The movie starts in 1977 Michigan on a run-down old farm house where a man shouts for a young woman to run as he is attacked inside. She escapes from the house and runs into the surrounding wooded area. She attempts to hide but finds a body hung from a tree and flees in terror but is soon caught by a disheveled man who forces her head into a bear trap as blood splatters across his face.
The movie then switches to Broomfield, Michigan in 1984 where we are introduced to Adrienne who is packing up a suitcase for a weekend away with her friends after the Spring Ball. She and her father are clearly close and he says he is happy to see her enjoying life since her mother passed away and sister went missing. He then drops her off at the ball.
At school, Adrienne meets up with her best friend Jamie and talks about her crush Sean, while three other students Wesley, Tobe and Sean break into and hotwire a school bus. We then see the school vice principal, Mr. Cunningham escorting a rebelliously dressed girl, Marilyn, out of the dance for inappropriate clothing.
The three students manage to start the bus and pick up Adrienne, Jamie and the snotty Heather along with her obnoxious boyfriend Johnnie and finally Marilyn and speed off just as the principal arrives outside.
Soon the bus runs out of gas and as the guys argue about what to do next Adrienne, Marilyn and Jamie go into the woods to change and are watched by a heavy breathing stranger. Heather also reveals she has brought her pet dog Precious along much to Johnnie's annoyance.
Johnnie then forces Tobe to go walking to find gas for the bus while the others stay behind, too scared he refuses but when Marilyn, who Tobe has a crush on, offers to go with him and the two bond as they walk and smoke until they run into a mailbox, which says Joad and a pathway leading to the house from the beginning of the movie. They return to the others at the bus and they all decide to head to the house.
Meanwhile the vice principal arrives as Adrienne's house and tells her father she was with the group who stole the bus and they decide to search for them.
The friends reach the old farm house and decide to split into smaller groups to look around for anything useful at which point while getting intimate Johnnie and Heather find a shrine made of human skulls and bones. Heather screams out in horror and everyone rushes to her aid including a stoned Marilyn - leaving Tobe in the barn where he is attacked.
As Wesley inspects the shrine he realizes he's been told about this place and to avoid it as the previous inhabitants the Joad family turned feral and began cannibalising anyone who stumbled upon their land. As which point Adrienne recognises a necklace on the bones that belong to her sister. The group notice Tobe is missing and come together to go find him and get back to the bus.
They find Tobe hung up on the barn door with barbwire in agony, in horror Adrienne runs to help him and the killer steps out and stabs her in the gut with a pickaxe, killing her. The group retreat to the farmhouse to form a plan while the killer drags Adrienne's body to an unknown location and begins butchering her and eating her flesh.
The remaining group decide to make a stand in the house and guard all windows and doors. As Sean, Marilyn and Jamie search the basement they find Adrienne's remains and are attacked by the killer with Sean attempting to fight the man off as the girls escape. After a scuffle, Sean is killed when the killer brutally stabs him with a garden tool.
The survivors run from the house to the barn and find Tobe still barely alive, he begs them to put him out of his misery but the killer arrives and the group scatter at which point the killer follows Jamie who suddenly falls victim to a bear trap, as the killer approaches the movie stops and the screen reads 'REEL MISSING'.
The movie starts up again with the killer, disorientated and stumbling in the woods clutching his bloodied head, although he seems to enjoy the taste of his own blood. He screams in anger.
Wesley and Marilyn are back in the house and as they check the windows and doors the killer smashes through a window and pulls Wesley into the glass killing him instantly as Marilyn flees. Next, we find Johnnie and Heather searching the barn for a hiding place, they find Tobe now dead and hide inside an old car with a tarp covering it. Once inside Heather becomes upset and her dog, sensing its owner's distress begins to whine. Johnnie demands she keep the dog quiet and Heather cruelly breaks the poor animal's neck. Soon after she is slaughtered when the killer stabs her in the back with a pitchfork and when Johnnie attempts to escape beneath the car the killer crushes him.
On the road, Mr. Cunningham finds the bus which has been trashed and he heads for the farm house. The last two survivors Marilyn and Jamie run into each other moments before the killer arrives and slams Marilyn's head against a tree killing her.
Jamie runs and finds Mr. Cunningham arriving at the house and she begs him to help her, she tries to persuade him to escape with her but he refuses to believe everyone is dead. The killer arrives and he instructs Jamie to go inside the house while he takes on the killer. Mr. Cunningham boasts he survived Vietnam and killed many men and will happily kill another.
Inside the house, Jamie hears fighting and after a few moments, the door swings open and the killer throws the vice principal's head inside. Jamie flees upstairs and finds Adrienne's skinless head now amongst the shrine. She escapes from a window climbs into Mr. Cunningham's car which the killer has damaged, she searches for a weapon and finds a full gas can, she then retreats to the bus and fills it to escape but finds the keys missing - she is soon attacked by the killer but Adrienne's father arrives and Jamie manages to fight back and push the killer from the bus and Adrienne's dad shoots him dead.
Later the police arrive and the Sheriff inspects the killer's body before it is taken away and then explains to another officer that the Joad family terrorized the area years ago, murdering countless people and were only stopped when the whole family were killed in a shoot out with the police and that the killer was the family's youngest son Junior.
Just down the road, Jamie is being taken to hospital when the ambulance encounters the coroner's van crashed on the side of the road with the driver's dead body slumped against the wheel, Jamie screams in terror as the movie ends.
On a trip to an alternate dimension, Rick, Morty, and Summer discover that Rick's car battery is malfunctioning. Rick takes Morty inside the car battery to repair it and leaves Summer waiting in the car, instructing it to "Keep Summer safe." Morty discovers that the car battery is actually a 'microverse battery', containing an entire universe to supply power to the car. Rick gave " box" technology to an intelligent species to generate electricity, but unbeknownst to them he takes a majority of the generated power. This leads Morty to question Rick's ethics.
Rick and Morty discover that a scientist and microverse citizen named Zeep Xanflorp (Stephen Colbert) has made his own 'miniverse', which renders boxes obsolete. Rick, Morty and Zeep enter the miniverse, and discover that Kyle, a scientist living in Zeep's battery, is also working on his own 'teenyverse', which Morty and the three scientists enter. Once both Zeep and Kyle discover that they are slaves born to make electricity, Zeep attacks Rick in a rage. During the struggle, Kyle commits suicide using his spaceship, leaving Rick, Morty, and Zeep stranded in the teenyverse.
Several months later (in time), Morty forces Rick and Zeep to put aside their differences and create a way to get back to Zeep's world. When they get back however, Zeep attempts to kill Rick and Morty, Rick destroys Zeep's miniverse, and after a brawl Rick ultimately defeats him. Rick and Morty safely return to their universe, while Zeep realises he must stop his experimentation with miniverse technology and return to boxes, or else Rick will throw away the battery and destroy his world.
Back in the parking lot, Rick's car uses extreme defensive tactics, including dicing up a person, paralysation and psychological torture, to keep Summer safe from various assailants. While a horrified Summer attempts to stop the car from hurting anyone, an escalating standoff ensues between the parked car and the police and military. Upon Summer's continued demand, the car forgoes physical and psychological violence and instead escapes the situation by engineering a peace treaty between the planet's two warring factions, humans and telepathic giant spiders, in return for guaranteed safety.
Rick, Morty, and Summer go to an ice cream shop on the same planet. Rick complains that his ice cream is full of flies, to which the waitress responds that as a result of the treaty ice cream is now for everyone, no matter how many legs. Rick accuses Summer and berates her for ruining ice cream.
In a post-credits scene, Morty is in class and gets turned into a car.
At dinner in the Smith family, Jerry's brother Uncle Steve gets him plane tickets as thanks for letting him stay with them for the past year. Rick arrives and shoots Steve, whose form as a parasite is exposed as he dies. Rick says that it is a creature from a species that multiplies by implanting false memories in people's heads. Rick says that there should only be six people in the household—himself, Morty, Summer, Beth, Jerry and Mr. Poopybutthole, the last of whom is a small yellow creature with a tall head.
Rick seals the house from intruders with a blast shield as Mr. Poopybutthole reminds the family of a memory with Cousin Nicky, who then appears in the room. Rick shoots him after looking at a sign he made of the six true family members. However, the family continue to have collective flashbacks to false memories with new characters, all parasites, who arrive in the room. One such parasite—Sleepy Gary, who the family believe is Beth's husband—talks to Jerry about a memory of the two of them kissing.
The sitting room is now filled with parasites, along with the Smith family. They try to convince Rick to lower the house's defenses before beginning to persuade the others that Rick is a parasite. Several of them attack Rick and steal his watch in order to lower the house's blast shield. Morty takes Rick to the garage and is about to shoot him, convinced that he is a parasite, when he realizes how to tell parasites apart from genuine family members. All of the implanted memories are happy, but Morty has many unpleasant memories with Rick.
Using this method of deduction, Rick and Morty slowly take out parasites one by one in the living room. Negative memories involving Summer and Beth prove their honesty. Beth kills Sleepy Gary, which leaves Jerry suicidal, but Beth realizes he is real. With the last parasites eliminated, the six original household members sit down for dinner. Beth, suspicious that she has no negative memories of Mr. Poopybutthole, shoots him. However, he is real and severely injured by the shot. In a post-credits scene, the Smith family watch Mr. Poopybutthole in physical therapy; he tells a nurse to pass the message onto Beth that he is sorry she had no negative memories of him.
After Rick receives and rejects a wedding invitation from Birdperson through an intergalactic parcel delivery, Jerry is accidentally sent with the same service to the wedding destination. In order to retrieve Jerry, Rick is forced to attend his best friend's wedding on the distant planet Squanch, along with the rest of the family, despite his objections. During the reception, Birdperson's bride Tammy Gueterman reveals herself to be an agent of the Galactic Federation. Tammy kills Birdperson and has numerous agents attack the wedding guests. Rick is able to escape with his family safely, but they are unable to return to Earth, as the Federation will be searching for them there. After visiting a planet orbiting an endlessly screaming sun and a planet where all life is "on the cob", the family hides out on a very small planet outside the reach of the Federation.
As Rick leaves to explore the planet, Jerry suggests to the rest of the family that they should return to Earth and turn Rick in, citing Rick's selfishness. However, the rest of the family defends Rick, saying that they want to stay with him due to their unconditional love for him as a family member. Rick hears all this from beneath the floor of their house. After convincing Morty that he is leaving to go buy ice cream, Rick leaves the planet, calls the Federation, and agrees to give himself up in exchange for his family's freedom. The Federation rescues the family and they are returned to Earth, which has now joined the Federation and is bustling with alien tourists. After being told on numerous occasions to get a job, Jerry finally is assigned a job by the Federation upon returning to Earth.
Rick is captured by the Federation and is transported to a prison planet, and under the charges of having committed "everything", Rick is incarcerated seemingly indefinitely.
In a post-credits scene, Mr. Poopybutthole finishes watching the episode and asks the audience what they think will happen in season 3. He overwhelms a pizza deliveryman with the same question, and states that season 3 will come in a year and a half or longer.
The book is about two friends, Walter and Billy, who join the AIF and go to fight at Gallipoli. The novel follows the story of the two men from their adolescence in the Australian bush to their coming of age on the battlefields of World War I.
The story revolves around relationships in a diversified family setting.
Two different people, Andeng (Bea Alonzo), and Anton (Ian Veneracion), that will prove if two broken hearts can make their love last or not.
Shaheer is a sophisticated rich business man but his property becomes the reason of his divorce, and that's where the story begins. Shaheer's own sister – along with her husband creates problems in his life because she is after his property. Washma who is a colleague to him comes in his life and falls in love with him.
Although she belongs to a very middle-class family but they get along and eventually marry each other. But this class difference and the past remains a problem in their relationship. "'Shaheer will be older than Washma with much more experience in life but in few matters Washma seems more sensible than him. Basically Shaheer is simple and can trust others easily.
Although Washma is too young but she has an eye and sense to judge others.' Samina Peerzada just played the role of a very ''majbur aurat'' in the play Beqasoor but in this play her character will have more room for performance and the viewers will get to see her in a character which has more to offer than Sadaf of Beqasoor. Talking about her character Faiza Iftikhar said, 'It is a sort of negative character but not evil. There is also ''nand bhabi taakra'' but not in a typical way.'"
Georgina Hayes, her brother Toby, and their parents lived happily in an apartment in Darby, North Carolina until her father leaves their family. Their limited income results in Georgina and her family being evicted from the apartment, and since then, they have lived in their car and in poverty. She tells her friend about this, but soon finds a way to get money and a new place to live after seeing a reward for a missing dog: Steal one, "return it", and get the money. along the way her friend finds of that she is not living in an apartment and almost tells the school but Georgina tells her not to. Their mother manages to get an abandoned house as a temporary home, almost making Georgina abandon her plan, but it is so dilapidated it reinstates her confidence. The house is later boarded up. She and Toby manage to locate a dog named Willy, and lure it away from his owner, Carmella. Georgina assumes that Carmella is rich due to the exterior of her house, and her surname is on the street the siblings are on.
The plan works with few inconsistencies, but Georgina begins to feel guilty about the deed, and a traveler named Mookie begins to grow suspicious of the dog. To make matters worse, as Georgina befriends Carmella, she realizes that she isn't rich at all: the street belonged to Carmella's late grandfather, and all that is left of him is Willey. Carmella attempts to borrow money from her sister and uncle, making the guilt worse. Georgina finally realizes what she did was right and also wrong, and decides to return Willey without the reward money. However, Carmella forgives Georgina.
A three days pass and Georgina and Toby's mother announces they will now live in a house. Georgina is thrilled to no longer have to live in a car, and they move in. She resolves her life will slowly become normal again as she will get new friends and good grades. Towards the end, she resolves to not steal a dog again due to the consequences.
In 1712, a newly graduated preacher arrives in a small town, and hires Janet, an old crone, as his housekeeper—a woman whom many of the townspeople believe to be in league with the devil. When some of the local women attempt to dunk Janet in the river to prove that she is a witch, the preacher rescues her and has her abjure the devil before them. From the next day forward, Janet's appearance is altered; she has a thrawn (twisted) neck, with her head on one side, like someone who has been hanged. Later, after an encounter with a strange "black man" in the churchyard, the preacher finds Janet's corpse hanging by a thread from a nail in her room. He is pursued by the dead woman's body, until he invokes the power of God. The body turns to ash, and the black man, believed to be the devil, leaves town. Thereafter, the preacher often frightens his flock with the intensity of his admonitions against the forces of evil.Dziemianowicz, Stefan R. (2017). "[ Thrawn Janet]". In Cardin, Matt, ed., ''Horror Literature through History: An Encyclopedia of the Stories That Speak to Our Deepest Fears''. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Greenwood. p. 796.
A couple from Milan, Sandra and Paolo, engage in a series of extramarital affairs, reconciliations, escapades, and eventual divorce, beginning during a vacation to Mauritius. Sandra becomes involved with a handsome doctor, Marcello, while Paolo falls for Lisa, a professional billiards player.
Dr. Bannister (Magda Konopka), an ugly and disfigured woman, is summoned by a colleague of hers who has recently discovered a serum for rejuvenating living beings. The colleague shows Bannister the miraculous result of his experiments, injecting the serum into an animal close to death. In a few seconds, the animal is reinvigorated, showing vigor and health.
The colleague, however, does not intend to use the serum on human beings, as some experiments remain to be conducted. In a moment of distraction Bannister kills the colleague, following which she drinks the serum he had developed.
After a series of convulsions, the woman falls unconscious to the ground, but shortly thereafter awakens rejuvenated and beautiful. The murder of the colleague will be only the first of a long series: Bannister, in fact, will kill again to hide her secret. Moreover, the woman will need to reckon with the fact that the effects of the serum are only temporary.
Staci Cole is the overworked head talent booker on the fictitious fifth highest-rated late night talk show called ''Nightcap with Jimmy'', where she and her fellow workers interact with different celebrities that will appear on the show.
The newly elected Mr. Garrison relishes his newfound authority by getting a Donald Trump-esque toupée and forcing PC Principal and other townspeople to perform fellatio on him as revenge for doubting him. However, as Denmark prepares to unleash their Troll Trace program worldwide, he is called to the Pentagon to manage the global crisis. Having absolutely no idea what to do, he angrily rebuffs a warning from Boris Johnson in London. Johnson warns Garrison that the country is collapsing after everybody ate the "mem'burries". Meanwhile, the member berries flood the White House, where their leader, an aged Godfather-like berry, plans to bring back "the real Stormtroopers."
Butters suddenly joins Cartman and Heidi Turner at the SpaceX building, hoping to leave Earth with them. Under the threat of Troll Trace, Butters has reversed his previous attitude toward women to the point where Heidi becomes interested in him, much to Cartman's annoyance. The three are disappointed to find that their desire to leave the planet was only taken metaphorically, as they are instead given a guided tour of the facility led by Elon Musk. After Musk explains that a Mars rocket is still several years away, he becomes interested in speeding up the process when offered Heidi's assistance.
Detained in the Troll Trace building in Denmark, Gerald Broflovski is given a cell phone by the Troll Trace CEO and is told he can call anybody to help him, although it will end up revealing his identity as Skankhunt42. Gerald calls Ike and instructs him to continue trolling as Skankhunt42, effectively framing Ike when Sheila catches him. When Kyle comes home and finds Ike sitting in the timeout corner, Kyle suddenly realizes his father has been the troll all along. He grabs Ike and leaves the house, leaving Sheila bewildered.
The film follows Mike Burden (Garrett Hedlund), an orphan raised within the Ku Klux Klan who attempts to break away when the woman (Andrea Riseborough) he falls in love with urges him to leave for a better life together. The Klan seeks Mike out for vengeance. A black Baptist church congregation led by Reverend Kennedy (Forest Whitaker), agree to protect Mike, his girlfriend and her son.
Johnny Cortino is a 21-year-old hoodlum returning home to Baltimore after a stint in California; exactly why he's back is not clear and, when confronted for details, Johnny is able to fast-talk his way out of every corner he is backed in to. Yet, it is clear that his widowed mother Marianne is glad to see her son that - despite his problems - is still the apple of her eye. And it is equally clear that 17-year-old Anthony is terrified that his older brother is back in the house.
As soon as Johnny returns home, the war of intimidation quickly resumes, and Anthony finally reaches the breaking-point when, after a particularly nasty beating by Johnny, he pulls a gun on his brother and shoots him to death. With Anthony facing a life sentence for murder, Marianne has one chance of saving him: following years of denial about Johnny's bullying, she is torn between upholding his memory and defending her younger offspring, but also realizes she must confront the terrible truth about Johnny and, before the eyes of the world, admit there has been a lifetime of sibling violence. In the end, the verdict is read and Anthony is found not guilty.
Kit, a failed artist, moves back in with her parents and takes a temp job at a PR agency. At work, Kit meets the vice president, Gary, who is extremely awkward and makes inappropriate advances.
Shortly after starting, Kit receives a mysterious letter from "The Salesman" who invites her to "The Store," that sells "what you need." He offers her to fulfill her childhood fantasy of owning a unicorn. Kit must prepare by meeting specific requirements in files.
The first file outlines how to provide an adequate unicorn living enclosure. Kit hires Virgil, a hardware store employee, to build a stable without telling him what for. Soon, they begin to talk and spend time together. The second file tells Kit she must prepare to feed the unicorn. Kit and Virgil buy hay on a day trip together and further get to know each other.
Gary offers Kit an opportunity to present a vacuum cleaner marketing pitch. During this time, Kit receives the next file and learns she must be able to surround the unicorn with a loving environment, but realizes her poor relationship with her parents prevents this.
On the weekend Kit should be preparing her work presentation, but goes on an "Emotion Quest" wilderness trip with her parents, confronting them during the 'truth circle' time, leading to a family discussion. They end up arguing, furthering tensions between her and her parents.
Once Kit returns home, she finds inspiration for her presentation and works all night. The next file says she must show that she can financially support the unicorn.
Kit's flamboyant presentation is not well-received by the business executives, who watch in stunned silence. They unanimously opt for a different pitch, using an attractive model. Kit leaves her job. On a date with Virgil, he asks her to reveal the secret of the stable's purpose. Kit tells him about the unicorn store, bringing him to it, only to find it is gone. Kit's confusion turns to anger as she feels betrayed. Virgil becomes concerned, telling her that she's been conned, but assuring her that he doesn't think she's crazy. Kit exits angrily, leaving Virgil standing there, where he sees some hay on the ground.
Kit gives up on her dream of owning a unicorn and throws out all of her art and supplies. After a healing moment with her mother, Kit tries to reach out to Virgil, visits his store, but is unable to get in touch with him. She leaves an apologetic message on his voicemail, and later finds that Virgil has finished the stable, decorating it with the artwork that she had thrown out.
The Salesman calls to tell Kit the unicorn has arrived. When she hesitates, the Salesman tells her there is another waiting if Kit doesn't get it. Virgil urges Kit not to go. Despondent, Kit says if she doesn't go, she will always wonder. When she arrives, Kit finds the unicorn is actually there. She talks to the unicorn, thanking him when he was there for her when nobody else was, and finally gains closure. She decides not to take the unicorn with her, and leaves it for the next customer. Virgil comes in and sees the unicorn as well. They leave hand-in-hand, astonished at all they had just experienced.
As a child Polina auditions for ballet school and is accepted. She catches the eye of the head teacher and choreographer, Bojinski, who is particularly hard on her because he senses her talent. However she continuously struggles with the rigidity of training for ballet and her own passion for dance.
Polina is accepted into the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow which for years had been the dream of her teachers and family. However, after witnessing a different type of dance at a festival, Polina decides to go to Aix-en-Provence and audition for a modern dance school there alongside her boyfriend, Adrien. They are both accepted though she is warned that modern dance is very different from the classical training she is used to. Polina struggles with the choreography and is criticized for focusing on her work to the exclusion of everything else. During a rehearsal she injures her ankle and is quickly replaced by her understudy, Sonia, who begins an affair with Adrien. When Polina heals she asks for her role in the show back, but the choreographer, Liria, tells her she is not emotionally ready. Frustrated, Polina leaves the company.
Polina ends up in Antwerpen where she calls the number of the first dance company she sees. There she auditions for a strange man who tells her that since she is a dancer and they both know she can dance he wants her to make him feel something. The audition is unsuccessful and Polina leaves, but before she does she sees a man teaching dance to kids. Polina is unable to find work elsewhere. Starving and homeless she eventually is able to scrape up a waitressing job at a bar. She returns to the site of her unsuccessful audition and meets Karl, the dancer who teaches improv. She attends one of his classes and begins to enjoy dancing once more. Encouraged by Karl, Polina choreographs a duet for the two of them to dance.
Polina's father dies and she goes to Moscow where her mother tells her that her father always wanted her to be a great dancer. Polina returns to Antwerpen where she and Karl perform their piece for a programmer who books them into the Montpellier Festival.
On a warm summer day, the writer Joachim Bris comes to the Riibe estate. He has been invited by Hartvig, the son running the farm. However, not everyone is happy with the visit, which has unexpected consequences for several people in the family. All of them have a part to play when Esther must eventually have a big showdown with those that have always lived "on the sunny side."
Coulson, Fitz and Robbie are trapped out of sync with reality, unable to interact with the real world, with no-one else able to see, hear or touch them. They are being drawn to another dimension, which Robbie describes as Hell, revealing that the Ghost Rider spirit has been there before. Killing several agents using his new powers, Morrow escapes, while the Ghost Rider spirit, unwilling to return to 'Hell', abandons Robbie and instead possesses Mack, just as he learns Morrow was allied with the Chinese Watchdogs, having recruited them to retrieve the ghost scientists and find the Darkhold. Mack hunts down the remaining Chinese gang members, and Daisy pursues him, unknowingly accompanied by Robbie, who convinces the spirit to return to him and help him exact revenge on Morrow, in exchange for Robbie continuing to serve as the spirit's host afterwards.
May decides to use the Darkhold to rescue Coulson, Fitz and Robbie, and enlists Radcliffe to read the Darkhold, but he finds the contents are too overwhelming for the human brain to perceive. AIDA suggests she reads it instead, revealing her android nature to May (and Coulson), and with the magical knowledge she learns from the book, she builds a machine that opens a dimensional portal, through which Coulson, Fitz and Robbie return.
Meanwhile, Simmons frees Vijay from his Terrigen cocoon by touching it, at which point Nadeer immediately has her removed. Upon returning to the Playground she reunites with Fitz, who learned of the deal Mace made with Nadeer while out of sync. In an end tag, AIDA secretly begins experimenting with her new knowledge from the Darkhold, creating an artificial brain.
Óskar (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson), a dentist, has been married for five years and lives with his wife and their adopted children. However, Oscar wants a biological child, and later discovers that his wife has been deceiving him. Einar (Víkingur Kristjánsson), a successful stockbroker, has been living in a hotel for several months while waiting for his wife to take him back. Katrin Rós (Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir) has been living in Sweden for eight years, and then returns to Iceland. Her now eleven-year-old son has been brought up by his grandmother, but Katrin wants him back. She gets a job as a dentist's assistant, and although seeking a new life, her difficult past eventually catches up with her.
Mitch Nelson, a U.S. Army captain with Green Berets Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 595, is moving into a new home with his wife and daughter on September 11, 2001, after receiving an assignment to staff duty under Lieutenant Colonel Bowers. As news of the devastating terrorist attacks that day break, Nelson volunteers to lead 595 into Afghanistan. Bowers initially refuses, but veteran soldier CW5 Hal Spencer, previously scheduled to retire, persuades Bowers to give Nelson command of 595 again, as well as volunteering himself for the deployment. After leaving their families, 595 travels to Uzbekistan on October 7, 2001. After being briefed and evaluated by COL Mulholland, Commander of 5th Special Forces Group, Nelson and 595 are picked to fight alongside Northern Alliance leader Abdul Rashid Dostum.
ODA 595 is inserted covertly in Afghanistan aboard an MH-47 Chinook flown by 160th SOAR on October 19, 2001. They land 40 miles south of Mazar-i Sharif, the country's fourth-largest city and a longtime stronghold of the Taliban, where they meet Dostum. Six of the 12 members, led by Nelson, leave with Dostum to the mountains, while the other six remain in a fortified camp nicknamed "The Alamo" under Spencer's command. Dostum is attempting to capture the northern Afghanistan city, while battling Taliban leader Mullah Razzan, who rules local communities brutally under strict Sharia law, and has murdered several people, including Dostum's family. Although the warlord is initially skeptical of Nelson's abilities, Nelson gradually earns Dostum's respect. In one battle, however, Dostum makes a tactical error, costing several casualties. Nelson accuses Dostum of acting carelessly with the lives of his men and of withholding valuable information, while Dostum retorts that he still feels that Nelson, and the U.S. are not willing to pay the potential price of the conflict, and tells Nelson that he needs to use his heart and mind to "be a warrior" instead of a soldier. The two eventually reconcile, and, after splitting off a three-man element under SFC Sam Diller to strike a Taliban supply route, and being joined by Spencer's half of ODA 595, continue to work together. They win several victories with Dostum's leadership and manpower and American airpower, making significant progress towards Mazar-i Sharif. When Nelson informs Dostum that another ODA, 555, has been dispatched to support Atta Muhammad, another Northern Alliance leader, who is Dostum's political rival, Dostum is furious, and his men promptly abandon 595.
Following Dostum's departure, Nelson plans to continue operating against the Taliban with his Americans and the few Afghan fighters remaining with them. Encountering a large force of Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters and armored vehicles, ODA 595, rejoined by Diller and his element, uses air support to eliminate many of the fighters and most of the armor, but are discovered and attacked. Spencer is critically injured by a suicide bomber, and the team is about to be overrun under heavy Taliban and Al-Qaeda pressure when Dostum returns with his forces. Carrying out the U.S. Army's first cavalry charge of the 21st century, the American and Northern Alliance forces disperse the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and Dostum tracks down and kills Razzan. After Spencer is medevaced, Nelson and Dostum continue to Mazar-i-Sharif but find Atta Muhammad has beaten them there. Against expectations, Dostum leaves any differences with Muhammad to be settled the next day. Impressed by Nelson and the Americans' efforts, Dostum gives Nelson his prized riding crop and tells him that he will always consider Nelson a brother and fellow fighter, at the same time bidding him remember that Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. Spencer ultimately survives, and all 12 soldiers of ODA 595 return home after 23 days of almost continuous fighting in Afghanistan.
The film's penultimate moment shows a photo of the ''Horse Soldier Statue'' at the World Trade Center in New York City, based on the soldiers of ODA 595 and their victory in the early stages of the response to the September 11 attacks, dedicated to all United States Special Forces. The film then ends with a photo of the actual members of ODA 595, in combat fatigues, upon whom ''12 Strong'' was based.
In an isolated, abandoned cottage with "Danger Keep Out" on the wall, a brown mouse scampers around, at first unaware of being watched and followed by a stealthy black cat. The cat is also being watched, however, and is at last startled into running away.
Pier Ullman works at odd jobs and also does some break-ins with Kevin for Rachid. One day he is informed of the death of his father about who he had no news for several years. He decides to avenge his father who had been mistreated by Pier's grandfather and uncle. He makes contact with his father's family and works his way into their diamond business in Antwerp.
Eighteen-year-old Maddy (Amandla Stenberg) is being treated for SCID, an immune disorder that prevents her from leaving her home and interacting with others. Her mother, Pauline Whittier, takes care of her with the help of her nurse Carla, who has taken care of Madeline for 15 years. Pauline monitors her daughter's health status constantly and provides daily medication. Only Pauline, Carla and Carla's daughter, Rosa, are allowed in the home. Pauline does not allow Maddy to leave the house or interact with anyone or anything that has not been "sanitized." Maddy yearns to see the world, particularly the ocean.
One day, a new family moves next door, and their son (Nick Robinson), who is Maddy's age, catches her eye. They share a look as Maddy watches through the window. Later that night, while Pauline and Maddy are watching a movie, the boy and his sister appear on their doorstep, offering a bundt cake. Pauline politely rejects it, and as she is about to close the door, the boy asks where her daughter is. Pauline lies and tells him Maddy is not home. Although, Pauline sees Maddy's desire to get to know the boy, she tries to block off all opportunities for Maddy to contact him. It is also revealed that the father of the boy is violent and their relationship is strained.
Later, the boy writes his number on his window for Maddy and soon they begin communicating through text. He introduces himself as Olly, and they text for a while, getting to know each other and eventually growing very fond of each other.
Knowing her mother would not approve, Maddy convinces Carla to secretly let Olly visit her inside the house, though Carla makes them promise to stay on different sides of the room from each other. She later invites Olly over for the Fourth of July, since her mother is working that day. Maddy and Olly share a passionate kiss as fireworks go off outside.
The next day, Maddy notices Olly fighting with his father outside. When his father shoves him to the ground, Maddy, to the shock of her mother, rushes outside to comfort Olly. Her mother rushes her back inside. Pauline deduces that Maddy and Olly have been seeing each other, and forbids their relationship. She later fires Carla for betraying her trust. Although Carla is empathetic towards Maddy's circumstances, Pauline will not let her daughter out of her sight. Pauline does not want anything to happen to Maddy and the only way she knows how is to keep her locked up in their home.
Maddy decides that it is time to take matters into her own hands. With a credit card she had previously opened online, Maddy buys two plane tickets to Hawaii, and convinces Olly to travel there with her. In the car on the way to the airport, Olly calls his sister, Kayra, tells her that he is going to Hawaii with Maddy, and says that it will only be for a couple of days and tells her to take care of their mother. In Hawaii, they share a romantic and life-changing experience together. While they were in Hawaii, Pauline sends a police car to find Maddy, and then she spots Kayra walking by the house. Pauline asks Kayra if she knew anything about her brother and Maddy and where they were, but Kayra says that she doesn't know anything.
During the trip, Maddy passes out and Olly rushes her to the hospital. She wakes up back in her bed at home. She breaks off contact with Olly due to the fact that she does not want to make another mistake over love again, and is therefore unable to say goodbye when his mother finally decides to leave his father, and takes Olly and his sister back to New York with her.
A doctor from the hospital in Hawaii calls Maddy to give her an update, and tells Maddy that she does not have something as severe as SCID. Maddy scours her mother's records, and cannot find anything that indicates that she had ever been diagnosed with the disorder. She realizes that her mother has been lying to her for her whole life, and runs away from home.
Maddy stays with Carla and Rosa. A doctor confirms that she has never had SCID, just an underdeveloped immune system from under-exposure due to living in filtered air her whole life. Her mother later tells her that after Maddy's father and brother died in a car crash, Maddy was all she had left and she wanted to protect her and keep her safe. Maddy is upset and leaves.
Later she reunites with Olly in New York, where they restart their romance. The movie ending also implies that she and her mother begin to fix their relationship.
The city of Fornsigtuna is wrapped in an endless winter. Egther, the last of the frost giants on Midgard, is causing this in an effort to start Ragnarok, the end of the world in Norse myth. The jarl of Fornsigtuna has called for a hero to save the city, to which the player character responds. Barely surviving an initial attack by Thrivaldi, Egther's right-hand troll, the heroine travels between Fornsigtuna, the village of Munarvagr, and the otherworldy Svartalfheim. The troll is using strong-arm tactics to try to obtain the eyes of Thiassi, which would allow him to unleash Egther on the world. The heroine first foils these attempts, then has to gain the trust of the villagers to obtain the eyes for herself. Using these, she confronts Thrivaldi and Egther in a showdown at the frost giant's frozen castle of Gastropnir.
After the death of his father, Laurie, 42-year-old Stephen is set to take over the family business, the John Barleycorn pub, in Stroud, Gloucestershire. His plans are interrupted when Andrew, a former foster child briefly raised by Stephen's parents, returns to his life eager to renew his relationship with the family. While Andrew quickly charms the rest of Stephen's family – including his mother Ellen, sister Cass, and uncle Geoff – Stephen resents Andrew and views him as "a glib, dangerous sociopath who's about to steal his family, his business and his life". Andrew fondly remembers the time he spent living with the family as happy, whereas Stephen remembers the same time as miserable.
The story follows two men, Hiraga Josef Kō and Roberto Nicholas, who work for the mysterious organization , an element of the Vatican dedicated to investigating alleged miracles; during their work, they usually find themselves involved in mysterious murder cases, which they often end up investigating.
Eventually they cross paths with Galdoune, an ancient organization that secretly aims to control the Vatican and since the Middle Ages is involved in obscure alchemic and scientific experiments in search of a way to reach immortality.
It is evening in the Carmody home. The scene opens with Bill Carmody, the father, telling his daughter Mary, that if she doesn't get her head out of the books she will end up sick like Eileen. The doctor, Gaynor, comes downstairs from his session with Eileen and tells Carmody that Eileen has TB, or consumption. Carmody does not believe him and fusses about the cost of a Sanatorium, but ultimately agrees to send Eileen for treatment. Fred Nicholls stops by to see Eileen. After Fred has a conversation with the Gaynor, Eileen comes downstairs. Carmody leaves to get a drink. Eileen and Fred talk about her going to the Sanatorium. The scene ends with Eileen trying to kiss Fred but him turning his head away from her.
A week has passed. Now the location is the reception room at Hill Farm Sanatorium. Miss Howard is talking to Murray about how he kids a lot like all newspaper reporters. Murray does not want to talk about his job and says he would rather forget about it. Miss Howard tells Murray about the new patient that is supposed to arrive that day.
The scene switches to Eileen. Eileen introduces herself to Miss Gilpin and then Miss Gilpin shows her to her room. Meanwhile, Carmody makes a scene in the reception room regarding Murray and how books are what gave most people consumption. Carmody then proceeds to try and drink which leads to an argument between him and Fred. Carmody asks Murray to keep an eye on Eileen. Eileen then returns and Carmody introduces her to Murray. Eileen and Fred get into an argument because he believes that she already has an eye for Murray. Fred apologized and tries to kiss her but she turns her head. He storms out of the sanatorium. Eileen starts crying and Murray comforts her. He tells her to stay calm and they chat about TB, babies, and his job. Miss Gilpin interrupts their conversation to remind Eileen to cover her mouth when she coughs. Eileen goes out into the hall. Miss Howard comes in and gives Murray his milk. He jokes about how it is love at first sight with Eileen and proceeds to recite a parody poem about milk.
Four months have passed. The scene opens in the assembly room of the main building at Hill Farm Sanatorium. Doctor Stanton is showing Mr. Sloan and Doctor Simms around the sanatorium. Stanton tells them that a patient can stay at Hill Farm six months and if no improvement they must be sent away to one of the state farms. Stanton continues to show them around when Eileen enters the room. Murray finds her to inform her of him selling one of his stories. Murray kisses Eileen in thanks for her typing his stories for him. Murray informs Eileen that if he gains weight he will be released. We find out that Eileen has been losing weight for 3 consistent weeks. Murray blames Carmody and Fred for Eileen's decline in health. All of the patients line up to be weighed. One by one the patients go up to get weighed. Murray gains weight and Eileen loses weight.
It is now midnight of the same day. Eileen and Murray meet at a crossroads near Hill Farm. Eileen tells Murray that she has ended her engagement to Fred Nicholls. Eileen then confesses her love to Murray. The two share multiple kisses. Eileen admits that she knows Murray does not share the same feelings toward her. They depart from the crossroads separately and the next day Murray is released from Hill Farm.
This act begins four months later in an isolated room and porch at Hill Farm. Eileen's condition has gotten significantly worse. Carmody, Mrs. Brennan (Carmody's new wife), and Mary come to visit her. We learn that Eileen is being taken out of Hill Farm because of her declining health. An argument arises during the visit and they all leave. Mrs. Howard comes in to inform Eileen that Murray is there to visit. Miss Gilpin tells Murray that maybe, if the tells Eileen that he loves her she will improve. Murray does just that and asks Eileen to marry him. She agrees to do so when she is well. While talking about the future Murray realizes that he truly loves Eileen. The play ends with Eileen telling Murray how she must take care of him.
As described in a film magazine, David Warrington (Ray) is an old fashioned boy with old fashioned ideas regarding marriage, living in a real home, babies, and the like. He is in love with Betty Graves (Shannon), a young woman who believes in the modern phases of life. After several heartaches and numerous comical situations, things shape themselves out so that Betty finds herself in her sweetheart's arms on the way to the minister for the wedding, having been convinced that the old fashioned way is the best after all.
Gordon (Ben McKenzie), who is looking for Barnes (Michael Chiklis), prefers not to tell any details to anyone in the force about him, just getting helped by Bullock (Donal Logue), who wants to prove his innocence. Meanwhile, Barnes has been in his hideout where he is going to hang up three bound and gagged criminals who have escaped the police system. After delivering a speech and claiming himself to be the law, he hangs up the criminals.
Ivy (Maggie Geha) has gone with an antiquities dealer to his house. Using a potion, she obliges him to open a vault and then knocks him unconscious. After stealing, the man attacks her but she manages to escape. Meanwhile, Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) has become worried about Isabella and then receives a phone call from the GCPD. He finds about Isabella's death, with the GCPD describing it as an accident and he cries on Cobblepot's shoulder, devastated. Gordon checks on Barnes' office when he returns, suspicious as he was the last person with Symon before dying but Gordon says he didn't see anything. Barnes tells him to accompany him with an enforcer named Sugar who may be connected to the crime scene. Gordon confides to Bullock the address before leaving.
Ivy then visits Selina (Camren Bicondova), showing her that she is really Ivy, shocking her and prompting her to call Bruce (David Mazouz). Suddenly, assassins arrive and raid the squat, forcing them to escape. Selina and Bruce deduce that they work for the man whom Ivy robbed and she needs to return the necklace. Ivy refuses until Bruce offers money to buy it so they can return it. Nygma begins suffering extreme depression for Isabella's death. Cobblepot tells him that it's time to move on and so, Nygma decides to say goodbye to her by going to her crash site.
Barnes stops the car in a different address and he and Gordon find Sugar inside. Despite Sugar claiming that he did not commit the crime, Barnes kills him with his gun and then proposes to Gordon that they work together to clean Gotham from the criminals. Gordon refuses and escapes when Barnes gets distracted while being shot in the distance. The GCPD receive the notification that Gordon killed Sugar and are prepared to catch him but Bullock receives a call from Gordon, who is being chased by Barnes. He decides to seek help from Lee (Morena Baccarin). Meanwhile, Nygma visits the crash site and upon being told by a homeless man, he realizes that the crash was not an accident. He checks Isabella's car and discovers that the brakes were cut off and only someone could have ordered it. Barnes finally corners Gordon on a warehouse when the GCPD arrives, who is now certain that Barnes killed Symon and the other criminals. Gordon and Barnes fight until Gordon shoots Barnes, who is arrested.
Ivy, Selina and Bruce go to return the necklace when they find the man dead with an arrow to the eye. Selina throws the necklace, breaking it and revealing a key. They return to Wayne Manor while the assassins continue raiding Selina's squat, finding evidence of Bruce's involvement. Nygma angrily tells Cobblepot about what he found and that he suspects that the person responsible is Butch, after getting exposed in the gala. They set to get revenge at him, especially Cobblepot. Meanwhile, at Arkham Asylum, Barnes, wearing a straitjacket, keeps screaming "Guilty!".
Ducobu (Vincent Claude) is a lazy student who is fond of cheating. After being dismissed from one school, he is sent to Saint-Potache Primary School; if he does not perform well there, his parents will send him to boarding school. Ducobu concocts innovative methods of cheating in order to get by, much to the frustration of his teacher, Mr Latouche (Élie Semoun), who tries to catch Ducobu. Ducobu regularly attempts to copy the work of Léonie (Juliette Chappey), the top student in the class. Nevertheless, Ducobu and Léonie eventually become friends.
The book is divided into a preface, 20 subsections, and an end poem. Each of the 20 middle sections focuses on a different value or virtue explained in a short tale.
Preface – Thomas addresses a letter to his four children on the eve before a battle, fearing he will not survive it. The preface explains how he came as a young man to be the squire of his grandfather, who once served under King Henry V.
Solitude – recounts the telling of the fable of two wolves by Thomas's grandfather.
Humility – Thomas remembers a conversation with his grandfather and several other knights on the nature of humbleness, arrogance, and joy.
Gratitude – a young Thomas suffers from a toothache and complains constantly, annoying his grandfather. When winter comes, young Hawke complains of the cold. His grandfather reminds him that at least his tooth no longer bothers him.
Pride – Young Thomas learns from his grandfather how to shoot a bow and arrow.
Cooperation – Young Thomas's grandfather takes on another squire, who outshines Thomas in many tasks. Thomas is plagued by jealousy until the sudden death of the other squire. Upon this tragedy, Thomas realizes that his jealousy of the second squire improved his own skills.
Friendship – Thomas meets his best friend, another knight named Sir Richard Hughes.
Forgiveness – Thomas remembers walking with his wife and coming upon an angry child. Despite the child's awful behavior, Thomas's wife aids him. This bothers Thomas for hours afterward until his wife remarks, "I set the child down hours ago, but I see you are still carrying him."
Honesty – Thomas tells the tale of an archery contest he competed in, in which he lost to a Welshman who cheated.
Courage – Thomas and Sir Richard defend a bridge from marauders. Sir Richard overcomes his fear and manages to a light a signal fire by thinking of someone he loves instead of the danger he's in.
Grace – Thomas offers advice to his daughters regarding beauty and aging, warning them against conceit. He also recounts a tale in which he and Sir Richard encounter travelers along the road.
Patience – Sir Richard experience several instances of luck in succession. He does not celebrate good luck, nor mourn bad luck, but simply waits to see the eventual outcome.
Justice – Young Thomas and his grandfather come upon a village which has been upset by a recent number of dead animals floating down a nearby river. Hawke's grandfather suggests that the confused people go upriver to find the source.
Generosity – Thomas and Richard encounter people in great poverty, and marvel at the generosity of a starving young boy who shares Hawke's offering of bread with his siblings. Thomas's grandfather is offered a promotion to Bishop, but rejects it in favor of staying with his land and its people.
Discipline – A wealthy relative of Thomas's begins to offer gifts to the knights of the area. Thomas's grandfather forces him to return each gift. It is later discovered that their wealthy relative had been planning to raise an army. Each knight who had accepted his gifts felt a sense of loyalty to him, and fought in battle for him. Thomas and his grandfather do not fight, but Sir Richard is killed in battle.
Dedication – Thomas recounts the famous battle of Caal, in which the people of Caal escaped thanks to the ingenuity of their knights.
Speech – Thomas's grandfather teaches him the value of limited speech.
Faith – Thomas remembers a woman who went mad with grief after the loss of her son. Thomas's grandfather designed a task for her so that she might learnt he sorrow of others, allowing her to regain her mind.
Equality – Thomas remembers the first time he heard "The Ballad of the Forty-Four-Pointed Red Deer."
Love – Thomas recalls falling in love with the Duchess of York, who used him to gain favor with a prince. Distraught, Thomas becomes distracted, and accidentally causes a fire in his house. After his grandfather is injured, he sends for a healer. The healer has died, but her daughter aides Thomas. Thomas falls very slowly in love with healer's daughter, and eventually marries her. He then wishes his children the kind of relationship he has had with their mother.
Death – Thomas recounts his grandfather's last days and then ends his letter to his children.
