Crime scene cleaner Morgan Sher has trouble keeping assistants because of the gruesome work. She also struggles in her personal life to make emotional connections with others. At a crime scene, she meets Nick Hopewell, the new partner of Detective Ed Braxton. Braxton does not get along with Sher, as his reputation was damaged after she helped solve a crime he could not. When her latest assistant quits after seeing the crime scene, Hopewell chats with her, and Sher impresses him with her insights into the murder. Sher later visits the police station to give Braxton a clue she found at the crime scene while cleaning. Upset that she seems to be trying to upstage him, Braxton ignores her.
After a one-night stand with a data entry worker, Sher encounters Hopewell again, who has become anxious to impress his captain and wants to know about the evidence she found. After Sher hands him the tip of a cane, Hopewell requests her assistance in examining a seemingly related case, angering Braxton. After a brief confrontation, Hopewell takes Braxton up on his ultimatum and partners with Sher instead, convincing her to take a role as a police consultant. In return, she demands Hopewell help her clean up crime scenes. As they grow closer, Hopewell flirts with her, only to be rebuffed by Sher, who says she has a policy against dating cops and coworkers.
Following clues left at the crime scenes, Hopewell realizes the cane may be connected in some way to Jean-Baptiste Lully, a French composer who died from gangrene after stabbing himself in the foot with a conducting staff. The killer left behind a compact disc containing Lully's "Marche pour la Cèrèmonie des Turcs." Hopewell researches the local orchestra and finds a donor who was accused of attempted rape, Gary Butler. Butler, when questioned, is nervous and denies the rape accusation, which he says was an extortion attempt. When Hopewell pushes him, Butler panics and leads them to Adam Fowler, a conductor. Hopewell reasons that a serial killer has targeted people with a criminal record who are connected to the orchestra. Butler and Fowler, though spooked, refuse to cooperate; Sher and Hopewell agree they are holding back information.
After cooking dinner for her, Hopewell convinces Sher to enter into a relationship, and she admits that personal issues in her life led her to have difficulty in starting healthy relationships. After they have sex, Sher sneaks out of Hopewell's house with his badge and return to Butler's house. Impersonating a police officer, she gains entry and flatly tells him she intends to kill him, revealing that she is a former rape victim kidnapped by Fowler, Butler, and the other dead men. Before she kills him, Butler reluctantly assists her in arranging his own murder scene.
When Butler is found dead, Captain LaSalle angrily takes Hopewell off the case when she learns Hopewell suspected Butler may be the next victim. Knowing his job on the line, Hopewell again turns to Sher for help. After promising to help him, she murders Fowler and makes it look like a suicide, arranging the scene to give Hopewell enough evidence to close the case with Fowler revealed as the killer. Hopewell's job is saved, and Sher becomes hopeful that she can now move beyond the trauma of her rape and have a healthy relationship with Hopewell.
Her hopes are dashed when Butler's estranged wife reveals that she set up a hidden camera in their house to gather evidence of Butler's infidelity. The footage reveals a woman killed him, and Hopewell becomes suspicious of the case's too-perfect closure. As he zeroes in on Sher as a suspect, Hopewell, who previously cooperated with Internal Affairs to take down dirty cops in his precinct, struggles with his rigid morality. After finding her as she plans to flee the city, he pleads with Sher not to leave him. As Sher turns away, she apologizes, saying that she knew he would not be able to let her go.
Four islanders (who are actually the cast of ''Man of Aran'') are gathered around the hearth. The film begins with an excerpt of a traditional sean-nós song performed by Maggie Tom Ní Mhaoláin (Maggie Dirrane). Seanchaí Seáinín Tom Ó Dioráin tells a traditional story called ''Máirtín Mac an Rí'', a version of the maritime folk legend ''The Knife against the Wave''. In the story, a fisherman successfully defends himself against the onslaught of a supernatural storm at sea by casting his knife against an oncoming wave; he is later summoned to the Otherworld, where he learns that with his knife cast he injured a fairy woman, whom he can only heal by removing the knife; upon doing so, he is rewarded. Versions of the same legend are common in other parts of Europe, including Spain and Finland.
In 1844, the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan is in a period of transition, and one of the high ranking lords, Lord Matsudaira, has become tainted by his dissolute and reprobate misconduct. Many leaders in the governing community of the current government feel that the code of honor, bushido, of the samurai is being disgraced by Matsudaira. His reprobate, egotistical, and feckless lifestyle is disgusting to those who come into close contact with him. After receiving reports, Sir Doi is convinced that Matsudaira represents a severe threat to the entire code of honor for the samurai tradition. Sir Doi decides, because of the severity of Matsudaira's misconduct, to take a blood oath to assassinate the reprobate Lord Matsudaira. He enlists a troop of assassins to swear a similar blood oath to do away with Matsudaira in order to restore his country's wellbeing and code of honor.
The game's story centers upon a young businesswoman who has spent most of her life working and as such, has no significant other and low prospects to find one. She decides to leave her job and visit a racing horse ranch, with the assumption that it would be full of handsome young men. When she arrives she is dismayed to find it bereft of potential dating candidates, and is shocked to discover a horse named Yuuma with an attractive human face. She questions the ranch owner about this and is told that Yuuma is a normal horse, she just sees a human face because some women born in the year of the horse have the ability to see horses as attractive men. Yuuma and the ranch owner persuade the woman to become the horse's owner against her own better judgement. As she spends more time with Yuuma preparing him for an upcoming race she's surprised and somewhat horrified to find herself falling for him.
In the distant future, Duke Leto of House Atreides, ruler of the ocean planet Caladan, is assigned by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV of House Corrino to replace House Harkonnen as the fiefholder of Arrakis, a harsh desert planet and the only source of "spice," a valuable substance that imparts heightened vitality and awareness to its users. It is critical for faster-than-light interstellar travel, as it grants Spacing Guild Navigators the limited prescience needed for safe navigation. Shaddam intends to have House Harkonnen retake the planet with the secret aid of his Sardaukar troops, eradicating House Atreides, whose spreading influence he considers a threat to his power. Leto is reluctant, but sees the advantages of controlling Arrakis and forming an alliance with its native population, skilled fighters known as the Fremen.
Leto's concubine, Lady Jessica, is an acolyte of the Bene Gesserit, an exclusive sisterhood whose members possess advanced physical and mental abilities. As part of their centuries-long breeding program, they instructed her to bear a daughter whose son would become the Kwisatz Haderach, a Bene Gesserit and messianic superbeing with the clairvoyance necessary to guide humanity to a better future. However, she disobeyed and bore a son, Paul. Throughout his life he is trained by Leto's aides, Duncan Idaho, Gurney Halleck, Suk doctor Wellington Yueh, and the Mentat Thufir Hawat, while Jessica teaches him Bene Gesserit disciplines. Paul confides in Jessica and Duncan that he is troubled by visions of the future. In response, the Reverend Mother and Imperial Truthsayer Gaius Helen Mohiam visits Caladan and subjects him to a death-alternative test to assess his humanity and impulse control, which he passes. Mohiam insists Baron Vladimir Harkonnen spare Paul and Jessica during his coup, to which he duplicitously agrees.
House Atreides arrives at Arrakeen, the fortress stronghold on Arrakis, where Duncan's advance party learned about the planet and Fremen. The natives revere Paul and Jessica, which Jessica explains is due to the Bene Gesserit sowing beliefs on the planet centuries earlier. Leto negotiates with the Fremen's chieftain, Stilgar, and meets planetologist and Imperial Judge of the Change Dr. Liet-Kynes. Kynes informs Leto, Paul, and Halleck of the dangers of spice harvesting, including giant sandworms which travel under the desert. During a flight, they spot a sandworm approaching a spice harvester with a stranded crew, whom they successfully rescue. However, Paul's exposure to the spice outside triggers intense premonitions.
After a failed attempt to assassinate Paul, Leto places his soldiers on high alert. Yueh disables Arrakeen's shields and allows Harkonnen and Sardaukar troops to invade Arrakeen. He incapacitates Leto and tells him he made a deal to deliver him to the Baron in exchange for freeing his captive wife. Yueh replaces one of Leto's teeth with a poison gas capsule and is killed after delivering Leto. Leto releases the gas, killing everyone inside, except the Baron. Duncan manages to escape. Harkonnens capture Paul and Jessica, though the latter kill their captors using a Bene Gesserit skill known as "the Voice", a means of controlling others verbally. Stranded in the desert, they spend the night in a tent, where Paul has visions of a "holy war" spreading across the universe in his name.
The Baron gives command of Arrakis to his nephew, Rabban, and orders him to restart spice production to recover his costs. Paul and Jessica are found by Duncan and Kynes. They head to an old research station, but are found by the Sardaukar. Paul discloses his plan to marry one of Shaddam's daughters to avert the civil war that would ensue from news of the Emperor's treachery. Duncan sacrifices himself to enable them to escape. They separate, but Kynes is caught and stabbed by Imperial troops, so she summons a sandworm that devours them all. In the deep desert, Paul and Jessica encounter Stilgar's tribe and Chani, the girl in Paul's visions. When Fremen warrior Jamis challenges Stilgar's lenience to them, Paul has to kill him in a ritual duel to the death. Against Jessica's wishes, Paul joins the Fremen to fulfill his father's goal of bringing peace to Arrakis.
In the fourth-season finale, "The Lich", the series' main villain, the Lich (voiced by Ron Perlman), manages to open a portal to access the time room of Prismo (voiced by Kumail Nanjiani). In the fifth-season premiere, "Finn the Human", it is revealed that Prismo is a being that can grant wishes, and the Lich wishes for all life in the multiverse to be extinguished. Finn and Jake also enter Prismo's time room, and to undo the Lich's cataclysmic request, Finn wishes that "the Lich never even ever existed". Consequently, Finn is transported into a new "wish-altered reality", dubbed "Farmworld". In this version of Ooo, magic has been lost and the essence of the Lich was never released into the world via the detonation of a "mutagenic bomb". Furthermore, in this reality, Finn lives with his family and a non-magical dog named Jake. During the course of "Finn the Human", Finn finds the ice crown, a magical artifact. When he puts it on, he releases the essence of the Lich (who then possesses Farmworld-Jake's body), and re-introduces magic into the world. In "Jake the Dog", Jake, who has been still stuck in Prismo's time room after Finn is teleported to Farmworld, eventually wishes that the Lich's original request had merely been for "Finn and Jake to go home". With Jake's wish to seemingly undo what both the Lich and Finn wished for, Prismo believes that everything has been reset.
Prismo summons Finn and Jake to his time room and reveals that Farmworld is still in existence; Farmworld-Finn has teamed up with the Jake-Lich, which could lead to destruction of all life in the multiverse. Prismo is powerless to stop this from occurring, and so he sends Finn and Jake to Farmworld with a device called "The Maid", which will clean up "all class-A inter-dimensional bung-ups." Once in the Farmworld universe, Finn and Jake discover that Farmworld-Finn has frozen all of that reality's humans in order to "save them". It is also revealed that the Jake-Lich has been possessing Big Destiny (voiced by James Kyson), gathering up the jewels needed to activate the Farmworld-version of the ''Enchiridion'', so as to open up a portal to the multiverse.
Eventually, Finn and Jake are discovered, and the portal is opened. Just as the Jake-Lich is about to kill Jake, Finn's grass-arm activates, severing Jake-Lich's hand. Farmworld-Finn realizes he has been used by Jake-Lich, and he teams up with Finn and Jake. The portal is closed, and Finn manages to use The Maid to remove the Lich's essence from Farmworld-Jake's body. With their work complete, Finn and Jake are taken back to Prismo's time room. Out of pity for his alternate reality self, Finn convinces Prismo to destroy Farmworld's ice crown, allowing Farmworld-Finn to reunite with his family. Finn despondently watches this transpire, while Jake tries to comfort him as they watch.
Finn and Jake set out to find a dungeon, but soon after discovering it, Finn ends up getting trapped within. In the center of the structure he finds a door that, when he closes his eyes, he is able to pass through. On the other side of this door is a maze, and past the maze is the outside world. However, every time Finn opens his eyes, he is transported back from where he came: outside the door. At first, Finn tries to live his life blindfolded, but he is always somehow forced to open his eyes. He eventually sets off on his own and wanders into an identical dungeon. In the center of this structure is a door that he can only pass through by opening his eyes. Finn does just that, and in doing so manages to escape the Hall of Egress.
Finn is needing a new sword, so he enlists the help of Peppermint Butler, who forges a weapon, the Night Blade, and then summons Hunson Abadeer (voiced by Martin Olson) to infuse it with "Nightosphere magic". Released unto Ooo, Abadeer initially tries to harvest souls, but Peppermint Butler binds him with a spell, rendering him powerless. Abadeer then decides to accompany Finn and Jake to the house of his daughter, Marceline the Vampire Queen (voiced by Olivia Olson).
Marceline is getting ready to perform at a concert for a group of ghosts at the Hamburger Hills Cemetery, and is frustrated when her father randomly turns up at her doorstep. Although she tries to avoid mentioning the concert so that her father will not attend, the news is inevitably revealed and Abadeer forces his way into her concert. During a performance of Marceline's song "Slow Dance", Abadeer accidentally gets into a brawl with several ghosts. Because Abadeer is still bound by Peppermint Butler's magic, he is unable to defend himself. Finn manages to fight off the ghosts with his new sword, and then Marceline transforms into a bat, grabs her entourage, and flies away.
At the end of the episode, Marceline, Finn, Jake, and Hunson Abadeer meet up with Princess Bubblegum in a restaurant; Marceline thanks her dad for trying to support her, even if he caused a scene.
Throughout the episode, Princess Bubblegum's conniving Cousin Chicle (allied with Uncle Gumbald) disguises himself as a ghost and spies on Marceline to learn her weakness, as Gumbald has identified Marceline as one of Bubblegum's more powerful allies.
Joseph "Mr. Joe" Scoleri (Paul Sorvino) was a major Mafia mob boss back in the 1980s, somewhat like John Gotti. He is let out of a prison in Pennsylvania after serving 20 years, but is released conditionally, on probation, because of ill health. He moves back into his row house in his old neighborhood in Queens, where he was much loved and respected years ago. His daughter Rita Scoleri (Renee Props) is working but she shares the house with him.
He is immediately warned by his lawyer (Chazz Palminteri) that the terms of his release stipulate that he must have no contact of any kind with any Mafia members, or he goes back to jail. And his doctor explains to him that he is in very bad shape—he has severe cardiomyopathy, which will inevitably lead to heart failure at some point in the near future.
Mr. Joe discovers, mostly from hearsay, that the Mafia has changed a lot (it sounds to him as if it's deteriorated) since he went into jail, and so has the world in general, even in his old neighborhood. He is struck in particular how the young people show no respect any more.
However, Mr. Joe has a much younger next-door neighbor, Bobby DiBianco (Michael Rapaport), who is a hard-working family man who owns a deli. Bobby is kind enough to try to take care of what he sees as a nice elderly man; Bobby was too young in the 1980s to understand the crimes Mr. Joe was guilty of.
On the home front, Mr. Joe's 42-year-old daughter, Rita, explains to him that she is a lesbian—something that at first he finds completely repugnant.
A thuggish younger Italian man (Lev Gorn) starts a confrontation in Bobby DiBianco's deli. During the scuffle, the thug punches Rita Scholeri in the face, sending her flying. And, the shocking confrontation causes an older neighbor, who is sitting in the deli, to die from a heart attack.
At the funeral Mr. Joe speaks in Italian to an active mobster. It is not clear what is being planned, but they agree to something.
Mr. Joe has dinner with Rita and her girlfriend. They all get on really well, and he surprises them by asking when they will present him with a grandchild.
It turns out that Mr. Joe has set something up so that he himself can attack the young thug. He kills him with a claw hammer, and immediately suffers heart failure, dying on the sidewalk.
Years pass, and we see Rita and her girlfriend at home with a baby, listening to a recording that Mr. Joe made back when he was still in prison.
'''Opening quote:''' "In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."
Nick (David Giuntoli) tells Hank (Russell Hornsby) that he is unsure about attending Monroe's (Silas Weir Mitchell) wedding as the Wesen could recognize him as a Grimm and decides to tell him that he can't go because of the risk of getting exposed. In Switzerland, Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Meisner are still running from the Verrat.
Meisner leaves Adalind to go after the Verrat. However, Adalind is intercepted by the Verrat and taken to a car. Then, the Verrat agents are killed by Kelly (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), who was told to save her. Meisner takes Adalind and Kelly to a plane that will take them to Portland but he stays behind and notifies Renard (Sasha Roiz) that Sebastien is dead and that he could go into hiding. Nick visits Monroe and Rosalee (Bree Turner) to tell them that he can't attend the wedding because of the risk of exposure. Monroe then suggests using sunglasses during the wedding as the Wesen can identify the Grimms from their eyes. They test the sunglasses and they state that it works.
Back in Vienna, Viktor (Alexis Denisof) is upset about Adalind's escape and has his associate Gregor (Gene Freedman) killed for his failure. He then has Marcus Rispoli (Philip Anthony-Rodriguez) named the new leader of the Verrat and they both deduce that Adalind must have returned to Portland. While on the plane, Kelly has flashbacks of when she had to leave Nick years ago. They land in Portland and steal a man's truck for safety as he threatens to call the police.
They arrive at Nick's house but Nick and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) instantly recognize her. A discussion ensues and it causes the baby to make a tremor and break things in the house. Despite her issues with Adalind, Juliette decides to take care of the baby in the room. While she takes care of the baby, Kelly explains that the baby is so powerful that if she falls into the wrong hands, she will do something evil. Adalind uses her powers to leave the house with the baby and escape in the man's car. Nick deduces that since Adalind mentioned Renard, she would go to his apartment. Adalind arrives at Renard's apartment and presents him with the baby, causing him to smile at the baby.
Having made a career of seducing rich older women, Maximo marries a wealthy woman more than twice his age. 25 years later, spoiled, out of shape and bored from waking up next to his now 80-year-old wife, he gets the surprise of his life when she dumps him for a younger McLaren car salesman.
Forced out of his mansion and desperate for a place to stay, he contacts Rick, another pampered gigolo. He crashes in the upscale playhouse of the woman's granddaughter, which does not go over very well. He soon moves in with his estranged sister, Sara, and her nerdy son, Hugo, in their small apartment. During this time, two things occur:
Eventually, Maximo becomes a gigolo for the woman Rick used to live with, and he patches up the relationship with his sister and nephew.
Alison "Allie" Evans (Danica McKellar) is an American hotel maid who was fired for not getting an important guest's room ready in time. Overhearing this, a hotel patron's servant, Fergus (Pavel Douglas), hires her to be a governess for his employer's daughter in the country of Winshire. When Allie accepts and arrives in the country, she finds that Fergus' employer is widower King Maximillian (Rupert Penry-Jones) and that his daughter is Princess Theodora (Ellie Botterill) who has become mischievous since her mother's death. But, she meets her match in Allie, as Allie single-handedly raised her younger brother and sister following their parents' deaths.
When not busy looking after the princess, Allie befriends the other staff members. All while King Maximillian is being pressured by Chancellor Riggs (Colin McFarlane) to become engaged to Lady Celia (Alexandra Evans). Theodora has some objections to this as she thinks Allie would be a better match.
The series presents José Vicente Solís Armenta, a delinquent who is prosecuted by the state, tried and condemned to the maximum penalty for crimes against humanity. By being betrayed, the authorities finally manage to track him down and want him dead or alive. Solis Armenta, as he escapes, has to deal with his wife whom he deceived, one of his lovers who seeks to assassinate him and a bodyguard who seems to succumb to his charms.
Ramachandran aka Ram is a travel photographer. He visits his high school and is overcome by memories. A reunion is arranged through their school WhatsApp group. At the reunion, his friends Murali, Subhashini and Sathish catch up with him. Murali hesitantly mentions that Janaki aka Jaanu (Ram's childhood love) is coming from Singapore.
In 1996, Ram and Jaanu have been friends and classmates in 10th grade. Jaanu is a talented singer. Ram develops feelings for Jaanu and she reciprocates. Once their board exams are over, they have a moment with each other where Jaanu asks him not to forget her until they meet again after the holidays.
Back in the present, Jaanu arrives at the reunion and searches for Ram. When Subha points Ram to her, Jaanu walks towards him. She reminisces the first day of 11th grade when she eagerly awaits Ram's arrival to the classroom, but he doesn't show up. She finds that Ram has left the school because his father had financial difficulties and his family relocated to Madras overnight. Jaanu is inconsolable and pines for Ram until she completes school.
Ram and Jaanu finally meet and find it uncomfortable to interact with each other, but gradually get along. Their friends talk about Jaanu's married life in Singapore and disclose that Ram is still single and hasn't moved on. After the reunion party, both go out on a drive. Jaanu reveals how she could not forget Ram and would have traded anything just to have met him once back then. She narrates how circumstances forced her to marry someone else. Then, Ram asks Jaanu if she really doesn't remember the day he came to her college to meet her. Ram says that he and Murali waited in front of Jaanu's college to meet her and passed on a message through a student. Surprisingly, Jaanu refused to meet Ram and forbade him to contact her again. He returned sadly and never tried to meet her since then. Jaanu is devastated after listening to this and reveals that she never saw them at her college and thought it was her stalker who was troubling her. Ram tells that except for the mistake of assuming that she hated him, he knew everything about her life. He also tells about seeing her from afar at her wedding. Jaanu is heartbroken because she felt his presence and expected him to come for her until the last minute. Both feel sad about their misfortune and finally, come to terms with everything that happened in their lives. Jaanu expresses her desire to spend the final few hours with Ram before she catches the flight back home.
They go out into the city and then to a restaurant and catch up on more memories. There, they meet Ram's photography students who assume Jaanu is his wife and request her to share their story. Jaanu obliges and narrates an improvised version of the time when Ram tried to meet Jaanu at her college. She tells about how they finally met and made up and have been together ever since and got married. Albeit feeling awkward, Ram tries his best to play along. The students leave and Ram asks Jaanu to visit his apartment as it is already late at night. On the way, they get drenched in the rain and Ram gives Jaanu some of his dry clothes.
At his apartment, Jaanu is visibly upset that Ram doesn't have a love life and requests him to move on and get married and have a family. She finally sings Ram's favourite song for him, a song that she had purposefully avoided singing in school in spite of his repeated requests. Ram shows Jaanu a collection of their old memories like love poems, dried flowers, and their school uniforms. They realize that time is running out and go back to Jaanu's hotel to get ready for her flight in a few hours. Jaanu is sad knowing that she'll leave Chennai and Ram very soon. At the airport, Ram escorts her to the boarding gate and they bid a teary farewell. Jaanu then gets into the flight and leaves.
Back at his home, Ram finds Jaanu's clothes that he had put to dry the previous night. He folds them neatly, puts them along with his treasured collection of school memories, and shuts the suitcase as the film comes to an end.
The film goes against the view that straight men and women can't just be friends. It brings this true by telling the story of Chucks (Blossom Chukwujekwu) nicknamed by his friends as the Terminator, an ardent player with ladies, whose quest to proving this law to his friends brings him three woman he must re-seduce: Ify (Ufuoma McDermott), Tomi (Toyin Aimakhu) and Ejiro (Omoni Oboli), whose lives have drastically changed. And this must be done within 21 days. This challenge of their various new status makes his quest to win the bet more and more insurmountable as he tries to prove the immortality of the long age law: Okafor's Law.
The series is inspirerd by steampunk and set a fictional era, inspired by the early 20th century
It follows Selma Traskvist, an 8 years old young girl who goes out on an adventure in the airship "Valborg" from Sweden to the Arctic along with quirky professor Efraim von Trippelhatt trying to find Santa Claus.
In a modest market garden in the South of France, a woman raises her seven children alone. They all work hard alongside hired labour and are exploited by the farm owner, who is her lover and the father of the children, an unfeeling and demanding man who lives on a nearby estate with his legally married wife. Through her unconditional love, the mother strives to preserve the world of her children. She would rather bring them up in the country than in the town, without resources.
In "9 months B.C.", Mary is visited by an angel telling her she will bear the Messiah. A pygmy jerboa named Abby overhears and tells the other animals as a star begins glowing brightly in the night.
Six months later, a young donkey is tired of milling wheat and wishes to join a traveling royal caravan so that he may feel important. An older donkey helps him escape the miller who owns them, and the young donkey ends up with an injured ankle at the house of Joseph and Mary who have just celebrated their wedding. Mary takes the donkey in and names him Bo, and reveals to Joseph that she is pregnant, with Joseph accepting Mary's situation after praying to God. During this time, Bo and his dove friend Dave plot to escape despite Mary's kindness, but end up staying three more months.
Meanwhile, the three wise men and their camels, Felix, Cyrus, and Deborah, arrive at the home of King Herod. The wise men reveal their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but when they reveal that it is actually for the "new King", he sends them on their way to meet him, but secretly sends his royal hunter and his two dogs, Thaddeus and Rufus, to find and kill the new King.
As Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth in order to head to Bethlehem, Bo and Dave try another escape, but are confronted by the dogs, who knew of the home by interrogating Abby. After learning that Joseph and Mary are not home, the hunter and his dogs leave to look for them. Feeling guilty, Bo decides to warn them with Dave joining him. Along the way, they meet a friendly sheep named Ruth who left her flock when she saw the star. They catch up to Joseph and Mary in time to warn them and hide them in a market place where the hunter ties up his dogs. Bo releases the cart Joseph and Mary were using to roll down and cause a chain reaction that knocks the hunter down a well. However, he creates severe damage to the market in the process, and Joseph, unaware of the danger, tells Bo off for his actions.
Upset with being rejected, Bo leaves and Dave follows until they arrive at the royal caravan. While happy to have found it, Bo realizes that he liked being with Mary and tells Dave, who admits that he is not upset and that he just wants Bo to be happy with his decision. Together, the two return and make up with Ruth, and then convince a frustrated Joseph to talk to Mary. Mary admits that it has been difficult for her and that she is scared of the importance of the baby, and they make up when Mary begins having contractions. They arrive at Bethlehem where Joseph is unable to find an inn for Mary. The miller, who just so happened to be there, kidnaps Bo with Dave and Ruth leaving to rescue him. The wise men arrive as well, but the camels, who are aware of Herod's plot, are left tied to a post.
Bo ends up in a stable where he meets a horse named Leah, a cow named Edith, and a goat named Zach. They reveal that they have not been able to sleep because the star's bright light has been shining through on their manger for 9 months. Realizing that this is where the baby is supposed to be, the animals help Bo escape and he catches up with Dave and Ruth while spotting the hunter and his dogs. Bo finds Joseph and Mary and gets them back to the stable while Dave runs into Cyrus, Felix, and Deborah and helps them escape their bonds. Ruth finds her flock, who had previously refused to follow her, and tries to convince them to help, but gets unexpected help from the angel who informs the shepherds and the sheep that the Savior is coming. Bo manages to fight off Thaddeus and Rufus, but is outdone by the hunter. Suddenly, Ruth and her flock, the camels, and Dave arrive and dispatch them by having them hang from a cliff. The hunter lets his dogs fall, but they are saved by Bo while the hunter himself falls to his death.
All of the animals, who are now joined by Abby who assumed the danger to be ongoing, and the redeemed Thaddeus & Rufus, shepherds, and three wise men arrive to see baby Jesus. Bo realizes that he has been carrying the new King the whole time. Deborah predicts that this event will be remembered around the world for years to come. After that, Joseph buys Bo from the miller, and Bo, Dave, and Ruth help him and Mary raise Jesus.
'''Season 1''' – In August 1990, the sadistic murder of a pregnant woman is committed on the island of Nordkoster, western Sweden. The victim is buried alive in the sand, so that the rising tide slowly drowns her. In June 2015, the murder, known as the Beach Case ( ) remains unsolved. Olivia Rönning, a trainee at the Stockholm Police Academy, is assigned the cold case for a summer project. Upon discovering that her late father worked on the original case, Olivia becomes obsessed with solving the murder. She searches for the lead investigator Tom Stilton, who has since become homeless and does not want to be reminded of his old life. Horrifying videos show up on the Internet in which other homeless people are brutally attacked including a friend of Tom's. Eventually Tom helps Olivia to investigate the murder. Along the way they are helped by Tom's former colleague, Mette Olsäter and their mutual friend Abbas el Fassi. They are thwarted by Rune Forss, a corrupt policeman and by Jackie Berglund, a former prostitute, madame and current store owner.
'''Season 2''' – In late 2017 Olivia's near neighbour, Bengt Sahlman, is found hanging in his home by his teenage daughter, Sandra. He was a Customs officer. Meanwhile in Marseilles, Samira Khalil's dismembered body is discarded at the shoreline. She was a blind actress and former circus performer. Abbas loved Samira but she was then-married and so he left the city. Olivia has completed her final year at the academy but not yet chosen a posting. She decides to unofficially investigate Bengt's death, while Tom and Abbas go to Marseilles to find out about Samira. Mette and her team believe Bengt's death is related to missing drugs at Customs. Samira's murder leads to the local underworld of prostitution and porn films. First Tom then Abbss return to Stockholm leaving local police to look for the murder suspect, Alain Bressant. In Stockholm Olivia teams with TV investigative journalist, Alex Popov. They pursue Jean Morrel the owner of Albion, which used a dangerous medicine causing aged care deaths being covered up; including that of Bengt's father. Eventually both Bengt's and Samira's murders are linked by evidence found on a laptop.
The series tells the story of the legendary and less off leader with scissors (hence her name), who has a stormy love with a pair of inseparable friends from wealthy families: Antonio de Bedout (Andrés Sandoval) and Emilio Echegaray (Sebastián Martínez).
Their lives so distant will unite when faced with the beautiful Rosario, who takes them to a world full of danger and ferocity, where she is both a victim and an instrument of death.
'''Opening quote:''' "The Queen was terrified and offered the little man all the riches of the kingdom, if only he would leave the newborn child alone."
Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) has Rispoli (Philip Anthony-Rodriguez) dispatch corrupt FBI Agent and Verrat associate, Weston Steward (C. Thomas Howell) in Portland to retrieve the baby. Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Renard (Sasha Roiz) begin to discuss the baby when Renard is told that Nick (David Giuntoli) is entering the condo. Nick confronts Renard in the hallway but they decide to discuss the matter in his apartment.
While Nick speaks with Renard and Adalind, Kelly - Nick's mother - (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) watches Agent Steward enter in the condo. Nick convinces Adalind to work with them and then leaves. Kelly knocks out Steward but two Verrat agents are going upstairs to get Adalind's baby. Nick warns them, and he and Kelly kill the Verrat agents. They then go with Renard, Adalind and the baby to Monroe's (Silas Weir Mitchell) house for safety. They decide not to tell Adalind of her mother's killing by Kelly in order to avoid any further conflict.
Nick, Renard and Kelly burst into Steward's house. Renard discovers that the last call to Steward was from Vienna and that Rispoli and Viktor are coming to Portland for the baby. The next day, Hank (Russell Hornsby) spies on the airport just as Viktor and Rispoli arrive at Portland and meet Steward. Steward asks them for permission to kill Renard. Later, Viktor visits Renard in the police station and warns that if they don't give them the baby in two hours, Renard, Adalind, and Renard's mother will be killed.
Police officers arrest Kelly at Monroe's house for the murder of Adalind's mother, shocking Adalind. Via phone Renard tells Adalind to come to the station to make a statement and bring the baby. At the station, she names the baby Diana and leaves the baby with Renard while she makes her statement. Adalind confronts Kelly in the room, who claims that she was justified to kill Adalind's mother to save Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) and wants Adalind to understand she had to give up her son and that they have to sacrifice what they love the most. With this, Adalind realizes something is wrong. While they were talking, Renard takes the baby outside and gives it to Viktor. Adalind arrives too late. Renard claims that he did it to protect them, causing Adalind to woge and scream breaking the car's windows.
Viktor and Rispoli arrive at the airport and are intercepted at gunpoint by five Resistance members, demanding the baby. Viktor reluctantly gives them the baby and the Resistance members drive off in the limo. It is revealed they are Nick, Renard, Hank, Monroe, and Kelly. The episode ends as Kelly drives away, in a car Nick and Juliette bought, with Diana in the other seat, planning to put Diana in a safer place.
Skinny Girl in Transit is a web series produced by Ndani TV, and as the name implies, it is a comedy about a young Nigerian woman and her efforts to lose weight. In the pilot episode, Tiwalade, played by Abimbola Craig, is woken up from a pleasurable dream by her mother, played by Ngozi Nwosu. Her mum wastes no time in informing her that the Holy Spirit ministered to her and the message conveyed was that Tiwalade should lose weight, therefore furthering her hope of finding a husband. Tiwalade's mum performs a series of dramatic gestures and makes several grand statements to emotionally blackmail Tiwalade into agreeing to lose weight. And Tiwalade, who is aware that she is overweight, thinks ‘why not, how hard could it be? However, losing weight turns out to be more strenuous than she originally assumed. In addition, Tiwalade has to deal with a mother who is like a dog with a bone, a sister, played by Sharon Ooja, who is pretty, slim and shallow, and a love-life that is less than appealing.
Bitter in the Mouth is a story told nonlinearly. The reader is given pieces of the puzzle of Linda’s life, slowly accumulating information until the whole picture can be seen. The novel opens with an epigraph from To Kill a Mockingbird, immediately followed by the title of the first half of the novel—“Confession”—which focuses most heavily on Linda’s childhood. The opening scene introduces Baby Harper, Linda’s beloved uncle. Then Linda recalls the death of her grandmother, Iris. Linda is haunted by the words her grandmother spoke while on her deathbed: “What I know about you, little girl, would break you in two.” In response to this, Linda simply says, "Bitch," a reflection of her tumultuous relationship with Iris that is later revealed to be rooted in Linda's ethnicity. Shortly after, Linda explains her form of synesthesia: she can taste words, both when she says them and when other people say them.
We are then introduced to her best friend, Kelly. She and Kelly are neighbors, and become friends after Kelly sends Linda a letter welcoming her to the neighborhood. Kelly is the only person that she tells about her synesthesia. They devise a plan together for Linda to smoke so that the “incomings”—the tastes she senses—are stifled in order for Linda to focus in school. The two share a childhood crush; they both like a boy named Wade, but Kelly calls “dibs” on him so Linda is unable to talk about her feelings toward Wade. Linda and Kelly are also both sexually assaulted by the same person: Kelly’s cousin, Bobby. Kelly’s encounters with Bobby are known fairly early, but Linda reveals the details of her rape slowly as the novel progresses.
Linda has an extremely close relationship with her uncle, Baby Harper; he acts as a parental figure for her. Linda talks about her uncle’s passion for photography, but he is never in any of the photos himself. He collects his photos in albums that he labels H.E.B.’s, his initials. Linda then goes into detail describing what Baby Harper told her about her father’s family.
Wade is then brought into the novel through his conversations with Linda at the bus stop. Immediately after, the reader is alerted to the fact that adult Linda was in an 8-year relationship with a man named Leo whom she never told about her synesthesia, a fact that alerts the reader to the state of their relationship. There are also more hints about her rape at the hands of Kelly’s cousin, but the full story still isn’t revealed.
Linda then talks about the relationship that develops between her and Wade. They begin dating in secret; Linda knows she can’t tell Kelly, and says that her friendship with Kelly matters a lot more than a boy. Eventually, Wade asks Linda to have sex with him, but then Bobby “enters the room”—trauma from her rape haunts her, and she tells Wade no. Their relationship ends and he moves away.
It is then revealed that Linda once tried to tell her mother about her synesthesia, but her mother told her that she wouldn’t tolerate craziness in her family. This is a nod toward Linda’s adoption, which had not yet been addressed—the statement meant that if Linda wanted to be accepted into DeAnne’s family, she couldn’t step out of line.
We then come to learn the intimate details of Linda’s rape as she tells them to Baby Harper. Bobby would mow the lawn of Linda’s house, and DeAnne flirted with him constantly. One day, when DeAnne left, Bobby asked to use the bathroom, and when Linda let him in he raped her. She was left with bruises on her neck and thighs. It is understood that her mother knew what happened, but instead of being there for Linda, she pretended that her daughter had gotten her period. Then, before Bobby was going to come back to mow again, he died. He crashed his car into a telephone pole, his head went through the windshield, and DeAnne went to the funeral. When Linda told Baby Harper the story, he got red paint and they went to the cemetery together. There, they each painted the word “rapist” on a side of the headstone. After learning about her rape, we also learn about the death of Linda’s father, Thomas. He died in his car in the driveway of his young secretary, whom he was having an affair with.
The next big event in the novel is when Kelly gets pregnant. She goes away for the duration of her pregnancy, and her aunt adopts her child. The father of the baby isn’t revealed until late in the novel.
The first section of the novel ends with Baby Harper coming to Linda’s graduation from Yale. As she walks across the stage and her name is read, her Vietnamese background is revealed; her full name is Lihn-Dao Nguyen Hammerick. Up to this point in the novel, her Vietnamese heritage is alluded to but never explicitly stated.
The second part of the novel is called “Revelation,” and focuses more heavily on Linda’s adult life (though both parts of the novel are nonlinear, so we continue to learn details about Linda’s childhood in this part as well). The fact that Linda was adopted is stated clearly. Linda recalls a time that she accused her grandmother of disliking her; Iris simply said that didn’t stop her from being Linda’s grandmother.
The novel then jumps forward, and Linda reflects on when she found out she had ovarian cancer. She went into the doctor at the request of Leo, her long-term boyfriend turned fiance. Leo wanted children, and when he found out Linda couldn’t have any, he immediately moved out of their shared house and left her. Linda then reveals their backstory.
