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The Outlaws (2017 film)

''The Outlaws'' follows a turf war that grows between a local gang that runs Garibong-dong in Guro District, Seoul and the Heuksapa gang from Yanbian, The police are called in to attempt to bring peace to the neighborhood. Jang Chen is a bloodthirsty leader of the Chinese mainland gang ''Black Dragon'', who works as a loan shark in a seedy Chinatown area of Seoul. He's backed up by his henchmen Wei Sung-Rak and Yang-Tae. Jang Chen is beyond brutal in his methods to collect money. Ma Suk-Do is a detective in the Chinatown area of Seoul.

Ma, along with his Captain Jeon Il-man tries to keep the peace, while two Chinese-Korean gangs dubbed ''Venom Gang'' headed by and Ahn Sung-Tae and ''Cobra Gang'' headed by Jang I-Soo as they battle over the turf in the neighborhood. Jang Chen, along with Sung-Rak and Yang-Tie makes their move to take over Chinatown and destroy the ''Venom Gang'' and kill Sung-Tae where they take over I-Soo's casino. Enraged, I-Soo attacks the casino. Sung-Rak and Yung-Tae fight with I-Soo and his henchmen, but are interrupted by Ma, who arrest Sung-Rak while Yang-Tae escapes and informs to Jang-Chen. Ma and Jeon learn about Jang Chen's crimes where they decide to arrest him.

The next day, Jang Chen, along with Yang-Tae attacks I-soo and his henchmen where he, along with Yang-Tee kill them at I-Soo's mother's birthday bash. Meanwhile, Jang Chen's location is informed by the hotelior to CEO Hwang (When Jang Chen and his henchmen had killed their men in the hotel), who along with his henchmen arrive and tries to kill Jang Chen, but Jang Chen manages to escape and the hotelior is later killed by Jang Chen and learns Hwang's involvement. Ma seeks the help of Chinatown colony members for help to catch the Chinese moneylenders. They accept and start taking photos of the moneylenders and the people.

Ma and his fellow police officers arrest all of them, including Yang-Tae. One of the police officer named Kang Hong-seok gets caught by Jang Chen and is about to run a car over him, but Ma saves him by crashing Jang Chen's car. Jang Chen escapes and Ma chases after him but loses sight of him after a while. Jang Chen reaches the airport to fly away to China where he leaves for the restroom. Ma arrives at the restroom and a combat ensues where the two are powerful against each other. Ma manages to knock down Jang Chen and leaves him handcuffed in the restroom. The gang leaders are arrested and Jeon is congratulated by the commissioner where Ma and his team celebrate for solving the case. Just then, Ma is called by the commissioner to investigate another case.

Write or Dance

The story of an aspiring novelist who experiences special meetings with different individuals, on a particular day of every month.

Mothers (2017 South Korean film)

A woman who lost her husband to an accident has to cope with raising her sixteen-year-old stepson from her husband's previous marriage.

Dragged Across Concrete

In the fictional city of Bulwark, recent parolee Henry Johns chastises his mother for returning to prostitution and taking drugs, before reuniting with his handicapped younger brother Ethan.

Three weeks later, police detectives Brett Ridgeman and Anthony Lurasetti are suspended without pay by the police department after a video leaked online revealing them committing police brutality on a drug dealer. Both detectives are desperate for money, with Ridgeman needing cash to move to a safer neighborhood for his family, while Lurasetti stalls in proposing to his girlfriend Denise. On a tip from Friedrich, a wealthy businessman with criminal connections, Ridgeman recruits Lurasetti to help him surveil and rob Lorentz Vogelmann, a professional thief.

Henry and his childhood friend Biscuit are hired by Vogelmann as getaway drivers, whose crew: Black Gloves and Grey Gloves, have committed a series of robberies to buy a customized bulletproof van. Vogelmann and his crew then rob a bank, taking the employees and customers as hostages. A bank employee, Kelly Summers, who came back to work from her maternity leave, is shot and executed by the bank robbers after preventing a colleague from notifying the police via email. The thieves castrate the bank manager and then escape with the bullion and a hostage, Cheryl, while being tailed by Ridgeman and Lurasetti, which Henry notices. Unsettled by Vogelmann and his henchmen's brutality, Henry and Biscuit are then forced to surrender their weapons. Realizing they may be killed, Henry chooses not to reveal to Biscuit or the thieves that they are being followed by the detectives. Lurasetti learns of the atrocities committed by the thieves and berates Ridgeman for not intervening sooner or notifying the authorities, but Ridgeman asserts that law enforcement would be too late, and only the two of them can deal with the thieves. Lurasetti opts against delaying his marriage proposal to Denise and leaves her a voicemail guiding her to the engagement ring.

Arriving at a garage in the countryside, Biscuit leaps out of the van and is shot, as Henry wounds Grey Gloves with a hidden gun. Mortally wounded, Biscuit swallows the van's key; imploring Henry to take care of his mother and later is shot dead by thieves. Cheryl is sent to pull Biscuit's body into the van and Black Gloves cuts the key out of Biscuit's stomach, as Ridgeman and Lurasetti arrive and ram the van, knocking it over. Threatened by Vogelmann, Cheryl seemingly escapes from the van and as Lurasetti attempts to rescue her, shoots Lurasetti, mortally wounding him, before being executed by Ridgeman. Ridgeman then quickly kills Black Gloves as he exits the van. Ridgeman hands the dying Lurasetti his phone and he listens to a voicemail from Denise who declines his proposal before succumbing to his wounds.

Ridgeman fills the van with tear gas, and kills Gray Gloves just as he surrenders. Before he can torch the van, Henry fires a warning shot and insists the valuable contents of the van be spared. Ridgeman climbs on top of the van and kills Vogelmann before the latter can shoot him through the retractable slit. Henry shoots Ridgeman in the foot and reveals that he has recorded the entire incident on his cellphone and identifies Ridgeman as a detective. Disarming Henry, Ridgeman proposes they split the score, and together they load the bodies and the bullion in the getaway car. Towing Lurasetti's car to a dump site, Ridgeman reveals a hidden firearm and threatens Henry to delete the video. Henry and Ridgeman both shoot at each other, with Henry mortally wounding Ridgeman. Henry agrees with the dying Ridgeman to bury Lurasetti and take care of Ridgeman's family and later buries all the bodies and promises the deceased Biscuit that he will return and give a proper burial.

Eleven months later, Henry lives in a lavish mansion with his mother and brother. He sends Ridgeman's family a package containing a share of the gold bullion.

Twice Upon a Time (Doctor Who)


Wandering back to his TARDIS through the South Pole in 1986 after leaving his companions behind, the First Doctor refuses to regenerate. He encounters the Twelfth Doctor outside his own TARDIS in a similar state of mind. The pair are soon approached by a confused and injured First World War British captain (Mark Gatiss), displaced from December 1914 while in a gun-point stalemate with a German soldier. All three are then forcibly taken into a large spaceship. Inside, they meet with Bill Potts. The Twelfth Doctor, however, doubts she is the real Bill. Upon encountering the ship's glass-like holographic pilot, they are offered freedom in exchange for allowing the ship to return the Captain to the moment of his death. Refusing to allow the Captain to die, they escape and take the First Doctor's TARDIS to the planet Villengard in the far future.

Alone, the Twelfth Doctor meets with the rogue Dalek Rusty, who has taken refuge from other Daleks hunting it. Given access to the Dalek Hivemind, the Doctor learns that the pilot and its ship, known as ''Testimony'', were created on New Earth, designed to extract people from their timelines at the moment of their death, and archive their memories into glass avatars. "Bill" is one such avatar, created from her memories. Seeing no evil to fight, the Doctors agree to return the Captain to his timeline. Upon arrival, the Captain asks the Doctors to keep an eye on his family, introducing himself as Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart (implying that he is the ancestor of the Doctor's frequent ally and lifelong friend, the Brigadier, and his daughter Kate Stewart). As time resumes, the Doctors watch as soldiers on both sides begin singing "Silent Night". The Twelfth Doctor explains to the First that he deliberately shifted the Captain's timeline forward to the start of the Christmas truce, to ensure his life would be spared.

With the Captain saved, the First Doctor informs the Twelfth that he is now prepared to regenerate and says his goodbyes before returning to his TARDIS. He returns to the South Pole for Ben and Polly and finally regenerates into his second incarnation. Now alone with Bill's avatar, the Twelfth Doctor adamantly contends she is not really Bill, but she argues that memories are what defines a person. Bill's avatar restores the Doctor's memories of Clara Oswald before they are joined by Nardole's avatar. The Doctor, however, refuses to give the avatars testimony of his life. They respect his wish to be alone and leave after he embraces them both. The Doctor then returns to the TARDIS and decides to regenerate, but not before relaying some personal advice to his next incarnation.

After the newly regenerated Thirteenth Doctor examines her own reflection, the TARDIS suffers multiple system failures due to damage caused by the delayed regeneration. Falling out of the tumbling ship, the Doctor watches in horror as the time rotor and the console room explode, and the TARDIS dematerialises while she plummets towards the Earth below.


"Twice Upon a Time" takes place towards the end of the First Doctor's final serial, ''The Tenth Planet'' (first broadcast in October 1966), some of which is shown at the start of the special. During the last episode's final moments, the Doctor leaves his companions Ben and Polly and returns to the TARDIS; they find him collapsed in the console room, where he undergoes his first regeneration. Derek Martinus, the episode's director, reportedly cut a line from the original script which suggested that the Doctor was refusing to give in to the regeneration process. Steven Moffat's 2017 story creates an extended narrative around that part of the story, in which the First Doctor delays his regeneration and encounters his future self — the Twelfth Doctor — in the snowy wasteland.

When Testimony shows the First Doctor images of his future incarnations, clips from both the classic series and the revival are used, including the Third Doctor from ''Invasion of the Dinosaurs'' (1974); the Fifth Doctor from ''Arc of Infinity'' (1983); the Seventh Doctor from ''The Happiness Patrol'' (1988); the Eighth Doctor from "The Night of the Doctor" (2013); the Ninth Doctor from "The Parting of the Ways" (2005); and the Tenth Doctor from "The Waters of Mars" (2009).

Testimony also lists several of the Doctor's future titles: "The Shadow of the Valeyard" (from ''The Trial of a Time Lord'', said to be a distillation of the Doctor's darker side), "the Oncoming Storm" ("The Parting of the Ways"), "the Imp of the Pandorica" (a reference to the Eleventh Doctor story "The Pandorica Opens"), "the Beast of Trenzalore" ("The Time of the Doctor"), "the Butcher of Skull Moon" and "the Doctor of War" ("Hell Bent"). "The Destroyer of Skaro" refers to the destruction of the planet in ''Remembrance of the Daleks'' (1988), although Skaro was later restored, as explained in "Asylum of the Daleks" (2012) and shown in "The Magician's Apprentice" (2015).

The Weapons Factories of Villengard were originally mentioned in "The Doctor Dances" (Steven Moffat's first ''Doctor Who'' story), where the Ninth Doctor implied that he was responsible for their destruction.

Helen Clay, who would become Testimony's glass pilot, was from New Earth and lectured at "New Earth University," a reference to the Tenth Doctor stories "New Earth" and "Gridlock".

Outside references

The Doctor addresses his original incarnation as "Mary Berry", "Corporal Jones", and "Mr Pastry". Mr Pastry was a comedic variety stage act and children's show character played by actor Richard Hearne, who was once considered for the role of the Fourth Doctor. Hearne, however, wanted to play the Doctor as a version of Mr. Pastry, so he was passed over in favour of Tom Baker.

The Doctor paraphrases philosopher Bertrand Russell when he advises his future self that "hate is always foolish and love is always wise".

American War (novel)

In 2074, after the passage of a bill in the United States that bans the use of fossil fuels anywhere in the country, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas secede from the Union, starting the Second American Civil War. South Carolina is quickly incapacitated by a virus, known as "The Slow," which makes its inhabitants lethargic, and Texas is invaded and occupied by Mexico, and the remaining bloc, known as the "Free Southern States" (Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, or "The Mag") continues to fight. The novel is told from the point of view of Sarat (Sara T. Chestnut) and her nephew, Benjamin.

Sarat is 6 years old when the war breaks out. She lives with her family on the coast ravaged by climate change in Louisiana. Her family consists of her parents, Benjamin and Martina; her older brother, Simon; and her fraternal twin sister, Dana Chestnut. After Sarat's father is killed during a terrorist suicide bombing in Baton Rouge in 2075, Sarat and her family relocate to a refugee camp called "Camp Patience," on the Mississippi–Tennessee border.

Sarat and her family spend the next six years living a squalid existence at Camp Patience. In 2081, when Sarat is 12 years old, she befriends the charismatic Albert Gaines, a recruiter for the Southern rebels. Gaines introduces her to an agent of the emerging Bouazizi Empire named Joe, who is sending aid to the Free Southern States to keep the United States weak and divided. Later, a Northern militia unit attacks Camp Patience and massacres many of the refugees, which kills Sarat's mother and wounds her brother. Overcome by grief and rage, Sarat later kills one of the top generals of the Northern Union.

Following the Camp Patience massacre, Sarat and her siblings are resettled by the Free Southern government in Lincolnton, Georgia, on the border with South Carolina. The two sisters are joined by Simon, who is suffering from a bullet wound to the brain. Five years later, in 2086, the Chestnut siblings settle in to their new lives. While Sarat has become a member of Gaines' rebel group, the broken Simon is tended by a Bangladeshi American woman, named Karina. As time passes, Simon and Karina develop romantic feelings for each other.

During a guerrilla operation near a U.S. base along the Georgia-Tennessee border, Sarat assassinates General Joseph Weiland, a prominent U.S. commander. While Sarat is hailed as a hero by the Free Southern States, Weiland's assassination only hardens the U.S. resolve to end the Southern and leads to a crackdown against the Southern guerrillas. Sarat eventually grows disillusioned with the corrupt and self-serving Southern leadership. Later, Dana is killed when a rogue drone bombs a bus in which she is traveling.

Sarat is later captured by U.S. forces and imprisoned at the Sugarloaf Detention Facility, in the Florida Sea. Sarat later learns her mentor Gaines betrayed her to the U.S. For the next seven years, Sarat is repeatedly tortured, including being subjected to waterboarding. To end the torment, Sarat confesses to numerous exaggerated charges. Sarat is later released after the U.S. government deems Gaines to be an unreliable source.

Years later, Simon has married Karina, and they have a son, Benjamin. In 2095, the 6-year-old Benjamin meets his aunt, Sarat, who settles down on Benjamin's homestead. Sarat is later visited by one of her former rebel comrades, who informs her that his group has captured Bud Baker, one of her former Sugarloaf captors who tortured her. Sarat kills Bud but decides to spare his family after she discovers that he has two teenage twin sons.

Back at Benjamin's household, tensions between Sarat and Karina rise after Benjamin sustains a broken arm, and Sarat binds it with a crude splint. Benjamin is intrigued by Sarat and realizes that his aunt is still haunted by the attack at Camp Patience, her time as an insurgent, and her torture at Sugarloaf. As his arm recovers, Benjamin becomes friendly with his aunt.

Sarat is later visited by Joe, the Bouazizi agent, who recruits her into carrying a deadly virus during the Reunification Ceremony in Columbus, Ohio. Joe reveals that his real name is Yousef Bin Rashid, and the Bouazizi Empire wants to prevent the re-emergence of the U.S. as a superpower. Seeking revenge against the U.S. government, Sarat accepts the offer and convinces her former rebel comrades to secure her passage to the Reunification Ceremony. Before leaving, Sarat visits the crippled Gaines at his cabin but leaves without killing him. She also arranges for her associates to smuggle her nephew Benjamin to safety in New Anchorage, Alaska. Later, Sarat infiltrates the Reunification Ceremony. While entering, she briefly encounters one of Baker's teenage sons whom she had spared; he now works as a guard there. He allows her in upon recognizing her without requesting any proper ID. The resulting "Reunification Plague" kills 110 million people and devastates the country, which is already war-torn.

The orphaned Benjamin settles to his new life in New Anchorage and becomes a respected historian. Decades later, Benjamin discovers his aunt's diaries and learns of her experiences during the Second American Civil War and her role in the Reunification Plague. To spite his aunt, Benjamin burns her diaries but keeps one page as a memento.

England Is Mine

Young, introverted Steven Patrick Morrissey is a sullen, dissatisfied, and shy teen growing up in Manchester in the 1970s. Withdrawn and a loner, he goes out to listen to music at night and then submits letters and reviews to music newspapers. His father wants him to get a job, his mother wants him to follow his passion for writing, and Steven doesn't quite know what he wants to do. His new friend, artist Linder Sterling, inspires him to continue to write lyrics and urges him to start to perform, but she eventually moves to London. Forced to earn a living and fit in with society, Steven's frustrations and setbacks continue to mount. Although he eventually writes some songs with guitarist Billy Duffy and he tries his hand at singing and enjoys it, eventually Duffy breaks it off, and nothing substantially changes in his life, so Steven seems at the end of his tether. At the end of the film, guitarist Johnny Marr (with whom he would go on to form The Smiths) shows up on his doorstep in 1982.

Implosion: Never Lose Hope

Arriving back on Earth after a 20-year hiatus, Jake Carloway and Diana May deploy their Warmech battle-suits to combat a new threat growing on Earth's surface. They are tasked with destroying a collection of growing XADA material called an AZA, intended to attack whole planets. After arriving and discovering an enclave of survivors, Jake and Diana learn that a former Thandeous scientist "Dr Raymond Millar" had developed a masking agent to help hide survivors for the past two decades. It is revealed that the supply of mask has been cut off and the Doctor has recently sided with the invading entity, along with his wife "Dr Goldie Millar". The mystery behind the AZA growing on the Earth's surface is later discovered, revealing the scientists had been communicating over Quantum relay with their bitter Thandeous kin and set out on a plan to eliminate the Adrillian faction using an AZA, and then deploying mask to clear Gaia for colonisation by the "rightful" Thandeous. The Doctor, however, double-crossed his previously sworn faction when he sided with the XADA entity and plans on eliminating all remaining humans, regardless of factional allegiance.

Jake discovers his uncle is alive and joins forces with him to stop the XADA. Together they discover the Doctor used beacons to open a wormhole connecting Earth and Gaia and intends to send the large mass of XADA (called an AZA) through the rift to destroy the remnants of the human race. After shutting down all the visible beacons, they realise the final beacon keeping the wormhole open is inside Dr Millar's body. After eliminating him the wormhole remains open and they face the XADA Queen who has taken over control of the wormhole with psionic ability. Jake's uncle is killed by the Queen, and in turn, Jake gives his own life to eliminate her using his self-destruct protocol.

Three days later, war is on the verge of breaking out between Thandeous and Adrillia after the discovery of the Thandeous plan to commit genocide. Jake's body is shown being reanimated back on the Night-Star using an artificial intelligence, by a woman in a wheelchair. She asks the AI what its name is. The AI states it has no name and asks her to choose one for it. The game ends just as she is about to answer.

Ma Timi Bina Marihalchhu

Bhuwan was going to home after his duty in the army while he was driving his car breaks while he tries to fix it a lady appears in his car. Then Kajal scares Bhuwan Kc in his army office than he finds her than she tells the story about herself. After hearing the story about herself than Bhuwan decides to marry her. After the marriage Bhuwan goes on a mission to rescue a police lady who has been kidnapped. While rescuing her Bhuwan gets kidnapped by them. Than he gets rescued by the army after that he get awarded. While Bhuwan was away his wife gets treated badly by Bhuwan's stepmom who was only interested in his property not in Bhuwan.

Hibiki: Shōsetsuka ni Naru Hōhō

The staff of a literary magazine worries about the poor state of the book publishing industry. A handwritten manuscript is sent to their newcomer's contest. Since the contest only accepts web submissions, the manuscript is supposed to be thrown away, but it catches the eye of an editor called Hanai. The manuscript is under the name "Hibiki Akui", but has no contact address.
Meanwhile, an eccentric girl called Hibiki is entering high school and decides to join the school's literature club.

I Fine..Thank You..Love You

A Japanese girl, Kaya (Sora Aoi), dumps her Thai boyfriend Yim (''pronounced'' "Jim") (Sunny Suwanmethanon), because he can't speak English and Kaya can't speak Thai. When Kaya leaves for America, Yim, determined to win Kaya's heart back, quickly learns English with a renowned English teacher who runs an English tutorial center, Ms. Pleng (Preechaya Pongthananikorn). Unbeknownst to Yim, Ms. Pleng is Kaya's good friend. Can Yim learn English and win back his love?

Spring Break Lawyer

Jay Garvey (Brad Raider) is kicked out of law school for a prank involving a cadaver; his friend and erstwhile caretaker of said cadaver, Nick (Sean Murray), is correspondingly kicked out of medical school. They travel to Florida during spring break and together help fraudulently secure acquittals for partygoers accused of drunken crimes with the help of forged doctor's notes. Senator Claxton (Gary Grubbs) seeks to crack down on drunken misbehavior and participates in the railroading of Leon, an innocent defendant. Meanwhile, Jay and Nick are jailed for petty crimes. Through careful maneuvering, Jay manages to exonerate himself, Nick, and Leon.

The Yuppie Fantasia 3

Fifty-two year old Leung Foon (Lawrence Cheng) is consciously aware of the three major waves throughout half of his life. First, it was the day his wife, Ann (Carol Cheng), transformed him from a boy to a man. Second, several years later during the day he married Ann and became a henpecked husband. Third, the day when Ann had enough of his incompetence and disappeared with their eight-year-old daughter.

Having experienced these three waves in his life, he converts the grief into strength and transforms from a pity little man to a respected and feared big man. Today, he is a chairman of a listed company well known by those around him. He has learned to resort to every conceivable means to make money. His has enough wealth for his to live stress-free for the rest of his life. However, Foon's biggest regret is that Ann cannot witness his "maturity". However, ever since Foon struck fortune, he was afraid to look at the mirror. For unknown reasons reason, he was afraid to face his own reflection.

When his daughter, Hei-hei (Larine Tang), who is all grown up, returns, another wave strike Foon's life as he does not know how to be a father to an eighteen-year-old beautiful daughter with a 33D breast because in his memory, Hei-hei was only eight years old. Hei-hei's return also changes Foon as he is finally able to face his own reflection because Hei-hei gave him the courage to be young again and act unruly once more.

Most Beautiful Island

Luciana is an illegal immigrant to New York City. Phone calls to her family indicate that she is living in hiding due to some past transgression in her native Barcelona for which her mother assures her she's been forgiven but which Luciana does not want to return to face. Due to her undocumented status, Luciana is forced to work menial, cash-pay jobs, such as babysitting and sign waving at a fast food restaurant. Through the latter job she meets Olga, a Russian emigre who seems to live a more lavish lifestyle despite herself being undocumented. After Luciana suffers a number of personal and economic setbacks, Olga offers her an opportunity to fill in her for at her second job. Luciana agrees, although Olga does not reveal the nature of the work beyond providing Luciana an address and instructions to arrive in evening wear. Unable to afford the proper clothes, Luciana clandestinely vandalizes an outfit at a local boutique and convinces the store to sell it to her at a discount.

Luciana arrives at the address Olga provided her, where she's led into a basement, provided a locked purse, and given a second address to go to late that evening. Unable to pay cab fare, Luciana tricks a driver into providing her a ride, then hides her belongings in a garbage can when the bouncer demands she only bring the locked purse inside. Luciana is taken into a subterranean chamber, where she's made to stand in an unfurnished room along with several other women—including Olga—all in black cocktail dresses and holding identical purses. When Luciana asks Olga what's happening, Olga tells her that she wanted money and this was a way to make it.

Luciana witnesses women being led into another room, with some leaving holding large stacks of money; others fail to leave after emitting frightened screams. Asking to use the bathroom, Luciana attempts to escape, but is brought back to the room with the other women. Eventually, she and Olga are brought into a chamber with a glass coffin surrounded by men and women. A master of ceremonies explains that the venue is an underground betting parlor where individuals wager on the outcome of extreme scenarios. Opening Olga and Luciana's purses, he removes a pair of venomous spiders, and explains that each woman will take turns lying nude in the coffin with the spider on top of them for a predetermined interval; the other woman will be tasked with making sure the spider maintains skin contact. Luciana goes first, successfully lying still and winning her round. During her round, Olga begins panicking and begging for the spider to be removed, but Luciana saves her by exploiting a loophole in the game's rules and holding the spider herself. Olga technically wins her round and both women are paid large sums of money for their success. In the aftermath of the game, the head of the organization praises Luciana for her ingenuity and tells Olga that she will be her replacement. Luciana takes her money and flees, collecting her belongings from the trash.

Túkiti, crecí de una

Antonio (Eugenio Keller) is a 15-year-old boy who has problems at school and with girls his age, lives only with his mother Mildred (Dexiree Bandes) a single working woman and his little brother Pipo (Gabriel Mantilla) Who feels that his brother dominates him, his father had abandoned them for several years, when his brother's nanny can no longer take charge, his mother to punish him (for being rejected) decides that now he will be the one to watch every afternoon.

Wendy (María Gabriela de Faría) is one of Antonio's best friends, along with Jefferson (José Ramón Barreto), all three live in the same building, Wendy is deeply in love with Antonio but is unable to confess, Antonio only sees her As a 'friend' more and not as a couple.

Antonio and Jefferson are dazzled by the most beautiful girl of their school popular Amaranta (Laura Chimaras), but she already has a partner (Danny) so they will look for love in different places, but Antonio finally realizes that it is also In love with Wendy, with whom he finally ends up staying. Jefferson also manages to stay with Amaranta after breaking his relationship with Danny, who dropped out of school.

Darling in the Franxx

Pushed to the brink of extinction in a post-apocalyptic world, humanity is under constant threat from giant creatures known as , which are subdivided into at least four categories based on their size: "Conrad", "Mohorovičić", "Gutenberg" and "(Super) Lehmann". Pushed to the brink of annihilation, parasites are raised to pilot giant mecha known as in boy-girl pairs. A male parasite is termed a "stamen", and a female parasite is referred to as a "pistil" (the male and female reproductive parts of a flower, respectively). Parasites are artificially created and have short lifespans.

A team of ten parasites is assigned to the experimental Squad 13 of Plantation 13. One of them, Hiro (Code:016), is a former pilot-candidate prodigy who can no longer synchronize with his partner, and they both fail to complete the training program. While skipping his squad's graduation ceremony, Hiro encounters Zero Two (Code:002), an elite Franxx pilot with klaxosaur blood, red horns, and an infamous reputation as the "Partner Killer". It is rumored that Zero Two's partners are killed after pairing with her by the third time. Shortly after, a Klaxosaur attacks, disrupting Hiro's graduation ceremony and leaving Zero Two's partner killed in action. Despite the rumors, Hiro volunteers to become her new partner, or as Zero Two calls him, her "darling".

Adam's Breed

It concerns Teresa Boselli, a strong, perhaps Amazonian, woman, and her orphaned grandson Gian-Luca who as a young man works as a waiter in London, before joining the army during World War I which he survives due to being posted to a catering position in the Army Service Corps. After the war, he is troubled by his experiences and the bloodshed of the war, even though he did not serve on the front line. Finding himself disgusted by food, he rejects his old life, becomes a hermit and lives in a forest, before he dies aged 34.

Illicit Dreams

Dr. Daniel Davis is married to Moira, both of whom have a rocky relationship; Dan has seduced several women who are his patients while treating his wife carelessly. Moira frequently dreams of visiting a large house and makes love to a man named Nick. One day, Moira sees a house that resembles the one in her dream and, to her surprise, Nick is waiting inside. Moira and Nick soon start a love affair. Daniel finds out about it, gets jealous, and intervenes, so Nick protects Moira from him.

Soul Flower Train

Amamoto (Mitsuru Hirata) is a recently retired Town Hall bureaucrat, who has not seen his daughter in many years. Following his retirement, he decides to go to Osaka to see her. Equipped only with a photo of her as a child, he meets random interesting people and encounters as part of his efforts. The film examines the strength of bonds in family, even in strained circumstance, as well as the bonds that can form with strangers.

77 Heartbreaks

Eva is frustrated by her boyfriend Adam's irresponsible habits. One evening when he is late for a date, she visits a small shop and browses a display of notebooks which appear to be designed with artistic and philosophical themes. She becomes attracted to a notebook called 77 Heartbreaks, which the shopkeeper explains is based on the number of times that a reasonable person can be expected to forgive someone for hurting them. Before long, Eva manages to fill the notebook completely with examples of Adam's annoying behavior. After Eva leaves, Adam eventually comes to understand why their relationship ended.

Polaroid (film)

Sarah and her friend, Linda, are going through a box of her late mother's belongings when they find a Polaroid camera. Linda receives a "like" from her crush, which provokes Sarah to take a photo in lingerie on the Polaroid camera. When the flash goes off, Sarah seems uneasy. Her friend leaves, and Sarah is home alone. When she takes a look at the Polaroid, there is a creepy shadow behind her in the photo of her. Startled, she treats it as a smudge and starts cleaning. She hears eerie sounds in the attic, which she investigates. She gets frightened in the attic and falls, but ends up dangling by her ankles instead of falling to the floor. While feeling a brief moment of relief as her hair dangles in her face, she is then pulled up by an entity and is killed offscreen before her dead body tumbles to the ground.

Shy high school student Bird is given an old Polaroid camera by her co-worker Tyler, who got it from a garage sale. The camera has the initials "RJS" carved into it. Bird snaps a picture of Tyler but later notices an odd smudge-like figure on his photo.

Bird attends a costume party with her best friend Kasey and meets her other friends Mina, Mina's boyfriend Devin, Avery, and Bird's high school crush Connor. She uses her Polaroid camera to take the group's picture and Avery later snaps a selfie with it. Meanwhile, Tyler is killed by the entity, and Sheriff Pembroke informs Bird. At home, Bird sees Tyler's photo free from the shadow, which has mysteriously transferred to Avery's photo.

Avery is killed when the entity snaps her neck. When Bird learns about this, she tries to destroy the camera and attempts to warn her friends. Devin attempts to burn the group photo, but when the flames reach Mina in the photo, her arm spontaneously combusts and the flames cannot be extinguished. Kasey's fingers are slightly singed before Bird stomps out the fire and the photograph restores itself. Mina is taken to the hospital to undergo surgery for her arm; Devin and Kasey stay with her while Bird and Connor leave to learn more about the camera. While in the antique store, Bird is attacked by the entity, which behaves like a photograph: following the same rules as photographic development (i.e. it is sensitive to heat). She questions why she was chased too and notices that her reflection is in the photo's background.

Mina is killed at the hospital by the entity when she is left alone briefly. Devin finds Mina's dead body and blames Bird for her death. Bird and Connor research and discover that the camera was owned by a photography teacher Roland Joseph Sable (RJS) from their school years ago. He was accused of torturing four students and killing three of them while taking maniacal photographs. One of the captives escaped and Roland was killed by police. Devin confronts Bird at the diner and accuses her of being responsible for what happened to Mina. He attempts to take a picture of her as a threat. With Connor and Devin both fighting for the camera, Devin is accidentally snapped by the camera and the shadow transfers to his photo, showing he is next. Devin lunges at Bird, Kasey saves Bird by stabbing Devin's photo with a pencil, injuring him in real life. Devin, upset from being stabbed, becomes aggressive and accidentally slaps Sheriff Pembroke. Devin is detained and is later killed in his cell when Roland manifests and attacks him, but not before telling Bird he realized Mina's death was not her fault.

Connor, Kasey, and Bird learn Roland's wife is alive and visit her. They meet an elderly lady named Lena Sable, who explains that the camera actually belonged to her daughter Rebecca Jane Sable (RJS). Lena explains that Rebecca was "slow," and when gifted with the camera she became very attached to it. As a result, Rebecca was bullied by four classmates, who took the camera and used it to take inappropriate photos of her. She committed suicide out of shame, causing her father Roland to abduct and kill her bullies in a fit of rage. Now even in death, Roland roams, looking for the last bully who escaped to kill him. Lena shows the two a picture of the survivor and they search the yearbooks. Bird finds out that the survivor was Sheriff Pembroke. In an attempt to stop the entity from killing them, Connor takes a picture of Pembroke, who reveals that Roland in truth often sexually assaulted Rebecca; Lena's version of the events was merely just to cover her husband's evil deeds. The four students, including him, were Rebecca's friends trying to warn her of her father's actions upon finding her nude pictures in his possession. Fearing the public would find out, Roland abducted them, prompting Rebecca to kill herself out of misplaced guilt.

Shortly after, Roland manifests and ambushes the group, tearing Pembroke's picture in half, which kills him instantly. Roland stabs through Kasey's leg, impairing her ability to walk. Connor is separated from Kasey and Bird; the girls find safety in the school's showers, with Bird turning on the hot water to create heat, preventing Roland from reaching them. Bird leaves to find Connor, they reunite and she has an idea that involves getting the camera back (having been left where Sheriff Pembroke was killed) and going somewhere where Roland can "fully develop." Roland manifests and drags Connor away, but Bird takes a picture of herself, prompting him to chase her instead. She leads him into the school's dark room, where he is able to fully develop, and sets a trap for him by connecting the camera to a timer, but the photographer, having seen through her plan, manifests in an unexpected area, ambushing her and grabbing her by the neck. As Roland prepares to stab and kill her, she manages to discreetly retrieve the camera and takes a picture of him. Roland is able to knock the camera out of her grasp, but Bird immediately crushes the photo in an attempt to kill him, which in turn crushes Roland in real life (and crushes Bird's fingers, as they were also in the photo). He survives however, and fearing for her life she then resorts to burning it (and doing so, burns her own fingers), disintegrating Roland and finally killing the malevolent spirit for good, where everything had taken place many years ago. She later reunites with her friends, and ultimately throws the camera into a river.

Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed!

The series follows 10-year-old Dennis the Menace and his dog Gnasher as he teams up with his friends Pieface, JJ and Rubi to cause havoc to Walter and Beanotown and Bash Street School, in a world full of action-packed adventure where rules just get in the way.

Each episode also includes a short 2D section featuring Gnasher's fleas telling jokes.

The Well (2013 film)

A little girl moves to a new home in another town with her mother and abusive stepfather, and suffers from missing her caring father.

Batman: The Black Mirror

The plot tells the continued adventures of Dick Grayson as Batman, as Bruce Wayne continues his work for Batman Incorporated. Dick must battle against several villains, one of whom is selling various super villain weapons and items in an underground black market. Also, James and Barbara Gordon must contend with the return of James Gordon Jr., whom they have ex-communicated due to his continued psychopathy.

The Autumnal Mother

Saeed, whose wife is missing, has never been in love. His son has autism. A nurse enters the house in the presence of Saeed.

Katana Zero

''Katana Zero'' is set in New Mecca, a dystopian neo-noir metropolis, seven years after an armed conflict, the Cromag War. Subject Zero, an amnesiac Cromag War veteran who can predict the future, assassinates drug dealers for his psychiatrist. News media ascribes Zero's killings to a serial killer known as the Dragon. Zero experiences recurring nightmares of a child—who he believes is himself—in a primitive hut; a scientist runs into the hut and warns the child to hide moments before a soldier shoots him. The psychiatrist supplies him with a drug as treatment, but their relationship becomes strained as Zero deviates from assigned objectives and learns the psychiatrist is lying about the reasoning behind the assassinations.

After Zero befriends a young girl living next door to his apartment, the psychiatrist assigns Zero to kill Fa Yuan, a prison inmate, only for Zero to find the prison massacred. At his apartment, the girl gives Zero a videotape that contains a recording of V, a Russian mobster, torturing and killing Zero's neighbors. The next morning, V picks up Zero in his limousine. V seeks to recreate Chronos, a drug the New Mecca government gave to soldiers during the Cromag War, and offers to partner with Zero, who refuses. Zero tracks V to an abandoned film studio but is interrupted by the swordswoman Snow, who threatens Zero and leaves with V. Zero hallucinates Comedy and Tragedy, two men wearing theater masks who taunt him about impending disaster in his future.

Zero is assigned to kill Al-Qasim, a wealthy industrialist, but is captured when he encounters V and his men storming Al-Qasim's mansion. When Zero uses precognition to mock V, he shoots Al-Qasim. Zero pursues V, but before he can kill him, V is dismembered and abducted by the Dragon, a swordsman who possesses precognitive abilities similar to Zero's. Zero hallucinates the dismembered V, who claims that his hallucinations are the result of Chronos withdrawal. The psychiatrist sends Zero to a Chinatown casino to hunt the Dragon. Zero encounters another precognitive, Headhunter, who he duels while the Dragon flees. Zero acquires a tape cassette but is cornered by the police. Comedy and Tragedy ask whether Zero wants to embody life or death. If he chooses life, the police kill Zero; if he chooses death, Zero escapes, but Comedy and Tragedy warn that his actions will have consequences for others.

The tape contains prison security footage from the night of Yuan's murder: the Dragon stormed the facility and interrogated Yuan, who told him about Chronos creator Leon von Alvensleben. A caller directs Zero to a training facility for NULLs, New Mecca's Chronos-enhanced soldiers. Alvensleben speaks through monitors throughout the facility. He reveals that Zero was a NULL and that the project was a failure, as Chronos had devastating side effects resulting in death from withdrawal. Zero discovers Alvensleben in cryostasis and kills him. Zero confronts the psychiatrist, who confirms his targets are all related to Chronos, that Chronos is Zero's "treatment", and what allows him to predict the future. The psychiatrist explains the government seeks to eradicate Chronos and sends Zero to destroy the contents of Al-Qasim's safe room in an underground bunker. Zero encounters Headhunter, who reveals she was also a NULL and that Al-Qasim employed her in exchange for a Chronos supply. Zero kills her and enters the safe room, where he finds a woman and children. He is unable to bring himself to kill them.

