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Sweet Lavender (1920 film)

As described in various film magazine reviews, Lavender (Minter) lives with her aunt Ruth Holt (Keckley), who runs a boarding house for college boys. Lavender believes that Ruth is her mother; she does not know that her real mother died in childbirth after her husband cast her out for her lower social status.

Among the boys at Ruth's boarding house is a freshman called Clem Hale (Goodwin). Some sophomores play a prank on him, tying him to a chair when he is supposed to be giving a speech at a dinner. Lavender deceives the sophomores and rescues Clem from his plight, and a romance develops between them.

Clem's guardian, Horace Weatherburn (Sills), pays his charge a visit, and, thinking Lavender to be beneath Clem's status, objects vehemently to the relationship. Lavender's aunt Ruth also objects, but for very different reasons; she recognises Weatherburn as her sister's cruel husband, and thus Lavender's father. Lavender is sent off to boarding school and away from Clem.

Lavender escapes from boarding school when she hears that Clem is seriously ill. Disguising herself in boys' clothes, she walks through the rain until she is overcome with exhaustion and faints. Weatherburn finds her, and recognises her from Clem's engagement ring, which she still wears. Impressed by Lavender's devotion to Clem at the expense of her own safety, he takes her to him. Mrs. Holt tells Weatherburn the truth - that Lavender is really his daughter - and all objections to her union with Clem are overcome.

The September 4th, 1920 edition of Motion Picture News lists a musical cue sheet for the film.


Minato Narumiya used to be in his middle school's kyūdō club until a certain incident in his last tournament caused him to resolve to quit archery for good. When he attends high school, his childhood friends Seiya Takehaya and Ryōhei Yamanouchi try to rope him into joining the high school's kyūdō club again, but he refuses. However, an encounter with a mysterious man at an archery range in a forest inspires Minato to take up archery once more. Minato joins the Kazemai High School Kyūdō Club and along with his old friends and new teammates, Nanao Kisaragi and Kaito Onogi, they aim for winning the prefectural tournament.

Judy (film)

At the outset of the film, Judy Garland is 16 years old and is being told by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio head, Louis B. Mayer on the set of ''The Wizard of Oz'', that she has a gift other girls do not. Her talent at singing is nearly unmatched while she is able to surpass the success of Shirley Temple as a Hollywood child star. She is then shown in her forties, performing with Lorna and Joey, her two children from her marriage to Sidney Luft, her third husband. Later, they try to check into their hotel but are turned away for previous nonpayment. Because of this, Judy is forced to return home to Luft, who has since divorced her.

At a party, Judy meets Mickey Deans, a nightclub owner, and they become friends. In a flashback to her teenage years with Mickey Rooney, her studio minder interrupts a date to give her amphetamines to help control her appetite and thus keep her weight down. The action returns to 1968, with her seeing an agent who tells her that Great Britain is open to her, but that the US reception to her has cooled due to her performance unreliability and moodiness. She decides to embark for there, leaving Lorna and Joey with Luft, which is difficult for her.

In Great Britain, substance abuse keeps Judy from performing reliably. She is late to her London première and assistants are called upon to check on her health and fix her make-up. The fans are enthusiastic and her performance is excellent. The film goes to another flashback to young Judy, who complains about being fed with pills to help her meet her schedule demands. Back in London in 1968, she is performing again and starts to sing the "Clang, clang, clang..." lyrics to "The Trolley Song" to loud applause.

Judy meets two adoring gay fans at the stage door on her way out and joins them for a late-night snack at their flat. They bond over their difficulties, and she sings "Get Happy" while one of the fans plays the piano. Deans comes to London on a surprise visit, which cheers her up. She still has trouble making her stage performances on time because of substance abuse and anxiety. Another flashback shows Mayer talking to her with her explaining that she is exhausted by her work schedule, and Mayer uses emotional abuse and physical intimidation to keep her in line.

Judy's sponsoring British agent has her examined by a voice specialist doctor. She says she had a tracheotomy two years ago, which weakened her voice. The doctor diagnoses physical and mental exhaustion, which requires rest for recovery. Her relationship with Deans is a support to her personal life, and they marry, making him her fifth husband. She still thinks about Lorna and Joey and suffers from being separated from them. They, however, are happy in school in California. Deans has bad news about a money deal that fell through, which means she must stay in Great Britain to make ends meet. At her next performance, she passes out on stage and is heckled. Her singing engagement is terminated but she returns for a last night on stage, where she asks to perform one last song. She breaks down while singing "Over the Rainbow" but recovers with the encouragement of supportive fans and is able to complete the performance. She asks, "You won't forget me, will you?" to the audience, who applaud before she ends her performance by saying, "Promise you won't". The film's end card says she died six months later, in summer 1969, at the age of 47.

Sons a Witches

Gerald Broflovski, Randy Marsh, and their male friends celebrate the first night of Witch Week by meeting at a hilltop park called Sentinel Hill dressed as witches for a party where they dance in a circle around a fire, get drunk and smoke crack cocaine. Meanwhile, fourth grader Eric Cartman impatiently waits for his girlfriend, Heidi Turner, to finish getting ready for a pumpkin patch carnival. By the time they arrive there, many of the attractions have already closed, much to Cartman's irritation.

Chip Duncan, one of the men at the Witch Week party, reads from a spellbook from Salem, Massachusetts and transforms into a real witch. He takes flight on a broomstick, kidnaps some children, and attacks South Park with flaming pumpkin bombs, setting the carnival on fire. The carnival patrons, including Cartman and Heidi, are forced to flee, much to the protest of Cartman, who did not get to enjoy any of the attractions. The following day, Randy's wife Sharon confronts him about the news of Duncan's behavior, but Randy insists that he and his friends are not like Duncan, whom he labels a "bad witch."

At school the fourth grade boys, including Gerald and Randy's sons, Kyle Broflovski and Stan Marsh, discuss the witch, whom they assume is female. Fearing that their parents will forbid them from trick-or-treating, they decide they must do something, but Cartman, still angered over the previous night, can only stare threateningly across the room at Heidi, and when told that "we gotta do something to get rid of her," agrees, thinking they are talking about Heidi. When Sharon expresses disapproval of Randy's leaving for Day 2 of Witch Week, in light of Chip Duncan being on the loose, Randy refuses to abandon a decades-long tradition because of one bad witch. When Randy and his friends discover that Sentinel Hill has been closed off to the public, this confirms their perception that they are being persecuted for Duncan's actions in a manner akin to a witch hunt, though their avoidance of that term recurs as a running gag throughout the episode.

While Chip Duncan continues to attack the town and kidnap children, Kyle, Stan, Kenny McCormick and Butters Stotch meet at Kyle's house to research how to kill witches. Cartman arrives and instead proposes a plan to get rid of Heidi, and when Kyle and the others refuse this, Cartman storms out. At a school assembly the following day, Randy and his witch-garbed friends put on a musical number intended to convey the public service message that not all witches kidnap children, but merely the one bad one. While Stan and Kyle are unimpressed with this message, it inspires Cartman to invite Heidi to a Halloween costume party as part of a plan to dispose of her. That night he leads her down a dark, tree-lined path, where he leaves her to be confronted by Chip Duncan, who kidnaps her. When Stan and Kyle discover that Chip Duncan was part of the same witch's club as their fathers, and that they are all missing, they contact the one member of the club who has been absent from town: President Garrison.

Randy's fellow club member Stephen Stotch tries to convince him to publicly confess their crack cocaine use and the spells that he reveals that they placed on their wives. Randy asks him to wait until the following morning to do this, a delay that allows Randy to contact the others to have Stephen sacrificed to the Devil. Stephen is lured to a Ross Dress for Less parking lot, where they publicly accuse him in front of shoppers and the police of being the bad witch, but Chip descends before them on his broomstick. He reveals that he is using a magic satchel to carry the children and plans to use their souls to increase his power. President Garrison arrives in Air Force One and has Chip incinerated with a laser fired upon him from an orbital satellite. The police release all of the children from the bag except for Heidi, who is not fully ready, and tells the police she will be shortly. Rejoicing that Chip is now dead, Garrison and the witches leave to enjoy the rest of their Witch Week partying, but Cartman is again miserable when Heidi's procrastination delays their trick-or-treating.

Shin Megami Tensei V

The protagonist, an ordinary high-school student, and his school friends Yuzuru Atsuta and Ichiro Dazai are caught up in a mysterious earthquake and transported to Da'at; an alternative apocalyptic version of Tokyo amidst an almighty battle between angels and demons. As he travels in this world, he shortly becomes overrun by demons and is nearly killed, only to be saved by a god-like being, Aogami. Together, they fuse into a Nahobino, a forbidden being that is neither human nor demon, but more so a deity. The protagonist traverses Da'at, clashes with a man named Shohei Yakumo and his demon partner Nuwa, and discovers a terminal that returns him and his friends to Tokyo. There, he learns that Yuzuru and fellow classmate Tao Isonokami are actually operatives of a clandestine international organization called Bethel focused on keeping humanity out of the war between angels and demons. Ichiro volunteers to join Bethel while the protagonist is conscripted due to his newfound powers as a Nahobino.

The next day, demons from Da'at invade the protagonist's high school and abduct several of the students. The protagonist and his friends launch a rescue mission, during which Ichiro's self-esteem issues lead to him latching on to Bethel's angelic leader Abdiel. The protagonist rescues most of the kidnapped students, but Tao sacrifices herself to defeat the demons' commander, who was searching for (and manipulating) a human to merge with so it could become a Nahobino. In the aftermath, Bethel Japan's leader Hayao Koshimizu orders the protagonist and his friends to join a Bethel siege on the demons' stronghold in defiance of Abdiel's orders. The protagonist makes his way through the castle and kills the demon's leader, Arioch.

Afterwards, it is revealed that the creator god is dead and that a Nahobino must take His throne. With their common enemy dead, the various factions of Bethel splinter in the hopes of taking the Creator's throne for themselves. Koshimizu reveals that his true identity is Tsukuyomi, leader of the Amatsukami, and that he desires to restore the world to the rule of the gods of old; he is joined by Yuzuru in this endeavor. Ichiro convinces Abdiel to join him in restoring the will of God to the world, while Shohei and Nuwa declare their intent to destroy the Creator's throne outright and leave humanity's fate in its own hands. The protagonist, joined by a reincarnated Tao, makes his way to the Temple of Eternity and may side with any of the three warring factions. In all cases, the other candidates for the throne are all slain and the protagonist is confronted by God's killer Lucifer for a final battle (unless he chooses to destroy the throne). After defeating him, the protagonist can reshape the world as he sees fit. If the protagonist elects to uphold God's order, he sacrifices humanity's freedom and self-determination to create a world of peace and harmony. If the protagonist elects to restore the old gods, he creates a world of freedom and potential that is wracked with strife and conflict. If the protagonist elects to destroy the throne, the conflicts that plague humanity and demonkind continue, although humanity's victory is inevitable. Additionally, if the protagonist has completed several optional sidequests and initially sided with Shohei, he can accept Nuwa's alternate proposal to create a world for humanity alone. The protagonist removes all demons and gods from the world, including Aogami, and restores his friends to life before overseeing his new creation from afar.

Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box

The film tells the life story of Siegfried and Roy. Siegfried discovers a magic book in a merchant's window and desires it as a means to solve his problems with his father at home. Young Roy spends time at the and eventually liberates Chico the cheetah. He takes a cruise ship bound for New York where he meets Siegfried, the resident magician, and joins his act.

The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang

The film follows the story of the Dalton Gang from their beginnings in Montgomery County, Kansas to their attempt to rob two banks simultaneously in Coffeyville, Kansas.

Ben Is Back

Holly Burns returns from church on Christmas Eve to find her son Ben in the driveway; he has been in rehab for prescription drug addiction for some months, and says his sponsor said a trip home would be good for him. Happy to see him but Holly is also wary, as she does not want his instability to affect the other children. She agrees lets him stay for 24 hours only if he does not leave her sight.

While holiday shopping at the mall, Holly runs into Ben's former doctor, now an old man with dementia. She scolds him for getting her son hooked on painkillers after a snowboarding accident when Ben was younger. Ben sees his childhood friend, Spencer, also a drug addict. He tells Holly he needs to go to a support group meeting, where he later shares the story of how he almost overdosed, but was saved by his mom and the family dog, Ponce.

Holly finds drugs on Ben and he claims a girl at the meeting gave them to him. Furious, she takes him to the cemetery, asking him where he would like to be buried. That evening, the family returns home from church to find that someone has broken into their home and taken Ponce.

Realizing it is to do with him, Ben leaves the house to find him. Holly follows in her car, finding Ben in a nearby neighborhood. He blames himself for someone attempting to hurt his family. They search for Ponce together to no avail.

While eating at a diner, Ben tells Holly he got local girl, Maggie, hooked on drugs and is responsible for her death. Spencer shows up and, after a tusssel, he confirms that Clayton, a drug dealer he used to work for, is who took Ponce. Ben demands Holly goes home but she refuses.

Telling her she does not know the real 'him'; Ben reveals his sponsor told him not to return home, and that he did not get the drugs Holly found from a girl at the support group, but rather hidden in the attic above his younger siblings' bedroom. Leaving Holly stranded at a gas station, he goes to meet Clayton. Ben tries to buy his dog back but Clayton says Ben must do a drug run for him.

Meanwhile, Holly goes to Maggie's mom for help, who gives her a med kit for reviving a person who has suffered an overdose and her car keys to go find Ben. She tracks down Spencer, giving him drugs she had confiscated from Ben earlier, in exchange for him telling her where he might be.

Ben completes the mission and gets Ponce back, but Clayton also gives him some drugs in return. Driving out to an abandoned barn, he parks on the side of the road. He leaves Ponce in the car with a note asking whoever finds it to call his mom.

After looking for Ben all night, Holly is overwrought and goes to a police station. While there, she receives a call from a man who found Ponce, driving out to retrieve him. Holly follows Ponce to the barn where she finds Ben unconscious, having taken the drugs from Clayton. Holly uses the kit and desperately tries to revive him, while sobbing for him to "come back" to her. After a few minutes, Ben takes a breath.

Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch

Introducing Claude and Eustace

Bertie has been unhappily engaged for two weeks to Honoria Glossop. He lunches with Honoria, and with his approving Aunt Agatha. Honoria dislikes Jeeves and tells Bertie to rid of him. Bertie tries to object, but Aunt Agatha agrees.

After Honoria leaves, Aunt Agatha tells Bertie that Honoria's father, Sir Roderick Glossop, a so-called nerve specialist and a serious-minded man, wants to verify that Bertie is psychologically normal; therefore, Bertie must give Sir Roderick lunch the next day and behave well. Off-handedly, Aunt Agatha adds that Bertie's cousins, the twins Claude and Eustace, hope to be elected soon to a college club called The Seekers.

The next day, Bertie walks in the park, where he is greeted by Eustace, Claude, and their friend "Dog-Face", Lord Rainsby. Bertie realizes he is late for lunch with Sir Roderick and returns home to find that Sir Roderick has not yet arrived and Jeeves has prepared the lunch. The bell rings.

Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch

Bertie and Sir Roderick eat lunch. Sir Roderick, who detests cats, hears a cat nearby. He complains that a hat was stolen from him earlier, then hears a cat again. Bertie rings for Jeeves to come and explain the noise. Jeeves answers that there are three cats in Bertie's bedroom, and they are noisy because they found the fish being kept under the bed. Sir Roderick is shocked, and moves to leave. When Bertie offers to follow Sir Roderick, Jeeves hands Bertie a hat, which is too big for him; it is Sir Roderick's stolen hat. Aghast, Sir Roderick takes the hat and exits, asking Jeeves to follow and tell him more about Bertie. The cats run out and leave.

Lord Rainsby appears next, and explains that, in order to be elected into The Seekers, one has to steal something. He stole the cats, Eustace the fish, and Claude the hat. Jeeves had permitted them to store these in Bertie's flat. This upsets Bertie. Lord Rainsby, disappointed that these things are gone, asks for ten pounds to bail out Claude and Eustace, after they tried to steal a lorry. Bertie gives him money and he leaves.

Jeeves returns, and says his remarks to Sir Roderick have likely made Sir Roderick question Bertie's sanity. Then, Aunt Agatha calls; Jeeves tells her Mr. Wooster is not in, and the call ends. Jeeves infers from her agitation that Sir Roderick has called off Bertie's engagement to Honoria. Bertie realizes that Jeeves has saved him. To avoid Aunt Agatha's ire, Jeeves suggests they take a trip the south of France (this is changed to New York in ''The Inimitable Jeeves''), and Bertie approves.

Dora and the Lost City of Gold

Deep in the Peruvian jungle, 6-year-old Dora Márquez, daughter of jungle explorers Cole and Elena, spends her days going on adventures with her monkey friend Boots, her 7-year-old cousin Diego, and imaginary friends Backpack and Map while thwarting Swiper the thieving fox. One day, Diego and his family leave to Los Angeles while Dora and her parents remain searching for the hidden Inca city of gold, Parapata.

After 10 years of exploring, Dora's parents decipher the location of Parapata and choose to send a now 16-year-old Dora to Diego's high school in Los Angeles while they travel to the lost city. Staying with a now 17-year-old Diego and his family, Dora meets fellow students Sammy and Randy. Due to Dora’s intelligence, Sammy sees her as her rival. Still, Randy is amused by Dora’s intelligence and her being very nice to him and develops a crush on her. Dora enjoys her new life, but Diego is embarrassed by her eccentric behavior; it culminates in mocking and name-calling by several of their peers when Dora publicly dances to a conga song at the school dance. As Diego walks outside, Dora tries to comfort him, but Diego says that she is no longer in the jungle, which leads to a fallout between them.

The following day, on a class field trip to a museum, Dora and the others are lured to its off-exhibit archives, where they are captured by mercenaries led by Powell who fly them to Peru. When they land, a man named Alejandro, who claims to be a friend of Dora's parents, helps them escape. In the process, the mercenaries, aided by Swiper, steal Dora's map. Alejandro reports that Dora's parents have gone missing and that the mercenaries are searching for them in hopes of getting into Parapata to steal its treasures. Dora resolves to find her parents first with Alejandro's help, while Diego comes along to look after Dora, with the other teens tagging along in hopes of being rescued.

The group travels through numerous obstacles, including quicksand, Inca ruin puzzles, hallucination-inducing spores that turned them into animated characters in the style of the original cartoon, and attacks from forest guards of Parapata. During the journey, Sammy warms up to Dora and becomes nicer to everyone. Dora and Diego eventually reconcile and Dora notices Diego has a crush on Sammy. After numerous hazards, Dora reaches her parents just outside the borders of Parapata, but Alejandro reveals he was the mercenaries' leader all along and captures them. The other teens are caught as well, but Boots appears and helps them escape. With Dora's parents still prisoners, Boots helps Dora find her confidence and she tells the teens that they need to find the way inside Parapata to acquire the treasure so they can use it to bargain for Elena and Cole's release.

Inside the hidden city, Dora and the others solve its temple's puzzles and dodge its traps, bringing them to the central shrine. Alejandro, having secretly followed them, arrives as the group reaches its final test. While he thinks that the gold is the right answer, Dora warns him that the test could have bad answers for those who fail it and that she and her friends are safe while he stands on the trap, which soon opens and Alejandro falls in it. The soldiers guarding Parapata defeat the mercenaries and confront the teens. Dora speaks to their queen in Quechua, assuring that the kids only came for her parents and to learn. Dora figures out the answer to the test, and the Incas allow her and everyone to have a single glimpse of their greatest treasure, until Swiper appears and steals the idol, thus angering the gods. As Alejandro is taken away, Dora regains the idol and puts it back into place.

After the group leaves, Diego and Sammy become a couple. Dora's parents and the teens arrive at her jungle home, where the other teens' parents are waiting and are happy to see them. Her parents discuss going on another expedition as a family, but Dora decides to return to school in Los Angeles.

During the credits at the high school dance, Dora and her friends sing "We Did It" as they celebrate their victory of finding Parapata, Alejandro remains a prisoner in Parapata for 1,000 years, and Cole and Elena stop Swiper from running away with their Inca item.

Jeeves and the Chump Cyril

A Letter of Introduction

One morning in New York, Jeeves tells Bertie a Cyril Bassington-Bassington visited earlier, with a letter of introduction from Bertie's Aunt Agatha, and will return later. Hoping to return to England in time for Goodwood, Bertie decides to appease his menacing Aunt Agatha by treating Cyril kindly. Bertie wears purple socks, though Jeeves disapproves. Cyril does not appear, so Bertie goes out to a club with a new pal, the playwright George Caffyn. Jeeves comes to the club, and informs Bertie that Cyril is in prison.

Bertie, Jeeves, and George go to the police station, and learn the hot-tempered Cyril had shoved a policeman. Bertie pays his bail. Cyril befriends George. Later, Bertie receives a cable from Aunt Agatha, instructing Bertie not to introduce Cyril to anyone involved with theatre. Bertie is concerned, but Jeeves is unsympathetic due to the purple socks.

Cyril visits Bertie and says he has a small part in George's musical comedy, ''Ask Dad''. Though Cyril is supposed to go to Washington to improve himself, he has actually come to New York to perform, against his father's wishes. Bertie calls to ask George to remove Cyril from the show, but George refuses. At night, Bertie knocks on Jeeves's door. Jeeves, who was reading, appears in a dressing gown. Bertie tells him that Aunt Agatha will blame him if Cyril performs. Jeeves will consider the problem.

Startling Dressiness of a Lift Attendant

A letter from Aunt Agatha arrives, demanding that Bertie keep Cyril off the stage. Disturbed, Bertie seeks Jeeves, and finds him in the kitchen, entertaining a boy and the boy's father's valet, whom Jeeves knows. Bertie shows Jeeves the letter. Cyril appears, and the boy says Cyril has a fish-face. This angers Cyril, and a confused altercation occurs. The boy gets away, yelling that Jeeves paid him to insult Cyril. Cyril and Bertie doubt this.

George invites Bertie to a run-through of his show. From the back of the theatre, Bertie sees that the boy from earlier is the son of the manager, Blumenfield. Blumenfield listens to all his son's opinions about the show; George suggests that this is because Blumenfield thinks a child has the same amount of intelligence as the average audience member. When the boy notices Cyril on stage, he says Cyril's face is no good, and Blumenfield agrees. Cyril yells at them, and Blumenfield fires Cyril.

Cyril tells Bertie that he is leaving for Washington, and lies about the reason. Bertie realizes Jeeves worked events to get Cyril fired. He thanks Jeeves. Leaving his rooms, Bertie decides he will let Jeeves get rid of the purple socks. However, the liftman thanks Bertie for the purple socks, which Jeeves gave him.

La Bandida (TV series)

Graciela's life was not easy, she was orphaned and also became a very young widow. She started stealing, placing bets and dealing with alcohol. In this way she managed to amass a great fortune, which she invested in the creation of a dating house. Inspired by the 30s, the series will initially tell the beginning of the protagonist as a trafficker, in a role that will be played by Julieta Grajales, to subsequently present Graciela (Sandra Echeverría) in her adult stage, where most of the story will take place.

Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang (1978 film)

The film begins in Jacob Two-Two's home in Montreal. Jacob runs from room to room attempting to convince his older siblings to pay attention to him. His eldest brother, Daniel, tells him to leave him alone, as he is trying to do his homework. When he visits his sister Martha, she is watching wrestling. She tells Jacob he should leave, and that he would only get nightmares from the frightening wrestlers. When he asks Emma and Noah if he can join in on their game of Child Power, they tell him that he is too little to play. When he enters the kitchen, he asks his mother if he can help with dinner, but once again he is told that he is too small. Finally, Jacob visits his father in the living room, where he is reading a newspaper. Jacob expresses his disappointment that he is too small to help and play, and Jacob's father suggests that he travel to the store down the street and buy some chocolate ice cream.

Jacob leaves for the corner store and passes a policeman on his way inside. Inside he sees adults looming over him. He sees a man holding a fish, a woman holding a bird, and a man holding a lollipop. Jacob approaches the store owner, Mr. Cooper, and asks for "two quarts of chocolate ice cream please, two quarts of chocolate ice cream please." Mr. Cooper is taken aback by Jacob's odd behaviour and begins to tease the boy. The policeman enters the store and joins in on the fun. Mr. Cooper demands that Jacob be charged with insulting an adult. The policeman agrees and pulls out his pad of paper, pretending to write the charge down. Jacob panics and runs from the store. The policeman runs after him and tries to explain that he and Mr. Cooper were only joking, but Jacob is already too far away. Jacob runs to a park and hides under a pile of fallen leaves, where he eventually falls asleep.

When Jacob wakes up, he is in a jail cell. The policeman from the store comes into the cell and introduces Jacob's lawyer, Mr. Loser. When Jacob walks into the court, he is surrounded by screaming adults. The judge sits in front of him and is angry and rude to the boy. He says that offenses such as Jacob's cannot be taken lightly, as they may lead to bigger crimes in the future. Jacob pleads innocent, and the judge tells him that his plea is very inconsiderate because it is a busy court. The jury finds Jacob guilty and sentences him to "…two months, two days, two hours, two minutes in the darkest dungeons of prison." Suddenly, a voice from the back of the room yells, "I appeal this verdict". Exciting music begins to play and the adults in the room scream, hide, and faint. Child Power enters the room, portrayed by Jacob's siblings, Emma and Noah. They are introduced as "The Intrepid Shapiro" and "The Fearless O’Toole". The judge is afraid of the two children, and nervously tells them that Jacob's sentence has already been passed. Child Power agrees but remind the judge that cruelty to children is against the law. They warn the judge that if they hear of any cruelty in the prison, then he will be hearing from them. Jacob leaves the court room only to find his siblings waiting for him in his cell. They give him a jewel shaped tracking device, and ask for his help. He promises to contact them if he senses any child cruelty in the prison, and Child Power leaves him in the cell.

Master Fish and Mistress Fowl take Jacob from his cell and lead him to the prison. They have similar faces to the people that Jacob saw when he was in the store. As they walk towards the prison they tell Jacob scary stories and point out the smog and crocodiles that block the way to the prison's island. When Jacob gets to the prison, he is introduced the fearsome warden, The Hooded Fang. The warden reads Jacob's sentence and sends him to the deepest and darkest cell in the prison. The Hooded Fang tells Jacob that he hates children. He says that when he was a wrestler, he was feared by everyone. During one match, a child pointed at him and laughed, telling the audience that the wrestler was not scary – only funny. After this incident, the Hooded Fang was unable to fight, because everyone around him would laugh him out of the stadium. Jacob apologizes to the Hooded Fang after hearing his story, telling him that he seems like a nice man. The warden is furious, as he wants everyone to think of him as mean and scary, and sends Jacob to his cell. As Jacob passes by the other cells, he notices that the children's skin is gray in colour. They beg Master Fish and Mistress Fowl for food, but are given only stale bread and moldy apples. When Jacob reaches his cell, he finds some candy and a note that says, "You have a friend".

Jacob is woken up the next morning by a man in a large fur coat. He introduces himself as Mister Fox, the head guard, and takes Jacob to the shower room to give him his new uniform. When they enter the shower room, Jacob realizes that it is a freezer. After his cold shower, Mister Fox inspects behind Jacob's ears to make sure that he is clean and finds the jewel that Child Power gave him. Mister Fox takes the tracking device from him, thinking that it is a precious jewel. Jacob is then taken to a party in the dining hall. He sees all of the gray children and sits down with them. He asks them why they are gray and they tell him that it is because the smog hides the sun. The Hooded Fang enters the room and all of the children start screaming. Jacob's new friends tell him that he must pretend to be afraid as well, or else the warden will be angry. The Hooded Fang presents Mister Fox with a "Rotten Child Award" and says that he must go to the city and complete some undercover work. He wants Mister Fox to visit toy stores and sabotage all of the toys. Jacob is worried because Mister Fox has the tracking device, and if he leaves the prison, then Child Power will not be able to find the children. Jacob feels that by losing the tracking device, he has failed everyone.

Child Power is alerted that the tracking device has traveled to a toy shop in the city. They decide to go and investigate and find Mister Fox sabotaging the toys. They ask him where he found the jewel, and Mister Fox lies and tells the children that he found it in a fish. Child Power is devastated, because they think that Jacob drowned while trying to escape and was then eaten by a fish. The film then cuts back to the prison, where Jacob is working in the smog making workshop. He tells his friends that he has been receiving many notes with candy attached, telling him to tremble when the Hooded Fang is around.

The Hooded Fang talks to his mother about Jacob. He tells her that no matter what he does he cannot get the small boy to cower or scream in fear. He travels to Jacob's cell and asks him questions in an attempt to break his spirit. He tries to get Jacob to say numbers other than two, but Jacob finds ways around it. Jacob tells the Hooded Fang that "he too can be a two-two", making the retired wrestler more and more frustrated until he eventually threatens to feed Jacob to the sharks. When Jacob is in the dining hall with his friends, he tells them about a plan for escape. He has written a note for Child Power and thinks that the Hooded Fang will deliver the letter for him.

The Hooded Fang brings Jacob his last meal before he is to be fed to the sharks. He tried to get Jacob to scream, but Jacob says that he knows the warden's secret. Jacob tells him that he knows the Hooded Fang is not evil. He thinks that The Hooded Fang is the one who has been leaving Jacob notes and candy, because they always appear after the warden leaves Jacob's cell. Jacob says that he will hug and kiss him unless they make a deal. After several hugs, the Hooded Fang agrees to deliver the letter for Jacob. Child Power receives the letter and sets out to find Mister Fox. They battle Mister Fox in the toy store, but eventually The Intrepid Shapiro and The Fearless O’Toole get the better of him. They tell him that they will spare him if he promises to take them to the prison. When they reach the water surrounding the island, Child Power poisons the crocodiles. Mister Fox teases Child Power, poking fun at Jacob's size and telling them that he could never actually help. Jacob's siblings stand up for him, telling Mister Fox that Jacob isn’t too small to help. The children in the prison rebel against the guard by destroying the smog machine and blinding the adults with the sun. The only adult that doesn’t cower is the Hooded Fang, because as Jacob predicted, he is just a big kid. The Hooded Fang tries to scare the children, but they only laugh.

When Child Power reaches the prison, Jacob tells them what happened. Child Power points out to Jacob that he is no longer repeating what he says. Jacob realizes that people are finally listening to what he says the ''first'' time. All of a sudden, Jacob is woken up by his father. He finds himself still under the play structure in the park where he fell asleep. He gives everyone in his family a hug, and they leave the park holding hands.


Stephen Rosenberg as Jacob Two-Two:
Jacob Two-Two is the film’s main character. He is a cheerful and intelligent boy who has to repeat himself in order to be heard by those around him. Jacob is constantly told by those around him that he is too small to help anyone. In his dream he becomes the protagonist and saves the day despite his size.
Alex Karras as The Hooded Fang:
The Hooded Fang is a retired wrestler who desperately wants everyone around him to find him tough and scary. Although his wrestling career ended when a child laughed at him and told his audience that he was not scary, he still wears fanged teeth and a wrestling costume. He is the warden of the children’s prison. Martha Richler as Emma/The Intrepid Shapiro:
Emma is Jacob’s older sister and one of the two members of Child Power!. When she is portraying her Child Power alter ego she goes by the name of "The Intrepid Shapiro". Although she does not believe Jacob is big enough to help in real life, in Jacob’s dream she is one of his supporters. She helps the children escape from their prison.
Thor Bishopric as Noah/The Fearless O'Toole:
Noah is the brother of Jacob and Emma, he is another member of Child Power known as "The Fearless O’Toole". Along with his sister, he helps Jacob in his quest to free the children from the prison. Claude Gai as Mister Fox:
Mister Fox is the head guard of the children’s prison. He wears a large fur coat and is cruel and greedy.
Guy L'Écuyer as Master Fish:
Master Fish has the face of the man that Jacob saw in the store at the beginning of the film. He has a gravely voice, silver skin, and gills. He is one of the members of the prison guard. Joy Coghill as Mistress Fowl:
Mistress Fowl has the face of the woman that Jacob saw in the store at the beginning of the film. She has red hair, a beak for a nose, and a big bird-like body. She often clucks and walks around awkwardly with her arms bent at her sides. She is one of the members of the prison guard.
Earl Pennington as Mr. Cooper/Judge:
Mr. Cooper is the owner of the store in real life, but the Judge in Jacob’s dream. Mr. Cooper teases Jacob’s habit and tells the young boy not to speak that way to an adult. It is clear in Jacob’s dream that the judge, along with the other adults in the courtroom, does not like children. Yvon Leroux as The Policeman:
The Policeman enters the store as Mr. Cooper teases Jacob about his habit. The Policeman joins in on the fun but takes things too far and causes Jacob to run from the store in fear. The Policeman tries to explain to the boy that it was a joke but cannot reach him in time.
Victor Désy as Louis Loser:
Mr. Loser is Jacob’s lawyer when he is sent to court. He is clumsy, cowers under a desk in the court room, and has a thick French accent. Kirsten Bishopric as Marfa:
Marfa is Jacob’s eldest sister. She is watching wrestling when Jacob comes to see her in the beginning of the film and warns him that the program is too scary for the young boy.
Walter Massey as Father:
Jacob’s father is the only person in the family who lets Jacob help. He sends him to the store to fetch some ice cream. Jill Frappier as Mother:
Jacob’s mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen when Jacob comes to ask if he can help. The two of them discuss Noah’s interpretation of school.
John Wildman as Daniel:
Daniel is Jacob’s eldest brother.

2023: A Trilogy

Hannah Ellis-Petersen writing in ''The Guardian'' describes the book as "a multi-layered, self-referential meta tale."

Pilot (Tracey Breaks the News)

The show opens with Prime Minister Theresa May practicing her speech in front of her husband Philip. Russian headquarters try to fix a malfunctioning Melania Bot. Schooling Eastern European workers how to act like British builders post-Brexit. Angela Merkel Skypes with Donald Trump. Has the BBC coverage of Jeremy Corbyn been biased? The Melania Bot is flown back to Russia for maintenance. Voluntary mandatory reeducation program at Labour Party headquarters. A man tries to rent his battle bus. Theresa May is feeling the effects of the recent election result. Polling the pollsters. "When do we get our say?" Not Everyone Thinks Exactly the Same As You Do support group. Nicola Sturgeon is confronted by rival Ruth Davidson on the links. A police constable discusses filming an abusive incident in portrait mode. Seeing an apartment you have no plans of moving into. A woman has voting fatigue. Liberal Democrats headquarters has become much, much smaller. Tracey confronts a Twitter troll. Theresa and Philip are awakened by a phone call from Arlene Foster with more DUP demands.

The Rooster Bar

Three third-year law students Mark Frazier, Todd Lucero, and Zola Maal all attend Foggy Bottom Law School (FBLS), a third-tier D.C. establishment with a reputation as a diploma mill. Zola contacts Mark and Todd when her boyfriend, Gordon Tanner, stops taking medication for his worsening bipolar disorder. They discover that Gordon, in his mania, has been collecting evidence that Hinds Rackley, the investor who owns FBLS, runs a network of schools, law firms and banks which ensures that FBLS' students are stuck in a cycle of debt while Rackley makes millions in the process. Although this practice isn't illegal, Gordon is convinced that there's enough for a class-action lawsuit that would, at the very least, expose Rackley's fraud. Later that night, Gordon gets drunk and flees the apartment, getting arrested for DUI. The trio bail him out with the help of Darrell Crowley, a professional street lawyer, and Mark tries to find Gordon's doctor. Before he can, however, Gordon escapes again and commits suicide by jumping off a bridge.

Distraught, and blamed for Gordon's death by his family and friends, Mark and Todd realize that they have no future at FBLS; Mark's promised job at a D.C. firm is withdrawn, and both he and Todd drop out. The two get jobs at The Rooster Bar, a pub owned by Todd's boss Maynard. Mark persuades him to lease the two some office space, and they, together with Zola, set up an unlicensed firm called Upshaw, Parker, and Lane (UPL). Inspired by Crowley, Mark and Todd decide to pose as lawyers under assumed identities and work the D.C. courts for clients, arguing to Zola that they can get rich while avoiding FBLS and their creditors, so long as no one discovers that they are engaged in a criminal enterprise. Uncertain, but aware that she also has nothing better to look forward to, Zola agrees to join them.

The firm is initially a success, with Mark and Todd winning several victories and collecting payouts while Zola attempts to expand their practice into personal injury, an area that none of them have any real expertise in. Seeking a quick payday, Mark agrees to file a lawsuit on behalf of Ramon Taper, a man whose infant son died due to negligence at the hospital where he was born. An expert assures Mark that his case is sound, and he refers it to another lawyer, Jeffrey Corbett, who informs Mark that he's been deceived: the statute of limitations on the case ran out while he was preparing it, meaning he and UPL could now be sued for legal malpractice by their client. With no other way out, Mark reluctantly informs Edwin Mossberg, the lawyer for Ramon's ex-wife, that he is not a lawyer and would therefore be ruined if the case were to proceed. Mossberg agrees to drop it, but passes the information along to the D.C. bar. Meanwhile, Ramon, furious that Mark has stopped taking his calls, gets a new attorney: Crowley.

Mark, Todd, and Zola decide to focus their efforts on Swift Bank, one of Rackley's outfits, which will soon have to pay billions in settlements over charges that it defrauded its customers. By inventing thousands of fake clients and forwarding them to different firms involved in the settlement, the three bet that they can make enough money to flee the country, just as the bar's investigation heats up. Maynard fires Mark and Todd to protect himself, and the police arrest them for practicing without licenses, though they are allowed to go free so long as they stay in town. In the middle of it all, Zola is forced to travel to Senegal after her immigrant parents are extorted by corrupt officials. Using $26,000 from UPL's account provided by Mark and Todd, she is able to hire a well-connected lawyer, Idina Sanga, who gets them released from custody. At the same time, Mark and Todd blackmail Rackley with Gordon's evidence to stop dragging his feet on the settlements. At Mark and Todd's trial, Crowley, Ramon, and many of their former clients cause a scene when they reveal the extent of UPL's misconduct.

Setting up a hedge fund in the Caribbean to handle their finances, Mark and Todd obtain fake passports and leave the US just as evidence of their fraud allows Rackley to force a temporary halt to the settlements, but not before enough money is transferred to the fund to allow them to reunite with Zola in Senegal. With news that a grand jury has indicted all three on racketeering charges, Mark cuts several checks to pay off their law school debts as well as take care of their families. Knowing that they will never be able to return home, they assume false identities and purchase a bar to run, which they name The Rooster Bar.

Becoming Bond

The story itself is told through an interview with Lazenby, with cutscenes to reenactments where actors lip-synch to or voiceover Lazenby's dialogue. Lazenby describes his birth as an at-risk infant and how his humiliation at being the only student to fail in his school grade and attend graduation without receiving his certificate made an impact on him to never fail at anything again.

After getting a job as a car mechanic, he noticed that the car salesmen seemed to have a much more glamorous life, so he convinced the dealership manager to let him try his hand at sales. After failing to sell any cars, he attended a course from the popular "How to Win Friends and Influence People" symposium, where the only lesson he recalls learning is "Listen first and let the other person do the talking." Pretty soon he was successful at the job and was the key contact for embassy staff vehicle transactions, which brought him in contact with the daughter of an Australian politician. When she moved to London, he followed as a steerage passenger, hoping to win her heart. Upon his arrival, he discovered she had abandoned him in pursuit of a player on the Oxford University cricket team. Fearing he had once again failed in life, his attempts to charm her set him on a path that would land him the role as one of the smoothest leading male characters in film history: James Bond, who always gets the girl in the end.

The Bond film entitled ''On Her Majesty's Secret Service'' is released in December 1969 to steady acclaim, box-office record sales and sends Lazenby into the path of one of Hollywood's next stars. Unfortunately, being James Bond meant surrendering his own sense of self, and he walked away from the fame and fortune that would have come with the role, after his one and only film in the franchise. Following a dwindling in his film career, Lazenby settled back in Australia, where he became a realtor, married, raised a family and led a happy and normal life.

In retrospect, Lazenby in the present day has found his peace in everything he did before and after Bond. Additionally, Lazenby was given much acclaim in modern times for his role as James Bond with ''On Her Majesty's Secret Service'' held in high regard and considered as one of the finest films in the franchise and the best by some.

All at Once (2014 film)

Tim and Dan are loser friends from a provincial town. University life is behind them, they do not wish to work, there are no girls. The guys undertake to fulfill the task of a local bandit and start to work, taking with them a car mechanic Zhora, who is also a total failure. It is necessary for them to clearly stage a robbery of their own, fake drug courier. The role of the courier is accidentally given to the honest demobbed Vanya, son of the local authority – the "Persian", who obeys the local criminal authority, who is not aware of the permutations and promises.

Rag Union

An ordinary Moscow guy, Vanya, after finishing school, goes to work as a "living advertisement" of monument-tombstones. At the cemetery, he meets three energetic guys - either a section, or a sect that calls itself the "Rag Union". Vanya asks to take him to their training sessions, and they settle for a month at Vanya's dacha.

Zoology (film)

Natasha lives alone with her mother in a small seaside town. Her life is boring and conventional. In the zoo where she works, Natasha has long been an object of ridicule. Suddenly, a strange metamorphosis occurs to her - for no apparent reason she grows a tail. She has to go through shame, hope, and despair to find herself.

Love Is... (film)

Vivienne (Maine Mendoza) and Marco (Alden Richards) prepares for their wedding after Marco proposes marriage to Vivienne at Antipolo. Marco's family is expected to shoulder all the expenses for the wedding but Vivienne wants to chip in. So, she works hard as an associate creative director and social media influencer to be able to save money for their marriage funds.

One day, Vivienne bumps into her cousin Edwin (Marky Lopez) who offers her business opportunities to which Vivienne responds positively. After coming home, Vivienne talks to her father (Nonie Buencamino) about Edwin's offer and her desire to invest on stocks through Edwin because she intends to increase her contribution to her wedding funds. Her father gave Vivienne his retirement fund that he received for being an Overseas Filipino Worker as money to be used for the stock investment.

Unfortunately, Vivienne's father suffers from a stroke and she has to use her marriage funds for her father's hospitalization and medical expenses with Marco's permission. It also turns out that Edwin's business dealings are sham. These series of events trigger Vivienne to a period of sadness that affected her work. She is forced by the management to take a leave from work due to persistent negligence. With that, she begins to abandon her relationship with Marco, her friends and her family. She only remains in her bedroom for days without even eating.

Marco keeps on contacting Vivienne but she avoids him often. Vivienne replies only after Marco invites her for a family dinner. At the dinner, Marco already suspects that Vivienne is having clinical depression due to her actions and physical appearance. Marco tells this to his mother (Bing Pimentel) when Vivienne steps out. His mother says that Vivienne could be crazy. Vivienne overhears the conversation and she walks away then Marco runs after her and tries to comfort her. Still, Vivienne pushes him away and returns the engagement ring then leaves him.

Vivienne goes to Antipolo to where Marco proposed. She brings sleeping pills with her as she attempts suicide. Marco still tries to contact her but she is not responding. He checks her social media posts and he has clue where she is. Just in time, Marco averts Vivienne's bid to sleeping pills overdose. He consoles her and promises that he will never forsake her and he loves her for everything she is.

They go to a psychiatrist to find a cure for Vivienne's depression. After Vivienne's treatment, she posts a video online saying that love is accepting who she is. Marco proposes again to Vivienne and she says yes then they kiss.

Second Act (film)

Maya Vargas (Jennifer Lopez) is the assistant manager of the Value Shop store, where she has worked for the past 15 years. During that time she dramatically improved sales, customer relations, and general store culture through her intuitive and innovative methods. She awaits a store visit by an executive of her company, Mr. Weiskopf, anxiously hoping to be promoted to manager. Her boyfriend Trey, co-workers, and several regular customers all assure her that she is guaranteed the promotion, but she is passed up in favor of Arthur, a non-local company employee with an MBA from Duke. Mr. Weiskopf explains that while he values Maya's dedication and success, she only has a GED and no college degree, which makes her ineligible for the promotion by company policy. Her godson, a skilled computer programmer, rebuilds her background online, giving her a Harvard degree and world travel, and she is hired by one of the store's suppliers, a large cosmetics company. The CEO, Mr. Clarke, has her head a team developing a new product in competition with a team led by his daughter Zoe. During her time with the company, Maya learns that Zoe is the daughter that she gave up after giving birth as a teenager because she couldn't cope with the challenges of parenthood herself.

