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The Great Snake

In this ''skaz'', the old miner Levonty, a weak and ill man who spent all his life mining, decides to try gold digging to make ends meet. He can hardly work, and his family is very poor. One day he goes to the mine with his two little sons as usual. In the evening he goes to the river to fish. While the boys are waiting for Levonty, they are approached by a soldier Semyonich, a strange man who "had a lot of books" and "every evening he'd sit reading them". Semyonich has a certain reputation among the workers for having money seemingly out of nowhere. He feeds the children some bread and learns about a dire situation in their house. He promises to help them, but warns to keep it secret. Semyonich goes off and comes back with a green-eyed man.

He was all yellow, is tunic and trousers were gold, that brocade the priests wear, and his wide girdle with a pattern and tassels hanging, from it was brocade too, only it shone greenish. His cap was yellow with red flaps on both sides, and his boots were gold too. [...] And his eyes were green, like a cat's. But they had a kind look. He was the same height as Semyonich and not stout, but heavy. The earth sank under him where he stood.

The person's face is yellow too. "But what if we spoil these boys?", he asks Semyonich kindly. Semyonich defends the boys as humble, hard-working and not greedy. The man consents to his judgement, stating that he knows their father will not live long. He then tells the children to "watch for the trail" and dig along it. The man transforms into a giant serpent, and moves away leaving the trail behind. Semyonich explains that the man is Poloz the Great Snake (alternative translation: The Great Serpent), the lord of all that is gold. Next morning, the boys start digging for gold and quickly find two gold nuggets. story over.

Champ for a Day

Big pug George Wilson shows up at a motel and diner run by Ma and Pa Karlsen, saying he's supposed to meet his manager, Dolan. He catches the eye of another customer, the attractive Miss Gormley, but she seems to be in a bad mood.

George has a fight lined up, but boxing promoters Guido and Healy believe that Dolan has run off with George's advance payment. George decides to go ahead with the fight, with down-and-out trainer Al Muntz agreeing to work in his corner.

By winning the fight, George angers ex-boxer Willie Foltis, who had bet heavily on the loser. George stays with the Karlsens and becomes better acquainted with Miss Gormley, who, it turns out, had also come there to meet Dolan, who was trying to blackmail her into marriage.

A bout with the tough "Soldier" Freeman is set up, but Guido and Healy insist that George throw the fight. Muntz warns him that Guido and Healy are connected with organized crime. Willie also comes to rob George of his prize winnings from the previous fight, but George knocks him cold.

Dolan's dead body is found in the river. George schemes to turn Guido and Healy against one another, resulting in them exchanging gunfire after the fight. Miss Gormley likes the way George has handled himself and they look like a perfect match.

The Family Holvak

Tom Holvak, a small town minister in Bensfield, Tennessee, struggles to keep his family afloat and maintain his congregation's faith during the Great Depression.

Sunshine (American TV series)

Three years after the death of his wife Kate (which occurred at the end of the 1973 ''Sunshine'' film), musician Sam Hayden (Cliff DeYoung) is raising their young daughter Jill (Elizabeth Cheshire) as a single father. Sam struggles to make ends meet by playing in a folk rock trio with Weaver (Bill Mumy) and Givits (Corey Fischer) and by doing various day jobs. Although Sam's responsibilities leave little time for him to date women, he hopes to find one he can love who will also be a good mother to Jill. Meanwhile, Weaver, Givits, and Sam's occasional girlfriend Nora (Meg Foster) pitch in to help Sam care for Jill.

Intellectual Scum

On board a commercial airplane, an African intellectual (Field Ruwe), sits next to a white man (Walter). In their conversation, which is utterly brutal, honest and to some racist, Walter blames the ‘Intellectuals’ for the deplorable state Africa was in.

Her Defiance

Adeline Gabler (Cleo Madison) is a young farm girl whose brother is scheming to marry her off to an elderly rich neighbor, "Old Scapin" (Willis Marks). When Adeline falls in love with a city boy, Frank Warren (Edward Hearn), her brother Theron (Taylor N. Duncan) takes the first opportunity to trick his sister into believing her lover has abandoned her. Adeline, pregnant, is forced to marry Scapin, but at the conclusion of the ceremony, she creates havoc by pushing her husband away and escaping in a buggy to the city. Scapin and Theron pursue her, but their buggy crashes and Scapin is killed. Not knowing she is now a widow, Adeline works as a cleaning woman to support herself and her son. She is sent to work in her former lover's office, where he finds the baby. Adeline confronts Frank, who explains, in a flashback inserted on one side of the screen, how he wrote her a crucial letter that she never received. The sequence can be read as representing the point of view of the woman as she weighs the statements of her lover against her memories of the events.

Wakefield (film)

Howard Wakefield, a successful attorney in New York City, is unhappy in his marriage of fifteen years to Diana, a beautiful art curator and former dancer. They used flirtation with other people to add excitement to their sex life, but Diana soon begins to resent it. One night, Howard returns home late from his commute, which has been disrupted and delayed by a widespread power outage, and is distracted by a raccoon he sees entering his garage, which is detached from the house. He chases the raccoon into the garage's attic and realizes he has a perfect view into his house, where his wife and two daughters, Taylor and Giselle, are eating dinner. He ignores calls from his wife and is amused at her clear annoyance, but is insulted when she angrily throws his plate of dinner away instead of saving it for him. To avoid a fight, he decides to wait a bit to go into the house, but he ends up falling asleep.

The next morning, Howard realizes Diana will never believe his story of spending the night in the garage and will insist he was having an affair, so he plans to wait for her to leave for work before going in. Instead, he is shocked when, after finding his car still in the garage, she calls the police to report him missing. Howard feels bad when he sees Diana cry, but before he can go inside, his overbearing mother-in-law, Babs, shows up to comfort her. Babs and Diana appear to argue about his absence, with Diana showing her mother there is no evidence he has taken any money to run off. Howard finally goes inside to shower after Diana leaves for work, planning to just deal with the fallout of his absence, before he starts resenting the idea that she is carrying on with her routine after his disappearance. He realizes that his disappearance is probably a relief to her, believing that she probably thinks that she married the wrong man. He cleans up any evidence that he was at the house, grabs some food from the pantry and returns to the garage.

Howard is overjoyed with abandoning all his responsibilities and amused that people would surely suspect his wife's involvement in his disappearance, just as he is amused at seeing her tackle the chores that used to be his responsibility. He feels unshackled and free as he spends his time doing puzzles, reading and observing his family and their neighbors. He also happily realizes that he is seeing more of his daughters' lives than he did before. For the first few days, he continues to sneak food and amenities from his house. He soon realizes that he no longer cares about having clients and being freshly showered and shaved, and vows not to take anything from his old life or spend the money he has in his wallet. He begins foraging each night through the trash and showers in the backyard bathroom built by his neighbor, Dr. Sondervan, who runs a small home for mentally disabled youth.

As months go by and he grows a beard and long hair, Howard is free to walk about town during the day, where people dismiss him as homeless. The only people who discover his presence are Herbert and Emily, two of Dr. Sondervan's residents, who follow him back to the attic one day. He reflects on the beginning of his relationship with Diana, whom he met when she was dating his best friend Dirk Morrison, an extremely competitive Wall Street trader. Through manipulation and dishonesty, Howard managed to take Diana away from Dirk, and as he thinks back, Howard wonders if he ever truly loved her. Nevertheless, he realizes that by simply disappearing, he has the upper hand in controlling her love life. If he had just divorced her, she would be free to date other men, but while he is missing under mysterious circumstances, she can't easily move on to another man.

As summer turns into fall, Howard no longer basks in his freedom but instead feels like he has become a prisoner of his choices. He has an epiphany and realizes that he had been a selfish, jealous and resentful husband and father, who made himself out to be a victim. While he feels happy to be free from himself, he also feels that his family is happier without him. He also realizes that he has never loved Diana more and one day, he walks out onto the sidewalk, but Diana does not recognize him.

Diana appears to be developing a romantic relationship, and Howard is stunned when he sees it is with Dirk. Howard surmises that Dirk would have probably told Diana the lies he had said that broke them up years ago. He decides to give Diana an honest chance this time to pick with whom she wants to be. After getting himself cleaned up and buying a new suit, Howard works up the courage to walk back into his house. As he sees his wife and daughters decorating the Christmas tree, he envisions them being overjoyed at his return, and also envisions a second scenario in which they respond with horror. He pauses, and then comes in through the front door and announces, "I'm home."

The Time Regulation Institute

The main character is Hayri İrdal, who narrates the novel and presents it like a memoir.Kuru, p. 259. The novel discusses his and other people's formation of the Time Regulation Institute, which changes the time on Turkey's clocks to that used in the West "[ THE TIME REGULATION INSTITUTE]" ([ Archive]). ''Kirkus Reviews''. Posted online October 5, 2013. Issue: October 15, 2013. [ See profile at] EBSCOHost. and educate public about the importance of "being on top of one's own time". Before the Institute, Hayri Irdal meets a psychiatrist named Dr Ramiz, who later introduces İrdal to Halit Ayarcı (the Regulator). Halit Ayarcı decides to establish the institute after talking about time while drinking rakı with Hayri İrdal.Kuru, p. 259. According to Saïd Sayrafiezadeh of ''Publishers Weekly'' the narrative starts late in the novel. Later in the novel, publishes a novel depicting himself and other characters at the Siege of Vienna.Mishra, Pankaj. "[ Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar and the waiting room of history ]" ([ Archive]). ''The Guardian''. February 28, 2015. Retrieved on December 2, 2015.

The plot is a reference to the 1926 Gregorian Calendar Act by Kemal Atatürk.

Submergence (film)

A talented and idiosyncratic bio-mathematician, Danielle Flinders is staying at a seaside hotel on the coast of Normandy where she meets the British Agent James More awaiting transport to Somalia to search for Somali Jihadist leaders. The two develop a friendly bond during their stay and eventually a romantic relationship. Their conversations mostly revolve around her important undersea work, which she believes may have insights into life on other planets. As they are getting to know each other, More mostly diverts away from his profession and claims he is a water engineer for African non-profits. Her odd, introspective thoughts on life and death in the darkness are attractive and bewildering to More. At one point (with recent bombings on his mind, and stopping the terrorists) More becomes angry with Flinders' mono-dimensional, scientific view of life on earth. However, when they depart for their individual missions, it is clear that they have a deep affection for each other and plan to reunite.

Upon landing in Somalia, More is kidnapped by suspicious Somali terrorists. They do not believe he is a hydrology engineer working for a non-profit. He is shifted to various hiding places and tortured. He holds fast to his story and is promoted up to the next set of leaders, who are determined to break him. His captors, however, have not discovered that a fake bridge in his teeth hold some sort of device. He eventually is taken away by the group's main warlord after witnessing horrible war crimes against women and Somali residents who do not abide by strict Islamic Law. Dr. Shadid, patches him up but warns him that he will be killed eventually.

Meanwhile Flinders is aboard a research vessel in the Greenland Sea with a deep-sea submersible awaiting her turn to visit an undersea sea vent which may prove her theory about life through chemically-based life (lack of light). As the mission goes on, his lack of communication puts her a great unease and her performance on the mission is becoming an issue. She asks to leave the ship in order to get into better internet communication as she is obsessed with More. She is saddened and very distracted by his rejection and is resigned to losing him. She returns to the vessel in time for her long-awaited research voyage in the submersible.

More is taken to a beach enclave which is very close to a United States military base. The Jihadists plan to run a series of suicide bombings to kill the troops. The warlord insists he knows that More is an Mi6 agent and various torturous mind tricks still do not break him.

Simultaneously Flinders, at the bottom of the sea, finally collects samples for her studies. Suddenly the sub loses all power and attempts to reboot the batteries fail. Lit with only a dim laptop, she again recites her prescient gloomy thoughts on the ultimate darkness and life and death. The recitation puts the crew into a panic mode, but her thoughts move to the time at the hotel with More. The crew suddenly manages to engage the backup batteries much to everyones' relief including Flinders. The submersible rises slowly back to surface as she leaves her mission behind.

More, left sitting on the beach, exhausted, overhears plans of the attack as they construct their suicide vests. He turns away and extracts the bridge from his mouth which is a micro GPS beacon. While they are distracted he walks towards the ocean. Suddenly an Apache helicopter armed with missiles destroys the entire complex just as More jumps into the ocean and submerges himself against the shockwave.

The last scenes of the movie are More rolling over to face the bright sun. The film fades to white and Flinders' face dimly appears.

The Case Study of Vanitas

During an airship ride to Paris, the vampire Noé Archiviste meets Vanitas, a human claiming to be a doctor for vampires, curing them of the ''malnomen'', which cause vampires to behave predatorily against their will. The book with which he heals, ''The Book of Vanitas'', is connected to the original Vanitas, the Vampire of the Blue Moon, hated by the Vampires of the Red Moon who form traditional vampire society. Noé and Vanitas join forces to heal vampires, but there lurks a threat of some unknown force named Charlatan, which may be responsible for corrupting the sick vampires.

A Gert Lush Christmas

The story centres around everyman Dan Colman (Russell Howard) who lives in London with his girlfriend Lisa (Hannah Britland). For Christmas, Dan takes Lisa to his home-town of Bamford in Bristol to meet his caring but dysfunctional family which includes his fitness-obsessed father Dave (Neil Morrissey), well-meaning but eccentric mother Sue (Sophie Thompson), charm offensive brother Jake (Dougie McMeekin), hairdresser sister Julie (Kerry Howard) and party animal Uncle Tony (Greg Davies).

What begins as over enthusiasm to welcome Lisa into the family ends with Lisa running away and making Dan regret having introduced her to them in the first place. The family then pull together in their own unstable but unique way to amend the mistakes that have been made.

Lego Scooby-Doo! Knight Time Terror

The gang visits Grimsley Manor, where they have to solve the mystery of a Black Knight who has come to life.

The Good Daughter (novel)

In the peaceful rural town of Kiona Zach Kincaid's wealthy mother goes missing and Rebecca Toyer, daughter of a local truckie, becomes implicated in the disappearance.

Bugs Bunny in Space

''Bugs Bunny in Space'' is a parody of ''Star Wars'' (1977) that features a compilation of science-fiction themed clips from Warner Brothers cartoons starring Bugs Bunny and other characters.

Inés of My Soul

This historial novel is about the main facts of the life of Inés (an important figure in Chile), written in older Ines' first-person voice, with its intended audience to be Ines' adoptive daughter, Isabel.

In the first chapter, "Europe, 1500-1537", she describes her life in Plasencia, Spain, mainly her married life and affair with Juan of Málaga, in addition to her hard trip to America, motivated not only to find her husband, but also to find freedom.

In "America, 1537-1540", she relates to us her life in The Cuzco, the decadence of the Incan empire under Francisco Pizarro and the political problems that they faced. Also, she begins her relationship with Pedro de Valdivia, who develops an obsession to conquer Chile, promoted by what was told to him by the old Diego of Almagro.

In the chapters of "Trip to Chile, 1540-1541" and "Santiago of the New Extremadura, 1541-1543" she talks about the hard conquest of Chile, the life with Pedro of Valdivia and how the two founded the capital of the country together.

"The Tragic Years, 1543-1549" deal with the poverty of the first years of Santiago as a city and her marriage with Rodrigo of Quiroga when Pedro of Valdivia goes back in an expedition to Peru, in search of more soldiers and settlers.

Finally, in the last chapter she describes the beginning of the War of Chile between Spaniards and Mapuches under the orders of Lautaro and Caupolicán.

The Predator (film)

A Predator ship crash-lands on Earth. U.S. Army Ranger sniper Quinn McKenna and his team are attacked by the Predator while on a hostage retrieval mission. McKenna incapacitates the Predator and has parts of its armor sent off by mail to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Government agent Will Traeger has McKenna captured and held for examination. Traeger also takes the Predator to a lab for experimentation and observation, recruiting evolutionary biologist Casey Bracket to study it. Bracket discovers that the Predator contains human DNA as part of his genetic makeup and her primary task is to discover how. The Predator awakens, breaks out of its restraints and kills the lab workers and armed guards, but spares Bracket, the only unarmed person, before escaping.

McKenna is bussed off with a group of other government captives, including former Marines "Nebraska" Williams, Coyle, Baxley, Lynch, and Army helicopter pilot Nettles. Witnessing the Predator's escape from the lab, they hijack the bus. Taking Bracket with them, they head over to McKenna's estranged wife, Emily, where he expects to find the Predator armor he mailed off. However, Rory, McKenna's autistic son, has gone trick-or-treating in the armor in hopes of avoiding detection from bullies.

McKenna and the others find his son just in time to stop a pair of Predator Hounds from ambushing the boy. McKenna kills one of them by shooting a grenade into its mouth, blowing it up. Nebraska unintentionally lobotomizes the other dog after shooting it in the head. The Predator chases them into a nearby school, and they start to give the Predator's armor back when another, much larger and more powerful Predator arrives and engages the first in combat. The group flees, and the second Predator kills the first before setting out to retrieve the lost technology.

Bracket concludes that the Predators are attempting to improve themselves with the DNA of humans and, presumably, other planets' inhabitants. She mentions that the larger Predator generates an exoskeleton that renders him highly resistant to damage, even from weapons of Predator technology. The team flees to an abandoned barn, but Traeger finds and captures them, and shares his theory that the Predators anticipate that climate change will end their ability to retrieve human DNA for further hybridization, and as such are scrambling to retrieve samples before it is too late. Seeing Rory drawing a map to the spaceship, Traeger takes the boy to the ship. The team escapes and goes after him with the help of the now docile, brain-damaged Predator hound.

Once all have arrived at the crashed ship, the second Predator arrives, kills Lynch, and explains through translation software that it will destroy the ship to keep it out of their hands and then give them all a head start before it hunts them down. The Predator quickly kills several of Traeger's soldiers while mortally wounding both Baxley and Coyle, who then euthanize each other. Traeger tries to use a Predator weapon on the alien but accidentally kills himself in the process.

The Predator takes Rory, recognizing his autism as an advancement in human evolution which makes him a worthwhile subject for hybridization, and flies away in his ship. McKenna, Nebraska, and Nettles land on the ship's exterior, but the Predator activates a force field that slices off Nettles' legs, and he falls off the ship to his death. Nebraska sacrifices himself and slides into the ship's turbine, causing it to crash. McKenna sneaks into the ship as it crashes and attacks the Predator. After the crash, Bracket arrives, and the three manage to overpower and kill the Predator with its own weapons. They pay their respects to their fallen comrades with trinkets representing each one before heading off.

Some time later, McKenna and Rory are seen in a science lab watching the opening of cargo found on the Predator's ship, which a scientist indicates was left behind on purpose. A piece of technology floats out and attaches itself to a lab worker, working as a transformative "Predator killer" suit before deactivating. Realizing the first Predator was trying to pass it on to humanity in order to make it a fair fight against the larger Predators, McKenna indicates he will be the pilot to operate the suit.

Class Rank (film)

Two high school outsiders join forces in an attempt to overtake the local school board. Guided by their families, they enter the perilous world of politics and in the process, learn a thing or two about love.

How It Ends (2018 film)

Will and Samantha (Sam) are a young couple expecting their first child. He flies from Seattle to visit her parents in Chicago, intending to ask her father Tom for permission to marry Sam. At dinner, he and Will get into an argument, and Will leaves without mentioning the pregnancy or wedding.

The next day, Sam calls Will before his flight back. She gets scared when she hears a strange sound, and says, "Something's wrong" before the line goes dead. At the airport, all flights are cancelled. There is a TV news report discussing preliminary reports on a seismic event off the West Coast of the US that has disrupted electrical power and telecommunication. Will returns to Sam's parents', where Tom and Will agree to drive together to Seattle to find Sam.

Amidst heavy traffic, Will and Tom find soldiers have closed off the interstate. Invoking his prior service as a Marine officer, Tom persuades them to let his car through. That night, they are pulled over by a police car but the driver is in actuality not an officer, rather a civilian with a shotgun. The ensuing firefight results in an accident that fractures Tom's ribs. Tom knocks him out, and they use the police cruiser to tow their damaged car to a nearby reservation.

At the reservation, mechanic Ricki fixes the car and agrees to travel with them in case they break down again. The trio set out, restocking provisions as they go. At one point, robbers hold the three of them at gunpoint, stealing their gasoline reserves. As being without fuel they are doomed, Will chases and catches up with the fleeing car. Ricki shoots out their tires, causing the vehicle to flip over. With the surrounding fire and the crashed car's leaking gas tank, they barely have enough time to take their gasoline back before the car explodes. Later that night, upset over what happened, Ricki leaves them.

The next day Tom's lung collapses, so Will has to perform a needle thoracostomy. Sensing Tom will die without medical help, they bond, and Will finally feels that Tom approves of him and Sam. On a bridge, they encounter a gang of armed men on motorcycles. They work together to evade the gang, but Tom succumbs to his wounds. The car breaks down, and Will burns it so he does not have to leave Tom's body to rot. Will continues the journey on foot.

A family picks Will up, and he leads them to his estranged father's empty house in Idaho where they all rest. He strikes a deal with them, taking their four wheel drive vehicle in exchange for them staying at his father's well-stocked house until they are ready to go north, where the situation is better. As he gets closer to Seattle, Will sees that the city is almost completely destroyed. The mystery thickens as Will notices dead victims buried in their cars under a thick layer of ash. Finally reaching Sam's devastated apartment, Will sees a note left by Sam with an address to a cabin.

At the cabin, Will finds Sam with Jeremiah, a neighbor from the apartment building. Convinced the disaster is not natural but the result of an elaborate attack, Jeremiah reveals a deep paranoia. The next morning, he tries to kill Will, having fallen in love with Sam. Will shoots him in self-defense. Soon after, a volcanic eruption triggers a massive burst of fire, ash and shockwaves, causing a pyroclastic flow. Will and Sam speed away from the all-engulfing cloud, barely staying ahead of it but managing to out-distance it as it subsides. They proclaim their love for one another, regardless of what happens next, as they, too, head north. The cause and nature of the original 'event' are unexplained.

Jubilee Trail (film)

In 1845, trader Oliver Hale and his new wife are returning from New York to California. In a New Orleans music hall they meet and befriend an entertainer who uses the stage name of Florinda Grove. The dance hall singer is actually on the run from the New York police since she's wanted for a murder she claims to be innocent of. The Hales believe her story and help her escape the city under the guise of a widow bound for St. Louis on a riverboat. The newlyweds themselves reach New Mexico where they plan to join a wagon train bound for California. In Santa Fe, the Hales bump into entertainer Florinda again. While Oliver Hale is away on a short business trip, a messenger from his brother Charles Hale arrives in town, bringing a special letter from Charles. In the letter, Charles explains that Carmelita Velasco, the daughter of a wealthy landowner, claims to be pregnant with Oliver's child and that she and her family expect Oliver to do the right honorable thing and marry her. But, alas, the letter reaches Oliver too late since he's now already married to New Yorker Garnet. By refusing to marry Carmelita, Oliver risks offending the whole Velasco family. To make matters worse, the dowry of Carmelita Velasco consists of a large Spanish land tract that Charles Hale covets. Days later, Oliver Hale, his wife Garnet and their new friend Florinda join a wagon train destined for Los Angeles. How will Oliver get out of this tight spot and conciliate his family with the Velasco family while preserving their honor?

Day Out of Days (film)

Mia Roarke, an actress, is on a personal and professional high after appearing in a successful period piece ''Wild Sunset'' and getting engaged to her co-star, Liam.

10 years later, Mia is divorced from Liam and is struggling to book roles. Her agent gets her an audition with director Dag, who auditions her in a hotel room where he encourages her to take coke and forces her into the bathroom to take a shower. Leaving the hotel she runs into Liam who drives her home. She congratulates him on his engagement to a model, Elle, though in return he tells her that their engagement is by no means assured.

Mia's neighbour Charlotte "Charlie" Riley books a pilot and helps to arrange an audition for Mia who learns that the role is to play Charlie's character's mother.

Her friend, Jen, sets her up with a recovering alcoholic who does pools and ends up insulting during the course of their date, telling her she's not as attractive as she once was.

Mia's auditions for Charlie's pilot goes well and she begins to think that she has the role. After a day being gifted free clothing and accessories under the assumption that she has the role her agent calls her with the news that ultimately she didn't get it.

On reshoots for a zombie thriller movie Mia fights with her director, Tark, on how to shoot a car crash scene. When she tells him she doesn't understand the point of yelling during a scene he humiliates her by insulting her career and her love life. A dejected Mia gives in and does the scene his way.

Mia goes to meet her agent who hints that after 20 years of working together their relationship might be coming to a close. She afterwards has dinner with her mother and former manager who still keeps pictures of Mia and Liam around her apartment.

After a day of drinking she calls Liam who answers her call and meets her at a bar. Though Liam is initially warm towards Mia, she mistakes his gestures as an overture and ends up trying to kiss him. The encounter is filmed and broadcast on the internet. Mia's agent tells her that the notoriety is good for her, but Mia is humiliated and decides to make a change. She contemplates selling her house and decides to cut off her mother.

Just as she is in the middle of calling it quits her agent contacts her and tells her that her horror movie with Tark is testing well and the studio wants to sign her and all the other actors for sequels.

Mia is offered directorial approval on the sequels to the zombie movies and has dinner with Tark and his agent who both grovel to her.

She goes to a pawn shop to retrieve some jewelry she pawned when she was short on cash. She decides not to retrieve her engagement ring from Liam. Exiting the pawn shop she bumps into a man she doesn't remember who informs her that he was her driver on the set of her movie with Tark.

Roogie's Bump

A young boy who loves baseball develops a strange bump on his arm. The bump has such an effect on his pitching arm that he soon finds himself playing for a major league baseball team.

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School

The story is split into two chapters—''Future Arc'' and ''Despair Arc''—which are followed by a finale called ''Hope''.

''Despair Arc''

''Despair'', which takes place prior to the events of ''Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc'', opens with homeroom teacher Chisa Yukizome, who begins her job teaching Hope's Peak Academy's 77th Class of Super High School Level students, who stand out as talented in different ways. She is teaching in order to help her childhood friends Kyosuke Munakata and Juzo Sakakura improve the establishment. Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, a student in the school's Reserve Course for those without talent, prepares to undergo an experiment to make him the Ultimate Hope. He has developed an inferiority complex over his lack of talents, despite bonding with Chiaki Nanami, a talented student.

After spending half a year teaching the Reserve Course, Chisa asks Juzo for a trustee's ID in order to investigate the Kamukura Project. The now amnesia-ridden Hinata, referred to as Izuru Kamukura, meets a terrorist named Junko Enoshima and her sister Mukuro Ikusaba, who grow attached to him. Junko blackmails Juzo, threatening to reveal his crush on Kyosuke. Juzo and the now-brainwashed Chisa tell Kyosuke that Junko is innocent, allowing Junko's plan to continue unhindered. Using Izuru as bait, Junko kills Chiaki while brainwashing Chisa's students, the 77th Class graduates. The brainwashing is accomplished by screening a film of Chiaki's death, which contains subliminal messages created by an editor named Ryota Mitarai. Meanwhile, Hajime decides to have his memories of the 77th Class erased, as he is interested to see if hope can be more unpredictable than despair. To protect the remaining students in the 78th Class, Jin helps them convert the school's old building into a shelter, unaware of the two Despairs who lurk among them. As Junko moves on to the next phase of her plan, becoming curious about the wildly unpredictable luck exhibited by the young student Makoto Naegi, Chisa rejoins Kyosuke, who is unaware of Chisa's being brainwashed. Some time later, in a virtual world, Izuru finds himself, in his Hajime persona, interacting with Chiaki.

''Future Arc''

''Future Arc'' takes place after the events of the video game ''Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair''. Makoto Naegi and his friends are placed under arrest by Vice-chairman Kyosuke Munakata of the Future Foundation. Makoto is accused of treason for hiding Hajime and Chisa's students in a virtual world after they continued fulfilling Junko's evil desires following her death, although Makoto aimed to eliminate their memories of their brainwashed forms. However, a bear-like creature named Monokuma appears on video monitors and starts a "Monokuma Hunter" killing game. Each of the participants carries a bangle, which after a time will put everyone to sleep for a short period. During this sleep period, a designated attacker will awaken among them and kill one of the other participants. Chisa is the first victim, resulting in Kyosuke distrusting most of his allies and attempting to kill Makoto.

In addition, if anyone performs a personalized forbidden action, they will be injected with a deadly poison. Makoto's group is shocked to discover that Kyoko Kirigiri has been poisoned for her forbidden action. The poison will be activated if Makoto survives past the fourth time limit. Makoto sets off to confront Kyosuke, but the two make peace as Makoto gets his superior to remember Chisa's death. Understanding the attacker's ''modus operandi'', with Juzo's help Makoto learns that there are no culprits. The people committed suicide after being brainwashed by Junko's hallucinating videos that were originally used to brainwash Chisa's students. Juzo destroys all the monitors but dies of blood loss after being wounded by Kyosuke, who thought Juzo was the traitor. Makoto soon realizes that the late chairman of the Foundation, Kazuo Tengan, was manipulating Ryota to spread the videos. Ryota escapes and prepares to reveal his own brainwashing video to be released on mankind. In the final scene, the spirits of the late Junko and Chisa watch the events unfold in the afterlife (taking the form of a movie theater) as they wonder if the surviving characters can stop Ryota.

''Hope Arc''

In the ''Hope Arc'', Makoto races to stop Ryota from broadcasting his brainwashing video. He and the others are assisted by the arrival of the 77th Class, which Hajime, using his talents, managed to restore to normal. Feeling that he should not have to carry his burden alone, Hajime and the others ask Ryota to come with them, as they aim to atone for their sins. They convince Ryoto to cancel his broadcast. Afterward, Hajime and the others claim responsibility for the killing game, shifting blame from the Future Foundation. Meanwhile, Kyosuke leaves Makoto on friendly terms. As they leave, Mikan Tsumiki, a young nurse tutored by Chisa, says that she has been able to heal a person thanks to a late member of the Future Foundation. The final scene moves to Hope's Peak Academy, where Kyoko is seen alive referring to Makoto as headmaster.

Gambling Daughters

Lillian and Katherine discover a gambling spot while following their French teacher, then Lillian falls for Chance the manager working there. The girls are induced to play on credit, and after a couple of weeks and a couple thousand dollars in debt, they are forced to steal jewellery from their families.

No Way Out (The Walking Dead)

Stopped on the road by a group of Saviors, Abraham, Sasha and Daryl are forced to give up their weapons. They are told that their property now belongs to Negan. The group leader has one of the henchmen take Daryl to the back of the fuel truck to begin a thorough search, while continuing his attempts to intimidate Abraham and Sasha into revealing the location of Alexandria. He suggests he is going to kill one of them when Daryl, who has silently strangled the henchman to death, blows up the entire group with Abraham's RPG launcher.

Rick, Carl, Father Gabriel, Michonne, Judith, Jessie, Ron, and Sam escape Jessie's house in makeshift walker-gut ponchos to camouflage themselves from the walkers, holding hands to stay together. Rick decides to lead them to the quarry to retrieve vehicles and repeat his earlier plan to lure the herd away from Alexandria, while Gabriel takes Judith to the safety of his church. Jessie tries to get Sam to go with Gabriel, but he refuses. As they head toward the front gate, Sam has a breakdown when he notices a walker-child, and his cries attract the walkers, who devour him alive. Jessie refuses to let go of Sam's hand, and is also feasted upon. Carl is unable to free himself from Jessie's grip, so Rick chops off Jessie's arm with a hatchet, freeing Carl, who stumbles and drops his gun. With his entire family now dead, Ron picks up Carl's gun and aims it at Rick, but Michonne impales him with her katana. The gun fires, however, shooting out Carl's right eye.

Meanwhile, the Wolf hides with Denise, waiting for an opportunity to slip through the walkers and escape. When there is a clear route over the wall they make their move, but the Wolf goes back to save a faltering Denise and is bitten in the process. Denise makes a deal to save his life if he gets her to the infirmary. Carol searches Morgan's home for "other surprises" and he apologizes for hurting her; Carol, not convinced, responds that she should have killed Morgan. While Denise puts a tourniquet around his arm, the Wolf questions why he endangered himself to save her and the psychiatrist suggests that he's changed and become more like the Alexandrians. While the Wolf is protecting Denise from another walker, he is shot by Carol. Carol shouts for Denise to run and is shocked when the Wolf, even as he is swarmed and eaten by walkers, echoes Carol's calls for Denise to go and save herself. The Wolf later re-animates as a walker and is put down by Morgan, who apologizes as he kills it.

Denise manages to get to the infirmary where she begins helping Carl. Realizing there's nothing left for him to do at the infirmary, Rick goes outside and begins an onslaught against the walkers. As soon as Carl is stitched up, Michonne, Heath, Aaron and Spencer rush outside to join Rick. Their actions motivate others of Rick's group and many Alexandrians to join the battle, with Eugene recognizing that this would be a moment in history where everyone would be counted, and Father Gabriel preaching that God has saved them by making them brave enough to fight. Glenn creates a diversion so Enid can get to Maggie on the shaky lookout tower, but is swarmed and saved by the timely arrival of Daryl, Abraham and Sasha, the latter two shooting assault rifles from atop the fuel truck.

Glenn opens the gate so Maggie and Enid can climb down the fuel truck, and they with Sasha and Abraham cover Daryl who fills a pond with fuel and ignites it with the RPG launcher. The enormous pool of fire in the night immediately draws the attention of the walkers. This takes pressure off of those fighting just as they were about to be overwhelmed, allowing them to gain the upper hand and continue relentlessly. The next morning, the survivors regroup after having killed every last walker. Rick pleads with his unconscious son to pull through, hopeful for the future as the Alexandrians have proven they have what it takes to live, now believing that Deanna's plans could be achieved. Carl's fingers close around Rick's hand in seeming response.


Between digital pirates and high sea pirates there are the Zooloos.

On the mic of their cult radio show, Rob and Nemo get the scoop... No matter what.

Tonight, as they're going after the Mayor of Paris, they 're about to fall in an ambush set up by Chief Inspector Hans (Pierre Richard) and his second in command.

Crimson Romance

In 1916, childhood best friends, Bob Wilson (Ben Lyon) and Fred von Bergen (James Bush), are test pilots working for an American company that builds bombers for the European allies. Since he is German-born and faces prejudice against his heritage, Fred loses his job and, unable to find other employment, decides to return to Germany to fight for his homeland. Although he has no special attachment to the German cause, Bob quits the aviation company and joins his friend in Germany.

On their way to a German airfield, Red Cross nurse Alida Hoffman (Sari Maritza) accidentally runs Bob and Fred off the road, Both men are immediately drawn to Alida, especially Bob although Fred is more shy. After Bob's first unsuccessful mission, Captain Wolters (Erich von Stroheim), the squadron's tyrannical leader, expresses his doubt about his loyalty but, desperate for pilots, gives him another chance.

As the United States is drawn into the war, instead of sending him into a crucial air battle, Wolters arrests Bob. Fred, heartbroken that Alida has chosen Bob, quarrels with his friend, calling him a coward. Later, however, Fred allows his friend to escape from a firing squad and flee to the Allied lines.

To prove his allegiance, Bob leads British bombers to the German base, while Fred is told by Wolters that he must shoot down Bob to prove his loyalty. Neither man is capable of killing the other, and, in the end, Fred sacrifices his life for Bob. After the war, Bob returns to Germany to marry Alida. The newly married couple then returns to the United States, and pay their respects to Fred's mother.

Case Closed: The Darkest Nightmare

A Black Organization spy, code-name Curaçao, infiltrates the NPA Security Bureau Office, stealing the NOC list of MI6, BND, CSIS, FBI and CIA agents working undercover in the Black Organization. Yuya Kazami, an officer of the Public Security Bureau, catches her red handed and Curaçao is forced to run away. Rei Furuya, also known as Bourbon, attempts to stop her from escaping and later engages in a car chase on the Rainbow Bridge, with Akai Shuichi joining later. The car chase ends up causing a havoc, and Akai decides to shoot the tire of Curaçao's vehicle, causing the car to crash and fall off the bridge. Curaçao escapes from the car as it is falling and lands in the water. She later surfaces at Tohto Aquarium near the crash site.

