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The Bachelors (2017 film)

After the early death of his wife, mourning father Bill Palet moves with his teenage son, Wes, across the country for a private school teaching job in southern California. At first they struggle to contain their feelings of loss, but Wes's new French teacher, Carine Roussel, stirs both toward slow change: Wes, through a homework partnership with Lacy, who's fighting depression over her parents' bitter marital collapse; and, Bill, through an unexpected liaison with Carine. Bill and Wes fight through lingering grief with Carine's and Lacy's help and begin to let go of their grief and love again, with the climactic ice cream double-date between the two couples implying happiness to be for them.

Scrap the Japs

Popeye has jumped out of a plane without a parachute, and as punishment he has to do a variety of chores to keep the ship clean. He uses the planes on the ships to clean it (e.g. tying mops to the propellers) and also paints camouflage onto the ship showing that he is trying to help the war effort. However, before he can get his jobs done a ‘cloud’ appears that begins to drop bombs onto the ship. At first Popeye is confused but then it is revealed that the ‘cloud’ is actually attached to a Japanese plane with the lettering ‘Made in Japan’ written clearly on the back to make sure the audience knows who the enemy is. A Japanese soldier emerges depicted with thick glasses and big teeth to pander to contemporary racist stereotyping in America in an effort to demonize the enemy. Popeye uses terms like ‘Jap’ and ‘stormtrooper’ to describe the character and starts firing missiles at him from a plane while the stereotyped character frantically starts pedalling. Popeye manages to blow up the plane and the Japanese man is left holding a typical looking umbrella before falling onto a ‘Jap Scrap Repair Ship’. All of the Japanese sailors on the ship look the same, reinforcing the idea of a Japanese unified mass especially when they all make a drilling sound to fix the plane. After falling from his plane, Popeye also lands on the ‘Jap Scrap Repair Ship’ and it begins to tip. All of the Japanese sailors start beating him but after eating his spinach, he throws his empty spinach can in the water to distract them and they all jump into the water. Because of eating his spinach, Popeye turns into the Statue of Liberty which was a familiar symbol in anti-Nazi cartoons as it is also used in Disney’s ''Der Fuehrer’s Face'' (1943). As Popeye thinks he is safe, a big Japanese battleship sends bombs his way. But this time he is prepared and rides the repair ship into it. He is able to easily fight off the Japanese sailors and when he throws them into the body of the ship their imprints make a ‘V’ shape, perhaps showing Victory for the Allies. Popeye then uses a piece of railing from the ship to cut it up like a tin with a can opener before sitting back and eating an ice cream waiting for the ship to crumble. The cartoon ends with Popeye flying home with the Japanese sailors locked in a cage behind him, where they start complaining before they "turns" into rats and scurrying around.

Your Name

In 2013, Mitsuha Miyamizu is a high school girl living in the rural town of Itomori, Japan. Bored of the town, she wishes to be a Tokyo boy in her next life. One day, she inexplicably begins to switch bodies intermittently with Taki Tachibana, a high school boy in Tokyo. Thus, when they wake up as each other on some mornings, they must live through the other's respective activities and social interactions for the day. They learn they can communicate with each other by leaving messages on paper, phones, and sometimes on each other's skin. Mitsuha (in Taki's body) sets Taki up on a date with coworker Miki Okudera, while Taki (in Mitsuha's body) causes Mitsuha to become popular at school. One day, Taki (in Mitsuha's body) accompanies Mitsuha's grandmother Hitoha and younger sister Yotsuha to leave the ritual alcohol ''kuchikamizake'', made by the sisters, as an offering at the Shinto shrine located on a mountaintop outside the town. It is believed to represent the body of the village guardian god ruling over human connections and time. Taki reads a note from Mitsuha about the comet Tiamat, expected to pass nearest to Earth on the day of the autumn festival. The next day, Taki wakes up in his body and goes on a date with Miki, who tells him she enjoyed the date but also that she can tell he is preoccupied with thoughts of someone else. Taki attempts to call Mitsuha on the phone but cannot reach her as the body-switching ends.

Taki, Miki, and their friend Tsukasa travel to Gifu by train on a trip to Hida in search of Mitsuha. However, Taki does not know the name of Itomori, relying on his sketches of the surrounding landscape from memory. A restaurant owner in Takayama recognizes the town in the sketch, being from there. He takes Taki and his friends to the ruins of Itomori, which has been destroyed and where 500 residents were killed when Tiamat unexpectedly fragmented as it passed by Earth three years earlier. Taki observes Mitsuha's messages disappear from his phone, and his memories of her begin to gradually fade, realizing the two were also separated by time, as he is in 2016. Taki finds Mitsuha's name in the record of fatalities. While Miki and Tsukasa return to Tokyo, Taki journeys to the shrine, hoping to reconnect with Mitsuha and warn her about Tiamat. There, Taki drinks Mitsuha's ''kuchikamizake'' and then lapses into a vision, where he glimpses Mitsuha's past. He also recalls that he encountered Mitsuha on a train when she came to Tokyo the day before the event to find him, though Taki did not recognize her as the body-switching was yet to occur in his timeframe. Before leaving the train in embarrassment, Mitsuha had handed him her hair ribbon, which he has since worn on his wrist as a good-luck charm.

Taki wakes up in Mitsuha's body at her house on the morning of the festival. Hitoha deduces what has happened and tells him the body-switching ability has been passed down in her family as caretakers of the shrine. Taki convinces Tessie and Sayaka, two of Mitsuha's friends, to get the townspeople to evacuate Itomori by disabling the electrical substation and broadcasting a false emergency alert. Taki heads to the shrine, realizing that Mitsuha must be in his body there, while Mitsuha wakes up in Taki's body. At sunset, the two sense each other's presence on the mountaintop but are separated due to contrasting timeframes and cannot see each other. When twilight falls, they return to their own bodies and see each other in person. After Taki returns Mitsuha's ribbon, they attempt to write their names on each other's palms so that they will remember each other. However, before Mitsuha can write hers, twilight passes, and they revert to their respective timeframes. When the evacuation plan fails, Mitsuha has to convince her father, Toshiki, the mayor of Itomori, to evacuate everyone. Before doing so, Mitsuha notices her memories of Taki are fading away and discovers he wrote "I love you" on her hand instead of his own name. After Tiamat crashes, Taki, in his own timeframe, remembers nothing.

Five years later, Taki, having graduated from university, is searching for a job. He senses he has lost something vital that he cannot identify, and feels inexplicable interest in the events surrounding Tiamat, now eight years in the past: Itomori was destroyed, but all of its people survived as they had evacuated just in time. Mitsuha has since moved to Tokyo. Sometime later, Taki and Mitsuha glimpse each other when their respective trains pass each other and are instantly drawn to seek one another, disembarking and racing to find the other, finally meeting at the stairs of . Taki calls out to Mitsuha, saying that he feels he knows her, and she responds likewise. Having finally found what each had long searched for, they shed tears of happiness and simultaneously ask each other for their name.

Destiny post-release content

Shortly after destroying the heart of the Black Garden, Eris Morn, a former guardian and the only surviving member of a team who tried to previously take on Crota, comes out of hiding and returns to the Tower to warn of the Hive prince's return. Her first quest tasks the Guardian with killing a Hive Knight on Earth called the Fist of Crota. The Guardian then sets out to stop the Hive from overtaking Rasputin, who are led by a powerful Hive Wizard called Omnigul, the Will of Crota. After the Guardian destroys a massive ogre called the Might of Crota, Omnigul flees. Eris then has the Guardian travel to the Moon to stop the Hive from resurrecting their god. This the Guardian does and they destroy a crystal that contained part of Crota's soul.

After returning to the Tower, Eris assigns the Guardian with two more quests. The first of these has the Guardian to fill an urn called the Urn of Sacrifice with the ashes of defeated Hive on Earth, including a powerful Hive Knight called Urzok, the Hated. The Guardian then takes it to the Moon to collect Hive eyes for Eris. The second quest has the Guardian destroy the remaining servants of Crota on Earth called the Heart of Crota, the Hand of Crota, and the Eyes of Crota. This leads to the strike, "The Will of Crota", where the Guardian hunts down and eliminates Omnigul.

Despite the Guardian's best efforts, including destroying part of Crota's soul, they were not able to prevent Crota's resurrection. The expansion culminates with the raid, "Crota's End", where a team of guardians travel deep within the caverns of the Moon where they take on Ir Yût, the Deathsinger (another powerful Hive Wizard) before completely destroying the Hive prince himself.

In the base game, there is a story mission called "The Sword of Crota" where the Guardian is tasked with destroying the weapon. When ''The Taken King'' released, it added a new questing system to the game and this mission became the first mission of ''The Dark Below'' quest line.

Destiny post-release content

A few months following the events of ''The Dark Below'', Skolas, the former Kell (leader) of the House of Wolves, has been freed from the Reef's Prison of Elders by a member of an ancient organization called the Nine. A prophecy foretold that a Kell would rise up and unite all Fallen Houses. Believing himself to be this Kell, Skolas declares himself the Kell of Kells and frees his imprisoned lieutenants and rallies the House of Wolves, thus beginning a campaign to unite all Fallen Houses under his rule.

To try and recruit guardians to combat the rising threat, Queen Mara Sov orders that the Reef's Vestian Outpost be opened to them. Located in the asteroid belt, the Outpost is the residence of Petra Venj and Variks the Loyal, who serve as guides for the Guardian. The Guardian is sent to Venus to stop Skolas from gaining support from the House of Winter, but is unsuccessful. On Earth, Skolas tries to gain support from the House of Devils and House of Kings, but the Guardian interferes and is this time successful at keeping them from joining Skolas. In the process, they also eliminate members of a Fallen assassination team called the Silent Fang and three Fallen Barons, Yavek of the Wolves and Paskin and Vekis of the Kings. The Wolves return to Venus and break into the Vault of Glass to steal the Vex technology to further Skolas's goals, however, Skolas and the Wolves are eventually overpowered by the Guardian. Chasing the Kell of Kells to the top of Venus's Citadel, Skolas is captured and returned to the Prison of Elders.

As punishment for his crimes, the Queen has a fireteam of guardians enter into Skolas's lockup in the Prison of Elders to execute the former Kell ("Skolas's Revenge" – Level 35 Prison of Elders arena). Petra also has bounties for the Guardian to eliminate other high-ranking members of the Wolves, including a mission to kill the Archon-Slayer Skoriks. Variks has the Guardian to complete the strike "The Shadow Thief" to eliminate Taniks, the Scarred, a mercenary for hire among the Fallen who is employed by the Wolves but does not belong to any House.

In the base game, there is a story mission called "Scourge of Winter" where the Guardian is tasked with killing Draksis, Winter's Kell. When ''The Taken King'' released, it added a new questing system to the game and this mission became the first mission of the ''House of Wolves'' quest line.

Sequence (2013 film)

Billy (Joe Hursley) wakes up one morning only to discover that everyone else in the world had a disturbing nightmare about him the night before. He finds a suspicious note on his car simply saying "You're it" and each person he meets has fearful, strange, or hostile reactions to seeing him in person after their dreams. Billy is unable to find anyone willing tell him the contents of their dream. After a bitter attack by another, Billy wakes with a start in his own bed and realizes that the day's events were themselves a nightmare of his own, itself shared by everyone else in the world. But the sequence continues.

Goldie & Bear

The series centers on Goldilocks (nicknamed Goldie) and little Jack Bear, who after the incident in the Bear's house end up being best friends. Throughout the series, they go onto the Fairy Tale Forest as they meet other characters from various fairy tales and nursery rhymes such as Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, Humpty Dumpty, Jack Horner, among others.

Bullets and Saddles

A crooked businessman tries to get control of an area with his gang. The Range Busters are called in to try to stop his plan.

The Present (2014 film)

A 12-year-old boy plays a shooter video game in a darkened living room behind blinds, but is surprised when his mother arrives with a box, saying it contains a present for him. She then goes upstairs to answer a phone call. The boy opens the box, revealing an energetic young puppy. The boy's delight turns to disgust however, as he sees the puppy is missing most of his left front leg. He tosses the puppy away and continues playing his game. Unperturbed, the puppy finds a red rubber ball under a cabinet and walks up to the boy, carrying the rubber ball and inviting him to play. The boy does his best to ignore the puppy but is soon won over by his determination and spirit, in spite of himself. The boy shuts off the video game and decides to go outside to play fetch with his dog, where it is revealed that he walks with crutches, as his left leg has been amputated below the knee.

Hollywood Ending (Agent Carter)

Whitney Frost absorbs the Zero Matter released from Jason Wilkes, who is rescued by Peggy Carter, as Howard Stark returns and aids in their escape. Jack Thompson finds in Vernon Masters's possession a supposedly incriminating file on Carter and a secret Council key. Joseph Manfredi becomes concerned with Frost's behavior, and her new obsession with opening another rift, this time with a machine of her own design. He meets with Stark—an old friend of his—and the others, and agrees to distract Frost while Carter and Sousa photograph the blueprints for Frost's machine, which Stark and Wilkes build themselves. They open a new rift, and Frost is drawn to it. They use the gamma cannon to knock the Zero Matter from her, into the other dimension; Frost is left insane from her time controlled by the Zero Matter, and is placed in a mental asylum. Thompson gives the secret key to Carter, who is convinced to stay in Los Angeles to be with Sousa. Thompson prepares to return to New York, but is shot in his hotel room; the shooter takes the file on Carter.

Jigsaw (2017 film)

Nearly a decade after the death of John Kramer, criminal Edgar Munsen is pursued by the police. After being cornered by Detectives Brad Halloran and Keith Hunt, he claims that he must start another "game" in exchange for his own survival, and activates a remote trigger before it gets shot out of his hand, but a shot hits Edgar in the chest and he collapses.

Five people – Mitch, Anna, Ryan, Carly, and an unconscious man – awaken inside a barn with buckets on their heads and chains around their necks. A tape recording from John Kramer explains that they have all sinned and must sacrifice some blood to survive before the chains begin pulling them towards a wall of buzzsaws. Most of the group survives by cutting themselves, except for the unconscious man, who awakens too late. Their next test reveals that Carly is a purse snatcher, who accidentally caused the death of an asthmatic woman. To save the others from being hanged, she must inject herself with one of three needles – one containing an antidote to a poison in her system, another one saline, and the last one acid. She refuses, so Ryan stabs her with all three, killing her and saving the others.

Halloran and Hunt investigate the discovery of corpses that appear to be the unconscious man and Carly, whose deaths fit John's ''modus operandi''. Halloran becomes suspicious of pathologists Logan Nelson and Eleanor Bonneville. Later, Edgar is abducted from the hospital, and his corpse is found inside John's grave when it is exhumed by the police. Meanwhile, Ryan attempts to escape the barn through a door with the words "No Exit" on it, but his leg falls through loose floorboards, and is ensnared by wires. Another tape recorder reveals that he will be punished for breaking the rules and must pull a lever to be "set free." Anna and Mitch enter a silo and are trapped inside, forcing Ryan to pull the lever and sever his leg to rescue them.

Eleanor reveals to Logan that she is a fangirl of Jigsaw and has built replicas of many of his traps in her studio, but now fears that this might incriminate her. Hunt follows them and informs Halloran. In the barn, Mitch is revealed to have sold a motorcycle with a faulty brake to John's nephew, resulting in his death, and is tested by being lowered into a funnel with a spiral-shaped blade powered by a motorcycle engine inside. He attempts to stop the blade by reaching a brake at the bottom of the funnel but is ultimately killed. Halloran finds a corpse appearing to be Mitch in Eleanor's studio and calls for her and Logan's arrest. Logan convinces Hunt to let them go after telling him that the bullet which hit Edgar was fired by Halloran, whom he and Eleanor suspect is the new Jigsaw Killer. Eleanor deduces the game's location and she and Logan depart for the barn, with Halloran in pursuit.

Meanwhile, Hunt finds jigsaw-shaped pieces of flesh in Halloran's freezer, further incriminating Halloran. In the barn, Anna and Ryan are shackled to pipes at opposite ends of a room. John Kramer, apparently still alive, confronts them and reveals that Anna suffocated her baby and framed her husband, who eventually committed suicide, and Ryan caused his friends' death in a car accident. For their final test, he leaves them a shotgun loaded with one shell and departs, saying that it is the key to their survival. Anna tries to shoot Ryan, but the gun backfires and kills her. Ryan finds the keys among the debris, hidden inside the shell and destroyed in the blast; with no way to free himself, he is left to die. Logan and Eleanor are ambushed by Halloran at the barn. Eleanor escapes, while Halloran is drugged by an unseen assailant.

Logan and Halloran awaken in collars rigged with laser cutters, and are told to confess their sins to survive. Halloran forces Logan to go first, and he confesses to mislabeling John's X-rays years prior, causing his cancer to go undiagnosed; despite confessing, Logan is apparently killed. Halloran then admits to allowing criminals to walk free for personal gain and his collar deactivates. Logan is revealed to still be alive, and also the unconscious man who apparently died in the first barn game, which occurred ten years prior. Realizing Logan dying would undermine the point of his traps and deciding that he should not die over an honest mistake, John saved him and recruited him as his first apprentice. Logan then reveals that he framed Halloran as the new Jigsaw Killer as revenge for releasing Edgar, who killed Logan's wife, and that he recreated the barn games using other criminals that Halloran let go as victims.

Claiming that he and Halloran were the final participants and that Halloran broke the rules by forcing him to go first, Logan reactivates the collar and slices Halloran's head open. As he leaves Halloran's body in the barn, he utters the words: "I speak for the dead," and shuts the door in similar fashion to previous installments in the series.

The Voice of Warning

Mrs. Ryan (Adrienne Kroell) is one of those dear, sweet faced, hard working mothers of the city tenement districts, who work for their more fortunate sisters of the upper class. Mrs. Ryan is employed in the home of Mrs. Martin. She is discharged by Mrs. Martin because of the accident in which a rug is injured. After a vain struggle to secure other employment by which she can support her little daughter and herself, she is taken sick and both mother and daughter face starvation. Myra (Reine Greenwood) the child, grasping the situation starts out in a final effort to secure food. She tries every method that occurs to her little mind but all of them fail to secure the necessary food. At last, she in her necessity, yields to a strong temptation and appropriates a box of groceries intended for Mrs. Martin (Adrienne Kroell). On her way home with the stolen property she stops to listen to the exhortations of a street preacher, who has chosen for his sermon on that particular occasion, the commandment "Thou shalt not steal". The talk of the minister is to convincing that the child repents here action and returns the box of food to the home of Mrs. Martin. That lady, on hearing the child' story is also repentant and having heard the voice of warning, she accompanies Myra to the tenement building and after providing for Mrs. Ryan, assures her that her old position will be waiting for her when she is able to return.

Fender Lizards

17-year-old Dot Sherman is growing up in a small town in East Texas, living in a double wide trailer with her mother, grandmother, and little brother. When she was 12 her father went to get a pack of cigarettes and never returned. Dot works at the local "Dairy Bob" named after Bob the owner. All the girls serve their customers on roller skates and have nicknamed themselves "Fender Lizards". The story is told from Dot's narrative point of view.

One day Dot's uncle Elbert shows up and parks his van in her front yard and Dot is eager for information about her absentee father. Elbert claims to have just been released from prison for a botched bank robbery. One day Dot's older sister Raylynn shows up for work at the Dairy Bob with bruises and black eyes. Dot goes and fetches Raylynn's kids and returns to her sister's trailer. She hides and waits for Raylynn's husband to come home drunk and then beats him senseless with a couple of 2 by 4's. Raylynn and her kids then move into the already crowded trailer. One day notices go up that a circus is coming to town featuring a women's Roller Derby team. Dot and the other Fender Lizards decide to train to take on the roller derby team coming to town with a prize of $10,000 for any team that beats them. Elbert used to roller skate as a circus clown and agrees to train the girls.


Don Cleo is a humble piñata vendor from a small town in El Salvador who receives an extortion letter at his doorstep. The letter instructs him to deliver $500 in 72 hours or he will be killed. The amount seems near impossible for the seemingly destitute Don Cleo, as he navigates through his reality, neighborhood, relationships and the few aspirations he still has.

Don Cleo exhausts every opportunity to raise the money, gathering as much as possible from friends and acquaintances. Yet, as much as he tries, Don Cleo finds himself in more trouble than when he started. With no other hope to survive, Don Cleo decides to face his fears and stands up to his transgressors.

Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate

The story is set between the events of ''Shiren the Wanderer GB2'' and ''Shiren the Wanderer 3'', and follows Shiren, a wanderer and silent protagonist, who is accompanied by Koppa, a talking ferret. The two are climbing the Tower of Fortune, as they have heard legends of a god that can change their fate. The story begins as Oyu, a young girl from a small town, suffers from an illness and Jirokichi, her childhood friend, goes forth towards the tower to change her fate. They are guided through the tower by Tao, a girl in a panda suit, and encounter other characters thorough the story: Okon and Koharu; Gen; and Kojirouta. Shiren and Jirokichi eventually climb the tower to fight against the ruler of fate himself, Reeva.

Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie

Director Ron Howard begins by saying that he has discovered a long-lost movie of the week based on Donald Trump's bestselling book ''The Art of the Deal'' that was written by, directed by and stars Trump himself.

The film starts in 1986, where a young boy stumbles into Donald Trump's office holding a copy of the book ''The Art of the Deal''. Trump must then take a call from Merv Griffin, who refuses to sell him Taj Mahal Casino and Resort in Atlantic City. Trump then describes his background and personal history in order to educate the young boy.

''Chapter 1: The Art of Intimidating Rent Controlled Tenants'', which takes place in 1983, Trump meets a homeless vagrant and convinces him to scare away the tenants of one of the buildings he owns.

''Chapter 2: The Art of Defeating Totally Bogus Discrimination Lawsuits'' features Trump in 1973 butting heads with the Mayor of New York City, Ed Koch. He agrees with club owner Igor Cassini that he won't sleep with any of the wives of the other club members. Trump recruits Roy Cohn to help him fight discrimination charges, which they win. Jerry Schrager becomes Trump's new lawyer after Cohn dies of AIDS.

After performing a rap about litigation with hip-hop group The Fat Boys, Trump introduces ''Chapter 3: The Art of Suing Those Losers at the NFL''. He recounts his feud with Pete Rozelle over the New Jersey Generals, which causes Trump to sue Rozelle for breaking antitrust laws. A judge rules in favor of Trump. However, the damages awarded to him is only a symbolic $1.

After learning that the young boy is named Jose, Trump cuts to commercial and has him replaced with an Asian-American boy.

Trump's wife Ivana enters the office, talking about her time working at the Trump Castle in Atlantic City. Trump then introduces ''Chapter 4: The Art of Buying a Casino from the Hilton Family'', which recounts Trump traveling to meet Barron Hilton, who sells him a casino.

In ''Chapter 5: The Art of Marrying a Gorgeous Immigrant'', he recounts his wedding to Ivana in 1977, where his best man was ALF.

Trump once again tries to negotiate for the Taj Mahal with Griffin, to no avail. Trump's architect Der Scutt shows Trump his design for the Taj Mahal. After learning that the replacement boy is Japanese-American, Trump asks for a new kid, this time African-American, who gets immediately replaced with a Caucasian boy.

The final chapter, entitled ''Chapter 6: The Art of Building the Trump Tower'', has Scutt and Trump discussing the plans for the soon-to-be-constructed Trump Tower in 1978. Trump meets with Tiffany & Co. head Walter Hoving in order to discuss the air rights above his building. Protesters from the Metropolitan Museum of Art protest Trump destroying valuable Art Deco sculptures, but he is apathetic to their concerns.

After the boy tells Trump everything he's learned from him, Merv Griffin finally relents and sells Trump the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. As Trump and his friends are about to celebrate his 40th birthday, a time traveler comes from the year 2016, planning to stop Trump from running for President of the United States. Then, the 2016 Trump appears, wiping the time traveler from existence, having apparently killed Christopher Lloyd so that he would never appear in the ''Back to the Future'' movies. 2016 Trump assures 1986 Trump that he will become President. When Trump and the boy blow out the candles of Trump's birthday cake together, they apparently switch bodies.

In a post-credits scene, Ron Howard says that the film was so bad it has forced him to re-examine his passion for filmmaking. Imploring the audience to forget the film or Donald Trump ever existed, he throws the video tape away and burns it.

The Poor Clare (short story)

''The Poor Clare'' is narrated by an unnamed young lawyer from London, reflecting on the "extraordinary incidents" which he experienced in his youth.

The story proper begins several decades before. Squire Starkey, a recusant Jacobite, returns to Starkey Manor with his Irish wife and their son Patrick. Accompanying them is their Irish Catholic servant, Madam Starkey's former nurse, Bridget FitzGerald and her daughter Mary, who take up a small cottage in the grounds of the manor. Bridget comes to exercise great control over the household. Some years later, due in part to an increasingly fractious relationship with her mother, Mary FitzGerald leaves Starkey Manor to take up a position on the Continent. Racked with grief at her daughter's departure, Bridget keeps to her cottage until Madam Starkey brings her a young spaniel, Mignon, who becomes her constant companion. She receives occasional letters from Mary, the last informing her that she was going to marry a gentleman.

Upon the deaths of Squire and Madam Starkey, Bridget is left alone at the cottage. After a long period without word from Mary, Bridget leaves the cottage for the Continent in search of her daughter, accompanied by Mignon. Years of unsuccessful searching later, she returns suddenly. Not long after her return, a hunting party goes shooting on the manor. One of the party, Mr Gisborne, is in a foul mood, and shoots Mignon for fun when it crosses his path. Distraught that the only remaining creature she loved is now dead, Bridget calls on the saints to curse Mignon's killer, vowing that the creature he loves best will become a terror loathed by all.

It is at this point that the Narrator, who lives with his uncle in London to be trained in his legal practice, enters the story. Taking up a complicated inheritance case involving some property in Ireland, he makes enquiries in Ireland and on the Continent and discovers that the heir to the properties is a Bridget FitzGerald. Visiting her at her cottage, the Narrator is struck by Bridget's grief at the loss of her daughter, and promises to help discover her whereabouts.

During a holiday in Harrogate, the Narrator becomes interested in a striking young woman and her older companion Mrs Clarke, whom he sees on his walks across the moors. Eventually, he becomes acquainted with the couple, and he falls in love with the young woman. His eventual marriage proposal is rejected by Mrs Clarke, who tells him that there is a terrible secret which would prevent him from marrying her ward. When he presses the matter, Lucy recounts how two years before, she had become afflicted by the constant presence of a trouble-making demonic doppelganger. Her father sent her to live in the moors with Mrs Clarke to lead a pious life in order to free herself from the curse. Initially sceptical at Lucy's tale, the Narrator's incredulity disappears after he witnesses her demonic double firsthand.

That afternoon, the Narrator is informed by a letter from Sir Phillip that Mary Fitzgerald had a child with Mr Gisborne. Piecing together the clues, he realises that Lucy is the child and therefore the granddaughter of Bridget and heir to the Irish estates. Furthermore, he and Mrs Clarke realise that Bridget had unwittingly caused Lucy's condition when she cursed Mr Gisborne, not knowing that he was the father of her own granddaughter. Still in love with Lucy, the Narrator and his uncle throw all their energy into attempting to undo the curse. Revisiting Bridget's cottage in an attempt to get to the root of the curse, the Narrator informs her of the unintended consequences of her words, sending her into a paroxysm of guilt and grief. By the next morning, Bridget has vanished from the cottage, with the curse still not lifted.

With Bridget gone, the Narrator settles into despondency in his uncle's chambers in London. One night some months later, they are visited by Father Bernard, a Catholic priest from Lancashire, who explains that he brings information about Bridget Fitzgerald. When on a recent visit to Antwerp in the Austrian Netherlands, he happened upon her outside a church and took her confession. After hearing of her curse, he instructed her to undertake acts of charity as penance, and as a result, Bridget joined the Antwerp convent of Poor Clares, taking the name Sister Magdalen.

The Narrator travels to Antwerp, and stays there even as active rebellion breaks out amongst the Flemish against their Austrian rulers. Caught up in a skirmish, the Narrator sees Poor Clare nuns rushing to assist the wounded despite the heavy gunfire. By coincidence, Mr Gisborne, leader of the Austrian garrison, is set upon by the rebels, but is saved by Sister Magdalen, who recognises him and takes him to her cell to tend to his wounds. Days after the battle, the sound of a bell tolling can be heard coming from the convent; a bell that will only be rung when a nun is starving to death. Despite the war-induced famine, the people of Antwerp, including the Narrator, rush to the convent to assist. On reaching Sister Magdalen's cell, they find Mr Gisborne, having been nursed back to health by his curser. Rushing onwards, the crowd comes to the convent's chapel, and sees Sister Magdalen lying on a bier having just received absolution. With her dying breath, she whispers, "The curse is lifted."

Shiren the Wanderer 4: The Eye of God and the Devil's Navel

After Shiren and the talking weasel Koppa suffer a shipwreck, they are found by the inhabitants of an island, who think they are monsters; they are tied to a stake, but are saved by the game's heroine, Kamina. As a result, Kamina gets tied up herself by a jaguar priest who sends Shiren to find the Jaguar's Eye to prove that he is not a demon.

Tash Force

Tash McDermott is Head of Lancashire Constabulary's Football Intelligence Unit, dedicating his career to capturing the elusive hooligan ring leader 'Nightmare'. In a nod to long running TV shows such as Police, Camera, Action!, McDermott grants a film-making journalist unrestricted access to cover his on-going case. Tash however, is stuck in the past with his old-fashioned views such as when football was 'a man's game' and when 'women knew their place'.

Freetown (film)

Philip Abubakar, a local branch leader, and six African missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Elders Menti, Meyers, Gaye, Nyanforth, Selli and Forkpah) are stuck in Monrovia during the First Liberian Civil War. Prevented from conducting missionary work due to the violence in the area, they create a plan to escape to the northern Sierra Leone border, so they can continue preaching without the fear of being killed. Elder Gaye is a Krahn tribe member, which is being targeted for execution by rebels from the International Patriotic Front of Liberia (INPFL). The local rebellion leader, Ansa, kills both male and female Krahn tribe members on sight, blaming them for the war started by President Samuel Doe, a Krahn, as well as for the killing of his father, mother, and two younger brothers. Luckily for the missionaries, one of the other rebels, Momulu, a member of the local branch, is able to convince Ansa to spare Elder Gaye's life. The missionaries are taken away, then released to join Abubakar and the four other missionaries on a trip to the border. The seven escapees crowd into an old, red five-seat sedan driven by Abubakar, with the Biblical passage "Mark 9:24" written on the back ("And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief"). Ansa, furious over the missing missionaries, tracks them to the border to ensure Elder Gaye does not leave the country to Freetown, Sierra Leone.

At each checkpoint, they sacrifice all of their belongings to pass through. They run out of gas, just as they make it to a small town with a petrol pump, but they have no money left. They trade all they have for liters of petrol to help them reach the border. Once they reach the border, they find out the bridge is closed. Abubakar is also disappointed when he finds that the missionaries have no ID papers or passports, since none of them has ever left the country. The escapees seem to have no hope to cross into Sierra Leone. After praying, Abubakar hears the sound of a ferry carrier. Just as they are about to board to go to Sierra Leone, they are caught by Ansa and Momulu. Momulu tells them to do whatever Ansa asks, then leaves. Just as Ansa is about to execute Elder Gaye for being a Krahn, Momulu returns with armed soldiers, who demand that Ansa release the missionaries. The leader of the soldiers declares that he himself is a Krahn, and when asked whose side he is on, Momulu abandons Ansa and sides with the missionaries. Abubakar and the missionaries then safely cross the border and are reunited in Freetown with President Cunningham, the mission president, and his wife. An end card reveals that they continued living in Sierra Leone for the next seven years, until the civil war ended.

Treasure of Ruby Hills

The film is set in 1877 in Arlington. In the government-owned Ruby Hills Valley all the small landowners and ranchers are dispossessed of their property by two wealthy breeders, Chalk Reynolds and Walt Payne, who continue to wage war for total control of the area. Hills. Their henchmen do not hesitate to kill others to establish the supremacy of their leaders. Their war is turned upside down by the arrival of Ross Hayne, the son of a famous outlaw, who legally acquired part of the area with the only source of water capable of supplying the valley. When Hayne's partner is shot by Reynolds' henchman, Hayne goes to Ruby Hills for revenge. He discovers that a third man, Alan Doran, intends to take control of the place after the death of the two clans who are supposed to destroy each other. Hayne becomes involved in a deadly fight for land and water.

Once I Was a Beehive

Lane Speer (Paris Warner) is a young girl who enjoys camping with her parents. A year after Lane's father dies of cancer, her mother remarries a Mormon. Before the wedding they inform Lane she will be staying with her new "step aunt" where she is encouraged to attend a week-long girls' Bible camp organized by the LDS Young Women. Lane decides to go on the trip so her phobic stepcousin Phoebe (Mila Smith) will also go.

The girls' first task is to set up their tepees. Most of the girls rush the job to get to the lake, but Lane and Phoebe take their time. It rains the following night, flooding the other girls' tents, and they all crowd into Lane and Phoebe's. Phoebe has secretly brought her dog Roxy to camp, and she tells them to keep it a secret.

After the night in the tent, the girls take a hike to a glacier. On the way, they get lost, going around in circles. Lane takes the map from Bree and discovers she was holding it the wrong way, making Bree look stupid. When they get to the glacier, Bree makes a catty remark to Lane about her "trying to impress everyone" and tells her to just be herself, because people like her better that way. Lane "accidentally" gives Bree a bloody nose by throwing an ice ball at her. The girls make snowcones from the glacier.

After whittling at the fire, Lane tries to make amends with Bree by cooking dinner for her and they eventually make up after Bree throws a tantrum.

While the girls prepare for the "Trial of Faith" event, a bear raids the camp and Phoebe becomes convinced that it ate Roxy. They run into the bear and play dead to make it ignore them.

Together, they decide to go through with the "Trial of Faith" activity, described as a Sunday school lesson taught by Indiana Jones. Phoebe uses her knowledge to help the girls solve the various puzzles and they eventually find "Noah's Ark". The bishop arrives and reveals that Roxy is still alive. On the last night of camp, they have a testimony meeting and Phoebe, Lane, and Bree share their experiences. At the final camp talent show, Lane and Phoebe perform their new song "Together".

A Man Among Men

Steve Wilson (Carl Winterhoff), a wealthy automobile manufacturer, allows himself one per diversion-ministry to the poor in social settlements and public playgrounds. Through this association, he meets little Danny Smith (Timmy Sheehan), a six-year-old boy of remarkable precocity, who attracts his attention and admiration. Eventually, through the medium of Danny, he visits his home and meets his sister, Millie Smith (Adrienne Kroell), a girl just out of her teens who has much charm interests the wealthy man mightily. His administration has awakened into love when he learns from there that she is engaged to marry Bob Carson (Jack Nelson), a workman in his own shop, whose invention he thinks will make him wealthy. In reality, this invention is worthless, but Steve Wilson buys it, thus sacrificing himself for the love of the girl who has never realized his deep devotion.

Without Motive

Detective Constable Jack Mowbray (Ross Kemp) investigates when the brutal murder of a young woman in Bristol sets off a chain of events, which unbeknown to him, threaten to tear his family apart and change the course of his live forever. When the Bristol murder is linked to a series of recent killings, known as the 'M4 Murders', the investigating team grows to more than a dozen detectives, and just as many petty jealousies and full-blown rivalries. Mowbray’s boss, Detective Chief Superintendent Derek Henderson (Kenneth Cranham), keeps the pressure on as it becomes clear that the latest killing will not be the last. With little clue or pattern to suggest the identity of the killer, the team are forced to a race against time to find the predator before he strikes again — without apparent motive.

Mowbray's main sidekick is DC Jim Boulter (Jamie Foreman), a no-nonsense detective who is prepared to stop at nothing to get to the truth. He often comes close to crossing the line when interrogating suspects, often forcing Mowbray or his other fellow colleagues to intervene. Other officers on the enquiry include DI Monty Fowler (Sean Murray), a long-time close friend of Derek Henderson, who is drafted in to lead up one side of the enquiry at Henderson's request. The other senior investigating detective, DI Keith Champan (John Telfer) was specially selected by Assistant Chief Commissioner Ronald Stocks (Ian Bartholomew), who has overall control of the investigation. Chapman's team also consists of WPC Margaret Walkinshaw (Jane Hazlegrove), a rookie officer barely out of her probation period, and DCs Mickey Lloyd (David Kennedy) and Phil Leighton (William Bateman). Fowler's team also consists of DC Linda Harris (Lou Gish) and DC Trevor Richard (Howard Saddler). Henderson's main adversary, Detective Chief Superintendent Huw Owen (Robert Blythe), is the initial investigating officer on the case. When Owen comes close to blowing the investigation, Stocks decides to replace him with Henderson. However, Henderson later comes close to being sidelined himself, until the team identify Robert Jackson (Karl Johnson) as the prime suspect for the murders.

Although Jackson is initially arrested by Mowbray, Henderson makes the shock decision to release him without charge. When two further attacks occur, one of which results in a further murder, Jackson is re-arrested and eventually charged. In the beginning of the second series, Jackson is convicted of the murders, but when a subsequent attack takes place, with exactly the same modus operandi, the team suspect a copycat killer - although Fowler and Mowbray suspect that Jackson may not have been their man after all. When a civil case is brought against Mowbray and Henderson for misconduct, Mowbray discovers that vital evidence against Jackson was not discovered during the course of the initial investigation.

Destiny 2

The Red War (2017)

One year after the SIVA Crisis, Cabal forces of the Red Legion launch an aerial assault on the Last City, destroying the main portion of the Tower, the headquarters of the Guardians. The player's Guardian and their Ghost respond by assisting the Vanguard in assaulting the Red Legion command ship. As they confront the Red Legion's commander, Dominus Ghaul, his forces attach a device to the Traveler and begin draining it of the Light, the power used by the Guardians. The Guardian loses their powers and is nearly killed by Ghaul. Waking two days after the attack, the Guardian locates their Ghost. They find a haven known as "the Farm" in the European Dead Zone (EDZ) with the assistance of Suraya Hawthorne, a non-Guardian human from the outskirts of the Last City.

The Guardian follows a vision to encounter a shard of the Traveler hidden in a forest within the EDZ. Ghost interfaces with the shard and both its and the Guardian's Light are restored. After restoring long-range communications, Hawthorne intercepts a distress call from Commander Zavala, urging surviving Guardians to travel to Saturn's moon Titan and assist in mounting a counter-offensive. Against Hawthorne's objections, the Guardian travels to Titan, which has been overrun by the Hive. With assistance from Deputy Commander Sloane, they learn that the Red Legion was dispatched to the Milky Way in response to a distress call sent during the Taken War two years prior, and that Ghaul possesses a superweapon known as the Almighty, a space station capable of destroying stars. Resistance to Cabal rule has resulted in entire star systems being destroyed. The intelligence also reveals that the Almighty is positioned near the Sun, breaking up the planet Mercury as fuel. Zavala tasks the Guardian to find Ikora Rey and Cayde-6 to assist in a counterattack to retake the Last City. During this time, it is shown that Ghaul, aided by his mentor, the Consul, overthrew Emperor Calus and took control of the Cabal, and has been studying the Traveler in order to learn how to use the Light and legitimize himself as Emperor.

The Guardian locates Cayde-6 on the centaur Nessus, which has almost been completely transformed by the Vex. With the aid of Failsafe, an AI from the crashed starship ''Exodus Black'', the Guardian frees Cayde from a Vex portal loop and claims a teleporter for use in taking back the city. Cayde directs the Guardian to find Ikora on the Jovian moon of Io, where she had gone to find answers about the Traveler. Ikora and Io researcher Asher Mir direct the Guardian to locate a Warmind, an ancient defensive AI, for intelligence on the Almighty. Afterwards, the Vanguard reunites at the Farm and conclude that the only way to retake the Last City and save the Traveler is to shut down the Almighty first, eliminating the possibility of it destroying the Sun. The Guardian boards the Almighty and destroys the weapon, signaling Zavala to begin the counterattack. As the Vanguard begins the assault, the Consul admonishes Ghaul for his obsession with the Traveler, and urges him to take the Light; Ghaul is reluctant until the Consul kills the Speaker, whom Ghaul had captured and tortured to try and learn more about the Traveler. Ghaul then proclaims that he will take the Light, and strangles the Consul in a fit of rage.

The Guardian returns to Earth to assist in the counterattack and infiltrates Ghaul's command ship alone to save the Traveler. Ghaul forcibly takes the Light, corrupting it, and uses its power against the Guardian, but the Guardian is successful in defeating Ghaul. Ghaul reemerges as a massive ethereal figure who then speaks to the Traveler directly. In doing so, the Traveler wakes from its long sleep, destroying the device that was harvesting its power and killing Ghaul. It sends a massive shockwave throughout Sol, restoring the Light to all Guardians and decimating the Red Legion's forces. The game ends with a posthumous voiceover from the Speaker, reminding all that the Light can never be stopped. The Guardian and Ghost convene with Zavala, Ikora, Cayde, and Hawthorne at an undamaged portion of the Tower, with the Vanguard returning to their old duties and Hawthorne assuming a new post there. In a post-credits scene, the shockwave sent by the Traveler is shown reaching the entire system. The wave of Light extends beyond the Solar System and spreads beyond the Milky Way, before panning across a fleet of dark, mysterious Pyramid-shaped ships sitting some distance away in extragalactic space.

Following Ghaul's defeat, a massive Cabal ship called the Leviathan appears in orbit of Nessus, under the control of the exiled Emperor Calus. Calus invites Guardians to complete a series of challenges before reaching his throne ("Leviathan" raid). A fireteam of Guardians complete his challenges before facing Calus himself; however, after overcoming his strange powers and defeating him, they discover that they were fighting a mechanical doppelganger. The real Calus speaks through the machine, claiming that what they know is a lie and that there is a truth beyond what the Speaker had told them.

