Bertrand, a handsome young man who works as a male prostitute in Paris, leaves an elderly writer dead in his bath and steals the typescript of his just-finished play. Selling it to a publisher as his own work, it proves a success. Both the work and the apparent author greatly impress the publisher's assistant Caroline, who soon has Bertrand sleeping in her flat.
The pressure is now on Bertrand to write a follow-up, and he retreats to a mountain chalet to work. There he meets an older woman who completely fascinates him. This is Eva, who lives in her husband's elegant house and works as an expensive prostitute. She says her husband is on a prolonged business trip, but it is revealed to viewers that he is in jail. Obsessed by the enigmatic character of Eva and the things she tells him, Bertrand tells his publisher that she will be the subject of his next work. The publisher secretly books a session with Eva to see if she is real.
Caroline, sensing that Bertrand is avoiding her, turns up secretly at the chalet and finds Eva in the bath. Rushing away in despair, she crashes her car and is killed. Bertrand goes secretly to Eva's house, where a stranger beats him up so thoroughly that he is hospitalised. When released, he sees Eva in the street with a man viewers know is her just-released husband. She signals wordlessly to Bertrand to keep away.
In New York, Joseph Randall (Bill Goodwin), the owner of Randall Records, names his son John (William Reynolds) as the company's new vice-president, to the pleasure of A&R man Danny Phillips (Jeffrey Stone). John immediately urges his father to eschew the company's middle-of-the-road love ballads in favor of newer musical genres, such as rock and roll, calypso or rhythm and blues, but Joseph refuses to deviate from the standards. For this reason, Danny's girlfriend, celebrated singer Cindy Adams (Gogi Grant), has decided not to sign a contract with Randall Records.
John admires his new office and young secretary, singer Nikki Collins (Andra Martin), who is impressed by his persistence in pitching a more up-to-date record label to his father. At the end of John's first day, Danny is, as usual, too busy working to take Cindy out to dinner, and so encourages John to take his place. John and Cindy go to a nightclub to see George Shearing & the Quintet perform, and there Cindy admits that she is eager to marry Danny, who maintains an emotional distance while he builds his career. John then accompanies Cindy to her television show and, after watching her sing, enthusiastically offers the band, a beatnik rock combo called the Preston Trio, an audition at his office.
The next day, however, Joseph refuses to record the group, and in frustration John turns to the sympathetic Nikki. She brings him to her apartment, where her neighbors, the Lancer family, May Gordon (Rose Marie), and sculptor Vladimir Skolsky (Hans Conried), entertain him with an impromptu show. Days later, before leaving for an eight-week trip to Europe, Joseph announces that he is incorporating a new company, Revue Records, as a test label for John. He gives half-ownership to John and forty percent to Danny, who is moved by the gesture. Over the next few weeks, Danny tries to groom John and teach him how to market his songs, but John is impatient and signs acts recklessly. At a launch party for the label, John is consumed with new ideas and research about the record business, prompting Nikki to use all her wiles to engage him in a kiss. Meanwhile, Cindy tells Danny that she no longer wants to perform, preferring the prospect of marriage, and he promises that if Revue is successful, they will wed. With that in mind, when John and Nikki urge Cindy to record a song for Revue, she agrees, hoping to spur on the label's success.
Eight weeks later, however, the label is floundering, due to the huge, unsold backlog of records that John has produced. When Joseph returns, he is furious, warning John to sell the records or relinquish his share of the company. John, devastated that he has disappointed his father, goes to Nikki's to commiserate, but they are interrupted by Vlad, who insists on hearing about their dilemma. Although Nikki urges Vlad to leave, John seems inspired by his visit, and the next day gathers all his old textbooks in the certainty that there is valuable information somewhere in them. By nighttime, John has realized, from a photo in his economics books, that Vlad is in reality supermarket mogul B. J. Carson.
Upon confronting Vlad, the executive drops his phony accent and admits that for six months of every year he lives a quiet life in disguise. The next day, John calls a meeting of Joseph, Danny, Nikki, Cindy, and the department heads. When Vlad enters, everyone is shocked, especially Nikki, who suspects the sculptor is tricking them. He explains, however, that John has convinced him to buy the back stock of records for sale in his supermarket chain. After Vlad orders thousands of albums per month, Danny turns to Cindy with a marriage proposal and Joseph exults that he trusted John all along. To prove his conversion, when the Preston Trio visits, Joseph boasts that he "digs them from down under to the polar cap."
In a huge new supermarket in the eastern provinces, a withdrawn young man called Christian is hired to help stock the drinks aisle. He works under the equally taciturn Bruno, who gruffly teaches him the job. He also catches the eye of the young blonde Marion, who looks after the confectionery aisle and considers herself a queen bee.
Christian falls for her, but lacks the skill to press his case. Other employees warn him that she is married unhappily to a husband who beats her. One morning he waits outside her house until her husband has gone to work and creeps in with a bunch of flowers. She is in her bath singing but, when she hears him coming up the stairs, he flees.
It emerges that his low self-esteem comes from teenage years in a gang, followed by prison. Bruno's unhappiness results from his loss of status at reunification, when all he could get was this low-grade job, and he hangs himself. Marion's malaise is not explained, but she continues to flirt with Christian.
In a deserted rich house, a couple of amphibians explore their surroundings. An emerald green frog swims through a murky swimming pool while being followed by a bigger toad. They eventually end up in a bed room that has all its sheets scattered about. A small yellow frog tries and fails to catch a butterfly to eat and a larger fatter toad awakens in a kitchen full of rancid food. This does not stop it from dining on caviar and macarons. The yellow frog makes its way into the house through one of the numerous bullet holes in the glass windows. An open safe and a gun can be seen, implying that a violent gun fight occurred there. As the night falls, the yellow frog finds the house's security room and begins accidentally turning on numerous switches; lighting up a painting that reveals the house's owner. Lights, music and water effects turn on outside as more amphibians show up to enjoy their new paradise. As they do so, the body of the house's owner, clad solely in a bathrobe, floats to the top of the pool, having been pickled and swollen from resting at the bottom for so long. The amphibians pay no mind to him.
The film's story is a contemporary one, set in New York City in the 1930s. It recounts the crime of Al Douglas (Robert Taylor), a bank employee who embezzles $200,000 ($ today) from the city's Seacoast National Bank. He then carries out his plan to confess his deed to the bank's president, telling him that he has squandered all the money, mostly through reckless gambling. In reality, though, Douglas has not spent any of the cash; he buried it in a suitcase at a remote spot "across the river in Jersey". As part of his plan too, Douglas quite willingly goes to prison after his trial and conviction for grand larceny. There he intends to be a model inmate and expects to serve only the minimum term of his five-to-ten-year sentence. Upon his release, he will then retrieve the hidden loot and enjoy a rich lifestyle.
Once Douglas is in prison his resolve to stay there, even for the minimum term, begins to wane. His cellmate Louie (Al Hill) continues to talk about how things always change while people are behind bars and how outside prison "nothing stays put". Such comments cause Douglas to worry that someone will find his ill-gotten treasure, so he agrees to participate in Louie's scheme to sneak out of prison by disguising themselves as a priest and as another regular visitor. The scheme succeeds and the two men escape.
Following their getaway, the former cellmates separate to make it harder for authorities to track them. Louie goes to an undisclosed location in New York while Douglas flees to Canada, knowing that he would be easily recognized in the United States and might be followed if he tried to dig up his buried loot too soon after his escape. In Toronto, Douglas decides to alter his physical appearance permanently before returning to New Jersey. He stages an accident and deliberately burns his face with nitric acid. His self-inflicted burns prove to be so severe that he is hospitalized and has to undergo extensive surgeries, which leave his face horribly scarred from skin grafts and numerous stitches. Now confident that he will not be recognized in the United States, Douglas leaves Canada after his release from the hospital and retrieves the suitcase, still full of money. He then proceeds to New York City to book passage on a ship to Europe.
In New York, while walking along a street with his suitcase, Douglas is spotted by two men he had befriended in Canada. The two are the same friends who had taken him to the hospital after his burn injuries and had visited him during his recovery. They invite him to share a taxi ride. He declines, but they cheerfully insist, and he goes with them. The taxi soon stops in front of the Seacoast National Bank, his former employer. Now quite nervous, Douglas refuses to go into the building, so his friends suddenly put handcuffs on him, take his suitcase, and escort him at gunpoint to the office of the bank's president. Douglas is surprised to see Louie there, along with other men. The bank president now informs Douglas that his escape from prison had been an elaborate ruse, that he was allowed to escape. He also tells Douglas that officials for the bank's bonding company never believed his claim that he had spent all of the stolen cash, so in an effort to recover the money the company had organized his escape and had its agents follow him constantly since then. Those agents included some prison staff, his Canadian "friends", and even Louie. The film ends with the disfigured Douglas staring at the camera as he is being told he will now return to prison to serve his maximum sentence with no hope for early parole.
The American ambassador to Germany James W. Gerard warns that Germany will rise again to power and an attempt at world domination unless safeguards are taken,
Talented engineer Pavel Fedorovich Golikov who works at a research institute in a team comprised purely of females, is surprisingly timid and inexperienced in his relationships with women considering that he is more than forty years old. He is still single and lives with his parents who have long dreamed of having grandchildren. They unsuccessfully introduce him to unmarried daughters of friends in the hope that Pavel will finally marry. But suddenly cheerful and reckless Gena comes to Moscow for furniture - Pavel's cousin. At the request of Pavel's parents, Gena decides to stay in Moscow until he finds a wife for his brother. First, Gena disguises Pavel in a new suit, then they get acquainted with various girls using the pick-up line "Where is the nophelet?" ("Nophelet(e)" is an anadrome — the word "telephone" pronounced in the reverse order). But in his quiet fantasies of family life and children, Pavel sees an unknown female passenger, with whom he travels on a daily bus.
Later Gena's wife arrives who is troubled by his lengthy absence - she is an imperious and commanding woman, and as Pavel's parents look at her they even begin to doubt the need to marry off their son. Subsequently Pavel sorts out his timidity and decides to speak with the stranger from the bus.
Yossi Langotsky packs a fake bomb in a suitcase and attempts to check in for a Pan Am flight only to find out that he is late. However, the check in officer accepts an under-the-table payment bribe to allow Langotsky's suitcase to be checked in. Once the suitcase is loaded, Langotsky calls Pan Am CEO Edward Acker to inform him of the fake bomb being placed onto one of the flights. Acker informs him that he doesn't want this incident to happen again and that it is not the right way to question security procedures on airlines.
At the Pan Am headquarters in New York, Acker meets with his high-ranking executives, one of them being the new vice-president for aviation security Frederick Ford, and reveals a plan to make Pan Am the safest and reliable airline, with its new security subsidiary named "Alert". Ford, who is to head "Alert", proposes changes with some of their elements based on El Al's security but is rebuffed by other executives, who plan to do it the American way as Pan Am is an American airline. Ford and Harry Pizer later discuss the trainings for Alert, with the former planning to hire British military officer Col. Wilfred Wood to help with the program.
Root (Amy Acker) brutally interrogates Denton Weeks (Cotter Smith) over the location of the Machine, accusing him of having what she calls "bad code". To prove that Denton is "bad code", she allows Finch (Michael Emerson) to help Denton temporarily escape and pretends to be subdued. Once Denton realizes that Finch was involved with the creation of the Machine, he tries to kill Finch, but Root kills Denton instead after he reveals the Machine's location to be somewhere in Salt Lake City.
Meanwhile, Reese (Jim Caviezel) continues to follow the trail of the missing girl supplied by the Machine in "The Contingency". Her name was Hanna Frey, a girl abducted outside a library. The one witness to the crime was Hanna's friend Samantha Groves, who informed the librarian (Margo Martindale) what she saw, only for the librarian to accuse Sam of lying, because she was in love with the man that Sam had accused. The experience started Sam down a path that would ultimately lead to her becoming Root.
In the present, Reese and Carter (Taraji P. Henson) are able to locate Hanna's body and ensure a proper burial, learning that Root arranged to have her killer murdered. Using a book Root sends to the librarian each year, Reese is able to track Root to a cabin in Maryland. He arrives in time to find Weeks dead and Root gone, having taken Finch with her to Union Station. Finch leaves a clue to where he is being taken by using a tap code on a telephone handset.
While Reese searches for Finch, Fusco (Kevin Chapman) investigates Alicia Corwin's murder. Fusco is able to steal some of Corwin's belongings and learns from a tapped conversation between Hersh and his boss of their search for Denton. Fusco alerts Reese with the information he discovers on Denton helping Reese to locate the cabin. Reese decodes the clue in order to follow and save Finch, but Root is able to escape before Reese can apprehend her. She later calls him to thank Reese for finding Hanna, but warns she will be back someday for Finch.
Ellen Hardy, working as a live-in assistant to wealthy widow Mrs. Armstrong, gets a call from the mental institution where her younger brother George and sister Mandy have been living since they were accused of killing their parents when they were six and four years old. George is turning 18, and rather than send him and Mandy to an adult facility, Ellen takes them back to live with her in Mrs. Armstrong's large house. Afraid of what their reception would be if the others knew the truth, Ellen conceals their dangerous history.
