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Jeeves and the Song of Songs

Bertie is singing "Sonny Boy" in the bath when Jeeves tells him that Tuppy Glossop has come to see him. Bertie slips on some towels, and greets Tuppy, who says he is practically engaged to an opera singer, Cora Bellinger. She dislikes practical jokes, and heard about the time Tuppy tricked Bertie into falling into the Drones Club swimming pool. Tuppy asks Bertie to tell Cora that the incident never happened, and Bertie reluctantly agrees. Later, Tuppy brings Cora to Bertie's place for lunch. Tuppy fawns over Cora, though Bertie does not care for her.

Tuppy tells Bertie that their friend "Beefy" Bingham, a parson, runs a clean recreational establishment in the East End. Tuppy has been volunteering at Beefy's establishment to please Cora. She will sing at Beefy's next entertainment. To impress her, Tuppy will also be there to soulfully sing "Sonny Boy"; this shocks Bertie, who holds strong views on the song. When Jeeves informs Bertie that Bertie's Aunt Dahlia is coming, Tuppy quickly leaves. Aunt Dahlia arrives and says that her daughter Angela has had her heart broken by Tuppy, who left her for Cora. Aunt Dahlia wants Tuppy to go back to Angela. Bertie asks Jeeves to think of a plan. When Aunt Dahlia returns the next day, Jeeves has a plan. He believes Cora will lose interest in Tuppy if he is unpopular with Beefy's audience. Jeeves suggests that Bertie sing "Sonny Boy" first, so that the audience will be tired of the song by the time Tuppy performs. Bertie tries to refuse but eventually agrees.

At the entertainment, Bertie is intimidated by the tough-looking audience. He sees Jeeves, who, to keep Tuppy from realizing Jeeves's plan, has advised Tuppy to remain at the bar across the road until he appears. Jeeves suggests that Bertie go to another bar. After drinking there, Bertie feels more courageous and returns. He sings "Sonny Boy", and afterwards tells Jeeves that the crowd did not seem pleased. Jeeves explains that the song had been performed twice already. Bertie feels betrayed, but then Tuppy sings. The crowd shouts and throws food at Tuppy. Tuppy flees. Then Beefy takes the stage, and says that the next performer, Cora, will be late because her car broke down. She is now coming in a cab.

Bertie clutches at Jeeves, shocked that Cora was not there to see Tuppy's failure. Jeeves agrees that the scheme has gone awry. Upset, Bertie leaves, though Jeeves remains for the rest of the show. Later that night, Bertie is visited at home by Tuppy, who has a black eye. Tuppy says Cora is not right for him. He has Bertie call Aunt Dahlia for him, then goes to see Angela. Jeeves enters, and tells Bertie what happened. Upon Cora's arrival, Jeeves had told Cora that Tuppy wanted her to sing "Sonny Boy". The crowd did not react well, and she, thinking Tuppy had played a joke on her, punched Tuppy in the eye. Impressed, Bertie regards Jeeves reverently.

Barbie Dolphin Magic

A mermaid and her four dolphin companions hide from a ship. The youngest dolphin, named Emerald, curiously goes near the boat and is instantly captured as a rare "gemstone dolphin", as there is a mysterious woman offering a reward for them. The mermaid tells the dolphins to stay put and sets off in pursuit of the boat.

Meanwhile, Ken has taken an internship at a marine biology institute, and has arranged for Barbie and her sisters to stay in a beachside cabin nearby. While scuba diving, Skipper notices a strange animal heading towards the institute, and they follow it in the boat. Upon arrival, they find the perfectly healthy dolphin imprisoned in a cove modified into a recovery tank. Ken concludes that Emerald must have accidentally gotten in when the gate was open. Marlo, the institute's director, stops them from letting Emerald out, saying she has to wait until a vet can see him per protocol.

Once the group leaves, the 'animal' appears and reveals itself as the mermaid, who magically turns her tail to legs and tries to free the dolphin herself; however, Marlo has locked the gate. Barbie spots her, and tells her what Marlo said. The mermaid introduces herself as Isla, and reluctantly agrees to trust Barbie and return next afternoon when the Vet is supposed to be there. The sisters offer her a bed in the cabin, and she proceeds to amuse and puzzle them with her lack of experience with such simple concepts as mattresses, toothbrushes, sisters, dogs, and even sandwiches.

The next day, Emerald's family Ruby, Topaz, and Amethyst show up, and Isla reveals her secret to Barbie while swearing her to silence about it, which Barbie agrees to keep on condition that Isla teach her how to swim like a mermaid. They hear Emerald's cries through a cave, and realize there is an underwater tunnel from the bay into the cove. Isla and the Dolphins try to find the way through to free Emerald, but the cave system is too complex, and they have to give up. Meanwhile, Stacie, Chelsea, and Skipper see a sideshow company's helicopter land at the institute, and when they follow it they learn that Marlo intends to sell Emerald to the owner.

The dolphins disobey Isla and head for the cove. Marlo has Ken open the gate and then close it behind them, on the pretext that they will help reduce Emerald's stress level. Ken suspects something is off, and when the rest arrive after Marlo leaves, he realizes the truth and goes to open the gate; however, Marlo has already changed the code.

Skipper and Chelsea hatch a plan to hack into Marlo's key fob device for locking the gate, which succeeds, but Marlo simply changes the code again and destroys the device. Isla dives into the cove and reveals herself as a mermaid to the rest of the group, and hides the Dolphins in the caves. Marlo, thinking they got out through the gate, sets off in the helicopter. Isla gives Barbie a magic shell, and Barbie goes to the other end of the tunnel in the bay and uses it to create a signal that Isla can follow to help the dolphins escape. They make their way to Ken's motorboat, but Marlo spots them in the bay and gives chase. Barbie disguises herself as Isla and swims mermaid-style the other way, and is captured by Marlo, giving the rest time to escape. Once Marlo realizes her mistake, she lets Barbie go, but Barbie tells her she knows all about the dolphin poaching, and plans to go to Marlo's superiors and the authorities.

Many days later, Barbie uses the magic shell to communicate with Isla, and she and the Dolphins come back to the beach, now that it's safe, to visit them. Barbie dubs Isla her "sister of the sea", and they vow to always remain friends.

Episode of the Dog McIntosh

Bertie is looking after his Aunt Agatha's Aberdeen terrier, McIntosh. She tells him in a letter that she plans to pick up McIntosh in the evening. There is also another letter, from Bobbie Wickham. She wants Bertie to give lunch to her and two friends, and tells him to have plenty of sweets. Bobbie comes, and tells Bertie that an American theatrical manager named Blumenfeld and his young son are coming. The name sounds familiar to Bertie. Bobbie wants to sell Blumenfeld a play written by her mother. She plans to read the play to the Blumenfelds and wants to make the boy happy with sweets so that he will like the play; Blumenfeld takes his son's opinions seriously, since he thinks the child's intelligence is the same as an average audience's. With a yelp, Bertie remembers Blumenfeld and his son.

Bertie tells Jeeves that the Blumenfelds they saw in New York are coming to lunch. Bertie warns that if young Blumenfeld insults him as he did Cyril, Bertie will clump the child's head. On Jeeves's advice, Bertie is not present for lunch. Later, Bertie calls Jeeves from the Drones Club. Jeeves reports that the Blumenfelds have left, and Bobbie wants him to call her. Bertie does so, and she says that the child, buoyed by sweets, approved the play. She and Mr. Blumenfeld will sign a contract. Bobbie also says that the child adored Bertie's Aberdeen terrier, so Bobbie gave him the dog. Stunned, Bertie rushes home and tells Jeeves. Jeeves suggests that Bobbie, who is supposed to meet Blumenfeld in his suite, go to Blumenfeld's suite while he is out and let Bertie in, so Bertie can enter and use aniseed to lure the dog away.

Jeeves apprises Bobbie of the plan. Bertie meets Bobbie at Blumenfeld's hotel. She opens his suite and McIntosh, drawn to the scent of aniseed, follows Bertie home. Bertie praises Jeeves for his plan and rewards him with five pounds. Bertie realizes that Bobbie will be in trouble when the Blumenfelds discover that McIntosh is gone; at the same moment, the door bell rings. Jeeves says it is probably Mr. Blumenfeld, and advises Bertie to hide behind the settee. Bertie does so.

Blumenfeld enters and smells aniseed. Jeeves tells him that Mr. Wooster is an eccentric who sprinkles aniseed on his trousers, and is easily stirred to violence. Afraid, Blumenfeld leaves, and Bertie thanks Jeeves. Jeeves explains that he told Bobbie to tell Blumenfeld that Bertie had taken the dog. Jeeves adds that, before he left, Blumenfeld paid Jeeves five pounds in exchange for the dog, though Jeeves actually gave him another Aberdeen terrier he purchased earlier. McIntosh is in Jeeves's room. Bertie praises Jeeves again and rewards him with another fifteen pounds. When Aunt Agatha calls to make sure McIntosh is all right, Bertie has no worries.

Cataclysm (comics)

Galactus is displaced into the Ultimate Marvel universe. When he crosses the portal, the Gah Lak Tus swarm senses his energies, and submits to him. He decimates the Kree and the Chitauri alien races, and he is opposed by Captain Mar-Vell, Rick Jones (with powers granted by the Watchers) and Silver Surfer. Mar-Vell dies, attacked by the swarm, but Rick Jones takes his suit and activates a bomb that destroys it. Rick Jones and the remains of the swarm fall into another dimension, and Galactus heads to planet earth, killing Vision in the process. Sensing the reality Galactus hails from, Vision manages to send a cryptic message to Earth, pleading for the Ultimates to ally with Reed Richards before she shuts down.

Galactus turns out to be more powerful than the Ultimates and the conventional military; realising the desperation of their situation, the Ultimates ally with the inexperienced Miles Morales, the traitorous Reed Richards and the outcast X-Men. Tony Stark discovers that he comes from an alternate reality, so Richards and Morales are sent to it to find information. Arriving on Earth 616, they sneak into the Baxter Building and retrieve information about Galactus, who that reality's Richards had defeated before. The two are discovered by Valeria Richards, who recognizes Richards as not her real father, but manage to escape.

The Ultimates' plan is set into motion: Kitty Pryde receives the Giant-man serum, so that she can destroy Galactus' machine and attack him while in giant size. They also employ Jean Grey to telepathically read Galactus' strategy, but when he senses them and attacks, Steve Rogers sacrifices himself to buy the Ultimates more time to execute their attack. While Galactus manages to seriously harm Pryde in spite of her intangibility, her sacrifice is ultimately a distraction: Richards opens a portal to the Negative Zone, intending to swallow Galactus into it where he will starve with no energy to feed on. Galactus resists the portal's pull, which threatens to tear apart reality if open too long, so Thor sacrifices himself to push Galactus inside; a reluctant Stark and Richards close the portal with Thor still inside.

Wanderlust (British TV series)

Joy Richards, a therapist, is injured in a traffic accident. The accident was caused in part by distraction upon her sighting a former patient of hers, Emily. Emily's husband, Josh (who was also a patient in couples therapy), committed suicide during the treatment. Joy's injuries and her recovery from them exacerbate the marital difficulties she is having with her husband, Alan. Joy meets Marvin at physical therapy, and they have a fling. Alan confesses an affair with a colleague, Claire. Rather than become mutually acrimonious, Joy suggests an open marriage as a solution to their difficulties. Joy's affair with Marvin ends but she rekindles romance with her (now married) former boyfriend Lawrence. Alan detests Lawrence because Joy had cheated on Alan previously with Lawrence. Episode 5 consists mainly of a long session with Joy's own therapist (Angela), during which Joy comes to realize her self-destructive promiscuity is a sublimation to avoid the real issues in her life: bereavement from her mother's death and guilt over the suicide of her patient, Josh.

The Spot of Art

While lunching with his Aunt Dahlia, Bertie tells her that he will not be able to join her on her upcoming yachting cruise because he has fallen in love with an artist, Gwladys Pendlebury. She painted a portrait of Bertie that he hung in his flat. Bertie must stay in town to head off his rival for Gwladys's affections, Lucius Pim. Aunt Dahlia is confident that Jeeves will stop the match between Bertie and Gwladys, destroy Bertie's portrait, and deliver Bertie to Aunt Dahlia's yacht.

In his flat, Bertie sees Jeeves, who had wanted to go on the yacht cruise, and who also disapproves of Bertie's portrait, due to its hungry look. Jeeves informs Bertie that Gwladys was in a car accident; she ran over a gentleman's leg. The man, Lucius Pim, is now in Bertie's spare bedroom, by Gwladys's request. A doctor stated that Pim should not be moved. Bertie speaks to Pim, who mentions that his sister, the wife of Slingsby of Slingsby's Superb Soups, is coming tomorrow, and will prosecute Gwladys if she finds out that Gwladys injured him. To protect her, Pim asks Bertie not to tell Mrs. Slingsby what happened. Later, Pim tells his sister it was Bertie who ran him over. Now that Mrs. Slingsby is angry with Bertie, Pim suggests that Bertie send her flowers. Bertie reluctantly sends Mrs. Slingsby roses.

Expecting Mrs. Slingsby to arrive, Bertie is surprised when Mr. Slingsby shows up. He is angry that Bertie sent his wife flowers. From within the flat, Mrs. Slingsby appears, and Bertie realizes she left home before the flowers arrived. Mr. Slingsby charges at Bertie, only to trip on a golf ball Bertie had been practicing with. Bertie tells Jeeves to let Mr. Slingsby recuperate in his bedroom. He asks Jeeves to notify him when the flat is empty, then leaves for Paris.

Three weeks later, Jeeves notifies Bertie that the flat is clear. Bertie returns to London and is shocked by a poster for Slingsby's Superb Soups with an image of his portrait. At home, Jeeves says that he gave the portrait to Mr. Slingsby, on the condition that Mr. Slingsby not bring Bertie to court. Pim, having become Gwladys's fiancé, acted as Gwladys's agent for the portrait's copyright deal. Letting Gwladys go, Bertie is more concerned that his face is on soup posters. Jeeves suggests that they join Bertie's Aunt Dahlia on her cruise, which was postponed. Happily, Bertie approves this plan.

Apostasy (1948 film)

Segawa, a young rural school teacher in the Meiji era, hides his burakumin roots, as he had promised his father, who had hoped for his son a life without social rejection. His promise conflicts with his wish to confess his secret to his fiancée Oshiho. Oshiho's father and Segawa's mentor Kazama, ancestor of an old samurai family, has just been forced to retire for plain monetary reasons, thus losing his pension. After prominent burakumin writer Inoko, whom Segawa met with, is killed by a group of villagers, rumours about Segawa's descent are spreading. Put under pressure at a public meeting of the town's people, he finally reveals the truth. With the majority turning against him, including his former mentor, he is forced to resign. Upon leaving the town together with Oshiho, who decided to stay by his side, he is waved good-bye by his single loyal colleague Tsuchiya and the town's children.

Future World (film)

At the film's opening, a voice-over explains that mankind's technological breakthroughs in the development of artificial intelligence and robotics eventually lead to a global war. Afterward, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland while the surviving machines remain hidden.

In the wasteland, a Warlord (James Franco), raids a settlement that contains a high-tech lab with an android girl named Ash (Suki Waterhouse). The Warlord activates Ash who opens two different colored eyes, (one blue, one green), that light up when she receives commands through a handheld remote.

Elsewhere, in a fertile zone called the Oasis, a young man called the Prince (Jeffrey Wahlberg), sets out on a mission into the wasteland in search of medicine to help his sick mother the Queen (Lucy Liu). His only clue to finding it is a faded postcard of a place called "Paradise Beach" where the rumored cure resides.

The Prince and his friends who accompany him, stop at Love Town, a wasteland settlement that deals in sex slaves and is run by the pimp "Big Daddy Love Lord" (Snoop Dogg). There they try to get directions to Paradise Beach but attract the attention of the Raiders. The Prince's friend Rico (Ben Youcef), drives off the Raiders with a handgun – a rare and valuable item in the wasteland. Big Daddy approaches with an offer to meet with someone who can help them, but it ends up being a trap set up by the Warlord where Ash captures the Prince and kills his friends. The Warlord then forces the Prince into taking them back to the Oasis, during which Ash (who knows the Warlord will kill everyone) decides to save him.

Ash is damaged during the escape, leaking fluid from a gash in her abdomen, but she and the Prince manage to find shelter where she passes out when her systems shut down. The next day the Prince fashions a stretcher and drags Ash's body through the wasteland until he eventually finds the ocean. There his hopes are shattered when they are taken prisoner again by another group of wastelanders residing in the ruins of the seaside resort.

At the resort the Prince meets the "Drug Lord" (Milla Jovovich), who offers him the cure but at a cost. She injects him with a syringe and he passes out after experiencing hallucinations. Meanwhile Ash is taken to Lei (Margarita Levieva), a mechanic and a prisoner of the Drug Lord, who repairs Ash and reactivates her. Afterward, Ash is taken before the Drug Lord who fawns over how valuable she is.

The next day the Drug Lord forces the Prince into a gladiatorial battle with one of her minions saying that if he survives he gets the medicine and goes free. The Prince manages to defeat his opponent and retrieves the drugs, but the Drug Lord says that Ash is staying with her.

Later that evening, Lei goes to free Ash who is chained up in a cell but her attempt to saw the chains proves futile. Ash accepts her fate to remain a prisoner. Lei kisses her, but then draws away, thinking it's wrong to take advantage of Ash. However, Ash returns her affection and makes love to her. The next morning, the Drug Lord discovers Ash and Lei together and, in a jealous rage, orders Lei to wipe Ash's memory of the event and reprogram her into a loving companion for herself instead.

Outside, the Prince returns and tries to sneak back into the resort just as the Warlord arrives and attacks the complex. In a drug-addled fury, the Drug Lord faces off with the Warlord who ends up killing her with the Prince's handgun. During the distraction, the Prince tries to help Lei and Ash escape, but they are all captured. The Warlord tries to retake control of Ash with the remote, ordering her to kill her friends, but Ash kills his men instead. She stabs the Warlord with a machete and then escapes with Lei and the Prince on a pair of the Raider's motorbikes. The Warlord gives chase, but Ash stops and kills him in one last stand.

The three eventually make it back to Oasis where Ash tells the Prince she's leaving to find others like herself that are out there somewhere. The Prince returns to his mother and gives her the medicine as Ash rides off with Lei into the wasteland. In a mid credit post scene, Ash returns to Love Town and frees the sex slaves, who get revenge on Big Daddy Love Lord by attacking him.

I Can Only Imagine (film)

Ten-year-old Bart Millard lives with his mother and abusive father Arthur in Texas. One day, Bart's mother drops him off at a Christian camp, where Bart meets Shannon. Upon his return from camp, Bart finds that his mother has left and movers are removing her belongings. Bart angrily confronts Arthur, who denies that his abusiveness was the reason she left.

Years later, in high school, Bart and Shannon are dating. Bart plays football to please Arthur, but is injured, breaking both ankles and ending his career. The only elective with openings is music class, so he reluctantly signs up. Initially, Bart is assigned to be a sound technician, but after overhearing him singing, the director casts him in the lead role in the school production of ''Oklahoma!''. Bart overcomes his reluctance and gives an impressive performance, but does not tell Arthur, who finds out the night of the show when he happens to see a flyer for the show in a diner. Arthur suddenly collapses in pain, and finds out he has cancer, which he hides from Bart. The following morning, Bart antagonizes Arthur, who smashes a plate over his head. At church, Shannon sees the blood and presses Bart to open up, but he responds by breaking up with her, and leaves town to seek his fortune in the city.

Bart joins a band in need of a singer, and convinces Christian music producer Scott Brickell to manage the band and secure a showcase in Nashville. Bart surprises Shannon and invites her to tour with the band, and is confused when Shannon flatly refuses. In Nashville, Brickell introduces Bart to established artists Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, but is unable to convince record executives to sign the band, who do not believe the band, now performing as "MercyMe", is good enough. Devastated, Bart quits the band, but Brickell thinks that Bart needs to resolve issues in his personal life, so Bart reconciles with the band and asks them to wait for him, and leaves to return home.

Bart returns home late at night, and is confused to find that Arthur has prepared breakfast for him the next morning. Arthur claims to have become a Christian, but Bart is skeptical and refuses to forgive him, and leaves. In anger and despair, Arthur smashes his old Jeep, which he had asked Bart to help him restore. Bart attempts to drive away in Arthur's pickup, but discovers the terminal cancer diagnosis, and returns to Arthur. Bart forgives his father, and the two form a deep bond, but Arthur soon dies of his illness.

After Arthur's funeral, Bart rejoins the band and writes "I Can Only Imagine", and also calls Shannon and apologizes to her for the first time since their breakup. Brickell sends the demo tape to several artists, including Grant, who, deeply moved by the song, asks to record it herself as her next single, and Bart, who just wants the song to be heard, accepts. On stage, Grant begins the song, but can't bring herself to sing it, and calls Bart on stage from the audience to sing it himself. Bart's performance earns an enthusiastic ovation, and he reunites with Shannon, who was also in attendance. The band releases the song as their first single, achieving success on both Christian and mainstream radio.

Prezident Blaník

Tonda Blaník discovers that, according to one interpretation of the constitution, he would be able to sell the Czech Republic if he was President. He decides to sell the country to China and announces his candidacy for the 2018 presidential election and starts gathering signatures. He promises voters corruption available to everybody and Lithium for every family. He gathers 100,000 signatures but his assistant Žížala fails to bring the signatures to the Ministry of Interior, and Blaník is therefore not registered. He decides to support one of other candidates but doesn't know who will win. He decides to convince all the other candidates of his plan, with the exception of Miloš Zeman. Blaník subsequently has a change of heart and decides to support Zeman, because he is the only candidate who won't sell the Czech Republic to China. Blaník supports Zeman but finds out that Zeman sold the Czech republic to Russia and decides to steal the national jewels and flee the country. He changes his mind at the border.

Yalom's Cure

''Yalom's Cure'' takes viewers on an existential journey through the many layers of the human psyche. In the film, Irvin D. Yalom reflects on the meaning of life and how to lead a fulfilled life. He offers profound insights into the knowledge he has gained over many years and into his own spiritual life.

Born in 1931, the psychiatrist and author Irvin D. Yalom is seen as one of the most influential psychotherapist in the United States. The film traces his background and career by means of flashbacks using photos and Super 8 footage from his family archive. Re-enactments of therapy sessions illustrate the method of group therapy which Yalom developed together with others. Starting with his main works, including ''Love's Executioner'' (1989), ''The Schopenhauer Cure'' (2005) and his 1992 novel ''When Nietzsche Wept'', the director accompanies Yalom in his daily life and talks to him about human existence, love, happiness and the fear of death. In these in-depth conversations, the director interweaves Yalom's professional and private life.

The film also observes Yalom in conversation with his wife and together with his children and grandchildren. All four children are divorced, while Yalom and his wife have been a couple since their youth. The family members reflect on the reasons for this and refer to Yalom's ideas on existential psychotherapy.

The film was made for the cinema and has a meditative narrative rhythm and poetic imagery: Yalom is shown cycling, at a family gathering, and cooking. There are also numerous underwater scenes.

The Circus Princess (1982 film)

A circus comes to the city, the main star of which is an air gymnast, performing dizzying stunts - the mysterious Mr. X. He always hides his face under the mask. The audience, especially the women, are burning up with curiosity, but Mr. X is relentless and continues to carefully hide his face.

At the same time, the city's men surround the beautiful Countess Palinskaya who dream of becoming her husband. But the proud beauty rejects all of them, and then the prince, one of the "failed suitors", decides to play a cruel joke on her. The prince makes an arrangement with Mr. X that he should take off his mask, present himself as a distinguished nobleman and begin to flirt with Palinskaya.

Between the "young nobleman" and the countess a romance arises, and soon a lavish wedding organized by the prince is staged right on the circus arena. But in the midst of the celebration a portrait of Mr. X is brought, the prince tears off the mask from the picture, and everyone sees that the groom is in fact Mr. X! The jubilant prince gloatingly tells to Palinskaya that she became the wife of a miserable circus performer, but then Mr. X unexpectedly intervenes. He begins to tell his true story and then the situation changes instantly...

Simultaneously with Mr. X's romantic story, an equally romantic love story is unfolding between the young student Tony and the young circus gymnast Marie. The young man wants to marry his lover, but the harsh Madame Caroline, Tony's mother and the proprietress of the Hotel "Green Parrot", are absolutely against it. And only the help of the resourceful servant Pelikan can help the lovers to find happiness ...

The Relaxed Wife

At the moment the title appears on the screen, a wide rubber band is shown being stretched to the limit until it snaps. The narrator opens with the words, "After the day's work and worries are done, what is more fun for a man than to come home to a quiet house with happy children and a loving spouse?" At that point, two noisy children, a boy and a girl, run into the bedroom where their father is in bed reading a thick book entitled "Relax Relax Relax!". Their mother, the "relaxed wife" of the title, tell them to be quiet. As they leave the girl says "goodnight mother, goodnight father", while the father scowls. The narrator, who recites most of his text in rhyming couplets, then states, "some attempts at relaxing prove quite taxing — no joking — the effort may be most provoking".

The wife offers the husband hot tea, but he gulps it instead of sipping it and has to run to the bathroom to spit it out. The wife takes the book away from him and looks for another title among the following books on the bedroom shelf, ''"Living with Tension"'', ''"Living Without Tension"'', ''"Relax 24 Hours a Day"'', ''"Relax 365 Days a Year"'' and the last one, ''"How to Relax"'' which she hands to him and goes to lie down on one of the bedroom's two beds, separated by a nightstand, on which she keeps her reading glasses and her own book, titled ''"Wife Killer"'' and, as the shocked husband glares at the cover, he sees the illustration of a man's hand holding a bloody knife over a woman's body.

As the narrator's soothing voice is heard reading from ''How to Relax'', the audience sees stylized depictions of the husband's stress-filled life as he runs weaving in and out of gates similar to those used by Olympic skiers, arrives at his desk, which is piled high with papers, and starts answering a ringing phone, with a speeded-up voice at the other end continually badgering him. The signs placed around him state "THINK", "SMILE", "WORK" and "PLAN AHEAD", while the narrator explains, "although the feverish male is sure nobody else can have his troubles, we know his wife doesn't pass her days just blowing bubbles". The wife is then shown negotiating those same stylized gates, carrying a large basket filled with laundry, while the two noisy and boisterous children run and shout.

Returning to the husband reading ''How to Relax'', the narrator compares tension to a mosquito that continually buzzes, but never alights so that it can be swatted. The husband contorts his face, waiting to complete the swat, as the narrator asks if the wait would make him "worried, anxious, fearful, tense, irritated, exhausted", which is what tension does to him. As he dozes off to the narrator's soporific voice, his wife lifts the book from his lap and he jolts awake. She then reads to him, "true relaxation comes from conquering both nervous and physical tensions by calming both mind and muscles…" He imagines himself back at his work desk with his head having a pressure cooker valve sticking out of it and boiling over at top with the three-level lettering — "world's worries / other folk's problems / my affairs". A competing pressure valve then appears on top of his head with three different levels — "perfect / my very best / good work".

The wife is shown at the ironing board next to an overflowing wicker laundry basket of clothes, needing to be ironed. She relaxes by shaking her hands to relieve tension, then rolling her shoulders and neck muscles. As she continues, the husband gets up and begins shadow boxing, but receives a knockout blow from an invisible opponent and stretches out on the carpeted bedroom floor, while the wife continues to read the book's helpful advice regarding muscle relaxation.

At that point, the narrator again takes over, explaining, "as for everything else, the Greeks had a word for this mental and physical state of bliss — Ataraxia was the term they chose to use for the opposite of anxiety, fatigue and blues. Ataraxia means peace of mind and that — even more than money — is what most of us want to find". Laboratory beakers are shown while the narrator tells us that "today, medical science recognizes that some folks aren't helped by relaxing exercises. In cases of difficult tension and nervous apprehension, doctors are now prescribing an Ataraxic medicine. It makes those who fear they're about to quit, feel like they're ready to begin — bidding their darkened spirits goodbye — with the calming peace of a cloudless sky. Of all the states throughout this nation, the happiest by far is the state of relaxation…"

The husband dreams that he is again at his desk, but is now able to neutralize newspaper banner headlines of bad news, with other banner headlines proclaiming counterbalancing good news. Also, when he stops chasing elusive dollar bills attached to fishhooks, the money-laden fishhooks come within easy reach. Now that he is relaxed, good healthy sleep will no longer be elusive. The wife finishes reading, becomes drowsy, kisses her sleeping husband and lays down in her own separate bed. The narrator concludes, "for those of us who succeed to changing our attitudes, have learned the secret — of mastering our moods."

Jeeves and the Kid Clementina

Bertie goes to the annual Drones Club golf tournament at Bingley-on-Sea, where his Aunt Agatha's friend Miss Mapleton runs a girls' school, St. Monica's. Bertie wants to avoid Miss Mapleton. Jeeves disapproves of Bertie's new bright plus-fours and his plan to join Bobbie Wickham's party in Antibes in summer. On the pier, Bertie and Jeeves see Bobbie, who is visiting her cousin Clementina ("Clem"). Bobbie gets Bertie to give her and Clementina dinner and take them to the movies.

Afterwards, before Bertie is to bring Clementina back to school, Bobbie reveals that Clementina goes to St. Monica's, and she is not supposed to be out of school. Bobbie outlines how Bertie must sneak Clementina back into school: Bertie will take flower-pots from the school's conservatory, then climb a nearby tree, tie a string to a pot, balance the pot over a branch overhanging the conservatory ceiling, then move away and jerk the string from a distance. The pot will break the glass, someone will come out to investigate, and while the door is open, Clem will sneak in and go to bed.

Bertie tells Jeeves that Clementina is away without leave. Jeeves tries to propose his own solution, but Bertie, wishing to prove himself, shushes Jeeves. Instead, Bertie presents Bobbie's plan as his own, and adds that Jeeves will guide the kid inside after the glass is smashed. As Bertie approaches the school, he regrets ignoring Jeeves, but he proceeds. A policeman catches Bertie up the tree. Jeeves appears and tells the officer that Bertie had come to call on Miss Mapleton, but was pursuing intruders he spotted in the garden. To verify this story, the policeman brings them to Miss Mapleton. To Bertie's astonishment, she confirms Jeeves's story. The flower-pot, which Bertie left balancing on the branch, falls and crashes loudly into the glass ceiling, but Miss Mapleton attributes this to the intruders Jeeves told her about.

Later, Bertie asks Jeeves to explain what happened. Jeeves answers that he entered the school and asked to see Miss Mapleton; while the maid had gone to Miss Mapleton, Jeeves guided Clementina into the house unseen. Then he met Miss Mapleton and told her that Bertie was in the garden pursuing intruders. Bertie cancels his plan to join Bobbie at Antibes, and tells Jeeves that he may give away the plus-fours.

The Love That Purifies

Jeeves leaves for his annual holiday to go shrimping in Bognor. Bertie's friend Sippy, who is engaged to Gwendolen Moon, wants Bertie to stay with him to keep Gwendolen's young brother Sebastian occupied. Bertie, who does not like Sebastian, instead visits his Aunt Dahlia at her home, Brinkley Court. Aunt Dahlia's son Bonzo is there, as is Anstruther, a family friend, and Lord and Lady Snettisham. The son of Bertie's Aunt Agatha, Thomas ("Thos"), is also present. Anstruther has offered a Good Conduct prize of five pounds to whichever boy behaves the best. Thos, who is normally troublesome, is behaving very well; this upsets Aunt Dahlia, because she has bet that Bonzo would win the contest, while Lady Snettisham bet on Thos. Aunt Dahlia bet her valuable chef Anatole against the Snettisham's kitchen-maid.

The Snettishams try to bribe Bonzo to misbehave, though they fail because he loves the actress Lillian Gish and wants to be worthy of her. Aunt Dahlia wants to take revenge by sabotaging Thos. She asks Bertie to pose the problem to Jeeves. As Jeeves is away, Bertie proposes to handle the problem himself. Bertie tries to insult Thos, to entice him into misbehaving by exacting revenge on Bertie, but Thos remains well-behaved. Later, Thos earns bonus points in the contest after he performs a good deed. Bertie and Aunt Dahlia are confounded, and Bertie admits that they need Jeeves. He wires for Jeeves to come.

Without complaint, Jeeves cuts his vacation short and comes. He suggests that Aunt Dahlia invite Sebastian Moon to visit. Sebastian is an outspoken child, and Jeeves feels that Thos will not tolerate insults from a boy younger than him. Bertie writes to his friend Sippy, and Sebastian arrives two days later. However, Thos continues to behave well. Jeeves tells Bertie he has discovered the true reason for Thos's good conduct: Thos loves the actress Greta Garbo. Later, Bertie sees Thos chasing Sebastian with a bucket of water. Thos tries to splash water onto Sebastian but hits Anstruther instead. Anstruther then angrily chases Thos with a stick. Jeeves explains that he told Sebastian to insult Greta Garbo, and Sebastian eagerly obliged, since he finds her inferior to the actress Clara Bow. Bertie, astonished by the passion of the younger generation, is pleased with Jeeves. He tells Jeeves to return to Bognor, and that he can stay there another fortnight.

Blue Heat: The Case of the Cover Girl Murders

LAPD Detective Holly Jacobson goes undercover to find a serial killer who is murdering model girls who featured in the LA Erotica Magazine.

The Female Brain (film)

Stoic and uptight, university neurologist Julia Brizendine (Whitney Cummings) compares the female and male brain. She thinks she can outsmart her emotions, much to her assistant Abby’s (Beanie Feldstein) exasperation. She is divorced and living with her parents and Abby self-medicates.

Realtor Lisa Hampton (Sofia Vergara) and her husband of 12 years, Steven (Deon Cole) have a son Tyler. Fearing their relationship has grown dull, Lisa tries to spice things up by going on a date and getting high. Nothing works so they consider separation.

Perfectionist Lexi Mercer (Lucy Punch), fusses over her boyfriend of 2–3 years, Adam Simmons (James Marsden). Friends with Steven, he is fine with how he looks and won't straighten his hair as she wants. They break up when Lexi insists examining a tumor on his back, which turns out to be benign.

Zoe Green-Basker (Cecily Strong), a sales manager at an advertising company, resents gender stereotyping. She is close to starting her own firm with higher ideals. She and her pro basketball athlete husband Greg (Blake Griffin) have been married for one year. At home from an injury, Greg commits to renovating the bathroom himself. It does not go well.

As part of her study, Brizendine scans the brains of test subjects. One day, a patient named Kevin Avery (Toby Kebbell) flirts with her before entering the MRI machine. Brizendine is flustered, despite what she’s been telling herself. The scan registers no empathy in his brain, so she dismisses him in her mind. He asks her on a date the next day, and he talks her into it. After, she swiftly initiates sex thinking that this is what he wants, but Kevin turns her down, saying he wants something deeper.

Brizendine moves into a new house and Kevin offers to fix an electrical wire. Again convinced her studies tell her what he wants, she makes it transactional, offering to pay him. Then when Kevin stops by her campus office because she won’t return his texts, Brizendine tells him off and says she is fine without him. He says her testing is flawed because of her bias.

Lexi visits her parents one weekend and realizes her mother fusses over her the same as she has done to Adam. She goes back to Adam’s, who is surprised to see her with no makeup. She apologizes for trying to change him and wants to start over.

Greg is surprised to find a contractor working on the bathroom renovation and they get into a physical fight. Zoe, at home midday, stops the fight and says it was supposed to be a surprise. Then, Zoe states she has quit her job and she wants Greg invest in her new company.

Brizendine herself goes in for a brain scan. Her brain reacts to the stimuli, and she realizes she can’t control it. She admits that female and male brains are different, and that showing emotions is not a sign of weakness, giving a TED talk about it. Realizing she does love Kevin, she finds him at work and says that even if her heart broke, it would be worth it to love him.

Killing Bites

When attacked by some college students, Hitomi kills all of them except Yūya, who is shocked to see her transform into a beast and battle a lion monster at an abandoned waste facility. These strange people are "Brutes", fighters that have been created to combine the brains of humans and the fangs of beasts. The "Killing Bites" battles have been the decisive turning points in the Japanese economy since ancient times. Hitomi is assigned to protect Yūya.

Ask for Jane

In 1973, a group of women are arrested for being involved in an underground abortion network in Chicago. They flashback to four years before.

Patty drops out of school and runs away from home because she is pregnant. Rose successfully convinces Patty to get an abortion, which was illegal at the time.

Donna attempts to become a sex education teacher to replace sister Anne Marie. However, principal Rafferty denies Donna's request, citing the fact that there had been no complaints in the past 40 years she had been working there. Donna sneaks a book about birth control into the library.

Barb reveals her pregnancy, and suggests marrying Tim. Tim suggests an abortion, but decides to marry her instead.

Rose, Patty, and Janice graduate college. Rose and Janice decide to create the Women's Liberation Meeting (also known as the Jane Collective), which becomes very popular. The members of the meeting began searching for abortion doctors and directing pregnant women to them. Janice receives a call which threatens to report the group to the police. Rose breaks up with her fiancée, Bill. Donna is fired from her job after a student reports her. The group of women organize a protest for abortion rights. A police officer asks the group to lay low, and decides not to arrest anybody.

The group learns that Dr. Charlie lied about his medical license and pretended to be a doctor. They realize that Charlie had experience in abortions, and decided to keep him. Charlie teaches Janice how to perform an abortion. Soon after, many of the women also learn how to perform abortions.

The entire group is arrested but they are released on bond shortly afterwards. They gain national attention. Their trials begin. However, they are acquitted and their charges are dismissed due to the Supreme court case Roe v. Wade.

The Addams Family (2019 film)

An angry mob of villagers that rejects anything macabre in nature disrupts the midnight wedding ceremony of Gomez and Morticia and drives them away with the rest of the Addams clan. During the chaos, Grandmama buys Fester time to evacuate Gomez, Morticia, and Thing. Gomez and Morticia decide to move to New Jersey, a place "no one would be caught dead in." There, Gomez, Morticia, and Thing find their "perfect" home in an abandoned asylum on a hill. They meet Lurch, an escaped mental patient whom they hit when Thing was driving their car, and immediately recruit him as their butler.

Thirteen years later, the Addams family continue to live their gloomy lives in isolation from the outside world. Gomez prepares his son Pugsley for his upcoming Mazurka, a rite of passage that every Addams family member takes. Morticia struggles to keep their daughter, Wednesday, from wanting to experience the world outside the mansion after a balloon and confetti appear on their property.

Elsewhere, reality TV host Margaux Needler, who is building a perfect planned community called "Assimilation" so her show will have a successful season finale, discovers the Addams family's household and becomes determined to rid the town of it when the family refuses to change, starting with spreading rumors about the Addamses through social media, claiming that they are freaks. Wednesday then meets Margaux's neglected daughter Parker and convinces Morticia to let her attend junior high school. Pugsley struggles with the complicated traditions and pressure of his Mazurka, even with the guidance of Gomez and Uncle Fester. Grandmama arrives at the house for the event.