''New Light''


With the release of the free-to-play ''New Light'' version of ''Destiny 2'' in October 2019, Bungie changed the beginning of the game for new players, reintroducing the first mission from the original ''Destiny'' as the introductory mission for new players. Upon completing this brief mission, which ended with the player finding a jumpship, the player was taken to the Tower, where they met the various NPCs and could begin the ''Destiny 2'' campaign (The Red War), as well as the ''Curse of Osiris'' and ''Warmind'' campaigns, after talking to Amanda Holliday in the Tower Hangar. Returning players could play this opening mission by creating a new character.

2020 update

With the release of the ''Beyond Light'' expansion in November 2020, ''Destiny 2'' s original base campaign (The Red War), as well as all of the content from ''Curse of Osiris'' and ''Warmind'' were removed from the game and placed into the Destiny Content Vault and are no longer accessible (though Bungie may unvault the associated destinations and activities in the future). In game, these removals are explained as planets that had been taken over and removed from normal space by the forces of Darkness. As a result, Bungie introduced a new player experience to introduce new players to the world of ''Destiny''. It features roughly the same opening as the 2019 ''New Light'', but takes players on a quest further into the Cosmodrome to learn more about the ''Destiny'' universe, giving new players' Guardians a more fleshed out origin story. A new NPC for the Cosmodrome was also introduced, who acts as a guide for the new player quest. Veteran players can play through this new player questline by visiting a new kiosk that was added to the Tower, which also contains abandoned quests.

Like the original ''Destiny'', an opening cinematic is shown where a landing pod lands on Mars' surface in present day. Three astronauts leave the pod to explore the surface of Mars and find an enormous spherical object hovering in the sky. A narration begins, giving a brief history of the Traveler, the Darkness, and the Golden Age of humanity and the first Collapse caused by the Darkness. The game then begins as Ghost is searching among the detritus of Old Russia in the Cosmodrome until it finds and resurrects the player's Guardian, who had been killed in an ancient battle—upon resurrection, Guardians have no memories of their past life from before becoming a Guardian. Ghost then guides the Guardian, battling Fallen enemies along the way, until they encounter a Vanguard Operative, a Hunter named Shaw Han, who is in search of his fireteam members, Cas and Maeve. Han initially tells the Guardian to stay behind and he would get them to the Last City after he finds his fireteam, but the Guardian and Ghost convinces Han to allow them to assist him on his mission. Han has the Guardian go in search of Maeve while he searches for Cas. However, the Guardian is too late, as Maeve was killed by a Hive Wizard called Navôta, Eir Spawn, who also destroyed Maeve's Ghost, preventing Maeve from being resurrected; Han reports that he was also too late in saving Cas. They then meet up back at Han's camp, where Han says to honor his fireteam's loss, they should finish their mission; Han and his fireteam were in search of a Golden Age relic called a superconductor which the Vanguard believe can be used to create a powerful weapon, however, the superconductor is sealed within a chamber and is overloading the building with deadly Arc energy.

The Guardian then goes and collects data from defeated Fallen to figure out a plan to get past the Arc energy. From the data, they learn the location of an ancient array that they need to get operational to balance the power grid to keep the Arc energy from overloading. After successfully raising the array, Han has the Guardian to meet him back at camp so they can regroup and then go collect the superconductor. Upon arriving at the camp, however, the Guardian and Ghost find an audio message that Han went on the mission alone, taking the only access key to the superconductor's chamber, and left the Guardian a sparrow so they could make their way to the Last City. Guardian and Ghost find this unacceptable and Ghost ponders that there has to be another access key and scans Han's archived data, leading them to the Forgotten Shore. After searching through some old caches and boosting Ghost's signal, Ghost is able to piece together encrypted data to create a new key. They then head towards the chamber where they encounter Navôta and her swarm of Hive. The Guardian fights off the Hive, forcing Navôta to retreat and they save Han, who apologizes for leaving them behind, stating that he was afraid to lose another Guardian. They then retrieve the superconductor and meet back at Han's camp. With the mission to retrieve the superconductor complete, Han says that Commander Zavala, the leader of the Vanguard, has ordered him to keep post in the Cosmodrome. Han then gives the Guardian Maeve's jumpship, and they use it to fly to the Tower to meet Zavala and deliver the superconductor.

In flight to the Tower, Ghost explains that he revived the Guardian to help protect humanity and reclaim lost worlds. After arriving in the Tower, Ghost tells the Guardian that the spherical object in the sky is the Traveler, which is where Ghost and their Light—their power—comes from. The Guardian then delivers the superconductor to the Titan Vanguard Zavala, who praises them on their work as a new Guardian and instructs them to meet the rest of the Vanguard and other allies. After meeting the Warlock Vanguard Ikora Rey, Ghost explains that there is no Hunter Vanguard as after the death of the former one, Cayde-6, no Hunter wants to take his place. They then meet a few other important core activity characters, such as the Drifter and Lord Shaxx, before returning to Zavala, who gives the Guardian their first official assignment; Han has tracked down Navôta and Zavala wants the Guardian in on the mission to take her out. The Guardian returns to the Cosmodrome to hunt down Navôta one last time, where they eliminate the Hive Wizard. With that success, the Guardian returns to Zavala, who congratulates them and informs them that after analyzing the superconductor, they can create the exotic submachine gun Riskrunner. Thus, the Guardian has begun their journey to become legend.

Ongoing content

While ''Destiny 2'' expansions have continued to expand the story, Bungie had begun a larger narrative epic with its seasonal content starting in ''Shadowkeep''. During ''Shadowkeep'', Eris Morn discovers one of the Pyramid-shaped ships buried beneath the surface of the Moon, and the Guardian encounters a voice from the Darkness, warning them of the fleet's imminient arrival within the system. The Vanguard deal with new threats from Hive and Vex forces loyal to the Darkness as the Pyramid fleet soon arrive in the System and take positions above Io, Titan, Mercury, and Mars. The Darkness attempt to communicate to Eris but are blocked by Savathûn. The Guardians are able to defeat Savathûn's forces, giving the Darkness the opportunity to alert them to a new power awaiting them on Europa. Meanwhile, the Vanguard evacuate their forces from those planets occupied by the Darkness before they are engulfed by a strange force that vanishes them, although Commander Sloan and Asher Mir elect to stay behind, while Brother Vance enters the Infinite Forest on Mercury. The Traveler reacts to this and fully reforms itself just as all the Guardians had returned to the Last City to shelter under its Light.

In ''Beyond Light'', the Vanguard continue to find signs of the Darkness pyramids across the system. On Europa, the Guardians accept the power of Stasis from the Darkness to defeat one of the Fallen Houses that had also learned to use Stasis. Zavala and other members of the Vanguard are concerned about the use of the powers of Darkness but recognize that it is an effective weapon against forces of humanity. The Vanguard make alliances with the Cabal and one of the Fallen Houses as they recognize they face a common threat from the Hive, Taken, and Vex. It is revealed that Savathûn is impersonating Osiris, the former warlock Vanguard, possibly to manipulate the current Vanguard. She is trapped in a crystal encasement by Mara Sov, and makes a deal to return the real Osiris if Mara agrees to exorcise her worm using the Techeuns. After the Guardians rescue the Techeuns lost in the Ascendant Realm, Savathûn's worm is exorcised, and she is freed from her crystal prison, returning the real Osiris to the Vanguard.

''The Witch Queen'' focuses on the Hive god and Oryx's sister Savathûn, who has obtained the power of the Light and gifted it to her soldiers (known as the Lucent Brood). Taking place in a new area, Savathûn's Throne World within the Ascendant Realm, Guardians will fight off the Hive who have obtained the Light and take it back while evading her schemes. As the story progresses, it´s revealed that the Traveller itself decided to give back Savathûn her life, who actually died, due to no longer having a worm, as shown in a cutscene, and grant her and her brood the light, causing confusion among the Vanguard why the Traveller would help humanity´s enemy. As the Guardians continue to fight off the Lucent Brood, they also learn from memories of Savathûn's past, that her homeworld Fundament had been visited by the Traveller, but before the Traveller could gift them with a Golden Age, an entity called the Witness tricked Sathona, Savathûn's pre-Hive identity, into believing that the Traveller was unleashing a cataclysm on Fundament and to make a deal with the Worm Gods as to create the Hive and turn the Traveller away. Savathûn is stunned and angered by this deception, unleashing her anger at the Guardians as she tries to trick the Traveller. The Guardians kill Savathûn though her ghost Immaru escapes. Elsewhere, outside the System, the Witness prepares for a final assault of the Pyramid fleet against the System.

Cendrillon au Far West

The story starts off in a small western styled town called Felicity City with Cinderella, a doe, complaining about the lack of mannerisms with the males as she works for her stepmother, Felicity, a pug. A train then arrives with a classy canine prince and his cheeky turkey mother, Duchess. Felicity throws a ball in the local saloon to celebrate the coming of royalty all the while plotting to get one of her two daughters married to the prince. Cinderella having seen and been infatuated with the prince laments that she can't attend as Felicity kept all attractive females out of the ball. A shaman friend of Cinderella sees her and helps her get into the ball by casting a spell that gave her a mask, make up, and a dress that will wear out at midnight. Cinderella now disguised forces her way into the ball and catches the princes eyes immediately. They begin to dance meanwhile the princes mother and Cinderella's stepmother enjoy a game of poker in a backroom. Felicity hustles the queen of all her earnings by pretending to not know how to play well and eventually convinces her to bet her son's hand in marriage. By cheating she wins and the queen feels bad for what she did. Then the ball gets attacked by a group of primate outlaws seeking to capture the queen and prince. They manage to capture the queen but the prince evades capture because Cinderella fought to protect him, losing a tooth in the process. Cinderella flees the saloon as her spell wears off, the prince is knocked out cold by Felicity who is determined to give him to one of her daughters.

The next morning the prince manages to escape Felicity's goons by putting them to sleep by playing a violin. He then meets Cinderella, not recognizing her and the shaman. Out to rescue his mother and find the woman who he danced with the night before with only her tooth to go by, Cinderella and the shaman go with him to help him find his mother. As they go, Felicity gets her daughters and goons and hunts after them. While this is happening the outlaws take the queen back to their hideout, a ship in the middle of quicksand, and try to politely threaten her to sign a will that would give their leader her inheritance. She takes advantage of the polite nature of the leader and bides her time while her son and Cinderella run from Felicity and track the outlaws. During their journeys, the prince eventually realizes that Cinderella is that mystery woman from the ball.

As Felicity catches up to Cinderella and crew she pulls out a gun and tries to shoot Cinderella. The prince and shaman lose them through luring and tricking them to fall off a cliff. They then find themselves in a forest dense with bizarre flora, where the bandits find them and begin to ride vultures to chase them, ultimately they find the bandit hideout and Cinderella gets captured by the bandits, while the shaman is left to die. While the bandit leader, Jefe, tries to threaten the duchess by threatening to kill her son if she didn't sign a contract. The threat is interrupted by Felicity and her goons shooting cannon balls at their ship, ultimately causing it to begin sinking. The bandits, frightened, begin to abandon ship while the prince fights the leader. The fight is cut short when Felicity and her goons and daughters arrive and hold the captain at gunpoint to marry herself and the prince. Cinderella lights a cannon that was stuck to the captain's leg and it fires him off into the distance. The damage from the cannon fire begins to cause the ship to break into pieces and sink. At the which Cinderella, the duchess, and the prince, make their way to one end of the ship. Felicity is stuck on a part that's sinking faster, Cinderella offers her hand to help, but Felicity refuses, and dies. The shaman appears at the last moment with vultures and saves the three protagonists. The movie ends with Cinderella and the prince taking the train to leave the town, presumably to marry and live at the prince's home country.

The Next World

After the passing of two months, the walls of the Alexandria Safe-Zone have been repaired and expanded, and the residents are living a seemingly normal lifestyle. Rick and Daryl are about to go on a supply run. Michonne asks Rick for spearmint and baking soda toothpaste, while Denise requests a specific soft drink so she can surprise Tara. Eugene maps out nearby agricultural suppliers, which could improve the dwindling food supply.

Eugene's research leads Rick and Daryl to a truck that is filled with food, ammunition and other supplies including a case of toothpaste. They drive the truck along a different route to return to Alexandria, and stop at a gas station to loot a fallen vending machine. As they struggle to break into it, a long-haired masked man runs into Rick, claiming that he's running from a group of walkers. They all lie about not having a camp, and after Rick introduces himself and Daryl, the man removes his mask and gives his name as Paul Rovia, but tells them his friends call him Jesus. Rick starts to ask his three recruitment questions, despite Daryl's objections, but Jesus runs off. Rick and Daryl hear noises from behind the gas station and, forewarned of approaching walkers, decide to investigate, only to find firecrackers popping. Realizing that Jesus tricked them and pick-pocketed the truck's keys from Rick, they sprint back to see Jesus driving the truck away, dragging the vending machine behind it. Rick and Daryl pursue him on foot, eventually coming across the vending machine. Daryl breaks it open and obtains the drink requested by Denise, Orange Crush. As they catch their breath, Rick expresses his positive views on bringing more people into Alexandria.

Later, the two catch up to the truck and find Jesus repairing a tire. They attack Jesus, who holds his own against the two of them until subdued at gunpoint. Rick leaves Jesus tied loosely on the side of the road, believing he could free himself once they're gone. When they drive across a field at the next farm, Rick and Daryl hear bumping on the truck's roof, and Rick rapidly brakes to send Jesus toppling from the top of the truck. Jesus runs and Daryl jumps out to pursue him, while Rick parks the truck near a lake and kills a few stray walkers. Jesus gets into the driver’s seat as Daryl fights him. Jesus grabs Daryl's handgun and shoots an approaching walker, saving Daryl's life. Daryl pulls Jesus from the truck, which is set into neutral and begins rolling backwards. Jesus is struck on the back of the head by the truck's door, knocking him out, as the truck rolls into the lake and submerges.

Meanwhile, Carl and Enid venture into the woods. They come across a balloon with an illegible note, and Enid is hopeful about other people but Carl says they're probably dead already. They sit together, and Enid confesses that she doesn't like being out there anymore. On their way back, Carl spots a walker and attracts its attention to kill it, but when they see who it is Carl stops while Enid wants to kill it. The two argue, and Carl sends Enid back to Alexandria.

As Michonne is patrolling the newly erected walls, she spots Spencer going into the woods alone with a shovel and sets after him. As they walk through the woods, Michonne spots Carl running and sees a lone walker, which is revealed to be a reanimated Deanna. With Michonne's assistance, Spencer stabs the walker and buries it, a large "D" carved on a tree to mark the grave. That night, Michonne confronts Carl about not killing the walker. He believes walkers should only be killed by someone who had loved them in life. When he tells her he would do it for her, Michonne embraces him.

Rick and Daryl return to Alexandria with an unconscious Jesus, whom they leave tied up in a room. Rick and Michonne sit together on the couch in their living room. They laugh as they talk about their days, and soon begin holding hands and kissing intimately. Later that night, Rick and Michonne are naked, sleeping in bed together, when a voice is heard calling Rick. Michonne and Rick leap up and grab their weapons as the speaker is revealed to be Jesus, who is standing at the foot of the bed and says they need to talk.

Watch Dogs 2

In 2016, three years after the events of Chicago, San Francisco becomes the first city to install the next generation of ctOS ('''c'''en'''t'''ral '''O'''perating '''S'''ystem) – a computing network connecting every device together into a single system, developed by technology company Blume. Hacker Marcus Holloway, punished for a crime he did not commit through ctOS 2.0, decides to join the hacking group DedSec (composed of hackers Sitara Dhawan, Josh Sauchak, Horatio Carlin, and "Wrench"), and conducts an initiation test by hacking a Blume server farm to wipe his profile from the system. DedSec determines that the new ctOS can covertly harm innocent citizens across the city, and thus decides to bring about awareness of their goals through conducting a social media campaign to recruit, by exposing corruption and crimes being conducted through the system, before bringing down Blume.

After several successful exposures, Josh discovers a number of irregularities in their follower numbers. When Marcus investigates this, he learns that DedSec has been used by Blume's CTO Dušan Nemec, in order to sell ctOS 2.0 to those frightened at being hacked. Forced to leave the city for a while, DedSec partake in a hacking event in the desert, and encounter legendary hacker Raymond "T-Bone" Kenney. Interested in assisting them, Kenney joins DedSec as they work to continue their fight against Blume. After hacking the server farm of a major internet company, the group use the data they acquire to pursue and expose corruption amongst law enforcement officers, politicians, and numerous Silicon Valley corporations. During this time, Marcus also focuses on bringing down several criminal syndicates, after one gang murders Horatio for refusing to assist them with their operations, and thwarts Dušan's attempts to disrupt DedSec's operations through a rival hacking group and the FBI.

Eventually, DedSec comes across information about the data manipulation program called "Bellwether", designed by Kenney, and learn that with both this and a new satellite network, designed to bypass undersea data cables, Dušan plans to manipulate world finances and politics, thus creating a monopoly on the entire world's electronic data. To expose this and his corruption, DedSec co-ordinates a massive operation to allow Marcus to infiltrate Blume's San Francisco headquarters, hack their servers, and feed the information of Dušan's crimes to the police. While Dušan is arrested for fraud and Blume is put under investigation, DedSec resolves to continue their fight against the company.

In an extended ending scene added in a post-release patch, two unidentified individuals note that more DedSec cells and hacktivist groups have been emerging worldwide in response to the San Francisco Blume scandal, and that it is time to put their own plans into motion. The filename of the recording seen in the ending is a set of coordinates located in Brixton, London; foreshadowing future events.

Space Patrol Luluco

Luluco is a normal girl living in the solar system frontier space colonization zone Ogikubo. Her father works for the zone's Space Patrol division. Despite being a part of this wondrous district full of alien immigrants, Luluco often lives the life as a student. When her father is accidentally frozen by alien contraband, Luluco is forced to request help from her father's Space Patrol division. She is appointed a member of the Space Patrol by the division chief, named Over Justice, in order to pay the fees required to revive her father. From then on, Luluco's previously normal life faces drastic changes as she is sent on daily missions to protect Ogikubo from space criminals. On these missions she bands together with her assigned partner and alien exchange student ΑΩ (pronounced "Alpha Omega") Nova, as well as their fairly normal mutual classmate Midori.

Baby, It's Cold Outside (Scandal)

Learning that the senate plans to defund Planned Parenthood before the Christmas break Mellie stages an impromptu filibuster to block the bill from passing. Unprepared for the filibuster she is on the verge of giving up when Susan Ross comes to the senate and Mellie yields the floor to her so that she can go to the restroom. While there she encounters Liv, who she realizes helped to orchestrate the break.

Meanwhile, Liv grows increasingly exhausted from playing at being the first lady for Fitz. Watching from the sidelines as Mellie performs her bold political act, Liv goes to get an abortion herself. Returning to the White House she and Fitz get into an argument and they break up. Returning home in time for Christmas she has her old, wine-stained, couch thrown out and a new one delivered.

Roots (2016 miniseries)

'''Part 1'''

In 1767, Kunta Kinte (Malachi Kirby) is a Mandinka warrior from Jufureh in The Gambia, in West Africa. Kunta's family is loyal to the Mandinka king and are resistant to the Europeans. This, however, means the Kinte family faces the danger of reprisal from the rival Koro family, who trade African slaves for English guns. One day, Kunta is taken off into the jungle with other young boys to train to be a warrior. During a test in which Kunta must run through the jungle in a certain amount of time, he sees a man's dead body in a canoe. Kunta then sees the Koros in a separate boat, hunting for vulnerable people to capture. Kunta reports this to his teachers, who decide that it's best for training to end.

After a ceremony, Kunta tells his father that he wants to go to university in Timbuktu, to which his father disagrees. Kunta then runs off into the jungle, where he meets up with his lover, Jinna. However the two are then surrounded by the Koros, who are looking to hold Kunta for ransom. However, Kunta runs away, killing one of the Koros in the process. He is then subdued, and the Koros decide to sell him to the English.

Kunta and Jinna are sold to the ''Lord Ligonier'', a slave ship, with other Mandinkas, including Kunta's uncle, Silla. While boarding the ship, Silla attempts to escape, but is shot in the arm and restrained. Kunta and Silla are then chained in the brig of the ship with hundreds of other captives. One day, Jinna tries to jump off the ship, but is caught and taken to the captain, possibly to be raped. This provokes the other captives, and to prevent a mutiny, the ship's crew have Silla's arm cut off, not only because of it being infected by the gunshot, but also to intimidate the other prisoners. Despite this, Kunta is still able to start an uprising, but it is suppressed, and the captives are transported across the Atlantic Ocean to Annapolis, Maryland, where he is sold to John Waller (James Purefoy), who owns a tobacco plantation in Virginia. Kunta is renamed Toby, and put under the care of a musician slave called Fiddler, whose real name is Henry (Forest Whitaker). Throughout the months, Kunta tries to adapt to life on the plantation, but still thinks about escape. One night, while singing a song from his homeland, Fiddler reveals that he once heard his grandmother singing the same song, implying that she was a Mandinka that was kidnapped from Africa. Kunta then is able to obtain a sharp object to cut the chains that restrain him.

With the aid of Fiddler, Kunta makes an escape attempt at Christmas, but is caught and flogged by the cruel overseer Connelly (Tony Curran) until he says his name is Toby, not Kunta Kinte. Kunta realizes that he will not be returning to his home in the Gambia. Fiddler tends to Kunta's bloodied back and tells him to keep his true name inside, no matter what the white men call him.

'''Part 2'''

Ten years later in 1782, during the American Revolutionary War, Kunta escapes to fight for the British army. There, Kunta makes friends with another runaway, named Carlton. Kunta's regiment is then sent to fight a faction of minutemen. But without proper weapons, Kunta realizes that the escaped slaves were only meant to act as human shields for the British, and the regiment is slaughtered. Kunta escapes with Carlton, who is later killed by an unknown gunman. Kunta is eventually re-captured and, as punishment, his right foot is chopped off.

Kunta and Henry are sent to the farm of Dr. William Waller (Matthew Goode), in payment for his brother John Waller's debts. One year later, the Revolution ends and the United States celebrates its independence. Kunta marries Belle (Emayatzy Corinealdi), a pretty slave woman who nursed him back to health, and they have a daughter. Fiddler and Kunta take the baby into the woods for a Mandinka naming ceremony. They are suddenly surrounded by a slave patrol, which Fiddler distracts so Kunta and the baby can slip away. This results in Fiddler's murder. Kunta names the baby Kizzy, which means "stay put" in hopes of keeping their family together.

Kizzy (played by Saniyya Sidney as a child in 1789 and by Emyri Crutchfield as a teen in 1798) grows up to be a beautiful, bright young woman and Missy (G. Hannelius), Dr. Waller's niece, secretly teaches her how to read. Kunta trains Kizzy in the ways of a Mandinka warrior, passing on her cultural heritage. She also falls in love with another slave named Noah (Mandela Van Peebles).

When a hurricane hits the farm, Kizzy and Noah attempt to escape. The next day, Kunta finds Kizzy hiding inside a brick oven. A search party tracks Noah to a barn. When Noah attempts to outrun them, the search party shoots him multiple times thereby killing him. They discover a forged road pass written by Kizzy. This results in Dr. Waller learning of Kizzy's literacy.

Dr. Waller then sells Kizzy to a poor slaveholder named Tom Lea (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) in North Carolina. He rapes her the same night she arrives. Nine months later, she gives birth to Lea's son, whom Tom Lea names George, apparently after his father. Kizzy contemplates killing her infant, but decides to raise him so she can pass on the story of his heritage.

'''Part 3'''

In 1816, Tom Lea takes young George (Jaylin Ogle) along with him to be trained in how to raise fighting chickens, along with another slave, Mingo. After seeing Mingo gain respect for winning a cockfight, George takes special interest in the sport. However, while George is eager to see the world, Kizzy (by now played by Anika Noni Rose) is worried about him spending so much time away from her. Over the years, George (Regé-Jean Page) becomes a skilled breeder and fighter of chickens, earning his master much money and becoming known as "Chicken George".

In 1828, after being insulted at a party for his low-class Irish heritage, Lea fights a bloody duel with another slave holder. George serves as his second, and Tom agrees to allow him to marry Matilda (Erica Tazel), the daughter of a slave preacher who he has been courting. His position as a trusted slave is challenged in 1831, when Lea learns of Nat Turner's slave rebellion, during a cockfight. Lea, like many other whites, begins to suspect that all slaves might be planning to rebel. During the chaos, Mingo is beaten, and badly injured. On the way home, Lea points a gun at George after being provoked by white militia men. When the three return home, they find all of the slave barracks burnt to the ground. When Lea runs off to find his wife, Patricia, George runs into the woods to find his family. Once there, Matilda reveals that it was a group of white men that burnt down the farm, due to thinking that Lea was dead. Mingo eventually dies from his wounds, causing George to become bitter and cold. George reveals to Kizzy that he's known for years that Lea truly is his father.

George and Matilda marry and have several children, the youngest of whom is named Tom after his master. In 1835, George attends another cockfight, where Tom Lea makes a large wager with a visiting British gentleman. Lea promises that if George wins the fight, he will give him his emancipation papers. George wins and celebrates his newfound freedom. However, they fight one more round against the Englishman and lose. Lea does not have the money to pay off his debt and instead agrees to give George to the man to be taken back to England to raise fighting cocks. Before George is taken away, Lea promises to have freed his family before he returns from England.

'''Part 4'''

On the eve of the Civil War, George returns from England after his British master gave him his freedom after 20 years. He returns to Tom Lea's farm, now in ruin, and discovers that while he was gone, his mother Kizzy had died and Lea had never freed the rest of his family. He tracks down Matilda and his family, now owned by a new master, Benjamin Murray (Wayne Pére). Murray allows George to stay with his wife on the plantation, much to the consternation of his secessionist son Frederick Murray (Lane Garrison), who is engaged to marry Nancy Holt (Anna Paquin). George later leaves after discovering that his freedom will be revoked if his remains in the state for more than 90 days.

George's son Tom is now a skilled blacksmith and valued member of the Murray plantation. Tom (Sedale Threatt Jr.) blames his father for abandoning them and initially wants nothing to do with him. When war breaks out, Nancy reveals to Tom that she is a Union spy and tries to enlist him to help her. He initially refuses, but when Frederick and his friends rape his wife, Irene, Tom decides to help. Their plans go awry and Nancy and her slave Jerusalem (Mekhi Phifer) are exposed as spies and are hanged by Frederick.

Meanwhile, George and another black man named Cyrus (T.I.) join the Union Army. They participate in the Battle of Fort Pillow, and watch horrified when surrendering black troops are massacred. George, Cyrus, and Tom flee pursuing Confederate bushwhackers and return to the Murray plantation to learn that all the slaves have been freed by the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Kinte Family stays for a time as sharecroppers, continuing to work the Murray Plantation in exchange for livestock and food. Once George returns to the Murray Plantation, he, Cyrus, Tom, Matilda and the rest of their family pack up their belongings and head to Tennessee to start a new life. When Frederick threatens them, George shoots him. Once in Tennessee, Tom and his wife have a daughter, the first Kinte born free in America. Many years later, a man named Alex Haley traces his roots to Kunta Kinte and writes a book to honor both his family and all those descended from African slaves.

Lost L.A.

Los Angeles is often thought of as a city without a history, an instant metropolis defined by the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. ''Lost LA'' challenges these stereotypes, offering a history of Southern California not found in other media. Unlike other history shows which only look backward at antiquarian arcana, ''Lost LA'' explains the Southern California of today and how we got here.

Final Score (2018 film)

Brothers Dimitri and Arkady Belav have led the revolution in the Russian state of Sakovya for independence. The revolution ultimately leads to Dimitri being killed in an airstrike and Arkady being captured, ending the revolution. After several years, Arkady and his men believe that Dimitri has faked his death, so they torture a man for information on where Dimitri is hiding in London.

Meanwhile, in London, former US military soldier Michael Knox visits his late best friend's house to attend West Ham United football game with his niece, Danni. He had previously served in Afghanistan in an attack team alongside his best friend (who he explains "was like a brother") and was the only survivor of their last mission. Danni is grounded by her mother for delinquent behaviour, but Knox manages to fix the situation, and her mother gives her consent for Michael to take Danni to the football match.

Arriving at the West Ham stadium, Upton Park, Danni expresses her frustration about her dad's death. Michael goes to get them both hot dogs, at which point Danni gets a text from a boy she fancies and decides to join him at his seat. Meanwhile, Arkady and his mercenaries covertly infiltrate the stadium, take over the control room and initiate a lockdown of the entire stadium. Taking Superintendent Steve Thompson hostage, Arkady threatens Thompson into cooperating with his team by threatening his family. Arkady then has his men blow up all transmission towers across the city to ensure that no communication will be made outside the stadium. Discovering Danni is missing from her seat, Knox seeks help with the cheeky stadium guard, Faisal Khan. Faisal reluctantly assists Knox to the control room. On their way, they run into one of Arkady's men posing as a guard near the lift, who ultimately attacks them, resulting in Michael killing him. Knox finds C-4 explosives in Andrei's jacket. He then uses the only working walkie-talkie to call the police about the situation, but Chief Commander Daniel Steed does not believe him and hangs up. After he kills two other men, Vlad and Anton, Knox brings the latter's body to a balcony and throws him down, smashing into concession stands and thereby summoning the police.

Seeing this, Arkady and the other mercenaries infiltrate the news studio and kill the crew. Arkady has a reporter read a statement at gunpoint, demanding Dimitri's location, or they will blow up the stadium. As he finishes the statement, Arkady kills the reporter and two others on live television, which Danni's mom sees and prompts her to leave for the stadium. Steed is approached by Agent Cho, who explains that Dimitri fled Russia undercover, underwent plastic surgery, and was given amnesty in London. Cho says that he cannot meet the demands as handing Dimitri to Arkady will plunge the entire Russian region into chaos, endangering millions. Arkady's team learns the background of Knox and Danni, and they decide to take Danni hostage. Hearing them summoning Danni over the speaker, Knox rescues her with help from Faisal.

Because Thompson's team failed to capture Danni, Arkady executes him. Knox, Faisal, and Danni ultimately discover the C4 explosives planted below the control room, and Knox alerts Steed about it. Hoping to stop the situation, Knox decides to take Dimitri by himself. On his way, Knox encounters and fights Tatiana, ultimately escaping and finding Dimitri and agreeing with agents now circling in a helicopter to bring Dimitri to be safely taken away, but he stipulates Danni must go with them. But Tatiana takes Danni hostage and knocks Faisal unconscious. Knox eliminates the other men before they get to the extraction point, but upon learning Danni is taken, Cho – who is under orders to ensure Dimitri stays dead – has his men shoot at Knox; however, the mercenaries fend off the helicopter. After they threaten Danni, Knox agrees to hand over Dimitri in exchange for her. Steed berates Cho for risking the lives of innocent people and takes control of the situation. A helicopter comes back and kills most of the other mercenaries, but Dimitri and Danni are captured. After Knox struggles with Tatiana, they both fall from a higher point in the stadium and she is fatally impaled by a pipe. Knox had managed to get and keep hold of the kill switch, but realizes it is fake; before dying, Tatiana explains that the bomb will blow up 90 minutes into the match no matter what.

When Dimitri reunites with Arkady, Arkady vows to start the revolution again if Dimitri proves his loyalty by shooting Danni. But unwilling to let Arkady's madness destroy the region with another revolution, Dimitri shoots himself. With just a few minutes left, Faisal is able to evacuate the audience that is near the stadium's control room. Arkady takes control of the live broadcast holding onto Danni as Knox runs towards the control room from across the field, but he's too late and the bomb goes off, destroying the control room.

But as he starts to mourn, Knox looks more closely at the frozen big screen which was not destroyed and notices a time difference in two clocks, realising that the live broadcast was pre-recorded 85 minutes into the match, and that both of them are probably alive. As the crowd stampedes towards exits, Knox hears Danni crying out and confronts Arkady. With a gun to her head, Knox tells Danni to "use her head" - she gets the hint and head butts Arkady, sending him briefly reeling and Knox kills him. Danni reunites with her worried mother who runs to her arms, and Steed thanks Knox for his bravery. Knox, Danni, her mother, and Faisal (who was near the blast but managed to survive as he rescued an older woman who he had argued with earlier) leave the stadium.

Vintage Stuff

Peregrine Roderick Clyde-Brown is a guileless and dim-witted teenager, who takes every phrase or word spoken to him literally. This is where the author displays his skill in playing with the English language, His attorney father (wishing to get rid of him) and his mother (having high hopes on him as a 'late bloomer') finally manage to get him admitted to a boarding private school called Groxbourne. In a school, asynchronous to its surrounding, Peregrine's tendency for unflinchingly taking orders and having negligible individual thought (and his becoming a crack shot on the school's rifle range) seem perfect for a promising career in the British Army. It is here at Groxbourne that Peregrine meets Gerald Glodstone, a teacher like others in the school, whose teaching methods involve using the cane, but who is also addicted to early- and pre-twentieth century adventure fiction. After Glodstone drags the loyal and obedient boy off to France on a seemingly romantic quest to rescue a French countess (a "quest" set into motion by another Groxbourne teacher who hates Glodstone), Peregrine ends up storming a French castle where he commits havoc and even murder, the effects of which would span countries and affect everyone around him.

Hamilton's Quest

A young man discovers, after his parents die in an accident on his 18th birthday, that he was actually not their biological son. The man, Sonny Hamilton (John Pyper-Ferguson), was bewildered by this turn of events and discusses his feelings with Stickman Wilkins, owner of the local pool hall and occasional mystic. Inspired by Stickman's search for roots, Sonny sets off on his own quest for his natural parents.

Prompted by Jealousy

Laura Venning (Adrienne Kroell), in saving the life of Detective Martin's child wins the friendship of a man of cunning who serves her when she is imperiled through the attentions of an adventuress, who uses here to revenge herself upon Miss Venning's brother. Jack Venning, in a moment of insane wagering, gives a check of $5,000 (approximately 100,000-150,000 as of 2015) to secure a gambling debt. The dashing Jack is admired by Mrs. Romano, a society adventuress with a passion that is not reciprocated and finally turns her fondness to hatred. She overhear's Jack's confession, to his sister, concerning the check and his plea for $5,000 to save him from prison. The hostess of the evening has a pearl necklace of great price that is broken, so she puts it in a crystal jewel box in her boudoir. The wiley and revengeful widow gets the necklace and places it in the vanity bag of Laura. The latter, disconcerted by her brother's story, is about to leave the house when the loss of the necklace is discovered, and Laura is accused of the theft. The officers are called and Mrs. Romano adroitly eggs them on, calling in Martin, the chief of detectives. How he discovers the real thief is one of the cleverest bits of picture work of a play of the time.

The Cokeville Miracle

In May 1986, cop Ron Hartley (Jasen Wade) is at a crime scene, during which two people were murdered. He is traumatized from the experience and begins to question the beliefs of his religion.

In Tucson, Arizona, David Young (Nathan Stevens), former town marshal of Cokeville, Wyoming, tests a homemade bomb on an old bus, which succeeds. He then expresses his triumph with his second wife, Doris (Kymberly Mellen). In Cokeville, Ron is playing with his two children; Cindy (Alexa Rae) and Jason (Kimball Stinger). When the family's nightly prayer comes, Ron refuses to say it, as he is questioning his faith due to all the horrible things he's seen. His wife, Claudia (Sarah Kent), is worried for him.

On a Sunday, Ron does not attend his church with his family. Meanwhile, David is travelling with Doris, buying groceries as materials. He has his two friends Gerald Deppe and Doyle Mendenhall (Channon Voyce and Paul Hunt) meet him in Cokeville. David and Doris demonstrate igniting gunpowder while it is in the air, making it seem as if the air is on fire. Deppe and Mendenhall take the plot as launching illegal fireworks. The next day, the five set out for Cokeville Elementary School, where David reveals their real plan is to take the school hostage and blow it up with his bomb, which will then lead to David being the leader of a "brave new world". Deppe and Mendenhall refuse to cooperate, and David handcuffs them in the back of his van.

Ron, on the same day, travels to help his brother with some issues, while Cindy and Jason go to the school. During the past few days at the school, the fire alarms have been going off without any smoke or any other trigger, baffling the staff. David, Doris and Penny (Caitlin EJ Meyer), one of David's two daughters from his previous marriage, bring the bomb into the school, with Doris and Penny carrying firearms. Penny is reluctant to follow the plan. The three walk into the school undetected, and announce to their secretary, Christina Cook (Jillette Dayton), their plan. They take her hostage, and when David starts harshly yelling at a student, Penny confronts him. Instead of shooting her like he had earlier threatened, he gets his car keys and throws them at her, commanding her to leave, saying she is no daughter of his.

After Penny leaves, David and Doris take three people (two staff, one student) into Room 4, where David takes control of a class being held in the room. Doris then manipulates the rest of the school to go into Room 4, telling them "a surprise" waits for them. Once all 136 students and 18 teachers are in the room, David establishes control by explaining his rules, then sitting next to the bomb; if he pulls the trigger, it will detonate. He shows off his firearms and explains he’ll kill children with a .22 because they’re innocent, while his .45 is reserved for teachers.

After a few minutes, Max Excell (Alan Peterson), the school principal who had been away, walks in and discovers the situation. David tells him to call the local authorities and tell them he demands $2,000,000 for each child, and if he doesn't return in 15 minutes, he will begin shooting students one by one.

Penny speeds to the local police station where she informs them of her father's plan, proving it by showing them Deppe and Mendenhall, still handcuffed. The police take the three for questioning, while they start informing the families. Ron begins to return to Cokeville, when he is informed of the hostage situation. He is still far out, but starts to rush towards Cokeville, as he is the nearest officer and every other one is out of town. In the school, gas from the bomb begins to leak and children are getting sick. One of the teachers convinces David to let them open the doors and windows. After the principal returns, David demands him to call the White House.

During the next few hours, the teachers create a "magic square" of masking tape on the floor where only David is allowed to go. The square serves as a boundary between the bomb and the children. Around this time, David is getting more and more agitated especially when Jason Hartley taunts him. When Jason puts his foot inside the magic square, David loses control and yells at Jason, who doesn’t flinch. Shortly after that, David leaves for the restroom, telling Doris to take his place at the bomb. While chatting with one of the teachers, Doris accidentally triggers the bomb by gesturing with her hand. It explodes and Doris is ignited in flames. The children are quickly evacuated as firefighters and paramedics are stationed right outside the doors and windows. David comes out of the bathroom to see Doris’ body completely engulfed in flames; he shoots her to put her out of her misery. He also shoots a teacher, John Miller (Joshua Cooper), in the back as the man leaves the classroom to help children escape.

Despite the fire from the blast, David shooting his gun, and his remaining ammo exploding in the heat of the fire, everyone but Doris still manages to evacuate safely. David returns to the bathroom where he kills himself, making him and Doris the only two to be killed during this event. Ron is informed of the bombing and he expresses that God isn't real. He arrives in town, rushing towards the school.

A few days later, Jason and Cindy are recovering well from burns and other minor injuries. Jason, however, seems traumatized and Ron takes him to see a psychologist. After the doctor meets privately with Jason for a while, he simply tells Ron that, "You and Jason need to sit down and have a nice, long talk." Ron and Claudia both talk to Jason, who then tells him "there were other people in the room." He confides in them that he saw people dressed all in white — angels. Ron doubts this but Claudia believes him after Jason points out a picture of his great-grandmother, who had passed away years earlier, saying she was his angel in the classroom. Ron questions this so Claudia convinces him to gather evidence just as he would for any other investigation.

He visits multiple families who inform him of similar stories from their children. He visits the investigating certified bomb expert, Rich Haskell (Rick Macy), from Sherrif's office in Rock Springs, who tells him that three of the five wires in the bomb were mysteriously cut; not broken, but cut clean. Haskell also mentions that the open windows and doors provided ventilation for the explosion. He is baffled that the shrapnel David put in the explosive was thrown around the room but no one was injured by it. Ron later tells Claudia that he found out every one of the hostages prayed some time during the crisis, and that some ran back into the room to help others. Despite all this information, Ron is reluctant to believe it.

On Sunday, Jason refuses to attend church unless his dad does so as well. Motivated to attend for Jason, Ron tries to make it through the meetings. But after the main meeting, Ron's doubts start to control him again and he tells Claudia that he can't do it. She tells him that he needs to control it or he could lose her and their children. Ron then overhears some words the bishop, John Teichart (Shawn Stevens), is saying in a class. He says that hatred will not be the answer but prayer will. Ron then goes to the youth room where they are singing "A Child's Prayer". He notices that almost all of the kids in the room have some injuries of some kind, and he becomes humble and asks God for forgiveness for doubting Him. Cindy and Jason notice him and run to him, and he asks for their forgiveness as well. That night, at the family prayer, Ron is saying it for the first time in a long time.

28 (2014 film)

In a country where sexuality has become a vulgarity, a man sees his wife nude for the first time as she lay dead after she was sexually assaulted on a mortuary table and then struggles emotionally, to at least claim as his own, the merest part of her body.

Lenin is livid that he has been tricked into transporting a dead body but, seeing the dead Suddhi's torso he agrees unconditionally to transport her body back to the village. When the coffin arrives, the villagers already know how Suddhi died through newspaper reports and rumors resulting in Abasiri's humiliation in front of them.

Suddhi addresses the mourners at her own funeral stating that she is now bereft of fear and censure since she is dead and provides telling and powerful testimony on behalf of all women.

Crosscurrent (film)

Captain Gao Chun (Qin Hao) continues to go ashore to find an affair during the time he pilots a cargo ship along the Yangtze River. But he gradually discovers that the women he meets at different docks seems to be the same person-Anlu (Xin Zhilei). Just as the voyage goes up, Anlu is gentle and sometimes crazy, but she is getting younger and younger. Gao Chun falls in love with Anlu, stops the boat to meet her, and gradually finds that the location of Anlu is related to a handwritten poem of an unknown author. However, after the ship passes the Three Gorges, Anlu no longer appears. Gao Chun frantically searches for Anlu, and finds the secret of Anlu in the poetry and route maps. There is a change on the ship, but he still desperately drives the cargo ship alone and continues to trace the Yangtze River until he reaches the source of the snowy mountain. Finally, he finds the origin of Anlu and the secret of the Yangtze River.

