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On the Edge (1986 film)

A gaunt, bushy-bearded, 44-year-old Wes Holman returns to his northern California roots after a 20-year absence, determined to enter one of America's oldest distance races.

Holman was banned from competition after being a whistle-blower about illegal under-the-table payments to amateur athletes two decades before. He seeks out his old trainer, Elmo, to help get him ready for his comeback, but is denied official entry.

After visiting with his aging father "Flash," a union-organizing radical who lives in a junkyard, Holman decides to enter the race without permission. As he negotiates the harrowing 7.5-mile trails, race organizers make strenuous attempts to impede Holman or force him out of the competition before the finish line. His fellow athletes protect his flanks, however, and escort him all the way to a victorious finish.

Cinderella (1955 film)

In a faraway kingdom, a beautiful young girl, Margaret, lives with her mean stepmother and two spoiled stepsisters. The Prince of the kingdom throws a ball to find a wife. Margaret wants to attend, but her family thinks her too ugly and stupid, calling her a mere “Cinderella”. A Good Fairy, however, intervenes, and provides Margaret with the means to attend the Prince’s Ball. The Prince, of course, is enthralled upon meeting Margaret, for she is the only woman in the kingdom who possesses the spiritual bounty of inner beauty. Margaret runs away from the Prince before he can announce his intentions, however; she leaves behind only her slipper. The Prince searches the kingdom for the tiny foot which fits the slipper; some women even go so far as to mutilate their big feet to try and fool the Prince. The Prince eventually finds Margaret, and asks her to be his “Cinderella.” A big wedding follows, and the fairy tale couple live happily ever after.

Darling (2015 American film)

The film takes place over six chapters.

Chapter 1: Her

Madame leaves Darling alone as the new caretaker of an old home in New York City. Before leaving, Madame warns that the previous caretaker threw herself off the balcony. Darling becomes fascinated with an inverted cross necklace she finds in a dresser drawer. She also finds a locked door at the end of a hallway, but Madame forbids her by phone from opening it. Darling unknowingly drops the necklace while grocery shopping and a man returns it to her on the street. It is implied that she recognizes him. After experiencing a panic attack, Darling follows the man and finds out where he lives.

Chapter 2: Invocation

Darling begins experiencing hallucinatory visions. Noises in the home lead her outside to the balcony where she finds a Latin proverb "Abyssus abyssum invocat" which means "Deep calls to deep" ([ "hell calls hell" or "one misstep leads to another"]) scrawled into a wood panel.

Chapter 3: THRILLS!!

Darling follows the man from earlier to THRILLS!!, a local lounge. They share drinks together before Darling invites him back to her house. The man mentions how the house is said to be haunted and rumored to have been a place where someone once tried conjuring the devil. Darling suddenly stabs the man to death mid-conversation, and begins raving that she is taking revenge on a man named Henry Sullivan who cannot be allowed to live because of what he did to her "that night".

Chapter 4: Demon

Darling tapes a bag over the man’s head, suffocating him, and puts his body in the tub. Darling goes to sleep, clutching the cross necklace to her chest and reciting "Abyssus abyssum invocat". Darling dreams of the dead man attacking her in her bed.

Chapter 5: Inferno

Darling finds a card on the man that identifies him as Henry Sullivan. After sawing off his head and limbs and putting them in a bag, Darling checks the ID again and sees that the name now reads James Abbott.

Chapter 6: The Caretaker

Madame calls after discovering that Darling’s reference, Dr. Abbott, was never her employer; Darling replies calmly that the doctor says she's "all right now". Madame implores Darling to leave her home. Darling asks if the locked room upstairs was the site of the devil conjuring told of in local tales. Madame doesn't answer. Darling replies, “I think I’ll become one of your ghost stories now.” Darling breaks down the locked door upstairs and is horrified by what she sees, but it is not shown to the audience. Darling paces the hall, cuts up all of her clothes and dons the cross necklace. A woman arrives at the house with two police officers, presumably having been alerted by Madame via telephone, and they find the bag of body parts after entering with a spare key. Darling hears them, climbs up to the roof and jumps off - her visions now coming full circle.

In the post-credits scene, Madame hires another young woman as the home's new caretaker, reciting the same lines she spoke to Darling upon their first meeting.

Rough Night

In 2006, four friends, Jess, Alice, Frankie and Blair, bond during their first year of college. A decade later they reunite as Jess is about to marry Peter. Alice decides that the four should spend the weekend in Miami partying. They are also joined by Pippa, Jess's friend from her semester in Australia. Alice, who considers herself to be Jess's best friend, is immediately jealous of Pippa.

The friends get high on cocaine and party at a club and then decide to hire a male stripper. At the vacation house, he makes Jess uncomfortable with his rough talk. Alice decides to take a turn and jumps on him, causing them to both fall and the stripper to die after hitting his head on the fireplace. Before they decide what to do, Jess takes a call from Peter and mentions that her friends hired a stripper and she is confused. Peter thinks that she is leaving him and becomes distraught. His friends tell him that he should drive down to Miami to win her back.

The friends purchase a burner phone to call Blair's lawyer uncle. After telling them they moved the body, he tells them they could face up to fifteen years in prison unless no body is found. They decide to dispose of the body, throwing it into the ocean.

After doing so, they think the neighbors' security camera caught them on tape, and send Blair to seduce them for the footage, only to discover the cameras don't work after she has slept with them. By this point, the body has washed up back on the shore and they must come up with a new plan to dispose of it.

A police officer knocks on their door and Frankie knocks him out after he gropes her, only for them to realize he was the stripper they had hired, leaving them to wonder who was killed. They try to dispose of the body again, with the stripper's car, only to return defeated after a car accident. Then when Alice finds out Jess invited Frankie and Blair to a bridal shower over her, Jess berates her for her obsessive clinginess and storms off to prepare for the consequences.

At this point, two police officers arrive and tell the women they are not in trouble as the man they killed was a violent criminal who had been on the run from the police. As they interrogate the women Pippa realizes that the "police" are actually accomplices of the man killed. Realizing they are caught, the men tie up the women and the now-awakened stripper and threaten to shoot them.

Jess meanwhile has missed most of the drama due to being upstairs taking a shower in preparation for her mugshot. Realizing what has happened, she subdues one of the captors using hairspray and handcuffs and fights off the other one as he prepares to kill Blair. After Alice shoots the second captor, the first reappears, having removed the toy handcuffs, only to be run over by Peter, high on the drugs he took to keep him awake on his roadtrip to Miami.

Jess reaffirms that she wants to marry Peter and they do it that weekend at a foam party with their friends. Frankie and Blair reunite as a couple and Alice hooks up with Scotty, the police officer stripper from the bachelorette party.

In a mid-credits scene, Pippa sings lyrics that allude to the evening, and after the credits Alice finds the thief's stolen diamonds that had been stashed in a box of naughty pasta from the bachelorette party.

Bosko's Store

The story opens with Bosko scatting and whistling a happy tune as he cleans the window of his general store. A telephone rings and Bosko answers; a voice on the other end makes a fairly unintelligible request that Bosko interprets as one for bologna. Bosko turns on a small electric fan after retrieving a sausage from which he chops thin slices using the spinning blades. As the slices fall onto a scale, Bosko's dog, wafted thither by the scent, approaches master and meat. The naughty canine paws the empty balance of the scale, reversing it and flipping the cold cuts into his salivating maw. This he repeats as the whistling Bosko absent-mindedly further depletes the bologna. The dog's shape reflects his gluttony, becoming more sausage-like as he devours more of the delicacy; once Bosko realizes that his meat has disappeared, the animal cannot disguise his guilt. He dances, making accordion-like sounds as he hops away; pursued by Bosko, he runs carelessly through another fan, slices of his body being cut off in the process, rejoining at once upon hitting the other side of the floor. Having enjoyed the run, our laughing hero forgets his trouble and begins to dust the shop as he dances about: he dusts eggs out of which live chicks pop and a lady in an advertisement who smacks him with her rolling pin (for the affront!)

A miniature Mickey Mouse-counterfeit uses the pulley of a window blind in order to reach a telephone, whereat he rides the rotary dial as though it were a merry-go-round. It seems that "Mickey" was dialing the store's number, and a telephone rings across the room. Bosko answers it; pseudo-Mickey's mouthpiece having fallen, he must slide down the wire in order to speak and climb up again to hear Bosko's response. "Have you got any dry fish?" he asks; Bosko says that he has. "Well," the prankster replies, "give 'em a drink!"

Bosko steps out and sweeps his porch while dancing, his broom his partner; he lifts up a large, sleeping dog in order to sweep under it. Enter Honey with a frilly umbrella and her bratty, feline piano-protégé (also seen in ''Bosko's Soda Fountain''.) Greeting her beau, she requests of him a nickel for a nearby player piano; eating Bosko's coin greedily, the pianola starts the music. The lovers dance together, Honey scatting, Bosko stopping only when he spots Honey's charge picking and eating his bananas. The youngster plucks another and fires its soft yellow fruit square at Bosko's reprimanding face. Stumbling back into the store, Bosko falls into a basket connected to a pulley; the tormenting kitten pulls it, raising Bosko high into the air and across the room and, eventually, into the wall, whereupon our hero tumbles down to the floor.

Staggering about, Bosko comes to a rest at a cash register whose keyboard's being depressed by Bosko's hand releases its drawer, which strikes Bosko, knocking him backwards again. Back, back he stumbles into a barrel of molasses which falls over, drenching him in its miry, brown former contents. Stuck as in quicksand, the irate Bosko cannot free his feet to chase the little devil, who taunts him accordingly. The scamp climbs a nearby hanging thread to a high shelf only to find that the thread is on a spool; once it has run out, the cat falls toward a store-counter and onto the crank of a meat grinder, spins about on it, is flung into the air, and falls into the grinder, coming out on the floor in droplets that transmute at once into tiny clones of himself and which then rejoin to the victim's bewilderment. Bosko is helpless until he frees his feet from his shoes; that done, the stocking-footed Bosko pursues his tormentor, as the little cat ascends and rides a wheeled ladder, knocking over cans from a high shelf as he does so, which cans, falling, strike poor Bosko's head.

Cornered at last, the imp spies a large spool of woolen thread: reaching for the counter on which it sits, he, taking the end, slyly slips between Bosko's legs and runs, scorching Bosko's rump with the quick-withdrawing thread as he does so. The beaten Bosko holds his pained posterior as the iris unceremoniously shuts.

They Look Like People

Close friends Wyatt and Christian, who have drifted apart, reunite in New York City, where Christian invites Wyatt to stay at his apartment. Wyatt has withdrawn into himself, having recently broken up with his fiancee, while Christian, who's also broken up with his fiancee, attempts to counter his insecurities with bodybuilding and aggressive machismo. As the two old friends bond, Christian invites Wyatt along on the date he has with his supervisor, Mara, calling ahead and asking Mara to invite her friend.

Wyatt and Christian arrive to find that Mara's friend Sandy has fallen and injured herself. Wyatt examines Sandy and recommends she go to the hospital. Wyatt, Christian, and Mara spend the evening in the waiting room until Sandy's release, and Mara gratefully thanks Christian for staying. As Mara walks Christian to the subway, he fails to take the initiative to kiss her goodnight. Wyatt reassures Christian that Mara is probably still interested in him despite the end of the evening. After Christian falls asleep, Wyatt receives an anonymous phone call, where a muddled voice tells him he only has time to save himself, and he must leave the city and prepare for demonic invasion.

Wyatt confers with a psychiatrist about his fears of psychosis, but cuts the session short when he becomes convinced the psychiatrist himself is possessed by demons.

Mara and Christian continue seeing each other. Wyatt receives subsequent phone calls, this time in Mara's voice, alerting him to ominous signs of the apocalypse and the demons' nature, specifically how they infect humans. Wyatt stockpiles weapons in Christian's cellar and alternately contemplates both suicide and the murder of passersby he believes possessed.

With his newfound assertiveness, Christian believes himself to be in line for a raise, only for Mara to reveal that he has been fired. A note on his computer, signed by his coworkers, accuses him of being an asshole. Christian returns home to find Wyatt waiting for him. Before he can say anything, Mara visits. At first angry, Christian apologizes and invites her in. The three chat amicably, and Christian leaves to get a specific tea Mara wanted. Wyatt invites Mara to explore the house and takes her downstairs to show her his weapon stash. Wyatt asks her for further information on the demonic invasion, alluding to her voice on the phone. When Mara realizes Wyatt's seriousness, she flees. Christian returns, disappointed that she left. Wyatt becomes highly agitated and rants about the coming demonic invasion. Christian calms him down and sets him up with a psychiatrist, the same one Christian went to when he attempted suicide.

Wyatt accosts Mara, trying to apologize, and she lashes out in self-defense, injuring him. Seeming remorseful, she helps him clean up, but he is horrified when she transforms into a demon. Wyatt runs away and finds Christian preparing to join the army to conquer his insecurities. Wyatt convinces him to leave the city and prepare for the coming apocalypse. Christian agrees, as long as Wyatt attends his psychiatric appointment. As Wyatt sees omens of the apocalypse, he instead insists they barricade the basement. To show his trust in Wyatt, Christian allows himself to be bound and gagged in case he is possessed. On the hour of the apocalypse, Wyatt becomes convinced Christian is possessed and prepares to kill him as he watches Christian transform. At the last moment, Wyatt realizes he is hallucinating, and recognizing Christian as truly human, frees him. Christian remarks that he has finally conquered his insecurities by facing death, and the two embrace.

Prediction (film)

Famous writer Oleg Goryunov returns to troublous Moscow from a creative writing trip. The confrontation between president Boris Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet is in full swing, tanks, armored personnel carriers and armed soldiers are on the streets. At the train station a gypsy woman accosts Goryunov and offers to tell his fortunes. He takes it with humor, but suddenly he hears the unexpected ... he shall have some unusual meeting, and the worst thing is that in exactly 24 hours Goryunov shall die.

The writer, shook up by such grim predictions, comes home and finds in his apartment ... himself, another Oleg Goryunov, only very young. Shocked, "old Goryunov" tries to find out from "young Goryunov" why they had to meet, but it still remains a mystery ...

Realizing that he has only one day to live, before his death Oleg Goryunov decides to do two most important things, the pursuit of which the writer has constantly postponed. Firstly, Goryunov wants to avenge the death of his father. Many years ago his father was killed by a KGB agent, a certain Poplavskiy, a chemist specialized in poisoning. As a fellow traveler on the train Poplavskiy would get into contact with people targeted by Soviet secret police and poisoned them, so that their deaths looked like a heart attack or a stroke. Both "Goryunovs" come to the research institute where the former executioner works, and demand Poplavskiy to make a guilty plea. Trying to escape retribution for his crimes, the poisoner drinks the deadly substance himself ...

But the most important thing that Oleg Goryunov decides to do — is to finally confess his love to charming Lyudmila, who works as a cashier in a bank. She reciprocates his feelings, they are together, they are happy, but the harsh reality of life is ready to destroy the lovers. And only "young Oleg Goryunov" is able to save them all...

Iru Mugan

An elderly Malaysian man goes berserk and kills several Indian officers in a span of five minutes at the Indian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, before collapsing. A tattoo of a love symbol is present at the back of his neck, leading RAW agency to conclude that it is the handiwork of rogue scientist named Love whose identity and whereabouts are unknown to anyone except their agent Akhilan Vinod, who resigned from the agency. 4 years ago, While on an assignment to bust Love, Akhilan's wife Meera George, a leading computer analyst was killed by them. RAW chief Malik tracks down Akhilan and convinces him to join the investigation.

On viewing the video footage of the attack, Akhilan comes to the conclusion that the elderly Malaysian man had taken a mysterious performance-enhancing drug which allowed him to attack the Indian officials and decides to investigate the matter further in Malaysia. Since Akhilan is under suspension, Malik assigns him as a deputy to a junior RAW agent named Aayushi, who is officially assigned to handle the case, and the two of them leave for Kuala Lumpur.

In Kuala Lumpur, Akhilan and Aayushi learn that the mysterious drug is inhaled using an asthma inhaler. Further investigations lead them to Peter, a scientist who is on Love's payroll. Peter becomes informer and tells them about the drug, which is called "Speed". The drug causes a person who inhales it to have extraordinary strength for five minutes before falling unconscious, and if the person inhales the drug again within a few hours, they will suffer a massive heart attack. Peter also reveals that a shipment of 'Speed' inhalers is to be dispatched to Love within the next 15 minutes. Akhilan and Aayushi pursue the lorry carrying the inhalers, but a lorry driver inhales Speed and subdues the duo, which are then taken to Love's hideout. As Akhilan moves to arrest Love, who turns out to be a transgender, he is knocked out by Meera, who is shockingly still alive and has been working for Love as a computer hacker and goes by the name ''Rosy''.

It is then revealed that Meera suffers from retrograde amnesia after being shot in the head 4 years ago and that Love took advantage of her situation to employ her as a computer hacker. However, when Love orders her to kill Akhilan and Aayushi, she points the gun at Love and calls the police, who arrests him. Meera reveals that she had been forced to take 'Speed' by Love to work faster, but the drug caused her old memories, including those with Akhilan, to return, and she soon regained her full memory after continuous use of the drug. Love manages to obtain a 'Speed' inhaler while in custody and inhales it, helping her escape and destroy the entire police station, killing everyone present, including Aayushi. Aayushi had recorded the whole incident by using a ''Bluetooth camera''.

Akhilan finds out that Love had made a satellite call to Chang, the Transport Minister of Malaysia who had allowed Love to send shipments of 'Speed' inhalers to India to perpetrate terror attacks there in return for money. He rushes to the hospital, where Chang is admitted and interrogates him. During the interrogation, Love sneaks into the hospital and, hiding in the air conditioning vent, sprays a neurotoxic gas in Chang's room, causing Akhilan and Chang to get paralysed. She then kills Chang and puts the knife on Akhilan's hand, framing him as Chang's assassin. Akhilan and Meera, who are declared fugitives, but the duo manages to escape from the Malaysian police.

Akhilan and Meera decide to finish off Love using her kill switch activation device, which had been restored and hidden by Aayushi before she was killed. However, as the device can only be opened with Love's fingerprint, they plan on obtaining her fingerprint. They sneak into an illegal airfield owned by Chang, where Love is planning to leave for India with the shipments of Speed inhalers. Akhilan inhales Speed and fights Love, who has also inhaled Speed, and manages to get her fingerprint before collapsing after the drug's effect wears off. On regaining consciousness, he finds out that Love has already left for India.

It is shown that Akhilan used Silica gel to get Love's fingerprints. He then uses the fingerprints to open the kill switch activation device, deactivates Meera's kill switch and kills all of Love's henchmen, including those piloting the plane. The plane crashes into a remote jungle, killing Love, destroying the Speed shipments, and averting a major terrorist attack. One month later, Akhilan and Meera are seen enjoying a holiday cruise sponsored by the Government of Malaysia as a reward for killing Love. After discussing their future plans, Akhilan reveals that he had kept a Speed inhaler and inhales it.

Batman: The Telltale Series

While responding to a break-in at the Gotham City Hall, Batman engages in combat with a group of mercenaries and Catwoman, the latter having broken into the Mayor's safe and stolen a drive. During the fight, Batman steals the drive whilst she manages to escape. Returning to Wayne Manor, Bruce endorses Harvey Dent's Mayoral campaign against Hamilton Hill, during which he meets crime lord Carmine Falcone. While investigating and decrypting the drive, Bruce receives word from Alfred that his childhood friend Oswald Cobblepot, now a criminal called "Penguin", has returned to Gotham. Meeting up in Cobblepot Park, Oswald warns Bruce of a revolution in Gotham.

Accusations come to light that Thomas and Martha Wayne had affiliations with the Falcone family. While meeting Harvey to discuss these claims, Bruce also meets Dent's date Selina Kyle, where they both deduce each other's identities. Selina reluctantly gives Bruce the address of a meeting place with her employer: a warehouse at the Gotham City docks. Investigating as Batman, he finds the location to be the site of a shootout between the GCPD and the same mercenaries from City Hall. Believing Falcone to be involved, Bruce also finds evidence of a psychoactive agent being stored there. After finishing the decryption of the drive, Bruce discovers evidence of Falcone's criminal organization, along with ties to Mayor Hill. After handing it over to either reporter Vicki Vale or Lt. James Gordon, he confronts Falcone as Batman and interrogates him about the shootout. Falcone admits to having ownership of the chemicals but denies involvement in the shootout. Under further interrogation, he also reveals that the allegations against the Wayne family are true, confirming this with a photograph of them, Hill and Falcone. When Bruce confronts Alfred, he learns that his parents collaborated with Falcone and Hill to control Gotham and that he had hidden the truth in the hopes he would not follow in their footsteps.

Whilst confronting Falcone on his family's criminal ties, Bruce witnesses his murder at the hands of a drugged officer, Renee Montoya. Based on her testimony upon recovering from the injection, Batman deduces that Penguin was responsible for the shootout at the docks and the assassination, having synthesized the stolen chemicals. After discovering that Cobblepot intends to murder Catwoman for failing her assignment, Bruce aids her escape. Stealing a phone from one of Selina's attackers, Bruce discovers that Hill has also been involved with Penguin and confronts him on the information. Under interrogation, Hill reveals to have leaked information about Falcone and the Waynes to Cobblepot and his organization, the Children of Arkham, to hold off their plans to attack him. He also reveals that he and Wayne had used Arkham Asylum, an ailing mental institution, to get rid of people privy to their activities.

When Penguin and the Children of Arkham attack the Mayoral debate, Batman is forced to make an alliance with Catwoman to stop them. During the attack, Cobblepot unveils their leader, Lady Arkham, injects Dent and Hill with the drug, and unveils evidence of Thomas Wayne committing his mother to Arkham. The Children of Arkham escape, releasing a list of names of people committed by Wayne to Arkham unlawfully, killing Hill, and disfiguring Dent if the player chose not to intervene. With the GCPD struggling against the Children of Arkham, Gordon calls an alliance with Batman. Harvey is also sworn in as the new mayor but begins to exhibit signs of an aggressive split personality. Due to the allegations, Bruce is forced to step down as CEO of Wayne Enterprises, with Cobblepot replacing his position. Through Vale, Batman learns the Children of Arkham are operating out of a Sky Train Depot and stops a planned attack. During this, he is injured while fighting Lady Arkham. While staying at Selina's apartment to recover, Harvey discovers them and, believing them to be romantically tied, relinquishes control to his split-personality, "Two-Face". At a press conference announcing his resignation, Bruce is injected with the drug by Vale, who reveals herself to be Lady Arkham. Using the drug's influence, she goads him into attacking Cobblepot.

Committed to Arkham Asylum by Two-Face, Bruce meets and allies himself with a mysterious patient named "John Doe". Doe reveals Vicki's identity as a member of the Arkham family, whose parents were murdered by Thomas to keep his actions hidden, and sets up a fight to get Bruce bailed out, advising that he investigates the Vales. After curing himself of the drug's influence, Batman discovers that Vicki murdered her adoptive parents in order to use her father's company to store the drugs. After Batman survives an attack orchestrated by Penguin and relays the information to the GCPD, Two-Face, using a private army, blows up the warehouse and declares martial law. After discovering Penguin is hacking his tech, Batman is forced to choose whether to stop him and the Children of Arkham or Two-Face and his enforcers. Regardless of the choice, both are eventually subdued.

After assisting in the capture of either Dent or Cobblepot, Bruce's public image begins to recover and he is reinstated at Wayne Enterprises. Selina leaves Gotham City after stealing a prototype from the company's R&D labs, though is forced to give it back after being caught by Bruce. Returning to Wayne Manor after receiving a call from Alfred, Bruce finds that the Children of Arkham had broken in and kidnapped Alfred. Using clues he finds in a message left by the group, Bruce discovers their new hideout and investigates as Batman. Upon arrival, he finds the Children of Arkham fled but discovers their plans to release the inmates of Arkham. Arriving at the asylum just as they release the inmates, Batman fights through the riots and helps the GCPD gain control. Pursuing Lady Arkham through the catacombs, he manages to rescue Alfred and defeat her. After the fight, Vicki is apparently killed as she attempts to escape the collapsing chamber.

In the aftermath, Gordon is promoted to the Acting Police Commissioner to replace his deceased predecessor and plans to give a public speech regarding the incident. At Alfred's behest, Bruce attends the speech, either as himself or as Batman. An assassin launches an attack at the event but is quickly subdued. The series ends with Doe, watching the event live on television, formulating a plan for the future.

Guns of a Stranger

Marty Robbins plays a sheriff who is attacked by a young gunfighter. After he kills the gunfighter in self defense, he quits being a lawman and becomes a singing drifter. Marty drifts into a war between honest folks and a gang of crooks. Note:Ronny Robbins is Marty's real life son.

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

The game is set on the desert planet of Kharak, 106 years prior to the events of ''Homeworld''. Kharak is a drying world, and the desert grows larger with each passing year. Then a satellite detects an object in the Great Banded Desert, known as the Jaraci Object, or the "primary anomaly". An expedition had been sent by the Coalition of the Northern Kiithid, a group of Kushan clans from the northern polar region of Kharak, but had disappeared in the desert four years earlier; the in-game campaign centers around a second expedition, and its chief science officer, Rachel S'jet.,[ Watch the First Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Gameplay - IGN] ancestor of Karan S'jet in Homeworld.

Rachel's expedition, centered around the Kiith S'jet land carrier ''Kapisi'', departs from Epsilon Base in the Kharakian desert. Shortly after the expedition departs, however, Kiith Gaalsien (a group of religious zealots exiled from mainstream Kharakian society) attack and destroy a number of Coalition bases, including Epsilon, and lay siege to the city of Tiir, the planetary capital. The Gaalsien then attack the ''Kapisi'' at a S'jet base known as the Boneyard, while the ''Kapisi'' is undergoing final outfitting for desert operations. A masked Gaalsien commander named Khagaan declares that the Coalition's use of satellites and other space-based technology violates the law of the Great Maker, Sajuuk, and the Gaalsien declare war on the Coalition. Escaping from the Boneyard under cover of a sandstorm, the ''Kapisi'' searches for their sister ship, the Kiith Siidim carrier ''Sakala'', which also escaped its base after a Gaalsien attack.

In a region called Hell's Gate, the expedition stumbles upon the wreck of a previously launched S'jet carrier, the ''Ifriit Naabal'', the flagship of the first expedition four years earlier; Rachel's elder brother Jacob had been first officer of the carrier, which recovered an artifact from the wreckage of a space-going vessel called the ''Kalash''. The expedition moves in to salvage more artifacts from the ''Kalash'', but come under attack from superior Gaalsien forces, led by Khagaan from the carrier ''Ashoka''. Just as the expedition is about to be overrun, the ''Sakala'' and its escorts arrive with reinforcements, driving the Gaalsien forces off. The ''Sakala'' draws off the ''Ashoka'' while the ''Kapisi'' attacks the Gaalsien resource operations, but the Gaalsien carrier changes course to attack the ''Kapisi'' and its escorts. Despite the Gaalsien carrier's defenses and EMP weaponry, the Coalition forces engage and destroy the ''Ashoka'' which results in the deaths of Khagaan and her crew.

Approaching the edge of Gaalsien territory, the two carriers assault a Gaalsien fortress, again using the ''Sakala'' to draw off the base's defenders while the ''Kapisi'' attacks the resource operations. Accessing the Gaalsien database, Rachel discovers that her brother had survived for years in Gaalsien custody, and that the Gaalsien believe the Jaraci Object to be the mythical Khar-Toba, the "First City" and origin of Kushan civilization. The Gaalsien leader, the K'Had Sajuuk, believes he will become ruler of all Kharak if he enters the temple of Khar-Toba. Along the way, the expedition also discovers a number of shipwrecks that are largely intact in spite of their age and conditions in the desert, and Rachel theorizes that they in fact materialized inside solid rock (referencing the hyperspace abilities of vessels by the time of ''Homeworld''), having been forcibly intercepted by the power contained within the Jaraci Object site. Making their way through a narrow canyon into a region the Gaalsien call the "Dreamlands", the ''Kapisi'' and the ''Sakala'' engage and destroy two Gaalsien carriers, and fight their way to a high plateau in order to obtain critical supplies via airborne cargo landers from their leaders in Tiir.

As the K'Had Sajuuk's forces approach the primary anomaly, a weapons satellite opens fire on them from orbit; Rachel leaves to investigate the source of the signal that triggered the satellite, as the ''Kapisi'' holds its ground against enemy forces on the plateau in order to secure a runway for the landers. Just as the Coalition forces gain the upper hand, however, the Siidim forces betray them, opening fire on the S'jet cargo landers; the Siidim, long-time enemies of the Gaalsien, declare that they alone were of divine origin and would "purify" the desert, and that Khar-Toba and its secrets were theirs to claim. Rachel discovers that the signal that triggered the orbital satellite was from a Taiidan carrier, which crashed on the surface after deploying the weapon; Jacob used the transponder to trigger the satellite himself before dying of starvation and exposure. Rachel escapes the wreck with the transponder and makes a rendezvous with the ''Kapisi'', which engages and destroys the ''Sakala'' and its escort forces.

With the Siidim defeated, Rachel travels ahead of the expedition, discovering that Khar-Toba is in fact an ancient starship, surrounded by an ancient city buried in the sand. The expedition sets up a scanner network around the wreck to better direct the Taiidan weapon satellite in orbit, and face the K'Had Sajuuk, commanding a unique flagship-style carrier. The Coalition forces destroy the Gaalsien flagship in a heated battle; as his ship is consumed in the explosion, the K'Had Sajuuk warns that Kharak would be destroyed by fire from the sky (prophetically referencing the events of ''Homeworld'') as a result of the Coalition's actions. At the end, Rachel reflects that her brother had believed the salvation of their people to be found in the desert as the scene pans out from Khar-Toba towards the night sky, and the future that would await the Kushan in the century to come.


Unlike the previous games, which had two separate races, all of the factions in ''Deserts of Kharak'' are Kushan, but have distinct looks from one another, and also work differently. The campaign centers around the Coalition (the player's faction) and Kiith Gaalsien; two other groups, Kiith Soban and the Khaaneph, were added in DLC packs as playable factions (in addition to the originals) for Skirmish and Multiplayer modes.

;Coalition of the Northern Kiithid :A loose alliance of clans from the northern polar regions of Kharak, based in the planetary capital of Tiir, which were responsible for Kharak's spaceflight program and the discovery of the Jaraci Object. The clans involved are based largely on what vehicle designs they provide to the expedition forces; they include S'jet (the command carrier, its production facilities, and its launched aircraft), Soban (armored attack vehicles), Naabal (heavy ordinance and Baserunners), Manaan (light attack vehicles), and Somtaaw (salvagers).''Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak'' Expedition Guide, Section 7.0: "Vehicle Manifest" The Coalition makes extensive use of wheeled and tracked vehicles, heavy armor, and deployable technologies such as portable scanners, turrets, and mines, deployed by the Baserunner vehicles. Their tactics are described by the developers as being similar to the Greek phalanx and Cold War-era vehicle tactics, both of which required total commitment to battle. ;Kiith Gaalsien :A renegade clan dedicated to Sajuuk, the Great Maker Whose Hand Shapes What Is. Unlike the other religious clans, the Gaalsien preached harsh punishments against those who violated Sajuuk's law. Four hundred years before the events in ''Deserts of Kharak'', the Gaalsien were declared outlaws after destroying the city of Saju-ka, killing thousands.''Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak'' Expedition Guide, Section 4.0: "Kharakid Social Systems" Well-adapted to residing in the deep desert, the Gaalsien use hover technology for their vehicles, and rely on speed and hit-and-run tactics, resulting in their vehicles being less armored than the Coalition forces. The Gaalsien also make use of railguns and self-repairing technology, recovered from wrecks in the desert. Tactically, they are described as being similar to the Mongol hordes, relying on mobility and probing for weaknesses before attacking, and the modern United States Armed Forces, using advanced technology to fight an opponent without fully committing. ;Kiith Soban :A clan belonging to the Coalition, which provided most of the heavy military hardware for the expedition forces. Known as the "Grey Brotherhood", the Sobani are a mercenary kiith formed from the remnants of a clan destroyed by rivals centuries before, eventually becoming one of the most feared warrior clans on Kharak. Their vehicles are nearly identical to those of the greater Coalition, with some notable exceptions - the Sobani place greater emphasis on railguns, and both their Carrier and Battlecruiser vehicles are equipped with these weapons over the standard heavy cannons. ;Khaaneph :A group of clanless scavengers from Kharak's southern deserts, descended from survivors of clans destroyed in the Heresy Wars between Kiith Gaalsien and Kiith Siidim, hundreds of years prior to ''Deserts of Kharak''. "Khaaneph" is the Gaalsien word for "godless"; while the Coalition clans are seen as followers of "false gods" due to their emphasis on science over religion, the Khaaneph believe in nothing at all, save for their own survival. They often raid desert settlements and supply caravans, utilizing every last scrap of resources they can muster - even consuming the corpses of the dead. They use salvaged Gaalsien technology (particularly in the use of hovercraft), combined with heavy armor plating; the Khaaneph Carrier can also provide speed boosts not only for itself, but for all vehicles in a certain radius around it. They make extensive use of siege weapons, missiles, and other explosive devices.


''Deserts of Kharak'' is a spin-off, in that it deviates from the backstory included with the original ''Homeworld'' in the form of the ''Homeworld Manual: Historical + Technical Briefing'' booklet. The latter maintains that Kiith Gaalsien self-destructed and was reduced to the status of myth centuries before the discovery of Khar-Toba and clans had long ceased any serious military conflict.

Going Bananas (film)

A boy (David Mendenhall), his guardian (Dom DeLuise) and an African guide (Jimmie Walker) try to save a talking chimp called Bonzo from bad guys.

Jackie (2016 film)

A week after the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, a journalist visits his widow Jacqueline "Jackie" Kennedy for an interview at her home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts regarding her husband's legacy. After Jackie reflects upon her 1962 televised tour of the White House, the journalist turns to inquiries about John F. Kennedy's assassination and its aftermath for Jackie and her family. She talks about events shortly prior to the assassination, before describing her shock and horror in reaction. Members of the White House close to the newly sworn-in President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife Lady Bird are seen comforting Jackie in the aftermath onboard Air Force One. United States Attorney General and Jackie's brother-in-law, Robert F. Kennedy soon appears and shares her grief, escorting her back to Washington, D.C. Jackie expresses her deep concern for the well-being of her children in adjusting to the loss of their father.

Robert continues to support Jackie whilst dealing with his own sadness, and helps her in planning the funeral and looking after the family. She is seen struggling to sleep and becoming reliant on medications and alcohol. She is also seen regularly seeking spiritual counsel from a priest. Robert F. Kennedy, along with President Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, and members of the White House witness the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby on live television. Robert insists to all that Jackie not be informed of this by anyone but himself; he will tell her when he feels the time is right. However she finds out about it almost immediately, and condemns him for withholding it from her. After John F. Kennedy Jr.'s third birthday, Robert voices his fears to Jackie that her husband's short time as president will not be noted by future generations.

After the state funeral of John F. Kennedy, Jackie tells the priest that she contemplated suicide following the assassination. She then admits that she clearly remembers what happened during the assassination and feels unbearable pain and guilt that she did not act in some way to protect her husband. As the interview ends, Jackie makes it clear to the journalist that she maintains the right to control which parts of the interview may come to press and which parts are to be withheld. The film concludes with Jackie having her miscarried and stillborn children's coffins being re-interred next to her husband's grave at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

The Naked Ape (film)

In a series of satirical live action and animated vignettes, the evolution of humanity is depicted and explored, primarily through the experiences of Cathy, a tour guide in a natural history museum describing the ages of mankind and its advancement, and Lee, a college student who meets Cathy in one of his classes and grows infatuated with her. Through them, rituals of courtship, sex, marriage, workplace manners, and military service are dramatized, suggesting that despite centuries of change, certain behaviors remain constant.

On a Moonlit Night (Kuprin short story)

Gamov, the teacher of mathematics, is passionately in love with a beautiful girl who is openly scornful of him. Desperation drives him to blackmail but she ridicules him. He threatens the girl with a revolver, discovering the 'unaccountable voluptuousness' in the situation and, as she responds with mockery, pulls the trigger. The horror of what he has done haunts Gamov for the rest of his life.

Glumov's Diary

The film is composed of three parts which were screened at different moments of the play.

The opening sequence starts with a shot of Eisenstein removing his cap and bowing in front of the poster announcing the play, followed by a shot of Grigori Aleksandrov as Glumov, in front of the same poster, and by shots of the main protagonists making comic faces. It has been argued that this could have been screened rather at the end of the play.