Upon arriving at the house, Mandy insists that she and George have a designated "mad room," a place where they can go to be alone when they are frustrated. Ellen reluctantly agrees to give them access to the former Mr. Armstrong's study despite the fact that Mrs. Armstrong refuses to let anyone in it. One night Mrs. Armstrong discovers Mandy in the study, and confronts Ellen about her mounting suspicion that they are keeping something from her. While Mandy and George eavesdrop from outside the room, Ellen finally breaks down under her questioning and tells Mrs. Armstrong about their grim childhood and the suspicion that either George, Mandy, or the both of them had killed their parents with a butcher knife. Mrs. Armstrong explains to Ellen that she can't keep the children at the house anymore, and goes to bed frightened.
The following morning, Ellen screams when she discovers Mrs. Armstrong dead in the "mad room," slashed by a saber. Mandy and George run to the scene, and both scream in horror and accuse each other of being the murderer. Ellen quickly turns into action, and to cover-up the crime, insists that they tell the rest of the staff that Mrs. Armstrong has gone away on business unexpectedly. After another incident at the house, George and Mandy begin to find Ellen's ability to lie unsettling and suspect her of killing Mrs. Armstrong as well as their parents.
Ellen's nerves begin to fray, and tries to convince her fiancé Sam, the stepson of Mrs. Armstrong, that they should send the children away. She finally snaps after seeing that the family dog has discovered the dismembered body of Mrs. Armstrong and has brought a single hand out into the yard. She kills the dog and in the final scene is discovered by Sam, kneeling in the basement by the furnace as she once did the night she murdered her parents.
A teenage ski bum and his friend tries to turn the lodge he's inherited into a music club.
As described in a film magazine, prize fighter Johnny Duffey (Lytell) falls in love with a young society woman Constance Talbot (Valli). When he breaks his right hand in a bout and is forced to rest for three months, Johnny goes to the fashionable resort Craigmoor to be near Constance. One of his hero-worshipers, a chauffeur, becomes his valet and tutor in correct social etiquette. Constances father (Harlan) recognizes Johnny but keeps his secret until Johnny whips Roy Van Twiller (McCullough), a cad who was attempting to expose him. Constance learns Johnny's true profession, and they obtain her parents’ approval for their marriage.
When a meteorite collides with Earth, its planetary rotation ceases causing one hemisphere to be plunged into heat and the other into coldness. The player is tasked with using science to save the planet.
As described in a review in a film magazine, married to Captain Forrester (Fawcett), an elderly railroad builder of great wealth, Marian Forrester (Rich) feels the call of youth and love and begins to get away. Her chance comes when Frank Ellinger (Roche) becomes interested in her and finally persuades her to elope. Just as they start out, she learns that her husband has beggared himself by giving away his fortune to save a workingman's bank, so she returns. Later, when it seems that she can stand no more, she finds out that Frank, whom she believed would return to her, is to marry someone else. She tries to go to him but misses the train, so she goes to Neil Herbert (Moore), who has always admired her. She calls Frank, who turns her down but suggests that they can keep seeing each other. Enraged, she starts to rebuke him, but Neil cuts the wire to end the call. Neil takes her back to her husband, who then dies. Utterly dejected, she gives way to despair, taking to drink and becoming slovenly in appearance. Neil sticks to her and tries to help her to fight back, until he finds her affectionate with a low country fellow. Disgusted, he tells her that lilies that decay are worse than weeds, and leaves her. Years later, when Neil's views have softened with age, he meets a friend who tells him that he saw Marian in South America. She was apparently happy and prosperous, the wife of a wealthy old man.
The player is a friend of Richard, a chemistry lover who is falsely accused of stealing a treasured item from the land of Chemicus after he arrives there in a portal. It is the player's job to rescue him.
The game has no death states.
Fifty years ago in the planned community of Seabrook, an accident at the Seabrook Power Plant resulted in an explosion which caused half the population of Seabrook to turn into brain-eating zombies. Those that weren't affected constructed a wall to quarantine the zombies from the rest of Seabrook in a territory called Zombietown. The government later created bracelets for zombies, called Z-Bands, that deliver soothing electromagnetic pulses to keep zombies from craving brains. In the present day, zombie students from Zombietown transfer to the human high school, Seabrook High, where suburban life is filled with uniformity, traditions, and pep rallies. The zombies in the school are patrolled by Dale, whose daughter Addison and nephew Bucky are on the school's cheerleading team.
Addison begins a relationship with a zombie student named Zed, who is an exceptional player on the school's football team due to his Z-Band being hacked by Eliza, one of his zombie friends. Addison and Zed's relationship is initially unknown to all of the students and staff except two of Zed's zombie friends, Eliza and Bonzo. Bucky, who leads the cheerleading team, is jealous of Zed's popularity and makes sure Addison isn't able to meet him. Addison is invited by Zed to attend the zombie party in Zombietown. She attends and has a private moment with Zed in the "zombie park". Just before the pair can kiss, however, the Zombie Patrol crashes the party and takes away Addison. At home, Dale and his wife Missy, the mayor of Seabrook, find out that she has a new crush and advise her not to do any cheering until they know who it is, not knowing that the crush is a zombie. The next day, Zed shows up on Addison's doorstep looking human. He and Addison leave her house and go on a date, where he admits he's been messing with his Z-band. Addison tells him that it is the others that have to change, not him.
On the day of the homecoming game, Bucky finds out about Zed's Z-Band hack and has his followers Stacey, Tracey and Lacey steal Eliza's laptop to hack the Z-Bands. They succeed, resulting in Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo turning "full zombie" and being taken away by the Zombie Patrol.
Most of the cheerleaders, including Addison and Bree, show their sympathy for the zombies at the game. Addison tells the crowd it was Bucky and his followers that led Zed to transform into a full zombie. She then rips off her wig exposing her naturally white hair, which she had hidden due to the residents of Seabrook being against anything different.
Bucky eliminates all of the zombie-supporting cheerleaders following the incident. When the cheerleader competition nears, Addison and Bree find Zed and Bonzo trying to stop Eliza from sabotaging the competition as revenge for Bucky's decision, after Eliza talks with her friends, she realizes that doing so is not the right thing to do. Bucky's team is failing because they do not have enough members, so Zoey, Zed's little sister, tries to get in and help him. At first, Zoey is booed by the crowd, but with help from Addison and Zed, the zombies and cheerleaders come together to make a cheer routine during the Cheer competition. Zed and Addison tell each other they love each other in Zombie-Tongue.
The zombies and humans reunite with each other via a block party in Zombietown.
The young protagonist Geo is tasked by the wise scientist Geograficus to locate the whereabouts of Balvin, a fire dragon who has gone missing.
It tells the redemption tale of the Padre, a rehabilitated convict who is on the run from his dogged pursuer and father-in-law, a United States Marshal Nemes and his hired local police officer Gaspar in Colombia. A precocious teenager, Lena, is a stowaway with Padre who hopes to reach Minnesota. She blackmails and befriends him for joining his journey. The duo plans both a heist and getting away from vengeful Nemes.
Lia Lona is a celebrated film diva. One day, when she is presented with a certificate by a film club that bears her name in her honour, she considers the man who wants to give her a diploma to be a thief. Then things start to get turbulent. In the moving train, she pulls the emergency brake on the run and is then arrested. The accusation, which is a total nonsense, brings her to court where the judge assigns Lia has to start five days of arrest for her hasty action. But for the film diva, the punishment becomes an amusing and lively change from everyday acting. Cleverly, she can also instruct her film crew to use these "holidays from the self" to produce semi-documentary footage, which she plans to weave into her next film.
The main player is stranded at a human colony base of a planet named Reah which had been set up to investigate an alien artifact. The player must return home to reveal their shocking discoveries.
Lilian is a budding artist living in Brooklyn after her father abruptly moved to Paris with his girlfriend. After her boyfriend Nate dumps her for being immature and unmotivated, Lilian moves in with family friends Julia and Don.
While Don, a musician, is warm and friendly, Julia, a famous and reclusive novelist, immediately clashes with Lilian. After Don disappears following a fight with Julia, Julia sequesters herself in her room and begins communicating with Lilian through messages in Lilian's private journal.
After running into Nate and his co-worker, Laura, a filmmaker, Lilian claims she is working on a documentary about Julia, to impress her. Rather than ask Julia for permission, Lilian begins scouting for cameramen and uses her father's connections to contact famous writers and interview them about Julia.
While interviewing Jonathan Ames, Lilian learns that her father is back in New York City but has not contacted her. She also learns that Julia is using her as possible writing inspiration and has used her as inspiration before, when she was a child.
Julia accidentally discovers that Lilian is making a documentary when Lilian is late to meet her cameraman, Sol, and he enthusiastically tells Julia everything. Julia cuts off all communication with Lilian. Depressed, Lilian makes a move on Julia's reclusive dog walker George, who rebuffs her.
Lilian finally makes contact with her father who does not tell her that he and his girlfriend are engaged and expecting a child, despite Lilian having been made aware by other people.
Lilian decides to try to make amends with Julia by writing her an apology note and finally reading her most famous work, ''Good Posture''. Lilian obtains a job and decides to leave Julia's home. Before she leaves, Julia allows her into her room indicating she has forgiven Lilian.
The following morning, as Lilian leaves, she sees Julia outside for the first time, walking her dog. Julia meets Don and the two walk towards the subway together, as Lilian walks in the other direction.
After being sent back to Tokyo by her father, Sae Asami sends a text message to Kamogawa Yoshirō asking for help. Together with Yabe, Enomoto, and Mr. Teru, Yoshirō goes to Tokyo, where he infiltrates her high school. Shizuka Tachibana, a student at the school, tells him about a conflict between three different groups at the school, explaining that the male students formerly at the school have left in fear. Yoshirō is convinced that Sae Asami is caught up in the conflict and seeks to help her. On the second day, Yoshirō already finds that Yabe, Enomoto, and Mr. Teru have each been seduced by one of the three different groups.
Sae Asami is found but she insists that she has not been kidnapped and that she is doing fine. Yoshirō calls her father, Dr. Asami, and tells him that Sae's homeroom teacher Mr. Kajimoto says that Sae was merely missing school due to a cold. Dr. Asami tells Yoshirō that Sae's homeroom teacher is supposed to be Mr. Fukikoshi and explains that Mr. Kajimoto is an academic rival who is jealous of Dr. Asami's newfound fame following the discovery of the psychics.
Sae Asami and Shizuka Tachibana get into a fight over Yoshirō in a classroom and are caught by the three groups, who tie them up and rub them with toy cars and mochi that they use to induce arousal. Yoshirō, Yabe, Enomoto, and Mr. Teru confront the girls. The girls offer to take their virginity and the Yabe, Enomoto, and Mr. Teru are tempted by the offer but Yoshirō reminds them that this will cause them to lose their psychic powers and convinces them to help him protect the world instead. The girls attempt to take their virginity by force but the boys use their powers to distract and frighten the girls.
They find Sae Asami in the gymnasium and untie her. Mr. Kajimoto and Shizuka Tachibana enter and Shizuka explains that she helped to set up the encounter in order to aid her father, Mr. Kajimoto, whose career as a researcher was damaged due to Dr. Asami's discovery of psychics. Dr. Asami and Akiyama Takako arrive and Akiyama Takako uses a newfound power to force the end credits to roll early, eliminating Mr. Kajimoto's opportunity to explain his plan for revenge. Enomoto appears on stage in a leather fetish outfit in his attempt to confront Mr. Kajimoto but finds that Mr. Kajimoto and Shizuka Tachibana have already left. The girls from the school appear again to tempt Enomoto but Akiyama Takako uses her power once more to finally run the end credits.
;Spring David, a middle class stay-at-home dad, lives with his wife Louise and daughter Sally. While out jogging, he encounters a single slip-on dress shoe. David keeps an eye on the shoe, and, by the time Louise arrives home that evening, has moved it to the dinner table. Louise drops it on the floor, though David's attention remains on it. Later, in daytime, David chastises Sally for playing with the shoe, and Louise is angry that he has hung posters advertising his find that feature their phone number.
;Summer The family celebrate Sally's birthday, while the shoe sits under a sofa. Later, Chris, a family friend, visits. He may have a job for David, but, to Louise's horror, David begins talking about his "project". Louise has binned the shoe; David is mortified, and Louise challenges him to not speak about the shoe for two minutes. He fails, and storms out to search the bin. Louise and Chris share a tender moment, but David does not notice; he is more concerned with how Chris could help him publicise his search for the shoe's owner. David's multimedia campaign and reward offer, initially unsuccessful, ultimately result in a visit from a young man who has a matching shoe. David interrogates him at length. Once satisfied by his account, and having spent a final few moments alone with the newly matched pair, he reluctantly hands it over, holding back tears.
;Autumn Sally and Louise are happy in the kitchen, when David, smartly dressed and with a confident manner, returns from work. Despite Louise's reservations, Sally performs a piece she will present in her school assembly, involving the nursery rhyme "Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling":
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John, Went to bed with his trousers on! One shoe off, and one shoe on, Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John!
Despite a pained expression, David applauds, hugging his daughter.
