which he had had with the metal, but before he can find further information from the beings he and Ian are saved by Horatio Lynk, a previous ally made by the Doctor on the planet. The three break into the home of Cheshire, where the Doctor discovers a doll owned by Annabel Lake, an innocent child he had encountered during a previous encounter with the metal. At the same time, Cheshire reveals to Barbara her true identity—an adult Annabel Lake. Patrick Lake, Annabel's father, enters the room and is confronted by the Doctor on what he has done to Annabel. Patrick explains that he has done what the Doctor told him to—to "make the leap."
At that moment, the four are knocked to the ground as the Promethians and Hunters force their way into the building. The Hunters approach Ian, who they have been hunting for along with the burning stone, and reveal that they wish for him to teach them more. Ian, confused, asks who they are, to which the fire on the beings is extinguished, revealing Za, Hur and Horg from the Tribe of Gum. The Za decrees that the three will take back the Earth.
The Promethians reveal that they had been watching Ian, Barbara, Susan, and the Doctor when they encountered the tribe the first time. They were fascinated by the encounter and introduction of developed culture, but disappointing when the team abandoned the tribe shortly into what they perceived to be an "experiment." The Promethians decided to continue it themselves, introducing the psychic metal to the tribe. This elevated them to gods on the Earth, where they began to control the other tribes and animals easily. However, they soon left the Earth in search of more metal, traveling in such a way that they crossed great leaps of time in what was short periods for them.
The Promethians lock into Patrick Lake's mind, where he is shown the events which led up to Annabel becoming a spy. After a failed Cyberman invasion in 2005 (seen in ''The Flood''), Patrick began leading work into a new branch of MI6 dedicated to extraterrestrial investigation—to strike back against invasion forces before they arrive. Patrick trained his daughter to use a suit build from the remains of the Cyber-army built for the program. Realizing that the Promethians are pulling energy from Lake's mind, the Doctor shuts down his consciousness, causing the Promethians to instead focus their energy on his mind. To the Doctor's shock, he and Ian are transported to the Doctor's memory of the final day of the Last Great Time War on Gallifrey. Unwilling to let Ian see this horrible memory, he tries to fight the mind control of the Promethians, sending the pair into a whirlwind of twisted memories of enemies and aliens encountered by the Doctor.
The Doctor decides that he can not avoid coming to face to face with who he is anymore, and leads Ian through his memories. He watches over the early adventures which they shares, and recalls the moment where Ian stopped the Doctor from killing an injured tribesman so that they could escape. The Doctor reveals that as he continued to travel with Ian, he grew more and more fond of the pair, and decided to try and be more like them after they had left, taking more youthful companions and began to see the universe in a way much closer to the way that they had. Ian is amazed by the spectacles of heroism that is flashed before them as the Doctor recalls this, but the Doctor notes that there was also a dark side to this—recalling the many death which fell behind him, deaths which would lead to wars and more deaths. He recalls how we started the Time War inadvertently between his people and the Daleks, and how he had to end the war to save the universe. As Ian shows the Doctor all the good that he has done for the universe and all the lives that he has saved, the Doctor is finally able to accept himself for how the universe sees him and the pair escape the psychic realm.
The Doctor and Ian discover that the Promethian's ship is a neural reverser, built around the mental concept of the sun, which humanity has always identified as a powerful symbol. The craft will send down a psychic beam down to Earth, which will revert the entirety of humanity to neanderthals who will then be led by the Hunters. The Doctor, Ian, and Patrick are picked up by Annabel and Barbara on board Annabel's ship. There, the Doctor is unable to come up with a plan to stop the powerful Promethians. Encouraged by Ian, the Doctor suddenly comes up with a plan, as he quickly runs to the TARDIS.
The Doctor arrives in 1963, where he enters the Totter's Lane junkyard, where he finds his first incarnation's TARDIS. Entering, he confirms his identity to the ship, and apologises for what he is about to do. Returning to the Promethian's platform just as humanity is beginning to be affected by the neural reverser, the Doctor reveals that there is another symbol that appears over and over again through human history as a symbol of hope—the TARDIS, which appears in illustrations and history books throughout all of human history. Eventually, he reveals, that image inspires the design for the London police box. The Doctor uses the gauntlet gained in a previous encounter to change the shape of the Promethian's ship, from a sun to a police box. He reverses the effect of the reversal and locks the minds of the humans so that the plan could never succeed again.
The Promethians, furious over the collapse of their plans, order the Hunters to begin attacking the Doctor, who is electrocuted by the Hunter's spheres. Ian and Barbara enter the platform, and explain to the Hunters love and empathy, and how those are the basis of human emotions. They explain that the Doctor has protected the Earth because he cares for others other than himself, and how he has protected humanity. The Promethians, angered by this distraction, begin attacking Ian and Barbara. Angered that they have been treated by the Promethians, the Hunters turn on them and begin attacking them instead. Both sides are destroyed, the tribe understanding what they are fighting for and who they are for the first time.
On Earth, the Doctor attempts to shut down the M16 program started by Lake. There he is threatened by Hugo Wilding, who says that the organization would upload all the info that they had on the Doctor into known galaxy records if he attempted to intervene in any of their activities. Leaving peacefully, the Doctor learns that the organization's name is "Wonderland."
The Doctor attends Ian and Barbara's wedding as the best man. At the after party, the Doctor discusses with Barbara what he had done in 1963. He had destroyed the TARDIS' chameleon circuit, meaning that the TARDIS would always remain a police box and that it would become a symbol in human history. Barbara, bemused, notes that the TARDIS will always be where mischief lays.
The novel stars Sali Thimma, a Dalit (untouchable), or someone who is outside of the Indian caste system and therefore has the lowest status. The novel is set after the assassination of Mohandas Gandhi.
Thimma is given an education normally reserved for people of higher castes by a Brahmin landowner, referred to as "Master," who has pro-untouchable beliefs originating from Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy. A police officer who has a higher caste than Thimma oppresses him, because Thimma is not acting according to his status. The police chief takes possession of Thimma's wife, who is cheating on him. Thimma also has to deal with the struggling village and other landowners.
The master's youngest son, referred to as "Prince," goes against his rank by mixing with untouchables. Prince, who has familiarity with works of Western literature and is an intellectual, is killed. Thimma's father appears as a ghost on one occasion, and there are multiple sexual encounters that occur.
The novel, set in Houston, is about a 15-year old Salvadoran American MS-13 gang member named Martín "Azael" Arevalo. He wakes up in a prison cell and observes 17-year old White American Alexis "Lexi" Allen,"[ THE KNIFE AND THE BUTTERFLY]" ([ Archive]). ''Kirkus Reviews''. January 1, 2012. Posted online December 14, 2011. Retrieved on November 6, 2015. who is member of another gang, Crazy Crew. As the novel unfolds he begins to recover his memory and learn whether the upcoming trial will be his or hers.Hennessy, Teri. "The Knife and the Butterfly" (Young adult review)(Brief article)(Book review). ''Library Media Connection'', May–June, 2012, Vol.30(6), p.69(1). The flashbacks make up about fifty percent of the work. Azael slowly gains sympathy for Lexi, even though he originally hates her. The book reveals that on June 16, 2011 Azael died in a gang fight in Montrose, at Ervan Chew Park. Lexi had killed him; she initially maintains self-defense at the trial, but confesses to wanting to prove herself to Crazy Crew, and that Azael was not actually trying to kill her.