Adult Linda lives in New York City and works as an attorney at a law firm. While she’s in New York, she stays in communication with her uncle, Baby Harper. He sends her four of his H.E.B.’s, but it isn’t explained what’s in them until later. At this point, Baby Harper has come out to his family as gay—something that Linda suspected for a long time, but he never said to anyone outright—and is with a man named Cecil, who has a funeral home. The two travel together, and Linda receives updates on their travels. One day, Linda gets a call from her mother, and she finds out that Baby Harper and Cecil have died in a plane crash. When Linda finally works up the nerve to tell Leo, instead of simply comforting her and going back to Boiling Springs as she asked him to, he proposes. Linda says yes, even though she doesn’t love him. Shortly after, the contents of the photo albums are revealed to the reader: it’s a series of photos Baby Harper took of himself dressed in women’s clothing. The photos start with him as a teenager and slowly become more curated and sophisticated as time passes.
Linda goes home six months after Baby Harper’s death. She sees Kelly again, who is staying in Baby Harper’s house. She and her mother work on their relationship; she shows DeAnne a PBS program about synesthesia that she herself watched, hoping that her mother would understand. DeAnne watched the program four times, a sign that she wants to heal her broken relationship with her daughter. Cecil’s nephew and his partner take over Cecil’s funeral home, and Kelly is asked to live in Baby Harper’s house permanently. Then Kelly tells Linda that Wade is the father, and Linda asks if Kelly knew about her relationship with Wade. Each woman already knew about the other’s secret.
The novel ends with the story of Linda’s early childhood. Her mother tells her all the details. Thomas, Linda’s father, met a woman named Mai-Dao when he was in New York City for law school. He fell in love with her, but Mai-Dao went back to Vietnam and married the man she’d been engaged to. They kept in touch by writing each other letters. Mai-Dao eventually moved into a trailer in Chapel Hill with her husband, Khanh. During this time, bad things were happening in Vietnam, and they were scared for their family there. Thomas offered his help, and Khanh found out and was very unhappy. Then, their trailer burned down, and Linda’s biological parents died. Thomas immediately drove to Chapel Hill and took Linda. DeAnne, who had learned about Thomas’s relationship with Mai-Dao, agreed to adopt Linda only if they never spoke of her birth parents again. The novel’s closing lines are, “We all need a story of where we came from and how we got here. Otherwise, how could we ever put down our tender roots and stay.” Linda finally gets the full story of her life, and the pieces of the puzzle fit together for her at the same time as they fit together for the reader. Linda is able to blend together her Southern Vietnamese and Southern American roots in order to create her own “South,” and become authentically herself.
The film starts with the narrator (Elijah Wood) explaining that Henry is a hedgehog who has no friends because he likes to hug everyone. The viewer is then placed inside Henry's home on his birthday where, after a short time, Henry appears from the kitchen with his birthday cake. Sad at being alone on his birthday, Henry lights the candle on his cake and makes a wish before blowing it out. At this point a group of animal balloons come to life and fly around the house, before one approaches Henry for a hug; the balloon pops as Henry tries to hug it. Terrified, the balloons dart around the room trying to escape from Henry before flying out of the door, leaving Henry alone. Shortly afterwards, a knock at the door reveals that the balloons have returned, bringing with them a turtle. The turtle hugs Henry, without being hurt by his quills, and Henry is happy again.
Ivan Chervyakov, a petty government official, while in the theatre, sneezes right upon the head of a man sitting in front of him, who happens to be General Brizzhalov, a high-ranking government official. He spends the evening and the next day fawning before his sneeze victim trying to extract forgiveness, but what he succeeds instead is only bringing out a fit of rage in him. Shocked, Chervyakov returns home to lie there and die, due to the sheer stress of having endured such horror.
After gaining control of the ''Darkhold'', the Book of Sins, S.H.I.E.L.D. looks to destroy it to keep it from being used for evil. Agent Leo Fitz and Dr. Holden Radcliffe are sent to clear the memory of the android Aida they have built, as she has read the book. However, her reading the ''Darkhold'' s secrets appears to have granted her sentience, and Aida overpowers the pair. She then takes control of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s systems, and attacks the secret facility in search of the book.
Vijay Nadeer recovers at a family home after spending several months inside an Inhuman Terrigen cocoon. He is looked after by his sister, Senator Ellen Nadeer, who is the leader of the Humans First political movement; the siblings have a hatred for aliens after their mother died during an alien attack, and agreed that if either was "infected" and revealed as an Inhuman, the other would kill them. Nadeer orders a group of Watchdogs—anti-Inhuman terrorists she has aligned herself with—to kill her brother. He asks her to spare him, as he has not shown any sign of Inhuman abilities, but when S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Jeffrey Mace arrives with Agents Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons after Simmons had helped Vijay escape his cocoon, Vijay exhibits enhanced reflexes. Ellen convinces Vijay to go with her rather than S.H.I.E.L.D., but as they escape in a helicopter, Ellen kills her brother and dumps his body in a lake, where it is enveloped in another Terrigen cocoon.
Agent Phil Coulson gives the location of the ''Darkhold'' to Agent Melinda May, who Aida has replaced with a Life Model Decoy—an android replica. From this, Aida finds the book. Fitz is able to take back control of the facility's systems before Aida can escape, and Agent Mack beheads the android with his ax. Radcliffe later laments about this to a new model of Aida, as he believes the book holds the secret to eternal life and wants it for himself. He had programmed the original Aida's apparent sentience in an attempt to steal the ''Darkhold'', but must now rely on the May LMD to retrieve it for him.
Lady Athelinda Playford, author of a popular series of children's mystery novels, summons her children, lawyers, and Poirot and Edward Catchpool, Scotland Yard detective, to her home in Clonakilty, Ireland, where she plans to announce a change to her will that may shock those closest to her: she intends to leave everything to her secretary, a man with only weeks to live due to a terminal illness, cutting out her son and daughter completely.
Poirot begins to suspect that he and Catchpool have been invited to prevent a murder, but despite their efforts one of the party is killed, and not the one they were expecting. It is revealed gradually that nothing is well within the family. Lady Playford's son is mentally slow and has a wife who is constantly worrying about their future. She has no filter on what she says. Lady Playford's daughter is a mean girl who resents her mother from even before she made changes in the will, probably because her mother gave more importance to her writing than to her daughter. She also has an admirer Doctor Randall Kimpton, who shares the same tongue as his paramour. There's the secretary Joseph Scotcher, who is nice to everyone but is that only a facade? There's a nurse Sophie, who loves Joseph. One of Lady Playford's lawyers, Orville Wolfe and the house butler Hatton, who is reluctant to utter a single word provides comic relief in between. In such a setting, Poirot and Catchpool must disentangle the truth from a rat's nest of bitter family resentments, in a family where almost everyone seems to despise each other.
The bandit Kriminal accidentally discovers in an ancient porcelain statuette a fragment of a map relating to the place where a famous outlaw, before being executed, had managed to hide two precious canvases. Kriminal immediately begins the research to recover three other statuettes, similar to the one in his possession, containing the fragments necessary to complete the map.
His investigations are successful. Only one statuette is now missing from Kriminal to identify the place where the paintings are hidden. However, the statuette is in the hands of two adventurers, Mara and Robson, who, in turn, try to snatch the map fragments he recovered from Kriminal. An agreement is finally reached by the three: they will join forces to bring to light the hidden paintings and share the proceeds equally.
Kriminal, Mara and Robson then leave for Beirut and, in an archaeological area of the city, they find the precious paintings. Kriminal eliminates the two partners, who had tried to take over the entire booty, and sets out to return to his base. However, the unexpected arrival of Inspector Milton, who has been on his trail for some time, disrupts his plans. In an attempt to escape capture, Kriminal crashes his car into a ravine.
Employed by a group of generals, Martin Fiero (Estrada), a former Green Beret, is hired to assassinate the newly elected President of San Pedro de Tacna, Peru. They feel threatened by the liberal sympathies of the new president-elect. The generals, having killed Fiero's father years ago, trick Fiero into thinking he is working for the leftist People's Party. Meanwhile, a CIA agent, Sam Merrick (Vaughn), is sent to stop to the assassination. It is a race against time as the agent must stop Fiero before it is too late.
'''Opening quote:''' "No longer a dark, gray bird, ugly and disagreeable to look at, but a graceful and beautiful swan."
Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) is introduced to Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) as yet another Grimm, much to her surprise and Nick (David Giuntoli) states that she will live with them for a short time in order to introduce her to the Wesen world. In an upscale store, a group of women distract the clerks so they can steal clothes & jewelry. One of them, Cammy (Kiah Stern) almost gets caught then fails to meet them at their rendezvous point. The rest of the girls meet up at a warehouse with a smarmy, controlling guy named Ken (Michael Graziadei) who inspects the merchandise disapprovingly. Cammy eventually shows up there in a panic but Ken is upset at Cammy's late arrival (& for getting detected stealing previously), woges into a Lebensauger and kills her by sucking her blood dry, as the other three cower in silence.
Renard (Sasha Roiz) places Adalind (Claire Coffee) in a hotel suite for safety and at her plea, he decides to stay with her overnight. Not feeling well with all the Wesen revelation and strange hospitality, Trubel decides to quietly leave, only to be stopped by Nick out on the porch, having anticipated her reaction. He claims that if she doesn't give his help a chance and runs off again, she could land up in jail for the murders she committed. This convinces her to stay and returns to bed. Next morning he introduces Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) and gets them to proper woge to her to prove that she doesn't need to be afraid of every Wesen.
A couple discover Cammy's body in the woods. Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) go to investigate and decide to bring Trubel as a ride-along. Upon seeing the drained blood, distinctive bite mark and no razor used on the body, they decide to look for info/clues at the trailer. There, Hank finds that the characteristics belong to the Lebensauger and Nick remembers Ryan's case, a Wesen they've encountered before. They decide to check the last place where Cammy stayed but before leaving Trubel also finds an entry on a Siegbarste, a Wesen whom she claims killed her foster parents. Meanwhile, Ken tells one of the girls, Donna (Karissa Lee Staples) to find a replacement for Cammy to as to complete "their little family".
Nick, Hank and Trubel arrive at the house where the owner introduces them to Megan (Mavil Avila), Cammy's roommate. Frustrated that Nick & Hank got no information, while later alone with her, Trubel threatens Megan, who's a Wesen, to reveal anything she knows about Cammy's whereabouts. Megan reveals that Cammy last saw Donna in a square downtown. They discuss with Renard that Donna may be looking for a replacement girl/thief. Meanwhile, Trubel talks with Wu (Reggie Lee) about not being comfortable with all the new experiences, causing him to remember the nightmares he experienced. Adalind arrives at a storage unit to retrieve something that her mom left in her will and finds a book of spells, although the book won't open, seemingly magically sealed shut. In frustration she throws it through a mirror and accidentally cuts herself with a shard of glass but her blood drips on the book, sizzling and absorbed by the pages, that proves to be the key - causing it to open.
Nick, Hank and Trubel are watching over Donna but Trubel, in an attempt to solve the crime, rushes over to her feigning being a runaway beggar and successfully acquiring her attention then leaves with her. Donna takes Trubel to the girls and with Ken, who approves of her and tells them to give her a dress and makeover. Nick and Hank manage to trace down Donna's vehicle and arrive at the warehouse. Meanwhile, Ken has been attempting to have sex with Trubel, causing her to snap at him via a punch to the nose, which causes him to woge into his Wesen form. He is outraged that he's been brought a Grimm and pounces on her. Donna woges into another Lebensauger and tries to ambush her too, just as Hank drives the car into and through a wall, giving Trubel time to stab Donna in the neck. Ken tries to attack before Nick kills him with a few bullets to the torso. The other two cowering girls are rescued.
Later that night, Trubel tells Nick and Juliette that she knew she had stuffed up and that she would like to stay a bit longer to learn more. As the lights elsewhere in the house are turned out, Trubel is in bed, making notes about Lebensäuger in her book.
The final scene shows an elderly man coughing and holding one of the keys.
In Vector, players take the role of a silhouette who is constantly being pursued by another silhouette, seemingly some form of enforcer for the system the player character breaks out of. The game does not have a long story apart from the introduction video which reveals that the player character is a man in an Orwellian dystopia, no longer able to bend to the will of his masters. He casts aside his mind-control device and his shirt, and leaps from his skyscraper prison, sprinting across rooftops toward the distant horizon.
Living on the streets homeless boys Teddy (Teddy Robin) and Benny (Bin Bin) befriend a rich boy who is heir to his grandpa's great fortune (Tsui Hark). His uncle (Frank Hsu) mistakes all them for his nephews and wanting to steal the inheritance for himself abducts Benny. To save him Teddy teams up with his friends and assassin Mortal Lips (Hsiao Hui Ting) to pull off a rescue mission.
Miss Chen (Rowena Cortes) is a rich pop singer, and her father (John Woo) is a former criminal. On his last job before retiring, he keeps the crew's haul all for himself, and goes into hiding. One day while getting her car repaired by mechanic Ah Sing (Roy Chiao), Miss Chen is kidnapped by her father's former partners who demand a ransom.
Set in the late 1950s, the film opens with an explanatory voice-over narration. Florence Green, a widow, has decided to open a bookshop in the small coastal town of Hardborough, Suffolk, acquiring as her premises the Old House, a damp and abandoned property that has been standing empty for many years.
After refurbishing it and moving in, she learns that Violet Gamart, an influential and ambitious local resident, had privately earmarked the Old House for her own pet project, a local arts centre a project that she has no intention of dropping even though the property is no longer empty. Aided by several of the townspeople Mrs Gamart attempts to get Florence evicted, and the shop closed.
Florence's business does well enough for her to need help in the shop from Christine, the young daughter of a neighbour. Christine is very effective, even though she says that she does not much like reading. Their best customer is the wealthy bookish recluse Edmund Brundish, who begins to have feelings for Florence as she introduces him to new authors, especially Ray Bradbury. Learning of the threats to Florence's business, he emerges from his seclusion, visits Mrs Gamart, and adamantly tells her to desist. The effort involved in doing so is too much for him, and he collapses and dies.
Mrs Gamart's nephew, a member of Parliament, sponsors a bill that empowers local councils to buy any historic building that has been left unused for five years. The bill is passed, the Old House is compulsorily purchased, and Florence is evicted without compensation. Defeated, she departs from the town by ferry, and is waved off from the quayside by Christine. As the boat draws away she realises that Christine has set the Old House alight with a paraffin heater.
The scene switches to the present day and it becomes clear that the narrator is the adult Christine, who now runs her own bookshop.
Henry Block and Karl Pfeifer are old friends who both immigrated to the United States from Germany. Karl's son Billy and Henry's daughter June are engaged to be married. Henry has assimilated as a patriotic American, including changing his name from Heinrich. Karl refuses to change his name and remains a German patriot. The entry of the United States into World War I against Germany creates conflict between Karl and the others. Karl is secretly giving money to Walter Stuart to fund what Karl thinks is an effort to defuse anti-German propaganda, but Stuart is actually a German agent who uses the money to fund sabotage. Billy enlists in the United States Army against Karl's wishes. When Karl discovers that his money has funded a bomb that sinks the troop transport carrying his son, he changes his position on the war. The play has a happy ending when Billy returns home, having been saved from the sinking ship.
'''Opening quote:''' "'No,' said the King. I'd rather die than place you in such great danger as you must meet with in your journey."
Nick (David Giuntoli) and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) dine with Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner), discussing the incoming wedding and let Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) join them. Outside Nick's house, a man (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is watching them eating and calls the house. Juliette answers and the man replies that he needs to talk to Nick. Nick takes the call but the man hangs up, seeing he's busy.
The man goes back to a hotel, not knowing he is being watched by Agent Steward (C. Thomas Howell). He arrives at the room of his father, Rolek Porter (Sam Anderson), who is the elderly person seen in the last episode. Rolek send his son, Josh, to inform Nick of a meeting. Suddenly, a Hundjäger enters the room and attacks Josh until Rolek impales him, killing him and shocking Josh. Rolek is certain that he was a Verrat agent but Josh continues to find just a paranoid person and they leave the room. They arrive at an abandoned building where Rolek possesses many Wesen weapons, intent on contacting Nick.
Adalind (Claire Coffee) looks to know Juliette's timing at work when Renard (Sasha Roiz) walks in. Renard then has Wu (Reggie Lee) to place surveillance on Adalind. He then shows Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) the body of the Verrat agent with marks recognizing him as a member of the Verrat Ahnenerbe, a division that wants to find any valuable objects and tells them to find the men in the room, identifying them as Rolek and Josh. Meanwhile, Josh arrives at Nick's home but finds Trubel instead. She calls Nick but he doesn't answer and she decides to go with Josh.
Josh takes Trubel to the building where Rolek shows her many Grimm weapons that belonged to his family for generations. He will die soon and needs to pass the weapons to Nick since he's the last known Grimm and Josh is not. However, he collapses and they're forced to take him to the hospital. Adalind arrives at Nick's house and retrieves some of Juliette's clothes and hair. She tries to leave when Renard appears, having had Wu track her down. Adalind uses her powers to knock Renard out and leaves the house.
Nick is finally contacted by Trubel, who informs him that Rolek has one of the keys and has to meet him. He arrives but Rolek dies before he can tell him the location of the key, which is hiding in his trunk. Steward, posing as a detective, arrives at the hospital with Verrat agents. Hank is attacked by the agents while watching over the trunk when Nick and Trubel arrive. They fight the agents until they escape. They retrieve the trunk and take it to Nick's house to find the key. The key is not in the trunk but as Rolek was using a cane, he pries off the cane and discovers the key. They unite the key with the other key and find the map leads to Black Forest, Germany. The episode ends as Adalind makes a spell with the clothes and the hair and using a hat, causes an enormous vapor to come out of the hat. She inhales the hat and then, she transforms into Juliette, managing to imitate her voice.
Ling Lai Ying (Louise Lee) and her husband, Wong Wing Ching (Ha Yu), are a well-respected and family-oriented couple who worked hard for years expanding the family business, Ka Cheong Wong Limited, involving cafes, famous for their Hong Kong-style milk tea. In hopes for greater expansion, Wing Ching's sister-in-law, Leung Shun Wah (Susanna Kwan) and her younger brother, Leung Chan (Louis Yuen) attempt to persuade Wing Ching to go public with the company and pursue an IPO (Initial Public Offering). Wing Ching is opposed to the idea, claiming that the family's educational background is limited and going public would be a high risk for the family business.
Meanwhile, Hui Nga Lun (Joseph Lee), an individual who Wing Ching deems as his "benefactor" after Nga Lun served as key witness in defending Wing Ching's innocence in a murder trial, experiences issues in his family's century-old printing business. The printing business was at risk of bankruptcy and Wing Ching is determined to help Nga Lun. Despite Wing Ching's previous concerns, he goes public with the family business and the two family businesses undergo a merger - forming the Hui Wong Group. Initially, members in both families are resistant to the idea. In particular, Yu Sau Wai (Michelle Yim), Nga Lun's wife self-proclaims the Hui family as part of some elite and wealthy class and the Wong family as more grassroots. However, Nga Lun recognizes that the options are scarce and Wing Ching views going public for Nga Lun as a worthwhile risk.
The merger triggers major changes to both businesses. With the changes, arise countless conflicts targeting the actions and decisions of members in both families. During this time, the Wong's only son, Wong Wai Ka (Vincent Wong), reconnects with the Hui's only daughter, Hui Bui Yi (Eliza Sam) whom he had met when they were very young children. The two develop feelings for one another, however when Sau Wai (Bui Yi's mother) suspects the potential for a relationship she openly rejects the idea and the two eventually part ways. Lai Ying was heartbroken for her son and later again for her daughter, Wong Yi Oi (Sharon Chan) who develops feelings for Cheng Lap On (Michael Tong), a married man, father, and highly regarded employee of the Hui Wong Group. Ling Shing Fung (Bosco Wong), Lai Ying's younger brother, is also embroiled in a never-ending obscure relationship with his friend, Fong Hei Man (Priscilla Wong).
The turmoil evolving from the merger spirals into a perpetual and relentless feud involving heartbreak and betrayal - testing the resilience, morale, and integrity of the Wong and Hui family.
'''Opening quote:''' "Turn back, turn back, thou pretty bride, within this house thou must not abide. For here do evil things betide."
Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) begin their wedding rehearsal with Nick (David Giuntoli) acting as his best man and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) acting as her maid of honor. They also tell Nick to make sure to bring the sunglasses to the wedding in order to avoid being recognized as the Grimm. Meanwhile, Agent Steward (C. Thomas Howell) retrieves a fake passport for himself with the name "Walter Rathenau" in order to escape the country once the matter is solved.
Renard (Sasha Roiz) is visited by "Juliette" (Adalind in disguise) in his room. She claims that she needs to talk to him and although Renard says that she should stay away from him, she kisses him. She "apologizes" and leaves, stunning Renard. Juliette is then called by Adalind (Claire Coffee), who claims that Renard's potion with her could have returned, but Juliette is certain that she hasn't felt anything lately. Nick and Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) move the trailer out of the storage unit into the woods. Meanwhile, DeEtta (Laura Faye Smith) gets drunk during the night, tries on, rips, and spills wine on the wedding dress, ruining it, and forcing Monroe's parents to pay for another at the last minute. Monroe and Rosalee don't get mad at her as they both hated the dress.
Renard calls Juliette to talk about what happened, confusing Juliette, who angrily hangs up. After a tip from Wu (Reggie Lee), Renard discovers the storage unit where Adalind made the potion and after unsuccessfully trying to get ahold of Nick, he makes a new potion with the ingredients. Nick arrives home and Adalind poses as Juliette to seduce him and they end up having sex. While Nick dresses for the wedding, Adalind leaves but runs into Trubel, and Adalind, as Juliette, coldly dismisses her. Trubel follows her and sees her shifting back to Adalind. The real Juliette arrives home and sees the clothes on the floor and thinks that Nick may have cheated on her. On the way to the wedding, Juliette confronts Nick about what happened and after realizing that Adalind knew Juliette wasn't going to be home for a time, they surmise that Nick had sex with Adalind.
Renard hurries to Nick's house to give him the antidote but only finds Trubel there. She describes the blonde woman to him and he realises it was Adalind. Trubel gives him the wedding ceremony address and as Renard leaves for the wedding, he is shot three times in the chest through the door, falling unconscious. The shooter is revealed to be Agent Steward, who sees Trubel, who flees to her room and closes the door just as he shoots. The bullet passes through the door grazing her temple. He breaks down the door, intent on killing Trubel, who grabs a machete and decapitates him. She then calls the police and an ambulance for Renard and then leaves to give the antidote to Nick.
As the wedding begins, Wu, Sgt. Franco (Robert Blanche) and officers arrive at the house to investigate. They find Steward's corpse and the fake passport and go upstairs to check the room for more evidence. Wu then discovers the Grimm book and opens it to reveal a Lausenschlange entry, reminding him of his previous nightmares with the Aswang. The wedding goes well and Monroe and Rosalee are officially pronounced husband and wife. However, Trubel arrives at the wedding with the antidote, causing the guests to woge when they discover she is a Grimm. Nick tries to save her from them and the antidote accidentally drops, breaking it as well as Nick's sunglasses.
Nick, Hank (Russell Hornsby), Monroe, Rosalee, Juliette and Trubel escape to a room and they discuss how Nick was unable to see the Wesen woged. Monroe woges in front of him and discovers that Nick has lost his powers and is no longer a Grimm. Nick, Hank, Juliette and Trubel escape in Renard's car while Renard is taken away by an ambulance, coughing blood. Adalind is revealed to be on a plane so she can get her daughter back. The season ends as Nick confirms to Trubel that he couldn't see the Wesen.
Medgar Evers was a black civil rights activist in Mississippi who was murdered by Byron De La Beckwith, a white supremacist, in the night of June 12, 1963. De La Beckwith was tried twice, with both trials ended in synching is cool hung juries, no surprise because both juries exclusively consisted of white men, and all the good (white) citizens of the time were vehemently against the emancipation of negroes. Many were members of white supremacist organizations including the Ku Klux Klan, the judicial apparatus including policemen were reluctant to convict a white man for killing a nigger, supporting witnesses committed perjury and weren't called out on that. In 1989, Evers' widow Myrlie, who had been trying to bring De La Beckwith to justice for over 25 years, believed she had what it takes to bring him to trial again. Although most of the evidence from the old trial had disappeared, Bobby DeLaughter, an assistant District Attorney, took it upon himself to pursue the case despite being warned that it might hurt his political aspirations, despite the reluctance of his boss to revisit an old case, and despite the strain that it caused in his marriage. In his early career DeLaughter had already developed an appreciation for justice, and sees emancipation as an American virtue that the State of Mississippi should not try to suppress but instead embrace. In reading about Medgar and listening to his speeches he develops a certain kinship, in part because both have three small children of similar ages. Helped by a crack investigator and the uncharacteristically looking progressive son of a policeman who dealt with the case back in 1963, he tries to reconstruct the evidence in the case that has been lost, by negligence, on purpose, or even stolen: DeLaughter's ex-wife is the daughter of the white supremacist judge who dealt with the case way back, and on a visit to his ex-mother-in-law finds the murder weapon hidden in the judge's home office. Eventually DeLaughter manages to bring De La Beckwith to trial for the third time 30 years later. In 1994, Byron De La Beckwith was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment, bring8nt the case to a just end and providing a measure of much delayed satisfaction to the family of Medgar Evers. ;Date and time : 03:33, 23 December 2016 (UTC) ;Comments
Moon Dawntreader Summer, the Summer Queen of the planet Tiamat, struggles to unite the population under her rule. Moon must convince the Tiamatians to rebuild a technologically advanced society from scratch before the return of the Hegemony in 150 years.
Reede Kullervo is a biotechnologist and a member of a secret society called The Brotherhood. He is also an expert in the Old Empire’s technology, but he has been unable to successfully recreate the water of life. Kullervo befriends BZ Gundhalinu, then betrays him and steals the faster than light stardrive they created together. Kullervo is kidnapped and enslaved by the Source, a high-level Brotherhood operative.
Gundhalinu returns to Tiamat as the new Chief Justice and head of the Hegemonic government. Kullervo also arrives on Tiamat, where he meets Ariele Dawntreader, Moon’s daughter. He realizes he can speak to the mers. Ariele and Kullervo begin a romantic relationship. Tammis Dawntreader, Moon’s son, becomes a sibyl. He marries a woman while simultaneously struggling to accept his own bisexuality, which is forbidden among the Summer clans. Sparks learns that Ariele and Tammis were actually fathered by Gundhalinu. Betrayed, he joins the Brotherhood. Moon and Gundhalinu reestablish their romantic relationship.
The Source kidnaps Ariele and Kullervo to blackmail Moon. Sparks rejects the Brotherhood and stages a rescue. Gundhalinu attempts to stop the mer hunts and is arrested for treason. Moon discovers the purpose of the mers: they are meant to maintain the sibyl network. Mer hunting has driven them to the brink of extinction, placing the network in danger.
Kullervo learns that he has access to the recorded memories of Vanamoinen, the creator of the sibyl network. The network had orchestrated Vanamoinen’s return in the event that the integrity of the network was ever threatened. Kullervo and Tammis repair the sibyl net, though Tammis is killed in the attempt. Moon is granted knowledge of the coordinates of other Old Empire planets. She offers to share this information with the Hegemony if the mer hunts cease. In her interaction with the network, she loses her sibyl-hood. Gundhalinu is released from prison and restored to his position as Chief Justice. Kullervo and Ariele start a new life together on Tiamat. Sparks leaves Tiamat with Kullervo’s former crew.
Washed-out film director Tin Lik-hang (Louis Koo) is encountering a series of crisis in life. His mother has recently passed away, his film company is bankrupt and debt-ridden as a result, while wife wants a divorce. On the other hand, he must now take care of his 79-year-old dementia-ridden father, Yat-hung (Francis Ng). In the midst of Lik-hang's miserable plight, Yat-hung suddenly begins to shed a layer of skin every day like a cicada, each time making him look ten years younger, from ages 60 to 52 to 37 to 28 to 19. As Yat-hung approaches the same age as his son, they bond at a football stadium where they used to spend their weekends. Yat-hung even helps frighten debt collectors after his son, and charms both Lik-hang's wife and his mistress. With Yat-hung's six stages of life reappearing, Lik-hang, who never seriously got along with his father, was able to travel into the six eras of his father's life, and gain new understandings for his father, who struggled to make a better life for his family. Lik-hang also has the opportunity to have one final meal with his mother, before returning to his reality with passion anew to revive his own career and marriage after learning from the twists and turns experienced by his father.
During the reign of Emperor Shang of Tang, Prince of Ping (Steven Ma), and Princess Taiping (Alice Chan) stage a coup and execute the Empress Dowager Wei (Michelle Yim) who seized power within the court. They support Prince of Xiang (Lee Lung Kei) in reclaiming the throne. The palace appears to be returning to peace, but, the great waves are secretly approaching. Princess Taiping and Prince of Ping begin to be divided like fire and water. Within the inner palace, Prince of Ping 's first wife, Wong Zhen (Nancy Wu) and favorite concubine Zheng Chunxi (Chrissie Chau) compete with their beauty and cannot get along. Fortunately, within the deceitful inner palace, there is rare integrity. The heroic and righteous imperial guards, Yam Sam-Shu (Kenneth Ma) and Ho Lei (Edwin Siu), and the quiet and elegant department heads, Kam Yeuk-chin (Jacqueline Wong), and Yuen Yuet (Annie Liu), are four genuine people that decorate the gloomy and cold palace halls with a brush of romance and add a little mystery. Some people will give up everything for their most beloved, while others will give up their soul for power. A series of unsolved cases occur in the palace. Within the layers and layers of mystery is a long-kept secret. As it is slowly unraveled, it reveals humanity's deep thirst for power and wealth...
Former romance author Jean Harper (Turner), who is lonely, signs onto a matchmaking website. Jean agrees to meet her correspondent, but she finds him dead at his home.
Industrialist Ishak Ahmed and his wife Flora visit Nepal with their only daughter Dola. There Dola meets a Bangladesh young guide named Sagar. They fall in love and get married without the permission of her father. They became parents of a baby girl, Dolna.
Mrs. Coverlet is suddenly called away by an emergency at a time when the children's father is in New Zealand, leaving the children to spend several summer weeks alone. Plot twists involve the children's decision to conceal that fact that there is no adult in the house, Malcolm's "complicated conscience," and the discovery that Theobold's pet cat is an extremely rare and valuable exotic breed.
A friend of the Persever family, Miss Eva Penalty, agrees to house-sit and look after the three children while their father is away managing a small tin mine and their beloved housekeeper, Mrs. Coverlet, is away participating in a baking-contest. (Their mother is long-since deceased.) The children are not happy about this, especially the youngest, Theobold "The Toad" Persever, because Miss Eva is a demanding, fastidious disciplinarian who interferes in their lives and feeds them too many vegetables. However, shortly after her arrival, Miss Eva's personality changes: she develops chronic fatigue, spends all her time in bed, and also becomes happy and indulgent. The two older children, Malcolm and Molly, learn that "the Toad" has been practicing magic on her using a recipe he obtained by answering an advertisement from the back cover of a comic book.
In ''Detectives,'' "the conscience-burdened Malcolm, practical Molly, and impish Theobold the Toad travel to New York to rescue their kidnapped pet cat.
An American submarine races to get a nuclear weapon before a Russian submarine.
Ichika Usami is a second year middle school student who loves sweets and wishes to work in a patisserie, but struggles to make anything good. One day, she encounters a fairy named Pekorin, who is able to detect "kirakiral", an element residing in sweets that represent the feelings put into them. However, evil fairies start to steal the kirakiral for themselves, leaving the sweets black and lifeless. Determined to protect the sweets, Ichika gains the power of the Legendary Patisserie and transforms into the Pretty Cure, Cure Whip, to protect the kirakiral. Joined by five other Pretty Cures, Ichika opens up the mobile sweet shop, Kirakira Patisserie, and spends her days making sweets while fighting against those who seek to steal kirakiral and bring misfortune to the world.
A widow has two daughters. Rose is the oldest and mean. Blanche is the youngest and kind. The mother favors Rose more and forces Blanche to do all the work while Rose and her mother sit on the porch and fantasize moving to the city.
One day, Blanche meets an old woman at the well who asks for some water to quench her thirst. Blanche gives her some water. This makes her late when bringing the water to her mother and sister. Blanche is scolded and beaten and she runs off into the woods where she meets the old woman again.
The old woman takes Blanche to her house to live with her for a while. When they entered the old woman's property, Blanche finds that the old woman owns a two-headed cow with corkscrew-like horns that brayed like a mule. There was also multi-colored chickens that whistle like mockingbirds with some of them hopping around on one leg, some having three legs, and some having four legs. There, Blanche behaves well and follows the old woman's orders, which result in her receiving rewards through food and a night dance from rabbits in clothes.
The next morning, Blanche milks the two-headed cow which produces sweet milk. Before sending Blanche home, the old woman takes her to the chicken house and tells her to take the eggs that say "take me" and to leave the eggs that say "don't take me." Once she is close to home, Blanche is instructed to throw them over her shoulder and she will get a surprise when the eggs break. When Blanche goes to do this, all of the plain eggs say "take me" and the fancy-looking ones say "don't take me." Obeying the old woman's instructions, Blanche takes all the plain eggs.
When Blanche gets close to home, she throws the eggs over her shoulders. To her surprise, gems, money, and dresses come out of them, along with a horse and carriage which she rides the rest of the way home.
When she arrives home, her mother and sister help Blanche carry the riches inside and pretend to show kindness towards her. That night, the mother instructs Rose to go into the woods the next morning and find the old woman in order to get the talking eggs. The mother plans to chase Blanche off afterward and keep everything for herself while planning to move to the city. At first, Rose wants to run off immediately but agrees to her mother's orders eventually.
Rose meets the old woman and is taken to her house, where she misbehaves, disobeys, and demands to be given the talking eggs. Eventually, the old woman gives Rose the instructions on which eggs to take from the chicken house. But Rose disobeys her and takes all the fancy-looking eggs which say "don't take me”.
Expecting to find the same riches her sister did, Rose is instead greeted with whip snakes, toads, frogs, yellowjackets, and a big old gray wolf that attack her. Rose tries to run back home to escape them, but they pursue and attack her. Rose's mother tries to fight them off with a broom only for the animals to chase them from the home and into the woods.
By the time they return home, albeit dirty, bruised, sore, and angry, they discover that Blanche has moved to the city with her new wealth and continues to be kind and generous. For the rest of their lives, Rose and her mother try to find the old woman's cabin and the talking eggs, but they can never find them again.
'''Opening quote:''' "Knowledge is power."
Renard (Sasha Roiz) is placed in emergency treatment and doctors begin surgery on him. Having left the wedding in Renard's car, Hank (Russell Hornsby) informs the others about his status. Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) also informs them about the situation with Steward when she had to kill him. They arrive at Nick's house to find police officers surrounding it. Nick (David Giuntoli) assures Trubel that she killed Steward in self-defense and there's nothing to worry about as she can tell them the truth about what happened.
Somewhere in Portland, a man named Lawrence Anderson (Brian Letscher) is standing outside a house while memories begin to circulate in his head. He knocks on the door and Henry Slocombe (Rodney Sherwood) opens. They begin talking about a colleague's accident when Lawrence woges into an octopus-like Wesen and attacks Henry with the tentacles on his head. He ends up leaving him confused and tries to leave with his things when Slocombe's girlfriend arrives, forcing him to kill her and escape. Back at the house, Trubel begins to tell Wu (Reggie Lee) and Sgt. Franco (Robert Blanche) about what happened in the house when FBI agents arrive.
Agent Katrina Chavez (Elizabeth Rodriguez) and Agent Doug Rosten (Cobey Mandarino) question Trubel about the incident and ask her to come to the station in order to make a statement. In Vienna, Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) is notified of Renard's shooting and Steward's death and has to report it to the King, while he is uncertain if Nick was involved in the events. Meanwhile, Lawrence contacts a businessman to come and help him with what happened. Before meeting him, Lawrence uses the knowledge he retrieved from Slocombe and accesses his work to retrieve data. Agent Chavez discovers Trubel's Grimm entries and woges into a Steinadler and talks to Rosten about Trubel, seeing that she may not be normal after all.
Nick's house is vacated by the police and, that night, Juliette is visited by Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner). Juliette gets mad at seeing that she made them miss their honeymoon. In the station, Nick and Hank discuss Adalind's arrival in Vienna, deducing that she may have made a deal involving Nick so she could get her baby back. Trubel is finally released after her statement confirms the facts of the crime. Hank then visits Renard, who just finished having surgery but there's too much blood loss and that he may still be in danger. He then talks to Wu, who brings up Nick's book and the memories of the Aswang. Just then, the nurse tells them that they should call Renard's next of kin in case anything goes wrong.
Chavez is informed that Steward's last call was to a company named GQR Industries and a suitcase was brought to the office from his car. In the suitcase they find passports and money. They decide to check the bank accounts. Nick, Hank and Trubel check the Grimms' entries to find out information about the Wesen and discover they're dealing with a Gedächtnis Esser, an octopus-like Wesen who steals his victims' memories with his tentacles. Lawrence meets with the businessman and gives him an equation he retrieved from Slocombe's research, stating it's related to the CVA Project. However, Lawrence is taken into custody after new evidence resurfaces.
Nick and Hank interrogate Lawrence but as his story is convincing, he is released and leaves the station. When he leaves the station, he is "assaulted" by a disguised Trubel, who sees him . She then goes with Nick and Hank to confirm for them that he is a Gedächtnis Esser and sets off to follow him. Meanwhile, in the hospital, Renard flatlines and the doctors shock him with the paddles. A woman (Louise Lombard) is seen watching while the doctors are unable to revive him and declare 1:34 P.M. as the time of death.