The next day, the Detective Boys discover Curaçao at Tohto Aquarium. She is suffering from amnesia and her phone is broken as a result of the car crash the day prior. Conan retrieves the broken phone and takes photos of Curaçao, sends the photos to Ran, who, in turn, sends them to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, then hands the phone to Dr. Agasa so he can recover the data on it. The Detective Boys then decide to stay with Curaçao to help her regain her memory. After noticing Curaçao's perfect aiming skills while playing darts and her swift act of saving Genta from falling from high a place, Haibara and Conan notice that Curaçao is not an ordinary woman, and Haibara herself gets a sense that Curaçao is likely to be another Black Organization agent. Meanwhile, Dr. Agasa attempts to recover the message from Curaçao's broken cell phone, and finds out that Curaçao attempted to send the names of known NOC agents (Stout, Aquavit, Riesling, Bourbon/Rei, and Kir/Hidemi Hondo) to the organization. Stout, Aquavit, Riesling are later killed by members of the Black Organization in London, Toronto and Berlin respectively, and Rei and Hidemi are held hostage in Tokyo. Curaçao also screams out the names of those NOC agent in front of the Detective Boys when the ferris wheel they were riding in reaches the top and the various colors she sees triggers a reaction.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police later come and take Curaçao into custody, transferring her to the Police Hospital, but they are forced to surrender her to the PSB as the Bureau believes Curaçao was the spy infiltrating the Bureau Office the day before. The Bureau becomes aware that Curaçao appears to react to certain events in the Tohto Aquarium, and decides to take her back to the Aquarium. The same night, the Black Organization, who arrived by the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, knocks out the electricity for the entire aquarium and plan to intercept Curaçao when the ferris wheel reaches the top. After Curaçao regains her memory by looking at the specific color patterns of the projected lights like she did earlier before, Yuya Kazami, who boarded the ferris wheel with her, is knocked unconscious by her and she escapes. The Black Organization attempts to detonate the bomb planted at the ferris wheel, but the bomb is disarmed by Rei after he is informed of its existence through Conan. The organization then change plans and instead fire from the V-22, trying to kill Curaçao and destabilize the wheel so that it will fall and roll. Akai, with the help of Conan and Rei, are able to shoot down the V-22, and Conan attempts to stop the rolling wheel before it crushes to the aquarium. Curaçao, having noticed that the Detective Boys are in the rolling ferris wheel, crash a crane truck into the wheel, stopping it and saving the Detective Boys but her actions cause the ferris wheel to crush her to death. Before her death, Curaçao admits to Vermouth that the mail tampered by Conan and sent from her broken cell phone that reads "Bourbon and Kir are clean" was sent on her own; thus the two are able to maintain their cover in the Black Organization.

Hell's Outpost

Tully Gibbs arrives in a California mining town looking for Kevin Russel, whose late son Al he had known in Korea during the war. Tully brings letters dictated by Al, who had lost the use of his hands. Kevin is grateful, saying Al had mentioned his friend Tully in previous correspondence.

Wealthy local bully Ben Hodes (who Tully had seen driving wildly when drunk) takes a dislike to Tully, particularly his attentions to Sarah Moffit, a woman Ben wants to have for himself. Despite Tully laying a hit on him when drunk earlier, Ben challenges Tully to a fight; Tully says he will oblige, provided Ben lends him $10,000 if he wins. Tully then knocks him cold.

Ben keeps his end of the bargain, but after Tully uses the money to begin a rival mining enterprise, Ben sabotages a bulldozer, organizes a roadblock and impedes Tully wherever he attempts to go. Sarah confides in Sam Horne, the newspaper publisher, that she doubts the authenticity of Tully's story about Al's letters.

An attempt by Ben to blow up Tully's mine with dynamite backfires, leaving Ben dead. Tully discovers that Kevin has known all along that he wrote the letters from Korea himself, pretending the sentiments were Al's. He is forgiven, by Sarah as well.

Chihayafuru Part 1

In elementary school, Chihaya Ayase forms a bond, through competitive karuta, with two of her Tokyo classmates; recent Fukui transfer student Arata Wataya and Taichi Mashima, her childhood friend. Arata is a prodigious karuta player whose dream is to become Meijin, the men's division karuta champion in Japan, equivalent to the women's division Queen title. He believes that Chihaya has the potential to become a great player. Inspired, Chihaya commits to a new dream, becoming Japan's best karuta player. Not content with only participating in their school's tournament, the trio team up and join a local karuta society. They are soon separated, at the end of primary school, when Arata moves back to Fukui while Taichi and Chihaya enrol in different middle schools. but not before promising each other to remain connected through karuta. In her first year in high school, karuta obsessed Chihaya is reunited with Taichi, when she is recruiting students to join her for karuta competitions. Together, they form the Mizusawa Karuta Club. Participation in tournaments enables them to reconnect with Arata. Unbeknownst to Chihaya, the two boys have fallen in love with her. With her teammates and friends supporting her, Chihaya continues to strive to become the best karuta player in the world, while forging relationships with other players.

African Manhunt

At a military outpost in Africa, Sergeant Drover (John Kellogg) kills his commanding officer, robs the camp safe and runs into the jungle.

Months later, U.S. Army Intelligence assigns Captain Kirby (Myron Healey) to investigate a message from a western doctor (Ray Bennett), who runs a medical clinic in a remote area.

Believing that the killer is hiding near the clinic, the Kirby arranges to be transported upriver to search for the murderer and return him to stand trial with Rene Carvel (Ross Elliott) of the French African Corps as his guide.

Just before they arrive, Drover guesses that the doctor has alerted authorities about his presence and murders him. He tries to kill his pursuers as well, but they capture and arrest him.

After burying the doctor and closing the clinic, the team begin the difficult journey back to the coast with Clark's assistant, Ann Davis (Karin Booth), and the handcuffed murderer. Of course, a love interest is formed between Ms. Davis and Captain Kirby and noticed by the observant French guide.

Continually looking for a way to escape, Drover is stuck riding in the canoe with Bob, Rene and several locals; however, when they stop to camp in the villages, Rene lets down his vigil. Drover kills him too and escapes.

The Captain chases him and returns him to custody after chasing off an elephant trying to charge Ms. Davis.

After burying Rene, Ms. Davis and Captain Kirby get back to the river journey with criminal in tow.

Following numerous terrain difficulties, animal attacks, and assorted "Hollywoodery", Drover manages to get himself killed and Kirby saves the girl from certain death. The locals to perform a ritual dance to celebrate and the surviving protagonists decide they will stay together when they reach their destination.

City of Shadows

Big Tim Channing is a small-time racketeer who makes a living supplying old, out-of-date slot machines to businesses. Gangsters Di Bruno and Finetti are his main competition. He finds that many gamblers are using slugs rather than coins to play his machines. He catches 12-year-old Dan Mason, an orphaned newsboy, using slugs. Dan admits he and all the other newsboys use slugs, winning jackpots to make money. Channing realizes he can drive other racketeers out of business by having the newsboys fill the slot machines with slugs. Channing becomes a father-figure to the boy.

Ten years later, Channing has taken over all the rackets in the city and Di Bruno and Finetti now work for him. Dan is going to law school. Dan is adept at finding legal loopholes to help Tim and his gang avoid conviction. Dan is romancing Fern Fellows, daughter of a retired judge, so that he can get at the rare law books in her father's collection. He uses these books to find the loopholes that help Channing. When Dan's background is exposed, Fern makes him promise to stop being a crook.

After graduating from law school, Dan persuades Channing to "go legit" (get out of the rackets and into legal business). Dan, meanwhile, opens a firm that supplies security guards. Di Bruno and Finetti pressure Channing to resume crime, and he starts a protection racket. Channing avoids targeting any firm employing Dan's security service.

One of the district attorney's men, Phil Jergins begins to investigate Dan's firm in the belief that Dan is running the protection racket. Jergins pretends to be a public relations man, and is hired by Dan. Jergins nonchalantly gives Dan's secretary some pencils that secretly contain a luminous material. At night, Jergins collects the security company's records from the trash using ultraviolet light. Channing learns of the law's interest in Dan's firm, and alerts Dan. Dan is furious once he realizes that Channing only knew about the luminous pencils through his underworld contacts.

In despair, Dan (who did not know that Channing was sparing him from the protection racket) decides to close his company and cancel his engagement to marry Fern. Channing goes to the district attorney and confesses his crimes to prove Dan's innocence. Dan relents, and he and Fern marry.

Di Bruno and Finetti, realizing that Channing has ratted them out as well, shoot Channing. Channing, however, manages to shoot and kill the two gangsters in turn. Channing dies in Dan's arms, telling him, "When you play with slugs, you get slugged on another day."

The Battlers (novel)

The novel follows the journeys of a group of Australian men and women roaming the countryside looking for work during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The Road to Denver

Bill Mayhew is constantly getting his wild younger brother Sam out of trouble, even serving a prison sentence in Sam's place once. Because of their reputation, the brothers change names and head their separate ways.

Bill lands a job with John Sutton, a livery stable owner, and is attracted to Sutton's daughter, Elizabeth. He likes Sutton's idea of starting a stagecoach line to Denver, and intends to go along on the stage's first journey, guarding a shipment of gold.

Sam turns up and is hired by saloonkeeper Jim Donovan, who wants to control all businesses, Sutton's included. When he deduces they are brothers, Donovan pretends to hold Sam hostage until Bill brings him the gold. Bill double-crosses him and makes sure the gold is safe. Sam, feeling his brother a fool, demands a showdown. Bill outdraws him, shoots the gun from his hand, then turns his back. Sam finally reforms, even becoming a stagecoach driver for Sutton.

Cross Channel (film)

Crime drama. 61 minutes, made in black-and-white. 1954.

A criminal gang is operating a smuggling racket, bringing stolen jewellery into England across the English Channel.

Gary Parker, an American from Texas, known informally as 'Tex', is skipper of a small sea-going motor launch and runs a business known as 'Parker Charter Service', a small operation consisting of Tex himself and a single employee, a burly (but whisky-soaked) deckhand named 'Soapy'.

Tex is hired to transport a passenger named Kerrick from Dover in Kent to a French trawler in the middle of the English Channel. But Kerrick deceives him into bringing back to England a packet of stolen jewellery, which he obtains from the French boat but pretends he had forgotten to mail before departing from Dover.

When Tex goes to the address on the packet, he there finds Hugo Platt, the conignee, motionless, wide-eyed but seemingly dead, sitting bolt up-right at his desk; he falls forward just as the police arrive, and Tex escapes through the window; but Otto Dagoff, the dead man's partner, follows him back to the boatyard.

Dagoff tells him the jewellery was stolen in England, smuggled to Amsterdam, re-cut, then smuggled back into England. Dagoff accuses Tex of the murder, and blackmails him into sailing the next night to meet a ship in mid-Channel, the SS Cypriota, deliver the jewels to its captain, and bring back $20,000 in American currency.

The next night, Tex sets out to sea, but finds a stowaway on his boat: the supposedly dead Hugo Platt. Platt intends to murder him and abscond with the $20,000, so that, when Tex doesn't show up again, Dagoff will believe Tex has stolen his money, so will not be looking for Platt.

In a fight on the motor launch, Tex is thrown overboard by Platt; but he is picked up from the sea when it grows light, by a passing French fishing boat, 'The Blue Orchid', and is landed by the fishing boat in France.

The police send a man to the boat yard to interview Tex, but Soapy does not know when Tex will be returning.

Later, Tex telephones Soapy from the dockside. Soapy reports the boat was found beached off Felixstowe, and that the cops have been tipped-off about the diamonds. Tex then telephones Dagoff, and speaks to his assistant, Kitty, (June Ashley). He warns her about Platt, expecting her to tell Dagoff; but unknown to him, Kitty is in cahoots with Platt, who's standing next to her, overhearing everything .

In France, Tex falls in love with Jacqueline, (Yvonne Furneaux), the beautiful sister of Jean-Pierre, the skipper of the 'Blue Orchid'. And Tex finds the smuggler, Kerrick in a café, attempting to play the same game with Jean-Pierre that he had used to deceive Tex. There is a fight; Kerrick gets the better of Jean Pierre, but not Tex, so threatens him with a gun. Nevertheless Tex warns Kerrick that Hugo Platt is still alive and has tried to kill him, and that it is Hugo who has stolen the money.

Kerrick reports to Dagoff that Tex is still alive in France. Platt comes to Port Solaire and shoots at Tex through the glass of the same dockside telephone kiosk, but he survives, and embarks on the 'Blue Orchid' for England. Jacqueline extracts the bullet, and nurses Tex on the voyage to England - which is quite lengthy due to the fishing which is done en route.

Kerrick now blackmails Hugo into giving him half of the stolen money - ten thousand dollars. But Hugo kills him instead, to avoid doing so.

Tex returns to Dover, and Soapy mentions that Kitty had called by with Hugo, and that they had tried to extort information from Soapy of Tex's whereabouts - information he didn't have. Tex realises that Kitty never passed on the 'phone message he gave her.

Hugo and Kitty make plans to flee together, to get clear of Dagoff. Soapy and Tex try to find Kerrick, but at his rooms they find Detective Sgt. Burroughs instead, who's called in to investigate Kerrick's murder. Tex nearly gets arrested, but Soapy locks the door to the apartment as they run for it, so that the police can't follow.

Tex now goes to see Dagoff, to clear himself of suspicion. He knows he can call on the Captain of the SS Cypriota to identify Hugo as the man who was given the $20,000. But Kitty and Hugo intervene, and Hugo callously shoots Dagoff. In the ensuing fight between Hugo, Tex and Soapy, Kitty accidentally shoots and kills Hugo.

Finally, Tex is reunited in France with Jacqueline, who runs to meet his approaching boat: they embrace.

Attack on Titan (video game)

The game retells key moments from the ''Attack on Titan'' manga (chapters 1 through 33), which are also covered by the first season of the anime series, in addition to new scenarios involving the key characters.

In 845, when Eren was just 10 years old, the "Colossal Titan" suddenly appeared. Large enough to breach the Wall, it allowed other Titans to rampage through the city. One of them ate Carla, Eren's mother. With the so-called "Armored Titan" now preventing access, Wall Maria was abandoned and humanity were forced to fall back to Wall Rose. Having lost his family, his home and his dreams, Eren swore revenge on the Titans. Aiming to become a member of the Scout Regiment, he joined the "104th Cadet Corps."

Five years after Eren enlisted, the "Colossal Titan" suddenly appeared again. Eren tried to fight it alone but failed to defeat it. He returned to headquarters and then takes a squad out himself, but the mission was a failure with Eren suffering a terrible injury to his leg and many soldiers being killed. When Armin was about to be eaten by a Titan, Eren sacrifices his life to save him. Immediately before the Trost District Wall was destroyed by the Colossal Titan, elite members of the Scout Regiment were on a mission outside the Wall. The principal role of the Scout Regiment was to scout beyond the Wall, seeking a way to take back Wall Maria which was lost 5 years previously. Setting up supply bases in destroyed towns and villages, they sought to secure a route for a large force to make their way to the Shiganshina District, where the Wall was destroyed. Fighting with the Titans outside the wall as they go, they sought to secure the route while making new discoveries along the way.

The brave resistance offered by the Garrison Regiment, combined with the return of the Scout Regiment, was enough to keep Wall Rose safe from the Titans. Within the Walls, however, the same chaos descended as was experienced when Wall Maria was lost 5 years previously. Not only has the Colossal Titan attacked humanity again, but the damaged Wall has been repaired - unbelievably - by the "power of the Titans." Is Eren an ally for humanity or just another enemy? As the debate continues within the Walls, the Scout Regiment - newly joined by Eren - begin their 57th mission to the outside world.

Silver Hoof

An old man Kokovanya has no family and decides to take an orphan into his house. He finds out that Daryonka (lit. "A gift"), a 6-year-old girl, has recently lost her family and invites her to live with him. She accepts, and when she asks about his profession, he reveals that he works as a gold prospector in summer, and in winter he's hunting a certain goat in the forests, because he wants "to see where he stamps his right forefoot". Kokovanya, Daryonka and her cat named Muryonka start living together.

Kokovanya works to earn their living, the girl cleans the house and cooks. Winter comes, and Kokovanya decides to go hunting in the forest as usual. He tells Daryonka about the grey goat called Silver Hoof:

That's a very special goat. On his right forefoot he's got a silver hoof. And when he stamps with that silver hoof he leaves a gem there. If he stamps once there's one gem, if he stamps twice there are two, and if he begins to paw the ground there'll be a whole pile. [...] Ordinary goats have two horns, but this one's got antlers, with five tines.

Unlike other goats' horns, Silver Hoof's horns are not shed in winter, and that is how Kokovanya is planning to recognize him. Daryonka begs the old man to take her hunting, and he reluctantly agrees. The cat follows them too. In the forest, Kokovanya goes hunting every day and comes back with a lot of regular goat meat and skins. Soon they have so much meat that Kokovanya has to go back to the village to bring the horse, so that they could carry everything back. He leaves the girl in the forest for a while. Next morning Daryonka sees Silver Hoof passing by. That night, she sees her cat Muryonka sitting in the glade with the goat in front of her, as if they are communicating. They run about the glade for a long time. Next day Muryonka and the goat are gone, but Kokovanya and Daryonka find a lot of gemstones. "After that people often found stones in the glade where the goat had run about. Most of them were green ones, chrysolites, folks call them."

Timing (film)

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a boy called Li Yam San. One day, he suddenly found a time machine. He bought a lottery ticket and won. There he bought drugs, girls, etc. But someone from the future kidnapped him. Witness what would happen next and watch it yourself.


Two men, Smith (Steve Oram) and Keith (Tom Meeten) arrive in a woodland clearing. Smith cries over a photograph of his estranged wife before he and Keith perform a ritual in which they urinate on the photograph. Keith dries Smith's eyes and penis and they head downhill towards a vast suburban sprawl.

In the Ryan family household a young woman, Denise (Lucy Honigman), is preparing dinner with her mother, Barabara (Toyah Willcox). They watch a cookery show in which the topless host Rayna (Shelley Longworth) prepares a meat, potato and salt dinner. Barabara copies the recipe and tenderises a steak by bashing it on the kitchen door.

Smith and Keith arrive in town and decide to follow a scruffy man, Og (Sean Reynard) who masturbates in an underpass using a mouse. Smith and Keith rough him up and scare him. Og returns to his 'alpha', Ryan (Julian Rhind-Tutt) to tell him about these new threatening males, but Ryan gives him a beating and forces him to set up the new widescreen television. Ryan and Og sit down to play a motorbike game on the games console.

The family eats dinner, but Og tries to have sex with Denise and she leaves the room. In the kitchen she sees her father, Jupiter (Julian Barratt) looking sadly in at the kitchen window. She gives him a Battenburg cake and they share a tender moment before Jupiter returns to the garden where he now lives. He lies under a tree with his cake, a broken man.

We see a Flashback of a previous time when Jupiter was the alpha male of the house. He serves a Sunday Roast human leg to Barabara, Denise and Og. But Og disrupts the happy scene by confronting him aggressively, an act that Jupiter fails to deal with properly. The washing machine breaks down and Barabara rounds on Jupiter also.

Back in the dinner room, the family eats pudding. Ryan initiates a food fight and covers Barabara with blancmange. Barabara retaliates and they have a huge fight. Denise storms out of the house, fed up with them all.

In the park Denise meets up with her streetwise cousin Helen (Holli Dempsey) and they drink vodka together. Helen has itchy VD and Denise suggests she pour vodka down her crotch which she does. They go shoplifting and are caught by a shop assistant, Carl (Noel Fielding). The shop manager (Waen Shepherd) interrogates them in the basement and masturbates in front of them before falling asleep on his desk. Carl then gets Helen to give him a blow job, but Helen bites his penis off. The girls flee with some money from the cash box.

A debauched party is now going on at the Ryan house. Denise and Helen return and flaunt the money they stole in front of Ryan but he is paralytic on drink and drugs and passes out. Smith and Keith arrive at the party and piss on the walls, scent marking it. They graffiti Ryan's sleeping face, then Keith rests his testicles on Ryan's head and Smith photographs it on Ryan's phone, which he returns to Ryan's pocket. Smith and Keith disrupt the party and Smith has sex with Denise in the bathroom.

Smith, Keith and Denise leave the party. They break into an unoccupied house where Smith & Denise perform a 'wedding' ritual to celebrate their union.

Next morning Ryan awakes, hungover and graffitied. He smokes outside and Jupiter laughs at his face.

We see another flashback which charts Jupiter's fall from 'alpha' status. Barabara and Ryan, the washing machine repair man, flirt. Ryan then forms an alliance with Og before Ryan and Barabara have sex on top of the washing machine in front of Jupiter. Ryan and Og then beat Jupiter senseless, goaded on by Barabara, while Denise looks on distraught.

Ryan sees the photograph on his phone of Keith's testicles resting on his head and is furious. He and Og head out on the warpath and clash with Smith and Keith on some waste ground. Keith is stabbed by Og before Smith chases Og, smashing his head on the ground and killing him. Smith then rips Ryan's arm off and leaves him for dead.

Smith and Denise return to the house. Smith smashes up the kitchen in a display to convince Barabara of his new alpha status, but she is unconvinced. He tries to have sex with her but can not get it up and Barabara laughs at him. Smith collects Keith's body and gives him a 'funeral' before placing his corpse in the wheelie bin. Barabara is also unimpressed by this.

Smith invites Jupiter into the house and tries to involve him in the new 'family' group, but Jupiter only manages to wet his pants before sitting alone repeatedly watching an inane children's TV show involving an animated chicken. Smith repairs the house and gradually begins to win Barabara over. They all sit down to watch a sitcom starring two big comedy stars (Tony Way and Alice Lowe) which features slo-mo action replays of lame pratfalls. They all enjoy it and Jupiter seems to get his 'voice' back. This delights Denise and they seem to be a happy 'family' at last.

In the night Jupiter stabs Barabara, Smith and Denise to death, then sits back down to watch the animated chicken on TV.

The Vanishing American (1955 film)

Marion Warner inherits a ranch from an uncle. Stranded in the desert, she encounters Blandy, a white man raised by Navajos who believes her land actually belongs to the Indians. A trading post owner, Morgan, aided by partner Blucher and hired guns Glendon and Lord, has been stealing from the Navajos and kidnapping women, including Yashi, who is held prisoner until Marion arranges her escape. An expert with a gun, Marion also rescues Etenia, the Navajo chief, after Morgan's men attempt to kill him.

Blandy is able to help Marion steal documents from Morgan's safe relating to the rightful ownership of the land. Blandy is taken captive and tortured as Marion realizes she has fallen in love with him. She sends for the law, Sheriff Joe Walker, then rescues him after he is taken prisoner. Walker then takes Morgan into custody as Blandy and Marion come to the aid of the Navajos and plan a future together.

The Fighting Chance (1955 film)

After a dispute over money, trainer Bill Binyon and a young jockey, Mike Gargan, quit working for thoroughbred owner Al Moreno, whose girlfriend Janet Wales leaves him as well.

Bill and Mike go to California, where they are employed by "Lucky Jim" Morrison's stable. A flirtatious Janet turns up and draws interest from both men. Mike also is infatuated with Miss Ellen, a filly he believes could become a champion racehorse.

Janet turns out to be a devious, scheming woman, attempting to make both men jealous. After she declines Mike's marriage proposal, he disappears to Mexico, where he gambles, drinks and neglects his career. Bill takes a chance by marrying Janet, but her lavish spending habits leaves them bickering and broke.

Morrison's death from a heart attack results in his horses, Miss Ellen, coming up for auction. Mike returns and outbids Bill for the filly, then reluctantly accepts a loan and partnership when Bill lends him enough money to make the purchase. With a race coming up that offers a $400,000 prize, the horse is not in perfect health, but Janet wants the money and persuades Bill and Mike to enter Miss Ellen in the race.

In the saddle, Mike has to ease up when the horse begins bleeding. Miss Ellen finishes second. A furious Janet derides both men as losers, announcing she and Bill are through. Unbeknownst to her, Bill bet on their horse across the board (win, place and show). He throws $40,000 worth of tickets in Janet's face. When she picks them up, he hits Janet with the horse's whip. Bill and Mike walk away, resuming their partnership and friendship.

Nijigahara Holograph

The story jumps back and forth between years and events, allowing the reader to piece together how the nonlinear events are correlated.

The focal point of the story is the character Arie Kimura, a pretty fifth grade student with pale skin and long hair. She enjoys telling her classmates a scary fairy tale in which a girl is sent by God to warn a village of a monster that will destroy them. The villagers fear her predictions, and seven of them decide to sacrifice her to appease the monster. The girl is reborn over and over, doomed to repeat the cycle, with the monster growing larger every time due to its stomach getting fuller with bodies. This fairy tale foreshadows the general structure of the manga.

Arie claims the monster hides in Nijigahara tunnel, a dark tunnel close to their school. The students' teacher, Sakaki, explains that the Nijigahara embankment was named for a legend about a , a "cow with a human face" known to predict plagues and suffering before mysteriously dying. Arie's classmates bully her, disturbed by her tale while also repressing their own individual personal problems, and seven of them eventually push Arie down a well leading into Nijigahara tunnel to appease the "monster," mirroring the fairy tale. The children convince the adults that it was an accident, and Arie ends up comatose and stays this way for the majority of the story. Shortly after, ominous glowing cabbage butterflies begin to swarm the town. Arie's classmates grow up and try to move on with their lives, but still find themselves haunted by the incident and the guilt of their actions. They are plagued by internal monsters: guilt, pain, trauma, etc., and are unable to rid themselves of their painful memories and deeds. These repressed emotions continue to have an influence throughout their lives in all timeline versions of themselves, whether they appear as adults, parents, or old people.

However, many of the characters act on their dark emotions through the alternate timelines as well, as a way to purge themselves of their dark thoughts and temporarily affix blame on others. Their internal monsters follow them throughout their lives and are shown to always plague them. In all alternate timelines, Arie mirrors the sacrificial girl from the fairy tale, being murdered, raped, abused, or even committing suicide.

Jaguar (1956 film)

Two Americans are hired for an expedition into a dangerous South American (Motilone) area. Mystery, adventure, and drama weave through the film as Americans face some fearsome Motilone Jaguar worshiping warriors. Family members reunite, and people die as the deceptive crew search for oil.

Hidden Guns

An entire town is afraid of a man called Stragg, a wealthy and ruthless saloon owner who employs hired guns and has cheated many of the citizens out of their money and land. The only man who stands up to Stragg is the popular sheriff, Ward Young, but no one, including Ward's son, deputy Faron, is willing to side with him against the powerful Stragg.

When a law is changed that will strip Ward of his authority within 48 hours, he becomes determined to put Stragg behind bars as his last act. He seeks out Burt Miller, brother of a man Stragg has had murdered. On a stagecoach ride with Miller, his witness, accompanied by Doc Carter's beautiful daughter, Becky, another passenger listens to their conversation. He is a gunslinger named Snipe Harding, who has been hired by Stragg to kill the sheriff and the witness.

Snipe recognizes that killing Ward will be difficult, knowing him to be a fast draw. After he kills Miller, he persuades Stragg to challenge the sheriff to a showdown in front of everyone in town. When the men draw, Snipe shoots the sheriff from a hiding place. Doc Carter and others can only conclude that Ward was shot in a fair fight.

Faron, however, is suspicious, and Doc's examination proves that the sheriff was shot with a rifle, not a pistol. He goes gunning for Snipe, killing him, and the townspeople come to his aid when Stragg attempts to flee.

Rose Rose I Love You (film)

Thief Micky was arrested by police detectives Keith Lui and Leung Sing-po while attempting to steal a priceless diamond called "Star of Malaysia". However, when this priceless gem goes missing, Micky frames Black Rose for stealing it, causing an uproar.

One night, Micky escapes from prison while Keith and Sing-po were ordered to bring him back to justice. The two had devised an ingenious scheme to get close to Micky's ex-lover, Pearl Chan, in order to search for clues. Meanwhile, Black Rose disguises herself as a civilian under the name of Beauty, and gets close to Keith in order to clear her name, which causes a lot of headaches for Keith. Micky proceeds to retrieve the key to the "Star of Malaysia" from Pearl, who turns out to be the incarnation of White Rose, Black Rose's rival. Pearl has been investigating the whereabouts of the gem, but unbeknownst to her, the key was hidden in a necklace that she regularly wore, and Micky successfully retrieves the key. However, Mickyu's girlfriend, Lulu (Charine Chan), turns out to be White Rose's follower and tricks Micky into giving out the key. When Black Rose learns of this, she also proceeds to take the key and prove her innocence. At this time, Keith and Sing-po realize the true identities of their respective love interests, Beauty and Pearl. To get back the key, Micky ties a bomb around him and threatens to kill everyone.

The Oolah

The play is set in Persia, where it is claimed that the marriage laws require a divorced wife who wishes to return to a husband must first marry another man, and then divorce that second spouse. "The Oolah" is the person who performs that role. However, the Oolah seeks to retire from his job to marry for real, yet he has one more professional marriage to accomplish first.Bordman, Gerald, and Richard Norton. [ American Musical Theatre: A Chronicle 4th ed.], p. 113 (2011)

The Oolah's most popular comedic lines included "think twice about divorcing once", and "I have been married a hundred and fifteen times and not once deceived. I have known men who have been married but once, but who were deceived a hundred and fifteen times."

One Piece Film: Gold

The Straw Hat Pirates arrive at Gran Tesoro, a ship and entertainment city ruled by Gild Tesoro. The concierge Baccarat gives the Straw Hats a VIP stay due to their fame, and they go to a casino, where they win a lot of money. Baccarat then takes them to the VIP lounge to meet Tesoro, who challenges them to a dice game. However, Baccarat uses her Devil Fruit abilities to strip Luffy of his luck, causing him to lose. She reveals her foul play and the Straw Hats refuse to give up their money, causing them to fight Baccarat, Tesoro, and his subordinates Mr. Tanaka and Dice. They are overwhelmed, and Tesoro, who can manipulate gold, captures Zoro by manipulating the gold dust sprayed on him when he entered Gran Tesoro. Tesoro gives the Straw Hats until midnight the next day to repay their debt, or he will execute Zoro.

Outside, the Straw Hats run into Carina, a former acquaintance of Nami's who is now working for Tesoro. They hatch a plan with Carina to steal money kept in the main hotel, and find out that most people in the city are enslaved to Tesoro. Tesoro pays CP-0 agent Spandam to send World Government forces after the Straw Hats. The next day, the Straw Hats split up into two teams and infiltrate the hotel. Team A, Luffy and Franky, scale it from the outside in order to disable its surveillance network. They disable it, but are caught by security. Tesoro and Tanaka then confront them, and Tesoro binds Luffy's arms in gold before Tanaka sends them plummeting into the Golden Prison, a large cavern filled with nothing but gold.

Luffy and Franky meet Raise Max, a legendary gambler and member of the Revolutionary Army who takes them through a dangerous pipe system to get to a seawater pipeline and wash the gold off Luffy. They reach the pipeline after Max stops a giant spinning fan. Meanwhile, the rest of the Straw Hats and Carina sneak into the room containing the money, only to find themselves on a stage as part of a trap laid by Tesoro and Carina. Tesoro reveals that he knows where Luffy and Franky are and attempts to drown them by flooding their location with seawater. He then attempts to execute Zoro, but when trying to release liquid gold from Gran Tesoro's fountains, seawater comes out instead. Carina's group reveals that they had intended for all of this to happen in order for the seawater to be released, and the seawater frees everyone from Tesoro's control by washing the gold dust off them. Luffy and Franky's group emerges from a fountain, and the Straw Hats reunite as Gran Tesoro's citizens and prisoners rise up against Tesoro and his crew.

Intent on remaining in control, Tesoro blows up the hotel and forms it into golden armor for his subordinates and a giant golem that he occupies. The Straw Hats fight Tesoro's crew, and Luffy goes after Tesoro, but is overwhelmed. Marine forces led by Rob Lucci then attack Gran Tesoro, and Spandam captures Luffy. However, Sabo intercepts Lucci, and a child that Luffy inspired saves him from Spandam. The Straw Hats defeat Baccarat, Tanaka, and Dice, and Luffy uses Gear Four to destroy Tesoro's golem. Tesoro turns the golem into liquid gold, which traps everyone except Luffy. Tesoro attacks Luffy with a massive tendril of gold, but Luffy destroys it and defeats him, sending him flying into the Marine fleet where he is arrested. Everyone is freed from the gold, but Gran Tesoro then appears to go into a self-destruct protocol. Carina decides to stay behind while everyone else evacuates, and as the Straw Hats depart, they realize the protocol was false and Carina now has control over Gran Tesoro. As the Straw Hats are chased by the Marine fleet, Carina sails Gran Tesoro into the distance.

Don't Kill It

While chasing deer on a hunting trip in southern Mississippi, Gabriel's dog discovers and opens a small, unusual golden container. When Gabriel finds his dog, it acts strangely before violently attacking him. After shooting and killing the dog in self-defense, Gabriel returns home, displaying the same unusual behaviors and black eyes. In the wake of killing his family, Gabriel enters a neighboring house and begins to slaughter everyone in sight before being shot dead by his neighbor, Marcus, who immediately gets the same black eyes and completes Gabriel's task, by murdering his own family.

A few days later, demon hunter Jebediah Woodley hears of the murders on the radio and travels to the small town to investigate. At the same time, FBI agent Evelyn Pierce, who grew up in the area, has been assigned to investigate the case for possible links to domestic terrorism. Woodley travels to the local police station to express his concerns. However, Pierce - along with Dunham, the local police chief - quickly dismiss Woodley's claims of demon activity and order him to be detained under the assumption that he is mentally ill. Whilst Pierce leaves to interview a witness to the most recent series of murders, Woodley advises her to ask about the killer's eyes. Upon interviewing the witness, it is explained to Pierce that Gabriel entered the witness' home and killed her daughter before being shot by her husband, Marcus. Marcus then executed their son and attempted to murder her before she escaped. Pierce learns that the husband's eyes also turned black before he went into a murderous rampage, and thus realizes Woodley is in fact telling the truth.

Back at the station, Woodley is released by Pierce and Dunham. At a nearby café, Woodley explains to them that the demon possesses the body of whoever killed its last host. He goes on to say that the only way to defeat the demon is by killing the host whilst simultaneously ensuring your own death; his own father captured the demon when he was a child and poisoned himself before killing the host. Woodley held onto the captured demon for decades before it escaped.

After stocking up on weapons and ammunition, Woodley and Pierce's investigation takes them to a nearby cabin in the woods. Woodley and Pierce mistakenly capture a drunkard living in the cabin, who says he shot the demon in the stomach and that it was his friend, Glen, that executed the demon's host and ran off into the woods immediately following the incident. Woodley and Pierce proceed to track the demon through the woods, which ends with Pierce being attacked by the demon. Instead of killing her, the demon shows an interest in Pierce and attempts to get her to kill it, giving her horrible visions of an apocalyptic future. Woodley tries to subdue the demon, but before he can do so, it manages to escape. Later, Pierce visits her old home with Woodley and tells him that she drowned to death in her garden pool as a child, but was mysteriously brought back to life. This resulted in her family being persecuted and run out of town by superstitious citizens.

Dunham organizes a town hall meeting, late at night, to warn citizens of the danger. During his speech, Dunham is interrupted by the demon, who slaughters the congregation and rapidly changes bodies before Woodley can get to it. It flees to a nearby house, where it manipulates a young girl into killing its host, thus taking over the girl. Dunham flees the town; at the same time Woodley enters a church, where the local pastor, Erikson, who remains suspicious of him, accuses Woodley and Pierce of being evil and the cause of mayhem. Woodley reacts by punching Erikson, and leaves to rejoin Pierce.

The father of the now-possessed girl, Emmett, encounters Woodley and Pierce in the middle of the anarchy, urging both to help him. Woodley and Pierce travel to Emmett's home, where it is revealed Emmett has locked his daughter in a backroom. Woodley convinces Emmett to poison himself and kill his daughter, ending the demon's trail as before. However, the FBI - who have been called there secretly by Pierce - storm the home before Emmett can carry out the killing, and Emmett dies uselessly; the head agent, Deacon Shepherd, has Woodley arrested for poisoning him. The possessed girl slaughters the FBI agents except for Shepherd, who mortally wounds the demon before it flees.

Fleeing farther into the woods, the demon's host eventually dies and it possesses Shepherd, given he mortally wounded the demon minutes prior. The demon once more goads Pierce into killing it. Woodley risks his own life to successfully capture the demon and prepares to poison himself in an effort to kill the demon, like his father before him. Before completing the ritual, Woodley and Pierce are interrupted by Erikson, who has tracked them down with an angry mob of congregation members under the assumption Woodley is evil and has captured an innocent man. Erikson attacks Woodley as the mob frees Shepherd, who immediately begins to murder everyone present. Erikson kills Shepherd and is possessed. As the demon tries to kill Woodley, Pierce grabs a vest covered in grenades from a dead FBI agent's corpse and pulls the pin out before killing Erikson. As the demon takes over Pierce, apocalyptic phenomena from Pierce's earlier visions begin to occur. Whilst possessed Pierce levitates off the ground, but the grenade in her hand detonates, killing both her and the demon.

Some time later, Woodley is seen on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Having captured the remains of the demon in a flask, Woodley drops the flask into the ocean. The flask is quickly consumed by a great white shark, implying the events will repeat in the near future.

Thunder Over Arizona

Colourful western about a crooked landowner.

Ruben Guthrie

Life is good for Ruben Guthrie (Patrick Brammall), who works as an advertisement executive and leads a lifestyle of a party boy and lives in a house on the water with his model fiancée. He's at the top of his game until Ruben lands at the bottom of his infinity pool from some drunken skylarking. Ruben's fiancée leaves him, but says she'll get back with him if he can go a year without drinking.

A Strange Adventure

A trio of thieves make their getaway by kidnapping a young hot-rodder, and take over a mountain cabin for a hideout after overpowering its occupants.

Shantytown (film)

Liz Gorty, the daughter of the owners of a boarding house, takes a liking to a new married mechanic in town, Bill Allen. He gets mixed up with a gang of thieves who force him to drive a getaway car in a robbery. Knowing he has been framed, Bill goes into hiding and Liz uses her job at a radio station to get messages to him.