Doctor Carlo Conti, proven by the fact that his girlfriend has just died, moves to a small seaside town for work. Here he saves a girl who attempted suicide by poisoning herself: the young woman is called Luisa Marcelli and is a teacher. Luisa's deep depression was caused by her love affair with the young engineer Alberto Serpieri, who abandoned her after having "dishonored" her. The girl became pregnant but her pregnancy had an unfortunate outcome with a miscarriage: the girl will no longer be able to have children. Carlo decides to marry the young woman more out of tenderness than out of true love. One day the doctor has to help a young pregnant lady who has suffered a car accident. The woman's husband rushes: it is the engineer Serpieri but Carlo, who never wanted to know the name of someone who made his partner suffer so much, does not know. Luisa would like to expel the man who ruined her life, abandoning her and preventing her from having children, but she does not do so through the intercession of Don Peppino, her parish priest, and Serpieri's declarations of sincere repentance. Disagreements arise between Luisa and Carlo but everything is resolved with reconciliation, the discovery of a deeper understanding and departure for a long journey.
On November 16, 1941 at the La Dessa U. S. army post in the Philippines, a Japanese aircraft carrier off the coast transmits a coded message to the contraband radio of Nazi spies who stick the message in a bottle of German liquor called Kümmel. The message states a Japanese battleship is approaching Pearl Harbor, Private Steve "Lucky" Smith (Don "Red" Barry) meets his fellow soldiers Bruce Gordon (Alan Curtis) and "Portly" Porter (Maynard Holmes) in the Casa Marina bar, where Lucky and Steve try to attract Portly's sister, Marcia (Fay McKenzie). Portly arranges for Marcia to be the secretary to Andy L. Anderson (Rhys Williams), the owner of the bar. A businessman named Littlefield (Robert Emmett Keane) slips into Marcia's booth to read the message in the Kümmel bottle. Lucky comes to her defence by attacking Littlefield, with Bruce and Portly joining the fight.
Captain Hudson (Ian Keith) orders the soldiers to find the spy's radio. Though Lucky is in charge, he soon returns to the bar to find Marcia. Bruce and Portly, meanwhile, pick up a coded radio transmission from a Japanese boat and follow the beam to Littlefield's hideout. A gunfight erupts where Portly is killed and Littlefield escapes. When Lucky later admits to the captain that he was not there, the captain court-martials him and promotes Bruce to corporal. Lucky escapes from jail and soon after, Anderson, one of the spies, meets with Van Hoorten (Sig Ruman), another Nazi posing as a Dutch Indian. They discuss a plan to stockpile ammunition and gas for the Japanese troops who will invade.
Anderson is to kill Littlefield and arrange for the gas to be transported to their warehouse, but when Lucky turns to Anderson for help, Anderson slyly tips him off to Littlefield's hideout. That night, Lucky attacks Littlefield but Anderson shoots him, then gives Lucky the job of transporting some "crude oil" to his warehouse.
On the way, Bruce stops Lucky's truck and asks him to turn himself in. At the warehouse, Lucky realizes that his cargo is gasoline. Marcia and Lucky sneak into Van Hoorten's office that night and find ammunition and a Nazi flag. Van Hoorten bursts in and Lucky shoots him.
Bruce, who has tracked Lucky to the warehouse, hears a radio announcement that Pearl Harbor has been bombed. Before the three can leave, Japanese aircraft land nearby and the soldiers enter the office with Anderson. The three Americans escape, find a radio and send Captain Hudson a message for help.
When the American troops arrive, Hudson spots another Japanese aircraft carrier in the bay. Lucky courageously saves the Americans by flying a Japanese aircraft into the carrier in a suicide mission. Bruce receives a Distinguished Service Cross while Marcia collects the award on Lucky's behalf.
A married couple with two grown children goes on a cruise ship ''Dmitry Furmanov'' from Leningrad — Valaam — Leningrad. During a tour of the island of Valaam.
During a tour of the island of Valaam wife quarrel and Anna goes to a former monastery, where persons with disabilities live. In one of them, a legless boatman to his own surprise, Anna learns another youth, Pavel, whom she thought she loved all my life, waiting for a meeting with him, as they suddenly broke up during the Great Patriotic War. But Paul is not happy meeting, and Anna returns to her husband on the boat.
A decade ago women took over world and have changed everything, schools, language, women's and men's thinking. Lisa, a twenty-two-year-old who works at a government ministry dedicated to mental revolution, is given the task to update female sexual fantasies, which means no masochistic or romantic daydreams. Not all men are pleased with this new world order and Harmony, an underground men's movement, plans a violent uprising to put things back the way they were, while Lisa and her assistant Justin are recruited to infiltrate Harmony.
Paul Martin and François Leroux are brothers-in-law, friends, room-mates and gagmen without fame. But one day, one of the most famous television comics, Gaëtan, who has just laid off two of his gagmen considered too old and not original enough, finds himself in the little theatre where Paul and François produce themselves under the name of "Gagsters". Having come to meet Georges Khorseri, a mate of Paul and François, he assists for the first part at their duet. Seduced by their style, he hires them.
For both of them, it is the beginning of the fame, but Gaëtan has a hard time to convince his wife, the shrewish Jacqueline, that he loves his troublemaker job, because she dreams of his as the role of the prestigious director Robert Wellson (a grotesque pastiche between Orson Welles and Stanley Kubrick), who will soon shoot his latest masterpiece near Paris.
The main character, 17-year old Marisa Moreno, comes from a Mexican American family, and resides in a Hispanic neighborhood in Houston, Texas."[ WHAT CAN'T WAIT]" ([ Archive]). Kirkus Reviews. February 1, 2011. Posted online on January 26, 2011. Retrieved on November 7, 2015. Her immigrant father wants Marisa to help the family by working longer hours at a grocery store and help take care of her sister's child, since her sister was medically uninsured and needs to work longer hours in order to pay her husband's medical bills. Even though Marisa wants to study engineering, and attend the University of Texas at Austin, her father tells her that women should not be involved in mathematics-related professions. In the story Marisa applies to the engineering program at UT Austin,"[ Ashley Hope Perez's Debut YA Novel What Can't Wait Tells the Story of One Girl's Search for Independence] ." ''Engineering Business Journal'', Feb 9, 2011, p.11. and is accepted, but her family feels it is far away from home.Christgau, Georgia (Middle College High School at LaGuardia Community College, New York City). "PEREZ, Ashley Hope. What Can(t) Wait." (Young adult review)(Brief article)(Book review) ''School Library Journal'', May, 2011, Vol.57(5), p.120(1).