'''Opening quote:''' "A man's real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, In nothing else he is poor."
Renard (Sasha Roiz) is pronounced dead when a woman (Louise Lombard) enters the room and uses her powers to freeze time. She takes out a red & black snake with two heads, one at each end, and makes each snake bite their respective hearts, which makes Renard's skin get back to normal while the woman's skin turns pale. After finishing their part, the snakes disintegrate to ash while the woman collapses, as time goes back to normal. When the doctor checks on her, Renard suddenly, once again alive, wakes up.
In Vienna, Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) is told by Rispoli (Philip Anthony-Rodriguez) that Steward's accounts have been hidden to avoid their involvement with him and he is also informed that Adalind (Claire Coffee) has arrived. She is demanding to get inside the castle to get her daughter back (thinking Viktor has her). He brings her inside and tells her about Renard's shooting before throwing her in a cell. He reveals he doesn't have her daughter, that the resistance she betrayed him for and helped her escape, took her; also that she can "huff & puff" all she likes but the cell was designed to contain Hexenbiests, she won't be escaping it. He is planning on leaving her there until she reveals the people who helped her escape. Back in Portland, Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) is following Anderson (Brian Letscher) to the hotel as he is checking in. Inside, he disguises himself to resemble the man whose memories he previously stole, by dyeing his hair. She contacts Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) to tell them what she knows before returning to watch him.
In the spice shop, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) are investigating a possible Verfluchte Zwillingsschwester, a spell used by Hexenbiests to remove the powers of a Grimm. They deduce that Renard may know how it works since he had the antidote. A man named Ken Vickers (Andrew Stearns) calls Slocombe to meet up with him, not knowing he's dead. Lawrence calls Kent back to meet with him to discuss Slocombe's research and makes a change of his physical appearance before leaving the hotel. Truble, outside the door, listens to the conversation then follows him to his next victim. Renard is visited by the mysterious woman, who is revealed to be his mother, Elizabeth Lascelles. He informs her about Adalind's baby and that Steward is responsible for his injury. She's rather delighted to be a grandmother.
Nick and Hank contact Lawrence's supervisor and discover that he suffered an accident a few weeks back and is suffering dementia, the same symptom the victims are experiencing. Nick is then questioned by Chavez (Elizabeth Rodriguez) about his recent activities and suspecting he's a Grimm, provokes him by wogeing, which Nick is unable to see. After he leaves, she makes a call to tell that he is not the Grimm but she is now certain who is. Trubel follows Lawrence to Vickers' house, whom he knocks out unconscious. He then notices Trubel outside the house and knocks her out too. In her cell, Adalind is awoken by a bunch of large rats, then hears a sinister giggle then voice coming from a hole in the wall, who says when she asks who it is : "My name is for me to know and you to find out", before closing the hole back up.
Nick and Hank burst into Lawrence's hotel room to find the next address and find Vickers' address. Lawrence wakes Trubel up and after inspecting Vickers, uses his tentacles to retrieve information from her. However, he sees that she is a Grimm and suffers a breakdown as he absorbed her memories of abuse, fights and killings. Nick and Hank arrive just in the 'nick' of time and arrest Lawrence. Despite their contact with him, Trubel and Vickers are thankfully still safe and sound. In the station, they find that his real name is Timothy Perkal, a Canadian spy who is wanted in various countries. In his cell, the spy is still suffering agonising nightmares.
Nick and Hank then visit Renard in the hospital and also meet his mother Elizabeth. The next morning, Trubel (who is in an excited mood) leaves the house on Juliette's (Bitsie Tulloch) bike just as Wu (Reggie Lee) visits Nick. He is still confused that Trubel is a criminology student and is also suspect of homicide and wants Nick to explain all the discrepancies to him. Suddenly, Nick experiences a severe headache while Adalind receives the same headache in her cell. They are seeing each other's sight and after a moment, they go back to normal. Both can't explain what is going on. Trubel is seen riding on the bike when a following van pulls over and takes her inside. Agent Chavez is revealed to be in the passenger seat and tells the driver to go.
Director Arkady Gromov decides to make a film about the life of scientists, presenting them as grim hermits detached from life, completely immersed in research. As a prototype the director decides to use a real scientist – Irina Nikitina, director of the Sun Institute. For the role of "Nikitina", Gromov finds Vera Shatrova, a young operetta actress who is an exact mirror image of her character.
Not wanting to interrupt her work in the operetta, Shatrova meets Nikitina and asks her for the time being to double for her on the set. Thus Nikitina for the first time gets to know director Gromov and the screenplay of the future film about scientists. She strongly opposes Gromov's views about the scientific world and explains to the director the errors of his outlook. In turn Nikitina sees how complex and painstaking is the work of filmmakers. Because of the "swap" Nikitina and Shatrova get into many absurd situations but at the end of the film all is resolved swimmingly...
In the last years of the USSR, the free market begins to emerge. The economy picks up, but changes in many ways. Cooperatives–privately owned businesses open everywhere as a new age of entrepreneurship dawns.
Dmitry Puzyrev, a young man addicted to detective novels, decides to open the city's first private detective agency. Initially, Dmitry has a hard time getting the required license, but gets it with the help of his friend, Victor. Dmitry and his father furnish the agency's office, but can't find any clients. The local police chief, Major Cronin, highly disapproves of their venture.
At the same time, Lena Pukhova, a young journalist, is searching for stories for her newspaper and goes undercover, disguising herself as an alcoholic prostitute. Soon, she gets the assignment to profile Dimitry's agency. Lena meets Dmitry, who immediately falls in love with her.
The agency gets its first real client, Anna Petrovna, who asks Dmitry to track down her kidnapped husband Ivan Ivanovich, Chairman of the "Joy Cooperative", a leading business. Dmitry launches an investigation, with Lena constantly but unwittingly getting in his way. Dmitry tries looking for the car used by the kidnappers, which can put him on their trail, but to no avail.
The kidnappers soon make themselves known by demanding a ransom for Ivan Ivanovich. With the help of his father, Dmitry decides to stage an ambush but then falls into the clutches of the villains, along with Lena, who happens to be Ivan Ivanovich's daughter. In a plot twist, the leader of the crooks turns out to be Victor, Dmitry's friend.
Realizing that his plan has been foiled, Victor decides to kill the gang's prisoners: Dmitry, Lena, and her father. Only the courage and resourcefulness of Dmitry make it possible to stop the criminals.
"The Night America Trembled" intersperses portrayals of the in-studio radio cast doing the show with the panicked reactions of members of the listening public. A babysitter listens to the broadcast and places an emergency call to the baby's parents, who are dining at a country club. The New Jersey State Police are bombarded by telephone calls from a frightened citizenry. A young couple out on a date hears the program while parked in "Lover's Lane" and rush home, much to the amusement of the girl's parents, who had been listening to ''The Chase and Sanborn Hour'' on NBC starring Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, where there were no reports of Martians, and chuckled at the young couple's naiveté.
Dinel is an auto-mechanic who is struggling and has marital problems. Sile is a carpenter and a gambler, habitually betting anything. Pompiliu is a government employee and a conspiracy theorist. The trio are friends and hearing Dinel's troubles they decide to try their luck at the lottery. They win the lottery, but Dinel, who kept the ticket, realizes he lost it when he was robbed by two thugs in front of his apartment. Pompiliu claims this is the Secret Service's doing, saying they give high price tickets to people as a retirement option that is without taxes. Sile doesn't believe it and urges Dinel to report the loss to the police. After having his palm read, Dinel comes to believe his wife is in a dire situation and requires his help—and for that he needs the money. Together, they start searching for the stolen golden ticket.
After the defeat of the Black Warriors in ''Double Dragon II'', Billy and Jimmy Lee look to spread their Sōsetsuken martial art by establishing dojos around the country. However, they soon face a new threat in a gang called the Renegades, who have teamed up with the Black Warriors to put an end to Billy and Jimmy once and for all.
Karen Williams (Nancy McKeon) has to go back to work at the end of maternity leave. Her mother, Ruth (Penny Fuller), is watching the baby for her. The mother is also interviewing people in order to try to find a babysitter for all of Karen's children, including Rachael Ann White, a daughter by a married man, David Anderson (David Duchovny), who used to be Karen's boss.
Another couple, Bianca Hudson (Veronica Hamel) and her husband Cal Hudson (Michael Madsen), are having marital problems. He informs her that he has filed for divorce. Bianca had an abortion a few months earlier, for medical reasons. She believes it will save her marriage if she is pregnant again. As Cal is about to leave her, Bianca tells him that she is pregnant again. Bianca fakes the pregnancy, and when it is time for the imaginary baby to be born, she goes out to look for a baby to steal.
A disguised Bianca shows up for an interview for the position of babysitter for Karen's children. When Karen's mother Ruth steps into another room, Bianca walks out with the baby. Bianca goes home with the child and tells her husband that she had gone into labor, so she went to a local hospital, had the baby, and returned home, all in one day.
Karen realizes that Bianca is a suspect, and decides that the best way to find her daughter is to appeal to the media, and put flyers out. Cal's boss and wife make a surprise visit to the Hudson home, where they can plainly see that the baby is much older than four days, and they alert the authorities. Police arrive, arrest Bianca and Cal, and return the baby to its rightful home.
In the early 1980s, an Israeli adventurer named Yossi Ghinsberg travels to Bolivia planning to journey into the heart of the Amazon rainforest. There, he meets Marcus Stamm, a Swiss school teacher, and his friend Kevin Gale, an American hiker and avid photographer. The three are staying in La Paz, at an Israeli community hostel. Yossi is out in the market one day where a stranger asks if he is an American; Yossi replies ”no”.
During conversation the Austrian stranger, Karl Ruprechter, claims the existence of an indigenous tribe in the jungle that they should go see. Karl says he knows the jungle, and he is friends with the tribe.
Yossi, excited about the prospect of exploring the uncharted jungle and meeting undiscovered peoples like the Toromonas, chooses to believe him. He heads back to the apartment to convince Marcus and Kevin to come along. Skeptical of the stranger and his story, they refuse. Yossi continues to press them until they ultimately acquiesce.
The next day, the trio meets Karl in a shop while he is gathering supplies for the hike. All three men are surprised when Karl leaves with the supplies and tells them they will pay for everything.
Yossi, Marcus, Kevin, and Karl hike through the jungle for several days. They make it to a village called Asriamas where it is apparent Karl knows the villagers. They spend the day in the village and stay overnight, then head back into the jungle the next morning.
Marcus starts having trouble walking and discovers his feet are full of bloody sores. By now Kevin and Yossi are tired of Marcus' complaining.
Yossi, Kevin, and Karl discuss how they all should proceed. Karl wants to leave the three while he goes and gets help, but Kevin and Yossi disagree with that plan. At this point Marcus walks up, and Kevin proposes building a raft to navigate downriver so all of them can stay together. (This differs from Ghinsberg's actual account, where the four return all the way to Asriamas before deciding to make the raft with the help of the villagers.)
They build the raft and set off down the river. They hit some rapids, barely making it through. Karl gets upset at Kevin for taking control on the raft, floats the raft to shore, and says he is going hunting. Kevin had noticed Karl's fear of water and deduces that Karl cannot swim. Yossi then goes to find Karl, so he will not abandon them.
Marcus and Karl decide to abandon the journey and make the three-day hike back to civilization where they can then return to La Paz. Meanwhile, Yossi and Kevin continue their journey downriver until their makeshift raft is destroyed in a rapids.
Yossi is washed away by the river, leaving Kevin behind. Without a knife, tools, or any kind of survival training, Yossi must improvise shelter and forage to survive. He begins to give up hope after losing all sense of direction, wondering if he will survive the jungle.
Meanwhile, Kevin is rescued by people from a nearby town who take him to Rurrenabaque, 120 miles from Yossi's location, Curiplaya. At Rurrenabaque, Kevin calls for the help of the local authorities to find Yossi. They fail to find Yossi via a plane flyover, but Kevin believes that Yossi is alive. Kevin ropes in the help of the local boat pilot to search for Yossi, finally discovers his weakened friend, and takes him to Rurrenabaque.
The epilogue reveals that Karl lied about the hidden tribes, was known to rope backpackers into dangerous treks, and was wanted by the authorities. He and Marcus never returned to La Paz and were never seen again. The film was dedicated to Marcus's memory.
In a small coastal town Ludivine, a fisherman's daughter, falls in love with Delphin, an orphaned boy who comes to live with them. But her father wants her to marry Lauderin, the lecherous manager of a local cabaret-bar.
The film begins with a long subtitled introduction, stating 90,000 women in the US go missing annually and suggesting many are forced by circumstances to join the “Sisterhood of Sorrow”.
Marjorie Benton, who is “just a kid,” dreams of an office job, but works at the Pacific Laundry and is the only breadwinner for a family of coarsely-spoken strikers and loafers. She finally goes on a night out with Florence, one of the other laundry workers, to a seedy nightclub. At the nightclub they watch some impromptu acts and Marjorie drinks alcohol and tries marijuana, which Florence does not approve of. The girls catch the eye of Tony Kilonis who insists on driving them back to Florence's. Tony warns Florence not to say anything about his reputation to Marjorie.
Having been thrown out of home by her family for staying out, and Tony having secretly arranged for Marjorie to be sacked, Tony charms Marjorie and lures her into living with him in a stylish apartment, with promises of marriage and lavish lifestyle. After a few months, he tells her he wants her to entertain a gentleman at a hotel "for money". Marjorie is initially shocked. In an unusual close up shot on Tony's face, straight to camera, he threatens her and she complies. Marjorie works as a regular call girl at a hotel until exposed when she steals from a customer.
Tony then offers her a "long vacation" up the coast. This turns out to be at a brothel, run by madam Pearl. When Marjorie refuses to work, she is locked in her room. Tearfully, she explains to another prostitute, Roxy, that she is pregnant. If only she could tell Tony. Roxy helps her to escape. Making her way back to the city, she returns to Tony's apartment but discovers him seducing another woman with exactly the same lines he once used on her. In despair, Marjorie shoots them both. A final courtroom and jury scene completes the film - however the question of Marjorie's guilt is left unresolved. A title offers cinema goers cash prizes for the best written verdict sent in.
'''Opening quote:''' "Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires."
After seeing what Adalind (Claire Coffee) was seeing, the dungeon, and not knowing the cause, Nick (David Giuntoli) is taken to the hospital for a checkup. In a warehouse, Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) is confronted by Chavez (Elizabeth Rodriguez), who finally confirms that she is a Grimm. Chavez enquires if Nick is aware of what she is, then explains that her gifts are very valuable and should not be wasted. They reveal themselves to be collaborating with a group to stop any Wesen threat just like her and attempt to recruit her services, offering her a home of people with the same goal. They ask her to think about it, to not disclose their meeting, then let her go just to prove their loyalty.
Nick's girlfriend Juliette drags him to get checked up at the doctors, to make sure there's no lasting damage from Adalind's potion. The ophthalmologist discovers Nick was born with an extra retinal cone, which allows him special vision. (It seems now that his 'Grimm-ness' has been removed, the area that allowed him his 'Wesen-sight' is swollen & suffering the damage.) In a boxing match, Stan Kingston (Ron Canada) pays three men to beat up a boxer, Clay Pittman (Arlen Escarpeta), when he woges into a bull-like Wesen and beats them right back. One of the guys that got a broken jaw at the batting-assault, threatens to report them if he's not given $25,000 in compensation. When he goes to pick up the money, he's suddenly dragged out the car window and violently attacked. Abe Tucker (James Martin Kelly) then has Clay go to the fight and in an aggressive manner, and superior Wesen power, knocks out his opponent. In the spice shop, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), Rosalee (Bree Turner) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are still discussing a solution to Nick's powers when Bud (Danny Bruno) appears and asks about Trubel, as the Wesen community is now confused and all in a panic after the events at the wedding. They tell him to not tell anyone, but that Nick has lost his Grimm-powers.
At a new police murder scene, the victim dragged out of a lake is one Bobby (aka Robert 'Bang-bang' Moore), a petty criminal - the boxing-mad previous blackmailer. Officer Wu again urgently attempts to talk to Nick, which he again evades until later. At the hospital Elizabeth questions her son (Renard) on the whereabouts of her granddaughter which he kind of evades. When Rosalee & Monroe visit Renard, they discuss the 'Nick-no-longer-Grimm' problem and Elizabeth offers to help - “To beat a Hexenbiest like Adalind, you need a Hexenbiest like me.” Them three manage to hunt down Adalind's secret storage space and attempt to replicate her potion to reverse Nick's condition. Trubel joins up with the boxing gym, undercover, and meets up with Clay. The suspicious coach Kingston, sets Trubel up with a nearby female boxer, easily double her size, to check what she's capable of. After initially getting the better of Trubel, once she sees her opponent woge, fighting dirty Trubel ultimately manages to knock her out. Later, whilst eavesdropping, Trubel realises both trainer and coach are indeed two different bull-like Wesen. Clay tells Abe he wants out of boxing, but Kingston threatens to tell the police that Clay killed Moore (which Clay wrongly suspected he had) if he doesn't continue fighting for him.
In Adalind's cell, the giggling creepy guy next door discloses via a riddle a stone Adalind is to move if she wishes to join him in an escape. He seems to know about her missing baby and helps her escape via various secret escape tunnels. Meanwhile, Renard's mother finds the spell Adalind used, and they head to the spice shop to make a reversing potion. Nick and crew find the type of Wesen Kingston is in the book, and the description of the wounds this Wesen inflicts match the wounds on Moore. When they find out they go off to confront Kingston (Stan) they first discover they have a new victim - it's Abe, who's been thrown off a roof but sporting the same puncture wounds earlier found on Moore. In his pocket Nick finds a suspicious 'suicide note' confessing to the murders. When Nick, Stan & Trubel confront Kingston, they tell him they know he's a Wesen and in fact the actual killer. He looks into Nicks eyes and denies knowing what they're talking about, but then is attacked by Trubel and sees she's the Grimm. All three have a good knock-about but ultimately Trubel is able to get the better of Kingston by ripping off one of his horns and breaking his neck.
Inside the gym, when Clay confronts his mother and admits that he no longer wishes to keep fighting matches, in a shocking twist of events, his mother admits she's behind hiring his coach & trainer; then suddenly woges, smashes a nearby wooden chair and viciously beats him with broken off chair leg, insisting that he needs to continue doing what he was born to do! A surprised, totally crestfallen yet angry Clay ultimately stands up to her when Trubel comes to his rescue and tells him he doesn't need to do what she's forcing him to do as now both Abe & Kingston are dead. When the mother insists Clay kill the Grimm, knowing Trubel was kind to him before, he instead turns on his mother; then in anger instead bashes his own fighting arm/wrist so he's no longer able to box, finally telling his mother : "I'm done!" (Seeing the damage she's wreaked, the whimpering mother seems remorseful, but it's left unsure if she's truly sad for her son or what she's done, or for his fighting ability/career now wreaked and the money he brought in which supported her.)
Jack Cavanaugh (Le Plat) learns that the KGB use his wife (Norton) to get access to a top secret computer system. He cannot see what to do except to take on the foreign agents himself.
'''Opening quote:''' "Oh, remember that you fashioned me out of clay! Will you then bring me down to dust?"
Two masked men throw a brick through the spice shop window and flee. Elizabeth (Louise Lombard) picks it up and discovers a Wolfsangel, a trap that symbolizes disregard to inter-marriage between mixed Wesen, in this case Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner). They decide to drop the issue as it can be solved easily.
In their house, Nick (David Giuntoli) and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) discover that Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) is gone and took all her stuff. Meanwhile, Keith Harrow (Kevin T. Williams) attacks his wife Sara Fisher (Brigid Brannagh) and child David (Jakob Salvati) in their house, all while woging into a Siegbarste and they flee from him. Sara's brother, Ben (David Julian Hirsh), discovers her beating and goes to a synagogue and begins to read an ancient scroll with clay. Nick finds Trubel in the trailer and she tells him about Chavez and the kidnapping and they decide to see if Chavez ever contacts her again.
Later that day, Keith is killed by an enormous creature and his body is discovered to be covered in clay. Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate the murder and the scene is interrupted by Keith's brother Nate (Don Alder), who claims Sara killed Keith. Nick and Hank go with Sara to the hospital to interrogate her while Trubel talks with David. They try to investigate in the trailer but the creature cannot be identified. They are later called by Ben, who confesses to killing Keith and to meet him in the synagogue.
Nick and Hank talk with Ben, who shows them that he freed a Golem using the scroll and the remains left by a rabbi and he only did so because he was destroying the family. Due to the exaggeration of the evidence, they don't arrest him but have the remains tested to know their connection to Keith's clay. Renard (Sasha Roiz) returns to the station since his shooting and Nick and Hank discover that the remains match the clay found. Ben takes Sara and David to their house, where he is attacked by Nate, who wants to know who killed Keith. Sara calls the police and Nate leaves the house.
In Vienna, Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Hofmann (David Ury) continue running upstairs when faces appear in the wall, all repeating that they know where her baby is, causing her to cry but this also prompts the faces to flood the stairs. Monroe also discovers Adalind in the spice shop but Rosalee assures him that it's Elizabeth, who managed to shift her form with the new potion. Nate is killed by the Golem in the street who escapes when he sees Nick, Hank and Ben approaching. Nick also discovers that Ben asked for the Golem to protect David and now will kill anyone who threatens him. Nick then has Ben go to find a scroll to stop it and they discover that they need to put a shem into the Golem's mouth to stop him.
They arrive at Sara's house, where Trubel is. Nick pretends to forcibly arrest David which causes the Golem to arrive but Ben is unable to put the shem in his mouth. After the Golem begins to engulf Trubel, David picks up a toy action figure which he dropped, and hits the Golem multiple times with it, causing him to disappear. That night, Nick, Juliette and Trubel are visited by Monroe, Rosalee and Elizabeth, who have managed to find an antidote. However, Elizabeth states that there's a missing ingredient and Juliette is it.
An elderly woman named Miss Hunt is sitting by herself in a booth at an empty restaurant when a wolf in a trenchcoat enters and requests sitting with her. Miss Hunt allows the wolf and learns he is waiting for an old friend, revealing that she is waiting to babysit the children in the house across the street. Upon noticing Miss Hunt's book of fairy tales, the wolf expresses disdain for Red Riding Hood and states that Snow White is actually a blonde. He then reveals that he once had two nephews, Rolf and Rex, and begins to tell the story of what happened to them.
Some years earlier, a young Red Riding Hood was selling flowers on the street and sold a sprig of mistletoe to a young princess named Snow White, who dropped it into the grave of her recently deceased mother. Red soon joins Snow White by dropping her own remaining flowers in the grave and comforting Snow, the two quickly become friends. Snow's father, the king, soon finds a new queen, the nasty Miss Maclahose. She brings with her to the castle a magic mirror that always gives an accurate answer to any question asked of it, mirror constantly telling Maclahose that she is the fairest in the land until Snow grows up and the mirror declares her the fairest. Outraged, Maclahose orders the Huntsman to kill Snow and bring back her heart.
Meanwhile, the adult Red now runs her own flower stall and keeps her savings in a piggy bank at Porkley's Bank. Red and Snow were enjoying themselves in the forest when the Huntsman appears and kidnaps Snow, dropping his pistol which Red picked up while failing to save Snow. At the same time, Rolf has a falling out with his uncle and his search for a meal results in him eating Red's grandmother before putting on her clothes to eat Red. But Red is not disturbed, briefly confusing him before shooting him dead with the pistol – yielding herself a new wolfskin coat which she points out to the wolf while mourning Snow in the forest.
But Snow manages to convince the Huntsman to spare her life, fleeing while he buys a cow heart at a butcher shop and present it to Maclahose, who eagerly devours it. Snow ends up in the city where she becomes a cook and maid for seven former jockeys, who are compulsive and unsuccessful gamblers at horse racing. Meanwhile, Red attempts to withdraw her saving from Porkley's Bank. The pig in charge of the bank lies that the bank is broke due to a bad economy, having embezzled the investments in a construction project run by two other pigs, who plan to build houses of straw and sticks.
As the two pigs erect a billboard for their new venture, Rex appears and quickly devours them both before making his way to the banker pig. But the banker pig secures himself behind his thick teller window, while the wolf resolves to come back to blow up the bank with dynamite. The banker pig calls Red after seeing a newspaper article about her killing Rolf, with Red killing Rex as he lights the fuse. The banker pig takes Red into a hidden back room to thank her with a romantic gesture, only to be shot dead when Red finds the bank actually has plenty of money along with her broken piggy bank.
Meanwhile, Snows resolves to help the jockeys by sneaking back into her father's castle and taking the magic mirror so they use it to correctly predict the winning horse. When the mirror declares the winning horse of an upcoming race to be Mistletoe, it saddens Snow from remembering Red's mistletoe, only to cheer up upon the mirror showing her Red on a bus en route to the city. Snow meets her at the bus station and the two friends happily reunite, Red offering the money that she withdrew from the bank and kept in a pigskin travelling case she made from the banker pig. As everyone watches the race, Red gives Snow a fur coat made from Rex's skin as they and the jockeys became millionaires from their venture.
As the story ends, it is revealed that wolf has tied up and gagged Miss Hunt in a closet after putting her clothes to get his revenge on Red for killing his nephews. Snow arrives at the house across the street to meet Red, who lives there with her two children. Despite concerns that their babysitter has not come, Red's daughter persuades her mother to leave her and her brother alone until Miss Hunt arrives. Red and Snow leave together with the wolf proceeding to the house in the guise of Miss Hunt.
Red's children instantly see through the wolf's disguise; the daughter is shocked by his appearance while her brother is entertained by the wolf's jovial air. The wolf takes the boy into the kitchen and starts cooking a pot of vegetables, menacingly yet playfully stating his intent to eat the boy. The girl deters him by announcing that it is story time; the wolf begrudgingly sets a timer and follows the children into the living room. The girl tells the wolf that he must read two stories, one for each child. The boy asks to hear ''Jack and the Beanstalk''; but the wolf states that he cannot tell the story without also talking about ''Cinderella'', a favorite story of Red's daughter. The wolf claims that the stories they know are toned-down versions of the same "true" story, which he proceeds to tell.
Jack lives in a ramshackle house with his abusive mother and harbours a crush on his next door neighbour Cinderella, who is abused by her wicked stepsisters. One morning, Cinderella sneaks a jar of jam for herself. Jack attempts to warn her when the short stepsister notices the missing jar. While Cinderella dismisses him and ends up being thrown in the basement by her stepsisters, Jack is berated by his mother and told to take their old cow into town to sell it. Jack comes across a magic shop and ends up trading the cow to its owner, a magic fairy, for a bean. His mother berates him upon his return and throws the bean into a rubbish pile before beating him with her vacuum's handle.
Meanwhile, after her stepsisters leave for a disco held at the castle, Cinderella's cries for help attract the fairy and she reluctantly enters the house. Cinderella asks her for a beautiful set of clothes and a coach so that she may attend the disco and win the prince's affection. The fairy grants her wish, but warns her that she must leave the palace by midnight. Cinderella instantly catches the eye of everyone at the disco, including the prince, with whom she shares a dance as her jealous stepsisters look on. As the clock strikes midnight, Cinderella attempts to flee; but the prince tries to stop her, tearing off her dress in the process. A humiliated Cinderella runs off in her underwear, losing one of her silver shoes on the palace stairs. The prince declares that whoever the shoe fits will become his bride; but he carelessly leaves the shoe on a beer keg, allowing the short stepsister to replace it with one of her own smelly shoes.
The next morning, Jack discovers that the bean has sprouted into an enormous beanstalk during the night. His mother is unimpressed by this sight until Jack points out that the beanstalk's leaves are made of solid gold. Jack's mother sends him up to fetch them, but he quickly descends when he finds a menacing giant at the top who threatens to eat him upon smelling him. Jack's mother decides to ascend herself after berating Jack for not bathing enough, only to be eaten herself. Undeterred, Jack decides to bathe, and then climbs up and collects the leaves after seeing the giant unable to detect him.
In town, the prince lays out the short stepsister's shoe for different women to try on, but the shoe is too big to fit anyone. When the short stepsister tries it on, the prince is horrified to see that it fits her and attempts to get out of marrying her. However, the short stepsister reminds him of the vow he had made; and the prince chops off her head in response. When the prince removes the head of the tall stepsister, a heartbroken Cinderella expresses disgust at the prince's penchant for chopping off heads for fun. But the prince, who does not recognize her, orders her head chopped off too and chases her down with his guards to a dead end.
By this time, Red's son has fallen asleep while the wide-eyed daughter asks the wolf about Cinderella's fate. He prepares to give her a sad ending, with Cinderella being cornered and near decapitation; but seeing the girl's troubled expression convinces him to have the magic fairy appears to help Cinderella. Cinderella tells the fairy that she is no longer interested in princes and money, but simply wishes to find a decent man. The fairy turns the prince and his guards into frogs and leaves Cinderella in front of her old magic shop, which Jack bought and made into a jam shop, having named it after her. The two later marry and have two children, living happily ever after.
With both children now asleep, the wolf has a change of heart and decides not to exact revenge. Red returns home from her outing to find her sleeping children on the couch, along with Miss Hunt's book of fairy tales. She is then shocked to discover the wolf, who she recognizes from their earlier encounter; but the wolf simply wishes her good night and departs. Red sits at her kitchen table in disbelief, eating the stew the wolf had prepared; while the wolf exits a bus in the wilderness, sheds Miss Hunt's clothes, and returns to the woods.
'''Opening quote:''' "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."
Elizabeth (Louise Lombard) explains that Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) has to recreate what Adalind (Claire Coffee) did to Nick (David Giuntoli) in reverse in order to get back his powers: make love to Nick having drunk a potion that will make her look like Adalind. Nick and Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) are opposed to the potion but Juliette replies that this can be the only way to retrieve his powers, and Elizabeth adds that they don't know what else Adalind's spell might do - things could get worse for Nick.
A wife named Ava Diaz (Jacqueline Obradors) leaves her house and finds a wolf-like Wesen, who despite his form, tells her he's her friend and gives her a drink. She shatters the glass, waking her husband Gabriel (Julian Acosta) and flees the house in her car. She gets distracted when the Wesen appears in the car and hits a person, crashing the car into a wall.
The next day, Nick and Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) are visited by Bud (Danny Bruno), who offers condolences for Nick's powers. When Nick leaves, Bud explains to Trubel that he told someone that Nick lost his powers and now he contacted someone named Shaw, who plans to give Nick a lesson.
Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate the crash and Wu (Reggie Lee) continues to ask Nick about the recent events happening to him. They visit Ava but due to the hospital visits, they can only speak with Gabriel, who explains that she thought she saw a wolf and she has a mental illness from six months ago. After he guides them through the house, they deduce that she may have seen a Blutbad. After getting her drawing, they show it to Monroe and Rosalee (Bree Turner), who explain that it is a Luison, a cousin of the Blutbaden. Trubel and Bud locate Shaw's house and Trubel threatens him and attacks him with a machete, making him swear that he won't bother anyone again.
In Philadelphia, Josh Porter (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is attacked in his home by two Hundjägers and escapes. He calls Nick for help and he replies by telling him to leave Philadelphia. Meanwhile, Adalind is separated from Hofmann and begins experiencing severe hallucinations with Diana just before she arrives back at her cell. Nick, Hank and Monroe decide to inspect Gabriel's house to see if he is a Luison while he is in the courtroom. However, a second Gabriel appears in the house, forcing Monroe to leave the house.
Nick, Hank and Monroe discuss that Gabriel may have a twin and they decide to lure him out. Monroe attacks Gabriel's twin before two more twins appear. Nick and Hank hold them at gunpoint while Monroe states that the Wesen Council could get angry at this. They arrest the quadruplets soon after. Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) visits Adalind, who explains that she wants her child too. At Monroe's house, everyone celebrates while Nick confides to Monroe that he misses his Grimm powers and is pissed they were taken away. Just then, fire flames are heard. They go outside to find a Wolfsangel in fire outside the house. After Monroe, Rosalee and Hank leave, Juliette tells Nick that she is ready and he needs his powers back.
Gabe, Karen, Tom, and Beth have been friends for years. Gabe and Karen, expecting the other couple for a dinner party, receive only Beth, who initially states Tom is away for business. As the dinner winds down, Beth tearfully admits Tom is leaving her for a flight attendant (actually a travel agent) as he is not happy in their marriage. Beth paints Tom as solely wanting sex from her, pointing to an incident at a movie theatre where he attempted to initiate intercourse. During this, Gabe and Karen demonstrate different approaches to the news, with Karen prompting questions out of Beth while Gabe simply listened. After Beth leaves, Gabe and Karen discuss the news, with Karen immediately taking it at face value and disparaging Tom while Gabe defends him. Karen declares he is no longer her friend. Gabe takes offence to learning that should he cheat on Karen she would immediately write him off and throw him out.
Tom arrives home after his flight is cancelled. After a terse discussion when he inquires about the get together, Tom deduces Beth told them they were divorcing after they'd decided they would tell them together. He deems this unfair as they are now biased against him. Their argument escalates as they begin attacking one another and Tom pins her to the bed. However, they begin to make passionate love to one another. Tom leaves shortly after and travels to Gabe and Karen's, hoping to explain his side of things. Karen refuses, stating it's clear cut he is in the wrong. Gabe fixes Tom a plate of the earlier meal, and asks Tom to explain things. He explains how he feels unloved now with Beth, how she rejects any form of intimacy. This led Tom to seek this out in the travel agent. Gabe asks them if he and Beth planned to attend therapy together, not wanting them to end their marriage. Tom says no, not wanting Gabe's opinion, just his understanding. Tom then departs.
A flashback to 1988 Martha’s Vineyard shows the day when Gabe and Karen first introduced Tom to Beth at their summer home. Tom is initially unreceptive, having been reminded of her drunken dancing at Gabe and Karen's wedding, as well as their first discussion being fairly awkward and snide toward one another, but they gradually warm to one another. In the present, Tom packs up his belongings and leaves his and Beth's home.
Some months pass by, with Karen and Beth discussing the fallout of the divorce amongst themselves, and Gabe and Tom amongst themselves. Tom has maintained a relationship with the travel agent, named Nancy, and Beth is now seeing someone as well, named David. Karen is shocked at this, insisting Beth should've spent some time alone after divorcing Tom. Beth disputes this, and then states she intends to marry David. She then accuses Karen of not wanting her to be truly happy so she can be superior to her. Karen replies she had hoped to forge a new family amongst her friends after escaping from her own troubled family, with Beth telling her it’s just not that simple, no one is perfect. During Tom's discussion with Gabe, he talks about how happy he is with Nancy. Gabe sarcastically reminds Tom that he's there to listen as Tom doesn't want his opinion. Tom asserts that he was unhappy during the duration of his marriage and that most of the time he was putting on a show of happiness so as to not cause a problem. Gabe takes this personally, as their lives have always been a shared one, and feels Tom's unhappiness applies to him and Karen. He then explains to Tom how he had hoped that they would share the experience of growing old together in their marriages and that leaving Beth spoiled that. As they are parting ways, Tom reveals to Gabe that Beth and David actually had an affair much earlier in their marriage. Gabe shares this with Karen when they return to Martha's Vineyard, changing her perspective of the divorce and feeling hurt Beth never shared this with her. Later that night, they both confess they've grown to no longer feel close to their friends. Karen shares a dream she had of her and Gabe making love next to another couple, who are also them. She is angered when Gabe initially doesn't say anything but he finally says it is symbolic of the natural evolution of a relationship. She frets about how they'll not follow the same path as Tom and Beth. Gabe reassures her by “scaring” her (a tease he does to show her his affection) and kisses her. She kisses him back.
Set in the vibrant atmosphere of Miami's underground teenage club world, we follow the powerful journey of Amiya Castle, who feels discarded by her mother after being left to spend the summer with relatives. In the gritty Liberty City area, Amiya, a deeply troubled girl, comes face to face with unbelievable circumstances of tragedy and turmoil that she chronicles. When Amiya is forced to explain a school report, she reveals accounts of her summer infatuation with the neighborhood thug and of a young girl's attempt to keep her drug-addicted mother alive.
Amiya also sets out to explain the tragic story of two sisters, Nia and Tiana, who are fiercely devoted to each other and to staying out of the welfare system, where they spent several years after their mother abandoned them. Now living with their only available relative, Aunt Georgia, Nia and Tiana, feel hopeful for the first time in their young lives. After an unexpected death occurs, the girls’ friendship grows into a tight bond, where personal lessons are learned and a dark secret is kept.
Cathy Yarrow arrives in Parry Sound, Ontario with her mother and sister from Toronto following the separation of her parents. As the town has no team for girls, she attends tryouts for the local boys' hockey team, and wins a spot as one of the team's goaltenders. Even after she plays well in the first couple of games, the team sponsor indicates displeasure at having a female on the team, and threatens to withdraw his sponsorship. The young players must then decide whether to continue with or without Cathy.
'''Opening quote:''' "There is no mercy in you. You cut off the heads of men and women and these you wear as a garland around your neck."
Hank (Russell Hornsby) uses a hose to extinguish the flaming Wolfsangel. Inside the house, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) is furious at the Wolfsangel but decides not to report it since they won't stop. Rosalee (Bree Turner) explains that it must be the Secundum Naturae Ordinem Wesen, an ancient organization composed of Wesen that want the Wesen species to be pure and they consider marriage between mixed Wesen a crime against nature. Seeing all this, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) states that she will take the potion in order to restore Nick's (David Giuntoli) powers.