Bright Lucifer

After the disappearance of Jack's wife (in the wake of a sexual affair and drug abuse scandal), he has abandoned his career in Hollywood (where he specialised in "creature features" - playing the monster in B-movie horror films) and is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He has arranged for a retreat to recover in the family cabin (on a north woods Indian reservation) with his brother (Bill - a tabloid newspaper editor) and his brother's young ward (Eldred - a strange, young asthmatic), his brother's wife (Martha) due to arrive a few days later. As the play opens the three males have been fishing, and tensions are already high. Outside the cabin an American Indian funeral is ongoing, and "devil drums" ceaselessly beat throughout. The twisting story unfolds to encompass whisky, murder, God, the Devil, a monster costume, insanity, and the hysterical desecration of a corpse. The entire play taking place over two nights, and is set entirely in the cabin in the woods.

Tom and Jerry: The Movie (video game)

In the Master System version, Tom has an adventurous big chase for Jerry inside the house, outside, through the country then back inside the house, ending with Tom finally catching Jerry momentarily. In the Game Gear version, Tom chases Jerry on a quest to look for a hidden treasure taking them from the house all the way to an island where the treasure is buried.

Love Is Not Perfect

Thirty-five year old Elena works for a publishing house. She has chosen to live as a single woman after her long-lasting but unsatisfying relationship with Marco, a free-lance photographer, ended when she discovered him flirting with another man in a restaurant.

After a minor accident on a scooter she meets Adriana, a seductive young woman, and Ettore, an older man. Attracted to Adriana's unpredictability, which offers excitement and passion, and Ettore's calmness, which provides stability and security, Elena finds herself torn between the two and enters into a relationship with both in pursuit of love.

The Circus of Life

A young nobleman marries a poor peasant girl, who is falsely accused of murder and transported to Siberia. She eventually escapes with her lover.

Friend Request

Laura Woodson is a popular campus student with over 800 friends on Facebook. She lives with Olivia Mathison, Isabelle, and Gustavo Garcia, Isabelle's boyfriend. She is close friends with Kobe and is dating Tyler McCormick.

Laura receives a friend request from her classmate Marina Mills. Noticing she has no friends, she accepts and the two begin a relationship as friends, but she is uncomfortable with Marina's obsessive behavior and sees that her Facebook profile is full of negative posts. Marina wants to attend Laura's birthday dinner but Laura lies and says only she and Tyler are going out. That night, Marina sees pictures of Laura and her friends on Facebook, and angrily confronts her the next day. During their quarrel, Laura accidentally reveals Marina's bald spot, a result of hair pulling disorder. She then unfriends Marina on Facebook.

The next morning, it is announced that Marina committed suicide. Laura feels responsible but tries to forget about it until Marina uploads a video showing her burning a sketch of Laura before hanging herself. The video is somehow posted on Laura's own page and she is unable to remove it or delete her account. Marina adds Gustavo as a friend. He is then terrorized by a demonic spirit and has his face smashed by an invisible entity. Isabelle discovers him and is sent to the hospital. A video of Gustavo's apparent suicide is posted on Laura's page, damaging her reputation even further.

Laura and Kobe break into Marina's dorm room and find an old class photograph from an orphanage. Laura visits the orphanage and discovers Marina's real last name is Nedifar, and she was tormented by two boys when she was younger. The boys were murdered, with their faces mutilated and swarmed by black wasps, the same way Gustavo died. Her mother had been part of a commune, rumored to be a demonic cult, until someone set it on fire. Her mother, then pregnant, was horribly burned and rendered brain dead, so doctors performed a C-section to deliver Marina. Kobe does research on black mirrors, which they keep seeing, and learns that they were mostly used by witches.

Isabelle becomes Marina's next victim. A video of her killing herself is posted on Laura's page. Olivia is attacked and, after being possessed, killed herself. Laura and Kobe go in search of the place where Marina committed suicide to destroy the black mirror she died in front of, as that is what she used to become an evil spirit to torment Laura. Kobe, realizing he is the next victim, becomes deranged, and stabs Laura, hoping to kill her and save himself.

She escapes and learns that Marina killed herself in a nearby factory. Tyler finds Laura, but Kobe kills him. After Laura reaches the dead end, Kobe gets killed by the swarm of wasps. Laura finally found Marina's burned corpse and, after staring at her laptop, the corpse lunges at her.

In the epilogue, Laura, dressed in the hoodie, looks at a few girls the same way that Marina looked at Laura in the beginning.

The Priest from Kirchfeld (1955 film)

Vinzenz Heller, the priest of Kirchfeld, is highly esteemed by his congregation. The Kriegerwitwe Stricker lives with the railwayman Franz Wagner in the concubinage. This sin is condemned by Heller, but nevertheless, Knight's ten-year-old boy may serve as a ministrant to the priest. It is not the case, however, that Karli Stricker suffers a serious conscience of conscience, which the priest can not overcome. The only reason why the railroad does not want to marry the knights is that they would lose their pension.

The Concordat provides, under certain circumstances before a secret marriage without a civil marriage must precede. For this reason Heller speaks to the Ordinariat. However, his request is denied because no social emergency is apparent.

In the parsonage the refugee girl Anna Birkmaier has been living for some time. This is supported by the old parishioner Brigitte. But the longer Anna stays in the parsonage, the more she feels attracted to the priest. He too begins to desire the girl, but he knows how to restrain his lust. Brigitte observes this development with great concern because she knows the gossip about the village. There is also one in the place, which is not well-disposed towards the priest: the rich innkeeper Josef Riedl. It can not be that the pastor once condemned the alcohol from the pulpit, whereupon fewer guests visited his place.

Anna is always more and more courted by the village smith Michl Ambacher. The girl, however, gives him a discharge. She never wants to marry, but always stay in the parsonage. One day, she reveals to her boss that she is the mother of a little boy. He was in a neighboring place in nursing. His father had not been able to marry her because he died before all the documents were together. She had only applied for a position in Kirchfeld in order to be near her son.

One day Karli Stricker disappeared. His mother had left the news that he would never return. When he is found after a few days, the pastor is plagued by the bad conscience. Now he resists the prohibition of the church authorities and secretly distrusts the boy's mother with the railwayman. Someone in the village got wind of it and makes sure that the news spreads into wind cables. To the parishioner, he was together with Anna with her son and then went to a concert with her in the city. They missed the last train and had to spend the night in the waiting room. When they return to Kirchfeld in the morning, they are watched by the innkeeper Riedl, whereupon he spreads the rumor, the priest had a relationship with his employees. Gradually more and more villagers turn away from the priest. When Anna realizes what the priest is at stake, she agrees to marry the village smith, although she does not feel love for him. To the priest's attempt to expel her plan, the girl meets with the demand that he may give up his priesthood to enter into marriage with her. For this, however, Father Heller can not make up his mind. His last official address in Kirchfeld is Anna's marriage with Michl Ambacher. Then he is transferred to another community.

Affair in Reno

During a flight to Reno, Bill Carter asks a stewardess for needle and thread, goes into the bathroom and inserts bundles of cash into the lining of his jacket. Upon landing, he calls for a taxi but is approached by Deke who says he's from ''The Reno Record'' and wants to get his view about the affair surrounding Gloria Del Monte, the daughter of Carter's employer, millionaire businessman J.B. Del Monte. Carter denies any knowledge, but Deke gets into the taxi with him and continues to talk about Gloria's impending divorce from husband number two and possible future marriage.

Carter continues to provide jocular replies, but Deke points a gun and, while his cabdriver partner Pete listens, tells Carter to hand over the hundred thousand dollars in cash that he is carrying. Carter struggles with the two men and throws the briefcase, breaking a window, thus triggering an alarm and causing the men to hurry into the cab and drive off.

In his hotel room, Carter receives a long-distance call from New York. It is J.B. Del Monte who tells him that, as his public relations man, Carter is expected to contact Del Monte's daughter. When Carter mentions the attempted robbery, Del Monte says that he will phone a private detective agency and have them send a bodyguard to protect Carter.

In the morning, the bodyguard arrives and turns out to be a self-assured young woman, Nora Ballard. She already knows all the details and tells Carter that anybody about to tangle with the man Gloria intends to marry, professional gambler and casino owner Tony Lamarr, ought to call out the National Guard. Carter tells her that he plans to visit H.L. Denham, the lawyer handling Gloria's divorce.

Denham tells Carter that he will phone Gloria and ask to contact Carter at his hotel. As Carter waits for the elevator, Deke and a henchman named Dave accost him and take his briefcase. When the elevator doors open, the operator turns out to be Nora Ballard and, when the two thugs lead Carter towards their car, Ballard runs out after them on the pretense of recognizing Carter as old acquaintance and calls out to a police officer asking for a lunch recommendation. The officer approaches and the thugs turn for a hasty retreat to their car while Bill retrieves his briefcase by pulling from under Deke's arm. As Ballard and Carter start walking, she informs him that Denham is actually Lamarr's attorney and that the obvious place to find Gloria would be at Lamarr's casino.

At the casino, a drunk named James T. James from Omaha approaches their table, drinks from Carter's glass and collapses. Ballard tells Carter that the Mickey Finn was intended for him and, as Lamarr enters with Gloria, follows her to the ladies lounge where she introduces herself as Nora Wellington, one of the staff writers for women's fashion magazine ''Today's Star'' and flatters Gloria into engaging in a revealing conversation. In the meantime, as Carter puts coins into a slot machine, he is approached by Lamarr who knows all about the reason for his presence and tells Conrad Hertz, the headwaiter, to show Carter out.

Ballard follows him outside and tells him that Gloria is staying under an assumed name at the Half Moon Lodge. At the lodge, however, before Carter can explain his mission to Gloria, Lamarr walks in and tells Gloria that J.B. Del Monte offered him a bribe not to marry her and that he said no. As Gloria watches, he tells Carter and Ballard to get out but, the following morning, having been instructed by Lamarr, Gloria phones Carter at his and Ballard's two-room hotel accommodation and offers to pick him up in her car for a drive and conversation. Ballard comes out of the shower and objects, but Carter leaves and discovers that Gloria is driving him to a deserted spot outside of Reno where Deke and Pete are waiting for him. She then drives off while Deke and Pete proceed to assault Carter, tearing his jacket, discovering J.B.'s hundred thousand dollars, taking the jacket with the money and driving away.

As Carter walks dejectedly along the highway, Ballard drives up, offers him a seat in her car and reveals that she replaced the hundred thousand dollars with "Michigan bankrolls" of hundred dollar bills fronting one dollar bills for a total of one thousand. At their hotel, Lamarr is waiting and tells Carter that he intends to marry Gloria unless Carter loses J.B.'s money gambling at the casino. As Bill gambles away Gloria's father's money, Nora tells her about the scheme and Gloria goes to the casino and insists that Bill win back all the lost money. In his office, refusing to pay, Lamarr reaches for a gun, but Ballard uses judo to subdue him and collect the winnings.

As Carter, Ballard and Gloria drive away from the casino, headwaiter Hertz revives Lamarr who gets into a car with Deke and Pete and orders Deke to drive after Carter's car. Ballard advises Carter to turn onto an airport-bound difficult side road where Deke loses control and plunges the pursuing car into a shallow pond. At the airport, Gloria runs to catch her flight, leaving behind her father's money. Carter is told by a police officer that he is due a speeding ticket and Ballard informs him that she will protect the money and him. They share a kiss and drive off, unbalancing the officer who was resting his foot on their bumper while writing the ticket.

The Bitch (novel)

Ladies man Nico Constantine comes to Las Vegas to make a killing at the casinos but ends up owing the mob, big time. Nico then meets the beautiful and wealthy Fontaine Khaled and sees her as a potential mark.

Capture the Flag (film)

Twelve-year-old Mike Goldwing is the son and grandson of NASA astronauts. His grandfather Frank lives his days estranged from the family after missing out on his big chance to fly to the moon with the Apollo XI mission.

Texan billionaire Richard Carson III wants to claim ownership of the moon in order to mine its vast resources of Helium-3. To bolster his claim, Carson promotes the false rumor that the original moon landing was faked in a studio. Next, Carson plans to fly to the moon and destroy the only concrete evidence: the American flag planted by the Apollo XI astronauts.

The female President of the United States orders NASA to plan another space flight to the moon to beat Carson. Upon hearing the news, Carson hires a saboteur to stop the mission.

Mike decides to go to the moon as a stowaway. Mike, along with his friends Marty and Amy and Marty's pet lizard Igor, tries to sneak inside the launch area, but Marty gets caught after being attacked by alligators in the marshes surrounding Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39. As the mission commander, Mike's grandfather Frank is called to the scene. When Carson's operative causes the rocket to launch much earlier than planned, Mike, Amy, and Frank blast off to the moon with Carson on their trail.

The trio capture the flag. Amy links her phone camera to the antenna while Carson reveals his evil plans to them, and consequently the world. Realizing that he would still win if he got back to Earth, they stop him by sabotaging his futuristic Helium-3 mines.

Mike learns that Frank had been ruled out of the first mission because he had caught chicken pox from his son Scott. Frank at first blamed Scott for him missing out on such a great opportunity to go to space, but he then realized that it was not Scott's fault and he was a failure for blaming it on his own son. Feeling guilty about this, Frank decided to leave his family, declaring that Scott would be better off without him.

Mike, Amy, and Igor are chased by Carson and escape through Moon's rock cliffs by using rocket spare parts as surf boards and manage to destroy his entire rocket and workshop with the help of Marty's communication rocket to survive the explosion.

After planting the flag back in its place, they all return safely to Earth with Mike's plans to reunite his family. Grandfather Frank reconciles with his son and the three travelers are hailed as heroes, and Amy is also proud to be headlined the first female on the moon.

In the mid-credits, Carson floats through space after his defeat along with a partially damaged Gigs, who turns out to be an android fabricated by Gags. Feeling sorry that he lost a "father" because of him, Carson forgives him by embracing him, and notices the annoying android of his floating as well around them.

Tere Bin Laden: Dead or Alive

The story focuses on a director, Sharma, whose father owns a sweetshop and wants his son to work there. Sharma, however, wants to become a director, so he leaves for Mumbai to fulfill his dreams. While traveling in the bus, he meets Paddi Singh who notices that his face strongly resembles Osama Bin Ladin. With a new idea in mind, Singh takes him to the film producers Shetty Sisters, who offer opportunities for newcomers. After hearing Singh's idea, they're impressed, particularly upon seeing Paddi.

After the film ''Tere Bin Laden'' starring Ali Zafar becomes a blockbuster, Ali embarrasses both Sharma and Paddi. Sharma wants to make the sequel to the film, but Shetty Sisters decide not to help him as Ali wants the sequel to be produced by Karan Johar. This causes a fight between Ali and Sharma. Paddi intervenes and tells the Shetty Sisters that he will do the sequel on the condition it's produced by Sharma with Ali not as the lead actor. Shetty Sisters decide to fire Ali. Everyone involved has doubts and confusion on how can the film will perform without a renowned actor. Once shooting starts, a blunder happens; Osama dies. Thus, shooting stops as they lose confidence in the film. Shetty Sisters continuously demand their money be returned although Sharma has already spent it all. Meanwhile, USA president Obama, who has assassinated Osama, must prove the assassination to the people while lacking proof. They accidentally see Paddi on TV and concoct a plan to record video of his assassination as evidence. David DoSomething disguises himself as David Chadda, visits Paddi and offers him a role in a Hollywood film. Paddi, however, will only do the film on the condition Sharma directs it. Chadda agrees and tells them that the next day their driver will come pick them up.

Elsewhere, we are introduced to Khalili, owner of a terrorist organization and a business of selling guns and bombs. Due to financial crunches, the quality of the equipment is poor and causes his people to rebel. He amends the situation by promising free food and a film of Osama's adventures. During this film, a scene appears of Paddi and Khalili being informed that Osama is dead. Khalili plans to bring Paddi and have him reassure his people that he is the best supplier of bombing equipment and guns. He then orders his men to kidnap the cast of ''TBL''. Their first target is Ali Zafar, but they fail to abduct him due to his "Six Pack Abs". Changing course, they set on kidnapping Paddi.

Khalili's men arrive before the driver sent by David picks them up. Sharma and Paddi, under the impression this was the driver sent by David, enters the car and is unknowingly kidnapped by Khalili's men.

When Chada learns of these circumstances, he travels to Khalili's place and rescues the cast of Tere bin Ladin. Chada now wants to capture a video portraying Osama (Paddi) being shot by the American army. When Sharma becomes aware of Chada's efforts, he makes a deal with him and Khalili. Chadda pays Khalili the money he's demanded while Sharma creates a "proof movie" in which Osama (Paddi) is shot by Obama. Obama then assures Sharma he can ask for any favors. Sharma says, "One Hollywood movie". In the end, that movie is shown to be ''Tora Bora Nights''.

Episode 7202

After spending the night together, Lauren Turner (Kate Kendall) and Brad Willis (Kip Gamblin) discuss how things have changed between them. At Number 22, Terese Willis (Rebekah Elmaloglou) wakes up on the sofa alone and stares at an empty wine glass. Lauren asks Brad what he and Terese argued about and he tells her that Terese has not been attending her AA meetings. Lauren then tells him that their night together does not have to go any further, but they agree to tell Terese, even though it could spell the end of the Willis's marriage. As he returns home, Brad finds Terese pouring a bottle of wine down the sink. She admits that she has a drinking problem and is willing to change. Terese then visits Lauren to ask for phone numbers of counsellors. Lauren calls Brad to tell him they can not reveal their affair to Terese. However, Terese receives an email containing aerial photos of the neighbourhood and she sees a picture of Brad and Lauren kissing. Realising that her husband has begun an affair, a devastated Terese returns to Number 32.

Terese baits Lauren with questions about Brad until Lauren realises that Terese knows. Brad sees the email and returns to Lauren's home where Terese throws a jam jar at him. In the garden, Terese forces Lauren to admit that she has had feelings for Brad since they were reunited two years ago. Terese believes the affair has been going on for a while, and tries to find proof on Lauren's phone. She pushes Lauren into the swimming pool during the struggle. Brad goes after Terese and tries to explain that he and Lauren were going to tell her. Brad begs Terese to keep her appointment with the councillor, while she tells him to leave. Brad goes back to Lauren and asks if she meant what she said about having feelings for him for all that time. She says yes and gives him an ultimatum – try to work out a relationship with her or save his marriage to Terese. After leaving a sketch of Brad that Lauren drew on the lawn of Number 32, Terese calls her son and asks him to bring everyone home.

The Comedy About a Bank Robbery

Act 1

The year is 1958. Convict Mitch Ruscitti, currently imprisoned at the British Columbia Penitentiary, hatches an escape plan with Neil Cooper, one of the guards, with the intent of traveling to Minneapolis to steal a diamond worth half a million dollars. Unfortunately, due to Cooper's big mouth, word gets out about the plan, and the whole prison wants to join the heist. Mitch and Cooper are able to escape, however, and they drive down to the Twin Cities to find the diamond.

Meanwhile, at the Minneapolis City Bank, manager Robin Freeboys oversees preparations to ensure the bank is secure enough to store the diamond in question, owned by Prince Ludwig of Hungary. This proves tough, as the bank is victim to more crimes than any other bank in the state (in fact, Mr. Freeboys' car and furniture are stolen by robbers who were mistaken as bank staff). Luckily, Ruth Monaghan, a teller at the bank (who always says "everyone in this town's a crook"), persuades bureau officer Randall Shuck to allow the bank to store the diamond, much to his superiors' anger.

Over the next few days, Caprice Freeboys, Mr. Freeboys' daughter and Mitch's ex, starts dating Sam Monaghan, Ruth's son and a pickpocket, in the hopes of sweet-talking some money out of him (the money she currently gets from her father and other 3 suitors will barely cover her rent). While at her apartment, however, Mitch and Cooper arrive with the tools needed to pull off the bank heist (including ventilation blueprints and an electric drill), along with the codes for the diamond case. The two crooks rope Sam and Caprice into joining them, mainly because the former can pose as Mr. Freeboys, and the latter as Prince Ludwig's attaché. Before they leave for the night, however, Mitch privately tells Caprice that he's not cutting Sam in, noting "as soon as we got the diamond, Sam’s dead."

Act 2

The next several days pass with the bank finishing preparations, Ruth and Randall dating, the heist team going over their plan, and Sam asking Ruth for relationship advice. On the night of the heist, things don't go according to plan (Cooper initially sedates Sam instead of Mr. Freeboys, for one), but the team is able to shut down the AC and access the air ducts. As they crawl past the back office, they're forced to knock out and bring along intern Warren Slax as he attempts to check the vents.

Eventually, Mitch and Cooper get separated from the rest of the team, and find themselves directly over the vault. Unfortunately, the vent below Cooper buckles, and Mitch, having no further use for Cooper, shoves him into the still-running fan below, killing him. Once Sam and Caprice arrive, Mitch convinces them that he tried to save Cooper, and they continue with the heist.

Once inside the vault, the team is able to access the casing containing the diamond, but Mr. Freeboys (who was planning on stealing the diamond himself to cause a stir in the newspapers) walks in on them, forcing Mitch to shoot him and Prince Ludwig (who was hoping to resolve the situation). With the diamond in hand, Mitch tells Caprice to shoot Sam, but she refuses out of love for Sam; Mitch responds by shooting Caprice, but Sam dives in front of her and takes the bullet in his shoulder. Before Mitch can kill either of them, however, Warren falls out of the vent and lands on Mitch, allowing Sam and Caprice to escape.

The two of them make it to Caprice's apartment, where she attempts to patch up Sam's shoulder. Before she can get started, though, Mitch catches up to them and attempts to shoot Caprice, but Randall shoots him first. At Ruth's persuasion, he misdirects the police, patches up Sam's wound, and gives him and Caprice his car to cross over into Ontario and lie low (it's a good thing Caprice knows someone there). Once they leave, Ruth takes the diamond from the dead Mitch, handcuffs Randall to Caprice's bed, and spills a trail of liquor onto the ground. She then warns Randall to be careful who he trusts, before holding up a lighter and giving one last remark: "It's like I always say; everyone in this town's a crook."

Farm Boy (novel)

The story begins in "Burrow", a farm house in Devon where the protagonist, a young boy at the beginning of the story, visits his Grandpa. The young boy enjoys regularly visiting his Grandpa, especially during the summer, and imagining himself driving the old green Fordson tractor in the back of the barn. It is acknowledged that this tractor is very important. The grandfather tells the protagonist the story behind how he loves swallows- that they were the first birds he ever saw and when his Father was young (the great-grandfather of the protagonist) the Father would go out and pinch the eggs of sparrows and rooks because they would always interfere with the farm; his Father would leave the swallows' nests alone because they never bothered his farm. In fact, Father even punched a friend for stealing from a swallow's nest, getting Father into trouble. Father is described as always managing to get into fights when he was younger.

The protagonist's Grandpa then went on to describe events between his own Father and a horse named Joey, indicating that the pair were Albert and Joey from the prequel. He describes the lengths his Father went to keep Joey safe, even joining the army to find Joey when he was taken away to be used in WWI. Father was only 14 years old at the time of joining the army and had to lie to get in. This section is primarily a flashback to the previous book and the events around and before the war, but from another perspective. After such events and the end of WWI, the protagonist's great-grandfather was commonly referred to as the "Corporal" by the townspeople.

Once the protagonist finishes school, now a young adult, he visits his Grandpa again during the summer. One day during this time Grandpa asks of the boy to help him to learn to read and write. When the Grandfather was a child he prioritised helping out on the farm with his Father as the Corporal had a lasting leg injury from the war and found it difficult to keep up with the work to be done. The Grandpa's wife attempted to teach him to read and write years later, after the protagonist's mother and her siblings had left the farm, but unfortunately died unexpectedly from a weak heart. This has left Grandpa distraught and embarrassed for many years. Grandpa makes a bet with the protagonist that if he can read Agatha Christie and even write a short story by Christmas he will give the boy a hundred pounds, and also offers to pay him during his time living and working on the farm to teach him to read and write.

Thanks to Grandpa's determination, on Christmas Eve he walks with the protagonist into the barn to read him ''Death on the Nile'' by Agatha Christie and by New Year he is able to read the book word for word. In February the boy chooses to travel to Australia and on the train he finds an envelope, containing the £100 from the bet and a story written by Grandpa.

The story is a recollection of how the Corporal, his two horses Joey and Zoey and his son (Grandpa) challenge an arrogant farmer, Harry Medlicott, in a bet where if the horses ploughed more than Medlicott's tractor, the Corporal receives his tractor. Despite determination from the Corporal, at the beginning of the bet the tractor easily pulls ahead, however after the break it refuses to start again. When the tractor starts back up again the Corporal is slightly in the lead, however Medlicott quickly catches, and the Corporal can no longer bear the strain due to his injury. Grandpa takes over and leads the horses in ploughing. In a surprising turn of events Medlicott accidentally tips the tractor over into a ditch, allowing Grandpa to just barely pull ahead and win. The tractor is the same one which resides in Grandpa's barn in the protagonist's time. This leads the protagonist to deciding to study engineering at college, before returning to the farm to live and work there while also fixing up the tractor so it is one day usable again.

God Eater (TV series)

In 2071, an organization known as Fenrir, located in the post-apocalyptic nation of the New Asian Union (NAU) , helps humanity protect itself against monsters known as Aragami using divine weapons called "God Arcs". Composed of biological material called "Oracle Cells", God Arcs are wielded by a group of soldiers called, "God Eaters". The original (or "Old-Type") Arcs could initially only hold one form, either melee or ranged, but soon a new type of God Arc is developed that could switch between cannon and blade form.

T2 Trainspotting

Nearly twenty one years after stealing a large sum of drug money from his friends and making a new life in Amsterdam, 46-year-old Mark Renton suffers a heart attack in a gym. Though now two decades sober from heroin, he is undergoing divorce and imminent redundancy. Facing a mid-life crisis and depression, he decides to take a nostalgic trip back to Edinburgh. Daniel "Spud" Murphy has returned to a cycle of heroin addiction after separating from his wife, Gail, and losing custody of his teenage son, Fergus, whom he fathered shortly after Renton left. Simon "Sick Boy" Williamson abuses cocaine, runs a failing pub, and engages in blackmail schemes with his Bulgarian girlfriend, Veronika. Francis "Franco" Begbie is serving a lengthy prison sentence and attacks his lawyer after having his sentence extended for another five years.

Renton visits Spud just in time to save him from a suicide attempt, offering to help him overcome his addictions. Renton visits Sick Boy at his pub, where Sick Boy attacks Renton, still furious from being ripped off. Afterwards, Renton meets Veronika and pays Sick Boy back his original share of the money. Unimpressed, Sick Boy informs Veronika that he plans to take revenge.

Begbie escapes from prison, and returns to his estranged wife June's flat, meeting his college-bound son, Frank Jr., whom he forces to join him in burgling houses after ridiculing his son's choice of studying hotel management instead of committing crimes. He visits Sick Boy, who pretends to have heard of Renton living in Amsterdam and promises to provide Begbie with a false passport so he can travel to the Netherlands to exact revenge.

Renton, Sick Boy, and Veronika fraudulently apply for a £100,000 EU business-development grant to turn the pub's upper floor into the business venture he had promised Veronika, a brothel disguised as a sauna. Veronika, however, finds herself attracted to Renton, and they begin an affair. Meanwhile, Spud joins in the renovation and befriends Veronika, who inspires him to write his memoirs. One of Sick Boy's blackmail targets reports him to the police, and Renton seeks legal advice from his ex-girlfriend, Diane Coulston, now a solicitor. The proceeds of their crimes are quickly used up in legal fees and Sick Boy's cocaine addiction. Renton manages to escape from Begbie after a chance encounter at a nightclub, but Doyle, owner of a rival brothel, kidnaps him and Sick Boy, drives them to the countryside, and intimidates them into abandoning their scheme, leaving them to walk back to Edinburgh naked.

Begbie visits Spud, and in reading his memoirs, discovers that Renton left Spud his share of the money. Veronika arrives, and Begbie steals her phone, which he uses to text Renton and Sick Boy to come to the pub at midnight. Veronika takes Spud to her apartment and asks him to leave with her, promising him half of the £100,000. Spud fears he will spend it on heroin again, so she offers to give his share to Gail and Fergus. He helps transfer the money to Veronika's account by forging Renton's and Sick Boy's signatures. After reading another excerpt of Spud's writings about their encounter with Begbie's alcoholic father in the derelict Leith Central railway station, Begbie visits June's flat for the last time, apologising to Frank Jr. for his abuse and telling him that he (Frank Jr.) will be a better man than Begbie or his father were.

Spud arrives too late at the pub to warn Renton and Sick Boy of Begbie's ploy. Begbie knocks Sick Boy unconscious and chases Renton across the upstairs floor. He throws Renton through the floorboards, leaving him hanging by the neck from electrical wiring; Begbie tries to strangle him, but Sick Boy douses him with pepper spray and saves Renton. Begbie pulls out a sawn-off shotgun and tries to kill them both, but Spud hits him with a toilet bowl.

They leave Begbie in the boot of Sick Boy's car outside the prison. Veronika returns to her son in Bulgaria. Spud puts together his book of memoirs and mends his relationship with Fergus and Gail, who suggests the title "Trainspotting." Renton and Sick Boy resume their old friendship. Renton moves back into his now-widowed father's home and embraces him in reconciliation before going to his bedroom and dancing to a remix of "Lust for Life".

Pearl of Love

As described in a film magazine review, little Mara finds a boy and his mother lashed to a raft. Mara's grandfather adopts the boy, who later growsup and comes to love Mara and becomes a shipbuilder. When he turns to smuggling, he later is converted by his love of Mara to go straight.

Taming Sutton's Gal

Hunting for pheasant, bank teller Frank McClary takes room and board in the Sutton home of 17-year-old girl Lou and her aunt. Living next door are quarreling neighbors Evelyn and Jugger Phelps, an unhappy wife and a jealous husband threatening her harm should she ever leave him.

Evelyn, a former burlesque dancer, gets Frank alone and attempts to seduce him. When she is rejected, she angrily tells her husband that Frank was the aggressor. Jugger confronts him and is given a beating by Frank.

Lou, teased mercilessly by her aunt about finding a man, sees Frank and Evelyn together and gets the wrong idea. Frank's affection for the teenager grows. Evelyn, meanwhile, shoots and wounds her husband after another argument. Evelyn pushes him too far and Jugger kills her. As the police come, Frank and Lou leave together to be married.

The Wayward Girl (1957 film)

A girl is erroneously convicted of manslaughter in the death of her oppressive stepmother's boyfriend, when in fact the stepmother killed him after the girl had knocked him out. Henderson gains release from prison via a parole-for-pay scheme of which she is unaware. She gets into more trouble when the man for whom she works makes advances and she runs away after injuring him. By the end of the film, the parole racket has been exposed, and Henderson has been exonerated of the murder.

Oʻtgan kunlar

The novel covered the events of 19th century. The events were presented by the love story of Otabek and Kumush, the leading characters. The course of events takes place in an environment of bloody struggles of local rulers for power. In Days Gone By, as in other major epics, we encounter the multiplicity of storytelling, the presence of secondary subjects, and a series of escalating and tragic events.

The image of Otabek, who promotes progressive ideas, is the ideological and compositional center of the novel. He openly opposed the outdated economic relations in trade and pursued a new approach to family and marital problems. There is a conflict between Otabek and the forces that cling to the old, delay the development of the country. Abdulla Qodiriy speaks on behalf of his protagonist.

At the same time, the writer follows the fate of an Uzbek woman. Cruel traditions, including polygamy, lead to a deadly feud between Kumush and Zaynab.

With extraordinary love and sincerity, the writer creates the image of Kumush, who overcomes the trials of life with a pure, all-encompassing love for Otabek. But tragedy is inevitable. She was poisoned by concubine, and Otabek died defending his homeland

Oʻtgan kunlar (film)

The film is set in Tashkent, around the beginning of the 19th century, and tells the story of the lives of the upper class society of the period. The film follows the story of lovers Otabek and Kumush against the background of civil strife between the rulers and people.

They Call Me Jeeg

Enzo Ceccotti is a thief who lives in Rome's slum Tor Bella Monaca. After stealing a wristwatch, Enzo escapes two police officers by jumping into the Tiber. When Enzo tries to get out, he comes into contact with radioactive waste after he accidentally breaks a barrel under the river level. Spending a night feverish and vomiting, he wakes up healed but with a persistent cough.

Enzo decides to sell the watch to Sergio, who works for Fabio Cannizzaro, known as "The Gipsy", a psychopathic gangster who hungers for fame. Sergio takes him on a job which is supposed to involve extracting cocaine from inside a pair of drug mule brothers. At Sergio's home, Enzo meets his daughter Alessia, a psychologically damaged woman who escapes reality by continuously watching the ''Steel Jeeg'' anime and relating everything to it. After arriving with the drug smugglers at the top of a building under construction, one of them dies from an overdose when the container in his stomach breaks. Sergio refuses to take him to hospital, so the man's brother grabs Sergio's gun and shoots him. Sergio, before dying, bashes the man's head against a pillar. The man then shoots Enzo in the shoulder, knocking him backwards off the building; miraculously, Enzo survives.

At home, Enzo discovers he has acquired exceptional strength, the reason for his healing ability. That night, he steals an entire ATM and is filmed by a security camera; the surveillance video goes viral, and the press calls Enzo a super-criminal, although no one knows his true identity. Gipsy discovers that Sergio has not returned with the cocaine, which the gang bought from a camorra clan led by Nunzia Lo Cosimo, a terrorist. Gipsy must retrieve the cocaine or pay Nunzia off, so he and his gang invade Sergio's place, finding only Alessia. Enzo rescues her by crushing Gipsy's posse, and Alessia mistakes him for Hiroshi Shiba, the hero of Steel Jeeg.

Enzo, who wishes to live in solitude, takes Alessia to a residential care home, where she previously stayed while her father was imprisoned. Finding information hidden in Sergio's spectacle case, Enzo robs the valuable contents of the same armored truck that Gipsy and his gang are about to assault. This increases Enzo's infamy, making Gipsy jealous. Shortly thereafter, two police officers bring Alessia to Enzo after they find her wandering in the highway, and he takes her in. That night, as they watch a ''Steel Jeeg'' episode, Alessia experiences an emotional breakdown, revealing that she suffered sexual abuse.

Gipsy's gang crumbles as his gang questions his leadership, and Gipsy orders his rottweilers to maul a gangster who suggests taking a loan. However, with no other options, Gipsy contacts Brazilian transsexual loanshark Marcellone, only to be attacked by Nunzia and her gang; in the ensuing clash, only Gipsy and Nunzia survive.

Enzo initiates a sexual encounter, which Alessia passively submits to after asking him to slow down. During an argument immediately afterwards, Enzo reveals the truth about her father's death. Alessia flees in anger and boards a tram. Enzo stops it with his superhuman strength and apologizes, telling Alessia he cares about her and offering to go with her to see her father's body. The passengers film this, and Gipsy discovers Enzo's identity. He and his assistant, Tazzina, kidnap Alessia to force Enzo into revealing how he obtained his powers. Enzo takes him to the Tiber quay, where Nunzia attacks. Alessia is shot and asks Enzo to use his powers for good before she dies. Gipsy is shot multiple times, then burned alive by Nunzia with a flamethrower and apparently dies in the Tiber. The next day, he emerges from the river, scarred and burned but with superpowers like Enzo. He goes to Naples and films himself as he kills Nunzia and her gang.

While wandering alone, Enzo saves a woman and her daughter from a burning car. Enzo sees a video on television where Gipsy threatens to bomb the Stadio Olimpico. Enzo finds and confronts Gipsy but is unable to defuse the bomb. Enzo grabs it and jumps into the Tiber from the Musica-Armando Trovajoli bridge with Gipsy, who is killed in the explosion. Enzo, now thought dead and exalted as a hero, watches over Rome from the Colosseum and, determined to protect the city, puts on a Jeeg mask Alessia knitted for him.

Juke Box Jenny

Roger Wadsworth, owner of a record company, is pressured by Mrs. Horton, a major stock holder in the company and mother of his fiancé Genevieve, to only produce recordings of classical music. Romantic complications follow with the involvement of his top salesman, Malcolm Hammond, who wants the company to produce jazz records, and a torch singer, Jinx Corey.

Person to Person (film)

During a day in New York City, a reporter trains a new employee while covering a story about a possible murder where a watch repairman may have important information; a record collector finds a rare piece of vinyl; two brothers track down their sister's ex-boyfriend who posted nude pictures of her online, and a questioning teenage girl explores her feelings when she kisses a boy.

My Girlfriend is a T-Rex

Yuuma, a normal human, begins dating an anthropomorphic ''Tyrannosaurus rex'' named Churio, and must deal with the problems that dating a humanoid dinosaur entails.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin

The story picks up immediately after the ending of ''Psychonauts'', with new Psychonaut cadet Razputin "Raz" Aquato joining fellow cadet Lili Zanotto and agents Sasha Nein, Milla Vodello, and Morceau Oleander in rescuing Lili's captured father Truman, the Grand Head of the Psychonauts. Using his Clairvoyance ability, Raz discovers Truman is being held at an abandoned Psychonaut research facility in an oceanic region known as the Rhombus of Ruin (a play on the Bermuda Triangle), built to study a large underwater deposit of Psilirium (a fictional element variant of Psitanium that can distort psychic powers and creates illusions). The team travels into the Rhombus of Ruin, but the jet crashes before they can act.

