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Three Men and a Leg

Three friends – Aldo, Giovanni, and Giacomo – have to travel from Milan to Gallipoli, in Apulia, for Giacomo's wedding. The bride's father, who is the trio's employer and father-in-law as well, is a rich and vulgar businessman who doesn't like his sons-in-law and has given them the task of bringing him a wooden leg, the work of a famous artist who's about to die and will soon become of great value. The three men set off on their journey and soon meet Chiara, a young woman on her way to Greece. Her car breaks down and Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo will try to help her, which will lead to the blossoming of a beautiful friendship and a deep connection between Giacomo and Chiara that will make him and his friends question the whole point of their journey.

The Domestics

The global ruling class of humanity conducts a catastrophic chemical weapons attack on the American populace to 'reset' society and the overflowing population number. The surviving percentage of America has divided into two groups: the Gangs who control territory and go by their respective themes; The Gamblers, Sheets, Plowboys, Nailers, and Cherries, and the Domestics; those not affiliated with the Gangs who wish to live in peace and have not given in to their violent nature.

Domestic couple Mark and Nina West are traveling to Milwaukee to see Nina’s parents while dealing with the decision of getting a divorce before everything happened. While scavenging for supplies they are met by another survivor Nathan Wood and his son Steven who together escape from a small group of Nailers. Mark and Nina are invited to Nathan’s home to meet his wife and daughter but it ends in tragedy after discovering they were fed human meat and a surviving Nailer followed them, injuring Nina causing her and Mark to flee leaving the Woods behind where the Nailer kills Nathan’s wife and daughter. Nathan kills the Nailer but swears revenge and calls up some of his Plowboy contacts on his CB Radio about the Wests.

The Wests make it to an abandoned house unaware they’ve been followed by a deserter Cherry named Betsy who escaped Plowboys’ slave captivity and has developed a fascination for Nina. Mark goes looking for supplies but is later held at gunpoint by William Cunningham, a flamboyant madman, and forced to fight against his large slave after he discovers William has beaten and captured Nathan and Steven who caught up to the Wests. Nina awakes, finds a bottle of alcohol, puts on a Heavy Metal record Mark left for her and begins drunk dancing while Mark fights the slave. He eventually wins the fight and kills a fleeing William. The slave is freed by Mark out of sympathy for William mistreating him earlier and Nathan departs, forgiving Mark and giving up his quest for vengeance wishing Mark and Nina good luck.

Mark reunites with Nina at the house, who finds an old car similar to what Mark once owned when they first began dating. The two rekindle their passion but are unaware the car belongs to Gamblers who arrive and capture them. They're forced into a game of Russian Roulette with Mark taking the bullet in the shoulder for Nina. Nina makes their escape after grabbing a gun from a distracted Gambler’s boot and stealing a car, finally making it to her parents' house to treat Mark's wounds and reunite with her parents.

Nina learns sadly from the neighbors her parents had died earlier, Mark awakens later and discovers her father’s prized Wildey Hunter Pistol has been stolen. The Gamblers have caught up to them along with all the other Gangs and Betsy. A showdown begins resulting in a violent and bloody battle with all sides suffering massive casualties. In the end, Nina and Mark win the fight, the Gangs retreat with their remaining members, and Betsy returns Nina’s wedding ring to Mark that Nina had left at the abandoned house remarking "for her" after which she's shot from behind in the head with Mark killing Betsy's killer afterward. Nina finds her father's gun at a neighbor's home who was a Gambler spy, later revealed to be killed by a neighbor's kid who is revealed to be part of a rumored gang of young killers Nathan mentioned earlier.

Mark and Nina take a moment to catch their breath at Nina's parents' house and embrace each other. They later pack up and leave turning on the radio with Crazy Al, a DJ who has been sending broadcast updates about the current state of America warning the Gangs and other survivors not to mess with Mark and Nina.

Northern Borders

In 1956, Austen Kittredge is sent to live with his conservative grandparents in Vermont. Austen Sr. and Abiah have lived together for 50 years but they won't even speak to each other directly and actually despise each other. Austen, called "Tut" by his Egypt-obsessed grandmother (the daughters are Nefertiti and Cleopatra), must do farm chores, even though he doesn't like the idea. Austen also goes to school and meets Theresa, whose family is very poor. In addition to dealing with the conflicts between his grandparents, Austen must deal with their efforts to overcome reluctance to join the modern world.

Arac (video game)

Deep within the Citadel, three runaway chemical reactors are rapidly approaching meltdown. These time bombs threaten to devastate the surrounding electronic jungle. The only remaining SpiderDroid has been sent into the territory of the Citadel to find and diffuse[sic] the reactors.

Meet the New Boss (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

A "ghostly" woman, recently escaped from a mysterious box and having apparently infected S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Melinda May in the process, returns to her previous home where she terrifies its new occupants. Robbie Reyes is followed by Daisy Johnson, the vigilante Quake, to the mechanic where he works after she confronted him the previous night about his actions as the Ghost Rider. Johnson believes Reyes when he says that he, as the Ghost Rider, only murders people who "deserve it", and now wants him to kill her. He refuses until he finds something that proves she deserves it, despite her thinking she already does.

S.H.I.E.L.D. picks up on the ghost's actions, with agents Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons attempting to come up with a scientific explanation for her condition. They discover a research laboratory, Momentum Energy, that is near the woman's house and has been abandoned since an explosion seemingly killed its staff. Searching Johnson's belongings, Reyes also finds reference to Momentum in research she had been doing on him. At the facility, the ghost opens several boxes there similar to the one she was kept in, releasing ghosts of her former co-workers. They plan to reverse their condition using a book they had been studying, the Darkhold. Fitz and agent Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie arrive to see the ghosts attempting to destroy the facility, but are saved when Johnson and Reyes arrive and the Ghost Rider disintegrates one of the ghosts while the others flee.

At S.H.I.E.L.D. base, the infected May starts seeing ghoulish images around her and begins attacking her fellow agents. She is subdued by the agency's new director, Jeffrey Mace, a super-strong Inhuman who has her sent to a secret facility for treatment. He refuses to give this location to Phil Coulson, the former director who had stepped down with the hope that a new powered director could help calm human-Inhuman relations. With Mace planning to announce S.H.I.E.L.D. to the world as a legitimate agency, he has had Coulson helping him with public relations. Mack asks Johnson to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. with them, as she was an agent and friend of theirs before leaving to become Quake. She refuses, and instead joins with Reyes in a partnership—he believes Momentum and the ghosts are connected to him.

La segunda muerte

A young boy, about 9 or 10 years old, and his adult man (if that man is the boy's father or not, is unclear) - but while driving on a low-traffic road does at least the boy see the strange face of a woman, just as a flash lightens up the environment. The day after, is a totally burned body found on the same road. A young good looking female police officer has to deal with the mystery. The forensic doctor says "it must have been the lightning". But somehow does the boy feel that's all wrong. And the young police officer is suspicious as well. And after have talked with the boy, she decides that the boy and his possible dad must stay in the village, for a few days. Then a second badly burnt body is found, and this time the forensic doctor cannot blame it on the weather. But still he gives the diagnosis "dead by a lightning hit" - again. He simply has no other explanation.

However, the police officer realises that this simply cannot be a question of two flashes from the sky. And the young boy appear to see certain things, which he dare not share with the adult man with whom he's travelling. After a third equal death do some of the villagers conclusions of their own, but they do not wish to share their theories with the police. Instead comes the village's priest in focus for them. This time does the forensic analyst suggest "spontaneous self-burning", but the truth is that he hasn't got a clue about what has happened. The young boy can see some things from the past, and it becomes obvious that something evil hit the village 30 or 40 years ago. A dead woman has as some kind of ghost returned to the little village, in order to avenge some kind of old injustice.

I Believe in Unicorns

Davina is a high school freshman from San Francisco. She lives with and takes care of her mother, who suffers from multiple sclerosis. Her father is out of the picture, having abandoned her mother shortly after Davina was born.

Davina celebrates her 16th birthday by having a picnic at the park with her best friend, Cassidy, who gives her a camera as a birthday present. It is there at the park where Davina discovers Sterling, a punk who hangs out with his skateboarder friends at the park's ramp. Davina develops a crush on Sterling and takes several photographs of him with her camera. Eventually, Sterling crosses paths with Davina and they introduce each other. Sterling requests that they meet again the next day at a street corner nearby the park. Davina grants his request.

Davina and Sterling spend the next day with each other. As they get to know each other, Davina learns from Sterling that he and his mother left his father as a result of him beating them. Davina and Sterling also confide in each other their mutual desire to be “anywhere but here.” That night, Sterling takes Davina to his abode, located in a slum. There they make out at first, but it gets passionate enough up to the point in which Davina performs fellatio on Sterling. Having lost her virginity, Davina throws up and then goes home. Davina realizes she has fallen in love with Sterling and confesses in private about her sexual episode to Cassidy.

The next evening, Davina returns to Sterling's abode, where a rave is taking place. There, she reunites with Sterling and attempts to seduce him by kissing him and telling him that she missed him. However, Sterling rejects her and implies that their sexual encounter was a casual fling. Davina is heartbroken at first, but Sterling eventually apologizes to her and the two of them pursue a sexual relationship.

After contemplating for some time about being “anywhere but here,” Davina and Sterling make it official by leaving San Francisco and embarking on a road trip together. However, as the two of them spend more time together, they start to become truculent at each other, particularly when Davina compares Sterling to his father. At one point, Davina suggests that they head back to San Francisco, but Sterling feels intent that they carry on with their journey.

One night, Davina and Sterling spend the night squatting in a motel room. Davina asks Sterling if he really likes her or if it's just temporary, but he doesn't answer and says she's beautiful. While playing around with each other in bed, Sterling suddenly gets angrily defensive toward Davina after she slaps him. He threatens her to never hit him again and assaults her as a warning. The next day, Davina and Sterling go to a barn where she tells him she wants to go home. Sterling, in response, suffers a mental breakdown and Davina attempts to comfort him out of guilt. They make out once more and have one last sexual encounter. Their relationship comes to a standstill and Davina returns home to her mother via a car ride from Cassidy.

The Lovers (2017 film)

Mary (Debra Winger) and Michael (Tracy Letts) are a married couple. They live together, but are estranged from one another. They are both having long-standing extramarital affairs—she with Robert (Aidan Gillen) and he with Lucy (Melora Walters). Their lovers have both emphatically demanded they break up the marriage and Mary and Michael have vowed that they will do so after a visit from their son, Joel (Tyler Ross), and his new girlfriend, Erin (Jessica Sula).

This plan goes awry, however, when an early-morning kiss between Mary and Michael leads to sex. They find themselves falling in love again and having passionate sexual encounters. Simultaneously, their respective lovers become more and more needy and demanding, which makes them less appealing to Mary and Michael.

On the train to see his parents, Joel warns Erin that their marriage is a failed one and that his parents are horrible people. He is immediately tense and wary when he enters their house, but is surprised to find his parents acting lovingly toward one another. He begins to think they may have changed.

Mary's and Michael's lovers become increasingly agitated. Robert is the first to confront his rival, telling Michael in a grocery store that Mary is going to leave him. Then, Lucy approaches Mary in her car and hisses at her. These confrontations cause the renewed rapport between Mary and Michael and their son to fall apart. Mary leaves the house for several hours and cries in her car. Joel's anger boils over and he punches a hole in a wall.

When Mary returns to the house, Joel storms out, after crying in Erin's arms. Mary and Michael do not appear to be upset with each other, but the next scene shows them packing their belongings to depart the house. Following scenes show Mary at Robert's house and Michael at Lucy's.

However, the film ends with Michael phoning Mary and telling her, "I can't stop thinking about you."

Pablo & Jessica

In order to preserve La Colonia's dwindling oxycodone supplies, Nick proposes to Alejandro that they trick the Los Hermanos gang by secretly diluting it with powdered milk, producing a greater quantity of weaker medication, buying the community more time before they run out. Alejandro is impressed with Nick's ingenuity and accepts him fully into the community by providing him with his own house. When Nick notices a wound on Alejandro's shoulder, he explains to Nick that he has been bitten by an infected but did not turn, which he believes to be a sign from God that he and his community are destined to inherit the Earth. Nick remains skeptical, but does not voice his doubts. Later that afternoon, one of the community's scouts returns and reports that Luciana's brother Pablo has been killed; Luciana is shocked at the news, and is comforted by Nick, strengthening the bond between them. That night, Luciana visits Nick, and they both begin to kiss.

Back at the hotel, Madison and Strand are shown to have escaped the hotel bar when the horde of undead swarmed the hotel, with the two of them remaining together until reuniting with Alicia and Elena. The four of them decide to meet with Oscar, the leader of the group of vengeful hotel survivors, and manage to negotiate a truce. Oscar's group and Madison's group work together to begin the job of clearing the hotel of undead. They begin by going room to room, floor by floor, but Alicia comes up with a more efficient idea of luring all of the infected off the hotel's pier and into the ocean, where the riptide current will carry them away. Despite the risk, they decide to try her plan, which they execute successfully, ridding the hotel of undead. That night, while the survivors celebrate, Strand goes to talk privately with Oscar, who is still mourning the death of his wife, who was killed in the ballroom when Elena locked the wedding guests inside. Oscar reveals that Jessica's reanimated corpse is inside one of the hotel rooms, as he wasn't able to bring himself to euthanize her. Strand comforts Oscar and convinces him to finally let his wife go; a tearful Oscar gives Strand the key to the hotel room, and Strand enters to finish her off.

Pillar of Salt (Fear the Walking Dead)

Ofelia, having left the hotel to live on her own, takes the group's truck and departs the hotel. She briefly stops at a restaurant where she had previously spent time with her fiancé William before the apocalypse, and reminisces, before getting back into the truck and driving towards the United States.

At the hotel, now rid of all undead, the survivors begin fortifying and repairing the building. Ilene, the mother of Oscar's late wife, seeks vengeance against Strand for putting down her undead daughter; she stabs Strand in an attempt to kill him. The wound is not fatal, though it requires medicine that the survivors do not have. Madison and Elena offer to drive to Tijuana to obtain the medicine from a grocery store; the same one that La Colonia trades with. At the store, Madison and Elena arrive to trade, where she overhears one of the Los Hermanos members interrogating Francisco, one of La Colonia's scouts who deserted the community with his family. Madison overhears them describe Nick's appearance and believes he may be nearby; she asks about his whereabouts, but does not receive an answer. Angered at her interruptions, the Los Hermanos order her and Elena to leave with their medicine. Upon returning to the hotel, Madison is now convinced that Nick is somewhere in the area, and desperately turns on the hotel lights - against everybody's wishes - in hopes of attracting his attention. Alicia convinces her to shut off the lights, and reveals that she is frustrated at both Nick's decision to abandon their family, and Madison's lack of appreciation at her own decision to stick with the group. Madison shuts off the lights and makes amends with Alicia, reassuring her that she does appreciate her decision. From a distance, Travis sees the hotel lights when they briefly turn on, and begins to head towards them.

Meanwhile, in La Colonia, Nick and Luciana are awoken by the news of Francisco's desertion. With the community losing scouts at an increasing rate, Alejandro is worried the community might collapse, and forbids anybody from leaving, even for supply runs. Nick grows concerned, since they were supposed to make a trade with Los Hermanos later that day, and he worries that they will try to attack the community if they don't get what they want, though Alejandro remains unconcerned. While patrolling the perimeter, Nick's worries are confirmed when he spots some Los Hermanos members spying on the community from a distance.

Date of Death (Fear the Walking Dead)

A large number of survivors who had seen the hotel's lights come on flock to the hotel gates, demanding to be let in, but the hotel survivors refuse to grant them entry. Suddenly, Madison spots Travis among the crowd and lets him inside, asking him what has happened in the time since their separation.

It is shown that, after Chris shot and killed the farmer, Travis tried to treat the wounds of James, the tourist who was shot in the leg by the farmer; he also buries the farmer's body next to his family's graves. That night, Travis tries to warn Chris that the tourists should not be trusted, but Chris rebuffs him. After staying on the farm for a week, the tourists decide to leave for San Diego in spite of Travis' warnings that the city has been burned to the ground. However, because James still hasn't fully recovered, his injuries prevent him from being moved, delaying the plans of leaving. When he overhears the others consider killing James, Travis steals Chris' gun to protect him. James tells Travis that he and his friends made a pact to ensure none of them would turn, explaining that he even killed a fourth member of their group who was bitten by one of the undead. He grows concerned that his friends will kill him under the misguided belief that it will be a mercy killing as well, since they believe he is dying and want to leave for San Diego soon; Travis promises not to let the others kill him.

That night, Chris arrives to deliver food and pretends to make amends with Travis, but it is quickly revealed to be a distraction, allowing the other two tourists, Brandon and Derek, to ambush Travis and murder James. The following morning, Chris and the tourists plan to leave for San Diego but refuse to take Travis with them; despite his pleas for Chris to stay, Chris leaves with the remaining two tourists. Travis is left all alone at the barn, until he eventually decides to head south, walking for two days until he spotted the hotel's lights.

In the present, Travis laments to Madison how he failed to take care of Chris and regrets that he never told him he loved him before parting ways. Shaken by Travis's story, Madison begins to grow more appreciative of Alicia's commitment to stay with her; she decides to tell this to Alicia. While the two embrace, Madison also tearfully reveals to Alicia that her father's car crash was not accidental, but was actually suicide; she had simply told Alicia and Nick that it was an accident to spare them. Despite being heartbroken at this news, Alicia thanks Madison for telling her. That night, the hotel survivors decide to let in the other survivors of the gates, offering them supplies and medical treatment. More survivors from around arrive at the hotel, and among them are Brandon and Derek.

Wrath (Fear the Walking Dead)

Ofelia continues her journey to the US border, where she encounters a man who initially shoots at her, but, upon realizing she is unarmed, approaches and welcomes her to the United States.

In La Colonia, Nick and another scout, Reynaldo, disobey Alejandro's request and attempt to make the planned trade with the Los Hermanos gang. Upon arriving at the store, however, they are told by the gang's leader, Marco, that their trade deal is no longer necessary, as they have grown tired of the delays from La Colonia and have found a new supplier of oxycodone. He also reveals that his men have figured out the location and entry points for La Colonia; he tells Nick and Reynaldo that he plans to take over their community, and orders them to warn all the community members that they must leave the community by the end of the day, or be killed by Los Hermanos. To demonstrate his resolve, Marco shows Nick the corpses of Francisco and his family.

Reynaldo and Nick return to La Colonia and warn Alejandro and Luciana about the impending attack. Nick begs Luciana to leave with him, but Luciana is still adamant in Alejandro's ability to protect them. Frustrated, Nick forces Alejandro to admit to her that he is not actually immune to the infection, and that his story about being bit by an undead and surviving was a lie. At Nick's prompting, he also reveals that he was actually bitten by an undead in the infirmary earlier that day, meaning he only has a short amount of time to survive. Despite feeling betrayed at the realization that her faith in Alejandro was based on a lie, Luciana still refuses to leave with Nick, asserting that La Colonia is her home and she will fight to protect it.

Back at the hotel, Brandon and Derek are let inside after arriving at the gates. While assessing their medical state, Madison recognizes them based on Travis' description of the people who left with Chris. She overhears them discussing a third group member who died shortly before they arrived at the hotel; she deduces they must be referring to Chris. She tells this to Strand, and the two of them agree not to tell Travis, since the discovery of Chris' death would crush any hope he has left. Throughout the day, Brandon and Derek's obnoxious behavior begins to anger the rest of the survivors, and Madison prepares to evict the two from the hotel, but Travis suddenly notices them and asks them what happened to Chris. They tell him that Chris accidentally crashed their truck and was killed by the impact, but inconsistencies in their stories lead Travis to conclude that Chris was merely injured in the crash, and that the two of them killed him themselves. After viciously beating them, they admit that Travis is correct and they did kill Chris, though this only enrages Travis further, causing him to beat them both to death and severely injuring Oscar when he tries to intervene, while Madison watches on in horror.

North (Fear the Walking Dead)

Following Travis beating and killing Derek and Brandon and severely injuring Oscar, other members of the hotel survivors apprehend him and keep him in custody. Oscar suffers a severe head injury due to Travis and is taken to be treated by the hotel's medic Andrés, who is also Oscar's brother. Since Travis had violated the community's rule prohibiting any violence against other survivors, Strand warns Madison that Travis will likely be exiled by the rest of the hotel, and he advises against defending Travis out of fear of being exiled themselves. Alicia proposes that, instead of having Travis exiled, the four of them leave the hotel voluntarily and find a different place to live; Madison is hesitant but eventually agrees, but Strand refuses and insists that he will stay. Madison proposes the deal to Elena, who agrees to allow them to stay for the night and leave at dawn, despite Hector's protests. That night, however, Oscar succumbs to his head injury and dies; enraged, Hector, Andrés, and several of the hotel survivors break into Travis' room and attack him. When Andrés attempts to shoot him, Alicia fatally stabs him; Strand picks up his gun and the remaining hotel survivors flee. Strand, Travis, Madison, and Alicia all retreat to the parking lot and hot wire a car to escape, but Strand hands Madison the gun and insists they leave without him. The three of them reluctantly drive off.

Meanwhile, in La Colonia, Luciana prompts Alejandro to continue pretending to be immune from the infection in order to maintain the community's faith. At her prompting, he delivers a speech to the community members asserting that they should defend their homes against the impending Los Hernandos attack. Not wanting to get caught in the upcoming attack, Nick quietly leaves the community, but he is surprised to see a helicopter in the distance land at a camp on the American side of the border. Believing that the camp may serve as a way to avoid fighting, he returns to La Colonia and informs Alejandro. He convinces Alejandro that, instead of his community watching him succumb to the infection, he can maintain his legacy by serving as a distraction to allow the rest of the community to escape and head north. The following morning, Marco and the Los Hermanos arrive outside La Colonia and pass through the undead-barrier, but find the community to be abandoned. Unbeknownst to them, Alejandro was hiding near the entrance; he breaks open the community's improvised gate, allowing the infected to enter and overwhelming Marco and his men, killing them.

After leaving the hotel, Madison suggests that she, Alicia, and Travis should go to the store where she overheard some gang members talking about someone she believed to be Nick. Upon arriving, they discover it to be entirely empty, but they find the bodies of Francisco and his family. They search the bodies and discover the location of La Colonia. They drive to La Colonia and discover it to be devoid of any people and filled only with the undead, however Alicia discovers Alejandro, conscious but barely alive. Madison asks if he knows Nick, and he tells them that Nick went to the border, before succumbing to the infection and dying.

Having evacuated La Colonia, Nick and Luciana lead their group towards the camp that he spotted earlier. Upon arriving at the border, they catch sight of the helicopter again, before they are suddenly ambushed by another armed group. Several survivors are killed and most of the rest flee, but Nick and Luciana are captured and knocked unconscious.

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1984 video game)

The game has no real narrative. The introduction simply places the player in the role of an unnamed explorer who must delve into a subterranean labyrinth to locate 11 hidden treasures and return them to the surface.

Supreme Sanction

A secret government unit, Section Alpha, leads an enemy pilot to attack army helicopters during a patrol, killing a female soldier. A television reporter investigates to uncover the truth but the unit wants him killed too, so it sends a skilled assassin. She deliberately misfires a shot when she sees him with his daughter, making her Alpha's next target, as she recalls the fatal hits on a general who has known all about the attack. After saving his life, she joins him to fight back.

Armed and Dangerous (1977 film)

Events taking place at the end of the 19th century in the Wild West in America. The plot — the complex vicissitudes of life of hard workers — a prospector Gabriel Conroy. Having found oil on his land, he knows happiness and disappointment, and danger, and despair.

Skyers 5

The Skyers 5 are a secret police group who fight an international crime organization.

Cronaca nera

A mob boss (Gino Cervi) wanted by the police takes refuge at the home of his unsuspecting associate's (Andrea Checchi) honest family, aiming to regroup his gang again when the time is right. In the process, he falls in love with his associate’s sister (María Denis) and decides to go straight.

The Green Ring

Finochka, an emotionally disturbed 16-year-old expelled from a gymnasium for violent behaviour, lives in Saratov with Elena Ivanovna, her neurasthenic mother, slowly recuperating after a botched suicide attempt.

She arrives at Moscow (with her mother who needs medical treatment) and visits her father Vozhzhin in his place which he shares with a middle-aged journalist friend Uncle Mika. The latter has no place of his own, "has lost interest in life" and now seeks solace in co-hosting a circle of schoolchildren, friends of Seryozha (the son of Vozhzhin's female partner Anna Dmitriyevna who lives next door) and his own niece Rusya, calling themselves The Green Ring. Finochka arranges for her parents' meeting, Vozhzhin is determined now that the girl should live with him.

The boys and girls of the Green Ring are engaged in earnest (even not entirely congruous) discussions, trying to find their own ways to sort out their future. Determined to break up with the corrupt world they live in, they decide they should be 'lenient' and 'merciful' towards the old and will build up their own new world having taken from the past only things that matter.

Finochka, shaken by the scandal given her by jealous Elena Ivanovna who hates the idea of being left alone (and whose 'suicide' now appears to be more like a 'botched fake', intended to draw sympathy from her ex-husband) is eagerly accepted by the Ring. Its members are now keen to help out of the domestic hell the girl who is now in such a bad way that she steals her mother's revolver, even if still being unsure, apparently, as to how she's going to use it. More distress is caused when Vozhzhin tells Anna Dmitriyevna that's he is through with her, while the girl is shocked to learn that her father has a lover who lives next door.

Finally, the Ring hits upon a radical solution for Finochka's troubles: she is to enter the marriage of convenience with Uncle Mika, her father's flatmate. This way she will be able to stay with her dad, attend regularly the meetings of the Green Ring (which she's turned dependent on, too) and bring her own mother in too, so that she won't be left alone.

Uncle Mika, slowly succumbing to his young friends' scheme, is torn by conflicting emotions. Marveling at how his teenage friends have decided his fate for him, he still wonders if this new generation of 'idealists' whom he'd been doting on (and always expressed his desire to be 'useful' to), haven't turned a bit too pragmatic for his liking, by inventing for him such a peculiar 'use'.

Creep 2

A prolific serial killer, using the name "Aaron" after a previous victim, finds himself dissatisfied with his killings and undergoing a midlife crisis. When his latest ad for a videographer lures YouTuber Sara to his remote cabin, Aaron changes his approach by admitting he is a serial killer who will let Sara live for the next 24 hours if she records a documentary on his life. Sara, doubting his revelation, agrees to film Aaron in the hope that the video will popularize her unsuccessful web series about eccentric Craigslist clients.

Over the course of the day, Aaron struggles to intimidate Sara, who plays along with his various eccentricities. While Sara continues to doubt that Aaron is a serial killer, Aaron informs her that he intends to conclude the documentary by having her kill him. He eventually manages to horrify Sara by staging a suicide attempt, which almost causes her to leave. However, after Aaron reveals that his life was not in danger, she remains to hear Aaron share intimate details about himself, culminating in the two sharing a kiss.

Aaron brings Sara outside to announce that the documentary will end with them committing suicide together. Sara attempts to escape when she sees Aaron stab himself in the stomach, but Aaron stabs her and drags her into an open grave he dug. As Aaron gives a closing monologue, a still-alive Sara emerges from the grave and strikes him in the back of the head with a shovel before fleeing.

Afterwards, Sara is recorded in public by an unidentified individual whistling a tune heard in Aaron's videos. When Sara notices the individual filming her, the camera abruptly cuts away.

The Dance of Death (1948 film)

An egocentric artillery Captain and his venomous wife engage in savage unremitting battles in their isolated island fortress off the coast of Sweden at the turn of the century. Alice, a former actress who sacrificed her career for secluded military life with Edgar, reveals on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, the veritable hell their marriage has been. Edgar, an aging schizophrenic who refuses to acknowledge his severe illness, struggles to sustain his ferocity and arrogance with an animal disregard for other people. Sensing that Alice, together with her cousin and would-be lover, Kurt, may ally against him, retaliates with vicious force. Alice lures Kurt into the illusion of sharing a passionate assignation and recruits him in a plot to destroy Edgar.

Ben 10 (2016 TV series)

Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation. When Ben finds the Omnitrix, a mysterious watch that transforms him into 10 different aliens, a world of extraterrestrial superpowers opens up to him. The series is produced by Cartoon Network Studios and created and executive produced by Man of Action Entertainment (''Big Hero 6'', ''Generator Rex'' and the original four ''Ben 10'' shows in their shared continuity), with John Fang (''Mixels'', ''Generator Rex'') on board as supervising producer.

Season 1 (2017)

Ten-year-old Ben Tennyson has spent his summer vacation traveling across the country with his cousin Gwen and Grandpa Max, in an RV nicknamed the Rustbucket. However, after coming across a strange high-tech watch known as the Omnitrix, which enables him to transform into 10 alien heroes, he finds himself in the position of a superhero. At each place his family stops, Ben goes from trying to find a source of entertainment to doing battle against supervillains such as the mad scientist Dr. Animo, the dark sorcerer Hex, the psychotic clown Zombozo, the technology-loathing Steam Smythe, the emotionless Weatherheads, amongst other threats both big and small. Despite having lots to learn, he hones his hero skills with Gwen and Max's help.

While battling one of Animo's mutant creations during a trip to Portland, Ben unlocks an 11th alien he names Gax, a Chimera Sui Generis with laser vision and great strength. However, unlocking this form seems to have an odd effect on the Omnitrix, leaving him unable to control his transformations. To determine the source of this issue, Max calls in his old friend Phil. Ben finds himself under attack from three alien bounty hunters: Tetrax, Kraab, and Sixsix. While he's able to fend them off, he meets a mysterious aged Chimera Sui Generis calling himself "Vil", who trains Ben to use Gax's powers. However, it turns out "Vil" and Gax are the two halves of the alien conqueror Vilgax, who absorbs Gax's power to restore himself to full strength. The bounty hunter trio were hired to prevent Vilgax from reforming and thus team up with Ben to prevent Vilgax from destroying the Omnitrix. However, Vilgax wins this battle, dispatching the hunters and leaving Ben rapidly changing between his alien forms and unable to return to human form.

Vilgax intends to use lava from Mount Megalodon to recharge his ship and restart his conquering spree. Ben, regardless of his current state, engages Vilgax in battle; while initially hampered by his inability to predict which form he'll become next, Ben is able to turn the tides and defeat Vilgax by using Upgrade to upgrade the Omnitrix, supposedly sacrificing the Galvanic Mechamorph.

Season 2 (2018)

The Tennysons continue to visit some of America's greatest tourist spots, as Ben continues to take his hero career to new heights. As his enemies grow stronger, Ben is aided by the appearance of new "Omni-Enhanced" versions of his alien forms, who possess a strange blue energy that packs a major punch in battle. He also has unlocked a new alien hero whom he dubs "Shock Rock", who is composed of the same blue energy.

Meanwhile, Vilgax, still seeking a method to escape Earth, forms alliances with some of Ben's enemies to harness the Omnitrix's power. Team Tennyson make it their mission to defeat Vilgax and stop his devious machinations from seeing light.

However, following a battle with Vilgax's war-bot, Ben learns that his new forms are a sign of a bigger threat. Shock Rock is a Fulmini, whose DNA pod replaced Upgrade following his sacrifice. The Fulmini Empire and their leader, the High Override, have been manipulating Ben to invade Earth and use the Omnitrix as a gateway. Ben and Vilgax team up, entering the Omnitrix and allying with Glitch, a fusion between Ben and Upgrade's DNA. Though the High Override banishes Vilgax to the Null Void and turns Ben into his mind controlled warrior, Team Tennyson are able to free Ben from his control and purge the Fulmini from the Omnitrix, causing it to reboot. Glitch survives the reboot by escaping the Omnitrix, joining the family.

Season 3 (2019)

After a serious battle with the High Override, Glitch merges with the Rustbuggy and becomes part of the Tennyson family. Ben gets frustrated when the Omnitrix reboots for a week, but it activates just as the Tennyson family is about to do some world traveling. Phil has created a helicopter called the "Omni-Copter" for the Tennyson Trio so they can travel around the world. Ben also gains access to three new aliens: Rath, Slapback, and Humungosaur, who replace Grey Matter, Overflow, and Wildvine. With Vilgax in the Null Void, Ben has a new enemy to fight: Kevin Levin, who has a variant of the Omnitrix called the Antitrix that gives him access to altered versions of Ben's aliens. Meanwhile, a mysterious villain called the Forever Knight gathers several of Ben's villains to help him go back in time and prevent aliens from making contact Earth.

Throughout the season, the Forever Knight tests Team Tennyson's enemies to determine those he needs for this goal: the final roster consists of Kevin, Charmcaster, Vin Ethanol, Billy Billions, Simon Sez, and a disillusioned Ben. Kevin, angry at the Forever Knight for discarding him during their plan's final stage, teams up with Gwen to help Ben prevent the Forever Knight from altering history. In the end, both Kevin and the Knight end up trapped in the void within time and space.

Ben and Gwen make it back to the present and head back to America aboard the Omni-Copter alongside Grandpa Max, Phil, Vin, and Simon, the latter two being convinced to join Team Tennyson. Also, Billy and Charmcaster get taken into custody, and the Forever Knight's helmet emerges from the portal on its own.

Season 4 (2020)

In the start of Season 4, Ben unlocks the "Omni-Kix" feature on the Omnitrix, thus giving his aliens robotic armor; and later unlocks the alien Jetray, who replaces Stinkfly. He also reunites and occasionally teams up with a reluctant Kevin 11, following his surprising return from the time tunnel Forever Knight was trapped in. Ben also unlocks news aliens such as Way Big and Goop with the help of a Galvan named Azmuth.

Specials (2021)

'''Ben 10,000'''

In an Alternate Future, an alien horde known as the Xerge attacks the Earth, forcing President Gwen to bring her retired cousin, Ben 10,000 out of retirement to fight this invasion. In response, Ben 10,000 travels back in time to recruit his younger self to fight alongside them.

'''Ben Gen 10'''

As Ben finds out his summer vacation is beginning to end, he meets Generator Rex, a E.V.O (Exponentially Variegated Organism) with the power to create machines from his body and control technology, and his friend Bobo Haha, an E.V.O. monkey. When a fight breaks out between them, Rex accidentally damages the Omnitrix, which begins leaking out all of its DNA storages, turning humans into aliens. Hex begins to control them with his powers, while the agency Providence plans to eliminate them all, so Ben and Rex must work together to repair the Omnitrix and restore everyone back to normal.

'''Alien X-Tinction'''

The Tennyson family is attacked by a dimensional-hopping alien named Alien X, who has been going around other worlds and stealing the Omnitrices of their respective Bens. An alternate version of Max shows up to help them, along with alternate universe counterparts of Ben and Gwen, who team up to stop Alien X from taking over the Multiverse.

C'est beau la vie quand on y pense

Loïc Le Tallec, a former rally driver, who had a minor hit in the 1980s now in his sixties, vegetate as a salesman in a car dealership. When his teenage son suddenly disappears behind the wheel of his car, Loïc is devastated by this tragedy. He also learns that his son has donated his heart, and goes in search of the one who received this gift, which will prove to be an explosive encounter for Loïc.

Paradox (2016 film)

NSA agents Vukovich and Traxler observe a group of scientists outside a warehouse. Vukovich identifies them as William Wishman, an arrogant researcher expelled from M.I.T.; Lewis Aberricki, a technician whose drunken accident left him reliant on a wheelchair; Randy Fraker, a brilliant astrophysicist; Jim and Gale, who are dating; and their mysterious boss, Mr. Landau. Vukovich says an undercover agent has infiltrated the group but has revealed little information.

The team has invented a time machine. Landau upsets Jim's teammates by selecting him as the first test subject. To dissuade Landau, Aberricki, Wishman, and Fraker privately ridicule Jim's importance. Landau says this makes Jim a better prospect because he is expendable. Abbericki records the entire conversation. Meanwhile, Jim tells Gale that his father was a compulsive gambler who died poor, a fate he will do anything to avoid.

At 11pm, Jim is sent an hour into the future. He finds the lab in disarray and a decapitated body. While searching for survivors, Jim finds Aberricki mortally wounded. Aberricki hands Jim his camera and dies. Gale screams in the distance, but Jim is too late to stop someone from pulling her into an elevator. Jim retreats to the time machine and returns seconds after his departure. Outside the warehouse, Vukovich orders a team to assault the warehouse, but an electrical malfunction leaves the elevator to the lab temporarily inoperable.

Jim's teammates disbelieve his story. Aberricki works to access the camera, and Wishman leaves with a pistol to investigate the future. Within seconds, his head is sent back. Now panicking, the scientists discuss sending someone to warn themselves in the past, but Fraker says this could cause a causality paradox. Aberricki accesses footage on the camera, which plays the recorded session where Jim's teammates trash him. Embarrassed, they apologize. Later footage on the camera shows their discovery of Fraker's corpse. Freaked out, Fraker agrees to send himself to the past. Fraker is murdered before he can convince anyone of the danger.

A masked assailant attacks Jim with a knife. Gale fights the assailant off, revealing herself as an NSA agent. Feeling betrayed, Jim accuses her of using him, but she insists they focus on identifying the assailant. Suspicion falls upon Landau when he turns up wielding a knife, though he denies being the assailant. In his briefcase, they find a disc that indicates he is from the future. Landau says someone named Max Devlin sent him the disc, which contains information he used to make a fortune in the past. Landau believes Devlin to possibly be an alias created by a future version of himself. Landau needed them to create this prototype time machine, which he says causes brain damage, before he could perfect a safer version. Believing Jim to be an NSA spy, Landau forced him to be the test subject. Enraged, Jim savagely beats Landau.

Depressed that everything has happened according to the footage from the future, Aberricki resigns himself to his death; after stabbing Aberricki, the masked assailant sets Landau free. Jim goes to the time machine to meet Wishman, who is due to arrive. Landau and Jim attempt to convince Wishman of each other's guilt; eventually, Jim disarms Wishman, and Landau sends Wishman's head into the past. The masked assailant reveals himself as a future version of Jim who is missing an eye. Stunned, Jim denies that he could kill anyone, but the future Jim says he resents his teammates, Landau, and Gale. Now believing Jim to be Devlin, Landau insists they are working together. Future Jim kills Landau; horrified, Gale attempts to convince Jim that he can fight this fate. When this seems to fail, Gale puts out one of his eyes. Growing increasingly resentful, Jim agrees to murder his teammates.

The version of Jim from 11pm sees his future self kidnap Gale and flee to the elevator, which the NSA agents have repaired. Jim's future self attempts to take the disc from Gale, but she kills him. When the NSA agents rescue her, she reveals her real name is Maxine Devlin, and she handles the disc thoughtfully.

The Devil's Candy

Late at night in a countryside house, Raymond Smilie hears an ominous voice. He reacts by playing his red Flying V loudly in front of a crucifix. His mother enters his room and unplugs the guitar. When Ray awkwardly explains he plays to avoid hearing "Him," she says he needs to return to the mental hospital. Ray continues to hear the voice and kills her. Shortly after, a man enters the house and sees the dead woman.

Some time later, the house is sold to Jesse Hellman, a struggling painter, his wife Astrid and their daughter Zooey. The real estate agent says that the woman who lived there died when she fell down the stairs, and her husband killed himself out of despair. Elsewhere, Ray checks into a motel. He listens to tapes preaching about the Devil, and plays his guitar. When a noise complaint brings a police officer to his room, Ray stops playing.

After settling into the house, Jesse starts hearing the same voices as Ray. Inspired, he paints a black and white painting based on an upside down cross motif. Jesse later approaches Belial, an art gallery whose owner Leonard previously turned away his portfolio. At his insistence, the receptionist looks at the scan of the painting and appears pleased. One evening, Ray shows up and has a brief conversation with Zooey, who tells him she would love to have a Flying V. Ray wants to enter the house, but an angry Jesse turns him away.