Tomcat (2016 film)

Andreas and Stefan live with their beloved cat Moses in a beautiful old house in the vineyards around Vienna. Both work for the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. Men share a passion for music and lead a happy and passionate life with a large circle of friends and acquaintances. But one morning Stefan kills Moses in a sudden outburst of anger. From this point on, skepticism and alienation define their cohabitation and become an almost insurmountable obstacle. While Stefan loses his footing, Andreas, traumatized by the death of his beloved cat and the realization that his lover was a killer, wrestles with suspicion of, and love for, Stefan.


Pasha, the leader of the gang of ''Lantouri'', falls in love with Maryam, a social activist and  journalist who has started a campaign called "No to Violence" in order to convince the families of the crime victims to forgive the murderers of their love ones. Maryam rejects repeatedly Pasha‘s love and his feeling for her. Pasha loses his mind because of the rejection, splashes acid on Maryam‘s face and she loses her sight because of what Pasha did to her. Now, Maryam who previously convincing others to forgive criminals asks for justice and revenge, and requests “eye for eye” punishment.

Don't Call Me Son

Pierre is for the most part a typical middle class Brazilian teenager. He is constantly exploring his gender identity and sexual orientation without much thought or consequence. Pierre lives in a suburb of São Paulo with his adoptive mother and sister in a modest but apparently happy home. His carefree teenage existence is destroyed when he is found by detectives that reveal to him that his real name is Felipe, and that he was stolen from the hospital by the woman he calls his mother.

After DNA testing reveals his true parentage, Felipe/Pierre's custody is given to his birth family, while his "adoptive" mother is sent to prison for stealing not only Pierre but also his sister from another family. Having no alternative and completely in shock, Felipe/Pierre is forced to move in with the upper class, conservative family.

Soon after the teenager moves in and the initial excitement wears off, Pierre's parents start trying to change him to make him fit better in their own lifestyle. Felipe/Pierre's gender-bending ways in specific cause a lot of distress to the father, who is mostly unwilling to accept Felipe/Pierre the way he is. A series of increasingly serious conflicts emerges as their expectations of their missing son seem totally alien to the person Pierre believes he is. In the end, his biological brother, ironically ignored and seemingly invisible to their parents, is the only person that seems to understand him.


Louie and comedians Nick DiPaolo, Hannibal Buress, Jim Norton, Eddie Brill, and Rick Crom exchange jokes whilst playing a game of poker. Norton tells Brill to stick his seven-card up his mother's anus, but DiPaolo says her anus would be too crammed with penises. Brill says it makes no sense. However, Louie disagrees, saying that she uses a coffee tamper to get them in there. DiPaolo asks Crom, who is a homosexual, what sex is like for him. The conversation leads to Crom telling them about a club called City Jerks, where several homosexual men perform masturbation on each other, which the comedians question him about. Crom tells them he doesn't care what they do in their sexual life and that they are obsessed with his. Louie asks whether he should use the word "faggot" onstage, Crom says he doesn't care if it is said onstage and tells them that the origin of the word comes from the Middle Ages, when homosexuals where thrown into the kindling and burned alive, thus originating the phrase "flaming faggot" (although this is disputed). Crom tells them that by using the word, he is reminded of times when he was abused for being homosexual. DiPaolo jokingly calls him a "faggot" and the men laugh together.

In his stand-up set, Louie says he was married from the age of 28 until 42. He says that getting divorced is like leaving a bad time machine that takes 14 years to go forward 14 years. Louie and his wife sign the divorce forms. He tells his brother over dinner he views it positively, because he's now single and gets to find a new partner, but his brother just finds it "weird" and says he is likely to die alone. Back performing stand-up, Louie says his life is on an exponential decline. In his apartment, he looks at his body in the mirror and extends his middle finger to himself. He looks at old school yearbook photos and finds a girl named he knew named Tammy. In a flashback sequence, a young Louie stares at Tammy. She asks him if he wants her deceased father's watch. Later she offers him alcohol, which he declines, then tells him to "whip it out". In the present day, Louie realizes he still has the watch and sends her a message on Facebook. He visits her at her home, and she looks noticeably different to what she used to. He tells her about their brief moment together, which she doesn't remember, before they have sex passionately on the floor.

Louie says in his stand-up set that the only reasoning he has for not having sex with animals is because he's told not to. He then says it would possibly be rape, but if the animal is aroused, then it is morally acceptable. He claims he would wait only two minutes before having sex with a monkey if he was the last person on the planet.

The Vampire Detective

Yoon San (Lee Joon) works as a private detective with his friend Yong Goo-Hyung (Oh Jung-se). One day, Yoon San is turned into a vampire. He remains a private detective who solves cases for his clients all the while uncovering the secrets from his past.

Bumblebee (film)

On the planet Cybertron, the Autobot resistance, led by Optimus Prime, is on the verge of losing the war against the Decepticons and prepares to evacuate the planet. Decepticon forces led by Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave intercept the Autobots during the evacuation, and Optimus sends Autobot scout to Earth in an escape pod to set up a base of operations, before staying behind to fend off the Decepticons. B-127 reaches Earth, crash-landing in California and disrupting a training exercise by Sector 7, a secret government agency monitoring extraterrestrial activity on Earth. Colonel Jack Burns presumes B-127 to be hostile and orders his men to attack. B-127 scans a Willys MB jeep and flees to a mine, where he is ambushed by the Decepticon Blitzwing. When B-127 refuses to reveal Optimus's whereabouts, Blitzwing tears out his voice box and damages his memory core, but B-127 destroys Blitzwing with one of his own missiles. B-127 scans a nearby 1967 yellow Volkswagen Beetle before collapsing from his injuries.

In 1987, teenager Charlene "Charlie" Watson, who was depressed by the death of her father, and resentful of her mother, Sally's, new boyfriend, Ronald, finds a yellow Volkswagen Beetle in a scrapyard belonging to Hank, who gives it to her as an 18th-birthday present. When trying to start it, Charlie unknowingly activates a homing signal that is detected by Decepticons Shatter and Dropkick as they interrogate and slice down Cliffjumper on one of Saturn's moons. The two Decepticons head to Earth, acquire Earth vehicle forms, and encounter Sector 7; pretending to be peacekeepers, they persuade the agency to help capture B-127, despite Burns' objections.

While Charlie attempts to fix the Beetle, it transforms into B-127, whom she befriends and names "Bumblebee". She then unknowingly unlocks a message from Optimus urging Bumblebee to defend Earth, which restores some of his memories. They are discovered by Charlie's neighbor Memo, who agrees to protect their secret, while Bumblebee learns to use the radio to communicate. Left alone, Bumblebee unintentionally destroys Charlie's home and causes an energy spike that attracts Sector 7's attention. When Sally blames Charlie for the havoc, Charlie finally expresses her pain over her father's death and leaves with Bumblebee and Memo, only to be intercepted by Sector 7 and the Decepticons. Bumblebee is captured while Charlie and Memo are returned home.

Charlie convinces her brother Otis to cover for Memo and her as they follow Burns to the Sector 7 outpost where Bumblebee is being held. Shatter and Dropkick torture Bumblebee; they activate a message from Optimus, learning that the Autobots are coming to Earth. They kill Bumblebee after revealing their plan to bring the Decepticons to Earth. After alerting Burns to the truth about the Decepticons, Dr. Powell is killed by Dropkick.

Charlie electroshocks Bumblebee back to life, restoring his memories, and fends off Burns' obstruction. After evading the military with the help of Memo and her family, Charlie and Bumblebee pursue the Decepticons, who are using a radio tower at a nearby harbor to contact Cybertron. Shatter shoots down Burns' helicopter when he also tries to intervene, but he is saved by Bumblebee. Bumblebee binds Dropkick with a chain, ripping him apart. Charlie deactivates the Decepticon beacon, only to be pursued by Shatter. Bumblebee destroys a dam wall, triggering a flood that causes a cargo ship to crush and destroy Shatter. Bumblebee and Charlie escape the army and arrive on a cliff overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, where Charlie, realizing that Bumblebee has a greater purpose, says goodbye. Bumblebee takes on a new 1977 Chevrolet Camaro form and drives off, and Charlie reunites with her family and Memo.

Bumblebee reunites with Optimus, who successfully escaped Cybertron. He praises Bumblebee for keeping Earth safe as they watch more escape pods enter Earth's atmosphere. Meanwhile, Charlie finishes repairing the Corvette her father and she were working on and takes the classic vehicle for a drive.

Marjorie Prime

Around the year 2050, 85-year-old Marjorie (Smith) is experiencing the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. To bring her comfort her daughter Tess (Davis) and son-in-law Jon (Robbins) hire a service called Prime, designed to assist Alzheimer patients by creating holographic projections of deceased family members which are "fed" with the patients' memories so that they can "retell" them back in case they forget them. Marjorie has chosen a younger version of her late husband Walter (Hamm), who died fifteen years ago. This choice disturbs Tess as she does not trust the system's functionalities, so she does not talk to Walter's hologram. Marjorie tells stories of her life to Walter Prime and enjoys listening to him tell them back, usually asking him to embellish some to make them better and prettier the next time he tells them, so that the new story will become her new memory. Meanwhile, Julie (Andujar), Marjorie's caretaker, moves in with the family to watch over her and confides in Walter.

In time, Walter Prime becomes curious about the real Walter's personal and professional lives and starts asking Jon about them. He appears to desire to know the reason why he couldn't tell his children how much he loved them. Jon tells Walter Prime a family secret that must never be repeated to Marjorie: she and Walter had a son named Damian who committed suicide forty years earlier and, before doing so, killed the beloved family dog Toni II (a black French poodle who looked just like the family's previous dog, Toni) to take her with him. Marjorie hasn't said Damian's name since then. Despite Walter Prime's understanding about not telling her, Marjorie suddenly asks for Damian in a bout of dementia. Tess finds a Bible in the living room table and accuses Julie (who had given it to Marjorie) of taking advantage of Marjorie's condition to religiously manipulate her (since Marjorie has always been an atheist), which prompts Marjorie to become upset and urinate herself.

Later on Tess and Marjorie are sitting on the couch talking. It is soon revealed that Marjorie has died and Tess is talking to a Prime version of Marjorie; Jon recommended the Prime Program for his wife to help her cope with the death of her mother. Tess remains highly skeptical of the Prime program, especially because Marjorie Prime is constantly smiling and appears to be too understanding to truly impersonate Marjorie's real personality. This leads Tess to realize she has chosen the aged version of her mother because this is the version she still has things she needs to say to. Meanwhile, in a flashback to when Walter was alive, he and Marjorie are sitting on the couch watching the nightly news, which shows “The Gates”, an art exhibit by Christo and Jean-Claude that ran in Central Park during February 2005. As was explained in an earlier scene, this is shortly after Walter and Marjorie's son, Damian, kills Toni II and commits suicide. Walter and Marjorie become emotional and embrace one another.

Sometime later, Jon is talking to Tess in the living room. It is then revealed it is a Prime version of her; a year has passed and Tess, apparently still unable to deal with Marjorie's death, had hanged herself during a vacation in Madagascar. Jon brings Tess' granddaughter to meet Tess Prime because she never met the real Tess while she was alive due to Tess' estrangement from her daughter.

Years later, Tess' granddaughter is grown up and Jon is very old. In the house's living room, Walter Prime, Marjorie Prime, and Tess Prime talk about the old days, reliving old memories. They discuss a memory of the dog Toni, believing Tess was the one who picked him out. Walter tells them that Tess didn't pick Toni: Damian did. He picked her because she looked like their old dog, also named Toni, who died before Tess was born and whom she never knew existed. After hearing the story, Marjorie and Tess can remember Damian too. As Walter apologizes for saddening them, Marjorie responds by saying the only thing she can think of is "how nice that we could love somebody".

Black Like Kyra, White Like Me

When Christy's friend Kyra moves out of a violent neighborhood and relocates into Christy's own residential area, Christy's family and friends react negatively and are hesitant to meet Kyra's family, the Kirks. As the story progresses, tension further escalates when the Kirks are socially rejected at a neighborhood block party and vandalism occurs. However, tension is relieved when Cristy's father apologizes to the Kirks for the racism they have endured and Christy's mother offers to call the police after the Kirk's van has been vandalized. As the story comes to a close the relationship between Kyra's and Christy's families is improving, for Christy's mother drives both her daughter and Kyra to gymnastics and allows her daughter to see as much of Kyra as she wants. Moreover, Matt, Julie and their father move out of Christy and Kyra's neighborhood and thus reduce the racial tension.

Max et Jérémie

Jeremie is a small time crook who blows up places and people for Paris mobsters. He gets his chance to move up in the underworld when he is hired to kill a retired hitman, Max, who knows too much to be left alive. But Jeremie is unable to kill Max who unexpectedly develops a fondness for him.

A New Life (Hong Kong TV series)

Yam Chi-ho (Savio Tsang) was brought up in the triads and have been imprisoned on numerous occasions. Chi-ho was temporarily released from prison to attend his father's funeral, the police are tightly monitoring him, believing he will commit another crime, and thus, Chi-ho feels a great sense of stress. He later meets a passionate social worker, Ha Ching-man (Margie Tsang), who actively leads Chi-ho back on the right path. During one occasion, Chi-ho went to settle a dispute for his triad brother, causing his wife, Pui-kuen (Kitty Lai) to a miscarriage. Disappointed at how Chi-ho was unable to change his poor habits, Pui-kuen breaks up with him. While Chi-ho felt guilty, Ching-man comforts him and inspires him to reform.

Chi-ho's good friend, Chong Ka-chun (Donnie Yen), was a customs officer who was framed for corruption and was imprisoned as a result. After being released from jail, Ka-chun's wife, Yee-lei (Cheng Yuen-man) has been remarried to his friend, Fong Sai-hei (Felix Lok). However, Ka-chun discovers that Sai-hei was the one who framed him. Sai-hei kills Ka-chun's son and causes Yee-lei to go mad. To seek revenge, Ka-chun joins the triads and participates in smuggling activities. Ka-chun also forces his good friend, Ma Cheung (Joseph Lee), an ex-con and expert lock picker who planned to turn over a new life, to conspire with him. Cheung, who is raising money to marry his girlfriend, Suk-lan (Yip Yuk-ping), has no choice but to agree. Ka-chun unscrupulously climbs up in the triads, launching a series of slaughters, and leading Sai-hei to prison. Ka-chun also murders Ching-man's mother, which was witnessed by Cheung. When Ka-chun plans to silence Cheung, Chi-ho helps Cheung in countering against Ka-chun.

Ride (2012 film)

The film opens to Artist (played by Del Rey) in a cowboy-influenced outfit while swinging on a tire swing in the middle of the desert. It then cuts to show her grazing the streets in streetwalker attire while attempting to hitch hike, as a monologue about why she started prostituting plays in the background. Artist reveals that all her family and friends disapprove of her lifestyle, but urges that they are simply unaware of what it feels like to have "your home be where you lay your head". Artist proceeds to perform in a dazzled dive bar, revealing that she ''was'' a performer, but "not a very popular one". In her closing moments in the bar, she insists that she's always been different, and was "born to be the other woman". As Del Rey says this, a montage of clips showing her and her biker gang play as the titular track, "Ride", begins to play shortly after.

Artist has multiple returning clients, or "lovers" (played by Ian Seeberg, Scott The Wall, and Kevin Peterson, respectively), that she eventually runs away from her home with. After a series of excursions, Artist says she "finally found her home" as she continues to enjoy her new lifestyle moving motel-to-motel.

During their last night, Artist and her biker gang enjoy some wild times in the empty desert, driving bikes through flames, drinking excessively, and howling at the moon. This scene is where the infamous "Indian headress" shot with Del Rey is featured. In a monologue at the end of the film, during which scenes are shown of Del Rey sneaking away with the bikers, Artist declares, "I am fucking crazy. But I am free" as she proceeds to swing on her free-range tire swing.

Border dog Alyi

Lyosha Koshkin really wanted to serve on the border and get an official dog. A dream come true: he was Lad Camp, where he got a wonderful East-European Shepherd dog.

The Iron Trial

The protagonist of The Magisterium Series is twelve-year-old Callum (Call) Hunt who was raised by the mage Alastair Hunt, who after the third mage war with 'The Enemy of Death' also known as Constantine Madden, and the death of his wife Sarah at the Cold Massacre, decided to spurn magic and raised up Call to be the same. Call participates in a test to see whether he has sufficient magic to attend the magisterium and train to be a mage using the four elements fire, water, air and earth.

Pet (film)

Seth is a severely introverted man who works at an Animal Control department. He has developed an obsession with Holly, a waitress and former high school classmate of his he saw writing in her journal on the bus. Seth asks security guard Nate for advice, and Nate tells him to be confident and approach her. Seth extensively researches her online profiles for information and tries to ask her out, but she rebuffs him. At home, Holly talks about the encounter with her friend Claire, and takes a drunken phone call from her ex-boyfriend Eric, who cheated on her.

Holly receives a large bouquet of roses at work the next day, and assuming they are from Eric, goes to visit the bar where he works. Seth, who has been following her, confronts her, leading to a physical confrontation when he refuses to accept her rejection. Eric beats Seth up, but Seth is able to steal Holly's journal. He spends the next several days reading every detail. As his performance slips at work, Seth discovers a trapdoor to a room in an abandoned wing of the animal shelter, where he sets about constructing a steel cage. He follows Holly home, breaks into her apartment, and kidnaps her.

After she awakens in the cage, Holly vows to survive, speaking to an image of Claire. Seth informs Holly that he loves her and has imprisoned her to "save" her. He says he has heard her talking in both her own and Claire's voices in the past. He reveals that he knows the truth about her: Holly discovered that Eric had slept with Claire, and confronted her about it during a car ride. An angry Holly continued accelerating the car until they were hit by a truck. Although injured, Claire was alive until Holly stabbed her with a glass shard; Claire's death was attributed to the crash. Since then, Holly has committed a series of gruesome murders and written about them in her journal. When Seth realized the stories were real, he formulated a plan to save Holly to prevent her from hurting anyone else, claiming that he finally felt a purpose in life.

Over the next several days, they engage in psychological mind games against each other as Holly begins to slip details to draw Seth in. Seth maintains that Holly committed the other murders from guilt of not being caught over Claire, but Holly counters that she kills simply because she enjoys it. A suspicious Nate follows Seth and discovers Holly. She deliberately distracts Nate so that Seth has time to overpower him. At Holly's urging, he smashes Nate's skull with a cinder block, then follows her instructions to dispose of the body.

The police become suspicious of Seth's role in Nate's disappearance. Holly convinces him that he can save her if he proves his love to her by cutting off his finger. He does, but this leads to Holly grabbing his knife and threatening to kill herself if he doesn't release her. She says she finally believes that he loves her before slitting his throat.

Some time later, Holly is back together with Eric, and the "fictional" events from her journal are being published by a vanity press. Holly finds evidence that Eric has been cheating again, but declines to hurt him. Instead, she travels to a warehouse, where it is revealed that Seth is being kept in a cage, still alive but horribly mutilated and tortured; she thanks him for "saving" her by allowing her to take out her murderous impulses on him instead.

Fei Fu Kwan Ying

Cheung Ho-nam (Donnie Yen), Lau Chuen-hang (Eddie Kwan) and Cheng Sing (Oscar Lam) are three best friends. Ho-nam and Sing later joined the Special Duties Unit of the Hong Kong Police Force while Cheun-hang inherit his father's triad business. Although on opposite sides of the law, they were able to accommodate each other due to their strong friendship. Chuen-hang's younger sister, Chun-fong (Anita Lee), has a crush on Ho-nam, however, Ho-nam is dating fellow police officer, Kei-kei (Pauline Yeung). Feeling broken-hearted, Chuen-fong marries Sing, who had been secretly admiring her. When Chuen-hang first go involved in the underworld, he was tricked by the elders. With the support and encouragement of his confidante, Anita (Mimi Kung), Chuen-hang finally eliminated dissidents and his influence gradually expands. Chuen-hang becomes a triad leader and his friendship with Ho-nam shatters. Ho-nam has vowed to bring Chuen-hang to justice. Later on, Chuen-hang causes the deaths of Sing, Anita, Chuen-fong and Ho-nam's older sister, Ng (Angelina Lo), leading to a tense and brutal battle between Ho-nam and Chuen-hang.

Countdown (2016 film)

Ray Thompson, a narcotics cop recently back on duty after a suspension, receives a package at the station. This leads to a website that shows a madman holding a child hostage. The child has timed explosives strapped to his body. Lt. Cronin arranges to pay the $2,000,112.35 ransom demanded by this criminal and makes Ray the bagman. When the exchange is bungled, Ray shoots and kills the madman before he sets the explosives off. Ray has to team up with Internal Affairs agent Julia Baker to locate the child before it's too late.

ATM: Er Rak Error

In a bank that forbids fraternization lest one person in the couple be forced out, Sua (Chantavit Dhanasevi) and Jib (Preechaya Pongthananikorn), two career-bound overachievers, have nevertheless been discreetly dating for 5 years. Frustrated with having to keep their relationship hidden, Sua and Jib decide to get married. However, neither are willing to resign from their jobs.

One day, a software error in one of the bank's ATMs in Chonburi causes it to malfunction, causing it to double the money it dispenses. Through two poor men, Pued (Thawat Pornrattanaprasert) and Paed (Chalermpol Tikumporntheerawong), word spreads quickly and the ATM draws a large crowd of ecstatic football spectators. ฿130,000 is withdrawn before the machine is shut down.

Jib and Sua make a bet that whoever recovers the money withdrawn from the ATM can remain employed, while the other must resign. Both go to extreme lengths to win. Jib tries to recover the money from the ones that withdrew through reasoning, while Sua uses more unorthodox strategies.

Pued used his ATM withdrawal to buy a motorcycle, while Paed used it to buy a golden tooth as well as a truck. Sua soon teams up with them in his attempt to recover the withdrawn money, unaware that they are two of the people who received double cash from the faulty ATM. Meanwhile, Jib finds that one of the people who benefited from the ATM, Madam Aummara (Puttachart Pongsuchart), had used the money to buy new machines for her laundry shop. Madam Aummara refuses to tell Jib anything. Later Sua meets Aummara's daughter, Gob (Sananthachat Thanapatpisal), who soon falls in love with him. Sua is unaware that she is actually Pued's girlfriend, and Pued is heartbroken when he learns of Gob's new infatuation.

Both Sua and Jib learn that Pued and Paed were two of the people that withdrew cash from the malfunctioning ATM, and convince them to confess. They also discover that the branch manager Pakorn Kulariboriboon (Pongkool Suebsung) had also withdrawn from the ATM, and force him to confess as well.

Sua learns that one of the people who withdrew from the ATM is Sergeant Sam (Anna Chuancheun), the same police officer who confronted him when his company car was towed, and also the owner of a crocodile that had previously chased Sua from a farm. After Sua buys a police costume and fake guns to attack Sam, he is jailed for posing as a policeman.

After his release from jail, Sua warns Jib about Sergeant Sam, but Jib assumes that Sua is tricking her. Sua then rides Paed's truck with Pued, Aummara, and Gob (who finds out that he is a relationship with Jib) to save Jib, who has been cornered by the crocodile and Sam. The ensuing fight leads to the accidental shooting of Jack, the crocodile. Jack is rushed to the hospital. When they find news of the atrocious medical expenses for Jack's recovery, Jib decides to pay for them. Pued and Gob reconcile also.

Because Pued, Paed, Aummara, Gob, and Sam have both used the money that they've withdrawn, Sua and Jib realize they cannot recover the money. Later, Sua returns ฿130,000 of his own money to the bank manager, money intended for his marriage with Jib. Jib, who has had to resign her job due to her relationship being discovered by Yeoh (Gornpop Janjaroen), is displeased by this, so she and Sua break off the relationship and cancel the wedding. Then on October 31, Halloween, the date they were supposed to get married, Sua and Jib, after a brief skirmish, reconcile and kiss in the end.

Cornish Cowboy

Based at his ramshackle farm on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, England, Dan Wilson is a horse trainer, commonly referred to as a 'horse whisperer'. Using his remarkable techniques, Dan breaks in and trains horses where other trainers have tried and failed.

Avengers: Standoff!

Upon being alerted of a catastrophic event, Winter Soldier returns to Earth. Winter Soldier traces the source of the catastrophic event to a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where he ends up fighting off the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents there. In the middle of the woods, a young man awakens with amnesia. Upon being brought to the gated community of Pleasant Hill, he is examined by Dr. Erik Selvig and other doctors. Upon overhearing some suspicious conversations, the young man starts to run away only to be knocked out. When he woke up, he was told by a resident named Dorothy Bixby to accommodate the town. The young man discovered that Pleasant Hill is surrounded by a forcefield that is visible through touch. 19 days later, a young man named Jim becomes a member of the Pleasant Hill community. While walking through the park, Jim encountered an eerie girl who was taken away when she brought a bird back to life. 36 days later, Jim encountered an arsonist in a house he entered who told him that Pleasant Hill was a lie and requested a meet-up in case Jim wanted to learn the truth. On Day 40, Jim met the mysterious mechanic named Phil who created a device that enabled people to return to their true selves. Phil also stole a training video where Mayor Maria Hill gave a video tour of Pleasant Hill describing it to the S.H.I.E.L.D. cadets watching as the future of supervillain incarceration, where they are turned into mild-mannered civilians using reality-warping technology derived from the Cosmic Cube called "Kobik". A demonstration was shown when Graviton was turned into a Pleasant Hill chef named Howie Howardson. As Phil uses the device on himself and Jim to restore their true selves, it is revealed that Phil is actually Fixer and Jim is actually Baron Helmut Zemo. Both of them vow to use the device on the other brainwashed supervillain prisoners and reduce Pleasant Hill to dust.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Commander Steve Rogers followed the trail of Winter Soldier and found a message on a napkin that he used. Meanwhile, Captain America has defeated Green Skull and is contacted by Whisperer. At Bev's Diner, Steve Rogers meets with Winter Soldier, while Captain America meets the Whisperer (an alias of Rick Jones). Both of them learn that S.H.I.E.L.D. never discarded the Kobik project as they believed, which Whisperer made public. Steve Rogers and Captain America follow a lead to a town in Connecticut. After the meetings, they are both picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Now learning about Kobik's continued existence, Steve Rogers confronts Maria Hill upon being brought to Pleasant Hill. Maria Hill presented the inhabitants of Pleasant Hill to Steve Rogers where she mentions that the citizens are reformed supervillains. When Steve Rogers demanded to know where the fragments of the Cosmic Cube used for Kobik were, she directed him to the eerie little girl who was actually the fragments of the Cosmic Cube having taken the form of a near-omnipotent child. Maria Hill and Steve Rogers don't know it yet, but some of the inhabitants consisting of Absorbing Man (who was transformed into an ice cream vendor named Harold), Atlas (who was transformed into a mailman), Glob, Klaw, Mentallo, Mister Hyde, Moonstone, Nitro, Orrgo, Scorcher (who was transformed into a firefighter), Shockwave, Tiger Shark (who was transformed into an actual tiger shark), and Trapster (who was transformed into a groundskeeper named Willie) have regained their memories thanks to Fixer. Baron Zemo leads them into a coordinated assault on the S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost that served as the Pleasant Hill City Hall.

Phil Coulson's group learns about Pleasant Hill and Rick Jones' involvement. Deathlok, Daisy Johnson, and Jemma Simmons investigated Rick Jones' house and discovered a hidden escape route. They follow Rick Jones through the Morlock Tunnels and apprehend him. During an interrogation at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Battlecarrier, the New Avengers arrived to retrieve Rick Jones from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Answering Commander Steve Rogers' call, the Avengers Unity Division arrive in Connecticut where they discover Wrecker trying to escape in an SUV with Maria Hill. The Avengers Unity Division helps Wrecker and Maria Hill avoid the S.H.I.E.L.D. forces. While on their way to Pleasant Hill, the Avengers Unity Division is attacked by another Maria Hill who is on a Quinjet with the Avengers.

In New York City, the Avengers have defeated an escapee from Pleasant Hill when Maria Hill arrives in order to keep the Avengers from getting involved in recent events. Unfortunately, the Avengers received the transmission from Commander Steve Rogers about Pleasant Hill. This causes Maria Hill to reluctantly fly the Avengers to Connecticut. When the Avengers and Maria Hill arrive in Pleasant Hill, they noticed the Avengers Unity Division and another Maria Hill with them. The Maria Hill that is with the Avengers opens fire leading to a brief scuffle between the Avengers and the Avengers Unity Division before they end up trapped by Kobik and turned into inhabitants of Pleasant Hill.

On the S.H.I.E.L.D. Battlecarrier, the New Avengers confronted the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and retrieved Rick Jones from their custody. It turns out that the New Avengers were contacted by Rick Jones through a pre-recorded video that was to be sent to them in the event that the alien nanobots he ingested noticed him being unconscious. The Pentagon learns about the New Avengers' invasion of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Battlecarrier. Considering it an act of war, General Robert Maverick advises the Pentagon that they should retaliate by unleashing a monster called the American Kaiju on the New Avengers.

Orrgo has been poking his nose through Dr. Paul Kraye's files. Upon discovering this, Dr. Kraye contacted Maria Hill claiming that Orrgo has gone rogue. This causes Maria Hill to have Orrgo imprisoned at Pleasant Hill where Kobik's powers made him a dog. Upon learning about this and locating Pleasant Hill, the Life Model Decoy of Dum Dum Dugan leads the Howling Commandos to rescue Orrgo. They fight their way past the villains Biohazard, a Bulldozer, Gargantua, Grey Gargoyle, Jack O'Lantern, Melter, Mister Hyde, Scorcher, and Wrecker while rescuing Orrgo. Then they confront Kobik who ends up teleporting them back to S.T.A.K.E. HQ. Once back at S.T.A.K.E. HQ, Dum Dum Dugan and Orrgo discover that Dr. Kraye has released all the inmates there to wreak havoc as the Howling Commandos spring into action.

Amongst the villain rampage caused by Baron Zemo and Fixer where Captain America and Winter Soldier save S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Avril Kincaid from the Blood Brothers, Maria Hill gets injured as Steve Rogers reasons with Baron Zemo to let Maria Hill get medical attention. Father Patrick then takes Steve Rogers to Erik Selvig's clinic to enlist his help in tending to Maria Hill. With helpful information from Erik Selvig, Steve Rogers heads to the Pleasant Hill bowling alley to get to Kobik so that she can restore the peace of Pleasant Hill. After attempting to reason with Kobik, Steve Rogers is then attacked by Crossbones. Just as Crossbones was on the brink of finishing off Steve Rogers, Kobik uses her powers to restore him back to his younger self putting him back in his physical prime. Declaring that "It's good to be back," Steve Rogers defeats Crossbones. By this time, Captain America and Winter Soldier catch up with him. Nobody knows it, but Father Patrick is actually the clone of Red Skull in disguise and was the one who orchestrated the villain uprising.

Despite having been converted to a simple life as "Claire," Rogue is eventually able to overcome Kobik's brainwashing thanks to a series of lessons she received from Professor X about how to overcome psychic attacks, her mind "planting" various clues that would lead her to the truth, such as glimpsing Professor X out of the corner of her eye or noting Xs everywhere. With her memory restored, Rogue gathers some of the other Avengers and Avengers Unity Division only for the reassembled team to be attacked by Kobik who is determined to put them "back to sleep."

Project Troubleshooter was the latest facility that would develop human soldiers as well as an attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that Abraham Erskine created. General Robert Maverick oversaw the procedure that was used on Corporal Todd Ziller. The formula used on Todd Ziller had combination of Gamma enhancements, Mutant Growth Hormone, Pym Particles, and the Lizard Formula. This formula transformed Todd Ziller into a reptilian kaiju called the American Kaiju. Back in the present, American Kaiju was attacking Avengers Idea Mechanics' facilities until he encountered the Avenger Five mech that Sunspot deploys to fight American Kaiju.

During the earlier days of Pleasant Hill, Absorbing Man had been transformed into a man named Harold who runs his own ice cream parlor and was in love with Sheriff Eva. After Baron Zemo and Fixer restored everyone's memories, Absorbing Man was among the villains that went on a rampage as he went on the attack with Whirlwind (who was previously transformed into a teenager named Scottie) until they were persuaded by Sheriff Eva's true form of Elektra to spare the innocent lives. Illuminati members Hood and Titania arrived to retrieve Absorbing Man. Although still shaken for being put into a S.H.I.E.L.D.-induced normal life, Absorbing Man sides with the Illuminati as they plan to assemble the other inmates for revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D. where they start with Whirlwind.

After Quicksilver saved the Avengers from Kobik's grasp and spread them out throughout Pleasant Hill, they discovered that the two Maria Hills that the Avengers and the Avengers Unity Division were actually the Femme Fatales members Mindblast and Bloodlust, who had been used by S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep the Avengers away from Pleasant Hill. When the inmates started noticing the two Avengers teams and started attacking them, Deadpool reached out to Kobik where he used their shared past of being controlled to get empathy from her. Kobik brought both teams back to good health just in time for them to answer Steve Rogers' call to assist him.

After Avengers Idea Mechanics has evacuated Avengers Island, Avenger Five shorts out American Kaiju's gamma enhancements enough to regress him back to Todd Ziller. Songbird is revealed to be a double-agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. as she attacks Hawkeye upon his siding with Avengers Idea Mechanics. When Hawkeye planned to evacuate Rick Jones to Avengers Base Two, Rick Jones got a reaction from an Avengers Idea Mechanics agent and decides not to evacuate to Avengers Base Two as S.H.I.E.L.D. continues to search Avengers Island for him.

Steve Rogers, Captain America, and Winter Soldier begin looking for Kobik again only to discover that Baron Zemo had Fixer invent a device that would help find Kobik as Kraven the Hunter rallies the villains to help with their goals. Upon not being able to successfully locate Kobik, Steve Rogers decides to rally the heroes so that they can take the fight to Baron Zemo.

Thanks to a trick by Kraven the Hunter, Kobik ends up captured and placed into Fixter's device. Meanwhile, Avril Kincaid manages to get to the Pleasant Hill Museum where she meets its curator Wendell Vaughn where he gives her his Quantum Bands which served as a contingency in case S.H.I.E.L.D. lost control of Kobik. As both Avengers teams negotiate with Baron Zemo to let the civilian hostages go, Doctor Voodoo, Quicksilver, and Vision rescue the civilians when nobody was looking. As Fixer's device began to turn Kobik back into the Cosmic Cube, Baron Zemo had Graviton use his powers to create an impenetrable shield to keep both Avengers teams at bay. With help from Avril Kincaid, both Avengers teams got through where they destroyed Fixer's device and free Kobik who then blasted Winter Soldier. As Baron Zemo tries to get Kobik to side with the bad guys and Erik Selvig tries to get Kobik to side with S.H.I.E.L.D., Kobik used her powers to teleport Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig away from Pleasant Hill. As a result of this, the other villains try to escape only to be thwarted by a blockade as the result of MACH-VII sending a distress signal. Both Avengers teams proceed to defeat the villains. In the aftermath of the Pleasant Hill incident, Maria Hill was reprimanded by the World Security Council where her status as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is pending review while she continues her work under supervision of the World Security Council's operatives. Baron Zemo and Erik Selvig have been teleported to an unknown part of the Himalayas making their way back to civilization as Baron Zemo plans to use Erik Selvig in his next plan. Steve Rogers of the Avengers Unity Division and Captain America of the Avengers plan to keep what happened at Pleasant Hill under wraps at the time being. Rick Jones is offered by Steve Rogers to join up with S.H.I.E.L.D. as part of his reparations for his hactivism. Wendell Vaughn is training Avril Kincaid to become the new Quasar. Red Skull's clone starts to re-establish HYDRA where he and Sin get Crossbones on their side. As for Kobik, she approaches Winter Soldier and offers to help him do good. Winter Soldier agrees to the terms as Kobik suggests that she brings some "friends" she made in Pleasant Hill with them.


''Qumi-Qumi'' is a comedy animated series for kids ages 8–12. The prototypes of ''Qumi-Qumi'' were created in 2005 for a comic strip festival. In 2007, a short cartoon music video with dancing Qumi-Qumi characters in it gained high popularity online with 5 million viewings.

Chocolat (2016 film)

In 1897, a black man, the son of former Cuban slave, plays a small role as the cannibal Kananga in the modest circus Delvaux. George Foottit, a white clown, is asked by the director to bring up his routine. He gets the idea to have an act with Kananga; a white authoritarian clown and a black scapegoat named Chocolat.

They are well received and the word spreads through France, reaching Joseph Oller, director of the Nouveau Cirque. He asks Foottit and Chocolat to take their show to his Parisian establishment. The success is immediate, and Chocolat becomes the first famous black clown. The success stirs envy in his previous employer's wife. She denounces him for being in France illegally.

Chocolat is arrested and tortured by the police. "A negro always remains a negro," the police commander tells Chocolat when he releases him. While the humiliation in the circus act is staged for humorous effect, the racism Chocolat encounters in France grinds him down. Chocolat is both celebrated as a star and made into a racial caricature. This becomes strikingly apparent when the poster for the show depicts Chocolat as a black stereotype. Faced with the hypocrisy of French society, he gives himself up to gambling, drugs and women. An attempt to end his clown duo to branch into the Shakesperean tragedy ''Othello'' ends with part of the audience booing the premiere. At the end of his life, Chocolat falls into obscurity and dies of consumption.

The Princes and the Treasure

The strong and capable Princess Elena has a problem – her father, King Rufus, has been pressuring her to marry a prince, despite her own desire ''not'' to marry a prince. In desperation Elena makes a wish and is whisked away by an old woman in a carriage, prompting her father to announce that he will marry Elena to any one that can rescue her. The request is answered by two men, the reluctant and shy bookworm Earnest and the strong and handsome Gallant. They eventually manage to make their way to the tower where Elena is being held, only for the old woman to demand that they bring her the "greatest treasure in the land" in exchange for the princess. Assuming that she meant physical goods, Earnest and Gallant seek out the land's five greatest treasures, only to fall in love in the process discover that the greatest treasure isn't a physical good but rather their love for one another. They return to the old woman with their answer, at which point she transforms into a beautiful enchantress and Elena is freed. The three return to the King, who is overjoyed at his daughter's return and gives the two men gold, land, and makes them both princes. The story ends with the marriage of the two princes, who live happily ever after in their own castle.

A Man Called Ove (novel)

"Ove is a curmudgeon—the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. People call him 'the bitter neighbour from hell.' However, behind the cranky exterior there is a story and a sadness. So when one November morning a chatty young couple with two chatty young daughters move in next door and accidentally flatten Ove's mailbox, it is the lead-in to a comical and heart-warming tale of unkempt cats, unexpected friendship, and the ancient art of backing up a U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents' association to their very foundations."

–promotional blurb on U.S. edition cover jacket

Layers of Fear

Set in the 1920s United States, the unnamed protagonist returns home from a court hearing. After briefly exploring his empty house, he goes to his workshop to start working on his "magnum opus". After he adds the first layer, he starts having hallucinations about his past encounters.

The man was an ambitious young painter who used his pianist wife as a model for his painting. Soon his wife became pregnant and she bore a daughter. After she gave birth, he decided to spend more time working on his paintings, leaving his wife to care for their daughter. After buying a dog for his family, he started to have drinking problems due to constant stress and noise outside his workshop. He attached a muzzle to the dog, but was soon plagued by rats, likely an auditory hallucination brought on by schizophrenia. The dog may have later been killed by him.

His talent started to slowly decay and his vision for the painting became twisted, and he began to drive away his friends by painting gory and horrific works for simple jobs, including a set of illustrations for Little Red Riding Hood. After a long period of neglect, his wife decided to burn his paintings, including his most cherished work, "The Lady In Black". He had a drunken fit and apparently beat her, driving her to leave with their child. He tried calling her multiple times but failed to reconcile with her. After some time, he got a phone call telling him that she was critically injured in a fire. She ended up horribly disfigured, but their daughter survived.

After the fire, he took his wife, now a wheelchair user, and daughter back home so he could take care of them. His drinking problems continued due to the constant "distractions" of their presence. After regaining her ability to walk, the wife was neglected even more because her husband thought she lacked "beauty". After he had another drunken outburst, his wife committed suicide by slitting her wrists in the bathroom. In the present day, it is revealed that he went insane and possibly took six body parts of his wife to work on his painting: her skin as the canvas, her blood as the overlay, her bone marrow as the undercoating, a brush made from her hair, her finger for the smearing and her eye as the spectator. The character is shown using these items, but considering the cyclical nature of one of the endings and the general ambiguous nature of what is shown throughout the story, it's possible that this isn't meant to be taken literally.

There are three different endings featured in the game, each depending on the player's actions during the course of the game.

The endless loop ending shows that the artist was working on a portrait of his wife as the masterpiece. He seemingly succeeds in creating the painting, and steps back to admire it only to see the figure of his wife devolve into a mutilated figure that proceeds to taunt him. Horrified, he grabs the painting and hurls it into a room full of identical paintings, all of which begin to laugh. It is revealed that the painter spent years shut in his house working on the same picture multiple times trying to perfect it in a cycle of obsessive mental deterioration. If the player enters the room where the artist threw the painting into, it is revealed that all the portraits are well made and resemble the artist's wife, but he can only see them as a disfigured mess. Returning to the studio, he unveils a blank canvas and begins working on the next painting, further continuing his self-destructive cycle as the screen fades to black.

The family ending is much the same, but this time he puts his child in the painting too. He then realizes the horrible mistakes he has made, and that he can never bring them back, no matter how many times he tries. He goes to the room upstairs and burns all of his previous paintings along with his finished work before laying down and dying in the fire.

The selfish ending ends with a portrait of himself as his final attempt. Being finally satisfied, he decides to hang it in the room upstairs. The next shot goes to his painting on a display at a museum among other famous Victorian artists.


The ''Inheritance'' downloadable content add-on tells the story of the painter's daughter coming back to her childhood home to face her past after she left "The St. Martin de Porres Home for Problem Children". Beginning in the 1960s, exploring the destroyed home with a flashlight, she relives her experiences and witnesses the full scope of the tragedy that has swallowed up the family.