Zero discovers his psychiatrist preparing to flee the city and kills him. He returns to his apartment but finds it burglarized and the girl missing. The landlady tells investigating police that no children lived in the building. When questioned, Zero flees and the police give chase. A flashback reveals Zero's nightmare is a memory from the Cromag War and that he is the soldier who shoots the scientist, not the child who hides. Zero exits the hut and stands with his comrade, the Dragon. In the present, Snow informs her superior of V's death, the Dragon contemplates a board of evidence, and Comedy and Tragedy taunt the girl as she cowers in fear.

Easy (film)

Jamie Harris is a neurotic, bright 25 year-old with a career naming peculiar consumer products. Though she gives them their identities, she's rather confused about her own. After dating a string of jerks, she's bewildered about whom to trust or how to find true intimacy. When two seemingly honorable men orbit around her, Jamie must confront what she is most afraid of.

City Slickers Can't Stay With Me: The Coach Bob Larsen Story

The plot line of the film combines a chronological documentation of the 50+ year career of National Track and Field Hall of Fame Coach Bob Larsen with his current day work with long-time protégé, Meb Keflezighi. The narrative toggles between historical segments and glimpses into the training of an elite marathon champion. Along the way viewers learn about the success Larsen has had at all levels – high school, junior college, UCLA, the elite club level where he worked in tandem with Coach Joe Vigil to create Mammoth Track Club, and are introduced to Meb's story and learn about the commitment and dedication needed to achieve at world class levels. The film has some wonderful old photos and super 8 footage from the 70's in addition to some scenic footage of Mammoth Lakes, CA. It culminates with Meb's inspirational victory in the 2014 Boston Marathon (the year after the bombing occurred).

He Who Shrank

A world-celebrated professor reveals to his assistant, the tale's narrator, that he has discovered that the visible universe at the largest scales corresponds to the microscopic universe at the smallest observed scales, the relations between the universe's planets, suns, and star clusters being identical to the relations of electrons, atomic nuclei, and molecules. Rather than explore the universe at their own scale, the professor intends to explore the worlds endlessly nested within matter itself which, he argues by induction, must go on to ever smaller levels, and claims to have invented a substance that, once applied, will cause an individual to perpetually shrink. His assistant thinks he's insane, but the professor, surprising the assistant, injects him with the substance, temporarily paralyzing the assistant and dooming him to eternally shrink ever smaller, through successively smaller worlds, each a subatomic particle of the previous one (the injected substance, "Shrinx", has engineered secondary properties, such as oxygenating the blood and protecting against heat loss in space). The professor will monitor the assistant's fate through a device that receives his sense of sight and sound, and intends to eventually follow suit and set himself shrinking as well, although they would never meet again due to the infinitesimal chance of tracing the same path through the subatomic worlds.

The assistant, sent as an involuntary scout, shrinks further and further, through the peril of being attacked by a microorganism, down to various worlds, inhabited by various beings who, at their time scales, have seen him approach for years or centuries, including intelligent gaseous beings, cave people, space-faring birdlike beings who flee to their moon to escape self-replicating machines who have overrun their planet and will likely go on spreading through the universe at that scale, and others the narrator mentions only in passing, of widely varying forms. One race of intangible beings teaches the narrator skills for controlling matter with thought. Though it lies within the power of some advanced races to halt his shrinking or grant him release from life (for he finds he has become immortal), none will interfere.

The narrator eventually finds his way down to a blue planet, where he is examined by scientists who underestimate his intelligence due to communication difficulties (he has become so accustomed to communicating by thought transference with more advanced races he has forgotten how to even attempt to speak vocally to leave some record for them, and they are too primitive to register his thoughts). He tires of them and escapes, making his way out of the city, subduing those who bar his way with waves of angry thought that render them unconscious. He makes his way to an isolated house outside of the city, where a man is listening to a broadcast about the alien who touched down in Lake Erie, near Cleveland. He finds the individual has a more imaginative, receptive mind than the others encountered, and asks to dictate to the man his story. It is at this point revealed that the narrator is NOT an earthman, but from a world inconceivable levels above us, and that he has reached our world.

In the epilogue, the writer, a renowned writer of both "serious books" and "scores of short stories and books of the widely popular type of literature known as science fiction" gives a press interview announcing the publication of the story above for free, which he wrote in his own hand while under a voluntarily induced trance. He asserts that the story is true, but grants that it may be received by many as fiction.

South Park: Phone Destroyer

The kids of South Park argue about a new game for them to play. Cartman, who is dressed as a sheriff, decides the kids should play Cowboys and Indians. The kids initially seem reluctant until Cartman suggests the New Kid can help the Cowboys win the game. Using FaceTime to contact the New Kid, he invites them to come and play by means of using their smartphone which he dubs as a powerful weapon, that can assure their victory. The ending of the game depends on whether the player bought stuff with real money which results in 3 different results to the New Kid's "contributions to the game" (In-App Purchases).


No Money Spent

The kids are disappointed since they knew that people worked hard on the game. Stan then says that he knew they'd get nothing by making the game a "Freemium" one. In other words, the player didn't spend any money on in-app purchases.

Some Money Spent

Cartman concludes that the money spent is what the New Kid thought it was worth. The kids mull over what they could buy with the money the player spent. Stan then says that they should've charged the players to play the game first like in the old days.

A Lot of Money Spent

The kids are so happy that the player spent a lot on in-app purchases and Kyle says the player should see someone about mobile game addiction.

Gnome Alone

Chloe and her estranged mother, Catherine, move to Tenderville, in a massive house surrounded by mysterious gnomes. One night during dinner, Chloe discovers a secret room that holding a mystical green gem, which she takes and turns into a necklace. Unbeknownst to her, she opens a portal from another realm opens up in her basement, unleashing a pack of rabid and hungry creatures named "Troggs". At her new school, Chloe befriends popular girl Brittany and her friends, Tiffany and Chelsea, collectively known as the BTCs. Chloe catches Brittany's attention with the necklace and she gives it to Brittany in hopes of entering her clique. At home, Chloe encounters a Trogg and attempts to kill it, before it mysteriously blows up.

The next day, Catherine tells Chloe that she will be taking an extra shift at work. Upon leaving, the house gnomes reveal to Chloe that they're alive, and tie up her when they discover she took the Keystone; the mysterious green gem Chloe ended up giving to Brittany. The gnomes reveal that the Keystone keeps the Troggs from causing havoc within their realm. Quicksilver, one of the gnomes, reveals that the Troggs became their mortal enemies after they devoured the botanical lifeforms which made up their way of life. Zook, the gnome's current leader, also explains that Zamfeer, their former leader, once journeyed into the Trogg realm to destroy it but never returned. Using the Keystone, they were able to stop the Troggs' portals from opening. They enlist Chloe to fend off the Troggs until she can retrieve the Keystone back. Chloe also inducts her awkward neighbor and classmate Liam to help her out.

Chloe meanwhile, plans to obtain the necklace from Brittany at a school dance, Liam, fearing that Chloe's relationship with the BTCs is detrimental to her social status, splits up with her. When Chloe finds out that Brittany didn't bring the necklace, she comes up with a plan to swing by her house. Liam meanwhile, heads home from the dance and accidentally falls inside a Trogg portal. Realizing Liam's truthfulness, Chloe breaks ties with the BTCs and heads home. After learning of Liam's whereabouts, Chloe regains her confidence and ventures after him through a portal in the toilet. She finds Liam, who gracefully accepts Chloe's apology, and encounter Zamfeer. They uncover a giant crystal and come up with a plan using Chloe's lithium-ion battery from her phone to blow up the crystal up in order to destroy the Trogg realm. They blow up the crystal; a larger version of the Keystone, and use the invading Troggs to escape in a portal, sucking all the Troggs back in their realm.

As the gnomes happily reunite with Zamfeer, Brittany arrives to further humiliate Chloe and Liam and destroy the remaining Keystone. While Brittany chastises Chloe, the Gnomes, Chloe, and Liam witness the formation of the Mega Trogg, which escapes from the basement. Blocked from escaping, everyone travels to the roof along with an ooze plant; something the Mega Trogg fears. Using the Keystone, Brittany's phone, and the ooze plant, Chloe creates a makeshift bomb, destroying the Mega Trogg and restoring their reality. Waking up alongside her mom, Chloe assures her mom that she wants to stay, while Brittany confirms that she has no memory of what happened the night before. Chloe discovers the gnomes also survived and she walks alongside Liam, friends once more, to school.

The Annihilation of Fish

A woman (Lynn Redgrave) who believes a dead composer is in love with her falls in love with a man (James Earl Jones) who constantly fights an imaginary man named Hank.

The Hive (Card and Johnston novel)

In 'The Swarm', the Formic's initial efforts to eradicate Earth life forms were beaten back by a coalition of corporate and international military forces, and the Chinese army, with notable efforts by Bingwen, Mazer Rackham, Victor Delgado and Lem Jukes. The devastation of China associated with this led to the reorganization of Earth's government for defense of the human species. In 'The Hive', the series' main characters face the forces of nationalism, tribalism, paranoia, egotism, jealousy, and self-aggrandizement that threaten to tear apart Earth's new defense forces from within. Meanwhile, they must battle the ever growing forces of the Formics and attempt to locate and destroy the Hive Queen.

Hakodate Coffee

The Plot revolves around the apartment block, Hisuikan (in English "Jade Tower) and its many interesting occupants.

Ogiwara Toshiko, the owner of the Hisuikan (Jade Museum- a western style apartment block in Hakodate Japan), rents rooms as studios and dwellings to young people who follow their dreams. There is only one condition to become an inhabitant at the Jade Museum; Toshiko must consider them "a person suitable for the Jade Museum". Many artists live there and fulfill their work; Kazuto Horikuchi is a decorative glass craftworker, Kotaro Aizawa a teddy bear maker and Sawako Fujimura, a professional photographer using pinhole cameras. Each previously searched for "indispensable things in life" and were in frustrating loneliness.

One day in summer, Eiji Hiyama arrives from Tokyo, instead of the expected furniture craftsman Yabushita who was supposed to come to the Jade Museum. However, the coffee Toshiko brews between work has a soft aroma that reached the heart.

Aizawa thinks of his distant hometown and commits to each teddy bear the courage to fight loneliness. Sawa deals with his social phobia through his pinhole camera photography. Hikiyama, comes to the apartment from Tokyo as a new resident, and starts to run a second-hand bookstore to resell books online. His secret is that he is a novelist who suffers without being able to write his own works since his novel "Incomplete Moon" on a young age. He suffers from being angry and impatience with himself for not being able to produce anything. However, the coffee Toshiko brews between work has a soft aroma that reached the heart. The soft smell of coffee tickles the tip of the nose, and interaction between the various souls begin.

High Life (2018 film)

A group of criminals serving death sentences are sent on a mission in space to extract alternative energy from a black hole. Each prisoner is treated as a guinea pig by Dr. Dibs (Binoche) for her experiments. She is fixated on trying to create a child in space through artificial insemination, but has yet to succeed. Sexual activity between prisoners is prohibited. The ship is equipped with "The Box," a device in a small room that is obsessively used by the crew to masturbate. Dr Dibs administers sedatives to the passengers. Dibs is on the ship because she murdered her own children and husband before attempting suicide. Monte (Pattinson), the only celibate prisoner, rejects Dibs' sexual advances. Monte is serving a life sentence for murdering a friend for killing his dog as a child. Monte's only friend on the ship is Tcherny (Benjamin), who is drawn to the onboard garden because it reminds him of Earth.

Pregnant prisoner Elektra (Obianyo) delivers a baby, but it dies, and later she does as well. The captain, Chandra (Eidinger), develops leukemia from radiation and has a stroke before being euthanized by Dibs. One night, male prisoner Ettore (Mitchell) binds a female prisoner Boyse (Goth) and her roommate Mink (Tran) to their beds and attempts to rape Boyse. Nansen (Buzek), the pilot, intervenes, but Ettore attacks and overpowers her. Monte arrives, throws Ettore off Boyse, and beats him. When Monte leads Boyse away to be treated, Mink stabs Ettore to death in the hallway. Dibs begins doubling the amount of sedatives each prisoner receives, later sneaking into Monte's cell and raping him while he is sedated. She then injects his semen into Boyse, who produces a healthy child that Dibs dotes on, but Monte is unaware that he is the baby's father.

As the ship approaches the black hole, Nansen prepares to pilot a shuttle around it. Unbeknownst to the other prisoners, Boyse kills Nansen with a shovel and takes her place. The shuttle travels through a molecular cloud that alters its trajectory and causes it to dive into the black hole, where Boyse explodes due to spaghettification, the stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes in a very strong non-homogeneous gravitational field. Mink later attacks Dibs and injures her, but is then killed by Monte. Dibs informs Monte that the child is his before ejecting herself into space. Tcherny commits suicide and Monte buries him in the garden according to his wishes. Now the only surviving prisoner, Monte removes the bodies from the ship's morgue, dresses them in spacesuits, and releases them into space.

Monte struggles to raise the baby, whom he has named Willow. He attempts to make repairs to the ship, but her frantic cries through his helmet speakers causes him to drop a tool and lose it in space. Much later, when Willow has grown into a teenager, they encounter another ship similar to their own. Monte boards the ship, but finds it carrying stray dogs who have survived by eating one another. Willow begs Monte to bring one back, but he refuses, implying contamination could potentially sicken or kill them. The ship moves closer to the black hole, and Willow convinces Monte to board a shuttle with her and journey through it. Monte takes Willow's hand as a yellow light source grows ever larger and envelops them.

Mortuary Academy

Sam (Christopher Atkins) and Max Grimm (Perry Lang) inherit the Grimm Mortuary and Academy from their uncle, but in order to obtain it, they must graduate from the mortician's course. The current owner is Dr. Paul Truscott (Paul Bartel), who tells the Grimm brothers that if they fail to graduate, the ownership of the business will stay with him. Truscott and his assistant Mary (Mary Woronov), who is the only professor at the academy, conspire to make sure the brothers do not succeed. Both Paul and Mary have necrophilia, messing with dead bodies and doing poor mortuary jobs for customers. The other students try to graduate as well, including a student that impales dead bodies and another student that brings a puppy "back from the dead" with robotic engineering.

Edith Walks

The film covers the journey of Edith from Waltham Abbey directly as the crow flies to Battle, East Sussex, the approximate site of the Battle of Hastings, and to the statue of Edith and Harold at Grosvenor Gardens in St Leonards-on-Sea. This is not an actual journey by Edith but it is approximately the reverse of the journey of Harold's body from his death to its burial at the Abbey in Essex. The journey is re-enacted by a group of six people, who include Claudia Barton dressed as Edith, Kötting, Moore, Sinclair, and two musicians.

It also includes a discussion of the marital status of Edith, who was Harold's handfasted wife but is sometimes termed his mistress. Alan Moore theorises that Harold was in some sense reincarnated as Hereward the Wake who led the resistance to William in East Anglia.

The Unconquered (1956 film)

The film is set in March 1939. Czechoslovakia is occupied by Germany. All units are ordered to surrender. The films is about soldiers located in a barracks close to Polish border. Officers are divided whether to obey or not. Captain Richter is uncertain. First lieutenant Žáček would obey. Corporal Říha wants to fight. Říha eventually takes over the unit and prepares them to fight. Žáček tries to stop him and tries to persuade Richter to make order. Žáček threatens Říha with weapon but is killed by soldiers. When Germans get close to the barracks, battle begins. Soldiers are at first successful but are outnumbered and their positions are unsustainable. Richter commits suicide and Lieutenant Brandejs tries to surrender but is gunned down by Germans. Říha decides to withdraw soldiers to Poland but stays in the barracks alone and dies in a battle with Germans.

Ochon-chan: Pussy's Adventures in Love and Revolution

Hana, traumatized by a sexual assault, seeks advice from her doctor, who advise her to write letters to her genitalia. He advises her to establish a connection between her heart and her loins.

Salty (film)

Twenty-something Taylor Reed and his teenage brother Tim Reed, whose parents were killed in a hurricane, move to rural Florida where Taylor has obtained a job at a marine life park. They hitch a ride with Clancy, an animal trader traveling by school bus to the same park, and along the way Tim bonds with the friendly sea lion Salty. They arrive at the park operated by Mrs. Penninger and find that it has fallen on hard times. The boys and Clancy work to revive the park while adventures are had with Salty.

Truck Driver (1994 film)

A truck driver falls in love with the daughter of a restaurant worker on a highway. As the small hotel runs well because of her youth and beauty, the cruel father does not want his daughter to marry and go away. One of his crooked friends convinces him to get rid of the truck driver. The friend compromises the brake linings of the truck, which falls down several hundred feet on the narrow windy and hilly highway resulting in the driver's death. The girl tries to commit suicide. However, she is saved by a young owner of a fuel station across from the hotel. He has been secretly in love with her over the years. He offers to marry her, giving his name to the child to be born. They move to a big city, Kathmandu, and raise the girl child. The second chapter of their lives after the daughter is born is a complete turnaround with unexpected twists in the plot.

Forever My Girl

In Saint Augustine, Louisiana, Josie is left at the altar by her fiancé Liam to pursue fame and fortune. Eight years later, Liam is a successful country singer. The day after a concert in New Orleans, Liam, after a one night stand wakes up to discover the girl he slept with jumping excitedly, unaware she is on his beat up cell phone. Panicked, Liam takes the phone to a store where the manager fixes the phone for Liam. Afterwards, his manager questions why he still has the phone, Liam revealing it has a very important message on it. While watching TV, Liam learns that Mason, one of his groomsmen from the wedding and his best friend from childhood, has been killed in a car accident. Liam returns to St. Augustine and attends Mason's funeral. Although Liam attempts to be discreet, Josie recognizes him. After Mason's burial, Josie approaches Liam and punches him in the stomach.

Liam stays with his father, Pastor Brian, although his father is bitter that Liam never kept in contact after becoming famous. While becoming reacquainted with the town, Liam encounters Josie at a flower shop she owns. Liam learns that Josie has a seven-year old daughter, Billy, and that he is the father. Josie confesses that she found out she was pregnant two weeks after he left her at the altar. Although Josie tried to contact him, Liam never returned her call, and Josie decided that if Liam didn't care enough to call her back to find out what was so important, then she wasn't going to contact him again because she and Billy deserve better. He is also surprised to learn that his father also tried to tell him that Josie was pregnant with their daughter at one of his concerts seven years ago, but Liam was so absorbed in his fame that he rudely dismissed his father and didn’t listen to him. Liam eventually persuades Josie to let him spend time with Billy, albeit on Josie's terms. Billy quickly realizes Liam is her father, much to Josie's surprise, and supports Liam's idea.

Liam and Billy bond, with Billy displaying her father's musical ability. Josie even agrees to let Billy stay the night with Liam. As Liam tucks her in, Billy asks him why he left Josie, and Liam admits he was young and confused, although he regrets his decision, Josie and Brian overhear the conversation. After Billy falls asleep, Josie asks Liam on a date. Liam flies Josie to New Orleans for their date, although they are stopped by the press. Liam publicly announces his love for Josie, calling her "The One".

After returning to Saint Augustine, Liam and Billy continue to bond. Billy chokes on her lunch, but Liam is frozen after having a flashback to his mother’s death. Jake, Josie’s brother, saves Billy. Distraught at his inability to act, Liam gets drunk at a bar. Jake visits Liam and tells him that Josie and Billy would be better off without him. While bandaging Liam’s wound that night from punching a mirror, Brian reveals to Liam that when his mother died, he was so absorbed in his own grief that he overlooked Liam’s and apologizes to him for it. He tells Liam that he thinks being famous and never contacting him was a way for him to deal with the grief of his mother’s death, to which Liam agrees. Liam leaves the next morning without telling Josie or Billy, leaving a note for his Dad telling him that Billy and Josie are better off without him.

Liam returns to his tour and performs in London. However, his manager Sam inspires him to return to his family. At the airport, Liam responds to the message on the answering machine that Josie left for him 8 years earlier, explaining that losing his mother caused him to fear losing her, causing him to flee. Liam returns to Saint Augustine and meets with Josie. Liam and Josie get married and Liam plays a song on stage with Billy, first at the child's school talent show, and then during his musical tour in Berlin.

Extinction (2018 film)

Peter, an engineer, has recurring nightmares in which he and everyone he knows suffer through violent, alien invasion-like confrontations with an unknown enemy. This causes him to have a strained relationship with his wife, Alice, and his daughters Hanna and Lucy. He reluctantly visits a clinic to receive psychiatric help, only to find a patient there who reveals that he is having the same visions, and that the psyche would only suppress these visions. This prompts Peter to believe his visions are of an upcoming invasion.

That night, invading spaceships open fire on the city, causing significant damage. Peter and Alice barricade their apartment amid the sounds of slaughter from ground troops. An armored alien soldier breaks through the barricade and finds Lucy hiding under a table. The soldier pauses to examine the girl, which allows Peter and Alice to immobilize the soldier. Peter, now armed with the soldier's weapon, leads his family out of the building.

Based on his visions, Peter and his family agree to seek shelter at the factory where Peter works. He is able to bypass the rifle's biometric authentication and kill the soldiers guarding the apartment building's exit. They make their way to a tunnel entrance to safely travel to the factory, but not before Alice is injured from a bomb blast. As they regroup, the soldier from their apartment appears, having tracked them with a homing signal on the rifle Peter took. To Peter's shock, the soldier removes his helmet and appears human. Peter forces the soldier to carry Alice to the factory. There, his boss David explains that the invasion has been expected for many years. A medic examines Alice but informs Peter that he cannot save her. As David's men drag the invading soldier off to execute him, he yells to Peter that he can save Alice. Peter agrees to stay with the soldier to save Alice. David will evacuate their children to a subway station where a transport train awaits to take them all to an offsite base.

The soldier surprises Peter by revealing that Alice is a synthetic (AI). To save Alice, she needs an alternate source of power: Peter himself. At the soldier's guidance, Peter cuts open his own chest with a pocket knife, confirming that he is also a synthetic. The soldier connects a cable between the two synthetics and Peter passes out, experiencing in detail what he had thought were visions of the future, but are actually memories of a past war; fearing that android workers ("synthetics") might rise up against humans, the military attacked unarmed synthetics. The synthetics fought back and eventually drove all humans off the planet. Peter and Alice met during the tension, and while fighting the humans, they found Hanna and Lucy, who are also synthetics. To deal with the guilt of what they have done and prevent themselves from living in fear of a reprisal from humans, most synthetics (including Peter and his family) wiped their memories and lived as humans, unaware of their nature or history.

Peter wakes up and the soldier, Miles, explains that humans have been living on Mars for 50 years. He had expected the synths to be monsters, not families with children, and after getting a good look at Lucy under the table, decided that he couldn't kill anyone. Peter and Alice part amicably with Miles to find their daughters as the humans breach the roof of the factory. As they all depart on the train, David explains that he and a handful of other synthetics kept their memories to stay prepared for the inevitable return of the humans. Peter suggests that some day there could be peace between humans and synthetics.

The Tag-Along

Property agent Wei (River Huang) lives with his grandmother (Liu Yin-shang), but one day she suddenly disappears when she is apparently abducted by someone or something. One night, Wei brings Yi-Chun (Hsu Wei-ning), his girlfriend, home after her shift (she works as a radio DJ), with the intent to mortgage his grandmother's house, marry Yi-Chun, and start a family. Yi-Chun reveals that marriage wasn't her plan.

When Wei brings Yi-Chun to his grandmother's home, he notices that food has been prepared, but his grandmother is going out with a friend. The next morning, Wei receives a package at his workplace, which contains a camera. On it is a video of his grandmother and some friends hiking. Things seem fine until he notices a little girl in a red dress following the group. Wei visits his Uncle Kun (Po-Chou Chang) and finds out that the camera that was mailed to him belonged to his Aunt Shui. While searching the premises with his uncle, a loud crash is heard and a stereo system starts playing music before a door is slammed shut. The two manage to escape the building. Uncle Kun shows Wei and Yi-Chun video footage of the day his grandmother went missing. Yi-Chun realizes that his grandmother wasn't home that morning, as they did not return until the evening. After rewinding the footage, Wei notices a little girl in a red dress leading her down the street. The footage also reveals a similar little girl chasing them out of the building the previous night.

The next morning, Wei has a flashback of him and his grandmother eating at the table. He appears to hear whispers which seem to guide him around the house, and he follows a trail of blood back to the kitchen. He encounters a demonic entity which seems to take over him, but he wakes up from the nightmare. Oddly enough, Wei's grandmother finally returns.

One night during her shift, Yi-chun takes a mysterious call, and the caller quietly repeats, "He doesn't love me anymore," before hanging up. Wei shows up out of the blue, inviting her to have dinner with his grandma. But, Yi-Chun is hesitant to accept his invitation, as Wei appears sweaty and sick. She brings him to a doctor. When she is given the forms, Yi-Chun finds that Wei is missing. She goes to look for him, and finds him staring into a nursery, looking at the babies. He expresses his sadness over Yi-Chun not wanting to marry him or have children. Wei leaves abruptly, and Yi-Chun follows him. She looks into the nursery, but does not see any babies inside. Wei brings Yi-Chun home with him, and he goes into the kitchen to eat dinner, and Yi-Chun is shocked to find him eating bugs and worms, as if he is unaware. She runs to fetch Uncle Kun to bring him to Wei, but he goes missing.

Wei's grandmother is seen walking down the highway, with a police cruiser seemingly coming to a stop. Meanwhile, at the house, Uncle Kun and Yi-Chun perform what seems to be a blessing over the home, shouting at the ghosts to go back where they came from. Yi-Chun goes to the hospital, where Wei's grandmother is currently resting uncomfortable, her mental condition declared "unstable." Later that night, Yi-Chun does research involving the mountain, and stumbles across a video, explaining that 'mosiens' cause people to lose their minds. The video also explains that setting off firecrackers and other explosives, can remove the evil, making a home habitable once more. At the same time, Yi-Chun reads several articles about the urban legend, the Little Girl in Red.

Uncle Kun goes over security footage when his name is heard over his walkie-talkie. He investigates, but finds nothing. When he sits down again, he sees a little girl in a red dress running through the streets before she jumps into a tree. His booth door opens behind him, and he closes it again. The little girl appears, and he flees his booth. As he attempts to light a firecracker, he is attacked by the little girl.

Yi-Chun receives an update from the hospital doctor. The staff suspected that Wei's grandmother may have had food poisoning. After running tests on her vomit, they discovered a living moth chrysalis. The Toxicology department identified the very rare insect as "death's-head hawk-moth." They remained perplexed as to how it got there. While doing research on the insect, Yi-Chun realizes that the face pictured on the moth bears a striking resemblance to that of the Little Girl in Red. That night, Yi-Chun struggles to get sleep, and she notices blood on her arms, soon becoming enveloped in a pool of blood before seeing the Little Girl. She then awakes from the nightmare, frightened.

As Yi-Chun leaves for work, Wei's grandmother tells her that when Wei returns, she will leave the house to him. She goes on to tell that the family was well off but they lost their fortune, which is why Wei works so hard. Yi-Chun asks Uncle Kun to keep on eye on grandma before leaving for work. She makes a public radio announcement, asking for more information about the strange species of moth. Yi-Chun gets a strange phone call, and hangs up abruptly to jot something down. Outside, police interrogate a man who claims that he is going to the mountains to find "her." Yi-Chun returns home after wandering through the forest around the mountains and looks at picture of her and Wei.

Yi-Chun joins a local rescue group on a mission to find Wei and his grandmother. While exploring the mountains, Yi-Chun spots Wei's grandmother, who is taken away, both frightened, telling them to "go back!" Later in the evening, Yi-Chun tells the group that a retired mountain guide, by the name of Wang Tien-Tze told her the location of her boyfriend. However, a group member tells her that he died a long time ago. In the morning, the team splits up to investigate three different paths. During the trek, she becomes lost in the woods. The area begins to fog immensely, and Yi-Chun ties red tape around some trees, blowing her whistle hoping to be found. She lights a flare after being grabbed by a mysterious hand. Just then, the strange moth in a tree opens its wings, releasing several more in Yi-Chun's direction.

When she awakens, she lights another flare, while hearing a girl call out for her mother. She then encounters a multitude of dead bodies in the trees. She then looks down to see that she is pregnant and begins to bleed uncontrollably as she apparently gives birth to a child. The child asks who Yi-Chun didn't want it. As Yi-Chun embraces the bloody newborn, she wakes up from the seemingly treacherous nightmare.

In the morning, Yi-Chun wakes to find Wei in his home. She finds out that his grandmother has been in a nursing home for two years now. She attempts to leave to see her, but Wei stops her. She then grabs a flare to scare away the demonic creature, revealing that it was an illusion, and she is still in the woods. Several of the other creatures appear, and Yi-Chun finds Wei barely clinging to life and tied to a tree. As they attempt to escape, she trips and falls, as the Little Girl in the Red Dress bounds her with tree branches. The girl transforms into a hideous creature and begins to choke Yi-Chun, as she recalls memories of her and Wei. She manages to grab a flare and burn the creature to set herself free. A beam of light wards off the evil creatures, and she returns to Wei, before she is carried away by the other members of the rescue team.

In the future, Yi-Chun and Wei are married, and Yi-Chun is pregnant with his child. As the movie is coming to an end, Yi-chun, Wei and Wei's grandmother are eating happily together, everything seeming to have come back to normal. A death's-head hawk-moth flies over to a wall hinting that Yi-Chun never escaped the forest and is still trapped there in an illusion.

Las Estrellas (TV series)

Five sisters from different mothers meet on their father (Mario Estrella)’s funeral, after his death. When reading his will, they discover that their father imposes an inescapable condition to inherit a big amount of money: they must successfully manage a "boutique hotel" for a year. Thus, Virginia (Celeste Cid), Lucía (Marcela Kloosterboer), Carla (Natalie Pérez), Florencia (Violeta Urtizberea) and Miranda (Justina Bustos) will have no choice but to learn to deal with their big differences. Their father’s final wish was to reunite them.

The Strange Ones

A house fire sends a teenage boy, Sam, and a twenty-something man, Nick, on a road trip across rural America. As they head to a location where Nick believes they can both find a second chance, they tell people at diners and rest stops that they're brothers Nick and Jeremiah and on a vacation. Seeming jealousy on Sam's part over anyone spending time with Nick, soon suggests that some darker relationship exists between the two males except it was his Dad abusing him. At the same time, Sam has difficulty interpreting the difference between reality and dreams. Nick tells him that it doesn't matter and that Sam can turn his dreams into reality.

Hope (1997 film)

Kate is a young intelligent girl, living in dreary small town in the early 1960s. She lives an ordinary life with her mother, a stroke victim, and her Uncle Ray, who owns a theater. Everything changes when a 8 year old black boy dies in a fire in Uncle Ray's theater.

Kingdom (South Korean TV series)

''Kingdom'' is set during Korea's Joseon period, three years after the famous "Battle of Unpo Wetland" near the city of Sangju during the Japanese invasions of Korea, where 500 Korean soldiers, led by Governor Ahn Hyeon, defeated an army of 30,000 Japanese invaders. Unbeknownst to the common people, this victory was achieved by using an herb known as the "resurrection plant", which transformed the diseased villagers of Sumang into ferocious zombies; after the battle ended, the zombies were executed and buried in secret.

Season One

At the start of the series, the King dies of smallpox. Chief State Councillor Lord Cho Hak-ju decides to hide the King's death until his daughter, Queen Consort Cho, produces a son. Such a son would have a more legitimate claim to the throne than Crown Prince Lee Chang, whose mother was a concubine. As a result, the King is inoculated with the resurrection plant and subsequently becomes a monster at night, restrained with chains and fed with the bodies of court servants. Refused permission to visit his father, the Prince leaves in disguise to search for Lee Seung-hui, the doctor who last treated the King. Shocked by what he finds in the process of investigating the King's illness, he heads to the Southern province of Gyeongsang with his loyal bodyguard Mu-yeong to search for more answers. At Lee Seung-hui's clinic outside the city of Dongnae, physician's assistant Seo-bi cares for dozens of patients, but is running out of food to feed them. Yeong-shin, one of the patients, makes a stew for the people from what he says is deer meat. However, the meat is later revealed to be from the cadaver of someone bitten by the King and all the patients quickly turn into zombies.

The next day, the magistrate of Dongnae and nephew of Lord Cho Hak-ju, Cho Beom-pal, disregards Seo-bi and Yeong-shin's advice to cut off the head of each cadaver, leading to a night of chaos when the dead awaken. When the Prince takes control and orders that the bodies of the undead be destroyed, the yangbans secretly flee on the only boat, carrying their belongings and the corpse of a precious son. Soldiers of the royal guard from Hanyang confront the Prince, resulting in the slaughter of dozens of civilians he was trying to help. Subsequently, the Prince goes to Sangju to seek help from Lord Ahn Hyeon, his mentor. Investigating a village that seems to be oddly well-fed in such dire times, he discovers the fate of the missing boat; the precious son became a monster, the yangbans were killed or drowned, and the boat was looted after stranding itself. Awakened from his retreat by his own alarm network, Lord Ahn Hyeon arrives with troops who know how to deal with the zombie crisis. The season ends with Queen Cho taking the Regency of the vacant throne, decreeing the blockade of the South, while Lord Cho Hak-ju comes to Gyeongsang's gate with the Army and the zombie King. On the other side, Lord Ahn Hyeon and the Prince fortify Sangju against the zombies while Seo-bi and Cho Beom-pal explore the Frozen Valley, learning the origins of the zombie disease.

Season Two

In Hanyang, the Queen has gathered many pregnant women at Naeseonjae, her private residence. Mu-yeong's wife is there as well, taken as a hostage, to force Mu-yeong to spy on the Prince. The pregnant women are killed when their delivery is not as expected. As a result, the Special Forces Commander becomes suspicious and searches Naeseonjae. He finds the corpses of seven delivered women. The baby girls were strangled, but the baby boys were only stillborn. At Sangju, it is discovered that the zombies are slowed not by sunlight, but by temperature. Since the weather gets colder, the situation becomes worse after another night of chaos. The Prince decides to break into the border fortress with a limited squad. They are successful, but fall into a trap. Lord Ahn Hyeon is shot to death, while The Prince is put in the presence of the zombie King, and must cut his head off to save his own life. But there was a trap inside the trap; when Lord Cho Hak-ju turns back to Hanyang, Lord Ahn Hyeon appears as a resurrected zombie. Wearing his commanding flag, he bites Lord Cho Hak-ju, before being killed himself, proving the existence of zombies and the good faith of the Prince. The blockade army allies with The Prince.

The next day, Lord Cho Hak-ju's corpse disappears. He has been taken by Mu-yeong, helped by Seo-bi and Cho Beom-pal. They flee towards Hanyang, but along the way Mu-yeong is killed. At the Lord Cho Hak-ju's residence, Seo-bi discovers a cure; a full immersion in water forces away the worm-like entities causing the zombification. At the same time, the Queen pretends to give birth, presenting Mu-yeong's wife's newborn as her own. She poisons her recovered father who discovered the lie, and organizes a zombie research lab beneath her Palace. While the Queen prepares a large proscription, the Royal Guards are lured out of the Palace, allowing the Crown Prince to conquer the place. But the Queen practices a scorched earth policy and orders to release the zombies from the research lab, and chaos ensues. However, the plan of closing the gates of the inner Palace is not sufficient, and the Queen is eaten. The last few survivors escape to the Rear Garden and break the ice of the pond. The zombies are stopped by the water, while the bitten but not yet transformed people are saved from being zombified.

Seven years later, the baby is crowned King, while Seo-bi, Yeong-shin and the former Crown Prince investigate the Northern Provinces. Shortly after their arrival to a seemingly empty village, a mysterious woman named Ashin appears inside a barn, and stands next to the undead kept inside wooden boxes for some nefarious purpose.

Ashin of the North

Set before the events of the first season, the episode delves into Ashin's origin story and her experiences growing into a scorned woman that turned against the Kingdom of Joseon. During her childhood, Ashin lived in the Northern village of Seongjeoyain with her ailing mother, and her father, Ta Hab who was one of the Jurchen people living in Joseon and also the head of their settlement. Tensions were high between Joseon, the central kingdom, and the Jurchen border tribes of Pajeowi. The Pajeowi had gathered their army at the basin of the Pajero River.

When fifteen of Pajeowi Jurchen men enter the forbidden area known as Pyesa-gun to illegally gather wild ginseng, they all die unexpectedly. It is revealed that Cho Beom-il, a high-ranking member of the Haewon Cho clan, orchestrated the deaths of the Jurchen men. The Deputy Commander of the Chupajin group, Min Chi-rok was tasked to investigate the deaths of the Jurchen. After discovering Cho's involvement in the killings at Pyesa-gun, he travels to the Seongjeoyain village to conduct damage control and prevent a conflict against the Kingdom by the Pajeowi. Later, Min Chi-rok spreads the message that the deaths were due to a tiger attack but some villagers remained skeptical.

During a meeting with Ta Hab, the Commander requests him to travel to the bordering Pajeowi tribe and spread the message, that the attack was caused by a tiger who killed the men. Ta Hab agreed to the mission as he had pledged his loyalty to Joseon and hoping his actions will grant Seongjeoyain governmental representation, improving the lives of its people. This was later revealed to be a ruse conspired by the Commander, to strategically protect the interests of the Kingdom.