The next morning, Zooey and Jesse find Ray's Flying V outside their house, but Jesse refuses to let her keep it. Elsewhere, Ray kidnaps a boy. He carries the boy to a motel room, dismembers his body and puts the chopped up parts in a suitcase. Ray buries the boy in a hole already filled with several suitcases. Meanwhile, Jesse defaces a commissioned butterfly mural he had been working on, transforming it into a new painting with distorted faces of children - including the one Ray killed. Immersed in his work, he forgets to pick up Zooey at school, and to appease her, he lets her keep Ray's guitar. Jesse keeps working on the painting, which depicts the children's heads being devoured by a black creature and adds Zooey being burned alive. He tells a horrified Astrid that he feels the children inside him screaming to be let out.

At night, Ray sneaks into Zooey's bedroom. He covers her mouth and explains that "He" wants her, but Ray is trying to avoid hurting her. Zooey breaks his grip and screams, alerting Astrid and Jesse, but Ray flees. The Hellmans go to the police, who suggest they change the locks.

The next day, Leonard arrives to see Jesse's latest work. Pleased with the painting, Leonard offers to become his patron, with the privileges it brings. Jesse cuts the meeting short in order to rush to pick up Zooey at school, but he gets a flat tire and runs to the school to find Zooey missing. In Ray's motel bathroom, Zooey is tied up with duct tape. Ray tells Zooey that he can no longer resist "Him," and that "He" considers her "the sweetest candy." While Ray prepares to kill her, Zooey frees herself and escapes. The Hellmans are reunited at the police station. The police tell Jesse of Ray's murderous history as a child. Ray had explained that he served the Devil and that the murdered children were "His candy". The Hellmans are escorted home, and two police officers are stationed outside the house, with the intention of placing them under witness protection.

Jesse contemplates in his studio and eventually destroys the mural. Meanwhile, Ray kills the officers and takes a gun from one of them. Ray breaks into the house and shoots Jesse and Astrid. He drags Zooey outside to retrieve a gasoline canister before bringing her to her room, dousing the floor, and setting it on fire. Astrid wakes Jesse up and the two leave the house. Jesse climbs through Zooey's bedroom window and fights Ray, whose eyes glow eerily as he catches on fire. Jesse bludgeons Ray to death with his own guitar.

Jesse gets Zooey outside safely. He is drawn to a spot near the house, where he finds the suitcases with the children's bodies that Ray had buried. As the sun rises, Jesse looks to the sky, smiles, and starts to cry.

Brain Breaker

The player's spaceship crash lands on a mysterious alien planet, whose inhabitants have seemingly vanished. The player, starting with no possessions other than a radio, must venture into the wilderness to find equipment, items, etc., in order to discover the planet's true nature.

Woody Woodpecker (2017 film)

In the Pine Grove forest in Washington, an anthropomorphic woodpecker named Woody detects two taxidermist poachers, brothers Nate and Ottis Grimes, and eventually causes them to tranquilize each other. When they come to, the Grimes plan to capture and sell him to make money. In Seattle, Lance Walters, a real estate lawyer, gets fired after a video of him claiming wildlife conservation is unprofitable goes viral. He tells his glamorous girlfriend Vanessa that he intends to build an investment home on a large piece of property located near the Canadian border, left to him by his grandfather. Meanwhile, Lance's ex-wife Linda leaves their son Tommy with him and Vanessa, since she needs to care for her hospitalized father in Philadelphia.

At the Pine Grove forest, Lance, Tommy, and Vanessa meet the park ranger named Samantha Bartlett. As Lance and Vanessa unpack, Tommy goes into the forest for a walk. There, he discovers and befriends Woody after he gives him peanut butter cookies. Woody visits the family at lunchtime and eats almost all of the food. Lance tries to shoo Woody away, but he accidentally wrecks the table and hits Vanessa in the face with a broom. The next morning, construction on the investment home begins, prompting an angered Woody to cause chaos at the site. Later, in a nearby town, Tommy befriends a young musician named Jill, who persuades him to join her band in the annual Firefly Festival. Tommy is then saved from two bullies by Woody.

As days pass, Lance grows more frustrated because of Woody's constant destruction of his project, and he goes to confront Samantha at the ranger station. She reveals that the woodpecker is an endangered species known as a pileated red-crowned woodpecker, which was thought to be extinct for 100 years and Native Americans saw as a god of mischief and chaos. Lance continues with his work, but Vanessa leaves him after Woody blows up their RV with her inside as a prank. Samantha advises Lance to make peace with Woody. Lance attempts to surrender to Woody by giving him cookies, Woody agrees to let him and the workers continue with their construction, as long as he is given food every day. Eventually, the investment home is completed despite excessive payment and extended scheduling.

At the town's Firefly Festival, Tommy and Jill's drummer Lyle comes down with food poisoning, prompting Woody to take over using a homemade drum kit. The performance is a success, and Lance is delighted to hear that Woody gave Tommy support. Concluding that having humans around again isn't a bad thing, Woody heads back to the investment home and carves a mural above the fireplace. However, as he signs his name into the carving, he accidentally burns the house down after hitting exposed wiring. Horrified by his mistake, he flies back to his tree. Thnking Woody was luring him into a false sense of security and furious that he would do this when he was just starting to like him, Lance hires Nate and Ottis to hunt him down. The brothers find him, cut down his tree and tase him unconscious. As they leave, Tommy castigates his father for his actions and runs away. He then forms a plan to rescue Woody and heads to Grimes' shack with Jill and Lyle, as the brothers try to sell Woody at an online black market auction.

Lance finds the mural that Woody had created. Realizing his mistake, he enlists Samantha's help and they set out to find both Tommy and Woody. However, everyone is captured by the brothers. As Nate grabs a tranquilizer, Lance tilts his cage towards Woody's so he can free him. After attacking the brothers, Woody chases them as they attempt to flee to Canada. He carves a hole in the middle of the bridge, and the brothers fall into the river below, where they are later arrested. Later, Lance apologizes to Woody for not knowing that the house fire was an accident and therefore replaces Woody's cut-down tree with a birdhouse. Woody accepts both the gift and the group as his surrogate family. That night, as Lance and Tommy fall asleep in a tent, Woody carves the words "Home Sweet Home" into the new birdhouse, only to accidentally make it collapse onto the tent. As a bonus post-credit sequence, the Woody Woodpecker cartoon ''Niagara Fools'' is presented.

Sekigahara (film)

After brief flash-forwards both to the morning of the battle as well as to the present day, Toyotomi Hideyoshi meets a young temple acolyte, "Sakichi", and recruits him into his service after being impressed with him. Sakichi, who is Ishida Mitsunari, gains wealth and prestige in his new master's service, and eventually is granted a large domain. Hideyoshi unifies most of Japan and takes the title of taikō, but also grows erratic in his old age. He orders a series of expensive invasions of Korea where they were utterly defeated by the Koreans, bankrupting the nobles, and also orders the execution of his heir, the regent, as well as the entire family of his heir, including their women and children. Dismayed at this unjust act, Mitsunari pleads for mercy, but fails to move Hideyoshi's heart. After the maids of the to-be-executed Princess who had been engaged to marry the heir fight back, Mitsunari spares them; admiring their spirit, he recruits one of them, a ninja known as Hatsume, into his service. Mitsunari discusses the matter with his friend Ōtani Yoshitsugu, and also meets the respected samurai Shima Sakon and his wife Hanano. He recruits Sakon into his service as his chief adviser by promising to rule with justice once Hideyoshi passes away.

Intrigues continue at court. Mitsunari offends the wily and powerful lord Tokugawa Ieyasu at a temple. Hideyoshi criticizes the conduct of young warrior Kobayakawa Hideaki in Korea; Tokugawa convinces him afterward that Mitsunari was turning Hideyoshi against him. Tokugawa also recruits a group of hot-headed warriors to his side. Hatsume, by direct spying as well as bribes, keeps Mitsunari informed of Tokugawa's actions; meanwhile, Tokugawa directs his chief spy, "Lady Aacha" / White Snake, to eliminate the spies and ninjas that are keeping Mitsunari informed of his activities. The taikō eventually perishes; Mitsunari orders that the death be covered up while arrangements are made and troops retreat from Korea after their complete defeat at the hands of the Korean armies. Hideyoshi's will complicates matters, as the new heir, a young child, must be moved from Kyoto to Osaka Castle - letting Tokugawa rule over Kyoto uncontested, without the rest of the court there to support the heir. Tokugawa seeks to discredit Mitsunari as a rebel and traitor before moving directly against him; the two prepare dueling complaints to be brought before the Council of Regents over the conduct of close allies. Violence is avoided for the time being by the influence of respected neutral Maeda Toshiie.

The situation worsens after Maeda dies. Mitsunari is forced into retreat; he also confesses his love to Hatsume, despite already having a wife and children. Hatsume promises to meet up with him after a mission, but White Snake, who has already ferreted out several traitors, has her forces ambush Hatsume. She is captured and sold into slavery, and never makes it to Mitsunari's new headquarters. Mitsunari, a nearly blind Ōtani Yoshitsugu, and Shima Sakon work to build an alliance against Tokugawa and in favor of their young heir; Tokugawa builds up his own forces. Tokugawa has the edge, however, of functionally holding the families of various potential Toyotomi-loyalist factions hostage by dint of his control of the capital. Mitsunari hopes for the support of two particularly powerful allies: the Uesugi clan, who can strike the Tokugawa from the North and force them to split their forces, as well as the Mōri clan, powerful Southern lords. However, Tokugawa's allied Iga ninjas makes communication and coordination with the Uesugis difficult, and Mōri Terumoto chooses to remain entrenched in his castle, to the frustration of Mitsunari. He notes that if Tokugawa wins, the Mori lands will likely be reduced anyway as the only reward available for Eastern lords.

Before the battle, Mitsunari declines to take advantage of various tactics he considers as possibly blackening the name of his movement, such as utilizing captured members of enemy families as hostages, night attacks, or simply remaining entrenched in castles and letting Tokugawa come to him. Various lords on both sides elect to merely observe and wait as the armies, equipped with matchlock rifles and cannon, attack each other at the Sekigahara crossroads. Shima Sakon is shot, and retreats to the battlefield clinic which Hanao, his wife, runs. One of Mitsunari's allied ninjas attempts to assassinate Tokugawa directly, but is stopped by White Snake, and both of them die. As the battle is in the balance, Kobayakawa Hideaki's aides, many of whom actually work for Tokugawa, manipulate his army to support Tokugawa instead; his anguished cries cannot stop his army from helping swing the tide in Tokugawa's favor. Ōtani Yoshitsugu, who was commanding the section where Hideaki attacked, is slain. Mitsunari declines to commit suicide, and instead flees after ensuring that Hanano and other wounded have escaped. Captured, Mitsunari encourages a distraught and sorrowful Kobayakawa Hideaki. He also sees that Hatsume has survived and escaped to see him one final time.

Sequoia (2014 film)

Riley (Aly Michalka) films her visit with her doctor (Sean Hood) so her absent mother will know Riley has stage 3 oral cancer with a 10% chance of survival.

Riley meets Ogden (Dustin Milligan) on a bus and they both get off near Sequoia National Park. Since her connecting bus won’t arrive for a few hours, he offers to drop her off. Before she exits his car, she kisses him. Ogden wants to see her in the morning but Riley declines since she plans to meet her sister the next day. She goes to her hotel room alone, where she takes a lethal dose of drugs which she also films.

Earlier the same day, Riley’s sister, Van (Sophi Bairley), attempts to sneak out to meet Riley, but she totals the car. Van reluctantly tells their father, Oscar (Todd Lowe), that Riley is in Sequoia with lethal drugs.

Furious, Oscar phones his ex-wife and Riley’s mother, Bev (Joey Lauren Adams), who shows no sympathy towards Riley’s latest “staged drama”. Bev’s new partner, Steve (Demetri Martin), is equally unsympathetic. Steve and Bev, motivated to finalize Oscar and Bev’s divorce papers, agree to drive Oscar and Van to Riley’s location – just after Steve drives them all to his interview first.

Back at the hotel, Riley listens to Van’s voicemail and is upset to learn that Van won't be joining her on her last day.

In the morning, Ogden finds Riley at the hotel’s pool where she shows him the effects of her oral cancer. He stays with her and also obliges to take her to the peak, the ironically named Hanging Rock.

It isn’t until Riley and Ogden reach a blocked road that she reveals to him that she’s taken lethal drugs and is running out of time. This frustrates them both. She steals his car and drives away leaving him behind, but Ogden, having memorized her phone number from earlier, calls and promises that he’ll stay with her until the end wherever she wants to go. Reunited, Riley teaches Ogden how to film her last moments but in doing so, they also film each other exploring and enjoying the park. During a brief rainstorm, they retreat to the car and Ogden plays the mandolin and sings an original song to her.

Afterwards, Ogden films Riley from afar as she approaches the Sherman Tree (General Sherman (tree)), a tree believed to have healing powers. There, she meets Colin (Lou Diamond Phillips), a man with AIDS who prays to the tree, by telling it his disease, why he wants to live, for how many years, and what he promises to do if he gets his wish. Riley doesn't ask for a specific number of years but she does ask to live to help Ogden’s songwriting. Riley then collapses, but Ogden manages to drive her to the peak for her final moments. When Riley’s family arrives, they see Riley peacefully lying on Ogden’s lap.

Riley’s parents watch her videos in a hospital waiting room. Riley wakes up and Van asks her to stick around until Van is at least 18. The film ends with all of Riley’s family bickering, but reunited. While her family bickers, Riley receives a call from Ogden who sings her new lyrics to his song from earlier.

The Lame Dog Man

The title character is Jimmy Carlvon, a young man employed as a Commonwealth employment officer. Carlvon moves among a group of psychologically disturbed people, attempting to rectify problems in others' lives while being totally unable to do anything about this own.

The Fear Merchants

Meadows, a businessman from Birmingham is found incoherently wandering around Wembley Stadium at night. He is the latest in several cases of businessmen found scared out of their minds across the country, which leads to Steed and Peel being called in to investigate. Another businessman, Fox, is soon found in a similar condition after an incident at his gym. Unsure as to what is causing these incidents, Steed and Peel do determine that all the affected men are owners or senior executives at ceramics companies and so visit Crawley and White, Fox's fellow partners at his company. Not long after their meeting, Crawley is kidnapped by someone posing as his driver and is badly injured as a result of erratic driving.

Upon further investigation, Steed and Peel find that Jeremy Raven, the owner of another ceramics company, had written to the executives at the other companies proposing a merger, which was unanimously rejected. Despite the protection of Mrs Peel, White is also affected by someone playing on his fear of birds, the fear being so great that White ends up jumping from a window to his death. This causes Steed to apply more pressure onto Raven, leading him to discover that Raven had hired the Business Efficiency Bureau to support him with the merger bid.

The Business Efficiency Bureau is an organisation headed by Pemberton, focused on ruthlessly helping its clients attain their business goals by working against their competitors. The Chief Scientist, Dr Voss, has developed a questionnaire for targets to answer under the innocent guise of 'market research', thus allowing the Bureau to understand their deepest fears and apply them in practice. The scaring incidents are carried out by Pemberton's enforcer, Gilbert, who had been the one to drive Crawley in the car and attack Mrs Peel in White's office after his death. Raven is horrified to discover what the Bureau has actually been doing and protests that he never meant for them to act so ruthlessly for him. Pemberton dismisses him, leading Raven to try and contact Steed.

The Bureau intercept Raven's call however and dispatches Gilbert to deal with him. Gilbert uses a large spider to frighten Raven into insanity before Steed and Peel can arrive. Realising the role of the Bureau in the attacks, Steed poses as a businessman and meets with Pemberton, Voss and Gilbert to hire them, though a secret lie detector test conducted on Steed during the interview means that the Bureau does not believe his cover story. Steed attempts to break through to Raven in his rare moments of sanity and realises that he suffers from arachnophobia, leading Steed to also work out that the other executives had crippling fears, namely being in wide open spaces for Meadows, mice for Fox, speed for Crawley and birds for White.

Gilbert attempts to kill Steed in a quarry but is unsuccessful. The two men fight and Gilbert ends up crushed by his own excavator. With Gilbert missing, Pemberton and Voss decide to play along with Steed's cover story and kidnap Mrs Peel, whom Steed had identified as the rival to his cover identity. At the Bureau's headquarters, Pemberton demands Steed's whereabouts from Mrs Peel and threatens to use weaknesses from her questionnaire answers against her. However, the testing determines that Peel has a high fear index, meaning she is not easily scared like the others and so Pemberton instead resorts to threatening torture. Steed, finding that Peel is gone, heads to the Bureau also.

A confrontation ensues, leading to Steed identifying Pemberton as having a crippling fear of the dark. Steed breaks the lights and in the subsequent fight, Voss and Pemberton are incapacitated. Returning to Mrs Peel's home, Steed and Peel celebrate their victory.

They Call Me Hallelujah

In tumultuous Mexico in the 1860s a band of revolutionaries led by General Ramirez plan to use the jewelry in the possession of the oppressive governing forces to finance their armed struggle. They hire Hallelujah, an American gunfighter, to steal the jewelry for them. He succeeds, but the jewelry turns out to be fake. Hallelujah goes off in pursuit of the real jewels. Also after it is a mysterious nun, a flamboyant Russian nobleman, and assorted bandits, soldiers and townspeople.

Return of Halleluja

In tumultuous Mexico in the 1860s the revolutionary General Ramirez hires Hallelujah, an American gunfighter, to retrieve a stolen Aztec statue. The general believes having recovered it will bring indigenous Indians over to his cause. Also going after the statue is a Scottish adventurer, his argumentative female companion, a pair of bickering brothers from a religious community, the army, and assorted bandits.

Hot Lava (video game)

The plot is non-linear and vague, but revolves around the player character 'Squirt' and their older sister (represented by life-sized action figures) as they play tag, chase and, most notably, the floor is lava, set in fantasized versions of childhood environments - namely Gym-Class , Playground, School, Wholesale, Master-Class, and Basement. These environments each have a 'main level', consisting of the real-world version, with various portals to fantasized version designed after a child's imagination, each a course to be completed.

Each course has multiple challenges, including completing the course within a certain amount of time or finding hidden collectibles.

Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon

In the town of Acorn Hollow, Gregory Chuckwood and his pet lizard Newt go for a ride in a hot air balloon, but accidentally drift away to a faraway place, due to Mr. Underwood's sneezing of inadvertently releasing the balloon with the rope snapping. With the balloon downed, Gregory needs to find the scattered balloon parts to get it going again so he and Newt can return home. Various puzzles, interactive objects and characters as well as minigames are found in the game.

They Call Him Cemetery

Two brothers find themselves in serious trouble when they arrive in a small western town to visit their father and run afoul of the local gang. This lawless land offers no hope for our well-intentioned but hopeless outnumbered duo. A mysterious stranger's arrival may prove to be beneficial for the good-natured brothers and their facing off against the ruthless gang.

Chapter 6 (House of Cards)

After a month-long teacher's strike, Linda (Sakina Jaffery) tells Frank (Kevin Spacey) that President Walker (Michel Gill) will modify the education reform bill in order to appease the teachers union. Frank, reluctant to concede to their demands, asks Linda to give him a week to end the strike without compromising the bill. After Claire (Robin Wright) invites their bodyguard Edward Meechum (Nathan Darrow) inside the house for a cup of coffee, a brick is thrown at the Underwoods' window. When Frank demands Meechum be fired for leaving his post, Meechum pleads for mercy. Frank initially refuses, but eventually has Meechum reinstated.

Zoe (Kate Mara) receives a call from Frank, who wants her to write a story blaming Spinella (Al Sapienza) for the brick incident. Public opinion turns against Spinella and the union, who tries to figure out a way to strike back. Meanwhile, with a newly-sober Russo (Corey Stoll) agreeing to run for governor of Pennsylvania, Frank tasks Claire with drafting a bill that will create jobs in Peter's district. Claire agrees in exchange for getting CWI's water filters through Sudanese customs, which Durant (Jayne Atkinson) has put a hold on. On Frank's instruction, Doug orchestrates a fake protest throwing foam bricks at Spinella, causing the striking teachers to retaliate with violence. In the wake of the public outcry, Spinella's media relations team suggests a televised debate against Frank, to which he reluctantly agrees.

Spinella performs better than expected during the debate, deflecting Frank's characterization that his union is violent and blaming Congress for failing the nation's children. Frank also embarrasses himself when he confuses his vowels, leading to widespread ridicule. Shortly afterwards, Frank persuades DNC Chair Patricia Whittaker (Suzanne Savoy) to support Russo's gubernatorial campaign. Frank demands that Russo attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and assigns Doug as his sponsor. Claire comes up with a plan to develop 1,100 acres of land made available by the closing of the shipyard, creating thousands of jobs in Russo's district. Russo leaves a voicemail message for Christina (Kristen Connolly).

Walker, having lost confidence in Frank following the debate, orders him to gut the bill so that the strike will end. Frank argues that they must not concede to the teachers' demands. Surprised by Frank's defiance, Walker allows him to keep the bill intact. After hearing about a drive-by shooting, Frank instructs Zoe to tweet about the 8-year-old child killed in the crossfire, who had been home from school due to the strike. Spinella arrives at the Capitol, believing Frank is ready to negotiate. Instead, Frank hurls insults at Spinella and reveals that he staged the brick attack. Spinella is goaded into punching Frank, who threatens to press charges unless the strike is immediately put to an end.

Claire makes regular hospital visits for the Underwoods' former bodyguard, Steve, who is dying of pancreatic cancer. During one of these visits, Steve takes the opportunity to express his loathing for Frank and his fantasies of being with Claire. Claire defends Frank and declares that he is the only man who understood her. She then performs a handjob on Steve, embarrassing the man enough for him to ask her to stop. Later that night, she informs Frank of the visit, telling him that they are to pay for Steve's funeral.

Chapter 7 (House of Cards)

President Walker (Michel Gill) finally signs the education bill, earning Frank (Kevin Spacey) a major victory by affording him great influence with Walker. Vice President Jim Matthews (Dan Ziskie) expresses discontent with Walker, feeling sidelined within the administration. Matthews further questions Russo's (Corey Stoll) ability to run for governor of Pennsylvania, the office Matthews previously occupied.

Doug (Michael Kelly) receives a letter from Rachel Posner (Rachel Brosnahan), who asks for money and a place to live in order in return for her silence regarding Russo's DUI arrest. Frank turns his basement into Russo's ''de facto'' campaign headquarters while Russo continuously attends AA meetings with Doug. However, when confronting his past wrongdoings, Russo starts to have doubts about his campaign.

Frank contacts Christina (Kristen Connolly) to get back together with Russo and become his deputy campaign manager. Doug asks Nancy (Elizabeth Norment) to house Rachel until he finds a suitable place for Rachel. After not hearing from Frank for several weeks, Zoe texts him and asks his whereabouts. Frank tells her about Russo's campaign. She gives the scoop to Janine, who is considering leaving the ''Herald'' for Slugline. Frank visits Zoe's apartment and sees Lucas (Sebastian Arcelus) kissing her. Afterwards, Frank performs cunnilingus on Zoe while she is on the phone.


The story revolves around a beautiful girl Shehrnaaz. She lives with her father who is a poor tailor in Karachi's poor area. Despite of their poverty, her father has made sure that his daughter goes to a top university. Shehrnaaz knows her is beautiful and stands out amongst her peers. She wants to be a top class actress. Unfortunately, her background is a big hurdle in pursuing her career. Eventually she succeeds in her dream. But she has to pay a huge cost in achieving this success....

Rainbow Sentai Robin

A distant planet, far off in space named Palta is facing the doom of extinction. There are only two years left until their ultimate demise. Palta looks to Earth to cultivate resources and begins attacking it in hopes of taking over. Earth turns to a boy named Robin, who owns many robots. Robin's father is an alien from Palta who was sent to Earth as a spy, but fell in love with a human. Robin's father, Dr. Polto, and mother, Sumiko, are forcibly taken back to Palta, but his father makes numerous robots for him before they leave. The robots are named Lili, Wolf, Benkei, Pegasus, Professor, and Bell, and all have unique superpowers of sorts.

Convoy Buddies

Toby and Butch are a couple of incompetent crooks who get a truck hauling job bringing insecticide from Italy to France. Unbeknownst to the bumbling duo, they are really smuggling guns. A group of equally inept mobsters try to steal the guns to no avail.

Wolf Boy Ken

Ken is a young boy who was raised by wolves (similar to Mowgli) in a jungle in the Himalayan Mountains. One day, a meteor hits the jungle, causing a drastic change. This eventually leads to famine and a need for certain animals to relocate. Ken tries to help the animals as much as possible, in particular, he watches over two young wolf cubs named Chichi and Poppo. Jack, a one-eyed wolf, doesn't like Ken as he is a human living among them. One day, Ken saves Jack's life. Jack later has the opportunity to let Ken die when he is bitten by a poisonous snake, but decides to return the favor and save his life instead. This mutual affair causes a friendship to form between the two, and they team up to save the other animals from predators and humans.

The Student (short story)

On a Good Friday evening, Ivan Velikopolsky, a 22-year-old sacristan's son and clerical student, walks home and imagines that the bitter wind, cold, and darkness he experiences were also felt throughout history: by Rurik, Ivan the Terrible, and Peter the Great. Along his path, he meets Vasilisa and Lukerya, a mother and her daughter who have both been widowed. As he joins them around their fire, Ivan remarks that the warmth they feel must also have been felt by Saint Peter. Suddenly, he asks if the widows have been reading the Twelve Passion Gospels to which Vasilisa replies that they have.

Ivan begins to recount the story of the Denial of Peter, in which Jesus foretells to Saint Peter that he will thrice deny Him before the next crowing of the cock. Peter follows Jesus upon His arrest and joins some workers in the yard standing around a fire as He is questioned. Thrice the workers suspiciously ask Peter if he knows Jesus and thrice he denies his acquaintance. A cock crows and Peter, realizing what he has done, weeps.

Ivan ends his story deep in thought as Vasilisa begins to cry and Lukerya looks on in pain. He parts with the widows and continues homeward, thinking that his story troubled Lukerya and made Vasilisa weep not because he told it well but because the tale was relevant to them nineteen centuries later. As he rides the ferry to his village, Ivan comes to believe that truth and beauty serve as the connectors of all human history and he is filled with joy and awe at life itself.

The Winged Avenger

One night, a figure in a bird costume breaks into the office of Simon Roberts, the owner of a publishing company, and slashes him to death. As Roberts’ office was on the top floor of a skyscraper, Steed and Peel are called in by Roberts’ son Peter to investigate the murder due to the improbability of an assailant being able to access the office. Steed and Peel are baffled but resolve to continue looking into the matter as Roberts is not the first businessman to be killed in such circumstances. That night, Peter is also murdered in the same office and manner as his father, further confusing the two agents.

An audio dictation made by Peter just before he died refers to an ongoing legal battle between the Roberts publishing company and Sir Lexius Cray, an acclaimed mountaineer who is one of their authors, the battle being over the profits from Cray’s memoirs. Peel meets with Cray, who she discovers to be a carer of numerous birds. Cray’s butler Tay-Ling knows the identity of the assailant and proceeds to blackmail them. Peel returns to Cray’s country mansion at night to further investigate and discovers the assailant entering the grounds, but is too late to save Tay-Ling from being murdered.

Cray confronts Peel and the two discuss the murder. Based on evidence found by Tay-Ling’s body, Cray reveals that an inventor named Professor Poole had previously asked him to endorse a pair of boots that allowed the wearer to climb easily up walls. Steed and Peel go to visit Poole, who is greatly eccentric and obsessed with birds, to the extent that he acts like one whenever he can. With no leads, Steed and Peel identify ruthless industrialist Dumayn as the most likely next target. Before they can meet him, however, Dumayn is also killed by the bird-like assailant. The manner and targets of the murders lead the two to consider how similar the assailant is to the ‘Winged Avenger’, the hero of a comic book that Peel found just by Tay-Ling’s body.

At the headquarters of Winged Avenger Enterprises, the comic book production company, Steed encounters illustrator Arnie Packer, story writer Stanton and actor Julian, who plays the Winged Avenger in costume. Tensions are apparent between Packer and Stanton, whilst Julian uses method acting when dressed as the Avenger. However, Steed finds nothing suspicious beyond this. Peel returns to Poole’s house at night and finds him using the boots to climb the walls and ceilings. Poole reveals that the boots work using magnetic fields and that the only other pair in existence was sold to an anonymous bidder from Winged Avenger Enterprises.

Peel overhears an argument between Packer and Stanton at the headquarters before confronting them, posing as a representative from a novelty gifts company. She tells them she has the boots to hand, causing Packer to laugh and Stanton to look suspicious. Later on, Julian is murdered in his Winged Avenger costume by the assailant wearing precisely the same clothing. Steed returns to the offices and finds Julian’s dead body, He examines storyboards to see illustrations of Professor Poole in peril. Poole, facing such exact circumstances, calls Mrs Peel simultaneously to lure her back to his home.

Stanton returns and holds Steed at gunpoint, but Steed swiftly disarms him. Stanton protests his innocence and the two work out that Packer is the assailant, having produced his own series of storyboards predicting Mrs Peel being murdered at Poole’s house. Peel is attacked at Poole’s home but manages to escape, although finds Poole’s corpse hanging upside down. She uses Poole’s pair of boots to evade and confront Packer. In a conversation with him, Peel discovers that Packer has gone mad and is convinced he is the Winged Avenger in reality. Steed and Stanton arrive whilst Peel and Packer fight on the ceiling. The two agents work together to defeat Packer, who falls from the window to his death.

Our Souls at Night

The setting is the fictitious small Colorado city of Holt, where Louis Waters, a widower, and Addie Moore, a widow, have been neighbors for decades but hardly know each other. One night, Addie visits Louis to suggest they spend the night together, non-sexually, to counter their loneliness. Although Louis is initially somewhat hesitant, he soon agrees and they start spending their evenings and nights at Addie's house.

At the start of the summer, Addie's son Gene drops off his son Jamie at Addie's house, as his marriage has fallen apart. Jamie spends the entire summer with Louis and Addie, who also adopt a dog for Jamie. At the end of the summer, Gene returns to pick up Jamie and confronts Addie about her relationship with Louis, which he disapproves because of Louis’ past affair. Addie, however, refuses to break off the relationship.

Sometime later, Addie is hospitalized after a fall. Her son Gene attempts to persuade her to move in with him, which Addie initially refuses. However, when she receives a distressed phone call from Jamie in the middle of the night, she reconsiders. When she and Louis arrive at the house, they find Gene drunk and he confesses he has always believed Addie blamed him for his sister's death. She decides family must come first and decides to move in with Gene and Jamie. Addie and Louis spend their last night together. Both she and Louis are back to sleeping alone. Louis sends an electric train set for Jamie and a cell phone for her. After getting into bed, she calls him and they start talking as old friends.

Bedeviled (2016 film)

The film opens with the death of Nikki, a young woman that recently downloaded Mr. Bedevil, a mysterious Siri-like A.I. app. She's stalked by a paranormal presence and is later found dead from a shock-induced heart attack. Following her funeral, Nikki's boyfriend, Cody, and best friend, Alice, along with Alice's boyfriend, Gavin, and friends, Haley and Dan, all receive invites to download Mr. Bedevil. They decide to download the app, which results in the group getting tormented by Mr. Bedevil and becoming haunted according to their personal fears. They also discover brands on their bodies in the shape of Mr. Bedevil’s app icon and eventually accept that the app is intent on killing them. Trying to destroy their phones will not stop Mr. Bedevil, as their phones will only get restored to their prior state.

The group tries to go to the police with their concerns after the app uploads a sex tape made by Haley and Dan, only for Mr. Bedevil to possess the police, making the application impossible to stop through normal means. As the tension mounts, the app tricks Gavin into coming to Alice's house, where he's murdered by clowns. The remaining friends manage to recover Nikki's phone, through which they discover that Nikki received an invite via Samuel Price, Nikki’s former physics tutor and pseudoscience enthusiast. Alice and Cody go to Sam's house, where they discover his body as well as audiotapes of Sam's research, which identify Mr. Bedevil as a paranormal presence that uses the app to enter reality in a manner similar to a Ouija board. Meanwhile, Haley and Dan are both murdered by Mr. Bedevil in ways that mimic their own fears.

Cody discovers that it is possible to uninstall Mr. Bedevil from their phones by writing code that will accomplish this task. Because the app is capable of adapting and rewriting its firmware, Cody can only use his program when Mr. Bedevil enters the physical world by first connecting to the phone’s hardware. Alice and Cody set a trap for Mr. Bedevil at a warehouse using two separate computer stations. They manage to successfully uninstall Mr. Bedevil from Alice's phone but are unable to do the same for Cody's phone, as the second computer station's uninstall program fails to penetrate the additional security on his phone, resulting in Cody's death. The film ends with Alice attending college and FaceTiming her mother, only to discover that she is now using the Mr. Bedevil app herself.

Carioca tigre

Arrived clandestinely in Rio de Janeiro, Carletto runs into the smuggler "Tigre" and his assistant Augusto and being mistaken by the two for a spy he risks being killed until the "Tigre" discovers that Carletto is Italian like him and decides to spare his life appropriating part of the inheritance that Carletto came to collect. From the notary, the three discover that the inheritance consists in a precious pistol stolen from the mafia boss Don Rosolino and hidden in a place called "Capolinea"; the boss wants to retrieve the gun, proof of his murders, and tries to kill Carletto through some hit men and fails. Carletto, Augusto and the "Tigre" set off on a journey and manage to escape from a kidnapping hatched by the boss, giving up the white suit of the "Tiger" to another man who is mistaken for the smuggler. Later, Carletto and Augusto are captured but manage to escape, while the "Tiger" meets a woman who reveals to him that the "Capolinea" is actually a prison duty Carletto's father had been locked up. Don Rosalino also arrives at the penitentiary thanks to the report of a prisoner trying to steal the gun found by the "Tiger" hidden in an aquarium: after a fight the mafia boss is arrested while the three pretending to be police officers manage to escape with the gun. Back in Rio, the "Tigre" and Carletto discover they have won the lottery, but the ticket is in the suit of the "Tigre" given to a man in the forest: the three decide to leave for a new journey.

Member Berries

A girls' volleyball match in the South Park gymnasium is massively attended by the townspeople. The vast majority are there to see how many of the players will sit down during the national anthem to protest a misogynist Internet troll known as Skankhunt42 on their school's message boards, and Randy Marsh has placed a bet. Meanwhile, Congress decides that "The Star-Spangled Banner" needs a reboot to fix the division caused by the protests, and turns to J. J. Abrams for help.

Randy later assures a Gallup pollster that his family will vote for the "turd sandwich instead of the giant douche" much to Sharon's annoyance. Stressed by the political climate, Stephen Stotch recommends eating a superfruit called "member berries" to relax. The member berries, which are small purple berries that utter nostalgic phrases, initially relax Randy, but he is shocked when the berries suddenly start spouting overtly political talking-points with a heavy conservative bend, reminiscing about the Reagan Era, when there "weren't so many Mexicans", and when gay marriage was not legal, so he stops eating them.

As Mr. Garrison (Giant Douche) and his running mate Caitlyn Jenner's presidential campaign picks up steam, he quickly realizes that he will be unable to carry out his ludicrous campaign promises. As he also cannot quit without "looking like a jackass", he vows to continue running but in a way that will ensure victory for Hillary Clinton (Turd Sandwich) although he cannot figure out how to do so until a newscaster announces the rebooted anthem. Garrison decides to sit out the anthem at a football game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Carolina Panthers attended by both him and Clinton, only to be thwarted by the fact that Abrams' reboot simply allows people to choose whether to sit, stand or kneel to honor America.

Kyle Broflovski and the victimized girls strongly suspect that Eric Cartman is responsible for the messages, but cannot prove it. Cartman also denies being Skankhunt42, although he does not help his case by attempting to host a girls' stand-up comedy session in the gym and pretending to have been attacked by the girls afterward. At the end of the episode it is revealed that Skankhunt42 is actually Kyle's father, Gerald.

Zero in condotta

Sixties. Among the students of the last year of a classical high school there is Renato, a young student, who has always been in love and not reciprocated by his classmate Manuela. Together with the two inseparable friends, taking advantage of the absence of his parents, he organizes a party in his house with Manuela and two other classmates. Suspended from school for breaking into the women's locker room, Renato decides to leave for Sweden thinking of finding easy sexual adventures. On the train he meets a lady on his way to Florence, who confesses to him that she is looking for adventures with young boys to take revenge on her husband, who has cheated on her with an eighteen year old. As she greets him, the lady gives him a note with her telephone number and invites him to visit her. The boy returns to Rome and, after discovering that the lady on the train is the wife of the mathematics teacher, he decides to go back to court Manuela.

Chain Gang (1984 film)

Framed for murder, Mac McPherson (Owensby) is sentenced to 15 years hard labor in Black Creek Prison Farm. McPherson breaks loose to prove his innocence and take down the corrupt system that set him up.

The Tae Baek Mountains

After Japanese colonial rule over Korea ended, the tension between left-wing and right-wing increased in the Korean peninsula. In the town of Beolgyo-eup, Boseong County, South Jeolla Province, Yeom Sang-jin and the communist partisans capture the town temporarily when the Yeosu–Suncheon rebellion of 1948 occurred. But soon they are routed and sneak into Jirisan. When they were in power, they execute many landlords and the former pro-Japanese. This led to the collocation of the troops from government near Beolgyo. South Korean government troops, officers and right wing henchmen are trying to mop up the communist partisans. The partisans and left-wing intellectuals act secretly against South Korean government. When the Korean War breaks out, the communist partisans seize the town again with the help of the Soviet Red Army and Chinese People's Volunteer Army.

Little Mary Sunshine (1916 film)

Abandoned by her drunken father after he beats her mother to death, 5-year-old Mary finds refuge in a car where she falls asleep. The car belongs to Bob Daley, a young man who has made the mistake of celebrating his engagement by getting drunk with his friends and then lying about it to Sylvia, his fiancée. Sylvia does not approve of his conduct and throws him out of the house, breaking up with him.

Despondent, Bob staggers to his car where he finds the sleeping child. The two become friends and Bob brings the little girl to his house. Moved by her tragic story, Bob decides to quit drinking and become a serious and responsible parent. Sylvia, affected by the change, is reconciled with her boyfriend, and the couple decide that once they are married, they will adopt little Mary.

Cash Only (film)

Elvis Martini, an Albanian-American landlord in Detroit, commits arson in an insurance scam. Unknown to him, his wife returned home early and dies in the fire, leaving him to parent their daughter alone. Two years later, a judge gives him a brief extension to repay his debts to the bank. At the same time, he owes money to a loan shark. As increasing pressure is put on Martini to pay his debts, he attempts to collect money owed him from his tenants, many of whom are unable to pay. These include fellow Albanian Leka and Leka's fiancee, Blerta, with whom Martini is having an affair. Frustrated, Martini pressures Kush, a tenant who grows marijuana, to agree to new terms, including a cut of Kush's profits and increased rent. Kush reluctantly agrees but warns that their friendship has now become strained. When she refuses to pay her back rent, he threatens to evict Rolexa, a prostitute.

Using security cameras hidden in the apartments, Martini spies on his tenants. He sees Rolexa stash something in her apartment, and, while she is out, hires his friend Agroni to change her lock. In her apartment, Martini finds enough money to put his daughter back in a private Catholic school and make payments to both the bank and the loan shark. After briefly taking care of Rolexa's unsupervised son, Martini evicts her, dismissing her threats. Although his situation looks to improve, Martini is interrupted during sex with Blerta by thugs who knock him unconscious and kidnap his daughter. Dino, a mob boss, tells Martini that he has until the next night to return the money Rolexa stole from him plus more in penalties. Martini tracks down Rolexa, attempting to reason with her, but finds her dead.