;Winter Louise encounters the shoe outside her house. Inside, David confronts her about a photograph he has found—Louise's college friend, Ted, is the man to whom David gave the shoe. He has also found a receipt for a new set of shoes, bought by Louise shortly before Ted's visit. David accuses Louise of giving him false hope, and, in response to her exasperation, says that it was never about the shoe. David is in grief, having never recovered from the death of Sally's twin brother, Joseph, six years earlier. Like the shoes, the children were "Two halves ... and one of them's gone", though he believes that "they should be together". Louise finds blood on David's hands, but it is not his own. He had driven to Norfolk to retrieve the shoe from Ted, but does not remember what he has done. The emergency services arrive outside.
On a cabinet is a photograph of a smiling David holding two infants. He is wearing the shoes. Over the credits, security footage from 15 March 2016 shows David placing the shoe outside his house before jogging away.
When Lord Boxman takes away all the levels of the heroes' pow cards, K.O. must set things right and learn at heart that he is a true hero.
Derrick is an aspiring music producer whose major accomplishment is the discovery of DJ Killionaire, an artist now generating millions for record executive Tommy Maxell. Derrick feels cheated by Maxell when he does not receive his believed share of the profits due to fine print in the contract. His lack of income leads to a fight with his father Big Earl, the owner of a children's academy as well as a Christmas tree lot in Compton, California, during the week before Christmas.
Big Earl suffers a heart attack and during his recovery he signs documents giving Derrick co-ownership of the house and the Christmas tree lot in an attempt to teach him responsibility. When Maxell threatens steal female trio Sugar Stuff out from Derrick's management, Derrick seeks revenge on Maxell by posing as an exterminator and robbing a $300,000 pink diamond ring from Maxell's house. He attempts to sell the stolen ring through the intermediary Delicious, a pawn shop owner, but the first prospective buyer is a local criminal who attempts to rob the ring and has to be chased off. Urgently in need of money in order to extend Sugar Stuff's contract, Derrick puts up the Christmas tree lot as collateral for a $150,000 loan from loan shark Ernesto Martinez, who demands repayment and an additional $25,000 in interest by Christmas Eve. Tommy Maxell buys the loan from Ernesto Martinez in order to take the Christmas tree lot as collateral and also hires criminals to steal back the ring from Delicious. Derrick and his friends go on a promotional frenzy for Sugar Stuff by selling their CD all over Compton in order to push their contract price up so that Maxwell will be convinced to tear up the loan in return for being allowed to sign Sugar Stuff to his label. They get involved in a car crash with a local hustler who listens to their story in prison and is moved to help them because his nephew attends Big Earl's academy. His crew rapidly distributes Sweet Stuff's CDs to the local radio stations and distributes their music on iTunes, quickly earning over $100,000. Big Earl forces Derrick to sign back ownership of the Christmas tree lot to him, but the papers are actually for ownership of Sweet Stuff. Big Earl negotiates with Maxell, who agrees to build a community center on the lot and employ Derrick as a producer for the artists on the label in return for ownership of the lot and the ability to sign Sweet Stuff to his label. Big Earl says that he will simply take the money that was made that day and buy another lot with it.
Russia, beginning of the 19th century. The troops of Napoleon Bonaparte (Volodymyr Zelenskyy) are triumphantly advancing around the country. Napoleon already managed to conquer Europe and capture Moscow. Now, the next step in his plan is to win the battle for the Russian capital, St. Petersburg. Chances for the Russian army to resist the French enemy are extremely small as they are too weak and not prepared. General Kutuzov (Vladimir Simonov) knows that if for some reason Napoleon lingers in Moscow, his army will win valuable time and get a better chance of victory. Only a mysterious Russian woman could distract womanizing Napoleon from his plans to conquer the world. Kutuzov sets off on the challenging task of looking for a suitable candidate. Lieutenant Rzhevsky (Pavel Derevyanko) is perhaps the most famous tempter in Russia. Now he is serving a life sentence for promoting the sexual revolution. Like Bonaparte, Rzhevsky has an unrivaled skill in enchanting women. The generals offer the lieutenant freedom - all that is required of him in return is to dress himself as a woman and to charm Napoleon. The plan seems simple enough, the lieutenant is confident in his abilities, but suddenly Rzhevsky meets the woman of his dreams - Miss Moscow 1810 - Natasha Rostova (Svetlana Khodchenkova) ... He is not ready to let her go even for his own freedom.
The film deals with a private investigator's examination of a peace organization, which turns out to be a crime syndicate, after the death of his friend.
The film starts with Hadiza (Ini Dima-Okojie) and her father, Musa Ahmed (Gbenga Titiloye) performing the daily Salah, according to Islamic beliefs. Musa is a devout Muslim, who regularly attempts to indoctrinate his daughter into believing that only an Islamic Hausa man can make the best husband. Hadiza is more liberal in her view on marriage, and she frequently reads the biographical book, ''There was a Country'', which was a narration on the events that occurred during the Nigerian Civil War written by Igbo author, Chinua Achebe. In a bid to ensure his family remain within the tribal and religious lines, Musa also match-makes Aliyu, an Islamic Northerner, to initiate a relationship with Hadiza, however she often felt no chemistry when he is around her.
Emeka Okafor (OC Ukeje) is a Christian from Southeastern Nigeria. He works as a physiotherapist in an unnamed hospital. During one of Hadiza's field trip to a site, she lost a step and fell from the building. She got hospitalized and was admitted to the hospital Emeka works. Despite being repelled by his jokes on first site, they later began a relationship despite the ethnic differences. Musa is later revealed to be unknowingly dating Emeka's mother, Ifeoma (Carol King), both of which are widows after losing their spouse from the first marriages. A dinner night is fixed for the four couples to meet. On seeingthat his daughter is dating the son of his lover, Musa objected to the continuation of the relationship, explaining that it violated his religious beliefs and personal principles. He also unsuccessfully attempted to bribe Emeka into sacrificing his relationship for the greater good. After many ensued from his decision, Emeka and Hadiza finally wedded with the blessings of their family.
Ten years after the events of ''The Powder Mage trilogy'', the Lady Chancellor of the young nation of Fatrasta must use her iron will and secret police force against the unrest of a suppressed population and the machinations of powerful empires.
Michel Bravis, a spy in all but name, a convicted war hero called Ben Styke, and Lady Vlora Flint - general of a mercenary company - must work together to purge the insurrection that threatens Landfall. Loyalties are tested, revealed and destroyed, while old powers are again discovered and will soon be a bigger challenge than Landfall's current worries.
Chinwe (Mbong Amata) is a female banker who is pressured professionally to use any means possible to ensure wealthy male clients open monetary accounts, irrespective of their demands. Her future father-in-law is of the opinion that all female bankers are promiscuous and wouldn't approve her marriage to his son, this leads him to sending several of his wealthy friends as potential client to try to lure her to have a sexual relationship with them, to see if she will stand her ground.
Princess Kristin turns 18 and is obliged to be married. According to the legend, the wedding must happen at once, otherwise a gruesome troll will take her away to the mountain. Prince Fredrik arrives to wed Kristin, but she refuses him and runs away. The king promises his daughter's hand and half the kingdom to whomever can save her. Three poor farm boys, Per, Pål, and Espen, head out to find her and slay the Mountain King, in order to claim the reward and save their farm from ruin.
The film is based on an eighteenth-century Norwegian fairy tale.
Maude discovers that she is pregnant at the age of 47, and struggles to decide whether to have the baby or have an abortion. Her daughter, Carol, encourages an end to the pregnancy; her husband, Walter, insists he will support any choice Maude makes, promising he will have a vasectomy, which he is actually reluctant to do.
As described in a film magazine, Polly Heath (Hawley), a romantic young woman, runs away from home when her approved suitor, Dick Barton (Boyd), dwells too consistently upon material considerations like money and diamonds. She takes up abode with an old school chum in a new thought colony and bobs her hair and dons Grecian vestments. Her suitor follows her and rescues her from ultra modern poet Paul Lamont (Carleton) who has engineered a compromising situation, whereupon she sees his proffered solitaire in a new light and forswears romance and futurism indefinitely.
The Great Patriotic War is coming to an end, and soon will be May 9, 1945. Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Isaevich ("Shura") Osechkin works as an SS officer in Berlin under the name of ''Standartenführer'' Olaf Schurenberg. He is engaged in office work and hangs out in nightclubs.
Soon radio operator Zina is sent from the Center. Shura and Zina fall in love with each other.
Müller sends Iron Hans to deal with Schurenberg, but Shura manages to kill Hans. Bormann blackmails Shurenberg under the threat that he will tell everyone that he is a spy if Schurenberg does not agree to intimate relations with him.
Shurenberg, realizing that he is on the verge of failure, is going to leave on a special channel to his homeland. At this point, the Gestapo seizes and tortures Zina. Shurenberg deceitfully signs the document for her transfer from Bormann and takes her away. They together attack Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, tie them up and take away their clothes. After changing clothes, they try to leave the Gestapo, but they are discovered. They run away and drive by car to the border. On the Soviet border, they understand that their homeland is not very happy to see them either, and now they are fleeing both from the Germans and from the Russians. Kuzmich (Shura's friend) opens a door in a wall through which they leave. In the final scene, Shura and Zina flee into the distance.
Five college students left alone at Thanksgiving in their dormitory, an old converted Manhattan building, decide to hold a séance. This eventually leads to spooky things happening around them.
The story is about Willadean, a woman who explores the shame, emotions and privacy of battered women. A film mixed with drama, humor, pain but which offers just hope to abused women. Willadean, wife of a truck driver, tries to escape from the small prison she built thanks to a friend and friend LaSonia who is always close to her and is a blues singer and encourages her with music.
Colombe has been Duchess of Juliers and Cleves for a year. It is her birthday and the anniversary of her coronation to the Duchy. Prince Berthold, the claimant to the throne, arrives and attempts to take over the Duchy as its rightful heir. The poor advocate of Cleves (Valance) tells Colombe the problems occurring in the city, but stands by her when Berthold attempts to take her throne. When called upon, however, Valance admits that Berthhold has the stronger claim. The prince suggests marriage as the solution, but does not pretend to love Colombe. Valance offers her his love instead, describing how it is better to have love than power, and she agrees. In choosing this, she relinquishes the Duchy's throne to Berthold.
Julián, Asterix and Luis belong to a neo-Nazi ideology group led by Solís. Together with other members of the group, they attack everything considered the enemy with threats and beatings. Julián frequents Pedro's gym and asks him to teach him to box. Carlomonte distrusts Julián but starts training him. Alyssa, a young mulatto with whom Julián falls in love, also works at the gym. Her love for Alyssa and boxing make Julián begin to change, something that her friend Luis is not willing to accept.
Jake and Wendall are two high school friends trying to get Jake a date with Angie. She agrees to a date for an upcoming party but Jake's parents insist Jake stay home for a dinner with Grandpa Lou. Jake is going to miss his first date with the girl of his dreams and no less has to hear crazy Grandpa's dubious war stories again. Grandpa is paranoid and sees the enemy around every corner.
Angie gets kidnapped by a Russian General Komencho. Unknown to Jake, Grandpa is a retired intelligence officer. He is unable to get any help from government officials. Grandpa Lou gets his grandson's trust and they decide to rescue Angie on their own.
Grandpa collects together Wolf, Harry, Mother and Giovani, his old group who were known as the 'Devil's Scum'. Also, to theJake enlists the computer and cell phone expertise of his friend, Wendall. There are a lot of comic situations and corny lines between the young and old characters.
Grandpa's forces defeat the Russians and Angie is freed. As Maddy Harcourt government agents arrive on the scene, Grandpa is seen grabbing his chest and is rushed off to the hospital.
The next scene takes us to a graveside funeral for Grandpa Lou. Family and friends pay tribute with grandson Jake crying. The old timers present Lou's dogtags to Jake.
One month later a car pulls up in front of Jake's home. Grandpa Lou gets out and tells Jake that his death was only a cover like his "old man crazy act" was a cover for his first retirement.
Grandpa and Maddy then drive off for a life in Mexico.
In a future where robots are commonplace, Sam is a lowly theme park mechanic in a robot theme park called RoboWorld in New York. He is in love with his girlfriend and childhood sweetheart Sue Widdington (who works as a reporter for channel six news) and wants to propose to her in a spectacular way with a bling ring on the upcoming Valentine's Day. He lives with 3 robots he built namely Kit, Okra and Wilmer who all want to be popular superheroes. After buying an expensive engagement ring for Sue, Sam and the trio witness the robbery of another expensive ring by famous supervillain Oscar and his robot henchman Victor. Apparently Oscar is madly in love with the mayor Catherine who is Sue's aunt who doesn't love him. He forces her to accept his proposal in her office but when it doesn't work he escapes with the help of Victor. Sam makes another spectacular plan to propose to Sue during the Valentine's Day parade. Oscar makes plans to force Catherine to accept his proposal by creating a giant robot (that has a head that resembles his) made from smaller robots disguised as ATMs that would destroy the city if she doesn't accept his proposal. He remakes the ring he stole into a remote control for all his robots including Victor. After planting the robots as ATMs in RoboWorld, he and Oscar bump into Sam and Sam mistakes Oscar's ring as his and tries to take it not knowing that his own ring is in his pocket. Victor takes the ring and the two supervillains drive off. Sam and his friends chase after them still convinced that Oscar took Sue's ring.