The second sequence shows how Glumov's diary was stolen. It was linked to the play by the actor running out of the stage to reappear on screen climbing along the building's facade up to the roof where he was picked by an airplane. Eventually, he jumped out of the airplane to fall into a car that brought him back to the front door of the theater. At the end of this sequence, the actor came back onstage, holding in his hand a film reel.

The third sequence shows metaphorically the contents of Glumov's Diary, using several stop motion substitutions reminiscent of early films by George Méliès. It ends up with the wedding of Glumov and Mashenka and Glumov answering requests for money from the other protagonists with a fig sign.

Exit... nur keine Panik

Kirchhoff is a street crook living in Vienna. He dreams of having his own coffee house and being loved by many beautiful women.

Jagat (film)

The plot centres on Appoy, a spirited kid who would rather watch gangster flicks and make prank calls than memorise his multiplication tables. Desperately trying to keep his son on the straight path, Appoy’s hard-working father becomes increasingly abusive, as the boy is inexorably drawn to the criminal lifestyle of his uncle, a henchman for a local gang. How will their story goes?

His Best Friend (1937 film)

It's already dark outside and the rain is falling in torrents. A German Shepherd appears to be wandering aimlessly down the sidewalk when he bumps into detective Harry Peters. Peters first takes the seemingly abandoned dog with him and the next day goes in search of the owner. He is a dog dealer from whom he quickly buys the shepherd dog despite tight funds. Harry thinks the animal he calls Griffin is very alert and decides to train him to be a police dog. Master and dog soon become an unbeatable team when it comes to catching and arresting bad guys. Since dogs often turn out to be relationship starters, one day Harry meets young Gerda Lind on a walk thanks to Greif. She works as a dancer and Harry quickly falls in love with her. Harry promises to visit Gerda at her next dance performance, but something comes up: the house of a Mr. Müller has been raided and Harry is called to action with the trusty griffin.

While Harry stays behind, Griffin picks up the trail and sprints off. He quickly confronts the crooks. But Greif reacts completely differently than expected, because the man standing in front of him is called Emil Kruppack and is Greif's former owner, whose German shepherd was still called Rolf. The animal happily greets its former owner. Sergeant Schütz meanwhile ran after Rolf/Greif and is now being attacked by the police dog after Kruppack had chased Rolf on the policeman. He is completely perplexed and tries to defend himself against the animal attack. Kruppack shoots at Schütz and finally takes to his heels, with the police dog Greif at his side. The police arrest Kruppack's brother Max. Harry finds Schütz seriously injured and has him shipped to the hospital. Peters visits him there and has his colleague tell him about the course of events. Deeply shocked, Harry learns that Greif apparently went along with the criminal without hesitation. Harry now knows that if Griffin is ever found again in the future, he can no longer rely on him.

In the meantime, Emil Kruppack has commissioned a young man named Paul Werner, who is called an “eightpenny boy” (snitch, rent boy) in appropriate circles, to do his dirty work and kill Griffin, since the dog’s behavior would sooner or later kill him later betrayed to the police. When Werner wants to do the bloody job, Greif escapes and returns to Harry Peters. Both reunion joy is huge. In the meantime, several connections have been uncovered that must have led Harry to believe that Gerda could be in cahoots with Kruppack. Both reunions are correspondingly cool when Harry summons Gerda to police headquarters for interrogation. In fact, Gerda and Kruppack know each other, because the young woman had once reported the fugitive crook, who then swore revenge on her.

It a new track. Emmi Gärtner, the bride of the robbed Mr. Müller, admits that Müller is actually Kruppack's fence and is said to have robbed the burglar of his wages. Fearing for her lover, she reveals anything that could lead to Kruppack's arrest. In fact, Müller is supposed to meet Kruppack, and Harry Peters wants to join his colleagues. He doesn't want to take Greif with him because he doubts his reliability, especially since the old owner Kruppack Greif, who was then present, could again plunge him into a conflict of loyalty. But Griffin turns out to be Harry's eponymous best friend and secretly follows him. When Müller sees the police, he immediately wants to storm, but runs straight into Peters' arms. When he wants to show Harry the loot, Kruppack comes up and threatens Harry with a gun. A fight ensues and a shot is fired. The griffon dog throws himself into the fray for Harry and is badly injured by the fired bullet, Kruppack arrested. Griffin drags himself into a side room where Harry finds his best friend dead. Gerda and he become a couple.

Mad About You (Chinese TV series)

After Xie Xiaojun and Wu Yue got married five months ago, they were trying to find the ultimate answer to marriage. Soon, they realized that marriage was not what they expected, and they had to deal with their boss, neighbors, and unreliable friends.

Mommy's Little Monster (Gotham)

Butch (Drew Powell) leads Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) to a warehouse in the port where his mother is being held. While trying to release her from her cell, Galavan (James Frain) and Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) arrive, revealing the only way to release her is from a key Galavan only possesses. Cobblepot orders Butch to kill them, but instead, Butch kills Cobblepot's henchmen. Tabitha is revealed to have reversed Butch's brainwashing. Cobblepot pleads for his mother's life and Tabitha releases her. While Cobblepot and Kapelput hug, Tabitha stabs her in the back. She dies in Cobblepot's arms and Galavan orders Butch to kill him and dispose of their bodies. Cobblepot calls Galavan and all his ancestors "cowards" for not killing him himself and Galavan decides to do it personally. While Galavan is aiming his gun at him, Cobblepot removes Tabitha's knife from his mother's back and slashes Galavan's throat and escapes through a window, vowing to kill Galavan.

In his apartment, Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) begins to suffer nightmares after accidentally killing Kringle. He is even further tormented by the evil personification of himself. He realizes that the personification removed Kringle's body while he slept and needs to find it. Meanwhile, Galavan is elected mayor of Gotham City with the support of Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) in exchange for help in cleaning up the GCPD. Galavan then claims that the knife wound on his neck came when Cobblepot proposed that the mayor-elect should join up with him to rule the city, and Galavan "politely declined." Captain Barnes (Michael Chiklis) and Harvey Dent get an arrest and search warrant for Cobblepot and his allies. Galavan also imposes a curfew and martial law in order to find Cobblepot.

Still distraught at Bridgit's "death", Selina (Camren Bicondova) visits Bruce (David Mazouz) and is introduced to Silver St. Cloud. While Selina and Silver are alone, Silver threatens Selina if she ever visits Bruce again. Later, with Bruce as a witness, Selina accuses Silver of faking everything and insults her, which prompts Silver to leave. Bruce then tells Selina to leave, and says that they're no longer friends. While pursuing Butch, Gordon reveals to Bullock (Donal Logue) that he may have found some links between Galavan and Mayor James's abduction. They find Butch and his crew but they are ambushed by Victor Zsasz and his gunmen. Butch's crew abandon him and Gordon threatens to deliver Butch to Zsasz if he doesn't tell them what's going on. Butch reveals Galavan was the behind the Mayor's abduction, the assassination of the candidates, and the kidnapping of Cobblepot's mother, before escaping.

Nygma begins to solve his alter ego's riddles at the GCPD HQ in order to find Kringle's corpse. He finds her hand in a vending machine and her corpse in the medical examiner's morgue. He is nearly discovered by Leslie (Morena Baccarin) but he narrowly manages to deflect her. That night, Galavan organizes a victory celebration, aware that Cobblepot will try to kill him. The watch sniper, Martinez, stands guard in the roof and notices Penguin and his gang. Penguin is apparently killed by Tabitha, but is shown to be a decoy and the group turns out to be a large amount of heavily armed Penguin imposters. Martinez is killed by Tabitha after confronting her on the roof. The impostors arrive at the party and a shootout occurs. While trying to lead Galavan away from the party, Gordon is confronted at gunpoint by Penguin. Penguin asks Gordon to step aside by emotionally stating that Galavan killed his mother. Gordon contemplates what to do, while Galavan orders him to kill Penguin. Tabitha shoots Cobblepot; while Gordon and Bullock shoot at her, Cobblepot escapes in Galavan's limo.

In the aftermath of the massacre, Silver kisses Bruce while Selina watches from outside. Gordon decides to investigate Galavan after he confronts him for not shooting Cobblepot and everything he heard. Nygma returns to the morgue and is confronted again by the evil personality. The evil personality convinces Nygma that he enjoyed the killing and leaving riddles. Both Nygma's personalities merge and he prepares to dispose of Kringle's corpse.

Damned If You Do...

Picking up where the last season left, Bruce (David Mazouz) and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) discover a hideout behind the fireplace with secret stairs. Upon descending the stairs, they discover a locked door with a password pad. Alfred tries to tell him that there must be another way to open it since there would be "millions of possiblilities".

One month later, Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) has been reassigned from the GCPD to traffic duty; Bullock (Donal Logue) is retired, working in a bar; Cobblepot is now the boss of organized crime of Gotham City; and Barbara (Erin Richards) is incarcerated in Arkham Asylum. During a shift, Gordon arrests a man calling himself "Zaardon the Soul Reaper" (David Fierro) when he wreaks havoc. Commissioner Loeb (Peter Scolari) fires Gordon for punishing an officer for showing up late to work.

In Arkham, Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) approaches Barbara, telling her that Richard Sionis (Todd Stashwick) can give her anything she wants. Zaardon is transferred to Arkham and a blue gas spills from his mouth, which makes everyone in the room unconscious. A woman and her guards appear in Arkham, kills the guards and subdues Barbara, Jerome, Sionis, Aaron Helzinger (Stink Fisher), Robert Greenwood (Dustin Ybarra) and Arnold Dobkins (Will Brill). The woman, Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), brings them to her brother Theo Galavan (James Frain). Galavan plans on using them as a group to wreak havoc in Gotham in a yet-unknown plan. Sionis refuses the offer and tries to leave with Barbara, but Tabitha kills him. Barbara then calls Gordon, trying to tell him Lee (Morena Baccarin) was the one who attacked her. Gordon dismisses her and drops the phone. She then leaves a threatening message on Lee's phone, telling her she wishes she was dead.

Gordon goes with Cobblepot, asking him for help in returning to the GCPD and firing Loeb. Cobblepot agrees in exchange for Gordon collecting a debt from Odgen Barker (Otto Sanchez), who had a $70,000 debt with Falcone but thinks he forfeited it since Falcone retired. Gordon refuses and leaves. Upon reconsidering, Gordon visits Barker. Barker refuses and threatens Gordon with a gun, which prompts Gordon to attack his bodyguards. Gordon takes the money and leaves but is pursued by the bodyguards. He escapes to the parking lot where he is confronted by Barker. Gordon shoots Barker and gives the money to Cobblepot. That night, Cobblepot and Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) sneak into Loeb's home and blackmail him. Loeb quits the GCPD and names Sarah Essen (Zabryna Guevara) the new Commissioner. Gordon tells Lee about what he did for Cobblepot later.

Bruce decides to create a homemade fertilizer bomb to open the door, to Alfred's shock. The two blow up the door to reveal a study room and a computer. Bruce finds a note where his father tells him that he suspected there was corruption in Wayne Enterprises and how he became paranoid. He also tells him to not to search further as the truth found in the computer will change his life.

The McMasters

An ex-slave is given half-ownership of a farm following the Civil War. He can't find anyone to work for him until Native Americans help. Bigots try to shut him down.

The Tale of Halldor Snorrason II

Halldor Snorrason is a friend of King Harald since before his reign, when he was in Constantinople's Varangian Guard. Halldor enters into the service of King Harald after he takes kingship. The tale begins as Halldor wishes to travel home to Iceland but is too poor. King Harald gifts him a ship. When Halldor is unable to staff the ship, King Harald lies about war breaking out with King Svein to allow Halldor to recruit men for his journey.

He sails for Iceland and returns a year later. King Harald later insults Halldor's drinking abilities and his devotion to the king as an attempt to disguise the aging alcohol tolerance of a fellow follower, Thorir the England-Trader. Halldor is once again insulted, at Yule, when bribed bell-ringers force a breach of etiquette, for which Halldor is forced to sit in straw and drink a forfeit-cup. He refuses initially, but King Harald eventually forces Halldor after he insults the king. Halldor later that evening accuses the king of payment in impure silver.

After Yule, King Harald commands Halldor to join him on his ship, which he crashes while King Harald attempts to confute Halldor's orders. Halldor threatens to leave the kings service, but Bard, a fellow companion and voice of reason, is able to convince Halldor to say if the king grants him his payment in pure silver and his own ship, rewards well above the Halldor's social status.

The owner of the ship, Svein, disapproves of the king's orders and steals it back. Halldor regains control of the ship. King Harald purchases the ship from Harald to give back to Svein to end the conflict. All but one half a gold mark is paid. As spring approaches, Halldor wishes to leave King Harald, but the king will not pay the half mark owed. Halldor wakes the king and queen, with sword drawn at his throat, demanding the gold. Harald suggests that he come back tomorrow and he'll have the money. Refusing the offer, Halldor demands the queen's ring. Harald suggest that he get a scale so that the ring can be weighed. The queen insults his stinginess and gives Halldor the ring.

Halldor flees to Iceland. The following season, he receives a message to rejoin the king's court stating that "he will have a higher place than any man of low birth". Halldor interprets this as a reference to a hanging and refuses.

Lisa: The Painful

At the start of the game, the player controls a child named Bradley Armstrong. The departure of his mother leads to Bradley and his younger sister, Lisa, to be abused and neglected by their father, Marty Armstrong. Following an unseen cataclysmic event known as "The Flash", Brad, now a middle aged ex-martial arts instructor, lives with his friends in a post-apocalypse devoid of women (and therefore a manner in which for humanity to reproduce). One day Brad discovers a baby girl laying in the wasteland, to which his friends plead for him to give the child to Rando, a famous warlord commanding a vast army of soldiers. Brad refuses, instead raising the young girl he christens "Buddy" in secret. She is eventually found and kidnapped, leading Brad to embark across Olathe to rescue her.

During his quest to find Buddy, Brad meets many different characters, some of whom may be recruited as party members by the player to be used in combat. Throughout the game, flashback scenes depict a pre-apocalyptic Olathe, shedding light on Brad's early life, including his upbringing alongside his younger sister Lisa and their relationship with Marty. Brad also repeatedly encounters a man called Buzzo, who forces him to make serious choices which often have deep story or gameplay consequences. Buzzo is also responsible for spreading an addictive drug named Joy across the wasteland.

Brad and Buddy are later reunited, and Brad realizes that Buddy left on her own due to Brad's controlling nature. Brad still decides to take Buddy back to their home, but he is cornered by Buzzo and his gang, who knock him out and force-feed him Joy in front of his daughter. Brad has a Joy-induced blackout, and when he wakes up he finds that Buzzo, his group, and Buddy are gone. Despite realizing Buddy's distaste towards him, Brad pushes forwards, with his past trauma causing him to desperately fear that harm will befall Buddy. After hearing that Buddy stole a boat and presumably went out to sea, Brad makes one of his own, and while his party members are asleep, sets off alone. He finds Buddy on a desolate island, being cared for by an aged Marty, whom Brad promptly kills in a Joy fueled rage. When Buddy escapes yet again, he uses a corpse as a flotation device to follow her.

When he reaches land, Brad encounters Rando, who found Buddy and took her under the care of him and his forces. Unexpectedly, Brad's party members arrive, and try to convince him to stop and let Rando take care of Buddy. Seeing this as a sort of aggression and opposition, Brad kills his party members. Despite the odds, Brad massacres Rando's forces, and then Rando himself. Brad finally reaches Buddy, and she blames him for ruining her chances at freedom alongside Rando. The game then briefly allows the player to control Buddy rather than Brad, a technique akin to a point-of-view change in a novel. As Brad dies, he asks if he did the right thing, and the player chooses whether Buddy hugs him or not in response (a choice which has no further gameplay or story impact). Brad then falls over, apparently dead. After the credits it is revealed that Brad has transformed into a Joy Mutant. The ending the player receives depends on whether they elected to play on Pain Mode or use the drug Joy.

Lisa: The Joyful

The game's DLC chapter takes place immediately after the end of the second game. It is revealed that Rando was not killed in his battle with Brad. He accompanies Buddy as she tries to become the most powerful person in Olathe by killing the warlords ruling it, despite Rando's disapproval. Following the kidnapping of Buddy by associates of Rando alongside Buddy's slaughter of a village inhabited by pacifists, Rando leaves Buddy, presumably due to his distaste for the senselessness of the violence she seeks to unleash upon Olathe. Rando is subsequently captured by a man by the name of Bolo Bugaughtiichi, who utilizes him as bait in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to capture, and rape, Buddy. Regardless of player choice, Bolo is unsuccessful, and is killed: either by Buddy or by a mutated creature nicknamed "Sweetheart". After Rando is horribly injured in the fall from the trap, he reveals that he was behind the kidnapping in an attempt to keep Buddy safe and protected. Buddy, in a violent rage, kills Rando.

Afterwards, Buddy suffers from various hallucinations, implied to be the byproduct of the drug "Joy" appear taking the form of Brad, the protagonist of ''The Painful'' and Rando.

After defeating all of the game's warlords, Buddy confronts a man named Dr. Yado, a trumpet-playing professor who is seen in secret locations as an easter egg in ''The Painful''. Yado is a mad scientist who created Joy, and likely caused the Flash. He used Buzzo to spread Joy throughout Olathe in an attempt to destroy post-Flash civilization, with the end goal being that he could rule the world. The last part in his plan now is to murder Buddy, the one force strong enough to bring him down. Buddy is suddenly ambushed by Sweetheart before being saved by Buzzo, who informs her Yado has a vaccine that will prevent her from becoming a Joy Mutant. After Yado's defeat, he begins to verbally confront Buddy, revealing himself to be her biological father and asserts that he has control over her. He is suddenly killed by a horribly injured Buzzo, who renounced both of their evil actions.

Buzzo explains that he was formerly Lisa's lover, and blamed Brad for failing to prevent his father's abuse, which eventually led to Lisa's suicide. This is what made him torment Brad throughout ''The Painful''. After insisting that Brad was Buddy's true father and a good man, he mutates due to his own secret Joy use, and commits suicide via biting off his own neck. The player then has to make a final choice. Buddy is due to mutate regardless of the player's Joy use. Buddy can choose to take or refuse the vaccine, which stops Joy's mutagenic effects. Either choice ends the game with a cutscene that changes depending on what was selected.

Twilight's Last Gleaming (novel)

In the year 2024, significant oil reserves are discovered in the Indian Ocean, in Tanzanian territorial waters. The following year, U.S. President Jameson Weed and his staff meet in the White House. The United States of the year 2025 is suffering from a long period of economic stagnation, exacerbated by the effects of peak oil and global warming. Weed's plan to take control of the Tanzanian oil gets support from Vice President Leonard Gurney, a political hack, and from National Security Adviser Ellen Harbin, a hawkish neocon, but is opposed by Secretary of Defense Bill Stedman, who believes the plan is asking for trouble. Overconfident and unable to conceive of an American military defeat, the Weed administration decides to launch a regime-change operation, including threats, bribery attempts, paid rioters, and accusations that Tanzania is a ruthless dictatorship. Meanwhile, the President of Tanzania, refusing to yield his country's new-found wealth, and knowing that the United States has a history of fighting for oil, appeals to his country's ally, China, for protection.

The members of the Chinese government's inner circle, knowing that they have reached military parity with the declining United States, follow a brilliant Chinese professor's plan to help China's client state while delivering a blow to American military prestige, and they receive eager assistance from America's numerous enemies and victims. China is able to keep its plan secret, and thus the American forces are taken by surprise when they launch the invasion in July 2025. The Chinese disable the American satellite network through a cyberattack, severely hampering American command and control, then launch hundreds of high-speed computer-guided cruise missiles which they had smuggled unobserved into Tanzania. The American fleet is not prepared to defend itself against this new generation of missiles. The Americans shoot down many of them, but as one missile after another finds its way through the ships' air defenses, the fleet is devastated: most of the ships, including the aircraft carrier USS ''Ronald Reagan'', are either sunk or disabled.

Meanwhile, the Army and Air Force launch a land invasion from Kenya, the only remaining American client state in the region. The unexpected arrival of PLAAF aircraft (transported covertly via Russia and Iran) forces the Americans on the defensive. The American F-35 fighters, were selected for their ability to produce profits for their politically connected manufacturers rather than their efficacy in combat and they are even referred to as 'Lardbuckets' by both their pilots and ground crews; as a result, the Chinese military is able to gain air supremacy. Tanzania and several other African nations declare war on Kenya. The international press chronicles the fighting (reporters from Australia and the United Arab Emirates play a prominent role) but the Weed administration tries to keep the news out of American newspapers. As the Chinese strategists had anticipated, the Americans are unable to imagine that they might actually be defeated, and therefore double down on their existing military strategy, further depleting American reserves and matériel.

The Chinese and their African allies drive the American and Kenyan forces back into Kenya. With so many ships and aircraft already lost, the Americans cannot easily resupply their land forces. The Weed administration escalates the conflict by attacking a Chinese military base directly. Aghast, Stedman resigns as Secretary of Defense. The Chinese retaliate by launching a surprise airborne attack on the American base at Diego Garcia, taking control of the island. By September, the government of Kenya has fallen, and the American forces are trapped and must surrender. Iran, with promises of a ''quid pro quo'' from the Chinese for stirring up trouble, launches an invasion of Saudi Arabia, and the Americans are powerless to intervene.

Weed escalates the situation further, threatening a limited tactical nuclear strike on the Chinese. The President of Russia responds by promising an all-out nuclear war if the United States acts on its threat. A potentially cataclysmic nuclear crisis unfolds. When local authorities fire on panicked civilians trying to flee the city of Trenton, New Jersey, several other states (led by Texas) openly defy the federal government, implementing their own plans for surviving the crisis, including the possibility of secession. Seeing his own government crumbling and no sign of concessions from Russia or China, Weed finally backs down and sues for peace.

Although the terms of the peace treaty only required the United States to accept the loss of Kenya and Diego Garcia, the defeat and the ongoing war between Iran and Saudi Arabia cause the price of imported oil, already high, to skyrocket, and the United States faces an energy crisis. Knowing that his navy is obsolete and U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf are vulnerable, Weed evacuates them, effectively shutting U.S. power and influence out of Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean. As investors around the world realize that the United States is no longer a hyperpower, they begin selling U.S. dollar-denominated investments, causing the dollar to fall sharply. This leads to high inflation and a major economic crisis in the United States. The problem becomes worse when several large investment banks, who had taken unhedged risks that had been intended to pay off when the United States won the war, become insolvent. With the dollar in free fall, the federal government cannot bail out the banks without risking a total collapse of the dollar, and so banks go bankrupt, and the United States enters an economic depression. Weed resigns the presidency and commits suicide.

The new president, Gurney, inherits Weed's cabinet, including Harbin, with whom he has begun an extramarital affair. He appoints Senator Pete Bridgeport as his new Vice President, as an incentive to protect the administration from congressional hearings on the military misadventure that had ruined the country. The hearings proceed anyway. Gurney's recovery plan involves a grandiose rearmament project that the United States can no longer afford, and a domestic spending plan based almost entirely on unfunded mandates. The plan is universally condemned by the states and the people, and the state government of Arkansas passes a resolution calling for a constitutional convention to ban unfunded mandates.

Harbin, trying to protect the administration, arranges to have Stedman, the former Secretary of Defense, assassinated to prevent him from testifying before Congress. However, Stedman had been aware of this possibility, leaving instructions for his computer-whiz grandson to leak his documents in case anything happens to him. The government falls into a crisis of legitimacy, with anti-government rhetoric and donations to extremist political parties reaching new records. Other states join the call for a constitutional convention, and the convention opens in September 2026 in St. Louis, Missouri.

At the convention, a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to ban unfunded mandates passes easily, but the delegates cannot agree on anything else. After several weeks of deadlock, a proposal to outright dissolve the United States of America surfaces. The shocked delegates pass the resolution, and the convention closes.

In Washington, Gurney and Harbin draw up plans to avert dissolution by means of a military coup, drawing up a long list of people to be purged, including Bridgeport and many other high-ranking government and military officials. The crisis comes to a head in October when Stedman's grandson, still hacking government computers, discovers the plot and leaks it, alerting Bridgeport. As president of the Senate, Vice President Bridgeport asks the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for military protection, and convenes an emergency meeting of Congress. Gurney is impeached, convicted, and removed from office in one day. Gurney flees the country and is killed by unknown assailants in Brazil, while Harbin is imprisoned.

Bridgeport becomes President, and although he enjoys personal popularity and a reputation for honesty, he cannot overcome the near-universal perception that the American government is broken beyond repair. As the dollar has lost more than 90% of its value over the past year, Bridgeport recalls all American troops home from overseas, and tries to work with Congress to balance the budget with tax revenues a tiny fraction of what they had been before the war. It is too little, too late, however; numerous states begin to ratify the dissolution amendment, starting with South Carolina. In January 2027, Nebraska becomes the thirty-eighth state to ratify, and the United States of America officially ceases to exist.

In the following weeks, the states begin to arrange themselves into a number of successor states. In Washington, Bridgeport and other former government officials contemplate founding a rump United States out of states that voted against ratification, based in the Rust Belt and Mid-Atlantic regions.

I, Tituba: Black Witch of Salem

In the novel Tituba is biracial, born on Barbados to a young enslaved African woman who was raped by an English sailor. Tituba's mother is hanged after defending herself from the sexual advances of her white enslaver. Tituba is run off the plantation and becomes a maroon, having no enslaver, but not able to connect to society. She grows up living with an old spiritual herbalist named Mama Yaya, and learning about traditional healing methods. She falls in love and marries an enslaved man, John Indian, willing to return to slavery on his behalf.

Shortly thereafter, Tituba and John Indian are sold to Samuel Parris, the Puritan clergyman known historically for bringing about the Salem Witch Trials. Parris takes Tituba and John Indian to Boston, then to Salem Village, where Tituba is accused of witchcraft and arrested. Tituba is thrown into a cell with a pregnant Hester Prynne, the heroine from Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel ''The Scarlet Letter''.

Tituba survives the trials by confessing, and is sold as a servant to a Jewish merchant, Benjamin Cohen d'Azevedo. She cares for Benjamin and his nine children until the Puritans set fire to the house, killing all the children. He decides to set her free, and sends her back to Barbados.

Tituba initially stays with a group of maroons, sleeping with their leader, Christopher, who dreams of immortality. She returns to the shack where she had lived with Mama Yaya, and works as a healing herbalist for the enslaved people in the area. The enslaved people bring her a young man, Iphigene, who they thought would die, but Tituba nurses him back to health. He plans a revolt against the plantation owners. The night before the revolt, the couple are arrested. They and his followers are hanged. Tituba and Iphigene join the spirit realm, inciting future revolts whenever possible.

The Tale of Sarcastic Halli

Flateyjarbók Version

Sarcastic Halli, an Icelander named for his sharp wit, entered into King Harald’s service and into competition with the court's master-poet, Thjodolf, to see who was the best. After quickly composing an insulting verse of the court's dwarf, Halli’s great skill is acknowledged by the king.

Halli soon becomes a critic of the king and his dining practices, as the king would start eating first and remove all food after he was full, often before everyone else was satisfied. The king confronts him over a bowl of porridge, which inspires his punishment to force Halli to eat porridge until he bursts or be decapitated. Halli calls him on his bluff and the king backs down.

He is tested again by being forced to compose a poetic verse before the dwarf can carry a roast pig to him. Halli succeeds and is much praised. He enters into conflict with Thjodolf again after Thjodolf accuses Halli of lying about his poem for the king. They engage in a senna, of which Halli is the victor.

Halli, in an attempt to punish an overbearing man named Einar the Fly, falsely claims he slew his brother. The man, known never to pay compensation, initially threatens Halli but eventually concedes after Halli threatens to ruin his name with insulting verses. Einar offers him three silver marks that are in his wallet. When Halli retrieves the wallet there are four, of which he takes three to avoid stealing so Einar has no way of taking legal recourse.

Halli goes to Denmark where he tricks a man, Raud, out of a golden arm ring and recites a very poor poem to the King of Denmark, in an attempt to receive money. The king takes well to the poem. The king offers to pour silver on his head, and Halli can keep what sticks to his hair. The plan backfires when Halli puts tar in his hair.

Halli receives an axe when he is caught staring at it. The king offers to have sex with him for it, to which Halli replies “No, but it seems understandable that you should sell the axe for the same price you paid for it." When king Haraldr gets word of Halli's death, he jokes that this was probably over a bowl of porridge.

Morkinskinna Version

This less known version, available in Theodore M. Andersson and Kari E. Gade's translation of Morkinskinna, follows similar lines as the later Flateyjarbók version, but is less explicit in both its language and its story. In addition the style is more subtle and the narrative leaves more to the audience's intuition. The story ends with Sneglu-Halli returning to the Norwegian king's court on a ship, after he frightens a group of German merchants in order to gain passage.

Devil's Point (film)

John 'Captain' Martin (Richard Arlen) is a sailor who gets involved with a drug ring when he finds a package on a harbour containing their stolen goods. He meets with a detective and rounds up the hoodlums.

The Favourite

In 1711, Great Britain is at war with France. Queen Anne is in poor health; she shows little interest in governing, preferring activities such as racing ducks and playing with her 17 rabbits, surrogates for the children she miscarried or lost in childhood. Her confidante, adviser, and furtive lover Sarah Churchill effectively rules the country through her influence over the Queen. Sarah's efforts to control Anne are undermined by Robert Harley, the Leader of the Opposition, who as a landowner argues against a doubling of property taxes proposed to fund the war.

Abigail Hill, Sarah's impoverished younger cousin, arrives in search of employment. Abigail's standing has been tainted by her father, who gambled her away in a game of whist. Abigail is forced to do menial work as a scullery maid in the palace. After seeing the Queen's gout, Abigail forages for herbs and applies them to the Queen's inflamed legs. Sarah has Abigail whipped for entering the Queen's bedroom without permission but relents and appoints her Lady of the Bedchamber after realising the herbs have helped the Queen. One night, Abigail witnesses Sarah and the Queen have sex. Harley asks Abigail to spy on Sarah and the Queen, hoping to circumvent Sarah's authority. Abigail refuses Harley's offer, and then tells Sarah about this while implying that she knows about their secret and that it is safe with her, but receives a subtle warning from her in case she cannot be trusted.

With Sarah focused on the war effort, Abigail kindles a friendship with Anne that becomes sexual. Sarah finds out about this and tries to remove Abigail from her position, which Abigail prevents by earning pity from the Queen. Knowing she earned a powerful enemy and desperate to be a lady again, she reconsiders Harley's offer. Sarah becomes aware of Abigail's machinations and after flaunting her deeper friendship with the Queen, threatens to throw her back to the streets. Abigail drugs Sarah's tea, causing her to fall off her horse and be dragged unconscious on the ground. Sarah awakens in a brothel, battered from the fall. Anne, thinking Sarah has abandoned her to make her jealous, takes Abigail into her favour and allows her to marry Colonel Masham, reinstating Abigail's noble standing as a Baroness, with the help of Harley. Abigail then helps Harley's influence on the Queen's decision about the war.

When Sarah returns to court, Abigail offers her a truce but is instead rejected and slapped. Sarah then issues an ultimatum to Queen Anne: change her stance on the war and send Abigail away or Sarah will disclose her correspondence with Anne that details their sexual relationship. She tells Anne that Abigail does not love her and merely flatters her. Sarah, remorseful, burns the letters but Anne nevertheless sends her away from court. Godolphin convinces Anne to mend her relationship with Sarah if the latter sends a letter, then persuades Sarah to send one. Anne eagerly awaits for Sarah's letter, while Sarah attempts to express what she feels in writing. When Abigail, who has been promoted to Keeper of the Privy Purse, presents what she claims is evidence Sarah had been embezzling money, Anne does not believe her. Sarah's letter finally arrives but is intercepted by Abigail who tearfully burns it. Hurt that she did not receive the expected apology, Anne uses Abigail's claims about the embezzlement as an excuse to exile Sarah and her husband from Britain.

With Sarah gone and her position secure, Abigail begins to neglect and ignore Anne while indulging in court society and openly having affairs. One day, while lounging in the Queen's chamber, Abigail abuses one of Anne's rabbits. Anne, now very sick, is awakened by the animal's distressed cry and sees what Abigail is doing. Anne forces herself out of bed and angrily orders Abigail to kneel and massage her leg. She gradually pulls Abigail's hair and bears down on her head as Abigail winces and continues to begrudgingly massage her.

The Tale of Thorstein Shiver

After refusing an order from King Olaf not to go to the bathroom at night alone, Thorstein finds a demon in the restroom. Thorstein engages it in conversation, asking the demon’s name. The demon claimed to be Thorkel the Thin, who supposedly died on the battlefield against a king named Harald War-Tooth. Thorstein then asks “Who fares best in Hell?”. The demon answers Sigurd Fafnisbani, who is both a kindler and kindling of the flames of Hell. Thorstein asks “Who fares the worst”. The demon answers Starkad the Old who is submerged up to his ankles in fire, face first. He cries the loudest of everyone in Hell. Thorstein asks the demon thrice to replicate the Starkad’s cry. Each time the demon is louder, and Thorstein wraps more of his clothes around his head. Each time Thorstein passes out. After the third cry, the church bell rings, and the demon runs off. It is revealed that asking the demon to replicate the cry was an attempt to wake the others, which succeeded as King Olaf awoke and rang the bell. When asked if he was scared, Thorstein responds stating he was not scared but he shivered once. He was then nicknamed Thorstein Shiver.

The Glass of Water

Anne is not a strong ruler and remains under the influence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. The queen is attempting to end the War of the Spanish Succession but Sarah hopes to profit from prolonging it and thus keeping her husband the Duke of Marlborough in his position as commander-in-chief of the British army.

Sarah's greatest enemy is Lord Bolingbroke (a fictionalised version of Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke), who wants peace, the Marlboroughs' fall from grace and the position of prime minister. To achieve this, he makes use of Masham, a young officer in the royal guard who is in love with both Sarah and Anne. Bolingbroke thus turns the two women's feelings to the advantage of his own court intrigues.

Marlborough opposes Bolingbroke, leading the British government inscrutably and arbitrarily. It is Marlborough who is mainly responsible for what Bolingbroke sees as the unnecessary and costly war against Louis XIV of France and Bolingbroke accuses him of acting according to the maxim "The most insignificant things can often have the greatest impact. You may think, as does all the world, that political disasters, revolutions, the fall of an Empire, originate from serious, deep, important causes. Not even close! States are subjugated or defended by heroes, by great men, but those great men are led by little passions, caprices, vanities. "(Act I, Scene 4).

A Glass of Water (1979 film)

Britain is in the midst of a long and ruinous war with France, the War of the Spanish Succession and its queen is completely under the control of her old friend Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, leader of the Whig party - she wants to prolong the war to her own benefit and that of her husband John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, commander-in-chief of the British forces. Against them are the Tories, led by Lord Bolingbroke, who believe that the war has to stop and peace talks begin. Anne supports the Whigs because she and her court are both completely subordinated to Sarah's will.

It seems nothing can shake Sarah's power and so Bolingbroke has no chance of achieving peace negotiations. However, he befriends Arthur Masham, an impoverished nobleman and officer in the royal guards who is in love with Abigail, forced to serve in a jewellery shop. Abigail and Arthur are about to get married, but this hits an obstacle when Arthur kills a cousin of Lord Bolingbroke in a duel. Anne's jeweller visits Abigail secretly and offers her a position at court, but - afraid of Sarah's intrigues and unwilling to admit their love to the queen - Arthur and Abigail decide not to lose this opportunity.

However, Bolingbroke still has power over the couple, since he knows that Arthur's secret patron - gaining him promotion and sending him gifts - is none other than Sarah herself. Bolingbroke resorts to blackmail, returning to Sarah a letter from her to Masham (which she does not want her jealous husband to see) and in exchange gaining Abigail a position at court. This finally gains him a supporter close to Anne.

Cut off from real life by Sarah, Anne is bored of spending her days caught up in court ritual. She revels in novels and dreams about falling in love. She admits to her new confidante Abigail that she has fallen in love with a young member of her guards - none other than Arthur, whose engagement to Abigail is still a secret from all but Bolingbroke. Confused, Abigail rushes to him for help and Bolingbroke realises that he finally has a way of breaking Sarah's influence over Anne. All he now needs is a way to act on it and soon he finds it, when Sarah interrupts a rendezvous between Anne and Masham. Offering Anne a glass of water, he brings about Sarah's fall.