The Ballad of the Forty-Four-Pointed Red Deer – The song mentioned in section 18 is printed in full. Although it is described in section 18 as being very ancient, it was in fact written by Hawke for the book. It tells the story of a buck who negotiates the freedom of all animals from the tyranny of a human king, sacrificing himself in the process.
Two men, Shane Loakin and Eddie Arlinger, are desperate for money to support their families. While Shane stands guard, Eddie breaks into what the men believe to be an unoccupied home in the fictitious Midwestern town of Hilliard. Eddie panics when he finds a young boy home alone, and in the heat of the panic, strikes the boy as the boy goes towards the phone to call the police. The boy dies.
Noah Cordin, a detective in Hilliard, is assigned to the case with a partner, Leslie Spencer (Nichols). Noah believes the crime had to have been committed by two people. He promises the murdered boy's mother, Allison Connor, that he will find her son Toby's killers. Noah is married and has a son of his own, so he feels personally compelled to solve the crime.
During the investigation, Noah locates a piece of evidence that links the suspects to a nearby impoverished town, Caswell, which is also the home town to which he hasn't returned in several years. Hilliard and Caswell are both in Meskada County.
After Noah conducts a cattle-call–like interview of most of the men in Caswell, resulting in no viable leads, he returns to an annual town event as a cover for surreptitiously conducting further investigation.
One of the interviewees, Dennis Burrows, Shane's brother-in-law, knows nothing of Shane's involvement in the crime. Dennis lies to the police about his whereabouts at the time of the crime in order to cover up an extramarital affair that he's carrying on with the niece, Nat (Grace Gummer), of the owner of the local bar, Billy. The lie and his nervous behavior during the interview throw Dennis under Noah's suspicion. After the town celebration, Noah questions an intoxicated Shane trying to get him to inform on Dennis. Shane tries to assure Noah that he knows nothing about the crime, but Noah is not convinced.
Dennis is often out of work. He and Shane's sister Lyla have a son Keith who needs an expensive ear operation, which is one of the reasons why Shane resorts to breaking into houses.
Caswell is applying to the Meskada County Commission to permit a pharmaceutical company to take over a factory that was closed five years before. If the request is approved, the new company will create hundreds of jobs for the impoverished town. But the young victim of the break-in, Toby Connor, is the son of a member of the Meskada County Commission, Allison Connor. Caswell residents fear that the police attention in their town will adversely affect the vote of the Commission, and it does. As a result, Noah is angrily treated as an enemy by the town for continuing to investigate the crime there. Noah is also receiving pressure in Hilliard. Allison, during a rowdy town hall meeting, publicly accuses him of trying to protect his hometown by stalling her son's murder investigation.
Meanwhile, Shane is becoming more and more fearful of being apprehended by the police. He confronts Eddie and tries to persuade him to leave town, but Eddie refuses, telling Shane that leaving now would call attention to them.
A break in the case finally comes when the police learn that Nat has been pawning some of the items stolen from the home where the murder occurred and that the items were given to her by Eddie. Noah and Leslie question Nat, and she unknowingly and inadvertently implicates Shane.
The police track down the man who helped Nat pawn the items, and after a foot chase, Leslie is beaten by two of the men they are chasing. Noah comes close to having to shoot one of the suspects who is carrying a gun in his waistband.
Shane and Eddie panic and try to leave town but are stopped and confronted by Dennis, Billy, and other men in the town who now know who committed the crime. Dennis, in a struggle with Shane, cuts Shane's throat with a broken beer bottle. The men tell Eddie to leave Caswell and never come back. Shane's dead body, ostensibly offered up as a sacrifice to the Maskada County Commission, is found the next morning on the steps of the county building. In Shane's clutched hand are petitions covered with signatures from Caswell residents lobbying for the pharmaceutical company's permit to be approved.
Although sheriffs believe that the person responsible for the crime is dead, Noah believes that his accomplice, the actual killer, is still at large. He and Leslie go to the town bar and trash it while demanding the identity of Shane's accomplice. The bar owner, Billy, and his patrons, even under duress, reveal nothing. Noah is furious at their willingness to protect a murderer, and he and Leslie leave the bar disgusted.
In the closing shot Noah stops to see Allison, who is packing a moving van. Even though Noah knows that the killer is still at large, in an act of compassion, he tells a questioning Allison that the dead man was the murderer, and that there was no other accomplice. Allison, who previously had turned on Noah and questioned his abilities, now thanks him and tells him to go home to his family.
Aluda from Khevsureti had killed Mutsali in the combat, but he forgave him and did not cut off his right hand. Therefore Aluda was banished from his community... Jokola got acquainted with Zviadauri when he was hunting. He hosted him and he offered him to stay for the night, but Kists noticed their enemy, they took away Jokola's guest and killed him on the Kist's grave. Jokola as a host didn't manage to keep Zviadauri safe, so he couldn't take the abusing and got killed by the enemies.
Masala revolves around a family-run restaurant started by Ravindran. Problems arise when the restaurant is handed over to Ravindran's daughter-in-law, Nandhini. How will the family resolve their issues and restore Masala Kitchen's previous success?
The elegant Baroness Troixmonde has a secret identity: a mysterious burglar known to the world only as Filibus. In the wake of a bank robbery, a large cash reward is offered to anyone who can track Filibus down, and the renowned Detective Kutt-Hendy (played by Giovanni Spano) puts himself on the case. The Baroness visits the notary in charge of the cash reward, and enters her own name in the competition. Encountering Kutt-Hendy in the notary's office, she hatches a plan to baffle him: she tells him that she knows he himself is Filibus. Leaving the office in her chauffeured motorcar, she catches sight of Kutt-Hendy's sister, Leonora (played by Cristina Ruspoli).
The Baroness rides to a deserted country road, where she uses a heliograph to signal for Filibus's airship. Her crew of silent masked assistants lower a capsule, allowing Filibus to reach the airship, change into her burglary outfit, and fly to Kutt-Hendy's residence. Kutt-Hendy is being visited by his friend, the antiques collector Leo Sandy, who is unrequitedly in love with Leonora. Filibus, seizing a moment when Kutt-Hendy is alone, uses the capsule to reach him and put him to sleep with a narcotic. She takes a print of Kutt-Hendy's hand, which she will use to make a specially formed glove.
In disguise as a young nobleman, the Count de la Brive, Filibus stages the kidnapping and rescue of Leonora, leaving a print from the special glove on Leonora's clothing. The grateful Kutt-Hendy invites the nobleman to stay with them for some days, and the Count begins courting Leonora. At a party at Leo Sandy's villa, they see a glass case containing his prize acquisition, an ancient Egyptian statue of a cat with priceless diamond eyes. When Sandy turns out the lights to show off the sparkling diamonds, the Count cuts a hole in the glass and deposits a note announcing that Filibus will steal the statue that night. Kutt-Hendy attempts to search the guests, but to his consternation finds the glass piece in his own pocket, with fingerprints that match none of the guests' hands. At home, he realizes to his horror that the prints on both the glass piece and Leonora's outfit match his own handprint.
Kutt-Hendy, resolved to trap Filibus, helps Sandy plant a tiny camera in one eye of the statue and replace the real diamonds with artificial ones. That night, Filibus flies to Sandy's villa, kidnaps him, puts Kutt-Hendy under the narcotic, and reaches the statue. Realizing Kutt-Hendy's ruse, she locates the real diamonds, and stages the theft so that the hidden camera photographs the unconscious Kutt-Hendy's face instead of hers.
Filibus returns Kutt-Hendy to his home, plants one of the real diamonds on his desk, and telephones the police to alert them of the theft and kidnapping. Kutt-Hendy pleads his innocence, but when they examine the diamond and the hidden camera's picture, the police are led to believe that Kutt-Hendy must indeed be Filibus. Kutt-Hendy fears that this may indeed be the case, if he committed all of Filibus's heists while sleepwalking. Meanwhile, Leo Sandy escapes Filibus's assistants and parachutes out of the dirigible, and is picked up by a passing car and brought back to his villa. Learning of Kutt-Hendy's arrest, Sandy rushes to his assistance and gives his evidence about his kidnapping. The relieved Kutt-Hendy is allowed to go free and pursue the real Filibus, whose identity is still unknown.
Intending to trap Filibus, he tells the press to announce that he has returned to his home. Filibus decides to use the narcotic to pin another crime on him, a robbery of the International Bank. This time Kutt-Hendy is prepared, and seizes Filibus when she tries to administer the narcotic. He unmasks Filibus and recognizes her as the Count de la Brive. He ties her up, locks her in his office, and goes to get the police. By the time he returns with policemen, Filibus has managed to get to a window, signal for her airship, and escape into the sky. A few days later, Sandy proposes to Leonora and is accepted. Just as Kutt-Hendy is congratulating them, a letter falls from the sky—a letter from Filibus, telling him that they may meet again. High in the clouds, the Baroness Troixmonde, the mysterious sky pirate Filibus, laughs over her haul from the International Bank.
Bob and Linda worry about the kids' Christmas lists and their low funds for buying presents. Linda gets the entire family to go caroling out in the suburbs, hoping that they'll get residents to join them. Before they leave, Mr. Fischoeder calls on Bob to attend a secret get-together. It turns out to be a secret gingerbread house building contest Mr. Fischoeder and his rich, eccentric friends engage in as part of a Christmas tradition. The winner gets the group prize paid for by the contestants. This year, the prize is a paid for cuddle session with the zoo's newborn albino polar bear cub. Mr. Fischoeder, having lost every year previous, has Bob enter and intentionally lose so that he will no longer be a loser. He offers Bob one month's free rent and Bob agrees.
Meanwhile, Linda, Teddy, and the kids go caroling, but find the residents uninterested in joining or offering things like cider or hot cocoa. They pass one eerie house that Teddy claims belongs to a man who is a murderer. The owner eventually comes out, terrifying them, but ends up being a kind man and wonderful carol singer named Oscar. After wowing them, Oscar invites them in for hot cocoa.
At the contest, Bob's gingerbread house building skills impress Mr. Fischoeder's friends, causing Mr. Fischoeder to lash out in jealousy with insults. Bob pulls him aside and when Mr. Fischoeder refuses to apologize, Bob resolves to actually use his skills to win the contest and give the kids the gift of cuddling with the polar bear cub. As the gingerbread houses enter judging, Mr. Fischoeder pulls out a gun and shoots Bob's house apart. This causes his friends to also shoot one another's houses. The houses are destroyed, and Bob tells the others of Fischeoder's deal. His friends are surprisingly impressed by his plan. Bob apologizes to Mr. Fischoeder and tells them that he finds their traditional contest to be a sweet way to be together with chosen family during Christmas. The judge deems Bob's gingerbread house the one least destroyed and declares him the winner. Bob surprises the kids with the cuddle session prize, but also invites Mr. Fischoeder and his contest friends to join them.
After the death of her husband, a young Russian Jewish woman comes to America with her little boy and girl. Upon landing at Ellis Island the three are met by a charitable worker from the Brooklyn Council of Jewish Women, who looks after their welfare. They are taken to live with the woman's brother, a poor tinsmith, only to have the mother's health fail. Her brother promises the dying woman that he will care for her children, but misfortune befalls him, but he himself becomes ill and his friends notify the Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities.
With the brother hospitalized, the children are taken to the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum, where they are well cared-for until the brother is released from the hospital.
Several years later, the Board of Directors of the Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities assemble at the orphan asylum to attend the commencement exercises of this institution, where they hear a valedictorian address delivered by the little orphan boy who was left there by his uncle years before. His passionate address, “Charity, or How the Jews Care for Their Poor,” deeply moves the audience, particularly affecting one philanthropist who donates a large sum of money to the Federation in the hope that his act will serve as an example to all Jews to further the Federation's charity work.
A man once considered a bowling legend teams up with an autistic genius bowling player and a bookmaker.
''Blodveien'' portrays the conditions that Yugoslav (mostly Serbian) slave laborers and prisoners of war lived under in Northern Norway in 1942 during the Second World War, when the Germans wanted to build the route known as the "Blood Road" (today part of European route E6 among other routes).
Two local Norwegian friends and construction workers, Ketil and Ivar, serve as construction supervisors on the road under pressure from the Germans. They had earlier helped build the small concentration camp that prisoners later lived in, without understanding what they were involved in. The prisoners are sympathetic toward them because they try to help them to the extent that they can. The Germans take harsh revenge after an escape attempt by shooting some of the prisoners. The Germans, led by the sadistic Schwarz, terrorize and kill prisoners at random almost daily.
Ketil's young son Magnar is bored at home on the small mountain farm and wants to get out and do something with his life. He enlists with the German forces and is made a guard at the prison camp. The prisoner Janko escapes from the camp after being shot by Schwarz. He receives help along the way after his dramatic escape, and is on his way over the mountains toward neutral Sweden when he is captured by Magnar and brought at gunpoint back to the prison camp. Magnar's father Ketil, who was out seeking to help Janko, encounters them and there is a confrontation between the father and son. The father wants all three of them to escape to Sweden, but the son does not. During a scuffle between the father and son, the rifle between them discharges and the son is fatally wounded. The film ends with the father Ketil following Janko to the Swedish border and bidding him farewell with the words ''Frihet for mennesket'' 'Freedom for mankind.'
While working as parking valets at a restaurant, Sean Falco (Robert Sheehan) and Derek Sandoval (Carlito Olivero) secretly use the cars entrusted to them by customers to burglarize their homes. On one night, however, Sean finds more than he bargained for when he breaks into the house of wealthy patron Cale Erendreich (David Tennant) and discovers a woman named Katie (Kerry Condon) being held captive. Unable to free Katie, Sean abandons her, but notifies the police of his discovery. When the police are unable to find any evidence of Katie's abduction, Sean contacts the FBI and files a missing persons report for her.
Cale, meanwhile, brings Katie to a secluded cabin and becomes aware of Sean's knowledge of her abduction. Motivated by a desire to break people down, Cale begins working to destroy Sean's life, including having Sean, Derek, and Sean's parents fired from their jobs. He also savagely beats Riley Seabrook (Jacqueline Byers), Sean's girlfriend, after ruining their relationship by leaking a topless photo of her. Cale then kills Derek and his family in their home and stages their deaths as a murder-suicide. Sean is able to take a screenshot of Cale and send it to the FBI.
When Cale fails in his attempt to kill Sean with a bomb, Sean manages to use the GPS in Cale's car to find the cabin where Katie is being held captive. Sean heads off to save her after, while a team of FBI agents also travel to the cabin after deducing that Cale is responsible for a series of similar disappearances. The FBI discover that the property is in the name of Cale's family, but are unable to enter the private property without a warrant. Upon entering the cabin Sean finds Katie, only to be knocked out by Cale, who reveals that he intends to kill Katie and frame Sean for her murder, along with the deaths of his previous victims. Katie, however, survives Cale's attempt at killing her and frees Sean. As Sean and Katie flee the cabin, Cale pursues. Chasing Sean and Katie through the woods, Cale is ultimately overpowered by Sean and knocked unconscious.
The sound of Cale's gun is also heard by the FBI team, who are able to use the gunshot's noise as probable cause to enter the property. After finding Sean and Katie, the team enters the cabin, where they discover Cale chained up like his victims.
The war has broken out and Max and Leo have to commit themselves, like thousands of young people in 1939. And if at first they do not realize the consequences of such a mission, they will soon discover that war Is not a matter to be taken lightly. And when defeat strikes, it's even less pleasing. Max and Leon have only one idea in mind: to go home as soon as possible and at all costs. But it is not counting the forces and the men who are in command and who do not intend to let them go like that.
During the Battle of France the pair impersonate Germans and later two French Captains that lead them to England where they join the Free French Forces. The pair are sent as secret agents to the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon that leads them to be captured and returned to Occupied France. After meeting several of their old comrades in arms including their sergeant who has turned traitor they escape to Vichy France working for simultaneously for the French Forces of the Interior and the Vichy Ministry of Propaganda after the German Occupation of Vichy.
Two weeks after the attack at the Saviors' satellite station outpost, Tara (Alanna Masterson) is separated from Heath (Corey Hawkins) after falling off a bridge during a walker attack. She washes up on a beach, where she is found and revived by a girl named Cyndie (Sydney Park). She follows Cyndie to her community, Oceanside: a group consisting of only female survivors grounded in Virginia that has situated in a pre-apocalypse campground. She is discovered, shot at, and taken captive. Their leader, Natania (Deborah May), questions Tara, who lies and says that she and her friend had been traveling alone. Eventually, she admits to being part of a community and tries to convince the members of Oceanside that they should make contact with Alexandria. Natania appears to agree and assigns two women to escort Tara home.
Just outside of Oceanside, Tara, realizing that her escorts are going to kill her, says she will take care of a walker ahead of them, getting herself strayed from her escorts. Once she is near the walker, she makes a run in an attempt to escape from her escorts while being shot at. She then hides and tries to subdue one of them, but to no avail. While she is held at gunpoint, she is told that all the males in the Oceanside community, aged 10 and above, were slaughtered by the Saviors and that Tara's group did not wipe them out, instead they have started a war. She is then saved from her pursuers by Cyndie, who then overtakes and confronts her. Cyndie makes Tara "swear" to never mention Oceanside to anyone and helps Tara find her way back to the bridge where she lost Heath. Tara finds evidence that Heath managed to escape the walker attack and continues to Alexandria alone.
After making her way back to Alexandria, Tara is greeted at the front gate by an emotional Eugene (Josh McDermitt). In the infirmary, determined to seek revenge on the Saviors, Rosita (Christian Serratos) asks Tara, despondent over the news of Denise's death, if she has any leads on guns or ammunition. Denying her discovery, Tara keeps her word to Cyndie and tells Rosita that she didn't find anything during her scouting mission.
Michonne (Danai Gurira) walks down a single-lane road, whistling to attract walkers. She kills two walkers she's lured and drags their bodies away. Separately, Carl (Chandler Riggs) and Jesus (Tom Payne) have stowed away on the same Saviors' truck as it is driven back to their base, Sanctuary. Carl tricks Jesus into getting out of the truck, and he stays with it as it pulls into the Sanctuary's yard, where he sees the Saviors' leader Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), several Saviors, and his friend Daryl (Norman Reedus). Carl attempts to shoot Negan, killing two of his Saviors before he is pinned down by Dwight (Austin Amelio). Negan is impressed by Carl's bravery, and escorts him around the factory floor and then introduces him to his "harem" of wives. There, Sherry (Christine Evangelista) reluctantly concedes to Negan that one of his other wives, Amber (Autumn Dial), has been cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend, Mark (Griffin Freeman). In response, Negan admonishes Amber and tells Dwight, with Daryl in tow, to "fire up that furnace".
Alone with Carl, Negan tells the boy he is trying to bond with him, and asks him to remove his bandages so he can look at and touch Carl's missing eye, coercing Carl by reminding him he killed two of his men. Carl becomes humiliated and starts crying, and Negan backs off. As part of paying off his "debt" to him, Negan asks Carl to sing to him, and Carl weakly sings "You Are My Sunshine". This leads to Carl explaining how he had to shoot his mother to prevent her from turning. Later, Negan takes Carl with him to see Mark's punishment, having half his face branded with a hot iron.
Elsewhere, the survivors of Alexandria are preparing for the Saviors' next tribute. Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Aaron (Ross Marquand) are part of one team searching for supplies, and they discover a houseboat adrift on a lake nearby, seemingly loaded with supplies but the lake is filled with numerous walkers. They plot how they will get to the boat. Nearby, Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Spencer (Austin Nichols) are driving along to seek supplies. Spencer bitterly complains about Rick's leadership in the face of the Saviors and thinks he could be a better leader. Gabriel is fed up with Spencer and leaves the car to go on his own. Eugene (Josh McDermitt) and Rosita (Christian Serratos) secretly meet in the nearby industrial machine shop Eugene had found, where Rosita demands Eugene make a bullet for her to kill Negan. Eugene initially refuses, believing Rosita's plan will not work, but she plays on how others have saved him several times because they feel sorry for him, and this would be the first useful thing that he has done. Eugene is hurt by the comments but does proceed to make the bullet, though he refuses to listen to Rosita's apology. They are later picked up by Spencer and taken back to Alexandria.
While these groups are out, Negan decides to take Carl back to Alexandria, and sets off with a small group of men. Once Negan departs, Daryl finds a note slipped under his cell door that says "Go now" and the key to a motorcycle. As a lone Savior drives down a road, she's forced to stop when she reaches a barricade of walker corpses. As the Savior investigates, Michonne sneaks up on her, katana drawn. "Take me to Negan," Michonne orders. The Savior submits, having fallen into Michonne's trap. At Alexandria, with Rick absent, Negan decides to wait for Rick and has Carl show him around the home they occupy. Carl tries to keep him from Judith's bedroom, but is unable to stop Negan from entering. Negan takes an immediate liking to Judith, and later sits on the front porch, rocking her in his lap while he contemplates killing Rick and Carl and moving into Alexandria.
At the Hilltop, Gregory (Xander Berkeley) warns Maggie (Lauren Cohan) not to let her growing popularity with the Hilltop residents go to her head. Maggie cannot locate Jesus (Tom Payne) and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) lies about his whereabouts, knowing he is looking for the Saviors' home, the Sanctuary.
At the Kingdom, Richard (Karl Makinen), a member of the Kingdom's military, pays Carol (Melissa McBride) a visit inside her cottage, though Morgan (Lennie James) is also there. Richard tries to persuade them both to have King Ezekiel (Khary Payton) consider fighting the Saviors, as he fears they may in fact kill them even if they continue to obey their demands. They debate and both staunchly refuse; Richard dejectedly leaves.
At the Sanctuary, with help from an anonymous source, Daryl (Norman Reedus) is able to sneak out of his cell to a waiting motorcycle to escape. He encounters Fat Joey (Joshua Hoover) and bludgeons him to death with a pipe. Jesus finds Daryl and, together, they leave the compound, with Daryl recovering Rick's (Andrew Lincoln) signature .357 Colt Python revolver from Joey's corpse. Nearby, Michonne (Danai Gurira) has abducted a Savior woman (Aerli Austen) and demands she show her the Sanctuary. The woman directs her to a nearby hill where Michonne sees that there are vast numbers of Saviors, more than they initially thought. The woman states it would be pointless to fight them and it would be better to just take the car and dump it, then adds that there is a silencer in the glove compartment. After a moment, Michonne kills her, dumps the body, and drives back to Alexandria.
At Alexandria, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) tries to bond with Rick's son Carl (Chandler Riggs) while Rick and Aaron (Ross Marquand) retrieve supplies from an abandoned houseboat floating in the middle of a walker-infested river, as part of their offering to the Saviors. Among the supplies are numerous guns, but no ammo, along with a vulgar note left by the previous owner sardonically congratulating them on their prize. They return to Alexandria, unaware they were watched by a man with mismatched boots. The Saviors check over the supplies and discover the vulgar note, believing it was written by Rick and Aaron for them. Aaron attempts to apologize, but the Saviors beat him up and Rick is unable to intervene.
Spencer (Austin Nichols), who has a vendetta against Rick, approaches Negan and proposes to talk. A pool table is set up outside and a crowd gathers, and as Negan plays, Spencer explains that Negan should name him as leader of Alexandria over Rick, since he will readily acquiesce to Negan's demands. Negan considers this, approaches Spencer and explains that unlike Rick, he has no guts and proceeds to disembowel him. Enraged, Rosita (Christian Serratos) fires the single bullet that Eugene (Josh McDermitt) had made at Negan, but it strikes "Lucille", his bat. Savior Arat (Elizabeth Ludlow) subdues Rosita while Negan demands to know who made the bullet. When Rosita lies and claims she did, Negan tells Arat to kill someone. Arat chooses and kills Olivia (Ann Mahoney). By then, the gunfire has drawn Rick to the scene and he tries to calm Negan down. Negan reminds him of his deal that no Alexandrian can have a firearm and Olivia's death was the penalty for disobedience. Eugene steps forward to admit he made the bullet. Negan and the Saviors take their leave, taking Eugene with them. That night, Michonne convinces Rick that they must fight back against the Saviors and Rick finally accepts.
The next day, Rick, Michonne, Carl, Rosita, and Tara (Alanna Masterson) show up at the Hilltop, reuniting with Maggie, Sasha, and Enid (Katelyn Nacon). As they plan, Daryl and Jesus return to everyone's surprise. Rick and Daryl embrace, and Daryl returns his gun. The group makes plans to go to war with the Saviors.
At Alexandria that night, Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) keeps watch, unaware that the same figure with mismatched boots watches him from afar.
Da Tian opens a calefare agency. Edgar, Fei Mei, Gao Mei, Fa Ge, and Ru Hua all start off as extras in films. Soon, Gao Mei gets her friend Mei Yi to join. Mei Yi and Di Long fall in love. Edgar starts to fall in love with Gao Mei but it is not reciprocated.
The plot as a whole repeats the story of the original comedy: journalist ''Shurik'' arrives in the Caucasus in order to study local culture and folklore, the ancient customs and traditions of the people in this region. Per chance he meets and befriends a girl in a mountainous town, the beauty ''Nina'', which the gouvernor, wealthy and powerful local ''Saakhov'', is planning to marry — if not willingly then by force. Using the gullible journalist as a strawman, Saakhov and his henchmen (the "Coward", the "Fool", and the "Pro", a trio of comic antiheros) are able to kidnap Nina, all seems to work according to plan. But realizing that he had been deceived, Shurik, who fell for Nina, rushes to rescue his beloved one, for a happy ending.
Nevertheless, in the new version of the film there are some differences from the original. For example, Nina is falling in love with Shurik not by coincidence, but when fate has it that they repeatedly are clashing together, and both come closer to each other from the very beginning of the film. Also, the ending of the story was changed.
The film is a take on the "vamp" genre by pioneer Lois Weber, just as that genre was waning.
A ferris wheel from Pleasure Island is featured in the forest.
The Enchanted Forest events take place years before "White Out". The Storybrooke events take place after "Tougher Than the Rest".
In the decades before the first curse began, Ruth and Robert are the parents of newborn twins David and James, who require serious medical attention, or they will die. When Rumplestiltskin shows up and sees them, he offers them a deal that results in Rumplestiltskin taking James, as part of a deal he made earlier with King George in exchange for giving the parents the medicine for David.
Years later, King George wants to know the whereabouts of Prince James. The news has Robert, who has become an alcoholic, convinced that finding his birth son will solve their family's problems. He is then given a coin by David (the same one that The Evil Queen returned to David in Storybrooke) as a sign of good luck in finding James. The first stop Robert makes is to see Rumplestiltskin, who asks for a hair strand from him. Rumple then looks into a crystal ball and located James to a place called Pleasure Island. As Rumplestiltskin gives Robert a ticket to the Island to find James, he takes the hair strand from Robert. When Robert arrives at the amusement park-themed Pleasure Island, he is met by Pinocchio, who already has met James. Pinocchio leads Robert to his birth son and explained everything about his real life. As they attempt to escape, the barkers go after them and they are caught. Robert and James are then handed over to King George. Robert pleads with the King to let James return with him, but King George decides to issue an order to have Robert killed.
The moments of Robert's death are later revealed. It turns out that on the night that Robert was scheduled to be executed, a group of pirates raided the carriage and stole gold and other valuables, then killed the guards. Robert begged for mercy, saying that he wouldn't tell anyone, but he ended up being killed as well. Robert's murderer was Killian "Hook" Jones, who then ordered his men to take Robert's body and the carriage to the side of the road, so it would look like an accident.
The mystery surrounding Robert's murder is starting to have a strange effect on David to the point of seeing visions, as his father starts giving David cryptic messages to find out the truth. Meanwhile, Hook has scheduled a meeting with Archie on how to propose to Emma, but is worried about the reaction from David. When Hook later sees David, he noticed how obsessed David has become with finding out who murdered Robert, and now wants Hook to help him, albeit reluctantly from the pirate. Later on, David sneaks into Emma's place to look for items to help him. Hook agrees to play lookout when Emma approaches and he convinced her not to go in the place. David then finds a spell book and with Hook's help tries to follow the instructions, and it leads them to a clue which reveals that Robert may be on Pleasure Island.
David and Hook go to see August to ask about Pleasure Island, but a concerned August removed the pages that could include more information about Robert. By now, Hook is starting to worry about David seeking revenge, but David turns on Hook by handcuffing him to a bike rack and drives away. David returns to the asylum to confront the now-jailed Albert and challenges him to a fight to the death, only to have Hook intervene and place Albert back in jail. David is heartbroken to learn that Robert died because he tried to do the right thing, and after being convinced by Hook, David decides not to kill Albert, and afterwards apologized to Hook for making a terrible mistake. Hook in return asks David for Emma's hand in marriage and David gives Hook his blessing.
In between the events, the Wish Realm Robin is starting to adjust to life in Storybrooke and after a heated Zelena confronts Regina about the Wish Realm Robin not being able to have any rights to her daughter and leaves, Regina checks on Robin and finds him missing and a picture of Keith, who Robin thinks is the Sheriff of Nottingham from his realm. Regina stops Robin from killing Keith by making him disappear. Regina tells Robin about his real world counterpart having a son and daughter in this realm, and they agree to start fresh with a kiss. Later that night, Regina visits a now awake Snow, and tells her that bringing Robin back was not only a mistake, but she is now starting to question how he managed to survive coming to the portal. She even questions why her kiss with Robin felt like she was kissing paper. It turns out that the Wish Realm Robin had a real reason, and an ulterior motive, when he steals a box from Regina's vault that he sees as powerful.
Hook is later confronted by August, who tells him about the real reason he tore the pages out of the book and gives them to Hook, and when he sees the pages, he recognizes Robert and realizes that ''he'' was the person who had killed David's father. Hook then hides the pages from Emma and after she kisses him, looks at the engagement ring and finds himself worried about how to deal with this situation, knowing that the man he killed was Emma's grandfather.
An Ogre from the Ogre Wars is featured in the forest.
The Enchanted Forest events take place after "Desperate Souls" and before "Nasty Habits." The Storybrooke events take place after "Murder Most Foul".
In the pre-first curse Enchanted Forest, the events of the first Ogre Wars are detailed. A young soldier is being encouraged by his leader, Beowulf, to keep fighting against the creatures. Beowulf then displays the sword, Hrunting, that Emma will take possession of in the future and leads his men into battle. However, despite killing some ogres, his men are all killed, and he is left as the only survivor. When Beowulf sees an ogre general and goes after it, it knocks his sword out of his hand and moves in to kill him, but then, Rumplestiltskin intervenes. He uses his dagger to genocide all of the creatures. His actions would cause a deeper rift between Rumplestiltskin and the teenage Baelfire. Later on at a village, the people ask Rumplestiltskin to defend them against a creature named Grendel. Baelfire, hoping that saving the village will restore Rumplestiltskin's good name, believes that he can do it without resorting to dark magic, so Rumplestiltskin gives him the dagger to keep him from using it.
When they arrived to the cave to draw out Grendel, Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire discover it was a setup by Beowulf, who wanted revenge on Rumplestiltskin for denying him victory during the Ogre Wars, by setting him up to frame the Dark One for the murder of the villagers. After Baelfire fails to stop Beowulf, Baelfire summons Rumplestiltskin, who defeats Beowulf. Baelfire wants him to stop Beowulf, but Rumplestiltskin refuses, opting to send them to a new village instead, but in the end, Baelfire killed Beowulf after he commanded his father to do so. Rumplestiltskin also collects the sword Hrunting after this. The events convinces Baelfire that they should use Dark Magic to protect themselves, but Rumplestiltskin feels otherwise, and secretly gives Baelfire a forgetting potion he slipped inside his drink to make him forget about what happened, to keep him from going dark. Unfortunately, Baelfire's memory would later come back when he saw Hrunting, and this time, he accused his father of killing Beowulf.
At Granny's, Archie finds Hook drinking, now that he realized that he killed Robert, who happens to be Emma's grandfather; however, he decides not to divulge details. When he later visited Emma at the house, he wants to tell Emma the truth, but Emma thinks he is keeping something from her and she shows him the engagement ring that he wanted to give her, and she tells him that she will marry him. Hook gets down on one knee and proposes, but decides not to tell Emma about Robert, by keeping that to himself.
Meanwhile, Belle and Mother Superior search for Gideon, believing that he is after the sword Hrunting that Emma had the night they first met, and as expected they were right, because at the Sheriff's Station, Gideon is caught by Gold while trying to obtain the sword fragment and his father uses his magic to knock Gideon out. At the Clock Tower, Gideon comes to and is tied up, with the magic-draining cuff on, as Gold tells him about what happened during the first Ogre Wars when he attempted to stop it. Gideon then told his father about what the Black Fairy did to him and why he wanted revenge. Gideon soon catches on to Gold's plan to erase his memory after he was given a tea that was laced with the forgetting potion, but his time with the Black Fairy has shown him how to counter it, and during a hug, he takes the dagger to control his father. Gideon then uses the dagger to force Gold to reveal the sword's origin and its forger, and Gold tells him that it was the Blue Fairy who created it. As Gideon keeps Gold from stopping him, he goes to take Mother Superior's powers after he freezes her, Gold arrives and drains her magic for him, so Gideon won't go dark. This ends up putting the Mother Superior into a coma-like state. After the sword Hrunting is newly forged, Gideon returns the dagger to Gold.
At the same time, Robin has shown up at Zelena's place, and the witch is stunned to find him there. He wants to leave Storybrooke, and she agrees to help him, since she also wants to leave for New York City. However, Regina is waiting for them at the city limits, having caught on to Robin stealing the heart from the vault, and the anti-magic potion. However, when Robin attempts to use the anti-magic potion, it fails to break the protection spell, and instead, the barrier blasts him backwards. Knowing that he is stuck in Storybrooke, Regina, now convinced that the Wish Realm Robin will never live up to the one she remembers, offers to help him leave if he wants to do so. Later on, Regina and Zelena finally come to an understanding as sisters, but suddenly become aware that the Regina's other half, The Evil Queen, is missing from her cage. Unfortunately, the "serum" Evil Queen (still in her form as a cobra) doesn't stay missing for long, because afterward, Robin is bitten by the aforementioned creature, and it turns out that the anti-magic potion really works, since the spilled anti-magic potion on Robin's hand restores The Evil Queen to her normal form. Then, the Evil Queen offers to take Robin on a tour of Storybrooke from her viewpoint.
As described in a film magazine, at the girls school gymnasium in the small town of Oakdale everyone is happily discussing the upcoming ball with the exception of Bertha (Kessler), who is left to herself by the other girls because her father is in an insane asylum and she is poor and plain. At the ball, the belle is Hallie (Windsor), who is sought by all the young men while Bertha looks on, a lonely wall flower. Brothers and automobile mechanics Frank (Glendon) and Arthur (Hackathorne) are both in love with Hallie, and at Frank's request Arthur asks Bertha to dance. Her gratitude causes her to fall in love with him, and a series of events finally lead to her end her life by drowning. In the meantime Frank and Hallie are married and, owing to the success of an invention of his, living comfortable and happy lives. Several children come and the home is apparently an ideal one. Then Frank is seized by the spirit of unrest and for several years domestic happiness is conspicuous by its absence from the home. Frank takes up a residence in the city and becomes entangled with the fast set, his particular attraction being to "the other girl." Hallie devotes her time to her children and unavailing efforts to hold her husband's waning love. In her loneliness she is about to surrender to the blandishments of Yost (Cooley), the evil influence of the village, when her inherent honesty asserts itself and she sends Yost away. But Frank has arrived on one of his visits to his home just in time to have seen Yost enter the house, and waits outside, intending to see Hallie alone to ask her forgiveness and seek reconciliation for all that he has done. After a long wait, not seeing Yost leave the house, Frank rushes in and accuses Hallie. He then leaves, intending to go away forever, when he meets his brother Arthur, who explains matters and convinces Frank of Hallie's innocence. After a real reconciliation with his wife, Frank discovers the answer to the title's question.
Go Joo-yeon (Kim Hye-soo) is a self-centered star actress who has always gotten what she wants: fame, money, and even good-looking young boyfriends. However, now in her 40s and with her acting career going downhill, she wonders whether she should settle down with her secret boyfriend, who is 12 years younger than her. However, the boyfriend, a rookie actor, is only interested in taking advantage of her fame, cheating on her behind her back. Discovering the truth, Joo-yeon is devastated that she has no one who she can truly rely on. So she decides to have someone definite in her life, her own baby.
She goes to see an obstetrician only to learn that she has reached menopause. While facing the depressing truth, she comes across a pregnant teenager Kim Dan-ji (Kim Hyun-soo) at the hospital. Joo-yeon makes the offer to Dan-ji that she will adopt the baby at whatever price, and will support her until she delivers. Dan-ji, who needs the money, accepts the offer and agrees to stay hidden at Joo-yeon’s home. When Joo-yeon makes a press announcement of her pregnancy, in vengeance against her ex-boyfriend, who has become a rising star, rumors start to spread about who the father is. She declares that she will be a single mom and her dignified demeanor earns her numerous jobs making her more successful than ever. Dazzled by the new phase in her career, Joo-yeon begins to neglect Dan-ji, but worse, people are now getting suspicious.
The game doesn't have any set storyline, but it does contain optional tasks and missions that can result in lore and narrative via cutscenes and data logs.
The player departs from a man-made satellite that is from an unknown planet and lands on Sylva, the starting planet. It is then up to the player to decide what to do. In order to advance the main storyline, the player must discover and activate an alien Gateway Chamber and dig into the planet. There are different subterranean layers with varying difficulty, most notably containing hazards and terrain that becomes harder as you dig deeper into the planet. Once the player reaches the last layer, they need to dig down from an alien pylon. They travel to the Gateway Engine and activate it with a material that progressively gets harder to obtain, depending on the difficulty of the planet. The player must obtain 2 Geometric Tryptics and place one on a terminal on top of them and one to keep when they reach the satellite. The player can safely warp to any Gateway Chamber that they have activated. This process is repeated for the rest of the planets and moons, Desolo, Calidor, Vesania, Novus, Glacio, and Atrox, listed from easiest to hardest. Once the player has procured all 8 tryptics, they can travel to a Gateway Portal and place them in their respective slots. An Odd Stone will appear in the middle. Interacting with it will roll the end scene and credits.
It is also noted that there are other storylines which include, The Wanderer's Way mission, The Space Snail rescue mission, The Rails Update mission chain, Holiday Events, and numerous Easter Eggs.
Julien, creator of mobile applications falls in love with Eva, a young journalist. She introduces him to her parents. All together find themselves on a weekend that will be memorable for each of them.
In the year 9:41 Dragon Age, the elven mage Valya and a group of mages from the Circle of Magi in Hossberg join the Grey Wardens at Weisshaupt for safety from the ongoing Mage-Templar War. With rebel templars rampaging through Thedas and rebel mages assembling a terrifying army at Andoral's Reach, the Wardens are the only safe harbor for both neutral mages and templars seeking to flee the conflict. Upon reaching Weisshaupt, Valya is tasked to search the fortress' library for accounts of Wardens abandoning their posts and behaving unusually, as well as records of talking Darkspawn, beginning with the Fourth Blight. From these instructions, Valya locates a lyrium-laced war map inscribed with Elvish, which leads her to a hidden journal detailing the last days of the elven blood mage Warden Isseya and her brother, the legendary hero Garahel who ended the Fourth Blight.
As she reads Isseya's first-hand account of the battles during the Exalted Age, the journal reveals that during the Wardens' struggle to defend and evacuate Antiva City, as well as secure the assistance of the Free Marches in ending the Fourth Blight, Isseya was tasked by the First Warden to put the Wardens' griffons through a Joining ritual. This ritual ultimately led to the creatures' corruption. As Garahel and the Wardens attempt, along with the dwarven Warden-Commander of Antiva, Turab, to secure Antiva City and also make diplomatic ties with Starkhaven's ruling family, the Vaels, Isseya also begins to regret condemning the griffons to madness and death. In secret she contrives a way to remove the taint from griffon hatchlings and contain it within herself, sacrificing herself by accelerating the taint within her body. This effort becomes particularly poignant after her brother falls slaying the archdemon Andoral during the Battle of Ayesleigh, along with the deaths of many of the mature griffons and their Warden riders in the final battle of the Fourth Blight.
Isseya manages to purge the taint from a clutch of eggs obtained from Amadis Vael's griffon. Amadis was Garahel's lover and the eggs of her griffon, Smoke, were sired by Garahel's griffon, Crookytail. Convinced the Wardens of her era are not fit stewards of the griffons and hoping those of the future will be, Isseya uses magic to hide the eggs in suspended animation in a remote location that would later become home to a statue of Andraste, the "Red Bride." Isseya hid her journal away somewhere in Weisshaupt and left with her griffon, Revas on one last flight.
Driven by her research to find this treasure in the present day, Valya then travels with a small group of companions to the site and is able to reanimate the eggs. They hatch, one chick in particular looking identical to Garahel's Crookytail. The hatchlings appear to be free of the taint, bringing Valya hope that they will rise again.
The game is set in 1914. The player character is a young pilot whose base was attacked by Germans, out of the blue. To find the source of the planes, he shoots any German planes in sight.
In 1993, teenager Cameron Post is secretly involved in a romantic same-sex relationship with her girlfriend, Coley Taylor. On homecoming night, Cameron's boyfriend walks in on them having sex in Coley's car, ultimately outing them both. Cameron's aunt Ruth, a devout Christian, sends Cameron to God's Promise, a gay conversion therapy center for teenagers. It is run by the strict Dr. Lydia Marsh and her brother Reverend Rick who claims that his sister's methods cured him of his own homosexuality after two members of his church "rescued" him from a gay bar. Cameron's roommate Erin represses her homosexuality and earnestly believes in the camp's program.
Cameron befriends two of her fellow "disciples," Jane Fonda, who was raised in a hippie commune, and Adam Red Eagle, a Lakota two-spirit whose father has converted to Christianity. The three teenagers bond over their mutual rebelliousness and skepticism of the camp's purpose.
During a group session, Cameron admits that she thinks Coley is "perfect" and is told by Dr. Marsh that her homosexuality stems from a misplaced urge to be like Coley. She covertly phones Coley during a visit to a restaurant and apologizes for how things turned out. Coley says she sent Cameron a letter, but the call is interrupted. After disrupting a kitchen chore session, Cameron has her mail privileges unexpectedly granted by Dr. Marsh. She reads Coley's letter only to find that Coley blames her for "seducing" her into sin. Jane reads the letter with Cameron and then destroys it, calling Coley weak-willed and treacherous. Crying, Cameron calls her aunt and asks to be brought home. Ruth turns her down.
Cameron tries to adapt better to life at God's Promise, exercising with Erin to Christian work-out tapes. One night while Cameron is having a sexual dream, Erin wakes her up and then both girls kiss. Erin puts her hand in Cameron's sheets and pants to make love to her. Cameron has an orgasm but Erin regrets it and asks Cameron not to tell anyone because she wants to change.
Another disciple, Mark, who has been expecting to return home shortly, is informed by letter that he must remain at the camp because his father still considers him effeminate. In a group session, Mark breaks down and begins behaving erratically until he is forcibly restrained by Dr. Marsh. That night, Cameron finds large quantities of blood in one of the bathrooms.
The next morning, Dr. Marsh and Reverend Rick call a meeting, announcing that Mark was badly injured during the night and is stable in a hospital, but do not explain what happened. Two of the "disciples" disrupt the meeting and a series of one-to-one meetings is held instead. During their one-to-one, Rick explains to Cameron that Mark mutilated his own genitals and nearly died before Adam found him. Cameron asks why the staff wasn't monitoring Mark more closely and asks Rick if he and Dr. Marsh have any idea what they are doing. Rick cannot answer her questions and bursts into tears. A government inquiry is launched into Mark's self-mutilation, but the investigator is unwilling to accept Cameron's argument that God's Promise is inherently emotionally abusive.
Disillusioned, Cameron, Jane and Adam decide to run away from the camp under the pretense of an early morning hike. They walk to a nearby road and hitchhike away from the camp.
The plot of ''Things I Know To Be True'' follows the story and the many struggles of the Price Family. The play begins with a monologue from Rosie Price (played by Tilda Cobham-Hervey in the Premiere season, and Kirsty Oswald in the UK) on a European getaway during her gap-year. She reveals that she had met a man called Emanuel while she was in Berlin, but found that he'd stolen most of her valuables and run away when she woke up one night - forcing her to return to Australia.
As Rosie returns home, we see the rest of the family come to meet her. While this is all happening, it is revealed that Pip, Rosie's elder sister, has decided to leave her husband and two children behind to live in Vancouver; her mother, Fran, disapproves, especially after she found out that Pip had been cheating. Fran is particularly disappointed, as she states that she saw a lot of herself in Pip. Later in the play, Pip has moved to Vancouver and had written a letter to Fran, finally emotionally connecting with her after a rather abusive childhood. It takes hundreds of miles for the two characters to finally be together emotionally.
In another angle of the plot, the Price's second child, Mia (previously referred to as Mark,) comes out as transgender and announces her plans for her transition, which include her plan to move to Sydney to begin transgender hormone therapy. This comes as a shock to the rest of the family, with Fran again being particularly displeased. This scene is the last time in which we see Mia present as male, with her presenting as a woman in her later appearances.