At school, Wednesday stands up for Parker and her twin friends Layla and Kayla from the school's bully Bethany and befriends them after she resurrects some dead frogs and commands them to attack Bethany. Later on, the two discuss their frustrations and change their dressing habits – Parker becomes more gothic and Wednesday dresses more colorfully – to the shock of both of their mothers, with Margaux vowing to destroy the Addamses. After an argument with Morticia, Wednesday decides to run away in secret and stay with Parker for a while, which Pugsley inadvertently tells Morticia.

As Cousin Itt arrives at the Addams household, Wednesday and Parker discover a secret room under Parker's house revealing that Margaux has planted hidden cameras in every house she designed in town. Margaux catches the two and locks them in the attic, but Wednesday breaks them out. Margaux rallies the townsfolk to attack the mansion just as the entire Addams clan arrive for Pugsley's Mazurka.

During the Mazurka, Pugsley fails in front of the whole family, but Gomez admits he forgot to let him be who he is. The mob arrives flinging boulders, severely damaging the mansion and trapping the family inside. Pugsley uses his love of bombs and destruction to defend his family and manages to destroy the mob's trebuchet. Wednesday and Parker join in and help everyone out of the wreckage safely with help of the living tree Ichabod.

As Margaux tries to take control once more, her treachery is revealed by Parker. They see that the Addamses are not monsters, but a family, as Wednesday and Parker states that everyone is weird in their own unique way, revealing that Margaux has been spying on Assimilation's civilians. Margaux's agent Glenn carries a message from the network stating that her show is now cancelled for her crimes thanks to Parker live-streaming her tirade against the civilians with her phone. As Fester comes up with a compromise for Margaux, Assimilation's civilians realize the error of their ways.

After they work together to rebuild the mansion, the Addams family and Assimilation's civilians live in peace. Margaux becomes Fester's business partner, selling homes to the other members of the Addams clan, and Pugsley completes his Mazurka.

Divan (film)

Pearl Gluck seeks to bring an ancestral couch, upon which esteemed rabbis once slept, back to her family. She travels from her home community of Hasidic Brooklyn to her roots in Hungary. During this journey Gluck meets a colorful cast of people, such as a couch exporter, her ex-communist cousin living in Budapest, a pair of matchmakers, and a group of formerly Orthodox Jews.

Bitter Life (TV series)

Mehmet and Nermin are desperately in love with each other. Both are living in the suburbs of Istanbul, trying to stay one step ahead of poverty by working harder each day. Their only aim is to get married and have a nice home. While Mehmet works as a welder in a shipyard, Nermin is a manicurist in one of the well known coiffeurs. But no matter how hard they try, they just never earn enough money to realize their dream. Ender, one of Istanbul's playboys sees Nermin and falls in love with her. Nermin, not being able to realise her dreams, gets upset, drunk and makes the biggest mistake of her life and spends the night with Ender. She has no other choice than to marry him. She leaves her old poor life and her only real love behind and starts a new life in richness with Ender. Heartbroken, Mehmet, decides to get revenge on Ender for taking his only love from him. He knows that Ender's family are rich and evil, so he decides to become rich as well, by stealing money from them, to be able to beat them in their own game. But despite all the things Mehmet goes through, he can't forget Nermin's love and pines for her. Even though he thinks Nermin betrayed him for money, he remains madly in love with her. He fights for his lost love until the end.

Happy Days (1978 film)

It tells the story of a husband and wife divorced because of a ridiculous issue. Husband and wife, who produce and sell pickles, are constantly fighting. One day, they get divorced after arguing over whether to make pickle juice better with vinegar or lemon juice. Three of the children stay with their mother and the other three with their father. They do not see each other for years. One day, everything changes when the truth of two brothers who fight without knowing each other by chance. All siblings try to reconcile their parents. The environment gets mixed up with the lies of Ziya, the pickle maker man's brother.


The story begins with Memo, who comes back from Germany to his village in south-east Turkey in the 1980s. Memo has collected all the money he needs, to marry the woman he loves (Cano). Unfortunately the whole village (especially his mother, Cano and the leader of the village called Ağa) want him to kill the murderer of his father, but the man is still in jail. Memo persuades the village by saying, that if the murderer of his father comes out of jail, then he will fulfill his duty.

At the day of the wedding the murderer of Memo´s father (Sülo) comes out of jail. Now the villages is waiting for Memo to kill his enemy and revenge his father, yet Memo does not want to kill a human being, even if he had killed his father. Memo and Sülo decide to scam the village, by staging Sülo's death. Unfortunately this ends in Memo being charged by murder, because everyone believed, that Sülo died of Memo's hand.

On the way to jail, Memo and Sülo are on the same bus, which is later on stopped and robbed by bandits. The leader of the bandits (Bekiro) recognises Memo and takes him to their hiding place in the mountains, so that he don´t have to go to jail. Also does Bekiro take Sülo, because Memo pities him. As time goes by Memo develops into a real bandit, while Sülo only does the dishes and receives no money, gold or other valuable objects. One day Memo sees Bekiro who puts money into an almost full vase in between bushes and says it to Sülo, who tries to persuade him into stealing the vase and getting rich. Yet Memo does not want to betray his old friend. After a while Bekiro cannot stand the loneliness and sadness of Memo due to his separation (the police taking him away) with his wife and decides to infiltrate the village and to bring Memo and Cano together.

At that day the whole bandit group is killed by the police, who found out, that the bandit´s came down to the village, except Memo. He is taken away again by the police, for the "murder" of Sülo. While Memo is in jail, Sülo tries to get him out of there, so that Memo can show him where the Bekiro´s vase full with money an other valuable items is. Sülö´s plan works, he smuggles Memo out of jail and they get the vase. The next step is to go to İstanbul, because Memo is still wanted in his village and around. After they get there suspiciousness evolves between Memo and Sülo, because of the money. However Sülo accomplishes to steal the whole money from Memo and runs away. Memo now has to work hard to live, while Sülo is spending the money on expensive evenings with food and women. Afterwards Memo finds Sülo in an establishment and takes him with the money to his hotel room to punish him. Later Memo gets a letter in which Cano has written, that the Ağa will marry Sülo´s wife, who technically is a widow, because of Sülo´s "death". Sülo cannot stand the idea of his wife marrying another man. He decides to go to the village and kidnap his wife, but Memo is against it, because then the whole village will find out, that he was not man enough to kill his father´s murderer. Still Sülo manages to get through Memo to the village.

At the village Sülo tries to kidnap his wife but he fails. Right at that point Memo comes and finds out, that the only reason why the Ağa said, that he has to kill his father´s murderer is, because he wanted to marry his wife. Yet Memo is furious and wants to kill his enemy until Sülo´s wife tells him, that she is pregnant. Memo empathises with her and her unborn child, due to himself being only brought up by his mother. Instead Memo decides to pay every debt of the villagers with the money he has to the Ağa, so that they are not controlled by him anymore. At the end Memo goes back to the mountains, but this time together with his wife.

The Only Story

The short (273 pp.) novel is the life story of Paul Roberts, who we first meet as a 19-year-old Sussex University undergraduate returning to his parents' house in the leafy southern suburbs of London (Sutton, in Surrey, is suggested as a model.) The time is the early sixties, and there are a few references to current events. Paul joins the tennis club, which is the one of the few opportunities such places offer for socialising. In a random-draw mixed doubles, he is thrown together with Susan MacLeod, a 48-year-old married woman with two daughters older than Paul. Improbably, Paul and Susan become lovers and she eventually leaves her family to set up house with Paul in South London. Having nothing to do but a little housekeeping, Susan soon descends into alcoholism and, years later, to dementia. Paul departs and embarks on foreign travels, picking up jobs and women at random.

Paul is a quintessentially alienated character. With no interest in either politics or religion, and no particular ambition, he takes life as it comes. As he narrates his life in this book, he freely admits that memory is unreliable and he may not be telling us the truth.

Part 18 (Twin Peaks)


The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her friend Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). FBI special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has been sent to the town to investigate and has discovered that the killer was Laura's father, Leland Palmer (Ray Wise), who acted while possessed by a demonic entity, Killer BOB (Frank Silva). At the end of the original series, Cooper was trapped in the Black Lodge, an extra-dimensional place, by BOB, who let out Cooper's doppelgänger to use him as his physical access to the world.

Twenty-five years after those events, Cooper manages to escape the Lodge through a portal between worlds; during this process, Cooper was supposed to replace the doppelgänger, but instead he takes the place of a second doppelgänger, Dougie Jones, fabricated by the first as a decoy for the exchange. Cooper's doppelgänger, exhausted from the process, crashes his car and passes out, allowing the police to capture him; he subsequently manages to escape, dividing his time between his search for access to "the Zone" and organizing his minions' attempts to eliminate the now catatonic Cooper, whom Jones's family and colleagues take for the real Dougie. After numerous attempts, Cooper's doppelgänger finds the correct coordinates to access the zone; he is redirected towards the Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, where the real Cooper is also heading after awakening from his incapacitated state. Lucy Brennan (Kimmy Robertson), the station's secretary, shoots the doppelgänger; when BOB, in the form of an orb, tries to escape, he is punched to his destruction by Freddie Sykes (Jake Wardle), an English boy with a Lodge-powered gardening glove. One of the station's prisoners, Naido (Nae Yuuki), turns out to be Diane (Laura Dern), Cooper's assistant, trapped by Cooper's doppelgänger in a deformed body. Cooper then travels through time to the night Laura was killed, seeking to prevent her murder.


In the Black Lodge, Cooper's doppelgänger burns. MIKE (Al Strobel) creates a new Dougie Jones, who rejoins his wife Janey-E (Naomi Watts) and his son Sonny Jim (Pierce Gagnon). Cooper leads Laura through the woods of Twin Peaks, when she suddenly disappears with a scream. Cooper sits in the Lodge, during a sequence similar to one shown before. MIKE asks: "Is it future or is it past?" The Evolution of The Arm asks "Is it the story of the girl who lived down the lane?" Cooper eventually leaves the lodge, where he is greeted by Diane at Glastonbury Grove.

In the morning, Cooper and Diane drive 430 miles to a desert location next to a power line. Diane asks Cooper whether he still wants to take on this task. Cooper warns that once they cross "everything could be different." They drive through an apparent portal, which takes them to a deserted highway at night. When they reach a motel, Cooper checks in, while Diane briefly sees another version of herself. Diane and Cooper have sex in their room that night, but Diane is visibly distressed. The morning after, Cooper wakes up in a different motel room to find Diane gone. He finds a letter signed by "Linda", addressing "Richard", saying that she is gone and asking him not to search for her.The number 430 and the names Richard and Linda were referenced by the Fireman in the opening scene of Part 1. Cooper drives to Odessa, Texas; while driving, he finds a diner named "Judy's." There he stops three cowboys (Matt Battaglia, Heath Hensley and Rob Mars) harassing a waitress, Kristi (Francesca Eastwood). Cooper asks Kristi whether another waitress works there, but is told that she has the day off. He gets her address.

Cooper drives to the home of the absent waitress (Sheryl Lee) who, despite looking like Laura, is confused when Cooper calls her Laura, and identifies herself as Carrie Page. When Cooper insists that she is Laura and offers to take her home to Twin Peaks, Carrie, who is already eager to leave Odessa, agrees to follow him. As Carrie packs her things, Cooper takes a quick look around her residence, seeing the body of a man dead from a gunshot wound on her couch, a white figurine of a horse, and an assault rifle on the floor. As they drive through the night, Carrie begins reminiscing about her past in Odessa, and how she tried to keep a clean house despite not knowing any better. When they arrive at Twin Peaks, they pass by the Double R Diner before parking in front of Palmer House. Carrie does not recognize anything. Cooper knocks on the door, but a stranger (Mary Reber) answers. The woman identifies herself as Alice Tremond, and, after speaking to her unseen partner, tells them that they bought the house from a Mrs. Chalfont and that they do not know who the prior owner was or who Sarah Palmer is. Cooper thanks her, and he and Carrie walk away, perplexed. Cooper hesitates and turns again towards the house. While walking mechanically, Cooper asks, "What year is this?" Carrie turns to look at the house and hears Sarah Palmer (Grace Zabriskie) calling out for "Laura." She suddenly screams like Laura; at that moment, all the lights in the house go out, and everything shown onscreen is plunged into darkness.

In the Black Lodge, Laura whispers into Cooper's ear as the credits roll.

Don't Cry, Joni

The song's plot is about a 15-year-old girl (Joni, sung by Joni Lee) who develops a crush on a 22-year-old neighbor of her family (Jimmy, of which part was sung by the elder Twitty). Despite Joni begging in a love letter to Jimmy to "please say you'll wait for me" so that they may someday get married, and pleading fidelity in the meantime ("Saving all my kisses just for you, signed with love forever true"), Jimmy goes over to Joni's house to explain their age differences and that he needs to find a suitable wife now. Joni is brought to tears with this realization.

Later in the song, Jimmy moves away and tries to find the woman of his dreams, but Joni's words ("Jimmy please say you'll wait for me, I'll grow up someday you'll see") are burned into his mind. Five years pass, and Jimmy realizes that Joni — although seven years his junior — may be the girl he was looking for all along. Jimmy decides to go back to his hometown, look up Joni and try to start a relationship ... only to realize his own heartbreak: Joni has married Jimmy's best friend, John.

6180 the moon

The Moon prepares to set and allow the Sun to rise, however, the Moon notices the Sun is missing. The Moon then begins a journey to find the Sun, and tell him to come back to Earth. On the way, the Moon talks to each of the planets, who give their opinions or advice on the situation. At the end, the Sun tells the Moon that he never left, and the Moon begins the journey back.

Enemigo íntimo

Season 1 (2018)

The season follows the story of two siblings who witness the murder of their parents in the hands of one of the drug cartels in Mexico, after this murder, Roxana Rodiles (Fernanda Castillo) the younger sister of Alejandro Ferrer (Raúl Méndez) is kidnapped. 25 years later, Alejandro Ferrer is now the captain of the Federal Police and only seeks revenge against the narcos for destroying his family. Roxana that after 25 years disappeared and ignoring that her brother is Alejandro enters a business of buying and selling diamonds. However, everything will be reduced when the interpol that silently followed the trail of money tries to capture it. After being detained and interrogated, Roxana enters the prison of Las Dunas, a boarding school with almost unique characteristics throughout Mexico, since it simultaneously houses, although in different pavilions, men and women deprived of liberty for being accused or condemned. for the most diverse crimes. Alejandro knowing this is responsible for sending Daniel Laborde (Matías Novoa), as an infiltrated agent who will try to fall in love with Roxana to obtain information, after several misunderstandings between the two siblings and without knowing they are relatives, they will try to destroy the narcos.

Season 2 (2020)

The second season takes place two years after the first season. Roxana (Fernanda Castillo), who can no longer hide under the alias of "El Profesor", will fight to reestablish the Mil Cumbres cartel and grow her empire, but Alejandro (Raúl Méndez), commander of the Anti-Drug Unit, will not be willing to leave her now that he knows that "El Profesor" and her missing sister are the same person. These conflicts between opposing sides unleashed a war of revenge between two blood brothers, now turned into worse enemies.

The Pagan King

The legend of the Namejs Ring is a story that takes place in the 13th Century in Semigallia, where the young Namejs (Edvin Endre) becomes the new king after the death of Viesturs (Egons Dombrovskis). The film follows Namejs as he attempts to deal with and repel Christian influence in Semigallia.

Third Degree Burn

Private investigator Scott Weston falls in love with the woman he has been hired to trail. When her husband is murdered, Weston is framed for the crime.


Kyōko is a renowned artist and writer trapped in a solitary gilded cage of her own success where she speaks to the phantom memory of her dead sister Taeko. Her assistant Noriko arrives to help her prepare to be interviewed by a prominent lifestyle magazine. Wrestling with nausea and self-doubt, she alleviates her insecurities by subjecting her older assistant to a series of ritual humiliations in front of the others.

A director yells "Cut!" and it is revealed that the two women were playing parts in a pornographic film. Noriko reveals herself to be a prima donna who is frustrated with the fledgling actress Kyōko's amateurish ineptitude and subjects her to humiliations mirroring those in the scripted scene. The layers of the two actresses' true personalities and Kyōko's background are revealed over the course of repeated performances of the scene.

Doberman Cop (film)

The burned and unidentifiable remains of a young woman are discovered in an apartment in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Objects in the apartment seem to indicate that the woman is named Mayumi Tamashiro, though the police believe this to be a pseudonym used by Yuna Tamashiro, a runaway from Ishigaki Island who has been missing for five years. Mayumi's former boyfriend, a motorcyclist named Chōei Mikawa who is also nicknamed "Hotshot", is originally a suspect but produces an alibi for the time of her murder. The police theorize that it must be the work of a serial murderer and arsonist.

Kano, a visiting policeman from Ishigaki Island, is unconvinced by the theory presented by the police and begins conducting his own invasion to find the real criminal. He speaks with Yuna's mother, a ''noro'' who predicts that Kano and Yuna will marry. A topless dancer named Kosode becomes infatuated with Kano and begins caring for his pet pig.

When Miki Haruno, an aspiring singer, is being held hostage by a crazed admirer near the top of a hotel, Kano uses ropes to rappel down the side of the building and break through a window to rescue her. That night he sees her perform at the Lido club, where one of the waiters tells him that the photo of Yuna does not look like his acquaintance Mayumi. Chōei Mikawa poses as a fan and tells her that he knows her secret and attempts to blackmail her but is caught by the club staff and beaten before he is saved by Kano. They find Miki passed out from drug use and Chōei tells Kano that until a few years ago she had been working at the same brothel in Kawasaki where Mayumi worked. He says that Miki Haruno is a persona created by her manager Hidemori, a yakuza from Osaka who put up money for her to get plastic surgery in the United States. Hidemori bribes Mr. Fujikawa, a judge on the show ''A Star Is Born'', to choose Miki as the best performer over her main competition Kenji Mizuki, who is sleeping with Fujikawa.

Kano finds Miki and introduces himself as the boy who used to live next door to her in Ishigaki when she was known as Yuna, but Hidemori and his men grab him and beat him, then tie him up. Chōei's new girlfriend Miyoko is attacked by a masked man who breaks her neck before pouring gasoline on her and lighting it. Chōei finds Hidemori and accuses him of the murder but is overpowered and tied up with Kano. One of Hidemori's men shoots Chōei's .44 Magnum at Kano but the recoil causes the bullet to hit the steam pipe from which they are hanging. Kano and Chōei fight their way free but Chōei is injured by a masked man while escaping. Hidemori and his bonded brother Jono show Mr. Fujikawa a video of Jono whipping his lover Kenji Mizuki.

Kano is arrested for killing Hidemori's men but escapes from police custody when Chōei tells him that he has seen the real killer's face. Kano rushes to Chōei's apartment but finds him murdered and sees the killer escaping. Kano catches the killer, a fellow police officer trying to eliminate individuals whom he considers to be scum, and kills him.

At the taping of ''A Star Is Born'', Miki is too nervous to perform and Hidemori gives her an injection of drugs to help. Kano determines that Miki killed Mayumi with her own belt, which was too small for Mayumi, and had had a locked engraved with the name "YUNA" to plant on the body before it was burnt. He tells this information to Hidemori, who reveals that he paid a yakuza to act as the crazed admirer who was holding Miki hostage in order to gain cheap publicity. Jono and Hidemori's other men enter but Kano kills them all. He uses a lucky bullet given to him by Chōei that is supposed to protect his life as his final bullet to kill Hidemori by shooting him through a door. He asks Miki to return to Ishigaki but she insists on finishing the show. She wins the competition and sings an encore of her song "My Memory" for the audience. Kano performs a traditional ritual of throwing shells and determines that the person known "Yuna" is ultimately dead. He and his pet pig set off to return to the island.

The Crucifixion (film)

In Bucharest, 2004 Father Dumitru and several nuns perform a violent exorcism on Sister Adelina Marinescu, who is believed to be possessed by the demon Agares. Dumitru and four nuns are arrested for murder when the three-day ordeal culminates in the death of Adelina.

New York journalist Nicole Rawlins convinces her editor to let her investigate the case. He cautions Nicole to not allow her personal views on faith or the death of her mother to affect her objectivity.

Nicole begins by interviewing Father Dumitru in jail. Dumitru claims he could have saved Adelina, and she only died because Bishop Gornick interfered with the unauthorized rite’s completion.

At Adelina’s funeral, Nicole meets Adelina’s close friend Sister Vaduva, who insists the young nun wasn’t murdered. Nicole follows a secret passage into the underground chamber where the exorcism was performed, and takes pictures of the cross where Adelina died before Bishop Gornick throws her out.

She then meets local priest Father Anton, who identifies Sister Vaduva as well as Adelina’s brother Stefan Marinescu, whom Vaduva lives with on a nearby farm. Anton directs Nicole to speak directly to Bishop Gornick at St. Joseph’s Cathedral.

Bishop Gornick tells Nicole that Adelina was mentally ill, not possessed, then goes on to infer that Father Dumitru was a rogue priest who overzealously performed an inordinate amount of exorcisms. She then has a strange encounter with mute gypsy boy, Tavian Amanar, outside.

Nicole returns to Father Anton. Anton theorizes that the demon allowed Adelina to die because it no longer needed her and could transfer its evil into someone else for another possession.

Nicole begins having terrible nightmares as well as waking visions involving strange activity. Vaduva again tells Nicole that the demon killed Adelina. Vaduva recounts how the seeming suicide of Father Gabrielle, a close mentor who unexpectedly threw himself from the monastery’s bell tower, triggered Adelina’s transformation.

Over dinner with Father Anton, Nicole confides in him how she lost her faith when her terminally ill mother died following a decision to abandon medical treatment for trust in God. Anton warns that Nicole is an easy target for the demon.

Nicole has another odd encounter with Tavian on her way back to the hotel. Following a sexual fantasy involving Father Anton, Nicole wakes to a frightening vision of Adelina.

Another visit with Vaduva reveals that Adelina fell in love with a man who led her away from the church, but the relationship ended unexpectedly. Adelina’s plea for God’s forgiveness seemingly invited The Devil instead. Vaduva describes what Adelina’s exorcism was like.

Father Anton brings a bottle of wine to Nicole at her hotel as an apology for how he left things the night before. They drink together and Nicole dreams of sex with Anton once again, but the priest leaves without incident when Nicole falls asleep after drinking one glass.

Nicole interviews Dr. Funar, who diagnosed Adelina as a schizophrenic. Dr. Funar recalls a demonic vision Adelina had during her diagnosis. While driving, Nicole notices rays of sunlight, which her mother once said were signs from God, seemingly directing her to a cemetery. Nicole finds Father Gabrielle’s grave, and learns he died on the same day as her mother.

Connecting that the demon possessed Adelina after it killed Father Gabrielle, Nicole rushes to the monastery. Gabrielle’s records show that his last appointment was with Tavian Amanar.

Presuming that Father Gabrielle performed an exorcism on Tavian, Nicole goes to see the boy’s father. Mr. Amanar reveals that Tavian actually retrieved Gabrielle to exorcise his father, as Mr. Amanar was hearing voices telling him to kill Tavian. Nicole is suddenly possessed by Agares and Father Anton races to the farmhouse to find Nicole violently possessed and levitating. While Tavian and Mr. Amanar hold her down, Anton performs an exorcism, pleading for Nicole to renew her faith. Nicole has a vision of her mother as the demon is ultimately expelled from her body.

Nicole returns to New York. End title cards reveal that Father Dumitru and the nuns were arrested and served seven years in prison for Sister Adelina’s murder, and that Father Dumitru resumed his exorcism service after his release from prison.

Okayama (dance)

At Takadachi, Yoshitsune is asked by Nikō (尼公, an honorific title for a noblewoman who has become a nun), the mother of his fallen retainers Satō Tsugunobu and Satō Tadanobu, to act as the '' '' for the two brothers' fatherless children. Yoshitsune agrees to sponsor them in their ''genpuku'' ceremony, and names the two Yoshinobu (義信) and Yoshitada (義忠). Fujiwara no Hidehira welcomes the two into his house. Tsugunobu and Tadanobu's widows become nuns with the assistance of Musashibō Benkei, and the two women join their mother-in-law Nikō and travel as pilgrims around Mutsu Province until they come to a place called Okayama, where they build a hut and die peacefully together.

The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street

Kermit is being awarded the Frog of the Year award, presented by Grover. Grover first recites a long poem about frogs, which introduces various Kermit the Frog segments from ''Sesame Street'', while being interrupted by the Three Little Pigs, who are there because Kermit introduced them twice on Sesame Street News.

Fragments of Horror

The book is a collection of eight short stories:

Tokyo Vampire Hotel

Manami is targeted by the rival vampire clans the Draculas and the Corvins on her 22nd birthday. That night, young men and women are invited to Hotel Requiem for a special coupling party held by Yamada, a Corvin vampire who lives in and operates the ornately beautiful, palatial hotel with his partner Elizabeth Báthory. Yamada declares to the gathered crowd that the world is ending and only the people inside the hotel will be saved. The Dracula vampire K, who possesses tremendous power, struggles against the other vampires to save Manami.

Shinjuku Swan (film)

Tatsuhiko, an unemployed young man, gets into a fight with a gang and is rescued by Mako, a scout who recruits girls to work for the Burst scouting agency run by Yamashiro in Kabukichō, a red-light district in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Tatsuhiko learns the trade and becomes a scout as well, with Yosuke as his direct superior. Yamashiro, the boss of the Burst scouting agency, is pressured by a need to pay extravagant protection payments to Chairman Shuzen Amano of the Monbukai family, who demands a bigger cut due to a better offer from the rival Harlem scouting agency.
Matsukata, the boss of the rival Harlem scouting agency, feels that his agency is letting Shinjuku be taken over by Burst. Harlem scout Hideyoshi Minami attempts to take control of the gray zone for his agency alone while he also works behind his boss Matsukata's back to take over the drug trade in Shinjuku, plotting to eventually take over the agency.
Tatsuhiko attempts to scout a girl named Ryoko but discovers that she is a madam when they both react protectively to help a girl arguing with a man in a restaurant. She is impressed and they make love that night. Mako later takes Tatsuhiko to a club called the Moulin Rouge where he introduces Tatsuhiko to his wife Ryoko and they must pretend that they have never met.
A Burst captain named Seki equal in rank to Mako forces Tatsuhiko into a conflict with Harlem where Hideyoshi recognizes Tatsuhiko from his past but Tatsuhiko does not remember him, angering Hideyoshi into breaking the first two fingers on Tatsuhiko's hand. Yamshiro tells Seki to handle the dispute despite Mako's objections. Seki takes Tatsuhiko to get revenge on a group of Harlem scouts but allows himself to be beaten up in order to lay the blame for the attack on Harlem. Yamashiro meets Matsukata to resolve the conflict and offers him 30 million yen to help with his money troubles if Harlem disbands and Matsukata joins Burst as a captain. In order to help Matsukata save face and disguise the buyout Yamashiro offers to sell Tatsuhiko to Harlem in return but Tatsuhiko reacts wildly and destroys much of the equipment in Matsukata's office, at which point Matsukata tells them to keep him and agrees to simply sell Harlem for 30 million yen.
Mako has been recording the conversation with Hayama, Harlem's No. 2, and they force Matsukata to step down for attempting to sell out the agency without consulting Hayama. Hayama has Harlem take responsibility for the conflict with Tatsuhiko and agrees to join Burst for nothing, plotting to take over the combined agency from within together with Hideyoshi. As president of the new combined agency, Yamashiro appoints only Mako, Seki, and Tokimasa of Burst along with Hayama of Harlem as the only captains with everyone else starting from scratch as equals and forced to prove their worth in a competition to see who can scout the most girls in one month and be promoted to captain. Mako warns Tatsuhiko against taking revenge on Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi rescues the fleeing Ageha, a hostess in great debt who has stolen 50,000 yen from a safe, and buys her from her angry employer, putting her to work around the clock under Mr. Ohbayashi, the abusive operator of a massage parlor. When she is utterly fatigued Hideyoshi offers her drugs so that she can continue to work. Meanwhile Hideyoshi pressures the Burst scouts Ohno, Konno, and Yoda into giving him their 18 newly scouted girls so that he can win the competition.
Tatsuhiko scouts Eiko, a 19-year-old cutter who commits suicide by jumping off the roof of a building. Overcome with guilt, Tatsuhiko stops Ohbayashi from beating Ageha, who views him as the blond Dark Prince from her favorite storybook come to rescue her. He finds her work in a more reputable establishment and takes her on a date around the area as he asks her questions to make sure that she is doing alright emotionally. She abruptly leaves to go to work she drops a bag of drugs that Tatsuhiko finds.
Seki convinces his lover Riko to let herself be scouted by Harlem, where she complains of fatigue and is offered drugs by one of the other girls. She arranges a meet to purchase more drugs at a bowling alley so that Seki can catch the Harlem scouts who are involved, but Hideyoshi foresees the setup and shows up with several men. Seki fights off Busuyama but is forced to surrender when Hideyoshi threatens to cut Riko's throat and is held down in a lane as Hideyoshi throws bowling balls down it, breaking his bones and putting him in the hospital. Hideyoshi and Busuyama later bother some of the girls in Ryoko's establishment and she kicks them out.
Ageha runs away from work and Tatsuhiko finds her back at Ohbayashi's place indulging in drugs with his assistance. Hideyoshi arrives at that moment with a briefcase full of drugs and Tatsuhiko takes it from him but is attacked by Ohbayashi, whom Ageha stabs and kills. Hideyoshi flees and Tatsuhiko begs Ageha to come with him but she would rather be arrested and get clean than continue her current life.
Mako meets Hayama in private and asks him to disclose the source of the drugs in exchange for protection or else he will be taken down like Hideyoshi. He finds out that the drugs are coming from Club Gorgeous and Yamashiro sends out all his men to hunt down Hideyoshi to obtain evidence from him.
Ryoko spots Tatsuhiko retrieving the suitcase from a storage locker and tips him off that Mako had slipped a GPS tracking device into his pocket and that Hideyoshi's real name is Daiki Furuya, a top student at Tatsuhiko's middle school who attempted to stab him in a gang fight. Tatsuhiko's friend Sakakibara jumped in between them and was stabbed instead, becoming paralyzed, after which Daiki Furuya left school and eventually changed his name to Hideyoshi.
Tatsuhiko and Hideyoshi meet on opposite rooftops to exchange the drugs for 20 million yen but after Tatsuhiko throws the briefcase of drugs Hideyoshi does not throw the suitcase of money and instead begins to leave. Tatsuhiko leaps from one rooftop to the other to stop Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi once again tries a sneak attack with a knife but Tatsuhiko knocks it away and finishes him off with bare-knuckle fighting. Hideyoshi cries that he wishes he had been stronger and had friends in school but Tatsuhiko explains that those things didn't help him any, demanding that they become friends from that point forward. Tatsuhiko allows Hideyoshi to escape but gives the drug evidence to Yamashiro, who creates a new position of "lieutenant" (below "captain") for him.
Escaping with the suitcase of money down a back stairway, Hideyoshi is attacked by a gang and shot dead. Tatsuhiko and Mako later visit the place of his death to lay roses. Hayama later asks Mako if he wants to take down Burst but Mako is not interested and accuses Hayama of shooting Hideyoshi, which Hayama denies. Ryoko holds a meeting between Mako and Chairman Amano where Mako says that there will be some upcoming disturbances but that everything will settle in the chairman's favor. The film ends with Tatsuhiko scouting girls at his normal location when he believes he sees Ageha walking down the street past him.

A Violent Separation

In a quiet Missouri town Norman, a young deputy sheriff, covers up a shooting at the hands of his older brother, Ray, but neither of the young men are prepared for what's to come, including Norman to die to the hands of Frances. As the investigation wears on, family bonds are tested as we descend into the depths of morality and loyalty and are forced to bear witness to the violent separation of flesh and blood with everyone desperately trying to do the right thing, all while doing the wrong.

Las Juanas (Mexican TV series)

"Las Juanas" is the story of five sisters in a forgotten little town reminiscent of Gabriel García Marquez’s hundred years of solitude; headed by Juana Valentina (Ana Serradilla), a brave dreamer who, upon her mother’s death, discovers the true identity of her father, Calixto Matamoros (Fernando Luján). Juana Valentina decides to go in search of her father and discovers that not only was she an illegitimate child, she was not the only one, as her father’s romantic adventures included four other women (in addition to his wife) with whom he also procreated other daughters. This strange twist of fate places Juana Valentina in the Calixto household where she meets Álvaro (Andrés Palacios), whom she falls madly in love with at first sight, until she discovers the possibility that he is her half brother, which seems to impede their love forever. While we wait for fate to reveal the truth, Juana Valentina meets her sisters: Juana Micaela (Paola Núñez), Juana Carolina (Martha Higareda), Juana Martina and Juana Prudencia (Claudia Álvarez). Not only do these women garner more than one stolen glance in town for their great beauty and charms, they come together to create a new family, under the protection of Calixto himself, forever bound by the ties of blood that joins them. Each one will find their love and destiny in the little town of Tierra Caliente.


Julián (Emmanuel Esparza) is an engineer who sees his life, his marriage and his work destroyed overnight, as he is blamed for a murder he did not commit. After being sentenced to 26 years in prison, he decides to escape to find the only witness who really knows who is the real culprit of the crime. However, in jail he meets Esperanza (Taliana Vargas) and in her he finds love again.

The Eighth Witch

Opening sequence

The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is featured in the background.

In the Characters' Past

In the New Realm, everyone gathers to help Henry celebrate the birth of his daughter Lucy. But Drizella shows up to dampen the festivities by warning them of a new curse that she will cast on Lucy’s eighth birthday. However, she is suddenly frozen in stone by Tremaine with the use of Blood Magic.

Eight years later the prophecy comes true. Everyone gathers for Lucy's birthday, but they are interrupted by the arrival of Gothel, who not only restores Drizella to life, but brings along a group of cloaked witches. Before leaving with Drizella, Gothel warns them that the Dark Curse is coming soon. Henry and Ella come up with a plan to protect Lucy from the curse while Regina tries to find a way to prevent it from being cast.

In another realm, Regina tracks down her sister Zelena and gets a greeting from Robin, now twenty-five and a skilled archer. When Regina warns Zelena of this new threat, she agrees to help. Zelena tells Regina that Gothel and her fellow witches are part of a group known as the Coven of the Eight, who are more powerful than expected. Meanwhile, Hook tracks down Rumpelstiltskin, who has given up his life as Mr. Gold after Belle's death. Rumple tells Hook that he can't stop the new curse, but he gives Hook a white elephant carving that will ensure that Hook and Alice will be together under the curse.

The event that was shown as a flashforward during The Final Battle is revealed; Henry and Ella agree to send Lucy to the New World using the same plan that Snow White and Prince Charming used to send Emma to the Land without Magic before the curse consumed them. Henry returns to the Enchanted Forest with Lucy to coordinate with Tiger Lily about building a magic wardrobe for Lucy. However, it appears that something followed Henry to the realm. Before he is captured, he gives Lucy the storybook and tells her to run. Instead of going to the tree, Lucy returns to the palace to tell Ella that Henry was kidnapped by the Coven of Eight.

Drizella has already set a scheme to make her mother believe she had cast the curse in order to help bring Anastasia back to life and casts a spell that causes Tremaine to collapse. Regina and Zelena return to discover that Drizella had poisoned Henry, and that the only way to save him is to send him to a land without magic. Drizella needs Regina’s blood to cast the curse. With Henry's life on the line, Regina casts the Dark Curse, which consumes the entire realm.

Before they're engulfed in the black smoke, Rumple gives Alice the chipped cup that will regain his memories and reminds her of what to do if it doesn't work. Robin embraces and kisses Alice, thus revealing the true love she had alluded to. Hook gives Ella the White Elephant so she and Lucy can be together, thus sacrificing his chance to reunite with Alice.

In Seattle

Jacinda rushes Lucy to the hospital after her collapse. The tear that Victoria used on Anastasia caused Lucy to slip into a coma, thus rendering her ability to being a true believer. Sabine offers to help Jacinda by calling everyone to fill them in on Lucy's condition and she says she'll ask Rogers if he can find out where Lucy was in the hours prior to her collapse.

In San Francisco

Meanwhile in San Francisco, Regina enlisted Henry in helping her meet someone who happens to work in a fitness center. Pretending to be new members, the two see the bike trainer leading the group, Kelly, who happens to be Zelena under her new cursed identity. Kelly, who still believes that Regina is still Roni and is bitter over having hired her daughter to work at the bar and giving her a ticket to Amsterdam and now instead of going to college, is now at a foam party in Phuket and never coming home. Kelly refuses to go back to Seattle with Regina, but using a potion to restore her memory, Regina offered Kelly a drink of whiskey and Kelly reluctantly accepted. After a sip, Kelly suddenly remembers her previous life as Zelena and the sisters are reunited for real. However, Zelena tells Regina that she is getting married soon, making it difficult to help Regina return to Seattle, but agrees to put the wedding aside to do this.

In Seattle, after Henry's return

Prior to the sister's reunion, Henry learned of Lucy's coma, so he returned to Seattle to find out what he can do. Jacinda suggests that he read the storybook to Lucy in the hope that he can give Lucy the belief that maybe he is her father and he can save her with true love's kiss, but when he kissed her forehead, nothing happened. After Henry called Regina regarding Lucy, Regina tells Zelena the only way to break the curse could have consequences and implications. If she doesn't break the curse, Lucy will likely die. However, if she does break the curse, Henry will die. Both sisters now must find a way to restore their powers in order to save them.

With Anastasia alive again, Victoria is trying to get her to assimilate to the new world. However, Weaver has shown up and tells Victoria about what she has done by placing Lucy in a coma so she can revive her daughter. Victoria is more upset that Weaver believes that Anastasia might be the Guardian that he's been seeking. A skeptical Victoria agreed to take Anastasia to a location with Weaver to test out the theory. In the lab room, Weaver has Anastasia pick out which of the five knives is the Dagger, and suddenly she causes a rumble that allowed the knives to direct itself to a cabinet and Weaver finds the real Dagger. Unfortunately, Anastasia became more disturbed when Eloise found her and she knocked Victoria and Weaver out. A scared Anastasia runs away, only to see a surprised Ivy, who gave her a pair of bracelets to control her powers. Afterwards, Rogers and Tilly, who have been tracking down a series of strange symbols that have shown up around the area, visit the lab and find an unconscious Weaver, who informed the two that the Coven of the Eight are in Hyperion Heights.