As a result, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, removed from the court, Lord Bolingbroke in the new government became Minister of foreign affairs, begin peace negotiations, which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht, Abigail married Arthur Masham and becomes the favourite of the Queen, and only Queen Anne remains in a sad loneliness, deprived of the object of her love.

Gikor (1934 film)

Hambo takes his son Gikor to the city to work there and gain an education. Gikor is left in the service of a well-to-do merchant, Bazaz Artem, as a servant.

I, a Russian soldier

The film begins on June 21, 1941, one day before the German invasion. Lieutenant Nikolay Pluzhnikov, a former cadet in the border guards school, is posted at the border in Brest. Lieutenant Nikolay Pluzhnikov tours the city with another traveler, a Jewish woman named Mirra, who serves as a cook in the officer's canteen. She offers to lead him to his new service place, the Brest Fortress.

The next morning, the garrison at Brest comes under fierce attack by an invading Wehrmacht force. He, Mirra, and a group of soldiers under his command begin defending the Brest Fortress, in spite of extremely unequal odds.

The garrison makes several attempts to break out, but lack the numbers to do so. With the Soviet front collapsing, no reinforcements arrive as hoped. The defenders of the fortress are severely outgunned and outnumbered. Although the small, inexperienced force of Soviet soldiers in the opening hours of the battle were stunned by the surprise attack, running short of supplies, and cut off from the outside help, many of them held out much longer than the Germans expected. The Germans are forced to engage in vicious hand-to-hand fighting with the Soviet defenders. The defenders are slowly pushed back, with the Germans capturing key portions of the fort, including the headquarters.

Pluzhnikov and his men receive an order to reoccupy and secure the headquarters. A freshly-graduated cadet armed with only a TT pistol, Pluzhnikov, with several men assisting him, managed to successfully reoccupy the headquarters and eliminate one of the German machine-gun nests.

In spite of the valiant defense, the outnumbered Soviet soldiers are killed or mortally wounded one by one. Border guards, soldiers, and civilians who joined the defense are killed. His friend, Private Salnikov, saves Pluzhnikov from certain death, but loses his own life.

When the invaders bombard the fortress with artillery, Pluzhnikov takes cover in the basement where Mirra and three soldiers (starshina Stephan Matveevich, junior sergeant Fedorchuk and private Vasyliy Volkov) are waiting for the fighting to end. The group has hoarded a stockpile of food, ammunition and even water inside the basement. Pluzhnikov harshly condemns them for inaction and makes them come along for a recon mission. When the Germans spot them, they open fire, and Matveevich is severely wounded. Fedorchuk wants to give up and puts his hands up to surrender. Pluzhnikov catches him and shoots him as a traitor. Young private Volkov sees Pluzhnikov's cruelty and decides to flee during the night. Mirra and Stephan Matveevich do not wake Pluzhnikov to save the young private's life. The next morning, Stephan Matveevich realizes his wounds are gangreous and he will not survive. He heroically charges Germans holed in one of the fortress towers and thrust himself inside holding a grenade.

Pluzhnikov and Mirra survive together alone for weeks after. Pluzhnikov and Mirra grow close in their time together, ultimately falling in love. They hold a short ceremony as an informal marriage in the dark basement. Pluzhnikov continues to make sneak attacks on Germans and learns how to move silently and stealthily along the fortress corridors. Eventually, Pluzhnikov captures a German soldier and interrogates him. Not wanting his position to be compromised, Pluzhnikov moves to shoot the German. The soldier fell to his knees and begs Pluzhnikov to save him. He tells that he is from Austria and has a wife and three children. Pluzhnikov spares the man.

On a later raid, Pluzhnikov finds a pair of other survivors in the basements: sergeants Nebogatov and Klimkov. They want to leave the fortress for Białowieża Forest and join the partisans operating there. Pluzhnikov allows them to grab some ammunition and suggests they go to partisans together. He brings them to his and Mirra's basement. Nebogatov knew Mirra well before the war and sais that she will not survive the partisan lifestyle. When Pluzhnikov sais that he will not go without his wife, they begin to insult him and make mocking speculations about his and Mirra`s sexual relations. Pluzhnikov furiously kicks them out from their basement but Mirra gives them ammo before they leave.

In autumn of 1941, a month or so after the invasion, Mirra discovers she is pregnant. Pluzhnikov persuades Mirra to leave the basement for the child's sake. He wants to send her to a group of local women, mobilized by Germans for works inside the fortress. Mirra tries to join them, but while some of the women agree to hide her, others call for the Hilfspolizei. One of the collaborators realizes that Mirra hides herself in the basement when he smells the dew on her clothes. He then beats her and her unborn child to death with his rifle stock.

In winter 1941, a high ranking German officer arrives at the fortress. Pluzhnikov tries to shoot him but only kills a couple of his guards, as his eyesight is deteriorating due to days spent in the dark basement. Germans continue to comb through ruins of the fortress but still don't dare to enter the basement.

Instead, the Germans decide to send a Jewish captive, former violinist Ruvim Svitsky from the Brest ghetto, inside the basement. He offers Pluzhnikov a chance to surrender and says if he refuses, Svitsky's family will be shot by Germans and the basement will be burned out by flamethrowers. He begs Pluzhnikov to surrender. Half-blind, exhausted, starving and mentally defeated, Pluzhnikov choses to surrender to save the Svitsky and his family. Svitsky then tells Pluzhnikov of rumors circulating inside the ghetto about the German defeat outside Moscow but also adds "this is just rumors." Pluzhnikov realizes that his struggle was not for nothing, and the Motherland has not been defeated.

Lieutenant Pluzhnikov and Svitsky leave the basement, German soldiers immediately surrounding them. The German officer asks Pluzhnikov about his name and rank and orders Svitsky to act as a translator. Half-blind, exhausted and hoarse Pluzhnikov answers: "I'm a Russian soldier." Svitsky begs Pluzhnikov to say his real name and rank but he only repeats those words.

The German officer then orders his soldiers to salute the last Soviet defender of the Brest Fortress.

Tonight's the Night (Gotham)

The episode starts with Barbara (Erin Richards) having a dream about her wedding rehearsal with Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie). The priest turns out to be Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), Galavan (James Frain) playing the organ, and the attendees become Arkham Asylum s escapees. Everyone, even Gordon, begins laughing at her. She then gets tied to a pew while she watches Gordon and Leslie (Morena Baccarin) in her wedding dress and everyone aiming their guns at her. She wakes up from the nightmare, where she receives a wrapped gift from Galavan. Galavan then tells Barbara that it's time to develop his plan for Bruce (David Mazouz) and gives her permission to kill Gordon.

Gordon tries to prove to Captain Barnes (Michael Chiklis) that the escape from Arkham Asylum, the massacre at GCPD, and the gala shooting were organised by Galavan. Barnes is skeptical and demands proof. Barbara then appears at the GCPD and turns herself in. During the interrogation, Barbara breaks into tears and Gordon persuades her by kissing her while Leslie, Barnes and Bullock watch from behind the two-way mirror. Barbara leads Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) to a location but, as they suspected, it's an ambush, and their car is hit by a truck. There's a firefight between the strike squad shadowing them and Galavan's henchmen, and Gordon's taken hostage.

Meanwhile, Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) buries Kringle's body in the woods. Soon, a hunter runs across him and accidentally finds Kringle's corpse, forcing Nygma to kill him and bury him too. Galavan meets with Bruce in his penthouse and makes a deal with him: in exchange for Bruce selling Wayne Enterprises to Galavan, Galavan will give him the information on the man who killed his parents. Gordon wakes up in Gotham Cathedral, tied to a chair, wearing a tuxedo, in the presence of a priest and with many hostages in the pews. Barbara appears, in her wedding dress and with sawed-off shotgun in hand. While Barbara confronts Gordon, Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) brings in Leslie, tied to a wheelchair. Gordon's gets Barbara to reveal the location of Mayor James on China Dock.

Bullock, listening to a tape of Barbara and Jim's conversation before the ambush, realizes the location of Gordon and Leslie and tells Barnes. Barbara tries to tear Jim and Leslie apart by telling Leslie about the assassination of Odgen Barker he committed as a favor to Cobblepot, but Leslie already knew as Gordon had told her. Gordon frees himself and gets Barbara's gun. Tabitha and her crew arrive, but Gordon kills her crew and injures her in the shoulder. The police arrive and Barbara escapes to the organ loft, where Gordon follows her. They briefly fight and Barbara crashes through the church's stained glass window with Barbara hanging from Gordon's hand. Barbara says she loves him, lets go her hand and falls from the window, to Gordon's horror.

Barbara survives the fall and is taken to the hospital. Gordon and the strike force go to the docks where they discover Mayor James and reveal Galavan's involvement. Bruce and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) reunite with Galavan in his penthouse to close the deal. At the last minute, Bruce declines the offer. Just then, Gordon and the strike force arrive and arrest Galavan for his involvement in Mayor James's abduction, but not before Galavan throws into the fire the information about the Waynes' killer, to Bruce's disbelief. Back in the woods, Nygma discovers Cobblepot in a camper, wounded, and asking Nygma for help.

The Seagull (1972 film)

Beside a lake on his land, Sorin helps his nephew Treplev set up the first production of his play. The main actor is Nina, with whom Treplev is in love. The audience includes celebrities like Treplev's mother, the actress Arkadina, and her lover Boris Trigorin. For Nina and Treplev the show is of major importance, as they both dream of a future in the theatre. However, the audience is distracted and Arkadina talks through it under her breath, accusing the play of being decadent. Feeling humiliated and overlooked, Treplev calls off the play and later drops a dead seagull at Nina's feet, announcing "I will kill myself in the same way". Later Trigorin seduces Nina and confesses to her "A subject is coming to me full of life... that of a short story: a woman lives beside a lake from her childhood... like you. She loves this lake like a seagull, like a seagull she is happy and free. But a man arrives, by chance, and causes her death, just as this seagull died." Shortly afterwards they leave for town and Nina follows. Two years later, we return to the same setting - Treplev still lives there and is now a well-known writer. The audience learns that Nina's love for Trigorin was unrequited and that her acting career was a disappointment.

Churchill's Secret

In summer 1953, some eighteen months after Churchill has become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for a second time, he suffers a serious stroke. Although his illness is kept as secret as possible, when it is unclear whether he will recover, his political friends and foes begin to plot who will be his successor. His wife takes him to their country home, where he is nursed back to health by Nurse Millie Appleyard.

Contest (1932 film)

Robert Wenck is a well-known racing driver who goes to Freiburg to take part in a car race that starts there. He is very much looking forward to the race, which will lead through the nearby mountains, because here he will meet his favorite opponent, Kurt Harder. However, this ongoing titular battle between the two rivals hasn't changed their friendship. During training, Wenck and Harder meet and also exchange private words. Wenck learns that his friend Harder recently got married. Robert is happy to accept Kurt's invitation to a seaside resort where newlywed Eva is staying.

During the race, Kurt has a technical glitch that forces him to retire. In a daring ride, Wenck then won the race. Harder has to go on to Italy and for this reason asks his old friend to drive up to the seaside resort and take care of Harder's wife Eva. Robert is amazed when he sees who Eva Harder is. It is none other than his former flame. For the sake of his racing, Wenck had once neglected Eva, so that she reoriented herself. Now that the two meet again, old feelings for each other resurface. Harder himself doesn't know anything about the former relationship between the two, but an old photograph of Robert and Eva leads him to believe that the two of them probably had something to do with each other. He immediately returns to Germany and drives to his wife. Great displeasure rises in him when he sees Wenck returning home with Eva from a joint car jaunt.

Kurt Harder now believes that Wenck wants to get the lost love back and declares their friendship over. Only some time later, during a race on the Nürburgring, do the two opponents meet again. A bitter fight ensues and Robert, who has worked his way up to the top, crashes his racing car and crashes against a rock face. Kurt immediately rushes to him and frees the opponent from the burning wreckage. His human commitment is rewarded, despite the loss of time, Kurt Harder is able to win the race and is on the winner's podium. Before the award ceremony can take place, he and his wife visit Wenck at his bedside. Kurt puts one of Eva's hands in the other Robert's, signaling that he is ready to give up his wife, since the two obviously still have a lot in common.

Tokyo Sun Shower

A young actress, Soo-jin, runs away while filming a commercial shoot in Tokyo. She meets and falls in love with Hyun-soo, a sushi chef from Korea living in Japan. Seven years later and now a famous actress, she still cannot forget him.

Qualidea Code

The story takes place in a world where humankind is at war against an enemy called the "Unknown". Children who were evacuated to a cold sleep facility during the invasion by the Unknown several decades ago wake up from their slumber and learn that their bodies developed supernatural abilities called "World". In order to protect Japan from the Unknown emerging from the Tokyo Bay gate, the boys and girls wage battles for the defense of the cities in the Kantō region (Tokyo, Yokohama (Kanagawa), and Chiba).

Linen from Ireland

In 1909, in Bohemia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Jewish general manager of a large textile company imports cheaper linen from Ireland, intending to drive local manufacturers out of business, which would create mass unemployment among the skilled weavers. The company's elderly owner in Vienna is unaware of the scheme, but eventually it is exposed.

Born for You

Sam Kazuko (Janella Salvador) is an aspiring Filipino singer who grew up in Japan. A hopeless romantic, she believes in the concept of Red string of fate, a Japanese Belief which says that an invisible red string connects a person to their destined soulmate. On the other hand, Kevin Sebastian (Elmo Magalona), a popular teen heartthrob in the Philippines and son of an OPM icon Mike Sebastian (Ariel Rivera), who popularized the song "Born For You", doubts the authenticity of love and destiny, because of the complicated relationship of his parents. Their common love for music is what brings Sam and Kevin together, but it also becomes an obstacle to their budding romance. Sam's father, Buddy (Bernard Palanca), composed the song "Born For You" for his wife, Cathy (Vina Morales), but Marge (Ayen Munji-Laurel), the daughter of the country's richest record label owner, stole the song and gave it to Mike in hopes of saving his music career. Buddy confronted Marge, and this resulted in an accident which caused Buddy's death. Following the death of Buddy, Cathy becomes an OFW in Japan in order to support Sam and her mother, Caring (Gina Pareño). She then meets a Japanese bonsai maker who offers to marry her so that she can bring Sam to Japan. As fate would have it, Kevin goes to Japan to promote his new single for his new album. There, Sam meets Kevin as they bump into each other in the Shibuya crossing. Kevin fell in love at first sight with Sam and pursues to know her even more. Kevin and Sam grows closer as Sam helps out as Kevin's translator. When it was time for Kevin to go back to the Philippines, he tells Sam he hopes to see her again. After Kevin goes back to the Philippines, Sam decides she wants to go back to the Philippines to be a singer. In the Philippines, Sam gets a job as a "Singing Delivery Girl" where she delivers flowers and sings as well.


Alekos, a butcher is married to Sosso. When Sosso discovers that her husband has an extramarital relationship with a housewife, she decides to revenge her husband and his girlfriend. So she plans various ways to kill them. The illegal couple comes close with the two different families and a lot of funny situations happen.

Four Fast Guns

Wanted outlaw Tom Sabin rides to the town of Purgatory, ruled by a ruthless man named Hoag, who is deemed safe from being killed by virtue of being handicapped and in a wheelchair.

Tom befriends town deputy Dipper and attracts the interest of Hoag's beautiful wife Mary, although he isn't sure whether to trust her. Hoag sends for three hired gunman to get Tom out of his town, but Tom gets the better of the first two, shooting both.

The third, Johnny Naco, is offered triple pay by Hoag to get the job done. All in town are shocked when Tom refuses to face Johnny. It turns out they are brothers. Tom took the blame for a crime Johnny committed, so a grateful Johnny doesn't want to kill him.

Johnny does shoot Hoag, who tries to kill Tom himself with a shotgun. But when townspeople ridicule Tom for not facing the outlaw, Johnny calls him out and draws, forcing Tom to shoot him. Tom leaves the sheriff's job to Dipper and rides off, Mary promising to meet him.

The Terror (1920 film)

Mix plays a Deputy U.S. Marshal working in a gold mining camp in the Sierra Nevada. His antagonist is Con Norton (Lester Cuneo) who owns a dance hall. Mix learns that a group of robbers working for Norton are planning to steal a gold shipment, and engages in a brawl with them, swinging on a chandelier. Mix's horse, Tony, helps him win the fight. There is also a gunfight on a steam locomotive, which is shown in the publicity photos.

A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) arrives at a bar where she enters an underground illegal casino run by a woman known as The Lady (Michelle Gomez). Tabitha offers money in exchange for killing Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) after the arrest of Galavan (James Frain). Gordon is notified in the hospital that Barbara (Erin Richards) will survive and be transferred to Arkham Asylum. Elsewhere, Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) wakes up in Nygma's (Cory Michael Smith) apartment. When he begins to freak, Nygma sedates him to sleep again.

Bruce (David Mazouz) tries to get the information about his parents' killer from Silver (Natalie Alyn Lind), but is stopped by Alfred (Sean Pertwee), who asks Silver to leave. Silver gives Bruce her hotel key. Lee and Gordon's relationship gets tense after Lee watched Gordon kiss Barbara during the interrogation. While in the elevator to Galavan's penthouse, Gordon is attacked by a hitman, Billy Boy (Jon Sklaroff), but he manages to defeat him. Finding out he failed, The Lady sends more hitmen to kill Gordon.

When Billy Boy regains consciousness, Gordon asks him who sent him. When Billy doesn't reveal anything, Gordon nearly throws him from the penthouse until he is stopped by Barnes (Michael Chiklis). While Barnes chastises Gordon, hitmen arrive at the penthouse. The unarmed forensics officer, standing guard at the door, is killed by a hitman entering from the stairs. The hitmen enter the penthouse and a gun battle begins. The officers appear to kill all of the hitmen, but in the chaos, Billy Boy frees himself and takes Officer Parks (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) hostage. Gordon shoots him in the eye, using his round glasses frame as a bullseye. Gordon and Barnes discover a hidden monk's cassock of Galavan's, but, before they can investigate its meaning, an only injured hitman regains consciousness and stabs Barnes in the leg, prompting Barnes to shoot him in the stomach. The Lady then sends another hitman, Eduardo Flamingo (Raúl Castillo) to kill Gordon.

Cobblepot wakes up again and tries to leave, but Nygma prevents him from doing so, stating he's a wanted man for the attempted murder of Galavan. Cobblepot begins to feel guilty after having failed to protect his mother. Nygma tries to help him by offering him a captured associate of Galavan, Leonard, to kill, as retaliation for the murder of his mother. Cobblepot refuses and sobs in the bed. They bond together over the respective deaths of their loved ones. Nygma says having no one whom they love makes them free, because they cannot be threatened. They decide to have fun with Leonard.

The police officers arrive but they're killed by Flamingo. Gordon, seeing this on the closed circuit TV, goes down to the street below, and is attacked by Flamingo. Although Flamingo gets the upper hand, Gordon defeats him. Gordon can't make himself kill Flamingo and arrests him. However, at the GCPD, Flamingo bites Parks' neck and she later dies from blood loss. Selina (Camren Bicondova) visits Bruce and convinces him she has enough proof about Silver. Tabitha visits Galavan in jail, where Galavan expresses his anger for hiring hitmen, when he expressly told her to do nothing, and states that if she does it again, he'll kill her. Later that night, the religious sect of the Galavans arrive in Gotham City where they're greeted by Father Creel (Ron Rifkin). They then kill a patrol officer when he sees them and begin to advance to Gotham City.

A Little Monk

Three monks live in a quiet, secluded mountain temple. The little monk is unhappy living in the temple and longs for his mother to return for him; the teenage monk who cannot forget a pretty girl he once met and decides to leave the temple; and the old monk who takes care of them.

Honey 3: Dare to Dance

At a prestigious South African school, American dance student Melea Martin (Cassie Ventura) plans a thesis presentation based on a modern-day hip-hop adaptation of ''Romeo and Juliet'' with her love interest Erik Wildwood (Kenny Wormald) to honor her late mother's memory. However, Melea's dreams are dashed when she's unable to pay tuition and is forced to leave.

Determined to fulfill her destiny, she decides to rent a failing theater and persuade the community to support her artistic and unique vision, including childhood friend Nadine (Dena Kaplan) and classmate Laser (Bobby Lockwood). She meets a rival during a club dance battle, Ishani Magona (Sibo Mlambo), who is reeling from the loss of her brother and has a hardened exterior. However, when Malea asks her to choreograph the production together, the two form an unlikely partnership.

When adrenaline-filled rehearsals cause dance crew rivals and egos to get in the way, everything falls apart much like Shakespeare's Capulets and Montagues. Amid romantic love triangles and personal conflicts, Melea dares to dream and risks it all to put on a performance the Cape Town community won't forget.


Starring Finnish actors Joonas Saartamo, Joanna Haartti, Lauri Tilkanen, Terhi Suorlahti, Ilkka Heiskanen, Sinikka Mokkila and Kari Hakala, the film details the life and times of the members of a specialized Finnish army unit, commanded by a priest, whose difficult and dangerous assignment is to recover dead soldiers from the front lines, prepare their often frozen bodies for burial, and deliver them to their hometowns and families for funeral and burial. The film covers the daily lives, romances, and intrigues of the soldiers and their civilian female helpers attached to the unit, including the extreme dangers connected with their jobs. Near the end of the film, the unit's field morgue is about to be overrun; and the soldiers must take quick action to save their own lives and evacuate the growing collection of dead soldiers the unit are preparing for their final resting places.

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes

In 1995, 17-year-old Charlotte Emily (known as "Charlie") returns to her hometown, Hurricane, Utah, to attend the launch of a scholarship dedicated to her childhood friend Michael Brooks. Michael and four other children were murdered at a local family restaurant, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, 10 years ago. Charlie's father, Henry, designer of the restaurant's animatronic mascots, was suspected of murder, and consequently died by suicide by allowing an unknown animatronic to kill him. Charlie reunites with her friends, Carlton Burke, John, and Jessica, to revisit the restaurant. They discover that it has been surrounded by a partially-built mall and locate a back route into the pizzeria, finding all the animatronics still in place.

Following the ceremony to honor Michael, John tells Charlie that he remembers seeing a person in a yellow Freddy Fazbear costume on the day of Michael's death, suspecting that this stranger was the murderer. That night, Charlie and her friends return to the restaurant, further accompanied by friends Marla, Lamar, and Marla's younger half-brother Jason, who was only one at the time of Michael's murder. While playing an impulsive game of hide-and-seek with John, Charlie encounters one of the animatronics, Foxy the Pirate, who she was terrified of as a child. Recalling suppressed details of her childhood, Charlie remembers that Henry used to own another restaurant in New Harmony, named Fredbear's Family Diner, featuring two animatronics: yellow versions of Freddy and Bonnie.

Charlie and John drive to New Harmony, where Charlie recalls the day her twin brother, Sammy, was kidnapped by someone wearing a distinct yellow Bonnie costume. This led to her parents divorcing and leaving the original restaurant. Charlie suspects Sammy's abduction and Michael's murder are connected. Later, the teenagers return to Freddy's once again, only to encounter the mall's lone security guard Dave. He had blocked their entrance and in their eagerness to see Freddy's again, they asked him to join them. Upon entering however, Dave unexpectedly retrieves a Spring Bonnie costume and kidnaps Carlton, witnessed by Jason. The group flee, informing Carlton's father, police chief Clay Burke, who suspects it is just another of his son's pranks. He invites the group to stay the night in his home until his son returns from his prank in the morning. In the meanwhile, police officer Dunn, is sent to investigate the abandoned restaurant alone but is murdered by Dave in the Spring Bonnie suit.

Meanwhile, John and Charlie research Fredbear's history in the library, discovering a newspaper article on Sammy's kidnapping. A background check that Clay discovers reveals "Dave Miller", whose true name is identified as William Afton, was co-owner of both restaurants. Separate scenes with Clay reveal that Afton was the primary suspect in the murders, but no direct evidence could be found against him. Back at the restaurant, Afton has placed Carlton in a costume, which can be worn by both humans and animatronics through a series of spring-loaded mechanisms called "spring locks". These locks could be lethal if triggered whilst a human is wearing the suit. When Carlton asks Afton how he knows about this, Afton deliberately reveals unnaturally symmetrical pairs of half-moon cuts, first noticed by Charlie when they met "Dave". William Afton was the true creator of these horrible reminders of hell.

Jason returns to the restaurant to save Carlton, followed by Charlie and her friends. They rescue Carlton - Charlie using her memories with her dad to release him from the spring lock suit - and promptly knock out and tie up "Dave". They force him awake with a water bucket and question him about the murders. He coldly refuses to speak until Charlie notices he's staring at the yellow Bonnie head. Annoyed, she places it over his head, where he begins to speak fluidly. He claims the suits are haunted by the souls of the dead children, and that they don't remember who killed them. He also claims that he will "walk over their corpses in the morning" - referring to the group - because the dead children see him as "one of them" while in his suit. Shaken by his answer, they attempt to leave the place, only to swiftly find that the animatronics – Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy – are aggressive towards them. This becomes obvious as Charlie is chased by Bonnie, Jason is taken by Foxy, and is later hunted by Freddy, along with Marla and Lamar, all are chased by Chica, and an unknown animatronic nearly breaks down the security room door that protected both John and Jessica. The group eventually gets surrounded by the animatronics all at once, fully expecting they will be killed by them, but are saved when a fifth animatronic, the yellow Freddy suit (Golden Freddy) shows up. All the animatronics freeze on place. They all hear whispers from the empty suit; Michael's gentle spirit revealing itself. Clay then bursts through the brick walls with a sledgehammer, finding the group standing together and the animatronics frozen in place nearby. He begins to lead the group out to safety, but in a last attempt to do harm, Afton attacks Charlie in the Spring Bonnie suit. Charlie then activates the costume's spring locks, apparently killing Afton, and his body is dragged away by the animatronics, allowing the group to leave safely with Clay. The Golden Freddy suit disappears.

The group quietly goes their separate ways, the book leaving off with Charlie going to a cemetery to visit two unknown graves, recalling happier times with her father.

The Sergeant Was a Lady


Chase Champion

After discovering an old video game cartridge in his garage, Chase Champion unlocks a series of magical video game powers.

Star Wars: Shattered Empire

A-wing pilot Shara Bey and her special forces husband Kes Dameron find themselves in the middle of the Rebel Alliance's struggle to keep the floundering Empire at bay following the Battle of Endor.

Nobody Knows About Sex

Throughout his life Egor lived in a remote taiga. All his knowledge of the world, he learned from the stories of his only relative - old grandfather-hunter. Once Egor accidentally meets TV presenter Angelina, he falls in love and decides to marry her, and so he goes to Moscow. However, he finds it difficult to get used to the pace of metropolitan life.

Paris (novel)

The novel follows six families: the Le Sourds (a revolutionary family), the de Cygnes (a noble family), the Renards (a bourgeois family of merchants), the Blanchards (a family of Napoleon supporters), the Gascons (a family from the slums) and the Jacobs (an art dealing Jewish family). The book follows two timelines throughout, containing a large number of characters and is based on real events.

Roger Corman's Operation Rogue

Sayid Nassif leads a group of terrorists in the Philippines. They carry out attacks and other illegal operations to obtain TNT and radioactive caesium-137. The terrorists have the ingredients for a "dirty bomb", which they plan to use to kill delegates at the first Asean Counter-Terrorism Council meeting, in Manila.

At Camp Navarro, a U.S. Marine military base in Mindanao, a rapid deployment force led by Captain Max Randall receives orders from General Hank Wallace to go after the terrorists. The general's daughter (and Randall's girlfriend), Jenna Wallace, works for the security contractor providing security at the Manila conference. Her security and technical skills place her on the Marine operation.

Nassif is collaborating with a local revolutionary, Abdul Malik, son of the 2004 U.S. Embassy bomber Omar Malik. The Marines attack a warehouse where the terrorist and revolutionary groups are meeting. While Sergeant McCray is able to blow up a truck with some of the leaders inside, some civilians are killed by friendly fire, with the act caught on a civilian's camera. Subsequently, Randall is ordered to stand down his unit.

Intent on seeking revenge for their dead in the warehouse attack, the terrorists attempt to abduct Randall, instead capturing Jenna, who is held for a $5 million ransom. General Wallace wants to pay the ransom, but Randall is given a new set of orders to go into the Philippines jungle to track down the terrorists and bring back Jenna. Jenna is freed, but Randall is captured. The Marines also learn that the terrorists are trying to establish a satellite feed to set off their dirty bomb. With the assistance of a U.S. Marine task force flying F/A-18 Hornet jet fighters, Jenna and the Marines storm the terrorist headquarters. Finally cornered, the terrorists are killed.

The Raiders (1963 film)

Shortly after the American Civil War, poverty-stricken Texas cattle-men are confronted by a gun-slinger who has been hired by the US government and a buffalo hunter after they use desperate measures to try and get their grievances addressed by the railroad company.

Magical Pet

Leonard Cakes gives in to his son Baby Cakes' demands for a "magical pet" and runs to a pet adoption center. Baby Cakes complains there that the pets are unremarkable. Leonard asks him to grow up, putting Baby Cakes in a lethargic state. Frank Smith wants to date his neighbor Cindy, but she refuses to date bald men. He sets out to Chinatown in search of a hair growth stimulant. Frank buys some pills, which cause hair to grow rapidly all over his body. Pony and Steve attempt to prove to one another that appearance is not their primary motivation in starting relationship. Pony sets up a date with Clint, a food blogger, and Steve asks out Barb, a bartender. Steve and Pony separately discover that their dates are a satyr and a cyclops, respectively. Leonard enters the "Fucking with Animals" department on the campus of University of China, Illinois, where he witness the Dean's plans to decompose caged animals to petroleum. Kei-ko, a gorilla with a speech-generating device, sings a swan song. Leonard bargains with the Dean to give the gorilla to his son, but Baby Cakes refuses to take Kei-ko, complaining that she is not really magical.

Frank tries shaving his body, but the hair grows back, sending him to the woods in a panic. Leonard encounters Frank there and asks him to act as Baby Cakes' new pet, bringing Baby Cakes back to high spirits. Pony and Steve reluctantly reveal each other's dates, and the two agree to double date to avoid being accused of being shallow. In Baby Cakes' room, Kei-ko regrets never finding another gorilla to mate with. Frank assures her that there are plenty of gorillas in the wild and promises to release her by some means. Baby Cakes barges in and sends Kei-ko back to the Dean, but when he returns, Frank's stimulant has worn off, making Baby Cakes depressed again. Frank performs a song stressing the "magic" of friendship over material things, cheering Baby Cakes up slightly. Frank warns that they need to rescue Kei-ko. At the Dean's department, Frank wins the gorilla back through bribery, and Frank, Baby Cakes, and Leonard release Kei-ko to the wild. Pony and Steve meet at a restaurant, where their dates reveal themselves as exes. Clint and Barb get physical and partially destroy the restaurant. Steve and Pony laugh over the situation as they discuss future dates. The episode ends with a still-hairy Frank returning home, where his neighbor Cindy sees him while he's trying to enter his apartment. As the hair falls off his body, Frank confronts Cindy over her refusal to date and have sex with him due to superficial reasons. Frank then triumphantly states that he is magical and enters his apartment free of all of his unwanted hair.

Summer Whispers

Professor Noh decides to visit his son in America after losing his wife. He asks his student (Young-jo) and a young man (Yoon-soo) from the flower shop to take care of his house. Young-jo arranges his books in the morning, while Yoon-soo tends to the garden in the afternoon. Although they do not meet, they come to know each other through the traces each left in the house and through the Professor's cat whom Young-jo is allergic to.

The Lady in the Lake (Agent Carter)

In 1947 New York, Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) Agent Peggy Carter and Chief Jack Thompson apprehend Soviet spy Dottie Underwood during an attempted bank robbery. In Los Angeles, newly appointed SSR Chief Daniel Sousa meets with Los Angeles Police Department Detective Andrew Henry, who informs him that a woman's body was found in Echo Park Lake with stab wounds similar to victims of a notorious serial killer, the Lady of the Lake Killer, but that the body was oddly discovered encased in a block of ice during a scorching heat wave in the city. Sousa requests backup from New York and Thompson sends Carter, interrupting her interrogation of Underwood. Carter travels to Los Angeles, where she reunites with Edwin Jarvis and meets Sousa at the SSR office, hidden in a Hollywood talent agency.

During an autopsy of the body, the medical examiner shows them the frozen body glows in the dark. An SSR scientist also finds an unidentified substance in the skin sample from the body, likely caused by a particle accelerator built by Isodyne Energy. Carter sneaks into Isodyne's offices and meets scientist Jason Wilkes, who identifies the body from the lake as Jane Scott, a physicist at the company who had an affair with Calvin Chadwick, the company's owner and an aspiring candidate for U.S. Senate. Back in New York, Thompson takes over Underwood's interrogation and attempts to physically intimidate her, but she quickly and quite literally turns the tables on him. Carter confronts Chadwick and his wife, actress Whitney Frost, at a horse race with the news of Scott's death, but he refuses to disclose any information about Scott and Isodyne's projects.

Upon returning to the medical examiner's office, Carter, Sousa, and Henry discover the medical examiner handling Scott's body has frozen solid. After the examiner's body shatters from the cold, Carter contacts Wilkes to ask him for help. Sousa learns from the autopsy report that Scott died from the exposure to the toxic substances, not from the stab wound, and that her shoes were on the wrong feet — a detail from the Lady of the Lake Killer's profile only the killer and the police know, causing both to realize that Henry knows more than he let on. At a water fountain, a sickly Henry freezes the stream of water while trying to take a drink and takes Wilkes hostage. Thompson is interrupted in his interrogation of Underwood by the FBI and Vernon Masters, who take Underwood into custody. Masters, revealed to be a family friend of Thompson's and the younger agent's mentor, informs him the SSR will soon be replaced by a new peacetime intelligence organization and warns him to look elsewhere to continue his career.

Carter, Sousa, and Jarvis pursue Henry and Wilkes into the Los Angeles River, where Henry begins to fully freeze over. Carter and Sousa offer their help to reverse the condition, but Henry is shot by a uniformed police officer and shatters. Wilkes thanks Carter for saving his life, but is rebuffed when he asks Carter out on a date. The officer who killed Henry meets with Chadwick, who gives the officer an envelope of cash — Frost's contingency plan to cover up Scott's death and eliminate proof of Chadwick's affair. Back at the SSR office, Carter asks Sousa out for a drink, but he declines; at the window, she watches as he kisses another woman and leaves with her. At Isodyne, Wilkes enters a room and watches a black substance moving in a large glass container.

A View in the Dark

Calvin Chadwick meets with the secretive Council of Nine, who shut down his Zero Matter program due to its seeming lack of results, and want him to focus on his senatorial ambitions. Chadwick informs his wife Whitney Frost, who is the true brains behind the program while struggling with her acting due to sexism in Hollywood. Jason Wilkes meets with Peggy Carter to help with her investigation, though he is hesitant to turn on Isodyne as it was the only company willing to hire him as a black man. Wilkes explains that Isodyne had attempted to replicate the success of the Manhattan Project and in doing so, had discovered Zero Matter. The frozen woman must have come into physical contact with it, though its effects are not limited to that. Carter and Wilkes agree to steal the Zero Matter, and at Isodyne, find agents of the Council destroying the program. Wilkes manages to get to the Zero Matter, but is confronted by Frost, who is there to steal it herself. The two are exposed to the Zero Matter in the ensuing scuffle, leaving Wilkes missing and Frost having absorbed Zero Matter.

Better Angels (Agent Carter)

At Whitney Frost's behest, her husband Calvin Chadwick frames Jason Wilkes as a communist spy who had infiltrated Isodyne and destroyed the facility. Jack Thompson comes to Los Angeles to 'clean-up' the situation at the invitation of Vernon Masters, sending Peggy Carter back to New York when she enlists the help of Howard Stark to investigate the Arena Club—whose membership pin was borne by the Council agents—but is unable to prove that the Council has blackmailed Chadwick's senatorial competitor into dropping out of the race. Carter 'misses' her flight, and after unsuccessfully confronting Frost, is attacked by Council hitman Rufus Hunt, barely fending him off. Investigating a gravitational anomaly around Carter, Stark discovers Wilkes is alive but temporarily invisible and non-corporeal, and goes in search of his mentor for help in restoring Wilkes' body. Frost absorbs her film director with newly discovered Zero Matter abilities, and Masters introduces Thompson to Chadwick to celebrate the latter's now guaranteed-senatorship, convincing Thompson that Carter was right.