The chase leads into a dangerous confrontation with Victor and ends with the robot henchman endangering a school bus in a Cloud Road and running off with the ring. Sam and friends save the bus and get praised as heroes. They track Victor to Oscar's lair and steal the ring only for them to face Victor and Oscar's robots in a deadly confrontation. During the fight, Sam's friends realize that the ring belongs to Oscar but decides to help Sam escape so that he could propose to Sue. Sam escapes to propose to sue only to find out the ring is Oscar's. He stops and Sue becomes disappointed in him for not being able to propose and walks off. Dejected, Sam walks off sadly. meanwhile, Victor finds Sam's ring and gives it to Oscar and they both head off to the Valentine's Day parade with an army of robots. En route, Victor discovers that Oscar never really cared about him and only became a villain because of Catherine, so he rebels against him only to be fired and kicked out by Oscar. Feeling betrayed, Victor pledges revenge and meets Sam who gives him Oscar's ring sadly. At the Parade, Catherine is interviewed by Sue and Oscar appears and assembles his giant robot and discovers that the ring given to him by Victor is Sam's. Victor appears and declares he will destroy the city and that he no longer works for Oscar. He ascends into the giant robot and uses Oscar's ring to control it. Sue inspires Sam on TV to save the city and he and his friends rush off to defeat Victor. After a great battle, Sam tells Sue how much he loves her and creates a large plan to defeat Victor and the giant robot. With the help of the robots at RoboWorld and his friends Victor and the giant robot are finally defeated. Oscar is sent to jail but not before he tells Catherine he became a villain to impress her. Catherine who never really liked Sam tells him that he had finally become a great man worthy of Sue. Finally, Sam proposes to Sue with his own handmade ring to which she says yes, giving the movie a happy ending.
Three heavy boozers - a Romanian (Horatiu Malaele), a Russian (Igor Caras-Romanov) and a Bulgarian (Mihai Gruia Sandu) - are tripling away their... happiness, into vodka, at "The Happy Immigrant", a joint kept by a Turk.
A shy student suddenly becomes the center of attention when she wins a huge birthday party that she never asked for.
On a family weekend, the father explodes a bombshell for his children that he will marry his assistant and everything gets complicated.
The medieval plot presents the fictional kingdoms of Montemor and Artena. The kingdoms have an agreement to supply water, which is scarce in Montemor but is abundant in Artena. In return, Montemor supplies ore to Artena. This agreement lasts until the death of the queen of Montemor, Crisélia (Rosamaria Murtinho), that will shake the peace between the kingdoms. Afonso (Rômulo Estrela) is the crown prince of Montemor and, from childhood, was raised to assume the throne; honoured and fair, he is the opposite of his younger brother—the irresponsible and inconsequential Rodolfo (Johnny Massaro), who only thinks about stewardship. After falling in love with a plebeian from Artena named Amália (Marina Ruy Barbosa), Afonso abdicates the throne, giving it to his unprepared brother. This makes relations with the neighbouring kingdom even more fragile. This will open the opportunity for Catarina (Bruna Marquezine) to expand her ambitious plans in Montemor. She is the spoiled and ambitious princess and daughter of the wise and benevolent King Augusto (Marco Nanini), of Artena.
Lucky (Adu) is a street-smart hustler working the streets of New York City, selling name brand knock-offs and turning a big profit. However, his life experiences a shake-up when his ex-girlfriend shows up with the son he never knew he had.
An art student falls madly in love with her Professor, threatening his marriage.
Set in Belmont-Gonzales, Texas in 1901. After a misunderstanding, a Mexican-American farmer kills a sheriff. He eludes capture and becomes a folk hero. When eventually he is caught, he is tried seven times before finally being released, after twelve years in prison.
''The Godfathers'' follows the story of wheelchair-bound widow Maria Varga, who decides to take in boarders into her house to help make ends meet. Her young son Mike is initially opposed to the idea and resents the new boarders until they throw him a surprise birthday party. He adopts the three boarders as his 'godfathers'.
The games follow the adventures of female detective Carol Reed.
The series follows the life of a group of lawyers who work for the firm Vega y Asociados founded by Alonso Vega (Guillermo García Cantú). The main characters are Alejandra (Ana Brenda Contreras), Ricardo (David Zepeda) and Carlos (Julián Gil). After the police imprison Carlos for the death of a prostitute, Alejandra begins to work for Vega y Asociados and begins to be attracted to Ricardo, but Carlos, after seeing this, decides to do everything possible to separate them together with the help of Elena (Geraldine Bazán). On the other hand, are Victoria (Altair Jarabo) and Roberto (José María Torre Hütt ), Roberto tries to seduce her, but she refuses to fall into his game, Benjamín (Pablo Valentín) and Leticia (Eva Cedeño), two ambitious lawyers who are lovers, Olivia (Ilithya Manzanilla) who is madly in love with Leonardo (Manuel Balbi), but he only has eyes for his work, Gustavo (Sergio Basañez), who after a bad decision ends his marriage, and Juan López (Víctor García), a lawyer who admires the firm Vega y Asociados and wishes to obtain a position in that law firm.
''The People Next Door'' follows the story of Elizabeth Dunstan (née Dent), who is now married to Bill Dunstan and they have a baby. They move into a new house and take in Dave Milson as a boarder. Michael Laurence from the previous series also makes occasional guest appearances as Pete Fairhall.
The household next door is headed by Daniel J. Penrose, an eccentric author in his 40s, and his three children, 23-year-old Meg, 19-year-old Martin and 11-year-old B.J. Joanna Church is Daniel's publisher and manager. Daniel J. Penrose is a people-hater, forbids his three children to even speak to the new neighbours and does everything he can to scare them off.
The main character is sent to hell and tasked with rehabilitating seven girls.
As described in a film magazine review, Billy, the son of William Craig, rushes to the rescue of Linda Harper when she is almost hit by a taxi. He finds out that she is the daughter of an old employee of his father. Billy wins her friendship and love. When Billy's father refuses to give him more money to spend, he thinks it is a great joke to take it from a pile on his father's desk. John Harper is accused of stealing the money and is sent to prison. Billy confesses his guilt, but his father has him shanghaied to prevent any shame to his mother. Billy returns to find his mother dead and Harper at home ill after serving his prison sentence. Harper's only request is that the truth be kept from Linda. Linda is on her way to see Glenn Hayden in a desperate attempt to borrow money for her father. Billy rescues her from a man's attentions and they decide to get married immediately.
Four young men run a tea house/café called Rokuhōdō together. They often help out customers with their worries.
While the player is the rightful heir to the Throne of the Kingdom of Infinity, the antagonist has taken over the kingdom. The player's task is to reclaim their rightful throne.
Beverly LaSalle, a transvestite and good friend of Edith, is mugged alongside Mike a few days before Christmas (the result of a gay bashing). Mike survives the ordeal with only minor injuries, but Beverly is killed. Edith Bunker has a crisis of faith and begins to wonder how God would allow people to punish one of his children. She believes that all people are worthy of love and feels a sense of loss and sadness at the tragic event, and doesn't understand it.
13-year-old Rachel "Ray" Gardner is taken to a hospital for counseling after witnessing murder. However she wakes up to find herself on the basement Floor B7 instead with no memories apart from her name and the reason she came to the hospital. A series of mysterious broadcasts and scribbled messages on the wall set the scene as a game where each participant is designated a floor of their own, and anyone who trespasses on another participant's floor has the chance to be killed. Ray, ignorant of the details, is almost killed by serial killer Isaac "Zack" Foster, the owner of Floor B6, and captured by Daniel "Danny" Dickens, the owner of Floor B5 and the doctor who examined her. Danny, who has a maniacal obsession with eyes, desires Rachel's blue, once-blank eyes. During this time, Ray recovers her memory during the night when the murder occurred, just as Zack kills Danny for her, but spares Ray after losing interest in her lack of emotions. As Zack has killed someone that was not on his floor, the broadcast designates him as a "sacrifice" along with Ray, where they can freely be killed by any floor master. The two, now in the same situation, form an alliance where Zack can use her intelligence to escape, and upon doing so will fulfill Ray's desire to be killed by him.
Ray and Zack continue to go to the upper floors to find a way out, defeating the two other floor masters, Edward "Eddie" Mason at B4, a young boy with an unhealthy obsession with graves, and Catherine "Cathy" Ward at B3, a sadomasochistic former jail guard, in the process. When Zack gets injured during the fight against Cathy, Ray encounters a reverend, Abraham Gray, at B2 who reveals himself to be the one who designed the game in order to figure out the definition of "religious faith" in people's hearts, appointing the various floor masters as "angels" that are not afraid to kill without hesitation. Although Gray lets Ray return to B5 to get medicine, she must pass through a trial to determine her identity before she can proceed to the next floor. Meanwhile, back on B2, Zack discovers that Danny is still alive, the latter having faked his death. Ray is forced to confront her selfishness in the trial but survives through it to save Zack, convincing herself that he is her God.
When the duo arrives at B1 though, they come to a house filled with fake flowers and the stitched corpses of a couple, driving Ray hysterical and desperate for Zack to kill her immediately. Danny then tricks Zack into leaving Ray alone in the room and locking it up, forcing Zack to search the floor in order to discover the truth about Ray. With help from Gray, Zack discovers that Ray suffered in the midst of her parents' terrible relationship, and subsequently both were killed, with her father killing her mother, and Ray shooting her father. After this, she stitched their corpses together to form her new "perfect family". While counseling her at the hospital, Danny took an interest in her blank blue eyes and used his authority as an "angel" to bring her to B1, making her the final floor master. However, after discovering a bible, Ray suddenly found herself unable to cope with the realization and guilt of what she had done, believing that no one would accept her after what she did, so she developed suicidal ideations and erased her memory, causing Danny to send her to B7 with the hopes that she would return to her "original self". As Zack finds out the truth, Ray, coming to the realization that Zack won't become the God she desires, shoots Danny and attempts to kill Zack by leading him around the traps of her floor, but he helps her to come to terms with her actions and both renew their oath.
Just as they reach the exit, Danny activates the self-destruct sequence of the building and critically shoots Ray. However, before he can kill Ray and Zack, Gray, having completed his experiment, appears and kills Danny, allowing Zack and Ray to escape just as the building burns down. The police then promptly arrive and Zack lets himself be arrested to save Ray's life as paramedics took her away. After recovering, Ray is taken to a Rehabilitation Center due to her apparent delirium and attachment to Zack. An unspecified amount of time has passed, presumably weeks to a few months after the incident, Zack is sentenced to death.
One night, as Ray prepares to spend the night without sleeping, however, Zack somehow escaped prison and breach the Rehabilitation Center to pick up Ray. Realizing that Zack is still intent on keeping the promise between them, Ray once again implores Zack to kill her as they escape. By the time Ray's caretaker and the police break through the door, Ray and Zack have disappeared, leaving only Zack's knife behind beneath the windowsill.
A young Danish model named Emma is fighting for a breakthrough in the Parisian fashion world. Her journey to the center of the city of fashion, Paris, and the glamorous life as a top model evolve into a true drama, as Emma meets the attractive and somewhat older fashion photographer Shane White. Emma begins to love her lifestyle, and with Shane by her side, the fashion industry's doors begin to open. But soon Emma finds that love also has gloomy facets, and her dreams are challenged by both Shane and an unexpected, dark side of herself.
Drina, a girl from Colombia, comes to work as a maid for a wealthy family in Long Island. Their teenage son comes home drunk one night, while the parents are away. He apparently killed a man in a hit and run and said he hit a deer. The parents try to cover up. Drina wants to call the police. The father tries to stop her by bribing her with money but she refuses. The father kills her. The father solicits the aid of his son to bury Drina’s corpse in the marshes of their property. Drina’s friends show up at the house and demand to see her. The father lies and says she left and that she also stole money. These friends know that this is a lie. They keep on coming back, till one night the father shoots his own son, thinking it’s one of the intruders. The son dies ...and then jumps to a scene where the dad is looking out a window while his wife is sleeping . There are ants, particularly at night, but for no obvious reason. There are no consequences and the parents are rewarded by no longer being parents.
Police officer Durga discovers the bitter truth about her father's death. She decides to bring justice as well teach a lesson to her arrogant uncles, who had brutally murdered her father.
The story of a small-time gangster (Dick Richardson) writing his journal in a Mendocino, California, farmhouse, as he awaits a hit man who is coming to kill him. In this first part of a trilogy, realities continue to shift between the story, and the actual making of the film, as seen through unscripted scenes, real-life narrations by lead actors, and the real relationship that developed on the set between Richardson and the actress (Carolyn Zaremba) who played his girlfriend. A bumbling, local librarian (played by Ed Nylund) is mistaken for the "killer" and plays along with the game.
Olivia and Nicole share an apartment in New York City, where they pay an illegal sublease to a landlord with whom they have under-the-table arrangement. When Olivia's cat dies, she and Nicole travel to Hollywood to visit her aunt, Kimberly, who works as a judge at ''American Idol'' competitor, ''That Special Something''.
Jennifer Fox is an acclaimed documentary filmmaker and professor in her 40s when her mother, Nettie, calls her in alarm after discovering an essay she wrote when she was 13. The essay is about a "relationship" Jennifer had when she was 13 and which she dismisses as something she hid from her mother at the time to not upset her, because her boyfriend was "older".