Another sub-plot is that Fran had been saving around $250,000 as a get-out fund for her relationship with Bob, stating that it is "hard to love someone for 30 years straight." She admits to Bob that she once thought of running away - like Pip had just done - but stayed together for the sake of their children. Fran then says that she now saves it for them to treat themselves. She asks Bob where he'd most like to go and he replies Kruger National Park. To his surprise, she agrees to go, yet they never do.
The final sub-plot of this play is centred around the younger son, Ben, and his father, Bob. Bob finds a European car parked outside; it turns out to be Ben's and Bob wants to know how he found the money, with Ben answering that he worked hard for it. This appears to be insignificant, until later in the play Ben returns home, sweating and speaking quickly. Rosie is the only person indoors at the time and she realises quickly that Ben had been taking drugs. Bob and Fran then enter, now even more curious about his money situation. Bob asks Ben what drugs he'd taken, to which Ben replies, "It'd be easier to ask which ones I haven't." Bob then snaps, shouting and swearing at Ben - it is at this moment that Ben reveals that he had been skimming, and that's where he'd retrieved the money for the drugs and flashy car.
As all this is happening, however, tragedy strikes. It is revealed that Fran had been involved in a car crash and was pronounced dead on arrival. She passes away without reconciling with Mia, emotionally connecting with Pip in person, forgiving Ben and taking Bob to South Africa. The children return to Adelaide to meet Bob and Rosie for Fran's funeral.
A young teenager struggles with a debilitating mental illness as his mom risks everything to save him without losing the rest of her family.
Isao and Masako Toshiro are what looks like a happily married middle-class couple with two children. One day, Sayuri, wife of close friend Ryukichi Sugimoto, is found strangled. As it turns out, Sayuri had an affair with another man. Isao, struggling with his conscience, confesses to Masako that he was the man Sayuri had the affair with, and was responsible for her death, although inadvertently. To preserve the family's reputation and sheltered life, Masako begs her husband to keep his deed a secret. Isao also confesses to Ryukichi, who slaps him in return, but refrains from bringing charges against him. When Isao eventually announces to turn himself in to the police, which he sees as the only way to find peace and maintain his personal honour, Masako poisons him with a soporific. His death is classified as suicide. Some time later, while taking a walk on the beach with her children, Masako wonders how she will be able to live with her secret.
The movie consists of five episodes that refer to elements of the TV show ''Bullyparade'':
A woman—Bhavani—travels in an old Postal Delivery van. Another passenger tells a story to her. There was a young woman who was in love with someone. But she had to marry her aunt's brother being forced by the aunt. Her husband is a crooked person. However, during the marriage ceremony the ''thaali'' (mangala sutra) goes missing. So the ceremony is halted. How the young woman marries her lover forms the rest of the story.
Godfrey Cheshire is an American film critic who had helped found Raleigh's ''Spectator Magazine'' and written for various publications such as ''The New York Times'' and more. In early 2004, he learns that his cousin Charlie wants to move the buildings of Midway Plantation. The documentary features interviews with many of the family members, who worry that moving the buildings would destroy Midway. Cheshire learns about the African-American branch of Midway, and reaches out to a NYU professor, Dr. Robert Hinton, who shows him a new perspective on the Midway.
The film features excerpts from ''Gone with the Wind'', ''The Birth of a Nation'', ''The Littlest Rebel'', ''Jezebel'', ''Song of the South'', ''Uncle Tom's Cabin'', and ''Roots'', among others. Blues songs were performed by Algia Mae Hinton.
When Sandra Abbott, Lady Abbott (Imelda Staunton) discovers that her husband of 40 years Sir Mike (John Sessions) is having an affair with her best friend Pamela (Josie Lawrence), she seeks refuge in London with her estranged, older sister Bif (Celia Imrie). Sandra is a fish out of water next to her outspoken, serial-dating, free-spirited sibling who lives on an inner-city council estate. But difference is just what Sandra needs and she reluctantly lets Bif drag her along to a community dance class where she meets her sister's friends, Charlie (Timothy Spall), Jackie (Joanna Lumley) and Ted (David Hayman). She gradually begins to enjoy herself, even going river swimming with Bif.
Charlie is living on a narrow boat, having had to sell his house to pay for his wife’s dementia care home and tells Sandra that one day he will cross the Channel in his boat and travel the canals of France. The dance class perform in the street to raise funds for charity. An Italian dance festival promoter sees a video of the group dancing on social media and invites them all to Rome for two days. Whilst Sandra and Charlie grow closer, Bif finds out she is dying from lung cancer. The group go to Italy and perform, even though Bif is in obvious pain. Sandra and Charlie go for a walk together and he tells her about his wife. Not wanting to be the other woman, Sandra walks away.
The following morning she finds out that Bif died during the night. They all return home and Sandra scatters Bif’s ashes in the Hampstead Heath Ponds where they swam. Her former husband meets up with her at the ash-scattering ceremony and persuades her to return home as his relationship with Pamela has fallen apart. She returns to her old home and takes up where she left off. A letter from Charlie arrives telling her his wife has died and he is off to France. Realising that she no longer wants the suburban life, Sandra leaves in the middle of her birthday party and joins Charlie on his boat.
The film documents the lives of the people in Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, also known as Ozersk, code named "City 40". The town is near Mayak, the birthplace of the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons program as well as the location of the Kyshtym disaster. The town was modeled after plans stolen from the United States, who created their own secret atomic cities. The people living in Ozersk believe that they are saving the world. They are trapped by barbed wire fences and heavily-guarded gates, but have better-than-average access to groceries and other supplies that citizens outside of the city do not have.
Mayak stores an estimated fifty tons of weapons-grade plutonium and 38 tons of enriched uranium. As of 2016, the factory produces radioactive isotopes for medical and space use, but its other activities are guarded by the state. Radioactive wastes from the factory were insecurely dumped into the nearby Lake Irtyash and Techa River, creating some of the most polluted water bodies in the world, with isotopes reaching as far as the Arctic Ocean. Neither Mayak or Ozersk existed on state maps at all until after the fall of the Soviet Union.
The documentary interviews residents and other people. Nadezhda Kutepova, an attorney and civil rights activist in Ozersk whose beliefs changed from thinking the town was doing its patriotic duty for the state to being confronted with the ecological damage being caused by radioactive waste, defends its citizens who have been affected by the radiation. Vladimir Kuznetsov, a member of the Russian Atomic Energy Corporation, gives details of how the factory is heavily guarded. Journalists, scientists and other interviewees, some with their faces obscured, tell of life in the factory and the town and how their families have suffered from early deaths due to the unsecure handling of the radioactive substances.
An epilogue tells of how Kutepova and her family later fled the area and were granted asylum in France after being persecuted by the Russian government for her activities. It also lists a number of secret cities, past and present, around the world.
In 1845, the Brontë family, consisting of Patrick Brontë, his daughters Charlotte, Emily and Anne, and his son Branwell, are reunited after Branwell is dismissed from his position as tutor, and Anne, who had been working as a governess for the same family, resigns alongside him. Anne reluctantly tells her sisters that Branwell was dismissed for having had sexual relations with the mistress of the house.
Anne reveals to her sister Charlotte that she still writes, though Charlotte admits to having given up the hobby as it frightens her. Later Anne also confides to Emily that she is terrified by Branwell's drunken behaviour, as their father is blind and sickly and their house belongs to the parish, meaning that when he dies the sisters will be wholly dependent on their brother who is a liar, a heavy drinker, and a spendthrift.
Charlotte, who is also terrified of a future where she is financially dependent on Branwell, has a conversation with him about his future plans where he reveals he has published a few poems, but because of the insignificant amounts paid, is setting his sights on a novel. The conversation triggers Charlotte to wonder if she and her sisters might be able to publish their own material as well. She searches through Emily's room and uncovers her poems, which she finds brilliant and amazing. Emily reacts violently to the breach of privacy, while Anne is intrigued by the idea of publication and shows Charlotte some of her poems and a novel she is working on. Charlotte is unimpressed by Anne's work, but thinks that the three sisters should try to publish a volume of poetry they can use to establish themselves before they write novels. The sisters pay to have ''Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell'' published and use pseudonyms so as not to be discriminated against because of their sex. They keep the publication secret from their father and brother.
Branwell hears from his mistress and discovers her husband has died. However, his will provides that she will lose both her money and her house if she remarries or is seen with Branwell. Branwell sinks further into alcoholism and becomes increasingly violent.
Meanwhile, the sisters have written novels and begin to send them out for publication. Charlotte takes their father for cataract surgery and during his recovery period she begins work on a second novel, ''Jane Eyre''.
After disappearing for a long time, Branwell returns, severely unwell. The family tries to nurse him back to health but sudden sobriety means that he begins to experience hallucinations.
Charlotte finally receives a letter from a publisher and is disappointed to learn that while Emily's novel ''Wuthering Heights'' and Anne's novel ''Agnes Grey'' have been accepted for publication, her own novel, ''The Professor'', has been rejected. She urges her sisters to go forward with publication without her and begins to look for a publisher for ''Jane Eyre''.
The situation with Branwell worsens as the family is forced to pay off more of his debts. However, ''Jane Eyre'' is accepted for publication and all three of the books are incredibly successful. After yet another incident with Branwell harassing their father for money, Emily urges her sisters to reveal themselves and the huge success of their books to their father in order to alleviate his worries about their financial futures. The sisters ask their father not to reveal their success to Branwell, as they have achieved what he only dreamt of.
Charlotte becomes enraged after Anne and Emily's publisher tries to pass off ''The Tenant of Wildfell Hall'', a book written by Anne, as being Charlotte's work. She insists that the sisters travel to London and reveal themselves to be separate authors. Anne agrees to go with her sister, but Emily refuses, insisting on protecting her anonymity. After Charlotte introduces herself and Anne, they are greeted with great enthusiasm by their publishers, who take them to the opera.
When they return home Emily reveals that Branwell is deeply ill and has been vomiting blood. Branwell never recovers and eventually dies.
A postscript reveals that Emily died three months after Branwell and Anne died five months after her. The parsonage was later turned into a museum celebrating the sisters and their work.
Rangana is a 26 years old boy. His first ambition is to become a singer. Second ambition is to buy a motor bicycle. He lives with his mother. Mother is doing a small business to carry out their lives. Rangana plays a guitar in a club. He dreams to ride a motor bicycle with his girlfriend. His music is a headache to the neighbors. With all these problems, he continued his musical practice.
He forces her to sell her golden necklace to buy a motor bicycle for him. Mother accepts the request of her son reluctantly for the sake of his son's happiness. He buys a used motor bicycle which has been stolen from someone.
High school student Shun Takahata spends much of his time playing violent video games. One morning at school, he whines that his life is completely boring but then he suddenly finds himself forced to participate in a game of Daruma-san ga koronda with death as the penalty for losing. When the Daruma doll turns toward the blackboard, it exposes a button on its back that the students can attempt to press to end the game before his timer runs out, but everyone in the class except Shun dies.
After the game, Shun finds his friend Ichika Akimoto and they make their way to the school gym. There, they play a Maneki Neko, where students dressed as mice attempt to throw a bell into a hoop attached to the collar of a giant beckoning cat, while trying not to be eaten or crushed. The game is won with the aid of Takeru Amaya, a troubled classmate who seems to revel in the opportunity to see so many deaths, and who kills all the other survivors besides Shun and Ichika after winning the game. The three of them are then put out of consciousness by a sleeping gas released by the giant beckoning cat. They wake up to find themselves with other students in a room inside a giant cube hovering Tokyo, facing the next test: students all over Japan and elsewhere in the world face similar tests, and the handful of survivors are being brought inside walls.
The next game is Kagome Kagome, where the students have to be blindfolded and will guess which of four floating Kokeshi wooden dolls is behind them within 10 seconds after the end of a short song. If they fail to do so, they will be hit with a red laser and the dolls will use telekinesis to destroy their bodies. If the Kokeshi lose, they will explode and one of them releases an answer key which opens the doors and frees the students to the next level. Shun meets and saves Shoko Takase by winning the game, and they reunite with Ichika and Yukio Sanada, whom they save from being killed by a fifth Kokeshi by holding their hands.
The four join Eiji Oku and Kotaro Maeda to the next level, where they have to use their keys to unlock a giant smiling head. Amaya brings in three more keys and kills a prisoner that he brought into the room. The seven survivors use their keys, and the giant head rolls away to dig a tunnel into the next room. Meanwhile, each player is displayed on television screens for the others to see. The next game is Shirokuma, a white polar bear that appears to them inside a frozen room. The students have to all answer the white bear's questions honestly, otherwise they will be forced to single out the one that they suspect to be lying to be killed. Shoko and Yukio get killed, and Shun soon realizes that the bear is the true liar and that its real color is black, therefore winning the game and surviving with the other four students.
The final game, presented by a Matryoshka doll, is a game of kick the can that must be completed before sundown. The remaining five each pick a stick, and who gets the red one plays the "Devil". Whoever's face is seen and gets called out by the "Devil", is caught and thrown into a cell. Kicking the can in the middle will make it explode, killing nearby players. Takeru gets the red stick and soon three students are caught while Shun finds an armor to conceal his face. Shun falls into the sea while chaining Takeru to the armor. As Takeru fights to pull the armor up to avoid being pulled down, Shun climbs back up, having freed himself from the armor. Both race towards the can, and Shun succeeds in kicking the can first, thereby winning the game. The Matryoshka doll reveals that in fact the explosion is a lie and that none of them will be killed by losing the game. They have a popsicle party, where they learn their fates on the wooden stick, and that the intention of the last game was simply for entertainment. Shun and Takeru live while Ichika, Eiji, and Kotaro are killed by a Matryoshka doll with lasers that disintegrates them. Shun and Takeru emerge to the top of the cube, where they see crowds cheer for them, while a hikikomori, who has been watching them from his room, goes out of his house, possibly to find the real identity of "God".
Takeru celebrates while Shun kneels in despair from all of his losses, stating that "there is no God". One of the Matryoshka dolls corrects him and suggests that those deadly games will lead them to "God", as it shows him a vagrant who was also an observer of those games and the "God" behind these death games.
The film opens with the narrator stating that women have little value in the West and many become prostitutes. Women are sold and traded like property in Kansas.
In a western cabin 17 year daughter, Lily, asks Dad, Clay, if she can go to the "tie dance" and he says no despite Mom's support. Son, Jake, is sent outside to fetch some honey and is fatally bitten by a rattlesnake. After the funeral and the passage of time, the family is dysfunctional. The mother is in a deep depression and the daughter runs off to become a Harvey girl. Clay, a former gunslinger, follows with guns in hand to rescue his girl.
Clay shows his daughter's picture to anyone who will look. He breaks the nose of the stagecoach ticket man for lying to him. Daughter, Lily has befriended a man named Rig Marlowe who sells her to become a prostitute. Clay Travis first goes to Wichita to find the Harvey Girl tryouts. No one has seen Lily. Billy the bartender tells Clay to find Rig. Billy also has some sage advice: There is a battle in every man between evil and anger or love and hope. The winner of the two extremes is decided by which side the man feeds.
Clay goes to the Rusty Spur to join a card game with Rig Marlowe, Silas and Charlie. Rig has been caught cheating and Silas shoots him dead. With the Marlowe lead lost, Clay moves on to the Spinning Wheel Saloon run by Ty Stover. Ty denies seeing Lily and after checking with Ty's whores, the Piano Girl says she's seen her, but can't remember where. Clay and the bouncer have a big fist fight. Clay goes upstairs to find Ty gone. Clay returns to the bouncer where Bartender Billy ends the fight with a gunshot and lets Clay leave. Dad moves on to find Ty at the local firehouse. He learns Ty sold Lily to a man named Lavoie for a new fire bell. Dad leaves Ty hanging by a noose and leaves for Dodge City to find Lavoie. Before leaving, he kills another man from his past in a shoot-out.
Getting off the train in Dodge City, he meets a woman who is so ugly her name is only "Girl". She is a slave to Cavendish, her step-dad, who in turn has captured Clay. Clay is chained to his chair but the next morning he kills the step-dad and sets "Girl" free. An old girlfriend and prostitute, Nell, gives Clay a tip on Lavoie who has just taken over the French Chateau whorehouse.
At French Chateau Levoie tells his son Kipp and gangster Jeb how important family is to life. A couple of whores come in to Levoie's office to demand some working conditions. His response is to shoot the first whore dead and to send the remaining girl back to tell the rest of the woman that the dead woman's " snatch went dry and she had to leave town". Clay comes looking for his daughter Lily and tries to escape with her. The "Girl" helps Lily but Clay is captured.
Back home Mom is writing a note and then heads to the barn carrying a rope. Girl takes Lily to safety back at her house.
Levoie and his henchmen torture Clay for killing his brother in Wichita. Once again when left alone Clay outsmarts his captor and escapes. Clay goes looking for Lily at Girl's house, but Levoie's men have beaten him there and he finds Girl dead having been shot by one of Levoie's men, but no sign of Lily. A shootout then occurs and Billy the Bartender comes to his rescue. Clay returns to French Chateau to find his daughter, where he kills Levoie.
Clay and Lily finally escape and head for home. Clay finds a note from Mom and assumes suicide. Lily rushes over to the barn. Lily then spots Mom bringing a horse to the barn and the family is united again.
Based on the successful movie, Golf's and Bank's homophobic father/stepfather, sends Bank to the US to study, while a devastated Golf stays in Bangkok, Thailand, after knowing their relationship. However 8 years later, Bank and Golf returns home from their respective trips (Bank was in Los Angeles working on a project as a researcher), and (Golf returns from a working trip in Pulau Weh, Indonesia as an experienced diver). Unbeknownst to Golf, is that Bank is attached to his overseas boyfriend (Jackson) of 2 years. Who will Bank choose, Golf, a lover/brother for more than 8 years or his soon to be husband (Jackson) of 2 years.
The book begins on October 3, 2040 (Meiji 173) in Tokyo. Two men, a host and a guest, both of whom are unnamed, discuss how powerful and wealthy Japan has become. The host stated that he did not understand how Japan recovered from poor conditions in 1880 (Meiji 13), in which Japan experienced political strife, and in the period 1883-1886 (Meiji 16-19), in which political discussion had declined. The guest responds by showing two books, titled "Plum Blossoms in Snow" and "Songbirds Among Flowers."Hill, Christopher L. ''National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State, and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France, and the United States'' (Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society). Duke University Press, December 26, 2008. , 9780822389156. p. [ 165] (Google Books PT181) They describe the main character and his eventual wife, Kunino Motoi (国野 基) and Tominaga Haru (富永 春 or お春 ''O-haru'').Hill, Christopher L. ''National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State, and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France, and the United States'' (Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society). Duke University Press, December 26, 2008. , 9780822389156. p. [ 165]-[ 166] (Google Books PT181-182) These notebooks were written by a professor and his wife.Matthew, Robert. ''Japanese Science Fiction: A View of a Changing Society'' (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies). Routledge, September 2, 2003. , 9781134983605. Google Books [ PT18]. The convention involving a novel opening with a discussion among unnamed men was common in the Tokugawa period.
The primary story is set in the years 1886–1890 (Meiji 19–23). Kunino adopts an alias and moves to Tokyo in order to become involved in politics. He meets a former samurai and promises to marry the samurai's daughter, Haru, but decides not to meet her until he has established himself. However Kunino is forced to keep a low profile when the government enacts a round of persecution. Haru's parents die, and her only possession is a photograph of Kunino since her uncle has her parents' former possessions. In Meiji 19 she attends a speech given by Kunino, now ill and using his real name.Hill, Christopher L. ''National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State, and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France, and the United States'' (Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society). Duke University Press, December 26, 2008. , 9780822389156. p. [ 166] (Google Books PT182)
Haru decides to financially sponsor and support Kunino, who works to unite the different political groups in Japan, and assists him as he experiences financial difficulties and becomes incarcerated, despite the fact that her uncle wants her to marry another man. She does not learn of Kunino's former identity until she shows him the photograph. Haru's uncle reveals that her father had written a will which gives Kunino the family estate. They marry,Hill, Christopher L. ''National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State, and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France, and the United States'' (Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society). Duke University Press, December 26, 2008. , 9780822389156. p. [ 166]-[ 167] (Google Books PT182–183) and continue to be involved in politics.
In 1818, Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria, the church organ fails on Christmas Eve. The assistant priest Joseph Mohr and the church organist Franz Gruber writes the Christmas carol "Silent Night" which they and the church choir later perform at church accompanied by Mohr playing the guitar.
It is five years after a catastrophe of unknown cause occurred in Japan. The young genius duo from Nerima University, Umatarō Tenma and Hiroshi Ochanomizu, work together to develop a new type of artificial intelligence called Bewußtsein, which has an "ego" or "mind". Equipped with it, they create an autonomous robot named A106 ("Atom" in Japanese wordplay), which has a will and a personality. However, their Laboratory 7 is chronically short of funds. In addition, it is difficult for the faculty to understand them. To earn funds, they participate in a Robot Wrestling tournament for the prize money. They win by exploiting the weaknesses of their opponents, and in the end, they shut down the previous champion, Mars, to win the tournament, and become the center of attention.
However, things take an unexpected turn when they try to find out more about Dr. Lolo, the developer of Mars, out of curiosity. As a result, both Umatarō and Hiroshi end up being targeted by a mysterious organization, as they get involved in the secrets of the underworld, the murkiness of the government, and the darkness of the catastrophe five years ago, but this does not damper their spirits. At the request of the Ministry of Science and the university's upper management, they are asked to participate in the World Robot Battling (WRB) event in Australia with the successor to A106, A107 (Yuran). However, as Yuran's enthusiasm for the competition spread, the other robots began to run amok. In the end, the WRB is cancelled, and when they return to Japan, Hiroshi's grandfather, who had been out of town, appeared before them. What he told them was an unbelievable story about a "boy-shaped robot from the future" (which Hiroshi had heard of before). Based on the information his grandfather had given him, Umatarō and Hiroshi headed for Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. There, they incompletely solve the mystery of the boy-shaped robot in question.
In the days of Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Josef, an aristocrat and his son both fall for the same woman.
Marty is an amateur comic book artist who sees the world around him as a vivid picture book and also sees most people he dislikes or is indifferent to as monsters. When he was still a high school sophomore, Marty was often picked on by a bully until Sally, a gadget inventor intervenes and later helps Marty exact revenge by humiliating the bully in public. The two immediately become best friends, and as time passed, Marty develops an attraction for Sally, but such feelings remained unrequited.
As Marty spends time with Sally, he learns that her adoptive parents are strict and suspects that she is being physically abused by them. Sometimes Sally excuses that she is busy with a "secret project". The two develop a system utilizing a high-powered telescope and a codebook of signals using clothes, which enables them to interact than what Sally's parents would allow. After graduating from high school during the summer, Sally and Marty decide to attend the same college together as fine arts students. Marty receives a call from a comic book publisher, Renegade Komiks, and gets an opportunity to pitch a comic storyline from the eyepatch-wearing editor Toto. While the two are in a swing at the park near dusk, Marty yet attempts to reveal his feelings for Sally; Sally, however, reveals that she is in a relationship with Nick, whom Marty views as a dickhead and a monster.
Marty presents his pitch to Renegade Komiks. Stuck with his initial comic concept, Marty presents a new story to Toto which is about an astronomer who dedicates his life to a girl abducted by aliens in a prison, which is inspired by his own experiences with Sally, her parents, and Nick. While initially averse to publishing a love story, Toto decides to give it a try; the comic was a success on release.
Nick invites Marty to a rave party. Marty gets drunk, talks to a girl who compliments Nick as a friendly guy, and sees the girl dance with Nick. At Nick's car, he tells Marty his intention to wed Sally. Sally asks Marty to buy art supplies one day, and the two spot Nick dating the girl Marty met earlier across the street. Marty and Sally argue in Marty's room, and Sally finds Marty's secret drawings of her. Marty suddenly admits his feelings toward her, but Sally says she is not ready to commit to a relationship. Marty succumbs to depression and drew grim drawings, compiles them into his "Book of Sad" and sends it to Sally.
The two grew distant from each other as they both entered college; Sally had another boyfriend and Marty had a girlfriend. Nevertheless, fate continued to set them up with each other, until one day when Sally approached Marty and asked him to autograph her copy of the comics he wrote. Sally says she plans to sell the comics with his autograph when he becomes famous. Sally reveals that she broke up with her boyfriend and Marty said that his girlfriend has emigrated to Australia. Sally later sends a "Book of Happy" to Marty, an interactive pop-up book depicting their adventures, to cheer him up. Noticing a small reproduction of their old codebook containing instructions to open the book in reverse, Marty realizes that the book also functions as a flip book, which is Sally's attempt to tell him that she now returns his feelings.
This rejuvenates Marty's feelings for Sally and immediately goes to her house, but he overhears her parents physically beating her. Marty knocks on the door and sees her with a bruise on her mouth, which Sally explains was caused by an accident. Marty refuses to accept the explanation, deducing the real cause of her bruise were her parents, and he urges Sally to run away from her abusive parents. He and Sally go to her room to get her belongings and successfully escape her parents as they chase them upon leaving the house.
Sally brings Marty to a dumpster where she reveals the "secret project" that she worked on: a hideout full of gadgets with her secret project revealing to be a rocket that she planned to use to escape but no longer needs to. Marty continued working for Renegade Publishing and used that money to lend to Sally to rent her apartment which she later paid back with money she earned from her photo exhibit. They both graduate and continue their relationship together
Yuriko Ono is a young promising dancer in Japan. Yuriko's opportunity to become a professional dancer comes when she is invited to Moscow to study ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre.
Yuriko finds happiness when she falls in love with a Muscovite sculptor Volodya and wins the competition of the Bolshoi Theatre graduates. But her happiness is short; a diagnosis of blood cancer abruptly impedes her path of dedication to art and seems to plunge her life into a storm ...
The unfortunate girl was born in the capital city of Hiroshima - which suffered one of the two atomic bombs from the US Army in 1945. After days of struggling with the terrible legacy of the war Yuriko dies in Volodya's arms in a hospital in the city of Moscow.
''Surreal Estate'' tells the story of Eric Sange (Corin Redgrave), an English novelist who, seeking to buy a house in France as an investment, discovers a run-down mansion inhabited by three strange women: Ariane (Rivette regular Bulle Ogier), Agathe (Marie-France Pisier), and their ostensible housekeeper, Céleste (Leslie Caron). Together, these women draw Eric into a gothic mystery that his own novelistic experience tells him is hackneyed, but which he nonetheless finds irresistible.Khan, Imran [ "Surreal Estate: Exploring the Haunted Grounds of Sérail"], ''PopMatters'', 20 January 2015. Retrieved on 20 November 2016.
Dr. Ewen Cameron, as the head of the Allan Memorial Institute in Quebec, Canada, was interested in the repatterning of the brains of those with mental illnesses. He hypothesized that mental illness could be attributed to learning the wrong responses to situations. Cameron's study aimed to de-pattern the brain into an essentially infantile state, before re-patterning the brain to learn the correct responses to situations. The infantile state included a loss of the ability to speak, walk or control one's bowels and was generally irreversible.
Cameron's primary method of de-patterning the brain was to place patients in a medically induced coma for several weeks at a time, while delivering powerful electric shocks used to further disorient the brain. This effectively wiped the minds and memories of many of his patients and is one of the greatest ethical dilemmas of this study.
The year is 1999 and Marty Burlsworth is awaiting the funeral of his 22-year-old brother, Brandon. While others, including Marty's mother, Barbara, have accepted the loss and put their faith in God, Marty can not do that as he does not understand why God would take away his brother on the cusp of his stardom in the NFL. That doubt is shared by a stranger, The Farmer, who does what he can to reinforce Marty's anger.
As preparations for the funeral begin, the story rewinds to when Brandon was a 12-year-old with big dreams of playing for the University of Arkansas, and then his days playing high school football for Harrison High School football coach Tommy Tice. It is then that Marty and Brandon's long-estranged father, Leo, an alcoholic former musician, tries to get back into their and Barbara's lives. Marty does his best to protect his younger brother, due to being 17 years older than him and often mistaken for being his father.
When Brandon does not get a scholarship to become an Arkansas Razorback as an offensive guard, he is determined to join the team as a walk-on in 1994. Offensive line coach Coach Mike Bender does not believe Brandon will make the team, due to Brandon not being large enough for a Division I-level college lineman. The sight of him is not lost on other players such as Nathan Ward, Anthony Lucas, nor Grant Garrett the latter of whom is assigned as Brandon's roommate and they make fun of him relentlessly.
But with hard work, Brandon sheds fat and puts on muscle, eventually proving himself on the field and turning around everyone's opinion of him. By his sophomore season, Arkansas head coach Danny Ford gives him a scholarship, and Brandon earns a starting position at right guard on the offensive line. Inspired by Brandon, the team achieves near greatness in his senior year of 1998, all by working and practicing hard. After the season is over, Brandon is named an All-American, and is then drafted in the 3rd round of the 1999 NFL Draft by the Indianapolis Colts. After attending a workout session in Indianapolis, his position coach tells him that he foresees a great career ahead for him.
Eleven days after being drafted, Brandon is killed when he is hit head-on by a tractor trailer. When his brother Marty sees how much he meant to the people of his hometown and how many have shown up for his funeral, he rebuffs The Farmer, deciding to celebrate Brandon's life and move on with his own.
A secluded community dependent on mining is disrupted by an armed group who claims to be a representative of the government which causes a change in the traditional way of life of the community's residents. The community is led by a Barangay chairperson (Irma Adlawan) who decides to deal with the armed group exploiting their simple and previously undisturbed community.
In 1947, Padre Ricardo (Neil Ryan Sese) arrives at a marketplace to investigate people whose ailments were miraculously healed by a child named Anghela Sta. Ana (Rhed Bustamante), who is assisted by a mysterious nun, Sister Cecilia (Phoebe Walker). Ricardo becomes suspicious of Anghela's powers; every time she heals someone, black liquid drips from her mouth.
Miguel (Ronnie Alonte), a deacon, arrives at a monastery and meets Sandoval (Lou Veloso), a former priest who has been excommunicated by the bishop. Sandoval tells him about the old ritual where deacons or aspiring priests are sent in a secluded area on the last seven days of their training, the purpose of which is to shield them from evil, for it is believed that the last seven days is when they are most vulnerable to the influence of the devil. While in seclusion, Miguel meets fellow deacons, Carlo, Fabián, and Marco.
While in a church, Padre Ricardo discovers a bloodied Anghela, her parents having been murdered. The bishop orders that Anghela and Cecilia be moved together to a secluded place - the same monastery where the deacons are undergoing their training - despite Ricardo's protests about his suspicions of Cecilia. However, the bishop allows Ricardo to continue his investigation.
Sandoval at first refuses to let Anghela and Sister Cecilia stay, as they will disrupt the deacons' training, but later begrudgingly agrees because he is told that their stay is under the order of the bishop. Anghela uses her powers to make their bread, which had gone moldy and spoiled, edible again, as well as turning the tap water into wine. The deacons - except Miguel - are impressed with her powers, seeing it as miraculous.
During the course of their stay, the deacons are plagued by recurring nightmares in the form of their sins: Marco's gluttonous nature was the cause of his siblings' death from starvation during the war; Fabián's entry into the priesthood is a way to leave his physically abusive mother; and Miguel is taunted by his dead ex-lover, Erina, in the form of the Virgin Mary.
One night, Anghela goes into the kitchen to ask Sandoval for food and water, and later on talks to him about his excommunication. As Anghela convinces him that he was not at fault for his sins, Sandoval leaves the next morning, thanking the girl and handing the deacons under her charge.
In the course of his investigation, Padre Ricardo arrives at a convent to question the Mother Superior about Sister Cecilia. Despite her rudeness, the Mother Superior willingly gives him Cecilia's records, but warns him to stop investigating and to never return. The records state that Cecilia was raped by several men during the war and that part of her face was burned. She later became Anghela's teacher; it is implied that Anghela healed her wounds. He also discovers that Anghela was raised in an orphanage and was adopted. To Ricardo's surprise, one of the documents appeared to have the name "NgaHela" written on it, a rearrangement of Anghela's name which is said to be the name of the devil incarnate. The document explains that Anghela's healing and miraculous powers come not from God, but from the devil. With evidence of Anghela as a false prophet and Cecilia being one of her minions, Ricardo visits the bishop to warn him of Anghela's true nature, but at the same moment Sandoval bursts in the room and shoots the bishop dead. He informs the shocked Ricardo about Anghela's whereabouts and that she is waiting for him.
On their last few days of training, Anghela convinces the four deacons to redeem themselves from their sins by feeding their vices, sometimes using Sister Cecilia as a pawn for her schemes. The first to succumb was Marco, who gave in to his gluttonous nature. Next was Fabián, who is revealed to be abusive towards women due to the abuse he received from his mother. Carlo is revealed to be a pedophile and was the next to succumb to Anghela's power.
During a mass held by Anghela in the chapel, Miguel unsuccessfully tries to convince the other deacons that she is not to be trusted. He angrily calls Anghela a false prophet and runs into the woods, where he is followed by Anghela, Cecilia, and the three deacons. During the chase, Miguel trips and is knocked unconscious. The next scene shows a flashback of Miguel's relationship with Erina. It is revealed that Miguel left Erina with their unborn child to undergo the priesthood. Feeling betrayed and heartbroken by his decision to leave her, Erina hangs and kills herself after giving birth to their child. During this time, Anghela sees Miguel and heals his head wound. As Miguel wakes up, he realizes that Anghela is his daughter. Back at the chapel, Anghela continues her ritual and has the four deacons drink from a cup filled with black liquid. Miguel drinks from the cup, but is still doubtful.
Padre Ricardo finally confronts Anghela, and tries to exorcise her, only to be burned to death by her supernatural powers. Miguel witnesses what happened, seizes Anghela, takes her to the chapel, and barricades the door. There Anghela reveals herself as NgaHela, a demon whose malevolent plot is to take over the church; those whom she heals end up worshipping her.
As Sister Cecilia and the three deacons try to break down the barricade, Miguel grabs a knife and stabs Anghela several times. Black liquid drips out from her mouth as she slowly dies. Miguel then escapes, never to be seen again. The movie ends with Fabián, Carlo, and Marco, ordained by the new bishop into the priesthood, still unaware that they were not blessed by God, but by the devil.
The son of a high-ranking North Korean official, Kwang-il (Lee Jong-suk), is suspected of committing serial rapes and murders of women around the world. To stop the killer, South Korea, North Korea and Interpol chase after him.
Lulu (Michelle Chong) is a woman from Shanghai, China, who came to Singapore with the intent of meeting her online date, "Brad Pit" (Chen Tianwen). Expecting him to be a tall, rich and handsome man, upon realizing that he was the complete opposite and that he has displayed a photograph of his twin brother, Leon (Leon Jay Williams) online, she instantly fell in love with Leon. In order not to lose face back at her hometown, Lulu decided to stay in Singapore and make a living for herself. In order to sustain herself, Lulu took up several jobs besides working at a nightclub as a KTV hostess. During her first date with Leon, he became upset with her for being an embarrassment and insisted on her posing as his girlfriend, Sonia (Michelle Chong), a fashion show host. She got mad with him and gave him a good dressing down before storming out of the restaurant. A video of the incident was posted online by Leon's bad friend and prankster, Alfred (Glenn Ong), causing her to become an Internet celebrity.
Upon being discovered by the TV station, Lulu was given the opportunity to host an English-language fashion show. However, with her unique understanding in the English language and her refusal to conform to normal standards, her show became top-rated, even catching the eye of Karl Lagerfeld (The Flying Dutchman). Throughout her journey, although she met with mockery, discrimination and tough times, Lulu refused to give up or compromise.
In 1971, NASA launched space probe ''Pioneer 10'' for a mission on Jupiter, but the probe later found a portal that drove it across the universe at light speed. The event was witnessed through a telescope by Kirby Freeman, a smart, young student from New York City who lives with his college partner and secret romantic interest, Bobbi Cortez, whose father, Jake, is a police officer. Some time later, two mysterious beings transported alien races across the universe. Kirby, Bobbi, and Jake must work together to solve the mystery these heroes are on Earth before a group of villains threaten to destroy it.
In 1984, Rick Wershe is a struggling single father living in Detroit during the height of the crack epidemic and war on drugs. His dissatisfied daughter, Dawn, leaves their home, leaving Rick alone with his son, Ricky. Rick manufactures gun parts and sells guns illegally to make ends meet, and involves his son in the sale of a pair of silenced Egyptian Kalashnikov rifles with local gangster Johnny Curry. Ricky becomes good friends with Johnny's brother, Boo, which earns him the favor of Johnny and his crew. News of Rick's activity attracts the attention of the FBI and he is questioned by two agents, Alex Snyder and Frank Byrd, who see Ricky as a potential asset due to his connections with the criminal underworld. They convince Ricky to become an undercover informant behind Rick's back in exchange for money and immunity for his father. Ricky is asked to sell drugs to keep up appearances, becoming captivated by his extravagant new lifestyle, and eventually gains enough credibility as a "legitimate" drug supplier. Rick is suspicious of his son and confronts Ricky when he finds thousands of dollars in illicit cash underneath his bed, causing a rift between them. While Ricky is meeting with Dawn at a diner one evening, his grandfather's car is stolen, and the two shoot at the fleeing car. They are arrested but bailed out by Ricky's handlers, which arouses suspicion from Johnny.
At a party following a boxing match in Las Vegas, Johnny beats his rival's friend, Black Ed, within an inch of his life with a bottle of champagne. Afterwards, he orders a drive-by on the home of his rival, Leon Lucas, killing one of his young nephews. Ricky learns that the weapons used were the same AKs he had sold to Johnny. Devastated by his involvement in the murder of a child, he keeps a low profile and mends his relationship with his father. Johnny suspects Ricky is an informant and sends Nug to his house, who shoots him in the stomach. While at the hospital, Snyder informs Ricky that they have enough evidence to raid all of Johnny's safe houses, and asks him to forget about the shooting in exchange for dropping all charges on his father.
A year later in 1986, Brenda Moore's brother tells Ricky that Brenda had a daughter named Keisha, and that Ricky is the father. Rick and Ricky come over to see the child, who wins over the affection of both of them. Later on, they find Dawn at a drug den and forcibly take her home to detox. She eventually makes a full recovery after several days.
In 1987, Ricky goes back to selling crack and assumes the role that Johnny left behind, even going so far as having sex with his wife, Cathy. Rick discovers he has earned more than enough money to make his father's dream of opening up a video store come true. FBI agents arrest Ricky and he is held on drug possession with intent to distribute which could land him a potential life sentence. Ricky's former handlers deny their relationship with him, but promise they will try to get his sentence reduced if he cooperates on one last bust. Ricky has Cathy help him out with a large shipment of drugs, the FBI raid the deal, and arrest everyone involved. Ricky is found guilty and is sentenced to life in prison. Rick confronts the two agents about their deal but they feign ignorance.
After another year, Dawn, Rick, and Keisha visit Ricky in prison. Rick tries to give his son hope but Ricky laments that his life is over. Rick tears up and apologizes for not being able to give him an easy life like he wanted. The credits reveal that Ricky was imprisoned for over 30 years, holding the record for the longest prison term for a non-violent offender in the state of Michigan. He was finally released on parole in 2017. His father died in 2014. His daughter, Keisha, is now happily married with two sons. A voice recording of the real Ricky Wershe Jr. plays in the background, saying that nobody thought he should really be in prison, but that he was feeling happy and hopeful.
Every day, there is an opportunity to discover something new to share with the viewers. From his colorful bedroom to the adventures of his backyard, Harry has plenty to do and learn when Harry's around. Sometimes his adventures incorporate skills such as counting and recognizing letters. On other times kids learn about emotions.
Harry usually greets the viewers with 'Hello little ones' or 'Hello everybody' or 'Hello funny bunnies'.
At the beginning of the novel we are introduced to Alexandra, recently elected Abbess of Crewe, circumnavigating the issue of electronic bugging in the convent, while there is a visible police presence outside the gates. Alexandra is tall and elegant, 'like a tower of ivory'. She recites modern poetry in place of the traditional vespers and has the nuns given incantations on electronics. It soon becomes clear that there has been a scandal engulfing the covent and that another senior member of the convent, Felicity, formerly Alexandra's rival for the position of Abbess, has departed to live with a Jesuit priest.
The narrative switches to before the election of Abbess, to times soon before and soon after the death of the former abbess, Hildegarde. Most of the humour derives from Alexandra's implacable calm in the face of chaos and her guileful and downright Machiavellian treatment of her rival, Felicity, and the rest of the convent population. This includes the continuation of Hildegarde's video and audio surveillance systems, used to monitor all the nuns' activities, including Felicity's amorous romps in the garden.
Act I begins in Curt and his wife Pandora's apartment in West Adams, Los Angeles. Curt and his friend Rich drink beer and play chess. Their game is briefly interrupted by the arrival of Curt's friend from prison, Art. Rich goes on to tell the story of how Art, uninvolved in any gang, stepped in to miraculously save Rich's life in a prison brawl and how Curt has been indebted to him ever since. Rich and Curt inquire as to how Art did not feel the need to become involved in any group during prison, and what landed him in jail in the first place. Art reveals that he was in for attempted murder of a woman's husband, stating simply "I guess girls are my main weakness." Pandora's friend and coworker Mamma Too Tight arrives. She is white, a heroin addict, a prostitute like Pandora, and just released from jail.
Pandora, Curt, Rich, Art, Mamma Too Tight and her boyfriend/pimp Shaky eat chicken and drink beer. They discuss Mamma Too Tight's stay in prison, and how Shaky did not visit her for fear of getting locked up himself for possible warrants out for his arrest. Curt tells Mamma that it's a man's job to protect and provide for his woman, and if he can't do that, the woman who even looks at him "should have her funky ass run into the ground like a piece of scum!". Rich and Shaky leave. Mamma starts flirting with Art, who shows no interest. She tells him that her name is actually Queenie Bell Mack, but changed it to Mamma Too Tight because she felt it fit better. Pandora descends the stairs with a cardboard box.
Pandora, Curt, Mamma and Art sit around Pandora's box. Curt, Pandora and Mamma pass around a joint, talking about moving to Buffalo, New York and beginning again. However, their plan involves still doing all the same things they were doing in Los Angeles, including having Shaky sell heroin. Art, having very little money and only a car to his name, is excited at the idea of coming with them. Mamma tries to pass Art the joint, and when he refuses, Pandora mocks Curt for bringing a "square" into the house. He then starts hitting her. Art leaps to her defense. Getting suspicious that Art is a cop, Curt gets defensive. Art assures the group he is not, and after prying from Pandora, reveals that he had a bad experience with marijuana, and almost got caught by a cop with six joints while in Philadelphia a few years ago. The group muses on Pandora's box, about prostitution, and about their upcoming departure. They are interrupted by a phone call from Deeny, the owner of the strip club where Pandora and Mamma work. He wants Pandora to come in early to rehearse a new number. Pandora mentions that he is late paying her yet again. The group leave.Bullins, Ed (1969). ''Five Plays.'' The Bobbs-Merill Company. pp.1-98.
Act II takes place in the strip club in which Mamma and Pandora work. The musicians are setting up to practice a new song, when they discover that the brass section quit that morning after being refused pay by Deeny. One of the musicians tells the rest of the group that Deeny is in trouble with the union, and so it's the rest of the band's last night at the club, as well. Pandora, Curt, Art, Mamma enter and ask for drinks from the bartender. The phone rings. A fight almost ensues as Curt and the musicians all try to get the phone to talk to Deeny, who is on his way. Pandora and Art talk about Mamma's heroin habit and the frustrating present. Curt tells Art that if things go south, he is to take care of Pandora in San Francisco. He recounts how they met. Shaky arrives and urges Mamma to pull in $100, to which Mamma says she needs more time, and that he's pushing her too hard. Art seduces Mamma Too Tight by telling her that Shaky doesn't understand her, that he pushes her too hard. Deeny and the bouncer arrive, and a fight breaks out when he announces the club is closing. Curt gets a glass broken on his face. The group leaves in panic.
Three days later, back at Pandora and Curt's apartment. Mamma sleeps while Rich and Curt play chess. Rich tells Curt that Art is moving in on Pandora, which Curt doesn't believe. Mamma wakes up and asks Curt for a fix, to which he answers that since Shaky got busted by the cops at the strip club with a lot of heroin on him, Mamma could get busted easily if she tried to score or turn tricks. She falls back asleep. Pandora and Art enter. He has been chauffeuring Pandora around L.A. to her bigger clients. They bought groceries, and put them in the kitchen. Art kisses her. He advises Rich on his game with Curt, moving his king into a stalemate, so neither he nor Curt win. Rich and Curt leave to go get Shaky's heroin and sell it themselves. Curt instructs Pandora to drive, and the group leaves Art with Mamma. The lights turn off. Art climbs the stairs, makes a phone call, comes back down and wakes up Mamma to have sex.
Later that day, Pandora mournfully tells Art that Rich and Curt got busted while trying to sell Shaky's heroin. Art tells her they're leaving immediately. Pandora starts to cry, telling Art that she wants to find some way to help out Rich and Curt, the way Curt would do for them. Art slaps her viciously, knocking off the sunglasses she was wearing to reveal blackened eyes. He tells Pandora to run and pack. Mamma is getting her things at Shaky's place, and then all of them are going to Buffalo. Pandora climbs the stairs as Art reminds her not to forget her box.