During the course of these relived memories, there are different outcomes depending on the daughter's actions. These include deliberate choices, such as heading more often towards the mother or father portrait while exploring, which will lead to remembered dialogue portraying the mother or father, respectively, in a more favorable light. Non-deliberate choices involve the daughter having to perform in-game tasks that often affect an interaction with the father. One example involves the daughter creating artwork, where the daughter could create childish drawings with crayons (earning harsh disapproval from the father), or where the daughter can paint along with the father's suggestions (earning praise if done correctly). These outcomes can lead to the daughter either viewing the father as a harsh man who never wanted anything but a protegee, or viewing the father as a caring man who had trouble showing it.

The "good" ending occurs if most of the memories lead to the daughter viewing the artist favorably. Upon entering her old bedroom, the daughter sees a portrait of her with a flower - her inheritance by her father. She views this portrait as an apology, "expressed in the only language [the artist] ever truly knew". Seeing the father as a tragic figure, who was driven insane and depressed by the memories of the house, she takes the portrait and burns the house down. As the house burns, the daughter leaves accepting she cannot understand the artist, but can forgive him. The portrait is later shown hanging in the daughter's home, while the daughter admires her own child's drawings. However, the scene ends with the daughter criticizing her child's choice in color - mirroring the same statement the artist made years ago - while the portrait distorts, heavily implying that the daughter is now beginning to experience the same mental imbalance and obsession over perfection as her father.

The "bad" ending occurs if most of the memories lead to the daughter viewing the artist negatively. Upon entering her old bedroom, and seeing the portrait of her, the daughter continues having flashbacks of the artist yelling at her for crying and making noise. Still viewing the portrait as an apology, the daughter thinks of the artist's smugness in thinking a painting would resolve her bad childhood. Viewing the portrait as not enough of an apology, in a room filled with bad memories, the daughter smashes it against a dresser. The action inadvertently knocking over a lit candelabra. Fire engulfs the room, leading the ceiling to collapse both trapping and burying the daughter in the burning house.

The "true" ending appears if the daughter collects all nine of her crayon drawings present throughout the house, and is able to rearrange them - with the lights on - to reveal a larger portrait of her. In darkness, a hidden sketch of a large rat reveals a map of the house, showing a marked location the daughter can now find. Realizing her father planted this clue knowing that she would see it, the daughter realizes her true inheritance is seeing the world as her father had. Upon following the map and finding a covered canvas, the daughter remembers being told that "insanity runs in my family", and decides to "let it run". This ending closes on the canvas being unveiled to show the same first layer the artist started with for his story, and the decrepit room appearing bright and intact as it had for the artist.

Dr. Ben/Nick

Louie tells the audience in his stand-up set that he has achieved having the body he wants, by wanting an "ugly, disgusting, body". But, he says he dislikes the unhealthy and uncomfortable aspect of having such a body.

He goes to the doctor's office, although he has not made an official appointment, and has only agreed to meet his old friend, Dr. Ben (played by Ricky Gervais), at 2.00 PM. Dr. Ben finishes with his patient and jokingly pretends he does not know Louie. It becomes clear the doctor has a twisted sense of humor, and he mocks Louie throughout the appointment. When Louie removes all of his clothes, Dr. Ben tells him he has the "worst penis I've ever seen in my life". During Louie's rectal examination, Dr. Ben presses his finger in and out of his anus.

Later, after finishing a stand-up set, Louie meets a waitress who says she is waiting for black people, who she presumes will not tip her. Louie asks a black waitress her opinion, who agrees. He eats dinner with the conservative Nick DiPaolo, who disagrees with Louie's liberal views. Louie calls DiPaolo a Nazi, which angers DiPaolo and results in him throwing his drink in Louie's face and getting in a fight, during which DiPaolo gets a cut on his hand. The two go to the emergency room, exchange jokes, and discuss their personal lives. On their way home, Louie apologizes for his remarks, and DiPaolo says he envies Louie's life with his kids.

Louie tells the stand-up audience a story about picking up his friend's cousin, who lived on a farm. Upon arriving, his cousin sees a "particularly" homeless man and attempts to help him. Dr. Ben calls Louie at his apartment and tells him he may have "big, fat, ginger, ugly-itis." He then tells him he has AIDS, but that his cancer will kill him before the AIDS do. Louie hangs up.

Das dumme Gänslein

The scene begins with the mother goose and her four children imprisoned in a wooden cart traveling to the countryside. While on their journey they pass a vibrant city which includes urban glamour shops influenced by international fashion, an exotic parrot and lively music. The mother goose and the other three siblings are frightened, but the silly goose is mesmerised by the bright lights and people dancing. The mother drags the goose back away from the urban city surroundings and drops her. Meanwhile, a passing cart is carrying a fox stole. The silly goose touches it when again the mother drags her back. When approaching the countryside the other geese are happy, while the silly goose seems bored with her rural surroundings, at which the mother looks perplexed as to why. A train passes by which quickly shifts this arrangement as the silly goose is excited to see something unnatural, whereas the mother pulls the other siblings back in fear. When they arrive at the farm they are released from the wooden box and allowed to be free in their rural environment.

The silly goose then begins to admire herself in the reflection of the water, while the mother teaches the other geese how to drink. It is repeatedly shown in different scenes how the three geese march after their mother and learn from her, whereas the silly goose mocks them. The silly goose then tries to make luxury items out of ordinary things. For example, she uses a caterpillar as a scarf, corks as heels, straw hats and makes eyelashes from pig hairs. The other animals on the farm shake their heads in disapproval. The goose admires herself in a mirror, then her mother smashes the glass and tries to teach her how to lay an egg. After this, a traditional German gander approaches the silly goose with the intention to court her, however she turns him away.

Following this, the goose is approached by a sly fox, shown as peering through the fence and creeping up on her. After stealing a scarecrows clothes, the fox then charms her back to his lair. When entering the lair the fox lets out a sinister laugh. Inside the lair there are geese locked up, a slave cat making music on a xylophone of bones and ants turning a spit roast. The goose then tries to escape and is trapped in the mouth of the fox running through the forest. Eventually she is rescued by all the animals on the farm. After this, the silly goose is with the gander and their four children, which she keeps in line and doesn't allow them to behave in her previous ‘silly’ ways.

Food Will Win the War

The plot provides unlikely and bizarre examples to express the importance of farming. It begins with a description of the world at ruin and explains the solution to those around the world that American agriculture was a beacon of hope in the darkest hour, thus it was important that agricultural production continued to grow. The bizarre examples of impressive production emphasised this: Enough bread to build several pyramids, which if built a mile apart would reach the Suez Canal; enough corn to stretch from London to the Black Sea. A little girl on an American diet is shown outweighing a warship, emphasising her size; reiterating the point that there is enough food in America to send ¼ of production abroad. The animation finished with a sense of patriotism and pride, explaining that the war is a fight to maintain the American values that are so highly prized. 'Food for freedom' underpins the whole ideology of the animation. American agriculture will win the Allies the war, and consequently, American freedom will not perish under the Nazi dictatorship.

Animation techniques

The film uses a series of techniques to enhance the message that it was trying to send to those watching. Firstly, the animation itself, by using Disney the film was made both entertaining and informative. The sense of humor which emerges from the film depicts the defeat of the Axis through humorous examples of agricultural production. Throughout the war it was important to depict the opposition as humorous, as well as being weak to improve public morale at home. Other techniques are also involved in the film, most noticeably the music being played in the background. A militaristic tone offers a sense of patriotism to the watcher and increases the patriotic message within the whole film. Additionally, the use of contrasting colors is extremely effective in representing America as the savior to the Allied war effort. The film begins with a dark and destructive world with negative imagery to match. However, a sudden change reveals a bright colorful screen representing the glimmer of hope that American agriculture offers the war effort.

Road to Istanbul

Elisabeth sets off to find her daughter, who has joined the Islamic State in Syria.

Love in the Present Tense

The story mainly concerns Mitch, who is, at the start, a 25 year old internet entrepreneur, and Leonard, initially a 5-year-old boy. Leonard's mother leaves him with Mitch each day, but one day she departs, never to return. The story is told from the perspectives of these two protagonists, at various parts of their lives (together with a few chapters contributed by Leonard's mother: Pearl). The story deals with various aspects and types of love.

Shiren the Wanderer GB2: Magic Castle of the Desert

The game starts in the middle of a journey, with Shiren and his companion Koppa traveling through an enormous desert, exhausted. They collapse, after which guards take them to a desert fortress and chain them to a wall. A princess enters the dungeon and unshackles them, and Shiren escapes while being chased by the guards. He meets Pekeji, who claims to be Shiren's younger brother, and who shows him to a dungeon that he thinks houses treasures. They enter it at night, but Pekeji falls into a trap, and Shiren has to save him.

Nanou (film)

In the 1970s, a blonde English student, Nanou, spends just a few months on the continent. She tours Switzerland, but prefers France. In Lorraine, she meets Luc, a handsome worker in the militant extreme left-wing, and trains with him in his activities outside the law. She gradually moves into the French village and lives out her activist life on the sidelines until England remembers her ...

My Mom's Having a Baby (book)

''My Mom's Having a Baby'' is narrated by a young girl named Elizabeth whose mother is pregnant with another child. Elizabeth takes the reader through the nine months of her mother's pregnancy and explains everything that she learns along the way. At first Elizabeth learns about doctor's visits and ultrasounds, and eventually she learns the facts of life from her mother. When Elizabeth's mother is in the hospital having the baby Elizabeth stays with her grandmother, and in the end Elizabeth is thrilled to introduce her new little brother Michael.

Eden (2015 film)

The story is about a partially filled United States men's national soccer team plane, returning to the US from Brazil after a FIFA World Cup match, that crashes off an uninhabited Malaysian tropical island. After the crash, the coach and his wife, along with several players and the entire crew, are dead. The 15 survivors that reach the island find themselves in the most dire of circumstances with limited resources, dwindling food supply and no rescue coming any time soon. On day one, when they recover some food from the offshore wreck, team bench warmer Kennefick panics at the sight of a shark and lets the food float away.

Team spirit evaporates as disagreements cause the group to separate into factions – a violent one led by assistant team captain Andreas, and a compassionate one led by team captain Slim. On the seventh day, Connie commits suicide, reducing the group to 14. Later that day, Georgie brother of Andreas steps on a land mine and dies that night, reducing the group to 13. On the eighth day, Patton and McKenna leave in the only rubber raft, rather than let Eva cut it up as a water collector, reducing the island to 11.

Elena starts having sexual relations with Andreas, while her sister, Eva, starts having sexual relations with Felix. On the ninth day, when they discover that Kennefick has stolen a third of the limited rations for himself, Andreas attempts to cut his throat, but is stopped by Slim and Felix, though Felix is accidentally stabbed and dies, reducing the island to ten. In the early hours of day 14, Doug kills Markese, then Slim kills Arnie, leaving eight survivors. As the sun comes up, rescue helicopters arrive, having found Patton and McKenna on the raft that Slim wanted to destroy. Andreas hides rather than return with Slim and the other five, and those six sentence Andreas to death by lying and saying that no one else is on the island.

The Pink Opera Cloak

Ella Markham (Adrienne Kroell) pretty and young is left penniless and along in the world through the death of her father. She is advised to seek work in Chicago and arrives in that big city with many misgivings but a stout heart. She secures employment as demonstrating model for a fashionable modiste. Laura Keene (Lillian Logan) and her mother (Rose Evans), ambitious social climbers, enter the shop in quest of an opera cloak. Ella displays and sells them as expensive pink garment. They ask her to deliver it at their home and Ella leaves with a package. As she is leaving the Keene residence, Ella passes handsome John Foragan (Carl Winterhoff) who is calling on the Keenes. When Ella has left the house, Laura's young brother accidentally mashes a peach on the new opera cloak causing a bad stain. He runs from the room to escape the wrath of his mother and sister. Ella is sent for and told that she had ruined the coat in delivering it. She denies this, but is forced to take the cloak to her employer. The modiste refuses to believe Ella's story and she is discharged. Young Foragan overhears the incident and thoroughly disgusted, seeks out Ella and offers her a position as companion to his invalid sister. Later, Ella and Foragan are married and the Keenes are placed in an embarrassing position when they call to meet Foragan's wife. She is wearing the pink opera cloak.

Revival (comics)

In what becomes known as Revival Day, everyone who died within a few miles of Wausau, Wisconsin, on January 1 returns to life on January 2. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) quarantines the area to study the phenomenon and search for a cause. A partnership between the local sheriff's office and the CDC creates a task force to process any crime that involves one of the twenty-three known "revivers" (people who came back to life). It is led by detective Dana Cypress and CDC doctor Ibrahim Ramin. Dana learns her college-aged sister, Em, is also a reviver. Em was murdered, but cannot remember the events leading to her death. Dana agrees to keep Em's status a secret while they investigate her death. Meanwhile, various townspeople begin to see glowing ghost-like figures in the surrounding woods (referred to as "creeps" in writer Tim Seeley's scripts).

The revivers are immortal and heal from all wounds. Some of them begin to take physical and non-physical risks because they do not fear physical or emotional harm to themselves or others. When they experience strong negative emotions, they cry blood and become violent. As a result, Dana and Ramin investigate several murders in the weeks following Revival Day. Meanwhile, some people outside the quarantine area believe the government is covering up a religious miracle. Others believe they can absorb the revivers' immortality by ingesting their flesh, leading to an active smuggling business that moves body parts of revivers and other recently dead individuals.

Some CDC researchers discover high levels of heavy water in creeks surrounding Wausau. As a precaution, they confiscate and slaughter all the local livestock. Edmund Holt, a local man paranoid about government overreach, organizes a group to resist what he believes are unlawful actions. At the same time, he oversees a tunnel that smuggles sick Christians who believe being baptized in the water will heal their ailments. Meanwhile, Em discovers she is pregnant.

Secretly, the CDC uses a former dairy farm to detain revivers who have been reported as dangerous. When its existence is discovered, it causes a rift between the CDC and sheriff's office generally, and between Dana and Ramin specifically. The Wausau mayor organizes a meeting to reconcile the issues and invites some revivers to participate. Holt uses a suicidal reviver to smuggle a bomb into the meeting. It kills the mayor and several other people. General Louise Cale is installed as a temporary governor and uses her power to move all known revivers to the dairy farm facility. She and the military experiment on the revivers and captured creeps. They learn the ghost figures are the disembodied souls of the revivers, and that reuniting them causes permanent death.

During the response to the bombing, Em's reviver status is discovered and she is confined to the dairy farm. Following a lead, Dana learns that Em's murderer has bribed a guard at the facility to abduct Em to prevent a formal investigation into her death. Dana arrives in time to save Em and escape. Because they are unable to leave the quarantine, they go into hiding.

As tensions mount between the military and the people of Wausau, a riot is started at a picket line. The revivers and the creeps escape the dairy farm and attack the military. Creeps are able to possess bodies, prompting a shoot-on-sight response from panicked soldiers.

Dana discovers Em was killed by Lester Majak, an aging local celebrity. Majak was a physical trainer who was convinced his fitness regime would extend his life. When he began to notice his growing frailty, he researched a legend of immortality from India. A particular creek near Wausau met the requirements for the legend, and Majak murdered Em near it in a ritual to extend his life. However, Em's recent pregnancy provided additional life force and caused an imbalance that resulted in Revival Day. The imbalance is still affecting the river, and will grow to threaten all life on Earth. To restore balance, Em must give birth before she reunites with her soul and permanently dies. As she delivers her daughter, the remaining revivers merge with their souls as well.

Two years later, life in Wausau has returned to normal. Dana is now sheriff and is in a relationship with Ramin. They are raising Dana's niece.

Dinosaur Island (2014 film)

Lucas, a 13-year-old boy, visits his grandmother's old house which is now set 'for sale'. There, while exploring bookshelf, he finds a crystal enclosed in a box. Amused, he takes it with him. The adventure begins when, in his plane, he moves the crystal onto the next empty seat and it shines. A disaster strikes the plane and Lucas finds himself stranded in a strange land littered with ghost ships and prehistoric creatures. While searching for other signs of life, Lucas hears a radio broadcast in the distance and is drawn into the jungle, where he encounters a beautiful young girl Kate, who claims to have come from the 1950s. He learns from her that Kate also used to possess a similar crystal like the one with Lucas. She gives him her diary which she denotes as ‘Survival Guide’ for Lucas. He also meets a ''Sinornithosaurus'' whom Kate named ''Mimos''. Mimos was able to imitate any sound he heard. At a minor earthquake, Lucas learns that mists arrives with earthquakes and bring airplanes, like the one in which Lucas arrived, from different time including past and even future. The airplanes are always empty but bring many useful things. When another airplane arrives, Lucas and Kate leave to explore it. At the same moment, some tribal people attack the plane and capture the duo. On their way they face gigantic Pitcher Plants(Nepenthes) and Venus Flytraps . On reaching the village, they are put into a pyramid-shaped wooden jail. There, Lucas meets another prisoner who when sees the crystal in Lucas's hand, gets surprised and call it a ‘sing sing stone’. He whistles and because of it, a mist forms over the crystal. This mist brings things from time. He says that these stone are present in larger form between the twin volcanoes and they are responsible for forming the mist and bringing planes on that island. Lucas concludes that it is a massive piezoelectric crystal cluster which attains its resonant frequency due to seismic activities and creates the portal which can also help him to get back home. He and Kate, together escape through an opening at the top. Kate frees some large pterosaurs, one of which gives them a ride towards the volcano twins although they have a bad landing. When a ''Tyrannosaurus'' chases them, Mimos imitates the roar and scare him away. Again some dromaeosaurs chase after them but they make their way to the middle of the volcanic twins.

Upon reaching the destination, Lucas uses a jar and fills it with water. He creates the sound required to energise the crystals. Suddenly, one of the dromaeosaurs enters and catches Mimos. However they manage to beat him but lose their jar. Mimos suddenly wakes up, imitates the jar singing and fly away. The crystals start creating the portal. But Kate says that she will not go back without her diary, which was lying in a stone cavity. She insists that without proof the world will not believe her and Lucas must go into the portal as she will be right behind him. Lucas proceeds.

He wakes up in a hospital, and hears the news about the mysterious island. Soon he meets his grandma, Kathryn, who says she prefers Kate as Kathryn is so old fashioned. It is revealed that she is actually Kate whom Lucas met at the island. With the proofs of her diary, she receives Nobel Prize Award for Science and the film ends.

Girl's Apartment

A smuggler befriends an air hostess who believes can help him carry off his latest plan, but also encounters her two female roommates.

The Red Light Bandit

Jorge, a São Paulo house burglar, nicknamed by the press the "Red Light Bandit", baffles the police by using peculiar techniques. Always carrying a red flashlight, he rapes his victims, has long dialogues with them and makes daring escapes. Afterwards, he spends the profits of his crimes. The bandit's exploits are shown in a fragmented manner, voiced over by two narrators in the style of a sensationalistic radio program.

He has an affair with the ''femme fatale'' Janete Jane, meets other burglars and a corrupt politician, and gets betrayed. Pursued and cornered, he commits suicide.

Love at the Top

Nicolas Mallet is a modest bank employee resigned to social mediocrity for the security that his job gives him. Introverted and dull, with the assistance and under the guidance of a former high school friend, novelist Claude Fabre, he will become a confident seducer, an opportunist upstart with no defined ambition. In the aftermath of the oil crisis, the Bel Ami of the 1970s experienced a remarkable social rise, relying exclusively on women whom he seduced almost unwittingly, while being remotely guided by Fabre. Going to seek power from those who rule him, knowing how to make himself indispensable, he will succeed in his ascent and favor that of his first conquest. It is only at the end of the film that we discover the real reasons behind Fabre's manipulative attitude.

La Prisonnière (film)

Stanislas, a wealthy unmarried owner of an art gallery in Paris, is friend and patron to Gilbert, a creator of progressive artworks, who lives in a little suburban flat with José, a television editor. At the opening night of an exhibition, Gilbert goes off with an attractive young woman who is an influential critic.

Left alone, José goes back with Stanislas to his luxurious flat, where he shows her a photograph he had taken of a naked woman in bondage. Though she is shocked and leaves, the allure of Stanislas and of his pornographic image works in her mind until one day she asks him if she can sit in on a photo session. Finding herself increasingly excited by the rising erotic tension of the shoot and by the sexiness of the pretty young model, José angers Stanislas by leaving in confusion. The two make it up, however, and José starts posing for him, but she wants more than this artificial connection.

Gilbert, unhappy with her unexplained absences, goes on a business trip to Germany, and José and Stanislas travel together to an inn in Brittany. After a night together, Stanislas has second thoughts and abandons her there. Deeply hurt at this behaviour, José tells all to Gilbert on his return. He rushes off to Stanislas' flat, intending to kill him, but the two reach a sort of reconciliation. Following in her own car, José shoots a level crossing and is hit by a train. Coming out of her coma in hospital, she thinks that Gilbert, waiting by the bedside, is Stanislas come to reclaim her.

Una (film)

A young woman, Una, arrives unexpectedly at an older man's workplace looking for the truth behind the three-month sexual relationship that occurred when she was a 13-year-old child and he was a next-door neighbor and trusted friend of her father. The facts came to light on the eve of their planned elopement abroad. Convinced by a misunderstanding that Ray had abandoned her in the coastal hotel room where he had just taken her virginity, she wandered the streets distraught and bewildered, to be returned home by police.

He served four years in jail for his crime, treated as the lowest form of humanity by fellow inmates. Having changed his name from "Ray" to "Peter Trevelyan", he has risen to management level in a large warehouse. Meanwhile, Una grew up lonely and confused, living with her mother in the same house they lived in before the incident, and in her adulthood, now takes solace in going out for one-night stands and returning home before dawn.

Una finds where he works through a newspaper photograph and confronts him. She is still emotionally wounded from what happened. Instead of empathizing with her, Ray at first fears she may want to damage his career or even kill him.

Ray leaves the room to attend a critical staff meeting, where he must announce cutbacks and layoffs to employees. He is unable to function at the work meeting, leaves abruptly, and hides from angry executives and his fellow staff members. Una finds him. They quarrel: he insists that he was genuinely in love with her, is not by nature a hebephile, and had not been "grooming" her. He tells Una he is now married to a woman his own age. It's obvious that Ray and Una are still attracted to one another. To Una's surprise, he explains that his "abandonment" of her was a misunderstanding: he had needed a walk and a drink to clear his head, but returned to find that she had vanished. She instigates sex with him, but before it goes too far, Ray abruptly leaves and returns to his home, leaving her feeling abandoned once again.

Una leaves the warehouse with Scott (Ahmed), a young single man, and Ray's co-worker. She invites herself to Scott's flat, where she seduces him. She then persuades Scott, by claiming to be "Pete's" daughter, to escort her to Ray's comfortable suburban home.

Ray and his wife are hosting a large party, and he is shocked to see Scott and Una arrive. The wife and Una talk briefly, and she drops a hint that their marriage is not entirely happy (earlier, we see Ray have sex with his wife with his eyes closed). Una wanders upstairs, where she curls up on the bed of a teenage girl - the daughter of Ray's wife, from an earlier marriage, also aged about 13 - who is obviously loved and cared for. The girl enters and loudly demands an explanation. Ray denies Una's unspoken accusation. He insists Una is the only one of that age he has ever desired, that she was "the only one" as he kisses her face, all while his wife, step-daughter and Scott look on from a distance. Una walks off into the dark.

Six of Crows

In Ketterdam, the capital of Kerch, Councilman Hoede tests a drug called ''jurda parem'' on a Grisha Healer. The drug enhances her abilities, allowing her to control and manipulate human minds. She escapes after paralyzing Hoede and some guards, but is found dead days later.

Wealthy merchant Jan Van Eck divulges the results of Hoede's experiment to 17-year-old criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker and tasks him with rescuing its inventor, Bo Yul-Bayur, from the Ice Court, an unbreachable military stronghold in Fjerda, and prevent the drug's existence from being exposed to the world. Kaz agrees for a hefty price and starts recruiting a crew: Inej Ghafa, his right-hand spy he had saved from a pleasure house called the Menagerie two years before; Nina Zenik, a Grisha Heartrender, who joins upon learning of his intention to free and employ Matthias Helvar, a former Fjerdan ''drüskelle'' (Grisha-hunter) detained at Hellgate Prison because of Nina; and Jesper Fahey, a Zemeni sharpshooter with a gambling addiction. Together, they break Matthias out of prison, who agrees to help in exchange for a pardon that would enable his reinstatement as a ''drüskelle''. Kaz also enlists Wylan Van Eck, Jan Van Eck's runaway son, as a demolitions expert and leverage if Van Eck reneges on their deal. As they are about to sail from Ketterdam, the crew repels an ambush by rival gangs; after torturing a gangster, Kaz learns that gang leader Pekka Rollins, the man responsible for his brother Jordie's death, is also after the scientist. Kaz explains his rescue plan to the crew: they will enter the Ice Court as prisoners, cross to the embassy sector through the roof and disguise themselves as foreign dignitaries during a festival. After finding and freeing Yul-Bayur from the White Island, on the inner ring, they will exit from the embassy sector.

Upon reaching Fjerda, two Grisha on ''jurda parem'' attack the group. The crew prevail, but Nina recognizes one of their assailants as an old friend and, troubled by the two Grisha's deaths, decides to stay behind to bury them. Matthias assists, letting them finally talk about her betrayal. Nina had been a Grisha soldier of the Ravkan Second Army captured by Matthias with his Fjerdan ''drüskelle'' party and put on a ship to Fjerda for trial and eventual execution. The ship sank during a storm, and Matthias and Nina fell in love while trying to find civilization. When they arrived at a city, Nina was questioned by Grisha spies about her ''drüskelle'' companion. To save Matthias from her compatriots, Nina reported him as a slave trader to a Kerch citizen in the harbor, unaware that Matthias would be imprisoned in Hellgate immediately after reaching Ketterdam. Instead of returning to Ravka, Nina stayed in Ketterdam to try and free him. Matthias reconciles with Nina upon learning the truth and they agree to kill Yul-Bayur, both acknowledging that ''jurda parem'' is a threat to Grisha and Fjerdans alike.

The crew intercept a cart of prisoners being taken to the Ice Court and take the place of six of them. Due to the constant feeling of bodies pressing against him, Kaz loses consciousness, and more of his past is revealed. After he and his brother were conned by Pekka Rollins, a plague had swept through Ketterdam, killing many of its residents, including Jordie. Kaz fell ill and recovered but was mistakenly thought dead and tossed in the Reaper's Barge with the bodies for burning. He was only able to survive by swimming to shore using Jordie's corpse as a buoy. The experience created an intense aversion to any sort of physical contact with human skin, prompting him to wear gloves constantly. He wakes up as they enter the Ice Court. The crew is split as men and women are taken to different wards. Jesper, revealed to be a Grisha Fabrikator, fashions lock picks from the cell bars. Kaz frees Nina and Inej from their cells while Matthias and Jesper gather as much rope as they can find. Kaz goes with Nina to search the other holding cells for Yul-Bayur and while split up, Kaz deviates from the plan and finds Pekka Rollins in a cell. Nina is spotted by guards, who manage to raise the alarm before she can kill them. She hurries to the basement where Inej has scaled a six-story incinerator shaft to the roof, securing an escape route for the rest of the crew. With the prison alarm triggered, their plan is ruined so they improvise to get to the center of the Ice Court. Inej and Nina get in by taking the place of two Menagerie girls, but only Nina gets through the guards; Inej is held back. Matthias and Kaz get in through a secret bridge known only to ''drüskelle''. Jesper and Wylan move to destroy the ringwall gate and trigger the Ice Court's alarm.

While trying to coax information from a Fjerdan official, Nina is surprised to see Jarl Brum, leader of the ''drüskelle'' and the former commander of the ship that she was held captive in. Brum lures Nina into touring prison cells specifically constructed to detain Grisha and locks her in a cell. Matthias shows up, appearing to have betrayed her but turns against his old commander and frees Nina, making a sacred ''drüskelle'' vow to keep her safe until he dies. They look for Bo Yul-Bayur, but learn of his death. His son, Kuwei Yul-Bo, is alive and is being forced to replicate his father's research. Matthias and Nina forgo killing him as he is only fifteen and a Grisha. They take the boy and leave, blowing up the lab as they go. They meet up with Kaz, and escape through a waterfall unearthed by Kaz. Meanwhile, Inej is spotted by the leader of the Menagerie, her former employer Heleen van Houden, who informs the guards of Inej's true identity. Jesper and Wylan rescue her and hijack a Fjerdan tank and use it to ram through the walls and escape. They head toward the dock where they are supposed to rendezvous with their ship, but find a large Fjerdan party waiting for them, a Heartrender using ''parem'' at the fore. With no other choice, Nina takes ''jurda parem'' and subdues the army.

The crew safely reaches Ketterdam, with Nina already suffering from withdrawals. They leave her with Wylan, while the rest of the crew take Kuwei to Jan Van Eck. Van Eck, however, reveals that he only wanted the formula for ''jurda parem'' to profit from the fallout of its release to the world. He sinks the crew's ship despite Kaz's warning that Wylan is aboard. Van Eck reveals that he deems his son unfit to inherit his business empire as Wylan is dyslexic. Kaz, however reveals that the boy Van Eck thinks is Kuwei Yul-Bo is actually Wylan, tailored by Nina to look exactly like the scientist's son. Furious, Van Eck kidnaps Inej and gives them seven days to bring him the real Kuwei. Unwilling to endanger Inej, Kaz lets the merchant go. Kaz and his remaining crew go to Pekka Rollins, revealed to have been set free by Kaz at the Ice Court, and Kaz sells his shares in the Crow Club and the Fifth Harbour to raise the money he needs. He then hatches a plan to rescue Inej and redeem the money they were promised.

That Rascal

A plot summary from ''Motion Picture Magazine'' reads:

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald briefly meet in a Muggle teashop, and acknowledge their feelings for one another. Grindelwald vows to destroy the Muggle world, but Dumbledore denounces the plan as madness, saying he once supported it only because he was young and foolish.

In Kweilin, China, 1932, Newt Scamander helps a Qilin — a magical creature that can see into one's soul as well as the future — give birth. Grindelwald's acolytes, led by Credence Barebone, attack and kill the mother and kidnap the newborn. Grindelwald subsequently kills the creature intending to harness its ability of precognition. However, unbeknownst to them, the Qilin had twins, the younger of which Newt saved.

Unable to battle Grindelwald due to their blood pact, Albus Dumbledore recruits Newt, Newt's brother Theseus, Ilvermorny Charms teacher Lally Hicks, Senegalese-French wizard Yusuf Kama, American No-Maj Jacob Kowalski, and Newt's assistant Bunty Broadacre to thwart Grindelwald's plan for world domination. They travel to Berlin, Germany where Yusuf is planted as a spy in Grindelwald's inner circle. Grindelwald has his convert, Queenie Goldstein, use legilimency to test Yusuf's trustworthiness. The International Confederation of Wizards (ICW) acquits Grindelwald of all previous criminal charges, allowing for his candidacy as Supreme Mugwump of (the Head of) the ICW, despite Dumbledore's attempts to otherwise persuade current Supreme Mugwump Anton Vogel.

Meanwhile, Grindelwald's acolytes, who have undermined the German Ministry of Magic, arrest Theseus and plot to assassinate the Brazilian Supreme Mugwump candidate, Vicência Santos. Dumbledore dispatches Newt to the Erkstag, the secret German wizarding prison where Theseus is held. Lally and Jacob successfully prevent the assassination. They escape but Jacob is framed for attempting to murder Grindelwald, who then justifies Wizards suppressing all Muggles. Meanwhile, Credence battles Albus Dumbledore, who quickly defeats him. Credence learns he is the illegitimate son of Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's brother. Credence then questions his loyalty to Grindelwald. Elsewhere, Newt and Theseus escape the Erkstag and use a Portkey to transport to Hogwarts.

Wizarding world leaders gather in Bhutan for the Walk of the Qilin ritual, where a Qilin selects a worthy new Supreme Mugwump. Grindelwald foresees Dumbledore and Newt smuggling the surviving twin Qilin to the ceremony in a suitcase. To thwart Grindelwald's cohorts, each Dumbledore ally carries an identical suitcase. As the team moves through the village, Queenie, renouncing Grindelwald, reunites with Jacob.

Using necromancy, Grindelwald reanimates the dead Qilin and manipulates it to choose him during the Supreme Mugwump selection ceremony. Grindelwald immediately declares war on all Muggles and tortures Jacob. However, Credence, Newt, and Bunty expose him. Bunty produces the surviving Qilin which bows to Dumbledore, who declines the position. Santos is then chosen as the new Supreme Mugwump. Enraged, Grindelwald tries to kill Credence by casting the killing curse, but Credence is simultaneously protected by Aberforth (his father) and Albus (his uncle). Dumbledore's and Grindelwald's clashing spells break the blood pact. Their ensuing battle reaches a stalemate, and Grindelwald disapparates.

In the aftermath, Aberforth accepts the ailing Credence as his son and takes him home. Jacob and Queenie marry at Jacob's bakery shop in New York City, with most of the group and Tina Goldstein in attendance. Newt spots Dumbledore watching from across the street. Dumbledore thanks Newt before disappearing into the night.

Jelena (TV series)

Belgrade in the 70's. Jelena, the daughter of a high ranked politician and Vuk, a poor young man decided to run away for her 18th birthday, but someone set them up. Jelena has been drugged and locked in her room and her father had been killed. The blame fell on Vuk and he ran from Yugoslavia. Thirteen years later he returns to Belgrade to clear his name.

Star Wars: Poe Dameron

Resistance General Leia Organa tasks her star pilot Poe Dameron to find Lor San Tekka—an explorer who may know where the last Jedi Luke Skywalker is hiding—before the First Order does. Accompanying Poe and his astromech droid BB-8 are pilots Snap Wexley, Karé Kun, L'ulo L'ampar, and Jessika Pava, collectively known as Black Squadron. Also on Tekka's trail is the menacing Agent Terex, an officer in the First Order Security Bureau who soon becomes Poe's nemesis.

Following the events of ''The Last Jedi'', Poe fills Finn and Rey in on what happened to him during the events of ''The Force Awakens''. Poe then goes on a solo mission to help Black Squadron and bring them back to the Resistance.


The documentary portrays Gopalakrishnan's journey as a film director. The film begins with an evening scene depicting Gopalakrishnan lighting an oil lamp. A large portion of the documentary contains conversations/questions-answers between Kasaravalli and Gopalakrishnan. The career and works of Gopalakrishnan is divided into five parts ("chapters"): ''Kathapurushan'' (The man of the story), ''Mukhamukham'' (Face to face), Adoor Gopalakrishnan as seen by Naalu Pennungal (Four Women), ''Swayamvaram'' (Making one's own choices), and ''Anantharam'' (An Epilogue). The film also highlights and revisits a number of scenes from Gopalakrishnan's notable films.

Van Helsing (TV series)

''Van Helsing'' is set in a post-apocalyptic near future. Vanessa Van Helsing, a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, awakens from a coma after her supposed death to find herself in a post-apocalyptic world, three years after an eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera had blanketed the world in ash, blocking out sunlight and allowing vampires to overrun humanity. She is humanity's last hope, as her unique blood composition gives her the ability to turn vampires back into humans. With this secret weapon, Vanessa becomes a prime target for the vampires. She is protected by a Marine ordered to keep her safe, and the doctor who saved her, so she can lead a resistance against the vampires that plague the world's survivors.

In the second season, Vanessa journeys east towards the safe haven of Denver, Colorado and discovers her long-lost sister Scarlett, who has been trained to kill vampires since birth. In the third season, Vanessa and Scarlett hunt the Elders, the original vampires, in order to defeat them for good. Following Vanessa's apparent death in the fourth season, the series switches focus to her long-lost biological daughters Violet and Jack as they face a new "daywalker" breed of vampires as well as the "Dark One" and ruler of the vampire species, Countess Olivia von Dracula and her brides, a former countess of Transylvania and de-facto President of the United States.

No Place Like Home (Wentworth)

The episode begins with Bea Smith being transported to Wentworth Prison. Just after arriving, she witnesses another prisoner in the van giving a guard oral sex in exchange for cigarettes. Bea is then processed by Will Jackson; when she realizes she hasn't spoken to her daughter Debbie, she becomes hysterical and has to be sedated.

The next day, Bea is taken to her unit by Deputy Governor Vera Bennett. Bea is shocked to find Franky Doyle and Kim Chang having sex in her cell. Franky, the head of her unit, mocks Bea's name, but shows interest upon learning that Bea is a hairdresser. Bea then meets the other members of the unit, including Liz Birdsworth, Sue "Boomer" Jenkins, and Doreen Anderson. Bea offends Doreen a little when she notes that she wouldn't want Debbie seeing the inside of a prison, as Doreen has her daughter Kaiya living in the unit with her.

Franky intimidates Bea into acting as a drug mule, receiving a balloon from a stranger during a conjugal visit. Governor Meg Jackson, who is determined to crack down on drug trafficking, observes Bea taking the drugs on CCTV and eventually catches her with them. Bea refuses to implicate Franky and Meg decides to "slot" her in solitary, where Bea overhears Jacqueline "Jacs" Holt singing On the Inside (the theme song of ''Prisoner'', the series that inspired ''Wentworth''). Will arrives with breakfast the next morning and, during a smoke break, tells Bea that her silent approach is the best way to be, especially with the women. When Bea again refuses to implicate Franky, she is returned to the unit, having earned the respect of Franky and her crew.

Meg, against the concerns of the staff and especially prisoner advocate Erica Davidson, releases Jacs from the slot early as another attempt to weaken Franky's hold on the drug trade. Jacs attempts to intimidate Bea and turn her into a servant, but Bea, remembering how her husband used to do the same, refuses to be cowed, humiliating Jacs in front of the other prisoners. Jacs then promises retribution against Franky, who set her up to be slotted.

Franky, seeing Jacs as too big a threat to leave alone, rallies support to start a riot, despite Liz's objections. A massive fight breaks out in the yard and Doreen leaves Kaiya with Bea while she joins Franky. Jacs avoids the riot and is confronted in her cell by Franky, who is then overpowered by two of Jacs' crew. Jacs starts to cut off Franky's tattoos, but is stopped when Boomer intervenes.

Bea loses track of Kaiya and, while searching for her, trips over a dead body, which turns out to be that of Meg Jackson. The episode ends with Will crying over his wife's body, while Bea, covered in Meg's blood, stands in shock.


Bea is regularly subjected to physical and sexual abuse by her husband Harry, flashbacks of which are occasionally triggered by events in the present. Bea works up the courage to try and kill Harry by drugging him, tying him up in his car and filling the garage with exhaust fumes, but cannot bring herself to follow through and saves him while Debbie calls for an ambulance.

Harry later tells the police that he was feeling suicidal, but continues to hit Bea when they are alone.

Shiver (2003 film)

Regional Crime Unit officer Chan Kwok-ming (Francis Ng) and his wife, Sammi Mok (Athena Chu) were on the way to finalize their proceedings for separation where an armed robbery breaks out in the streets. Kwok-ming steps in to assist in hunting the criminals, but Sammi was hit by a stray bullet and was seriously injured, leading her into a coma. Several months later, Sammi awakes from her coma. Sammi's doctor, Ko Chuen (Nick Cheung) warns her to be especially careful with her body as her blood type is very rare.

Since Kwok-ming is often busy and handling cases at the police station, Sammi is left home along to recover and have been hallucinating often lately. One time, Sammi sees a female celebrity, Kitty Chow (Tiffany Lee), killed in her hallucination. While being skeptical, Sammi walks into the back alley of a bar and discovers the corpse of Kitty. Since then, Sammi's mental became more severe. When Kwok-ming wanted to take a leave at the police station, his supervisor demands him to cancel all his leaves and investigate the case of Kitty Chow's murder. One night, Kwok-ming returns home and sees the walls being covered in words written with blood. The same night, Sammi also goes mad and heads into the road, causing serious traffic congestion. Afterwards, Sammi was taken to hospital to be examined by a psychiatrist.

Meanwhile, Kwok-ming was investigating another case where a lawyer was murdered and discovers that the case is linked to the murder of Kitty Chow. While the crime scene, Kwok-ming shockingly witnesses the lawyer coming back to life and takes him to the hospital. In the hospital, Kwok-ming is informed that the lawyer requires an emergency blood transfusion from a rare blood type, which incidentally, happen to be the same blood type as Sammi. However, in this critical moment, Sammi mysteriously goes missing.

The Fifth Season (novel)

In a prologue, an extraordinarily powerful orogene discusses the sad state of the world and laments the oppression of his race. He then uses his enormous power to fracture the entire continent across its length, threatening to cause the worst Fifth Season in recorded history. The story then follows three female orogenes (Essun, Damaya, and Syenite) across the Stillness from different time periods.


Essun is a middle-aged woman with two young children living in a small southern comm named Tirimo. Secretly, she is an orogene, a human with the ability to manipulate earth and stone by absorbing or redirecting heat and energy from elsewhere. Her children have orogenic abilities as well, which often manifest themselves subconsciously, requiring Essun to constantly work to avoid their discovery. One day, she arrives home to find her young son has been beaten to death by her husband after inadvertently revealing his orogenic abilities. Her husband has taken their daughter and left town. Numb with grief and rage, she instinctually shunts the massive earthquake from the events of the prologue, which has just arrived from up north, around the comm. This saves it from complete destruction, but alerts the townspeople an orogene is present.

Due to the massive earthquake and ominous signs coming from the North, the townspeople are aware that a Fifth Season is likely imminent. When Essun attempts to leave the village she is outed as an orogene, and an angry mob attempts to kill her. In a rage, she kills many townspeople by leeching the heat from their bodies, freezing them solid, accidentally destroying the comm's only water supply in the process. She runs away, intent on following her husband and reclaiming her daughter.