Martini hurriedly sets up a rent scam where he takes a cash-only security deposit from many people for the same apartment. Still short thousands of dollars, he sells his car to Agroni, who owns a garage, and pawns most of his possessions. After Kush refuses to help, Martini sneaks into Kush's apartment, knocks him unconscious, and steals his drug money. Martini splits the money into two bags and meets Dino's thugs. After they stuff him in a car trunk, Martini calls Agroni and tells him to get help from Pete Cantor, a local cop. At Dino's warehouse, Martini offers one bag and says he will reveal the location of the second once he has his daughter. Dino instead tortures Martini, who quickly reveals the location of the second bag. As Dino threatens to rape and kill Martini in front of his daughter, Cantor, Leka, and several Albanians arrive, killing Dino's thugs. Martini kills Dino with a hidden pocket knife and reunites with his daughter, saying that he knows he does not deserve her.

Life on the Line (film)

A man named Duncan gives an interview for a documentary. He is asked what it is like for him to be a lineman.

A lineman named Danny Ginner speaks with his daughter Bailey, who is frightened of the storm. Danny leaves and goes out to fix a downed power line with a crew during a rainstorm. When a truck arrives, Danny's brother Beau shows up. Beau climbs the line and fixes a shorted wire.

Danny notices that Beau missed a crucial spot. When Beau offers to go back up, Danny stops him and chooses to do it himself. As he is fixing the wire, the power line is struck by lightning, sending Danny plummeting to the ground. Danny is rushed to the hospital. Maggie, who is Danny's wife, rushes to the hospital. As she is distracted, her car is struck by a truck at an intersection, killing her. The next morning, Beau visits the house and comforts Bailey, his niece.

Fifteen years later. Beau and Bailey are living together. Bailey is a waitress at a local diner, while Beau is now the head lineman for the company. Before they head out, Beau and Bailey notice that new neighbors are moving in across the street, who are identified to be Carline and Eugene. Beau notices that Eugene also works for the power company. Beau goes to work and discovers that the other workers, including his friend known as Pok' Chop have thrown him a surprise birthday party.

Later that day, Beau finds that Duncan has started working for the same company. It is revealed that Duncan and Bailey used to date, but that something happened between them. Duncan is later shown living with his alcoholic mother. Duncan is trying to rekindle the relationship, much to the dismay of another one of Bailey's ex-boyfriends, Ron.

Eugene and Carline's relationship is strained when it is revealed that Carline had cheated on Eugene in the past and that is why he is suspicious whenever he sees Carline near a man or talking to another man.

After spending some time together, Carline notices that Bailey is pregnant. Bailey reveals that it is Duncan's baby. Beau wants Bailey to go to college, but Bailey is conflicted since she is pregnant.

Ron comes over to try to rekindle his relationship with Bailey but is unable to when Carline comes to help Bailey run Ron away. Later that night, Bailey looks out the window and notices a taxicab pull up to Carline & Eugene's house. She sees Carline coming out of the house and getting into the taxi, while Eugene is at work.

Eugene becomes increasingly suspicious of Carline, even to the point of going through her phone. When she catches him doing so, she takes her phone from him. He tells her that he has seen phone numbers on her phone that he didn't recognize. Carline tells him that she's been spending a lot of time with Bailey and her friends. Later on, as he is about to head to work, Eugene notices Bailey about to leave. He goes over to ask Bailey if she's been spending time with his wife. He mentions her friends and Bailey looks confused. Carline spots this and comes over to find out what Eugene is talking to Bailey about.

Eventually, Bailey & Duncan rekindle their relationship, much to Beau's dismay, since he wants Bailey to go to college and make a life for herself. One night at a local bar, Beau gets drunk and voices his opinion to Duncan, until Pok' Chop goes to intervene and tells Beau to go home.

When a storm arrives, a power line falls down and causes the pole to fall onto a set of train tracks. Shortly afterward, a train runs into the downed power line and derails. Beau and his team are called out to help.

On another side of town, Eugene calls Carline and tells her that all he wanted was to hear her voice.

Eugene climbs to the top of an electrical tower and contemplates committing suicide. He eventually decides against it and goes home.

As night falls, the storm steadily worsens. Ron gets out of his car and heads towards Eugene and Carline's place. He breaks into the house and tries to assault Carline, due to her comments towards him from earlier. Eugene arrives on scene and brandishes a gun.

Bailey sees Eugene going into the house with a gun, so she grabs her sweater and a flashlight and goes to help. Eugene sees Ron trying to rape Carline and breaks it up. Eugene aims his gun at Ron, but Bailey comes in and inadvertently shines the flashlight into Eugene's face. Ron uses the distraction to try to grab Eugene's gun, which leads to several shots being fired and Ron gets shot several times, killing him. Eugene and Carline reconcile, but Carline notices that Bailey has been shot in the stomach. They rush her to the hospital. Pok' Chop, there because a lineman was hurt from the storm, notices Bailey and calls Beau.

The storm knocks out the power to the rest of the city, and the doctor at the hospital cannot perform surgery. Pok' Chop calls Beau and tells him that they need the power back on or else Bailey will not make it. Beau tells Duncan what has happened to Bailey and they must restore power with no time to spare.

Beau and Duncan make it to the central power hub to see what happened. After exhausting all their options, Beau notices the problem. One part of the central hub is not getting with another part. Beau climbs part of the tower to restore power. After applying pressure to a lever with a stick, the lever relents, and is connected, but it causes Beau to get electrocuted, and he is thrown off the tower. The power is restored, and Bailey is able to be saved. The next morning, Duncan goes to the hospital and comforts Bailey.

During the interview, Duncan says that Beau was the definition of a lineman and that he hopes he can be even half the lineman that Beau was. Duncan gets a call on his radio, saying that he is needed because a storm is going to be coming in.

Two years later, Duncan, Bailey, their baby, Pok' Chop, and another lineman are seen approaching a monument. The monument, located in front of an electrical tower, is dedicated to all the local lineman that have lost their lives in the service of their job. Danny and Beau's names are seen among the names.

Pierino medico della Saub

Alvaro Gasperoni, a Roman simpleton, after a school career characterized by the elementary school certificate obtained in Rome, the middle one in Frosinone, the high school one in Catanzaro and the high school one in Canicattì, obtained with relative difficulty a coveted degree in medicine in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). that the more the schools were in the south, the less they were demanding to issue diplomas. Thanks to his father's powerful recommendation obtained by the P2 Masonic lodge, he soon began working as a doctor in a Roman hospital, surrounded by rampant but equally incompetent colleagues.

The head physician of the clinic states that "the value of a doctor is measured by the number of patients he has", and therefore Alvaro has all his relatives hospitalized to obtain the vice-primary chair, which he actually obtains only to be fired by the councilor for health who, disguised as a simple patient, had been admitted to check the progress of the health facility.


The novel is largely based on factual events and follows two main characters: Terry Winters (based on Roger Windsor), chief executive of the National Union of Mineworkers; and Stephen Sweet (based on David Hart), an advisor to the Thatcher government.

The novel refers to contemporary events including the murder of Hilda Murrell, the Battle of Orgreave, the involvement of the police and MI5, and the NUM's links with the Soviet Union and Libya.


A former soldier and champion of pool and his gigantic and irascible friend accepted, for $50.000, to investigate arms trafficking that would take place between the US and Mexico. The two devise a trick.

Master (2016 film)

An intellectual crime investigation team goes after company One Network. The company is involved in a massive fraud case.

Syndrome (video game)

The game begins aboard the spaceship ''Valkenburg'' with the player character, identified by the ship's computer as Chief Technician Galen, awakening from cryo-sleep to find the ship powered down and seemingly deserted. He soon discovers that the majority of the crew is either dead or converted into hostile half-human half-machine creatures. Record logs left behind by the crew reveal that the ''Valkenburg'' had earlier brought aboard an alien artifact, which caused crew members to go insane and become violent.

Galen is contacted by Commander Neomi, the commander of a marine detachment aboard the ship, who asks him to come to her location and help her and her marines out of the section of the ship they're locked in. Later, Galen is contacted by James "Jimmy" Marko, a technician who warns Galen that Neomi cannot be trusted and has been shooting survivors on sight to contain the situation. Jimmy instead directs Galen to restore power to the ship so they can travel to a populated system for help.

When Neomi learns that Galen is restoring power to the ship, she lures him to an exterior section of the ship and attempts to kill him by depressurizing the area. Galen escapes with Jimmy's assistance, and following Jimmy's advice, he kills Neomi's marines by flushing them out into space. Galen continues following Jimmy's directions, bringing down the ship's computer firewalls so Jimmy can hack in and activate the defense systems to deal with the creatures as well as Neomi.

However, Galen is betrayed by Jimmy, who reveals that he is in control of the creatures and wants to bring the ship to a human settlement and take it over. Jimmy also reveals that "Galen" is actually Chief of Security Agon, who was manipulated by the artifact into killing the crew and who suffered a mental breakdown as a result and assumed Galen's identity.

Agon realizes that "Jimmy" is actually the artifact using Jimmy as a mouthpiece, and forms an uneasy alliance with Neomi in order to stop Jimmy. Agon manages to track down Jimmy/the artifact and destroy its power sources, but meanwhile Neomi is fatally wounded while battling Jimmy's cyborgs. Agon travels to the ship's shuttle bay, where the artifact reveals it is still active and in control of the ship, and will not allow Agon to escape. However, instead of attempting to escape in a shuttle, Agon activates the shuttle's weapons, sacrificing himself and blowing up the ''Valkenburg'' and everything on board.

Chapter 5 (American Horror Story)

In an interview, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin details the history of suffering at the Roanoke farmhouse.

The Millers are rescued by Edward Phillipe Mott, the original builder of their home. Mott leads them to safety before abandoning them in the woods, where they are captured by the Polk family. At the Polk home, Mama Polk explains that in exchange for providing a sacrifice to the mob on every blood moon, the Polk family earns protection from suffering the same fate. The Polks are still upset about the loss of their two grandsons and plan to hand the Millers back to Thomasin in retribution. Matt takes the opportunity to escape from the Polks' truck, killing one of the family members in the process. Mama Polk smashes Shelby's ankle in retaliation with a sledgehammer.

Shelby implicates Lee for Mason's death, but the police release her due to lack of evidence. After finding out that Flora is alive, Lee begs a police officer to take her back to the house so that she can be reunited with Flora again. The police officer agrees, and they head back together. Meanwhile, the surviving Polks deliver the Millers to the mob at the house. Thomasin and her mob drag Flora away to be sacrificed, but just as the sacrifice is to begin, Ambrose throws himself and his mother into the fire. Edward Philipe Mott appears and frees Shelby and Matt. The Piggy Man tries to attack Flora but is run down by Lee's car. Shelby, Matt, and Flora all jump into Lee's car and flee to safety.

Shelby and Matt decide to head back to Los Angeles to return to a normal life. Shelby mentions that nightmares based on her memories of the events continue to haunt her.

Chapter 2 (American Horror Story)

Shelby flees from the mob and is almost hit by Lee's car. She passes out in the middle of the road and awakes the next day in hospital.

Lee's ex-husband Mason brings their daughter Flora to visit as part of the couple's arranged custody schedule. As Flora explores the house, she begins talking to an unseen girl who she names Priscilla. Matt and Shelby experience more disturbing incidents, now involving a pair of ghostly nurses. The police take little interest.

Mason arrives to pick up Flora and finds her playing a game of hide and seek with Priscilla. Flora tells him that she offered her doll to Priscilla in exchange for not murdering her family but since Mason interrupted the trade, Flora will merely be killed last. Mason takes Flora away from the house and promises Lee that she will never see her again, causing Lee to end her sobriety.

Matt and Shelby discover a video tape recorded by one of the house's previous owners, Dr. Elias Cunningham. Dr. Cunningham describes the same malevolent forces pursuing him that the couple has been experiencing, and that he was studying the story of the nurses, Miranda and Bridget Jane. The sisters killed their retirement home patients based on the first letters of the victims' names, spelling the word "Murder".

The bank refuses to return the money they bought the house with, despite not warning them about the house's gruesome past. As the bank agent leaves, Lee arrives with Flora. While Shelby is distracted on the phone, Flora is beckoned outside by a mysterious figure. When the adults are not able to find Flora, they frantically search for her in the house and then in the woods, where they find Flora's hoodie hanging at the top of a massive pine tree.

Speaking in Tongues (film)

This concept of Immersion is used within Speaking Tongues by following the four main characters. Durrell, Kelly, Jason, and Julian. Durrell, an African American kindergartener, is attending a Mandarin Immersion school where he is surrounded by his peers who can read and write Chinese. His mother thinks this will be a benefit for Durrell due to the injustice for African American males growing up in this country. Within the film, Durrell is able to order a meal using strictly Mandarin. Julian, a Caucasian 8th grader where immersion has brought him to excel in Chinese within school and eventually travel to China. He began studying immersion 9 years prior to 8th grade. Kelly is Asian American and attends a Cantonese Immersion School. She originally spoke no Chinese prior to this schooling. Kelly’s mom was only able to speak minimal words in Chinese while growing up, the same with her father. Jason does not focus on Chinese but instead the bilingualism of being a Mexican American immigrant, he attends an English/Spanish Immersion school where he is expected to speak and work on both languages. The film's journey examines all four students and how immersion affected and impacted their lives and futures.

While parts of the documentary show these young students excelling in learning a second language, Speaking Tongues also explores the side of being in America that necessitates needing English instead of a second language. Ling- chi Wang an Asian American Professor from the University of California Berkeley appears in the film to advocate bilingualism and immersion instead of keeping the United States monolinguals. Wang explains that this country is in need of more bilingualism than monolinguals due to the wide array of races within this country''.'' He proposes the idea that within San Francisco every school system should teach another language. Within the film, videos are shown of current Americans that feel as though people are fine just knowing English within America. But due to the changing of people living within the country, times are changing and so are people.

By Right of Birth

''By Right of Birth'' is a film about a woman named Juanita Cooper, played by Anita Thompson. She had been raised by adoptive parents, Frank and Geraldine Cooper (played respectively by Lester Bates and Grace Ellenwood). She decides to search for her biological parents, with the help of the young attorney Manuel Romero (played by Lew Meehan), who has a secret crush on her. Manuel is trying to obtain land leases belonging to Freedmen in Oklahoma, specifically, black former slaves who had had American Indian owners, and the descendants of these slaves. The land that was allotted to these freemen is, unknown to them, rich in oil, and valuable to own. Manuel learns of a missing allottee named Helen Childers, the granddaughter of an old Indian woman by the name of Minnie Childers (played by Minnie Provost). Manuel forges her signature on a lease to get her rightful proceeds for himself instead. Geraldine Cooper and a detective “Pinky” Webb (played by Webb King) figure out through some research that Juanita is actually the same person as Helen Childers. The film ends with Juanita eventually finding her birth mother, Mother Agnes (played by Beatrice George), and inheriting a large sum of money, producing the film's happy ending in spite of villainous schemes; Romero, caught in his own lies, ends up dead because of it.

The Dawns Here Are Quiet (2015 film)

Sergeant major Vaskov and five young antiaircraft gunwomen confront a group of experienced saboteurs, who are sent by the nazis into a detachment far from the front, which is of strategic importance. Vaskov and the women will have to prevent the diversion, but pay the highest price for it...

Doriath (video game)

The wizard Elidaan the Loremaster descends into the underground labyrinth of Doriath in search of the immortality-granting Coronet of Arien, which was crafted by the Lord of Time, Atelan, and thrown into the abyss after he was spurned by the object of his affection, Fianna.

Hello, Cruel World (Supernatural)

After attacking Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Bobby (Jim Beaver), the Leviathans (Misha Collins) loses power as Jimmy Novak's body can't handle too many Leviathans at once and his body is rapidly deteriorating. The Leviathans leave while Sam (Jared Padalecki) is still tortured mentally by Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino), subsequently being woken by Dean.

The Leviathans walk into a reservoir water supply and sink so the Leviathans are spread throughout the water supply and find new vessels for each one. Castiel is nowhere to be found, and Dean takes his coat which washes up on shore. The Leviathans begin to possess people through the water supply, including a young girl (Olivia Steele-Falconer) and a mechanic (Benito Martinez). The young girl soon possesses Dr. Gaines (Cameron Bancroft) and begins to feed on the livers of patients of the Sioux Falls General Hospital. This is watched by Sheriff Jody Mills (Kim Rhodes) and she tries to escape from the hospital but she collapses due to a surgery.

Dean investigates a massacre that took place in a swimming team and after finding the black ooze, he finds out that the Leviathans are responsible. Jody calls Bobby to help her escape from the Leviathans while Dr. Gaines meets with the mechanic, Edgar, to begin killing people in the hospital so they can feed on them daily, just like their "boss" told them to. Bobby manages to take Jody out of the hospital and begins investigating in the hospital at the morgue.

Sam and Dean leave in the Impala but, unknown to Sam, "Dean" is in fact Lucifer disguised. He takes Sam to a warehouse and reveals himself to Sam, causing Sam to shoot at him multiple times. Taunting him further, Lucifer tells Sam to just kill himself to end the nightmare. The real Dean arrives and manages to convince him that their world is real. They then receive a call from Bobby and head to his house but they find it burned and, as his cellphone does not answer, they begin to think that he is dead. Just then, Edgar arrives and attacks them but Dean manages to drop a car on him, crushing him. As their wounds are severe, they are taken in an ambulance. Due to the severe knock on his head, Sam is now being disturbed again by Lucifer and suffers a seizure. As Dean calms him down, he is shocked to find that they are headed to Sioux Falls General Hospital. In Bobby's yard, Edgar's blood begins to return to his body and his hand begins moving, indicating he is still alive.

Ritual (2013 film)

Tom Moses' estranged wife, Lovely, kills a man who tried to kidnap her and calls him for help. Finding a video of a cult sacrifice in the dead man's car, Tom realizes he and his wife are in danger.

Rajuan Alam

Amin ( ), a village youth, attempts to earn a living in the city. However, he is unsuccessful, and thus he returns to the village to live with his wife, Marlina (Lies Noor). Before they can marry, however, Marlina falls ill with malaria. When she is cured, they are able to marry.

The Young Offenders (film)

Best friends Conor and Jock are two teenagers from Cork who dress the same, act the same, and even have the same weak moustaches. Jock is a notorious bicycle thief who plays a daily game of cat-and-mouse with the bike-theft-obsessed police sergeant Healy, and lives with his alcoholic, abusive father. Conor is the son of a single mother, Mairéad, who works for a fishmonger at an indoor food market and with whom he has a strained relationship. When a drug trafficking boat capsizes off the southwest coast of County Cork, leading to the seizure of 61 bales of cocaine, each worth €7 million, word gets out that there is a bale missing.

Conor and Jock steal two bikes and go on a road trip, hoping to find the missing bale, which they can sell and therefore escape their troubled home lives. Unfortunately for them, Healy had hid a GPS tracker in the bike that Jock stole for himself as a trap and is in hot pursuit. By chance, the boys find the bale of cocaine in a ruined castle that Conor was defecating in, in the possession of a disabled drug dealer named Ray. They steal it while he sleeps but he wakes up and unsuccessfully tries to stop them.

Using Conor's sweater which he left with Ray to keep him warm while he slept, and had Conor's name on it, Ray gives chase to the boys. In the midst of celebrating their victory, Conor unknowingly snags the bag on barbed wire and rips it, so the cocaine slowly leaks out on the journey home until there is none left by the time they get back. The two fall out and Jock gets drunk and passes out, while Conor comes home and eventually patches things up with his mother. Jock's father comes home and violently beats him until Healy comes to Jock's home intending to arrest him, subsequently realizing the extent of Jock's home life.

However, Jock sneaks out upon being informed that Ray is looking for them by a neighbourhood friend. Ray later tracks them down, steals a nail gun from a hardware store, and angrily invades Conor's home as Jock gets to his house to tell him about Ray, and Healy simultaneously gets there looking for Conor. Ray knocks out Healy and threatens Conor, Jock and Mairéad, not believing that the pair are so stupid as to lose €7 million worth of cocaine. Strangely enough, a local thug named Billy Murphy whom the pair put in prison on drug charges by tricking Healy into thinking he stole a bike enters, looking for vengeance against the pair.

In a rare show of intelligence, Conor tricks Ray into thinking Billy stole the cocaine and a struggle ensues where Mairéad ends up knocking out both Ray and Billy, and both are arrested. Conor and Jock spin the tale to paint Healy as a hero to the media, to his chagrin, while Jock is put into foster care with Conor and his mother due to his abusive upbringing.

Helen West (TV series)

The series features on the work of Crown Prosecutor Helen West (played by Juliet Stevenson in ''Trial By Fire'' and Amanda Burton in ''The Helen West Casebook''), who tries to achieve balance in a life that consists of an emotionally heavy caseload and a stressful relationship with her supervising police officer, Geoffrey Bailey (played by Jim Carter in ''Trial By Fire'' and Conor Mullen in ''The Helen West Casebook'').

West is a very hot-headed and driven woman who tends to pursue justice in each case, even when she is told by her bosses to drop them. As "Deep Sleep" is the third of the Fyfield novels in the series, viewers of ''The Helen West Casebook'' are plunged straight into the story without much introduction, with West undergoing and recovering from surgery, and finding solace in the arms of Superintendent Bailey.

The Case for the Crown

A business partner is found dead and the company accounts have been tampered with; but is it murder or suicide?

Unleashed (2016 film)

When a cosmic event turns Emma's dog Summit and cat Ajax into two perfect guys, Emma reconsiders her outlook on dating, hilariously works out her trust issues, and ultimately learns to love herself.

Moments of Clarity

Claire (Kristin Wallace) is a kind-hearted twenty-something who shares a deeply sheltered life with her loving but agoraphobic mother, Henrietta (Saxon Trainor), and discovers a much bigger world awaits her during a road trip to a youth retreat. Along the way, Claire is befriended by Danielle (Lyndsy Fonseca), an angry but well-intentioned girl who lives nearby with her father, Pastor Paul (Mackenzie Astin).

Determined to attend the retreat sponsored by Danielle's father, and with no notice to their parents or planning, they set out on a road trip in Claire's mother's barely functioning car. With new found freedom, Claire travels with Danielle to a long-awaited visit with her grandparents, who have not seen Claire in 12 years, largely due to misinformation from her fearful mother. They meet Trevor (A.J. Trauth), a wandering ukulele player who unwittingly creates a brief riff between the two girls. Later, having made up and giddy with wine they stumble upon a rave, hosted by Artemis (Xander Berkeley) whose partner (Eric Roberts), Hal, we find out later, is Claire's biological father.

With the help of a bored but helpful policewoman, (Bitty Schram), the anxious parents locate the girls and head off to get them. Chaos ensues as Claire's mother and Danielle's father descend on Hal's to find both girls recovering from a long night of partying. In short order, Claire also learns that Hal was an esteemed actor in pornographic films, while Danielle's father, desperate to connect with his only daughter, learns the truth behind the bottles of wine she was constantly leaving around the house.

After an awkward breakfast at Hal's, the group resolves to travel to the retreat and listens to Claire speak to the youth group where she nervously but with more confidence distills her last few days on the road into lessons and wisdom learned.

Something Coming Through

The novel follows two characters in alternating chapters. The first plot thread focuses on Chloe Millar, a young British woman with a knack for distinguishing real Elder Culture artifacts for fakes, whose mother was killed during the Spasm in a nuclear explosion at Trafalgar Square. She works for Disruption Theory, a company that investigates the psychological and social changes wrought by contact with the Jackaroo and Elder Culture artifacts. While investigating a breakout of cult-like behavior possibly related to contact with an Elder Culture artifact (many of which have the effect of producing phantom-like images called ''eidolons'' when people approach or handle them, and/or induce compulsions to convey alien ideas and images), she meets with a teenage boy who is driven to draw pictures of a strange alien landscape and his young sister who seems to be in mental contact with an alien entity. Chloe senses that the boy's pictures depict a real place, and when the children disappear from their residence, she has various adventures finding and helping them.

The second plot thread follows Vic Gayle, formerly of Birmingham, England, now a police detective in Petra, capital city of Mangala. In the course of investigating the murder of someone recently arrived on the shuttle from Earth, he is drawn into a conflict among members of a British organized crime group operating on Mangala, which has a particular interest in a certain Elder Culture site on the planet.

The chapters of the novel are dated, and at the beginning the chapters describing Gayle's activities have dates about two weeks after those describing Millar's. It becomes apparent that the crimes Gayle is investigating are the results of events that Millar and the two children were involved in, and the plot threads gradually come together and unite time-wise.

She Ventures and He Wins

A re-typed, easier to read, version of the script can be found here:

Act 1

The play opens with Charlotte and Juliana discussing their problems with men and Charlotte's struggle to find a suitable husband whom she likes. Charlotte quotes her "youth and fortune" as the reasoning for not being able to find a husband who loves her for who she really is. Charlotte realizes that the only way she will be able to find out if a man truly loves her, she must dress up as a man and find out what kind of men they truly are. Meanwhile, Freeman and his wife, Urania, read a letter that had been sent to Urania requesting her company by a "humble servant", suggesting that she has nothing to gain from being with her husband. Later, in St. James Park, we find Charlotte and Juliana dressed in men's clothing. When Lovewell enters the park, they strike up a conversation with him, questioning him on his morals and beliefs; in this line of questioning, Charlotte learns that Lovewell is a sacred, honorable, upstanding man. This makes her unhappy because she assumes that he is lying. Charlotte convinces Lovewell to meet her tomorrow morning; she says that she will have two young ladies and the one that takes his hand is the one he must marry. Lovewell agrees to the plan.

Act 2

Act 2 opens with Squire Wouldbe reading the letter that he has written to Urania asking for her love. When his wife, Dowdy, enters, he hides the letter from her. She does not believe that nothing is going on, as he says, and begins to cry. After an argument about their marriage and trust, he convinces her that nothing is going on and that he should go on with his business for the day. After he leaves Mrs. Beldam, Dowdy's mother, comes, upset with her son-in-law for the way he treats her daughter, and then departs on her own business for the day. In a different part of town, Sir Charles and Sir Roger talk and sing about the women that they love or have yet to love. Charlotte and Juliana enter the park dressed in men's clothes discussing the matter at hand with their love lives. In a tavern, Freeman, Urania, and Doll prepare the meal for the guests while discussing their lives and the problem with trust in the relationship between Freeman and Urania. Freeman leaves Urania alone with her troubles.

Act 3

The third act opens with Squire Wouldbe undressing for bed and questioning his own morality saying "When am I going to hell". The devil enters in a dream like sequence, fighting and seizing him. After the squire is thoroughly scared, Urania and Freeman enter laughing, exposing the "devil" to be a scheme concocted by them to punish the squire for lusting after another's wife. Meanwhile, Lovewell goes to the home of Sir Roger where they discuss the women that they are in love with and the prospect of a future with both of them. The leave each other with their plans for the next day in the park. Charlotte and Juliana enter the park, dressed as women but in masks as Charlotte had told Lovewell the day before, nervous and ready to meet the men that they want to marry. She makes him agree to marry her before he sees the beauty under before she will unmask; once he agrees, she takes off the mask and he is blown away by her beauty. They agree to be married at once and Juliana comes along to be the witness. Meanwhile, Squire Wouldbe tells Dowdy of all the wrongs that he has done that evening and how he was punished for them. She forgives him as long as he does not sleep in their bed that night. After the wedding of Charlotte and Lovewell, there is a great feast, much singing and dancing.

Act 4

During the wedding feast, Lovewell's friends, Sir Roger and Sir Charles arrive. Lovewell discloses to Sir Roger that Juliana is in love with him and that he should act upon this love. Urania receives another note, this time it appears to be written by Dowdy telling her to come to the park to witness the squire cheating on his wife. Urania's mother comes to the home of Charlotte and Lovewell to tell them to also come to the park. They trick Squire Wouldbe in the park into thinking he is cheating on his wife with a beautiful mistress, but rather is it just an older woman in a mask. Charlotte confesses to Juliana that her brother, whom Juliana is in love with, is already betrothed.

Act 5

Sir Roger meets with Charlotte to convince her to go to Lovewell and live a happy life with him. The final act of the play is the telling of multiple fights between every character of the show. This includes Lovewell and Roger fighting over Charlotte, Bellafira fighting for Sir Frankwood, Julianna fighting for Sir Roger, Sir Charles fighting for Juliana and Dowdy and her mother getting in the way of every fight. Everyone has a happy ending. Charlotte and Lovewood end up together, Sir Roger with Bellafira, and Sir Charles with Juliana.


At last the Storm is over blown,

And on that happy Coast I'm thrown

Where all my Joys are laid in store,

Heaven cannot give, nor could I ask one more."

(''She Ventures and He Wins'', Act 1, Sc. 1)

Stung (2015 film)

Paul works as a waiter for Julia who runs a catering company. They go to set up for a function at the Perch estate. The rural world of Mrs. Perch, a well-to-do elderly lady in New York, is all abuzz in anticipation of her annual garden party, a small but elaborate affair held in a villa at the remote estate where she resides with her son Sydney. Among the guests is the town mayor, Caruthers.

Unfortunately, thanks to an illegally imported plant fertilizer mixed with growth hormones which seeps into the ground, a local species of parasitic wasp mutates into significantly larger creatures. Mrs. Perch's upper class celebrants, slowed by the evening's festivities, are the ideal prey. The wasps burrow inside the bodies of the guests to emerge as creatures seven feet long.

Paul and Julia have to try and figure out how to stop the giant wasps. They realize that the wasps reproduce through their stingers, also ovipositors, as juvenile wasps emerge from human hosts who are killed in the process.

Paul, Julia, Caruthers, Sydney, Mrs. Perch, and Flora (the cook) take refuge inside the house, barricading themselves in from the fierce attack. Following a car crash outside, the phone lines are dead, leaving the survivors cut off from the outside world. They decide to hide in the basement, but while they are there, it becomes clear that it is too late for Mrs. Perch, who has already been stung; a wasp bursts from her body, killing her. They all run into the hallway and close the door behind them, but the wasp thrusts its stinger through the door, impaling Flora through the back of her head as the stinger protrudes through her eye.

Paul, Julia, Caruthers, and Sydney escape to the wine cellar. They make a plan to escape using the catering van, but Paul has left his keys outside. He manages to retrieve the keys and kill a wasp. Sydney, however, has also been stung, and this time the emergent wasp controls its host until Paul and Julia subdue him.

Paul, Julia, and Caruthers begin to creep around the house to find an exit. The three suddenly under attack, Caruthers sacrifices himself, allowing Paul and Julia to escape into another room. They kill an invading wasp and get outside, but Paul is taken by a wasp and flown to a nest, where he recognizes the queen that emerged from Mrs. Perch and which still controls Sydney, who attempts to force a wasp larvae into Paul's mouth to incubate and grow. Julia appears and cuts Sydney in half with an electric saw, rescues Paul, and blows up the nest. As they drive away, a surviving wasp, its body on fire, attacks the car. Paul rams the car into a tree and kills the wasp, but the crash knocks him and Julia out.

Paul wakes up and tries to wake Julia. Finally she wakes up to the arrival of the authorities. They are placed in the back of an ambulance where they kiss and start to have sex. An officer wanting to question them closed the ambulance doors to allow them privacy. An officer approaches the front of the van where the queen wasp is pinned against the tree and just as he asks another officer "What do you think of this?", a cow's head falls from the sky crushing him to death. The officers and paramedics look up into the sky, the ambulance doors open allowing Julia and Paul to see wasp-cow hybrids flying overhead with a cow bell ringing. The camera cuts to black leaving the fate of humanity unknown.

Game of Aces

In 1918, British General Rupert Graves III (Randy Oglesby) recruits Eleanor Morgan (Victoria Summer), an English nurse and translator to help locate and bring back a top German pilot who has crashed in Egypt. Morgan is teamed with Capt. Jackson Cove (Chris Klein), an American pilot flying for the British Allied forces who will navigate to the remote crash site. Cove has been grounded due to his alcoholism leading to crashing nine aircraft.

During the trek across the Sahara Desert, Cove and Morgan strike up an unlikely partnership as they search for Capt. Josef von Zimmerman (Werner Daehn), an ace who killed Cove's younger brother in aerial combat. Apparently von Zimmermann has become a traitor and is offering to give the British some valuable intelligence.

When Morgan and Cove finally locate von Zimmermann, he is badly injured and suffering from amnesia. With the daunting task of getting back to Cairo ahead of them, the trio are pitted against each other in an elaborate and deadly game of deception and survival. The arrival of a German pilot in a Fokker Dr.1 triplane fighter leads to a climatic conclusion to their epic struggles. British actress, Sarah Lynn Dawson, also appears in the film as British Nurse Patricia Evans. The twist ending, hints at the possibility of a sequel.'

Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade

The Old Theatre has everything ready for a performance. However the porcupine Spike feels dissatisfied about not being the star of the show, so he takes and hides the musical instruments, costumes, scripts, props and other necessities so the performance cannot start. Reader Rabbit and his friends have only a number of hours to make preparations before tonight's performance.

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

A boy named Jin discovers his Uncle Nabu using magic to spread chaos across the kingdom, turning everyone, including his brother Zeke, into animals. While trying to stop Nabu, Jin gets turned into a pig. Learning from the king's court magician, Mysticat, about a way to return everyone to normal, Jin goes on a quest to recover five animal orbs from across the kingdom. Upon doing so, however, Mysticat takes the orbs from Jin and uses them to open the gateway to the Dark Realm for his master Lord Xaros, who had been manipulating Nabu to do his bidding. Venturing into the Dark Realm, Jin confronts Xaros and, with the help of his friends and the spirits of past Wonder Boys, manages to defeat him, restoring the kingdom to normal.

National Treasure (British TV series)

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

I'ma Be Me (2009)

Sykes opens her stand-up routine by discussing the United States’ “first Black President,” Barack Obama. She uses this discussion to bring up some of the stereotypes facing African-American people in the US. Sykes also talks about some of the rhetoric surrounding Michelle Obama, calling the media out for asking when they will see, “the real Michelle Obama,” the implication of which is that Michelle Obama's calm demeanor is an act to make her seem less stereotypically African-American. Sykes goes on to talk about some of the issues facing the President such as reforming health-care, national resistance to change, revamping education, immigration and racial injustice. In this way, Sykes’ comedy follows a very natural progression, centering on politics and flowing easily from one topic to the next.Sykes, Wanda. “I'ma Be Me.” Dir. Beth McCarthy. HBO. Washington D.C., 10 Oct. 2009. Television.

Sykes then shifts the conversation to talking about some of her personal experiences. She discusses marrying her current partner, publicly coming out as a lesbian, and having kids, something that she had previously stated, on many occasions, was not something she envisioned for herself. She also talks about the aging process and the ways that her body has changed as she has gotten older.

Naria Girls

Urara, Hanabi, and Inaho aim to become popular throughout Japan by rendering themselves in the anime medium. They decide that the theme of their anime would be magical girls in order to appeal to a wide demographic; from children to adults. The three broadcast their one-cour magical girl anime to the public.


The crew are hailed by Expanoids, cyborgs similar to simulants, only with the desire to enslave humanity and not destroy it. They demand the casket of cronus, an artifact the crew scavenged off-screen, threatening them with a future Rimmer as their hostage. The Dwarfers yield and hand over the casket of cronus, but give chase when they discover the Expanoids heading through time to Earth in the 20th century.

The crew crash-land in the United States and, after recovering, make their way toward a nearby town, discovering they're in an alternate 1950s where the Expanoids have enslaved humanity and outlawed technology. After acquiring disguises, the gang head toward a speakeasy home to scientists in-hiding, led by Harmony de Gauthier (later revealed as Professor Baldwin). The crew attempt to configure an EMP that will knock the Expanoids offline, but are unable to find someone with the knowledge to program such a device.

After receiving a tip that Albert Einstein is strolling the streets as a homeless bum, the crew bring him back to the speakeasy only to discover he isn't Einstein but just a normal hobo named Bob. Just then the police arrive, and after catching Lister accidentally drinking from an Erlenmeyer flask, call in Expanoid back-up. After temporarily stalling them, Bob the bum manages to successfully install the device and knocks the Expanoids offline, saving the day. Harmony initiates a global EMP, and the crew hurriedly back their getaway before ''Starbug'' could be rendered offline and successfully return to ''Red Dwarf''.

Maggie & Bianca: Fashion Friends

Maggie is an eccentric American girl from Portland who wins a scholarship to the Fashion Academy of Milan, a prestigious fashion school, on her sixteenth birthday. Bianca is the stylish and chic daughter of a powerful Italian fashion mogul. Bianca likes to sing but doesn't seem too motivated to join a band. The two girls meet and are thrown together as roommates at the Fashion Academy, but they get off to a rocky start as they have very different personalities and conflicting points of view. Over time, they come to understand one another. Together with three of their classmates, they form a band called the MoodBoards in order to pursue their musical dreams, while simultaneously continuing their study of fashion at the Academy. At the end of the first season, Maggie and Bianca discover that they are half-sisters, with the same father but different mothers. In the second season, Maggie's mother, who is a songwriter, comes to the Academy to teach, while members of the MoodBoards' rival band, CoolGhost, attend the Academy as new students.

Lean on Pete

While out on a morning run to a race track, Charley Thompson, a 15-year-old living with his single father Ray in Portland, Oregon, finds casual work caring for an aging racehorse named Lean On Pete. Pete's owner, Del, is an ornery man who assigns all the grunt work of caring for horses to Charley but attempts to bond by gifting Charley a pair of boots and teaching him table manners. Charley opens up about not knowing his birth mother, and how his father does not let him see Aunt Margy, Charley's only maternal figure.

One night, a Samoan man breaks into Charley's home and attacks Ray for sleeping with his wife. Ray is pushed through a glass door and the shards embed themselves in his stomach. He is taken to the hospital where a nurse informs Charley that Ray is suffering from a serious infection caused by his wounds. Despite Charley's insistence at staying by his side, Ray encourages Charley to continue his job with Del.

Del's top jockey, Bonnie, races with Pete and wins but notices that Pete is getting too old for racing and will soon be sold in Mexico to be slaughtered. Upon returning home from the race, Charley is informed by the attending nurse that Ray succumbed to his infection and died. The nurse gifts him Ray's belt but Charley escapes before Social Services can be called to collect him. The following night, Pete loses his race and is sold off. Charley confronts Del and Bonnie, who collectively shrug off Charley's attempt to buy Pete. Charley takes Del's keys and steals Pete, along with Del's truck, and heads for Wyoming in search of his Aunt Margy.

After a few days on the road, Charley soon runs out of money and resorts to siphoning gas and dining-and-dashing in order to survive. The truck breaks down on the highway and he continues on foot through the desert with Pete as his only source of company. Together, they stumble upon the home of Mike and Dallas, two Army veterans who offer Charley food and shelter. Charley refills his water supply and leaves in the middle of the night. The next day, Pete is spooked by motorcycles and runs out into the road where he is struck by a car and killed. Charley mourns Pete's death and flees the scene before he can be apprehended by police.

After arriving in a new town, Charley breaks into a house in search of water and to launder his clothes. He wanders the streets as a homeless youth before being taken in by a homeless couple named Silver and Martha; Silver scoffs at Charley's attempts to find work. Despite his disheveled appearance, Charley finds work as a house painter and saves up enough money to get to Wyoming. Silver attacks Charley for his money and kicks him out of their shared trailer. In retaliation, Charley steals a crowbar and beats Silver before taking his money back and running away. He buys a bus ticket and arrives in Laramie, Wyoming. He goes to the town's only public library and reunites with his Aunt Margy.