Raz awakens tied to a chair in the chamber Truman is being kept. Using his psychic abilities to explore the junk-filled ocean, Raz finds Sasha, Milla, Lili and Oleander trapped in Psilirium-induced hallucinations. After freeing his team from their hallucinations, Raz is pulled back into the chamber by Truman's kidnapper, the insane ex-dentist Dr. Loboto, who kidnapped Truman on the orders of a new client. By using a Psycho-Portal given to him by Oleander, Raz enters Loboto's mind. There, he fights a gigantic version of Loboto and enters his memories, where Raz learns Loboto was once a psychic himself, and his parents disapproved of his abilities and had him lobotomized. The process removed his psychic powers and drove Loboto insane, leading to his commitment at the Thorney Towers asylum.

After Raz exits Loboto's mind, Loboto seems to have a change of heart by releasing his team, but instead leaves Raz and the others and floods the base, which they barely escape from with Truman in tow. The game ends with the team flying back to their Motherlobe headquarters as Lili tells her father about their adventures, shocking him with the revelation that Raz is her boyfriend. Unbeknownst to the others, Loboto secretly hides himself in the jet's luggage compartment.

Karan Ghelo

The Rajput king Karan Vaghela rules Anhilwad Patan, a large kingdom located in north Gujarat, and is well-served by his prime minister, Madhav. It happens one day that he comes face-to-face with Madhav's wife, Roopsundari (who, like all well-born women, lives in seclusion) and has a chat with her. The king becomes besotted by her and, after pondering for a long time, decides to set aside all considerations of decency and propriety in order to avail himself of the woman. He sends the minister away on a mission and, in his absence, abducts Roopsundari. Madhav's brother is killed by the king's men while making a heroic but vain attempt to protect his sister-in-law. Later the same day, his wife Gunasundari commits Sati by immolating herself on the funeral pyre of her valiant husband. The hapless Roopsundari, after being abducted and taken to the palace, kills herself before it is possible for the king to ruin her virtue. She dies with her chastity intact, and the king has gained nothing but infamy for his despicable deed.

He has also made a dangerous and relentless enemy. His former minister Madhav has escaped the devastation of his family. He abandons Anhilwad Patan for good and makes his way to Delhi. On his way, he experiences many adventures, including several wonderful ones at the almost mystical Mount Abu. Madhav eventually reaches Delhi, where he persuades the Muslim sultan Allauddin Khilji to invade Gujarat, promising him all help in the venture and much plunder at the end of it. As former minister, Madhav is a knowledgeable and influential man. With his help, Khilji invades Gujarat, destroys Patan fort and plunders the treasures of that kingdom and of several others. On his part, King Karan Vaghela performs many heroic feats on battlefield, but eventually loses not just his kingdom but also his wife, Kaularani.

After the defeat, Karan gathers what remains of his family and followers and flees to Baglan in south Gujarat, to seek refuge with his old friend Ramdev, the Maratha ruler of Deogadh. With him is his unwed daughter, Deval Devi, still only a child. As the dust settles and negotiations for peace are set afoot, Karan is required to face one more horror: the hateful Khilji wants Karan to give his daughter in marriage to his own son and heir, Khizr Khan. The proposal is abominable to Karan, and after he returns an insulting refusal, a second battle becomes inevitable. As he prepares for war, Karan is extremely concerned about the security of his daughter and the preservation of her virtue and her future. He therefore bestows his daughter upon Shankaldev, the son and heir of his host and old friend Ramdev. Their betrothal is performed shortly before the battle with Khilji commences. Nevertheless, that battle is lost, and the daughter is also lost with the battle. It is depicted in the book that Karan Vaghela dies a martyr on the field of battle and does not live to witness invasion of his motherland by invaders. His defeat results in the end of Rajput (Hindu) rule and the beginning of Muslim rule in Gujarat.

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

The game begins with Roland witnessing a missile exploding over a city. In the aftermath, he vanishes and reappears in front of Evan in Ding Dong Dell, with his youth suddenly regained, just as Mausinger, the advisor to Evan's late father, stages a coup. As they escape, they learn that Mausinger poisoned the previous king and intends to have Evan killed to assume control of the kingdom. Assisted by Evan's governess Aranella, who sacrifices herself for their safety, Evan and Roland escape safely from Ding Dong Dell, with Evan promising to her that he will establish a new kingdom in which everyone can be happy and free. Since then, he is occasionally approached in his dreams by a mysterious boy around his age, who becomes his confidant.

Given this, Evan and Roland travel to Cloudcoil Canyon to reach the Kings' Cradle to seek out a Kingmaker for themselves. There, they are joined by a group of sky-pirates, their boss Batu, and his daughter Tani who help them reach the shrine in which Evan undergoes a trial to make a bond with a new Kingmaker. Upon success, Evan is joined by the tiny Lofty, his new Kingmaker. After settling in an unclaimed plain area, Roland instructs Evan to make contact with a neighboring kingdom: Goldpaw, where they learn that Goldpaw's ruler, Master Pugnacius, is making use of rigged gambling to exploit the population. Once Pugnacius is exposed by the party, his Kingsbond is taken by a mysterious man called Doloran. The party later learns that Doloran was once a king from a long lost Kingdom that disappeared in a single day. Despite his errors, Pugnacius retains the support of his people, as he was just being manipulated by Doloran to do his bidding.

Back to their settlement, the party, along with the pirates and immigrants from other nations, establish the nation of Evermore. To plan their next step, Evan and the others seek for knowledge at Goldpaw's library where they learn of Ferdinand, an ancient king who once united the kingdoms of the whole world through a "Declaration of Interdependance", which inspires Evan to do the same. After convincing Pugnacius to sign the declaration, Evan and the others set to Hydropolis, where they fail to prevent Doloran from stealing Queen Nerea's Kingsbond but convince her to sign the declaration. Nerea's loyal advisor and true love, Leander, agrees to join the party to stop Doloran's schemes. A similar situation occurs in Broadleaf, where Doloran steals the Kingsbond from President Zip Vector, who also agrees to sign the declaration afterwards, and the party is joined by Bracken.

After returning to Evermore, Roland leaves temporarily and sets to Ding Dong Dell, where he feigns allegiance with Mausinger in order to retrieve the Mark of Kings, an important artifact belonging to the royal family. After Roland returns to the party, they hold an audience with Mausinger in order to exchange the Mark of Kings for his cooperation, but he attacks them instead. In the occasion, Doloran takes advantage of the conflict to steal Mausinger's Kingsbond and reveals that he corrupted Mausinger's advisor, Vermine, instructing him to turn Mausinger against Evan's father. Instead of rewarding Vermine for his services, Doloran steals his soul and flees. Realizing his errors, Mausinger reforms, and agrees to treat all citizens in Ding Dong Dell equally and sign the declaration.

With four Kingsbonds in his possession, Doloran begins the ritual to retrieve his own Kingsmaker, "The Horned One", stealing the souls of people around the world in the process. In response, the party returns to Goldpaw's library where they find clues about the "Mornstar", a legendary sword capable of destroying the Horned One. After the Mornstar is recreated and entrusted to Evan, the armies of the five nations launch an attack on the Horned One to allow the party to reach and confront Doloran. Facing the party himself, Doloran reveals that Roland is his soulmate from Earth, and should one of them die, the other will perish as well. He also reveals that his true intention is not only to revive his lost kingdom but to restore his former Kingsmaker and lover, Alisandra, who was turned into the Horned One because she defied the gods by loving him. Doloran then asks Roland, whose nation on Earth was destroyed by war, to join his side, but he refuses, and the party defeats Doloran in battle.

Soon after, the Horned One manifests itself and is slain by the party. Alisandra's spirit appears before Doloran and reveals that she actually tried to relinquish her powers to live beside him, but by doing so, these powers converted her into the Horned One, and departs to the afterlife. Evan then convinces Doloran to start anew and rebuild his kingdom. Back to Evermore, Evan and the kings of the other major nations celebrate their victory with their subjects and Roland is sent back home, having one last encounter with Evan before departing. In another encounter with the mysterious boy, Evan discovers that he has actually been talking with Ferdinand in his dreams, who was not a king from the past, but his son and successor instead, who provided advice to the party through Goldpaw's librarian, Boddly, who in reality is a soothsayer. Many years later, Ferdinand assumes his father's throne and accomplishes Evan's dream of uniting all countries in the world. In the post-credits, Roland, back to his original age, pushes forward in his mission to unite all countries of Earth as well, inspired by his journeys with Evan.

Panama Sal

Three wealthy American playboys and pals fly to South America for a final fling before one of them, Dennis, is to be married. His fiancee Patricia uses the time to fly to France to have a wedding dress designed by Henri Moray.

The plane runs out of fuel, making a forced landing in the wilds of Panama. There the three men have a chance encounter with a singer, beautiful Sal Regan, who immediately catches Dennis's rapt attention. Claiming to be a music producer, Dennis invites her to return to Los Angeles with him. Although this upsets Manuel Ortego, a jealous man who loves her, Sal decides to settle the matter on the flip of a coin. Dennis wins.

Ensconced in a Beverly Hills apartment, Sal enjoys the trip until Dennis tries to remake her entire image, including wardrobe and makeup, toning it down. A nightclub singing date is arranged and the news makes it abroad to Patricia, who angrily begins a romantic fling with Moray.

Ortego travels to California to demand Sal return to Panama and to confront Dennis, who proposes another wager, that he be given two weeks to make her a star. Patricia also turns up and announces herself to be about to marry Dennis, just to annoy Sal. In the end, though, Sal's debut musical performance is a sensation, and she and Dennis end up in love.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

Rising tensions between Osea and Erusea culminate when Erusea launches a surprise attack on Osea with a massive number of combat drones. Erusea captures much of the Usean continent, including the ISEV and both Arsenal Birds, with former Osean President Vincent Harling still in the ISEV. Consequently, war breaks out between Erusea and Osea, the latter supported by the IUN-PKF. Avril Mead, who was flying a refurbished F-104C Starfighter when the war began, is shot down in the crossfire and arrested for breaching wartime aviation laws. Avril is transferred to the Osean 444th Air Base as a mechanic, where a penal fighter squadron known as the Spare Squadron is maintained.

The IUN-PKF attempts a mission to extract Harling from the ISEV. During the mission, a missile strikes Harling's escaping aircraft, killing him. Osean pilot Trigger is accused of firing the missile, found guilty by court-martial, and transferred to Spare Squadron. Considered expendable, Spare Squadron is sent on highly dangerous missions. During one such sortie, Trigger crosses paths with Erusean ace Mihaly A. Shilage, who provides flight data to the Erusean drone program headed by the Belkan scientist Dr. Schroeder. Trigger's dogfighting talents impress Mihaly, but their duel is interrupted by inclement weather, and they are forced to retreat.

For their commendable performance, all members of Spare Squadron are pardoned and transferred to a base on Tyler Island off the coast of Usea. Trigger and his wingman Count are recruited by the elite Long Range Strategic Strike Group (LRSSG). Assisted by the LRSSG, Osea and its allies mount a series of devastating counter-offensives, including the destruction of one of the Arsenal Birds with a refurbished Stonehenge artillery array, culminating in a large-scale operation to capture the Erusean capital, Farbanti.

Trigger encounters Mihaly again, but their duel is interrupted when Osea and Erusea use anti-satellite weapons to destroy each other's satellite network, causing a collisional cascade that breaks down satellite communication networks worldwide. Mihaly escapes Farbanti in the confusion; Erusea loses control over its AI-controlled drone fleet and collapses into a civil war between conservative and radical factions looking to end and prolong the war respectively, and multiple Erusean states declare independence. With the network down, Dr. Schroeder personally travels to the ISEV to transmit the latest flight data gathered from Mihaly into a new generation of Erusean combat drones, manufactured in automated drone factories across the continent.

Operating independently, the LRSSG attempts to extract the leader of the Erusean conservative faction and Osean informant in an effort to end the war decisively. The informant reveals that Harling was killed by an Erusean drone that spoofed Osean IFF signals, but he is accidentally killed by other Osean forces after his extraction. In the same battle, Dr. Schroeder and Mihaly's granddaughters are attacked by other Erusean forces and are saved by the LRSSG.

Meanwhile, Avril and the 444th, isolated, try to survive on a chaotic Tyler Island, where rogue Osean penal units clash with Eruseans and other Osean forces. They find Erusean Princess Rosa Cossette D'Elise, whose liaison aircraft was shot down by Erusean radicals. Avril and Rosa aid the LRSSG in evacuating both friendly military units and refugees from the island, and head to the ISEV to seek aid. The LRSSG arrives at the seceded state of Shilage in search of supplies, where Trigger duels and defeats Mihaly; after the battle, Mihaly asks Trigger to end the drone threat.

Schroeder and Avril's group both arrive at the ISEV. When Schroeder prepares to upload Mihaly's flight data, Ionela destroys the data upon learning of his intentions. It is revealed that Schroeder was a Belkan, once part of a powerful country whose leaders destroyed their own infrastructure with nuclear weapons rather than admit defeat. Schroeder was part of a long-standing legacy of Belkans who wanted revenge for the loss of their country and did this by forcing the nations that defeated them into needless conflicts, using his own drone program and Mihaly's combat data to create a force capable of crushing Osea. Disillusioned by the destruction his program had caused, Schroeder agrees to help Avril in taking down the factories but reveals that the data had already been uploaded to two advanced drones, nicknamed Hugin and Munin.

An Osean-Erusean coalition assaults the ISEV with the intention of seizing it from Erusean radicals. Rosa and Avril sabotage the ISEV and disable its microwave power transmissions, allowing Trigger to attack and destroy the remaining Arsenal Bird. However, Hugin and Munin suddenly arrive and repel the coalition, intending to complete the data transmission and prolong the war. The next morning, Trigger leads a counterattack on the ISEV and shoots down one of the drones, but the other escapes into an undersea tunnel. Trigger and Count follow the drone into the tunnel, and Trigger manages to destroy it and the signal repeaters to prevent the broadcast and end the war. A later cutscene reveals that peace has returned to Usea, with Cossette leading the post-war peace movement.

In the DLC missions, set in-between an attack on Erusean missile bases and the Battle of Farbanti, the LRSSG is assigned to capture the ''Alicorn'', a massive Erusean submersible aviation cruiser armed with a rail cannon firing nuclear artillery shells, and its commander, Captain Matias Torres. After failing to apprehend the submarine, the LRSSG discovers that the ''Alicorn'' has defected from the Erusean Navy, and Torres intends to attack the Osean capital with nuclear shells smuggled onto the ''Alicorn'', killing millions and terrorizing Osea into ending the war. After utilizing sonobuoys and a magnetic anomaly detector to locate the ''Alicorn'', the LRSSG forces it to the surface and engages it in a protracted battle, eventually destroying the submarine and killing Torres, ending their threat to Osea.

In the VR mode of the game, ''Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies'''s protagonist, Mobius 1, engages in combat against the Free Erusea terrorist group in 2014, five years prior to the events of the main game. This storyline occurs separately from the main plot.

Eighteen and Anxious

Judy Graham, just 18 years old, elopes to Mexico with boyfriend Jack, only to have him killed there. Judy returns to the disapproval of mother Lottie and stepfather Harvey, as well as disbelief from Jack's parents, the Baynes, who doubt the girl's story and accuse her of loose morals.

Judy realizes she is pregnant. Her older friend Ava and she go to Tijuana to find the marriage license, but no paperwork for a "Bayne" is found. She eventually gives birth to a baby boy, but does not wish to see him. Lottie has a change of heart and cares for the child. Jack's parents discover the wedding license in their son's belongings, mistakenly listed as "Payne", and forgive Judy, but she is appalled by their hypocrisy.

After finding a job and beginning a relationship with a boy, Danny Fuller, a smooth talker named Pete Bailey seduces her, only to jilt Judy on what she believes is her wedding day. A car she mistook as a marriage gift is actually a goodbye from Pete, who abandons her. A distraught Judy gets into a car crash. Danny rescues her from the wreck, expressing his hope that everyone will make up to Judy for their previous behavior toward her.

Plus One (2008 film)

Masha (Madeleine Dzhabrailova), an English-Russian translator, accompanies puppeteer Tom (Jethro Skinner) from the UK to Moscow, where he has been hired to conduct master classes with young actors of the puppet theater.

Masha and Tom seem to have very little in common. Masha is very serious about life and what people think about it, whereas Tom perceives the world as a theater play. However, both have lonely lives; Masha loves her dictionaries, and Tom's sole companion is a doll-glove, which he carries with him always. Their mutual isolation from the world draws them together and they fall in love. When it is time to leave, Masha is able to let go of Tom easily, for she now feels ready to start a new life.

Mado, Hold for Pick Up

In a French provincial town where everyone knows each other for years and nothing ever happens, lives a young overweight woman by the name of Mado (Marianne Groves). She works as a mail carrier. Mado also teaches at a local school, where she tells fables to children. She is innocent and pure like a child and is dreaming of a beautiful prince. One day director Jean-Marie Zeleni (Oleg Yankovsky) comes to the village to search for locations for his new film, and thus becomes the "prince" for Mado. She immediately invites him to dinner, but realizing her unattractiveness, takes with herself her friend Germain (Isabelle Gélinas), a local prostitute. The slim and charming Germain immediately evokes the director's liking, and Mado can only observe their relationship. Then it turns out that the object of Mado's girlish dreams is a failed film director who shoots now commercials instead of feature films. Having filmed the next ad, he leaves, and Mado has only to watch from afar his touching farewell to Germain. From desperation she decides to drown herself, but then sets this thought aside and only watches from the river as the people of the village begin to be really worried about her.

Mack the Knife (1995 film)

Dr. Mack Lau is a cynical person on the surface, but he is actually very delicate and has a strong insight of the world. He despises the injustice of the health care system and runs his own clinic in a red-light district. Indulged in medical science, Mack possess superior medical skills and is passionate in treating underprivileged citizens. Among his patients include a brave policeman, Chiu, his neighbor prostitutes and so on. Aside from healing his patient's wounds, Mack is also willing to listen to their thoughts and become their friend. However, Mack was later framed by his old friend and medical classmate, Roger Law, and must face the crisis of his doctor's license being revoked.

Verdict of the Sea

Fenn, the domineering second officer of a merchant ship, is attempting to recruit an extra hand in the London docks for a voyage to Singapore but due to his harsh reputation he can find no volunteers. Eventually he manages to persuade a drunken, middle-class man who has apparently fallen down on his luck to sign on to the ship. Aboard ship the well-spoken "Gentleman" Burton attracts the interest of the captain's daughter Paddy who is curious at his mysterious past. This enrages Fenn who is desperate to marry her, despite her dislike of his rough manners, and he tries to bribe Burton to desert at their first port of call to remove a rival for her love. When Burton refuses to do so, Fenn arranges for local criminals to kidnap him, but is compelled by Paddy to rescue him, which he successfully does.

When the ship arrives at an island to take on supplies, the ship becomes embroiled in a plan by a group of British criminals living on the island to steal some diamonds from a local shopkeeper. The captain agrees to carry the diamonds to safety in Singapore, but the criminals board and take over the ship to get their hands on the diamonds, threatening to kill the surviving crew. Fenn and Burton join forces to repulse the boarders and the ship gets safely to Singapore where Burton and Paddy agree to marry, after he reveals that he quit his previous life as a respectable doctor due to a woman. Meanwhile Fenn leaves to look for command of a ship of his own.

The Man Who Died Twice (film)

Lynn Brennon learns that her husband of three months, nightclub owner T.J. Brennon, has been killed in a car crash. When she returns to their apartment, she finds three men fighting on her balcony. One is thrown off, another shot. The third flees down a fire escape.

A pair of Chicago hit men, Hart and Santoni, turn up while narcotics lawmen Hampton and Sloane begin to investigate. Bill Brennon turns up, having received a telegram from his brother T.J. asking for help. He finds sister-in-law Lynn in shock. A suspicious Hampton and Sloane discover that Bill works with the Kansas City police.

Minelli, a gangster, is suspected of running a drug ring. Bill tries to get information out of Lynn, who is unaware that a doll in her apartment has heroin hidden inside it. A bartender from the nightclub, Rak, drives her home, then searches for the heroin while she is asleep.

While the hit men get a contract to murder Minelli, they also deal with an old lady, Sally, who has been spying on them. Minelli and Rak are both killed, but just when Lynn feels safe, husband T.J. turns up alive. He's been behind the killings and drug deals all along. Bill Brennon arrives just in time to help the cops stop his corrupt brother.

The Eight Hilarious Gods

Goddess Buddy Wall ascends to the mortal world to retrieve the holy pearls that Lucifer stole. She saves a group of villagers from sacrificing one of their children to Lucifer by posing as one. When she cannot win, she calls upon god Ben who manages to chase Lucifer away. To defeat Lucifer, the two embark on a journey to find the other six gods who were reincarnated into mortals; they are identified by a birthmark on their body.

Arriving in a town, the film introduces the reincarnated gods as mortals who are unaware of their celestial identities: Smart Han and Lousy Han are con artists, homosexual Cheung and Lotus are swindlers that run a hostel, and Lee and Tsao are employee and employer respectively for bounty hunting. Buddy Wall and Ben first meet con artists Smart Han and Lousy Han who tries to pickpocket Buddy Wall in the flea market; Ben beats them but is sidetracked when beautiful women come to watch him fight. The two meet Lee and Tsao when Lee physically abuses his mother to steal her jade bracelet to give to Tsao to pay off a debt. The two check into Cheung and Lotus' hostel as Lotus tries to seduce Ben.

That evening, Lucifer claims a young boy's life in retaliation for the humans sending the gods after him, and demands the sacrifices of three boys and girls in three days. At the hostel, all of the mortal gods have unknowingly gathered there. Lotus captures the mortal gods, except Smart Han, and she fights against Ben who has been suspicious of her intentions. Cheung, Lotus' partner in crime and in love with Tsao, is lured into where they are kept and knocked unconscious, allowing the captives to escape. All of the mortal gods unite, where Ben is forced to pardon their mortal crimes and ask for their help in locating the other 6 gods to fight Lucifer. Surprisingly, they all reveal their marks, indicating that they are the gods that he and Buddy Wall had been looking for. However, the group is skeptical of their celestial origins.

They see a group of villagers, marching to sacrifice three boys and girls to Lucifer. The gods promises to save the children in three days time. However, within the three days, the mortal gods dilly-dallies while Lucifer takes the initiative to break them apart by transforming as every one of them to fool the others. Ben reveals the true Lucifer but the mortal gods are disorganized and scattered, whereby Ben and Buddy Wall are captured.

The rest of the injured mortal gods reunite outside of the city and try to rescue Ben and Buddy Wall, but it costs them their lives. During a lunar eclipse, Lucifer tries to consume the holy pearls but they escape to possess their respective mortals, properly reviving and turning them into gods. With their powers united, they restrain Lucifer and burn him in his own tower of pyre. They then cross a large body of water back to their home island of fairies.

The Flight Before Christmas (2015 film)

As Stephanie (Mayim Bialik) prepares to move in with her boyfriend (Gib Gerard), he breaks up with her, leaving her heartbroken and homeless for the holidays until she decides to fly home to Connecticut. On a red-eye the day before Christmas Eve, Stephanie finds herself seated next to Michael (Ryan McPartlin), who is planning to propose to his long-term girlfriend. Stephanie and Michael argue with one another over relationship skills before the pilot announces that an unexpected snowstorm is crossing the country. Their flight is diverted to Bozeman in Montana where Stephanie takes the last available room at the town's bed and breakfast. Despite their differences, she offers to share the room with Michael where they try to get along and end up realizing that they are becoming attracted to each other. Not wanting to interfere with Michael's relationship, Stephanie sneaks out to the airport and leaves without telling him. He soon discovers her absence and immediately follows her to the airport. The two say goodbye before her flight. Michael later breaks up with his girlfriend and searches for Stephanie online to reconnect with her.

On New Year's Eve, Michael calls Stephanie's office to hear her voice on her message. Stephanie visits his social media page. Missing each other and hoping to meet again, they each go to a local New Year's party. The two share a kiss after the New Year's countdown.

Bajo las riendas del amor

Montserrat Linares and Juan Jose Alvarez will have to overcome adversities and obstacles that get in their way in order to live "Under the Reins of Love". Montserrat was part of the University horse-riding team. She is injured in an accident at a horse-riding competition and uses a wheelchair. Ingrid was disguised as a fairy without knowing her own revenge to destroy Montserrat forever until she is recognized with her disfigured face from the previous domestic accident. Montserrat recognizes Ingrid and she wanted to disfigure her face as her final revenge, but she escapes from her in the barn to go upstairs. Ingrid went hysterical and fell off and got stabbed from the racking fork. Her mother Rosa found out her own daughter dying saying "I am sorry" and she died. Juan and Monserrat are happily together.

The Beast of Babylon Against the Son of Hercules

When the high-born Nippur returns to Babylon following a long stay in Persia, he rescues slave-girl Tamira from the soldiers of the evil usurper, Balthazar. Nippur then pays a courtesy visit to Balthazar's court where he meets the high-priestess Ura who has ambitions to become queen and who casts a lustful eye on this new visitor.

Later, shocked by the cruelty of Balthazar's reign and influenced by a group of rebels, Nippur interrupts a fiery sacrifice of virgins. Forced to flee Babylon, Nippur -- wounded by an arrow in the back -- is restored to health by the forces of the Persian king, Cyrus, who are marching toward Babylon. Nippur slips back into Babylon where he is captured and chained to a wall inside a dungeon.

Using his great strength, Nippur breaks free, rescues Tamira before she can be sacrificed, and engages Balthazar in a sword fight to-the-death. The Persian army now arrives and Cyrus, before returning home, sees to it that Nippur sits on the throne of Babylon with the faithful Tamira by his side.

Venus Against the Son of Hercules

Mars descends from Mount Olympus to earth to defend a kingdom besieged by invaders led by an African warlord named Afros. The warlord threatens to destroy the kingdom's capital unless they surrender. Antarus, a corrupt and ambitious member of the king's court conspires to become king. His plans include a deal with Afros and marrying Ecuba, daughter of the king. He is distracted by the beautiful maiden Daphne, whose father the king's emissary was recently killed by Afros during the midst of a parley. Afros is killed in a duel with Mars and his army is scattered during a siege. Antarus continues his plot to become king while maneuvering his pawns in court.

Mars rescues Daphne from a couple of Afros' men during her attempt to recover her father's body on the roadside. After falling in love at first sight with Daphne, Mars reluctantly returns to Olympus to reunite with Venus, who he accuses of deceiving him to look like Daphne on earth. Venus releases Ares, explaining her beauty and grace exists in all mortal women including Daphne who she recognizes Mars is profoundly in love with. He returns to earth in time to learn that Daphne has been condemned to be sacrificed to a carnivorous plant monster alongside a deaf-mute slave girl accused of murdering Ecuba (who was killed by Antarus). Mars arrives with heroic timing to save the women from sacrifice but Daphne is fatally shot with an arrow by Antarus who followed after Mars to kill him. The two fight and Antarus is subsequently cornered and devoured by the monstrous plant. Recognizing Mars' eternal love for Daphne, Jupiter answers his son's prayer and spares her life as she appears waiting in a white chariot. Mars joins her and bids farewell to the king and his people who arrived at the sacrificial site in time to see the pair ride off into the heavens presumably to live on Mount Olympus forever.

What Now (film)

Three best friends explore the world of online swipe dating in Los Angeles and quickly find out that anyone who judges you based on your salary or number of social media followers is someone who has their own soul-searching to do.

DJ works as a disc jockey (DJ) at a strip called named Pink Lips. Bruno works security at Pink Lips, and Joey works as a travel agent. They all live together in B-Murda's house, but it is their last weekend there. B-Murda is getting married, and his fiancé wants his friends to move out. They all decide to try a new dating app at a friend's suggestion. They quickly find out that girls do not like their day jobs, but they can lie about what they do.

The movie culminates in a party at B-Murda's house. Ice-T makes an appearance at the party and performs a live version of "99 Problems".

Kumkum Na Pagla Padya

The story revolves around a girl named Kumkum Devendrabhai Gadhavi, living in the small tow named Sukhadvanj located in Gujarat. Kumkum is said to have a magical power of healing people. This is believed due to her extreme faith in Maa Durga (Goddess of Victory of Good over Evil). She is married to Jai Gordhandas Seth - son of a very rich man Seth Gordhandas. He has irreversible bipolar disorder which went very severe and has turned Jai to a very temperamental person. Before her marriage, Kumkum was unknown about this. Even though it is a forced relationship, she accepts her destiny willingly, despite knowing the extremities she might face in this wedlock and this is all about how Kumkum manages her marriage life and relationship with her Family-in-law.

Hello Again (2017 film)

'''The Whore and The Soldier'''

In 1901, an American soldier is walking through the streets of New York City at night when he is approached by a prostitute who flirts with him. She takes the soldier to a boathouse on the river where they have sex. Afterwards, she meekly asks him for pay, but the soldier coldly rebukes her and leaves. The prostitute is angry when she realizes he has stolen her jeweled brooch.

'''The Soldier and The Nurse'''

In 1942, a soldier goes to a party being held in an underground canteen. He notices a pretty nurse carrying a tray and begins flirting with her, asking her to spend the night with him as he is shipping out to war the next day. The nurse is shy at first but eventually gives in, and they have sex outside in a car. The nurse asks the soldier to walk her home, but he leaves her sitting alone in the rain to get a drink.

'''The Nurse and The College Boy'''

In 1967, a nurse is hired to take care of a wealthy college student who has injured his ankle playing tennis. The boy awkwardly attempts to flirt with the nurse. When his mother leaves, the nurse surprises him by seducing him in his bedroom, even tying him up and gagging him during their romp. Afterwards, the boy jokes about no longer needing a nurse, offending her enough that she walks out, leaving him tied up.

'''The College Boy and The Young Wife'''

In 1929, a college student sneaks out to the movies to meet his lover, a young married woman. When she attempts to perform oral sex on him during the film, he is unable to get an erection, and privately admits to himself that he is only attracted to her when he cannot have her. She gets upset and tries to leave, but he convinces her that he loves her, and they try again. He eventually manages to climax, but when his lover asks him when they can next meet, he only makes vague promises before abruptly leaving.

'''The Young Wife and The Husband'''

In 1956, a married couple are getting ready to go see a play for their first anniversary. The wife, who is much younger than her husband, dresses in revealing lingerie and attempts to seduce him, but he acts uninterested, and talks about how sinful it is for people to desire "carnal gratification". The wife eventually asks her husband if he loves her, and although he claims he does, when she attempts to initiate sex he rebuffs her and goes upstairs to masturbate alone. The wife has a bath and sadly reminisces about a man named Tom she had met on the same day she met her husband, and wonders what her life would have been like if she had ended up with him instead.

'''The Husband and The Young Thing'''

In 1912, on the Titanic, a wealthy man traveling without his wife convinces an attractive servant to join him for dinner in his cabin. They talk, and the wealthy man begins to awkwardly flirt with the younger man. The younger man goes into the bathroom, when the ship strikes an iceberg and begins to sink. A deck hand warns them to get out, but the husband, seemingly on the verge of a total breakdown at the news, does not tell the young man what is happening and instead seduces him. The young man asks if he can join him when they arrive in New York, but the husband confesses the ship is sinking. The young man is furious and flees, running with all the other panicking passengers, while the husband chooses to die alone in the dark cabin.

'''The Young Thing and The Writer'''

In 1976, a wannabe filmmaker brings his camera into a nightclub where a wild party is ongoing. He spots an attractive younger man dancing and approaches him. The younger man acts coldly at first, until the filmmaker lies and says he is a Hollywood screenwriter working on a major film for Paul Newman, and agrees to go back to his apartment. The two men have passionate sex, and the filmmaker fantasizes about the two falling in love and eventually getting married; in reality, however, the filmmaker admits he lied about his work, causing the younger man to storm out of his apartment.

'''The Writer and The Actress'''

In 2002, a songwriter is helping his ex-girlfriend, a famous actress turned singer attempting to make a comeback in pop music, record a new song. The singer becomes irritated by the saccharine lyrics and the fact that her voice is being heavily auto tuned. The two end up arguing over their old relationship, and the singer admits she is scared she will fail. The writer boosts her confidence by describing how sexy she is, and the two end up having sex in the recording studio. She then asks him to tell her he loves her, and he reminds her that she broke up with him, and admits to sleeping with her current lover. The writer walks out, leaving the singer in angry shock.

'''The Actress and The Politician'''

In 1989, a former actress is working as the adviser and public relations manager to a senator who is running for the presidency. The two women are also in a secret relationship. The actress is irritated that the senator has been drifting away from her and forcing her to keep their romance quiet. However, when the senator implies they may need to break up to further her political career, the actress claims she would be content to be her secret lover forever, and gives her a ring as a gift. The actress throws a successful party to earn voters for the senator, but when she tries to make dinner plans with the senator afterwards, she cuts their conversation short and leaves, much to the actresses disappointment.

'''The Politician and The Whore'''

In 2012, a senator visits a unique whorehouse in which she talks to a masked male prostitute through a two-way camera. The senator asks the prostitute if he is happy doing what he does, but the prostitute refuses to answer, and asks her why she keeps coming to talk to him; she does not answer either. The senator describes a dream she had the previous night in which she woke up in a bed with a stranger - it is revealed to the audience that the dream involved waking up with the male prostitute, without his mask, and having an intimate conversation with him. In real life, the prostitute ends their session, and the senator leaves. She goes to get in her car, but changes her mind and begins walking down the streets of New York City. As she walks, each of the lovers from the various segments appears and sings to her, before the senator sees a man who looks exactly like how the prostitute appeared unmasked in her dream. They smile at each other before he walks away.

Mood of the Day

Kim Jae-hyun (Yoo Yeon-seok) is a sports manager and former talented basketball player. His only wish is to send a novice and promising player Kang Chul to America. To fulfill his wish, he must head to Busan to find and convince Kang Chul. Meanwhile, Bae Soo-jung (Moon Chae-won) works in an advertising agency and must also travel to Busan for a business trip. The two meet on the KTX train and spend 24 hours in the unfamiliar city of Busan, South Korea.

Entertainment (2015 film)

After touring an aircraft boneyard in the California desert, the film's main subject (Gregg Turkington) performs a stand-up routine as the character of Neil Hamburger to an audience of prisoners following a clown act by "Eddie the Opener" (Tye Sheridan). The convicts react positively to his openly sexist, racist, and homophobic jokes. Back at his hotel, he leaves a voicemail for his daughter while a soap opera plays on television. The next morning, he hikes across rock formations before performing at a bar, but the show goes poorly as few patrons laugh and one heckles him. This causes the performer to express irritation (in character) with the audience and the heckler.

The performer's cousin John (John C. Reilly) approaches him after the show and awkwardly converses about the unenthusiastic audience while passively criticizing the raunchiness of his routine. He responds defensively to the criticisms and blames the poor reception of the routine on the heckler. At another hotel that night, the comedian leaves a second voicemail for his daughter. The next day, he tours an oil field. Another show takes place that night at another bar. Eddie the Opener gets a relatively positive reaction from the crowd, but the main character receives very little positivity himself, expressing the same in-character frustrations with the audience. After being told by the manager of the establishment that no hotel rooms are available, he stays at the house of the manager's cousin. A female member of the family watches the main character sleep as an image of him in a hallway dressed entirely in white appears on-screen.

He tours a ghost town the next day, leaving a very despondent voicemail for his daughter in which he laments how hard it is to reach her. He spends the rest of the day with his cousin John, who drunkenly attempts to encourage the main character that night. The comedian goes to a bowling alley and a shooting park the following day before crashing a chromotherapy seminar that night and falling asleep in the midst of it. At his hotel, he runs into the woman who was giving the lecture (Lotte Verbeek). She puts him in a red-light therapy booth before setting up chairs for another seminar, and he watches the same soap opera again in his hotel room. Another show takes place the next day, but only Eddie is shown performing to a wildly energetic crowd. The comedian gets a call from an online filmmaker who wants him to star in a video. He arrives in the desert with the filmmakers the next day but soon wanders off, seemingly impatient and irritated.

Before a show, Eddie approaches the comedian and briefly expresses his gratitude for working with him, but the performer responds somewhat indifferently. The show goes disastrously: not a single patron of the bar laughs and the comedian aims extremely vulgar insults at a woman (Amy Seimetz), who throws a drink at him before leaving the bar, then assaults him as he is walking to his car. Eddie tries to help him by taking him to his hotel room, but the comedian eventually lashes out at his partner as well.

The next morning, the comedian stops on the road to examine a wrecked car. He hits a dog on the road that night, and later, in a public bathroom, a stranger named Tommy (Michael Cera) claims his car has broken down and asks if the performer can keep him company while he waits for help. The Comedian responds very little, staring blankly. He gets extremely drunk in his hotel room and leaves another voicemail to his daughter in which he quietly sings Ave Maria.