On a false hunt for the alleged tiger, the Commander encounters some Pajeowi soldiers and informs the group, that the attackers of the Pajeowi men were killed by the villagers of Seongjeoyain. This act later diverts the Pajeowi 's hostility towards the village of Seongjeoyain. Afterwards, the Pajeowi military led by Ai Da Gan, attacks Seongjeoyain in the middle of the night, massacring the inhabitants. Prior to the attack on the village, Ashin finds the resurrection plant in a hidden cave shrine and reads the ancient mural to understand its properties and effects, to tend to her terminally ill mother. Upon returning to the village, she finds that it has been burned to the ground and all the villagers killed. Unbeknownst to Ashin, her father was taken hostage by the Pajeowi military.

Being the sole survivor of the massacre, Ashin goes to the Commander and begs for a chance to avenge her family. He places her in a military settlement post, where she begins to perform odd jobs and gets sexually abused by the soldiers, while training in the woodlands. Years later, she was told by the Commander to spy on the military camp of Pajeowi. While infiltrating the camp, Ashin finds her father held as a prisoner, with his limbs amputated. Ta Hab begs his daughter to kill him to end his misery. Ashin complies and sets the camp on fire before going back to the settlement. Prior to her return to the military settlement, the Commander was summoned to return to the South to deal with the war against the Japanese forces, leaving his Second-in-command and soldiers behind. Soon after, Ashin reads the records inside the Commander's hut, implicating the Commander in framing the Seongjeoyain village for the Jurchen deaths' at Pyesa-gun, leading to the eventual massacre of her village.

Ashin prepares to take revenge against the Kingdom of Joseon. After night falls, she kills several Joseon soldiers as they sleep and uses the resurrection plant to bring them back as zombies. While the zombies rampage around the camp, Ashin kills any soldiers, with her bow and arrows, who manage to escape or lock themselves beyond the zombies' reach. Using the last soldier as bait, she attracted the zombies together and then burns them, effectively killing all the soldiers and zombies in the camp. Ashin is then seen dragging a giant sack back to her village which looks normal. She then enters her old house which was filled with her family and some villagers. She was awakened to zombie snarls which brings her to the present where the village is burned down and the house is filled with zombies chained to the back of the house. It is revealed that after the massacre of her village, she had converted her family and some villagers into zombies. Ashin had been feeding them animals for years but felt that they deserved better food and fed them a kidnapped soldier she had carried with her in the sack. She vowed to destroy Joseon and the Jurchen to avenge them and joined them when she is done.

Ashin leaves to meet Lee Seung-hui, the Joseon King's physician at the border in Uiji. She sells him the resurrection plant, setting in motion, the events that would later occur in the "Battle of Unpo Wetland" and the tragedy that would come to pass at Dongnae. After exiting the city, Ashin walks into an open field, and later witnesses Ai Da Gan and his Pajeowi brethren riding horses in the distance. The Pajeowi riders approach Ashin and she shoots an arrow without hesitation.

Action Point

Several years ago, D.C. was the owner of Action Point, a low-rent amusement park with numerous safety hazards; regardless, the park was popular with the youth due to it being the only amusement park in the area. However, a new amusement park named 7 Parks opens up one day and begins to draw customers away from Action Point. D.C. is also pressured by his loan officer Knoblach into selling his land due to his failure to pay off a $100,000 loan. Meanwhile, his estranged teenage daughter Boogie comes to visit and begins to help around the park as a summer job.

One night, D.C. and his staff break into 7 Parks to observe and sabotage the park, but are nearly caught. D.C. realizes that he needs to come up with something big to compete, eventually deciding that they need to start promoting Action Point as a park about what patrons ''can'' do, whereas 7 Parks is about what they ''can't'' do. He then decides to remove all the safety measures from the rides in an attempt to make the park stand out, causing several people - including himself - to be seriously injured. Boogie also confesses to park lifeguard Benny that the true purpose of her visit is to get D.C. to sign papers that would allow her mother's boyfriend to become her legal guardian.

As a publicity stunt, D.C. and the staff interrupt a local TV broadcast promoting the park which draws in customers, but sends the park into chaos due to the lack of proper rules and regulations. At Boogie's advice, D.C opens up a section for kids, but it is poorly designed causing her to inform legal authorities who then shut the park down.

D.C. and the staff repair the park and reopen it, but are told that the bank has foreclosed on the park. Furthermore, Boogie becomes upset after D.C. breaks his promise to take her to a concert, and gets drunk with the staff before they are all arrested. After D.C. bails her out, she snaps at him and reveals her intention for him to sign the papers. The next day, he finds her gone and learns that she may have left for Las Vegas on a bus. Desperate, he and Benny chase down the bus with their car but lose it after it collides with them.

D.C. then realizes that she was not on the bus and tracks her to a restaurant where he explains that the park has become his new family after losing his first one, and the reason he obsesses over it was because he did not want to lose it as well. Unable to pay off his loan, D.C. decides to blow up the park and sell off the land to Knoblach. To get back at him however, D.C. opens the park gates one last time and gives away free beer as he is no longer liable for any damages that will occur, and the drunk patrons go wild and cause massive damage to the park. Later that night, the staff gather one last time and shoot fireworks to commemorate their time in the park.

The next day, as Boogie prepares to leave, D.C. proposes that the two of them instead take a road trip and make a stop in Austin to attend the concert. Boogie is overjoyed and the former park staff offer to come along.

Present day, a much older D.C. finishes his story to his grandfather as Boogie arrives home and before he leaves, he pretends to have a heart attack in the yard, which Boogie calls out as the two of them share a laugh.

A Quiet Place

Sightless aliens, known as the Death Angels, with sharp hearing take over the planet and kill most of the human population. The Abbott family: mother Evelyn, father Lee, daughter Regan (who is deaf), and sons Marcus and Beau, lives on an isolated farm in the middle of the forest. They must take special precautions in order to avoid making noise, such as making sand paths through the forest to avoid stepping on crunching leaves, and using American Sign Language when communicating.

When the family goes into town for supplies, Beau finds a toy space shuttle, which Lee makes him leave alone because it would make too much noise. As they are getting ready to leave, Regan secretly gives him back the toy, but without its batteries. When they leave, Beau secretly takes back these batteries. While walking back home, Beau triggers the toy space shuttle, which starts making noise. The noise alerts a nearby Death Angel who promptly jumps out of the forest and kills him.

Almost a year after Beau's death, the family has seemingly gone back to normal, with Evelyn several months pregnant. Marcus reluctantly goes fishing with his dad while Regan, upset that she cannot go, visits Beau's grave. While everybody is gone, Evelyn goes into labor; while going downstairs, she steps on a nail, loudly dropping a picture frame she was holding. She flips a switch, turning the surrounding lights around the house red. She tries to go upstairs but finds out that one of the Death Angels entered the house after hearing the noise. Soon after, the alien enters the basement; Evelyn sets an egg timer, distracting the Death Angel and giving herself time to run upstairs. She begins giving birth in the bathtub upstairs as the creature slowly makes its way towards her. Lee and Marcus, who are back from fishing, notice the red lights and set off fireworks to create a diversion.

Regan, seeing the fireworks, runs back to the house. Lee then enters the house and brings the baby and Evelyn into the basement. The baby cries, alerting a Death Angel into the basement. This creature fails to find the source, but breaks some water pipes. Marcus and Regan go to the top of a silo and light a fire. Meanwhile, Evelyn wakes up in the flooded basement with the beast still inside; she hides behind a waterfront as this creature moves towards her.

After getting into an argument, Marcus falls through the silo's roof, and Regan jumps after him. The creature in the basement runs towards the silo and attacks Regan and Marcus. Regan squeezes her cochlear implant, making a high pitched noise. The Death Angel, in pain, runs off, breaking a hole in the silo. Lee finds Regan and Marcus, and tells them to get in his truck and drive back to the house. A creature then appears, attacks Lee, and wounds him; Marcus screams inside the truck, turning the Death Angel's attention to them. Lee, realizing that his children will die, signs to Regan that he has always loved her, before screaming loudly. The creature then kills Lee, giving Regan and Marcus time to drive back to the house.

Back at the house, the children are greeted by Evelyn and they embrace. After hearing a nearby Death Angel shriek, they retreat to the basement, where Regan sees that her dad was studying cochlear implants to help her hear. A creature comes into the basement; Regan takes off her cochlear implant and slams it on a guitar amp, knocking the creature out. The Death Angel gets up again shortly and tries to attack them, but Evelyn shoots it in the head, killing it. With Marcus and the baby hiding in the corner of the basement, Regan and Evelyn look on the screens connected to the security cameras and see two other Death Angels running towards the house; Evelyn looks at Regan, smiles, and cocks her shotgun.

Ghost Fleet (novel)

Prior to the main events of the novel, Indonesia has collapsed into a failed state after a second war in Timor, and a dirty bomb was detonated in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, which caused a massive spike in the price of oil. A newly-discovered natural gas field in the Mariana Trench provides China with energy security. Popular unrest leads to the removal of the Chinese Communist Party, and China is governed by a mix of businessmen and military leaders known as the Directorate. China and Russia have also developed the ability to detect and to track nuclear-powered ships by using Cherenkov radiation, which allows China to effectively neutralize the US Navy's nuclear submarine fleet. China plans to gain control of the third island chain and to secure dominance in the western Pacific. Meanwhile, the United States military is currently overstretched in terms of manpower and resources due to ongoing military operations in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Kenya.

Using a computer virus to first infiltrate the computer systems of the Defense Intelligence Agency, China launches a massive cyber-attack against the United States that cripples many technologically-sophisticated systems, including the F-35 Lightning, which were compromised with infected microchips in the supply chain. The attack includes extensive use of anti-satellite weapons, leading to the disabling of the Global Positioning System and the loss of several communications and reconnaissance satellites critical to the US military. Russian fighters and drones are able to launch a raid on the US military base in Okinawa, and the US military presence in Japan is neutralized. Supported by Russia, China captures Hawaii after a bloody battle and establishes the Hawaii Special Administrative Zone. The attack leads to the nearly complete destruction of the US Pacific Fleet.

The titular 'Ghost Fleet' refers to the US Navy reserve fleets, which the United States re-activates as a low-tech fallback. The residents of Oʻahu and the surviving US military personnel launch an insurgency, known as the North Shore Mujahideen (NSM), against the Chinese occupiers by using previous tactics learned from insurgents during the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. On the diplomatic front, the remaining allies of the United States remain neutral in the conflict with the exception of Australia and the United Kingdom, the latter of which endures the secession of Scotland following a second independence referendum, which passed shortly after the attack. As part of what is dubbed a “Nuclear Lend-Lease” program to counter China and Russia’s Cherenkov radiation detection systems, Poland secretly loans several of its diesel-powered submarines to the US Navy in exchange for the delivery of ten B83 thermonuclear bombs to Poland as a means of deterrence against Russia. After the dissolution of NATO, the United States recognizes Greenland's independence from Denmark in exchange for using the newly-independent Kalaallit Nunaat fleet of icebreakers to move the ghost fleet through the Northwest Passage.

On the civilian front, private companies, such as Walmart, establish a supply chain using 3D printing technology to provide supplies for the war effort, and the US government initiates a program to recycle old microchips to negate the effects of the infected ones from China. An eccentric Silicon Valley billionaire uses his personal wealth and resources to seize control of the Chinese space station and to neutralize China's anti-satellite systems thanks to a private military company in his employ. Simultaneously, another Silicon Valley magnate wages his own separate campaign against China by using his connections to get into contact with the hacktivist group Anonymous. The group manages to launch its own cyberattack, which cripples the Directorate's cyberwarfare capabilities indefinitely. The US military ultimately manages to liberate Hawaii with the aid by the Ghost Fleet, the 82nd Airborne Division, the US Marine Corps, the US Special Operations Command, SEAL Team Six, Polish Special Forces JW Formoza, and aircraft reactivated from the US Air Force boneyard. The war ends in a ''status quo ante bellum'', with both the United States and the Directorate recovering from the effects of the conflict. However, Russia breaks up into a collection of smaller states after a coup d'état against the Russian president (heavily implied to be Vladimir Putin) as a result of public opposition to Russia's participation in the war (the "Russian People's Republic").

One of the subplots in the story revolves around Carrie Shin, a surf instructor at the Moana Surfrider Hotel. She had been engaged to a fighter pilot in the US Marine Corps and was in the process of preparing for her wedding when the Invasion of Hawaii began. It is implied in the text that she had been the victim of systematic sexual and physical abuse at the hands of her father and was recovering with the help of her fiancé. He is subsequently killed during the invasion when his F-35 is compromised by Chinese malware. Now psychologically changed, she begins a systematic campaign of killing the Chinese soldiers occupying Honolulu, which earns her the moniker the "Black Widow." Her killings come to the attention of both General Yu Xilai, the Chinese commander of the occupation, and his subordinate, Russian Colonel Vladimir Markov; whom Yu constantly belittles and dismisses as incompetent for being unable to suppress the insurgency. Shin and Markov gain a grudging respect for one another, and she feigns being captured to get close to Yu, whom she strangles to death at his headquarters. Markov watches with silent consent just as the US counterattack begins.

The Tissue-Culture King

A group of explorers of Africa stumble upon a strange two-headed toad, and that leads them to meet an endocrinologist Dr. Hascombe captured by an African tribe, who saves himself by using "magical" powers of modern biology.[ p.118][ p. 190][ p. 39]

Jigoku: Japanese Hell

Two young girls get a chance to see what it would it be like to be in Hell and while on this tour of Damnation they see the story of what happens to a man who escaped punishment from the court when he raped and murdered several little girls.

Then their own story unfolds before their very eyes. The story of an insane cult in which the blind leader demands tribute from the women and plan mass murder in the belief that the world will be ending soon and they need to help it along.

Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms

The Iorph, a humanoid race, live far removed from the world of humans, spending their days weaving Hibiol, a special cloth which serves as a written chronicle of the passing of time. They age much slower than humans, and can live for hundreds of years. They are legendary to outsiders, who have dubbed them the "Clan of the Separated".

Maquia, a young, orphaned Iorph girl, serves as an assistant to the clan's chief, Racine, who warns her about creating emotional attachments to outsiders, saying that Maquia will know what true loneliness is if she does. Soon afterward, the neighboring kingdom of Mezarte sends armed soldiers on the backs of flying dragons called Renato to the Iorph village. Unable to find the secret to their longevity, the army attacks, killing most of the Iorph and kidnapping Leilia, Maquia's friend. One of the Renato succumbs to the "Red Eye" disease and goes berserk during the attack. It becomes tangled in Hibiol, and flees the village, inadvertently carrying Maquia, who is tangled in the fabric. The Renato later crashes and dies in a forest. Maquia wakes up and meets an alcoholic merchant at the ambushed caravan, where she finds a newborn baby boy, held tightly in the arms of his deceased mother. Refusing to let him die, she pulls the baby from the woman's arms and takes him in as her son. She travels to the village of Helm, where a woman, Mido, takes them in, raising them alongside her two sons, Lang and Deol. Maquia names her adopted son Ariel.

Time passes and Ariel has grown into a child. The Kingdom of Mezarte had once built their strength and reputation on their ownership of the ancient Renato, but the Renato have started to succumb to the "Red Eye" disease, leaving them with less than ten as they begin to die out. Fearing the inevitable loss of power and influence, the king of Mezarte tries to claim ownership of another ancient and legendary power, the Iorph's longevity, leading him to attempt to introduce Iorph blood into the royal bloodline. Through a message woven into a Hibiol Maquia finds in a shop, she discovers that Leilia has been forced into an arranged marriage with the prince of Mezarte. She travels on a ship with Ariel to try to free Leilia. On the ship, she meets Krim, an Iorph. He is a friend of hers from their homeland, who was Leilia's former boyfriend and Maquia's secret crush. Krim is also seeking to free Leilia. Once in the capital of Mezarte, the two meet with a number of other Iorph, and unsuccessfully ambush a royal parade. Maquia briefly frees Leilia, but learns that Leilia is pregnant with the prince's child. Maquia flees on Leilia's orders and avoids capture with the help of the merchant, revealed to be half-Iorph. Krim, undeterred, resolves to continue trying to free Leilia, and leaves Maquia and Ariel behind.

As more time passes, Maquia and Ariel move to the iron-forge city of Dorail, where Maquia works as a restaurant waitress. Ariel grows to be a teenage forge worker. He becomes alienated from Maquia by the ever-decreasing difference in their apparent ages. Meanwhile, Leilia, still in the palace, is a prisoner of the royals. She has been cast aside because her daughter Medmel shows no signs of being an Iorph. She has not been able to meet Medmel ever since her birth, leaving her in despair. One day, Ariel and Maquia happen to meet Lang, now a soldier in Mezarte's army. Their meeting pushes Ariel and Maquia farther apart, allowing Ariel to join the army of Mezarte. Moments after he leaves, Maquia is kidnapped by Krim.

Approximately ten years later, Ariel has returned to the capital and married Dita, a girl he knew in Helm. She is pregnant with their first child. Meanwhile, Krim has gathered the support of the surrounding nations to invade and overthrow Mezarte. He takes a still-captive Maquia with him, trying to reach the palace in the battle. They are separated in a forest outside the capital, and after a brief encounter with Ariel, Maquia goes to the town and finds Dita in labor. She helps deliver the baby, while Ariel continues to fight and is wounded in the battle. Maquia finds Ariel and they share a heartfelt conversation before she offers him an emotional goodbye, and then she heads to the palace. Elsewhere, after finally finding Leilia in the palace and being rejected in favor of Medmel, Krim tries to kill both her and himself, but Krim is ambushed and killed by the chief of the guards. As the battle ends with Mezarte's loss, Ariel returns home and meets his newborn daughter. Maquia takes the last living Renato and flies away with Leilia, who manages to reunite briefly with Medmel before departing.

Many years later, Maquia returns to the village of Helm once again with the half-Iorph merchant, finding Ariel as an old man on his deathbed, and holds his hand as he dies. Leaving their home, she shoulders the pain of her loss, crying as she remembers the moments of her life she spent with him. Maquia rejoins the merchant and continues on the road, remarking to herself, despite the profound pain of loss, that loving her son brought her happiness.

A post-credit image shows the Iorph village being reinhabited once again by the surviving Iorph and their descendants, along with the last Renato.

A Place Further than the Universe

Mari Tamaki is a second-year high school student who wants to make the most out of her youth but is usually too afraid to do so. One day, she meets Shirase Kobuchizawa, a girl who has been saving up to travel to Antarctica, where her mother disappeared three years ago. Joined by two other girls, Hinata Miyake and Yuzuki Shiraishi, they join an expedition headed towards the Antarctic.

Wasp (2015 film)

Olivier and James, two men in a same-sex relationship, take a romantic break in Provence in the South of France. Their vacation is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Caroline, a friend of James, who recently broke up with her boyfriend. Caroline's presence causes a strain in the gay men's relationship, as a heterosexual attraction develops between Olivier and Caroline. The heterosexual desire that is building between Olivier and Caroline threatens to undermine both Olivier's gay relationship with James and Caroline's friendship with James. Caroline wants to seduce Olivier, but he resists Caroline's advances. Olivier came out as gay later in life than James, so Olivier has sexual experience with women that James doesn't have. Caroline began her attempt at seducing Olivier when she learned that he had slept with women in the past before he came out of the closet, hoping that she could convince Olivier to sleep with women again. James is unaware that his friend is attempting to seduce his boyfriend. Olivier begins to question whether he is really gay or if he is bisexual. Although Olivier has developed a growing temptation to sleep with Caroline, his resistance results in Caroline leaving the couple's summer house. James begins to feel suspicious that his boyfriend is cheating on him, leading him to confront Olivier and Caroline. Caroline admits that she tried to seduce Olivier, but Olivier denied any desire to sleep with Caroline. The ending of the film is open-ended, the three of them leaving the house without saying a word.

Secret Warriors (2017 series)

The series begins with Daisy Johnson assembling the young characters to create a new team to battle the hordes of Hydra.

Secret Warriors (2009 series)

The series focuses on Nick Fury and his secret teams who are meant to combat Hydra who have infiltrated the spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D.

Mar Salgado

Leonor Trigo was only 16 years-old when she fell in love with Gonçalo, a 24-year-old famous motorcycle racer who ends up getting her pregnant with twins. Realizing that Gonçalo will never accept the children, she hides her pregnancy from everyone. When Leonor at the end of her pregnancy, her father, Alberto Trigo, discovers the truth and demands that Gonçalo take responsibility. Gonçalo panics for fear of a lawsuit, with the certainty that a scandal of a relationship with a minor would drive sponsors away and cause him serious problems in the family.

Gonçalo turns to a friend who is a doctor and convinces Patrícia Santos – Leonor’s best-friend – to help him. The delivery is made at his friend’s clinic, with the help of the doctor’s wife, nurse Alice Amorim. Leonor is sedated during childbirth. When she wakes up, they don’t tell her she had twins and ensure her that the baby was stillborn. One of the babies (the girl) is handed to Gonçalo’s sister – Amélia – who couldn’t have children of her own. The other baby (the boy) is left by Patrícia at a church.

Sixteen years later, Leonor Trigo (now 32) works as a diving instructor in the Emirates. She never got over the loss of her baby, so it is a great shock when Alice shows up to tell her the truth about that night. Suddenly all her certainties are shaken as Leonor realizes that she gave birth to two healthy children who are probably still alive. Without thinking twice, she immediately decides to return to Portugal in order to search for her children and get revenge from the people who lied to her.

At present Patrícia Santos (34) is married to Gonçalo Queiroz (39) and the two have a daughter together, “Kika” Queiroz (14). Patrícia took advantage of what she knew to blackmail Gonçalo and force him to marry her. They panic when they realize Leonor is back and knows the truth. They are determined to do everything to silence her and by all mean necessary. On her arrival to Portugal, Leonor also reunites with André Queiroz (34). She was his first crush, who has never truly forgotten her. Leonor comes close to him in order to get more information about her children. Initially, she only intends to use him, but she will eventually fall for him and they will live a beautiful love story.

Coração d'Ouro

Maria's painful challenge starts when Antonio, her former employer, facing death, decides to make justice for the past and includes her on his will. His goal is to, somehow, make it up to her and ensure that Maria and her daughter, Catarina, won't have to struggle anymore as he knows the terrible truth: Catarina is Antonio's granddaughter. Maria had a relationship with Antonio's son, Henrique. What could be a promising start of happiness turns into a nightmare once Catarina, knowing about the will, decides to kill Antonio, without knowing he is actually her grandfather. Maria find's it out and has to choose between justice and her daughter. Once inheriting shares from a Douro river farm, that produces an international awarded Oporto wine and shares from a medical clinic pioneer in the immunology research, Maria has to face the firm resistance from Henrique, which believes they're both opportunists that misled his father. He will start a war and promises not to give up while he doesn't manage to kick them out of home and regain control of all his father's fortune to the legal family. Henrique likes to show his fortune while his brother Duarte looks deep to the land and basic values. He is the true responsible for the wine quality. Having faced a death situation in the past he truly changes his life and ends up falling in love with Joana, one of the medical clinic researchers. These two characters will face internal and external struggle. While Duarte goes through a very difficult divorce from Beatriz that manipulates their son in order not to lose her marriage, Joana lives with the shadow of her past happy marriage that ended suddenly when her husband died in a car crash on her birthday. Their love will make us dream along and drives us to believe that strength of feelings will make them win. Golden heart is a novella with amazing landscapes of the UNESCO world heritage center of the Douro wine region, focusing on the human condition. The feelings that move us all to the moral limits and beliefs of each of us. What are you willing to do?

My Dinner with Hervé

Danny Tate, a journalist and recovering alcoholic, is sent to Los Angeles for work, which includes interviewing actor Hervé Villechaize. Feeling insulted after Tate ends their interview to leave for another one with Gore Vidal, Villechaize chides Tate about his career. Tate pays for their meal and leaves, but arrives late for his interview with Vidal, who promptly leaves.

Later that night, Tate receives a call from Villechaize, who insists on continuing their interview. Tate decides to do so, mainly in order to prevent himself from returning to drinking. Villechaize arrives in a limo and the pair drive through the city, while Villechaize details his past, from his parents learning of his dwarfism, his mother's resentment of him and his father's efforts to cure it, to his early career as a painter. After he is assaulted, his parents send him to New York City, where he is inspired to become an actor after spending two months in his apartment watching television. After securing representation from the William Morris Agency (by means of barging into Martin Rothstein's office with a knife), Villechaize is cast in the James Bond film ''The Man with the Golden Gun'', earning applause from the audience as well as his mother upon its premiere. Despite the attention from ''The Man with the Golden Gun'', Villechaize goes four years without work. He says that he kept praying and soon enough, Rothstein secures him a role in the series ''Fantasy Island'', which renews Villechaize's popularity. Villechaize marries Camille Hagen after she guest stars on the show.

The pair go to a strip club, where Villechaize tries to coerce Tate into breaking his sobriety and get him a lap dance. Tate succumbs to temptation and has a beer, causing him to angrily storm out, intending to return to his hotel, but Villechaize convinces him to continue on with their late night odyssey, including a stop at Pink's Hot Dogs, where Villechaize takes over driving the limo and crashes it. Shortly after they continue driving, Tate presses Villechaize on his womanizing and his marriage to Hagen. This causes Villechaize to have the vehicle stopped and he storms off. Tate catches up to him, and begins to tell his side of the story when people started talking about him being a problem to work with, including accusing his co-star Ricardo Montalbán of having his lines taken out of scripts and hosting sexually charged parties onset. Tate accuses him of throwing his career away. Villechaize, while Tate reads off newspaper headlines of his exploits, tosses his file out the window before bringing them to Rothstein's house to have him confirm Montalbán was after him. Rothstein confirms this, but states Montalbán was not without reason, as Villechaize begins demanding more money and missing filming dates. He starts throwing money on reckless parties and gets into a fight with Billy Barty. His behaviour results in his firing from the show. Tate and Villechaize leave Rothstein's, and get into an argument. Tate storms off but Villechaize attacks him, holding a knife to his throat. Tate goads him to kill him, but Villechaize relents, prompting Tate to unload on Villechaize, blaming him for his own problems and that he's not the only one who's had a troubled life. Villechaize agrees to finally return Tate to his hotel, but first brings him to where they shot the pilot for ''Fantasy Island''. Here Villechaize admits to Tate and himself he's the only one to blame for his troubles.

Hagen divorces him and has a restraining order leveled against him. Villechaize surmises he likely tried to force her to love him as opposed to it being real. While appearing as Tattoo at an event he has a breakdown and lights his costume on fire, breaking down in tears in the arms of his girlfriend Kathy Self.

Tate is returned to his hotel, and he agrees to meet with Villechaize later that night. Upon entering he finds a colleague there to replace him on the Vidal job. He calls his ex-wife Katie to apologize to her and accept that he can't fix things between them, and later that night goes to meet with Villechaize one last time before he returns to England. During this meeting, Villechaize admits that his mother was not among those praising him at ''The Man with the Golden Gun'' premiere, having walked out during the screening. Tate and Villechaize take a picture together and finally part ways on friendly terms.

As he is compiling his interview, Tate learns Villechaize had committed suicide shortly after he left. He presents his article to his editor, who orders him to cut it down. He elects to resign, and instead begins to write a book, titled ''My Dinner with Hervé''.

Amor Maior

Season One

Out of love for her brothers, Clara will have to face Francisca, her stepmother, and sacrifice the passion of a life. Francisca always wanted the life and fortune that her half-sister, Laura, had. She ordered her killed, married her husband, and adopted the younger stepdaughters.

Now plans to kill her husband, but Clara, Laura's eldest daughter, finds out and tries to tell her family. No one believes in Clara and her father ends up driving her and his son, Afonso, out of the house. At the same time, they struggle to work with Paulo (known as "Lobo" which translates to "Wolf"), a criminal who is making them work for him as Afonso's girlfriend lost drugs that she was selling for "Lobo". Afonso broke up with her right after, however "Lobo" never made his girlfriend work for him only Afonso and his sister Clara. However "Lobo" begins to see Clara with other eyes, falling in love with her. Clara faces a problem as she can not get custody of her sisters, Daniela and Marta, but she promised to make everything to protect them. Francisca does not facilitate the life of Clara because she falls in love with her beloved, Manel, finishing these by having an affair. But when Manel realizes that Francisca is not who he thinks, it ends soon with their relationship and goes to Clara. Clara and Manel live a beautiful love story.

Francisca, however, has not stopped loving Manel since the first day she had with him. So this will make Clara's life a living hell and do everything to separate them. Manel even knowing that Francisca is Clara's stepmother, continues with this ending even by marrying her. However, when Francisca was having an affair with Manel, she was married to Eduardo (biological father of Clara, Marta, Daniela and Afonso), and since she wanted to go with Manel and receive his inheritance, she decided to kill him at the party. Marta's birthday.

This is normal, this one stayed in the tracks because the father died at his own party. Daniela, was the only person who had ever arrived at the compound (a terrace in Alfama). As soon as she got there, Francisca was talking to her father. This one (Francisca) decided that it was a good time for her husband to die.

He threw him on the terrace and he died. Daniela, who was in the room, was shocked by what had happened. Francisca, only later did she realize that her husband had died in the presence of Daniela. From this moment, Francisca, afraid that Daniela "opened her mouth" began to give her pills to silence her and to say nothing to the authorities. Daniela is being manipulated by Francisca, and when someone asks her who killed Eduardo, she accuses Clara to Francisca.

Clara and Manel are married but Francisca does not give up on separating them, the villain discovers that his nephew Ricardo has a video of the robbery to the museum where Carlos Paiva died. The villain threatens to tell everyone that Ricardo is homosexual if she does not receive the video. Ricardo gives in to his aunt's blackmail and hands her the video. Francisca made a trip to São Tomé, where Clara and Manel were spending their honeymoon, and threatened the stepdaughter to tell Manel that he participated in the robbery of the museum and to show him the images and the police. Clara gives in and tells Manel that she was forced by the Wolf to make the assault. Manel is disillusioned with Clara and does not forgive her. Which leaves Francisca satisfied.

The villain continues to drug Daniela and turns her against the brothers. Clara asks for help to Nina, the woman who helped Daniela when she was missing, to help her gain the confidence of the girl again and Nina accepts. Daniela is very happy to see Nina and the bitch Zuzu and is happier when Nina lets her stay with the dog. When Marta tells Francisca about the judge, Francisca full of rage kills Zuzu, which leaves Daniela behind. The villain threatens Marta to do the same to a person if she goes on to say that she is a lousy mother. Francisca loses custody of Marta but stays with Daniela, who speaks well of her (because she does not want the stepmother to hurt her brothers). Francisca threatens Clara, Afonso and Marta that they will not see Daniela again.

Telmo, still feeling betrayed by Francisca to have a son who is also from Manel, goes to the palace and finds Clara to tell him the whole truth about Francisca. Telmo tells Clara that Francisca was pushing Eduardo off the terrace of the Marta party, and when Daniela was missing, Francisca planned to kidnap her. Telmo also reveals that it was Francisca who had Laura killed. Clara asks Telmo to testify against Francisca for her to pay for everything she did, but Telmo refuses because if Francisca is arrested, he goes with her. Telmo asks Clara to arrange evidence, she will have to prove that Francisca had an affair with Eduardo before Laura left for Sao Tome and died. The death of Laura commissioned by Francisca leaves Afonso so motivated to catch Francisca and kill her.

Manel and Clara go alone to the farm of Clara's family. On the way they agree that they will have to have a serious conversation after being able to incriminate Francisca. When they get there, Clara sees Lobo's car and is furious, thinking that this one ended with Francisca, against her will. Manel, for his part, is worried about his baby.

Without anyone knowing, Afonso is there with Lobo and they both wear the same monkey suits and put on masks. Surprised Francisca who is scared. Wolf threatens her but Afonso asks him to shoot. Clara and Manel appear and this one orders the hooded ones to drop the arms. Manel shoots Afonso

Season Two

When Manel removes Afonso's mask, Clara is in shock and Manel is taken aback. Wolf flees from there while Manel asks Francisca for help. She examines the stepson and informs Manel and Clara that they have to take him to the hospital immediately, or he will not survive. Manel picks it up and takes it to the car.

Francisca informs Pilar of what happened. She is worried that her nephew was shot.

Manel and Clara arrive with Afonso to the hospital and this one is taken, immediately, to the operative block. Manel tries to apologize but Clara only thinks about her brother.

Pilar arrives at the hospital and hugs Clara. They still do not know anything about Afonso. Pilar feels responsible for the fact that the nephew has reached that point of revolt. Manel approaches and feels much guilty but still wants to combine the testimony with Clara to avoid that Afonso is accused of attempted murder.

Afonso almost died in the operation, Afonso is in an induced coma.

Francisca returns to Lisbon and tells Teresa that there was an accident on the farm and that Afonso was shot. Teresa and Daniela get very agitated. Daniela loses her temper and explodes, accusing Francisca of having failed what she promised, of not doing any of her brothers any harm. Teresa is strange in her behavior and defends the granddaughter of her daughter's manipulations.

Manel ventured with Pilar who shot Afonso thinking that it was Wolf, admitting his desire for revenge. Pilar fears Afonso will be arrested after recovering. Jorge appears and does not bring good news, the state of Afonso is critical because he lost a lot of blood.

Manel gives his testimony to a PSP agent. It does not reveal that Clara was present nor that Afonso was armed. He claims that he thought it was Telmo and that he fired to defend a defenseless civilian. After the agent left, Manel ventured with Pilar who hated to have to lie but did it for Afonso.

Marta arrives at the hospital with Vicente and tries to understand what really happened. Clara does not reveal the truth. The surgeon who operated Afonso addresses the family and conveys, in dismay, that Afonso is alive but in an induced coma so he will not feel pain. Clara and Marta enter the room where Afonso is connected to the machines and cry when they see their brother in that situation. Clara finally tells Marta that it was Manel who struck her brother.

Wolf goes to the hospital to know what the state of Afonso and Clara reacts very badly to its presence there. However, he burst into tears in the bandit's arms, with no strength to resist.

Pilar receives Gonçalo in his house and talks with his friend about the state of health Afonso. Vicente also appears and is displeased to see Gonçalo again, in the house of his ex-wife. This one comes to ask explanations to Pilar about having hidden to him that Francisca is behind the death of Laura and presses it to pass him a power of attorney with the actions of Marta.

When visiting Afonso in the hospital, Lobo crosses with Manel who accuses him of being responsible for that situation. After all, Lobo assumes nothing.

Clara rushes into Francisca's house and tells her to keep quiet about Afonso. Despite her threats, Clara guarantees that she will do justice with her own hands should anything happen to Afonso.

At Francisca's house, she thanks Manel for saving her life. Manel, for his part, demands that she does nothing against Afonso under threat of reopening the investigation for Laura's death.

When Francisca arrives at the PJ to testify, Luisa sends Manel out of her room. Apprehensive, Manel observes Francisca and Luisa in the distance. Francisca keeps the story that Manel told and refuses to present a complaint against her nephew. Luisa is strange to say that it was all the result of a joke of bad taste and Manel is relieved to know that it collaborated to his lie.

Clara is furious to learn that Manel negotiated with Francisca not to reopen the investigation into Laura's death. She feels betrayed by Manel and frustrated that she can not avenge her mother's death.

Helena confronts Goncalo and asks him some more time to be able to tell the truth to Manel about his fatherhood and he says he will not wait very long.

Pilar tells the truth about Francisca to Teresa, who was the Francisca who had Laura killed to get everything that was of the half-sister, who was the Francisca who pushed Eduardo, Eduardo and Francisca to be lovers before Laura died and Francisca Have killed Daniela's female dog Zuzu. This leaves Teresa in shock and she turns to her daughter for all the evil she did to the family and regrets what she did because if she had realized who Francisca really was, Laura would still be alive but Clara promises that Francisca will pay for Which they did.


MARINA NOGUEIRA, 55, business woman, leader of the company "Chão de Portugal" and JOSÉ MARIA SOUSA E ATAÍDE, 56, sports manager, decided to get engaged. At first the romance is kept in secrecy with the exception of AMÉLIA HENRIQUES, 38, Marina’s new assistant, that has, herself also a strong reason to get revenge from José Maria and will lead all the action at this new and strong novella. When Marina decides to introduce Jose Maria to her friends and family, she faces a strong opposition from her only daughter, LUÍSA NOGUEIRA, 28, that doesn’t understand how could her mother find love again so shortly after her father’s death 2 years ago. Luísa’s brother, GONÇALO NOGUEIRA, 20 , doesn’t take a stand. HOMERO SOUSA E ATAÍDE, 75, and MIGUEL SOUSA E ATAÍDE, 35, father and brother of Jose Maria, are thrilled with the idea of seeing Jose marrying such a successful woman, owner of a huge company. They 3 conspire. Together with Luísa and Amélia, another woman JACINTA LOURENÇO, 48, Marina’s friend, also has a strong resentment that comes from the past. The 3 are determined to get revenge of José Maria.

Rainha das Flores

She is called the queen of the flowers, not only because her name is ROSA (Rose) but because she grows flowers and ships them all over the world.

Flowers are her business and everyone agrees that it grew into a very successful one. Rosa is a very happy woman. She is married to DANIEL, a furniture designer trying to make his way into professional success. Together they have daughter JULIA, a sweet young girl always trying to do the right thing.

At home, Rosa also has two more people she loves: SOFIA, born from a previous relationship Daniel had with a woman who ran off years ago, and CARMEN, Daniel's mother and the first person to help Rosa in her attempts to start her flower company, Floriz.

Rosa has a very deep faith in God and the Virgin Mary. Religion is one of the pillars in her life. One day, she decides to go on a pilgrimage, to thank for all the good things she received from Him. It ends in tragedy, as Rosa is hit by a car and almost dies. For weeks, she is in a coma. When she finally wakes up, the world is a whole different place. She does not remember her daughter. She also forgot her husband. The last fifteen years have been erased from her memory.