''Everyone Had Six Wings'' describes the life of a small neighborhood in Jerusalem, right after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
Mob boss Bernie Banks and his associates—John Leblanc, Ben Berardi, and Jerome Dexter-Dixon are two white and two black men who style themselves after the Rude Boy culture made famous in Jamaica. Operating as a shell investment company supported by illegal activities, the Chimera Group hopes to become as powerful as other crime families and gain respect from the Cosa Nostra. They face internal strife when one of the associates begins dating a former Playboy Club waitress Celia Jones who joins the group through questionable circumstances. Her old occupation follows her into the group by her name, Bunny. Their efforts and push for power also draw the attention of rival Ambrosino family which puts the two groups into a war. In BunnyWine, Bunny (Celia) and John transition out of mob life and rebrands Chimera into a reputable company and attempt to break into politics but is derailed by his former partner in crime Ben Berardi and ambitious New York City prosecutor Mario Pasquale. In the Tide is High, after John's imprisonment and trial he runs for mayor of New York but finds that Mario Pasquale has the same goals as him. Mario pulls all of the stops to derail John's campaign.
After the murder of several scientists around the world who are working on Project Grass Valley, NATO's space-based laser weapon system, a special inter-governmental task force known as the Counter Assault Tactical (C.A.T.) Squad is assigned to protect the remaining scientists and ideally to neutralize the threat, whose origin is unknown.
A team is composed of leader Richard "Doc" Burkholder (Joseph Cortese), a ruthless man with a dancer girlfriend who wants him to marry her so that she does not have to take back her ex-husband to raise their daughter, his second-in-command Bud Raines (Steve James), whose wife fears that he will miss the teenage years of his hearing-impaired son's life, John "Roadmaster" Sommers (Jack Youngblood), an explosives expert who hates urban centers and has to be collected from his hunting grounds in rural Alaska, Nikki Blake (Patricia Charbonneau), a forensics expert, and new recruit Leon Trepper (Bradley Whitford), a young language expert whose graduation is fast-tracked so that he can join the mission.
When one of the protected scientists is killed by a rocket the team requests any recent reports including the terms "rocket" or "rocket launcher" and is informed that a rocket launcher has been stolen from a military base in Nuremberg, Germany. There they interrogate a young soldier who admits that he stole it for a supposed Nicaraguan freedom fighter with a medical background named "Alain" and provides the address of the man's girlfriend in Paris. An agent finds materials for counterfeiting passports along with the suspect's photo in the apartment but is attacked by the hitman while calling in the information to the C.A.T. Squad.
The squad find the remains of a burnt postcard and Blake uncovers a coded message in invisible ink. Using a computer she deciphers the message as "Spivek", the head of Project Grass Valley and likely the next person to be killed. They place Spivek under protection and investigate the address of a man nearby who has been switching license plates. There they subdue a guard and find the tenant, a former Mossad agent now working for the Secret Service who wants to find the killer himself because he believes that the suspect is also responsible for the death of an Israeli diplomat. He allows the team to temporarily head the investigation for a few weeks and provides them with information about an older man who is instructing the hitman.
Nikki obtains information from a prostitute that one of her tricks will be earning a lot of money from a hit to be performed on the university campus, but the prostitute is revealed to be working with the hitman and has provided them false information in order to mislead them. An unannounced and unauthorized gas truck passes by the house where they are hiding Spivek so they search the house with a dog, who senses a gas leak. The team rushes the family outside to safety shortly before the house explodes. For failing to report the gas truck, Trepper is demoted from house watchman to permanent limo driver. Three assassins arrive at the team's hotel to surprise them but are chased down and killed. On their bodies they find more counterfeit passports and Nikki determines that they were created using the same paper cutter as the previously found passports and that their creation would require sophisticated equipment that would only be in the possession of a government, not a lone individual.
The hitman uses a counterfeit ID infiltrate the home of and kill the policeman assigned as motorcycle escort for Spivek in order to take his identity. The hitman, now disguised as a motorcycle policeman, places a bomb on the car he is escorting. Trepper, driving the car, senses something is wrong and tells Roadmaster to get the passenger out. Roadmaster and their passenger escape but Trepper's door is stuck shut and he is trapped in the vehicle when it explodes. It is revealed that he was driving a decoy vehicle and Spivek is still alive in another car with Doc, Bud, and Nikki. When they find the burning wreckage Nikki cries and Doc blames himself.
They piece together information pointing them to Sir Cyril Sharpe (Michael Sinelnikoff), curator of the British Museum of World Art, connecting the timing of his movements to the murders, and attempt to identify the person he is meeting with in their photographs. Doc recognizes a scar on the hand of the other man in the photograph and identifies him as Jorge Vialobos (Eddie Velez), also known as "Carlos", a terrorist-for-hire believed to be already dead. Bud remembers him from a Rome airport attack but Doc knows him from the assassination of the Royal Governor in Jamaican in 1980 and the bombing of a Paris drugstore in 1982.
They know that Jorge works with Dieter Porzig, a German bush pilot in Angola who spends his time near the border in Mexico. They draw the hitman out of his hiding place in Mexico by sending a postcard in the same style as the burnt one they previously found, then allow him to notice the members of the C.A.T. Squad following him, causing him to gather the rest of his men together for an escape in a private plane. The C.A.T. Squad follows them and catches his men outside of the plane while Doc enters the plane and shoots Jorge in a final showdown.
At the end of the film Doc files a brief report to the Director and says goodbye to his girlfriend, who is moving to Aspen to reunite with her ex-husband. "Carlos" is then shown stepping off of a bus in Mexico.
Bud Raines organizes the purchase of plutonium from a pair of smugglers who mention a large shipment of it moving that night. Bud has Sommers hold the money while he tests the plutonium on board a ship. During the process he is "made" as an agent and attacked by the smugglers. Burkholder, who has been listening to the wire, enters the boat and helps Bud arrest the smugglers.
The C.A.T. Squad traces the smuggling to South African extremists. Special Agent Nikki Pappas is sent to contact Paul Kiley, one of the key people involved in the smuggling, to trade supposedly classified blueprints. She gains his trust and becomes his lover over a period of weeks. Her fiancé John Sommers is called in for Air Force Reserve duty and quickly marries Nikki in a chaplain ceremony at the military airbase before he leaves. After taking aerial photographs they are targeted by a fighter plane that disables their aircraft and causes them to crash in the mountains of South Africa. The crew members parachute to safety but the radio operator is shot in the woods by extremists and the rest are imprisoned in a labor camp by Georg Bekker, the man seeking to obtain the plutoniumn.
Bud, Nikki, and Richard are told that the information about John's disappearance in South Africa cannot be disclosed because it is part of a secret program known as Python Wolf. Richard breaks into the office of Highsmith, the head of the program, and collects recently shredded documents, which Nikki scans into a computer and reassembles. They show that Lt. Colonel Vincent Trask is actually calling the shots. Trask insists that there were no survivors of the crash.
Mr. Curtin informs Paul that Nikki is an agent and Paul stabs her to death during a picnic after the final blueprint trade. Richard and Bud follow Paul to a subway train where he is murdered by one of Mr. Curtin's men. They pursue the killer through the steamy subway tunnels and Richard is shot shortly before Bud captures the killer. Bud beats the killer into confessing that he was hired by Curtin then he tapes Trask proposing destroying the labor camp along with the prisoners to cover up the failed mission.
Richard is released from the hospital and confronts Jim about Trask's plan to bomb the labor camp, tricking him into saying that Trask is leaving that night. Senators refuse to send troops and cannot cooperate with the military of South Africa so Bud and Richard take Trask's plane and fly to the camp, where they find most of the prisoners already killed. Bud finds John upstairs in a barn beaten but alive. John expresses how much he wishes to see Nikki and Bud has to tell him that Nikki is dead.
Bekker attempts to steal plutonium from a nearby reactor in South Africa but Richard, acting as a worker named Mr. Kurtz, activates a meltdown alarm in the middle of a robbery. Becker is unconvinced that there is actually a meltdown and shoots at Richard, who releases hot steam from a pipe into Becker's face, causing him to fall into a giant transformer connection and die of electrocution.
Eighteen-year-old twins Lenny and Miriam Lynskey initially enjoy life in post-World War II London, having spent an austere period in Wales as refugees. Lenny plans to become involved in the criminal world of their Uncle Manny, a former black-marketeer who is now attempting to build a more legitimate property empire, whilst Miriam has gained employment in a respectable florist's shop in Mayfair. When Lenny is conscripted for national service, Uncle Manny pays a bribe to ensure that his nephew is rejected on medical grounds. However, the military's tests reveal that Lenny genuinely has tuberculosis and shortly afterwards Miriam is found to also have the disease.
They are both sent to the Gwendolyn Downie Memorial Hospital, known colloquially as the Gwendo, a recently built sanatorium in rural Kent where they are the institution's first Jewish patients. Whereas such institutions previously only served well-to-do private patients, the recent advent of the NHS means that a wider section of British society is treated there for free. An additional bonus for the twins is that food for the patients is unrationed, unlike in the rest of post-war Britain.
However, Miriam and Lenny are rebellious patients from the outset, not least after they hear rumours of a miracle cure, streptomycin, which promises an alternative to the Gwendo's harsh surgical and cold air remedies. They are aided in their defiance by fellow resident Arthur Persky, a merchant seaman from the United States, with whom Miriam falls in love. Miriam and Lenny both form a friendship with another patient, Valerie, who uses her Oxford University learning to help educate them. Miriam is rendered deaf as a result of the side-effects of Persky injecting her with a batch of streptomycin stolen at the behest of Uncle Manny. The Gwendo is shut down shortly afterwards, following an unrelated government inspection.
Persky attempts to meet Miriam in Spain – where she is holidaying with Lenny, Valerie and other friends – but is caught stealing her a Paris gown belonging to a passenger of the cruise liner he is working on, and he is detained on board and returned to the US.
In later life, Lenny has forged a successful media career and married Valerie. Despite Miriam's deafness he calls her by telephone every day for over sixty years, on the basis that "As long as I hear her breathing at the other end, I know not to worry". Lenny and Valerie retire to the Côte d'Azur, where Miriam joins her brother after the death of his wife.
During a choir practice two days before Christmas, village organist Franz Gruber is worried to hear unusual sounds from the church organ and suspects the bellows. One of Gruber's sons discovers mice in the pipes of the organ and the mice have chewed up parts of the organ. Without the organ the church choir cannot perform the rehearsed Bach piece because the music was written to be performed with an organ.
Accompanied by both his sons, Gruber travels to Salzburg, hoping to buy spare parts and then mend the organ when returning to the village. The party is caught in a snow storm and the spare part is lost on the way home but pastor Joseph Mohr is simply thankful they are unharmed.
Pastor Mohr (with a little help from the bell-ringer Otto) writes the lyrics for a song and the next morning he brings it to Gruber, asking him to compose a melody for the lyrics. With some inspiration from his wife, Gruber sets music to Mohr's words. At church Gruber and Mohr presents "Silent Night" performed a cappella by the choir.
On a whim, Herbert Blake proposes a wager with Roger Fallon that he won't be able to get a kiss during the coming 48 hours from the next woman who happens to walk into the room. Fallon takes the bet, whereupon the woman who turns up is Herbert's wife.
The story follows a 32-year-old formerly famous actress who loses everything in her life and decides to commit suicide. On the day she decides to kill herself, she receives a package containing four letters and a dead man's ashes.
The series begins with Dee Warson stressing out over their apartment which they cannot afford to pay rent for alone, having just lost the person who was helping with bills. Their sister, Amy Warson, suggests they get a roommate and after a little convincing, they interview several candidates. One being Rachel Mannt, an English woman who moved to Canada to attend university, who seems to meet the criteria they're looking for.
Eight months later, it comes to light that Rachel's visa will expire soon and in a desperate attempt to remain in the country, she has told the Canadian government that she and Dee are in a common law partnership. The series follows the two hosting a web show that flaunts their relationship so that when investigated, their relationship seems legitimate.
Blinky Bill is back to bring his trademark mischief, mayhem, and humour to life. Along with his best mate and sidekick Jacko, Blinky takes on the role as defender of his outback home, Greenpatch.
In the New World where humans co-exist with a wide variety of large and savage monsters, a Hunter, a warrior trained to hunt and kill these powerful creatures, is separated from his team when their ship is attacked by the Diablos, a horned subterranean monster.
On Earth, U.S. Army Ranger Captain Natalie Artemis and her United Nations security team search for a missing team of soldiers in the desert. A sudden storm pulls them into a portal to the New World where they find the remains of the missing soldiers and their vehicles. As the Diablos approach them, the Hunter, who is observing the group, fires a warning signal. The Diablos, impervious to bullets and grenades, attacks and kills two members of the squad.
The survivors hide in a cave, where they are attacked by a pack of monster-sized spiders called Nerscyllas. Artemis is injected with a paralyzing venom, and as the others try to save her, more Nerscyllas arrive and swarm them. Artemis wakes up in a Nerscylla lair, finding her team dead or infected with Nerscylla spawn, and escapes the lair by setting the pursuing monsters on fire. Above ground, she runs into the Hunter, and after fighting each other, they grudgingly agree to cooperate. Artemis learns that the portals are created by the Sky Tower, a structure located across the desert. The Hunter reveals they will need to kill the Diablos in order to cross the desert safely and reach the tower. Artemis learns how to fight using the Hunter's unique bladed weapons and helps him set a trap for the Diablos to kill it with Nerscylla venom. The attack is successful, with Artemis delivering the finishing blow, but the Hunter is badly wounded. Constructing a makeshift stretcher, Artemis dutifully carries him across the desert.
The pair reaches an oasis populated with tortoise-like Dinosaurs called Apceros (resembling the Cretaceous ''Ankylosaurus''). When a Rathalos, a fire-breathing Wyvern, flies by and causes the Apceros to stampede, Artemis and the Hunter are rescued by a group led by the Admiral. He explains that the Sky Tower was built by the first civilization to travel between worlds, using the monsters to protect it. Artemis agrees to help kill the Rathalos so she can return home.
In the ensuing battle, Artemis falls through the portal, returning to her world. The portal does not close in time, and the Rathalos emerges and begins wreaking havoc. Artemis is able to slow it down long enough for the Hunter to slip through the portal and deliver the fatal shot. The Admiral approaches her, just before the appearance of another flying monster; a black dragon known as Gore Magala. He notes that as long as the portal remains open, there will always be the threat that monsters will pass through to Earth. Artemis concludes that finding a way to take down the Sky Tower is now their primary objective.
In a mid-credits scene, Palico, the Admiral's cat-like companion, arrives to help fight the Gore Magala, while an ominous cloaked figure observes the battle from the top of the tower.
Five years before the events of the book, master engineer Eli Glinn led a team to retrieve a massive meteorite from Chile. The combination of a storm, an attack by a rogue Chilean naval captain, and the meteorite's strange behavior itself led to their ship's destruction in Antarctic waters, sending the meteorite to the ocean floor. Its strange behavior led some of the team to conclude it was a spore for an alien lifeform (the panspermia theory).
Having barely survived and miraculously recovered, Glinn recruits a team including master thief and nuclear physicist Gideon Crew to seek and destroy this lifeform. Traveling to the site of the previous sinking, the team discovers that the "spore" has sprouted into a massive structure that they nickname the Baobab, simultaneously reaching toward the ocean surface and burrowing through the earth. Glinn concludes that because of the spore's extreme density, the only way it could be launched into space is through the destruction of a planet; the Baobab appears to be literally tearing the planet apart.
Crew begins a love affair with a scientist named Alex Lispenard, but it is tragically cut short when the Baobab absorbs her mini-submersible; Crew hears her mysteriously speak through the Baobab shortly after her death. Inspecting the wreckage later, the team's doctor discovers that it has taken only her brain. The team also detects what seems to be whale song from the creature, which they roughly translate as saying "Kill Me." Having previously detected a brain-like structure in Baobab, the team concludes that the structure somehow keeps alive and uses the brains of alien forms to guide its growth, which are then launched into space as new "spores" to infect new planets.
With another mini-submersible, Crew brings a sample of the Baobab on board for analysis, but this plan goes awry when pieces of the material break off and burrow into the brains of team members, making them serve the Baobab's purposes. Glinn and Crew, now joined by meteorite hunter Sam McFarlane from the previous novel, race against time to destroy the Baobab with a nuclear warhead before the entire team is enslaved by the Baobab's "worms." Crew, who is dying, is selected for the suicide mission, but is miraculously saved by the impact of another submersible piloted by a mind-controlled scientist. The warhead detonates and destroys the Baobab, killing all those already infected with worms but sparing the uninfected. The novel concludes with the team listening to a farewell message from the alien brain originally imprisoned within the Baobab, a song of unearthly beauty.
The prophecy of the Blood Moon is the heart of this fictional series. It is foreshadowed that the child of the most powerful vampire and the chosen werewolf will end the reign of the vampire with the cursed ink (“sumpang tintâ”). The story picks up after the righteous vampires and werewolves’ victorious battle against Lucas and his allies. Mateo (John Lloyd Cruz), Lia (Angel Locsin) and Malia Rodriguez (Kathryn Bernardo) are living their lives as powerless mortals in San Isidro, a fictional province of the Philippines. Sandrino (Richard Gutierrez), Magnus’ son, also known as Supremo, orders his forces to hunt the Rodriguez family to prevent the prophecy's fulfillment and ensure his ascendancy into power. Malia's bloodline is a threat to Supremo even as a mortal child without powers. Supremo kills Mateo and Lia, unaware that the 7-year-old Malia is carried off to safety at a secret LLU base in Tanay, Rizal by the werewolf Baristo (Joross Gamboa).
Malia is 21 years old when Supremo locates their camp and massacres everyone. Supremo and his vampires replace LLU's business and political influence and assimilate into mainstream society in the metropolis. In the 14 years since the massacre, the peaceful cooperation of the three species established by the LLU organization is gone, werewolves are hiding and humans are in peril once again. Many LLU leaders flee the country. A few remnants find each other in Manila, where Malia meets Tristan (Daniel Padilla), a young man seeking to avenge his father's death by vampires. Tristan joins a secret youth vigilante group called Moonchasers, who track and kill vampires and protect Supremo's targeted victims. Jethro Kabigting (Dino Imperial), the seer, predicts the young couple are fated to be enemies. They grow closer, nonetheless, and Tristan discovers she is not human. They fall in love.
Destroying the Supremo is Malia's entire life's work. Expected by everyone to fulfill the prophecy when she matures, she encounters defeat and disappointments time and again when her powers do not manifest. Undaunted, she persists, is killed and resurrects, and moves forward to fulfill the prophecy as the savior of the three species.
Four characters precipitate Malia's evolution from mortal to supernatural:
There is Supremo, a lonely boy raised by an evil vampire who confers on him the enchantment of the cursed ink. Sandrino grows into an adult consumed with anger, but he weakens when he comes face-to-face with his brother. His desire to experience a real family gets his heart beating again. At the enchanted forest scene, Jacintha chooses not to kill Sandrino, pointing to the cursed ink as the real evil, foreshadowing her true mission.
There is Jacintha Magsaysay, a dead ringer for Lia, the precursor of Malia, whose mission is to facilitate the path for Malia to defeat the Cursed Ink. Jacintha is the political strategist who Gilbert Imperial hires to run his presidential campaign, a vampire and Hybrid secretly working with Samantha to undermine Supremo while they wait for Malia's full powers to emerge.
There is Samantha Imperial, (Maricar Reyes-Poon). She is Magnus' vampire daughter. Sandrino and Tristan are her half-brothers. She provides powerful cover for the LLU and the Moonchasers during their missions against Supremo. Samantha sacrifices her life to protect Jacintha's identity.
And finally, there is Tristan, the Moonchasers’ strongest fighter, a mortal thrown in the midst of the war between vampires and werewolves. He discovers his origins which changes his perspective of the world. Tristan's mortal mother, Rica, is a vampire hunter who falls in love and becomes pregnant by the vampire Magnus. When Magnus is killed, Rica takes refuge with Barang and Magnus’ son Sandrino, but a Luna force led by Tonio Toralba finds them, captures Rica and kills Sandrino. While Barang turns Sandrino into a vampire and raises him towards evil and revenge, Tonio brings the pregnant Rica to the safety of his family and raises Tristan on the path of goodness and righteousness.
The source of Supremo's power is the cursed ink in his arm. Barang's memories lead Jacintha to the enchanted forest where she retrieves the ancient book of spells and learns how to defeat the curse: a beating heart and the First Werewolf's Fang. In his recent visions, Jethro sees Barang inadvertently imprint the cursed ink on Tristan too while in Rica's womb. Everyone understands the significance of this detail and are conflicted about protecting or killing him. Sandrino warns Tristan of man's deep hatred and distrust for their kind. Malia remains determined to change his fate, and her decision to protect Tristan at all cost creates doubt within the LLU.
On the night of the Blood Moon, the LLU and Moonchasers overpower Sandrino's forces. Amidst the fighting, Jacintha urges Malia to keep Tristan away but Tristan stubbornly refuses to be kept in the safe house. Jacintha kills Tristan who is bitten by Supremo. She stabs Supremo with the First Werewolf's fang and watches him and the cursed ink disintegrate into ashes. She vanishes into thin air leaving Malia holding Tristan's lifeless body. The mystery of Jacintha remains unexplained, though the LLU believe she is Malia from the future.
Two years pass since the end of the war. Without the cursed ink's protection, Supremo is no longer invincible, but he raises Tristan from his death and turns him into a vampire. Supremo discovers new information about the cursed ink: the first mark grants him protection; the second mark inside Tristan grants unparalleled strength, and whoever possesses both marks gains infinite power. Supremo repeatedly attempts to cast the spell of the two marks on himself but fails. Later he learns he needs to kill his brother to get both marks.
Angry over the tragic circumstances that turn him into a vampire, memories flood Tristan's mind: his fallen comrades, the family he lost and all humans caught in the crossfire of the power struggle between the supernaturals. As Supremo plans their return, Tristan has a different agenda - create a war that annihilates vampires and werewolves and yield the world to humans only. He works with Prof T to reactivate the Moonchasers and prepare for a big war where the werewolves and vampires destroy each other.
Meanwhile, the new order under the Waya Corp has the werewolves back on top. There is a feeling of unease as the National ID System rolls out under a new president sympathetic towards Tristan and Supremo. The system identifies humans and supernaturals, potentially compromising the identities the werewolves have carefully guarded for decades. Although Malia prefers the supernaturals to not participate, she is overruled by her council members who do not take her concerns about the threat of a new war seriously, dismissing her fears as irrelevant. Two traitors in the council, Geneva and Soraya, successfully unseat her from the head guardian position on the basis of a mental breakdown. But soon after a vicious vampire onslaught, Malia's powerful wall of protection proves stronger than Supremo's and Tristan's, and the vampires retreat. Apologizing to Malia, the council acknowledges their misjudgment and restore her to her position. Soraya decides to secretly ally with Supremo to betray the Wayas and Malia.
Malia's new enemy is Soraya Laurent, leader of the black werewolves, another breed of the werewolves species who rebelled against the Waya Council decades ago under Lyka Ortega's guardianship in the ''Lobo'' series, a generation before Lia and Mateo's LLU peace agreement was enforced. Certain that Jacintha defeated the cursed ink, the black werewolves plan to take over the predatory might to feed on humans, violating their decades-long vow to protect them. Soraya plots to kill Malia who would never allow this to happen.
Meanwhile, the National ID database begins culling werewolves who registered. Colluding with Supremo, President Osmundo's military forces systematically round up the werewolves and are tortured and killed in undisclosed facilities. Malia's remarkable ability to analyze and accurately assess situations saves the captured werewolves from Osmundo's men. Tristan rushes to the vicinity and tries to prevent a massacre which infuriates Supremo and he begins to doubt Tristan's loyalty.
Supremo's doubts about Tristan increase when his vampire forces are constantly undermined by LLU presence. At the Heroes Ball, the LLU witnesses Tristan and Malia working from opposite forces, protecting the humans from a mass conversion and not a single vampire survives. Soraya confirms Tristan's duplicity to Supremo. Miriam discovers Soraya's alliance with Supremo and alerts the LLU. Malia's astuteness once again brings her to the truth behind Tristan's real intentions and tries to convince him to join forces with her.
Supremo declares war on his brother, but he gauges the moment he can distract Tristan to possess the two cursed inks. But without intel from Soraya, Supremo is unaware that Malia and Tristan are allies once again. Nonetheless, he banks on Soraya to immobilize the LLU from within.
Elsewhere, two crucial laboratory experiments reach crossroads. Prof T's research for an anti-vampire serum is at a dead end, but he stumbles upon an ingredient that humans can use as a weapon of mass destruction against the supernaturals. Meanwhile, Lemuel's serum for curing vampires using the pulverized ingredients of the First Werewolf's Fang reaches another dead end. Desperate to change Tristan's mind, Lemuel pretends his formula heals James, a vampire who becomes mortal once again. Unaware of the ruse, Tristan and Malia have renewed hope, he changes his plan to annihilate the supernaturals. Hope gets Tristan's heart beating again, which means his powers are weakened and his cursed mark is vulnerable for Supremo to steal.
Soraya and her black werewolves escape to join Supremo, adding werewolves to replace the vampire horde he lost. They enter the Moonchasers headquarters and kill the unsuspecting Professor Ellie. The first major encounter does not end well for Tristan, Malia and the LLU, the biggest blow being the loss of all the Moonchasers except for Prof T and Hanno. Amid Tristan's face-off with Supremo, Sandrino hears Tristan's heart beating. As Lucho said it would, the cursed ink is drawn to the being who is consumed by hatred. Supremo's hatred wins over Tristan's righteousness and as the cursed ink consumes him, Malia and the LLU escape with Tristan.
Darkness descends on the population as Sandrino and his vampires rule once again, this time alongside Soraya and the Black Lobos. The peace agreement between the three species is destroyed. Humans are systematically harvested for the blood farms or transformed into vampires. Malia's defeat brings Sandrino and Soraya forward as they reclaim their place in the social hierarchy. Gilbert Imperial is appointed Secretary of National Defense, and Osmundo is killed and replaced by President Cecilio, a vampire ally. With not enough time left to save humanity, Malia contemplates time travel as Jacintha did to kill a weaker Sandrino, but Tristan won't allow it, insisting they fight Supremo together in the present. Malia, Tristan and a remnant of their group hide in the safe house to regroup.
After convincing him to abandon his revenge to destroy all the supernaturals with his acid red rain, Malia and Tristan bid goodbye to Prof T and erase his memories of their time together. The Super Moon comes without incident but it has an unusual effect on Supremo. Two distinct beings emerge, the second one totally consumed by hatred, more brutal than the first, and he overpowers the older being altogether. His own vampire allies fear him more when he indiscriminately kills his own vampires.
The new Supremo escalates his force's onslaught of death on the population, taxing the strength and resources of the LLU trying to protect them. Malia suffers the loss of her adoptive father, Baristo while the Supremo takes Tristan's grandparents’ lives for his refusal to kill Malia. Realizing Supremo's ultimate goal to destroy everyone, mortal and supernaturals, Soraya's remaining pack return to the LLU, and Greta kills Soraya in a final face-off. Amidst the grief and loss suffered, Malia's full transformation occurs, becoming a red-caped hybrid werewolf with vampiric characteristics and powers similar to Jacintha.
A new and dark prophecy challenges Malia and Tristan when Jethro sees the penultimate moment before the apocalyptic war where everyone is killed. Similarly, Supremo faces an obstacle as he battles to overcome any remaining good that used to be in his heart. Earlier, Lucho explains that the cursed ink can be defeated by a single act of goodness on Supremo's part, be it compassion or sacrifice. Does this signal a lost cause considering Supremo's unfettered powers and his all-consuming hatred or is this a foreshadowing of the outcome of the war? Once again, we are reminded about Jacintha's refusal to kill the child Sandrino in the forest.
In many places all over the metropolis, Supremo's mass hypnotism of the population begins, as mortals gather at various locations to commit mass suicide. The combined forces of the LLU and Sandrino's allies who shifted to LLU try their best to stop them.
At the communications facility where Supremo waits, Tristan meets his brother, ready to sacrifice his life. He reminds Sandrino of his humanity, of his life before the cursed ink, and this gives the Supremo pause as he battles to overpower the good in him. Unfortunately, the cursed ink seemingly prevails absorbing Sandrino once again. The Supremo seizes Tristan and Malia as both are mortally wounded. But just as Supremo prepares to deliver the final blow, the couple link hands and a surge of energy flows between them just as seen in Jethro's prophecy. Turns out, together they can successfully defeat Supremo, already weakening by the opposing humanity remaining in Sandrino.
Sandrino's personality once again emerges just as the Supremo's personality disintegrates into ashes with the cursed ink. Thanking Tristan for saving him from his evil self, Sandrino professes his love for his brother and disintegrates into ashes as well. In the epilogue, Malia notes that hardships will always be part of life even though the threat of the curse ink is now gone as long as there are mortals, werewolves, and vampires that have ill intentions.
Pastor Josef Mohr shows his poem to the local church organist Franz Gruber and Gruber composes music to the lyrics resulting in "Silent Night".
A woman mentions to her musician husband that she moved a lot as a child and took to hiding little notes wherever she lived. The couple are planning to move from the small house they rent in suburban Dallas to an apartment in the city. Occasionally, they hear strange noises, and one night there is a particularly loud bang whose source they are unable to define.
The next morning, the husband is killed in a car accident in front of the house. At the hospital, his wife views his body, covering it with a sheet before departing. The husband awakens and, still covered by the sheet, wanders through the hospital. He is invisible to the living, as he is now a ghost. A door of light opens before him, but he makes no attempt to approach it, and it closes.
The ghost walks home and sees Linda, his landlord, drop off a pie. When the wife gets home, she sits on the floor and eats pie until she vomits.
Unable to communicate, the ghost watches while the wife grieves and then begins to get on with her life. In the house next door, he sees a ghost covered by a flower-print sheet, who (wordlessly) says they are waiting for someone, though they do not remember who.
The wife comes home with a man, whom she kisses in the doorway, and the ghost makes the lights flicker and knocks books from a shelf. Later, the wife listens to one of her husband's songs and recalls when he played her the recording for the first time. She moves away, but first writes a short note and hides it in a gap behind some molding, which she paints over. The ghost picks at the paint, but is unable to reach the note.
A Spanish-speaking mother moves into the house with her young son and daughter. The ghost watches them eat, play the piano, and celebrate Christmas. The children begin to sense his presence and become frightened. One night, the ghost knocks a framed photo of the family off the piano and smashes dishes in the kitchen. The family moves out, and the ghost resumes scraping at the paint.
At a party thrown by the next occupants, a woman says she has stopped working on her novel, and a man responds by musing about what the point is of any creative pursuit, even one as uplifting and universally known as Beethoven's 9th Symphony, given that the Sun will eventually engulf Earth and the Universe will eventually rip itself apart. The partygoers notice the lights flicker.
The house is abandoned and becomes derelict, and the ghost's efforts to retrieve the note are interrupted by a bulldozer crashing through a wall. The house next door is also torn down, and the flower-print ghost remarks that they do not think whoever they are waiting for is coming and disappears from beneath their sheet. A skyscraper is built where the house was and, when the work is done, the ghost looks at a futuristic cityscape from a balcony before jumping off.
The celestial sphere rotates in reverse, and the ghost finds himself in a field in the 19th-century with a man who is driving stakes into the ground. The man's wife and three daughters arrive in a covered wagon, and the family prepares to build a house. The youngest daughter writes a note and hides it under a rock while humming the tune of the husband's song. Native Americans kill the family, and the ghost watches the girl's corpse decay.
Back in the house, which is empty except for the piano, the ghost sees himself and his wife enter and look around, and his life in the house repeats itself. The husband's resistance to the wife's desire to move causes tension in their relationship and, the night before his death, he acquiesces. Hearing this, the ghost sits down heavily at the piano, causing the bang that had earlier startled himself and his wife. Later, the ghost watches his earlier self watch the wife leave the house for the last time. He retrieves the note and, upon reading it, disappears, his empty sheet dropping to the floor.
Tracking down Morrow, as well as mercenaries he has recruited, S.H.I.E.L.D. corner them in a warehouse, but after Elena is injured in an explosion, Robbie enters the building alone. He discovers that Morrow has built a highly unstable demon core to make himself even more powerful, despite its potential to destroy Los Angeles in a nuclear explosion. The danger is increased by a series of tremors throughout the city, and Fitz deduces they are being caused by Morrow, who is not creating matter from nothing after all, but is stealing energy from the Hell dimension, causing inter-dimensional disturbances. Morrow impales Robbie on carbon spikes, trapping him inside the demon core, and defends his actions, insisting he deserves godlike power after being underestimated and condescended to throughout his life.
Coulson reveals to Mace that AIDA is an android. Despite his anger at Radcliffe's deceit, Mace has May bring in Radcliffe and AIDA, sending them into the warehouse to rebuild their portal generator under the demon core, so as to send it to the Hell dimension. While Daisy tries to contain the tremors, Coulson confronts Morrow and reveals the true nature of his abilities to him, distracting him while May, Mack, Elena, and Mace get into position. The agents attack Morrow and his men, and Robbie traps Morrow with him in the demon core as Fitz, Simmons, Radcliffe, and AIDA send it to Hell. Daisy releases the energy she has absorbed from the tremors and is launched into the sky, resulting in her landing in the middle of a gathering of journalists covering the crisis.
Mace subsequently tells the press that Daisy was undercover as a vigilante combatting the Watchdogs on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s behalf. He also reveals Nadeer's blackmail to the other agents. Mack and Elena begin a relationship, while Coulson reassures Daisy about Robbie's fate, revealing he knows of a previous Ghost Rider who escaped from Hell. He also confides that he had hoped Daisy would one day become S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director. Sent by Mace to retrieve Radcliffe's LMD work from his home, S.H.I.E.L.D. technician Nathanson discovers a captive May, who was abducted earlier by AIDA and replaced by an identical LMD, which possesses May's memories and personality, but lacks awareness of its true android nature. To keep her secret, AIDA murders Nathanson.
The story begins in Machu Picchu where five S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are operating under cover to look for potential terrorists then suddenly they are attacked and killed by an unseen enemy. The unidentified killer then drops a small tablet with the Scorpio symbol on one of the dead agents head.
The story then cuts to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in New York where Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan are exercising and having a discussion about Nick and Valentina Allegra de Fontaine's romantic relationship, with Nick commenting that that kind of life seems to late for him to have by now. After they leave the building Dugan's wife arrives with their two sons Kevin and Scott who run up to him and beg him to take them to a movie or to the zoo. Afterwards Nick continues to contemplate about his age and his family, especially his younger brother Jacob who committed suicide which he feels responsible for and questions what kind of father he would have made since he feels that he couldn't even protect his brother.
Later the story cuts to the X-Men fighting the villain Arcade. After the fight Arcade tells Wolverine that he knows that his friend David Nanjiwarra has been killed. It turns out that Nanjiwarra was one of the agents killed by Scorpio in Machu Picchu. Back at SHIELD headquarters Nick, Dugan and another agent are discussing the small disc left on the crime scene and Nick thinks that Scorpio should be dead since he saw his brother kill himself. Afterwards Nick goes to a bar where he meets Wolverine who tells him that he knew Nanjiwarra and is intending to find his killer.
Meanwhile, the story jumps to the island Andros where the new Scorpio's face is revealed for the first time, being a young man with a resemblance to Nick. His mother appears and they go aboard a yacht and talk about his recent mission with the agents and he tells her that it went just as well as his previous missions in Taiwan and the Balkans. Afterwards he puts on the Scorpio suit and it is revealed that his name is Mikel and that their plan is to kill Nick Fury as revenge for him being responsible for the death of Mikel's father; Jake Fury.
Back with Wolverine he has traveled to Machu Picchu to investigate the crime scene. When there he has a flashback as to how he and Nanjiwarra meet. In the Australian Tanami desert where he was chasing a terrorist assassin, Wolverine is shot at by a helicopter and runs away but is shot and is too tired to get himself to civilisation. Nanjiwarra finds him, gives him water and helps him walk through the desert. While doing this they converse with each other to keep sane in the heat. When they finally reach a bar they attempt to buy two beers but the bartender replies that he doesn't want to serve Nanjiwarra since he is an Aborigine. Wolverine angrily forces him to sell them the beers anyway. Nanjiwarra states that he's thinking about joining S.H.I.E.L.D. since he has heard that it's an intelligence organisation where racism is not tolerated.
After a confrontation between Wolverine, Nick and Mikel where Wolverine and Nick barely escape Nick postulates that Mikel and his mother may have a man on the inside who has fed them secret information. The backstory of Mikel and his mother is explained by Nick to Wolverine—he explains that many years earlier his brother had been in a relationship with a terrorist named Amber D'Alexis. To get to her Nick had seduced her to get information so he could expose her to police. Instead of understanding that Amber was a criminal and had betrayed him Jake blamed Nick and decided to go with her and become the first Scorpio to get revenge on Nick.
During the final confrontation Nick captures D'Alexis and keeps her hostage to try to force Mikel into stop trying to kill them but D'Alexis exclaims that Mikel isn't Jake's son but Nick's, his shock allows her to escape his grip and Mikel once again attempts to shoot him with the cosmic key, but is stopped by Wolverine who takes the weapon away. Nick manages to shoot Mikel in his shoulder but D'Alexis picks up the cosmic key and aims it at Nick while she explains that she has raised Mikel to hate Nick and that the brain washing is never going to go away. Wolverine manages to attack her before she can fire at Nick but she immobilises him and turns back to Nick and Mikel. Nick tells her that Mikel is bleeding out and if they don't get him medical attention he will die. She responds that she doesn't care and that all she wants is for Nick to die. At this point Wolverine stabs her in the back and kills her.
Afterward, Wolverine attempts to kill Mikel as well as to avenge Nanjiwarra but Nick stops him by revealing that Nanjiwarra was the person who leaked the information to D'Alexis and her allies because he had been the victim of racism in S.H.I.E.L.D. Even though they had put a stop to it the damage was already done and Nanjiwarra betrayed them. In the end Nick decides to attempt to help his son recover from his lifetime of brainwashing and Wolverine wishes him luck.
Lee's (Morena Baccarin) and Mario's (James Carpinello) wedding is just two days away and they dine with Falcone (John Doman) for their rehearsal. They also discuss that Alice Tetch's blood is being tested to find a cure. They leave and Falcone gives the keys to a guard to bring up the car. The guard is then killed when the car explodes.
While the paramedics attend Lee and Mario, Falcone talks with Gordon (Ben McKenzie), assuming that an old enemy may have had orchestrated the attack. Falcone is certain to take matters in his own hands and gives Gordon a day to find out. Meanwhile, Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) meets with the five families to discuss the security issues in Gotham when their reunion is interrupted by Barbara (Erin Richards), who holds them at gunpoint and demands to know where Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) and Butch (Drew Powell) are. He forces her to leave, threatening to kill her if she holds him at gunpoint again. Tabitha and Butch are revealed to have been kidnapped by Nygma (Cory Michael Smith), who begins to torture Butch with electric shocks, thinking he killed Isabella.
In Wayne Manor, Alfred (Sean Pertwee) is persuaded by Ivy (Maggie Geha) to turn off the alarm so she can slip outside. Fox (Chris Chalk) tells Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) that the explosive was a particular kind of high tech, and Bullock realizes that only a person he knows as Fuse could be responsible. They go to Fuse's apartment but find him dead. Concluding that the person who hired Fuse wanted him dead, they search files in his room and discover that the target is not Falcone but Mario. Mario is attacked at the hospital by bikers, but Gordon saves him. Barbara bribes Cobblepot's maid to reveal that Nygma bought several items from a local bondage store, but she doesn't know where he currently is.
Bruce (David Mazouz), Selina (Camren Bicondova) and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) discover that the key has the emblem of an owl, meaning it belongs to the Court. They also realize that Ivy is missing and then receive a call from Luka Volk (Costa Ronin), who they believe to be the Court's enforcer. Volk demands the key in exchange for Ivy, whom his team has kidnapped. They meet with Volk in the sewers, where he explains that they don't work for the Court of Owls, but are actually opposed to them. He and his group are members of the Whisper Gang, a group of smugglers who were once partnered with the Court. The Court betrayed them, causing many of the gang's members to go back to Ukraine. The key opens a safe that has a device that could destroy them. Bruce proposes that they join forces in order to beat the Court, which Volk accepts.
Mario leaves the GCPD and sets off to a jewelry store to pick up the rings. Gordon intercepts him and they are attacked by the assassins. Mario kills one of the attackers barehanded with surprising strength. Nygma steps up his game by putting Tabitha's hand in a custom-made guillotine-like device. The device's blade is released by a 55-second timer that will stop early only if she presses the button he has placed in her hand. If she presses the button, Butch will receive a fatal electric shock but she keeps her hand; if she doesn't press the button before the timer runs out, she loses the hand but she and Butch will be allowed to leave without further harm. Tabitha regretfully tells Butch that she isn't in love with him. Before she presses the button, Butch reassures her that his recent time with her has been the best days of his life and he is happy to be with her even knowing that she doesn't love him. Believing he is about to die, he then taunts Nygma, claiming to have killed Isabella, but when his confession contradicts the actual way she died, Nygma realizes that Butch is innocent. Touched by Butch's admission of love and his bravado against Nygma, Tabitha decides not to press the button. The device's timer runs out before Nygma has a chance to shut it off, and Tabitha's hand is severed by the blade. Barbara shows up to rescue Tabitha, but Nygma hastily leaves, advising Barbara to put the hand on ice.
The GCPD arrests the surviving assassin and Falcone tortures him, removing one of his teeth, on which Falcone finds a symbol that indicates to him that the assassin worked for an old associate. Volk and his enforcer are attacked by the Talon, killing the enforcer and demanding to know the location of the key. Volk fights him but despite his efforts, he is killed. Barbara and Butch rush Tabitha to the hospital, and Barbara figures out that Cobblepot had Isabella killed. Barbara tells Butch and Tabitha that they don't need to go to war about this—they only need to start one. Falcone meets with Kathryn (Leslie Hendrix), the person behind the attacks. He states that if Mario dies, then "Gotham will burn". That night, Lee visits Gordon in his apartment and kisses him goodbye. Mario watches from a distance and is then assaulted by thugs. He is revealed to possess the symptoms from Alice Tetch's blood and grows increasingly strong as he uses it to brutally dispatch the thugs after hearing voices telling him "She loves him". He then begins to repeat, "She loves me!"
Zlatni dvori is a story of romance between Ana (Katarina Baban), a village girl who takes care of horses on an estate in Slavonia, and Petar (Matko Knešaurek), a young, rich man, who is kind deep in his soul. Petar's father Vinko (Milan Štrljić), is a business partner with Nikola (Robert Kurbaša), master of estate Ana is working on, and Fedor (Marko Torjanac), father of Petar's fiancée, very spoiled rising singer Nera (Petra Kraljev).
Ana lives with father Antun (Darko Milas), and grandfather Joza (Duško Valentić). One day, there was a wedding in Nikola's and his sister's restaurant, and Petar was on it. Ana left the restaurant and went to see her mare, Plamenka, and Petar followed her. Ana accidentally pushed him in droppings, and he went to Joza to clean his trousers. But then, a fire broke out in the barn where Plamenka and Ana were. Luckily, Petar saved Ana. But then Nera came, and when she saw what's happening, she was very mad on Petar. Nera hates Ana from then, because she wants Petar only for herself: and what Nera wants, she will get it... Later she becomes good and helps Ana gets back to Petar and Nera falls in love with Mladen. Mladen's ex-wife Eva, played by Ana Majhenić, returns to get him back, she starts using tricks to get Mladen back for her. In meanwhile, Irena wants Vinko to sell the house, so they can get back to Zagreb. This makes problem because Petar doesn't want to leave Ana pregnant in village.
''Atlas'' is a megacity populated with humans, hybrids, and robots controlled by powerful Trusts. Freelancers fulfill contracts for their trusts to maintain control over the Atlas Reactor - a technologically advanced energy source that powers the megacity and its inhabitants. There were once thirteen such reactors monitored and controlled by the Global Artificial Intelligence Agent (GAIA). Humanity was in a golden age without poverty, drought, famine, or disease. Ultimately, they were able to conquer death itself. However, after 150 years of prosperity, GAIA mysteriously departed. This led to a cascading failure of reactors beginning with Tethys and ending with Hyperion thus leaving Atlas as the only reactor on the planet. As is always the case when resources are limited, war broke out. The Titan War saw soldiers, war machines, and refugees battling for control of the Reactor for almost 30 years until the forces of Atlas, Hyperion, and Oceanus were able to unite to end the struggle. As victors, they formed an uneasy alliance and divided the city of Atlas between them.
''Omni Trust'' was born in the heart of the Atlas reactor. They seek to reclaim the glory of the "Immortal Age" not just for themselves, but for all mankind. Freelancers associated with this trust apply digitized nanite technology to control the battlefield (Aurora, Su-Ren, Juno, Elle, Orion, Tol-Ren)
''Evolution Solutions (EvoS)'' is the premiere bio-hybridization Trust. Founded in the bioengineering superpower Oceanus, their focus lies in genetic superiority and zoological diversity. Freelances associated with this trust rely on the adaptability and unbounded freedom that is only possibly though genetic manipulation (Rask, Nix, Gremolitions Inc., Dr. Finn, Phaedra).