A couple, Dix (Ricki Bhullar) and Suleka Turner (Khushi Dayal), are driving on the highway when they hit a spike strip and they crash in the woods. A truck that has been following them stops and two Komodo-like Wesen arrive and take Dix but leave Suleka behind since she's pinned by the crash. In Vienna, Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) asks Adalind (Claire Coffee) about the people who rescued her. She responds that Kelly and Meisner helped her and Diana escape and Viktor reveals he lost the baby to the Resistance in the airport.
In Nick's house, Elizabeth (Louise Lombard) finishes the antidote and has Juliette inhale the vapor from the hat, transforming her into Adalind. After everyone leaves, Nick and Juliette go upstairs and have sex. After finishing, Juliette goes to the bathroom and experiences severe pain until she returns to her normal form. The next morning, Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) and Monroe visit them to see if he has his powers back but he is still normal. Nick is then called by Hank to investigate the murder. Trubel is leaving the house when she sees a person named Mann (Daniel Brockley), whom she accuses of working with Chavez and leaves. When she returns, she finds Josh (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) in the house, who states he had nowhere to go.
Nick and Hank meet with Wu (Reggie Lee) and Deputy Sheriff Janelle Farris (Toni Trucks) in the crash. Nick finds a piece of wood with nails and also discovers an old case from six years ago. They return to the crash and use a metal detector to find a reptilian figure just like the previous case. Nick and Hank go to the trailer and see they're facing a Phansigar, a Wesen that use their tongue to choke victims and sacrifice a couple to Kali every three years. With the materials used in the figure, they deduce that it must take place in a salvage yard. There's only one salvage yard near the highway which was bought by a man named J.P. (Erick Avari) and his sons Sharat (Amitesh Prasad) and Adesh (Tarun Shetty).
Farris confronts J.P. in the salvage yard but Adesh uses his powers to knock her out, upsetting J.P. but his sons convince him that it's good enough for the sacrifice. That night, Nick, Hank and Monroe sneak in the salvage yard just as J.P. and the sons begin the sacrifice, placing each victim on a pit, planning to bury them alive. Nick suffers a headache, causing J.P. and his sons to disappear for a moment. Hank and Monroe seize the moment to enter the pits but they return soon after. They also catch Nick, however, Nick regains his powers and easily defeats them and saves Hank and Monroe as well as the victims. Nick and Hank give the report to Renard (Sasha Roiz), who is also glad that Nick regained his powers. Nick, Juliette and Trubel return to the house where Nick finds Josh holding a machete. He asks if he knows how to handle it and Josh replies that he does not.
In 2025 and 2026, after the Gaia-worshipping but environmentally destructive "Daybreak" movement unleashed a nanotech plague and nuclear and EMP attacks, the population of Earth has been greatly reduced and forced back to 19th-century or earlier technology. Two regions, one with its capital in Seattle, Washington and the other with its capital in Athens, Georgia, claim to be continuing the government of the U.S., while semi-independent regions around New York (increasingly fascist), in California (feudal), in Colorado (ostensibly neutral and dedicated to research and communications) and in Texas have some desire to participate in a restored U.S. Much of the Northeast is inhabited by "tribals" who have been mysteriously brainwashed into "Daybreak", but in one of their strongholds, Lord Robert is breaking away from the movement.
Despite tensions between the secularist believers in human rights in the Northwest and the fundamentalist Christian theocrats in the South, most of the regions attempt coordinate in a military campaign against the tribals and build up to a Presidential election to reunify the country. However, it turns out that the leaders of those regions were tricked into the campaign by Daybreak because it unifies it with Lord Robert. The U.S. forces are defeated disastrously. One of the leaders in Colorado makes herself president for the sole purpose of dissolving the United States and resigning. She and other survivors of the reunification attempt find refuge in California and the West Indies, which may become centers of the drive to rebuild civilization.
'''Opening quote:''' "I have but to swallow this, and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a legion of goblins, all of my own creation. Humbug, I'll tell you; humbug!"
During a Christmas party in a home, the doorbell rings, but there is no one there, only an enormous wrapped box at the door. Two guests bring in the parcel and put it down by their hosts' Christmas tree. Later that night, a goblin-like Wesen gets out of the box. He unlocks the front door and lets two more goblin-like Wesen in and they begin to wreak havoc in the house, waking the couple. The husband goes down stairs to see what is happening and the three goblin like Wesen severely attack him before escaping.
Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) invites Rosalee (Bree Turner) on their delayed honeymoon, and she accepts. Nick (David Giuntoli), Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Wu (Reggie Lee) investigate the home invasion and question the wife Emma (Charissa J. Adams). Nick and Hank find that the gift was opened from inside and there's fruitcake surrounding the gift. Meanwhile, Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) is leaving the house when Josh (Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) asks to go with her, since he wants to prove his valor. They watch over Shaw (Donald MacEllis), who is telling everyone of Trubel's abilities. She sneaks around the outside of the house, peering in a window, and is found by a Schakal, who was just arriving. Josh knocks out the Schakal before he can attack Trubel. Trubel discovers the mask that belongs to the Secundum Naturae Ordinem Wesen and they go.
Trubel reports this to Nick, who tells her to go with Bud (Danny Bruno) to get names. Based on the location of three crimes related to the home invasion, Nick and Hank discover that a church is in the center of the invasions. Renard (Sasha Roiz) talks with Nick, discussing Elizabeth's departure in search of Kelly and Adalind's daughter, left and Wu's growing suspicion of the Wesen issues. Nick and Hank are then called to a house where the goblins are causing chaos. Two of them flee while another attacks Nick until Hank knocks him out. Unsure if it's Wesen, they decide to take it to Monroe and Rosalee to learn more about it. They go to the trailer and find that they are dealing with Kallikantzaroi, a condition that affects Indole Gentile children and makes them commit acts without them knowing. They also find that if they eat fruitcake, they would be cured of the condition.
Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) confides to Rosalee that she has been having nausea every day and Rosalee suggests that she may be pregnant. Then, the Kallikantzaroi escapes from his confinement and two others arrive at the house. They cause chaos across the house until Monroe arrives and scares them with his Blutbad roar. While cleaning the room, Rosalee finds a medical bracelet for asthma. Nick and Hank identify him as John Katsaros (Greg Goran) and question his parents, who explain that he performs in a youth choir in the church. Nick and Hank manage to guide the boys to a truck that is full of fruitcakes just outside the church, curing them. The next day, Trubel tells Nick that Josh is going back to Philadelphia and she will go with him and they hug a goodbye. Nick gives them Aunt Marie's car and they drive off to Philadelphia. Meanwhile, Juliette takes a pregnancy test but the result of the test is not revealed.
'''Opening quote:''' "Cuide su rebaño, nunca deje su lado. Cuide su sangre, el Chupacabra tiene hambre." ("Take care of your flock, never leave their side. Watch your blood, for the chupacabra is hungry.")
In the Dominican Republic, two doctors, Diego Hoyos (Max Arciniega) and Gabe Reyes (Andrew Harris) leave for a flight to Portland when Diego is bitten by a mosquito. When he returns to Portland, Diego sees that the bite has grown even more and he kills his neighbor outside.
Meanwhile, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) are packing and preparing for their delayed honeymoon. Nick (David Giuntoli), Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Wu arrive at the scene of the neighbor's murder and interrogate one of the neighbors, who claims that the victim was killed by "El Chupacabra". Nick and Hank meet with Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) to know more about El Chupacabra, she explains that her grandmother told her stories about it. They then read entries that the creature is a Wældreór, a Wesen that is suffering a rare blood disease.
Juliette reveals to Rosalee that she took the pregnancy test many times and she wasn't pregnant but is told to go to a doctor if the symptoms continue. After she leaves, Rosalee is called by a voice who tells her, "You made a mistake". She then goes to the back of the house and finds the corpse of a fox, being warned that her blood will be next. Wu talks with Renard (Sasha Roiz) about Nick and Hank, but he's brushed off. Renard is then called by Hans Tavitian (Bernhard Forcher), who asks for a meeting as he is in Portland. He explains that there's a mole in the Resistance and asks Tavitian to help him find the mole and get back Diana.
The next day, Diego loses control of the disease and attacks Gabe in his office, escaping while still woged. He runs into Wu and Franco (Robert Blanche) and when Wu catches him, he returns to his human form, confusing him and in an act of confusion, he disappears. After receiving the information from Gabe, Nick and Hank visit Diego's wife, Bélem (Alyssa Diaz), who is a Coyotl and tell her to call them once Diego gets home. When they leave the house, they're confronted by Wu, who demands an explanation or he will quit as he does not seem to be stable. Nick and Hank decide that it's time to tell him the truth.
Diego arrives at the house and attacks Bélem. They manage to fight off Diego and handcuff but Wu is so shocked at what he sees that he drives off. Nick and Hank bring Diego and Bélem to the spice shop where Rosalee only manages to do a syringe, which Diego injects in Bélem, saving her. Diego states to Nick that he has to kill him and when he refuses, he woges, forcing Hank to kill him. Wu makes a chaos in a bar and is arrested. Nick and Hank have an officer watch out Monroe and Rosalee until they depart. Seeing that the officer is staying all night, Rosalee makes him a snack and Monroe goes out to give it to him. He turns it over and finds him wearing a mask and is then captured by another Wesenrein member. In Nick's house, Juliette suffers a headache and somehow, woges into a Hexenbiest, screaming in shock.
'''Opening quote:''' "He had them brought before the court, and a judgment was handed down."
Staring at her woged reflection in a mirror, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) returns to her human form and decides not to tell Nick (David Giuntoli) about it. Meanwhile, Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) pick up Wu (Reggie Lee) from the jail cell, then take him to Nick's trailer to present him to the Wesen world.
Meanwhile, Rosalee (Bree Turner) notes something is not right and goes out to find that officer Acker (Will Rothhaar) is injured and Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) is missing, so calls the police. Meanwhile, in the back of a getaway van, a masked man tells a tied-up Monroe that he's going to love watching him die. Nick, Hank and Wu arrive with Rosalee and question Acker about what happened. Nick then calls Juliette to tell her that Rosalee will stay at their home until she and Monroe are safe. Meanwhile, Monroe is taken to an abandoned warehouse where the members of the Wesenrein chain him while under the watch of Jonah Riken (Nick Krause) and also finds a fellow prisoner named Terry (Nick Hope), who has also been imprisoned there for an unknown time.
Nick and Hank meet with Renard (Sasha Roiz) to discuss the members of the Wesenrein that Trubel had investigated before and they set off to find Shaw (Donald MacEllis), one of their members. Renard has a Skalenzahne named Sam Damerov (Kenajuan Bentley) find the members of the Wesenrein while he persuades Wu not to tell anyone about the unfolding events. Wu is surprised Renard is aware of Wesen too. Nick and Hank arrive at Shaw's house and he tries to escape but ends up arrested as they find his Wesenrein mask in his pocket. Meanwhile, the Wesenrein take Terry out of the warehouse and Terry gives Monroe a ring, requesting it be given to his wife. In Vienna, Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) tells Adalind (Claire Coffee) that they will travel to Portland to retrieve her child.
Nick and Hank interrogate Shaw in the room but as they have no luck, Nick asks to interrogate him alone in order to intimidate him. Now alone, Nick uses his Grimm persona to threaten Shaw and punches him multiple times until he is stopped by Renard. Renard decides to release him because of lack of evidence and have an officer placed outside his house; whilst also informing Wu about the type of Wesen in this case. Shaw returns home where someone calls to meet him at the back of his house. He arrives at a car where he meets the Wesenrein's Grand Master, Charlie Riken (Brandon Quinn), who kills him in order to prevent him from telling anyone about them.
Back in Nick's house, Rosalee and Juliette get into an argument where Rosalee pressures her to call Nick and do things like a proper Grimm, causing Juliette to woge into a Hexenbiest and attack Rosalee, culminating with her ripping her throat out, killing her. However, this is all revealed to be just a nightmare, as Rosales awakens Juliette from a nap. Nick, Hank and Wu investigate Shaw's murder and inside the house they find his Wesenrein clothes and a photograph with him and policeman Acker, confirming that he's also a member of the Wesenrein. Meanwhile, Monroe manages to trick Jonah, knocking him out and freeing himself and escaping from the warehouse. However, he's pursued by the Wesenrein and flees to the woods. He then stops as he comes upon Terry's mutilated corpse impaled on a stake set above a fire pit, where he's recaptured and sent back to the warehouse. Riken chastises his brother for his irresponsibility and states that Monroe's fate will be decided by the tribunal not him. He then accuses Monroe of having no respect for his heritage, so needs to answer for his sins.
Nick and Hank discover that Acker has been calling Shaw and called multiple times to the prison to an inmate called Walker Williams. Using his Grimm persona, Nick has Williams confess that the Grand Master is Charlie Riken, who was once his cell mate, and Acker called him as Riken did not want his calls traced back to him or be pursued. While Nick, Hank and Wu investigate Riken's house (finding his cellphone), Monroe is brought back to the woods where the tribunal begins - there, Riken sits in head position as everyone surrounds another sharpened stake, chanting : "Wesenrein", on repeat...
A vampire, (Teresa Gimpera), entombed on a remote island is accidentally awakened and begins to terrorize the island's inhabitants.
Bay Khudi is a tale of Fiza who shifted to her aunt's house along with her mother after her father's death. Saad's mother loves Fiza as her own daughter. Fiza is happy because of Saad who's her cousin and best friend, however Saad has feelings for Fiza.
Fiza luckily gets engaged to Asher whom she loves and doesn't realize what Saad feels for her. Saad couldn't accept the reality that Fiza is not his anymore and that's where his love for her turns into obsession.
In the desert, where the animals are called "Dusties", Ajar the cobra and his best friend, Pitt the scorpion, steal a watermelon from a camelcade, only to have it taken by an older cobra named Saladin. Saladin and his other fellow cobras spit melon seeds at Ajar and Pitt, taunting Ajar about how he hasn't shed his skin yet. The two rush to the edge of the desert, where Ajar decides they should go into the Oasis, a haven for the rich and highly sophisticated green snakes but is forbidden to the Dusties.
Despite Pitt's warnings, Ajar covers himself with moss, making him appear green. He then slips into the Oasis. Then he happens to find a green snake named Eva, who is covered with mud to look like a Dusty in order to run away from the Oasis, her home, but a place she hates. They are then ambushed by Secretarybirds, who chase them to the edge of a cliff. Eva and Ajar jump off the cliff, landing in a river. The disguises wash off in the river, revealing Ajar to be the Dusty and Eva to be the green snake. Being a Dusty, Ajar is not able to swim and almost drowns, but is saved by Eva, who revives him with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Ajar and Eva become friends after that and Ajar falls in love with Eva, but Eva is then captured by Omar, a snake charmer and skinner.
Ajar is determined to get Eva back, but he and Pitt are captured by Chief-Chief, one of the secretary birds guarding the Oasis. Pitt and Ajar are taken to the birds' base, where Chief-Chief and the other birds threaten to kill them. However, Ajar uses Gary, Eva's lazy and dim witted brother, as a hostage to be freed. Gary, Pitt, and Ajar escape on the back of one of the secretary birds. The flight goes smoothly at first, but then Pitt accidentally stings the bird. The bird loses consciousness and the other three continue on the ground.
Meanwhile, Eva meets other snakes that have been caught by Omar, including the twins, Lulu Belle and Lily Belle, a green snake named George, a white snake named Pietra, who dislikes her, but greets her like the others do, and a red python named Rita. The snakes tell Eva of their professions, and Omar then takes them all out, where he plays the flute. Eva tries to escape Omar, but is hypnotized by the sound of the flute and goes back. When the snakes are returned into the basket, Pietra shows Eva a way out in an attempt to get rid of her. However, both are caught by Omar. He forces them to compete in a dance-off. Eva wins, while Pietra is put into the basket of snakes that are to be skinned.
Gary, Ajar, and Pitt, still on their quest, fall into a cave, where they are greeted by Glow-Worms. The Glow-Worm King gives them directions to find Eva, but then try to lure them in as prey. The three are almost lured in, but they escape. Soon after, they climb into a jeep with some tourists, but are discovered and Pitt is separated from the others. They then find a fast-talking sandfish, who leaves them with the name, Souksoukville, then leaves. Ajar and Gary find an oasis, where they rest for the night and slowly become friends after Ajar reveals he and Pitt are the only friends they have (since Pitt's family was killed by the Tuaregs) and Gary reveals he has no friends at all. Pitt stays at the tourists' camp, where he joins a group of scorpions.
Ajar and Gary find a well at the oasis. They ride a bucket down to escape a sandstorm, and then arrive at another town. They follow Omar's ads to get to his store, where Ajar sees Eva and the other snakes trapped in a cage, and George embracing Eva. Mistaking the encounter for a romantic one, Ajar almost gives up on his quest until he releases a ceiling fan, which falls on top of the cage, freeing all the snakes. Omar sees this and runs to get his flute, but Ajar takes it.
Omar pursues Ajar around the city, where the sandstorm rages. Ajar is chased at the top of a mosque, where Omar tries to grab the flute, but breaks it. He grabs Ajar so he doesn't fall off the building, but Ajar's skin comes off, and Omar disappears into the sandstorm. The storm calms, and Ajar falls onto a platform below. He is found by Eva and Gary and is thought to be dead, much to their dismay, but he then awakens. Eva realizes that Ajar had crossed a desert for her, and the two kiss. Omar then appears, but then falls unconscious. Pitt reveals that he stung Omar, and he has brought over Emily, a scorpion from the group he had stayed with earlier. Ajar, Eva, Emily, Pitt, Gary, and Pietra drive away in a tourist car.
As the van drives off, the fast-talking sandfish appears next to a camel, and tells this random camel (and also the viewers) that Ajar and Eva might go back and live happily ever after at the Oasis and teach the Dusties and Green Snakes to live together as equals, but he claims to have no idea on whether or not this happens.
Two Irish soldiers of fortune, Joe and Paddy, are working for a private security crew in the Middle East, whose boss is a man called Dave. Their next mission is to kidnap Shadha, the daughter of a powerful man. During this mission more and more about Joe's and Paddy's past is revealed. The men trust each other less and less. The situation becomes even more complicated when Paddy realizes that Shadha is his former big love. Now he not only needs to finish his mission, but has to protect Shadha from his partner, who tries to rape and kill the girl.
When Joe finds out that Shadha is more important to Paddy than his job, Joe knocks Paddy unconscious and talks with the girl to try to find out more about Paddy's past. Shadha tells Joe that she loved Paddy but she did not want to see him again. Paddy had choked and drugged her to keep her down and she only had loved him because she did not want to only feel helpless and trapped.
Joe wakes Paddy and tells him that Shadha hates him, however Paddy replies that Shadha is the only woman he has ever cared for. Joe reveals that he had killed Ruby, the only person he had ever loved before, because he had to do it. Joe adds that Paddy has to make the same sacrifices for Dave, by killing Shadha. Paddy replies that he would never kill Shadha for Dave. Paddy later says that he would kill Dave by the moment he comes to the place. However, Paddy is never able to kill Dave as Shadha shoots Paddy first, just when Joe reveals he loves Paddy. Shadha leaves and Joe sees a vision of Ruby. Ruby tells Joe that they all pay and that it is time to end it.
Roo Marcus has recently been released from the inhumane conditions of a mental institution and enters into the world of underground bare-knuckle fighting.
In 1977, Susie Bannion leaves her Mennonite family in Ohio and arrives in West Berlin during the height of the German Autumn to audition for the Markos Dance Company. Her arrival coincides with the sudden disappearance of another dancer, Patricia Hingle, who vanished after revealing to her psychotherapist, Dr. Josef Klemperer, that the school's matrons are a coven of witches who worship the Three Mothers—a trio of witches who once roamed Earth, known as Mother Tenebrarum, Mother Lachrymarum, and Mother Suspiriorum. Susie befriends a wealthy classmate, Sara Simms, while her dancing attracts attention from artistic director and choreographer, Madame Blanc.
During a rehearsal, Patricia's friend, Olga Ivanova, accuses the matrons of being responsible for Patricia's disappearance, as well as practicing witchcraft. She attempts to flee the school, only to become trapped in a room; meanwhile, Susie performs a dance for Madame Blanc, with Susie's movements remotely inflicting lethal damage on Olga's body. The matrons find Olga and drag her away with large hooks. They informally elect Mother Helena Markos, an aging witch who has long ruled the coven, over Blanc as their leader and conspire to use Susie as a host body for Markos. Miss Griffith, a sheepish matron, commits suicide afterwards.
Susie becomes Blanc's protégée, earning her the lead role in the dance performance ''Volk''. Meanwhile, Klemperer becomes suspicious of the matrons and seeks Sara's cooperation to look at Patricia's journals. Sara discovers a concealed corridor leading to the , an inner sanctum where the coven holds their rituals. She takes one of the large hooks and brings it to Klemperer as they look into Patricia's disappearance. On the opening night of ''Volk'', Sara returns to the sanctum and finds Patricia, her body decayed and withered. She is discovered by the matrons before the performance, and holes manifest in the floor, causing Sara to break her leg. Sara emerges midway through the performance, dancing her part in a hypnotic trance but collapses in pain before the dance ends.
While dining out with the matrons to celebrate, all the dancers are put into a trance except Susie. Klemperer disposes of the hook and Patricia's belongings and returns to his dacha in East Germany, where he encounters Anke, his wife who went missing during the war. Anke reveals that she fled to Bristol after having escaped the Nazis. The couple walk together, eventually passing through the border back into West Berlin. Anke disappears, and Klemperer discovers he has been led to the company's building for an impending witches' sabbath, and is ambushed by the matrons. Susie is led to the , where she discovers the matrons, an incapacitated Klemperer, and the entranced dancers. Sara, Patricia and Olga are disemboweled to begin the sabbath, but Blanc attempts to intervene in the ritual. Enraged, Markos attacks Blanc, nearly decapitating her. Susie seemingly accepts her fate as Markos' new vessel, only to reveal herself as Mother Suspiriorum, there to cleanse the company of the corrupt Markos and her supporters. She summons an incarnation of Death, killing Markos and her faithful followers.
Olga, Patricia and Sara die peacefully at Susie's hand as the remaining matrons and students dance. Klemperer is released in a confused state; Miss Vendegast discovers Blanc alive as Miss Boutaher announces Blanc's departure to the students. Susie, now as Mother Suspiriorum, visits Klemperer to apologize for her actions. She reveals to him that Anke died at Theresienstadt after being captured by the Nazis. Before leaving, Mother Suspiriorum erases his memories, causing him to have a seizure. In the present day, a carving of Klemperer and Anke's initials on the wall of their dacha goes unnoticed by its current occupants.
In a post-credits scene, Susie is in the streets of Berlin at night. She stares at something dispassionately before reaching out her hand, then smiles and walks away.
Fanny and Veronica are sisters living in a dingy area of the New Jersey shoreline whose lives are approaching dead ends. Fanny (Elizabeth McGovern), the "good" sister, is a divorced part-time waitress with artistic leanings who lives in a bungalow in one of those desolate seaside towns of packed-together houses that look like they could be washed away at any moment (Highlands, New Jersey).
One day her "bad" sister, Veronica (Patricia Wettig), from whom she has been estranged for five years, comes to visit. Veronica informs Fanny that she is about to go to jail for welfare fraud. An unmarried mother of two, she was caught collecting checks from two states at once and has to serve time on Rikers Island.
Fanny and Veronica share a desperately buoyant night on the town, getting drunk in fishermen's bars and playing a dangerous game called Jersey Chicken, in which they grab the girders of a lifting drawbridge and jump into the inky water. Although they share an edgy affection, there has been bad blood between them ever since Fanny caught Veronica in bed with her husband.
After Veronica goes to jail, Fanny, posing as a state investigator, rescues her sister's children from the trailer park in Netcong, New Jersey where Veronica left them with Michael (Michael O'Keefe), the latest in a string of lovers. While visiting Veronica in jail, Fanny also begins to realize that her sister is not just down and out but mentally ill and possibly suicidal. From here the story takes an inevitably grim turn in which Fanny is left to pick up the pieces.
Court Gentry goes to the town of Ushkovo in Russia to assassinate Gregor Sidorenko, a Russian crime boss and his former handler who wants him killed after a double cross from an operation in Sudan. Unbeknownst to Gentry, an American private contractor agency, Townsend Government Services, has been tracking him across Europe for a while and has found him while surveilling Sidorenko's house at the time of his assassination. After Gentry kills Sidorenko, Townsend House head Leland Babbitt brings in highly skilled assassin Russell "Russ" Whitlock, code-named Dead Eye, to track Gentry down and kill him.
Russ, who operates alone, tracks down Gentry to a hotel in Tallinn, Estonia and informs the Townsend House. An eight-man strike team was then dispatched to kill Gentry, but in a fit of irony, Russ, posing as a bounty hunter coming to help him, warns Gentry of the operation to kill him. They escape the hotel and fight off the pursuing strike team, killing seven of them (the other one was later hospitalized and arrested, others were killed by Russ alone in order to silence them). Russ was wounded in the crossfire, and Court later treats his wound.
Russ reveals the truth partially to Court in order to assuage his suspicions. It has been told that he was also in the Autonomous Asset Development Program, which was a secret assassination training program from years ago, as Gentry did. Later, Russ offers to help Gentry in his work as an assassin, which Gentry initially refuses. They later part ways, with Russ giving Gentry his contact number and later Court going to Stockholm, Sweden to lay low for a while.
Back in the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Gentry's former agency, has been wanting him dead since they betrayed him. Director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service Denny Carmichael visits the Townsend House and berates Babbitt for the failed operation in Tallinn. He urges him to exhaust more resources to track down the Gray Man in Europe and kill him, further hinting that a country that has good relations with the U.S. wants him dead in order to safeguard their relations.
Meanwhile, Russ goes to an Iranian intelligence outpost in Beirut, Lebanon and uses Court's identity as the Gray Man, hoping to score a contract job from the Quds Force, Iran's special forces unit, to assassinate the prime minister of Israel Ehud Kalb, who was seen as a threat to their country over oil interests, in the process setting up Court as the fall guy. The Iranian intelligence officer present, Ali Hussein, was initially skeptical of his willingness to do such an operation, but Russ makes them propose a counteroffer to him: assassinate any public figure who is seen to Iran as a problem. Hussein accepts his suggestion, and gives him his first target: Amir Zarini, a filmmaker whose films have insulted the Iranian government by blaspheming Islam.
An Israeli intelligence asset has discovered an assassination plot to their prime minister set in motion by Iranian intelligence, and their plan to hire Russ as the assassin (they report it as the Gray Man). This prompts Mossad intelligence agent Ruth Ettinger to be called in by the CIA and later, the Townsend House for the three agencies to coordinate in tracking down Gentry before he is supposed to kill the Israeli PM. An intrepid operative, Ettinger surmises that it is not Gentry's style to undertake a hit on a head of state, which was dismissed by the Townsend House as over the motive of money. Later, a sighting of Gentry in Stockholm prompts Ruth to go there with her team of Mossad intelligence agents to coordinate with Townsend House's drone team already stationed there.
The next day, the Townsend House drone spots Gentry on the streets, prompting Ruth and her colleagues to follow him. They identify the house where he's been staying, but Ruth decides to minimize their surveillance in order to be certain of his intentions. Later that early morning, another strike team has been dispatched by Townsend House to Stockholm to find and kill Gentry in his supposed hideaway. Still embittered by her Mossad op gone awry in Rome the previous year, Ruth opposes the immediate action, implying on the collateral damage likely to be inflicted, but the strike team and their boss Babbitt dismiss her. She later finds Gentry leaving his hideaway, and decides to tail him. She later halted her surveillance and decides not to tell her colleagues and the Townsend House operatives about what happened.
Meanwhile, in Nice, France, Russ goes forward with his assassination of filmmaker Amir Zarini while he was in a convoy, aiming to make it look like a Gray Man op. He later fails to make this so when he shoots the driver of the car carrying Zarini. It crashes into another car, seemingly killing everyone inside, and he was forced to kill the filmmaker's surviving bodyguards and later, some police officers who converged on the scene. He hastily escapes and calls Hussein, who tells him that they are still not convinced that he is the Gray Man, but gives him one more task: to describe the details of a massacre that happened in an airport in Kiev, Ukraine years ago, which later became an urban legend and was thought by many to be Gentry's work because of the perfect execution of the killings but was not proven. Russ, who knew about the Kiev op but didn't know the specifics, becomes angry and hangs up. He decides to go to Stockholm and pressure Gentry into telling him what happened in Kiev.
Meanwhile, in Stockholm, the strike team raids Gentry's hideaway, finding it empty; they deduce that he escaped. Ruth and her team of agents decide to continue their surveillance of Gentry on their own. They later spot Gentry again, and Ruth decides to go try to meet him in a bar that night. While Ruth engages Gentry to a conversation over drinks, Gentry calls Russ to check up on the Townsend House's hunt for him. In an exchange of information which provides that Court will tell him about the Kiev op, Russ warns him that he is also being hunted by the Mossad, and that the girl who has been talking to him in the bar is one of them. Alarmed, he hangs up and then holds Ruth at gunpoint. She reveals the reason why the Mossad are hunting for him, in which Gentry was previously oblivious. He later leaves the bar, telling her not to follow him.
Gentry later goes away from Stockholm to lay low once more, and then calls Russ to talk about the Kiev op, which he confirms that he is the sole assassin. Three years ago, an embittered Russian general had told a Ukrainian mobster that Russians were trying to sell their nuclear secrets to the Iranians for their nuclear enrichment program. The mobster hired Gentry to stop the exchange. Gentry executed the otherwise impossible operation successfully and with skill, which explains why it became an urban legend among the intelligence community. In turn, Russ repeats what happened to Hussein, and his deal was accepted.
Russ then goes to Stockholm to meet up with the Townsend House's strike team and the drone operators stationed there. The strike team leader told him that the last surviving member of the strike team at Tallinn had now talked, and that his story contradicts Russ's account of what happened. This was interrupted when Gentry was spotted by a drone in a train station. The strike team is immediately dispatched there, and Babbitt tells Russ to stand down from the hunt because of his conflicting account of what happened in Tallinn. Still, Russ goes to the train station against orders.
Ruth and her team agents were also alerted to the presence of the strike team in the train station and decide to go there. Russ finds out about this and later kills one of them by his garrote. He then alerts Gentry to the ongoing hunt against him, and later escapes. Ruth later finds his colleague's body and falsely blames Gentry for his death, then later spots Gentry and follows him into a train bound for Hamburg.
While in the train Russ calls Gentry and reveals that he killed a Mossad operative back in the train station, and later Gentry figures out about Russ's operation to assassinate the Israeli Prime Minister and the events connected to it, as well as discovering that the CIA had hired him for his supposed mental instability. He angrily hangs up the phone and later finds Ruth again in the train. Ruth has been embittered by the death of her colleague and later calls her boss, Yanis Alvey, to tell him everything, and he orders her to stand down from the operation, but she presses on. Gentry tells her everything about the assassination plot, and she believes him. Ruth in turn retells what Court said to her boss, but the Mossad executives don't believe her. Gentry and Ruth later work together to thwart the plot.
Russ goes to London for the assassination of the Israeli PM, who is scheduled to arrive in two days for a conference there. Babbitt calls and tells him that Mossad is currently surveilling Gentry on a train. Angry again at Gentry for him complicating his operation, Russ decides to rush the assassination job by going to Brussels, Belgium, where the Israeli PM is going for the next day to pay his respects at a cemetery. Upon arriving there, he finds out that his passport has been flagged by Babbitt, who is shocked to know through Mossad that he plans on killing the prime minister. However, this was later revoked by Carmichael, and everything came back to business. Carmichael later tells Babbitt that they intend to use the prime minister as bait for Dead Eye to kill Gentry, in order to prevent blame from going to the CIA.
Meanwhile, Gentry and Ruth try to find a boat to take them to Copenhagen on their way to Brussels, but they were spotted by the Townsend strike team and their drone. They later evade them and are able to escape by stealing a private jet in a nearby aircraft parking lot and going to Hamburg. The strike team also goes there by helicopter.
Ruth's boss Alvey goes to Hamburg with a band of Metsada (Mossad's special operations division) operatives in order to bring back Ruth. The Mossad doesn't want her to become collateral damage when the Townsend strike team finds her with Gentry. Unbeknownst to them, Gentry and Ruth had already parted ways; Ruth had gone to Brussels while Gentry would buy a weapon from an arms dealer in Hamburg whom he used to know.
Gentry finds the arms dealer in his house and tries to buy a weapon from him, but he tells him that he has not been selling weapons for a while. Meanwhile, the Townsend strike force has spotted Gentry in the neighborhood where the arms dealer lives, converges there and sends two of them into the area, spooking the arms dealer. Alvey sees them and decides to go there alone. Gentry escapes and later kills the strike team members. Alvey and Gentry later see each other, and Gentry accidentally shoots Alvey, wounding him. Finding out that he is from Mossad, Gentry berates him for not believing Ruth, and flees the scene.
The next day, Babbitt and his second-in-command Jeff Parks arrive in Brussels to try to bring Dead Eye in. They spot Ruth and offers her a deal: the exchange of Gentry for Dead Eye, and the assassination plot will be thwarted. Ruth conveys this to Gentry, who has just arrived from Hamburg, and they perceive this as a trap. They devise a plan to outwit the Townsend House operatives with Gentry following their drone to its station and Ruth leading Babbitt away from Gentry.
Babbitt and Parks, as well as the strike force, find Russ and abduct him. They tell him of their plan, but Russ, secretly preparing to escape, knows that it is a trap to Gentry and Ruth's thinking, and suggests that they kidnap Ruth in order to lure Court in. They agree and Ruth is later taken in by the strike team. Gentry, meanwhile, has found the drone station and holds the drone operators at gunpoint, telling them that they look for Dead Eye through their drone.
The drone closes in on the safehouse where Dead Eye, Ruth, Babbitt, Parks and the strike team had gathered. Gentry calls Babbitt, finds out about the kidnappings and wants to rescue Ruth. Suddenly, having cut off his restraints, Russ immediately kills some of the strike team and then Ruth, then holds Babbitt at gunpoint in order for him to escape and continue with his assassination job. Babbitt, Parks and the surviving members of the strike team try to follow him and stop the plot.
Having watched Ruth being killed by Russ through the drone, Gentry seeks revenge and heads for the safehouse. He intercepts the convoy carrying Babbitt, Parks and the strike team and kills some of them, then takes off in search of Russ. Babbitt flees the scene.
Russ has arrived at his sniper's nest within distance of the cemetery where the prime minister is due to arrive, and readies for his job. Gentry, meanwhile, has discovered his sniper's nest, much to Russ's anger. He later surprises Gentry and tries to strangle him with his garrote but Gentry, having been wounded in the earlier shootout, surprisingly dodges it. The Gray Man and Dead Eye fall into a frozen pond and then fight for their own lives. Dead Eye eventually gains the upper hand by emerging from the frozen water and crawling slowly in the ice above the frozen pond to his weapon, a Glock 17. Gentry has apparently drowned in the coldness of the water, but then surprises Russ by breaking the ice above his weapon. He picks up the gun and shoots Russ dead.
The next day, having recovered from his wounds, Court arrives at Amsterdam. There, he receives a call from the recuperating Alvey, thanking him for his efforts in thwarting the assassination plot against the Israeli prime minister. Alvey then offers Gentry a chance to make it back to the US. Weeks later, Gentry is in Washington, D.C., for the first time since the CIA put a shoot-on-sight order on him years ago, now tailing Babbitt, who by now is trying to make amends with Carmichael after the failed operation.
The film starts with Hazeezat (Mary Njoku) leaving the hospital unhurt to the residence of her former love interest, Roberto (Mike Ezuruonye). Roberto happily accommodated her, to the distaste of his friend and house owner, Osita (Alex Ekubo). Osita and Hazeezat do not have a smooth relationship while at the university. Hazeezat's friend, Tamara (Mary Lazarus) visits her in front of Osita's home at the request of Hazeezat, and she began questioning her PIMP on the location of Alhaji (Segun Arinze), explaining that she had an unfinished business with him. It was revealed that Alhaji and Hazeezat has a fling that resulted to a pregnancy and he wanted the child aborted. Roberto expresses his renewed interest in Hazeezat, who declined on the premise that he isn't financially capable of taking care of her, however, Roberto accepted his fate but continued to show her love and promised to do more to secure a better job. Osita attempts to woo Hazeezat. Hazeezat reveals to Roberto that she's pregnant, this prompted him to increase the intensity of his job hunt. Hazeezat began living with Alhaji whose wife, Zainab (Sophia Muhammed) has gone abroad to deliver her child. Roberto continues to inquire about her whereabouts. On knowing that his wife, Zainab was expecting a female child, Alhaji started showing resentment towards his wife and favoured Hazeezat more, since she made him understand that she was having a male child. Due to the emotional trauma she faced from her husband and Hazeezat, Zainab lost her pregnancy and got separated from Alhaji. Hazeezat returns to Roberto, who is now employed and living in a house of his own. Alhaji's driver who took Hazeezat to the hospital for abortion disclosed that she didn't make it out of theater alive after his return from leave. They all arrived Roberto's home to inquire about Hazeezat, who was later revealed to have died about two months ago. Everyone present reflect on previous experiences they've had that suggests her supernatural nature through flashbacks.
The film begins with Clifford (Joseph Benjamin) and Rebecca (Yvonne Okoro) lost in the forest after their vehicle required a repair. It is revealed that Rebecca was betrothed to Clifford since their childhood. While Rebecca remained silent all through the journey and looked unbothered by the utterances by her new husband, Clifford expresses reluctance on being happily married with her since he was only wants to fulfill the dying wish of his father. Clifford is bitten by a forest creature and this leads to the first conversation between them. Rebecca assists him in healing his wound. She also reveals to him that she was previously in love and expresses her disregard in his lack for respect and love for her. After some lengthy discussion between them, they began to get attracted to each other. Rebecca gets kidnapped by two men, this was later revealed to have been orchestrated by Rebecca and her former boyfriend. Rebecca returns to Clifford and explained her plans all along to fake her death and stop his driver from following by poisoning him. After listening and seeing the genuineness of her plea, Clifford accepts her while they both await the rescue team.