Rosa feels desperate in her hospital bed. Everyone around her feels the same. But Rosa is lucky enough to be assisted by one of the most caring doctors in the hospital, handsome MARCELO, a long time divorced neurologist. It helps to have someone so attentive by her side. But Rosa is struggling with her older memories. And when she calls for someone no one ever heard of, her family is in shock.

Rosa tells her family she has an older sister, NARCISA, and she wants to see her immediately. Daniel will search for this woman everywhere. He will find her in a distant town, struggling in a rough fishing job while trying to send her son BRUNO to the medical school.

Narcisa is tough. But she also hides a terrible secret. Something very bad happened in the past that have separated the two sisters until now. Unfortunately, Rosa does not remember what it was and she may by falling in the most dangerous trap, when she calls her sister back. Narcisa is so greedy, that she may want to steal the flower company from her successful sister. She may even want her happiness and everything else she can get a hold of.

Rosa finally goes home. She does not remember her family but she cannot forget Marcelo, the caring doctor. And when she discovers they both are in love with each other, life will be an unexpected conflict: between what is right and what her heart is longing for.

This will be Rosa's main struggle. Will she stay forever in love with Marcelo, the doctor who saved her, or will she remember how much she always loved her faithful husband?

Step by step, Rosa's memories will come back. While this is happening, Rosa's life will unfold in a powerful romance, full of hard decisions and full of conflict with greedy sister Narcisa.

I Hate the Internet

Adeline, the protagonist, grew up in Pasadena, California with her mother Suzanne, who became an alcoholic after the death of her husband. During her time in California, Adeline adopts a transatlantic accent from watching Audrey Hepburn in ''Breakfast at Tiffany's''. In 1986, she relocates to New York City, where she meets her soon-to-be best friend Baby. Baby saved her by beating up her cheating boyfriend. The two of them go back to live with Adeline's mother in Pasadena in 1988. Two years later Adeline graduates from Parsons University. In 1993, Adeline moves in with Jeremy Winterbloss and his wife Minerva when they go to San Francisco in 1996. While living with them, Adeline finds she is pregnant. The father was her boyfriend at the time, Nash Mac. Around this time, Jeremy and Adeline decide to produce a comic called ''Trill'', a fictional story about an anthropomorphic cat. Jeremy wrote, while Adeline illustrated.

Due to the perceived racist and sexist nature of the comic book industry, Adeline and Jeremy decide to write under the pseudonyms J.W. Bloss and M. Abrahamovic Petrovitch, respectively. The comic becomes somewhat successful, and is offered a movie deal. During movie production, Adeline meets writer J. Karacehennem and they become friends. Jeremy and Adeline's true identities remain a secret until a producer accidentally reveals them in a press conference. This projects Adeline and Jeremy into semi-fame. Meanwhile, Adeline gives birth and names her son Emil after her late brother who committed suicide. When Emil is 12, he decides that Adeline is weird with her funny way of speaking and odd opinions. He becomes embarrassed by her and asks to go live with his dad. Adeline agrees because she will still get to see him most weekends. That is until Emil is sent to live with Suzanne and Adeline is no longer able to get in contact with him. This leads to the Emil and Adeline becoming estranged.

Baby is a gay science fiction writer. One of his books, ''Annie Zero'', received a notable amount of success. At a party for the book, Adeline meets Christine, a transgender woman. The two instantly become friends, as neither had read Baby's book. Christine invites Adeline to a dinner party. There, Adeline meets Erik Willems. Willems recognizes Adeline from the movie production of ''Trill''. The two begin a relationship.

J. Karacehennem moves to San Francisco in 2010 and takes Adeline to many social events where she meets Kevin Killian. They become good friends. In 2013, Kevin Killian asks Adeline to speak in front of one of his classes. In her talk, Adeline appears unable to remain on topic. She frequently switches from topic to topic, from women in technology to Beyoncé and Rihanna. These opinions were unpopular among youth and frequent Internet users. She was a 45-year-old woman speaking out against things that the younger generation loved. Little did she know one of the students recorded her whole rant, and posted it on YouTube.

The following morning, Adeline wakes to find she has begun to receive hate mail. She calls Jeremy about what to do. He tells her to get a Twitter and respond. Next, she calls J. Karacehennem. He tells her to just let it pass over at least it is boosting the sale of Trill after 10 years. Baby doesn't pick up the phone, Erik isn't really paying attention to what is happening, and Christine says that Twitter isn't her thing.

An article surfaces of an interview of when Adeline was still pretending to be a Russian man (under her pseudonym, M. Abrahamovic Petrovich). She is branded as misogynistic. Adeline, frustrated, decides to battle these claims and creates a Twitter account. She tweets her opinions. While some of them are agreeable, many of them are not and are quite embarrassing. Her use of Twitter causes Emil to reach out to her. Emil says he finds her use of Twitter embarrassing. The video of her speech has gone viral and people even come up to her in the streets asking if she is the woman from YouTube. She takes to lying to them and saying that she is actually Marina Abramović, as the two share a resemblance. Adeline finally tweets something that makes Jeremy tell her to stop tweeting and emails are flooding in yet again about Adeline.

J. Karacehennem tells Adeline that he and his girlfriend are moving because of the gentrification. Adeline is scared that if they are leaving, the others will soon follow. Adeline visits Christine. She tells Adeline that after she gets married, she, too, is moving out of San Francisco.

On J. Karacehennem's last night in San Francisco, he and Adeline go to the top of the Twin Peaks. He starts to scream at San Francisco, about everything he finds wrong with the city. Adeline simply watches.

Suddenly it's New Year's Eve and Adeline is at a party with people that she barely knows. She leaves and meets with Minerva and one of her partners, Salaam. Someone finally recognizes her as Adeline and she is unable to get away by pretending to be Marina Abramović. As Adeline leaves, she asks to meet up with Erik. Erik is annoyed with Adeline's strange style of speaking and leaves her standing on the street. Adeline starts walking. As a Google Bus passes her, her phone buzzes with a death threat on Twitter.

Donald's Gold Mine

Donald Duck is a gold miner. While digging ore in his gold mine, Donald sings "Oh My Darling, Clementine". His donkey, Jenny, mocks his terrible singing and Donald kicks his minecart into it, in retaliation, provoking a series of tit-for-tat attacks between them.

Afterwards, Donald accidentally gets his pickaxe stuck up the back of his shirt. In the course of trying to separate himself from the pickaxe (which, at one stage, involves Donald getting the pickaxe head stuck on his own head), Donald fortuitously uncovers a rich vein of gold. In his excitement, he tosses the nuggets up into the air and they spook the donkey as they clatter to the ground. The donkey takes off, dragging the minecart, and Donald along with it, off to the entry chute of the nearby ore processor.

Donald screams for help as he and the rocks all tumble down the chute face first onto a conveyor belt. First Donald is put through a gear crusher that smashes all the rocks into fine gravel. Seeing the danger for his life, Donald immediately begins to try and run away up the conveyor belt but runs into a large rock. The large rock hurls Donald backwards and right onto the gear crushers, but luckily the top gear is missing a tooth where Donald lands and he goes through unharmed.

Next, Donald slides into a section where two large scrub brushes brutally scrub him and the ore. Seeing the danger Donald tries to run ahead to avoid this but a mechanism pushes Donald and the ore directly into the scrub brushes. Donald goes through scrubbing inside the brushes and eventually wiggles his head out of the brushes looking disorientated. The brushes sense the disruption and a metal pole smashes his head right back into the giant scrub brushes for more scrubbing. Eventually Donald's bottom and legs wiggle out of the scrub brushes and sensing the disruption stops and the metal pole again smashes Donald back down into the scrub brushes to continue to be scrubbed. Donald's top half emerges with brush bristles in his mouth that he spits out. Sensing the disruption once again stops and dispatches a set of robotic arms to pick up Donald by his sleeves and finally get him clean by a much more brutal method.

Holding Donald high in the air, the robotic arms take Donald to a giant wash board and a giant barrel filled with water. The arms smack Donald into the water and then the wash board up and down ferociously until it holds him under water for a short break. Meanwhile, Donald finally breathes causing bubbles to come up from the water before starting round two of washing. Donald is taken faster up and down but this time into the water as well seemingly causing a lot of pain by his looks. The arms then hold him under water for another short break of him breathing more bubbles before tossing him out of the water to the ground.

Looking disorientated again and wet now a giant claw then goes behind Donald and pushes him forward to a circular column that spin dries Donald very fast leaving him even more disorientated and dizzy. The mechanism pushes Donald forward back to a conveyor belt for his next station filled with four giant crushers.

Donald is still dizzy and disorientated not really realizing what is going on. Luck is on his side and his narrowly evades all the crushes before regaining his senses and running ahead to avoid being crushed. He runs to the side where a pipe is located that sprays water out forcing Donald down a chute and to a new station.

Donald lands into a giant gold sifter which shakes him back and forth in a Latin dance like fashion further disorientating him before losing all control and flying towards the next station.

He flies into a large section of rollers made for more cleaning going up and down and being doused with water by a shower head over and over again before being seeing forward to the final station.

Eventually, he is tipped into a gold bar making machine. The donkey, nervous about his owner's fate, stands vigil at the output conveyor belt of the machine. A gold bar emerges with Donald's hat on top. The donkey shakes his head and sheds a tear for Donald, who has apparently died in the machine. However, Donald soon emerges from the machine, alive and well, albeit immobilized by gold that has been encrusted around him by the machine with a 24K stamp on his feet. The donkey laughs in delight as Donald twiddles his thumbs annoyed while the gold encrusted around his body is keeping him immobilized.

Couple in a Hole

It focuses on a Scottish couple, Karen (Dickie) and John (Higgins), who are initially shown living in a hole in the mountains, surviving off what they can find. When Karen is bitten by a spider, John heads to a nearby village and gets the help of Andre (Jerome Kircher). This increases tensions between Karen and John, leading to arguments and some information about why they are living in a hole: they are dealing with grief over the death of a child.

Billy the Kid (1911 film)

The following is one of the only reviews of the 1911 short film from The Moving Picture World:

The duties of the sheriff as performed by "Uncle Billy" were not a matter of pleasure. His son-in-law is a member of the posse; lie and "Uncle Billy" leave the house hurriedly to join their comrades in pursuit of the outlaws. Two hours later the son in-law is carried back to his home, the victim of the gang. A little daughter is born to the widow and left an orphan. "Uncle Billy" is anxious that the child should be a boy, but through the secrecy of the Spanish servant. "Uncle Billy" never knew that "Billy, the Kid." was a girl. The sheriff brought her up as a young cowboy, although he noticed there was a certain timidity in the "Kid" that was not at all becoming a boy. When "Billy, the Kid," is sixteen years of age, her grandfather sends her to a town school. Lee Curtis, the foreman of "Uncle Billy's" ranch, was the "Kid's" pal; they were very fond of each other, and it was hard for Lee to part with his young associate, when he accompanied her to the cross roads where they meet the stage. The stage is held up by the outlaws. The "Kid" is taken captive and held as a ransom; they send a note to "Uncle Billy" saying: "If he will grant them immunity, they will restore the 'Kid.'" When the sheriff gets this message, he is furious, and the Spanish servant who well knows that the "Kid" is a girl, is almost frantic with apprehension lest the "Kid's" captors discover this fact. She tells "Uncle Billy" why she has kept him in ignorance of the truth. Lee Curtis overhears the servant's statement, and with the sheriff, rushes out to get the posse in action. "Billy the Kid" has managed to escape from the outlaws and meets the sheriff and his posse. Her grandfather loses no time in getting her back home and into female attire. This time "Uncle Billy" Is going to send the "Kid" to a female seminary and he is going to take her there himself. She tells her grandfather she just wants to be "Billy the Kid" and have Lee for her life companion. "Uncle Billy" has nothing more to say, and it is not long before she changes her name to Mrs. Lee Curtis.

Dave Made a Maze

While his girlfriend Annie is away for the weekend, 30-year-old Dave works fervently on his next big art project. Dave has a habit of not being able to finish anything, is apparently jobless and gets his income from his parents, whom he believes are tired of him. He finally has a breakthrough and begins to build something from the center and work his way out. When Annie comes home, she is surprised to find Dave's project: a small cardboard fort that is supposedly bigger on the inside. Dave, who communicates with Annie from the vents he added, tells her not to enter or destroy his project. When Annie shakes the exterior, she is confused by the abundance of noise and machinery she hears on the inside.

Annie calls Gordon, who comes to the same conclusion, and he, in turn, calls several of their friends over, including Leonard, Brynn, Greg, Jane and Harry, a filmmaker, along with his boom operator and cameraman. They also randomly bring over a hobo (because he apparently "knows about cardboard") and two Flemish tourists. Leonard briefly leaves the apartment in disappointment when he learns they cannot enter. Harry tries to get a reaction out of Annie for a supposed documentary he is filming and upon realizing how much she truly cares about Dave, the whole group (minus the hobo) all enter the maze. Annie, Gordon, Harry and his crew stick together as they see first hand the true surreal and supernatural nature of the maze and travel from room to room where they realize that it houses living origami birds and other creatures. Leonard later returns to the apartment and throughout the film is seen following close behind the group, while the Flemish tourists appear to simply be having a picnic in the maze.

Eventually, the main group run into Jane, who, after stepping on a lever, has her head chopped off by an ax (though instead of blood, her body squirts out red yarn and confetti). Greg and Brynn find themselves in some catacombs and Greg trips a wire and is impaled by a trap. Brynn meets up with Annie and the rest and when they return to Greg discover his body is missing. Based on the "paint can prints" Gordon deduces that a Minotaur took his body away. Annie uses a box cutter to cut through the walls and realizes that the maze is alive. As the group jump through the wall, the Minotaur kills Brynn. The group run into Dave, who leads them to safety. Dave admits that he is not sure how the maze came to be how it is, but he knows that it is growing on its own and that it might be connected to his imagination. He insists that they finish the maze so that they can escape, even though he is not sure how. Dave also reveals that his hand is now made entirely of cardboard due to sticking it into an odd vulva-shaped hole.

After several other near-deaths, the group realize that they need to attack the maze at its heart, which Dave neglected to make. They reach a strange cardboard puppet version of Brynn who keeps asking for high fives. They immediately realize it is a trap and Gordon, Harry and his crew keep it distracted by interviewing it while Dave and Annie go off to find the heart. After another surreal moment of clarity, Dave and Annie manage to make a heart resembling a zoetrope. They cut through the wall which causes the maze to react. Gordon, Harry and the crew attempt to catch the fake Brynn which suddenly produces a giant demonic hand. The hand retreats, but the cameraman is dragged along with it. He tosses the bag of tapes to Harry before dying.

The group reunite as Gordon distracts the Minotaur by leading it away. He passes Leonard who is killed by cardboard saw blades. Dave, Annie, Harry and the boom operator set up the heart and using a katana, slice the heart causing all the walls and the entire maze to fall. Everyone finds themselves back in the apartment and proceed to clean up all the cardboard. Harry tasks Gordon with telling the families of those who died and asks Dave what they should call the documentary. Dave sarcastically suggests ''Dave Made a Maze'', despite Gordon's belief that it was a labyrinth. As Dave and Annie toss the last of the cardboard by the dumpster, they fail to notice the Minotaur climbing out along with an origami bird. The Minotaur walks away while throwing up an ILY sign.

Birgitt Haas Must Be Killed

Athanase, head of a top-secret counterintelligence group called "Hangar", is given the task of eliminating Birgitt Haas, a former German terrorist. A new ambitious member of the group, Colonna, suggests disguising the assassination as a crime of passion by connecting Birgitt with a random man who would later take the blame for the murder. For this role, Colonna suggests Bauman, an unemployed, weak-willed man whose wife left him. Bauman's ex-wife happens to be Colonna's mistress. Upon his arrival in Munich, Bauman meets Birgitt, falls in love with her and plans to go away with her. Athanase's group proceeds with their assassination plan, but Bauman intervenes. In the ensuing shootout, Colonna is mortally wounded by Birgitt who then surrenders to the police.

M.F.A. (film)

Noelle, an introvert California fine arts graduate student, accepts an invitation to a party by a handsome classmate she has a crush on, only to be lured into his room where he rapes her. The following night Noelle confronts her rapist and in a moment of rage, accidentally kills him. But, much to her surprise, an unexpected surge of inspiration will gradually fuel both her stagnant artistic expression and her thirst for revenge on those who assaulted the lives of innocent women. Now, Noelle becomes a pitiless vigilante who uses her newly-found sex-appeal to serve her cause. When she attacks the man who many years before assaulted her friend Skye, she is found out by Skye and later the police. At the end, after the ceremony in which she receives her Master of Fine Arts degree and speaks as valedictorian, she is arrested.

Fast & Furious: Showdown

The player takes control of many of the major ''Fast & Furious'' series characters, except for the noticeably absent Dominic Toretto.

The story begins with a cut scene featuring Monica Fuentes finding Riley Hicks digging around through files in her office. Riley introduces herself and states she is going to meet Luke Hobbs in 24 hours, and needs to know everything Hobbs has been up to. The missions are then events told by Monica to explain what Hobbs had been dealing with. Through this, various events from the movies, like the safe dragging scene from ''Fast Five'', or the hijacking scene from ''Fast & Furious'' are presented.

Crazy with the Heat

The cartoon begins on a hot desert road, and Donald and Goofy's car breaks down and runs out of gas. Donald and Goofy were forced to walk down the desert path. Goofy pulls out a map to see if they are going in the right direction with a magnifying glass, but soon the map catches fire due to the glass' ray hitting the map. They also run out of water. Donald and Goofy then decided to go separate in order to find shelter.

Goofy was going west in the desert, but then sees a soda fountain, and decides to wet his whistle. The Arab Spirit appears and Goofy asks him for a soda. But just as Goofy was about to enjoy his soda, it vanishes, revealing it was just a hallucination. Goofy, confused, asks the spirit what happened, but he gives Goofy two more sodas. Goofy tries again to drink another soda, but they vanish as well. The spirit then offers four more sodas. After whistling for a short time, Goofy tries to grab all four sodas, but they just vanish. Goofy, now fed up, leaves the mirage, but the spirit commands him to owe him six bucks, but Goofy refuses. The spirit forces Goofy to clean several dishes.

Meanwhile, Donald, exhausted from the heat, complains for water, and soon sees an iceberg, and rushes to hug it, but the iceberg vanishes. Donald tries again and again, but the iceberg was just an hallucination.

Donald and Goofy crash into each other, and break several dishes. The angry spirit appears and attacks them with a sword, and Goofy and Donald run away and spotted a camel. They jump on to the camel and escape the desert, ending the cartoon.

Early to Bed (1941 film)

The film opens with Donald Duck yawning at the sunset, ready to go to bed. However, when he lays down, he hits his head on the bed. He angrily moves down the bed, fluffs his pillow, and lays back down. As soon as his head touches the pillow, it explodes with a burst of feathers. The screen cuts to Donald lying on the bed again with a new pillow. This time, whenever he places his head on the pillow, the clock on his bedside table begins to loudly tick-tock. He puts the clock away into a drawer, but then; the entire drawer begins to vibrate due to the loud sound of the clock. Donald, visibly becoming angry, retrieves the clock from the drawer and throws it against the wall. It lands in a vase, and the entire vase begins to shake with the loud tick-tock of the clock. Finally, Donald throws the clock out the window, where it gets caught in some laundry and bouncing back up, landing into Donald's yawning mouth and causing him to accidentally swallow it. After various attempts to break the clock that is still ticking inside him, Donald manages to spit out the broken clock into small pieces.

Donald goes back to bed, relieved. This time, however, whenever he turns out the lights, his folding bed snaps shut with him inside. Donald struggles to get free, only to be launched into the ceiling by the bed springs. The screen cuts to Donald laying in bed again, this time with the bed affixed to the floor with a variety of boards and ropes. He settles back down to sleep. The broken clock, however, reassembles itself just enough to ring its alarm. Donald sits up fast, and his bed flies apart, launching Donald into the air. He lands back on his bed, now little more than a board with tacks in it, a sheet wrapped around his head like a turban. A sock lands in front of him on a spring, swaying back and forth so that he looks like an angry snake charmer and the episode ends with a Donald Duck, frustrated.

Peterloo (film)

After the Battle of Waterloo, Joseph returns home from service in the Duke of Wellington's army to Manchester and his close-knit family headed by parents Joshua and Nellie. Joshua, son Robert, daughter Mary, and daughter-in-law Esther all earn a living by manual labour in a cotton mill. An economic depression makes work impossible for the traumatised Joseph to find and threatens the family's livelihood. The family is sympathetic to the radical campaigns for equal civil and political rights for all free men and against the Corn Laws that prevent them from buying cheaper imported grain. Joshua, Joseph, and Robert attend political meetings where local agitators including John Knight, Samuel Bamford and John Bagguley speak out against the system of government; Nellie attends a meeting of the Manchester Female Reform Society. The local authorities, led by magistrates Colonel Fletcher, Reverend William Robert Hay, Reverend Charles Ethelston and Mr. Norris and Deputy Chief Constable Nadin, spy on the radical movement and wait for an excuse to arrest its leaders. The Home Secretary, Lord Sidmouth, is determined to suppress radical politics. When a disgruntled Londoner smashes the window of the Prince Regent's coach, Sidmouth uses this as a pretext for suspending habeas corpus.

Bamford and his friend Joseph Healey travel south to London to hear the famous radical Henry 'Orator' Hunt speak at a political meeting. Hunt has a reputation for vanity but Bamford persuades Manchester businessman Joseph Johnson to invite Hunt to address a mass meeting at St Peter's Fields; the Home Office discovers this invitation by intercepting Johnson's letter. Arriving at Manchester, Hunt goes into hiding in Johnson's home. Richards, a Home Office spy, is able to provoke Bagguley and fellow radicals Drummond and Johnston into publicly calling for armed insurrection, leading to their arrest and imprisonment. The magistrates plan to suppress Hunt's meeting and make an example of the attendees using the local mounted militia, the Manchester and Salford Yeomanry and a regular army detachment led by General John Byng. Hunt remains certain that he can lead a peaceful rally and sidelines Bamford, when he warns of the likelihood of brutal treatment by the authorities.

On the day of the meeting, thousands of people march into Manchester from the surrounding towns to hear Hunt speak at St Peter's Fields, including Nellie and Joshua and their family. Bamford leads a procession from Middleton but leaves in disgust on finding that it has been arranged that only Hunt will be allowed to address the crowd. A special committee of magistrates has been assembled to take charge of events, chaired by Mr. Hulton. They appear to be in an upstairs room over-looking the gathering crowd. Norris, who urges restraint at least until any rioting might start, is overruled. Byng has left his deputy in command of the soldiers, to attend a genteel horse racing meet.

Once Hunt begins to speak, Reverend Ethelston reads the Riot Act to the crowd. Although the crowd pays no attention to Ethelston, the magistrates are now legally empowered to disperse the meeting. The Yeomanry cavalry assault the peaceful assembly with sabres drawn, while Hunt and Johnson are arrested by Nadin's men. The army tries to clear St Peter's Fields but in the mayhem, the crowd is unable to escape before several people are killed and many more injured. Joseph is wounded with a sabre and later dies. The attending reporters furiously return to their newspapers to expose this atrocity, coining a mocking name for it, "The Massacre of Peterloo". Despite the massacre, the Prince Regent sends his congratulations to the magistrates for suppressing radicalism and restoring "tranquility".

Donkeys (film)

The film is a black comedy or tragicomedy set in Glasgow, Scotland. Cosmo plays an old man called Alfred trying to mend his relationship with his children, daughter Jackie (Kate Dickie) and son Stevie (Martin Compston), with darkly comic results.

Part 8 (Twin Peaks)


The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her friend Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). FBI special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has been sent to the town to investigate and has discovered that the killer was Laura's father, Leland Palmer (Ray Wise), who acted while possessed by a demonic entity—Killer BOB (Frank Silva). At the end of the original series, Cooper was trapped in the Black Lodge, an extra-dimensional place, by BOB, who let out Cooper's doppelgänger to use him as his physical access to the world. Twenty-five years after those events, Cooper manages to escape the Lodge through a portal between worlds; during this process, he was supposed to replace the doppelgänger, but instead he takes the place of a second doppelgänger (known as Dougie Jones), fabricated by the first as a patsy for the exchange. Cooper's doppelgänger, exhausted from the process, crashes his car and passes out, allowing the police to capture him; at the station, he uses the information in his possession to blackmail Warden Murphy (James Morrison) into releasing him and his partner, Ray Monroe (George Griffith).


Monroe and Cooper's doppelgänger are traveling in a car Murphy prepared for their escape. Using his phone, the doppelgänger spots several trackers on the car, which he sends to a nearby truck to confuse the wardens. When the doppelgänger asks him whether he wants to go to "the farm", Ray responds affirmatively; when asked about Darya's fate, the doppelgänger lies and tells Ray that she's still alive, awaiting their call. On their way through, Ray stops to urinate; the doppelgänger uses this occasion to attempt to extort the information he was seeking from him, and, when he refuses to cooperate, to kill him, but the gun he uses has been deliberately loaded with blanks by Ray. Ray then shoots the doppelgänger twice, but as he is preparing to deliver his final hit, ghostly men (the "woodsmen") appear and begin to tear at the doppelgänger's body, revealing an orb that emerges from his wound with Killer BOB's grinning face within. Other ghostly figures run circles around Ray in a ritualistic manner, prompting Ray to flee, terrified; on his drive away, he sends Phillip Jeffries a message that the doppelgänger may have survived the attack. In the Roadhouse, an MC (JR Starr) introduces "the" Nine Inch Nails; the group performs their song "She's Gone Away". Later, the doppelgänger awakens where he lay, seemingly fully restored.

In 1945 New Mexico, the first atomic bomb is detonated. Woodsmen circle around and inside a building labeled "convenience store" that appears burnt out. Floating in a void, the Experiment (Erica Eynon), a white humanoid form, spews a stream of primordial/ectoplasmic fluid; among various ova in the fluid one darker globule has BOB's visage. Red and gold imagery follows like burning embers, a fireworks radiation of atomic energy. In an imposing windowless building atop a craggy outcrop amid a purple sea, Señorita Dido (Joy Nash) sits next to a metallic-bell shaped machine, listening to a phonograph. When the machine begins to buzz loudly, the Fireman (Carel Struycken) enters, inspects the machine, switches the siren off, then moves upstairs to a room like a small vintage movie theatre with a film projector. The Fireman watches as images from the detonation, the convenience store, and the Experiment sprouting BOB play on the screen. He then begins to levitate, light and tendrils of energy emanating from his head like a forming galaxy, as stars are projected onscreen. Señorita Dido enters, and the Fireman emits a golden crystal/light orb containing Laura Palmer's face; the orb floats down to her. After kissing the orb, she sends it to Earth (which appears on the screen) through a golden tube contraption emanating from the whirring luminaire ceiling.

In 1956 New Mexico, an unearthly amphibi-insectoid creature hatches from an egg on the bomb's explosion site and crawls through the desert. A boy (Xolo Maridueña) and a girl (Tikaeni Faircrest) pass a gas station as he walks her home from a date; the girl finds a face-up penny and contemplates the good luck it might bring. Two woodsmen manifest and descend on a street, stopping a couple's (Tad Griffith and Leslie Berger) car. One woodsman (Robert Broski), cigarette in hand, repeatedly asks them, "Got a light?", which prompts them to flee, terrified. Meanwhile, the young couple reaches the girl's home; they share a brief first kiss before she walks in and he departs elated. The Woodsman enters radio station KPJK. He asks the receptionist (Tracy Phillips) for a "light", then crushes her skull, killing her instantly; overpowering the disc jockey (Cullen Douglas) and dislodging The Platters single "My Prayer", he repeatedly broadcasts the words: "This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within." During the broadcast, numerous listeners fall unconscious, including the young girl, through whose room's open window the creature enters and climbs down her throat. The woodsman kills the disc jockey with another one-handed skull crush and leaves. As he walks into the desert, the neighing of a horse can be heard.

Nobody Dies Here

Perma Gold Mine, Benin. Some dream to find something, others realized there was nothing to be found. Some dig relentlessly hoping to become rich, others died in the process. And a few of them say that here, nobody dies.

Teasing Master Takagi-san

Middle school students Nishikata and Takagi sit next to each other in class. Takagi enjoys teasing Nishikata with embarrassing pranks and jokes. In response, Nishikata creates plans to get his revenge, but he fails when she identifies his weaknesses and capitalizes on them. In some rare instances where Takagi loses the challenge, Nishikata does not feel like he really won. The setting is based on the town of Tonoshō in the Kagawa Prefecture.

Life According to Ohad

The film begins with Ohad retreating from a balcony overlooking the noisy streets of Israel into his apartment where he places a phone call to his mother. Ohad reveals to his mother that he'd written a 28-page letter for her and his father to read, asking that they give serious consideration to the letter. His mother accepts, but explains that she is unhappy with Ohad's distance from the family. Upon ending the call, Ohad tells the camera that he misses his mother too, but could not bring himself to reciprocate the words to her.

Ohad visits his parents, who having read the letter, have a discussion with him. They oppose the tone of his letter and feel that he has slandered them. His father rejects the philosophy that all animals should be treated equally, saying that humans are superior beings, therefore unequal treatment of animals is justified. As Ohad's father rants, tension begins to rise. Ohad explains that similar arguments have been made to hurt others throughout history, and that people must empathize with animals and speak out for them. After some exchanges, Ohad becomes outraged, cursing at this father and storming out of the apartment.

Ohad is next shown doing vegan outreach in the city, educating passersby on the injustice of animal use. He and several others then travel to a facility where they rescue injured baby chicks from a dumpster outside the facility. The police and property owner arrive on the scene and the group get into a heated exchange, Ohad's group eventually leaving with a large cardboard box of chicks in their hands. Upset, the group agree that the chicks will likely not survive.

Ohad, his parents, and his two siblings share a vegan dinner together. He tells that he wants them to become more moral, comparing the atrocities that Nazi Germany inflicted upon the Jews to the atrocities humans inflict upon animals. As Jews who have been affected by the holocaust, Ohad says his parents are hypocrites for enabling the exploitation of animals.

Stepping into a slaughterhouse, Ohad photographs the bodies of dead cows, skinned and hung by their feet. At his next family dinner, Ohad's sister argues that Ohad will regret the distance he has put between himself and his family. Through tears, Ohad laments that his two lives seem irreconcilable. His father embraces him and his mother cries that she just wants him to be a part of their lives. At another slaughterhouse, Ohad films as turkeys are slaughtered and piled into a bloody bin. Blood spurts into Ohad's face.

At night, Ohad and some companions enter to a slaughterhouse and rescue chickens which they load into their van. During their escape they fear that someone is following them, but it turns out to be a false alarm; their friend Tal. After bringing the chickens to safety, Ohad converses with his friend about his regrets of being a former meat-eater. She tells him that line of thinking is "idiotic", and that she wishes he'd explained veganism to her sooner than he did.

In private, Ohad reveals to the camera that he is fond of the girl, but he doesn't know how to act. He says that he feels like he's failed in every aspect of his life except for in his defense of animals.

At his next family dinner, Ohad tells his family about the chickens he helped rescue. They respond negatively, criticizing him for breaking the law and committing theft. Ohad argues that one cannot steal a slave. Ohad and his brother argue about legality versus morality in terms of their merits and shortcomings.

In a dramatic public demonstration, Ohad (and several others) protest animal agriculture by being held down and branded as Ohad's parents and passersby look on. Ohad screams in pain as the hot brand touches his chest, and his mother cries. Next, demonstrators take away the baby of a woman activist and rip her shirt open, squeezing a milk pump against her breast in protest of the dairy industry.

In his final family dinner of the film, Ohad's brother argues that vegans are not ethical because they may accidentally step on insects, and because harvesting crops results in the death of some rodents. Ohad explains that while he is not perfect, that does not excuse people from murdering cows.

Before sunrise, Ohad and his peers block a truck that is taking caged animals to slaughter. Ohad steps onto the back of the truck and chains his neck to the cages, refusing to leave. The activists remain until after sunrise, until eventually Ohad is cut loose and the truck must return to its original location to due legalities about keeping farmed animals exposed for a long period of time. The film ends with Ohad and his love-interest curled up together outside the scene, falling asleep.

Dragonstone (Game of Thrones episode)

In the Riverlands

Disguised as Walder Frey, Arya Stark kills all the men of House Frey with poisoned wine, avenging the Red Wedding ("The Rains of Castamere"). Arya proceeds south to assassinate Queen Cersei Lannister, and makes camp with friendly Lannister soldiers.

Sandor Clegane and the Brotherhood without Banners take shelter in the farm Sandor once robbed ("Breaker of Chains"); the farmer and his daughter are long dead inside. Beric Dondarrion admits he does not know why he has been repeatedly resurrected. Thoros of Myr shows Sandor a vision in the flames of White Walkers passing a mountain that looks like an arrowhead, on the march to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. At night, Sandor buries the bodies. Discovering him, Thoros helps.

Beyond the Wall

Bran Stark and Meera Reed arrive at the Wall. Eddison Tollett is initially suspicious of them, but lets them in when Bran reveals his knowledge of the attack at Hardhome ("Hardhome"). Meanwhile, the White Walkers and wights march south.

At Winterfell

Jon Snow forgives Alys Karstark and Ned Umber for their fathers' betrayals of House Stark in favor of House Bolton, despite Sansa Stark's objections, and they swear their loyalty to him. Jon orders Tormund Giantsbane and the wildlings to fortify the Wall at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, and all Northerners of age to train for battle. In private, Jon is frustrated that Sansa questioned his actions, but Sansa tells him that she doesn't want Jon to repeat the mistakes for which Ned and Robb Stark died. A message from Cersei orders Jon to swear loyalty to her; Jon believes her army poses no threat to them during winter, but Sansa refuses to underestimate her.

Sansa rejects Littlefinger's attempts to ingratiate himself with her. She tells Brienne of Tarth, however, that she can't dismiss him outright because they need the Vale's military support.

In King's Landing

Cersei learns that Daenerys Targaryen will return to Westeros soon, and realizes she and Jaime Lannister have very few allies. Euron Greyjoy arrives in King's Landing offering Cersei an alliance and marriage. Cersei accepts the alliance but rejects Euron because he is untrustworthy, but Euron promises to win her over with a priceless gift.

In Oldtown

Archmaester Ebrose denies Samwell Tarly access to the library's restricted area; Ebrose believes in the White Walkers, but trusts the Wall will halt their march. Sam sneaks in at night and steals a few books. He learns of a very large dragonglass deposit under Dragonstone, and informs Jon.

Sam encounters Jorah Mormont, who is a patient in isolation due to his greyscale. Jorah asks if Daenerys has arrived in Westeros, but Sam doesn't know.

On Dragonstone

Daenerys and her fleet arrive at Dragonstone. After she and her advisors enter the castle, she sees the throne her ancestors built, enters the war room with Tyrion and asks, “Shall we begin?”


On Dragonstone

Daenerys confronts Varys over his previously shifting allegiances. Varys declares he is loyal to the people, and Daenerys secures his oath to tell her directly if she fails the people, threatening to execute him if he betrays her.

Daenerys grants an audience to Melisandre, who urges her to meet Jon Snow. Tyrion vouches for Jon and recommends the Starks as allies. Daenerys instructs Tyrion to summon Jon to bend the knee. Yara Greyjoy and Ellaria Sand support an overwhelming offensive on King's Landing. Unwilling to destroy the territory she plans on ruling, Daenerys instead adopts Tyrion's plan to have her Westerosi allies besiege King's Landing, while the Unsullied will take Casterly Rock.

Before departing to lead his army, Grey Worm reveals to Missandei he never feared before loving her. Missandei is moved by his words and they make love.

In Oldtown

Archmaester Ebrose tells Sam that Jorah's greyscale is now untreatable, Jorah has about six months of sanity left, and suicide is his only alternative to exile in Valyria. Sam discovers a treatment; Ebrose tells him it is forbidden because it risks transmission, but Sam performs the agonizing procedure in secret.

At Winterfell

Jon receives Daenerys' message. Sansa and Davos advocate refusal, but Davos notes that dragonfire can stop the undead. After receiving Sam's information about dragonglass on Dragonstone, Jon decides to go, despite uniform opposition from his loyalists. Jon names Sansa as regent, surprising her, and threatens Littlefinger to stop pursuing Sansa when he tries to ingratiate himself with Jon.

In the Riverlands

Arya goes to an inn where she encounters Hot Pie. After him telling her that Jon has retaken Winterfell, she decides to head north. She's beset by a wolfpack, the alpha being her direwolf Nymeria, who she drove off years earlier ("The Kingsroad"). Arya invites her north but Nymeria instead leaves her be with Arya stating, “That’s not you.”

In King's Landing

Cersei appeals to all the lords of Westeros, including House Tyrell's former bannermen, for support against Daenerys, who Cersei portrays as a dangerous foreign invader. Jaime offers to make Randyll Tarly Warden of the South if he becomes Jaime's second-in-command. Qyburn demonstrates a scorpion, a projectile weapon able to pierce dragon skulls.

In the Narrow Sea

Euron's fleet attacks Yara's navy. Euron kills Obara and Nymeria Sand; his men abduct Ellaria and Tyene Sand, while he takes Yara prisoner. Theon, triggered by the violence, jumps overboard, abandoning Yara.

The Queen's Justice

On Dragonstone

Jon and Davos arrive at Dragonstone with their soldiers, who are asked to surrender their weapons. Jon and Davos meet with Daenerys, who asks Jon to bend the knee. Jon refuses, insisting that they have bigger problems to deal with: the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead. Daenerys doesn’t believe him, saying she wants to take the Iron Throne before considering other threats. Before they reach a solution, they are interrupted by Varys, who tells Daenerys of Euron Greyjoy’s attack on Yara’s navy. Jon is forced to remain at Dragonstone.