Ivy tricked Anastasia by bringing her to Eloise, as she hoped to get even with her sister by absorbing her powers with the bracelets, only to discover that Eloise betrayed Ivy by rendering her powerless by having Anastasia reclaim her powers with the bracelets, as she was the chosen one to follow Eloise/Gothel. Ivy/Drizella is then sent to a well hole, joining Rapunzel/Victoria as her prisoner. Gothel then takes Anastasia to a secret location to show her the wardrobe of the Coven, telling her that they are in Hyperion Heights and she knows where to look for them.

Secret Garden (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

Madame Leota is seen in the mirrored "O" of the series logo font.

In the Characters' Past

In Storybrooke, Robin is learning to practice spells, much to the dismay of Zelena, who is more upset with Regina because she gave her a book of spells. After Zelena takes away Robin's phone, Robin drops a potion and is transported to Gothel's home. Meanwhile at Tiana's palace in the New Realm, Regina comforts Hook over Alice when Zelena arrives to confront Regina about Robin. Regina believes it has to do with Gothel. As Zelena wants to make it personal, Hook wants to help and she reluctantly agrees. When they arrived to Gothel's home, Zelena and Hook stumble upon a seance conducted by Madame Leota, and finds Robin there, but defied Zelena and Hook and forced the two to leave.

Afterwards, Hook tells Zelena that she can save Robin by using the power of love instead of magic. But later on at Gothel's home, Robin is placed in the middle of a circle to be sacrificed so Leota can live, and when Zelena sees this she pushed Robin away and Zelena finds herself making the sacrifice. However, Robin uses her bow and arrow to save Zelena by aiming it at the amulet and shoots it out of Gothel's hand. The actions helped free Zelena and Robin from Gothel's spell and they began to bond as mother and daughter again. Robin then decides to give her magic left in the amulet to Zelena and to train on using a bow.

In The Present Day

With Lucy still in a coma and the dire situation that could result in Henry dying in order to save Lucy, Regina and Zelena decided to fight back for both of them as sisters and come up with a solution. Around the same time, Anastasia gets a chance to talk to Victoria in the pit and suddenly learned the truth about why her mother resurrected her, and the reaction isn't a good one for Anastasia. Back at the hospital, Eloise/Gothel surprised Zelena and offered her a deal to help Henry and Lucy, which is re-acquire the resurrection amulet, and although she agreed to bring it back to Gothel, Zelena had other plans for the item. As she informed Regina about this, she believes that the amulet is tied to the bar that Victoria tried to buy up previously.

Rogers meets up with Weaver to learn more about Eloise, but while he has suspicions about Victoria, Rogers believes Eloise to be innocent. At the same at the hospital, a doctor is looking for a donor to run tests in order to find a match for Lucy, and Henry volunteers. Back at Gothel's lair, Ivy and Victoria find a way to escape as Victoria snagged a pulley and the two escaped. While that was taking place, Rogers visits Eloise, who tries to charm him but is unaware that Anastasia is hiding in the closet. However, when Rogers returned to see Weaver and tells him that Eloise is hiding something, Weaver is convinced that it's tied to a cult.

Later on at Roni's, the sisters, despite no longer having any magic because of the new curse, believe that they have something better. As Regina points to a stained glass sign with their cursed names on it, she offered to put the sign back up as a way to bond, but Zelena smashed the sign because that's where she hid the amulet. This gives the sisters the chance to save Lucy but Victoria shows up with a gun pointed directly at Regina and is forced to give up the amulet. When Victoria turns over the amulet to Gothel in order to save Lucy, Gothel turned to Anastasia, who then used her magic to make it useful. Unfortunately, the amulet also revealed the person who has to be sacrificed in order to make it happen, and Ivy is the chosen victim. As Gothel prepares to take Ivy's life, even as she blames her mother for how she treated her, Victoria suddenly sacrificed herself by pushing Ivy out and she sacrifices herself. Victoria's action also saved Lucy as she emerges from her coma. As Rogers and Weaver arrives they see Ivy with her deceased mother.

With Lucy back to normal and Henry and Jacinda together again, it appears that the doctor who ran the test and discovered the truth that Henry is Lucy's birth father is poisoned before she could tell him by a mysterious person who also takes the papers so Henry will never find out, and then takes a lock of hair from the doctor.

A Taste of the Heights

Opening sequence

The “Rollin’ Bayou” is featured in the background.

In the Characters' Past

During the coronation of Tiana from princess to queen, Facilier shows up with a set of tarot cards to warn her of impending danger. Skeptical about his claims, Tiana decided to find out anyway with help from Cinderella and Hook. They soon stumble upon a major wreckage that was caused by a giant alligator, and discovers Prince Naveen there, as he is also hunting down the creature. A reluctant Tiana allowed Naveen to lead them as he can track the footprints of the alligator, and it leads them to a narrow bog, and Tiana and Naveen take the risk by crossing the lake in hopes of capturing the creature. Tiana, who had suspected that Naveen was doing this as sport, learned from the Prince its out of seeking revenge for killing his brother.

As they reached the middle of the lake, the gator went after Naveen and snatched him, but Tiana suddenly remembered seeing a spear that Naveen had that was similar to the one Facilier had and she used it to kill the creature but Naveen is now badly injured. When they returned to land, they are greeted by Facilier, who healed Naveen but at a price, which was to have the gator killed in order to retrieve a necklace. Tiana agreed to the favor but after he healed Naveen, Facilier used his magic to send him away until Naveen can repay him back.

Days later after the coronation, Tiana asks her friends to help guard the kingdom as she prepares to meet her people. However, Regina hangs back and confronts Facilier, who had been hiding behind some curtains. It turns out that the necklace Facilier was trying to retrieve belonged to Regina/The Evil Queen, and she was hoping that he returned it to her as part of a deal that was made between the two, who embrace and kiss passionately.

In The Present Day

Henry has now taken on a new role as a podcaster, and as he uses the podcast to point out Victoria's suspiciously shady deals in the wake of her death, he also talks about Jacinda, of which he hopes to win her affections.

At the food truck, Sabine is ready to sell her beignets when a former classmate from cooking school named Drew (Prince Naveen in this cursed realm) shows up with his food truck offering Cajun food. As the two complimented each other on their specialties, an officer showed up to shut Sabine's truck down over a delayed permit and she suspected Drew of doing this, but Drew, being noble about his upbringing and his decision to reject his family's path, helps Sabine find her permit. Unfortunately, it turns out that Drew is aligned with a mysterious character named Samdi, who is Dr. Facilier.

The presence of Samdi is getting the attention of Regina and Zelena as well, but they know that he isn’t cursed either because when he showed up with an offer to pay for the bar, the sisters pretended to act as if they were cursed to see if he knew if they were, and their hunch was right (he got their cursed names wrong). Samdi later offers Regina a chance to enjoy an evening with him, and after contemplation, she agrees.

Meanwhile, as Henry and Jacinda become more of a couple, Lucy's chance of becoming a family is dashed: a new page appears to her from the “Once Upon a Time” book and discovers a passage that reveals the fate of the curse, that if Henry and Jacinda kissed, he’ll die upon the breaking of the curse, so she stopped the two from kissing by literally coming in between them, claiming she just had a nightmare.

Around the same time, Weaver and Rogers began investigating the recent death of the doctor from the hospital, and it leads them to a blind baker who has ties to the doctor because she also ties to the Coven of Eight. The officers suspect that something isn’t right, so when they break in to the shop they find her knocked out but unconscious by an oven as if someone was trying to kill her with carbon monoxide in order to cover their tracks. Upon examination of a similar symbol that both the doctor and the baker had tattooed, Rogers, Regina and Weaver concluded that the witches are the killer's target.

Lucienne's Quest

The story of ''Lucienne's Quest'' is notably simple. The teenaged Lucienne is left in charge of watching her master's tower while he is away. A man named Ago arrives at the tower looking for Lucienne's master to get a cure for his lycanthropy. The two decide to set off on an adventure to search for a cure. Along their journey, they help people of other towns with their dilemmas and gain party members to help their cause.

Star (2014 film)

Young Masha desperately wants to become a star, she saves money for plastic surgery and in parallel, persistently goes to castings and looks after a lonely old man to earn money. Mature Rita is the lover of the deputy minister, who wants to become pregnant and marry him. Kostya is the son of a deputy minister, who is constantly in conflict with his father and Rita, but falls in love with Masha when he meets her.

After quarreling, Rita is forced to leave her lover's house, and meets Masha by chance.

Walnut Bread

In rural postwar Lithuania, the Šatas and Kaminskaitė families live next door to each other. A cow sold to the Šatas dies, creating enmity between the families. Andrius Šatas and Liuka Kaminskaitė grow up together and fall in love.

My Little Wife

Student Linas meets with Ruta, who is the daughter of the vice-rector of the institute. Further events develop in such a way that the hero who started classes is forced to go to the apartment to the professor and ask the girl for help, so Ruta's deception reveals itself. Finding her real parents, drunk and down people, Linas decides to marry the girl. He is transferred to the evening department to be able to work and help his wife study to be a zoologist.

Toc Toc

The movie opens showing five people who manifest OCD in various ways and one person who has Tourettes syndrome. Blanca has Contamination OCD. Thus, she avoids touching people or surfaces and if unavoidable uses antibiotic wipes or washes her hands. Ana Maria has verification OCD wherein she repeatedly checks the faucet, her keys, etc. Emilio is an arithmomaniac with Diogenes syndrome who crunches numbers and hoards. Otto compulsively organizes and avoids stepping on lines and cracks. Lili has echolalia and palilalia wherein she repeats phrases others say as well as her own. Lastly, Federico has motor tics, copropraxia and coprolalia and makes obscene gestures and utters vulgar phrases.

Each thinking they have an appointment for a private session with a famous psychologist arrive to find others have appointments at the same time and that the doctor is delayed. While waiting for the doctor to arrive they get to know each other and, finally, decide to do their own group therapy session.

The session is successful insofar as all the patients feel they have briefly overcome their compulsions and can build on that success. They agree to meet once a week on their own to continue working together. At the end it is revealed that one of the "patients" is actually the doctor. As the credits roll we see each of the patients making progress as they live their lives.

Squid Noir

Squidward plays his clarinet in the Krusty Krab as preparation for an open mic night, to the annoyance of the customers. When Mr. Krabs kicks him out, he goes to a comic book store and begins practicing again. His poor playing causes Bubble Bass to drop his action figure in surprise, breaking it, and he threatens to break Squidward's clarinet. Frustrated, Squidward goes home and practices, causing Patrick to throw a rock at him.

The day before his recital, Squidward puts his clarinet down and takes a nap. He returns to find his window broken and jelly near where his clarinet was. Squidward begins viewing the world in monochrome and narrates his search for the clarinet. He accuses SpongeBob of taking it, who proves his innocence by showing that he was visiting his grandmother's house at the time.

Now joined by SpongeBob in his search, Squidward goes to Mr. Krabs to do a "good cop, bad cop" routine. He and SpongeBob are confused and both end up being the good cop, and Mr. Krabs shows that he had been counting his money all day and was not near Squidward's house. At the comic book store with Squidward, SpongeBob finds Bubble Bass and battles him with an action figure. After the fight, Bubble Bass's action figure breaks and he begins crying, as Squidward concludes that the comic book store was a dead end.

Back at Squidward's house, SpongeBob and Squidward find Patrick, who shows them the jellyfish jelly. The three go to Jellyfish Fields, where Squidward recovers his clarinet from a jellyfish, restoring color and ending his narration. That night, Squidward plays in a jazz club for the jellyfish, SpongeBob, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs.

Mustached Nanny

Jokester Kesha Chetvergov (Sergei Prokhanov), after graduating from school, is not able to find interesting work for himself. He did not get a higher education and failed to stay at any job for longer than two weeks. Most of his time he spends by messing around with his immature friends Bublik (Valery Kislenko), Motyl (Felix Krol) and Ponchik (Sergey Bachursky).

Eventually, the district policeman Yevseyev (Vadim Aleksandrov), who previously sympathized with the guy and helped him with finding work, finally loses his patience and calls Innokenty to a meeting of the committee of lay judges at the Housing Committee, where his fate is to be decided.

The public is determined to take serious measures against the young man as a parasite, but kindergarten director Marina Borisovna Mikhalchuk (Lyudmila Shagalova) stands up for him.

Marina Borisovna convinces the assessors to give Chetvergov another chance to correct his behavior and employs Kesha in her kindergarten as a night shift nanny.

Shinjuku Swan II

One year has passed since the death of Hideyoshi. Sumitomo, president of the All Japan Liquor Merchants Association, announces plans to open a new gentleman's club in Yokohama. Tatsuhiko, a scout from the Burst scouting agency who recruits girls for the adult entertainment business, moves from Shinjuku to Yokohama to recruit girls and expand the agency's business there. There he comes into conflict with Masaki Taki, the CEO of the Wizard scouting agency of Yokohama who is also seeking to recruit girls for the opening of the new gentleman's club and is unhappy about the unknown upstart stepping into his turf.
Seki once took the fall for a murder rap for Taki and has avoided Yokohama for 12 years for this purpose. When he returns, Taki takes it as a declaration of war. Taki is protected by Inspector Sunako of the Yokohama Central Police as well as President Tasaka of the Monbu group and uses them to push the Burst scouts out of his territory. Taki also sends the Wizard agency to take over the Burst territory in Shinjuku, where they destroy Madame Ryoko's club. Taki ends up shooting President Tasaka in a disagreement over money and territorial control. The association holds a beauty contest in Yokohama but Burst only has half as many girls recruited in Yokohama as the Wizard agency so Madame Ryoko sends the girls not currently working at her destroyed club to Yokohama to compete in the contest as well. The beauty contest is won by burst but Tatsuhiko has already left early in order to go protect his old friend Yosuke.
Meanwhile, Taki's girl is having a relationship with Yosuke, which Taki permits as long as Yosuke is dealing drugs for him. Yosuke becomes hooked on drugs and it is decided that he will make one last deal before retiring. Fearing that he will be killed, Taki's girl tells him to run after the deal is done but Yosuke wants to remain with her. When Taki arrives, Seki appears to defend Yosuke and confront Taki for kicking him out of Yokohama 12 years earlier. As they are fighting, a gun falls out of Taki's pocket and is picked up by Yosuke. Tatsuhiko arrives and fights with Taki as well before Taki ultimately tells Seki that he had been missing him and tells Seki that he should be the boss of the Wizard agency instead and gives him the keys to his office.
Distraught about his future, Yosuke points a gun at Taki but the others convince him not to shoot. Instead, Arai of the Monbu group shoots Taki in retaliation for the killing of the President Tasaka. Arai says that he will turn himself into the police and Tatsuhiko flees with Yosuke. They bump into Hayama, who reminds Yosuke that Yosuke had Hideyoshi killed for getting him hooked on drugs. Hayama refuses to let Yosuke join Burst again and begins to fight Tatsuhiko before Yosuke confesses that he did indeed have Hideyoshi killed. In Taki's office Seki finds a letter addressed to him from Taki telling him his plans to flee from Yokohama just as Seki did 12 years earlier. He ends the letter by stating that he is returning Yokohama to Seki.

Real Girl (manga)

High-school student Hikari Tsutsui is unpopular with classmates for his ''otaku'' behavior. One day, he is sentenced to pool cleaning duty for being late, and is paired with the beautiful but reputed troublemaker Iroha Igarashi. When Iroha asks if he would like to be in a relationship with her, Hikari agrees. However, there is a catch: Iroha is moving in six months, owing to her father's work, and transferring to another school as a result.

Vengeance of an Assassin

Thee (Dan Chupong) and his brother Than (Nantawooti Boonrapsap) are two young men being raised by their uncle (Ping Lumprapleng) who runs a car repair shop. They are curious about a room their uncle always keeps closed and will not let them enter so one evening they get him drunk and sneak into the room, where they find evidence that their parents also used to be undercover detectives and were killed in an ambush by an unknown attacker. Their uncle, who was also a detective at the time, promised their parents that he would take the brothers raise them as normal children and protect them from their parents' and his old life and profession as detectives. After learning this Thee resolves to set out to find out who killed their parents while Than remains to work in their uncle's car repair shop, training himself in martial arts by watching VHS cassettes in the back of the shop.

Thee joins a team of killers with the intent of working his way to the top to the person who gave the order to kill the brothers' parents. He learns the Assassin's Code: Stick to the mission; Never take your eyes off the target; Show no mercy. For one job he is hired to protect Ploy (Nisachon Tuamsongnern), a young woman with dyed blonde hair who is the granddaughter of a powerful businessman. Thee is unaware that Ploy is actually the target of the assassination and Thee has been set up to take the fall for her murder but when he is double-crossed during the mission he rescues her and fights off their attackers. He takes her on the run back to his family's home, uncovering a secret network of power and corruption and making him and his remaining family a target. His uncle is killed by assassins and the brothers weep over their loss then resolve to fight back with the aid of Ploy and her Chinese doctor Si Fu (Ooi Teik Huat).

Traveling Man (film)

A poignant comedy about a middle-aged salesman trying to get his life and career back on track while being pushed and antagonized by an aggressive rookie he has been teamed up with.

Beset by business and marital problems, salesman Lithgow feels as though he's at the end of his rope. But it's at this point that he avoids the Willy Loman syndrome by realizing that there's more to life than a smile and a shoeshine.

Koshikibu (one-volume otogi-zōshi)

The work portrays Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu and Koshikibu no Naishi as three generations of the same family.

Murasaki, an ingenious lady-in-waiting at the imperial court, one night has a strange dream and becomes pregnant. She gives birth to a baby girl, who from a young age displays a prodigious ability to compose ''waka'' poetry. Murasaki goes to Ishiyama-dera and composes the sixty-book ''Tale of Genji'', and the daughter becomes known as Izumi Shikibu.

At around this time there is a demon in the capital called Shuten-dōji, who every night steals people away. The demon is defeated by Minamoto no Raikō and , and Yasumasa becomes Izumi's lover. There are also rumours of Izumi having an affair with , a famous poet in the capital, but these rumours are dispelled by the power of Izumi's poetry. In the spring of her seventeenth year, she gives birth to a baby girl, but is so ashamed of how she will be thought of at court that she abandons her child. Her daughter is found by an old couple in Kawachi Province, who raise her. Her daughter, too, grows into a ''waka'' and ''renga'' prodigy, and is a filial daughter.

Izumi Shikibu grows to a lonely old age, but is reunited with her daughter through poetry. Her daughter comes to the capital and is such a brilliant poet that she moves the people there greatly, and is given the title Koshikibu no Naishi.

Day 101

This episode depicts the 100-day period that followed Mellie's entrance in the White House as president.

Fitz moves to Vermont and begins a candid, careless, and mundane life plan. During the first few days, Fitz does things a regular citizen does during their life, such as cooking and shopping with a credit card; however, he gets bored and summons Marcus Walker to work at the municipal library that will carry his name and legacy. Walker, in Cuba, is shown in expensive hotels accompanied by women and alcohol, until he realizes that he needs to return to active duty and heed the former president's request. The two discuss Olivia's involvement in the library, since the people love her. Walker goes so far as to say that Olivia presided over Fitz, but he refuses to accept that his political achievements were reduced to a woman. Meanwhile, a young black man spends several hours sleeping near a colonel's statue and manages to direct the media's attention to himself. His goal is to make politicians recognize that the man honored via the statue is a racist and does not deserve recognition. Walker suggests that Fitz get involved, but Fitz refuses and the two focus on raising capital for the future library. During a dinner with an important businessman who can potentially help them, Walker becomes annoyed with Fitz and the two have a sudden argument, which later turns into a violent fight because of their disagreements.

At the White House, Mellie is seen working when she gets a call from an appalled Marcus. He explains the situation with Fitz to her, and Mellie says that Fitz's relationship with anyone is complicated and exhausting, requiring patience and dedication. Walker expresses his pride by Mellie's acting position and they bid farewell after a long, embarrassing and painful silence.

Fitz receives a visit from Rowan Pope, who warns him that Olivia is now the Commander of the B613. Pope asks Fitz for help, explaining that only he can clear Olivia's mind and remove her from the ambition of power. Then Fitz claims that he now lives a conventional life, thus making it impossible for him to get next to Olivia again. Rowan leaves and hours later Walker drives back to the Grant mansion and finds Fitz in the front porch. They apologize for everything they said to each other, and Fitz recognizes that he has to do something meaningful in his life and states that he needs to return to Washington after the 100-day period. The next day, Fitz goes to the place where the young man protests. He encourages him to continue his battle, gives him gloves to resist the cold, and even takes a selfie with him to the Instagram. The photo gains repercussion and soon the authorities have the statue removed.

On the night of day 101, Fitz heads to Olivia's apartment and rings the bell. Nobody answers, but the elevator soon opens and Fitz sees Olivia kissing Curtis Pryce, scene shown at the end of the previous episode.

Kolab Pailin

In an old house, Choeum ( ), who is the father of Chauchet ( ), is sick due to serious disease. He is being cured by a doctor named S'at ( ). Before dying, he tells his son to depend on his own to live like a Khmer proverb ''Attāhi Attano Nātho'' ( ).

After his father's death, Dr. S'at recommended him to work as a mine worker in Pailin with Luong Ratanasambath ( ). When he gets the job, he works hard and is liked by other workers.

One night, Chauchet sings a song in his worker cottage. His voice impresses Khunneary ( ), who is the only daughter of Luong Ratanasambath. She comes to meet Chauchet, but she retorts him when she knows that he is just a normal worker. However, he doesn't mind her and starts to love her.

In the next morning, Chauchet helps Son ( ), the chauffeur of Luong Ratanasambath, to repair the car. Then Son teaches Chauchet to drive. After that, Son asks permission from his master to be absent in driving for a short time because he is busy with his family and asks Chauchet to drive instead of him. Luong Ratanasambath agrees to his request.

One day, Chauchet drives his masters and Balat ( ) to the market. Unfortunately, when he drives back, the car is broken. Thus, Balat blames him for this, though in reality he is jealous of Chauchet of being close with Khunneary.

They stay in the forest all night. Chauchet and Khunneary chat with each other and become closer. While chatting, some robbers appear and try to rob them. Chet fights with the robbers and protects his master. He defeats the robbers but gets wounded and is sent to the hospital. His courage makes Khunneary stop discriminating against him and start loving him. When his health becomes better, he is promoted to be the manager in the mine site.

One day, Balat brings Phan ( ) to buy the gems. Luong Ratanasambath brings him to see the mine site and leave Khunneary home alone. Balat tries to rape her, but Chauchet comes and helps her. He fights with Balat and saves her. Luong Ratanasambath is furious, warns them to be never there again, and lets them go.

After seeing a lot of advantages, commitment and honesty of Chauchet, Luong Ratanasambath allows him to marry his daughter, and they live happily.

Traveller Adventure 4: Leviathan

''Leviathan'' is an adventure that takes place in the Outrim Void, an area beyond the established borders of the Imperium, facing danger from pirate corsairs, Zhodani patrols, rival merchant cartels, unknown worlds, and even the Imperial Guard Survey Branch of the Imperial Scout Service.

Security Station

''Security Station'' is an adventure in which the player characters must explore the corridors and rooms of an ancient yet high-tech fallout shelter, which had been transported to Cidri eons ago by Mnoren magic.

Phka Srapoun

Bun Thoeun (ប៊ុនធឿន) and Vitheavy (វិធាវី) have been arranged to marry since they were young. Unfortunately, Bunthoeun's family becomes poor after a storm sinks the boat that his father uses to transport the rice in Prey Nokor.

Mrs. Nuon (យាយនួន), mother of Vitheavy, is a person who prefers money over honor and honesty. She drops the engagement between Bunthoeun and her daughter, and engages Vitheavy instead to Naisot (ណៃស៊ត), who is a rich man. Naisot is bad-tempered and immoral. He uses his money to do anything he wants.

After becoming engaged to Naisot, Vitheavy falls ill, and pines for Bunthoeun. However, she dares not argue with her mother over the engagement. Her health worsens. Seeing this, Mrs. Nuon brings her daughter to the resort town of Siem Reap, but Vitheavy's spirits remain low.

Vitheavy coughs up blood. Her mother, being superstitious, brings her to the fortune teller and uses various methods to try to cure her. However, it does not work. Her illness remains serious.

After Bunthoeun discovers Vitheavy will marry someone else, he becomes sad and cries alone. He goes into the forest for days with Mr. So (តាសូ), to find firewood and fish to reduce stress. When he returns home, Vitheavy dies. This causes him much grief.

Overboard (2018 film)

Kate Sullivan is a widowed single mother of three daughters who works two jobs while studying to be a nurse. Assigned to clean carpets on a yacht owned by spoiled, arrogant playboy Leonardo 'Leo' Montenegro, he makes rude remarks to her, firing her without pay when she refuses to bring him food. When Kate calls out his behavior, he pushes her off the boat with the cleaning equipment.

Meanwhile, in Mexico, Leo's younger sisters Magdalena and Sofia are tending their ailing father, who announces Leo as his successor to run their company. That night, Leo slips off the yacht and falls into the ocean unnoticed. Waking up on a beach with amnesia and no recollection of his identity, he wanders through town and is eventually brought to the hospital. Magdalena finds him, but leaves him there unclaimed after learning of his amnesia. She returns home with an urn filled with ashes from a campsite grill and falsely reports Leo was killed by a shark, as she intends to take over the family company herself.

Kate and her friend Theresa see a news report on Leo's amnesia. To compensate her for his earlier misdeeds, taking advantage of his amnesia, they make him believe he's married to Kate. They go to the hospital and convince Leo of the ruse when Kate correctly identifies a tattoo of Speedy Gonzales on his rear, a detail she had seen on the yacht. Kate takes him home and introduces him to her girls, making up details about their alleged life together. She sets him up with an exhausting construction job, for Theresa's husband Bobby.

Leo eventually bonds with the girls. Kate begins to feel guilty and considers telling him the truth, but changes her mind after seeing how much the girls enjoy having him around. Instead, they spend the evening celebrating Kate's new revelation: it's their anniversary. The next day, Leo discovers condoms. Assuming the worst, he confronts her, Theresa takes the blame, stating she was having an affair. Leo and Kate decide to renew their vows.

Meanwhile, Leo's family is having a memorial service for him when a photo of him at the beach turns up. Realizing Magdalena lied, Mr. Montenegro goes to find Leo. When he reaches Kate's, Leo's memory returns upon seeing him and he realizes what happened. Hurt and angry, Leo returns to his yacht. The girls tearfully run after him and plead for him to stay, but are unsuccessful.

Kate decides to go after Leo, and she and the girls rush to the pizza place to borrow Bobby's boat to chase after the yacht. Meanwhile, Leo has become aware of how selfish and pretentious his life was before meeting Kate and the girls. He realizes he wants to be with them and has the captain turn the boat around. Mr. Montenegro attempts to stop him, but Leo jumps into the water. Kate does the same as they swim to each other and share a kiss. Leo dismisses threats from his father, who in the process decides to name Sofia as his new successor as he is furious at both Leo (for choosing to be with Kate) and Magdalena (for lying to him).

Leo returns to a life with Kate and the girls. Leo's former employee Colin arrives to offer his service as a nanny. After telling him they can't afford him, he mentions that Sofia sent him to remind Leo that he still legally owns the yacht, worth $60 million. Kate and Leo marry aboard it. Friends and family toast the newlyweds during the end credits. In the meantime, Magdalena tries to get herself back in good graces by claiming to have started an education initiative for children in the Philippines, though none of the children like her.

Koshikibu (two-volume otogi-zōshi)

Long ago, in the time of Emperor Ichijō, there was a beautiful court lady called Koshikibu no Naishi. Her father was Tachibana no Michisada, and her mother was Izumi Shikibu, who had prayed to the gods and buddhas to bless her with a child. After the death of her father, she and her mother went with Fujiwara no Yasumasa to Tango Province. One day, on hearing her mother hum a nostalgic song, she rewrote the song and deeply impressed her mother.

Around the time of her sixteenth year she went to serve at court. While there, she took part in an ''uta-awase'' contest at the palace, and when her poetic skill was ridiculed by the middle counselor Fujiwara no Sadayori, she responded by composing her famous poem ''Ōe-yama ikuno no michi no tookereba mada fumi mo mizu ama no hashidate''. This poem caught the attention of the Horikawa Minister of the Right, . Later, at Rokujō no Zensai-in's ''uta-awase'' she again earned herself more prestige as a poet.

When Koshikibu composed a ''waka'' and presented it as an offering to pray for Fujiwara no Norimichi, who had fallen ill, Norimichi was miraculously cured, and the two developed a strong relationship. She herself then fell victim to an epidemic, but when she composed the poem ''Ika ni sen yuku beki kata mo omooezu oya ni kikidatsu michi o shiraneba'', she recovered through divine intervention.

Moss Piglets (South Park)

At South Park Elementary, the special education class is having a science fair, and Nathan and his sidekick Mimsy plan to win the fair with a baking soda volcano diorama in order to impress girls. Timmy and Jimmy are also partners in the fair and are studying water bears, having learned about them from watching ''Octonauts''. They have discovered that the water bears dance to Taylor Swift's music and Nathan is concerned that his experiment will lose to theirs. Later, he and Mimsy sabotage the water bears by adding lye and a plugged-in hair iron to the bowl containing the water bears. Instead of killing them, the water bears advance socially and can now dance the hokey pokey. The next day, a helicopter filled with men in black suits and sunglasses arrive and state that they are there to help with the water bears experiment as they believe that water bears are somehow the key to their survival, and they demand the rest of the special education students to disregard their projects and focus solely on the water bears. When Nathan and Mimsy try to take credit for the water bears progression and refer to them as government workers, they reveal that they are actually with the National Football League (NFL) led by Jerry Jones. Jimmy believes that they are there to study the water bears' resilience in order to reduce concussions, but Jones reveals that they are actually interested in the water bears in order to turn them into fans and help increase their decreasing ratings from national anthem protests.

Meanwhile, the girls at school become concerned for Heidi Turner, who has become fatter and adopted Cartman's aggressive and self-centered mannerisms since getting back together with him. Heidi is brought to Mr. Mackey's office where she is asked to be the judge for the science fair as she had previously volunteered to do so. Heidi objects but Mr. Mackey forces her to cooperate. Heidi continues to complain to others about judging the science fair and holds a school assembly to complain about the funding of what she considers frivolous programs such as the science fair. When Cartman raises objections to her behavior in the assembly, she is aggressive towards him as well.

Heidi's complaints at the assembly force Mr. Mackey and PC Principal to cancel the science fair, but when they inform the special education class of this, the NFL men draw guns on them and force them to continue the experiment. Heidi demands that Cartman do something, but when he calls her a "bitch", she forces him to change his tone and words. As the experiment progresses, Heidi steals the bowl of water bears and attempts to escape. Heidi is cornered and when Cartman begs Heidi to stop and to return to her old ways, she instead drinks the bowl of the water bears. The two later watch television together as she continues to be aggressive and demanding towards him while the NFL men begin studying Nathan's volcano.

The Bad Good Man

The plot takes place on one of Caucasus coast towns, possibly at the late 19th century and is circled around 2 Russian noblemen with 2 very contrast personalities and principles. Ivan Layevski (Oleg Dahl) - a possible philologist though his profession is not officially revealed - has arrived to the town with his love interest Nadyezhda Fyodorovna (Lyudmila Maksakova), who escaped with him from her husband in Saint Petersburg. Even though Layevski is aware of her husband recent death - he hides it from Nadyezhda Fyodorovna fearing from the consequences that will force him to marry her, because he is no longer in love with her in such way. Both have weak, unsecured, lazy and sometimes coward personality and prefer to live an easy going and "laid-back" lifestyle instead of working hard and achieve something by themselves. Nadyezhda spends all her time trying new clothes, enjoying the life by the sea and flirting with other men in town, while Layevski - by partying, drinking and teaching everybody to play cards. Such lifestyle is heavily despised by a zoologist Nikolai Von Koren (Vladimir Vysotsky). In contrast to Layevski, Von Koren is very hard working, extremist and egotistical, believing people that don't work hard to achieve something worthy in their lives - need to be eliminated in any methods. In between - there is their mutual friend Alexander Samoylenko (Anatoli Papanov) - a good hearted local doctor who desperately tries to amid between them. After being once again criticized but Von Koren and others for their lifestyle and behavior over a picnic - Layevski put all the blame for this, and their failure to fulfill their dreams, on Nadyezhda Fyodorovna and publicly insults her. Later he informs her about her husband's death. Now, really fearing from the consequences - he decides to leave Nadyezhda Fyodorovna and, unknowingly to her, escape to Saint Petersburg. Not having enough money to take the ship back - he asks Samoylenko to borrow him. Samoylenko promises him to try and get it - since he also doesn't have the required sum. Nadyezhda Fyodorovna, meanwhile, is bullied by one of the local high rank and respected officer Kirilin who claims that her temporary flirts with him is a direct insult for his status and ego and forces her to go for a 2 sexual "dates" with him.

After some time, since still not hearing from Samoylenko, a desperate Layevski unceremoniously demands from him to hurry up, forcing Samoylenko to ask around the locals, including Von Koren, since most of them owe him a lot of money anyway. Though eventually giving the money, Von Koren insults Layevski once they both are in Samoylenko's home disrespectfully reminding him about his desperate situation and informing him about the gossips the whole town (including Samoylenko) are sharing about him. Finally frustrated from such disrespect - Layevski blows up demanding to leave him alone and unintentionally threatens to fight if necessary. Von Koren finds it as a challenge for a duel and unceremoniously accepts it. On his way home Layevski discovers his wife's "dates" but being depressed and cowarded he ignores it.

When it is time to select assistants for a duel - Layevski employs 2 of his neighbors. Von Koren asks Samoylenko and his long term friend , Dyakon Podedov , a local priest , but both unwilling to see a possible fatal result and instead employ 2 of Samoylenko's colleagues. Once the duel starts it is revealed that no of the participants really know how the duel should be proceeded and try to refer to famous nobles where duels were described. Layevski agrees to cancel the duel and apologize to Von Koren but the later is determined to eliminate Layevski once and for all and refuses. Layevski then, shouts in the air. Von Koren sets a clear shot on Layevski but is disturbed in the last moment by the scream of Pobedov, who sneaked secretly and hided behind the trees nearby. The duel then ends, both parts pay their assistants for their service and return home. Podedov, assuming Von Koren deliberately missed the shout is happy to join them but once realizing the final result of the duel unless his disturbance is disgusted and leaves alone.

Several time later, Von Koren is about to leave for his next expedition and is asked by Samoylenko and Podedov to visit Layevski before leaving. It is revealed that during this time Layevski has visibly changed. He has married Nadyezhda Fyodorovna and they both started working hard. Nadyezhda Fyodorovna now works all day in the farm they have created and Layevski writes poems all day in order to earn money and pay his debts he has gained over the years. Seeing this Von Koren admits that he is now wrong about him but claims that he still stands for his principles and after a brief and cold conversation - leaves. Von Koren rejects Podedov's compliments regarding both of them - claiming that Layevski has overcome his laziness and Von koren his ego. Von Koren claims that nothing has really changed. Layevski is still the same weak coward over-respecting everybody and Von Koren doesn't really believe he is able to change. Regarding himself, Von Koren is no longer considering himself as the "hard-working humanity savior" is sad from the situation. Von Koren then leaves into the ocean, watched by Layevski and Nadyezhda Fyodorovna walking along the coast.

I Ask to Accuse Klava K. of My Death

Regional center in the south of Russia. Young intellectuals Pavel and Rita Lavrov bring their four-year-old son Sergei to the kindergarten. He cries and does not want to stay here. Then the headmaster summons the pretty girl Klava Klimkova, who takes the boy to collect acorns. Sergei, with the help of his parents, collects more of them than other children; this causes the girl to experience affinity for him.

Klimkova and Lavrov are in the third grade. He studies well, is active in sports and sings in the school choir. She on the other hand, can only beautifully hand out flowers, but Sergei solves all problems for the girl. He constantly makes Klava gifts — both things belonging to him, and taken from family members.

Klava and Sergei are already in high school. He, as before, is the school's pride — winner of mathematical olympiads, chess champion of the school, athlete and simply a handsome man. Classmate Tanya Ishchenko is unrequitedly in love with him, and for Klava, Seryozha is merely a toy she is already sick of. The young man himself is not able to imagine life without his girlfriend.

A promising new boy from the parallel class Lavrik attracts Klimkova's attention — son of a doctor, also an excellent student, who once even played a draw with Mikhail Tal. Sergei tries to regain the girl's attention, but more and more she shows a desire to break up with him. When the young man threatens to commit suicide, she declares that she would go with him anywhere, only if he was able to fulfill his declaration. With difficulty, Tanya and Lavrik manage to stop Lavrov. Klava, on the contrary, cruelly ridicules Sergei before his classmates. But her actions do not matter - the young man's eyes have become lifeless, and neither the correct words from others, nor a trip to the mountains with his parents can remove him from his depressed state. Upon Sergei's arrival from his hike, it turns out that Tanya's mother has died and the girl left school to make a living. The young man is shocked by this. He no longer sees Klava, but also can not forget her. Even when he wanders around the city with Tanya, he sees his beloved in girls passing by.

Once Sergei and Klava meet at Lavrik's and then go for a walk, and the girl tries to apologize.

After some time, Sergei awkwardly tries to profess his love to Tanya. Afterwards she leaves, and for a long time the boy gazes after her as she is walking away.

The Leader and the Damned

The book is based on the assumption that Adolf Hitler was assassinated by dissident Wehrmacht officers who planted a bomb in his plane in March 1943. However, Martin Bormann, who witnessed the crash of Hitler's plane, concealed all evidence and ruthlessly got all witnesses killed. Bormann then replaced Hitler by a double, an actor who resembled Hitler and who had for years practiced as an "understudy" for just such a contingency. The double managed to carry off the deception, precisely emulating Hitler's mannerisms, and was accepted by virtually everybody as the real Hitler; however, his military talents fell far short of those of the original.

The only one to discover the deception was Wing Commander Ian Lindsay, a dashing British pilot who managed to penetrate Hitler's headquarters. The bulk of the book's plot depicts Lindsay's efforts to escape with his vital information, fleeing through Germany, Austria and Yugoslavia, one step ahead of the Gestapo, the SS and the Abwehr - virtually alone except for two courageous and highly capable women who risked all for his sake. Unknown to Lindsay, even if he eludes the Nazis, the Soviet secret services are also plotting his death, at the personal order of Joseph Stalin.

An important secondary plot concerns the true role which Martin Bormann played in the events of WWII, which remains unknown to history, and explains how and why Bormann disappeared after the Fall of Berlin in 1945.

Don't Grieve

In the end of the 19th century, a young doctor, Benjamen Glonti, returns to a small village in his native Georgia after finishing his medical studies in St. Petersburg. A series of comic events unfold around him.

Knightfall (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

The head belonging to Ivy's doll is featured inside the "O" mirrored fonts.