Must Date the Playboy

Zach (Xian Lim) is a playboy who breaks up with all of his girlfriends. Chloe (Jessy Mendiola), his current girlfriend, catches him dancing with another girl. Tori (Kim Chiu) is Chloe's overprotective best friend. Chloe asks Tori to do her a favor: she wants her to date Zach.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf

Original Game

The Imperium sends the Space Marines of the Space Wolves Chapter to the planet Kanak which is under invasion from the forces of Chaos. As the ship carrying the Space Wolves exits the Warp near the planet it is attacked and destroyed by a Chaos ship. The wreckage falls to the planets surface with only a few Space Wolves surviving the crash. Valgard Twice-Slain, a squad commander and the playable character, regroups the surviving Space Wolves who are being hunted by Chaos Space Marines from the Word Bearers chapter, led by Dark Apostle Oriax the Persuader. The Space Wolves fight the Word Bearers despite being outnumbered and discover Oriax in an alien table performing a ritual to awaken a Keeper of Secrets, a Great Daemon of the Chaos God Slaanesh. Oriax is defeated.

Saga of the Great Awakening DLC

Oriax was defeated but his ritual has now awoken the Necrons, the builders of the temple, who now emerge and attack both the Space Wolves and the Word Bearers.Valgard and his Space Wolves fight their way out of the temple and realising they are heavily outnumbered decide to focus on destroying the new Necron threat. However, Valgard soon learns that Chaos Sorcerer Zymeltros Frell is finishing the ritual to awaken the daemon and Valgard attempts to stop him. The Space Wolves arrive too late and the daemon possesses Frells' body. Valgard manages to defeat the Keeper of Secrets and banishes it. With the Chaos forces dealt with Valgard begins attacking the Necron forces. The Space Wolves eventually find the enemy Lord and manage to defeat him in combat but before they can kill him he escapes through a "Dolmen Gate" which acts as a teleporter. Valgard pursues the Necron Lord through the gate which closes behind him.

Fall of Kanak DLC

In this prequel to the original campaign the player controls the forces of Chaos and playable character Pollux the Flayer, Champion of Khorne. The Word Bearers invade Kanak and Oriax tasks Pollux with claiming 100 souls for Khorne. Pollux does battle with the Kanak Skull Takers who are the planetary Imperial Guard regiment. Chaos Sorcerer Zymeltros Frell, aids Pollux despite Pollux's open disdain for the sorcerer. Once Pollux has claimed enough souls, Frell reveals that the souls were claimed not for Khorne but for Slaanesh and were to be used to perform the ritual to awaken the daemon. Frell abandons Pollux who is greatly outnumbered by the Imperial Guard but Pollux manages to fight his way free.

Pandoy: Ang Alalay ng Panday

Pandoy was chosen to fight the dark horde in the absence of Flavio, a famed Panday ( ). He is said to forged a similar magic dagger turning sword from the remnants of Flavio's original meteorite gemstone metal, where host Ka- Elias showed a path to Santa Monica. During the aftermath of Flavio's last duel against Lizardo, the prince of darkness, Panday took a warrior's pilgrimage in search to destroy the remaining relics that could resurrect Lizardo, leaving the remaining dark forces unrivaled. Flavio's journey was concealed and it was uncertain when he could return under the ''"Itim na Aklat"'' ( ). Pandoy lives in the grand stable together with his long-time friend Kadyo. He is madly in love with Cristina, daughter of the aristocratic Lord or "Don" of the Grand stable.

Ludlow Fair

''The Village Voice'' describes the play as: : "... a bedtime story about two girl roommates. Rachael is glamorous, fast-living, sometimes lost in her own self-dramatizations; Agnes is plain, matter-of-fact, her shyness masked by a kooky personality. The play is ostensibly about Rachael: She turned her latest boyfriend in to the police when he stole from her, and now she is remorseful—now she decides she is in love with him. Agnes tries to cheer her up with wisecracks, then tries to rekindle her self-awareness, and finally Rachael goes to sleep. Agnes is left alone, thinking about her lunch date with the boss' disappointing son tomorrow. And suddenly it is her play, the realist is the true romantic. Agnes' unprepossessing but real emotions outweigh Rachel's trumped-up, self-indulgent flourishes, and suddenly the play is simple and moving."

Tis Ellados ta Paidia

Three aircraftmen have their military service in an aviation office camp, commanded by Group Captain Epaminondas Kakalos. Kakalos is a strict commander, but he is also ambitious, flirtatious and sometimes blunderer. Other basic members of the cast are Hlapatsas, a nark aircraftman, Karavaneas, a naive sergeant and Boubou, the commander's secretary. The series is based on the funny situations between the staff of this aviation camp.

Sara (1997 film)

Leon (Bogusław Linda), a former commando, returns home after a job in Yugoslavia. One of his young daughters pulls a gun out of his luggage and targets another daughter.

After his wife has left him, and Leon has lost himself in booze, he is roused for an interview with a local criminal ringleader, Jozef (Marek Perepeczko), who is looking for a bodyguard for his 16-year-old daughter, Sara (Agnieszka Włodarczyk). During the interview an attempt is made to assassinate Jozef, and Leon's quick action saves his life. Leon is awarded the job.

Sara at first appears unenthusiastic about her new bodyguard, but during an assassination attempt on her, he protects her with his body. Sarah falls in love with Leon. Initially, Leon is wary of Sara's attentions, but sincere and tender feelings for the girl eventually conquer his heart. Leon and Sarah become lovers. Soon Sara becomes pregnant. Another criminal bigwig comes into possession of compromising photos and passes them to Jozef. A confrontation ensues.

The Man from Lost River

As described in a film magazine, Jim Barnes (Peters) has been raised in the woods and knows little of how to associate with women. As foreman at a lumber camp, he comes to love Marcia Judd (Brunette), but his backwardness allows her to be won over by the smooth talking Arthur Fosdick (Forrest), a New York society man who had recently come to the camp. Realizing that the young woman is in love with the Easterner and the weakness of his character, Jim constitutes himself as Marcia's protector without her knowledge. After proving his utter worthlessness, Arthur's death is brought about by his own cowardice, Marcia awakens to the strength of a noble man's love.

The Son of Gotham

After Officer Parks' funeral, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) visits Galavan (James Frain) in Blackgate Penitentiary and says he will see him in court the next day. He later tells Leslie (Morena Baccarin) he worries Galavan will get off, and maybe he made a mistake not killing Eduardo Flamingo and avoiding Parks' death. Meanwhile, the Order of Saint Dumas kills a thug in a ritual, saying it's part of "cleansing Gotham."

Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) arrive at a Chinese massage parlor where an attack perpetuated by the Order of Saint Dumas took place. Gordon is attacked by a member of the Order but before he can question him about Galavan, the member commits suicide by stepping in front of a truck. Gordon and Bullock get a tip and go to the sewers where they discover evidence of the rituals and the eight murders the Order has already committed. They're attacked by another member, but they overpower him and when he wakes up, they impersonate other members of the order, and he reveals "the son of Gotham will die and the city shall be cleansed". Leslie notices Kringle's absence, so Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is forced to lie to her by telling her that Kringle left Gotham with Dougherty.

During the trial, Mayor James changes his testimony and says Galavan didn't kidnap him and instead frames Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor). Without the mayor's testimony and with no further proof, Galavan is released. When Galavan tries to look friendly to Gordon and the public, Gordon punches him and is escorted away by police. The policemen turn out to be Galavan's henchmen and they taser Gordon. Gordon wakes up at the docks where Galavan tells him his family's history and that their surname used to be Dumas. Galavan releases Gordon and fights with him, with Galavan gaining the upper hand. He then leaves and orders his men to kill Gordon, but Gordon is saved by Cobblepot.

Selina (Camren Bicondova) tells Bruce (David Mazouz) that Silver shouldn't be trusted and that she has a plan. After Bruce receives a call from Silver, saying that her uncle told her who killed her parents, Bruce and Silver are kidnapped by a criminal, Tom "The Knife". They're brought to an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of Gotham City, and Tom says he wants to know the Waynes' killer for his "employers". He wants to know everything Galavan knows and threatens to torture them unless they tell him. When Bruce is threatened, Silver reveals she doesn't know the name and was just faking everything to Bruce. Bruce is tortured and when Tom returns, Silver reveals her true colors. When Tom threatens her, Silver reveals the killer's name is "M. Malone". Bruce and Selina appear, Tom was paid by them and everything was a facade to get the name and expose Silver's lies. Selina found Bruce's file in her house and enough proof about Silver luring Bruce to sell Wayne Enterprises to Galavan. Silver reveals she just faked the name while being threatened, but Bruce has had enough. They leave Silver alone in the warehouse.

Alfred (Sean Pertwee), who didn't know about Bruce's plan, goes to the Galavan penthouse, looking for him. Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) denies everything and Alfred threatens her. Tabitha and Alfred then engage in a fight, and even though Tabitha gets the upper hand, Alfred overpowers her and knocks her unconscious, but gets wounded in the process. As he is leaving the building, Tabitha throws a knife in his back and he escapes in a dump-truck. Galavan breaks into Wayne Manor and while talking to Bruce, he takes out a blade, planning to kill him.

Worse Than a Crime

Alfred (Sean Pertwee) finds himself in a junkyard, hiding from Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) and her crew. Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk), having fixed Thomas Wayne's computer, arrives at Wayne Manor but Bruce (David Mazouz) is nowhere to be found. Bruce is brought to Theo Galavan's (James Frain) penthouse where Theo and Father Creel tell him about the final sacrifice: Bruce himself.

Gordon (Ben McKenzie) wakes up in Nygma's (Cory Michael Smith) apartment where Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) tells him he's now a fugitive for assaulting Theo in the courtroom and has "Wanted" posters with his face on them. Lee (Morena Baccarin) is shocked by Barnes (Michael Chiklis) ordering Gordon's arrest. Barnes questions Leslie about Gordon's whereabouts but she says she doesn't know anything. Nygma overhears and tells Leslie his location. She arrives just when Gordon, Cobblepot, and his henchmen are planning on killing Theo. Gordon tries to convince Leslie to leave Gotham City, but she reveals instead that she's pregnant.

Silver, not wanting to witness Bruce's death, makes an excuse to Theo stating she's feeling unwell. Theo thinks Silver is weak and tells her to make Bruce fall in love with her again to prove she is worthy of the Dumas' name or else be thrown out of the family. Silver visits Bruce in his cell, apologizing and blaming Theo for everything, but Bruce doesn't listen. Even though he hates her, they talk about their lives and experiences. Silver has a change of mind and tries to help Bruce escape, but their attempts are thwarted by Theo, and they're both jailed.

Alfred tries to hitchhike, but he's arrested for trying to take a man's car. While talking with Barnes and Bullock (Donal Logue), Fox tries to tell them Theo is behind Bruce's disappearance, but Barnes points out that Alfred broke into Theo's penthouse, so that it could be claimed that Tabitha was just defending her home without further proof. Nygma reveals Gordon's location to Fox, Alfred, and Bullock.

Just when Gordon and Leslie are saying goodbye to Penguin, and getting ready to leave Gotham, Alfred, Bullock, and Fox appear and convince him to help them find Bruce. They, alongside Cobblepot and Selina (Camren Bicondova), head to Bruce's location. Bruce, knowing about Silver's motivations for trying to get him to love her, kisses her in front of Theo and forgives her. Bruce is then tied to a stake, where Father Creel prepares to kill him. Gordon and Cobblepot arrive with their henchmen and they engage in a fight with the Order. When Father Creel tries to attack Gordon, Bullock kills him. Selina and Alfred release Bruce.

Theo and Tabitha try to escape using parachutes. Before they go, Theo expresses his disappointment in Silver and appears as though he might kill her, but instead is knocked unconscious by Tabitha, saying she is tired of Theo's bullying. The women escape using the parachutes but leave Theo in the penthouse. Gordon arrives and arrests Theo. Barnes arrives and arrests both Theo and Gordon. Cobblepot arrives and knocks out Barnes. He convinces Gordon that Theo won't ever be convicted for his crimes and needs to be killed. They go to the docks where Cobblepot slowly beats Theo to death with a baseball bat before Gordon puts him out of his misery and shoots him dead. The next day, Gordon meets with Leslie in a park and he proposes to her. Theo's corpse is brought to Indian Hill where scientists state his body will be experimented on by Hugo Strange. In the background, Fish Mooney's corpse is seen.

In the final scene, a man flees from someone and hides behind a dumpster. The follower finds him, revealed to be Mr. Freeze and freezes the man with his cold gun.

The Sword of Ali Baba

In the immediate aftermath of the successful Mongolian conquest of Bagdad by Hulagu Khan, the caliph Hassan escapes captivity, together with his young son Ali, while he prepares to regroup the remnants of his troops. While staying at the mansion of Prince Cassim, Ali and Cassim's daughter Amara, fearing that they will not see each other again, betroth themselves via a blood-bond.

As the caliph prepares to leave, Cassim stops him at the last moment. This, however, is the initiation for an ambush by the Mongols, to whom the cowardly prince has sworn allegiance; the caliph and his retinue are massacred, and only Ali escapes. Alone and lost in the desert, he comes across a mountainside where he sees a group of riders exiting a hidden cave. Using their opening phrase, he enters the cave and finds it filled with treasure. When the 40 thieves return, they find the boy asleep. Upon learning that he is the son of the caliph, and impressed by his courage and determination, the thieves allow him to stay, and their leader, Old Baba, adopts him as his son, Ali Baba.

Ten years later, the band of thieves have become a group of Robin Hood-style resistance fighters, raiding the Mongols and giving to their poor and downtrodden people. They learn of a caravan bearing the new bride for the Khan to Bagdad, which seems to be rich pickings because it appears only loosely guarded. Ali Baba, however, now a grown man, is suspicious and decides to first scout the caravan, along with his 'nanny' Abdullah. The bride turns out to be Amara, Cassim's daughter, who is to be wed to the Khan in order to solidify Cassim's shaky standing with the Mongols.

Amara decides to take a bath in the oasis, where Ali encounters her (they do not recognize each other). Taking her for a servant girl and passing himself off as a traveler, he asks her about the caravan, then more about herself. It turns out that the caravan is heavily guarded; Ali is ambushed and captured, while Abdullah narrowly escapes. Upon learning that the "servant girl" is the bride of the Khan (her name is not mentioned), Ali curses her for her supposed treachery. Hurt by his words and in growing admiration for him and his cause, she asks her servant and bodyguard, Jamiel, who hero-worships the 40 thieves, to give Ali water for the trip.

In Bagdad, Ali is presented to the Khan, though he is not recognized as the leader of the 40 Thieves, and bound in the palace square for public execution the next day. Cassim visits him in private and discovers Ali's real identity, but keeps the knowledge to himself. Soon afterwards, the thieves mount a rescue, but Old Baba is mortally wounded; Amara, who went to see Ali to clear up the misunderstanding between them, is kidnapped, and Jamiel personally cuts Ali loose from his bonds. The thieves retreat inside their mountain.

The next day, the thieves capture Jamiel, who was tracking them. Ali recognizes him, and Jamiel, who swears allegiance to Ali Baba, is assigned to be a spy in the palace. His first task is to deliver a ransom note to the Khan: in exchange for his bride, Hulagu Khan is to surrender the traitor Cassim. The thieves proceed to Cassim's mansion to await the traitor's arrival. When Amara enters the garden, Ali recognizes her as his lost love, and with his re-awakened feelings he decides to release her without waiting for her father. This initially arouses the anger of his thieves, but they still remain loyal to Ali.

When Amara returns to Bagdad, her father confesses Ali's true identity to her and the Khan. Hulagu Khan decides to hold the wedding immediately; Amara refuses, but the sight of her father being tortured forces her to give in. Jamiel brings the news to Ali, who decides to free her. In order to reach the palace unnoticed, he devises a plan to pose as a merchant from Basra who brings huge jars of oil as a wedding gift. Jamiel returns to the palace to relay the plan to Amara, but he sees one of her servants eavesdropping, and she relays the news to Cassim and the Khan. They decide to provide a surprise "welcome" for Ali.

On the wedding day, Ali arrives playing the merchant and is admitted as a guest. During an interlude, sword dancers appear, who perform and suddenly plunge their weapons through the jar covers. But the jars contain only sand. After discovering the exposure of the original plan, Ali decided to make a few changes: Most of his men came disguised in the crowd; others were hidden in jars not brought before the Khan.

Hulagu Khan kills Cassim for his failure and announces Ali's execution, but Jamiel opens the revolt by quickly dispatching the guards holding Ali with his throwing knives. While Ali's men attack the palace guards, he and Amara open the gates to the gathering mob, which storms in and overpowers the Mongols. Hulagu Khan is killed by Abdullah as he tries to finish off Ali. As a sign of their victory, Jamiel hoists the Arabian flag atop the palace's highest tower.

Front Lines (novel)

''Front Lines'' starts out in 1942 and war is raging in Europe, China, Southeast Asia and Northern Africa. Millions have died.

In the USA, a court decision has made women eligible for service. So in Gedwell Falls, California Rio Richlin is deciding whether to enlist, as is Rainy Schulterman in New York City and Frangie Marr in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

These three girls sign up to fight, each of them with dreams and aspirations. Each has her own reasons for volunteering: Rio fights to honour her dead sister, Rachel; Frangie needs money to support her family, as her father has not been able to work since he was injured; and Jewish Rainy wants to kill Germans and bring down Hitler. For the first time they leave behind their homes and families—to go to war. But not everyone believes that women should be on the front lines and they encounter resistance as well as encouragement.

''Front Lines'' tracks the girls through their different paths, Rio is literally on the front lines, Frangie is learning to be a medic and Rainy is training to be in an elite intelligence unit. While they all have wildly different backgrounds and are on seemingly separate paths, fate brings them together.

Knock, Knock (Gotham)

Having kidnapped Mayor James (Richard Kind) and locked him with a metal box, Galavan (James Frain) makes him call his secretary and tell her that he ran away. Meanwhile, on the rooftops of the editorial ''Gotham Gazette'' building, Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) and many other group members kill a number of people and drop them from the rooftop so their corpses can form the word of their group: "Maniax!".

In the GCPD, Commissioner Essen (Zabryna Guevara) gives orders to arrest the Maniax with Gordon (Ben McKenzie) leading the investigation. In Wayne Manor, Bruce (David Mazouz) decides to turn on the computer so he can know his father's secret. When the computer seems to work, Alfred (Sean Pertwee) smashes the computer, claiming he wouldn't want him to know about his father being a killer. Angered, Bruce fires him.

Tensions begin to arise between Jerome and Robert Greenwood (Dustin Ybarra) about the leadership of The Maniax. Gordon tries to get Bullock (Donal Logue) back into the GCPD but his fiancée Scottie (Maria Thayer) is against his wishes as she fears for his life. The Maniax hijack a bus filled with cheerleaders, planning to burn it down. The police arrives and when Jerome escapes, Dobkins (Will Brill) turns on the fire but Gordon manages to drive the bus away from the fire. He then arrests Dobkins and upon questioning him about who hired them, Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) kills Dobkins with a rifle in distance. Bruce finds Alfred in a station, telling him he regrets what happened and re-hires him when he intends on training him, but making him fix the computer. Alfred then asks Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk) to fix the computer.

In the GCPD, Gordon receives a call from Barbara (Erin Richards), who turns out to be in the building. Gordon follows her to an alley but is attacked by Helzinger (Stink Fisher) and is then taunted by Barbara about something happening in the GCPD. In the GCPD, the Maniax arrive dressed as cops and spread a massacre, killing nearly everyone in the building. Lee (Morena Baccarin) survives by hiding in her lab while Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) saves Kringle (Chelsea Spack) from a gunshot. Jerome begins taunting Essen while tied up, killing Greenwood for saying his lines.

Gordon returns to the GCPD and discovers the massacre. He then finds Essen bleeding and stays with her when she dies. Bruce visits Gordon in the GCPD, wanting to make sure he's okay. Bullock decides to return to the GCPD despite his fiancée's warning. The episode ends when Gordon and Bullock watch a videotape showing Jerome moments before fleeing the building, stating "they have not seen anything yet".

The Last Laugh (Gotham)

With the GCPD recovering from the massacre and death of Commissioner Sarah Essen, Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) start questioning people on the street for info on Jerome (Cameron Monaghan). They decide to go to Jerome's father, Paul Cicero (Mark Margolis), to see if he knows where his son is. Jerome and Tabitha have already captured Paul in his own apartment, and when Jerome asks for his future, Paul states that he'll be a curse upon Gotham and that his legacy will be death and madness. Jerome kills his dad, and when Gordon and Bullock get there, Jerome's sleeping gas knocks out Bullock and Gordon is kicked in the face by Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), allowing her and Jerome to escape.

Elsewhere, Theo (James Frain) reveals the next stage of his plan as Barbara (Erin Richards) had a romantic encounter with Tabitha. Theo states his family built Gotham and that he will get revenge on those who stole the credit for doing so. Bruce (David Mazouz) and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) attend the Gotham Children's Hospital Gala and run into Leslie (Morena Baccarin). Having no idea Leslie is in a relationship with Jim, Alfred flirts with her. Bruce later encounters Selina, who claims she is "working." As part of Theo's plan, Jerome and Barbara disguise themselves and take over the show. Leslie recognizes Jerome and Barbara and tries to call Jim, but is kidnapped by one of Theo's henchmen.

When assistant Deputy Mayor Kane (Norm Lewis) is called to the stage, Jerome throws a knife to his chest and reveals himself and Barbara, holding everyone hostage. Theo comes and tries playing hero, demanding that Jerome and Barbara stop, until Barbara pretends to knock him out with a mallet. As Bruce and Selina are about to leave, Bruce tells Selina he misses her, and goes back to save Alfred.

While Jerome is terrifying the hostages, Barbara ties Leslie to a spinning wheel, taunting her about how she and Jim will get back together in a year, and will tell their grandchildren that a "man eating harpie" almost tore them apart. Leslie kicks Barbara in the crotch, and in retaliation, Barbara tries to stab Leslie, but Jerome stops her.

Jerome threatens to kill Alfred unless Bruce gets on the stage. Unwilling to let his only family die, Bruce gets on the stage, and Jerome holds a knife to his neck until Jim and Alfred start shooting the henchmen. Jerome tries to kill Bruce but Theo regains consciousness and stabs Jerome in the neck, killing him and making Theo look like a hero in front of the camera. Barbara escapes through a trap door on the stage.

Bullock confronts Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) about the rumors circulating that Jim did a favor for him, but Penguin denies it. Bullock tells the self-proclaimed "King of Gotham" that he still sees Penguin as the umbrella boy he and Jim first met, and threatens to beat him if he goes after Jim again, and he still wants revenge for Fish's death. Alfred tries to flirt with Leslie again only for him to realize that she is with Jim, much to Alfred's disappointment. Alfred then gets annoyed at Bruce, thinking he knew, which Bruce denies.

Back at their hideout, Barbara kisses Theo on the cheek, where Tabitha watches in jealousy. Although Jerome is dead, people are still amazed at his sadistic and clever nature, and it gets to the point where people start committing homicidal acts of their own, proving Cicero's prediction true. The last shot shows Jerome's smiling corpse with the echoing of his laugh in the background.

Strike Force (Gotham)

Nathaniel Barnes (Michael Chiklis), the new captain of the GCPD, arrives with the goal of cleaning up the police department and the city's corruption. With the help of Gordon, whom he makes his new second-in-command, Barnes recruits several aspiring police trainees from the Police Academy in order to form an alpha team strike force to help set his goal into motion.

With Mayor Aubrey James still missing from the public and Deputy Mayor Harrison Kane dead, Councillor Janice Caulfield (Saundra Santiago) and teamster boss Randall Hobbs (Michael Mulheren) begin to run for office as a new mayor election begins. Theo Galavan kidnaps Cobblepot's mother and blackmails Cobblepot into murdering all of the candidates so that Theo can run for office unchallenged. After Cobblepot kills Janice Caulfield, Randall Hobbs escapes death at the hands of Victor Zsasz with the help of the GCPD strike force.

When Selina Kyle begins looking for Bruce at his prep school, she is warned by Alfred to stay away from Bruce after what she did to Reggie. Shortly afterwards, Bruce meets with Theo to thank him for saving his life. During the meeting, Bruce has an encounter with Theo's niece, Silver St. Cloud (Natalie Alyn Lind), and is informed by Galavan that Cloud will be attending his school. After agreeing to go on a date with Edward Nygma, Kristen Kringle and Nygma bond in a romantic encounter. Gordon attempts to confront Cobblepot about the killings but Cobblepot reminds him of the killing he has done while working for him and drives him away.

As Cobblepot begins to have Butch Gilzean search for the location of his mother, Captain Nathaniel Barnes informs the strike force that Cobblepot will be their next target.

Scarification (Gotham)

Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) and Butch (Drew Powell) bring a chest to Galavan (James Frain) in his penthouse, revealing a kidnapped Sid Bunderslaw (Michael Potts), where Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) removes one of his eyes.

Meanwhile, the GCPD Strike Force, led by Captain Barnes (Michael Chiklis) and Gordon (Ben McKenzie) busts one of Cobblepot's money laundering houses, where they're nearly killed by a man with a rocket-propelled grenade. Galavan arrives at the GCPD, where he offers help in cleaning the GCPD's corruption in exchange for support in his candidacy. Gordon gently refuses, claiming the police and politics don't match. Tabitha visits Cobblepot to discuss their next move, which requires hiring arsonists.

Butch contacts Selina (Camren Bicondova), who puts him in contact with a group of arsonists, the Pike Brothers: Joe (Leo Fitzpatrick), Cale and Evan (Noah Robbins), who are still loyal to Fish Mooney. They visit them, hiring them to work for Galavan and Cobblepot. Selina also discovers they abuse of their sister, Bridgit (Michelle Veintimilla), a friend from her childhood. Evan goes to a market to buy equipment but the place is raided by the GCPD. He tries to escape, climbing a chainlink fence but Gordon stops him. When he tries to reach for his gun, he is gunned down by Gordon, and is also blown up for hiding an explosive in his pants. Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) invites Gordon and Lee (Morena Baccarin) for a double date with him and Kringle (Chelsea Spack), although Gordon is hesitant.

After Evan's death, the Pike brothers force Bridgit to replace Evan's position, threatening to send her to a brothel. They make Bridgit infiltrate a Wayne Enterprises building where, using Bunderslaw's eye, opens a vault containing an ancient knife. Cobblepot later contacts the owner of an antique shop, Edwige (Mary Joy), to tell him the truth about the knife. She reveals that in the 19th century, five families ruled the high council of Gotham: Elliot, Kane, Crown, Dumas and the Waynes. During a party, Caleb Dumas (Bryan Howard Conner) allegedly abused Celestine Wayne (Sophie Lee Morris). Part of his arm was then cut for punishment by Celestine's brother, Jonathan (Brian S. Carpenter) with the same knife. The Dumas were then exiled to a religious sect, their properties belonged to the Waynes, erasing them from history and forced to change their surname to Galavan. Cobblepot then formulates a facade with Butch to fake allegiance with Galavan for thinking Cobblepot is conspiring with him, and to make it work, Cobblepot cuts off Butch's hand.

Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) ambush Bridgit on a would-be robbery, where their brothers abandon her. While she tries to back off, officer Luke Garrett (Lenny Platt) tries to restrain her, but she accidentally burns him down. She escapes with Selina but Officer Garrett later dies from the fire. Galavan again visits the GCPD, where Gordon decides to support on his candidacy. In his penthouse, Galavan is visited by Father Creel (Ron Rifkin), who hands him the knife, claiming his warriors are on the way, and Bruce Wayne will die.

Daffy Flies North

Daffy tries to find alternative means of going north in the summer.

Night School (novel)

In 1996, U.S. Army Major Jack Reacher is in Virginia to receive a medal for eliminating two militants in the Balkans when he receives orders from his superior officer and trusted friend, Leon Garber, to attend a special "inter-agency cooperation" school alongside Casey Watterman, an FBI agent, and John White, a CIA officer. Reacher quickly realizes that there is no school: the entire thing is an elaborate joint-agency operation overseen by Alfred Ratcliffe, the National Security Advisor, and his deputy, Dr. Marian Sinclair. Ratcliffe informs the three men that, through a CIA double agent, the government has learned that a sleeper cell in Hamburg controlled by a Middle Eastern terrorist group has cut a deal with an unidentified American for $100 million. The three men are ordered to identify the American and whatever he's selling, and are given full access to anything they need, including bringing in their own staffs. Reacher chooses Frances Neagley, his former Sergeant.

Reacher and Neagley travel to Hamburg to begin their investigation, during which they get in a fight in a skinhead bar. Unbeknownst to Reacher, the men inform on him to their friends in the Neo-nazi movement. Reacher and Neagley are summoned back to America to follow up on a lead. The CIA believes that the merchandise on sale is a computer virus and the seller could be using an IT conference in Hamburg to cover his travel. However, the lead turns out to be a red herring.

Reacher and Neagley return to Hamburg and meets the local chief of detectives, Griezman, who helps him to several leads, a municipal worker who claims to have witnessed an exchange between an American and a man of Middle Eastern origin, murder of a prostitute and two black market dealers with ties to a local forger who provided the American with false documents.

The witness, Helmut Klopp, describes the American he purported to have seen to Reacher and Griezman, but also shares the information with Dremmler, a shoe seller and an influential Neo-nazi leader. In turn, Dremmler has Muller, Griezman's deputy chief, secretly shadow Reacher's investigation.

The terrorists, meanwhile, arrange for the courier who had originally met with the American to be murdered in Kyiv for their own protection, and send a new messenger, a woman, to complete the deal.

The team contacts the US Army and learn that the American is Horace Wiley, an artilleryman who has been AWOL from his post for several months. Despite Griezman's attempts to intercept her, the messenger meets with Wiley and confirms the deal before leaving Germany. Reacher, through an extensive search of Wiley's past as well as meeting with both his "uncle" Arnold Mason and an aging commander who served alongside Mason during the Korean War, determines that the items being sold are "Davy Crocketts", miniature nuclear bombs developed during the Cold War. A stash of ten bombs had accidentally been left behind by the US Army in a German supply depot, and Wiley had dedicated his entire service career to finding and selling them to purchase a ranch in Argentina. Wiley murders the forger in his apartment and rents a van to move the bombs, which both the team and Dremmler learn about.

After setting an explosion to distract the authorities and narrowly evading Reacher's team when they search his apartment, Wiley is stabbed to death by two of Dremmler's men, who steal the van and the codes required to detonate the bombs. The team arrives at the same time as the crew hired by the terrorists to transport the goods; Reacher kills the workers and captures the messenger. With Griezman's help, he figures out that the van is being kept at Dremmler's shoe warehouse and takes Neagley and two military cops, Hooper and Orozco, to retrieve it. He finds and kills Dremmler in his office to cover up the theft. The military covers up all the other evidence and the bombs are returned to the United States. Reacher and Neagley are both awarded a Commendation Medal for their service.

Authority (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)

Detectives Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) and Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) are called to a fast food restaurant, where employee Trini Martinez (Monica Raymund) is found bound and gagged in an office. The manager Dwight Lomax (Scott Adsit) explains that he received a call from a Detective Milgram, who told him to detain Trini and strip-search her for a stolen wallet. Stabler informs a devastated Dwight that there is no Detective Milgram. The detectives learn that the same caller has struck before, and they identify him as audio engineer Merritt Rook (Robin Williams). Rook uses his vocal skills to give himself a false alibi, but he is soon found out and charged with conspiracy to commit sexual assault.

Rook chooses to represent himself at his trial, where he encourages the jury to question authority. Rook is found not guilty and he goes on to organize various public demonstrations urging people to question and defy authority. Benson and Stabler learn from Rook's colleague that his hatred of authority figures began when his wife died during childbirth, following a mistake made by her doctor. Benson and Stabler discover that the doctor died in a car accident that was ruled a suicide. After finding evidence that Rook harassed the doctor so much that he chose to take his own life, Benson and Stabler go to pick Rook up. They find him at Grand Central Terminal, but Stabler loses Benson and Rook amongst the crowd, and her gun and phone are later found in a trash can.

Stabler locates Rook at a recording studio, and Rook shows him Benson, bound to a chair in a soundproof room, which has been wired up to explosives. Rook brings out a switch and tells Stabler that Benson is connected to an electricity generator. He gives Stabler the option of pressing the button himself or watch while he does it. Stabler refuses to hurt Benson and tries to reason with Rook, telling him too many people have suffered. Rook thanks Stabler for not being a follower, revealing that there are no explosives and Benson is fine, her screams were pre-recorded. Benson and Stabler arrest Rook. As they leave the studio, Benson explains that she left Grand Central with Rook when he admitted to having a bomb. Rook causes an explosion using a detonator tied to his ankle and escapes. Benson and Stabler give chase, but when they cannot find him, they presume Rook jumped into the river and drowned.

Infamia (TV series)

Lidia Santana is a married woman and rich man older than her, David Montalvo. They have a son, Tony. But Lydia is not happy because David is a cold and sullen, and only married him out of spite, as the great love of his life Victor Andreu abandoned in his youth. One day, while Lidia is buying wedding anniversary gift for her husband, Victor meets. Both are surprised to find after so many years, but everyone goes home. Victor has never stopped loving Lydia think much about it despite being married to a sweet and loving wife, Alma, who has a daughter, Lolita.

Days after David who did not come home the night of his birthday, decided to organize a party to celebrate, even if they have already spent days. Lidia and Victor agree that party, talk and find that they have never ceased to love. However, the two will stand Sandra Morgado, a frivolous and unscrupulous woman friend says Alma but has always been in love with Victor and Lydia used to destroy the marriage of Victor and Lydia happened to pull off the road and stay with Victor.

Daddy Long Legs (musical)

''Note: While relatively retaining elements from Webster's book, some details have been changed, added, or removed (e.g.: In the book, Jerusha changes her name to Judy, whereas in the stage musical, she does not). The current synopsis reflects the current Off-Broadway production.''

Act One

In an orphanage called the John Grier Home, Jerusha Abbott calls the first Monday of every month a "perfectly awful day" due to orphanage's trustees' monthly visit and how she bears the load of the preparations. After the visit, Mrs. Lippett, the home's matron, calls for Jerusha in her office. On her way there, she glimpses one of the Trustee's long, spindly, and spidery shadow cast by the headlights of his awaiting car ("The Oldest Orphan in the John Grier Home"). Mrs. Lippett hands her a letter from the Trustee she just saw leaving the home. Impressed by her amusing satirical essays about life at the orphanage, he devised a nine-point plan for her further education. The Trustee will be sending her to a local college with all expenses paid, with the intention that she educate herself to become a writer. The only condition is that Jerusha must write to him reporting her progress and impressions of the college, and that he will remain anonymous, only to be addressed as "Mr. Smith". Her letters will never be answered, nor take the slightest attention to them ("Who Is This Man?").

Jerusha arrives at the college, and begins to pen her first letter. She complains regarding her benefactor's alias: "Why couldn't you have picked out a name with a little personality?" After musing over what she'll call her mysterious benefactor, she finally decides on "Daddy Long Legs" due to his tall figure and she imagining him to be old and gray ("Mr. Girl Hater"). In his study in Manhattan, young philanthropist Jervis Pendleton, Jerusha's benefactor, is amused and puzzled over her first letter ("She Thinks I'm Old").

Jerusha writes about her lessons from her freshman year classes ("Freshman Year Studies"), and describes her anxiety over trying to fit in with the other girls at her college due to her upbringing in an orphanage ("Like Other Girls")''.'' She then writes about her embarrassment at her lack of education and her excitement about learning ("Things I Didn't Know"). During the Christmas vacation, Jerusha stays behind in the college to catch up on her reading, and sends her love to Daddy Long Legs in her loneliness. The shy and awkward Jervis finds her affection-filled letters disconcerting ("What Does She Mean By Love?"). Jerusha flunks two of her first exams and is mortified. She becomes ill and writes angrily to Daddy Long Legs, accusing him of not caring for her and simply supporting her merely out of charity. Moved by this, Jervis sends her a bouquet of flowers, and Jerusha is penitent ("I'm A Beast").

Enthralled by her letters, Jervis arranges to meet his young beneficiary, under the pretence that he is meeting his niece Julia, who happens to be Jerusha's least favorite friend ("When Shall We Meet?"). After meeting Jervis, Jerusha is immediately drawn to him: "He's a real human being, not a Pendleton after all ... he looked at me as if he really knew me, almost better than I know myself." Despite this, Jerusha becomes more and more curious regarding her old and gray Daddy Long Legs ("The Color of Your Eyes").