Children of the Moon

...The autumn of 1915. After the successful completion of the operation in Switzerland (The Torment of a Broken Heart), Aleksei Romanov finally decided to link his life with counterintelligence. He attends special military courses and begins to study the difficult art of identifying foreign spies. In the midst of his studies, Romanov, now an ensign, receives a new important task from General Zhukovsky and Duke Kozlovsky, the immediate boss of Aleksei.

... Colonel Shakhov, who works in the Main Artillery Directorate, learns that his daughter Alina covertly takes pictures of secret documents. Alina is a sick drug addict, and Shakhov thinks that when trying to get another portion of morphine, she started working for German intelligence. Despite his paternal feelings, Shakhov nevertheless reports this fact to counterintelligence, and General Zhukovsky decides to organize the seizure of a German spy during his meeting with Alina.

Alina often visits the club "Children of the Moon", where young people gather, entranced with decadence. Assuming that the transfer of information takes place there, Duke Kozlovsky suggests that Romanov dresses as one of the guests of the club and follows Alina Shakhova. Beautiful, but dying from drugs Alina causes an acute sense of pity in Romanov, and then affection. Aleksei tries to penetrate into her secret, but the truth in this case is incredibly terrible...

Deadly Force (TV series)

The action begins in 1999 in St. Petersburg. In the center of the plot are operatives of the district militsiya department and the homicide department of the command post in St. Petersburg. The first season of the series included a narrative tied to a single story (9 episodes). In the following seasons, as a rule, each series is an independent criminal detective story.

The main characters of the series are Igor Plakhov and Vasily Rogov – police officers, their service is associated with the investigation of domestic crimes and the fight against organized crime. Working for a minuscule salary and risking their lives, the heroes fulfill their duty. In the first season, the main characters are employees of the district police department. In the department, Anatoly Dukalis is transferred to Plakhov and Rogov for additional support, who in turn does not lose touch with his old acquaintances, heroes of the series ''The Streets of Broken Lights''. Starting from the second season, the employees of the district department Plakhov, Rogov and Shishkin are transferred to the head-office, under the direct start of the general (San Sanych). Here their ways diverge from the cops (Dukalis, Volkov, Larin and Solovets). Their service makes them go to various places: (Los Angeles, Chechnya, Cote d'Azur, South Africa) and everywhere they show high professionalism, resourcefulness and sense of humor, allowing with honor to come out of the most difficult tests.

Venom (2018 film)

While exploring space for new habitable worlds, a probe belonging to the bio-engineering corporation Life Foundation discovers a comet covered in symbiotic lifeforms. The probe returns to Earth with four samples, but one escapes and causes the ship to crash in Malaysia. The Life Foundation recovers the other three and transports them to their research facility in San Francisco, where they discover that the symbiotes cannot survive without oxygen-breathing hosts, which often fatally reject the symbiosis. Investigative journalist Eddie Brock reads about these human trials in a classified document in the possession of his fiancée Anne Weying, an attorney preparing a lawsuit defense for the Life Foundation. Brock confronts Life Foundation CEO Carlton Drake about the trials, leading to both Brock and Weying losing their jobs. Consequently, Weying ends their relationship.

Six months later, Drake's symbiosis trials are closer to success, though one of his symbiotes dies due to carelessness. Brock is approached by Dora Skirth, one of Drake's scientists who disagrees with his methods and wants to expose him. She helps Brock break into the research facility to search for evidence, and he learns that an acquaintance of his, a homeless woman named Maria, is one of the test subjects. Brock attempts to rescue Maria, but the symbiote possessing her transfers to his body without him realizing, leaving her dead. Brock escapes and soon begins displaying strange symptoms. He reaches out to Weying for help, and her new boyfriend, Dr. Dan Lewis, discovers the symbiote on examining Brock. Drake exposes Skirth to the remaining captive symbiote, killing both. This leaves the symbiote inside Brock as the only known surviving specimen.

Drake sends mercenaries to retrieve the symbiote from Brock, but it manifests around his body as a monstrous creature that fights off the attackers. It later introduces itself to Brock as Venom, and explains that the comet is searching for planets where the symbiotes can possess and devour the inhabitants. Venom offers to spare Brock if he helps the symbiotes achieve their goal, and Brock comes to enjoy the superhuman attributes that the symbiote imbues him with. Brock breaks into his old workplace to turn in evidence of Drake's crimes, but is surrounded by SWAT officers. Weying sees him transform to escape and takes Brock to Lewis's office where they explain that the symbiote is rotting Brock's internal organs. Brock notes that the symbiote has two weaknesses: high-pitched noises and fire. Although Venom claims that the organ damage can be reversed, Weying uses an MRI machine to separate him from Brock who is then captured by Drake's men.

Meanwhile, the fourth symbiote, Riot, makes its way from Malaysia to San Francisco by hopping from body to body. It bonds with Drake, who agrees to take Riot in a Life Foundation space probe to collect the rest of the symbiotes and bring them to Earth. Weying reluctantly bonds with Venom so they can free Brock. When Brock and Venom are bonded again, the latter states that he has been convinced to help protect the Earth from his kind through his interactions with Brock, and the pair attempt to stop Riot and Drake with Weying's help. Venom damages the probe as it takes off, causing it to explode and kill both Riot and Drake. After the incident, Brock returns to journalism, while Weying believes Brock is no longer bonded to Venom after this, and that Venom also died in the explosion. However, the pair remain secretly bonded and set out to protect San Francisco by killing criminals.

In a mid-credits scene, Brock is invited to interview incarcerated serial killer Cletus Kasady, who promises "carnage" when he escapes.

The Loud House Movie

Lincoln Loud, the middle child and only son of Lynn Loud Sr. and Rita Loud, spends his time assisting his sisters - Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa - as they go about their day-to-day duties, whilst also teaching his youngest sister Lily how to cope with living in a large family. After a particularly successful day where the sisters all win awards, they celebrate at Lynn Sr.'s restaurant. Whilst there, the Loud sisters are praised by fans, whilst Lincoln is pushed to the side and ignored. Feeling that he is living in their shadow, he consults his friend Clyde McBride, who tells him about the time he learnt his grandmother's side of the family was from Paris.

Inspired, Lincoln asks his parents the same question and Lisa manages to trace Lynn Sr.'s heritage to Scotland. The Loud family then heads to Scotland for a week long vacation on a hectic trip involving parachuting from a cargo hold, flying in a hot air balloon, and traveling in a submarine. Upon arriving in the Scottish town of Loch Loud, a town filled with many oddities, the Loud family learns from a boy named Scott who Leni falls in love with and Loud Loch's citizens that they are descendants of Scottish royalty. They are led to a castle ran by groundskeeper Angus and the disgruntled property caretaker Morag.

Angus then shows the family a painting of their ancestors that bears a striking resemblance to themselves and reveals they ruled the town for many years before sailing away forever. Lincoln eventually learns from Angus that his own ancestral counterpart, the Duke of the family, was the most special member of the family, much to his delight. Wanting to become the new Duke of Loch Loud, he partakes in many community service events to help restore the village to its former glory and eventually guilt trips the rest of the family into moving to Scotland forever since the family no longer has to share one bathroom. A bad service call from Lori causes Bobby to think they are breaking up.

As the Louds adjust to their discovery while experiencing the ghost of their descendant Lucille Loud, a baby dragon who grows very fast whenever she eats that they name Lela, and enjoying their time in the castle, Morag becomes frustrated with the family after living in the castle peacefully and quietly for many years. She then devises a plan like her ancestor Aggie to get the family to leave Loch Loud forever by hypnotizing Lela with a magic gemstone known as the Dragon Stone and the royal scepter.

After the sisters begin to get attention in the village, Morag tricks Lincoln into riding Lela to try to get back his attention. While he rides the dragon, she uses the gemstone and scepter to hypnotize it into destroying the town so Lincoln could get blamed for the chaos. Feeling guilty for the damage, Lincoln asks the family to return home to Royal Woods. As the family leaves for home, Morag proceeds to make herself the new duchess of the town much to the displeasure of villagers. In retaliation, she hypnotizes Lela again to cause more destruction to the village.

Lucille tells the family of Morag's plan and what she's doing to the town. The Loud children head back to the town on a rowboat and team up to defeat Morag and un-hypnotize Lela. The sisters eventually get the scepter back and Lincoln, using his magic skills and with help from Lily, destroys the Dragon Stone, which breaks Lela out of her spell and in response, Morag is dropped on an island filled with noisy seals. The citizens of Loch Loud congratulate the family and ask Lincoln to resume his place as the duke of the kingdom, though Lincoln declines and instead offers the crown to Angus instead, feeling he deserves it more, a decision approved by the citizens and the other ghosts of the Loud ancestors.

After helping repair the village, the Loud family says goodbye to Angus and the villagers and sets sail back home to Royal Woods. Bobby arrives to reunite with Lori only to find that she left. Clyde welcomes Lincoln back to Royal Woods with some duke-themed cream puffs.

During the credits, still images are shown that include but are not limited to the Duke's ghost riding Lela, Bobby reuniting with Lori, Leni contacting Scott online, Lincoln winning a 3rd place trophy at a magic show, Lela having laid three eggs, and Angus and the ghosts rescuing Morag who now works as the groundskeeper with Lela keeping her in line.

Love Education

Love Education is a story of family and love, involving three women of different ages. Weiwei, nearly 30, has reached the age where she is able to marry. Her love life is in danger of her past, with her work causing troubles with her mother, Huiying, unable to understand it fully. Huiying is a middle-aged teacher who is about to retire, and takes on all arrangements after her mother's death, as she and her husband, Xiaoping, depend on each other but the couple suffer from emotional miscommunication. Nana, the 90-year-old grandma who has lived alone for decades, finds her life interrupted Huiying's sudden visit, and brings up the history of a bittersweet love affair. Through the three generations of women who share different views on life and love, they must find a way to connect as they meet together.

Metal Max Xeno

''Metal Max Xeno'' takes place in the former location of Tokyo Bay, now a desert referred to as Distokio by its inhabitants, approximately a century after the "Great Annihilation" in which the supercomputer NOA attempted to destroy human civilization in order to prevent further ecological disasters. NOA is eventually defeated, but with its final moments it sends an order to its creations, colloquially known as "SoNs", to completely exterminate humanity, thus beginning a second genocidal campaign. The SoNs quickly began to overwhelm and destroy the remaining settlements in the Distokio area, leaving only a secret technologically advanced underground bunker called the "Iron Base" as the last surviving settlement. The Iron Base, which formerly served as the center of a post-apocalypse city known as Iron Town, is run by four survivors: D'Annunzio the base manager, Jingoro the head mechanic, Yokky, Jingoro's alcoholic protege, and Po-M, an android logistics officer.

Iron Base is visited by a young man (the player character, default name "Talis"), who has a metal arm and who announces his intentions to destroy the SoNs with his tank in revenge for their attack on his hometown and subsequent deaths of his mother and adopted father. The citizens of Iron Base agree to help him, in exchange for his assistance in seeking out survivors from the surrounding settlements. Talis finds no survivors in the ruined settlements, but, following an encounter with a large spider-like SoN, he rescues Toni, a former resident of Iron Town and the crush of Yokky, who had believed her to be dead.

Yokky joins Talis in searching for survivors and the two encounter Dylan, the former leader of a bandit gang that had harassed Iron Town in the past, and save him from a tank hacked by the SoNs. He is taken back to the Iron Base, where he is reluctantly allowed to stay and recover, and Toni joins Yokky and Talis as they travel north to locate new survivors. The three encounter Misaki, an academic who wanders the desert in a Flakpanzer Gepard searching for lost knowledge from before the apocalypse, and with their help he locates the entrance to a massive underground book repository guarded by Maria, the last surviving member of the repository's staff. After Talis assists Maria in destroying a group of SoNs besieging the repository, they, along with Misaki, move the books to Iron Base for safekeeping, and Maria and Misaki, along with a newly-recovered Dylan, join the Iron Base as new residents.

Following the operation, the team gathers for a small celebration. Yokky, noticing Talis' absence, excuses himself to search for him, and finds him in the midst of a painful seizure. While trying to assist him, Yokky discovers Talis' body is almost completely cybernetic; Talis confides to him that it is the result of nanobots which allow him to use his metal arm as a weapon and heal damage to his body quickly, but at the price of him being turned into a machine by the nanobots, and that eventually he will no longer be "himself". Talis asks Yokky not to reveal his secret to anyone, but Toni overhears and becomes concerned for Talis, as she has begun to develop feelings for him. The next morning, Po-M reveals that data recovered from the library indicated the existence of "Cherbourg", a massive defense shield that could protect Iron Base from SoNs attacks. Cherbourg was being developed by an underground society called U-Tokio, but U-Tokio was destroyed following a failed operation to retake sectors of the surface from the SoNs, and Cherbourg was left uncompleted, its components scattered across the ruins of Distokio and U-Tokio. With Cherbourg, Iron Base would be able to adequately defend itself against attacks and rebuild Iron Town, so Po-M tasks Talis with recovering Cherbourg's components so that they may complete it.

As they begin the search, they encounter an enormous SoN that Talis recognizes as the one that killed his mother and destroyed his home town. In a blind fury, he attacks it, but is defeated by a massive blast from the SoN and is brought back to Iron Base. Po-M nicknames the SoN "Catastropus" and identifies it as the one responsible for the destruction of the other settlements in Distokio, but warns that it is too powerful for Talis to confront at his current strength. Talis, frustrated, asks if there is anything to help him get stronger, to which Po-M has a possible solution in the form of Nephilim Technology: SoNs technology that was recovered and reverse-engineered by U-Tokio before its destruction, far more powerful than conventional weapons. Cherbourg is also NephTech, so she gives Talis a device that can detect its pieces, along with other components of NephTech weaponry to assist him in battle.

While searching U-Tokio's tunnels for components of Cherbourg, Talis discovers a girl with a tail floating in a preservation chamber. Upon waking, the girl, named Ittica, goes with Talis back to Iron Base, and later reveals that she is a genetically-engineered human-animal hybrid called a "Mute" which possesses the ability to shapeshift. Once all the components to Cherbourg are gathered, the team returns to base to assemble it. Toni confesses her feelings for Talis, but Talis turns her away, stating that he is aware of Yokky's feelings for Toni and does not want to hurt him, and reveals to her the extent of his body's conversion by the nanobots, stating that he does not have much time left. Yokky hears the conversation and, realizing Toni is in love with Talis, becomes conflicted about his self-confidence.

Cherbourg is assembled, and successfully tested, but the test attracts the attention of the SoNs. Realizing that the SoNs are now aware of Iron Base's power, they track the source of the attacks to an abandoned military fortress formerly used by U-Tokio, now being used as a staging point and resource stockpile by the SoNs, including the Catastropus itself, which they realize has set its sights on the upgraded Iron Base. After shutting the fortress down to prevent the SoNs from using it, they return to Iron Base to prepare their next move. Yokky and Toni, with the assistance of Maria and Ittica respectively, come to terms with their feelings and insecurity, and the citizens of Iron Base steel themselves in preparation for the final battle.

Aware that Catastropus is now en route, the team forms a plan: With Cherbourg in place, the Catastropus will be preoccupied attempting to break through it, and will leave itself unguarded for a close-range attack carried out by Talis and his team. With his team, Talis breaks through the Catastropus' vanguard and destroys the Catastropus itself, avenging his family and the people of Dystokio. Following the battle, Talis makes preparations to leave and seek out more survivors. Yokky joins him, and after getting a farewell from the citizens of Iron Base and a promise that they will always be a home for them to return to, the two depart in the tank Talis originally arrived in.

After the credits, Talis and Yokky encounter Toni, who wishes to join them. After a moment of consideration, Talis smiles, and accepts her into the team.

After the game, the player has the option of starting a New Game Plus in two different modes: Story Mode, which replays the story with all player progression and items but locking certain plot-related vehicles and equipment, and Hunter Mode, which allows the player to start with all progression, vehicles, and equipment while minimizing the story, allowing the player to focus on hunting monsters and collecting bounties.


The story begins when Aliya returns to Kethaliya's home. Prabath, Yamuna, Revathi Kethaliya and Nilhan live there. Yamuna and Prabath find difficulties in earning their living for, while Revathi finds proposals for her, the proposal never succeeded. Nilhan works as a journalist near the Narmada. Suren unwillingly married Judy tries his best to win the heart of Narmada, but fails in the face of utmost difficulty. The families face many problems while their mother, Kethaliya, and Aliya become helpless in every situation.

A few years later, Narmada marries Suren, but Suren's political background and Narmada's media background complicate their relationship. Aliya starts an affair with Rihanna, but their families are enemies. Aliya and Rihanna elope, hoping to have a better family life on their own, but meet with an accident.

Always Be with You (film)

David, a taxi driver with lung cancer, kills vacation property owner Patrick in a freak car accident. Off-duty police officer Sam, his wife Si and Sam's aunt seemingly were able to avoid the collision after Sam's aunt warned him to drive away from the road they were on. At the same time, Siu-hung, who broke up with her fiancé, committed suicide by jumping off a building, landing right on top of Patrick's car.

Chi-keung is a crematorium worker who is saddled with huge gambling debts. He steals a pair of pricey gold bracelets, the funerary objects of Siu-hung, to pay off his debts. Chi-keung fails to sell off the gold bracelets as the buyer was crushed by a concrete block while on his way to meet Chi-keung. Later, while crossing a street, a lorry loses control and veers into him and a couple who he recognises as Siu-hung's younger sister and brother in law. Chi-keung and Siu-hung's younger sister survives the accident. The bracelets which fell out while he was unconscious, were retrieved by the police as evidence.

Meanwhile, Patrick's fiancée, Yu Xin, after recovering from the tragedy, hopes to fulfil Patrick's last wish in running a suburban vacation house. However, a series of strange happenings keeps on occurring in the vacation house. Her first tenants, two lovers, commits suicide during their stay. Sam, accompanying Si, to investigate the scene, realises the presence of a disfigured female spirit. Later, David appears at the vacation home, offering to help Yu Xin. She at first declines but later, accepts him as a long term tenant.

Back home, Chi-keung is haunted by Siu-hung's ghost and at the same time, was visited by the loansharks whom he owes money. Chi-keung escapes through the window and ends up at Yu Xin's vacation home. He proceeds to commit suicide by gassing and suffocating himself, and is later discovered by David. The next morning, Yu Xin feels anxious as she has not seen her tenant, Chi-keung since the previous day. She decides to go to his room, worried that there may be another suicide. Accompanied by David, they both enter Chi-keung's rented room but discovered no one and Chi-keung's belongings gone. David tries to comfort Yu Xin and tells her he may have just ran off, not wanting to pay the rent.

Much later, a part of Chi-keung's dismembered body was discovered and Sam and Si once again makes a visit to Yu Xin's vacation home. They questioned David and Yu Xin about Chi-keung but both denied meeting him. Later that night, Sam spots Chi-keung's ghost and it is revealed that David got rid of Chi-keung's body but did not burn it according to Chi-keung's wishes left in a note. That same night, David gave himself up at a police station and commits suicide in his cell, leaving a note to Yu Xin explaining his terminal illness.

After that, Sam discovers singer Jamie's vinyl, which Si got from a second hand shop, was haunted by her ghost. They decide to dispose it but it keeps appearing at Sam and Si's apartment after a few times. They eventually return it to the shop owner, who was Jamie's uncle and the vinyl, a personal gift from Jamie for him.

The next evening, Sam rhetorically asks Si what she'd do if he were to leave her. The question surprises and frightens Si as she had found his behaviour changed ever since the freak car accident as Sam was being especially sweet to her. She embraces him tightly and urges him to tell her what was happening. Sam notices two men approaching them, breaks from her embrace and runs off down the street. Si gives chase and points her gun to the two men dragging Sam away by his arms.

Sam then tells her that the two men are from the otherworld and he has been dead the three weeks since the night of the accident. That night, after avoiding the collision, Sam had gotten down from the car to report the crash. A passing car with the second hand shop owner and his wife in front and singer Jamie at the back spots the crash. Jamie, leaning out to capture the crash was hit by a lorry from the opposite direction. Her torso flies off from the impact, hitting Sam who falls and his skull pierced by a long, upright nail and dies on the spot.

Red Christmas

A family gathers together to celebrate Christmas. Amidst the celebrations, a mysterious, cloaked stranger, "Cletus" arrives the house and is taken in. Due to his strange behaviour, he is eventually forced to leave.

It is eventually revealed that 20 years ago, the matriarch of the family, Diane (Dee Wallace), travelled north to have an abortion. During the procedure, a religious fanatic bombed the clinic and took Diane's planned to be aborted child, Cletus. Cletus has now returned to the family home to violently exact revenge on her entire family.

During the night, Cletus kills Hope with an ax, and proceeds to strangle Joe in a car. Cletus smashes Scott's head. A police officer eventually arrives after being called earlier, unfortunately Cletus murders him almost immediately. Later on, Cletus forces Peter's head into a blender. Diane accidentally shoots Jerry. Ginny gives birth to the baby. Cletus stabs Suzy with an umbrella. Cletus stabs Ginny in the back and gently rests her newborn baby onto a table. Diane stabs Cletus with an anchor chained around her neck, then leaps out the window of the second-floor room, hanging herself and ripping out Cletus' insides, leaving Ginny's newborn baby as the sole survivor of the night.

A Visit to Santa

After "Jingle Bells" melody, played on a small Hammond Organ with chimes, is heard during the brief opening credits, two children, who appear to be five or six years old, are seen in a bunk bed almost unintelligably saying goodnight to their mother. The boy, Dick, is in the upper bunk and the girl, Ann, who is in the lower bunk, says, "oh, Dick, I wonder if Santa ever got our letter".

The visuals become blurry and a male narrator states, "yes, Ann, far up in the North Pole, Santa is reading your letter now". In a spacious living room setting, seated in a large easy chair and dressed in full traditional apparel, Santa is holding a sheet of paper which is shown in close-up to depict, in large-lettered children's handwriting, "Dear Santa / DicK and I would LiKe To visiT You. / CouLD we PLEase visit you at The NoRTH PoLE beFore CHriSTmAs ? / DicK And ANN".

Upon reading the letter, Santa says, "Why not" and calls elf Toby to prepare the magic helicopter and bring the two children to him. Toby responds, "your'all words are my command, Santa". Appearing in Dick and Ann's bedroom, Toby awakens them with the words, "hurry up and get dressed and we will fly to Santa", as the narrator explains to the audience, "it's just a short hop in the magic helicopter".

Walking through a castle-style entrance inscribed "Santa", Toby leads Dick and Ann into Santa's living room and is then dismissed by Santa who, still seated in his large easy chair, takes the children onto his lap, as documentary footage of seasonal celebrations and Santa pageantry appears on the screen, with the narrator recounting how Christmas is observed in various cities and towns. A Christmas parade, with main focus on Santa, is seen in the Pennsylvania city of McKeesport. Santa gives Dick and Ann a tour of "The Village Toy Shop" which appears as a series of Christmas doll and toy exhibits as well as displays in a large department store. Santa then leads them to his toy warehouse where preparations are made for Christmas Eve distribution.

At the end of the visit, Santa shows them an elaborate model train display, as the narrator says, "I wonder if Ann will be as excited as Dick. There's trains of all kinds, coming and going, starting and stopping, logging trains, freight trains, streamliners, old-time choo-choos — I'll bet daddy would enjoy this too". As part of the train exhibit, an elaborate miniaturized mockup is also on display depicting an entire town through which a circus parade is passing.

As Toby returns to Santa's living room in preparation for taking the children home, Santa, continuing to sit in his easy chair, tells Dick and Ann, "So glad you came... the entire Christmas celebration is to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ hundreds of years and the wonderful spirit of Christmas...". Toby then leads the children towards the front camera and out of range, as Santa turns in his chair and, addressing the audience, exclaims, "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to all! Merry Christmas!", with "The END" slide placed on the screen to the sound of the calliope "Jingle Bells".

Marines (film)

Vladimir Antonov (Hristo Shopov), a ruthless Russian warlord. is one of the most feared criminal masterminds on the planet, and when the smoke cleared on the last attempt by U.S. Marines to take Antonov down, 11 marines were killed and two were captured. Colonel Anslow (George Roberson) has sworn that he will never let a situation like that happen to his men ever again, and over the course of the next 36 hours, he will finally have a chance to show his resolve and capture Antonov once and for all. A group of Marines led by Lieutenant Everett (Brant Cotton) is sent to Russia to capture Antonov, In this case, help comes from an unexpected source, an elite team of Russian troops commanded by Major Dmitri Kirilenko (Mark Ivanir), in whose honesty they are not quite sure.

Heavenly Court

After death, each person appears before the court which sends the soul either to the "sector of repose" or the "sector of meditations". The last act of man is weighed on the scales of justice in which his entire previous life is reflected. But to give a correct assessment of this act is sometimes very difficult. For this, there is the heavenly court where they are judged by people who died a little earlier and have been sentenced to this work, which in essence is also a "sector of meditations" ...

The Wandering Man (Akunin)

The story is set in the winter of 1916. During the previous year, all the power of the German army was directed against Russia. After several crushing defeats, Russia lost about 2 million soldiers and many thousands of square kilometers of its territory. However, Germany failed in its main goal of 1915 - to force the Russian Empire out of the war. One of the most important episodes of the war in the East in 1915 was the German army's attempt to break through the Russian Northern Front, which ended in complete failure and with great losses because the German command was fed deceptive information. The author of this brilliant operation was General Vladimir Zhukovsky.

Realizing that Zhukovsky's talent may cause a lot of damage to Germany in the future, the German intelligence chief and his deputy order their best spy, Josef von Theofels (known as "Sepp"), to carry out the operation against the Russian general. The intention is to have Zhukovsky accused of taking bribes and to get him fired from his post as chief of Russian counterintelligence. Under the guise of the "Siberian industrialist" Emelyan Bazarov, Teofels penetrates into St. Petersburg. Using an acquaintance with Princess Vereiskaya, with whom Bazarov allegedly escaped from German captivity, he meets Zhukovsky, but the general's discernment and caution prevent the German spy from carrying out the intended provocation. Enraged, Theofels decides to make use of an unusual trump card in the fight against General Zhukovsky – the Wandering Man, or the Wanderer. This is a mysterious figure who is alternately considered a saint or a devil, who may be of use to Sepp in a new, cunning plan.

Brother and Sister (2010 film)

The film tells the story of two brothers who have a love-hate relationship. The recent death of his mother will increase the conflicts between the two. The story takes place in Buenos Aires in Argentina and then moves to the small town of Carmelo, in the Uruguayan department of Colonia.

Yellow Crow

Kiyoshi Yoshida is a 9 years old boy. The boy loves to draw and he has some talent, but his teacher is worried because he draws only in black and yellow (that's where the title is from), which can mean according to color psychology that the child has no parents or is unhappy in his family. Then we learn that he has both parents but his father - Ichiro - came back from China just the previous year after 8 years in prisoner-of-war camp. Action moves back in time to show us first the happy time when Kiyoshi was living with his mother, and awaiting father's return. And then a harsh reality after that when his father has issues to adapt to society, finding work with his skills being obsolete. He also has issues with accepting his son's hobbies that include love for animals (and father hates rats after the prison) and art, as the father thinks he should focus on more scientific subjects, that can give him better job in the future. Also Kiyoshi is jealous of his mother, who now doesn't spend all her time with him, especially after she gives birth to a daughter. All that makes Kiyoshi unhappy. He becomes closer with his teacher and his best friends adopted mother. He even asks her if she wouldn't like to adopt him as his family doesn't love him anymore. After another conflict when Kiyoshi is blamed for everything he decides to run away from home. His parents finally realize that he might feel left out and decide to give him more of their time and love. When the boy comes back they all say "i'm sorry" and hug each other. Some time later we can see whole family happy together and Kiyoshi drawing with many colors.

Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final: Build & Ex-Aid with Legend Rider

Waking up from a strange dream where he extracted Kamen Rider Ex-Aid's power, Sento and Ryūga are alerted to a Smash attack and find themselves instead encountering Bugsters immune to their attacks until Sento uses the newly created Doctor and Game Fullbottles to transform into Ex-Aid. But a blue-armored figure called Kaiser appears and steals the bottles which Sento retrieves while Ryūga is thrown into a machine that sends him to a parallel world where the Skywall does not exist. Suddenly, Sento's world shifts between dimensions and appears next to the other world, spreading hordes of Bugsters in both. With Emu unable to transform into Ex-Aid, his fellow Riders take the initiative against the Bugsters before they are confronted by the red-armored Kaiser Reverse, revealing that the Bugsters epidemic is fuel for his machine Enigma as it and its counterpart in Sento's world seals the powers of the Gamer Drivers and Gashats. Kaiser Reverse then attempts to kill Emu's group when he is driven off by Kamen Rider Ghost, who reveals their world will be destroyed in 24 hours.

Meanwhile, Sento is attacked by Parad, who affirms that he spent the last two years looking for Build in his world to get back Ex-Aid's essence. Their fight is stopped by Sōichi, who reveals that the culprit must be Kaisei Mogami, a researcher who once published a paper about the development of a trans-dimensional machine called Enigma. Parad uses Game Fullbottle to contact Emu and inform him about the situation while Sōichi gives the Phoenix and Robot Fullbottles to Sento. Kuroto, having developed a new Gashat with data from his previous fight against Build to briefly regain his powers, is convinced by Onari to create more for the other Doctor Riders, while Sento and Sawa discover that Mogami once worked under Takumi Katsuragi on Enigma while also developing the Kaiser System and synthetizing the Nebula Bugsters by exposing the Bugster Virus to Nebula Gas. Sento while concludes that Takumi was the one who extracted Ex-Aid's essence, but its perplexed over how the event appeared in his dreams.

As Sento and Parad fight the Nebula Bugsters to protect the population, Kaiser attempts to stop them before being driven away by Build PhoenixRobo Form. The two then track down his hideout with Misora's help and Sento concludes that Takumi stole Ex-Aid's powers to prevent them from being sealed as well, as a countermeasure against Enigma. With the new Kamen Rider Build Gashat created by Kuroto, Taiga, Hiiro and Kiriya join Takeru against the Nebula Bugsters, while a cliff suddenly opens and Ryūga is about to fall on it, when Eiji Hino appears and assists Emu in rescuing him. Eiji then reveals that Foundation X is working with their reality's Kaisei Mogami to develop their side's Enigma and the three set out to confront him at his base, while Sento confronts his world's Mogami who is rendered a cyborg after Takumi's attempt to stop him. Mogami is then joined by his dimensional counterpart, the two revealing their intention to cause a convergence between the worlds while merging into a single god-like being: Bi-Kaiser. Bi-Kaizer uses Core Medals developed by Foundation X to create replica Greed to hold off the Kamen Riders, Eiji using an Ankh clone to revive the original and regain his ability to fight as Kamen Rider OOO while Kamen Riders Fourze and Gaim help Sento and Emu reach the Enigma machines on their respective worlds. Sento concludes that the best way to solve the situation is by prematurely activating the Enigmas with Bi-Kaiser left at only a fraction of his power, restoring Emu's powers while their allies face Bi-Kaiser's forces. Build and Ex-Aid confront and destroy Bi-Kaiser along with the Enigma machines, stopping the convergence and parting ways once the dimensional barrier is restored. After the battle, Onari is welcomed back in the Daitenkū-ji temple while Ankh's vessel fades away with Eiji promising that they will meet again.

In the post credits, Sento and Ryūga confront several Guardians from Faust when a mysterious Rider appears and steals the Phoenix and Robot Fullbottles from Sento, as he flees, he claims that the Bottles belonged to Hokuto in the first place, and affirms that he will soon return.

Atrapada (2018 TV series)

Mariana is an attractive and intelligent young woman, who is capable of seducing any man she desires. After witnessing the murder of her parents, Mariana, just a teenager, is forced to live in the streets and earn a living as a shoeshiner in order to support her younger siblings. She meets Sebastián, who turns her into a skilled white-collar thief. Years later, Mariana's life of theft takes an unexpected turn when Carlos Alberto Herrera, the head of a powerful Mexican family to which Mariana tried to trick, has kidnapped her brothers in exchange for the completion of an important mission. Mariana must infiltrate the Vargas family and seduce the two Vargas brothers to create dissension between them and finally destroy them. The mission becomes more difficult when Mariana realizes that she is falling in love with Felipe Vargas. Now, she will face the biggest challenge of her life to save her brothers. She finds herself face to face with the man who killed her parents. Mariana will not rest until she discovers the culprit of the death of her parents.

A Candle for the Devil

Middle-aged sisters Marta and Verónica run an inn in a Spanish village for travelers. May, a British guest, sunbathes topless on the terrace, and is confronted by the sisters, whose religious convictions forbid such behavior. The three get into an argument, and May is pushed down a staircase and smashes through a glass window, which slashes her to death. As Marta and Verónica scramble to hide her body, her sister Laura arrives at the inn. Marta tells Laura that May checked out and paid her bill earlier that day. Laura decides to take a room until she can find May.

Helen Miller, an indecent woman by the sisters' standards, checks in to the inn the following day, after which Verónica goes to visit Luis, with whom she is having an affair, and the two have sex. After, she confesses to Luis that Marta has discovered money missing, which she had given to Luis. Meanwhile, while strolling, Marta spies on several young men skinny-dipping. Later, when Helen returns to the inn late at night, she gets into an argument with Marta, who has forbidden that guests arrive back later than 11pm. Helen taunts Marta, who then stabs her to death.

The next morning, an American woman, Norma, arrives to stay at the inn with her infant child. Bothered by Helen's disappearance, Laura checks out of the inn and goes to stay in a different hotel. She goes to meet with a local police chief to tell him of her suspicions, and he reveals that Marta's fiancé had disappeared on their wedding day years before. Upon returning to the inn later that night after a brief meeting with Laura, Norma finds Marta and Verónica in the kitchen with her baby. Marta chastises Norma for being a single unmarried mother. Marta and Norma begin fighting, and Norma slaps her in the face several times; as Norma attempts to retrieve her baby from Verónica, Marta stabs her in the back, killing her. In Norma's belongings, Verónica discovers a letter from Norma to her husband about their pending divorce, revealing that Norma was in fact married. This leaves Verónica riddled with guilt, but Marta is unmoved.

Laura breaks into the inn that night to search for evidence implicating the sisters in the disappearances, and investigates large wine vats in the basement, but flees when the sisters hear her. The next day, Laura returns to the inn with a local man, Eduardo, posing as her husband who has just arrived, and rents a room. Marta is suspicious, believing she has seen the man before in town. Meanwhile, during a meal at the inn's restaurant, a woman falls violently ill with food poisoning; her husband notices an odd piece of meat on her plate, and he wraps it in a napkin to give to police. Late that night, Eduardo goes to investigate the inn's basement. In one of the vats, he finds pieces of flesh and bones floating in red wine, along with Norma's severed head. As he steps away from the vat, Marta stabs him to death.

Meanwhile, at the local police station, it is determined that the piece of meat is in fact a chunk of flesh with an eyeball attached; the body part had been stirred up after Laura's earlier attempt to probe the contents of the vats. While the police and a band of villagers head to the inn, Laura goes to search for Eduardo, and finds him dead in the sisters' bedroom. There, she is confronted by the two women, who bind and gag her. Laura flees downstairs with her hands tied, and attempts to find an unlocked door. The sisters corner a helpless Laura against a window. She opens the drapes, however, revealing the police and villagers who witness the scene.

Painted People

As described in a review of the film in a film magazine, Ellie Byrne (Moore) and Don Lane (Lyon), chums, living in the poor section of a factory town, go away to make their fortunes. Ellie wishes to become a lady so that she can marry Preston Dutton (Striker), a society chap, and Don becoming infatuated with Stephanie Parrish (Merriam), daughter of a wealthy man. Ellie becomes a leading actress and Don the author of her first play. Ellie refuses Dutton’s suit when she learns he is after her money, and Stephanie returns Don’s engagement ring. Ellie and Don go back to the factory town disillusioned. They realize that they love each other and in reality had not bettered themselves for someone else but for each other.

Omicidio all'italiana

In the small Abruzzo village of Acitrullo (Corvara, near Pescara) the inhabitants live a simple and monotonous life. Mayor Piero does not know how to change the monotony, but has a brilliant idea when the old Countess Ugalda Martiro In Cazzati dies, choked by the dinner. The mayor, with the complicity of his brother, makes the TV believe that it is a homicide, so that the village comes out of anonymity and becomes famous throughout Italy

Let the Thunder of Victory Rumble! (novel)

On April 1, 1916 a secret meeting is held at the headquarters of the Supreme Command of the Russian Army. After the heavy defeats of 1915 almost all the front commanders are afraid to take active steps. But the commander of the South-Western Front ( ) asks the Czar for permission to attack. The South-Western Front does not have a large number of troops and artillery and there are no reserves for the front, but the commander confidently declares that he is ready to attack the Austro-Hungarian Army. After some hesitation, Nicholas II gives the order to advance.

The commander's plan is built on the element of surprise. Preparation for the offensive begins immediately on 25 sections of the front line, but this is done only in order to confuse the enemy. Only one will become the real breakthrough point.

Aleksey Romanov, who serves just on the South-Western Front, travels to the area. He must deceive the Austrian spies, giving them the impression that there will be no offensive. However, Austrian intelligence is very active. A great help to the Austrians is provided by Ukrainian nationalists fighting for the future independence of Ukraine.

Middleground (film)

A European woman is stuck in an Upstate hotel where she keeps reliving the same day while slowly drifting away from her preoccupied American husband and towards a mysterious stranger who claims they were in love with each other some time ago.

Criminal Talent

In Leningrad, there are a number of similar crimes associated with fraud and theft. Men get acquainted with a girl in a restaurant, drink a few glasses of alcohol and come to their senses in a completely different place, without money in their pockets. Investigator Sergei Ryabinin and police captain Vadim Petelnikov are beginning to hunt for the crooks, but it soon becomes clear that there is only one girl, a real "criminal talent". When following the alleged criminal, Peltelnikov himself becomes her victim. In the end he succeeds in tracking down the thief, but she brazenly runs right out from under the nose of the unlucky police officers.

Soon again unusual crimes begin in the city. On behalf of the victims to their relatives' addresses, "tragic" telegrams arrive with the request to send money, and nobody can explain how the criminals manage to get the confidential information. Investigator Ryabinin is sure that this is the tricks of the same girl whom he is hunting. Ryabinin unravels the criminal's secret, arranges a trap for her, and finally, the fraudster Alexandra Rukoyatkina is caught.

But now the most difficult part begins. The "criminal talent" is imprisoned, but the evidence against her is extremely unconvincing, and the court will probably not take it into account. The investigator has a difficult psychological duel, the result of which should be a candid confession of the young criminal.

Out of Paradise

Bunny was once engaged to a niece to a rich politician, Hector Carruthers, who lives at Palace Gardens. However, following his shameful descent into crime, Bunny has written to her to end the relationship, and miserably awaits her reply from where she is staying in the country. Raffles, who has scored a century, invites Bunny to the Café Royal to celebrate. At dinner, Bunny explains his misery to Raffles. Raffles, in reply, contemplates breaking into Carruthers's house; he then appeases a horrified Bunny by explaining that someone else, Lord Lochmaben, now owns Carruthers's house. Bunny tells Raffles the house's security secrets. At the Albany, they wait until very early morning, then take a roundabout route to the house.

Raffles considers how to enter, but Bunny marches ahead. Raffles follows, and carries Bunny across the noisy driveway. Using a skeleton key, Raffles enters. Bunny recognizes Carrthuers's furniture around them. Raffles implies that Lord Lochmaben is only renting the house. While Bunny helps, Raffles drills the lock out of the study door. Raffles works on the safe behind the bookcase. Suddenly, Bunny hears a door open upstairs. They watch silently from the darkness. They see Bunny's ex-fiancée, coming downstairs to prepare her reply to Bunny's letter. Dismayed, Bunny groans. She hears, and stares at them. No one moves.

Suddenly, the son of the house returns. Raffles flees through the window. He encounters and knocks down one police officer, and runs from the other. As a third officer approaches, Bunny doubles back, and runs into his ex-fiancée. She hates him, but hides him in a cupboard. When the way is clear, she points Bunny to the exit. He flees, and hears her tear her letter apart. On the road, a gentlemanly Raffles is helping the police search. He identifies Bunny as his friend, and they leave. Raffles had shaken off his chaser by ducking into a ball and leaving his coat there. He explains that he lied about Lord Lochmaben to spare Bunny's feelings about robbing the house. Moreover, the lie was a half-lie: Carruthers was recently titled as Lord Lochmaben.

Bunny is furious, yet cannot stay angry at Raffles. Some days later, Raffles stops by Bunny's rooms. Bunny tells Raffles that his ex-fiancée has sent back his gifts to her. Raffles comforts Bunny, reminding him that he is welcome at the Albany.

Hobbs & Shaw

In London, MI6 Agent Hattie Shaw and her team attempt to retrieve a programmable supervirus dubbed "Snowflake" from techno-terrorist organization Eteon. Brixton Lore, an ex-MI6 Agent turned Eteon operative with cybernetic implants that allow him to perform superhuman feats, arrives and kills all the agents except Hattie, who injects the only dose of Snowflake into herself before escaping. Brixton frames Hattie for killing her team and stealing Snowflake, forcing her to go on the run.

Two years after the confrontation against cyberterrorist Cipher, ex-Diplomatic Security Service Agent Luke Hobbs and ex-MI6 Agent Deckard Shaw are both informed of the missing virus and are reluctantly recruited to work together to track it down. After a brief meeting at a CIA black site at Leadenhall Building, Deckard goes to Hattie's apartment for information, only to get attacked by Eteon operatives, while Hobbs manages to find Hattie; after a brief scuffle, he brings her to the CIA office, as Deckard then arrives and informs Hobbs that Hattie is actually his sister. The office is attacked, and Hattie is taken by Brixton, whom Deckard recognizes as an old colleague-turned-enemy he'd previously shot and supposedly killed. Hobbs and Deckard pursue and rescue Hattie, and during an ensuing car chase in a McLaren 720S, manage to escape from Brixton, who crashes into a double-decker bus. However, Brixton frames all three as traitors via Eteon's control of global news media.

The three locate Professor Andreiko, who explains that he created Snowflake to efficiently deliver vaccines, and to prevent Eteon from using the supervirus to eradicate humanity, Hattie, while the virus is still dormant, must either be cremated or have the virus removed with a specialized extraction device, which is located in Eteon's special facility in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Although Hobbs was briefly detained due to Deckard making his fake alias "Mike Oxmaul," the three manage to travel to Moscow. After rendezvousing with Deckard's former flame Margarita to rearm in Moscow, the three infiltrate the facility. They manage to retrieve the device before escaping in a MAN KAT1; however, Andreiko is killed, and the device is damaged during their escape and the facility's destruction.

Hobbs takes Deckard and Hattie to his childhood home in Samoa to visit his estranged brother Jonah, a talented mechanic, to get help repairing the device and lay low before confronting Brixton again. Hobbs has a tense reunion with his family because he got his father sent to prison, but Jonah is eventually persuaded to help them by their mother. The makeshift battalion prepares for Eteon's arrival, disabling the weapons used by Eteon's team by temporarily shutting down their authorization code, and setting up a variety of traps around the island. Jonah successfully repairs the device and starts the virus extraction, just as Brixton and his army arrive. In the ensuing battle, all of Brixton's soldiers are defeated, whereas the Samoans suffer minimal casualties.

Brixton recaptures Hattie with a UH-60 Black Hawk; however, Hobbs, Deckard, and the Samoans bring the aircraft down with several custom trucks. Working together, Hobbs and Deckard defeat Brixton, who is remotely terminated afterward by Eteon's unseen director. The director sends a message claiming to know Hobbs and intending to persuade him and the Shaw siblings, while they promise to find the director; the group then celebrates their victory.

In mid- and post-credits scenes, Hobbs brings his daughter to meet their extended family in Samoa; Deckard and Hattie are implied to bust their mother out of prison; and Hobbs receives a call from his partner, Locke, informing him that he had broken into a facility and discovered another virus worse than the Snowflake virus. Hobbs also secretly has the London police set on Deckard in retaliation for the "Mike Oxmaul" prank, which Hobbs told the police that Deckard's name was "Hugh Janus".

The Bells of Nagasaki (film)

The film portrays the experiences of Takashi Nagai as a survivor of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.