In the Characters' Past

In the new realm, Alice is experiencing a nightmare that Gothel will come for her, but as she wakes up, Hook is there to comfort her, promising to end the nightmares once and for all. The two then take a pair of Chess pieces, a white knight for Alice and a black rook for Hook. Later on, he seeks out the still jailed Rumpelstiltskin for help and the two agree to a deal. Rumple informs Hook of a device that will help save his daughter, but it's already in the possession of another seafarer.

Hook arrived to confront Ahab, the current possessor of Maui's fish hook. However, Ahab starts taunting Hook, and rather than fighting, Hook and Ahab decided on a dice game with the winner getting the Jolly Roger and keeping the fish hook. Surprisingly enough, Hook wins the throw. But Ahab isn't convinced that Hook has returned to his swashbuckling ways, and as he follows Hook back to Rumple's cell the tensions between the two reach the point of taunting Hook for abandoning Alice. This leads to a gun duel between Hook and Ahab, and Hook again emerges as the winner, then runs off to return to Alice.

Unfortunately, the nightmare of Alice being taken away by Gothel comes true, as Hook returns to use the fish hook to free Alice, only to have Gothel appear and taunt Hook before banishing him for good from the Tower and acquiring the fish hook, leaving Alice screaming and crying out for her father, who is now left a weakened man.

These events are what led to Hook becoming the old, beer-bellied, depressed drunkard that was first encountered in the wish realm.

In The Present Day

Tilly starts to have strange reactions to Gothel's presence that has made her nervous, but Rogers and Weaver ignore her subliminal cry for help, as they try to focus on the case at hand involving the killings of the witches. Eloise suddenly shows up at the station and agrees to being interrogated, but only by Rogers, and Weaver allows it. The interrogation between Rogers and Gothel is turned into a mind game as Eloise uses Rogers' psyche to gauge his past, but to no avail. Outside the room, Tilly becomes concerned for Rogers as she watches by means of the surveillance camera screen, especially after he leaves the room for a second and Eloise looks directly at the camera in order to scare and taunt Tilly. Tilly again expresses her anxiety to Weaver, who blows her off yet again, claiming that Rogers is handling things.

Back in the room, Eloise tells Rogers that the killer is grappling with pain to fill a void, then offers a clue, in which the victims had a heart shaped box, and gives Rogers a cryptic message to follow his heart in order to capture the killer. When Rogers and Weaver arrive to the hospital upon learning of a delivery of heart-shaped boxes to the intended victims (including one that died years earlier), the two learn that the blind baker has been killed, and they find Tilly in the hospital room, freaking out while holding a bloody scalpel. She shouts at them, very frightened and disoriented, before escaping out a window. Rogers and Weaver come across the witches' symbol back in the warehouse but with two sectors crossed out, indicative of the two deaths. Weaver tells Rogers that he doesn't think the killer is Tilly.

When asked why she stopped Henry from kissing Jacinda, Lucy claims it is because she is jealous of Henry and looking for more time with her mother. Henry explains to Regina about what happened one morning, (Regina having just left Facilier's house) and Regina offers solace. Later on, Ivy visits Henry at his apartment, but as expected, he isn't interested in Ivy but suggests that she should find comfort with her family. Ivy somehow takes that advice and pays a surprise visit to Jacinda's by returning everything Victoria took from her as a way to bury the hatchet. Jacinda and Ivy make up and Jacinda returns to Ivy a doll that she had kept. This gives Ivy an idea, so when she returns to see Henry, she asks him to help find Anastasia as she believes that he can do this and he agrees.

Later that evening, Lucy goes to speak to Regina at her bar and shows her the page about Henry dying. When she shows the page to Regina, Regina reveals to Lucy that she is awake, and the two agreed to help find a way save Henry. The two come up a new code name for their mission, called "Operation Hyacinth."

Orientation (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Part one

Enoch, an alien, leads a team of commandos to apprehend Coulson and his team after they were framed for the attempted assassination of General Talbot. While Fitz is left behind, the rest are taken to an unknown location. A white monolith transports them to an outpost in an unknown region of space, where a group of scavengers are under attack from aliens they call "roaches." One of the scavengers, Virgil, tries to explain their situation to Coulson, but is quickly knocked out by Mack. After they reunite with Yo-Yo and Simmons, Coulson finds an old postcard in Virgil's jacket. Virgil recognises each of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents when he regains consciousness. As he begins to explain that he studied their history, he's suddenly killed by one of the roaches. While Daisy saves the team, May is injured and sees Deke, another scavenger. May attacks him but is overpowered. He ties her up and implants a device called a "metric" into her wrist.

The team finds May's jacket and realise the outpost appears to be a human colony. They find a computer, only to trigger an alarm that sends a team of Kree Reapers to their whereabouts. The Kree take Daisy, Coulson and Simmons to a prison, while Mack and Yo-Yo are tied up and tortured. Deke shows up at the prison with May, and convinces the Kree to let them hand over their prisoners to him. Deke tells them Virgil hired him to swap out the team's metrics so the Kree wouldn't notice them. With Virgil dead and the team unable to cover what he's owed, Deke attempts to leave, but May grabs one of Deke's gadgets he used against her earlier to pin him to a wall.

May and Simmons follow Deke's directions to a ship that could send a message to Fitz to rescue them, Daisy heads off to find Mack and Yo-Yo, and Coulson stays behind to get information out of Deke. Daisy frees Mack and the two set out to save Yo-Yo. Gradually, all of them come to realise that the monolith didn't take them into space, but to a future where the Earth has been destroyed, and the outpost is all that remains of humanity. Mack finds a message on the postcard reading "Working on it - Fitz".

Part two

May and Simmons return to the outpost, where Deke offers to give implant metrics in their wrists so they can blend in. They're suddenly interrupted by Tess, another scavenger, and Deke tells her about Virgil's death. Deke leaves to find Daisy, Mack, and Yo-Yo once Tess offers to double what Virgil owed him, while Tess takes the rest of them to the Exchange, humanity's main living area on the outpost. The outpost, known as the "Lighthouse", was a survival bunker when the Earth was torn in half by a cataclysmic event. The Kree arrived to restore order, and destroyed the historical records to keep humanity focused on their future. Although the Kree often abuse their human subjects, they rely on the Kree for survival.

Tess takes Coulson to Virgil's apartment, where Coulson finds a notebook Virgil hid among the artifacts of the old world he collected. Tess' boss, Grill, confronts her about the ship May and Simmons took out earlier, and says she owes him double now that Virgil is gone. May and Simmons witness one of the Kree's human servants getting stabbed in a fight. The Kree take Simmons away when she looks after his wound rather than let him bleed out. Deke, Daisy, Mack and Yo-Yo meet up with Tess, Coulson and May in the Exchange after they dispose of the Reapers' bodies. Suspicious of Deke's motivations, Daisy follows him to his "gallery", where people pay to enter a Framework simulation to escape the brutal reality of life in the Lighthouse. Daisy passes out when she walks under Deke's transmitter, and finds herself in a simulation with Deke.

The Kree take Simmons to see Kasius, the overseer of the Lighthouse. Kasius orders his enforcer Sinara to begin a "renewal" among the humans. Back in the Exchange, Coulson, Mack and Yo-Yo steal a tablet from a Kree, and give it to Grill in exchange for implanting their metrics. The renewal begins while they are in Grill's shop. The Kree select a group of low earners, each of which will either have to be killed or kill another before the renewal ends. One scavenger sets out to kill Grill for not paying him earlier. Grill leaves Coulson, Mack and Yo-Yo behind as decoys while he goes into hiding. May tries to fight the scavenger off, only for Tess to grab the shotgun and kill him instead. Grill claims the team work for him when a Kree watch commander comes by to check on the renewal's end.

Kasius demands perfection from anyone who represents him, and has Sinara kill the servant that Simmons treated. Kasius places a device into Simmons' ear, causing her to lose her hearing and dim her sight. Meanwhile, Daisy confronts Deke about using the Framework. Deke reminds her that the Earth is gone and humanity is near extinction. Deke pauses a TV playing a news report about Daisy saving Los Angeles. He went into the Framework to confirm that Daisy was Quake, the person he believes tore the Earth apart. Later, Simmons becomes one of Kasius' servants, whose voice is the only one she can hear, and Kasius prepared for the arrival of some guests.

A Christmas to Remember (1978 film)

Rusty McCloud (George Parry) is sent by his economically-strapped mother (Joanne Woodward) to live on his grandparents' farm one winter during the Great Depression. The grandparents, Daniel Larson (Jason Robards) and his wife Emma (Saint), are still grieving the loss of their son in World War I, and Daniel in particular is initially gruff and resentful toward his grandson. However, a bond gradually develops between the two of them, and as Christmas approaches they work to deliver a melodeon left by the dead son to the local church as a surprise gift.

Oliver Twist (1974 film)

In the 19th century, orphan Oliver Twist is sent to a workhouse, where the children are barely fed and mistreated. He moves to the house of an undertaker, but after an unfair severe spanking, he starts a seven-day runaway to London. He arrives exhausted and starving, and is welcomed by a gang of pickpockets led by old crook Fagin. When he is mistakenly taken as a thief, wealthy victim Mr. Brownlow brings Oliver to his home and shelters him. But Fagin and the dangerous Bill Sykes decide to kidnap Oliver to burglarize Mr. Brownlow's fancy house. Oliver is wounded, while Mr. Brownlow tries to save Oliver.

Singularity (2017 film)

In 2020, robotics company C.E.O. Elias VanDorne reveals Kronos, the supercomputer he has invented to end all wars. Kronos decides that mankind is responsible for all wars and it tries to use robots to kill all humans. VanDorne and Damien Walsh, a colleague, upload themselves into Kronos and watch the destruction. Ninety-seven years later, Andrew, a kind-hearted young man, wakes up in a ruined world. VanDorne and Walsh, still in Kronos, watch Andrew meet Calia, a teenage girl who seeks the last human settlement, the Aurora. Though Calia is first reluctant to let Andrew accompany her, still shaken by a drone attack that resulted in her parents leaving her alone with her fatally wounded sister, the two later fall in love. Unbeknownst to them, VanDorne and Walsh are monitoring the pair, hoping that they would show them the way to Aurora.

During their travels, they come across a pack of marauders, who manage to capture Andrew, forcing Calia to abandon him, only for her to return later to attempt to free him. When Calia is attacked and sexually harassed by some of the marauders, Andrew instinctively demonstrates superhuman strength and resilience, easily defeating the thugs and surviving being cut down by their leader, who is fatally stabbed by Calia. Calia finds machinery in one of Andrew's wounds, causing her to become upset and abandon Andrew. The two are then captured and brought to Walsh, who tells them that Andrew, the first in a new generation of machines, was designed to kill any remaining humans. Andrew the machine has his long-dead eponym's memories, which Walsh makes Andrew search for clues about Aurora’s location. Andrew instead envisions his mother, Veronica, who reminds him that he's still her loving son. This helps Andrew the machine identify with his eponymous self. Andrew overrides Walsh's program and escapes with Calia.

Andrew and Calia spot the lights of what they believe to be Aurora, but only find an empty city. Damien concludes that Aurora was a myth after all, ordering his robot drones to kill them and all remaining humans, having kept the few scavengers and marauders alive only to follow them to Aurora. As the robots start carpet bombing the few remaining humans, Andrew and Calia flee underground, finding a high-tech room. Reacting to the presence of a human, the room reveals itself to be the control room of a space ship which sets course for Aurora - a distant planet rather than an Earth-based settlement. With Kronos' bombs approaching, Andrew and Calia activate the ship's hyperdrive to escape despite the threat that when they reach Aurora, the humans there will destroy Andrew due to his robotic nature.

Now possessing the location of Aurora, Elias betrays and kills Damien. Andrew and Calia arrive at Aurora which proves to be a lush planet with futuristic cities. In a voiceover, Calia proclaims that Kronos will come after Aurora, but that with Andrew, a machine that may be more human than anyone else, they stand a chance. Watching a massive fleet launching towards Aurora, Elias proclaims that the last of humanity will face their fate once he reaches Aurora.

Samson (2018 film)

Samson is under a Nazirite covenant with God to deliver the Israelites from oppression. The Philistine king, Balek, commands his son Rallah to investigate. Rallah bribes a Philistine lord to hold a fight in hopes of drawing Samson out. Samson arrives and bests the strongman, while noticing the lord's daughter, Taren. Samson and Taren fall in love and desire marriage. Rallah's concubine Delilah convinces Rallah to allow the marriage to better control Samson.

At the wedding feast, Rallah tricks Samson into drinking wine, which is against his Nazirite vows. In response, Samson offers a riddle to Rallah and his guests. Unable to solve it, Rallah threatens Taren to find out the answer. Taren gets Samson to reveal it, but Delilah overhears, telling Rallah the answer. When Rallah declares the answer, Samson assumes Taren told him and storms off.

Samson arrives at a Philistine garrison, killing them all in self-defense. In order to take their tunics, he is forced to touch their dead bodies, breaking his second Nazirite vow. Upon returning, he finds that Rallah has married Taren in his place. Enraged, Samson destroys the Philistine grain fields. Rallah throws Taren and her father into the burning fields, killing them. Defeated, Samson flees to a cave.

The Philistines arrive at Samson's village and capture his father Manoah, demanding that Samson be surrendered to them. Despite Samson's surrender, Rallah promises to burn the village anyway and has Manoah executed. As he gives the order to kill Samson, Samson prays to God for strength. Samson slays 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, while Rallah barely survives.

Samson is anointed Judge. Samson goes to the Philistine capital to offer terms of peace with Balek. When Balek rejects the offer, Rallah decides to use Delilah to discover Samson's weakness. Delilah helps Samson escape and the two fall in love. Delilah asks what could bind Samson to her. Samson reveals that by cutting his hair, he would break his last Nazirite vow and lose his strength. Delilah drugs Samson to be able to cut his hair. As Delilah cuts Samson's hair, Rallah and his forces arrive to capture the now-powerless Samson and his brother Caleb. King Balek urges Rallah to kill Samson, but Rallah wants to use him as an object lesson to their enemies. In their shouting match, Rallah kills Balek and seizes the crown. Delilah comes to the dungeon with bail money to free Samson as penance, but he tells her to use it to free Caleb. Samson declares he is done following his own desires instead of God's and tells Caleb to prepare the Hebrews to capture the city.

Samson is taken to the temple of Dagon and abused by the Philistines. He prays once more for God's strength and pushes the two main pillars of the temple. As the building and Dagon's statue collapses, Samson, Rallah and Delilah are killed, but Caleb escapes and rallies the Hebrews.

Storm Boy (2019 film)

Based on the book, ''Storm Boy'' follows a young boy growing up on a largely uninhabited coastline of Southern Australia. He rescues three orphan pelicans and forms a close bond with them.

The Secret Agent's Blunder

According to Old Legend

Mikhail Tulyev, the son of a former spy and White Russian count, is sent by West German intelligence to collect Soviet nuclear secrets. He travels in Russia under the name Mikhail Zarokov, taken from a POW he had met in the Great Patriotic War, with the cover of looking for his supposedly lost sister. Tuylev stays with Dembovich (Oleg Zhakov), a bitter former German agent and works as a taxi driver, striking up a romantic relationship with the company's dispatcher, Maria Nikolayevna (Eleonora Shashkova).

Through Dembovitch, Tuylev recruits an infamous thief known as "Snipe" to smuggle his findings. However, "Snipe" is in actuality a KGB officer named Pavel Sinitsyn (Mikhail Nozhkin). Sinitsyn's superior, General Sergeyev (Yefim Kopelyan), having been informed of Tuylev's mission, orders Sinitsyn to fake his defection when he is to hand over the samples to Tuylev's contact, Leonid Krug (Vadim Zakharchenko). Subsequently, he is to act as a double agent. When the delivery happens, Pavel and Krug are attacked by a Maritime Border Troops ship. Despite Krug being shot in the leg, the two manage to escape to neutral waters.

Snipe's Return

After his successful escape with Krug into West Germany, Sinistyn is subjected to various attempted brainwashing techniques as Tuylev's superiors attempt to recruit him as an agent. Pavel is eventually accepted as an agent and sent to work as a sailor on a merchant vessel until he is called to action again. Elsewhere, Tuylev is forced to flee after a guilt-ridden Dembovich commits suicide and sends a letter to the KGB revealing Tuylev's identity and his complicity in the plot. After setting fire to Dembovitch's house, Tuylev, pursued by the KGB, switches cars, escapes, and manages to leave behind a considerable amount of money for Maria, who is pregnant with his child.

One year later, Sinistyn is ordered to return to the Soviet Union in order to resume contact with Tuylev, long since inactive and now living under the name Stanislav Kurnakov. Pavel is also asked to relay news of the death of Tuylev's father in Paris to him (In the following films, it is revealed that Tuylev's superiors orchestrated it with Tuylev's protégé Karl Brockman). After meeting with Tuylev, Sinistyn suggests to him that they go fishing the next morning. Tuylev obliges, and is apprehended by the KGB. As Tuylev is escorted away, Sergeyev then orders Sinistyn to adopt Tuylev's codename, "Hope" in order to fool his superiors to think Tuylev is still active.

Aisome-gawa (Noh)

Part One

A woman who has had sexual relations with the high priest of the Dazaifu Tenmangū, Nakatsukasa Yorizumi, while he was in the capital makes her way to Tsukushi accompanied by another woman named Umechiyo. Yorizumi's new wife is overcome with jealousy and forges a letter in her husband's hand, entrusting it to her servant Sakon no Jō to deliver it to the woman. The woman, thinking she has been rejected by her love, kills herself by jumping into the Aisome River.

Part Two

Yorizumi returns home and is shocked and saddened by what has happened. He prays at the shrine and Tenman-Tenjin appears before him and raises the woman from the dead.

Incorrigible Liar

Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin (Georgy Vitsin) is a very kind and gentle person who has been working as a hairdresser for twenty years. When there is an opportunity to be promoted to the salon's manager, he faces a problem - in the collective he has a reputation for being constantly late and being an incorrigible liar. According to his boss, Vasily Vasilievich Mymrikov (Nikolai Prokopovich), Tyutyurin has two drawbacks: "First, he lies, and secondly, he does not know how to lie," which is why he refuses to sign his recommendation letter.

But in fact Alexei does not deceive anyone - he actually does get into unusual situations on the way to work: he helps a boy to pick up his ball off the roadway, after which he is doused in water by an auto-dispenser, and Tyutyurin has to return home to change clothes; then returns a lost gold cigarette case to a foreign prince, in gratitude for which he arranges dinner in honor of Tyutyurin; then falls under a car, behind the wheel of which sits Edita Piekha ...

After yet another delay Tyutyurin really does begin to compose a fable. He, with the help of Mymrikov, tells a "believable" story about a party with beauties and dances. The chief remains satisfied with Alexei's "corrected behavior" and decides to sign the character reference letter. But, tormented by remorse, Tyutyurin very quickly confesses that he lied, telling the true story about a girl, a ball and a fountain. Vasily Vasilyevich immediately becomes sure that Alexei is incorrigible and decides to take the most drastic measures. At this time, the prince's translator comes to the beauty salon with a gift for Tyutyurin, and a little later - Edita Piekha and with Alexei's wife, and all misunderstandings are resolved.

Blush (2015 film)

Naama (Sivan Noam Shimon) lives with her family in a typical suburb. Naama is used to partying with her friends and having casual sex with boys. Her parents aren't aware of her way of life, being concentrated on her soldier sister.

One day Naama meets a new student in school, and immediately feels attracted to her. They become friends and lovers and the new student, Dana (Jade Sakori) introduces Naama to Tel Aviv parties and drug scenes. Naama gets lost in Dana's love and world.

Komachi Sōshi

Ono no Komachi, the great beauty and ''waka'' poet, has grown old and wretched. She prays to Kanzeon for salvation. She encounters Ariwara no Narihira, and the two discuss their romantic histories and how popular they had once been. Komachi abandons the capital when she is ridiculed for her decrepit appearance, and travels to the Tōkaidō and eventually to Mutsu Province. She composes poems at various famous sites (''uta-makura''), but no one praises her poems as those of the great Komachi. Komachi eventually comes to grassy field of Tamazukuri-Ono in Mutsu, and there dies.

Narihira, travelling north on a journey of poetry composition, realizes that he is following in Komachi's footsteps. He hears the first half of a ''waka'' floating in the wind: ''kure-goto ni aki-kaze fukeba asa na asa na''. Narihira completes the poem: ''ono to wa iwaji susuki no hitomura''. Suddenly, a beautiful women appears as if from nowhere. She asks if he is a person from the capital and could deliver a message to Narihira for her. She says that since Narihira's name (業平) is written with the same characters as the aphorism ''Gō o tairamuru'' (業を平むる), calling his name must surely cause one's bad karma to disintegrate.

Narihira, thinking that this must surely have been the ghost of Komachi, digs through the long grass, but the woman is nowhere to be found, Narihira instead finding nothing but bones and pampas grass (''hitomura susuki''). Komachi and Narihira were avatars of and respectively.

Margo the Mouse (film)

The movie is a selection of several episodes of the original television series ''Margo the Mouse'' and it has no dialogue. The film narrates the life of the beloved Margo, a little mouse that she lives in a tree located in a beautiful countryside. Other animals live in the tree, which are her neighbors. There's Eliana, a nice squirrel that lives on the top floor or Dennis, a dormouse that lives in the back of the tree. Margo will live incredible adventures in her day to day. It will not be easy experiences for Margo, since the little mouse will also have to face fearsome creatures like a giant fish, an evil stork or a sullen cat. Thanks to her intelligence and her friends, Margo will learn a life lesson in each moment that will help her grow and mature.

Between her experiences she will be helping her friend Eliana when she must go to take care of her sick mother, since an owl will invade the floor of the squirrel at night. Thanks to her intelligence and the help of a technical mole, Margo will be able to face the fearsome owl, which has caused all the neighbors to flee from the tree of the field. Another of her experiences will be to face a vagabond rat that he wants to throw her out of her own home. Without knowing anything, the tramp will hang around Margo's house to enter, throw her out and live at her expense. The vagabond will draw a plan to cause Margo to leave. In his plan, the vagabond will cause the chimney of the tree to spoil, as well as try to scare Margo during the night, as well as to scare the little mouse by putting a robot in the shape of a cat in her house. However, she is very intelligent and brave and does not get scared easily. When Margo leaves her house to visit some friends, the tramp will create a trap to expel the mouse from her house. However, the vagabond's ambition will be excessive and that will cause him to fall into his own trap.

Not everything will be bad experiences for Margo. In a sequence, Margo will visit her lovely Aunt Adelina to celebrate her birthday. During the journey, the little mouse will meet Jurand, a bitter beaver who will be very rude to her and her aunt. Margo and Adelina will teach him that he should be kinder to people, otherwise he will be left alone. In another moment, Margo and her friend Anna, a sparrow, will have to face an evil cat that he will want to eat them. One day, Margo invited her friend Anna to have tea at her house and then weave a tapestry with the melodies that Anna sang. Her pleasant song reaches the ears of the bad cat that he will want to eat the mouse and the sparrow. The cat will try to break the windows of Margo's house, also create holes to enter, but the intelligence and rapidity of the two friends will make their plans fail. However, when the cat decides to flood Margo's house with water, she decides to take out her gramophone and put a disc with barking dog sounds to scare the bad cat away.

Among her other adventures will be to defeat a terrifying stork that wants to eat it or face the owl that lives in an old castle. Thanks to her intelligence and the strong friendship she has with other characters, Margo will learn to live and mature at every moment.

Aki no Yo no Naga Monogatari

The Enryaku-ji monk Keikai (桂海) visits Mii-dera and falls in love with Umewaka (梅若), the son of the Hanazono Minister of the Left (花園左大臣), but Umewaka is carried off by a tengu. The monks of Mii-dera, searching for the boy, fight with Enryaku-ji and burn the temple building. Umewaka returns safely, but learning what has happened he commits suicide. Keikai mourns for Umewaka and turns for comfort to the revered Tendai monk Sensei-shōnin (瞻西上人).

Sesame Street: 25 Wonderful Years

While noticing the many talents that people have throughout Central Park, Telly, Prairie Dawn, and Big Bird get the idea to put on a big show. They audition dancers and "la-la"-ers (singers). However, when the Amazing Mumford attempts to audition, he makes everyone sound like different animals. In between, classic Sesame Street songs are shown, such as "Count It Higher", "I Love Trash", "Rubber Duckie", "C is for Cookie", "Adventure", and "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon". All hope begins to be lost for the show as the auditions fail, as Big Bird sings "Sing" all by himself. Then, Ladysmith Black Mambazo comes in by singing the "la la la la" part. Soon enough, everyone starts singing with him, making the show successful after all.

New Year Adventures of Masha and Vitya

Elementary school children Vitya and Masha are complete opposites; Vitya believes only in science and technology, while Masha believes in miracles. During the hall's preparation for the New Year at their school, Masha brings to life the sculpture of Father Frost with a magic spell, who transports her and Vitya to a fairy-tale world to save the Snow Maiden: Koschei kidnapped the Snow Maiden to arrange the New Year for his evil spirits.

Father Frost gives the children three tips: One, do not wait for anyone to help, but help everyone in need, 2) do not get lost in a difficult moment and 3) hold on to each other when in a bad situation. Learning this, Koschey sends them an impure force – the vocal-instrumental trio "Wild Guitars": Baba Yaga, Leshy and Wild Cat Matvei. Masha and Vitya fly away on a mortar and pestle from Baba Yaga. Vitya strikes Leshy with a self-made electroshock weapon. He also distracts Wild Cat Matvei, who runs around the forest with a big slingshot, using a mechanical mouse.

On the way to Koschei's kingdom, Masha and Vitya also meet the Stove, the Apple Tree and Old Man-Forester and help them, and in return they show the children the way with the help of charcoal, an apple and a ball. But at the last moment Koshchei abducts Masha and lowers her on the elevator to his dungeon. Soon it turns out that Koshchei's teeth hurt, and Masha relieves the sorcerer's toothache with a healing rinse in exchange for the Snow Maiden's release. Vitya summons Koshchei to a duel and defeats him with an ordinary magnet. The "Wild Guitars" trio go in pursuit of children, but the Stove, the Apple Tree and Old Man-Forester help Vitya and Masha, and they return to school with the Snow Maiden, where children and Father Frost are waiting for them.

Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase

In one sunny city live two cute and unusual children; boy Petya and girl Toma. Toma is an "ice queen" because she never smiles and often cries, and Petya is a coward who lacks courage. One day Petya's mom and Toma's dad decide to turn to the doctor. The doctor is unusual, he has candies against fear, and with the help of other sweets he can heal from anger and cunning, stupidity, sadness, lies, gossip.

But, by an incredible coincidence, a suitcase of yellow color with miracle drugs comes into the wrong hands. Under threat are the lives of Toma's grandmother, the pilot Verevkin - Toma's father, the tamer of tigers Bulankin.

Toma's grandmother, doctor, Toma and Petya set off on a quest for the suitcase containing the magic medicines.

Beginning (play)

Set in the aftermath of Laura's housewarming party at her new flat in Crouch End, Danny, having attended simply as the plus one of a friend, is the last remaining guest. Laura is 38, single, childless and with no immediate family; Danny is 42, divorced, living with his mother and has not seen his daughter for a number of years.

The play begins with them nearly kissing and charts their journey in real time as they both seek to get back to that point. While Laura is clear from the outset that she fancies Danny and wants him to stay over, Danny is reluctant to share his true feelings. Over the course of the play, both begin to open up to one another, they dance to Bros, consume fish finger sandwiches and share their mutual loneliness and isolation in the city of London and where they are in their lives.

Finding Paradise

Sigmund Corp. uses a technology that can create artificial memories. Since these artificial memories conflict with the patient's real memories, the procedure is only legal to do on comatose patients without much time left to live. Thus, they offer this as a "wish fulfillment" service to people on their deathbeds.

Sigmund Corp. employees Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts are contracted with fulfilling the paradoxical dying wish of Colin Reeds: to change something, yet change nothing at all. The doctors insert themselves into an interactive compilation of his memories and traverse backwards through his life via 'mementos', items of great personal significance to Colin that act as a link between his various memories. For reasons not stated, Watts decided for this case to use a memory machine that he has personally modified instead of one sanctioned by Sigmund. The machine makes errors in transcribing Colin's memories, resulting in various anomalies like lengthened hallways and trees that have been placed in indoor rooms.

While getting ready to traverse Colin's memories, the doctors realize that Watts had forgotten their paperwork at Sigmund HQ and request a colleague, Dr. Roxanne Winters, to scan the documents over. Winters searches Watt's office for the paperwork and notices Watt's sanctioned memory machine hidden behind a bookshelf. Suspicious, Winters decides to personally visit them to confront Watts under the guise of sending them the paperwork in person.

The doctors proceed with exploring Colin's memories while waiting for the paperwork to arrive. In Colin's senior years, the doctors learn of Colin's relatively happy life with his wife Sofia and son Asher, peppered only with minor regrets, such as his marriage proposal having an embarrassing typo. Colin had fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming an airline pilot, learned to appreciate the cello, and even went on his dream vacation of Bora Bora with Sofia. Despite this, Colin feels he had not lived a fulfilling life, and is unhappy enough to go to Sigmund Corp. in order to get a second chance. This causes friction with his family, as Asher and especially Sofia feel offended that Colin would want to overwrite his memories with them. However, Colin had asked for Sigmund Corp. to change as little as possible regarding his family, thus making his wish difficult to carry out. Strangely, the doctors also repeatedly encounter a shadowy figure in many of his older memories that appears to be watching them. Furthermore, the doctors find themselves traveling through Colin's memories in a decaying orbit, bouncing between his youth and senior years until they're projected to end somewhere in Colin's adulthood, instead of the typical linear reverse-chronological order.

While observing Colin's childhood memories, the doctors learn that he frequently communicated with Faye, a girl living across the balcony. As an only child whose parents were rarely home due to working long hours, Colin was very lonely and had no luck making friends in school. Quiet but imaginative, Colin seldom talked to anybody other than Faye, whose personality was the polar opposite of his. Faye would be at Colin's side for nearly all of Colin's youth, but is strangely absent in all of his adult memories. Faye originally inspired Colin to become a pilot.

In his early adulthood, as Colin became acquainted with Sofia through their community orchestra, he and Faye began to drift apart. When the doctors witness this memory, they become convinced that Colin secretly regrets choosing Sofia over Faye, but his loyalty to his family prevents him from expressing his wish. While evaluating how to deal with the situation, Watts suggests that the only way to respect Colin's conditions is to erase Faye from his memories. As the doctors debate their solutions, Winters announces that she has arrived with the paperwork and her colleague, Dr. Robert Lin. Watts hastily exits Colin's memories to complete the paperwork. As he deals with the paperwork, Winters confronts Watts over his use of a personally modified machine. Watts is reluctant to elaborate but Winters is able to coerce him into explaining the situation to her at a later date. Winters also warns Watts that his modifications could potentially be dangerous to all parties using the machine. However, before Watts can return to Colin's memories, he experiences a wave of pain and briefly leaves Colin's home to retrieve his painkillers. Before leaving, Colin's bedside doctor notes to Watts that Colin's brain activity is unusually high for a comatose patient.

Rosalene, still investigating Colin's memories, requests Watts to run a record search on Faye and aviation accidents. Watts forwards the search to Winters and Lin, both of whom cannot find any trace of a person resembling Faye ever existing. Watts, perturbed, hurries back and re-enters Colin's memories, where Rosalene has now disappeared. As Watts searches for her, Faye violently confronts him.

Faye's true identity is that of an imaginary friend that a young Colin created by writing about her in a green book he kept with him his whole life. Because of the vivid detail Colin had written her with, Faye was able to manifest as an actual girl in his memories. As an extension of Colin's own mind, Faye had been observing the doctors throughout their investigation. When Faye overhears the doctors talking about erasing her, she exploits imperfections in Watts' modified machine to seize control. She locks Watts out of the memories, so he has to fight her in the machine while Rosalene, having escaped Faye earlier, administers sedatives to Colin in the real world. With Faye temporarily subdued, the doctors are then able to access the last memory: in Colin's early adulthood, he finally lets go of Faye and stops writing about her in his book. Before saying goodbye, Faye promises to come back one more time at the end of Colin's life to hear his stories. It's implied that Faye is Colin's interpretation of the bird from ''A Bird Story'', as she is given wings and Colin refers to her as his first real friend, one whom he had said goodbye to a long time ago.

However, as a result of the efforts to weaken Faye, Colin's condition rapidly deteriorates, and the doctors no longer have the time to modify his memories without risking themselves. Watts comes to the conclusion that Colin's misery was induced by FOMO after learning of Sigmund's tech, which in turn caused him to be unable to face Faye. Watts then convinces Rosalene that they should give full control of the machine to Faye to create a fast solution for Colin's wish. The doctors leave, and Faye erases Sigmund Corp. from Colin's memories. This creates a life where Colin never asked for their services, leaving his life as is and allowing him to live out his last few years with his family without any animosity. In his final moments, Colin looks across the balcony as he did as a child, and Faye appears once more as promised. She asks if Colin still has regrets. Colin admits he still has plenty, but firmly states that he is happy with what his family and his life have given him. Satisfied, Faye bids farewell, and Colin thanks Faye for having always been there with him. Colin walks back inside and kisses a sleeping Sofia one last time before flatlining. In the real world, Watts gives Sofia Colin's green book, and unveils Colin's writings to her.

Later, Rosalene attends Colin's funeral. Back at HQ, Watts continues to work on his modified memory machine, with Winters and Lin now on board with his secret project. Watts explains his "solution" to them, and an image of Faye appears on Watts' computer terminal.

ScubaVenture: The Search for Pirate's Treasure

The player character dives in the Caribbean sea to search the sunken wreck of the Barbarosa to search for treasure and uncover the mystery being disappearing explorers.

The Girl from Venice

The novel takes place during the weeks before the collapse of the Republic of Salò and the death of Benito Mussolini. While fishing at night, Cenzo rescues from the water Giulia, who was fleeing from the Wehrmacht. Giulia had been hiding with her family in a hospital, but their location and identity were betrayed, and she swims the Venetian Lagoon to escape. Cenzo's pastoral life soon becomes quite complicated as he tries to help her leave Italy.

Natural Daughter with Portraits of the Leadenhead Family

Robinson's narrative begins with the Bradford family travelling to Bath for the sake of its healing waters. The Bradfords are a mixed bunch in terms of personality and beliefs. Peregrine Bradford, his wife and two daughters, Martha and Julia, are members of the middle-class who have recently built their fortune, however, they do not have official titles to secure their place among high society. Mr Bradford believes that his wealth will buy everything he desires when he says, “gold will buy everything; and who knows but I may soon die and leave a title?” The idea that money can buy happiness is a consistent theme throughout the novel. The main character, Martha (Bradford) Morley, continually seeks to dispute this idea by showing compassion towards others and straying from the path that will lead her to upper-class society. Martha is portrayed as a more masculine woman who takes action, while her sister Julia is passive and full of sensibility, i.e. an emotional delicacy and extreme feeling.

Martha's marriage to Mr Morley goes against the less submissive identity that she is described as possessing. Early in the novel, Martha is described as, “giddy, wild, buxom, good-natured, and bluntly sincere tenor of her conversation” and “a mere masculine hoyden.” Martha is willing to submit to marriage for the sake of her father, but the marriage is not happy. Mr Morley is described as, “one of those prejudiced mortals who consider women as beings created for the conveniences of domestic life”. Not long into the marriage, Mr Morley leaves on business, which meant his estate was left to be run by Martha. On her own, Martha gets to know the locals in the village outside the estate. On one of her excursions, she discovers a highborn lady and her newborn illegitimate child. Martha offers to assist the young mother but is suddenly struck ill and cannot go to the village herself, so in her place, she sends a servant named Mrs Grimwood. Mrs Grimwood's discovery of the child and its connection to Martha lead her to create false rumours which are spread as the chapter ends. The narrator foreshadows the worst for Martha by saying, “little foreseeing that her steps would lead to a labyrinth of adventures”

Martha's decision to care for the illegitimate child, whom she calls Frances or Fanny, instigates a scandalous rumour that Martha is the real mother of the child. Her husband, Mr Morley, goes as far as placing her out of doors where she has to fend for herself. Without the means to support herself, Fanny is placed in the care of Lord Francis Sherville, whom Martha assumes is Fanny's father. At the same time, Martha's sister Julia is beginning to step beyond the bounds of the ideal English woman's sensibility. As a woman who has been introduced to higher society, Julia is influenced by her peers and the raging French Revolution. Under this influence, Julia takes a number of lovers including Mr Morley, Sir Lionel Beacon, and the notorious Robespierre. She eventually marries Gregory Leadenhead despite her reputation as a loose woman. The two or soon divorced after her affair with Mr Morley.

The Leadenhead family is a rambunctious cast of characters who have risen to high society through new money. However, their middle-class background prevents them from fully entering the world of the upper-class. Many members of the upper-class, such as Sir Lionel Beacon and Lady Penelope Pryer, come from old, inherited money that has never had to be earned. Their old-money background also provides them with titles of honour such as "Sir" and "Lady." The Leadenheads lack a title so they decide to send their son into the army in order to earn a title of military prestige. Gregory Leadenhead eventually marries and divorces Julia Bradford due to her unwomanly behaviour.

Being cast out of doors, Martha seeks to support herself as an independent woman. This is more difficult than it seems and it is near impossible for Martha to pay her rent. Luckily, she comes across Fanny's mother, "a provincial actress of the most promising talents," at an inn. Mrs Sedgley is overjoyed to see Martha and to hear that her daughter is in the care of Lord Francis Sherville. Martha asks Mrs Sedgley if she may join the acting troupe and is eagerly accepted into the group. As an actress, Martha could have both fame and independence. During her career as an actress, she learns that Mrs Sedgley was in France during the first years of the revolution where she spent months in a French prison waiting to be executed by the infamous Marat. Before Mrs Sedgley's name is called for the guillotine, Marat harasses Mrs Sedgley. Luckily, Mrs Sedgley was able to escape the prison and return to London. Not long after, she gave birth to little Fanny.

Martha's first performance as an actress is when she is cast as Lady Teazle. Despite her success as this character, "Mrs Morley was neither elated nor changed by the fame which rapidly followed her footsteps". As an actress, Martha or Mrs Morley was able to find freedom where she had previously been limited by her marriage to Mr Morley. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. Mr Morley eventually runs into Mrs Morley while she is travelling with her fellow actors and he is appalled by her choice of employment and proceeds to lecture Martha about the roles that a proper wife should have taken on despite being abandoned. Martha, however, proceeds to defend herself by explaining the necessity of her situation. This confrontation causes Martha to leave the acting troupe and move on to another profession that is arguably less public.