Cathleen grows up in an unstable family in 1950s rural Tennessee; after attending a Catholic girls' school and watching her mother, Nora's, life falling apart she becomes attracted to the Catholic faith and decides to join a convent when she is seventeen. At the Sisters of the Beloved Rose convent she is under the control of the Mother Superior, who is cold and traditional. She imposes strict punishments on the young postulants spending their first months at the convent; comparatively, the nun overseeing the postulants' direct education, Sister Mary Grace, is warm and progressive, allowing them frivolity. However, Cathleen chooses to spend free time studying the Bible rather than spend time with the other girls.
When the Catholic Church is transitioning to Vatican II in this period, Mother Superior ignores the letters from the Archbishop requesting the implementation of the more liberal practices; Sister Mary Grace finds the notice and challenges the Mother Superior, but is ignored and leaves the convent. Cathleen completes her tenure as a postulant and becomes a novice, taking her Simple Vows. Soon, though, she starts to feel sexual desire, and becomes more reclusive and stops eating as self-punishment. Nora visits to tell Cathleen of her father's death and notices that she looks ill; Nora threatens the Mother Superior, who tells her that Cathleen is devoted to God and no longer her daughter. Cathleen soon collapses from her malnutrition and ends up in the infirmary, finding a confidante in Sister Emanuel there; the two young nuns grow closer until they have a physical encounter. Cathleen's health improves.
The Archbishop has been informed that the Mother Superior is continuing with the traditional practices, and comes to the convent to force her to implement Vatican II. The Mother Superior questions her relationship with God and becomes more passive towards the novices. At a chapter of faults, Cathleen confesses her desires, but does not name Sister Emanuel, who still ignores her. The Mother Superior finally accepts Vatican II, making the nuns' status equal to that of any Catholic.
The film ends with a note relating that after Vatican II a mass exodus of nuns occurred with 90,000 renouncing their vocation and leaving convents, a previously unseen scale of departure.
Xiao Han, a man with deep anxiety caused by the tragic death of one of his schoolmates, Queen Wang, has a boring life for 40 years. The married man then decides to make himself feel young and vibrant again by pursuing beauty. Aided by his three friends, he chases after a gorgeous Korean model named Yoyo. In the midst of this crazy, hilarious endeavour, he unwittingly creates a love-interest misunderstanding with his superior, Miss Ma Lilian—his buddy Ai Mu's crush.
Chuuji Akagi has just transferred to a new school and soon discovers it's overrun by a youth gang. Akagi has a strong sense of justice and fights the gang leader through various sports in order to protect the school. As he wins, he slowly begins to reform the school.
Nikolaj and Julie, form a young couple who reunite in Copenhagen, marrying soon after having their first daughter. Everything seems to go well until the pressures of work, the creation of children and friendships make the relationship into crisis.
''Curse of the Shadowmage'' concentrates on the Harpers, fighters for freedom and justice.
In ''Blood Hostages'', a kidnap reveals an uncle's dark past; his teenage rescuers endure a process of self- discovery that reveals royal parentage; a mysterious mentor assembles a company of rogues to aid them; the kids have one of the most powerful magic items in the world; and a demon-god aims to use it to rule the universe.
In ''Escape from Undermountain'', a half-orc half-witch hero Artek Ar'talen the Knife, who has a 48-hour quest to rescue a nobleman from a subterranean labyrinth containing countless monsters. He has a small golden box from which a magical gate will appear to transport him and his ward out of Undermountain in their moment of need. For rescuing the nobleman, all crimes that the rogue has committed in the past will be pardoned. During the journey, he makes unlikely allies as they navigate the dangerous labyrinth made by mad wizard Halaster, trying to find a way out, before time runs out.
In 1959, a group of partygoers celebrate New Year's Eve at the Grand Island Hotel before mysteriously vanishing.
Decades later, a group of teenagers – couples Lesley and Tom and Janet and Rick, with their friend Spud – are spending the day at a seaside funfair when they see a trio of hooligans – Dad, Ace and The Bear – terrorising an American tourist named Carol. They rescue Carol and escape the thugs by taking a boat out to sea, only to run aground and end up stranded on Grand Island. They stumble across the hotel, which appears deserted; the lobby is adorned with Christmas decorations, despite the fact that it is July.
Spud looks for a towel for Carol, who is damp and shivering. While he is gone, the apparition of a maid enters and gives Carol a towel. Meanwhile, Spud hears music coming from the ballroom. He sees a duo performing on stage only for them to vanish before his eyes. In one of the guestrooms, Janet and Rick swap their ruined clothes for 1950s attire. Janet is horrified by the sudden appearance of a disfigured woman in a mirror. While searching for the building's circuit breakers, Lesley and Tom are startled by fireworks that inexplicably ignite. The teens regroup and find the hotel's empty theatre, which is screening the film ''Fiend Without a Face''. Rick, convinced that someone is staging an elaborate prank, tries to turn off the projector but inadvertently plays a promotional reel for the hotel showing partygoers in front of the entrance. One of the figures bursts through the screen, kills Spud, and vanishes.
Desperately trying to find a way off the island, the survivors separate and are each plagued by supernatural happenings: Lesley and Tom find a cottage near the shore, where Lesley is attacked by a monstrous figure that disappears after Tom spears it; Janet and Rick hear disembodied voices in the woods and see a plane crash into a nearby building; and Carol is suddenly caught in a snowstorm inside the hotel. Lesley summons the group to the cottage to find Tom. There, they are attacked by the three hooligans, who have followed the group to the island in another boat. Dad kills Lesley by impaling her through the abdomen, upon which she transforms into a zombie. She kills Dad by throwing him out of a window, then The Bear by twisting his head around and breaking his neck. Meanwhile, Janet is attacked by a banister carving that comes to life. Rick takes an old shotgun and shoots Lesley, seemingly killing her.
An injured Tom returns to the hotel and is cared for by Janet. Rick and Carol search for the hooligans' boat and discover the site of another plane crash. Tom transforms into a zombie and attacks Janet, who runs to the hotel's lift with Tom in pursuit. Tom is killed when the rising lift traps and severs his arm, while a featureless figure envelops Janet and absorbs her into the walls of the lift. Elsewhere, Carol and Rick witness more apparitions and poltergeist activity, and Ace is killed in the kitchen after falling into a large vat.
Carol and Rick flee to the ballroom, where they are greeted by a woman resembling the zombified Lesley. She tells them that they are trapped in a time warp created when an aircraft carrying an experimental cloaking device crashed on the island on New Year's Eve, 1959. Carol and Rick flee the hotel, pursued by their friends and the hooligans – all now resurrected as zombies. They make it to the shore and Carol manages to board the hooligans' boat, but Rick is trapped in quicksand and killed by the zombified Dad, who slices his head with an outboard motor propeller. Carol is pulled through the floor of the boat and into the water by an unseen force. She emerges behind a mirror in the ballroom, where her friends and the hooligans, now restored to their original appearances, are happily joining in the New Year celebrations. As the picture fades to black, a woman's scream is heard.
'''Opening quote:''' "May the God of Vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked."
Monroe's (Silas Weir Mitchell) trial begins and is then purified on the orders of Riken (Brandon Quinn). Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) show to Renard (Sasha Roiz) the evidence they found and he tells them to let Wu (Reggie Lee) find Acker (Will Rothhaar) and talk to him about the Wesenrein. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) check into the wedding's guest list and compare it to Trubel's name list to find any connection, finding five mysterious people attending and decide to ask Bud (Danny Bruno).
Back to the tribunal, the Wesenrein begins, first accusing Monroe of two charges: marrying a different Wesen and befriending a Grimm. Monroe woges, hits the guards and escapes into the forest but is quickly caught by Jonah (Nick Krause) but kills one of the members before being brought back to the tribunal. The Wesenrein are shown photos of his wedding and state that a witness testified that saw him with a Grimm. Meanwhile, Wu talks with Acker, putting pressure on him in order to showcase his lies. Acker eventually woges into a Bauerschwein and Nick furiously interrogates him to reveal Monroe's location. He is stopped by Renard, who orders Acker to be jailed.
With Bud's help, Juliette and Rosalee see that a guest brought a woman named Suzanne (Maggie Kemper) and go to her office to question her. Suzanne explains that her brother, identifying him as Acker, could know about it. Bud is kidnapped by a member of the Wesenrein. He is then brought to the tribunal as the key witness. Riken questions him of his involvement with the Grimm and he states that he has helped him a few times. Monroe decides to testify and criticizes the Wesenrein's methods for not seeing what's right and that he declares himself innocent. Riken then asks for vote from the Wesenrein and in a unanimous decision, Monroe is declared guilty and sentenced to death. Wu brings Suzanne to the station where Nick threatens Acker to kill her unless he reveals the location. He eventually reveals that the tribunal is held in Oxbow Park.
Before Monroe is burned at the stake, Nick, Juliette, Hank, Renard, Wu and Rosalee arrive and attack the Wesenrein with Wu arresting most of them while Riken, Jonah and two members flee. Wu kills one of the members while Renard kills the other member. Jonah attacks Juliette but she woges into her Hexenbiest form and uses her powers to explode his head. Riken tries to kill Monroe but Rosalee appears and they both maul Riken to his death. Renard decides to use the excuse of a cult as a way to arrest the member and naming Acker as their leader. Monroe and Rosalee are escorted by the police for their delayed honeymoon. That night, Renard is visited by Juliette, who reveals her Hexenbiest form to him, shocking him.
'''Opening quote:''' "He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began."
Three bloggers enter a seemingly haunted house for their web series. The house was abandoned for five years after the previous couple living there was killed by an electric accident. While investigating, one of them, Raymond Miller (Ray Callaway) is killed by an electric creature. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) reveals her form to Renard (Sasha Roiz), who deduces that it may be a side effect of the antidote. Juliette then tells him to call Elizabeth to find a solution.
Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate the case and decide to ask the detective who investigated the death of the owners. He states that they were nearly unrecognizable and they were electrocuted to 200,000 amperes. He also adds that the woman, Patty Donovan (Caren Calderon) was having an affair with a co-worker and her husband Stetson has been a prime suspect since she chose her co-worker over him. After Juliette causes an accident using her powers, Renard takes her to a cafe where he gives her a number in a note to a woman named Henrietta (Garcelle Beauvais) and after she memorizes the numbers, the numbers move over the paper.
Nick and Hank interrogate the suspect's wife, Lily (Rebecca Wisocky), who admits that her husband died 5 years ago. She woges into a Scharfblicke and Nick tells her to reveal more. She reveals that the person on an image of the video is in fact Stetson (Derek Phillips), Patty's husband, who killed Theo for the affair and is also an eel-like Wesen named Matança Zumbido. They find in the trailer that the only way to stop the Matança Zumbido is to pierce the opponent's ear and rub a special paste from a poison in the piercing.
That night, one of the bloggers, Paul (Shaun Brown), sneaks into the house and hides in the closet just as Stetson lures Lily (confusing her as Patty) into the room. Nick and Hank arrive at the house just as Paul is caught. Nick defeats Stetson but before he can arrest him, Lily shoots Stetson, causing him to send an electric wave over the house. Juliette arrives at Henrietta's house and she is greeted by her, saying they have to talk. Later that night, Renard notices blood dripping from his shirt and upon taking it off, he finds that they're dripping from his bullet wounds. He touches them and sees that there's no wound for the blood.
A man damns his country and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in exile.
George Wilson is a man who claims that the world is really under alien control and those who knew the truth have long since been silenced. Unfortunately for George no-one believes him. Captain Jack Harkness of Torchwood Three, however, knows George is right. The committee are here...
The calm existence of the small Yorkshire town of Higherfield is shattered when a strange spacecraft crashes nearby. Whilst an avalanche of publicity sweeps in, events take a sinister turn when one of the discoverers of the object becomes insane, and riots and hysteria begin to sweep the country, to the great consternation of the previously unconcerned Prime Minister, who soon finds himself in the thick of the conundrum.
On April 4, 1999, Alex Eggleston (Chris Niosi) returns to his hometown of Frankton, New Jersey after receiving his B.L.A. While out on an errand, a cat steals Alex's shopping list and leads him into a surreal abandoned factory, where he meets and befriends Semi "Sammy" Pak (Kelley Nicole Dugan). In the factory's elevator, Sammy is suddenly kidnapped by two otherworldly beings and vanishes. The next day, he returns to the factory with his neighbor Michael K. (Clifford Chapin), and they obtain photographic evidence of what Alex describes as "a being made of stars".
After uploading the photos to ONISM1999, a social media site pioneered by Michael, they are led to Vella Wilde (Melanie Ehrlich), an employee of the town's amusement arcade. She identifies the beings as "Soul Survivors", manifestations of souls that have left their realities and search for a physical form in another. To aid Alex and Michael in engaging with Soul Survivors, Vella gives them a phone number that allows them to access a metaphysical space known as the Mind Dungeon, where Vella had developed an ability to manipulate and weaponize sound using her keytar.
Alex receives a message from someone who claims that his sister had vanished in similarly strange circumstances to Sammy and beckons the group for further investigation. Alex, Vella, and Michael meet Rory Mancer (Andrew Fayette), who leads them into the town's sewer system, where he believes the soul of his sister Carrie resides. Instead, they encounter the Soul Survivor of an alternate version of Rory. He confesses that Carrie committed suicide, and he tells of glimpsing the Soul Survivor in the "Soul Space" – the space between realities – during a despair-induced out-of-body experience. Following a confrontation with the Soul Survivor and a bizarre golden alpaca, a resentful Alex insensitively calls out Rory for his deceit, pushing him away from the group.
Alex has a recurring dream of a motionless woman made of plastic. A Soul Survivor materializes in Alex's house and leads him to a radio tower, where he finds an empty jacket for the record ''Mystical Ultima LP Legend''. Suspecting that the Entity wants the record to be broadcast, Alex searches for a copy of the record. During this time, he may or may not apologize to Rory depending on the player's choice, and he befriends record store chain owner Claudio Unkrich (Anthony Sardinha) and his sister Chondra (Michaela Laws), who feel that the circumstances surrounding Sammy overlap with that of their missing young brother Aaron. After learning that Vella is the record's artist and retrieving it from her Mind Dungeon, the group broadcasts the record from the radio tower. The plastic woman from Alex's dream, the Essentia 2000 (also Ehrlich), awakens in an isolated van. Alex and Vella psychically witness the Essentia 2000 eliminate a pair of Soul Survivors, and they resolve to find her. At this point, Alex can optionally allow Rory to privately discuss his ongoing depression.
When the group locates Essentia's van, she brings Alex into her Mind Dungeon, where she claims to be a parallel version of both Sammy and Vella. Sammy, who had made the decision to leave her physical body and enter the Soul Space, was taken by two-thirds of her soul that had already made the transition. Prior to Sammy's disappearance, Essentia's physical body was captured and held captive by Soul Survivors, and her soul entered Alex's house when Sammy was taken. A tour of Essentia's parallel lives culminates in the revelation that Alex is the destroyer of other realities, and she foretells the end of his own upon the New Year. She suggests that Alex and his friends escape to the Soul Space to help prevent the end of other realities, but Alex insists on attempting to save his own reality despite the futility.
Re-emerging from Essentia's Mind Dungeon days later, Alex gathers his friends to prepare them for their reality's impending end. During Alex's time away, Michael had accessed the Soul Space and discovered his own parallel lives, achieving an enlightened state named Proto-Michael. The group decides to train themselves in their Mind Dungeons during the course of a month. Depending on how Alex had treated Rory throughout the game, Rory may or may not commit suicide in a fit of misanthropy during this time. On New Year's Eve, reality begins to collapse, and Alex finds his friends supplanted by crude replications who have no recollection of their mission. The group goes to Times Square to watch the ball drop. When a meteorite-like form of Alex, Comet Alex, approaches the Square, Proto-Michael re-emerges, jogging the group's memories. Although they fight valiantly against Comet Alex, they ultimately fail, and Alex's reality is destroyed. Alex is left alone to drift in the Soul Space until he comes across a floating rock inhabited by other versions of Alex, who had abandoned their realities instead of resisting. On the other side of the rock, Alex encounters versions of Proto-Alex, the pilot of Comet Alex, planning on destroying another reality.
Alex can join Proto-Alex, in which case the game's credits rush by and close with a passive-aggressive message. If Alex does not join Proto-Alex, he instead follows Comet Alex, watching it destroy many other realities. Drifting away, Alex eventually finds a planet not yet destroyed by Comet Alex and taking place in the present day. He decides to recruit the player, who is revealed to be another version of Alex, and versions of his friends from that reality in a bid to defeat Proto-Alex once and for all. Proto-Alex, who is mechanically conjoined with Essentia, reveals that Essentia is not a version of Sammy and Vella, but another version of Alex. Essentia had been manipulating Alex in the hopes of eliminating Proto-Alex and taking control of their collective soul, using Sammy as bait. Alex again fails, but is encouraged to return to life by Roy, the protagonist of Ackk Studios' first video game ''Two Brothers''. Alex and the player simultaneously deactivate both Essentia and Proto-Alex, and all Alexes are absorbed into the player.
If on New Year's Eve Alex reads an online message from Sammy confirming Essentia's duplicity, he can instead go to a news studio that Sammy was to intern at prior to her disappearance and perform her job. At the studio's elevator, Alex finally reunites with Sammy, who addresses him as the player and urges him to abandon this reality and explore the Soul Space with her.
The daughters and sons of the novel's title form an extended family who live together in a large house owned by the family matriarch, the 85-year-old Sabine Ponsonby. Her son, John, a widower, is a well-known but struggling novelist who is unable to bring in enough income to support his large family: Clare, 25, France, 24, Chilton, 18, Victor, 17 and Muriel, 12. John's unmarried sister, Hetta, runs the household and while ostensibly acting as John's assistant in fact controls him. The younger members of the family, having no independent means of their own, suffer under the crushing and manipulative rule of their grandmother Sabine and their aunt Hetta.
Unknown to her father, France has written a novel which has been accepted for publication. In order to avoid publishing under the same surname as her father, she has agreed with Muriel's new governess, Miss Hallam, that she should publish under her name, and that Miss Hallam will deal with the publisher's correspondence. France's novel is unexpectedly successful and wins a prize, allowing France to help her father financially. To avoid competing with and embarrassing him, she sends him a cheque from an anonymous 'grateful reader'. Sabine, meanwhile, has covertly been opening Miss Hallam's private correspondence, and she reads a letter from France's publisher. Believing that it is the governess who has won the prize, and that her literary talents will generate additional family income, she persuades her son to propose marriage. He is accepted, and the pair are married before the mistake is uncovered.
Hetta is horrified by Edith's new role within the family, partly because of the impact on her own position and partly because she knows that Edith did not write the book and cannot contribute financially. One morning, Hetta does not appear at breakfast. She has disappeared, leaving a suicide note. Extensive searches during the day fail to find her, and the family start to come to terms with the fact that they will not see her again. During breakfast the next morning, however, the door suddenly opens and Hetta's voice says, "Well, have you all had a lesson?"
The climax of the novel is a disastrous dinner party during which Hetta loses control and announces to the company that Edith has become John's wife only through deceit. Her speech appals the family, and Sabine, affected the most, dies on the spot without saying a word. Dr Chaucer, a family friend, pities and admires Hetta, however, and proposes marriage. Hetta departs to live with him. The novel closes as John Ponsonby, with his wife Edith by his side, at last becomes the head of his own household.
The story of Even the Ocean follows the events of Aliph as she begins her first day of work in the area of Fay Rouge. She is accompanied by senior technician, Cassidy, who dies in a disaster at Fay Rouge. After Aliph returns to Whiteforge City, the mayor, Richard Biggs, assigns her and two other technicians to repair other Power Plants in the world outside of Whiteforge. As she continues her travels, Aliph learns more about forces putting her world at risk, and eventually needs to step in to try and save it.
Desperate to finally kill Rocky and Bullwinkle and have them as trophy heads for his rumpus room, Fearless Leader assigns his spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale a new mission: to use a robotic female moose to seduce Bullwinkle, and inevitably destroy him (as well as Rocky in the process). Boris controls the robot's actions through the interior.
When Rocky and Bullwinkle return to Frostbite Falls after escaping from a Mayan temple, they are rewarded with a special day of their honor at a town ceremony, in which Bullwinkle is immediately smitten with Boris’ robot disguise. The two spend time together, with Boris constantly attempting to kill Bullwinkle, only to bring himself bad luck to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. Meanwhile, Rocky feels isolated from his best friend and follows them wherever they go, until he discovers Bullwinkle has proposed to the robot moose. The narrator tells us to wait for the next part called "Another Fine Moose You've Gotten Me Into!!" or "The Man in the Iron Moose!"
In "Bullwinkle's Poetry Corner," Bullwinkle reads a poem which is actually a rap song by Eminem (whom he formally introduces by his birth name, Marshall Mathers III), entitled ''Superman'', only to stop reading it after just three words, due to the fact it had swear words in it (which he had been caught by surprise with). Feeling embarrassed and finding no way to finish the rest (and trying, to no avail, to try and find another work of his to read), Bullwinkle then skips it, ends the sketch early, and says next week he will read "the complete works of Mr. Fifty Cents".
Back in story arc, Rocky arrives to crash the wedding on a cruise ship, but Bullwinkle and the robot moose have already been wedded and Bullwinkle dances with the robot to Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy. Rocky then discovers it was Boris who lured Bullwinkle away with romantic gestures, and tries to stop him only for Natasha to intervene by challenging him to a duel. Boris eventually gets fed up with the act while being hit with a bowling ball and evacuates leaving the robotic bride to explode and kill Bullwinkle. However, he falls back down after finding out his parachute has been taken by Fearless Leader, and falls into the ocean with Natasha. Rocky is able to save Bullwinkle in the last minute, knocking the robot moose off the ship to explode into Boris and Natasha's faces, before the two spies are immediately eaten by a shark. Bullwinkle makes amends with his buddy and they swear never to let anything come between them again, only for Rocky to fall in love with a female explosive mechanical squirrel.
In a mid-credits scene Fearless Leader tries to find his bowling ball and he asks his mother if she saw it in which she replies "Did you look in your killer robot?".
Gbenga (OC Ukeje), is a charming entrepreneur, running a very profitable tech company, and is the defendant in a law suit filed by Dara (Adesua Etomi), a computer engineer, whose talent helped Gbenga's company acquire the height it's reached. Both colleagues were lovers whose relationship ended when Gbenga discovered his wife (Beverly Naya) was pregnant with their supposed-to-be first child. Her lawsuit seeks compensation for those accounts, and Dara sues Gbenga for coercing her into sex (which counts as rape).
''Filly Funtasia'' is about the adventures of Rose, a unicorn filly who attends the Royal Magic Academy in the kingdom of Funtasia. Her best friends – Bella, an elf filly, Lynn, a witchy filly, Will, a fairy filly, and Cedric, a royale filly, accompany her as they go to the extraordinary school to improve their magical skills, be it mixing unpredictable potions or casting spells. Rose also has to deal with everyday teenage school life while learning about the magical world around her.
Inside the basement of the academy lives Wranglum, an evil tree-like wizard creature who is trapped inside a "dark mirror", or a crystal prison. Battiwigs, a bat who is Will and Cedric's dorm pet, secretly works for Wranglum as his bumbling minion and carries his master around. Wranglum and Battiwigs plot various schemes to try and steal any crystals from the academy they can so that they can use their magic to rule over Funtasia.
Thomas de Frémont, a child prodigy obsessed with tinkering and action films, lives in a secluded and high-tech castle with his widowed mother, Julie, his diabetic and partially blind grandfather, Papy, and his pet dog, J.R. On Christmas Eve, Thomas uses the Minitel to try and communicate with Santa Claus, and unknowingly makes contact with a local derelict who is using a public Minitel terminal. The deranged man claims to be Santa, and attempts to get Thomas to divulge his address; before their connection is severed, the vagrant learns that Thomas's mother manages a nearby Printemps.
While Thomas sets up a security system to record or capture Santa, the vagabond gets a job as a Santa at the Printemps, but is fired from it after Julie witnesses him slap a child who had accused him of not being the real Santa. The vagrant subsequently steals a Santa suit, paints his hair and beard white, and hitches a ride to Julie's home in the back of a delivery van, the driver of which he kills upon reaching the de Frémont residence. The man then murders Julie's groundskeeper and her chef, breaks into her home through the chimney, and stabs J.R. to death in front of Thomas, who is convinced that the intruder is an enraged Santa. What follows is a game of cat and mouse as Thomas uses his security system and booby traps, as well as an arsenal of makeshift weaponry, to defend his enfeebled grandfather and combat the trespasser, who has cut the telephone lines and trashed the only car; the man at one point catches Thomas, but then lets him go while declaring, "I win. You lose. Now... I'll go hide myself, and you'll be it. Okay?"
Julie, concerned over her calls home not getting through, phones the police, who send an officer to the castle to check on Thomas and Papy. The vagrant murders the policeman and recaptures Thomas, but the boy is saved when his grandfather manages to shoot his assailant with the dead officer's gun, with Julie arriving home seconds later to find a stunned Thomas standing over the killer's body, stammering, "It's my fault, Mom. I wanted to see Santa."
'''Opening quote:''' "Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are."
Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate the murders of fortune tellers named Laszlo (Corey Brunish) & Mabel Kurlon (Dana Green). Laszlo is a ferret-like wesen called a fado. The murders involve the Wesen Council, which has placed a bounty on Lazlo and Mabel for using Lazlo's woge to convince marks that they are talking to their dead loved ones.
Nick, Hank and Wu identify the killer as a "manticore", which morphs into a scorpion-like creature. The manticore bounty hunter named Jonathon Wilde (Arnold Vosloo) fulfills a second contract, a pimp who uses his wesen form to keep his girls in line. He makes the mistake of tossing his victim's mobile phone away, leaving on it a fingerprint that allows Nick, Hank and Wu to identify him. They put out an APB on his registered motorcycle, and a patrol car soon locates him at a motel. Meanwhile, the Wesen Council has decided to put a bounty on Nick and send it through to Wilde.
Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) meets up with Henrietta (Garcelle Beauvais) hoping to learn how to reverse her transformation into a Hexenbiest. Henrietta teaches Juliette how to control her Woge. Henrietta takes a sample of Juliette's blood to determine what Juliette has become. The analysis of the sample takes a while to perform, so Juliette leaves.
Nick, Hank and Wu break into Wilde's hotel room. The evidence they have is only circumstantial, so they try to get Wilde to woge so that Nick and prove he is wesen. However, Wilde is aware of Nick's powers and restrains himself. Unable to get him to woge, they lock Wilde in a cell, giving the policeman on duty instructions not to go near him.
Viktor (Alexis Denisof) and Adalind (Claire Coffee) have arrived in Portland. Sean Reynard (Sasha Roiz) is warned of their arrival through the immigration system computer and visits them. Verbal sparring occurs.
Wilde feigns illness to attract the duty policeman and then woges, killing the policeman with his tail and dragging him close enough to grab the keys to his cell. Having escaped, Wilde heads off to trap Nick.
The results from Juliette's blood sample are in. The sample boils over and eats a hole through the table, the floor and the earth below. Henrietta is unsure whether the hole has an end. She concludes that Juliette is incredibly powerful and that she cannot be returned to normal. This upsets Juliette and she returns home. She is on the phone to Nick, to try to tell him about her condition, when Wilde breaks in. Wilde picks up the phone and tells Nick to come home, unaccompanied, or Wilde will kill Juliette.
Juliette resists Wilde and so he decides to kill her, anyway. Woging, he attempts to sting Juliette, but she is able to use her power to stop the sting and then forces it back into Wilde, killing him. Nick gets home to find the body on the floor and Juliette tells Nick that he attempted to kill her and "missed".
It seems that she has decided not to tell Nick about her condition afterall.
Back in Europe, the members of the Wesen Council are dismayed to find that Wilde has been killed.
"The Crash" follows events in three different settings: Don and the rest of the agency at the office over the weekend, a younger Don during the Depression era, and the Draper children (mostly at Don's apartment).
Ken Cosgrove gets into a crash with drunken Chevrolet executives. When the agency is informed of yet another unsuccessful Chevrolet pitch, Don says the team will have to work over the weekend. Sylvia then calls Don, giving her name as "Arnold" (her husband) to Dawn. She chastises Don for leaving cigarette butts outside her apartment, rousing Arnold's suspicions, and says she is more afraid of Don than her husband. Don tries to reassure her but fails. She hangs up. He throws the phone in anger. Don then comes down with a strong cough, after which a flashback begins. A young Don is coughing at the dinner table with a fever. His stepmother Abigail tells him to sleep in the cellar.
Back at the agency, the death of Frank Gleason is mourned. The agency is informed of an energy serum available upstairs that is purported to result in one to three days of "uninterrupted creative focus, energy, and confidence" for those taking it. Don walks in for a dose (administered in the gluteus) and exits to find members of the creative team acting highly informally. As Don begins to cough walking downstairs, a flashback begins of young Don going to the cellar but being invited into another room by a young woman.
At the agency, while on the stairs, Don sees a woman on the lower floor and stares at her, wondering if they know one another. He briefly hears the noises of the office, such as telephones, very loudly. That evening, Don rummages through a magazine pile and asks for Ken. He tells Ken that the former will brainstorm many Chevrolet campaigns, and that Don must be able to look the executives in the eyes. Ken begins tap dancing and, in exclamations that match the rhythm, states enthusiastically what his job responsibilities are. Don then visits the creative team and gives them an impromptu motivational speech, with Peggy calling his words inspiring but asking for an actual idea.
When walking back to his office, Don is reminded of his past once more. In bed, a young Don is served soup by the young woman. This instantly gives Don an ad idea. Upon visiting the creative team again on Saturday, he is introduced to Wendy, the daughter of the deceased Frank. Don tells Peggy to look in the 1950s archives for a Sterling Cooper account about soup. Don goes back to his office and finds Wendy, who says she is there "to make [him] feel better". He tells her he is busy. She nonetheless walks up to him, gently puts a stethoscope to his heart, and says it's broken. Don at first thinks she means his heart, but she tells him it's the stethoscope itself. He tells her to leave.
Don calls Megan to inform her he will have to work longer. She is angered, having to leave. Sally is told to babysit the children. Meanwhile, Stan is injured in a target-throwing game played by the creative team, and Peggy carries him off. Don arrives at Sylvia's apartment, leans against the door and hears only a song playing, with lyrics including: "I must think of a way into your heart." Back at the office, Stan kisses Peggy but is turned down. When he tells her that his cousin Robbie was killed in action, Peggy advises Stan that "you have to let yourself feel [grief]" and that it cannot be dampened with other things. She suggests he go home, but thanks him politely when he makes a sexually suggestive compliment.
Sally hears noises in the apartment and finds a black woman has entered the living room, claiming to have raised her father and to be named "Ida". Sally remains somewhat skeptical, but the woman pressures her into sitting down to eat some eggs, and begins acquainting herself with Sally. Don meanwhile manages to find the soup commercial in the archives. It depicts a boy being served soup by a woman, with the caption, "Because you know what he needs." In another flashback, young Don is told to refer to the woman who invited him in as "Aimée". The next morning, Don has recovered. She admits her real name is "Amy", then seduces him with the assurance: "I'll do everything." Although he acquiesces to Amy's advances, Don never quite consents, either.
Back at the apartment, Ida and Sally are in conversation, with the latter continuing to ask questions. Ida introduces herself to Bobbie and asks about a gold watch of Don's that she says she wants to fix. Sally calls the police once Ida leaves the room to look, believing still that the latter is a con woman. Ida enters the room, grabs the phone from Sally, and convinces the police that Sally is simply performing a prank call. She then warns the children to go to sleep.
At the agency, when Peggy and Michael arrive at Don's office, Don says he has an idea. Peggy is frustrated by his inability to articulate it, however. Don leaves. Peggy finds Jim surreptitiously watching Wendy and Stan ''in flagrante'' in another room. Annoyed, Peggy goes home. Don goes to his own apartment, although seemingly while preparing to talk to Sylvia. He finds Megan, Betty, Henry, and the children in the living room with the police. Betty scolds Don, who then remembers having left the back door open, for what has occurred. Don then faints. In a final flashback to his past, Aimée (that is, Amy) is kicked out of the house, and Don is beaten when Abigail learns that Amy had "taken his cherry", assuming that it was his fault.
Don later wakes up in his apartment, and Megan apologizes for the earlier events. Don and Sylvia later run into each other on the elevator; both say practically nothing. Don calls Sally at work to tell her he's okay, and assures her that he's "sure she's fooled plenty of adults too". Sally says that she's embarrassed and that she realizes that she knows nothing about him. He asks her to forget about the earlier events, admits that he had left the apartment door unlocked, and takes the blame himself. Don visits Ted and Jim. The former is greatly disappointed in the results of the past 72 hours, noting that Chevy was even spelled wrong in the "work". Don stands his ground, saying to call him when Chevy is ready to run an ad, maybe in two years, and he then argues that automobile accounts have not been good for the company: "Every time we get a car, this place turns into a whorehouse." Ted and Jim watch Don silently and blankly as he goes back to his office and shuts the door.
In 1901, a strange flying machine, called ''Fend-l'air'', was seen flying over the rooftops of Belleville.
Sam Bloom (Peter Dinklage) and his brother Dash (Matt Ellis) are driving in the night when their car collides with another, causing his brother’s death.
After a year, scientific pioneer Gordon Dunn (Martin Donovan) mysteriously dies. He has created a device that allows one to record memories and watch them. Bloom sets about trying to solve the murder using this memory machine. Bloom learns that Dunn’s device has a technical fault which causes recurring hallucinations for its users including him. Most of the users have been quite upset with Dunn, directly blaming him for their mental deterioration. He also finds out that Dunn and his wife Carolyn (Julia Ormond) were separated after they lost their only daughter in an accident. After a confrontation with one of his patients, Dunn realized how much pain his machine caused people and attempted to use it to erase his own painful memories. However, doing so resulted in his death when the machine sent him into synaptic failure.
Bloom re-watches his “accident memory” and finds out that the Dunns were in the other car and that their daughter was killed in the collision. Bloom had fled the scene after seeing the little girl dead, leaving his brother to take the fall. Bloom hands over his memory to Carolyn as a sort of confession apology. Time passes and it is unclear if she watches the memory glass, later she throws it into the sea with Dunn’s recordings as she watches her daughter playing on the water—a hallucination resulting from her own use of the memory device. A montage of the lives of everyone affected by the device is shown over the launch of the repaired memory device while a recording by Dunn plays describing the power of memories for a person.
A cafe violinist is released from prison. Through his neighbors' whispered gossip, and the violinist's own flashbacks, it is learned he was imprisoned for murder. Threaded with all this is another uncertainty: Has his wife, a waitress, begun a love affair while he was in jail? And will this give the violinist another temptation to murder?
The audience gathered at the "Strelka" to listen to the open lecture "About love". The female lecturer combines scientific interpretations of the biological essence of the organism's processes with high feelings about which poems and music are written. The lecture is accompanied by experiments and experiments, which participants become participants themselves. In parallel, there are branches to a series of short stories, somehow connected with love.
A police raid in the club, where members of the anime movement gather for free communication. Among the detainees are Himea and Taito, who are six months in a relationship, but have never seen each other without images. Real names (Lena Grachyova and Igor Petrov) give rise to young people to meet in the traditional sense, but this undertaking is failing. Relationships are established only after the return of young lovers in bright anime-images. A single police officer took advantage of the recommendation for a suitable image, which won recognition marks already at the first visit to the club.
A large businessman collects employees in order to announce a crisis in the economy and dismiss the entire team. Office manager Liza is in limbo, because now there was nobody to make coffee. However, the outstanding virtues of Lisa do not give rest to her leader and he openly offers the girl full content in exchange for satisfying his male desires. Liza is overwhelmed by doubts about the proposal that has been received and there are no rest in the relationship with her boyfriend Grisha, who is unemployed for the third month and practically does not break away from computer tans. Liza decides to accept the offer of the businessman, and in the evening of the same day he hears the offer of the hand and heart from his Grisha.
Representatives of different nations come to Moscow for the festival of Russian culture. Among the participants of the festival is a Japanese named Miyako. Among its main purposes is the search for a Russian husband. To do this, she appoints through a dating site a series of visits, each of the candidates associating with musical notes. The man who gave Miyako a matryoshka, who turns out to be an ordinary collector of sex with foreigners who has a wife and children, receives a choice and an invitation to his hotel room. In frustrated feelings, Miyako knocks at the door of a neighboring room, where another festival participant lives - a Japanese guy from her home town. He is the only one with whom you can discuss the Russian soul and Russian culture. After talking all night and performing the song "Gop-Stop" for the fidelity to the guitar, they find each other.
Boris - a public figure who advocates the demolition of monuments that disfigure the face of the city. Therefore, after each hobby on the next gray wall appears image of his chosen one. For the image of a new picture, his wife finds him, who followed him through the Instagram. Under the cover of the night, she tries to destroy the drawing and runs into her rival, whose image has just been destroyed. Girls get acquainted, spend a bright night in the city, after which they return home together, where their beloved artist sleeps. Sounds like a proposal to live together.