Soon after leaving the comm, she encounters Hoa, a strange boy with ice-white skin and hair, who begins following her. She suspects he may be a Stone Eater, a strange race of living statues that can move through solid rock, but she has never seen one move around above the ground before. Later she meets Tonkee, a commless and curious person. Together, they journey south, encountering the vast devastation caused by the "rifting" up north. Eventually, they arrive at a hidden comm called Castrima, built in a huge underground geode.


Damaya is a young girl in a northern comm, recently discovered by her parents to be an orogene. Unable to bring themselves to kill her, they summon Schaffa, a Guardian, to collect her. The Guardians are an ancient order of humans with supernatural abilities whose sole task is to manage and control orogenes. They control the Fulcrum, an organization that trains orogenes to use their abilities in a controlled fashion; nevertheless, orogenes remain a hated and feared sub-class with no rights of their own.

As the two travel from Damaya's home to the Fulcrum, Schaffa begins the training that Damaya will need in order to become a trained orogene. In his first lesson, Schaffa breaks Damaya's hand, challenging her to control her powers even when in great pain. His job, he tells her, is to keep the world safe from her. When she passes his test, they continue on their journey.

Damaya learns quickly and progresses through the ranks of young orogenes, learning to control her powers. One night, the young daughter of a wealthy and politically-connected family sneaks into the compound, curious about the interior of the largest building. Damaya reluctantly helps her enter, where they find a huge faceted pit, lined with sharp iron shards. Damaya is discovered, and one of the Guardians attempts to kill her; however, Schaffa steps in and spares Damaya's life. He also tells her that she will need to immediately take her first ring test—a test not normally given to orogenes until they have had much more training. In asking this of her, Schaffa is giving her a chance to save herself. She may have broken the rules of the Fulcrum, but if she can prove that she can control her powers and become a useful orogene, the Guardians will let her live. Damaya passes the test, is formally inducted into the Fulcrum, and is allowed to choose her new name.


Syenite, a rising orogene star in the Fulcrum, is forcibly partnered with Alabaster, the most powerful living orogene, in order to conceive a child with him on a business trip to the countryside. Though they loathe each other, they have no choice in the matter. As they travel to their destination, Alabaster frequently alludes to hidden knowledge about the obelisks, strange crystals the size of buildings that drift amongst the clouds. They are assumed by most to be inert leftovers from a long-dead civilization.

Along the way, Alabaster shows her one of the node stations that the Fulcrum has positioned around the Stillness. Officially, each contains an orogene whose job it is to constantly quell small earthquakes that could endanger the larger continent, and it is assumed to be dull work. Alabaster reveals the reality, which is that the orogenes in the nodes have all been mutilated and lobotomized from an early age, to allow them to quell quakes by instinct but subjecting them to constant agony and suffering. Alabaster reveals that the boy in this node is one of his offspring, that many of the orogenes in nodes are also his, all with the same strength he has, and yet there are almost no other at his level in the Fulcrum. Syenite is horrified by the discovery.

The two arrive at their destination, a coastal city that is losing business due to a large reef blocking the harbor; their task is to move the reef. This is far beneath Alabaster's abilities, but soon after their arrival he barely survives an assassination attempt, forcing Syenite to try to clear the harbor alone. To her shock, she discovers that the blockage is, in fact, an obelisk lying on its side underwater, which responds to her presence and rises up out of the water. Alarmed by this interaction between orogenes and the obelisk, the Fulcrum sends a Guardian to kill them both. The Guardian succeeds in incapacitating Alabaster, and is just about to kill Syenite when she instinctively reaches out to the obelisk with her power. The obelisk completely destroys the town and Syenite passes out.

Syenite awakens much later on a populated island off the coast, having been rescued along with Alabaster by a Stone Eater called Antimony. The island's leader is Innon, a very rare example of an untrained orogene living openly in society. She and Alabaster are accepted there, and both eventually enter into a loving polyamorous relationship with Innon. Syenite conceives a child with Alabaster, and raises him in peace on the island for a few years.

However, they are eventually discovered by the Fulcrum, who sends multiple ships with Guardians to retrieve them. Alabaster is abducted by Stone Eaters before he can mount a successful defense. Innon is killed in front of Syenite by one of the Guardians, and Schaffa approaches to take her child from her. She smothers her child rather than allow it to suffer in the Fulcrum or be lobotomized for the node stations. In her grief and anger, she draws power from a nearby obelisk, destroying the ship and killing most of the Guardians present as well as many fleeing islanders.


Reaching Castrima, Essun realizes that an old acquaintance has been waiting for her: Alabaster. Here it is revealed that Damaya, Syenite, and Essun are all the same woman at different points in her life; Syenite (the older Damaya) and Alabaster survived the attack on the island, and she went into hiding as Essun to try to start a new life while Alabaster has been living in enforced isolation amongst the Stone Eaters. Essun realizes that it was Alabaster who cracked the continent in half, triggering the present Fifth Season and likely dooming civilization in the process. He states that it was necessary to accomplish his plan to finally end the Fifth Seasons, and concludes with: "Have you ever heard of something called a ''moon''?"

Jelena (season 1)

After thirteen years Vuk returns to Serbia to clear his name and see his love Jelena. Jelena is now married for Ratko, Vuk's nemesis and they have two children, Saša and Lidija. Vuk opens corporation "Stigma" and his right hand is Tatjana Pantić. Vuk brought to Serbia his daughter Helen too. Vuk meet his old friend Petar. In Jelena's and Ratko's house works maid Mira and Ratko has lawyer Momir.

Jelena (season 2)

In this season character of Momir's cousin Gvozden has become a regular cast member, also in Belgrade arrives Vuk's son Majkl who is not in very good relations with Vuk.

Grave Mercy

''Grave Mercy'' is set in a fictionalized fifteenth-century Brittany, at a time when the nation was struggling to maintain its independence from France. 14-year-old peasant, Ismae Rienne, is feared and abused by her father and fellow villagers after she refused to succumb to the poison her mother drank to attempt to abort her in the womb, and left her with a large scar down her back. Ismae escapes from an arranged marriage with the aid of the very hedge priest that sold her mother the poison to abort her with no other option but to join at the St. Mortain convent where she learns to be an assassin in service of the God of Death, Mortain. Ismae learns of a dangerous gifts that Death has blessed her with, and a violent path ahead of her. The nuns reveal her immunity to poison and her ability to talk to spirits as they gave her a choice that directed her path into the royal courts. If she stayed at the convent she would train to be an assassin sent to take the lives of people marked by death. For three years she trains to be an assassin for Death's arsenal until she is sent on her first mission. After two successful missions she starts to notice the nuns are not as infallible as it seems, and starts to question the political connection among the targets which leads to her third mission. She must infiltrate the high court of Brittany to protect the duchess Anne of Brittany from enemies that they won't see coming and develops feelings for her target, the duchess's illegitimate half-brother, Gavriel Duval.

Buncoed Stage Johnnie

A stage actress's wealthy admirer, or "Stage Door Johnnie", brings a bouquet to the theatre and asks a stagehand to pass it along to the admired actress. The stagehand, for a practical joke, changes the card on the bouquet so that it appears to be meant for the theater's lady janitor. The janitor, accepting the flowers, sends the Stage Door Johnnie a note telling him to meet her at the stage door. The Stage Door Johnnie, shocked to see the janitor approaching, tries unsuccessfully to escape her embrace. He finally struggles away, as the theatre's stagehands laugh at the success of the joke.Since only fragments of the film survive, this summary is adapted from .

Where Somebody Waits for Me

As the girls continue to be targeted by the new 'A', they must deal with the consequences of their lies and the jeopardy they have put their loved ones in. Hanna (Ashley Benson) deals with the repercussions of quitting her job and, despite finding comfort with Jordan (David Coussins), she begins to worry that her new relationship is in danger when the new 'A' begins to hint at her to end her relationship. Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) discover a file on Yvonne's phone containing Veronica's (Lesley Fera) medical records and Spencer becomes worried that her mother is keeping secrets from her regarding her health, which could possibly jeopardize her campaign.

Liam (Roberto Aguire) surprises Aria (Lucy Hale) in Rosewood and Aria admits to Liam the truth about Ezra's new book after he reveals to her the writing is too similar to her own. Alison (Sasha Pieterse) explains to Spencer that she and Elliott (Huw Collins) are more than just friends, but they cannot reveal their relationship as it would be deemed "inappropriate". Spencer confronts Mona (Janel Parrish), who tells her that she had Yvonne leave her phone on purpose because she wanted Spencer to find the file. Emily (Shay Mitchell) is devastated when she discovers that her eggs have been destroyed, as well as countless others, after a freezer "malfunctioned", but she believes that the new 'A' had something to do with it.

Detective Tanner (Roma Maffia) tells Emily she finds it suspicious that homicides only occur when the girls are in town and reveals her intentions of digging deeper into the murder of Charlotte DiLuarentis. Hanna, Emily and Aria investigate the mysterious alleyway to which the ladder in Sara's room leads to and uncover a secret passage that leads to somewhere out the back of the hotel. Ezra (Ian Harding) returns and reveals to Aria that the night of Charlotte's death, he saw Aria's parents who asked him not to tell her that they were getting close again and after a few drinks, he went home, stating his innocence. He also gives Aria the next three chapters of his book which incidentally she has already written for him. The episode ends with Spencer discovering Melissa's suitcase is broken with the missing part matching the description of the alleged murder weapon.

Giant or Waiting for the Thursday Boat

McKeon, the last Giant in Ireland, is upset at Saint Patrick driving out not only the snakes, but also elves, giants, and all the other mythical creatures. In retaliation, McKeon begins throwing church bells into the ocean. Saint Patrick, upset, tells McKeon to take up his issue with God who will be arriving "on the Thursday boat". McKeon sits down to wait, but the first craft that arrives is a small boat carrying a little girl. Deciding that this cannot be God, McKeon invites her to sit with him as he waits. Other boats arrive, but none of them are carrying God. Upset, he takes the little girl and leaps straight into Heaven. There, he confronts Saint Patrick and the two go searching for God to settle the dispute. Eventually the little girl reveals herself as the Almighty, and states that inside her house there is more than enough room for "giants, elves, snakes, saints, and church bells."

Avatar: The Last Airbender – North and South

Part One

Katara and Sokka, now fifteen and sixteen years old, return to their home village in the Southern Water Tribe, discovering that it has been transformed into a bustling and thriving city reminiscent of the Northern Water Tribe, and that their father Hakoda has been elected leader of the entire south. Though Sokka is enthusiastic at the changes, Katara fears that their tribe is losing its cultural identity. While dining out with Malina and her brother Maliq, the northerners in charge of the redevelopment process, thieves steal a briefcase containing important documents from Maliq, with Malina getting injured in the struggle.

Katara and Sokka follow the thieves to a secret hideout occupied by a group of southern nationalists, who resent the northern tribe's imposition of their values onto the southern tribe, as well as Hakoda's complicity in the matter. Their leader, Gilak, expresses his belief that Malina and Maliq have a hidden agenda before Katara and Sokka escape the group and return to the city. During their escape, the pair run into Thod, Gilak's second in command, who tells them of a story of a snow rat with the ability to talk and walk on two feet who endeared himself to a human tribe, only to be driven away by them when he asked to be treated as an equal. The siblings and Maliq enter the tent where Malina is recovering with Hakoda by her side, only to discover the pair of them kissing.

Part Two

Hakoda investigates the nationalists' hideout, only to discover it abandoned with a note informing him that he will soon see the truth. Elsewhere, Katara and Sokka learn from Malina and Maliq that, as part of the redevelopment process, they will be extracting from a massive oil reservoir recently discovered in the Southern Water Tribe, in order to enable a new age of machinery in which machines become part of everyday life. Katara continues to have issues with Malina and her relationship with Hakoda, owing to her plans and unintentionally offensive remarks towards the South. Further conversation reveals that Malina and Maliq are business partners of Toph's father, with Toph herself later arriving as a representative of her father.

At a festival thrown by Malina and Maliq, Katara and Sokka meet up with Aang, who has returned from helping to solve the crisis in the Fire Nation. As Malina makes a speech about her plans, the festival is attacked by Gilak's nationalists, with Gilak accusing her and Maliq of attempting to seize the oil for the Northern Water Tribe, in order to make the Southern Tribe a puppet state of the North. As proof, he cites the documents that were stolen from Maliq. Malina admits that she had originally planned to give the oil to the North, out of fear the South would be unable to handle it properly but changed her mind upon meeting Hakoda and seeing that the South was capable of doing so. Maliq however insists that they carry on with the original plan, decrying the South as culturally backward and incapable of governing itself, let alone managing the oil.

Malina agrees to step down from the redevelopment project and leave the South Pole with all her people in an attempt to defuse the situation, but Gilak and the nationalists attack. In the ensuing battle, Thod reminds Katara of the story he told her, comparing the humans' treatment of the snow rat to the North's low opinion of the South, to convince her to join Gilak, but she refuses. Later on, Hakoda attempts to persuade Gilak to give up his crusade, but Gilak stabs Hakoda in the chest before he and his men are captured. The night following the battle, Sokka and Katara briefly argue over the South's future, Sokka pointing out that Malina and Maliq's plan of using the oil has merits, Katara unwilling to allow the South to lose its cultural identity. Elsewhere, as Gilak sits in his prison cell, one of Hakoda's officers smuggles him the key to his cell door, having been convinced of his opinions.

Part Three

To continue the redevelopment of the South, Toph brings her metalbending students over to help with construction, while Hakoda invites Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei over to discuss a collaborative reconstruction effort between the three nations. The meeting is interrupted when Gilak and his nationalists escape their imprisonment and force their way into the meeting room, kidnapping Kuei during the subsequent fight. Gilak, who by now considers Hakoda a traitor to the South due to his willingness to collaborate with foreigners, demands that Hakoda turn himself over in exchange for Kuei's return.

The two groups meet at the Bridge of No Return, a rope bridge once used to exile Southern Water Tribe criminals. As part of the exchange agreement, Aang, Katara, Toph, and Zuko agree to be chi-blocked by the nationalists, before Hakoda and Kuei are sent across the bridge. Once the two men are in the middle of the bridge, Gilak attempts to collapse it and kill them both, but he is foiled by Malina and Toph's metalbending students, who had sneaked over to the other side of the bridge prior to the exchange. Aang, Katara, and Toph then subdue the nationalists on their side of the bridge, having used chainmail armor designed by Sokka and the metalbending students to avoid being chi-blocked.

His forces beaten, Gilak destroys the bridge in order to kill Hakoda, while Malina tries to stop him. Aang barely manages to carry the three of them whilst flying his glider, but Gilak's attempts to kill Hakoda cause him to lose his grip and fall to his death. Fearing that Aang will not be able to carry both her and Hakoda, Malina attempts to sacrifice herself for the other two by letting go of Hakoda's hand, professing her love for him as she does so, but she is saved by Katara.

The next day, Katara and Sokka visit their mother Kya's grave, and Katara admits that her ideal Southern Water Tribe would be one where her beloved mother was still alive. She then states that she has felt her mother's spirit support her last night, and on her previous adventures, and with this belief that her mother has been with her all along, she is subsequently able to accept the changes happening in the South more easily. The characters then meet up in Gran-Gran's hut for a feast that includes cuisine from all of their cultures.

Entangled (film)

The mysterious Patrick Garavan watches David Merkin, who is in a coma after a car accident. When the patient awakens, he desperately calls for his lover Annabelle, who has been killed. In retrospect, he sees the course of their relationship and how the tragedy came about.

David was a writer whose first book was panned by critics. Annabelle liked it, however, and they began a tumultuous love affair. Inspired by his feelings, David wrote another book. He sent it to a young authors competition without giving his name. David didn't feel good enough for the elegant Annabelle, who was coveted as a good-looking photo model by men. He came across secret meetings in a French château and jealously suspected a rival. He snuck into the castle and inadvertently shot Mark Merylle when a shot went off from a pistol he dropped. David escaped from the crime scene. His girlfriend told him about her lucrative work for a perfume advertisement, about which she had to remain silent so far. Mark, a photographer, had taken erotic photos of her but had no affair with her. David still saw rivals everywhere and jealousy tormented him. His girlfriend was distraught over his suspicions. David's anonymous book won first prize in the competition and became a bestseller. Annabelle brought the disk that proved who the author was to Patrick, who she used to live with. He confronted her with a newspaper article in which David was wanted as Mark's murderer. Annabelle was at the end of her nerve. When she was driving with David in the car, she opened the door to leave him. This caused the car to skid and collide with an oncoming vehicle. The young woman was killed and David was admitted to the hospital seriously injured.

When he wakes up, he leaves the hospital unrecognized. The bribed nurse informs Patrick immediately. He contacts David, and they meet in his castle for a psychological test of strength. Patrick pretends to be the real writer of the hit novel. With David's help, he wants to turn it into a script for a film and offers him money for it. Both present their different points of view on the plot. It is about love, desire and jealousy. David thinks Annabelle lives on in his book. He admits to be guilty of her and Mark's death. Patrick incites David's jealousy and shows him an erotic video in which Annabelle can be seen in bed with two naked men. David commits suicide with a pistol, to which Patrick manipulated him, because in reality Annabelle was not having an affair, but the video was her work for the perfume advertisement. Through his deception, Patrick achieved his goal of avenging the death of Mark, whom he loved.

Cherry Blossom Memories

Miku is a 2nd year high school student. Her school is located on the beach of a small town. She is a member of the school's chorus club. Miku is introverted, but likes singing and has feelings for Haru, the head of the chorus club. One day, Teacher Meiko, the advisor of the chorus club, decides to retire. For the last chorus competition during Teacher Meiko's tenure, she hopes the chorus club can win first place. Teacher Meiko selects a difficult song for the chorus competition which the students didn't expect. The students want to sing “Sakura no Ame” for the competition. Dissension grows within the chorus club.

Keep Watching

The film starts with a young girl being attacked. The next morning, news reporters interview people who had seen the murder through their devices, unaware that it was real, and a news reporter says that one of the family members is missing.

Jamie – a teenage girl – and her family return home from a 10-day vacation, unaware that cameras have been set up in every corner of the house. Later that night, her father Carl gets an unexpected visit from his brother Matt, who comes over and asks to spend the night there. Carl agrees, but his new wife Olivia is not happy about it. Matt talks with Jamie and she says that she is not fond of her new stepmother Olivia, thinking that she is trying to replace her real mother, but Matt assures Jamie that she has nothing to worry about.

Jamie Skype calls her boyfriend Josh, intending to tell him she might be pregnant, but backs out and ends the call. When everyone gets ready for bed, Matt goes outside to look for his phone and hears strange noises coming from the backyard. He is attacked with a hook. A man known as The Terror breaks into the house and takes everyone's phones, then seals all the windows outside, waking up Olivia.

Carl goes downstairs to see what the noise is and finds a flashlight with a bow on it. When he goes into the kitchen, a photo of someone standing behind him is taken, and he is smothered to death with a plastic bag in front of everyone. Jamie, her brother DJ and Olivia barricade themselves in Olivia's bedroom and they find that the family has been watched for months without anyone knowing, especially Jamie. They learn that their only chance to survive is to kill The Terror. As the remaining family members try to look for a way out, they are attacked by another intruder and they all hide in the basement, where a knife with a bow on it is discovered.

Police are heard, but they soon realize that it is a recording. Josh comes to the house and is filmed being killed by suffocation with a running hose. Olivia finds a way out of the house and she finds a red X taped on the ground by the gate.

Matt finds her but soon gets killed with an axe. Just as Olivia escapes, a van pulls up. She climbs in the back and gets attacked again. DJ is locked in a room while Jamie is attacked. She finds a red X and uses a taser she found earlier in her room on the intruder and DJ kills the intruder with a knitting needle. They unmask the intruder, revealing it to be the girl that was reported missing from the family in the last murder.

Thinking they are safe, Jamie and DJ look around and find Olivia's body, Jamie's positive pregnancy test and videos of her mother and father with baby Jamie. Soon enough, they discover that people all over the world are watching and Jamie tries to tell them to call the police, but is bleeped out and so no one will know their address. Jamie finds a mask with a bow on it and both her and DJ plan to escape.

While walking around the house, they find The Terror. Jamie pours gasoline on him and DJ throws a lighter on him, setting the house on fire in the process. Jamie and DJ escape only to be captured by The Creator and The Terror who survived. They discover that the girl they killed was the missing member of the previous family, kidnapped and forced to aid them in the attack on Jamie's family. The Creator tells Jamie that if she aids them, her brother will be safe. The Creator tasers Jamie and says that she will give the online audience a reason to keep watching.

Nocturama (play)

The play is set in Shirley, Vermont in 2007. Twenty-six year-old Skaggs comes to stay with his divorced mother, Judy, after suffering a nervous breakdown as a result of a breakup. Judy lives with her boyfriend Gary, who is overweight and addicted to video games, one in particular called ''Nocturama''. During his stay, Skaggs visits the house/museum of a local 19th-century poet, who committed suicide. Tending the museum is Amanda, who is African-American and obsessed with the poet and her house. Skaggs invites Amanda over for dinner one night, which reveals Skagg's brooding nature and the tenuous structure of Judy and Gary's relationship.

Before Your Very Eyes

This show looks at views of life and death, from a child's perspective. A team of 7 children, (there were 2 groups of 7 children), are sat in a box made of one way mirrors, where they age until death.

Come Here, Mukhtar!

An East European Shepherd is found abandoned in a rail car, and nicknamed Mukhtar. Second Lieutenant Nikolay Glazychev who was caused to the station, release the dog and bring him to the nursery. Woman, who abandoned dog, was found, but she refuses dog and sells him to militsiya for 100 rubles. Mukhtar was assigned to Glazychev, who begins to "convert" his pet dog to service one. Mukhtar gradually gets used to his guide, though with some problems, he completed his studies.

Mukhtar's service begins. Dog predominantly engages in household cases. Crimes solved with the use of Mukhtar, though small, but in large quantities; as a result, the amount of theft, "returned" by Mukhtar, exceeds 3 million pre-reform Soviet rubles.

When the former owner with her husband, who was admiral, came to the police kennel to see the dog, he rushed at her. It had developed a conditioned reflex: "Only the guide has the right to call him by name".

In winter, Mukhtar is on the trail of a recidivist Frolov, who killed the kolkhoz farm guard, and the traces of the bandit are covered by a strong snowstorm. During detention recidivist, who armed with a pistol, hit Mukhtar by two bullets, but the dog from last forces clung to the throat of the criminal. Mukhtar survived, but unable to serve, and, despite all the efforts of Glazychev, the dog was discarded.

Glazychev walks the chain of command and, in the end, met militsiya Commissioner, who led the arrest of a repeat offender Frolov and remember the contribution of the Mukhtar in the operation. Finally official permission to leave the Mukhtar of merit at the nursery on state allowance was received.

Badlands of Dakota

A sheriff (Robert Stack) and his girlfriend (Ann Rutherford) run into Wild Bill Hickok, Gen. Custer and Calamity Jane (Frances Farmer).

Destino (Mexican TV series)

Cecilia is a nice and shy girl. One night after returning from work, Cecilia sees when a man jumps off a building and falls dead at her feet. The body belongs to the son of billionaire Claudio de la Mora. So Claudio meets and befriends her.

Claudio ignores his fake friend René who is behind the drug addiction that drove his son to suicide. René hates Claudio and wants to destroy his entire family including whimsical Mónica, the youngest of the de la Mora family. Cecilia does not have time for such machinations, because one night she is attacked and sexually assaulted by Esteban Camacho, her neighbor that is obsessed with her.

When Cecilia becomes pregnant as a result of the attack, Claudio offers support and his surname for the child she is expecting through marriage. Cecilia is then married to Claudio and enters into an intriguing world beyond her imaginations with many who want her out of the way.

Jelena (season 3)

In this season, the character of Vuk's son Majkl became a regular and the character of Bane, Jelena's boss was introduced in episode 15. Also, Boban is missing and he is in Siniša's house in the village. Siniša is Sonja's husband and Sofija's brother-in-law.

Busco novio para mi mujer

Fed up with his nagging and nitpicking wife Dana, Paco devises a plan to end his marriage: he hires professional womanizer/seducer "El Taiger" to whisk his wife off her feet.

Barbara Broadcast

Barbara Broadcast, a world-famous liberated woman and best-selling author, is interviewed by a journalist about her successful career in an elegant Manhattan hotel restaurant, where gourmet food and erotic activities are on the menu: a surrealistic "Buñuelian" atmosphere, according to one film reviewer. Afterwards, other Manhattan moments in New York City are featured, including a corporate office encounter and a casual meeting in a busy night club.

Bloody Crayons

Nine graduating students head to an island across the sea to finish their final project at school. They include Eunice, a timid and soft-spoken young woman; Olivia, Eunice's best friend; Kenly, Olivia's boyfriend with whom she is in a cool-off mode; Justin, Kenly's best friend who is exuberant and outspoken; Party-girl and very girly Richalaine; Marie, whose attributes are prim and classy; Gerard, the class clown also the eldest of the group; Kiko, who is the photographer and has admiration for Eunice; and John, a newcomer student who also harbors romantic feelings for Eunice. They all head out to Olivia's parents' summer home in an island to shoot a short film. On the island they meet Mang Pedring, a caretaker who instantly causes the group to feel uneasy. Olivia notices Kenly's cold nature towards her, causing her to think he has found someone new. She discovers that Kenly has been dating Marie all along, much to her dismay. To top it all off, Eunice has known the entire time and chose to remain oblivious, thinking she is protecting her friend. A fight ensues on both parties.

The next morning, when their shooting commences, Olivia forgives her friends. Soon, a storm starts, prompting the group to stop shooting. That night, the friends decide to play a game of "Bloody Crayons," a form of "truth or dare?" with a twist. Everyone is instructed to form a circle around a box that has four sets of five crayons—black, white, pink, blue and red. Each color represents a consequence, and each player will draw one crayon at a time. Black represents a rule to be given by the drawer. This rule is to be followed during the course of the game until the next black crayon is drawn. Failure to follow the rule means the drawer will vandalize the face of the violator. White represents immunity of the drawer from the rule until the next white crayon is drawn. Pink crayons represent friendship and whoever draws a pink crayon will choose a friend and have them make the drawer perform a dare. Blue crayons represent honesty. The drawer will confess something they have not done. If the other friends have done the confession, they have to vandalize their own faces. The drawer can also write on the face of someone they know has done the confession. Lastly, red is considered the bloody crayon, the most exciting piece in the game. The three people to draw the first three red crayons will be given the chance to each put a substance of their choosing in a cup and the last person to draw the red crayon will unfortunately drink the mixture. The game is over when the last red crayon is drawn.

The game commences and everything takes a turn. But the game heated up when Olivia draws the blue crayon and confesses that Olivia slept with Kenly last week regarding Kenly's and Marie's relationship roots up again. The anger causes Marie to draw the last red crayon, prompting her to drink the concoction the other friends have made. Marie vomits after ingesting the liquid. The group panics and gives her a bottle of water laced with poison. She drinks the water, vomits blood and gets killed. Suspicion surrounds Olivia, causing her to run away in fright while a furious Kenly chases after her. The others watch in terror as Olivia had plummeted to her death on a cliff, turning suspicion on Kenly. Getting more violent, Kiko and John bind Kenly to a chair with ropes, much to the others' disagreement. As the group begins to blame one another, a bothered Richalaine goes out of the room only to be seen by Mang Pedring peering over the corpse of Marie. Mang Pedring locks the doors of the house, alarming Richalaine and trapping everyone in. Suspicion soon falls on Mang Pedring. While the others find exits and weapons, Eunice convinces Kiko to free Kenly.

On the other room, Kenly attempts to free himself. When Kiko goes to check on him, they find him dead with his throat slashed. An angered Justin (who found a gun lying around the house earlier) threatens to kill them, insisting one of the remaining friends killed Kenly. John fights with Justin, after Kiko gets knocked out. This results into Gerard being accidentally shot in the stomach. John disarms Justin and escapes with Eunice while Richalaine steals the gun and hides in an upstairs bedroom. Justin chases Richalaine and threatens to kill her, blaming her for Kenly's death. Justin slips in Richalaine's defense and knocks his head on a sink, rendering him unconscious. Eunice goes back for her remaining friends as John runs off into the woods.

Kiko awakens and attempts to aid Gerard but is weakened by his injury. Gerald eventually dies. Eunice and Richalaine get reunited only to be chased by a figure dressed in one of their filmmaking costumes. The pair are able to lure their attacker away only to be cornered by Justin who has a butcher's knife and still full of vengeance. Justin tries to kill the both of them but Richalaine attempts to fend him off only for them to fall down a flight of stairs, killing the two instantly with the butcher's knife. Eunice eventually sees Justin and Richalaine's dead body and mourns as she gets reunited with Kiko. The two are greeted at the door by John who claims to have found a speed boat. Kiko grows suspicious, wondering how John was able to open the door with Mang Pedring's own set of keys. John explains Mang Pedring got killed by one of his animal traps but Kiko, still doubtful, attempts to fight him only for John to fall on a pit.

As the pair arrive at the shore, they see a speedboat, indicating John was truthful all along. Suddenly, Olivia's voice emanates from Eunice's walkie-talkie, begging for help. Eunice and Kiko go back in the house only to find an unscathed Olivia. As Kiko's suspicions are transferred to Olivia, he attempts to warn Eunice only to be stabbed in the back with a knife, revealing Olivia was the perpetrator all along. Olivia chases Eunice around the house with a shotgun. John arrives to the rescue but ends up getting shot by Olivia. Olivia explains that she only intended to kill Kenly, Marie and her, and adding that the others trying to kill one another is not her responsibility. A fight ensues between Eunice and Olivia; a drone controlled by John flies toward them which knocks Olivia and leaves her dangling on a cliff. Eunice grabs her hand in time. Realizing what she had done, a helpless Olivia dangles above inevitable death and apologizes to Eunice before falling.

John, who survived the shot, runs to help Eunice. Eunice, John and an injured Kiko, ride a boat on the way home.

Star Wars: Bloodline

Now in her late 40's, Senator Leia Organa is frustrated by the stagnation of the New Republic's Galactic Senate, which is troubled by inaction thanks to the rivalry of opposing factions. The Populists, including Leia, desire that individual planets be autonomous, while the Centrists support a centralized galactic government. Hearing allegations that the diminishing influence of the tyrannical Hutts has given rise to a dangerous cartel headed by the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di, Leia races to the planet Bastatha to investigate. To her chagrin, she is accompanied by young Senator Ransolm Casterfo, a priggish Centrist with an idealized view of the fallen Galactic Empire. As she expected, Leia is abducted by Rinnrivin for a clandestine meeting, where she learns that many Niktos revere her as the "Huttslayer" for her killing of Jabba the Hutt decades before. During her escape, Leia and Casterfo find common ground, and soon determine that a shadowy greater power is behind Rinnrivin's expansive operation.

A motion passes in the Senate to potentially create a First Senator position with enhanced powers over the rest. Leia, the most likely Populist candidate, narrowly escapes a bombing. Casterfo and Leia's assistant Greer Sonnel discover a sizeable, well funded secret paramilitary organization calling themselves the Amaxines on the obscure planet Daxam IV. The seemingly frivolous Lady Carise Sindian, a Centrist senator from Arkanis, is actually an agent of the First Order, a clandestine organization made up of Imperial loyalists plotting to depose the New Republic and reclaim control of the galaxy. She learns the secret that Darth Vader was Leia's father, and uses it to sour Casterfo's growing trust in Leia. Feeling betrayed, Casterfo makes the secret public, which turns much of the Senate against Leia and effectively ends her candidacy. Leia leads Greer and the X-wing fighter pilot Joph Seastriker on a mission to infiltrate an Amaxine warrior base on the remote oceanic planet Sibensko, which Leia has connected to Rinnrivin as well. They discover a massive military force complete with ships and weapons, and Leia's husband Han Solo arrives just in time to aid in her escape. A firefight results in the destruction of the entire base, but Leia and her team flee with evidence that Rinnrivin and the Amaxines were indeed subordinate to a mysterious larger operation.

Leia presents her evidence to the Senate, and is supported by Casterfo. Furious, Carise and her faction frame him as a supporter of the Amaxines, and he is arrested for treason. Knowing Casterfo faces the death penalty on his home planet of Riosa but powerless to save him, Leia realizes that the Senate is too corrupt to be saved. She calls together some old friends—including Admiral Ackbar and Nien Nunb—as well as Greer, Joph and new "recruits" such as Snap Wexley and Dr. Kalonia to form the Resistance, an underground movement to investigate and fight against the forces amassing to threaten peace in the galaxy.

Perfect Strangers (2016 film)

On the evening of a total eclipse of the moon, seven close friends gather for a dinner party. Early in the meal, one of the friends, a relationship therapist named Eva, says that she is convinced that many couples would separate if they saw the messages on each other's phones. As the friends debate this contention, they agree—some of them reluctantly—to play a game. They will each place their phone on the table and they will share their messages and calls with the rest of the group.

At first, the game seems harmless; no one has anything to hide. Gradually, the calls and messages become more compromising. They reveal that one married woman is having an affair and that a man who has been pretending to have an absent girlfriend is not who he seems. As the calls continue, the network of lies and secrets becomes increasingly tangled. Almost no one at the table is spared. By the end of the night, the group's friendships, marriages, and romances have been shattered.

As the guests leave the apartment, they behave as if nothing untoward has taken place. Each of their relationships is exactly as it was at the start of the evening. The game never happened. The whole film has been a hypothetical.

Sweet 20

Plot introduction

A 70 year old grandma sees failure in her life and goes to take her funeral photo before she becomes old and ugly. She awakes as the 20 year old young lady she was in her youth. Seeking to enjoy her second chance she goes out to do what she wants living her new life without regrets.

Main plot

Mrs. Dai is a 70 year old grandma who is living with her only son Quang and his family including his wife Vy, two grandchildren Nhon and Tung. Mrs. Dai had been struggling with her life ever since. However, she has a good friend often takes care of her who is Mr. Be. During this time, a TV channel is looking for new talents as producer Manh Duc and his assistant Min Ji have been searching for the best voice out there, however, nothing has progressed. Mrs. Dai visits a photography shop to shoot one portrait in case she will pass away. While preparing for the photoshoot, a miracle turns her into a 20 year old version of herself. She doesn't realize this incident until she is on the bus.

Due to the new appearance, she is unable to come back home. Therefore, she takes a new name as Thanh Nga and rents a room in Mr. Be's house. She firmly decides to make use of the new appearance to make her dream as to be a singer come true. Thanh Nga hangs out at a club of elders and performs "Diem Xua". Her voice immediately impresses everyone including Tung, Mr. Be and Manh Duc. Later, Tung invites her to be the vocal of his band of which she agrees, she even changes the style of Tung's musicband.

Tung's musicband sign up for the talent show and they are chosen by Manh Duc. Mr. Be finds Mrs. Dai's belonging in Thanh Nga's room which leads him to instantly assume that Thanh Nga's murdered Mrs. Dai. He plans to tie Thanh Nga so he can question her regarding the situation of Mrs. Dai, however, Mr. Be is caught and tied by Thanh Nga. She reveals that she is Mrs. Dai but only younger. This is shocking to Mr. Be however he promises to keep this as a secret. Tung's musicband have an opportunity to perform in a liveshow, Thanh Nga sings "Con tuoi nao cho em" which greatly touches the audience.

Next day, Manh Duc and Min Ji take Thanh Nga, Mr. Be, Tung and his band to the pool. At the pool, Thanh Nga preaches a teenager about the respect toward the elder. As they come back home, Mr. Be discovers that Thanh Nga will get older as she bleeds. However, Mr. Be's daughter who is Duyen angrily tells Thanh Nga to leave her house for wrongly assuming that her father and Thanh Nga are having an affair. Thanh Nga has to temporarily sleep at Manh Duc's house which makes Tung jealous without knowing that is his grandmother. While Manh Duc is also growing his feeling for Thanh Nga.

Tung and his band again have an opportunity to perform in another liveshow. Tung comes back home to collect his late grandfather's hat though showtime is coming closer. As he is being on his way to the show, a struck hits him and he is rushed to the hospital afterward. Thanh Nga will be performing "Minh Yeu Tu Bao Gio" which is composed by Tung before heading off to the hospital to check his situation. The show is a big success eventually. Thanh Nga agrees to donate her blood for Tung. After being done, youthful Thanh Nga turns back to 70 year old Mrs. Dai. After a while, Nhon is the vocal of Tung's musicband as a replacement for Thanh Nga. Mrs. Dai's family go to the liveshow of Nhon and Tung. The movie ends as Mrs. Dai steps out of the theater and happily smiling as she stares at Manh Duc.

A Dusk of Demons

Ben is a fourteen-year-old boy living a simple life on Old Isle, where the Master rules. Ben lives a carefree life with Mother Ryan and her two daughters, Antonia and Paddy, until the Master dies and leaves Ben a substantial inheritance. Not long after, the Master's house is burned to the ground. People whisper among themselves that it was the work of demons, as they believe that the demons are displeased with the Master. The Sheriff takes Ben into custody until the matter is resolved, sending Paddy's family away. Paddy warns Ben that the villagers are planning to harm him and they flee with the help of a fisherman named Joe. After journeying to the Mainland, they are reunited with Mother Ryan and Antonia in the villa of the General. The Sheriff soon arrives, apologizes, and contests with the General for the care of Ben.

Meanwhile, Antonia's relationship with the Governor's son, Ralph, causes her to be exiled. She and her family are to be sent to Ireland, while Ben is to stay and receive his inheritance. Paddy, however, comes back for Ben and they escape together once more. They travel with gypsies for a time and are shocked to learn that these travelers do not fear demons or the will of the "Dark One". They part with the gypsies and continue to try and catch up with Mother Ryan but are taken captive by an enemy general who sacrifices criminals to the demons. Paddy is sentenced but Ben saves her by shooting the demons' "nest". They are pursued until a fire bursts, which renders them unconscious. Ben wakes up on an airplane where his rescuer tells him that the demons were fabricated by a secretive group in an attempt to keep people from becoming violent.

The Master had been a member of this group but was exiled for speaking out against the terror caused by the pretended demons. After his death, a revolution was organized for helping people recover from the chaos and become educated. Ben, as the Master's son, is expected to help.

The Queen (Singaporean TV series)

In 2006, Ni Qiao Wen (Apple Hong) has always been a blessed woman in her friends’ eyes. However, things took a bad turn after three years into her marriage. Her husband (Bernard Tan) unexpectedly returns home with his mistress (Joey Feng) and chases her out the house. The next day, both parties meet up to get a divorce. Qiao Wen refuses to sign the papers. The divorce lawyer, Guan Xin, (Jesseca Liu) asks her to sign the papers immediately and stop wasting everybody's time. Qiao Wen is angered by Guan Xin's nonchalance and storms off angrily without signing the papers. Qiao Wen boards a taxi and tells the driver to send her to the beach. The driver Zhang Xiao Feng (Priscelia Chan) asks Qiao Wen if she is thinking of committing suicide, adding that suicide is not the solution to her problems. Xiao Feng then let Qiao Wen know all about an organization known as the "Revenge Queen" before passing her a name card. After Xiao Feng drops her off, Qiao Wen decides to call the hotline to join the "Revenge Queen". The "Revenge Queen" is made up of Wu Kai En (Jayley Woo), Zeng Jing (Vivian Lai), Zhang Xiao Feng and lastly, a secret leader. Everyone in the team has a special trait that helps in executing the plans of "Revenge Queen". Will the "Revenge Queen" be able to help Qiao Wen regain her own confidence and take revenge on her husband? These women have been hurt and betrayed by their former lovers and join the organization to seek vengeance. In the process, they unintentionally offended a criminal organization, Xin Yi gang and were falsely accused of murder. How are they going to get themselves out of this sticky situation? Who is the mastermind behind "Revenge Queen"? Lastly, will they be able to find the happiness that they have been looking for?

Bar Lemon Heart

Stories in Bar Lemon Hart typically feature three recurring characters: Lemon Hart's proprietor and two of his regular customers, Megane-san and Matchan. Each chapter generally introduces the reader to either one specific brand of alcohol (ex., Lemon Hart Demerara rum 151 proof), one variety of alcohol or cocktail (ex., chablis or gimlet), or one generic type of alcohol (ex., beer), although some chapters occasionally present multiple types of alcohol. These drinks are usually used to help solve a character's problems. For example, a customer who is being transferred to a Chinese branch of his company may learn about different types of baijiu, or a customer who has divorced his or her partner may learn their partner's true feelings after receiving a specific bottle of alcohol. A history lesson about each featured drink is also included in each chapter.

The title is derived from Lemon Hart rum, which is produced by Hart & Son rum purveyors. Lemon Hart's barkeeper has referred to Lemon Hart 151 as the "world's strongest alcohol," although there are higher proof alcohols available on the market. The title is sometimes written as "Bar Lemon Heart," since the word ハート (Hāto) could be written as "Hart" or "Heart" in English. Both spellings appear on official merchandise.

The catchphrase 気持ちがすっごくあったかい!! (kimochi ga suggoku attakai!!/It's very heartwarming!!) has been used for the series since Volume 4.

OMG... We're in a Horror Movie!!!

While playing a board game, several friends find themselves transported into a horror movie. They are forced to assume the roles of stereotypical horror film characters, including one who must become the killer.

The Kiss of Deception

In a traditional society, Princess Lia's life follows a preordained course. As First Daughter, she is expected to have the revered gift of sight - but she doesn't - and she knows her parents are perpetrating a sham when they arrange her marriage to secure an alliance with a neighboring kingdom - to a prince she has never met.

On the morning of her wedding, Lia flees to a distant village. She settles into a new life, hopeful when two strangers arrive. She is unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her.

Ashes in the Snow

In 1941, sixteen-year old Lina Vilkas is preparing for art school, first dates and the summer holidays in her hometown of Kaunas in Lithuania. However, her father Kostas Vilkas is involved in the Lithuanian resistance against the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states, forging documents to help people escape Lithuania. One night, Lina along with her mother Elena, younger brother Jonas and friend Andrius are rounded up by the NKVD and deported by train to a gulag in the Altaysky region in Siberia.