Marisa's teacher, boyfriend, and mother try to convince her to fight for a more promising future. At one time a student attempts to rape Marisa.Goldsmith, Francesca. "Perez, Ashley Hope. What Can't Wait." (Young adult review)(Brief article)(Book review). ''Voice of Youth Advocates'', April, 2011, Vol.34(1), p.66(1) "As a former teacher, Perez brings authenticity to the Houston high school Marisa attends, and as a product of a neighborhood similar to Marisa's[...]" Marisa, stretched thin by her obligations and ultimate goals, experiences conflict,Hedeen, Katrina. "Perez, Ashley: Hope What Can't Wait." (Young adult review)(Brief article)(Book review) ''The Horn Book Guide'', Fall, 2011, Vol.22(2), p.393(1). but then learns to prioritize her own goals. ''Publishers Weekly'' stated that "Marisa is aware that pursuing a life that's fulfilling on her own terms comes with a price" and that she makes a "bittersweet decision". She ultimately goes to university and leaves Houston.Schwartz, Adam. "[ IU Student Writes A ‘Gateway Drug’ Novel]" ([ Archive]). ''Indiana Public Media''. February 2, 2011. Retrieved on November 8, 2015.
Georgia Christgau of Middle College High School at LaGuardia Community College in New York City wrote that the attempted sexual assault scene is "too quickly drawn to be convincing." ''Publishers Weekly'' stated that the novel's coverage of teenage pregnancy was "sensitive". Katrina Hedeen of ''The Horn Book Guide'' wrote that the ending was "too-tidy". ''Kirkus Reviews'', however, describes the ending as "hopeful but never too-tidy". ''Publishers Weekly'' described the ending as "honest and satisfying".
In the world of Skylands, Spyro the Dragon, Stealth Elf, and Eruptor are new graduates at Skylanders Academy. Under the teachings of Master Eon and Jet-Vac, the three of them will learn what it means to be a Skylander while fighting the evil Kaos and other villains of Skylands.
With the help of a WAAC group, Mr. District Attorney smashes a Nazi spy-ring that is selling counterfeit War Stamps and Bonds.
Before he was "father Christmas", he was simply a father. ''The Immortal Nicholas'' follows the story of Agios, a tired, broken man who encounters the Christ child by chance, and studies him throughout his life from a distance. The novel is described by author Glenn Beck as an origin story for Santa Claus.
With her Massachusetts farm in debt, Ann Porter is amazed to hear a deceased uncle has bequeathed her his estate. When she and Aunt Nellie go to New York City to claim the inheritance, it turns out to be an ice-skating rink in rundown condition.
Jeff Stewart advises her to sell to ice-follies owner Duke Baldwin, but since Duke is a gangster who put her uncle out of business, Ann's not interested. She takes her skating troupe back to her farm's frozen pond and stages a show outdoors for friends and neighbors to see. A nutty professor, Theophilus J. Twitchell, is encountered by Nellie and vows to finance Ann's next show.
Jeff tries to make amends. He learns that Twitchell's "fortune" comes from a radio contest he intends to win. Jeff fixes it so that he secretly funds the professor's winnings. Duke tries to persuade Ann that he's still got Jeff in his pocket, but she sees through it and joins forces with Jeff to stage an all-new revue.
After dropping the school's archery club due to an injury, amateur magus Shirou Emiya befriends a fellow student, Sakura Matou, who regularly visits his home under the care of his tutor, Taiga Fujimura. During one night, Shirou sees a fight between two mysterious warriors and is protected from one of them, a spearman, by an armored swordswoman named Saber who calls him Master. The other warrior, Archer, is in the service of Rin Tohsaka, a school acquaintance of Shirou. Rin takes Shirou to the priest Kirei Kotomine, where Shirou learns he is a Master in the current Holy Grail War; a reoccurring battle royale to claim a supernatural artifact said to grant any wish to the victor. Each Master is given the responsibility and protection of a Servant, a spirit warrior from various timelines. Kiritsugu Emiya was Saber's Master in the previous War, which caused the fire that traumatized his adoptive son Shirou.
En route back home, Shirou and Rin encounter a young girl named Illyasviel von Einzbern who attacks Saber with her Servant Berserker. However, she withdraws after Shirou injures himself to defend Saber. Later, Shirou and Saber discover Shinji Matou is the Master of Rider, who feeds on their classmate's spiritual energy. Saber defeats Rider, which causes Shinji to be ridiculed by his grandfather Zouken. Shirou asks if Sakura is involved in the war, but Shinji denies it as he and Zouken depart.
Saber stays in Shirou's house while Shirou confronts Rin about the news of citizens falling ill and dying. Suspecting the Servant Caster is responsible, Rin agrees they should find the cause of the disruption. Shirou convinces Sakura to stay at the Emiya household, hoping to keep her safe with Saber. At Ryuudou Temple, Souichirou Kuzuki and his Servants, Caster and Assassin, are killed when True Assassin bursts from Assassin's body and slays them. As Souichirou never returns to school, Rin deduces he was the Master of Caster, yet people are still falling ill. Meanwhile, Lancer is ordered to track down the new Assassin. After a long chase, Lancer is devoured by the shadow after Assassin lures him into a lake.
Shirou and Rin later encounter Zouken, controlling Caster's corpse like a puppet, but a shadow appears and devours Caster. Zouken reveals his true form - a swarm of insect familiars called Crest Worms - and retreats. The shadow attacks Rin but leaves when Shirou is injured, shielding her. The next day, Sakura confronts Saber about Shirou's safety. As Shirou recovers, he talks with Sakura about their pasts, and she asks him to stop her if she ever does something wrong. Shirou later meets Kirei, who reveals both Lancer's demise and himself as Lancer's Master. He says the shadow is a threat to the entire city, but Shirou refuses to trust him.
In the final battle, Shirou and Saber visit Ryuudou Temple, where Assassin ambushes them and lures Saber into the shadows while Zouken assaults Shirou. The shadow captures Saber and Shirou's command spells vanish. Rider comes to Shirou's rescue at the last minute and drives the attackers away. As the young man leaves the temple, he runs into the shadow, but it vanishes without harming him. Meanwhile, Rin and Archer break into Matou's basement and find it infested with Crest Worms. Zouken has his insects devour a woman in an alley and explains to Assassin he must do this occasionally to survive. Shirou returns home and finds Sakura, who displays her concern over his injuries.
An older war hero witnesses a murder. He is reluctant to identify the killers. When they come after him, he ends up having to protect his family and himself the only way he knows: fight to survive.
Bruno (Hakan Orbeyi) is a lonely, unhappy, 400-pound man that has recently lost his railroad job on his 30th birthday, and was informed by a tax-collecting bailiff (Hans-Jochen Röhrig) that he's in danger of losing his home due to very late payments. That same day, Bruno's shifty and opportunistic friend, Kalle (Oliver Korittke), who loses a job for the third time in a year, has intentions to enter his overweight friend into the upcoming Sumo World championship that is being held in the city of Riesa, hoping that the fifty thousand marks purse will changed their lives for the better.