Once again on her own, Martha has to find a new way to earn a living wage. Upon returning to London, she takes up what she calls a "modern experiment" or the writing of a novel. Previously, throughout the book, Martha's character has written poetry about what she has observed. Now, she is attempting to write a novel which is difficult to gain a profit from even though the literary marketplace is booming. In just six weeks, Martha writes her novel and takes her manuscript to be printed in Bond Street. There Martha meets a bookseller named Mr Index. He promptly informs her that her novel is too common and will not sell successfully. In order to be successful, Mr Index says that a novel should be a satire or a portrait of real life to be successful. Despite being disheartened by Mr Index's criticism of her novel, Martha sells him the copyright to her novel for 10 pounds. After the sale, Martha continues to write, but instead of a novel, she seeks to publish a book of poetry. To gain a sponsor for this collection, Martha writes a dedication to Lady Eldercourt. Unfortunately, this Lady does not see the sophistication in Martha's poetry and offers her only five guineas for her troubles. Martha faints and is forced to re-evaluate how she is to publish her poetry. During this pursuit, Martha discovers that her novel has been printed in six editions when the purchaser only gave her ten pounds for her manuscript. Her anger at this betrayal by the publisher is mistaken for madness, and Martha is taken to a mad-house where she discovers her mother, Mrs Bradford. Together they escape the asylum during a fire.

The end of Robinson's novel is a whirlwind of plot twists that dramatically change the reader's perceptions of many of the main characters. When Martha travels to France, she finds her sister dead in the Hotel de la Liberté after Julia announces her love affair with the notorious Robespierre. Right before Julia's death, Robespierre is led to the guillotine. This shocking revelation stuns Martha and Mr Morley. In the end, Mr Morley is revealed to be the father of little Fanny and to "preserve" his own reputation as a pious man, attempts to kill the child. He is stopped by Martha, Mrs Sedgley and Lord Francis Sherville. Upon seeing Mrs Sedgley, Lord Francis recognizes her as his sister, which would make Fanny his niece. Mr. Morley falls to his death while fighting over Fanny. After the fight, Lord Francis proposes to Martha and she accepts his offer of marriage.

The final paragraph of the novel ends with the narrator informing the reader of the whereabouts of Lady Penelope Pryer and her engagement to Gregory Leadenhead.

Artemis (novel)

In Artemis, the first city on the Moon, porter and part-time smuggler Jasmine "Jazz" Bashara is offered an opportunity by a regular client, wealthy businessman Trond Landvik, to assist him with a new business venture. While meeting with Trond, Jazz briefly encounters an associate of his named Jin Chu who attempts to conceal a case marked with the name ZAFO. Trond intends to take over Sanchez Aluminum, which currently enjoys a lucrative permanent contract with the city for free energy in exchange for providing the city's entire oxygen supply as a by-product from aluminum production. Trond asks Jazz to sabotage the company's anorthite harvesters so he can step in with his own, and when he offers her a life-changing sum of money to carry out the criminal activity, Jazz accepts.

Jazz borrows some welding equipment from her estranged father Ammar, and a small robot called a HIB from a business associate of his. She visits the Apollo 11 landing site disguised as a tourist, leaving the HIB in place outside the airlock so that it can open the hatch for her without the assistance of a human EVA master. The next day, while an electronic device created by her scientist friend Martin Svoboda makes it seem as though she is in her living quarters, Jazz treks across the moon's surface to where the harvesters are collecting ore. She successfully sabotages one, but is spotted by the camera of another. Jazz destroys two more, but flees to avoid capture by an approaching EVA team before she is able to disable the last harvester. With EVA masters guarding every airlock, Jazz is discovered by her former friend Dale, whom she despises for stealing her boyfriend. Dale offers not to report her if she would put aside her resentment and try to rekindle their friendship, which she reluctantly agrees to do. Finding Trond and his bodyguard murdered, Jazz looks for Jin Chu at an expensive hotel. She is attacked by Trond's assassin, but manages to escape with Jin's ZAFO case, which she gives to Svoboda to study. Jazz learns that Sanchez Aluminum is a front for O Palácio, Brazil's largest and most powerful organized crime syndicate, and that the killer, named Alvares, is now after her. Jin agrees to meet Jazz, but betrays her to Alvares to save himself. Jazz, anticipating Jin's deception, executes the trap she set, incapacitating Alvares and then turning him over to the city's de facto police chief, Rudy.

Svoboda discovers that ZAFO is a virtually lossless cable ("Zero Attenuation Fiber Optic"), which will allow long-distance transmission of data without the need for repeaters, revolutionizing communications infrastructure. As the manufacturing process requires low gravity, Artemis is an ideal location, and the new industry would significantly boost the city's stagnant economy. Jazz confronts the city's administrator Ngugi, who reveals she has been using Jazz as bait to flush out O Palácio's operatives, not wanting to allow Artemis to be seized by a crime syndicate. Jazz then enlists her reluctant friends and father to stop O Palácio by destroying Sanchez's smelter, which will allow Trond's daughter Lene, who inherited his fortune, to seize the pertinent contracts and rebuild. Dale helps Jazz break into the plant, where she sabotages the smelter to overheat and destroy itself, but in doing so unwittingly creates deadly chloroform that is pumped into the city's air supply. With under an hour before the unconscious residents of Artemis die from their exposure, Jazz races to access Trond's stockpile of untainted oxygen. She sacrifices herself to save the city, but Dale is able to save her. Lene pays Jazz for her services, and she finds herself temporarily wealthy. After buying her father a new welding workshop to replace the one she accidentally destroyed as a teenager, Jazz is called to Ngugi's office, where the administrator informs her of her impending deportation. Jazz convinces Ngugi of her value to the city as an "authorized" harmless smuggler whose monopoly of the illegal trade would keep out other, more dangerous criminals. Ngugi relents, but forces her to pay most of her remaining money to the city as a fine. Jazz and Dale rekindle their friendship. Jazz tasks Kelvin, her smuggling partner on Earth, to discover which company Jin Chu works for and invest in it before ZAFO and its earning potential is announced.

Destroyer (2018 film)

LAPD detective Erin Bell arrives on the scene of a John Doe murder and informs the responding officers that she knows the identity of the murderer.

At the police station, Erin receives a $100 bill stained from a dye pack in an unmarked envelope. Using a contact at the FBI, she confirms that the bill is from a bank robbery committed by a California gang sixteen years prior that she and her former partner, FBI agent Chris, were embedded in as undercover officers. She tells her superiors that she believes the bill to be proof that the gang's leader, Silas, is once again active.

Erin works her way through the remaining members of the gang in order to find Silas. She begins with Toby, who was in prison but is now gravely ill and living with his mother on compassionate release. She gives him a handjob in exchange for the location of Arturo, a member of the gang atoning for his past crimes by offering pro bono legal services to immigrants. Arturo provides Erin with the location of Dennis DiFranco, a lawyer who launders the multi-million dollar haul from the original robbery and from whom Erin deduces that Silas is active again because the money from that heist is almost gone. After Erin thrashes him, DiFranco gives her the location of the next money drop, which is performed by Silas' girlfriend Petra, who has developed a severe drug addiction. Erin tracks Petra, eventually intervening in a bank robbery committed by Silas' new gang. She and Petra brutally injure each other in a fight, ending with Erin abducting Petra.

Flashbacks reveal that Erin and Chris developed a romantic relationship while undercover, with Erin eventually becoming pregnant, later having their daughter, Shelby. At Erin's behest, they decided to become legitimate participants in a bank robbery and planned to take their shares of the heist, report to their superiors that they lost contact with the gang, and eventually quit the force. The robbery was botched when a dye pack exploded in one of the bags, and Silas killed the bank teller who accidentally placed it. When Chris attempted to intervene, he was shot and killed by Silas. After crashing the van against a dumpster and seriously injuring Toby, Erin hid her share of the heist and returned to policing, disclosing neither her original plan nor her share of the heist.

In the present, Erin visits Ethan, Shelby's adoptive father, and later talks with Shelby. Erin visits a self storage unit to retrieve her $300,000+ share of the stolen money, but finds that all but $11,000 is stained with dye. Silas sends a text message to Petra's phone, instructing her to meet him at the Bowtie Park, where Erin confronts and shoots him, avenging Chris. She returns the next morning to find the police investigating the crime scene: the John Doe murder investigation depicted in the first scene of the film. With Silas dead, Erin gives evidence of her guilt where he can find Petra, a stained bill, and the key to her storage unit to her partner, Antonio. Erin has been bleeding internally for hours, from injuries she sustained during a beating by DiFranco's bodyguard and in her fight with Petra, and she dies while sitting in her car.

The Invention of Curried Sausage

Chapter 1

The narrator believes that a woman whose food stand he went to as a child was the inventor of the German snack food curried sausage. He seeks out the woman, Lena Brücker, who is now an elderly woman living in a nursing home in Hamburg. The narrator asks Lena to tell him the story of how she invented curried sausage. She agrees and she begins to tell her story.

She begins her story on April 29, 1945, the day of Hitler’s marriage to Eva Braun. She introduces Petty Officer Bremer and describes that they met when he bumped into her outside of the cinema in Hamburg. He was due to be deployed to the front lines the next day. After an airstrike occurred, the two of them went to a public air raid shelter. After the all clear was given, the two return to Lena’s apartment. After a night of drinking and talking, Lena convinces Bremer to stay and become a deserter instead of likely being killed on the front lines.

Chapter 2

In the beginning of the chapter Bremer is faced with a dilemma: he is too afraid to go to fight on the front lines but he is also afraid of being killed if it is found out he deserted the army. He decides to stay with Lena, a woman whom he just met and was now completely dependent on.

Lena then goes to work at a canteen in Hamburg. She describes to the narrator that an employee there, Holzinger, had been questioned by the Gestapo after allegedly making Nazi broadcasters sick while working in the kitchen at a Reich radio station. On her way home from work she heard about the status of the front in Hamburg but nothing about Bremer’s unit. It would turn out that his entire unit had been killed.

When Lena is home there is a knock at the door. She hides Bremer and opens the door for the block air warden, Lammers. Lammers suspected that he heard voices and that Lena was harboring a fugitive in her home. Lammers looks around and finds Bremer’s lighter but Lena claims it was a gift from a friend. He eventually leaves, though unconvinced that there is nobody there. After Lammers left, they discussed that Bremer must be quieter when she is at work.

Chapter 3

The majority of this chapter follows Bremer becoming accustomed to his new way of life in hiding. He discovers the belongings of Lena’s husband, whom she has not seen in years. Lena discovers a picture of Bremer’s wife and child in his wallet. When Lena asks if Bremer is married he lies to her and says that he is not.

The two spend the night together in Lena’s bed. The creaking of the mattress causes the downstairs neighbor, Mrs. Eckleben, to bang loudly against the ceiling. This creaking furthers the suspicions of the tenants of the building that there is someone besides Lena in the apartment.

Chapter 4

The chapter begins with Lena learning that Hitler is dead and that for all intents and purposes, the war is over in Germany. She is then faced with the dilemma of whether or not to tell Bremer the news because if she tells him that the war is over, then he will leave to return to his family and she would be alone again.

When she gets home she tells him that Hitler is dead but does not mention the war being over. He begins asking questions about the future of the war and by answering them, Lena begins to grow a lie that the war is not over.

A few days later when Lena is returning from work she notices a large crowd outside of her building. She assumes that Bremer is being arrested but upon getting closer she notices a body hanging in the building. The air raid warden Lammers had committed suicide rather than face the disgrace of losing the power the Nazi regime had given him.

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Thrawn: Alliances

''Thrawn: Alliances'' focuses on Thrawn's partnership with Darth Vader, whom he meets at the conclusion of ''Thrawn''. In the novel, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader are sent on a mission to Batuu to explore a disturbance in the Force felt by Emperor Palpatine. The mission is more than that however, as Thrawn's split loyalties between the Empire and his native people the Chiss and Vader's past as a Jedi require a test of loyalty for both of the characters. The book also features flashbacks to a Clone Wars conflict featuring Thrawn and Anakin Skywalker on the same planet several years ago Additionally, Padmé Amidala is featured, investigating the disappearance of an old ally

The novel also introduces the fictional species Grysk, which later return in ''Thrawn: Treason''.

Ransom (Garwood novel)

In England, during the reign of King Richard I, Gillian, as a young child, is woken up in the middle of the night by her father. Alford the Red, and his soldiers have breached their home, Dunhanshire. Gillian's father sends his daughters with four of his most trusted men to escape the estate with a golden jeweled box that must be kept a secret. In the chaos, Gillian and Christian are separated. Christian escapes but Gillian gets caught and dragged back to the holding. After seizing Dunhanshire and killing Gillian's father, Alford has Gillian banished to her uncle, Morgan Chapman's, estate.

Fourteen years later, Gillian is dragged back to Dunhanshire where she meets a young 5-year-old boy, Alec Maitland. She tries to help him escape but the first attempt fails and they were found and taken back to the estate. Alford tells Gillian that he is sending her on a quest to the Highlands in Scotland to retrieve the jeweled box, called Arianna's treasure which belongs to King John, and her sister who he believes has the box. Gillian leaves the holding once again with Alec in order to save his life.

Once in Scotland, Gillian sends word to Alec's champion, Laird Brodick Buchanan, to request his help in getting Alec returned home safely. Gillian meets with Alec's father, Laird Iain Maitland, and Laird Ramsey who, along with Brodick, demand Gillian to give them the names of the English barons so they can retaliate against them for kidnapping Alec, but Gillian refuses in order to protect her uncle who is being held captive by Alford until Gillian returns to England with the box and her sister.

Gillian, Brodick and Ramsey travel to Ramsey's holding so that Gillian can spot the traitor and find her sister since Ramsey rules over both the Sinclair and MacPherson clans, but her search is unsuccessful. Two MacPherson elder's do locate Christian but she refuses to meet with Gillian. Brodick once again demands Gillian to give him the names of the Englishmen and Gillian decides to give him their names but only after Brodick promises to wait to retaliate until after she has completed her quest.

Gillian finally spots the traitorous Highlander, Ramsey's first commander, Gideon. Ramsey forces Gillian's sister to have a meeting with her where Gillian discovers that Christian does not know where Arianna's box is located. Ramsey and Brodick leave to meet up with Iain and their soldiers to travel to England and get their revenge. Upon hearing this, Gillian immediately packs and heads her own way to England. Gillian has an epiphany about where the box may be located and sends a message to King John that she knows where Arianna's treasure is hidden.Garwood, Julie (1999). Ransom. New York: New York. .

Things That Go Boom

In the playroom at Arkham Asylum, Professor Pyg (Michael Cerveris) plays ''Ave Maria'' on a gramophone. He is then confronted by an inmate, who got beaten by his mother while listening to the song. After the inmate attacks him, Pyg breaks a record in half and uses it to kill the inmate.

Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Fox (Chris Chalk) check the X-rays for Pyg, discovering that due to his many facial surgeries, his real identity cannot be tracked. Gordon is visited by Sofia (Crystal Reed), who wants to continue seeing him, citing her confession to Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) as a matter of trust but Gordon rebuffs it. In the Narrows, Lee (Morena Baccarin) begins her tenure as the leader of the club forming a court to bring justice. She's notified by a man that he got beaten by a gangster named Sampson (Stu "Large" Riley).

Sofia arrives home and is confronted by Cobblepot and Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan). She is about to get tortured but manages to convince her torturer to turn against Cobblepot and she escapes but is kidnapped by Barbara (Erin Richards), Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) and Selina (Camren Bicondova). While talking to Martin (Christopher Convery), Cobblepot is told by him that Sofia made him lie about the kiss with Gordon. Lee and Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) confront Sampson, who plans on taking down the fight club. He is revealed to suffer from bronchitis, which Lee tells him is a more serious lung disease.

Gordon visits Pyg in Arkham and after a brief discussion, manages to make Pyg reveal his Southern accent. Cobblepot is contacted by Barbara, who outlines her demands in exchange for Sofia, which he agrees to. However, he instead sends Zsasz to kill them all. Zsasz fires a bazooka into their secret club but the girls manage to flee the area. Sofia tells Gordon about it but he soon finds that she is using this as an excuse to kill Cobblepot. Gordon then meets with Cobblepot to make a deal in which both will make sure Sofia leaves Gotham at nightfall and let Cobblepot continue ruling his empire.

Lee and Nygma arrive at the clinic and find it wrecked, deducing Sampson had it destroyed. They confront him and reveal that Lee has put a poison into Sampson's drink and she has the antidote. She gives it to him with the condition that he leaves the Narrows. After talking with Sofia, Gordon handcuffs her and sends a detective to escort her to the train station. Cobblepot discovers that Martin has been kidnapped. Zsasz intercepts Sofia's train and learns that she had Martin kidnapped as a hostage, to ensure her release.

Sofia, Barbara, Tabitha and Selina take Martin to a meeting with Cobblepot, who surrenders so Martin is freed. He puts him in the car and then blows the car up, planning to not let them use Martin as a pawn, declaring a war. Lee also learns that Nygma's side effects from being frozen have been worn off – Nygma begins having hallucinations of his dual personality, as the Riddler. Martin is revealed to have survived, part of a plan Cobblepot had to instigate the war. He then has Zsasz take Martin out of Gotham for his safety. Fox tells Gordon that DNA tests showed that Pyg's real identity is Lazlo Valentin, a serial killer in the South. Gordon goes to visit Pyg but finds him gone, a guard dead and "It's been fun James – Lazlo" written in the wall with the guard's blood.

School Waltz

Ten-graders Gosha Korablyov and Zosya Knushevitskaya are in love with each other. Before the last bell are only a few days. The young man is planning to become a volcanologist. It seems that after they finish school they will get married. But Dina, who is unrequitedly in love with Gosha, is constantly near him. Her influential parents are ready to ensure a successful life not only for their daughter, but also for the future son-in-law. And when during the final examinations Gosha learns that Zosya is pregnant, he goes to dinner with Dina on the same day. By this time he dances the school waltz with Dina.

Zosya's mother takes her daughter to a hospital from which she ends up escaping, as she does not wish to get rid of the child. Zosya leaves her parents and gets a job at a construction site. Soon she finds out that her parents have separated - they have ceased to love each other a long time ago, but the daughter's departure has finally separated them. Zosya becomes acquainted with new friends. Gosha marries Dina, but their family life does not work from the very beginning. Gosha drinks heavily, and the young couple without having lived together for even a year, break up. At the end of winter Zosya gives birth to a son.

At the evening of graduates, old friends, including Dina, Zosya and Gosha, meet at the school. Together, the former schoolchildren watch a newsreel which they once merrily made of themselves - "for history". The young cameraman shamelessly shot part of this chronicle using a hidden camera - a loving couple, kisses in an empty classroom, kisses in the locker room. An innocent school romance ... Zosya leaves the room, followed by Gosha. Their conversation takes place on an empty school staircase. They still love each other, but Gosha does not know anything about the child. He dropped out of the institute and does not know what to do. Learning about his son, he asks permission to see him. Zosya leaves, leaving the failed volcanologist without answer. Behind her the school with shining windows becomes increasingly distant.

Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (1967 film)

A magician asks the stars who can get him the magic lamp. They tell him that it should be Aladdin, the son of Ali al Maruf. The magician then seeks Aladdin throughout Baghdad. When he finds himself on the market, suddenly the sultan arrives with his beautiful daughter Budur and it is announced that the head will be cut off from the one who dares to look at them. The people kneel and lower their eyes as the sultans' magnificently decorated entourage passes through the ranks. On a whim, the princess wants Aladdin to look at her, though he would lose his life with it. They command him and he obeys. The guards want to arrest him then, but the magician steps in and helps Aladdin to escape, since he still needs his services.

Later, the Dark Wizard contacts Aladdin's family and pretends to be Ali al Maruf's brother. He persuades Aladdin to get an old copper lamp for him from the "Sunken City". When Aladdin wants to hand over the found lamp to his supposed uncle, he attacks him. Fighting, Aladdin falls back into the "Sunken City" with the coveted vessel. There he accidentally rubs the lamp, whereupon a djinn emerges. He fulfills his wish, namely to bring the princess to his parents' house. The city guards, however, track Aladdin there, arrest him and throw him in the dungeon. Aladdin's mother, who is now in possession of the magic lamp, then summons the genie and gets her son back. After some strange lamp-spirit-related incidents in the palace, Budur wishes to marry Aladdin. She persuades her father to agree by telling him that it is just a dream. At the wedding ceremony, however, it comes to a dispute between the lovers, as a result, the lamp comes into the possession of the Dark Wizard. With the power of the lamp, he immediately rises to the Sultan and wants to take Budur as his wife. He orders the djinn to kill Aladdin, but Aladdin has a brilliant idea – he suggests to the lamp-spirit to instead change into a pitcher to avoid the spell of the lamp. The sorcerer is immediately defeated, and those destined for each other begin a life together.

The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe

The series follows the adventures of Ivandoe (voiced by Rasmus Hardiker), the young prince of the forest whose father, The Mighty Stag, sends him on a quest for the magical Golden Feather of the fearsome Eagle King. Ivandoe and his dedicated squire, a small bird named Bert (also voiced by Hardiker), discover new and mysterious areas of the forest and an array of peculiar creatures along the way.

Bornless Ones

A woman moves into a new home to provide better care for her brother, who suffers from severe cerebral palsy. They soon discover that the house holds a terrifying, deadly secret.

Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou

The series follows the shy Aki Shiina, whose feminine looks often cause him to be teased and mistaken for a girl. Wanting to reaffirm his identity as a man, he moves to the lodging house Sunohara-sou in Tokyo, and forms a crush on its motherly caretaker Ayaka Sunohara; his plan does not go smoothly, as Ayaka and the other residents – Yuzu Yukimoto, Sumire Yamanashi and Yuri Kazami of the Tanamachi student council – often tease him and make him wear women's clothes, while he keeps getting read as a girl.


Anastasia: Once Upon a Time

Anastasia Romanova escapes through a portal created by her family's old friend Rasputin when her family is threatened by Vladimir Lenin, and she finds herself in the year 1988. However, she is unaware that Yara, an Enchantress working with Lenin, hypnotized Rasputin and sent him through another portal to capture her.

Anastasia is befriended by Megan, a young American girl who has only recently moved into town and feels lonely as she has no friends. Despite Anastasia's initially fragmentary grasp of English, she introduces herself to Megan as "Annie", aided by a necklace Rasputin gave her that glows when she is in the presence of someone she can trust. As Anastasia's grasp of English grows, Megan finds her a place to stay in a currently-vacant house near Megan's own, and the two even manage to befriend a pop star giving a concert in a nearby mall who helps buy Anastasia contemporary clothing.

Eventually, Anastasia is able to tell Megan the truth about herself when she finds a book on the Romanovs' fate, but is disturbed to learn of her family's apparent deaths. Trying to cheer Anastasia up, Megan offers her one of a pair of "Best Friend" bracelets she bought herself in the past and never had anyone to share with.

When the two girls go to a haunted house party on Halloween, Anastasia is captured by Rasputin when she and Megan are separated. The school bullies initially convince Megan that Anastasia left on her own, but when Megan sees a live local news report of a traffic accident, she spots Anastasia and Rasputin in the background and realizes what really happened. Tracking them to the park where she first met Anastasia, Megan is able to help distract Rasputin long enough for Anastasia to open a new portal, allowing her to go back to a few moments before her original trip into the future and help her family escape Lenin's forces, with Rasputin staying behind to buy them time to escape.

Back in 1988, Megan is once again depressed at the loss of her friend, but when her mother suggests she introduce herself to the new neighbors, she is overjoyed to realize that the grandmother of the new family next door is Anastasia herself. Anastasia offers to tell Megan everything that happened to her since their last meeting.

Rudram (TV series)

Ragini (Mukta Barve) is an ordinary young woman living an ordinary life. Her life is turned up side down when her husband, only child and her father are killed in a car accident, but luckily she survives. Dealing with the following guilt and mental trauma, with the help of her physciatrist (Mohan Agashe) and accompanied by her mother (Vandana Gupte) she discovers that the accident was a premediated murder. This sets her on a journey of investigation and revenge, while struggling with personal and emotional challenges.

Panic in the Park

Skyview Park was a successful amusement park with great popularity, until numerous mishaps occurred. The city is on the verge of closing down the park. Jamie, who has inherited the park, struggles to keep her evil identical twin sister Janie from demolishing it into a parking lot. After a dispute at court, the judge gives Jamie until morning to present evidence that she owns the park. The player as a journalist is sent on an assignment to get all the facts and steps forth to help Jamie find the Skyview deed and unmask the thief that stole it before the night is over.

Karnak Café (novel)

The narrator begins the story by describing how he originally discovered the ''Karnak Café'' in Cairo, attracted by the quiet charms of Qurunfula, a bellydancer of former fame and the café's owner. There, the narrator quickly becomes part of the café's regular crowd of patrons, which represent a cross-section of Egyptian society during the early 1960s. Among many others, the crowd includes the following young people: Hilmi Hamada, an idealistic communist with whom Qurunfula has a discreet love affair; Isma'il al-Shaykh, a law graduate of modest origins; and Zaynab Diyab, another graduate from a poor background. Throughout the story, the youth are repeatedly arrested and imprisoned for prolonged periods; a mirror to Qurunfula's despair, the narrator keeps track how the youths' initial political enthusiasm and optimism slowly gives place to disillusion and hopelessness. After their third prison term, the café learns that Hilmi Hamada has died in prison, leaving Qurunfula distraught. As Isma'il and Zaynab open up to the narrator, he learns of the horrors Isma'il and Zaynab endured in prison – Isma'il is repeatedly tortured while Zaynab is raped – and how the ruthless and brutal police officer Khalid Sawfan turned both Isma'il and Zaynab into informants for the secret police after their second term in prison. As Hilmi tries to convince Isma'il and Zaynab of the necessity of communism, he is betrayed by Zaynab, who tries to thereby keep Isma'il safe, and is beaten to death in prison. The defeat of the Egyptian army during the Six-Day War sees Isma'il, who was imprisoned in spite of Zaynab's assistance, and a reversal of fortunes: after being thrown into prison and having become disabled through torture, Sawfan joins the regular crowd of the Karnak Café, painting himself both as a criminal and a victim and gaining the patrons' appreciation through witty political commentary. The novel ends on a hopeful note with Qurunfula setting her eyes upon Munir Ahmad, a new idealistic and innocent youth: for purity and innocence never disappear forever.

Ephraim's Rescue

The film focuses on the lives of Ephraim Hanks and Thomas Dobson, telling their stories in parallel.

Hanks, a rebellious young man, joins the U.S. Navy after a violent confrontation with his father. Three years later, he returns home to find that his father has died and his brother Sidney has joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Believing Sidney to be in trouble, his mother sends Ephraim to go and save him, but Ephraim ends up converting also and is baptized by Sidney.

At the same time, eight year old Thomas Dobson is baptized in his hometown of Preston, Lancashire and suffers for his faith. In 1856, a man announces that the Dobsons are departing for Zion (Utah) with the handcart brigade. Thomas, now an adult, has no desire to travel to an uncivilized area miles away from home, but his mother convinces him it is God's will.

Ephraim Hanks joins the Mormon Battalion and becomes a prominent member of the church. When he hears the handcart people are in trouble, he agrees to go and help, where his story intersects with that of Dobson.

Dariela los martes

An actress named Dariela (Paola Núñez), in the midst of a personal crisis, meets Rodrigo (Mauricio T. Valle), who is in the middle of a divorce. They begin to work together on a project to order; Attraction and understanding are given immediately. The love story that both need and invent for their script, becomes reality. The appointment every Tuesday becomes indispensable in their lives.

Contending Forces

''Contending Forces'' begins with an introduction to Charles Montfort, a successful slave-owner who has moved to North Carolina from Bermuda with his family—sons Charles Jr. and Jesse, and his wife Grace—and his slaves. He plans to slowly free his slaves, against the wishes of the local townspeople. Upon the Montfort family's arrival to North Carolina, rumors are spread that Grace Montfort has African American descent, which Montfort discusses with friend Anson Pollack, the man Montfort had purchased his land from. Anson Pollack, unbeknown to the Montfort family, devises a plan alongside the other townspeople to kill Montfort and destroy his property. Though most of the townspeople are fueled by anger at Montfort's desire to free his slaves, Pollack is also embittered by Grace Montfort's rejection of him. On a beautiful day soon afterward, Pollack, followed by several other men, shoot Montfort dead, and tie Grace Montfort up and whip her. She disappears soon after, and the text implies that she commits suicide by drowning herself in the Pamlico Sound. Pollack takes ownership of the Montfort sons, selling Charles Jr. to a mineralogist. Jesse, sent on an errand by Pollack, escapes and runs away to Boston, Massachusetts, where he arrives at the house of Mr. Whitfield, a "negro in Exeter who could and would help the fugitive". While waiting for Mr. Whitfield, he rocks the cradle of a crying baby, Elizabeth Whitfield, who he marries fifteen years later, and has a large family with.

Several years into the future, the reader is introduced to Ma Smith, the daughter of Jesse Montfort and Elizabeth Whitfield. Ma Smith is a widow with two children of her own: Will and Dora Smith. Their family stays afloat through their lodging house business. The chapter begins with Dora eagerly preparing for a new guest. Will and John Langley, friend of the family and Dora's romantic interest, ask questions about the new tenant, and Dora responds by asserting her belief that Will will fall in love with her. Sappho Clark, the new tenant, arrives, but keeps to herself. Dora and Sappho become quick friends, and Dora is impressed by Sappho's work ethic as a typist. Will soon submits to Dora's prophecy, finding himself thinking of Sappho Clark, even when she is away. Sappho is reserved about her past, but soon becomes more social and involved in her new society by playing the organ at church.

Ma Smith decides to raise funds for the church by hosting a fair, and the local women meet in a sewing circle to make plans for the event, and discuss the role of women in their society, debating the morality of female decisions on virtue and desire. Before the big event, Will and Sappho individually hint their romantic feelings to the other, as Will builds Sappho a fire every day, and she helps mend his socks. To herself, Sappho identifies their love for each other, but acknowledges that she cannot be with him and consequently cannot ever be happy. At the fair, there is a fortune teller act, featuring a little boy named Alphonse, a child with mulatto features. who Sappho takes a great interest in and places on her lap. Dora is caught between childhood friend Dr. Arthur Lewis and Langley. Langley, then, flirts with Sappho, and when she rejects him, he challenges her and implicates that she is Alphonse's mother, to which she quickly refutes his assertion, and excuses herself. The fair is ultimately successful and enjoyable for all those who attend.

Langley's attraction for Sappho increases, and he believes he will be able to convince her to have an affair with him, despite his impending marriage to Dora. Meanwhile, a recent lynching of a black man accused of raping white woman has occurred, sparking a heated debate throughout the town. Langley is up for a position as City Solicitor of the American Colored League, and promises to suppress any outspoken passion at the upcoming indignation meeting. At the meeting, speakers of different political standings voice their opinions regarding the African American presence in their town, and whether political agitation in the North will improve or worsen the state of African American individuals in the South. Speaker Lycurgus Sawyer tells a personal story, as he, a man born to free African Americans, witnessed the murder of his own family. He was saved by Monsieur Beaubean, and became paternally loving of Beaubean's daughter, Mabelle. Mabelle's evil white, half-uncle kidnapped raped her, and deserted her in a whorehouse. After Mabelle was found pregnant, a confrontation occurred between Monsieur Beaubean and the half-uncle, which lead to the burning down of the Beaubean household, killing all but Sawyer and Mabelle. Sawyer took Mabelle to a convent, where he is told she died in childbirth, to his devastation. Sawyer argues for the possibility for peace, but the necessity of justice. During this emotional reflecting, Sappho faints, and is taken outside, as noticed by Langley. After Sawyer's speech, Will argues that African Americans are fit for higher education, and should pursue better occupations. He points out that lynching is common and justified by slight suspicion of African American violence, whereas white violence against African Americans invokes no punishment or consequence. The audience is deeply touched by Will's speech.

Langley visits the fortune teller from the fair, and hears Sappho leaving her, addressing her as "Aunt Sally." The fortune teller reveals that Langley will have a bleak future, much to his dismay. At the Canterbury Club Dinner, Will is seated next to Mr. Withington, who is searching for a better understanding of the race conflict. The men discuss the conflict further, and Withington promises to do what he can. He gives Langley his business card, which reads: Charles Montfort, Withington. On Easter Sunday, Langley is infatuated with Sappho and ignores Dora. However, Sappho and Will meet in the garden and declare their love for the other. They decide to wait to tell their family of their engagement the following day. Sappho's bliss is soon disrupted, however, when Langley enters Sappho's room uninvited and reveals that he knows she is truly Mabelle Beaubean, and threatens to tell Will her past unless she marries him. Sappho is distraught, but refuses Langley, and leaves Ma Smith's home during the night. When Will awakens the next morning, excited to share the news of his engagement, Dora shows him the letter Sappho left behind, explaining the truth of her past, and Langley's threat. Dora decides to break her engagement to Langley, and Will leaves to confront him, which turns into a physical fight, and the end of their friendship.

Sappho goes to her Aunt Sally and declares that she wants to take back her son Alphonse and begin a new life as his mother. With Alphonse, she leaves for New Orleans and is taken in by a convent. Her identity is protected as Sappho Clark, and she is accepted as a young widow. While Alphonse stays at the orphanage, Sappho works as a governess for two years. Her employer, widower Monsieur Louis, asks her to marry him, and she asks for two weeks to make up her mind. Meanwhile, Will graduates from Harvard and Dora is married to Dr. Arthur Lewis. Charles Montfort-Withington visits Will, and discovers his connection to the family, revealing that he tried to find Jesse, but was unsuccessful. It is also revealed that Anson Pollack is a descendant of John Langley. The Supreme Court identifies Ma Smith as the last representative of the heirs of Jesse Montfort, awarding her $150,000.

Will visits Dora in New Orleans, and they attend Easter Sunday at the same convent Sappho coincidentally arrived at years ago. Will recognizes Alphonse, and rushes to find Sappho, which he does. They reunite, and he forgives her for running off and not trusting in him to accept her. Monsieur Louis, though disappointed that Sappho will not marry him, understands and is happy for the couple. Langley's future is revealed, as he dies alone, matching the fortune told to him by Aunt Sally. The text ends with the Smith family, including Sappho and Alphonse, happy together.

By the Bog of Cats

Act One

At the beginning of the play, Hester is dragging a dead black swan across the snow and ice at the Bog of Cats. The Ghost Fancier has come to collect her but realizes that he is early as Hester is still alive. The Ghost Fancier exits and says that he will return at a later time. Hester’s neighbour, Monica, enters and attempts to convince Hester to accept the impending marriage between Hester’s former lover, Carthage, and his much younger bride, Caroline Cassidy. Upon this marriage, Carthage will inherit Cassidy’s father’s farm. While digging a grave for the swan, Hester talks with the Catwoman about how her mother, Josie Swane, left her in the swan’s lair as an infant and claimed: “that child…will live as long as this black swan, not a day more, not a day less." During this conversation, the audience learns that Hester has been waiting on the Bog of Cats for her mother, Josie, since she was abandoned at age 7. The Catwoman urges Hester not to wait any longer for her mother, but Hester refuses to leave the Bog. In the next scene, Hester and Carthage's 7-year-old daughter Josie plays cards and discusses Carthage's upcoming wedding with her grandmother, Mrs Kilbride. Mrs Kilbride cheats her granddaughter at cards and talks disparagingly of Hester because of Hester's lack of fortune and inferior “tinker” blood. Meanwhile, Caroline Cassidy visits Hester in her wedding dress and attempts to convince Hester to allow her to marry Carthage without disruption and to leave the house on the bog, which Hester has previously signed over to Carthage. Hester scorns Caroline and reminds her that Hester was once her babysitter. Hester challenges Caroline about Carthage and claims: “Carthage Kilbride is mine and only mine. He’s been mine since he was sixteen. You think ya can take him from me? Wrong. All wrong. Now get out of me sight." Following Caroline's visit, Carthage also visits Hester in his wedding clothes and also attempts to convince her to leave the house. Hester reminds him that it was with her money that he bought his first land and accuses him of “sellin’ me and Josie down the river for a few lumpy auld acres and notions of respectability." Xavier Cassidy, Caroline’s father, also visits Hester to urge her to leave. Hester refuses to listen to any of the visitors and insists that she is staying on the Bog of Cats until her mother returns for her.

Act Two

This act depicts the marriage of Caroline Cassidy and Carthage Kilbride, which is disrupted by various individuals, both real persons and ghosts. The ghost of Joseph Swane, Hester’s murdered brother, returns and talks to the Catwoman and Hester to find out why Hester killed him. Father Willow, the officiant, and the Catwoman talk of going on a vacation together. Mrs Kilbride, Carthage’s mother, wears a white dress to the wedding and poses in pictures with her son like a bride and groom. She also interrupts the bride’s father’s toast in order to make her own speech about her son. To scorn Caroline and Carthage’s insult of coming to her house in their wedding clothes, Hester appears at the wedding in a wedding dress that Carthage had bought for her nine years ago, along with promises to marry her. Mrs Kilbride and Xavier Cassidy attempt to violently eject Hester from the wedding, while Hester’s neighbour Monica chides them for being too hard on Hester. Hester lashes out in anger against the wedding guests and pleads with them, insisting: “I can’t lave till me mother comes. I’d hope she’d have come before now and it wouldn’t come to this. Don’t make me lave this place or somethin’ terrible’ll happen." When she is finally forced to leave the wedding, Hester swears revenge and yells: “You’re lavin’ me no choice but a vicious war against ya."

Act Three

The final act is characterized by death and destruction. As her house blazes behind her, Hester talks with the ghost of her brother, Joseph Swane, and explains that she did not kill him for money; rather, she envied his relationship with their mother. Hester informs him that Carthage took Joseph’s money, used it to buy land for himself, and left Hester for another woman. Hester’s neighbour, Monica, interrupts this conversation to tell Hester that her house is on fire. Hester, having set the fire herself, is completely indifferent. Monica begs Hester to leave, and Hester insists that she is still waiting for her mother. Xavier Cassidy comes to chide Hester for ruining the wedding. Shortly after Xavier, Carthage arrives and is outraged to see the fire destroying the home and the livestock. Hester angrily accosts Carthage for his role in her brother’s death. Carthage swears that he will take Josie away from Hester by having her declared an unfit mother. Due to the Ghost Fancier’s visit, Hester knows that she is fated to die. When Josie begs Hester not to leave her, Hester slits her throat in order to spare her the same fate of living without her mother. The Ghost Fancier performs a slow death dance with Hester before plunging a blade into her chest, killing her.

School Days (1921 film)

As described in a film magazine, Speck Brown (Barry) is a country boy who has been raised by the hard hearted Deacon Jones (Lessey). The Deacon insists that Speck attend school, but when the teacher (Seddon) defends the boy against his viscous guardian, Jones turns against her. Speck becomes acquainted with a Stranger (Gilmour) who comes to town and Speck realizes his ambition, through the Stranger, to go to New York City and have plenty of money. At a private school he continues his boyish pranks and is snubbed when he gives a party to his wealthy neighbors. A couple of crooks plan to make Speck the goat in a scheme involving his friend Leff (Conlon), the inventor of a patent clothespin. Disgusted with society and realizing that money cannot buy him happiness or friends, Speck returns to his boyhood home and finds happiness there.