'''Warbotics''' (Defunct)
''Warbotics'' creates and employs war machines in the forms of robotic suits as well as fully mechanized warriors. The trust was founded around the Hyperion reactor to the north where their machines brought peace to the struggling area. At the conclusion of the in-game trust war during Season 1, Warbotics was defeated and dissolved. Freelancers associated with the trust use superior firepower and advanced technology that was hardened during the battle for Hyperion. (Formerly PUP, Rampart, Oz, Garrison, Blackburn, Orion)
'''Helio Corps'''
After saving the Atlas reactor at the end of Season 1, Helio became a hero and was volunteered to head a new trust. ''Helio Corps'' is a collection of Helio's closest friends. (Celeste, Lockwood, PUP, Zuki, Helio, Khita, Titus)
'''Helio United''' (Defunct)
In order to bring stability to Atlas, EvoS and Omni Trust met with Helio to form a new trust of their own vetted freelances. This group forms the ''Helio United'' trust. The competition between Helio's two trusts in Season 2 Chapter 1 saw the defeat of Helio United in favor of Helio Corps. (Formerly Blackburn, Grey, Oz, Brynn, Titus)
Formed by Meridian from ex-residents of Hyperion and former members of Warbotics, ''Hyperbotics'' is sometimes referred to as the successors of the now fallen trust, seeking to continue where it had left off and improve upon its accomplishments while trying to avoid another downfall. (Meridian, Rampart, Blackburn, Oz, Garrison, Brynn)
''Blackburn'' is the former leader of the Warbotics special ops squad, Ares 1. After going AWOL, he has returned to the fray as a mechanized super soldier. Weapons include rifle, grenades, and aerial support.
''Celeste'' (Helio Corps) is a thief for hire. She claims to have infiltrated all three of the original trusts. Weapons: Nanite grapplers, smoke bombs, and proximity traps.
''Elle'' (Omni) is rumored the highest ranking enforcer of Omni Trust, Agent L. Her primary weapon is a custom plasma gun and is supported by a remote-firing drone.
''Gremolitions Inc.'' (EvoS) consists of two vat-grown gremunks. They somehow outlived their expiration date and were subsequently put to work for EvoS. Gremolitions Inc. focuses on one thing: bombs.
''Grey'' is the wealthy heiress of Hawk Aviation. After an attack killed her family and left her gravely wounded, Grey used her fortune to hunt the monsters in the depths of Atlas. Weapons: Crossbow and attack drone.
''Juno'' (Omni) was hired by Omni as their head of security after recognizing her skills at dispatching enemies. Her Omni-provided weaponry include twin cannons, shields, and explosive tethers.
''Kaigin'' is believed to have gained the power to warp through the reactor's energy fields by a nanite infusion as part of Omni's Project Nidus. In battle, he relies on his daggers and shuriken.
''Lockwood'' (Helio Corps) became the go-between for the trusts after they took control of Atlas. His emergence as the first freelancer prompted the creation of a wider Freelancing Initiative, opening the doors for any others who wished to gain access to resurrection.
''Nix'' (EvoS) is shrouded in mystery to the point that not even the employees of EvoS are sure he exists. His invisibility makes him the ultimate killer along with his sniper rifle and overwatch drone.
''Oz'' is a malfunctioning toy from Warbotics subsidiary Toybotics. Originally sold as "Jimmy 6 and His Magic Tricks" he is now a fully endorsed freelancer. Weapons: Lasers and holographic afterimages.
''PUP'' (Helio Corps) is a prototype stealth spy-bot who was adopted and subsequently modded by Zuki. His diverse weaponry include giant jaws, a grappling leash, rocket boosters, invisibility, and a powerful sound system.
''Zuki'' (Helio Corps) is a modder and machinist who was formerly under the care of Lockwood. She has a penchant for all things explosive. This is reflected in her weapon loadout of various missiles and sticky bombs.
''Asana'' was another participant in Omni's Project Nidus. Her nanite infusion allows her to create protective force fields as she wields an ancient sword forged in the heart of the reactor.
''Brynn'' (Helio United) hails from the lands around Hyperion where her family once ruled. It is believed that she joined the fight as a freelancer due to the fall of the Warbotics Trust. Weapons: Spear, daggers, and shield.
''Garrison'' (Omni) is a war hero who was granted the first resurrection contract sponsored by Warbotics. His Ballistic Exo Suit provides him weapons such as a piston powered punch, arm cannon, missile barrage, jet pack, and aerial drop shock pod.
''Phaedra'' (EvoS) is an abomination thrown together from leftover EvoS experiments. She lives under Atlas terrorizing the citizens with her seismic attacks and insect swarms.
''Rampart'' (Helio Corps) is a warbot designed with a limited AI to circumvent the ban put in place after GAIA's desertion. He is armed with a telescoping blade and an impenetrable shield.
''Rask'' (EvoS) has gained the most popularity of any of EvoS's creations with plushies and drinks bearing his name and likeness. His body infused with "Power Juice", he can heal and spray enemies when not rending them with his claws.
''Titus'' (Helio Corps) comes from the wastes outside of Atlas where it is rumored that nothing lives. He battled countless beasts in order to make it to the city where he battles with his sword and dagger.
''Aurora'' (Omni) appeared from the reactor soon after the mysterious disappearance of an Omni scientist studying Quark. Her atomic control over matter allows her to simultaneously heal allies and damage foes.
''Dr. Finn'' (EvoS) is a scientist studying reactor-powered fish hybridization who, when the supply of volunteers ran dry, subjected himself to his experiments. His load-out includes a water cannon and electric eels.
''Helio'' (Helio Corps) is a genius inventor recruited my Omni and later tasked with founding a new trust to further develop reactor-powered technology. Helio supports his team with shields, black holes, disruption walls and a seismic hammer.
Dr. ''Orion'' Strand (Omni) was inspired by the rematerialization of Aurora and sought to create a robotic suit that would allow him to harness the energy of the reactor. The results were, to some degree, successful as we now has the unique ability to absorb damage as energy and blast enemies with it.
''Quark'' (EvoS) is an anomaly that exploded forth from Atlas with abilities similar to the reactor itself. Nobody is entirely sure what Quark is or what its motives are. Quark can bond to allies and enemies, rearranging their atoms to suit its needs.
''Su-Ren'' (Omni) is actually an AI descended from GAIA. She now runs Omni's Project Nidus, guiding and training the warriors in the wastes just outside the city. Her powers allow her to quickly dash around the map doling heals, damage, buffs, debuffs, and shields while also laying damage with her staff.
''Khita'' was raised in the Waste and mentored by Titus. She is a skilled archer who uses specialized arrows and flechettes to deal damage and support her allies.
The first segment features Ed Begley Jr. as a man who restores a 1926 roadster and finds himself transported back in time.
;Cast Ed Begley Jr. as Frank E. J. André as Mr. McCauley Ann Doran as Mrs. McCauley Christina Hart as Helen
The second segment features Anjanette Comer as a woman who seems to be actively terrorized by a vampire. Patrick Macnee plays her husband who attempts to deal with her terror by engaging the services of a friend, Michael (Horst Buchholz).
;Cast Patrick Macnee as Dr. Gheria Anjanette Comer as Alexis Elisha Cook Jr. as Karel Horst Buchholz as Michael
The third and final segment deals with the grieving feelings of a mother (Joan Hackett) for her drowned son, Bobby (Lee H. Montgomery) and the lengths she will go to see him again. This story, an original script written for ''Dead of Night'', was later remade for the Dan Curtis omnibus movie ''Trilogy of Terror II'' with different actors.
;Cast Joan Hackett as Mother Lee H. Montgomery as Bobby
Battles in the Desert is written from the perspective of a middle-aged Mexican-American immigrant Carlos reminiscing about his life in post-World War II Mexico. It begins with Carlos recounting the political and social atmosphere of Mexico during the time period of his childhood, beginning with the evocative yet paradoxical line “I remember, I don’t remember.” He describes the national feeling of optimism towards the reign of new president Miguel Aleman, and the slow modernization and incorporation of Mexico. Initially, Carlos' speech evokes his primary school and the games the children played. The children would bully the Japanese student Toru and the two indigenous children Peralta and Rosales.
One of Carlos’ classmates was Jim who was born in San Francisco and spoke two languages without an accent. Jim's father was a married influential businessman who held an important position in the Mexican government; but Jim lived with his single mother, Mariana, in an apartment near the school. Aware of the affair, the children talked behind Jim's back, saying his mother was simply a mistress.
After Carlos defends Jim in a fight with Rosales, he invites him over to his house for a snack after school. Jim's mother makes the two boys a snack, and Carlos is overwhelmed by her beauty and youth. He vows to keep the memory of meeting her intact for the rest of his life.
Carlos, convinced he was in love with Mariana, began to visit Jim's house as often as he could, hiding his emotions from Jim. One day, however, his emotions overcome him and he rushes out of school to see her. At Mariana's apartment, he confesses his love for her and Mariana gently reminds him of the impossibility of the situation but still gave him a kiss on the cheek. When Carlos returned to school, Jim caught on to the situation and told their teacher what happened. Despite Mariana claiming Carlos only came over to get his history textbook, the principal called Carlitos’ parents and told them everything.
Carlitos’ parents began to believe that Carlitos was mentally unstable, and took him to confess at a church, and then to a psychiatrist. One woman claimed he was mentally deficient and had an Oedipal problem, the psychiatrist argued that he was abnormally smart, so smart that by the age of 15 he would become a “total idiot”, and that his behavior was due to lack of affection. Carlitos was angered that they couldn't come to a consensus before diagnosing him.
As time went on Carlitos’ brother Hector - an outspoken right-wing political activist - got into similar trouble, he was caught sexually abusing maids, beating up their sister's boyfriend, and doing drugs, but Carlitos remained the “black sheep” of the family.
After some time and a change in schools, Carlitos encounters Rosales on a bus. After chasing him down, Rosales agrees to speak with him over lunch. He reveals that Mariana had allegedly killed herself after the events of the past year, and that Jim no longer attended their school. Carlitos, refusing to accept what Rosales said as fact, rushed down to Mariana's apartment to try and talk to her. The doorman claimed to have no recollection of Mariana or Jim, and when Carlitos went to ask the owner, he told him to mind his own business.
The story ends with Carlitos reflecting on the fragile nature of history, and how even though he was sure everything happened, it was all gone.
Halloween Night – Journalist Miss Quinn comes to the Statesville Mental Hospital to interview Warden Kane. The warden introduces Ms. Quinn to five of the asylum’s most notorious serial killer inmates. Jeffrey Ramses was a chef who became known as "Animal the Cannibal" for serving victims to his customers. Murderous dentist Bradford Young is known as "Dr. Suave". Walter Harris is “The Taxidermist". "Rocco the Clown" was an underground wrestler who killed his opponents in the ring. Manual Dyer was a cult leader who considered himself a prophet, but is referred to as "Mental Manny" because of his psychosis. Miss Quinn reveals herself to actually be "The Stitch Face Killer" when she murders Warden Kane and the guards before freeing the inmates. Manny refers to Quinn as "Dollface" because she is also his daughter Eileen. Sheriff Kate Dyer and bumbling Deputy Doyle investigate a murder at a motel.
Having been tricked into doing so while romantically involved with Dollface, proprietor Dennis themes his Land of Illusions Haunted Scream Park at the Macon County Funhouse around the crimes of the Statesville Mental Hospital inmates. Manny has Rocco attack Dennis and drag him away as the killers murder the actors playing them and take over their roles inside the maze.
Along with their friends Mikey and Randall, diner coworkers Morgan, Laurie, Christina, and Jason leave work to go the Halloween haunt. Coworker Gerardo drives everyone there, but leaves after deciding that the attraction looks too frightening. All night long, the killers murder unsuspecting patrons. Other customers assume the gore is part of the entertainment. After taking a prank phone call, Deputy Doyle assumes all incoming calls concerning attacks at the funhouse are fake.
Kate returns to the crime scene at the motel and discovers that the room belonged to Dollface. Clues lead Kate to conclude that whatever Dollface was planning involved the Statesville Mental Hospital inmates. Kate regroups with Deputy Doyle and the two of them discover the bloodbath at the asylum. Dollface kills Christina in the bathroom after Christina has sex with Jason. The other friends realize what is actually happening at the funhouse after they find Christina’s dead body. The friends find themselves cornered when they discover the front gate to the park is chained shut. Rocco murders Mikey, Randall, and Jason. Laurie remains trapped inside the park while Morgan escapes and goes for help.
As he and the sheriff arrive at the funhouse, Deputy Doyle accidentally shoots Morgan’s arm when Morgan flags them down. Morgan explains what is happening inside the park. Gerardo joins their group and together, the four of them return to Land of Illusions to rescue the others and take down the killers. Laurie kills Dr. Suave. Manny kills WKDE deejays Bob and Dave in front of the crowd during their live Halloween broadcast from the attraction. Manny then announces to the audience that all of the murders they have witnessed were real. The remaining killers continue attacking panicking patrons.
Deputy Doyle, Morgan, and Gerardo regroup with Laurie and go on the offensive while Kate goes after Manny. Doyle shoots The Taxidermist. Morgan and Gerardo kill Animal. Doyle faces off against Rocco and shoots him to the ground. Kate is revealed to be an escaped cult member who is also Manny’s daughter. Kate shoots and kills Manny. Dollface attacks Kate. Laurie becomes involved in the fight and watches as Kate and Dollface stab each other to death. Doyle, Morgan, Gerardo, and Laurie escape in the light of day as more police arrive at the park. Rocco suddenly reappears and kills Morgan. The cops riddle Rocco with bullets. Doyle retrieves a shotgun and fires into Rocco at point blank range.
Gerardo leaves as Laurie recovers in an ambulance. EMTs announce that they have another survivor and wheel Kate into the ambulance. As the vehicle takes to the road, Laurie realizes Kate is actually Dollface wearing the sheriff’s skin. Dollface later escapes the ambulance after leaving it disabled along the side of the road. Back at the funhouse, Rocco reanimates while inside a body bag.
The story follows a lost soul trapped in Hell without any memory of his former life. From what is revealed of the protagonist's backstory, he was a king of an ancient land who made a Faustian bargain with the Red Goddess. In-story, he is referred to as both Nimrod by the Goddess and Amraphel by other condemned souls, some of whom still have their memories, blaming the protagonist for them being damned to Hell because of the acts he committed while alive. As the protagonist wanders through the wastelands of Hell, he discovers a possibility of escaping through the aid of the Red Goddess. Determined, he travels to the Red Goddess' lair to learn how he can be set free.
If the player obeys the Red Goddess's commands, they will ultimately venture to the lowest depths of Hell, provoking a creature known only as the Beast. Sufficiently wearing down the Beast, the protagonist is able to possess it, using its power to break the seals binding it to the lower depths. Satisfied, the Red Goddess reveals herself as the Whore of Babylon and vows to use the Beast to begin the Apocalypse. The protagonist is returned to the living world, per his deal, only to be killed by the Beast moments later as the Red Goddess begins her conquest of Earth, leaving the player's soul to return to Hell.
The story features multiple other endings, dependent on how the player progresses and the choices they make. However, only two of these are canonical.
In 1955, Maryellen Larkin (Lind) lives with her big family in Daytona Beach, Florida, longing to stand out among her siblings and relatives, even if it meant getting herself into certain trouble like making mischief at a store and wearing pants she took from the boys' department, or painting their house's door red.
Then one day a family friend named Benji (Faraci) arrives. Polio-stricken, Benji is unable to walk properly due to his condition and has to wear a leg brace to which Maryellen understands, as she had been a polio patient herself with one of her legs slightly withered. Moved by this, along with the plight of others with polio at the children's ward, she plans a Christmas party for the patients, only for no one from her siblings to volunteer with her, and to be impeded by the hospital's strict rules.
Maryellen's friend Davy (Donovan) also expresses his doubts about the planned party, leading to an argument and offending Maryellen's feelings. Not willing to despair, she uses her talent in drawing to cheer up the patients, and gives away her pocket money, originally meant to be spent on a trip to Georgia to see her grandparents, to Benji so his mother can pay a visit to him at the hospital. Davy reconciles with Maryellen, and surprise her with making picture frames for her drawings to be shown at the hospital.
Maryellen and her mother arrive at the house, to be met by Grandmom and Grandpop who were paying a surprise visit after hearing about their granddaughter's act of generosity towards the polio patients. They give her a box of snow as a present to make up for not being able to go to Georgia, and Maryellen learns how simple acts of kindness are the best Christmas gift one can give.
As described in Moving Picture World: three school chums, two boys and a girl, go merrily on their way as boys and girls usually do. Jack Sneder, the favorite one, asks the girl's hand in marriage. Her father tells him when he can produce ten thousand dollars he can have her. Five years later we find Jack a detective. He is stationed in the West along the Mexican border. Bob O'Connor, the other schoolmate, is still friendly with the girl, until his father receives a communication from the West that Beulah (the girl) has inherited some two millions of dollars. Bob's father, being the attorney for Beulah's father, receives this communication and immediately temptation seizes him and he confides in his son his scheme to have him (Bob), marry the girl before he notifies her of her inheritance. Beulah's father, however, objects, and Bob, not stopping at anything, hires two thugs to do away with him. The girl suspects Bob and induces the Tuell Detective Service to take the case. Jack is employed by that firm and receives communication from the general manager of the detective service that young O'Connor is coming West, and Jack receives instructions to give him the "silent third degree." Jack meets him at the train when he arrives on the Mexican border and from that time, tor many hours, assiduously follows and in many disguises, keeps accusing him with the mysterious hand, until breaking down in hysterical frenzy, he confesses all. Jack starts back East with his prisoner. The prisoner, seeing an opportunity to escape, and being mentally unbalanced, jumps from a moving train and meets with a just end. Jack returns to New York, and secures the girl.
In 10 episodes, the miniseries tells the love story lived by Saulo (Murilo Benício) and Verônica (Debora Falabella), with the implementation of the first TV network in Brazil as a backdrop. In the series, Saulo is a visionary and passionate man, who dreams of creating the first television network alongside Verônica, who aspires to be a famous actress. Set in the mid-1950s, the series features the drama and conflicts experienced by the couple, as well as the revolution and innovation that marked the early days of television as we know it today.
Takashima Raita, known as a brilliant hacker, moves into a low-rent apartment next door to Kazama Raita, a man with the same given name who works as a private detective. A girl named Inoue Manami comes looking for the detective late at night but finds him drunk and unwilling to help so they agree to meet the next morning. She is then murdered on her walk home afterwards. The next morning Kazama does not meet with the girl but rather police detectives who have traced her last known location to his apartment. Kazama takes it upon himself to investigate the girl's death.
A second girl, Asanuma Ritsuko, is murdered and the police stake out Kazama's apartment. He avoids them and investigates an affair she was having with a bartender. The police link a third victim to this series of murders because they have all had different organs removed from their bodies. Kazama remains a suspect. Kazama visits Gamou, a convicted child killer whose skin was burned off by the father of one of his victims, in order to get clues about the new killer.
Kazama then tracks down Takashima and convinces him to use his hacking skills to help in the investigation. The police raid the building and both Raitas are forced to flee into the sewers. A janitor finds Kazama Raita's "Kazama Lighter" and the Raitas hide out with the bartender.
They become interested in an elderly artist named Aoyama Yuki who paints religious imagery and is known as the "Master of Tragedy" and the "Artist of Madness". His newer work is noticeably different because Aoyama has begun to paint with the blood and ground flesh of corpses. At a local bath Kazama asks a female friend to help him locate the artist.
Back at the bartender's home Kazama is attacked by an unknown assailant. Police lift his fingerprints from the lighter and he is put on the wanted list. Kazama shows up at Takashima's place of work and when the police arrive he pretends to take Takashima hostage with a box cutter in order to escape.
Kazama's friend finds Aoyama Yuki's house and speaks with his daughter Maho. She discovers that the three victims were all fans of the artist. After Yuki's wife committed suicide he moved in with his lover Seto Masami, a housekeeper. She calls Kazama with this information and theorizes that Yuki's wife Chie was driven mad by his extramarital affair, causing her to commit suicide. Shortly afterward Yuki had a daughter named Maho with an art student named Akimura Mizuho and Maho now lives in a foster home. She calls back and says that Yuki also had a son with Seto Masami named Masakuni. Kazama begins to put the pieces together and drives to the artist's studio in Izu for the final encounter with the artist's family.
Described by Edison Films as an "unrivalled historical production of colonial times", the synopsis of scenes was:
BEFORE THE STORM. — Epoch-making days — Liberty stirs the blood of the Colonists — Grave issues discussed — "Sons of Liberty" take action.
THE MAN AND THE HOUR. — "Market Day" — Eager for news — Arrival of hero at tavern — Posted call for mass meeting — Informer (rival of heroine) off to sell information — Heroine welcomes hero.
BRITISH HEADQUARTERS. — Informer reports — Leads soldiers — Off to capture hero — Posting £1,000 reward — Searching house.
HEROINE OUTWITS THE ENEMY. — Secreting hero — Informer baffled — Fruitless chase — Heroine throws off disguise — Escape of hero.
THE RENDEZVOUS. — Tea Tax arouses populace — "Sons of Liberty" disguise as Indians — Off to the harbor.
ATTACK ON THE SHIP. — A dark, silent night — Unexpected attack — Crew overpowered — Piling the tea on deck.
HEROINE'S WARNING. — A fast ride — Tea party warned in time — Soldiers get warm reception — Soldiers and crew Imprisoned.
THE RATTLESNAKE FLAG. — Throwing the tea overboard — Home thrust at tyranny — Rattlesnake Flag unfurled — Informer attacks hero — He follows the tea overboard.
TABLEAU. — Great Historic Picture of "The Tea Party in Boston Harbor."
Nobuyuki Yazawa owns a Kyoto izakaya, whilst Shinobu Senke serves customers. Three months prior to the series' start, Shinobu went to an Inari shrine and prays for the izakaya's success. Inari-sama responds by making the front door open into the old capital city of Aitheria in another world.
Made up of four independent stories interconnected by the characters, the show reminisces about growing old, but also about rediscovering and reinventing ourselves to enjoy the best years of our lives.
After the events of ''Wolf Warrior'', Leng Feng and members of his special-ops team bring his fallen comrade's remains back to his hometown. As the family prepare for the funeral, a real estate company is about to demolish their house. The boss of the real estate company confronts and sneers at Feng and his team for their patriotism, and he is kicked to the ground.
The boss orders his henchmen to attack them but they are all swiftly disabled by Feng and his team. Police arrive shortly after and order Feng to stand down. The boss gets back up and boasts that he will "make the family wish they were dead", enraging Feng, who kills him. Feng is sent to a military prison for two years and then discharged from the Chinese army.
After his release from prison, Feng leaves for Africa, planning to wander aimlessly around the continent. While serving as a mercenary providing security for a freighter delivering relief supplies to Africa, he foils an attempted hijacking by Somalian pirates, defeating them in hand-to-hand combat underwater. The freighter arrives safely at its destination. For three years, Feng has been carrying a bullet he found, which was a clue to the kidnapping of his fiancée, Lieutenant Colonel Long Xiaoyun, that happened while she was on a mission.
Feng and some locals are partying on a beach when they are attacked by rebel forces aiming to overthrow the African nation. Shortly after the rebels and their mercenaries overrun the government troops, the Chinese fleet arrives to evacuate Chinese nationals caught up in the civil war.
While on board a Chinese military ship, a shop owner that Feng rescued informs him that the bullet he is carrying belongs to European mercenaries who are helping the rebels. Feng volunteers to rescue workers at a Chinese factory and also a VIP, Dr. Chen, who was held hostage in a nearby hospital. Dr Chen is developing a vaccine for Lamanla, a deadly endemic disease. However, Feng will be on his own. No China military personnel could accompany him because they are on foreign soil, and must wait for permission from the Chinese military's higher authorities.
Feng travels to the hospital but during the hostage rescue, Dr Chen is accidentally killed by the rebels and their mercenaries. Dying, Dr Chen tells Feng to take his daughter, an African girl named Pasha. The mercenaries are led by Big Daddy, a ruthless American working for Dyon Corps. Feng and Pasha, together with Rachel Smith, a surviving doctor, escape but Feng cuts his hand when he falls on some Lamanla-infected dead bodies.
Feng continues to the Chinese-owned Hanbound factory to save the workers and his godson's mother, who also works there. Upon arrival, Feng is confronted by the suspicious factory security team led by the factory owner's son, Zhuo Yifan, a cocky fuerdai young man who is also an ardent Chinese army fan. Feng informs everyone that the Chinese fleet plans to send a helicopter to rescue them. The women and children will evacuate via helicopter and everyone else will travel by road to join the fleet.
Big Daddy's mercenaries attack the factory to capture Pasha, as they believe she holds the cure for Lamanla. Feng rallies the workers to fight to protect their families and their fellow factory workers. Feng is about to be overwhelmed and killed when Big Daddy and his men are unexpectedly ordered to fall back. The rebel leader informs Big Daddy that no Chinese can be harmed as he needs China's support when he comes into power, since China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. However, Big Daddy kills the leader and takes over, ordering everyone back to the factory to capture Pasha and kill Feng.
Meanwhile, Feng chooses to leave after the factory workers discover that he is infected with the deadly Lamanla virus. Dr Rachel Smith injects him with a serum and he learns that Dr Chen had discovered a cure using infected patients who survived and developed immunity. Pasha is one of Dr. Chen's patients and not his daughter, and she is the only surviving infected patient with immunity.
Big Daddy and his men return to the factory and round up the workers who were waiting for the Chinese helicopter to arrive. Feng returns with Rachel and Pasha in a rescue attempt. The workers are saved and then the helicopter arrives. Pasha and Rachel leave in the helicopter with the other women and children, but the helicopter is shot down. The battle continues with Feng and his allies fighting hordes of Dyon Corps mercenaries and rebels, who are reinforced by several tanks. Seeing the massive battle casualties, the Chinese fleet fire missiles to take out the tanks.
In the battle climax, Feng confronts Big Daddy and learns that the bullet which killed Xiaoyun belonged to Big Daddy. Driven by rage, he kills Big Daddy after a brutal fight. Then, Feng leads the survivors in a convoy through rebel territory until they reach the UN camp.
In the mid-credits scene, Feng is allowed by his commander to return to his military squadron and is shown a video revealing that Xiaoyun is still alive.
Two drivers with identical cars unwittingly take each other's vehicle while at a restaurant – one belonging to a childless couple, Bill and Joan, out on a Sunday drive with their niece and nephew (Christine and John) while their parents are away – and the other car belonging to Paul Sheridan, a young man on his way to meet his fiancé and to begin working for her father.
In Paul's car is his dog, whom Bill and Joan mistake for the children when they get into his car and drive away; and while Paul goes into their car, the children are under a blanket and he mistakenly assumes it's his dog. But when each driver eventually discovers their mistake, everyone has a hassle trying to get back together.
In Gotham Bio-Lab, a hematologist is working on finding a cure on Alice Tetch's blood. He goes to a bar, where Mario (James Carpinello) meets him. He is fearing that Gordon (Ben McKenzie) will continue waiting for Lee (Morena Baccarin) and asks the hematologist about the test on the virus. He refuses and Mario kills him in an alley, crushing his skull.
Bruce (David Mazouz) and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) are told by Jacob (Julien Seredowych) that Volk and his enforcer are dead. Certain that the Court has eventually discovered that they broke the deal, they decide to team up with Jacob. The GCPD is investigating the hematologist's murder, a man named Ryan Pfeffer and because of the smashed skull, Gordon suspects that Barnes may be responsible as the wallet reveals his position in the bio-lab. Barbara (Erin Richards) shows up at Dahl Manor and tells Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) that Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) is responsible for Isabella's death because he is in love with him but Nygma shrugs it off.
Jacob takes Bruce, Alfred and Selina (Camren Bicondova) to a building that the Court possesses. The building is guarded with two alarms in the roof and the basement. Bruce tells Selina that they will break in that day. At Gotham Bio-Lab, Gordon visits the facility in case someone uses Pfeffer's card but the guard tells him that the card was just used a few minutes ago. Gordon rushes to the lab and finds a doctor dead. Mario appears, attacks him and leaves him unconscious, but decides not to kill him. While Bullock (Donal Logue) tends him, they are told by Fox (Chris Chalk) that the files were missing and Gordon's hand has "Arkham" written on it. He visits Arkham to question Tetch (Benedict Samuel), deducing that he infected people before he was incarcerated and needs a name. Tetch refuses but accidentally reveals that the one he loves will die by hate and that he went from "healer to killer". Gordon instantly deduces that the killer is Mario.
Gordon has Mario tested but Fox states he's cleared of the virus. Gordon arrives at Lee's address and finds Mario and he deduces that Tetch injected him while he was experiencing the drug effects. Mario has Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) watch for Gordon in the apartment but after a time, Zsasz lets him go. Nygma announces to Cobblepot that he plans on resigning and that they could continue working as partners but Cobblepot reveals his romantic feelings, giving Nygma the realization that Cobblepot indeed killed Isabella. He even contemplates killing him on a public awarding but can't make himself do it. Cobblepot wants things to go the way they were and Nygma seemingly agrees.
Gordon arrives at the wedding ceremony and finds Lee, in her dress, and tries to dissuade her from marrying. He subsequently realizes that Mario beat the virus through a cure in the files, had himself tested and told Zsasz to free him so he could arrive at the wedding and look like a jealous ex. Lee suggests that he gets help, causing Gordon to confess that he still loves her and that he did find her after his release, but backed off when he saw Lee happy with Mario. This causes Lee to cry and slap Gordon in the face and has Falcone (John Doman) take him out of the church. Gordon fails to beat them and Lee and Mario marry.
Lucius and Bullock discover that Mario's test came back off the charts and set out to find him. With Jacob and the gang dead, Bruce, Alfred and Selina enter the building to find the device. Selina is forced to walk on a wire to avoid alarms and opens the vault to find an owl sculpture. Talon arrives and attacks them, brutally wounding Alfred. A mysterious woman who has been following them arrives and distracts Talon and Alfred stabs a dagger in his neck, killing him. The woman reveals herself to be Maria (Ivana Milicevic), Selina's mom and they flee.
Nygma arrives at Sirens and decides to team up with Barbara, Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) and Butch (Drew Powell) to destroy Cobblepot and everything he loves. Lee and Mario arrive at a refuge in the woods before they leave Gotham. Gordon arrives with Falcone, demanding to know where he is. Falcone reveals that he knew something was wrong with Mario but that he didn't know about the virus. He eventually gives Gordon the location but makes him swear that he will bring him alive. Mario, now fully infected by the virus and certain that Lee still loves Gordon, is about to stab her when Gordon arrives and fatally guns down Mario, causing the knife to fall in the river. Lee looks at Gordon with shock and horror.
Carlo Antonini (Emílio de Mello), a psychoanalyst, psychologist and psychiatrist, works in São Paulo. While working at his clinic and relating to his ex-wife, his son, and two stepchildren, he lends himself to investigate on his own, in the vacant hours, crimes and complex cases of the city.
In the third season of the series, Denise played an accumulating patient who must deal with her mother's imminent death. With the help of Carlo, she discovers a family secret kept long ago. The two episodes starring Denise were directed by Luciano Moura.
In Monroe, Georgia, Detective Ray Archer leads police in pursuit of a speeding van. Confronting the driver, Archer notices a pendant dangling from the rear-view mirror.
One year later, reporter Christi Davies accompanies Detective Will Ruiney to the scene of a murder: a teacher has been hanged outside her school, with the letter “O” carved into her chest. Inside, they find a classroom staged by the killer, with two mannequins playing “hangman”, and Ruiney and Archer’s badge numbers carved into a desk. The now retired Archer joins the investigation, and Captain Lisa Watson warns Davies not to interfere. The coroner reveals that the victim, Carrie Cooper, had frequently been treated for broken bones. Searching Cooper’s apartment with Davies, the detectives determine that Cooper was dating someone named Joey Truman, and find her bedroom covered in blood, with BDSM equipment in her closet.
At Truman’s address, they question a woman – revealed to be Joey Truman – who attempts to flee and is arrested. She claims Cooper’s injuries were part of their relationship, and denies killing her. Truman attempts suicide but survives, and her alibi is confirmed. Some of the blood from Cooper’s bedroom is determined to belong to a felon named David Green, whom the detectives trace to a church. There, the killer escapes after crucifying another victim – carved with an “N” and wearing a pig’s head – and leaving them his hangman diagram to solve. Green, the church’s pastor, explains that an unknown assailant took blood from him months before. Ruiney realizes the killer will claim seven more victims, with a new murder every night.
The FDA stamp on the pig’s head leads the detectives and Davies to a slaughterhouse and the body of Eric Anderson, carved with an “M”. Archer deduces that they should search the nearby river, recovering Anderson’s car. Ruiney is forced to accept that the unsolved murder of his wife, Jessica, was committed by the Hangman Killer; she was his first victim, carved with a “V”. At Anderson’s home, they discover a model railroad replica of Monroe, pointing them to the next victim. They find him hanging above railroad tracks, alive and carved with a “C”, but are unable to save him from an oncoming train. The detectives learn this victim was responsible for the car accident that paralyzed Captain Watson, indicating she is the killer’s next target.
Racing to her home, they rescue Watson from the Hangman’s noose, before he could finish carving a letter. Ruiney discovers the body of a police officer as the Hangman slips past Archer in the officer’s uniform. Fleeing by motorcycle, the killer is pursued by the detectives and Davies, but escapes when their car is struck by a semi-trailer truck. Joey Truman, the next victim, is found carved with a “T”, with Archer saying this was revenge for the pair saving Watson. Knowing the killer was inactive between Jessica’s murder and the night he took Green’s blood, the detectives track down Adam Kellerman, who served a prison sentence for assault during the same period, and later sold Anderson the model town. Raiding Kellerman’s toy store, they discover him dead from an apparent suicide, surrounded by evidence indicating he was the Hangman.
Davies is abducted by the real Hangman, but tears off his necklace. Taking her to a mausoleum, he places her in a noose rigged to a ceiling fan. Discovering Davies has been taken, Archer finds the pendant and realizes the Hangman is the driver he arrested a year ago. Watson calls with news that the killer is live streaming video of Davies online, leading them to the mausoleum, where Archer confronts the Hangman. It is revealed that as a child, the Hangman witnessed his father’s suicide after receiving an eviction notice; he blames Archer, the police officer who arrived on the scene, for failing to save him from abusive foster care. Ruiney shoots and wounds the Hangman, and the detectives free Davies. As Ruiney grapples with the Hangman, Archer throws the killer off a staircase, but fatally strikes his head and dies. Ruiney notices the Hangman’s completed word – “EVICTIONEM” (Latin for "eviction") – and shoots him dead. At Archer’s funeral, Ruiney receives an ominous note: a new game of hangman.
Described by Edison as "an adaptation of the memorable historical incident of Colonial times", the plot synopsis was:
"Ethan Ward tells Barbara, his sweetheart, that he is trying to foment a rebellion among the Colonists. At a gathering of the Colonists for the purpose of a free discussion on the subject of taxation without representation, Sam Fleet, a Tory, in league with the British soldiers, stationed in and about Boston, slips in and after he has learned the plans of the Colonists, hurries to Captain Crewe of the British and tells him young Ethan Ward is at the head of the plot. Barbara is attending the Governor’s ball when Fleet enters to impart his knowledge to Captain Crewe. She does some eavesdropping and on a pretext that she is ill, leaves the Governor’s mansion and hurries off to warn Ethan that Captain Crewe’s men will be in search of him shortly. She stops in a wayside tavern while repairs are being made to the carriage and sees Sam Fleet, intoxicated and asleep. With assistance, she carries him to the carriage and takes him to Ethan’s farm, a prisoner. She changes clothes with Ethan, and when the soldiers are nearing the house, she rides away on horseback, with the soldiers in hot pursuit. She proves herself to be an accomplished equestrienne, and the exhibition of riding is unusual. In the meantime, Ethan, attired in Barbara’s raiment, leaves the farm with the colored servant in the carriage.
The soldiers meet the carriage and what they see inside does not excite their suspicions. Barbara outwits them, hiding under a bridge as they go galloping by in pursuit. Ethan hurries to the place set for the meeting and soon the Colonists have arrayed themselves as Indians. In this garb, they board the “Monmouth” at dock in Boston harbor, laden with tea upon which a British tax has been laid, and dump the chests of tea into the water. The alarm is given to Captain Crewe, but when soldiers get to the ship the "Indians" have left. Ethan and Barbara then take the opportunity of discussing colonial affairs together."
Riza Riga, a beautiful young showgirl has led a life of crime, but she wants to go straight. When she falls in love with attorney Nicholas Cathy, she plans to gain his attention by buying a beautiful new dress. But when she realizes she can't afford to buy it, she returns to crime. She steals some money and is caught redhanded, resulting in a criminal trial. Defense lawyer Cathy winds up defending the young girl and falls in love with her in the process. Lugosi as Brottos, the nightclub owner, lurks throughout the film in villainous fashion. In the end, Riza is found guilty and is sentenced to three months in jail, and Nicholas Cathy watches her as she is led off to prison, promising to wait for her faithfully.
The game is set in feudal Japan. The shogun has unified Japan after years of war. However, a mysterious warlord known only as "Kage-sama" has emerged, jeopardizing the country's stability. The Shogun turns to Oshiro Mugen, a samurai in his service, and assigns him to uncover Kage-sama's true identity and bring him to justice. Mugen subsequently recruits four other allies to assist him: Hayato, a cynical ninja; Yuki, a clever, inquisitive young outcast and thief; Aiko, a female ninja and Mugen's paramour; and Takuma, a veteran sharpshooter and alchemist.
The group investigates the corrupt daimyo Lord Yabu, suspecting him of being Kage-sama due to his involvement in the production and smuggling of illegal weapons, but when Mugen decides to have him assassinated without the Shogun's permission, it triggers a rebellion of soldiers loyal to the Shogun's former ally, General Okkoto. The Shogun reprimands Mugen for acting rashly, but allows him nonetheless to deal with Okkoto. Defeated, the general commits ''seppuku'' with Mugen's help after providing the group with a map that leads to a secret encampment in the marshlands where Kage-sama is hiding.
The group goes to apprehend Kage-sama, but quickly learn that their target is a decoy and the "encampment" is a trap: the true Kage-sama is none other than Lord Noboru, the Shogun's younger brother and right-hand man. Noboru reveals that he opposes his brother's peaceful rule, fearing that it will make warriors like him obsolete. He intends to seize power and plunge Japan back into endless war. Holding Mugen's companions hostage, Noboru forces the samurai to lead him to the secret refuge of Ryunosuke, the Shogun's heir, and Noboru's son Masaru stabs Ryunosuke dead. Mugen's companions escape captivity, but a guilt-ridden and dishonored Mugen commits suicide, though not before Aiko tells him that she is bearing his child.
After learning that Mugen's companions have survived, Noboru convinces the Shogun that they killed his son; to clear their names, the group abducts Masaru from a bathhouse in Kyoto and sneak their way past the Shogun's men to deliver him personally to their superior. Masaru tries to lie, but the Shogun, noting that only he and Mugen knew about his son's hiding place, forces him to tell the truth. Leaving Masaru to be put to death for his crimes, the group infiltrates Noboru's castle. When they corner Noboru, he attempts suicide. The player can choose to let him do it, or execute him themselves.
Having avenged Mugen, the four comrades are released from their service to the Shogun and go their separate ways. Aiko later gives birth to Mugen's son, whom the Shogun adopts as his heir, allowing his legacy to endure.
The events in the standalone expansion ''Aiko's Choice'' take place shortly after Okkoto's death and before the group leaves to confront Kage-sama in the marshlands.
While the shogun's agents are in their hideout at Nagoya planning their next move, they are ambushed by armed men, led by the ''kunoichi'' Lady Chiyo. Lady Chiyo is Aiko's old mentor, now employed by Kage-sama, and has been ordered to deal with Aiko and her allies. Chiyo has Takuma and Yuki taken away while leaving Aiko, Hayato, and Mugen to be killed. The three manage to escape and rescue Yuki from Chiyo's men, but learn that Takuma has already been taken to a nearby archipelago on a Portuguese ship. During the voyage, Takuma escapes from his cell and discovers crates of foreign gunpowder and arms intended for Kage-sama's troops. He marks the crates before finding a place to hide for the night.
Aiko and the others reach the archipelago; through signals sent between Takuma and Yuki, they learn about the marked crates. The group rescues Takuma while destroying the smuggled cargo before it leaves the island. He informs them that while listening to the conversations of his guards, he uncovered Lady Chiyo's location: the city of Matsuyama. Mugen and Aiko go on a private mission and steal documents from a samurai revealing his orders to recruit young women for Lady Chiyo. Aiko uses this information to determine that her old mentor's plan is to reopen the ''Hana Gakuen'', a school for ''kunoichi'' formerly controlled by the fallen Sakura clan, and where Aiko herself was trained.
The group infiltrates the ''Hana Gakuen'', where Aiko personally assassinates Lady Chiyo. The evening, while the others are preparing to enjoy dinner, Aiko secretly meets with Lady Chiyo, who explains that Kage-sama had come to her hoping to exploit the Sakura clan's former allegiance to him; angered by his deceit and wanting to be left alone, Lady Chiyo had arranged for Aiko and her allies to sabotage Kage-sama's smuggling operation before using her ''kunoichi'' training to fake her own death. Aiko acknowledges her gratitude for Lady Chiyo's help, but cannot forgive her entirely for endangering the lives of her friends. Lady Chiyo then gives her the chance to either kill her or let her go free. Afterwards, the group finishes their dinner and goes to sleep, while Mugen and Aiko discuss their future together.
A happily married man has an affair with another woman when his wife is away but the other woman wants more than just a one-night stand.
Super Jetter comes from the 30th century, but after fighting the villain known as "Jaguar" he ends up in a time machine that sends them back to the 20th century. He meets a young girl named Kaoru whose father is the Secretary of International Science Bureau of Investigation, Saigou Mizushima. With his super abilities, Jetter is asked by Mr. Mizushima to help keep peace in the 20th century. Jetter has superior intelligence and strength compared to those of the 20th century. He has futuristic abilities such as being able to stop time for 30 seconds, an anti-gravity belt, infrared goggles, is bulletproof, and has a paralyzing gun.
Dr. Tachibana once designed the highly dangerous antiproton bomb and planned to escape Earth with his wife and children for fear of prosecution. On their way in space, their space ship is almost destroyed and only Dr. Tachibana's children, his son and his daughter, escape. The son is rescued by aliens called the Soran who live on a planet with 15 times the gravity of Earth. They name him Soran after their planet and is turned into a cyborg to save his life. He returns to Earth to search for his sister who escaped, but is yet to be found. He then lives with the archaeologist Dr. Kotsuki and his daughter Mika. and teams up with his pet squirrel, Chappy.
An ex-con electronics genius (Prinze) and his four female accomplices devise a plot to steal millions of dollars from the Chicago Transit Authority. A detective, who has been keeping tabs on him since he got out of prison, suspects that he is up to something and tries to catch him at it.
This film is about the story of Felipe Pugoy, a troubled inmate who, with his gang, instigated a hostage crisis in a Davao City prison that led to 21 deaths (5 hostages and 16 inmates, including Pugoy) in 1989. Among them were a visiting Australian female missionary Jacqueline Hamill with the evangelical Joyful Assembly of God.
As global panic over Troll Trace causes a large crowd to gather outside the barricaded SpaceX facility in hopes of escaping to Mars, Cartman confronts Butters over his advances on Heidi Turner. Butters reveals that he was doing so in order to get Cartman to break up with Heidi before she can break his heart. An increasingly panicked Cartman repeatedly asks Heidi to tell more jokes, but she concentrates fully on using her "emoji analysis" technique to solve the problems required to launch a Mars rocket. She is finally able to solve the problem, but Cartman's panic makes him doubt his relationship with Heidi.
In Denmark, the Troll Trace CEO, now named Bedrager, has Gerald Broflovski and the rest of the trolling team stripped naked and brought to a holding room where Gerald presumes they will be killed. However, Bedrager then brings Gerald back to his control room where he explains that he is faking being a Dane and that he had really designed Troll Trace to set the entire world against each other just for laughs, as Gerald had done previously on a smaller scale. He then seals Gerald in the control room, as his locked-in Troll Trace workers and the trolling team watch each other simultaneously get rickrolled.
After being caught and brought back home by their mother Sheila, Kyle and Ike decide to rally a panicking South Park to take vengeance on Troll Trace. They manage to convince Mr. Slave to anger President Garrison into bombing Denmark. However, when Sheila informs Kyle that his father Gerald is still in Denmark, Kyle then angers Garrison into calling off the attack. Kyle and Ike eventually lock Sheila, who has grown increasingly angrier when chasing Ike, in the family pantry so they can use the computer against her wishes in order to take action.
In the 21st century, overpopulation has become such a problem that scientists begin preparing for the colonization of Mars. Their first steps in the terraforming of Mars involve seeding the planet with moss in order to absorb the sunlight and create a hospitable atmosphere as well as increase the surface temperature. They also introduce cockroaches in order to spread the moss.