Later that night, Kalle talks Bruno into a double-date with Gina (Esther Esche) and Bärbel (Sandra Steffi), and going to the local discothèque, Lucky's Temple of Dance. Feeling out of place, Bruno goes to the men's restroom, where he meets the beautiful Anna (Julia Richter), who's hiding from her boneheaded boyfriend, Lucky (Tim Wilde), the owner of the club. Unbeknownst to Bruno, Kalle's plan was to volunteer his strong, heavyset buddy into a sumo wrestling contest, to show Bruno that he's good at it, and the winner gets a prize for two hundred marks. As expected, Bruno mops-up the inferior competition and wins the prize, but unexpectedly, he's challenged by Lucky to a boxing match. Bruno timidly decides to relinquish the prize rather than take part in an unnecessary public display of physicality, so an obliviously agitated Kalle wisely decides to leave the club with Bruno in tow.
Kalle does all he can to try to convince his big-bodied partner that his destiny is sumo, but after the contest fiasco, Bruno doesn't want to hear it. The next morning, due to circumstances involving a ten year old, chubby, bullied boy named Timo (Thomas Drechsel), Bruno finally decides to enter the sumo championship. Bruno is invited by Timo to meets his dance trained mother, who turns out to be the same Anna that was at the club last night. One thing leads to another, and Anna is intrigued by Timo sudden friendliness with Bruno, and the two agreed to get to know each other over dinner. Later on, Bruno informs Kalle that he's had a change of heart and is entering the championship, and the excited Kalle springs into action to seek out a proper sumo coach.
Kalle introduces the very German, but Japanese-loving sushi chef Akashi (Martin Seifert) to Bruno and Timo. At first, Akashi is dismissive of Bruno who doesn't appear to have the heart, skill or dedication to be a good sumo wrestler, but after pleads from Kalle and Bruno, Akashi changes his mind and instructs the trio gather there to begin constructing a dohyō, so Bruno can begin his training.
Despite the fact that complications have arisen, like clashes with Akashi, money problems and obvious attraction for Anna, Bruno does himself proud with qualifying in the preliminary and will represent Germany as one of two German participants along with menacing rival R.F. Schröder (Jörg Brümmer). Unknowingly to Bruno, Kalle is in trouble because he owes money to a loan shark, and the ill-temper Lucky's jealousy of Anna for spending time with the big hearted sumotori-in-making, eventually drives Anna and Timo away. Kalle's machinations to boost his very large friend's popularity and make some money ends-up backfiring badly, with the end result seriously damaging Bruno's confidence which negatively impacts his blossoming relationship with Anna and Timo. Bruno is left directionless at this point and the sumo championship is the next day.
Fate intervenes, and after much soul-searching, Bruno smartly decides to go back to Akashi and pleads for his help. Akashi accepts and prepares Bruno for the sporting event. While, Akashi, Kalle and Gina are there supporting Bruno, Anna and Timo are preparing to leave Riesa, when the brutish Lucky shows-up and tries in vain to change Anna and Timo's minds in returning home with him. Bruno progresses to the finale to face-off against the current world champion, Emanuel Yarbrough of the U.S.A. Before it can happen, Bruno decides to find Anna and Timo, and arrives in time to put the very arrogant Lucky in his place once and for all. Bruno and Anna make amends, and the three depart for the arena so Bruno can battle Yarbrough.
Akashi, Kalle, Gina, Anna and Timo looked on with anticipation as Bruno and Yarbrough intensely wrestled. At first, the two giants seemed to be equally matched until Yarbrough manages a concentrated, one-armed throw of Bruno to the ground, which costs him the match, handing the championship to Yarbrough. Lifting by the audience rapturous applause to such a fantastic effort, Bruno graciously bows to the champion, and walks away from the arena with his head held high, knowing that despite the outcome, he's truly a winner in his heart, mind and soul.
Charlie (Jonathan Gordon), a young art student from New York haunted by Joris-Karl Huysmans' A Rebours, is asked by his best friend Sebastian (Jason Ralph) to move into his apartment as he deals with depression and public scorn following his wealthy financier father Dick's (Daniel Gerroll) arrest on high-profile white-collar criminal charges. Charlie's mother thinks this is a bad idea due to long-standing one-sided romantic feelings he has for Sebastian. On a night out with Sebastian and a wider group of friends Charlie meets and flirts with Lebanon-born bar-pianist Tim (Haaz Sleiman). The two have chemistry, but when Sebastian is refused service at the bar because of his father, the group abruptly leaves. On their way back to Sebastian's apartment they are chased by paparazzi. The events of the night worsen Sebastian's depression.
Charlie and a couple of his friends attend a classical music concert and notice Tim is the pianist. After the show, Charlie and Tim spend the night together talking and share a kiss, beginning a relationship which leads Charlie to begin neglecting Sebastian. Tim soon professes love for Charlie, but sensing Charlie is holding back on account of his feelings for Sebastian, Tim breaks up with him. At a Halloween party Charlie is depressed at his break-up but makes a pass at Sebastian, who laughs it off. Later that night Sebastian has brought a guy home with them, which upsets Charlie who professes his feelings. They begin a threesome encounter at the date's suggestion, but Sebastian storms out and Charlie tells the guy to leave. Sebastian rejects Charlie, saying it would ruin their friendship. Charlie moves out and reunites with Tim.
Tim is offered a dream job as pianist for the San Francisco Symphony, which would require a move he asks Charlie to also make. Sebastian visits his father in jail, and he tells him to continue his crimes which causes Sebastian to disown his father after an argument. His father hangs himself in his cell. Charlie struggles to break the news of his leaving New York to Sebastian at a tense dinner with their friends and Tim. The news causes Sebastian to stand on his apartment balcony prepared to jump. Charlie talks him down but Tim breaks up with him again, believing he'll always come second. Sebastian moves in with Charlie and his mother and begins to slowly recover. On the eve of Tim's departure for San Francisco Sebastian calls him and he and Charlie spend one more night and part on sad but good terms, admitting it's not their time despite their feelings for each other. Some time later Charlie has completed his Master's thesis art exhibition using himself for inspiration, rather than Sebastian, for the first time. Meanwhile Sebastian is preparing to leave New York for a fresh start, and the film ends with one more friends gathering as Sebastian and Charlie toast to their friendship with the rest of the group.
On the island of Tanna, people following the Kastom have always enforced arranged marriages. The people of Kastom Road face sporadic conflicts with the Imedin tribe, while two followers of Kastom, Dain and Wawa, continue a secret love affair. Wawa's young sister Selin is impudent, stealing a penis sheath and running into the wilderness, berated for entering the forbidden zone where the Imedin once massacred their people. To teach Selin respect, her grandfather, who is also the tribe's shaman, takes her to the spiritual site of Yahul and the volcanoes. There, the Imedin attack the shaman, clubbing him, leaving him mortally wounded. Selin escapes and runs back to her people, who retrieve the shaman, while afraid his inevitable death will leave them vulnerable. The Imedin are summoned to the village to make peace. They trade pigs, which the shaman's murderers club to death just as they had the shaman, and Wawa is promised for marriage into the Imedin tribe.