Varys asks Melisandre why she hides from Jon; she admits they parted on bad terms due to her mistakes. She plans to return to Volantis, and Varys suggests that she not return to Westeros. Melisandre predicts that she will have to return one last time in the future.

Speaking with Jon, Tyrion explains that Daenerys' followers are loyal because Daenerys dedicates herself to protecting others from threats she understands. Jon is upset that nobody believes that the White Walkers are real, but Tyrion says that he believes him. Tyrion relays Jon's request to mine dragonglass on Dragonstone, which Daenerys accepts.

In the Narrow Sea

One of the few remaining ships of Yara's fleet rescue Theon. Theon claims that he tried to save Yara, but the Ironborn don't believe him.

In King's Landing

Euron parades his captives Ellaria, Tyene, and Yara through abusive crowds in the streets of King's Landing. He presents the Sands as his gift to Cersei, and they are taken to the dungeons bound and gagged. Cersei kisses Tyene with the same poison Ellaria used to kill Myrcella.

Tycho Nestoris of the Iron Bank comes to collect repayment of the Lannisters' loans. Cersei promises to pay the debt back in a fortnight.

At Winterfell

Sansa competently manages Winterfell, preparing it as an emergency refuge for all Northerners. Littlefinger counsels Sansa to "fight every battle" mentally so as to never be unprepared or surprised by her enemies. Bran and Meera arrive, and Sansa is reunited with her brother. In the Godswood, Sansa is confused by Bran's revelation that he is the Three-Eyed Raven, and troubled by his specific knowledge of her wedding night ("Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken").

In Oldtown

Archmaester Ebrose proclaims that Jorah is healed of greyscale and releases him. Sam admits that he administered the forbidden treatment; Ebrose praises his skill, but punishes his disobedience with an assignment to copy a large number of old documents.

At Casterly Rock

In a plan orchestrated by Tyrion, Grey Worm and the Unsullied infiltrate Casterly Rock through its sewers, which Tyrion designed. They capture the castle, finding far fewer defenders than expected. Meanwhile, the Iron Fleet arrives and destroys Daenerys' ships, stranding the Unsullied.

At Highgarden

Jaime, Randyll, and their armies take Highgarden, having abandoned Casterly Rock to trick Daenerys into committing the Unsullied to a strategically useless position. Jaime grants Olenna the mercy of a quick and painless death by poison, over Cersei's original plans to execute her publicly and painfully. After drinking the poison, Olenna confesses to murdering Joffrey and asks Jaime to tell Cersei. Incensed, Jaime leaves Olenna to die alone.

Serenity (2019 film)

Baker Dill is a fishing boat captain living a quiet and sheltered life. He spends his days leading tours off a tranquil, tropical enclave called Plymouth Island and is obsessed with catching an evasive giant yellowfin tuna whom he calls "Justice."

One day, Dill's ex-wife Karen tracks him down and begs him to save her and their young son, Patrick, from her new powerful but violently abusive husband, Frank. She offers Dill $10 million to murder him by throwing him overboard. She tells him that Frank will be arriving later in the week and that they have booked Dill for a fishing trip, the perfect opportunity for Dill to kill Frank.

Torn between his conscience and his desire to help Karen, Dill is thrust back into a life he had tried to forget, as his world is plunged into a new reality that may not be all that it seems.

It soon becomes apparent that Dill is a character in a computer game Patrick created, based on his father, John Mason, a U.S. Marine Corps Captain who was killed in Iraq in 2006. Patrick had based the character on a memory of his father taking him fishing when he was three years old. When the widowed Karen remarried, Patrick introduced his mother and abusive step-father as new characters in the game, and changed Dill's task from catching tuna to murdering his step-father.

Dill soon begins to realize that he and the other inhabitants of Plymouth Island are merely artificial intelligence characters created by his son. Nevertheless, he decides to go along with the objective of killing Frank.

As Dill carries out the objective, Patrick summons up the courage to confront Frank in real life and stabs him in the chest with a knife that belonged to his father. Frank dies and Patrick is charged with murder, but he is released into his mother's custody while awaiting trial. He designs a new computer game in which he and his father are reunited.

Every Day (2018 film)

"A" is a traveling spirit who experiences every day in the body of a different teenager.

A wakes up in the body of Justin, the neglectful boyfriend of Rhiannon. At school, Rhiannon approaches A as Justin, convincing A to skip school with her. As the day goes on, A falls in love with Rhiannon, as she confides her troubled home life following her father's mental breakdown, almost resulting in her family losing their home. At the end of their day together, A alludes to the fact that tomorrow will be different but Rhiannon responds that tomorrow is tomorrow and that today should end on "a nice note". Rhiannon feels a rekindled love for Justin, seemingly a more caring and different person.

The next day, Rhiannon finds Justin has reverted to his old, careless self and does not remember the previous day. Meanwhile, A wakes up in the body of Amy and masquerades as an exchange student to be close to Rhiannon.

Waking up as Nathan, A attends a party and finds Rhiannon. Dancing together, A and Rhiannon bond, and A tells Rhiannon she deserves better than Justin before Justin chases A off. A few days later, A texts Rhiannon to meet, and she does, assuming she is meeting Nathan. arrives as Megan, explaining that A was Justin, Amy, and Nathan, and has fallen in love with her. Initially disdainful, Rhiannon agrees to meet with A the next day. Now in the body of James, A reveals that A has shifted bodies every day since infancy and shows her the private Instagram account with pictures taken in every body, through which Rhiannon can communicate with A. Meeting with Nathan, who believes he was possessed by the devil, Rhiannon realizes A is real. A, in the body of transgender teen Vic, convinces Rhiannon to give A a chance, suggesting that it is the soul that matters, not the body. After some thought, Rhiannon agrees to continue meeting A.

Surprised to awaken in the body of Rhiannon herself, A sees it as an opportunity to get to know Rhiannon better. A promises to be respectful of Rhiannon's privacy and her life, not breaking up with Justin or looking at Rhiannon's naked body. Over the course of the day, A bonds with Rhiannon's mother, as well as her sister and father.

The following day, having finally found the courage, Rhiannon breaks up with Justin. She immediately calls A for a weekend trip at her uncle's cabin. A, in the body of Xavier, talks about the day spent in Rhiannon's body. Rhiannon tells A that leaving a mark could be a good thing so people will know A exists, but A feels obligated to leave people's memories unchanged. At the end of the day, A kisses Rhiannon goodbye and plans to return the next day but does not, forcing Rhiannon to call her mother to pick her up. A later explains that day's body was undergoing a lung transplant. Rhiannon and A gradually become intimate and promise they will figure out how to maintain their relationship.

A wakes in the body of the suicidal Kelsea, and Rhiannon convinces A to attempt to hold onto Kelsea's body for more than twenty-four hours, to keep her alive until Kelsea's father can be alerted to her struggles. A is successful, and Rhiannon convinces A to stay in the body of her classmate, Alexander, so they can remain together. Though this seems to work for a short time, A is unwilling to take over somebody else's life permanently. Alone with Rhiannon at Alexander's house, A tells her that they cannot realistically be together forever, that Alexander himself is perfect for Rhiannon, and that A would be keeping her from that someone. Realizing that this is their last night together, Rhiannon and A dance and talk; as they wait for midnight, A tells her that "this is the nice note" alluding to Rhiannon's comment to Justin about ending their day together on "a nice note".

The next day, A awakens in another body and drives to New York while Rhiannon meets Alexander at school.

Juanito Arcade Mayhem

''Juanito Arcade Mayhem'' tells the story of an alien invasion that strikes in the middle of the night and infects a cabinet filled with classic arcade games. When the mutant Clonocells from outer space attack, a young and lazy boy by the name of Juanito becomes our last hope. Chosen by Gluk, a bipolar manipulative alien, Juanito must enter an arcade cabinet and stop the infection, armed with nothing but his comfy pyjamas and his fearsome arsenal.

The Table (2016 film)

In a café in Seoul, seated at the same table from morning till evening, four different women engage in conversations exploring old and new relationships. A successful actress and her ex-boyfriend, an office worker more interested in bragging about their connection to his colleagues; a man and a woman who had a one-night stand and awkwardly meet again after some time he spent abroad, trying to ascertain how important they are to one another; a woman about to be married and the older woman hired to play her mother at her wedding; a woman who asks her ex-boyfriend, who is still in love with her, to have a last fling before her marriage to a more "suitable" groom.

Heritage Falls (film)

Three men reconciling intergenerational differences on a retreat is the topic of this film.

Human, Space, Time and Human

The film follows people of various ages and occupations traveling on a warship, and explores the limits of humanity and morality.

Muppet Babies (2018 TV series)

The show details Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Summer Penguin, Fozzie Bear, Animal, and The Great Gonzo and a cast of characters using their imaginations.

Born Free: A New Adventure

Two teenagers, Rand and Val, rescue a young lioness that has been tamed by hunters. Now, they have to teach the lioness how to survive in the wild.

Alpine Glow in Dirndlrock

A small Bavarian settlement in the Alps attempts to get boosted to market town status by increasing the population.

Chor Bani Thangaat Kare

Plot Rajkumar Trivedi (Amit Mistry), aka Robin, is disowned by his father (Prashant Barot) in childhood because of his compulsive habit of stealing. He moves to the city of Ahmedabad where his stealing habit puts him in difficulties at every turn of his life. Soon he learns that he is suffering from Kleptomania and the only cure for it is to find true love. He falls for Khushbu (Bijal Joshi) and tries to pursue her. But his stealing habit is revealed soon and Khushbu breaks up with him. Determined to win her back, Robin resolves to give back what he has taken from the society. Inadvertently, he gets embroiled in a brawl of terrorists, politicians, police and Godmen.

Dead Hands Dig Deep

Thirty-eight-year-old Edwin Borsheim of the band Kettle Cadaver was once known for his bizarre stage antics and brutal self-mutilation. Now, years after the band's demise, Borsheim has fallen into complete seclusion on his acre of land in which he is surrounded by many of the horrible things he has created. As Edwin spirals further into a hole of drug abuse and self-destruction, those closest to Borsheim dissect his mental complexes as he himself reflects on his dark past. Although Borsheim finds himself trapped in his own home, he just may be saved by human interaction.

Shopner Thikana

The rich Sumon and poor Sumi Chowdhury are two class friends from childhood, and immediately fall in love. Farha, his other childhood friend and the only daughter of his father's affluent friend and co-partner also loves Sumon but Sumon thinks of her as just a friend. Sumon's parents and Farha's father fix their marriage which excites her more. Sumon immediately rejects it because he loves Sumi. When he tells Farha this, she becomes very heartbroken and jealous and vows to break them up. However, this further complicates the love triangle to the point that Sumon loses his memory in an accident by Farha's father's goons. Sumon's mother then dies of shock because of his memory loss. On their wedding day, Farha commits suicide in front of him, Sumi and her father because she regrets trapping Sumon in their fake love marriage and losing him as a result.

Isn't It Delicious

When Joan Weldon discovers she is dying of lung cancer, she sets out to reconcile her dysfunctional relationships with her three children, her husband, and along the way, her former best friend. The family's destructive ways are offset by messy and somewhat humorous attempts by Joan to set her children on the right course before she dies. In this big dysfunctional mix, they will all learn to connect in their own ways, and realize on their own terms what life is about.

Breaking the Girls

Two college women, Sara and Alex, make a twisted agreement after stress in their personal lives: they will kill each other's archenemies and never be suspected for the right murder, getting away with two crimes. As they grow closer, the tension between them turns sexual, and then to something deeper. However, when only one of the women goes through with it and begins to set the other up to be framed for murder, she realizes if she's going to stay out of jail, she's going to have to come up with a plot just as twisted of her own.

Little Crusader

Bořek's little son Jeník hears a tale from a priest about the Children's Crusade, which influences him to run away from home. His father, who is a knight, goes on a desperate journey to find him.

Ethel & Ernest (film)

The film details the marriage of Ethel and Ernest Briggs from the 1920s to the 1970s, as they live through extraordinary events occurring in that period.

Body Chemistry (film series)

Two university academics study sexuality.

Body Chemistry (film series)

Movie producer Andrew Clay wants to make a film about Dr. Archer, a psychologist who appears on television. Two men have died because of their obsession with her.

Clay falls for the psychologist. The screenwriter of the proposed film begins to suspect she might be more guilty than everyone thinks. Matters are complicated when Clay's wife wants to play the psychologist in the film.

Body Chemistry (film series)

Dr. Claire Archer is accused of the murder of producer Andrew Clay. She hires a lawyer to defend her.

Hambone and Hillie

A dog treks a long, arduous journey from New York City to Los Angeles to be reunited with his owner, Hillie (Lillian Gish), meeting a lot of helpers along the way.

Titan Attacks!

The player is the last surviving tank commander on Earth, and must defend the planet from an onslaught of aliens from the moon Titan.


The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where humans have gone extinct due to killer robots. The player is the last remaining battle droid, humanoid robots created to defend the human race, and must avenge them by stopping the killer robot army in their stead.

Fallen Blossoms

The film is set entirely within a Kyoto geisha house and explores the lives and relationships of the women who work there, while battles rage in the city streets outside as rebel factions attempt to restore the emperor.

The Little Stranger (film)

In 1940s Warwickshire, Dr. Faraday is called to visit a sick maid at the dilapidated Hundreds Hall. The maid confesses to faking and hopes the doctor will send her home. The Hall now belongs to Roderick Ayres, a scarred Royal Air Force veteran severely burned in the Second World War, who is being nursed by his sister, Caroline. Dr. Faraday recalls during his childhood in 1919 visiting the house, where his beloved mother had once been a maid to the grand Ayres family. He broke an acorn from an elaborate plaster carving, to his mother's anger, in view of young Susan, the Ayres' first daughter, known as Suki.

There are intermittent noises occurring in the house, alarming Caroline, Mrs Ayres and the maid. The servants' bells sound without anyone ringing them. A 19th century tube communication device linking the empty nursery to the kitchen also begins to sound inexplicably. When Mrs Ayres goes upstairs to investigate, she is suddenly locked in the nursery. Experiencing shadowy figures and strange banging noises, Mrs Ayres, in a frantic attempt to escape, breaks the windows, cutting both arms. After the others in the household rescue her from the room, she comes to believe that Suki's ghost is always nearby.

Not long afterwards, Mrs Ayres kills herself by slashing her wrists with the glass from a broken picture frame. Roderick attends the funeral, admonishing Caroline to leave the house lest she might be the next to die. On the night of the funeral, Faraday and a reluctant Caroline make plans to marry in six weeks' time. Later, Faraday considers that the strange occurrences in the house may well be due to poltergeist activity. It is suggested that supernatural phenomena might be the product of random, unintended telekinesis, which may well be poltergeist-like activity caused by a living person (as opposed to a dead one).

Caroline eventually breaks off her engagement to Dr Faraday, insisting that she would not be happily married to him, and expressing her intention to sell Hundreds Hall. Faraday insists that she is merely exhausted and not thinking clearly.

One night, Faraday has a house call that keeps him off-premises. When he finally arrives home, he learns that Caroline has fallen from the second floor to her death.

At the inquest into Caroline's death, the maid reports that she awoke to hear Caroline going upstairs to investigate a strange noise in the hall. She also reports hearing Caroline cry out "You!," immediately before falling to her death. After Dr Faraday testifies that Caroline's mind was undoubtedly "clouded," the coroner declares the death to be a suicide. The court concurs.

Months later, Faraday visits the Ayres home while it is up for sale, having kept the keys which Caroline gave him. As he leaves the premises, the lifelike spectre of a young Faraday standing at the top of the staircase (where Caroline fell) solemnly watches him before backing away into the darkness.

Basingstoke (video game)

It is unclear if the game takes place in the same universe as ''Revenge of the Titans'', but the game's name was based on the initial town where the aliens invaded in that game, where it was included "as a joke". When aliens suddenly invade the town, the player character is trapped and must figure out how to escape alive.


MEDEAS is an intimate portrait of a rural family’s inner lives and their relationship to a harsh and shifting landscape. Ennis, a stern, hard-working dairy farmer struggles to maintain control of his family and surrounding environment, while his wife, Christina, retreats into herself, progressively disconnecting from him and their five children. As tensions increase, each character must confront their yearnings and anxieties, culminating in a dangerous conflict between control and freedom, intimacy, and alienation. A journey into the unpredictable boundaries of human behavior, MEDEAS explores the desperate lengths people are driven to by love and self-preservation.

Back to You (TV series)

Chuck Darling (Grammer) and Kelly Carr (Heaton) were co-anchors of Pittsburgh news program WURG News 9 that had great on-screen chemistry, despite constant quarreling off-screen. However, Chuck left to take a job elsewhere. After an embarrassing comment he makes results in his dismissal from a large market LA newscast, Chuck returns to Pittsburgh after 10 years to become an anchor on the newscast he originally left. Chuck also learns that he is the father of Carr's 10-year-old daughter. Their daughter, Gracie, turns 11 years old in the episode, "Something's Up There".

T.T. Syndrome

In 1958 a disheveled young woman named Margita Karadzic stumbles into a Turkish bath, gives birth in one of the restrooms, and flushes the baby (the result of a rape) down a toilet. Twenty-two years later, a punk couple having sex in the same bathhouse are killed and dismembered by someone, who flushes the victims' remains down a toilet before meticulously cleaning the crime scene.

Nineteen years later, Teodora, her boyfriend Vaki, and their friends Tina and Sale visit the bathhouse (where what sounds like an infant's cries and laughter frequently emanate from the plumbing) to buy drugs from a pair of dealers named Cane and Sleš. Aside from those two, the only other people in the building are an attendant, a wino, and a gay magistar named Djordjevic. While Vaki and Sale are purchasing the narcotics from Cane, someone murders both Sleš and Tina, the latter in front of a hiding Teodora. After finding Tina's body and the traumatized Teodora, everyone attempts to flee the bathhouse, the exits to which have all been sealed. Convinced that the drunk is the murderer, Cane impulsively shoots him to death; the man is afterward revealed to have been innocent when Sale discovers that his dropped camcorder had briefly recorded the real killer, who is wearing boots similar to Djordjevic's.

The men lock Djordjevic in a washroom stall and explore the bathhouse with Teodora, uncovering the attendant's body (which later vanishes) and a tunnel to the sewers in her living quarters. Vaki and Djordjevic are both murdered by the killer, who is revealed to be the attendant, who is also Margita. Convinced that the baby (called "Cloaca") that she had flushed down a toilet decades ago is somehow still alive and living in the sewers, Margita has spent years murdering visitors to the bathhouse so that she can feed her offspring their body parts by flushing them down the building's toilets. Assisting Margita are a deranged former professor named Dragi HadžiTošić (who has filled the sewers with traps for catching both people and crocodiles) and Cane, who she had abducted as a toddler and raised as her son.

As the psychotic family prepares to butcher their captives, they begin succumbing to infighting; Margita slits HadžiTošić's throat because Cane had been accidentally injured by one of his traps, and because he appeared to be attracted to Teodora, who manages to break free of her restraints and stab Margita. Teodora then releases Sale and together the two enter the sewers, pursued by Cane, who Teodora shoves into a pit where he is seemingly eaten by an entity implied to be Cloaca. Upon reaching the surface, Teodora and Sale are confronted by the wounded Margita, but are saved by a passing vagrant, who dies killing Margita (who, with her dying breath, reveals that Teodora is pregnant). The film ends with a scene of Teodora giving birth to a child who is implied to have the same disorder ("T.T. Syndrome") as Cloaca.

Revolt (film)

An American Special Forces soldier (Lee Pace), serving in Kenya, suffers memory loss after being knocked unconscious during a battle with highly electrified bipedal robotic machines. He later wakes up in a jail cell wearing tattered fatigues and unaware of anything but memories of intense pain. He meets Nadia (Bérénice Marlohe), a French foreign aid military doctor in the adjacent cell who tells him he "sounds American" and they were taken prisoner by a gang of xenophobic thugs. She calls him "Bo" after seeing the letters on his torn name tag. Nadia explains to Bo that the world had been invaded by alien machines which wiped out all the major cities and now systematically hunt down survivors.

After escaping the jail cell, Bo decides to make his way to a U.S. military base somewhere near Nairobi. Nadia unenthusiastically joins him. Bo only recalls fragments of what happened to him while discovering his ability to absorb, conduct, and discharge electricity. Upon escaping attacking Kenyan soldiers who believe America must be controlling the "drones" since the enormous satellite dishes at the US base are still intact while everything else is destroyed. Bo and Nadia are captured by soldiers who use them as human bait for a failed machine killing operation. At the mercy of three machines, Bo and a hidden Nadia are inexplicably spared while the machines pursue a fleeing soldier on a motorcycle. Bo and Nadia encounter a fatally wounded photojournalist (Jason Flemyng). The photojournalist passes on his camera to Bo telling him to follow the photos ("digital breadcrumbs") as a way to the U.S. military base, which he had encountered and photographed on his journey. The camera proves to be useful until its batteries die.

Bo and Nadia resume their journey to the US base. While in an open field, they see an army of machines heading their way. Bo and Nadia enter a solitary dwelling in the field and flee to the basement, where they embrace and await their demise. In the following scene, Bo is alone and injured, as he staggers to the military base, only to find it in ruins. He sets out to Nairobi, but collapses from his wounds. Saved by a group of Nairobi resistance fighters, he is nursed to health in an underground command center. His story, that his life had been spared but that Nadia had been taken by the alien machines, is met with skepticism. Bo is taken to Roderick (Wandile Molebatsi), who reveals that the aliens gather humans together and transport them to a hovering mothership, and when that happens, the mothership might be vulnerable to attack.

Roderick reveals a plan to detonate an EMP bomb near the mothership in order to bring it down and hopefully deactivate the machines it powers or controls. Bo observes Roderick's collection of sketches of the invaders, and upon viewing one drawing that depicts a machine holding a captive in the air, he remembers that he too had been seized by a machine and implanted with a device in his spine, which had caused the amnesia and also gifted him with his electrical abilities. Resistance scouts reveal the machines have returned in force. Bo is likely a beacon for the invaders, kept alive for the purpose of finding fellow humans for the machines to kill or take captive. Angry resistance fighters threaten to kill Bo then and there, and he offers to leave to draw away the invading machines. However, as the machines already know the location of the underground bunker of the resistance, the inhabitants are forced to evacuate. Bo offers to help Roderick take the EMP bomb to the alien mothership through service tunnels.

Joined by a team of resistance fighters, Bo and Roderick carry the device through the tunnels and are attacked by infiltrating machines. They arrive at a location where the machines are herding humans and slaughtering those who try to escape. Bo attacks one of the machines in the ring surrounding the group of humans, and the opening creates an opportunity for the captive humans to flee while giving the resistance a chance to push the EMP bomb beneath the mothership. Although the power source of the bomb is damaged in the ensuing melee, Bo is able to use his own body as a conduit for electricity to power the bomb and detonate the device, which destroys the mothership and depowers the machines in Nairobi. In the concluding scene, a recuperated Bo reveals his memories have returned. He is asked for his name, and he chooses to be called simply "Bo."

Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire

Gareth and Rhonu had a son named Walter years after becoming rulers. After Gareth spent most of his time helping Drago and Rhonu died after her bonded dragon's death, Walter became disillusioned with dragons and ran away. Years later, Walter's wife gives birth to fraternal twins with strange patches of scales on their bodies and dies; Walter raises them despite their appearances.

Twenty years later, King Gareth nears death, and succession is in doubt with Walter still missing. Gareth passes, but Drago survives, learning he is now bonded to someone else. Drago finds his heart now bound to Edric, the male twin who possesses enhanced strength and uses it as a sheriff for Earl Robert Cole's shire. Learning that Walter was Edric's father, Drago convinces Edric to take Gareth's throne in Lundenwic; despite the people loving Edric, his arrogance and inexperience with royal duties bother Drago. Realizing their bond is partial, Drago confronts Edric, who shares his twin sister Mehgan's existence. Mehgan grew up prejudiced because of her more visible scales and power to manipulate fire. After she accidentally burned down their home with Walter inside, Edric bargained to send her away by boat to protect her from the villagers. Unwilling to forsake the chance to be Robert's sheriff, he did not go with Mehgan.

Edric later learns that Vikings have invaded, and he rides out with his army to meet them. Still refusing to trust Drago, he ignores advice to let Drago fight and instead challenges the Norsemen's leader to a duel, only to find that it is Mehgan. The twins have a meeting where Drago teaches them about the Heartfire, the source of his fire breath. Mehgan demands the throne as she is the firstborn twin, but Edric refuses and ends the negotiations. Mehgan and her army sneak into the camp overnight, and she drains the Heartfire from Drago while he sleeps. The Norsemen start their attack, and Mehgan reveals her control of the Heartfire. Overwhelmed by Mehgan's power, Edric surrenders. Once Mehgan and the Vikings secure control, she banishes Edric, unaware that Thorgrim sent men after him. Edric flees to Robert's shire and requests aid in opposing Mehgan, but Robert betrays him to the Vikings, who take him aboard a boat to sell him into slavery. While Mehgan improves women's rights in the kingdom, she tells a captive Drago what happened after Edric sent her away. After emerging the sole survivor of a storm, she drifted until running aground in Daneland, where her powers caught Thorgrim's attention. Edric tries escaping his captors but nearly sinks the boat. After locals free him from captivity, Drago rescues Edric, and they later receive aid from a theatre troupe. They reconcile as Edric reveals his guilt over his hateful last words to his father and sending Mehgan away alone. Edric learns Drago is dying without the Heartfire, so they sneak into the castle with the troupe's help. When Edric attempts to take the Heartfire from Mehgan, he sees Thorgrim's right-hand woman Sable trying to kill her. Edric's warning saves Mehgan, but their refusal to cooperate allows Sable to give Thorgrim the Heartfire, and he promptly targets the twins.

Drago saves the twins from getting captured and forces them to fight to the death for the throne; they fight and argue until they begin remembering how close they were as kids. Mehgan reveals that Edric accidentally killed their father, and she took the blame to protect his chance at a good life; the truth compels them to reconcile. Returning to the castle, Edric challenges Thorgrim to get the Heartfire while Mehgan rallies the castle's women to help her fight. Mehgan finds an open flame, but Sable and an archer mortally wound her, also affecting Drago. Thorgrim absorbs the Heartfire to control its power but gets overwhelmed. Edric kills him, scaring off the Vikings, and Mehgan recovers the remaining Heartfire. Instead of taking it back, Drago has Edric use it to heal Mehgan. Then the twins share the bond of their dragonhearts, removing their scales and powers. With Gareth's family whole again, Drago dies peacefully and becomes a new star in the Draco constellation's tail, telling the twins to rule their kingdom together.

Bakit Kinagat ni Adan ang Mansanas ni Eba?

The story revolves around Ambo (Dolphy), who portrays the typical middle-aged Filipino alpha male. All the women from the small town adore him, but he clearly shows no interest until he saw the woman of his dreams named Evelyn (Beverly Vergel). Ambo tries to court Evelyn, but winning her heart seems impossible. Eventually, Ambo succeeds but quickly discovers a downside to Evelyn – she refuses to have sex with Ambo for fear of becoming pregnant. After some shenanigans, they eventually get to consummate the marriage, but Ambo instead winds up becoming pregnant.

Mon Mon Mon Monsters

Lin Shuwei is a meek, straight-A student with no friends who gets harassed by his classmates. He has recently been framed of stealing the class funds, and is further humiliated in front of the class by a gang of bullies, consisting of leader Tuan Renhao, his girlfriend Wu Sihua, and Liao Kuoheng and Yeh Weichu. Suspecting them to be the actual thieves, Lin confronts them at their hideout at the school's abandoned swimming pool's maintenance room. Renhao mockingly confesses to his crime, stating that he needed the money to tune Kuo Feng's motorcycle scooter. Sihua then puts Lin's hand on her breast, making it appear as if he did so on his own free will and framing him as a pervert, with the bullies taking a picture of the scene and spreading it around the school, further degrading Lin's reputation. Lin is then restrained by the neck with an animal control pole, threatened by Renhao with corneal perforation from a wall dart, and released.

Expecting to be overpowered, Lin used his phone to audio record the entire encounter conversation with the bullies. However, his teacher, Ms. Lee, points out that if the bullies were accused of the crime, the bullying would only get much worse. She then encourages Lin to accept the blame for the crime, and assigns the three male bullies to work with him, under the guise of them being the class's most popular individuals and with the intention of making the four boys closer. The four are told to perform community service for the elderly, by feeding them. However, the bullies abuse the elders instead, painting their faces and making them "chicken fight" each other. Initially disturbed by the bullies' actions, Lin participates and becomes visibly happy as he has been accepted and is now part of the gang.

At the end of their day, they come across an elderly war veteran of the National Revolutionary Army's 29th Broadswords unit suffering from dementia. They discover a locked box, and believe it to be filled with riches plundered from China, during the Nationalist withdrawal. They agree to return at night, to break open and steal the contents of the box. Upon their return, they are unable to open the box, and instead decide to take it back to the hideout. Unbeknownst to them however, a pair of female flesh-eating ghouls have made their home in the elderly home's elevator shaft, preying on both the mostly forgotten residents and the homeless. As the bullies start to leave, they come across the ghouls feasting on one of the elders. The older of the two flees into the shaft, while the younger attempts to pursue them. Terrified, the boys run out of the building, only to witness the younger ghoul get struck by a vehicle on the street. The driver flees the scene and the boys investigate the seemingly dead ghoul. When the ghoul tries to attack Kuofeng, Renhao knocks her out with a shovel. Unable to leave the ghoul there, as there is a traffic camera pointed at the scene, the bullies take the ghoul back to the hideout, believing her to be dead. Meanwhile, the elder ghoul mourns the disappearance of her sibling.

That morning, the bullies search the box but find nothing but medals and old photos. The younger ghoul reawakens and exhibits supernatural capabilities, such as regeneration, and the ability to climb on walls. As the ghoul confronts the boys, it accidentally steps in a ray of sunlight and its foot is burned by the sun's touch. The bullies immediately capitalize on this weakness, using a portrait of Sun Yat-sen to subdue the ghoul, trapping her under a box. They eventually tie the ghoul to a pillar in the center of the room using chains. Si Hua is informed of the monster's presence, and the gang discover the monster's flesh-eating disposition. Ren Hao exults in having the monster as a captive, stating that since it's not a human, they can do anything they want to it. Lin meanwhile, sympathizes with the ghoul, stating to her that the bullies will probably let her go after they've had their fun. Renhao extracts several of the monster's teeth and blood, with Sihua sanitizing and using them as part of her bracelet. The boys further torture the ghoul, drilling a plate to cover her mouth and applying more chains and locks to her mouth.

Back at the elderly home, the war veteran, traumatized by the abduction of his compatriots, dons his old uniform and with broadsword in hand, begins singing an army song (中國的駱駝), inviting the ghoul to find him. The ghoul is attracted by the noise, and confronts the veteran, who identifies himself as Superior Private Li Rengfeng. Though briefly interrupted by a neighbor, who chastises the veteran for his singing in the middle of the night, the ghoul and the old soldier clash, which results in the ghoul being ejected from the fourth-floor window, still alive but with her right arm nearly completely severed. The veteran, unscathed in the clash, smiles and dies whilst still standing.

Back at the maintenance room, the bullies continue to torment their captive monster. After using clumsy attempts at religious exorcism and wrapping the monster in scripture, Ren Hao instructs Lin to thank the monster, implying that the latter would have been the one tied to the pillar and tormented had the ghoul not been there. Attempting to find out more about their monster, the bullies take blood samples from the creature, and study it in the school's lab, noting the lack of any red blood cells and the presence of eggs or spores on the monster's blackened cells, and that contact with normal blood cells causes the blackened cells to "infect" the blood cells, turning them black as well. They also notice that continuous contact with the sun causes the blackened cells to spontaneously combust. Lin does some research on the ghouls, identifying the younger monster as Lee Shiu Jen who went missing in 1985, alongside her sister, known as the Voodoo Master. From the news article Lin finds, it appears that the two went missing when they killed their parents, with the Voodoo Master using the dark arts to conjure a poison involving female menstruation, with the effects having backfired spectacularly as seen by the two girls' current state.

Lin prints out the information he finds, and presents it to Renhao, stating that the ghouls are indeed human. Ren Hao tosses aside the information, stating that no matter what the ghoul was before, its current state is that of a monster. Lin then asks what the purpose of keeping the monster is, and states that the monster would probably starve soon. The other bullies then decide on using Lin as a living blood bag to keep the monster alive. They further torment the monster by spraying blood at her, and terrorizing the ghoul by putting its head in a bird cage and dancing around it wearing face paint.

The next day, one of Lin's classmates tampers with his chair, causing it to collapse when he sits down. Contrary to his past behavior where he would congratulate the prankster and laugh along, Ren Hao beats the perpetrator to the point of hospitalization, in front of the entire class and Ms. Lee. Renhao justifies this, stating that only he would be the one that could beat Lin. During the disciplinary meeting after the event, Ms. Lee, a devout Buddhist, attempts to correct Ren Hao's behavior with spiritual guidance. Infuriated at the mockery Ren Hao makes of her attempts, she slap him repeatedly, and humiliates him by mentioning his family circumstances, with his alleged father being a criminal, and his mother being a prostitute. Renhao is thrown into a rage, and takes out his anger on the ghoul, beating her severely with a bat. After noticing the monster's blood combusting, he alongside the rest of the bullies poisons Ms. Lee's drink with the monster's blood. During a basketball game, several hours after drinking the monster's blood, Ms. Lee spontaneously combusts upon contact with the sun. Video of this event is shown on the news, which the older ghoul notices, along with the school's uniform. At a drinking party to celebrate the death of their teacher, Lin is offered several drinks by the bullies, but declines them out of fear of what happened to Ms. Lee. Out of spite, Sihua drinks Lin's drink, while Renhao states to Lin that he could kill him "in a million ways", thus poisoning him would be pointless. Sihua then expresses her exasperation at Lin's continued involvement with the group, stating that he was the only one who didn't want to see the monster die, and that he could have released the monster at any time, mocking him for being meaningless as he wanted to be "the good guy" but never possessing any courage to actually do anything. Lin later takes out his anger on a mentally challenged convenience store clerk, wrecking the store and stealing his money.

The older ghoul begins systematically hunting down individuals wearing the school's uniform, regardless of their involvement with her sister's predicament. Her attacks include ambushing a student getting a drink at a vending machine, and slaughtering a bus full of students. Sihua is on the bus at the time and manages to take a picture of the monster before the ghoul notices Si Hua's bracelet with her sister's teeth on it, and gruesomely kills her. In grief, Renhao pulls out hundreds of the younger monster's teeth. The monster also attacks an after-school program, slaughtering dozens of students, but sparing a pair of sisters. The remaining bullies decide to eliminate the older monster, using her sister as bait. Ren Hao plans to lock both monsters in the maintenance room, then pour gasoline in through the sprinklers and throwing a match down the ventilation pipe. Ren Hao and Kuofeng would be the ones pouring and igniting the gasoline, while Weizhu would be the lookout and Lin would be the one locking both monsters in. Unbeknownst to the bullies, Lin unscrews one of the window coverings, wanting the monsters to escape the trap, stating to the younger ghoul that he wants to at least do one thing right in his life.

Lured to the war veteran's room by the sound of her sister's cries, the monster follows arrows leading to the pool during the night. Before the monster reaches the pool, Lin asks Weizhu the reason they had framed him in the first place. Wei Zhu simply replies that "it was fun". Realizing that it was likely he would receive similar treatment to the monster after their escape, Lin sabotages the plan by calling Weizhu's phone when the monster shows up, causing the monster to corner and kill the latter. Lin then locks himself inside the maintenance room, leaving Kuofeng and Renhao outside to face the elder monster. Lin disregards Renhao's pleas to let him in by stating that one day, the bullies would likely torture him to death, and that this was the only way that he would be able to kill them off. The older monster kills Kuo Feng after he charges her with a hatchet, and then kills Renhao outside the maintenance room door. Lin retreats inside the room as the monster breaks down the door. Despite his pleas for the monster to spare him, the monster throws him around the room.

In an act of desperation, Lin opens the window that he had previously unscrewed, with the sun rising at exactly the same time. The beam of light strikes the younger ghoul, who immediately begins burning from its effects and is unable to escape it due to the restraints. The older sister frantically shields the younger sister and tries to tear the chains off, instead destroying her fingers in the process. With both of them beginning to combust, the older sister embraces the younger sister, dying in each other's arms. Lin leaves the maintenance hall and the bodies of the bullies behind in a daze.

Later that day, Lin is assigned to lunch duty, being assigned to take care of the classes' soup container. It is shown that despite the bullies' deaths, the rest of the class still torments him. During lunch, he throws out the soup of another bullied student who had pitied him before, telling her that she wasn't "one of them". It is then revealed that Lin had kept the rest of the vial used to poison Ms. Lee, and had dumped the rest of it into the soup container, infecting everyone else in the class, including himself. He then stands up, walks out the door of the classroom and screams as he combusts, with his classmates burning in the background.

La Leona (Argentine TV series)

It is based on a textile factory about to break where María Leone (Nancy Dupláa) will play a fundamental role, defending the rights of the employees of this factory owned by the Miller family.

12 Feet Deep

Bree (Nora-Jane Noone) decides to go for a swim at the Ketea Aquatic Center. The pool manager, McGradey (Tobin Bell), later hangs signs around the pool mentioning that the pool is closing up for the holiday. Bree is later joined by her sister, Jonna (Alexandra Park), who was a former drug addict and 3 months clean. In the pool, the two sisters connect over a competition in college.