Later, the comedian performs at a party where he ends up staying the night. Afterwards, he visits a public restroom where he investigates the cries of a woman coming from the women's restroom. He finds a woman in labor who begs for his help; the film cuts to the bloodied comedian falling asleep against the wall of the bathroom as he holds the presumably stillborn infant. He wakes up the next morning to find children smearing chocolate on the window of the car he was sleeping in.

That night, during his act, the comedian picks up a trophy at the venue, aims it at the audience, and pretends to fire at them; he eventually resorts to making fart noises with his mouth before walking off stage. The manager of the venue tells him, "We're not paying for that" before the performer leaves. He later leaves a fifth voicemail for his daughter in a public restroom.

At the pool party of a celebrity (Tim Heidecker) the next day, the comedian emerges from a cake before having a mental breakdown on stage and throwing himself into the pool. As he swims to the edge of the pool, images appear of him dripping wet on stage, wearing the same white outfit seen before, and exiting a jail cell. He enters the set of the soap opera that he had been watching; the film ends as the comedian has a manic episode while watching himself on screen.

The Dead Inside (2013 film)

After an unexplained virus causes the reanimation of the dead, a group of civilian and British Army survivors barricade themselves inside a village high school.

Delicious in Dungeon

In a fantasy world of dungeon exploration, guilds go out on expeditions to raid dungeons. Many hope to find the mysterious Golden Kingdom, which is said to be the treasure of a certain island dungeon. The story begins as a group of six adventurers attempt to slay a dragon; however, they are forced to escape, losing the leader's sister, Falin (a tallman spellcaster), to the dragon's stomach. After this failure, two members of the group leave to join another band of adventurers, leaving only the leader Laios (a tallman swordsman), Chilchuck (a halfling locksmith), and Marcille (an elven spellcaster) to grieve over Laios’ sister, Falin.

Feeling indebted to their close teammate Falin, who used magic to teleport the team outside to safety, the remainder of the team brainstorms how to get back to the dungeon level with the dragon in time to save Falin from digestion. Much like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the team members must consider the cost of weapons, defense, recruitment fees for more team members, and food.

With the majority of their supplies left behind in the dungeon, their mission seems impossible - until Laios suggests they sustain themselves by finding food inside the dungeon. Laios has secretly wanted to eat dungeon monsters for a long time, and presents Chilchuck and Marcille with a cookbook about making meals from monsters in an attempt to convince them of his plan. They agree reluctantly, and return to the dungeon. The first floor of the dungeon is filled with adventurers and resembles a marketplace; this is where the team meets and joins Senshi, a dwarf who has 10 years of experience sustaining himself in the dungeon by cooking monsters and harvesting food.

The story then details their travels through the dungeon, the environments, traps, and monsters they encounter, and the meals they create. The pros and cons of these meals, and the characters' reactions to them, provide a running gag.

Innocence (1923 film)

As described in a film magazine review, theater actress Fay Leslie weds Don Hampton, a wealthy society man. Don becomes jealous of Paul Atkins, an actor friend of Fay. Paul is convicted of a robbery of which he is innocent. He escapes from a prison work gang and, after fighting with the crew of a train, makes a daring jump from the train while it is crossing a high trestle bridge, diving into a swift flowing river. In the end he is aided by Fay. Because of compromising circumstances, Don believes that she has been faithless and employs a lawyer to seek a divorce. Fay visits the attorney and, through her clever acting, convinces him that she is guiltless and that circumstantial evidence should not be credited. After Paul clears her name, husband and wife are reconciled.

All Happy Families Are Alike

A group of street children, among them Selina, witness the arrival of Fish Mooney and the escapees from Dollmaker's Island. Mooney approaches Selina and states that it will be a "new day". Selina and the children soon join Mooney's gang.

Two weeks later, Bruce becomes convinced his father led a double life and with help from Alfred, he looks throughout his father's study room. Carmine Falcone is shot during an ambush in the port by Maroni's men and taken to the hospital. At the GCPD, Barbara decides to take trauma counselling from Dr. Leslie Thompkins after the death of her parents at the hands of The Ogre.

Cobblepot and Butch Gilzean arrive at the hospital, intending to kill Falcone. Cobblepot reveals planning the mob war since before making his deal with Falcone. Gordon stops them and handcuffs Cobblepot and Butch to a pipe and frees Falcone. Falcone will need two days in a hideout to find a way to stop the war and Gordon agrees to help him. Cobblepot, realizing Maroni's men are coming and will kill him for his betrayal, pleads with Gordon to free him, citing the favor Gordon owns him. Commissioner Loeb arrives with Maroni's hitmen and orders them to kill Gordon and Falcone. A shootout between Gordon and the hitmen ensues with Gordon killing the hitmen. With help from Bullock, Gordon, Falcone, Cobblepot and Gilzean escape in an ambulance.

They get to Falcone's safe house but are taken hostage by Mooney's gang. Mooney is even more furious after noticing Butch's brainwashing treatment delivered by Victor Zsasz and Cobblepot. Mooney makes a trade with Maroni: in exchange for Falcone's head, Maroni will return Mooney's territories. Mooney also plans on killing Cobblepot for brainwashing Butch but spares Bullock's life. However, during the meeting with Maroni, Maroni makes sexist comments about Mooney, which causes her to shoot him in the head. Maroni's and Mooney's gangs then fight, which gives enough time to Falcone, Gordon, and Bullock to escape to a cargo container. Falcone decides he's "done" with business and plans on retiring. Selina's gang recaptures them and bring them back to Mooney. Cobblepot appears with a machine gun and kills some gang members. He then pursues Mooney to the rooftop of the warehouse while Falcone, Gordon and Bullock escape. Meanwhile, during the therapy, Barbara reveals that she murdered her parents, enraged that they never loved her. She then suffers a psychotic breakdown and proceeds to attempt to kill Leslie for stealing her fiancée Gordon. Leslie manages to neutralize Barbara in self-defense just as Gordon, Falcone, and Bullock arrive.

On the rooftop of the warehouse, Mooney and Cobblepot engage in a violent fight. Butch arrives with a gun, but as he was brainwashed to obey Cobblepot and with his loyalty to Mooney, he doesn't know whom to shoot. Unknowingly, he shoots both of them. Mooney forgives Butch for shooting her but Cobblepot insults Butch. He then pushes Mooney to the edge of the rooftop, which makes her to fall in the water, seemingly killing her. A shocked Butch watches in horror as Cobblepot climbs to the edge of the rooftop and shouts: "I am the king of Gotham!".

In the GCPD, in the file room, Kristen Kringle reveals to Nygma something she found in the note from "Dougherty": the first letter of each line spells out N-Y-G-M-A, his surname. Nygma denies any knowledge of the letter. When Kringle leaves, he suffers a mental breakdown and talks to an alternate personality that has manifested itself in his mind. Before leaving Gotham, Falcone gives Gordon a knife Gordon's father gave him, stating: The knife is a good friend when you have no others". In the final scene, Bruce and Alfred find nothing in the study. After Alfred states "none so blind", referring to Marcus Aurelius, recalling Lucius Fox calling his father "stoic". He finds a book with a device. He turns it on and makes the fireplace recede. The season ends with Bruce and Alfred finding stairs behind the fireplace, leading to a cave.

By Fire

As part of their plan to get his mother back, Butch tells Theo Galavan that Cobblepot cut off his hand for thinking he betrayed him and offers to work for Galavan. Galavan initially declines, stating that his associates "have both hands". Tabitha agrees to let him join them but Barbara is skeptical, citing when Butch kidnapped her. Finally, Galavan lets Butch be part of his operation. Galavan also threatens to kill a congressman if he doesn't support him in the elections, which ends when the congressman agrees to his terms and his life is spared.

Meanwhile, the strike force, led by Gordon, catch a thug and accuse him of being the arsonist who killed Officer Garrett in the previous episode. Bridgit is having a rough time after having killed the police officer. She lives with Selina, but continues to feel guilty. Selina proposes to get money so she can leave Gotham City and both of them steal money from a human trafficking slave-ring. During their escape, they're caught on camera, and Gordon recognizes Selina. On their way to the bus station, Bridgit is kidnapped by the Pike brothers. Selina plans on rescuing her but is found by Gordon. Selina gives the information to Gordon, but Gordon states he will take care of the situation.

Bridgit is brought back to the Pike home where her brothers taunt her fear of fire by threatening her with firecrackers. Tired of their abuse, Bridgit kills them with a flamethrower. While looking for the whereabouts of Cobblepot's mother, Butch is discovered by Galavan and learns that he knows of his and Penguin's ruse. Galavan figures out that Oswald has a mental hold on Butch and tells Tabitha to try and beat it out of him. Selina reunites with Bridgit but realizes she's changed in her attitude and plans on taking down abusive people. Bridgit returns to the slave-ring where she burns the captors and frees the women.

With a tip from Selina, Gordon, Barnes and the GCPD arrive at the slave-ring. Gordon tries to calm Bridgit, but she fights back. However, she accidentally catches fire while trying to defend herself. In an attempt to co-opt Bruce, Galavan proposes to help clean up the corruption in Wayne Enterprises. Butch escapes from the Galavans and tells Cobblepot his mother's whereabouts. Selina appears at Leslie and Gordon's apartment and is heartbroken when Gordon tells her Bridgit won't survive her injuries.

Nygma reveals to Kringle during a visit that he accidentally killed her ex-boyfriend, Dougherty. When she tries to leave and tell someone, he holds her and tries to keep her from screaming, but he unknowingly strangles her and she dies in his arms, leaving him shouting and crying in grief.

In an underground facility of a division of Wayne Enterprises, Bridgit, still alive, is brought to Indian Hill labs where scientists experiment on human beings.

American Kickboxer

Robert James "B.J." Quinn (John Barrett) is the current middleweight kickboxing champion of the world. His next opponent is Chad Hunter (Keith Vitali). Hunter proves to be quite the opponent with his impressive skills. In the second round, Quinn accidentally hits Chad with an elbow while going for a spinning back fist, causing the doctor to stop the fight. Quinn retains his title.

At a party celebrating a new sponsor to kickboxing, middleweight contender and cocky fighter Jacques Denard (Brad Morris) hits on Quinn's girlfriend Carol (Terry Norton). Quinn, seeing what Denard is doing, begins to confront him. As the two begin to push each other, party goer Ken (Gavin Hood) gets into the mix to split them up. However, Quinn punches Ken so hard that he crashes through a table and ends up dead. At the trial, despite Chad's testimony that Quinn would have needed a reason to kill Ken, Denard's testimony proves enough to get Quinn convicted for twelve months on manslaughter charges. In addition, Quinn is no longer allowed to compete in professional kickboxing.

A year has passed and Quinn has been freed from prison. Upon returning, he is shocked to learn that Denard, the man whose testimony has put him away due to pure hatred of him, has become the middleweight champion. Denard, in all his glory, proves to be a complete showboating type who resorts to using dirty tactics and has felt both the ire of kickboxing promoter Bob Wiser (Len Sparrowhawk) and the heckling of journalist Willard (Ted Le Plat), who had done the same to Quinn during his days as a champion.

Meanwhile, Quinn had learned that Chad Hunter had stood up for him during the trial and has befriended him. Chad is up for a title shot against Denard and asks Quinn to train him. Quinn agrees, but he starts to let his personal demons catch up to him. During a sparring session, Quinn gets too rough with Chad, who confronts him. Quinn knows that Denard has gotten under his skin for a long time and he begins to take his frustrations out on both Chad and Carol. Chad loses badly to Denard in their title fight and is sent to the hospital, where Quinn again trashes Chad. At another party, a drunken Quinn finally confronts Denard and beats him relentlessly using a chair, prompting Carol to leave him.

Depressed and alone, Quinn finds another place to live and slowly begins to realize the mistakes he has made. Chad, who has ultimately forgiven Quinn, asks Quinn to help out at his school. On his first day, as he is wrapping his hands up for some training near 2 of the students taking part in the class, practicing kicks, he witnesses the older and more skilled of the sweep the less skilled students foot, sending him down hard to the mat. The two get into a pushing an shoving match which Quinn breaks up, Chad asks Quinn to handle it, in which Quinn teaches the less skilled student to counter side kick the other if this happen again, he has the other student that swept him sweep him again a few times for the other to practice the move, as a way of getting revenge for being knocked down and to teach the other student a lesson, then has them shake hands. After defusing the situation between the two students, Quinn again begins to value what he has and begins a road of redemption for himself through training. Carol returns and she and Quinn rekindle their relationship. Denard, upset from the beating at the party, decides to challenge Quinn to a fight. However, knowing that Quinn cannot fight as a professional, Denard makes the challenge for $100,000.

When Quinn gets wind of the challenge after seeing the headline on the newspaper Willard writes for, Carol tells Quinn she will help him through this. In addition, Chad has offered to become Quinn's trainer. During a sparring session, Chad and Quinn go at it again when Quinn starts to somewhat hold back. It is there where Quinn finally lets everything loose verbally, but about himself. He said everything he had has is gone, but Chad finally offers some words of encouragement and Quinn realizes that he hasn't lost it all. With the help of Chad and former trainer Howard (Roger Yuan), who after Quinn's imprisonment became Denard's cornerman but grew tired of his antics; Quinn begins to put his heart into his training and prepares for the big fight.

The long-awaited fight finally happens. Once again, Denard's showboating and dirty tactics begin to take its toll on Quinn. When Quinn goes down during one of the later rounds, he gets up at a nine-count. Showing he isn't holding back anymore, he surprises Denard with his punches and kicks. When he lands a haymaker, Denard is sent flying to the corner with his legs rubbery. Quinn finally unleashes a flurry of kicks to Denard, and ends it with a tornado kick, sending Denard to the ground for the ten-count. As Chad, Howard, Carol, and others gather to congratulate B.J., Willard makes one more heckle at Denard before Denard's cornerman knocks him out cold with a punch.

PC Principal Final Justice

PC Principal walks into a bar in a gentrified location in Russia. He is assaulted by patrons there but is able to kill every one of his attackers. At South Park Elementary, Kyle calls a meeting in the bathroom with Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Butters to tell them that he believes Jimmy is dead at the hands of Principal, as per information he has been given by Leslie. He also states his belief that Stan's father, Randy has been helping Principal to kill any objectors to his political correctness views, and Stan leaves in disgust. Kyle convinces Cartman, Kenny, and Butters to all get guns to protect themselves, and they quickly do so.

At dinner with his family, Randy excuses himself to the garage where Mr. Garrison, Principal Victoria and Caitlyn Jenner are examining Principal's hard drive which they seized. They discover that Principal has been fighting gentrification worldwide because he believes the source behind it is not human. They also conclude that whoever started the joke that resulted in Victoria being fired must be the mastermind behind the whole scheme. In South Park's gentrified Shi Tpa Town, Nathan and his prostitute girlfriend Classi hold Jimmy hostage at gunpoint and remove his crutches. Nathan reveals he has been using the political correctness people to work with the ads and thus gain the power he desires. At home, Cartman and his mother Liane have an argument which leads to Cartman pointing his gun at Liane, but Liane responds by pointing a gun at Cartman and she successfully gets Cartman to listen to her. Stan discovers Randy and the others in the garage and points his gun at Randy to force him to come clean, but Randy responds by pointing a gun at Stan. This leads to an argument where Sharon, Randy, Stan, and Shelly all point guns at each other but eventually have a discussion where everyone listens to one another, and Randy agrees to disclose everything he knows.

Principal is captured and brought on board an aircraft carrier where a phone call is received from Barack Obama demanding that Principal be released and completely ignored, but it is revealed that Leslie is impersonating Obama. At a gun store, business is brisk, and Jimbo reveals to Officer Barbrady that there is an upcoming gun show that the entire town will attend, and Barbrady is concerned. Leslie convinces Kyle to go to the gun show and make one of his speeches about what he learned. Kyle initially declines as he has given up giving speeches, though agrees as long as Leslie is with him. At the Marsh home, the group discovers the online ad featuring Principal and Leslie, and Stan concludes that Kyle is the mastermind since he is now helping Leslie, and they drive off with their guns. Nathan shows a preview of the next day's school newspaper to Jimmy with a headline of a tragedy occurring at the gun show, but when Classi raises an objection, Nathan slaps her, as he had previously done with Mimsy, his former sidekick. Classi, however, does not tolerate this and physically assaults Nathan before giving Jimmy his crutches back, and they drive off together to find Barbrady and get to the gun show.

The gun show, which resembles more of a dog breed show, is interrupted by Randy and his group with their guns drawn, and they call out for Kyle. Kyle and Leslie arrive with their gun, followed shortly by Jimmy, Barbrady, and Classi also with guns. Jimmy reveals that Leslie is an ad that has become sentient and that no one can tell who is an ad and who is human. In the audience, Mr. Mackey draws out his gun and reveals that he was the one who got Victoria fired. Everyone with guns has a conversation with one another where they realize that they all need to be more attentive to one another. Leslie vows that ads will never be defeated, but as she does, Principal arrives and physically assaults her, finally killing her with a punch through her head. Back in Shi Tpa Town, Randy, along with all of South Park, yells at the Whole Foods Market that they now are aware of the problems caused by ads, and the market uproots itself from the ground and flies away. Principal announces to the school that he will remain there and continue to fight for PC while also fighting to eliminate ads by keeping South Park as politically correct as possible.

The Fire-Fairy

A group of gold prospectors, including an old man Yefim (alternative translation: Grandpa Efim) and an 8-year-old boy Fedyunka, called "Tyunka" by his father, sit around a fire in the woods. A tiny girl suddenly jumps out of the fire.

... just like a doll, she was, but alive. Her hair was red, her sarafan blue, and she held a blue kerchief in her hand. She looked around them merrily and her teeth shone white. Then she put one hand on her hip, raised the blue kerchief with the other and began to dance.

She finishes her dance and disappears, while the prospectors look as if spellbound and almost forget the experience afterwards. The only person who clearly remember the maid is Fedyunka. He also hears the cry of an eagle-owl as if the bird is laughing at him. Yefim explains that the girl was the Fire-Fairy, a sign of gold: "If the dancer shows herself, there's gold in that place". Next morning the prospectors start digging in the area, but cannot seem to remember the exact place where the maid had danced. Fedyunka blames the owl, but no one believes him. Children at the factory give him a nickname "Dancing Tyunka" ( ). The only person who doesn't laugh at him is Yefim. They become close friends. One day they see the Fire-Fairy again, and again the eagle-owl scares her away. Fedyunka is convinced that the Fairy would have shown them the way to gold if the owl had not hooted.

In the winter Fedyunka's father leaves to work in the mine, and the boy stays with his evil step-mother. He decides to live with Yefim instead. On his way to the village he sees the Fire-Fairy again. He follows her and gets lost in the forest, but the maid dances around him, and the snow melts. The winter turns into summer, flowers bloom, birds start singing on a birch tree. The Fairy laughs at Fedyunka and gives him an old spade that leads him out of the forest. Next day Fedyunka and Yefim go back to the birch tree and find a lot of gold. They cannot keep the secret for long, and eventually the landlord takes hold of the place, but Fedyunka and Yefim live in wealth for many years.

Be My Lady

Burdened by hospital and day to day expenses, Marcela the matriarch had no other choice but to work in Singapore as a nanny to reclaim the farm and help provide for the basic needs for the family. With Marcy in Singapore, Pinang was tasked to be the “ilaw ng tahanan”. And she does so with all her heart. On the other hand, Marcy works to tame the naughty Philip Olivera in Singapore. Phil was a troubled child, a KSP kid for he wasn’t cared for by her busy mom. He found a mother’s warmth in Marcy. Just when Marcy and Phil were starting to get close, Phil accidentally got Marcy deported for shoplifting. Marcy’s deportation marked another difficult hardship in the life of the family. The family farm which is their most prized possession was seized by the lending company where it was pawned.

At present, Pinang’s family strives to get the farm back. Pinang aspires to be a nurse in UK. Her focus and goal is to be successful, no lovelife, no time for romance. She grew up to be a woman with firm and strict principles. Then, as fate would have it, Pinang met Phil. The reason for all of the family’s hardship. Just the mere sight of him makes her mad. But the more she gets to know him, the more she falls for him. In return, Phil learns what it’s like to be a Filipino, have a complete family and fall in love with a Filipina.


450 years prior to the present, an extraterrestrial force called Efi Dorg invades Earth; the people of Sengoku era Japan dub their mecha and robotic drones as oni. The Washiba Clan falls victim to them, but clan heir Yukihime and her samurai retainer Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma fight back with a stolen Efi Dorg mecha, which they dub the . They succeed in vanquishing their foes, but when the Black Relic is caught in an enemy explosion, Yukihime disappears.

60 years ago, the Black Relic is unearthed during the construction of the Kurobe Dam. In the present day, the United Nations Kurobe Laboratory is researching it when Efi Dorg returns. Yukina Shirahane, daughter of the United Nations Kurobe Laboratory director, accidentally reactivates the cockpit module of the Black Relic, releasing Kennosuke from cryostasis. Aided by Yukina's family and the United Nations Kurobe Laboratory in adjusting to life in the 21st century, he stands against Efi Dorg's invasion of Earth just as he did in his home era. As the Black Relic is the most effective weapon the United Nations Kurobe Laboratory has against Efi Dorg technology, Kennosuke becomes one of their most valuable assets. Due to an accident, Yukina is biometrically synchronized with the Black Relic, and as it requires a pilot and a navigator, Yukina thus becomes Kennosuke's combat partner.

Love Guide for Dumpees

At their ex's wedding, Jung-hoon (Wife's ex) meets Si-hoo (Groom's ex) at the reception and they fought over the last Salmon Sushi. Drunk Jung-hoon was driven home by Si-hoo who was determined to commit suicide at his house, as a form of revenge over his ex by taking different kinds of pills. Drunk Jung-hoon and drugged Si-hoo both had a one-night romp. One night turned into another, and Si-hoo decided they should fill the coffee coupon with 10 stamps (they already had 2) meeting each other just to have sex, after 10th they could go separate ways.

Hear Me Move

Muzi, born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, is the son of a famous street dancer who is in pursuit to find the truth about his father's death. He teams up with his father's dance partner "Shoes", who encourages him to take heed of his dance talent, but finds himself in a challenge that pushes him to his limits.

Following on his father's footsteps, Muzi is a street dancer. He struggles to keep his promise to his mother of not dancing again following the death of his father. He finds himself in a dilemma of finding the truth about his father's death or disappoint his mother by joining Shoe's dance crew to continue dancing. Eventually he joins the dance crew, a culprit action that leads him to become an enemy of "Prince", the crew leader of a new dance crew that is making waves in the city.

Reward Unlimited

in ''Reward Unlimited'' Peggy Adams (Dorothy McGuire) and her fiancé Paul (James Brown) talk on the eve of his departure for active duty. He tells her, "We'll be married, but afterwards, after we've won the war." Peggy tells him she is going to find some war work herself—"Something that will make you proud of me, something that means something, to bring you home quicker." They part at the railroad station, and on her way home Peggy falls on the sidewalk. A kind nurse (Aline MacMahon) helps her. While bandaging Peggy's knee she tells her about the important work of the new U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, and its great need for nurses. Back at home, Peggy tries to enlist the support of her mother (Spring Byington), who dismisses the idea of her becoming a cadet nurse—but Peggy's father (Tom Tully) encourages her. In a montage, Peggy undergoes training and is graduated from the program. The last scenes show Peggy and a fellow nurse walking down a hospital corridor, where they hear a child crying. Peggy goes into a dark room, switches on the light and comforts a young boy (Butch Jenkins) who has awoken from a nightmare. He tells her that he likes her more than the other nurses because she has "kind of an inside shine" that shows in her eyes. Peggy says, "I guess that's what happens when you're happy," and she switches off the light. The film ends with Peggy walking toward the camera, while a narrator encourages qualified female viewers to apply for the Cadet Nurse Corps.

Beloved (1934 film)

An aristocratic violin prodigy, Carl Hausmann (Boles), escapes revolution in Vienna in 1848 and flees with his mother Irene (Peterson) to Charleston, North Carolina, where he is drawn to the music of the slaves. He meets a young woman, Lucy Tarrant (Stuart), whom he takes on as a piano student. The couple fall in love but Lucy's father, Major Tarrant (Breese) refuses his permission to marry. Carl emerges from the Civil War a hero, and in the meantime both Irene and Major Tarrant have died, and the Tarrants are now destitute,

Carl and Lucy marry and move to New York, where they survive on a meager income from Carl's piano lessons. Meanwhile he dreams of writing a great "American Symphony". Needing more money he falls in with Judge B. T. Belden (Carle), an unscrupulous showman who exploits Carl's violin ability. Lucy convinces him that this is dangerous to his reputation as a serious musician. The couple moves into a boardinghouse run by Mrs. Briggs (La Verne), where Carl works on his compositions while Lucy supports them. Shamed by remarks about letting his wife support him, Carl gets a job playing piano in a saloon. Lucy becomes pregnant and gives birth to a boy, Charles.

Ten years later Carl is working as a piano and violin teacher, but is unable to interest Charles (Woods) in music. In order to earn extra money he reluctantly sells some of his songs to an advertising agent. Meanwhile, Charles gets a young woman, Helen Burroughs (Mercer), pregnant, and is forced by his father to marry her. In an attempt to redeem himself Charles enlists in the Spanish–American War, where he is killed. Helen dies giving birth to a son, Eric. Returning from World War I Eric (Farley) adapts Carl's beloved Negro Spirituals into Jazz, including the song ''My Beloved''. He continues to plagiarize additional music, featured in stage hits sung by Patricia Sedley (Hall), whom Eric later marries.

Carl visits Eric's publisher, Mr. Yates (Clark) who insults him by calling his music a poor imitation of Eric's. Finally, Alexander Talbot (Shaw) of the "Metropolitan Symphony Society", encouraged by a donation from Eric, looks at Carl's ''American Symphony'' and, impressed, agrees to perform it. Reconciled, Eric and Carl attend the performance where Lucy's ghost smiles to hear her husband's work finally performed. During the performance Carl dies, happy that he has at last been recognized.

The Thickety

The story follows a pair of siblings named Kara and Taff who are mistreated by villagers due to their dead mother having practiced witchcraft. One day, Kara discovers a book with magical powers, which is the catalyst to her path down a new, dark road. J. A. White has three sons and teaches kids language arts at a school.

Rails Into Laramie

In the Wyoming Territory during 1869, Union Army Sgt. Jefferson Harder enters a casino and, within minutes, instigates a brawl. Just as he is thrown through the window, the soldiers sent by Gen. Augur to bring Jeff back to the fort arrive. Back at the fort, Argur explains to the hot-headed officer that the construction of the cross-country railroad has been halted outside Laramie by Jim Shanessy, who runs the town and wants the crew to stay and spend their money at his hotel and casino. It is only the threat of the blockade that convinces Jeff to take the assignment. He is further annoyed when his arrival in Laramie is met with dismay from the chief railroad engineer, Lee Graham, Judge Pierce and Mayor Frank Logan, who expected him to bring troops.

Graham, Pierce and Logan grow more aghast when Jeff warmly greets Shanessy, his childhood friend. Jim is at first pleased when Shanessy offers him free board at the hotel, but when the businessman's henchmen, brothers Con and Ace Winton, deliver a two-thousand dollar gift, Jeff recognizes it as a bribe. In the lobby, Jeff agrees to meet later that night with Pierce, who is still suspicious of him, and then visits the ineffectual but good-hearted marshal, Orrie Sommers, and advises him to ready the jail cells.

At the casino soon after, Shanessy introduces Jeff to his partner, beautiful Lou Carter, but Jeff spurns Lou's advances and returns the money to Shanessy. Shanessy, who remains friendly even after Ace threatens Jeff and is beaten up in return, invites Jeff to his home, hoping that Jeff's lingering feelings for Shanessy's wife Helen will keep him from pursuing his new duties. Later, Jeff meets with Graham, Pierce and Logan, and then, armed with their promise of complete authority, visits the railroad work site, where the men are drinking, gambling and sleeping. After Jeff knocks out the brawny foreman, the other men back away, allowing him to shut down the makeshift saloon. The next day, however, when Jeff posts notices that all the men have been fired and construction suspended, both the workers and the town merchants complain bitterly.

Graham calls a council meeting, at which some merchants demand Jeff's court-martial but, after he explains that he can rid the town of gambling and alcohol and only those who want to work will remain, they agree to give his plan a two-week trial. Shanessy counters by refusing to grant workers credit, and when they gather into an angry mob, as he has planned, he easily convinces them to wreak havoc on the town and defeat Jeff's plan. Jeff, however, arrests Shanessy, and that night, Lou invites Jeff to her room and, explaining that no local jury will convict Shanessy, offers to help. A mistrustful Jeff kisses her but then leaves. At the jail, Shanessy talks Jeff into visiting Helen, and when Jeff later leaves her house, too attracted to her to stay, he is beaten and deposited into a railroad car by Shanessy's men. In the morning, Jeff's absence results in a mistrial. Shanessy then instructs the workers to burn down all the railroad camps, after which every arrest Jeff makes is dismissed by crooked juries. He then sends for backup troops, but Shanessy shuts down the telegraph and, anticipating that Jeff will travel to see Augur himself, creates a landslide that blocks all traffic.

Graham, Pierce and Logan insist that Jeff rehire the workers, and when he refuses, they send Orrie on horseback to Cheyenne to order Jeff court-martialed. Soon after, Jeff discovers that Orrie has been killed on the trail, and Lou informs him that Shanessy is the culprit, but the only way to convict him is to construct a jury out of the Wyoming women who have just been granted the right to vote. Still skeptical, Jeff visits Shanessy, and when Ace pulls out a gun, Jeff shoots him and arrests Shanessy again. This time, Lou sits as foreperson on the female jury, and, to Shanessy's shock, they find him guilty. Jeff thanks Lou afterward, and although she first spurns him, he grabs her and she falls into his arms.

The night before Shanessy's scheduled hanging, Helen slips him a gun, and with it he knocks out Jeff and races to Lou's, shooting her in the back. Jeff revives and gathers a posse while Shanessy commandeers a train to Cheyenne, not realizing that the landslide has just been cleared on the tracks, and a passenger train is headed straight toward him. Jeff rides to Shanessy's train, leaps on and shoots his way to the front. There, with the passenger train fast approaching, he knocks out Shanessy and reverses the train only moments before a collision. Weeks later, railroad construction has resumed, and Jeff reports to a recovering Lou that although he must return to the Army for six months, he will consider Laramie his home base.

The Teller and the Truth

The film explores the story of bank teller Francis Wetherbee, who disappeared in 1974 during a bank robbery in Smithville, Texas. A few days after her disappearance Smithville Police recovered her car from the bottom of a river but found no other clues as to her whereabouts. Some 40 years after Francis Wetherbee vanished, her disappearance is reexamined as major individuals from her life come forward with new theories and evidence.

The Submarine Kid

Spencer Koll (Finn Wittrock), a Marine who has just returned home from a horrific experience while serving, struggles to bring himself back into a normal life with his friends and girlfriend. Spencer then meets Alice, who is everything to him, but is meanwhile haunted by a ghost from his time during the war. Alice then introduces him to the story of the submarine kid at a party.

Spencer hears his friends outside and tries to break up a fight between his friends and other party attendees. Spencer then suffers a flashback and attacks the instigator of the fight, beating him, and severely wounding him. The flashback eventually brings Spencer to driving his car with Alice and her screaming for him to stop. Spencer is eventually calmed down by Alice who he then takes to Thunder Lake. Spencer shows Alice a driving maneuver on a road near the lake and eventually have sex, resulting in Spencer concluding he never wants to leave Alice. Spencer then attempts the maneuver again with Alice, but this time crashes through the fence and into Thunder Lake. Spencer then wakes up in the hospital thinking he has killed Alice as no one knows who or where she is. Realizing Alice is only with him while he is suffocating underwater, or hallucinating, Spencer spends the rest of the movie trying to escape his flashbacks and to join Alice by holding his breath underwater for longer and longer periods of time. With each near drowning, his family and friends become more and more worried about his decaying mental state.

Spencer eventually discovers that Alice is actually the ghost of the Submarine Kid's girlfriend. Alice eventually discourages Spencer's self-destructive behavior telling him that no world is perfect and that he can't escape his haunting memories in reality by drowning himself to be with her.

After receiving his discharge from the Marine Corps, Spencer has another flashback, this time of the entire incident that has caused his PTSD. Spencer is shown in a foreign country with his squad when they happen upon armed militants. With failing radios, Spencer thinks he is ordered to shoot the militants, and is actually instructed not to. Spencer shoots and kills a woman who was used as a human shield by a militant. This woman is the hallucination that has been appearing in Spencer's waking life. The squad retreats, and in the process, Spencer is shot and dragged out by his squad.

The next morning, Spencer's friends find him in the middle of Thunder Lake and realize he is trying to drown himself again. Spencer has another visit with Alice, who is in a wedding dress, waiting for the Submarine Kid underneath a boardwalk. Instead of the Submarine Kid, Spencer shows up and says he wants to stay with Alice forever. Alice says she cannot, and cannot make him become the Submarine Kid like she thought she could. Alice continues, telling Spencer that the wedding isn't meant for him and that they can never move on if they are together. Spencer tries to prove his devotion to being the Submarine Kid by asking Alice to time him as he drowns himself again. Meanwhile, in the real world, Spencer's friends and family are desperately trying to find him in Thunder Lake while Spencer, who is below the surface, finds the skeletal remains of the original Submarine Kid. Back in Spencer's dream world, he resurfaces in his combat uniform asking Alice how long he was under for, only to find the ghost woman he shot and killed while deployed. Spencer realizes he cannot run from his emotional trauma, and resurfaces in the real world with the Submarine Kid's goggles. Spencer leaves the goggles near the shore of Thunder Lake, allowing Alice's ghost to move now as she can now be with the Submarine Kid.

Sanam Teri Kasam (2016 film)

A huge crowd of people and the media congratulates lawyer Inder Lal Parihaar after he wins a case. Later, he purchases a bottle of champagne and returns home to face a tree, as a flashback ensues.

Saraswati "Saru" Parthasaarthy is an extremely traditional, Telugu, young librarian, who gets rejected by many suitors who find her "old-fashioned" and "unappealing". Her younger sister Kaveri's fiancé issues her an ultimatum to marry him within a month or else move on. But her strict father, Jayram Parthasarthy says that her wedding cannot happen till Saru gets married. Enraged, Kaveri insults her and threatens to elope. Saru begs her not to elope and hurt Jayram, and promises Kaveri that she will find a husband soon.

Living in the same building is Inder, then a handsome ex-convict, who is in a relationship with renowned fashionista stylist Ruby Malhotra. Jayram views them as a bad influence to the society as he finds them embarrassing. After a few days, however, they break up. When Saru's parents are out of town, Saru secretly meets Inder and seeks help to get her a makeover appointment from Ruby. She wants to impress her office crush, Abhimanyu Shastry, who holds a degree in IIT. During their conversation, a drunken Ruby barges in and presumes Inder to be cheating on her; in a fit of rage, she insults Saru and throws her wine bottle on Saru and leaves, but Inder shields her and gets badly injured. Saru helps Inder to his bed while the watchman approaches Inder's apartment and, misunderstanding them in an intimate position, alerts all the elders of the society. Unaware, Saru helps Inder tend to his wounds despite his reluctance. Jayram returns early from his trip. He and the elders find Saru with Inder on his bed, completely misunderstanding the situation, while Jayram disowns her.

Saru tells her mother Arundhati what really happened that night, but asks her not to tell Jayram, because he has finally consented for Kaveri's wedding. Inder helps her find an apartment and also get her a makeover with help from a local hairdresser, Mushtaqeen. With her new makeover, she grabs the attention of Abhimanyu. Meanwhile, Inder falls in love with her, but keeps quiet when Abhimanyu proposes to her, because he wants her to be happy. However, Abhimanyu rejects her on the day of the wedding, because his father does not want a disowned daughter-in-law. Saru is left heartbroken and goes to her honeymoon suite. From there, Saru and Inder spend the night together. The next morning, Inder witnesses Saru embracing Abhimanyu and leaves heartbroken. Inder spirals into depression, breaking off all contacts with Saru. When he learns from Abhimanyu that Saru had actually rejected Abhimanyu's request for a second chance, he tracks her down and finds her in a Buddhist monastery, where he professes his love to her. Saru passes out and Inder takes her to the hospital, where he discovers she is suffering from meningioma and has very few days to live. He forcibly enters Saru's parents' house and demands them to stop pretending that their daughter is dead. The next day he is arrested for charges pressed by Jayram. Saru gets discharged and goes to the library, where she discovers the secret messages Inder left for her in check-out slips, realizing that he has loved her from the beginning. The two unite and Saru asks Inder to marry her.

That night, Saru tells him that after her death, she desires to be buried under a beautiful flowering tree. Inder meets Jayram and tells him that he is marrying Saru and can even die for her. On their wedding day, Saru's parents arrive and accept their wedding. Saru faints after the wedding and gets hospitalised. Her parents learn about her disease, and Jayram feels heartbroken and guilty. Inder asks his father, Rajinder Lal Parihar, with whom he has a strained relationship, to acquire for him the land under the tree for Saru's burial. Saru dies in Inder's arms, and Inder is left heartbroken. Inder finds Rajinder in the hospital and reconciles with him.

Now a successful lawyer, Inder stands at the tree that marks Saru's grave. He asserts that she must be happy to see him successful and sober. He says that he misses her and expresses a promise of eternal true love.