Lina and her family endure the harsh conditions during the journey. One of their fellow passengers, a young mother named Ona with an infant, is driven to despair by the death of her daughter, causing her to commit suicide by provoking her captors into shooting her. At the gulag, Commander Komarov offers Lina and her fellow prisoners a reduced sentence of 25 years if they sign a confession. Led by Elena, Lina and Jonas refuse to sign the confession and are subjected to harsher treatment. The gulag inmates are forced to grow crops including potatoes in order to meet their quotas.

Amidst the harsh and bleak surroundings, Lina documents her experiences through her art and notes while experiencing flashbacks of her carefree childhood. She also sends messages in her art in an attempt to contact her father's prison camp to let him know his family is still alive. Lina also develops a romantic relationship with Andrius who smuggles supplies to them. Realizing that Elena can speak Russian, Commander Komarov tries to recruit her as a translator but she refuses to collaborate with the enemy. Komarov later orders Lina to draw a portrait of him but she draws a caricature depicting him as a monster. In retaliation, Komarov burns her drawings and messages.

The NKVD guard Nikolai Kretzsky, an ethnic Ukrainian who is looked down upon by his Russian compatriots, becomes infatuated with Elena. After revealing that her husband Kostas was killed by Soviet forces, he attempts to rape her but Elena rebuffs him. Afterward Kretzsky assaults a Russian guard. Komarov "promotes" him to Commander and reassigns him to lead a new gulag on the island Trofimovsk in the Laptev Sea. Elena, Lina, and Jonas are reassigned to the Trofimovsk gulag.

Due to the harsh polar conditions and insufficient rations, Elena dies of ill health. Their mother's death compels Lina to demand better rations and warm clothing for the prisoners. To honor Elena's memory, a guilt-ridden Kretzsky grants Lina and Jonas an amnesty before committing suicide. The film ends with the two siblings walking on the beach towards their ship.

Kings' Shift

A rookie policeman is left alone in a private clinic to guard a comatose suspect of World War II war crimes. His shift is long over, yet nobody comes to replace him. However, the youngster is determined not to leave his post until he gets permission from his authorities to do so. Lack of sleep, loneliness, hunger and the persistence to serve his duty turn the young man into a ticking time bomb at the very wrong time. He must decide how far he can go guarding this suspect who is hated to death by everyone.

Love Punjab

Pargat (Amrinder Gill) and Jessica (Sargun Mehta) are a couple who are going through a separation for various reasons. They together have a son named Manveer (Manvir Johal) who has his own set of problems in school, where he faces racism and discrimination issues. Manveer goes into deep depression and on the recommendation of the doctor, his parents decide to take him to Punjab to show his roots, culture and ancestral village. Jessica somehow convinces her father-in-law, Brar Sarpanch (Yograj Singh) to show Manveer that Punjab is better than Canada. Pargat, Jessica, and Manvir go to Punjab together for 15 days. Pargat and Jessica act like a happy couple, as Pargat's parents do not know about their impending divorce. After spending time with each other without any interference of work and grind of daily busy life, their love for each other is re-kindled, but they do not tell each other. Manveer is better and enjoying life again. They come back to Canada and get divorced. After the divorce, Jessica is set to get engaged to Zora, Jessica's childhood friend. Pargat realizes that he loves Jessica and can not live without her. At the engagement, Manvir steals the engagement ring but returns it. Pargat fakes a phone call from his father and Jessica finds out that they still don't know about divorce. Jessica realizes that Pargat was lying and goes outside, citing a network problem. Jessica later leaves her engagement, hops into her car and drives to their home. They have a small argument, and then Pargat confesses his love for her and they patch up. One year later, the couple has a baby girl and they plan to go to Punjab again. The film ends when Parget gets a phone call from his parents and he tells them they are coming to visit.

Jelena (season 4)

Ivan Bekjarev departed main cast at the end of the third season. He will return to main cast at the beginning of the fifth season. Ružica Sokić and Srna Lango departed main cast at the end of the season. Costume designer is changed. Irena Belojica replaced Jasmina Sanader.

Once Upon a Time in the Oued

Johnny Leclerc, from a Norman mother and an Alsatian father lives in a company in suburban city of his friends, mostly North Africans. He behaves like a Muslim, make the Ramadan and wear a djellaba. He is even persuaded to be called Abdul Bashir and to be born in a small village of Bled. When his friend Yacine has some trouble with a local guy and decides to return for holidays in Algeria, he sailed clandestinely in the luggage of the Sabri family to fulfill his dream and finally know his "roots". Just arrived on the Algerian coast, Johnny feels like home.

He's a Honey

Harry Barris plays a sought-after bandleader who wants to marry Helen Mann's character. Her father, played by Edgar Kennedy, disapproves. Nevertheless, she is won in the end.

Catherine & Co.

Catherine is a young British prostitute who decides to make money living in Paris. After learning about corporate practices and business ins and outs from her clients, she decides to incorporate as an official escort business. Searching for people to invest in her scheme, she encounters both interest and setbacks.

Now's the Time (film)

A summary from ''Motion Picture Herald'' reads:

The Final Project

After being told that they require extra credit to pass their film class, six college students investigate an abandoned plantation in rural Louisiana despite warnings from the locals that it is haunted. While making a documentary, they find the rumors of a hostile spirit are true.

Waiting (2015 film)

Shiv Natraj (Naseeruddin Shah), an elderly psychology professor, arrives at a hospital in Kochi to visit his comatose wife Pankaja (Suhasini Maniratnam). Tara Kapoor Desphande (Kalki Koechlin), a young advertising agent, also arrives at the hospital during the night after being delivered news of a car accident involving her husband, Rajat Deshpande (Arjun Mathur). She is consoled by Rajat's eccentric co-worker Girish (Rajeev Ravindranathan), but dismisses him abruptly. Tara is deeply disturbed to see Rajat breathing on a ventilator, and leaves immediately.

In the waiting lounge, Tara approaches Shiv, believing him to be a doctor, and asks for his advice. He reveals that his wife had a stroke eight months ago while he was out watching a cricket match, and has been in a coma ever since. The two bond over their similar situations. Later, Girish drops Tara off at a hotel and gives her Rajat's bag. Tara finds his watch in it and puts it on. The next day she is angered after reading an intimate message on Rajat's phone from a colleague Sheetal, who is later revealed to be a man. Shiv witnesses the whole misunderstanding, and the two share a light moment. He later visits her at the hotel, and she shares her disappointment with her friends and followers on social media for having abandoned her. She commends Shiv for his composure, as he explains the five stages of grief to her.

Tara finds her strength in Shiv, a wiser and more experienced counterpart. The two start spending most of their spare time together coping with their grief, despite being completely opposite in nature. Shiv takes Tara to the temple, and she takes him shopping. Rajat's doctor, Nirupam Malhotra (Rajat Kapoor), tells Tara that Rajat has a hematoma in his brain and an operation might help him recover, but it carries the risk of partial paralysis. Tara is torn, as she believes Rajat would not want to take the risk, and seeks advice from Shiv. He is already at loggerheads with Dr. Malhotra, dismissing him as a pawn of the hospital board and the insurance companies who only care about making money and not the patients. Tara and Shiv get into a heated argument. Shiv lashes out angrily at Tara for not giving Rajat a chance at life. Tara retorts that she is a realist, and dismisses Shiv for being selfish and making his wife go through pain for his own sake.

Tara's best friend Ishita (Ratnabali Bhattacharjee) arrives at Kochi and advises her to start chanting prayers and to inform Rajat's estranged parents of his situation. Despite being an atheist, Tara chants Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō when she is alone with Rajat. Shiv desperately attempts to convince Malhotra to perform a spinal decompression on his wife, but he disregards Shiv's research and refuses to proceed with surgery. Tara discusses Rajat's surgery with Ishita and decides not to go ahead with it, which further angers Malhotra. Ishita leaves to aid her ailing son. Tara realises that she is no longer Ishita's top priority, now that Ishita is married. Shiv and Tara make up and later that night dance together at Shiv's house, much to the amusement of his neighbours. They get upset thinking about their spouses and discuss what they meant to them, before falling asleep in the living room.

The next morning, Tara leaves early and decides to inform Rajat's mother. After Girish brings Tara the required insurance papers, she thanks him for always being there for her and apologises for being rude. She decides to go ahead with the surgery after all. Rajat is taken to surgery, and she holds his hand until they arrive at the operating room. Shiv, on the other hand, decides to take Pankaja off the ventilator and let his wife herself make the final call. Pankaja tries to breathe on her own as the viewers are treated with flashbacks of the heyday of both couples. Tara takes a seat in the waiting lounge, and is joined by Shiv as the camera pans out.

Dahil Mahal Na Mahal Kita

Mela (Claudine Barretto) is a campus beauty who's earned the reputation of a “Bad Girl.” But underneath the seductive clothing and uninhibited behavior is a sensitive and vulnerable soul. Mela hides a painful past. Her mother died at a young age, leaving her father desolate and driving him to alcoholism. Numerous beatings from her father caused Mela to run away from home, and seek shelter with an aunt. Despite living an immoral life as a mistress, Mela's aunt is kind-hearted and loving to her niece. Mela herself constantly seeks acceptance and satisfaction in relationships with different men.

Mela's current boyfriend, Ryan (Diether Ocampo), is also a troubled soul who cannot get along with his father. The youngest and the only boy among three children, Ryan's source of emotional support is his mother. Mela and Ryan start off as friends before going steady, but it is not long before Ryan becomes unfaithful.

Hurt and determined to change her destiny, Mela resolves to look for “Mr. Perfect,” who turns out to be Miguel (Rico Yan). Rich, intelligent, and good-mannered. A typical aristocrat guy who is always formal, all-business and snobbish. He portrays the typical “guy-next-door” women fall for, but has a superior personality which is a turn-off. Miguel's only fault is his tendency to rigid self-discipline. Besides being a member of the school's discipline committee, Miguel also helps manage the family business. Miguel's father died while he was young, and his mother was left to raise him and his brother. His brother also died, suffering a broken heart from a relationship with an immoral wife.

Mela sets her sights on Miguel, but Miguel refuses to give her the time of day. Mela is relentless, and dares Miguel to a bet, the consequence being, he would have to spend a weekend with Mela. Miguel loses, and, despite his fears, enjoys the company of Mela. During their weekend together, Miguel discovers the beauty in Mela, and falls hopelessly in love.

Love eventually transforms Mela into the person who would please Miguel. But the story doesn't end there. The relationship must strive through jealousy, misunderstanding and animosity from Miguel's mother.

Season of Anomy

This novel influences from Soyinka's experience of being in prison. The novel talks about the role an individual can play and how he can become an agent of social transformation. There are four main characters who take lot of actions to deal with corrupt Nigerian society.

The Promise (2016 TV series)

Na-Yeon (Lee Yu-Ri) is a bright woman. She supports her boyfriend Tae-Joon (Seo Jun-Young), who is from a poor background, and has even given up entering a university. But Tae-Joon dumps her for his success and goes with Se-Jin (Park Ha-Na), who is a granddaughter of Baekdo Company president. Do-Hee (Lee Yu-Ri) is Na-Yeon’s twin sister, who was separated from her at birth. Hence, they have never met each other. Do-Hee works as a reporter at a weekly magazine, and is the girlfriend of Hwi-Kyung (Song Jong-Ho), who is successor of Baekdo Company, and Se-Jin's step-uncle. After a series of events, Se-Jin's family wrongfully placed Na-Yeon in a mental hospital. Do-Hee manages to track Na-Yeon down, and they switch places. Shortly after, Do-Hee dies in Nayeon's place when the building catches fire. After her death, Na-Yeon decides to take revenge. She takes on the identity of Do-Hee, then marries Hwi-Kyung, marrying into Se-Jin's family in the process.

Office Christmas Party

Josh Parker, Chief Technology Officer of Zenotek in Chicago, finalizes his divorce and goes to work. The interim CEO Carol Vanstone arrives to notify Josh and branch manager, Clay Vanstone that the company has failed to meet its new quarterly quota. She threatens to lay off 40% of their employees, cut bonuses, and cancel the annual Christmas party. Carol and Clay are siblings having recently lost their father, the former CEO. Clay is desperate to keep his staff and to pay out employee bonuses however, Carol resenting Clay as their dad's favorite, threatens to shut down the branch.

Josh, Clay, and Tracey Hughes, Chief of Research and Development, inform Carol that they have a meeting with financial giant Walter Davis later in the day so Carol gives them a last chance. Walter likes the pitch, but is concerned, fearing they care more about the budget than their people. Clay invites him to the Christmas party, hoping to show him their company is stable with a healthy employee environment. On the way to the airport Carol stops by Josh's apartment to offer him a position working for her at the New York headquarters at twice his current salary.

Clay funds an exorbitant Christmas party, vexing Mary, head of Human Resources. The party struggles to pick up even with Chicago Bulls player Jimmy Butler present. Initially reluctant, Walter is accidentally doused with cocaine and he livens up. Various employees also cut loose: Nate hired escort Savannah, to pretend to be his girlfriend; Clay's assistant and single mom Allison unsuccessfully tries to hook up with Fred; Jeremy cuts loose dancing with Mary, whom he previously despised. Josh and Tracey nearly kiss on the roof. As Clay wins over Walter, the celebration grows more and more chaotic, including orgies, damaging company property, with heavy alcohol and drugs.

Carol's flight is cancelled due to weather, and she rushes back when she hears about the party from her Uber driver as the party is now the talk of the town with many non-employees in attendance. Though initially impressed with receiving Walter's business, he injures himself attempting to swing off a balcony. It is revealed that Walter was fired from his firm earlier, nullifying the contract and leaving Zenotek helpless. Carol decides to immediately shut down the branch.

Carol then loudly mentions her job offer to Josh to everyone, especially Clay. Despite stating he didn't accept it, he is angrily shunned. Tracey was also given an offer by Carol but explicitly rejected it, where he kept it open. Feeling betrayed, Clay rushes off with Savannah's unstable pimp, Trina, to party elsewhere, though she is more interested in robbing him of his wealth which he has on his person. Josh, Tracey, Mary, and ultimately Carol race to save him.

Hearing the branch is being terminated instigates a riot, destroying everything in sight. Josh authorizes security guard Carla to shut down the party. Clay races Trina's car towards an opening drawbridge, attempting to jump the gap, a feat he'd earlier mentioned to Josh. Driving Mary's minivan alongside him, Josh tries to convince Clay not to jump, but he is still upset. Convinced he's a failure he still wants to jump, dead or alive. After everyone fails to convince Clay to pull over, Josh threatens to join him, and Clay agrees. Scared of dying, Carol takes the wheel, swerving into Clay's car and causing him to veer off and crash into an internet hub, disconnecting the entire city.

Trina and Savannah are arrested, while Clay is taken to the hospital. The internet blackout, inspires Tracey to implement an innovation combining internet Wi-Fi with wire connections through the power grid, which had previously failed. They race back to the destroyed office to set up her tech, it works and internet is restored to Chicago.

The innovation saves the entire branch, with Clay apologizing for how his father treated Carol. Walter, in the same hospital, agrees to join the team. Josh and Tracey kiss amidst the ruins of the office. Jeremy opens up to Mary, and Nate and Allison agree to go on a date. Everyone meets Carol and Clay at the hospital, and they all go out for breakfast, driving recklessly on the way.

Mistborn: Secret History

After being killed by the Lord Ruler, Kelsier meets Preservation as he is about to pass on to the spiritual realm. Kelsier refuses to do so and races to the Well of Ascension at the heart of the Lord Ruler's palace, touching its power and thus anchoring himself to the world. Whilst trapped at the Well, he discovers another entity trapped there: Ruin, the counterpart to Preservation, who intends to destroy the world.

When Vin accidentally frees Ruin when she gives up the power at the Well, Kelsier is also released. With the world now under direct threat from Ruin, a dying Preservation tasks Kelsier to find help. Following Preservation's guidance, Kelsier meets two people from different worlds, Khriss and Nazh, who point him to a covert group known as the Ire (''Eyree'') as his only chance for aid.

Despite Ruin's dissuasion, Kelsier travels to the Ire's fortress. He discovers that they are planning to steal Preservation's powers once he dies by using a strange artifact. Kelsier dupes the group by posing as Ruin and steals the artifact for himself. When he returns to his world, Preservation tells him that he cannot pass on his powers to Vin because she has been spiked by Ruin. When Preservation finally dies, Kelsier takes up the power using the stolen artifact. Trying and failing to contact Vin because of Ruin's interference and his inexperience with Preservation's powers, Kelsier decides to instead travel to Urteau and succeeds in freeing Spook from Ruin's influence.

Under Kelsier's command, Spook sends a message to Vin about her spike and Ruin's influence on her. However, Ruin intercepts and kills the messenger using Marsh, Kelsier's brother, who is now under Ruin's control. They then witness Vin's battle and subsequent defeat at the hands of Marsh and the other Steel Inquisitors. With Ruin's rage loosening his control, Marsh manages to use the intercepted message as Kelsier secretly intended and removes Vin's earring spike. Kelsier gives up Preservation's power to Vin, who uses it to kill the other Steel Inquisitors - but she ascends before she can finish Marsh.

Kelsier realizes that Ruin's power is incomplete until he finds the Lord Ruler's hidden cache of ''atium''. He watches the battle at the Pits of Hathsin and Elend Venture's death at Marsh's hands. With her husband's death, Vin sacrifices herself to kill Ruin. Kelsier's long-time friend, Sazed takes up the powers of both Preservation and Ruin, ascending as ''Harmony''. Kelsier tearfully reunites with Vin and watches as she too chooses to pass on to the Afterlife with Elend. After Harmony remakes the world, Kelsier speaks to Spook and recruits his help in getting him a new "string" to the physical realm.

A Second Chance at Sarah

After the birth of their son, Johnny's wife Sarah falls into a coma. Johnny soon discovers her talisman, which she had previously used to make a deal with a demon to save the life of her sister Rachel, unbeknownst to Johnny. In order to save Sarah, Johnny also makes a deal with the demon, and is transported back to 1995, where he possesses the body of his younger self. He meets a younger Sarah, who invites him to a party. As they travel to the party, Johnny informs Sarah of the situation, but she dismisses it as a pick-up attempt. When they arrive, Johnny sees Rachel with the talisman and tells her to dispose of it; without responding, she ends the party. After she leaves, Rachel is involved in a car accident, and is transported to the hospital. Sarah, who now believes Johnny's story, goes to make a deal with the demon in order to save Rachel. However, upon discovering that the demon demands the sacrifice of Johnny and Sarah's child, Sarah destroys the talisman, and Rachel dies. These events alter those of the present day: Sarah never fell into a coma and instead lives normally with Johnny and their son.

Green White Green

Three teenagers seem to be on an interminably long wait for university. In the hiatus, they carry on with various shenanigans. Uzzie tries his hand on becoming an artist, his friend Segun keeps a bag packed for an always impending trip to New York and the other one tries to make his father believe in and respect him.

Their 'lounging and chilling' sessions help the audience understand what drives the average young Nigerian; the audience sees the American and hip hop influence, the Boko Haram issue, the hankering after 'going abroad' and the lack of direction that sometimes leads young people down the wrong path.

A group of Ajegunle boys are described as 'Future Thugs' and one of them actually looks in the camera and says – 'Make you look me o, I no well o' which sort of sums up the mental state of many young Nigerians driven half-mad by disillusion and the mess their parents have made of the country.

Green White Green is produced and directed by Abba Makama. It stars Ifeanyi Dike, Samuel Robinson and Jammal Ibrahim.

Patrick's Day (film)

Patrick (Moe Dunford) is a 26-year-old schizophrenic young man, who goes missing in the middle of the St. Patrick's Day festivities in Dublin, much to the alarm of his English mother Maura (Kerry Fox).

Patrick goes missing and wanders around town. He meets a dog and gets a girlfriend. They hang out in a hotel room and his mom gets concerned about what happened to him. Eventually he comes back to his psych ward and gets back to normal. After this his mom makes it a focus to help his son get his mind in order. It is revealed that every person he met was not real and it was all in his head. He did leave the ward but did not meet anyone. He is put into isolation and is really upset he cannot see his girl. He goes through a withdrawal type sequence as the doctors and nurses hold him in place and get him to see the light. The movie ends with him walking around outside and feeling the goodness of the outdoors. He has accepted those were visions he experienced but his future is still unknown.

Crooner (film)

Teddy Taylor is the leader of Ted Taylor's Collegians. One night, his usual singer can't sing. He decides to try out singing. However, his voice can't be heard over the band. A dancer stops and jokes with him by handing him a megaphone. Taylor sings through it, and he is heard. The ladies are enamored with his soft voice while the men are disgusted. Taylor becomes a big star over night, but his ego becomes inflated. Things come to a head when Taylor loses his temper and punches a heckler in the audience, who he didn't realize was a cripple. Shunned, he loses his girlfriend, his band, his fame, and his dignity.

In the final scene, as a drunk and unhappy Peter Sturgis, who promoted Teddy Taylor into a singing star and gave up his fiancée Judy Mason to him, continues to drink heavily in a speakeasy, an announcer on the speakeasy's radio proclaims, "…And now, it is our great privilege to bring to you the new sensation of the air, Bang Busby, who will croon for you in his inimitable manner, 'Sweethearts Forever'". As the song, which had already been sung a number of times by Teddy Taylor, begins to be heard, Sturgis grabs a bottle and hurls it at the radio, breaking it.

First Girl I Loved

While watching a high school softball game, yearbook editor Anne falls for the team star Sasha. She confesses her realization to her best friend Clifton, who reacts badly due to his own feelings for Anne. He kisses Anne, and, after she initially pushes him away, Cliff initiates sex and Anne goes along with it though it is evident she is unwilling. She eventually pushes him away and tearfully expresses that her current crush is not a boy, as Clifton had assumed, but a girl. Clifton calls her a dyke and accuses her of leading him on.

Under the guise of yearbook interviews, Anne visits Sasha and the two begin to strike up a friendship. Their relationship grows over the upcoming weeks through their texting, culminating in Anne comforting Sasha after the latter causes her team to lose their big game.

Clifton continues to lash out at Anne in jealousy. When Anne discovers he broke her bike lock and caused it to be stolen, she attacks him during their yearbook class, causing her to receive disciplinary action from the school. Clifton remains engaged in his plan to sabotage Anne, ultimately asking out Sasha himself. However, he begins to regret his actions during a meeting with his guidance counselor.

After being reprimanded by the school and arguing with her mother, Anne goes on a hangout with Sasha and convinces her to let her sleep over at Sasha's house. That same night, the two sneak out to a bar and flirt with some men, but end up dancing with each other and kissing. Sasha is confused following their encounter, but lets Anne return home and the two share her bed.

The following day, Sasha refuses to speak to Anne and attempts dating Clifton, but he is accepted Anne dating her and mistakes Sasha's offer to be for him to be a beard. Anne tries unsuccessfully to resume her relationship with Sasha, even admitting her crush in public, but Sasha remains distant.

Growing hurt, Anne secretly includes a picture in the school yearbook of her and Sasha kissing. The swapped photo is printed in every yearbook, and the families of Clifton, Anne, and Sasha are called by the school to convene. There, Sasha asserts that the encounter in the photograph was non-consensual and depicted Anne taking advantage of her while she was drunk. Clifton, grappling with his own breach of Anne's consent, takes the blame for placing the photo in the yearbook and expresses how much of the student body knew the two were dating. Sasha ultimately concedes that she "doesn't know" if she hadn't or had consented. Anne and her mother then leave the meeting.

Later that day, Anne visits Jasmine, the owner of the bar and retail store where she and Sasha hung out, now to test herself for HIV. The two share a period of reflection over her history, in which Anne comments on another coercive sexual experience. Anne discuss her heartache over Sasha and accepts that she is gay. As she leaves, she sees her stolen bike in the shop window and reenters the store.

The Sword is Forged

The Amazon queen Antiope is captured by Theseus and brought back to Athens to become his bride. They fall in love and she bears him a son, Hippolytus, but soon the Amazons besiege Athens to reclaim their queen.

The Device

Still recovering from a family tragedy in the past, two sisters return home to settle their dead mother's affairs. In a nearby forest, they come upon a strange device. The husband of one of the women becomes obsessed with it despite their demands that he get rid of it. After they experience nightmares and other phenomena, they come to believe it may be the result of the device. It is eventually revealed to be of alien origin, and the sisters are abducted.

Wanderers (2014 film)

The film begins with a group of nomads around 10,000 BC, travelling through the Middle East on Earth. Shining clearly above them in the darkening twilight sky are the five naked eye "wandering stars" in our Solar System which might be visited some day by descendants of the human wanderers. The film then cuts to the future and shows a large interplanetary spacecraft leaving Earth's orbit, carrying space colonists on their way to another planet or moon.


Other than Earth's Moon, no other body in the Solar System has been explored and examined for possible future human colonization more intently than Mars. In ''Wanderers'', Wernquist starts with NASA photographs and crafts three scenes showing the possible Martian future: in the first, the cabin of a theorized space elevator descends down its cable, transporting supplies to a Mars colony below, in the second, workers in space suits wait near the edge of Victoria Crater for approaching dirigibles, and in the third, a group of hikers (who are presumably accustomed to watching red sunsets on Earth) enjoy the sight of the Martian sky glowing blue around the setting Sun.

Saturn and its moons

''Wanderers'' makes good use of the wealth of information and images returned by the NASA / ESA ''Cassini–Huygens'' mission: one third of its scenes depict either Saturn or one of its moons. One scene gives an extreme close-up view of Saturn's rings - the perspective is from ''inside'' the plane of the rings, looking up from within the jumble of water ice chunks that compose the rings to a person floating just above the plane. The final scene (discussed in more detail below) shows the rings at a distance, lit up by the Sun behind them, casting a luminous glow on Saturn's nighttime cloud tops that Wernquist refers to as "ringshine."

In a scene on Saturn's moon Titan which is only made imaginable by Titan's relatively low levels of gravity, its thick, hazy atmosphere, and a not-yet-discovered hyper-efficient thermal insulating material, humans fly above the moon's liquid methane sea Ligeia Mare using wings that are approximately the same size - relative to their bodies - as bird wings. The view of a spacecraft moving through the salt water crystals ejected from geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus is a reminder that a liquid ocean beneath its icy surface could potentially provide an environment capable of sustaining some form of life. A chain of human settlements on Saturn's moon Iapetus are portrayed on the peaks of its equatorial ridge, each covered with an enormous and (apparently) transparent dome that does not obstruct the view of Saturn and its rings. (Since the orbit of Iapetus is more inclined relative to the rings than any of Saturn's other major moons, Wernquist helpfully adds that the beautiful view "would make for some highly valuable real estate.")

Jupiter, its moon Europa, and Miranda (moon of Uranus)

''Wanderers'' does not specify whether any of the space explorers it depicts are governmentally-sponsored astronauts, cosmonauts, or taikonauts, if they are alternately commercial astronauts, space flight participants, or solely space tourists. Wernquist calls them simply "passengers", "people," and "hikers," and none of the spacecraft transporting them carry the insignia of a space agency or a privately funded space enterprise. Regardless of their official designation, the people shown in the two Jupiter scenes and the one scene showcasing Uranus and its moon Miranda must be referred to as "adventurers."

In a scene shown from orbit above Jupiter, a spacecraft's cargo bay doors open to reveal a tethered adventurer beginning a spacewalk, with the Great Red Spot visible below. We also see adventurers walking across the surface ice on Jupiter's moon Europa, and who, in so doing, might also be walking above extraterrestrial microbes. (Like Saturn's moon Enceladus, astrobiologists are very focused on the possibility that Europa could harbor life.) Another group of adventurers BASE jump off of a cliff on Miranda, the smallest gravitationally-rounded moon orbiting the planet Uranus. The cliff in question, Verona Rupes, may be 5 - 10 kilometers tall. Combined with Miranda's low gravity, Wernquist estimates the jumpers could enjoy a free fall of perhaps 12 minutes before engaging a small rocket to brake their fall.

The "Terrarium", a hollowed-out, inhabited asteroid

The film includes a dramatic illustration of possible in situ resource utilization: it depicts a hollowed-out Main Belt asteroid which could serve as a habitat for colonists and a space station for travelers who venture beyond the orbit of Mars. The interior cavity of the asteroid / habitat / station consists of a human-constructed, self-contained ecosystem, complete with pressurized, breathable air, land and soil, bodies of water, and clouds rotating around a periodic source of artificial sunlight.

Wernquist concedes that his depiction of a terraformed asteroid "is by far the most speculative part of this short film," but also says that he included it "to visualize the possibilities of human engineering and construction." He calls the asteroid a "terrarium," applying the name used by Kim Stanley Robinson in his hard science fiction novel ''2312''.

The final scene: Saturn's "ringshine"

On Saturn, human-made airships are shown in the distant clouds, somewhat similar to the HAVOC crewed airships contemplated by NASA for a possible mission to Venus. The airships are framed by the planet's colossal rings. On one of the ships, a female explorer gazes out into the distance, wearing an insulated jacket, a fur hood, and a protective mask. As the clouds of Saturn cast reflections on her helmet, which conceals her mouth, she smiles in wonder. Carl Sagan's narration concludes as he states:

Maybe it’s a little early. Maybe the time is not quite yet. But those other worlds — promising untold opportunities — beckon. Silently, they orbit the Sun, waiting.

Valley of the Sasquatch

After his wife dies, Roger forces his son Michael to go on a hunting trip in rural Washington with a family friend and Roger's brother-in-law. When they reach their cabin, they find it has been broken into and is a mess. Thinking nothing of it, Roger and the others enter the nearby woods, where they encounter a family of hostile Sasquatches.

Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade

Three months after the events of the fourth film and five years before the events of the fifth film, Manny and his crew get ready for Easter. While Ellie struggles to make the decorations single-handedly, Manny and Diego try to watch some hawk fights between a hawk and different animals. Crash and Eddie unsuccessfully attempt to prank Peaches, starting the first April Fools' Day. Peaches wants to spend Easter with her friends. Scrat has excavated in the underground from the Death Valley to the new herd's Valley, and has found his acorn again. He once again loses his acorn, when it becomes a tree. In the meantime, Sid decides to look after eggs for the owners of them, much to the scorn of Manny and Diego.

Meanwhile, ex-pirate bunny Squint has been living in his home hole for the past three months with his lazy brother, Clint. After getting back on his feet, the pirate sees Manny and his group as he plans to have his revenge for what he did to Captain Gutt and his ship. Squint confronts them, demanding a new ship, but is unsuccessful. However, he decides to frame Sid for stealing the eggs when he falls asleep. In order to prove his innocence, Manny and Diego help Sid look for them, and Clint lends a hand by giving them a map to the eggs, which have been painted by Squint to camouflage them. When they retrieve the eggs and see through their disguise, they find they are one egg short, with Squint telling them that if they don't make a ship for him by the next day, the egg will be scrambled.

Clint leads his brother into an ambush by Manny, Sid, and Diego. They find the egg when it's revealed to be painted into an acorn and has been taken by Scrat. When Manny washes the paint off, a disappointed Scrat throws the egg off a cliff and the gang manage to retrieve it. Squint battles with Sid to get the egg, but the ice cracks, signaling Sid to defeat Squint with the help of Crash and Eddie's latest prank, which is also a trap set up by Sid. After that, the mammoth family decide to spend Easter together and Sid suggests that Clint be the Easter Bunny by painting eggs every year and hiding them.

Meanwhile, Scrat has a basket of acorns and sees a chocolate fountain that he covers his acorns with but falls in. A defeated Squint uses Scrat's acorn basket as a ship, but it sinks and drowns him to his death, and Scrat is unable to stop him due to being covered in chocolate from the chocolate fountain that dries up like cement.

The Invoking

Samantha inherits a rural house in Sader Ridge, from an estranged aunt. She invites her friends Mark, Caitlin and Roman to join her at Sader Ridge where Eric, a young army vet and neighbor to Sam’s aunt, meets them and shows Sam the property. Eric joins them on their first night at Sader Ridge where he tells Sam she was born there and lived for her first five years at Sader Ridge, something Sam has no memory of. He also tells her that her aunt died in the house.

The next day, Sam, Caitlin, Mark and Roman explore the Sader Ridge property and surrounding area while Eric stays at the house. When the sun begins to set, Mark gets separated from the others and goes missing. Caitlin, who has a crush on Mark, urges the others to help her look for him. Eric offers to help her while Roman and Sam wait at the house. Sam falls asleep while waiting with Roman and wakes up to her car alarm going off and Roman is no where to be found. She goes outside to turn her alarm off and returning to the house, finds Roman on the front steps in a state of panic and screaming. Mark, Caitlin, and Eric return and Sam attempts to get their help calming Roman down only to turn around and find that Roman was never there. He emerges from the house as the others ask Sam what she was yelling about.

The next day, Mark and Caitlin go to the garage on the property and Sam mistakenly attacks Mark after she hears noises coming from inside and thinks he is assaulting Caitlin. Roman discovers that Mark and Caitlin were hooking up in the garage and becomes jealous because he likes Caitlin. Later that night, Sam is woken by yelling from the next room. She checks and finds Mark violently beating Caitlin before he turns and shoves Sam out of the room and slams the door. Sam runs to find Roman, crying hysterically, only to find Mark, Caitlin and Roman all sitting casually in the living room enjoying some beers. They help Sam to bed and speculate on what they should do for her.

Early the next morning, Sam wakes up from a nightmare wherein Mark is acting like her father and sitting on her bed punishing her with cigarette burns. Eric, who was watching her while she slept, tells her about her abusive father when she brings up the nightmare. Outside her room she hears Roman and Mark arguing because Mark and Caitlin have stayed up all night drinking. Roman leaves the house angrily and drives off in their car. When he reaches the gate and is out of view from the house, Eric walks up and offers to open the gate for Roman, then pulls a hunting knife out and stabs Roman several times before walking off. Sam goes looking for Eric and finds their car instead and a bloodied Roman dying in front of the car.

Mark and Caitlin are attacked by Eric who cuts Caitlin’s throat, then runs into the woods. Sam returns to the house and finds Mark standing over Caitlin’s body and stabs him, thinking he’s killed Caitlin. Eric emerges and consoles Sam as she breaks down. Some time later, an officer stops at the house and Eric answers the door. The officer asks if he has seen any of four missing college students: Mark, Caitlin, Roman, or Sam. He denies having seen any of them and goes back inside the house where Sam greets him and asks who was at the door. Eric dismisses it and they kiss.

Buster's Mal Heart

An eccentric mountain man is on the run from the authorities, surviving the winter by breaking into empty vacation homes in a remote community. Regularly calling into radio talk shows — where he has acquired the nickname "Buster" — to rant about the impending inversion at the turn of the millennium, he is haunted by visions of being lost at sea, and memories of his former life as a family man.

Buster was once Jonah, a husband and father whose job as the night-shift concierge at a hotel took its toll on his psyche and, consequently, his marriage to Marty — until a chance encounter with conspiracy-obsessed drifter Brown changed the course of their lives forever. As the solitary present-day Buster drifts from house to house, eluding the local sheriff and law enforcement, the film portrays the events that fractured his life and left him alone on top of a snowy mountain, or in a small rowboat in the middle of an ocean, or both.

Mission to Kala

''Mission to Kala'' follows Jean-Marie Medza the protagonist who was recruited in the army after failing his baccalauréat exam. He is sent to a village to retrieve the run-away wife and bring her back. He discovers a new adventure while on his duty to retrieve the woman.

To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts

100 years after settlers on the continent of Patria established a democratic nation, the discovery of an energy source called Somnium ore sparked a conflict. The nation of Patria split between the industrial Northern Union and the mining towns of the Southern Confederation, and began fighting a civil war. While the South had greater numbers, the North had a secret weapon: The Incarnates, soldiers who could transform into giant mythical beasts and single-handedly destroy enemy emplacements. However, when the war ended and a peace treaty was negotiated, the Incarnates were supposed to be destroyed. Instead, an officer named Cain betrayed his superiors and fled with the surviving Incarnates across the continent. Two years later, an Incarnate named Hank has made it his mission to hunt down the surviving Incarnates, assisted by a young woman named Char who blames him for killing her father.

Fast Track (American TV series)

Set in the world of NASCAR stock car racing, the show follows orthopedic surgeon and former racing driver Richard Beckett (Keith Carradine) who is hired to be the track doctor of Eagle Ridge Speedway by its owner, Christian Chandler Jr. (Duncan Regehr). Chandler's unhappy wife Nicole (Guylaine St. Onge) is Beckett's former lover, while Chandler's younger sister Mimi (Brandy Ledford), a lawyer, would like to be Beckett's current lover.

This Census-Taker

A boy witnesses a violent confrontation in his house. He flees downhill to a town and initially reports that his mother has killed his father, before amending his story and stating that his father killed his mother. Two volunteer law officials go up the hill to investigate, leaving the boy in the care of street urchins with whom he is friends. The volunteers return after seeing no evidence of violence, and report a letter purportedly from the mother saying that she was leaving. They return the boy to his father's care.

The narrative shifts to the past. The relationship between the boy's parents was tense, and he occasionally witnesses the father killing animals and throwing the corpses into a crevasse in a nearby cave. The boy suspects that his father has also killed people in the same way. His mother grows crops and takes them to the town to trade, and to scavenge in the deserted areas of the settlement. In conversations with the boy, she says that his father came from a city, wanting to escape from it. His father makes keys for the townspeople who come to visit him, which have magical properties attributed to them.

The present-day boy fears his father, still believing that he has killed his mother and that he has hidden the body in the hole within the cave. He attempts to run away, crossing the bridge to the other half of the town with the street children. They are followed and after being beaten by an official, the boy is collected by the father. One day, when his father is away, a man with a gun identifying as a census-taker appears. He claims to be from the father's city and is responsible for locating and accounting for its inhabitants. He descends into the hole after hearing of the boy's belief as to his mothers fate, although what he finds is not revealed. He tells the boy to hide himself while he awaits his father’s return. After some time, the census-taker reappears and out of sight of the boy, drops something else into the hole. He then asks if the boy wishes to leave with him and become his associate. The boy agrees.

Sections set in the future imply that the boy has been imprisoned and is recording the information that he has collected in three books. He had a predecessor who also worked with the census-taker, whose fate is unclear and may have been present in the town during the events of the past. A coded message within the book he is writing states that the census-taker was rogue.

Always Be My Maybe (2016 film)

Jake del Mundo (Gerald Anderson) is a handsome boy who comes from a privileged background. After years as a carefree bachelor, he thinks he is now ready to settle down. On the night that he proposes marriage to his long-time girlfriend, Tracy, she finally has had enough of him and dumps him for another man. At the same time, Kristina "Tintin" Paraiso (Arci Muñoz) a make-up artist, idealistically dreams of a nearly "perfect" relationship and believes that the guy she's going out with is about to ask her to marry him. When he doesn't arrive to meet her in the restaurant, she finds out on Facebook that he has already committed himself to another girl, and shares her heartbreak on social media in a video that immediately goes viral.

After six months' time recovering from their failed relationships, Jake and Tintin meet in a beach resort that Jake owns, where Tintin is to work on an out-of-town job as a makeup artist with her colleagues Esang (Cacai Bautista), Ms. Andrè (Ricci Chan) and some friends. When the two cross paths, they end up spending an entire night drinking and talking about their personal lives until dawn. Before they part, they exchange numbers and agree to meet in Manila.

Jake, a hopeless romantic, and the jaded and outspoken Tintin, discovering each has been jilted, end up spending more and more time together. On a night out at a bar, they agree to be each other’s confidant to help find someone better than their exes.

The Right Connections

A rap singer helps four siblings form a singing group to win a talent contest in order to raise money to help pay their mother's tax bill.

Backstabbing for Beginners

The film follows Michael Sullivan, the son of US State Department diplomat who died when Michael was young. Michael leaves a lucrative job at a large bank and lands his dream job as a diplomat with the United Nations (UN), in the fall of 2002. He is assigned to work as an assistant to Under-Secretary-General Costa "Pasha" Passaris, the head of the Oil-for-Food Programme, operated since 1995 to help the citizens of Iraq without allowing the oil sales to boost Saddam Hussein and his regime. On his first visit to Baghdad, local UN chief diplomat Christina Dupre makes it clear to Pasha that she is disturbed by the corruption in the programme, and plans to publish a report voicing her concerns. This is the first Michael hears of the problem, and over the course of the film he uncovers a major corruption scandal, whereby payoffs and bribes diverted $20 billion of the funds away from food and into the hands of companies, banks, officials of various governments, and officials of the UN itself, possibly including Pasha, so that Hussein can pocket over $1 billion of the funds.

Michael falls in love with Nashim, a UN worker in Baghdad who reveals aspects of the corruption to Michael, while she covertly works to advance the cause of her own people, the Kurds of northern Iraq. Pasha tries to teach Michael about the realities of diplomacy in a world filled with corruption, highlighting that $60 billion does make it into buying food and medicine for the people of Iraq. As more of the people around him are killed, including Nashim and Dupre, and as the corruption continues even after the programme was ''de jure'' terminated in 2003, following the Coalition Invasion of Iraq, a dejected Michael gathers evidence and takes it to ''The Wall Street Journal''.

He Died with His Eyes Open

Charly Berliner, a pianist, is found dead beside a railway track. The inspector in charge of the investigation, Robert Staniland, arrives at the victim's home to search for clues. As he listens to the tapes recorded by Berliner in which he confesses his love for a mysterious woman named Barbara, the latter turns up unexpectedly and confesses to the crime.

Chlorine (2015 film)

Girl, who dreams to be a synchronized swimmer, puts her training on hold when she has to take care of her little brother and sick father after her mother suddenly dies.

Providence (Avatar Press)

I: The Yellow Sign

Gay, Jewish ''Herald'' reporter and aspiring novelist Robert Black is sent by his editor, Mr. Posey, to 'scare up' a story about an infamous book called ''Sous Le Monde'', which is rumoured to drive its readers insane. He goes to visit one Doctor Alvarez who once wrote an essay on the subject. Arriving at Alvarez's tenement, the door is answered by the man's landlady and lover, Mrs. Ortega, who shows him upstairs. In Alvarez's heavily air-conditioned apartment, Robert learns that the book mentions 'an early Arab alchemical text' known as ''Kitab Al-Hikmah Al-Najmiyya'' ("The Book of Starry Wisdom"), which describes methods of prolonging life. He also learns that Alvarez was provided with a transcript by a man called Suydam. Feeling inspired and intrigued by this story, Robert returns to his office where he learns that his jilted lover, Jonathan, has committed suicide in one of New York's Lethal Chambers.