Let Them Eat Pie

Professor Pyg (Michael Cerveris) serves food to homeless people and takes 6 of them to a dining hall where he serves them poisoned food. He then begins removing parts of their bodies. Meanwhile, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) arrives just as Bullock (Donal Logue) is leaving the Captain's office.

Sofia (Crystal Reed) prepares for a fundraising event when she is visited by Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), who is angry at Gordon being promoted as GCPD Captain and sets to find the person who authorized it as the Mayor is currently missing. Gordon continues receiving threats from Pyg, who has now pitched a tent with two corpses being eaten by pigs outside the GCPD. Meanwhile, Bruce (David Mazouz) is confronted by Alfred (Sean Pertwee) for his recent misbehavior and is reminded of their yearly tradition of going to the top of a hill.

Lucius (Chris Chalk) tells Gordon that the corpses were filled with materials that produce paper, so he goes to investigate a closed paper mill. However, he is ambushed and Pyg kidnaps him. Pyg later shows up at Sofia's fundraising event as a chef, preparing meat pies made of homeless people. In the hill, Alfred tells Bruce the story of how he met Thomas Wayne and how he saved his life. Bruce distracts Alfred, takes the keys and flees in the car.

At the fundraising event, Pyg serves Gotham's Elite, including Sofia and Cobblepot the people pies. When Sofia questions him, he stabs her in the hand. Meanwhile, Pyg explains that everyone will eat the pies that are made of homeless people or he will kill Martin (Christopher Convery). When one of them dismisses Martin for being an orphan, Cobblepot kills him. He then forces everyone to eat the pies. Gordon arrives and fights with Pyg on the table, eventually stabbing Pyg in the arm and defeating him. Pyg is later sent to Arkham Asylum.

In the aftermath, Cobblepot decides to abandon the licenses but tells Sofia that Gordon can't continue being Captain. In Wayne Manor, Bruce has hosted a party with friends when Alfred shows up. After everyone leaves, Alfred confronts Bruce for his actions. Bruce explains that nothing has changed since Ra's death, despite having avenged his parents' death. He then tells Alfred to just be his butler, not his father. That night, Gordon visits Sofia and after a talk, Sofia kisses him. Martin later shows this information to Cobblepot. Tearful, he states she will pay.



The prologue is set in Rome in the 1970s, with Marguerite, an American expatriate, in the office of her psychiatrist. Although living a comfortable middle-class life, Marguerite is floundering, without direction. She often thinks of her maternal grandmother, Umbertina, who had a "primitive strength" that Marguerite envies.

'''Part One: Umbertina, 1860-1940'''

At sixteen, Umbertina works as a goatherd in the hills above the Calabrian village of Castagna. She lives with her parents, brothers, and sisters in a one-room, dirt-floored stone cabin. Her father, Carlo Nenci, is a poor tenant farmer who toils for the Baron Mancuso di Valerba, an absentee landlord who takes half of everything produced by the villagers.

One day Giosuè, a charcoal maker from the next village, presents Umbertina with a heart-shaped holder for her knitting needles, which he made himself out of tin. Umbertina likes Giosuè, who has beautiful dark hair and eyes, but her father instead promises her to Serafino Longobardi, an older man who had fought in the Campaign of 1860. Well in advance of the wedding, Umbertina asks the local priest's housekeeper, Nelda, to weave her a matrimonial bedspread in the traditional Calabrian style. It is the one valuable possession she will bring to her new home. She also asks Nelda for some rosemary, hoping that once she is married she will at last have chicken to cook with it. Nelda tells her of an old saying: where rosemary thrives, "the women of that house are its strength."

Serafino buys a small plot of farmland, and Umbertina gives birth to three children. Oppressive taxes, high interest rates, and depleted soil make it impossible to break even. At Umbertina's urging, they decide to emigrate to America. They load their few possessions onto a donkey and, with a few of their neighbors, make their way to Naples where they board a ship for New York. For the next two years, the family lives in an overcrowded Italian ghetto. Umbertina takes in laundry while Serafino works as a laborer. They make the mistake of entrusting their meager savings to a fly-by-night immigrant bank, and are left with nothing. Umbertina sells her bedspread to a social worker, and the family moves to Cato, New York, where some of their old friends from Castagna have settled.

While Serafino labors at the railroad yard, the enterprising Umbertina begins selling freshly made pizza and panini to his co-workers for lunch. As the business expands, she leases farmland to grow fresh produce and opens a grocery store. She gives birth to five more children, including a daughter, Carla. The family business thrives, and the Longobardis become affluent and Americanized. On her deathbed, the elderly Umbertina has a vision of the lost bedspread with its intricately patterned design. Just before she dies, she asks her son for a cup of water from the spring in Castagna.

'''Part Two: Marguerite, 1927-1973'''

Carla's daughter Marguerite is restless, searching for something to give her life meaning. After college she travels to Italy, where she meets Alberto Morosini, a poet some twenty years her senior who comes from an old, established Venetian family. Planning to live together as artists, they marry and have two daughters, moving several times between Italy and the United States. While Alberto focuses on his successful writing career, Marguerite's attention is scattered. At forty-two she has an affair with a writer her own age, and uses her literary connections to try to help his career.

'''Part Three: Tina, 1950-'''

Marguerite's daughter Tina is living in New York when she receives the news that her mother has died in a car accident. She flies to Rome to be with her family. While still grieving her mother, she learns she is pregnant by her feckless American boyfriend, and endures a painful, illegal abortion. She begins spending time with Jason, a law student from an old, established New England family who is staying in Rome with his diplomat father. (Although Jason is a "Wasp," Tina thinks he looks Italian; his physical appearance echoes that of Giosuè in Part One.)

Tina struggles to choose a path in life. While touring southern Italy with Jason, she runs off with another man and visits her great grandmother's hometown. Unbeknownst to her, she ends up speaking to a descendant of Giosuè, who made the tin heart which she carries with her as a memento. She returns to the United States to continue her classical studies. One day she visits the Statue of Liberty, and in the Museum of Immigration, sees a beautiful Calabrian bedspread. Not realizing it once belonged to her great grandmother, Tina wishes Umbertina had brought something like that with her to America to pass down to her descendants.

Eventually Tina reunites with Jason and they become engaged. Unlike her mother, Tina is now able to commit herself as fully to a career as her fiancé. On a visit to Jason's family home in Wellfleet, Massachusetts—not far from where an Italian bark, the ''Castagna'', was shipwrecked in 1914—she plants rosemary.

Frozen Alive (film)

Two scientists from the World Health Organisation's Low Temperature Unit in Berlin - the American Dr. Frank Overton (Stevens) and Dr. Helen Wieland (Koch), a West German, have successfully frozen chimpanzees, stored them at -80 °C for three months, and thawed them with no ill effects. Their goal is to move on to humans and save those suffering from currently incurable diseases.

Frank and Helen are affectionate, but Frank is married to Joan (Delphi Lawrence), an alcoholic fashion journalist. Her lover, Tony Stein (Joachim Hansen), is a newspaper crime reporter.

The director of the Low Temperature Unit, Sir Keith (Walter Rilla), has forbidden Frank and Helen from human experimentation. They've won a prestigious award for their work with chimps, and are each to receive $25,000. Frank tells Joan that they should buy a cottage in the country, after which she would quit her job and have babies. Joan is not enthusiastic. She is jealous of Helen as she thinks Frank spends too much time with her. Frank and Joan argue, and Frank storms off to work on an all-night experiment with Helen. Joan, in turns, goes out with Tony.

At Tony's apartment, Joan and he also argue after he cut their date short to write an article, which will take all night. When Tony moves to another room to write in peace, a drunken Joan takes his semi-automatic pistol and leaves. She goes to the lab to confront Helen, but Frank physically removes her from the premises. At home, Joan and Frank row, and Joan says she wishes she was dead. Frank thinks she's being silly, but then sees she has a gun. As they struggle over it, the pistol discharges but neither is struck by the bullet. Frank pulls out the empty clip and believes the gun is unloaded.

After Joan has sobered up a bit, she asks Frank if he can arrange a short, romantic holiday for them. Frank says yes, but only if he can help Helen finish a project that night. At the lab, he tells Helen that despite Sir Keith's order, they must take the next step and deep-freeze a human - him. Lab technician Martin (Albert Bessler) asks Helen how he should enter the experiment in the lab's logbook. Helen says that since the previous experiment was numbered X700, freezing Frank is X701.

Tony goes to Joan to retrieve his pistol. To his surprise, Joan refuses a drink, saying she's on the wagon. Then she declares it's time to say "auf wiedersehen" to the old, drunken Joan, melodramatically puts the gun to her abdomen, and shoots herself, not realizing the supposedly empty gun had a live round in the chamber. Tony puts her to bed, where she dies. He leaves her body lying there and leaves, taking the pistol with him. A cleaning woman finds Joan the next morning.

Police Inspector Prentow (Lukscky) and Sgt. Grun (Wolfgang Gunther) arrive at the lab to interrogate Frank, the chief subject in what they assume is Joan's murder. Upon learning that he's been frozen, Prentow demands that Frank be thawed immediately.

Meanwhile, Tony sees a headline in a newspaper that reads "Bekannte Mode-Journalisten tot aufgefunden! Ehemann verschwindet!" ("Famous fashion journalist found dead! Husband disappears!") and call his uncle, the Vice President of Police, to explain what actually happened. The message about Joan's accidental death is passed on to Prentow. Frank thaws, alive and well.

A year later, Frank and his friendly boss Prof. Hubbard (John Logden) relax outdoors as Hubbard reads aloud an interview with Sir Keith, who takes full credit for successfully freezing and thawing Frank. Helen walks around the corner of the country cottage, and she and Frank, arm in arm, stroll off together.

Spanish Fly (1998 film)

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No Entrance

The Chase

Young Border Guard accompanies Sergeant Major Border Guard on a patrol. They find tracks in a snow and follow them. They are met with snow storm and they get lost to each other Sergeant Major falls asleep but wakes up when he hears gunshots. He finds Young Border Guard shot. He gets him to a Rural house where a young woman lives. She tells him about suspicious man who was there. Sergeant Major goes after the saboteur and catches him as the Young Border Guard dies.

The Wandering

Lieutenant Štěpánek lives with his family in a village in Šumava near border. Štěpánek's wife Jiřina doesn't like it there and wants to return to inlands. Štěpánek doesn't want to leave his job and is unhappy with his wife's lamentations. Their son Péťa adores his father. One day Jiřina starts to pack up when Štěpánek is on duty. Péťa runs away when he finds out his father wouldn't go with them. Everybody in the village then help to find Péťa and Jiřina decides to stay.

The Groom

A German named Helmut (Philippe Reinhardt), having fallen in love with a Russian girl named Alena (Svetlana Smirnova-Martsinkevich), whom he met in Berlin, arrives in Russia on Victory Day (9 May) to ask for her hand in marriage. Having welcomed the groom, Alena goes to the village to introduce him to her relatives. But at this time Tolya (Sergei Svetlakov) - her ex-husband, is visiting the village, who suddenly decided to get his wife back.

Serious rivalry awakes when the ex-husband is introduced to the new groom. All friends, relatives, residents of the neighboring village, businessman Erofeev (Sergey Burunov), who bought the house next door, and even a tankman with a snake - all are involved in the family affair.

Danger Zone (Grey's Anatomy)

In Iraq in 2007, Megan is waiting to hear back on stratification rankings. She needs to be number one to realise her dream of becoming flight surgeon. As she goes to wake up Nathan, she finds a necklace under a pile of clothes. He claims he intended to propose to her and chose for a necklace rather than a ring since she loses everything that is not attached to her. She accepts and shares the news with Teddy and Owen, but her happiness is quickly crushed when it is announced that she is not number one in the ranking. Megan thinks that Owen, her Commanding Officer, has recommended her, while he actually did the opposite in an attempt to protect her from the dangerous position. As multiple wounded soldiers come in after two of their Iraqi allies went rogue, the siblings end up operating on the same patient and Megan discovers the truth. Meanwhile, Teddy and Nathan operate together. Teddy knows Nathan cheated on Megan because she recognised the necklace as belonging to a woman named Felicia. He admits to cheating and she convinces him to tell Megan the truth since he really does want to marry her. This leads to a heated confrontation between the two, which is interrupted when Megan has to tend to Sana, one of her patients. When Megan tells Owen about Nathan cheating, he tells her to get away from Nathan and board the next evacuation helicopter with the patient, which is against protocol. At the same time, Teddy's patient informs her that the second shooter was actually an Iraqi woman, whom the Army doctors were previously told tried to wrestle the gun out of a man's hands. Teddy connects the dots but she's seconds too late to warn Megan, and can only watch the helicopter fly away. Distraught over both her brother's and Nathan's betrayal, Megan is distracted and does not notice Sana reaching for a gun, which would lead to Megan being kidnapped.

In the present, Owen decides to drive with Megan to her new house in Malibu, which Nathan and Farouk are preparing as they await her arrival. On the road, they happily reminisce about their past but end up fighting over the fact that Owen caused her to lose out on the flight surgeon training. They eventually have a heart-to-heart when he confesses he'd rather have her stay in Seattle with him. She makes it clear it is not his job to protect her anymore, and that she has no reason to hate Nathan for cheating on her as, unbeknownst to Owen, she had cheated on him first. She confides that all those years in captivity have taught her that every little bit of happiness is worth clinging to, regardless of what everyone else thinks. In captivity, she decided she wanted to live on the beach to experience freedom. She also offers Owen some words of wisdom by pointing out that he is very loyal to his ideas and ideals, but that in order to be happy, he might have to break up with some of those ideals. Meanwhile, Nathan and Meredith have their final conversation through texts, in which they thank one another for what they have meant in each other's lives. Megan then joins Nathan and Farouk at their new home. As one happy family, they spend time on the beach.

Owen returns home to Amelia and announces that he has decided they need to separate to be happy again, something she has come to realise as well. They return their rings and hug.

The Chest of Silver

Bunny visits the Albany to find Raffles packing his large pieces of silver into an enormous chest. Bunny assumes that Raffles is fleeing from Crawshay, the prince of thieves and their rival. Raffles doesn't deny it. He adds that Inspector Mackenzie suspects him, and Raffles wants to give him a chance to search his rooms. Therefore, he is leaving to Scotland. As an excuse for his absence, Raffles is having new paint, electric light, and a telephone added. Meanwhile, Bunny must take the chest to his own bank. Raffles pays Bunny money to deposit into his account, then quickly dismisses Bunny until their next meeting at the train station. Later, Bunny dines alone, feeling lonely but grateful for Raffles's generosity.

Bunny returns to take the chest from the Albany the next morning, but Raffles is already gone. Yesterday, Raffles had been too vague; Bunny had misunderstood Raffles's train to be in the morning, when it was actually last night. Dismayed, Bunny nonetheless takes the chest and deposits it at his bank, ostensibly for the Easter holiday.

That night, however, Bunny receives a troubling letter from Raffles warning him vaguely that the prince of thieves may be a threat. Next day, while at a Turkish bath at Northumberland Avenue, Bunny learns from a newspaper that his bank has been burgled. Worried, Bunny takes a cab to his bank, and finds it overrun by anxious customers. The clerk tells Bunny that his chest is untouched, though they suspect the chest must have caught a burglar's attention yesterday. Bunny has the chest removed and taken to his own rooms at Mount Street, exactly as Raffles had suggested in his vague letter.

In his rooms, Bunny is shocked when Raffles springs merrily from the chest: Raffles reveals that he had robbed the bank from the inside. He had left his other silver as lost luggage at a station. The only catch was that he had to knock out a watchman while committing the burglary. Though Raffles was prepared for a long stay, he had trusted Bunny to read his letter, play his part, and extract him. Bunny is both irritated and flattered. Bunny protests that Raffles lied about the prince of thieves being a threat. Raffles corrects him: after this stunt, it is Raffles who is the prince of thieves.

Acts of Vengeance (film)

The wife and daughter of Pittsburgh lawyer Frank Valera (Antonio Banderas), Sue (Cristina Serafini) and Olivia, are killed shortly after a talent show in which Olivia sings a song for Frank, and their bodies are dumped in a hole near the train yard. Before the murder, Sue sent a video of Olivia's performance to Frank. After the funeral, Frank's father-in-law Chuck (Robert Forster) confronts him and tells him not to speak to him anymore. Frank visits the police station to discuss the murders, and Pittsburgh Police Detective Bill Lustiger (Johnathan Schaech) informs him that the police found a gold fiber at the murder scene. Lustiger suspects that the murderers belong to the Russian mafia, which operates in the area of the crime.

After subjecting himself to beatings in an illegal mixed martial arts ring to atone for his perceived guilt for the murders, Frank is rescued by Pittsburgh Police officer Hank Strode (Karl Urban), whom Frank met earlier at the station. However, when Strode informs Frank that his family's case has become “cold," Frank leaves, dismayed and depressed. Later, when getting involved in a fight to help a child prostitute, Frank falls through a window of a book store, where he fortuitously grabs Marcus Aurelius’ ''Meditations'' to help stop the bleeding of a leg wound. Frank reads parts of the book and changes his attitude about what he should do next and how he should proceed, adopting a Stoic philosophy. He then takes a Stoic vow of silence until the case is solved and sets out to learn the skills required to do so.

After learning combat skills with masters of karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Frank goes to the train yard, where the crime took place, to investigate. He encounters Russian thugs and defeats them, though he is injured in the process by a bullet. A nurse, Alma (Paz Vega), arrives and brings him to her home to treat his injuries. The next day, Frank returns to his home. On the way, he adopts a dog previously owned by his attackers. Later, Alma approaches to return his wallet, which he left at her place. Alma learns about his family’s death and the yard, and she befriends him.

Frank attempts to find the potential witness who lives in a makeshift shelter, but he loses him. As he drives Alma home later, she reveals that the shelter Frank investigated was the home of a man called “Mr. Shivers” (Clint Dyer), who works as a cook at the local diner. After he drops Alma off, Russian gang members appear and ask Alma if she is going to continue supplying drugs to them. Frank suddenly appears and incapacitates them. She explains that she worked with them for a year, stealing drugs from the hospital for them. Frank takes her to his home for her safety.

Frank finds Mr. Shivers working in the kitchen of a diner; they fight. Frank shows his family picture to Shivers, who witnessed the murders from his shelter. Shivers says that a police officer committed the murders. Frank then sneaks into the police station and finds that Hank Strode was assigned to patrol that particular district on the night of the murders.

After several days of following Strode, Frank enters Strode's house and finds a police jacket with gold fibers coming loose from an embroidered sleeve badge. Frank also finds a bag that contains magazines with Frank on the cover, news articles about Strode's 12-year-old daughter's murder, and Frank's legal defense of the suspect, who was freed on a technicality. Strode wanted Frank to suffer for freeing the suspect, and he wanted Frank to know what Strode felt. Frank leaves a note for Strode, saying that he will meet at a warehouse. As Strode arrives, a fight ensues, leaving both injured. Managing to subdue Strode, Frank overcomes his desire to kill him upon remembering Aurelius’ quote, “The best revenge is to be unlike your enemy,” and instead knocks Strode out.

Later, after Strode's trial and conviction, Frank and Alma visit the graves of his wife and daughter, where Frank finally ends his vow of silence by saying "I love you" to his family's graves.

The Unknown Soldier (2017 film)

The machine gun company is deployed in June 1941 from their barracks to the staging area to prepare for the invasion of the Soviet Union. The company's first attack is over a swamp on Soviet positions. Following a series of battles, the soldiers advance into East Karelia and cross the old border lost during the Winter War. In October 1941, they interact with the locals while positioned in the captured and pillaged city of Petrozavodsk. The company is ordered to defend against a Soviet winter attack along the Svir river. Lahtinen is killed during a Soviet breakthrough, but Rokka halts a flanking 50-strong enemy unit by ambushing them with a Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun from high ground. The film follows the trench warfare period of the war from 1942 to 1943. The soldiers drink kilju (a home-made sugar wine) until intoxication during Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim's birthday celebrations, a new recruit is killed by a sniper and replacements reinforce the company.

The Soviet Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive of summer 1944 forces the Finnish Army to start a withdrawal from the conquered area and to stall the Soviet advance with counter-attacks. Hietanen is first wounded by artillery and later dies when his ambulance is attacked. In the subsequent fighting, the company suffers large numbers of casualties, including Captain Kariluoto, and abandons its machine guns during a retreat from a hopeless defence. Shortly afterwards, the company must hold the line against another Soviet attack. Koskela is killed while disabling a Soviet tank with a satchel charge. After the last counter-attack by the Finns, the war ends in a ceasefire in September 1944. The soldiers rise from their defensive fighting positions after the final Soviet artillery barrage stops and they listen to the first radio announcements on the eventual Moscow Armistice. The film closes with a montage of the impacts of the war and actual war-time footage.

City in the World

The narrative follows Hennings and Lotten's descendants during the post-war period in Stockholm.

Let There Be Light (2017 film)

Outspoken atheist Dr. Sol Harkens is having a debate with a Christian leader. After Harkens is considered to have won the debate, he attends a party for his book. He double-fists cocktails while trying to get his girlfriend to come home with him that night; she refuses. Disappointed, Harkens heads home in a drunken haze to sleep it off. On the way home, his publicist calls him to arrange more parties to increase his exposure. Since he was already drunk after leaving his party and continues to drink on the way home, he veers off the road and crashes into a construction site.

Suddenly surrounded by a carnival-like light tunnel, he sees hallucinations of his young son David, who died a few years earlier from cancer. His son enthusiastically claims that he is all right and that Sol should let God's love fill him, proclaiming "Let there be light!" as Dr. Harkens comes out of unconsciousness. After being clinically dead for 4 minutes, he awakens to find his Christian ex-wife Katy at his side, and tells her that he saw their son. His doctor diagnoses his visions as merely adrenal brain surges that are caused by traumatic moments.

Harkens continues to struggle with his crisis of science versus faith. After Katy shows up at his house to check on him, he decides to go and talk to pastor and former mob member Vinny at a church. After hearing the resurrection story, he has an epiphany and is baptized again as a believing Christian. After several visits from his ex-wife, he decides to rekindle their relationship so they can be a family again with their two surviving sons. He proposes and she accepts, but almost immediately they learn that she has cancer and is past the point of treatment.

Fox News' Sean Hannity hears of Dr. Harkens' story and asks him to come onto his program because he considers his story of great merit. Harkens announces a campaign of world peace called the "Let There Be Light" campaign. He believes that if everyone in the world shines their lights to the sky at night that it could be a bolster to world unity. During the night of the event the simultaneous action of the world shining their light to the heavens is visible from space. Meanwhile back home, the newly-remarried Harkens are having a night of family time singing Christmas songs outside when Katy suddenly dies in Sol's arms.

La Cacica

This is the story of Consuelo Araújo Noguera (Viña Machado), a woman who arrives as a hurricane to revolutionize the serene winds of Valledupar. She takes care that popular music enters unthinkable places, sounds loudly in the Caribbean, extends throughout the entire country and crosses continents. Unfortunately, her life comes to an end after being kidnapped and murdered in the jungle by her captors.

The Ruins of Isis

''The Ruins of Isis'' is a novel about the adventures of an anthropologist and her husband on a female-dominated planet.

Witching Hill

Mr. Gillon is an athletic youth bored by his stale job as clerk at the Witching Hill Estate Office, which manages the properties along Witching Hill Road. One day, however, Uvo Delavoye, a fascinating and energetic young man despite his ongoing recovery from a tropical illness, asks Gillon to have a look at hole that has appeared overnight in his mother's backyard. Together they investigate and find a tunnel, which leads to the estate's largest house. There, they secretly witness the famously pious owner, Sir Christopher Stainsby, hosting a drunken party. Delavoye blames the party's wild behaviour on the influence of his wicked ancestor, Lord Mulcaster, who once owned all of Witching Hill.

Gillon and Delavoye become close friends, despite Gillon's refusal to believe in Delavoye's superstitions, and they spend the next three years contending with apparently supernatural events. For their second adventure, they investigate the honest lawyer Abercromby Royle who has turned dishonest and strange. Thirdly, they help the inoffensive accountant Guy Berridge who suffers from impulses of attacking his fiancée. Fourthly, they suppress the profane story inexplicably written by the reverend's courteous sister, Julia Brabazon.

Fifthly, they support Coplestone, a retired oarsman and widower, when his likable son Ronnie falls ill. Sixthly, army-crammer Colonel Arthurs Cheffins gifts Delavoye a revolver as recompense for almost shooting Delavoye, and Delavoye becomes obsessed with the firearm. Seventhly, the former public school master Edgar Nettleton sets his house on fire, and Delavoye begins to fear that it his own tainted presence that is the cause of not only Nettleton's madness but also the other events thus far.

Finally, Gillon leaves Witching Hill for a year of military service. Afterwards, he returns, weakened by enteric fever, to visit Delavoye. Delavoye, now a journalist, introduces Gillon to the pleasant Mrs. Ricardo, and her unpleasant husband Captain Ricardo. Later, Gillon encounters Mrs. Ricardo at the ruins of a Temple of Bacchus in the woods, and discusses Delavoye with her.

One night, Gillon visits the woods looking for Delavoye, but spies Mr. Ricardo. Gillon trails him to the ruins, where both men eavesdrop on Mrs. Ricardo and Delavoye. Mrs. Ricardo wants to have an affair, but Delavoye insists against it; in fact, Delavoye asserts that their iniquitous impulses are the result of the curse of Lord Mulcaster's descendant. Delavoye sadly declares that he must leave her. Gillon and Mr. Ricardo are impressed.

At Delavoye's house, Gillon asks Delavoye to come away with him somewhere up north. Delavoye agrees to. He adds that his ancestor's spirit will not trouble Witching Hill any longer.

A World Between

''A World Between'' is a novel which takes place on a planet called Pacifica, whose governmental system is a media democracy, in which elections are held on a world-wide computer net.

Electric Forest (novel)

''Electric Forest'' is a novel about a deformed woman who is given a new body as part of a government espionage effort. The world called Indigo turned upside down for Magdala Cled one morning. From being that world's only genetic misfit, the outcast of an otherwise ideal society, she became the focus of attention for mighty forces. Installed in the midst of the Electric Forest, with its weird trees and its super-luxurious private home, Magdala awoke to the potentials which were opening up about her. And to realize also the peril that now seemed poised above Indigo. Only she, the hated one, could circumvent them.

The Rest Cure (short story)

Bunny is short of funds, but is unable to find Raffles anywhere, until a tramp outside the Albany gives Bunny a message from Raffles arranging a rendezvous at Holland Park at night. At Holland Park, Bunny is approached by the tramp again, who is Raffles in disguise. To avoid Inspector Mackenzie, Raffles has grown a beard and taken the house of a prison warden, Colonel Crutchley, who is in Switzerland with his wife. At the house, Raffles is taking his own version of the Rest Cure: he is keeping no servants, running after hansoms to be paid for helping travellers move luggage, and reading the rest of the time. When Bunny tells Raffles of his money troubles, Raffles invites Bunny to join him in Campden Hill.

Raffles gives Bunny a tour of the house, and Bunny realizes that, rather than renting honestly, Raffles is living in the house illegally. On Bunny's first night, they celebrate, but thereafter Raffles spends half his time alone, and Bunny feels neglected. When Raffles takes solitary excursions out of the house in his tramp disguise, Bunny decides to disguise himself and follow Raffles outside.

Once, while Raffles is away, Bunny dresses in the clothing of Crutchley's wife. Yet her clothing is too out of season; when he hears Raffles return, Bunny decides to simply frighten Raffles. He goes downstairs, but is horrified to encounter an armed Colonel Crutchley.

Crutchley, who had come home early for his letters, is taken in by Bunny's disguise, until Bunny knocks out the telephone. Yet before Crutchley can attack Bunny, Raffles appears and grabs Crutchley from behind. Crutchley breaks an empty wine bottle on Raffles's shin, and Raffles and Bunny struggle to bind and gag him in a chair. Raffles is maddened by his wound, which may be used to identify him later. He resolves to abandon Crutchley and the house. Bunny changes, Raffles cleans himself, and they leave.

Raffles decides to shave and travel through the country. Bunny follows him. Raffles commits burglaries, but Bunny doesn't participate. A couple of days into the journey, Bunny has grown too anxious about Crutchley, and tells Raffles; Raffles reassures him that he has sent an anonymous letter to notify the police about Crutchley.

Carnival (1981 film)

In a small Uralic city lives a young woman, Nina Solomatina, with her mother. Her father left her as a child and moved to Moscow. Dreaming study acting, Nina comes to Moscow, but fails the entrance examinations to the theatrical school. Deciding to try to enter next year, Nina temporarily moves in with her father and his family. Striving to provide for herself, she goes to work, but because of various incidents, she is not able to stay anywhere for a long time. In her personal life, Nina also suffers a fiasco Muscovite student Nikita very quickly breaks up with her for a new girl. As a result, Nina begins to understand that the big city is not the eternal carnival she imagined it to be, and instead of conquering the world, the main heroine returns to her home to care of her ill mother.

The film ends on an ambiguous note Nina Solomatina appears as a famous singer performing at the full hall, it is not clear if all this is real, or just her imagination.

The Metropolitan Touch

Back in London, Bertie receives a telegram from Bingo Little, who is still at Twing Hall. Bingo is in love with Mary Burgess, niece of the local parson, Heppenstall. Jeeves approves of Mary, and he and Bertie return to Twing to encourage the match. Bingo has a rival, Wingham, who is courting Mary. Jeeves suggests that Bingo befriend Mary's younger brother, Wilfred. Bingo and Mary take Wilfred on walks, and things look promising. Bertie and Jeeves return to London.

Bertie gets another telegram from Bingo, asking for help. Jeeves goes to Twing for the night. He reports that Steggles, the bookmaker behind the Sermon Handicap and the betting at the school treat, is taking wagers against Bingo ending up with Mary. Steggles induced Bingo into betting that Wilfred would win an eating contest, and Wilfred became ill, causing Bingo to lose favor with Mary. Jeeves advised Bingo to do good deeds around the village to win back Mary.

Later, Bertie returns home to find Bingo sleeping in his bed. Bertie wakes him, and Bingo relates that Mary is impressed by his good deeds and Wingham has fallen ill. To impress Mary, Bingo has taken responsibility for the Village School Christmas Entertainment. He will add songs from London shows to liven up the event. Bingo later sends Bertie a large poster for Bingo's show. Jeeves disapproves, and maintains that songs from London shows will not succeed with a rural audience.

Bertie goes to Twing to see the show. A boy performs "Always Listen to Mother, Girls!", a song from a London show that Bertie feels is not suited for children. The crowd is stunned. The next song is from another show where girls toss wool oranges to the audience, but the kids on stage throw real oranges at the crowd, and chaos ensues. Bertie looks for Bingo to warn him about the angered crowd. Defeated, Bingo tells Bertie that Steggles substituted real oranges for the balls of wool, and Mary is upset with him.

Mary and Wingham's engagement is announced. Bertie is sorry that Jeeves's efforts were wasted. Jeeves is not bothered, because he had placed a bet against Bingo.

The Delayed Exit of Claude and Eustace

Aunt Agatha visits Bertie and tells him his cousins Claude and Eustace, who have been expelled from Oxford, are being sent to work in South Africa. She instructs Bertie to look after them for a night. Bertie is concerned his cousins will cause trouble, but Jeeves is unsympathetic because he disapproves of Bertie's new spats with Etonian colours.

Claude and Eustace stay over, though most of the night they are out partying, with Bertie reluctantly chaperoning. In the morning, however, Claude and Eustace refuse to leave. Both fell in love with Bertie's friend Marion Wardour at one of the night parties. They compete for her attention. Bertie tries to hide their failure to depart from Aunt Agatha, who tells him that his Uncle George was shocked by seeing Eustace on the street. She fears that it was Eustace's ghost and that an accident has occurred. Bertie relays this to Claude and Eustace, who wear false noses and moustaches to avoid being recognized.

Marion complains to Bertie about the twins calling on her constantly. Claude gave her a cigarette case as a gift. Aunt Agatha wants Bertie to accompany Uncle George to Harrogate where he can recover his nerves. He has had another shock: a man with a moustache and a strange nose stole his cigarette case. Eustace later confronts Claude about this, and they are no longer on speaking terms. Suddenly, both decide to leave for South Africa, though each without telling the other. They go and Bertie is thrilled.

Bertie receives a letter and five pounds from Marion. Marion sent the money for Jeeves to thank him. He had advised her to tell the twins separately that she was going to South Africa and to meet her along the way. Jeeves also says that Bertie is no longer expected at Harrogate; Uncle George has recovered by drinking his valet's pick-me-up drinks, made using a recipe Jeeves gave him. Grateful, Bertie tells Jeeves he may burn the spats, and Jeeves thanks him, saying he has already done so.

Bingo and the Little Woman

Bingo and the Little Woman

Bertie and his friend Bingo Little dine at the Senior Liberal Club, where Bingo falls in love with their waitress. She returns his feelings. Bingo asks Bertie to convince Bingo's uncle, Lord Bittlesham, to restore his allowance by once more pretending to be the romance novelist Rosie M. Banks, whom Lord Bittlesham admires. Bertie is reluctant, but Bingo reminds him they were at school together. Bingo tells Bertie to send Bittlesham an autographed copy of Rosie M. Banks's most recent novel, ''The Woman Who Braved All''.

Having greatly enjoyed the book, Lord Bittlesham listens to Bertie and agrees to restore Bingo's allowance. However, he does not approve of Bingo's engagement.

Bertie tells this to Bingo, who is happy about his allowance but disappointed not to have his uncle's approval. Bingo is gone for three days, and when he reappears, he looks dazed and rambles about random topics. At last, he tells Bertie the big news: he is married.

All's Well

Bertie is stunned that Bingo finally got married. Bingo convinces Bertie to talk to Lord Bittlesham again to break the news. Bertie talks to Bittlesham, and at first Bittlesham is angry that Bingo married without his approval. Bertie, however, quotes from ''The Woman Who Braved All'', and persuades him to support the marriage. As he leaves, Bertie tells Bingo and his wife, who are waiting outside the room, that they can talk to Lord Bittlesham now.

Bingo later comes to Bertie in distress and says that his wife, spotting the same book Bertie quoted from, told Lord Bittlesham that she was Rosie M. Banks. She had been working as a waitress to gather material for a book and had not told Bingo because she was touched that Bingo loved her regardless. At first, Lord Bittlesham calls her an imposter, but she proves her claim. Bittlesham is angry with Bertie and Bingo for fooling him. Rosie is also upset with Bertie for pretending to be her. Jeeves suggests that Bertie go hunting in Norfolk while Jeeves stays behind to sort things out.

Bertie does not enjoy himself in Norfolk and returns to London. He goes directly to Bingo's place to find out what has happened, and meets Lord Bittlesham there. Bertie fears a scene but Bittlesham acts awkwardly. Afterwards, Bertie sees Bingo, who says that his uncle and Rosie get along great now. On Jeeves's advice, Bingo told his uncle that Bertie is mentally unsound, and everyone was fooled by Bertie's delusion. Bingo got the nerve specialist Sir Roderick Glossop, who has had several bizarre run-ins with Bertie, to verify this claim.

Indignant to be made out to be mentally unsound, Bertie intends to fire Jeeves. He cannot bring himself to, however, when he considers how right it feels to see Jeeves in the flat. Instead, he simply thanks Jeeves.

Part 1 (Twin Peaks)


The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her friend Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). FBI special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has been sent to the town to investigate and has come to the realization that the killer was Laura's father, Leland Palmer (Ray Wise), who acted while possessed by a demonic entity, Killer BOB (Frank Silva). At the end of the original series, BOB trapped Cooper in the Black Lodge, an extra-dimensional place, and let out Cooper's doppelgänger to use him for physical access to the world.


Cooper sits in the Red Room. Laura Palmer, seated on the other side of the room, salutes him and tells him "I'll see you again in 25 years. Meanwhile".David Lynch (writer and director), Mark Frost (writer) (May 21, 2017). "Part 1". Twin Peaks She accompanies her words with a hand gesture. Images from the pilot are shown, including a girl running away and screaming and the portrait of Laura in the school's trophy case.

Twenty-five years later, Cooper sits in another room across from the Fireman (Carel Struycken), who points at a phonograph producing a scratching noise and tells him, "listen to the sounds"; he then informs Cooper that "it is in our house now". He tells Cooper to remember "430" and "Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone." Cooper replies, "I understand." The Fireman tells Cooper, "You are far away," after which Cooper disappears. In Twin Peaks, Dr. Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) receives a shipment of shovels from Joe (Joseph M. Auger). Joe asks Jacoby if he needs help, and Jacoby thanks him but declines.

In New York City, Sam Colby (Benjamin Rosenfield) watches an enormous glass box connected to various machines. The room is full of cameras pointed at the box; when the intercom buzzes, Sam is required to change the SD card in one of the cameras and place it in a locker. After that, Sam sits back until the intercom buzzes again announcing an incoming delivery. Sam goes to the other room, where he finds Tracey Barberato (Madeline Zima), who has brought him coffee. She asks if she can come inside, but since the security guard (Michael Bisping) is there Sam replies that she cannot. When Sam enters the code to open the door, Tracey tries to look over his shoulder, but he catches her. Sam walks back in with the coffee, and goes back to staring at the box.

In the Great Northern Hotel, Benjamin Horne (Richard Beymer) instructs Beverly Paige (Ashley Judd) to give a Mrs. Houseman a refund for two nights' stay since a skunk was in the hotel. Jerry Horne (David Patrick Kelly) walks in, and after introducing him to Beverly, Ben dismisses her. The two brothers talk briefly about Beverly, with Jerry convinced that Ben will eventually sleep with her, and about Jerry's new profession as cannabis cultivator. At the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Station, Lucy Brennan (Kimmy Robertson) sits at the receptionist's desk. A man in suit (Allen Galli) enters and asks for Sheriff Truman; when Lucy asks him to specify whether he means the one who is sick or the one who is fishing, the man, visibly puzzled, says "it's about insurance." When this fails to answer the question Lucy asked, he gives her his card and leaves.

Cooper's doppelgänger (Kyle MacLachlan) drives to a house. He incapacitates the guard (James Croak) and walks inside, where Otis (Redford Westwood) greets him as "Mr. C"; also in the room are a man in a wheelchair and a thin man sitting in an armchair. The guard enters and tries to hit the doppelgänger, who again incapacitates him before he can do so. Buella (Kathleen Deming) enters, and the doppelgänger asks for Darya (Nicole LaLiberte) and Ray (George Griffith). She calls them out, and they follow the doppelgänger out.

In New York City, Sam changes another SD card when the intercom buzzes. The person waiting is Tracey, with two more coffees; since the guard is absent, Sam lets her in. Sitting in front of the box, he tells her that his job is to watch the box to see if anything appears inside it, and that, although he has not seen anything yet, the guy who was there before him did see something at one point that he preferred not to talk about. After sitting down and tasting the coffee, the two of them start to make out and eventually to have sex. Meanwhile, the box darkens completely and a figure appears inside, the Experiment Model (Erica Eynon). After Sam and Tracey notice this, the figure breaks out of the box and slaughters them.

In an apartment complex in Buckhorn, South Dakota, Marjorie Green (Melissa Bailey) walks her dog Armstrong down the hall. When the dog starts to bark in front of the door of Ruth Davenport (Mary Stofle), Marjorie notices a foul smell, and calls the police. Officers Douglas (James Giordano) and Olson (Christopher Murray) are sent to investigate. They ask whether anyone has the key to Ruth's apartment, which Marjorie does not know, and whether there is a manager, to which Marjorie answers that there is one named Barney, but that he is unavailable. After the two call a locksmith, Marjorie suggests asking Barney's brother, Chip; when they ask her where to find him, she sends them to Hank Fillmore (Max Perlich), a friend of Barney.

The officers find Hank outside the complex. He reacts shiftily, mistaking them for another acquaintance of his, Harvey; when they present themselves as police officers, Hank asks if they were sent by Harvey and then, upon questioning, tells them that Chip does not possess a phone. Marjorie appears on the staircase, announcing that she has a key. Upon entering the apartment, the officers walk into the bedroom to see a severely damaged head lying in bed, her body under the covers. Meanwhile, Hank calls Harvey believing that he sent the police; the two proceed to discuss a deal they made, with Hank insisting that the money from it is solely his and Chip's since Harvey opted out of it. Constance Talbot (Jane Adams) investigates the crime scene while pictures are taken. Detective Dave Macklay (Brent Briscoe) walks in; he shows Constance that his hands are gloved, much to her appreciation. The two of them pull the sheet off the body, revealing a severed female head atop a decapitated male corpse.

In Twin Peaks, Margaret Lanterman (Catherine Coulson), visibly ill, calls Deputy Hawk (Michael Horse). She tells him that her log has a message for him: that something is missing having to do with Cooper. She adds that the way Hawk will find it will have to do with his heritage. Hawk thanks her and hangs up. At the Buckhorn Police Station, Constance calls for Detective Macklay upon finding a match for the prints retrieved at the crime scene: they belong to William "Bill" Hastings (Matthew Lillard), the local high school principal. She confirms that the head is Ruth Davenport's but adds that there is no match for the body. Macklay arrests Hastings at his home, which angers Bill's wife Phyllis (Cornelia Guest) as they were supposed to host a dinner party that night.

At the Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Hawk brings Andy Brennan (Harry Goaz) and Lucy to the conference room, where he conveys Margaret's message. At the Buckhorn Police Station, Detective Don Harrison (Bailey Chase) and Police Officer Mike Boyd (Dep Kirkland) observe Macklay as he interrogates Hastings. Hastings says he barely knew Davenport, the school librarian, and that the last time he saw her was a couple of months earlier, but his story contains a 40- to 50-minute gap on the day of Ruth's murder, on which, he adds with hesitation, he took his assistant Betty home after a meeting. As Hastings speaks, Macklay writes down notes on his statement, producing a scratching sound that seems to agitate and distract Hastings. After Hastings nervously asks for his lawyer, Macklay informs him that Davenport was murdered and that his fingerprints were found all over the apartment. Hastings is then escorted to a cell, where he asks to speak to his wife.

Macklay and Harrison go to the Hastings home with a police team and a search warrant for the house. Upon inspecting the car, the two find an unidentifiable lump of human flesh in the trunk under a portable fridge.

Now alone, the Fireman watches the phonograph as the scratching noise continues.In the original broadcast, this scene was missing; the first two episodes were presented as a sole feature, with Part 1's final scene flowing directly in the beginning of Part 2. This scene was added when the episode was published on streaming services, functioning as the background to the credits rolling.

The Purity of the Turf (short story)

A school treat is to be held on the grounds at Twing Hall. Steggles, who organized the Sermon Handicap, is offering bets on victors for contests at the fair. Bertie funds bets for a syndicate of himself, Bingo Little, and Jeeves. Bingo suggests betting on Mrs. Penworthy for the Mother's Sack Race. Jeeves recommends they place a bet on Harold, an underestimated contestant, for the Choir-Boys' Hundred Yards Handicap. They place their bets and train Harold for the event.

Steggles discovers Harold's skill, and they realize Steggles might try to prevent Harold from racing. Bertie attends service at church, where Harold is in the choir, to watch over Harold. Steggles is also in the choir. Suddenly, Harold cries out, disrupting the sermon. Harold complains that somebody put a beetle down his back. The parson, Heppenstall, doubts Harold, and dismisses him from the choir, disqualifying him from the race. Steggles smugly tells Bertie he has lost his money, since Bertie did not bet on starting price but instead placed an ante-post bet, meaning Bertie forfeits his wager if Harold cannot race.

To make up for their loss over Harold, Jeeves tells Bingo to bet on Prudence Baxter for the Girls' Egg and Spoon Race. Bertie meets Prudence and doubts she will win.

Mrs. Penworthy loses her race because Steggles gives her too much food. Prudence also loses her race. Just as Bertie starts to mourns his losses, Heppenstall announces that a servant—implied to be Jeeves—has confessed to paying several participants in the Girls' Egg and Spoon Race to finish. The four girls who finished ahead of Prudence are disqualified. Prudence is declared the winner.

Haara Kotiya

Two unemployed friends, Lara and Dinka, live in a slum near a city. Their fates are changed when two men throw a bag. The news that a bank was robbed and the suspects arrested spreads fast. It is revealed that the money is still missing. Lara and Dinka find the bag thrown by the men and take it to their home in secret. They find out that the bag contains 400 million rupees. The duo hide the money in various places, but decides not to use any of it until the news of the robbery dies down.