The summer arrives, and Jerusha begs Daddy Long Legs not to send her back to the John Grier Home, as she has nowhere to go to. Jervis, adopting another guise as a "secretary" to Mr. Smith, sends her to Lock Willow Farm, where she explores her talent as a writer. Jerusha then proclaims that she finally knows what the secret of happiness is, and that is to live in the now ("The Secret of Happiness"). She also stumbles upon a connection between Jervis Pendleton and Lock Willow Farm, yet doesn't connect this information to her Daddy Long Legs. Jerusha expresses her longing to finally see her Daddy Long Legs, while Jervis becomes increasingly frustrated on whether he should reveal himself as her benefactor or not, realizing he is falling in love with her ("The Color of Your Eyes (Reprise)").

Act Two

Upon returning to the college for her sophomore year, Jerusha continues her studies and her writing, as well as become socially involved with the family of her friend Sallie McBride ("Sophomore Year Studies"). Jervis, upon reading of Jerusha's attachment to Sallie's attractive brother Jimmy, realizes that he is already falling for her. He then invites Jerusha, Julia, and Sallie for a long cultural weekend ("My Manhattan")''.'' The summer arrives again, and Jerusha asks for permission to spend her vacation at the McBrides' country home on the Adirondacks. Jervis, through his secretarial alias, insists that she spend the summer at Lock Willow Farm instead due to his fear of Jerusha falling in love with jimmy. Feeling alone and trapped, Jerusha writes an angry letter in response to his domineering nature and finds it hard to forgive Mr. Smith ("I Couldn't Know Someone Less")''.''

Jervis struggles to finally reveal himself to Jerusha as her Daddy Long Legs and subsequently confess his feelings. He thinks that Jerusha will never forgive him if he comes clean regarding his true identity ("The Man I'll Never Be"). Jervis visits Jerusha in Lock Willow, the farm where he grew up as a boy. The couple enjoy the countryside together and find themselves growing more and more attached to one another ("The Secret of Happiness (Reprise)").

Jerusha receives an invitation from Sallie to join her family at Camp McBride, and another from Jervis to meet him at Lock Willow. Despite Mr. Smith's warnings, Jerusha proceeds to Camp McBride due to some negative remarks she received from Jervis when he found out she turned down an invitation to Paris from Julia, to work as a teacher in French and algebra to support herself. Jervis then contemplates his controlling nature, both as Jervis and as Mr. Smith ("Humble Pie")''.'' After four years, Jerusha completes her studies and invites Mr. Smith to her graduation ceremony to finally meet him. Jervis does attend the ceremony as Julia's guest, but does not reveal himself to the bitterly disappointed Jerusha ("Graduation Day"). Back in his Manhattan study, Jervis reflects on the concept of charity and its effects on both the benefactor and the beneficiary, and how Jerusha became a recurring character in his life ("Charity").

In Lock Willow, Jerusha writes to Mr. Smith that she will never think of him again after his no-show at her graduation ceremony ("I Have Torn You From My Heart"). After a few months, she writes that her first novel has been accepted by a publisher, and enclosed a check of $1000 as a first installment of her repayment of her college fees. She then tells him that she will continue to repay her debt to him, and all future royalties will proceed to the John Grier Home, making her a trustee and therefore, meeting him at last. Jervis is overwhelmed by this gesture and overjoyed at her success as a writer ("My Manhattan (Reprise)").

Jervis visits Jerusha in Lock Willow to ask her hand in marriage. Unable to tell him of her origins, she turns him down, thinking that he and his family might feel indifferent towards her when she does tell him. In her final letter, Jerusha declares her love for Jervis, and appeals for a personal meeting with Mr. Smith. Jervis, writing as Mr. Smith, agrees to meet her.

Jerusha finally arrives at their meeting place, and is surprised to see Jervis, whom she initially and skeptically assumes to be Mr. Smith's secretary. Jervis finally reveals to her that he is Mr. Smith or Daddy Long Legs. Distressed over this revelation, as well as realising that he has read her private letters about him, Jerusha accuses him of playing with her feelings and the mere fact that he didn't even write back over the course of four years, which Jervis acquiesces to ("I'm A Beast (Reprise)"). At last, he declares his love for Jerusha, which she reciprocates. Jerusha finally understands the grand scheme of things that led her to where she is now ("All This Time").

Errand into the Maze

The original program notes describe the action as “that errand-journey into the maze of the heart to face and do battle with the Creature of Fear.” Barely fifteen minutes in length, Errand into the Maze is designed almost as a solo work, with the bull-horned, staff (bone)-carrying Creature of Fear serving more as a prop than an active participant.

The unnamed female protagonist weaves her way through a rope maze outlined on the stage to arrive at a set (originally by Isamu Noguchi) that includes a suggestive v-shaped wooden frame (like a tree, or a woman’s crotch). She is confronted three times by the creature, ultimately overpowering him. He drops the bone/staff as he sinks to the floor in surrender. The heroine dances in the void between the two vertical set elements as the curtain falls.

Train Station (film)

''Train Station'' follows a single character, known only as "The Person in Brown", played by 40 different actors who vary in age, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Along the character's journey, he/she is presented with a series of choices - some minor, some life-altering. Each time a choice is made, the film switches to a new cast in a new city, and the story continues, helmed by a new director. Cities include Berlin, Bogota, Dubai, Jakarta, Los Angeles, Singapore, Tehran and 20 others on five continents. ''Train Station'' unites cultures and breaks language barriers, reminding us that we all live in the same world full of diversity, options and consequences.

The Counterfeit Killer

Is there a link between the murder of five foreign sailors from the East whose bodies have been found on the San Pedro waterfront and the issue of one million counterfeit dollars in the USA? Don Owens, an undercover agent, assisted by Angie, a beautiful but embittered widow who has fallen for him, does his best to untangle the knot.

A Month of Sundays (2015 film)

Real estate agent Frank Mollard won't admit it, but he can't move on. Divorced but still attached, he can't sell a house in a property boom - much less connect with his teenage son. One night Frank gets a phone call from his mother. Nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from the fact that she died a year ago.

Thus blossoms a charming and unusual friendship with an elderly woman which inspires Frank to reconnect with life.

Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady?

Missouri, 1910: In town trying to sell player pianos, traveling saleslady Agatha Knabenshu doesn't have much luck. She lends $1,000 to struggling inventor Bertram Webb, whose new invention, a cow-milking machine, promptly causes $1,500 in damages.

With heartless banker Hubert Shelton about to foreclose on the Webb family's home, Bert has one last hope, a wood-burning automobile that he's created. At an auto race with a $1,500 first prize, Bert is unable to drive, so Agatha gets behind the wheel in his place and wins the race.

Golden Hair (fairy tale)

While hunting in the steppe, a daring Bashkir hunter Ailyp meets a girl of "unprecedented beauty" sitting by the river. Her braided long hair is golden and so bright that it makes the water glow. She asks if Ailyp will take her hand in marriage. Ailyp happily agrees. The girl's old nanny explains that the girl's name is Golden Hair and she is the daughter of Poloz the Great Snake, who has control over gold. The girl's hair is of pure gold and so heavy that it chains her to the spot. Ailyp collects the hair and starts walking away with his bride-to-be, but Poloz does not want to let his daughter go. He starts pulling the hair underground. Golden Hair takes the scissors and quickly cuts off her braid. She disappears underground, leaving Ailyp with just her braid. The girl's nanny approaches him and says that the girl is back on her spot by the river, but Poloz made her hair even heavier than before so that Ailyp wouldn't be able to lift it. She says to Ailyp: "Go home and live like you did before. If you don't forget your bride Golden Hair in three years, I will come back and take you to her". After three long years Ailyp goes back to the river. Golden Hair says that his memories of her were making the hair lighter with each passing day. She suggests that they try running away again, but Poloz catches them and makes Golden Hair's braid even longer and heavier. The nanny tells Ailyp:

"Go back home and wait for another three years. Exactly three years from now you must go to her".
From the wise eagle-owl Ailyp learns that there's a place underneath Lake Itkul where Poloz is powerless. After three years Ailyp goes back for Golden Hair, brings her to Lake Itkul and together they make a home underneath it.

The Wizards of Aus

Jack the Wizard (Michael Shanks), has had enough of the Magical Realm's obsession with large-scale fantasy warfare, and so decides to migrate to the western suburbs of Footscray, Melbourne. However, growing political tension coupled with endless trouble from fellow wizard Skulldrich make assimilation into human life more difficult.

Ports of Call (film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, Kirk Rainsford (Lowe) and Randolph Sherman (Davidson) are rivals for the love of Marjorie Vail (Keener) when a fire occurs at the Vail home. Kirk proves himself a coward when he refuses to go and rescue Marjorie's little sister Peggy (McLain). Disgusted, Kirk's father (Conklin) disowns him and, through fast living that causes his downfall, he becomes a wandering derelict, finally landing in Manila.

In a saloon brawl he aids Lillie (Tashman), one of the women, and they become friends. She believes in him and, when he is attacked by thugs, encourages him. He fights them off. He suggests that they go to a friend of his in the country where they will find work. When they arrive, Kirk discovers that the farm has changed hands and is now owned by Sherman, who has married Marjorie. Lillie finds out about Marjorie's identity and her past relationship to Kirk. The local populace revolts and set fire to the farm house, and Kirk aids Marjorie to safety while Sherman is killed. Finding herself, Lillie leaves but Kirk, realizing that he loves her, follows and they find happiness together.

The Last Straw (1920 film)

As described in a film magazine, Tom Beck (Jones) is one of the cowboys on the H O ranch in Montana who does not believe in taking a chance. On the arrival of Jane Hunter (Rich), a young New York woman who has inherited the property from her uncle, at the ranch she watches as four men draw straws to see who will be the ranch foreman. Tom refuses to take a chance on drawing the last straw and loses the job as it was the short one. Hepburn (Le Moyne), whom Tom suspects of conniving with cattle rustlers in their attempt to gain part of the H O ranch, is made foreman. Tom, however, becomes Jane's confidant. His refusal to let her drink and smoke, which she had been accustomed to do in New York, wins her admiration. Dick Hilton (Kenny), an insipid New York millionaire who Jane had refused to marry after becoming financially dependent, follows her to Montana. He scorns at her praise of Tom, and when Jane refuses to tolerate his amours, he attempts to force them upon her. Tom intervenes and throws Dick from the house. Dick then turns his attentions on Bobby (Talent), the daughter of the squatter Alf Cole who is the tool of the rustlers. Hepburn then resigns as foreman and Tom is given charge. He scents trouble from this action and informs Jane that he is going to the rustlers' cabin to make settlement. Jane gives him a locket for good luck, informing Tom that he is not to open it. At the cabin of the rustlers Dick attempts to kill Tom and in the shooting affray Tom manages to escape only to be captured by another of his enemies. While he is absent from the ranch, the other men capture the squatter Alf, and he is put on trial with Jane acting as judge. She acquits him, an act which touches the heart of Bobby, who had been angered by the relations between Jane and Dick. After escaping from the ropes used to bind him, Tom arrives at the H O ranch in time to join in another shooting affray. He is taking Jane to a safe place when Dick sneaks up from the back to kill him. Bobby, despite her love for Dick, sees this and shoots him. Tom and Jane return to a cabin and Tom, after Jane reveals the content of the locket as being the last straw, says that he is now ready to take a chance.

The Iron Heart (1920 film)

As described in a film magazine, John Regan's (Tilton) daughter Esther (Traverse) assumes management of the Regan Steel Mills upon her father's death. The Associated Trust endeavors to gain control of the mills, but meets with rebuff at the hands of Esther. Darwin McAllister (McDaniel), employed by the Trust to get Esther to sell out, finds himself in love with her and resigns from the Associated. He is employed by Miss Regan and thus arouses the jealousy of Dan Cullen (Deeley), a dishonest employee of the Regan plant. Dan attempts to block the shipment of a consignment of steel, but Darwin and a group of loyal employees rout the Trust's hired bullies and get the shipment through.

Great Diamond Mystery

As described in a review in a contemporary film magazine: Young authoress Ruth Winton (Mason) finally succeeds in getting book publisher Murdock (von Meter) to read her manuscript for a new mystery novel titled ''The Great Diamond Mystery'' and he agrees to publish it, claiming it is for her sake as the company's committee has turned it down. Perry Standish (Collier), her sweetheart, takes her to meet his wealthy uncle who is so enraged he cuts him off. Mailison (McCullough), the partner in a diamond enterprise with Graves, gives Perry a job and soon after a diamond is missing and Perry is accused. He goes to Graves and, soon after, Graves is killed. Perry is arrested. Ruth is concerned as aspects of the crime are similar to her novel. Believing the murder will return to the scene of the crime, which is a claim of her novel, Ruth rents Grave’s house. The old butler asks for his job and is hired. Mailison returns and resumes his courtship of Ruth. He keeps hunting around the mantels, finally knocking over a clock in which Graves has hidden diamonds. The butler rushes in, there is a shot, and the butler falls. He confesses that he killed Graves for the diamonds. Perry, who is about to be executed for the crime, is pardoned by the governor in the nick of time and finds happiness with Ruth.

Don't Just Stand There!

A famous author, Sabine Manning, has yet to finish her latest sex-themed novel and is on a European cruise with Merriman Dudley, her manager and lover. Her exasperated publisher Martine Randall, in an exchange of favors, asks adventurer Lawrence Colby to pursue her. Colby discovers that Kendall Flanagan, mistaken for Sabine, has been kidnapped.

Kendall's karate skills help her escape when Colby comes to her rescue. Colby learns that Sabine no longer wants to write about sex, so he urges her to finish the completed novel under a pseudonym. Kendall complicates matters by becoming involved in another gangster's crime, but Colby is ultimately able to get everything settled.

Mayday (2005 film)

A state-of-the-art supersonic passenger jet is flying from San Francisco to Tokyo. At 12 miles ( ) above the Pacific Ocean, the Pacific Global Flight 52 is struck by an errant U.S. Navy missile that cripples the aircraft. The missile has killed the flight crew, and left almost all of the other crew and most of the passengers dead, near death, or psychologically deranged.

A handful of survivors on the airliner must now have to achieve the impossible: to land the aircraft despite weather, intrigues and technical problems. While terror and hysteria begin to increase for those on board, John Berry (Aidan Quinn), a weekend pilot is forced to take control of the airliner and navigate it to safety. Meanwhile, the U.S. military, Anne Metz (Gail O'Grady), a representative from the insurance company and executives from the Pacific Global Airline are all working to keep the incident a secret. U.S. Navy Commander James Sloan (Dean Cain) sends Lt. Peter Matos (James Thomas) to destroy the crippled airliner, but the pilot disobeys his orders.

U.S. Navy Admiral Randolf Hennings (Charles S. Dutton) also defies his superiors and pledges to tell the true story of the accident in his report to the Pentagon. Berry and flight attendant Sharon Crandall (Kelly Hu) survive another attempt to down the aircraft and eventually manage to control the stricken airliner and bring it back to a safe landing in San Francisco.

The Rabbi's Cat (film)

The story takes place in the Jewish community of Algeria during the 1920s. One day a rabbi finds that his talking parrot, who is very noisy, has been eaten by his cat and that the cat has gained the ability to speak in human tongues. However, the rabbi finds that the cat is very rude and arrogant, so the rabbi teaches him about the Torah, with the cat deciding that — if he is Jewish — then he should receive a bar mitzvah, leading the two to consult with the rabbi's rabbi. The cat proceeds to mock and insult the rabbi's strict views, who declares that the cat should be killed for its heresy. The rabbi takes his cat and leaves, mad at the cat for making a fool of his master. The two eventually reach an agreement where the rabbi will teach the cat all about the Torah and that he might have his bar mitzvah when he is ready.

The cat helps the rabbi pass a French language exam so that he might one day become head rabbi, but after the exam the cat loses his ability to speak (as he invoked the name of God to pray for his master). After the discovery of a Russian Jew who has stowed away in a shipment of religious texts, the cat learns he can speak Russian. He eventually regains his ability to speak French, finding he knows many languages and can act as a translator. The Russian reveals that he is a painter who has fled from Soviet Russia. He has come to Africa to search for a hidden city of black Jews deep in the heart of Africa, and convinces the rabbi, his cat, and a former Russian soldier to help him in his search.

Christmas, Again

A heartbroken Christmas-tree salesman returns to New York City hoping to put his past behind him. Living in a trailer and working the night shift, he begins to spiral downwards until the saving of a mysterious woman and some colorful customers rescue him from self-destruction.

Falling for Challenge

Na Do-jeon is a timid but bright boy who works part-time as a Pierrot because he genuinely loves making people laugh. Ban Ha-na is a girl dreaming of having her own food truck and developing a food truck app. The two incidentally run into each other and slowly form a relationship over subsequent meetings. This is the story of their single-handed fight to prevent the closure of the "One Plus One" hobby club where they fell in love.

Dogs (1976 film)

Harlan Thompson (David McCallum) is the head of the biology department at Southwestern University, which seems to be a small school located in an isolated southern California town. Though he dresses casually and socializes with the students, he is frequently at odds with his fellow professors and the administrators, viewing them as shallow, elitist snobs who are more interested in status than education. However, he takes a semi-liking to a young and newly hired biology professor, Michael Fitzgerald (George Wyner), and tries to stop him from being sucked into the system. The only other SU employee who Harlan seems to have any use for is his ex-girlfriend Caroline Donaghue (Sandra McCabe). The two have recently broken up, but remain on good terms and have not closed the door on the possibility of reconciliation.

Recently, several cows belonging to local rancher Larry Ludecky (Larry Gene Darnell) have been found dead. Harlan suspects that they have been killed by coyotes, but rules that out upon examining the cows. Larry says that he is going to wait with a rifle and shoot the animals who have been killing his cows if they return. Disregarding a warning from Harlan, Larry goes ahead with his plan, and is killed by a pack of dogs. Shortly afterward, dogs also kill a SU student and an elderly lady who walks outside to investigate the ruckus.

Harlan and Michael discuss the evidence and conclude that the killings were committed by dogs, who have formed packs via Michael's theory that pheromones cause animals of a particular species to unite and act as one. It is possible that the pheromones are coming from a top secret government experiment being conducted at a linear accelerator near the school. Harlan and Michael share their conclusion with the SU president, Dr. Martin Koppelman (Sterling Swanson), and ask him to warn people to keep their dogs home at night. Koppelman, believing that Harlan and Michael are wrong, declines their request. Harlan says he will give them warning himself, and Koppelman threatens him with firing if he does.

However, at the same time, a local kindergarten class is having a dog show, at which the dogs pack and attack the people. While no one is seriously injured, the town now becomes aware of the dog packs. Several men form a posse to hunt the dogs. Sheriff Jimmy Goodman (Eric Server) discourages them, but they insist, and he ends up joining them.

Harlan and Michael attempt to perform a pheromone experiment on a dog inside a plastic encasement. If it works, they plan to have a stronger pheromone sprayed into the area to stop the packs. But as they are about to start the experiment, the dog breaks through the plastic amid a nearby pack. Meanwhile, the posse is attacked by a pack, killing everyone but Jimmy, who flees the scene. But before he gets to his car, he is attacked also, dropping his gun. After suffering severe injuries, he stops the attack by picking up his gun and shooting the dog, but collapses and dies upon reaching his car.

Meanwhile, SU professor Dr. Charles Aintry (Dean Santoro), brings fellow professor Charlotte Ingle (Linda Gray) home from a date. He asks to go inside, but she declines, and he expresses suspicion that she does not want to see him anymore. She implies that she is not romantically interested in him and goes inside, while he leaves, feeling dejected. Then, while taking a shower, she is killed by a dog.

Harlan and Michael arrive at the police station and find a man dead. They call Jimmy on the radio. Getting no response, they each grab a rifle and leave. As they pass Koppelman's house, they see him being attacked by a dog. Seeing Harlan and Michael, Koppelman asks them to shoot the dog. Michael shoots, but accidentally shoots and kills Koppelman. Harlan then shoots and kills the dog. Michael is traumatized upon realizing that he killed Koppelman, but Harlan calms Michael down. The two then find Mrs. Koppelman (Holly Harris) dead in the swimming pool.

Michael says that he will warn the students and tells Harlan to check on Caroline, and that Harlan and Michael will later meet at the dorm. Harlan tells Michael to take Koppelman's car, which he does.

Harlan arrives at Caroline's house and tells her that they need to evacuate. A few seconds later, as the howling of dogs is heard in the far distance, her dog begins trembling.

Back at SU, Michael gathers the students in the lobby of the dorm. He tells them about the dog attacks, that he will walk them over to the library in five minutes, and that the campus will be evacuated in the morning. The students do not take Michael seriously, but grudgingly agree to his orders. One of the students named Cory tells Michael that Cory's roommate, the overweight Howard Kaplan (Barry Greenberg), was hungry and went to the cafeteria. There, Howard finds milk and rolls, but is quickly confronted by some barking dogs. Michael arrives and tells the panicked Howard to throw the food to the dogs, which he does. Two of the dogs goes after the food and Michael attempts to shoot the another. He turns out to be out of bullets, but he disables the dog by striking it with the rifle. He and Howard leave and head for the dorm.

Back at the dorm, the students, having concluded that Michael has forgotten about them, walk to the library themselves.

Back at Caroline's house, as Caroline goes to get dressed, she screams. A dog walks into the living room, and is quickly shot and killed by Harlan. However, several more dogs enter within a few seconds. Harlan and Caroline, holding her dog, exit the house.

Michael and Howard arrive back at the dorm, finding it abandoned. Meanwhile, the other students are attacked by a pack of dogs and most of them barely escape into the library.

In Caroline's garage, Harlan and Caroline board the door into the house. As they get into Caroline's car to leave, along with her dog, Caroline realizes that she left the keys in the house. Harlan tries to hotwire the car, but before he succeeds, the sound of the dogs stop. Harlan and Caroline go to the door from the garage to the house, but Harlan then decides that they should not go in. A few seconds later, a dog starts to enter through a doggy door. Harlan boards it, but then dogs try to enter through another doggy door. One of the dogs grabs Harlan by the leg and starts to pull on him, but he is rescued by Caroline and the two take refuge in the car. One of the dogs then tears through the wall and the pack enters.

Back at SU, Michael and Howard are close to the library when they find two of the students dead. Howard panics and runs toward the library. Michael warns him to watch out. Howard desperately begs the students to let him in. However, a large dog jumps on him, knocking him through the glass door, and allowing the pack to enter. They presumably kill all the students. After the dogs leave, Michael finds the dead students in and near the library and looks resigned.

Harlan and Caroline are chased by the dogs but they are able to drive away. Seeing a college police car on the side of the road, they stop and see three dead bodies, one of them being Michael. Harlan and Caroline drive away in their car, and the man on the radio tells them that dog attacks very similar are happening in neighboring communities, and that dogs were the only species in the attacks. While they are driving away, however, a cat makes a threatening sound.

Peter Rabbit (film)

In England's Lake District, Peter Rabbit, his cousin, Benjamin Bunny and his triplet sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, spend most of their days picking on old Mr. McGregor, who had killed and eaten their father, and stealing vegetables from his garden. They are friends with a kind-hearted local resident named Bea, who took on a motherly role with the rabbits ever since their mother's death and who spends her time painting pictures of the rabbits as well as the surrounding nature. One day, Peter is forced to leave his jacket in Mr. McGregor's garden and goes back to retrieve it. However, it was a trap set by Mr. McGregor; he catches him, but suddenly dies of a heart attack, having lived an unhealthy lifestyle (including smoking and a poor diet) for many years. Enthralled, Peter invites all of the local animals and takes over Mr. McGregor's manor.

Meanwhile, in London, McGregor's great-nephew, Thomas McGregor, an uptight, controlling workaholic, works in the toy department of Harrods, where he waits for a promotion to associate general manager. After losing the promotion to a lazy nephew of the managing director, Thomas loses his temper and gets fired. When Thomas learns that his great-uncle's manor is valuable and that he has inherited it, he decides to appraise and prepare it for resale in order to start his own toy store near Harrods to get his revenge. He kicks out Peter and the other animals and begins to upgrade the security of the garden wall and gates. When Peter and a reluctant Benjamin sneak back into the garden, Thomas catches the latter and attempts to drown Benjamin in a river; Benjamin's relatives rescue him and Thomas instead accidentally drops a prized set of binoculars that Bea had given him earlier. Angry, Thomas wants to buy an electric fence and a supply of dynamite to ward off the rabbits.

Thomas and Bea end up falling in love with each other, much to Peter's jealousy. He and Thomas start a war with each other by setting traps and other offensive nuisances. Things get out of hand when Peter rewires the electric fence to give Thomas a shock when he touches any doorknob leading to the outside, prompting Thomas to throw the dynamite in the rabbits' burrow. After the rabbits trigger Thomas' allergy to blackberries, he attacks them in the garden with some of the dynamite, on the warpath against them and tells Peter that his antics caused him to become aggressive. Bea, having heard the commotion, comes by, and Peter detonates the dynamite, proving to Bea that Thomas was using it, but accidentally blows up the burrow, causing the tree on top to collapse on Bea's art studio. Bea ignores Thomas's explanation of the rabbits' involvement and ends their relationship, leaving a heartbroken Thomas to return to London.

Peter feels remorseful for the damage his recklessness has caused and upon learning that Bea intends to leave the neighborhood, he and Benjamin head to London to bring Thomas back. Making Thomas think that he was imagining the rabbits' ability to talk, Peter encourages him to follow his heart. They rush back to the country, where Peter shows Bea the detonator and presses it for her to see, thus confirming Thomas' previous claims that a rabbit caused the explosion. Bea forgives them and decides not to move away.

Peter and the other animals drive away an unpleasant wealthy couple who had bought the house. Thomas and Bea resume their relationship, and he allows the wildlife to take food from the garden within reason. Peter and his family restore the burrow, and the yard with Thomas and Bea's help and Thomas sets up his own toy shop in the village, where Bea showcases her paintings of the rabbits.

The Emoji Movie

Gene is an emoji that lives in Textopolis, a digital city inside the phone of his user, a teenager named Alex. He is the son of two meh emojis named Mel and Mary and is able to make multiple expressions despite his parents' upbringing. His parents are hesitant about him going to work, but Gene insists so that he can feel useful. Upon receiving a text from his love interest Addie McCallister, Alex decides to send her an emoji. When Gene is selected, he panics, makes a panicked expression, and wrecks the text center. Gene is called in by Smiler, a smiley emoji and leader of the text center, who concludes that Gene is a "malfunction" and therefore must be deleted. Gene is chased by bots but is rescued by Hi-5, a once-popular emoji who has since lost his fame due to lack of use. He tells Gene that he can be fixed if they find a hacker, and Hi-5 accompanies him so that he can reclaim his fame.

Smiler sends more bots to look for Gene when she finds out that he has left Textopolis, as his actions have caused Alex to think that his phone needs to be fixed. Gene and Hi-5 come to a piracy app where they meet a hacker emoji named Jailbreak, who wants to reach Dropbox so that she can live in the cloud. The trio is attacked by Smiler's bots, but manage to escape into the game ''Candy Crush''. Jailbreak reveals that Gene can be fixed in the cloud, and the group goes off into the ''Just Dance'' app. While there, Jailbreak is revealed to be a princess emoji who fled home after tiring of being stereotyped. They are once again attacked by bots, and their actions cause Alex to delete the ''Just Dance'' app. Gene and Jailbreak escape, but Hi-5 is taken along with the app and ends up in the trash.

Mel and Mary go searching for Gene and have a very lethargic argument. They make up in the Instagram app when Mel reveals that he, too, is a malfunction, explaining Gene's behavior. While traveling through Spotify, Jailbreak admits that she likes Gene just the way he is and that he should not be ashamed of his malfunction. The two start to fall in love and Gene silently debates his choice to change himself. They make it to the trash and rescue Hi-5, but are soon attacked by a bot upgraded with illegal malware. They evade it by entangling its arms and enter Dropbox, where they encounter a firewall. After many tries, the gang gets past it with a password being Addie's name and make it to the cloud, where Jailbreak prepares to reprogram Gene. Gene admits his feelings for Jailbreak, but she wishes to stick to her plan of venturing into the cloud, unintentionally causing Gene to revert to his apathetic programming out of heartbreak. Suddenly, the upgraded bot sneaks into the cloud and captures Gene, prompting Hi-5 and Jailbreak to go after him with a Twitter bird summoned by Jailbreak in her princess form.

As Smiler prepares to delete Gene, Mel and Mary arrive. Mel reveals to everyone that he is also a malfunction, prompting Smiler to threaten to delete him as well. Jailbreak and Hi-5 arrive and disable the bot, which falls on top of Smiler. Alex has since taken his phone to a store in hopes that a factory reset performed by technical support would restore his phone's functionality, which would entail total destruction of Gene's world should such operation complete. Out of desperation, Gene prepares to have himself texted to Addie, making numerous faces to express himself. Realizing that Addie received a text from him, Alex cancels the factory reset just as it nearly finishes, saving the emoji and finally getting to speak with Addie, who likes the emoji Alex sent. Gene accepts himself for who he is and is celebrated by all of the emojis.

In a mid-credits scene, Smiler has been relegated to the "loser lounge" with the other unused and forgotten emojis for her crimes, wearing numerous braces due to her teeth being chipped by the bot, and playing and losing a game of Go Fish.

The Dreaming City

Elric, emperor of Melniboné, returns to the dreaming city of Imrryr where he plans to slay his cousin, Yyrkoon, and reclaim his love Cymoril with an armada of mercenary ships. After the mercenaries lay waste to Melniboné's outer defenses, Elric guides his fleet through a secret maze of caves to reach the civilization within. As the fighting continues, Elric steals away to meet Cymoril at a hidden spot among the city's towers but finds her imprisoned by Yyrkoon, who attacks him with a powerful spell. Elric battles his cousin with the soul-devouring, rune-forged sword Stormbringer and defeats him but kills Cymoril by accident.

Ruined by grief, Elric flees the smoldering ruins of Melniboné with the remainder of his mercenary fleet, whose strength is depleted by the attack and subsequent looting of the city's riches. The fleet is surprised by the warships of Melniboné and the dragons which had been roused by the attack. Elric calls upon the black magic passed down to him by his ancestors to aid their escape, but the pursuers move swiftly to overtake the mercenaries. Unable to summon enough strength to save all the ships, Elric saves only himself and his crewmen, speeding away on the winds of elemental forces.

When his ship comes within sight of a harbor, Elric tries to break his bond with Stormbringer by hurling it into the ocean. The magic blade hovers above the water, and Elric jumps from the ship to reclaim it, fearing his albino weakness will overcome him without Stormbringer's power. He swims to shore alone, while his crew curses him for being traitor and coward.

Rush (Kenyan TV series)

Four cosmopolitan young Kenyan women: Pendo, Liz, Ruby and Zoe, are four mutual best friends, they engage in a tale of their personal life, likes, dislikes, their struggles in life and their love lives. Pendo Adama is the owner and chief-editor of "Rush Magazine". With her magazine she seeks to inspire and raise awareness on ways to tackle contemporary real life issues that affect the modern society like pride, marital challenges, motherhood, gender equity, promiscuity, sexuality, chauvinism and giving back to society among other young women and men in an African setting to lead a successful and lavish career and lifestyle.


The main character of the show is a yellow shape-shifting robot called Indriķis XIII, who usually takes the form of a cat. He flies through the universe mediating various disputes between the other characters or saving them from disaster. One recurring dynamic in the show is the love triangle between Indriķis, Receklīte (a flying purple cat-octopus with whom Indriķis is in love), and The Rat (who is in love with Indriķis). Other recurring characters include a cow, two young humans, and an amorphous pink blob.

Vasilisa the Beautiful (1940 film)

A desperate peasant demands that both of his two eldest, good-for-nothing sons use bow and arrow to seek a bride wherever the arrows fall. The arrow of the oldest brother Anton strikes at a snooty nobleman's daughter, while the arrow of the middle brother Agafon gets stuck in the vicinity of a food-addicted merchant's daughter. The youngest son, Ivan, wants to do the same as his elder brothers but shoots the arrow into a swamp, where he finds only an ugly toad. Once home, to see if they are worthy of a peasant, the old farmer tells the future wives to farm the land around the hut and himself goes off with his sons to mow fields. However, the two women have learned nothing and only throw the toad out of the house. Then, out of the toad skin a pretty girl emerges who starts to do the work of the women. They notice her singing and find the skin. In dispute, they tear it in half and throw the remains into the fire.

When the men return home, the girl reveals herself as Vasilissa. She tells that she was transformed by a dragon because she refused to marry him. As a punishment, she was to live at the bottom of a lake for three years, and the due date was almost over, but as the two women burned her toad skin, she would now be fetched by the dragon's sister, an old witch. As the sky darkens, a terrible storm breaks out and Vasilisa disappears. The old man then gives his youngest son advice: "Far away from here in the dark spruce forest are three large, old oaks. Wait until the cuckoo calls three times, then you will find a well at the feet of the oak trees. At the bottom of this fountain, behind an oak fence and a castle that weighs a hundred quintal, lies a miracle sword of fine steel. If you find the key to the castle, you can defeat the dragon."

The youth, therefore, sets out on a journey to seek the key. On his journey, he meets a blacksmith who tells him that the key is in a golden egg inside a duck sitting in a glass chest. However, this chest would be at the highest point of a tall pine. At the witches' house meanwhile, the witch suggests Vasilissa to marry her brother, she would live in a palace and be rich, but Vasilissa refuses again. In the meantime, the warrior has arrived in the forest, where the invisible witch gives him a beating, but he resists. Then she invokes an enchanted bear for him. Only barely can he escape its paws, but finally defeats it, spares it and thus becomes friends with the bears of the forest. In a third strike, the witch splits the earth to prevent the warrior from progressing, but Ivan finds a narrow path over which he tries to overcome the deep-roaring river. Arriving in the middle of the transition, the evil old woman brings him to collapse and the youth falls into the abyss under the sound of her loud laughter. Back home, she reveals to Vasilissa that her lover is no longer alive, but she still does not consent. Meanwhile, Ivan, with the help of the bears, succeeds to free himself from the torrent. He climbs up the ravine and reaches the high pine, which is climbed by the bears. At the top they throw down the glass chest. The chest shatters and the duck escapes. Then the youth shoots it with his bow and the egg falls to the ground.

With the key in his luggage, he covertly seeks out his Vasilissa, which causes his attention to be drawn to a forbidden well. When the cuckoo sounds three times, he goes there, climbs down and finds a huge lock on the fence made of oak. He puts the key in the lock, whereupon it shatters and the door opens. He ends up trapped in a web of spiders, whose huge owner charges him with three puzzles that he must solve or that his life is forfeited. After answering the questions, he receives the sword and sets off for the three-headed dragon Zmey Gorynych who wants to marry his Vasilissa. A fight between the adversaries commences. The fire and water-spouting dragon stretches out menacingly, but unexpectedly he succeeds in a surprise strike against the monster, whereby the first head is knocked off. In the further course of the fight, the hero climbs a rock and pushes down from above on the dragon to take the second head. Meanwhile, Vasilissa fights the witch and she manages to throw her into a large pot of boiling water. The witch wants to escape from the cauldron, but because of the lid, the old woman is trapped inside. Finally, through a last powerful prank, the knight attacks the firestorming dragon's head and knocks it down. The survived two lovers then ride home.

Island of Silence

One day, two silent, orange-eyed teenagers, named Sky and Crow, have arrived on a raft. While Artimé seems to continue along normally, Eva Fathom, a supposed Restorer, is spying on Quill and passing along information to Sean Ranger. Mr. Today starts to teach Alex how to be a head mage, and devises a plan to trick Aaron. The plan backfires. Aaron confronts Mr. Today and kills him using five heart-attack spells that Alex invented, thus destroying Artimé.

Meanwhile, Alex and Simber, one of Mr. Today's statues, go out on a search for three of Alex's missing friends, Meghan Ranger, Samheed Burkesh and Lani Haluki. They rescue Meghan and discover that Samheed and Lani have been captured by a neighboring island, Warbler. On the way back, Simber freezes and crashes into the sea. Alex and Meghan barely avoid death. At the same time, the Restorers attack Artimé and cause chaos. High Priest Haluki gets captured, along with Mr. Today's daughter, Claire Morning, by the Restorers. Aaron becomes Associate High Priest (aka High Priest in disguise), and plans to destroy Artimé.

The Keeper of Lost Causes

Carl Mørck is demoted to Department Q, the cold case unit, after a raid he instigated goes wrong. One case, a suspected suicide, piques his interest. His investigations suggest that the victim, a rising politician named Merete Lynnggard, was actually kidnapped. Mørck ruffles feathers and is told to halt the investigation, but he and his assistant Assad persist.