Radius (film)

A man wakes bloodied and disoriented from a car crash. He staggers to the road and flags down help from a passing motorist, but the driver dies suddenly after swerving off the road. After calling for help on his cell phone, he realizes he does not know where he is or what his name is. Checking his wallet, he learns his name is Liam Hartwell. While heading back into town, Liam stops at a roadside diner, where he finds everyone dead. At his house, news reports speculate a virus may be responsible, and in response he covers his nose and mouth with cloth for protection. When he notices a nearby farmer, he attempts to warn the man to leave the area. The farmer approaches Liam and suddenly drops dead. When Liam notices animals also die when he approaches, he realizes he is the cause of the unexplained deaths, not a virus.

A woman also suffering from amnesia comes looking for Liam at his house, revealing that she was with him during the car accident. He is surprised when she can approach him without dying, and he agrees to talk with her. Neither knows why they were traveling together, nor what caused the crash. Liam does not mention his theory about the deaths but presses the woman, dubbed Jane Doe, for details about whether anything weird has happened to her. When she says that hospital tests showed nothing out of the ordinary, they investigate the site of the crash. They find a charred circle, and Liam finally explains his theory. Jane reacts fearfully, insisting that he stay away from her. A passing cop sees their altercation and questions Liam. She drops dead as soon as Jane walks off.

Using a goat, Liam proves to Jane that any living creature who approaches him dies unless Jane is within . Liam at first wants to contact the authorities, but Jane convinces him they will not believe him. Instead, she suggests he be tested at a hospital. The police arrive at the hospital as the doctor reveals Liam is healthy. Worried the police may attempt to separate them, Liam and Jane flee. Jane pauses at a missing persons board, remembering something about a poster. When she comes to, she sees Liam has already entered an elevator. She races to follow it as closely as possible. Liam urges the occupants to leave as soon as the doors open, and he tries to isolate himself until Jane can rejoin him. They finally leave the hospital together, relieved nobody has died.

News reports reveal Jane's real name to be Rose Daerwood. Her husband, Sam, appeals for her to come home. Though cautious, Rose suggests they ask him for help. Sam does not believe their story at first, but Liam once again demonstrates by killing animals who get too close to him. Sam explains that Rose disappeared while searching for her long-lost twin sister, Lily. Rose remembers becoming suicidal and that Liam saved her life. As Liam and Rose grow closer, Sam becomes jealous and warns Rose that she does not even know Liam. This worsens when Liam and Rose insist on fleeing together to Liam's remote cabin without Sam. Sam calls the cops but regrets doing so, warning them at the last moment. The cops die while separating Liam and Rose, forcing Sam to agree to their original plan.

On the way to the cabin, they learn an unexplained cosmic anomaly struck the Earth in the spot where they had their accident. While exploring the cabin, Rose discovers evidence that Liam is a serial killer who abducted and killed Lily. Separately, Liam remembers attempting to abduct and kill Rose at the time of the cosmic anomaly. As Rose confronts Liam, a father and his sons take both Rose and Liam hostage. The father instructs his sons to kill Liam, whom he dubs a terrorist. Rose initially protests but allows them to separate her from Liam. When one of the boys and his father die, the remaining son shoots Rose. Liam's aura kills the remaining son, and he takes Rose to the hospital. There, as Rose and Liam are separated, Liam shoots himself in the head to prevent more people from dying due to his aura.

O Rico e Lázaro

After the death of Joshua, the Hebrew people begin to "go their own way", turning their backs on God and beginning to worship pagan gods. But when the prophet Jeremiah tries to warn them, his own people try to stone him, calling him a traitor and false prophet, but his prophecy is fulfilled with the arrival of King Nebuchadnezzar II and his wife Queen Amytis. And in another part of the story involves the love triangle involving Joana, Zac, and Asher, who at the beginning of the novel were childhood friends, but over time the trio is growing and Zac and Asher fall in love with Joana, but she corresponds only to Asher.

Humor Me (film)

Nate Kroll is a playwright who suddenly loses his job, wife Nirit and home. With no other options, he moves in with his eccentric father, Bob, who lives in a retired people's community.

After barely settling in, only 24 hours there, and Nate's dad gets him a job at the home in the laundry. Soon after being hired to fold towels, his retired military boss Ellis fires him. Wandering through a community area, Nate comes across The Cranberry Bog Players, a small group of residents planning to put on The Mikado.

Bob's girlfriend Connie, sharing a spliff with Nate, explains she started using to combat the effects of chemo. She met Bob when he was doing his weekly volunteering at the cancer ward, probably a habit he picked up from when he was visiting his wife, who didn't survive breast cancer. She proposes Nate help direct the play.

At the preliminary meeting, four women are present, none too sold on, or interested in the chosen work. Dee is one of the residents, and her daughter Allison, lives there, out-of-place, like Nate. She is complimentary of his work, and invites him to dinner at her mom's. He finds out she's there after detoxing in rehab, she's a musician and is thinking of moving to Seattle, far from New Jersey, to teach music.

One of the ladies takes an interest in Nate, which he skillfully dodges, pointing out Ellis's interest. Leaving her place on a Vespa, Ellis takes chase on a golf cart. On the way, Nate picks up Allison and they give him the slip. He has managed to convince her to give Ellis a chance, which he is grateful for.

Time goes on, Nate starts going with his dad power-walking, he gives his latest manuscript to Allison to proof and the play rehearsals progress. He has nightly Skype calls with his son Gabe in France, and finally gets some dental work done.

The Cranberry Bog Players, upon finding a video of Nate's successful screenplay, have a viewing at Bob's. It is basically the story of his parents dealing with her cancer. Bob angrily shuts it off, shortly needing to be rushed to the hospital. While waiting for him to wake from an induced coma, Connie hands Nate the key to a storage locker full of his mom's things.

Seeing Nate that night at his dad's, Allison confronts him about quitting. Telling him the new screenplay is good, although unfinished. She accuses him of being the reason why it is incomplete.

At the hospital, Nate and Connie take turns telling jokes to Bob, and can see he's reacting to them. He slowly comes out of the coma. Returning to the home, Nate asks if he may come back, making adjustments. At the performance, we see that clever slapstick jokes with sexual innuendo have been added to the routine. The producer who pulled out of his last play praises the performance. And his soon-to-be-ex also has come, bringing Gabe. She's made money in France, says she'll get divorce paper written up with joint custody, and he introduces his son to Allison.

The close starts with a playbill of the opening of Nate's recently opened show. Then we see the home, first from Gabe finishing a piano lesson with Allison, then they walk by ladies in dress rehearsal for a new performance, Ellis is with his lady, and they go through the changing area to reach the pool. Bob, Nate and Gabe cannonball into the pool.

Tale About the Lost Time

The protagonist, third-grader Petya Zubov, is first shown as a lazy boy who is wasting time. After waking up in the morning, he walks around the city, as he is not worried about arriving late for school. Once upon a time, four evil wizards, whose main mission in life is to do bad to people, realize that they are old and cannot work the way they used to. They decide to regain their youth. To do this they must find a few young lazy children to collect time that is spent ineptly, and then use it to make and eat flatbread.

The wizards set out on a quest. They manage to find children who are wasting their time (including Petya), and to collect their lost time into sacks. After that, the children instantly age. The wizards make flatbread from flour and add the collected time. However, they eat more than necessary, and they turn into children. After coming to school, Petya sees that he has grown old. However, he thinks he is just still asleep. After deliberating, he decides not to wake up yet. After seeing his class and introducing himself as his own grandfather, he goes to the city, where he tries himself in various adult roles, which end in failure because he is not well-versed in anything.

He decides to wake up and discovers that he cannot. Even his own mother cannot recognize him. Only his dog Druzhok still comes to him. Lacking money, Petya decides to go with his dog to the forest where no humans have ever set foot. Thus, he enters the Magic Forest, where evil wizards live. Reaching their dwelling, Petya finds nobody at home. Entering the empty house, he talks to the magic cuckoo clock and gives it water, which the wizards never did.

The cuckoo agrees to help Petya back to his former state and explains to him that it is merely necessary to turn the hour hand on the wizard's watch back three times, while chanting the spell. The spell will be broken, and the wizards will disappear. This should be done before sunset, but after this it will be impossible to remove the spell. Petya learns from the cuckoo that two girls and one boy who turned into old people, and if Petya turns the arrow without their presence, he will turn into a boy, but they will never return to their proper ages. Petya decides to first find the children, and then break the spell.

While the wizards are making dirty tricks, Petya and Druzhok look for and find the transformed children. The wizards realize that their spell is over and hurry home, trying to overtake the old men and hide the clock. A pursuit commences. All arrive almost simultaneously to the house of magicians. But Petya and the other enchanted children remove the spell and become children again, and the wizards disappear.

The film plot is harder than the book (book is even shorter that The Nutcracker and the Mouse King and has only 3 mages/children) and short film.

Super Mother 2

Karen and Sona continue their life together, however, Karen does not pay an attention to his family. Sona's company's accounter steals a lot of money and manages to hide them. Karen becomes Karine one more time, tries everything to get back the money and reconcile with his wife. Menua, despite being the main villain of the first movie, helps Karen to get back the money.


Almost overnight, Nathalie Pêcheux, a divorced French teacher, changes from a loving mother into a jealous monster. Her first target is her stunning 18-year-old daughter Mathilde, a ballet dancer, but her field of attack soon extends to her friends, colleagues, and even her neighbours. After the success of their film Delicacy, author and screenwriter David Foenkinos pairs up again with his brother Stéphane Foenkinos to portray a woman's radical and unexpected shift of character that oscillates between black comedy and psychological thriller.

Instant Family

Husband and wife Pete and Ellie Wagner, derided by relatives who think they will never have children, consider adoption. They enroll in foster care, led by social workers Karen and Sharon. At a fair to meet foster children, Ellie voices her reluctance to foster/adopt a teen, when they are confronted by 15-year-old Lizzie, who impresses them.

Karen and Sharon reveal that Lizzie has two siblings, 10-year-old Juan and 6-year-old Lita, and their mother is a drug addict, in prison; if they want Lizzie, they must take Juan and Lita too. The Wagners' meeting with Lizzie and her siblings does not result in an immediate connection, making them reconsider. At Thanksgiving dinner with Ellie's family, Pete and Ellie say they have decided not to adopt. The family admits no one actually believed it would work out, so Pete and Ellie decide to officially adopt them.

Lizzie, Juan, and Lita move in with the Wagners, whose lives become hectic – Lita will only eat potato chips, Juan is extremely emotional and fragile, and Lizzie resents Ellie's attempts to parent them. The Wagners turn to a foster parent support group. Pete's mother Sandy wins the kids over by taking the family to Six Flags, but Lizzie disappears with friends and returns late, prompting Pete to ground her.

The next day, as Pete and Ellie confront Lizzie trying to leave with friends, Juan accidentally shoots a nail into his foot. Seeing Pete and Ellie rush Juan to the hospital and comfort Lita, Lizzie begins to warm up to them, and Pete invites her to vent her frustrations by demolishing the kitchen of the house he is renovating. Lita calls Pete "Daddy" after he fixes her doll during Lizzie's soccer practice. At night, Ellie walks into Juan and Lita's room, hearing Juan having a nightmare. After Ellie comforts him, Juan says, “Good night, Mommy.” Ellie is overjoyed.

Pete and Ellie meet Carla, the kids’ mother, who is out of prison, wanting to reunite with her children. The Wagners express their feelings to the support group, but the social workers explain the system's main goal is to keep families together, and the children may be returned to their birth mother.

Carla's meetings with her children disrupt the Wagner household; the children become more unruly, leaving Pete and Ellie demotivated and frustrated. They are horrified to discover Lizzie taking naked pictures of herself to send to Jacob at school, who sends her a 'dick pic'. Pete and Ellie seek out the Fernandez family, whose adoptive daughter Brenda had inspired them at their orientation. They learn Brenda is back in rehab, but Mr. and Mrs. Fernandez assure the Wagners that "things that matter are hard".

Taking the children to school the next day, Pete and Ellie confront a student named Charlie, mistakenly thinking he is Jacob, only to apologize for the mix-up when he tells them the truth; when Pete asks Charlie if he knows anyone named Jacob who's been hanging around Lizzie, Charlie points out Jacob is the school's 22-year-old janitor. They beat him up and he is arrested, as are Pete and Ellie, accidentally leaving Juan and Lita in the car unattended. Returning home after posting bail, Pete and Ellie are told by Sandy that they need to reassure Lizzie that they love her.

At the children's court hearing, the judge reads a statement from Lizzie, detailing Pete and Ellie's actions negatively. He refuses to let Ellie read her own statement, and the children are returned to Carla. Juan and Lita do not want to leave the Wagners, but Lizzie is ready. The next day, Karen and Sharon arrive to tell the kids that Carla is not coming for them, having failed to appear that morning. They also reveal that, when going to see her, Carla is using drugs again and claimed Lizzie was who filled out all of the paperwork. Heartbroken, Lizzie tearfully runs away, but Pete and Ellie chase after her. They re-assure her that they love her, and the trio reconcile.

Four months later, the family attends a new court hearing, where Pete and Ellie's adoption of Lizzie, Juan, and Lita is finalised. They all pose for a picture, joined by their families and fellow foster families.

The Doolins of Oklahoma

When the Daltons are killed at Coffeyville, KS, gang member Bill Doolin, arriving late, escapes but kills a man. Now wanted for murder, he becomes the leader of the Doolin gang. He eventually leaves the gang, marries and tries to start a new life under a new name. But the old gang members appear and his true identity becomes known. So once again he becomes an outlaw trying to escape from the law. Written by Maurice VanAuken

The Man from Texas (1948 film)

Tobias Simms leads two lives, as a husband and father and as the outlaw called the El Paso Kid. He is of two minds whether to be an honest self supporting father or an outlaw. He compromises by using the skills of the latter to lead a life as the former.

The Journal (Hey Arnold!)

Arnold finds his father's journal in the attic of the boarding house that describes the adventures of his parents in the jungle of San Lorenzo, their marriage, Arnold's birth, and other details of their life. On the final page, it contains a map showing where they had to go after they left him to deliver medicine to the people of the jungle.

Do It — One!

Alexei Gavrilov goes to serve in the Soviet military. At the recruiting station he is shoved by Sergeant Shipov. Alexei stops him and demands an apology. A conflict arises between them and Shipov begins harboring resentment towards Gavrilov.

Shipov learns that Gavrilov will go to serve in the marines. Shipov begs the officer of the Marine Corps, who came to the recruiting station to get new recruits, to transfer the personal file of conscript Gavrilov to his officer, inventing the reason that Gavrilov is his countryman. As a result, instead of serving in the Marine Corps, Gavrilov falls into the service of a motorized rifle regiment where Shipov serves.

Alexei is in the part where dedovshchina (hazing) runs rampant. The "grandfathers" force the recruits to carry out their economic work, mock them, steal money from them at night. Immediately after arriving at the section, Shipov forces the "young" to do push-ups and explains to them the "main points" of hazing. But Alexei does not want to obey brute force. In the section he meets Ivan Botsu and they become friends.

During a skirmish in the dining room, Sergeant Stepanov defends Gavrilov and other recruits. During dismissal, five unknown people attack Stepanov and beat him. And later Shipov threatens Stepanov with a disciplinary battalion if he continues to interfere with him.

The "grandfathers" order the rank-and-file Botsu to count the days before the demobilization. Botsu refuses, and then "grandfathers" carry out a vile provocation in revenge - corporal Kabanov steals money from one of the "skulls" and plants it in the jacket of Botsu. On examination Shipov takes out money from Boets's tunic in view of everyone thereby setting everyone else against him. At night, several "skulls" grab Ivan and drag him into the boiler room. This is seen by Stepanov, but, remembering the threats of Shipov, he is idle. In the boiler room Ivan is brutally beaten and humiliated. Gavrilov, coming to the barracks, does not find his friend and understands that something is wrong. He tries to find Ivan and gets into the boiler room. There Alexei is also beaten. Suddenly Sergeant Shipov appears and orders everyone to disperse. Botsu attempts to commit suicide, but Alexei stops him. Realizing that he has no other way out, Gavrilov steals a machine gun from the weapons cabinet. An alarm is raised. The entire personnel runs to the boiler room. Gavrilov appears with the weapon in his hands and makes the "grandfathers" do push-ups, and orders Shipov to do them faster than others. Alarm is raised. The guard raised due to the alarm, tries to break into the boiler room. Gavrilov, upon hearing this puts the machine gun on the floor and goes towards the exit.

Woke Up Like This (film)

The film about two individuals who switched bodies.

Crowhurst (film)

In October 1968, Donald Crowhurst, a 35-year-old engineer and father of four, embarked on one of the last great adventures of the 20th Century. He was one of nine men who set out from the English coast that autumn as part of the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, chasing to be either the first or the fastest man to circumnavigate the globe – single-handed and non-stop. But for Donald the dream turned into a nightmare.


The story begins in the late 1980s, and in the first phase of the novel, the relationship between four young people who, for one reason or another, chose New York as a university destination is emphasized. Alan (American), Susana (Brazilian), Adriano (Italian) and Débora (Israeli) become inseparable, exploring fascinating Manhattan intensely. Alan and Susana live a delicate relationship that evolves into a beautiful love story; Adriano and Debora are more intense and passionate and, surrounded by a mysterious and somber force, marry in a troubled way and live an unhappy relationship. Other everyday and parallel characters appear in this first phase and will be introduced during the course of the novel.

The second phase begins in 2001, with the return of the failing and doubtful couple, Adriano and Débora and son Ricardo to the Big Apple, where they resume contact with the old couple of friends Alan, Susana and their son, Benjamin. Débora, however, is envious of Susana, since her relationship with Adriano is faceless. Several apocalyptic prophecies promise to take place in various cities around the world, in Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Jerusalem, and New York, where the fateful September 11 is part of the narrative.

The third phase brings the story to the present day and shows how the characters are impacted by the biblical promises. There will be moments of faith, hope, pain, sadness and anguish, where the audience will see the best and the worst of the human being. Ricardo will be the antagonist, the antichrist who will fight to dominate the world; he will empower himself with scientific discoveries of Benjamin, who has become a great scientist and has married Zoe, and will use it to commit atrocities. People of the past who have committed terrible acts may surprise the public by accepting Christ, while "lukewarm" Christians may not resist and prefer to worship the devil to be spared from death.

The Debutantes (film)

Kate (Sue Ramirez) is a strange and weird girl who wants to be friends with the popular girls in school - Lara (Miles Ocampo), Jenny (Jane De Leon), Candice (Michelle Vito) and Shayne (Chanel Morales). However the group prefers to bully her instead. After helping the girls with their homework, Lara invites Kate to Jenny's 18th birthday. However, the group played a prank on her during the birthday.

Kate had a nightmare about a curse and tried to warn the others but they continued bullying her aside from Lara. Soon, there was a supernatural entity that is killing the debutantes as they turn 18.

Undercover (Bulgarian TV series, season 5)

Martin was promoted to the chief of the department and met with Popov's Erol Metin. The Hook had been in prison, but with Ivo's help he was released. Popov is in prison and Nia was visited by The Lizard's brother and got raked.

Tokyo Tribe (film)

The film is set in an alternate Japan where street gangs collectively known as the Tokyo Tribes control their respective territories and are in continuous conflict. Mera, the head of the Wu-Ronz tribe of Bukuro, joins forces with the violent and sadistic gangster Buppa of Buppa Town with the intent of initiating a gang war between the Wu-Ronz and the Musashino Saru tribes. When it comes to a confrontation between the two tribes, Mera attempts to kill Kai, a popular member of the Musashino Saru tribe. During the attempt Mera accidentally kills Kai's friend Tera, another member of the Musashino Saru tribe who has been beloved by members of all Tribes since before their formation. This causes all of the other Tokyo Tribes to join forces against Mera and Buppa's forces, leading to an all-out gang war.

Tokyo Tribe mirrors apocalyptic art house violence, horror musical and tribalistic themes from films such as Mad Max, Do the Right Thing, Rocky Horror Picture Show and various Tarantino films. The film is almost entirely scripted in old school hip hop rhyme.

Gumrah (TV series)

Huma and Faryal are best friends. Huma is always going to Faryal's house and wants the same lavish life Faryal does. Master Ijaz, Huma's father disapproves of this and believes that Faryal's parents and Faryal are making Huma greedy. Huma wants to have money and will do anything for it. She rejects Aliyan, Faryal's cousin because he is not as rich and will not meet her needs. Soon, Huma begins working at Faryal's father, Sarmad's company and ends up marrying him.

Capital Punishment (film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, a prologue shows a youth, wrongly convicted of murder, is placed in an electric chair with the Governor (Kilgour) frantically attempting to call it off, ending with the throwing of a switch to show the electrocution taking place. In the main story, Gordon Harrington (Dexter) wagers Harry Phillips (Ellis) that he can have an innocent convicted of murder. He persuades Dan O'Connor (Hackathorne), a youth who has been in trouble with the police but has reformed, to be the subject of the experiment. Dan needs the money for his mother and also wants to marry Delia Tate (Bow). Phillips disappears and is reported murdered. Dan is arrested when he pawns articles bearing Phillips’ monogram, and is convicted based upon circumstantial evidence. In the meantime, Phillips and Harrington have fought over Mona Caldwell (Livingston), and when the latter is accidentally killed, Mona persuades Harrington to let Dan pay the penalty rather than risk execution himself. Dan, Della, and a friendly policeman (Boteler) attempt to locate Harrington, and at last the Prison Warden (Nichols) gets Harrington on the telephone. Dan, flabbergasted when Harrington denies knowledge of any experiment, becomes a terror stricken boy overwhelmed by the injustice and inevitableness of it all. Dan's death impends when Mona confesses to the Governor, and a repentant Harrington pounds the prison gates. The governor saves him in the nick of time, but Dan is a wreck of a human being and must be held and nursed back before he can forget what almost happened.

Escrava Mãe

The story begins in 1788 in Congo, Africa. A tribe of Khoisans is invaded by white men, who imprison the natives and take them to Brazil on a slave ship, where they will be sold as slaves. During the trip, Luena is raped by the trafficker Osório, giving birth to Juliana and dying after childbirth. Juliana ends up in Engenho do Sol, in the village of São Salvador, where she is raised by Tia Joaquina and becomes a maid of the Avelar family, being protected by them, which generates the hatred of Esmeria, slave who never received the same privileges. After 20 years, Juliana's relationship with the two heiresses of the sugar mill is completely different: while she is taken as a friend and confidant by Teresa, her younger daughter is also treated with contempt by Maria Isabel, the merciless eldest daughter. The life of Juliana changes with the arrival of Miguel, a Portuguese who is in search of clues on the mysterious death of its father and ends up living a love forbidden with her. The terrible Osorio is also in the village, working as a factor at a nearby farm, and is not only linked to the pains of Juliana's life, although she does not know, as well as Miguel, since he was involved in the murder of the boy's father.

A Hero on Horseback

Billy Garford borrows $500 from rancher J.D. Starbuck and proceeds to lose most of it gambling. With $50 left, Billy stakes old prospector Jimmie Breeze.

Now broke, Billy hires himself out to Starbuck. Billy falls in love with Starbuck's daughter, Ollie and is fired when Starbuck discovers the affair.

Jimmie returns, having struck it rich, and together they buy a local bank. Mason is nearly lynched when the bank's funds are stolen.

Dawn at Socorro

A retired gunfighter (Rory Calhoun) and a saloonkeeper (David Brian) play cards, with the saloon and a dance-hall girl (Piper Laurie) at stake.

None but the Brave (1960 film)

A young priest comes to a town where an old priest wants to build a church before he dies.

I Cannot Say "Farewell"

Plain and homely Lida Tenyakova meets handsome womanizer Sergei Vatagin at a dance party and falls in love with him. But Sergei does not have any real feelings for her and ends up marrying another woman, Marta.

The Further Adventures of Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam and his friend the American Eagle live peacefully in the American southwest, running a gas station. But when Sam is kidnapped by men with money bags for heads, the Eagle goes off to rescue him. When Sam is rescued, he tells the Eagle that there is a plot to capture the Statue of Liberty by a bomb-headed businessman.

Born to Fight (1984 film)

Sianfong is a lawyer working for a crime family in Hong Kong. He acquires evidence that his wealthy client's devious son-in-law Tungseung has been stealing money from the family. Tungseung sends a deadly gang of martial artists known as the Green Dragons to silence Sianfong, who flees to Thailand. A Thai cop and martial artist named Tong searches for the lawyer to have him returned alive to Hong Kong, fighting off gang members along the way.

Queen Takes Knight

James Gordon and the GCPD find a doctor barely alive after having survived a surgery performed by Lazlo Valentin. Also, Sofia Falcone has been causing many problems with the gang war with Oswald Cobblepot.

Sofia encounters her father Carmine Falcone in his manor along with Barbara Kean, Tabitha Galavan and Selina Kyle. He is furious at Sofia for her actions as well as her relationship with Gordon. Falcone then has Cobblepot take Sofia out of Gotham, with the intention to have her killed if she ever returns. Gordon arrives at the manor to see Sofia getting escorted out with her belongings. Just then, a van pulls up and men in black ski masks open fire, killing Falcone, shooting Sofia in the stomach, and kidnapping Tabitha, Barbara and Selina.

Rumors begin circulating that Cobblepot had Falcone killed, which he denies. Later, Gordon, Sofia, Cobblepot and Victor Zsasz attend Falcone's funeral. Gordon is told by Harvey Bullock that he will need solid evidence in order to arrest Cobblepot as his arrest will lead to an even more peaceful city. Sofia decides to testify that Cobblepot "killed" Martin in order to have him arrested. Zsasz acts as a witness to the event and testifies against Cobblepot, who is finally arrested by the GCPD. Meanwhile, they cave in on Penguin's lair, resulting in a firefight between the police and penguin's henchmen. Tabitha, Barbara, and Selina are seen in the background all three bound in chairs. Penguin's men are eventually defeated and the cops come and untie them. Afterwards, Sofia gives the Iceberg Lounge to Barbara, Tabitha and Selina.

After Bruce Wayne is cited for a noise complaint, he is finally confronted by Alfred Pennyworth for his behavior. The discussion soon escalates to a physical fight which ends when Alfred loses control and punches Bruce, who leaves in an angry fit. Gordon is contacted by Sofia about her plans for the underworld crime and when he visits her, he is confronted by her and Lazlo. Sofia reveals that she had Lazlo sent to the city to act as the serial killer, orchestrated Falcone's death and got herself wounded in order to avoid suspicion. Gordon attacks Lazlo and swears to imprison him in Blackgate Penitentiary but Sofia kills Lazlo, framing Gordon so he can continue being hailed as a hero as well as the Captain, as a part of having control over him. She also reveals that she did it in revenge for her brother's death a year before. He now has the choice to admit Sofia killed Lazlo and chaos will reign in Gotham or get credited for killing him and being hailed as a hero. He decides to choose the second option and tells the GCPD he killed Lazlo, which afterwards pleases Sofia but she warns him that she'll always be keeping an eye on him at all times.

Bruce tells Alfred that he has signed papers removing him as his legal guardian, and threatens to go to the police and report the punches he inflicted on him as a way to get him arrested. Alfred leaves Wayne Manor, no longer the guardian nor butler of the house. While Edward Nygma is being haunted by his alternate Riddler persona, Solomon Grundy is kidnapped by Tabitha and repeatedly hit over the head in an attempt to have him remember her. She ultimately gives up and leaves, but Grundy soon awakens, regaining higher speech and remembering his past life as Butch Gilzean.

Gordon returns to the GCPD and realizes that Bullock has quit his job permanently, leaving his badge and gun in the Captain's office, advising him to take control of the situation within the unit. In Arkham Asylum, Cobblepot yells in his cell, swearing revenge at Sofia, Gordon, and Zsasz when he is confronted by another inmate Jerome Valeska, who offers to work with him.

Undercover (Bulgarian TV series, season 4)

Martin begins his first shift as a regular inspector and started a relationship with Popov's daughter Zornica, Dzharo escaped to Turkey and Ivo started a relationship with Dzharo's daughter Nia. The Hook started a killing spree on Turkish mobsters as a revenge for his wife's and son's murder. Popov deals with private tragedy.

Times are getting harder. Martin is now part of the GDBOP team and has to get used to his new way of life. Jaro allies with a powerful Turkish mobster named Farouk, who wants to build the empire, but on his way stands the Hook, whose family was slaughtered in Barcelona by Farouk's men. The Hook returns to Bulgaria and this time there is nothing to lose. He is thirsty for revenge, but he will not be able to get to the culprits alone. Jaro's daughter, Niya, appears out of nowhere, without anyone knowing anything about her. After a series of successful actions of the CDCOC against the Turkish mafia, Farouk decided to organize an assassination attempt against Popov. He assigned this task to Jaro. His daughter Zornitsa died in an attempt to kill Popov. On the day of her funeral, Jaro appears and asks Popov for forgiveness and offers to surrender, helping to capture Farouk. Overwhelmed by the death of his daughter, Popov kills Jaro. Farouk arranges a meeting with Ivo Andonov with the intention of killing him, but The Hook appears instead, ready to take revenge on his family. He later learns that Farouk's son, Bardem, was responsible for their deaths. The Hook killed him, after which he was arrested. Farouk escapes and still decides to start a business with Ivo Andonov. Popov is convicted of Jaro's murder. He admits to Martin that he introduced a man to Farouk's organization, Erol Metin, the new undercover policeman, and entrusts him with the task of continuing the fight against organized crime.

The Little Clown

As described in various film magazine reviews, Pat (Minter) has been born and brought up in a travelling circus. Her parents died when she was young, and Toto the clown (Edwards), who acted as her adoptive father when she was younger, now hopes to marry her as she has come of age.

When the circus stops in a Southern town, Dick Beverly (Mulhall), a young man from an aristocratic family, falls in love with Pat. Having recently argued with his father, he runs away to join the circus with her as a rider. His parents see him performing in the circus and insist that he returns home with them, which he refuses to do until Pat is allowed to join him.

Dick's snobbish parents do not regard Pat as a suitable match for their son, but they agree to his request, hoping that Pat will struggle to adapt to an upper-class lifestyle and that Dick will thus realise that she will not make a good wife. Pat tries her best to rise to the demands of the strict social rules imposed by her prospective parents-in-law, but their lack of approval is clear.

One day when Dick's parents are out of the house, Pat's circus "family" calls to visit her. Dick's younger brother Roddy (Coffey) adds liquor to their drinks, and when Dick's parents return they are appalled by the drunken behaviour and throw the circus folk out of the house. Indignant at the way that the Beverleys have treated her friends, Pat goes with them.

Pat is at the point of accepting Toto's proposal when Roddy confesses to his prank on the circus folk. Dick chases after Pat to confess his love and beg her forgiveness, and Toto gives up his claim on her, leaving Pat and Dick free to wed.

The April 9th, 1921 edition of Motion Picture News lists a musical cue sheet for the film.

Sando (TV series)

Australia's discount furniture queen, Victoria "Sando" Sandringham needs to reconnect with her family to revive her business and find personal redemption. The only problem is they mostly hate her. Mostly.

It centers on Sando who runs a large wholesale furniture business. Sadly, as successful as she once was in business (over 135 stores) she is careless and reckless in her personal life.

On her daughter Susie's wedding day, she got a text revealing that she was pregnant; the father was Kevin, Susie's bridegroom.

After ten years of separation, Sando finds her life in utter turmoil as her careless party-giving ways get the best of her.

On the brink of losing her business, she has no choice but to turn to her daughter Susie, now happily married to Gary and starting up an internet company that Sando wants to exploit.

Adding to the chaos are ex-husband Don, man-child son Eric, ten-year-old son Vic Jr. and baby-daddy Kevin, as well as Nicky, a "therapist" who is both Susie's best friend and in love with Don.

Valkyria Chronicles 4

Claude Wallace and his childhood friends Kai Shulen and Raz join the Federation Army in order to fight the Empire in the Second Europan War, both to protect their home country of Gallia and avenge an Imperial attack on their hometown of Hafen. However, during training, Kai mysteriously disappears, leaving his sister Leena to take his place as "Kai". Claude, Raz, and Leena are able to pass training and join the elite Ranger Corps, with Claude being assigned command of Squad E.

Squad E is then informed that the Empire has the upper hand, capturing a large amount of Federation territory as well as initiating an invasion of Gallia. Federation leaders decide to put all of their resources into Operation Northern Cross, a massive offensive with the objective of pushing straight to the Imperial capital of Schwartzgrad. The operation is initially successful, with Squad E managing to push through Imperial territory. Along the way, they are joined by another childhood friend, Riley Miller. Riley is initially mistrustful of Claude due to him running away from a fire that killed Riley's family, but eventually accepts his command when he proves his worth as a leader. Squad E continues the offensive by breaking the Siegval Line, Schwartzgrad's final line of defense. Along the way, they battle the elite Imperial tank unit Ausbruch, led by Klaus Walz, who considers Claude a worthy rival. However, despite the Federation's early success, winter comes earlier than expected, halting the unprepared Federation forces. Crippled by the snow and cold and weakened by stretched supply lines, the Federation forces are quickly routed by a massive Imperial counterattack. Squad E is forced to flee to the coast, where they are rescued by a trio of highly advanced Federation snow cruisers; massive warships that can travel over the ice of the Crystal Sea.

After coming aboard one of the cruisers, the ''Centurion'', Claude is assigned by Captain Morgen to protect the warship as the fleet carries out Operation Cygnus, a contingency plan to attack Schwartzgrad from the sea in case Operation Northern Cross failed. Meanwhile, Walz is assigned to X-0, an elite Imperial science unit led by Lord Heinrich Belgar. Belgar tasks Walz with intercepting and capturing the Federation fleet, and teams him up with his chief strategic officer, Forseti and the Valkyria Crymaria. Forseti leads an attack on the fleet, prompting Squad E to respond, but Crymaria intervenes against Forseti's orders, and she loses control of her powers, destroying one of the cruisers and heavily damaging the ''Centurion'' before it escapes. Forseti is furious since their mission was to capture the cruisers intact, and he reveals to Walz that he has planted his sister as a spy aboard the ''Centurion'' in order to track its movements. Walz then witnesses how Crymaria is mistreated by her handlers and begins to show her compassion.

Meanwhile, the crew of the ''Centurion'' tries to repair the damage to their ship, but its main reactor has been knocked offline, forcing the ship to run at a fraction of its speed on the backup engine. At the same time, Riley finds a young amnesiac girl named Angie in the engine room, and the crew assumes her to be a stowaway. Squad E begins to take a liking to Angie as she befriends everybody. During a raid on an Imperial supply base, Angie sneaks ashore and meets Crymaria, who realizes Angie is a Valkyria as well. It is also revealed that Forseti is the real Kai, now working for the Empire and manipulating Leena into spying for him. Leena decides to cut ties with Forseti, declaring her brother dead. Claude then receives word that the third ship in the fleet is under attack. Despite knowing it is a trap, Squad E attempts to rescue the ship, but it self destructs, creating a massive explosion. Knowing that the ''Centurion'' can't escape the blast unless at full speed, Angie places herself inside the reactor, revealing herself to be the power source. Captain Morgen is wounded during the fighting and reveals the true scope of Operation Cygnus to Claude. The reactors that power the snow cruisers use energy given off by Valkyria placed inside them. In addition, the reactors also double as weapons dubbed the "A2 bomb", powerful enough to destroy an entire city. Operation Cygnus' true objective isn't to invade Schwartzgrad, but completely destroy it with the A2 bomb.

Claude is placed in command of the ''Centurion'' and he reluctantly proceeds with the mission. Walz and Crymaria attempt to stop him but are defeated. Crymaria loses control of her powers again after believing Walz was killed, but he appears and helps calm her down, promising her that they will live a happy life together after the war. The ''Centurion'' continues towards Schwartzgrad but is caught in a trap. Raz sacrifices himself to disable the trap and the ship continues on, plowing into the center of Schwartzgrad. Forseti boards the ship, intent on rescuing Angie since he had previously been part of the secret Federation program to acquire Valkyria for the reactor experiments, and his guilt motivated him to defect to the Empire. Leena shoots and kills Forseti before he can reach the reactor. Claude then prepares to detonate the A2 bomb, but the Empire offers a ceasefire to the Federation, ending the war with no clear victor. Belgar ignores the ceasefire and attacks the ''Centurion'', obsessed with seizing its reactor and perfecting the technology. Squad E is able to defeat and kill Belgar, but the ''Centurion'' is severely damaged and begins to sink. Claude is able to narrowly rescue Angie and Riley from the sinking ship.

Afterwards, the Second Europan War comes to an end with neither the Federation nor Empire achieving a decisive victory, but everybody is glad to see peace return. Walz lives happily with Crymaria at his side. Squad E disbands and the survivors pursue their own interests while Claude, Riley, Leena, and Angie return to Hafen to live in peace.

Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness

Nothing is going right for Mr Rossi! Presto! A nutty, bumbling fairy comes to his "rescue" - just blow the magic whistle and he and his dog Harold can escape, far away from troubles, to lands long ago... The whistle takes them through the ages, but each tweet only brings new troubles! They barely "squeak" by with their lives as they meet fire-brtething dragons... hungry Roman lions... scalp-happy Indians... and Robin Hood's deadly arrows... whew! Well, the whistle is magic, but where's the happiness? Wait! Maybe, just maybe, if Mr. Rossi looks hard enough, right here, in his home, in this time...

Mr. Rossi's Dreams

After a long and tiring week of work, Mr. Rossi returns home to his home where the dog Gastone awaits him, who after a week of solitude wants to go out, run and go to the cinema. Yes, because Gastone's heroes are those of the screen, television and literature and it is in these characters that the dog imagines his master. We will then see a Rossitarzan, a Rossi-astronaut, Rossi-Holmes, Rossi-Zorro, Rossi-scientist, Rossi-Lancelot, Rossi-Aladino and Rossi-Hollywood actor. But once the dreams are over, for Rossi there will be a sad return to the mediocrity of his life.

Mr. Rossi's Vacation

It's a story about Mr. Rossi and his dog who go on vacation and all the adventures they have, from being on a tyrannical farmer's farm and leading an animal revolt, to climbing the Andes, to heading to the beach and being serenaded by strange fish.

The King, the Widow, and Rick

In the days after the onset of the war against Negan and the Saviors, Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Carol (Melissa McBride) correspond with each other to report on their victories and losses, and make plans to launch the next phase of the plan in a few days. Rick travels to the Scavengers' base to meet with Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh), showing her the Polaroid photos of their victories and offers to deal with them in his war despite their previous actions; Jadis refuses to deal. With no options left, Rick is taken and kept prisoner inside a shipping container, stripped down to his boxer shorts.