Jumpin' at the Boneyard

Manny (Tim Roth) is a solitary man forced to deal with his painful past when his younger addicted brother Dan (Alexis Arquette) storms in to steal his money, in a futile attempt to buy drugs. After an aggressive and hostile discussion, they slowly reconcile, as circumstances obliged both brothers to walk by their childhood neighborhood, reminding them how happy they were, before the challenges and difficulties of adult life separated them. In a painful road of memories, desolation and reconciliation, both brothers rediscover their mutual love for each other, as Manny tries to inspire Dan to stay clean and earn a living decently. In an attempt to make Dan visit their mother, and show her his love, desire to change, and apologize for all his past wrongdoings, Manny employs his best efforts to encourage his brother to arrange his life, quit drugs, and find a decent job. Nonetheless, things seems to always go wrong for the brothers, as Manny's sometimes hard, but always good intentions toward Dan goes wrong again, and a fatality once more struck their lives, reminding both how brutal and hazardous life can be.

Operation Chromite (film)

In 1950, just a few months after North Korean forces have overrun most of South Korea, an American-led UN coalition is deployed to Korea to aid the struggling South Koreans. General of the Army Douglas MacArthur devises a secret plan to attack behind enemy lines at the port city of Incheon. The risky strategy is opposed by leaders of the other military branches, forcing MacArthur to devise a clandestine operation to gather essential information from within occupied Incheon by coordinating a weeklong South Korean intelligence operation known as "X-Ray".

The linchpin of this top-secret incursion, Captain Jang Hak-Soo of the South Korean navy Intelligence Unit (a former North Korean army officer who defected to South Korea after seeing his father executed in front of him by his fellow communist officers), and seven members of the X-Ray unit disguise themselves as a North Korean inspection unit and infiltrate the North Korean army command center in Incheon, coordinated by Soviet-trained Commander Lim Gye-Jin, a protégé of the North Korean leader, Kim Il-Sung. Their prime objective is to determine the placement of North Korean defenses (such as mines and artillery) and the tactical characteristics of the Incheon harbor (notorious for swift currents and major tidal surges), and secure a lighthouse crucial to the landing's success.

Immediately suspicious of Jang's "inspection mission", Lim attempts to impede his comrade's investigation and orders his staff to monitor the new arrivals closely. The U.S. command relays MacArthur's orders to obtain navigation charts showing naval mine placements in the harbor and prepare a strategy to assist the coalition forces with landing an amphibious assault in a narrow two-hour window between tides. When contacts within the South Korean military intelligence unit known as KLO (Korean Liaison Office, predecessor to present-day South Korean Headquarters of Intelligence Detachment, or HID) warn Jang that time is running out to successfully complete the mission, he pushes his group to extremes. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, MacArthur prepares ''Operation Chromite'', an invasion force of 75,000 UN troops and over 200 warships, to imminently depart for the Korean Peninsula.

Milius (film)

A look at the life and career of John Milius, from his childhood and days as a student at USC, to his success as a writer and director on major films like ''Dirty Harry'', ''Apocalypse Now'' and ''Red Dawn''.

Cold Around the Heart

Two criminals who are also lovers, Ned and Jude, kill three people in a jewelry store robbery. Ned is caught but escapes and vows revenge on Jude, who pushed him out of the getaway car. Ned is joined in his hunt for Jude by a woman hitchhiker named Bec.

Bad Hurt

A Staten Island family cares for their Iraq veteran son with PTSD and their mentally disabled daughter.

Star Wars: Lost Stars

Aristocratic Thane Kyrell and villager Ciena Ree reside on the Outer Rim planet of Jelucan, where the two bond over their shared love of flying and interest in enrolling at the Imperial Academy to become TIE fighter pilots. While enrolled at the Imperial Academy on Coruscant, they top their classes, often competing with each other for first in their class. They remain good friends until Thane's laser cannon project is sabotaged by the Academy itself, who frame Ciena for doing so. As punishment, both fail the assignment and lose the top spots of the class. When Thane proposes the theory that the Academy itself had framed Ciena for sabotaging Thane's project, Ciena accuses him of being disloyal to the Empire.

Thane and Ciena's relationship remains sabotaged until their graduation from the Imperial Academy, where they reconcile during the graduation ceremony, dancing together.

After their graduation, Ciena is assigned to the ''Devastator'', Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, while Thane is assigned to the Death Star as a TIE pilot. Both Thane and Ciena witness Alderaan's destruction by the Death Star. Thane ultimately survives the Death Star's destruction, having been sent away on a search mission on Dantooine.

After the destruction of the Death Star, Ciena is reunited with Thane on her Star Destroyer. However, later on, Thane deserts his service, becoming disillusioned with the Empire after seeing the atrocities committed by it. After deserting the Empire, Thane meets with Ciena on Jelucan, where she attempts to convince him to return to the Empire, to no avail. After professing their feelings for each other, they make love before bidding each other farewell.

Wedge Antillies recruits Thane to the Rebel Alliance, where he becomes an X-wing fighter pilot. After the Battle of Hoth, Ciena recognizes Thane's flying style from battle footage and realizes that Thane had joined the Rebellion. This causes a dilemma within Ciena, who still has feelings for Thane but is loyal to the Galactic Empire.

Later on, Ciena's mother on Jelucan is charged with embezzlement. Ciena takes leave to support her mother alongside her father. No one comes to support them, as their tradition expected, except, to her surprise, Thane. The two decide to go flying together like they used to, realizing that almost nothing had changed between them except fighting for opposite sides. After an argument, Ciena and Thane make love a second time, though Thane fails to recruit Ciena to the rebellion. In the trial, Ciena's mother is found guilty and sentenced to hard labor, upsetting Ciena. The two part ways, believing it will be one of the last times they will meet.

However, Thane and his squadron encounter Ciena and her team when they are sent to gather intelligence. Ciena blocks the other TIE fighters' line of fire while pretending to pursue him, allowing Thane to escape.

After the destruction of the Second Death Star, Ciena is badly injured and has to take long medical leave. When she is back on duty, she is promoted to Captain and is assigned a Star Destroyer to command. During the Battle of Jakku, Thane's team is tasked with infiltrating and capturing the Star Destroyer. When Ciena realizes that the ship has been infiltrated, she orders her crew to abandon ship while intending to collide the ship into Jakku, making sure that the ship doesn't fall to the New Republic's hands. However, before she can follow through, Thane confronts Ciena on the ship's bridge. The two have an intense fight, though Thane emerges victorious and saves both of their lives, escaping in an escape pod.

In the end, Ciena is held as a prisoner-of-war. When Thane visits her, he assures her that she will be released soon, though Ciena still affirms her loyalty to the Empire.

Stop That Tank!

An armada of Nazi German tanks, led by Adolf Hitler der Fuehrer, approaches a town, with Hitler announcing, “the enemy is asleep” and ordering his troops to “give ‘em the works.” The tanks rush forward, firing into the sleepy town.

Camouflaged Canadian soldiers, equipped with the Boys Mk.1 rifle, start to emerge from various secret positions to stop the advancing tanks, hitting them repeatedly with accurate rounds. Hitler’s tank receives a direct hit from the Canadian troops’ fire and tumbles straight down into hell. In front of a huge, red, round-faced Satan, Hitler begins throwing an hysterical tantrum on the floor over his defeat. Satan, shouting over the increasingly loud and irrational tantrum, indicates Hitler believes that against the anti-tank rifle, he cannot win.

The Boys anti-tank rifle is then described in detail through both animated and live action sequences. Using highly detailed schematic views, the design of the .55 calibre anti-tank rifle is analyzed. A demonstration of how to use the weapon stresses the need to accurately aim and "lead" a moving target, locate weak areas on armoured vehicles, and fire effectively at close range. Live action sequences demonstrate loading, firing, reloading, taking the weapon apart, cleaning and maintenance. This footage adds an air of authenticity “by virtues of its photographic realism.” Cheu 2013, p. 27.

The methodical and precise training section is intersected with moments of comic relief, although these are sparse and further display the educational nature of the film. First, a short, stout soldier attempts to lift the Mk.1 rifle but is not strong enough, and the rifle falls on top of his head and pins him down from the back of his neck. Next, a misjudged shot from the MK.1 Mk.1 rifle hits the backside of a bull in a nearby field, the bull angrily jumps rear end first into a pond and screeching “why don’t you shoot where you’re looking?” A soldier who underestimates the strength of the internal spring when taking apart his weapon, has the spring comically bouncing out of the magazine into the face of the short soldier from earlier in the film.

Finally, in invoking the old saw, “a rifle is like a woman, treat her right and she will never let you down”; the short soldier cuddles in bed with his Mk.1 rifle, giving it a kiss.

Love Tyrant

A Kiss Note is a powerful notebook that makes anyone who has their name written together instantly fall in love if they kiss each other regardless of any circumstances. This magical and very familiar item belongs to an angel named Guri whose job as cupid is to create couples. However, she accidentally writes down Seiji Aino, a regular high school student, and unless he kisses someone, Guri will die. She convinces Seiji to go kiss his crush, Akane Hiyama, the school's popular girl, who turns out to harbor even stronger feelings for him, bordering on obsessive and psychotic. Eventually. Akane and Seiji come together, but not before Guri decides that she likes Seiji as well. What seems awesome to most guys becomes hell for Seiji, who just wants a normal relationship with girls.

Split (2016 American film)

Kevin Wendell Crumb, a man struggling with dissociative identity disorder (DID) rooted in his history of childhood abuse and abandonment, has been managing living with his 23 distinct personalities well for several years with help from his therapist, Dr. Karen Fletcher. The most dominant of the desirable alters, "Barry," has been in control of deciding which personalities get to control Kevin's body, and lately he has not allowed "Dennis" or "Patricia" to have a turn due to the former's tendency to harass young girls and the latter's belief in a mysterious entity called "The Beast" who plans to rid the world of the "impure," that is, those who have not suffered. Dr. Fletcher is concerned when she realizes that "Dennis" has been impersonating "Barry" during their sessions after questioning him about an incident wherein Dennis had been left disturbed when two teenage girls had placed his hands on their breasts while drunk.

Just outside Philadelphia, Dennis kidnaps three girls — Claire, Casey and Marcia — when they are waiting in the car of Claire's father to get driven home from a birthday party. He imprisons the girls in a secret underground lair beneath the Philadelphia Zoo, where they meet Patricia, who protects the girls from Dennis to save them for "The Beast," and a 9-year-old boy alter named "Hedwig," revealed to be the true dominant alter, whom Patricia and Dennis are manipulating to shut out the other alters. The girls try to escape by going through the vents, manipulating Kevin's alters, and communicating with another individual via a walkie-talkie, but all of their attempts end in failure.

Dr. Fletcher goes to the zoo to talk to Dennis when he claims to have made contact with "The Beast," in reality a yet-to-manifest 24th personality, but she discovers Claire, so Dennis incapacitates the doctor and locks her up. Then he goes to the train station and boards an empty train car, where "The Beast" takes over. "The Beast," who displays enhanced strength and animalistic tendencies, returns to his lair, thanks Dr. Fletcher for her help, and crushes her to death. He savagely feeds upon and kills Claire and Marcia before approaching Casey, but she calls out Kevin's full name, which brings forth his original personality. Upon learning of the situation and realizing that he has not been in control of his own body for two years, the horrified Kevin begs Casey to kill him with a shotgun he has hidden. This prompts all 24 personalities to fight for control, with Patricia the victor. She tells Casey that "Kevin" has been made to sleep far away and will not awaken now even if his name is called.

While Patricia returns control to "The Beast," Casey retrieves the shotgun and a box of cartridges and escapes into a tunnel. She manages to shoot "The Beast" twice before running out of ammo, but he only sustains minor wounds. He moves closer to murder her, but stops when he sees scars across her abdomen and chest, which are related to her having been abused by her uncle and legal guardian, John, both before and after her father's death. Because she is "pure," "The Beast" spares Casey's life, and she is rescued the next morning by the police.

In another hideout, Dennis, Patricia, and Hedwig discuss the power of "The Beast" and their plans to change the world. At the Silk City Diner, several patrons watch a news report on "The Beast's" crimes, with the correspondent mentioning that his numerous alters have earned him the nickname "The Horde." A waitress notes the similarity to a criminal in a wheelchair who was incarcerated fifteen years earlier, who was also given a nickname. As she tries to remember it, the man sitting next to her replies that it was "Mr. Glass".

Il bambino cattivo
Brando is an 11-year-old boy whose family has just moved to Rome. His parents, both university professors, are estranged. Brando is exploited by both as they quarrel. His mother, Flora, suffers from depression. Michele, his father, is immature and absent. The situation becomes more complicated when Michele begins dating Lilletta, a girl he has known for years. Brando is asked to be complicit (to accept and manage that betrayal), which makes him very uncomfortable. When Michele finally leaves the house, Flora attempts suicide and will never recover from her psychosis. Abandoned by his parents, and with his paternal grandmother, incapacitated, Brando is given to a family house (an orphanage). Michele accepts the court's decision: his reasons being that he does not want his son entrusted to his maternal grandparents in Catania, who Michele feels will not provide proper care to the boy, and he also wants to assuage Lilletta, who has recently moved in with Michele, as she feels the same about the grandparents.

Brando falls into deep distress. He develops enuresis, making him a target for other children. Brando finds refuge in idolizing his heroes in Real Madrid and wrestling. One night he decides to visit his sick mother in the hospital. Hallucinating and presumably still wrongly believing that Brando endorses the relationship between his father and Lisetta, she refers to him as a "bad boy". She accuses him of theft in front of a nurse.

After about a year in the family home, Brando receives a proposal to go into foster care with the family of a man he knew while still at home. The couple had a son who had died recently, but the boy rejects them, fearing that he would be abandoned again.

After a few months, Michele visits Brando and reaffirms that he has no interest in him. Brando then agrees to the foster care proposal, stating that he did not want to become just a substitute for their dead son. Surrounded by the love that is in his new family, Brando becomes happy again.

Pororo: Cyberspace Adventure

Pororo has a nightmare about losing a video game to Crong and wakes up. Meanwhile, Poby and Harry gets the honey from the bees but gets his nose stung. Eddy invites them over to his house to show them another video game. Loopy trips and spills the drink on Eddy's computer and causes the computer to short circuit and it causes a warp which teleports Pororo and his friends to the video game world where they meet the Prince Chichi who explains he was cursed and the princess kidnapped by the spider King and his henchmen. Pororo must go on a journey to find the cave fairy who will help them get more powerful weapons to defeat the Spider King.

Lifeline (film)

Yau Sui (Sean Lau) is a veteran firefighter of the Tsz Wan Shan Fire Station who has an arrogant attitude because of his extensive experience. By chance, Sui meets Annie (Carman Lee), a doctor who becomes troublous after a recent breakup with her boyfriend. Sui consoles her and they begin a relationship. Meanwhile, Sui strikes a rivalry with the newly appointed leader of the fire station, Raymond Cheung (Alex Fong), often getting into disputes. Later, a big fire erupts in a weaving factory located in Tsuen Wan, where Sui, Raymond and their team members arrive to the scene, where the fire level rose to 5th alarm. Because of many hazardous objects present, an explosion occurs, releasing toxic gas. To deal with the dilemma, Sui and Raymond must put their rivalry aside and work together.

Black Oak Conspiracy

Hollywood stuntman Jingo Johnson returns to his rural home town of Black Oak to visit his seriously ill mother who is being cared for at a nursing home. He discovers that a mining company has bought his mother's farm and his childhood home. He also learns that his former girlfriend Lucy is now involved with Harrison Hancock, who works for the mining company. After breaking into the farm with Lucy's brother Homer, Jingo finds the farm has been demolished. He is confronted by Hancock and his men. A fight ensues and Jingo is told to leave by the Sheriff, Otis Grimes, who does not like Jingo and begins surveillance on him.

Jingo tries to reconcile with Lucy, who dreams of escaping her small town existence and does not want to renew their relationship. He learns that the farm was bought by the nursing home, which is owned by Hancock's father, and that two other local landowners are also patients there. Jingo finds out that Sheriff Grimes is particularly interested if Jingo makes contact with his mother's nurse Beulah Barnes or Doctor Roades. He obtains some of his mother's pills from the nursing home and, after visiting Roades to find out what they are, he is attacked by Harrison Hancock and told to stop snooping around.

Jingo later confronts Harrison on his own and finds that Hancock senior wants him to leave town. He meets Lucy again and they leave together, spending the night in a barn. After his mother dies, Jingo discovers that the pills, supposedly antibiotics prescribes by Dr Roades, actually caused his mother's blood disease. The nursing home is at the center of Hancock senior and Grimes's plan to obtain land by killing off the owners. Grimes tells Hancock that he plans to kill the nurse and doctor and frame Jingo for their murders. When Hancock protests Grimes kills him, and then Harrison. Nurse Barnes witnesses the killings and raises the alarm. Jingo finds Grimes at the mine workings and, after an extended confrontation, Jingo prevails and Sheriff Grimes is arrested. Jingo leaves town with Lucy to return to Hollywood.

Offered for Singles

Vera Golubeva, a textile mill worker, lives in a dormitory for women. In her spare time she plays matchmaker for the other women. Although she does this informally and for free, Vera goes at it professionally: studying the personals in the newspapers, she sends marriage proposals throughout the Soviet Union, and carefully selects suitors. But Vera herself is lonely: walking with brides in their weddings, she has already forgotten to dream about her own family happiness.

One day, in the strictly female dormitory appears a new Commandant, Viktor Petrovich - a picturesque former sailor. At some point in the past a woman left him, and from that point on he has regarded women with the utmost suspicion. At first he fights against the way things are done in the dormitory and tries to close Vera's marriage bureau. But eventually, Viktor begins to understand that Vera is the woman he has been looking for all his life.

Private Number (2014 film)

Michael Lane, a moderately successful author, experiences writer's block while working on his second novel. A recovering alcoholic, he credits his wife, Katherine, with saving him from losing everything. He is tempted to return to drinking when the stressors in his life pile on: he does not get along with his next-door neighbor, Mitch; Katherine wants a baby; he has been subject to a series of prank calls; and he is under pressure by everyone to complete his novel. He confides to his Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor, Jeff, that he has recently begun experiencing hallucinations again despite his lack of drinking. Jeff, a psychologist, suggests that the stress in his life may be to blame.

The prank calls continue to wake Michael and Katherine at night, and when an apparent intruder trips their alarm, they contact the police. Sheriff Stance, who dislikes Michael, dismisses their concerns and insinuates that Michael has begun drinking again. As pressures on Michael continue to mount, the main character of his previous novel, an English knight, taunts him, and he experiences grisly hallucinations of murdered people. Michael becomes increasingly tempted to return to his drinking, egged on by the knight. He only stops himself by looking at a picture of his wife and remembering a pledge to stay sober.

When friends Mary and Bill are over at their house, their son Mason discovers the Lanes' voicemail and plays back the messages left by the crank callers, who repeated the question, "Remember me?" When Mason refuses to stop playing the messages, Michael strikes him and becomes entranced by the voicemail, from which he claims to hear secret messages when played in reverse. When Bill and Mary confront him, he initially ignores them while translating the messages, then beats up Bill. Distressed, Katherine tells him to seek professional help. After seeing further hallucinations that night, Michael finally drinks an entire bottle of whiskey. When Katherine finds out, she tells him that she is leaving him. Michael insists that they are being haunted and that he needs her help.

As Katherine is about to leave, Detective Taylor stops her and jokes that his research into their crank calls has led him to believe they may be of paranormal origin. Suddenly realizing that Michael may be right, Katherine returns to him, and they research a local unsolved case that involves a serial killer. Taylor confirms that the names Michael has heard on his voice mail are the killer's victims but cannot help any further, as Sheriff Stance has sealed the case's records and warned him to back off. Michael hires a local computer repairman to hack into the police records, where he discovers the serial killer uses a different standardized psychological M.O. in each killing. The sixth and final M.O. has yet to be used, and Michael becomes convinced that the victims' ghosts want him to stop the killer before he strikes again.

The crank calls from the ghosts continue unabated, and Katherine becomes mysteriously ill. Frustrated, Michael shouts at the ghosts and demands to know who killed them. Voices from his phone stun Michael as they tell him he did. Michael initially denies it but experiences a series of flashbacks, where he remembers murdering the victims and planning Katherine's murder. Before he could finish his plan, he suffered head trauma when one of his victims fought back. He stumbled out of her house with her manuscript, and, because of his amnesia, assumed that he had written it. As the memories come back to him, he returns to his previous killer personality and attempts to murder Katherine; the knight once again encourages him. As she hides from him, the police arrive and take him prisoner. During the subsequent interrogation, Sheriff Stance threatens to kill Michael. When Stance backs down, Michael laughs, calls him weak, and says he has only just begun.

Het Rattenkasteel

Nero (comic book character) suffers from sleeping sickness and looks for a more peaceful environment to stay. When meeting a fortune teller, Madame Blanche, he is informed that Detective Van Zwam will be in danger when he enters a castle named "The Rat's Castle" in Erps-Kwerps. Indeed, at that same time Van Zwam and his dog Tito are in the vicinity of said castle and hear that several people who once entered there never came back alive. A local farmer advises Van Zwam to ring the clock in the castle's bell tower in case of danger. The story then returns to Nero who enters the castle in fear that Van Zwam is in danger (unbeknownst to him Van Zwam didn't enter). Inside Nero encounters a huge rat, whom he manages to scare off, but is captured by the mad scientist Dr. Ratsjenko, who tries to murder him. Since Nero keeps dozing off he is an easy victim. Just when Ratsjenko wants to murder Nero the rat accidentally rings the bell tower clock, alarming everybody outside. Unfortunately for Nero the farmers don't come to his aid at all, but just run off. However, Zwam happens to hear the bell and enters the castle where he finds Nero. Ratsjenko has fled, but while Van Zwam and Nero try to find him they suddenly see a colossal rat of about two metres high. They panic and run away, while the reader discovers it was just Ratsjenko in a rat suit. Meanwhile, Nero and Van Zwam get back to their senses and re-enter the castle, destined to find Ratsjenko. They discover his secret hiding place, but are captured and tied up as Ratsjenko plans to trepan them for a brain transplant, where he wants to put human brains inside a rat's head. When Ratsjenko reaches for his chloroform he accidentally puts himself to sleep. At that precise moment Ratsjenko's rat happens to quarrel with his wife. She is opposed to Ratsjenko's plans, scares her husband off and gnaws Nero's ropes loose. As Nero prepares to untie Van Zwam he falls asleep again, while Ratsjenko awakes again. He prepares Nero for the operation and gives him some extra chloroform, which has the opposite effect on him. Now fully awake Nero knocks Ratsjenko unconscious and frees Van Zwam, but the evil doctor manages to escape yet again, taking Van Zwam's dog Tito with him.

As Nero and Van Zwam go out to look for Ratsjenko they stumble upon their good friend Jef Pedal and his family. The three men burrow their bikes and chase after Ratsjenko. Then Pedal, Van Zwam and Nero accidentally crash into Madame Blanche's covered wagon. Blanche is angry, but does help them finding out where Ratsjenko is hiding, namely in Louvain. Pedal, Van Zwam and Nero decide to enlist in the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven because Ratsjenko presumably hides there. One day Nero discovers Rasjenko is his medics professor and chases him, but is hindered by student riots and jailed for public disturbance. As Van Zwam and Pedal are thrown out of their apartment by their rent lord they suddenly hear Tito barking inside a building. Van Zwam manages to enter, but Pedal is caught by the police and put in the same cell as Nero. Once again Van Zwam is captured by Ratsjenko and prepared for a brain transplant operation. Ratsjenko's rat has already received a human brain, stolen from the university lab. Now hyper intelligent the rat orders all the other rats to educate themselves and rise against humanity.

The wife of Ratsjenko's rat is still around however and helps Nero and Pedal to escape. She leads them to Ratsjenko's hide-out. When Pedal and Nero break in Ratsjenko jumps inside a refrigerator and has his rats attack the intruders. Only when the female rat punishes her husband into obedience does the rat uprising fall apart. Ratsjenko, now completely frozen due to being inside the refrigerator for so long, is taken to the police department and sent off to an insane asylum.

The Year When Stardust Fell

In the town of Mayfield high-school senior Ken Maddox is among the people fascinated by a giant comet whose path is just grazing Earth's orbit. For the next four months Earth will float within the comet's tail and on the first night of that sojourn Ken's car and others begin to have problems with overheating. The next day almost all of the cars in Mayfield and other cities across the country have overheated and then refused to start. Soon all machinery is seizing up, its moving parts cold welded to each other. Because the effect is happening all over the world, people begin blaming the comet.

As the disaster becomes progressively more serious, Ken and his friends in the high school's science club prepare to study samples of the fused metal at the local college, where Ken's father teaches chemistry, and to try to get a sample of what the comet is putting into Earth's atmosphere. While they work, Mayfield is cut off from the outside world and the mayor and the sheriff impose rationing against the anticipated shortages.

After a short stint in a wood-cutting crew bringing in fuel for the coming winter, Ken is called to assist in the work at the college. Along with his friends and the other scientists, he helps with experiments aimed at identifying the cause of the cold-welding phenomenon. A spectroscopic look through a telescope, compared to spectrograms of the affected metals confirms that the comet is the source of the trouble. At the same time Ken and his friends make contact with several ham radio operators around the country, intending to share information.

Little by little, as civilization crumbles around them, the Mayfield science team learns about the comet dust and how to protect machinery from it. One by one, the radio contacts cease as violence sweeps over the metropolitan areas, but aided by a clue from Berkeley just before it was destroyed Ken's father devises a compound that will decontaminate metal surfaces. A failed attack by marauders attempting to rob the town and a flu epidemic decimate the population, but Ken has an idea that using ultrasound will coagulate the comet dust so that it will fall out of the atmosphere. Egged on by a pair of fanatics, a mob burns the college, but not before the knowledge of the ultrasonic coagulators has been shared. With people in more and more areas building coagulators and decontaminating metal parts, people around the world begin the slow and painful process of rebuilding civilization.

People Who Knock on the Door

Arthur Alderman is in his senior year of high school in Chalmerstown, a small city in the Midwest. He expects to attend Columbia University in New York City. His hectoring and distant father, Richard, sells insurance and retirement finance packages. Lois, his mother, keeps house and volunteers regularly at the local orphanage. Robbie, his younger brother and only sibling, recovers from a medical emergency, and this inspires a new religiosity in Richard, who insists on church attendance by the entire family. Religious literature soon fills their home. Arthur has his first sexual experience with Maggie Brewster and learns a few weeks later that she is pregnant. With the support of her family, she has an abortion, as Richard tries and fails to persuade Arthur to intervene to stop it. A visitor from the church, Eddie Howell, makes the first of several intrusive visits to pressure Arthur as well. Arthur resists, defending Maggie's right to decide for herself; he draws on his passion for science to reinforce his feelings of how inferior he feels the 'religious' people are. The confrontation further transforms his relationship with his father: "Eddie Howell was a sick prig, Arthur thought, and so was his father to be sitting there with a solemn face, concentrating on this twit–fifteen or twenty years younger than his father–as if he were God himself or some kind of divine messenger."

Arthur is now ''persona non grata'' in his own family, weakly supported by his mother and visiting grandmother. For support he leans on an elderly woman neighbor, his friend Gus, and his employer for the summer at a local shoe store. He bonds with Maggie's mother. Without his father's financial support, he arranges to attend the much less expensive local university instead of Columbia. Robbie seems to adopt his father's moral principles, though he is otherwise socially odd, spending his free time fishing or hunting with a group of older men in a strange community of misfits. He becomes an increasingly dark and sullen presence; Richard appears not to notice, Lois voices some concerns which go nowhere. Arthur's relationship with Maggie's survives several months of separation while she is away at Radcliffe. When she and Arthur bolt the doors to ensure themselves some privacy in the Aldermen house, for a few hours during Christmas vacation, Robbie raises alarms and Richard orders Arthur to move out of the family home.

Richard has become increasingly involved in church activities and participates in outreach programs and counseling. He devotes exceptional amounts of time to Irene, a former prostitute who earns a meager income waitressing at a local truck stop. Irene becomes an ever more intrusive presence. Her pregnancy leads to a dramatic resolution of the Alderman family's conflicts.


In the late spring of 1959, the peaceful, all-white neighborhood of Suburbicon is shaken by the arrival of the African-American Mayers family.

Gardner Lodge, a seemingly mild-mannered family man, lives in Suburbicon with his paraplegic wife, Rose, and their son, Nicky. One night when Rose's identical twin sister, Margaret, is staying over, two robbers, Sloan and Louis, break into his house, tie the whole family up, and knock them out with chloroform. Rose receives an overdose and never regains consciousness. After the funeral, Margaret moves in to help take care of Nicky and soon begins to transform herself into Rose, dyeing her hair blonde and having sex with Gardner.

The Lodges are called to the police station to identify Sloan and Louis, but both Gardner and Margaret say the police have the wrong men, even though Nicky recognizes them as his mother's murderers. Soon after this, Sloan and Louis show up at Gardner's job and demand the money he owes them as payment for killing Rose. When Gardner refuses to pay, they make plans to kill Nicky and Margaret.

With tensions mounting between the residents of Suburbicon and their new African-American neighbors, charismatic insurance agent Bud Cooper arrives on the Lodge's doorstep one day when Gardner is not home and begins to question Margaret. He initially says he is simply looking to clear up red flags in a life insurance claim Gardner made on Rose, but eventually admits to Margaret that he suspects her and Gardner of murdering Rose to collect on the policy, at which point Margaret kicks him out of the house.

That night, as the protracted protest at the Mayers' home turns into a riot, Cooper returns to talk with Gardner. He tells Gardner that he knows the nature of his and Margaret's insurance-fraud plan and attempts to blackmail them into giving him their entire payout in exchange for his silence. Margaret poisons his coffee with lye, and Gardner bashes his head in with a fireplace poker to finish him off. Gardner leaves to hide the body, trailed by Sloan.

Margaret attempts to kill Nicky with a poisoned sandwich and milk after she catches him calling his Uncle Mitch for help, but he refuses to leave his room. Louis enters and strangles Margaret to death. He heads upstairs to murder Nicky, but Mitch arrives just in time and shoots Louis dead. Mitch gives Nicky his gun and hides the boy in a closet before succumbing to a stab wound inflicted by Louis.

On the way home from disposing of Cooper's body, Gardner is taunted by Sloan, who is suddenly hit and killed by a fire truck that was speeding to a fire started by the rioters at the Mayers' home. At his own house, he discovers the bodies of Margaret, Mitch, and Louis, and finds Nicky in the closet. Gardner offers Nicky a choice: to go along with his plan to take the insurance money and run away to Aruba, or die, with Gardner claiming his son was yet another of Louis' victims.

The next morning, Gardner is dead, having consumed the poisoned sandwich and milk during his conversation with Nicky. Nicky calmly goes outside to play ball with Andy Mayers, a boy of about his age whom he has befriended, while Mr. and Mrs. Mayers and a few members of the community clean up the mess left in the wake of the riot.

Samak-e Ayyar

Samak-e Ayyar is about the prince Khorshid-shāh, the son of Marzbān-shāh. At age 16, Khorshid-shāh falls in love with Mah-pari, princess of Kingdom of Chin (today part of China). He decides to journey to Chin to join her.

Khorshid-shāh receives help from a group of “knights errant” or ''ʿayyārān'', who are followers of ''javānmardī'' or ''Fotowwa'' principles. Samak, the main protagonist, is an ʿayyār who becomes Khorshid-shāh's best friend and helps him on his quest.

The ending of Samak-e Ayyar has been lost.

Crucible (Star Wars novel)

Set after the events of the Fate of the Jedi series.

Among the Believers (film)

Cleric Abdul Aziz Ghazi is waging jihad against the Pakistani state. His dream is to impose a strict version of Sharia law throughout the country, as a model for the world. A flashpoint in Aziz's holy war took place in 2007, with the Siege of the Red Mosque. During a standoff with the Pakistani military, the government leveled Aziz's flagship mosque to the ground, killing his mother, brother, only son and 150 students. The filmmakers follow Aziz on his personal quest to create an Islamic utopia, during the bloodiest period in Pakistan's modern history.

The film also follows the lives of two teenage students who have attended madrasas (Islamic seminaries) run by Aziz's Red Mosque network. Throughout the film, their paths diverge: Talha, 12, detaches from his moderate Muslim family and decides to become a jihadi preacher. Zarina, also 12, escapes her madrasa and joins a regular school. Over the next few years, Zarina's education is threatened by frequent Taliban attacks on schools like her own.

Aziz’s foil is nuclear physicist and leading educational activist Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy. He passionately opposes Aziz through his public appearances, lectures, and the media. Opposition against Aziz comes to a head in December, 2014, when Aziz insults a grieving nation by trying to justify the brutal massacre of 132 school children in Peshawar by the Taliban. The attack ignites a movement to end extremism in Pakistan’s mosques and madrasas. Led by Hoodbhoy and others, Pakistan's moderate majority focuses on Aziz and calls for his arrest.

Generation (film)

Nine months pregnant and due any day, Doris Bolton finally marries Walter Owen, a photographer who wants nothing to do with conformity or "the establishment." They want a natural childbirth, at home, with no doctors or drugs.

Her father, ad man Jim Bolton, flies to New York to be by her side. A liberal, Jim believes his daughter is risking her life and the baby's by defying convention. He asks obstetrician friend Stan to assist at the last minute, against Walter's wishes, but when everyone comes out of the childbirth alright, Jim and his son-in-law reach an accord.

Car Crash (film)

Paul the race car driver and nick the mechanic win a fixed race and running afoul of local mafia leader Eli Wrosnky who tells them not to attend the Big Illegal race in Mexico called the imperial crash. so naturally Paul and Nick decide to visit their friend Paguito who has been working on a Pontiac firebird that was designed specifically for the imperial crash. Paguito is then shot dead. and so Paul and nick and Paul's ex-girlfriend Janice travel to Mexico city. the race begins. the mafia's hired driver Al Costa causes a crash that results in almost the whole field crashing and dying. heading into the final lap the only drivers who are still alive are Paul and Al Costa. Paul Runs Al's car off the road of the second to last turn. Paul wins on account of him being the only guy who is still alive and he, Nick, and Janice celebrate

Cien años de perdón

A group of thieves led by El Uruguayo is set to rob a bank in Valencia. Their purpose is to steal as many safety boxes as possible and then flee through a dug tunnel that connects with an abandoned subway terminal. However, the press officer of the Prime Minister discovers the thieves are actually after politically compromising information deposited by Gonzalo Soriano, a former member of the government who is in a coma after a severe accident.

The gang's plans start to go awry as the tunnel is flooded by heavy rain, leaving them with little room for escape. The thieves were recruited by El Uruguayo under the impression this was a plain robbery. But later the heist members know the truth that he was contracted by the governing party to get a box from safe 314 where Soriano kept the data.

Things go further down the hole when Loco messes up twice, by deleting the data from the hard disk retrieved from 314 and under anxiety gives away their cover in an exit. El Gallego and El Uruguayo plan to use the hard disk as a leverage, even though its empty. They negotiate with Mellizo, Security Head from the Spanish secret services. Things don't seem to go well. Suddenly rain clears and the heist members, under the pretense of coming out through the front door using hostages, escape through the tunnel.

The bank manager, who was about to lose her job, is given diamonds by Gallego. Loco provides money stolen to a girl whom he is instantly smitten to solve her financial troubles. Every one from the team goes separate ways with their share. A police personnel involved with the negotiation leaks information to the press about Soriano's hard disk and the governing party's involvement.

Winter Evening in Gagra

Rapid rhythm and playful virtuoso improvisation - that's what tap dance is. The protagonist of the film who once was a famous tap dancer, an idol of the public, lives today modestly and discreetly. He is a dance tutor for pop groups where the other stars shine.

And suddenly everything changes: the old artist suddenly remembers his youth. A somewhat strange encounter with a young man who comes with a broken leg affects him; the man asks to be taught the tap dance beat. A man with a gimp leg named Arkady Grachev approaches Aleksey one day pleading with him to teach him how to tap dance. Arkady pays Aleksey five rubles and schedules an appointment to learn how to dance. The lesson goes terribly wrong and Aleksey refuses to teach Arkady how to dance. Then drama arises when Aleksey is on the set of a production and he sees the very famous singer Irina Melnikova speak harshly to a set employee. Aleksey stands up for the employee then consequently he is fired from his job. Feeling depressed Aleksey sits in the hallway of the studio as Arkady arrives to receive another lesson. After hearing the news of Aleksey getting fired Arkady is determined to make things right for the former star. So he seeks out Irina Melnikova to get Aleksey his job back. Arkady is successful in doing this but Aleksey does not thank him on the other hand he calls him a monkey. This puts strain on Arkady and Alekseys relationship, but despite this strain Arkady still helps Aleksey out throughout the film. The film then takes a turn when a television show wrongfully reports that Aleksey is dead. This really freaks out Aleksey but to his surprise no one calls to find out if he is ok so he goes to the studio with Arkady to fix the mistake. Aleksey suddenly has a heart attack. While on his deathbed he explains that he would give anything to have one more winter evening in Gagra.