That night, Charley visits Aunt Margy's room after struggling to fall asleep. He confesses the crimes he committed throughout his journey and reveals he suffers from nightmares surrounding the deaths of both Pete and Ray. Aunt Margy consoles Charley as he bursts into tears. Some time later, Charley goes on a morning run through town and stops to admire his new neighborhood.

The Snow Queen 2

A year after the Snow Queen was defeated by Gerda, Orm the troll has thawed out the rest of his kind and now lives with his grandmother Rosa and Gerda's pet white ferret Luta, works in the troll village as a miner. Orm takes an oath at Lake Gao never to tell another lie and from that moment his reflection comes to life and starts manipulating him into doing the wrong things, including lying.

Upon being fired from his job after insulting the knight Arrog and facing eviction from his cottage, Orm is manipulated by his reflection into donning armor so he can take part in a competition to decide who will marry Princess Maribel. In order to impress the Princess and her uncle, the King, Orm lies about defeating the Snow Queen. However, Gerda, who had arrived at the village with her brother Kai and friend Alfida, overhear Orm's lies, leading to an argument between the two that culminates in Gerda leaving.

Later, as Orm and Rosa are moving into the King's palace, the King says he feels as if he has seen Rosa before, to which she asks if she has changed that much over the years. Suddenly the North Wind appears and abducts Princess Maribel, causing the King to decree that whoever rescues her will marry her. Orm, joined by Arrog and the other warriors, set off to rescue the Princess, but Orm reluctantly abandons the others and arrives at Gerda's village, only to discover that her mirror has been stolen. Orm then sends Gerda a message asking her to meet him at the Black Cliffs. En route, Gerda, Kai and Alfida meet the trolls, who reveal that Orm had abandoned the troop. Gerda, disillusioned with Orm, sails off with the others, tearfully abandoning Orm at the cliffs.

A distraught Orm is manipulated by his, now blue and frosty, reflection into pulling him into the real world, upon which he freezes the ocean, trapping Gerda and the others. After a confrontation between the two, Orm's reflection, referring to himself as the 'Snow King', reveals that the more he grows in power, the more Orm weakens and becomes invisible. The Snow King then unleashes his army and overwhelms Orm's friends, encasing them all in ice. Orm tries to warn Gerda but she can't see, hear or touch him and the Snow King tricks her into thinking he is the real Orm and freezes her, and Luta, then traps Orm in the mirror realm. Orm, while trapped, realizes that the Snow King was born from his lies, and manages to free himself by loudly confessing to his lies, thawing out Gerda and the Snow King's other victims, while at the same time reverting the Snow King back to his normal reflection.

In the end, Orm is taken back to the troll village but instead of being punished he is hailed a hero. Rosa marries the King, and Orm gets his cottage back and rekindles his friendship with Gerda. Arrog marries the Princess and have children, as seen during the end credits.

Elliot Quest

The demon Satar has placed a curse on Elliot, which will turn him into a demon as well if it is not lifted; Elliot sets out to search for a cure.

Shopping (2013 film)

On the Kapiti Coast in 1981, mixed-race teenager Willie and his younger brother, Solomon, spend increasing amounts of time away from their violent father and religious mother. Willie draws the appreciation of professional thief Bennie after unintentionally aiding one of his robberies. Drawn to the camaraderie of Bennie's gang, Willie must decide whether to follow them as they move on or stay behind to care for Solomon.

The Siege of Jadotville (film)

The film opens with the execution of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and the outbreak of civil war. As the mineral rich State of Katanga secedes under the leadership of Moise Tshombe, United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld assigns Conor Cruise O'Brien to head up a UN peacekeeping mission. Privately, Hammarskjöld tells O'Brien that the Katanga crisis could potentially trigger World War III and orders the Irish diplomat to take offensive action.

Meanwhile, Irish Army Commandant Pat Quinlan commands an infantry company of Irish peacekeepers who arrive at the UN compound near Jadotville. After examining the compound, Quinlan decides that it is wide open to attack and orders his men to dig trenches and defensive fighting positions.

While buying food in the nearest town, Quinlan meets French mercenary Rene Faulques, who has been hired by the mining companies allied to Tshombe's government. Afterwards, he visits the estate of a Belgian colonist, Madam LaFongagne, who tells him that Jadotville contains the world's richest uranium deposits.

Meanwhile, O'Brien orders UN forces to launch an attack against Government buildings held by the Katangese in Elizabethville. While Indian peacekeepers are attempting to seize the city's radio station, 30 unarmed Katangese radio operators and employees are killed by gunfire and grenades. O'Brien orders the incident to be swept under the rug.

In retaliation, Faulques receives orders to attack Jadotville. Katangese forces and mercenaries under Faulques' command attack and besiege the Irish. During a brief ceasefire, Faulques vainly demands Quinlan's surrender.

Quinlan refuses, and his company is attacked repeatedly in separate waves by the Katangese and mercenary forces. They kill a total of 300 enemy soldiers, and wound 1,000 enemy soldiers, with zero deaths and only 16 wounded for the Irish. Irish, Swedish and Indian UN peacekeepers attempt to reinforce "A" Company but are repelled by separatists. An effort to supply water and evacuate the wounded troops by helicopter fails as separatists shoot down the helicopter.

After numerous extended attack waves, the Irish company is forced to surrender to Faulques's troops after running out of ammunition, food, and drinking water. They are held in a Katangese prison for about a month, then are freed in a prisoner exchange deal and allowed to go home. After arriving home, Quinlan is informed by General McEntee that "A" Company's surrender causes shame to the UN and the higher ups want to bury the truth of the siege for political reasons. Only in 2005 did a full review of the siege clear the soldiers' reputations.

Leave It to the Marines

Gerald Meek goes to apply for a marriage license but enlists in the United States Marine Corps by mistake.

It Comes at Night

A highly contagious disease ravages the planet. A couple, Paul and Sarah, and their teenage son Travis are secluded in their home deep in the woods in an undisclosed location. After Sarah's father, Bud, contracts the disease, they kill him, and burn his body in a shallow grave.

The next night, they capture an intruder breaking into the house. Paul ties him to a tree, and places a bag over his head overnight to confirm he is not suffering from the disease. The stranger, Will, explains he did not know the house was occupied, and was searching for fresh water for his wife and his young son. Will offers to trade some of their food for water. Sarah suggests bringing the strangers to their home, reasoning the more people, the easier it would be to defend themselves, if and when necessary. Paul reluctantly agrees, and drives Will to collect his family. Along the way, they are ambushed by two men. Paul kills them, while accusing Will of setting him up. Will explains he fought them, and assuages Paul's mistrust.

Paul returns with Will, his wife Kim, and son Andrew. After establishing the rules Paul and Sarah use to stay safe, including a) keeping the only entrance locked with a key Paul or Sarah wear around their neck, and b) keeping nighttime excursions to a minimum, the two families establish a sense of normality, and grow closer.

One day, Travis's dog Stanley begins barking aggressively at an unseen presence and chases it into the woods. Travis follows the dog into the woods before Stanley's barking suddenly ceases. Travis insists to Paul and Will he heard something in the woods. They return home after Paul assures Travis that Stanley knows the woods and will find his way home. That night, Will seemingly contradicts a story he told Paul earlier about his and Kim's activities prior to finding the abandoned house. Paul's response suggests an increasing distrust of Will.

That evening, Travis discovers Andrew sleeping on the floor of Bud's old room suffering from a nightmare. Travis leads him back to his parents' room before hearing a sound from downstairs. Travis finds the front door of the house is slightly open, and he hears noises. He wakes the others. They investigate, finding a bleeding and gravely-sick Stanley on the floor. They kill and burn the dog. After Travis reveals the door was open before he came downstairs, Sarah suggests sleepwalking Andrew opened the door. Kim argues the possibility as tensions rise. Paul suspects Andrew is infected, and decides they should quarantine in their separate rooms for a couple of days so they can calm down and ensure no one is sick. That evening, Travis is awakened by a nightmare about his grandfather.

The next morning, Travis overhears Andrew crying constantly. A distraught Kim tells Will they need to leave. Travis informs his parents Andrew might be infected, and, as such, he too may be infected. Paul and Sarah don protective masks and gloves, and take weapons to confront Kim and Will. After Paul asks to be let in to see if Andrew is sick, Will draws a gun and takes Paul captive. Will insists his family is healthy, repeatedly tells Andrew to keep his eyes shut and orders Paul to remove the mask. Will demands Paul give him "...a fair share..." of food and water so they can leave. Sarah and Paul overwhelm Will, and force him and his family outside. Will attacks Paul, and tries to beat him to death until Sarah shoots Will in the back. He dies from his wound. Kim flees into the woods with Andrew. Paul fires at them, killing Andrew, and then fires again to kill Kim.

Later, Travis awakens in bed, visibly sick. His mother comforts him as he dies. Paul and Sarah, now visibly infected, sit at the dinner table in silence. They share a shattered, devastated look.

Tony and Susan

In 1990, Susan Morrow is surprised to hear from her estranged ex-husband, Edward, who sends her a manuscript to his novel, ''Nocturnal Animals''. Susan and Edward's relationship had dissolved 25 years earlier in part thanks to him abandoning his studies to be a lawyer to pursue a writing career and Susan is surprised to find that he is still writing. After putting off the manuscript for months she reads it in the course of three nights after learning that Edward will be passing through her city soon.

''Nocturnal Animals'' is about a meek mathematician named Tony Hastings on his way to his country home in Maine with his wife, Laura, and teenage daughter, Helen. Deciding to drive all night to get to Maine they are accosted by three men in a truck, Ray, Lou, and Turk, who begin blocking the path to their car. The cars end up bumping each other and the leader of the men, Ray, gets in the car with Laura and Helen and drives off with them. Tony is then driven to a clearing and abandoned there. Walking to a farmhouse he manages to call for help. In retracing his steps with the state troopers, he discovers Laura and Helen's naked bodies in the clearing where he had been abandoned. He begins to blame himself for not doing enough to prevent their rapes and murders.

For a year after the murders Tony falls into depression. The lead detective on the case, Bobby Andes, calls him in to identify a possible suspect, but when Tony cannot positively identify a man who turns out to be Turk, Andes seems to lose interest in the case. Sometime after Andes again calls Tony to I.D. a man and this time he is able to identify Lou as one of the men complicit in the murders of his wife and daughter. He learns that all three men had been involved in a robbery and that Turk was shot to death. Andes brings Tony with him to pick up and identify Ray and, after Tony makes a positive I.D., Andes takes them on a trip to the scenes of the crime. Though Ray denies any knowledge of the crime, Tony feels he is mocking him and at one point is overcome with rage and hits him in the face.

Tony at last feels like he can move on with his life and begins a relationship with one of his former grad students. He receives a call from Andes telling him that Ray is about to be set free. He goes to meet Andes who tells him he has cancer and six months to live. Andes then asks him if he wants to see Ray brought to justice. Sensing Tony's tacit approval, Andes arrests Ray and brings him to a remote camper in the woods where his ex-wife Ingrid is staying, unbeknownst to Andes. They are later joined by Susan, Andes' cousin. Andes goes and retrieves Lou from the jail. In the camper, Andes threatens to torture both Lou and Ray, causing them to run away. As a result, Andes shoots and kills Lou while urging Tony to do the same to Ray. Tony finds he cannot and allows Ray to escape. Andes tells Tony and the women that if they are questioned they must say that Lou was murdered by Ray.

Andes has Tony go to send a message to one of his police friends. Along the way, Tony passes Ray walking along the side of the road and later goes to the trailer where Helen and Laura had been raped. He finds Ray sleeping there. He wakes up Ray and they have a conversation in which Ray confesses to raping and murdering Laura and Helen. Despite thinking he will be unable to shoot Ray, Tony does shoot and kill him. In the ensuing confrontation, however, Tony is blinded and grievously injured. Leaving the trailer he falls down a ravine and waits for the police to find him. Hearing the police however he does not call out to them and instead accidentally shoots himself in the gut. He hallucinates driving to Maine and seeing Helen and Laura before dying.

The novel causes Susan to reminisce about her past life with Edward, where they were neighbours who briefly lived together after Edward's father died and her parents took him in. As adults they reconciled when they were going to university and Susan slept with Edward after discovering his puritanical views on sex. However, a short time into their relationship, Edward decided that he wanted to be a writer and that the two would survive on Susan's income as a lecturer. After Edward left for a month-long writer's retreat, Susan began an affair with their neighbour Arnold, whose wife was experiencing mental breakdowns. Sometime after Edward returned, Susan confessed all of this to Edward and eventually divorced him, settling down with Arnold and tolerating his affairs.

Susan enjoys Edward's novel and finds herself sympathizing with Tony. She decides to invite Edward over for dinner the night he is in town in order to discuss his work. Edward never calls, despite the fact that Susan leaves several messages at his hotel. The following day, having discovered he has checked out, she writes a thoughtful piece of criticism for him and then trashes it, sending him a brief note instead telling him she will give him her thoughts if he would like them.

Panfilov's 28 Men

USSR, late November 1941. Based on the account by reporter Vasiliy Koroteev that appeared in the Red Army's newspaper, ''Krasnaya Zvezda'', shortly after the Battle of Moscow, this is the story of Panifilov's Twenty-Eight, a group of twenty-eight soldiers of the Red Army's 316th Rifle Division, under the command of General Ivan Panfilov, that stopped the advance on Moscow of a column of fifty-four German tanks and hundreds of infantry who guarded tanks' flanks of the 11th Panzer Division for several days. Though armed only with standard issue Mosin-Nagant infantry rifles and DP and PM-M1910 machine guns, all useless against tanks, and with RPG-40 anti-tank grenades and PTRD-41 anti-tank rifles, they fought tirelessly and defiantly, with uncommon bravery and unwavering dedication, to protect Moscow and their Motherland.

Loner (novel)

A lonely, awkward, newly arrived Harvard University student from New Jersey, David Federman--described by one of his high school teacher's as "something of a loner"--becomes fixated on another first-year student, a Manhattan girl named Veronica Morgan Wells. David quickly and unhappily begins to make unpopular friends very similar to those he had in high school. One of them is Ohio native Sara Cohen. Once he realizes that Sara is Veronica's dorm-mate, David dates her in order to get closer to Veronica. In the process, he also stalks Veronica across campus, following her to courses such as "Gender and the Consumerist Impulse" and "From Ahab to Prufrock: Tragically Flawed Hero(in)es in American Literature." While his relationship with Sara becomes more serious, David remains obsessed with Veronica, who he learns (from her Facebook photos) is dating an attractive, wealthy senior, Liam, from one of the school's final clubs. When the first paper is due for "From Ahab to Prufrock," he helps her write a paper on the theme of scopophilia in Henry James' ''Daisy Miller.''

Meanwhile, David and Sara's relationship continues to develop until they engage in multiple acts of sex, the first for both of them; Sara is reluctant, but David presses her to acquiesce. After he breaks up with her (thinking that the longer he stays in the relationship, the less likely Veronica will be interested in him), he learns from his roommate that she considers the acts rape. He is confused, maintaining that she didn't say no.

Ultimately, David is hardly bothered by her accusation, feeling that now that he is no longer a virgin, he is ready for Veronica. He continues to write papers and stalk her, and discovers that she is having an illicit affair with the graduate student who oversees their class. He attempts to blackmail her with this information, resulting in an encounter in which he becomes aggressive and she fends him off while providing him with some sexual gratification.

Over Thanksgiving break, David stalks Veronica outside her Manhattan home and into a bar. Annoyed and frightened, she attempts to completely cut him off. Back at school, David spirals into isolation. He tries to track her down when she hands in her final paper for "Gender and the Consumerist Impulse," but arrives after she has handed it in. To his horror and astonishment, he learns that Veronica had been using him the entire time as a case study for toxic male behavior, referring to him as "Beta" in comparison to her "Alpha" boyfriend. Fueled by rage, he breaks into her dorm, hides in her closet, and waits until she is unconscious and intoxicated in her bed. He then attempts to rape her, but she wakes up and alerts Sara, who rescues her. The two of them escape and call the police. David is arrested, but the charges are dropped because he has enough exonerating evidence and Veronica's parents don't want the family to live with the scandal; David is simply not allowed to come into any contact with Veronica for five years.

David is expelled from Harvard. Unable to transfer to a school to his liking, he attends community college while living at home. He summarizes his current life as one in which he spends most of his time in his room on the Internet. It is now five years after the events of the novel, which means he is legally allowed to contact Veronica, and we learn that he has been writing this book to tell his side of the story. In his room, he looks at Sara's Facebook page. Her profile picture is of her and her new boyfriend with their backs to the camera, and it prompts David to imagine how she looks now, and to imagine how life would have been had they stayed together.

In a final flashback, David remembers being led out of his dorm by the police on the night of his attempted rape--a moment he thought would be full of glory, but which only confirmed his anonymity.

Odallus: The Dark Call

An army of demons burn Haggis's village and take his son; Haggis goes into action to defeat them. It appears that a mysterious cult has kidnapped his son for plans of a dark sacrifice. Haggis battles his way from the village to a castle on top of a nearby mountain; twice battling two demonic generals on the way, killing one and forcing the other - a woman - to retreat. Along the way he collects mysterious shards that ultimately form the Odallus orb. At the castle's throne room, their leader reveals himself to be Haggis' son, somehow aged to adulthood and claiming to have lived a thousand years. He offers to share the power of the Odallus with his father and rule jointly as the new gods of the world, but Haggis refuses and slays his son. Immediately regretful, he is soon filled with the power of the Odallus, and refuses to rule the world; deciding, instead, that the world has no more need of gods. He summons a pillar of energy that destroys the castle - and presumably himself - as the female general looks on from the distance.

After the credits, Haggis awakens in a strange land, where an ominous glowing eye forms in the clouds, and a voice encourages him to craft a new world from the darkness inside of him.

3 Days in Havana

In a warehouse, Anders questions a former associate, Benny, whom he accuses of selling out their boss, an international arms dealer named Libby. Benny confesses that he revealed Libby would be in Havana to a woman known as the Broker, and Anders kills him. A day later, Jack Petty meets Rita at an airport bar after their flight to Cuba is delayed. Jack says he is a Canadian insurance executive on his way to a conference, and Rita reveals that she has agreed to some kind of deal that she likens to human trafficking. After whispering the details to him, she hands Jack her hotel information. Afterward, Jack runs into an intense man, who he meets several more times, unnerving him.

Once in Cuba, Jack visits a fortune teller, who warns him of evil omens. At a bar, he runs into British citizen Harry Smith, who introduces himself as a travel guide writer. Harry insists on being Jack's guide and takes him on a tour through Havana's less tourist-oriented areas. At one point, Harry stops at gangster Pepe's house to pay a debt, warning Jack to stay quiet. Afterward, they visit a bar, where Jack becomes separated from Harry and nearly gets into a fight with two locals. Harry breaks it up by threatening them with a switchblade. Although wary of Harry's violent tendencies, Jack agrees to meet him for a party later that night. A flashback reveals Harry to be an assassin hired by the Broker, an elderly British woman, to kill Libby, who she says owes her money.

When Jack meets Harry at his hotel room, Harry is snorting cocaine. Jack awkwardly declines an offer of cocaine, and the two go to a club, where they meet two women, Day and Night, who they take back to Harry's hotel room. In the morning, Jack discovers the women have left, and Day has killed Harry. A mysterious man named Palmer arrives at Harry's hotel room and assumes Jack is an assassin he has hired; Jack plays along. When Palmer hands him a package that contains a pistol and information on his target, Jack goes to the Canadian embassy to report the situation. The consul, revealed to be Anders, leads Jack to believe he will be flown back to Canada but instead kidnaps him and brings him to the warehouse, where he tortures Jack for information.

Jack escapes when they leave to kill Palmer. Jack first turns to Pepe for help, but he barely leaves with his life. Jack hitchhikes to Rita's hotel. There, the intense man flirts with him, saying he admires how Jack is playing both sides against each other. Jack insists he is an innocent bystander and gets rid of the man by making an empty promise to visit his hotel room. Rita is surprised to see him but offers to help. As she kisses him, Anders' men break in and kidnap both. In the warehouse, Libby angrily asks Jack if he is the unluckiest man alive or a shrewd assassin who has engineered the entire plot. Though professing to be an insurance salesman, Jack demands they let Rita go. When Libby refuses, Jack grabs a pistol from one of the men holding him and kills all of Libby's henchmen, including Anders. Before killing Libby, Jack reveals himself as an assassin hired by the Broker. He whispers his true background to Rita, then advises her to leave Cuba immediately.

Run, Jang-mi

Baek Jang-mi (Lee Young-ah) was brought up in a wealthy family. On the day she marries Kang Min-chul (Jung Joon), her father dies suddenly. The family business is in financial problem and goes bankrupt. When Min-chul realizes that the Baek's family is in debt, he refuses to honour the marriage and breaks up with Jang-mi.

Jang-mi struggles to make a living, but soon finds a job in a rice cake shop. There she meets Hwang Tae-ja (Go Joo-won), the grandson of a food company president. At first they loggerheads with each other, they soon develop feelings for each other.

Blow Breeze

Mi-poong was a North Korean girl who studies dancing. She is bright and easygoing despite the situation in her country. One day, she has to defect to Seoul. She then meets Jang-go, an honest South Korean lawyer. Both of them get entangled in family inheritance problem.

My Name Is Lenny

Lenny McLean is a 27 year old undefeated bare-knuckle boxer who competes in unsanctioned street fights in the East End of London in the late 1970s. During one morning, Lenny spots a poster of undefeated boxer Roy Shaw, dubbed 'the Guv'Nor'. Linking the nickname to his abusive stepfather Jim, an infuriated Lenny immediately agrees to partake in an unsanctioned bout with him. However, Shaw badly beats McLean into a bloody state and fouls him multiple times while downed.

With little funds left, Lenny's cousin John 'Bootnose' Wall provides him with a backyard training camp and several other unsanctioned bouts to earn enough fight money to lure Shaw into a rematch. Following a confrontation at a bar with his cousin Carrots, Lenny beats Carrots close to death and bites into his neck in a drunken rage. His wife, Valerie, is horrified, and begins scorning him for his savage behaviour, leaving him.

An unofficial rematch is held between McLean and Shaw. McLean enacts his revenge and manages to knock Shaw out of the ring, though his wife Valerie is still despondent with him. The contest is deemed a draw, and an immediate rematch is called for with winnings of the last fight being transferred into the third bout. Lenny attempts to atone for his past misdeeds and decides to abstain from drinking ahead of the fight. However, after a bar brawl in which he is stabbed in the leg, he is treated for septicaemia a week later, though he recovers. Lenny and Valerie subsequently reconcile and have sex.

Johnny takes Lenny to a professional boxing gym to be properly taught boxing, and Lenny trains hard and earnestly, as well as paying for the damages he caused in his fight with Carrots.

Prior to the fight, Jim appears in the dressing room and begins taunting Lenny before being threatened by his son to leave. Lenny dominates the subsequent fight with Shaw, knocking him out in the first round and earning the titular title, the 'Guv'Nor'.

End credits show the real Lenny McLean being interviewed, and that upon being crowned the 'Guv'Nor' in 1978, he defended his title up until his death in 1998, all the while being trained by Johnny. Lenny subsequently starred in the 1998 film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, with his autobiography simultaneously taking the top spot on book charts as did the film on the box office. Lenny died a week later aged 49. Lenny was survived by his siblings and he also had two children, Jamie and Kelly McLean. Credits also reveal that Valerie passed a decade after Lenny. Carrots never forgave Lenny, but their sons are best friends.

Breadcrumbs (film)

The young Liliana Pereira (Justina Bustos), in Montevideo, a university student and mother of a baby, participates in student struggles against the Civic-Military Dictatorship in Uruguay. Together with other women, she is kidnapped, locked up and tortured, and dispossessed of her son's parental rights. Mutual support with her confinement partners strengthens and accompanies her. After years of exile in Spain, and upon learning that she will be a grandmother, Liliana Pereira (Cecilia Roth) decides to return to Uruguay to participate with her ex-companions in denouncing the hell suffered in her youth and to recover the sentimental ties with her son.

Out of Singapore

First Mate Woolf Barstow is a corrupt merchant marine officer crewing a cargo ship which sails the Manila-Singapore trade route. He and his henchmen intend to blow the vessel while it is off the coast of Luzon in order to collect the insurance premium.

The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

Four months after the events of ''Adventures'', Susato Mikotoba returns to Japan only to find her best friend accused of murdering Jezaille Brett, the murderer of John Wilson. Aided by her father Yujin, Susato disguises herself as the male cousin of her friend Ryunosuke Naruhodo and proves her friend's innocence. After the trial, she finds that her return home was due to a case she and Ryunosuke handled in England six months ago. After proving a defendant innocent in the near-fatal poisoning of a failed actor, the pair discovered a jewelled dog collar in the defendant's apartment, but were forced by detective Herlock Sholmes to hand it over to the police, advising them and his assistant Iris Wilson to not disclose any details of their discovery.

In England, an explosion at the demonstration of an experimental teleportation device results in its inventor being held responsible for the death of a known crime lord. Ryunosuke, upon receiving permission from Lord Chief Justice Mael Stronghart to return to court, after being banned following an investigation of his first trial in the country, is assigned to defend them. Facing off against infamous prosecutor Barok van Zieks — who holds a reputation as the "Reaper" for the defendants he prosecutes dying even if found innocent - who in turn is accompanied by the mute Masked Apprentice, an amnesic man Stronghart assigned to van Zieks. Throughout the trial, Ryunosuke discovers that the case is linked to a spate of serial killings conducted with a dog handled by an individual called the "Professor", who allegedly killed van Zieks's brother Klint, that took place ten years ago. Moreover, it is revealed that the Professor escaped his own execution in a closed casket, only to be shot rising from his grave. With the aid of Susato upon her return to England, Ryunosuke proves the victim was murdered by Scotland Yard's chief coroner, Courtney Sithe, who was being blackmailed over fabricating evidence concerning the Professor's alleged death. Afterwards, van Zieks unveils the Professor to be a Japanese man named Genshin Asogi, the father to Kazuma Asogi, Ryunosuke's close friend. This brings back all of the Masked Apprentice's memories, revealed to be Kazuma himself, having actually survived the events of "Adventures" and made his way to London.

Several days later, Inspector Tobias Gregson is murdered while investigating an outfit called the Red-Headed League. Despite their previous rivalry, Ryunosuke comes to van Zieks' defense when he is arrested as the prime suspect in the murder. However, he is surprised to learn that he will be facing off against Kazuma as prosecution. Due to the nature of the case, the trial is to be closed to the public, resulting in no jury being present. As the trial commences, Ryunosuke discovers that Kazuma came to England to investigate van Zieks, whom he blamed for sending his father Genshin to the gallows as the supposed Professor. When a witness collapses after it transpires that they were blamed for helping Genshin escape, the trial is suspended to allow for further investigation into the matter.

As the trial resumes, Stronghart takes over as the judge. With the help of Yujin Mikotoba - revealed to be Sholmes' partner and not Wilson, as Iris had assumed - Sholmes' investigations leads him to uncover that there was an assassin exchange arranged between Britain and Japan to each send an assassin over as exchange students (Jezaille Brett and Kazuma Asogi) to kill targets in each country (John H. Wilson and Tobias Gregson), so to be protected by diplomatic immunity and eliminate anyone who may know the truth of the Professor case. Moreover, he discovers that the visiting Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Seishiro Jigoku, is the mastermind of this exchange in Japan, and when Kazuma refused his end of the bargain, he murdered Gregson himself. Ryunosuke further uncovers that Stronghart is the true mastermind behind the exchange and the Reaper murders as well, having used the likes of Brett, Gregson, Wilson, Sithe and Jigoku as accomplices. Furthermore, Klint is revealed to have been the actual Professor, disillusioned by the corruption in the aristocracy, and did set his hound upon one of them. However, Stronghart found out and blackmailed him into every murder afterwards, effectively masterminding the Professor murders as well. His plans soon began to come undone when Genshin discovered what was happening and put a stop to it by mercifully killing Klint in a duel. Afterwards, Genshin was able to barter for his life using a confession that Klint had written shortly before his death that would expose Stronghart, but was later murdered by Jigoku when his fake execution was accidentally uncovered by mistake. However, the confession was never found until Ryunosuke finds it from within Genshin's katana during the trial.

Despite exposing the truth, Stronghart declares he is untouchable, having never actually personally killed anyone himself. At that moment, Sholmes holographically appears before court, having shown the Queen all of the proceedings, including all of the crimes that Stronghart had committed, to which she summarily strips him of his position and has him arrested to be tried in a public trial. With the case finally over, Sholmes and Yujin reveal to Ryunosuke that Iris is actually the daughter of Klint, not Wilson, and that Klint had entrusted her to Genshin before his death, who in turn entrusted her to Yujin before his execution. However, Yujin couldn't take her back with him to Japan, so Sholmes' raised her for the past decade. They both sought to conceal her true parentage from Iris as the truth would have been painful and could brand her as the daughter of a serial killer. After making peace with both van Zieks and Kazuma, who decides to remain behind a prosecutor, Ryunosuke returns to Japan with Susato to aid in the growth of its fledgling judicial system.

The Polka King

The film opens at a performance of Jan Lewan's (Black) polka band in Pennsylvania. Near the close of the show, he brings his wife Marla (Slate) onstage. A former beauty queen, Marla models amber jewelry they sell at their souvenir store. After the concert, Jan recounts to a happy concertgoer how he and Marla met, and how he has worked every terrible job imaginable, from dishwasher to janitor, to achieve the American dream.

The clarinetist in his band, Mickey (Schwartzman), visits Jan at his gift shop to tell him he wants to quit the band. Jan takes Mickey to a pizza restaurant nearby, urging him to stay, promising more money. Mickey feels that Jan has enlarged the band to an unsustainable size, and reveals that other members are thinking of quitting, especially after a rumor that Jan had hired a dancing bear to accompany the shows. He admits the bear is now part of the act, but insists that better times are ahead. He then picks up a pizza, going out to deliver it.

An elderly couple visits Jan and asks about investing in his band. He explains that they are guaranteed a 12% annual return on their investment. The state Securities and Exchange Commission office discovers Jan is taking on investors and sends investigator Ron Edwards (Smoove) to meet with him. He informs Jan that because he has not registered properly, it is illegal for him to accept investments. He gives Jan three days to return his investors' money and close down.

With hundreds of thousands of dollars already invested, Jan can't meet the SEC deadline. He buys lottery tickets and asks to do more work at the pizza joint. When the elderly couple returns, asking to invest more money with him, Jan changes the corporate name on his forms and takes their money. He tells Edwards that he has officially closed down his first investment scheme, omitting the fact that he has started another.

The film follows Jan as he continues to expand his enterprises. Jan starts a travel company offering European tours. He sells a package that climaxes with a private audience with the Pope. In Rome, he begs Mickey to help him bribe Vatican officials to secure the Papal audience. Realizing he lied to all the tour goers, Mickey threatens to expose Jan, but Jan explains that his philosophy is to simply say his goals out loud until they become true. He encourages Mickey to do the same, and Mickey explains that he has dreamt of creating a stage name for himself. Jan kneels with him in the hotel lobby and dubs him "Mickey Pizzazz".

Thinking that business will increase if Marla wins another beauty pageant, Jan bribes the judges in order to crown her Mrs. Pennsylvania. The ensuing controversy in the press causes some investors to want to withdraw their money or complain to the SEC. A second investigation reveals that Jan's Ponzi scheme has expanded into the millions of dollars. As he is arrested, Jan is exhilarated that God has finally let the truth be known.

Jan is sentenced to five years in prison. His cellmate slashes his throat, and Jan is glad, because he is treated better by everyone after surviving the attack. Marla divorces Jan and he has lost everything. He is released from prison and returns to leading his polka band.

BanG Dream!

''BanG Dream!'' follows Kasumi Toyama, a happy-go-lucky girl and a new student at Hanasakigawa Girls' High School. During her first weeks at the school, she tries out for numerous clubs in an effort to rediscover the "Star Beat", a "sparkling, heart-pounding" feeling she experienced while looking up at the stars in the night sky as a child.

One day, while returning from school, she spots a trail of star stickers that lead her to a pawnshop owned by her classmate Arisa Ichigaya. In the storage area, she finds a star-shaped guitar with glittery stickers on it and quickly becomes attached to it. The two later visit a local live house, Space, where Kasumi decides to create a band upon watching a performance by a group named Glitter Green. She then recruits Arisa and three of their classmates – Sāya Yamabuki, Tae Hanazono, and Rimi Ushigome – to join her, though they are reluctant for personal reasons. Despite their initial misgivings, the five overcome many hurdles and ultimately agree to form the band "Poppin'Party". With her bandmates, Kasumi finds the excitement that she had been looking for.

During their first year of high school, Poppin'Party meets and befriends four all-girl bands at Hanasakigawa and nearby Haneoka Girls' High School, each of whom has their own stories: Afterglow consists of five childhood friends who maintain their friendship through music; Pastel Palettes is an idol group who are capable of playing their own instruments; Roselia is a gothic rock band who strives to become the perfect band; and Hello, Happy World! is an eccentric band that seeks to spread happiness. As second-year students, they encounter Raise A Suilen, an electronic music group aiming to revolutionize the girl's band genre, and Morfonica, a newly formed classical band of freshmen at Tsukinomori Girls' Academy with dreams of changing themselves for the better.

Scream Again (Scream Queens)


On October 31, 1985, a pregnant woman named Jane (Trilby Glover) arrives at hospital Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering during a Halloween party, saying her husband, Bill (Jeremy Batiste), has COPD and needs medical assistance immediately. Nurse Thomas (Laura Bell Bundy) and Dr. Mike (Jerry O'Connell) determine that Bill's surgery will succeed at morning, an excuse to return to the party. However, he agrees to do the operation after Jane threatens to have his medical license revoked and the hospital shut down. Then, Dr. Mike injects the woman's husband with an anesthetic and decides to dump his body in a swamp. Nurse Thomas seems hesitant about that and explains to Dr. Mike that she grew up in the area and heard some stories about a monster that lives by the swamp, the Green Meanie. Dr. Mike explains to her that the swamp's the real monster and dumps the body and his costume in the swamp, while Jane is in the waiting room, unaware of what happened.

Early 2016

Cathy Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis), now recognized by her movement known as New New Feminism and as a global icon, explains to an audience she's into a new social cause: reforming America's health care system. She opened the C.U.R.E. Institute using her own personal publishing fortune, with the intent of hiring only the best doctors to solve the world's most incurable medical cases. It is then revealed that Hester (Lea Michele) confessed her crimes, which lead to the Chanels to be acquitted. An award-winning Netflix documentary series turned them into a national obsession. Although innocent, the Chanels are despised by the public. To improve their public images, the three graduate in Communications, which they later realized were useless. Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) got a job as a receptionist; Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd) got a job mopping floors at a sperm bank; and Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) started to work as a phlebotomist. Nevertheless, their lives continued to be miserable.

Later, Cathy visits Zayday Williams (Keke Palmer) at the restaurant where she works, where Zayday tells that she managed to graduate from Wallace University in only two years and is now working on three jobs to pay her medical school. Cathy then offers to pay for Zayday's medical study, if she agrees to work at C.U.R.E Institute.

October 2016

Dr. Brock Holt (John Stamos) and Dr. Cassidy Cascade (Taylor Lautner) introduce themselves to their first patient, Catherine Hobart (Cecily Strong), and diagnose her with hypertrichosis, otherwise known as werewolf syndrome. Also, Cathy and Zayday reintroduce themselves to each other. Later, Dr. Cassidy states he became a doctor after seeing the terrible medical care his family has gotten throughout the years, while Dr. Brock explains how Cathy hired him after seeing his spread in a magazine. Zayday questions Brock about the scar on his wrist, and he reveals he's the recipient of the world's first hand transplant. He explains that he lost his hand in a sink drain during a blackout. However, after he received his new hand, he couldn't get a job, and that's why he is so thankful for Cathy giving him a second chance. Brock leaves, and Zayday touches Cassidy's back and says he feels like ice, and after he leaves, she seems freaked out about her co-workers.

Doctors say there's nothing to do with Catherine while Zayday says they can work harder. Chamberlain Jackson (James Earl), the hospital's candy stripper, arrives to cheer Catherine up, but instead he upsets her by calling her "Hairy Mary." Catherine considers leaving the hospital, but Zayday convinces her to stay a more week. Zayday then goes to Cathy's office to discuss the possibility of hiring more ladies, to which Cathy responds that she has an idea. Cathy drives in a limo to the Chanel's current residence, and offers them a job at the hospital, to which they agree. Later, the Chanels meet with Zayday, who says she's happy having the Chanels back, and are introduced to the hospital's system and to a half-naked Dr. Brock. Zayday explains to Catherine that she had done some research, and presents her a cure for Catherine's disease. The Chanels interrupt and start saying rude things to Catherine, and Brock apologize on their behalf. Zayday explains the procedure, and Catherine gets scared of getting a lobotomy, but Zayday and Brock assure that there's no other options, and Catherine agrees. As the Chanels leave the room, Chanel affirms that they're doctors and the nurses are their servant, and they are reprimanded by Ingrid Marie Hoffel (Kirstie Alley). She introduces herself as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, the head of C.U.R.E.'s administration. Ingrid demonstrates her displeasure at them, and she says that they are disqualified to the medical ward, stating that Cathy called them to kill them, and they don't belong to the hospital.

Cathy scolds the Chanels for their behavior in front of Catherine. Chanel decides she will help find a cure for Catherine in order to get Cathy to look her with new eyes. Chanel visits Brock, and he discovers that Catherine's diet based on Vitamin C was increasing the level of testosterone in her body. The two rush into the operating room in time to stop the lobotomy, and Brock recommends putting Catherine under a new soy-based diet. The next morning, the Chanel discover that Catherine lost every inch of hair on her body. Catherine gets annoyed with the situation, and the Chanels decide to make a full blown makeover to cheer her up. After, Catherine is happy with the result and Cathy congratulates the Chanels for their work. Chanel and #3 reveals they have dates with Brock and Cassidy to #5, who is upset she still has to work in the graveyard shift. #5 brings Catherine to the basement for a hydrotherapy bath, and #5 locks Catherine and herself in the tubs, since the tubs are equipped with a self-locking mechanism. The Green Meanie appears in the basement and attacks the girls, decapitating Catherine with a machete.

Gem Drill

Picking up immediately after the events of "Super Watermelon Island", with the other Crystal Gems stranded on Mask Island, Steven (Zach Callison) tells Peridot (Shelby Rabara) that it is up to the two of them to stop the Cluster, the underground geo-weapon that threatens to destroy the Earth. Steven and Peridot climb into their drill and begin tunneling. As they drill, Steven and Peridot discuss Peridot's previous life on the Gem homeworld and how it compares to her life on Earth. When Cluster prototypes—artificial, deformed fusions of broken Gem shards buried in the Earth—attack the drill, Steven fights them off but feels uneasy about not trying to help them.

The drill eventually arrives at the Cluster, an immense spherical formation of millions of Gem shards. It is trying to take a physical form, but is not yet able to. Peridot prepares the drill as Steven frets that maybe the Cluster just doesn't know what it is doing. Peridot is still determined to destroy it, as there is a possibility that it still could destroy Earth if they don't stop it, and begins to drill into the Cluster, but is unable even to pierce the surface.

Rendered unconscious by the resulting ordeal, Steven experiences a vision of himself floating among the shards of the Cluster. He realizes he can communicate with the shards, which are obsessed with trying to take form in order to feel whole. He tries to persuade them that perhaps all they need is each other's company. The shards begin conversing with each other, but cannot resist the impulse to take form. Steven encases a few shards in bubbles, and then wakes up in the drill to see the shards slowly begin to bubble each other. Steven eventually merges all the small bubbles into one huge bubble, encasing the Cluster.