At the Hilltop, Aaron (Ross Marquand) returns with baby Gracie. Jesus (Tom Payne) keeps watch over the Saviors they have captured, secured on the fence outside of the community. Maggie expresses disappointment that Jesus is using their supplies to provide them food and water, while Gregory (Xander Berkeley) suggest they build gallows to hang them. However, Jesus reminds them that by killing their prisoners they would be no better than the Saviors. Maggie later decides to allow the Saviors inside, imprisoned within in a makeshift cage, as long as they do not cause trouble. She then sends Gregory into the pen to be imprisoned with the Saviors, despite his loud protests, as she cannot trust him either. In private, Jesus thanks Maggie for keeping the Saviors alive, but she sees them as future bargaining chips. In the library, Aaron shares his feelings of loss with Maggie, who understands his pain firsthand. Taking Maggie's words to heart, Aaron decides to go on a personal mission. Before departing, Enid (Katelyn Nacon) offers to join him; Aaron agrees.

In the Kingdom, Ezekiel (Khary Payton) has secluded himself in his home, refusing to allow others to see him. Carol works to prepare other able-bodied residents to help in Rick's plan. Henry (Macsen Lintz), Benjamin's younger brother, desperately wants to participate despite her hesitation, but she relents. Afterwards, Carol is able to approach Ezekiel and tries to encourage him to take up leadership again, even if he just maintains his act. Ezekiel remains reluctant to participate and tells her to leave him alone.

Elsewhere, Carl (Chandler Riggs) goes scavenging outside Alexandria and encounters Siddiq (Avi Nash). Carl apologizes for Rick's previous hostility towards Siddiq, and offers him food and water. Seeing that Siddiq was trapping a walker, Carl asks Siddiq the three questions that Rick uses to judge potential members of his group and is impressed with his answers. Carl decides to lead Siddiq back to Alexandria, promising to vouch for him once they get there. En route, they are attacked by a small group of walkers, some which pin down Carl before he can dispatch them; appearing uninjured, they continue on.

At Alexandria, Tara (Alanna Masterson) is surprised to find Daryl (Norman Reedus), fixated on taking his own actions outside of Rick's plan, waiting on her porch. When she vows to kill Dwight after the war is over, Daryl proposes they kill him together and suggests that they don't have to wait.

Meanwhile, Michonne (Danai Gurira) is anxious to know what is happening, feeling responsible for the war as she had urged Rick to take a stand toward the Saviors. Rosita (Christian Serratos) offers to come with her to see what is happening at the Sanctuary. En route, they hear loud music and find two Saviors nearby trying to load a truck with speakers, which they plan to use to lure away the walkers surrounding the Sanctuary. Michonne and Rosita kill one of them, but the other escapes with the truck, until it is sideswiped by a garbage truck driven by Daryl and Tara, killing the other Savior. The four travel together to the Sanctuary, seeing the walkers still surround it; Daryl decides they need to take action now.

Bellevue Square (novel)

The novel centers on Jean Mason, a bookstore owner in Toronto, Ontario's Kensington Market neighbourhood who learns that she has an apparent doppelgänger named Ingrid Fox in the market's park, Bellevue Square, and becomes obsessed with finding the woman. The two people who have told about her double are soon dead, and Jean decides to camp out in the market to facilitate her search. Her behaviour becomes more and more bizarre.

The Best of Elmo

As Maria leaves the Fix-It Shop carrying a large board of wood, Elmo walks by and accidentally bumps into her, dropping a bunch of pictures from his hands. After Maria helps pick them up, Elmo reveals that he is bringing them to the Monster-Art-Show and wants his friends to help decide what picture is best; Maria notices one drawing with Ernie and Elmo.

Maria tells Elmo that she likes the previous drawing the most, which Elmo – to her surprise – says that she can keep (as there are plenty more pictures to choose for the show). Maria spots another picture and asks where he got all his ideas; Elmo says that it is because of using his imagination, and Maria notices one drawing with Elmo in his imagination.

Meanwhile, at Finders Keepers, Ruthie startles Elmo as she handles a Chandelle boa. After Elmo regains posture, Ruthie looks at his pictures and learns that he intends to display them at the Monster-Art-Show, which was where she had bought ten pictures. She notices two of his pictures, one of Elmo trying to scare Julia Roberts and one of Elmo sitting on a ledge while wearing tap shoes.

Elmo assures Ruthie that there are many drawings left for the show, as the two look at a couple of more pictures. She finds one with the number 3 (from Elmo's number collection) and one with two backup singers. Elmo explains that the latter is about number 5, despite having no numbers on the picture.

Now at the Park, Elmo has laid his drawings on the ledge, commenting about how he is already just given out a few of them. Zoe suddenly appears, sees Elmo's pictures, and asks if she can keep some of them, especially one with Telly and Elmo and one with Whoopi Goldberg and Elmo.

Grasping the previous two pictures, Zoe notices two more – one with a face and one with trees. Meanwhile, Elmo starts to feel annoyed as the number of pictures gets smaller, saying, "It's not easy being the best."

Zoe thanks Elmo and departs, taking the pictures that she likes. Elmo decides to pick the best drawing for the Art Show but finds that he has only one picture remaining. Elmo shows his last picture to the viewer – the last one drawing of Elmo playing the piano.

Elmo decides that it is time to pick the best drawing for the Monster-Art-Show, but finds that he just has the last picture remaining in his hand. He decides to hang it up at the show, but a blue Honker comes by, feeling upset and explaining that he has never gotten one of Elmo's pictures and feels left out. This leaves Elmo with a conundrum, asking the viewer what they would do. He realizes that friends' feelings are more important than a contest, and generously gives his last drawing to the Honker. However, now Elmo feels sad that there are no pictures left to enter before walking off.

Then Elmo finds everyone gathered in front of 123 Sesame Street looking at his pictures and explains his problem. They all decide to give their pictures back, with Maria telling Elmo that he can return the pictures to them after the show. Elmo gleefully thanks them for their good deed, but now faces another problem: what picture should he pick for the show? Everyone laughs as Elmo asks the viewer what they liked best.

As the credits roll, more pictures are shown on different frames against a pink background, including one drawing of Kermit the Frog, one drawing of Bert feeding his pigeons, one of seven goldfish in a bowl, one of Telly between Elmo and Zoe, one with Elmo and Tim Robbins, one with Elmo pretending to fly, one with Elmo and Telly dressed as the Two Headed Monster, one with Elmo and the lavender moon, one with Elmo and Little Chrissy, and the last one drawing of Elmo playing the piano. After the credits and the slideshow, the drawing of Elmo playing the piano magically changes to him laughing to the viewer while at the piano.

A Stone's Throw

Photojournalist Jack Walker arrives at the Nova Scotia home of his long-estranged sister Olivia, the siblings discuss what has happened in their lives over the 8-year period since they last saw each other, such as Olivia's divorce from her husband Jean Marc. Jack and Olivia go and meet with Olivia's friend Lia, the local kindergarten teacher, and Jack expresses an interest in a factory in the town. Jack then goes to pick up Olivia's son Thomas from his father Jean Marc's house, and the two discuss Jack's work.

Later, Jack reveals to Olivia that he has retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic degenerative eye disease. Jack says that it runs in their family, and that Olivia should get Thomas tested as well. He then says that the disease is the reason he had to quit his job, saying that he came to Nova Scotia so that Thomas could be tested as well. The two argue as to whether or not Thomas should be tested, as the disease has no cure. The argument devolves as Olivia asks why Jack missed their father's funeral, and Jack calls their father a murderer and walks away, saying he should go.

After going on a hike the next morning with Lia, Jack makes up with Olivia. Thomas tells Jack that he believes that pollution from the factory is making his sisters asthma worse, Jack encourages Thomas to look into this theory. Thomas then asks his father if he knows anything about workers getting sick from harmful chemicals at the factory, Jean Marc, who works at the factory reacts angrily, saying that the factory is the first steady employment the town has seen in a while, and that a large part of the community works there.

The next day, Jack helps out with the kindergarten class play, playing the piano as Lia directs. Afterwards, the two have sex. Later, Thomas then hears a knock on the door and goes downstairs, but before he can answer it Jack insists that Thomas not tell the person that he is there. Thomas opens the door and finds a police officer, who asks if he has heard from his uncle Jack lately, Thomas lies and the officer leaves. Jack reassures Thomas that the issue is just surrounding an unpaid parking ticket. Thomas then searches for his uncle's name on the internet, finding an FBI posting for Jack, stating that he is wanted for damaging and destroying industrial buildings at a mine in the United States with improvised explosives. Thomas then confronts Jack, saying that the internet is calling him an eco-terrorist, Jack responds by saying that the mining companies that use controversial mining techniques such as gold cyanidation are the real terrorists.

Jack then reveals to Lia that he burned down the mine's office, and that his losing his sight to his disease motivated his crime, as he can no longer do his job, and he wants to be able to make a change before it's too late. Olivia discovers what Jack did at the mine, which turns out once belonged to their father, and kicks him out of her house. Jack goes to stay with Lia.

Thomas, who has become obsessed with uncovering the extent of the pollution caused by the factory goes and trespasses onto the factory property and is subsequently arrested. After finding out about this, Jean Marc comes and threatens Jack, telling him to watch himself. Jack then sees Thomas stealing his truck, driving it to the factory, Jack and Olivia chase after him in Olivia's car. The chase ends abruptly as Thomas crashes Jack's truck into a deer. This causes Jack to come to the realization that what he has done is negatively affecting his family. The movie then ends with Jack and Lia confessing their love to each other as Jack walks into the police station to turn himself in.

The Widows' Adventures

Widows Ina and Helene, sisters from Chicago, set off on a drive to Los Angeles. There’s one problem: Only Helene can drive, and she’s blind. Beer-swigging Ina acts as her eyes. On back roads in the dead of night they travel across an America they never knew.

Nosferatu the Vampyre (video game)

An estate agent named Jonathan Harker explores a castle to find some important papers, while his wife Lucy pursues the vampire that dwells in the castle.

A Christmas Prince

Just before Christmas, an aspiring young American magazine journalist, Amber Moore, is sent to the foreign nation of Aldovia to cover a press conference given by Prince Richard, who is set to take the throne following his father's recent death. Richard has been portrayed in the press as an irresponsible playboy and he is also rumored to be planning to abdicate. Amber hopes her work in Aldovia will lead to a big break and she heads to the royal family's palace for the press conference, but the prince fails to appear. Refusing to leave with the press pack, Amber decides to snoop around the palace and while doing so is mistaken for young Princess Emily's new American tutor, Martha Anderson. Amber plays along and assumes Martha's identity in order to investigate the rumors of abdication.

Emily, who has spina bifida, tries to prank Amber into quitting, but warms up to her after Amber treats her like a normal student rather than an invalid. As Emily's tutor, Amber meets the royal family, including Richard, who she realizes is the man she insulted earlier at the Aldovian airport after he stole the taxi she was about to get into. Amber becomes attracted to Richard after learning that contrary to rumors he is a compassionate and responsible man, though he is indeed reluctant to take the throne. During this time Amber learns from Emily that Richard's scheming and jealous cousin Simon is next in line for the throne, which he sorely wants; Amber also encounters Richard's beautiful ex-girlfriend Sophia, who Richard suspects was only interested in him for his future title.

Emily learns the truth about Amber's identity but agrees to keep it secret so long as Amber writes a story that exposes Prince Richard for the good man that he is. In pursuit of her story, Amber follows Richard on horseback through the woods, but her horse throws her off and she is nearly attacked by a wolf, only to be saved by the prince. Richard takes Amber to his father's old hunting cabin, where he reveals that after he told his father he was going to renounce the throne they had a fight and that the king died soon after. Richard then shows Amber a mysterious poem written by his father, and the two almost kiss but are interrupted by the sound of neighing horses. After Richard leaves to check on the animals, Amber searches the late king's desk and discovers a hidden compartment holding documents proving that the Prince was secretly adopted; she hides the documents and takes them back to the palace.

Amber is reluctant to reveal the truth as it would deeply hurt Richard but decides to tell him during a walk. Richard interrupts her confession with a kiss, and Amber realizes she is in love with him. At the same time, a suspicious Sophia and Simon search Amber's room and discover her true identity and Richard's adoption certificate. At the Christmas Eve Ball, as Richard prepares to be crowned, Sophia reveals his adoption certificate and Amber's true identity. Simon asserts himself as next in line for the throne as Richard storms off and rebuffs a repentant Amber's apologies, and she tearfully leaves the palace. Later, the queen reveals to Richard that she adopted him after being told she could not have children, and that she regretted not telling him sooner, but that she and the king considered him their true son. Richard forgives his mother for her deception and promises to not let Simon win the throne so easily.

Simon marries Sophia but learns he cannot be crowned until the queen is available to preside over the ceremony. Meanwhile, Amber suspects that she can prove Richard is the rightful king based on clues from his father's poem. She is allowed back into the palace and in a Christmas ornament made by the late king, finds a secret proclamation that declares Richard as the rightful heir. Amber takes the document to the official chamber where Simon is being crowned and arrives in time for Richard to be crowned instead; she quietly leaves Aldovia after the ceremony.

Back home, the magazine Amber works for refuses to publish her story on Richard, calling it a 'puff piece'. In anger, she quits the magazine, deciding to blog about the true Richard instead. Her blog becomes popular and eventually gains the attention of Richard himself. Amber is spending New Year's Eve at her father's New York City diner when Richard surprises her. He tells Amber that he is truly in love with her and proposes, which she happily accepts.

El Camino Christmas

A young man (Luke Grimes) seeks out a father (Tim Allen) he has never met and ends up barricaded in a liquor store with five other people on Christmas Eve. There is much turmoil, and back and forth between all involved. After an extended shootout, a “hero” emerges.

Christmas Inheritance

Manhattan business executive Jim Langford is ready to retire but is concerned that his daughter Ellen is too spoiled, immature and thus, not ready to inherit his position as CEO. Jim and his former business partner Zeke have a Christmas tradition of exchanging letters in-person in Snow Falls, their New England hometown where they started their business. As a test, Ellen is sent to Snow Falls in her father's stead to hand deliver a new letter to "Uncle Zeke." Hoping she can learn something from the small town lifestyle of Snow Falls and wanting her to rely on herself rather than the family wealth and influential name, Jim takes Ellen's credit cards, gives her $100 in cash, and tells her to travel incognito.

In Snow Falls, Ellen befriends Jake, manager of the Snow Falls Guest House inn. Learning Zeke has just left for his cabin, Ellen books a room at the inn to wait for him. She dines with Jake at a local diner managed by his Aunt Debbie. With no word from Zeke the next day, Ellen's fiancé Gray says she should leave the letter and come home. Ellen refuses, wanting to fulfill her father's request. Not having money to stay another night, she works as a housekeeper for Jake. When she fails, Jake asks what her job is and she lies that she is a baker. Ellen is then sent to work in the diner's kitchen with Debbie, who recognizes her as Langford's daughter. After Ellen explains her reasons for traveling incognito, Debbie promises to keep her secret and teaches her how to bake.

A snowstorm causes road closures and parts of Snow Falls to lose power. Jake offers shelter for many at the inn. Influenced by Jake, Ellen offers shelter to Baxter, a homeless man she dismissed earlier, then offers her bed to a woman with two children. While helping clean the inn, Ellen discovers Jake is an artist. Jake explains he lived in New York and was engaged to a stockbroker who then left him for a client, after which he returned to Snow Falls. "Silent Night" was playing when she broke up with him, and Jake is still triggered by the song. Ellen explains she became shallow and self-focused as a teenager following the death of her mother, deciding things didn't matter beyond enjoyment. She remarks Jake is teaching her other things are important. They nearly kiss but Ellen stops. Jake later apologizes, saying it has been a long time since he met someone like Ellen whom he felt he could trust.

To help a charity auction Jake is running, the next day Ellen visits businesses around town and convinces them all to donate items. Gray arrives in Snow Falls, demanding Ellen leave with him so they can take their Christmas vacation. When Ellen discusses her experiences in town, Gray says she is playacting and does not belong here. Still unable to find Zeke, Ellen reads the letters between him and Jim, touched by their friendship and lives. Running into Jake at a bar, Gray reveals Ellen's identity. Jake feels betrayed.

The next day, Gray wants to leave. Giving in, Ellen asks Jake to give the letter to Zeke for her. He refuses and reveals he knows her identity, remarking she is another dishonest person from New York. After Ellen leaves, Jake listens to "Silent Night." On the drive back to NYC, Ellen realizes she left her father's most recent letter at the inn and wants to go back. Gray refuses, dismissing the letters and her father's Christmas tradition as stupid. He then suggests Jake will send the letter back since the man knows how important her family is. Realizing Gray is the one who told Jake her identity, Ellen angrily scolds him, insisting traveling incognito was necessary for her to learn from the people of Snow Falls. When Gray says nothing can be learned from "hicks," Ellen gives back her engagement ring and returns to Snow Falls via bus.

At the community Christmas Eve celebration, Ellen finds Jake. She apologizes, explaining she has left Gray and has a better perspective on life now thanks to Jake and the people of Snow Falls. Dressed as Santa, Zeke reads Jim's important letter to the crowd. The letter explains Jim is sending his daughter incognito to learn the value of tradition, friendship, and love, as she will now be the new CEO. Zeke was aware of the plan and deliberately kept his distance from Ellen so she could see the town for herself without his or Jim's influence. Jim reveals he is at the party as well, to congratulate Ellen on her new position and perspective.

Jim reunites with Debbie, his high school girlfriend. Debbie then sings "Silent Night" as Jake asks Ellen to dance.

Gloria Bell

Gloria Bell is a middle-aged divorcée living in LA. She has two children: Anne, a kindhearted yoga instructor, and Peter, an uninspired married man who cares for his infant son while his wife is away. Gloria spends her nights letting loose at dance clubs around the city.

One night, she meets Arnold, also a divorcée, and they hit it off. They sleep together and begin a relationship shortly after. However, Gloria is annoyed when Arnold admits that he still financially supports his ex-wife and two daughters, who are unemployed and demanding. Arnold owns a paintball arena, and introduces Gloria to the sport.

Gloria introduces Arnold to her family at Peter's birthday party, her two children and ex-husband, Dustin, as well as his wife. During a toast, Gloria unwittingly reveals that Anne is pregnant; the father is a Swedish wave rider and she plans to move to Sweden. Dustin did not know these things. Later, they look at family photos, including from Gloria's and Dustin's wedding, which causes amusement but Arnold is left out and leaves unnoticed. Dustin expresses anger at not 'being here' for some event in the photos and the others are shaken from their reverie. When Gloria realizes Arnold has left, everyone looks for him before giving up. Gloria leaves embarrassed.

Arnold repeatedly calls her, and finally catches up with her as she is leaving work. He attempts to justify his sudden exit from the party (that he had sought her eyes and she had not been looking for him), but when he again mentions his daughters' calls, she tells him to 'grow a pair'. She tries to give him his paintball guns back but he refuses, so she drives away with them.

Gloria's crazy neighbor leaves his marijuana on her doorstep one night, and, impulsively, she smokes it and goes dancing. The next day, she drives Anne to the airport for her trip to Sweden, tearfully accepting her daughter is grown up. Soon after, Gloria is told by the doctor she will have to take prescription eyedrops for the rest of her life for her failing eyesight.

Gloria finally returns Arnold's calls and they arrange a trip to Las Vegas. As they are settling into their room, he receives a call from his daughters, who inform him that his ex-wife injured herself walking through a sliding glass door. Arnold refuses to cancel the trip, and they have sex that night. They spend time together, eating at nice restaurants and lounging in the pool. He continues to ignore his daughters' calls. During a romantic dinner together, she then suggests that they take a trip to Spain. He agrees and Gloria drops his phone in his soup. Arnold excuses himself, saying he'll be back immediately but does not return. Gloria checks the wardrobe on their hotel room and then goes to the casino. Gloria dazedly drinks and parties with random people, meeting a man and having a hallucinatory trip. She wakes up on a pool chair missing a shoe, and calls her mother to take her home.

Arnold calls her multiple times, and she unplugs her phone in response. Still stuck with the paintball guns, she throws them away, but eventually retrieves them. Then, driving to Arnold's house, she silently shoots his house and him in anger. His ex-wife and daughters rush out, yelling obscenities, but she remains unfazed and drives away, laughing with "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on her stereo.

At her friend Vicky's daughter's wedding reception, the song "Gloria" begins to play, and Gloria politely refuses to dance when asked, but has a change of heart when Vicky coaxes her out. She gets on the dance floor and begins to lose herself in the music.

For Love or Money (1983 film)

There are three film clips available: * First women's union * Equal pay paradox * A very efficient secretary

Carbon (2017 film)

Antoine Roca is threatened with losing the family road transport business. After talking to his accountant and friend Laurent Melki, he came up with the idea of VAT fraud on carbon quotas in the European Union . For that, he contacts two acquaintances of poker evenings more accustomed to frauds, the brothers Éric and Simon Wizman as well as their mother, Dolly. To get started in their schemes, however, this small band needs funds. Since Antoine is toast in the Jewish community because of his wealthy stepfather, Aron Goldstein, they have to borrow from a figure of organized crime, Kamel Dafri.

Siargao (film)

Set in the rustic but breathtaking surf island of Siargao, an island off Surigao del Norte in Caraga region of northeastern Mindanao, Diego (Jericho Rosales), a burned-out musician, returns to his hometown to escape his troubles in the city. He meets Laura (Erich Gonzales), a sheltered YouTube vlogger who is picking herself up after a failed relationship, when they are seated beside each other on the plane ride to Siargao. Upon arrival on the island, Laura realizes that she has no means of transportation to her reserved lodgings, and so Diego offers to give her a ride on his friend's Jeep. Along the journey, they get to know each other's backgrounds and scratch the surface of either's purpose for going to Siargao.

In their respective residences, the real reasons for their getaway are revealed: Diego is returning home after experiencing unhappiness and dissatisfaction in Manila as an artist, stemming from his regret over leaving his hometown sweetheart Abi (Jasmine Curtis-Smith), of whom he has always loved but had never gotten the timing right to be with. Laura, on the other hand, is trying to discover her independence after rejecting the marriage proposal of her ex-boyfriend, Mikey (Enchong Dee), whom she still loves but is afraid to commit to in marriage. In one of the many heartfelt conversations Laura and Diego participate in, she asks Diego what his favorite flavor of popcorn is, and divulges that she does not know the answer to the question herself, as she had spent all of her time in her relationship trying to mold her interests to mirror Mikey's.

As Diego rekindles his connection with Abi through surfing and Laura continues to film her experiences in Siargao, the two wayward souls find understanding and support in each other's woes. Diego and Abi hash out their still existing feelings for each other, with Abi revealing that even if she loves Diego, she cannot be with him if he wants to return to the city, as she is used to and does not want to leave her simple life in Siargao. Laura watches Mikey's livestream about his and Laura's breakup, tearfully sharing his willingness to give Laura the world and being turned down, and that Laura has been trying to keep in touch, to no avail, as Mikey does not see the point when it had been her who had left him.

After a conversation between Diego and Laura where they agree that no matter the setbacks, mistakes, and disappointments, they have to keep on living and pushing for those they truly love, Diego holds a public performance for the locals where he dedicates a song to Abi that he wrote about her years prior, while Laura decides that after spending some time in Siargao by herself trying to figure out if she can and deserves to be alone, she ultimately refuses to be and attempts to contact Mikey again, finally reaching him via phone call after weeks of estrangement.

Diego, on his way back to Manila, seeing Laura on the plane once again, and deciding to stay permanently in Siargao to pursue a long-desired relationship with Abi. Laura lands in Manila, and is met at the airport by Mikey where the two hug, presumably to reunite and to try and resume their relationship for good.

Kayan Beauties

The film begins in a Kayan village and centres around three Kayan women, who are planning to travel to Taunggyi to sell their handicrafts. They are accompanied on the trip by a younger girl. When they arrive in Taunggyi, the younger girl gets separated from them at the market and falls into the hands of human traffickers. The other three girls must try to find her before she is trafficked away.

Perfect Witness

A witness to a mob killing has second thoughts about testifying when he realizes his family might become a target.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1966 film)

Three sisters are sitting by the window telling each other what they would do if the Tsar marries them. The first one would arrange a wedding banquet for all people, the second would dress everyone elegantly. The third and the youngest, however, says: "I would not give the Tsar money and goods, but instead a son with strength and courage."

The Tsar, who hears this conversation, takes the youngest woman as his wife. He places the other two as court cook and weaver. Envious of their youngest sister, the two join and come to the Tsar's court.

Some time later, the Tsar must go to war. His wife tells him in a letter that she gave birth to a son. The Tsar's reply is intercepted by the sisters and the mother-in-law and falsified to be so that the wife and son are sealed in a keg and thrown into the sea.

After a while they find themselves on a beach of a barren island. There the adult son rescues the life of a swan. This swan is an enchanted princess. She creates a beautiful city for the mother and son, whose inhabitants make him Prince Gwidon. The swan also helps Gwidon disguised as an insect to see his father.

Some time later, the Tsar - against the wish of the sisters - comes to this city and recognizes his wife and son again.

Tres milagros (Mexican TV series)

The series follows the lives of three young people who end up joining their destinies thanks to a prophecy, the prophecy says: "The day that Milagros meets Milagros and Milagros, Milagros and the love of Milagros, They will die". On September 18, 1985 there is a birth of three girls who are baptized with the same name. Catemaco's jaguar manages to see the connection between the three girls. and to his own sorrow he anticipates a prophecy. What will make the three girls start their lives and both fall in love with the same man, but only one of them will die.

F the Prom

Best friends Maddy Datner and Cole Reed attend their first day of high school at Charles Adams High. Cole is pantsed by a fellow student, revealing his white briefs and earning him the nickname "Tighty". Rather than stand up for him, Maddy decides not to intervene, and refuses to talk to Cole from that point on. Three years later, Maddy is at the top of the social hierarchy, and is dating the hottest boy at school, Kane. Cole, still shunned by his peers, has decided to apply to a prestigious art college.

Maddy catches her best friend Marissa making out with Kane. Revealing her disgust with Maddy's recent self-centered behavior, Marissa explains that she intends to be crowned Queen at the upcoming senior prom, which Maddy was expected to win. That night, Maddy goes to Cole's house, and they reconnect, reminiscing about their former friendship. Maddy suggests that they ruin the prom, enlisting Cole's friend Felicity to help. Felicity refuses to help at first, but when Maddy stands up for Cole against Kane, she agrees, and enlists the help of other social outcasts to execute the plan.

Maddy announces that she intends to take Cole to the prom, which greatly increases his status. Marissa tries to steal Cole's affections, but he rebuffs her. Kane, meanwhile, seeks forgiveness from Maddy. Felicity reveals that at one time, she and Kane were together, until Marissa manipulated Kane into dumping her for Maddy. As the date for prom approaches, Maddy forgives Kane and reneges on her commitment to take Cole as her date. Feeling hurt, Cole nearly calls the plan off, but his father intervenes. A former prom king himself, he has come to regret his behavior in high school, and believes his lack of humility was the reason why Cole's mom left them. He also believes that if his prom had been ruined, he would be more humble. Cole initially does not believe him, but his father urges him to humble the popular kids so they do not turn out like him, and he reluctantly agrees to go through with the plan.

The night of the prom, Felicity and the other conspirators rig the voting system, drug Marissa's punch, and turn the popular kids against each other using social media, including posting fake pornographic images of one boy. At the end of the night, Maddy is crowned prom queen, and is thus doused with tar—the punishment intended for Marissa—before one of the kids pulls the fire alarm. Marissa takes revenge on Cole for rejecting her by once again pantsing him in front of the crowd. Enraged, Cole delivers a lengthy speech in which he criticizes how the students have hurt each other in pursuit of popularity that is ultimately without meaning or worth.

Cole ignores Maddy for the rest of the school year due to her betrayal at prom and the fact that she could have helped him all the past years in high school, but instead stood idly by and watched as he was tormented by other students. After graduation, Felicity explains to Cole that the only reason he was accepted into the college he has been trying to attend is because Maddy sent his profile in to a recruiter. Unaware of this information, Cole stops by Maddy's house to give her a graphic novel of his drawings as both a thank you and a going-away present, since he leaves for school that weekend. He also confesses his feelings for her. Maddy reciprocates, and they kiss, but Cole ultimately rejects her offer of a relationship, wishing to remain friends instead.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline

Medical student Zoe Parker reluctantly attends a party at her medical school at the behest of her friends. While retrieving a keg of beer from the morgue, Zoe is confronted by her disturbed patient Max, who is obsessively in love with her and whose blood has an unusually high level of antibodies. He attacks and attempts to rape her, but a corpse reanimates and bites into Max’s shoulder. Zoe flees and warns everyone at the party, but hordes of the corpses, later dubbed rotters, burst in and kill all except Zoe, who escapes through a window, only to find the city besieged by rotters.

The survivors of the initial outbreak are sent to refugee camps. Zoe is sent to High Rock Emergency Bunker, run by Lieutenant Miguel Salazar.

Five years later, High Rock Emergency Bunker has lost contact with the other camps and with headquarters. Although Miguel believes a cure is impossible, Zoe and her friend Elyse serve as camp doctors, treating illnesses and using rotter blood samples to create a cure for the rotters.

At Zoe’s urging, Miguel sends Zoe, Elyse, his brother (Zoe's boyfriend) Baca, Frank, Lucy, Derek, and Thomas on a supply run to retrieve medication from Whittendale University for Lily, a little girl suffering bacterial pneumonia. While taking medication from a professor’s office, Zoe encounters Max, now partially a rotter. Horrified, Zoe flees and accidentally attracts the attention of other rotters. The group saves her, but Frank is killed when the rotters overwhelm him. Zoe successfully administers the medicine to Lily; however Max has managed to enter the camp.

Due to Frank’s death, animosity between Zoe and Miguel increases. While walking on her own, Zoe is attacked by Max, but signals for help and is rescued by Miguel, Baca, Thomas, Lucy, and Derek. Realizing that Max is not fully a rotter, Zoe convinces Miguel to allow her to use Max’s blood to create a vaccine, and Miguel gives her 48 hours to create it, having been convinced by Frank’s wife, Elle.

Zoe and Elyse realize they need to test Max’s blood on blood samples from live rotters. She convinces Baca to help her by opening the gates to allow one rotter in and take a blood sample from it. Although this initially goes well, rotters burst through the gates, kill Thomas, and infect Elyse. Miguel kills several rotters and seals the doors to the compound, and, ignoring Zoe’s pleas that she can use the vaccine on her, kills Elyse.

Miguel tells Baca that he saw Zoe's name carved into Max's arm earlier. When Baca confronts Zoe about this, she tells him about Max’s rape attempt. Max steals the keys to his handcuffs from Alphonse during a scuffle. Max begins to taunt Zoe, telling her repeatedly, “You are mine,” before freeing himself and attempting to rape her again. However, Zoe manages to escape. Lily’s mother, whom Max had previously infected, chases after Lily and kills Derek. Max kills her and chases Lily to the motor pool.

The remaining military personnel arrive, but Max opens the doors and allows a horde of rotters inside, which kill Elle and Lucy among several others. In the ensuing chaos, Lily flees outside, and Zoe chases after her with Max in pursuit. Baca attempts to go after them, but Miguel stops and threatens to shoot him at gunpoint. Both are then bitten by the rotters, and Miguel is ultimately killed while Baca manages to escape.

Max follows them into a greenhouse, where Zoe, hidden in mud, disembowels and decapitates him. Zoe and Lily walk back into the compound, where she finds Baca about to commit suicide to prevent reanimation. Zoe convinces Baca she can cure him with the vaccine and injects him with it, curing him as a result. Sometime later, High Rock Emergency Bunker has been repaired, and Zoe sends a message to any remaining survivors that they have the vaccine, while the rotters’ growls are heard from within a nearby forest.

Veera Puran Appu (film)

The film centered around the story behind national patriot Veera Puran Appu and his Matale rebellion in 1848 for the freedom from British. Though he was executed by the British by firing squad, his influence to the country's independence has been highly praised and thus Puran Appu is highlighted as a national hero of the Sri Lankan history.

Waltz in Marathon

Gentleman loan shark Harry Waltz, a sixty-one-year-old resident of Marathon, Michigan, finds his life dramatically altered by the return of his grown children and his romance with Mary Hale, a successful, forty-year-old lawyer.

Umi ni Ikuru Hitobito

The story takes place in 1914, when the outbreak of war in Europe brings great wealth to Japan. The crew of the ship Manju-maru, however, suffer under a brutal and despotic captain and his officers as the ship journeys south from the port of Muroran. The captain is indifferent to the suffering of both his own men and those on a sinking ship nearby, and cares only for his own pleasures be they at home or at a hot spring in Muroran with a female companion. He treats any resistance on the part of those under his command as insubordination or laziness.

The book describes the various hobbies of the sailors, some caring for nothing but women and others obsessed with confectioneries. One of the sailors, Fujiwara, dreams of liberating the proletariat, and while class-consciousness is on full display in the novel parts of Fujiwara's socialism are anachronistic for the setting.

At the climax of the novel the sailors go on strike and demand an improvement to their working conditions, demands to which the captain accedes for selfish reasons. When the ship arrives in Yokohama, though, harbour police arrest Fujiwara and Hata, and four other ringleaders are expelled from the ship. The last line reads: "They waited for their punishment to be decided."

Ultraman Geed The Movie

Gillvalis began his reign of terror by sending his Galactron to attack the residents of Planet Kushia. Guided by her father's will, Airu barely escaped to an ancient Earth.

Fast forward to the present day, Gillvalis' forces continue to attack various planets in order to search the "red steel" as Space Garrison and Ultimate Force Zero tried their best to fight back. On Earth, his loss from Galactron MK2 caused Riku to develop a sense of doubt towards his own capabilities. Juggler navigated the Nebula House residents and AIB duo Moa and Zena towards Okinawa to find the "red steel". They encountered Leito among the crowds, who lead them to the tourist guide Airu and finally the "red steel" itself, but neither of them were capable of wielding it. When Galactron MK2 commence attack on the party, Airu summoned Gukuru Shisa to stall the robot, therefore revealing her true identity as a . In order to gather more info, the team ventured into a secret alien city to find the information broker Arlong, where Gai Kurenai joined them after saving the party in a bar brawl between aliens. Gai met his junior Riku for the first time and counseled the boy of the responsibilities in being an Ultra Warrior.

As Gillvalis prepare to reset all life on Earth, Gai/Orb and Riku/Geed fought against Galactron MK2 but even with Zero's intervention, none of their attacks were capable of dealing even a single scratch. With Orb and Zero's apparent demise, Geed gave into his anger and defeated the robot enforcer in full power. With Riku knocked out of transformation and required another 20 hours to transform, Gillvalis prepared to digitize all life on Earth while the Galactron Army commenced their worldwide attack. Juggler took matters by fighting in his giant form while the rest of the party deal with Valis Raiders. Orb and Zero appeared unharmed after the latter used his time manipulation and bonded with Leito to assume Zero Beyond. The death of Airu from a Galactron's firepower served as the final push for Riku to unlock the "red steel" as Giga Finalizer. By assuming Ultimate Final, Geed bypassed his cool down period and helped the others exterminating the remaining Galactron Army. With Juggler exhausted, the Ultras storm Planet Kushia where Gillvalis assumed his Perfect Form to deal with the invaders. Orb and Zero destroyed his body, leaving Geed to finally destroy his escaping probe and put an end to his reign of terror permanently.

In aftermath of the battle, the returned humans and Gukuru Shisa celebrated Geed's victory while the Nebula House residents bid farewell to Ultimate Force Zero. Following Gai and Juggler's departure in the mid-credit scene, Zena paid his final respect to Gukuru in its petrified form. Moa caught his partner's attention by revealing Airu's presence in the Pacific Records.

Trouble at Totleigh Towers

Stiffy tasks Bertie with stealing a statuette that is believed to be cursed. Gussie Fink-Nottle resists his fiancée Madeline Bassett's attempts to make him a vegetarian.

Taiyō no nai Machi


Your Best Friend (film)

As described in a film magazine, Mrs. Esther Meyers (Gordon) moves from her modest home to one of the elite in the West End. Here she sees her daughter-in-law Aida (Bennett) and the latter's mother (Mason) squander her hard-earned savings on gay parties and teas. When she tries to mother her little niece or become part of her son's household, she is snubbed and rebuffed and called old-fashioned by Aida. Then her son Harry (Price) admits to absconding with a banks funds. To save him from jail, and to save the reputation of her other son Robert (Benham) whose ambition is to become a district attorney, Mrs. Meyers gives up all her money and sells her jewelry to make good the loss. Back to her former home she goes. It is here that a recognition of her true worth comes to Aida and they have a happy reconciliation.

Dolphin Reef (film)

Echo is a young and playful bottlenose dolphin who isn't like the rest of his pod. He believes he's just not ready to grow up, but his mother, Kumu, tries teaching him to find his own food. Just as they depart for their coral reef home, Echo's favorite neighbour, Mr. Mantis, a peacock mantis shrimp, is being disrupted by other sea creatures of his pile of coral.

One night while the rest of the pod is asleep, Echo is surprised to be greeted by a mothered humpback whale named Mo'orea, who has traveled miles to Echo's homes to find a male partner to help protect her newborn daughter, Fluke (who doesn't seem sure about Echo). Kumu soon calls out for her son, and bids farewell to the two whales. Kumu then grounds Echo for hanging out with the whales miles away, many humpback whales are about to set off to fight over Mo'orea and Fluke, but the largest one is more determined.

Mr. Mantis, meanwhile, is having his own problems trying to get his coral together and trying to get his fellow gardeners to work, but to his surprise, a school of green humphead parrotfish come to the rescue to clean out the coral, while Mr. Mantis and his neighbors are confronted by a cuttlefish, who strikes a small crab trying to invade Mr. Mantis' home.

Meanwhile, a pod of killer whales arrive on the island looking for prey; for Fluke's safety, Mo'orea makes contact with the male humpbacks, and they all set off for their rescue, just as the killer whales are about to charge for Fluke. The large male fends off the invaders, and wins over Mo'orea and Fluke's hearts.

As night falls, Echo and his pod are confronted by another pod of rival dolphins. The home team and rivals fight each other, while Echo swims off and is lost. Kumu and the rest of the pod spend hours looking for him.

Echo, who has become lost in the dark sea, meets a sea turtle, and the two escape up to the surface for air. Echo survives the night, and is reunited with Kumu.

Kumu starts to teach her son how to hunt fish, she uses her tail to make a mud ring to block the fish. Echo successfully copies the same, and he and the rest of the pod enjoy their meal of fish. Back on Coral Reef, Mr. Mantis is confronted by the Cuttlefish. Before it can catch him with its mouth, Echo comes to the rescue.

Echo has now learned the importance of how to survive the ocean, thanks to his mother. Mo'orea and Fluke begin a new life with the large male, and Mr. Mantis continues to enjoy his pile of coral.