The film ends with Arkady tap dancing alone in the studio without his tutor, but in his memory, eventually getting it right.

Prince of Stride

The series revolves around the extreme sport "Stride", a sport where a team of 5 plus a relationer runs relay races in towns. Nana Sakurai, a first-year Hōnan Academy high school student decided join Stride club after she watch Best Stride Ever video two years ago alongside her classmate, Takeru Fujiwara and Riku Yagami. Upon learning the Hōnan Stride club has been inactive for two years following a violent incident. They decided try to re-establish the school's "Stride" team by recruiting 6 members. Both Takeru and Riku asked Nana to become a relationer as well as a manager. Their goal is to join other schools to compete and win Eastern Japan's top Stride competition, the "End of Summer" as well develop friendship with Saisei academy stride club who also an idol group called "Galaxy Standard".

Dog-Whistle Politics (Scandal)

After learning that the Louvre was on fire, Jake Ballard (Scott Foley) becomes immediately suspicious about Rowan (Joe Morton) trying to rebuild his empire B613 through ''Lazarus One'' which the first step was destroying the work of art museums and disrupting the market of artworks. Jake goes to see Rowan in prison for answers, where the ancient command denies any knowledge about it. Jake decided to continue his investigation and goes to France with Charlie, but he unexpectedly crosses paths with someone he thought he'd never see again.

In the meantime, Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington), after confirming to the press that she is the President's mistress, is lying low. Fitz (Tony Goldwyn), tries to deal with the Republican senators and their threat about impeachment.

Meanwhile, Quinn Perkins (Katie Lowes) recruits Marcus Walker (Cornelius Smith Jr.), a former client of OPA to help smooth over the media storm surrounding Olivia and Fitz. But when it becomes clear that the media, who are digging up dirt on Olivia, won’t back down, Marcus, Huck and Quinn come up with a plan to handle the press. They employ a strategy called ''Dog-whistle politics'' which is a language, a type of political speech using code words that appear to mean one thing to the general population but have a different meaning for a targeted part of the audience.

Mellie Grant (Bellamy Young) is asked by female senators to join them in their bid to impeach the president. At first, she refuses to join this path, but later agrees to join them after seeing Fitz making his relationship with Olivia public.

Retribution (2015 film)

Carlos is a bank executive with two kids, Marcos and Sara, and a wife, Marta. His kids are getting ready to go to school and he is getting ready to drive them. They get in the car and Marcos brings a soccer ball with an autograph on it because he wants to prove to his friends that he really does have the autograph. After starting the car, Carlos receives an anonymous call in a phone that has been left inside and he is told a bomb has been placed under each of the car’s seats, set to explode if any of them leaves their seated position. The devices will be deactivated only once Carlos transfers a large sum of money into the caller's account.

He stops the car near the school to try to figure this out. Some kids from the school crowd around the car, wanting to see the ball with the autograph. Carlos can't let Marcos get out to show his classmates the ball, and his friends think he was lying. Carlos calls one of his coworkers and they say the mysterious man on the phone (who will be referred to as "the stranger") called them too. Carlos and his coworker meet up and discuss the situation, still in each of their cars, blocking traffic. While Carlos drives away, someone in his coworker’s car gets out and the car blows up. Carlos drives past the blown up car in horror, and the stranger orders Carlos to drive away quickly. Marcos is injured in the explosion and Carlos wants to drive him to the hospital, but the stranger won’t let him until he transfers the money.

Carlos calls his wife Marta, tells her about the situation, and tells her to go to the bank to transfer the money in her accounts to the stranger’s account. Carlos sits in his car near the bank. Marta shows up to the bank with another person.

On the phone, Carlos is stopped by police and is isolated by a bomb squad. He is then told that he must release Marcos and Sarah, but still believes they are in danger. After negotiation with them, they find out there is only a bomb in the front two seats. Marcos still injured by the explosion in his leg is released, but Sara jumps in the front not wanting to abandon Carlos.

After some time, Sara and Carlos are visited by a past client, named Lucas but claims to be Carlos's brother Pablo. He tells them he was the one extorting the money over the phone from Carlos for having his wife commit suicide after being coaxed into making bad investments that ruined her economically.

Lucas leaves and begins telling him over the phone that a separate bomb he showed them before will go off if Carlos doesn't make an escape to a location where more money can be sent to his account in 5 minutes. Sara and Carlos Hastily escape in spite of the behest of authorities until they reach a dock where Sara reluctantly accepts to leave for her safety.

Lucas returns to Carlos in the passenger seat and explains himself, Carlos then decides to drive the car into the water in order to escape the explosion. After driving into the water and swimming away, Carlos escapes and is resuscitated by paramedics and is later laid off from his bank job.

The final scene includes Carlos on the phone with the new employee in his previous managerial position telling him about a business opportunity, promptly hangs up the phone after the caller states how important family is to a business, hinting at the film's intended message.

Psychic Killer

Arnold Masters (Jim Hutton) is a young man serving time in an institution for the criminally insane for a crime he did not commit.

Arnold reveals his situation to a fellow inmate: His mother was very sick, and needed an operation to remove a tumor. But due to Arnold's mother having no insurance, the doctor did not perform the operation. When Arnold returned to the doctor's office, the doctor was found dead, and Arnold was framed for the crime. A speedy trial resulted in Arnold's testimony being used against him, and as a result, he was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. And during his time in the institution, his mother had died, which Arnold did not know about until six months later.

An inmate gives Arnold an amulet, in which Arnold learns astral projection - the art of leaving one's physical body and transporting the soul elsewhere. Arnold is soon freed from the institution after the doctor's real killer was caught and confessed to the crime. Soon after, Arnold begins using his newfound power of astral projection to kill those he feel were responsible for his incarceration and his mother's death.

Among Arnold's victims are a court appointed psychiatrist whose testimony at Arnold's trial sealed his fate, the nurse who was supposed to care for Arnold's mother, but neglected to do so; the police officer who arrested Arnold, and the lawyer who sold out Arnold at the trial. All their deaths are made to look like accidents, which baffles the police - most notably, Lt. Jeff Morgan (Paul Burke).

Lt. Morgan pieces together the connection of the victims to Arnold, and visits Arnold's house one night. Morgan is determined to get to the bottom of all these deaths, even though he has no evidence linking Arnold to the murders. Morgan is soon joined by Arnold's doctor, Laura Scott (Julie Adams), who tried to help Arnold during his time in the institution, and a colleague of hers, Dr. Gubner (Nehemiah Persoff).

Before long, Morgan decides to put an end to Arnold's murderous spree. Morgan recalls a conversation where Arnold can be medically dead while in his trance. While Arnold is having another out-of-body experience, Morgan goes over to his house and has the medical examiner take Arnold's physical body to the crematorium, but not before he has the medical examiner declare him dead. While Morgan is having Arnold's body loaded into an oven at the crematorium, Arnold's astral form sees Laura in his house. Just as Arnold is talking to Laura, he suddenly lets out a horrible scream. Arnold's astral form realizes that his physical body is being burned alive in the crematorium oven. Arnold wakes up in the oven, screaming in agony until he is burned to death.


Daniel returns to his hometown in Tasmania, fictional "Rosehaven", to help his mother, Barbara, run the family real estate business. His friend Emma turns up after her honeymoon doesn't work out. The series draws its inspiration from McGregor's parents, who have worked in real estate in Tasmania since 1986.

Battle Royale (American Horror Story)

Liz and Iris shoot The Countess and Donovan, and The Countess escapes while Donovan lies dying. At his request, Iris and Liz move him outside the hotel to die so his spirit will not be trapped inside forever. Sally saves The Countess, reviving her with blood from her vampire children, and reveals her past. Iris and Liz free Ramona to use as a weapon against The Countess. Ramona confronts a now-weak Countess Elizabeth but is seduced by her old lover. The Countess packs and is about to leave the hotel for good, but John guns her down as his final kill: "Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder." Now trapped in the hotel forever, The Countess' ghost arrives at March's suite, where he tells her that he can finally forgive The Countess for turning him in to the police; she reveals that she did not. Hazel admits she was the one who called the police so that she could have March to herself. March banishes Hazel from his presence, who feels oddly free now that she is not bound to him.

Book of Numbers (film)

The film begins with narration by Dave Greene (Philip Michael Thomas) about how he and Blueboy Harris (Raymond St. Jacques) had saved up enough money to quit their jobs as waiters and move to Arkansas with the intention of starting a numbers racket. He foreshadows that he wished he had never gone to El Dorado, as he is seen walking in a jazz funeral. The remainder of the film is a flashback to the illegal business with his partner and mentor, Blueboy, their struggles with the mafia, the KKK and a corrupt police force. Together with various employees, they start an illegal lottery in the back of a hair salon which quickly becomes profitable. A nearby white mafia boss, Luis Antoine (Gilbert Greene) sends one of his black lieutenants, Joe Gaines (Jerry Leon) to intimidate Dave and Blueboy into handing over their profits, but they refuse, resulting in a shoot-out where several characters are killed. The rival mafia gang later attacks the salon and steals all of the numbers books (vital receipts to keep the business operational), so Dave and his friends concoct a plan to steal more. They dress up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, sneak over to the rival gang's hideout, and set up a burning cross to frighten Gaine's crew out of the house. But a posse of the real KKK arrive and attempt to join in the "good action" without realizing that underneath the white hoods were Dave's cohorts. Once revealed, a car chase ensues, and Dave's crew escape. Unexpectedly, a corrupt white police force raids the salon, steals all the cash and arrests Blueboy. He beats the conviction when he enters the courtroom and acts like a black stereotype Tom (scraping and begging and wringing his hat) until the white judge lets him off with a warning. This enrages Dave who is ashamed that Blueboy would degrade himself for the white judge, rather than hire a lawyer and defend himself with dignity and confidence becoming of a powerful businessman. Blueboy explains that his actions were tactical, and he used the court's white prejudice to manipulate the system and protect their business. The partners fight and Blueboy leaves, but when the mafia returns to attack Dave, Blueboy appears with a shotgun to save his friend. In the final battle, Blueboy is shot and dies in Dave's arms. As the film (and flashback) ends, Dave is walking in Blueboy's funeral procession, when he realizes what his mentor was trying to teach him. He narrates, "To Blueboy, the important thing was to pass it on. Like them footraces where one runner passes the stick on to another runner, and he keeps on running and running until it's time for him to pass it on. Blueboy passed it on to me, and I guess it's my turn now. Blueboy took it just as far as he could go. And if us niggers keep passing it on, maybe someday, just maybe someday, we'll pull up alongside them crackers, and maybe, maybe even pull ahead. The Lord knows I'd love to see that day." Dave plans to use the same courtroom tactic to evade a conviction, and to continue the numbers business.

The Left-Hander (1987 film)

Emperor Alexander Pavlovich together with his faithful servant, Cossack Ataman Platov, come to London after the war of 1812. The British are trying to persuade the king to come on their side by showing him various inventions, but Platov insists that the Russians are more skillful.

One day the British demonstrate to the Emperor the nymphozoria – an iron flea that can dance.

Alexander leaves and a few months later he dies, leaving the flea to priest Fedota. His brother, Nikolai "Palkovic" tells Platov to look for artisans who will make better handiwork than the English flea. Ataman finds them, but Platov scolds the masters who put a horseshoe on the flea because the flea stops dancing after the procedure, and takes Lefty away with him who made nails for the flea without leaving him any identifying documents.

When the emperor understands everything, he orders to give the best clothing to Lefty and sends him abroad. The Left-Hander sees that the British do not clean guns with crushed bricks and asks to be sent back. But on the way he has drinks with the ship's skipper, and on arrival while inebriated and lacking identification is sent to the Obukhov Hospital for the destitute. There he dies, having said to Dr. Solski, "Tell the Emperor that the English do not clean their guns with brick; they should not clean this way either by us." But the doctor fearing threats of Count Chernyshev does not tell this to the emperor.

Raymond's Run

Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker, known as "Squeaky", is a young African-American girl from a poor background. A long distance runner and caregiver to her disabled brother Raymond, she rejects feminine gender roles, seeing social expectations of women as a pretense concealing women's true selves, and is protective of her brother and willing to fight those who mock him. Hazel particularly abhors another girl, Gretchen; eventually, though, after the girls race against each other, they acknowledge each other as worthwhile opponents. As well as recognising her own need to be true to herself, she comes to recognize Raymond's worth and potential as an individual, rather than simply as someone she must protect, after he shows himself able to keep pace with her when she runs.

Sidewinder 1

Aging motorcycle racer J.W. Wyatt is approached by rich industrialist and racing enthusiast Packard Gentry to endorse his own custom-designed cycle, the Sidewinder 1. Wyatt brings in a team, including young and reckless Digger, to test and augment the prototype bike. When Gentry dies in a motocross accident, Wyatt must persuade Gentry's unenthusiastic and corporate-minded sister Chris to continue backing the project.

A Certain Magical Index: The Movie – The Miracle of Endymion

The Spaceplane Orion crash lands without any reported casualties among its 88 passengers, regarding the incident as a miracle. Three years later, Academy City nears completion of the space elevator capable of bringing people into space without the need for spacecraft called "Endymion". Tōma Kamijō and Index meet a singer and Level 0 esper named Arisa Meigo. While hanging out with them, Arisa learns that she passed an audition to be the campaign girl for Endymion. Later night, they are suddenly attacked by Stiyl Magnus and the witches from the Church of England named Marie Spearhead, Mallybath Blackball, and Jane Elves. The magicians encounter the Black Crow Unit, a private security organization led by Shutaura Sequenzia, and forces to retreat with assistance from Kaori Kanzaki. They leave Tōma a cryptic message indicating that Arisa could bring a war between the magic and science sides.

Shutaura warns Tōma to not get involved with Arisa. He offers Arisa to stay with him and Index to his dorm until her performance. Because Tōma needs to take supplementary lessons, Mikoto Misaka and her friends accompany Arisa to a promotional performance held at a mall, where they also performed as backup dancers. During the event, Tōma witnesses a battle between Shutaura and a mysterious male automaton who destroyed the stage. He then learns from her about her inability to process music and disbelief in miracles. Later night, Arisa explains to Tōma her memory loss of before the past three years. As Tōma meets up with Motoharu Tsuchimikado and Kaori, who believed in the possibility of Arisa being a Saint, Stiyl and his group kidnap Arisa and fight Shutaura and the Black Crow Unit while they try to escape. Stiyl explains to Tōma about the Endymion being a makeshift Tower of Babel, which could be turned into a magical device with the combination of a Saint's power. Shutaura captures Arisa and brings her to the CEO of Orbit Portal Company named Ladylee Tangleroad.

Shutaura learns that Ladylee killed her father named Daedalus Sequenzia, who revealed to be the only casualty of the Orion incident without public knowledge, and stabs her but Ladylee remains alive and orders her two automatons to capture Shutaura. As Arisa is forced to sing in Endymion to activate a large magic circle above Earth, Tōma and Index travel to space with Kaori's help. Shutaura also makes her way up after being rescued by her comrades. She confronts Ladylee, who sought Arisa's power to break her curse of immortality, but the ensuing battle with her automatons causes a crack in the space station, which would inevitably collapse and fall towards Earth. Arisa sings to protect the visitors present while Shutaura attempts to stop her but she is confronted by Tōma. Index confronts Ladylee while Mikoto, Accelerator, and Stiyl destroy some explosive bolts to purge Endymion from the ground. Tōma uses his Imagine Breaker on Shutaura, causing her to remember how Arisa was born out of her wish to save everyone on the plane even at the cost of those important to her. Arisa and Shutaura then sing together, which combined with Index's work, to break Ladylee's spell, stopping Endymion from falling onto Earth and resulting in the merging of the two as one. In the aftermath, Tōma and Index can hear Arisa's song off in the distance.

A Certain Magical Index: The Movie – The Miracle of Endymion

Tōma finds Index-tan hanging on his apartment's balcony, only for her to fall; Index-tan complains about the producers forgetting to make bonus footage while producing the film and iterates that she is the main heroine; Kazari praises civil engineering, while Kuroko Shirai warns not to question about the film's plot hole; Arisa, speaking in her native dialect, reveals her reason for aiming to become an idol; Arisa aggressively writes a song for the film while being naked; Kazari Uiharu praises Tanashi Tower and jokingly reveals how the holes in some designs are to make them lighter, referencing Yutaka Izubuchi's hole designs in his works; Kaori jokes about fighting in vacuum space; A segment called "Ask A Certain Magical Index-tan: The Movie Anything" is hosted by Lola Stuart to answer questions about the film; Arisa sings a song comparing Academy City and her voice actress' hometown in Yamanashi; Tōma, believing in gender equality, punches Shutaura; and Tōma and Index-tan talk about how the series is brought to the silver screen.

The Bounty Killer (film)

Vermont native Willie Duggan comes west by stage coach. When he arrives in Silver Creek, broke but proud, he is befriended by the “captain”. Then he is brutally beaten for talking to dance hall hostess Carole Ridgeway. The thrashing, however, is terminated by Johnny Liam, who shoots and kills Duggan's assailant. Duggan finds work with a transport company, delivering the miners' payroll. When Duggan and his assistant Luther are ambushed, Duggan kills the robber.

After discovering that rewards are given for such work, Duggan and Luther become bounty hunters. Although they capture outlaw Mike Clayman, his henchmen follow the pair, killing Luther and wounding Duggan. The unconscious victim is found by rancher Ridgeway, whose daughter Carole restores the gunman to health. Despite his love for Carole, Duggan resolves to avenge his partner's death, cuts a double-barrel shotgun down to pistol length, and launches a one-man campaign to exterminate outlaws, Johnny Liam's younger brother among them. and later, Liam himself.

In his zeal, Duggan finally kills an innocent man, becoming a criminal in his own right. While eloping with Carole, Duggan himself is slain from ambush by a bounty hunter.


Deke, a 17 year-old itinerant orphan from a boy's home, is arrested by the authorities after he stops Art Finney, a trainer for a wealthy California dog breeder, Andrew Garrett, from shooting "Rock", a renegade English setter and alleged animal killer. Garrett has Deke remanded to his custody and gives him a job assisting an uncooperative Finney and also working with Rock, whom Deke asserts can become a fine hunting dog. Finney and Garrett don't agree, but gradually come round to accept his belief in Rock.

Festival (2001 film)

Lina is 17 years old and is planning to visit the Arvika festival with her boyfriend Calle. However, her mother opposes the trip, but after some persuasion from Calle and her best friend Milla, Lina decides to go anyway. During the festival, a series of events comes to affect the lives of these young people.

Notes (film)

Adam (Tyler Collin) has just moved into a new flat with Abi (EmmaClaire Brightlyn) who is a nurse. The pair have never met and as a result of their conflicting sleep patterns the pair communicate via post it notes. What starts off as a complaint over their preferred types of coffee soon develops into flirtatious messages.

Nothing by Chance

In the 1970s, five pilots become the Great American Flying Circus and embark on a barnstorming tour in the United States. Richard D. Bach, Jack Brown, Chris Cagle, Stuart Macpherson and Spence Nelson, along with parachutist Steve Young, perform their shows in several Midwestern towns, beginning with Cook, Nebraska, recreating the earlier era of the 1920s, when pilots went from place to place, hawking rides in the air. Glenn Norman sells tickets for a joyride for $3 and finds the customers are both young people and those who remember the original barnstormers.

V for Visa

Brad (Tyler Collins) is an American musician facing deportation from Scotland when his visa application is rejected. Without any other conceivable alternative, he has to marry someone to stay in the country and asks his band's stalker Stacey (Natalie Wallace) if she would go along with his plan. However, after the ceremony, it becomes clear that Stacey is not as she seems and already has plans for the newly wed couple.

Santa Bárbara (TV series)

From the depths of the earth to the heights of high society, ''Santa Bárbara'' is the story of ''Gabriela'' (Benedita Pereira), a young woman whom everything is taken and returns to regain it all. At the same time, is the story of a forgotten Portuguese town from the inside that will find a new lease with the reopening of ancient gold mines. Just like the protagonist, who will pass the largest adversities in search of a lost love, also the town of ''Santa Bárbara'' will be the center of all the events and all the loves and hatreds, conflicts and dreams, dramas and happiness.

Phase 1

The fictional town of ''Santa Bárbara'', once consigned to oblivion, is again on the map with the official reopening of its old gold mines, operated by a consortium led by the powerful ''Antónia Vidal'' (São José Correia), a woman who rose in life at the cost of two marriages that ended badly for both husbands - the first died in an accident at the very least suspect and the current dies at her hands, shortly after the opening of the mine that is now under the exclusive control of ''Antónia'' and her obsessions.

However, with the death of the patriarch, ''Alexandre'' (Albano Jerónimo), the stepson of ''Antónia'' who lived in Porto, returns to ''Santa Bárbara''. If the circumstances of this visit would be only for his father's funeral, when ''Alexandre'' knows ''Gabriela'', a young woman working in the gold mine, everything will change. Especially when the two are trapped in a mine tunnel after a collapse, where the fact of both running risk of death will link them forever.

The love that grows between ''Alexandre'' and ''Gabriela'' will be put to the test when ''Antónia'' starts machiavelically conspire the destruction of the miner, who will be incriminated and forcibly sent to a mental institution after an explosion at the mine that not only costs life to his own father but also ''Fernando'' (Carlotto Cotta), the only son of ''Antónia'', the true responsible for this fatality. Separated from ''Alexandre'' and her son, ''David'' (Gonçalo Oliveira), alone and with no apparent chance to continue her life in that town, unless closed in an asylum, ''Gabriela'' will have to run away and disappear.

Phase 2

Six years later, ''Santa Bárbara'' is unrecognizable. With a golf course and a luxury hotel, repopulated with a young and enterprising population, with rural tourism, archaeological museum of ancient Roman mines, river beaches with water sports and large high-class holiday houses. And it is to this new ''Santa Bárbara'' that an equally new ''Gabriela'' returns.

After years abroad where she won a fortune, ''Gabriela'' is back, determined not only to seek vengeance of ''Antónia'' but also to restore justice and peace in the town, without forgetting ''Alexandre'' and the hope to regain her lost love.

Home and Away: An Eye for an Eye

Ricky Sharpe is in shock after learning that her partner Darryl "Brax" Braxton is alive, after faking his death. Martin Ashford and Phoebe Nicholson check on Ricky, and Ash explains that Brax was trying to protect Ricky and their son Casey from his enemy Gunno. Robert Massey, an associate of Gunno's, hears the conversation via a microphone hidden in the house. He calls the prison to tell inmate Michael Tiat that Brax is alive. Michael informs Gunno, who is then stabbed in his cell. His girlfriend and prison nurse, Virginia Eisak, helps him escape. Meanwhile, Brax's brother Heath and his wife Bianca come to support Ricky. When her fiancé Nate Cooper calls her, Ricky feigns illness and tells him not to come over.

The following morning, Ricky sees Casey's empty cot and assumes Bianca took him, so she could sleep. However, she soon learns that no one has seen Casey. Gunno then calls Ricky and tells her that he wants $50,000 by 5:00 pm or she will never see Casey again. Ash, Heath and Kyle Braxton decide to go after Gunno, while Bianca and Phoebe help Ricky to raise the ransom. Constable Katarina Chapman learns of Gunno's escape and warns Ricky, but her odd reaction raises Kat's suspicions. Bianca asks her friend Irene Roberts for a loan, while Ricky asks Nate for money to pay a debt. Irene and Nate soon work out that the requests are connected, and Irene confronts Bianca, who asks her to trust her.

Virginia notices that Casey has a fever and drives into Blackheath to get him paracetamol from the pharmacy. Ash recognises her and he, Heath and Kyle follow her car, but lose her when she turns off the road. Nate lends Ricky some money and she promises to tell him what is going on as soon as she can. Ash, Heath and Kyle return to the town to ask the locals if they have seen Virginia or Gunno. The pharmacist recognises Virginia and tells them where she is, but they find the shack empty. Gunno brings the ransom deadline forward and Heath and Kyle decide to return home, while Ash stays behind.

Gunno meets with Ricky, but when he realises that the money is short a few thousand dollars, he drives off with Casey. The girls manage to track him using Bianca's phone, which they put in the bag with the money. Gunno returns to the shack and takes Ash hostage. He also finds the phone and realises Heath and Kyle know where he is. Heath chases after Gunno, while Ash and Kyle go after Virginia and rescue Casey. Heath and Gunno fight on top of a cliff, and Gunno goes over the side. He grabs Heath's arm, but Heath lets go, so Gunno will no longer be a threat to his family. Ricky is reunited with Casey, while Gunno is shown to still be alive after his fall.

Bushwick (film)

Lucy, a second year graduate student in civil engineering, and her boyfriend Jose are exiting a subway in Bushwick (in Brooklyn) where they see a man on fire running down into the station. Jose runs out to see what is going on, but is immediately killed by an explosion. Lucy runs out to try to find help but gets chased by two men. They find her in a house, but the men are killed by Stupe, the owner of the house. Stupe, a combat veteran, leaves his home to try to reach his family in Hoboken. Lucy joins him as she tries to get to her grandmother's house. Along the way, Stupe gets injured and trains Lucy in giving first aid and shooting a gun.

When they reach Lucy's grandmother's home, they find her already dead because of heart failure. As mercenaries infiltrate the home, the two escape and retreat to Belinda's, Lucy's sister. Drugged up, Belinda does not realize what is going on until a mercenary breaks into the home. Stupe subdues the soldier and asks him at gunpoint to explain what is going on. The mercenary reveals that Texas is seceding from the United States and has partnered with other Southern states (Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Georgia with parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania also) to form the New American Coalition, with militias to infiltrate US areas, including Bushwick, for insurgency. However, they did not expect the armed resistance from the neighborhood. Stupe convinces the mercenary to reveal the DMZ, where the US Army is extracting non-combatants: Grover Cleveland Park. Stupe knocks out the mercenary and the trio begin to make their way to the park.

Along the way, they encounter James and his mother in their building. James' mother blackmails Stupe and Lucy into going to the local church where evacuees are hiding and convincing the parish priest to meet up at a local laundromat to arm everyone to fight back as they head to the DMZ. James and his mother keep Belinda hostage to ensure Stupe and Lucy comply. Stupe and Lucy make it to the church, but when they find the priest, he shoots himself. Lucy then tells everyone to meet up at the laundromat to get guns to fight back with.

As Stupe and Lucy wait for James to arrive with Belinda, they briefly talk about their lives before the war. Stupe reveals that his family had actually died during the September 11 attacks, and he had told Lucy he was going to Hoboken just to try to get rid of her but is glad she stayed with him. As Stupe heads off to the washroom, he is mistakenly shot and killed by a scared teenage girl hiding inside. James arrives with Belinda and they head out for the attack.

They reach the DMZ, but it is heavily guarded by the mercenaries. As the resistance fights back, Lucy and Belinda stick together and run towards the helicopters. Belinda gets shot in the leg and Lucy runs over to her. As Lucy tries to drag Belinda, Lucy is shot in the head and killed. Belinda cries in horror as members of the resistance carry her to the helicopters. The final shot of smoke shows that the rest of New York City has been under attack as well.

Kappa Mikey (season 1)

The series focuses on a self-centered, cocky adolescent American actor named Mikey who wins a starring role in the popular Japanese television series ''LilyMu'', centering on a team of crime-fighters with personalities based around typical anime characters. He becomes acquainted with his co-stars, including Gonard, a tall, husky, sweet, rather dimwitted young man who portrays the primary antagonist of the ''LilyMu'' series, Lily, the spoiled, heartless portrayer of the otherwise ingenuous and sweet damsel-in-distress of ''LilyMu'' who contempts Mikey for having overtaken her limelight, Mitsuki, a sweet-natured actress infatuated with Mikey who plays a much tougher character in the series than in reality, and Guano, a small, fuzzy purple creature with many insecurities, responsibilities, strange habits and tendencies. The program in which the actors are featured is run by a tyrannical, strict, and loud boss named Ozu, noted for his sour demeanor yet mentoring guide and constant infuriation with Mikey, aided by "Yes-Man," his dedicated and trustworthy assistant who loyally upholds him and agrees with any decision that he makes. The series centers on the actors' daily lives aside from filming the television program and the predicaments in which they may entangle themselves at the hands of their own cockiness, incompetence, or celebrity status, and episodes usually feature sub-plots following the lives of whichever characters are not being primarily featured in that particular episode. The series relies heavily on gags and other things for comedy.

Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (film)

Transfer student Rafael "Rafe" Khatchadorian lives in a middle-class home with his mother Jules, his rebellious younger sister Georgia, and Jules's lazy, child-hating boyfriend (later fiancé) Carl, who goes by the nickname Bear. Rafe has an overactive imagination and is very passionate about his artistic talent. Rafe cannot wait to start his first day at Hills Village Middle School, but it does not go as he hopes when he finds out that Principal Ken Dwight and Vice-Principal Ida Stricker, are very cruel and much worse than the bullies. After Dwight destroys Rafe's sketchbook by throwing it into a bucket full of acid, Rafe and his imaginary friend Leo (his late younger brother who died from cancer) come up with an idea to start a massive "insurrection" to go up against Principal Dwight and Stricker, breaking every rule in the rule book. They unleash several pranks on Principal Dwight, Stricker, and the school staff, including putting sticky notes all over the school, filling the teacher’s lounge with plastic balls, dyeing Principal Dwight's hair pink, and turning the school's trophy case into a fish tank. He refers to this plan as "Operation Rules Aren't For Everyone," or R.A.F.E.

As the annual B.L.A.A.R. test is coming up, Dwight sees an opportunity to eliminate Rafe's class from the test. Rafe, and the whole class, are suspended for the pranks the day before the B.L.A.A.R. In addition, Rafe's teacher, Mr. Teller is fired as Principal Dwight suspects his involvement. Dwight then offers Rafe a deal to let his class take the fall and he'll be the only one not suspended. However, Rafe deliberately sets off the sprinkler system, and Dwight immediately expels him.

Jeanne Galleta shows Rafe that Dwight created an alibi by putting fake evidence in their lockers in order to stop their class from taking the B.L.A.A.R. Rafe devises a plan to stop the B.L.A.A.R. test and expose Dwight and Stricker along with Jeanne, Leo, Georgia, Gus, Miller, and his suspended class. The next day, both Dwight and Stricker are fired after Teller and Superintendent Hwang receive the evidence and decide to press charges on both of them. As Dwight walks out he is pranked with green hair dye in his hat. Jules breaks up with Bear after finding out his true nature, and Rafe says goodbye to imaginary Leo, sharing a kiss with Jeanne which breaks rule #86, no public displays of affection, thus completing operation R.A.F.E. as Leo watches from his imaginary UFO. The film ends with the two headed aliens in the UFO having a dance party, and a camera viewing earth.

The Gamble (1971 film)

Borzou is an expert at gambling and spends most of his life getting a fortune by gambling and stealing. He marries a woman named Maryam (Morvarid) and continues his lifestyle of gambling despite being married. He prioritizes his friends Ali Tatar (Bahman Mofid) and Khalife (Hassan Khayat Bashi) over his wife. Soon, he gets into more dangerous crime with criminals like Assadollah Mir Ghazal (Hossein Gale), Mahmoud the Escaper (Shahrouz Ramtin), Hossein Joo Joo (Ahmad Hashemi). Maryam is unhappy and begs him to give his crime life up to care for their unborn child. He agrees but this does not last long. Ali Tatar asks Borzou to help him get money for his sister's dowry. He realizes that he has to gamble again to raise the money.

In order to win the money by gambling he must meet in a crypt owned by Jabbar the Beautiful (Mohammad Bahrami) who sells bodies from the crypt. On the way to the crypt, Borzou buys a doll for his daughter. Initially, the game with Jabbar goes well but Borzou resorts to cheating. Once Jabbar catches him, all three get in a fight which results in Ali and Borzou getting stabbed. Even though he is badly wounded, Borzou manages his way home and dies just after delivering the doll to his wife.

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

As office worker and programmer Kobayashi gets ready for work, she is greeted by a large dragon right outside her front door. The dragon immediately transforms into a human girl in a maid outfit, and introduces herself as Tohru. It turns out, that during a drunken excursion into the mountains the night before, Kobayashi had encountered the dragon, who claimed to have come from another world. Subsequently, Kobayashi had removed a holy sword from Tohru's back, earning her gratitude. With Tohru having no place to stay, Kobayashi offers to let the dragon stay at her home and become her personal maid, to which she agrees, having fallen in love with Kobayashi.

Despite being efficient at housework, Tohru proves an unorthodox character, occasionally scaring Kobayashi and often bringing more trouble to Kobayashi's life than help. Additionally, Tohru's presence alone attracts other dragons, gods, and mythical beings to her new home. One of these dragons, Kanna, shows up at Kobayashi's door, demanding that Kobayashi return Tohru to the other world. It is then revealed that she'd been exiled from the other world, and having nowhere else to stay, Kobayashi takes her in and becomes her guardian. As both Tohru and Kanna settle into the human world, Kobayashi starts to think of them as family.

Team Indie

One day, a man and his cat Oskar receive a package with another cat named Marvin. Feeling fear for being replaced, Oskar has an argument with Marvin, and rips his necklace off. And for an unknown circumstance, Marvin ends up trapped in the video game world. Now, Marvin has to team up with other video game characters in order to return to the real world, but Oskar has other plans.

The Keeping Hours

The movie opens with a couple preparing for a wedding at their home. Mark and Elizabeth already have a son, Jacob. After eight years they make the relationship official, exchange wedding vows, and enjoy a day long reception with family and friends. Time flashes to the future with the couple divorced after the son was killed in an automobile accident. The father was driving and the mother thinks she failed to secure the boy's seat belt. Each blame the other parent and yet themselves for the tragic death.

Mark is an attorney busy working at a large law firm. Elizabeth has remarried, wrote a book and lives in an expensive home with her step-daughters. Mark is bothered with tenants who abandoned the rented former marital home. Mark inspects the home where lights flicker and he hears strange noises. He hears footsteps and he finds Jacob's toys in the attic. He sees Jacob and passes out. After time and adjustment, Mark accepts Jacob's ghost as real. After Jacob asks Dad about Mommy, Mark brings Elizabeth to the home. She sees her son and thinks Mark has played some cruel trick on her. She learns to accept reality and is happy the boy is back in their lives. Neither parent can touch the boy.

Mark quits his job to make time to be with Jacob. Elizabeth visits the house each day. Jacob tells his parents he wants things back to normal including the couple back together loving one another. They all do things to make up for lost opportunities. Mom reads bedtime stories and Dad plays games. Jacob wants that real train set that he never got. The couple become close again. They learn that Jacob can leave the house so they go to the beach and build sand castles and watch a beautiful sunset.

Jacob tells Dad that he pushed the red button that released the seat belt. Jacob caused his own death and Dad should not feel guilty and he should forgive Mom. Elizabeth has been having nose bleeds and passed out after claiming to see her deceased mother. After an emergency room visit, Elizabeth tells Mark she stopped her depression medicine and the fainting was isolated and nothing to worry about. When Dad gets home, Jacob has his train set up and fully running. Jacob tells Dad that Mom has to take a long train ride with him. Mark confronts Elizabeth and she tells him she has terminal cancer. Mark tells her that Jacob told him that he unlatched the seat belt and she was not at fault. Later, Jacob comes to his Mom's hospital room and she hugs him and they both disappear into a white light.

Carrie Pilby (film)

Carrie Pilby is a 19-year-old child prodigy living alone in New York City. She is always the smartest person in the room but too unhappy to enjoy it. With difficulty interacting, she has trouble dating and making friends, but she always has something to say. And while she can analyze everything, regardless of the situation, she has more difficulty understanding herself.

Carrie asks her therapist, Dr. Petrov, in a weekly session why so much emphasis is placed on happiness. "There are some brilliant, unhappy people." But the therapist, a longtime friend of Carrie's absent and widowed father, is very aware of how unique she is. Originally from London, Carrie has lived in NYC since she was 12, when her mother passed and now by herself in Manhattan. She skipped three grades, graduating from Harvard University at 18. A year later, she works for a law firm as a proofreader at her dad's insistence, but doesn't really need the job.

Carrie's clearly lonely and feels odd, despite outward appearances. She has spent the past year largely hiding in her apartment and seeing Dr. Petrov. So, he makes her a to-do list to help her emerge from her self-isolation, "Give humanity a chance" and find joy in her life: Get a job. Make a friend. Get a pet. Go on a date. Do something you enjoyed as a child.

Her adventures include a blind date with an engaged guy, friendship with an extroverted but kind co-worker and "the guy next door", whom she meets while he's playing a didgeridoo in the alley behind their apartment building. They eventually get to know each other through a walk-and-talk around the city.

There are occasional flashbacks to Carrie's unfortunate romance with her English professor when she was just 16. These serious scenes help explain her contradictions: intellectual wisdom beyond her years combined with a teen's emotional immaturity.

As Carrie starts to fulfill the list, her views on sex, romance and the world begin to change as well as how she sees relationships and humanity.

Lyle (film)

A young couple moving into a new home suffer a guilt & grief filled journey to losing their child. Soon mysterious feelings abound as those around them seem to harbor plans for the couple's next newborn child.

Eadweard (film)

A psychological drama centered around world-famous turn-of-the-century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge who photographed nude and deformed subjects, became the godfather of cinema, murdered his wife's lover, and was the last American to receive the justifiable homicide verdict.