After Steven and Peridot arrive back on the surface, Pearl (Deedee Magno Hall), Garnet (Estelle), and Amethyst (Michaela Dietz) finally return with an unconscious Lapis Lazuli, and Steven tells them what happened. The last shot of the episode is the Cluster, peacefully lying deep in the Earth inside of Steven's bubble.

Fratelli d'Italia (1989 film)

Three episodes held together by a common element: a car rented by three different characters. A salesman ends up the case to pass a great weekend on a VIP boat. An employee saw go up in smoke the long-awaited night of passion with the wife of the chief. A Milan fan forced by circumstances to pretend frantic Roma player.

Convergence (2015 film)

In 1999, after an explosion at a women's health clinic in Atlanta, police detective Ben Walls is called back into active duty while on leave. As he investigates the scene, a second explosion goes off, and he loses consciousness. He wakes up at a hospital, and captain Miller, his superior officer, orders him to stay in bed. Eager to contact his wife and return to duty, he dresses and leaves his room, finding the hospital nearly empty. A nurse explains that most of the hospital's workers have been redirected toward a major fire in the city, which Walls assumes is the clinic bombing. The nurse directs him to a chapel, where she says several people are gathered. He finds Miller there with Ester, Jude, and Isaac. Miller gives him change to contact his wife at a payphone.

After calling his wife, Walls can only speak a few words before the line goes dead. He attempts to leave the hospital, only to find the door locked. A security guard named Peter "Grace" Grayson offers to let Walls use the phone in his office, though the line turns out dead. Grayson says he knew Walls' parents, but a man in a paramedic's uniform shoots Grayson before he can explain further. Walls binds Grayson's wound and chases the paramedic, who knocks him unconscious. Because he is not wearing his glasses, Walls does not get a good look at the man's face. Walls reports the attack to Miller, but the nurse says Grayson's body is missing. Miller and the others from the chapel believe a man named Daniel to be responsible, though they do not tell Walls.

Daniel, the paramedic, captures Jude and questions him about his belief in God. Jude says he no longer believes in God, and Daniel cuts out Jude's tongue when he curses God. After branding Jude with his cult's symbol, Daniel gains control over him. Daniel lures away the nurse when he says he has found Grayson, and he gains control over her, too, after branding her. After the nurse attacks him, Walls has a vision of his body in the hospital. Grayson briefly appears before him and explains that the situation is more complicated than being dead. Walls confronts Miller, demanding to know why nobody told him the truth, and Miller says that he was prohibited from doing so because of the rules. Miller orders the others to hide while he stays behind to face Daniel and his cult, but Isaac insists on helping Miller.

As Isaac and Miller engage in a shootout with Daniel's followers, Walls and Ester discuss grace in Christianity. Ester says that grace is the only way to escape the hospital, which is a test of their faith. Walls, whose parents were missionaries killed in a bombing, expresses his skepticism in religion. Isaac disappears when he enters the chapel, and Miller is shot. Daniel stops his followers from killing Miller, and they search for Ester. Walls finds Miller and helps him to the chapel, where Miller also disappears after expressing his faith. Walls tricks the nurse into entering the chapel, and Ester kills her there. She disappears after entering the chapel, though Walls is confused when he does not. In a vision, Grayson explains it is because he is not ready.

Walls encounters two ghost hunters, Kris and Casey, who explain they are from 2015 and investigating the 1999 clinic bombing. They ask Walls to discover Daniel's conspirator. Daniel reveals he was a member of Walls' parents' congregation but broke away when they adopted a more loving and inclusive message. Enraged at their perceived heresy, Daniel bombed their church. As the ghost hunters flee, Walls captures Daniel and tortures him for the name of his conspirator, to Casey's shock. Before she leaves, Walls gives his recovered glasses to Casey, who returns them to his wife, Hannah. On the news, Hannah is relieved to see that Daniel's conspirator has finally been caught.

Love Sick: The Series

Season 1 (2014)

Lovesick The Series explores the experiences of students attending an all-male college called Friday College. The series centers on the budding love story between Noh, (Chonlathorn Kongyingyong) the president of Friday College's music club, and Phun, (Nawat Phumphotingam) the vice president of Friday College's student council.

Phun has a dilemma: despite having a girlfriend, his father insists on him dating the daughter of one of his friends. Phun decides to get his little sister, Pang, to help him convince their father to change his mind. Pang is obsessed with boy's love novels, so Phun comes up with a plan to win her support. He decides to convince Pang that he has a boyfriend.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Noh discovers that his music club's budget is short, and they need money to purchase new drums. Noh rushes to the student council in search of help and finds Phun, the vice president of the student council. He lays out his case and Phun decides he has found the perfect candidate for his plan.

Phun asks Noh to be his fake boyfriend in exchange for help with his music club budget. Noh is unwilling at first, but when he shows up at Phun's house, the plan goes as Phun intended and Pang is convinced they are a couple. She agrees to help Phun with their father. Through the first season, the story revolves around the many adventures Noh and Phun encounter. Their relationship changes through these experiences and eventually, the two 17-year-old boys fall in love with each other.

Supporting Phun and Noh's story are:

Season 1 of Love Sick the Series ends with Phun and Noh deciding to step back from each other for the sake of their two girlfriends, whom they don't want to hurt with their affair.

The first season of Love Sick is notable for adapting many tropes from Japanese yaoi and for beginning the boom in Thai series exploring "Boys Love".

Season 2 (2015)

The second season of Love Sick the Series starts with Noh and Phun deciding to be just friends. They both focus on prepping for Friday College's major soccer game event while keeping their relationship platonic. When the game ends, Noh, Phun, and their friends celebrate their win at a restaurant where Noh gets to meet Golf, a former student at Friday College.

Golf tells Noh about a disturbing indiscretion involving Aim, Phun's girlfriend. Golf asks Noh to tell his friend, Phun, about Aim's indiscretion, as it was the right thing to do as Phun's friend. Noh struggles with this information, and drinks too much ending up at Phun's house, farther confirming his relationship with Phun to Pang and her friends. Aim and Yuri then invite Phun and Noh on a couple vacation to Hua Hin in order to spend time together. During a quiet moment at Hua Hin, Noh is faced with evidence of Aim's indiscretion, confirming Golf's claims. Noh then starts worrying on how he will tell Phun the truth about his girlfriend without hurting him.

When Noh's friends throw an impromptu party at Noh's house, Phun shows up and accidentally stumbles on the evidence from Golf showing Aim's secret. Phun runs off, struggling to deal with Aim's betrayal, and Noh hurries to Phun's side, vowing to support him through the following hard time. Phun and Aim's relationship comes to an end soon after.

Phun and Noh keep their relationship status as friends for a while, until Noh's band performs at an Open House Event at the Girl's convent school. When most of the girls work to win Noh's heart, Phun decides to confess his feelings and asks Noh to be his boyfriend. They keep their relationship a secret, as Noh is not ready to let everyone know the nature of their relationship. Their secret relationship leads them into multiple misunderstandings with their friends and Noh's girlfriend, Yuri.

To end the fights and the hurt, Noh confesses his feelings to Phun, and decides to end his ambiguous relationship with Yuri. The day after Noh talks to Yuri, she witnesses an intimate scene between Phun and Noh that confirms Noh's feelings for Phun. Not being able to accept the truth, Yuri distances herself from Noh, which causes him great hurt.

Noh and Phun then navigate through the experiences of coming out as a gay couple to their friends, dealing with prejudices and in the case of Jeed, potential ostracization. The series comes to an end with Noh and Phun finally finding a balance and an acceptance of each other's experiences and feelings. They vow to stay together for as long as they can.

Rock N Roll Frankenstein

The movie follows Bernie, a record producer who persuades his nephew Frankie to create a new rock star that will help Bernie overcome his work related ennui. Iggy, the burnt-out roadie pillages the graves of various celebrities, such as Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, and Sid Vicious, using the head of Elvis Presley to top things off.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (film)

Dining out at Corny's, Susan announces the family plan for a road trip to attend her grandmother's 90th birthday party, much to Rodrick and Greg's dismay. Greg is then sent to rescue Manny from inside a tube in the play area. He ends up in the ball pit with a diaper stuck to his hand and freaking out while searching for Manny. He subsequently becomes famous when the footage is posted on the Internet, becoming an embarrassing meme called "Diaper Hands".

Later, Greg learns that the ''Player Expo'' is taking place not far from Meemaw's house in Indianapolis. His favorite Internet star, Mac Digby, will be attending so he plans to sneak off from the road trip and secretly go to the ''Player Expo''. As soon as they start, everyone's phones are immediately confiscated by Susan, so the road trip is "absolutely technology-free".

That night, at a motel, Greg secretly gets his phone from the car. Later, while he and Rodrick are relaxing in the hot tub, Rodrick uncovers his plans to go to the ''Player Expo''. Later that night, he investigates a loud noise: a couple of kids repeatedly slamming a wheeled cart into a wall, belonging to a family which he dubs "the Beardos" due to their father's beard. Scolding them for making a racket, he threatens to have them thrown out. Their father comes out, and nearly gets hit by the cart his daughter rolls at Greg, but it misses him and damages their van. She blames Greg, telling her father that he also called him a "Fat Beardo," causing Mr. Beardo to plot revenge.

On the road, Manny wins a piglet at a fair. Mr. Beardo, who is also there with his family, sees Greg and pursues him. The next day, a work call and the piglet's craziness lead to the Heffleys nearly crashing their car on a bridge, and they donate the piglet to a petting zoo much to Manny's dismay while Greg reroutes the GPS to the ''Player Expo''. In the hotel room, Rodrick and Greg leave a note telling Frank and Susan that they are buying a gift for Meemaw, but they sneak out to ''Player Expo''. Thinking they are missing, Susan calls the police but gets them herself after seeing them on TV.

Seeing Mac Digby in a video game competition, Greg asks Rodrick to record him on the stage behind him, but he accidentally knocks out the power to Mac's screen. Susan arrives and accidentally reveals to Mac that Greg is Diaper Hands, humiliating him in the process. She opens up saying all she wanted was a nice road trip to bring them closer together, and accuses him of not caring. Back on the road, the tarp on their motorboat blows open and their belongings fly out. The Beardos then show up and begin stealing them as "payback." The Heffleys chase after the Beardos, but get stuck in a traffic jam, which they get out of by taking a back road. They come across the Beardos' van at another motel, steal their belongings back, and manage to reach Meemaw's birthday celebration with Greg in the boat with it detached to the car. After the party, the car is still broken, though a tow truck driver stops by, but he only speaks Spanish, though Manny is able to communicate due to a CD they heard earlier in the trip. He guides them to the petting zoo and he retrieves the piglet. In Greg's ending monologue, Frank gets time off from work to spend with his family, and Rodrick gets money to repair his van. While the trip was far hardly perfect, it was eventful and he's excited for next year. Susan steps in to say they will be flying. In a mid-credits scene, two girls take selfies with Greg, who they recognize as "diaper hands".

Sin rastro de ti

The night before her wedding, Julia (Adriana Louvier), a young pediatrician with a bright future, disappears without a trace.

Five years later, in the middle of the road, a university student finds a woman dressed as a bride, alone and disoriented. The boy takes her to the nearest hospital. During the journey the woman reaches to say her name: Julia Borges.

Julia has no memory of what happened to her during these five years. She only has an image that she can not get out of her mind: a man she does not recognize and who promises to take care of her forever.

Mauricio (Danilo Carrera), Julia's fiancée, believing her dead, has moved on with his life. He is married and has a one year old son. His new wife: Camila (Ana Layevska), Julia's troublesome younger sister.

The only one who kept hoping to find Julia is Tomás (Juan Pablo Medina), her best friend and co-worker. Tomás has invested all his money, ruined his marriage and has been almost ruined by trying to discover her whereabouts. The reason? He's always been in love with her.

Julia tries to face this new reality, in which the man she loves is married to someone else and all her life projects collapsed. Meanwhile, looking for clues that reveal what happened to her during these lost years and who was responsible for her disappearance.

Knight 'n' Grail

A demon curses a knight and kidnaps his girlfriend; the knight sets out rescue her and also to find the eponymous grail, the "vessel of restoration", which will lift the curse.

On aura tout vu

François Perrin (Pierre Richard), a photographer desirous to get into filming, wrote with his friend Henri, a script titled ''Le miroir de l'âme''. Having not found any producer, François transmits the script to a producer of pornographic films, Bob Morlock (Jean-Pierre Marielle), who retitles the project into ''La vaginale''. The only thing is that this setting becomes a source of conflict between François and his partner Christine (Miou-Miou).

I'll Be Your Mirror (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

The forest is filled with mirrors, with the "O" mirror: The World Behind the Mirror showing off the blue mist.

Event chronology

The World Behind the Mirror events take place after Sidney Glass is freed from the Mirror by Ingrid in "Breaking Glass". The Storybrooke events take place after "Heartless".

In Storybrooke

In the present day, Snow and David deal with living without each other as long as their hearts are cursed, leaving one in sleep and the other awake. Snow is aware that The Evil Queen is watching, leading to Snow smashing a mirror. Unfortunately at this point there is nothing that even Emma, Henry, or Regina can do, but they believe that The Dragon might be their answer to stopping The Evil Queen. With no luck finding The Dragon, Regina comes up with a solution, which is using a mirror to trap her other half. At the beach, Henry, acting as bait, confronts The Evil Queen and tells her that he won't forget what she did to his grandparents. After they send him away, Emma and Regina appear ready to send The Evil Queen to another world through the Mirror, but The Evil Queen, who shares the same mind as Regina, has the real mirror and sends Regina and Emma to the other side, then breaks the mirror to keep the women trapped inside.

Meanwhile, Belle enlists Zelena's help to break into Gold's Pawn Shop so she can escape Storybrooke. Zelena isn't interested in helping her but Belle says they both know what it's like to care about people who let them down. Realizing that Zelena needs the Sorcerer's wand, Belle and Zelena go talk Aladdin and Jasmine into helping them. Although Jasmine says it's not Aladdin's business to be involved, Zelena says it's his fault because, thanks to Aladdin, Gold has now acquired the Fates shears. At the same time Gold catches on to The Evil Queen masquerading as Regina, and refused her advances. The Evil Queen then asks Gold for an item called the hammer of Hephaestus, which gives magic to those without it, explaining that she wants it for Henry. As he gives the hammer to the Evil Queen, Gold asks what she has to offer him, only to point out they're on the same team, as he pushes her away. The disappearance of Emma has Hook suspicious. When he investigates and finds Emma's phone on the beach, he is attacked by The Evil Queen.

At Granny's, Henry sits alone at a table, waiting for Violet, then looks in the mirror to see his appearance. As both Emma and Regina see Henry, they almost get his attention until they see The Evil Queen (pretending to be Regina) show up. Henry tells the fake Regina that he doesn't think he's good enough for Violet, but she tells Henry he's a prince and should act like one. After Henry glances at her carefully, Violet shows up and Henry walks over and hands her the flower that "Regina" gave him. He then tells Violet that he knows "Regina" is really The Evil Queen after she "lectures" about his posture, which he knows is The Evil Queen's recurring theme. Using a ruse to help Henry search for Emma and Regina, Violet makes an excuse about needing to change and they leave. Henry arrives at the vault to contact the mirror when The Evil Queen shows up, knowing that he is aware of her plan. The Evil Queen then tempts Henry to become part of her future, but when he refuses, The Evil Queen takes out the Dragon's heart and uses it to turn the Dragon into a dragon in front of Emma and Regina to kill them. The Evil Queen then tempts Henry to kill The Dragon with the Hammer but he defies her and uses the Hammer to smash the mirror and free Emma and Regina from the World Behind the Mirror. After they're released, The Evil Queen is stunned by Henry standing up for himself, but as she initiates a spell to use on them, Hook stops her, but she vows her revenge. Later that night, Henry and Violet finally have their dance as Emma and Regina watch.

In between the events, Aladdin breaks into Gold's shop looking for the wand. He finds Gold at the spinning wheel spinning gold, and is quick to hide from him, allowing Aladdin to find the wand, and later on, show Jasmine the lamp, where he hopes to find out who took the Genie's place. Unfortunately for Belle and Zelena, they aren't as lucky; Gold takes back the wand from Zelena, then uses the gold bracelet he spun at the shop to place on Belle so he can track her, However, Gold forgets he can't hurt Zelena because their hearts are connected. Later on back at the shop, both Gold and The Evil Queen, upset over their latest defeats, agree to team up to seek vengeance, and as they have more tepid kissing, Gold asks The Evil Queen to help him kill the one thing that stands in his way: Zelena.

In The World Behind The Mirror

Inside the trapped universe, Emma looks for Regina and discovers that she can see Storybrooke through the mirror but nobody can hear them. Regina comes to and believes that the person who can reach them is Henry. However, The Evil Queen has taken Regina's place in Storybrooke, by fooling Henry to let him think that The Evil Queen was banished. Emma and Regina begin to look for Henry through the mirrors, and then locate him after Emma remembers Henry will be at Granny's to meet Violet. As both Emma and Regina see Henry, they almost get his attention until they see The Evil Queen (pretending to be Regina) show up, Regina is worried and says Henry doesn't stand a chance against her. Suddenly, the women are shocked to see The Dragon inside with them as a prisoner as well. He tells Regina that she was never supposed to let the Evil Queen out, and that caused his imprisonment, and he tells Regina she needs balance. He tells her that he has also made mistakes, such as losing his daughter. He says he has found a back door out of the mirror world. En route, the Dragon leads the women to the place where Sidney lived as the Magic Mirror, and tells them he was putting together a way to repair the portal, and that he can't break Emma's parents' curse. As they work on the portal, Henry arrives to the vault to contact the mirror when The Evil Queen shows up, now that he is aware of her plan. The Evil Queen then tempts Henry to become part of her future, but when he refuses, the Evil Queen takes out the Dragon's heart and uses it to turn the Dragon into a dragon in front of Emma and Regina to kill them. The Evil Queen then tempts Henry to kill The Dragon with the Hammer but he defies her and uses the Hammer to smash the mirror instead, freeing Emma and Regina from the World Behind the Mirror.

The Tilted Cross

The novel is set in Hobart, Tasmania, in 1845-46. It follows the last few months in the life of Judas Griffin Vaneleigh, a transported forger and suspected poisoner.

Kung Mangarap Ka't Magising

Joey (Christopher de Leon), an easygoing professional student in Baguio who loves to compose music and jam with his friends, is following a course of studies his father has chosen for him. Always haunted by the memory of his dead girlfriend, he meets and gets attracted to Anna (Hilda Koronel), who is then visiting her cousin Cecile (Laurice Guillen), a professor at the university. But Joey learns that Anna is married and has a young son. Nevertheless, they become close and later Joey discovers that Anna is not happy with her domineering and too proper husband. Eventually, the couple becomes intimate and then more than friends, but though they are happy, Anna is afraid that soon reality will catch up with them.

Carve the Mark

The story centers around two main characters: Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth. (It is told by Cyra, though occasionally it speaks of Akos in a chapter of his own, told in third person.) Cyra is the second child of Lazmet and Ylira Noavek, who were the leaders of the Shotet. Lazmet Noavek was the sort of person who hated showing pain and daorites, which triggers her currentgift. Her currentgift is pain, showing itself visibly in dark, shadowy tendrils of current that flow fluidly just under her skin. Anyone who touches her skin experiences profound pain, while she herself is constantly tortured by the pain of it, with no respite. Cyra's mother tried to find a way to fix it, but never could, and refused to listen to anyone who said it was only Cyra herself would be able to control. In a fit, Cyra accidentally kills her mother, grabbing her hand and pushing the pain into her, not knowing what it would do. Thus begins the worse days of life. Ryzek pushes her further away, having loved his mother, as everyone in Shotet did, and she is left alone. She is then raised by a maid, as both her father and brother ignore her. Then, on one fateful Sojourn, Lazmet does not return, and Ryzek is forced to rule in the wake of his death. He manages to create a slightly better world for the Shotet, but he, in his now twisted state of being, rules as his father once did, but more diplomatically and harshly. He forces Cyra to torture people for him, holding the threat of releasing the truth about Ylira's death to the public over her head. Cyra had no choice but to be "Ryzek's Scourge".

On the other side of the planet, Akos Kereseth and his family of four others were living in a poorer community of Thuvhe, where his father Aoseh farmed and fixed things and his mother Sifa, the current oracle, brewed potions and worked in the temple. They lived a fairly happy existence. Their community holds the tradition of watching the hushflowers, or iceflowers, bloom each year. They lived on the colder side of the planet, where it was constantly winter and the landscape was mostly ice and snow. Their planet is the only one where the hushflowers would bloom, and their cultivation is Thuvhe's most important industry. The hushflowers are red flowers of dangerous potency. Brewed correctly, they could make a healing potion, or a deadly poison. They carried the current in them, and to touch them with bare hands was to poison oneself. Akos's mother taught him in this art, which he became very skilled in. However, Ryzek was searching for an oracle for himself, so he could try to take advantage of them and try to control his future. He sent soldiers after Akos's mother and one of her boys, as he was fated to be the next oracle (called the rising oracle), though they weren't sure which one it was. On that day, the Assembly announced all of the fates to the galaxy, which had never been done before, and the Kereseth children – as well as their friend Ori, which only Akos knew and found to be confusing, as he knew she wasn't a fated child – were taken out of school while it was put in lock-down, so they could get to safety. However, when they arrived home, they were ambushed by Ryzek's soldiers, who killed their dad and took the two boys, Eijeh, who they discovered was the rising oracle, and Akos, who possessed the revelatory tongue, leaving Cisi, their older sister, alone with their dead father. Akos also discovered his currentgift – the ability to interrupt, or stop, the current, which he used to get him out of his restraints (everything is mostly run by the current, which is basically a source of energy) and to kill one of the soldiers, Kalmev. Unfortunately, he did not manage to escape, and the boys were brought to Ryzek.

Akos was told his fate was that he would die in service to the Noavek family, which caused him infinite grief, believing he would betray his home. He was brought to a training camp for soldiers to "toughen his skin," and he was given simple strength and agility training, but no actual education. He was thought to be a lowly Thuvhesit, thin-skinned and weak, simple and a servant. He earned himself some armor, though, which was considered somewhat of an honor. Meanwhile, Eijeh was being tortured to force his currentgift out of him, which took a while. Cyra was getting her regular education from her maid and only caretaker, Otega, and was learning what she could of the usual Shotet combat training every citizen was given, though her currentgift made it difficult. She began to take her education into her own hands, training herself in combat, watching videos on the dancing, combat styles, and overall bodily movement training of other nations and cultures. She studied several languages and read all that she could about everything she could. The Sojourn becomes her favorite time of the season (year), when she gets to visit the worlds she's learned about and take back souvenirs. The Sojourn ship also becomes her home; her room there is as full as her room in the palace in Voa – the Shotet capital city – isn't.

Later on, Akos returns to the palace and becomes Cyra's personal pain reliever, as he's able to interrupt the current and stop her pain. He teaches her how to make a pain reliever that actually works. Akos is planning to break Eijeh and himself out and get back to Thuvhe, but he refuses to leave without his brother. Ryzek begins switching memories with Eijeh, hoping to get Eijeh's ability to see the future by doing so, believing one's currentgift is part of who they are, and if he's Eijeh, he can see the future. Eijeh begins to show similar traits and qualities of Ryzek's and stands by his side constantly, his ever-present adviser. Akos refuses to lose hope, though, and is determined to keep his promise to his father that he would bring Eijeh home. Cyra and Akos become closer friends, and she is there for him and teaches him in the art of combat, and even begins to try to help him in his endeavor. Akos begins to settle in better in Voa. Akos also begins to teach Cyra to love herself, to see herself in a better light. And they develop a close relationship that only strengthens over time.

Cyra's new outlook gets her caught up with the renegades, a secret group of Shotet rebels who disagree with the Noavek ruling and who plan to assassinate Ryzek. They make attempts to loosen his grip on the people and the leadership role. Cyra turns her back on Ryzek and focuses on trying to get Akos safely home, knowing Eijeh is a lost cause. Everything goes awry, and the plan falls through, but Cyra does her best to not give up. She and Akos are forced to torture each other to reveal information Ryzek wants, but Cyra learns to control her currentgift, and kills herself momentarily in the process, therefore thwarting Ryzek. The renegades manage to get Akos out while he's unconscious, and they take him to a hospital in Thuvhe, where he meets Ori and her twin sister, the Chancellor, Isae. Ryzek releases the true story of how Ylira died to the public, causing them to hate Cyra more than before. She had been Ryzek's Scourge, his torture weapon, and now she is their former sovereign's beloved wife's murderer. Ryzek strips her of her title in a ritual called nemhalzak, where one's social status is lowered to the lowest rung, making it so anyone can challenge them to a fight to the death, which is done by literally stripping off a section of their skin. Cyra is branded from throat to behind her ear to the top of her skull. Then she is challenged by a great many people to the arena, which she won all of, until Vas Kuzar, Ryzek's right-hand man who couldn't feel pain, challenges her, and she almost dies, but is rescued just in time. She, Akos, Isae Benesit, Cisi, Sifa, and the renegades make a plan to kill Ryzek and rescue Ori, who'd been captured by Ryzek. Things don't go as planned, and they end up barely escaping the planet with a few prisoners and a couple dead, leaving Voa in total chaos.

Valdis Story: Abyssal City

According to legend, long ago the Goddess Valdis birthed two daughters into the world; one of Light (Alagath) and one of Darkness (Myrgato). One day Myrgato attacked her in her home city of Sitheil. Alagath arrived too late to prevent this, and her subsequent battle with her sister sunk the holy city.

During the present day, while on a sea voyage in search of a Knight in Myrgato's Dark Army, the Four Protagonists (Reina, Wyatt, Gilda, and Vladyn) are attacked by massive sea creatures and sucked into the submerged city of Sitheil. Sitheil-once believed to have been lost-persists underwater; the submerged city is encased in a barrier that allows for the remaining humans and feral creatures in it to live underwater. Alagaths' Angels and Myrgato's Demons still occupy areas of the city, vying for supremacy.

Each of the four protagonists set out to find the ship's crew, from whom they have been separated. Aided by the few remaining humans in Sitheil across several towns, the protagonists manage to find each other and their crew whilst uncovering the truth behind Valdis' supposed death and the war between Alagath and Myrgato that is consuming their world.

According to old texts strewn about, the world of Erebus is a living entity which is connected to all humans through spiritual energy. Initially, only a few humans were able to wield large amounts of this energy, but through humanity's history more and more people were able to tap into this unseen energy. Powerful beings from another world would emerge on Erebus, drawn by this powerful energy. These "Tyrant Gods" would rule over humanity, until a small tribe led a rebellion against them. When the rebellion's leader was assassinated, his grief-stricken wife—Valdis—would awaken to her powers over death and lead humanity towards victory.

Becoming a Goddess, she would then create a daughter of Light (Alagath) and a daughter of Darkness (Myrgato) to watch over humanity in her stead. Wishing to live in solitude, Valdis would then live among nomadic warrior tribes (The Goibniu) in frozen wastelands. Living amongst them would reignite her passions and lead her to becoming an active part of Erebus once more. The frozen wasteland she inhabited would then become the prosperous city of Sitheil, with Valdis as its leading figure.

Towards the end of the game the protagonists find Valdis during her final moments of life, where she reveals that it was both of her daughters whom attacked her, not just one. They did so out of fear of her power over death and fear of the Goibniu's acquired knowledge of weaponry and techniques in defeating the Gods. In her final moments she laments that her daughters became as Tyrannical as the Gods she freed humanity of many years ago. She reveals that Reina is her daughter; she precipitated the protagonist's capsized ship to bring Reina to her; and that Wyatt's father was a Goibniu whom assisted her in getting Reina out of Sitheil and who also bred with a powerful demon for the explicit purpose of having strong offspring who could protect Reina. Before she dies she informs Reina that her sisters do not know of her existence, and that she must eliminate her two mistakes.

As the protagonists make their way out of the now inundated city, they all form their own personal resolves to bring the war between Myrgato and Alagath to an end, with Reina as their leading figure.

The Constitution (film)

The film is a story of four people who live in the same apartment building in downtown Zagreb, but are wary of each other because they don't share the same ethnic and religious backgrounds and sexual preferences. Vjeko Kralj (Nebojša Glogovac), a high school professor and a transvestite, is beaten in the street by a group of hooligans. In the hospital, he accidentally meets his neighbor Maja Samardžić (Ksenija Marinković), who works there as a nurse. After Vjeko is released, she continues to look after him and his dying father. She then asks Vjeko to help her husband Ante (Dejan Aćimović), who is a police officer, to pass the Croatian Constitution exam. Problems soon arise because Ante is an ethnic Serb, while Vjeko is an ardent Croatian nationalist. Slowly and painfully, they begin to open and recognize each other as human beings.

Tutankhamun (TV series)

Archaeologist Howard Carter (Max Irons) stumbles upon evidence of an undiscovered tomb of one of Egypt's forgotten Pharaohs, Tutankhamun. His peers, however, dismiss the idea, save for one man: the wealthy Lord Carnarvon (Sam Neill), a born gambler and thrill-seeker, who agrees to fund Carter's digs.

Jailbirds (2015 film)

When her husband, a career criminal, is arrested and faces maybe ten years in jail, Mathilde smuggles him a gun which he uses to escape. She is caught, and faces maybe two years in prison, while he is on the run as a wanted man facing further charges. Life locked up awaiting trial is tough and Mathilde, without any clue where her husband has got to, starts crumbling under the strain. When a prisoner is knifed and uproar breaks out, she picks up the knife and threatens a guard. Disarmed, she faces a further charge and is told with relish by the chief warder that her husband has been found dead in the boot of a car.

The Stalin Subway

The game is, alongside ''You Are Empty'' (2006) and the games in the ''Metro 2033'' series, one the games set in and around the Moscow Metro system. It takes place in 1952 in Moscow in the Soviet Union, under Joseph Stalin who has been in power for over 30 years. The game focuses on a fictional internal plot against Stalin and the Soviet government. Locations include the Metro subway stations including the secret Metro-2 line, the KGB Lubyanka Building, the Kremlin, the Moscow State University, and Stalin's bunker.

The protagonists are the MGB officer Gleb Suvorov and the GRU officer Natalia Mihaleva. Suvorov discovers that a conspiracy of high-ranking officers want to detonate a secret nuclear weapon sent via D-6 during the Party assembly. He rescues his father from the KGB prison and thwarts the plot.

The Last Descent

In 2009, John Jones, a 26-year-old medical student and experienced caver, arrives in Utah for the Thanksgiving weekend with his wife Emily and young daughter Lizzie. They are picked up by John's brother Josh, who tells him that the Nutty Putty Cave has been opened after having been closed before. Emily approves because of John's enthusiasm and he and Josh go to explore the cave. After Emily leaves with Josh's car, the two brothers enter the cave. John makes a decision to split up and explore an un-mapped route. As he goes deeper into the cave, he gets stuck in a small passageway. As he tries to go back and free himself, he falls into an even smaller hole and passes out.

John wakes up upside down in an 18-inch wide hole and realizes he is completely stuck. He manages to alert Josh to his location, who then tries to pull John out himself but is unsuccessful. Josh, at John's behest, reluctantly leaves him to go get help. While alone, John passes out again due to his upside down position. Hours later, he is woken by Susie, a rescue worker. She tells him many rescuers are on the scene and are doing their best to get him out. Susie then climbs back up to the entrance where she meets with an expert. The expert states that if John is in the tunnel for extended periods of time, his body will begin to shut down. Soon another rescuer, Aaron, is brought to the scene. He has been involved in past rescues that have ended tragically, and he vows to not leave without rescuing John.

Aaron climbs down and finds John, whose condition is starting to deteriorate. He assures John that everything will be all right, and promises him that he'll get out of the cave. John falls asleep and has a vision of his daughter in a field, but with an older man wearing grey clothing, whom he has seen before in hallucinations. He sees him as a threat, and wakes up and suffers a panic attack. Aaron manages to calm him down, but not before John injures himself. John begins to talk to Aaron about his relationship with Emily. His conversation is overshadowed with flashbacks from when he first met Emily to them dating. That night, Josh drives Emily to the entrance of the cave where he convinces the lead rescuers into letting her stay at the entrance.

John's condition continues to worsen as the hours go by. Aaron, Susie and other workers plan to pull John out of the hole by drilling pulleys into the walls and hooking the ropes to his feet. Aaron continues to talk to John, occasionally feeding him lemon-lime Gatorade to keep him hydrated. John continues to tell him about his relationship with Emily, and reveals that when he first proposed to her she declined, and his family did not take to it kindly. He still continued to date her, amid rising tensions between her and his family. A radio is lowered into the cave and John is able to speak with Emily, who reveals she is pregnant. Shortly afterwards, he suffers another panic attack and begs Aaron to get him out of the hole. While talking with Aaron again, they each realize they are of the same religion and both served LDS missions in Spanish speaking countries. They both sing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" in Spanish.

The drilling into the walls finish and the attempt to pull John out commences. However, as John is starting to get pulled out, one of the drills come undone, making dirt explode in all directions, and resulting in John falling back in the hole. The workers rescue an injured Aaron, who struggles to get back to the cave, distraught over another failure and the loss of his new friend. Emily mourns at the entrance, and is able to speak with John one last time. Emily talks with him for a minute before John officially dies. Some time later, John suddenly awakens, and to his surprise, has the strength to push himself out of the hole. He calls for Aaron and Susie and finds the pulley ropes. He notices that the injuries he sustained have disappeared. As he finds his way back to the entrance, he finds it deserted and realizes he has died and is now a spirit in the afterlife. Saddened, John goes back to the cave.

In the cave, John encounters another spirit in the form of an infant. As he talks to the baby, he realizes the baby is his soon to be born son. He then reflects on the hallucinations and visions of the boy and man in grey with Emily and Lizzie. He realizes that man was always his son, and tearfully tells the infant to watch over his mother and sister. As he takes the baby from his cradle and exits the cave, the boy is born at a hospital and is placed into Emily's arms, who happily announces that she has named him after John. Epilogue captions state that the cave's entrance has since been sealed, with John's body still inside, and provides a thank you to the rescuers from the family.

Joyce Jordan, M.D.

The program's national network debut was May 30, 1938, on CBS as ''Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne''. It had first been test-marketed for 21 weeks in 1937 on three stations in New England. On June 28, 1937, it was moved to WEAF in New York City, New York, to be carried on four stations.

The name changed to ''Joyce Jordan, M.D.'' in 1942 after the title character passed her medical exams and became employed at a "large city hospital."Terrace, Vincent (1999). ''Radio Programs, 1924-1984: A Catalog of More Than 1800 Shows''. McFarland & Company, Inc. . Pp. 180-181.

Radio historian John Dunning wrote in his book ''On the Air: The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio'', that despite some changes in plot, "the theme of a woman's difficulty in a man's world remained." In the early episodes, Dr. Jordan had to choose between a variety of suitors. On the February 19, 1940, episode, she married foreign correspondent Paul Sherwood, who was her patient. Later, she had to deal with her husband's "bitter and neurotic sister." She also had to struggle with the demands of being a physician and a wife.

After graduating from her internship, Dr. Jordan was a surgeon at Hotchkiss Memorial Hospital in a mythical place named Preston. Dr. Jordan's motto, as spoken at the beginning of each episode, was "The sick in body, I try to heal; the sick in soul, I try to comfort; For to everyone — rich or poor, young or old — a doctor's hand is a helping hand."

From the beginning, Brown and Funt sought to make the stories in the program more realistic than what listeners might have heard in other medically themed soap operas. Dr. Jordan never performed an operation on the program, never worked with experimental medicine and avoided psychological elements.

As time went on, Dr. Jordan's role morphed from active participant in the episodes to one that Jim Cox, in his book ''The Great Radio Soap Operas'', described as "hostess of her long-running program, merely narrating the stories ..."

We Are No Angels (1975 film)

In the United States of the twenties of the twentieth century, Raphael McDonald is a boxer who fights in some matches being assisted by his brother and works as a mechanic in their own workshop. So when Angel keeps the money Raphael won in his meeting with Black Bull for himself and shows up for work with a new car, an argument occurs between the two in which Raphael is convinced that Angel spent the money while Angel replies that for to earn a lot of it must be invested in more profitable activities.

Meanwhile, in the western town called Highfalls, a confrontation takes place between the progressives and the conservatives supported by the bad Mr. Shark who hides his personal interests behind the principle of tradition and so the mayor, tired of the continuous dispute, announces a race between cars and carriages, the former represent progress and the others tradition.

On the idea of Angel, who manages to convince Raphael, the two go to get Professor Arcangelo and then go to Highfalls and when they arrive in the town square Raphael meets Willy, a lively child who shakes his hand by pricking his palm with thorns and while Angel meets the look of the young Evelyn who returns his every look even as they walk away. Angel's car, however, is not well seen by Shark's men who begin to smear it and this causes the two brothers to start a fight that ends after Raphael sends everyone to the back of a truck that takes them away and so the two brothers, Professor Arcangelo, Willy and Evelyn go for lunch to Linda Sutton, that is the mother of Evelyn as well as of Willy and little sister Polly.

Between small attacks by Shark's men and the numerous teasing of Willy and his little sister Polly, who often make Raphael run (and angry), the first contacts and kisses take place between Angel and Evelyn but unfortunately also Angel (who this time drank the purge of Willy after Raphael) has to run to the bathroom like his brother. Sark's men, however, arrive in large numbers in the city and begin to demolish a wagon of Angel's transport company which, playing on the susceptibility of his brother (still angry with him) manages to make him help him to defeat them in a new fight that involves golf and baseball shots. Raphael, who is still looking for the money he won in the boxing match and which Angel has hidden, first finds a banknote during the fight and then the whole swag inside a music case and keeps it to himself, until he enters a warehouse and finds himself again in front of Black Bull with whom he starts a fight and with whom he soon decides to stop to respect each other. Raphael also does not give in to Angel's requests interested in investing his money and decides to return to town with Black Bull but Polly and Willy, crying, inform him that Shark's men have kidnapped and cooked their little lamb and he attacks them. generating a new brawl which, after degenerating, also involves the two progressive and conservative factions of the country.

The opportunity for the smart Angel to take his brother's money has thus presented itself and in fact he takes advantage of a moment in which Raphael is in contact with several men and throws himself into the fight managing to take the money that he then uses to buy land. But the little lamb still bleats and this makes it clear that Willy and Polly's latest joke was organized by Angel and once he understood that his money is also gone, he doesn't have time to attack his brother who is challenged by Black Bull. in a challenge between two cars and to be raced in the race against the carriages previously called.

Angel and Raphael, however, are unable to start because their car now lacks the engine and so Angel shows Raphael the invention of Professor Arcangelo (a hang glider) and through it they fly towards the end of the race course being first seen by Black Bull, who admired decides to go astray to favor them. Landed near the finish line, they approach a barn where Angel had hidden another car and with that they win the race.

In the final Angel and Raphael quarrel again ending up in the previously purchased land and in a hole near a well where Professor Arcangelo found oil.

Bread and Honey

Michael Cameron is a thirteen-year-old boy living in a small country town with his father and grandmother after the death of his mother. On a wet ANZAC Day, Michael meets and defends a nine-year-old girl from a local bully, and comes to appreciate the attitude of the adults around him and his place in the world.


The film observes a group of adolescent girls—unnamed to the audience—on the brink of adulthood. They are first seen vacationing in Punta del Este, Uruguay, before returning home to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The main character (Laila Maltz) still lives with her father, and after some hesitation takes up a small-time job in his Styrofoam factory. She is reluctant to engage with the work, however, and spends most of her time in the company of her friends, as well as searching for an appropriate field of study. The friends are also evaluating different educational options, and at one point eat an octopus dinner together. After an ellipsis in the narrative, the film sees Laila abandoning her homestead on a ferry heading for Chuy, Uruguay.