Despite the arranged marriage, Wawa and Dain continue their affair. The elders learn of this, and plead to Wawa to give up the relationship. The elder women sympathize with Wawa for having to go through an arranged marriage, but tell her respect for her elders and the law will lead to happiness. Her peers also tell Wawa that she is not the only one whose interests are at stake. If the Imedin lose Wawa as a promised bride, they will likely seek revenge. Wawa reveals that she has already had sex with Dain, meaning she will be unacceptable to the Imedin anyway. Disgraced, Dain is exiled from the village. The elders continue to urge Wawa to accept her arranged marriage, pointing to Prince Philip to prove arranged marriage means love.
Wawa joins Dain in the wilderness, and hide on the side of the volcano, while their people and the Imedin both search for them. The two eat poison mushrooms. Their people bury them, and the elders agree recognition of love marriage must be added to the Kastom to keep their culture alive.
Rob Crabbe is a regular, awkward high school student. On a particular day, Rob has a college-entrance interview that could change his life. As Rob wakes up from a wet dream, his mother walks into his room and asks Rob to clean his linens after she sees them stained obviously with semen. The interview is for admittance to Georgetown University (the alma mater of Rob's parents) and during the interview Jack Roth (the interviewer) bursts into tears because his wife recently died. A number of events, such as Rob's crotch being hit by another student with a water pistol and a minor bicycle/auto incident, occur to further mess up Rob's day.
An attractive classmate, Angela, gives Rob the impression that she wants to sleep with him. He visits Angela, the two kiss, and when Angela puts her hand in Rob's pants, he ejaculates prematurely and wakes up in his room, just at the same moment that his mother walks in on him. The day begins again. At first, Rob believes it all to be a dream, but after experiencing the same day several times, ending with his ejaculation, he realizes that it's not a dream. Rob then attempts to make the day different. He drives a golf cart through the school, smokes pot with his friend Gabrielle in the school bus, touches a teacher's breasts and tries to damage the water pistol, but none of it results in him escaping the time loop.
Rob eventually realizes that he's in love with Gabrielle and goes to her place to confess his feelings. Gabrielle returns his affection and the two decide to have sex. Again, Rob has a premature ejaculation, but this time he does not wake up in his room, but continues to be with Gabrielle. He realizes that he has finally broken the time loop.
A man and a woman arrive at what seems to be their vacation house. The man is taken aback when the woman remarks that the door is unlocked. They are soon greeted inside by a masked intruder with a shotgun. The couple tries to flee, but as they open the front door, they are tased by two other masked intruders. As the woman convulses on the floor, the intruder with the shotgun blows her head off.
In the next scene, we see the man waking up in a dingy laboratory chained to an operating table. Two of the now unmasked men are preparing a syringe with a mysterious, viscous silver liquid. A rabbit is seen in a cage in the background. As the men prepare to inject the syringe, the man on the table exclaims “do you know who I am?“ to which one of the captors replies “you’ll be perfect” before injecting the needle into the bound man’s neck.
The man immediately starts to convulse, and then develops incredible strength, breaking free of the chains. He quickly subdues the two men and runs, nearly naked, out into the snow where he incapacitates the rest of the men. He runs off into the snow before stopping, his limbs constricting and contorting as he convulses further - finally collapsing backward into the snow. His eyes pop open before cutting to the opening credits. The opening credits use drawn imagery to imply that the man turned into some large hybrid man-rabbit creature.
The rest of the film centers around a group of Finnish friends, accompanied by three English speaking men, who are heading for a weekend at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Soon they are attacked by a strange giant creature who appears to be half man and half rabbit and is after anything that resembles female genitals.
Daryl (Norman Reedus), Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Abraham (Michael Cudlitz), leading the parade of walkers away from Alexandria, reach the pre-determined point where they believe the walkers will continue away from the town, and turn to head back. They are ambushed by several men in cars, and Daryl is separated from Sasha and Abraham.
Daryl evades the attackers but crashes his motorcycle in a forest. He walks through a burned-out path before coming upon a pair of sisters Tina (Liz E. Morgan) and Sherry (Christine Evangelista). The two feign surrendering to Daryl, allowing Dwight (Austin Amelio), hiding nearby, to knock him out and take his weapons. Kept under gunpoint, Daryl is forced to travel with them as they look for "Patty". Dwight explains they were trying to flee a community that they had joined, but were forced to "kneel", and now are trying to escape. They come to a walker-infested gas station, and Dwight laments that "Patty" is no longer there. Daryl attempts to escape with their supplies but discovers their bag includes insulin for a diabetic Tina. He returns, demanding Dwight turn over his gun in exchange for the insulin, when the group is attacked by more men in a truck led by Wade (Darin Cooper). Wade demands Dwight, Sherry, and Tina return what they took. Daryl is able to help them escape, in turn luring one of Wade's men into a walker. The walker bites the man in the arm, forcing Wade to cut the man's arm off therefore ending their pursuit.
Daryl continues with Dwight, Sherry and Tina and come to the remains of a greenhouse. Tina sees two figures encased in melted glass, but when she tries to examine them, the figures are still re-animated walkers that break free of the glass and kill her. Daryl helps the two dispatch the walkers and bury Tina. Daryl then considers bringing them to Alexandria, though does not tell them of the location. When they agree, he leads them back to his motorcycle, after which Dwight puts Daryl at gunpoint and demands his crossbow and motorcycle. Daryl turns them over, and Dwight and Sherry take off. Continuing on his own, Daryl finds a fuel truck, with a license plate "PATTY002", nearby, and realizes this was the "Patty" Dwight sought. He takes the truck to rejoin his friends.
Meanwhile, Sasha and Abraham fend off their attackers, and determine the attackers were lying in wait to ambush another party. They find an insurance office in a nearby town and hole up there, leaving signs for Daryl to locate them. In the office, a walker is trapped in a glass-enclosed conference room, which Abraham wants to kill. Sasha reminds him of the consequences of his actions as they are trying to otherwise stay hidden until Daryl can find them. The next morning, Abraham scavenges the local area, and finds an abandoned Humvee containing RPGs and a box of cigars, on a bridge. Hanging precariously from the bridge is a reanimated soldier with the RPG launcher slung over its shoulder. Abraham recklessly manages to get the launcher but nearly at the cost of his own life. He returns to the office with his finds, and apologizes to Sasha that he does act without thought, and wants to be a better person with her help. Later, he finds a partial Army dress uniform and dons it as he and Sasha set off to meet Daryl. They find him with the truck, and the three start to head back to Alexandria, but hear a cry for help over the truck's radio.