After re-reading the essay Jennifer begins to do research on that period in her life. She imagines herself as being older and sophisticated but is surprised at how small and childlike she appears in photos from that time. Jennifer's relationship began one summer when she went to an intensive horse training camp with three other girls. She lived with the beautiful and enigmatic Mrs. G, who also had Jenny and the girls run with professional coach Bill Allens, who was in his 40s. After the summer ends Mrs. G and Bill reveal to Jenny they are lovers.
After the camp, Jenny kept her horse with Mrs. G and continued to see her and Bill on the weekends. Eventually Jenny began spending time with Bill alone. He began sexually grooming her, until finally raping her, telling her that they were "making love".
When Jennifer's partner finds letters written to her by Bill, he says that she was raped, but she refuses to see it that way, proclaiming that she is not a victim. However she slowly begins to question whether her recollections are accurate and eventually realizes despite her protests she had been exhibiting symptoms of being sexually abused for years. She goes to visit Mrs. G, who refuses to acknowledge her role in Jenny's abuse and asks her to leave.
As Jennifer continues to investigate that summer, she realizes that Bill and Mrs. G were probably grooming other girls. She remembers a college student named Iris Rose who worked for Mrs. G. Jennifer tracks Iris Rose down who tells her that she, Mrs. G and Bill had threesomes and that Mrs. G was actively involved in finding girls for Bill. This prompts Jennifer to remember that she was supposed to participate in group sex with Mrs. G, Bill and Iris one weekend. However Jenny, who threw up each time she was raped by Bill, had an anxiety attack and threw up the day before she was due to go away for the weekend, causing her mother to keep her at home. Realizing she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with Bill, Jenny called him and broke up with him, even as he pleaded with her to stay. Unlike Bill, Mrs. G coldly accepted Jenny's decision to remove her horse that weekend. Jenny wrote about her time with Bill in an essay for school (calling it a work of fiction) in which she proclaimed herself a hero, not a victim; this is the essay her mother finds at the beginning of the film.
Jennifer goes to an awards ceremony where Bill is being honored to confront him, calling him out as a child molester in front of his wife and the other attendees. Bill denies everything and leaves. Jennifer has a panic attack and goes to the bathroom, and imagines sitting with her 13-year-old self.
A young father takes his nine-year-old son, the family dog, and two of his son's friends backpacking in the mountains of Colorado only for all five of them to be struck by lightning. The story of how a stray dog, Pluto, comes out of nowhere and impacts the Davis family, who are struggling in many ways. In just a short time, Pluto the Wonderdog manages to save a toddler, bring comfort and companionship to a hurting 9-year-old boy, help restore a marriage, and repair a broken father-son relationship. Pluto is not only a guard dog - he is a guardian angel.
Mentally disabled champion fisher Albert Burroughs (Troy Garity) grows up under the protection of his possessive mother, Edna (Debra Monk), and gentle shopkeeper Sean (Bruce Dern). When Edna suddenly dies, word of Albert's inheritance and his winnings from fishing tournaments attracts unscrupulous types to his small Wisconsin town, including Jerry James (Randy Quaid), who claims to be the young man's father. Albert, who's smarter than he appears, must fend off everyone's designs on his money.
The film is about the life and career of American jazz saxophonist and composer John Coltrane.
The series is set in the near future. An automobile company named JHC Motors has created the Watch Cars, which are miniature sentient robotic cars that have become good companions to children and adults alike. Ever since, Watch Cars have become a global trend. The Watch Car Battle League is a competition where Watch Cars battle alongside their trainers. Jino, one of the young Watch Car Masters, goes to the Watch Car Battle League with his Watch Car Bluewill. As the undefeated and undisputed champion of the league, Kai remains a legend. Jino and his WatchCar Bluewill have to jump over all obstacles ahead to defeat him and become the new league champion. Meanwhile, the evil organization the Black Shadows attempts to eliminate all Watch Cars using their Monster Watch Cars.
Can Jino, his friends Ari, Maru, Roy and their Watch-Car s overcome their hurdles? Lock and load! The most intriguing adventure has started!
A comical look into the lives of Raymond and Peter, two elderly alcoholics who do nothing, but rant, rave and argue with each other in an explosive, yet contained environment.
A thrilling story of passionate love, fierce enmity and brutal revenge. Feudal landlord Shahmir and Nabila’s son Karamat Shah is a respected Pir in his village while his half brother Mohsin is always sidelined, creating conflicts between the brothers. But their enmity becomes vicious when Karamat falls for Mohsin’s beloved Alishba. Someone in this love triangle is destined to die. Who will it be?
Landlord Shahmir and Nabila are deeply in love and get married. Soon after Nabila is involved in a car accident and becomes paralysed. Her eye movements somehow lead the villagers to believe she has supernatural powers and she is a Pirni. So when she dies after delivering a male child, her son Karamat Shah is also considered a Pir. Shahmir is now persuaded to marry his cousin Nasreen who later on gives birth to a son Mohsin. But while the elder son Pir Karamat Shah is respected and loved, Mohsin is always sidelined. This leads to great friction between the brothers but when Karamat falls for Mohsin’s sweetheart Alishba, their enmity becomes more fierce. This leads to a series of raging family battles resulting in murder, madness and vicious revenge.
Tabeer (Iqra Aziz) is pregnant with her husband Yasir's child. Yasir (Imran Ashraf) works for Fawad. Fawad's mother is somewhat arrogant, but Fawad (Shehzad Sheikh) is a very generous and simple man. Fawad is married to Zarnish (Eshal Fayyaz) who gives birth to his child but dies of cancer. Yasir also dies in a car accident. Tabeer is in great shock and later gives birth to Yasir's son, who also dies later because of Ajju's (Ali Safina) carelessness.
Sania (Hajra Yameen) is a very emotional character who loved Fawad madly but is depressed after rejection. To lessen her pain she joins a school where she meets a painter (Ahson Talish) who is also emotional after losing his wife. He starts to love Sania secretly.
Tabeer feeds Fawad's child and after a series of ups and downs in her life Fawad marries her secretly in her house by the approval of Daadi (Azra Mansoor). Meanwhile, Fawad's mother takes his proposal of marriage to Sania's house without his approval. After finding out he calls Sania and tells her about his marriage to Tabeer. Sania's heart is broken again and she goes to her best friend the painter's house, but when she discovers that he left for London she panics and accidentally falls into a swimming pool. She is admitted to hospital in a serious condition.
Fawad's brother (Raza Talish) returns from abroad and starts to take interest in Tabeer without knowing that she is his sister-in-law. After finding out, he grabs a pistol and tries to kill himself. Fawad tries to save him, but in the attempt is shot in the chest. Finally after much drama he is saved and Fawad's mother happily accepts Tabeer. Sania is proposed to by the painter and she accepts readily.
Seven years later, Tabeer is happy and living with Fawad and his child.
Two Italian families meet in Universal Pictures' amusement park. Ascanio Colonna (Ascanio Orsini Varaldo in the original version) is a Roman prince, who immediately goes into battle with the Milanese Walter Colombo (Walter Boso in the original version), manager of a cinema. When the two families have to take the joust of Professor Mortimer's "Machine of Time", the machine jams right when Ascanio and Walter get on board. The two are sent in the Prehistoric era, and Professor Mortimer tries in every way to bring them back in the present era, making the two enemies a journey in all the eras of Time.
The movie depicts the story of Jesus, from life to death with resurrection on location in Israel, as narrated (and sung) by Cash.
Richard and Rachel are a middle-aged couple desperately trying to have a child. After multiple failed attempts at artificial insemination, they attempt in vitro fertilisation. The couple learn that Richard has a blockage that is not letting him produce sperm, forcing him to undergo a surgery that puts him $10,000 in debt to his brother Charlie and his wife Cynthia. At the same time they are also attempting to adopt a child after connecting with a supposedly pregnant teenager from Arkansas who was looking to give up her child but then stopped contact.
After the IVF fails, their doctor floats the idea of using a donor egg to implant in Rachel, raising their chances of success from 4 to 65 percent. Rachel is initially against it, but slowly begins to consider it with Richard's encouragement.
Meanwhile, their 25-year-old niece, Sadie, decides to leave her college writing program to finish ''in absentia'' and go live in New York City with Richard and Rachel, with whom she is already very close. Rachel, who struggled with the idea of an unknown egg donor, decides to ask Sadie for her eggs. To their surprise, Sadie quickly agrees, both because she loves Richard and Rachel and because she thinks the egg donation will bring meaning to her life.
At Thanksgiving dinner, Sadie informs her family that she will be donating her egg to Richard and Rachel, much to her mother's chagrin. Despite the fact that Richard and Rachel tell Cynthia they will not go through with the donation without her consent, they decide to go through with pre-screening.
Richard, Rachel and Sadie happily go through the egg donor treatments together, but Sadie is told at an appointment that she is not developing eggs quickly enough. Determined not to let Richard and Rachel down, she increases her drug dosage on her own. The egg retrieval is a success, but Sadie becomes ill. Richard and Rachel take her to the hospital, where they learn of the increased dosage. Sadie moves out of their apartment.
Richard and Rachel go through with the implantation, but it is a failure. While Rachel is devastated, Richard admits to being relieved that they are finally done with trying as their marriage and intimacy have suffered.
Sometime later, they drop Sadie off at the Yaddo colony, where she will take up a residency as a writer. She thanks Rachel for her help getting in, but Rachel informs her she did nothing to aid her application and that Sadie did it all on her own.
Nine months later, Richard and Rachel receive a call from another woman looking at them as potential parents to adopt her child. They drive to a restaurant, where they wait to meet the woman. Richard moves from his usual opposite seat and sits next to Rachel to hold her hand.
''Harmony'' centers on the titular 21-year-old homeless woman, played by Jessica Falkholt, who can absorb fear from anyone that she comes in contact with. Manifesting within her as a black liquid, the fear can then be washed off, but absorbing too much fear can kill her.
Harmony meets Mason, played by Jerome Meyer, a socially awkward man who is seemingly void of fear. Relieved that she can feel no pain with him, she falls in love. However, she soon crosses paths with Jimmy, played by Eamon Farren, whose evil presence exudes fear. After a near-death experience, Harmony and Mason must unite to balance the growing negative energy.
An all-African-American touring company is traveling to Memphis on a showboat, the ''Calliboga Queen''. When the boat is run aground in Tennessee, the company mounts a production of Gilbert and Sullivan's ''H.M.S. Pinafore'' to raise funds to get it unstuck. Much of the musical consists of a play within a play, as the company presents a musically updated version of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera; the boat pilot (played by Bill Robinson in the original production) takes a major role as Sir Joseph Porter, First Lord of the Admiralty. Another actor (Avon Long in the original) sings and dances the role of Captain Corcoran, while the part of Josephine goes to an Andrews Sisters-style trio of women from the company chorus (Sheila Guyse, Ida James, and Thelma Carpenter)—each had been promised the role, so they join forces and play it simultaneously. The police arrest the company for performing without a license, and the case is taken to court in a scene involving excerpts from another Gilbert and Sullivan work, ''Trial by Jury''.
The story begins with an army officer taking the unnamed narrator to visit his military unit, the ''Tynesiders''. It is revealed that in this parallel Britain envisaged by Kipling, military service for males is voluntary, but almost universal, because only those who have served may vote, along with a number of other incentives. The result is a form of citizen militia composed of competent men focused on dealing with any threat to their community and nation. In addition to ensuring home defence this "Army of a Dream" contains special units intended for overseas colonial service and for possible intervention in Europe. The complex and idealised military system of Kipling's imagination includes features such as rudimentary training for boys beginning at the age of eight, close integration between army and navy and an Empire-wide sense of assimilation between civilians and soldiers.
On the last page of the novel the narrator suddenly realises that the officers accompanying him on his inspection tour are actually dead friends or acquaintances who died in the mismanaged South African War.
Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model ''Covery'' brand clothes, she meets the Kundera brothers, Alex and Gaspar, owners of the company.
Gaspar, a former beatnik, is over 40 but still practices surfing, lives in a beachside house and raises five children: Elvis (named after Elvis Presley), Ringo (Starr), Jane (Fonda), Olívia (Newton-John) and (John) Lennon, all from different mothers who left them with him. Anastácia "Naná" Passos, Duda's friend and mentor, loves him platonically, and rivalizes with Mariza Borges (mother of Gaspar's latest son, whom she named Alex Jr., however) over him.
Alex by contrast is a yuppie. He and their mother Morgana have a love-hate relationship and rivalizes with his brother over Morgana's attention and the company.
Alex begins to love Duda, however she falls in love with Lucas, a graffiti artist who is on the run from the São Paulo police due to his involvement in a crime there. He is also searching for his real father, and thinks it's either Alex or Gaspar.
As described in a film magazine review, clergyman Peter leaves the pulpit to enter World War 1 to be near Julie, the woman he loves. They are separated, but after the war she nurses him through a long illness. He will not marry her because it would hinder the humanitarian work that he plans. She keeps her faith in him, which prompts him to return to her and marry her.