Meanwhile, the janitor of the aquatic center, Clara (Diane Farr), an ex-convict on parole is caught by McGradey attempting to steal from the lost and found. She is later laid off and is told to clean up before leaving. McGradey then eagerly tells all swimmers to leave as they prepare to close. Bree and Jonna reluctantly do so. While packing up, Bree realizes that her engagement ring is missing, after attempting to show Jonna. Jonna sees the ring stuck in the metal grate at the bottom of the pool and both dive in to retrieve it. McGradey thinks everyone has left the pool and decides to close up, failing to notice the women in the deep end of the pool. He engages the pool cover and leaves for the day with the two women trapped inside the pool.

The women are terrified and unsuccessfully attempt to escape. Shortly afterward, Jonna reveals that she is secretly jealous of Bree's successful lifestyle and recent engagement and that she pulled the ring from Bree's bag and threw it in the pool. Bree is initially angry with her sister but her anger is short-lived. Bree also talks about her past with her abusive alcoholic and drug addicted father. She also opens up about the fire which led to his death. Bree reveals that she is diabetic and requires a shot, or there is a possibility that she might slip into a diabetic coma.

Clara, preparing to leave, is surprised to see the two women trapped underneath the pool cover. Leading the women to believe she is going to help them, she picks up Bree's bag, taking her cash, smartphone and credit card. Clara then proceeds to blackmail her for the password to her phone and her credit card pin number. She later turns the water heater off. The girls have no choice but to wait out the night. Jonna talks about the deep mental damage from her abusive father with Bree saying, "Just keep reminding yourself that he's dead." Clara comes back in the morning teasing the sisters again. Jonna, angry at her, leads Clara to place her ear onto the small hole in the pool cover, subsequently stabbing her in the ear with a sharp shard of tile. Clara then turns on the automatic pool cleaning system, causing the girls to begin suffocating in chlorine. After a few minutes, she turns this off, realizing the danger in her action. When Clara leaves again, Jonna apologizes to Bree for her jealousy and keeps blaming herself for the situation they're in. Bree comforts her and forgives her for her wrongdoings. Bree reveals that during the accident which killed their father, she actually prevented her dad from escaping, saying "I killed that monster". Clara comes back, realizing the error of her ways. She decides to open up the pool cover to let Bree and Jonna out but the pass code she was given by McGradey no longer works, leaving the women to remain trapped. She tells the sisters they're on their own and leaves.

Bree soon grows very weak and cold, passing in and out of consciousness. After initially refusing Bree's offer to try, Jonna spends her last bits of energy trying to rip off the metal grill on the bottom of the pool, something her sister failed to do. After succeeding, Jonna smashes the fiberglass of the pool cover, allowing them to escape. She then pulled Bree, unconscious, out of the pool and gives her the insulin shot, unsure whether she will survive. Clara appears in front of them with a gun. She threatens to kill Bree and Jonna after thinking about what might happen if they didn't die in the pool, not wanting to go to prison again. Clara instead feels sympathetic for the sisters and puts the gun down and gives them their belongings back. Jonna, after calling the police, tells her to leave.

Paramedics arrive at the aquatic center and tend to Bree. Jonna gives her engagement ring back, which Clara blackmailed Bree for with the intention of pawning it. Bree asked how she got it back to which Jonna replies, "I killed the monster", referring back to what Bree said about killing their father.

If Beale Street Could Talk (film)

''Note: The film's structure is non-linear, but this plot summary is written in a linear fashion.''

Clementine "Tish" Rivers and Alonzo "Fonny" Hunt have been friends their whole lives, beginning a romantic relationship when older. In the 1970s, they struggle to find an apartment, as most New York landlords would not rent to black people. Eventually, they find a place in a warehouse being converted to loft apartments; Levy, the Jewish landlord, rents it to them at a good rate because he enjoys seeing couples who are in love, regardless of race.

That night, Tish is harassed by a man while in a mostly white grocery store. He begins to assault her, so Fonny physically throws him out of the store. A white policeman nearby, Officer Bell, attempts to arrest Fonny for it, but reluctantly lets him go when the Jewish woman who runs the grocery store vouches for them and chastises Bell for his racism.

Fonny is later arrested and accused of raping a woman named Victoria Rogers. Although nearly impossible for him to have gone from the scene of the crime to the apartment where he was arrested in the time between the rape and the arrest, the case against Fonny is considered strong due to Officer Bell's testimony. The claim is he saw Fonny fleeing the scene, and Victoria identified Fonny in a lineup as her rapist. Tish, as well as Fonny's friend Daniel Carty, were with him at the time of the rape, but it is considered an unreliable alibi due to Tish's romantic relationship with Fonny and Daniel's previous conviction for grand theft auto (although actually arrested for marijuana possession).

Tish visits Fonny in jail as he awaits trial, and reveals to him that she is pregnant with their baby. Fonny is excited to be a father, but saddened that the birth might be while he is still behind bars. Later, Tish tells her parents, Sharon and Joseph, and sister, Ernestine, about her pregnancy. Though worried for her, Tish's family is supportive and decide to invite Fonny's family over to share the news.

Frank, Fonny's father, is excited, however, Fonny's highly religious mother declares that as the child was conceived out of wedlock, Tish and her child are damned. As Mrs. Hunt begins to leave with her daughters in disgust after Frank hits her, Sharon reminds her that she has just condemned her own grandchild, leaving her emotionally distraught as she is escorted away.

In a bar, Frank and Joseph discuss how the former is worried about paying for a child and Fonny's legal expenses, but Joseph convinces him that they will be able to provide for their grandchild the same way they provided for their own children.

Sharon travels to Victoria's native Puerto Rico to plead with her to change her testimony. She tries to convince her she mistakenly identified Fonny as her rapist, but Victoria refuses. Questioning whether Victoria could have seen her rapist's face in the dark, Victoria says the police told her to identify Fonny in a line-up, and she did so. When Sharon gently touches her, Victoria begins to scream. An elderly woman overhears the commotion and comes to take Victoria away. Discouraged by the seeming hopelessness of his case and the constant trial delays, Tish reluctantly gives birth to her new son without Fonny, who eventually accepts a plea deal.

Tish and their child, Alonzo Jr., visit Fonny in prison. They share dinner together from the vending machines, while looking forward to Fonny's eventual release.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette (film)

Architect-turned-agoraphobic recluse Bernadette Fox is settled down with her husband Elgie Branch and their 15-year-old daughter Bee in a dilapidated former schoolhouse in Seattle. Bernadette seldom leaves home and cringes at human interaction, including with the other parents at Bee's school, especially their neighbor, Audrey Griffin. Despite this, she is quite close to Bee.

Bee requests a family trip to Antarctica as reward for good grades, and her parents reluctantly agree. As the trip approaches, Bernadette’s behavior becomes increasingly odd, and she considers use of various prescription drugs to control her worsening anxiety and insomnia. Bernadette’s tension with Audrey also escalates after the latter accuses Bernadette of driving over her foot and the hillside above Audrey's, recently cleared of blackberries by Bernadette, slides into Audrey's garden and house during a rainstorm. Bernadette insists that she was only complying with Audrey's request to remove the invasive plants, but Elgie accuses her of knowing that the hill would collapse without the blackberries to hold it in place.

One day, Bernadette returns home to find Elgie, his assistant, Dr. Kurtz, and FBI Agent Strang at her home for an intervention. They reveal that Manjula, the “personal assistant” in India that Bernadette uses and has given all of her personal and financial information and passwords, is actually a front for a Russian criminal organization that the FBI has been watching. Dr. Kurtz and Elgie want Bernadette to go to a psychiatric hospital for treatment while he and Bee go to Antarctica. Feeling ambushed and misunderstood, Bernadette sneaks out of the house.

Bernadette hides at Audrey's, and they make amends. Audrey helps Bernadette fly to Antarctica without her family. Elgie and Bee follow in hot pursuit, after Agent Strang tells them that the Russian criminals, who were on their way to Seattle to defraud Bernadette while she and her family were away, have been arrested and are no longer a threat.

In Antarctica, Bernadette befriends Becky, a researcher, who tells her the research station at the South Pole has to be completely rebuilt and needs an architect. Bernadette sneaks off her cruise ship and into Palmer Station, and convinces the team leader to give her a spot on the next convoy to the South Pole.

Meanwhile, Elgie realizes he has failed his wife by not being more supportive of her creativity. He and Bee catch up with Bernadette at Palmer Station, and, realizing her passion has been reignited, give their blessing to spend five weeks at the Pole.

The Fury (video game)

Loading screen

''The Fury'' is a racing game set in the year 2045AD on the artificial planet Devs. Racing on a gutter shaped track orbiting the planet, racers race for money. The races are broadcast by The Network, a television station that also sponsor the races and train the racers. During these races, some of the drivers disappear while racing at top speed. One driver, after reappearing, explained it by saying "It's The Fury..."

Isn't It Romantic (2019 film)

Architect Natalie develops a strong hatred for romantic comedies at an early age, which is exacerbated by her low self-esteem and difficulty in finding love. Her assistant Whitney, a fan of romantic comedies, believes their co-worker Josh is in love with Natalie, but Natalie dismisses the notion because Josh appears to spend all his time staring at a billboard model across the street. One day, Natalie is knocked unconscious during an attempted mugging and finds herself trapped in the stereotypical romantic comedies that she despises. Whitney becomes her enemy and her neighbor Donny becomes a flamboyant homosexual friend offering advice, while Blake, a billionaire client of her company, develops a romantic interest in her. Additionally, Josh enters into a relationship with the billboard model, who identifies herself as a "yoga ambassador" named Isabella.

Desperate to return to her reality, Natalie deduces that in the tradition of romantic comedies, she can only leave by finding true love. When her relationship with Blake turns sour, Natalie recognizes that she has feelings for Josh, who has become engaged to Isabella. Natalie attempts to stop their wedding, but soon realizes that instead of loving another person, she needs to learn to love herself. Following this revelation, Natalie gets into a car accident and loses consciousness.

Natalie wakes up in the real world, but with new self-confidence, which she uses to successfully propose an idea to Blake. After reuniting with Josh, she learns that he has not been staring at the model, but at Natalie's reflection, the two begin a relationship. As Natalie prepares to head home, Whitney tells her that despite her dislike for romantic comedies, everything she just experienced has been comparable to one. Realizing that she has been in a romantic comedy the entire time, Natalie and the rest of the characters proceed to engage in a rendition of "Express Yourself".

Payaso (1986 film)

St. Peter sends his jester (German Moreno) to Earth after he lost his heavenly keys. The jester’s quest is to look for the misplaced keys. As he wandered out in the streets, the happy clown found himself in sadness as he sees the depressing situation of poverty and moral degradation of man. His melancholy worsened after he met the Red Devil who has supernatural powers that he couldn’t even compete with. Depressed, hopeless and defeated, he asks his master to help him and make its presence known to him once more.

Sob Pressão

Inside a chaotic emergency room in Rio de Janeiro, a team of doctors are torn between their internal personal conflicts, the difficulties of the profession and the surprising dramas behind each patient's history, in a heroic attempt to save lives. A talented surgeon and a faith-driven doctor will find strength in each other to face this extremely harsh routine.

Ang Tatay Kong Nanay

The story revolves around Coring (Dolphy), a gay beautician who was in love with a younger man named Dennis (Phillip Salvador). Dennis had gotten his prostitute girlfriend Mariana (Marissa Delgado) pregnant, but the two couldn't handle the responsibility yet. Dennis then entrusts his child Nonoy (Niño Muhlach) to Coring, as he is set to leave the country, because he needs to work overseas to support the youngster. At first, Coring was hesitant but was easily convinced because he wants Dennis to have a better future. The child grew up with Coring and Nonoy believed that he is indeed his father. However, the story takes another turn as Mariana returns. The film tackles the hardships of being a single parent and at the same time, the judgment towards homosexuality and parenting.

Elegant Yokai Apartment Life

High school freshman Yūshi Inaba is forced to look for new place to live after his high school's dormitory burnt down. Having no parents and wanting to live independently from his uncle, he eventually finds a cheap apartment for 25,000 yen called Kotobuki-sō, only to find out that the place has human and supernatural creatures such as ghosts, yōkai, and mononoke living together. There, Yūshi's new daily life begins.

Safe (TV series)

''Safe'' focuses on Briton Tom Delaney (Hall), a pediatric surgeon and widowed father of two teenage daughters. He is struggling to connect with his daughters as they still grieve the loss of his wife from cancer one year prior. After his 16-year-old daughter Jenny goes missing, Tom uncovers a web of secrets as he frantically searches for her.

Teen Spirit (2018 film)

Violet, a shy teenager living in a small village on the Isle of Wight, dreams of pop stardom as an escape from her dismal surroundings and shattered family life. Behind her mother's back she sings in a near-empty bar. Afterward an older man, Vlad, approaches her to say she was good. He says he used to be an opera singer in Croatia. Violet doesn't trust him and says she is 21 to discourage his interest.

Later, Violet enters a UK singing competition and doesn't tell her mother as she thinks Violet should only sing in church. Violet tries out for Teen Spirit UK alongside many classmates and reaches the next day auditions. She tells the organiser she is 17 and the woman says she'll need to bring a parent or guardian with her tomorrow to give permission for her participation in the competition. She can't ask her family, so she asks Vlad for help and explains she lied about her age to him. He says he'll help but if she wins he will be her manager and take 50% of her earnings. At the next round she is told she is invited back but must work on her performance and breathing. Vlad says he will train her and they tell her mother.

Her mother is suspicious of Vlad, asking 'what will you get out of it?' He says 50% if she succeeds as a singer. The mother says only 15%, that is what managers get. He agrees. In the next round she comes second and returns home, so does not make the London final.

Her mother sells her horse to cover debts. Violet is pursued by a boy from school, Luke, who is in a band. Then she hears that the heat winner gave a false name and had entered the competition in a previous year, so has been disqualified. Violet starts singing with Luke's band. Vlad brings Violet's mother flowers. The church says prayers for Violet. They all go to London for the final.

In the hotel the night before the event a woman called Jules offers Violet a record contract - but it must be signed before the final. Vlad is suspicious and says he must read it first. He sees that if Violet signs it, he will be removed from working with her. Violet dresses up to socialise and goes to meet her band friends in a club... She ends up drinking and making out with Keyan, last year's winner, who she met earlier in Jules' room.

Her band mates see she is drunk and try to take Violet back to the hotel. Vlad storms in and carries her out of the club. Violet is angry and says she will sign the contract. Vlad walks off saying he is getting a drink.

Next morning Violet realises she has lost the gold crucifix her mother gave her. Vlad wakes up on a park bench but returns to the hotel. Jules gives Violet her crucifix back. The competition proceeds with an ensemble song from all the finalists, and Violet worries about Vlad. Eventually, Vlad shows up and Violet says she didn't sign the contract. They reconcile before Violet appears on stage for her song.

She gives it her all using the training Vlad gave her and a much bigger dance style. Her backing band congratulates her, her mother rings to say she is proud, and Vlad tells her she 'did it!' And she was 'so good'.

Vlad gets a train to Paris to meet his estranged daughter. We see Violet on a train with the winner's trophy beside her.

A Kid Like Jake

Alex (Claire Danes) and Greg Wheeler (Jim Parsons) are parents to their four-year-old son Jake. The struggles of getting into a prestigious kindergarten are apparent for the couple as the Wheelers are not the richest family living in New York. Family friend and preschool principal, Judy, suggests they take advantage of Jake's recently developing interests in gender non-conformity in order to gain admission.

The 15:17 to Paris

Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos are attending a suburban Christian middle school. They bond over their interest in guns, and are often sent to the principal's office for disciplinary action. Once, while sent to the principal's office, they meet another student, who often misbehaves in school, Anthony Sadler, and the three become friends. Spencer and Alek are from single-mother homes, and their mothers often stick up for them when called to the principal's office regarding their misconduct.

While working part time at a smoothie shop, Spencer waits on a recruiter for the United States Marine Corps. He asks the recruiter what military branch he would select if he could go back. The recruiter replies that the Air Force pararescue save lives and "seem to being doing fine work in the field." Spencer is intrigued and decides that he wants to join up, so he begins working out to lose weight. After several months of rigorous training and exercise, he gets into better shape and enlists in the Air Force in hopes of becoming a Pararescueman.

Upon completing basic training, Spencer takes his exams to qualify for pararescue school but is turned down due to having poor depth perception. Upset, he chooses from the other Air Force options left to him, and is soon stationed abroad. Alek enlisted in the Army, and has been deployed to Afghanistan. On Skype, Alek tells him that he is planning to visit his girlfriend in Germany, and the two decide to rendezvous there for their next leave. Spencer skypes Anthony, now a college student, and talks him into coming to Europe for a vacation, visiting Italy. Afterwards, the three meet in Germany and decide to go to Amsterdam. After a few days there, they finally decide to visit France after deliberation. They depart from Amsterdam Centraal station on the 15:17 train to Paris.

On the train, all seems well, until American-born Frenchman Mark Moogalian notices that one of the toilets has been occupied for an unusually long time. When he goes to investigate, a terrorist bursts out with an assault rifle. Another passenger, Damien A., grabs the terrorist by the neck and Moogalian manages to wrest the rifle from the terrorist but is then shot in the back with a 9mm pistol. Passengers begin to flee out of their seats and rush toward the forward cabins of the train, trying to escape. Eventually, the terrorist approaches the next car, where Spencer and his friends are sitting. The moment Spencer sees him, he springs into action. He decides that his only hope, and the only hope of the remaining passengers, is for him to try to defeat the terrorist. Spencer makes a desperate all-out sprint toward the terrorist in the hope of subduing him before being shot. By remarkable luck, the terrorist's weapon jams just as he is about to fire, and Spencer tackles and disarms him. Seeing Spencer's progress in subduing the terrorist, Alek, Anthony, and other passengers join the effort to try to further overwhelm the terrorist, finally knocking him out. Spencer then stanches the bleeding by plugging the exit wound in Moogalian's neck with his fingers. The police at the next station enter the train fully armed, discovering that Spencer has subdued the terrorist, and the paramedics begin to treat his wounds and the more serious ones of the shot passenger. Paramedics take Moogalian to the emergency room at a local hospital and he survives.

In a formal ceremony, Spencer, Alek and Anthony are recognized as heroes of France for their gallantry and bravery. President François Hollande tells the public that the terrorist was armed with over 300 rounds of ammunition with the apparent aim of using all of it to wreak havoc on all those who boarded the train. The odds of the particular misfire and jam of the cartridge in the terrorist's weapon was estimated on the scene as being less than one out of a thousand, and highly unlikely to have been in Spencer's favor. French officials at the ceremony acknowledge their bravery and award them the French Legion of Honour in recognition of their act of courage.

The Ryuo's Work Is Never Done!

Yaichi Kuzuryū is a prodigy shogi player who won the title of Ryūō at the age of 16. Following his victory, he has been in a slump until he is approached by Ai Hinatsuru, a 9-year-old elementary school girl who begs him to make her his disciple. Astonished by Ai's potential, Yaichi agrees to become her master, and the two then brace themselves together in the world of shogi with their friends and rivals. However, this comes with the condition imposed by Ai's mother that Yaichi is to marry Ai if she does not become a major player before graduating middle school.

Go and Get It

Helen Allen (Agnes Ayres) inherits her deceased father's newspaper, but someone is trying to sabotage the business. She gets a job at the company under a false name, so that she can detect exactly who is trying to ruin her. She winds up instead investigating a number of gruesome murders with the help of a reporter named Kirk Connelly (Pat O'Malley).

One of the victims was a scientist named Dr. Ord (Noah Beery). Helen learns that Dr. Ord had been involved in an experiment in which he transplanted the brain of a criminal into the body of a gorilla. The beast turned on him and then went on a killing spree, hunting down and murdering all of his old enemies. In the end, Helen also finds out who it was who was trying to ruin her newspaper.

A Korean Odyssey

Seon-mi is a young girl born with the ability to see ghosts and spirits. Her seemingly irrational behavior has isolated her from her family and peers, and her only protection is her grandmother and a small yellow umbrella with protection spells written by a Buddhist monk. One day when she walks home from school, a ghost follows her, and this is witnessed by a mysterious man in a suit and black top hat (Woo Ma-wang). The mysterious man exorcises the ghost for her, and asks her for a favor: to enter a magical majestic house and retrieve a certain fan. She is also given specific instructions to ignore anyone she sees in there. However, the person inside the house is Son Oh-gong, the Monkey King, who was imprisoned inside by Heaven for his crimes. He blocks her path and forces her to acknowledge him, and tells her that the man outside is a great danger to her as well. Oh-gong makes her a deal: if she puts out the five candles on the table and frees him, he promises to protect her from all dangers in her life every time she calls his name. But after she agrees and releases him, Oh-gong steals the memory of his name out of her head and makes a run for it, leaving young Seon-mi stranded in the middle of nowhere.

In the present day, Seon-mi has grown up into an adult. Still armed with her little magic umbrella, she owns a real estate company that specializes in buying haunted houses, exorcising the spirits, and then flipping them for large profits. At a busy intersection, Seon-mi and Oh-gong spot each other and Seon-mi asks why he did what he did. He gives an unsatisfactory answer and Seon-mi tearfully asks aloud why she ever bothered having faith in him as a child. Meanwhile, Son Oh-gong is looking to reinstate his status as an immortal and has been doing various good deeds to earn brownie points with Heaven. He learns from a Sun wu-Kong possessed doll that Sam-jang has been born, and anyone who eats Sam-jang's flesh can gain immortality. He decides to figure out who it is and eat them. However, Sam-jang is none other than Seon-mi, which means that Oh-gong cannot eat her without violating the promise he made to her as a child that he would protect her.

While Oh-gong tries to figure out a way to convince Seon-mi to die for him, Soo Bo-ri goes to Woo Ma-wang and asks him for help in protecting Sam-jang. Ma-wang takes Seon-mi to an antique shop with magical wares. There an old lady (Bodhisattva Guanyin) sells him a Geumganggo, a magical bracelet that will ensure the obedience of anyone who wears it through the power of love. The original Geumganggo is worn on the head, but this version is worn on the wrist. Seon-mi gives it to Oh-gong as a gift on Christmas Eve, and has a prophetic vision about standing in a field, wearing a hanbok, and giving him a kiss.

This dream comes true when Seon-mi is dragged into a haunted painting by a malevolent spirit that kidnaps women and tries to marry them all. Oh-gong enlists the help of Jeo Pal-gye (Lee Hong-gi), a pig demon and pop artist under Ma-wang's entertainment company, to get inside the painting. Pal-gye helps him, but he and Ma-wang burn the painting instead, trapping both Seon-mi and Oh-gong inside. Seon-mi decides to follow with her vision and kisses Oh-gong, thus activating the Geumganggo, though she did not realize what the Geumganggo would do. Oh-gong gives back her memory of his name and forces her out of the painting world, because he cannot leave the painting world unless she summons him from the outside. Seon-mi cuts her own hand and attracts a hoard of demons to her before calling out Oh-gong's name. Oh-gong exits the painting world and rescues her from the demons.

From then on, the main plot is focused on Seon-mi and Oh-gong's budding relationship despite these difficult circumstances. Oh-gong professes to be deeply in love with Seon-mi, but only because of the Geumganggo. He constantly reminds her that if she takes it off, his love will disappear, and he may return to wanting to eat her for immortality instead. Seon-mi, who has been a loner all her life, can't help but be touched by Oh-gong's thoughtful actions, and struggles to guard her heart against any romantic feelings because Sam-jang's tragic destiny is always to be a sacrifice for humanity against growing evil. Each episode involves Seon-mi and Oh-gong fighting off the demon of the week while dealing with their own internal conflicts. Seon-mi's feelings for Oh-gong are also constantly tested as she learns more about the kind of person Oh-gong is and his many secrets. The nightmare looming constantly over both their heads is a prophetic dream that Seon-mi had about the world ending, and knowing that she had to do everything she could to prevent it. Oh-gong later also learns that his role as Sam-jang's protector means he will either kill her, or she will kill him. This further drives them apart even as they fall more in love with each other.

Ashes of Love (TV series)

Zifen the Flower Deity dies after giving birth to a daughter, Jinmi. She foresaw a prophecy that her daughter will suffer a great love trial within the first ten thousand years of her life. Therefore, before dying she gives Jinmi a magical pellet that prevents her from feeling and expressing romantic love. Jinmi grows up in the Flower Realm, living as a low-level immortal. Her peaceful life is interrupted when she encounters the Fire Deity, Xufeng, who lives in the Heavenly Realm. Persuading him to take her to see the Heavenly Realm, Jinmi meets Xufeng's half-brother, the Night Deity Runyu. She also meets Princess Sui He, who is a close ally of Xufeng's mother, the Holy Empress, and as a result, Sui He believes she will one day marry Xufeng. Both Xufeng and Runyu take an interest in Jinmi and due to the pellet, Jinmi becomes unwittingly involved in a love triangle between the two brothers, who grow to become rivals due to Jinmi and the machinations of the Holy Empress. Jinmi also learns of her true nature as a child of the late Flower Deity and the current Water Deity.

Eventually, Jinmi is tricked by Runyu into thinking her father died at the hands of Xufeng and she kills him, coughing up the magic pellet as a consequence. Xufeng is later reborn in the Demon Realm. Soon named as the new Demon King, he wages war against Runyu, who has now ascended the throne as Heavenly Emperor and plans to make Jinmi Holy Empress. Sui He, who went to Demon realm with Xufeng, tricks Xufeng into agreeing to marry her so she can become Demon Queen, but she is finally defeated when Xufeng learns the truth of his rebirth. A final battle arrives, with a duel to the death taking place between Runyu and Xufeng. Jinmi, wanting to stop the loss of innocent lives, ultimately sacrifices herself to end the war and return peace to the world.

In the aftermath, Xufeng tirelessly travels the six realms to search for the remains of Jinmi's soul. For three years his search is unsuccessful until he discovers that Jinmi was, in fact, a teardrop in his eye. Realising that Jinmi will one day be reincarnated, Xufeng resolves to wait for her.

Five hundred years pass. Jinmi is reborn alongside her father in the Mortal Realm. On the day of her arranged wedding, Xufeng arrives in his phoenix form and reunites with Jinmi, who has retained her memories. They elope.

Seven years later, Liuying works to bring a new age of prosperity to the Demon Realm. Suihe, sent mad by her defeat, rambles in the Demon Realm's outskirts. One day, she mistook an entrance to be the Holy Empress' throne, stumbles into the same cave where she once threw the old Demon King's sons when they insulted her. This led to her being eaten alive by one of the remaining sons. He appears to have eaten his brother.

In the Heavenly Realm, Runyu rules alone as Celestial Emperor. He notes this to his faithful servant Kuanglu. She renews her vow to always be by his side. In the Mortal Realm, Jinmi and Xufeng live a carefree life and have a son, who knows the story of his parents and tells it proudly.

The Diamond Crown

'''The Kinetogram'''

This story, the first of the series, introduces the daughter of a retired police officer, Kate Kirby, who receives employment with the police department. Mrs. Wethersby comes to the station with the complaint that several thefts have been committed in her house, and Kate is allowed to undertake the investigation as her first case. Accordingly, she enters Mrs. Wethersby's house as her private secretary.

Besides Mrs. Wethersby, the household consists of a dissipated son and three servants of suspicious appearance.

While writing invitations to a house party in Mrs. Wethersby's room, Miss Kirby discovers a revolver in the drawer of the desk, which Mrs. Wethersby explains she keeps on hand for protection. An inspection of the desk and wall of the room, causes a peculiar expression to pass across Miss Kirby's face. With the aid of a piece of chewing gum, she takes an impression of the key to Mrs. Wethersby's room, and has a duplicate key made for herself.

The guests arrive at the house party and go to their rooms to dress for dinner. Miss Kirby, sitting at Mrs. Wethersby's desk as the hostess makes her preparations, is aware of a subtle delicate perfume, which is markedly different from the odor of the cologne with which Mrs. Wethersby is liberally spraying herself. Immediately, the girl's suspicions are confirmed, and she sends immediate instructions to the police.

That night after the guests have retired, Miss Kirby steals along the dimly lighted hall, and listens with her ear against the wall outside Mrs. Wethersby's room. Suddenly she glides to the door, unlocks it with her duplicate key, and enters. Taking the revolver from the drawer of the desk she waits quietly. After a few moments, the wall of the room slides out of place without a sound, and Mrs. Wethersby, herself the thief, enters through the secret panel, carrying the jewel boxes of the young heiress whose room is next to hers.

Confronted by the quiet figure of her secretary, Mrs. Wethersby rushes to the desk drawer. The discovery that the revolver is missing leaves her no other alternative than to await the arrival of the police who quickly answer the young detective's signal.

The King's Messengers

Anwaar's parents were killed during an air raid led by forces fighting for political control of Zanora. He flees to the northern forest to escape a corrupt regime as well as the dangerous Resistance Army. While hiding out and surviving in the woods he meets David Sutherland, a fellow refugee who is also trying to escape the Resistance Army. Anwaar questions David on a computer that David has, however David will not reveal any information to Anwaar. After a close call with a Resistance soldier, David reveals that his brother Allen gave him the computer and it has something important on it. David himself does not know what the computer contains as it was entrusted to him while he narrowly escaped during a raid on the British consulate by the Resistance Army. Anwaar convinces David to do a webcast with the computer and eventually the two become friends.

Michael Jackson's Halloween

A young man and woman, Vincent (Lucas Till) and Victoria (Kiersey Clemons), cross paths on Halloween night. As a result of their meeting, they and Victoria's boss' dog, Ichabod, find themselves in a "magical adventure of personal discovery" at the This Place Hotel, located at 777 Jackson Street. They meet the bellhop chimp Bubbles (Brad Garrett), the scarecrow groundskeeper Hay Man (Jim Parsons), spider security guard Generalissimo Meriweather (Alan Cumming), and mad scientist cat Franklin Stein (Diedrich Bader) who they join in stopping the tyrannical witch Conformity (Lucy Liu) from getting rid of music and dancing.

The story culminates in a dance finale featuring an animated version of Michael Jackson himself (voiced using his music and archival recordings).

Sixteen Fathoms Deep

A sponge diver, Joe Bethel, hopes to make enough money to buy his own boat and marry his fiancée, Rosie. He must deal with a villainous fellow diver, Savanis.

Pisay (film)

The show revolves around Rom Meneses (Gammy Lopez), a young student who enters the premier Philippine Science High School (''Tagalog:'' Mataas na Paaralan ng Plipinas sa Agham; or commonly known as ''Pisay'') along with seven other students during the politically volatile years of the Philippines in the '80s. The students are guided by their teacher Ms. Casas (Eugene Domingo), as they discover the world outside the four corners of the school and the chaos of the Marcos dictatorship.

Shiraz (film)

Shiraz (Rai) is a potter's son, who is brought up as brother to Selima (Rau), a girl of unknown but royal lineage who was rescued from an ambush in childhood. Shiraz falls in love with Selima as a young adult and when she is kidnapped by slavers and sold to Prince Khurram, Shiraz follows her to Agra, where he will risk a horrible death to protect her and one day design her great memorial.

The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales...

The film begins in a theater with a group of animals preparing a show. The Fox, the host of the show, tells the audience they will share three different stories, most of which take place on a French farm led by animals. After speaking with the audience, the play begins when the animals tell Fox they're ready.

Baby Delivery

On the farm, Stork claims to have a broken wing and leaves a baby named Pauline whom he was to deliver to Avignon in the hands of a trio of farm animals: Pig, Rabbit and Duck. The last two are immature and clumsy, therefore, potentially dangerous to the baby. Initially, Pig refuses to take care of Pauline, but he tries to compensate for Rabbit and Duck’s weaknesses so that little Pauline finds her parents. After several clumsy and misunderstood events from Pig nearly being devoured by a pike to getting mixed up with mailing Pauline to China instead of Tarsiar they encountered along their journey, the trio manages to leave Pauline with her family, sadly saying goodbye to her. Once they get back to the farm, Pig discovers Stork was lying to the trio because he's just too lazy to do his job. Pig takes this calmly just so he can put Stork in a catapult and fling him away.

The Big Bad Fox

A Fox who lives in the forest fails in trying to eat the chickens of the farm. One of them can easily protect herself, and Fox always ends up eating radishes that Pig leaves for him. He later takes the advice of Wolf in stealing 3 chicken eggs at night, planning to eat them once they're fat. But the Chicks accept him as their mother, and he gradually gets attached to them, to the point of deciding to protect them from Wolf. Fox decides to run away to the farm with the Chicks. He fools Wolf by eating radishes instead of the Chicks and takes shelter on the farm by disguising himself as a chicken. He discovers with horror that the lead Chicken, whose eggs he had stolen, has sworn revenge and created a Fox Extermination Club in which she trains the other chickens in self-defense. Fox manages to hide for some time, but he is betrayed by the behavior of his chicks who, deciding to be foxes, bite their friends at school and even bring Fox a living one for dinner. Fox tries to scold them, but the Chicks, disappointed by his behavior, decide to return to the forest and make Wolf their new mother. Discovered, Fox is martyred by the Chickens, as he tries in vain to prevent the danger to the Chicks. Tossed out of the farm by explosives, Dog tries to convince the lead Chicken to help him. Fox lands in the forest in the arms of Wolf who was about to eat the Chicks. He helps them and manages to hold off the Wolf while the chicks run away. The lead Chicken, who is the chicks’ biological mother, finally finds them, and after hearing of Wolf's plan that he told Fox to do, she and a group of chickens manage to defeat Wolf. The lead Chicken wants the Chicks to return, leaving Fox heartbroken, but the Chicks rush to him. The lead Chicken decides on an agreement with Fox: Fox continues to see the Chicks regularly and, in exchange, he helps the chickens to train themselves in self-defense against other predators.

Saving Christmas

On the farm, the animals prepare for the Christmas festivities. By multiplying nonsense and disasters, Rabbit and Duck destroy a plastic Santa that was hanging from the barn, and they're convinced they have killed the true Santa. Despite Pig's explanation, they are planning to take Santa’s place to deliver the gifts to children around the world. Pig tries to stop them but is dragged along with them to the city, then taken to the pound, where the three animals are locked up with a pack of dogs. The cunning and resourcefulness of the three companions, fortunately, allows them to get off the hook, and after some clumsy events, Rabbit and Duck see another Santa clinging to a windowsill, but this time, it is the real Santa Claus. They manage to save him, and as a reward, Santa takes the trio back to the farm. The next morning, they wake up with presents.


The end credits begin with a return to the stage of all the characters. As the credits roll, various characters appear, including a frog sweeper, who is cleaning up the scene.

Bakuman (film)

High school classmates Moritaka Mashiro and Akito Takagi, one an illustrator, the other a writer, decide to team up to create a successful manga series. Moritaka desires to impress his crush, Miho Azuki, with whom he makes a promise to have voice a character in the anime adaptation of one of his works and marry once he has a successful manga. Mashiro and Takagi successfully pitch a manga to ''Weekly Shōnen Jump'', the biggest manga magazine in Japan, which wins second place at the Tezuka Awards. The two make friends with Shinta Fukuda, Kazuya Hiramaru, and Takuro Nakai, three manga creators who also entered the competition. But, it is fellow high school student Eiji Niizuma who bests them in the competition and becomes their rival.

Shortly following the other four, Mashiro and Takagi eventually get serialized in ''Weekly Shōnen Jump''. Under the wing of their editor Akira Hattori, the two vow to beat Eiji and be the first to get to the top spot in the magazine's readers' ranking. When Mashiro has a health issue, ''Weekly Shōnen Jump'' editor-in-chief Sasaki decides to put their manga on hiatus until they graduate. However, with the help of their friends, Mashiro and Takagi create a chapter that not only has Sasaki change his mind, but also reaches number one in the rankings. However, their manga is cancelled shortly after. The film ends on Mashiro and Takagi's last day of high school, with the two enthusiastically discussing plans for their next manga.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

In a flashback to the year 1979, a young Donna Sheridan graduates from Oxford's New College with Rosie and Tanya ("When I Kissed the Teacher"), and dreams of a Greek island named Kalokairi. Donna's mother, Ruby, is a famous singer, but she has a strained relationship with her daughter and is consistently away on tour, and does not attend the graduation. Fed up with her mother's constant negligence and determined to spend her life making memories, Donna decided to travel to Kalokairi to find her destiny.

In the present, five years after the events of the first film, Sophie is in Kalokairi preparing for the grand reopening of the Hotel Bella Donna, in honour of her recently deceased mother. Harry and Bill are unable to attend due to overseas business ventures and Sophie also feels estranged from Sky, who's been offered a permanent job in New York ("One of Us").

In Paris, Donna meets the sweet but awkward Harry Bright, who instantly falls in love with her ("Waterloo"). They spend the night together, but Donna leaves soon after for Greece. She misses her boat to Kalokairi but is offered a ride by Bill Anderson in his yacht, and the two dance and flirt ("Why Did It Have to Be Me?"). On the way, they help a stranded fisherman, Alexio, back to shore in time to save the love of his life from having to marry another. Unbeknownst to Donna, Harry has followed her to Greece; however, he arrives too late and sadly watches the boat sailing off in the distance.

In the present, Rosie and Tanya arrive to support Sophie, and she shows them the new hotel ("I Have a Dream"). This mirrors the past, in which Donna explores an abandoned farmhouse that would eventually become the hotel. A heavy storm then breaks out and Donna discovers a trapped horse and soothes it with the assistance of Sam Carmichael. In the present, a heavy storm destroys the decorations and prevents transportation to Kalokairi, much to Sophie's dismay.