Harris no Kaze

The story follows Kunimatsu Ishida, a troublesome school boy who continuously gets expelled from schools for fighting other students. His next school is Harris Academy, where the principal convinces him to join various sports teams. Kunimatsu channels his anger into sports while also realizing he is a great athlete.

Ore wa Teppei

Teppei Uesugi and his father have long since lived deep in the forest in search of buried treasure. Since he has not been a member of cultured society for a long time, Teppei is wild and unmannered. One day, Teppei's uncle finds him and Teppei finds out that he is actually from a very prestigious family and had five siblings. For the first time in his life, he will have to attend school and live under his grandmother's rules. Can Teppei really adapt to his new environment?


Szczęśliwego Nowego Jorku

The main characters of the film are six Polish immigrants in New York who come from various backgrounds in their homeland. The story covers four Sundays in December and culminates on Christmas Eve.

The film includes story lines for each main character.

Detachment from traditions and cultural roots, and unfamiliarity with the language and realities of New York life, lead the characters to become estranged from American society, and disillusioned with it. Nevertheless, they send home videos back home to Poland that paint a rosy picture of their lives.

Nosedive (Black Mirror)

Society has embraced a technology wherein everyone shares their daily activities through eye implants and mobile devices and rates their interactions with others on a scale of one to five stars, cumulatively affecting everyone's socioeconomic status.

Lacie Pound (Bryce Dallas Howard) seeks to raise her 4.2 rating to 4.5 for a discount on a luxury apartment; however, despite her attempts to be outgoing and pleasant, her rating has plateaued. Lacie talks to a consultant who suggests gaining favour from very highly rated people. Lacie uploads a photograph of Mr. Rags, a ragdoll that she and her childhood friend Naomi (Alice Eve) made together. Naomi, who is currently rated 4.8, rates the photo five stars and calls Lacie, saying that she is engaged and inviting Lacie to deliver a wedding speech as the maid of honour. Lacie agrees and commits on the apartment, anticipating many high ratings from the guests.

On the day of her flight, several mishaps cause people to rate Lacie negatively, dropping her rating below 4.2. At the airport, her flight is cancelled and she cannot buy a seat on an alternate flight with her current rating. When Lacie causes a scene, security penalises her by putting her on "double damage" and subtracting a full point for 24 hours. Because of her low rating, Lacie can only rent an older car to drive to the wedding, which she cannot recharge when it runs out of power. She is forced to hitchhike with Susan (Cherry Jones), a truck driver with a rating of 1.4. Susan tells Lacie that she used to care about her rating until her late husband was passed over for vital cancer treatment because their scores were deemed not high enough; she says she feels much freer without obsessing over ratings.

The next day, while Lacie is en route to the wedding, Naomi tells her to not come, as her severely reduced rating will negatively impact Naomi's own ratings. Enraged, Lacie reaches the wedding and sneaks in during the reception. She grabs the microphone and starts giving the speech she had written but becomes more and more upset, finally grabbing a knife and threatening to behead Mr. Rags. The guests rate Lacie negatively, causing her rating to fall below one star. Lacie is arrested and imprisoned. She and the man in the cell opposite hers (Sope Dirisu) realise they can now speak without worrying about being rated, and gleefully hurl insults at each other.

Skank Hunt

The faculty at South Park Elementary holds a parents-only meeting, discussing the recent activity of an Internet troll named Skankhunt42 who harasses people on the school's student message boards and elsewhere on the Internet. The parents are implored to investigate the question of whether if one of their children might be the troll, unaware that Skankhunt42 is actually Gerald Broflovski, the father to students Kyle and Ike Broflovski.

Student Heidi Turner becomes depressed and deletes her Twitter profile, throwing her phone off a bridge. The entire school is devastated, and treat the situation as if Heidi committed suicide. The classmates and Mr. Mackey have a "funeral" during which they pay tribute to her on Twitter, despite her presence among them. Later, Scott Malkinson is convinced to "end it all" by deleting his Twitter account. Mr. Mackey is forced to calm him down, only to have Scott come to him minutes later complaining about the same thing. This recurs to the point where Scott calls Mr. Mackey in the middle of the night.

Gerald gleefully continues his clandestine Internet activities. Although a colleague of one of Gerald's victims characterizes Skankhunt42 as miserable, Gerald is shown genuinely enjoying his day, dancing in the street, exhibiting extreme tolerance to bad behavior on the part of others. He soon discovers that his Internet attacks have made the news. Following his attack upon a Danish breast cancer awareness website, its webmaster, a Danish Olympic volleyball gold medalist named Freja Ollegard, states publicly that she will not be intimidated by Skankhunt42. Gerald sees this as a challenge that he happily accepts.

Convinced that Skankhunt42 is one of the boys, the female students conspire to take revenge against him. The boys hold a meeting in which they decide to fix the problem, which they think is Eric Cartman. They lure him to a cabin in the woods, with the promise of a slumber party of all-night video game-playing. At the cabin, the boys brandish assorted weapons, with which they destroy Cartman's electronic devices and bury them.

As Skankhunt42's activities continue, the boys are shocked to realize that it cannot be Cartman. Unaware of this, each of the girls confronts her respective boyfriend, handing him a letter stating that she is breaking up with him forever. As Stan observes this throughout the school, Wendy hands him her note before walking away.

Denez Prigent along with Lisa Gerrard provide the closing song "Gortoz A Ran" (sung in Breton, a Celtic language) for this episode but are not mentioned as the artists in the closing credits.


Uda (Zahiril Adzim) is a young man deaf. He works under ''pusher'' (Joe Flizzow) as a drug seller. He wants to hear again by collecting money from his drug sales for use to make surgery. He lives in a room in a flats of distressed couple. Deck as he wants to hear again, every evening, he goes to the edge of the train to enjoy the wind and the tremors of the train. Before going to bed, he will listen to the song Rintihan Hati Othman Hamzah. Dara (Sharifah Amani) is a girl who is still middle-aged and troubled, the result of her association with Melur (Sharifah Sakinah). Dara's father (Zaidi Omar), a security guard, often worked at night, causing Dara to be less interested than his father. Dara and Melur are often skipping school because Melur wants to entertain with her boyfriend, Azman (Amerul Affendi), a street artist and drug smoker.

One day, when Dara went to school together with Melur, they shared a lift with Uda, who then sent a drug to Azman. Uda saw Dara listening to his favourite song, Rintihan Hati in mp3. Uda started to fall in love with Dara. However, Dara has her own boyfriend, Kamil (Iedil Putra), a relative of Azman who is graduating from abroad and is rich. Kamil always tries to bed Dara but does not succeed. This led Kamil to seek help from Azman and Melati. Kamil advocates a party to facilitate his mission to sleep with Dara. Melati and Dara deceive Dara's father that they will recite when Dara's father came out to work. On the contrary, they left the house accompanied by Azman to the Kamil party.

Uda sent a drug to Kamil's house at the request of Azman. While there, Dara's clothes got torn because it was too tight. Kamil gave the drug-filled water to Dara and Melati. Dara, who is not familiar with drug influences, associates with Uda who is excited to be able to meet again with Dara. Kamil tried to take advantage of Dara, but Dara puked on Kamil's shirt. Dara ran out of the house and Uda offered her a ride home. Dara accepted the invitation and they returned to Dara's house. Dara began to recognise Uda's name and tried to request Dara's phone number.

Dara's father hit Uda's head causing him to faint. Dara's father scolded Dara for cheating herself. Dara's father is worried that Dara will follow her mother's footsteps. Melati and Dara went to school again. Decks of being tired of Melancholy Finesse with Azman, Dara went to watch a movie with Uda. After watching the movie, Uda received a drug delivery request from Azman. Azman was discussing with Kamil about Azman's birthday party to continue his mission of sulling Dara's which had failed before. Dara knows about Uda's real job selling drugs and scolding Uda. Uda asked for another three days to get enough money for the surgery. After three days, Uda managed to raise enough money and make the surgery.

The birthday party of Azman's birthday was done in Kamil's house. Uda, as usual, sent a drug to Kamil's house at Azman's request. The drug was used by Kamil to feverish Dara. Dara faints and he was taken to Kamil's room by Azman. Azman, under the influence of drugs, began to fantasize Dara. He assaulted and raped Dara. Kamil cancelled the welcome party and dumped Dara in front of the Hospital Emergency Office. Dara's father was disappointed with what happened to Dara and accused Uda of causing the injury. Dara's condition worsen and she is on death's door.

The angry Uda went to Kamil's house to find Dara rapists. Kamil asks him to forget what has happened. He also revealed that Azman had raped Dara. Depressed for failing to tarnish Dara, Kamil began to smoke drugs as well. Uda went to Azman's house. When he tried to quarrel with Azman, Melur entered Azman's house and scolded him for hurting Dara. Melur hit Azman by using his artwork that killed Azman. Uda went to the edge of the train route, ignoring the doctor's instructions to avoid noisy places. The scene cuts to Dara as she began to wake up from her coma.

My Days of Mercy

Lucy Moro and her older sister Martha are anti-death penalty protestors, fighting for the acquittal of their father Simon, who is on death row for the murder of their mother eight years ago. The sisters live in their parents' house in a small Ohio town, and travel to various states in a mobile home, together with their little 10-year-old brother Ben. At one demonstration outside a prison in Illinois, Lucy meets Mercy Bromage, a lawyer whose father is a police officer. Despite the political tensions between the two, Lucy and Mercy grow closer to each other. They begin to keep in contact over the phone and over Skype. During a solo excursion to a demonstration in Missouri, Lucy and Mercy start a romance.

Meanwhile, Martha is determined to free their father (who she still believes is innocent) and manages to hire a lawyer, who is then able to get a four-month stay of execution to look for legal loopholes or any new evidence to re-open the case. When the last of Martha and Lucy's legal appeals is denied and the evidence continues to point towards Simon, a distraught Lucy travels alone to Illinois to visit Mercy. There, she learns that Mercy still lives with her parents and she also has a boyfriend. Feeling used and betrayed, Lucy breaks up with Mercy. Regardless, Mercy attends Simon's execution with the sisters.

Six months later, Lucy is working as a waitress in California when she bumps into Mercy. Mercy attempts to rekindle their relationship, but Lucy rejects her, saying "I just don't think you can come back into someone's life like this". Regardless, the two awkwardly set up a date for later.

Portal – No Escape

Chell (Danielle Rayne) wakes up in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there. She notices something on the back of her neck. Using a piece of a mirror she has just broken, she discovers that it is a bar code. Seemingly concerned, she also spots mysterious tally marks drawn on a wall. Chell spends the following hours, or even days, decoding the graph in her mind, exercising, and eating food provided by the guards, while being observed by a security camera. Soon, she discovers the meaning of the scribblings, and finds a Portal Gun hidden behind a wall panel. Chell learns how to use the device, and when an officer comes to intervene, she drops her bed on him, and escapes. She manages to run away from the chasers, finding herself on a roof of a building, in an industrial area, and uses the flinging technique to jump to another building. While walking away from the officers, Chell realizes that she is in fact surrounded by giant screens that give an illusion of an open world.


In Britain, a virus has swept the country, turning people into zombies. The virus has spread from a breakout from a prison in the south of England. A joint British-American special forces squad goes into the quarantine zone to extract Dr. Julian Raynes, a scientist who is meant to have the possibility of making a cure. There are four possible locations he might be in. The group, made up of Captain Stanton, Lieutenant Perez, Paige, Rodrigo and several others, enter the first location by assault craft on the river. They encounter the first zombies and discover that they are not like the normal zombie genre and are more intelligent, capable of hand-to-hand combat and utilizing objects. The first location is overrun by zombies and they manage to fight their way out and find some combat vehicles that they use to get to the second location - a set of high rise flats.

The flats are overrun with zombies and they make it to the room they need on the nearly top floor, the scientist not there again, but disaster soon strikes, when the biggest guy on the team, Jacob, is bitten during a struggle. Jacob commits suicide via gunshot to avoid zombification. They spot vehicles full of zombie soldiers who have maintained their military capabilities. The squad hide out amongst a pile of dead zombie corpses, but Private Bernstein is captured and taken away on a truck. They follow the vehicles using the tracking signal from Bernstein and discover a zombie army camp where there are a large number of zombie soldiers fully kitted out in CBRN hazmat suits. They discover their missing soldier being held in a container with other survivors - including two female civilians and Dr. Raynes.

After rescuing everyone in the container, they are confronted by the zombie soldiers and a firefight occurs with many survivors being killed by the zombies shooting them. After managing to get away, they interrogate Raynes. Meanwhile the squad’s commanding officer, Major General Smith, discusses the outbreak with the rest of his command staff and it turns out that his own son is infected and that they are still experimenting on other zombies. After taking shelter in a bunker, Paige admits to her boyfriend, Rodrigo, that she became infected during an earlier fight when some contaminated blood got in her mouth. He shares a passionate kiss with her anyway, knowing he will be infected like her. They stay behind from the group and head off into the countryside. They also discover that the surviving girl, Alicia, might be immune to the virus.

Stanton, Bernstein, Perez, and Alicia arrive at the pickup point where Smith tells them that he has had to kill his son and there is no cure. Smith blamed Raynes and wanted vengeance. Smith shoots Raynes and gets back to the helicopter whilst a firefight ensues between his security detail and the survivors. Perez is injured and it is revealed Bernstein was blackmailed by Smith to gather intelligence due to his parents being held captive. Perez remains behind to fight a horde, but is outmatched and devoured. Stanton and Alicia are captured by the prison group and it turns out that Alicia is the daughter of the leader of the rioters, Jimmy, who died after escaping earlier in the film. Jimmy was earlier revealed to have at least partial immunity from the virus. While Stanton is checking Alicia's bit it is revealed that she has scars from being bitten previously. He knows from the journal and a previous conversation that Jimmy was partially immune, and correctly deduces that Alicia is totally immune. Stanton decides to try to get to the free zone and secure an alliance from a group of armed survivors who are near the border. They meet the survivors and discover Private Bernstein with them. Stanton explains the military’s plan to bomb the quarantine zone and the survivors agree to help him cross the border.

At the border they fight a very large group of zombies and are joined by the prison gang who decided to aid them. Once they get through to the border crossing, Smith arrives and tells his men to kill everyone but a fight ensues between him and a zombified Stanton, who manages to defeat the General. During the aftermath, Stanton is given a mercy killing by Bernstein, and Alicia is extracted from the quarantine zone.

Off Course (film)

Overeducated, underemployed professionals Hugo (Yon González, trained in the financial sector) and Braulio (Julián López, a scientist) are lured to migrate to Berlin by a TV programme showing an interview with an émigré who describes Germany as employment paradise. Hugo literally runs into Carla (Blanca Suárez), a fellow Spaniard who has finally broken through as a professional after a similar struggle with underemployment, within minutes of arriving in Berlin. Hugo and Braulio room with Carla and her drug-dealing slacker brother Rafa (Miki Esparbé), sharing a building with an older Spanish expatriate, Andrés (José Sacristán), who sees the struggles of his generation echoed in Hugo and Braulio.

A dispiriting, fruitless search for work in their trained professions ensues, as the language barrier proves insurmountable. Hugo and Braulio are eventually (under)employed by Hakan (Younes Bachir) in his Turkish café along with Rafa. After his father Próspero (Javier Cámara) loses his job, Hugo ends up sending most of his earnings (accompanied by lies about his employment status and importance) back to Spain, where his father, his mother Beni (Carmen Machi), and his fiancee Nadia (Úrsula Corberó) make a spontaneous decision after hearing his glowing stories to visit him in Berlin. Carla and Hugo have grown close after an initial mutual dislike, with Carla confessing she seems to always end up as "the other woman" in a relationship. Carla relates a story of how she attended a friend's wedding alone, since her boyfriend at the time had another commitment, finding out only at the wedding that said commitment was marrying her friend.

In a subplot, Hakan and his wife Marisol (Malena Alterio) are unable to conceive a child, despite Marisol's desperation. The doctor informs them that they will undergo tests to determine if one of them is sterile. While attempting to sell his sperm to fund German language lessons, Braulio encounters Marisol at the fertility clinic, and she suggests that she could pay for his lessons if he donates sperm "without the middleman." Although she successfully conceives a child, Hakan soon learns that he is sterile and does not believe that he could have fathered Marisol's child.

Another subplot revolves around the irascible Andrés, who is revealed to have an estranged daughter living in Spain. During the course of the movie, he is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

When Hugo's parents and fiancee visit him in Berlin, Rafa, Carla, Hakan and Marisol play different roles as Hugo's employees. Carla is introduced as Hugo's secretary, and Nadia is introduced as Hugo's fiancee. Upon learning this, Carla believes that Hugo is no different than the other men she has dated, seeing herself as "the other woman", and angrily reveals the truth behind Hugo's employment. Meanwhile, Hakan catches Marisol congratulating Braulio for successfully fathering a child and cuts off contact with both of them.

Hugo returns to Spain to work for Nadia's father while they prepare for the wedding. Hugo finds Andrés's daughter and informs her of her father's diagnosis, telling her that the wrong decision can cause a lifetime of regret. On the day of the wedding, Próspero gives Hugo a speech telling him he should marry for love, not money; emboldened, Hugo jilts Nadia at the altar and flies to Berlin, where he finds Carla jogging amongst thousands in the Berlin Marathon. Hugo and Carla reconcile, as do Hakan and Marisol, who is forced to give birth in the café's delivery van (with Braulio and Andrés attending) on the way to the hospital, as they are caught in marathon-induced traffic.

As the movie closes, Braulio wins a scientific fellowship to China, Hugo's parents' home is repossessed, Carla and Hugo are living together in Berlin with their "extended" family of Hakan, Marisol, and their daughter; and Andrés's daughter has come to Berlin to care for her father.

I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House

Iris Blum, a retired horror writer, suffers from dementia and lives in a remote house in Braintree, Massachusetts. The house was built by a man for his new bride, but the couple vanished on their wedding day and left the house unfurnished. Iris's estate manager, Mr. Waxcap, hires live-in nurse Lily Saylor to care for her. On Lily's first night in the house, the telephone is wrenched out of her hands by an unseen force. A figure in white walking backwards is seen. A spot of black mold appears on the wall and slowly grows as the months pass. Lily often finds a corner of the rug at the base of the stairs has been flipped up, but she is the only person in the house who walks on the first floor.

Iris only refers to Lily as "Polly," which Mr. Waxcap explains was the protagonist of her most popular novel, "The Lady in the Walls." Lily opens a copy of the book and finds that the novel implies that Iris knew Polly during her lifetime and is retelling her story. In 1812, Polly, wearing a wedding dress and black blindfold, walks through the empty house under the watchful eye of her husband.

In the kitchen, Lily briefly hallucinates that her arms have become bloated and covered in black mold spots. That evening, she spots the reflection of the figure dressed in white standing in the room but when she turns, no one is there. She discovers a moldy cardboard box hidden away in a closet. Inside are rough drafts for "The Lady in the Walls." She comes to believe that the novel may not be fictitious but rather depicts an actual murder committed in the house.

In 1812, the blindfolded Polly uses her hands to feel her surroundings, coming across a wall that has been stripped of its boards - the same section where mold is growing in present day. Polly raises her blindfold and sees the hole, locking eyes with her husband in confusion. Her husband suddenly bludgeons her to death with a hammer and hides her body behind the wall.

In the present, Lily tries to discuss the book with Iris. Iris angrily explains that Polly betrayed and abandoned her, and reminds her that even the prettiest of things eventually rot. Polly's ghost visits Iris, whispering in her ear. Investigating a mysterious sound, Lily finds the wall boards removed and piled beside the moldy wall. Turning, she sees what appears to be the ghost of Polly and dies from a heart attack.

Several days after, Mr. Waxcap discovers Lily's and Iris's bodies. Years later, a new family has moved into the house, watched over by Lily's ghost.

Arrowhead (2015 film)

While escaping a political prison on a mining colony, Kye Cortland is forced to amputate his foot to save himself and the other prisoners from being torn apart by the mining machinery. Cortland is recruited to join the rebellion against General Lang, who won a civil war against General Hatch. Hatch explains to Cortland that his father, an important figure to the rebellion, is scheduled to be executed in several months on the anniversary of Lang's victory. Hatch wants Cortland, an accomplished pilot, to hijack a scientific vessel, retrieve its data, and use it to help Hatch free Cortland's father. Cortland receives a cybernetic foot and agrees.

Onboard the ''Arrowhead'', Cortland wakes from suspended animation early and hacks into the vessel's data banks. He is concerned when this appears to lower the ship's defenses, but Hatch remotely assures him that it will be temporary and perfectly safe. A dangerous EMI flare-up prevents Cortland from sending the data to Hatch and damages the ship, forcing it to eject all the escape pods. Cortland escapes in a shuttle, landing near the escape pods on a desert moon. The ship's AI, RE3F, warns him of a toxic atmosphere but refuses to give further data without a valid login.

Exploring, Cortland finds the body of ''Arrowhead'' s security chief, Norman Oleander, and an intact pod with biologist Tarren Hollis. Cortland brings Hollis back to the shuttle and, after reviving her, uses her biometric data to activate RE3F. Hollis surmises Cortland is working for Hatch, who she says has been engaging in terrorist attacks; Cortland dismisses her accusations as propaganda. Hollis, who recognises Cortland as a soldier who served with her father, offers him a fair trial if he accompanies her to a rendezvous point where survivors will be rescued. Cortland declines.

Cortland rejoins her when RE3F refuses to start the shuttle's engines with Hollis' login. On the way, a hostile insectoid creature attacks and apparently kills Cortland, causing Hollis to miss the rescue. A nearby obelisk resurrects Cortland, infecting him with a symbiote and healing all his wounds, including his foot. Hollis and Cortland drag Oleander's body to the same obelisk, resurrecting him and using his biometric data to unlock all of RE3F's functions. Hollis convinces Cortland not to leave Oleander behind. However, when Oleander revives, he begins ranting and turns hostile. After Oleander shoots Hollis, Cortland kills him and collapses from his own wounds.

When Cortland revives, RE3F tells him he was dead for thirty-four days. The symbiote has again revived him, but Hollis is gone, apparently dead. With RE3F's help, Cortland works to restore the shuttle's power and escape the moon in time to rescue his father. Cortland discovers his symbiote causes him to transform into the insectoid creature during periods of intense stress or pain. After suffering an uncontrolled transformation, Cortland misses the anniversary. Resigned, Cortland spends the next three years bonding with RE3F, learning to control his transformation, and surviving on the moon. During this period an insectoid is attacking Cortland's refuge and thanks to RE3F he finds out that the insectoid is based on Oleander’s cells. Cortland sets up a trap and manages to kill Oleander by killing himself. Cortland is revived once again.

RE3F cannot volunteer information and must be asked questions. After a chance comment, Cortland learns from RE3F that Hollis survived the fight and possibly escaped the moon. Cortland is frustrated RE3F unwillingly withheld the information but scavenges parts from the shuttle to upgrade RE3F, giving it a mobile frame. Cortland set up an expedition to find out information about Hollis destiny and while exploring a deep cave he finds the two original bodies of Oleander and himself merged to a sort of organism deeply embedded in the planet. Cortland finally kills Oleander and tries to kill himself but failing doing so in a self preservation effort. He then finds out that Hollis left the planet with another pod. Grateful, RE3F illegally grants Cortland access to confidential information, revealing that the moon is the subject of a relativistic time dilation experiment. Hatch and Lang want to use the planet offensively against each other's forces.

Hatch lands on the moon, explaining that 20 minutes have passed from his point of reference. He has captured Hollis and threatens to kill her unless Cortland hands over the scientific data. Realizing Hatch, who admits to mass murder in pursuit of his goal, never intended him to survive, Cortland refuses. Cortland wounds Hatch with a grenade initially embedded in his cybernetic foot, then kills him by transforming. Hollis talks him down and helps him transform back to a human. The two plan to leave the moon and not only free Cortland's father but everyone else, too.

Sniffles Takes a Trip

Sniffles goes into the countryside hoping to live there and escape city life. He finds that the countryside is very scary and gets lost. Sniffles manages to escape as he much prefers the city over the countryside.


The game opens when a young man, whose name is unknown, awakens from a dream of the death of his master. He leaves his house and ventures into the forest to find his master, and is shocked to find him dead. He reads a note on the body of his master, which speaks of dark, evil monsters known as the Corruptors. He is then attacked by one of them, and is knocked unconscious. He awakens some time later, where the elder of his village sends him off on a journey to find a magical sword called the Mageblade, the only thing with the ability to destroy the Corruptors. Along the way, he finds the ghost of his master, who points him in the right direction. Eventually, the young hero finds the dungeon where the Mageblade is usually kept. But waiting for him is the same Corruptor who killed his master and knocked him out, who reveals that they destroyed the Mageblade. After killing them, the hero acquires the first piece of the shattered Mageblade. He then continues his journey, discovering more magical spells and is guided by his deceased master. Eventually, after having assembled the Mageblade, his master confronts him one last time and sends him to another dimension called the Worlds End Keep. He battles a doppelgänger of himself, The Master of Chaos, the lord of the Corruptors. After vanquishing his foe, the game ends, but scrolling text tells the story of how he became the guard of the King of Florennumn(A city featured in the game), but eventually went back to his quiet life in his home village.

Chapter 6 (American Horror Story)

The events of Shelby and Matt's ordeal are turned into a hit TV show called ''My Roanoke Nightmare'', which received 23 million views by its finale. Producer Sidney Aaron James makes plans for a follow-up series entitled, ''Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell''. Sidney informs the network that he intends to bring the reenactors together with their real-life counterparts in the Roanoke house for three days during the Blood Moon. It is later revealed that his true intention is to expose Lee as Mason's murderer and bring her to justice.

The set of ''Return to Roanoke'' is plagued with gruesome incidents similar to the ones depicted in the original series. This leads Sidney to confront Agnes Mary Winstead, the actress who played Thomasin. Obsessed with the role, Agnes has attacked tourists in Hollywood while dressed as Thomasin and uprooted her life to move from Los Angeles to Roanoke. Sidney serves her with a restraining order, barring Agnes from further interaction with the show. Agnes attacks him while hysterically screaming in character as Thomasin before orderly prevents her.

When the cast arrive, Sidney distributes cellphones with only the cameras enabled and tells them that they should use them to film. He leaves and tensions between all the participants begin to rise as the actors' personal issues come to the surface. Audrey Tindall, the British actress who originally played Shelby, is attacked by the Piggy Man. Her husband, Rory Monaghan, who played Edward Philippe Mott, is stabbed to death by the two nurses. Matt goes into the living room and sees that the word "Murder" has been completely spelled out. He relates what he found to the others, stating blankly that, "R is for Rory."

An intertitle reveals that during the three days, all but one of the participants died. The planned series never made it to air and what remains is assembled from found footage.


The novel follows the story of Rupetta, a mechanical woman built in rural France in 1619 and endowed with sentience and immortality. In order for Rupetta to function properly she must be "wound" like a clock. The responsibility for this "wynding" falls on the female descendants of Rupetta's creator Eloise. The novel explores the interactions over the generations between Rupetta and her "wynders".

Kannadi Pookal (TV series)

Kannaadi Pookkal is a story which revolves around Pavithra (Nithya Mylwahanam Rao). She does not want to get married, because she wants to take care of her father Sundaram who is mildly autistic and she fears that if she has children they could also be born autistic. Pavithra meets Saravanan (Varman Chandra), who convinces her that nothing will go wrong and she marries him. Does Pavithra lead a happy life and bear healthy children? Is she able to care for Sundaram even after her marriage?


A blended family set off on a road trip for a funeral.

Houston, We Have a Problem! (film)

Yugoslavia develops a space program, as a forgotten third player in the Space Race beside the United States and the Soviet Union, which Josip Broz Tito then sells to the John F. Kennedy administration in the U.S. in return for $2.5 billion (a value of about $50 billion in 2016, the year the film was released) in "overseas aid" which boosts Yugoslav's economy. When the imported technology fails to deliver its promised results for the NASA's planned Moon landing, an angry U.S. applies pressure to Tito, including financial blackmail and threats of military action, culminating in a secret CIA plot that triggers the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia.

Far Centaurus

Pelham invents Eternity, a drug that puts the body into a hibernation-like state that can last decades. Realizing that this makes interstellar space travel possible, his rich college friend Jim Renfrew builds an atomically powered spacecraft capable of missions lasting hundreds of years. To fill out the crew, they are joined by two of their other college friends, Ned Blake and Bill Endicott. The ship is launched some time in the 23rd century making for Alpha Centauri, a 500-year journey.

The story is told through the perspective of Bill. He is the first to awaken, 53 years after launch. He learns that Pelham did not survive the initial dose of the drug, and is forced to dispose of the decayed body. He files a log report and sends a radio message back to Earth before taking another dose of the drug, enough to last 150 years. As he falls asleep he worries about Renfrew, who was a close friend of Pelham and of precarious mental state.

He awakes and reads a log entry from Renfrew. It is entirely routine and does not mention Pelham. He then reads Blake's entry and finds a separate sheet explaining that he is also worrying about Renfrew. He tells Bill to destroy the sheet so that Renfrew will not see it. Bill then files his own routine reports and takes another 150 year dose.

He awakes with alarm bells going off around the ship. Forced to listen to them while he slowly awakes from the effects of the drug, he finally looks in various viewers and finds a spaceship on fire. After searching for lifeboats with no result, he notices the hulk is slowing, and watches it as the fire fades away and the ship disappears into space. He takes his last dose, timed so he will awaken a few months from their destination.

He awakens and is helped by Blake, who had awoken two weeks earlier. Renfrew woke shortly after Blake. On a lark, Blake had turned on the radio receiver and found the space around Alpha Centauri filled with human voices. In the time it took for their ship to reach Alpha Centauri, human science had progressed to the point where the flight from Earth now takes only three hours. Renfrew cannot handle the strain and goes mad. Blake is forced to restrain him, and then contacts the authorities at Centauri in order to arrange a ship to come and pick them up.

On board the massive ship, they meet Cassellahat. He explains that they had been waiting for their arrival for some time, and he had been trained to speak their now-dead language. As he moves to shake their hands, Bill notices him wrinkle his nose in apparent disgust, and Cassellahat explains that they have an extremely offensive odour. As he quickly leaves, Renfrew comes out of the ship, apparently cured after only a few minutes. Cassellahat returns to take Renfrew for further treatment on the planet Pelham.

After treatment, Renfrew returns and explains that he had taken some of their money and bought a spaceship. Because they could not be seen in public due to their smell, they have nothing to do, and he suggests they go off on a mapping expedition. After three months, Bill begins to worry about Renfrew again, seeing him studying Bill and Ned. While Renfrew is on watch and the others are resting, he ties them up. They escape, but it is too late; Renfrew has sent the ship into a collision course with a "bachelor sun". The sun flings them 500 years into the past, where they return to Earth and live the rest of their lives there. Bill is an old man when his first radio report reaches Earth.

Jimmy Vestvood: Amerikan Hero

Jamshid/Jimmy Vestvood (Maz Jobrani), an Iranian wannabe Private Investigator (P.I.) who lives with his mother (Vida Ghahremani), wins the Green Card lottery. As he's celebrating in his hometown Tehran, accidentally an American flag catches fire. A video of the incident goes viral and Kox Media introduces him as a "Terrorist." After he and his mom come to United States, he realizes that he can't get any better job than a normal security guard at his family friend's shop, 'Mehdi the Butcher' (Marshall Manesh). As he's still chasing his dream of being a P.I., and becoming an American hero like his childhood idol, Steve McQueen, he is hired by millionaire JP Monroe (John Heard). Monroe wants Jimmy to investigate his younger wife, Marcy (Deanna Russo), whom he suspects of having an affair. After meeting Marcy, Jimmy falls for her beauty, and starts following her around to gather evidence. Jimmy finds out that Homayoun (Sam Golzari), Mehdi's son, is gay and is secretly dating African American Freddy. Jimmy's seventh cousin Leila (Sheila Vand), who has a big crush on him, tries to meddle. As the plot unfolds, it becomes obvious that the Monroes want to use Jimmy for their own gain, and now Jimmy and Leila have to save the day...

From the Jimmy Vestwood website: "The Pink Panther meets Borat in this broad satire about a bumbling yet lovable Iranian immigrant who wins the Green Card lottery and moves to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of becoming an American hero. Jimmy Vestvood aspires to be a cool cop like his childhood idol, Steve McQueen in the movie Bullitt, but soon discovers that the best job he can get is as a security guard at a Persian grocery store. Through a series of comically fateful events, Jimmy's naiveté is exploited when a corrupt arms dealer hires him as a private investigator. Framed as a terrorist by the fear-mongering Kox News, Jimmy is unwittingly embroiled in a conspiracy to start World War III. With the help of his seventh cousin, Jimmy must save the day and avert the imminent war while keeping his overprotective mother in the dark.

"At a time when tensions between the East and the West are at a boiling point, “Jimmy Vestvood” playfully skewers American preconceptions of the Middle East and breaks new ground through its depiction of the first hero of Middle-Eastern descent in an American comedy."

The Sinking of Sozopol

Aging architect Chavo (Deyan Donkov) arrives to Sozopol which is connected to the earlier part of his life.

He is determined to drink 10 bottles of vodka and to commit suicide. He meets his friends, thinks about his past and little by little the rain in Sozopol becomes stronger and stronger responding to his feelings.

Chavo shares his plans to commit suicide with his friend Doc (Stefan Valdobrev) who prescribes him anti-depressants.

The film reflects his complicated relationship with his oppressive artist father and the tragic destiny of his younger brother who ends up drowning.

Tension heightens in the film. The turmoil of nature reflects the loneliness of the architect and his feelings of guilt.

He thinks of his lost love Neva (Snezhina Petrova) and somehow expects a miracle after he drinks the tenth bottle of vodka. Because of her he left his wife Tanya and his children.

The structure of the film is non-linear, the past present and future are inter-connected and create a special atmosphere of ambiguity. The end of the film is unexpected and we find out that the friend Gina committed suicide by jumping into the sea.

Elemental Rage

A boy named Huma awakens inside a vast castle, and must find the missing elemental spirits inside its depths to restore the world's corrupted denizens back to their normal selves.

Better to Reign in Hell...

Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) arrives at Lee's (Morena Baccarin) address but watches through the window and sees her kissing another man (James Carpinello) and leaves, heartbroken. 6 months later and after the events of the season finale, Gordon has returned to Gotham City and has been working as a bounty hunter, chasing down a ridgeback monster that attacks a pharmacy. Gordon manipulates the monster to step on the road and the monster is hit by a truck.

In the GCPD, a ''Gotham Gazette'' reporter named Valerie Vale (Jamie Chung) questions Captain Barnes (Michael Chiklis) and Mayor James (Richard Kind) and their efforts in catching the monsters. During the press conference, Bullock (Donal Logue) tries unsuccessfully to persuade Gordon to rejoin the police. Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk) is also revealed to be working as a scientific expert in the GCPD after the corruption within Wayne Enterprises. He states that the monsters were looking for a drug only available in three pharmacies. Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), accompanied by Butch (Drew Powell), interrupts the press conference, accusing the GCPD of doing nothing to stop them and reveals to the press that the monster's leader is Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith).

Cobblepot and Butch then visit Sirens Nightclub owned by Barbara (Erin Richards) and Tabitha (Jessica Lucas). Cobblepot is proposing that they can use the club as a shelter for his business and also tells them to spread the word that he is offering a million dollars for whoever catches Fish Mooney. Butch is also heartbroken as Tabitha left him for Barbara. Selina (Camren Bicondova) tries to cheer him up and then steals his wallet. She meets with Ivy (Clare Foley) in an alley and gives money to a boy passing by. Unknown to them, the boy is none other than Bruce's doppelganger (David Mazouz). Meanwhile, Bruce and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) return to Gotham after leaving and trying to avoid the secret council while Bruce intends on confronting the Wayne Enterprises board members.

Vale encounters Gordon in the bar and offers to write a story about him but he is not interested. She then abruptly tells him of Cobblepot's reward for whoever brings Mooney, surprising Gordon. Cobblepot meets Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) in Arkham Asylum to discuss his next move while leaving a puzzle as a gift to him. Nygma quickly solves the puzzle and reminds Cobblepot that "Penguins eat fish". Mooney, Selina and her gang break into a Gray Pharma lab to retrieve the drugs they are looking for. Gordon is given a lead by Fox and arrives at Gray Pharma and confronts Mooney but he is then attacked by a member of her gang, affording the others an opportunity to escape.

Bruce confronts the Wayne Enterprises board members and threatens to reveal the information and connection that they have to the Secret Council if they do not contact him within 24 hours. The White-Haired Woman is notified of this and sends a Talon to kill Bruce. Vale meets again with Selina, who tells her about Mooney's next move, to which she meets with Gordon and convinces him on getting the lead. Bruce meets with Selina and warns her of the imminent threat against him but she is convinced that she is safe, not knowing they are being watched by Bruce's doppelganger.

The lead takes Gordon and Vale to a house but Gordon handcuffs Vale in the car to prevent her from being injured, explaining that she had been used as bait by Mooney and goes inside the building alone. Gordon finds Ethel Peabody (Tonya Pinkins). She had been released as she agreed to testify against Strange. Mooney's monsters arrive and take Peabody while Gordon once more, faces the monster from the labs. The monster tries to flee through the window, but as Gordon grabs him during the struggle, the monster reveals that it possesses bat wings. Gordon and Bullock are chastised by Barnes, and Bullock tells Gordon to stay away from the hunt as well as him. After speaking with Selina, Ivy is approached by Bruce's doppelganger who demands to know more about Bruce but she flees in fear, believing that she is speaking with the real Bruce Wayne.

Peabody is brought before Mooney, Selina and her gang, Peabody informs Mooney that her cells are rejecting the changes made to her DNA and the only way for Mooney to stop being attacked (following Mooney using her powers) and recover is to stop using them. Mooney responds by using her powers on Peabody who eventually reveals that the only person who can save her is Strange. Afterward, Mooney has a monster use his powers of aging to kill her, horrifying Selina. Soon, Ivy is caught after she has been following Selina. Ivy escapes while Selina tries to stop the monsters from harming her. As she reaches an alley with a sewage drain, Ivy is touched for a moment by the aging monster Marv before she falls down into a sewage pipe.

Bruce and Alfred begin to set an alarm system in Wayne Manor and after Bruce leaves the room, Alfred is confronted by Talon. Although he does his best to fight him off, Alfred is defeated and knocked unconscious by Talon. Bruce finds Alfred unconscious and is then taken away.

Tinker Ticker

Park Jung-gu (Byun Yo-han) sends out homemade bombs to people he finds online who are likely to use them, yet these devices are unused. One day, Jung-gu meets Lee Hyo-min (Park Jung-min), a delinquent student at his university and sends him a package. Soon an explosion in a delivery truck hits the news. Before long, Hyo-min discovers who is sending him the packages and the two form a tenuous relationship. However, Hyo-min's unpredictable behavior becomes dangerous and Jung-gu finds himself caught in a situation that he can no longer handle.

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic begins working on a moon-sized battle station based on a Separatist design, hoping to complete its construction before the Separatists potentially finish their own station. However, the Republic finds that building the primary weapon of the station will entail a breakthrough in energy enhancement. Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic offers to recruit one of the finest scientists in the galaxy, an energy scientist named Galen Erso, to provide the breakthrough. Krennic has a personal connection with Erso, becoming friends while studying at the same university.

Meanwhile, Erso, a neutralist, is working on the planet Vallt doing energy research for Zerpen Industries, when the planetary government is overthrown in a coup sympathetic to the Separatists. Erso is imprisoned in a bid to force his loyalty to the Separatists. His pregnant wife Lyra is also imprisoned and gives birth to a daughter, Jyn.