Meanwhile, Lara meets a wealthy girl, Abhisheka girl and they become friends. Lara introduces himself as Lala. As this happens, a pick-pocket, Chamiya was shot dead at a robbery and his mentor Ranjith "Ranji" is criticized by everyone. Ranji realises that Lara and Dinka have a secret and follows them. The police also find money in the slum. Lara learns that the stolen money was actually a property of Abhisheka's father, Victor Dunuwila. Ranji falls in love with Lara's widowed sister, Aruni.

The robbers are released and the head robber appears as Napoleon, a mastermind thug. Napoleon also starts to find his money and reveals that someone in the slum had taken the money and hidden it. He kidnaps Ranji and follows him to search other young ones in the slum. Ranji reveals that Dinka and Lara took the robbed money and joins them to share it equally. The trio start to share money and only Ranji got money at the time where police revealed the truth. Lara and Dinka are arrested and the truth about the money is revealed. With the news spreading in the slum, Ranji picks money and is shot. The police finds that money is counterfeit.

Abhisheka realizes Lara's truth and hates him. Her boyfriend, Dilan starts a wrath with Lara. Lara learns that Dilan and Napoleon are partners and Dilan is the main body behind the robbery. Lara escapes from thugs and tries to save Abhisheka. Police find fake money in Abhisheka's home and arrest her father. Dilan engages with Abhisheka while Napoleon flirts with Abhisheka's friend Rashmi. Lara kidnaps Abhisheka and hides her until he convinces her about the truth of Dilan. Abhisheka escapes and flees. Lara kidnaps Dilan and his two men. Abhisheka tells the truth that Lara kidnapped her and hid in their place. Police unsuccessfully search for Lara and crew. By using Dilan's phone, Dinka tell the truth of Dilan and his secret agent in Abhisheka's house. Later, Abhisheka and Rashmi found that Manoja, the servant girl, is the undercover agent of Dilan. So the police go to the house, so Manoja flees. Without news from Dilan, Victor and the police track Lara and crew. Dinka asks Abhisheka to come and meet her. Rashmi tells the news to Napoleon and Napoleon sends his gang to rescue them and seize Lara and crew. At the Dilan's house, Napoleon's gang and Lara's gang have a shootout and Napoleon's man fell down. Then the crew retreated and meanwhile Dilan escaped by threatening Lara. Dilan captures Abhisheka and Dilan reveals his truth to them. While escaping, Dilan shot at Abhisheka, injuring her. Dilan escapes and hides under Napoleon's protection.

Abhisheka soon realises that Lara loves her. She also turns to her, but Lara started to reject her stating their family backgrounds are not equal. Meanwhile, Dilan started to kill Lara and Napoleon. Rashmi flirts with Napoleon, but he rejects her. After healing, Abhisheka secretly meets Lara to tell him that she loves him. But at that moment, Dilan appears and shoots at Lara. However, at the fight, one of Napoleon's henchmen shot Dilan and escapes. the police arrive and arrest Lara and Ranji. Abhisheka is disappointed by Lara's response and went abroad with her family. Dili also flees from the slum. In the end credits, it is revealed that Dinka masterminded the scenes. He faked his friends and secretly kept the money. He also produced the counterfeit money and blamed Abhisheka's father.

6 months later

Lara and Ranji are released. Underworld don, Dharman, hires them to kill a journalist, Kavishan Perera. Lara and Ranji refuse, angering Dharman. Kavishan is killed by Dharman's henchmen. Lara kills the shooter and flees with Kavishan's fiancée, Anjali, from Dharman and Minister Mothilal Caldera, who masterminded Kavishan's death. Anjali promises to avenge them and hides in Lara and Ranji's slum.

After Abhisheka went abroad, Lara alone protects Anjali from the thugs and the minister. Ranji sees their old friend Dinka in a store and informs Lara and they seek vengeance for the money heist. After some fights and arguments, Dinka befriends Lara and Ranji. Caldera's daughter Parami returns. Lara and Parami become friends. During a fight in slum, Anjali fatally shoots Caldera, having injuries on herself. Parami has Anjali arrested. Anjali returns and befriends with Dharman's son, Bhathiya. Bhathiya is paralyzed and Anjali takes care of him. Lara meets Abhisheka, who now suffers from a brain tumor. Abhisheka refuses to reunite with him and Lara donates money to Abhisheka's operation. Eventually, Abhisheka recovers and reunites with Lara.

Ranji marries Aruni. Dharman reforms, but is killed during a battle with the police. Anjali abandons her criminal ways. She is caught after her landlord, Piyatissa complains about her. Anjali is fatally shot during a fight, saddening Lara and Dinka. Parami emigrates. Finally, Lara and Dinka move back to their old age slum stories.

Jeeves Makes an Omelette

Bertie gets a call from his Aunt Dahlia. She is at Marsham Manor, where she is trying to convince the romance novelist Cornelia Fothergill into selling her new novel to Aunt Dahlia's weekly paper, ''Milady's Boudoir'', as a serial. Aunt Dahlia asks Bertie to come help charm Cornelia into lower price, and also do another job. Bertie agrees, not wishing to be barred from the cooking of Aunt Dahlia's superb chef Anatole. With Jeeves, Bertie arrives and meets Cornelia, her husband Everard, and his father Edward. Aunt Dahlia explains to Bertie that Edward, an amateur artist, painted Venus and gave the painting for Everard as a wedding present, but Everard, a professional artist, cannot stand the painting.

Aunt Dahlia shows Bertie one of Everard's paintings, which she claims is better, though Bertie does not see much difference. Cornelia has agreed to lower her price if Edward's painting is removed. Aunt Dahlia wants Bertie to steal and destroy the painting, leaving the window open so that thieves will be blamed. Bertie consults Jeeves, who advises using treacle and brown paper to silently break the window instead. At night, Jeeves breaks the window, and Bertie cuts out the painting with a knife. Bertie brings it to his room.

Following Jeeves's advice, Bertie starts cutting the large painting up and burning it piece by piece. Aunt Dahlia comes to help. All three cut up and burn the painting; Bertie using the knife, Aunt Dahlia scissors, and Jeeves garden shears. When they are nearly finished, Jeeves notices one of the pieces bears the signature "Everard Fothergill".

Bertie thinks the signature says "Edward" but Aunt Dahlia agrees it is "Everard". Bertie goes to check if he got the wrong painting, and bumps into Edward, who regrets giving Everard his painting and is stealing it back. Now Edward's painting is gone, but they have destroyed Everard's painting, which will upset Cornelia. Jeeves suggests that Bertie should be found lying stunned, so that it appears he tried to fend off thieves. Aunt Dahlia proposes hitting Bertie on the head with something, and Jeeves suggests the gong stick. Bertie disapproves and moves to leave, but is knocked out when he turns away. Bertie wakes up in bed with a headache, and is annoyed. Aunt Dahlia tells him that Cornelia was grateful for Bertie's bravery and sold her the serial at a low price. Aunt Dahlia sympathizes with Bertie, but, quoting what Jeeves said after Bertie was knocked out, says that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Bertie tells Jeeves to cut out eggs and lay off omelettes from now on, and Jeeves agrees, adding that he will bear it in mind.

Jeeves and the Greasy Bird

Bertie returns from seeing Sir Roderick Glossop, who once disliked Bertie but is now friendly. Roderick's fiancée Myrtle refuses to marry while Roderick's daughter, Honoria, is unmarried. Dahlia Travers, Bertie's aunt, tells Bertie that Blair Eggleston, who writes for her weekly paper, loves Honoria but is too shy to say it. Aunt Dahlia asks Bertie to play Santa Claus at her Christmas party, but Bertie refuses. Jeeves supports Bertie's decision, which impresses Bertie because he turned down Jeeves's request for them to visit Florida after Christmas, because Bertie does not want to miss the Drones Club Darts Tournament.

Wanting to help Sir Roderick, Bertie kisses Honoria in front of Eggleston, to spur Eggleston to confess his feelings. Bertie tells this to Aunt Dahlia, who then gets a call from Honoria. She was engaged to Eggleston, but he broke the engagement when Bertie kissed her. She will now marry Bertie. Bertie does not want to marry her, but also does not want to hurt her feelings by refusing. Jeeves advises pretending to be engaged to someone else.

Bertie decides to hire an actress through a theatrical agent to pretend to be his fiancée. He chooses the greasy-headed agent Jas Waterbury, who recommends his niece Trixie. At the Drones Club, Bertie is troubled to hear from Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright that Jas cheated two of Bertie's fellow Drones, Oofy Prosser and Freddie Widgeon. While sharing an embrace with Trixie, Bertie is discovered, but by Eggleston, not Honoria. Bertie tells him that he and Trixie are engaged, but it hardly matters, since Eggleston and Honoria reconciled already. Jas tells Bertie to marry Trixie, since Bertie has named her as his fiancée. Bertie refuses, but Jas hints at threatening a breach of promise case. Jas expects Bertie to pay him tomorrow. Aunt Dahlia discusses with Jeeves how to help Bertie.

Before Jas enters Bertie's flat, Jeeves tells Bertie to hide behind the piano. Then Jeeves lies to Jas, claiming to be in Bertie's flat as the man in possession, or broker's man, for a wine company. (This means that Bertie's creditors have a legal right to Bertie's property until his debt is paid; Jeeves is employed to take possession of the property and watch over it until Bertie pays off his debt.) This stuns Jas, who thought Bertie was wealthy. Jeeves adds that Bertie is dependent on his aunt, Mrs. Travers, and that he pretends to be Bertie's valet so that Bertie will not get in trouble with his aunt.

Aunt Dahlia enters, acting shocked to find out that Jeeves is a broker's man, and declares that she will send Bertie off to Canada, with nothing left to pay Jas. Convinced that he can get no money from Bertie, Jas leaves. Bertie thanks Jeeves and Aunt Dahlia, and reluctantly agrees to play Santa Claus for his aunt, but Jeeves suggests that Sir Roderick would make a better Santa Claus. Aunt Dahlia agrees. Grateful to Jeeves, Bertie gives up the Darts Tournament for a trip to Florida.


Plot of Namme is not based on the traditional structure of narration, Zaza Khalvashi shows us mystic experience of slow cinema. There are no protagonists or antagonists, as the director said he wanted to express the atmosphere of the surrounding where he lives.

On the opening scene we see the rock where the river flows, the shot is long and beautiful as the whole film. Namme is Ali’s daughter with three mature brothers whose ideology of life is completely different, also Namme and her father live entirely exceptional from the other members of the family. One brother of Namme is Muslim guy, the other one is kind of atheist phenomenon and a teacher in single-pupil class, another guy is Christian Orthodox priest who participates in building of church, on the other hand Ali and Namme perform some pagan rituals and heal people with the water which is sacralized by the mystic fish that was inherited to the family by their ancestors, somehow family should hold the role of fishminder and Namme is obliged to follow her father’s path because her brothers totally refused “father’s icon.”

During this silent-rhythmic and visual acoustic environment director tactically leaves this magical space and shows us urban surroundings and life, also building of weir is infiltrated in this quiet narrative. Because of some technical development for instance the building of weir evokes water pollution and fish becomes sick. Also there is an issue with the puritanity that the Namme isn’t allowed to be in love affairs or this kind of relationships because her and water’s power becomes useless. However she falls in love, power fades away step by step and Namme slowly becomes unable to cure people. She faces the dilemma: private life or sacralized traditions of family that can help people, finally she emancipates from the background and lets the fish go. In one of the latest shot she walks on water and fades away with the fog and maybe becomes the part of the universe, maybe she continues her private and non-mystic life, that’s on the decision of the audience.

Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist Knight

Montmorency is a young knight whose dreams is to become an alchemist and find out the secret of the Philosopher’s Stone.

When the English army occupy northern France during the Hundred Years War, most of the young students of the Knights School are sent in battle, and the same occurs for Montmorency's secret love, who is apparently killed during the Battle of Azincourt; after this, everyone's routes take different ways, at the point of finding themselves as enemies when some of their households choose to betray France for England. In search of a way to stop every war, Montmorency performs a secret alchemic ritual that allows him to evoke the Queen of the Fairies Astaroth, which promises to teach him how to use the stone to become a Ulysses, an immortal alchemist with infinite power.

In the following seven years, Montmorency keeps on learning from Astaroth how to become a Ulysses while traveling along France, but due to unexpected events, he ends up performing the ritual on a young dying girl named Jeanne, who becomes the Ulysses in his place. In this way, Jeanne will gain the power to turn the tides of the war and be known from now on as Jeanne d'Arc.

Cadillac Girls

Sally (Jennifer Dale) is a college professor and single mother in San Francisco who moves with her troubled and delinquent daughter Page (Mia Kirshner) back to her hometown of Ingonish, Nova Scotia after her father's death. Page takes quite favourably to smalltown life and begins dating Will (Adam Beach), while Sally begins a new relationship with poet Sam (Gregory Harrison), but all of their new happiness leaves Sally struggling to decide what to do when she is offered her dream job with Harvard University.

Fags in the Fast Lane

Kitten informs her son Beau that her car got stolen by a grotesque burlesque gang, sending him on a journey to get the car back.

The Scapegoat (1912 film)

After being wrongly accused of theft and ordered out of the family home by his irate father, Tom Mason goes west and settles in Colorado. He falls in love with Nellie and is later elected town sheriff. Nellie's brother Jack is a cowboy who gets involved with the wrong people and takes part in a bank robbery. Tom and Nellie are out of town and Nellie's horse bolts. Tom stops the horse and saves her life. On returning to town, Tom learns of the robbery and forms a posse. The outlaws split and Jack tries to swim across a river to evade his pursuers. He gets into difficulty and Tom ropes him to pull him out of the water. Nellie is astounded that her brother is a bank robber and pleads with Tom to release him. Tom reluctantly agrees but hands in his badge with the stolen money and rides away.

The Santa Claus Gang

During Christmas Eve, Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo are arrested for home burglary. As the three were dressed as Santa Claus, the police think they are the Santa Claus Gang, a group of wanted thieves. During the night, they narrate a small but significant portion of their lives during the interrogation, until the real Santa Claus Gang is caught.

Extirpator of Idolatries

The police detective Waldo, of circumspect disposition and temper, investigates several crimes associated with indigenous rituals that occur in some regions of the Peruvian Andes. There a boy and a girl who are about to enter puberty begin to interact with certain mythical beings, a supernatural belief very common in many Andean villages. A sinister character (the “Extirpator of Idolatries”), pretending to be on a mission of faith, but imbued with religious dogmatism and intolerance, interrupts this peaceful scene as he casts an ominous shadow over these ancient Peruvian beliefs. Although Waldo’s boss considers him inferior and distrusts his methods, the policeman continues his efforts to capture the “Extirpator of Idolatries”. At the same time, Waldo will resolve his own inner conflict which has troubled him all his life.

The David S. Pumpkins Halloween Special

''The Halloween Special'' starts and ends with live-action segments directed by Don Roy King featuring David S. Pumpkins (Hanks), flanked by two skeletons (Day and Moynihan). The animated part is a man, Kevin (Dinklage), talking about the time he met Pumpkins as a kid.

Kevin and his sister Dotty walk around during Halloween, eventually finding themselves in a pumpkin patch. They choose to take home an ugly pumpkin, which turns out to be magical; Pumpkins and the skeletons appear out of an elevator. He shows them to his transport, shaped like a strawberry, and they start trick-or-treating. One of the neighborhood children is dressed as Kevin Roberts, an ''SNL'' character portrayed by Larry David whose sketch has traits similar to Pumpkins' "Haunted Elevator."

A mysterious Raincoat Man has been stealing all the children's candy, so Pumpkins decides to intervene. They try to confront the Raincoat Man in a haunted house, who turns out to be three pre-teens who had bullied Kevin. Pumpkins returns the candy using magical floating pumpkins, and he and the skeletons depart.

The Eternal Road (film)

Jussi Ketola, a Finnish man, returns from America trying to escape from the Great Depression. He finds his country in great political turmoil. One night, Ketola is abducted from his home by nationalists and is forced to walk the Eternal Road towards Soviet Russia.

Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha

Private Guard Evgeniy Kolyshkin, an educated young man from Moscow who lives in the world of fantasies and books, returns from the hospital to the front. He does not fit into the surrounding reality and constantly gets into comical alterations, each time giving a headache to the unit commander - Lieutenant Romadin.

One day Kolyshkin accidentally gets acquainted with the strict liaison officer of the regiment Katyusha, Evgeniya Zemlyanikina, and gradually falls in love with her. At first she perceives Kolyshkin as an inexperienced little boy, mostly laughs at him, but in time she also begins to experience tender romantic feelings for him.

Soon, Zemlyanikina is transferred to the headquarters of the division, and she meets with Kolyshkin in Berlin, in a large house which serves as headquarters. Out of joy Evgeniy and Evgeniya begin to play hide and seek until Zemlyanikina notices in one of the rooms an armed German. He kills her and Kolyshkin shoots the fleeing German at once. After a while Evgeniy celebrates Victory Day at the Reichstag, but he is not longer romantic and cheerful, because he lost his beloved girl forever ...

The Mirror Thief

The plot is "set in three different versions of Venice (Italy, California, and Las Vegas) during three different time periods (16th century, mid-20th, early 21st)." It follows Curtis Stone as he looks for card counter Stanley Glass in Las Vegas, Nevada, but instead finds a book which "inspired" Glass's life called ''The Mirror Thief''; this takes Stone into a mise en abyme through his reading.

In a review for ''The Guardian'', Mark Lawson noted that "Topics under consideration range from why bingo is a fascist game, through penetrating reflections on the poetry of Ezra Pound and techniques of glass-making, to the visual resemblance between the French philosopher Michel Foucault and the Greek-American actor Telly Savalas."

Black Serenade

A serial killer infiltrates in the tuna of the University of Salamanca and uses the confusion of the night parties to kill lousy students deemed unworthy of receiving a university education. Two cops are tasked with discovering the real identity of the killer.

True Confessions (novel)

Los Angeles, 1946: Lois Fazenda is found cut in two pieces in a vacant lot after the murderer has taunted on the corpse. Due to the nickname "The Virgin Tramp", given to her just to please a journalist, a "nice quiet little homicide that would have drifted off the front pages in a couple of days" becomes the center of a storm. Two brothers, Tom and Desmond Spellacy, are the protagonists of this corrosive romance of Irish-Catholic life in California shortly after World War II. Tom is a lieutenant of the Homicide Division in charge of the case, not very honest but good in his job, and Desmond is a skillful and quickly ascending monsignor who has already been chosen to become the next bishop. The investigation offers the background to narrate with ironic and vulgar language, full of racist and homophobic terms, the miseries and the hypocrisy of society. The world of the Spellacy brothers is made of gangsters and bigoted, perverts and unlucky people, golfers and prostitutes, priests with a questionable morality and businessmen with no morality at all, whose stories are united together in a plot of corruption and despair in which very few of them will have something to earn: the murder of the "Virgin Tramp" is a crime that has no solutions, only victims.

The Field of Philippi

Raffles decides to play in the Old Boys' Match, as part of their old school's annual Founder's Day celebrations. He has also been invited by the new headmaster to attend a debate over whether to mark the two-hundredth anniversary of their school with a new statue of the school's founder. Along the way, Raffles and Bunny meet Nasmyth at a station. Nasmyth was head of the student body the same year Raffles was captain of the cricket team. He argues to Raffles his stance against the new statue. Raffles, however, will support the statue.

At the school, Raffles is popular with the other Old Boys, despite being older than most and playing poorly during the cricket match. During the statue debate, Nasmyth argues caustically against the statue. Raffles gently rebuts him, and asserts that Nasmyth will subscribe to the statue's fund in the end. During the party afterward, Nasmyth tries to interrogate Bunny about Raffles. Bunny, troubled, leaves early.

Some hours later, Raffles finds Bunny, and playfully offers to show him one way to escape the house. They go quietly out a window and over some gates. Raffles whispers that he intends to make Nasmyth subscribe to the statue's fund, and he takes Bunny to Nasmyth's home. He asks Bunny to lift him so he can break in. He describes his fight against Nasmyth with a poem, to compare Nasmyth to Brutus and himself to Caesar's ghost from ''Julius Caesar''. Bunny is reluctant, until he remembers the poem as being one that he wrote for the school magazine, years ago. This wins him over, and he offers his shoulders to Raffles's feet. Raffles uses his tools to open the window, and then pulls Bunny in.

Raffles uses a skeleton key, silenced by a velvet key bag of his own invention, to do work unseen by Bunny, while Bunny keeps watch. After twenty minutes, Raffles quickly takes Bunny back to their rooms. He tells Bunny that the light of Nab, an old school master, was on, and Nab may have seen them. Indeed, Nab appears and chases them. They run, but Bunny stumbles. Raffles stops, and persuades Nab that he and Bunny were chasing the real burglars. Nab invites them for into his house for drinks.

Later, Raffles's apparent heroism wins Nasmyth's friendship. Raffles pays twenty-five pounds of the hundred he has stolen to the Founder's Fund. Rumour circulates that Nasmyth has anonymously paid one hundred pounds. When Raffles and Bunny meet him at Raffles's next cricket match, Raffles praises Nasmyth, and assures him that his contribution will make him popular. Nasmyth, suddenly pleased, declares he will add another hundred. This leaves Raffles thoughtful.

Shortly after, Bunny learns that Raffles had, in fact, paid all of Nasmyth's stolen one hundred pounds to the fund, anonymously, besides the twenty-five pounds in his name from his own pocket.

Manhattan Beach (novel)

Eleven-going-on-twelve Anna Kerrigan and her father Eddie meet with gangster Dexter Styles in late 1934 at the Styles mansion on the shore of Manhattan Beach in Brooklyn, New York City. Eddie is a former vaudeville performer who switched to become a stockbroker during the Roaring Twenties, then was ruined in the Great Depression. Now he makes very little money as a bagman in the criminal underworld, and he tells Styles he needs money to pay for a wheelchair for his brain-damaged and paralyzed daughter, Lydia, Anna's younger sister. Unknown to Anna, Eddie agrees to work for Styles in his gambling operations. Anna puts her bare feet into the wintry cold seawater at Manhattan Beach to prove her toughness; this childish bravado makes a lasting impression on Styles.

At the age of 14, Anna loses her virginity with 16-year-old Leon, a boy from the neighborhood, meeting him repeatedly in their building's cellar. She keeps these trysts secret from her father, who disappears one day without a trace.

In 1942 at the age of 19, Anna is working at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to make warships for the US Navy in World War II. She has a repetitive job measuring small metal parts with a micrometer. She also takes classes at Brooklyn College. One day she sees a professional diver and starts training to be one. Against the wishes of diving officer Axel, she changes jobs to start working on underwater repairs. She faces the difficulty of being the first woman diver at the Navy Yard.

At their modest Irish-heritage home, Anna supports the family on her income. Anna's mother ignores her to focus on Lydia's needs. Lydia's disability is much like cerebral palsy; she observes the world around her but cannot communicate.

Styles, who married into New York society and has risen as a crime boss, owns several nightclubs. Anna accompanies a coworker to one of the nightclubs to meet the coworker's married lover. There, Anna is shocked to recognize Styles, who she sees as a link to her missing father. She recognizes him but does not wish to be known as a Kerrigan. She tries to conceal her identity from him, and also tries to discover the fate of her father. As she probes him for information, they become attracted to one another. After a series of events that leaves him dead and Anna pregnant, Anna relocates to San Francisco where she reconnects with her father.

The Incident (2014 film)

Small-time criminal Carlos comes home to find his younger brother, Oliver, agitated. Before Oliver can explain his behavior, rogue cop Marco emerges from hiding and places both brothers under arrest. Oliver explains that he has confessed under duress and begs forgiveness. Carlos demands to see a warrant. Marco admits he does not have one and attempts to take them to the police station at gunpoint.

The brothers overpower Marco and flee down their apartment complex's stairwell. While chasing them, Marco shoots Carlos in the leg but seems surprised by his own action. They are then startled by a loud explosion in the distance just before they realize that the stairs turn out to be endless, looping in on themselves. As Marco goes through the items in his wallet, he finds a miniature playing card he does not recognize. He tears the tiny card into pieces and does not pay it any further attention. Oliver applies first aid to his brother but can only watch as Carlos bleeds to death the next day.

Before he dies, Carlos urges Oliver to appreciate the present, something he could never do. As Oliver mourns Carlos' death, Marco becomes shaken when he sees that a vending machine on the stairwell has become restocked, precisely as it was 24 hours ago. Enraged by Marco's callousness, Oliver disarms him and threatens to kill him with his pistol. Marco insists that he did not consciously choose to shoot Carlos and the two argue over the metaphysics of their situation.

Elsewhere, Sandra and her two children, Daniel and Camila, prepare to visit her ex-husband. Although her new husband, Roberto, is anxious about the trip, Sandra reassures him the long drive will give him a chance to bond with her children. Daniel packs a deck of miniature playing cards, just like the one Marco found in his wallet. On the way, they stop at a gas station where Roberto carelessly offers fruit juice to Camila, who has an allergic reaction to it and slowly starts having an asthma attack. Roberto finds a piece of green bamboo in his car, which he finds puzzling. He tosses the bamboo onto the road without paying any further attention.

After Roberto accidentally destroys her inhaler– an accident he insists was fated to happen– a loud explosion sounds in the distance. Sandra asks Daniel to retrieve the backup inhaler, but he reveals that he forgot to pack it. Panicking, Sandra insists that Roberto turn around and return home. After repeatedly passing the same gas station, they realize the road endlessly repeats the same stretch.

Roberto exits the car and walks off through the brush to seek help. Without access to her inhaler, Camila dies. Believing herself stuck in a nightmare, Sandra abandons her children and drives off, vainly attempting to wake herself. Daniel picks up his sister's body and begins walking down the road in the opposite direction. They all converge to the same spot and give up hope of escape.

Thirty-five years later, both groups are still stuck in their respective locations. Each day, everyone finds a fresh copy of all their possessions. Over the decades, these items gather into towering piles as the two groups attempt to live their repetitive lives. Sandra and Roberto, now elderly, have animalistic sex while Daniel lives independently without much interaction with them. Oliver keeps fit through regular exercise in the stairwell and leads the elderly Marco in rituals worshiping Carlos' skeleton.

After Sandra dies, Roberto and Daniel hold a funeral where Roberto is struck by a moment of lucidity as he, too, nears death. He says he now understands why they are stuck. The elderly Roberto and Marco reveal to the younger Daniel and Oliver, respectively, that none of this is real, but rather an alternate dimension to their real lives. Roberto explains that when he was a 10-year old boy, he was in another incident stuck on a raft (made of green bamboo) for thirty-five years. At the same time, the elderly Marco explains that he is really Daniel, the 10-year old boy from the incident of the infinite road, thus explaining the cycle of incidents and new dimensions.

These alternate dimensions split off from reality and form a time loop. They are brought on by tragedy, and their inhabitants' emotions are fed back into their real-world personas. The younger person stuck in an incident fares better than the older person, so younger people in real life have more happiness and fortune than older people who experience more sadness and misfortune. We see glimpses of the characters' real lives, taking positive and negative turns.

As he dies, Roberto urges young Daniel to break the cycle of creating new dimensions by refusing to follow his fate. Similarly, the elderly Marco/Daniel urges the younger Oliver to break the cycle as well. While both Daniel and Oliver initially hesitate, they end up following their fate against the advice they received. Daniel enters a police car and becomes Marco, off to arrest Oliver and Carlos. Oliver leaves his apartment complex and becomes the Russian bellhop Karl who operates an elevator for two newlyweds. He sets in motion an accidental death for the groom, trapping himself and the bride in a new dimension for thirty-five years.

An Old, Old Tale


A poor wandering puppeteer gives a performance in a roadside inn to pay for a pint of beer and dinner. The audience applauds, and the happy owner asks his daughter to lavishly wine and dine the actor. The puppeteer and the daughter of the innkeeper become so in love with each other that they plan to run away together at dawn. At night, the dolls come to life. They are very upset by the future parting and ask their owner not to leave them. The latter wants to start a family and acquire a more profound profession. Knowing that he can not fall asleep until morning, the puppeteer asks the puppets to play a fairy tale for him, like a performance, which they do.


Under a cheerful song-march, a soldier walks along the road and meets a witch. She suggests that he go down into the magic well and collect as many gold coins as he can carry, and then share the wealth with her in half. The soldier descends into the well and fills the bucket with money, but the "devil's grandma", after pulling out the money refuses to retrieve the soldier from the well. He climbs out by himself and chops off the witch's head for treachery. Having put a cabbage head on instead of her human head, the witch runs away.

Having defeated the witch, the soldier thereby breaks a spell which caused a good wizard to turn into a black cat. In gratitude for salvation, the wizard gives the soldier a wondrous flint and promises his help at any time - it is enough to just hit the flint. For the time being the soldier forgets about the flint. Before him lies the path to the kingdom, where he immediately encounters a huge queue of princes - in a small state a princess is being given away for marriage despite her wishes.

The soldier falls in love with the princess, who gives riddles to her numerous fiancés, and comes to her to woo. But she drives the hapless lover away, as her father, the king, very much wants to see the soldier as her husband because he thinks that he has a lot of gold. Wishing to smoke, the soldier gathers a light and gets a spark from the flint, which causes the wizard to appear who is ready to fulfill any of his wishes. The servant asks for a miracle - to bring the princess to him. Reluctantly the sorcerer agrees.

The young couple is walking on the roofs and are chatting cordially, the girl thinks that all this is a dream. After an attempt to kiss her, the heir to the throne understands that everything is happening for real, and returns home. In the morning she promises the king to marry someone who can solve a logical problem. No one is able to guess the riddles. The soldier summons a wizard who gives him a clue, but after a seemingly successful exam, the king still orders the execution of the serviceman.

At the trial the soldier asks to fulfill his last wish - to smoke, and using the flint summons the same magician who frees the hero. The frightened princess agrees to marry him. The young man is promoted to general and is given a new uniform, but he intends to leave the inhospitable kingdom because the girl does not love him.

At parting, he kisses the princess and leaves her in tears. Again, he leaves somewhere, but the girl catches up with the soldier. It turns out that she was bewitched and that was why she was so evil and capricious. With his kiss, he broke the enchantment and the princess wants to be with him. This concludes the performance.


In the morning the daughter of the innkeeper informs the puppeteer about her decision to stay - she can not leave her father and her home. Then he leaves with his dolls for good.

A Bad Night

Raffles plans to burgle the house on the banks of the Mole of a bride-to-be, which is presently so laden with wedding gifts that she has had the gifts insured. However, Raffles is selected to play for the English in the Second Test Match, the first day of which will be the day of the wedding, when her gifts will be vulnerable. Bunny insists on taking the burglary job himself, so that Raffles can be free to serve his country. Raffles is anxious, but Bunny is eager to prove himself.

The night of the wedding, Bunny sneaks to the house's garden. He stops to light a cigarette, merely to demonstrate his nerves. As Bunny finishes, a window opens overhead, and a wheezing voice accosts him. Bunny, relying on a story rehearsed with Raffles, pretends that he is from the insurance company. The young man at the window, who is the bride-to-be's asthmatic brother Mr. Medlicott, believes Bunny, and lets him into the house.

Bunny follows Medlicott, who struggles to return to a library upstairs. Though Medlicott is ailing, he is kind, and he and Bunny discuss cricket. Bunny begins reluctantly to sympathize with Medlicott, and helps to keep the man's asthma pacified. Suddenly Bunny hears a noise, and looks out the window to see there is a new light from downstairs. When Bunny decides to go downstairs and investigate, Medlicott is impressed and offers his concealed revolver to Bunny, but Bunny prefers to use the life preserver he has brought.

Downstairs, Bunny finds and quickly knocks out the burglar, only to realize afterward in anguish and bitterness that it is Raffles in disguise. Medlicott joins Bunny, and Bunny sends Medlicott to fetch the policeman on his beat outside. Raffles rises, and expresses his irritation. Together they escape the house. Raffles changes their clothes using garments he has hidden in some bushes, and they catch a train. Bunny only learns later that Medlicott had been unable to reach the policeman, and eventually had to struggle home.

Bunny regrets having wronged both Raffles and Medlicott. Raffles, however, apologizes himself, and explains: rain had cut the day's cricket short, and he had been so anxious about Bunny that he had come to keep an eye on Bunny. He had followed Bunny the entire time, and had admired Bunny's performance throughout. Moreover, Raffles was able to take some jewellery from the collection of wedding presents.

Ghost of Tsushima

In 1274, a Mongol fleet led by Khotun Khan invades the Japanese island of Tsushima. Local samurai Lord Jin Sakai and his uncle Lord Shimura lead the island’s samurai in an attempt to repel the invaders. However, the battle ends in disaster, with the samurai killed, Shimura captured, and Jin severely wounded and left for dead. He is found and revived by Yuna, a thief, who informs him the island has fallen. Jin storms Khotun's stronghold at Castle Kaneda in an attempt to rescue Shimura, but is defeated by Khotun in combat and thrown off the castle bridge.

Realizing he cannot defeat the Mongols alone or with traditional samurai tactics, Jin travels throughout the island to recruit allies and learns guerilla warfare. He recruits Yuna, her blacksmith brother Taka, sake merchant Kenji, master archer Sadanobu Ishikawa, female samurai Masako Adachi, and his old friend mercenary Ryuzo and his Straw Hat ''rōnin''. As Jin disrupts Mongol activities and liberates villages across the island, the people begin to revere to him as "The Ghost", a samurai spirit risen against the Mongols. Taka crafts a grappling hook for Jin to scale Castle Kaneda’s walls, and Jin strikes with his allies. Destitute and starving, Ryuzo and the Straw Hats betray Jin to collect the bounty issued on him by Khotun. Jin manages to fend them off, free Shimura and retake Castle Kaneda. Despite their victory, Khotun has already left to conquer Castle Shimura alongside Ryuzo.

To retake Castle Shimura, Jin recruits Norio and his warrior monks and the Yarikawa Clan. On Shimura’s behalf, he also recruits local pirate Goro to carry a petition for reinforcements to the Shogun, as well as a request for approval to adopt Jin as his heir. With a new army being assembled, Jin recovers his family's ancestral armor from caretaker Yuriko, who teaches him how to craft poison. Under orders from Shimura, Jin and Taka try to infiltrate a fortress where Ryuzo is located but are ambushed and captured by Khotun. When Jin refuses to submit to his rule, Khotun kills Taka. Jin escapes with Yuna’s help. The Shogun's reinforcements arrive, and Shimura leads the assembled army in an assault on Castle Shimura, driving the Mongols into the inner keep. However, as the Mongols retreat, they detonate the bridge leading to the inner courtyard, inflicting huge casualties on the advancing samurai.

Knowing that another frontal attack would only result in more losses, Jin decides to infiltrate the keep and sneak poison into the Mongols' ''airag''. He also encounters and kills Ryuzo when he refuses to surrender. However, he again misses Khotun, who has left to campaign further north. Despite the castle being taken with the samurai suffering no further losses, Shimura is furious with Jin, as his action severely violates the samurai code. Knowing the Shogun will have Jin executed for insubordination, Shimura urges him to scapegoat Yuna, but Jin refuses and embraces his persona as "The Ghost". Shimura has him arrested, but he manages to escape captivity. Jin travels north, and learns that the Mongols have learned how to craft his poison, which they intend to use in their assault on the Japanese mainland. Before gathering his allies and assaulting Khotun's final stronghold in Port Izumi, Jin leaves a note for Shimura in his castle asking him to join the effort with the samurai, which he does. With the bulk of the Mongol forces distracted, Jin infiltrates the port and kills Khotun on his flagship.

With Khotun dead, the Mongol invasion loses its momentum and the tide turns in favor of the samurai. Shimura informs Jin that the Shogun considers him a threat to the island's stability and status quo of obedience of the people to their leaders. He has therefore disbanded Clan Sakai and ordered Shimura to kill Jin. Reminiscing about what they have both lost, Jin and Shimura reluctantly duel each other, with Jin emerging victorious. Jin has the option to either kill Shimura to give him a proper warrior's death, or completely abandon the samurai code and spare his life. Regardless of the decision, Jin becomes the enemy of the Shogun.

The Spoils of Sacrilege

Bunny, wanting to demonstrate his own worthiness to Raffles, proposes they burgle his childhood home, now owned by a rich man named Guillemard who has altered the property to accommodate stables of horses, in Horsham. Bunny visits old friends in order to take photographs of the place and show them to Raffles. Bunny suggests they try for Guillemard's bedroom on the night when Guillemard will celebrate a horse race by hosting a dinner-party. Raffles prepares himself and his tools for the job, but on the understanding that Bunny will lead.

On the night of the dinner-party, Raffles and Bunny meet near the house. They sneak through the garden, and observe that all the house's inhabitants are in the dining room. They use Raffles's rope-ladder to ascend to the balcony of Bunny's old room, and proceed to the main bedroom. Raffles jams the door with wedge and gimlet, and Bunny draws the bolt on the connected dressing room's outer door. Bunny lowers the rope-ladder from the bedroom window, to prepare a way of escape. Raffles rifles the bedroom, but finds nothing of value.

In the dressing room, Raffles is encouraged by the presence of the door's bolt. While he jimmies open a chest, Bunny wanders back to the bedroom, in time to see the rope-ladder be removed from below. Alarmed, Bunny retreats and tells Raffles. They pocket some jewel cases, and Raffles follows Bunny out the bedroom door. They are spotted by Guillemard and other men climbing the stairs. Raffles and Bunny hurry through the hallway and upstairs, into a room underneath the house's tower. They climb the stepladder and shut the trapdoor, hitting Guillemard.

They stand on the trapdoor until Raffles screws it closed with gimlets. Through the tower's one window with a view of the house's roof, they see a man climbing through a skylight. Raffles fires his revolver to scare the man off. With no other course, Raffles shimmies down the perilously thin wire of a lightning rod, and Bunny follows. They descend safely to ground and take shelter in a small boathouse on a tiny lake in the backyard, hoping the place will be overlooked by their pursuers.

Soon, however, they realize that their pursuers have inexplicably given up the chase. Wordlessly, Raffles creeps away, but doesn't return. Bunny waits anxiously for hours, until Raffles returns with stolen riding-clothes. They leave, taking a train and several cabs home.

At the Albany, after Raffles says that the jewel cases he took were unfortunately empty, Bunny admits that his own were full, but that he left them in the tower out of guilt for robbing his childhood home. Yet Raffles declares that he had seen the house's inhabitants gloating merrily over Bunny's forfeited plunder. Raffles shows the jewelry to Bunny. He promises to relay to Bunny the full story of his second break-in at a Turkish bath.

The Guardian (1984 film)

The inhabitants of a New York City apartment building are plagued by burglaries and murder, and they have finally had enough. So they employ ex-military man John Mack (Louis Gossett Jr.) to protect their building as a security guard. Mack's techniques are precise and intense, and soon his overbearing and power-mad nature begins to chafe resident Charles Hyatt (Martin Sheen). Hyatt seeks Mack's removal, but will he have to forfeit his own safety in his quest for freedom?

The ending illustrates how Charles Hyatt comes to terms with the necessity of having a tough, no-nonsense security guard in order to protect the residents in their part of town (albeit reluctantly).

The White Crow

The film shuffles through three time periods: the present (1961) in Paris, his childhood, and the beginning of Nureyev's ballet career six years earlier.

The present day in Paris: Rudi has travelled to Paris as part of the Kirov ballet company. During an arranged meeting, he befriends French dancers he read about in a magazine. During one of his dance performances, he befriends Clara Saint.

The Cottingley Secret

''The Cottingley Secret'' takes place in England, during World War I, in 1917. One of the main characters, Frances Griffiths, moves out of Cape Town, South Africa, with her mother because her father has to fight in the war. The book starts with Frances and her mother on a train taking them to their new lives in Cottingley, England, where her cousin, Elsie Wright, lives. ''The Cottingley Secret'' is a retelling of the story behind the Cottingley fairies and a series of purportedly real photographs created in Cottingley, a village in West Yorkshire, England. The plots follows the lives of the two cousins—Frances Griffiths and Elsie Wright—who photographed real fairies in the garden near a stream. The story follows the facts behind the real events—how the news attracted the attention of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, how nationally renowned the girls became, and the hope of people who believed in the fantasy during war times.

Gaynor’s fictional reimagining continues into the present (2017) with Olivia Kavanagh, who after discovering her grandfather’s manuscript and the picture of the fairies, realizes that her story becomes intertwined with the cousins’ lives, causing past and present to blur together. Gaynor approaches the story intertwining past and present—in the form of a memoir written by Frances Griffiths that retells the past events, and through the present life of a fictional character (Olivia Kavanagh) whose family dates back to that time and place as well. ''The Cottingley Secret'' follows the life of Olivia. After her grandfather passes away, Olivia inherits his bookshop in Ireland called Something Old, so she decides to leave behind her life in London temporarily, which is tied to a fiancée and a steady job as a bookbinder. After finding a manuscript with Frances’s story and photographs of fairies, Olivia begins to struggle with choosing between a settled life in London or a new adventure where she feels a connection and meaning behind her newfound work. As Olivia gets deeper into the story, she also makes the connection that someone from Frances’s past is related to her family—a great grandmother. Having lost her own mother as a child and trying to take care of her grandmother, who suffers with Alzheimer’s, Olivia believes that holding on to this story is the only way to reconnect with her family.

Once Olivia finds out that the bookshop is under a threat of being shut down— due to debts, she embarks on a mission to get all the necessary funds and restore the bookshop. After a lost little girl, Iris, wanders into the bookshop, Olivia meets Ross, a local writer who becomes the bookshop's writer-in-residence. Together, they manage to bring the bookshop back to life by organizing events for the public and promoting the antique books on a website to reach more customers. Olivia steadily begins to balance out the debts and becomes so enthralled by Frances' manuscript that she decides to visit Cottingley, the place where her grandmother also grew up. Before she travels, Jack—Olivia's fiancée—shows up at the bookshop's door because Olivia won't return his calls and is ignoring her wedding planning. Olivia had found out before her grandfather's death that she was infertile, something she'd kept from Jack. When Jack finds out, he flies to Ireland to find her and bring her back to London, despite how angry he was at the results. However, Olivia decides to stay in Ireland, break off her engagement, and continue her research into her family history and their connection to the Cottingley fairies.

When Olivia finally travels to Cottingley, she discovers that the girl in her dreams that Frances also talked about in her memoir was her grandmother's sister, who died when she was a kid from a fall in the garden. Olivia's grandmother had been contacted when the body was found a decade later after Olivia's great grandmother passed away, and Olivia was able to visit the grave and put an end to her recurring dreams, finally satisfied with finding the connection between Frances' history and her own.

Citizen Jake

When journalist Jake Herrera (real life journalist Atom Araullo, in his film debut) investigates the murder of a student, he is forced to confront the sins of his own family - especially as his father, (Teroy Guzman) was a loyal Marcos crony who still has the power to ruin lives and manipulate public perceptions.


Music producer Nicolas Lejeune is in desperate need for new stars because business is bad. His boss Sophie Demanche gives him a last chance and a deadline. Unless he discovers within six months musicians who are able to sell out the famous Olympia concert hall he will be fired. Right after he has accepted this challenge he vents off at a fancy dress party. The ext morning he checks the pictures which were taken with his smartphone during the night. Looking at partygoers dressed as priests inspires him. He decides to create a trio consisting of a Catholic priest, a rabbi and an imam. His assistant Sabrina soon finds a willing Catholic priest but they cannot find a real rabbi or a real imam. So they hire a mentally unstable former rabbi and a scoundrel who pretends to be an imam. This leads inevitably to a variety of issues.


In 1972, Ron Stallworth is hired as the first black officer in the Colorado Springs Police Department. Assigned to work in the records room, he tires of being harassed and applies to be an undercover cop. He is assigned to infiltrate a local rally where national civil rights leader Kwame Ture (a.k.a. Stokely Carmichael) is speaking. At the rally, Stallworth meets Patrice Dumas, president of the Black Student Union at Colorado College. While taking Ture to his hotel, Patrice is stopped by patrolman Andy Landers, a racist officer in Stallworth's precinct, who threatens Ture and gropes Patrice.