After being knocked off the garbage dumpster by Nicholas' corpse, Glenn crawls under the dumpster to evade the walkers that have surrounded it. Time passes and the walkers disperse, and Glenn is found by Enid. In a nearby store, Enid explains that she had fled Alexandria when the Wolves attacked it, and before Glenn can learn more, she runs off. Glenn discovers the body of David and his note to Betsy, and decides to chase after Enid. He catches up to her in a restaurant, and despite her holding a gun to him, Glenn manages to convince Enid to accompany him back to Alexandria. En route, they find some balloons that they use to distract the walkers to keep the way clear.
In Alexandria, Rick assesses the damage from the Wolves' attack, and finds a section of wall where blood is dribbling from, and starts working to re-enforce it, aware his hammering is luring more walkers to the walls. Tobin joins Rick to help with the repairs, admitting to Rick that their group brought many changes to Alexandria but the remainder of them are adapting and thankful for their help. Elsewhere, Carl provides handgun lessons to Ron, but refuses to allow Ron to use live ammunition. Ron sneaks into the armory to obtain cartridges for the gun.
Morgan is forced to tell Rick, Michonne and Carol that he had let the Wolves that they had captured escape. Morgan justifies his actions by reminding Rick that he had previously spared Morgan's life, and that while he had wanted to kill the Wolves before, he believes people can change. Later Morgan discreetly meets with Denise, acting as Alexandria's doctor, and tells her he needs her help to treat somebody injured. Morgan leads Denise to the lone Wolf he had secured in one townhouse, but his actions are witnessed by Carol, who follows them inside and demands to see who he has captured.
Spencer attempts to climb over the Alexandria walls to lead some of the walkers away, but ends up falling. Tara helps to dispatch walkers while Rick and Tobin recover Spencer back inside Alexandria. Spencer explains his actions as trying to follow what Rick had wanted to do earlier, but had excluded any of the Alexandrians from helping.
In the distance, they spot balloons rising above the walls, and Maggie realizes it is a sign from Glenn. Just then, the old church tower, which had been shown deteriorating throughout the episode, topples onto the wall segment that Rick and Tobin were trying to reinforce, crashing through it and allowing walkers to flood into Alexandria.
In Florida, a retired Florida Supreme Court Judge named Harvey Beecher has a lifelong obsession with a mysterious sand dune on an unnamed island, a short distance off the Gulf coastline of his family's property. Since he was a child and first ventured onto the island looking for buried treasure, he has seen the names of people who are going to die within a month written in the sand. Beecher's lawyer, Anthony Wayland, visits to help Beecher finish his last will. While drawing up the document, Beecher tells about his most recent visit to the dune and the grim recollection of his lifelong experiences with it. The name that Beecher found written in the dune is the reason he now wants his will finished quickly. Wayland assumes Beecher has seen his own name in the sand, but later it is implied the name was Wayland's.
The novel begins with the school explosion and then recounts prior events, beginning in September 1936. Seventeen-year old Naomi Vargas,Quiroa, Ruth. "Perez, Ashley Hope. Out of Darkness."(Brief article)(Book review)(Young adult review) ''School Library Journal'', 2015, Vol.61(6), p.128(1). Library Journals, LLC. a high school senior who originates from San Antonio, moves in with her oil field worker stepfather. She becomes friends and falls in love with Wash Fuller, an African-American boy. Naomi deals with overt racism in New London and her history with her father.Szwarek, Megan. "[ Out of Darkness]."(Brief article)(Book review)(Young adult review). Booklist, Sept 1, 2015, Vol.112(1), p.108(1). After the explosion occurs, the townspeople blame Wash for the disaster.MacGregor, Amanda. "[ Book Review: Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez]" ([ Archive]). ''School Library Journal''. September 1, 2015. Retrieved on November 8, 2015.
Drama critic John Earl observes a piece of artwork in a museum, gazing at it reverently. He asks the museum curator how much it costs, and the curator says that it is not for sale. The artist, James Harlan Corbin [Lederer], does not wish to sell the painting. Nonplussed, Earl returns to his office and phones Corbin with his proposal to sell. Again, Corbin refuses. Earl continues his pursuit to find out who the model for the painting was. He learns it is Helen North, a young woman who looks nothing like the woman in the painting. He visits with her to learn his location, but she refuses, telling him that she will be singing at a local nightclub, where Corbin frequents. Earl finds both of them in the museum, and again confronts Corbin. Becoming clearly annoyed, Corbin invites the singer out for a night in his yacht. She agrees, but is later found washed ashore. Although Police Lt. Roberts initially questions Helen's suitor Hunt Mason, Mason implicates Corbin as the last person who saw Helen North. John Earl works with the police department to arrange for Helen's sister Linda to apply for modeling, in order to spy on Corbin. The two return to Corbin's boathouse. While there, Linda calls for Earl and tells his chef that she is in danger and to notify the police. There, she learns that Corbin did not murder her sister. Thereafter, she falls in love with Corbin and agrees to support him against the district attorney's allegations he killed both Helen and another model, Madonna. Although Corbin has visions that he did so, Linda tells him to make sure he is telling the truth before confessing such heinous crimes. Linda returns home with Corbin's mother, who poisons her tea and tries to inject her with a lethal substance before police shoot. Corbin had suddenly recognized who it was that had planted evidence at the boathouse to implicate him. Police arrive just in time to save Linda from death but not Mrs. Corbin, who dies in her son's arms.
The game begins as a trio of native Anterians return to their homeland after many years away - Vargus, a former Sergeant-at-Arms in the Crown Legion who became a mercenary for hire when the Legion was disbanded; Anslem, a warrior monk who was cast out of his tribe when he became a vegetarian; and Nusala, a desert warrior who decided she didn't like sand. Finding Anteria overrun with bandits led by a man named Randal, they head to a nearby town, where they encounter a local named Bryan who asks the trio if they can drive the bandits away. They agree, and the following day, they defeat and imprison Randal.
As the champions celebrate, however, Bryan reveals that Randal and his gang weren't really bandits, they were actually guards working for a powerful dark mage named Kalen Daark, who is planning something evil, although Bryan doesn't know what. He explains that various groups are attempting to take control of Anteria and asks the trio if they will help defend the kingdom. With that in mind, he introduces them to General Fidelus, commander of Anteria's army. Again, the champions agree to help.
Setting out, they face several foes - the Dune Tribe, a once peaceful people from the deserts to the west, who have recently begun to attack Anteria without explanation; the Frostbeards, a warlike race from the frozen east, once made up of numerous hostile tribes, but who have recently been united under new leadership; and the Broken Crown, the remnants of the Crown Legion, who have been secretly rebuilding their strength in the mountains to the north. Along the way, the trio are joined by four other champions - Oona, known as the "Bladestorm", she once fought against Vargus, impressing him to such an extent that he invited her to join them; Baltasar, a mercenary for hire with an out-of-control ego who heard of the conflict and assumed the champions would be happy for his help; Weissle, a clumsy but powerful mage; and Tarn, a brawler known for his affinity for animals.