500 years later, in the year 2599, a crewed mission is sent to the red planet to clear out the cockroach colony in preparation for the human colonization of Mars. The crew is an international team of misfits and criminals who are given the opportunity to take part in the mission to gain forgiveness for their crimes.
They enter the new atmosphere aboard the BUGS 2 and find the terraforming to have been successful. They release a roach bomb but when they walk onto the surface they do not find any dead roaches among the moss. Eventually they come upon human-sized anthropomorphic cockroaches wielding clubs that quickly kill two of the humans with their superior speed and physical strength. They determine that these creatures are the result of the accelerated evolution of the original small roaches sent by humans to aid in the terraforming efforts 500 years earlier.
In order to combat the creatures the team is given a range of specially concocted DNA infusions individually designed to give each member of the team special powers. God Lee is eager to accept the infusion, believing that his powers will also give him added bargaining power when he returns to Earth. He walks on the surface of Mars and injects the DNA when he encounters a giant cockroach, transforming into a miidera beetle (Pheropsophus jessoensis) with the power to emit fire. The cockroach survives the fire blast and kills God Lee.
A giant cockroach climbs on top of the spacecraft breaks through its transparent shell, killing two members of the team as it falls. Captain Dojima injects the DNA and transforms into a bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) with the power to lift one hundred times his own weight and kills the giant cockroach.
Dozens of giant cockroaches swarm into the spacecraft as an expedition team prepares to venture out to grab parts from the BUGS 1, the vessel from the previous mission 10 years earlier, to get the current vessel BUGS 2 into shape to return to Earth. Tezuka injects the DNA and transforms into a Steninae MacLeay then sits on the back of the Mars rover and blows a jet of fire out to propel it across the terrain and kill giant cockroaches at the same time. The captain and Ichiro remain behind to battle the swarm of giant cockroaches. Ichiro injects the DNA and transforms into a sleeping chironomid (Polypedilum vanderplanki) then removes the oxygen from the vessel to cause the cockroaches to die of asphyxiation.
The expedition team encounters a wave of giant cockroaches but they push through it. A second larger wave approaches and the team fears that Tezuka will not be able to survive this one so Osako volunteers to go out to help him. She injects the DNA and transforms into a black weevil Pachyrhynchus infernalis, an insect strong enough to survive being stepped on by an elephant. Mary joins her, injecting the DNA to become a rainbow stag beetle Phalacrognathus muelleri with optical camouflage capabilities. They protect Tezuka as he propels the rover through the second wave. The three are thrown from the vehicle and killed by the giant cockroaches as the rover rolls over and enters into autopilot mode to continue its journey.
The remaining members discover and enter the BUGS 1. They find that it was already attempting to send something back to Earth. Outside two more members of the team are shot by giant cockroaches wielding large firearms. It is revealed that Ko Honda, the person who sent the team on this mission, is in communication with the giant cockroaches, who appear to have human intelligence. Shokichi Komachi injects the DNA and transforms into a deadly Asian giant hornet while Jim Muto injects the DNA and transforms into a desert locust with flying and powerful kicking and jumping abilities. Mina Obari injects the DNA and transforms into an orchid mantis, a carnivorous insect. They then discover giant pyramids on the surface of Mars.
Asuka Moriki appears alive aboard the BUGS 2 and transformed into an emerald cockroach wasp, capable of entering the bodies of giant cockroaches and manipulating them. She revives Ichiro with water and they launch the BUGS 2 back toward Earth with a giant cockroach egg on board. The egg hatches and the giant cockroaches inside resist Asuka's manipulation and kill her.
Surprised at the new evolutionary advantage of the giant cockroaches, Ko Honda commands the BUGS 2 to fall back to the surface of Mars. The cockroaches aboard the BUGS 2 call for the assistance of the cockroaches on the surface, who sprout wings and ascend into the sky to soften the landing of the BUGS 2.
Back on the surface they face the remaining members of the human expedition team, all of whom inject another dose of DNA to transform and do battle with the hordes of cockroaches. Over the course of the battle they discover that taking a second dose will create an enhanced transformation with increased powers. Jim injects a third time, causing irreversible transformation. Shokichi attempts to defend him and is injured.
Nanao appears, transformed into a silk moth, and spreads her dust over the cockroach horde. A cockroach fires a weapon at her, causing an explosion that destroys the cockroach horde as well as Nanao. Jim and Shokichi escape the explosion and fly away, only to fall back to the surface where Jim dies in his permanent insect form. Shokichi, after sparing the life of the cockroach leader, boards the BUGS 2 again and confronts Ichiro, who saves him from a cockroach attack then suggests that they return to Earth quickly on a two-person spacecraft. As they blast off, the leader of the cockroaches decides against flying after them because Shokichi spared his life.
Back on Earth, Sakakibara fears what the reaction will be when Earth learns of their actions. Ko Honda admits that it would be their downfall and suggests preventing the vessel from returning to Earth and then disappearing from Japanese society. She attempts to shoot him but he stops the bullet and tosses a spider at her which releases a toxic purple spray and kills her.
The film ends with Ichiro and Shokichi in the small vessel discussing their plans for the future. Shokichi plans to build graveyards for Nanao and every member. Besides, he decides to return to Mars.
A bombing case at Nichiuri TV in autumn. The Satsuki Cup, which crowns the winner of Japan's Ogura Hyakunin Isshu based competitive ''karuta'' tournament, is currently being filmed inside the facility. The incident results in a big commotion and, while the building is burning to ashes, the only people left inside are Heiji and Kazuha. They get rescued just in time by Conan, who rushes to the scene. Both the identity and motive of the bomber are unknown.
While confusion takes over due to the explosion, Conan meets a mysterious beautiful girl who claims she is "Heiji's fiancée". Her name is Momiji Ooka and she is the Kyoto High School ''karuta'' champion. As fate would have it, Kazuha is going to face Momiji in the Hyakunin Isshu competition, so she begins to train with the help of Heiji's mother, Shizuka, who is a skilled ''karuta'' player.
At the same time, in a Japanese house in Arashiyama, Kyoto's outskirts, the reigning Satsuki Cup champion is murdered. Pictures of the crime scene reveal Momji's presence. Additionally, several ''karuta'' cards were spread around the victim.
Conan and Heiji, along with the Osaka and Kyoto police departments, begin their investigation on the Satsuki Cup and the related murder case. As the inquiry goes on, they come across a secret connected with the Hyakunin Isshu.
''Mr. Neighbor's House'' is an educational television show that takes place in Neighbortown and in the mind of a mental patient named Jim who hasn't said a word in 7 years.
Larry is working on a window at a barn at night. Irritated by what he thinks is his colleague Kyle, he turns around to find the ghost of Dapper Jack firing green flames at him and runs away screaming about the ghost. A bustling western-style tourist town is shown, with a menacing figure walking up main street. Some tourists think they're about to see a show, but everyone runs screaming when Dapper Jack starts shooting green flames at them; then the opening credits roll.
The gang is in the Mystery Machine on their way to Shaggy's cousin's ranch, where she's invited him and his friends to get to know him better. Velma freaks out looking at the dude ranch's website because it uses El Cabong font, which is a terrible font choice in her opinion. Daphne calms her down and takes over looking at the website, and Fred announces that they're approaching Sorghum City. The gang appears lost, and Daphne suggests asking directions. Shaggy volunteers to go ask, but everyone he approaches runs away screaming. Daphne successfully gets directions before the man she's talking to spots Shaggy and runs off screaming.
The gang make their way to the ranch and Shaggy and Scooby refuse to get out of the van because everyone runs screaming when they see Shaggy. Fred, Daphne & Velma make their way to the ranch where Velma's horse allergy flares up and they meet Midge & Andy, and their children Desdemona and Buddy G, who is a famous internet video star that Daphne is a huge fan of. Buddy G is afraid of horses, but his mum thinks that he really loves them. Midge introduces them to Dave & David, and Carol & Sharon who are continuously pranking each other. A wild-looking horse rears and canters away, and the cowboys Larry & Kyle tell everyone not to worry about Buckstitch, who is the meanest horse in the west. Kyle takes a shine to Velma, and Larry takes a shine to Daphne, which Fred objects to. The cowboys announce that it's time for lunch and Shaggy and Scooby burst out of the van, causing everyone to scream that he's a ghost. Rafe bursts out of the house with a gun ready to protect everyone from the ghost, but the gang says he's not a ghost and manages to convince everyone.
Rafe takes Shaggy and everyone else inside where his cousin and Rafe examine him, before she apologizes and introduces herself as Tawny Rogers. Rafe then tells the tale of Dapper Jack, the outlaw and villain of Sorghum City. He terrorized Sorghum City as a cattle thief, bank robber and general all-around bad guy, even returning his library books late. Consequently, he's quite the tourist attraction! Sheriff Rufus Carmichael was the one who took him down and made him famous, and that's why the tourists come to Sorghum City. Tawny announces that it's lunch time and Shaggy and Scooby vanish in the direction of the kitchen, causing Fred to explain "they're pretty much psychic when it comes to food." Later that night, the gang is unpacking into their rooms. Fred is unpacking and debating the merits of one net versus others, and Shaggy asks about second dinner. They hear screams, and run towards the sound, with Fred electing to take the NetMaster 3000. The gang runs outside to find Dapper Jack laughing and shooting green fire at the barn and ranch, and Fred attempts to net Dapper Jack only to get caught up in the net in a tree. Dapper Jack chases Shaggy into the house, with Shaggy yelling "You can't chase me, I'm a relative!" Shaggy and Scooby escape, but Scooby insists on going back to help Daphne and Velma, accidentally knocking Dapper Jack through the window, where he vanishes and they finally notice Fred is missing, caught up in his own net.
The gang returns to their room, where Shaggy and Scooby insist they're not sleeping and are instead keeping guard in a lounge-fort. The next morning, they are asleep and Fred and Daphne wake them up with the cry of 'Breakfast!' Meanwhile, Rafe is asking the Chef why he can't divide the recipe to make less food, as all the food will go to waste with not very many guests. Shaggy and Scooby arrive and eat all the food that there is, while Daphne and Velma comfort Tawny, who is cleaning up after the last night and worrying about having to sell the ranch. Tawny suggest they learn more about Dapper Jack in Town, and give Velma a break from the horses.
At breakfast, Midge and Larry discuss their plans for the day, and settle on the stagecoach. Kyle and Larry put on a little show before joining the ranch guests for breakfast and Fred says that he could do that and offers to help the cowboys shoe horses, mistaking it for throwing shoes at stakes. Shaggy, Scooby and Fred search for clues, where they bump into Zeke, who, being shortsighted, mistakes Scooby for a small horse, but after correction wanders off and mistakes Fred for a horse too, as he's bent over examining some mysterious powder. Tawny identifies it, and says it shouldn't be where it is, worrying again about losing the ranch. All the guests except the Scooby Gang get on the stagecoach, which is driven by the man who's also the chef. In town, Daphne runs into a shop to buy a cowgirl outfit, leaving Velma to investigate the Museum. The museum attendant is unhelpful for Velma, but as soon as Daphne enters in her new outfit, he changes his mind, saying he can't do enough, and lets them look in the back. Velma and Daphne discover that Sheriff Carmichael's diary has been stolen, and ask the attendant who didn't know it exists and reveals that anyone could have taken it as he doesn't lock the place.
At the ranch, the cowboys teach Shaggy, Fred, and Scooby how to ride horses. Shaggy is a natural, but Fred just can't get the hang of it. Over in a corner, Midge and Larry try to get Buddy G onto a horse. He's afraid of them because they have metal shoes and could stomp on him. To demonstrate that they're not scary, Scooby rides the horse around, but Buddy G is still terrified and runs away. The Cowboys introduce Fred to actually shoeing a horse, and Daphne and Velma walk up behind a crowd of people who laugh at Fred as he attempts to shoe the horse, before he gets kicked away. Later that evening, Dapper Jack makes another appearance and sets fire to the barn and turns Buckstitch loose. Buckstitch bucks up Shaggy and Scooby while running wild, and Scooby talks the horse down, saving the day. Back in their rooms, the gang discuss clues and suspects, where Daphne observes that most monsters have to do with real estate, and Velma agrees. Daphne and Shaggy also say that Desdemona, Sharon and Carol are possible suspects. Fred spots Dave and David putting a case in the boot of a car, and the gang decides to follow them as they look suspicious.
Out on a ridge, Dave and David start to unpack the case while the gang peeks from behind a rock, suspecting it's a gun, but Shaggy and Scooby are struggling to see. Shaggy trips and falls over the rock and slides down to where Dave and David are, begging them not to shoot. Scooby runs to save his pal, but they both fall over the side of the cliff, and after a lot of sliding manage to not hurt themselves. Dave and David were actually scouting locations for a movie about Dapper Jack, and they suggest checking out Dapper Jack's grave. The gang head over to the graveyard and find the grave, where Shaggy and Scooby are terrified because of the graves and the closed snack bar. In the graveyard, there's a mysterious green fog, and as they find Dapper Jack's grave it lights up with a message "Evil Lives On" and the ghost of Dapper Jack appears and chases them. Running, the gang head for the canoe rental station and make their way down the river. If they take the right fork they'll be safe, but Dapper Jack shoots down a tree forcing them to take the left fork, where they get caught up in the rapids approaching a waterfall. Shaggy lassos a tree but the branch breaks off, however it catches between two rocks, saving them just before they go over the waterfall.
By morning, they've made it to the bottom, and Tawny comes to find them. She tells them that she's glad they're ok, but she does own the canoe place so they need to pay her for the canoe hire. She drops them off at the graveyard and Mystery Machine, where Velma discovers that the writing on the grave is in UV powder and Scooby finds a set of speakers. Back at the ranch, Tawny is setting up for the barn dance, and the gang starts to help. They find out that she uses UV powder to decorate, and anyone can get at it because it sits in the unlocked barn. The chef, who is also the stagecoach driver, enters and states that he's also an interior designer. She says she's going to lose the ranch because she can't afford the next mortgage payment, and Shaggy offers to enter the Rodeo Bronco taming competition to win the money to pay the mortgage. It won't be a problem as Scooby can talk to the horse and calm it down before Shaggy rides it.
At the stadium, before the rodeo, Buddy G gives a special performance, with his backup dancers Carol & Sharon. During the song, Shaggy and Scooby join in the dancing. After the song ends, Scooby gets distracted and forgets to talk to the horse before Shaggy starts, and helps Buddy G overcome his fear of horses to participate in the parade before the rodeo. Shaggy successfully rides the bronco, despite Scooby not talking to the horse, and wins the Rodeo. Dapper Jack storms into the stadium, and unleashes a cattle stampede, interrupting the celebration, and Fred, Velma and Daphne spring their trap, but Dapper Jack cuts through the net, escaping easily. The gang manage to slow and divert the stampede using Velma's sneezes, stopping the cattle trampling Tawny, Midge, Larry, Desdemona & Buddy G who are having car problems.
Back at the ranch, Rafe tells Tawny he doesn't know why the cows stampeded, and they all head off to the Barn Dance while Rafe herds the cattle back into their pens. In the barn, Shaggy is awarded the trophy and money for winning, and he immediately gives it to Tawny to save the ranch. Shaggy backs away and bumps into the chef, who is also the stage coach driver, who is also the interior designer, and is also the DJ. Velma and Daphne stand under the UV lights and Larry and Kyle come up to say hello. Fred, Daphne and Velma apprehend Kyle, who is covered with UV powder from the net which they coated in it and explain his motives for the crime. Fred and Velma agree that there had to be another person helping, but they don't know who, so they head off to investigate Kyle's room. In his room, they find a hidden safe with the mask and special guns he used, along with Sheriff Carmichael's diary and a Black Rattler business card, causing Velma to exclaim that she knows who did it.
The gang head back to the dance, where Rafe has finished rounding up the cattle and joined everyone else. Velma reads a part of the diary over the mic, explaining that Sheriff Carmichael actually framed and later murdered Dapper Jack, who was, in reality, a kind and generous person and also an amazing horseman. Velma dramatically accuses Rafe of being the co-conspirator and he's caught in a lasso, where he explains his motive is buying up all the land to sell it at great profit to another company. Velma knew it was him because he used the terrible El Cabong font, but Rafe escapes the lasso and steals the money, a gun and the stagecoach. Tawny is worried about losing the money, and Buddy G jumps on Scooby Doo to chase Rafe. Larry says the only horse fast enough to catch the stagecoach is Buckstitch, and Shaggy flies by on the horse towards Rafe, with Fred lighting up the sky with fireworks so he can see. Scooby knocks the gun out of Rafe's hand before he can shoot Shaggy and takes the trophy and money back, and Buddy G unhooks the horses from the stagecoach, leaving Rafe without any horses. Rafe's coach goes over the side of the road and crashes, and he mistakes Shaggy for Dapper Jack, saying "I'm sorry, Dapper Jack, I'm sorry" before he passes out.
Rafe gets arrested the next morning, and Tawny celebrates. She is going to tell the true story of Dapper Jack and the Villainous Sheriff Carmichael, as there's no more mystery here. Shaggy wants to know why he can't grow a full beard like Dapper Jack does, and everyone laughs before the gang drives off into the sunrise. On their way, Shaggy and Scooby spots the real spirit of Dapper Jack on a ridge, and Jack gives Shaggy a nod of gratitude for clearing his name before disappearing. But, they decide to pretend they didn't see him.
The film begins with a brief animated prologue set in 1961 in which Ai (Emi Takei), the daughter of a well-respected Tokyo family, is skiing down a snowy hill and crashes into young Makoto (Satoshi Tsumabuki). 11 years later in Tokyo in 1972, Ai is a senior in high school when Makoto shows up and is attacked by a local Tokyo gang of boys. Makoto fights them off single-handed during the film's first musical number, setting the style for the rest of the film. Ai jumps in to stop the fighting and Makoto recognizes her as the one who injured him and gave him a large scar on his forehead as a child. The police arrive and immediately recognize Ai as the daughter of a wealthy family while arresting all of the boys including Makoto, who is to be sent to a reform school. He is moments away from being attacked by a gang upon his arrival when he is informed that the Saotame family has arranged for his release and transfer to the prestigious Aobadai Prep School, where Ai is a popular student at the top of her class in academics and sports. Ai finds herself interested in Makoto and has convinced her family to sponsor him. The film follows the relationship between the delinquent Makoto and the privileged schoolgirl Ai.
Iwashimizu, president of the student council, is in love with Ai. Iwashimizu shows Makoto that Ai has been breaking school rules working part-time dancing at a club and Makoto attempts to blackmail her parents for 1 million yen. They have him expelled from school and sent to Hanazono Trade School to be with his "own kind". Gum-ko and Yuki, a member and leader of a gang of girls at the trade school, become interested in Makoto.
Lincoln Muller's life turns upside down when he asks an attractive woman to buy him a beer at a convenience store. Then he learns that both she and her abusive boyfriend are into crime and violence, and Lincoln has been sucked in whether he likes it or not.
"In my dreams, I saw a city fall into the sea. I heard the cries of thousands", writes Rice, as Lestat de Lioncourt sees visions of a ruined city in his sleep. He and Amel, a spirit Lestat bonded with in the events of the preceding novel, search for the meaning behind the visions of Atlantis, and what it means to the vampires of the world.
The novel presents a lengthy procession of Blood Drinkers from previous adventures as they form a united front against a possible adversary in the form of replimoid beings created many millennia ago for one specific purpose: the destruction of Atlantis and its all-powerful ruler – Amel.
The Free Union, a repressive regime, uses people with telepathic powers called "teeps" to root out and eliminate its political opponents. Walter Franklin, a government appointee, is caught up in a struggle between the teeps and ordinary humans when he receives a hood which blocks his thoughts from being read. He is accused of subversion, called "deviation" by a teep named Ernest Abbud and forced to flee. When he meets the titular "hood maker", James Cutter, he learns a secret that could put an end to the teeps' plans to seize power.
Mateo Solar is the best composer and musical producer of the moment, both in the regional and urban genres. Member of a family of artists of Latin origin settled in Houston, he makes the "mistake" of falling in love with Manara; a singer whom they plan to release as a new pop star. But who brought Manara to him was Amado Matamoros, brother of Manara and Julia, trafficker of people and guns, who has controlled the lives of his sisters. Manara, unlike Julia, knows perfectly who is beloved, but keeps it secret to protect her sister, who is the light of his eyes and who has protected her since their mother died. The stormy relationship between Mateo and Manara goes against many interests, triggering ambitions and a war up and down the stages, which will extend from Los Angeles to Houston, and from Monterrey to Mexico City, exposing the most dark side of the world of music.
Mateo finds out that Matamoros had his brother and father killed, now the struggle starts when Mateo wants revenge for the death of his brother and father, while trying to protect Manara the love of his life.
The series begins in the Republic of Texas in 1842, as Comanche warriors led by Buffalo Hump use the full moon to conduct slave-raids on settlements in northern Mexico. Woodrow Call and Augustus "Gus" McCrae are junior Texas Rangers of a larger party heading west to scout a road from San Antonio to El Paso. Tasked with night watching the camp, a drunk McCrae wanders off exploring and is chased and wounded by Buffalo Hump. The next morning, the group is ambushed and two of the party are killed and one wounded.
Three months later in Austin, a large group is being assembled in order to seize Santa Fe from the Mexicans as the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. McCrae encounters Clara Forsythe at the local store and Call meets Maggie at the local whorehouse. News of a Comanche raid takes the Rangers group west over the Brazos River, where they are ambushed while resting. Call manages the only kill of the punishment squad's raid and is promoted to corporal as a result, whereas McCrae proposes to Clara. Rejoining the expedition, they encounter Buffalo Hump again and learn (after inviting him to parley at their camp) that it was his son who died at the hands of Call.
The expedition begins to break up as it is slowed by heavy rains and many of the civilians opt to return to Austin. The increasingly rocky terrain of Comancheria also proves troublesome for the wagons. After meeting the ranger Charlie Goodnight, who explains that they're heading into country with no water, their native guides desert, stealing horses as they go. They again encounter the natives who harry them by shooting Call, stealing more horses and setting fire to the grasslands. Now on foot, with no horses and limited supplies, the party splits over gathering food and which way to travel to find water. McCrae, weakened by hunger and thirst, is haunted by a dream of Buffalo Hump riding a buffalo.
Wallace, Call, and McCrae are arrested by Mexican militia after stumbling into a remote Mexican village. En route to San Lazaro to be tried, the camp is attacked at night by a grizzly, allowing them to escape with rifles. In the darkness they re-find their companions, and the morning reveals a large Mexican army camp nearby. Now around 30, weakened by hunger, and with limited ammunition, Colonel Cobb enters the camp and surrenders to the Mexicans - but not without resistance from Call who attacks Cobb and receives 100 lashes as punishment.
The army breaks camp and moves with their prisoners through Apache lands. As they travel, the nights become increasingly cold, increasing the suffering of the travellers. They soon find the corpses of the Mexican general and his retinue, killed by the region's rogue natives, led by an Apache named Gomez - including Cobb who survived blinded and crippled. Many of the group are unfit for the "dead man's walk" through the wastelands and across "the big dry", more so after Cobb decides to die in a blaze of glory, killing Shadrach and injuring several others in the process. Finally they begin the desert crossing.
Continuing to cross the desert, their horses are soon stolen by the Apache. Their numbers dwindle as they are picked off one by one, until they finally reach the Rio Grande having survived the Jornada del Muerto.
Here the prisoners are transferred to a French Major in charge of a troop of lancers, and the disgraced Mexican Captain is told to return across the desert to his post despite the dangers. Told to bathe in a river, the prisoners panic when the army begins a practice military maneuver, and several more are killed by accident. They soon arrive at San Lazaro, a leper colony, and the seven surviving men are forced to select lots to decide who among them will be executed for treason. Bigfoot Wallace is among those executed. Also in the colony is an English prisoner, The Lady Carrie, who along with her son Willie, and Lady-in-Waiting Emerald, having been ransomed and released, asks to travel back to Austin with them and offers to provision the journey.
On the way back they again travel back through Comancheria but are able to spook the Comanche with an aria, a snake, and a sword. Back in Austin, McCrae calls again on Clara, and Call turns to see Maggie leave the store. Clara and McCrae kiss while Call looks on awkwardly. Call looks out the window to see Maggie and the two share a meaningful look with each other.
The narrative follows Syd, an anthropomorphic Australian sixpence, who finds himself on the ocean floor. The book details his search for his friend, Tramline. While in the ocean, Syd meets a family of winkles who subsist on seaweed, encounters a fish who is a magician, and a performing octopus who kidnaps Syd and forces him into a performing circus, from which Syd must plot an escape.
Two years later, Raghuvaran wins the Civil Engineer of the Year 2016 Award and is an executive member of his company now, along with a parking spot. His wife Dr. Shalini becomes an authoritative, nagging wife who controls him. She has resigned from her job to take care of the household, after marriage. Raghuvaran is also dismissive about his wife getting another job. Raghuvaran efficiently completes construction projects assigned to him, with the help of about 200 unemployed young civil, mechanical and electrical engineers, who are his friends. Vasundhara, a chairman of a big construction company in South India, Vasundhara Constructions, witness the announcement of Raghuvaran's victory at the Engineer of the Year 2016 Awards and finds out about him. She makes Raghuvaran a job offer, but he humbly refuses.
Later, Raghuvaran's project team and Vasundhara's top team are invited at the same time to exhibit their models for a proposed private medical college and hospital building to a very rich and native trader. Vasundhara exhibits her project with heavy pride and ego, while Raghuvaran explains his project in a simple manner. The trader gives the project to Anitha Constructions. Raghuvaran provides some polite advice to Vasundhara outside the building. This offends her, and she begins to go after him, placing one obstacle after another. First, she uses her influence in the state cabinet to force the trader to give the project back to her. She then makes counter-bids to all of Anitha Construction's projects at a lower price, causing the company to lose their own projects. Raghuvaran learns of this and quits his own job just to save his first company.
He is approached by the son of a Delhi-based construction mogul, with the idea of starting a new construction company with 50-50 shares. Raghuvaran agrees by putting his house under the mortgage of five million Rs and starts "VIP" Constructions with the 200 unemployed engineers as the company's employees. They don't get to start projects for a month. Due to a word of mouth, they get an offer from Prakash, a greedy businessman who wants to build a theme park in a marshy land. Raghuvaran's gang gets excited, but the soil tests prove them wrong. So, they decline the project. Prakash bribes an executive member of Vasundhara Constructions and makes her start on the same project. Raghuvaran's team starts a protest, and a countrywide uproar causes the project to be stopped by the government. Prakash is caught up between various lawsuits filed across the country. This causes a bad name and a loss of projects to Vasundhara Constructions. To eliminate Raghuvaran, she targets his company. She anonymously buys the 50% shares held by Raghuvaran, when it is legally up for sale to create funds. Raghuvaran is fired from VIP Constructions by Vasundhara, causing the employees to quit their own jobs immediately.
That night, Prakash sends goons to kill Raghuvaran, but Raghuvaran beats them all up. He thinks that Vasundhara had sent them and goes to her office room in her company's main headquarters building. Vasundhara is alone in the building, as she is currently thinking about the loyalty of all the employees of VIP Constructions towards Raghuvaran. Raghuvaran initially berates, then advises Vasundhara, and starts to leave. Unfortunately, the office is flooded due to heavy downpour, and they are trapped in their floor. They then cooperate to find biscuits and wine in the top floor.
At the close of the Iraq War, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Shane Matthews is a sniper who is sent to investigate a pipeline construction site in the desert of the country, with his spotter, Sergeant Allen Isaac.
The pair patiently wait 22 hours on overwatch before determining that the site is clear. Matthews proceeds to investigate the site, but is shot by famed Iraqi sniper nicknamed “Juba." Isaac tries to rescue the dying Matthews, but he is also wounded in the right knee and has his radio damaged and his water bottle destroyed in the process.
Alone, Isaac takes cover behind an unsteady wall and tends to his wounds. The sniper has a radio tuned into the American channel, and uses it to communicate with Isaac under the pretense of being a high ranking allied soldier at another site. The deception allows the sniper to get other useful information from Isaac. Throughout their various one-sided attempts at conversation, we learn that the sniper does not claim to be the mythical Juba mentioned earlier in the film, a nom de guerre for various Iraqi Insurgent snipers notorious for filming their attacks on American soldiers.
Isaac's attempts to call headquarters for help are stymied by the loss of his radio antennae. He attempts to repair this item with one from a dead contractor's radio, only to discern that the sniper had used the earlier response team as a ruse to call for help and lure another response force into his jaws.
Matthews regains consciousness and subtly gets Isaac's attention that he is still alive. Matthews slowly crawls towards his rifle in the midst of the dusty wind along with Isaac distracting Juba with small talk. Matthews believes that the sniper is hiding at the top of some rubble nearby and fires in that direction. The dusty wind settles quickly. The sniper sees Matthews and fires, injuring Matthews in the left shoulder as he crawled towards the wall, but a second shot kills him.
Isaac hears the rescue helicopters coming, so he pushes down the wall and uses Matthews' rifle to try and kill Juba, or at least flush him out so the rescue chopper can see the trap. Juba fires at Isaac twice and misses. Isaac now has the sniper's location and fires his only round. Isaac stands up and waits for Juba's next shot, but it never comes. Thus he assumes his shot was successful, and Juba is either injured or dead. The helicopters then land and the rescue team picks up Isaac and Matthews. Once the helicopters dust off, Juba successfully shoots down both in rapid succession. He is then heard over the radio, calling for another rescue to set a new trap.
The series is a prequel, featuring the high school years of Flint Lockwood, the eccentric young scientist in the films. In his adventures, he is joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "wannabe" reporter, along with Flint's dad Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club (among other professions), Earl as a school gym teacher, Brent still riding on his fame as from the sardine commercial, and Mayor Shelbourne, who serves as the school principal, and who wins every Mayoral election on the pro-sardine platform.
The show clarifies that when Flint and Sam met in their adulthood in the first film, it was not their first meeting. They first met and became friends in high school. In the first episode, Flint says that if Sam ever has to move away from Swallow Falls, he will invent a memory eraser, as she had moved around frequently and did not want the memory of another lost friendship to sadden her.
This film focuses on a Kuwaiti student along with her Lebanese friends. The interviewees share their intimate tales of Beirut mixed with the fictional story of a group of people and the memories of their life in Beirut while expressing their discontent and, at the same time, revealing a deep connection with the city. ''Breakfast in Beirut'' is a series of tales from an inspired life story about a young woman who lost her soul mate. Even though Beirut in 2005 - 2009’s political crisis was a never ending crisis, this young woman found Beirut to be the land of dreams and the safest place on earth for her eternal love to him.
Sykes begins her performance by sharing two anecdotes, the first about a surprising interaction with a fan and the second about a talkative child whom she was seated next to on a flight. Sykes then talks about American Idol, which she applauds for its meanness in making eliminated contestants sing before they are told to go home. Next, she addresses the joys of being a pet owner, mentioning her dog Riley. She talks about her love and respect for animals and expresses that she doesn’t understand how people can be cruel towards them. Keeping with the theme of animals, Sykes moves on to describe her experience swimming with a dolphin that she supposed to be racist. Sykes’ next topic is money. She shares her misgivings about investing in stocks, comments on the national deficit, and criticizes the spending of government money on a space program. Sykes criticizes President George W. Bush’s foreign policy, his administration, and politicians in general. She talks about the adverse effects of politics on the elderly and women, addressing such issues as Medicaid and abortion. This discussion leads into a conversation about pornography which segues into a discourse on same-sex marriage. Sykes then talks about racial profiling and the ways in which people are treated differently depending on their race. She comments on prostitution and the objectification of women. Sykes wraps up her special by discussing her new-found sense of apathy and how it has affected her sex life.
On a stormy winter night, Dr. Ben Payne and writer Ashley Knox are stuck in Salt Lake City International Airport when their flights are canceled. Both are eager to reach their destinations—Ben has patients waiting, and Ashley is to be married the following day. Ben hires a charter plane and offers Ashley a seat, but when their pilot suffers a fatal stroke in flight, the plane crashes, leaving them stranded in the High Uintas Wilderness.
Though they survive the impact with injuries (Ben has broken ribs and Ashley suffers a terrible leg fracture), they are faced with harsh weather conditions and the fact that no one knows they are missing. The ordeal leads them to depend on one other for survival, and ultimately brings them closer.
In a small town facing tough economic times, business owner Matthew Peyton (Ryan O'Quinn) struggles between his desire for financial success and the responsibility of funding the annual Christmas pageant. Desperate business decisions ruin his popularity amongst his employees. Angered, employees seek their revenge on him. When Matthew meets Clarence (Issac Ryan Brown), a joyful boy who believes in miracles, he must make a choice: to do what is best for himself or to give faith a chance by opening his heart to help his community.
After their flight is canceled due to stormy weather, neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Bass (Idris Elba) and photojournalist Alex Martin (Kate Winslet) hire private pilot Walter (Beau Bridges) to get them from Idaho to Denver for connecting flights to Alex's wedding in New York and Ben's emergency surgery appointment in Baltimore. Walter, who has not filed a flight plan, suffers a fatal stroke mid-flight, and the plane crashes on a mountaintop in the High Uintas Wilderness. Ben, Alex, and Walter's Labrador Retriever survive the crash but Alex has injured her leg quite badly. Ben attends to her cuts and injured knee, and buries the pilot while she is unconscious.
Once conscious, Alex thinks Ben has a better chance of finding help if he leaves her behind, but Ben refuses. Stranded for days with dwindling supplies, Alex grows skeptical that they will be rescued, although Ben wants to wait for help with the plane's wreckage. He agrees to climb a ridge to see if there is any sign of a road, but sees nothing but mountains and narrowly avoids falling down the side.
Alex goes through Ben's things and listens to a message from his wife saying, 'I'm glad to have had this time with you'. Alex is found by a cougar, who viciously fights and wounds the dog. She shoots a flare at the big cat, killing it. The dog returns and later, when Ben comes back he tends to the dog’s wounds. They cook the cougar's corpse giving them, Ben thinks, ten days of food.
The two argue over waiting for rescue or descending the mountain to find help/a phone signal. Alex starts a lone descent down the mountain. Ben catches up, having located the tail end of the plane he finds a beacon - but it is smashed. The two hike down to the tree-line and spend the night in a cave.
Using her telephoto lens, Alex thinks she sees a cabin. At the same time that Alex falls into freezing water, Ben comes across the empty cabin. He pulls her out, but she remains unconscious and severely dehydrated. Ben again saves her life by fashioning an IV. They stay there for several days while Alex recovers; Ben reveals that his wife died two years prior from a brain tumor. Eventually they have sex. As he sleeps, Alex takes his picture. Later, she again tells Ben to leave her behind to find help. Ben initially agrees but soon returns; they press forward again.
The dog alerts them to a nearby timber yard. On their way toward it, Ben's leg gets caught in a bear trap. Alex cannot free him, but she reaches the yard and collapses in front of an approaching truck. Ben awakens in a hospital and goes to Alex's room, where he finds her with Mark (Dermot Mulroney), her fiancé. After a brief conversation, Ben leaves, heartbroken.
Ben and Alex go their separate ways after the hospital, with Ben keeping the dog. Alex tries calling Ben, but he ignores her calls until she sends him photos she had taken on the mountain, writing that only he can understand them. This encourages Ben to call Alex. They meet at a restaurant in New York, where it is revealed that Alex is now a part-time teacher, and Ben is a consultant at trauma clinics in London because his frostbitten hands will not recover sufficiently for him to perform surgery again. Ben says he did not call Alex because he thought she had married; Alex says she could not go through with it because she fell in love with Ben. Outside the restaurant, Ben admits to Alex that they survived because they fell in love. Alex dismisses her feelings and reminds Ben of something he said on the mountain: "the heart is just a muscle." She tells him she does not know how they could be together in the real world. They hug goodbye, and begin to depart in opposite directions. While walking away both become distraught, and finally turn and begin running back to each other. A split second before the two embrace, the screen cuts to black and the credits roll.
In the Nevada Desert, Daphne Blake, host of "Daphne Blake's Mysterious Mysteries" on the Knitting Channel, and Fred Jones, Daphne's best friend and cameraman, are waiting to meet up with a contact for their latest scoop: Doctor Velma Dinkley. Velma is one of the chief scientists in a private research facility known as the Complex. When Velma goes to meet the two from an underground entrance, Velma is accidentally attacked by Fred. Scooby-Doo, a subject prototype in the Complex's Smart Dog program, and Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, his trainer, are attending the Blazing Man Festival nearby, when Scooby is alerted to Velma's attack. Scooby and Shaggy go track Velma, and meet up with her, Daphne, and Fred. Velma decides to explain to Daphne why she called her to Nevada, and brings everyone into the Complex.
Velma explains that the people who founded the Complex (known as the Four) were working on a top-secret project known as Elysium. The project involved dispersing self-replicating nanites around the world. These nanites would "Transform Humanity", and help rid humans of their primal urges, such as violence and greed, and thereby creating a more peaceful world, one that would work toward the betterment of humanity overall. However, Velma learned that the Four modified the nanites' code so that they would be able to control the humans, which is why she decided to reveal the truth.
While in the Complex's Safe Room, an alarm goes off, alerting Velma that the nanites have been activated on their own, when only the Four can activate them when they are all together in the Complex. After leaving the Safe Room, the group learn that the nanites have transformed the majority of the Complex's employees into monster-like creatures (nicknamed Beasties), killing and eating humans who have not transformed. After seeing what has happened, the group decides to flee. Shaggy remembers one scientist was working on an armored van designed for an apocalypse-like scenario, dubbed the Mystery Machine, which the group uses to flee the Complex.
While driving away from the Complex, Scooby and Shaggy notice the Blazing Man festival has been completely overrun with Beasties, meaning that the nanite plague was not just contained in one area, as hoped by Velma. The group finds a retail store, and use it for food and supplies. However, while there, a horde of Beasties come by. Scooby is able to distract most of them, but Fred is attacked by one of the Beasties, breaking his leg. The group quickly stock up and head to a hospital nearby in order to fix Fred's leg. While there, Velma notices that some people who had some technology embedded in them were not affected by the plague. The group is able to get Fred's leg fixed up, while Velma is able to get a laptop to hack into the Complex's network and access its files.
Somewhere in California, the group is resting up, while Velma decides to run away, leaving a note that says "I'm sorry" on her laptop, which is open to her notes on Project Elysium. In her notes, Velma reveals that the Four were actually the Five. The Four were her four brothers, each who had been successful in their own field: Military, Politics, Science, and Business. Velma had also excelled in Science, gaining several doctorates in various fields, but was a social outcast. However, when the Complex was in process of being built, they had invited her into joining them, and turning the Four into the Five. Velma was the one who came up with Project Elysium and made it a reality. When Velma had released the final set of nanites in Paris, she discovered the truth about the Four going behind her back and changing the goals of Project Elysium, and decided to contact Daphne in the hopes of releasing her story, as her brothers' influence would be able to detect and shut down the story if it was coming from the mainstream media. Although her brothers modified her work, Velma blames herself for the plague. After discovering her notes, the group is able to track Velma down. Daphne, who had suspected Velma of hiding something from the beginning, forgives her.
With the group reunited, Velma suggests heading north to Dinkley Tower in Seattle, Washington, where her brother, Rufus Dinkley, resides. Velma knows that the Complex had several facilities, and that Dinkley Tower (or better yet, Rufus) may have the locations for the other facilities, in hopes of developing a cure. Meanwhile, Scooby is revealed to not be the only Smart Dog that survived the Complex. The pack of Smart Dogs, led by a small dog named Scrappy Doo, have been mostly ignored by the Beasties, but their cerebral implants have been malfunctioning. Scrappy's implants seems to be working the most, but he knows that his are deteriorating. In order for the pack to survive, they need to keep the human intellect they have gained, which means they need to find Velma to fix their implants. Scrappy realizes that he needs to become stronger if he and his pack want to live, so he activates some experimental nanotechnology embedded in his body, dramatically increasing his size and strength, and allowing him to walk on only his hind legs. While Scrappy and his pack track Velma, he finds a boy named Cliffy, who lost an arm and his family to the Beasties. Scrappy decides to bring Cliffy along with them.
As the group approaches Seattle and Dinkley Tower, they notice that for some reason, there have been almost no Beasties in sight. Velma believes that due to the nanites, the Beasties are working as a hive mind, and are migrating to some location. As they get closer, they notice that several cars on the road to Seattle have been abandoned, making it nearly impossible to drive there. Fred, still with an injured leg, is forced to stay in the Mystery Machine, while the rest head to Dinkley tower. As they approach, they see a wall of Beasties covering one side of the tower, appearing as a shrine to someone or something. Meanwhile, Rufus and his wife, Daisy, have been surviving in Dinkley Tower. Rufus' mind and memory has been slowly deteriorating, although he does not realize it, and when Daisy tries to point something out, he hits her. Rufus had two scientists, and tried to force them to figure out how to control the Beasties, but when they are not able to, he got enraged and beat them to death.
While Velma confronts her brother, Fred calls Shaggy, as he notices the Beasties have built a giant statue shaped like Rufus, and are climbing up the Tower. While Daisy believes that they should be safe thanks to the Tower's security system, Rufus reveals that he disabled it, as he believes the Beasties are here to worship him. The group, realizing that he has gone crazy, leaves the Tower, with Daisy joining them. As they escape, Rufus is last seen taken by the Beasties and placed into the statue, burned alive.
As the group move through Washington, Scooby tells Velma that he can hear a signal that's directing the Beasties to some location. As they follow the Beasties, they encounter Scrappy Doo and his pack, who tells them that he wants to kill Scooby and get Velma to fix his (and the pack's) implants. However, Scrappy, Velma, Scooby Doo, and Cliffy encounter a group of Beasties, who attempt to attack them. Scrappy stays behind to defend them, as the others head back to the rest of the group and the Mystery Machine. While Scrappy survives, his pack does not. Scrappy finds out that the Beasties are coming together to form one giant being, controlled by a Beast with a rather intelligent mind. The being attempts to walk, but with a lack of structure, it fails. After hearing Velma's thoughts, the Mind Beast wants to add Velma to the giant, but Scrappy goes in to destroy the Mind Beast, with Scooby following behind. Scrappy defeats the Mind Beast, but before they can celebrate, the Beasties come back to consciousness. Shaggy is saved by Scrappy Doo, who gives the group time to escape. While they succeed in escaping, Scrappy is never found, upsetting Cliffy.
Sometime around Christmas Eve in Wisconsin, the group head to a place known as the Athena Center, which housed the Complex's cloud servers and backup data. Velma tries to gain information from the servers in hopes of finding a cure, but finds that it is hopeless for her to be able to do so.
As the group travels around the U.S. in order to survive the apocalypse, they find a mall in Albany, New York. Velma sees the mall and believes that it is the perfect place to start a survivor's camp/fortress. Using the city's sewers, they are able to get in, and find that every few hours, Beasties from two stores opposite of each other in the mall (CJ Nickel and MEARS) come out and fight each other, leaving a pile of Beast corpses in the mall. The group decides to shelter in the upper levels of the mall. As they do so, Daisy sets bombs near the stairs and escalators to prevent the Beasties from inside the mall from reaching them, while the group barricades the other entrances and exits, protecting them from the Beasties outside.
While the group waits for the warring Beastie factions to dwindle in size, Cliffy notices that every time they fight, both sides always have a large amount of Beasties that never seems to be shrinking. Velma comes to a conclusion that the Beasties may be breeding. Daphne and Fred decide to go to one of the stores, CJ Nickel, to check. Before they do so, Fred asks Daphne to marry him [which he has asked millions of times before, with her always saying no]. However, he tells her this will be the last time. Daphne says yes, as they enter. The two go in and find a room full of eggs, where the Beasties are growing. Daphne shoots at the eggs, killing nearly all of them. When they look outside the room, they find that the matured Beasties are all dead, likely due to a psychic link between the children and the parents. However, one egg hatches, and the beast mortally wounds Fred before Daphne can kill it. Daphne goes back to the group, and they mourn Fred's death.
Six months later, the Hudson Mall has been turned into Jonestown, a shelter for the humans who survived the nanite plague, named after Fred. Velma is currently the leader of Jonestown, and has been dating Shaggy for some time. Daisy has become a mother of sorts to Cliffy. Daphne, meanwhile, has become distant and vengeful since Fred's death (six months prior, when the group went back to CJ Nickel after Fred's death, his body was found missing, and was presumed to have been taken by the Beasties). Scrappy Doo is revealed to have survived, and his implants are now functioning again. Scrappy becomes a citizen of Jonestown, and joins Daphne on her hunts.
While some citizens of Jonestown rescue a few survivors, they find Fred, who appears to be in a zombified state, approaching them. They shoot him and report back to Velma, who believes it is best not to tell Daphne at this time. A day later, Scooby accidentally shocks himself while Daisy is fixing an electrical grid. Surprisingly, the electric shock fixes Scooby's implants, causing him to speak with a fully intellectual mind, rather than his usual limited vocabulary. Daphne laughs at this surprise, and the others join in (although Scooby does ''not'' find it amusing). Daphne apologizes, as there have been few times in their lives to laugh since Fred died. Upon saying this, she notices an uneasy silence in the room. Velma decides to come clean about Fred's return as a zombie. Daphne decides to blow off some steam by going hunting with Scrappy.