The book, which is autobiographical fiction, describes the life of Jock Lundie (Strachan's nickname and middle name). The protagonist is born in Pretoria. As a young boy he is close to a German widow called Marthe Guldenpfennig. When his adoptive father dies, he moves with his mother and attends school in Pietermaritzburg. He enjoys the nurturing atmosphere and the arts and crafts in primary school. He keeps in touch with Guldenpfennig until she moves back to Darmstadt on the eve of the Second World War. When he goes to boarding school, he is able to avoid bullying by creative use of his artistic talents. With his best friend "Cheese" Kreis, he goes climbing in the Drakensberg mountains. After graduation he joins the South African Air Force near the end of the war. He learns to fly and to do aerobatics in the Tiger Moth, then does advanced bomber pilot training in the Airspeed Oxford. A Royal Air Force trainer called O'Dowd tells him that he was involved in the bombing of Darmstadt, where a firestorm was created and the entire city wiped out. Several of his friends, including "Cheese", are killed in flying accidents.
Forced to spend a sinister night there, the player will investigate what is happening to the local people and why an archeological dig, led by professor Conrad Morse, has created so much unrest and hostility among the local community. During the exploration of the local legends and superstitions, the mystery will be unfold while using modern electronic devices like PDAs, GPS and metal detectors to unfold the mystery.
As described in a film magazine, college graduate Harry Elrod (MacLean) wishes to marry actress Kitty Clyde (Loomis), but his Uncle Ellrey Elrod (Steppling) has picked out Angela Fish (Gerdes) as a wife for his nephew. Harry arranges an elopement with Kitty. His uncle's suspicions are aroused and he trails Harry continuously. Miss Fish and her father the Reverend Doctor Wilbur Fish (Courtright) call. Harry in desperation starts a fire in his room. He is rescued by the fire brigade and then stages a run through the streets in the fire chief's car, intending to catch another train and follow Kitty. He escapes the pursuing firemen, boards the train, and arrives safely at the Philadelphia hotel where Kitty will meet him. There he finds that she has changed her mind, coming to believe that he must have his uncle's consent. He then receives a telegram from his uncle, disowning him. Broke, Harry takes a job as a hotel bell boy. In uniform, he enters where Kitty is dining with Mr. Haskell (Steers), her press agent, and sits down, but is dragged away by the indignant hotel manager. Uncle Ellrey comes to the hotel but is shown the wrong room by Harry, so he demands that Harry be fired. The manager, ever ready to make a guest happy, is ready to oblige him, but Harry turns Bolshevist and induces the entire hotel staff to go on strike. The end result is that the uncle is defeated, and Harry wins Kitty.
The game takes place in Midas Valley, and in gold mines located underneath the town.
The protagonist explores San Francisco while searching for hidden treasure. Gameplay plays with a classic point and click interface, with inventory-based puzzles and dialogue sequences to advance the story.
Traveling across a barren landscape, Lernert (Joseph Cross) digs through piles of rubbish in an attempt to build a body for his companion Susan (voiced by Jillian Mayer), the unresponsive robot head who hangs from the back of his pack. The pair comes across Rola (Julia Garner), a spirited young woman who lacks survival skills but makes up for the deficiency with sheer determination. This unlikely trio navigates the harsh desert in search of a mythical water basin that could replenish their depleted resources and renew their will to carry on.
A series of mysterious deaths inspire Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to investigate the criminal element of the East End of London. Their investigation leads to crime lord Gong-Fen Shou but further opens their eyes to the existence of something much worse.
After the death of his nemesis, Professor Moriarty, Holmes finds himself bored without someone with whom to match wits. He stirs from his malaise when an interesting case presents itself: Laurence Cotton's brother Francis has gone missing with only his screams from behind a locked door a clue to his whereabouts. Soon enough the trail leads Holmes to a particular puzzle box.
15 years after the events of the ''Shadwell Shadows'', Holmes and Watson are notified that an American is being held at Bethlem Royal Hospital and is continually writing the same three phrases in R'lyehian. A search for his identity leads to an American biologist from Miskatonic University in New England and more experiences with eldritch horrors in London.
Exit Ghost, the theater company owned by Charlie Barber, a successful theater director in New York City, is helming a play that stars his wife, Nicole, a former teen film actress. The couple are experiencing marital troubles and see a mediator, who suggests that they each write down what they love about one another, but Nicole is too embarrassed to read hers aloud and they decide to forgo the counseling.
When Nicole is offered a starring role in a television pilot in Los Angeles, she decides to leave the company and temporarily live with her mother in West Hollywood, taking her son Henry. Charlie decides to stay in New York, as the play is transferring to Broadway. Despite the couple agreeing to split amicably and forgo lawyers, Nicole hires Nora Fanshaw, a family lawyer, and tells her about how she gradually felt neglected by Charlie and how he rejects her ideas and desires. Nicole also suggests that Charlie slept with Mary Ann, the stage manager of his theater company. Charlie visits his family, revealing that he has won a MacArthur Fellowship grant, but Nicole declares divorce. Charlie meets with Jay Marotta, a brash and expensive lawyer who urges Charlie to fight dirty, but Charlie returns to New York without hiring him. He receives a phone call from Nora, who warns him to get a lawyer soon or risk losing custody of Henry. Charlie returns to Los Angeles and hires Bert Spitz, an empathetic and retired family lawyer who favors a civil and conciliatory approach.
Henry spills to Charlie that Nicole wishes to live in Los Angeles and not move back to New York. A confused Charlie then calls Nicole, angrily interrogating her. Nicole then calls him out, revealing that she hacked his emails and learned of his extramarital affair with Mary Ann. Charlie later rents an apartment in Los Angeles, on Bert's counsel, to be closer to his family and strengthen his custody case. Charlie wishes to avoid court, so Bert arranges a meeting with Nora and Nicole. Nora argues that Charlie refused to respect Nicole's wishes to move back to Los Angeles and that Henry would prefer to stay with his mother rather than fly back and forth between coasts. Bert advises Charlie to drop his New York residency altogether, but a frustrated Charlie refuses and fires him.
Using the first payout of his fellowship grant, Charlie hires Jay. The case moves to court, where Nora and Jay argue aggressively on behalf of their clients, leading to a series of character assassinations; Nora highlights Charlie's past infidelity and emotional distance, while Jay exaggerates Nicole's drinking habits and threatens criminal action for hacking Charlie's emails. Meanwhile, Nicole and Charlie remain friendly out of court and share time with Henry, who is increasingly annoyed with the back-and-forth. Disillusioned with the legal process, the couple decide to meet in private. However, their initially friendly discussion turns emotionally vicious; Nicole claims that Charlie has now fully merged with his own selfishness, and Charlie wishes death upon her. He then breaks down in tears and apologizes; Nicole comforts him. Soon after, they agree to relax their demands and reach an equal agreement to finalize the divorce, although Nora negotiates slightly better terms for Nicole, against the latter's wishes.
A year later, Charlie's play enjoys a successful Broadway run, while Nicole has a new boyfriend and is nominated for an Emmy Award for directing an episode of her television series. Charlie informs Nicole that he has taken a residency at UCLA and will be living in Los Angeles full-time to be closer to Henry. Later, he discovers Henry reading Nicole's list of things she loves about Charlie that she had written down during counseling. Henry asks Charlie to read it aloud to him, and Charlie does so, becoming emotional as Nicole watches from afar. After a Halloween party that evening, Nicole offers to let Charlie take Henry home even though it is her night. Charlie walks out to his car carrying Henry, and they part ways once more.
A young entrant, Andrei Kalinin, passes exams to a theatrical institute. He lacks artistic acumen yet has plenty of charm. After getting to know that there are chances he won't succeed, he decides to convince a member of the committee, Elizaveta Kamenskaya, that he has to enroll exactly that very year. In a sequence of chance events, Andrey falls for her - the prominent actress he used to admire being a child. She is much older than him and lonely. After a few years of relationships, it turns out that she has cancer. Despite her incurable illness, Andrei marries Elizaveta. After her death, his professional life becomes unstable - while his romantic affairs are taking even more unpredictable turns.
The series revolves around the adventures of Chane, a bounty hunter who tracks down people who have broken their deal with the Devil. Bored and frustrated with her life, Chane accepts an unusual assignment. A miserly billionaire, Mr. Ball, learns he is dying, and wants forgiveness for his years of corruption and selfishness. He hires Chane to help him find God before he dies.
Against direct orders from the Devil, Chane accepts the assignment and embarks on worldwide adventures in search of God. A treacherous encounter in the desert awakens something in Chane, and she begins the search for her own redemption.
The book depicts Jock Lundie, a fictionalised version of Strachan, and his involvement in the resistance movement against apartheid, starting with the Congress of Democrats then being a bomb-maker for Umkhonto we Sizwe. He describes his involvement as a "boys' own armed struggle"; one passage depicts a successful demonstration of a home-made bomb to a senior comrade (Yoshke, based on Joe Slovo) by blowing up a beach toilet: text=Yoshke grips my left arm and cries 'Power, Comrade!' and Max on my right grips the arm on that side and declares 'Comrade, if we're going to conquer all South Africa one shithouse at a time we'll all be in the grave before liberation ...' Lundie gets arrested and serves three years in prison. He passes the time in solitary constructing a Tiger Moth in his imagination then preparing an aerobatics routine for it. Books are difficult to get and their pages are highly prized for making cigarettes or cannabis joints. As a result many books have pages missing. A former comrade, Themba Max, is executed.
Near the end of the book, Lundie is released after being found not guilty in a further trial thanks to the benevolent perjury of his neighbour who gives him an alibi. He moves back in with his wife Jess, gets to know his three-year-old daughter, and ejects his wife's boyfriend from the family home.
The book begins and ends with stories about angling for shad, a longstanding passion of Strachan's.
The film stars Jewel Staite as Cassie Cranston, a newspaper sex columnist returning to her hometown for her mother's funeral, for the first time since being slut-shamed by her high school classmates who caught her trying to lose her virginity.[ 'How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town': Slamdance Review]. ''The Hollywood Reporter'', February 11, 2016. In trouble with her publisher because many of the sex stories she has written about were actually fictional, and with her former friends and neighbours because she has often written about them as yokels and rubes, she tries to square the circle by challenging the town to plan an orgy to prove that they are not as provincial as she has depicted them, in turn giving her the opportunity to write a new true story.
At age 21, the world seems to have no limits, the horizon unattainable. We're thinking about the road ahead at the end of college, how to fund that backpacking trip across Europe, or just when we fall madly in love. At 21, Will's mind is elsewhere. He thinks of the two hours of physical therapy he is going to do that afternoon and the half-dozen Creonte-20s he drank with his pancakes in the morning. He is concerned about the chronic obstruction in his bronchial tubes, from the early onset of osteoporosis. He is thinking about what it means to be born with cystic fibrosis, a terminal illness that absorbs youth.
Lonely, sarcastic and always rational, Will resigns himself to his fate. Until one day, lightning strikes from the sky in the form of his old childhood friend Bobby, also suffering from cystic fibrosis and who died of the disease. Bobby asks Will from the afterlife to take his ashes to a legendary sanctuary of healing in Mexico.
Accompanied by Hannah, Bobby's sister, Will embarks on a journey down the Pacific Coast, from Vancouver, along the US coastline into the heart of the Baja Peninsula desert. California, encountering some difficulties and various characters.
After a successful career, actress Colleen West (Ellen Barkin) decides to retire and return to a life without so much adventure in a peaceful place. It is when a large building is installed in the vicinity and breaks the calm of the place. Mrs. West, then, realizes that the serenity of before all that would not return and that her life, in reality, was an entire stage, where everything and everyone were full interpretations. Seized by dissatisfaction, Colleen begins to feel as if she has lived her life through her characters staged on stages and on screens.
The film is set in the apartment of an old Moscow mansion. In the middle of the 19th century, the squandering nobleman Burkovsky sells the family home, and from that moment the apartment begins its transformation and it gets interwoven with the destinies of the people who have inhabited it: from the Narodnaya Volya members to the Bolshevik commissars, from the terrible communal apartment to the re-creation of the chic apartments by the "new Russian" Rumyanov - satirist, poet, actor. Hosts and lodgers, aristocrats and petty bourgeoises, believers and atheists - each of the many heroes lived their only life in the way they thought right as it happened to them ...
Carletti, a 50 year old man who has returned from the United States with his family, is forced into the military because he had evaded his draft. In the barracks he finds a marshal who forces him to follow law and to observe the rigorous military discipline. Carletti makes every effort in order to get out of this condition and to return to his pharmaceutical affairs which, according to him, would bring him fortune.
Actor John Barrymore comes to terms with the ravages of his life of excess and rents an old theatre to rehearse for a backer's audition to raise funds for a revival of his 1920 Broadway hit ''Richard III''.
When an old man who was working to settle a local labor dispute is murdered and his body is left lying along a roadside, everyone assumes the unsolved killing was ordered by union officials, and a riot ensues among the workers. In actuality, the old man was killed by a jealous husband named Adam Courtney (Michael Parsons) who was questioning him to learn if the old man's nephew was his wife's secret lover. A young boy is later charged with the murder, and the boy's friend Yoyong (who is the town drunk) begs Mr. Courtney to confess. Courtney's wife Margaret tells him to tell everyone that she was cheating on him and that the killing was accidental, but Courtney refuses to tell anyone in the town about her illicit relationship. He winds up being stabbed to death by Yoyong, which puts a quick end to the matter.
The main protagonist is Thomas Alexander St. John "Tas" Kennedy, a preteen boy. He lives on a farm with his parents and two sisters, and his dog, Reebok. He is also frequently subject to being transferred to a special school.