II: The Hook

Inspired to write his novel, Robert goes on sabbatical from the ''Herald'' and heads to Flatbush in search of Suydam. Mr Posey puts him in touch with Detective Tom Malone, who shows him the church where Suydam lectures on occult philosophy. They stake out the churchyard where Suydam often walks, and Malone makes it clear that he's attracted to Robert. Suydam appears, cutting their conversation short, and Robert introduces himself as an occult scholar. Suydam invites Robert to his home to sell him some of his pamphlets and tells him more about the ''Kitab'', a copy of which is held by his suppliers in Salem. He is then called away, and Robert sneaks into his basement where he finds a vast sea cave containing a golden totem and human remains. He is attacked by a glowing female monster and flees, only to lose consciousness. He wakes up to find Suydam standing over him, and he tells him that he must have passed out due to a gas leak. Robert goes on his way, determined to investigate further.

III: A Lurking Fear

Robert checks in at the Hillman hotel, Salem, to locate Tobit Boggs, the man mentioned by Suydam. He walks to the Boggs Refinery where he meets Boggs, who tells him about the occult group ''Stella Sapiente'' and that he obtained his transcript of the ''Kitab'' from one Garland Wheatley. He shows him a 'rum run' tunnel leading to a chamber connected to the sea where Bogg's grandfather brought in fish people to Salem. That night at his hotel, Robert has a terrible nightmare involving his dead lover Jonathan, Tom Malone, swastikas, gas chambers and fish people. He checks out the next day, and leaves town by bus, noting that the other passengers all look like fish-human hybrids.

IV: White Ape

Robert gets his hair cut in Athol, and learns from his barber about local "medicine man" Garland 'Warlock' Wheatley. Robert walks to the Wheatleys' farm and meets Wheatley himself, who informs him that he parted ways with the ''Stella Sapiente'' sect, but that there's a copy of the ''Kitab'' in the library at Saint Anselm College. He introduces Robert to his albino daughter, Leticia, and semi-human grandson, Willard. Willard takes an instant dislike to Robert, having perceived that Robert is "aht uv a diff'run' story awlduhgethuh". He leaves Robert in his shed and, unbenknowst to Robert, intends to feed him to his invisible, monster brother. Aware of Robert's danger, Garland Wheatley sees him off the property and warns him not to cut across the fields on his way back to town.

V: In The Walls

Robert gets a ride with a Mr. Jenkins to Manchester, New Hampshire, where he intends to visit Saint Anselm College to read its copy of the ''Kitab''. He's shown around the college by Father Walter Race, who tells him there are government agents in the area investigating a fallen meteorite. He also meets an assistant from the medical department, Hector North, who invites him to stay with him and his 'friend', James Montague, if he fails to find lodgings in Goffs Falls. On the way to find lodgings, he meets precociously intelligent 13-year-old, Elspeth, who suggests he tries Mrs. Macey's boarding house. Robert rents a room there, then visits Agent Frank Stubbs and his men who are investigating where the meteorite came down. Going to bed that night, Robert experiences terrifying false awakening nightmares involving Mrs. Macey and a rat-like version of Mr. Jenkins. He packs his bags and goes to Hector North's house, unaware of his new danger.

VI: Out Of Time

Robert wakes from bad dreams, and James cooks breakfast for him and Hector. James and Hector argue over Hector's desire to kill Robert and reanimate him, but Robert mistakes their bickering for James being sexually jealous. Elspeth delivers a message from the college to their front door, which alarms James and Hector enough that they pack and leave town immediately. Elspeth walks Robert back to Saint Anselm College and suggests they meet again later. Father Race takes Robert to meet Dr. Henry Wantage, who guides him to the library and shows him a photograph of the members of ''Stella Sapiente'', which includes the late Edgar Wade, Elspeth's father. Robert reads the ''Kitab'', and his perception of time becomes distorted. He parts company with Wantage and finds Elspeth waiting for him. She takes him back to her lodgings and the Being that possesses Elspeth swaps bodies with Robert and rapes him in Elspeth's body. Afterward, the Being swaps bodies back again and 'Elspeth' sends a traumatized Robert on his way. Running through the rain, a car passes him in which he can see Mr. Jenkins driving him into Manchester for the first time.

VII: The Picture

Robert finds himself in the middle of a riot during the Boston Police Strike. An off-duty policeman, Eamon O'Brien, shows him to the home of artist and photographer, Ronald Underwood Pitman, who took the photograph of the members of ''Stella Sapiente'' at Saint Anselm College. O'Brien stays for a drink and Pitman puts up Robert for the night. The next day, Pitman reveals some of the identities of the people in the photograph to Robert. Robert catches a glimpse of one of Pitman's horrific paintings of ghouls attacking commuters on a subway, and Pitman offers to show him his 'technique' in the hope it will make Robert better understand his perilous situation. He takes him down to his basement and introduces him to a ghoul called King George. Afterward, Robert convinces himself that Pitman has merely demonstrated the same form of hypnotic suggestion which he believes Elspeth must have used on him. Pitman realizes he's failed to make Robert understand the truth and suggests he visit local author Randall Carver, whom he hopes might do a better job. Robert bids him a fond farewell and heads on his way. Pitman goes into his dark room and develops a photograph of three ghouls posing with the dead body of Eamon O'Brien.

VIII: The Key

Robert has spent several weeks staying with Randall Carver discussing the relationship between dreams and art. He has also discovered, in an amateur publication called ''Pine Cones'', a writer of weird fiction he particularly admires named H. P. Lovecraft. Carver demonstrates to Robert the power of dreams by taking him into the Dreamlands, where they meet a group of cats who carry them up towards the moon before they are snatched and dropped by a flock of Nightgaunts. On waking, Carver takes Robert into town to a literary event with Lord Dunsany as its guest speaker. To Robert's delight, one of the other attendees is none other than Howard Lovecraft himself. The unwitting Robert introduces himself to Lovecraft, and it becomes ominously apparent that their meeting has been pre-ordained by dark forces.

IX: Outsiders

Robert arrives in Providence to meet Henry Annesley, a scientist who has developed a pair of spectacles through which he can see the extra-dimensional organisms which overlap our plane of reality. Annesley, a member of ''Stella Sapiente'', tells Robert some of the group's history, and introduces him to Howard Charles, a young genealogist. Annesley observes that Robert and Howard are sexually attracted to each other, and suggests Howard show Robert some of the local landmarks associated with the 'Stell Saps'. Howard takes Robert to St. John's Church where occult meetings were once held in the steeple. They go inside and discover a shining trapezohedron in a box, in fact the very same meteorite that fell to earth in Manchester. Howard seduces Robert, and they have sex while looking into the alien stone. Afterwards, Robert calls on H. P. Lovecraft at his home. Lovecraft helps Robert find lodgings, and then Robert accompanies him to visit his mother in the mental hospital. Robert waits while Lovecraft sees his mother and pretends not to overhear their exchange. Lovecraft rejoins him and they depart. Lovecraft's mother looks on after them, and sees the same weird creatures in the air that Annesley does through his spectacles.

X: The Haunted Palace

Robert and Lovecraft discuss how Poe and Dunsany influenced Lovecraft's early work, and Lovecraft admits that reading about Robert's strange experiences in his commonplace book has inspired him further. Robert's liking for Lovecraft evaporates when he expresses both his homophobia and antisemitism, and he soon comes to realize that the unwitting Lovecraft's father, Winfield Scott Lovecraft, and maternal grandfather, Whipple Van Buren Phillips, were both members of ''Stella Sapiente''. Believing that Lovecraft has been ordained by the occult group to be their 'Redeemer', Robert panics and returns to his lodgings. He writes a letter to Tom Malone, in which he warns him about everything he has discovered on his travels, unaware that the steeple window of St. John's Church appears to be getting nearer and nearer his own. Suddenly, Johnny Carcosa (an avatar of Nyarlathotep) appears in the room and confirms that Robert has helped to fulfill a prophecy in which H. P. Lovecraft's stories will bring about the apocalypse. In gratitude, Carcosa kneels before Robert and fellates him.

XI: The Unnameable

Robert takes the train back to New York and mails the letter to Malone before going to commit suicide in the same Lethal Chamber as his former lover, Jonathan. H.P. Lovecraft's career gains momentum and all his stories merge with reality: Tom Malone goes mad after the events of ''The Horror at Red Hook''; Lovecraft marries; the events of ''The Dunwich Horror'', ''The Case of Charles Dexter Ward'', ''The Thing on the Doorstep'' and ''The Shadow Over Innsmouth'' play out; Lovecraft makes the acquaintance of August Derleth; Robert E. Howard shoots himself; Lovecraft dies and Derleth becomes his executor rather than Robert Barlow; in the 1970s, hippies discover Lovecraft's work; the ''Kitab'' is marketed as the 'real' ''Necronomicon''; belief in the occult power of the ''Necronomicon'' spreads; Cthulhu plushies go on sale. Then the events of ''The Courtyard'' and ''Neonomicon'' come to pass... and then the Cthulian apocalypse begins.

XII: The Book

At the FBI, Carl Perlman concludes that all Lovecraft's fiction, its criticism, and Robert Black's testament have acted as the conduit through which an outside force has taken purchase on humanity's collective unconscious to a point where it can change reality. Word has reached the FBI that a pregnant-looking Merril Brears has sprung Aldo Sax from his asylum, and Perlman wonders if they might find them at Saint Anselm College. He drives to Manchester but instead finds himself in 'Lovecraft Country'. At Miskatonic University, he learns that Brears and Sax have been and gone, and taken the ''Kitab'' with them. Continuing on foot to Arkham, he finds a delegation waiting which includes Brears, Sax, some Mi-Go, a woman 'housing' a member of the Great Race of Yith, and Lovecraftian scholar S. T. Joshi. In the sky above them floats Azathoth. Johnny Carcosa appears, and Brears goes into labour, giving birth to the infant Cthulhu. Carcosa sets the babe into the river as Brears, Perlman, and Joshi look on from the bridge. Perlman wonders if there's anything in Black's commonplace book that might help them reverse the situation, but Brears and Joshi are skeptical. As Shub-Niggurath glides slowly towards the place where they're standing, Perlman rips the book in half and scatters its pages into the water.

The First Monday in May

''The First Monday in May'' chronicles a year's worth of preparations for the Chinese-inspired fashion exhibit ''China: Through the Looking Glass'' and the gala which accompanied the exhibit. The exhibit featured 150 garments from 40 designers. Andrew Bolton, the chief curator at the Costume Institute, conceptualizes and designs the Metropolitan Museum of Art Gala with Anna Wintour. The Met Gala, the Costume Institute's annual event, is a multimillion-dollar fundraiser. The film also depicts Wintour's daily life and questions fashion as art. , ''China: Through the Looking Glass'' is the most visited exhibit in the Costume Institute's history and one of the most visited exhibitions in the entire history of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Maraschino Cherry (film)

Maraschino Cherry (Gloria Leonard), the owner of a high-class escort service in New York City, teaches her younger sister Penny Cherry (Jenny Baxter) about the business The two sisters reflect on a series of erotic episodes related to the service and its clients., replete with humorous puns and innuendos.

The Adventures of OG Sherlock Kush

OG Sherlock Kush and Watson work together to solve London's toughest mysteries. Their plan almost constantly backfires because OG Sherlock Kush gets too high.

Bonesaw (film)

A woman returns home from grocery shopping, and has her throat slit by a masked serial killer known as "Bonesaw". Elsewhere, a man named Lee wakes up in Bonesaw's warehouse, and is informed via closed-circuit televisions and the building's sound system that he must win his freedom by surviving a series of intellectual and physical challenges; an ankle monitor that is capable of delivering electric shocks is used to ensure Lee's compliance.

Lee's first test involves two fellow captives, one of whom can only lie, while the other can only tell the truth. The two men are forced to have sex in front of Lee, who uses his one allotted question to correctly discern the identities of the duo. While Lee moves on to the next challenge, Bonesaw shoots one of the men and knocks the other out while declaring, "I still need you."

Pat Roberts, a self-proclaimed psychic, calls the Wannell County Police Station to report his precognitive flashes of Bonesaw's murders, but his visions are dismissed by the skeptical Detective Brown.

Bonesaw's next game involves a caged man who will be released if Lee can solve at least two out of three brain teasers. Lee correctly answers only a single question, but is given a second chance to free the hostage, one that involves bringing the man to orgasm in less than fifteen minutes. Lee is unable to make the man ejaculate in time, and is forced to leave him behind as the room fills with toxic gas.

Pat Roberts meets with Detective Brown in person, and attempts to convince him to investigate an address that he claims is Bonesaw's hideout. Brown instead kicks Roberts out, and has sex with another detective named Larson. Afterward, Larson suggests that Brown look into the address that Roberts provided, explaining that Roberts's "gift" once helped the LAPD close a homicide case.

For his final challenge, Lee must make two men, both of whom are handcuffed to a pole, orgasm in less than twenty minutes, and do it without stepping outside of a circle that has been drawn on the floor. Lee wins the game, and is allowed to leave by Bonesaw, who kills the other two men with a handgun and a circular saw while deadpanning, "I said you'd go scot-free, not them".

Brown and Larson reach the warehouse and shoot Bonesaw, unmasking the figure afterward to reveal that it was actually the surviving hostage from Lee's initial challenge, disoriented, gagged, and framed by the real Bonesaw. As Brown laments that he should have listened to Patrick Roberts earlier, a puzzled Larson mentions that Roberts is not a man, but a woman (the one murdered in the intro) whose full given name is Patricia.

A series of flashbacks reveal that both Bonesaw and the impostor Pat Roberts are really James, an ex-boyfriend of Lee's. James locates, comforts, and takes the oblivious Lee to safety, which spurs Lee into asking that they get back together, a request that a smirking James obliges.

The Miracle (2015 film)

A school teacher Mahir Yılmaz who lives in a seaside city of Turkey in the 1960s got transferred to a remote village. He had to leave against the wishes of his wife and two daughters. He had to take a very long journey by bus which stops long before his destination, which is two mountains away from the village since the government didn't make any road further. After taking a walk through the mountains he reached the village, which is more likely to be a settlement than a village. People of the village sneak up on him with guns, and when they get to know his identity, they would let him know that they have no school in the village. The children of the village are forever destined to illiteracy as the teacher thinks he is not up to the task. ''We live under the will of God for eight months(when it snows) and at the mercy of the government for rest of the four months. ''These words from the village elder, sums up the harsh reality of their community life. But the teacher takes up the task to bring a school to them through government way and fails. The chief of the village, who already liked the teacher is sad to see him leave as there is no school is going to be set up by the government. After the night passes, the teacher comes up with a plan for building the school. He makes a call to his home asking for money saying that he has been kidnapped by the bandits. After getting the money the school were built with the help of the villagers and the mountain bandits. In the meantime, the story starts showing us the life of the village. The youngsters in the community get married one by one, to a bride chosen by the elders. The bride selection ritual is quite funny. The elder women of the village go for selecting after hearing the eligible bachelors wishes and requirements and whoever they chose by asking the bride questions about qur'an, cooking and inspecting the breaths have to be taken wife by the groom. Two of the Chief's sons get married, but the eldest son Aziz is handicapped, supposedly stricken with some sort of intellectual disability. The village people and children mocks and taunts him. The teacher rescues him by admitting him in the newly found school, where all the children of the village started studying in a single room, and actually teaches him how to write. No one thought Aziz as fit for marriage, but suddenly the Chief saves the life of a person outside the court in the town. The man, out of his gratefulness, makes a promise to the grooms father to let his daughter Mizgin to be married to Aziz. Life gets difficult for Mizgin and Aziz as the community thinks that they are not a fit couple. After several hurtful attitudes and behaviours from the villagers, Aziz and Mizgin run away, leaving a goodbye letter written by Aziz. A few days later, the teacher also returns to his city. 7 years later, the teacher comes back to the village with Aziz - no longer handicapped after treated from his muscular dystrophy -, Mizgin and their two children.

The Madagaskar Plan

Following on directly from events in Saville's previous novel ''The Afrika Reich'', the protagonist, Burton Cole, returns home to Britain to find that his lover, Madeleine, has vanished. Meanwhile, Hochburg’s invasion of Rhodesia has turned to disaster and his forces have been driven back by the Rhodesian Army across the border to the Kongo. Emboldened by his failure, anti-Nazi guerrillas in the north of the Kongo, secretly aided by the British and Portuguese, have launched a new insurgency, which leaves Hochburg to fight a war on two fronts. After a conference call with Himmler, Hochburg realises that there will be no reinforcements from Europe. Visiting the Shinkolobwe mine, he learns of a super-weapon that will help him turn the tide of the war. Because of Hitler’s policy banning the development of nuclear weapons, the only people capable of developing a bomb for Hochburg are Jewish physicists exiled to Madagascar. Hochburg travels to the island and comes into conflict with its governor, Odilo Globočnik.

Cole has discovered that Madeleine has been sent to the island as a prisoner and smuggles himself there in an effort to find her. He visits the scuppered cruiseliner, the ''Wilhelm Gustloff'', which is moored off the island and holds the records of all the Jews on Madagascar and learns of Madeleine’s address in the town of Antsohihy.

In a third strand, Salois, a leader of the Jewish resistance is given a mission to destroy the German naval base of Diego Suarez. On the northern end of Madagascar, the base allows the Kriegsmarine to dominate the Indian Ocean, which is renamed ''Ostafrikanischer Ozean''. Unless the base is taken out of action, the British will never be able to defeat the Germans in Africa.

As Burton tracks down Madeleine across the island, and Hochburg and Globus clash over the physicists, the strands of the novel come together at Mandritsara, the location of a secret Nazi medical facility. Salois is killed, and Globus unleashes a flood against the Jews. Hochburg escapes the island with his nuclear secrets, which leaves Burton to vow his revenge.

The Confirmation

Walt, a divorced father and his eight-year-old son, Anthony, are about to spend a somewhat predictable weekend together, nevertheless, when a valuable toolbox gets stolen, the search for the thieves will soon turn into a true family bonding.

Lifeline (2015 video game)

The plot follows Taylor as they try to find a way back home after crashing on a foreign planet that turns out to be inhabited by hostile, hive-minded parasitic lifeforms known as the Greens. Taylor must overcome natural and unnatural elements in order to manipulate the structures of the planet and call a spaceship to come rescue them. The game is played in real time as Taylor explores, sleeps, and interacts on the planet, so sometimes the player is left waiting for hours before they will hear from the main character again.

The Happy Sad

In New York City, young schoolteacher Annie tells her musician boyfriend Stan that she wants to take a break. Meanwhile, Marcus and Aaron are two young men who have been in a committed relationship for six years, and decide to try an open relationship. Both Stan and Annie end up experimenting with same-sex encounters, with the former meeting Marcus online and hooking up; eventually Aaron walks in on them and becomes increasingly hurt and insecure as he discovers that Marcus is falling for Stan. After Annie goes on a blind date with an older man, she eventually gets together with fellow schoolteacher Mandy, who has been her confidante. After some soul searching and several explosive encounters, Stan and Annie return to each other, as do Marcus and Aaron, while Mandy meets a new partner.

The Gambling Fool

As described in a film magazine review, an honest gambler arrives at a tough town to meet the hard-hearted owner of a ranch. He wins the ranch and pays the back taxes on it in time to prevent it from being auctioned off. He finds an infant in the ranch house, rescuing it from the arch villain. He also protects the infant's aunt. Later, he overcomes the villains and triumphs in romance.

The Golden Bride

Di Goldene Kale (The Golden Bride) is a 1923 comic operetta, written in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan and Viennese Operetta with elements of klezmer, Jewish cantorial music, Eastern European folk music, ragtime and jazz. Di Goldene Kale was the hit show of 1923, running for 18 weeks at Kessler's 2nd Avenue Theater, a 2,000 seat house in the heart of the “Jewish Broadway.” This run was followed by national and international tours and had several revivals through the 1930s and 1940s.

The story of Di Goldene Kale, The Golden Bride, opens a door into a time that no longer exists.

The first act is set in Russian Jewish village (shtetl) where the beautiful Goldele, who was abandoned as a child, has learned that she has inherited a fortune from her father who had gone off to America shortly after her birth. She plans to embark on a journey across the globe to claim her father's estate and meet her birth mother, whilst potentially finding love along the way. She is suddenly pursued by every young man from her village, including the handsome university student Misha, whom she loves. But Goldele announces that she will marry whoever can find her long lost mother.

The second act brings Goldele and several friends across the sea, seeking to go from rags to riches and live the American Dream. They are adapting to the hustle and bustle of New York City. The would-be grooms converge, but which one of them has found Goldele's mother and with it, the hand of the Golden Bride?

James Bond 007: Minute of Midnight

James Bond is sent to Washington DC to spy on a meeting held by a terrorist organization led by a man called Lexis, who plans to hold the world ransom by threatening the globe with sabotaging nuclear power plants, an operation he codenamed "Miasma". After eavesdropping the conversation, Bond delivers the recorded tape to a man called Sykes who works for the CIA, having asked for Agent 007 especially from the British Intelligence due to the man they are after, Lexis, being a British citizen. Sykes also asks Bond to deliver the document and the tape personally back to London in a briefcase, which the former claims to be more secure than transporting it through cryptography.

The next day at an airport in Maryland, Bond meets with a contact named Robert Nagell, who will be his CIA escort from the US soil all the way to Britain. Once they are on board as the plane takes off heading to Lakenheath Airfield, Nagell surprises Bond with a gas leaking grenade and distracts the whole airplane out of its normal measures, revealing himself as a double agent who is after the briefcase Bond is handcuffed to. They struggle in a fistfight while the plane is going out of control in the air. Nagell realizes he failed for the time being when 007 proves to have gained the upper hand; he steals a parachute and leaps out of the aircraft. Bond jumps after Nagell and the struggle ensues once more. He strips the assailant of his parachute and allows him fall to his death. As the plane was still out of control, Bond manages to land the parachute on top of the flying vehicle, entering and clearing the gas from the cockpit. Thereby, taking control of the aircraft, and following the routine as planned.

Upon his arrival at Lakenheath Airfield, Bond is made to rendezvous with Nigel Redditch, who is introduced as a desk hound working for Bill Tanner, the Chief of Staff in the British Intelligence. Redditch takes the briefcase as ordered and delivers a message to 007 from "M" to assassinate Lexis since the CIA was unable to take care of it and given that the target was already in England. At night, Bond locates Lexis at his own estate outside London, and assassinates him from afar with a sniper rifle. Even though, he convinced himself to act like a professional, the scream of Lexis' daughter and her tears over her father's corpse haunts him as he watches her through the scope.

Tanner is now in charge of the British Intelligence since "M" was away due to his diplomatic status. He is attending a summit conference in France, from where he personally sends a message to 007 through Tanner, giving him a week off. Bond, still disturbed by the image he created the night earlier, accepts the vacation and departs. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Sykes and Redditch are part of Lexis' organization as they substitute the real briefcase with a false one on its delivery as well as scheme the abduction of "M".

The Woman Under Cover

As described in a film magazine, Yvonne (La Rue), an actress, murders her husband following a quarrel, and upon threat of exposure promises to marry Billy (Spingler), a chorus man who has discovered her guilt. When she refuses to carry out her agreement and accepts the attentions of a wealthy broker, Billy (Spingler) tells his story to ''The Leader'', a newspaper. Mac (McDaniel), the city editor, assigns Alma (Brunette), a woman reporter, the task of securing Yvonne's confession to verify the story that was given to the newspaper. She is a sister of Billy but is unaware of his involvement in the story. After securing the confession, Alma discovers Billy's involvement, but still telephones her scoop to the newspaper. Much to her surprise, the exposure of her brother's involvement fails to discourage the love of Mac for her, and the final closeup finds Mac and Alma married.

Fun With the Bridal Party

Two pranksters, finding out that a couple is about to apply for a marriage license at the town mayor's office, sneak into the office to pull a practical joke. First they rig up the furniture with string; then they hide in the room, inside some big boxes they put in place of the mayor's desk. When the bridal party arrives for the license, the pranksters go to work, making the chairs and "desk" move of their own accord, foiling the bride's and groom's attempts to sit and the mayor's attempts to write. Finally, the pranksters appear, disguised under white sheets as ghosts. The bridal party rushes in surprise out of the office as the joke comes to a successful close. .

Carry On (novel)

Simon Snow is an 18 year old orphaned magician returning to Watford School of Magicks for his eighth and final year. Raised among the "Normals" (humans without magickal powers) Simon was discovered as a child by his mentor The Mage, who is the headmaster of Watford, and the leader of the magickal world. Simon has an unprecedented amount of magical power, and is thus dubbed "The Chosen One", the prophesied Greatest Mage. The prophecy states that one will come to end magick (believed to be a recently appeared creature called the Insidious Humdrum) and one (believed to be Simon) will bring its fall. Around the time of Simon's birth, magickal "dead spots" started appearing all over England, places where magick no longer exists, and magickal beings are unable to use their powers. Their appearance is attributed to the Humdrum.

The book is also frequently interrupted by short chapters narrated by a character named Lucy, who reflects on her own times at Watford years ago, and her budding relationship with another student named Davy, a man obsessed with the prophecy of the Greatest Mage.

Simon reunites with Penelope and the shy goatherd Ebb, as well as his beautiful girlfriend Agatha Wellbelove. Despite their seemingly perfect relationship, Agatha yearns for independence and breaks up with Simon. Yet another point of contention in Simon's life is his vampire roommate Basilton "Baz" Grimm-Pitch, whom he considers his "nemesis." For the first two months of the school year, Baz is absent with no explanation, to Simon's frustration.

During October, when the veil between the living and the dead is thin, Simon is visited by Natasha Grimm-Pitch, Baz's mother and the former headmistress of Watford before The Mage. With Baz missing, she instead asks Simon to avenge her murder (seemingly committed by vampires) and to find "Nicodemus." When Baz returns, having been kidnapped by creatures called Numpties and only recently escaped, he, Simon, and Penelope try to research Natasha's death and discover who Nicodemus is, but to little success.

Over Christmas break, Simon learns from Ebb that she had a twin brother named Nicodemus; however, after graduating, Nicodemus asked a vampire to turn him in order to gain immortality. His request was fulfilled, but he was banished from the Magickal world. Simon rushes to Baz's house to inform him, interrupting the Pitch family celebrations.

They track Nicodemus to a bar in the West End, yet he only tells them that a few weeks before the attack, a magician came to him and brokered a deal to have him and other vampires attack Watford. Nicodemus at the time said no, yet refuses to tell Simon and Baz the wizard's name. Baz storms off and, torn at the idea that he has failed, intends to kill himself through self immolation. Simon talks him out of it and kisses him.

Agatha and Penelope travel to Baz's house the next morning at Baz's request. Baz and Penelope explain their investigation to Agatha, but she is wary of going behind the Mage's back and shocked that Simon and Baz are now apparent friends; she leaves with Penelope, while Simon comes back to stay with Baz. They have Christmas Eve dinner with the Pitch family.

After dropping off Penelope, Agatha has a conversation with her mum. Mrs. Wellbelove gossips with her daughter about a witch named Lucy Salisbury who reportedly ran off to America with a Normal after having an illegitimate child, and swore off magic. Agatha becomes entranced by the idea of also escaping her pressuring life to somewhere else.

Meanwhile, Lucy remembers beginning a relationship with Davy and they move in together following their graduation. Davy convinces himself that he is destined to bring about the Greatest Mage, and impregnates Lucy one night, convinced he is the Greatest Mage's father.

The Humdrum attacks Simon at Baz's house and drains the area of its magic, creating a dead spot. However, he claims that he did not take the magic and is merely "what’s left when you're done." Simon uses his powers to sprout wings and flies away to Penelope's house.

The next morning, Baz shows up at the Bunce family's doorstep. While looking at the map of dead spots, Baz shows that they all appeared on the dates that Simon has used powerful magical attacks over the years. He theorizes that Simon cannot simply make more power; he takes it from different locations in Britain without realizing it, thus creating the dead spots. Baz and Penelope also believe that the Humdrum is merely an echo or a hole that Simon created due to tearing out so much magic at once, explaining why the Humdrum looks like an eleven year old Simon. Simon wants to tell the Mage, but Baz is against this and thus Simon travels to Watford alone.

Ebb is arrested by the Mage, causing Nicodemus to join Baz's side, and informs them the identity of the wizard who approached him to as a demonstration of trust: it was the Mage, who hired the vampires to kill Baz's mother in order to take power and incite panic. Baz and Penelope head off to confront him and save Simon.

At Watford, the Mage attempts to take Ebb's magic, wanting to make himself powerful enough to defeat the Humdrum on his own. In the struggle, he stabs her just as Simon arrives. Simon attempts to revive her while the Mage tries to convince Simon to give him his magic, as he believes Simon is not the proper vessel for the Greatest Mage. The Insidious Humdrum appears, and Simon, now understanding of the Humdrum's situation, gives the Humdrum all of his magic in order to "fill the hole." Baz and Penny show up and Simon accidentally kills the Mage. Baz comforts Simon as he sobs over the Mage's corpse.

Lucy planned to name her baby Simon Snow Salisbury. When she went into labour, Davy, now revealed to have been the Mage, performed a ritual to make the unborn child a vessel for unexplainable power. She died in childbirth and Davy hid a newborn Simon among the Normals with the name "Simon Snow" written on the baby's arm. It is shown that the chapters are being told from the perspective of Lucy's ghost, who attempts to visit Simon during the veil lift in October, but is unsuccessful.

In an epilogue, Agatha has moved to California and adopted a cocker spaniel which she has named Lucy. There has been a trial, and Mitali Bunce (Penelope’s mother) is now the new headmistress of Watford. Baz returned to Watford for his final year, but Simon no longer has any magic left, and Penelope dropped out to support him. Baz and Simon are now officially dating and Simon moves into a flat with Penelope.

Four Guns to the Border

In 1881, a gang of four bandits have their eye on robbing the bank of Cholla, Arizona. Although several previous attempts by bank robbers have ended in the town cemetery, Cully, the leader, has a plan. On the run from their latest dud scheme they tangle with Simon Bhumer and his appealing daughter Lolly. Dutch, one of Cully's gang, recognises Simon as a former gunslinger. Now settled down he is protective father to his motherless daughter just returning from school in Kansas. Young, uninhibited and inexperienced around men Lolly regularly ends rolling around on the ground, tearing her clothing, and getting soaked with water, but she shoots well with a rifle.

The gang move on to their friend and conspirator Greasy's La Tienda general store out in the sticks, and wait for him to turn up from scouting out the town. Later, Simon and Lolly catch up with them there after renegade Apache smoke signals are seen in the hills. In a change to the usual horseplay Lolly becomes a source of attraction for the gang members and indulged with gifts until her father steps in. Cully and Lolly hated each other at first, but each senses something good in the other. Restless at night they experience an instinctive attraction during a desert rainstorm. The group separate, Simon and Lolly towards their farm at Shadow Valley a few miles from the Mexican border, the gang to the bank robbery.

Cully's plan is to ride on ahead into his (reveal) old hometown of Cholla, and have it out with his former friend and rival Jim Flannery, now the town sheriff. Flannery had kicked him out out of town some time before and now has married Maggie, Cully's old girlfriend, who'd hoped she'd seen the last of him. As all the townsfolk watch Cully and Jim beat the living daylights out of each other in a grudge match, the others rob the bank without incident or alarm. Heading for the Mexican border, the gang sees that the Apaches are on the warpath and that Greasy has been killed. At the last waterhole before the border Cully has to choose between being safe and rich in Mexico or rescuing Simon and Lolly from an Apache war party. The posse led by Jim Flannery is not far behind.


In the urban sprawl of Buenos Aires, Martín and Mariana are strangers, living in neighboring apartment buildings. Martín is a web designer, and takes up photography as a way to cope with his fear of the city. Mariana, an aspiring architect, is forced to move back into her old apartment after a breakup. Living solitary lives in one-room "shoebox" apartments, they both contemplate the changing cityscape, and struggle with anxiety and loneliness, feeling disconnected from other people in the digital age.

'''"A Short Autumn"'''

Witnessing a series of accidents on the street – a prostitute's dog jumps from a balcony, causing a passer-by to be struck by a taxi and another to have a heart attack – Martín and Mariana separately stop to help. Martín is diagnosed with a harmless case of discarthrosis, and has adopted his ex-girlfriend's dog after she abandoned them both to move to the United States. Mariana, working as a window dresser, finds herself talking to the store mannequins she assembles at home. She rediscovers one of her favorite ''Where's Wally?'' books, with a page she has never been able to solve. Ignoring a call from her ex-boyfriend, she thinks back on the end of their four-year relationship.

'''"A Long Winter"'''

Martín and Mariana pass frequently in the street without meeting. Spending most of his time online, Martín orders a new desk chair and hires a dogwalker, Ana. They begin dating, but she is already in a relationship and disappears from his life. Mariana agrees to a date with a client, Lucas, at a restaurant at the top of a skyscraper. Explaining her phobia of elevators, she takes the stairs, to Lucas' dismay; as he waits at their table, she is overcome with anxiety and leaves. Finding Martín's old chair at the curb, she brings it home, and deletes all her pictures of her ex-boyfriend. She tells the story of the famed Kavanagh building, and is drawn to the music from a neighbor's new piano. Martín tries online dating and meets Marcela, a manic polyglot, but their date ends in disappointment. He begins swimming at Mariana's local pool, where she connects with fellow avid swimmer Rafa. They share an enjoyable date, and Mariana reacts kindly when Rafa experiences erectile dysfunction, but he deserts her.

'''"Spring at Last"'''

Mariana reflects on the unremarkable exterior "sidewalls" of the city's buildings. Seeking change in her life, she gets a lip piercing, and she and Martín each have a new window installed in their apartments. They unknowingly look out at each other while listening to "True Love Will Find You in the End" on the radio, and are both moved to tears by the ending of ''Manhattan'' on TV. By chance, they connect with each other online in an anonymous chat room, but just as Mariana asks for Martín's phone number, the city is plunged in a blackout. Buying candles at the same store in the dark, they unwittingly share a static shock before going their separate ways. Later, from her window, Mariana spots Martín walking his dog, wearing a red-and-white-striped sweater similar to that of ''Where's Wally?'' She races down to the street, and they finally meet face-to-face. During the closing credits, Martín and Mariana – now living happily together – record a home video, lip-syncing to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough".

Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls

Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy return to the Mystery Shack to find Stan, a handful of town residents, and several of the paranormal creatures they have befriended and met taking shelter there. After escaping from one of Bill's eye bats, Stan tells the gang that the unicorn hair Ford lined the base of the Shack with protects them from Bill's powers. Stan believes they should wait it out, but the others agree to mount a rescue mission after discovering that the townsfolk are being petrified by the eye bats and stacked into a makeshift throne for Bill. Old Man McGucket leads the survivors into turning the Shack into a giant mech. They travel to Bill's base of operations and readily defeat his minions. Bill himself comes out to fight, but his eye is torn out of its socket by the mech, blinding him temporarily.

Dipper and Mabel lead a small group aboard Bill's base. They disassemble Bill's throne, restoring the petrified citizens. Ford spray-paints a Zodiac wheel on the ground, having seen the image described as a means to defeat Bill. The wheel requires ten specific people, indicated by symbols on it that Ford only recently had deduced the meaning of, to stand on it and hold hands in a ring. Stan refuses to join until Ford both apologizes for inadvertently allowing Bill to accomplish his goal and thanks him for rescuing him. Ford reluctantly does so, but as Stan joins the wheel, Ford corrects Stan's grammar under his breath, and Stan and Ford get into a fight. Before they can be broken up, Bill appears, having regenerated his eye and destroyed the mech.

Bill burns the Zodiac, secures the Pines family, and turns the others into tapestries to keep them from interfering. Bill threatens to kill Dipper and Mabel unless Ford allows him into his mind to find out how to escape Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel manage to escape, with Bill in pursuit. Left alone, Stan and Ford have a heart-to-heart talk. Although there is a way to defeat Bill by erasing him from someone's mind using the memory gun, Ford believes the only way to save the kids is to allow Bill into his mind, since his own memories cannot be erased because of a metal plate in his head.

Dipper and Mabel lead Bill in a chase around his base but are eventually caught. Bill returns them to the throne room and threatens to kill one of them. Ford agrees to allow Bill into his mind. Bill leaves his physical body, which petrifies, and enters Ford's mindscape, appearing as an empty void with a single door. Bill enters the door and is shocked to find himself greeted by Stan's mindscape self, who reveals that he and Ford swapped places to trick Bill into entering a mind susceptible to the memory gun's effects, and expresses his willingness to sacrifice his memories to save the world and his family. In the real world, Ford reluctantly fires the memory gun at Stan. Bill starts to weaken and is then punched by Stan's mindscape self, destroying him as the rest of Stan's mindscape is erased by the memory gun's effects. Following Bill's demise, the gateway to his dimension begins to close, drawing in his minions and base. Once closed, the town is reverted to its pre-Weirdmageddon state. Stan's family and Soos take him back to the nearly-destroyed Mystery Shack, hoping the sight of the building will help bring back his memories. Mabel finds her scrapbook and shows Stan all the fun they had over the summer, slowly bringing back Stan's memories.

Over the next week, the townsfolk deal with remaining supernatural phenomena as the mayor passes the "Never Mind All That Act" to ease their worries; the Northwest family goes broke and loses their mansion, prompting McGucket to move in; and Gideon Gleeful promises to behave more like a normal citizen. Many of the townsfolk join with Dipper and Mabel's friends to celebrate the twins' 13th birthday at the Shack. Ford offers to sail around the world for a year with Stan, a dream they had together as boys, but Stan states that he would have to close the Shack, which disappoints the townspeople since it draws tourists to their town. Stan then happily names Soos the new manager of the Shack.

Later, Stan, Ford, Soos, Wendy, Candy and Grenda all see off Dipper and Mabel as their bus for home pulls up. Wendy trades hats with Dipper and gives him an envelope to open on the ride home. As the twins are about to board the bus, Mabel feels sad that she will have to leave her pig, Waddles, behind in Gravity Falls, so Stan orders the bus driver to let Waddles ride with the twins. The bus pulls away as the group waves goodbye. As the twins think back on their time in Gravity Falls, flash-forwards show Soos successfully running the Shack with his girlfriend Melody, as well as Stan and Ford at sea. When the bus passes the town's limits, Dipper opens Wendy's letter to find their friends' and great uncles' signatures, promising to see them next summer (Writing in the center of the paper reads 'See you next summer').

The credits of the show include a montage of the twins' summer and lastly, their eventual arrival in Piedmont, California. In a live-action post-credits scene immediately after the montage, a statue of Bill's petrified physical body is seen partially submerged in the ground in the woods for just over a second.

The Closed Circuit

Based on real events, the story of three owners of a thriving company, who – as a result of the collusion of corrupt officials: the prosecutor (Janusz Gajos) and the head of the tax office (Kazimierz Kaczor) – are showly detained on charges of acting in an organized criminal group and money laundering.

Alex (Verhœven series)

Alex Prevost – kidnapped, savagely beaten, suspended from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse in a wooden cage – is running out of time. Her abductor appears to want only to watch her die. Apart from a shaky eyewitness report, Police Commandant Camille Verhœven has nothing to go on: no suspects, no leads.

To find the young woman, the detective - a man with a tragic past and extraordinary abilities as an investigator - must first understand more about her.

Irene (Verhœven series)

Commandant Verhoeven is happily married, expecting his first child with his lovely wife Irène. . A series of unsolved murders start to put a strain to his relationship. With his personal life in shambles, he further has to deal with the press. Then Verhoeven makes a breakthrough discovery: the murders are modeled after the exploits of serial killers from classic works of crime fiction and that the killer has killed before. With time running out, Verhoeven realizes that all along he's been the unwitting dupe in The Novelist's plans to create an original work of his own.

Knots Untie

Abraham Ford (Michael Cudlitz) is seen chatting amiably with Sasha Williams (Sonequa Martin-Green) as they return from a foot patrol, but is disappointed to learn that Sasha has been reassigned and they awkwardly part ways. This scene is revealed to be a flashback Abraham has after having sex with Rosita Espinosa (Christian Serratos), who gives him a medallion she made from the fuel truck's cracked taillight. Abraham says Rosita is "damned near perfection."

Maggie Rhee (Lauren Cohan) is working in the dark, building trellises for a vegetable garden she hopes will supplement their depleted rations. She still has not seen a single bud, but her husband Glenn (Steven Yeun) assures her they'll be okay. They notice Denise Cloyd (Merritt Wever) and Abraham acting anxious about something and run to investigate.

In Rick Grimes' (Andrew Lincoln) home, Paul "Jesus" Rovia (Tom Payne) finds himself facing the gun-barrels of Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs), Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus), Glenn, Maggie and Abraham, who all get their first look at Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) as a couple. Jesus calmly explains that "knots untie, locks get picked, entropy comes from order," suggestive of a philosophy that seeks harmony over control. Jesus reveals that while he was loose, he took account of the Alexandrians' armory and provisions, assessing their food supplies to be very low for his estimate of their population. Jesus apologizes for getting off to a bad start but says they're on the same side, "the living side," and reveals he's from a community much like theirs, where part of his job is to search for other settlements with which to trade. He invites Rick and others to visit and see for themselves.

As Rick's group prep the RV for the trip, Denise gives Daryl some oat-cakes as thanks for his previous efforts. Carl tells Rick that he accepts Rick and Michonne's relationship, and turns down an invitation to go with them, joking that he would not make a good impression with his messed-up face. After heading out, Abraham quietly asks Glenn whether Maggie's pregnancy was intentional or not, to which Glenn explains that he and Maggie are trying to build something, and that they all are. On the way, they see a vehicle smoking as a result of a wreck. Jesus says it's his people, and Rick's group tracks them to a nearby building and rescues them from walkers. Among the rescued are obstetrician Harlan Carson (R. Keith Harris), who offers his services to aid in Maggie's pregnancy in return.