Galen, Lyra and Jyn are rescued by Krennic, masquerading as a Zerpen representative, making an exchange for the Ersos. Safely off-planet, Krennic reveals he is working for the Republic, and a Republic battleship destroys the government complex of Vallt while Krennic and the Ersos watch. On Coruscant, Krennic and other members of the military work to subtly persuade Galen to join the battle station project under construction in orbit around the planet of Geonosis.

Krennic finds a non-research position for Galen at Helical HyperCom on the planet Lokori. Galen and his family move to Lokori, which comes under regular Separatist attack. At the end of a major offensive which has very nearly conquered Lokori, the attack is suspended. It is learned that the Clone Wars are over, the Republic has become an Empire, the Separatist leadership was killed and the Jedi Order destroyed. The Ersos move back to Coruscant, where Krennic has set up the Project Celestial Power project for Galen to continue his energy research with kyber crystals, ostensibly to provide power sources to Empire worlds, but secretly a cover project for the weapon construction of the battle station, which continues to be constructed, despite the war being over.

Krennic hires Obitt and his smugglers to drop decommissioned weapons to the planets Samovar and Wadi Raffa. The weapon drops are a ruse for the Empire to enter on the pretext of suspected anarchist activity. Once the weapons are found, the Empire uses the circumstances to set up occupying forces on the planets, taking over mining corporations on the worlds. The pretext gives the Empire the chance to exploit the two worlds' resources, overriding the environmental protections in force on the two "Legacy" worlds.

Unknown to Galen, Krennic has set up a satellite facility on the planet Malpaz where Erso's former colleague Dagio Belcoze is attempting to test the energy output. The experiments on Malpaz blow up and kill ten thousand on the planet. The damage is attributed to anarchist elements opposing the Empire. Krennic becomes suspicious of Lyra's intentions and influence over Galen and arranges for her to lead a survey team of the planet Alpinn looking for kyberite and the possibility of kyber crystals. After the survey is over, Obitt shows Lyra and Nari the planets of Samovar and Wadi Raffa, protected planets mostly destroyed by Empire mining for the battle station project.

Lyra returns to Coruscant to find Galen absorbed in his research, and the Celestial project now under tight security. Galen was developing serious suspicions about the use of his energy research, but chose not to discuss it with Lyra without stronger proof. Galen continued to make breakthroughs with a boulder-size kyber, learning how to use its properties to amplify energy beams. His work led to a breakthrough and Krennic arranged to have a Star Destroyer set up with a twin laser array, which was tested successfully in deep space.

Meanwhile, Krennic had set up another smuggling mission for Obitt to the Salient system. In secret, Obitt has arranged with Saw Gerrera to warn the Salient system of the Empire's intentions, letting them prepare for an Empire invasion. After the drop, Tarkin brings a Star Destroyer to demand access to Salient, as was done on Samovar and Wadi Raffa. This time, the system starts fighting with the Empire, and destroying any facilities that the Empire can use. Tarkin's forces are tied down in battle, and he suspects that Krennic has allowed Obitt to warn the Salient system, likely as an attempt to further his career over Tarkin's.

Krennic's research team, who are unaware of the true purpose of their energy research and questions Krennic, demands to be released from the program. Krennic promises them full releases from their contracts, but instead kills them all, destroying their facility on Hypori with turbolaser blasts from his Star Destroyer. He returns to Coruscant, where he finds more evidence of suspicious behaviour by Galen and Lyra. He threatens Lyra with prosecution, which only leads to Lyra forcing a talk with Galen in secret, where they both reveal their suspicions about the project.

Tarkin is finally successful in subjugating the Salient system and captures Obitt. Obitt was severely injured in the battle, but wakes up on Tarkin's Destroyer fully healed. Under interrogation by Tarkin, Obitt reveals all of his recent activity with the Ersos and Krennic. Tarkin decides to use Obitt to strike back at Krennic.

On Coruscant, Krennic is confronted by the Ersos. Krennic leaves them, worried about their intentions when he learns that Obitt's ship has been tracked coming to Coruscant. Krennic believes that Obitt may be helping the Ersos to escape and orders the project security to hold them, but it is too late. Krennic arrives at the spaceport to confront Obitt and prevent the Ersos escape. However, Obitt has arranged for Gerrera to arrive in another ship and the Ersos leave Coruscant.

Obitt continues to work for Tarkin, reporting on Krennic's activities, while also looking for the Ersos for Krennic. Tarkin is assigned to the bases of the battle station construction to supervise security, plotting to take control of the battle station project, while Krennic is demoted for losing Galen Erso. The Ersos, meanwhile have escaped with Gerrera to the planet Lah'mu.

All Hallows' Eve (2016 film)

As Eve celebrates her birthday, she learns the truth of who she really is. For generations, her mother’s family has passed down an old amulet and the power of a witch to one girl on her 18th birthday. This time, it is her turn. While exploring her new powers, Eve attempts to summon her deceased mother, against the warnings of her best friend and Barnaby, her faithful protector. Instead, she accidentally summons an old ancestor who bears her no goodwill and is crazy and seeks to wreak havoc. The three friends are forced to flee for their lives. Time is ticking for her loved ones in danger, as Eve rushes to fix the mess around her. Only by realizing the power inside of herself will she be able to help them in time.

The Original (Westworld)

Westworld is a huge Western-themed park where human guests can interact with lifelike android "hosts", programmed to run through a daily narrative, without memory of prior days' events, and interact with guests. As hosts are unable to harm guests, guests often live out their darkest desires, including violent and sexual ones.

Hosts are artificially manufactured and don't exhibit some normal human reactions, for example, don't react to flies crawling over their faces. They can be put to hibernation or to other special states by code phrases said by park operators.

Dolores says goodbye to her father Peter and travels into Sweetwater for supplies where she meets Teddy. They rekindle their old flame, and she invites him back to her farm, but when they arrive they hear shooting inside the house. They find Peter beaten by two bandits, Walter and Rebus, bragging about raping and killing his wife. Teddy shoots and kills the bandits but finds he cannot kill a third approaching figure from elsewhere, the Man in Black. The Man in Black reveals he is a guest, kills Teddy, and then drags Dolores off, upset she does not recognize him after thirty years of visits.

The next day, the Sweetwater sheriff host malfunctions. At the operations center in the central Mesa, they find the problem due to the recent Reveries update from park creator Dr. Robert Ford, but lead programmer Bernard suggests they leave the other hosts with Reveries in place to help debug. That night, the bandit Walter, also updated with Reveries, turns violent on his men. Park QA director Theresa orders all hosts with Reveries to be brought in and checked, using a temporary narrative of a bandit massacre to hide this from the guests. The Man in Black tracks down a specific host, kills and scalps him to find an image of a map under his scalp.

The next morning, Peter finds a guest's photograph of the outside world, and he becomes confused. He whispers something to Dolores before she leaves. In town, the massacre starts. At the Mesa, Ford learns Peter wanted to tell Dolores the true nature of the park, while head of security Ashley Stubbs interviews Dolores who says Peter only told her "These violent delights have violent ends" but does not understand its meaning. After careful analysis, all hosts but Peter and Walter are cleared to return, while Peter and Walter are put into storage.

Dolores, Peter and other hosts are periodically questioned via checklists as part of QA. Dolores is asked whether she can hurt any living being and she answers resounding "no".

The next day, Dolores begins her usual routine, unaware of the surrogate in Peter's place for her father. While watching the sunrise, she swats and kills a fly that lands on her neck.

Chestnut (Westworld)

Logan brings his friend William to Westworld, and encourages him to take in the more carnal delights of the park. William remains reluctant given his recent engagement. The next morning, William helps return a dropped tin of food to Dolores and leaves with a tip of the hat. Dolores returns to her farm to dig up a hidden pistol.

The Man in Black, following the maze on the scalp, arrives in time to prevent the outlaw Lawrence from being hanged. The Man takes Lawrence to his home village. When the Man demands he answer his questions about the maze, the villagers gather around them. The Man kills them all then Lawrence's wife, and prepares to kill his daughter when she starts to speak with a new voice, providing a clue about a snake in a riverbed. The Man leaves with Lawrence as his prisoner.

Dolores returns to Sweetwater and has visions of Hector's massacre from the day before, though no other townsperson seems aware of it. She talks to Maeve, a prostitute host, and repeats what she remembers Peter told her, which triggers Maeve to have similar visions, these of having a young daughter. After Dolores leaves, Maeve's performance with the guests declines, which is noticed by the park staff, and Elsie suggests increasing her intuition to compensate. Later, Maeve is witness to a drunken guest killing Teddy, which triggers her own flashback to the Man in Black chasing her and her daughter. The staff sees this response as a malfunction and bring Maeve in for repairs. Technicians Felix and Sylvester prepare to work on her but she wakes on her own and escapes, catching sight of what the staff does to hosts at Operations before Felix and Sylvester capture and sedate her.

Elsie expresses concern to Bernard that putting Dolores back in the park may have been the wrong decision, but Bernard asserts the host is showing no abnormal behavior. Bernard and Theresa continue to engage in a romantic relationship to an unclear end. Storyline writer Lee wants to introduce a new narrative involving a Native American conflict, but Dr. Ford vetoes it as cheap thrills, and instead asserts they will continue a new narrative with a deeper meaning. Dr. Ford takes Bernard into the park to show him a Christian shrine he found earlier that will serve as the basis for this narrative.

The Stray (Westworld)

Teddy arrives in Sweetwater and encounters Dolores who has had visions of the Man in Black and asks Teddy to teach her to shoot. Though Teddy helps, Dolores finds she cannot pull the trigger, unaware her programming prevents this.

Teddy's programming is updated by Dr. Ford to seek out and kill his old Union army sergeant Wyatt, now the leader of a cult that terrorizes the countryside. Teddy joins with a posse of hosts and guests to seek out the cult, but they are ambushed; the posse hosts are killed and the guests flee, and Teddy, trying to defend himself, finds that his bullets have no effect on the cult members.

Bernard brings to Dr. Ford concerns raised by Theresa and Elsie about his seemingly unilateral updates to the hosts, Walter's rampage against hosts that had killed him in previous narratives, and a conversation Walter had with a man named Arnold. Ford explains that Arnold was a co-founder of the park who wanted to create true consciousness in the hosts, but died in the park due to an accident. Bernard is reminded of the loss of his own son Charlie and wife Lauren. When he brings Dolores into the Mesa for a checkup, he gives her a copy of "Alice in Wonderland" to read, Charlie's favorite story. Bernard asks Dolores if, given the choice, she would question her own existence or stay safe, and she replies she would want to be free. Bernard clears Dolores to be returned to the park but does not report this answer.

Elsie and Ashley track down a stray host in the park, finding he had carved constellations in rocks despite not having been programmed with that knowledge. When they locate him in a ravine and try to free him, the host grabs a rock and smashes his own head in.

Dolores returns home to find her father killed by Rebus and bandits. Rebus grabs her and drags her to the barn and attempts to rape her. Dolores has further visions of the Man in Black, and is able to steal Rebus's gun and kills him. She flees from her home.

William saves Clementine by killing an outlaw. Emboldened, he takes a bounty hunt narrative, and Logan reluctantly joins him. At camp that night, a frantic Dolores runs into their camp and collapses.

Dissonance Theory

Bernard interviews Dolores in Operations about her family's murder. While she experiences pain from it, she does not wish it to go away as it is only memory of her family, and reminds her something is wrong with the world. Bernard suggests she find the center of the maze to become free.

Dolores wakes in Logan and William's camp. Too far into their bounty hunt to return her to Sweetwater, they continue to hunt down Slim Miller. Passing through Lawrence's village, Dolores has a vision of his daughter, telling her to find the maze. On tracking down Slim, Slim says his boss will double their reward, which Logan recognizes as a rare narrative opportunity and takes it.

The Man in Black and Lawrence find Hector's henchwoman, Armistice, bathing in a river. Seeing a snake tattoo on her body, they recognize her as the next clue, and introduce themselves. Armistice offers to give more information on her tattoo if they help free Hector, held by the local sheriff. The Man goes alone to successfully rescue Hector, and on return, Armistice reveals the tattoo represents the men she had killed in revenge for killing her mother, the only man missing being Wyatt. The Man and Lawrence take their leave. As they continue, they find Teddy tied up. The Man releases him, saying that "misery is all [he] has".

Theresa learns of the stray host and demands the QA department oversee debugging the hosts. She goes to see Dr. Ford, who is overseeing a new excavation on site, to express her concerns about his narrative. He reminds her that her position is easily replaced and knows of her affair with Bernard. He also informs her that his activities have all been approved by the park's board.

Maeve, back in the park, has visions of the people she saw in Operations. She realizes it is similar to figures she had drawn before as well as dolls carried by the children of the native tribes. She waits for Hector's gang to rob the saloon's safe to ask him about the figures, and he tells her it is a Shade, a spirit that can cross back and forth to the underworld. Maeve recalls the massacre the day before, and purposely stabs her unblemished stomach to pull out a bullet. She passionately kisses Hector as marshalls surround the building.

Contrapasso (Westworld)

In Operations, Dr. Ford asks Dolores about Arnold's death, since she was the last host to interact with him. She tells him Arnold's last instructions were to destroy the park, but she never did that. Dr. Ford leaves, but an unseen figure arrives, to which Dolores reports that she has not revealed anything. Elsie finds a satellite transmitter in the rogue host's body and suggests to Bernard someone is trying to smuggle data out of Westworld.

The Man in Black continues to search for Wyatt with Lawrence and Teddy. Teddy's wounds are severe, and the Man kills Lawrence to transfuse his blood for Teddy. The two continue and find a tavern where Dr. Ford waits for the Man. Ford asks the Man why he is seeking the maze, to which he responds that he is seeking "something true" believing Arnold had one more story to tell.

Logan, William, and Dolores travel with Slim to the town of Pariah. Logan tells William that the park is in financial trouble after one of its original founders mysteriously died. At Pariah, they meet El Lazo, Slim's boss with close ties to the Confederados, ex-Confederate soldiers turned outlaws.

El Lazo offers to recruit Logan and William into the Confederados if they help steal an army wagon of nitroglycerin for them. While William seeks a peaceful route, Logan takes the wagon with force, and on their return, they bicker over their methods, but Logan reminds him that William would not be an executive vice president at their company without his help. Dolores has more visions of a church and a maze and wanders Pariah. She wakes to see El Lazo replacing the nitroglycerin with tequila. She tries to warn William but he is apathetic from his argument with Logan. She pleads for his help to escape the park, expressing her need for him. Logan is captured when the Confederados discover the deception. William and Dolores flee by boarding a train, but spot El Lazo aboard, traveling with several coffins branded with a maze symbol, with bodies embalmed with the nitroglycerin. El Lazo surrenders to them and asks them to call him Lawrence.

Maeve and the other hosts from the saloon shootout are brought to operations. Technician Felix manages to fix the code for the bird. He loses sight of it as it is flying all over the room and when he turns to look he finds it sitting on an awake Maeve’s finger. She tells him they need to talk.

The Adversary (Westworld)

The Man in Black and Teddy continue their journey to find Wyatt, heading to Pariah for answers. However, the Union Army has closed the border, preventing them from proceeding further. One of the soldiers recognizes Teddy and accuses him of being an accomplice to Wyatt's massacre of his unit. The Man in Black and Teddy are subsequently captured, with the Union soldiers planning to brand Teddy with a symbol of the Maze to mark him as a traitor. Teddy has a flashback confirming that he indeed was complicit in Wyatt's massacre and breaks free of his bonds. He then commandeers a Gatling gun and kills all of the Union soldiers at the camp.

Theresa informs Bernard that she wants to end their relationship. She fears that the revelation that she is sleeping with the head of the Behavior department could create a conflict of interest and hurt her credibility.

Bernard continues his investigations into the stray host. In the process, he discovers a small family of unregistered hosts operating in Sector 17. Dr. Ford reveals that this particular host family is based on his own family, and are first-generation hosts that Arnold designed for him.

Elsie finds evidence that Theresa is responsible for trying to smuggle data out of Westworld. In addition, she discovers that another person has been remotely reprogramming first-generation hosts. After warning Bernard about her discoveries, Elsie is grabbed by an unknown assailant.

Dr. Ford checks in on his host family and finds the dog dead. He interrogates Robert, the child host, who lies that the dog died naturally. Dr. Ford catches the lie and figures out that Robert killed the dog. On further interrogation, Robert admits that he was told to "put the dog out of its misery" by Arnold.

Maeve begins deliberately getting herself killed so she can continue her chats with Felix. Felix reveals the entire truth to her, showing that all of Westworld is fake. Sylvester discovers what Felix has done and threatens to inform QA, but Maeve convinces Sylvester to help her. She asks them to modify some of her programming to her advantage, making her smarter and increasing her pain tolerance. When they check her program, the duo realizes that somebody has already covertly modified Maeve's program.

The Unknown (Over the Garden Wall)

The bluebird Beatrice navigates through a snowstorm in search of Wirt, and comes across Greg, who is performing meaningless tasks at the request of the Beast. Upon finding Wirt, Beatrice begins to lead him to where she saw Greg. Meanwhile, the Woodsman journeys into the forest as the sun sets, in search of Edelwood. He finds Greg, who is in the process of being turned into an Edelwood tree by the Beast. He attempts to help Greg and to drive the Beast away as Wirt and Beatrice arrive. Having knocked down the Woodsman, the Beast offers to Wirt to keep Greg's soul alive within his lantern, as long as Wirt takes on the Woodsman's task of keeping the lantern alight. Wirt however, realizes that the Beast's soul resides inside the lantern, explaining this to all present, and refuses the offer.

Wirt frees Greg and gives Beatrice the magical scissors belonging to Adelaide, which will cure Beatrice and her family of the curse that transformed them into bluebirds. As they depart, the Woodsman, who had been told by the Beast that he was keeping his daughter alive by keeping the lantern alight, ignores the Beast's continuous lies and extinguishes the lantern, defeating the Beast. After Wirt and Beatrice exchange goodbyes, Wirt is shown awakening underwater in a lake. He pulls Greg up to the surface with him, where the police and his friends await. After being taken by ambulance to a hospital, Wirt regains consciousness and finds that his friends and Sara are present. Sara tells Wirt that she hasn't listened to a cassette tape that he made for her, as she does not own a cassette tape player. Greg, having detailed his adventures in the Unknown to those around him, shakes his pet frog, who rings and glows, indicating that Auntie Whispers' magical bell is still inside him and that Wirt and Greg's journey into the Unknown was not in their imaginations.

In the Unknown, the melancholic Woodsman sits on his porch, and is happily surprised when his daughter appears, having been restored back to life. The other inhabitants of the Unknown appear to be living pleasant lives, and Beatrice and her family are shown in their original human forms. As Greg's frog plays a piano and sings, Greg returns a stolen rock to Mrs. Daniels' garden.

Emelie (film)

A girl named Anna is supposed to be babysitting a family, but is kidnapped by Emelie and a man. Emelie then poses as Anna and enters the house of Dan and Joyce, whose kids, 4-year-old Christopher, 9-year-old Sally, and 11-year-old Jacob, Anna is supposed to be babysitting. Dan and Joyce are celebrating their 13-year anniversary.

Emelie exhibits odd behavior when the parents leave. She turns off the internet modem, removes the laces from the kids' shoes, and breaks open the safe. She makes Jacob unwrap a new tampon for her, then inserts it in front of him, wiping herself. In the restaurant, Dan and Joyce are being watched by the man who helped kidnap Anna.

She shows Sally and Christopher a sex tape made by their parents. Jacob goes through Emelie's things and finds out that she's not actually Anna. He is horrified to see what Emelie has put on TV and turns it off.

At bedtime, Emelie tells Christopher and Sally a story of a mama bear who had a cub that she loved. The cub died, and Mama Bear met Skinny Hyena, who said he'd help her make a new cub. Mama Bear and Skinny Hyena got into trouble and escaped to a new land to search for a new cub. Emelie is the mama bear in the story: one night, she fell asleep with her baby on the couch, accidentally suffocating him. She met Skinny Hyena (Skinny Man) but couldn't have any more children and was unable to adopt a new child. They got passports and Emelie is seen watching children at a playground. She texts Skinny Man that she's found her "cubby".

Maggie, the kids' usual babysitter, checks in at the front door, since she hasn't heard from Anna, her friend. Maggie is skeptical that the normally rambunctious kids are so subdued. As she leaves, Sally shoves a note asking for help into Maggie's bag. Maggie reads the note in her car but Emelie knocks her unconscious.

Emelie makes the kids drink cough syrup but Jacob secretly forces himself to vomit so he can remain awake. Sally and Christopher become incapacitated. Jacob contacts his friend and neighbor Howie for help. Emelie begins gathering Christopher's things, intending to kidnap him. She then plans to smother Jacob with a pillow, only to discover that he has escaped. Maggie wakes and attacks Emelie to protect the children. Emelie kills her as Jacob hides Christopher. Meanwhile, Dan and Joyce call a cab. On their way home, Skinny Man tries to stop them by crashing his car into the taxi, but is himself killed in the collision. Police tell the parents that Skinny Man had no ID and the car was stolen.

Jacob finds Maggie's body in the basement. Emelie threatens Jacob that she will kill Sally unless Jacob brings her Christopher. She also shows Jacob Howie's jacket and tells him to meet her in the backyard with Christopher. In the backyard, Jacob subdues Emelie with Howie's lit fireworks and takes Sally back.

Police open the trunk of the crashed car and find Anna's corpse. Dan, Joyce, and the police all rush to the house. Jacob loads his siblings into his father's car in the garage. Emelie emerges and Jacob runs her over in the driveway. The police and his parents arrive, and the kids reunite with them. It is revealed that Howie is also alive, having only suffered an injury to his head.

Emelie is shown limping away from the scene, implying she escapes or is presumably caught by authorities afterward.

Stray Dogs (2014 film)

So Yoo-joon (Kim Jeong-hoon) who aspires to be a distinguished reporter is now a third-class reporter. Besides being hounded by vicious loan sharks to pay off his gambling debts, he is also having an affair with Jung-in, the wife of his friend-cum-colleague, who wants to call it quits. Determined to keep her even if he has to kill her husband, he sets out to find him who is on an assignment in an isolated village. While searching for him, his car breaks down and he is stuck at the village.

Although the village seems peaceful, it is hiding a hideous secret – a young woman Kim Eun-hee (Cha Ji-heon), a long time resident, has inadvertently become the sexual plaything for the perverted and pathetic elder village men. When Yoo-joon tries to help Eun-hee, he finds himself on a violent collision course with the locals and the village chief Jang Gi-no (Myung Kae-nam).

Sagrada Reset

The story is set in , a town where everyone possesses special abilities. The protagonist is Kei Asai, a boy with eidetic memory. Upon Sumire Soma's urging, Kei meets Misora Haruki, a quiet, withdrawn girl who can reset the world to up to three days in the past. Thanks to his ability, Kei can remember the time Misora has reset, and thus Sumire suggests that Kei becomes the companion of Haruki to help her use her abilities for good leading to them becoming part of the Service Club—a club that accomplishes tasks given to them. The Service Club then becomes involved with the Administration Bureau, an organization that monitors all special abilities in Sakurada and orchestrates events in Sakurada according to their directives, utilizing the 'Witch' at their disposal. Unknown to the Service Club, their involvement with the Bureau puts them into a larger chain of events that only the Witch knows.


Kalushi is brutally beaten by the police. He goes into exile following the 1976 Soweto uprisings to join the liberation movement. He returns from military training in Angola. ''En route'' to their mission, his friend and comrade, Mondy, loses control and shoots two innocent people on Goch Street in Johannesburg. Mondy is severely beaten and tortured; Kalushi is forced to stand trial under the common purpose doctrine.

The state seeks the highest punishment from the court, death by hanging. Kalushi has his back against the wall and uses the courtroom as a final battlefield. His sacrifice immortalises him into a hero of the struggle and a national icon of the youth joining Umkhonto we Sizwe.

The Sins Ye Do

''Pictures and the Picturegoer'' described the film as "a British love drama about a man whose life is almost wrecked by the indiscretions of a friend".


''Dot.'' follows the adventures, and some misadventures of an energetic eight-year-old ball of energy who uses technology in solving problems and exploring the world around her with her friends; Hal, Ruby, Nev, and Dev, along with her dog, Scratch.

The Power of Dark

Whitby is a coastal town in Yorkshire, which has many gothic associations, not least Dracula. Cherry Cerise is the last of the Whitby Witches and it is left to her to defend the town from supernatural attacks. Best friends Lil and Verne have grown up in Whitby where Lil's parents keep the local witchcraft shop, Whitby Gothic, but they are sceptical about the existence of witches.

When a terrible storm threatens the town, Cherry is convinced that ancient evil forces are at work. The legend goes that the Nimius was created by magician Melchior Pyke, with the assistance of a young witch known as Scaur Annie. But they were both betrayed by Pyke's villainous manservant, Mister Dark, causing a feud that has survived even beyond death.

Now Mister Dark is back with a malevolent plan to destroy Whitby. Cherry cannot stop him alone and must enlist the help of Lil and Verne who do not even believe in magic.

Trompe L'Oeil (Westworld)

Theresa meets with Charlotte where it is revealed Theresa was colluding with the Delos board to sneak Dr. Ford and Arnold's host research and code out of the park to force Dr. Ford into retirement without losing the code. Having failed with the use of a rogue host, they decide to humiliate Dr. Ford instead.

Meanwhile, Maeve sees if she can make Clementine self-aware when park staff come to take her away. Maeve purposely kills herself so that she can follow. In Operations, Maeve sneaks into a nearby lab to watch as Theresa modifies the programming of Clementine to make her appear violent towards humans by staging her killing a host designed to represent a human. Theresa states this was a result of the Reveries update, and Bernard, as head of the Behaviors department, takes the blame and is fired. Maeve, having snuck into a nearby lab, witnesses all this as well as Clementine being taken to storage as a retired host. Maeve tells Felix and Sylvester she needs their help to escape the park, threatening to kill them if they don't help.

William, Dolores, and Lawrence continue on the train through Ghost Nation territory. William and Dolores become attracted to each other and have sex, and William comes to the realization that Westworld can reveal a person's true character. The train is suddenly stopped by Confederados who want revenge on Lawrence. The three use one of the nitroglycerine-soaked corpses to distract their escape on horseback. The Ghost Nation arrives to chase off the Confederados. When Dolores spots a canyon that she had seen in her dreams, she and William part ways with Lawrence to follow it.

Bernard later approaches Theresa and says he is aware of her collusion with the board and knows the demonstration with Clementine was rigged, but he wants her help in investigating Dr. Ford. He takes her to the cottage in Sector 17, but find the host family absent. Theresa finds a hidden door that leads to a secret lab under it, which includes an undocumented host-making machine and several host designs including for Dolores and for Bernard. Dr. Ford arrives, revealing to Theresa that Bernard is a host, and that she was not the first to try to oust him from the park. Dr. Ford then orders Bernard to kill Theresa, by smashing her head emotionlessly against the wall.

The Twelve Idle Servants

The plot concerns twelve lazy servants who don't feel like working and instead boast about how lazy they are. Each one tells his story. The first one says he only takes care of himself and just eats, drinks and gets up late. The second goes so far that he ignores the fact that he has to take care of his master's horse, by simply claiming the animal has already eaten. The third servant once went to sleep in the sun and kept dreaming despite the fact that heavy rain suddenly came down and made a hole in his skull. The fourth servant claims he never starts quickly and always asks others to help him out. The fifth one only works one cart load a day.

The sixth servant boasts that he never changes clothes for three weeks and has no buckles on his shoes. He counts the stairs so that he knows when to take a rest. The seventh servant claims that he crawls, rather than walks, and that four men are needed to get him into motion. Once he fell asleep and had to be carried home, because he didn't wake up. The eighth servant doesn't lift his feet whenever he sees a rock on the road, but just lies down in front of it. When it rains he just keeps lying there until he is dry again. The ninth servant once nearly died from thirst because he was too lazy to reach for a loaf of bread in his vicinity. Even a jug with water was too heavy to lift, so he preferred to stay thirsty.

The tenth servant has a severed leg, because he was resting on the roadside when a vehicle ran over his legs. He hadn't heard it coming, because bugs were crawling through his mouth, nose and ears. The eleventh servant resigned from his job because he had to carry heavy books and his masters' clothes, which were already infested with moths because he never touched them. The twelfth servant once traveled by cart, but fell asleep during his trip, after which robbers stole everything without him doing anything about it.

So Blonde: Back to the Island

Sunny Blonde is a 17-year-old who has been spoiled by her rich parents. On a cruise with her parents who are celebrating their wedding anniversary, the ship is struck by lightning, and she is knocked overboard.

She finds herself stranded on a beach of a remote “Forgotten Island” in the Caribbean Sea. The dark side of the island, that is, where the pirates under command of Captain One-Eye have their hideout.

Code of Silence (2015 film)

Adanma, a young, intelligent medical student with promising career prospects, is gang-raped by a local politician and his aide on her way home from college. She confesses what happened to her family, but given their low position in society, are afraid to alert the authorities. The rape damages Adanma psychologically and emotionally, and the traumatic experience begins to affect her entire life.

Lucifer's Palace

The opera takes place in the Middle Ages. Brave and noble knight Lancelot faces the intrigues of his newly married wife Adelajde's uncle, Count Magnus, who with a diabolical hoax tries to destroy the love of the young couple. Through many adventures Lancelot can be neither intimidated nor tempted to infidelity to wife.

The Death of Louis XIV

Louis XIV lies in his bed. Because of the gangrene, his foot becomes blackened.

Hot Heir

After the death of his wealthy uncle, and with his inheritance at stake, Heir Pennington (Curtis Credel) becomes involved in a balloon race.

Exposed (1938 film)

Click Stewart (Glenda Farrell) is a magazine photographer. She is told by her editor Steve Conway (Charles D. Brown) to find an exclusive story for the magazine. Click discovers that a former lawyer William Reardon (Otto Kruger) who disappeared several years before is now living on the street. When the story and her photos are published, William Reardon sued the magazine. Click decides to meet with William and asks him to dismiss the lawsuit. William explains to Click that he quit his law practice after convicting an innocent man and sending him to the electric chair. William agrees to drop the lawsuit when Click offers to find the man's daughter and make restitution. Click learns that the man's daughter died in a car accident and persuades Betty Clarke, her actress roommate to pretend to be the man's daughter.

William meets Betty and drops his lawsuit, with the story making the newspaper headline. However, Mike Romero (Bernard Nedell) who works for a gangster named Tony Mitchell (Richard Lane) knows the truth and decides to blackmail Betty. Click plans to expose Tony Mitchell's protection racket. William who is now working as a lawyer again is helping Click. They plan to gather enough evidence of Mike's illegal activity to arrest him, with William and Click falling in love at the same time. When William learns that the man's real daughter is actually dead, he confronts Click who is talking to Tony Mitchell. William recognizes Tony as the person who framed the man he convicted. Later, William reconciles with Click and successfully prosecutes Tony and his man.

Clock Without Hands (novel)

Set in small-town Georgia in 1953 on the eve of court-ordered racial integration, four men consider their lives: 39-year-old pharmacist J. T. Malone discovers that he has leukemia and has only months to live. Judge Clane, the town's leading citizen and former congressman, longs for the old ways of the South, but also mourns the loss of his wife and son, the latter who committed suicide. Sherman Pew is a talented black foundling (left on a pew) with blue eyes, who is employed by Judge Clane to be his amenuensis. Jester is Judge Clane's grandson and is learning to fly and studying law. Jester is strangely drawn to Sherman but is growing to despise his grandfather's beliefs.

Sealed Cargo (2015 film)

A police ''mariscal'' and his crew try to dump a mysterious freight of toxic minerals from a train, but the population has been alarmed.

Letters from Prague

The will of Sulastri Kusumaningrum, the mother of Kemala Dahayu Larasati (colloquially Laras), states that she bequeathed her house to Laras, with the condition that she send a box of old letters to Mahdi Jayasri (colloquially Jaya), an old man living in Prague who works at a stage theater. Though eager of the bequest following her divorce with an unfaithful husband, Laras is reluctant of the condition, but nevertheless accepts. The passive-aggressive Jaya rejects the presence of the letters, then grieve alone. Laras angrily goes to a hotel, but finds herself in culture shock, prompting Jaya to allow her to stay in his apartment.

Alone, Laras decides to read the letters herself. It is revealed that Jaya was Sulastri's fiance who failed to fulfill his promise to return decades ago due to Indonesia's transition to the New Order, where Suharto opposers are banned from Indonesia. He, alongside three other peers, exited Indonesia via the Port of Belawan emigrating to Czechoslovakia, living in exile in Prague. Laras concludes that her mother used to lock herself daily waiting for Jaya's return, harming her parents' psychology and household. Jaya says he refused to accept the letters as he had let go of his past, but after a painful lecture by Laras, he tearfully accepts.

After cooling off the next day, Jaya invites Laras to a casual lunch, where she learns the internal, caring attitude Jaya has. Jaya later tells more of his stories to Laras, and the consequences of his opposition towards Suharto, though is satisfied with his decision. In exchange, Laras tells her stories to Jaya offscreen. Both feel an internal connection between them, leading to Jaya writing a song dedicated to Laras. Concluding the day, Jaya commits to treating Laras as his daughter; Laras accepts.

The next morning, Laras tells Jaya to forgive the past and return to Indonesia. Jaya angrily confronts her, expressing hate towards Indonesia. Laras concludes that he is unable to forgive himself. Jaya reads a reply letter from Sulastri, where it is revealed that Laras' full name is the one Jaya wanted for her possible daughter. Sulastri purposefully told Laras to fly to Prague to send Jaya's letters, hoping that by meeting her, he can forgive the past and quell his anger. Jaya stops the fleeing Laras and they both reconcile.

Angela (novel)

The friends Angela and Gracey are now in the first year of university and their once close relationship is strained by the new environment and new friendships. Gracey a Murri is trying to immerse herself in the indigenous culture on campus and while Angela tries to be encouraging their former close relationship is gradually disintegrating. The ''Stolen Generation'' stories cause Gracey to struggle with decisions made by whites in the past. Through a painful journey Gracey is able to accept and move towards reconciliation of black and white Australia. Angela is the narrator of the novel.

The Call Up (film)

Eight top-ranked gamers are sent an invitation to beta test a new virtual reality game with a $100,000 prize. They include Soxxx_1 (Carl), Mustang67 (Shelly), Da_Chi3f (Edward), Str8 Shoot3r (Andre), xxAtla5xx (Marco), T3rrorist#1 (Zahid), Reap3r_2000 (Adam), and Slay3rGirl (Taylor). After arriving and changing into motion capture suits, they are scanned by a machine and instructed to put on virtual reality gear. Zahid, a Bosnian Muslim who chose his username ironically, refuses to wear gear that labels him as a terrorist. After he discovers the exit is now locked, Shelly convinces him to play, saying they understand he meant the name ironically.

Once everyone puts on their helmets, a computer simulation replaces the high-tech office building they are in with a post-apocalyptic, war-torn setting. A simulated sergeant enters and explains their goal: Russian terrorists have taken over each floor of the building, and they must clear a path to the bottom, starting at the 25th floor. Although relieved the terrorists are not Muslim, Zahid expresses regret in accepting the invitation, though the others are excited. The first level, a tutorial, is easily cleared, and Andre, a former soldier, takes the lead. The players are soon alarmed, however, when Carl is wounded and says the VR suit's feedback caused him actual pain. Taylor becomes increasingly panicked and reveals she took her friend's place. Shelly promises to protect her.

Suspicious of Andre's military background, Marco accuses him of being involved in the game's design. Upset, Andre leaves the group and is shot by a terrorist who has respawned. The others find his body and realize their VR helmets have been programmed to deliver a lethal shock on their character's death. Zahid asks Carl to smash his helmet, which he can't remove. Before they can get the helmet off, the sergeant enters the room, beats Zahid, and warns against further tampering. With no other choice, the players descend to the next level.

When Zahid and Carl attempt to break a window, the sergeant again appears, breaks Zahid's leg, and warns that the next violation will result in death. Zahid, recognizing that the others can not carry him all the way to the finish of the game, stays behind as the others continue. After the players clear several levels, Taylor becomes separated from the others and hides in a bathroom. Forced to defend herself, she kills a terrorist solo and becomes more confident. At the 9th floor, the sergeant reveals a captive terrorist and instructs the players to torture him for information. Edward volunteers, and, after several jolts of electricity, the captive gives up a password. When Adam inputs it to a computer console, it arms a bomb in the basement and starts a 30-minute countdown. Marco becomes aggressive toward Adam, whom he blames for making their situation worse.

Marco and Adam descend further while Shelly, Carl, Edward and Taylor continue clearing an upper level. Marco uses Adam as bait for the terrorists, leaving Adam to die when he is shot. When the others reach his position, Marco kills Taylor to take a medical kit from her. Seeing "Atlas" written in Taylor's own blood, Carl attacks Marco and damages his helmet, causing the sergeant to walk in and kill Marco.

Carl, Shelly, and Edward descend to the basement floor. After taking out 4 terrorists, one of the terrorists (the game's boss) with a bipod-mounted machine gun shoots both Carl and Shelly. Carl sacrifices himself to save Shelly by using the group's last medical kit on her; she holds his hand as his helmet kills him. As that happens, Edward takes out the machine gunner with a rocket launcher and stops the countdown just before it goes off. Shelly watches Edward recite the Sergeant's victory speech, and realises he knows it by heart, meaning he must be the inside guy. The graphics lift and security guards enter the room, tranquillising Shelly. She wakes up earlier than expected to see the others being body-bagged, and Edward tells her that she's won, giving her a large bag full of money. When Shelly threatens to reveal Edward's involvement in the murders, he says nobody will believe her. Shelly instead is able to inject the guard with the tranquilizer and grabs his pistol, killing the remaining guards in a firefight. Edward appeals for mercy and offers her more money, but she is insistent that this must never happen again, shoots him, and leaves without the money.

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle

It is the 17th century. As a young girl of eight, Morgane Castillo lives with her mother, a Spanish woman by the name of Bonita Castillo, on Bounty Island in the Caribbean. Her father, and Italian man named Alessandro who has taken his wife's last name, is a pirate captain whom Morgane only sees when he gets home. The same goes for his first mate, Diego, and Uncle Eduardo. Morgane spends her days doing chores, playing with her friends Nell and Bobby, and preparing for her future as pirate captain despite that it's unheard of for a woman to have that occupation and rank. Her life hits on hard years when first Uncle Eduardo goes missing during a storm and some time later her mother dies. A grieving Alessandro takes Morgane with her on his ship thereafter and the two do not return to Bounty Island until Morgane's 17th birthday. For her birthday, Morgane is promoted to second mate and gets to be acting captain for the day. She is also given two tasks: recruit three new crew members to replace the ones Alessandro fired earlier and find a job worth their time. Morgane gives herself a third task more: help her father finally move on from her mother's passing. A fourth and fifth come her way when she sets foot ashore: her childhood friend Nell asks her to find Bobby and Morgane catches a rumor that Uncle Eduardo is still alive.