The Qin Empire II: Alliance

The series is set in the mid fourth century BC during the Warring States period of China. In 338 BC, Ying Si (King Huiwen) succeeds his father, Ying Quliang (Duke Xiao), as the ruler of the Qin state. After coming to power, he gets rid of Shang Yang, whom he has a personal grudge against, but retains the sociopolitical reforms implemented by his father and Shang Yang in the past two decades.

Ying Si soon receives an invitation to attend a ceremony in Pengcheng, where he and the rulers of the Qi and Wei states will declare themselves kings and recognise each other's legitimacy. (The rulers of Qin and Qi were previously dukes.) He survives assassination attempts and prevents rival states from forming an alliance against Qin. While he is away, the Qin aristocrats who have long opposed Shang Yang's reforms instigate the Yiqu state to attack Xianyang, the Qin capital, and attempt to use the opportunity to overthrow the king. However, King Huiwen remains cool-headed while dealing with the crisis, and eventually drives back the Yiqu invaders and eliminates the traitorous aristocrats.

Under King Huiwen's reign, the Qin state defeats the Wei state and seizes all the Wei territories west of the Yellow River between 330 and 328 BC. In 330 BC, the Qin state takes advantage of internal conflict in the Yiqu state to attack them and force them to surrender by 327 BC. In 318 BC, the Qin army successfully repels an invasion by a five-state alliance – Wei, Zhao, Han, Yan and Chu. Two years later, Qin conquers the Shu state to its south. In 313 BC, King Huiwen sends his chancellor Zhang Yi to sow discord between the Chu and Qi states. When King Huai of Chu learns that he has been deceived, he orders an attack on Qin but loses at the Battle of Danyang. With these victories, the Qin state gains control over the Guanzhong, Hanzhong and Bashu regions, and poses an even greater threat to its rivals in the east.

King Huiwen dies in 311 BC. He is succeeded by his first son, Ying Dang (King Wu), who wages war against the Han state and gains access to the Zhou dynasty's capital, Luoyang, after the Battle of Yiyang. In 307 BC, while visiting the Zhou royal palace in Luoyang, King Wu attempts to powerlift a ''ding'' as a show of his physical strength. Although he succeeds in his attempt, he suffers a fatal injury and dies shortly afterwards. His younger half-brother, Ying Ji (King Zhaoxiang), will eventually succeed him as the next king of Qin.

The Qin Empire III

The series is set in the late fourth century BC to the mid-third century BC during the Warring States period of China. In 305 BC, a young Ying Ji (King Zhaoxiang) becomes the ruler of the Qin state in western China after the sudden death of his brother, Ying Dang (King Wu). As he is still underage then, his mother Queen Dowager Xuan and maternal uncle Wei Ran rule on his behalf as regents until he comes to of age.

With the aid of the minister Fan Ju and general Bai Qi, King Zhaoxiang starts making aggressive advances against the other six states in the east. Under his rule, the Qin state destroys the Yiqu state, builds a section of the Great Wall, defeats the Qi and Chu states in battle, forces the Wei and Han states into submission, and inflicts a devastating defeat on the Zhao state at the Battle of Changping. After demonstrating its military power through its victories, in 256 BC the Qin state finally puts an end to the Eastern Zhou dynasty, the nominal suzerain power over the warring states. These events paved the way for the Qin state's eventual unification of China under the Qin dynasty within the next half-century.

El accidente

The series begins with a tragic airplane crash with no survivors. Certain that her husband José (Quim Gutiérrez) was on the plane, Lucía (Inma Cuesta) drives to the airport. However, there is no trace of him on the list of passengers or among the deceased, and Lucía is assaulted by doubts. Tireless, she will pull a thread that will lead her to discover that, perhaps, she did not really know the man she loves.

Hidden Kisses

Teenager Nathan and his single father Stéphane drive cross-town to their new apartment, due to Nathan's transferral to another school mid-term. Nathan's dad is a policeman and does not want a gay son. Their once close relationship grows cold and distant after Stéphane learns Nathan is gay. After Nathan is bullied and assaulted, Stéphane realizes he was wrong and begins to support his son. Nathan is insecure and expresses concern about his openness with his homosexuality and past gay relationships. His father encourages him to be himself and not care what people say.

At a school party, Nathan kisses a boy, Louis, after meeting up in secret, but someone manages to take a picture of them and shares it. The news spreads quickly among the other students and soon the entire school is aware and bullies Nathan. None of the students realize the other boy is Louis in the photo because of the angle the photo was taken and it being dark. Tristan, an English teacher at the school, notices Nathan being bullied and pleads with his Math teacher who is a closeted lesbian, Catherine, to offer him advice, but she refuses. Nathan then meets up once again with Louis. Although Nathan wants them to be together, Louis rejects him and expresses regret. Louis claims he's not gay. He angrily leaves and heads home, where he spends time tanning in the pool with his girlfriend, Laura.

In P.E. class, Nathan gets beaten up in front of Louis. Rather than helping Nathan, Louis attacks him as well. Louis and Laura later discuss Nathan while laying together, only for Laura to reveal that she was the one who took the picture, wanting to invoke a reaction in her boyfriend. Louis denies being gay and accuses Nathan of pushing him into doing this. During a Math lesson, Catherine notices Nathan's wounds and demands to learn what happened. She then tells a story about a girl who preferred other girls and was bullied for it. At the end of the school day, Catherine is picked up by her girlfriend and the two kiss in front of the students. This inspires Nathan to stand up to his bullies and kiss Louis in front of everyone as well, but gets bitterly rejected once again.

Louis' mother, Corinne, uses her son's laptop after having hardware issues but discovers he watches gay pornography. She and her husband Bruno punish Louis when he comes back by taking away his phone and computer and refuse to let him go to school for the next few days. Meanwhile, Catherine and Tristan plead with the principal to protect Nathan and every LGBT student at the school, but to no avail. A few days later, Louis apologizes to his parents and promises that he isn't gay. When they decide to give his phone back, they discover he is once again lying to them and decide to ignore him from now on.

Louis runs away and meets up with Laura, who learns why he hasn't been responding to her texts. She runs away heartbroken after Louis only asks her for money, wanting to leave his house and parents forever. However, Laura tells Nathan and he along with his father go on a search for Louis, who is now contemplating suicide on a rooftop. They find and rescue him and the two reunited teenagers embrace. At Stéphane's apartment, Louis stays up late at night but falls asleep when Nathan invites him to lay together.

The next day Stéphane calls Louis' parents and his father comes to pick him up. Stéphane tries to talk with Louis' father about what happened, but he becomes agitated and demands for Louis to come to him immediately. Louis and his father leave after Louis reassures Nathan that he will be alright.

When Louis arrives home his father locks him in his room. He tells his wife she has to trust him; however she seems unsure about the way they are treating Louis. After discovering a set of photos of Louis and his little brother she decides to break open Louis' door. She apologizes for locking him up and leaves with Louis and her youngest son.

Louis' mother enters his father's clinic and waits to see him. When he exits his office she tells him they need to speak immediately. She tells him he can't keep punishing Louis because of who he is; however, his father gets angry and says he was only protecting Louis, because he cares for him. He says Louis tried to commit suicide because he is gay. She corrects him by saying he did it because they didn't accept Louis and thought he was abnormal. She continues by saying they are the ones that need to change, not Louis. She tells him she doesn't know who her husband is anymore and is leaving him.

Louis, his brother and mother move into a new house. However, he has to transfer schools to be closer to home. Louis remains in contact with Laura and reassures her they will see each other at his next boxing match. Soon after, Nathan and Laura go to the train station together to pick Louis up for his upcoming boxing match. Nathan apologizes to Laura for the kiss. She reassures him she is not angry with them. Louis arrives and shares a kiss with Nathan. A passerby comments on their kiss but Laura tells them how beautiful the boys are together.

Everyone is present at Louis' boxing match, except for his father. Louis decides at the last moment he doesn't want to participate. Stéphane talks to him, asking him if he only likes boxing because of his father or because he actually likes it himself. Whatever the answer, if he quits it must be with no regrets. Louis decides he will box. The first round goes poorly with Louis' opponent winning. His father then shows up. Seeing him gives Louis the encouragement to beat his opponent; however, Louis' father leaves before the match is over.

After the match Louis sprints to his father's car. He tells him his progress is because of his father. And asks him to stay and celebrate with the rest of his friends. He asks him if he is proud. His father remains silent the whole time. He drives off before saying anything, leaving an upset Louis behind. Stéphane finds Louis and comforts him saying his father needs some more time. He tells him everyone is waiting for him to celebrate.

How It's Gotta Be

In the wake of Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Tara's (Alanna Masterson) attack on the Sanctuary that unintentionally allowed the Saviors to escape, Savior lookouts open fire on Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) and the Scavengers; Rick is abandoned. Suddenly, Rick is rescued by Carol (Melissa McBride) and Jerry (Cooper Andrews); the three decide to split up to warn the allied communities. With the Sanctuary now back under their full control, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and the Saviors launch a counterattack against the Militia. Inside the Sanctuary, Eugene (Josh McDermitt) helps the ill Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Dr. Harlan Carson (R. Keith Harris) escape to the Hilltop Colony, though Eugene fears Gabriel may not make it. At Alexandria, Carl (Chandler Riggs) sits alone in a room in contemplation and writes a letter to his father.

Elsewhere, Aaron (Ross Marquand) and Enid (Katelyn Nacon) decide to try to make up with the Oceanside community, whose guns they took to fight the Saviors, by bringing them a truck full of alcohol from a nearby brewery. Waiting outside the community at night, Aaron is attacked, but Enid shoots his attacker, which turns out to be Natania (Deborah May), the leader of Oceanside. The two are then surrounded by other Oceanside members; Cyndie (Sydney Park) mourns her grandmother.

Meanwhile, Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Jesus (Tom Payne), and a large convoy of Hilltop residents head presumably towards the Sanctuary to meet up with the Alexandrians in the hopes that the Saviors will surrender. However, a group of Saviors overtake the convoy, revealing that they have captured Jerry en route to the Hilltop; Simon (Steven Ogg) appears and approaches Maggie's car. Simon then orders Maggie to give up her convoy's firearms to the Saviors or else Jerry and everyone else will be shot; Maggie agrees. Before the convoy can head back to the Hilltop, Simon shoots and kills one of the people inside Maggie's car as punishment. Upon returning to the Hilltop, Maggie executes one of the Savior prisoners—Dean (Adam Fristoe)—in retribution and orders the Hilltop to be fortified.

At the Kingdom, Gavin (Jayson Warner Smith) and a force of well over a dozen Saviors have gathered up the citizens for an announcement. Gavin proclaims that the Kingdom and whatever they produce are now property of the Saviors, all able-bodied residents will be taken to the Sanctuary to see to its repair and refurbishment, and announces that his men will make the Kingdom their home due to the destruction of their former residence. Ezekiel (Khary Payton), who had sneaked away, creates a distraction that allows the residents to escape into the nearby woods. Carol encounters the residents and finds Ezekiel, who locks himself in the Kingdom to face the Saviors alone; Morgan (Lennie James) observes this from a distance.

Back at Alexandria, Carl prepares to deliver more food to Siddiq (Avi Nash), but is unexpectedly interrupted by Negan, who orders the community to surrender over a loudspeaker outside the walls. Prepared to torch Alexandria to the ground, Negan is interrupted by Carl, who appears over Alexandria's walls. Carl tries to talk sense into Negan, offering and willing to give up his life. However, this is a distraction to allow all of the Alexandria residents escape into the sewers. Acting as a decoy, Daryl, Michonne (Danai Gurira), Tara, and Rosita (Christian Serratos) drive and smash trucks in the walls at the back of the safe-zone and through a roadblock of Savior vehicles, purposely arranged ineffectively by Dwight (Austin Amelio); a chase ensues.

Infuriated by Carl's ruse, Negan orders his men to launch grenades into Alexandria; several buildings and houses are razed. Negan's troops smash their way through the front gate and pour into the community while Carl provides cover through smoke bombs before he escapes to the sewers. Concurrently, the pursuing Savior group is led into an ambush set by Daryl's convoy; Dwight begins to kill several Saviors. However, Laura (Lindsley Register), a high-ranking Savior, catches Dwight in the act of betrayal and shoots him in the arm, and then escapes. In the aftermath of the firefight, Dwight joins Daryl and company, who then descend into the sewers as Alexandria burns; Michonne remains above ground. Amidst the bombardment, Rick eventually arrives and sees the town in flames; he rushes to his house to look for Michonne, Carl and Judith, only to find Negan awaiting his arrival. The two brawl, but Rick, severely injured, manages to escape and meets with Michonne; the couple descend into the sewers. Joining the surviving Alexandrians, they find Carl looking sweaty and tired; Carl lifts his shirt, showing them a walker bite on his abdomen. Devastated and stunned, Rick and Michonne comfort Carl as they take in the horror of what must come next.

Time for After

Outside the Sanctuary, Daryl (Norman Reedus), Tara (Alanna Masterson), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and Rosita (Christian Serratos) plot to take a garbage truck and ram it through the walls of the compound, thus allowing the walkers presently surrounding the building to flood in and attack the Saviors. As they discuss matters, Morgan (Lennie James) arrives, having overheard their discussion, and offers his support and that of his group of snipers that are monitoring the Sanctuary under Rick's (Andrew Lincoln) orders. Rosita starts to become concerned about going against Rick's plan and leaves, while Michonne is still unsure if this is the right action, knowing that the situation, as it is, is working to keep the Saviors confined.

Inside the Sanctuary, Eugene (Josh McDermitt), who is aware that Dwight (Austin Amelio) is the mole within Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) ranks that allowed Rick's plan to work, struggles with what action to take. Gabriel (Seth Gilliam), who has been taken prisoner by Negan and held in the infirmary, tries to convince Eugene to do the right thing to help the combined Alexandria, Hilltop, and Kingdom communities. Eugene later meets with Dwight, who warns Eugene that Negan is a terrible person that will attack his friends and that he can help eliminate Negan but only through Eugene's help. Eugene, having gained more confirmation of his suspicions of Dwight's duplicity, swears his loyalty to Negan before leaving.

Later, Negan summons Eugene and asks him on the progress he has made to figure out how to rid the walkers around the Sanctuary, and will become second-in-charge should he do so. Eugene comes up with an idea for creating a glider drone with a speaker to lure the walkers away; however, he is forced to locate the coffin that Negan used to take Sasha to Alexandria and find the iPod he had given her before she committed suicide en route, forcing him to relive that memory. With the glider ready to launch, Dwight holds Eugene at gunpoint on the roof, reminding him that Negan will go after Rick and his friends if he goes through with this. Eugene decides to launch anyway, but Dwight shoots the drone down before it can attract the walkers. Just then, Daryl drives the truck into the Sanctuary walls, allowing the walkers to flood the lower floors of the Sanctuary. Many of the workers are killed, but Negan's lieutenants lead an assault to keep the walkers at bay. Eugene, enraged by events, tells Gabriel that he will do what keeps him alive and will remain loyal to Negan. He then goes to see Negan, preparing to inform him that Dwight is the mole, but Dwight and Regina (Traci Dinwiddie) suddenly arrive, causing Eugene to stop short of revealing Dwight's betrayal. He then returns to his room and, amid the constant sound of gunfire, starts to get drunk on wine to try to drown out the noise. Eugene eventually offers Negan an audacious plan to free themselves from the Sanctuary that will take a lot of bullets.

Elsewhere, Rick attempts to negotiate his release with Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) of the Scavengers, but she refuses again and takes photographs of Rick's half-naked body at different angles, intending to use the photos as references for a sculpture she plans to create of him. Afterwards, Rick is brought out from the storage container and led to the center of the junkyard by a Scavenger. He is then forced to his knees, before Jadis presents a lightly armored walker as a method of execution. Able to get the upper hand, Rick threatens Jadis to let him go or die; she lets him go. Rick then makes a deal to allow the Scavengers to share in the spoils from the Saviors if they join him, but Jadis demands to see the situation at the Sanctuary itself before she or her people commit to Rick's plan. The Scavengers are then led by Rick to the outer perimeter of the compound. Walking in, Rick finds one of his snipers dead, being devoured by a small group of walkers. Unable to contact the other snipers, Rick climbs the water tower and observes the area from higher ground. Looking towards the front of the Sanctuary, Rick looks on aghast at the Sanctuary yard, completely devoid of walkers, only to see an abandoned garbage truck and an open door with a giant hole in the compound's wall, alarming him.


The main character, Paul, has found or received a copy of the titular unreleased game ''Petscop'' supposedly developed by the fictional company '''Garalina''', uploading recordings of its early levels. Initially, the game seems like a standard PlayStation puzzle game, centering around the player character—named "Guardian" —capturing strange creatures known as "pets" by solving puzzles. Paul remarks on the unfinished nature of the game and its lack of playable content. The first four episodes are recorded by Paul for a specific, unnamed, person. Later, Paul acknowledges that his recordings have found an audience on YouTube, though he still narrates directly to the unseen character, and occasionally speaks to them on the phone.

The game box, however, came attached with a note containing a code and instructions. By following these, Paul is able to access a dark, hidden section of the game. The new area, known as the "Newmaker Plane", is a vast grassy field, pitch dark except for a spotlight following the Guardian. The field has few landmarks, and a large network of underground tunnels. The area still loosely follows conventions of puzzle games, and Paul attempts to reverse engineer the puzzles (and the internal logic of the game) to continue progressing. As Paul finds more content, it is slowly revealed—through references to 'real-world' events and characters—that ''Petscop'' was designed for a specific person who did something horrible.

The series' overarching plot involves a man named Marvin, the disappearance of his childhood friend Lina, and an incident in which Marvin kidnaps his own daughter, Care, who he believes to be Lina reborn. There is a recurring focus on "rebirthing", a failed attempt to rebirth a girl named Belle into a girl named Tiara, and a growing connection between Paul, his family's past, and the game. It is later implied that some footage is not from Paul's perspective, introducing new viewpoints from Belle and Marvin, who are all playing ''Petscop'' simultaneously''.'' Marvin solicits Paul's help to find landmarks on the Newmaker Plane, and re-enact the process of rebirthing his daughter, Care. Later, Paul realizes that the landmarks on the Newmaker Plane may have significance to real-life locations; after presumably traveling to one of the real landmarks, Paul is not heard from again, though his videos continue to be uploaded without narration.

Malabimba – The Malicious Whore

In the castle of a wealthy family, a seance is held to contact the spirit of a woman who had been murdered. Instead, the spirit of Lucrezia, an ancestor of the family, is recalled during the seance. Lucrezia tries to take possession of the soul of Sister Sofia, who has lived in the castle to take care of the paralytic Adolfo, owner of the castle together with his brother Andrea, the husband of the murdered woman. Not succeeding, she takes possession instead of the body of the adolescent Bimba, daughter of Andrea and the murdered woman, who until then had spent a very withdrawn and reserved life.

In the following days the behavior of Bimba radically changes, due to the evil influence of Lucrezia's soul, and several times, she falls prey of the perverse sexual urges of Lucrezia, while unconsciously sheds light on the sexual and perverse vices of her family members. The family members, worried, entrust the girl to the care of Sister Sofia. The relationship between Bimba and Sister Sofia grows more confidential and between them a loving friendship is born. But in reality Bimba, subjugated by the soul of Lucrezia, sexually tempts the nun into a downward spiral of unspeakable debauchery.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending

''Kamen Rider Brave & Snipe''

The supposedly disappeared Saki Momose re-emerged alongside Lovrica Bugster, who manipulated her. Luke Kidman, an American who gains interest in Nico Saiba developed symptoms of Lovrica's Game Disease. As both Brave and Snipe try to handle their situations, Kuroto Dan begins scheming from the shadows.

''Kamen Rider Para-DX with Poppy''

Saiko Yaotome is a doctor dedicated to recovery treatments and orchestrate "Let's make Bugsters", a new training game created for the recovery of people that disappeared. The test run has Emu raising Parad and Saiko raising Poppy. The real Parad has been trapped and he faces his mysterious double, with the strength of the bond with Emu.

''Kamen Rider Genm vs. Lazer''

Using the God Maximum Mighty X, Kuroto Dan caused the entire world to fall into Zombie Chronicle. Kiriya has found the key to face the power that not even Muteki can overcome and after receiving a certain message from Masamune, he faces Genm.

El octavo mandamiento

The telenovela tells the real situation that thousands of families lived on that fateful September 11 that changed the history of humanity. The plot begins ten years ago with a happy family: a couple with three small children. The woman will be in one of the twin towers of New York at the time of the fatal terrorist act and will become one of the many disappeared, whose body was never recovered. Ten years later, one of his daughters (Sara Maldonado) will live passionate and filial loves, learn love as a couple, relearn to be a daughter and bet on the love of journalism, an occupation that will bring risks and personal dilemmas and with which she will live to fight and denounce terrorism.

Final Draft (2007 film)

Paul (James Van Der Beek) is a script writer with a big problem: he only has 18 days to release his last script. A script that could be his chance to be someone well-knowing. He decides to lock his home and to live isolated until the job is done. But the main character of his story is a maniac clown, and something happens...the line between fantasy and reality is so thin, Paul is going crazy.

Ultimate Comics: Hawkeye

A group of scientists in the SEAR create a virus that cancels mutations, and a serum that kick-starts it. With both of them, they would become the only country with mutants in the world. Hawkeye tries to get a sample of the serum, but the plan gets out of control: the SEAR mutants, known as "the people", rebel against the government, make a coup, and establish a new nation instead. Known as "New Tian", it becomes a safe haven for mutants. Hulk is teletransported to the Himalayas and the mutants working with him desert, but Hawkeye returns with a sample of the serum.

Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW Publishing)

The comic follows the adventures of Sonic and his friends as they defeat Dr. Eggman and other enemies. New characters to the series include Tangle, an energetic ring-tailed lemur; Whisper, a reserved wolf who uses a Wisp-powered rifle; Jewel, a beetle businesswoman and Tangle's childhood friend; Rough and Tumble, a pair of troublemaking skunks; Dr. Starline, a platypus scientist who admires Eggman; Belle, a wooden marionette-like robot; Surge, a punkish, hotheaded tenrec; Kitsunami (a.k.a. "Kit"), a somber fennec fox pup and Surge's partner; and Clutch, an opossum crime boss.

After the events of ''Sonic Forces'', Eggman has mysteriously gone missing, and the remains of his Badnik army roam around and attack people. When the Badniks become more organized and powerful, Sonic decides to investigate. And with the help of the Chaotix, he discovers that Eggman has lost his memory and taken on the more friendly moniker of Mr. Tinker. Sonic decides to let him go, and discovers that Neo Metal Sonic is behind the attacks, plotting to take over the world in Eggman's place. While Sonic and his friends fight Neo Metal Sonic and his army on Angel Island, Dr. Starline kidnaps Mr. Tinker and try to revert him back to Eggman, which ultimately happens when a defeated Metal Sonic returns after being repaired by Tails. Eggman makes Starline his assistant as he goes to work on a new plan.

In the ''Tangle and Whisper'' mini-series, Tangle helps Whisper hunt down a shapeshifting octopus named Mimic, who betrayed Whisper's old team, the Diamond Cutters. The two manage to arrest him, and he is jailed.

Eggman's next scheme involves the Metal Virus, which turns organic material into mindless robots dubbed "Zombots". The Metal Virus quickly mutates beyond his control, infecting Sonic and most of his friends. Starline brings the Zeti in the hopes that they can control the Zombots, but the Zeti betray him, wanting to claim the world for themselves. After firing Starline, Eggman and Metal Sonic seek refuge with Sonic and company on Angel Island, helping them defeat the Zeti and collect the Chaos Emeralds. The Zeti's leader, Zavok, invades Angel Island, but Sonic and Silver assume their Super forms, defeat him, and destroy the Metal Virus, curing the world.

In the ''Bad Guys'' miniseries, Starline, hoping to conquer the world and regain Eggman's respect, breaks Rough, Tumble, Mimic, and Zavok out of prison and recruits their help in raiding Eggman's Power Core factory and Eggnet Hub. Mimic and Zavok learn that Starline plans to dispose of them afterwards, exposing his deceit to Rough and Tumble. Starline escapes using his new Tricore, which can amplify multiple abilities, and the villains part ways as Eggman attacks. In the aftermath, Starline disavows Eggman and resolves to conquer the world for only himself.

While investigating an Eggman base, Sonic and Tails discover Belle, a free-willed Badnik whom Eggman created while he was still Mr. Tinker. Meanwhile, Amy, Rouge, and Cream try to win parts to rebuild E-123 Omega by having Cheese compete in Chao races. The group learn from Shadow that the champion, Clutch, has a surplus of Badnik parts and is abusive to his losing Chao. Starline kidnaps Tails and Rouge for research, but Sonic and Belle free the Chao and defeat Starline as an avalanche buries him. Shortly after, Zavok reunites the Deadly Six and attacks Sonic and co.'s home base, only to be deported to their homeworld, the Lost Hex, in defeat. Starline also kidnaps Belle, but she is rescued by the Chaotix.

After peace was restored, Amy, Tangle, Jewel and Belle have a vacation in a nature park which was mysteriously set on fire. While evacuating the tourists, they find a friendly motobug which they later nicknamed 'Motobud', created by Mr. Tinker with a goodbye message for Belle inside it shortly before he became Eggman. Afterwards, the Chaotix are hired to investigate some chaos in Central City which leads to an encounter with Rough and Tumble whom were hired by Clutch, and revealed he was planning to rebuild his empire. Leading to Vector destroying his entire Badnik collection, and Clutch along with Rough and Tumble escaping.

In the ''Imposter Syndrome'' miniseries, Starline creates Surge and Kit, two cyborgs emulating Sonic and Tails (who were responsible for the forest fire and the chaos in Central City), with the bio-data he has collected. He puts them through intense training, and wipes their memories whenever they question their identities and why they want to defeat Sonic and Tails. After their havoc was foiled by sonic's friends and Surge survived a fatal strike during a takeover of one of Eggman's bases, she and Kit become suspicious of Starline's motives which leads them to discover their origins and when they are unable to find any trace of their past, they vow to destroy all of the heroes and villains.

Starline, Surge, and Kit take over Eggman's headquarters, Eggperial City, but he retaliates and eventually defeats Starline, leaving him to be crushed to death under rubble. At the same time, Sonic, Tails, and Belle come to investigate, Surge and Kit ambush the former two but are defeated, with Surge falling down a garbage chute and Kit being accidentally rendered unconscious. Sonic, Tails, and Belle salvage Kit and try to escape, but are cornered by Eggman's robots.

Raving Iran

Anoosh and Arash - who perform together as Blade&Beard — are filmed as they attempt to organise clandestine events, produce and distribute their album and are refused permits and permission to print their posters and CDs.

After Anoosh is arrested when police raid one of their parties, they decide to apply for visas to play concerts abroad. When they are invited to play in Switzerland, they eventually decide to apply for asylum there.

The House That Swift Built

A doctor arrives at a mentally unstable house, looking to reveal the truth of a famous writer, Jonathan Swift. Swift is surrounded by actors playing out the life in the house, somehow causing his mental illness and even slightly lost his grip on reality (so do other people think). The summary of this challenging story to comprehend is that the movie is about coping mentally with what is actually going on around you.

Garo: Kami no Kiba

The film begins with a researcher revealing to a woman that he found the location of the Fang of God, an ancient Horror vessel that can take Horrors to the moon to empower them. However, after learning its location, the woman reveals herself as the Horror Rinza, whose subordinate Boel kills the man. Elsewhere, Aguri is approached by Banbi, a Makai Priest who is a childhood friend of his. With Aguri's help, Banbi steals the armors of Takeru and Ryuga, who confront Aguri just to learn that she needs the armors of the three to perform an ancient ritual to revive her lover Judo, a Makai Knight who fell into darkness, for one night. However, once performing the ritual, Banbi discovers that she was tricked by Rinza, who tempers with the ritual so that she ends up reviving Jinga instead of Judo.

After killing Banbi, Jinga, Rinza and Boel gather a horde of Horrors at an office building, where Jinga kills Boel and uses his body to activate the Fang of God. With help from their allies, the three Makai Knights accompanied by Rian storm the building, disposing of all the Horrors, and apparently killing Rinza as well. However, just as they are about to confront Jinga, who returns their armors in order to have a fair fight with them, the Fang of God launches into orbit with them inside. As the Fang ascends, Ryuga and Jinga have a fierce fight until they are trapped by Rinza, who is revealed to be alive. She then tells them that her true objective is to revive Messiah using the Fang of God and reveals that Judo's soul was too weak for it, thus she conspired for Jinga to be revived instead. Jinga then breaks free, and destroys her after revealing that he saw through her plan all along, as his true intention was to have another chance to fight Ryuga. Once reunited with his companions, Ryuga defeats Jinga once more and the four return safely to Earth, paying their respects to Ryume before Ryuga and Rian part ways with their friends again.

After the credits, Jinga awakens in Makai and reunites with Amily. When Messiah awakens from her dormant state, Jinga decides to fight the giant Horror himself.

Softly from Paris

''Softly from Paris'' is an anthology series where each episode features an author.

Tada Never Falls in Love

The story follows Mitsuyoshi Tada, a boy who has never known love. He is taking pictures of the cherry blossoms in full bloom when he meets Teresa Wagner, a transfer student from Luxembourg, a European country. It seems that she separated from her travel companion upon arriving in Japan. Tada helps her and brings her to his grandfather's coffee shop. Teresa's travel companion and bodyguard Alec arrives and beats up Kaoru misunderstanding him as chasing after Teresa. They discover that the hotel they're supposed to be staying in is actually next to Tada's cafe. The next day, they enroll in Tada's school and are in the same class. Alec agrees on joining the Photography Club on Teresa's request that she also wants to take great pictures. Mitsuyoshi is actually an aspiring photographer and wants to become like his father, who was a famous photographer. Mitsuyoshi lost his parents in a car accident during their childhood. The one last photo his father took and the camera were the only things that came back. The story focuses on the adventures of Tada and his friends and their building relationships.

The Black Hand (1906 film)

In New York City, two Italian-American criminals blackmail a butcher, demanding a ransom of $1,000, otherwise, they will kidnap his daughter and blow up his shop. Unable to afford the sum, the gang kidnaps his daughter. The butcher calls the police who finally arrest the extortionists and rescue the little girl.

Her Temporary Husband

As described in a film magazine review, Blanche Ingram must marry within twenty four hours or she will lose a fortune. She arranges to marry John Ingram, an old man she believes will not live long. Wealthy Thomas Burton, who is in love with Blanche, disguises himself as the elderly invalid and goes through the marriage ceremony. The real old man's secretary, with the aid of underworld thugs, plans to kill Burton. Burton's valet Judd disguises himself as his master and sends out a radio call for help to the army, navy, police, Elks, and other organizations. They all respond and the gang is captured. Burton is accepted as a permanent rather than temporary husband by Blanche.

The Christmas Note

Gretchen Daniels moves back to her hometown of Wilsonville with her son Ethan, at the urging of her husband and Ethan's father, Kyle, who was injured while on deployment and is recovering at a military hospital in Germany.

Ethan wants his dad to come home for Christmas; he writes a letter to Santa asking for such (even saying that he didn't want a bicycle, a baseball glove, or an Xbox). But although Kyle's condition improves, and is originally told he will be able to come home for Christmas, a last minute change threatens those plans.

In the house next door resides Melissa McCreary, who works all the time and doesn't socialize with anyone. One day, Gretchen is approached by a local landlord with a message for Melissa: her mother (Ramona) has passed away and the apartment needs to be cleared out by the weekend. Gretchen is reluctant to pass along the message, as she barely knows Melissa, but does so anyway, and offers to help her clean out the apartment.

While initially going through the apartment, and later at Ramona's memorial service, Melissa shares that she was not aware that Ramona was ill or had moved back to town; the two hadn't spoken in ten years. Ramona was a workaholic who frequently left Melissa alone with babysitters and was constantly forcing Melissa to move to accommodate her job situation; therefore, they never lived in one place long enough to settle down and make friends. The two fought constantly, which ultimately came to a head when Melissa turned 18; after Ramona announced yet another job relocation this time Melissa refused to go, resulting in her and Ramona having one final argument which broke ties between the two. Melissa tells Gretchen that Ramona left and she moved back to Wilsonville (the only place she ever stayed long enough to feel at home).

While going through Ramona's belongings, Melissa discovers an unfinished note Ramona was writing to her, asking for her forgiveness and telling her that before she was born, Ramona had a previous child that she gave up for adoption. Gretchen (who herself was adopted) convinces the reluctant Melissa to go on a search to find her sibling (convincing her that she could be giving both of them an amazing gift – the gift of family). During the search the two become friends along the way, and Melissa realizes that her decision to isolate herself from Ramona (and anyone else – as she had become a workaholic just like Ramona) was a huge mistake. Ultimately Melissa admits to Gretchen that she lied about her estrangement with Ramona: what really happened is when she and Ramona argued over the planned move, Ramona didn't leave – Melissa simply moved out and asked Ramona never to contact her again. Melissa wishes she could take back her original decision to cut ties with Ramona, and realizes that the note about her sibling was giving Melissa a chance to forgive herself.

Initially believing that her sibling is male, Melissa asks Bruce (a volunteer at a local food pantry, featured in one of her mother's photos) if he is her brother. It turns out he is not, but convinces one of the pantry's main supporters, a local attorney (for whom Gretchen works part time) to assist in the search. At the end, the attorney locates the adoptive records, which reveal that Melissa's sibling is not a brother, but a sister – Gretchen (Ramona had given birth to a girl and immediately turned her over to an adoption agency, who had a prearranged adoption with Gretchen's adoptive parents).

At the town's Christmas event, Kyle surprises everyone by appearing, thanks in part to Melissa who asks Bruce, who was a former soldier, to use any connections he had so that Kyle could come home to recuperate.

Limbo (2021 film)

Rookie police officer Will Yam (Mason Lee) is a recent graduate of the police academy. Due to a wave of serial killings, Will is partnered with veteran officer Cham Lau (Gordon Lam), who was recently reinstated on the force. However, the duo is unable to solve the cases and instead causes a series of incidents. Later, Cham re-encounters a drug-addicted street urchin, Wong To (Cya Liu), who ran over his wife and daughter in the past, and his anger makes him spiral out of control and continuously abuses her. Will clumsily loses his pistol, which is found by the serial killer. With the killer lurking in the city, a crisis grows closer.

Olobob Top

The series follows a group of young creative creatures called the Olobobs. Tib, Lalloo and Bobble live in a big forest and have fun playing, exploring and solving everyday problems. In each episode, with the help of Olobob Top, they work together combining shapes, colours and patterns to create a new character, who joins in with the Olobobs’ fun, while a friendly narrator encourages them to think for themselves, who suggests in each episode that it “looks like a trip to the...Olobob Top!”.

Truffaldino from Bergamo

The action takes place in 18th century Venice. Rascal Truffaldino, who fled to wealthy Venice from poor Bergamo, gets employed as a servant to one signor by the name of Federico Rasponi, who in fact is a disguised girl Beatrice, Federico's sister. She, under the guise of her late brother, tries to find her lover, Florindo Aretusi, who was mistakenly accused of killing Federico in a duel and therefore fled to Venice.

The disguised Beatrice comes to the house of the Venetian merchant Pantalone, where everyone is sure that Signor Posoni has died. This is what is explained to poor Truffaldino, who by tradition went up into the house first to announce the owner's visit. After this visit, while the new owner was engrossed with business, Truffaldino served another signor and also got employed by him as a servant. However, after this, the first owner who has settled in the same hotel, Brighella returns, and Truffaldino decides to serve both to receive double salaries. The second owner is the same Florindo.

For some time, more due to his luck than resourcefulness, Truffaldino successfully serves both masters, getting into comic situations and coming out of them with agility. Beatrice (under the name Federico) has to pretend that she insists on a wedding with Clarice, the daughter of the old Pantalone, betrothed to the late Federico. But the latter loves Silvio, the son of Dr. Lombardi, whose arrival deprives the self-styled bridegroom's hopes of Clarice's hand.

In the end, everything ends well: Beatrice reunites with Florindo, Clarice marries Silvio, and Truffaldino finds a wife - Smeraldin, a servant in the house of Pantalone.

Where the Wind Blows

Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) became a police officer in order to uphold justice. But the rampant corruption within the police force made it impossible for him to remain independent. As a result, he decides to make a name for himself within the police force by controlling organized crime.

Nam Kong (Tony Leung Chiu-wai), who seems like gentleman on the surface, operates with a dagger under his cloak. He is socially active among the police force as well as in social circles, laying the groundwork for the empire of corruption he builds with Lui. Nam and Lui, the brains and the brawn working in perfect unison, respectively become Chinese Chief Detective of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon / New Territories in 1962. They lord over organized crime, and lead tens of thousands of policemen.

Nam has long seen through Lui's cynicism and naiveté, and has been plotting a hostile takeover of power. When Lui discovers that everything is not as he had imagined, he vows to forcibly regain controlling leadership from Nam.

The Threat (1960 film)

Hotheaded cynical loner cop Steve Keenan (Robert Knapp) starts getting anonymous threats from someone who is upset with the fact that he killed a gangster kingpin in self-defense. Steve is casually seeing a beautiful torch singer named Gerri (Linda Lawson), who is in love with him and wishes he would commit to her. Steve is hesitant to do that, because he is still feeling burned about his ex Laura (Mary Castle) leaving him and taking up with the now-deceased gangster. His brother (and fellow cop) Harry (James Seay) tries to get him to take the threats seriously, but he just brushes them off until things start taking a deadly turn...

Burnt Offerings (Marasco novel)

The Rolfe family (Marian, Ben, and their son David) rent an isolated summer home in the remote North Fork of Suffolk County, New York at the extreme eastern end of Long Island to escape New York City and get away from their Queens apartment for the summer. Ben's aunt Elizabeth also moves into the home. Per their rental agreement, the Allardyces (the elderly siblings who own the home) stipulate that their elderly mother remain in her apartment in the top floor of the home and be fed three times a day, to which the Rolfes agree. Upon moving in, however, each member of the family is plagued by bizarre experiences, personality shifts, and inner turmoil that seems to be stemming from the house itself.

The Days of the Turbins (film)

The film tells about the intelligentsia and the revolution in Russia, about the life of the family of Turbin officers during the Russian Civil War.

Kiev. Winter of 1918-1919. The power in the city passes from the Hetman to the Directorate of Ukraine, then from Petliura to the Bolsheviks. Turbins and their acquaintances have to make their choice. Colonel Alexei Turbin and his brother Nicholas remain loyal to the White Movement and bravely defend it, without worrying about their lives. Elena's (née Turbin) husband, Vladimir Talberg flees shamefully from the city with the retreating German troops. In this troubled time, the family and close friends gather and celebrate the New Year. A strange and slightly ridiculous person comes to visit them, a distant relative of the Turbins - Larion Surzhansky (Lariosik).