The group arrives at "The Hilltop Colony," a community built around Barrington House, a plantation taken over by the state as a living history museum. A stockade was built with telephone poles from a nearby supply depot and other survivors brought trailers with them from a FEMA camp. They are raising livestock and growing crops, successfully supporting their growing population. One of the guards at the gate demands that Rick's group surrenders their weapons before entering, however Jesus is able to convince them to allow Rick's group to remain armed. He confides to Rick that the Hilltop ran out of ammunition months ago; Rick signals his people to stand down and they are admitted inside.

They are introduced to Gregory (Xander Berkeley), the leader and former businessman on the Chamber of Commerce. Rick ominously says he should not talk to Gregory and tells Maggie to conduct trade talks. Gregory immediately belittles Maggie and asserts that the Alexandrians are in great need and attempts to use their food shortage as leverage. Later, Rick says that they came all this way for food and they're going to get it, but Jesus calls for patience as he works to convince Gregory that it'd be better to show some goodwill to Alexandria and build a relationship that could pay back in the future.

Three of Hilltop's traders arrive and angrily confront Gregory. They had been sent to deliver tribute to Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) who said that it was "light" and killed two people while keeping one hostage, Craig. For Craig's release, his brother, Ethan, delivers a message from Negan by stabbing Gregory in the gut. Rick and his people jump in, but Ethan frantically assaults Rick, screaming that anybody who tries to stop him is killing Craig. Other Hilltop residents are shocked as they watch Rick kill Ethan, prompting the other two traders, Andy and Crystal, to begin attacking as well. Jesus intervenes and is able to break up the fight. Abraham, who became eerily still while being strangled by Andy during the fight, says that he is "better than alright" as Daryl helps him up; he smiles, seemingly having come to a decision in his personal life as Rosita's broken medallion is shown discarded on the ground.

After Gregory is stabilized, Jesus explains that Negan is the head of a group called the Saviors. The Saviors came to the Hilltop, issuing a lot of demands and even more threats, resulting in a deal: half of the Hilltop's supplies, crops and livestock goes to the Saviors in exchange for peace. Daryl and Abraham say they were unimpressed by the Saviors they had killed, and Daryl offers to kill Negan, take out his boys and rescue the hostage in exchange for food, medicine and "one of them cows." Maggie closes the deal with Gregory, demanding half of everything from the Hilltop in advance.

Andy and Jesus go with Rick's group to execute a plan to take down the Saviors. Carson examines Maggie and gives her an ultrasound picture of her unborn child, along with pre-natal vitamins. The picture is passed around the RV on the trip back, and seems to resonate with Abraham who exchanges a look with Glenn.

Naked Came the Stranger (film)

Gilly, a radio host, is determined to enjoy herself with friends and acquaintances as much as her playful husband Billy. Gilly enjoys herself in several locations around New York City, including at an elaborate dress ball, an old-fashioned ballroom and on the top floor of a double-decker bus while it drives around the city.

Chocolate Eclair (film)

After she had been raped by her father, a young woman leaves the town with her new born son. Years later, the son can't accept that his mother fell in love with someone else than the mythical father she had told him about.

Sadako vs. Kayako

A social worker visits the residence of an elderly woman, only to find her strangled by an electric cord. A nearby video player suddenly turns on and plays the cursed videotape. As she watches, Sadako Yamamura appears and kills the social worker.

The video player is sold at a shop and bought by university students Yuri Kurahashi and Natsumi Ueno. When they find the cursed videotape inside, they play it. The footage has upgraded, displaying a decrepit building instead of the usual well, and the curse deadline being reduced to two days. Yuri gets distracted, leaving Natsumi to watch by herself. Afterward, they receive a disturbing phone call as Sadako manifests, startling Natsumi.

A worker at the shop who had watched the cursed tape leaps to her death. The girls go to return the video player and learn about the deaths related to the tape. Desperate, they go to their professor, an author on urban legends, Shin'ichi Morishige. Obsessed with the idea of meeting Sadako, Morishige eagerly watches the tape. He takes the girls to an exorcist but Sadako possesses Natsumi and forces the assistants to kill themselves before the exorcist kills Morishige. With her dying breath, the exorcist tells the girls that a man with psychic powers, Keizo Tokiwa, will help them.

When Natsumi blames Yuri for her situation, Yuri watches the tape, hoping that this will pass the curse on to her and Natsumi will be spared. Keizo arrives, accompanied by a blind psychic girl, Tamao, who tells Yuri that she has unnecessarily cursed herself. The only way to expunge the curse is to pit Sadako against another vengeful spirit so both destroy each other. Natsumi uploads the tape to the Internet and tries to commit suicide to escape her imminent death. However, Sadako kills Natsumi before she can. Keizo and Tamao target Kayako Saeki to be the rival spirit.

Meanwhile, high school student Suzuka Takagi starts having dreams of the haunted Saeki house after moving in nearby with her family. She runs into Keizo and Tamao, who states that the house beckons to Suzuka, he warns her not to enter or she will be killed. That night, Suzuka thinks she sees a schoolboy inside the Saeki house and goes inside. She sees Toshio and her screams prompt her parents to rush in, causing them to be killed by Toshio and Kayako. Keizo saves Suzuka but she is already cursed. Yuri and Suzuka team up for Keizo's plan, where they will enter the Saeki house so that Suzuka can watch the cursed tape inside and Yuri can see Kayako, thus becoming afflicted with both curses. Keizo hopes this will make Sadako and Kayako fight over the girls and destroy each other in the process.

As the plan unfolds, Toshio appears but Sadako drags him inside the TV as he screams. Sadako crawls out of the TV whilst Kayako crawls downstairs, starts brutally confront each other but the battle ends in a stalemate. Keizo reveals his last resort: one of the girls has to lure both ghosts into a well outside of the house so they can be sealed inside. Yuri chooses to sacrifice herself, jumping into the well as Sadako and Kayako begin to rush toward her, resulting in a massive collision that bisects Keizo and turns both ghosts into a giant mass of hair, flesh and eyes. The giant mass falls into the well, presumably crushing Yuri to death. Suzuka seals the well and imprisons the ghosts.

This last resort does not work either, and instead backfires terribly: both Sadako and Kayako's curses combine and become a single entity: Sadakaya. Now possessing Yuri's body with the appearance of Sadako, a combined movement of both spirits and the sound of Kayako's death rattle. Suzuka screams in horror and Tamao's psychic powers are overwhelmed. Toshio reappears, and the girls' fates are left unknown.

In a post-credits scene, the modified version of the cursed videotape is shown. Sadakaya menacingly contorts her body, imitating the movements of both Sadako and Kayako. She then teleports to the screen, emitting a death rattle.

Private Down Under

In previous Private novels James Patterson billed Private as the world's most exclusive detective agency. Private opens a new office in Sydney, Australia. A party is thrown as the business opens, but no celebrations take place. As soon as a toast is made, a young Asian man staggers into the party and dies. This immediately gets Private into an investigation of organized crime.

Within days Private is called to investigate what turns into a series of grisly murders in the wealthy Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Added to that a famous rock star walks into the Private offices and says he needs protection, as someone wants to kill him. The staff of Private is busy in the rest of the book making headway on all these cases.

The Inerasable

Ai is a mystery novel writer. She received a letter from Kubo, a reader of her novel and a university student. Kubo's letter states that she hears odd sounds from the room where she lives now. Ai becomes interested by the letter and they being to investigate. Ai and Kubo learn of people that lived in the apartment and their experiences including a suicide and murder.

Linda (1929 film)

: Linda (Helen Foster), a tender, romantic girl, is forced by her brutal father to marry Decker (Noah Beery, Sr.) an elderly lumberman who quickly realizes that Linda is not happy with him and does everything he can to make her life easier. Linda falls in love with Dr. Paul Randall (Warner Baxter), but remains with her husband until a scheming woman steps in and claims to be Decker's first and legal wife. Linda then goes to the city to live with her former schoolteacher and again meets Dr. Randall, but must leave him to return north and care for Decker, who has been hurt in a lumbering accident. Learning that the woman claiming to be Decker's wife is a fraud, Linda gallantly sticks with her husband until he finally dies from his injuries. Linda and the good doctor are then free to find happiness with each other.

Panpaka Pants

In Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan lives the Pants family, a family of pigs who love pants. Their family lineage has been charged with securing the world's most sacred pants for generations. Now, this mission has been entrusted to the son of the family, Panpaka. Along with his best friend, Punyan (a purple cat), the two travel around the world looking for various pants. During their adventures, they encounter various other allies with their own unique problems. What ensues are surreal comedic situations, most of the time ending with Panpaka and Punyan getting the "special" pants they were searching for, but with some disappointment.

Creepy (film)

Having resigned as a profiler following an injury, Koichi Takakura and his wife Yasuko move to a place closer to his new job as a university lecturer in criminal psychology. In an effort to be friendly, Yasuko introduces herself to their two neighbors. One of them is Mrs. Tanaka and her bed-ridden mother, who coldly reject any kind of friendship with the Takakuras. Yasuko rings the doorbell at the house of their other neighbor, who lives in-between the Takakuras and Tanakas, but there is no answer. When Yasuko goes again to leave a bag of chocolates at the middle neighbor's gate, he appears and identifies himself as Masayuki Nishino. Their initial encounter gives Yasuko a creepy impression of Nishino, as he acts strangely whenever he's around her.

While at work, Koichi becomes interested in a cold case involving the disappearance of three members of a family leaving only an unreliable witness, Saki Honda. A former police colleague of Koichi's named Nogami asks him to help investigate. While visiting the crime scene, Koichi and Nogami try to talk to Saki, but she refuses as she doesn't quite remember the events leading up to her family's disappearance. Back at home, Yasuko runs into Nishino again and he tells her he lives with his daughter, Mio, and his wife; but after saying she looks forward to meeting her, Nishino rudely dismisses her. When walking home, Koichi is confronted by Nishino who says that Yasuko is a burden. Both Koichi and Yasuko have uneasy feelings about Nishino, but they relent when he becomes friendlier and more open with his life.

At the university, Koichi and Nogami interview Saki, who says that before her family vanished, they acted in extremely bizarre ways that were much different than what they normally did. She also remembers seeing a man stare at them from the house of the Hondas' neighbor, Mr. Mizuta. When investigating the Mizuta house, Nogami discovers five decomposing bodies wrapped in sealed plastic bags. Yasuko, when looking for their dog, Max, encounters Nishino and he tries to come onto her. Later, Koichi is approached by Mio, who says that Nishino is not her father, but a complete stranger. When he tries to ask her questions, Mio runs off when Nishino comes home. Yasuko begins to act erratically, going from periods of bad sickness to emotional outbursts. Because of this behavior, Koichi becomes more suspicious of Nishino, and calls Nogami so he could look into him. Nishino invites Nogami inside his house, but Nogami goes down a corridor and opens a large metal door. Right as Koichi comes home, the Tanaka house explodes, and while trying to help, he notices Nishino casually watching television.

When police investigate, Koichi is told by an older lieutenant, Tanimoto, that there were three bodies in the wreckage: Tanaka, her mother, and Nogami. Puzzled, Koichi visits Saki and attempts to show her a photograph of Nishino, but she doesn't remember him. It is revealed that Nishino is an impostor; he controls Mio and her mother after apparently killing Mio's actual father and having her dispose of him in the same way as the corpses in the Mizuka house. Mio's mother is kept under control by an injection of special tranquilizers, but after Mio purposefully gives her an under-dose, the mother attacks Nishino, only to be subdued. Nishino then shoots the mother with Nogami's gun in front of Mio. Nishino then brings Yasuko down into his chamber and shows her the mother's body and forces her to help Mio dispose of the body. Koichi comes home and is startled when Mio barges in. He asks her where Yasuko is, but is interrupted by Nishino who has Yasuko's house key. Koichi assaults Nishino, but the police arrive and detain Koichi.

Tanimoto talks to Koichi and has Nishino brought to the police station. They discover Nishino has left and they both drive to Nishino's house. Tanimoto discovers the chamber, but is incapacitated by Nishino. Koichi goes into the chamber and finds Yasuko and Tanimoto, but is confronted by Nishino holding Yasuko at gunpoint. Nishino reveals to Koichi that he has effectively brainwashed Yasuko and Mio through drugs, and assures Koichi that Yasuko is his. Koichi realizes that Nishino moves from family to family, brainwashing them and eventually makes them kill each other. He manages to talk to Yasuko and berates Nishino for his crimes, but Koichi is suddenly injected by Yasuko, and they depart with Nishino, Mio, and Max.

The five of them arrive at an abandoned building, where Nishino scouts for another "home." Deeming Max unnecessary baggage, Nishino brings the drugged Koichi out from the car and urges him to kill Max. Koichi tells Nishino that "this is where you fall," and quickly turns and shoots Nishino. Free of his brainwashing, Mio celebrates with Max, and Yasuko, understanding what she and Koichi went through, breaks down in his arms.

Mistah (film)

Sgt. Mario Cariño's (Robin Padilla) squad, along with a platoon of Army Scout Rangers led by a lieutenant, is seen chasing Muslim rebels acpikavidsross a forest, and is trapped and forced to retreat when an ambush is sprung, losing some of his squadmates. Returning to the camp, he is scolded by his superior (Roi Vinzon) for his insubordination, which he accepts begrudgingly. His squadmates heckle him, which he answers. Camp life is always tense, with rebel snipers taking out sentries, and being bombed and retaliated upon by regular patrols in the area, but they never forget why they are there. Sometimes they go to a town where they buy supplies and treats for Muslim kids, and on one occasion Mario spots a beautiful storekeeper (Ana Roces). They do charitable work, like Mario saving a drowning kid. A rebel Emir is in the same village but halted by an Ulama to harm them; the same Emir confronted the later and turned out to be the uncle of the kid Mario saved.

A sniper takes out a sentry, alarming the platoon while Mario gets his regular taste of scolding by his commander. Days later, they welcome several privates led by a hot-headed private (Joko Diaz) and his batchmates. Some older soldiers extort the newbies. And when a soldier is heckled for being in love with a beautiful young woman, a brawl starts among the other soldiers until an explosion interrupts them, forcing them to lie down; they're later punished by the Lieutenant, and the soldier commits suicide when he finds out the girl broke up with him.

Rebels are always harassing and looting Christian villages and the soldiers must chase them out. Mario later gets a leave to visit his family nearby; his father is sick, his friend's wife is blind, and he himself has a fiancée. Many days later, he returns to camp, giving goods to his fellow soldiers.

He tries to court the lass, when he is stopped by a group of fellow soldiers from a different unit; he counters by showing some firepower, which the soldiers flee, then spots a truckful of soldiers to chase them out. He later receives a letter from his parents telling that his father was ill and died; he requests leave but his lieutenant declines. He snaps, and in a drunken stupor he shoots at his officer's bunker and gets reprimanded by their colonel in the office. The lieutenant is replaced by another newbie lieutenant (Rustom Padilla), whom Mario is forced to obey. As their new commander makes him organize a patrol, the newbie soldiers join him. When they patrol the forest another ambush is sprung, killing some, including the three newbies, and they're forced to retreat again. Mario's commander blames him and Mario responds by punching him; a brawl starts, stopped only when another explosion is heard. He later brings the storekeeper into the camp, but then his fiancée arrives. The soldiers help the storekeeper escape while Mario distracts hisfiancée.

The platoon is later tasked to meet up with a rebel Emir, but the talk produces no good result. As rebels disagree with their Emir's decision, they kill a soldier from the unit, along with his wife when they are abducted. The ringleader is executed by the Emir himself, which angers some rebels.

They ambush the lieutenant's batchmate's unit, which Mario rescues; his squad also rescues the lieutenant's patrol unit from another ambush, and the rebels use the incident as an excuse to attack the camp. Mario receives his Officer Promotion exam results and ready to return to main base, when the rebels fire upon the camp with mortars and grenade launchers, killing some of them and putting the rest in their defensive position. They defend and repulse an attack. They send some runners, who are killed by the rebels, who also bomb and kill the rescue unit. The rescue unit's leader is captured and tied on a tree and Mario's unit, short in ammunition and outgunned, is forced to watch as rebels slash the hapless officer, which their Lieutenant forced himself to euthanize his fellow officer. Romy (Rommel Padilla) tries to rescue the commander; a rebel shoots him in his M203 grenade launcher. And another ''juramentado'' attack by rebels kills Mario's partner, but repulses with heavy casualties. Mario, the lieutenant, the squad's sniper, the newbie soldier, and three others prepare themselves in a last stand when explosions are heard, this time on the government's side. The government backup fire upon the rebels with mortars, rockets and air support, inflicting the rebels heavy casualties, forcing them to retreat. The soldiers retrieve the dead, the lieutenant unties his fellow batchmate's corpse as the rain falls, Mario is seen crying while kneeling.

The film ends with Mario quoting that "Nobody wins in a war."

Zsazsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh

Ada (BB Gandanghari) is a gay beautician from the province in the Philippines. Her best friend and assistant Didi (Chokoleit) is a stereotypical gay best friend - funny, witty, loves to heckle, and good-natured. Enter Dodong (Alfred Vargas) - tall, dark, and handsome - every woman's and gay man's fantasy in their town. Dodong is ''the boy next door'' ... friendly, sweet, helpful, good-looking, unprejudiced, and hardworking.

One evening, as Ada was bathing a meteor falls from the sky, punches a hole through the roof of her bathroom and hits her on the head. She panics and screams which brings Didi out in a tizzy, wondering what happened. As Ada tells her what happened Didi convinces her that she should swallow the meteor/rock in case it will give her superpowers, just like Darna. They look at the rock and discover that the word '''Zaturnnah''' is written on it. This validated things for Didi who then goaded Ada even more to swallow the rock. Convinced, Ada does as Didi says then shouts '''Zaturnnah!''' and in a puff of smoke she turns into a voluptuous red-headed woman. Didi is shocked but takes it in stride and convinces her to find out if she had superpowers, which she does. Ada decides to adopt the name ''Zsazsa Zaturnnah'' for her superheroine persona.

Strange occurrences happen all over town such as attacks by a giant frog and zombies, with Didi by her side and Dodong bravely trying to defend Zaturnnah and the town from zombies. Later she encounters beings from outer space ... females from the Planet XXX called Amazonistas led by their leader Queen Feminah Suarestellar Baroux (Pops Fernandez). Queen Feminah reveals that in their planet, all the men were transformed into pigs ''(a reference to the Greek Goddess Circe)'' when the women revolted because of centuries of oppression from the males chauvinists of their planet. They invite Zaturnnah to join them, not knowing her real identity. She rejected them, which angered Queen Feminah who then challenged her to a duel to the death.

A furious battle ensues and at first it seems that they are evenly matched. Queen Feminah makes one more pitch to Zaturnnah, to join the Amazonistas and rid the planet of men. Not only does she reject the offer she also tries (and successfully) regurgitates the rock which instantly transforms her to her male form, Ada. Queen Feminah was shocked but before she could do anything else, Ada shoved the rock into her mouth and as Queen Feminah instinctly swallowed the first word out of her mouth was '''''Zaturnnah!''''' To everyone's surprise this transformed her into "male pig" which prompted the Amazonistas to hunt her down to kill her.

Powerless and weak from the battle, Ada collapses to the ground. In comes Dodong who lifts her up and "rescues" her. Ada confesses her love which he accepts. The scene then cuts to Ada packing away her things and saying that she is moving to Manila. Dodong arrives and asks if he could join her when she moves to Manila. He confesses his love for her. Ada initially doubts his sincerity but is later convinced, which leads her to accept his offer to join her.

Scene cuts to the happy couple living ''along the riles'' in Manila. Another meteor falls from the sky and hits her. The story is left hanging at this point, implying a continuation to the story.

Hinukay Ko Na ang Libingan Mo

Anton (Robin Padilla) has just married his fiancée, Vera (Nanette Medved), when an old man, Laroza (Eddie Garcia), rapes his wife, mauls him and leaves him for dead. Elmo (also played by Robin Padilla) is an ex-convict who initially tries to take his share of inheritance, but inherits instead Anton's problems. He accepts this to repent for his sin, having accidentally committed patricide which left he and his twin to fend for themselves. While Elmo takes his time, Anton takes his vengeance in fruition.

Elmo tries to reconnect with his former life as a part of his vengeance for his twin, and along the way meets Vera, now going undercover by the name of Mariposa. Elmo would soon be reunited with Anton, long presumed dead, who is enraged at his sight that he decides to take the revenge in his own hands. Elmo's pregnant live-in partner, Janet (Cherry Pie Picache), dies in an encounter with one of Laroza's thugs.

Anton and Vera abducts Laroza and his family. Anton orders Laroza's son to bury the old man alive. However, before Anton's revenge is fully exacted, a firefight ensues and Elmo comes to the aid of Anton and Vera. After the dust settled, Anton, Elmo and Vera emerged as the survivors, having killed Laroza and finally serving justice to all the wrongs committed by the old man.

Pokémon Sun and Moon


The games take place on a tropical archipelago, a group of islands known as the Alola region. Joe Skrebels of ''IGN'' describes it as "''Pokémon'' s take on Hawaii". During an interview at E3 2016, Shigeru Ohmori noted that Game Freak staff took trips to Hawaii to conduct research for ''Sun'' and ''Moon''.

The leading scientist in the Alola region is Professor Kukui, whose name comes from the kukui, also known as the candlenut, the Hawaiian state tree, continuing the trend of ''Pokémon'' professors being named after trees. Team Skull is the name of the villainous group in Alola. The Aether Foundation is an organization which studies Ultra Beasts, mysterious creatures from another dimension. Though Professor Oak does not appear in ''Sun'' and ''Moon'', his cousin Samson Oak takes his place.


The player starts off as Elio and Selene, who moving from Kanto to Alola's Melemele Island with their mother. After meeting Lillie and rescuing her special Pokémon she calls Nebby, the player obtains a starter Pokémon from local Professor Kukui and embark on the island challenge, a coming-of-age custom spanning trials across Alola, along with local youngster Hau. Unlike in previous games, trials involve battles with powered-up Pokémon, followed by battles with each island's Kahuna upon completion of an island's trials. Throughout this, the player encounters Team Skull, a gang of people who quit the island trials whose members include their leader Guzma and enforcer Gladion. The player also encounters the Aether Foundation, an organization aiming to shelter Pokémon from various threats.

During a visit to the Aether Foundation's base, Aether Paradise—a very large floating structure—a mysterious creature called an Ultra Beast emerges from a wormhole, but retreats before it can be defeated or captured. Later, after the player has defeated Team Skull at their base, Gladion reveals that Team Skull has been working for the Aether Foundation, kidnapping Nebby to use its powers in summoning Ultra Beasts. The player then proceeds to battle through Aether Paradise with Hau and Gladion's help, eventually defeating Aether president Lusamine, who is revealed to be Gladion and Lillie's mother. Despite this, Lusamine and Guzma manage to open an Ultra Wormhole, with the former overclocking Nebby's powers, transporting them to Ultra Space, the Ultra Beasts' dimension. This causes Nebby to evolve into a cocoon-like form while Ultra Beasts are unleashed on to Alola's islands, forcing the island Kahunas and guardian deities to fight them.

Proceeding to the final island, the player and Lillie perform a ritual to evolve Nebby into its final form — Solgaleo or Lunala depending on the version — at the island's Altar. With Nebby's newfound power, the player and Lillie travel to Ultra Space and find Lusamine who, not wanting to be rescued, allows herself to be taken over by the Ultra Beast they encountered earlier, forcing the player to battle her in self-defense. After defeating the crazed Lusamine, the player returns to Alola and ascends Mount Lanakila to challenge the newly formed Alola Pokémon League Elite Four. In the last match, they defeat Kukui to become Alola's first Pokémon League champion. In the credits, the player battles Melemele's guardian deity Tapu Koko after a celebration, with Lillie and Lusamine departing Alola for Kanto the following day.

After becoming the champion, the player is contacted by two members of the International Police: Anabel, who was head of the Battle Tower in ''Pokémon Emerald'', and Looker, a recurring detective since ''Pokémon Platinum''. The player assists the two with handling the wild Ultra Beasts that Lusamine let loose into Alola in a series of quests. Following the final quest, Looker reveals that he saw another Ultra Beast, although Anabel dismisses this. If the player then travels to Ten Carat Hill, they will encounter Necrozma.

The Man with the Iron Heart (film)

Reinhard Heydrich is serving as an officer in the German Navy. After beginning a relationship with Lina, he is court-martialled for breaking his word to another woman he had been having sex with. He marries Lina and follows her in joining the Nazi Party and idolising Adolf Hitler. He meets Heinrich Himmler and is appointed head of SS counter-intelligence, working with Heinrich Müller to fight Communists in Weimar Germany. After Hitler is appointed Chancellor, Heydrich becomes Chief of the Gestapo.

After the German Invasion of Poland and World War II breaks out, Heydrich is promoted to Chief of the Reich Security Main Office. His ''Einsatzgruppen'' mobile death squads follow the German Army, committing genocide across Eastern Europe. He blackmails General Eduard Wagner into sending the ''Einzatsgruppen'' information to allow them to exterminate Jews and other "undesirables". In September 1941, Heydrich is appointed Acting Reich Protector of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, declaring that he will turn Prague into a "Jew-free" city. On 22 January 1942, Heydrich chairs the Wannsee Conference, to ensure there is a "Final Solution" for the genocide of Jews. In May 1942, Heydrich is attacked by Czech resistance fighters.

Salt to the Sea

''Salt to the Sea'' takes place in East Prussia in 1945. The book follows four central characters as they evacuate their home countries: Emilia, a teenage, Polish orphan;  Florian, a restoration artist from East Prussia; Joana, a Lithuanian nurse; and Alfred, a Nazi.

Emilia and Florian meet when Florian saves Emilia from a Russian soldier. The couple runs into Joana as she is traveling with a group of refugees. Everyone is attempting to make it to West Germany to board ships and save their own lives.

Throughout the journey to the evacuation ships, the refugees get to know one another. It is revealed that Emilia is eight months pregnant from an assault by Russian soldiers; Florian, the restoration artist, is on the run for stealing a piece of art of the Amber Room; and Joana feels responsible for some of the deaths of her family. By the time the group reaches the evacuation ships, their relationships are solidified. It is clear that Joana and Florian have fallen in love, and Emilia sees Florian as a symbol for good men.

At this point, the group comes into contact with Alfred who is their only hope for getting tickets to the boats. They board the Wilhelm Gustoff.

While on the boat the story progresses. Emilia gives birth; Joana works as a nurse; Florian hides from Nazis who are looking for him. One day, Russian torpedoes hit the Wilhelm Gustoff. Quickly, the ship sinks and thousands die. However, Joana, Florian, and Emilia's baby are able to escape on a lifeboat along with a boy named Klaus. Emilia, on the other hand, finds herself on a different lifeboat with Alfred, the Nazi. It comes to light that Emilia is Polish and the Nazi attempts to kill her. Ultimately, both Emilia and Alfred perish.

The book concludes with a glimpse into the future. Joana and Florian live in the United States. They have Emilia's baby, the boy Klaus, and a child of their own. Through a letter sent by Clara Christensen, a Danish woman, it is told that Emilia's body was found washed up on a shore, and she was buried.

Guanya Pau: A Story of an African Princess

The story begins with a descriptive introduction to a tribe of people called the Vey (today called the 'Vai'), of which Guanya Pau is a part, daughter of a chief of a town called Gallenah. Upon her father's death at the age of four, Guanya Pau was betrothed to a man called Kai Kundu who paid a handsome sum of money for her future hand in marriage. But Guanya, with her "independent bearing" and "scornful air", grew up to resent this man and this local system of the purchasing of multiple wives, falling in love instead with a local youth called Momo and vowing that she would rather drown than marry her appointed suitor.

On her sixteenth birthday, Kai Kundu comes to see her to discuss the prospect of their marriage but she rejects him, saying she would "just as soon love a monkey", a gesture which is ultimately futile as her marital fate has already been determined. As a result, Guanya decides to run away with her friend, Jassah.

The two girls hide in an ant hill for a day for fear of being detected and continue their journey at night. They are immediately panicked by the approaching presence of a group of local man but they move along before coming across the girls. Just after their departure, an injured elephant pursued by a Vey hunters stomps past the girls and inadvertently crushes a side of the ant hill and exposes the hiding location of the girls. The hunters fortunately fail to notice them and continue in their chase of the animal.

Travelling on, the girls come to a rice farm and, after disguising their faces, they join a crowd assembled at a king's house celebrating a wedding. Horrified that another woman may be being subjected to the same treatment of forced marriage that Guanya herself had experienced, the two girls endeavour to enquire about the couple and are told that the husband in question purchased his bride after she had been previously accounted for by another man, a gross breach of marital tradition. The girl herself ultimately "had no decision to make" in the affair.

The next day, Guanya encounters a woman who tells her of her own life story and her unhappy marriage to a man she does not love. The woman's story, one of her separation from her true love, is not dissimilar to Guanya's own experience. Her story ends with the disheartening conclusion of her resignation to an unhappy life and to the fact she will never see her lover again.

The girls travel onward and come across a "beautiful grove", a sacred spot for the burial of kings. They encounter a Council in session reviewing judicial cases in which local men have been accused of certain behaviours towards their wives. The men are acquitted under the pretence that a man's wife is his property to do with what he likes and Guanya is furious but says nothing upon Jassah's advice.

Moving on, the girls travel for a few days, enjoying their surroundings and the gaiety of life until they are forced to hide behind a mango tree from a group of men that approach. Guanya and Jassah overhear the men talking about their search for them and the reward that Kai Kundu has offered for their return. Hiding "half-dead with fright", the girls wait until the men move on and quickly head in the opposite direction.

The girls come across a village the next day to find in progress a mourning ceremony for a recently deceased local man. Tribal customs dictate that all in the village must mourn for the deceased, but as the man "had been a terror to his wives" whilst he was alive, his wives are pleased to hear of his death. As a result, they are killed for their behaviour, one murdered and two forced to drink a "fatal draught" of "sassa wood". Seeing this, Guanya Pau and Jassah quickly leave and head back to the road.

The girls come across another village where they are welcomed warmly by a family into their home. As they are preparing to sleep for a night, a "modest-looking fellow" enters the home and identifies Guanya Pau upon sight. Not knowing who the man is, the girls take flight.

They continue to run for many hours into the next day. As they slow down in an open field they realise they've been spotted by a group of men carrying weapons. One of the men identifies himself as a fellow native of Gallanah and explains that he recognises her as the daughter of the town's chief. Conceding that this is the case, Guanya and Jassah head back to the village escorted by the men.

Upon arrival, they are taken to the town's court. The questioner does not believe Guanya's claims of her heredity and royal importance and so the two girls are placed in the stocks for the night while someone is sent to ascertain the truth. During the night, the girls manage to break themselves free and escape.

While on the run they come across a stream by which there are a few fishermen, one of which offers the girls a lift in his canoe. After navigating a brief storm, they land in a nearby fishing village, where they find work on a rice farm. They work so effectively that their fellow workers are impressed by their prowess. At the end of the day over a meal, one of the worker women makes a speech praising the conviviality of life. The male overseer interrupts the women's conversation to reprimand them for slacking off work.

The next day, Guanya Pau and Jassah set about joining a group to go fishing in a sacred river. Local religious tradition holds that "no-one is permitted to put his hand or foot in the stream" for fear of angering the spirits who convene there. In her haste to cross the river, Guanya plunges into the water, much to the horror of the locals that are accompanying her. After hearing "nothing more" of Guanya's "sin" for the rest of the day, the two girls decide to leave the following morning.

That evening, as the girls are laying down to sleep, they are visited by a man claiming to have been sent searching for Guanya by Momo, who had hoped to buy her hand in marriage before she ran away. Thrilled by the news, Guanya struggles to sleep and passes the time recounting to Jassah how she and Momo met.

Guanya eventually sleeps and experiences a sequence of dreams involving a demon and later a chance meeting with Momo in the ranks of a religious congregation.

The following day, the two girls leave with their escort to find Momo. They reach a town where, while the man is enquiring about Momo, Guanya recognises another male from Gallanah and flees with Jassah in a canoe. By the next morning they are on Tosau Island.

After making arrangements to travel with the town's chief by canoe, they board his vessel along with another man who eye the girls "rather suspiciously". Arriving a few hours later and following directions in the town they have landed, the girls find themselves accosted by their fellow passenger who announces that Kai Kundu has men all over the region looking for them and that he will be bringing them back to him.

On the canoe ride back, Guanya Pau jumps overboard, shouts that she would prefer to drown than to be Kai Kundu's wife and dies.

The Waiting Dog

The book opens with a sticker on the cover with a warning saying: “Warning! Do you have the guts to read this book?” then continues on to describe a dogs desire to eat the mailman. The prose uses rhyming verse to describe in detail the dog’s fantasies, and the gory illustrations graphically depict everything from the mailman’s disembowelment to the dog eating his brain.


The book currently holds a 4.5 star rating on based on 14 reviews. Goodreads has it rated at 3.25 stars out of 5 after 20 ratings. Notable reviews include one by literary journal ''Quill and Quire'' which gives nods to the “expansive vocabulary” and “humorous touches.” The review concludes with: “Overall, this is a nicely produced book, and whether it elicits belly laughs or turns stomachs is, as I’m sure the rhyming dog would agree, largely a matter of taste.”

Challenge lists a 2006 challenge to the book from a parent complaining to the Burlington Public Library about them stocking it. According to the site “the parent described the book as “revolting” and “vile.” The parent objected to depictions of violence and said that the work was "age inappropriate".

The library responded via letter to the parent that “the “offbeat humour” in the book might not be to everyone’s taste. The letter added that the book met the selection standards of the library and that not every book will be appropriate for every child or family. The library’s picture book collection contained titles for a wide variety of ages and tastes. The library relied on parents, the letter said, to screen library materials for their children. The library also retained ''The Waiting Dog'' in its collection with no change to its classification or department."

Better Call Saul (season 4)

The death of Jimmy's brother Chuck serves as a catalyst for his further transformation into Saul Goodman, and Jimmy's entrance into the criminal world puts a strain on his relationship with Kim and his future as a lawyer. Chuck's death also deeply affects Kim and Howard. Mike becomes a contracted security consultant for Madrigal. Nacho's attempted murder of Hector Salamanca causes Hector's stroke and disability, and affects the operations of Don Eladio's drug cartel and Gus Fring's plot to take it over.

Gilligan said in January 2018 that ''Better Call Saul'' "gets darker this season," and Odenkirk said that the fourth season would go to "another level."

How to Get Away with Murder (season 3)

Annalise Keating, law professor and criminal defense attorney at Middleton University, selects five students to intern at her firm: Wes Gibbins, Connor Walsh, Michaela Pratt, Asher Millstone, and Laurel Castillo—along with Annalise's employees Frank Delfino and Bonnie Winterbottom, an associate lawyer.

The first nine episodes focus on Annalise teaching Criminal Law and her students being defense attorneys, each one proving their cases to be the representation. However, Annalise's position at the university is threatened after an unknown person targets her with a series of flyers identifying her as a killer. Frank has also gone missing with Annalise and Nate trying to find him, while the murder of Wallace Mahoney is still under investigation. In the mid-season finale, Annalise is arrested after Wes' corpse is retrieved from her burning house. However, Nate discovers that Wes was already dead before the fire started.

The second part of the season focuses on the investigation about Wes' death, and the identity of his murderer. While Annalise is having a hard time in jail, tensions rise within the remaining Keating 4, as they do not agree to consider if Annalise is really guilty or being framed. Soon, it appears that the DA's office wants to keep Annalise in prison at any cost, so Bonnie and Frank team up to get her free.

Life in Color (film)

Mary, an unemployed nanny, and Homer, a struggling stand-up comedian, are stuck house-sitting together and reluctantly end up helping each other.

Moms (film)

Every year, on March 8, telephone networks of Russia transmit millions of calls and SMS messages. Hardworking analysts have calculated that the absolute majority of telephone calls are addressed to the most important women in the life of every man — mothers.

The Aeronaut's Windlass

Captain Grimm is an Albion privateer preying on Auroran airships when his vessel, the ''Predator'' is caught in an ambush and has its invaluable lift crystal damaged. Meanwhile, Bridget and Gwen (along with Rowl) are new recruits in training for the Spirearch's Guard under the supervision of Gwen's cousin, Benedict. Near the end of their training, spire Albion suffers an attack by the forces of spire Aurora, who infiltrate their spire disguised as Albion guards and attempt to sabotage their crystal production facilities. Both Captain Grimm and the Spireguard group fight groups of invaders, eventually crossing paths when Grimm helps break up a Mexican standoff the guards found themselves in.

The monarch of Spire Albion, Spirearch Addison Orson Magnus Jeremiah Albion recruits Bridget, Gwen and Benedict to investigate his suspicions of further infiltration by the Auroran forces. He introduces the group to Ferus and Folly; a master Etherealist and his apprentice, and contracts Captain Grimm to transport them with the promise of new lift crystals for his damaged ship. Beginning their investigation, they quickly discover disturbances in Habble Landing, a lower level of the spire where much of the spires' commerce takes place. Bridget, Rowl and Folly find themselves ambushed by a teeming mass of silkweaver hatchlings, silverfish-like insects with a venomous bite. Meanwhile, Gwen, Benedict and Ferus are attacked in a tavern by a massive silkweaver matriarch which displays remarkable intelligence for what is supposedly a simple beast.

After the attacks, Bridget and Folly are taken prisoner by the Auroran forces and meet Sycorax Cavendish, an Etherealist working with the enemy. After Rowl escapes and sends word to Captain Grimm, he sets off to challenge the leader of the local cat tribe for help fighting off the invaders. Grimm and his crew make contact with the Verminocitors - a guild which earns its way by tracking down and killing dangerous surface beasts who have made their way into the spire - and launch a rescue mission to save their captured comrades. They find more adult silkweavers guarding the pair, and all seems to be lost until Rowl arrives with a force of 200 cats to turn the tide.

Meanwhile, the Auroran forces have launched their plans, stealing a valuable book known as ''The Index'' from a library before setting it on fire, then marching through the predominantly wooden Habble Landing, setting firebombs before escaping on a pirate vessel named the ''Mistshark'' captained by Grimm's ex wife. After rescuing the two girls, Grim and crew return to the dock just in time to see it destroyed by the guns of his ex's ship. The ''Predator'', newly repaired though not quite at full power, loads up and sets off in pursuit. They catch the ''Mistshark'' before it can rendezvous with the Auroran fleet and disable it. Before they can affect the surrender, they are attacked by the Auroran flagship ''Itasca''. Outgunned by the larger vessel, the ''Predator'' flees to spire Albion, where a handful of Albion fleet ships intercept and give battle to the ''Itasca''.

Emerging victorious from the final battle, the team returns to Spire Albion. There, they prepare for the upcoming war with Aurora while knowing that a deeper enemy lurks behind the attacks.

Mafia: The Game of Survival

Moscow, 2072. The card game Mafia became the most popular television show in the world. Eleven people gather at the table to find out — who are innocent civilians and who is ruthless Mafia. The world is going to see a cocktail of emotions and feelings: fear, lie, pain, pride, passion, love and death. The winner will receive a huge cash prize, and the loser will just die.

I Surrender Dear (1931 film)

The film opens with a band, led by Crosby, playing “Out of Nowhere” for dancers in a night club after which it continues with “I Surrender Dear” which Crosby sings at a microphone. On board a train a girl named Peggy is listening to the broadcast and is reprimanded by her overbearing and ambitious mother for not being more appreciative of her chance to marry a Marquis, who happens to be sleeping noisily in the compartment.

The broadcast over, the singer and his friend Jerry (Arthur Stone) arrive at the railway station to meet Bing's sister whom he has not seen for a long time. Crosby mistakes Peggy from the train for her. He warmly greets Peggy and kisses her just as her mother and fiancé, the Marquis, arrive on the scene. After exchanging insults with Bing the enraged Marquis pulls a sword from his walking stick and chases him. Crosby nimbly runs away from the Marquis and jumps over an area of freshly-laid, hot asphalt but his pursuer fails the jump and lands knee deep in the asphalt.

Later Bing and his friend Jerry try to find Peggy, in whom Bing has become very interested, at her hotel and in another case of mistaken identity he angers a jealous Irish husband. After the Irishman punches Jerry, Bing refuses to be intimidated, calls his bluff and shapes up to him. The Irishman retires into his room abashed and returns to pull out a revolver which he fires at the two boys who depart rapidly.

Shortly afterwards Bing returns to Peggy’s room and explains to her and her mother that he is not a ‘masher’ but he is in fact Bing Crosby, the radio crooner. At that moment a radio announcer says over the radio in the room that Bing Crosby is to sing “Out of Nowhere”. Peggy, of course, then disbelieves Bing who leaves angrily but when she hears the announcer say that he has just played a phonograph record she tries to find Bing. Encountering George Dobbs, a friend of Bing’s in an adjacent room he invites her in but when he hears his jealous wife approaching with Bing and Jerry he hurriedly conceals Peggy in a closet. To the accompaniment of a band on the radio Bing sings “At Your Command” and Peggy, hearing his voice, leaves the closet and as they embrace he sings the last two lines of “I Surrender Dear”.

She rings the Marquis to cancel their engagement and leaves with Bing via the fire escape, hotly pursued by her mother and ex-fiancé. When a policeman stops them for speeding they tell him that they are on their way to be married and Bing proves his identity by singing “I Surrender Dear”. The policeman lets them go and when mother and the Marquis eventually trace them in a hotel, they find a marriage certificate pinned to the door of their room below a “Do not disturb” notice.

The Rose Society

Adelina Amouteru has turned her back on the people she loves and has loved after they turned theirs to her, except for her sister, Violetta, the only person that prevents her from submitting to the darkness that threatens to consume her. Amouteru strives to form a new 'society' composing of only the strongest ''malfettos'', which includes Magiano and a discarded Dagger. She calls it The Rose Society.

After gathering the Rose Society, Adelina manages to take control of Kenettra as the nation's new queen, with Teren imprisoned and the previous queen dead.