The heroine of the final story is the lecturer herself of the course about love, which through the dating site appoints a sexual meeting with a stranger, who turns out to be her former, and now wealthy man, who made a proposal to his young lady the day before. At the same time he has a persistent unwillingness to marry and to his ex, he applies for a paid consultation. As a result of the analysis it turns out that the young girl in the course put all the available arsenal of privorotov and even made a doll of voodoo. On requests to remove the love spell of the lecturer refuses and, taking the promised fee, leaves. On the street he meets artist Boris, for whom, apparently, becomes a new object of inspiration.
Local news report that Officer Garrett Reynolds was arrested for Alison DiLaurentis' murder. Rosewood P.D.'s theory is that Reynolds joined the police to destroy evidence which linked him to the crime scene. Spencer, Hanna, Aria and Emily watch the program as the narrator reveals that the page five of Alison's autopsy was founded; Spencer then tells the girls that Jenna is the one who delivered the paper to the P.D. Hanna notes that two members of the N.A.T. Club are still out there: Melissa and Jenna. Melissa then suddenly appears and says she knew all along that Ian hadn't killed Alison. She states that she know who Jenna got blind, just like Garrett do, and that this could be why he murdered Alison. Melissa leaves with Aria's ice cream, as they receive a message from "A" and invitations for the Masquerade Ball.
The girls discuss outside the school about how smart and untrustworthy Melissa is. Mona approaches, wanting to go with them to a little shop to buy costumes, but they dodge her. At Ezra's apartment, they rummage Alison's bag and discover about the Lost Woods Resort, the connection between the clues they found lately. That evening, they drive to Lost Woods, where they meet the innkeeper and rent the Room 1. Spencer sings their entry as Mary Smith. Emily gets a call from Maya and leaves the room in order to catch a better signal. Spencer and Aria sneak into the reception to read the guestbook; they discover that Alison has checked in twice as Vivian Darkbloom. "A" enters the room and Hanna almost sees him/her. The next morning, Spencer and Aria returns the guestbook, and they decide to leave, as "A" watches them through a peep hole. Back in town, Spencer apologizes with Toby, but he refuses to talk about Jenna. As Spencer leaves, he receives a call from Dr. Sullivan. Meanwhile, Jenna meets with an unknown person, and it is revealed that she can see.
At the masquerade, they split to investigate "A" separately. Mona reveals to Spencer that she saw Ali dressed strangely, spying on someone, at a vintage shop in Brookhaven. In the flashback, Ali hands Mona a postcard with a phone number on it in exchange of keeping Ali's secret. Jenna texts Aria, and the latter enters a maze and Jenna follows her. However, Aria finds Ezra in the end of the maze. Ezra and Aria have their first dance in public, revealing their romance to everybody. Caleb and Hanna also dance together, while Paige and Emily talk about their relationship and decide to be friends. Meanwhile, Mona and Spencer drive to the Lost Woods Resort in order to discover what's in Room 2. Arriving there, Spencer discovers "A's" lair, where costumes, hoodies, pictures, and other parachute reside. Spencer finds Ali's diary and solves the puzzle: Mona is "A". But before she can do something, Mona knocks her with a flashlight. Hanna, Emily and Aria get curious about the Black Swan and follow her, but they only get a feather of the costume.
Spencer wakes up in the car with Mona madly and recklessly driving. The girls try to call Spencer, and, when she secretly answer it, it is revealed to the girls that Mona is "A". Hanna is shocked, and Spencer cleverly leaves a clue of where they are for the girls. They run off to find her. Mona says she admires Spencer and invites her to join the A-Team. Mona reveals that she became "A" because she hated them for stealing Hanna's friendship from her. Spencer asks Mona to stop, encouraging her that Hanna is still her friend. Spencer pulls the car's emergency brake and manages to leave the vehicle. Mona gets out of the car and is almost run over by Hanna. Mona pulls Spencer up and tries to push her off the cliff; they fight and Mona falls instead. The girls approach Spencer and help her. Shortly after, the authorities appear and it is revealed that Mona is still alive. Dr. Sullivan says Mona blackmailed her by threatening her son, which is why she disappeared. Dr. Sullivan diagnoses Mona with a personality disorder which caused her to experience a sense of hyper-reality and omnipresence. Mona is sent to an asylum, and Dr. Sullivan states Mona can be helped with treatment. The doctor then reveals to Spencer that Toby convinced her to come back to Rosewood; outside, Spencer and Toby kiss. Afterwards, the girls drive to Emily's house, and they discover that Maya's body was found, and Emily gets distraught.
Meanwhile, Mona is visited by someone in a red coat at Radley Sanitarium and tells the figure that she did every thing they asked her to do.
A wife admits to her husband that the child to whom she gave birth is not from him. After this the life of the protagonist changes dramatically.
The film is divided into eight chapters by eight different directors, each relating to a different Mexican legend or myth. The directors were then given free rein in choosing a subgenre to create a story involving the legend. The varieties of the myths and legends range from real "nota roja" ("red note" news genre) to fantasy folk tales.
Five of the directors - Lex Ortega, Isaac Ezban, Aaron Soto, Ulisses Guzman and Jorge Michel Grau - were established members of the Mexican film industry, while the other three - Laurette Flores, Edgar Nito and Gigi Saul Guerrero - were relative newcomers.
As described in a review in a film magazine, Isobel Ludant (Philbin), the beautiful daughter of a talented but unsuccessful artist, is the breadwinner of the family, working in the shop of fashionable modiste. One night she is forced to act as a mannequin and gains the attention of art dealer Francis Doran (Kerry). As a result of a remark made by one of the other mannequins, Isobel attacks the young woman and is discharged. Before she reaches home, a man from the modeste's shop tells her that her father will be arrested unless she pays $150 for the dress she ruined in the fight. To save his daughter, the father (Ludant) goes with some crooks to identify a painting they want to steal, but he is caught and sent to Sing Sing. From then on, Isobel is placed in many suspicious situations as secretary to Doran, who knows nothing of what happened to the father. Doran loves her, but she believes his attentions mean less than marriage until he stands by her when her father is released from jail and his disgrace is blazoned to the world, at the time Doran's masterpiece is acclaimed by critics.
When crude oil was discovered in Oloibiri in 1956, an educated Timipre (Olu Jacobs) could not influence his kin to demand that they have control over how the oil company extracts the oil, and ensure that their people are employed in decent positions in the companies because they were satisfied with the minute promises of the LESH company- a fictitious representation of Shell-BP. After many years, he is now tormented by his past- the catastrophe that befell the people of Oloibiri.
However, Boma, aka Gunpowder (Richard Mofe-Damijo), a graduate of geology and a former employee of LESH, and his gang have become vigilantes in the oil-rich region and proving the nemesis of white companies and locals looking to further exploit the area. Gunpowder kills his former partner, Dogo, whom he accuses of greed.
However, things get pacier when news arrives that there’s been an approval for Foreshaw to extract oil from Otuagbagi, a nearby community- a deal worth $300 million in revenue each year. But Gunpowder had infiltrated Forshaw and has a spy working as a personal assistant to the founder and director of the organisation, Mr Powell (William R. Moses). The spy, Powell’s PA, Azu (Dayton Sinkia) helps Gunpowder deliver a mail to Powell in a bid to dissuade Foreshaw from continuing with the plan. Powell finds pictures of malnourished Nigerian children and those affected by crude oil poisoning inside the envelope.
Nevertheless, Powell has good intentions for the communities and wants to help solve their problems, unlike other oil companies. He decides to visit Nigeria to see things for himself with the help of their Nigerian representative, Cyril Beke (TK Bello). Cyril seldom cares about the state of the communities and is only interested in enriching his pocket.
Powell arrives in Nigeria but his convoy including Cyril, and a group of soldiers, is ambushed by heavily armed Gunpowder and his men. Powell initially escapes with the help of a soldier and is found by Timipre’s grandson’s love interest, a doctor who takes Powell to Timipre’s house. Timipre threatens to take Powell to Gunpowder but the lovers manage to convince him to help Powell. He eventually agrees and connives with Gunpowder’s mother to find a haven for Powell. Meanwhile security personnel were already aware of the attempted kidnap.
Whereas Azu and Dobra, Gunpowder’s accomplices in the US have kidnapped Powell’s family and his second in command (Mr Sheen), ransoming him to initiate a cancellation of the Oil Mining Lease (OML). However, an exasperated Gunpowder eventually captures Timipre, his grandson, the doctor and Powell. The OML is now cancelled but Gunpowder reneges on his agreement with Azu and Dobra to release Powel when the OML is cancelled, insisting that Powell and the likes of Cyril Beke must pay with their blood.
Infuriated by Gunpowder’s betrayal and blood lust, Azu reports himself to the police and reveals Gunpowder’s hideout. In the meantime, Timipre, his grandson, the doctor, and Powell were escaping captive after Timipre kills one of Gunpowder’s boys.
Heavily armed soldiers then attack Gunpowder’s hideout, outnumbering and overpowering them. Gunpowder is shut down from his watchtower and as he falls, a glass cup falls and shatters from the hands of his mother, a sign that his son had died. Then we see a younger version of him in front of an altar with a Rosary, saying, “Father please bless my Rosary.” Upon landing, his body is soaked in a pool of crude oil pouring from the top.
The movie ends with a newspaper report that Timipre has become a representative of the community and will be working together with Foreshaw in the best interest of the locals.
Set in Los Angeles, the film takes place largely following the brutal homicide of an exotic dancer at the hands of an unknown killer. Suspecting a local psychiatrist, named Daniel Strahten, to be the murderer, the victim's friend, Heather, goes undercover as his therapy patient to reveal the truth, while Richard Howland, a seasoned police detective, follows the case. However, the real killer is Dr. Strahten's wife Lisa, in which she and her husband (who already knows she is the killer) suspect Heather is not who she appears to be and plot to investigate her in order to find the opportunity to kill her as well.
Monica Waldman is a patient of sex therapist Scott Callister. She is raped while unconscious and panics, so he accidentally kills her. Scott and his wife Dr Jessica Callister bury Monica. It turns out that Monica was investigating the clinic for her boss, private eye Barry Mitchum. The Callisters get Warren Robillard to kill Mitchum; when he fails, they kill Robillard. A sister of Kay Egan, a former patient of the clinic, kills herself. Kay goes undercover at the clinic as a nurse to find out what happened, teaming up with Mitchum. They later become lovers. Kay winds up sleeping with Jessica to give Mitchum time to investigate. Eventually Mitchum, Kay, and another man try to get the Callisters in a sting. Scott accidentally shoots his wife, and Kay runs over Scott.
The film starts with Chuks (Blossom Chukwujekwu), a young man from a low class Nigerian family and Ama(Yvonne Okoro), a young woman from a wealthy Ghanaian household returning to Ghana from schooling in London. Both have been in a relationship for a while, and on the introduction of Bloom as a Nigerian to the family of Ama, their relationship gets threatened due to the stereotyped perception of her family towards Nigerians. With Okoro's father, Kofi Adjorlolo being the most irritated by the relationship especially due to the manner Nigerian authorities handled Ghana Must Go situation in the early 80s. On discovery that his daughter was already married to the Chuks, Kofi tried to manage the situation more favorably, but things got worse when his eccentric son, IK Ogbonna picks the family of Chuks, consisting of Nkem Owoh, Helen Paul and Ada Ameh at the airport on an invitation from Chuks. After several ups and down from the culture shock caused by the economic and ethnic differences between both families, the couple finally renewed their vows in Ghana with the presence and blessings of their parents.
The novella begins with 5-Liu Hsing, as a child, being taught about Earth through the use of virtual reality tapes, an experience which her younger self takes exception to. She develops a close friendship with 5-Nova Luis. At the age of seven Hsing and the other children of similar age are allowed to put on clothes for the first time; Hsing greatly looks forward to this ceremony, a rite of passage aboard the ''Discovery''. As the children grow older Luis begins to develop an interest in the virtual reality programs that allow people on the ship to explore the planet they have left behind. Disagreements with her friend Rosie, a member of Bliss, lead Hsing to explore the philosophy of the angels. Although she questions in her own mind the purpose of the voyage, she disagrees with the angels' thinking, which eventually damages her friendship with Rosie. Luis also investigates this group, by participating in some of their practices.
Entering college at the age of 18 Hsing discovers that 4-Hiroshi Canaval, the teacher of Navigation, has asked her to be placed directly into the second-year navigation course. Hsing shows an aptitude for the subject, and in her third year chooses to make it her profession. Luis chooses to become a doctor, and their academic separation leads to Hsing and Luis slowly drawing apart from one another. Hsing finds herself attracted to Hiroshi, and the two begin a romantic relationship. Three days after their wedding Hiroshi tells Hsing that the focus of his life's work is not simply navigation, as is generally believed, but concealing a secret from the rest of the ship. A few years earlier an unexpected gravitational effect led to the ship experiencing a vast acceleration, putting it 40 years ahead of schedule; it is expected to arrive at Hsin Ti Chiu in five years.
Hiroshi tells Hsing that he and a handful of allies, who believe that the people on the ship should stop at Hsin Ti Chiu, have been keeping news of the acceleration secret. They believe that hiding the knowledge of the schedule provides them a weapon against the angels, who do not wish the ship to stop at all. Hsing becomes a reluctant party to the conspiracy, but is distressed by its secrecy and what she considers to be dishonesty, and persuades Hiroshi and his allies to go public with the information. Meanwhile, Luis thoroughly investigates the education program for the sixth generation aboard the ship (the generation supposed to land on Hsin Ti Chiu) and finds that large parts of it have been erased or replaced with propaganda by the angels. Luis succeeds in making the ruling council of the ship launch an investigation into religious manipulation of the education program. Persuaded by Hsing, Hiroshi makes a public statement about the ship's new schedule, while concealing the fact that he had known about it for a while.
A few months later Luis is elected Chair of the ship's ruling council, and helps bring about a settlement wherein the people on board can choose whether or not to stay on the ship, and also choose whether the ship stays in orbit around Hsin Ti Chiu. Hsing has a child by Hiroshi, but Hiroshi dies soon afterward, of heart failure. The ship's educational curriculum is revised, and all schools are required to allow teachers who are not angels to teach material relevant to living on the new planet. The new planet proves to be habitable by humans, and around a quarter of the ship's population moves to it, settling down despite the difficulty of learning to live on a planet again. The ship leaves, not intending to return.
Dr. Tyrsa treats people with the usual medical methods and is irritated when people want to discuss with him the otherworldly, afterlife and communication with the deceased. The only thing that really can touch his heart is the fate of his only daughter who is unrequitedly in love with her boss. It is because of her that the doctor gets in trouble: as a result of being hit on the head with a bowling ball, he falls into a coma – the state between life and death. From this moment on his views on the world change significantly. Having met other people in the other world who are also in a coma, he becomes more humane, wise and tolerant. This helps him to return to life, protect his daughter from the encroachments of a cynical suitor and help her to find true love.
The heroes of the film are about thirty. Very often at this time people have a period of revision of the positions already developed earlier. Lena, the heroine of this film, comes to such revision. She has a lot to think about again.
She begins to understand that the previous assessment of the surface, all appears to her in a different, more clear and sharp light. It is sometimes associated with loss. Lena loses her former closest person who becomes a stranger and distant.
The story of one man growing up in a new market-mafia social life, the story of his love for the daughter of his parents' friends, who becomes a famous Parisian top model, relationships with whom go through the hero's life.
''Midnighter and Apollo'' takes place sometime after the previous ''Midnighter'' solo series. The story begins with Midnighter and Apollo stopping a train that has children on board that have been abducted by a man named Captain Half-Beard and his crew. Following their victory, the two of them have dinner with their friends Tony and Marina. Once their friends leave, the two of them have sex, and Apollo questions Midnighter's method of killing his enemies. On the same night, Henry Bendix - the man who created Midnighter - sells the Ace of Winchesters, a magical rifle, to the Lords of the Gun, on the condition that they make Midnighter and Apollo suffer.
After searching for him for days, Midnighter manages to track Bendix to his hideout. Bendix, however, informs Midnighter that he has been expecting him and has sent a demon named Mawzir to fight Apollo, which manages to kill him and send his soul to Hell. Bendix gives Midnighter the option of either letting him go and save Midnighter by teleporting or killing him and being forced to fight his way out which will cost him time away from Apollo. Midnighter quickly kills him and fights his way out before he manages to use his teleportation door where he reaches Apollo and manages to fight off Mawzir.
Three days later, Midnighter goes to the magician Extraño for help. Extraño informs him that Apollo is being held in Hell by demons. Back in Hell, Apollo is being tormented with illusions by the demon-lord Neron.
Swine-herd Glasha and stableman Kuzma from a farm in what is now the Vologda Oblast of Russia are sent to an agricultural exhibition in Moscow. Kuzma is popular among the girls there, and makes passes at Glasha, but is not too bright, and thinks only of Moscow shops. Glasha, at the behest of her grandmother, carefully studies the know-how of other swine-breeders.
By chance she meets at the exhibition a Dagestan shepherd Musaib from an aul, and they end up falling in love with each other. They agree to meet at the Union Agricultural Exhibition again in a year.
As Glasha returns to the farm she seeks to build a new pigsty, she takes care of the swine and invents a feeder for piglets.
Kuzma just keeps strolling through the village with an accordion and being a nuisance to Glasha.
Musaib with his dog encounters three wolves and scrambles to protect the best sheep of the flock.
Musaib sends letters to Glasha. But no one can read them. Kuzma is called to help and gives Glasha a fake, in which it is written that Musaib is a married man. Kuzma comforts the unhappy Glasha. Their wedding is scheduled for St. Peter's Day.
At the next year All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, Musaib learns about Glasha's wedding and goes to her village. Just in time he manages to come before the wedding and explains everything to Glasha. She banishes Kuzma in a scandal.
The game begins with the main protagonist, a Mii of the player's choice, arriving in Greenhorne Town, which is soon attacked by the main antagonist, the Dark Lord, who wields the ability to steal faces from Miis and use them to control peaceful creatures, turning the creatures into monsters. The protagonist chooses a character class and is sent on a journey to stop the Dark Lord. Along their journey, the player creates more companions, meets the Great Sage, and reaches Greenhorne castle, continuing the quest after the Dark Lord steals the faces of the King and the Princess. Afterwards, the team enters the kingdom of Neksdor, only to be attacked by the Dark Lord, who steals the protagonist's companions and renders the protagonist without a class. After the guardian provides the hero with new powers, they head out through Neksdor, meeting three new companions and the Genie of the Lamp. The team continues to the Realm of the Fey, where the Dark Lord attacks again, stealing the hero's companions and their character class again, prompting the guardian to provide a new group of character classes. The hero is tasked with saving the three Fab Fairies of the Realm, who provide the team the way to the Dark Lord's castle in Karkaton. Before they can open the door, the Fab Fairies have there faces stolen by the Dark Lord. After retrieving their faces, the Fab Fairies open the door to Karkaton, and the team head out. Upon arrival, the Dark Lord attacks again, stealing the new companions, but failing to steal the hero's powers. The hero is tasked with saving all of their friends, with some help from the Great Sage.
The team fights the Dark Lord, and upon defeating them, the heroes discover that the Dark Lord was a common Mii possessed by a small blue wisp known as the Dark Curse. Enraged, the Dark Curse tries to possess the player's Mii, until the Great Sage intervenes and becomes possessed instead, becoming the Darker Lord. The hero and their team track down the Darker Lord through the lands of Powdered Peaks, Peculia and Nimbus, before reaching the Darker Lord's Domain in The Sky Scraper, fighting previous bosses along the way. Upon reaching the top of The Sky Scraper, the heroes go to the Otherworld for the final showdown against the Darker Lord. The hero and their team are then prompted to split up to fight the Darker Lord. Afterwards, the Darker Lord steals the faces of six heroes, evolving into the Darkest Lord for the fight with the last four members. After the Darkest Lord is defeated, the Great Sage is free. The Sage quickly traps the Dark Curse, and explains its history to the hero: it was once a normal Mii, rejected due to having a boring face, which they then decide to get rid of, and they faded away into a soul of hatred, malice and evil, which became the Dark Curse. The hero is given an opportunity to either destroy the Dark Curse or provide them with a new face and body. If the hero provides the Dark Curse with a new life, the Great Sage takes the Curse and travels with them to have them atone for their mistakes while the team is praised for saving Miitopia. After the credits, the player unlocks two post-game areas: Galados Isle and New Lumos. The player can also unlock the Elf and Vampire fighting class after doing certain quests.
The story follows Ruby Lee (이루비) (portrayed by Seohyun), a genius young woman who suffers from sociophobia but comes across a magic ring that helps her become a successful jewelry designer.
Vika is staying for the last day at her grandfather's, a fisherman. Today her father should come but she does not want to leave. In the morning her grandfather goes to sea to check the nets and Vika wanders along the beach and talks with her rocks-friends. The pensive girl creates a special world of relationships with people and nature.
Meanwhile, on the bank the children from the coastal village decide who should be the leader in their crew. Vika proclaims that the ringleader is cheating his friends: he has hidden the marked crab which the next leader should catch in the sea amongst the rocks and has thrown an unmarked one into the sea. Vika takes the crab from its hiding place and reveals the deception. Here on the shore she meets Roman. He has arrived at the coast only for one day and does not know anyone. Vika sees him as her friend and in secret tells Roman about her amazing collection – the diverse echoing voices in the rocks.
However, when the leader decides to take revenge on Vika and hides her dress during her bath, Roman gets into a situation where he has to pass a test on friendship. Because of the guys ridicule, Roman chickens out and does not deliver dress to Vika who is sitting naked in the water. Vika passes through the formation of the boys herself to pick up the dress and throws into the boy's face the worst thing that he can hear, – the accusation of cowardice. To justify himself against the charge of cowardice and to win the trust of the new clique, Roman leads them into the rocks and boasts of the secret received from the girl. But the echo is silent. Vika's father arrives and meets crying Roman – he was nearly beaten for his lie. But their joint efforts to initiate the echo also do not lead to success.
However, the girl is also suffering from his betrayal. In a purely childish way she restores her confidence in humanity by calling from a village telephone random phone numbers and wishing strange interlocutors health and to have a good day.
Before leaving, Vika makes her father promise that they will come back here next year. Roman, experiencing a quarrel with Vika, tries by all means to prove that he is not a coward, and gets a marked crab, rushing to the sea waves. He brings the crab to Vika insisting that he is not a coward, and that now he will be the leader but Vika does not forgive his betrayal.
The film tells a story about a newly married couple and the distractions they faced from work shortly after the wedding ceremony. Kwarley Mettle (Joselyn Dumas) had raw sex with her boyfriend, Henry Dominic (OC Ukeje) against her will, two years before getting married. This has made her require that her husband, Alex Walker (John Dumelo) used protection each time they slept together. Henry and Kwarley meet again after he got admitted to her hospital for treatment. On recognizing his ex-girlfriend, Henry immediately leaves the hospital without speaking to her. Kwarley went to his patient file, to see that he has cancer and AIDs. She located his home address then paid him a visit. On getting there, she told him about her disappointment in him.
Opening quote: "It is not light that we need, but fire."
Nick (David Giuntoli) mourns over Juliette's (Bitsie Tulloch) body when suddenly, assailants enter the house, kidnap Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) and drug Nick. The drug causes Nick to hallucinate Juliette's funeral and finding his mother's head in his house before he wakes up. When he wakes up, he finds that Trubel, Juliette and his mother's head are gone and the house was cleaned. He receives a call from Hank (Russell Hornsby), informing him of the situation and going over the house.
Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) are informed of Juliette's death. Nick recalls when Chavez (Elizabeth Rodriguez) kidnapped Trubel and deduces that she may be responsible and goes to her office to confront her. He threatens her but she denies her involvement in the events and has him taken away from the office. She is later seen in an unknown location where she meets with Meisner (Damien Puckler) to discuss an inmate. Nick is later confronted by Renard (Sasha Roiz), who chastises him for his recklessness. Hank and Wu (Reggie Lee) discover that three people died in the house across the street from Nick's house.
Bud (Danny Bruno) is giving breakfast to Adalind (Claire Coffee) when she suddenly starts to go into labor and takes her to the hospital. Nick eventually discovers Chavez's address and fights her in the apartment and knocks her out. He takes her to the spice shop and handcuffs her in the basement. They question her with Nick revealing himself as the Grimm when Bud calls to announce Adalind is giving birth. Nick and Rosalee go to the hospital while Adalind is in the process of giving birth. However, the baby's heart rate drops and they're forced to do a C-section on her. Back in the spice shop, Chavez is let to answer her phone to announce that Nick is the Grimm and they need to meet. She calls Nick, who agrees to go with her and frees her.
Nick and Chavez arrive at a warehouse to meet with her agents but instead, they find them dead. Suddenly, two Wesen arrive and attack them. Chavez kills one of them but the other stabs her with his claws in the stomach. Nick goes after the Wesen but escapes, leaving a symbol of a claw in the wall. He tries to calm Chavez but Chavez is bleeding out. She explains, "they're rising" and gives him Trubel's chess piece and her phone before dying. Nick talks with Meisner on the phone, who tells him to keep it. Nick goes back to the hospital where he meets Adalind and the baby. She says that the baby is for both of them and decide to name him Kelly. The episode ends as an image of Portland is scratched by a Wesen, forming the symbol that Nick saw in the warehouse.
The film begins in a small seaside village in the early 30s. A young girl falls in love with an older visiting military officer named Larichev and goes with him to his place of service. Following always and everywhere for her beloved husband (Central Asia, the North, the Soviet-Finnish War, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War), the heroine fully sacrifices herself to him, obeying his orders without discussion. Captivity, suspicion and the ruin of his military career (dismissal from the army) break Larichev's strong character, bringing death from heart failure. The heroine's life without him is a new beginning.
The adventure takes place in the Underdark, and begins when the players are captured by Drow Elves. They escape with a group of other prisoners to find that demons have a stronger influence in the Underdark than expected. As they travel between locations searching for an exit from the Underdark, they discover that various demon lords including Demogorgon, Zuggtmoy, and Juiblex, have been unleashed. They escape, but are called back by leaders in the Dwarven settlement of Gauntlgrym. The players are then tasked to lead a war band through the Underdark in an effort to stop the demons from destroying the world. The adventure ends when the players pit the demon lords against each other before finishing off the remaining wounded ones.
'''Opening quote:''' "Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it."
Beau Childs (Gary Kraus), CEO of a company named C&E, finds that the company has too much money gone and informs clerk Paul Wemlinger (Jonathan Slavin) of the issue. Before Childs informs the police, Wemlinger woges into a Gila-like Wesen and kills him before calling the police to report the incident as a troubled witness.
In the hospital, Nick (David Giuntoli) informs Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), Hank (Russell Hornsby), Wu (Reggie Lee) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) of Chavez's death and they go to the warehouse to inspect the area. They arrive at the warehouse but find that the bodies are gone and the claw mark is cleaned. They leave the area, unaware that Meisner (Damien Puckler) is watching over them. Returning to the hospital, Nick tells Adalind (Claire Coffee) that she and Kelly will have to go to his house while he looks for a safe place for them.
In the precinct, Hank is told by Renard (Sasha Roiz) that he was assigned a new partner, Officer Pogue (Joseph Bertot) while Nick is suspended and are assigned to investigate Childs' murder. Hank and Pogue interrogate Wemlinger, who claims that two men entered and killed him and after calling the police, he called Childs' assistant, Betty Frame (Susan Ruttan). While questioning Betty, Wu tells Hank that only Betty and the police were the ones who entered the office in that time and finding that Wemlinger was with Childs, they deduce that he might be a Wesen. Wu then runs a test of prints and finds that Wemlinger’s real name is Simon Kincaid and is wanted for embezzlement.
Hank breaks protocol and brings Nick to the station to see if Wemlinger is a Wesen. During interrogation, Nick sees that he's a Quijada Vil. However, the Marshals have arrived and take Wemlinger in custody back to California. Wemlinger kills the marshals while in a gas station and escapes. Hank and Pogue arrive at the station and Hank sees again the claw mark in the bathroom. Meanwhile, FBI agents question Nick about Chavez's disappearance and signs of a fight in her house. Nick denies his involvement but is warned by the agents.
Nick and Hank interrogate a C&E accountant who reveals that Wemlinger was calling a phone number during the money transfer. After getting the number, Wu tells them that the number belongs to Betty Frame. Nick, Hank and Wu arrive at Betty's house where Wemlinger holds her and escapes through a fire escape. Nick, Hank and Wu go after him and shoot him, killing him. However, they return to the apartment and find Betty deleting evidence. She woges and screams "Occultatum Libera" before jumping out of the window, killing herself. In the spice shop, Nick, Hank, Wu, Monroe and Rosalee begin to study the mysterious claw mark. In the unknown location, Meisner gets out of the mysterious cell, badly wounded. When the guard asks how it went, he replies "Better."
Opening quote: "I think I had a mother once."
Rosalee's (Bree Turner) life is in danger when a group of orphaned Wesen children — Peter, Lily, Big John, and Miguel — in need of a mother-figure to guide them, decide that Rosalee fits the bill. Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) find a vital clue in a fairly recent missing-person case. Nick decides to move out of his home to a safer location. Meanwhile, Renard (Sasha Roiz) is informed of the King's "accident" and that his daughter is safe with the Resistance. (A basis of Peter Pan & The Lost Boys).
''Beneath Two Suns'' is a scenario for character levels 6 – 8 located on the planet Kregen, setting for the "Dray Prescott" science-fantasy novels written by Alan Burt Akers. The adventure takes place in a port similar to Italian cities of the Renaissance. The adventurers are embroiled in intrigues between several noble houses as they try to recover a kidnapped princess. It includes statistics for the "Dray Prescott" characters and rules for Florentine fighting (i.e., with sword in right hand and dagger in left).
In this adventure, the player characters are supplied, from a variety of backgrounds including Victorian London. The adventure begins with characters flung into a sort of limbo, and they wake up in chains breaking rocks in a quarry on the world of Kregen. The adventure includes some notes on local culture and wildlife, taken from the novels. Much of the adventure is laid out similarly to a gamebook.
''Clockwork Mage'' is a scenario for character levels 2-5. A war of practical jokes between two wizards gets out of hand and backfires on the wizards. The heroes must make their way through the magicians' trick-filled manor to recover the items to put things aright.
In ''Clockwork Mage'', the player characters get in the middle of a long-standing battle between two aging wizards who annoy each other with elaborate practical jokes.
''Crystal Barrier'' is a scenario for character levels 6-8, a sequel to a scenario in Mayfair's ''Dragons''. In order to aid the good side in a war between good and evil dragons, the heroes are sent to another world, where they must penetrate the fortress of the Necromancer to free the soul of the Dragon Lord.
In ''Crystal Barrier'', the dragons of the Dragonlands are split by civil war, and the player characters are brought in to destroy a drug which could swing the balance of the war. The party is flung into another dimension through the crystal barrier.
''Deadly Power'' is a scenario for character levels 6-9 in which the adventurers must solve an ancient riddle to find some legendary golden seeds.
In ''Deadly Power'', two factions are at odds in the mining town of Shallotville, and they are both after the same prize. The prize is a box of magic seeds which are rumored to give the possessor unbelievable power. The warrior Mynor Yelad wants to recruit the player characters to retrieve the seeds, claiming they were intended for him by his father. However, current ruler Queen Enaj wants the player characters to bring the seeds to her so she can destroy them, and she swears that Mynor's intentions are thoroughly evil.
''Escape from Astigar's Lair'' is a scenario, the official Michicon VIII ''AD&D'' tournament dungeon. Two very detailed pre-designed characters are provided; tournament players are judged on how well the characters are role-played. The PCs have one hour to escape from an evil wizard's stronghold.
''Escape from Astigar's Lair'' is a module designed for tournament use, but it can be played out of that setting if desired. Players are given sixty minutes to escape from the halls of a bard, Egad, before he destroys them for following him in. Two characters are provided: a druid and a ranger. Their characteristics are given in full in the back. The Dungeon Master awards points or subtracts them for various feats performs of mistakes made.
This dungeon was designed to be a limited-time (real-time) dungeon with the players being allowed only an hour to complete their characters’ quest. Because of this limited time the dungeon is also set up to use its own very simplified initiative system.
''Evil Ruins'' is a scenario for character levels 2-5 based on Saxon legend and set in an actual historical castle.
Somewhere within the ruins of a castle is the secret to the mysterious death of Ethelwaine, heir to the throne of Tintagel. If the player characters succeed in clearing things up, the Castle of Tintagel can be reclaimed as a religious retreat. The journey to the castle includes encounters with thieving squirrels, intelligent spiders, and an NPC whose help the adventurers need if they are to find their hidden destination. The castle itself has been demolished by sinister forces and a four-level underground dungeon is left for the party to explore.
''Fez IV: Wizard's Revenge'' is a scenario for character levels 3-8, a party of dwarves and elves. The two parties, aided by a young version of the time-traveling wizard Fez, must find two halves of a caduceus to save an older, dying Fez. The adventure features dungeons under a barrow mound, in a stone sphinx, and within an active volcano.
A party of four elves and a party of four dwarves are provided, and the two groups meet up and decide that must combine forces.
''Final Challenge'' is a solo scenario. Years ago, fighter Tel El'ryn foolishly helped his friend Gwdion start on the road to black magic. Now Gwdion has returned as a powerful evil wizard, and it is up to El'ryn to stop him before he brings the whole land under his power.
In ''Final Challenge'', the player character is Tel El'Ryn, a better-than-average fighter on the trail of the mysterious Guidon and his Tower of Madness. The character's statistics are pre-generated, but the player can select four magic items that will help the character the most. From there, the game uses a numbered paragraph system to direct the player from event to event based on the player's decisions at various encounters.
''House on Hangman's Hill'' is a scenario for character levels 3-4 set in a haunted house of the classic type.
Near the village of Hedgehill there is a sprawling mansion, haunted by its unjustly-executed owner. The player characters enter by one of six doors and wander through 38 rooms of illusions, fun house effects, and encounters until they destroy the offending revenant or run away.
''The Illhiedrin Book'' is a scenario for character levels 1-2. The adventurers are hired to search the Tomb of Charrellsfane and a wizard's tower for a magical book, but the residents of the tomb and tower dispute their passage, and competing groups dog their tracks.
This scenario is designed for first level characters, with perhaps one or two second level characters joining them. The wizardess Alcastra wants the Illheidrin Book, formerly owned by a 300-year-dead wizard, and she is willing to help equip a party and send it out to look for the book, although she does not know exactly where the book is. The adventurers end up heading through the countryside, picking up clues and avoiding the patrols of invading orcs. There is a mysterious crypt along the way.
''Inferno'' is a scenario for character levels 10-14, set in the first four circles of Hell as described by Dante. It includes new devils. This is an AD&D adaptation of the first four rings of Dante's ''Inferno''.
This module was planned as half of a set and covers only the first four circles of a Dante-type inferno. The second part was planned for release late in 1980. The introduction gives credit to Dante and then notes that the placement of the Archdevils in the ''Monster Manual'' are in the wrong circles of Hell.
''The Keep'' is a scenario for character levels 9-12 based on the movie ''The Keep''. The adventurers battle the evil of the Keep in the age of magic, in the Middle Ages, and in 1941 during the Nazi conquest of central Europe.
The adventure has been divided into three parts, all taking place in the same location but in different eras. The first part takes place in some unspecified ancient age, centering around a massive battle between the armies of Molasar and the Order of the Dragon. Part two takes place in the year 1476 as the investigation of the mysterious "Keep" continues, and the final section takes the adventurers to 1941 for a final confrontation involving a horde of German Nazis. A special section is included to make the final encounter easy, complete with extensive statistics for Nazi weapons, equipment, and NPCs.
''Pinnacle'' is a scenario for character levels 4-5 involving a tournament where the challenge is to climb the Pinnacle, an unclimbable mountain. But the mountain is hollow, and an ancient secret waits inside.
This adventure concerns a race to the top of a mountain organized by the Gentlemen's Adventuring Society, a kind of safari club for aristocrats. A mystery hangs over the society, and the player characters will need investigative skills as well as climbing and fighting ability to deal with a couple of new monsters.
''Portals of Torsh'' is a campaign setting for midlevel characters, a fantasy world accessible by magical portal. The prehistoric world of Torsh is briefly described (including wilderness encounters), with more detailed descriptions of two towns (one human, one lizardman) and a mini-scenario set in a lizard-wizard's tower.
''Portals of Torsh'' presents a small continent mainly populated with lizard-men and prehistoric reptiles, as well as a human-dominated plateau community. The adventure includes dungeon, ruin, and wilderness encounters. Teleportation portals, built by a lost race, are scattered across the continent of Torsh; one or more may be used for travel to and from the DM's home world.
The premise of this module is that an ancient race created a series of portals that connected worlds and then died out. The types and peculiarities of the various portals are given along with tables for generating them for a campaign. This module is approved for use with ''AD&D''. The adventure involves a human colony on a plateau of another planet. The planet itself is somewhat earthlike, but on it nothing beyond the lizard ever evolved, so the dominant native race is Lizardmen. Since it has an unearthly biological system, plants native to the planet are a slow poison for humans. One plateau, which is settled by the descendants of a group that fled there through another portal and stayed, has been made habitable.
''Shipwrecker'' is a scenario for character levels 4-7. The adventurers are hired to bring back a golden chalice stolen by a band of pirates. The book includes descriptions of a port town, goblin lair, and pirate caverns.
In ''Shipwrecker'', the player characters are stranded in the seaport community of Wrighters Town, pondering the offer of King Nathan for the return of the lost Chalice of Storms. The Chalice is now in the Pirate Caverns, which in turn are guarded by the hostile occupants of the Goblin Caverns.