A Northern Irish girl called Enya Dunleavy moves in next door to Tas, and they quickly become friends. However, when they find a box full of explosives near their house, Enya is scared for reasons unknown to Tas.
One day, Tas tries to play a prank on the school bully, Darren "Dreadlock", but his teacher, Mr. McKinlay "Mac", takes the bait and faints, causing everyone to be sent home early. As Enya was absent, Tas goes to her house and notices her parents in an argument with another man, which ends with Tas being shot.
Tas is sent to the hospital, where he is nearly choked to death by Enya's uncle, Seamus, for spying on their argument, but is saved by Mr. Mac. The two of them spend weeks in the hospital together before returning to school. After a run-in with Dreadlock and his cronies, Tas meets up with Enya, who reveals that she was the one who shot Tas and that it was an accident.
After a good performance at a play of ''Peter and the Wolf'', Tas is invited to audition for admittance to a music school. After the audition, he returns home to find Reebok dying after having eaten snail pellets. Seamus is later arrested for stockpiling ammonium nitrate, as well as his attempted murder of Tas. As a result, Enya's family becomes more accepting of visitors.
Tas is later awarded a scholarship to the music school. It is here that he reveals that he is blind.
A country girl Teruko falls in love with the aristocrat Yanagisawa. When she once asks him what the meaning of life is, he responds that it is to live freely. Unfortunately, he does that by abandoning her. Teruko tries to commit suicide, but luckily is saved. Yanagisawa returns and apologizes to her.
Ximena is a middle-aged woman who lives alone in her apartment, oblivious to the world around her because she's illiterate, a condition that embarrasses her. Without much conviction, Ximena accepts the support of Jackeline, a young woman graduated in teaching, who will teach her how to read, and so she'll be able to know the content of a letter left by her father as his only souvenir. The relationship between the two women will become a mutual learning that will go beyond the topic of reading, providing us a light that the real meaning of being illiterate is much more than not knowing how to read, and it's not limited to a single person.
Kolya (Sergei Golovkin), an employee from the patent department of a plant, goes to Lykovo near St. Petersburg for the weekend and dies of a heart attack. The administration of the plant decides to transport the body to the homeland of the deceased for burial. For this purpose two people are sent on a business trip: Markerants (Sergei Garmash), who at any time can develop an ulcer, and business-minded Mityagin (Mikhail Porechenkov).
On the way, Mityagin offers Markerants to drink a toast in the dining car for Kolya, for destiny, for their country. All ends with Markerants giving all the money collected by the plant for Kolya's burial to some woman named Lyuyba (Evgeniya Dobrovolskaya).
Having lost their travel money, they go on an adventure and drive with the stiff in a normal train compartment. A chance passenger, Edouard (Konstantin Khabensky), who has stolen an item worth $50,000 from a factory, drops his immensely heavy suitcase on the dead man's head. Edouard ends up thinking that he is the culprit in Kolya's death. To get rid of the evidence, he throws the corpse out the window. The greedy Mityagin decides to take advantage of the situation and demands money so that he will not to give out the "murderer". This leads to everyone subsequently finding themselves under the persecution of the mafia and the police.
Collin Hoskins (Daveed Diggs), a convicted felon, is struggling to finish the last three days of his probation. Collin, along with his short-tempered best friend Miles Turner (Rafael Casal), works for a moving company located in Oakland, California. One night while waiting for a red light, Collin witnesses a white police officer (Ethan Embry) using lethal force on a fleeing black suspect. As Collin is haunted by the incident, he begins to have nightmares and experiences hallucinations.
At the same time, Miles becomes distraught by the gentrification of Oakland, and a resulting sense of loss of identity, home, and belonging.
Miles purchases a gun from a friend on the basis of self-protection, an action of which Collin strongly disapproves. As Miles continues to display erratic behavior, Collin's ex-girlfriend Val (Janina Gavankar) warns Collin of the dangers that may result from a continued friendship with Miles. Later that evening while having dinner, Miles' gun accidentally ends up in the hands of his young son Sean, an incident which horrifies Sean's mother Ashley (Jasmine Cephas Jones), who forces both Miles and Collin to leave the house.
At a party, an agitated Miles brutally assaults a black man who misinterpreted Miles' persona as cultural appropriation, leading to a fight between the two. Miles uses his gun to terrorize the party guests before being stopped by Collin. In an explosive argument, Collin criticizes Miles for his reckless behavior and the trouble it keeps causing him.
With his probation now over, Collin continues to feel psychologically troubled by the police shooting he saw. As he and Miles are finishing a moving job, the house is revealed to be that of Officer Molina, the same officer whom Collin witnessed using lethal force on a fleeing black man a few days earlier. Collin trespasses to the officer's garage and holds the officer at gun point. Miles comes in to witness as Collin launches into a rant in the form of freestyle rap, criticizing the relationship between the police and black America, and gentrification in Oakland. He breaks some of the officer's property, but ends up not shooting him, leaving the distraught officer behind. Following a moment of solemnity, Collin and Miles repair their friendship as they drive off to their next job.
Kayla Day is an eighth grader in her final week at Miles Grove Middle School, a public school in a small New York town. She posts motivational vlogs on YouTube about confidence and self-image that receive few to no views. Nervous and struggling to make friends at school, she is voted "Most Quiet" by her classmates. Meanwhile, her single father Mark struggles to connect with her and break her reliance on social media.
Kayla is invited to popular classmate Kennedy's pool party by Kennedy's mother. At the party, she has a panic attack in the bathroom but eventually goes outside to swim, where she meets Kennedy's nerdy cousin Gabe. After trying to leave the party early, she has an awkward encounter with her crush Aiden, who suggests that she rejoin the party. She overcomes her fear and volunteers to sing karaoke.
Hearing that Aiden broke up with his last girlfriend because she refused to send him nude photos of herself, Kayla tells Aiden that she has a folder of dirty photos of herself on her phone, a lie which piques his interest. He asks if she gives blowjobs; unsure of what to say, she says she does, but she later looks up oral sex instructions on YouTube and is disgusted by what she finds.
Kayla attends a high school shadow program, where she meets a friendly senior named Olivia who shows her around the school. Olivia gives Kayla her number and later invites her to the mall with some friends. They have a good time, but a mortified Kayla spots her father spying from afar and orders him to leave. Olivia's friend Riley gives Kayla a ride home from the mall and initiates an awkward game of truth or dare in which he asks about her sexual experience, takes off his shirt, and asks her to remove hers. She refuses and he backs off, angrily claiming he was just trying to help her gain some experience. Kayla breaks down at home and is comforted by Mark.
Kayla makes a video announcing that she intends to stop making videos, as she is not the person she pretends to be and feels unfit to give advice. She opens a time capsule she created for herself in sixth grade. She watches a video in which her past self asks questions about her current friends and love life. She asks Mark to help her burn the time capsule and asks if she makes him sad. He says that she fills him with pride and he could never be sad about her, prompting her to hug him tightly.
At graduation, Kayla rebukes Kennedy for ignoring her and acting indifferent toward Kayla's attempts to be nice. She later has dinner at Gabe's house and they enjoy their time together. Kayla makes a new time capsule that she and Mark bury in the backyard, and she leaves a video message for her future high school self which encourages her to persevere through tough times.
Lisa Spinelli, a kindergarten teacher from Staten Island, is struggling with feelings of dissatisfaction in her life. She is in a loving yet passionless marriage with her husband Grant, and her teenage children, Josh and Lainie, are distant with her. Lisa attends a poetry class every week, led by Simon, but her poetry is dismissed as derivative. One of Lisa's students, Jimmy, is routinely picked up late from school by his babysitter. One day, Lisa overhears Jimmy reciting a poem he wrote while he was waiting to be picked up. Lisa reads the poem at her poetry class, where her classmates and Simon are struck by it and compliment Lisa on her talent. Lisa decides that Jimmy is a prodigy, and begins to dedicate her time to nurturing his talent.
Lisa asks Jimmy's babysitter, a part-time actress named Becca, to write down the poems that Jimmy recites. Becca complies, but Lisa begins to feel that Becca treats Jimmy like a baby and that she is obstructing his ability to grow into his talent. Lisa gives Jimmy her phone number and tells him to call her any time that he has a poem. Simon invites Lisa to meet him, and tells her about a poetry reading in Manhattan, where she will have to read two of her poems in front of an audience. Lisa and Simon have sex, with Simon's attraction to Lisa being a by-product of what he believes to be her unique artistic genius.
Lisa meets Jimmy's father Nikhil and tells him about Jimmy's poetry. Although Nikhil is happy about his son's intellect, he wants Jimmy to have a normal, practical life. Lisa encourages Nikhil to fire Becca and offers to watch Jimmy for a few hours after school every day, which Nikhil gratefully accepts. One night, despite Nikhil's request that Jimmy be taken to baseball practice, Lisa takes him to the poetry reading instead, where his poetry is well received. Simon, however, is upset that Lisa lied about writing the poetry, and tells her to leave the class. Lisa and Jimmy return home late, and Lisa puts Jimmy to bed on her couch. The next day, Nikhil calls Lisa, angry at her for lying about the poetry reading and for not bringing him home afterwards, and informs her he will be taking Jimmy to another kindergarten.
The next morning, Lisa goes to Jimmy's house, and follows him to his new kindergarten, where she convinces him to leave with her. They drive to a motel near a beach up north, where Lisa tells Jimmy of her plan to go across the border into Canada. Jimmy appears to be compliant with her plan, but while she's in the shower, he calls 911 and tells them he's been kidnapped. Lisa attempts to dissuade him, telling him that the world will never understand his talent, but gives Jimmy the address of their motel anyway while sobbing quietly in the bathroom. The police arrive and presumably arrest Lisa; they place Jimmy in the front seat of a squad car, where he says "I have a poem" but nobody hears him.
The film is told in three intertwined stories of three principle characters: Manny, Dennis and Zyrick. The film begins with Dennis Williams (played by John David Washington) being pulled over by police but let go because he is a cop himself. The story switches to Manny Ortega (played by Anthony Ramos) trying to apply for a job, but hesitates on the convicted felon section of the application. Manny lives with his family including wife Marisol (played by Jasmine Cephas Jones), mother and daughter. Manny goes out to hang out with some of his friends when a cop rolls up near their dice game. In an incident very similar to Eric Garner's death, six police officers attempt to arrest Darius Larson, a friend of Manny's who sells loose cigarettes outside a small bodega. While unclear what transpires, a cop fires his gun and kills Darius while Manny is recording the entire incident from his phone.
Manny, traumatized by the incident, returns home and rewatches the video. The next day in a newspaper, he sees that cops said Darius was reaching for their gun. While sitting in a park, Manny is confronted by two cops who attempt to intimidate him into not releasing the video. He tells Marisol the truth about the incident and how Darius didn't reach for the gun, but she cautions him to avoid any public disclosure because of his new job. Manny then sees a suspicious black vehicle outside his apartment that leaves when he gets close. Manny checks his apartment to make sure they didn't break in. Not willing to be bullied, he puts his video out on the internet for all to see.
He sees the effects of this video in the press and out on the street. But shortly afterwards, he is arrested by the same cops who tried to intimidate him in the park. During his interrogation, they tried to pin a gun to Manny that they found on his friend Victor. The narrative focus then shifts to Dennis Williams via the interrogation mirrored window.
Dennis goes out on patrol with his partner. Dennis asks Stacey (played by Cara Buono), a white woman, how many times she has been pulled over this year, and she says none, alluding back to the opening scene. Dennis is then seen interacting in a playful yet competitive basketball game with local kids, in particular Zyrick (played by Kelvin Harrison Jr.), but it is undercut by the fact they spit on the door handle. Danny and his partner are then called in to calm a protest happening at the bodega where Darius was shot by police. They are met with angry protestors shouting at them. Dennis goes home and watches the video of the incident.
The next day, his partner Stacey brings up that internal affairs is looking into the case of the shooting of Darius Larson, specifically against officer Scala who was involved. Stacey seems dismissive of the entire incident, but Dennis thinks that reform is necessary and Scala is a bad cop. Later at dinner with friends, the incident of the shooting comes up as an item of discussion. Dennis becomes protective of the police as a whole claiming that they risk their lives, meanwhile Lisa (played by Cassandra Freeman) argues that a man should not lose his life over a cigarette and that Dennis should be part of the solution to get rid of corrupt police. On his drive into the station, he is told about two officers who were shot and killed on duty. During an internal affairs interview, Dennis does not speak out against officer Scala. Later, on Dennis' night patrol, Zyrick, the boy who was playing basketball with Dennis earlier, is detained by some other officers. While Dennis drives by, the narrative shifts to Zyrick who is visibly scared.
After being released by the cops, Zyrick returns home where he and his father (played by Rob Morgan) live. The next day we watch Zyrick commute to his private school where he plays baseball. He is told about how recruiting scouts are going to be coming to his upcoming baseball game by his coach. On his way home from school, he sees some cops detaining another young black man on the street. Zyrick comes home and watches the video of Darius Larson getting killed. The next day Zyrick finds Zoe (played by Chanté Adams), who Zyrick has seen passing out flyers. Zyrick asks to help out with community activism and Zoe introduces him to the group that is getting ready for a protest against Darius Larson's shooting. A scout comes to recruit Zyrick at his home, but asks him questions about his character, making a lot of racial assumptions in his line of questioning. The scout indicates that Zyrick will be recruited, leading to the father and Zyrick to celebrate after the scout leaves. Later, Zoe and Zyrick then go visit Manny's home. We find out Manny has been arrested, and Marisol is pregnant with another child.