Upon venturing into Dune Tribe territory, the champions discover the oases upon which the Tribe depend have become infused with magical poison, and a mysterious djinn has told the Tribe's leader, Queen Nuaba, that the origin of the magic is Anteria, upon whom she declares war. Fighting their way through to her, they best her in combat and release her from the power of the djinn, after which she calls off the offensive against Anteria. Facing off against the Frostbeards, the champions encounter a massive humanoid creature controlled by a small magician. They learn that some time prior, the magician Kenstrid was appointed senior advisor to the king, Bryndt Jodenson. The two then disappeared for several weeks and when they returned, Bryndt had been transformed into the creature; a lumbering brute completely under the control of Kenstrid. The champions fight and defeat the duo, killing Bryndt, who is given an honourable funeral by the Frostbeard clans as they call off their attacks on Anteria. Advancing on the Broken Crown, the champions learn they are led by Fendrel, Vargus's older brother and the man responsible for disbanding the Crown Legion. Attacking his keep, the champions defeat him and the Broken Crown surrender.
As the champions and Anterians celebrate, they quickly learn that Daark was secretly using the Dune Tribe, Frostbeards, and Broken Legion to distract the champions so they wouldn't notice him manoeuvring his Daark Cult towards his ultimate goal - to end all life; revenge for his banishment from this plane of existence centuries earlier. The champions storm Daark's fortress, but he transports them into the Unliving Dimension where he reveals his true form - a powerful dragon. Nevertheless, the champions are able to defeat him, and back in this reality, just as the Daark Cult gain the upper hand against Fidelus's army, Daark's defeat causes his followers to turn to ash, thus liberating the kingdom.
The story of Dead Effect 2 is a rather simple one to follow. After the death of Professor Wagner, the head of the experiments onboard the ship, soldiers are sent from Earth to approach the ship and purge all evidences of anything ever happening. This is due to the outbreak of the Dead Effect; a virus that was in an experimental stage to try and preserve life as we know it, allowing immortality to those affected. However, after a close encounter with one subject during a test, Professor Wagner was killed, and his failed creations (the zombies) were set loose on the vast ship in order to cause distraction and allow the conscious victims to escape. Throughout the rest of the story players embark on a mission to secure the evidence of what happened, all whilst avoiding the threat of the incoming soldiers.
A young girl, Mary Tillet, is forced to find a new place to live due to her London home being bombed during World War II. Her tobacconist landlord, Jack Rawling, portrayed by actor John Abbott, tries to help her turn her new apartment into a home. Meanwhile, the newspapers are reporting news of the "London Blackout Murders," a murder spree being committed against a ring of suspected Nazi spies, and Mary must determine if her kind landlord is an assassin.
After being first at the scene of an accident, retired crime expert from Scotland Yard, Sir Humphrey Quilp, is given a “birthday present” of the fun of solving the crime by the Assistant District Attorney who is already sure of the identity of the murderer. Over the objections of his family, Quilp takes on the task using old fashioned logic and the knowledge of human nature instead of modern (1943) methods like fingerprints and microscopes. At the end of the day Quilp has revealed the killer, redeemed the innocent, and proved that he still has what it takes even if he is ready for a rest.
A private secretary begins to suspect that his nouveau riche employer is cheating his young female ward out of her inheritance, but inadvertently becomes involved in a plan to rob his master's safe.
The novel relates the story of Bret Maclean who has travelled to Sydney to bring his young wife, Susan, to his station home in central New South Wales. On the two-day journey the young couple are accompanied by her parents, Tom and Millicent Drew. The novel is set during this journey and lays out the life story of each of the four travellers.
Red Ryder ''(Wild Bill Elliott)'' and Little Beaver ''(Robert Blake) '' return to Blue Springs of 1895 only to discover that the Duchess ''(Alice Fleming)'', Red’s aunt, is preparing to sell her stage coach line and marry an Englishman, Talbot Champneys ''(Ian Keith)''. Unbeknownst to them, Champneys is really a conman named Fancy Charlie, who has made a career of marrying rich women and then killing them for their money. The Duchess’ other suitors Earle Hodgins and Tom London are unhappy when her engagement to Champneys aka Fancy Charlie is announced.
Red meets Champneys at the Duchess’ ranch where he also meets Fancy Charlie’s confederate, Celeste ''(Virginia Christine)'', who poses as a couturiere. The outlaws, Ace Hanlon ''(William Haade)'' and Pete Burdet ''(Bud Geary)'' appear suddenly at the ranch to greet Champneys. Champneys is surprised to see them because Burdet was once Fancy Charlie’s cellmate. Burdet has tipped off Ace Hanlon and now both of them want to be cut in on Fancy Charlie’s deal and share in the Duchess’ fortune. Charlie refuses, and Burdett starts beating on him when Red arrives and captures Burdett but misses Hanlon who flees in time to escape. Charlie asks Red to let Burdet go, explaining that he is merely an acquaintance who cheated him in a poker game. Red is reluctant to comply but does so when Charlie insists.
Red remains concerned about his aunt but acquiesces to her demands but when he later sees Champneys mistreating Thunder ''(Red’s horse)'', Red intercedes and knocks him down. He decides to investigate and secretly wires the British consul for information about Champneys.
Afraid that Red will ruin his plans, Charlie finally decides to offer Hanlon and Burdett a fifty-percent share of his profits if they get ride of Red and Little Beaver. Charlie then proceeds to inform the Duchess that he must return to England immediately and wants her to go with him so they can be married along the way. She agrees to go despite Red's strenuous objections. Charlie smiles, knowing that he has fully persuaded the Duchess to return to England with him and to bring her money with her. They agree to meet at the railroad station.
In the meantime, Celeste overhears Red and Little Beaver talking about picking up the reply from the British consul. Hanlon and Burdett are notified and make preparation to capture the two at the telegraph office. Red and Little Beaver are held prisoner overnight and the next morning, Charlie taunts them by congratulating Red on seeing through his disguise and charade but then assures the red-headed cowboy that the Duchess will soon be dead.
Ace Hanlon suspects that Fancy Charlie might double cross him and Burdet so instead of killing Red and Little Beaver, they plan to keep them alive until after the Duchess is killed. Fortunately, Red and Little Beaver cleverly escape and rush to stop Fancy Charlie and save the Duchess. They arrive just in time. Ace Hanlon, Burdet, and Fancy Charlie escape, feeling out of town on a stagecoach. Red leaps into the saddle and he and Thunder race after them.
In what is arguably one of motion picture’s most exciting stagecoach chases, Red finally manages to shoo Burdett and overcomes Hanlon in a fight.
Fancy Charlie is captured and his nefarious plot is exposed. He is on the way to jail, but not before the Duchess hits him square in the face with their wedding cake.
Young and carefree Michael Maddy helps run Interlochen Center for the Arts for his ill father. A burlesque performer in a skimpy costume, Toodles LaVerne, impresses him with her voice, enough so that Michael makes and wins a wager with opera-company publicist George Thomas that she's good enough to sing professionally.