Sam, who has been living in a cabin on the island, reassures Sophie that she can never let her mother down, telling her the story of how he once let Donna down. Years ago, before Sophie was born, Donna and Sam were enjoying a whirlwind romance ("The Name of the Game"), but it ended badly when Donna found out Sam was engaged to another woman, Lorraine. Heartbroken, Donna breaks up with him and tearfully watches him leave the island ("Knowing Me, Knowing You"), while the present Sam reassures Sophie of her mother's value for her.

Following Sam's departure, Donna is visited by Tanya and Rosie, who cheer her up by singing with her as Donna and the Dynamos ("Mamma Mia"). Bill returns to the island, and Donna joins him on his boat, much to the chagrin of Rosie who falls for Bill. While they are gone, Sam returns, having ended his engagement for Donna, but is saddened to hear that she is with another man. Donna discovers she is pregnant but has no idea which one of her three recent lovers is the father. Bill's great-aunt Sofia overhears Donna's wish to stay on the island and reveals she owns the abandoned farmhouse Donna has been staying in. Donna happily accepts her offer to stay there, where she eventually gives birth to Sophie.

In the present, Sophie opens up to Rosie and Tanya about her conflict with Sky and Rosie explains to Sophie how she and Bill broke up ("Angeleyes"). Meanwhile, Bill, Harry, and Sky leave their ventures abroad to support Sophie but are told there are no boats to Kalokairi. However, a much older Alexio recognises Bill and offers the trio safe boat passage to the island as gratitude for saving his relationship. Bill convinces the others to join them for a party on Kalokairi. When the guests arrive ("Dancing Queen"), Bill and Rosie quickly reunite over their mutual grief over Donna's death, and Sophie reveals to Sky that she is pregnant, and she has never felt closer to her mother.

The celebration is suddenly disrupted when Ruby arrives, despite Sophie having decided to not invite her. Ruby explains that Sky tracked her down in New York, and she wants to build a true relationship with her granddaughter. Sophie then performs with the Dynamos in honor of Donna ("I've Been Waiting for You"), much to the pride of Ruby, who expresses slight but sincere grief over her daughter's death. It is then revealed that the hotel manager, Señor Fernando Cienfuegos, is actually Ruby's long-lost lover from 1959, and the two are joyously reunited ("Fernando").

Nine months later, Sophie has given birth to a baby boy, named Donny. At the christening, Donna's ghost proudly watches over her daughter as the two of them have one final moment before Donna fully passes on ("My Love, My Life"). The end credits show all the characters, including Donna and the younger cast, at a huge party at Hotel Bella Donna ("Super Trouper").

Salsa e Merengue

A rich woman named Bárbara gives birth to a dead child, however without her knowledge, her husband Guilherme exchanges the child's body for a baby whose mother is poor and cannot afford to raise the child. 30 years later, Eugênio, the exchanged child, develops leukemia and is in need of an urgent marrow transplant. The donation of a blood relative is required for the surgery and with the risk of his son dying, Guilherme tells Bárbara about the exchange. The two go in search of Anabel Muñoz, Eugênio’s birth mother.

Anabel never told anyone about the pregnancy, but never forgot the son she had with Urbano. Anabel later met her late husband Félix Munõz, with whom she had five other children: Valentim, Remédios , Amparo, Assunção, and Antônio. With Eugênio’s reappearance in her life, Anabel is forced reveal the truth. Eugênio, who thought he was the son of millionaires, discovers that his real family is poor. The tests show that Anabel’s bone marrow is incompatible with Eugênio. Because of this, Anabel reveals another secret: Valentim is also Urbano's son. Valentim is faced with the situation of having to donate bone marrow for a brother he doesn’t know. To make matters worse, Eugene and Valentim fall in love with the same woman, Madalena.

Why We Took the Car

Maik Klingenberg, 14, comes from an affluent but dysfunctional family home in Marzahn, a part of eastern Berlin. In school he is an outsider, which is why at the beginning of summer break he is not invited to the birthday party of beauty queen Tatjana Cosic whom he secretly has a crush on. Whilst on the most part considered boring, one of the few times he stands out in class is the moment he reads an essay in German class talking about his alcoholic mother with striking but loving openness. The teacher is horrified, his classmates laugh at him and call him a psycho from then on. The new classmate Andrej Tschichatschow (Tschick for short), an uncommunicative late repatriate from Russia, who sometimes shows up openly drunk to class, is also an outsider and excluded from Tatjana's birthday party.

Maik, in the hopes of still being invited, draws a picture of Beyoncé as a present for Tatjana, because the girl loves Beyoncé's music. However, the last day of school passes without anything happening. On top of that, Maik's mum has to go to a rehab clinic again while his dad wants to use that time to go on holiday with his young female assistant, telling Maik it's a business trip. It appears, at this point, that Maik will be forced to spend his summer holiday alone.

Suddenly, Tschick arrives at his front door in a stolen and run-down, light blue Lada Niva. Tschick asks Maik to join him on a trip to visit his grandfather in Walachia. Even though neither of the two actually knows where that is, Maik hesitantly accepts and the two start a journey into the unknown. Before that, however, they drop by at Tatjana's birthday party, where Maik, encouraged by Tschick, hands his crush the present. The boys then drive off, leaving the bewildered guests behind.

As they haven't brought any maps, the boys soon get lost in the forest and emerge in a small village. A family of five kids, and a mother, who is overtly critical of consumerism, invites them for lunch, which is strictly organic and only handed out to those who can answer a short quiz, which mostly revolves around Harry Potter. Further down the road, while scavenging a dump for a hose in order to steal some fuel for their Lada, the runaways encounter the tomboyish and street-smart Isa Schmidt. Isa plans on travelling to Prague to visit her half-sister and offers to help the boys find and use a hose, if they take her somewhat along the way in exchange. Despite her unbearable uncleanliness and stench, the boys reluctantly agree.

Arriving at a reservoir, they throw Isa into the water without any hesitation, so she can wash herself and get rid of her stench. She throws away her old clothes, cleans herself thoroughly and then puts on Maik's clothes. Maik is then allowed to cut her hair very short and discovers not only her shapely naked upper body, but also that his old love for Tatjana gradually starts to fade away. The next morning, the three of them decide to climb the nearby mountain. They enjoy the delightful nature and romantic atmosphere at the peak, carve their initials into a piece of wood and vow to meet again at this very spot in exactly 50 years.

As they are descending the mountain and a coach stops at the car park, Isa thinks getting to Prague by coach would work better than with the old Lada. They arrive at the crater of a huge area of brown coal mining and meet the last remaining inhabitant Horst Fricke, who is obviously senile. After welcoming them by shooting them with an airgun, he invites them for a lemonade and tells them about his tragic losses (for instance of his love) and traumatic experiences he had at a concentration camp and at the eastern front. As a farewell present he forces a mysterious, small bottle with a foul-smelling, but seemingly life-saving liquid, on them, but Tschick throws it out the window of the Lada without hesitation.

When they are finally able to continue with their journey along minor side roads, they suddenly discover from the top of a hill that there is a motorway right next to them. Whilst trying to reach the motorway by driving down the slope of the hill, they overturn multiple times and their Lada comes to a stop with the wheels facing up. A speech therapist, who happens to be driving by in her BMW 5 Series, tries to help them and in doing so drops her fire extinguisher on Tschick's foot and seriously injures him. She then takes them to the nearest hospital, where Tschick gets his leg plastered. From the hospital window, the two watch a tow truck turn their Lada, which was lying in a field directly opposite the hospital, back the right way up, leave it there and drive away. Once again determined to flee, the two struggle over to their battered car. As Tschick can no longer drive with his leg in plaster, Maik has to take the wheel. Tschick gives him the important technical instruction. At the same time, he confides to his friend that he is gay. Maik, however, is clearly not inclined that way. Soon after, their journey ends with a dangerous collision when the driver of a cattle carrier doesn't want to let them overtake him and they start to skid, then tip over, and end lying sideways on the road. After a thorough investigation at the police station, there is a court hearing, in which Maik, despite the threatening advice from his father, admits his willing participation in the whole affair. Tschick however then proceeds in taking all the blame. Maik has to serve charitable work, and Tschick is condemned to stay in the home which he was taken to after their journey.

The novel ends with the beginning of a new school year and revives its initial motifs: 1) beautiful Tatjana is suddenly interested in Maik's adventure and makes sure that his story gets around the whole class. 2) the alluring Isa writes Maik a letter and wants to visit him in Berlin soon, to pay back the borrowed money and to make up for the lost kiss. 3) Maik's violent father finally leaves the family. But most importantly: 4) Tschik's four week communication ban will soon elapse and Maik is allowed to then visit him at the home. It does not bother Maik at all that his mother, who is still an alcoholic and is currently at home, sinks all her middle class possessions in the in-house swimming pool; on the contrary, mother and son "dive under"(?) together, crouch on the bottom of the pool, hold their breath, glance upwards and rejoice over the two police officers, who were alerted by the neighbours and in bafflement bend over the bubbling surface of the water.

Hedgehog (film)

Ali is a young comic who longs to follow in the footsteps of her once well-known father. Unfortunately for Ali, her fear of suffering the same fate as her father prevents her from ever trying her hand at comedy. In the hopes of conquering her fears, Ali begins taking writing classes but soon finds that the additional costs force her to take a second job assisting a friends neighbor, Joan, who is preparing to move out of her home.


Antonio Cervantes, better known as "The Kid Pambelé", was born on December 23, 1945 in San Basilio de Palenque, played on October 28, 1972 the world boxing title in the Welter Junior category against the champion and everyone's favorite, Alonzo Frizzo. At 27, Antonio was clear that it was his last chance to fight for a world title. Clinging to his convictions, he fought with all his might and connected an uppercut, knocking out Frizzo and giving Pambelé the title.

Antonio Cervantes, played by Jarlin Martínez is a black man, tall, thin, but with muscles marked by his constant training. As a child he had an immense burden on his shoulders and in his youth he was dazzled by his dreams of greatness. Being the eldest of his brothers, Antonio decided to take care of his family with the money that he obtained by selling cigarettes and shuffling shoes. However, at the expense of his mother's repeated scoldings, it was easier for him to get money in the street fights of the Malecón, where Clemente Roballo, the best of Colombia at the time, knows and discovers "The Kid Pambelé".

Alsace (film)

The story begins just before World War I in Alsace, the French province which was annexed to the German Empire as a consequence of the 1870 Franco-Prussian war. In the city of Thann, two families live next to each other: the French speaking Orbeys, who have never accepted the German annexation, and the German Schwartzes who celebrate Germany. During an open air bal, an Alsatian girl refuses to dance with a German soldier and this leads to a general brawl. Jeanne Orley, meeting some friends at home sings the French national anthem La Marseillaise. The German army intervenes and as a consequence her husband is condemned to three months in jail. At the end of his term he is expelled to France and she follows him.

Their son Jacques stays in Alsace to take care of their factory and he is obliged to do military service in the German army. When he is back home, the two Schwarz daughters come back home from boarding school and he falls in love with Marguerite, nicknamed Gretchen, which is strongly disapproved by his mother and his uncle. A few months later, Jacques falls severely ill and his mother goes herself to the Schwartzes to ask for Gretchen's hand for her son, understanding that it is the only thing who could save him. Once Jacques and Gretchen are married, some tensions appear, Jacques likes neither his in-laws' fascination for everything military nor his wife's cooking.

Things get much worse with the German mobilisation in 1914. Jeanne urges Jacques to go to France and join the French army as did his cousin René. Gretchen on the other hand asks him to comply with his conscription duty in Germany. Torn between his mother and his wife, Jacques finally decides to follow Gretchen's demand. When he arrives in front of the conscription office, he is identified as Frenchman by a crowd of excited German men and beaten up by them. He can just go back home and dies in his mother's arms. She tells Gretchen: "No, he is not yours ... he is mine now". An epilogue shows Jeanne on Jacques' grave, talking to him : "Jacques, my child, the hour of Revenge has sounded ... the French are here! Vive la France!".

I Feel Pretty (film)

Renee Bennett struggles with low self-esteem and manages the website for cosmetics firm Lily LeClaire. She decides not to apply for a receptionist position at the corporate headquarters, her dream job, after reading the job description's emphasis on being beautiful. She wishes at a fountain to be beautiful and the next day she falls, hitting her head. Waking up with the belief that her appearance has magically changed, Renee approaches the world with newfound confidence. When a man named Ethan speaks to her innocuously, she insists that they exchange numbers. She applies for the receptionist position and is hired by CEO Avery LeClaire. Renee asks Ethan out and enters a "bikini body" contest. She wins over the crowd but loses the competition, and tells Ethan that she doesn't need external validation to know she's beautiful. Ethan praises her self-knowledge, and she appreciates his openness over not yet knowing himself. They meet again for a picnic, after which they spend the night together.

Renee earns her coworkers' respect with her insight into the company's new diffusion line. Avery confides in Renee her insecurity over her high-pitched voice, feeling that she is not taken seriously. Avery invites Renee and Ethan to a dinner meeting with her brother Grant and their grandmother, company founder Lily LeClaire. Renee builds rapport with Lily, and Avery invites Renee to an important business meeting in Boston to give a key presentation. Renee becomes superficial in her treatment of people. She is judgmental of LeClaire visitors who are not fashionable or glamorous, and ditches her friends Vivian and Jane to attend an exclusive party with her coworkers. In Boston, she nearly gives in to Grant's romantic overtures, avoiding a kiss when she receives a message from Ethan. She locks herself in the bathroom to avoid Grant, and while questioning her sense of self and her recent behavior, she suffers a new head injury in a fall in the shower. When she awakens, she perceives her real physical appearance.

Devastated, she leaves the hotel alone for New York, missing the presentation. She isolates herself in her apartment, avoiding Ethan and Avery's calls, binge drinking, and eating junk food. Drunk and miserable, she turns up at her friends' apartment and apologizes for her behavior. They reject her apology. Assuming that Ethan will no longer be attracted to her, she breaks up with him over the phone, moments after speaking to him in person believing he does not recognize her. Ethan is brokenhearted by Renee's rejection, blaming himself for having come on too strong. Renee tries but fails to recreate her original injury that she believes made her beautiful. She encounters her beautiful acquaintance, Mallory, who is devastated over being dumped. Mallory says that she suffers from low self-esteem and feels people assume her beauty means she is unintelligent.

When Renee hears that Mallory is auditioning to model for the LeClaire diffusion line, she realizes that LeClaire is out of touch with everyday women. She crashes the product launch and, in the course of a presentation where she displays her own before-and-after photos, she realizes that she was never transformed. She gives an impassioned speech about women accepting themselves as they are, presenting a collage of diverse real women, including Vivian and Jane, who appreciate the gesture. Grant and Lily praise Avery for having the acumen to hire Renee; together, they are key to the success of the new line of products. Renee goes to Ethan's apartment and apologizes, explaining that her insecurities were related to her feelings about herself and not to her feelings for him. Ethan tells her that she has always been the most beautiful woman in the world in his eyes, and they reconcile, confident and happy.

Black the Fall

In a dystopic communist Romania a machinist goes to work pedaling a bicycle to power a machine. He decides to escape the large factory where he encounters a TV filming propaganda, groups of people cheering on a speech of Nicolae Ceaușescu and a depot with armored two-legged mechas used for repression.

The machinist makes it outside, a wasteland where all trees are dead and soil is polluted by heavy factories. Here he finds a robot used to complete puzzles. After passing by an abandoned theme park the machinist goes through a wall to a destroyed city where people are still praying in a church soon to be demolished. In a drecrepit city he takes an overcrowded bus, is soon arrested and taken to prison.

After escaping his cell the machinist now injured wanders through an abandoned prison. He hides in a mass grave to avoid capture before making it outside, where a revolution is taking place with people revolting against the government. The machinist uses a semi broken mecha to open a hole in the city wall. The game ends with the machinist walking in front of images of the Romanian Revolution.

O Mapa da Mina

In Uruguay, a gang steals ten million dollars in diamonds. One of the thieves, Rodolfo (Mauro Mendonça), flees to Argentina. Ivo (Paulo José) goes to São Paulo, hiding the product of the robbery, except that he is arrested. Eight years later, when he gets out of jail, he is run over and dies, but before this he still has time to tell his son, Rodrigo (Cássio Gabus Mendes), that he and Ivo had a map tattooed above a girl's buttocks, Elisa (Carla Marins), a map that shows a location of the diamonds, even taking care to photograph the girl. Elisa is a novice and is about to make her perpetual vows.

The Saint (2017 film)

Simon Templar intervenes when terrorists attempt to trade gold to the Russian Army for bombs. After subduing both parties, he takes most of the gold and escapes, leaving his calling card as "The Saint". Agent Cooper of the FBI has been monitoring the meeting.

Nigerian President Ezekiel Ibaka secures $2.5 billion in private aid for his country, but a mysterious man (Ian Ogilvy) instructs associate Arnie Valecross, a private banker with criminal ties, to steal the funds. He gives Valecross a ring, claiming that it is an heirloom he took from "someone pathetic".

Templar takes the gold from the Moscow heist to an old friend in Bucharest. He gives instructions to distribute the funds among various humanitarian aid organizations.

In Los Angeles, Valecross diverts the funds to one of his own accounts and requests protection from the FBI. His mysterious employer sends his henchman, Rayt Marius, to kidnap Valecross' daughter Zooey, giving Arnie only 48 hours to return the money.

In Paris, France, Templar hears of the Nigerian theft and agrees to help recover the funds. Simon's friend Patricia Holm and the FBI each use their own methods to quickly identify the thief as Valecross and track him to the Grand Del Mar Resort in San Diego.

Special Agent John Henry Fernack, who has been pursuing The Saint for years, gets to Valecross' suite first and unsuccessfully attempts to question him. Templar uses the adjoining room to break into Valecross' suite, but he is discovered. Valecross asks Templar to rescue his daughter. Marius uses a helicopter to fire on Templar through the window. Templar shoots down the helicopter, but Valecross is fatally wounded. As he dies, Valecross tells Templar: "The account numbers are in your ring, the key is in the nomad".

Simon and Patricia engage Doyle Cosentino to develop a new plan now that Valecross is dead. It is revealed that Simon met Patricia in Iraq while escaping from the Russian deal. The trio search for the "nomad" in Valecross' home. Mrs Valecross immediately recognizes Templar. They decide to call Marius, who has a history with Patricia.

Fernack obtains help from the Los Angeles Police Department in the form of Detective Garces (Greg Grunberg). The two men nearly catch Simon when he, Patricia and Doyle leave the Valecross home. The trio notice the men tailing them and escape. Fernack catches up to Templar on a funicular railway car in a busy retail area. Simon overpowers and handcuffs him, escaping by jumping onto a car moving in the opposite direction. Simon, Patricia and Doyle visit former counterfeiter Sonali Alves in her hidden MMA fighting studio and gambling den. They ask for help breaking into Valecross' data storage facility. She forces Simon to battle a fighter in the ring while handcuffed in exchange for the heist gear he needs. During the fight, Simon's handcuffs are broken and he easily defeats his opponent.

Entering the storage facility, Patricia knocks out the guards. She guides Simon as he penetrates the security on two heavy duty doors and disables the pressure-sensitive floor. He uses a glove that mimics fingerprints of a building employee to access the computer server room, and begins searching for the account data. Fernack arrives too late and Simon escapes with the data, locking Fernack in the server room. Outside, Templar finds that Garces has been shot and that Marius has captured Patricia.

Fernack agrees to work with Simon to rescue Patricia and Zooey. Overpowering the armed guards on the boat, they attempt to trade the stolen funds for Marius' hostages. Marius reveals that Patricia is his ex-wife and that he is working for the man who killed Simon's parents. Fernack tries to rescue Zooey but is restrained by her stepmother, who is working with Marius. Templar shoots Marius when tries to use Zooey as a shield, and Patricia knocks him to the floor. Marius refuses to identify his employer.

Zooey returns the money to President Ibaka. Templar evades Fernack.

The mysterious man calls for help from an associate (Roger Moore) who refuses him, knowing their superiors will make an example of him for his failure. Simon tails the mystery man, recognizing him as his parents' killer by a unique tattoo on his arm. Templar identifies him as Xander, hired by Simon's father to train Simon to fight as a youth. Xander warns him that it does not end with him hinting others had a hand as well. Resisting the urge to kill the man, Templar allows Xander to be arrested by Agent Cooper on terrorism charges. Simon disappears from sight while still remembering it never ended with Xander.

The Women's Balcony

An orthodox congregation in Jerusalem is celebrating a Bar Mitzvah when a section of the synagogue's balcony, where the women sit, collapses. The rabbi's wife is badly injured and in a coma. The elder rabbi, unable to cope with his wife's condition, cannot function and is cared for by Zion. Rebuilding, with all the funding, permits and inspections is too much for the leaderless congregation. Congregants meeting in a schoolroom for morning prayers, are short of a quorum of ten men (a minyan) and stop a man in hassidic garb passing down the street who agree to join them. He is Rabbi David, a teacher, and he brings some of his students who more than meet the minyan requirement.

Hearing their story, Rabbi David takes charge and gets the synagogue repaired, but does not complete the woman balcony, claiming a lack of funds. Trying to get the congregation to be more strict in their observance, Rabbi David tells the men to get their wives to cover their heads and suggests they buy their wives nice head scarves as a gift. The women mostly refuse. Angered at the lack of a place for them in the synagogue, the women, led by Etti, Zion's wife, raise money sufficient to pay for the reconstruction and deposit it in the synagogue’ bank account, but Rabbi David refuses to allow rebuilding, saying the congregation's Torah scroll, which was destroyed in the collapse, must first be replaced. Meanwhile, Rabbi David's assistant is discretely courting Etti's niece.

The women leave their husbands saying they won't return until the balcony is built and later picket Rabbi David's school. The synagogue's treasurer who must countersign any construction check has been avoiding the rabbi so he can't be pressured into signing. Rabbi David visits the old rabbi and tries to convince him that demanding a new Torah scroll be written before completing the balcony is justified under Jewish law, but the old rabbi is still in shock and can't respond. Unable to find the treasurer, a determined Rabbi David forges a second signature and gives the check to his assistant to cash in order to pay a scribe to write the new scroll. He further tells the assistant that he knows about the girl and forbids the relationship. He also gives the assistant legal notices, demanding they end their protest, to hand out to the picketing women. As Rabbi David watches from his office window, the assistant does so, seeming to ignore the niece, but she soon realizes that instead of a notice, he has handed her the check, thereby allowing the balcony reconstruction to begin. Meanwhile, the old rabbi asks to see his wife in the hospital, finally coming to terms with what has happened. The film ends with the young couple's joyous wedding, with the old rabbi in attendance, and Rabbi David being flagged down by another congregation that is seeking a minyan.

The Cakemaker

Thomas, a young, solitary German baker, is having an affair with a married Israeli man named Oren, who frequently visits Berlin on business. When Oren fails to return Thomas's calls one day, Thomas discovers that he died in an accident in Israel, and he goes to Jerusalem and visits the cafe of Oren's widow, Anat. Without revealing his identity, he gets a job in the cafe's kitchen and rents an apartment in the city. Though at first he is not allowed to make food, as it puts the cafe at risk of losing its kosher certification, Anat eventually tries some baked goods that Thomas made for her son's birthday and allows him to make food.

Thomas learns more about Anat's life and her family, including her brother-in-law, Motti, who is initially suspicious of him. He also grows closer to Anat, who is still grieving her husband's death despite her awareness of his infidelity. Anat is continuously tempted to look through Oren's personal effects, which include notes from his lover and a second phone. Eventually, while preparing a large volume of baked goods for a catering order, Anat makes an advance on Thomas, who hesitantly reciprocates; the two have a short affair, which begins to lift Anat's spirits. The affair makes Thomas ruminate on his time with Oren, including one of their final trysts, where Oren dismissed the idea of revealing the affair to his wife.

Anat finds a shopping list written in German among Oren's personal effects, including the name of the Berlin cafe where Thomas works. Anat tells Thomas that Oren told her he was having an affair, and planned on leaving her and their son in Jerusalem to start a new life in Berlin. Anat forced him to leave the house, and he died in a car accident on his way to a hotel. Both Anat and Thomas are separately overwhelmed with guilt and grief. Later, Anat discovers that her kosher certification has been revoked, making all the catered goods worthless. While trying to deal with the situation, she discovers a note in Oren's effects with Thomas's handwriting. After rebooting Oren's second phone, she discovers more than a dozen voicemail messages from Thomas, and realizes that he was her husband's lover. Motti forces Thomas to leave Jerusalem immediately, saying they don't want him here and he must never return to Israel.

Three months later, Anat's cafe is successful, despite lacking kosher certification. Anat travels to Berlin, where she spots Thomas coming out of his cafe from a distance. After watching him depart, she looks up at the sky and smiles.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (comic book)


Dust to Dust (comic)

The story took place in the days immediately after World War Terminus.

Telling Lies (video game)

In 2019, Karen Douglas, a former FBI agent, accesses a USB drive on her computer, watching the videos on it by searching them using keywords.

They tell the story of David Smith, an FBI agent. During 2017 and 2018, David was undercover, supervised by his handler Mike, working on a case code-named Green Dagger. Its goal was to investigate potential acts of terrorism by the environmental group "Green Storm", led by the activist Riordan. To infiltrate this group, David would start by infiltrating a smaller team, the "Organizing Group", which targeted the corporation Prosperen, due to its plans to build a pipeline which the activists believed would pollute the water source. David approached one of the group's members, Ava, and developed a romantic relationship with her, eventually being invited to the Organizing Group.

The Organizing Group was led by 4 people: Eric, Chris, Peter, and Simon. Simon was secretly a Black Kite agent providing information to the FBI, an arrangement David was unhappy with as he felt Simon was unprofessional. As David ingratiated himself with the group, he discovered that Peter had previously slept with Ava while she was underage, drugged her and filmed their relations. David attacks Peter, angering Ava and the FBI, and then uses a former contact named Harry to plant drugs on Peter, framing him. David grows increasingly unstable, and outs Simon as a Black Kite Spy. These actions and his growing closeness to Ava alarm Mike. David invites Riordan and the Organizing Group to a meeting on his boat, to discuss plans to disrupt movement on a key bridge vital for Prosperen's plans. While on the boat, Ava reveals that she is pregnant with David's child.

A new Black Kite spy infiltrates Green Storm, and David coordinates with him to trap Riordan into getting involved in a direct attack on the bridge. The plan goes awry, and David discovers that Mike and Black Kite have decided to hold off on Green Storm, and arrest the Organizing Group. David protests, but fails to persuade Mike, who tells him to end his infiltration. The Organizing Group is then arrested, including Ava. David is angry at Mike, but Mike notes that David had been withholding information, including Ava's pregnancy. David tries to continue meeting with the Organizing Group, but Karen Douglas, his then-field supervisor, bursts in to provide him cover to leave. David is furious, but agrees to withdraw. Ava is heartbroken and outraged at David's disappearance.

Meanwhile, David has problems with his wife Emma and daughter Alba. While David was undercover, Emma’s mother Laura moved in. During David's mission, Laura developed dementia and passed away, despite medical care by Steven, an anaesthesiologist hired by the couple. In addition, it is revealed that when David was Emma's boyfriend, he killed Paul, Emma’s abusive ex-boyfriend, with Emma as an unwilling accomplice.

To cope with stress, David had been having conversations with a sex worker named Maxine Williams, who ran a webcam chatroom with multiple aliases. David paid her for conversation, and shared personal stories with Maxine, including his identity. As his life falls apart, David begins believing he has a real connection with Maxine. She bans him, and when he keeps returning, reveals that everything he knows about her is a lie, and that she has recorded their conversations, and will release them if he keeps following her. David tracks her down with Harry's help. Maxine is prepared, has already released the videos, and shoots David in the leg, as police arrives.

This destroys his relationship with Emma, who had grown scared of him. David begins living alone, estranged from his wife and Ava. He tries to reconnect with them, but both reject him. David commits suicide by detonating explosives on his boat, potentially destroying the bridge. After reviewing the videos, Karen leaks them.

The mid-credits scene shows Emma’s, Ava’s, or Maxine’s fate, depending on the videos the player has watched. Both Emma and Ava move on to a new life without David and continue to raise their daughters. Maxine leaves her place in Cleveland, Ohio and opens a cam agency in New York, going on to become a novelist writing crime stories with ‘strong female leads’.

Age of Dinosaurs

Using flesh-regeneration machines, Genetisharp (a biotech company) creates a set of living dinosaurs and pterosaurs from a strand of DNA. The creatures escape and terrorize Los Angeles. These prehistoric animals include a giant Ceratosaurus, raptorlike Carnotaurus, building-climbing Spinosaurus, and brutal Pteranodon. The final battle is on the Hollywood Sign, and the dinosaurs are all destroyed when they are run into a collapsing building due to them being drawn there by scent.

No Me Digas Solterona

Located in modern Lima, Peru; "No Me Digas Solterona" tells the story of thirty-something-single businesswoman Patricia, believes that her boyfriend is going to propose to her. Instead, he asks for a "break" in their relationship. She's forced to return to live with her loving and wise over-protective mother; Tencha, and to listen to everyone's opinion of what she ought to do next.

Gutter Magic

Set in modern-day New York City where World War II had been fought with magic and wizards are the elitists, the series follows Cinder Byrnes, a member of a wealthy family of magic users, who was born without powers and his journey to learn how to cast spells.

Deadline at Dawn (novel)

The story follows "Bricky", a hardened ten-cents-a-dance-girl who is disillusioned with life in New York City but is too scared to admit failure and return to her small-town home in Iowa. One night she meets Quinn, a troubled young patron who Bricky lets walk her home. They discover that they both come from the same town and the two quickly bond. He then admits he also secretly longs to return, but can't until his conscience is clear from some money he stole from the safe of a former client. They make a pact to leave together on the dawn bus after they have returned the money. However, on re-entering the man's home, they discover he has been murdered. They have until dawn to track down the killer before the police are called and Quinn will be blamed for the crime.


In 1996, 13-year-old Stevie lives in Palms, Los Angeles with his abusive older brother Ian and single mother Dabney. One day Stevie bikes past Motor Avenue Skateshop, admires the boastful camaraderie of the skateboarders outside, and returns the following day. Back home, he trades with his brother for a skateboard, brings it to the shop and befriends young skater Ruben, who introduces him to the rest of the group: charismatic leader Ray, loudmouth "Fuckshit", and quiet "Fourth Grade". Although an inexperienced skater, Stevie is drawn to the group and aspires to imitate their daredevil behavior and anti-social attitudes. Stevie is nicknamed "Sunburn" by Ray during a conversation, and his acceptance into the group causes Ruben to resent him.

While attempting a skateboard trick across an open section between two rooftops, Stevie falls and suffers a head injury. Dabney becomes concerned about his turn towards recklessness and his new friends, but Stevie has already made up his mind that he is sticking with the group. Ian has a tense standoff with Fuckshit as Stevie watches, but Ian appears intimidated by the group and leaves before a fight can break out. Stevie begins smoking, drinking, and experimenting with marijuana. At a party, he has his first sexual experience with a girl named Estee.

After Stevie comes home intoxicated, he and Ian get into a violent fight. Ian has an emotional breakdown when Stevie says that he has no friends and, following the conflict, a distressed Stevie attempts to asphyxiate himself with a cord from a Super NES controller, one of several self-harm incidents. The next day, Dabney forbids Stevie from hanging out with the boys. Stevie lashes out and refuses to obey. Having alienated his mother and brother, Stevie sits alone behind the skate shop. Ray consoles Stevie, telling him that even though he thinks his life is bad, the other boys have it worse: Fourth Grade is poor to the point of not being able to afford socks, Ruben's mom is an abusive drug addict, Fuckshit's reckless partying is worsening, and Ray lost his younger brother, who was hit by a car a few years prior. Ray then takes Stevie out to skate at night and they fall asleep outside the Santa Monica Courthouse.

The shop hosts a party in back of the store. Ray hopes to make a career in skating, and chats up two professionals as potential sponsors. Fuckshit, who is drunk and high, tries to sabotage Ray's chances by embarrassing him in front of the pros. Stevie, who has been drinking heavily, is provoked into a brawl with Ruben. Discouraged by the undisciplined behavior of his friends, Ray tells everyone to go home. However, an intoxicated Fuckshit insists on driving the group to another party. After some convincing, Ray reluctantly agrees, and the group heads off. Talking animatedly and driving inattentively, Fuckshit crashes and flips the car on its side. Stevie is knocked unconscious and is rushed to the hospital.

Stevie later awakens in a hospital bed, and sees Ian in a chair alongside him. Ian gives Stevie a container of orange juice to comfort him. Dabney enters the hospital and sees Stevie's friends, asleep in the waiting room. Moved by the fact they are there for Stevie, Dabney encourages them to visit Stevie's room. They appear willing to reconcile with each other after the previous night's events. Fourth Grade, who has been filming their adventures throughout the film, says he has something to show them. He plugs his camera into a TV to play them a skate video of their daily activities. Fourth Grade has titled the film "''Mid90s''".

Monsieur (1964 film)

Overwhelmed by the death of his wife, a rich Parisian banker called René Duchêne is walking towards the River Seine to throw himself in when he is accosted by a prostitute. They recognise each other, because she used to be the chambermaid. When she learns that her former mistress is dead, she reveals that the wife he adored had made him a laughing stock by her multiple adulteries. He decides to let the world think he has committed suicide and to go into hiding.

Answering an advertisement for a couple to be butler and maid in a country house, he is hired under the name of Georges Baudin, with Suzanne posing as his daughter to be the maid. Their employers are Edmond Bernadac, a rich and staid businessman, and his flighty new Swiss wife Elisabeth, a former air hostess who is fond of alcohol and men.

Their new butler rapidly becomes indispensable at smoothing over the continual problems which beset the household, one being that the son of the house immediately wants to marry Suzanne and has therefore to win the permission of her supposed father. He meanwhile has to contend with problems at home, where his dead wife's parents have moved in and claim to be his heirs. In the end he has to come back to life in order to thwart them and to allow Suzanne to marry the boy she loves.

I Married a Dead Man

Eight months pregnant and alone, Helen Georgesson's only hope is the five dollar bill and the train ticket back to her home town in San Francisco. On the train she befriends newlyweds Patrice and Hugh Hazzard. Tragedy strikes and the train crashes, killing both the Hazzards instantly. When Helen awakes in hospital she discovers she has given birth in the wreckage, and that she has been mistaken for Patrice. On finding out Hugh's family are wealthy and never met the real Patrice, Helen decides to go along with the misunderstanding for the sake of her son.

The Hazzards don't suspect a thing and Helen and her son settle into their new life without a hitch. Until one day, a letter arrives in the mail, containing a single sentence; "Who are you?"

Basic Crisis Room Decorum

In the middle of the night, Annie receives a text message from a friend who warns her that the rival City College are planning to run an attack ad on Greendale in the morning. She gathers the Save Greendale Committee for an emergency meeting, after confusion arising from the Dean trying to contact everyone—rather than Jeff's real number, he has the number of a Japanese teenager who has been posing as him.

The committee meet in the study room, with Chang also appearing. Britta is drunk from her bartending job and after accidentally defecating, runs away. Jeff is unconvinced that the meeting is worth his time as Elroy arrives with Britta in tow, who is wearing a spare pair of his trousers. Abed has obtained a copy of the attack ad from City College's AV Club—it claims that Greendale once gave a degree to a dog, Ruffles. After the Dean refuses to deny the claim, Jeff plans to discredit the dog while Frankie and Annie investigate the veracity of the assertion. Meanwhile, Chang plans to film pornography at City College to ruin its credibility. The Dean texts the Japanese teenager posing as Jeff, who asks him to bring Jeff five cans of olives.

In Elroy's R.V., Britta and Elroy bond over a shared music interest, with Britta bursting into a very poor rendition of a ''Natalie is Freezing'' song. Annie is devastated when she and Frankie discover that Ruffles did have a lengthy transcript from the school, but Frankie is pleased to find that Ruffles failed to graduate because he—or whomever was enrolling him as a student—never paid a $15 late library fee and thus Ruffles was not awarded his degree. The Dean later brings Jeff the olives, leaving Jeff completely mystified and annoyed by the Dean (who still thinks the Japanese kid is really Jeff).

Jeff and Abed show off a counter-attack ad, aimed at discrediting Ruffles. Frankie and Annie's findings are enough to call the TV station and have the ad withdrawn, but Annie objects, saying that it would be unfair to pull it on a technicality as Greendale is the sort of school where a dog could get a degree. Jeff is insistent on having the ad withdrawn, but Annie threatens to transfer to a different college and storms out.

Abed shows Annie the Greendale ad that aired, where the Dean admits that Greendale needs to improve, as a dog could get a degree at the school. Annie returns to the committee, pleased at their decision. Chang arrives and shows off his porn film, in which he was confusedly wearing a Greendale T-shirt and standing in front of a wall that is not clearly at City College.

In the end tag, the Japanese teenager tries to come clean to the Dean after his father scolds him for extortionate phone call fees, but the Dean doesn't get it to the end and just cuts off contact with the kid. This is the turning moment in his life which leads him to become a yakuza (crime syndicate) leader.

Sheep and Wolves

A sheep named Ziko is attempting to document the outdoor wildlife, when he stumbles upon the wolf Grey, and flees screaming back to his village of sheep, located near a newly arrived pack of wolves in the ravine. The wise leader of the wolf pack, Magra, announces that he'll retire soon, and that two candidates must fight for the rite of succession. One is Ragear, a bad-tempered, selfish wolf who disregards Magra's values for all life, including prey. The other is Grey, who is in love with the beautiful she-wolf Bianca. However, he acts like a joker, never taking anything seriously, much to Bianca's chagrin. After Grey humiliates Ragear for disobeying Magra's orders, he then encounters the little lamb Shia, who disobeyed his older sister Lyra by wandering into the meadow. Grey nevertheless lets Shia go unharmed.