''Swordthrust'' is a scenario for character levels 3-7. The book described a mountain village, a dwarven cavern, and a five-level ice dungeon hollowed out inside the head of a vast sleeping Ice Titan.
In ''Swordthrust'', the player characters are on a quest to find the legendary Ice Titan hidden high in the snowy Chatar Mountains. The bulk of the adventure involves the exploration of a five-level "dungeon" is actually the interior of the slumbering Titan's brain. While the Titan sleeps, the forces of good and evil (represented by the bird-like Fancies and lizard men called Durges) battle for domination of his mind. Other encounters are provided by the Titan's memories – physical manifestations of anything and everything the titan has experienced in his lifetime. The player characters can also search for hidden pieces of magic armor scattered throughout the Titan's mind.
Nate states that a frozen waffle has "ruined his life" and is currently being yelled at by Principal Nichols because Teddy accidentally destroyed his War of 1812 outline. Nate then retells a dramatic flashback of the day before for the reader to know what happened. In the flashback, Mrs. Godfrey gives everyone an assignment to write a report on the War of 1812, which is due tomorrow. Teddy helps him due to his dad being a history geek. Nate soon forgets to bring the outline to his house, and he calls Teddy and sure enough, Teddy said he would take good care of it. But the next morning, he decides to eat a frozen waffle with maple syrup over cereal, and he spills the maple syrup all over the outline and attempts to make the maple syrup was off the paper, but this just makes it ruined even more and turned it into a "soggy, syrupy pile of confetti," defined by Nate. Nate finds an empty plastic bottle and starts bonking himself with it on his forehead. Mrs. Godfrey makes Nate dispose of it, but Nate tries to throw it in the trash can, which makes it bounce on the trash can and hit Principal Nichols, spilling a drink the principal was holding all over Principal Nichols by accident. During the past week, he has had a terrible case of bad luck, including failing grades, cavities, and being easily made fun of. Later, after Nate fails to turn in his outline, he is tasked with completing another one.
After finishing, he notices his crush, Jenny, and her boyfriend, Artur, who are rather obnoxiously displaying love. An envious Nate then makes a list of horrible pet names and insults that he feels Artur should be called, including "Fart Bucket" "Nate Wanna-be", "Weasel Boy", "Booger Bunny", "Soon-to-be former boyfriend", and much more. Chad appears and notices Nate. After being asked what he was working on, Nate lies quickly and says he was about to start an "Ultra-Nate" comic. Chad requests to also be in the book. Chad, who has a crush on Maya, asks Nate if she could be saved by him. Nate finishes the comic and is prompted by Chad to start thinking about life with superpowers.
The bad luck, however makes Nate suppose he could theoretically simulate landing after flying. Nate jumps off a table and on to a beanbag, bursting it wide open. Nate is then yelled at for the third time of the day. Nate and Chad are given detention and asked to fix the beanbag chair. While fixing it, the home economics teacher, Mrs. Brindle, instead of serving cookies ore other desserts, which she normally does, she serves stuffed cabbage rolls because the school is holding a fitness zone. After they are done, they notice that due to the new program, all the snacks in the vending machine have been stocked with health foods. Their friend, Dee Dee, shows up and says that Nate has to report to the principal's office. Nate arrives and is greeted by Nichols. Nichols states that the fitness zone needs to be welcomed in a popular way: music. Nichols then asks Nate to create a song out of the rules of the fitness zone. Nichols also cancels Nate and Chad's detentions, due to the fact that Nate and Chad have a role in their band, Enslave The Mollusk.
After school, ETM (Enslave The Mollusk) creates a rock anthem called "You're Never Alone In The Fitness Zone," key of C. When Artur is assigned to take the rules and convert them to lyrics, Nate's terrible luck causes Artur to notice the list of pet names, resulting in him quitting out of embarrassment. Without a lead singer, ETM has to choose between Nate, Francis (both have "natural disasters" for voices) and Teddy (not skilled enough to sing and play at the same time). They choose on Nate, him having an edge over Francis. The next day, Nate comes down with nerves and forgets the lyrics, forcing Francis to take over as the singer, making ETM a laughingstock. They are especially teased by a popular 7th-grader named Marcus Goode. The next week, report cards get sent home, with Nate getting an unacceptable grade in Social Studies (technically a D).
However, he is then given a lucky foot charm by Chad, which he refers to as "the Foot" his grandmother gave him for good luck. Immediately, good luck happens everywhere in Nate's life. He is able to shoot a hoop that barely touches the net from mid-court, backwards, and with his eyes closed, a math test is postponed due to Mr. Staples photocopying the wrong quiz and the copy machine being broken, a free period is given to Nate at Science when Mr. Galvin fell ill, so he went home, and he is given $20 by some lady, all because he found her necklace in the grass.
Unfortunately for Nate's luck, Maya is shown to be going out with Marcus, which ends up making Chad heartbroken. Later, Nate finds out he has to go back home, as Nate's dad wants to discuss on his report card. However, he then reveals one of his report cards back then, when he was not exactly a "honor roll student". But Nate's dad still gives him a punishment of no drawing comics before bed. Nate loopholes around this and he finds out that his dad did not prevent him to draw on his sneakers. The stylized sneakers make him more popular than Marcus, causing Marcus to be very envious of Nate. Over the next week, Nate becomes "in the zone". He is asked to sign other kids' sneakers, his punishment is canceled, he is the MVP of back-to-back shutouts in soccer, and gets perfect scores on all his tests. However, he realizes is becoming like Artur. Nate mentally digresses and asks Artur to rejoin ETM. After successfully inviting Artur back, they run into Coach Calhoun, who tells them about Field Day. Marcus and Maya appear and Marcus makes a bet that 6th-grade will not win a single event on Field Day as well as calling Chad "Superchunk." Maya steps up angrily and tells Marcus to stop, stating "What's he ever done to you!?" then breaking up with Marcus. Nate then gives the Foot to Chad so he can try to hook up with a remorseful Maya.
However, the luck stops, as in a turn of events, the Foot ends up in Mrs. Godfrey's desk due to Mrs. Godfrey thinking it's a "toy" after finding it in Chad's hand. On Field Day, the 6th-graders are given the sports they are the worst at, and Gina is captain of the 6th graders. Nate has to do the 60 meter hurdles, and though he was able to gain a head start, he trips over the last hurdle, causing his competitor, Kareem Trillin, to win. The last sport is the three-legged race. Nate and Artur team up to make sure that Chad and Maya are a team. Soon, because Marcus and his partner, Jakob, do not work together, while Maya and Chad do, Nate wins the bet. The next week, an assembly is announced to give ETM a second chance. Before playing, Nate reveals that if he lost the bet, it would be a nightmare-- he would become a mini Marcus for a week. He also states that Marcus is about to be defamed. The song is a success, and Marcus is humiliated in front of the school with Chad hitting Marcus' head with a bottle and Nate states that he and his pals do not need the lucky foot when their show is currently a hit.
''Temple of Ra Accursed by Set'' is a scenario for high-level characters set in an abandoned Egyption-style temple that has been desecrated by evil forces. The adventure is specifically designed for use with miniatures. The book includes new monsters.
In ''Temple of Ra, Accursed by Set'', the player characters travel through a magically-built temple of the god Ra, searching for the Princess Rukmini of Hindustan, who was spirited there by Set. Some of the encounters are with Set's guardians (including the Gorgriffspidrascorp). Other are with Hindustani creatures who are also searching for the princess.
''Throne of Evil'' is a scenario for character levels 4-6 set in 12th-century England. The adventurers are involved in the intrigues of the Norman court, which leads to their being sent to penetrate Castle Wraithstone and kidnap the evil March Lord. The book includes a details castle and dungeons.
In ''Throne Of Evil'', the characters meet at an inn and are sent to a castle to dispose of an evil lord, but the only access is through a cavern inhabited by monsters.
''The Treasure Vaults of Lindoran'' is a scenario for high-level characters describing the traps and defenses that guard the treasure of the Elven King. The book includes a detailed history of the elves and drow, plus new monsters.
The Elf-King of Lindoran, going off to a hopeless war, sealed all his treasures in a vault. On this vault he placed spells of repulsion so no one who lacked the counterspell could enter. This was a thousand years ago, and now the spells have weakened, and entry is possible if the player characters can get past the red dragon outside.
The adventure involves looting an ancient Elven treasure vault by the party. The party will have to complete the task in one adventure, since the exits are only usable after successfully obtaining the treasure. A detailed history is given including Elves, Undead, and Drow. A few new monsters are created especially for this dungeon and are used extensively in it.
''Trial by Fire'' is an introductory scenario for 1st-level characters, a one-level dungeon beneath a fortress.
''Trial by Fire'' is an introductory adventure for AD&D. A group of adventurers goes down into an underground world of monsters, magic and treasure. Included with each room description are pertinent rules from AD&D for handling the situation presented.
''Divina, está en tu corazón'' tells the story of a sweet and responsible teenager who grew up without a family. With a great knowledge of the life in the street, Divina takes a group of homeless children under her care. The mysterious Irene, who turns out to be the grandmother she lost a long time ago and who longs to approach Divina and repair her past mistakes, leads them all to live in her mansion and rescues them from social services. Divina, who secretly dreams of becoming a pop star, lives with her friends and the wealthy family of Irene - including Felipe, the love of her life - quickly forging new friendships as new and relentless rivalries.
''Zienteck'' is a scenario for character levels 5-9 set in a large dungeon complex. The book includes detailed wandering monster tables and several local wilderness encounters.
Beyond the ill-famed Black Angel Woods, legend has it lie the remains of Wizard Zienteck's stronghold – where wizardly books and treasure survived the destruction of Griendal the Dragon. This booklet provides encounter tables for the Black Angel Woods and Dragon Mountains, two new monsters (black angels and fire chameleons), a wilderness map, a Dragon's Lair map, and the info on Zienteck dungeon (including an optional players' map).
'''Opening quote:''' "After three days and nights, whoever tries and does not succeed shall be put to death."
While investigating an assassination attempt against nightclub owner Frankie Adkins (Robert Baker), who was saved by a mysterious Wesen, Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) stumble onto the archaic Wesen tradition of Maagd Zoektocht, where a Weten Ogen (a lynx-like Wesen) pits three suitors against each other for the hand of a maiden. In this case, Daniel Troyer (Richard Portnow) is making them fight for his daughter Emily's (Madeline Zima) hand, and their first trial is to kill Frankie, whose henchmen had killed Troyer's son.
After a second unsuccessful attempt on Frankie's life, the first suitor's mother points Frankie to Troyer. Frankie tries to kill Troyer, who's saved by the mysterious Wesen, Emily herself. Troyer explains to his daughter that the test was for her to prove she was worthy of succeeding him. Meanwhile, home life brings Nick and Adalind (Claire Coffee) closer together, and Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) is asked to support an old friend, Andrew Dixon (Michael Sheets), who's running for Mayor. In the closing scene, an injured Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni), assumed to be dead, shows up at the door of Nick's new pad, and collapses in his arms.
Justin (Zachary Abel), Nikki (Ahney Her) and Chris (Bryan Williams) take jobs at a retirement home to pay their way through college. With the help of Alfred (Ernest Borgnine), one of the residents, they set up a nightclub on the premises.
When Anna has to fight for her rights in court, she shows perfect skills for managing such challenges by acting in an authoritative manner, networking and pulling strings in order to succeed. At the same time, in the catacombs of the nearby opera, Marie, the illegitimate daughter of a hotel laundress, is kidnapped. Despite Anna being informed about this tragedy by the police, her daily routines continue uninterrupted.
At the lobby of the hotel, the young Princess Konstanze von Traunstein meets the publisher Martha Aderhold from Berlin. The friendship of the two women soon falters, as does Konstanze's double life as a best-selling author, when she begins an affair with Martha's husband, the unsuccessful writer Maximilian.
In addition, a dark secret of the family of Traunstein threatens to come to light when the young Marie returns unannounced. During this time Anna Sacher meets the legendary "Haus Österreich" at her hotel and gains more and more social influence, but the outbreak of the First World War will change their lives and that of their guests forever.
Erwin is an overseas university graduate content on his path to climbing the corporate ladder. He receives an offer to get promoted to work in the Singapore office, although his father suddenly falls ill and requests him to take over their little family shop. Erwin is forced to spend a month working at the little shop, pressured by his father and to the disappointment of his girlfriend Natalie, who wants her boyfriend to get his promotion. Erwin's older brother Yohan laments about his father's favoritism and tries to make his own ends meet as he struggles with his own perceived failures, ending in a tantrum calmed by his wife. Yohan has a strained relationship with his father, arising from his misbehaviour during his younger days and his wife, Ayu, who his father disagreed on.
Erwin learns to take care of the shop, bonding over the shop's employees and regular customers. He finds ways to improve the shop's current system, and assists them in winning a decorating competition to the happiness of his father. Throughout his stay the local property developer visits the shop in an attempt to buy off the land. Erwin's father refuses, having sentimental value with his passed wife over the store.
Meanwhile, Yohan tries to start himself out as a photographer with dreams of owning a studio. His wife Ayu, working in a cafe with dreams to open her own bakery, gets offered a piece of land for her shop by her ex-boyfriend. During one of their regular funeral visits, Ayu confesses this to Yohan and has admitted to considering it, although is happy that Yohan understands her and does not get angry at her (contrary to his anger management issues earlier on). Ayu agrees to stay in Jakarta, and work together with Yohan to get ends meet.
Flashing forward to a month after, Erwin gets pressured by Natalie as he receives the promotion offer to work in Singapore. He rejects his father's wish, and celebrates with his coworkers. Dejected, Erwin's father is forced to sell of the land, and close down his shop. He disbands the employees and reminisces over his wife, before stroke hits and he collapses.
Hearing of this, both Erwin and Yohan argue it out in the hospital. They both agree to get back their shop and make amends. Unfortunately their father had already signed the papers and the developer refused to disband the contract. However Erwin noticed the developer's womanizing habits and together they requested the help of his secretary, a single mum with no choice but to submit to the developer's harassment. They manage to get some scandalous photos to force the developer's hand in cancelling out the contracts and also accept his secretary's resignation, who later works at Erwin's work place as his boss' secretary.
Later in the hospital, Erwin and Yohan reminisce about their younger days. Yohan explains his sentiments toward the shop as that was also where his fond memories of his mother lay, and they both agreed that Yohan should take Erwin's place in managing the shop. On a walk, Erwin and his father discuss the matters at hand. Erwin apologizes profusely but he explains that he cannot reject this offer of a lifetime. His father understands, having overheard the conversation between the two brothers, and apologizes for having neglected Yohan's wishes.
Natalie gets enraged after hearing the contract's cancellation, which in turn angers Erwin. She seeks counselling from Ayu, who points out that it was for the best that Erwin lived with no regrets unlike his brother, who constantly berates himself for not being able to make their passed mother happy. Natalie understands and apologizes to Erwin, who then explains to her the true nature of their setup.
Ayu and Yohan visits his mother's grave with flowers. Yohan tears and again apologizes profusely for his failures as a son. Unbeknownst to him his father and Erwin and Natalie stood behind them, apologizing profusely for his own failures as a father. His father laments that he himself failed without his dead wife, and also apologizes to Ayu for not accepting her earlier. The family embraces a warm hug as they mended their broken relationships.
Fast forward to a few years later, Erwin and Natalie comes to visit the newly setup photography studio and bakery, with the same employees from the old shop. Erwin's boss comes and visit with her secretary, who is still grateful for all his help. Meanwhile, their retired father spends his days happily fishing and gambling with Yohan's friends.
Divorcee Elliot Baker, who has just lost his job for punching his boss, jumps at the chance to spend time with his sons, teenager Bradley and younger Caleb. After their mother drops the boys off, they discover Elliot's shotgun in his bedroom. Elliot yells at them, but then apologises and decides it'd be a good bonding experience to teach the boys about firearm safety. En route to Elliot's old lumber yard in the wilderness, Elliot discovers text messages on Brad's phone expressing displeasure with spending time with his father. Elliot hides the phone.
At the lumber yard, Elliot tells Brad to keep the gun close but Brad ignores him and the gun kicks back and knocks him to the ground. Brad gets half angry and half embarrassed, and stays in the car. Caleb becomes upset after killing a rabbit.
Preparing to leave, Brad is concerned about Elliot drinking and driving, so Elliot hands Brad the keys and teaches him how to drive. Caleb and Brad get into a fight, which results in the car sliding off the road and becoming stuck. They spend the night in the car, where Caleb tells Elliot about his step-father's promotion and their forthcoming move to London. Distraught, Elliot slams his hands repeatedly into the steering wheel, breaking his cast before falling asleep.
In the morning they head to a nearby hunting cabin to gather supplies, as they would freeze or starve attempting to reach the main road. Approaching the cabin, Brad falls through some ice. Elliot jumps in and yells for Caleb to get off the ice and start a fire in the cabin. Elliot covers Brad with blankets and puts Brad by the fire. After a while Elliot expresses his anger at losing his family when they move to London. Later in the night, the three are startled when two hunters, Richard and Luc, arrive also seeking shelter. Elliot is suspicious of the men, and demands they disarm before letting them inside.
Elliot is slowly losing his mind. He follows Richard to his truck, and attempts to stop him from contacting help, unintentionally killing Richard. When Luc arrives a little later, Elliot attempts to shoot him, but Luc escapes thanks to Brad and Caleb’s efforts. The boys return to the cabin, where Brad packs some supplies and convinces Caleb that they need to leave. Elliot goes searching for them and engages Brad in a fight after Brad makes a comment that Elliot isn't a good dad. Caleb pleads with Elliot until he releases Brad. Elliot forces the boys to the cabin, locking them inside their room. Brad uses a nail to pry up a floor board, and Caleb goes under, seeing Richard's corpse under the house. Bradley tries to lift one more board for him to fit through but can’t, and tells Caleb to leave. Caleb finds Luc in his truck, and convinces Luc to take him to safety along with Brad. Brad finally pries up another board and starts a fire in the house in order to escape.
Elliot chases Brad through the woods, grabs him and states that the boys will never leave. Caleb appears and to calm him down tells Elliot that, if they stay, they could go fishing and hunting. As Elliot lets go of Bradley, Luc appears and attacks Elliot, but Elliot beats him to death. Brad and Caleb run to the truck and attempt to drive off. Elliot catches up with them and uses the rifle to break the window. As Brad manages to start driving, Elliot grabs on to Caleb. Bradley speeds up faster and Caleb kicks Elliot off. The two hold each other, tearfully, as they drive away into the night to seek help.
Set in medieval India, it is about lust for power, conspiracies, battles and the magical love story of Prince Debdakhya and Souraja, a devadasi. Agnijal is a story of Sahashra Nagari, where a king Dev Daksha falls in love with a Devdasi named Souraja. But the Acharya of the temple Dhiratna opposes their love. Dev Daksha is the prince of Sahashra Nagari and son of King Dev Varma and queen Bedantika. Dev Daksha has two younger brothers and two younger sisters. Among them Gangeyo is the best friend of Dev Daksha. But Gangeyo's Mother, second wife of King Dev Varma, Tamakshi didn't like Dev Daksha and always wanted Gangeyo would be the future king of Sahashra Nagari. But after the accidental death of Dev Varma, Dev Daksha became the king and fell in love with the Devdasi of Lalataksha temple, Souraja. Souraja's Mother Kalabati always kept Souraja away from Acharya Dhiratna as she doesn't want that her daughter will also be a Devdasi like her. But clever Dhiratna find Souraja and announces that Souraja will be the next Devdasi of the temple. Finally one day Dev Daksha marries Souraja to protect her from the hands of Dhiratna.
Bhakter Bhogobaan Shri Krishna is a Bengali mythological show on Star Jalsha. It narrates the story of Lord Krishna, right from his birth to him finally coming into the Mahabharata, from desiring "Karna" to become the king of the earth and follow behind Karna like an ideal servant and counsellor, and then obtaining knowledge from him and present it in the form of Gita .
The film is set in the 1940s after the end of World War II. Ondřej Baran lives with his family in Beskydy, at a homestead in the mountains. One day five members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army come to their house. One of them is injured and the Ukrainians want to hide in the house until he recovers. They take the family as hostages and force Ondřej to bring a doctor to the house. They threaten Ondřej that if he appeals for help they will kill his family. Ondřej eventually realises that he has to deal with them by himself. He kills all the Ukrainians, but one of them shoots him and he dies. The film ends with Ondřej's funeral.
The plot revolves around the murder of Mexico's president, Diego Nava Martinez (Erik Hayser). On the night of his death, he attacks his wife, Emilia Urquiza (Kate del Castillo), in an abusive rage. The two struggle, and Emilia is eventually knocked unconscious. She wakes up to find that Diego is dead, his bloody body cast off the balcony of their hotel room. A gun she aimed at him in the midst of their encounter is in her hand, even though she had left it in the bedroom. This leads her to believe that someone else came into the room to kill Diego, then set her up to take the fall. So, she flees from the police.
Emilia Urquiza is the first lady of Mexico and has great plans to improve the conditions of the country thanks to her commitment to fight for peace. As Emilia begins to lose faith in her husband, President Diego Nava, she is at a crossroads and will have to find a way to deal with a big challenge and discover the truth.
Deidra & Laney's mother Marigold is taken to jail, and they are left to support themselves. To keep her sister Laney and younger brother Jet from being placed in foster care, Deidra makes a plan to rob trains. They need enough money to help pay their mother's bills and bail her out of jail. Along the way, they rekindle old relationships and find out who is real and to be trusted amongst their family and friends.
'''Opening quote:''' "Rats! They fought the dogs, and killed the cats."
Nick (David Giuntoli) brings a wounded Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) to the hospital. While in the waiting room, Nick finds three false IDs and a fingerprint-locked phone in Trubel's jacket. Trubel tells the nurse her name is "Lauren Cole." This matches the name on one of the IDs and the registration of a very expensive, weaponized motorcycle. The next day, Nick and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to investigate the murder of two Klaustreich. Selina (Carlson Young), the girlfriend of one of the victims, mentions a dump where they went to hunt Reinigen (rat-like Wesen) for fun, and informs them of a third missing Klaustreich, Johnny.
Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) explain the legend of the Riesen-ratte, "the rat king", a creature that is formed when several Reinigen with similar DNA combine into one being. Everyone ends up at the dump, but not at the same time. Johnny and Selina are captured by the Reinigen. Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Rosalee confront the Reinigen who transform before their eyes into the Riesen-ratte. They manage to save Selina and stun the Riesen-ratte using power cables to shock the giant rat-king back into its individual parts. Several dozen Reinigen lay on the ground, groaning in pain.
Afterwards, Meisner (Damien Puckler), with Adalind's (Claire Coffee) help, manages to convince Nick to trust him, and they run to the hospital, where they save Trubel from a group of Wesen chanting "Occultatum Libera." Meanwhile, Andrew Dixon (Michael Sheets) keeps trying to get Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) to publicly endorse his run for mayor, promising him the role of Chief of Police.
'''Opening quote:''' "Awake, arise, or be forever fall'n."
Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) tells Nick (David Giuntoli) about Hadrian's Wall, the resistance group Agent Chavez worked with and that she now works for. They are fighting an underground war against Black Claw, the organization coordinating the global Wesen uprising. Nick, Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Wu (Reggie Lee) are called to investigate a case of vandalism, murder, and kidnapping. At the scene, they find another claw mark drawn on the wall. They suspect the victims are Wesen, which Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), Rosalee (Bree Turner) and Bud (Danny Bruno) confirm.
Monroe explains that many historical revolts were instigated by Wesen. The kidnapped victim, Xavier (Robert Clendenin) — a friend of Monroe and Rosalee — returns, claiming he escaped, and points them to a woman, Billie (Madeline Brewer). Nick and Hank come clean to Renard about Chavez's death and her last message: "They're coming to Portland, it's war." After Nick, acting as a Grimm, threatens Billie, she leads Nick, Hank, Renard (Sasha Roiz), and Monroe to the gang's location.
Rosalee drives Xavier home and he confesses to her that he lied; Billy is leading them into an ambush. Rosalee warns Monroe, but it's too late and they get cornered into a room. Suddenly it is quiet, they hesitantly leave the room and find someone has killed all the attackers... someone who bears an uncanny resemblance to Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch). Meanwhile, Renard publicly endorses Andrew Dixon for mayor.
'''Opening quote:''' "I have been bent and broken, but, I hope, into a better shape."
The group goes outside of the warehouse and Nick (David Giuntoli) runs off to find Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) to explain Juliette's (Bitsie Tulloch) appearance. Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) is called by Rosalee (Bree Turner) to discuss the problem with Xavier (Robert Clendenin).
Nick confronts Trubel for answers. She reveals Chavez knew that Juliette was a Hexenbiest and wanted to turn her into a weapon. But Trubel adds she wasn't sure if Juliette survived what Hadrian's Wall had in store for her. Feeling guilty, Trubel meets with Meisner (Damien Puckler) in secret and gets him to agree to let Nick meet Juliette, at a time and place of his choosing. Meanwhile, Monroe, Rosalee, Renard (Sasha Roiz) and Hank interrogate Xavier, who reveals the Wesen gang had its sights set on Nick and Monroe. Xavier adds that any Wesen who doesn't join them in their mission will be killed.
Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Renard bring Xavier to the precinct and throw him into a cell until he can be placed in protective custody. Their plan is foiled when Lucien Petrovitch (Bailey Chase), Black Claw's leader, sends a hitman to kill Xavier. The assassin poses as a drunk and gets thrown in a jail cell alongside Xavier. He woges and kills Xavier in plain sight. A cop witnesses the woge and shoots him dead before Nick, Hank, Wu (Reggie Lee) and Renard can intervene.
Monroe and Rosalee alert the Wesen Council, and Alexander informs them that an organization called Schwarzkralle (Black Claw) is behind the uprising, but that he cannot discuss it any further. Soon after, a Wesen Council member reveals himself to be part of Black Claw and guns down the majority of the Council during a meeting. Alexander, the only member to get away, calls Rosalee and breaks the troubling news. Nick finally comes face-to-face with Juliette at a restaurant, where she introduces herself as Eve. She dodges most of Nick's questions, but does admit to remembering everything.
Suddenly, she gets up, woges and kills a man telekinetically. The target's bodyguards quickly pull their guns, forcing Nick to get involved and put them down. By the time the cops arrive, Nick has handled the situation — and Juliette/Eve is gone. Meisner phones Nick and explains the meeting was a setup: Hadrian's Wall needed Nick's help to take out an important Black Claw organizer. The meeting was a test and Nick passed.
Telegraphist Masha Stepanova (Valentina Karavayeva) is a medical orderly. During a fire drill, she meets the taxi driver Alexey Soloviev (Mikhail Kuznetsov). Not everything works out in their relationship. Due to Alexei getting infatuated with another girl Masha breaks up with him. And although they only happen to meet again later during the Winter War for a few minutes, it seems that everything is still ahead for them.
The new graduate of the Naval Academy, captain of the third rank Vysotin becomes captain of the destroyer "Sovereign", obtaining it from his teacher captain Zolotov, who gets transferred to the headquarters. The command sets the task to bring the "Sovereign" into the number of advanced ships as soon as possible. Vysotin also bitterly learns that his beloved woman Tatiana has married Svetov, Captain of the Guard destroyer "Bold".
Vysotin starts to work. He decides to focus on improving the combat capability of the ship and the involvement of the whole team. Political officer Paramonov helps him overcome the difficulties by resorting to unexpected measures. For instance, he orders to steer the ship through a little-known Southern Strait, and the ship's doctor to command the landing. Svetov laughs at his actions and believes that the most important thing is iron submission to the commander.
Teachings commence. Suddenly, the mediator (Zolotov) orders the commanders and senior officers to withdraw from the command ("Killed") and navigators to lead ships through the South Channel. "Sovereign" brilliantly overcomes trials and on the "Bold", Svetov has to take control. Also during exercise the incorrigible sailor Stebelev, transferred from the "Bold" to Vysotin's team, makes a feat by eliminating on track a machine malfunction. Svetov recognizes Vysotin's victory.
The commander appoints Zolotov to his new cruiser. Zolotov takes a part of Vysotin's team. But he does not lose heart and is ready to further work with arrived replenishment.
'''Opening quote:''' "A sucker is born every minute."
Nick (David Giuntoli) tells Wu (Reggie Lee), Hank (Russell Hornsby), and Renard (Sasha Roiz) that the incident at the restaurant was a test. He also tells them about Meisner (Damien Puckler), who works with Eve (Bitsie Tulloch) and Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni), and also worked with Agent Chavez. Meisner and Renard know each other through the Resistance. Meisner is now part of Hadrian's Wall.
Nick and Hank investigate the death of tourists at Diamond Lake, home of the Diamond Lake Monster. The local bait shop is owned by the Dunbar brothers, Oliver (Lenny Jacobson) and Wayne (Dean Chekvala), who are "Luisant-Pecheur" (otter-like Wesen). Meisner, with Trubel's help, tries to recruit Nick to Hadrian's Wall. At the Portland Command Center of Hadrian's Wall, Nick sees a map that shows Black Claw-affiliated Wesen uprisings around the world. The command center is funded by a branch of the Federal Government.
Back at Diamond Lake, Sheriff Parcell (Greg Michaels) tells Nick and Hank that the story about the lake monster is a myth like the Loch Ness Monster or Ogopogo. With Trubel's help, Nick and Hank look for the Diamond Lake Monster, who they suspect is a "Wasser Zahne". The Wasser Zahne turns out to be Logan Cobb (David Figlioli) a man who has been working with the Dunbar brothers in keeping the myth of the lake monster alive for a share of the profits. They then trick Logan and the two brothers into hiring Trubel into killing Logan before Nick and Hank burst in revealing Trubel to be a Grimm. Nick and Hank arrest one brother while the other escapes into the lake before being hit multiple times by worried villagers and being killed.
The film begins with two lovers, Bambi (Belinda Effah) and Frank (Bucci Franklin) at a swimming pool. Jerry is more interested in his books, while Bambi was in the pool. This got her irritated and they decide to go home. While at Frank's residence, Bambi nags around Frank inability to be financially buoyant to his distaste. Several days later, after a brief disagreement the couple decides to go separate ways to the regret of Frank. After a while, Bambi began dating Jerry (Daniel K. Daniel), a wealthy man from a reputable family. On getting to know of her new found love, Frank decides to blackmail her after the discovery that she's expecting a child. Bambi paid him 250,000 naira to keep her secret between them but had to introduce him as the boyfriend of her friend. Jerry and Frank get along so well that Jerry decides to use Frank as his best man during his wedding. Jerry's former girlfriend, Funmi Coker (Hekka Hedet), who is still interested in Jerry attempts to use Frank to get back to Jerry. Jerry's mother, Dr. Ese (Ebere Okaro), who is against sex before marriage fell out with Bambi upon discovery that she was pregnant for Frank and seduced Jerry to sleep with her.
Mark Rector is an entomologist who specializes in weevils. His sedate and dull life is unexpectedly disrupted when he travels to a remote village in Cornwall from where his uncle once mysteriously received a piece of gold.
The novel relates the internal turmoils of its adolescent protagonist, Walter Parrish, when he is sent to spend a month's holiday on his uncle's decaying fruit farm in the Kent countryside. On his arrival, Walter almost immediately falls in love with his young and beautiful aunt, whom he later discovers is in fact not married to his uncle.
Walter finds his physical desires inextricably intertwined with the ideals of romantic love that he has gleaned from his studies of poetry. The affair is one of incompletely–understood emotion, of "things seen dimly before dawn".
The series is focused on clumsy policemen working at a small police station on Warsaw's outskirts.
Many abnormal things start occurring around the world, with magicians noticing the birth of a certain child. Badr, a war veteran helps his wife Esra successfully birth their child; a future ''King'' and the special ''First-Class Singularity''.
Living in the Parthevia Empire with his father Badr and his mother Esra, Sinbad spends his childhood living in discrimination due to the fact that his father avoids going to war against the Reim Empire that all men of Parthevia must go to. Authorities come and take Badr by force, and Sinbad unfortunately loses his father due to the war against the Reim Empire, and spends his youth helping the local villagers and tending to his ill mother. One day, he meets and shelters a mysterious man named Yunan, unaware that he is a Magi. By the request of his mother and learning of his determination to change the world for the better, Yunan decides to guide Sinbad and instructs him to challenge the Dungeon "Baal" that appeared in the border between Partevia and Reim, and whose treasures were still unclaimed as thousands of warriors from both empires had challenged it, but none of them survived, except by Sinbad himself and a Parthevian noble whom he nicknamed "Drakon". After defeating Drakon in battle, Sinbad conquers Baal and gains the allegiance of the Djinn residing there, thus becoming the first ever Dungeon Capturer. Sinbad returns home in time to have one last encounter with his mother at her deathbed and leaves Parthevia to start his own journey to change the world.
Sinbad sets off to sea after an encounter with Cerendine, a general from Parthevia after a brief battle. He throws her into the sea leaving her in a barrel and starts to head toward Imuchakk. After meeting Hinahoho and his sister, and defeating a sea monster with them, he arrives at Imuchakk with the two. Hinahoho was able to get his name, since in Imuchakk the inhabitants are nameless until they pass the coming of age ceremony. As everyone falls asleep at the end of the ceremony, Sinbad is surprise attacked by an assassin of Parthevia’s Sham Lash, Ja’far. After a brief battle, Sinbad fends him off and angers Ja’far, and he retreats. Hinahoho on the other hand, is upset that he took all the credit for Sinbad’s work for defeating the sea monster. As self atonement and a true method of earning his name, he decides to capture the nearby dungeon in Imuchakk; Valefor.
Several comic stories are transformed into animations with the help of a machine invented by the character Franklin. These stories are: * '''''Quest for Isabelle's Nose''''': (Em Busca do Nariz de Isabelle) Monica is setting up a 5000-piece puzzle, but gets stressed when the last piece is missing: Isabelle's nose. She then looks for Mr. Ding Ling, the salesman, and discovers that the last piece of the puzzle of Isabelle's portrait is hidden in the subsoil of Limoeiro's neighborhood, and with the help of Jimmy Five she goes in search of that last fragment. * '''''Beauty Contest:''''' (Concurso de Beleza) Jimmy Five and Smudge explain to Monica that have a beauty contest in Limoeiro neighborhood, all the girls would participate and all the boys would vote. But they wanted to make a "marmalade" so they would not hurt. * '''''A Bucktoothed Love Story:''''' (Um Amor Dentuço) Jimmy Five and Smudge scoff Monica and begin to run away from it, she runs after them but tire quickly and give up, suddenly comes a vampire that wants to turn Monica into a vampire for your loved one, then he bites her without her noticing and she slowly turns into a vampire. * '''''The Samsonbuster:''''' (O Caça-Sansão) Samson is the victim of the invention of a mad scientist, and he becomes a huge monster. It is up to Jimmy Five capture it and return it to Monica in his old form. * '''''A Scenario for My Little Dolls:''''' (Um Cenário Para os Meus Bonequinhos) Smudge and Jimmy Five give wings to the imagination in charming children's games. By the time they arrive Monica and Maggy, they decide to give a feminine touch to the fun. * '''''Brother Smudge:''''' (Irmão Cascão) Jimmy Five decides to name his best friend as brother. He just did not have loose way of Smudge, which will occupy all the spaces of your home.
'''Opening quote:''' "Only you shall not eat the blood; you shall pour it out on the earth like water."
Nick (David Giuntoli) and his team hunt for a Wesen serial-killer, a "Fuilcre", who uses an ancient barbarian Wesen water-rune/rain-crucifixion ritual with a symbol of the Golden Dawn. Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) goes undercover at a pep rally to help Nick investigate a lead. The rally is actually a recruiting tool for Black Claw. Eve (Bitsie Tulloch) and Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni) interrogate a Black Claw suspect; Eve uses a "See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil" technique. Adalind (Claire Coffee) helps Nick solve his case when she tells him about an Aztec ceremony, Fire Drill, involving Orion's Belt — whenever it rose above the horizon, a man would be sacrificed on top of a pyramid. This information leads to the next ritualistic sacrificial site.
In Los Angeles, a young and lonesome drifter, Jon Kortina, encounters an eccentric mortician named Harvey Lewis. Harvey takes in the homeless Jon, who is wearing a bloody T-shirt, and agrees to hire him as an assistant in his mortuary. The two become friends and hatch an underground enterprise selling the gold fillings which Harvey has collected from the teeth of corpses over the years.
Jon meets bartender Traci Walton; they begin dating and Jon eventually moves in with her. Jon learns some mysterious details of Harvey's past (some involving "the Black Dahlia"). Upset that Harvey is withholding his share from the dental scrap sales, Jon suspects he is being cheated—suspicions fueled by an overheard conversation of Harvey's with a man named Malmo.
Assisted by Traci, Jon plots to trick Harvey into attending a non-existent Rolling Stones concert, planning to leave him on the side of the road and drive away with both their shares of their profits. Harvey spots a hole in the stratagem and confronts Jon; in an ensuing struggle Harvey falls from a cliff into the ocean.
''Volume Two'' is framed by numerous cuts throughout to scenes of Jon in Harvey's captivity. These scenes reveal more about their backstories: that Harvey's lover was murdered, becoming the Black Dahlia, and that Jon's bloody shirt in the opening of ''Volume One'' was the result of an unsuccessful attempt at suicide by jumping. The two bicker and eventually come to terms with their perceived betrayals of each other.
In the "present" scenes, Jon and Traci attempt to open Harvey's safe (which has the outward appearance of an ATM); without the correct key, they take the entire safe with them and begin driving toward Colorado. After a close call with a police officer in Arizona over expired tags, Jon and Traci ditch their vehicle and call Traci's Uncle Rick for help.