Following the rally, Stallworth is reassigned to the intelligence division. After reading about a local division of the Ku Klux Klan in the newspaper, he calls posing as white. He speaks with Walter Breachway, the president of the Colorado Springs chapter, but soon realizes that not only did he use his real name, but he must also meet the Klan members. Stallworth recruits his Jewish coworker, Flip Zimmerman, to impersonate him and meet the Klan members while he continues posing as white on the phone. Under Stallworth's identity, Zimmerman meets Walter, the slightly more reckless Felix Kendrickson (and later his wife Connie), and Ivanhoe, who cryptically refers to an upcoming attack.

Calling Klan headquarters in Louisiana to expedite his membership, Stallworth begins regular phone conversations with Grand Wizard David Duke. Kendrickson suspects Zimmerman of being Jewish and tries to force him to take a polygraph test at gunpoint, but Stallworth, overhearing everything on the wire Zimmerman is wearing, breaks the Kendricksons' kitchen window as a distraction. Stallworth begins dating Patrice without telling her that he is a police officer. After passing information to the Army CID about active-duty members, he learns from an FBI agent that two members are personnel stationed at NORAD.

Duke visits Colorado Springs for Stallworth's induction into the Klan. Over the real Stallworth's protests, he is assigned to a protection detail for Duke. Once Zimmerman, masquerading as Stallworth, is initiated, Connie leaves the ceremony to place a bomb at a local civil rights rally. The real Stallworth realizes her intentions and alerts local police officers. When Connie notices a heavy police presence at the rally, she puts Felix's backup plan into action and plants the bomb at Patrice's house, leaving it under her car when it will not fit into the mailbox. Stallworth tackles her as she tries to flee, but uniformed officers detain and beat him despite his protests that he is working undercover.

The bombmaker, Walker, recognizes Zimmerman from a prior arrest and informs Felix. He, Felix, and Ivanhoe drive to the house and park next to Patrice's car without realizing that the bomb is hidden underneath. When they detonate it, the explosion kills all three. Zimmerman arrives, frees Stallworth, and arrests Connie. While Stallworth is celebrating the closed case that night with Patrice, Landers arrives and harasses the two, remorselessly admitting to his assault on Patrice; Stallworth then reveals he is wearing a wire, and Police Chief Bridges arrives and arrests Landers for police brutality.

Bridges congratulates the team for their success but orders them to end their investigation and destroy the records. Stallworth receives a call from Duke, and he insultingly tells Duke he is black before hanging up. While Patrice and Stallworth discuss their future, they are interrupted by a knock on the door. Through the window in the hallway, they see a flaming cross on a hillside surrounded by Klan members. The film then cuts to actual footage of the 2017 Unite the Right rally, where a still-respected Duke is a speaker, and ends with an upside-down American flag that fades to black and white.

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

In 1969 Seattle, law student Ted Bundy meets Liz Kendall, a young secretary and divorced mother. The two begin dating, and Ted helps Liz raise her young daughter, Molly.

By 1974, news reports announce the recent murders of multiple young women, including two who disappeared in broad daylight at Lake Sammamish; a man resembling Ted was seen by several people asking women to help him load a sailboat onto a Volkswagen Beetle. A composite sketch of the attacker is released and, following hundreds of phone calls, Ted is arrested the following year.

A young woman named Carol DaRonch picks Ted out of a police lineup, claiming he had kidnapped and threatened to kill her before she managed to escape. Ted is released on bail, returning home to Liz who is upset after reading an article about him in the newspaper. Ted explains that Carol was shown his picture before the lineup took place, which is why he looked familiar to her, and says he believes he is being set up. After a four-day bench trial, Ted is found guilty of aggravated kidnapping and is sentenced to serve a minimum of one to a maximum of 15 years in the Utah State Prison.

A few weeks later, Colorado authorities charge Ted with the murder of Caryn Campbell, and he is transferred to Aspen, Colorado, in 1977. Liz refuses to believe Ted is guilty, the events start to take a toll on her, and she begins drinking heavily as a result. While at Pitkin County Courthouse, Ted elects to serve as his own attorney and, as such, is excused from wearing handcuffs or leg shackles. During a court recess, Ted escapes from the courthouse by jumping out of a second-story window and running to the mountains through the town, but is recaptured after six days.

Liz visits Ted and ends their relationship. He later escapes again after sawing a square into his cell's ceiling. Two women at a sorority house are murdered at Florida State University, followed by vicious attacks on three more. After Ted is arrested, he tries to contact Liz, but she hangs up on him. He starts to receive a following of women who are fascinated by him, some even claiming they love him. Ted is also visited by an old friend, Carole Ann Boone, who believes he is innocent and moves to Florida to be closer to him during his upcoming murder trial.

A pre-trial plea bargain is negotiated in which Ted would plead guilty to killing the two sorority girls, Lisa Levy and Margaret Bowman, and twelve-year-old Kimberly Leach, in exchange for a 75-year prison sentence instead of the death penalty, but he refuses. Ted and Carole Ann grow closer as she visits him regularly; the two begin a relationship, but Ted continues to reach out to Liz who is following his trials via television. She carries the guilt of being the person who gave Ted's name to the Seattle authorities in 1975. Ted later proposes to Carole Ann mid-trial and they marry.

Incriminating physical evidence is provided in court, including a match of a plaster cast of Ted's teeth to the impressions of bite wounds left on Levy's buttocks. In under seven hours, the jury convicts Ted of the murders of Levy and Bowman, three counts of attempted first-degree murder, and two counts of burglary. Trial judge Edward Cowart imposes death sentences for the murders.

Ten years later, Liz receives a letter from Ted and visits him, taking a photograph given to her by a detective. She demands the truth but Ted continues to deny having anything to do with the murders and proclaims his innocence. She then shows Ted a photograph, a crime scene image of one of his decapitated victims, and he finally admits that he sawed her head off by writing the word "hacksaw" in the condensation on the visiting room window that separates them. Liz leaves the prison in shock but is met outside by her new husband Jerry, and Molly, now a teenager, and she proclaims that she is finally okay.

As the film ends, archival footage and on-screen text say that Ted was executed in January 1989, aged 42 years old. Ted had confessed to over 30 murders days before his execution, and his ashes were scattered in the Cascade Mountains, where he had deposited the remains of numerous victims.

Tarzan: The Greystoke Legacy Under Siege

In the 1980s the Greystoke Trust, a worldwide financial conglomerate founded on the fortune amassed by Tarzan from the treasure of the lost city of Opar, is under siege. Jonathan Clayton, fourth-generation heir to the trust, is returning to Africa on business when his plane is shot down and crashes in the jungle. The family compound there has been overrun and pillaged by an unknown mercenary force. Jon's crippled father Jackie, head of the trust, is accused of corrupt practices and put on trial. His grandfather Jack (Korak) is accused of the murder of Dian Fossey, having been the last known person to see her alive. Jon's great-grandparents Tarzan and Jane are missing. As Jon struggles to survive in the wilderness, a plot hatched by an old family enemy enmeshes all four generations of his family, including Tarzan himself, unfolds in locations as diverse as Africa, England, the Himalayas, Paris, Moscow, and Washington, D.C.

The Mole Song: Hong Kong Capriccio

Undercover investigator Reiji Kikukawa, nicknamed "The Mole", has infiltrated the Hiura gang led by Masaya Hiura, a.k.a. "Crazy Papillon", and risen to the rank of second-in-command after eliminating the members of the clan who were involved in the illegal drug trade without authorization. A disgraced yakuza member forges an alliance with the Dragon Skulls, a Chinese gang, to take on the Sukiya-kai clan that is in control of the Kanto Region. Shuho Todoroki, head of the Sukiya-kai, becomes a target and his daughter Karen is kidnapped to be sold at a beauty auction in Hong Kong. Reiji once again tries to do the right thing while remaining undercover as he becomes entangled in a massive international conspiracy. Meanwhile, elite police officer Shinya Kabuto moves to arrest Reiji.

The Carmilla Movie

Picking up five years after the series ends, Carmilla (Natasha Negovanlis) and Laura (Elise Bauman) are now living in Toronto. Laura has been trying to start her career as a journalist, and Carmilla is enjoying the benefits of being human again. Laura has been having nightmares, revealed to be visions of Carmilla's past, and Carmilla's vampirism starts acting up. When Perry (Annie M. Briggs) and LaFontaine (Kaitlyn Alexander) look over Carmilla, it turns out Carmilla's humanity (dubbed "The Spark") is fading. Figuring there is a connection between this and Laura's dreams, Carmilla, Laura and their friends, Kirsch (Matt O'Connor), Perry, LaFontaine, and Mel (Nicole Stamp), make a trip to a mansion in Austria.

At the mansion, they are greeted by ghosts from Carmilla's past; the girls who were sacrificed in her mother's rituals and are unable to cross over into the afterlife. While they have no resentment for Carmilla's roles in their deaths, they explain that there is a ritual that can help the pass over; The Ash Moon Ritual; if Carmilla willingly sacrifices her mortality and human life, by channeling it into a gem and destroying said gem. After they celebrate at a masquerade party the ghosts are hosting, Carmilla channels her humanity into the gem, but it is stolen before it can be destroyed. The thief is revealed to be Carmilla's friend and love interest from centuries prior, Elle Sheridan (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), who previously betrayed Carmilla to her mother before her death.

Elle reveals she is the one behind Laura's nightmares, and that she has taken a sociopathic streak as a spirit; resenting the life Carmilla and Laura had together, and planning on stealing Carmilla's life for the purposes of restoring her own; all the while not caring that she's casting the other ghosts into the nightmare realm that once imprisoned them. Ell casts all but one of the ghosts into this dimension, along with LaFontaine, but is unable to leave the mansion. Elle stalks and picks off Laura and Carmilla's friends, sending them into the dimension as well, and tries to torment them into surrendering the last remaining ghost, Charlotte (Grace Lynn Kung). Using Charlotte as a trap, a fight ensues with Ell, that sends them into the nightmare realm as well.

Laura discovers the nightmare realm to be a dimension forcing it's captives to experience their worst memories constantly as a personal Hell. Still being pursued by Elle, Laura discovers Carmilla's worse memory to be of Elle's betrayal. After rescuing the other ghosts and their friends, Carmilla and Laura gather them to complete the Ash Moon ritual. Elle interrupts them yet again, holding a knife to Carmilla's throat and demanding the gem. Laura tries to appeal to Ell, to no avail, before Mel shoots Elle, subduing her and allowing the ritual to pass, freeing the ghosts to move on to the afterlife.

Returning home, Carmilla and Laura talk about how their relationship will progress with Carmilla being a vampire yet again. Laura states she doesn't see it as a problem and the two affirm their love for each other. Over the credits, Laura's career and further ventures with Carmilla, including their discovery of the Fountain of Youth, indicating that Laura will continue to live alongside Carmilla, as well as the two holding a baby. In an after credits scene, Carmilla is approached by the spirit of her sister Mattie (Sophia Walker), who warns her that the anglerfish entity from Silas was female and has laid eggs. Carmilla is immediately ready for the next adventure.

Mercy Christmas

Michael Briskett thinks that he meets the perfect woman, his Christmas dream comes true when she invites him to her family's holiday celebration. However, Michael struggles to survive once he realises that he will be the Christmas dinner.

Cross the Rubicon!

The film begins with a bank robbery using handguns and a handmade bomb. The bomb rolls off a counter and explodes during the harried robbery. A caption explains that under Penal Code 236 a person will be sentenced to a minimum of five years in prison for robbery with the threat of violence.

The film cuts to members of the Haneda family informally gambling in a residence. Despite protests from Takeshi's wife Shizuko, Kuniyoshi convinces Takeshi and another member of the clan to join him in murdering the boss of the rival Shonankai family and then to turn themselves in, promising that this act will bring them respect and that they will be promoted to the head of the Haneda family when they are released from prison. When they leap out to surprise the opposing entourage, Takeshi's gun is knocked from his hand and the clip falls out. He fumbles to put it back together as the opposing group fires back on his crew and fixes it in time to catch the boss and shoot him down at the back of his car. A caption explains that under Penal Code 199 murderers can receive the death penalty, life in prison, or a minimum sentence of three years.

Takeshi is released after spending eight years in prison, where he is met by Kuniyoshi and Shizuko. They take Takeshi to the Makuradate Hot Springs, where Kuniyoshi tells him that their family's boss will be swearing an oath of brotherhood with the new boss of the Shonankai family and Takeshi should not return to Osaka because it will complicate things. This makes it impossible to promote Takeshi for the murder and his jail time because he killed the boss of what will now be an affiliated family. Takeshi says that he will not seek advancement in the family and will instead live a clean life because it is better for the family.

After Kuniyoshi leaves, Shizuko complains about the family's failure to live up to its promises and reward Takeshi for his actions. Takeshi quickly initiates sex amid Shizuko's warnings to wait. Her wedding ring scratches Takeshi and causes him to bleed. He takes the ring with him and leaves, saying that he has some business to handle and will return in ten days. He tells her to remain at home and to pretend that he is still there with her if the family calls from Osaka.

Takeshi secretly travels to Osaka and is picked up from the airport by Tetsu, who has brought the preparations and quickly calls in the "Old Man" from Amagasaki. These three friends from prison hole up in an unassuming shack, where Takeshi promises that their next heist will bring them a share of ten million yen each. He explains that he does not want to return to jail so they will not be robbing a bank but rather a location where no police will be called, though he refuses to disclose the target without first getting their agreement to participate. Tetsu is immediately excited but the Old Man is concerned about his wife and children and only reluctantly agrees.
Takeshi travels to the Ogoto Hot Springs and spies on the meeting between the newly befriended families on the waterfront, identifying an unattended speedboat. Meanwhile, the Old Man arrives at their hideout with the diving gear that Takeshi requested and bumps the table where Tetsu is preparing a mixture for tear gas that Takeshi requested, causing it to explode and fill the house.

That night the three load the tanks of gas onto the speedboat and ride it to an inn, where Takeshi explains that the two families are now partying following the brotherhood oath ceremony, surely wagering tens of millions of yen on their games. They land the boat and beat down three yakuza wandering near the shore, taking their guns from them and planting bombs on the yakuza's boat. Disguised in diving gear they then rush into the room where the yakuza are gambling and blast it with tear gas, holding the boss of the Shonankai family at gunpoint while they collect as much money as they can in waterproof bags and run back to their speedboat. The pursuing yakuza jump into their boat, which explodes from the bombs planted there earlier. The yakuza instead pursue them by car, but have difficulty driving on the watery shoreline. The three robbers rig their speedboat to continue on its own toward the shore on the other side as they dive into the water with their diving gear and drag the waterproof bags away as the yakuza pursue the empty boat.

Back in their hideaway shack they count up the money and find that they have stolen more than 350 million yen. Takeshi gives the other two their share and packs away the rest of the money in a single briefcase. Tetsu and the Old Man look on jealously and ask for 50 million yen more each but Takeshi fights them off, saying that none of the money should be spent in order to avoid drawing attention. He leaves to hide the money but the other two suspect that he is attempting to abandon them and run off with the money.

At a meeting between the heads of the families, Mr. Haneda explains that he had paid the police to stay away but did not suspect that they would be robbed. He apologizes to the head of the Shonankai family, whose eyes were injured during the fight, and agrees to compensate him for his loss. The head of the Shonankai family does not blame Haneda, stating that it was a random street mugging, but Haneda is passed a list of their losses from that night. After they depart, the Haneda family is angry to discover that the Shonankai family has inflated its losses.

Unable to go to the police, they instead call Bunmei Noshiro, a known crooked cop who has a young fifth wife and needs money. Noshiro discovers the remnants of the handmade explosives, including scraps of paper with Tetsu's handwriting on them. He negotiates for a reward of one million yen per robber, promising to know who they are in three days. Noshiro notices some gambling in a local restaurant and threatens to arrest the bookmakers if they don't tell him about any suspicious betting activity lately. They tell him that Tetsu, who was in jail for three years for robbing a bank, has wagered three million yen recently and they point him out to Noshiro. Noshiro follows Tetsu to a dance club full of underage hostesses and spots his own young lover Yoko making out with the manager of her old bar, leading to a fistfight. Back at home, the bruised Noshiro argues with Yoko that she is not a kid anymore and that she should stay home, promising to buy her what she wants most with his detective bonus. She demands a three-bedroom condo with a south-facing terrace that costs 35 million yen.

Takeshi tells Shizuko that he has pawned her ring, then they meet Kuniyoshi at the bar Shizuko runs and Takeshi tells him that he is moving with Shizuko back to Kyushu, where she is from. Kuniyoshi sends Takeshi out drinking with his men and waits for Shizuko on her bed when she arrives home, angrily attacking her for not leaving Takeshi for him as she had promised. When Takeshi returns home and finds them, Kuniyoshi insists that Shizuko is now his since he paid for the apartment and bar and that Takeshi should go to Kyushu alone. Takeshi says that he knew about the affair and tells Kuniyoshi to leave. Shizuko apologizes but Takeshi understands why she did it.
Noshiro spots Tetsu with a young hostess and follows them to his apartment, where he accuses Tetsu of the robbery and matches Tetsu's handwriting with the sample he collected from the robbery. He brings Tetsu to Mr. Haneda as Haneda is bidding Takeshi farewell from the city and advising him to go straight. Tetsu recognizes Takeshi but Takeshi explains that it was because they were in prison together. Noshiro then recognizes Takeshi as the murderer of the old head of the Shonankai family as he collects his million-yen bounty for Tetsu.

The Haneda family tortures Tetsu and attempts to get the names of his family as Takeshi puts on a mask and prepares to kill him to protect the secret, but he is interrupted when another masked man arrives and shoots his way through the Haneda family and rescues Tetsu. Takeshi is caught by Sugi, a member of the Haneda family, but Takeshi promises to show him where the money is, taking him to the shore and showing him the briefcase full of money in his trunk before punching him and escaping onto a boat. Sugi pursues Takeshi, who punches him into the water and shoots him, drawing the attention of others and forcing him to run.

The man who rescued Tetsu reveals himself as Bunmei and asks about the actual amount of money stolen but Tetsu escapes, leading him to the Old Man's place. Tetsu convinces the Old Man to work with him against Takeshi, then calls Tetsu and tells him to bring them each 50 million to Cafe Montpamasse in front of Amagasaki by noon the next day or he will call the Hanedas. Bunmei follows them to the meeting spot and calls Mr. Haneda and demands 100 million yen for all three robbers. Bunmei notices Takeshi when he arrives, so Takeshi does not meet the other robbers at the cafe but rather kidnaps a girl and hides in her apartment. Bunmei sees Tetsu pick the lock on Takeshi's trunk and remove the briefcase. Bunmei demands the money but Tetsu and the Old Man run. The Old Man is hit by a car and drops the briefcase, which opens to reveal merely scraps of newspaper. Bunmei finds Takeshi bribing the kidnapped girl with jewelry and Takeshi offers to match Mr. Haneda's offer to Bunmei but Bunmei refuses because he fears Haneda more. Takeshi says that he won't share any of the money and drives away.

Takeshi returns home to find Shizuko held captive by Kuniyoshi and another Haneda family member, who say that Sugi survived and told them that Takeshi was the lead robber. Shizuko begs for forgiveness and help from both Takeshi and Kuniyoshi in turn. Kuniyoshi threatens to shoot Takeshi, who throws out a locker key as a distraction and tackles the other Haneda family member just as Tetsu arrives and tackles Kuniyoshi, enabling Takeshi to force them all out. Takeshi tells Shizuko that they are splitting up but that he understands why she betrayed him, explaining that he will get a fake passport and take the money abroad. He says that he was lying about them reconciling and moving to Kyushu in order to fool the Haneda family. His final words to her include the lesson he learned in prison that "we're all alone. The only one you can trust is yourself."

Takeshi drives Tetsu back to the shack as thanks for killing the Old Man for him but Tetsu is still distrusting and demands the money, saying he will kill Takeshi if he is betrayed again. Takeshi retrieves the briefcase from the locker but is caught by Bunmei, who knocks him out and takes the money. Bunmei returns the money but when he asks for his reward he is betrayed by the Hanedas, who knowingly falsely accuse him of stealing since the amount returned does not match the exaggerated amount claimed by the Shonankai family. Bunmei pulls a gun on them but they notify him that he was fired from the police force that day and no longer has protection if he murders them. Bunmei, frustrated that all of his efforts were for nothing, returns home to find Yoko laughing with Takeshi. Takeshi asks Bunmei to join him in taking vengeance on the Hanedas and Bunmei makes him promise not to betray him this time.

The police take interest after the murder of Kuniyoshi and Shizuko tells them what she knows. The Hanedas attempt to quickly bag the money and move it as Takeshi arrives to bargain. Takeshi opens the blinds and begins the bag the money himself and when the Haneda enforcers attempt to stop him they are shot through the window by Bunmei. Takeshi forces Mr. Haneda onto the balcony and knocks him out, then he and Bunmei take the money back to the shack, where Takeshi betrays him and pulls a gun. Tetsu runs out of the shack throwing Molotov cocktails and attempts to steal the car full of money but is shot in the process and wrecks the car, dying on top of the bags of money. A saddened Bunmei pulls the bags of money from the wrecked car as Takeshi drives into him, knocking him to the ground. Bunmei, bleeding on the ground, asks Takeshi to tell Yoko that he has gone on a long journey. After Takeshi collects the money and drives away, Bunmei stands up and reveals that he was merely pretending to die because he was already lying on top of all of the money that he needed for the condo.

At the airport Takeshi is recognized by the young woman he kidnapped and fears that she will betray him to airport security, but she smiles and touches the pearl brooch he gave her. Takeshi, feeling relieved, throws his gun in the garbage and boards the plane. The film ends with a list of the statutes of limitations for various punishments.

Violent Panic: The Big Crash

Two masked bank robbers, Seki Mitsuo and Yamanaka Takashi, use stolen cars to steal millions of yen from banks in Nagoya, Otsu, and Kyoto before heading to Kobe, where they plan to rob 300 million yen from the Dai-ichi Kangin Bank on Nitta Street before escaping to Brazil.

Takashi and Mitsuo rob the bank but as they are escaping Seki Mitsuo is knocked over by a motorcycle then run over by a truck. Takashi evades the police of the Hyōgo in his escape car before ditching it and taking a taxi back to his place. Officer Kuriyama finds the abandoned car and the ambitious Officer Nitta hurriedly searches through the documents found in it while the jealous Officer Hatano spends his time hitting on Kuriyama.

Takashi continues to have problems with Midorikawa Michi, a girl whom Takashi saved from a man attacking her at a bar one night and who then became his lover, because he has to pay for expensive clothing she shoplifts and she then begins prostituting herself for nice clothes. Takashi is angered, but decides that it doesn't matter because he is planning to leave anyway.

The police identify the body of the dead robber as former mechanic Seki Mitsuo, age 26, leading them to search his apartment and find links to all of the other robberies as well as the fingerprints of his accomplice, who is now being pursued by all of the police departments of the various cities working together. Seki Mitsuo's brother, a corrupt cop, finds Takashi and demands the money from the Kobe robbery. He jumps on Takashi's truck as he attempts to flee the city, falling off when the police cut them off. Takashi turns down another road only to encounter by Michi, who jumps in the truck. Hatano, struck by the car as they drive away, cannot remember what the driver looked like but Nitta matches the fingerprints to the bartender Yamanaka Takashi, age 26, and identifies him as the other masked robber.

Takashi abandons Michi at a cafe but she chases after him in tears and he lets her ride with him in a taxi. Nitta travels to Takashi's birthplace in Fukui and Hatano invents an excuse to avoid accompanying him, instead traveling to Kuriyama's home, where he is taunted by her neighbors for being a cop and discovers her in bed with a subordinate officer.

In Echizen, Fukui Nitta finds the dilapidated Yamanata family home, abandoned after Takashi's breadwinner older brother injured his arm and the family fell into poverty, moving to Hanba, Osaka. The police track Takashi there, where he gives his poor family 100,000 yen before escaping. Mitsuo's brother the corrupt cop learns from one of Michi's old johns that Takashi is with Michi but then angrily kills the drunk john when only presented with a photograph instead of the real Michi.

A young man working at a car repair shop works a racket where he delivers a repaired car then scratches it again before leaving. He is observed escaping by the car's owner, who returns to the shop and threatens to report him to the police, driving him to a hotel room to be the subject of the man's sadistic sex games. The young man murders the aggressor but is heard by the neighbors, prompting the police to ask for statements from them, including Michi and Takashi in the neighboring room. Takashi hides his face under soap and after the police leave Michi finds his passport. After an argument she steals it and flees as the young murderer flees and crashes the older man's nice car off a cliff.

Takashi calls Michi at the bar and Mitsuo's brother overhears the conversation, realizing that Takashi is headed to Brazil. Takashi retrieves the passport and heads to the airport, where Mitsuo's brother catches him. They fight over the bag of money but are forced to abandon it when airport security chases them away. Takashi returns to the hotel and finds that Michi has attempted to kill herself with pills. He forces her to vomit then burns his passport, confessing that he has lost the money and promising to get her more.

Takashi robs Sumitomo Bank but the police do not hear the alarm over the loud music from the street demonstration that they are escorting nearby. Hanato and Mitsuo's brother both notice Takashi escaping and pursue him. Hanato strikes several other people's vehicles during the pursuit, causing them to chase him. Takashi throws the bag of money out of his car to Michi, who cowers in the road as Hanato's car is struck by the cars pursuing him. After the crash she continues to chase Takashi, who turns around and picks her up before continuing his escape. Mitsuo's brother crashes into the nice car stolen by the young murderer, who angrily chases after him but is struck dead by Hanato's car, angering several onlookers and causing them to chase Hanato in their cars. Mitsuo's brother runs into a group of professional motorcyclists being filmed for television and kills one of them, causing the rest to chase after him. The cars all crash together in a massive cluster further down the road as the television reporter describes the scene as "a cross-section of today's society running wild." Hanato's car is overturned by angry citizens and several other cars explode or drive into the water as Takashi and Michi escape by boat. It is later reported that a Japanese couple has robbed the bank of Rio de Janeiro and escaped with $500,000 in cash.

Quantrill's Raiders (film)

A Civil War guerilla gang plans an attack on a Kansas arsenal.

The Unamenables

Two foolish and frivolous guys cause suffering for the whole work team at the factory. It was already decided to fire Anatoly Gracchkin (Yuri Belov) and his friend Victor Gromoboev (Alexei Kozhevnikov), but they are taken under the wing by Nadia Berestova (Nadezhda Rumyantseva), a diminutive funny woman, known as the popular one at the plant.

Because of Nadia's status of a respectable and reliable person, the Komsomol members, without wasting time immediately give her the assignment to re-educate the boys. At first, Nadya takes it with reluctance and apprehension, but gradually this task becomes the most important thing in her life. She prepares for mischief-makers a daily plan and a list of books to read, brings them a lectures about marine biology, talks about Goncharov's novel Oblomov...

However, after Grachkin and Gromoboev succeed in tricking Nadya more than once, she understands that standard methods in this situation will not help.


Vagn is a middle-aged man whose life has slowly ground to a halt. He lives by himself, has a job and plays old boys' football. On the annual team trip to Sweden, the other members of the team forget him at a gas station. As Vagn well knows, he is all too forgettable. Throwing his lot in with a hapless robber, John, he hustles to catch up with the team bus, beginning a journey that slowly but surely brings him out of himself and back among the living.

Aigo no Waka

In the first ''dan'', the Second Avenue Archivist Kiyohira (二条蔵人清平) goes with his wife to pray to the Hase Kannon for a child, his childlessness having been a source of shame for him at a palace meeting to compare treasures.

In the second ''dan'', the Sixth Avenue Captain (六条の判官), who dislikes Kiyohira, attacks him on his return from the temple, but thanks to the judgement of a monk he escapes without incident. (Yatarō Muroki, in his article on ''Aigo no Waka'' for the ''Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten'', speculated that this section was not present in the original performance. )

In the third ''dan'', a child (Aigo no Waka) is born to the couple, but when Aigo no Waka is thirteen his mother dies. Waka's young stepmother falls in love with him, and writes him a romantic letter. The fourth ''dan'' has Waka taking refuge in the '' '' to mourn his mother. His stepmother sends him seven love letters a day but Waka firmly rejects her. The stepmother slanders Waka to her husband, and the boy is tied up and hung from a cherry tree. The ghost of Waka's dead mother takes the form of a weasel and saves him. She tells him to seek the help of his uncle, the Ajari (monk) of Hiei-zan.

In the fifth ''dan'', Ajari, who believes this sudden visit must be a trick by a tengu, drives Waka out. Waka, continuing to encounter misfortune, loses faith in the world and kills himself, leaving the death poem ''kamikura ya / kiriyū ga taki he / mi o naguru / katari-tsutae yo / sugi no mura tatsu'' (かみくらや霧生が滝へ身を投ぐる語り伝へよ杉のむら立).

In the final ''dan'', Kiyohira discovers Waka's death and accuses the stepmother of his death. Kiyohira, Ajari, Waka's pet monkey and many other people leap to their deaths, and Waka is worshiped as Sannō Dai-Gongen (ja).

I Won't Come Back

Anya is a graduate student who is implicated in a drugs bust after a visit from an old friend and runs from the police sent to arrest her. Due to her youthful looks, she poses as a homeless teenager and allows herself to be taken to an orphanage. Here, she meets Kristina, a 12-year old street-smart but troubled girl. When Anya runs away from the orphanage, Kristina follows her and talks her into traveling to her grandmother's village in Kazakhstan. Along the way, Anya gradually assumes responsibility for the younger girl.

Milada (film)

The story of Milada Horáková, democratic pre-WW2 Czech politician who was arrested and tried by the Nazis during World War II. During the postwar years, she was arrested on fabricated charges and executed by the Communist government for her refusal to cease her opposition activity and leave the country.

The Story of Minglan

Sheng Hong, a fifth rank official, is head of the Sheng household, and he has one official wife, two concubines, and six children. His official wife is Wang Ruofu, a bad tempered but kind lady who is always at odds with Sheng Hong's favorite concubine, Lin Qinshuang. Lin Qinshuang, a former servant, pretends to act weak and sympathetic, gaining the pity and attention of Sheng Hong, to Wang Ruofu's dismay. Sheng Hong also has a step mother, Old Mrs. Sheng, who is the only daughter of the Marquis of Yongyi and is respected by her fellow nobles. However, her relationship with Sheng Hong is strained because she dislikes how Sheng Hong isn't able to control Lin Qinshuang's tactics.

Sheng Minglan is the sixth daughter of Sheng Hong and was born to his second concubine, Wei Shuyi. Although she is bright and intelligent, she hid her talents after witnessing her pregnant mother die as a result of Minglan standing up for her. She was raised by Old Mrs. Sheng, who dotes and loves her dearly. She has five other siblings, Hualan, Changbai, Changfeng, Molan, and Rulan. Hualan, Changbai, and Rulan are the children of Wang Ruofu and Changfeng and Molan are the children of Lin Qinshuang, and the children inherited their mother's personalities and dislikes. Hualan is the respected eldest daughter but is domineered by her mother in law. Changbai is a wise scholar and is Gu Tingye's close friend. Changfeng is carefree and wants a higher social standing. Rulan is short tempered but easy-going while Molan is scheming and wants to improve her social status through marriage. The children study and grow up together along with Qi Heng, Gu Tingye, and Yu Yanran.

Meanwhile, Molan is desperate to marry into a rich household to suppress her feelings of inferiority as the daughter of a concubine. Lin Qinshuang helps her daughter, and Molan flirts with Liang Han, the son of the Count of Yongchang. Liang Han's mother, Lady Wu, prefers Minglan as a daughter in law and despises Molan. Molan eventually uses an underhanded method to marry into the Liang household, to the shame of her father, her siblings, and her grandmother. As a result, Lin Qinshuang is beaten and reveals that she didn't have feelings for Sheng Hong. She is sent away, and Minglan reveals to Lin Qinshuang that Molan's marriage was revenge for Wei Shuyi's death. Molan eventually suffers in her marriage as Liang Han has a lot of concubines, especially favoring his maid Chun Ke. Rulan is simple and only wishes to find true happiness. She shares the characteristics of her mother and despises Molan and Lin Qinshuang. She has an amiable relationship with Minglan. Her mother Wang Ruofu wants her to marry into a noble family to compete with Lin Qinshuang. Rulan instead falls in love with her father's student, who also happens to be Molan's fiancee until the Liang Han incident. She eventually marries the scholar, who also loves her back and treats her well.

On the other hand, Qi Heng develops feelings for Minglan. Qi Heng is the only son of the Duke of Qi and the Princess of Pingning. He is well respected coming from an affluent family, and is considered a suitable husband by many households. Molan and the Princess of Jiacheng are interested in marrying him, but he only likes Minglan. She also develops feelings for him, but Qi Heng never understands her feelings through his idealized view of her. Qi Heng is eventually forced to marry the Princess of Jiacheng. However, their marriage doesn't last long because of a rebellion against the Emperor. His wife and her family is executed, and his mother the Princess of Pingning witnesses the tragedy and becomes mentally ill. Gu Tingye is rewarded for saving the Emperor, and he returns to the Gu Household with honors. He is the son of the Marquis of Ningyuan, but he has a poor relationship with his father and his stepmother Lady Qin despises him. His father was forced by his family to marry his mother Lady Bai for her wealth, and Lady Bai died of grief after finding out the truth. Gu Tingye also has a horrible reputation, fathering two children with his mistress Zhu Manniang. Zhu Manniang eventually leaves him when she believes he's of no worth, and Gu Tingye also has to deal with the constant scheming of Lady Qin. Lady Qin wants her son Tingwei to be the next Marquis, although Tingwei clearly objects.

Gu Tingye proposes to Sheng Minglan after being impressed by her, and although she refuses at first, she agrees after realizing he's changed his old habits. Minglan becomes the lady of the Gu household, and she has to deal with the schemes of Lady Qin, Gu relatives, Wang Ruoyu (Wang Ruofu's older sister and lady of the Kang household), Zhu Manniang, and the imperial household (Emperor, Empress Dowager, Consorts). She strengthens her relationship with her siblings, father, and stepmother Wang Ruofu, and helps other nobles find success in their respective families. She helps Gu Tingye win back the trust of the emperor and they gradually realize their feelings and trust for each other.

Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Mystery Incorporated investigates a series of thefts performed by the ghost of Puppetto the Puppeteer and his puppet. As they try to capture the ghost, Batman intervenes, warning them to leave things to the professionals. Fred manages to capture Puppetto and the puppet, and Mystery Inc. deduces their identities of Martian Manhunter and Detective Chimp. Batman, Manhunter and Detective Chimp reveal that the Puppetto mystery was an initiation test for Mystery Inc. to join the Mystery Analysts of Gotham, which they accept. Unbeknownst to the heroes, they are observed by a red-cloaked figure.

A week later, Batman foils a gold robbery by Riddler, Catwoman and Killer Croc with help from The Question and Aquaman. Aquaman expresses interest in joining the Analysts, but is rejected for not being a detective. Mystery Inc. arrives at the Analysts' headquarters, meeting Question, Black Canary and Plastic Man, as well as a tagalong Aquaman. Mystery Inc. is asked to take the lead in the next case for the Analysts. When an alarm sounds from Gotham Chemical Storage, the assembled Analysts head for the warehouse, finding that several vials of a radioactive isotope have been stolen. The red-cloaked figure appears, declaring himself to be the Crimson Cloak, and swears revenge on Batman and Gotham for making him into a ghost. Crimson Cloak sets the storage on fire, but the Analysts escape the blast with Plastic Man's help.

While the Analysts put out the fire, Batman sends Mystery Inc. to a diner to rejoin them later. Believing it to be connected to the Crimson Cloak, Batman discloses his single unsolved case; during his first year of crime-fighting, he attempted to stop Professor Milo from experimenting with an unstable teleporter, but was unable to stop the vortex from killing one of Milo's assistants, Leo Scarlett. Batman and Mystery Inc. conclude the likely suspects behind the Crimson Cloak to be Sam Scarlett, Leo's father, or Riddler, after Daphne deduces him to be Milo's second assistant.

Following this lead, Batman and Mystery Inc. travel to Arkham Asylum, where Riddler confirms their suspicions and advises them to check Arkham's cemetery. As Batman and Mystery Inc. begin to leave, Crimson Cloak appears and releases the inmates from their cells, although Batman manages to re-imprison them. At the cemetery, Batman and Mystery Inc. discover the remains of Leo's jacket and a clay footprint. As they return to the Mystery Machine, they are intercepted by Harvey Bullock and the Analysts, who attempt to arrest them for the isotope theft due to fake evidence planted in the van. Batman and Mystery Inc. escape, but in the process run afoul of Gotham's villains, led by Joker and Penguin.

Batman takes the Mystery Inc. to the Batcave and leaves them there while he investigates Milo's old laboratory. Aquaman and Question, refusing to believe the false accusations made against Mystery Inc., join Batman and find Milo's teleporter restored by Crimson Cloak. Crimson Cloak attacks them, seemingly killing Question and capturing Batman and Aquaman. Within the Batcave, Velma attempts to analyze the clay footprint, only for it to suddenly come to life and attack. After overcoming it using a Bat-Dehydrator, Mystery Inc. deduces the Crimson Cloak's true identity for themselves.

Realizing that Batman has been captured by the Cloak, Mystery Inc. equips themselves with the old costumes and gadgets of Batman and his former sidekicks, and arrive to save Batman. Crimson Cloak shapeshifts into Batman's other enemies to stop them, but Mystery Inc. manages to incapacitate him with the Dehydrator and shut down the teleporter. Mystery Inc. exposes the Cloak as Clayface, who admits to stealing the isotopes and restoring the teleporter in exchange for a cure for the gradual decay of his body. Batman deduces that Riddler was the one who hired Clayface, leaving a clay duplicate of himself in Arkham; he then unmasks Question to reveal Riddler, having realized that he swapped places with the real Question due to one of Aquaman's observations.

Now exposed, Riddler escapes back into the lab, followed by Mystery Inc and the Analysts. He reactivates the teleporter and prepares to use it as a superweapon to destroy Gotham, only to be knocked out by the real Question. The vortex grows out of control, but at the same time, a human shape begins to manifest in it. Working together, Mystery Inc. and the Analysts reverse the device's polarity, allowing Batman and Scooby-Doo to free the figure from the vortex before the teleporter self-destructs. The figure is revealed to be Leo Scarlett, having been trapped in an interdimensional void. Leo is reunited with his father while Riddler is arrested, and Batman thanks Mystery Inc. for their help before taking off into the night.

The Artistic Career of Corky

Bertie is in New York. His friend, Bruce "Corky" Corcoran, a struggling artist, relies on an allowance from his rich uncle Alexander Worple, who runs a jute business. Corky introduces his fiancée, Muriel Singer, to Bertie. Corky is afraid that his disagreeable uncle will not approve of her. At Bertie's bidding, Jeeves suggests that, since Mr. Worple wrote a book about birds called "American Birds", Muriel should write "The Children's Book of American Birds" and dedicate it to Mr. Worple, and then send Worple a letter thanking him for his work and asking to meet him. Muriel does not feel she can write a book, so Jeeves proposes they pay a ghostwriter. To help Corky and Muriel, Bertie pays to have the book published and written. Worple replies to Muriel's letter that he would be happy to meet her.

Bertie leaves town for several months to be with friends in the country. He returns to New York and spots Muriel in a restaurant. She has married Alexander Worple. Shocked, Bertie returns to his flat and tells Jeeves, though Jeeves is not surprised, having known this was a possibility. Bertie, uneasy about seeing Corky after this, avoids Corky, but eventually visits Corky after reading in the paper that Muriel and Worple have had a son. Bertie learns that Corky has been commissioned by his uncle to paint a picture of the baby. The situation is terrible for Corky, but he has no choice.

Later, Corky asks Bertie to see the painting. Bertie finds it ugly. Corky believes he has painted the soul of his model. Worple arrives and is appalled by the painting, calling it an extract from a comic supplement. He ends Corky's allowance, leaving Corky distraught. Jeeves, taking inspiration from Worple's comment, believes that the picture could be the foundation for a series of comedic drawings, and suggests the title "The Adventures of Baby Blobbs". Corky cheerfully agrees. The drawings become successful and Corky gives Jeeves a generous reward. Bertie decides to wear a blue suit with a faint red stripe, but Jeeves wants him to wear a brown suit; Bertie agrees to have it Jeeves's way.

Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest

The story takes place in New York. Jeeves wants Bertie to wear the White House Wonder, a hat of the style worn by President Coolidge, though Bertie wears the Broadway Special hat instead. Jeeves also protests Bertie's pink tie, which Bertie wears anyway. Bertie is visited by a friend of his Aunt Agatha, Lady Malvern, and her ladyship's son, Wilmot "Motty", Lord Pershore. Lady Malvern tells Bertie to let Motty, a meek young man who sucks his walking stick, live with him while she tours American prisons for a book she is writing. She says that Motty is a vegetarian, teetotaller, and quiet reader. Troubled, Bertie seeks sympathy from Jeeves, but Jeeves remains distant.

One night, Bertie comes home and sees that Motty is not there. Also, none of Motty's books have been touched. There is a thud on the door, and Jeeves answers it. Motty is lying on the mat outside, moaning and drunk. Bertie and Jeeves carry him to bed. In the morning, Motty, having drunk one of Jeeves's special hangover cures, is cheerful. He intends to make the most of his time in New York. He goes out partying. Bertie tries to chaperone once but cannot keep up with Motty. Bertie is concerned that Lady Malvern and Aunt Agatha will blame him. Then Motty starts bringing noisy friends to Bertie's flat. Bertie is bitten by Rollo, a bull-terrier that Motty won in a raffle. Irritated, Bertie leaves to stay with his friend Rocky Todd in the country. However, Bertie is bored there and returns in a week.

When Bertie returns home, Jeeves tells him that Motty gave Rollo away after Rollo bit him on the leg. Bertie is pleased. Jeeves also mentions that Motty is in prison after assaulting a constable. Bertie, worried, does not want to explain this to Lady Malvern. Jeeves suggests telling her that Motty is visiting Boston. Bertie says this to Lady Malvern when she returns. She asks him how he accounts, then, for her seeing Motty at a prison. She accuses Bertie of leading Motty astray. Jeeves appears, and says Bertie was repeating what Jeeves told him, but that really Motty went to prison voluntarily to do research for Lady Malvern's book. Lady Malvern is touched and apologizes to Bertie.

Grateful, Bertie tells Jeeves to burn the pink tie and get him the White House Wonder hat. Jeeves thanks him. Bertie asks if there is anything else Jeeves would like. Jeeves says fifty dollars, which he owes to Motty. Jeeves had wagered fifty dollars that Motty would not punch a passing policeman, and Motty had won the wager. Bertie gives Jeeves a hundred dollars.

Jeeves and the Hard-boiled Egg

Bertie has grown a moustache, despite disapproval from Jeeves. Bertie's friend Francis "Bicky" Bickersteth comes to Bertie in search of advice. Bertie asks Jeeves to help. Doubtful, Bicky tells Bertie that the manner is private, but Bertie says that Jeeves probably already knows all about it anyway, and indeed he does: Bicky is in a dilemma since his uncle, the miserly Duke of Chiswick, who gives Bicky an allowance on the condition that Bicky improve himself financially, has decided to visit Bicky. Bicky, wishing to remain in New York, has been lying to his uncle about finding a business opportunity in the city.

Jeeves proposes that Bertie lend his flat to Bicky so that Bicky can pretend he owns a nice flat. Jeeves will pretend to be Bicky's valet. Bertie will remain as Bicky's guest, and Chiswick will have the second spare bedroom. After making a fuss over cab fare, Chiswick arrives, meeting Bertie and Jeeves. He is impressed by his nephew's flat. Bertie leaves to a club, meeting Bicky on the way out. Later, Bertie returns, and Jeeves tells him Bicky and his uncle have gone out. Some trouble has arisen: Chiswick, believing Bicky is now successful, is going to cancel his allowance.

Bicky comes up with a plan: starting a chicken-farm. Bertie wants to lend him the money to start one, but Bicky does not borrow money from friends. Jeeves suggests that Bicky could get the money from Americans who would pay to shake hands with His Grace. Jeeves manages to make a deal with a convention of 87 gentlemen from Birdsburg, Missouri; they will each shake Chiswick's hand and pay a total of one hundred and fifty dollars afterward. Bertie will secretly increase that sum to five hundred dollars. Bertie tells Bicky about the convention, and Bicky tells his uncle that some of his pals want to meet him. The gentlemen come, and things go smoothly until the Birdsburg men ask for a guarantee that Chiswick is really a duke, since they are paying money. Chiswick, who did not know about this payoff, rebukes them. The deal is off, and the Birdsburg men leave.