The joint is raided and entertainer Madie Duvalle is arrested by the police, but Toodles gets away with Michael's help. He enrolls her in the music camp over the objections of Sylvia Worth, his efficiency expert, and other campers partly because of Toodles's appearance and also because she can't even read music. Michael and George scrub off the stage makeup over Toodles's objections, whereupon she sings a number that impresses everyone at camp. Michael wants her to audition for a New York City opera house.
Madie, out of jail now, does a magazine story about Toodles' past life. The music camp's appalled financial backers pull their funds and their students. In the end, though, Michael manages to get Toodles in front of the opera company, where she wins everyone's approval.
Lou and Hank call in the South Dakota State Police after recapturing the Blumquists. When Ed reveals his upcoming rendezvous with Milligan at Sioux Falls, State Police Captain Cheney hatches a dangerous scheme for him and Peggy to wear a wire for the meeting. Cheney has Lou escorted out of the state after strongly opposing the idea, though Hank stays behind. The Blumquists agree to the plan for lesser charges, and the police set up an ambush at the motel meeting spot. Hanzee lies to Floyd and Bear by claiming Dodd is being held inside the motel by the Kansas City mob. Meanwhile, Lou stops at the gas station to call home, unaware his wife has collapsed, then discovers that Hanzee killed the attendant. Lou rushes to warn the others, and arrives to find the Gerhardts on the offensive against Cheney and his team. All but Ben and a wounded Hank are dead. Floyd realizes Hanzee's deception when one of the Gerhardt men desperately exclaims "They're cops!", and as she turns to confront him, he stabs her to death. Bear attacks and attempts to strangle Lou. A UFO appears in the midst of the chaos, distracting Bear and allowing Lou to fatally shoot him. The Blumquists flee the premises, pursued closely by Hanzee. Hank tells Lou to pursue the trio as police reinforcements arrive. Milligan and Gale Kitchen arrive upon the scene of the massacre and promptly leave. As the episode ends, the UFO's lights are seen flashing in the sky.
Walter Meyers (Danny Glover) is a retired automotive engineer who lost his wife Grace (Rachel Kylian) 10 months earlier.
Now that the holiday season is here, he invites his four grown children and the rest of the family to his house for a traditional celebration.
Walter knows that if his daughters Cheryl (Kimberly Elise) and Rachel (Gabrielle Union) and sons Christian (Romany Malco) and Evan (Jessie Usher) can spend five days together under the same roof, it will truly be a Christmas miracle. As his children arrive, Walter realizes a perfect Christmas without his wife is easier said than done.
Cheryl, a dentist and the eldest child, arrives for the holidays with her goofy husband Lonnie (J. B. Smoove), a previously famous basketball player who develops a mutual interest in a young grocery store worker named Jasmine (Keri Hilson) shortly after arriving in town.
His eldest son and second born, Christian, struggles with balancing his campaign to become a congressman and his desire to spend time with his family. Christian invites his campaign manager along so they can get more work done.
Meanwhile, Rachel, his youngest daughter and third born, struggles to financially support herself and her daughter due to her recent divorce and studying to become a lawyer.
Lastly, Evan is a successful football player recovering from a shoulder injury, but when his coach tells him his arm is completely healed, Evan struggles to give up the pain medication.
Wealthy heiress Yeh Fen-fen (Shu Qi) flees from her family's constant urging for her to get married, bringing a tape of the song ''Grandma's Pescadores (Penghu) Bay'' (外婆的澎湖灣) with her that was left behind by her deceased parents. Fen-fen intends to experience the atmosphere in the song's lyrics and search for the freedom of life. Fen-fen books a seaside villa on the internet and begins her journey with a mind full of imaginations.
Fen-fen, however, unexpectedly ends up living in a crummy bed and breakfast owned by Wu Si-shan (Richie Jen), which was a result of false advertisement on the internet by Wu's friends, who wanted to help him expand his business. Fen-fen stays there for a night before angrily leaving. While leaving on a boat ride, Fen-fen's luggage also fall into the sea, leaving her no choice but to stay on the island. Meanwhile, Wu's bed and breakfast had to be closed down due to the fact that his younger brother was cheated in an investment. As a result, Wu has to carry the burden of repaying the high-interest debts.
Fen-fen is a picky and cold princess, while Wu is a carefree and passionate islander. As these two polar opposites encounter in the beautiful island, they embark on a relaxed comical romantic journey.
When war breaks out in 1936, the boys at a Catholic boarding school in Republican territory are sent home. Andres is one of these boys. Finding that his widowed mother's flat in Gerona is requisitioned and she is far away in La Coruña, he decides to rejoin her by bicycle. Reaching the Aragon front, he is stopped by an Anarchist unit under the charismatic commander Dávalos and is conscripted to help the cook Honorio, who is having an affair with a peasant woman Pilar. Also stopped are a wealthy Englishman and his American wife, la Condesa, for whom Andrés acts as interpreter and is rewarded. He is then sent to safety in Barcelona where he starts an affair with Julia, the virgin daughter of the house, but is evicted before consummation. To live, he starts dealing on the black market and one night tries a prostitute, but she is so bored that he leaves in disgust. The war over, his mother comes back and is set up in a flat by her Falangist lover Victor. Above them lives a married woman Marta, who lends Andrés books and starts an affair. But she and her well-off husband were Republicans and are taken away by the secret police. In the street, Andrés sees Pilar, the working-class girl from the front, and they have a night together. Then at a concert he falls for Bobi, an Italian violinist, and they have a brief idyll. Her orchestra's next engagement is in Vichy France and at the frontier station of Canfranc Andrés rejoins her.
After two priests hit-and-run a young girl and subsequently die in a crash, Father Kim suspects the girl is possessed. The girl soon ends up in a coma after leaping from a hospital window, and Father Kim along with a rebellious young seminarian named Choi try to exorcise the demon and confine it in a piglet. Members of a Rosicrucian sect inform Father Kim that the two priests were killed by this demon. During the exorcism, the demon manifests, inflicting unnatural bodily rashes. Choi initially runs out halfway through the exorcism attempt, but eventually decides to return, determined to finish what they started. Father Kim tells him to believe this ministry isn't in vain and the reward is in the Lord’s hand (Isaiah 49:4). Choi replies by quoting Ezekiel 2:6, and affirms he is prepared now. When they try to free the girl from the demon's powerful hold, they realize that the demon they are facing is an ancient one named Malphas and is far more dangerous than they ever thought. However, they manage to confine it in the piglet, but the police arrive and try to arrest them for killing Young-shin, acting on a complaint by her extremely traumatized parents. Choi runs out with the pig, faces many obstructions but successfully drowns it in the river as instructed by Kim (Luke 8:33). Young-shin who was considered dead shows signs of life, and Father Kim's and Brother Choi's rashes disappear.
Kitty (Ann Sothern), is a hardworking switchboard operator who is engaged to auto mechanic Bill (Paul Kelly). When Bill opens his own garage, the demands of running his own business soon take a toll on his relationship with Kitty. Frustrated, Kitty agrees to go on a blind date with Bob (Neil Hamilton), the wealthy son of a department store titan. When sparks fly, Kitty is soon forced to make a difficult choice between the two men.