Some time after hunting for Beasties, Scrappy and Daphne decide to take a rest. While Scrappy sleeps, Daphne contemplates suicide, as she wishes join Fred in death. Before she pulls the trigger, Zombie Fred approaches with a group of Beasties. Scrappy sees this, and tries to help Daphne with dealing with the Beasties, but Daphne (as well a mysterious stranger Scrappy seems to be working with) tells Scrappy to head to Jonestown to get backup. As Scrappy heads back, the stranger tells him to trust him, as this is for the best. The stranger also tells Scrappy that he is heading to Albany. It is revealed that Rufus is alive, and is with the stranger. The stranger is revealed to be another of Velma's brothers, Quentin Dinkley.
At Jonestown, Cliffy tries to cope with Scooby's new intelligence, as he feels that he will lose him, just as he has lost his friends and family in the apocalypse. Scooby promises that will not happen. Meanwhile, Shaggy has noticed that Velma has been behaving erratically, even going back to calling him "Norville", which she knows that Shaggy hates. Shaggy confronts her, and she admits that she is now pregnant. While Shaggy is ecstatic, the celebration is cut short when Scrappy comes back and tells them that Zombie Fred has kidnapped Daphne.
Fred tries to get Daphne to listen to her, but she refuses, as she does not believe that she is talking to the real Fred. Fred tries to explain that the nanites have chosen him as an avatar to represent their voices, but she does not listen to him. Daphne is able to escape from Fred and his Beasties just as the group come by with the Mystery Machine. As they are heading back, Fred stands in front of the way. Daphne tells Shaggy to run him over, but Shaggy refuses, braking just before touching Fred. Fred gets on his knees and surrenders. As the gang approaches, a helicopter arrives, carrying Velma's brothers, Quentin and a severely burned Rufus. Quentin says he will explain, but shoots Fred's head off first.
The Nanites re-attach Fred's head back onto his body. Quentin explains he did that so that the group would lose any emotional attachment. Fred offers to explain, and the group takes Quentin, Rufus, and Fred back to Jonestown. Scrappy explains to Scooby that after fighting off the Beasties in Washington, he had been struggling to survive and recover, going from place to place to rest and get food. Unfortunately, his implants were starting to fail, and he was losing intelligence, making it harder for him to survive. Eventually, he found himself in Sacramento, surrounded by Beasties. As all hope was lost, a drone came by and took out the Beasties. Scrappy followed the drone to the Beta Complex, which was housing Quentin and some scientists. Quentin healed Scrappy and fixed his implants. After he had fully recovered, Quentin requested Scrappy to head to Jonestown and give reports. Velma talks to Quentin in her office, where Quentin explains that Rufus survived due to a vaccine made to counteract the nanites. Outside Velma's office, Rufus sees Daisy. Rufus tries to follow her and tell Daisy that he loves her, but a pair of guards stop him. Daisy feels traumatized, and Shaggy comforts her. Meanwhile, Daphne has Fred kept in a room, surrounded with guns trained on him. Fred keeps trying to get her to believe that it is him, but she does not. A group of guards report to Daphne that the Beasties outside seem to be acting up, as if they are working together in an intelligent manner. Daphne immediately accuses Fred of controlling these Beasties. Fred claims that it is not him, then reacts, and tells them that the Nanite King has arrived.
Fred explains how the nanites had developed into two factions: the first one believed that humans were beyond redemption, and that they should extinguish human life, turning most humans into Beasties, and a second faction, a smaller group that now resides in Fred, believed that the world can be saved by combining humans and nanites together. The first group created a body of nanites to lead the Beasties, calling itself the Nanite King. The Beasties that are currently surrounding the mall is being led by the King. Fred asks to fuse his nanites with everyone, but Daphne says that they have survived thus far without the nanites' help. Meanwhile, Quentin explains that the vaccine was a potential cure that was still in its experimental stages, but Rufus took it anyway. Rufus, like most inhabitants of Jonestown, had a biological immunity to the nanites, but while the vaccine helped prevent dying from the fire, it was destroying him, making him mentally unstable, as Daisy and the others had seen when they last saw him in Seattle.
Before they can discuss any further, the Beasties start attacking from the roof and start killing the inhabitants in the upper levels of the mall. Daisy activates the bombs she set near the upper levels to slow them down. When a Beastie comes close to Daisy, Rufus protects her. As they get overwhelmed, Fred releases the nanites from his body to take out all the Beasties in the mall at once. However, the Nanite King retaliates by using his own nanites to destroy the mall. Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, Daisy, Cliffy, Scrappy, Quentin, and Rufus all manage to survive by hiding in the sewers, along with a handful of Jonestown citizens. After reaching the surface, a jet comes by to pick everyone up and take them to Complex Beta. An excited Velma states that with the technological advancements that surpass the Nevada Complex, and with the information of the experimental vaccine Quentin used on Rufus, she can make a cure.
While Velma starts working on a cure, the Nanite King comes to Velma, referring to her as the Nanites' "mother." Because she created them, the Nanite King gives her an offer: a chance for her and her unborn child to join them. The Nanite King gives her three days to consider, or they will attack, and kill her with all the other humans. Rufus' cell structure becomes unstable and he dies, surrounded by Daisy, Quentin and Velma. Before he dies, Rufus tells Velma that he is sorry for everything.
Three days later, while everyone is sleeping at night, the Nanite King approaches Velma to know her decision. Velma offers to go with the Nanite King, as long as the nanites do not hurt anyone else. The Nanite King refuses. Daphne and Shaggy attack the Nanite King, while Fred sneaks up and merges its nanites with the Nanite King. Fred explains that Velma gave him a virus to disable the nanites. With all the nanites destroyed, there is nothing keeping Fred alive anymore. As he dies again, he tells Daphne he loves her.
In the following months, the effects of the nanite plague started to decrease. Some of the Beasties reverted to their human forms, and eventually regained their intelligence, while others were immune to the cure. However, humanity was able to start rebuilding civilization. The story ends with Velma giving birth to a baby boy: Frederick Rufus Rogers Dinkley. Shaggy and Velma name Daphne (now living with a still-alive Scrappy) as Frederick's godmother and Scooby-Doo as his godfather.
The plot follows the story of two girls, Seph (Laura Carmichael) and Alex (Chloe Pirrie), taking a road trip to follow the instructions of their close friend Dan, who has died and given them instructions where to scatter his ashes. The ashes (stored in tupperware in the glove compartment) keep diminishing in quantity as the trip progresses.
The novel is about the story of the author's (Chabon) grandfather. Throughout the book, the grandfather's name is not referred to.
The story is sort of a memoir, jumping around in time. It starts with the narrator stating how his grandfather got arrested.
Based on the hugely popular Upin & Ipin TV series, it sees the five-year-old twins interact with human actors, and tells the story of their diehard fan, a young orphan named Aqish, who imagines them being real. Aqish discovers that the owner of the land on which her orphanage is built has returned to claim it back, and she enlists the help of Upin and Ipin to save the day."[ Jeng Jeng Jeng! New Upin & Ipin film scores RM500K on first day of screening (VIDEO)]" New Straits Times. 25 November 2016. Retrieved on 1 December 2016.
The movie opens with nature shots of clouds over the mountains in Turkey accompanied by heavy organ music. It seems to be fall time. The few minutes of the movie are shots of animals accompanied by the same music. A praying mantis is the first animal that appears, followed by a turtle, a grasshopper, the sounds of birds chirping, a male deer and a gecko. The sound of the chirping birds is the first "nature" sound heard in the film as opposed to the music which opens the film.
A woman appears behind the leaves of trees of the mountain forest. It is not easy to identify any of her characteristics other than the fact that she is wearing a red scarf on her head. The peace is suddenly disrupted by explosions and gunfire. The gecko and the snake go into hiding. Shots of people (later revealed to be the Kurdish guerrilla's living in the mountains) running away from the explosions and gunfire follow. The convoy vehicles from which the gunfire was coming from drive away. The Kurdish guerilla's are now more clearly in view and are seen wearing the same items of clothing (nude colored jumpers and boots). Night falls and the guerilla's are in a cave. This is the first point in the movie where human speech is first heard in the form of a Kurdish song:
''My lovely mother''
''tell me how are you''
''regards to my father''
''and to my brothers.''
''Your father and I have grown old''
''life is bitter to us''
''enough sweetheart come back.''
After singing this song, the main character (Jîn) is seen running away from the armed organization she was previously fighting and living in the caves with. She runs away in the cover of the dark. The reason for her fleeing is unknown. At approximately the 13 minute mark of the movie, Jîn's face is clearly revealed for the first time. She runs into the deer, decides not to shoot it, and the two make eye contact. Jîn is now wandering alone in the forest, searching for food. She hears a bird screeching (presumably a hawk), climbs into the tree its sounds are coming from, and goes to steal the bird's eggs from the nest. There are three eggs and although initially she plans on taking all three, she returns two and eats only one upon hearing the crying of the bird. It is as if they have a mutual understanding of each other's needs and they come to a compromise (Jîn needs to eat, the egg's belong to the bird). After eating her "meal" she is ready to climb back down to the forest floor and continue her journey on foot. However, she quickly climbs back upon seeing the Turkish soldiers coming into her area and setting up camp. One of the soldiers sings.
''Were you the one who always cried and burned''
''I couldn't laught either in this world of lies''
''did you think I was happy''
''in a world that stole my life over nothing.''
''Oh in this world of lies, world of lies''
''in this world that fakes a smile to your face''
''you cried dear and I burned''
''I though the world would be how I wished it''
''I believed for no reason I was tricked over nothing''
''In this world that takes its color from the sky.''
This is the second time in the movie there is human speech. Up to this point however, it has only been in the form of song. The soldiers are alerted by something and leave in a hurry.
Jîn, now safe, continues her journey. The first person she interacts with after being alone since fleeing the guerrillas is a shepherd boy. He gives her bread and calls her sister. She asks where the nearest village is and he points her in its direction. This is the first appearance of human speech in the movie. As she is walking away from him, someone fires shots at her (probably a Turkish soldier). The gecko appears again.
She sees a house in the distance and waits for its owners to leave. Upon seeing them leave in a green truck, she goes inside and starts taking items like clothes, food, books, and money. She is in a girls room indicated by the girls clothes and the framed picture on the desk. Jîn does not seems scared that she will be caught. Suddenly, inside the house, she hears an elderly woman calling for her granddaughter Leyla. Jîn talks to the grandmother and helps her take her medication. The grandmother believes that Jîn is her granddaughter Leyla. Jîn takes this opportunity to call her mother, telling her not to cry or worry. The grandmother calls from Leyla (Jîn) again for help to take her medication. In this moment, Jîn realizes that the grandmother does not remember just having taken her medication. Considering the home owners were just in the house, they probably gave the grandmother her medication. Jîn realizes that she accidentally gave the grandmother a double dose of medication. "Grandma, what have you done?" Jîn says before leaving.
With her new acquired items, Jîn changes her boots to the shoes she took from Leyla's house. Bombs start falling and Jîn runs for cover in a cave. She is not alone. There is a black bear in the cave with her, taking cover from the bombs too. The bombing ends and Jîn tells the bear " Its finished, don't fear". She gives the bear an apple and says "Bye, bye compadre". Jîn now sits alone, trying to read a geography book she took from the house. It is obvious she has some trouble reading. "Which part of the world do you live in? What part of Turkey do you live in?" the book reads. This is the first time in the movie that the audience learns where the movie is taking place (Turkey). This point of innocence and a failed attempt at reading indicate to the audience that although Jîn is very independent and tough, she is really just a young girl. She changes over to commoner clothes but still keeps her red scarf on her head. She goes to a river to fill her canteen and the shepherd boy who she had met earlier sees her and approaches her. Due to her new outfit, he doesn't recognize who she is and starts asking her "what a beautiful girl like her is doing all alone". It seems like he is about to take advantage of the situation but Jîn embarrass and intimidates him, yelling at him telling him who she is and how they had met earlier. She leaves him and continues her journey.
She runs into the bear again telling it "Sorry compadre, no more apples". The next scene shows her sitting alone in the dark, eating bread by a small fire. She is still in the mountainous forest and can hear the hawks over head. She tries to sleep but cannot. She continues her journey and comes upon a road. She sees a car coming and she hides in a ditch. A purple flower is shown. The next car that passes, she stands up to be seen. It seems that she wants to hitchhike but the car does not stop for her. She sleeps in the ditch, waiting for the next car. It is very windy. The snake appears again. A truck finally stops for her. It is green. The driver is an older man and they refer to each other as sister and brother. The driver asks her the reason for her travels, presumably she lies, saying that she is going to see her sick grandmother. The driver inquires more about her: says that she is from Varaptil, reveals her age, she does not have a dad and that her name is Leyla. The truck driver laughs at the irony that his daughter is also named Leyla. (The audience may presume at this point that the truck driver is from the same house, Jîn was in earlier with the sick grandmother). The driver drops her off at her destination and gives her a chocolate. Jîn tells the driver to say hi to Leyla for her. It is windy and the snake is shown again.
Jîn gets on a bus with other people. In their journey, the soldiers stop them asking passengers where they are going. Jîn seems afraid and mimics the response of the other passengers: she is going to go work. A woman on the bus asks Jîn if she ran away from home. Jîn says she is going to visit her sick grandmother. The two exchange a mutual smile as if they both understand the true reason. Ironically, Jîn does end up going to work to make money for a bus ticket. She is with the same woman from the bus. It is at this point in the film (approximately the half way mark) when Jîn first reveals her name. The woman's name is Zivar (which means ornament or jewelry). Jîn shares her chocolate with Zivar. The truck Jîn, Zivar, and the other workers are on finally arrives at the work field. The boss there tells the group that women hoe for 25 liras a day and men break rocks for 35 liras a day. When the man asks Jîn for her papers, she says she forgot them at home. Zivar backs her up by lying that Jîn is the neighbor's daughter. The man seems to believe the lie. In order for Jîn to make money for her bus ticket quickly, she asks to break rocks instead. She lies to the man telling him that she wants to buy medication for her sick grandmother. She presents herself to him as 17 year old Leyla. The man allows her to break rocks and tells her to come by his quarters later to pick up her payment. She works hard for the next days breaking rocks. The task is difficult for her but she does not give up. When she has worked as many days she needs to, to collect money for her bus ticket she goes to visit the man. He invites her to his home and serves her tea. Jîn, clearly uncomfortable and predicting what will happen (he will try to rape her) tries to not stay for too long, telling him she is only there for her payment. As soon as he gives her the money, he tries to rape her inside his home. She runs away and he chases behind her and catches up to her. He beats her briefly unconscious and starts dragging her back to his house. He rests for a second at which moment, Jîn wakes up, takes a rock and knocks him unconscious in the head. She runs away and goes to the bus station purchasing her ticket.
On the bus she sits next to a young girl who asks Jîn what happen to her face. Jîn's face has some cuts and bruises. Jîn responds by saying that a dog attacked her but she fought back, it got scared and ran away. Soldiers stop the bus, asking for IDs. Jîn is taken off the bus since she doesn't have one along with an old insisting that he just left it at home and can go get it if need be. The two get taken to a Turkish compound where they are questioned. She speaks only in Kurdish while the soldiers speak only Turkish. A Kurdish interpreter comes to speak for he. She says she is from Gevez. She is put in a holding cell along with the old man. A helicopter flies in carrying a wounded Kurdish guerrilla. He is put in the holding cell with her. It seems as if she recognizes him. He asks her to kill him, likely because he will be interrogated by the Turkish soldiers. Upon his request, Jîn kills him. While she is in the holding cell, bombs are falling outside. The Kurdish interpreter comes in and tries to violate her. However, because of the bombings, both she and the old man are released. She runs away but the Kurdish interpreter follows behind her. Eventually, she loses him.
She tries again to hitchhike but the cars don't stop for her. The turtle crosses the road. A car stops and two men get out. It seems that one of them is the Kurdish interpreter. Jîn runs away from them back into the mountains. In the mountains, she find a mule with an injured leg. The mule is carrying food. She takes the mule to the river, cleans and ties its wounds. She takes the food its carrying, takes the mules reins off and sets it free. As she is walking away from the mule, bombs start falling. She runs for cover and later discovered the mule has been killed by one of the bombs.
She returns to the cave where she initially started. She finds her geography book there. She sees a mountain tiger. Bombs start falling again, the purple flower is shown again. There is repeat imagery of the same scenario happening (bombs dropping) with Jîn in different locations. The different animals are also shown (bear, deer, snake etc.). The animals are shown as going into hiding when the bombs are being dropped. Also interesting to note is that despite all her travels, Jîn's white shoes are clean.
Jîn finds a wounded Turkish soldier and she takes care of him. They have a brief conversation. He tells Jîn he only has 7 months of active duty left, perhaps implying that what he is doing is out of requirement and not purely driven by desire. He tells her he comes from Çanakkale and his family (mother and siblings but no father). Upon saying that he never saw his father, Jîn get angry saying that they (likely Turkish soldiers) took her father away from her and she never saw him again. When the soldiers says "may he rest in peace", Jîn responds by saying "what peace? He has no peace". The next morning he leaves. He calls his mother to tell her that he is okay, Jîn also calls hers, telling her mother that she decided not to go (to Izmir).As a token of gratitude, the soldiers offers his cellphone to Jîn but she refuses it. He asks Jîn for her name and despite official hesitation, she eventually tells him. He is the second person in the film to know her true name.
As she continues on her journey, she starts getting shot at again. She climbs into a tree for safety but she is shot and falls from it. She is shown lying on a huge rock, blood stains her once clean white shoes. All the animals shown throughout the movie surround her (bear, mule, mountain lion, deer etc.). She seems alive but it is uncertain. The movie ends with a black screen.
The game is divided into three canon chapters, all unlocked after clearing the previous scenario.
In 2015, the Chaldea Security Organization draws on experts of both the magical and mundane fields to observe the future of mankind for possible extinction events. Humanity's survival seems assured for the next century—until the verdict suddenly changes, and now eradication of the species awaits at the end of 2016. The cause is unknown, but appears to be linked with the Japanese town of Fuyuki and the events of 2004 during the Fifth Holy Grail War. In response, Chaldea harnesses an experimental means of time travel, the Rayshift technology. With it, Ritsuka Fujimaru (a young man or woman, depending on the player's choice of gender) who was newly recruited to the organization, and a mysterious girl named Mash Kyrielight, can travel back to 2004 and discover how to save humanity. A grand order to fight fate has been declared—an order to change the past and restore the future. Following the events in Fuyuki, Ritsuka Fujimaru and Mash Kyrielight must restore the Foundation of Humanity by retrieving powerful Holy Grails. The Grails, which are capable of granting any wish, are also able to sustain abnormalities called Singularities that threaten humanity's existence. The protagonists utilize Rayshift technology to travel back in time to said periods, ranging from Orleans to Okeanos and even the ancient civilization of Babylonia. Along the way, Ritsuka encounters the main antagonist and mastermind behind the plan to eradicate humanity: the Mage-King Solomon. He proclaims that Chaldea's attempt to save humanity will not matter if they fail to obtain every single Holy Grail, before leaving. After obtaining all 7 Holy Grails, Fujimaru and their Servant advance into Ars Paulina, the throne where Solomon once sat. In the final battle against Solomon and his legion of 72 Demon Gods, both Ritsuka and Mash are unable to defeat any of the Demon Pillars as they regenerate immediately. When all hope seems lost, the Servants that assisted Fujimaru on their quest through every Singularity appear, allowing Chaldea to break through and defeat Solomon, who is revealed to be the Demon God Goetia, a beast that possessed Solomon's corpse and wishes to eradicate humanity in order to travel back to the dawn of humankind. Goetia is swiftly dispatched, but not before Mash utilizes her Noble Phantasm to deflect Goetia's Noble Phantasm to protect Fujimaru in exchange for her life. Just as hope was lost, Romani appeared and revealed that he himself is actually the real Solomon, the Grand Caster who wished to be human after the fifth holy grail war. Using his only Noble Phantasm to erase himself from existence and weaken Goetia, he then said his goodbyes to Ritsuka and in order for them to defeat Goetia once and for all. Upon the final Singularity being restored to order, Mash is revived via the power of Beast IV, who is revealed to be Fou, a dog-like creature that has journeyed alongside Fujimaru and their party through the entirety of the game. Upon completion of the Singularities, Ritsuka Fujimaru is awarded the rank of Cause, by the Mages Association.
In the aftermath of the Singularity crisis, Chaldea is under heavy suspicion from various organizations including the U.N. and the Mages Association due to their role in rayshifting in various eras. Upon the suspicion, the group detected a new singularity separate from the ones came before it. Dubbed as Sub-Singularities, Ritsuka is again tasked with handling Singularity Subspecies and solving an even deeper mysteries over their existence.
Following the completion of the Sub-Singularities, Chaldea would find itself under new management under Goredolf Musik. It turned out that Goredolf was just a scapegoat in a hostile takeover by a mysterious organization, conspiring with an unknown entity known as the Foreign God, to destroy Chaldea and the current human history, reverting the planet back to the Age of Gods. Now on the run, Ritsuka, Mash and the surviving members of Chaldea survived aboard the autonomous vessel ''Shadow Border''. In order to save humanity, the group now travels to different timelines called "Lostbelts"; alternate versions of history that differ drastically from the main human history and were "pruned away" from the primary timeline after having been deemed a dead end. The seven Lostbelts are each represented by a Crypter, former human masters and their servants, each of whom are in competition against one another as well as the Chaldean survivors for the ultimate fate of human history. For Ritsuka Fujimaru, they must make some grave decisions and sacrifices that either will make them a savior ... or a destroyer.
The book picks up shortly after where ''Life Among the Savages'' left off. With four children, numerous pets, thousands of books, and countless personal possessions, the narrator realizes with alarm that they have filled up the large house from the previous book and insists they must find a bigger house (to which her husband responds "there ''is'' no bigger house"). The family at last purchases an enormous old farmhouse on the edge of town, only to learn that it is still occupied by four different families who show no hurry to move out, all while suffering the indignity of a moving company that appears to have stolen all their furniture. The family spends the summer at a home in a resort town while they wait for the house to be vacated. The four children, now older, have developed their own distinctly different personalities: Laurie, the natural leader; Jannie, the romantic conformist; Sally, the stubborn, self-defined imp; and good-natured baby Barry, who seems to regard the rest of his family with wry amusement. With the often indifferent assistance of her husband, the narrator struggles to maintain order and discipline through a series of domestic adventures, even through the heartbreak of realizing her children are growing up.
Alcoholic cartoonist John Callahan meets Dexter at a party, and the two get in a car. Dexter's drunk driving results in a car accident, which leaves John quadriplegic. John falls in love with Swedish physical therapist Annu, who treats him at the hospital and later becomes his girlfriend. After he quits drinking with help from his Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor Donnie, John builds a new life, drawing off-color newspaper cartoons.
Marie Wesener, the daughter of a merchant, begins a romantic relationship with the young Officer Desportes, despite being engaged to a cloth dealer called Stolzius. Marie's father initially objects to this relationship, until he realises that Marie's affair with the officer opens up opportunities for social advancement. Thus, he helps Marie to break her engagement with Stolzius by means of a letter, However, Marie's relationship with the young officer is only a short affair. Another soldier named Mary, a friend of Desportes, starts courting Marie soon after.
Marie meets the young Count de la Roche, and his mother takes Marie into her care, to protect her from prosecution. Marie becomes the countess' companion, under the condition that she does not meet with any man for the duration of a year. However, she still meets with Mary, is caught by the countess and subsequently runs away. Mary, who wanted to marry Marie, doesn't want anything to do with her anymore either, because he learns she has flirted with the young count.
Marie sets off in search of Desportes, but he has her stopped by a hunter with nefarious intentions. When Desportes admits this in the presence of Stolzius, Stolzius poisons him. Mary seeks to avenge his dead friend, but Stolzius has already poisioned himself, committing suicide. Whilst he dies he reproaches the soldiery for seducing young girls and forcing them to be become societal outcasts.
Marie's father has meanwhile also made his way to Desportes. He finds his starving daughter begging on the street; at first he does not recognise her. They embrace one another.
In the final scene of the play the countess and a colonel discuss the events that have occurred. They see the unmarried soldiery as a "monster", to which a girl must be occasionally sacrified as a means of protecting the others. They conclude that in order to prevent this sacrifice a "planting school of soldiers' wives" would have to be founded, in which women would be available to soldiers in a martyr-like fashion. This system would also always provide the prince with new soldiers - the children from these relationships.
On the outskirts of an abandoned planet, the Guardians of the Galaxy, led by Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Scott Porter), receive a call from the Nova Corps asking for assistance in defeating Thanos (Jake Hart). They arrive at a Kree outpost where they find Thanos in the lower section of the building, the Nova Corps having been killed. Thanos discovers an artifact called the Eternity Forge and claims it for his own. The Guardians engage him in battle, ending with Peter killing him with a weapon created by Rocket (Nolan North). The Guardians celebrate at Knowhere, where several members of the team consider leaving.
The next morning, they wake up to find that they are in debt of a large bar tab, causing Peter to sell Thanos' body to either the Collector or the Nova Corps. Peter also considers handing over the Eternity Forge, but retains it after witnessing a flashback with his mother Meredith (Courtenay Taylor). After handing the body over, the Guardians are attacked by Kree forces led by Hala the Accuser (Faye Kingslee), who steals the Eternity Forge. Peter chases after her with either Drax (Brandon Paul Elis) or Gamora (Emily O'Brien) and learns that Hala intends to resurrect the bodies of thousands of Kree soldiers, including her son Bal-Dinn (Johnny Yong Bosch). Peter dies after being mortally wounded by Hala, only to be brought back to life by the Forge.
The Guardians seek the help of Yondu (Mark Barbolak), a former space-pirate who raised Peter after his mother's death, to repair the ship. Holding the Forge together, Peter and Yondu share a vision where Meredith tells Peter to find her whilst Ancient Kree appears on the Forge. While repairing the ship, Gamora suggests finding her adopted sister Nebula (Ashly Burch), who has knowledge on Ancient Kree and is currently attacking the chosen seller for Thanos' body. However, Rocket, now knowing about the Forge's resurrection powers, asks Peter to travel to Halfworld and resurrect his deceased friend, Lylla (Fryda Wolff). Regardless of Peter's choice, the group capture Nebula and discover they cannot resurrect Lylla.
Nebula provides them with the translation, leading the Guardians back to the temple where they discovered the Forge. Revisiting the site, they discover the location of "Meredith" is a planet called Emnios and that the Forge is only working at its minimum capacity. They enter the temple and discover the person sending the messages: Mantis (Sumalee Montano). An empath, she has been using Peter's memories to bring him to the temple and free her, so she could guide him on how he used the Eternity Forge. Mantis explains that the Forge has the powers to control life-energy, allowing the user to control death and resurrect anyone currently dead; however, a person has to die in order for it to revive someone as the Forge can only transfer life energy, not create it (revealing that when Thanos was killed, his life energy was transferred into the Forge, which revived Peter). Having been kept away by the Kree until a person called the "Celestial One", determined to be Peter, had discovered her, Mantis was tasked with leading the Celestial One to the means of either destroying the Forge or empowering it.
The Guardians, split on destroying or empowering the Forge, agree to let Mantis guide them to the final temple. While trying to resolve conflict within the group, Peter discovers that Nebula faked Gamora's death to avoid the wrath of their adopted father, Thanos, which resulted in the constant tension between the sisters. Peter then convinces the pair to either reconcile (which causes Nebula to join the Guardians) or part ways. Mantis guides the group to the temple, where Peter decides the Forge's fate. Afterwards, Hala and her forces arrive (thanks to a tracking device that was placed on the Milano) and attempt to retrieve it. Hala either resurrects Bal-Dinn with the empowered Forge, or absorbs its power when it is destroyed but is severely burned.
After being thrown to the lower levels of the temple by Hala, the team escape but are swallowed by a giant worm and trapped in the creature's stomach, where they have the option to adopt a younger worm that they find. If she joined the Guardians, Nebula dies of her injuries. The group are forced to use the engines of other ships and empty out the Milano to lighten the load and escape the creature, but it still pursues them. Peter is forced to either allow Drax to seemingly sacrifice himself and allow the others to escape, or refuse and cause Groot (Adam Harrington) to be severely injured in the process. This choice causes disarray and everyone except Peter and either Gamora or Rocket to leave the group.
After seeing the devastation they are partially responsible for, Peter decides to reunite the Guardians and defeat Hala. If Peter allowed Drax to sacrifice himself earlier, he finds him alive and rescues him. After convincing all members to rejoin, the team formulates an attack on Hala's ship to stop her from destroying Knowhere. After placing charges on the main cannons (as well as fighting Nebula if she was told to leave earlier), the Guardians battle and defeat Hala, who destroys the ship when she attempts to fire the cannons. Hala either is handed over to Bal-Dinn or the Nova Corps to stand trial, or dies from either Bal-Dinn killing her or the remnants of the Eternity Forge taking her life.
Having once again saved the galaxy, the Guardians celebrate having defeated Hala at the same bar; their tab having been muted for saving Knowhere. If the Eternity Forge was empowered, Peter can use it to resurrect one of the people who they have lost; either Drax's daughter Kamaria, Lylla, Meredith, or Nebula (if she died). If Peter decides not to use it, the Forge's energy dies. During the celebrations, the Guardians are once again contacted by the Nova Corps, asking for help with another situation.
In a post-credits scene, Thanos' corpse is retrieved by an unknown individual.
Starting with Rainey alone, running down the street with a stiff child in her arms, the prologue begins and the voices of the chorus become the sound of splashing rain and a congregation gathered at mass. Here the timelines converge, learning that Rainey is holding her dying child as she rushes to find help, while the daughter's future funeral is performed simultaneously. The prologue comes to a conclusion with Rainey running out of the church and separating from her husband.
Transitioning into a different scene, the five elderly black members of the Lotsa Soap Cleaing company, an acronym for "Liberation (of) Thoroughly Seditious Artifacts Symbolizing (the) Oppression (of) African People," are plotting to liberate offensive garden gnomes they have discovered in aristocratic homes. However, these lawn jockeys and other stereotypical ornaments are not the only thing threatening oppression of the Black community of Negro Creek; the town council has changed the name of Negro Creek Road to that of a European settler, among many other instances of oppression. Therefore this organization, consisting of Rainey's father and his friends, has a much more significant goal; they want to resist the attempted removal of their history, and reclaim the jacket of Juma Moore, who was granted the land of Negro Creek for his efforts in the Coloured Militia.
Meanwhile, three years pass since Rainey lost her daughter, and she sits by the creek ruminating on the loss of child and faith in God, the imminent divorce from her husband Michael, and her illness where she craves the consumption of the sweet soil of Negro Creek along with aspirin and other substances. Returning to the house, Rainey stumbles upon the 357 liberated offensive ephemera that Lotsa Soap has collected, and learns of their larger plans to which she refuses.
Unfortunately, in a heated argument her father, Abendigo, collapses and is taken to hospital where the characters are told of his terminal heart condition and the little time that he has left.
Refusing to let Lotsa Soap's plan to reclaim their history via over and covert resistance, Abendigo plans a heist to get back Juma Moore's jacket and a march for the name change back to Negro Creek Road all on the same day. However, extra care is taken to make sure Rainey does not find out, for she is very opposed to their idea of liberation. Between Abendigo's brief recovery and the museum heist, the town's church is vandalized with racial slurs. This lights the fire under the Lotsa Soap Cleaning Company, as they recruit Michael to their ranks.
While Rainey grapples with the grief of her lost daughter, and the forthcoming death of her father, she plunges into Negro Creek, a place thought to contain the souls of her ancestors. Here she confesses to Michael that her problem is not that she does not believe in God, but that she does and is torn apart by questioning how this sorrow could come upon her. Michael, the pastor, in turn tells Rainey that he is a fraud, a preacher who does not believe the words he says. As they bathe in the creek, they find their connection to the Earth, those ancestors before them, and receive a sort of healing.
However, Lotsa's show must go on. As they proceed with their covert mission into the museum, Rainey joins Lotsa Soap and they successfully retrieve the Coloured Corps militia jacket belonging to Juma Moore. They also receive the news that Negro Creek Road's name is to be restored, and they end the journey relaxing by the shores of Negro Creek, where Abendigo passes away.
The Losta Soap members along with Michael and Rainey prepare his body and lay him to rest in his desired spot: a cemetery plot facing the creek. The story ends with the creation of a mausoleum showcasing the 357 liberated ephemera upon his grave. Rainey and Michael rekindle their love as they are bathed in the creek one more time.
Oliver Queen arrives in Russia to find Kovar. He crosses the Bratva until Anatoly saves him. Some years later, a dying Laurel Lance requests Oliver not to let her be the last Canary.
Five years after Oliver's exploits in Russia, Thea tries to cover for Oliver's lateness to a city function. Meanwhile, Oliver is battling Lonnie Machin, when a vigilante turns up and tries to assist him. Oliver then shoots the vigilante in the leg. Oliver then arrives at the party late and starts his speech. Oliver then goes to the bunker where Curtis is helping Felicity on her tech. Felicity then gives Oliver details on Wild Dog, the vigilante from earlier. Oliver refuses to listen to the idea of assembling a new team. At a location of some thugs, bent police officers kill two drug dealers and are then confronted by a new villain, Tobias Church. Tobias then kills one of the bent cops. Oliver then visits Captain Lance and finds that he has split up from Felicity's mum and is back on the bottle. Oliver offers Lance his place back on the team if he wants it. While honoring the fallen Black Canary, Laurel Lance, Oliver surrenders to masked gunmen and taken hostage in order to avoid the public finding out his true identity. Lance and Thea rush to the bunker to get Felicity to give them information on Oliver's whereabouts. Tobias introduces himself to the kidnapped politicians and Oliver. Back in the bunker, Lance tries to talk Thea into suiting back up to rescue Oliver. A bent cop is beating Oliver up and then Oliver frees himself and ultimately kills the police officer in Thea's watching when she arrives as Speedy. Oliver and Thea then go and rescue the other hostages. Due to explosives they have to abandon the hostages. Back in the bunker, Thea is in disbelief at Oliver becoming a murderer again. Thea then makes clear her retirement is permanent. Oliver returns for the hostages and successfully rescues them. Back in the bunker, Curtis demands to be one of the new recruits for the new team. Oliver webcams Diggle who approves of Oliver setting up a new team. Felicity returns to her apartment receiving a massage from her new boyfriend Detective Malone. Meanwhile, an ACU officer is on the phone with his wife when a mysterious archer ambushes him. When the officer asks if he is the Green Arrow, the archer responds in negative, before killing the officer using a chokuto.
As a US Marine serving three tours in the Iraq War, Samantha "Sam" Lockyear survives two IED attacks and spends a lengthy time being tortured as a prisoner of war. Returning home, she lives and works at Libby's scrap yard, located in a remote part of a southwestern US desert. Due to her war experience, she suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder and severe headaches. She spends her days talking to Mike, her imaginary friend who is a gorilla. One afternoon, Libby stops by to let Sam know a wealthy man has offered to buy the property. That night, a flying saucer experiences engine trouble and crashes in the scrap yard. Sam believes it is a hallucination, but plays along and repairs the UFO's engine.
The proposed buyer, a government scientist named Walton, has developed a weapon capable of shooting down UFOs and wants the land because of the high amount of extraterrestrial activity in the area. When Libby refuses, he hires two mercenaries, Victor and Larry, to strongarm her into changing her mind. Sam stops them, breaking Larry's nose. After a few more attempts at coercion, Victor and Larry learn Sam is a veteran and regret causing her trouble. Sam collapses, and Libby takes her to a hospital where they learn she still has some shrapnel in her brain. She will die if it is not removed, but doing so will cause Mike to go away.
When Walton captures an alien, Sam, Victor, and Larry decide to free it. When they put their plan into action, a large number of flying saucers descend and attack. Walton is killed. During the battle, Sam begins to hallucinate and imagines herself back in Iraq. As she realizes what is happening is impossible, she wakes up in a hospital room. Libby explains how Sam collapsed upon hearing the scrap yard might be sold and has been in the hospital ever since. Walton, the mercenaries, and the aliens were all a dream sequence. When Sam leaves the hospital, she decides to return to society.
Haley (Sarah Hyland), Alex (Ariel Winter) and Luke (Nolan Gould) are in vacation in New York with Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) but the parents have to leave early. At the last minute they decide to stay but, unbeknownst to them, the kids have made the same decision. Both groups try to hide from the other that they have stayed. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) journey to Missouri. Cameron’s grandma dies and Mitchell aggravates the situation during the eulogy.
Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) take Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Joe (Jeremy Maguire) to a wedding in Juárez. While there they meet Sonia, Gloria's sister, whom Jay tells about Gloria's hot sauce business. After they return home, Sonia appears and kidnaps Manny in revenge for Gloria using their aunt's sauce recipe after previously preventing Sonia from starting a business herself because she was jealous of her for being her father's favorite.
The family reunites on Father’s Day and Gloria admits that Jay reminds her of her late father who strongly resembled him. The Dunphies all apologize to each other when they discover they all lied to each other regarding their extending holiday.
Alex (Ariel Winter) gets mononucleosis during the summer vacation. Claire (Julie Bowen), Phil (Ty Burrell) and Luke (Nolan Gould) all try to use her condition to their advantage. Claire wants Alex to be the boring member of the family so she can be fun, Phil had a traumatic experience after he accidentally locked himself in a closet for 18 hours during an open door day and is denied a therapy dog and Luke wants Alex’s laptop in order to steal all her homework. Alex finally breaks down and wants to go back to Caltech, encouraged by Haley (Sarah Hyland) who is worried that Alex will discover that she's been fired from her job.
Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) learn that Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) made a new friend, Tom (Jackson Millarker) who is transgender. They overhear her call him a weirdo, and worry about her having a judgemental attitude. They visit Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) for advice, who make them realize that they in turn need to tolerate her beliefs even if they don't agree with them. They later learn that Lily only called Tom a weirdo because he insulted the couple due to the mural on Lily's wall that Cameron painted the day they brought her home. Mitchell and Cameron apologize, and Lily admits that she hates the mural too. The two agree to paint over it, but feel better when they see Lily has a framed photo of it next to her bed.
Manny (Rico Rodriguez) wants to be a communist so he can please a girl he met during the wedding and Joe (Jeremy Maguire) decides to live outdoors. Jay decided to put security cameras in his garden but on the same day, an African American family moves into the house opposite his. Not wanting to appear racist, Jay overcompensates, only to be reassured by his new neighbor Shawn.
Isaac (Brett Gelman) is a middle-aged actor who lives with his girlfriend, Ramona, who is blind and works for a pharmaceutical company that requires her to travel frequently.
Isaac leads an acting workshop where he routinely lavishes praise on Alex (Michael Cera), his star pupil who is also a working actor, while either denigrating or ignoring Tracy (Gillian Jacobs) another one of his students. He is secretly jealous of Alex as his own acting career has devolved into commercial and modeling work for pharmaceutical products.
After overhearing a message from Ramona in which a man can be heard in the background, Isaac has a breakdown. He invites Alex over for dinner, accusing him of using him and then trying to kiss him. Afterward, Ramona returns home from her trip and breaks up with Isaac ending their 10-year relationship.
Isaac goes to his family's home for Passover. His entire family is involved in petty grievances with one another and Isaac fails to mention that he and Ramona have broken up.
Isaac decides to ask out Cleopatra (Nia Long), a makeup artist he met on a photo shoot. The date does not go well but after Isaac admits he was nervous Cleopatra decides to give him a second chance. Their follow-up date does not go well either, but Isaac continues to worm his way into Cleopatra's life.
Attending a barbecue with Cleopatra's family, Isaac has awkward conversations with her family, and eventually takes a couple hits from a blunt. While high, Isaac converses with Cleopatra's aunt, who he seems to hear tell him she is lonely, and she urges him to "run". He tries to escape with her, but Cleopatra tracks them down and returns home with her aunt.
Returning home he hears Ramona entering the house and pleads with her to come back. She tells him she has only come to return her house key and leaves.
Monsieur Raoul des Sablières, or "Mr. Rowl" as he is known by the 'shop people and such', was wounded and captured at the Battle of Salamanca in 1812. He is on 'parole of honour' in England where he meets and falls in love with the Honourable Miss Juliana Forrest, Lord Fulgrave's daughter. Due to the machinations of Juliana's jealous fiancé, Raoul is considered to have broken his parole and is sent to the prison camp at Norman's Cross. He is persuaded to attempt to escape from the camp, during which a guard is seriously injured and Raoul is unjustly blamed for it. He is therefore sent to a prison ship in Plymouth, from which he escapes disguised as a woman, with the help of money from Juliana.
The road on which Raoul (disguised as a Spanish lady to account for his accent) is travelling, becomes blocked by a fallen tree and a fellow passenger, Captain Hervey Barrington - currently without a ship and on half-pay - offers his assistance and invites Raoul to spend the night at his nearby house. Here, Hervey's sister Lavinia discovers Raoul's secret and Hervey locks Raoul in the spare bedroom for the night, intending to turning him over to the authorities in the morning. During the night, Raoul escapes from the bedroom window.
A few days later, when Hervey is out sailing, he rescues a man who has been chased into the sea by some locals. It is Raoul who, half-starved and ill, has also broken his wrist when Hervey's guttering gave way in his escape. Realising Raoul is in no condition to be taken to the local gaol, Hervey lies to the sergeant and declares that Raoul drowned.
Raoul recovers from a near-fatal illness and a friendship develops between the effervescent Raoul and the reserved Hervey. To atone for the guilt he feels for Raoul's suffering, Hervey reunites him with Juliana and, learning that Raoul had saved the life of an English officer in Spain, Lord Fulgrave becomes involved in arranging Raoul's repatriation to France. Hervey's stalled career as a naval officer is meanwhile rescued by his official report of Raoul's drowning having attracted the attention of the Admiralty - he had simply been forgotten.
As with D. K. Broster's most successful novel The Flight of the Heron (1925), and 'The Wounded Name', published 1922, the focus of the novel, despite the female love interest, is the close friendship which develops between two very different men. In each case, the more reserved of the men finds that their relationship with the other supplies the ability to love and develop a friendship which they lack.
In the Old West, a sheriff and his young son are traveling on a wagon trail. The sheriff gives his son his own pocket watch and his hat for good luck. During their trek, their stagecoach is attacked by bandits. While the sheriff attempts to fend off their attackers, the son drives the wagon, but loses control when it collides with a rock, breaking a wagon wheel, and causing the sheriff to be flung over a nearby cliff's edge. The son recovers, and observes the damage. As he looks around, he finds his father hanging on to a lower rock ledge. Attempting to reach his father with his hand, he isn't able to reach him; subsequently, the sheriff hands his son his rifle for additional leverage, and the son begins to pull him up. Before the son can pull his father to the top of the cliff, he puts his finger inside the trigger guard and accidentally fires the rifle, killing his father by mistake, leaving the young son traumatized.
Many years later, the son has risen to the office of the sheriff, and visits the cliff where his father died. Reliving the events of that day, he contemplates suicide, unable to cope with the guilt. He allows himself to slip off the cliff's edge, but when he sees the pocket watch his father gave him, he attempts to climb back onto the cliff, almost falling off in the process. He manages to get back up and retrieves the pocket watch, then breaks down crying. He cradles the watch in his hands and breathes deeply in a short moment of solace. He holds the watch close to his heart, and it starts ticking.
The play opens with the death of King Edward VI. Under the will of King Henry VIII, his daughter Mary was due to succeed, but, under an Act of Parliament later in the reign of Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey was entitled to take the throne. Her father-in-law, John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland, proclaims Jane Grey Queen and forces her to accept, though she is reluctant. Thomas Wyatt the Younger goes to Mary, who rejoices at the death of her half-brother Edward VI, and encourages her to move fast to assert her claim. Support for Jane Grey vanishes away and the Duke of Northumberland is arrested and charged with treason. Jane Grey and her husband Guildford Dudley are also arrested.
Mary, now acknowledged Queen, accepts a marriage proposal from the future Philip II of Spain. Wyatt protests vehemently and leaves the court to mount a rebellion based in Kent. When London does not let his forces in, they scatter, leaving Wyatt to be captured.
In the last part of the play, Jane Grey, Guildford Dudley and Thomas Wyatt are executed.
Alex (Ariel Winter) still has the mono and is not allowed to talk for two days. Haley (Sarah Hyland) decides to start her own business and enlists Phil’s (Ty Burrell) help. He introduces her to Merv Schechter, a promotion expert, but Haley isn’t thrilled to meet him, and Phil accidentally tells her he does not believe in her at all. Later, Haley proves to be capable when she offers help to her dad who has trouble selling a house where the previous owners were murdered.
Claire (Julie Bowen) and Luke (Nolan Gould) are called in to Principal Brown’s office to discuss Luke's future and learn that he has a bad file and has no chance to go to college unless he chooses an extra-curricular activity. He decides to be candidate at the student president election with Claire as his campaign manager. Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) are not comfortable with this, because Manny (Rico Rodriguez) is also running. Both teenagers are pressured by their parents with Luke being forced to wear a suit and Manny to act like a rapper. Luke wins the election.
Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) is unhappy that Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) let his star football player Dwight (Winston Duke) live with them after his father moved away without asking him first. Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) is also unhappy due to the amount of food that Dwight eats. Cameron decides to ask Dwight to leave, but Mitchell is so flattered by the public acclaim he receives for saving the team's star player he agrees to let him stay.
A farmer from Ohio comes to Broadway wanting to get into show business. He's persuaded to invest in a production by two men who are scamming him. He gets his revenge when he turns the show into a great success.
Death is visited by Jedah Dohma, who proposes an alliance to achieve equilibrium between life and death on both their worlds. Needing the six Infinity Stones to do so, Death deceives Thanos and Ultron into aiding her, granting Thanos the Space Stone and sending Ultron to retrieve the Reality Stone from Abel City. Sigma intercepts Ultron, and the two forge their own alliance. They betray the others and use the Space and Reality Stones to merge the two dimensions and fuse themselves into a single being named "Ultron Sigma". To wipe out biological life, they begin unleashing an evolved form of the Sigma Virus that turns organic creatures into synthetic beings under their control. An alliance of heroes from both worlds is then formed. They manage to keep Ultron Sigma at a stalemate until they rescue Thanos from Ultron Sigma's prison and secure him in a containment field at Avengers Tower. To gain their trust, Thanos reveals the locations of the remaining four Infinity Stones, and teams of heroes are dispatched to find them.
Ryu, Chun-Li, Captain America, and Hulk travel to Valkanda to obtain the Time Stone. Despite Captain America's warnings, Black Panther, the ruler of Valkanda, refuses to surrender it. Ultron Sigma's drones arrive and spread the virus, infecting a Dah'ren Mohran. After Ryu and Hulk defeat the creature, Black Panther agrees to give them the Stone. Next, Dante, Morrigan, Ghost Rider, Arthur, and Doctor Strange travel to the Dark Kingdom, where they encounter Jedah, who is using the Soul Stone to feed souls to a Symbiote creature, hoping to use it against Ultron Sigma. While the heroes battle Dormammu and Firebrand, Jedah escapes with the Stone. Meanwhile, Iron Man sends Spider-Man to assist Chris Redfield in infiltrating an A.I.M.brella facility. There, they find Frank West and Mike Haggar, and discover M.O.D.O.K. turning people into bio-organic weapons, infused with Symbiotes at Jedah's demand. The heroes defeat M.O.D.O.K.'s enforcer, Nemesis, and retrieve the Mind Stone. However, they are soon attacked by Jedah and his giant Symbiote. On Knowmoon, Captain Marvel, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Nova, Strider Hiryu, and X defeat Ultron Sigma's ally, Grandmaster Meio, and rescue Zero from his control. Upon taking the Power Stone, the station ejects its core, which falls towards New Metro City carrying a massive Sigma Virus payload.
While Doctor Light, Iron Man, Nathan Spencer, and Hawkeye build a weapon to harness the Infinity Stones, Ultron Sigma attacks Avengers Tower. In the chaos, Thanos is released and attacks Ultron Sigma, cracking the Reality Stone and forcing them to retreat. The heroes use their Stones to destroy the Symbiote and the falling core, but are infected in the process. The infected heroes then head for Xgard to infiltrate Sigma's laboratory to finish their weapon, the Infinity Buster. When Thanos learns of Death and Jedah's partnership, he becomes enraged and betrays the heroes, creating a mechanized gauntlet that absorbs Ryu's Satsui no Hadō before departing for revenge. After reclaiming the Soul Stone from Jedah, Dante arrives in Xgard and pretends to surrender the Stone. Since they have no souls, Ultron Sigma is overwhelmed by the Stone and transforms into Ultron Omega. The Infinity Buster is installed into X, who uses it to destroy Ultron Omega.
In the aftermath, the virus is neutralized, but since the Reality Stone was cracked, the universes cannot be separated again. The heroes agree to protect the new world and split the Infinity Stones between them to keep them safe. In a post-credits scene, Jedah tells Death that he has another plan, but Thanos arrives seeking vengeance against them. Believing the Satsui no Hadō is capable of killing immortals like Death and Jedah, he prepares to attack them with a Gohadouken.
Four men head into the remote BC wilderness on an annual camping trip. When one of them starts to mentally break down, the others have to fight for their lives.
After an unspecified number of years since the events of Knack, Newhaven is under attack by four Titans. Lucas indicates that this was his undoing and Knack fights to help correct their unknown wrong-doings. Six months earlier, Lucas is flying with his uncle Ryder and Knack to an island, through a Goblin infested forest, and uncover a monument dedicated to Marius during the Crystal Wars. As they continue, they find a battlefield from the Crystal War, desecrated with the bodies of the vanguards of the Goblin Army. As they linger around, the army rises from the dead and attack the group. Knack protects them and they escape back the plane, making their way back to Doctor Vargas and Charlotte at a monastery in Norcliff to recount their experience. They all gather at the monastery and meet with two monks, Xander, their overseer, and Ava, their youth leader, and decide to seek a mountain pass in the morning to uncover Ancient Weapons in the area.
Morning arrives when the group part ways at the mountain pass and find a burned downed ruins of a village, unable to uncover the mystery. The group then returns to Doctor Vargas, Charlotte, and Xander while they attempt to reach a conclusion, Lucas and Ava decide to ask Uncle Ryder to help them reach Targun, the High Goblin City, where Yurick originally created these robots. They arrive at Targun Ruins and traverse within the walls of the city to find Yurick's laboratory. Once broken in, they discover part of a map to the High Goblin empire, a remote for controlling the robots, and decide to travel to a museum in Atheneum to better understand Targun's control center for their Ancient Weapons.
The group reach Antheum's museum, finding that the city has been invaded by robots and Goblins. Knack brings an artifact to the group, taken from a commander. They suspect that the control center may be on a map that Uncle Ryder acquired and manage to pinpoint where it may be. Xander and Doctor Vargas urge Lucas about the importance of the artifact and debate about what should be done with it.
The group reaches the area on the map and uncover the control center's whereabouts, finding a High-Goblin city. Knack then faces the commander, but Gundahar speaks through a communicator to Knack about his anger towards him and to find the control room for their confrontation. They all return to the monastery to discuss their next course of action.
Lucas deduces that the control center is across the ocean based on their encounters with the High-Goblins. They manage to find a lone island and encounter the control center, disabling the power supply. They battle their way to Gundahar and he is tossed off a cliff. Xander then makes his way to meet with Lucas and reveals his plan of using the artifact in the control center, using the Ancient Weapons for his own purposes. Lucas and Knack remain marooned on the island for five months and two weeks after losing to Xander, devising a plan to get off the island by recovering robots parts to create an aircraft. They arrive at the Doctor's Mansion and rescue Doctor Vargas, Uncle Ryder, and Charlotte. Doctor Vargas informs Lucas and Knack that Xander has been attacking the city and Ava has been leading these attacks. They invaded to Katrina's Fortress, Uncle Ryder's ex-girlfriend, who owns a security firm and a private army, to recruit her assistance in combating Xander's forces. Knack convinces Katrina to use her robot army to battle Xander's army.
Lucas and Knack sneak Beneath Norcliff to begin their infiltration against Xander with Katrina's army outside the gates. Ava then assists Knack in gaining further entrance in Xander's facility when she finds out that Xander has been using the Ancient Weapons. Knack and gang follow Xander to the Nexus, an ancient High-Goblin island. Xander uses the artifact to energize the machine on the island to make the robots and Titans stronger.
Lucas and Knack then follow Xander to Newhaven to fight his army. Knack destroys the Titans that Xander commandeered, only for Xander to use the artifact, rendering Knack weak and captured. Three months later, Knack is in Xander's Prison below the monastery, and is rescued by Lucas; who recounts that Ava and Lucas had split up to find Knack and that everyone had slowly started disappearing. Xander has created The Armageddon Machine to revert humanity to a more primitive time through destruction with the use of the artifact. Lucas and Knack enter the Armageddon Machine with the help of Ava and other monks, then she goes to evacuate Newhaven. Lucas upgraded his plane to withstand the Armageddon Machine's ray and to fire back stronger. Knack then takes the artifact and Xander before the Machine collapses. Xander then activates the artifact to create a massive Knack-like monster before he perishes. They fight and Knack destroys the artifact, restoring peace. The chairwomen of Newhaven signs a treaty with the monks and throw a celebration in everyone's victory. Ava and Lucas reconcile, Uncle Ryder takes Lucas aside to help in rekindling his relationship with Katrina, and Knack and Lucas then leave to venture towards new adventures.
After the events of the first game, Joel Miller (Troy Baker) confesses to his brother Tommy (Jeffrey Pierce) his responsibility in preventing the Fireflies attempting to find a cure for the ''Cordyceps'' fungus pandemic by saving Ellie (Ashley Johnson) from an operation that would have killed her. Four years later, Joel and Ellie have built a life in Jackson, Wyoming, though their relationship has become strained. While on patrol, Joel and Tommy rescue a stranger, Abby Anderson (Laura Bailey), from an Infected horde. They return to an outpost run by Abby's group, former Fireflies now part of the Washington Liberation Front (WLF), a militia group based in Seattle, Washington. The group attack Joel and Tommy; Abby seeks revenge against Joel for murdering her father, the Firefly surgeon (Derek Phillips) who was to perform the operation on Ellie. Meanwhile, Ellie and her girlfriend Dina (Shannon Woodward) leave Jackson in search of the brothers. Ellie enters the WLF camp to witness Abby beat Joel to death, and swears revenge.
Tommy sets out for Seattle to hunt Abby, and Ellie and Dina follow him. After escaping a WLF ambush, Ellie reveals her immunity to Dina, who in turn reveals she is pregnant. The next day, Ellie pursues Tommy alone and encounters Jesse (Stephen Chang), Dina's ex-boyfriend, who followed them to Seattle. While searching for Abby's friend, Nora Harris (Chelsea Tavares), Ellie encounters the Seraphites, a cult locked in a battle with the WLF over control of Seattle. Ellie tracks down Nora and tortures her for information on Abby's location, which traumatizes Ellie. The following day, she kills two more members of Abby's group, the pregnant Mel (Ashly Burch) and her boyfriend Owen Moore (Patrick Fugit). A flashback reveals that, years earlier, Ellie traveled to the Firefly hospital in Salt Lake City and learned the truth. Devastated, she cut ties with Joel. In the present, Ellie's group is ambushed by Abby, who kills Jesse and holds Tommy hostage.
Three days earlier, Abby learns that Owen, her ex-boyfriend, has gone missing while investigating Seraphite activity. Abby searches for Owen and is captured by the Seraphites. She is rescued by Yara (Victoria Grace) and Lev (Ian Alexander), Seraphite siblings who have been branded apostates after Lev defied Seraphite traditions. Though Yara suffers a broken arm, Abby leaves them to find Owen who, disillusioned with the war, plans to sail to Santa Barbara, California, where the Fireflies may be regrouping. Abby returns to rescue Yara and Lev, and travels across Seattle with Lev to retrieve medical supplies from the WLF hospital so Mel can amputate Yara's arm. After the surgery, Lev runs away to convince his devout mother to leave the Seraphite cult, forcing Abby and Yara to pursue him. They find him in the Seraphite settlement, where Lev has accidentally killed his mother in self-defense. The trio flee as the WLF begins an assault on the Seraphites. Abby betrays the WLF to save Lev, and Yara sacrifices herself to allow Abby and Lev to escape. The pair return to find Owen and Mel dead and a map left by Ellie leading to her hideout. Abby shoots Tommy, impairing him, and brawls with Ellie and Dina, overpowering them. At Lev's insistence, Abby spares them and tells them to leave Seattle.
Several months later, Ellie and Dina are living on a farm, raising Dina and Jesse's son, though Ellie suffers from post-traumatic stress. When Tommy arrives with information on Abby's whereabouts, Ellie leaves to find her, despite Dina's pleas to stay. Abby and Lev arrive in Santa Barbara searching for the Fireflies, who they discover are regrouping at Catalina Island, California, but are captured, tortured, and left to die by the slave-keeping Rattlers. Ellie arrives at Santa Barbara and rescues the pair. Threatening to kill Lev, Ellie forces Abby to fight her, during which Abby bites off two of Ellie's fingers. Ellie overpowers her but has a change of heart and lets her live. Abby and Lev sail to the Fireflies. Ellie returns to the farmhouse and finds it empty. She tries to play Joel's guitar with her damaged hand, recalls her last conversation with Joel in which she expressed her willingness to forgive him, and leaves.
In India, treasure hunter Chloe Frazer (Claudia Black) searches for the legendary tusk of Ganesh, the son of Hindu god Shiva, who lost the tusk while defending his father's temple. Chloe's own father was killed by bandits while searching for the tusk. Chloe slips past insurgents and meets up with mercenary Nadine Ross (Laura Bailey). They sneak into the office of the insurgents' leader, Asav (Usman Ally) a former acquaintance of Nadine, who wants to use the tusk to rally India into a civil war. Chloe and Nadine steal a map pointing toward the tusk within the ancient Hoysala Empire and a disc that acts as a key.
In India's Western Ghats, Chloe and Nadine follow the trail of several towers emblazoned with Hindu weapons: Ganesh's trident, Shiva's bow, and the axe of Parashurama, who used the axe to remove the tusk. The trail leads them to one of Hoysala's two capitals, Halebidu, whose last emperor left to be conquered by the Persians seemingly out of vanity. They realise the emperor left a false trail; the tusk is at the older capital, Belur. On the way there, they escape Asav and his men, but lose the disc. While spying on Asav's forces, Nadine sees her old enemy Samuel Drake (Troy Baker); she realizes he is Asav's expert. When she expresses her intention to kill Sam, primarily due to the events that transpired in Libertalia, Chloe reveals she was working with him before he was abducted. Feeling angry and betrayed, Nadine separates from Chloe, but they make amends.
At Belur, they navigate several puzzles before being captured by Asav, who having realized that Sam is no expert and was misleading them the whole time, forces Chloe to use the disc to reveal the tusk. In the process, she discovers that Ganesh allowed Parashurama to cut off his tusk; as Shiva gave the axe to him, Ganesh did not want to shame his father by proving the axe useless. Asav triggers a trap and leaves Chloe, Nadine and Sam to drown. Chloe picks the locks on their handcuffs and they escape. Despite tensions between Nadine and Sam, the three chase after Asav to take back the tusk. Nadine is enraged to find that Asav is working with Shoreline, the mercenary group she used to run and from which she was ousted.
Asav trades the tusk to Orca (Gideon Emery), Nadine's former lieutenant, who now runs Shoreline. Chloe, Nadine and Sam down Orca's helicopter and learn that Asav traded the tusk for a bomb he plans to detonate in the capital and trigger civil war. Orca pulls a gun on Nadine, but Sam saves her, allowing her to shoot Orca dead. Commandeering a jeep, the three catch up to the train carrying the bomb. The women board the train and fight through Asav's men. Chloe and Sam switch the tracks, redirecting the train away from the city. In the engine car, Chloe and Nadine fight Asav, whose leg becomes trapped under the bomb. They jump to safety before the train falls from a collapsed bridge and explodes, killing Asav. Chloe and Nadine decide to partner up, while Sam reacts with horror at their intentions to donate the valuable tusk to the Ministry of Culture.
After insecure Betty Downer receives breast augmentation surgery from a surgeon named Cate Thulu, who worships the Elder Gods of writer H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, her blood-thirsty new breasts seek world domination.
As described in a film magazine, Dr. Stannard Wayne (Kirkwood), a worker for humanity, Dr. Arthur Richards (McCullough), a charlatan, and Carson the Parson (Durning), a missionary worker, are firm friends until a victim of Richards' malpractice dies and Wayne is sentenced to five years imprisonment for the crime. Richards persuades Dr. Wayne's wife to obtain a divorce and marries her. Wayne denounces God and vows never again will he use his ability in the interests of mankind. Released from prison, he finds his way to a northern settlement where Richards and his wife, now a physical wreck, are living. Here he refuses aid to those who are in sickness and misery, and preaches against Divinity. Alice Porn (Mitchell), keeper of the general store, challenges him to prove that man is superior to God by curing a crippled child. After several complications, he begins the operation during a great electrical storm. The elements and his enemies combine to thwart the purpose of the operation, and facing defeat he prays for aid. This aid comes in a form which may or may not be supernatural, as an observer may prefer, and after a time happiness ensues.
Mickey Mouse reads in the newspaper that a gorilla has escaped from the zoo, and he calls Minnie to warn her. She is not afraid, and sings a song to Mickey over the phone. Then the gorilla breaks into her house and kidnaps her, and Mickey—hearing her screams over the telephone—rushes to save the damsel in distress. The gorilla takes Minnie upstairs to the attic and ties her up, then plays cat and mouse with Mickey. At the end, the gorilla trips over the rope, knocking him senseless. Mickey and Minnie dance to celebrate their narrow escape.
Bo Svenson plays outgoing CIA agent Jack Thorn, who's ousted from his post by a corrupt replacement, Marcus Clay (Olivier Gruner) who is orchestrating an international incident in order to short sell the markets. This includes a bomb plot to coincide with a high-level UN meeting in Europe. Along with some old pals from the espionage world, Thorn and company spring into action, commandeer a jet, and then go undercover to try and prevent the terrorist attack.
A flapper masquerades as her strait-laced cousin to try and impress a potential suitor.
After school, Ichika meets up with her friends and they talk about her dream, where Sakura and Shizuku run from Akainu and Kiinu through a cherry blossom forest, and Ichika and Pekorin go towards a hill and sets up a picnic next to a tree stump. She spots the girl from her dream, Sakura, who tries to take Ichika's cupcake, noticing there is a pastry on one of the three cards Shizuku gave her. Ichika is confused and they are argue, before Akainu appears and attacks them.
Ichika transforms into Cure Whip to fight Akainu, which makes Sakura realize that the cards' purpose is to search for the Pretty Cure represented by the item on the card. After an overpowered Cure Whip hides, Sakura wishes she was able to aid Cure Whip. The miracle light glows and glows a door Sakura goes through, where she briefly instructs the audience on the Miracle Lights. The others arrive and revert Akainu back into the origami form. After an explanation, the girls consider that what happens to Sakuragahara affects the cherry blossoms in their world, and they discuss on how to find the Cures of the Keys and of the Jewels.
Ichika, Himari and Aoi go to the Magical World where they inspect Mofurun due to her jewel with the symbol of the cards on it. When they land in the heart of the shopping district, a Yokubaru starts attacking. The Mahou Girls transform and are having trouble. They are thrown away by the Yokubaru. Sakura helps take Ichika, Himari, and Aoi to Ichigozaka. Yukari and Akira go to Noble Academy where the latter intimidates Yur Nanase trying to get keys off of her. The Princess Pretty Cures show up to confront Akira, before they transform and throw a Zetsuborg into the air and Sakura teleports them to the landing area, where the combined Cure teams are able to beat the monsters. Later, a mysterious girl named Samidare pins down the transformation devices and tries to hit Sakura, but she can't bring herself to so she retreats.
At the KiraKira Patisserie to eat dinner and dessert, Sakura is saddened by watching the Cures interact and remembers Shizuku, and Ichika follows after her after seeing her leave. Sakura tells Ichika her story with Shizuku and their promise to see the cherry blossoms bloom. Ichika then says that tears and sadness causes happy moments to be sweeter. The Miracle Light glows and forms a door at the tree stump, which Sakura opens for the Cures to enter Sakuragahara.
When they arrive, they are met by Akainu and Kiinu, who both merge into Ooinu, and Karasu Tengu greets Sakura and says that they wanted to own her ability to open portals so they can travel to different worlds. The Cures try to pin down Ooinu, but this is proven difficult. The Cures, except Cure Flora because she was stuck in a tree, grab onto the floating stones around Ooinu's head. Ooinu spins the stones in hopes of shaking them off. This ends up sending the Cures and Ooinu flying through the air. Ooinu crashes while the Cures land safely. Samidare appears and turns most of the Cures into origami except Whip and Sakura who try to escape, but Samidare jumps to the top of the torii path, leaving them with no choice but to fight back. Whip uses her hearing to trace Samidare's attack, and upon hearing her positioning her right foot to throw her crane, Whip leaps up and kick Samidare, shattering half of her mask. The injured Samidare opens her eye, which Sakura recognizes as Shizuku's, and she is shocked over the fact that Shizuku is now evil. Karasu Tengu arrives to mock them and attempts to control Samidare again, but Whip attacks Karasu Tengu before they could do anything. Their spell causes the weather to change to rain. As it pours, Whip is still determined to save Shizuku and tries to get Sakura to join her, but she still feels depressed over how she doesn't remember her anymore. However, Whip encourages her, but before anything is done, Karasu Tengu attacks Whip and sends her crashing into the mud. Karasu Tengu then proceeds to taunt her, but a determined Whip stands up and vows to help her family and friends.
Her declaration causes the Miracle Sakulight to glow and return Sakuragahara to normal. Sakura takes this opportunity to pounce on top of Samidare and try to get her to remember her true form as Shizuku. When she gets through to her, the second half of the mask shatters and Shizuku returns. In addition to that, the other Pretty Cure have been turned back to normal, and Karasu Tengu turns into their powered-up form.
As the Cures get ready to fight Karasu Tengu, Sakura and Shizuku meet up with them, and the latter tells the group that she has a plan, leading Whip to call a one-minute timeout. During that time, they discuss the plan and once they were done, Whip and Sakura tell the audience to support them using the Miracle Lights. After that, they begin their attack, with the Cures charging at Karasu Tengu, and Sakura and Shizuku running down the torii path. The Princess and Mahou Tsukai Cures attack first, followed by the KiraKira Cures, who use the Goldfish Daifuku Animal Sweet to produce a giant fist of Kirakiraru to strike Karasu Tengu. When that is not enough, the other Cures arrive to lend their support.
As Sakura and Shizuku run down the torii path, Sakura recalls taking it with Shizuku back when she was scared, but now that she has encountered the Cures, she has become braver. After Sakura took a moment to catch her breath, she makes it to the door and uses the Miracle Saku Light to open it. Meanwhile, all of the Cures are now guiding a giant form of Whip made of Kirakiraru. Whip is afraid at first because the form's arms were too short, but when Karasu Tengu attacks, her massive hair blocks the hit instead. Just then, Sakura and Shizuku appear through a portal above them and they attack Karasu Tengu themselves.
Karasu Tengu tries to fend the two off, but Shizuku is able to bite a weak spot, the nose, and it causes Karasu Tengu to revert to their normal form. This gives the Cures the opportunity to attack and they collide with Karasu Tengu in an explosion of fireworks, defeating the mountain spirit once and for all. After the battle, the Cures, along with Sakura and Shizuku, have their flower viewing, with them all interacting with each other.
During the viewing, Whip thinks about trying to become stronger and braver by herself, and it didn't turn out well, but when she tried it with her friends, it started to work. Whip then tells Sakura that she helped make her dream of viewing the flowers with all of her friends come true and thanked her for it.
While Pinky is writing his Christmas list to Santa Claus, whom he believes in with great faith, Brain is developing a new hypnotic doll called Noodle Noggin. Brain calculates that by manufacturing and distributing 1 billion Noodle Noggins, the world's population can be hypnotized into accepting Brain as ruler. When Brain spots on an advertisement for jobs at Santa's workshop, he realizes the elves would be ideal to make the dolls, and Santa can deliver them. The mice set off by plane, hiding in a dummy while a female pilot unwittingly flies them to the North Pole.
Pinky and the Brain disguise themselves as elves and are assigned to the mail room by the surly head elf, Schotzie. The Brain subversively adds a Noodle Noggin to each Christmas list, causing the elves to scramble through their archives looking for the schematics. Eventually, Schotzie realizes Pinky and the Brain are not real elves, and the mice are captured by the workshop staff. The elves discover the Noodle Noggin schematics in the possession of the mice, with Schotzie demanding to know if the mice are spies for the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or Herschel the Hanukkah Goblin. The Brain and Pinky then escape and disguise themselves as two reindeer to get a ride back to their home at Acme Labs. The two see Santa approaching his sleigh, but Brain restrains Pinky from giving Santa his Christmas list.
While in flight, the two mice fall from the sleigh into the labs, unintentionally damaging Brain's hypnotic control equipment. As they rush to repair it, Pinky discovers his list was never delivered and breaks down into tears. As Pinky sobs uncontrollably, Brain angrily reads the letter and is surprised to see Pinky asked for nothing for himself, requesting that all of his gifts be delivered to the Brain instead. Brain is deeply moved, and when Pinky informs him the Noodle Noggins are working, Brain is too emotional to demand world domination. He orders everyone to have a Merry Christmas instead, and smashes the equipment in a fit of rage. On Christmas Day, Pinky and the Brain exchange gifts, an Earth-shaped keychain for the Brain and a spell checker for Pinky.
Phil (Ty Burrell) is very excited when he is invited to appear on the local news for a segment on realtors. Claire (Julie Bowen) urges Haley (Sarah Hyland) to go with him, and she reluctantly accepts. He introduces her to Rainer Shine (Nathan Fillion), a meteorologist of whom Phil is a fan. Phil and Rainer become friends and while at a bar, Phil gives Rainer Haley’s phone number, thinking he needs a makeup-artist. He is less than thrilled to discover that this led to Rainer and Haley starting a romance. He is upset at first, but Phil manages to apologize to Haley and later reconciles with Rainer.
At the same time, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Luke (Nolan Gould) want to beat Alex (Ariel Winter) at Scrabble, whose mono is almost cured. Since Alex is sick, she has the impression that her intelligence decreased. Claire initially helps Luke cheat, but her conscience finally get the better of her and she admits her lie. As Alex’s behavior reverts to her old self, she finally falls asleep due to mono, and Claire advises Luke to shave her eyebrows.
Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) learn that Manny (Rico Rodriguez) has to make an application video to go to college. Jay and Manny disagree about the video and finally Manny manages to make a heart warming presentation about himself, which makes Jay cry. Gloria takes Joe (Jeremy Maguire) to a speech therapist, which causes complications since Gloria has to speak “properly” in order to make Joe express his words without a lisp.
Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) are so fond of Dwight that Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) becomes jealous. She tries to get him arrested, but is unsuccessful. Her dads manage to reassure her, and they end the episode playing with dolls and tea along with Dwight.
After accidentally smashing her mother's prized china dog, little London girl Jenny (Mandy Miller) leaves her mother a note and sets off from home to make the money to buy a new one by travelling with the family of her friend, Susie Harris, as they set off to go hop picking in Kent.
At the station, Jenny joins the special hop-pickers' train to Goudhurst in Kent, but after failing to join up with the Harris family, she is invited to join Sam Hines and his family. After the first day of hop picking, Sam takes her with him to an antiques shop in Goudhurst where she sees a china dog just like her mother's. Sam lends her the money to buy it.
Meanwhile, when Jenny's attempt to send a letter to her parents telling them where she is fails to reach them, her parents report her as missing to the police. When they eventually track her down at the hop-pickers' camp, her parents set out to go to her.
They arrive during a hop wedding, when all are distracted, and the dog is stolen by two local children - the Reilly boys - untidy Artful Dodger style characters who disparagingly call the hop-pickers "hoppers". Jenny chases after the two boys into an old windmill, but they trick her and seal her in the upper area by taking away the ladder. When lightning strikes the old mill and it catches fire, the Reilly boys run off, but when Pat Reilly sees the mill on fire he returns to help Jenny escape, but she leaves the china dog inside. Ned re-enters the burning mill to rescue the dog and returns it to Jenny, but she doesn't even say "Thank you", so he grabs the hose from the fire engine which has attended to extinguish the fire and squirts water over Jenny and her parents and friends.
At the end of the 19th century, Irène was the governess of the young Douce de Bonafé and had the manager Fabien as a lover, with whom Douce was in love. Fabien would like to take Irene to Canada, but she is tempted by the idea of marrying the master of the house, a widower, Douce's father. She throws herself into Fabien's arms, who leaves with her and takes revenge on Irene and her masters, but he is gradually seduced by the young girl.
Douce is ready to live poor, far from France and her family, but not to replace her governess. She is about to return to her family when she tragically dies.
The story of the film happens in 1810, somewhere in an Eastern country. Nineteen-year-old Jakub and his eighteen-year-old brother Vladimir have just joined the Cossacks. Jakub is strong and protects Vladimir, who is weaker and quite fragile. Jakub quickly angers and often being locked for punishment. While he is away, Vladimir is being beaten, abused and raped by other boys. After Jakub and Vlad graduate from training, they understand that being a Cossack is quite harsh and terrible. They participate in Cossack raid on a village during which many women and children are killed. They despise murdering behavior and pillaging that Cossacks did and go AWOL.
Elias, 17 and Roman, 30 are two brothers who live in the woods and steal horses. They saw Jakub and Vladimir swimming in the pool, and seizing a moment, steal Jakub and Vladimir's horses. Vladimir and Jakub pursue the thieves and Roman kills Vladimir during confrontation. Jakub is devastated and cannot think about anything but revenge. Determined to avenge the death of his brother, he stalks Roman and Elias in order to get his revenge, finding that he may harm Roman by killing Elias. The events are drawn to a closing dramatic finale.
It’s Halloween and Luke (Nolan Gould) organizes a party. However, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) realize that no one is going to turn up. With the help of Phil, who body pops in a beaver costume, and Claire, who manages to convince people to leave another more popular party to go to Luke’s, the party proves to be a success.
Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) dress themselves as Joseph and Mary, as Joe is supposed to be Jesus. Manny (Rico Rodriguez) has chosen a Dalton Trumbo costume, which no one recognizes to a party at Earl Chambers' house. Jay initially wants Manny to play a prank on Earl, but after an angry confrontation he decides to bury the hatchet and end the feud. Finally, Manny is dropped at Luke’s place and meets girl wearing a Dorothy Parker costume who finally identifies his Trumbo outfit.
Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) pursue a boy who Cameron believes threw an egg at him. It turns out that the boy didn't throw it, it actually was Claire, in response to Mitchell who began a prank war against his older sister. However, Claire missed Mitchell and hit Cameron instead. Cameron is very happy however, that his husband stood up for him when confronted by the boy's father.
Luke (Nolan Gould) gets a job at Jay's (Ed O'Neill) country club as he graduates this year. Phil (Ty Burrell) is very impressed by the club and wants to be a member. Jay pretends to back his application, believing that Phil will screw up his chances anyway, but it turns out that Phil makes a great impression on the other members. Jay doesn't want Phil to join, since this is the only place where Jay has peace and quiet. After he explains this, Phil withdraws his application on condition that Jay goes trampolining with him.
Gloria (Sofía Vergara) wants to have a night for herself as Manny (Rico Rodriguez) will be attending a party and Joe will soon fall asleep. Things backfire when Manny comes home earlier because an embarrassing incident and Joe accidentally drinks coffee, making him hyperactive. Claire (Julie Bowen) manages to solve Gloria's problems for her, explaining that children always seem to listen to other adults before their parents. She is feeling jealous of a business guru, who appears to have inspired Alex (Ariel Winter). However, Alex is eventually disillusioned with the guru who turns out to be self-obsessed; Alex follows Claire's advice and gets a job.
Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) go to an immersive theater play. The play is about a reunion of high school buddies and every night, a viewer is picked in order to play Vlad, a student from Europe, on stage. Mitchell gets picked but does not want to perform. When he learns that Cameron plays a very sick janitor, Mitch seizes the opportunity and spoils the play.
Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) host a Thanksgiving Jamboree at their home. Mitchell confesses to Claire (Julie Bowen) that he has gone along with the theme because he accidentally gave Cameron's Fizbo the Clown costume away. Cameron is unexpectedly understanding and later reveals that he spent all the money the couple had planned to use in order to go to a Hawaiian vacation.
Phil (Ty Burrell) is not very happy to learn that Haley (Sarah Hyland) prefers going away to Cabo with Rainer Shine rather than play in their customary game of football. Alex (Ariel Winter), though no longer infected with mono, gets closer on Dwight and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) finally gets Luke’s (Nolan Gould) respect since his recent election as school president.
Jay (Ed O'Neill) has a high blood pressure and he found a way to calm himself, singing soft rock songs to himself. Gloria (Sofia Vergara) introduces Joe to a goat, and the family has also invited Jerry, the Dunphys’ former neighbor. While going to the pharmacy, he, Jay, and Phil meet a lawyer who was Dede’s and Jay’s divorce lawyer. The lawyer collapses and Phil ends up being electrocuted while trying to revive him.
Finally, Haley suggests that the annual football family game could be brought forward so the family can play together before her departure. This allows Phil express his emotions by tackling Rainer to the ground.
Gloria (Sofia Vergara), Phil (Ty Burrell), and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) reveal that being married to a Pritchett is not always easy which is the reason why they formed an alliance against their judgmental spouses. Gloria helps Cameron to get rid of two Russian guests who are refusing to leave the rented upstairs unit and Cameron and Phil conspire to hide the evidence of the electric shock collar which Gloria has bought for Stella against Jay's wishes. This scheme backfires when Phil triggers the electric shock collar he has hidden on his person, and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) discovers that orange juice Gloria was supposed to buy (and which also the code for the alliance) is missing from the fridge, arousing Mitchell's suspicions.
A widow at the country club becomes infatuated with Luke (Nolan Gould) and Jay tries to take advantage of the situation by getting her to sign a petition to allow cigar smoking inside the club.
Haley (Sarah Hyland) decides to know Rainer’s daughter April better but she ends up in a parental role instead, which makes her very uncomfortable.
The entire family are to vote on the destination for the family holiday; but Jay, Claire, and Mitchell overrule this as payback for the Alliance's behaviour, deciding on Italy. Cameron, Phil, and Gloria pretend to be sad, but it is revealed in the final scenes that they wanted Italy all along and had been conspiring to influence their spouses' decisions using subtle language and Italian-themed props.
In the 17th century, after the fall of Osaka to the forces of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu several survivors of the Toyotomi clan try to deliver a young prince to safety. They are betrayed by other survivors who want to enrich themselves under the pretext of re-establishing their clan.
Leah, a young writer, leaves her life in New York for a chance at happiness in San Francisco when her boss, Judy, dies in a fatal traffic accident and leaves her a red sports car.
Five surgeons, all former medical school cohorts, go on a wilderness weekend retreat deep in the wilderness of Northern Ontario. Among them are a stalwart neurologist, Harry; Mitzi, a general surgeon; Martin, who has left his surgical career behind and now works as a general practitioner; Martin's brother, D.J.; and Abel. After being dropped off by plane, the men hike into the woods and build a campfire on a lake. As the night goes on, they begin to drink and bicker among themselves about whose field is more intellectually demanding. The following morning, they find that each of their boots have been stolen.
D.J., already tired of the animosity among the group, volunteers to hike to a hydro-dam that, according to his map, is several miles away, presuming there will be people operating it who can help them. After D.J. leaves, that night, Mitzi finds a severed deer head hanging in front of their campsite, along with a snake curled around its spinal cord, resembling the caduceus. Everyone but Martin believe that D.J. is responsible. In the morning, the group embark to find D.J., but inadvertently set off a booby trap unleashing a beehive. Harry, Mitzi, and Martin flee, tumbling down a steep hill to a lake below to escape the bees, with Abel trailing behind them. From the water, Martin briefly glimpses a shadowy figure throwing Abel over the steep incline, causing him to break his neck, killing him. Harry and Mitzi again suspect D.J. for having caused the incident.
The three remaining men push onward, stopping along a river at dusk, exhausted. As Mitzi explores upstream, Harry and Martin have a brief conversation in which Martin confesses to Harry that he never wishes to pursue surgery again. He also reveals details about his alcoholism, as well as his failed relationship with a male lover. Harry responds with an anecdote about how he stopped drinking while serving in the Korean War. The conversation is interrupted when Mitzi locates a rope hanging over the river, which he suspects was left by D.J. The group plan to cross the river the following morning, camping overnight.
In the morning, while using the rope to cross the river, Martin steps on a bear trap in the water, breaking his leg. Mitzi suspects that perhaps they are being stalked and tormented by someone pursuing vengeance over a botched surgery. The men attempt to press on by traveling along the river, floating Martin on a stretcher. Tensions rise when the men attempt to scale a waterfall, and Harry and Mitzie get into a fight. Mitzi subsequently tries to apologize to Harry after the men camp onshore, and reminisces about their mutual friend, Andy, who died by suicide when they were in medical school.
The next day, Harry and Mitzi notice smoke emanating from a distant mountainside. Shortly after, they find someone has placed a World War II medal around Martin's neck, leading Harry to believe their stalker is a veteran. After carrying Martin up the mountain, the men stop to sleep overnight on one of the peaks. At dawn, Mitzi awakens and finds Abel's severed head on a stake in front of him. Mitzi refuses to help Harry carry Martin, insisting their attempt to save him is futile. Harry continues, dragging Martin on the stretcher behind him, but eventually collapses from exhaustion. Mitzi reappears, and continues to help carry their friend. They eventually reach the dam that D.J. was traveling to, only to find it abandoned and derelict. Overlooking it, they find D.J., barely alive, tortured and nailed to a chair. Tied to his body, Harry finds an overexposed x-ray and hospital discharge paperwork for a man named Matthew Crowley. After some contemplation, Harry performs a mercy killing on D.J., strangling him to death. While a dispirited Mitzi departs from the dam, Harry realizes that Martin is dead, and quietly mourns him before leaving the dam as well.
Alone, Harry locates an abandoned cabin, where he uncovers several World War II mementos, along with the group's stolen boots. An elderly hermit named Jesse arrives and attempts to attack Harry, but Harry soon realizes the man is blind. Jesse warns Harry to leave, commenting that his brother Matthew—a disfigured, brain-damaged war veteran—is dangerous. Moments later, Matthew arrives and begins stabbing through the wall, severing an artery in Harry's leg. Outside, Mitzi begins crying for help as Matthew prepares to burn him alive as an effigy. Harry begins to lose consciousness due to blood loss, and is forced to cauterize his own wound, but is unable to save Mitzi from the blaze. As Matthew slowly enters the cabin, Harry glimpses his disfigured face before shooting him to death. In the morning, Harry finally reaches a country road where he sits idly, awaiting the next passing car.
When a battered video camera sold to a Manchester pawnshop, a remarkable tape is found inside.
The film details the mundane lives of two friends, Barry Tubbulb and Julian "Windows" Andrews, as they attempt to live in the "real world" after their all-consuming passion - the on-line video game, ''Wizard's Way'' – is closed down. The plight of the two gamers and the insular world of multiplayer online gaming, is documented by two young film-makers, Joe (Joe Stretch) and Chris (Chris Killen), who hope to make an award-winning film about the gamers' social failure and the demise of Wizard's Way, an antiquated online multiplayer game with a rapidly dwindling fanbase. Even with Barry's guidance, the workings of the early-generation game remain somewhat obscure, involving Medieval wizards, dragons and various rural townsfolk competing for points in an extremely rudimentary game, characterized by poorly pixilated imagery, limited color options and painfully slow game action.
The film-makers are especially keen to find the game's undisputed master, known as "Windows," who happens to live in the same town. But before they can interview Windows, aka Julian, at home, they have to get past his overprotective flatmate Barry (Socrates Adams-Florou), a bearded layabout who lives and sleeps in the flat's bathroom. Barry warns them against disturbing Windows when he's "in-game", and hogs the camera to describe Wizard's Way and his friendship with Windows, whom he describes as being "the Michael Jackson of Wizard's Way - but alive."
When Windows (Kristian Scott) turns up, it's clear that he's a shy, ordinary guy who just likes to play video games for hours at a stretch. He doesn't seem keen on being interviewed, but puts up with the film makers - until their visits become too intrusive. As he begins to lose his grip on the project, Joe come up with a few strategies to draw Windows from his shell, but he fails to anticipate the consequences his disruptive film making may have on the game's loyal fans.
While searching for a parking spot, Homer realizes that Mr. Burns is away on a hunting trip and decides to help himself to Burns' lifestyle. While playing a round of golf in Burns' office, he accidentally trips the trapdoor controls and falls into a cement mixer. He is placed in traction for several months as a result of his injuries. The blue-haired lawyer advises Mr. Burns that while the original trapdoor was legal, his decision to renovate it means that he is now legally liable for Homer's injuries. Burns dispatches Smithers to get Homer to sign a document waiving away a compensation claim.
Marge tries to spend time with Homer, but her ideas of fun—quilting and jigsaw puzzles—bore him. After several failed attempts at getting Homer's signature, Smithers admits that he thinks Homer has a case for compensation, and Homer calls a lawyer. Marge unexpectedly bonds with Smithers, discovering that he can provide the emotional intimacy that Homer cannot; for his part, Homer enjoys this arrangement because with her emotional needs met, Marge is more willing to be physically intimate with him.
Frustrated by his lack of progress and the upcoming civil suit, Burns issues an ultimatum to Smithers: get Homer to sign the waiver or be transferred to the company's nuclear plant in Chernobyl. Smithers reluctantly admits his predicament to Marge, choosing his job over their friendship. Homer overhears this, and realizing that Smithers makes Marge happy, approaches Burns and offers to sign a waiver on the condition that Smithers is allowed to keep his job. Burns agrees, and Homer feigns a fall on the steps of the courthouse so that his lawyer can file another suit. However, he accidentally drags Marge with him, and the two are hit by a truck. Both are put in traction, where they are cared for by an incompetent Grampa. Marge confesses her love for Homer because of his willingness to sacrifice a compensation claim worth millions of dollars for the sake of her happiness.
Meanwhile, a fight breaks out over seating arrangements on the Springfield Elementary bus. Lisa proposes a seating plan to Principal Skinner, who promotes her to bus monitor. While Lisa's enforced seating plan initially proves successful, the children begin to resent her. Lisa goes mad with power, planning enforced seating plans for the school cafeteria and kickball teams, and ignoring Bart's warnings about discontent on the bus. The children rebel, instigating chaos on the bus and embarrassing Lisa. Milhouse wisely sets her straight, why the bus, lunch time and even recess were meant to be crazy so everyone can be themselves. Realizing how right he and Bart are and taking responsibility for her own downfall, Lisa resolves never to be a know-it-all again, but only lasts a day before correcting Ms. Hoover's many errors in class.
Roy Bivolo, a metahuman with the power to send people into an uncontrollable rage, uses his powers to rob the Central City bank. Police detective Eddie Thawne proposes to capture the Flash because he was at the crime scene, but is rejected by the captain. The police track Bivolo to a warehouse, where he uses his powers on a cop to facilitate his escape. Barry Allen arrives to save Joe West, but is almost injured himself before Oliver Queen, as the "Arrow" vigilante, arrives to stop the cop. Later, Oliver informs Barry that he and his team are in Central City tracking down intel on a killer who uses lethal steel boomerangs. Barry and his friends suggests that they team-up to catch each other's targets and Oliver reluctantly agrees. Oliver tries to teach Barry to be more mindful of his surroundings, but Barry decides to go after Bivolo by himself. Bivolo uses his ability on Barry's mind; but because of Barry's speed, its effects last longer.
Eddie continues to persuade his superiors to form a task force unit to capture the Flash, expressing his zero tolerance for vigilantes. When an enraged Barry, as the Flash, attacks Eddie, Oliver tries to stop Barry, and the two engage in a fight. Oliver manages to wrangle Barry long enough for Harrison Wells and Joe to use strobe light to reset Barry's emotional state. Afterward, Barry and Oliver capture Bivolo and place him in the pipeline prison at S.T.A.R. Labs. Due to the incident, Eddie forms a task unit to arrest the Flash. Barry confirms Oliver's belief that the former has still a lot to learn. Oliver advises him to stay away from Iris West, with whom Barry is in love, for a while, because men with secret identities as vigilantes never get the girl. Oliver asks Team Flash to keep his alter ego as the Arrow, a secret. A new mysterious metahuman able to manipulate fire appears in Central City.
In a flashback set in Hong Kong, Oliver learns how to torture suspects to gain information. In the present, Oliver and Roy Harper locate Digger Harkness, the boomerang-wielding killer, where they find A.R.G.U.S. operatives looking for him as well. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon arrive in Starling City to help Felicity Smoak investigate Sara Lance's homicidal murderer. Digger attempts to kill Lyla Michaels, Roy, and Oliver, but Barry instantly arrives and stops him. Later, Lyla reveals that Digger was part of the Suicide Squad. When Oliver uses his extreme interrogation methods on a Russian mob member in order to locate Digger, Barry questions how emotionally stable Oliver is with his past tragedies to torture people. Digger locates Oliver's base and wounds Lyla before escaping immediately. In order to leave town, Digger plants five bombs around the city. While Oliver captures Digger, Barry uses both of their teams to defuse the bombs simultaneously. Digger is incarcerated on Lian Yu with Slade Wilson. Before Barry and his team's departure to Central City, Cisco and Caitlin gives Oliver his suit improvements and utilities, he and Oliver learned their lessons and decide to have a friendly duel.
Gary Goodspeed is an energetic yet dim-witted astronaut who, in the midst of working off the last few days of his five-year sentence aboard the prison spacecraft ''Galaxy One'', encounters a mysterious planet-destroying alien. He befriends the alien, naming him Mooncake, and then discovers that they are being pursued by the sinister, telekinetic Lord Commander. Together, Gary and Mooncake embark on a quest to save the universe, with help from the artificial intelligence HUE and a growing crew of shipmates, each with their own personal troubles all while trying to uncover the secrets surrounding Final Space, a bizarre realm where the universe ends.