Steins;Gate 0

The game begins during ''Steins;Gate'' ending, where Suzuha traveled to August 21, 2010 using her time machine to get Okabe to prevent a time-travel arms race leading to World War III; to do this, he needs to stop Kurisu's father, Doctor Nakabachi, from killing Kurisu and bringing her time travel theories to Russia. Suzuha brings Okabe to the moment of the murder, July 28, 2010, but he accidentally kills Kurisu himself due to world-line convergence. Upon returning to the present, Okabe refuses Suzuha's requests to try again, and develops post-traumatic stress disorder.

Nearly five months later, Okabe attends Kurisu's coworkers Maho and Leskinen's presentation of their Amadeus system, which uses digitized memories as artificial intelligence avatars; one avatar has been made based on Kurisu. Speaking with them, Okabe becomes a tester for Amadeus, allowing him to communicate with Amadeus Kurisu through his phone. While trying to change Okabe's mind, Suzuha looks for Kagari, who got separated when traveling to 1998. Maho, who has Kurisu's hard drive, wants to access her theories, hoping to be able to save Kurisu; Russia, other countries, and groups including SERN are also after the theories, and the world line shifts as they monitor activities surrounding Kurisu's theories and memories.

The story splits into two major branches: In the one leading to the ending "Promised Rinascimento", Okabe rebuilds the PhoneWave to help an amnesiac woman identified as Kagari, who has had Kurisu's memories implanted by someone, which gradually overwrites her personality; this inadvertently transports him to 2036 during World War III. Although Okabe had been predetermined to die sometime in 2025, Daru circumvented it by implanting 2011 memory data, as Okabe's body was still alive. Inspired by this and determined to avert this future, Okabe returns to 2010, destroys the hard drive, erases Amadeus, and sends a D-RINE message to the past of this branch, telling himself to "deceive the world and tie the possibilities". The resulting world line is not shown.

The first major branch has two side branches: In "Recursive Mother Goose", Okabe and Mayuri trace the origin of Kagari's only memory, a song they learn Okabe originally sung as a child after Mayuri's grandmother's death. After nearly being hit by a truck, Kagari regains memories, including having escaped a facility she was held at in 2005. Mayuri intends to time travel with Suzuha to reach Steins Gate, but Kagari takes Mayuri's place as she fears not meeting her in Steins Gate. In "Twin Automata", Maho hides in Faris's apartment after a kidnapping attempt, and befriends Moeka. Noticing that somebody is trying to steal Amadeus, Leskinen and Maho go to lock down the data, but they are ambushed by Reyes, who shoots Leskinen and tries to make Maho give her the Amadeus access codes. Maho decides to erase Amadeus rather than give it up, and she is saved when Moeka shoots Reyes. While Amadeus Kurisu is being deleted, a Kurisu apparently from another worldline takes her perspective. She calls for help, and tells Maho that Steins Gate is real, and tells Maho her laptop password is related to Piano Sonata No. 10, a piece by Mozart that had been the theme for this ending branch. Returning home, Maho figures out Kurisu's password from this hint and finds her research.

In the second major branch, leading to "Vega and Altair", Okabe stops testing Amadeus. If the "Promised Rinascimento" ending was completed first, a D-RINE message will appear early into the branch with its cryptic message: "deceive the world and tie the possibilities", but its origin is unknown. He and Maho are followed by groups who want Kurisu's theories, and Kurisu's hard drive is destroyed in a skirmish. Daru and Maho secretly rebuild the PhoneWave in an effort to save Kurisu, but is unable to complete the test due to missing components; Okabe tells them that saving Kurisu means sacrificing Mayuri, which Mayuri overhears. She decides to travel back in time with Suzuha to convince Okabe in 2010 to save Kurisu after failing in his prior attempt. However, Leskinen appears, revealing that he works for the intelligence agency Strategic Focus and intends to steal the time machine. Mayuri and Suzuha attempt to flee in the time machine, but it is hit by a rocket and destroyed. In the aftermath, Okabe discloses the missing components to Daru and Maho to complete the PhoneWave, thus allowing him to time leap to an earlier part of the day, and works to ensure Mayuri and Suzuha's successful time travel. Surrounded by Leskinen's men, he declares that he will find a way to Steins Gate.

The second major branch has the side branch "Gehenna's Stigma", where Maho is caught eavesdropping on Reyes and Leskinen, hearing that Leskinen thinks Okabe hides information. Leskinen uses Maho: She meets Okabe, who tells her about time travel provided that she does not try to save Kurisu. After he reveals where Suzuha's time machine is, Maho suffocates him; when waking up, he is tortured for information by Leskinen. Wracked with guilt for betraying Okabe, Maho makes an unsuccessful attempt to save Kurisu in her own way. World War III begins, Daru flees Akihabara to develop the time machine, and Okabe gives up on reaching Steins Gate.

The final ending, "Milky-way Crossing", only appears after completing the "Promised Rinascimento" and "Vega and Altair" endings. It is set in 2025 on a world line similar to, but not the same as, the one from "Vega and Altair". Okabe sends a D-Mail video to his 2010 counterpart, instructing himself how to save Kurisu and cause the world line divergence into Steins Gate, thus setting the events that would play out as the True End route in the previous game. He then leaves in the time machine to find Suzuha and Mayuri, and bring them safely back to 2025.

Jailbreak (1936 film)

A ex-racketeer has a fight with a cop and goes to prison, and things happen when he tries to get paroled, and a newspaper reporter tries to figure it out.

Two Step (film)

James, a young adult from El Paso, comes to Austin to visit his grandmother, only for her to die shortly after his arrival. His grandmother's lawyer, Ray Mance, tells James that she knew she was ill and made it easy for James to claim his inheritance of $85,000. While staying at his grandmother's house, James meets her next-door neighbor, Dot, a middle-aged dance instructor. After consoling him, Dot invites James to drinks at a local bar, and the two get to know each other better. James says that his parents' deaths made college awkward for him, as he did not wish to interact with people who were always asking about his health. After leaving college, he has ended up in Austin, where he knows nobody. Though offended that he calls her old, Dot lets him sleep on her couch when he says his grandmother's house is creepy.

At the same time, Webb, a small-time con man who specializes in grandparent scams, is released from prison and surprises his girlfriend, Amy, by coming home a day early. After he angrily chastises her for bringing up an incident in which he broke her nose, she flees the house with the money Webb conned out of senior citizens. Duane, a local crime boss, soon visits Webb and gives him two weeks to pay off $10,000 in debts. As Dot and James become friendlier, she fends off the attention of Horace, a married police officer with whom she briefly had an affair. Desperate for money, Webb pretends to be James and leaves a message that asks for more money on James' grandmother's voicemail. James, recognizing the scam, contacts Horace, who apologetically says he can do nothing to help.

When Webb shows up at James' grandmother's house in person, James attempts to trick him into coming back later. Webb instead beats him viciously and takes him prisoner. After searching the house, Webb threatens to beat him again unless James reveals the PIN to his debit card. Webb is surprised to find the large sum in James' bank account, but he can only withdraw a maximum of $900 a day because of banking regulations. Webb attempts to set up a payment plan with Duane, but Duane reveals he is uninterested in the money and only wanted to scare Webb out of town, as Webb is too violent and unpredictable. Webb becomes further incensed when he learns from a friend that Duane and Amy are rumored to be living together. After killing Mance, who came to visit James, he leaves again.

Horace's wife leaves him when she discovers his infidelity. Dot acknowledges an attraction to him but tells him that she wishes to wait until his divorce goes through. As Dot becomes worried about James, he slowly works his way toward a knife sticking out of Mance's pocket. Despite his binds, he cuts himself loose. Webb kills Amy, recovers the money she stole, and confronts Duane, whom he shoots. As Duane dies, he protests that he could have killed Webb many times but did not. Webb says that he should have when he had the chance. When Webb returns to James' grandmother's house, he is surprised to see James missing. As Webb rushes out of the kitchen, he collides with James, who is still holding the knife. Impaled, Webb collapses to the floor and dies. James stumbles out of the house, where Dot sees him.

Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer's Llamas

When the Farmer and Bitzer take a cake to a contest at a festival, Shaun tries to steal it but ends up hiding in the Farmer's jacket. At the festival, he encounters three llamas named Hector, Raul and Fernando, who are hypnotized by a flutist. The flute player stumbles and awakens the llamas, who create chaos in the cake contest. Once the llamas are again hypnotized, they are taken to an auction and sold. Thanks to Shaun, the Farmer and Bitzer accidentally buy them.

Back at Mossy Bottom Farm, the Farmer leads the llamas to the sheep meadow. Shaun befriends the llamas and he and the flock play a football game against them. Timmy finds the flute that came with the llamas and tests it, discovering that he can hypnotize them. However, Timmy loses the flute and the llamas destroy it. The llamas go on a vandalizing spree, culminating in taking a quad bike and destroying the sheep house just as Bitzer finishes repairing it. The flock becomes angry with Shaun for bringing the troublemakers. Meanwhile, the Farmer and Bitzer discover that the llamas have taken over the Farmer's house. After a confrontation, the llamas lock the Farmer in a wardrobe.

Bitzer and Shaun devise a plan to get rid of the llamas, tricking the creatures into the caravan. The plan fails and the llamas escape to take revenge on Shaun. He climbs on the roof of the Farmer's house where the three corner him. However, Timmy and the flock, with Bitzer's help, musically play empty bottles to hypnotize the llamas, who fall back into the caravan.

Bitzer frees the Farmer from the wardrobe, and the next day the llamas are taken back to the auction, where the Farmer inadvertently buys a rhinoceros. In the end credits, the Farmer and Bitzer have just finished rebuilding the sheep barn and the pig sty fence the llamas have broke, the llamas’ buyer gives them to his daughter where she treats them badly, much to their annoyance, and the rhino came to the farm with the Farmer and Bitzer hiding, and the flock playing with the rhino.

A Korean in Paris

Korean newlyweds are on their honeymoon in Paris. Strolling in the Pigalle area, the young bride sees in a red dress in a store window and she enters the shop. Her husband goes to buy cigarettes while he waits for her. When the man comes back his wife has disappeared. Not speaking a word of French he desperately searches for her. A search that will turn into a free fall into a world ruled by illegality, prostitution, drugs, a universe with its own codes and punishments.

Close to the Bone (novel)

Logan McRae is still living in a caravan, his girlfriend, Samantha, is still unresponsive and someone is leaving bones on his doorstep. Besides all this he has to cope with Detective Inspector Steel, a string of assaults and someone who is going around and Necklacing people. More murders follow and the filming of a novel about witchcraft seems to be inspiring the Necklacing murders. This leads to a confrontation with McRae's erstwhile boss, David Insch, ex DI from Grampian Police, who is now on the production team for the film.

The Bride (2015 Spanish film)

Leonardo, The Groom and The Bride have been an inseparable triangle since they were children, but Leonardo and The Bride possess an invisible, ferocious, unbreakable thread. The years go by and she, in anguish, is getting prepared for her wedding with The Groom in the middle of the white desert where she lives with her father. The day before the ceremony, a beggar knocks on her door and offers her a present and a piece of advice: "Don't get married if you don't love him", while she gives her two crystal daggers. The Bride's body shudders.

Hideout (manga)

On a supposedly idyllic vacation island, Seichi Kirishima and his wife Miki Kirishima are pinned down by a heavy rain somewhere in the island's interior. But this does not deter Seichi, it determined him, his decision is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.

Just a year ago, he was a happy man - an aspiring writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything was going well for him. But such happiness came to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...

Pransakha Vivekananda

The novel is based on the life of Swami Vivekananda. The books presents the eventful life of Vivekananda to the readers in form of a story, and not a mere biography.

Off to the Races (film)

Uncle George and daughter Winnie Mae turn up just as the Jones family is preparing for the county fair. The irresponsible George is going to enter his horse, Jimmy B, in the big harness race at the fair and encourages everybody to bet money on him to win.

John Jones doesn't care for horses or his wife Louise's uncle much. Their daughter Bonnie is bringing boyfriend Herbert Thompson to the fair. Herbert needs money to get married and bets every cent he has on Jimmy B, but on race day, Uncle George is hauled off to jail for failure to pay his ex-wife's alimony. John Jones reluctantly agrees to ride the horse, just to get Uncle George out of jail and out of his hair. With a little luck, the race is won.

Rough Riding Romance

As described in a film magazine, Phineas Dobbs (Mix), cowboy and dairyman, becomes rich when oil is discovered on his land. His first thought is to give a party with the whole town as his guests. The party is at its height when a mysterious and beautiful young woman with two frock-coated escorts alight from a nearby stalled train who are menaced by the town badman. Disposing of the bad man in his best style, Phineas takes to the open country on his horse. The train passes and the lady throws him a note from the window, asking him to follow and rescue her. His quest takes him to San Francisco and thence to an estate in the San Mateo hills, where a secret society of foreign noblemen are seeking to force the young woman to marry one of their members. Her father is held prisoner and his life is to be the price of her refusal. Phineas mixes in and, with the help of his trusted steed, effects the rescue of the young woman, who turns out to be a princess and her father a king. Sometime later, after he has returned to the ranch, the young woman appears and they are married.

Beloved Name

The Old People live in the mountains, but they do not realize the value of gold. Their children use gemstones to play with, the hunters kill animals with gold nuggets during hunting. They mine some copper to make axes and cooking tools, but other than that they live on hunting, beekeeping, fishing.

They weren't Russians and they weren't Tatars, but how they were named and what was their faith and belief no one knows. They lived there in the forest. They were the Old People. They hadn't any houses or outbuildings like bath-house or shed, none of that at all, and they didn't live in a village. They lived in the hills.

One day Yermak Timofeyevich, on his conquest of Siberia, comes to the area. The Cossacks bring weapons and scare away the Old People, who hide in the cave inside Mount Azov. The Cossacks act like bandits, drink and start fights all the time. They decide to take away the lands and the gold of the Old People. One of the Cossacks tries to stop them, but gets wounded in the process. He goes to Mount Azov to warn the Old People. The elder's daughter, a beautiful girl of gigantic height, attempts to nurse him back to health. The Cossack stays in the cave, eats local food, learns the language and takes liking to the girl, but he does not feel any better.

He recommends the Old People to bury their gold in the ground, collect all the gemstones and hide them inside Mount Azov. They begin gathering the nuggets and the gemstone and carrying them into Mount Azov, while the others are keeping guard on Dumnaya. Unfortunately the rumours about gold spreads, more and more Cossack bands came. The Old People come to the wounded Cossack for advice. He lies dying on top of Dumnaya, with the girl nearby. "There they took counsel for three days". Eventually the Old People decide to leave the area, offering to take the Cossack with them, but he refuses and explains that he can feel death approaching. The girl, who fell in love with him, stays too. The man says:

A time will come in our land where there will be no more merchants or Tsar, and even their names will be forgotten. Folks hereabouts will grow tall and strong, and one of these will [...] loudly call your dear name. When that day comes, bury me in the ground and go to him with a brave gay heart. For he will be your mate. And when that day comes, let them take all the gold, if indeed those folks have use for it.

Then he dies and in that moment Mount Azov "closes", trapping the girl inside. In the end of the ''skaz'' it is said that the Cossack's body still lies in the cave with the treasures and the beautiful girl, who always cries and never ages. Those who try to enter the cave or guess the girl's name, fail.

The Lone Star Ranger (1919 film)

As described in a film magazine, Cyrus Longstreth (Clary), Bully Brome (Nye), and Jeff Lawson (Johnstone), a trio of unprincipled cattlemen, have defied law and order in their cattle rustling activities. Steele (Farnum), a Texas ranger, entering the village alone and under an assumed name, rescues Longstreth's daughter Ray (Lovely) from two Mexican assailants and wins her father's gratitude. After one of the trio murders Steele's best friend, he enters the locality alone, goes to work at Longstreth's ranch, and wins Ray's heart. After several thrilling fights Steele manages to dispose of Brome and confronts Lawson and Longstreth with a charge of murder. Lawson betrays his guilt and is killed in the fight that follows. Longstreth proves his part in the rustling was an involuntary one and Steele and Ray are married.


Jackie Parker is a federal narcotics agent based in Seattle who goes undercover to investigate Philip Bianco, a drug dealer.

Santa Hunters

All Alex wants to do is prove to the world that Santa exists. He has managed to convince his sister Elizabeth and their cousins Zoey and Richard to setting up cameras throughout their house to capture footage of Santa. Their attempt is successful, but to their horror they discover that Santa loses a bit of his magic every time he's seen. As Christmas starts to vanish before their eyes, it's up to the children to find and destroy the evidence of Santa. However, they must first contend with their Uncle Charlie's girlfriend Natasha, who is determined to sell the footage of Santa for her own selfish gains.

Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection

The deceased have risen with the instinct to feed on the living as a family is trapped during a zombie apocalypse. Soldiers put the sole female survivor in a "rape van" as the story concludes.

Legend of the Phantom Rider

A woman (Denise Crosby), is raped and her husband and son murdered by 'Blade' (Robert McRay) and his men on the range. She goes to the nearest town for help. But the gang also have it in a vise-like grip and the inhabitants will not assist until a non-speaking stranger confronts the men. In a series of gun battles, Pelgidium (also played by Robert McRay), whittles them down until just two of them support Blade against the man with the disfigured face and mysterious past.

The Fox and the Star

The book tells the story of Fox, who lives in the forest. One night he loses his only friend, Star, who until then lit his way through the trees every night. Forced to confront the blackness of the forest alone, Fox mourns his friend before learning how to enjoy life and the world again without his former companion.

The Bird's Nest (novel)

Each chapter of the novel follows a specific character. Chapter One follows Elizabeth, a shy, rather colorless young woman who lives with her Aunt Morgen and works as a secretary at a local museum. She frequently suffers from headaches, backaches, and insomnia, but no one knows the reason. Elizabeth begins receiving threatening, handwritten letters addressing her as "Dirty Dirty Lizzy." One morning, Morgen accuses Elizabeth of sneaking out of the house at night; Elizabeth insists that she has no memory of doing so. Aunt Morgen continues to be suspicious, eventually deciding to take her to a doctor when Elizabeth makes some initially-unspecified vulgar comments during dinner at a dinner party hosted by the Arrows, friends of Morgen's. The doctor is unable to help Elizabeth, but refers her to Doctor Wright, a psychiatrist whom he believes could be of help.

The next chapter follows Doctor Wright. He first interviews Elizabeth and gains her trust, eventually convincing her to submit to hypnosis so he can better understand her problem. During his second attempt, he encounters two of Elizabeth's alter personalities: Beth, a calm and friendly girl; and Betsy, who is childlike and whom Dr. Wright initially believes to be a demon. He is able to procure some minor details as to Elizabeth's mother's whereabouts (and finds out she had died several years before), which he believes to be the root of the problem. Betsy begins threatening to take over Elizabeth, and manages to one night. Dr. Wright, whom Betsy refuses to answer until he identifies himself as "Dr. Wrong," believes that he's subdued her, and agrees to let her be in control for a day. He then tries to summon Beth to tell her to fight Betsy's impulses, but instead speaks to Betsy pretending to be Beth. He rushes home and types a letter of resignation to Aunt Morgen. Before he has a chance to send it, he gets a call from Morgen informing him that Elizabeth has run away from home.

The third chapter focuses on Betsy, who takes a bus to New York City, where she believes she will find her mother. While on the bus, Betsy has flashbacks and recalls an event in which she went to the beach with her mother and Robin, her mother's then-boyfriend. While at the beach, she overhears Robin telling her mother that he hates Elizabeth and wishes she'd stayed at home with Morgen; unable to remember how her mother responded, Betsy tells herself that her mother defended her. Once she has returned to reality and exited the bus, she gets a hotel room and goes to a restaurant, briefly befriending a man whom she eats with. It is revealed that he is a doctor, and Betsy, convinced that he is Dr. Wright in disguise, flees the restaurant. She then boards a city bus, and informs a female passenger that she is searching for her mother. The woman, going by a description Betsy gives of the home, suggests that she look on the West Side. Betsy obeys, but continually runs into people whom she believes to be enemies from her past. Beth and Elizabeth occasionally take control of her, climaxing when Elizabeth manages to overpower Betsy and render her unconscious. Elizabeth wakes up in a hospital, with her fourth personality, Bess, in charge for the first time in the novel.

The fourth chapter is narrated from the perspective of Doctor Wright again. He calls Elizabeth to his office once she is discharged from the hospital, and attempts to get information about why she went to the city. Bess, the alter now at the helm of Elizabeth's personality, is uncooperative, and discusses little except her money and her hatred for her aunt, whom she believes wants to steal it. Betsy sometimes takes control of Elizabeth, and often plays practical jokes on Bess, but Bess grows more and more powerful. Eventually, Betsy resorts to controlling what Bess writes. Bess, who is frightened because she insists she's not doing the writing herself, refuses to believe that it is she who is writing. Instead, she blames Dr. Wright and insists that it must be a magic trick. Dr. Wright writes a note to Elizabeth's aunt, asking her to phone him, but receives a reply the next day, berating him for a vulgar note. Dr. Wright figures out that Betsy rewrote the note to scare off her aunt. When questioned about her motive, Betsy confesses that she is unsure why she doesn't want Dr. Wright to contact her aunt. Eventually, through a phone call, the Doctor is able to schedule an appointment with Aunt Morgen to discuss the condition of her niece. The meeting starts off well, but Aunt Morgen becomes intoxicated, and begins shouting at the doctor. As he prepares to leave, Bess returns home, and announces that she wants both Doctor Wright and Aunt Morgen out of her life. Doctor Wright storms off and vows to never work with Elizabeth again.

The fifth chapter follows Aunt Morgen. She wakes up hungover the next morning, and talks with Betsy when she comes downstairs. After a short conversation in which Betsy tries to get Morgen to say she likes her best, Morgen heads upstairs to take a nap. When she wakes up and goes downstairs later, she finds her refrigerator full of mud. She then returns to bed again, waking late in the afternoon. That night, she yells at Elizabeth and, feeling guilty, offers to let her use some of her new bath salts in a warm bath. Elizabeth obliges, but when she gets out, she has changed to Beth, who wants to take her bath, then Bess, then finally Betsy, who uses the last of the bath salts. The next morning, fed up with Bess's insolence (after Bess orders several items from a department store to be delivered to the house), Morgen calls Doctor Wright and convinces him to come to the house and straighten out Elizabeth once and for all. When he arrives, Bess attempts to fight Morgen and keep her away from the door, but Morgen manages to defeat her, and lets Doctor Wright in. She explains to Betsy and the Doctor the complete circumstances regarding Elizabeth's mother's death. Heartbroken, Elizabeth declares, "I am going to close my eyes now and you will never see me again" as each of her fractured personalities vacates her body.

The sixth and final chapter is narrated from a third person perspective instead of following a specific character. Having absorbed, or "eaten" all of her previous identities, Elizabeth is given a new name by Doctor Wright and her aunt: "Victoria Morgen." Along with Aunt Morgen and Doctor Wright, Elizabeth, or "Victoria," re-visits the Arrows' home, where she goes into the garden and stares at the sky. They leave, and Victoria announces, "I'm happy...I know who I am."

Orange (2015 film)

In 2015, Naho Takamiya (Tao Tsuchiya), a 16-year-old girl about to start her second year of high school in Matsumoto, abruptly receives letters while on her way to school. The letters are from Naho herself, but ten years into the future. The Naho in the future asks her younger self to prevent her "biggest regret" from happening. Though initially skeptical, Naho eventually begins to read the letters as they predict some of the events that would happen in her time, the foremost being the enrollment of Kakeru Naruse (Kento Yamazaki), a transfer student from Tokyo, to her class. Kakeru is quickly befriended by Naho and her friends: Hiroto Suwa (Ryo Ryusei), Takako Chino (Hirona Yamazaki), Saku Hagita (Dori Sakurada), and Azusa Murasaka (Kurumi Shimizu).

Through the letters, Naho learns that something bad will happen to Kakeru. She decides to do the opposite of the events detailed in the letters in hopes of averting it. She encourages Kakeru to join the soccer team. She objects his pursuing of a relationship with upperclassman Rio Ueda (Erina Mano) which ultimately leads to Kakeru's breakup with her. Naho insists that the two watch the school fireworks together. At the same time, in 2025, the now 26-year-old Naho, who is now married and has a baby with Hiroto, visits Kakeru's former home together with her friends, where it is revealed that they are attending a memorial for the long-dead Kakeru. What surprises them, however, is the revelation that Kakeru died not because of an accident, but suicide.

Back in 2015, Naho and Kakeru pay a visit to a shrine during the Bon Festival where, through Naho's insistence, Kakeru tearfully reveals about his mother's suicide on the day of the school entrance ceremony, which he did not attend because of a conflict he had with his mother. Several days afterward, Hiroto goes to Naho's house to tell her that he has also received the letters from his 2025 self, who directs him to do as Naho's does. He states that though they cannot undo what has happened in their sender selves, they can create a new parallel universe where Kakeru can end up living. To achieve this goal, Naho and Hiroto inform Chino, Hagita, and Azu about the letters and ask them to help presenting gifts for Kakeru's 17th birthday. Kakeru gives the flowers he requested from Hiroto to Naho. Next, all five sign up to back Kakeru for the upcoming relay race, where he serves as the anchor. Before the race, a murky Kakeru reveals the truth about his mother to the five. With their support, he regains his spirit and ends up winning the race. After the race, as a "reward" for his success in the relay race, Kakeru kisses Naho on the cheek.

Several weeks before the New Year, the time when Kakeru would commit suicide (according to her future self), Naho gets into a conflict with Kakeru about his grandmother's health, and the two become distant. A day before December 31, though, Naho confesses her feelings for Kakeru, wherein the latter reveals his plans for suicide. At home, Kakeru finds a pre-recorded video of his mother and learns that she committed suicide because she did not want to burden him any further and that she wished that he would find happiness elsewhere. On New Year's Eve, realizing that Kakeru does not come on time, the five friends frantically search for him through the streets of Minamoto. They finally find him almost getting hit by a truck, being saved at the last second by the thoughts of his friends. He subsequently apologizes for his suicide attempt and confesses that he does not want to die knowing that he cannot be with them again.

The film closes with the 2025 Naho, Hiroto, Chino, Hagita, and Azu watching the sunset from a hill nearby, while in the parallel 2015, the same event happens, except that Kakeru is with them.

Fairy Tail Zero

In X679, six-year-old Mavis Vermillion lives on Sirius Island as a servant at the Red Lizard wizards' guild following the deaths of her parents. A violent skirmish breaks out between Red Lizard and the rival Blue Skull guild, leaving Mavis the apparent sole survivor alongside Zera, the daughter of Red Lizard's master, who becomes her friend. Seven years later, a trio of treasure hunters – Yuri Dreyar, the future father of Makarov Dreyar; Precht Gaebolg, the future leader of the dark guild Grimoire Heart; and future Wizard Saint Warrod Sequen – comes to the island in search of its sacred relic, the Sirius Orb. As Yuri contends with a teenage Mavis over ownership of the orb, they discover it has already been taken by Blue Skull. Mavis forms a truce with the treasure hunters to recover the orb, proposing that Zera accompany them as well.

The group journeys to the city of Magnolia, where Blue Skull has established a brutal regime. Mavis attempts to bluff the guild into returning the orb by using her illusory magic, but fails to deceive the guild's master, Geoffrey. Outmatched, the group retreats into a nearby forest where Mavis encounters Zeref, an infamous dark wizard. Unaware of his identity, Mavis expresses sympathy for Zeref upon realizing he is afflicted with a curse that kills all life around him against his will. Grateful for her company, Zeref agrees to teach the treasure hunters how to use magic so they can combat Blue Skull, becoming friends with Mavis in the process.

After Mavis and her friends successfully overthrow Blue Skull and capture Geoffrey, she discovers that the orb has become contaminated with evil magic. Yuri ignores her warnings and takes the orb for himself, becoming possessed by its magic and unwillingly fusing with Blue Skull's massive skeletal dragon, which rampages mindlessly through the city. Mavis exorcises the magic from Yuri by casting Law, a prototype spell learned from Zeref, which permanently halts Mavis's physical age as a side effect.

Guilt-ridden over Mavis's sacrifice, Yuri dedicates his life to protecting her. After Mavis accepts his friendship, he confesses to her that no one can see or hear Zera besides her, revealing Zera to be a sentient illusion that Mavis subconsciously created in place of the real Zera, who died during Blue Skull's raid on the island. With Zera's encouragement, Mavis accepts her as an illusion, causing her to disappear. To protect and reassure the people of Magnolia, Mavis and the treasure hunters organize Fairy Tail in Zera's memory.

Be Our Guest (American Horror Story)

One year after the incidents in "Battle Royale", Liz Taylor reflects on the renovated Hotel Cortez. Their first guests are a couple who like the rooms, however, Sally and Will Drake kills them. Liz and Iris urge the ghosts to stop the murders, but Sally and Will decline. James March intervenes and orders them to end it, or they will lose the hotel. Iris finds a miserable Sally and gifts her a phone with WiFi. Sally gets addicted to social media and becomes happier.

Liz asks Will to start designing again, while she will run Will's companies. Liz still cannot find happiness, so Iris invites Billie Dean Howard to communicate with Liz's dead lover, Tristan. Tristan does not respond, making Liz think that he still blames her for his death. Instead, Donovan communicates through Billie Dean and reaffirms his love for Iris and states that he is in a better place. Liz attends the birth of her granddaughter, but then learns that she has prostate cancer. Ramona offers to turn Liz, but Liz asks the ghosts to kill her. The Countess appears and slices Liz's throat while the other ghosts watch. Tristan then visits Liz's ghost, who had not seen Liz so that Liz would have continued living.

Iris and Ramona discuss Billie Dean's continuous expeditions into the Cortez with her film crew, and the shaky reputation it has given the hotel. John arrives, just before Devil's Night 2022, and agrees with them. Through flashbacks, John reveals that Alex and Holden had left to fend for themselves and they all ended up at the Cortez. Scarlett left to have a normal life while they continued staying until he was killed by police on the steps of the hotel, failing to reach the threshold before he died, therefore only appearing at the hotel on Devil's Night for March's serial killer party. Billie Dean is taken to the annual dinner party where the ghosts tell her to never mention the Cortez again, or she will be murdered. She refuses since the ghosts cannot leave the hotel, but Ramona makes it known that she can. John leaves the party to welcome Scarlett, who visits for a few hours every Devil's Night. Together they share family time in the hotel. The final scene is with The Countess who flirts and seduces a male guest at the hotel.

Gut zu Vögeln

Merlin is a young society reporter whose fiancé cancels their wedding shortly before the big day. Devastated, she lets her friends convince her to move into her brother's old room in a flat with two men, Jacob and Nuri. As she struggles to rebuild her life in the aftermath of the breakup, Jacob, a womanizing bartender with attachment issues, begins to coach her in the art of "short-term relationships". When the guys go on a trip to Mallorca, Merlin and her brother's pregnant girlfriend, Clara, decide to follow them and chaos ensues.

The Mystery of the Jewelled Moth

Sophie is an orphan who has been left penniless when her father dies. In ''The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow'', Sophie finds a job in the millinery department of Sinclair’s Department store and makes friends with Billy, a junior porter, and Lil, a “mannequin” by day and an aspiring actress by night. In ''The Mystery of the Jewelled Moth'', the Jewelled Moth, a priceless piece, disappears, and again Sophie, Lil and Billy have to solve the mystery, this time by infiltrating Lord Beaucastle’s fancy dress ball. Sophie had come face to face in ''The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow'' with the mysterious Baron, the arch-villain of the East End, and in ''The Mystery of the Jewelled Moth'', Sophie gets even closer.

Mariett Dances Today

The story begins like a fairytale: A stork, hunting for food in a Dutch village pond, picks out a baby girl and drops her in the cradle in the mayor's house. The mayor, who is a practical man, connects his saw and the baby's cradle with a string, and with every pull of the saw he rocks little Mariett – which is the name of the tiny foundling – to her sleep.

As the years go by, Mariett grows up to be a merry young woman, albeit a bit naïve, but full of joie de vivre and very fond of dancing. When on her 16th birthday a covert admirer gives her a pair of silk shoes she hurries to the village church to pray to Saint Joseph for a fitting pair of silk stockings. Her prayer, though, is overheard by two affluent young men. The one of them is a painter, copying one of the church windows; he is accompanied by his friend Robert van Dammen. They are very much amused about the girl's simple-mindedness and they plan to hoax her. With her father's consent – who is paid 300 guilder – Mariett is drugged and in her dreams she sees herself as a princess. When she awakes in Robert's palais the men proceed with their hoax, with Robert himself acting as “princess” Mariett's driver. Three days later, however, the fun is over and Mariett is told the truth. She is deeply upset about being had in such a way. So she decides to leave the village to seek her fortune in the big wide world.

Riding a train on her journey she plays her harmonica and dances. A bar operator who watches Mariett is delighted by her unsophisticated naivety, but also her outstanding entertaining talent. So he hires her as a show act for his Paris establishment. And soon the simple Dutch girl rises to be a number one star of the Paris show scene.

Meanwhile the two jokesters have heard about Mariett's racy success. As Robert has fallen in love with her he tries to find the way into her heart, what he undertakes on the skiing slopes and toboggan runs of Saint Moritz. On New Year's Eve Mariett and Robert are reconciled at last.

Positive I.D.

Julie Kenner had been raped a year ago and is still psychologically suffering. She repels her husband Don, takes a lot of tranquilizers and is regularly seeing a psychiatrist. When Dana, a charming neighbor, suggests rape was "every woman's fantasy" and there must have been some point at which she enjoyed it, Julie physically lashes out at her, further alienating her from her husband and friends.

Her situation is worsened by her learning that her rapist Vinnie DeStephano has cut a deal to be released from prison. She accidentally learns that it's technically possible to assume the identity of a dead person and finds in this idea a way to recover. While she continues to spend most of her time as a recovering Julie in front of her husband, she creates the identity of Bobbie King, a vivacious red-haired woman from Florida, using a dead child's birth certificate and getting herself arrested and released on a bad-check charge to create a criminal record (and paper trail) for her alter ego. As Bobbie, she hangs out at Vinnie's uncle's bar downtown, where Roy Mercer works and befriends her. One night, they have rough sex in a hotel, suggesting that Mercer may have a deeper knowledge about her than he's letting on. Meanwhile, as Julie spends more time away from home as Bobbie, Dana fills the void in taking care of her two little girls (and her husband).

The day Vinnie is released from prison, she walks into the bar as Bobbie. As the owner tries to introduce them and Vinnie says "Don't I know you from somewhere?" she shoots Vinnie dead and walks away and drives home. The next morning, news coverage states that a "positive I.D." has been made of Vinnie's killer as Bobbie King, the wanted check-kiter from Florida. In a TV interview, Mercer is revealed to be an undercover detective, and tells the press Bobbie is a professional assassin who will never get caught. Reporters track Julie down in front of her house to ask if she feels vindicated by Vinnie's death, she says no and flees inside. When she kisses her children awake, they initially call out "Aunt Dana" instead.

The final scene is her dressed as Bobbie, stepping into a phone booth at a truck stop. A semi truck pulls up, leaves, and the phone booth is empty.

Covered Tracks

A young woman named Séraphine checks into a Parisian hotel with her ailing mother. When she comes back to the hotel with her mother's medication, she finds their room vacant and none of the staff remembers ever seeing her or her mother checking into the hotel. Séraphine then embarks on quest to uncover the mystery of her mother's disappearance and prove her own sanity.

The Last of the Duanes (1924 film)

Buck Duane, the pacifist son of a famous gunman, shoots the man that killed his father, and then goes on the run. He rescues a beautiful young woman named Jenny from a gang of outlaws, and proves his innocence.

The Unwanteds (novel)

On the island of Quill, anyone who displays artistic talent is Unwanted and sent to the Death Farm for execution when they turn thirteen. Alex Stowe, the son of two 'Necessaries', has two strikes against him and has known his fate since the age of ten. On the day of the annual Purge, he is declared an 'Unwanted' and sent to his death, along with twenty other young teens. Meanwhile, his twin brother, Aaron is declared a 'Wanted' and sent to the University for training as one of Quill's leaders.

When Alex and the other Unwanteds are dropped off at The Great Lake Of Boiling Oil, however, they are shocked to find themselves welcomed into the magical land of Artimè, created, hidden, and led by a mage called Mr. Today ,with the help of his many staff. While Alex and his new friends learn magic from art and creativity, Aaron displays loyalty and usefulness by creating the Favored Farm, an exclusive farm intended to provide the Wanteds of Quill with an abundance of healthy plants and animals. Through this action, he attracts the notice of High Priest Justine and rises to the prominent position of her assistant secretary. Alex soon begins to miss his brother Aaron which leads to big mistakes on Alex's part.

Then, due to a mistake on Alex's part, Aaron, Justine, and Governor Strang make a surprise visit to The Great Lake Of Boiling Oil and discover Artimè. Quill immediately attacks these Unwanteds who have the effrontery not to be dead already. During the ensuing war, Aaron attacks Mr. Today, nearly killing his own twin, Alex. In the end, however, the people of Artimè defeat the Quillitary in a terrible battle and an uneasy truce is forged.