As the duo investigate the case further, they get into trouble with Swedish police and are suspended, but they still continue to persevere in their investigation. Lynnggard is revealed to be imprisoned in a pressure chamber by a vengeful chef named Larsa.

Carl and Assad locate the pressure chamber and rescue Lynnggard as she is about to die, and they arrest Larsa. Because of their action and the prominence of the case, the police chief reinstates the duo as detectives.

House of Wolves (film)

Charlie (Francis Ng) is a swindler who pretends to be a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patient, while Fung Yan-ping (Ronald Cheng) is an idle village leader. These two self-proclaimed wicked men fall in love at first sight with Yu Chun (Jiang Shuying), a newcomer to the village. Chun arrives to the village after falling out with her ex-boyfriend and is pregnant with their child. While helpless, Chun devises a scheme where she invites Charlie and Yan-ping to her house for dinner, causing them to be drunk and mistakenly believing that one of them have impregnated her. Unable to find out who the real father of the child, Charlie and Yan-ping both take care of Chun. One day, Charlie and Yan-ping realize that neither one of them are the father of Chun's father, and furiously return her to her ex-boyfriend in exchange for cash. Afterwards, by chance, Charlie and Yan-ping discovers that Chun's ex-boyfriend plan to use their child for an experiment and decides to rescue Chun and her unborn child.

The Road to Glory (1926 film)

May McAvoy is a young woman, gradually going blind. She tries to spare her boyfriend Rockliffe Fellowes and her father Ford Sterling from the burden of her illness. She agrees to live with Leslie Fenton, a greedy rich man, in order to get away from her father and lover.

The Rose Garden (film)

A holocaust survivor Aaron Reichenbach (Maximilian Schell) returns to Germany and attacks ex-Nazi officer Arnold Krenn (Kurt Hübner) in a Frankfurt airport. When Arnold files assault charges, a public defender, Gabriele Schlüter-Freund (Liv Ullmann), represents Aaron, expecting a straightforward case. But when Gabriele discovers that Aaron is one of many victims of cruel medical experiments in concentration camps, she resolves to seek justice. Aaron is reunited with his long lost sister who has also survived. At the end of the movie the experimentation on, and execution of 20 Jewish children in the Bullenhuser Damm is revealed.

Splatter (web series)

After committing suicide, a washed-up rocker returns from the grave to torment the five people who betrayed him in life.

Audiences would get to vote which character lived and died.

Clockwork Planet

At an unspecified point in time, Earth collapses. Despite it being almost inevitable that humankind would die out, a genius engineer known only as "Y" manages to rebuild Earth entirely with gears and clockwork mechanisms, renaming it "Clockwork Planet". 1,000 years later, original cities of Earth's countries are flourishing inside the planet's surface gears. Naoto Miura, a high school student living in Grid: Kyoto who is in love with mechanics, is dragged into a world crisis when a mechanical crate crashes into his apartment. There, he meets RyuZU, a broken automaton who is part of the Initial-Y Series, a series of automaton created personally by Y himself. Using his superior sense of hearing, Naoto fixes her in three hours despite RyuZU having been broken for 206 years as nobody was able to revive her. Promising loyalty to him, the two are eventually found out by Dr. Marie Bell Breguet, a princess of a noble family and the youngest person to become a master engineer in an international separate government organization "Meister Guild", and her automaton bodyguard Vainney Halter. With the faulty Core Tower, a central tower in every Grid city that controls its gear functions, Naoto pinpoints the problem with his sense of hearing alone in ten minutes, fixing it along with other engineers of the Meister Guild and thwarting the government's attempts to purge the city and destroy lives. As the government's illegal technological experimentation is still at large, the pairs join forces to carry out justice and prevent further purges. A month after their encounter, all four appear in Akihabara, Tokyo, having become the world's most infamous terrorists in their quest.

Catfight (film)

Artist Ashley Miller and housewife Veronica Salt are two unhappy women. Ashley is struggling to sell her artwork, straining her relationship with her girlfriend Lisa. Veronica, an alcoholic, treated with disdain by her husband Stanley, mocks her son's drawing talent. Both women watch news reports on tension between the United States and the Middle East.

Stanley throws a party for his business partner. Lisa, the caterer, forces Ashley to help. Veronica comes for a drink and the two women recognize each other from college. Trying to make small talk, they descend into verbal barbs. Veronica is told to leave by her husband, and she runs into Ashley in the stairwell. They first sling insults, then fists. Ashley gets the upper hand, punching Veronica in the face. When Veronica tries to stand, she falls down the stairs and slips into a coma.

Two years later, Veronica awakens with no memory of the fight. She learns that her husband shot himself, her son died fighting the war in the Middle East, and all of her money was spent to pay for her treatment. She moves in with her former housekeeper Donna and lands a job as a maid. Ashley is now a famous artist, the war causes her dark paintings to become popular. She and Lisa decide to start a family, so Ashley is impregnated, using a sperm donor. Their differing beliefs cause them to become estranged.

Veronica finds a magazine with Ashley on the cover, annoyed at her success. She clashes with Donna about the war, and moves in with her Aunt Charlie. Veronica finds a video left to her by Kip, revealing he left school to join the army to make her proud, and then she breaks down in tears. Then she goes to Ashley's new gallery. Sees a painting depicting her own bloodied face, Veronica remembers their fight. She begins destroying the paintings, and Ashley tries to stop her. Veronica punches Ashley and runs off with the painting of her face. Ashley runs after her and they begin beating each other with tools. Veronica overpowers Ashley, hitting her over the head with a wrench. Veronica stumbles away, while cinder block falls on Ashley's head, and she falls into a coma.

Two years later Ashley awakens and discovers that she lost her baby during the coma, Lisa has left her, and she is broke after her paintings were sold to pay her hospital bills. The United States has won the war on terror, and her dark art style has lost all popularity. Sally, meanwhile, has become famous and rich as her comics about happy blue bunnies are popular. Ashley now has to work for her former assistant and tries to begin painting again, only to find she physically cannot because of her injuries.

Ashley finds a bus ticket to Pennsylvania, realizing it belongs to Veronica, who has been caring for her Aunt Charlie. Ashley suddenly appears, intending to "destroy" her. Veronica makes Ashley breakfast and Ashley accepts, and they discover they have some things in common. Veronica plays Ashley the recordings made by Kip, confessing that watching them makes her feel like her son is still with her, and has helped her overcome her anger towards Ashley. Ashley is moved, but then accidentally spills her coffee onto the camera. Veronica freaks out, revealing she never backed up the files. They begin fighting, going out into the woods. They end up sitting on the ground punching each other over and over again as they both break down sobbing. Aunt Charlie watches them fight from the window. The video camera suddenly reboots, revealing it was not broken after all.

The Half-Hearted

When his local Member of Parliament decides to retire, Lewis Haystoun is persuaded to stand. Although he is liked and respected by his local tenants, he finds himself unable to speak wholeheartedly and with full conviction at the hustings and is beaten by his opponent, the ambitious and fluent social climber Albert Stocks. Following an initial meeting at a dinner party, both Haystoun and Stocks fall in love with Alice Wishart, the daughter of a rich city merchant. Miss Wishart initially favours Haystoun, but gradually becomes disenchanted with his apparent lack of ability to commit to anything. During a picnic on the moors, Miss Wishart slips and falls into a lake. Haystoun, standing beside her, hesitates just long enough to allow his rival to dive in and make the rescue. Haystoun is devastated, believes himself to be a coward and avoids Miss Wishart's company, pushing her more and more into the company of Stocks. Stocks asks her to marry him and, believing that Haystoun is not interested in her, she agrees.

Rumours have reached the British Government of a possible danger to the Empire via an uncharted area of the northern Indian frontier. Haystoun has explored this area before, and when he is asked by a friend to go out again to reconnoitre in a semi-official capacity, he jumps at the chance to escape his situation and to prove his courage. The night before his departure, Haystoun and Miss Wishart meet and declare their mutual love for the first time. Although there would still be time for Miss Wishart to break off her engagement, the pair feel that they have been 'set apart by the fates' and they separate to follow their own individual paths.

In part II of the novel, Haystoun travels to the northern frontier lands where he learns of a Russian plot to invade India via a little-known narrow mountain pass in the Kashmir, with the help of the local hill tribes. Having become aware of an imminent Cossack attack, Haystoun sends word to the local fort, calling on them to telegraph warnings to the northern garrisons and settlements, and sets off alone to try to delay the invaders at the pass. There he dies heroically, but is able to delay the invasion for just time enough for the alarm to be raised and for defences to be put in place. The Empire is saved by his valiant efforts.

Un amore di strega

On her 30th birthday Carlotta, an organizer of weddings, discovers that her boyfriend is having an affair. Depressed, she doesn't realize that she received magical powers as a gift from her father, who she believed was dead. She discovered the possession only when she met the charming Ricardo Valenti, the manager that the mother has hired to save the business from bankruptcy. The two become a couple, but the sudden discovery of Carlotta's powers pushes Ricardo to marry his former girlfriend. It's up to Emma and Vlad, Carlotta's magical parents, stop it before it's too late.

Vasilisa the Beautiful (1977 film)

The tsar wants his three sons to get married. The brothers gather into an open field and shoot arrows into different directions. The arrow of the eldest son falls at the Boyarsky Dvor, to the daughter of a Boyar, arrow of the middle son - fell into the yard of a merchant, and the arrow of the youngest son Ivan falls into the swamp. Ivan is reluctant at first about taking a frog as his bride, but she manages to convince him. The tsar then assigns 3 tasks to each of the brides to see who is most worthy of royalty.

For the first task, he asks that all three of the brides each make him a shirt, "fit for a king". That night, Ivan despairs over the fact that his bride is a frog, but the frog princess, Vasilisa, tells him to get some rest. As Ivan sleeps, Vasilisa transforms into her human form. She then creates the finest shirt for the tsar. When the shirts are presented to the tsar, he abhors the other shirts, but declares Vasilisa's the most beautiful. He then assigns the second task: baking a cake fit for his holiday feast.

That night, the two other brides attempt to spy on Vasilisa, but leave soon after they realize she is still a frog. Vasilisa then returns to her human form to finish baking her cake. The next day, the tsar once again declares Vasilisa's cake the best of the three. He then asks that each of his sons bring their brides to the castle the next evening, for a fine feast. Ivan is once again upset over having to present his frog bride, but Vasilisa urges him to go ahead to the feast, and that she will appear later.

As everyone arrives at the feast, the tsar notices that Ivan is arriving alone. He asks his son where his bride is. At that moment, Vasilisa appears in a coach in her human form. Everyone is astonished to see how beautiful and elegant Ivan's bride is. During the feast, Vasilisa continues to impress everyone with her dancing and magic. The other brides attempt to mimic her, which erupts in chaos as they anger the tsar with their foolishness.

While everyone is distracted, Ivan sneaks back into his room to try and find the frog. Of course, he finds nothing—other than an old frogskin on the floor. Ivan carelessly tosses the frogskin into the fireplace. Vasilisa then appears. She reprimands him sadly, explaining that had he waited for just three more days they could have been together. As she transforms back into a frog, she tells him that if he truly loves her, he will search for her beyond the hills. She then disappears.

Ivan sets out to find Vasilisa. On his journey, he comes across a bear, a hare, a pike and a drake, and helps each of them in some manner. He then comes across the Baba Yaga. She tells him that Vasilisa has been cursed by a powerful wizard. In order to get Vasilisa back, Ivan must defeat the wizard by destroying his kingdom. With the help of the animals whom Ivan had aided earlier, he defeats the wizard. In the end, Vasilisa and Ivan are wed, and they live happily ever after.

Trailing Trouble

Ed King and Buck Moran are rivals for the affections of Molly, daughter of the rancher for whom King works. When King takes horses to a sale, Moran arranges to have the sale money stolen. Initially, the rancher accuses King of theft, but the thief eventually returns the money and identifies Moran as the man behind the plot. King captures Moran and regains Molly's affections.

Hide-Out (1930 film)

A bootlegger in trouble with the law hides out on a college campus. He disguises himself as a student, but soon becomes the school's star athlete and most popular man on campus.

A Fresh Air Romance

Old Dr. Fogg has been practicing medicine in the same small town for several decades when he takes his son, a recent medical school graduate, as a partner in his practice. The young doctor quickly realizes that his father's methods are outdated, and harmful, and tries to work around them. In the process, he finds romance with one of his father's patients.

The Fighting Legion

After being shot, dying Ranger Tom Dawson gives Dave Hayes his badge. When Dave Hayes arrives at Bowden to turn in the badge, he is mistaken as a Ranger. Suspicious of him, Blake and Bowle tries to put the shooting of Ranger Dawson on Dave Hayes. After fighting the gang led by Blake, Dave Hayes saves Molly and gets sworn in as a Texas Ranger.

Detective Chinatown

After being rejected from a police college, Qin Feng (Liu Haoran) goes to Bangkok for a vacation. He plans to spend time with his "uncle" Tang Ren (Wang Baoqiang), who is reputed to be the number one detective of Chinatown in Bangkok. Tang Ren turns out to be a sleazy petty swindler who is an underling of incompetent police sergeant Kon Tai (Xiao Yang). Meanwhile, the main suspect in a gold robbery case, Sompat, is murdered and the gold goes missing. The gold belongs to prominent local gangster Mr. Yan (Chin Shih-chieh). Kon Tai and his ambitious rival Huang Landeng (Chen He), are put into competition by the police chief to solve the case and retrieve the gold in order to be appointed the next deputy chief.

After a series of mischievous adventures with Qin in Bangkok, Tang is pursued by police as he is the main suspect in Sompat's murder, being the last person to enter and leave Sompat's workshop where he was murdered. Tang seeks the help of Qin, who turns out to be a prodigy in solving crimes. During their exodus from the pursuit, Qin and Tang are captured by Sompat's cohorts who wish to locate the lost gold. Qin and Tang, now wanted criminals, are able to escape and hide in the home of Xiang (Tong Liya), Tang's beautiful landlady. However, they are followed by the gold robbers, who arrive just before Kon and then Huang, leading to an awkward confrontation between all parties.

Qin later finds out why Tang is implicated: on the day of the murder, Tang received a call asking him to deliver a boxed Buddha statue from Sompat's workshop at midnight. The pair, deciding to stay in Thailand rather than flee, goes to the parking lot where Tang delivered the box. Qin finds a trace of fish in the area, after which they go to a nearby seafood market and a junk yard. That night, Qin and Tang searches the workshop, narrowly avoiding an encounter with the robbers. Qin deduces that Huang Landeng's assistant, Tony, is part of the scheme.

To solve the murder, Qin and Tang must watch the surveillance footage of the workshop. As it is kept in Huang's computer, Tang lures the police force away while Qin and Kon retrieve the footage and other documents about Sompat. After translating the documents, Qin finds that Sompat's son went missing a year prior and that Sompat frequented a café. Following the trail, Qin and Tang are led to Snow (Zhang Zifeng), who was a school classmate of Sompat's son.

Qin and Tang are soon captured and led to Mr. Yan, who gives them 3 days to find the stolen gold. Qin and Tang split up, with Qin meeting Snow for a second time and Tang being pursued again by Huang. Qin discovers that Snow's stepfather works at the junk yard near the parking lot, making him a suspect.

Qin and Tang rejoin at the workshop, where they hypothesize that the murderer hid in the workshop for one week (As the surveillance footage overrides itself after a week), killed Sompat before Tang's delivery, and escaped the workshop by hiding in the box Tang delivered. They are suddenly ambushed by the masked murderer, who sets the workshop on fire. Qin and Tang narrowly escape.

After learning that Xiang is kidnapped by Tony, Qin and Tang confront and defeat him. The pair delivers Xiang to the hospital, where they witness a shootout between the police and the other three robbers. Qin and Tang return to Snow's home yet again, but find that she has overdosed and is on the verge of death. After delivering Snow to the hospital, Qin finds the story behind the murder in Snow's journal. Snow was raped by Sompat, which her stepfather found out, leading him to kill Sompat. The gold robbery and the murder are unrelated.

After a car chase around Bangkok, Qin and Tang finally reveal to the police that the lost gold was hidden in a statue at the workshop. At the hospital where Snow resides, Qin and Tang convey their findings to the police in the presence of Snow and her stepfather. After being exposed, the stepfather is killed by Kon's car when he jumps out of the hospital window. Kon is subsequently promoted to deputy chief due to his prevention of the murderer's escape, to the annoyance of a severely injured Huang.

However, Qin soon realizes that Sompat was homosexual, meaning he did not rape Snow. He realizes that Snow was stalked by Sompat because he suspected her of killing his missing son. Thus, Snow planned Sompat's murder, framed him for rape in her journal, and fabricated the evidence to get rid of both Sompat and her pervert stepfather, whom she loathed. Qin confronts Snow, but decides to leave her.

In the credits, Qin and Tang are invited to an Intel centre where they are called to solve a new case in New York.

Palm Trees in the Snow

Kilian is a young man from the mountains of Huesca who, in 1954, returns to the island of Fernando Pó (present Bioko), where he was born. He joins his father Antón and his brother Jacobo. They are one of many Spanish families who harvest cocoa in Spanish Guinea.

The movie opens in 1968 with Kilian and Bisila making love. Shortly after, Killian departs, leaving behind a half-torn picture and his hat as a memento for Bisila. Flash forward to 2003 Pasolobino, Spain, where Clarence is attending the funeral of her estranged father Jacobo. After the funeral Clarence and her cousin Daniela discuss the possibility of selling the family land. They also discuss Daniela's father, Kilian, who is suffering from dementia. While in Killian's office Clarence finds a journal, a half-torn picture and a torn note stating that money has been sent to an unidentified woman. Clarence asks Julia, an old family friend, about the note. Julia admits that her deceased husband Manuel wrote the note but she doesn't know who the woman is. Clarence tells Julia that she will travel to Bioko in Equatorial Guinea to find out more about her father's life. Clarence also decides that if there are relatives in Bioko she will bring them back to Spain. Julia tells Clarence to look for a man named Simón, who was Kilian's houseboy and friend.

Flashing back to 1954, a young Kilian and Jacobo are saying goodbye to their mother and sister Catalina as they depart for Guinea. Catalina gives Kilian a journal and encourages him to write in it. On the ship to Bioko Kilian and Jacobo meet Manuel, the new resident doctor of the cocoa plantation estate. Once on land they are greeted by Kilian and Jacobo's father Anton, and his best friend Ose. On the plantation, Kilian has an unpleasant introduction to Gregorio, an abusive overseer. While in the cocoa fields Kilian wanders off into the nearby forest where he hears singing. He follows the singing to a waterfall where he sees a woman crying. Kilian attempts to introduce himself to her but gets distracted by noise from the bushes, where he discovers Gregorio with a native prostitute. She is gone by the time he looks again for her. Later on a young Julia invites Kilian, Jacobo, and Anton to a dinner party at her parents' estate. During the dinner party Nelson, an estate worker, arrives asking for Jacobo's help with a medical emergency. Once in the car Jacobo reveals to Kilian that it was a ruse to leave the dinner party early to go to a night club called Santa Isabel. At the club, Jacobo encourages Kilian to drink and sleep with prostitutes.

During a lavish estate party Julia confronts Jacobo about his ruse at the dinner party, scolding him for his activities at Santa Isabel. Jacobo rebuffs Julia stating that they are not a couple and he will do as he pleases. Kilian introduces Manuel to Julia and they immediately become attracted to each other. Weeks later Anton, annoyed with Kilian's activities, takes him to visit Ose's village and introduces him to the Bubi people. Anton encourages Kilian to explore the land and get to know the locals. Sometime later Ose invites Anton and Kilian to his daughter Bisila's wedding in the village. When giving congratulations to the bride Kilian is surprised to see that she is the same woman from the waterfall. He immediately becomes attracted to her. Soon after, Antón's health takes a turn for the worst and he dies. At Antón's funeral Jacobo runs off into the forest. When Julia attempts to console him, Jacobo forcibly kisses Julia, but she pushes him away, stating that she is engaged to be married to Manuel. Frustrated, Jacobo runs into the forest screaming. Filled with grief of his father's death, Kilian leaves Bioko and returns to Pasolobino for 3 years.

In present-day 2003, Clarence has arrived in Bioko, locates Antón's grave, and is introduced to Iniko, a plantation office employee. While driving Clarence back to her hotel Iniko detours to pick up his younger brother, Laha, who has returned home from university in Spain. Iniko and Laha show Clarence around town, and Iniko and Clarence gradually develop a relationship. Iniko reluctantly helps Clarence find out more about the coco plantation estate. After being met with hostility from the plantation workers, they are introduced to an elderly Simón. Simón tells Clarence that Iniko's grandfather, Ose, was friends with her grandfather, Antón. A confused Iniko demands to know what Clarence is really searching for. Clarence tells Iniko about her uncle Kilian and her father Jacobo, then shows Iniko the half-torn picture. A shocked Iniko tells Clarence that the woman in the picture is his mother Bisila. Iniko takes Clarence to the elderly Bisila's home, where Bisila tells Clarence her connection with Kilian.

Flashing back to 1957, Kilian returns to Bioko. Kilian visits Ose and the Bubi people at their village. Ose reintroduces Bisila (she states her name as Daniela Bisila), her husband Mosi, and their son Iniko to Kilian. Kilian then visits Santa Isabel looking for Jacobo. While there, Gregorio takes a prostitute at gunpoint after arguing over her with another man. Kilian talks Gregorio down and then takes Jacobo, Dick, and Pao back to the estate. The next day, Kilian sends Jacobo on a plane back to Spain. Kilian visits Julia at her parents' store and they discuss the hostile changes of the political climate. Bisila arrives to tell Julia that her friend Gustavo, a local politician, has been attacked. Julia asks Kilian to assist her and Bisila with rescuing Gustavo, smuggling him through military checkpoints. At the estate Bisila, a nurse, attends to Gustavo's wounds. Killian and Bisila almost share a kiss, later meeting in a shed where they profess their connection and make love. Though they try to keep their affair a secret, everyone on the estate finds out about the affair.

In 1964 Kilian's mother sends him a letter requesting he return to Spain due to his sister Catalina's declining health. Kilian stays in Spain for several months after Catalina dies. Jacobo returns to Bioko and visits Julia, telling her that he has met a woman in Spain. Jacobo makes another advance towards Julia, who tells him to leave. That evening at the estate, Bisila is cornered by a car with a drunken Jacobo, Dick, and Pao inside. They proceed to beat and rape Bisila. Simón finds her, she swears him to secrecy, and tends to her injuries. The next day Kilian returns; Jacobo is in the plantation hospital with syphilis. Dick and Pao's bodies are found hanging from a tree. It is implied that Mosi, Bisila's husband is taking revenge for the rape. Kilian confronts Ose and Simón, they inform him of Bisila's rape, and warn him not to interfere, or Mosi will find out about their affair. Kilian tells Jacobo of Dick and Pao's deaths and then confronts him about Bisila's rape. Kilian beats Jacobo and warns him of Mosi's revenge. Kilian asks Bisila for forgiveness and she hints at Mosi’s attack. Later on Mosi attempts to kill Jacobo but Kilian arrives in the middle of the attack, giving Jacobo time to shoot Mosi dead. Kilian sends Jacobo back to Spain. Bisila tells Kilian that she must leave and mourn Mosi's death for a year, after which she will be free to be with him. Kilian tells Bisila that he will wait for her.

In 1968, a new president is elected for the newly independent Republic of Equatorial Guinea, and the Spanish colonists are being forced to leave. Julia's parents lose their business and begin to make plans to return to Spain. Back at the estate, various overseers such as Gregorio have gone missing. While walking through the cocoa fields Kilian is approached by three angry laborers. They force Killian to go deep into the forest, where he is forced to dig his own grave. A laborerr tells Kilian that he originally wanted to kill Jacobo for killing Mosi, but now Kilian will pay the price. Simón arrives and convinces the laborer not to kill Kilian as long as he leaves and takes Bisila with him at the end of her mourning. As Julia and Manuel are preparing to leave for Spain, Julia begs Kilian to leave with them and suggests he bring Bisila along. Julia brings Bisila to her home, marking the end of Bisila's year-long mourning. Bisila arrives with Iniko and her second son Laha, telling Kilian that he is Laha's father. The next day Julia, Manuel, Kilian, Bisila, and Nelson and his wife attempt to leave Bioko by boarding a ship to Spain, with other Spanish colonists and some locals. Julia and Manuel pass through the gate successfully, but a guard prevents Bisila and her children from passing because everyone considered Guinean is prohibited from leaving. The crowd becomes agitated and pushes the gate down, and the guards begin shooting at the crowd. Julia and Manuel escape on to a motorboat where Julia's parents are waiting, while Nelson is shot dead. Kilian and Bisila return to the estate, marry in front of a rock the call the Keeper of the isle, and attempt to live together as a family but Kilian is eventually forced to leave alone.

In present-day 2003 Clarence returns to Pasolobino, where she visits the elderly Kilian. Clarence gives Kilian the hat he gave to Bisila. Upon seeing the hat Kilian remembers Bisila. Clarence begins to sing a song that Kilian heard Bisila sing when they first met. Back in Bioko, the elderly Bisila receives a letter from Spain informing of Kilian’s death. Bisila travels to the beach where she walks into the ocean tide. Iniko and Laha arrive in Pasolobino to visit Clarence, who introduces them to Daniela.

Birthright (comic book)

Days before his surprise birthday party, young Mikey Rhodes goes missing. No one is sure what happened — his father is accused of murder, his mother breaks down at the realization of her deepest fears, and his older brother watches as his family falls to pieces. All seems to be lost for the Rhodes until Mikey's miraculous return one year later.

But something is different; Mikey is back, but he's not the same boy they once knew. He's returned as an adult, having ventured into another world called Terrenos and being raised as a warrior, a savior. Filled with an extraordinary purpose, Mikey is now on a path to fulfilling a destiny larger, darker, and more dangerous than his family can imagine. Can Mikey be fully trusted? What happened in Terrenos, and what horrors have followed him back?

Přístav volá

Jirka Dražan, the main protagonist, is searching for adventure and for somebody to experience the adventure with. All boys in the neighbourhood are too lazy. The only willing boy would be Tonda Pazdera, but Jirka does not like him. One day, Jirka ventures into Harbour District and joins a gang. He experiences many adventures. Eventually he is approached to participate in a burglary and he leaves the gang with distaste. He turns to Láďa Vilemín who has been harassed by the gang. Láďa explains his "Blue Life, a guide for the modern gentleman" to Jirka. Jirka likes the idea and takes it for his own. Some time later, Laďa's family moves to Denmark and he has to say Jirka goodbye. The farewell is painful, but Jirka cherishes his memory and his "Blue Life". He then forms a friendship with Tonda Pazdera.

Category:1934 novels Category:Czech novels Category:Young adult novels Category:1934 debut novels

Toute une nuit

During a hot summer night in Brussels, Belgium several people are unable to fall asleep. They go out in the streets and/or visit a bar or a dance club to have some chance encounters that may or not lead to erotic contacts...

The Absent One (2014 film)

The story centers around the murder of twins in 1994, one of whom was also raped. At first unwilling to get involved in the case, Mørck changes his mind after their father commits suicide after approaching him one night and leaving behind a box of material on the case he has been collecting for years. Dept Q's investigation leads away from the young man originally convicted, towards a group of students from a nearby boarding school who became pillars of the Danish establishment.


The series tells of a man named Nat (Gavin Stenhouse) who invents an amazing display, the Iconi-Screen, that allows him to communicate with animated animals in various settings, such as a farm, the sea, a jungle, and a forest. The animals are called "Iconicles". In every episode Nat has a problem and is helped to solve it by an Iconicle, who jumps out of the Iconi-Screen to enter the real world and interact with Nat. At some point in every episode, there is a game with questions and answers based on what happened with some of the Iconicles.

Burning Blue

Best friends Lieutenants Daniel Lynch and Will Stephensen are U.S. Navy fighter pilots flying the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, hoping to become the youngest pilots to be accepted into the space program. After two accidents, one of which is due to Will’s failing eyesight, their unit is subject to an NCIS investigation led by John Cokely.

At the same time, a third pilot, Matt Blackwood, arrives on the carrier and quickly develops a close friendship with Dan, driving a wedge between Dan and Will. Cokely’s investigation leads to him uncovering rumours about Dan and Matt’s relationship just as they both begin to fall in love. When Matt decides to leave his wife and move in with Dan, there is a third accident and Cokely’s investigation ramps up the pressure on Dan.

Trigger Tricks

A cattleman (Gibson) works as a gunman for a group of cattlemen while he tries to find out who killed his brother. Along the way, he falls in love with the owner (Eilers) of a sheep ranch and learns the killer's identity.

All Eyez on Me (film)

At the Clinton Correctional Facility in 1995, a documentary filmmaker arrives to interview Tupac Shakur. In a flashback to 1971, Tupac's mother, Afeni Shakur and other Black Panther Party members are released from prison following acquittal. From an early age, Tupac, instilled with black pride, witnesses multiple injustices in his neighborhood. His stepfather, Mutulu, a revolutionary, is caught by the FBI for an armored-truck robbery and murder. As Tupac gets older, he distances himself from his mother's revolutionary ideals. He attends the Baltimore School for the Arts, where he becomes friends with Jada Pinkett.

Tupac's music career begins when he joins Digital Underground for their hit "Same Song". Under manager Atron Gregory, he begins to have hip-hop albums produced. Although his music becomes popular, some songs' controversial lyrics cause tensions between him and his record producers. Tupac begins acting in movies such as ''Juice'', as well as collaborating with performers including Biggie Smalls. He generates both praise and controversy.

Tupac finds himself beaten by police officers over jaywalking. Another time, after he and E.D.I. Mean, a member of 2Pac's group called, "Outlawz" intervene when two white male off-duty police officers assault a black man, Tupac is arrested for shooting at the cops. Tupac develops a contentious relationship with a Brooklyn Haitian drug lord and aspiring music executive named Nigel.

In 1993, Tupac goes on trial for rape and harassment charges. On November 30, 1994, he is attacked and robbed by three men from Brooklyn, NY in the lobby of Quad Recording Studios, is shot five times before the men flee, and is hospitalized. The following day, Tupac is found not guilty of rape, but found guilty of illegal touching, and sentenced to eighteen months in prison.

While in prison, Tupac hears Biggie's song "Who Shot Ya?", and interprets it as a diss track bragging about Biggie's alleged involvement in his shooting. Tupac, who is assaulted by two guards while in prison, eventually is released and signs to Death Row Records under Suge Knight. Tupac and label-mate Dr. Dre work on the hit song "California Love". He releases the track "Hit Em Up" as a response to "Who Shot Ya?" in which Tupac brags about supposedly having an affair with Biggie's wife Faith Evans. Tupac parts ways with Death Row to launch his own company. Later, Suge offers Tupac a chance to become partners, and Tupac agrees to head Death Row's East Coast operations.

On September 7, 1996, Tupac, Suge, and other members of the Mob Pirus are leaving the Mike Tyson vs. Bruce Seldon boxing match at the MGM Grand Las Vegas. They confront a Southside Compton Crips gang member named Orlando Anderson who had jumped a friend, and Tupac knocks him to the ground, leading to a brawl. Tupac stops by his hotel to change clothes, and tells Kidada he will return in an hour from performing at Club 662. With Suge, Tupac is at the intersection of Flamingo Road and Koval Lane when a Cadillac pulls alongside Suge's BMW and from the backseat an arm with a leather glove on & a glock 17 shoots Tupac multiple times before fleeing the scene. Onscreen text states that Tupac was pronounced dead six days later at age 25. Tupac had released 9 platinum albums, 7 posthumous albums, 75 million albums sold, 713 songs, and 7 movies, all by the age of 25. It has been two decades since his death and his murder remains unsolved.

Cherry Tomato (film)

Park Gu and his granddaughter, Da-seong, live a life of poverty. He encounters more problems when his son (Da-seong's father) returns home from prison and steals his money, and his bicycle-drawn cart, which he uses for making a living, is destroyed by construction workers. He decides to confront the construction company's president and visits his house but ends up stealing meat for his hungry granddaughter. Unknown to him, the meat has been poisoned.

Song of the Caballero

Maynard appears in the role of a drifter who comes home to revenge harm done to his mother. In the process he encounters 10 villains with swords. Maynard also sings in this film.

What Men Want (1930 film)

Lee Joyce tells her lover, Howard LeMoyne, that she is actually in love with another man, Kendall James. As soon as her breakup happens, Lee's younger sister Betty turns up and Kendall becomes infatuated with her instead. In anger, Lee shatters her sister's romance by revealing her previous affair with Kendall, after which Lee tries to return to Howard.

A House Built on Water

At the beginning of the film, the main character injures a young angel with his car in an accident on a road. The viewers understand from the start that the film deals with surrealism and mystic work. However, there is not much of this; more than 90% of the film reflects only touchable realities. The protagonist, Dr. Sepid-bakht (literary: blank-future, good-fortune, or good-end), a middle-aged gynaecologist, has good, no-good and bad attributes – as do most humans. Sepid-bakht, having made many mistakes in the past and being lonely now, accidentally becomes acquainted with an eight-year-old boy who knows the entire text of the Quran by heart and suddenly goes in coma. This is perhaps why the first name of the film was ''Coma'' and why Farman-Ara described the future film as "the history of society in collective '''coma'''" in an interview.

The doctor, who now experiences "free fall in the life", for instance, caused infertility to his secretary-love in the past, who no way pardons him because of what he did to her when she was even younger. Among the social problems the film exhibits are narcotism of youngsters, prostitution and AIDS. Somewhere in the film, the doctor responds to someone who just called him his last hope with "(So) We are in a shit world, when I am someone's last hope." Western film critics already compared some socio-satirical attributes of the films of Farman-Ara with those of Woody Allen.

The doctor still sympathizes with his ex-beloved, who now is a head-nurse and must undergo chemotherapy because of a severe disease; with a young girl, who recently understood that she suffers from AIDS; and with his son, who suffers from addiction to narcotic drugs.

This film of Farman-Ara was well received by the judges of the International Fajr Film-Festival of Tehran (2002) and won many prizes, i.e. as the best Iranian film and because of the best actor (Reza Kianian).

Death Trip (1967 film)

New York Police Department Captain Rowland travels to Istanbul to bring a shipment of LSD to be used by the American armed forces stationed in Turkey for undisclosed purposes. When the shipment is stolen by a local and ancient criminal organisation known as "the Green Hounds", Rowland teams up with private eye Joe Walker to recover the shipment.

The Stone Merchant

Ludovico Vicedomini is a charming and charismatic dealer who sells precious stones in Europe and the Middle East. But behind his pleasant appearance, he hides a big secret. Along with his business partner Shahid, he plans a terrorist attack on a large scale.

With the conspiracy almost ready, Ludovico meets Alceo and beautiful Leda, a married couple who enjoy holidays in Turkey. They do not suspect they are participating in a mysterious and deadly game with Ludovico and his partner.

However, fate takes hold of Ludovico, who becomes infatuated with Leda. She, receiving a precious ring from the merchant, must now choose between her husband and the mysterious man who fell in love with her.

Quest of Dungeons

The game doesn't take itself very seriously and makes fun of the traditional plots. In this case, an Evil Dark Lord steals all the light in the world and traps it inside a magical lantern. The four heroes decide that it would be a good idea if one of them enters alone. This is a nod to B movie plots where sometimes characters make the most illogical decision.

Tempo de Amar

The story begins in Morros Verdes, fictional city of Portugal, and tells the story of Maria Vitória and Inácio. Maria Vitória became partially orphaned when her mother died at an early age and was raised by her father, José Augusto. During a religious procession, he meets Inácio, a simple young man, who lives in the neighbouring village, and lives on temporary jobs. They start dating, but the couple split up after Inácio gets a job in Rio de Janeiro. He leaves without knowing that Maria Vitória is pregnant.

The Little Accident

On the day before his second wedding, a man finds out that his bride-to-be has had a baby.

Italian Graffiti

Assunta Morano is the daughter of Bug Morano, a Sicilian boss transplanted in Chicago in 1929 where there is prohibition on alcohol sales.

The father took part in the fighting between criminal gangs for control of the alcohol market and casinos, but his men are little capable, starting from his brother Wolf Morano. The goal of Morano is to eliminate the rival gang of so-called "Irish", led by "Reverend". Daughter Santuzza instead of peaceful soul, though passionate, and does not participate of family plans.

Forward to Marano bosses are awaiting the arrival from a "mammasantissima" Sicily with the task of strengthening the team of killers against "Irish". These arrives, but is neither fierce nor ruthless; is called Salvatore Mandolea and is a handsome and polite, has a lot of irony and skill with machine gun and shotgun, but it is a good, and especially womanizer. Struck by the beauty of Santuzza, falls in love.