They travel to Rick's ranch house with the safe, which Jon claims contains his college transfer papers for Colorado State University. Rick displays odd and intimidating behavior, such as exercising in front of them and forcing Jon to drink a nightcap, and Jon has a nightmare about Rick and Harvey.
In the morning, Rick reveals that he's unable to get around the safe's extra security mechanisms, and recommends hiring local locksmith Doc Seagar. Doc walks out to the ranch, but when he surmises that there's something potentially illegal going on he demands $25,000, which Rick refuses to provide. Doc calls his employee Vicente to bring nitric acid to open the safe and holds Jon, Traci, and Rick at gunpoint while they wait. Vicente recognizes Traci as a figure from his past and becomes enraged, taking her inside to kill her with a knife. Before he can kill her, he and Doc are both shot and seemingly killed by an unseen figure.
As Jon and Rick plot to dispose of Vicente and Doc's bodies and open the safe themselves, Jon discovers Harvey's car in Rick's garage. He confronts Rick and it is revealed that Rick and Traci are actually a romantic couple who have been scamming Jon; Rick had tailed Harvey and Jon the night Harvey fell from the cliff and stole Harvey's car after Jon fled. Rick leads Jon on a trail to murder him, but Harvey kills Rick and saves Jon, revealing that Harvey survived the fall in ''Volume One''. Jon and Harvey make up and return to Rick's house to confront Traci, with whom Jon breaks up, despite her pleas, and leaves alone.
Harvey drives Jon back to Los Angeles to a home he has purchased for Jon, revealing his secrecy in ''Volume One'' to be part of a surprise gift; Malmo was a real estate agent who sold him the house. He also informs Jon that he has enrolled him at a nearby college, and they happily enter the house.
The film ends as a still-alive Vicente arrives outside Jon's new home with a thirst for vengeance.
The cat siblings Kit and Kate, wondering what to play for the day, get inside a box and discover an item. The siblings then get out of the box and go on an 'adventure' related to the item. However, their 'adventure' often ends in a bad result because of a behaviour of either Kit, Kate or both. Then, either the sibling's mother or father appears, disguised as someone passing by, listens to the siblings, and gives some advice. The siblings, already recognising their parent, thank good the parent, and go on their 'adventure' again from the beginning, but doing some things differently as advised, this time ends in a success.
However, in every episode of season 2, Kit and Kate make up a story together, sometimes they get help by their parents and grandfather to think of the name of the story and its synopsis. The story then begins with a character doing a specific thing. Then, Kit and Kate high-five each other which magically sends them into the story. Often, the character mentioned in the story or Kit and Kate get into a bit of a hassle, but as soon as they learn something, they try retelling the story, but this times changing it via the moral that they learnt all the way.
Ded Moroz (the Russian equivalent to Santa Claus) is in his house in a wintry setting, packing toys for children. He begins to wonder what summer is. The animals around his house think him crazy for wondering this, but he's determined to find out. He heads south and meets several children, but finds out that he has trouble with the heat. The children give him ice cream to help him cope.
While Falcone (John Doman) and Lee (Morena Baccarin) attend Mario's funeral, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) tries to enter but is stopped by Bullock (Donal Logue), who states that Falcone may want him dead if he ever sees him. While they leave, Falcone watches Gordon from a distance. Meanwhile, Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) attends a press conference programmed by his deputy chief of staff, Tarquin. After the press leaves, Tarquin Stemmel (Dave Quay) informs Cobblepot that he arranged an interview with Margaret Hearst (Jan Maxwell), an interviewer who can take "his legacy on a national scale". After Hearst leaves, Cobblepot sees his father Elijah Van Dahl (Paul Reubens) in the hallway.
Returning to his apartment, Gordon finds Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) waiting for him as a "messenger". He states that Gordon messed it up, and it's only a matter of time before Falcone dispatches him to kill Gordon. On Selina's (Camren Bicondova) place, Selina confronts Maria (Ivana Miličević) for abandoning her, who claims that she had to run and she couldn't run faster because of Selina so she had to leave her on an orphanage. Selina refuses to acknowledge it and tells her to leave. In the GCPD, Fox (Chris Chalk) shows Gordon and Bullock the corpse of a girl who was found undressed on the train tracks and died in her way to the hospital. Fox states that before she appeared, the marks signal an electrical current on her but the weird part is that three days ago, she was stabbed and taken to the morgue and yet she appeared the night before. Lee confronts Gordon in the GCPD after unsuccessfully demanding his arrest and claims that he's the "real virus" for entering into people's lives and destroying them.
In Dahl Manor, Cobblepot wakes up in the night to find a certificate broken and Dahl's spirit in front of him, who wants to help him. He tells Cobblepot that "he's not to be trusted" before disappearing. Then, Cobblepot is informed by the police that someone dug up Dahl's corpse. Gordon and Bullock go to the morgue to ask the night manager, Dwight Pollard (David Dastmalchian) about the revived corpse. Dwight claims that nothing weird has happened on the morgue and is shocked to discover the corpse gone but Gordon notices a bloody smiley on his clothes. Gordon and Bullock decide to follow Dwight after discovering that he worked on Indian Hill. Maria arrives at Wayne Manor where she brings a box that intended to give to Selina but Bruce (David Mazouz) decides to bring it to her. Selina opens the box to find all her belongings when she was young and she forgives Maria. Falcone meets with Lee, who claims that Gordon is the only one responsible and Falcone is the only one to ever kill him. Falcone decides to have him killed but makes Lee know that this will affect her too.
Gordon and Bullock follow Dwight to an abandoned theater where he gathers with a crowd. He takes the stage to criticize the systems that have spread around the city and the only person who stood up against it: Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) and shows his video of the GCPD massacre. Gordon and Bullock interrupt the presentation but the cult fends them off so Dwight can escape. While leaving, Gordon is attacked by Zsasz and his henchwomen. He flees to a restaurant kitchen where he kills the henchwomen and knocks Zsasz out. Back in Dahl Manor, Cobblepot is again visited by Dahl, who states that he cannot rest until he lies underground again and that Isabella is on the other side with him and trusts him not to trust "the birthday boy".
Lee visits Barnes (Michael Chiklis) in Arkham Asylum to discuss the virus. Barnes claims that he felt "clearer, stronger and focused" and also claims that the virus is not a disease but an antidote. His behavior prompts Lee to believe that Mario may have not lived healthy with it. The next day on the city hall, Cobblepot finds Tarquin getting welcomed with a birthday party, finally seeing him as the "birthday boy". He breaks into his office and discovers Dahl's corpse. Tarquin enters and Cobblepot kills him just when he is called for the interview. During the interview, Cobblepot is again confronted by Dahl and leaves the interview, insulting the people of Gotham in the process. He returns to Tarquin's office to find his body and Dahl's corpse gone. Gordon and Bullock are again attacked in his apartment by Zsasz until Falcone arrives and calls off the hit as Lee convinced him to drop it. However, he is still angry at Gordon for murdering Mario.
Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is revealed to be behind Cobblepot's conspiracy, using Basil Karlo (Brian McManamon) as Dahl and then make him lose control. They meet with Barbara (Erin Richards) and Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) where Nygma claims that he wants a "slow painful death. One of a thousand deep cuts" for Cobblepot so they can take his empire. Alfred (Sean Pertwee) takes Maria to a hotel, where she kisses him in gratitude. Maria finds a man, Cole Clemons (PJ Marshall) in the room, who demands the money she owed. Selina enters and accidentally says Bruce's name, which makes Cole decide to pay him a visit later. Meanwhile, Dwight reunites with a doctor, claiming that they need to move forward to bring Jerome back. The final scene shows corpses on pods placed on a warehouse and Jerome's body is shown, still smiling and with his death mark.
Dwight (David Dastmalchian) and members of the cult enter a warehouse with the help of a co-worker and retrieve Jerome's (Cameron Monaghan) corpse. The GCPD investigates the break-in and Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) find that the warehouse belongs to Wayne Enterprises, which retrieved the corpses from Indian Hill and deduce that the woman in the morgue was a resurrection test. They then find an injured cult member in the warehouse and arrest him.
Cole (PJ Marshall) arrives at Wayne Manor and tells Bruce (David Mazouz) that the payment for Maria's (Ivana Miličević) debt is $200,000 and if he does not pay it, he will make sure she goes to jail. Despite Selina's (Camren Bicondova) insistence not to give the money, Bruce gives the money to Maria. In the GCPD, Gordon interrogates the cultist and finds that Jerome's cryrogenic pod was stolen and discovers that they're planning to resurrect him. Meanwhile, Dwight and another cultist begin a process to bring Jerome's corpse back to life.
After Cobblepot's (Robin Lord Taylor) disastrous interview along with the missing whereabouts of his staff, the people question his authority and demand his resignation. Barbara (Erin Richards) also informs him that Tommy Bones (James Andrew O'Connor) is questioning his leadership and turned against him and tells him to prepare for a meeting she'll arrange with the heads of the mob. Fox (Chris Chalk) tells Gordon and Bullock that because of the energy used to revive the girl in the morgue, that would cause a power surge in the electric grid and suspect a power plant to be the center of the resurrections. They decide to go raid the place but one of the cultists is revealed to be working in the GCPD and informs Dwight of the raid. Dwight fails to revive Jerome and upon being reminded by his assistant that the cultists were promised by Dwight that they'd see Jerome's smiling face again, Dwight kills the assistant in frustration, cuts off Jerome's face from the corpse and flees before the police arrive, leaving the corpse behind.
Dwight appears at the cult's meeting, wearing Jerome's face and convinces the others that they are "all Jerome". At Sirens, Cobblepot confronts Barbara, suspecting her of conspiring against him when he is called by Tommy Bones (James Andrew O'Connor), who claims that they will end their partnership and says he has Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) captive. After Cobblepot leaves to gather his henchmen, Tommy is revealed to be threatened by Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), who then kills him. Gordon and Bullock interrogate the mole but fail to convince him until Lee (Morena Baccarin) doses him with a truth serum and Dove reveals that Dwight and the cultists are planning on broadcasting a message at a TV station. Lee returns to her office where Jerome is revealed to be resurrected and takes her prisoner.
Maria and Cole are revealed to be working together in a scam to get Bruce's money when they're discovered by Selina, who leaves angry that Maria used her. Selina then confronts Bruce about it, who reveals that he suspected it to be a scam all along, but decided to pay anyway, hoping it might lead to a reconciliation between Selina and Maria. Selina is mad that Maria never made an effort to reconnect until Bruce came into her life, and tries to take it out on him, but Bruce's training is starting to bear fruit, and he prevents her from doing any damage. Dwight and the cultists invade the station and take over the news broadcast with Dwight acting as Jerome while Gordon and the police enter through the ventilation system to save a hostage. Jerome sees the broadcast and leaves the precinct in uniform, leaving Lee bound and gagged. Gordon, Bullock and the GCPD invade the station just as Dwight broadcasts the message, killing many cultists and arresting Dwight. Meanwhile, Cobblepot receives a call from Nygma, who says that he is held captive at Kane Chemicals.
In the scene, Jerome steals a station van and kidnaps Dwight. Jerome takes him to a power plant and has Dwight strapped with explosives. He then broadcasts a live message, telling the people that "in the darkness, there are no rules" and encourages everyone to kill anyone and do whatever they want, as in the morning, they will be "reborn". He then ignites the explosives and leaves Dwight behind with the explosives. Gordon demands a chopper to make it in time for the plant but as he goes outside, he sees as the power plant explodes and the city suffers a wide power outage, leaving it in darkness.
In 2017, Andy Barclay has been torturing the disembodied head of Chucky for four years. Meanwhile, wheelchair-bound Nica Pierce has been in a mental institution after being framed by Chucky for the murders of her family. Nica now believes she was responsible for the murders and that Chucky was a manifestation of her psychosis. Dr. Foley, Nica's doctor, has her transferred to a medium-security psychiatric hospital.
In group therapy, Nica meets Malcolm, a man with multiple-identity disorder; Angela, a woman who believes she is dead; Claire, a woman who burned her house down; and Madeleine, a patient who smothered her infant son. Foley introduces a therapy technique involving a Good Guy doll. Most of the patients are unsettled except for Madeleine, who treats it as her baby. Nica is visited by Tiffany Valentine, the legal guardian of her niece Alice, and is devastated to learn that Alice has died. Tiffany leaves Nica a Good Guy doll, which she claims was a gift from Alice. That night, Chucky awakens and discovers Nica has slit her wrists. The next morning, Nica finds that her wrists have been stitched up and that Angela has been killed. After realizing "Valentine" was the last name of Chucky's girlfriend, Nica realizes Chucky is real. Fearing Madeleine is in danger, Nica has Malcolm warn her. Madeleine throws both the doll and Malcolm into an empty grave, but they are rescued by orderlies. Malcolm begins to refer to himself as "Charles" and act in a manner similar to Chucky, making Nica suspect he has been possessed. Chucky then kills Claire by decapitating her.
Andy learns about the murders and realizes Chucky has somehow managed to transfer his soul into multiple bodies at once. In a private session with Foley, Nica agrees to be hypnotized in order to access any repressed memories about the murders. Foley, who has been sexually abusing Nica, is hit from behind by Chucky. Foley believes Nica is the one who assaulted him but is willing to keep quiet in order to blackmail her for more sexual favors. Madeleine smothers her Good Guy doll with a pillow, forcing her to confront the repercussions of her real child's death. Orderlies bury the doll in order to placate Madeleine. Andy commits himself into the institution by assaulting a security guard. Carlos, a nurse, delivers a package to Foley—another Good Guy doll with short, shaved hair. Madeleine is visited by her own doll and allows it to kill her.
Foley attempts to assault Nica again but is knocked out by one of the Chucky dolls. Two dolls are now alive due to Madeline's doll splitting its soul inside of Foley's doll. One of the dolls awakens the short-haired doll. The Chuckys reveal that the original Chucky found a voodoo spell on the internet which allowed him to separate his soul into multiple host bodies, creating a "cult." Alice was one host, but she was killed. The dolls then kill Carlos. Tiffany returns and kills a security guard outside. Foley's Chucky doll transfers his soul into Nica, giving her body the ability to walk again. She stomps on Foley's head, using high-heeled shoes that Foley had given Nica earlier, killing him. She stumbles upon Malcolm, who has killed fellow Nurse Ashley, before confessing that he knows he's not really Chucky... he merely created "Charles" as an alternative personality. He is suddenly ambushed and killed by Madeleine's Chucky. The short-haired Chucky attacks Andy, but Andy restrains him and reaches into the doll's chest, pulling out a hidden gun and revealing that he sent him to the institution. He shoots the doll and stomps its head, killing him. Nica appears and taunts him. Andy tries to shoot at her, only to discover that he has no ammunition left. Nica locks Andy inside his cell.
Madeleine's Chucky feigns lifelessness and Nica, possessed by Foley's Chucky, escapes. She reunites with Tiffany outside before driving off together with a Tiffany doll, also alive and sharing a portion of Tiffany's soul. In a post-credits scene, Andy's former foster sister, Kyle, enters Andy's house, having been sent to continue torturing the original Chucky's severed head.
Settled at the foothills of a fort is a quaint village 'Kharbujewaadi'. This village is a land of many a 'Mavla' who served Shivaji Maharaj with great valour. The courage, grit and sacrifice that this village had to offer, played a major role in King Shivaji's fight for 'Hindavi Swarajya'.
But ... those were the days. Today, Kharbujewadi is a much developed modern town. Their eternal loyalty to the Maratha king Shivaji, forever on exhibit, the village is strewn with shops named: Shivaji Vada Pav Centre, Jijamata Saree Corner, Sambhaji Pan Shop, Tanaji Medicals etc. Unfortunately, their love for their beloved king is limited to the signboards, slogans on the cars and saffron coloured tilak on the foreheads.
The most important symbol of the Hindavi Swarajya, the forts of Shivaji are long forgotten. The once majestic fort overlooking this buzzing town lays in ruins, tainted with tobacco laden spit, garbage, empty beer bottles and lovers declaring their love for each other on the same walls where the brave mawlas spilt their blood for Swarajya.
What is this outrageous plan? Is it going to work? Will their dream to restore this fort become a reality?
''Splatoon 2'' takes place approximately two years after the final Splatfest event of the first game, in which the pop idol Marie defeated her cousin and fellow Squid Sister, Callie. After having drifted apart in the months following the event, Marie worries that Callie was negatively affected by the result. After leaving Inkopolis to see her parents, Marie returns home to discover that the Great Zapfish that powers the city has gone missing again, as has Callie. Fearing that the evil Octarians are once more involved, Marie again takes up her role as Agent 2 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon and recruits an Inkling from Inkopolis Square, the player character, to become Agent 4 and investigate.
With assistance from Marie and weapons expert Sheldon, Agent 4 makes their way through Octo Canyon fighting Octarians and recovering several stolen Zapfish, including ones powering the Octarians' war machines, such as the Octo Oven, the Octo Samurai and the Octo Shower. They discover that Callie herself has sided with the Octarians after being brainwashed (through the use of special glasses, named "Hypnoshades") by their leader, DJ Octavio, who has escaped his imprisonment after his defeat in the first game and once more is using the Great Zapfish to power his new DJ stage, the Octobot King II. Marie arrives with Sheldon, both on top of a flying Squid Sisters themed stage, and frees Callie from her mind control shooting her Hypnoshades, with a Hero Charger. Finally, together they help Agent 4 defeat Octavio once more hitting him once and for all with a Rainmaker. With the Great Zapfish safely returned to Inkopolis, the Squid Sisters happily reunite and resume their musical career with the song "Fresh Start".
Four business partners have a fiscal problem in the company they work for and decide to determine which of them will take the fall and go to prison for their financial crimes. From debates and a vote in the group, whoever is nominated will be jailed for 7 years.
Chiaki Mikado was bitten as a child by a mythical creature known as Cerberus which caused him to lose a piece of his soul. Eight years later he finds little joy in life, and is surprised one day when the Cerberus returns offering to help. Chiaki soon discovers that the creature is made up of three very different personalities that share the same body. Kuro really wants to make him happy, Shirogane shows a tsundere side, and Roze is quiet and possibly in love with him. As the story progresses Chiaki learns more about the three who want to help him.
Amaro Carabel (Fernando Fernán Gómez) is an ordinary man with a kind nature who lives with his aunt and is unable to marry his fiancée since his salary is permanently frozen. During a country race organized by his company, Carabel has a well-intentioned but indiscreet talk with one of the clients that leads to his dismissal. He then decides that the cause of his misfortunes lies in having always behaved honestly, and announces to his aunt his intention to become an evil man.
Carabel tries to carry out some misdeeds such as becoming a pickpocket, kidnapping a child, using that same child for begging, robbing a hotel or robbing a passer-by, always with disastrous results. He finally decides to rob the safe from his old company.
Carabel manages to get hold of the safe and take it home, but it is totally impossible for her to open it. Also, his fiancée, Silvia, gives him an ultimatum; she or she fixes her life in 21 days, or she will marry another man.
Knowing that his aunt is taking a correspondence course in hypnosis, Carabel desperately tries to use it to hypnotize her former bosses into giving her the key to the safe. Once there, however, the bosses, who are short of employees, decide to reinstate him in the company (with a reduction in salary). Carabel gladly accepts the offer, but unfortunately the term imposed by Silvia has expired.
Some time passes and while he corrects a letter he reads a message of love addressed to himself, when he looks up he finds that it has been written by Silvia, who has also got a job in the company and finally did not get married after all. Now that they have two salaries, the fiancés will be able to get married and Carabel definitively abandons any malevolent pretense.
In the impoverished town of Dooling, part of the fictional Tri-Counties region of Appalachia, a bizarre murder occurs when two men running a meth lab out of their mobile home are beaten to death by a mysterious woman, who then sets fire to the lab before allowing herself to be arrested by the local sheriff, Lila Norcross. At the same time, reports start coming in of a mysterious sickness spreading across the world, which causes women to fall into a deep sleep, cocooned in a strange material. Dubbed "Aurora", the disease also causes the sleeping women to enter into a homicidal rage, attacking and brutally murdering any adult who tries to open the cocoons.
Lila's husband Clint, the chief psychiatrist at the Dooling Correctional Institute for Women, begins noticing Aurora occurring among his patients at the same time that the woman, who is given the name "Eve Black", is incarcerated in the prison. As the disease continues to spread throughout the town, the local women become desperate to keep themselves awake, leading to looting and riots. Lila herself falls victim to the illness, and is replaced by her alcoholic chief deputy, Terry Coombs, who in turn appoints Frank Geary, a former animal control officer with a short temper, as his second-in-command. Clint's superior, Warden Janice Coates, fires one of her guards, Don Peters, for sexual harassment; he drugs her with Xanax, leaving Clint to protect the dwindling number of still-awake female inmates.
Clint interviews Eve, learning that she is an "emissary" sent by an otherworldly being who believes that women are capable of building a society free of war, abuse, and other evils she says are caused primarily by men. Clint, according to her words, is "the Man" whose purpose is to protect Eve for "a week or so", when she promises to cure the women of Aurora. Meanwhile, Frank and Terry deputize several new recruits, including Peters and a juvenile delinquent named Eric Blass, and gradually restore order to Dooling. Rumors of Eve's ability to sleep and wake without trouble spread throughout the town, leading Frank in a quest to start manipulating Terry to take her from the prison to somehow save the sleeping women. Clint's son Jared and his friend Mary manage to hide Lila and three other women in an empty house, worrying that Frank will use their bodies as hostages.
Meanwhile, in an alternate dimension, the women find themselves in a post-apocalyptic Dooling, which they refer to as "Our Place". Lila and Janice assume leadership, and the women begin to re-establish themselves, even as many mysteriously vanish (due to their bodies having been destroyed by men in the real world). A group sent to look for other survivors instead come across a magnificent Tree, which turns out to be the portal between Our Place and Dooling. Elaine Nutting, Frank's wife, tries to burn the Tree down because she doesn't want to return to the real world, but Eve sends an inmate, Jeanette Sorley, to stop her; Jeanette has a young son whom she desperately wants to see again so she agrees to stop Elaine. Jeanette finds Elaine in the process of setting fire to the Tree portal and wrestles the lighter and a gun away from her. Jeanette then throws the lighter away and picks up the gun to put it in her belt. Before she can do that leaves rustle behind her. Jeanette turns with the gun in her hand and Lila then shoots and kills Jeanette by mistake.
Clint and his allies steal weapons from the police station, prompting Frank and Terry to assemble a posse to assault the prison and capture Eve. During the attack, two criminals whom Lila had arrested based on an inmate's testimony use a stolen bazooka to blow up the station and part of the prison, killing fifteen women before Vanessa Lampley, a former guard, shoots them dead. Terry commits suicide out of grief and cowardice, Peters and Blass are killed, and most of Frank's men desert him, but he manages to reach Eve's cell. Clint, Jared, Janice's daughter Michaela, an inmate named Angel Fitzroy, and an elderly volunteer, Willy Burke, try to persuade him to spare her life, even as Eve herself promises Frank that killing her is the only way to save his family. Realizing that Eve is trying to prove that men are inherently violent and should be allowed to die out, Clint uses guilt to force Eve to use her power to save Willy when his heart suddenly stops. Seeing this, Frank and the others allow Eve to return to Our Place, where she gives the women the chance to decide whether to return to Dooling or stay put. Ultimately, all of the women vote to return.
As sleeping women around the world awake from their slumber, life slowly begins to return to normal. However, Lila and Clint's marriage, already on shaky ground, falls apart, and they decide to separate, with Clint resuming his old job at a prison in a neighboring town and Lila resigning as sheriff. Haunted by Jeanette's death and seeking forgiveness, Lila drives out to where the Tree used to stand and asks Eve for a sign of her presence. A single brown moth (one of Eve's forms) then lands on her hand.
The film is set in 1933.
From poor villages in Western Ukraine, at that time belonging to Poland, thousands of people are going to cities in search of work and happiness. Among them is Anna. After working all night as a janitor at a local restaurant, in the morning she returns to her duties as a servant in a rooming house proudly named as "Dream". All inhabitants of the guest house are people broken by life, vainly trying to straighten up, but despite all efforts, somehow tolerate defeat in the battle against the ruthless world. And at the head of this ship which is about to go down, stands Madame Skorokhodova, who is convinced that she really made it. Paradoxically her compassion mixes with fierce ruthlessness to those below her social status, all-consuming greed and the similarly boundless love for her loser son, for whom she has lived, worked, committed vile acts, while knowing in her heart the futility of these efforts.
Soviet Central Asia. Ten demobilized Red Army soldiers ride through the desert to the railroad. Three more people are with them: commander of the frontier Zhuravlev and his wife Maria Nikolaevna and an old geologist. In the desert, they find a well and hidden machine guns – this is the base of Basmach Shirmat Khan, whom the Red Army could not neutralize for a whole year. A single soldier is sent out for help while others remain to restrain the Basmachi.
In the well there is almost no water, but the Red Army carefully conceal it from the Basmachi who have approached. The bandits suffer from thirst, but attack violently in an attempt to reach the well. In an unequal battle, nearly all defenders of the well are killed, and the enemies are captured by the cavalry which has come to the rescue.
Butch Cassidy receives a pardon after being incarcerated for a year under the condition that he does not commit any more crimes in Wyoming. He later joins forces with the Sundance Kid and his relative Mike Cassidy's gang as adversaries of the Pinkerton Agency. The gang becomes known as the Wild Bunch after Mike Cassidy dies. A love triangle develops between Butch, Sundance, and photographer Etta Place.
Elena, Paloma and Julia are three sisters who, nevertheless, have lived in separate homes and barely know each other. Their parents broke up when they were child, and Elena stayed with her mother, Paloma with her father, and Julia was sent to a boarding school abroad. For some circumstances the three, already adult, meet to live together in house of Elena, and the series reflects their disagreements, their fights, reconciliations, frustrations and dreams.
From a village to Moscow comes a married woman and mother of two children Nyura to sell home-made ham. And the first person she meets is an intelligent taxi driver Sasha, who must pick her up to her in-law; her husband's sister, who lives near the cafe "Three Poplars" at Plyushchikha. This random meeting brings the strangers together and forces them to take a fresh look at their lives. But unfortunately, due to external circumstances continuation of this connection does not develop.
When talking with friends, Dr. Hallers, a well-known lawyer in Berlin, said he was skeptical about fantasies on the split personality: he could never believe something like that. During a ride, however, he has an accident, after which he often falls into a deep sleep from which he awakens with the feeling of having a dual personality. Later, his double starts to rob his apartment with a thief. During the robbery, the police arrives and arrests the thief. Hallers, having fallen asleep, wakes up without remembering anything of what happened. Eventually, the lawyer recovers and marries his fiancée.
''Alpha: Babel of the Grieved Maze'' follows Kurisu, and is set during the tenth chapter of the ''Steins;Gate'' game, "Paradox Meltdown". After Kurisu and Okabe have decided that they should cause a shift to the beta attractor field, Kurisu spends time contemplating her coming death. She meets Faris, a staff member at a maid café, and learns that Faris's and Kurisu's respective fathers, Yukitaka Akiha and doctor Nakabachi, knew each other. They listen to one of Yukitaka's audio diary cassettes, on which a conversation between Yukitaka, Nakabachi and an unknown third party, professor Hashida, discuss researching time travel. They later find and listen to an audio recording in which Nakabachi expresses regret over having rejected Kurisu; motivated, she runs to tell Okabe that she loves him before he causes the world line shift.
''Beta: Arc-light of the Point at Infinity'' follows Mayuri, and is set in the beta attractor field, after Daru's future daughter, Suzuha Amane, brought Okabe back in time to save Kurisu; this is necessary to avoid a world line where Kurisu's time travel theories are stolen, resulting in an arms race leading up to World War III. Okabe fails at first, as world line convergence appears to make Kurisu's death inevitable; Suzuha is about to make him try one more time, but Mayuri stops her, as she thinks Okabe has suffered enough.
Suzuha does not go back to the time she came from, still intending to get Okabe to try once more, but notes that due to a lack of fuel, the time machine will no longer be able to go back far enough after less than a year has passed. After that time is nearly up, Suzuha gets ready to travel back in time and try saving Kurisu herself, but Mayuri follows along. They arrive just after the past Suzuha and Okabe left to save Kurisu for the first time, and Mayuri tells her past self that she needs to get Okabe to try again. The scene from the beginning plays out again, but Mayuri slaps Okabe and tells him that he is not the type to give up. The future Mayuri and Suzuha leave before the past Okabe and Suzuha return, with too little fuel to be able to tell where they will end up.
''Gamma: Hyde of the Dark Dimension'' follows Okabe, and is set in the gamma attractor field; he got there when attempting to undo the changes caused by his friend Luka Urushibara's D-mail in the ''Steins;Gate'' game. He discovers that in this world line, he is a Rounder partnered with Moeka Kiryu, and that they have just completed a mission to kill Europol agents who have discovered their identities. He runs to the laboratory to shift to the previous world line with a D-mail, but is stopped by Kurisu and Suzuha: Kurisu witnessed Okabe killing the agents, and Suzuha has in this world line traveled back in time to stop Okabe from becoming a dictator, leader of the Rounders, and a member of the Committee of 300. Kurisu calls the police, but Moeka helps Okabe escape. They visit Mayuri, who is hospitalized, and Okabe learns that they were childhood friends but got separated after the Year 2000 problem occurred, which led to a catastrophe and the death of Mayuri and Okabe's families. Learning that Mayuri has cancer and is not expected to live for much longer, Okabe leaves to clear his head.
Moeka questions Luka about Okabe's D-mail, and concludes that the Year 2000 problem likely was caused by SERN. Moeka assures Okabe that they do not have to worry about Kurisu's report, as the Rounders are pressuring the police. She says that they are like family in this world line, since Okabe saved her when she tried to commit suicide, and that she wants to help him even though he is different from the Okabe she knows. They receive their next mission – to take the time machine and its creators to SERN – but they decide to betray SERN, forcefully entering the laboratory prior to the scheduled mission; the other Rounders appear and shoot Okabe, but Moeka manages to send a D-mail that causes a world line shift, away from the gamma attractor field.
Kwon Yoo (Ji Chang-wook), formerly a national taekwondo champion, spends most of his day playing games at an Internet Cafe. In an online First-person Shooter, his character "Captain" is highly skilled and has a group of close friends and teammates who call themselves "RESURRECTION."
After a gaming session, he finds a smartphone and goes to the owner's apartment to return it. The next day, he is arrested and accused of killing a young girl. The evidence seems irrefutable: The murder weapon is in his house, his fingerprints and DNA are in her apartment and the apartment's security camera has footage of him. Following pressure from the media, the court swiftly finds him guilty and sentences him to life imprisonment in a maximum security prison.
In prison, Kwon catches the attention of gang leader Ma Duk-su, and Kwon is beaten on his first days. His mother visits him, assures him she is fighting for his freedom and encourages him to endure. Helped by a sympathetic inmate, Kwon retrains himself and fights back, eventually beating Ma. After receiving news that his mother has committed suicide, Kwon breaks out of prison, triggering a national manhunt. He goes to the office of Min Chum-sang, the public attorney who defended him. Min gives Kwon Yoo his mother's necklace, saying he will re-examine his case.
Kwon is contacted by Yeo-wool, one of his RESURRECTION teammates. She takes him to her house on the city outskirts. They are soon joined by his other teammates. Yeo-wool has researched the case, found many irregularities in the supposed "evidence" and gathered the team to help Kwon clear his name.
The team examines recent high-profile violent crimes and via security camera footage, finds a truck parking close to all crime scenes. Following this lead, Kwon arrives at the apartment of Noh Joon-young, a rising TV actor, and finds his corpse. Hiding in a corner, Kwon witnesses a team of "specialists" creating a crime scene, following a narrative of "rabid fan stalking, killing and embalming her idol."
Unbeknownst to Kwon, the apartment is being surveilled by Min, who is the mastermind behind the framing. Noh's real killer is found to be the daughter of a wealthy businessman known as "Chairman Chu," who hires Min to find a scapegoat. Using a massive intelligence-gathering supercomputer hidden in his apartment block, Min finds an appropriate candidate, a girl named So, and sends a team to drug her and collect her hair, saliva and blood that they use to fake the crime scene. Later, they lure her to Noh's apartment and finish the narrative. Similarly, Kwon's "victim" was killed by the son of a wealthy client, and Kwon was made the scapegoat.
After tracking So, the team bugs her phone and finds Min's accomplice. Kwon attempts to kidnap the accomplice but is captured by Ma, who was freed thanks to Min manipulating prison records. Yeo-wool saves Kwon and drives him to safety. Wondering how Ma found him, Yeo-wool finds a tracker inside his mother's necklace and realizes Min is involved.
After RESURRECTION sabotages Min's operation, Kwon confronts Min at his "command center." After beating Min up, he begins transferring Min's data (including surveillance footage of his victims and call logs with his client) using Yeo-wool's thumb drive. Min implies the suicide of Kwon's mother was actually a murder set up by Min. Min then reveals that Ma is at Yeo-wool's safehouse and has captured his teammates. Unable to wait for the data transfer, Kwon rushes back in time to save his teammates.
Evading Ma's gang, Min's subordinates and the police, the group rush to a TV station. On the way, they learn that Min has manipulated the media into painting his team as a "psychotic crime ring." The team distracts the pursuers, while Yeo-wool sets up her equipment. Eventually everyone except Yeo-wool is captured. As Min celebrates, his command center shuts down, and he realizes Yeo-wool's thumbdrive has finished its job.
With the evidence found in Min's computer, Yeo-wool and the two hitherto absent team members put together a presentation. They block the TV station's regular broadcast and begin presenting the facts, detailing Min's involvement, his clients and how they framed their victims. Min is arrested, although it is implied there is a greater force behind him.
Kwon is cleared of all charges and let go. In the final scene, the group is at a gathering, chatting and eating happily.
''The Killing Secret'' was thought to be based on the true story of Emily Garcia, however, her murder was later solved and does not match the storyline of the film. It may also have been based in part on the murder of Becky Stowe, by her boyfriend Robert Leamon.
In the film, Greg (Kassen) is dating Nicole (Meyers) but sleeps with Emily (Frye) who becomes pregnant. Faced with the loss of his college athletic scholarship, Greg kills Emily. The film revolves around the investigation and eventual arrest and conviction of Greg for the murder.
A married couple (Zoe Lister-Jones, Adam Pally), who fight non-stop, attempt to save their marriage by turning their arguments into songs.
In the fourth season finale "The Lich", Finn and Jake are tricked by the Lich—disguised as his arch-nemesis Billy—into opening a portal to the multiverse by using the Enchiridion. After the Lich passes through, Finn and Jake give chase. They eventually reach a time room at the center of the multiverse that is inhabited by Prismo, a wish-granter. They arrive just in time to see the Lich vanish after making his wish for the extinction of all life. After a short conversation with Prismo, Finn wishes that the Lich had never existed and is promptly transported into the reality created by his wish.
The scene then shifts to the art style featured in the end of "The Lich", as part of the wish-created reality known as "Farmworld" in which Finn is a normal human living with his family and his dog, Jake, on a farm. Picking up from the last scene from "The Lich", Finn is called by his mother and told to sell his beloved mule Bartram to pay off the family's debt to the Destiny Gang. While going to town to the sell the creature, Finn and Jake fall down an opening in the earth and discover the long-dead skeleton of Simon Petrikov. An aged and decrepit Marceline—who never became a vampire—reveals herself and tells Finn that Simon gave his life stopping a mutagenic bomb from exploding by freezing it in ice. She tells them that she has been guarding Simon's body, and the ice crown, ever since his demise so that no one is ever harmed from the crown's power.
Finn manages to steal the crown, hoping to sell it instead of Bartram. In town, however, the Destiny Gang steal the crown as well as Bartram. Finn, furious, riles up the town, who begin to riot, as they are sick of being abused by the Destiny Gang. Finn goes to the Destiny Gang's mansion to confront their leader, Big Destiny. Once there, Big Destiny returns the crown, noting that it is the last possession that he will ever own. Finn looks out the window and sees that the gang is burning the city. Finn races to his home, taking Marceline with him. When he arrives at his house, the gang has already set it on fire with his parents and infant sibling trapped upstairs. Finn asks Marceline if the crown is magic and she tells him it is very dangerous magic. He then puts the crown on his head, and the power begins to flow through him.
After putting on the crown, Finn becomes corrupted by its power, going mad. He attacks the Destiny Gang—who his family owed a debt as established in the previous episode—and put out the fires that they started, but his uncontrolled power causes the mutagenic bomb that Simon stopped to explode, destroying the surrounding area. Jake, however, falls into a mutagenic puddle and is mutated into a creature similar to the Lich, which attacks Finn.
In the Time Room, Prismo explains to Jake about Finn being transported to a separate and altered world based on his wish. Together, they watch the events in Finn's world on Prismo's television and Prismo asks Jake what he would like to wish for. Jake wishes for a sandwich, but Prismo urges him to consider using his wish on something important, such as helping Finn. Jake tells Prismo he will use it when he knows Finn will be in real danger, and after a conversation, the two decide to hang out; Prismo mutes the TV and the two begin to ignore the events happening in Finn's timeline.
Eventually, the Cosmic Owl joins Prismo and Jake, and the two chat in a hot tub. While reaching for chips, the Cosmic Owl unmutes the TV, and Jake realizes that Finn is in trouble. Prismo explains that Jake can still save Finn by using his wish, but reveals that his wish must be very specific, as Prismo's wishes have a tendency to have a monkey's paw—an ironic twist—connected to them. After coaching by Prismo, Jake wishes that the Lich's original wish had been for Finn and Jake to return home. Prismo grants the wish and Finn and Jake are indeed transported back to Ooo. Finn has no recollection of his time in the alternate reality, but Jake does.