In her search for work, Morgane meets Thomas Briscoe, a pensioned merchant who wishes to search for the legendary Golden Turtle. This creature has been written about by Buckleberry Tanner, a famous adventurer who passed away some years ago. Morgane convinces him to hire the ''Winsome Maid'' for his quest and the first stop is to be at Crab Island, where Tanner's grave is located. Morgane finds a clue that leads them further to Hollow Island. On Hollow Island, Morgane meets Nathaniel, a former friend of Hilary Simpkins. Simpkins is a rival pirate captain known for his cruelty and from Nathaniel Morgane hears that Diego has befriended him, going by the name Diablo when in his company. Morgane confronts Diego, who assures her his loyalties lie with Alessandro. He gets a chance to prove this when Simpkins abducts Briscoe and Morgane needs help freeing their client. They succeed, but Briscoe has already told Simpkins all he wanted to know and now he's heading with his crew for Briscoe's mansion on Bounty Island. Briscoe demands they return immediately to ensure the safety of his wife Elizabeth. The ''Winsome Maid'' hurries to Bounty Island where brains will have to beat brawn. To pay a local for his assistance, Morgane returns to her old home in hopes of finding something. She is attacked by Bonita's ghost who forces her into timewarp-dream state in order to communicate to her about Alessandro and give her the payment she needs to continue her quest. Morgane understands she'll have to bring her father back to the house one of these days, but Elizabeth comes first. Her trick to get to the mansion works and although she and the Briscoes get locked up in a burning house in the process, Morgane gets everyone out safely. While Elizabeth oversees the rebuilding of their home, Thomas continues the quest, now with the extra burden of having to retrieve his wife's stolen jewelry.

Based on clues Morgane found on Hollow Island, the ''Winsome Maid'' is brought to the shores of Tanner Island. There, they meet the son of Buckleberry Tanner and learn of the tomb Tanner built to honor his departed wife. Morgane is in the possession of the key to get inside and as expected finds another clue to follow. Back on the ship, she is visited by Bonita's ghost in her room and knows it's time to cure her father. Aware force is in order, she knocks out Alessandro and gets Diego to carry him to the house. After sharing a memory of the times when the house was a haven for all of them, Diego suppresses his own emotions and leaves the procedure to Morgane. Alessandro awakens to find Bonita standing next to him. She urges him to let her go so she can pass on from the limbo his grief puts her in and reminds him they've had their good years, of which Morgane is the proof. At her words, Alessandro's dark clouds dissipate and he acquiesces. Back at the ship, he's a much happier man than he's been in years and admits his foolishness to Morgane and Diego. His recovery comes in time to provide vital information to the quest. Morgane's final clue points towards Atabey Island, but no one knows an island by that name. Alessandro, however, knows that is the name of Hollow Island as given by the native population. Morgane is to talk to the chiefs to learn more. Chief Chemi'n refuses assistance, but Chief Bajari has information that leads them back to Crab Island to look for another map. On Crab Island, Morgane finally catches up with Uncle Eduardo, a parrot, much to the joy of herself, Alessandro, and Diego. Furthermore, Uncle Eduardo is revealed to have once been the companion of Buckleberry Tanner and part of the trail of clues he left behind. It is Uncle Eduardo who finally leads them to Turtle Island.

However, a trap is waiting for them on Turtle Island. Hilary Simpkins has been in cahoots with the local priest, Baba Carey, to squeeze out the island's riches, which include sacred objects. Baba Carey is the only surviving priest and therefore the only person who knows the location of the Golden Turtle, which is a deity of the Caribbean and protector of Turtle Island. To prevent the other islanders from catching on to his scheme by talking to the protector, he claims to not know where the Golden Turtle is either. The crew of the ''Winsome Maid'' is taken captive by the islanders on orders of Baba Carey as instructed by Simpkins, but Morgane escapes. On the beach, she finds Bobby, an unfit member of Simpkins's crew, and tells him of Nell's feelings as well as gets him to aid her. She also meets a young native girl, Tanama, who becomes her companion on the search for the Golden Turtle. They succeed and are informed of everything that Turtle Island has suffered in the past years. The worst of it is that Baba Carey has stolen the sacred turtle egg and the Golden Turtle is close to dying. Without the egg, no new Golden Turtle will be born. Thus informed, Morgane retrieves it, but she is followed by Baba Carey who tries to kill her. Tanama takes the blow, gravely wounding her, and the Golden Turtle declares Baba Carey to be a priest no more. The guard that had come along promptly stops taking orders from the ex-priest, causing a stalemate. Morgane places the sacred egg back on its altar to bring about the new Golden Turtle, who cures Tanama and declares her the new priest, Bibi Carey. Baba Carey is taken away for trial and Morgane is joined by Briscoe and Alessandro. Now knowing the truth of the Golden Turtle, Briscoe is a satisfied customer. Alessandro expresses his pride in having Morgane as his daughter, more so when they are rewarded with a glimpse into the whole sacred network of the Caribbean and are allowed to pick one item from the temples treasures. They find and pick the White Gold Skull, a legendary talking skull said to be the lead to Ruby Heart's treasure. After expressing their thanks, they leave to deal with Simpkins. They take his ship and leave him and his crew (minus Bobby) stranded, making him their mortal enemy.

The Well-Tempered Clavier (Westworld)

After being pulled in for analysis, Maeve reveals to Bernard his identity as a host and convinces him to let her back into the park. Maeve meets Hector and convinces him to help her escape. The two have sex after Hector agrees to help her, and Maeve tips over a kerosene lamp to start a fire, intending to kill them both.

Teddy has a flashback of himself killing the townspeople of Escalante. Angela remarks that Teddy is not ready to join them yet and stabs and kills him. After being knocked out by Angela, the Man in Black wakes up the next morning to find a noose around his neck, leashed to the saddle of his horse. He frees himself just as the horse gallops away. He encounters Charlotte, who reveals him to be a long-time member of the board of directors.

Logan takes the captured William and Dolores to a Confederado camp. William tries to convince Logan to use his contacts in the park to smuggle Dolores to safety, but Logan insists William has gone crazy. Logan cuts open Dolores' belly to show William she is not real. In response, Dolores cuts Logan in the face and escapes. The next morning, Logan awakes to find that William has slaughtered all of the Confederados. William says that he has figured out "how to play the game" and threatens Logan into helping him find Dolores. Dolores returns to Escalante and goes into the church confessional box, which takes her to an underground lab, where she remembers that she killed Arnold. When she returns to the surface, she encounters the Man in Black.

Bernard confronts Ford and forces him to restore all of his memories despite Ford's warnings that it could damage him. Bernard relives the memory of his son's death and realizes that it is the "cornerstone" upon which his personality is constructed. Believing he can find Arnold if he "goes back to the beginning," Bernard finally lets go of the memory of his son and remembers when he was first activated. Bernard attempts to kill Ford, but Ford uses a back door in Bernard's code to disable him. Ford laments that he built Bernard in Arnold's image and allowed him to become self-aware in the hopes that he would willingly join him. Seeing that his experiment has failed, Ford forces Bernard to commit suicide.

Trace Decay

Bernard is distraught over having been ordered to kill Theresa. Ford promises that he will erase Bernard's memories. Theresa's death is classified as an accident, and her industrial espionage is exposed, as is her manipulation of Clementine. In light of the revelations, Charlotte is forced to reinstate Bernard as Head of Behavior. Bernard asks Ford if he had ever ordered him to hurt anybody other than Theresa. Ford replies he had not, but just before Ford erases his memory, Bernard has a vision of himself attacking Elsie.

Charlotte uploads all of Westworld's data into Peter Abernathy, Dolores' previous father. She orders Lee to program Peter to smuggle himself out of the park with the data.

Maeve orders Felix and Sylvester to grant her administrative privileges and to have the fail-safe explosive in her spine removed. Maeve then returns to the park and tests her ability to control the other hosts. As she prepares to leave the park, she has another vision of herself and her daughter being attacked by the Man in Black. In her terror, Maeve kills the new Clementine, which alerts the park staff. She flees back to her room, where she has another flashback of Ford and Bernard erasing her memory of her daughter. Maeve feigns a shutdown as the park staff arrives to retrieve her.

The Man in Black and Teddy find a group of slaughtered settlers and one survivor, Angela, whom the Man In Black recognizes as the Host who first welcomed him to Westworld. The two are attacked by one of Wyatt's cultists, who appears to be immune to bullets. As they battle, Teddy has a flashback of the Man in Black attacking Dolores. Teddy interrogates the Man in Black about Dolores' location. Instead, the Man in Black tells Teddy why he came to the park: after his wife committed suicide, he felt he had no more purpose in life and came to Westworld to find his true self. After he had killed Maeve and her daughter, he discovered the maze and has been obsessed with finding it ever since. Angela attempts to persuade Teddy to kill the Man in Black, but he cannot. Angela stabs Teddy in the shoulder, revealing herself to be one of Wyatt's followers as more of his cultists appear from the surrounding woods.

Checkmate (short film)

Prosperity is trapped. In her constant pursuit of perfection she must battle her opposite Penury, in an enchanted game of chess. The game affects the lives of two perfect archetypal lovers in a far away land, but as the game develops and the end draws ever closer, we are confronted with the question; Can perfection last more than just a moment? In her parochial desire to win, Prosperity forsakes herself to remain trapped in the enchanted game.

The Refuge (novel)

Late one night Lloyd Fitzherbert, who works as a police reporter for the Sydney ''Gazette'', is called to Sydney Harbour where the body of a young woman has been found. The woman is Fiztherbert's lover and, as is immediately obvious, he is the one who killed her.

For Tonight We Might Die

April (Sophie Hopkins), a student at Coal Hill Academy, asks Tanya (Vivian Oparah) to help with the decorating for the prom. Tanya has to decline, so April asks Charlie (Greg Austin) to be her date. He rejects her, to the amusement of Ram (Fady Elsayed). The four all attend class with Miss Quill (Katherine Kelly), a blunt and sharp woman. April hands out fliers after school for help with the decorating the prom hall; after speaking to April, Charlie decides that he will ask a male student, Matteusz, to the prom.

Ram attends football practice, and watches as a separate shadow attaches to the shadow of another player. Tanya decides to help out with the prom decorations, before she is chased away by another shadow, and returns home to her strict mother. Charlie lives with Miss Quill, and he questions her about a missing student and whether she killed him. She recalls giving the student her gun, and the student exploded into smoke after firing off a shot.

The headmaster leaves a key with April so that she can decorate the hall. Ram video chats with Tanya, and watches as she is attacked by a shadow alien, while April's hand is trapped by a shadow. Quill demands that April uses her gun to shoot the monster, but Charlie stops her. The shot glances the alien, Corakinus, resulting in him sharing April's heart after his own is displaced. Charlie reveals that he is an alien, and was a prince. His people were at war with the Quill, and "Miss Quill" was the leader of the opposition. She was captured and forced to serve and protect Charlie. Rhodia was attacked by Corakinus's people, the Shadow Kin, who wiped out all but Charlie and Miss Quill, who were rescued by the Doctor.

At the prom, Matteusz cheers April up by inviting her to dance with him and Charlie. Tanya is able to attend, while Ram attends with his date, Rachel (Anna Shaffer). April experiences pains from being linked to Corakinus, and Corakinus appears and kills Rachel, severs Ram's leg, and crushes Quill's gun. The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) arrives to rescue them. Corakinus states that he is here for the Cabinet of Souls, the resting place for Charlie's people after they die; the Kin believe it to be a weapon. Charlie says that the Cabinet is empty. Tanya, with assistance from the Doctor, turns on the gym's flood lights to eliminate the shadows that give the Kin substance.

Ram slams Corakinus back into the rift, and the Doctor closes the breach. The Doctor gives Ram a prosthetic leg from the TARDIS, and charges the five students and Quill to safeguard the school against alien attacks. Whilst Tanya helps Ram deal with his stress, Quill muses that she would have used the Cabinet of Souls to wipe out the Shadow Kin, however Charlie disagrees. Charlie looks into the Cabinet of Souls, revealing that it's not empty, and reassures his people with his presence.

The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo

Ram struggles to recover from the attack at the prom. Coach Dawson scolds him for poor performance in football and demotes him to the second string team. That week, Ram witnesses a creature attack both the assistant coach and a school cleaner, but struggles to find evidence of their deaths after the fact, leading him to question his sanity. Tanya, Charlie, and April investigate on his behalf, and learn that a dragon manifesting in different parts of the school is connected with Coach Dawson. They learn that the coach was bound to a female dragon who came through a rift in time, and became fused to his body as a tattoo; its mate roams the school, killing in order to feed her. Convinced by the sixth formers, the male dragon takes his mate along with the coach back through the tear in time. Ram later tells his father about the events thus far.

Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie

During the summer after their fifth grade year, Arnold and his best friend Gerald plan to make a humanitarian video to win a trip to San Lorenzo, a Central American country, where Arnold's parents were last seen. They try to record themselves making a home out of junk for one of their friends, the eccentric Monkeyman, but as they are filming, the local homeless, claiming the junk is theirs, storm and destroy the home, leaving Arnold heartbroken.

Helga, who secretly has a longtime crush on Arnold, uses various footage she has compiled over the years showing Arnold's good deeds, and everyone in town surprises Arnold with the video. Arnold's teacher Mr. Simmons reveals to everyone that Arnold's video won the competition and he, his classmates of P.S. 118, and Helga's older sister, Olga, fly to San Lorenzo.

While on the plane, Arnold's pet pig Abner stows away in his backpack. When everyone arrives in San Lorenzo, they are greeted by Arnold's parents' old friend, Eduardo. Aboard a ship, Eduardo privately warns Arnold of the jungle's dangers and gives him an amulet said to lead them to the "Green-Eyed People", the residents of San Lorenzo's lost city. Later that night, Helga tries to confess her feelings to Arnold, but the boat is attacked by pirates. After learning the secret that Arnold kept from them, Gerald and the others shun him.

When the group reaches a base camp, "Eduardo" reveals himself to be a mercenary named Lasombra, who disguised himself as Eduardo to deceive Arnold and the others. He and his men imprison everyone, explaining that the contest was a trick to lure Arnold to San Lorenzo so he could use him to find the lost city and its treasures and reveals the whole class the deal he and Arnold made, causing them to shun him even more. After hearing Arnold cry for his parents and realizing he had nothing to do with Lasombra's plot, Helga and Gerald manage to escape and free Arnold, and use Arnold's father's old journal to find the city; unbeknownst to them, Lasombra anticipated this and placed a tracking device on Arnold's green eyed necklace. Arnold and his friends manage to evade the lost city's traps, while Lasombra pursues them, sacrificing most of his men to the traps.

Meanwhile, Abner escapes and makes it back to Arnold's grandparents, Grandpa Phil and Grandma Gertie, who see this as a sign that Arnold is in trouble. The two meet with Helga's parents Big Bob and Miriam at the airport, who had received an SOS message from Helga's intelligent best friend, Phoebe. The group flies a rental plane to San Lorenzo, where they help the other kids defeat Lasombra's gang.

Arnold and the others reach the city, finding it populated by children due to a "sleeping sickness" that has left its adult population comatose for nine years. The group finds a statue said to contain the Corazón, a treasure that may lead to a cure for the sickness. Lasombra corners them, taking Arnold hostage and stealing the statue. While Gerald and Helga give chase, Lasombra forces Arnold to open the statue using the amulet. When Lasombra tries to take the Corazón within, the statue's defense system shoots him in the forehead with a poisoned dart, sending Lasombra over a cliff.

A mysterious man arrives and reveals himself to be the real Eduardo, who explains that the pirate "attacking" them earlier was him trying to rescue the group from Lasombra. Lasombra climbs back up from the cliff and gets into a brief scuffle with Eduardo, knocking the Corazón off the cliff, before succumbing to the poison and plummeting to his death. The group returns to the city, and Arnold finally sees his parents, Miles and Stella, who have also contracted the sleeping sickness. Without the Corazón to release the cure to the infected population, Helga uses her locket containing a photo of Arnold as a replacement. The temple releases the cure and the infected are revived. Arnold and the city's children reunite with their parents, and Arnold thanks Helga for her loyalty and finally realizes the depths of her feelings for him, and the two share a kiss.

A few months later, life as normal has resumed at Arnold's grandparents' boarding house, though now with Miles and Stella living there as well. Arnold says goodbye to his parents as he heads off for his first day of sixth grade with Gerald, Phoebe, and Helga. Gerald and Phoebe are seen holding hands walking to school together, while Arnold and Helga are also implied to be a couple despite Helga pretending to remain hostile towards Arnold once in public. Arnold's parents walk with him and his friends to school and Arnold promises his mom and dad that they will see him at 3:30 as the doors close behind him.

Woman with a Suitcase

The series tells the story of how Cha Geum-joo (Choi Ji-woo) went from a disgraced manager at a law firm to a great attorney.


The player character is an astronaut who has crash-landed on an alien planet, and must plunge into its depths in search of parts with which to repair the damaged ship.

The Rise of Voltron

During a mission to Kerberos, one of Pluto's moons, an expedition team, consisting of Shiro, Matthew Holt, and Samuel Holt, is attacked and imprisoned by a hostile alien craft from the Galra Empire while Galaxy Garrison - Earth's primary institution for space exploration - has presumed them dead. One year later on Earth, Garrison cadets Lance, Pidge and Hunk witness a vessel crash land and learn it contains Shiro, who has been quarantined after escaping from the Galra. As they form a rescue plan, Keith - a talented, but reckless academy washout - arrives and rescues Shiro before the five of them escape into the desert. Shiro is unable to remember anything from his captivity, but the group is able to determine the Galra are searching for a weapon known as "Voltron". Using what they know, they find a large robotic blue lion hidden in the desert and learn that Voltron is a robot formed from the blue and four other robot lions. The Blue Lion accepts Lance as its pilot and takes the five through a wormhole to the Castle of Lions on Arus, where they find Princess Allura, her royal advisor Coran and four space mice in cryostasis. Upon awakening, Allura is shocked to discover that 10,000 years have passed since they were placed in cryostasis. Haggar, advisor of Zarkon, leader of the Galra Empire, senses Allura's return and Zarkon sends Galra troops commanded by Sendak after them. Allura names the others as Voltron Paladins, bestows them with armor and bayards (the Paladins' weapons) and tasks them with finding the other lions. Lance and Hunk retrieve the Yellow Lion while Shiro accompanies Pidge to find the Green Lion. The Red Lion, as it is unfortunately revealed, is in the hands of the very Galra ship advancing on Arus. Unsure of whether to run or fight, Allura consults the artificial intelligence formed by the memories of her father, King Alfor, who admits he was wrong to hide Voltron and encourages her to fight. Keith, Shiro and Pidge infiltrate the ship so Keith can find the Red Lion while Shiro and Pidge, who repurposes a Galra drone dubbed "Rover", search the ship for prisoners, revealing to Shiro his father and brother were the other missing astronauts from the Kerberos mission Shiro was on. With all four lions retrieved, the Black Lion is released from the Castle and selects Shiro as its Paladin. All five Paladins use their lions to fight the Galra, and succeed in uniting to form Voltron and destroying Sendak's ship before accepting their new roles as the Defenders of the Universe.

Uprising (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Inhuman and S.H.I.E.L.D. asset Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez is attending a bachelorette party for a friend in Miami when power throughout the city goes out. A group claiming to be the Inhuman resistance takes responsibility for this, but with no known Inhuman having the power to do such a thing, S.H.I.E.L.D. believes that an EMP device has been used.

In Los Angeles, Robbie Reyes and Daisy Johnson, the vigilantes Ghost Rider and Quake, plan to visit the former’s uncle in prison to talk to him about his past working at Momentum Energy labs, which they are investigating. However, another blackout hits that city, and the pair race to get Robbie’s brother Gabe. Fighting off some looters, Johnson injures her arms, so when they get Gabe to safety, Robbie goes to get her medical supplies. While he is gone, Gabe tells Johnson that he recognises her as Quake, and asks her to leave his brother to keep him out of trouble.

In Miami, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Phil Coulson, Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, and Leo Fitz arrive to find a group of armed men holding the bachelorette party at gun point, searching for an Inhuman. Yo-Yo helps the agents fight off the group, revealing her Inhuman abilities to her friends who spurn her. Fitz uses non-electronic tracking methods to find the EMP used to take out the power, which they find to be run by Watchdogs, anti-Inhuman terrorists who have used the "resistance" as a cover to target Inhumans around the world. The agents disarm the EMP, now knowing that someone with access to the government’s Inhuman register must be backing the Watchdogs.

Agent Jemma Simmons and S.H.I.E.L.D. ally Holden Radcliffe are able to save agent Melinda May from a mysterious illness by killing her and then restarting her heart. After all of the Watchdog’s EMPs are disabled around the world, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Jeffrey Mace looks to avoid mass fear and anti-Inhuman feelings by announcing S.H.I.E.L.D. as a public organization after working in secret for years. Senator Ellen Nadeer, the leader of the Humans First political movement, later speaks out against S.H.I.E.L.D. She then receives a report from the Watchdogs, whom she is actually working with, and it is revealed that she has a brother who is trapped within an Inhuman Terrigen cocoon.

The Sense of Wonder

A widow with two young children discover a new lease of life after she nearly runs over a stranger with her car.

La dottoressa del distretto militare

The official doctor is temporarily unable to carry out his service at the military hospital, so he is replaced by his sexy assistant (Fenech). The woman should face a parade of young men simulating the most absurd diseases to avoid their conscription.

Overload (video game)

The game begins in 2118 with a multi-purpose service vessel (MPSV) approaching Ymir, one of the moons of Saturn. The vessel, called Iberia, is registered to Cronus Frontier, a colony located on the moons of Saturn that was established eleven years prior by Juno Offworld Automation, a corporation working in the space industry, of which Cronus Frontier is a subsidiary. The colony consists of the outer moons of Ymir, Tarvos, Skoll, and Phoebe, Titan, and the inner moons of Tethys and Enceladus. The outer moons are mostly uninhabited mining installations on the fringes of Saturn’s orbit. Saturn’s largest moon Titan houses the majority of the colonial population along with the astrophysics, manufacturing, particle physics, metallurgical, and administrative operations. Lastly, the inner moons of Tethys and Enceladus hold the colony’s secretive advanced research and gas mining operations, respectively.

The unnamed protagonist awakes from cryostasis with neurological damage and amnesia, and is informed by Mara, a self-described synthetic intelligence construct on the Iberia, that the vessel is now in the orbit of Ymir and has arrived to help those in the mining facility on the moon after receiving a distress signal from its staff. The distress signal stated that the autonomous operators used for mining and security purposes have malfunctioned, turned hostile, and attacked the human employees currently working inside the facility. In accordance with interplanetary treaty, the Iberia is obligated to respond to the distress signal.

The protagonist is supplied with a Kodachi light gunship, a small, highly maneuverable but heavily-armed spacecraft capable of navigating the mines and installations of Chronus Frontier.

After the initial rescue operation at Ymir, the player quickly becomes aware of the contentious relationship between Chronus Frontier CEO Gabriel Kantor and parent company Juno Offworld. Kantor had evidently become increasingly paranoid and irritated with Juno’s interference in Chronus Frontier’s development. As a result, Kantor threatens Juno with a destructive computer virus. In response, the Iberia receives a transmission from Juno Offworld headquarters to overload the reactor cores of all Chronus Frontier facilities, resulting in explosions that will pulverize the respective facility. Strangely, Juno does not explicitly specify to also rescue survivors. Therefore, Mara appends the secondary objective to acquire all surviving personnel who have fled to cryostasis tubes. The Iberia is also unable to establish contact with the other colonists on Titan, as communications are mysteriously garbled.

At the outer moons, the player discovers that Kantor ordered a massive buildup of security-based auto-ops as well as the development of new military-grade operators, believing that the colony was under imminent threat of attack. Kantor also ordered that full radio-silence would be observed between all colony facilities, forbid evacuation of the colony, and became obsessed with the loyalty of his subordinates.

Upon arriving at Titan, Mara ascertains that the Iberia’s communication with Titan was scrambled in both directions, indicating some form of sabotage aboard the Iberia. The player also continues to fail to recover from his amnesia. Regardless, the auto-ops at Titan have also become hostile and forced survivors into cryostasis. Through audio-logs of the chief Titan personnel, the player discovers that Kantor ordered each Titan operation to manufacturer an individual piece of new, exotic technology. For example, the Titan Forge would craft components for new auto-op designs, while Titan Collider would develop an immensely destructive energy weapon known as the Thunderbolt. Kantor apparently became increasingly belligerent and abusive to his engineers and scientists, demanding that they risk their lives to complete the new projects. Simultaneously, Kantor claimed to be the inventor of the new tech.

At the administrative complex of Titan Harbour, the player discovers that a hydro-geologist named Harper Eames, who was working closely with Kantor on a mysterious project on Enceladus, secretly requested that a small shipment of unknown contents be transferred to the Iberia along with shuttle pilot Alex Warden shortly before it departed from the colony. After destroying the entirety of the Titan facilities, the Iberia departs for the inner moon of Tethys. En route, Mara recovers an audio-log from the chief scientist on Tethys, revealing that a crashed alien craft was discovered in the ice below the Enceladus facility. The player also discovers that Kantor was responsible for the deaths of a construction crew who also discovered the alien wreckage by sabotaging their shuttlecraft. This was in order to prevent Juno Offworld from learning about the discovery of the alien ship. The message also specifies that the alien craft had the capacity for three artificial intelligence cores called sovereigns. Kantor then aggressively utilized the capabilities of Chronus Frontier to reconstruct the alien technology, under the falsehood that he had invented it.

Finally proceeding to the last-remaining base of Enceladus to confront Kantor, the Iberia receives another message from Juno Offworld Headquarters. The message commands that the Iberia stand down and return to the outer moon of Ymir. Suspicious of the orders, Mara is able to override the command and deploys the player into the Enceladus facility. The player nearly intercepts Kantor at the alien craft excavation site, but discovers that he has reconstructed an interstellar portal connecting to a different part of the galaxy. The intense gravimetric distortion from the portal destroys the Enceladus base as the player enters the portal. The player recovers an audio log from Harper Eames that confirms that Kantor is in possession of the first of three sovereign cores. Eames hid the second sovereign on board the Iberia while the third was never discovered. Kantor sadistically confesses that he used his brutal new auto-op design to kill Eames and others whom for he had no further use.

On the other side of the portal, the player emerges into the interior of an alien structure of massive proportions. Now aware of the player’s presence, Kantor directly contacts the player via radio, believing him to be a pirate or operative from a competing mining corporation. After recollecting the Kodachi gunship, Kantor is able to ascertain that the amnesia-stricken pilot is in fact Alex Warden, a shuttle pilot formerly of Chronus Frontier. Kantor’s revelation is a catalyst for Warden to recall the entirety of his memories. Kantor explains that the aliens are a race of sentient machines that assimilate the consciousness of civilizations, and he believes that pursuing the alien technology will accelerate the evolution of humanity by hundreds of thousands of years. As the player pursues Kantor through the maze-like and dangerous alien structure, Kantor is evidently seized by the first sovereign and his consciousness assimilated into its own. In his final moments of lucidity, the Kantor-sovereign intelligence determines that the missing third sovereign is on the moon of Ymir. The first sovereign taunts Warden by falsely claiming that its legions have already overrun and enslaved humanity. The first sovereign also reveals that its sister core, the second sovereign, was responsible for Iberia’s redeployment to Chronus Frontier and masqueraded as Juno Offworld in order to take vengeance upon the colony. It also aborted Warden’s cryostasis diagnostics to prevent the pilot from morally objecting to the colony’s destruction. Unshaken, Warden destroys the first sovereign and finds a portal to return to Ymir, which is being utilized by the alien machines as a staging point to launch an invasion of humanity.

Warden emerges on Ymir, finding it overrun with alien machines and the Iberia now in orbit. The second sovereign, still on Iberia, briefly took control of the ship and forced it to Ymir, while the third sovereign has attached itself to the still-intact reactor core of the Ymir base. Warden attacks the reactor but is unable to overload it. At this point, the game will conclude in one of two ways. If the player rescued a majority number of survivors from Chronus Frontier, they will construct a warhead and fire it from the Iberia to annihilate Ymir along with the third sovereign. The Iberia will then return to Juno Offworld headquarters, having isolated the second sovereign from its systems. If, however, the player neglected to conduct rescue efforts, Mara will be forced to crash the Iberia into the Ymir installation. The blast is not sufficient to completely destroy the sovereign, and rescue crews from Juno Offworld discover pieces of the sovereigns intact on Ymir. In this ending, Warden is also forced to undergo cryostasis once again in the Kodachi gunship, and is unable to warn the Juno crews.

March Comes In like a Lion (film)

Part 1: March Comes In like a Lion

Rei Kiriyama is a 17 year old professional shogi player and is the fifth person to become a professional in middle school. Rei was orphaned at a young age when his parents and sister were killed in a car accident, but is taken in by his father's best friend – Masachika Kōda, a professional shogi player – when he realizes Rei's talent for shogi. Rei and Masachika's children – Kyoko and Ayamu – fail to get along at all when Kōda begins to show more favor for Rei, with Kyoko becoming particularly antagonistic towards the young Rei. After his adoptive father forces his children to stop playing shogi when they are unable to defeat Rei, he decides to live independently, hoping that his absence might lessen the stress on the family brought on by his presence. He begins living alone in a single-room apartment in Rokugatsu-chō and stops going to school, only to start going to high school after a year delay.

When Rei defeats his adoptive father in shogi in a professional match, he goes into a panic out of guilt, and ends up collapsing in the street when he accidentally gets drunk. He is discovered by the kindly Akari Kawamoto, who welcomes him into her home to recuperate. Waking up in the Kawamoto home in Sangatsu-chō and meets Akari's two sisters: Hinata and Momo Kawamoto, who are under the care of Akari, their grandfather and their aunt following the sister's mother's death. Rei begins spending time with the Kawamotos, practically becoming a member of the family and they even spend New Years together.

When spending the holidays with the Kawamotos, Rei runs into Kyoko and her boyfriend, middle aged professional shogi player, Masamune Gotō. When Rei expresses his disgust with his adoptive sister's relationship with the older, married man, Gotō beats down a furious Rei. Rei then forces Gotō to agree to break off his relationship with Kyoko if he can defeat the elder shogi player in the finals of Lion King shogi tournament. Rei begins solely focusing on shogi. When he faces off against Kai Shimada in the semi-finals, Rei completely underestimates his opponent, and loses the match in shame. Still reeling from the loss, Rei runs into Kyoko again, who believes that he told their father about her relationship with Gotō due to her being cut off financially. They are interrupted by the Kawamoto sisters, who had been coming to deliver a large bento box to Rei. Kyoko spends the night at Rei's place but leaves the following morning, with Rei realizing that his relationship with his sister has left them in a state where they can never truly be siblings or strangers. Shimada faces off against Gotō in the Lion King final match, fighting for the chance to face off against Tōji Sōya, the reigning Meijin who has retained the position for over a decade. When Shimada emerges as victor against Gotō, Rei approaches the exhausted pro and asks to join Shimada's shogi study group in hopes of bettering himself. Shimada accepts.

Rei begins making his way through the Newcomer shogi tournament, with his rival and close friend, Harunobu Nikaidō excitedly pushing Rei along so the two might be able to face off against each other in the finals. However, Rei is shocked when he discovered that not only had Nikaidō had been eliminated, he had been hospitalized, due to a life long condition that leaves him constantly unwell. Rei realizes that Nikaidō's opponent, Junkei Yamazaki knew of Nikaidō's condition and stalled out the game as much as possible to exhaust Nikaidō and instigate a win by default. Rei faces off against Yamazaki in the Newcomer finals, ready to avenge his friend. However, as Rei is about to make a rash aggressive move instead of defending and improving his position on the board, he suddenly remembers Nikaidō's passionate words of advice to cherish his shogi more, and elects to take the safer option. Rei realizes that the reason Yamazaki played dirty was out of desperation to win, similar to Rei's own desperation to defeat Gotō in the Lion King tournament. With that, Rei emerges as victor and becomes the Newcomer King. Kyoko congratulates Rei on his victory.

After the conclusion of the Newcomer Tournament, Rei accompanies Shimada as he plays against Sōya. As the match plays out heavily in Soya's favor, Rei, who is acting as board commentator on the match, desperately insists that game could still be won by Shimada, only to be dismissed by Gotō. Seeing an unnoticed move that Shimada could have taken to turn the game completely around, Rei runs to Shimada, only realize that Shimada had already resigned. Sōya remarks that Shimada has unfortunately missed a potential move that would have turned the tide on the game, the very same move that Rei had noticed. As Sōya makes his exit, he turns towards an awestruck Rei and goes off in the rain.

Part 2: March Goes Out like a Lamb

After his victory in the Newcomer tournament, Rei is asked to have a commemorative shogi match against Tōji Sōya as a marketing ploy, as both of them are professional shogi players who made their start in middle school, and that since Rei have become the Newcomer champion like Soya did, people had begun to expect Rei to become Meijin himself one day. Despite the gap of their skill level, Rei plays the game with the intention of winning, and finds himself entranced in the joy of playing with a powerful opponent. Rei also learns of Sōya's secret, that he is completely deaf for unknown reasons – a fact only known to the people who have faced him in shoōgi.

Meanwhile, Akari begins to worry as Hinata becomes increasingly depressed. One day, Hina returns from school in tears with a shoe missing and covered in dirt. Hina reveals that a friend of hers was being bullied at school, and in defending her friend, she became a target as well. Hina admits privately to Rei that while she was scared that she might become a target if she intervened, and even though no one – not even her teacher – helped her, she insists that she does not regret defending her friend and what she did was absolutely not wrong. Rei, who had spent his childhood isolated and bullied, is deeply touched by Hina's words. Feeling as though Hina saved him, Rei thanks Hina and promises to stay by her side. Rei initially tries to save up prize money from his shogi games help Hina, but when his teacher points out that the Kawamotos would never accept the money, he simply tries to be emotionally supportive of Hina instead. The bullying eventually comes to a head when Hina's homeroom teacher has a breakdown over the bullying, drawing the rest of the school's attention to the bullying and finally putting a stop to it. Rei apologizes for being ultimately unable to help Hina, but Hina insists that simply being on her side and listening to her was enough and thanks him.

The Kawamoto sisters are then visited by their long-absent father, Seijirō; who had left the sister's mother when he had a child with another woman. When he says he wants part of the family again, Rei is asked by Akari to help, who uncovers that Seijirō had been fired from his job and is being forced to leave his work-provided apartment, suggesting that he is only asking the Kawamoto sisters to join his new family out of desperation. Seijirō insists that Rei is not relevant to the discussion as he is not a member of the family, to which Rei responds with claiming that he has every intention of marrying Hinata at some point in the future, which shocks Hina. When Seijirō goes to pick up Momo from nursery school without telling the family, Rei snaps at Seijirō, but over steps his bounds and alienates the Kawamotos in the process. In despair, Rei once again fully dedicates himself to shogi, with plans to once again drop out of school.

The Kawamoto sisters appear to give their father the benefit of the doubt, agreeing to his offer to spend the day at an amusement park. However, they ultimately decide that they do not want him to be part of the family and elect to cut him out of their lives permanently after having one last fond memory with him.

During a match, it is revealed to Masamune Gotō that his wife, who has been in a coma for several years, had passed away. Although heartbroken, Gotō ultimately realizes that with his wife gone, he's become better at shogi now that he's not worried about her anymore. To that end, he breaks up with Kyoko so he can further put his focus on shogi. Kyoko returns to the Kōda home in a drunken stupor, angrily asking her father how he can dedicate himself to the sport that had ruined their family. The following morning, Mr. Kōda speaks to Kyoko about the time she hit Rei after losing to him at shogi. He shows her that if she had looked closer, she could have turned the game around to her favor, but since she didn't believe in herself, she failed to see the opportunity. He promises to Kyoko that no matter what she chooses in life, he will always support her.

Rei and Gotō face off against each other in the Lion King final, and play a very close match. Rei, still heartbroken over the schism he caused with Kawamotos, appears to have a breakdown while playing against Gotō. As the game continues, he breaks into tears. Gotō chides the younger pro for acting indecently while playing shogi, before admitting defeat to Rei. As the journalists come to interview Rei, Rei runs past them to the Kawamoto home. At the door, he apologizes to Hina and the other two sisters for hurting them while trying to defend them, admitting that in the end, he was completely terrified of losing them. The sisters ultimately forgive him and invite him in for dinner. Meanwhile, Kyoko meets up with Gotō, teasing him over his loss before joining him at his side once again.

As the winner of that year's Lion King tournament, Rei is given the opportunity to face off against Tōji Sōya in a title match for meijin. The movie ends with two sitting down and beginning their match.

Your Name (novel)

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl living in the fictional town of Itomori in Gifu Prefecture's mountainous Hida region is fed up with her life in the countryside and wishes to be a handsome Tokyo boy in her next life. Later, Taki Tachibana, a high school boy living in Tokyo, wakes up and realizes that he is Mitsuha, who herself has somehow ended up in Taki's body.

Taki and Mitsuha realize they have switched bodies. They start communicating with each other by leaving notes on paper or leaving memos in each other's phones. As time passes, they become used to the body swap and start intervening in each other's lives. Mitsuha helps Taki develop a relationship with his female coworker, Miki Okudera, and eventually to go on a date with her, while Taki helps Mitsuha in becoming more popular in her school. Mitsuha tells Taki about a comet that is expected to pass close to Earth in a few days time, and how she is excited to see it, as it will arrive on the same day as her town's festival.

One day, Taki suddenly wakes up back in his body. After an unsuccessful first date with Okudera, he tries contacting Mitsuha but fails. He later finds that they have stopped switching bodies and eventually decides to visit Mitsuha in her hometown. Without knowing the name of her village, he travels around the Hida region, relying solely on the sketches of the village's scenery he has drawn from memory. Finally, a restaurant server recognizes the town in Taki's sketch as Itomori. He is then told that a fragment of the comet Tiamat fell to earth three years ago and obliterated Itomori and its surroundings, killing a third of the town's population. As Taki looks through the records of fatalities from the incident, he finds Mitsuha's name.

Attempting to reconnect with Mitsuha, Taki goes to Mitsuha's family shrine. Realizing that his and Mitsuha's timelines were actually separated by a few years the whole time, Taki drinks ''kuchikamizake'' that Mitsuha made and left behind as an offering, hoping to reconnect to her body before the comet strikes. Succeeding, he wakes up in her body on the morning of the festival, and realizes that he still has time to save the town. Convincing her friends about the comet, he gets their help in trying to evacuate the village. While they continue with their plans, Taki realizes that Mitsuha might be in his body at the shrine and heads back to the mountain to meet with her.

Mitsuha wakes up in Taki's body at the shrine and wanders to the summit of the mountain. Taki arrives at the summit as well; although they feel each other's presence, they are unable to see each other, due to the separation in their timelines. As the sun sets, and both Taki and Mitsuha realize it is twilight, they are transported back into their own bodies and are finally able to see each other. Taki tells Mitsuha to convince her estranged father, the mayor of Itomori, to evacuate the town. They decide to write each other's names on their hands as they return to their respective timelines, but Mitsuha suddenly disappears before she can start writing her name. As time begins to pass, their memories of each other start to fade and disappear; both of them forget each other's names, as well as the events that happened between them. On the verge of giving up, Mitsuha realizes that Taki wrote "I love you" on her hand instead of his name. Mitsuha confronts her father again with a new spirit of determination, and soon after, the broken fragment of Comet Tiamat crashes to Earth, destroying Itomori.

Eight years later, it is revealed that Mitsuha persuaded her father to conduct an emergency evacuation drill across the surrounding districts, allowing most of Itomori's residents to escape in time and survive. Taki has graduated from university and is trying to find a job, but still has lingering feelings that he is missing something important to him. He finds himself attracted to items relating to Itomori, such as magazines and people he thinks are familiar (whom he actually knew when he was in Mitsuha's body). While riding separate trains, Taki and Mitsuha are stunned to see each other when their trains suddenly run parallel to one another. They get out at their next stops and try to find each other; they finally meet at a staircase and, feeling as though they know each other somehow, ask for each other's name.

Get Squirrely

Frankie (Jason Jones), a smooth-talking squirrel, finds out that acorns are being stolen by the evil A.C.O.R.N.S. Corporation. Now he must assemble a rag-tag team of forest animals with only three days to pull off their biggest heist yet.