The personal mission of the young man becomes secretly conquer Santuzza; he succeeds and escapes with the intention to get her pregnant; she also loves him then perform a classic fuitina and marry. Back between the two bands will lead a battle to pacify and unite the feuding families, giving birth to a single large band of Sicilian mobsters, mafia less and less incapable, having now heads the mammasantissima Santuzza.

Sons of the Saddle

Maynard portrays a ranch foreman who fights a gang of outlaws. He also sings several songs, including "Down the Home Trail with You", which "became a minor hit" as a recording.

American Kickboxer 2

Lillian and Howard are a couple who have an eight-year-old daughter, Susie. When a group of terrorists led by Xavier kidnap Susie for a ransom courtesy of Lillian's rich uncle, she is warned not to call the local authorities. Shocked and undeterred at the same time, Lillian decides to call her ex-husband, detective Mike Clark. When Mike is still miffed at the fact that Lillian and he had split up due to an affair she had with David Bauer, a local karate instructor, Lillian yells at Mike that he should be man enough to take care of his own daughter. However, in an even more shocking turn of events, Lillian isn't sure who is really Susie's father, Mike or David.

Lillian gives David a call to help with the kidnapping. When Mike finds David at the parking lot of a local restaurant, Mike blows a gasket and starts to fight David in the middle of the lot. Mike accidentally kicks a bystander sitting in his car when he misses David. It is clear that both Mike and David have agreed to help Lillian and pose as gardeners in Lillian's home. However, when it looks like David may be working his charm on Lillian, but it is nothing more than plain talk, Mike's jealousy gets to him again and Lillian even threatens that if they can't work together, they can't help rescue Susie.

Mike and David search throughout Los Angeles to look for Susie. Along the way, they run into goons like "Hammer", who is working for Xavier's regime. As they begin their relentless search for Susie, they slowly begin to bond but not without getting into fights themselves. In one such case, after being forced to fight each other to the delight of a crowd, they escape and then they argue and fight each other before they are ambushed by Hammer and his goons and have to settle their differences later.

Meanwhile, Susie is returned to Lillian but with a bomb strapped to her, which to her complete shock, has been set up by her husband Howard. Howard, who reveals to have married Lillian only to get his hands on the family's fortune, and Xavier have been in cahoots to split the ransom. When Howard refuses to help Xavier anymore than he felt necessary, the two go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Mike and David come to the rescue and narrowly escape after replacing water jugs for Susie's body and are shot at by Howard and his goons. Mike, Lillian, and Susie are confronted by Howard (now in a helicopter) and some men, who are shooting at them while David finds himself using his martial arts skills against more goons, including the monster Aguilar, on the beach. Mike shoots Howard down from the helicopter and Lillian escapes with Susie, only to be confronted by Xavier, who plots to take Susie for another ransom. Lillian and Xavier, brandishing a gun, struggle until it is revealed that Lillian has shot and killed Xavier, sending him to the water. At the end, Lillian, David, Mike, and Susie are happily enjoying their new lives as friends and family.

Spurs (film)

Looking for the killer of Buddy Hazlet's father, Bob Merrill and his friend secretly invade the hideout of the Pecos gang. After learning the true identity of the murderer and that the gang captured his friends Buddy and Shorty, Bob decides to wait for the gang to return to the hideout and fires on them with their own machine guns. The gang is captured and the murderer confesses his crimes.

Bad Little Kid

Attorney Leonard Bradley visits his client, George Hallas, in prison. Hallas has been sentenced to death by lethal injection for the murder of a young boy. He will be executed in less than a week, despite Bradley's attempts to prevent it. Hallas has never explained why he committed this brutal act.

Now he feels like talking about what he calls "the bad little kid": a six- or seven-year-old boy with orange hair, green eyes, and a beanie, who made Hallas's life a living hell for years.

Hallas's mother died during childbirth, so he was raised by his father and the housekeeper, Mama Nonie. His first encounter with the "Bad Little Kid" was in 1977. Hallas was good friends with a slightly older and mentally challenged girl named Marlee. One day, the orange-haired boy appeared and terrorized Marlee, causing her to be struck by a motor vehicle.

Years later, when Hallas was having a relationship with a woman named Vicky, the kid appeared again, still the same age as he was back in 1977. His bullying drove Vicky to suicide.

Three years after Hallas married Carla Winston, the kid caused a gas explosion in a mine that killed Hallas's father. He made a series of harassing phone calls to Mama Nonie, who cancelled phone service; she was unable to call for help when she suffered a heart attack. After many attempts to get pregnant, Carla and Hallas were expecting their first child; the Bad Little Kid caused an accident and Carla miscarried.

Hallas decided to set a trap for the boy. He became an active volunteer for the local church helping troubled boys. The kid showed up again after Hallas successfully helped one boy get desperately needed eye surgery. Hallas was prepared for him and killed the kid in front of dozens of witnesses. Hallas finishes his story with a warning to Bradley that the monstrous kid might come back.

After Hallas' execution, Bradley finds a beanie in his car with two notes attached: one says "See you soon".

After the Storm (2016 film)

Dwelling on his past glory as a prize-winning author from a single novel, Ryota (Hiroshi Abe) wastes any money he makes as a private detective on gambling and can barely make ends meet or pay child support for his son. He makes extra money by offering his own services to the detective agency's clients or blackmailing them. Though he is offered a contract to write for a manga series with an upcoming artist, his personal pride gets in the way.

After the death of his father, his aging mother Yoshiko (Kirin Kiki) seems to be moving on with her life with hobbies with the local elderly ladies. Ryota finds his sister Chinatsu is visiting their mother frequently and suspects she is trying to sponge off her; he later learns their mother is to fund his sister's daughter's new figure skating lessons from her social pension. His sister in her turn suspects Ryota's visits are for getting money from their mother and recounts an old hiding place where their mother successfully hid money from their gambler father. When Ryota checks it later he is pleased to find what he thinks is cash only to unwrap cardboard and a note to him from his sister.

Ryota is trying to get back with his ex-wife Kyoko (Yoko Maki), who has grown tired of Ryota's excuses for his continual failure to pay child support and threatens to stop letting him spend time with their young son, Shingo (Taiyo Yoshizawa). Ryota is aware that Kyoko has a new boyfriend and fears her remarriage will end his relationship with Shingo. In a stormy summer night, sheltered at his mother's home with his family from the typhoon, Ryota attempts to take back control of his existence and to find a lasting place in Shingo's life. His ex-wife says it is truly over with them and grown-ups cannot live only with love, planning is required as well and Ryota isn't cut out to be a family man. If he were, he would have done so earlier. Ryota understands and uses the storm as a chance to bond with his son by repeating a memorable experience he once had with his father sheltering in a local playground as the storm rages.

The next morning, they resume their lives.

Lulu (1917 film)

The circus dancer Lulu is a thoroughly liberal being. Although she loves her former savior, the clown Alfredo, she begins a relationship with the noble Henri von Reithofen. Henri kills himself, ruined by the horrendous expenses for Lulu.

Kona (TV series)

The story follows the not-so-perfect lives of the Oyange family and their struggles deepened by love and hate. When business tycoon Richard Oyage dies in a grisly car accident, he leaves behind a wife, Ayira (Muthoni Gathecha), his first daughter, Julia (Nini Wacera), the second one, Pamela (Brenda Wairimu) and a son, Wanjala (Lwanda Jawar). Julia later inherits her father's project, a boxing gym, where she has to step into a man's shoes in an evidently chauvinistic society, where men set the rules.

Up for Murder

Bob Marshall gets a promotion at a newspaper thanks to his reporter pal Collins, who owed him a favor. Marshall is assigned to be society columnist Myra Deane's escort to a ball. He falls for Myra and buys her a bracelet from his meager savings.

Arriving uninvited at her luxurious apartment, Bob is shocked to discover Myra is romantically involved with William Winter, a married man who is also their boss. Bob slugs him during a quarrel. Winter's skull hits a table and he dies, but Myra lies, insisting Winter is merely unconscious, hoping to avoid a scandal. She moves the body once Bob leaves.

Bob reads about Winter's death in the paper and turns himself in to the law as the culprit. He is convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed before Myra comes forward with the truth. Bob later receives a package with the bracelet inside, along with Myra's invitation to return it to her in person.

Nairobi Diaries

The show follows the life of Kenyan socialites that live lavish lifestyles, an extraordinary life. It goes into their private lives, focusing on their struggles and side hustles to maintain such expensive lifestyles.

The Hard Problem

Hilary, a college student, and Spike, her TA, argue over the paradoxes encountered when trying to explain human consciousness, moral sense, altruism, and parental sacrifice. Do humans act predictably, like computers, calculating risks and benefits, or do they act unpredictably, according to each person's innate sense of what is "good"? In either case, is their behavior a product of Darwinian struggle, sometimes disguised as compassion or altruism, or can it spring from the soul in a relation with God? Hilary is somewhat defiantly in the latter camp — Spike is astonished to learn that she prays each night before going to sleep.

Hilary's faith in God and her obsession with "goodness" stem from the fact that she got pregnant as a teenager and gave the baby (a girl whom she named Catherine) up for adoption. Her prayers always have to do with ensuring that her daughter is safe and happy. Hilary feels that if she leads a morally correct life, she can make up for her previous mistakes and ensure her daughter's happiness.

Hilary applies for a job at the Krohl Institute for Brain Science. At the interview, she meets another job candidate, Amal, who seems to share Spike's view of human beings as innately self-interested. Both Hilary and Amal get hired to work at Krohl. Five years later, Amal uses a statistical model of market fluctuations to correctly predict the stock market crash of 2009. But his timing is off, which causes the Krohl companies significant losses, which, in turn, earns Amal a firestorm of invective and a major demotion from analyst to computer drudge.

Jerry Krohl, the founder of the company, has an adopted daughter named Cathy, who is about the same age that Hilary's daughter Catherine would be. This brings the "hard problem" into focus: are Catherine and Cathy the same girl, and if so, what can explain this statistically improbably coincidence? Is it purely luck, or a miracle brought about by supernatural aid (e.g. Hilary's prayers)?

Whether compassion is disguised self-interest deployed instinctively as an evolutionary strategy, or whether it can exist as unalloyed self-sacrifice, becomes a major part of the "hard problem". Hilary and her assistant Bo, a math genius, design an experiment to test this. Cathy and 95 other children at her school are tested for how much compassion each child displays toward a woman they witness supposedly being subjected to electric shocks. Bo analyzes the data and concludes that younger children show more native compassion than older children, who presumably have been taught to be comfortable with cruelty. Bo's hard work seems to show an unselfish desire to please Hilary — or is Hilary right in suspecting that Bo is sexually attracted to her, and therefore has a more selfish motive for working so hard?

Hilary goes on a business trip to Venice and is randomly assigned to room at the hotel with Spike, whom she has not seen for eight years. Again, this raises the question of whether their lives are being guided by pure chance, or some kind of providence. Spike and Hilary argue again, this time over whether inert matter can create consciousness. In bed, Hilary asks Spike to join her in praying for her daughter. But in spite of the temptation to please her, Spike remains true to his principles and refuses. He hears Hilary crying in the shower.

After returning from Venice, Hilary hosts a party to celebrate the printing of the paper she and Bo co-wrote. It's a disastrous party. Spike behaves rudely, Hilary burns the food, and Amal, now Bo's boyfriend, belittles the paper. Worse, Bo reveals to Hilary that she fudged the data to make it come out the way she knew Hilary wanted — because she (Bo) is in love with Hilary. Hilary's joy at having science "prove" that humans are natively nice is shattered. The problem of whether "goodness" is what it seems, or whether it can always be analyzed as a self-enhancing tactic, remains "hard".

Because Krohl's daughter Cathy was one of the subjects in the experiment, Hilary is able to verify that Cathy was adopted and that her birthdate as well as her name correspond to those of her daughter. Jerry has known this for some time, and in the last scene he displays his personal compassion by inviting Hilary to visit them at any time to see her daughter. Hilary is grateful but thinks such visits should be deferred until Cathy/Catherine is older. The play ends with Jerry and Cathy leaving Hilary's apartment. Hilary looks happy, and Jerry comes back to give Hilary Cathy's ID pass with her picture on it. She looks at it for a moment, then quickly stuffs her few belongings into a bag and exits.

H. (2014 film)

Two women in Troy, New York deal with the aftermath of an apparent meteor strike.

Dunkirk (2017 film)

In 1940, during the Battle of France, Allied soldiers have retreated to Dunkirk. Tommy Jensen, a young British private, is the sole survivor of a German ambush. At the beach, he finds thousands of troops awaiting evacuation and meets Gibson, an aloof soldier who is burying a body. After a Luftwaffe dive bomber attack, they attempt to get aboard a hospital ship but are ordered off. The ship is sunk by dive bombers; Tommy saves Alex, another soldier.

With a single, vulnerable mole available for embarking on deep-draft ships, the Royal Navy requisitions civilian vessels in Great Britain that can get to the beach. In Weymouth, a civilian sailor Dawson, with his son Peter, sets out on his boat ''Moonstone'', rather than let the Navy commandeer her. Their teenage hand George impulsively joins them. At sea, they rescue a shivering shell-shocked soldier from a wrecked ship. When he realises that Dawson is sailing for Dunkirk, the soldier demands that they turn back and tries to wrest control of the boat; in the scuffle, George suffers a head injury that renders him blind. Elsewhere, three Spitfires, tasked with defending the evacuation, cross the English Channel. After their leader is shot down in a dogfight, one of the pilots, Farrier, assumes command, but the other Spitfire is hit and ditches. Its pilot, Collins, is rescued by ''Moonstone''.

Tommy, Alex and Gibson are picked up by a British destroyer, but it is sunk by a torpedo en route to Britain; Gibson narrowly saves Tommy and Alex from drowning, and the three are forced to return to Dunkirk. Later, the three join some soldiers of a Highlanders regiment and hide inside a beached trawler in the intertidal zone outside the Allied perimeter, waiting for the rising tide to refloat it. During the wait, German troops start shooting at the boat for target practice, and water enters through the bullet holes. Alex, hoping to lighten the boat, accuses Gibson, who has stayed silent, of being a German spy. Gibson reveals he is French; he stole the identity of the dead British soldier he buried, hoping to be evacuated with the British. The group abandons the boat when it begins to sink, but Gibson is entangled in a chain and drowns. When a nearby minesweeper is sunk by a bomber, ''Moonstone'' manoeuvres to take on those in the water, including Tommy and Alex. Peter discovers that George is dead. Asked by the shell-shocked soldier, he lies and says that George will be fine.

Farrier reaches Dunkirk just as his fuel runs out. Gliding over the beach, he shoots down a dive-bomber, saving ships and troops, and lands beyond the perimeter. He sets fire to his plane before being taken prisoner by the Germans. In all, over 300,000 men are evacuated. Royal Navy Commander Bolton stays to oversee the evacuation of the French. Arriving back in Weymouth, the shell-shocked soldier sees George's body being carried away. Peter arranges for a local reporter to publish a story about George's role in the evacuation, calling George a hero, which he shows to his father the next day. Tommy and Alex board a train and receive a hero's welcome when the train arrives in Woking. Tommy reads Churchill's address to the House of Commons citing the "miracle of deliverance" in Dunkirk.

The Flight of Socrates

Ajax accidentily startles Socrates, the pet parrot of his fiancé Annita, causing him to fly away through an open window. Annita says she will not marry Ajax until he returns Socrates to her. In his international search for the parrot, Ajax accidentally becomes a wanted man everywhere he goes. Socrates eventually is released to return home by his new owners, Liliana and her father, much to Annita's delight. While Socrates returns home, Ajax does not, because he finds the love of his life, Liliana, while searching for Socrates. The film ends with Annita’s parents scolding her for abusing Ajax’s love.

Marshall (film)

In April 1941, Thurgood Marshall is an NAACP lawyer traveling the country defending people of color who are wrongly accused of crimes because of racial prejudice. Upon his return to his New York City office, he is sent to Bridgeport, Connecticut, to defend Joseph Spell, a chauffeur accused of rape by his white employer, Eleanor Strubing, in a case that has gripped the newspapers. In Bridgeport, insurance lawyer Sam Friedman is assigned by his brother to get Marshall admitted to the local bar, against his will. At the hearing, Judge Foster, a friend of the father of prosecutor Lorin Willis, agrees to admit Marshall, but forbids Marshall from speaking during the trial, forcing Friedman to be Spell's lead counsel. Marshall must guide Friedman through notes, such as when he advises Friedman to allow a woman of Southern white descent into the jury because of her assertive and questioning personality.

Spell swears to Marshall that he never had any sexual contact with Strubing and leads the lawyers to a patrolman who stopped Spell that night while he was driving Strubing's car. Marshall and Friedman investigate Strubing's story that Spell tied her up in the back seat of her car after raping her and drove to a bridge to throw her over. They wonder why Spell appeared to throw her over the calm side instead of the side with rapids. Spell is initially interested in a plea bargain offered by Willis, but Marshall talks him out of it. Later on at trial, though, a doctor testifies to finding pieces of skin underneath Strubing's fingernails, as well as bruises. Strubing herself testifies that she was tied in the back seat when the patrolman pulled Spell over. With this information, Marshall and Friedman confront Spell, who admits that he was lying about not having had sexual contact with Strubing.

At trial, Spell testifies that Strubing's husband inflicted the bruises through repeated acts of spousal abuse. That night, he went to ask Strubing for money to pay off a debt, finding a distraught Strubing wanting to have sex with him. Spell consented, and the two had several sexual encounters that night. Strubing then panicked about being found out and being pregnant. Spell tried to drive her to a doctor, but Strubing had to hide in the back seat when the patrolman questioned him. A hysterical Strubing forced Spell to stop by a bridge where she ran out and tried to kill herself. When Spell tried to stop her, she scratched him and jumped off the bridge. But she survived and flagged down a motorist making up a desperate story about rape. When Willis asks why Spell didn't tell the truth to begin with, Spell talks about how black men get tortured and lynched in his native Louisiana for having sex with white women. Over Willis's objections, Judge Foster, who is shown to be horrified by Spell's revelation as are the members of the jury, allows Spell's statement to stand.

Before the verdict, Marshall has to leave for a case in Mississippi. A desperate Willis offers Spell a much lighter plea bargain, but Spell feels emboldened enough to turn it down. The night before Marshall leaves, he and Friedman prepare the closing statement that Friedman then delivers on his own. The Southern white woman has now become the jury forewoman, and she ultimately delivers a "not guilty" verdict. Friedman happily breaks the news over the phone to Marshall, who moves on to his next case. Closing credits note that Friedman went on to work in many civil rights cases, while Marshall himself has an illustrious career as the American Civil Rights Movement's principal legal strategist and the first African American Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Boricua's Bond

Allen, a white kid, moves into a South Bronx neighborhood with his single mom, and is a victim of constant harassment until Tommy, a local kid, offers friendship. A corrupt cop hits on Allen's mother and, when she rebuffs him, he seeks revenge. Forces beyond Allen and Tommy's control put them in the hands of the criminal justice system and make things even more difficult for the dreams of the young men.

Jungle Shuffle

The film is the story of a group of coatis living in the Mexican rainforest. A young coati named Manu (Brianne Brozey) is the best friend of Sacha (Jessica DiCicco) where they are deeply in love with her. However, Manu has a reputation of being a troublemaker and Sacha is the daughter of the Coati Tribe's King (Tom Arnold) who dislikes Manu. Following an incident where a statue being made for the Coati King ends up accidentally destroyed, the Coati King exiles Manu from his kingdom never to return much to the objection of Sacha. One year later, Manu (Drake Bell) has changed his ways and is still in love with Sacha (Alicia Silverstone). One day, Sacha is abducted by a group of poachers working for the mysterious Dr. Loco (Rob Schneider). Sacha's abduction causes Manu to team up with a spider monkey named Chuy (also Rob Schneider) to rescue her so that he can redeem himself to the Coati King.

Bright Star (musical)

Act I

In 1946, editor Alice Murphy greets the audience and tells them that, instead of overseeing other people's stories, she is going to tell her own ("If You Knew My Story"). One year earlier, in the town of Hayes Creek, serviceman and aspiring writer Billy Cane returns home after serving in World War II. He reunites with his father and his childhood friend Margo before learning that his mother has died ("She's Gone"). Several weeks later, Billy visits Margo and tells her he is going to submit his stories to ''The Asheville Southern Journal'' ("Bright Star").

Upon arriving at the offices of the ''Journal'', he finds himself rebuffed by employees Daryl and Lucy. However, Alice finds herself charmed by a brazen lie that Billy tells and considers accepting his stories. She later declines Lucy's invitation to a dance, but privately reflects on a time when she would have gone to a dance ("Way Back in the Day").

Flashing back to 1923, a sixteen-year-old Alice flirts with Jimmy Ray Dobbs in her hometown of Zebulon, North Carolina ("Whoa, Mama"). When Alice returns home later that night, her parents reprimand her while pondering her unfortunate future. ("Firmer Hand/Do Right") Meanwhile, Jimmy Ray returns home only to be lectured by his father, Mayor Josiah Dobbs, on what the future holds for him ("A Man's Gotta Do").

In 1945, upon receiving encouragement from Alice in the form of a ten dollar check, Billy decides to settle down in Asheville and dedicate his time to writing. Margo reflects that she had other hopes for her future with Billy, but she decides to put her hopes aside and be supportive of his dreams ("Asheville").

In 1923, Alice and Jimmy Ray make their way to the riverbank and make love ("What Could Be Better"). Sometime later, Alice goes to see the town physician, Doctor Norquist after feeling ill only to learn she is pregnant. Doctor Norquist and Mayor Dobbs arrange for Alice to stay in a remote cabin for the duration of her pregnancy. She divides her time in isolation by knitting a sweater for the baby and talking about their child with Jimmy Ray when he visits ("I Can't Wait").

Shortly after giving birth to a baby son, Alice and her mother learn that Mayor Dobbs and Alice's father have secretly put the child up for adoption. Alice tries to make her father change his mind but loses the argument ("Please, Don't Take Him"). Mayor Dobbs departs with the baby in a valise and boards the train to Hayes Creek before throwing the valise into the river when no one is looking ("A Man's Gotta Do [Reprise]").

Act II

In 1924, Alice prepares to attend college in Chapel Hill and privately yearns to find her son. Meanwhile, in 1945, Margo talks with her friends about how she misses Billy ("Sun Is Gonna Shine"). Back in 1924, Jimmy Ray tells his now ailing father that he is going to meet Alice in Chapel Hill. When Mayor Dobbs confesses what happened to the baby, Jimmy Ray decides to stay with his father after realizing he can't possibly tell Alice the truth ("Heartbreaker").

In 1946, Daryl and Lucy encounter a creatively frustrated Billy while sharing an after-work drink and try to cheer him up, culminating in Lucy and Billy sharing a drunken kiss ("Another Round"). The next day, Alice tells Billy that one of his stories is set to be published in the ''Journal''. He confesses that he has been writing about Hayes Creek before inviting her to see where his stories take place. She agrees to do so after a planned visit to Raleigh to complete some unfinished business.

In Raleigh, Alice requests permission to look through adoption papers drafted during the period when her son would have been registered. After failing to find what she is looking for, Alice encounters Jimmy Ray and learns about Josiah's actions. Believing their son to be dead, the two reaffirm their love for each other ("I Had a Vision"). Back in Hayes Creek, Billy tells Margo that he's moving back home before realizing that she's the girl for him ("Always Will").

In Zebulon, Alice reconciles with her father after he apologizes for allowing Josiah to take the baby away from her. Not wanting to continue his distress any longer, she tells him the child was adopted by a good family and is living a successful life. She makes her way to Hayes Creek and sees Billy's childhood home where she discovers the baby sweater she sent with her son, discovering that she is Billy's birth mother as his father explains how he found Billy as a baby in the river, but Billy is too shocked to process it and runs off ("So Familiar/At Long Last"). A few weeks later, after Alice has told Jimmy Ray that their child is still alive, Billy and Margo approach them in Asheville and Billy apologizes to Alice, accepting her as his mother and meeting Jimmy Ray for the first time. In order to run off a flirtatious Lucy, Margo introduces herself as Billy's fiancée, much to Billy's pleasant shock, followed by Jimmy Ray proposing to Alice ("Finale").

Los dineros del diablo

Manuel (Roberto Cañedo), a worker in a textile factory, meets accidentally Estrella (Amalia Aguilar), a rumba dancer. Manuel suffers for money and Estrella offers her help. After the death of his father and the need for money for his funeral, Manuel seeks Estrella, that puts him in touch with El Gitano (Victor Parra), a gangster who invites Manuel to join his band. With his help, El Gitano steal the factory where Manuel worked. The police stopped the boss of Manuel (father of the girl that he likes), but then they discover that Manuel is guilty. He flees and takes refuge with El Gitano and his band. In a showdown, Manuel tries to kill El Gitano. When the police arrive to arrest Manuel repents and on crutches, he was transferred in train to a prison.

Unhallowed Ground

A group of male boarding school cadets, Aki, Rish and Danny, have been assigned with guarding Dhoultham School on the last day of their term. This initially seems like it'd be a boring, routine assignment that will pay off only with experience, until the cadets find that they'll be joined by some female cadets from another school, Verity, Sophie and Meenah. The teens quickly decide to throw an impromptu party, however their fun is soon spoiled when they realize that Dhoultham has been the site of multiple horrific deaths that date back to the 1600s, when many died from the Black Plague. The group soon finds that the school is very haunted and that the ghosts are out for blood. To make matters worse, they're not the only ones trapped in the school as would-be cat burglars Jazz and Shane have broken into the school with the intent to rob it blind.

Christmas at Cartwright's

Single mother Nicky ends up taking a job as a store Santa at Cartwright's due to the encouragement of Harry, a consultant from corporate headquarters, but must hide that she is a woman. Prior to this she had attempted to gain other seasonal work with the store, only for the store's Senior VP, Fiona to reject her application out of fear that she would jeopardize a potential relationship with Bill, a charming and handsome store manager.

Nicky and Bill form a romantic relationship while she is not in costume, leading to a date that ends early due to her guilt over not being able to confide in him. She also feels guilt that Bill has been seeking advice from "Santa" for their blossoming relationship, unaware that it is her. Nicky is eventually discovered by a coworker while she is changing into her costume and brought to Fiona's office, where she is accused of shoplifting the suit. During this Bill enters the office and learns of Nicky's duplicity, which causes him to end their relationship. Fiona takes this as an opportunity to fire Nicky under the excuse of bad publicity.

That same day the media begins to report on Nicky's firing and that she only took the job to provide for her daughter, prompting customers to line up around the store to support her. Nicky goes to Cartwright's, where she learns that Fiona has been fired due to bad publicity. She also discovers that "Harry" never worked at the store. Her daughter Becky later theorizes that he was an angel sent to help them. Nicky is ultimately given Fiona's job and is able to reconcile with Bill at her home, as he missed her. The film ends with Harry watching Nicky, Becky, and Bill enjoying the Christmas evening together, telling his boss that his work here is done.

The Voice from the Minaret

Lady Adrienne Carlyle (Norma Talmadge) leaves Mumbai, where her tyrannical husband, lord Leslie Carlyle (Edwin Stevens, is the governor, heading off to England. On board, Lady Adrienne meets Andrew Fabian (Eugene O'Brien), who studies theology to be a priest. Andrew persuades Adrienn to join his pilgrimage to the sacred land. Soon they fall in love, but Adrienne has to return to her husbands when she learns about his weakened health. Later on, in England, Adrienne and Leslie meet with Andrew. Suspect Leslie hates Adrienne and Andrew and wants them to confess their love for each other. Shortly thereafter, Lord Carlyle suddenly dies, so Adrienne and Andrew may finally unite.

A Street Cat Named Bob (film)

James Bowen is a homeless man and former heroin addict, living on the streets of London and down to his last bits of change. After a life-threatening drug-related incident, his support worker Val gets him into a council flat and prescribes him methadone in an attempt to get him off the street. On his first night in his flat James discovers a cat rifling through his food. Assuming the cat had escaped from somewhere, James tries to return the cat to his real owners.

After letting him go, that same evening the cat returns to James's flat, this time with a purulent wound on his back leg. Worried, James consults his animal-loving but allergic neighbour, Betty. She informs James of a local charity vet where she volunteers, and names the cat Bob. Waiting on a queue at the vet, James misses a meeting with Val.

After the appointment, James has Bob neutered and sets him free. However, Bob keeps following James into town, eventually drawing more crowds of people, making James more wealthy, and he eventually decides to keep Bob. Bob becomes a tourist hotspot and James and Betty start to become romantically attached.

One night while returning home, James finds his old friend, Baz, unconscious on his flat estate, overdosed on heroin. Baz later dies in hospital, and James finds out that Betty cannot be around drug addicts, as her deceased brother had been one. On New Year's Eve, James makes an impromptu visit to his biological father, Jack, his stepmother, Hilary, and his lost sisters, Pris and Faith. After Bob destroys their living room, Hilary sends James and Bob out.

One day, while busking, James gets into an argument with a thug causing the crowd to get in a brawl with the man and James getting arrested for it. Although found innocent, he is prohibited from busking for six months. At the pharmacy where he is waiting to receive his methadone, Betty notices James; they argue and go their separate ways. Later, James visits the offices of ''The Big Issue'' to make some more money for him and Bob. He regains his popularity with tourists by selling ''The Big Issue''.

After being accused of illegally selling magazines on another vendor's patch, James and Bob are banned for a whole month. After going back in business James gets into an argument with a rude woman trying to buy Bob off him, losing Bob in the scuffle. Bob does not return for a few days, leaving James devastated. After Bob returns, James feels he is ready to come off the methadone.

After a week of gruelling withdrawal symptoms, James awakes clean and healthy. He goes to visit Betty, who is in the middle of moving and living a life meant for her to live. James and Betty end on a good note. A journalist, Mary, requests to write a book about James and Bob after his Internet and media popularity, and James agrees.

James then fixes up his relationship with his father Jack, and his life turns around for the better. Later, at a book signing, James is celebrated by Val, his father, and a visiting Betty. James and Betty remain supportive friends as James and Bob continue on their journey together.

The Adventures of Nellie Bly

It is 1889 and Nellie Bly, a young female journalist, champions causes for the downtrodden. Feisty, she is ahead of her time as an investigative journalist. She is somewhat restless as well and soon decides make a name for herself by traveling around the world inside of 80 days. This in an effort to make real Jules Verne ''Around the World in Eighty Days''. Bly uses every mode of transportation then <1889> available to her.

Empire (graphic novel)

Thousands of years in the future, a powerful device has been hidden in separate pieces. Qrelon, whose planet was destroyed by the empire, leads a small group of rebels that risks everything to collect the pieces of the device that, once complete, will be the weapon powerful enough to destroy the planet-sized computer that runs the empire. Wryn, an archaeology student, is chosen by the empire to assassinate the rebel leader.

Nerves (film)

Germany at the end of the First World War: "The fuel that war and need created in people" is portrayed as a "nervous epidemic", "which has affected people and drives them to all kinds of deeds and guilt".

The fates of various people from different social strata are described: the manufacturer Roloff, who has lost his belief in technological progress, the teacher Johannes, who calls for social reform in popular assemblies, and Marja, who turns into a revolutionary to fight against the armed forces.

“''Young Marja is about to get married to Richard, but has actually loved Johannes since childhood, who has become a kind of mouthpiece for the branded people and demands social reform; when he rejects her love, which he replies but cannot reconcile with his biblical code, she takes revenge by accusing him of rape. Her brother, the factory owner Roloff, who has long since given up his belief in technological progress, swears in court that he has observed the attack: his psyche has long been marked by war and destruction, and soon he will be completely mad. Marja later withdraws the accusation and becomes the leader of a revolutionary group: she wants to build on Johannes' ideology, replaces his pacifist approaches with gun violence. In the end, even Roloff's wife, until then the only person who was perceived to be untouched, goes mad: she sets fire to Johannes' house and kills his blind sister, and then goes to the monastery to do penance.'' ”

The Lost Shadow

A homely but brilliant violinist named Sebaldus (Wegener) makes a bargain with a mysterious stranger (Sturm). He trades his shadow for the love of a young woman whom he is attracted to, and a magic violin. When the woman sees he has no shadow, she becomes terrified and enters a convent. The local townspeople run him out of town, thinking he is possessed. In the end, however, Sebaldus uses the magic violin to play a wonderful melody and the woman he loves returns and falls in love with him.

The Debut of Thomas Cat

The plot involves a kitten encountering a rat for the first time, rather than the mice it is used to.

Hannele's Journey to Heaven

It is set in a small mountain village and tells the story of Hannele, an unhappy girl who is beaten by her stepfather and tries to commit suicide.

The Seven Swabians

Once upon a time there were Seven Swabians who travelled through the world. To be safe from danger they carried one long spear with them. One day in July they walk through a meadow just by nightfall and notice a hornet buzzing by. Unaware what they just heard the men start to panic, thinking it was a war drum. One of them tries to flee, jumps over a fence and then walks right on the teeth of a rake, whereupon the handle hits him in the face. He quickly begs for mercy and tells the invisible attacker that he'll surrender, whereupon his six friends do the same. Later, when they finally understand they were fooled they decide to keep this embarrassing anecdote a secret. To prevent the story from getting out they swear to not say anything about it until one of them should accidentally open his mouth.

Later they encounter a hare sleeping in the sun. They take the animal for a monster and decide to attack it. After bracing themselves with all the courage they can get they strike out and the hare runs away, whereupon they realize they've once again been fooled.

The septet travels onward until they reach the river Moselle. Unaware how to cross it they ask a man on the opposite side of the river for help. Due to the distance and their language the man doesn't understand what they were saying and he asked them in the dialect of Trier: "Wat, Wat?" This causes the men to think that they have to wade (German: wate) through the water. As the first Swabian gets into the river he starts to sink into the mud. His hat is blown away to the opposite shore, next to a frog who croaks noises that sound like "wat, wat, wat". The six surviving Swabians think it's their friend telling them to wade across; they rush in the water and all drown.

Downfall (1923 film)

Kaja Falk is a successful and admired operetta star, who has been through a lot in her life: The man she loves has to pay for a murder Kaja is suspected to have committed. He accepts the punishment and is sent to jail for ten years. Full of gratitude Kaja promises her love to stay faithful and wait for him to return. In the following years, he dreams of her every night. In his dreams she stays the young, admirable woman, for whom he took his prison sentence. In reality the ten years of his absence did not do Kaja well. When he finally returns, Kaja has aged a lot and is ravaged by disease. Out of prison, he waits for Kaja, who obviously did not come looking for him. But Kaja is there - he just did not recognize the old woman, who wanted to welcome her great love. Shocked and struck by grieve, Kaja collapses.

Dolly Gets Ahead

Boyish Dolly Klaren, who makes a living as a hat shop clerk, is an energetic tomboy. She would like to live out her full power as an artist and dreams of an acting career in the theater. She is close friends with the equally talented and unsuccessful musician Fred, who only laughs at Dolly when she tells him about her stage plans. With a trick, she can visit the local theater director Silbermann, who is in dire need: the leading role in a play has to be filled again because the previous star has ignominiously let him down. Silbermann, a compact, always a bit hectic and spirited theater man through and through, knows how PR works. Since he recognizes talent in Dolly, he vigorously beats the publicity drum and praises the completely unknown to the public with great Bohei.

In order to make the delicate girl a little more interesting for the audience, Silbermann also started the rumor that Dolly was the mistress of the noble Duke Eberhard von Schwarzenburg. Of course, he doesn't know anything about his happiness and is now beginning to develop an interest in the young girl. For this reason he attends the first performance of the new revue with Dolly, which turns out to be quite a failure for the debutante. The nobleman takes care of Dolly and tries to comfort her as much as possible. The man "in his prime" quickly falls in love with the girl, but has to rethink his attitude when he overhears a conversation about Dolly's (supposedly platonic) friend Fred. The duke withdraws in his calm, elegant manner. After various misunderstandings, not only do Dolly and Fred come together as a couple, but the lively theater novice also succeeds in turning the unsuccessful clarinettist into a sought-after hit composer who, thanks to Dolly's efforts, is soon able to land his first big hit.

Racing the Rain

Shirtless and barefoot for most of his youth, Quenton Cassidy grew up exploring the natural environment surrounding his neighborhood nestled between the Loxahatchee River and the Atlantic Ocean. Racing the Rain introduces the reader to Quenton in elementary school where he plays games, runs foot races, and feeds his curiosity with his best friends Stiggs and Randleman. Breaks of ice-cold Kool-Aid and frothy A&W root beer divide the hot Florida days. Quenton's small stature, big mouth, and affinity for practical jokes often gets him into trouble with teachers and other students. That is, until he becomes friends with Trapper.