Bicky admits the truth about the Birdsburg men and his financial status. His uncle is furious, and threatens to cut off all money to Bicky. Jeeves, however, suggests that Bicky could sell the story of this encounter with the Birdsburg convention to a newspaper. Chiswick, who has a horror of publicity, is browbeaten into offering Bicky a secretarial job back in London. Bicky negotiates for a high salary of five hundred pounds a year. They leave. Impressed by Jeeves, Bertie tells him to fetch his shaving things and shave off his moustache. Jeeves, deeply moved, thanks him.

The Aunt and the Sluggard

In New York, Bertie is surprised to be woken by his friend Rockmetteller "Rocky" Todd, who normally lives quietly in the country. Rocky received a letter from his aunt in Illinois and namesake, Miss Isabel Rockmetteller: she will pay Rocky an allowance, on the condition that he live in New York and write to her once a week about his experiences there so she can enjoy the city second-hand. She feels that she is not healthy enough to go to New York herself, though Rocky asserts that she is only being lazy.

Rocky hates the city, but is afraid of defying his aunt and being cut out of her will. Jeeves suggests getting someone else to spend time in New York and write notes for Rocky, who will then uses the notes to write letters to his aunt. Bertie proposes that Jeeves write the notes. Jeeves happily obliges. He writes notes about evenings he spends at clubs with celebrities, and Rocky writes exciting letters, which please his aunt.

Later, Rocky's Aunt Isabel abruptly shows up at Bertie's flat, which she thinks belongs to Rocky. Bertie says he is a friend of Rocky's, but she is clearly annoyed with Bertie's presence. Jeeves sends a telegram to bring Rocky to the flat. Meanwhile, Aunt Isabel plans to stay. She assumes Jeeves is Rocky's valet. Bertie goes to stay in a hotel, where he suffers without Jeeves, while Rocky endures going out to clubs with his aunt. He tells Bertie that the letters were so exciting that she believes she had some kind of faith cure, which allowed her to travel to New York. She ended Rocky's allowance since she is covering both their expenses.

Rocky's aunt starts to brood, and Rocky thinks she is wondering where Rocky's celebrity friends are. He asks Bertie to join them to distract her. Bertie does so, but Aunt Isabel still broods. The three of them return to the flat, where Aunt Isabel confesses that she now feels that the city is a vile place, after she heard the orator Jimmy Mundy speak against the evils of the city. She says that she heard him speak because Jeeves mistakenly brought her to the wrong venue, though she is glad he did. She implores Rocky to live in the country instead. Rocky enthusiastically agrees. The next day, Rocky and his aunt have left, and Bertie is back in his flat. He praises Jeeves. Jeeves advises Bertie to discontinue wearing his green tie and to wear the blue with the red domino pattern instead. Bertie agrees.

The Rummy Affair of Old Biffy

Bertie is staying in Paris, where he meets with an old friend, Charles "Biffy" Biffen. Biffy fell in love with a model named Mabel on an ocean liner going to New York. He proposed to her and she said yes. Biffy arranged to meet her at her hotel the next day, but he forgot the name of the hotel, and could not make inquiries because he forgot Mabel's last name. She knows Biffy's name and where he lives, but has not contacted him. Also, Biffy intends to sell the country house he inherited; he has a potential customer, Sir Roderick Glossop, the so-called nerve specialist.

Not more than ten days later, Bertie sees a marriage announcement in ''The Times'' for Biffy and Honoria Glossop. Bertie pities Biffy. Jeeves, however, does not show any sympathy. About a week later, in London, Bertie is visited by Biffy, who asks how Bertie got out of his engagement to Honoria. Jeeves is unwilling to help, so Bertie comes up with a plan: Biffy will use a bouquet version of a squirting flower on Glossop, making Glossop doubt his sanity and forbid the marriage. Bertie brings the bouquet to Biffy and explains his plan. Glossop soon arrives. While the three eat lunch, Glossop says that Honoria asked Biffy to bring Biffy to the British Empire Exhibition. Biffy gets Bertie to come as well. Biffy loses his nerve, and does not squirt Glossop.

Bertie returns to his flat to get his car. With Jeeves, Bertie returns to Biffy's flat to pick up Biffy and Glossop. Bertie says privately to Jeeves that he should be concerned about Biffy, who lost the girl he loved. Jeeves asks what he means, and Bertie relates Biffy's story about forgetting Mabel's hotel and last name. When they reach the Exhibition, Jeeves drifts off, and Glossop leads Biffy and Bertie through exhibits. Bored, Bertie and Biffy sneak off to a bar. Biffy spots a building called the Palace of Beauty, and remembers that Jeeves told him to go there. In the Palace, women are dressed as famous women throughout history, each behind glass in a cage. Bertie, uncomfortable, wants to leave, but Biffy recognizes Mabel in one cage. He smashes the glass with his cane, and talks to her. Policemen arrive and take Biffy away. As they do, Biffy shouts at Bertie to write down Mabel's telephone number.

Glossop appears, and Bertie tells him that Biffy has had a fit. Glossop forbids the marriage between Biffy and Honoria, and leaves. The police will hold Biffy for the night. Bertie returns to his car to find Jeeves, who admits he knew Mabel would be at the Palace. Jeeves had been unhelpful at first because he believed that Biffy had abandoned Mabel. When Bertie told him the facts, Jeeves realized his mistake and directed Biffy to Mabel. Bertie is grateful, and asks Jeeves how he knew Mabel in the first place. Jeeves surprises Bertie by replying that she is Jeeves's niece, causing Bertie to almost crash the car.

Akron (film)

In a supermarket, two families are shopping for groceries. Young Christopher and his mother Carol are seen driving away in a van, while Benny and his family load their purchases into their vehicle. Carol accidentally hits and kills Benny's brother, Davey. Both families are devastated.

Years later, Benny and Christopher are attending the University of Akron. They meet while playing on opposing teams during a friendly game of football. Benny and Christopher have an immediate attraction to each other, and exchange phone numbers. They later go on a date, and become boyfriends. Benny and Christopher go to a nightclub with friends, and end up spending the night together. As spring break draws near, they decide to spend the week in Florida at Christopher's mother's home. Both families are accepting and supportive of Benny and Christopher dating, but over time Christopher begins putting the pieces together that his mother is the one who accidentally killed Benny's brother. Christopher realizes this history between the two families just before leaving with Benny on a trip to Florida to celebrate spring break. Despite his hesitations, they continue their journey with a short overnight at a campground where they consummate their love with all the tenderness of young love. Matters become complicated, however, when Christopher's mother Carol discovers who Benny is while the couple visit her home in Jacksonville. Against Christopher's wishes, she makes a heartfelt confession regarding her involvement in Davey's death, causing a distraught Benny to insist on going home to Ohio. Benny briefly breaks up with Christopher twice, while quarreling with his family over his relationship. The young couple finally reconcile for good, and attend a local stage production of Arsenic and Old Lace, in which Benny's sister Becca has a starring role. When Benny's parents, Lenora and David, see him arrive with Christopher, they become hurt and angry. Meanwhile, Christopher's mother arrives in Akron, with plans for three things; pay her respects at Davey's gravesite, ask Benny's mother for forgiveness, and that she give her blessing for Benny and Christopher to see each other. Carol's plans have mixed results.

After having a conversation with her husband about "try[ing] harder" to process her grief, Benny's mother invites Benny and Christopher over for dinner.

Without the Option

In court, Bertie is ordered to pay a fine of five pounds; Bertie does not have money on him, so he asks Jeeves to pay the fine. Sippy, who assaulted the police, is ordered to serve a sentence of thirty days without the option of a fine.

Bertie recounts how this happened. Though he normally drinks in moderation, Bertie lets himself go on Boat Race night; while celebrating, he saw his friend Oliver "Sippy" Sipperley. Sippy is an author, but relies on an allowance from his Aunt Vera. He was dejected because he has to spend three weeks with his aunt's unpleasant friends, the Pringle family. To improve his morale, Bertie suggested Sippy steal a policeman's helmet. Sippy took this advice, and consequently, both Sippy and Bertie were arrested. Guilt-ridden, Bertie visits Sippy in prison. Sippy is worried because he will not be able to visit the Pringles. Bertie returns home and poses this problem to Jeeves. Later, Jeeves suggests that Bertie visit the Pringles, pretending to be Sippy. Bertie is reluctant, but goes after Jeeves tells him that his Aunt Agatha wants to confront Bertie about his arrest.

Bertie stays with the Pringles. They are all unfriendly. The daughter, Heloise, greatly resembles Honoria Glossop; Bertie learns from Jeeves that she is Honoria's cousin. Heloise flirts with Bertie, and he narrowly escapes her. Thereafter, he uses the water pipe outside his window to move around, to avoid Heloise. He does well, until Sir Roderick Glossop visits and recognizes Bertie. Bertie confesses that he is not Sippy. Jeeves advises that they go see Sippy's aunt and tell her what has happened before she hears it from the Pringles.

After a long drive, they reach Miss Sipperley. Bertie explains to her that he told Sippy to steal a policeman's helmet. Surprisingly, Miss Sipperley is pleased. Later, Jeeves tells Bertie that Miss Sipperley is prejudiced against police because the local constable has been bothering her. Jeeves gave five pounds to this constable, who is actually his cousin Egbert. Bertie gladly gives Jeeves ten pounds.


The miniseries shows the decline of a conservative and once-powerful Carioca family, the Tavares Branco, in the period from 1984 to 1992. Following the death of Tancredo Neves to the election and downfall of President Fernando Collor, the Tavares Branco are failing and revealing their moral and financial problems.

The plot begins in 1970 with the judge Tavares Branco accepting a priest's request to raise an orphan boy, Mariel, who stays under the care of maid Jandira. Mariel grows and becomes the family driver, but ends up getting involved with Carla, the youngest of the house, and is expelled from the mansion, accused of rape.

Time passes, and Mariel finds Jandira, who has always had a love for the former driver. She takes him to a cult in a Neo-Pentecostalism church, and Mariel finds salvation in her church for his problems. Five years later, he becomes a millionaire after founding his own church, the Temple of the Divine Flame, while his former masters impoverish. But the same feelings of the past continue to connect Mariel's new life to the universe of the Tavares Branco: the passion for Carla and the desire for revenge.

Although they love each other, Mariel and Carla have different ideals of life: he intends to grow more and more with their churches, and she, quite politicized, elect of the PT, does not agree with her unethical way of acting.

Princess (2010 film)

After a difficult childhood spent in foster homes, cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen (Katja Kukkola) suffers from severe delusions and ends up in psychiatric care. She claims to be ''Princess'', a member of the English royal family.

Attila flagello di Dio

The misadventures of Attila, called by the Romans “The Scourge of God”, and a tribe of barbarians, located in Lombardy, who wants to lead the army to Rome and take back what the Romans has stolen from their people.

Moss (video game)

While in a library, the reader finds an old book. As they flip through pages, the reader is transported to a fantasy land contained within the book. The reader meets Quill, a young mouse, and begins an adventure. The kingdom where Quill lives has been overthrown by Sarffog, a fire-breathing snake. After Quill's uncle is captured, the reader guides Quill on an adventure to defeat Sarffog and save her uncle.

Together With Me

One day at Amphawa, Knock, a young engineering student, wakes up to a shock: he is naked next to his childhood best friend, Korn, due to drunkenness and hormones. After fighting and arguing, Korn and Knock agree to keep this as a secret. Korn's other best friend, Yiwha, takes matters into her own hands, and tries to expose Knock's girlfriend, Plern Pleng. During the span of this series, Korn and Knock fight a lot, but also have a lot of sweet moments together, and in the end they both confess to each other and start dating.

The Beach Bum

Substance abusing poet Moondog lives a hedonistic and pseudo-nomadic lifestyle in and around the Florida Keys while slowly working on his new book and enjoying life as a local legend despite the common opinion that he is past his prime. His escapades are funded by his wealthy wife Minnie, to the disapproval of their soon-to-wed daughter Heather and his agent Lewis. The promiscuous Moondog engages in sexual relationships with many women on his journeys, while Minnie engages in a secret affair with Moondog's friend, R&B singer Lingerie.

After arriving late to Heather's wedding in Miami because he was cheating on his wife, Moondog drunkenly gropes the groom, Frank, in front of the audience. Later, during a talk about Moondog's crude behavior, Minnie confesses her affair to her daughter. Meanwhile, Lingerie shows Moondog a potent strain of cannabis, endemic to an isolated pond in Jamaica, which he claims to be responsible for his success. During the reception, Moondog reconciles with Heather and Frank while they cut the cake. He later witnesses Minnie and Lingerie kissing and runs off. Minnie tracks down Moondog at a local bar, and the two enjoy a night of intoxicated karaoke and dancing; culminating with Minnie drunkenly driving into oncoming traffic. Moondog escapes with minor injuries but Minnie dies in the hospital shortly after.

Half of Minnie's estate goes to Heather, while Moondog's half is frozen and placed in an escrow account until he has finished his novel. In retaliation, and due to Lewis' refusal to book seminars for Moondog due to his work ethic, Moondog and a group of homeless people break into and trash Minnie's mansion. To avoid prison time, he agrees to a year of rehabilitation but breaks out of the facility with a pyromaniac named Flicker. The two engage in a night of debauchery and part ways as Moondog makes his way back to Miami.

He bumps into an old friend and alleged Vietnam veteran dubbed "Captain Wack" who offers Moondog an opportunity to co-captain dolphin tours around the outer Keys. Captain Wack decides to swim with the dolphins during a tour before realizing too late that they are great white sharks, one of which attacks and severs his foot. Now back in Miami and wanted by the law, Moondog reconnects with Lingerie, who confesses to Moondog about his affair with Minnie but claims Minnie truly loved Moondog. After Lingerie and Jimmy Buffett tell Moondog about a respective dream and experience the two had concerning crossdressing to avoid detection, Moondog begins to do just that. The police eventually bear down on Lingerie's property, prompting Moondog to flee to Key West with Lingerie's help and an undisclosed amount of the Jamaican weed.

Inspired, Moondog completes his book, a poetic memoir titled ''The Beach Bum''. The book is universally lauded and nets Moondog a Pulitzer Prize. The lawyer for Minnie's estate informs him that his inheritance has been unfrozen and he now has full access to the money, which Moondog demands to be in physical cash and placed on a large sailboat. During a party to celebrate his wealth, Moondog lights the money on fire, triggering several fireworks and causing an explosion. Moondog survives unscathed, but the crowd is too concerned with the raining money to care as he drifts away on a boat laughing.

The Daltons (2010 TV series)

Prisoners of a penitentiary in the Nevada desert, the Dalton brothers try to escape from the penitentiary but without achieving their ends.

The Mines of Keridav

''The Mines of Keridav'' is an adventure designed to be used with almost any fantasy role-playing system, including ''Chivalry & Sorcery'', ''RuneQuest'', and ''Dungeons & Dragons''. The player characters attempt to travel through the valley of Tiraval to rescue the Princess from the evil wizard Keridav.

A Herdeira

Luz (whose birth name is Benedita) was abandoned in a river by her stepmother when she was a baby, and was found by a couple of gypsies who adopted her. Nobody ever knew her stepmother abandoned her, not even her husband. 20 years later, she lives with her adoptive father in Mexico and doesn't know she was adopted, while her real father tries everything to find her; He will go to Mexico after receiving information about a woman who can help him finding Luz, and will even meet her several times in Mexico and in Portugal as well, without even knowing that she's his daughter. Luz's return to Portugal will cause a sequel of twists and turns and many conflicts with those who are against her as well.

Orbiter 9

Helena is a striking woman in her 20s who has lived her whole life on the Orbiter 9 spaceship. Her parents had told her, by archived video, their intent to commit suicide so that Helena could survive, due to an urgent depletion of oxygen. The orbiter's computer, Rebecca, cared for her. With oxygen levels low, another spaceship docks with hers and a maintenance engineer named Alex boards for repairs. She later enters his sleeping quarters, convincing him to make love to her as it may be her only opportunity ever. When he returns to his ship, Alex rides an elevator and emerges... on Earth, in the middle of a wooded, guarded research compound. He drives to the main building and reports to scientist Hugo, head of one of four international sites secretly experimenting on humans in the interest of an eventual mission to reach Celeste, a habitable planet orbiting in Alpha Centauri, since Earth's oceans are poisoned and otherwise spoiled for future generations. Hugo reports to Katherine, the worldwide Program Director.

Alex has been depressed since a spaceship he helped design to reach Celeste exploded with a full test crew onboard. Hugo reminds him that departure is 20 years away, and accidents are inevitable. Alex regularly visits Silvia, a therapist, and finally tells her about his feelings for Helena. Alex returns to a startled Helena in his normal Earth clothes and reveals the truth of her situation. He uses video and bio-feeds from recorded records so no one at mission control will know she is gone, and smuggles her to his apartment. Alex exposes her to the world, even going to a bar with his friends, including Xiao, a doctor. When Helena develops a rash on her shoulder, Alex takes her to Xiao. Xiao is suspicious of how her skin appears to have never been exposed to sunlight, but promises to get back to them with his test results. While Alex is away, Helena explores the apartment. She has been given access to a hidden room with computer screens showing there are 10 identical Orbiter simulators under Hugo's management.

Finding the address in the Orbital dossiers, she hunts down her parents, who are married program scientists unrelated to her. They explain that the 10 subjects are clones of people dead for two generations and were all deceived in the same way. The 'father' handcuffs her to a railing so he can call Hugo, but the 'mother' knocks him out and lets Helena escape. Helena returns to Alex, angry with him, but trusts his apologies. Alex reaches out to Silvia for help; she offers to hide them in an apartment she owns in a sprawling slum. Hugo, leading the manhunt, searches Alex's apartment and finds Silvia's contact data. While Alex and Helena pick up the key from Silvia, Hugo and his vicious guards arrive. Hugo, suspecting the couple is hiding there, shoots Silvia in the head, causing Helena to cry out while hidden. The two flee over the rooftops. Helena injures her leg and later insists Alex jump across a rooftop, to show her how it is done, but she does not follow and is captured. Alex is able to escape. Katherine effectively orders Hugo to terminate Helena, no good for further research and a living liability to the company.

Alex hears from Xiao, who updates him on Helena's medical condition. Alex rushes to the Control Center and is shot and captured attempting to reach Hugo. Alex informs Hugo of the news he learned from Xiao; Helena is six weeks pregnant. Hugo and Katherine agree that the Project can gain valuable insights by observing a real birth and subsequent growth of a family group inside Orbiter 9. Helena tells Hugo she has one condition if she and Alex are to return to Orbiter 9. Some years later, a young woman exits Orbiter 9 in the forest and is greeted by a satisfied but aged Hugo. She looks up at the sky as the first spaceships lift off for Celeste (offscreen). An unrevealed figure steps out behind the young woman as she smiles.

Save the Family

A family drama that looks at the meaning of 'family' and the duties of parents and children through a three-generation families.

Jung Woo-jin (Jae Hee), an ambitious doctor, is not successful in his career and in his love life due to his family background. After he is passed over for a promotion as a specialist, he works in a small hospital emergency room near his home. He is in love with Go Ye-won (Jung Hye-in) but her family strongly oppose their relationship.

One day, Woo-jin meets Lee Hae-soo (Kang Byul) after getting drunk which causes misunderstandings between them. However, Woo-jin and Hae-soo encounter each other often as they live in the same neighbourhood and Hae-soo works in the same hospital as a kitchen assistant to a chef in the hospital cafeteria. Gradually, they develop feelings for each other. But their relationship is opposed by Woo-jin's family who has high expectations for his future.

Having failed in love and no longer believes in true love, Woo-jin resigns to his mother Bok Soo-ja's (Lee Hwi-hyang) wish and decides to marry Ye-won. Will Soo-ja's wish come true?

The Dog in the Manger (1978 film)

Teodoro, secretary of the Countess Diana de Belflère, is in love with the maid Marcella. The lady suddenly feels jealousy awakening in her as she watches the development of their romance. But conventions and burden of prejudice have strong power over the independent and self-willed Diana. She, who teases her noble fiancées, can not go so low as to confess her love to an uncultivated servant. Teodoro has no choice - he has to leave Diana's house and go to seek happiness in some other place although the souls of lovers belong to each other. Then his servant Tristan, a wily and witty scoundrel comes to the rescue. And Teodoro suddenly turns out to be an aristocratic nobleman, not inferior in his ancestry and wealth to Diana.

Maria, Maria...

In September 1916, Russia is preparing for a decisive turn in the course of the war. In 1914, two German warships, the battleship ''Goeben'' and the light cruiser ''Breslau'', had broken through to Istanbul, forcing the neutral Ottoman Empire into the world war on Germany's side. With the Bosphorous controlled by the Central Powers, Russia's main southern ports were cut off from her allies, and as a result, the Russian army could receive arms and ammunition from the Entente only through the northern seas, along a very long and dangerous sea route.

Deciding to break the "German-Turkish lock" on the Black Sea, the Imperial Russian Navy began to build new battleships at the shipyard in Nikolaev. Very soon, the battleship ''Empress Maria'' was launched, and at the end of 1916 two similar battleships - the ''Emperor Alexander III'' and the ''Empress Catherine the Great'' - would join the flagship. To prevent this, Josef von Teofels is sent by the German intelligence service to attempt to destroy the battleship ''Empress Maria''.

Nothing Sacred (novel)

In November 1916 the German high command, after the heavy defeats suffered by its ally the Austro-Hungarian Empire, concluded that a military victory over Russia is impossible. One of their best spies, Josef von Theofels (known as Sepp), suggests a proven method which had been used by Japanese intelligence in 1905. Consequently, the Japanese provoke a revolution in Russia by generously financing Lenin and his party, because they foresee an early defeat in the war.

The chief of German intelligence rejects Sepp's plan, and offers his own — the assassination of Nicholas II, expecting that the emperor's death would cause confusion and a struggle for power that would drive Russia out of the war. Wilhelm II, who is Nikolai's cousin, would never allow such an operation, and so Theofels must kill the Tsar by making it look like an accident, deciding to engineer a rail accident. Sepp assembles a group of militant nationalists who hate Nicholas II. At the same time, Duke Kozlovsky the Russian chief of counterintelligence sends his best agent, Aleksei Romanov, to the front to examine how well the security of "train number 1", in which the Emperor Nicholas II travels along the front, is organized. Romanov discovers that the retinue of Nicholas includes a traitor who informs German intelligence of all the movements of the royal train. Aleksei discerns a possible assassination attempt and begins to act, seeking to prevent the murder of the read on

Summer Night (2019 film)

One summer night, young adults across town meet and prepare for the party at The Alamo, a music venue. They make discoveries about themselves and their relationships with the people around them. This includes best friends Seth and Jameson, Seth’s girlfriend Mel, and her friends Lex and Vanessa. Their friends Taylor and Andy, along with Seth, play music at the Alamo.

Mel finds out she's pregnant, and her two best friends, Lexi and Vanessa, console her at their house. In a phone call to her friend Jack, Lexi admits she slept with a groomsman at her sister's wedding. While Jameson and Seth drive through town, Jameson asks Mel's boyfriend, Seth, about their relationship. When Seth refuses to tell him, Jameson drives over to Mel's house, where Vanessa is outside. Seth, hidden from Vanessa, hears her tell Jameson to tell Seth to call Mel so they can talk.

Jameson arrives at the house of Andy, a friend and local bartender at the Alamo. They talk about Jameson's date that night with partier Harmony and his on-and-off relationship with Corin. Rabbit shows up and tells the two that Lexi slept with someone. Jameson and Andy console him about his crush on Lexi.

In the woods, two men jump Taylor on his bike ride. He clambers through the woods before finding Dana, the younger sister of one of his friends. Dana helps him into town and bandages his wounds. Taylor invites Dana to see him play that night at the Alamo.

Seth visits Mel to talk about their baby, not offering any opinion on what to do. When Seth interrupts their conversation to return a text, Mel angrily tells him to leave. Outside the Alamo, Seth admits to his bandmate and friend Caleb that Mel's pregnant. Taylor arrives with his guitar and all three enter the Alamo.

Harmony drives Jameson to the Alamo. At the Alamo, Seth and his band start playing. Taylor finds Dana in the line into the Alamo. At the house, Vanessa decides to go to the Alamo while Mel and Lexi decide to stay in. Mel notices that Taylor, Vanessa's crush, is back in town.

At the door to the Alamo, Corin, working as the ticket-seller, asks Jameson to talk after she gets off from work. Jameson pays for both him and Harmony, revealing to Corin that they're on a date. During the performance, Jameson and Harmony drink and talk about Jameson’s past with Corin and their futures.

Rabbit arrives at the Alamo and talks to Luke, a dad and friend, about Lexi.  Luke tells Rabbit not to get mad at Lexi since they're not in a relationship.

Vanessa enters the Alamo and approaches the stage, where Taylor and Dana are talking. Vanessa greets Dana harshly, and Taylor interrupts by introducing Andy's band.

Harmony goes out to answer a phone call. On the way back in, she asks Corin if she's interested in Jameson. Corin lies and tells Harmony no.

Seth goes outside to ask Luke for father advice. Mel and Lexi decide to go to the Alamo, where Taylor's band has started playing. After they arrive, Rabbit blows off Lexi when she wants to talk. After Taylor's band finishes up, everyone leaves the Alamo to go to LaSalles, a local bar.

When Harmony asks Jameson to come over, she realizes he still has some interest in Corin. She tells him to call her when he's figured out what he wants. Outside of Alamo's, Luke tells Rabbit to not be dumb about Lexi while Jameson asks Corin to talk later. Taylor convinces Dana to go to LaSalles, even though Dana isn't twenty-one yet. Vanessa interrupts their conversation to take a picture with Taylor. Taylor pulls away, leading Dana away.

Outside of the Alamo, Mel and Seth argue over the baby. Seth decides to have a drink with his friends while Mel decides to go home. Lexi and Rabbit walk Mel back.

Taylor and Dana enter LaSalles through a side door and begin to dance. Vanessa sees them and tells the bouncer that Dana isn't twenty-one. At the bar, Seth reveals to Jameson that Mel is pregnant. Jameson tells Seth to go to Mel as Corin and Andy enter the bar. Corin tells Jameson she wants to escape their slow town. Taylor and Dana leave after the bartender asks for Dana's ID. While walking back, Taylor and Dana go swimming in the river and they kiss.

Jameson walks Corin home. After revealing that Jameson admitted his feelings for her at her past birthday party, they talk. While Jameson likes his life how it is, Corin realizes she's not content with the life she currently lives, and thinks that Jameson should be too. Jameson leaves after Corin tells him that he's messing up how her should be.

At the house, Rabbit and Lexi talk in the kitchen. Lexi admits that she wants to be with Rabbit, and they kiss. Mel catches Seth as he tries to sneak into the house. In her room, Seth apologizes for being a bad boyfriend. They sit in bed and talk about the baby before going to sleep.

Jameson, Andy, and Rabbit go to Caleb’s house, where they drink and talk about their days.

The next day, the four wake up and go to the coffeeshop that Dana works at. After she serves them, Taylor enters and gives her a flower.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

War of the Thorns

At the end of ''Legion'', the mad titan Sargeras was imprisoned, but not before he plunged his sword into the planet Azeroth. This not only devastated a massive area (much of the desert zone of Silithus is now cracked and scorched), but badly wounded the gestating titan inside. While the heroes managed to ablate the worst of the damage (at the cost of the majority of their artifact weapons' mythic power), the world is still wounded and bleeding a substance called "Azerite," which has great magical potential. The Horde Warchief, Sylvanas Windrunner, attempts to consolidate Horde power on Kalimdor and gain a monopoly on Azerite (which is primarily found at the southern end of the continent). Her campaign to do so formed a pre-launch event for the expansion and ends with the major Night Elf holdings on the continent seized or (in the case of their capital city of Darnassus) annihilated.

Battle for Lordaeron

The Alliance makes a retaliatory strike against her home base, the Undercity, which was formerly the human capital of Lordaeron. After a long, drawn-out battle, which includes Sylvanas revealing a powerful Azerite weapon and High Overlord Varok Saurfang being captured by Alliance champions, the Horde is pushed back to the throne room and is eventually driven out entirely. As a parting gift, however, Sylvanas saturates the area with disease and toxins that render the kingdom uninhabitable. With this tit-for-tat military exchange, the Horde has almost complete control over Kalimdor, while the Alliance has near-total dominion over the Eastern Kingdoms. With further conflict inevitable, ''Battle for Azeroth'' takes the two factions to the continents of Kul Tiras and Zandalar where they attempt to recruit new allies in order to turn the tides of war.

Return of the Lord Admiral

In Kul Tiras, the Alliance's initial attempt to gain the nation's assistance ends disastrously when Katherine Proudmoore, Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras and mother to Archmage Jaina Proudmoore, not only refuses the Alliance's request for aid but also orders Jaina arrested and exiled for her role in the death of her father, Daelin Proudmoore, in the aftermath of the Third War. It quickly becomes apparent that Kul Tiras has become mired in corruption and outside threats, so Anduin and Genn Greymane send Alliance Champions to aid the Kul Tirans and earn their trust. Aiding them in this quest are Flynn Fairwind, a "retired" privateer, and Taelia Fordragon, the idealistic daughter of Bolvar Fordragon, former High Lord of Stormwind and current Lich King of the Undead Scourge. The Alliance is successfully able to earn the trust of Kul Tiras by combating the pirates of the traitorous Ashvane Trading Company in Tiragarde Sound, the Naga and corrupted agents of Queen Azshara in Stormsong Valley, and the occult forces of the ancient, ghostly warlord Gorak Tul in Drustvar. After these threats are defeated, Katherine is left despondent at her inability to lead her people, and resolves to help the Alliance find Jaina and reconcile with her.

The Alliance eventually track Jaina to the prison island of Fate's End, where Gorak Tul, having survived the events of Drustvar, has kidnapped her and is tormenting her with visions of her past failures. The Alliance champions and Katherine destroy Gorak Tul once and for all and rescue Jaina, who is finally able to let go of the hate, anger and obsession with the past that defined her ever since the destruction of Theramore. The Alliance and Proudmoores then unite to defend the capital city of Boralus from a massive pirate siege, after which Jaina is named Lord Admiral and pledges Kul Tiras' navy to the Alliance.

Battle of Dazar'alor

Meanwhile, in Zandalar, the Horde seeks to earn the trust of King Rastakhan so they can use his legendary Golden Fleet against the Alliance. To this end, they assist Rastakhan and his court in dealing with local threats in Zuldazar, fight maniacal Blood Trolls in Nazmir, and face off with serpentine Old God cultists in Vol'dun. Throughout their journey, the Horde gradually learns about an eldritch being known as G'huun, an artificial Old God accidentally created by the Titans and the patron deity of the Blood Trolls. The Blood Trolls and the Faithless Sethekk seek to free G'huun from his prison of Uldir so they can use him to rule Azeroth, and to this end they resurrect G'huun's champion, the C'thrax Mythrax, to destroy Uldir's seal. Rastakhan's own chief adviser, the prophet Zul, is revealed to be the Blood Trolls' secret leader and launches an armed revolt against Rastakhan. With the Horde champions' help, Rastakhan is able to defeat Zul and his forces, but not before Mythrax destroys Uldir's seal. With the seal broken, G'huun's full power begins to manifest. Champions of both the Horde and the Alliance venture deep within Uldir and face G'huun's champions, including Mythrax and a resurrected Zul, before finally slaying the Blood God himself.

With G'huun's threat eliminated, the Horde and Alliance return their focus to the war. While the Horde procures the Scepter of the Tides, a legendary artifact capable of controlling the seas, the Alliance dismantles a potential alliance between Sylvanas and the vampiric San'layn Elves. The Alliance begins to gear up for a preemptive strike against Zandalar, with the goal of crippling the Golden Fleet before it can be used against the Alliance and driving a wedge between the Zandalari and the Horde. Eventually, the Alliance finishes its preparations and launches an attack on the Zandalari capital of Dazar'alor, attempting to capture Rastakhan alive. Despite Anduin and Jaina's desire to do so, Rastakhan is overwhelmed by the power of his pact with the loa Bwonsamdi, and the Alliance champions are forced to slay him. Enraged by Rastakhan's death, Horde champions launch a vicious counterattack on the withdrawing Alliance forces, which ends with both Jaina and High Tinkerer Mekkatorque gravely wounded.

Battle for Darkshore

Meanwhile, Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage grow impatient regarding liberating Darkshore from the Horde's control, ultimately choosing to begin the offensive on their own, against Anduin's advice. In order to maximize their chances, Tyrande undergoes a ritual to turn herself into the Night Warrior, the avatar of Elune's most wrathful and warlike aspects. To counter this, Sylvanas orders several Night Elven heroes who fell in the Burning of Teldrassil to be raised as Dark Rangers to bolster her forces.

As the battle for Darkshore begins, both the Alliance and Horde are blindsided by a new development: High Overlord Varok Saurfang, who had been defeated and captured in the Battle of Lordearon, has suddenly escaped Alliance captivity and is on the run. Sylvanas sends Horde Champions to track Saurfang down, ostensibly to extract him. However, it quickly becomes apparent that the search party is in fact an assassination squad, as Sylvanas suspects Saurfang of colluding with the Alliance in an attempt to dethrone her. While some Horde champions choose to side with Saurfang and help him escape the assassins, other champions remain loyal to Sylvanas and report Saurfang's and the dissenting champions' treachery to her.

Dissension within the Horde

As the Alliance leadership debates their next move, Sylvanas, infuriated by the Horde's defeat, resurrects Jaina's long dead brother Derek Proudmoore as a Forsaken, an act that horrifies the surviving Horde leaders, with the intent to use him as a sleeper agent to destroy the Proudmoore family from within. Unable to tolerate Sylvanas' dishonorable tactics, Baine Bloodhoof turns against her and, with the help of Forsaken priest Thomas Zelling, smuggles Derek out of Horde territory with the intent of returning him to Jaina. While Derek is successfully returned to the Alliance, Baine's "treachery" is discovered by Sylvanas and her loyalists, resulting in Zelling being executed and Baine imprisoned. After escaping from Stormwind prison with Anduin's help, Saurfang travels to Nagrand in Outland to seek out the aid of Thrall, who went into hiding during the last invasion of the Burning Legion. After initially refusing to aid the Horde and remain in hiding with his family, Thrall is eventually convinced to fight after he and Saurfang are attacked by two Forsaken assassins sent by Sylvanas.

Sometime later, Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord of the Blood Elves, learns that Baine will soon be put to death for his actions against Sylvanas. Unwilling to allow this, Lor'themar enlists Horde champions to find Baine and save him from execution. As the loyalist Horde champions rush to report Lor'themar's "treason" to Nathanos Blightcaller, the rebel Horde champions meet up with Saurfang and Thrall to rescue Baine, who is being held in Garrosh Hellscream's former Underhold. As they arrive, they receive unexpected backup from Jaina, Spymaster Mathias Shaw, and Alliance champions, who also seek to rescue Baine as Anduin believes his survival to be critical to eventual peace between the Horde and the Alliance. Their combined might fight their way through Sylvanas' forces and successfully extract Baine to Thunder Bluff. In the aftermath, as Thrall bitterly notes how every attempted reconciliation between the Alliance and the Horde ultimately ended in complete failure, Jaina assures him that this time, there is hope for true peace after how much they have all changed.

Rise of Azshara

Meanwhile, the Shrine of Storms in Stormsong Valley, which had laid dormant after Alliance champions had routed Queen Azshara's forces there, suddenly begins brimming with new activity. Xal'atath, an Old God-touched dagger that had played a role in the war against the Burning Legion, is found by the champions of Alliance and Horde. Xal'atath compels them to deliver powerful relics to N'Zoth, the last Old God and patron of Queen Azshara, who challenges the champions to test their mettle against his champions in the deepest parts of the Shrine. The champions reluctantly accept N'Zoth's challenge and reclaim the relics to defeat his champions. In the aftermath of the battle, to the champions' shock, the spirit that had once inhabited Xal'atath is gone, having been freed by N'Zoth. Horde Champions decide to bring the now inert dagger to Sylvanas, much to the Alliance's concern.

Later, Sylvanas sends Nathanos Blightcaller, Lor'themar Theron, and Thalyssra out to sea with the remnants of the Horde fleet for unknown purposes. Hearing of this, the Alliance sends its own fleet led by Jaina and Genn Greymane to pursue them. However, in the middle of the pursuit, Queen Azshara uses the Tidestone to reveal the underwater Naga capital Nazjatar, trapping both the Horde and Alliance fleets and forcing them to work together to survive against the Naga onslaught. Working with Alliance and Horde Champions, they are able to retake the Tidestone and use it to open the way to Azshara's palace.

Under the leadership of Lor'themar and Jaina, Horde and Alliance champions breach Azshara's palace, fighting their way through her strongest servants before finally confronting the Naga Queen herself, who suddenly steals the Heart of Azeroth, an artifact Horde and Alliance champions have been using in an attempt to heal Azeroth after Sargeras had plunged his sword into the planet, and uses its accumulated power to break N'Zoth's seal. After a titanic battle, Azshara is defeated, but before the champions can finish her off, N'Zoth breaks free of his prison and pulls Azshara into the Void, ominously declaring that "all eyes shall be opened". Realizing that the war between the Alliance and the Horde has all along been a distraction from N'Zoth's master plan, Jaina and Lor'themar resolve to overthrow Sylvanas, then unite their forces for a final stand against the Old God.

Heroes of Azeroth

With their numbers dwindling, the remaining Horde and Alliance leaders decide to regroup in Dustwallow Marsh. Anduin, Saurfang, Jaina, Thrall, the Horde champion Rexxar, Lor'themar, Mayla Highmountain, and Zekhan rally their remaining soldiers for one final stand against Sylvanas. Though Saurfang is hesitant, the Alliance king assures him that their fight isn't just to protect themselves, but also to protect Azeroth. The combined forces march upon the gates of Orgrimmar, the Horde capital. When they arrive, they are met with dozens of Forsaken guards ready to defend their queen. Saurfang calls out Sylvanas in a challenge of Mak'gora, a fight to the death for the leadership of the Horde. With Thrall's blessing and Anduin's legendary blade Shalamayne, Saurfang fights one on one against Sylvanas but is hopelessly outmatched. As she prepares to finish him, Sylvanas mocks the old soldier, claiming that all hope dies with him. Saurfang retorts that while she destroyed many things, she never destroyed hope. He manages to land a single blow before an enraged Sylvanas kills him with a blast of unknown dark magic. Before she escapes alone, she declares that she never truly cared for the Horde and saw them all as pawns to her own personal gains, losing the trust of her soldiers.

While a memorial is held in Saurfang's honor, Sylvanas regroups with her remaining loyalist champions at Windrunner Spire and prepares for her bargains with Azshara, N'Zoth, and Death to bear fruit.

Visions of N'Zoth

As the Alliance and the Horde both prepare for N'Zoth's invasion, they agree to an armistice, officially bringing their war to an end. Tyrande, however, refuses to be satisfied until Sylvanas is dead, which worries Anduin and Shandris Feathermoon, despite Jaina's reassurance that she has the Kul Tiran fleet scouring the seas, and Shaw sending spies to every dark corner of Azeroth. Meanwhile, the Horde leaders agree to retire the title of Warchief in favor of a council filled with representatives of each Horde race. For his role in starting the war and for his continued black market dealings in Azerite, Jastor Gallywix is ousted as Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel Goblins and replaced with Gazlowe of Ratchet.

Sometime later, Wrathion, grandson of Deathwing, arrives in Stormwind, offering to help against N'Zoth as an advisor. Despite his fury over how Wrathion began the chain of events that led to the Burning Legion's Third Invasion and subsequently Varian's death, Anduin agrees to accept his aid. Wrathion explains that N'zoth, after being freed during the battle against Azshara, has taken refuge in his otherworldly city Ny'alotha, corrupted Neltharion into Deathwing and now seeks to forcibly merge it and Azeroth in order to recreate the Black Empire. To stop him, Wrathion proposes to create a magical cloak for champions of the Horde and Alliance that will allow them to enter Ny'alotha and defeat N'Zoth without the risk of corruption. As the champions of the Alliance and Horde work to both complete the cloak and prepare for the final battle, N'Zoth's forces begin launching raids across Azeroth, seeking to bring all that they can under their master's thrall.

Eventually, the Alliance and Horde champions lay siege of Ny'alotha, defeating N'Zoth's mightiest servants before confronting the Old God himself. Despite a titanic battle, N'Zoth's corruption proves too powerful and is on the verge of taking full control over the Champions. However, at the last moment, Azeroth's Titan Soul herself intervenes and grants the champions a surge of power, allowing them to overcome N'Zoth's corruption and destroy him and Ny'alotha once and for all.

As Azeroth returns to a period of relative peace, in Icecrown, Bolvar realizes that the final battle against Sylvanas is close at hand, and so begins raising a new generation of Death Knights to serve as his vanguard against the Banshee Queen.

Enter the Shadowlands

With her pieces in place, Sylvanas travels to Northrend and confronts the Lich King, Bolvar Fordragon, atop Icecrown Citadel. She easily disposes of the Scourge forces and takes charge against the Lich King. With her newfound dark magic, she binds him in chains and takes off the crown, claiming Fordragon to be unfit to wear it. Bolvar warns her that putting on the crown will imprison her forever, but she retorts that simply existing in this world is her prison. Instead of placing the crown on her head, she pulls it apart and snaps it in two, causing the sky to shatter above the Citadel, revealing a portal to the Shadowlands, the land of the dead.


The pregnancy of a young girl scandalizes her community.

Blackmail Is My Life

Shun Muraki is a low-level blackmailer who specializes in extorting money from prosperous Tokyo businessmen by threatening to reveal their crimes and indiscretions. His crew includes the former yakuza member Seki, the failed boxer Neguchi (nicknamed "Zero"), and the alluring Otoki. They regularly meet in their hideout in the back of a restaurant and follow the three rules of blackmail: don't make any new friends, don't push too hard, and never hit the same mark twice.

Shun Muraki finds his way into the business when he overhears that his boss at the restaurant where he waits tables is selling fake whiskey. After being beaten for not promising to stay silent he blackmails the source of the fake alcohol for 100,000 yen. They follow up this success by kidnapping a gangster who runs a brothel that films its clients to blackmail them and the blackmailers force him to give up all of the film reels in exchange for his life. One of the reels features popular actress Natsuko Mizuhara, whom Shun pressures into becoming his lover by threatening to release the film.

Zero's father is found floating in Yokohama Bay and the police suspect murder, noting the amount of water in his lungs and drugs found in his system. Zero knows that his father was using drugs at the beach and Seki tells them that the drug traffic there is controlled by the Nagamisawa family led by Nagamisawa and his lieutenant Komori. Zero beats up the man who killed his father and they learn about an upcoming drug deal involving Nagamisawa. Shun's crew ambushes the deal with Molotov cocktails but the money accidentally gets burned.

Kosuke Endo, a loan shark with millions in industrial loans, is shot at by a man with one gold tooth while leaving a meeting with political mastermind Shinzo Mizuno. Shun saves Endo and Endo tells Shun that he owes him. Newspaper reporter Hiroshi Miyake and Goro Okunaga, an old acquaintance of Shun, believe that the attack was planned by Shinzo Mizuno to send a warning. Okunaga explains that Endo contributed 700 million yen to the campaign of the Conservative Party Prime Minister at the last minute to ensure his election and in return demanded a written statement known as the Otaguro Memorandum which could force the resignation of Prime Minister Shimizu. Endo uses the memorandum to extort money as well as protect his own life and Shun's crew plans to get the memorandum for themselves. Shun visits Endo, who explains that he knows it was only a warning because the memorandum would be leaked if he were to die. Shun threatens that he will find Endo's weakness and force him to hand over the memorandum.

Later that night Zero spies on Endo's residence but is caught by the man with the gold tooth and beaten to death. Natsuko tells Shun that she is leaving him because she received a marriage proposal from the president of the Showa department store. Seki feels overwhelmed by the odds against them and decides to stop being a blackmailer. Shun and Otoki allow him to run the restaurant instead.