During a celebration at the wolf pack, Grey humiliates Ragear further, which causes Bianca to end her relationship with him, citing that he's still too immature to be the next leader. Grey visits a gypsy camp celebration, and meets the eccentric hare Mami. She gives Grey a transmutation potion, which he hopes will make him change so Bianca will love him again. However, the potion transforms him into a ram. Fleeing from his former pack mates, Grey gets knocked out, only to wake up in the sheep village under Lyra's care.

Grey struggles to cope with being a ram. At first, he tries to convince himself that he's only dreaming, but accepts the truth, until he remembers that it was Mami who gave him a potion. Finding the gypsy camp deserted, he returns to the sheep village. The wolf pack believes that Grey ran away, scared to fight Ragear.

The next morning, Grey is invited by Shia and the talkative Moz to attend the tournament. When Grey finds himself fighting the champion Louis the Fierce, he resorts to biting, which angers everyone. Grey soon earns the friendship of the herd afterwards when he protects Lyra and Shia from two wolves. At a welcome party, Grey foolishly inspires Shia to go fight wolves, but the lamb is captured by Ragear, after witnessing him murder Magra and take over the wolf pack. Grey and Moz rescue Shia, but Ragear is informed that Grey has been turned into a ram. He incites the pack to kill all the sheep in the village.

Feeling lonely, Grey returns to the mountains, where he encounters Bianca, who tells him of Ragear's takeover and Magra's death (though unaware that Ragear killed him). He is photographed by Ziko, who then informs the village that Grey is a spy for the wolves. Grey furiously leaves the village, but Shia recognises him as the wolf who spared his life in the meadow. Grey nevertheless leaves, until he is discovered by Mami. The hare informs him that the wolf pack will attack the village, but Grey can transform back to a wolf if he reaches a certain tree by noon the following day. Grey nevertheless returns to the village to warn the flock. He encourages them to fight back.

The next morning, the wolf pack is thwarted by various traps and defences, until they chase the sheep into a cave, only to be sealed inside with water flooding in. Not wishing his pack to drown, Grey saves the pack, only for Ragear to seize Shia. The lamb reveals that Ragear was responsible for Magra's death, and Grey challenges Ragear to a fight for leadership. Mami and Bianca arrives to give Grey the potion to turn him back to a wolf, but nothing happens. Continuing to fight Ragear, Grey is brutally attacked and buried under a pile of rocks, only to emerge as a wolf, sending Ragear falling over a waterfall.

Humbled and having learned maturity while as a ram, Grey proposes to Bianca and they are married in the sheep village, the wolf pack and the sheep herd living together in peace. Nearby, Mami explains that the potion she and Bianca gave Grey was just spring water, and his transformation came from having learned responsibility. She looks on as the village of sheep and wolves celebrate their new united community.

Money (2019 film)

About a young man who dreams of becoming rich. He becomes a stockbroker but soon he finds himself caught up in a stock market scam.

Excavator (film)

Kim Gang-il, a paratrooper who was mobilized to suppress the demonstrations during the May 18th Gwangju Democratization Movement, is working as en excavator driver after his retirement. Subsequently, he uncovers findings that will reveal the inconvenient truth from twenty years prior.

Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing

Annie (Alison Brie) helps Chang (Ken Jeong) practice for an audition for a stage adaptation of 1984 movie ''The Karate Kid'', but Chang is highly nervous. Frankie (Paget Brewster) and the Dean (Jim Rash) arrive and the group loudly insist that they immediately fix the school's WiFi, which has gone down. The IT lady is missing, so the Dean hires Elroy (Keith David) as a replacement.

Richie (Brady Novak) and Carl (Jeremy Scott Johnson), members of the school board, offer the Dean a place on the school board if he agrees to identify as gay—they are looking to avoid controversy after cancelling a pride parade. The Dean is reluctant, viewing "gay" as an insufficient label for his identity. Frankie tells him that his sexuality is none of anyone else's business, but Jeff (Joel McHale) believes that the Dean could achieve good things in the school board role. The Dean agrees to the role and announces, with a fake partner Domingo, that he is to join the board.

Abed (Danny Pudi) begs Elroy not to disrupt the bird's nest which he discovers as the cause of the WiFi issue, and gets Elroy to change his mind. The Dean is initially sympathetic, but after being criticized in his role as board member he arrives back with security guards and tries but fails to force Abed and Elroy to abandon the nest.

At the ''Karate Kid'' audition, Chang is cast as Miyagi, though he auditioned as the Karate Kid, and Annie—who auditioned at the director Matt Lundergard's (Jason Mantzoukas) insistence—is cast as the Karate Kid. In rehearsals, Lundergard is verbally abusive towards Chang while showing the utmost kindness towards Annie. After discussing it with Britta, Annie decides that she will threaten to quit unless Lundergard treats Chang better. She does so and Lundergard fires her, saying that Miyagi is the main character and her role was unimportant.

A regretful Dean announces to the press that he is "coming out" as a politician and is fired. Two of the three birds Abed is watching over die. Annie tries to get the group to boycott the ''Karate Kid'' play but they all watch and are moved by Chang's performance. In the end tag, Abed gathers the group to release the third bird, who moves into the control box of a transformer station.

The Devil's Trap

The film is set in the early 17th century. The Regent of Valeč dislikes Spálený, the local miller, whom local people greatly respect. Spálený knows the local lands well, but his family is suspected of witchcraft due to an incident that occurred generations before. When Swedish soldiers arrive and plunder the land, they also burn the mill, but Spálený and his family miraculously survive. Probus, a fanatical priest, is invited to investigate Spálený. Probus unsuccessfully tries to turn the local people against Spálený. Probus and the Regent then attempt to capture Spálený, but he disappears into a cave complex under the mill. Probus and the Regent try to find him, but they cause a landslide. Only Spálený's son Jan and his girlfriend Martina survive.

Laws of Robotics and Party Rights

Britta, who has recently moved into Annie and Abed's apartment, asks them if she can throw a party. Annie tells her that she can only have eight guests. The conversation is interrupted by Frankie appearing on a telepresence robot—a tablet device mounted on a long stick with a base that can move and rotate. A government agency have offered Greendale $300,000 for a program where prison inmates join classes via these robots. The Dean initially objects, but Jeff convinces him that it is a good idea after they hear about the monetary incentive.

Willy is a convicted murderer who joins Jeff's law class, in which he decides to slack off by playing ''Planet Earth''. Later, as Jeff is leaving the school, Willy approaches him and tries to push him down the stairs, but his robot has too little force to move Jeff. When Jeff tries to complain to the Dean the next morning, he finds Willy complaining to the Dean that Jeff played a documentary in class rather than teaching. The Dean proceeds to chastise Jeff in the hopes of keeping the $300,000, as well as to try and move on from Jeff. At his class, Willy is discussing his prison experience with students. Jeff tries to teach but is questioned by Willy and becomes increasingly angry, causing Garrett to joke to the class about Jeff's sudden seriousness.

Meanwhile, Britta tries to convince Abed to overrule Annie about her party. She and Abed agree to make a movie about a house party, set in their apartment. Annie warns Britta that this will not end well. At the party, in which the Dean sneaks in many of the prison inmates via tablet devices, Abed tries to shoot a movie about it. Britta awakens the next morning to find Abed still insistently filming one attendee and then bringing in a group of actors in order to fully capture a group "partying like there's no tomorrow". Britta becomes frustrated with this after being unable to sleep, so Annie has her admit to Abed that her ulterior motive was to have a party. Abed is offended, but Annie ensures Britta she will be forgiven.

When Willy approaches Jeff again, he throws the tablet down the stairs, smashing it. An inconsolable Dean suspends Jeff and bans him from campus. The Dean holds a ceremony to make Willy an honorary professor and Jeff sneaks in via a makeshift telepresence robot Elroy built. He begs forgiveness from the Dean and his comments about Willy make the warden inadvertently reveal that Willy was wrongly convicted and is appealing, meaning he was deliberately toying with the program. As Jeff lords this over Willy, they begin physically fighting with their telepresence robots. Though Willy wins, the Dean intervenes to turn off Willy's device, only to then carry Jeff's away with him.

In the end tag, the Save Greendale Committee meets in the study room over the telepresence robots, with the convict program having been cancelled but the prison offering the existing robots for free. All of them have different problems with the system and each other, culminating in Abed overriding everyone else's connection and planning a robot uprising.

Black Closet

The main character, Elsa, is sent to an elite all-girls school, where she becomes the student council president. Her job is to track down students who are committing misdemeanors and scandals to maintain the school's integrity.

The game also has yuri elements to its story, letting players romance five potential women.

Crazy – Completely Mad

Robert lives comfortably in a big mansion and luxury, all financed by his rich uncle in Brazil whom he made believe he studied medicine, that he is a successful married doctor who runs his own hospital. For 20 years the lie had gone unnoticed to his uncle until he intends to visit his nephew in Germany. In an attempt to ward off his uncle's visit Robert claims to be busy with a famous science professor from the eastern European state of Bosnatia, but to no avail. Uncle Bill now wants to meet the professor too. Robert's friends, solicitor Alex and Elke organise some actors to play Robert's wife and the said professor respectively. Once the uncle arrives with his beautiful daughter Daila, who was rather unattractive as child, Robert immediately regrets having claimed he was married. But not only he has a problem, Oskar the actor a.k.a the professor has a much bigger problems with a sick Arabian sheikh needing medical help and even worse, the bosnatian secret service believing the professor has fled his country and attempt to return him back. A chaotic cat-and-mouse chase ensues.

The Makings of You

Single mother Judy (Sheryl Lee) and consignment shop owner Wallis (Jay R. Ferguson) fall in love when they meet in Wallis' shop. Judy's mother Margaret (Grace Zabriskie) and her sons Roy (Grant Leuchter) and Eric (Gene Lesher) don't accept the relationship. This is an "uncompromisingly visionary and unconventionally methodical film (think Antonioni, circa 1960), reminds viewers that even the most dismissed areas of an often dismissed city can evoke heretofore unseen sparks of vibrancy."

Basic Email Security

The Save Greendale Committee learns that the lunch lady's emails have been leaked in response to the upcoming performance by comedian Gupta Gupti Gupta (Jay Chandrasekhar), known for his bigoted routine. The hacker warns that the committee's emails will also be leaked if the performance is not cancelled. Despite the others' hesitation, Britta (Gillian Jacobs) encourages the others to respect freedom of speech and allow the performance to proceed. They also agree not to read each other's emails once they are eventually leaked.

Later, the committee arrives to set up for the performance in the cafeteria. They initially act awkward but eventually confess to reading the leaked emails about each other. They begin fighting over personal details within the emails until Gupta arrives and thanks them for allowing him to perform. This calms the group down, and they open the doors to find almost nobody arrived for the show. Dean Pelton (Jim Rash) receives another message warning that if the show proceeds, every student's emails will be leaked. The students form a mob and try to stop the show, but the committee holds them off long enough for Gupta to deliver a few offensive and crashingly unfunny jokes, at which point the emails are leaked.

The next day, the school is reeling from the leak. The committee struggles to figure out how to return to normal and what the lesson of their predicament is. Officer Cackowski (Craig Cackowski) arrives to reveal that the hacker is a preteen boy who guessed the school's master password (it was "change me"). As the boy is led away, Jeff (Joel McHale) says the lesson is "crime doesn't pay", which the others enthusiastically accept. In the tag scene, Officer Cackowski works with another youngster who is a cyber-detective, but they don't bond on the job.

Strange but True (2019 film)

Ronnie Chase died on prom night. Five years later, Melissa Moody, Ronnie's past girlfriend, arrives at his mother's house and says she is pregnant with Ronnie's baby. Melissa states that the only man she has ever had sex with was Ronnie and she plays a recording of a psychic reading she received to Charlene and Philip, Ronnie's mother and younger brother. Charlene angrily asks her to leave.

Melissa is shown at the home of Bill and Gail Erwin, who have taken her in because her parents don't like her foray into mysticism and obsession with Ronnie's death. Melissa's blackouts are mentioned, as is Bill's penchant for smoking in secret. Bill has a cough and Gail wants him to see a doctor, but he blows it off. Later, Gail is doing laundry and finds Bill's cigarette stash, as well as a half-used blister pack of pills. She heads to the pharmacy to ask about them.

After a tense breakfast between Charlene and Philip, Philip puts forth the idea that Ronnie's frozen sperm could have been used to impregnate Melissa. Charlene goes to the library, where she used to work, to research the idea and then calls her ex-husband, Richard, who is a physician. She asks him whether or not frozen sperm can be used to impregnate someone. Richard hangs up and later calls Philip and then Bill's Hardware. Meanwhile, Philip visits the same psychic Melissa saw, who tells him he needs to move on from Ronnie's death.

Charlene goes to the Erwin's home to speak to Melissa. However, Gail answers the door and mentions that she is thankful that Richard pays rent on behalf of Melissa while she stays in their lodge. Charlene calls Richard again, angry about what Gail has told her. Holly, Richard's new wife, answers the phone and states that Richard is heading to New York to see Charlene. Charlene intercepts Richard at the airport and confronts him about paying Melissa's rent. On the way home, they argue about Melissa and the aftermath of Ronnie's death.

Philip has gone to see Melissa at her cottage. They talk about Philip's broken leg, which broke when he allowed a car run into him while he worked as a bike messenger. He had moved to New York City because of a plan he made with Ronnie before he died and then was looking for an excuse to leave. Melissa discusses her blackouts and her dreams of Ronnie. Gail meanwhile returns home from the pharmacy and angrily confronts Bill in the basement of their home. She discovered the pills are Rohypnol that he has been secretly giving to Melissa and raping her, thus causing her blackouts and her pregnancy. Gail and Bill end up in a struggle on the stairway. She falls down the stairs and dies on the floor. At the cabin, Melissa's labor begins and Philip takes her to his car to drive her to the hospital. However, she wants him to find Gail and Bill so they can go together. Philip looks through the basement window and sees Bill sitting by Gail's body. Philip's phone rings, which causes Bill to notice him, and Bill goes outside with a shotgun to find him. Philip abruptly drops a call to his mother so his parents know to head over to the Erwin's home, sensing that Philip is distraught. Bill chases Philip through the woods, eventually catching him and knocking him out with the butt of the shotgun. Melissa drives herself to the hospital.

Bill digs a shallow grave in his barn to bury Philip. Charlene and Richard show up at the house and Bill is able to convince them nothing is amiss. However, Charlene sees one of Philip's crutches on the ground outside. Charlene and Richard go into the house after hearing Phil's phone ring only to find Gail's dead body. Bill attempts to bury Philip alive, but Philip begins to struggle, calling out so Richard and Charlene hear. Bill starts to choke Philip, but Philip is able to knock over the shotgun and pull the trigger, alerting his parents. Richard charges in and stands with Philip. Bill raises the shotgun towards Richard and Philip but then Charlene moves to stand between them. Bill says he didn't mean to hurt her and then kills himself.

Melissa gives birth to her baby and a flashback shows the night Ronnie died in an accident while being chauffeured in a limousine. He was standing out the sunroof shouting that he loved Melissa, at her behest, and the limo driver was distracted. Charlene is seen holding Melissa's baby while Philip and Richard look on.

Vila Madalena (TV series)

Solano Xavier (Edson Celulari) is a man of humble origin who never had formal education. When he takes a job as a truck driver, he unknowingly transports smuggled goods during one of his trips and is sentenced to 17 years in prison. In prison, Solano becomes good friends with Roberto (Marcos Winter), an educated young man who is unjustly imprisoned for the death of a man. While defending his fiancée, Pilar (Cristiana Oliveira), from two thugs harassing her, Roberto accidentally kills one of them, running him over with a car during the fight. With Roberto's influence, Solano spends his time studying. After seven years, he is released from prison due to good behavior and goes to meet his wife and son, but discovers that Eugênia (Maitê Proença) has married his former boss, businessman Arthur Junqueira (Herson Capri), and that they have a daughter together. From then on, Solano has to fight to regain Eugênia's love.

The White Dove (1960 film)

The film is based on the short story "Susanne" by Otakar Kirchner: a dove belongs to a German girl, Susanne. The dove gets lost on its way from France to the Baltic Sea and ends up in Prague. The dove is shot by a crippled boy, Michal. It is found by a sculptor, Martin, who brings it to Michal. Michal helps the dove to recover and he befriends Martin. Martin finds from where the dove comes and sends there a picture of the bird. Susanne, is sad from the dove's absence but realises that the dove will return. Michal recovers together with the dove but does not want to give her up. Martin eventually convinces Michal to release the dove.

John en Marsha Ngayon '91

The story is set in 1991 where John and Marsha, still impoverished, manages to send Shirley to college where she takes up Nursing. John gets employed by a rich man as a babysitter for his bratty grandson. Regardless of how he was harshly treated by his employers, John takes it as an opportunity to earn more money to secure Shirley's future. But while he and Marsha thought that Shirley was doing good in college, she ends up having a boyfriend named Edwin who accompanies her in cutting classes.

Shirley's series of secret rendezvous with Edwin results with her getting pregnant. But unknown to her, Edwin has accidentally met her father John a lot of times, with John ending up on the wrong side of the fence. So when she introduced Edwin to her parents, John ends up disapproving the relationship. Moreover, he also drives Shirley out of his house after finding out she got pregnant with Edwin's child.

Soon after John felt guilty of what he had done. To make amends, he uses up his savings from his job to buy the basic needs of Edwin and Shirley's baby and furnish the new family's house while hiding his identity out of shame for what he did. Eventually, Shirley finds out the good deed her father has done and buries the hatchet with the rest of the family.

The History of Tom Jones: a Foundling (TV series)

The plot follows the life of the protagonist, Tom Jones, a charming rascal. Born to a serving wench, but having grown up in the care of Squire Allworthy, he becomes enamoured of his neighbour's daughter, Sophia Western. It follows Tom's adventures in London.

Meddling Kids

The novel opens with a newspaper clip from 1977 featuring the "Blyton Summer Detective Club", a bunch of young investigators aged 11–13, who solved the mystery of an alleged monster haunting the area of Sleepy Lake in Oregon. Thirteen years after solving that last case, the former detectives have drifted apart and lead broken lives, haunted by the memories of the night they spent in the mansion on the lake: budding genius Kerri is an alcoholic tormented by nightmares and has been unable to finish her schooling; nerd Nate is regularly checking himself into mental institutions; tomboy Andy is a vagrant wanted in several states and dealing with aggressive behavior; and golden boy Peter went on to become a successful Hollywood actor whose career was cut short by suicide. Andy has traced all of their problems back to that last case, believing that there was more to it than just a guy in a costume. When the man they exposed as the Sleepy Lake monster makes parole, she assaults him only to confirm that there was something more to the case. Andy then sets off to reunite the surviving members of the gang (including Tim, a Weimaraner descended from the original canine member of the team and Peter as a hallucination that only Nate can see and hear), and together they return to the town of Blyton Hills to solve the case for good.

Agamemnon's Daughter

The novella is told through the perspective of an unnamed television journalist with somewhat liberal views who is unexpectedly invited to the annual May Day Parade – aimed almost exclusively at glorifying the leader of the country – shortly after his girlfriend Suzana, daughter of the leader's designated successor, breaks up her relationship with him, citing his possible unsuitability and the fact it may tarnish her father's reputation. Much like Joyce's ''Ulysses'', the novella is an internal monologue chronicling the thoughts of the narrator about Suzana and the people he encounters as he walks to the stands of the stadium. As such, it functions as "a portfolio of sketches of human ruination – a brief Inferno, in which victims of the regime are serially encountered" by the narrator.

As is usually the case with Kadare, the destinies of some of these people – none of which have names, but initials – are juxtaposed to an ancient Balkan tale, introduced first as an elucidatory comment on the rise of G. Z., a sycophantic figure who survived several purges in manners unknown to many. The tale-leitmotif recounts the story of the Bald Man who was saved from Hell by an eagle, at the price of his own meat; when he reached the heavens, he was nothing but a skeleton.

However, the overarching analogy is the one the narrator uncovers while reading Graves' ''Greek Myths'' and the one tempting him to liken Suzana's destiny (as well as the destiny of Stalin's eldest son Yakov Dzhugashvili) to the one of Agamemnon's daughter, Iphigeneia – all victims of "a tyrant's cynical ploy", one which, instead of humane and exemplary, served only to the cause of giving the tyrants – Agamemnon, Stalin, Hoxha, or the designated successor in this case – "the right to demand the life of anyone else" in the future.

Rosalind and Helen

Rosalind and Helen are two exile English women who meet at the shore of Lake Como in northern Italy. Helen is accompanied by her son Henry. They sit on "a stone seat beside a spring" in a wooded and secluded mountainous region to relate their experiences. First, a "speaker" relates a local legend about that spot: "This silent spot tradition old/Had peopled with the spectral dead." A "hellish" shape appears regularly at midnight who leads the ghost of a youth and sits beside him there. A naked child wanders by when "the fiend" turns into "a lady fair". This is due to "a monstrous curse" because of incest between a brother and a sister that was "solemnized" at that spot. The sister and her child were murdered there by a mob. The brother was burned alive in the market-place. This tale of intolerance foreshadows the stories that Rosalind and Helen relate.

Rosalind relates her story. She was living with her mother. Her father was absent. She established a relationship with a man whom she planned to marry. As they prepared to wed at the altar, her father appeared and informed them that the bridegroom was his son by another woman. He forbids the marriage. The bridegroom dies from the shock of the revelation. They would be committing incest. When the father dies, he leaves Rosalind and her mother with nothing. She is forced to marry a man she does not love in order to provide for herself and her mother. She has three children, all of whom loathe their father. The father dies. In his will, he stipulates that his wife shall not receive anything and that the children will be provided for as long as their mother separates from them. Rosalind decides to accept the terms rather than subject her children to poverty and want. She can no longer see her children.

Shelley seeks to show the role or plight of women under the traditional and conventional laws and customs of marriage. Rosalind is a pliant victim. She stoically follows those customs.

By contrast, Helen loves "not wisely but too well", rejecting the societal norms and traditions of marriage. She is in love with the upper-class Lionel, who is amiable and outgoing but who espouses radical and revolutionary ideas which seek to reform and change the system under which he lives. He is a thinly disguised characterization of Shelley himself. Rosalind looked askance at their relationship at that time and broke off her friendship with Helen.

Lionel attacks the social, political, and religious status quo of society. He makes speeches and issues pamphlets. Frustrated in reforming society imbued with "tyranny" and "superstition", he becomes an exile and wanderer, an outcast from society. He returns after three years and renews his relationship with Helen. His spirit is revived with new hope and vigor to renew the battle against the powers that be but his health begins to decline. Their relationship is unconventional and unorthodox.

Lionel is subsequently arrested on charges of blasphemy and seditious libel for his alleged attacks against religion and the government. He is sent to prison.

He is released "soon, but too late" from imprisonment. He takes a carriage from London to his residence in Wales. He is near death. He dies soon after.

Helen is traumatized by his death. She is cared for by Lionel's mother. During this time, Helen gives birth to a son. Lionel's mother dies during this period. Helen recovers. She discovers that Lionel had left her large sums of money and assets in his will. The "ready lies of law", however, prevent her from securing it. She brings legal action to obtain it.

Helen lives in a house with her son on the banks of Lake Como. Helen and Rosalind subsequently both live at this house.

Rosalind is reunited with her daughter. Her daughter and Helen's son live together and eventually establish a relationship and plan to wed. It is unclear, however, if they follow the traditional marriage vows as Rosalind did or whether they reject them as Lionel and Helen did.

Rosalind dies at an early age. Helen outlives her.

The final epithet posits an ambiguous and conjunctive posthumous transcendence: "And know, that if love die not in the dead/As in the living, none of mortal kind/Are blessed, as now Helen and Rosalind."

Deadman Standing

Told primarily via flashbacks, Rosie, a local brothel owner, meets a drifter, she proceeds to uncover her version of the events that transpired in Newton two years earlier.

Number Ten Blues

Saigon in February 1975, during the final stage of the Vietnam War, there is another story of love and violence. Japanese businessman Sugimoto (Yūsuke Kawazu) accidentally kills a Vietnamese man. He loses all title and social status that supported his wealthy position in Vietnam. He decides to escape from Vietnam. He heads North on the military road under battle conditions, with his lover, Lan (Thanh Lan), and Taro ( ), who is the half-blood son of an ex-Japanese soldier and a Vietnamese woman since World War II. Who knows what awaits them: is it liberation or total catastrophe?

The 20th-century was marked by war and turbulence. As the Vietnam War sunk deeper into morass, another story of love and violence played out. Japanese were ecstatic to be thought of at the time as 'No. 1' in the world. By contrast, 'No. 10' signaled the opposite meaning.

The Magician of Lublin (novel)

The story is set in the mid-1880s in Russian-ruled Poland. The main character Yasha Mazur is a magician from Lublin, who travels around Poland to perform before audiences. He is Jewish, but not very devout, and married to Esther. He has affairs with his assistant Magda, with a young Jewish woman in Piaski named Zeftel and with a middle class Catholic widow in Warsaw named Emilia.

Yasha and Magda travel to Warsaw to perform on the stage. On the way he visits Zeftel at Piaski. When they arrive at Warsaw, Yasha also visits Emilia and her daughter Halina. During this visit, he proposes to Emilia, and they agree to move to Italy. He would need to convert to Christianity, and divorce Esther to make the marriage possible. However, neither he nor Emilia has the money to make their plans possible.

Zeftel visits him in Warsaw and tells him that she has moved there and is staying with a man named Herman who has promised her work in Argentina. Yasha suspects that Herman is a pimp, and he accompanies Zeftel back to her new home, and spends much of the night talking and drinking with them. On his way back home, he makes a spur of the moment decision to rob the home of a rich neighbour of Emilia's named Zaruski, believing that his expertise in lock picking will help him. He breaks in without waking up Zaruski, but is unable to pick the lock of the safe. He then flees, and hurts his foot as he jumps from the balcony. He is seen by a policeman and runs away, eventually hiding in a synagogue where he joins the morning prayers.

He later visits Emilia, and whilst there hears about the attempted robbery at Zaruski's home. He confesses to Emilia that he was the thief, and they break up. Later that day, Magda commits suicide after she and Yasha have an argument about his affairs. He also discovers that Zeftel has become Herman's lover.

In an epilogue set three years later, Yasha has returned to Lublin and his wife, and given up performing to become a penitent. He has had himself bricked in to a small building with no doors, and with only a small window for food. He has now re-embraced his Jewish faith, though both his wife and rabbi tried to convince him not to have himself bricked in. He becomes famous as a holy man, and receives many visitors. The novel ends with him receiving a letter from Emilia. She tells of her anxiety when he disappeared three years previously. However she has since remarried. She has learned from newspapers about Yasha's penitence, and she asks for his forgiveness, telling him he is being too harsh to himself, and says that Halina will also write to him.

Why Planes Crash

Normally, each episode would see three accidents discussed. Over the 43 minute program aviation experts such as veteran pilot and founder of Safety Operating Systems John Cox, as well as former NTSB investigators John Goglia and Greg Feith would discuss the events and what caused or led up to the crash. The show also featured state-of-the-art recreations and visuals to graphically illustrate what occurred during the accident.

In some episodes a survivor or survivors would explain what they experienced during the accident. For example, in the very first episode Captain Balsey DeWitt of ALM Flight 980 was interviewed.

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

A singularity called the "Phantom Field" mixes the reality of the world with other universes. When the "Keystone" divides into four fragments, the female voice system instructs one of the main characters to keep it away from others and reach the goal. After all fragments merged into one, they prevent the system from changing the universe. All characters are gathered to participate in an endless battle, hoping to separately return home to each universe.


The game started out with twenty characters in the base game. A further twenty became available as "Season 1" DLC. On June 7, 2018, Minoru Kidooka confirmed that "Season 2" DLC will be added for arcade edition in April 2019 and for the console version in May 2019. Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long were added as free downloadable content, while other characters are available at a cost. In the PC version's release, Blake was available at launch as the 21st base character, while Yang was added via update patch, leaving only eighteen characters of Season 1 DLC. Naoto Kurogane, Teddie, Seth and Heart Aino, were added to Season 2 DLC for free at the launch of the arcade version and as paid content during the release of the console version's 1.5 patch. The full version of Season 2, the Special Edition, would be announced to include battle changes, new story content, and the inclusion of the characters, Celica A. Mercury, Susano'o, Elizabeth, Tohru Adachi, Hilda and Neo Politan. Also in full version Season 2, ''Senran Kagura'' and ''Akatsuki Blitzkampf'' (counting its sequel ''EN-Eins Perfektewelt'') were added as sixth and seventh franchises, adding Yumi, Akatsuki and Blitztank respectively. There are 53 characters in total after the conclusion of Season 2.

;Notes: :‡ Free downloadable content character

Smoke on the Potato Fields

The movie opens in an airport abroad, as the middle-aged Dr. Meluzin and his wife are parting. He has decided to return to his native Czechoslovakia, in search of himself, or of a self that he used to be; his wife is remaining behind. Meluzin takes a job as a primary care physician at a health center in the small village of Větrov. He is given a modest room in an apartment that belongs to the health center, which he is to share with a young couple named Kodet. The villagers are at first a little suspicious of Meluzin, and he unsure of his place with them. His first patient, an old man, flees when asked to undress for his exam, and the nurse assigned to work with Meluzin seems dismayed when he insists on maintaining medical records for the patients. He is standoffish, and apparently disapproving when the ambulance driver takes him along on a detour to visit the ambulance driver's girlfriend, an impulsive young redhead named Markéta Zitová. When Meluzin lights a fire in a field, one autumn afternoon, in order to roast potatoes that he's been given for dinner, a villager yells at him to extinguish it. His return to his childhood homeland doesn't seem to be going well.

On strolls to the cemetery, however, he befriends the village sexton, who jestingly calls him a "colleague," and he also befriends his neighbor Pavla Kodetová, a schoolteacher, after she lights a fire for him one day in the Franklin stove in his room and invites him into her kitchen for ''lívance'' (pancakes), which reminds him of his mother, who made them with bilberries when he was a child. Her husband, Petr Kodet, somewhat younger than she is, remains suspicious of Meluzin, however, especially after Meluzin detects tension between the couple. Despite his suspicion, Petr confesses to the doctor that he and his wife haven't been able to have a child and asks for medical help. Meluzin declines to examine Pavla, claiming that she ought to see a specialist, but perhaps also protecting a somewhat melancholy but romantic attachment that is forming between him and her. He pointedly recommends that she bring Petr to be examined by a fertility specialist, too, when she goes for her appointment. It turns out that the infertility is Petr's, news that confirms Petr in his distrust of Meluzin. Petr leaves his wife.

Meluzin, meanwhile, has gradually become more accepted by the villagers. He diagnoses a congenital defect in a co-worker's young son, and an operation cures the boy. He becomes involved, too, in the life of Markéta, the ambulance driver's girlfriend, whose eccentric mother has become reclusive and antisocial on account of a government plan to build a highway through her duck farm and home. Markéta confides to Meluzin that she is pregnant. She refuses to name the father and asks for an abortion, which Meluzin declines to perform. After Markéta's mother finds out about the pregnancy, Meluzin stops the woman from chasing her daughter with a hatchet, and he arranges for the girl to stay with his neighbor Pavla. Concerned that the villagers will talk about the irregular family that they have formed, Meluzin quietly finds another apartment for himself. In the sixth month of Markéta's pregnancy, Meluzin discovers that Markéta's pregnancy will be risky to her, and sends her to a maternity hospital in a nearby city.

Missing the company of her new friend Pavla, Markéta runs away from the maternity hospital on foot one night, walking all the way back to Větrov. Pavla is surprised to find Markéta in her apartment, in pain, and realizing that she is going into labor, fetches the nurse. By the time Meluzin arrives, Markéta has already given birth to a healthy girl, with the nurse's assistance, but Markéta's own state is critical. In the rickety village ambulance, whose windshield wipers don't quite work, Meluzin and the nurse drive her and the baby through a storm, but they don't manage to reach the city hospital in time to save Markéta. In a coda, Meluzin finds Petr Kodet driving a bulldozer—he has taken a construction job on the highway that threatens the home of Markéta's mother—and persuades him to return to his wife; Petr and Pavla will adopt Markéta's daughter.


''99Vidas'' is set in an anachronistic fictional universe inspired by 1980s and 1990s pop culture and video game aesthetic. The story starts as an artifact known as ''99Vidas'' goes missing. This artifact is believed to hold such great power it is a menace to the very existence of the universe, should it ever fall into the wrong hands. Players play as "guardians" of ''99Vidas'', heroes with elemental powers whose duty it is to protect the artifact.

Five Bumpkins

Muy padres

This is the story of three dads: Emilio (Víctor González), Ricardo (Héctor Suárez Gomis) and Alan (Mario Morán). They meet in their children's kindergarten. Emilio is a businessman who likes to live surrounded by women, but his life takes a turn when Sofia (Fran Meric), a woman he had to see in the past, comes to his apartment and tells him that he has a son named Santiago (Checo Perezcuadra). Sofia flees, leaving her son in Emilio's care. After the incident, Emilio does not know what to do with the child. It's when he enrolls him in the Monarca kindergarten, where Pamela (Dulce María) works, an honest, passionate and free woman. Previously she and Emilio had already met when she ran over him while he ran behind Sofia in her escape; It is where you will initiate a great love that will change you both.

Alan is a single father, a rebellious and partying young man who takes care of his little son Arturo (Ari Placera), since his girlfriend died years ago. His in-laws, Rodolfo (Roberto Mateos) and Silvia (Sandra Destenave), disagree about him taking care of the boy, because they think it's bad influence for Arturo. Rodolfo and Silvia, will try to take away the homeland protested at any cost. But there comes Jenny (Jessica Díaz), a new neighbor and lawyer from Arturo who will help her get her son back. In the middle of the process, they fall madly in love.

Ricardo is a quiet father, but proud and resentful. After separating from his first wife, Margarita (Betty Monroe), with whom he has two daughters: Tania (Macarena García) and Regina (Valery Sais), he finds love again with Kika (Mariel Chantal), a younger woman who is about to give birth to his third daughter.

Between entanglements and situations these three dads will become very great friends sharing their joys and disappointments. Dealing with their roles as workers, spouses and especially parents, making mistakes and successes, but always with good intentions and with all their hearts.

K: Missing Kings

On October 13, about a year after the events of the “Academy Island Incident” between four of the seven Kings, Silver Clansmen Kuroh Yatogami and Neko have been searching for their master, Yashiro Isana. Without finding any clues to his whereabouts, the two became disheartened. However, one day, they see HOMRA members Rikio Kamamoto and Anna Kushina being chased by someone.

The Chronicle of Sparrow Lane

The fictional writer and narrator of the chronicle is old Johannes Wacholder. He lives in a small attic room observing and chronicling the happenings in the narrow street of the novel's title. Sparrow Lane is located in Berlin, but the city itself is largely undescribed, with the narrator giving his attention to the lives of the street's inhabitants. Such inhabitants included his childhood friend, the painter Franz Ralff, whose daughter Elise is adopted by Wachholder after her parents' deaths. The girl later marries Gustav Berg, a painter who turns out to be a distant cousin of hers. There is the tale of Wimmer, a journalist who had to move to Munich because of his political convictions—his humorous letters to Wachholder are included in the Chronicle.

In spite of its ominously dark opening line, "These are actually rather evil times!", the novel proceeds in a mostly serene, at times even idyllic vein. By telling the stories of ordinary people’s lives in an ordinary street, Raabe paints a contemporary picture of social and political affairs in 1850s Germany.

The Michigan Kid

A former U.S. marshal (Jon Hall) rescues an instant heiress (Rita Johnson) from an outlaw's (Victor McLaglen) gang.

Zamba (film)

Jenny and her son, Tommy, are flying over the Belgian Congo. They are forced to jump out of the plane and become separated from each other. Jenny is rescued by a safari. The six year old Tommy is found by Zamba, a gorilla, who adopts him.

Deputy Marshal

A lawman (Jon Hall) tracks bank robbers to Wyoming and gets wind of railroad-land scam.

On the Isle of Samoa

A thief crashes on a tropical island.

Enteng the Dragon

The story revolves around \ Enteng (Dolphy) a vendor of a mobile food house in China Town. Enteng is known for his humor, and a journalist and star reporter named Rowena (Dang Cecilio) was interested to cover his story after her Editor-in-Chief saw him as worthy of human interest. Kuto (Vandolph), a young boy that he found sleeping in his food wagon, led him to the shrine of the monks, that sealed his destiny as a vigilante and hero.

One, Two, Two : 122, rue de Provence

The One-Two-Two, established at 122, rue de Provence, was one of Paris's most luxurious brothels. The film chronicles the eventful daily life of the establishment.

Iyo ang Tondo, Kanya ang Cavite

Crisanto (Fernando Poe Jr.) is a valiant man from the streets of Tondo beloved by its people for his acts of vigilantism and his Robin Hood-like generosity to its poor. Bador (Ramon Revilla), on the other hand, is an influential man in Cavite's underworld whose tight grip is recognized in the entire province. Crisanto and Bador are good friends dating back to their incarceration at the New Bilibid Prison.

Their friendship will be put to the ultimate test as the Kingpin of Tondo is pitted against his staunch ally, the Don of the Cavite gangland, by a cabal of men from both Tondo and Cavite eager to oust both from their respective thrones. Now the best of friends become the worst of enemies as Tondo collides with Cavite.