Trapper Nelson is both man and legend. He is the real-life swamp man who “wrestled alligators for fun, [and] laughed at poisonous snakes.” When Trapper becomes friends with Quenton, the two strike a business deal when Trapper recognizes Quenton's extraordinary ability to hold his breath and dive deep into the water. He teaches Quenton about life on the Loxahatchee fishing, trapping, and entertaining influential men with wildlife shows, poker, and beer. Taking Quenton under his wing, Trapper becomes a pivotal influence in Quenton's life. Though Quenton's first love is basketball, Trapper convinces Quneton to try out long distant running on the side. Quenton is a natural runner due to his efficiency in using oxygen. He can't bring himself to give up basketball, but Quenton begins to recognize his own talents.

As Quenton grows older and draws nearer to high school, he begins to play basketball with his friends at the local military base Fort Murphy. Some of the soldiers there humor the youth with pick-up games of basketball, helping Quenton and his friends quickly improve their skills. This was not enough to help Quenton, still short and scrawny, be a starter on the junior high basketball team. Frustrated with himself and his coach, Quenton is motivated to do everything he could to not only make the high school basketball team, but be a key player. His friends at Fort Murphy and Trapper Nelson, who wasn't just a wilderness man but a talented athlete himself, teach Quenton different shooting and dribbling drills. Every afternoon between the two basketball seasons, Quenton goes to the military base to practice on the basketball courts. When he joins the high school basketball team, he starts every game on the JV and leads the squad in points. The next season, Quenton, Stiggs, and Randleman all start on Varsity. They have a winning season and go to the state semi-finals. They looked forward to the next season and the prospects of winning state, but their success would be short lived.

Because of his new found success, Quenton's basketball coach Jim Cinnamon decides to sign a contract with the prestigious Miami Senior High School. Replacing Cinnamon is the track coach Bob Bickerstaff. Inexperienced in coaching basketball and hard headed, Bickerstaff forced the team to play a rigid style of basketball that was highly inefficient and ineffective. After losing several games in a row, Quenton gets frustrated one game and decides to lead the team in rebellion on the court against Coach Bickerstaff's gameplan. Though the team immediately begins to have success with Quenton's leadership, the prideful coach sets Quenton on the bench. His team loses the game, and Bickerstaff cuts Quenton from the team for subordination. Quenton can't believe it, but because of this trial, he invests himself in running and finally realizes where his true strengths are.

Quenton puts all his heart and soul into preparing for the track season if only to spite Coach Bickerstaff. Though he had been successful in cross country in the past, Quenton had never dedicated himself to running like he had basketball. That all changed with his being kicked off the team. He eventually runs fast enough to qualify for the state meet in the mile, but the week before the race, tragedy strikes: Trapper Nelson is arrested for the murder of a moonshiner named Lew Gene Harvey. The preliminary hearing for his case is going to be the day of the State meet. Though Trapper tells him he should run the meet, Quenton finds himself in a personal dilemma because he wants to be there in the courthouse to support his friend and mentor. Trapper doesn't want to Quenton to miss his race and is able to cut a deal with the police to help find the true murderers of the moonshiner. Without the case distracting him, Quenton is able to focus on preparing for the state meet. In the state race, Quenton comes from behind to beat the runner seated favorite to win the race and becomes the state champion in the mile. After the race is over, Quenton is introduced to Ben Cornwall, the head track coach at Southeastern University. Quenton is given a scholarship to Southeastern University, packs his things, and moves into Doobey Hall, where the events of Once a Runner begin.

If I Were Just Anyone

Fernando (Fernando Fernández) and Queta (Meche Barba) manage the prosperous tortería ''Acá las tortas''. The relationship between Fernando and Queta breaks down when he is related with two evil women, owners of a cabaret. Both women were protected by a corrupt cop who wants Queta, and convinces her to dance in the cabaret. When Fernando discovers her, he thinks that she has become into a whore. Fernando finished singing in ordinary cabarets, while Queta looking for a way to convince him of her innocence.

Love Hurts (House)

Harvey Park is at the hospital to figure out why he grinds his teeth. Dr. Gregory House is talking with one of his patients and Dr. James Wilson about agreeing to go on a date with Dr. Allison Cameron. After being aggravated by their responses about what he should do, House chews out Park for spilling urine onto his jacket. When he discovers the liquid was just apple juice, he goes to apologize to Park, only to find him in the middle of a stroke.

When House gets the team together, he states that they need to be clever on this particular case due to the fact that Park has a metal plate in his jaw, giving them the inability to perform an MRI. Dr. Eric Foreman goes into Park's room to discuss his current situation with him, to find him experiencing a little nominal aphasia.

The team discovers Park's friend, Annette Raines, is actually a paid dominatrix. Dr. Lisa Cuddy talks with House about Dr. Cameron, giving him input on what he should wear. Dr. Robert Chase meets with Park, who is distraught about his feelings for Annette and not wanting surgery. Annette returns to the hospital to change Park's mind about the surgery and is almost struck by him after he has another attack.

House gets Park's estranged parents to the hospital only by telling them he is dead, and they eventually give their consent for his surgery. Later that night, House and Dr. Cameron go on their date and House expresses his feelings to her. The next morning, the team discovers that Park has fulminating osteomyelitis, in which the infected tissue of his jaw broke off, blocking blood flow to the brain but it was hidden from the scans by Harvey's metal plate. Later that evening, House goes to talk to both Annette and Park about how they need to stop their activity. Park asks House if his parents came to see him. House leaves the room speechless.

The Show (2017 film)

During the final scene of a live reality TV show in Seattle, "Married to a Millionaire", the jilted bride shoots dead the millionaire who rejected her. She then takes aim at the bride he chose, but the show's host, Adam Rogers (Duhamel), throws himself in front of her, saving her life. Her attempt thwarted, the jilted bride places the gun barrel in her mouth and pulls the trigger. Adam is then hailed as a hero.

On the same station's morning show the following day, Adam, still stunned from the previous day's events, insists he is not a hero, and rants that the horrific outcome is his fault, the fault of the network, and that of all those who indulge in such entertainment. He is summoned to a meeting of the network execs, headed by Ilana Katzenberg (Janssen), President of programming. Believing his outburst has put his job at risk, he is shocked to find that, instead of being fired, he is asked to host a new show, during which contestants will commit suicide in a live broadcast. Adamant against promoting death, he refuses the offer and walks out. The next day, he decides to accept the offer, but only on the condition that this platform is used to encourage viewers to appreciate life, as he feels a higher purpose is involved. His producer, Sylvia Rowland (FitzGerald), doesn't wish to be a part of the show in any form, but is under contract and has no other option.

Mason Washington (Esposito), a janitor working in the studio offices, has a wife, daughter, and disabled son. After requesting more hours so as to qualify for medical benefits, he loses his job, worsening his struggle to make ends meet. Upon learning of his dismissal, and that their mortgage payments are in arrears, Mason's wife, Rebecca (Walters), tells him that if they lose their home, she will have no choice but to leave him and take the children. He promises to find more work.

The new show has been titled, "This Is Your Death", and as the first episode opens, Adam touts his idealistic principles, telling the audience that his intention is to promote the appreciation of life and that one person's death can improve the life of another. Viewers are asked to donate toward each contestant's specific needs. His first contestant is a battered wife at the end of her rope, who hopes to give her daughter a better life through her death. She electrocutes herself in a bathtub on stage after revealing she had murdered her abusive husband. Adam's sister, Karina (Callies), is a pediatric oncology nurse in a local hospital and is tending to her patient, Elliott (Grüter-Andrew), when she sees Adam's show on Elliott's TV. She is disgusted by such a concept that so conflicts with her sensibilities and caring nature.

As the show grows in popularity, Adam starts to lose his idealistic views and becomes more concerned with ratings and sensationalism. When a woman's carbon monoxide asphyxiation takes longer than expected, the crew decides to fake the death for the audience, and let her die off-stage. When she partially revives and frantically tries to escape her car, Adam forces her back inside, unaware that the camera inside the car is still filming. Sylvia witnesses the murder and makes a copy of the footage. Talk gets around that the death was faked, and the FBI takes notice.

Karina feels Adam is losing his way and tries to confront him, but he only distances himself from her. After their parents' death years earlier, Adam had supported Karina through her depression and drug addiction and recovery. Now experiencing a breakdown over the loss of his support, and feeling judged because of their connection, she relapses and is caught pilfering drugs from the hospital.

As a last resort, Mason auditions for the season finale of This Is Your Death, where one of three chosen contestants will earn a million dollars. He gets a spot on the show but tells his family he has gotten a wonderful new job and must go take a training course when he is actually heading to the studio to be the third scheduled suicide.

After the first suicide by hara-kiri, Adam is horrified to see that Karina is to be the second contestant. Distraught over the distance between them, it is her last attempt to get through to him and make him end his involvement in the show and make others see the awful reality of it. She is lying on a gurney, holding a syringe to her arm. Adam races to stop her, but arrives at her side only to have her die in his arms. He follows as her body is taken away, and collapses, sobbing, on the street outside the studio.

Wired with explosives and gripping a detonator button, Mason takes the stage as the final contestant. He begins to cry and refuses to press the button. Hearing about his life story, the audience begins to cheers as Mason leaves the stage to go home.

As Mason and Sylvia leave the building, she hands the copy of the incriminating film clip to the FBI agents as they are about to collect Adam, who yells wildly at the gawking crowd as he is led away to turn off their cameras.

Kicked in the Head (film)

Redmond is a young guy who can't find what to do with his life. When his uncle Sam gives him the bag to deliver to some uptown connection he fails to do so and it gets them in trouble with Jack, low-key criminal. After that tough guy Stretch wants Redmond to take part in his illegal beer business, but before Redmond gets involved, the business ends in a bad way. Redmond is also having affair with flight attendant Megan.

Clinger (film)

Fern is a high school student with a problem: her ex-boyfriend Robert returned from the grave as a ghost. Their relationship wasn't entirely a happy one, since Robert was clingy and smothered her, which led to their breakup. Initially, Fern tried to make things work, but quickly determines that a relationship between a ghost and a living person would not be successful, especially as she has begun to spend time with Harlan, a football player. After Robert subjects her and others to a series of supernatural attacks, Fern turns to her track coach Valeria, who doubles as a ghost hunter. Valeria gives her a series of tools that could help her get rid of Robert's ghost, which includes pills that give her the ability to see ghosts. Fern is finally forced to tell Robert that she doesn't think that the two of them can be together since she's of the living, only for Robert to then change his tactics. Instead of trying to romance her, Robert has decided that the only way they can be together is to kill Fern so that their ghosts can be together. He enlists several other ghosts to help in his efforts, making it necessary for Fern to bring her family and Valeria into the fight. Eventually, Fern and Robert have a face off, during which she manages to convince him to let her go, causing him and the other ghosts to vanish. The film ends with Harlan asking Fern out on a date, to which she replies that she'd like to be single for a while before starting to date again.

The Most Precious Thing in Life

Ellen Holmes, a girl from an ordinary family, marries a rich, yet spoiled, boy from a snobbish family. The pair has a son, but soon Ellen finds herself ousted from the life of her husband. However, she rediscovers her son years later.

Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair

Once upon a time there was a king Yeremei. He went to the annual campaign to make an inventory of his kingdom-state. He leaned over once to the well to drink, but immediately grabbed by the underwater tsar Chudo - Yudo. Demanded a ransom for the release - such as Jeremiah did not know or wondered what it is in his kingdom. The king agreed, not knowing that in the absence of the queen gave birth to a son.

Man on Fire (Kelman novel)


The novel follows Nayak and John Lock, an Englishman that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He has left his life and spouse behind in order to elope to India under the pretense of committing suicide. Once in India he meets Nayak and decides to help the man break the world record for breaking the most baseball bats on his shin bone.

Ultimately, John's wife Ellen tracks him down in India and there is a confrontation between the two.

Inspector Martin and the Gang of Snails

Inspector Martin loses a mysterious package in a plane crash in the meadow. During the search, he encounters an old friend whom he has hated since elementary school, several snails and their charming Mayor. One by one, Martin and the snails fall into the hands of Wicked Stanko, the worst criminal in the meadow, who is anxious to get ahold of Martin's package and find out what it's made of.

Florida Straits (film)

"Lucky" (Fred Ward) operates a for-charter sight-seeing boat in the Florida Keys. He keeps company with salty gambling and drinking barroom types. One day a young man, Mac (Daniel Jenkins), recently from college shows up and enters into a poker game with Lucky. Mac is proficient at cards which believe his youthful looks. Lucky unable to pay, Mac eventually ends up in a partnership with the young man and the two of them now share Lucky's boat ''The White Witch''.

As time goes on, a political prisoner from Cuba, called Carlos (Raul Julia), lands in Miami. He has been imprisoned by Fidel Castro since 1961 and was a DC-3 pilot during the planned Bay of Pigs Invasion. Carlos eventually meets Lucky and Mac and persuades them to use their boat ''White Witch'' to take him back to Cuba. Carlos has two reasons to return to Cuba, a lost lady love (Ilka Tanya Payán) whom he thinks is still waiting for him after twenty years and a crate of gold coins he parachuted from the DC-3 just before he bailed out of the aircraft in 1961. The three end up in Cuba and face a band of rebels led by "El Gato Negro" (Antonio Fargas).

Nice Women

A young woman, Jerry Girard (Frances Dee) is pushed by her mother (Lucille Gleason) and family into accepting the marriage proposal of a millionaire, Mark Chandler (Alan Mowbray), who is the employer of her father (James Durkin). To do so, she has to drop the boy she really loves and promised to marry, Billy Wells (Russell Gleason), but her family is seeking to recover from their financial woes and find security. When the millionaire finds out the real situation, he releases her from her vow and gives the young couple a $5000 wedding gift. He then leaves for Europe with an old flame, Dorothy Drew (Carmel Myers).

Dude (film)

Lily, Chloe, Amelia, and Rebecca are at junior prom. Chloe's brother Thomas takes Lily onto the field and she tells him she cannot imagine leaving. They almost kiss when Rebecca and the others tell them the limo arrived.

Lily takes Rebecca and Amelia home, taking Chloe to meet Thomas in the mountains. The three separate and Thomas is killed in a car crash on the way home. At the funeral, Chloe hugs her mom, crying as Lily remains silent.

One year later the girls arrive at school stoned. Lily talks with Noah about prom, then she and Chloe walk down the halls recalling how many times they've done so.

Lily then arranges parties at various houses. When the girls get back to the car they see their "Donkey Bong". Amelia tells Rebecca her parents are divorcing, saying they only see her as an extension of their ego. Lily and Chloe see their pot dealer friend Biff who reminds them of Thomas's favourite strain “cough”.

Lily argues with the principal about her strengths and weaknesses. Chloe walks onto the field remembering the previous year, playing Thomas's last voice message. Sam consoles her, asking her to prom. Noah serenades Lily as a promposal but fails. As she and Chloe talk, Rebecca barges in, telling them someone caught her masturbating over the school librarian, Bemis.

The girls then go to a house party. Noah arrives, apologising to Lily by offering her a joint and then makes out with her. The cops arrive to break up the party.

Lily and Sam sell prom tickets the next day when Lily finds out that Liv was traumatised by James, who got her in trouble by writing a dirty joke on an essay. After she scolds him, Noah texts her to come over to fool around. The next day his ex threatens Lily.

The girls go to another party, Chloe tells Lily she got into NYU but wants to go to UCSB. Lily freaks out, going to a room with a boy from another school, Mike, and is raped. Chloe, Rebecca and Amelia all ditch her, so she calls a taxi and cries all the way home.

The next morning everyone goes to her house and she flips out at Amelia and Rebecca for not telling her about Chloe's acceptance letter. They all start badmouthing Lily, so she walks away. Chloe stops her, saying she is being selfish for wanting her to not be friends with people who did not know Thomas.

Angry Lily drives down the street with a flashback of Thomas, stoping when she sees Rebecca at a coffee shop with her potential roommate and mocking them until a police officer comes up. Meaning to ask her why she is illegally parked, he then notices Donkey Bong in the back. Lily panics until the officer tells her that he won't ruin her life forever but will mess it up for at least a week.

Lily is forced by her mum to smash the bong. The girls all dodge her calls, leaving her alone. Noah tries to talk to Lily but she remains stubborn, forcing him to walk away. 13 James helps Lily see she has been selfish. At prom alone, she eventually goes to the bathroom to cry. Rebecca talks to Bemis while Lily has a flashback of her and Thomas on the field declaring their love.

Lily apologises to Chloe for being intense about Thomas, saying the pain will never go away but that she cannot mourn what she could’ve been. They make up and go inside, where Lily apologises to Amelia and Rebecca. There, Chloe kicks Mike in the balls and Noah's girlfriend breaks up with him. Sam takes a picture of the girls who then bury the remains of Donkey Bong with Jon Bong Jovi, Sean Bongery and Bong Connery.

Lily practices her graduation speech in front of her friends, then the entire school. At their family graduation party, Bemis arrives, introducing himself as “Immanuel”. Noah congratulates Lily on her speech and they kiss, and she gets a photo taken with her brother and sister. Amelia then notices their marijuana brownies were given to their parents. Looking off into the sky and distant Los Angeles, the story ends.

The Crinoline Girl

Tom Hale wants to marry Dorothy Ainsley, but her father Richard Ainsley does not want to allow it. Although Tom is from a wealthy family, Richard challenges Tom to show that he can earn $10,000 of his own money. Only then will Richard approve of the marriage. Tom decides he can do this by collecting the reward that Richard is offering for a diamond recently stolen from his family. The thieves are operating from the Hotel de Beau Rivage in Lausanne, Switzerland, where the Ainsleys are also staying. Tom tracks down the gang's female accomplice, the titular Crinoline Girl, and subdues her. He then puts on women's clothes to disguise himself as the Crinoline Girl and capture the thieves. Tom's success facilitates not only his own romance with Dorothy, but also the romance of his sister Alice Hale with Dorothy's cousin Jerry Ainsley.

The Lost Village (TV series)

A group of 30 young men and women go on a bus tour to Nanaki Village, a shadowy village with an urban legend of being a utopia. Many seek either to start a new life or escape the troubles of their old one. Upon arrival, they discover the village has no inhabitants, with small signs of life that are slowly deteriorating. The truth of Nanaki Village has yet to be discovered.

The Uninvited (Thunderbirds)

Scott Tracy (voiced by Shane Rimmer) is flying back to Tracy Island in ''Thunderbird 1'' when he is suddenly attacked by a trio of unidentified fighters. ''Thunderbird 1'' is damaged and crash-lands in the Sahara. On Tracy Island, Jeff (voiced by Peter Dyneley) dispatches Virgil, Brains and Tin-Tin (voiced by David Holliday, David Graham and Christine Finn) in ''Thunderbird 2'' to rescue Scott. In the desert, archaeologists Wilson and Lindsey are returning to their base camp after a fruitless expedition when they come across the shot-down ''Thunderbird 1''. Stopping their all-terrain truck and supply trailer, they treat Scott's injuries until ''Thunderbird 2'' arrives. Later, with Scott convalescent and ''Thunderbird 1'' repaired by Brains, Wilson and Lindsey reveal that they were searching for the lost pyramid of Pharaoh Khamandides. The International Rescue team head back to Tracy Island the next day.

Wilson and Lindsey resume their journey, but frustration gets the better of Wilson. Driving too fast, he causes the coupling between the truck and the trailer to snap. The trailer rolls down a slope and explodes, destroying nearly all of the men's food, water and fuel and damaging their radio. They use the truck's remaining fuel to travel to a waterhole 40 miles away but arrive to find it bone-dry. As a last, desperate resort, the men use the failing radio to send out a distress call to International Rescue. Alan Tracy (voiced by Matt Zimmerman) has just relieved John (voiced by Ray Barrett) as space monitor on ''Thunderbird 5'' when he picks up Wilson and Lindsey's faint transmission. Jeff dispatches Scott in ''Thunderbird 1'' to find and rescue the men.

In the desert, Lindsey spots a mysterious object on the horizon – the lost pyramid of Khamandides. Using the last of their fuel, the men drive up to the pyramid. As Lindsey deciphers hieroglyphs on the side – hailing Khamandides as "Lord of the Eternal Fountain" – a block rises up to form an entrance to the interior. The men proceed but find themselves entombed when the block falls back into place. Deeper inside, they find mounds of treasure. They also discover that the Eternal Fountain is real and drink from it.

Scott arrives at the pyramid and follows Wilson and Lindsey through the one-way door. Lindsey, traumatised by his recent experiences, accuses Scott of trying to steal his new-found riches and pulls a gun on him. A shootout between Lindsey and Scott ensues. Scott loses his gun but is saved by the arrival of two armed men, who blast Lindsey's gun out of his hand, knocking him out. The strangers transport Scott, Wilson and the unconscious Lindsey to the pyramid's control room in a monorail car. This journey takes them over a refinery where men in gas masks are using a highly toxic and explosive gas to refuel fighters identical to those that shot down Scott.

Jeff is concerned by Scott's lack of contact and dispatches Virgil and Gordon (voiced by David Graham) in ''Thunderbird 2'' to investigate. Seeing ''Thunderbird 2'' s arrival, the pyramid's inhabitants prepare to attack it with ground-to-air missiles, but before these are launched Wilson punches one of the guards to the floor and Scott, having taken back his gun, shoots several others. A stray bullet hits a control panel, causing the missiles to launch but detonate harmlessly in mid-air. Scott and Wilson take the monorail back to the entrance, with Scott shooting at the refinery workers as they go. The gas is inadvertently released into the refinery, starting a series of explosions. Scott, Wilson and Lindsey, who has just regained consciousness, reach the entrance to find it open and quickly lift off in ''Thunderbird 1''. ''Thunderbird 1'' and ''Thunderbird 2'' clear the area just before the final explosion destroys the pyramid.

Krazy's Race of Time

When traffic becomes a bigger and more dangerous problem, authorities seek for a solution. They solve this by elevating the roads, some of which pass through the tall buildings. They even resort to making every house and building float in the sky.

Some time after the advancements mentioned above, Krazy, who works as a chemist, is working on a special liquid. Upon drinking the liquid from a beaker, Krazy rapidly zooms around like a rocket. Astronomers would use his idea to send him on an exploration trip to the planet Mars. The astronomers place the cat in a real rocket which they launch.

Krazy's rocket lands safely on the red planet. Krazy wonders around the Martian grounds where he notices the local humanoid creatures, and their odd customs. At the end of his journey, Krazy comes across a scary giant whom he tries to befriend. The giant, however, mistakes Krazy for an invader, and therefore attempts to capture the cat. Krazy is able to escape the giant's grasp by drinking a beaker of his special liquid. As Krazy flees the planet in his rocket, the giant starts hurling meteors at him. Krazy manages to fly away without getting hit.

Cabaret Shangai

Alberto (Robert Romaña), the confidant of Tony (Juan Orol), a gangster owner of the Cabaret Shanghai, departs from the business when his boss's lover, Mary Ruth (Rosa Carmina) shown affectionate with him. The destination will soon torment these cursed lovers, who will be chased by the police as well as by the betrayed gangster.

Frenzied Bus

The events occurred in Ordzhonikidze in 1988 and this is when the movie took place. In the film, criminals hijack a passenger bus from the city bus station. The criminals see a group of school children waiting for a bus after a field trip, and they invite them onto the bus and then take the children and their teacher hostage.

Meanwhile, police radio communications report the hijacking of the bus (without knowledge of the hostage-takers). The bus is spotted by local KGB officers, who heard the news on the radio of his official car ATC communications. The bus leaves the square in front of the local executive committee and the criminals open fire from the broken window on the door of the bus. The bus driver is seriously wounded.

Numero Zero

The story is told by Colonna, a hack journalist, now in his fifties, and a loser. He is hired by Simei to work on a newspaper called ''Domani'' (''Tomorrow'') that will never be published. The venture is financed by Commendator Vimercate, who owns a television channel, a dozen magazines and runs a chain of hotels and rest homes. The declared aim of the newspaper is to reveal the truth about everything, to publish all the news that's fit to print "plus a little more," but Commendator Vimercate's true interest lies elsewhere. His "zero issues" will be seen by powerful figures high up in the world of finance and politics who don't want the truth to be revealed. They'll put pressure on Vimercate to close down the newspaper and, in return, will allow him into the inner sanctum of power.

Colonna meets the other members of the editorial staff: Braggadocio used to work for a scandal magazine called ''What They Never Tell Us''; Cambria spent his nights as a hack reporter hanging around police stations; Lucidi probably works for the secret service; Palatino has spent his career working on puzzle and crossword magazines; Costanza was a sub-editor for various newspapers until they grew so large that no one bothered any longer to check what was being printed; lastly, Maia Fresia worked on a celebrity romance magazine.

Colonna is befriended by Braggadocio, a paranoid who sees conspiracies all around him. He tells Colonna he is investigating a story about Mussolini that would sell a hundred thousand copies of ''Domani''. He has a theory that Mussolini managed to avoid being killed during the last days of World War II—the corpse strung up in Milan was a double, the real Mussolini was smuggled away by Church authorities and spent his final years in Argentina (or perhaps behind the walls of the Vatican) waiting for a Fascist coup that might restore him to power.

At the same time, Colonna starts a romantic relationship with Maia, who is a smart and sharp-witted but eccentric young woman, and Braggadocio suspects she may have autism.

Eco's plot is woven around a succession of events from the final days of the Second World War to the terrorist attacks of the 1970s, with references to many figures from the past seventy years of Italian history: fascists and partisans, presidents and prime ministers (Aldo Moro, Francesco Cossiga, Giulio Andreotti), popes (John Paul I and John Paul II), bankers (Michele Sindona, Roberto Calvi, Cardinal Marcinkus) and secret organizations (Special Operations Executive, CIA, Operation Gladio and the Red Brigades).

Girlfriend's Day

Rival greeting card companies owned by members of the same family operate in a California city and Ray Wentworth works for one. Previously celebrated for the quality of his romance cards, Ray's divorce leaves him with depression and writer's block, and he is fired. California's governor declares a new holiday, Girlfriend's Day, which includes a contest to produce the best greeting card to commemorate it. Ray's former boss believes Ray can recapture his old magic and hires him under the table to create a card good enough to win the contest. Ray then becomes involved in a tangle of deceit and murder as the rival companies fight to win the contest and the profits and prestige that will come with the victory.

Manila Boy

This is a story about Diego (Robin Padilla), a wacky provincial man from Zambales. He gets to find a job and ends up working to Manila for Mang Berto (Berting Labra) and finding Mang Berto's long time friend Sibuboy (Val Iglesia) the two met Diego and thanked him for helping him and he willingly worked with Sibuboy as his business partner. Suddenly Mang Berto escapes when the cops captured Diego and Sibuboy as a gun runners. Then Ragoy (Romy Diaz) and his men prepared to release Diego and Sibuboy out of jail and they ended up workinf for a millionaire kingpin Señor Escudero (Tony Ferrer) as their big boss and they get involved with his enemies and drug smuggling, sex trafficking, hoodlum in roads, and illegal gambling for Señor Escudero's businesses with Gonzalo (Paquito Diaz) who takes care of Señor Escudero's businesses. Diego gets an alias and becomes the hitman named Manila Boy.

The Police War

The team of Commissaire Ballestrat from the Territorial Brigade stakes out the hideout of a dangerous criminal named Sarlat. Suddenly, Commissaire Fush and his team from the Anti-Gang Brigade arrive to the site. The ambitious Ballestrat would rather let Sarlat escape than allow the rival team to take credit for the arrest. In the ensuing shootout, Sarlat kills one of Fush's men and flees. From then on, the two teams treat each other with open hostility. The police chief orders Ballestrat to cooperate with the Anti-Gang team. But the two groups would still act separately in their pursuit of Sarlat. Fush becomes close with Marie, one of Ballestrat's team members. She later betrays him by informing her boss of the Anti-Gang's upcoming operation to capture Sarlat's accomplice Manekian. Ballestrat's interference causes a death of an innocent bystander. Fush submits his resignation. Then the massive police ambush against Sarlat misfires, and one of the officers is taken hostage. While the rest of the police prefer to wait the situation out, Fush single-handedly confronts Sarlat, and they are both killed in the resulting stand-off.

Courage fuyons

Martin Belhomme is a coward since his birth, also home cowardice is passed from generation to generation. After a childhood spent in the tumult of the Occupation, he "is married" with Mathilda who will decide everything : they will have two children and he will become a pharmacist, even if he vowed a passion for music. But after this monotonous life, occurs in May 68, and cowardice will paradoxically lead him into a crazy adventure, far from home, with Eva, beautiful blonde singer in a cabaret of Amsterdam. Therefore, he will make every effort to seduce the beautiful, and pass for an adventurer to her eyes.

Overdrive (film)

Half-brothers Andrew and Garret Foster operate as international car thieves, targeting high-end of the market vehicles. They steal a rare Bugatti in transit after it is purchased at auction in France, unaware that the car was bought by Marseille crime boss Jacomo Morier. Morier's men capture them when they try to sell the car and take them to Morier's house, where he shows them his garage full of cars. He then means to shoot them but, to escape their punishment, the brothers offer to help Morier complete his collection by stealing a rare 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO (worth $38,000,000) owned by ruthless tycoon and rival, Max Klemp. Morier agrees but sets the condition that the theft must be carried out within one week.

The brothers hurriedly recruit a team in Marseille to carry out the job, including Andrew's girlfriend Stephanie and her pickpocket friend Devin. Andrew tells Garret that this will be his last job. They also have to cope with Morier's cousin Laurent keeping watch on their operation, as well as a pair of Interpol agents. Garret, who had recently been conned by a woman who pretended to fall in love with him, begins a relationship with Devin. For insurance, Morier's men kidnap Stephanie in the Marseille marketplace. Andrew and Garret arrive in their flat and Devin tells them Stephanie has been taken. They head to Morier's house to find Stephanie bound and gagged under a spinning car wheel, which Laurent threatens to lower onto her face. Andrew and Garret promise to finish the job in order to save Stephanie.

When the day of the robbery comes, the brothers put their plan into effect. Stephanie, locked in a room in Morier's house, attempts to seduce Laurent and fails, although she manages to steal his key to the door and escapes. She sets off the house alarms and leaves with a rifle to meet Andrew, Garret and their team at the door. Morier realises that the events that led up to this point have been part of an elaborate diversion to allow them to steal his own car collection. Morier only understands what is happening as the gang are making their escape and he chases them to the docks. During the pursuit, Andrew proposes to Stephanie and she agrees to marry him. In a final confrontation, Morier is killed when his car is rammed into the water by a large motor coach driven by Devin. Devin leaves, promising to call Garret.

Andrew and Garret give all of Morier's cars to Klemp, revealing that this had been the plan all along, and that they had partnered with Klemp to get back at Morier. In a further plot twist, the two Interpol agents were also partnered with Klemp. But as Devin leaves, she has in her hand the code to the garage where Klemp keeps his prized Ferrari.

Garret, Stephanie and Andrew are later seen together in Paris. Garrett thinks he has been stood up again when Devin shows up in Klemp's Ferrari and gives the keys to Andrew. When Andrew then gives the car to Garret, Garret thinks this means Andrew is leaving the business. However, Stephanie mentions that there is a very rare car in Barcelona, one out of only nine in the world, and the three are tempted to steal it. Andrew decides to join them and the re-established team begins to make plans.

The Edge of Seventeen

Nadine Franklin, a seventeen-year-old high school junior in the suburbs of Portland, has tempestuous relationships with her popular older brother Darian and her image conscious mother Mona, and only felt close to her father Tom, who died of a heart attack when Nadine was thirteen, leaving her best friend Krista the only person keeping her buoyed.

At Nadine's home, Nadine and Krista get drunk while Darian throws a pool party. Nadine falls asleep and Krista goes downstairs and talks to Darian. The next morning Nadine finds Krista giving a handjob to a naked Darian in bed, straining their friendship. The next day they run into each other at school and Darian tells Krista how much fun he had with her, a sentiment she reciprocates. Nadine feels desperately alone and turns to her classmate Erwin Kim, who has a crush on her, though Nadine is attracted to older student Nick Mossman.

Darian invites Krista to a house party, who insists Nadine join. There, Krista is introduced to other students, leaving Nadine on her own. After failed attempts at mingling, Nadine sits outside with another partygoer, who remarks how inferior Nadine seems compared to her brother, and Nadine leaves the party. She invites Erwin to an amusement park, where his attempt to kiss her is rejected. They still finish their date, and at the end of the night Nadine tells him he is a great guy and they become good friends.

At school, Krista confronts Nadine for ignoring her, and Nadine bitterly tells her that Darian does not care about her and will soon dump her. Offended, Krista retorts by saying he just asked her to be his girlfriend and to prom, which is months away. Insecure, Nadine makes her choose between herself and Darian. Krista does not want to choose, and Nadine angrily ends their friendship.

Mr. Bruner becomes Nadine's source of emotional support at school; she frequently vents to him and he jokingly guilts her by revealing she is his favorite student. Nadine has become lost due to not having Krista. One night Erwin calls Nadine who abruptly hangs up on him. Nadine calls him back soon afterward, and invites herself to go swimming in his pool, much to his excitement. Nadine learns that his family is wealthy, but absentee after showing up to his large, and luxurious house. She also learns he is a talented animation filmmaker, and accepts his invitation to their school's short-film festival.

Driving to school, Mona and Nadine have an argument that leads to Mona bringing Nadine with her to work. There, they argue about her late father which ends in Mona coldly telling Nadine that if her father were alive today, he would be so disappointed in her. Deeply hurt by this, Nadine steals Mona's car keys and drives away in her mother's car. She writes a sexually explicit text to Nick, and accidentally sends it when trying to delete it.

Nadine confides in Mr. Bruner that she is going to kill herself, and he tries to calm her down. She receives a reply from Nick asking her to hang out. She hurries home and readies for her date, leaving a wake of destruction in her bedroom and bathroom. Mona, still heated from Nadine's car theft earlier that day, bursts into the house yelling for Nadine, only to find that her daughter is gone. She calls Darian, who's with Krista at a soccer team dinner, telling him that Nadine is missing and Darian and Krista leave to find her. Nick picks up Nadine and drives to an abandoned parking lot by the water. While sitting in the car listening to a CD, Nick repeatedly attempts to have sex with Nadine. Nadine pushes him away after each attempt, which makes Nick very frustrated as he believed that due to the nature of her sexually explicit text, she actually wanted to have sex with him. Embarrassed and heartbroken, Nadine runs away and calls Mr. Bruner, who finds her in a nearby diner, and he drives her to his house where they wait with his wife and infant son until Darian arrives. The two heatedly argue as Nadine believes he's only there so he can play the hero to their mother once more. Darian tells Nadine that he has been suffering from the pressures of taking care of the family in their father’s place. Darian confesses that he feels trapped and did not apply to colleges far away because he has to be there for the family. And it upsets him that Nadine hates his relationship with Krista, who has become the best person in his life. After Darian leaves, Mr. Bruner takes Nadine home. Nadine goes to Darian and confesses her own feelings of self-hatred, intensified by her envy of Darian. Finally reaching an understanding, they hug, ending their feud.

The following morning as Nadine leaves for the film festival, she runs into Darian and Krista on her way out; the siblings are newly congenial with each other, and the friends reconcile and agree to catch up later. Mona awakens and frantically calls her daughter, who isn't home once again. While waiting for Erwin's film to begin, Nadine sees her mother's messages and missed calls. Realizing that Mona is still worried she has run away, Nadine texts that she is safe, and Mona decides to trust her word. Erwin's animated film is revealed to be a story about an alien boy who falls in love with a girl at high school, but is rejected. The animation strangely resembles Nadine as the girl is wearing sneakers similar to her favorite pair.

After the film, Nadine hands Erwin flowers she picked for him. Nadine then apologizes to Erwin for taking so long to accept his affection. Erwin is congratulated by his friends and his team, and introduces Nadine. She greets them with a smile, finally opening up to others.

Klondike Fury

A neurosurgeon is thrown out of the medical profession after he performs a daring but unsuccessful surgery. He flees to Alaska, where his plane crashes in the frozen wilderness.

I Escaped from the Gestapo

Torgut Lane (Dean Jagger) is a forger who is busted out of prison but then forced to work for Nazi spies in the U.S. printing counterfeit bills, to undermine the war effort. He ultimately finds a way to report their activities, by engraving a telling give-away on the plate to tip off the FBI.