Shun and Otoki kidnap Endo and threaten to burn him alive, forcing him to hand over the memorandum. They call Shinzo Mizuno from a payphone and demand 100 million yen in exchange for the memorandum. Overcome with excitement, Shun and Otoki make love in the car. Shun gives Otoki the memorandum and tells her to give it to Okunaga, who has newspaper connections. Okunaga tells Otoki that Endo has been arrested for forging the documents he used to expose others and tries to destroy the memorandum out of fear of the overwhelming odds against them but Otoki insists that it is real and believes that the newspapers are in on the conspiracy. Shun goes to the place designated for the exchange in front of the National Theatre at 4:00 p.m. but notices a newspaper headline that Endo was arrested for forgery and gives up in frustration. He nonchalantly walks away but as he is crossing the street he is stabbed in the stomach by an unknown man. Shinzo Mizuno, who has been watching from his car, tells his driver to drive away as Shun bleeds to death in the busy crosswalk.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Deep in the sewers of New York City, four mutant turtle brothers lurk. Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo and Michelangelo (calling themselves the Mad Dogs) are in their early teen years and the brothers go on new and exciting adventures. They tap into their mystic ninja powers to learn to work together as a cohesive unit and become a team of heroes as they navigate the modern world and other hidden realms. The brothers get a whole new look, new weapons, and new powers as they discover the hidden city beneath New York and find time for a slice of their favorite pizza.

In the first season, the turtle brothers, along with their friend, April O'Neil, meet an evil alchemist named Baron Draxum, and the dangerous Foot Clan. They also learn of their Master Splinter's secret: that he was once martial arts expert, and movie star, Lou Jitsu. They must collect pieces of an ancient dark armor called the Kuroi Yōroi to prevent the Foot and Draxum from resurrecting the Shredder, a demon once banished by Splinter's ancestors.

In the second season, the brothers face new and old enemies, most notably the evil Shredder, and must stop him from destroying the world. In the process, they must also help Baron Draxum discover his own better nature.


The film documents the ''Ghostbusters'' fan community, presented mainly through the story of New Jersey resident Tom Gebhardt. In general, the documentary shows how ''Ghostbusters'' film affection helped various people through life.

Yesenia (film)

Yesenia (Jacqueline Andere) had grown up among gypsies but her mother was white. Obliged by the circumstances (and her parents), she felt the need to give her child to an old gypsy woman whom Yesenia believed to be her grandmother. The love of a soldier, disappointment, and other misunderstandings reveal the hidden truth.

Hanggang Saan

This fictional television series follows the lives of two women whose contrasting lives cross paths one desperate day when wrong choices and a tragic incident change their lives forever. Sonya Alipio (Sylvia Sanchez), is a low-income single mother of two boys, Paco and Domeng, who works hard for her family, deposits a portion of her hard-earned money every month into a financial educational plan sold by an established company called Educare to ensure her sons have the funds for their college or university.

When Sonya is unable to cash out her investments in Educare to pay for her son's heart surgery, she confronts Educare's president Edward Lamoste (Eric Quizon). The confrontation turns ugly when Edward begs her to kill him instead so his wife and child benefit from his life insurance. As both struggle with the gun, Edward is shot. Frightened and ignorant about due process, Mang Asyong (Sonya's friend who witnesses the altercation) urges her to run away while he disposes of the gun. Back at the hospital, her son's operation is successful. Edward is also rushed to the hospital and declared dead on arrival.

Jean Lamoste is Edward's widow and mother of a young daughter, Ana who is as old as Paco. The two women meet at the hospital chapel and a bond is forged as two strangers comfort each other. Jean vows to seek her husband's murderer, while Sonya is torn between reporting the truth to the authorities. Her friend Asyong advises her not to abandon her young sons by going to jail. She decides to follow his advice when someone else, a disgruntled policy holder, is accused and jailed for the murder.

Twelve years later, the two women's lives cross paths once again when their children become acquainted. Her son Paco (Arjo Atayde) is a lawyer, bar exam top-notcher and Ana (Sue Ramirez) is a New York-trained chef planning to open a restaurant in Manila. They fall in love, a relationship that is welcomed at first, then opposed because of the conflict arising from subsequent events between the Alipio and Montecillos. As relations become adversarial between both families, Ana and Paco decide to end their relationship. Paco moves on and falls in love with his colleague Atty. Georgette San Diego.

Through the years, while Sonya thinks her past is behind her, Jean marries her husband's partner Jacob Montecillo (Ariel Rivera) and focuses her time on a new advocacy: reaching out to Educare's policy holders as redemption for Educare's failure. Jean recognizes Sonya as the same woman in the hospital the night Edward died and learns later that she was an Educare policy holder.

When new developments in Edward's murder investigation surfaces, a heavy conscience drives Sonya to give herself up and she is charged and imprisoned. Paco is the lead counsel defending her, assisted by his law school classmate and girlfriend, Atty. Georgette San Diego (Maxine Medina), and together they set out to prove Sonya's innocence. After analyzing the forensic evidence presented to them at Discovery, both lawyers question the verifiability of Sonya's statements. They find two crucial evidence missing, Edward's gun and the ballistic report establishing the real assassin's gun as the weapon that killed him.

Unknown by all, Edward's real killer is an assassin hired by Jacob Montecillo, Edward's childhood best friend and business partner. Jacob has long coveted Edward's life, his wife, money and his father's admiration, so he steals Educare's funds, has Edward killed and marries his widow. Sonya's unexpected visit that night creates a perfect cover and helps him get away with murder. He later has his right-hand man Roman retrieve and dispose all evidence linking him to Edward's murder and Educare's bankruptcy.

At the summation in Sonya's trial, the Judge hands Sonya a guilty verdict for homicide, but not first-degree murder. Instead of a life sentence, she receives a 15-year sentence, granting her bail to allow her legal team to prepare for her appeal. Sonya accepts this as retribution for the 12 years she robbed Gabriel for a crime she knew he did not commit. Nevertheless, her family and legal team pursue the unknown shooter angle, leading them to Jacob's direct connection with Educare's bankruptcy and Edward Lamoste's murder.

Meanwhile, characters related to Jacob Montecillo suffer misfortunes as Jacob begins to get rid of all evidence and contacts linking him to Educare's illegal transactions. Julia, the bank manager directly involved with Jacob and Educare is found dead from an apparent suicide, but authorities are considering foul play, leading to an NBI deep dive of Julia's dealings with Educare. Katrina, Jean's former assistant possessing evidence of Jacob's illegal money transfers to the fictitious Editha Fuentabella account, is kidnapped and eventually killed. Jacob kills his right-hand man, Roman when he turns himself over to Paco as a material witness against Jacob. Yaya Letty (Ces Quesada), Ana and Jean's long-time retainer, approaches Paco with her insights about Jacob Montecillo, admitting she witnessed Jacob suspiciously throw something over the bridge when she followed him one evening. This draws Ana and Paco to collaborate with Georgette, and the three find credible evidence proving Jacob's involvement. Ana who suspects Jacob's direct hand in her father's death urges her mother to leave him. Angered by Ana's allegations, Jacob arranges to have her killed along with the Alipios, all narrowly losing their lives to several assassination attempts. Jean later discovers Jacob's murder list. Furious at his duplicity, she enlists an unlikely ally to help bring down Jacob: Sonya. To protect their children from Jacob's wrath, the two mothers decide to secretly work together. Jean pretends to remain by Jacob's side as she gathers evidence of Jacob's illegal activities and leaks it to social media and Atty. Vega's legal team.

Elsewhere, Forensic investigation unearths Edward's missing gun and a bullet lodged in the breastplate of the Virgin Mary statue, and the crime lab verifies it as the bullet fired from his gun, clearing Sonya of the crime. Sadly, tragedy hits Atty. Vega's camp when Atty. Georgette is killed by Jacob's assassins as she fights to protect the integrity of the evidence and Paco is devastated. Nonetheless, Atty. Vega's camp bring Jacob to trial as the mastermind of Edward's murder, the attempted murder of Paco and Domeng, and the embezzlement of Educare.

The beleaguered Jacob attempts to leave the country twice and Jean alerts Sonya's legal team both times. A departure hold was handed the first time, with Jacob landing in jail. Although charged with a non bailable offense, his influence extends to a judge who grants him bail. On their second attempt, Jacob and Jean try to leave on a yacht at the Freeport Area of Bataan that would take them to the southernmost part of Mindanao, the backdoor exit from the Philippines. Jean alerts Sonya again. Despite the NBI's full participation, Jacob manages to avoid capture and Jean is shot in the crossfire. Jacob becomes the subject of a nationwide manhunt but is subsequently captured when he visits Jean's gravesite.


At Jacob's trial, Atty. Vega's team presents solid evidence and witness testimonies of Jacob's crimes, including a testimony from Don Miguel Montecillo, Jacob's father, who confirms his wife overheard Jacob discuss Edward's murder over the phone. Jacob retaliates with a series of bombings targeting Sonya's family, Atty. Vega and Ana Lamoste which results to Don Miguel's death.

The court finds Jacob guilty on all counts, with a life sentence for Edward Lamoste's murder. Despite the guilty verdicts, the Alipios and the Lamostes are uneasy, more so after Jean visits Jacob in prison. Realizing that Jean's death was a trap to lure him in, Jacob's grief over his father's death turns to rage and he warns Jean that he would kill the Alipios as revenge for everything that went wrong in his life. Not willing to take any chances, Jean and Sonya prepare to leave and start new lives, the Lamostes to Seattle and the Alipios to Cebu. Jacob executes his revenge, blackmailing his politician uncle to allow him to escape prison, use his private properties to lure and kill the Alipios. He kidnaps Jean and Sonya, using them as baits for their children to rescue them. Ana and the local enforcement team figures out Jacob's hiding place for her mother, successfully rescues Jean, but the uncle divulges another bombshell: Jacob used two separate hiding locations so he could keep Jean away from any crossfire as he guns down the Alipios. The NBI works with the Alipio brothers to rescue Sonya, but Jacob manages to capture Paco and Domeng and proceeds to terrorize them in front of their mother. Shots are fired when they try to escape, critically wounding Sonya and Paco but Paco manages to kill Jacob.

“Evil will not always win. Good will always triumph though we often wondered why we had to suffer for Jacob’s crimes. But in the end, Jacob did pay with his life and Justice was served.” Domeng points this out during an interview for a national TV documentary on Jacob Montecillo and the Edward Lamoste murder. Joining him at the interview were his mother and brother Paco who had both survived the shooting.

Five years later after the incident, Domeng is a successful architect who designs and constructs their new home while Paco is Senior Partner of the Law Firm of Vega Alipio & Associates. The Alipios and Lamostes are healed of the trauma Jacob wrought on their lives. Ana returns from Seattle, looks for and finds Paco who is on vacation with his mom and brother at Baler. They get together and resume their relationship.

Darthanon Queen

''Darthanon Queen'' is set of three scenarios, each taking place aboard the disabled Type M subsidized merchant, ''The Darthanon Queen'', with the objective of the player characters to salvage the ship and rescue the passengers.

Traveller Adventure 3: Twilight's Peak

''Twilight's Peak'' is an adventure that spans more than 30 world across four subsectors of the Spinward Marches before concentrating on one planet where the player characters may learn the secret of the lost drug convoy of Twilight's Peak, as well as solve the mystery of the long-dead Ancients.

Sab Kichu Bhene Pare

The main theme of the novel is about the relationship between men and women, mainly the autobiography of a man named Mahbub. From the childhood of Mahbub to the description of various rural experiences in life, there is talk of male-female relationships; The boy Mahbub was curious to see a newly married woman bathing in the pond of Mollah's house very early in the morning; He once saw their work girl Kadban naked with his cousin (Hasan); As a teenager, he survived being sexually assaulted by two elderly men, once on a steamer and another by an unfamiliar railway worker, a girl named Raushan whom he saw naked in private and naked in front of himself; As various events unfolded, Mahbub grew up and made his debut as a Dhaka-based successful engineer who had a wife named Firoza and a young daughter named Archie; Mahbub does not love Firoza but marries her for social reasons, they were married by a guardian, Mahbub was able to befriend a young woman named Ananya even in his old age and also had sex with a female worker in his own office.

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight

In Victorian-era Gotham City, Batman saves a wealthy couple from being robbed by three orphans (Dickie, Jason and Timmy) and defeats their abusive handler, Big Bill Dust. At the same time, Ivy, an orphan turned exotic dancer and prostitute, becomes the newest victim of the serial killer called Jack the Ripper, who preys on Gotham's poor and destitute women. Citizens of Gotham believe the Batman and Jack to be the same man. Stage actress Selina Kyle berates Gotham Police Commissioner James Gordon and Chief of Police Harvey "Bulldog" Bullock for their failure to stop the Ripper murders.

At the Monarch Theatre with his friend Harvey Dent, Bruce meets Selina and the two bond at the exclusive Dionysus Club. Bruce realizes that not only were the two of them taken in by Sister Leslie, but that some of the murdered girls were orphans formerly under Leslie's care. Bruce realizes that the Ripper will target Leslie and rushes to save her, but is too late. At the crime scene, Bruce finds a bloody Dionysus Club pin, meaning the Ripper has to be one of Gotham's wealthy. At Sister Leslie's funeral, Bruce is met by Hugo Strange, claiming he knows the killer and wants to meet with Batman. Bruce also is met by Marlene, a drunken old woman who claims she saw him sneaking around when Sister Leslie was killed.

At Arkham Asylum, the Ripper attacks Strange and throws him to his own patients, who tear him apart. While in pursuit of the Ripper, Batman is himself chased by police, only to be saved by Selina. After seeing Batman is Bruce, she takes him to her home, where they spend the night.

After the death of Marlene is discovered, Bruce is arrested, and Dent, jealous of Selina's affection, prosecutes him as the Ripper. Sentenced to Blackgate Penitentiary following the trial, Bruce is met by Selina, who urges him to reveal he is Batman to clear his name and help save the girls from Jack. When he refuses, she decides to tell Gordon herself. Bribing a guard to deliver a coded message to his manor, Bruce escapes after staging a prison fight.

Selina meets with Gordon at the Gotham City World's Fair and learns to her horror that he is the Ripper. While seeking Selina at Gordon's home, Batman learns this as well. Gordon injects Selina with a drug, but she manages to use her blood and the Fair's searchlight to give Batman a signal. Batman arrives and fights Gordon into a Ferris wheel (called a Fox Wheel) where Gordon, driven mentally insane by his time in the Civil War, reveals his "holy work" is to rid Gotham from what he sees as human filth. The Ferris wheel lights on fire and begins to collapse. Batman and Selina are saved by Alfred and the orphans, who are now Bruce Wayne's wards.

Die Fledermaus (1979 film)

The Viennese banker Heinrich Eisenstein has committed a minor offense for which he must go to jail. However, his friend Falke, director of a local theater, persuades him to spend this evening at a ball given by the well-known patron of art, Prince Orlovsky, who came from Russia. For the sake of this celebration, Heinrich is ready to postpone the prison and also do something more difficult — to lie to his wife Rosalinde. But what he does not suspect is that the insidious Falke decided to play a prank on him with the help of Heinrich's own maid Adele, who, according to Falke's plan, should also come to the ball in a spectacular costume of a bat and seduce her master. Adele agrees to this step, but only because she wants to become an actress in Falke's theater and by successfully tricking Heinrich she will prove her acting abilities.

Heinrich is making it look as though he is getting ready for prison, but in reality what he prepares for is a night of dance and fun. Rosalinde, accidentally overhearing the conversation between Falke and Adele, finds out where her husband is going to spend the night. Adele tries to ask Rosalinde for permission to visit the grave of her grandmother, but when caught in a lie confesses everything to the hostess. A clever plan is born in Rosalinde's mind as to how to teach her mischievous husband and his frivolous friend a lesson. To do this, she decides to appear in the attire of the bat herself at the ball, and to send Adele there under the guise of some baroness.

After the friends depart from Eisenstein's house, Alfred arrives, who is a student and a secret admirer of Rosalinde. At first Rosalinde does not want to let him in, but then she allows him inside, since Heinrich will soon have a prison coach coming. Rosalinde gets the unlucky admirer drunk and sends him to prison in her husband's stead.

Meanwhile, Heinrich and Falke are having an enjoyable time. In the midst of the merriment of the ball come Rosalinde and Adele. The husband does not recognize his wife under the mask and starts to passionately flirt with her. Having lost his head, he gives her a watch as a sign of loyalty which was previously given to him by Rosalinde herself. And the "baroness", meanwhile, successfully charms many admirers who are ready to immediately offer her their hand in marriage.

In the morning after the ball Heinrich goes to prison to serve his sentence, but with amazement learns that there is already an "Eisenstein" sitting there who requires a lawyer. Suspecting his wife of infidelity, Heinrich, in the guise of a lawyer, intends to find out the details, convict the traitor and punish him. But instead he gets caught himself due to the recklessly presented watch and ends up asking his wife for forgiveness, which he receives. As a result, the frivolous friends are embarrassed and forgiven, the student gets deserved freedom, and the talented maid — a place of an actress in the theater.

Spy Hunt

Rival agents in Switzerland seek two escaped panthers, one with microfilm hidden in its collar.

Don't Talk to Strange Men

As a prologue an unseen driver gives a lift to a woman. He attacks her. We next see her body being discovered by children playing in a hay shed.

Jean, a teenage schoolgirl waits for a bus on a quiet country lane. The telephone in a nearby call box rings and she answers it. She is fascinated by the conversation with a man and agrees to chat again the next day. The bus arrives (a double decker) and Jean discusses the situation with the conductress.

In the Painter house Ann, the precocious younger daughter, decides she does not want to eat the rabbit which he shot. Jean gets home safely and the father lectures her regarding talking to strange men. Jean and Ann share a bedroom and she tells Ann of the phone call.

The next day at the same time and place the phone rings again and she eagerly answers. He ensures she is alone. She falls in love with the unseen man, but gives a false name: Samantha.

On the third day he doesn't call at the normal time. She misses her bus but also misses the eventual call when a woman (Mrs Mason) uses the call box. She goes back to the pub where she is working, The Chequers, and Ron rings her dad to come and collect her.

On the fourth day he calls but is annoyed about the previous day. He seems to hang up. A man appears in a sports car and wants to use the call box. The man rings back and says he got cut off. He chats her up and says how much he loves her voice. They arrange to meet the next day at 9.50. She promises to tell no-one and promises not to talk to strange men.

Dad bans her going to work on the critical night but she pretends to go into town with her sister to see the cinema. They split. She confesses to the bus conductress her plan to meet. She is unimpressed. She warns her not to meet the man but she gets off at the remote call box. A drunk man wanders up the lane and she goes into a field and hides in a shed. She daydreams about his voice. She then thinks about her sister. The sister leaves the cinema as she is worried about Jean.

The man goes into The Chequers and orders a brandy from Ron. We only see him from behind, but it is his voice and he asks to use the phone at 9.50pm. Ironically Jean scares herself and runs to The Chequers. She sees his face (we do not). She watches as he calls the phone box. Ann has arrived at the phone box and she answers but says little. Ann phones the police to come to the call box. Jean tells Ron the story and calls the call box. She struggles to remember the number. Ann answers and is told to hide but it is too late. He has arrived. He thinks it is Samantha and drags her to his car and races off. Ron arrives and stops the car and fights the man. The police arrive.

We never see the face of the man.

Infini-T Force

Emi is a seventeen-year-old girl living in Shibuya, Tokyo. Her father is always away with work and she's grown listless. Suddenly, a twist of fate involving a certain magical item changes everything. A mysterious pencil, of all things, is linked to the appearance of heroes from another world! Could this be the start to the excitement she's so desperately craving, or is there something more?

Welcome to Germany (2016 film)

The Hartmanns are the former teacher Angelika; her husband Richard, a chief physician; their daughter Sofie, 31, now a psychology student; her brother Philipp, a successful business lawyer who's living in divorce and his 12-year-old son Basti. Richard has problems with aging; He refuses to retire, and undergoes face-lifting with his friend, the cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sascha Heinrich. Angelika is criticized by her husband for her starry-eyed idealism. In a container accommodation for refugees Angelika one day donates used clothes and meets her former colleague Heike Broscher, who gives German courses. Since there are no more staff needed in the accommodation, Angelika decides to adopt a refugee. She discusses it with her family during a meal. Richard and Philipp initially refuse it categorically while Angelika is receiving support from Sofie. Angelika already has an appointment with Bernd Bader, the head of the accommodation. So Richard goes with them and they finally decide on the stand-alone Nigerian Diallo, after previously being presented to several families. Richard is annoyed at work; He repeatedly snubs the ambitious and handsome young doctor Tarek Berger, which one day leads to an indicatory dispute within earshot of other employees. Richard grabs his heart with a distorted face after each of his tantrums. Tarek, in turn, runs a weekly jogging group of refugees, in which Diallo also participates. Richard and Tarek know each other from a birthday party Sofie, when the nine-year-old Tarek destroyed a valuable vase. Diallo, who does handicraft activities in the garden and in the house, has a very good relationship with Angelika. He can not understand many things about the Germans. For example, that Sofie has neither a husband nor children. When Basti shoots a hip-hop video with his friends at school, Diallo acts as a full-time supervisor. The shooting of the video almost gets Basti expelled, but Philipp is able to prevent that. Since Basti also has bad grades, Philipp suggests to the teacher that Basti could accomplish his transfer with a good presentation. Otherwise, Philipp has no time for his son, as he has to constantly fly to Shanghai, where he leads an important project. Once again rushing to his flight, he defies control at the airport and ends up in psychiatry. There, a burnout syndrome is diagnosed. Basti gives a presentation on refugee issues at school, including Diallo, who tells how his village was destroyed by Boko Haram and how he lost his family.

In the meantime, the exalted Heike has organized a salutation for Diallo in the Villa of Hartmanns, for which she has invited members of an Africa group and a circus; a zebra is also present. The neighbor brings the police because of noise disturbance, who also noticed that the somewhat out of joint party for the asylum seeker Diallo was held. Sophie is followed by her devotee Kurt, who sees an Islamist in Diallo and with a few friends in front of the House of Hartmanns organized a "picket" with torches and "security" calls. There is a fight between the two. Sofie has Kurt taken away by the police, who was called by the neighbor, as an intruder. Diallo wants to bring together the two singles Sofie and Tarek, but they tell him that they want to find a partner themselves, as is customary in Germany. The two eventually meet by chance and fall in love with each other. In a discotheque they come across Richard, who "wants to enjoy life" and is introduced to women by Sascha. Richard has since moved out after differences with Angelika at home. Diallo meets him on a bank by the river and tells him to go home to Angelika, who belongs to him. Richard corrects him that at the most she belongs with him. Diallo's asylum application is rejected. Bernd Bader appeals for him, so that it comes to a court hearing. Basti pleads with his father on the phone in Shanghai to come and defend Diallo. Philipp refuses this initially, but then leaves his assistant to lead the contract negotiations and comes straight to court when the judge wants to read the verdict.

With his rhetoric, he still fights for Diallo and proposes to watch the video of Basti's presentation on the smartphone. But this had already happened, as Basti had this idea, and the judge wanted to announce Diallos asylum recognition anyway. When Richard returns to Angelika, while Tarek introduces himself to her, outside there is a demonstration of right-wing extremists again. Meanwhile, Richard suffers a heart attack and Tarek provides First Aid. Diallo is now being monitored by anti-terrorist personnel using a drone camera. They misjudge the situation and send a task force to storm the house. When the commanders see that Diallo is helpful and not threatening, the action is canceled. Diallo's verdict finally turns out to be positive and he is celebrating a party with the Hartmanns, Heike and Tarek.

Bad Day at Riverbend

On a quiet day at the town of Riverbend, local sheriff Ned Hardy hears that a strange matter is covering many citizens. When he heads out to investigate, he finds the local stagecoach driver covered in this mass and unable to speak. Distraught but unwilling to surrender, Hardy heads on and finds more people covered in this substance. Eventually he is himself covered in this substance and unable to move or speak.

It is then revealed that the strange matter was none other than crayon scribbles, and that the sheriff is part of a coloring book left on its own by a small boy who gets tired and leaves.

Circle of Ice

''Circle of Ice'' is a solo adventure in which the Realm of the Dark, in constant war with the Realm of the Light, has invited the player character to spy out the neutral Circle of Ice.

Fixing it for Freddie

Freddie Bullivant, a friend of Bertie's, is upset after Freddie's fiancée, Angela West, broke off their engagement. Bertie is taking a cottage by the sea at Marvis Bay, Dorsetshire, and brings Freddie along to cheer him up. Meanwhile, Jeeves promises to consider Freddie's problem. At Marvis Bay, Freddie is still dejected. One day he sees Elizabeth, who is at Marvis Bay, too. She is cold to him. While walking on the beach, Bertie sees her playing with a young child. Bertie deduces that the child is Angela's cousin. Bertie gets an idea: if he kidnaps the child, then Freddie can return the child to Elizabeth, telling her he found the lost child and essentially saved his life, and Angela will be so grateful that she will renew their engagement.

Bertie brings the kid back to his cottage and explains his scheme to Freddie. Freddie brings the child to Angela, but returns and reports bitterly that Angela doesn't know the child. After asking a sweet-stall man who sees the child often, Bertie learns that the child is from the Kegworthy family living at Ocean Rest. Bertie goes there, and Mr. Kegworthy recognizes his son, calling him Tootles. Kegworthy says the household has the mumps, and they did not know where to put Tootles. He trusts Bertie since he knows Bertie's Aunt Agatha, and asks him to look after Tootles for a few days. Annoyed, Bertie walks away with Tootles. They meet Angela, and she mistakenly thinks Bertie is the child's father. Bertie and Freddie take care of the child, but they struggle. Bertie pays a nurse to help.

Jeeves tells Bertie about a movie he saw. At first Bertie is upset that Jeeves is forgetting his promise, but apologizes after Jeeves explains that the movie gave him an idea: Tootles will say "Kiss Freddie!" to Angela and then Freddie will say something bashful; thus, Angela will be moved to reconcile with him. Jeeves and Bertie train Tootles by giving him sweets when he says "Kiss Freddie!".

However, Angela, on her way to the beach, spots the child and approaches. She offers him sweets, and the child shouts, "Kiss Fweddie!". Freddie comes out and, not knowing Bertie's scheme, fails to say anything. The child continues to shout, until Bertie, defeated, tells Angela she must give the child the sweets. Bertie confesses the plan, and Angela laughs. Bertie sidles away and meets Jeeves, who is just returning from a walk. He tells Jeeves that the plan is over, but is startled when he sees a crowd gathering in front of the cottage. On the porch, Freddie and Angela are embracing. Jeeves observes that things have ended well after all.

Clustering Round Young Bingo

Bertie writes an article called "What the Well-Dressed Man is Wearing" for his Aunt Dahlia's magazine, ''Milady's Boudoir''. Jeeves approves of the article, except he disagrees with Bertie's assertion that silk shirts are worn with evening dress. Bertie, however, has ordered a dozen silk shirts, in spite of Jeeves. Changing the subject, Bertie mentions that his friends Bingo Little and Bingo's wife Rosie are looking for a better housemaid. Bertie then goes to deliver his article to the offices of ''Milady's Boudoir'' and sees Mrs. Little there. She asks Bertie to dine with her and Bingo, along with Bertie's aunt and uncle. Bertie eagerly accepts, because the Littles have an exceptional French cook, Anatole. Next, Bertie sees his genial aunt, Dahlia Travers. She has asked Jeeves to find her a better cook for her husband Tom Travers, so that he will fund her paper.

At the Little home next evening, the meal is sublime, and Bertie's uncle enjoys it. When Bertie returns to his flat, Jeeves says that Bertie's uncle, George Travers, plans to go to Harrogate to recover his health and wants Bertie to accompany him, but Bertie declines. Bingo appears the next morning, and tells Bertie and Jeeves that Rosie is writing an embarrassing article about their married life, "How I Keep the Love of My Husband-Baby", for ''Milady's Boudoir''. Jeeves proposes that he persuade Anatole to work for Mrs. Travers; Mrs. Little will never forgive Mrs. Travers for stealing her cook, and she will refuse to contribute the embarrassing article to her paper. Though reluctant to give up Anatole, Bingo consents.

Jeeves reports that Anatole refuses to leave, because he is in love with Mrs. Little's parlourmaid. As a substitute plan, Bingo persuades Bertie to sneak in and steal the cylinder from Rosie's dictating machine. Later, Bertie sneakily enters Bingo's house, but, startled by a Pekingese dog, makes a lot of noise. He meets a policeman and parlourmaid outside, but manages to run away.

Jeeves advises Bertie to join his Uncle George at Harrogate, to avoid more of Bingo's schemes. At Harrogate, Bertie encounters Aunt Dahlia and Uncle Tom. Aunt Dahlia says that Rosie will no longer write for her, but she is happy because she has Anatole. Bertie, confused, returns to London, and asks Jeeves about this. Jeeves had learned that Anatole had once played with the feelings of Aunt Dahlia's housemaid. Knowing this, Jeeves arranged for this housemaid to work for Mrs. Little, and Anatole left to avoid the housemaid. Jeeves has been well rewarded: he received twenty pounds from Bingo, twenty-five from Aunt Dahlia, ten from Rosie, twenty-five from Uncle Tom, and ten from Uncle George. Bertie gives Jeeves five more pounds, and Jeeves thanks him. When Jeeves says he sent the new silk shirts back, Bertie does not object.

Mission to Zephor

''Mission to Zephor'' is the second of Group One's approved ''Traveller'' adventures, and is a mercenary mission to save the kidnapped son of an interstellar mining mogul from a group of armadillo-like aliens on a burned-out world.

Tancred (Judges Guild)

''Tancred'' is an adventure that takes place on the planet Tancred in the Outreamer subsector of the Imperium, which is owned and exploited by its nobility and is in the throes of rebellion.

The Toughest Dungeon in the World

The player character is a troll prowling the dungeon to amass a treasure hoard.

Campaign Series Grid Sheets

''Campaign Series Grid Sheets'' are 36" x 50", with one consisting of 1" squares, and the other has hex grids on both sides (16mm on one side; 19mm on the other) and a plastic overlay was also available.

Something Something Soup Something

In the year 2078, humans have perfected teleportation technology, and are using it to exploit aliens to make them cheap goods. The player takes the role of a worker who is tasked with judging whether or not items aliens make are soup, due to them often not understanding the idea of what defines soup.

Grampy Can Ya Hear Me

On Grampa Simpson's birthday, the Simpson family arrives at the Springfield Planetarium. After buying the tickets to which Homer shows the ticket stand girl how he was an astronaut, he tries to weigh himself and is surprised to weigh just 182 pounds. Marge corrects him indicating it’s his weight on the moon while Bart and Lisa watch as a reproduction of Pluto talks about how it lost its status as a planet in the solar system. At the Planetarium show, the family is watching a documentary on the Big Bang, but Grampa escapes after the explosion is shown.

Returning him to the Springfield Retirement Castle, Grampa complains about the music being too low due to his hearing problem. At the home, his companions throw him a little party, asking him to make a wish. The Old Jewish Man gives him a hearing aid, a much appreciated gift as it gives him the hearing back.

Lisa goes to Bart's room to ask him to help her break in to the school to change a homework paper she delivered with the wrong date for when the Big Bang happened. Bart and Lisa break into the school's basement, and change the date, but also discover that Skinner is living in the storage. Skinner tells the story of how his mother kept a big secret from him. When he was young, he applied to Ohio State University to become part of the marching band. However, his mother Agnes Skinner lied about him being accepted.

At home, Grampa hears the dislike of the family for him being there, and says he's leaving the home forever and goes to Springfield Mall, where the shop attendants treats him like an old man, too.

That night, Lisa has a nightmare of the future, becoming president, however being disqualified for cheating on the paper, while Skinner dreams of becoming a drummer, and Grampa goes to the Veterans of Unpopular Wars bar, where he tells the bartender his problems.

Skinner goes to The Ohio State University, where he tells them his story, but gets refused as it’s too late and gets called a loser, convincing him to discuss the matter with his mother.

In class, Lisa confesses to Miss Hoover her trick, but she tells her she knew it. Miss Hoover wants her nicotine gum that Bart stole. It's revealed he gave it to the class pet who darts across the room with his wheel, energized by them and goes to torment Groundskeeper Willie.

At Skinner's house, Seymour tells his mother he knows what she did, but the anger goes away when she cries in front of him for what she did. He agrees to move back in on his conditions, though he has to live with Barney, who moved in his room.

Meanwhile, Homer receives a call from the bar, with the bartender sending Grampa back home and to not send him again there. Upon arriving at the Simpsons' house, Grampa hears the family missing him. However, they're just reading a script written by Lisa and Marge. Grandpa realizes that his family finally cares about him, and the Simpsons join him in a big hug, with Homer holding the episode's script.

At Skinner's house, Seymour and Agnes share TV, happy together. She joins him in watching ''Game of Thrones'' and comments on the content of the show.

Before the end credits, Hans Moleman is the main character of a short "Nobody Knows Hans Moleman,” where he falls on a manhole and is stood upon by Homer, is trumped by Patty, and scanned by Shauna Chalmers at the supermarket like he's nobody while he just needed his heart pills.

If It Don't Fit, Use a Bigger Hammer

Kümmel, Kalle and Horst work for the contractor Werner Wiesenkamp, who runs a small construction company in Bergkamen in the district of Unna. Since Kümmel, Kalle and Horst are constantly clammy and the boss Wiesenkamp lives on a large foot, the three employees persuade the boss on his garden party to hire a Polish illegal worker. However, Wiesenkamp sets up the young architecture student Philipp as an additional worker (much to Horst's unwillingness), who actually only needs an internship certificate for his new employer in Asia. Philip, who hopes to get this proof without real work, with the help of his uncle (a city councilor), will be ripped off by Wiesenkamp at the decisive moment.

The following day Philipp appears on the construction site, still assuming that he only has to wait for Wiesenkamp's signature. First, however, he lands on the neighboring construction site, where the construction company of Wiesenkamps brother Ernst builds. As the misunderstanding clears up and the polisher brings Jochen Philipp to the correct construction site, the contrast could not be greater: While the construction site of Wiesenkamp's brother looks professional, everything seems messy and improvised on the other construction site. However, until Wiesenkamp arrives and brings Marek to the Poles, Philipp von Kümmel, Kalle and Horst are regarded as additional workers, with Horst in particular harassing Philipp the academic at every opportunity.

Philip should u. a. scaffolding, but instead tries to rebook his flight to Kuala Lumpur. Kümmel, Kalle and Horst stage Marek's death by falling down from the scaffolding to allow Wiesenkamp to pay for their silence. Philipp, who sees himself as guilty of Marek's "accident", sets off to alert the ambulance. When this arrives at the construction site, there is no indication of an accident.

After work, Kümmel, Kalle and Horst seem to let Marek's "corpse" disappear by cutting them up with a circular saw, packing them in plastic bags and setting them on the construction site. Philipp is in the meantime goo. On the same evening Kümmel, Kalle and Horst celebrate a small celebration at Horst's home - where Marek is also present and gets his money. Here it is clear that Marek is not dead, but has made common cause with the others.

During the celebration, Philipp appears to Astrid, Horst's daughter, who worked on Wiesenkamp's garden party and also studies architecture. Astrid came "by accident" past the construction site to ask Philip if he could help her set up her new computer. Horst, who is not enthusiastic about the approaching relationship between his daughter and Philipp, throws Philip more or less friendly out of his house, not without him on the doorstep still something to say. During the conversation Marek comes in the background, but is not seen by Philipp. This is just the beginning of a series of scenes in which Marek can be seen again and again, mostly in premises that Wiesenkamp also visits.

Meanwhile, the company is in financial difficulties, but the three employees and intern Philipp explain themselves ready to complete the last construction project on time and thus help their boss Wiesenkamp out of financial distress. For example, they use asbestos insulation, which Kalle gets for free from his brother-in-law Siggi, who works in a hardware store.

At the completion, however, unimaginable complications arise, so the house z. For example, a prefabricated kit, and in excavation work, the four encounter an old aerial bombardment of the US Air Force. Instead of commissioning the ordnance clearance service, Kümmel, Kalle and Horst decide to bury the bomb on the spot and simply build the yard one meter shorter than planned in the blueprint. Here, Philipp can score: In a nightly meeting on Astrid's computer, he not only fakes the blueprints, but also gets closer to Astrid.

Thanks to Philip's help, the construction project can continue as planned, and the initial teasing stops abruptly. To celebrate this success, visit Kümmel, Kalle and Horst together with Philip the red light district. Here Philipp tells a prostitute in drunken condition that he has killed a human being. However, when Werner Wiesenkamp's wife and his brother disappear to Majorca, things take a dramatic turn.

The next morning, Astrid visits the construction site to ask Philip why he did not attend her appointment. Horst tells his daughter that Philipp was with him and the others in the brothel. Werner Wiesenkamp, who is also a sports pilot, discovers at the airport that Marek is still alive, whereupon he joins the Construction site drives to confront its employees. Meanwhile, a police operation is taking place on the construction site, as the police prostitute has told Philipps story. The forensics found in the foundation of the plastic bags that were cemented by Kümmel, Kalle and Horst after Marek's accident. However, the bags contain only several cans of used oil and not, as assumed, the dismembered corpse of Marek. The construction site is then closed by the authorities.

Kümmel, Kalle and Horst are hired by Ernst Wiesenkamp, Werner's brother, but released shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, Werner Wiesenkamp plans to mount the aerial bomb from the construction site under his sports plane and "put it on his roof" for his brother. Although Kümmel, Kalle, Horst, Astrid and Philipp can successfully prevent this project, they do not, however, detonate the bomb when handling the excavator. The explosion uncovers a disused mining tunnel that leads from Werner Wiesenkamp's construction site to the adjacent construction site of Ernst Wiesenkamp. Caraway, Kalle, Horst, Philipp and Werner unceremoniously tear in the old mining pillars.

Back in the daylight, they discover that the topping-out ceremony is on Ernst Wiesenkamp's construction site, and Werner tries to stop his brother. However, Ernst can not be impressed, and when the straightening tree is lowered, the shell of the house collapses. Therefore, the contract for the establishment of the kindergarten not serious, but to the company "Marek and Partner": Werner Wiesenkamp has reconciled with Marek, who has become rich in the meantime by stock trading. Both have allied themselves professionally, whereby Werners construction company is rehabilitated. Philipp and Astrid are happy together, while Kümmel, Kalle and Horst work again at Werner Wiesenkamp.

Back to Burgundy

Three siblings from Burgundy have to find a way to reconnect with one another when their father falls ill. Jean, Juliette and Jérémie were all trained in the art of winegrowing and production by a father made out to be dominant and controlling. Jérémie (who married locally) and Juliette stayed close to the vineyards in adult life, but Jean left, backpacking around the world and working in the wine industry in Chile, where he met his girlfriend Alicia, and finally buying a vineyard with her in Australia. He missed the death of his mother in France, in part because his son was being born on the same day in Australia. He returns to France 10 years after his departure, as his father is ailing (he dies soon after), with mixed feelings. The plot revolves around his coming to terms with the past, his father, and his relationship with Alicia.

The past and present are interconnected in several scenes of childhood and adulthood in and around the vineyards and the family house. Several plot lines intertwine: 1) on the death of their father, the siblings inherit the property jointly, meaning they have to agree on its future, and they owe a large inheritance tax which they cannot afford to pay. Jean initially wants to sell the entire estate so that they can pay the tax and he can clear outstanding debts in Australia. Then Jérémie's unpleasant father in law tries to buy some of the best land. And finally a complex leasing arrangement is reached that satisfies all three siblings. 2) Jean believes his father hated him, but he finds out after his death via an unopened letter that this was not the case. 3) Jean's relationship with Alicia in Australia is fragile. Juliette believes he still loves Alicia despite their decision to separate, and so she phones Alicia. Alicia travels to France with their son late in the movie, and they are reconciled. They decide to live together in Australia. 4) Jérémie is looked down on by his in-laws and lives in one of their cottages with his wife Océane and their son. They eventually move to their own house and refuse offers of jobs and support.

There are sub-plots referring to Juliette's romantic life, the annual cycle of grape and wine production including the crucial date of harvest, and who has the best winegrowing skills (revealed to be Juliette and Jean, not the older generation).

Allure (2017 film)

Laura Drake (Evan Rachel Wood) is an emotionally disturbed young woman who works as a house-cleaner for her father's company in an urban environment. One day, Laura meets an unhappy teenager named Eva (Julia Sarah Stone) while on the job. The pair form an unexpected connection, and Laura eventually convinces Eva to leave her oppressive mother and move in with her. Though the relationship initially works, Laura's anxiety soon makes her abusive and controlling, creating an unstable bond between the two women.

Doubling Down (South Park)

Cartman's abusive treatment of Heidi Turner is straining their relationship. He blames his anger issues on his poor diet, so Heidi convinces Cartman to try a vegan diet with her in an attempt to reconcile. The next day at lunch, Cartman continues to degrade Heidi to the rest of the boys, but treats her kindly when she shows up. When Kyle talks to Heidi after school about her relationship with Cartman, she gets defensive and avoids the subject. At Heidi's home, Cartman states that he now enjoys Beyond Meat and presents her with a bucket of KFC to try, claiming that it is actually "Beyond KFC" and vegan. Back at school, she feels bloated and ill afterwards while Cartman insults Heidi behind her back and tells the boys that she is getting fat. Kyle goes to a girls' volleyball practice to ask them to stop mocking Heidi, and they question if Kyle is doing so because he has feelings for Heidi himself. He decides to back off his attempts to break up Cartman and Heidi, but later talks to Heidi in the school gymnasium. The two bond as Kyle tells Heidi that Cartman is an expert at playing the victim and will never change.

Cartman goes to Token's house claiming that he and Heidi have broken up again and asks to move in with Token and participate in any acts of disrespecting the American flag or other forms of social protesting that their family may do. While there, Token's parents reveal to Cartman that Heidi has been seen holding hands with Kyle. Cartman has a brief vision of Kyle dancing around with imagery and music that evokes the song ''Pink Elephants on Parade'' from ''Dumbo''. Enraged, Cartman confronts Kyle at school and starts a fight which Kyle wins with one punch. The girls take Heidi out to dinner to celebrate while also belittling her for ever having a relationship with Cartman, which makes Heidi question her feelings. Heidi visits Cartman to apologize and complete their break-up, but Cartman decides to tell her more information. Soon afterwards, Heidi blames Kyle for manipulating her and breaks up with him, returning to Cartman again.

Meanwhile, at the White House, President Garrison is warned by Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Mike Pence of the general discord against him and his administration as he is keeping on his campaign promise to "fuck them all to death". Garrison then locks the trio in his office after they threaten to stand up against him. When Ryan is questioned by reporters about his support of Garrison, he is shown with a semen-stained black eye and only voices support for Garrison out of fear. Ryan finds a poll which shows Garrison's approval ratings to be very low, and he and the others plan to use it against Garrison, but Garrison finds them and states he knows how to handle societal psychology. When they bring Garrison a cake to celebrate his one-year anniversary of becoming President, Garrison promises that the next three years will be even better, as he walks out from behind his desk wearing a large strap-on dildo.

Pilgrim (video game)

After facing a massacre at the wrath of the Silvian army, the player character goes on quest around the land of Meridan to revive the Guardian in order to save the land from the Silvian's carnage.

Joan (Louie)

The episode starts with a quick vignette of Louie trying to order delivery from a deli but the person at the deli keeps mishearing what he says. Louie wants to order 6 bananas, but the deli keeps hearing it as 60. After Louie's sister calls him frantic and crying, a delivery person from the deli arrives at Louie's door with the 60 bananas.

The rest of the episode takes place in Las Vegas, where Louie is performing as the lounge comedian in a Trump casino and doing very poorly. After bombing on stage for several minutes, Louie starts to make disparaging jokes about the casino, Donald Trump, and the lounge audience. Louie gets in trouble with the casino for swearing and making those jokes. Louie is offered a chance to keep working if he can just agree to the terms for the next show, but he instead decides to quit.

Louie walks around the casino and ends up watching Joan Rivers do her act in the casino theater. Joan is doing very well with the audience, including Louie. After the show, Louie approaches her to say hi, and she invites him to come back to her room to hang out. Back in the room, Louie explains to Joan why he quit the lounge. Joan refuses to accept his decision, telling Louie that he cannot disparage the host or make fun of Donald Trump in his own casino. She tells him that you can never quit and that you just have to appreciate that you have a job in the first place, because things change, and in a year, even she might be out of the theater and back in the lounge. Louie agrees with Joan but claims that he is sick of all of the bullshit. Joan refuses to accept this as well, exclaiming that she is a woman, and asking Louie to guess how many blowjobs he thinks she had to give to get where she is. After a long pause, Louie posits 40 as a guess. Joan angrily slaps him, shouting, "None! I don't do blowjobs!" She hammers in that Louie cannot quit because if he's doing stand up comedy, it means it's his calling and that he loves it more than anything else. "We make people happy" she says.

After a long silence, Louie makes an unwanted move on Joan, kissing her and grabbing but she is disgusted. She hits him and tells him no, and Louie stops, explaining that he misread the situation. Joan forgives Louie, and then decides that it's fine, telling him to come with her to the bedroom, but not to tell anyone about this ever. Joan explains, "It's for your sake, not mine. Nobody likes necrophiliacs." The two go to Joan's bedroom and the credits come on screen.

As the credits roll, Louie goes back to the casino booker and apologizes. He asks for his job back and agrees to the terms, having taken Joan's advice.

Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs

The series follows the life of the luckless and homeless high school student Kogarashi Fuyuzora. In his search for a home, he is introduced to the Yuragi Inn, a cheap boarding house and former hot springs inn. The reason the rent is so cheap is because it is haunted by the beautiful ghost spirit Yuuna whose corpse was discovered at the inn. Kogarashi then helps Yuuna with her unfinished business, all while discovering the supernatural secrets of the rest of the female tenants.

Jeeves and the Impending Doom

Bertie is about to reluctantly visit his unfriendly Aunt Agatha's house at Woollam Chersey, in Herts. Before he leaves, he receives an unsigned telegram that says it is vital for him to meet perfect strangers at Woollam Chersey. Neither Bertie nor Jeeves understand the telegram. At Woollam Chersey, Aunt Agatha tells Bertie that he must behave himself and make a good impression on her guest, the Right Honourable A. B. Filmer, the Cabinet Minister. Bertie is not pleased, but then sees his friend Bingo Little and greets him cheerfully. However, Bingo shushes him, and asks if Bertie got his telegram. Bingo is tutoring young Thomas "Thos" Gregson, Aunt Agatha's son, and wants Bertie to treat him as a perfect stranger, or else Aunt Agatha will learn he is Bertie's friend, and fire him. When Bertie asks why Bingo is not with his wife in America on her lecture tour, Bingo does not answer.

Bertie struggles to endure the company of the tedious Mr. Filmer. Later, Bingo asks Bertie and Jeeves for help. Bingo confesses that his wife left him two hundred pounds and asked him to stay behind to look after their Pekingese dog, but he lost the money on a horse race. Bingo boarded the dog and got a tutoring job. He fears Aunt Agatha will fire him for not supervising Thomas when Thomas inevitably makes trouble for Filmer. Bertie can only advise Bingo to watch Thomas carefully. Jeeves will consider the matter. Shortly afterward, Bertie and Bingo play in a local tennis tournament. It rains, and everyone goes inside. Filmer is not present, and Bertie senses an impending doom. Aunt Agatha tells Bertie to find Filmer and take a raincoat to him. In the hall, Bertie runs into Jeeves, who learned from Thomas that Filmer had rowed to the island in the nearby lake. Thomas rowed after him and set Filmer's boat adrift, marooning Filmer. Jeeves agrees to follow Bertie.

It rains heavily as Bertie and Jeeves approach the island by boat. Bertie rows, while Jeeves steers with the tiller. They see Filmer on the roof of a building called the Octagon. Bertie tells Jeeves to wait in the boat. As he greets Filmer, Bertie is targeted by a fierce wild swan. Fleeing to the roof, Bertie drops Filmer's raincoat. Bertie chats with the annoyed Filmer until Bertie remembers Jeeves. He calls for Jeeves, who comes. Jeeves uses the discarded raincoat to cover the swan's head, and then heaves the swan off its feet with a boathook. Before the swan can unscramble itself, Bertie and Filmer escape. Filmer is sure that Thomas had set his boat drift, and Bertie is concerned for Bingo.

At the house, after Bertie takes a bath, he sees Jeeves, who says he has attended to the matter. To protect Bingo, Jeeves convinced Filmer that it was Bertie who set his boat adrift. At first Bertie is insulted, but changes his mind when Jeeves says that Aunt Agatha intended to make Bertie become Filmer's secretary. Jeeves suggests that Bertie avoid his aunt by climbing down a waterpipe outside a window. Jeeves will have a car waiting nearby. Bertie looks at Jeeves reverently, and follows his plan.

Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits

Aoi Tsubaki is a college student who has the ability to see Ayakashi, a trait she inherited from her deceased grandfather. One day, when Aoi walks past a torii shrine, she sees an Ayakashi sitting there who announces that it is hungry. However, after giving it food, Aoi is kidnapped by the Ayakashi, an Ogre called Odanna. He takes her to the Hidden Realm, a world where all the Ayakashi live. He tells Aoi that her grandfather owed him a debt, and as compensation, she must marry him. Aoi negotiates with the Ogre instead, asking to work at the ogre's inn, the Tenjin'ya.

True History of the Kelly Gang (film)

Based on Peter Carey's novel of the same name, the film is a highly-fictionalised account of the life of Australian bushranger Ned Kelly and his gang as they flee from authorities during the 1870s.

Although the following facts are not made clear in the film, in reality Ned Kelly's father, John "Red" Kelly (Gentle Ben Corbett), was an Irishman transported to a prison colony in Van Diemen's Land, who eventually settled in the colony of Victoria, Australia. After marrying Ned's mother Ellen (Essie Davis), the Kellys settled in a rural area northeast of Melbourne. Before the film's narrative begins, Red Kelly has had numerous brushes with the colonial police forces. Toward the start of the film he has another confrontation with the constabulary which results in his imprisonment and death when his son Ned (Orlando Schwerdt) is twelve years old. Ned is a courageous and compassionate boy, in one instance jumping into a river to save another boy from drowning. Ned is shocked when he finds evidence that his father has been cross-dressing while carrying out his outlaw raids.

Ned's mother attempts to provide for her children by running a still or shebeen, providing sexual favors to Sergeant O'Neill (Charlie Hunnam), and taking on a series of lovers, eventually including the notorious bushranger Harry Power (Russell Crowe). Power takes on young Ned as an apprentice and provides him with knowledge of the land, hideouts, and strategies for bushranging. Under pressure from Power, Ned shoots Sergeant O'Neil but refuses to kill him, despite Power ordering him to do so. Ned leaves Power and returns to his family's settlement, infuriated since he has learned that his mother essentially "sold" him to Power. Ned is soon arrested and sentenced to three years in prison for shooting O'Neill. After his eventual release, Ned (now played by George MacKay) returns to his mother's house as a young man in his late teens.

During a visit to a brothel to return dresses stolen by his younger brother Dan (Earl Cave) and Dan's friend, Ned meets a prostitute who is a young Irish girl named Mary (Thomasin McKenzie), falls in love with her, and begins his first sexual relationship. Ned eventually becomes an outlaw after a visit from a local police officer, Constable Fitzpatrick (Nicholas Hoult), to the Kelly family. The constable attempts to woo Ned's younger sister Kate, to whom he has given a dress. After his mother Ellen attacks him, Fitzpatrick pulls his revolver on the family and Ned shoots him in the hand to defend them. Warrants for the arrest of Ned and his younger brother Dan are issued.

Ned and Dan hide out in the hills (which, in reality, were in northeast Victoria), and are joined by their friends Steve Hart (Louis Hewison) and Ned's close mate Joe Byrne (Sean Keenan). They later become known as the Kelly Gang, as Ned more and more assumes the role of leader. Kelly's mother is arrested along with her baby daughter and imprisoned in Melbourne as enticement for Ned to give himself up. Ned finds and kills Fitzpatrick. Four constables are sent to kill the Gang after efforts to arrest them prove unsuccessful. The Gang ambushes them at Stringybark Creek, where Ned kills three of them during a gun battle.

In time, the Gang is discovered to be in the town of Glenrowan where they take numerous hostages and construct several suits of plate-steel armour for protection in gun battles. One of the hostages is the crippled local schoolmaster (Jacob Collins-Levy), who encourages Ned to relate the story of his life after seeing samples of Ned's writing. Ned and the gang plan to ambush a train full of constables sent to capture them by sabotaging the tracks so that the train will wreck. But the schoolmaster betrays the Gang by warning the incoming constables. The policemen surround the inn where the Gang is hiding and in a series of striking, hallucinogenic scenes, engage in a furious shootout, seriously wounding the armour-clad Ned and killing the other three members of the Gang. The twenty-five year old Ned is convicted of murdering one of the constables at Stringybark Creek, and is hanged at Old Melbourne Gaol after his mother sees him a final time and urges him to "die like a Kelly."

The Inferiority Complex of Old Sippy

Bertie bought a large china vase with crimson dragons and various animals on it for his flat. Jeeves disapproves of it. Bertie goes to see his friend Oliver "Sippy" Sipperley at the office of ''The Mayfair Gazette'', where Sippy is now the editor. Sippy is afraid to confess his love to the poet Gwendolen Moon. He believes he is spiritually inferior to her because, one year prior, he spent thirty days in jail for punching a policeman on Boat Race night. An authoritative man arrives, and he tells Sippy that he has brought another article for Sippy's paper. Sippy meekly obeys him. The man leaves, and Sippy, agitated, tells Bertie that the man is Waterbury, head master of Sippy's old school. Sippy was intimidated by Waterbury as a child, so he is still too afraid of him to reject his articles, even though they are dull and not appropriate for Sippy's light society paper.

Bertie tells Jeeves that Sippy has an inferiority complex and feels subordinate to Waterbury. Jeeves will try to think of a way to help Sippy. However, Bertie comes up with a solution of his own: he will prepare a bag of flour over the door to Sippy's office to fall on Waterbury. The image of Waterbury covered in flour will embolden Sippy to stand up to him and also confess his feelings to Gwendolen. Jeeves suggests that it would be better for Sippy to first win Gwendolen's affection by faking an injury and calling out for her, then proposing to her. If she agrees, Sippy will have the courage to be firm with Waterbury. Bertie has doubts about this plan and tells Jeeves to buy a pound and a half of flour.

Bertie sets up the flour over the public door to Sippy's office. However, Waterbury boldly enters through Sippy's private office. Later, Sippy arrives, singing about love, and turns away Waterbury. Defeated, Waterbury leaves. Sippy tells Bertie he is engaged to Gwendolen, and he rushes off to see her.

Bertie meets Jeeves in the street. Jeeves explains he had telephoned Sippy to come to Bertie's flat, and had also called Gwendolen, telling her that Sippy had an accident. She was moved and came to see Sippy. As she was already in love with him, both shortly confessed and became engaged. To make the story of an accident credible, Jeeves had knocked out Sippy with a golf club. When Sippy came to, Jeeves told him that Bertie's new vase had fallen on him. Therefore, Jeeves had to smash the vase. This upsets Bertie, but before he can say anything, Jeeves points out that Bertie is missing his hat. Having left it in Sippy's office, Bertie goes to fetch it. He forgets to use the private door, and gets covered with flour. He decides not to help any more friends with inferiority complexes.

River City: Tokyo Rumble

Kunio, a delinquent student at Nekketsu High School, comes out one day to find his friend Hiroshi being beaten up by students from Hanazono High School. Kunio confronts the students and learns that their leader Riki, Kunio's longtime rival and friend, was the one who gave the order. Kunio travels to meet Riki, who denies calling the attack on Hiroshi. The culprit is revealed to be Riki's subordinates, who declare that they have joined a new organization of gang students called "Tokyo Lion Alliance" that stands poised to conquer all of Tokyo.

Accompanied by Riki, a biker gang leader named Shinji, and the physically huge girl delinquent Misuzu, Kunio travels through Tokyo fighting the various leaders of the Tokyo Lion Alliance: masked muscleman Demon Lion, the deceptively dangerous girl boss Rouge Lion, and the powerful pair known as Twin Lions. They are also frequently brought to a confrontation with Silver Lion, who used to be in Shinji's biker gang until he joined under the command of the Alliance's main boss. Ultra Lion.

Kunio confronts Ultra Lion and defeats him, but Ultra Lion is shot by the true masterminds behind the Lion Alliance: the Yakuza crime boss Sabu and his older brother Lee. Seeking revenge on Kunio for being defeated in the past, Sabu kidnaps Kunio's teacher Madoka and uses her to lure him to Hong Kong, where they have a final confrontation on a movie set. Kunio defeats Sabu and Lee, rescues Madoka, and returns to his hometown with his friends.

Heart of Love (film)

The film is set in twenty-first century Poland. The film's protagonist, Zuzanna Bartoszek, played by Justyna Wasilewska experiences an affair with a narcissist. Both as artists, experiment with love and emotion, exploring sexual dominance along with their artistic ventures.

Soyer (film)

The film is set in Łódź, Poland. The film's chief protagonist is a youngster named Soyer. His nickname derives from soya beans, the only food he permits himself to consume for his own well being and that of other creatures. Soyer is described as either a "fool" or "a modern-day saint". His family treated him for mental disorders, although Soyer never considered himself ill-minded. Soyer considered himself Moses. After his mother went to hospital, his care-taking became responsibility of his sister, Małgośka and her husband, Janek Bryl, an ambitious banker. Soyer considered the couple's life to be overwhelmingly focused on the material world, whom he sets out to save them from, even against their own will.

Edge of the Knife

In a 19th-century summer, two large families gather for their annual fishing retreat on the far-removed island of Haida Gwaii. , a charming nobleman, causes the accidental death of his best friend 's son and hastens into the wilderness. is tormented by what he has done and spirals into insanity, becoming , a supernatural being crazed by hunger. He unexpectedly survives the winter, and at next year's gathering, the families try to convert , back to , while also wrestles with a desire for revenge.<!-- The following cast list was taken from IMDb; it is currently hidden because the actors' names are unreferenced and the order is simply alphabetical

The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be

The track of the old Springfield Monorail (from "Marge vs. the Monorail") is converted into a "sky park". At the official opening, Mayor Quimby turns on the electricity which causes the monorail car to activate and destroy the boardwalk, running down Sebastian Cobb in the process before finally derailing and crashing into a memorial statue of Leonard Nimoy.

At a town hall meeting about the disaster, Mayor Quimby shrugs off Marge's suggestions with sexist remarks after which she is encouraged by her family to run against him for Mayor of Springfield. After an initial slump in the opinion polls, a promise at the candidates' debate to extinguish the tire fire pushes her support above Quimby's, ultimately winning her the election.

However, when the bulldozers arrive at the tire fire, Marge feels sympathy for the landmark's souvenir stand operator who has chained himself to the gates in protest, and calls them off where she is accused of breaking her promise. When Marge and her support team return to the tire fire offering to buy the souvenir stand. When he declines her offer, she accidentally insults the still-chained owner learning that he was a Vietnam War veteran whose best friend died stepping on a land mine. This further damages her support.

In an attempt to win back voters, Marge holds a live broadcast from the Simpson kitchen which is watched and rated live by her support team (consisting of Lindsay Neagle, Professor Frink, and Julio from ''Three Gays of the Condo'') and a focus group. During this, she chastises Homer's embarrassing antics, filling the room with laughter and causing her approval rating to skyrocket. As a result, she is encouraged to continue to publicly make fun of Homer, who gets a sandwich named after him, and his own balloon in the Thanksgiving Day Parade that "farts" confetti.

When she sees how Homer has been turned into a laughingstock, she visits Quimby at his home to ask if it is possible to balance being a good leader and having a family life. He tells her that it is not, but that the first night out of office, he truly noticed how attracted he is to his wife Martha. She thanks Marge as well for "giving her husband back".

At the christening of a manhole cover, Marge breaks from the script Lindsay gives her and professes her love for Homer. The crowd walks away muttering in disappointment.

Eight years later in the final scene, Marge and Homer walk through a hall dedicated to her political career. Marge suggests skipping one exhibit that they come near, but Homer points out they have to pass through it to get to the building's cafeteria. They then walk through the exhibit that revealed that she was impeached and Quimby was reinstated as the Mayor of Springfield.

Singin' in the Lane

The family is enjoying their dinner when Mr. Burns calls Homer to invite him to a basketball game, having been turned down by a long list of Springfield residents and celebrities when he made the offer to them. Homer receives four tickets and decides to bring Lenny, Carl, and Barney along while the four are at Moe's Tavern. Seeing how upset Moe is at being left out, Homer decides to revive the Pin Pals bowling team (see "Team Homer") with himself, Lenny, Carl, and Barney as members and Moe as their captain.

The Pin Pals perform well in competition and secure a berth for the state finals in Capital City, but quickly develop a rivalry with a team of investment bankers called the Fund Bunch. Bart quickly takes a liking to their callous psychological manipulation and bullying of others, while Lisa allies herself with a geeky team called the Number Crunchers to find weaknesses in their character that she can exploit. To stop this behavior, Moe offers a wager to the Fund Bunch. If the Pin Pals win, the Fund Bunch must give them something that only rich people have; otherwise, Moe will lose his bar and change his name.

Before the final match, Homer lets slip the fact that Barney's bowling skills deteriorate greatly when he is drunk. The Fund Bunch tricks Barney into drinking expensive bourbon, leaving him unable to bowl. Bart and Lisa reconcile, and Lisa uses the Number Crunchers' findings to throw the Fund Bunch off their game. Homer takes Barney's place for the tenth and final frame, needing three strikes to win. Moe tries to stop Homer, imagining the prospect of being able to start a new and better life in France if he loses his bar, but Homer nevertheless bowls the strikes and wins the championship for the Pin Pals.

Feeling rejected by his friends for being a bad coach, a depressed Moe returns to the bar but finds the other four waiting to surprise him, saying that they are still a team and his friends. The Fund Bunch arranges for the Pin Pals to take a zero-gravity plane flight, during which Homer struggles to float inside the cabin due to his weight while the others do so easily.

Mr. Lisa's Opus

7 years ago in 2010, baby Lisa wakes up Marge and Homer, upon seeing a sunrise, exclaiming "Light!", "Breakfast!" and words relating to nature. Realizing she is a genius, Homer admires how awesome she is, offending Bart, who was going to show him a drawing but instead stabs him in the leg with a pencil.

17 years later in 2027, 18-year-old Lisa is writing a Harvard College admission essay and she starts reflecting on her past, while she is having to cope with 20-year-old Bart being a disappointment and still living with their parents.

Lisa begins her essay with her 7th birthday in 2016, showing how she accidentally destroyed her favorite blue dress and switched to red, and how Marge inadvertently got Maggie addicted to pacifiers after she could not sleep. The family and her teacher, Ms. Myles, forget her birthday, with Myles sending her to Principal Skinner after she gets sad on them celebrating Hubert Wong's birthday, but not hers. Homer comes to get her and finally remembers that it is her birthday, and coming home they find out Ned Flanders did not forget and gifts her a tricycle. The family celebrates her birthday with a bowl of cereal and milk, with some candles on it.

Next, Lisa shows how Homer and Marge's marriage nearly fell apart on her 14th birthday in 2024. The family this time remembers, and even brings Leon Kompowsky to sing new verses for "Happy Birthday, Lisa" while Homer brings a cake with "Happy twelfth twelfth 12th birthday", which he is disappointed with when an amused Lisa corrects him. After Lisa returns home from school, she places some of her gifts from school in Marge's closet, only to discover an unopened letter for Homer in a suitcase, where Marge says she is leaving him and opening a bed and breakfast with the other kids.

At dinner, Marge gets angry at Homer for drinking in front of the kids, and tells him to go to Moe's Tavern to drink. Marge goes to the kitchen to cry and Lisa is ready to take action. At the tavern, Lisa warns Homer that Marge is going to leave him and makes him promise to quit drinking, as she does not want him to ruin the last memories of the next four years of them together. Homer calls his sponsor, Ned, to help him quit. He succeeds and the marriage is saved.

Lisa sends her essay into Harvard, who note that the essay is not all great, but admit her in anyway due to her stellar grades and extracurricular activities, making her the first student from her state. They send in a drone to Lisa with her acceptance. Other drones from other prestigious universities appear (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGill University, Oberlin College, Tufts University, Boston College) but the Harvard one destroys the others.

Lisa goes to college and sets up her room, but is not happy in her first day, especially when one of her new roommates makes her feel inferior. While taking a walk outside college, Bart cheers her up, telling her that she has better prospects for her future and urging her to make their parents proud. As he then leaves with the rest of the family, Lisa watches as Maggie holds up an encouraging sign for her "YOU SPEAK FOR ME!". As she heads back into her new room, preparing for the new life, she also meets a second roommate, who is sulking at not being good enough in her own life. Lisa comforts her and they both find they have a lot in common. Lisa finds that this new friend will make her life in college better, since she will have someone to talk to throughout her journey, with something more hinted between them.

Lisa narrates in a voiceover that after looking back on her past, she never doubted that who she is was good enough. A collage of scenes through her life is then shown, returning to the first scene of 1-year-old Lisa exclaiming "Light!", as Homer admires her as the most amazing thing he did. After she describes his happy and euphoric mood, he takes her down to the piano with Marge, as the couple sings a new version of "Those Were the Days" from ''All in the Family'' to her, Lisa joining in with them during the last line. Norman Lear enters the house telling Homer and Marge that he will see them in court.

A final tour of Springfield is shown during the credits which plays the closing theme to ''All In the Family'' with the Duff Blimp saying "Stay tuned for ''Simpson and Son''".

Haw-Haw Land

On a rainy day, the Simpson family goes to a STEM conference, where Lisa meets Brendan Beiderbecke (voiced by Ed Sheeran), a boy who is proficient in the piano, and falls in love with him. The bullies are overthrown by Brendan, including Lisa's ex-boyfriend Nelson who tries to impress her musically at Phineas Q. Butterfat's Ice Cream Parlor, starting a conflict in her heart.

Meanwhile, Bart discovers he has an interest in and a talent for chemistry after witnessing chemical reactions. He tries it out on his treehouse with Milhouse where they turn the leaves of the tree into rock candy after Homer and Marge leave. Homer and Marge get worried over Bart, but he seems to be doing good for once, but an accident at school, involving Superintendent Chalmers accidentally drinking a sulfuric acid-laced cup of vodka and losing the tip of his tongue, seems linked to Bart. Bart claims not to know of the incident, but Marge and Homer are unsure.

The family goes to a talent show, where Bart will put on a chemistry demonstration, while Nelson and Brendan perform. Nelson is booed all the way through while Brendan does well. However, he is disqualified for living in West Springfield and is going to be transferred to a school there. After Brendan says goodbye to Lisa, Nelson tells her he is relieved that she didn't choose him, as he needs to focus on his own skills before he can date her. Lisa ends up alone, finding herself enjoying it. As Bart begins his demonstration, the police show up to arrest him for the sulfuric incident. At first conflicted, Marge chooses to believe Bart and assists him in the demonstration, producing a vibrant and safe visual. This proves that Bart is innocent, as Willie admits to spiking the vodka in an attempt to murder Principal Skinner. However, as Marge and Bart reconcile, Bart admits that he built a prank into his demonstration, which explodes and fills the school with pink foam.

In the final scene at the talent show's after-party, while Willie spikes the punch with the Polonium hydride(H2PO), Marge apologizes to the viewers stating that this episode was supposed to parody ''Moonlight'', not ''La La Land''. Homer states that nobody there has seen ''Moonlight''. When Marge offers to show him that movie as they have the DVD, Homer states that he would rather see ''X-Men: Apocalypse'' which everyone in the background is interested in seeing, except for Lisa, who'd like to see ''Moonlight''.

Mata Hari (TV series)

Margaret MacLeod, persecuted by her ex-husband, is deprived of custody of her daughter and abandoned to the mercy of fate with no means of subsistence. She becomes a dancer and is desperate to find any other earnings.

Under the pseudonym Mata Hari, Margaret becomes the favorite of the European elite. For her the doors of luxurious mansions and villas open, each performance produces an incredible furore. But the First World War is coming, which will forever change the course of history.

And Mata Hari can barely foresee what role she is destined to play in the upcoming events.

Port Xanatath

''Port Xanatath'' is the third in Group One's series of ''Traveller'' adventures, taking place aboard an ex-alien pirate base.

Anna (2019 feature film)

In 1990, Anna, a young Russian beauty who has been the victim of domestic abuse, will do anything to escape the life she is trapped in. In a twist of fate, she reluctantly accepts an offer by KGB officer Alex. After a year of training, she is to work as a KGB assassin for five years under a handler named Olga, after which she will be free to continue her life as she pleases. KGB head Vassiliev is not willing to honor this agreement, implying that the only way out of the KGB is death.

She goes undercover as a fashion model and is hired to work in Paris. At the same time, she completes various missions and assassinations. To avoid suspicions about her, she has a romantic relationship with fellow model Maude, endorsed by Olga. When she is found out by the CIA, she agrees to work for them as a double agent with Agent Miller as her handler, in exchange for the promise of immediate retirement and a protected life in Hawaii. Miller later tasks her with assassinating Vassiliev, with the CIA hoping that his absence would lead to smoother relations with the KGB. Anna kills Vassiliev and fights her way out of the KGB. She later arranges a meet with Alex and Miller, bartering information she stole from the two agencies in exchange for a temporary reprieve. As she is leaving, she is ambushed by Olga and shot for her betrayal. However, she uses a body double to fake her death and escape.

It is revealed that Olga had earlier discovered Anna's association with the CIA and the planned assassination of Vassiliev. Both women conspired to go along with the CIA's plan so that Olga could succeed Vassiliev and later faked Anna's execution to fool both agencies and set Anna free. As Olga moves into Vassiliev's former office, she views a recorded message left for her by Anna, who expresses her gratitude to Olga but reveals she kept evidence of Olga's involvement in Vassiliev's murder in case Olga betrays their agreement. Olga smiles in admiration, and proceeds to delete Anna's file from the KGB database.

Remembrance (Cabot novel)

Six years after the events of ''Twilight'', Suze Simon is studying for a master's degree in counselling and interning at the Mission Academy office. She is now engaged to Jesse, who is finishing his medical residency, but he insists on waiting for marriage, much to her frustration. When Suze receives an email from Paul Slater informing her that his company is knocking down her family's old house in Carmel, she calls him, still furious at him for hitting on her at their graduation party. Paul mocks her celibacy, and reminds her that tearing down the house might unleash a curse on Jesse from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, as it is his resting place. He offers to save the house if Suze sleeps with him.

When Suze carelessly tends to a self-harming student named Becca Walters, she is confronted by Lucia, an angry young ghost claiming to protect Becca, who unleashes an earthquake in the office. At the Coffee Clutch that afternoon, Aunt Pru warns Suze to keep an eye on 'the child'. When Lucia attempts to drown Suze, Jesse orders her and Gina to move to Jake's house for their safety; Suze agrees to the date with Paul.

Speaking to Father D the next morning, Suze discovers that Lucia was a classmate of Becca's who died in a horseback riding accident several years ago. Father D approaches the Walters, but is seriously injured in an accident caused by Lucia; at the hospital, Suze and Jesse discover that her triplet step-nieces are mediators - and that Lucia has been playing with them. Lucia then strangely directs Suze to discover that Paul, not her step-brother Brad, is the triplets' real father.

At school the next day, Suze interrogates Becca, who admits that Lucia was murdered by Jimmy Delgado, a handyman at their previous school, who had molested her; she also reports narrowly avoiding abuse by Father Francisco, the school principal. Suze and Jesse track down Jimmy, and she confronts him with Paul while on their date; he shoots himself, but Suze finds his child abuse files and client list, which includes Father Francisco. They are intercepted by Jesse at dinner, and Paul reveals their deal, causing him to walk out. With her knowledge of the triplets' parentage, Suze blackmails Paul into giving her the house. Outside, she finds Jesse, who is hurt at all the secrets Suze has kept from him, but forgives her. As they are about to make up, Paul comes out to mock them once more; Jesse punches him and is arrested for assault.

That night, Suze sees Lucia, who thanks her and moves on to her afterlife. She gives Delgado's files to CeeCee and visits a greatly-improved Becca the next day; when she leaves the Walters' mansion, she finds Jesse with the keys to the house. They drive there, and make love for the first time in Suze's old bedroom, after which Jesse reveals he has received a grant allowing him to start his own medical practice. With the help of Father D, Suze and Jesse get married the next weekend and host a wedding reception at the house, surrounded by their friends and family.

A Masterpiece of Murder

A retired private eye teams up with a former jewel thief to solve a murder.

The Girl on the Late, Late Show

A man tries to track down an old screen star.

Chain Reaction (2017 film)

The "chain reaction" that is the focal point of the movie has its origins in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. The film's chief protagonist Marta, played by Małgorzata Mikołajczak, and her husband Adam (Tomasz Włosok) plan their wedding. The couple's friend Paweł (Bartosz Gelner), a film director, who after making an irreversible decision sets out an unstoppable set of events.

Wild Roses (film)

Ewa, the film's chief protagonist played by Marta Nieradkiewicz, is a thirty-year-old mother with two children. Her mother (Halina Rasiakówna) is devoted to helping her daughter's caretaking of children. Ewa's husband (Michał Żurawski) works abroad, so that the family can complete the construction of their family home. The movie's dilemma centres around the fragile nature of their long-distance relationship, evidently as the film reaches its disastrous climacteric.

Car-Jacked (novel)

Twelve-year-old Jack Mattingly and his parents, Nigel and Leonie, are at a petrol station in Northumberland. Jack is left alone in the car while his parents go into the station, when the car is hi-jacked by the bank robber Ross, who believes it to be empty.

Upon discovering Jack, Ross throws him out, but returns to rescue him when he realises that the boy has asthma and needs his inhaler. As Jack goes to sleep, Ross receives a call from his crime boss James Shearer, who gives him an ultimatum to get hold of £100,000. Jack has overheard the conversation and starts to describe to Ross how the police will find him and arrest him.

Meanwhile, Jack's parents are discussing the disappearance with the police, and Leonie is wondering whether a ransom will be necessary. The police find out Ross' identity.

The car crashes into a ravine, with both Jack and Ross surviving. James Shearer sends a video message with a suffocating man to Ross' phone. Ross explains that the man is his younger brother, Stuart, who has stolen money from James Shearer. To save his brother, Ross needs to give £100,000 to Shearer for the return of his brother. It soon occurs to Ross that Jack can help him save Stuart.

A regional broadcast is made about how Jack is missing and Leonie goes hysterical about he didn't have his Omega 3 pills with him.

When Jack and Ross go over some peat bogs, Jack explains the damage they are doing to their environment and his life story with it. They find a house which they break into. Jack indulges himself in sugar, Weetabix and Tetley tea bags. Jack explains that his mum is very competitive and Ross compares her with his horrible mum, who swapped him for a paper ticket. Ross goes over how his mother abandoned him and was placed into care, where his brother got placed in care a few years later.

They go out to the side of the road to flag a truck down. They soon flag down a Polish man named Yanos, who agrees to give them a ride. A report comes in for a missing boy, and Jack hears his mum's hysterics.

Hijas de la luna

The telenovela chronicles four sisters: Juana Victoria (Michelle Renaud), a young woman who works in an inn and lives in Mexico City; Juana Soledad (Jade Fraser), a young lady who is a nurse; Juana Bárbara (Lorena Graniewicz), a regiomontana who practices boxing; and Juana Inés (Geraldine Galván), a Puebla novice.

On her deathbed, Juana Victoria's mother, Rosaura, reveals to her that her real father is a man named Juan Oropeza (Omar Fierro), a hotelier from Mazatlan, Sinaloa. She goes to meet him and discovers that in addition to having a half-brother, Sebastián (Danilo Carrera), there is a possibility that she has three half sisters as well. Sebastián and Juana Victoria are given the task of finding them, and that is how a story begins full of romance, adventures, and unexpected encounters.

S&M Sally

When Jamie finds out her girlfriend Jill has spent time exploring BDSM, her insecurities about falling behind in the bedroom push her to propose that they start going to underground clubs. Jamie decides to use the pseudonym Sally so she can stay anonymous but still look like she is using her real name, which apparently she thinks makes her look cool. Identifying as the butch one in a traditional butch/femme couple, "Sally" assumes she will take the dominant role in their escapades, with Jill as her submissive, but Jill has ideas of her own.

For the Love of George

The story begins in early 2014. Poppy Wakefield lives a charmed existence, playing domestic goddess for her husband Stephen and working as a freelance magazine journalist from her beautiful home in England. Her seemingly perfect, if predictable, life is shattered when she discovers that Stephen’s recent birdwatching hobby is a cover for an affair.

Still in shock from betrayal, she finds some much needed respite in an entertainment talk show segment highlighting George Clooney's charitable work. To Poppy, George is everything her husband isn't; suave, sophisticated, funny and charming, someone who really cares about making a difference in the world and the ideal match for her.

When she receives a well timed invitation to visit her close friend Justin in Los Angeles she decides to give fate a helping hand and flies to LA on a quest to cross paths with George until a surprise announcement brings Poppy and her romantic fantasy crashing back down to earth.

When God Sleeps

Taking place in Germany throughout 2015, the documentary focuses on Shahin Najafi's life in exile as he struggles to produce music and embark on a tour whilst under the constant threat of danger. His long distance romance with Leili Bazargan, the granddaughter of Mehdi Bazargan, Iran's first Prime Minister following the Iranian Revolution, also complicates things due to his status as an outspoken critic of Islam.

The Ritual (2017 film)

Five friends—Phil, Dom, Hutch, Luke, and Rob—meet at a pub and discuss plans for a group holiday. Rob suggests hiking in Sweden, but gets rebuffed. Afterward, Luke and Rob leave to purchase alcohol, but interrupt a robbery in progress. Luke hides while the thieves harass Rob for his valuables. Torn with indecision over how to intervene, Luke continues to hide, and the thieves kill Rob for not giving them his wedding ring.

Six months later, the remaining four embark on a hiking trip along the Kungsleden in northern Sweden in Rob's memory. At the end of the first day, they set up a picture of Rob, some candles, and some mementos. Each take a drink out of a flask, and Hutch pours the rest out in Rob's memory, before replacing the lid to the flask. The next morning, they start again early when woken by a sudden strong rain, and the flask can be seen with no lid. Later that day, Dom injures his knee. Hutch suggests they cut through the forest rather than use the longer marked trail in the hopes of sparing Dom further suffering. Upon entering the forest, however, the group encounters strange phenomena, including a gutted elk hanging from several branches and strange symbols carved in the trees. As night falls, a torrential rainstorm forces them to find shelter. They come upon an abandoned cabin, so they break in and stay for the night. Inside, they find necklaces bearing similar symbols and a statue made of twigs of a decapitated human torso with antlers for hands. During the night, Luke has a nightmare about the robbery. The next morning, the group awake to find Luke's chest bleeding from strange puncture wounds and a naked Phil praying to the statue, all of them having had nightmares. Disturbed by their unconscious actions, the group tries to find a way out. While discerning their location, Luke spots a large figure amongst the trees, but Dom doubts him. In their ensuing argument, Dom calls Luke a coward for letting Rob die to save himself.

Later that night, Luke is having another nightmare about the robbery, and is awakened by Phil's screams. He comes out of his tent and finds Hutch's tent empty and partially collapsed. The remaining three men rush deeper into the woods to search for him, but by dawn, they realize that they are lost and unable to locate their campsite. While continuing their search without their supplies, they find Hutch gutted and impaled on tree branches. After giving him an impromptu burial, they continue on. Later, Phil is suddenly dragged away by an unseen creature. Despite realizing the creature has been stalking them the entire time, Luke and Dom have little choice but to make a run for it. As the creature gives chase, they find a torch-lined path leading to a small settlement and rush into a cottage to hide. After they get inside they are knocked unconscious.

When they awake, they find themselves restrained in a cellar. An elderly woman enters and inspects Luke's chest wounds, revealing she bears a similar marking on her chest. On her way out, she orders two men to take Dom upstairs. A younger woman enters and explains that preparations are being made for a sacrifice. Sometime later, a beaten Dom is returned to the basement. He tells Luke that he is to be sacrificed to the creature, urging him to escape and destroy the village before he too is sacrificed. Desperate to escape, Luke breaks his thumb and partially frees himself from his restraints as Dom is tied up outside by the townsfolk. Amidst the ritual, Dom has a vision of his wife emerging from the forest, not realizing it is the creature until right before it picks him up and impales him on a nearby tree. Some time later, the young woman comes back. When Luke asks about the creature, she explains that it is a Jötunn, an ancient god-like entity and an offspring of Loki that the cult provides sacrifices to in return for immortality. Luke has been chosen and is to either worship it or be sacrificed.

After she leaves, Luke fully frees himself and ventures upstairs. Armed with a torch, he finds a twisted congregation of mummified worshipers that begin to move and sets them alight, burning the cabin and attracting the Jötunn. It picks up the young woman. Luke finds a hunting rifle and heads downstairs, running into and killing a follower before taking another man's axe. The enraged Jötunn kills the young woman while Luke shoots at it and escapes. It pursues him, crippling his mind with hallucinations of Rob's death before catching and forcing him to his knees, offering him a chance to submit. Luke refuses before striking it with the axe, briefly incapacitating it. Following hallucinatory sign-posts and rays of sunlight, he emerges in an open field. Unable to leave the forest, the Jötunn roars in anger while Luke shouts back in triumph before heading towards a paved road that shows an approaching car.

The Backbone of America

An account executive tries to find the perfect American family to use in a forthcoming advertising campaign.

The Testament of William S.

In August 1958, a band of Teddy Boys terrorizes the city of London by attacking its inhabitants. The latest victim is the first secretary of the German embassy, failing to create a diplomatic crisis. Captain Francis Blake of MI5 and Chief Inspector Glenn Kendall of Scotland Yard are responsible for ending their abuses. That same evening, Captain Blake and Professor Philip Mortimer go to the Royal Albert Hall to attend a performance with William Shakespeare's ''The Merchant of Venice''. After escorting the ladies home, they help a couple in Kensington Gardens and put the perpetrators to flight.

The same evening, the marquis Stefano da Spiri discovers in the cellars of his Venetian palace a secret room containing a mannequin locked in a glass case and an autobiography of his ancestor Gugliemo da Spiri. One letter explains that the autobiography includes three riddles leading to three keys that will provide access to an unpublished work by William Shakespeare. The next day, Sarah Summertown, president of the William Shakespeare Defenders Society, is made aware of the discovery and the Marquis's butler leaves for London to deliver the documents by hand. At the same time, the Earl of Oxford, who defends the idea that it is his ancestor Edward de Vere who is the true author of the work of Shakespeare, learns the news and decides to enlist the services of Olrik, currently imprisoned in Wandsworth.

As soon as he arrives in London, the Marquis's butler's papers are stolen by two Americans. Fortunately, the marquis had taken the precaution of sending the original by mail to his friend Blake. Sarah Summertown then explains to Blake and Mortimer the value of the discovery: in 1858, Lord Lupus Sandfield made the promise to donate a sum now representing 10 million pounds to whoever discovers a proof of the true authorship of the work of Shakespeare. This offer, valid for 100 years, expires in just three days. Contacted via his notary, the current Lord Sandfield confirms that the offer still holds, wanting to respect the will of his ancestor despite his financial problems.

The next day, Mortimer accompanies Sarah Summertown's daughter, Elizabeth McKenzie, on this treasure hunt. The first enigma takes them to Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's hometown, where they are followed by two Americans under Olrik's orders. Fortunately, the first key is not there and they take the train to Venice. During their journey, they learn through the autobiography that two friends are hiding behind the name of Shakespeare: William Shake, an English countryman, and Gugliemo da Spiri, an Italian noble who cannot use his name. In London, Lord Sandfield's secretary is violently assaulted by the Teddy gang.

In Venice, Mortimer and Elizabeth find the first key in a Shakespeare bust belonging to American billionaire Peggy Newgold. The second riddle indicates that the key is at the Arena of Verona, but as they leave, the two Americans, who are none other than Sharkey and Freddy, beat Mortimer and tie the two women to get a head start. Mortimer and Elizabeth still arrive first in Verona thanks to the billionaire's Ferrari and recover the second key. The third riddle takes them to Ravenna where they find the third and last key. Back in the Marquis's Venetian palace, they choose one of the keys to open the glass cage and retrieve the last work of Shakespeare intact. Incidentally, they realize that the mannequin is in fact a real human body, that of Gugliemo da Spiri who committed suicide with cantarella.

Mortimer and Elizabeth return to London and, thanks to a scheme developed by MI5, manage to save the work from the hands of Sharkey and Freddy who are waiting for them at the exit of the airport. Kendall and his men follow them to the Oxford Lodge where they are arrested with the count. For his part, Blake visits Lord Sandfield to advise him that the manuscript has been submitted on time to his secretary at the hospital for verification. He then pretends to leave the house. Lord Sandfield's son then enters the living room and reveals himself as the leader of the Teddy gang. He is about to kill his father to prevent payment of the reward and recover the inheritance when Blake shoots the weapon in his hand and stops them. Two days later, Blake, Mortimer, Sarah and Elizabeth remember their adventure. The manuscript could not be considered as valid proof by the notary because it was still an unsigned draft, but Sarah is pleased to have discovered the truth about Shakespeare and a financial agreement has been made with Lord Sandfield. Moreover, she is happy that her daughter could have known Mortimer better.

Method (2017 film)

Veteran actor Jae-ha and idol star Young-woo are cast in a stage play called ''Unchain'' as Walter and Singer, respectively. Young-woo is initially uncooperative during rehearsals, arriving late and failing to display any interest in or enthusiasm for the play. Frustrated by Young-woo's flippant attitude toward acting, Jae-ha pushes him to change his behavior. Young-Woo becomes intrigued by Jae-ha's passion for his work, and devotes himself to his role, reading books Jae-ha gives him and accompanying him on outings to find props for the play. Jae-ha is well known for his method acting, by which he assumes the identity of his character and acts like him during the period of time that the play lasts; he even goes so far as to incorporate this new personality into his daily life. After learning about this, Young-woo secretly decides to put on the same method into practice, only to truly end up falling in love with Jae-ha.

Jae-ha's girlfriend Hee-won begins to sense the connection between the two actors as they grow closer. Jae-ha himself is increasingly tense and agitated, confused about his feelings for Young-woo, until one day he accidentally hurts Young-woo during a rehearsal. Later, he encounters Young-woo in the empty theater and the two share a kiss which is witnessed by Hee-won. The next day, Jae-ha finds Young-woo at his house and drags him into one of Hee-won's storage sheds, where Young-woo acknowledges his feelings for Jae-ha and they kiss again. The two drive to the beach together, where Young-woo posts pictures of them on Instagram which prompt rumors about the nature of their relationship. They are soon found embracing in the car by Young-woo's manager and Hee-won. Young-woo is driven away by his manager as Hee-won confronts Jae-ha about his sexuality. The day of the press conference for ''Unchain'', Young-woo tells Jae-ha that he posted those pictures on purpose, because he wanted to share their love with the world. He then asks Jae-ha if he loves him, and begs him to tell everyone about their relationship. Jae-ha does not reply, but in the press conference dismisses rumors about them by saying that they were only acting, and requesting that people stop prying into their personal lives and instead focus on the play itself. Young-woo is devastated by this and visits Jae-ha's house while he and Hee-won are sleeping. The next day, after Jae-ha leaves, Hee-won becomes aware of another person in the house, and one of her sculptures is knocked to the ground and broken.

Young-woo arrives late to the first performance of the play, and as he and Jae-ha act, Young-woo's lines suggest that he hurt Hee-won, enraging Jae-ha. He asks Jae-ha to kiss him, and when he does, Young-woo whispers to him that the kiss was not in the script. In the final scene of the play, Young-woo acts out his character's suicide, but chooses not to use the safety mechanism, which causes him to hang himself temporarily. Jae-ha holds him up until the scene ends. Jae-ha finds Young-woo unconscious, but Young-woo wakes up and tells him backstage that now he is the perfect Singer, while Jae-ha is only a mediocre Walter. After realizing that he and Jae-ha will never truly be together outside of their roles, Young-woo abandons the prop finger in the studio, symbolizing his loss of their potential relationship. Despite the fact that the two have realized that they are indeed in love with one another, Jae-ha is unwilling to pursue him and instead leaves the theater with Hee-won as she is the only one he has left willing to accept him and his flaws.