After working out and training, Zyrick hears his teammates talking about the Larson shooting, casually mocking Larson for "reaching for the gun." Zyrick returns home to find a celebration in his honor, but he finds the party overwhelming given the protest scheduled that same night. He walks out of the party, and his father confronts him saying that Zyrick has a ticket given his talent. Zyrick nevertheless joins the protest. During the protest, everyone begins chanting "I am... Darius Larson" before they sit down and raise their fists peacefully. The cops tell them they will be disbanded by force and soon after the police start using aggressive measures and Zyrick runs away back home. The next day, Zyrick goes to his big game. The final scenes show Zyrick exiting the locker room wearing a t-shirt with the words "I am Darius Larson" that Zoe had given him the day before. As he approaches the field, the chant "I am Darius Larson" is overlaid in the background, before he takes a knee outside and it cuts to black.
Nancy Freeman is a thirty-something woman who lives with her elderly mother in Liberty, New York. An aspiring short story writer whose submissions are routinely rejected, Nancy finds an outlet for her creativity and need for affection by running a blog in which she claims to be the grieving mother of a dead child. After her mother passes away, Nancy sees a news report about an elderly couple who have never given up the search for their daughter, who was kidnapped as a child thirty years prior. Noting a vague resemblance between herself and an age progression of the couple's daughter, Nancy contacts them, claiming to have uncovered evidence that she was kidnapped and that she is, in fact, their child. As Nancy works her way into the couple's lives, she finds herself falling deeper into her own lies, with consequences for everyone she meets.
Young Dennis Campbell, alias D., lives with his peace-loving brother Jerry Dread. He loves a local schoolgirl named Yvonne. The year is 1973, West Kingston is in the middle of a vicious gang war between the Tappa gang, led by Skeeter, and the Spicer gang, led by King Fox. Tired of the violence and destruction in the streets, Jerry Dread organises a DJ session between the two gangs' territories, hoping to broker peace. As peace is about to be achieved, Jerry Dread is shot and killed as D. witnesses. He recognises the assassin as Clancy Hibbert, a classmate.
Ten years later in 1983, D. had become a hardened enforcer for King Fox, who works as a record producer and drug lord. After bungling one of King Fox's drug deals due to his volatile behaviour, D. is sent by Fox to Hackney, London, to deliver a package of cocaine to White Jamaican gangster Rico Grimes.
D. arrives in London, but hesitates to make the delivery after hearing Rico flippantly insult his late brother. He flees from Rico's nightclub, taking the cocaine with him, taking refuge at Yvonne's house. Yvonne had long fled to London with her and D.'s daughter Vanessa to escape the violence in Kingston and does not welcome D.'s presence, but agrees to let him stay. D. suspects Clancy Hibbert, his brother's killer, is in London.
A group of young men, a DJ crew, barges into Yvonne's flat while D. is there, hoping to steal the cocaine D. had stolen. D. stops them, and is directed by the youths to a potential buyer of the cocaine in the form of a Turkish crime lord. Using the money he has earned from the sale, he tries to provide Yvonne and Vanessa with the good life. He also uses the money to help the DJ crew fix their sound system and eventually joins them for gigs. Not long after, he is recognised and ambushed by Rico's men and Yvonne kicks him out after her daughter has been fake-kidnapped. D. goes to Rico's nightclub to return the money and is only spared because of King Fox's influence.
Directionless, D. falls back to his last remaining obsession: finding his brother's killer, Clancy Hibbert. After being pointed in the right direction by Sticks, one of the DJs, D. confronts Clancy at his home. He is then ambushed by Rico's lieutenants, resulting in Clancy's escape and Sticks' death.
Yvonne seeks out Clancy and learns that King Fox has something to do with Jerry's death. That night, as D. takes up Sticks' place in the DJ group for a concert at Rico's nightclub, she tells D. what Clancy told her and begs him not to go, but is rebuffed. At the same time, King Fox arrives in London to meet with Rico and pacify the situation. During the DJ session, Rico insults Fox and threatens to kill D. himself, leading Fox to strangle him to death.
Fox later meets D. in the hallway, and he reassures D. about what Clancy told him. Clancy then ambushes them both, claiming that King Fox had hired him that fateful night, forcing D. to kill him, but not before King Fox is injured. King Fox inadvertently reveals his role in Jerry's death, causing D. to question him. King Fox reveals the truth: Jerry was not supposed to die that night. Tappa gang leader Skeeter was supposed to be the target, but Clancy missed and hit Jerry. Angered by the revelation, D. kills King Fox. The ghost of Jerry, having followed D.'s guilty conscience since the beginning of the film, fades away.
A final scene shows D. and Yvonne happy together with their two children.
Carrie (Claire Danes) and Franny are living in Washington, D.C. with Carrie's sister Maggie (Amy Hargreaves), her husband Bill (Mackenzie Astin), and their teenage daughter Josie (Courtney Grosbeck). Tensions are high in the household as Bill works for President Keane (Elizabeth Marvel), while Carrie and Josie are very vocal opponents of her administration.
At the military tribunal, President Keane advocates for General McClendon (Robert Knepper) to be executed for his role in the conspiracy and assassination attempt. Ultimately, he is sentenced to life in prison. Keane is disgusted with the outcome and orders her chief of staff, Wellington (Linus Roache), to make it right.
Carrie convinces Senator Paley (Dylan Baker) to talk to Dante Allen (Morgan Spector), a contact of hers from the FBI. Carrie promises that Dante will go on the record with his accounts of misconduct on the part of Keane and her staff. That evening, Dante arrives at the location, but Carrie spots a man who is tailing him. She improvises a new location for the meeting, Maggie's office, though this requires calling Josie to deliver the keys to the office. The meeting quickly falls apart when Dante refuses to testify, which he had never agreed to do in the first place. When she gets home, Carrie is scolded by Maggie and Bill for endangering Josie and Franny. Maggie argues that Carrie's reckless behavior is trending towards mania, though Carrie insists that she has been medicating.
Saul (Mandy Patinkin), still in federal prison, is visited by Wellington. He offers Saul not only a release, but the position of National Security Advisor. Saul says he will only accept on the condition that everyone in the second wave of arrests is released immediately, which Wellington balks at. Meanwhile, Max (Maury Sterling) infiltrates a team which has been dispatched to Wellington's house to do a security sweep. He installs several cameras that enable Carrie to spy on Wellington.
McClendon is strip searched as he is admitted into prison. An officer, who is wearing rubber gloves, searches McClendon’s mouth and grabs his tongue. He then leaves the room, ordering McClendon to get dressed. Moments later, McClendon collapses, starts convulsing, and dies on the spot. The unidentified officer, watching McClendon fall and die via a monitor, carefully takes off the gloves and places them in a plastic bag.
Carrie (Claire Danes) sees an unknown woman (Sandrine Holt) enter Wellington's house while watching her surveillance camera feeds. Desperate to identify her, she posts a screen capture of the woman on the 4chan political board, asking if anyone can identify her. A hacker responds to the post, and lures Carrie into downloading a file which infects her laptop with ransomware. The hard drive is encrypted with a demand for a $5,000 payment in bitcoin.
Brett O’Keefe (Jake Weber), being harbored by the Elkins family, makes another broadcast where he accuses President Keane of being somehow involved in the death of General McClendon. Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) is concerned with the public perception as she agrees McClendon's death looks suspicious. Wellington (Linus Roache) convinces Keane to go forward with his proposal: release the 200 federal employees who were arrested, and appoint Saul (Mandy Patinkin) as National Security Advisor. Saul's first assignment from Wellington is to oversee the manhunt for O'Keefe's hideout.
Max (Maury Sterling) has no luck dealing with Carrie's laptop. While they talk about it, the hacker starts talking back to them, revealing he's been listening via the laptop's microphone. He then escalates the ransom to $10,000, then $20,000 to decrypt Carrie's hard drive. Max leaves and Carrie talks to the hacker who threatens to go public with proof of her spying on Wellington. Not having the money to pay the ransom, Carrie improvises and tries to seduce the hacker by doing a striptease on her webcam. After going along with his requests briefly, she insists on a face-to-face meeting. When they meet, Carrie hints at a sexual encounter, but when the hacker gets close she headbutts him and attacks him with an expandable baton concealed in her boot. After beating the hacker into submission, she forces him to unlock her laptop, reveals she is CIA and threatens to kill him if he tries anything with her again.
Carrie (Claire Danes), now convinced that lithium is no longer effective for her bipolar disorder, sees her psychiatrist (Sakina Jaffrey) and gets a prescription for Seroquel. While sleeping from the effects of her first dosage, she's awakened by Dante (Morgan Spector), who has information on the woman in Wellington's house that Carrie inquired about. Dante identifies her as Simone Martin (Sandrine Holt) who, among other things, has romantic ties to Wellington and received a parking ticket close to the federal prison where McClendon was incarcerated on the day he died. Still groggy, Carrie takes some Adderall and goes with Dante to investigate.
Saul (Mandy Patinkin), accompanied by an FBI detail, arrives at the Elkins' compound. Aiming to bring O'Keefe (Jake Weber) into custody peacefully, Saul opens up negotiations. O'Keefe seems resigned to being arrested, until Bo (David Maldonado) offers the possibility of reinforcements. Later on, several vehicles full of armed men storm the scene, fortifying the compound and ending any pretense of negotiations. Armored vehicles arrive as the FBI equips itself for a protracted standoff.
As the situation with O'Keefe deteriorates, Wellington (Linus Roache) reopens an issue that President Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) had previously rejected: an air strike on a weapons convoy en route from Iran to Syria. Keane is insulted at the idea of contravening her stance just to manipulate the news cycle, and again rejects the plan. That night while Keane is sleeping, Wellington calls General Rossen (Fredric Lehne) and lies, saying that Keane has authorized the air strike and to follow through with it.
Carrie and Dante stake out Simone Martin's house. When Simone leaves, Dante follows her while Carrie breaks into the house. Carrie takes photos of various items and copies files from Simone's computer. However, Carrie gets picked up by the police a short while after exiting the house, as someone witnessed her break-in. At the police station, Carrie refuses to cooperate in any way, worried that being booked with any criminal offense will jeopardize her custody of Franny. Eventually, Dante shows up and uses his influence to get Carrie out of there free and clear.
The father of 13-year-old Lena (Marina Cherepukhina) Oleg (Sergei Garmash) divorces her stepmother Alexandra (Yelena Safonova) and goes to his mistress Marina (Maria Poroshina), and Lena is left to live with her stepmother. Wishing to show that they live well together, and prove her independence to the adults, Lena puts into play her ingenuity and charm and gets part-time work as a postman.
In the meantime at the post office the topic of discussion is some serial killer who keeps almost the whole city in fear. His victims are mostly young girls. Some he suffocates and from others cuts out their internal organs. Literally on the very first day of work late in the evening, a stranger (Andrey Andreyev) clad in a trenchcoat and hat, whose face she did not have time to see, protects Lena from hooligans and gives her a handful of chewing gum. Lena gets a liking towards him, and when adults talk about what a real man should be, Lena lists all the identifiers of this stranger: a coat, a hat, a chewing gum and a cigarette (the stranger lit a cigarette before Lena). After some time a strange incident occurs with her: during another evening while delivering post, someone attacks her and takes away her bag with newspapers. Lena is sure that this is the same notorious maniac. However, the very next day, late at night, she sees someone leaving her bag next to the post, and in the bag finds a bunch of chewing gum. Lena conceives the idea that the maniac and that mysterious stranger are one and the same person, although Lena's sympathy for him does not decrease from this. Lena's friend Ira offers to test this admirer's devotion by forcing him to buy her roller skates. On the same day, someone calls Lena home, but says nothing and remains silent in the phone. Lena is sure that this is her admirer and asks him not to scare her so much as then with the bag, and at the same time asks to know how much the roller blades are worth. The next day Lena finds the skates inside the mailbox when picking up newspapers.
Relations with this strange admirer who is ready to fulfill all her instructions, start to seem like an exciting game to Lena. After some time, Marina comes home to Lena and asks the girl not to be angry with her father because he is very worried about her, but Lena does not hold back (especially after she found out earlier that her father can not pay child support due to financial circumstances) and lets out all her rage on her. When she leaves, Lena discovers that the mysterious admirer was a witness of their conversation, and the next day it turns out that Marina is in a hospital in crippled condition. Lena understands who has beaten Marina, and respects this maniac-admirer even more than before. However, she wants him to reveal himself to her, which the admirer does not intend to do and at some point Lena on the phone says that she hates him throws away the beautiful handkerchief she found in the post box. But she still does not understand that the admirer does not like it when people abandon him, and so not only her friends are in danger, but she first of all is under threat.
As described in a film magazine review, John Drake, athlete and bank vault designer, travels to South America to accept a position. He meets Dynamite Díaz and his bride and helps the prize fighter train. The bride flirts, causing Díaz to become enraged and to administer a beating to Drake. Arriving in South America, Drake discovers that the position was a hoax used by a criminal gang to get Drake to reveal a method of entering a bank vault that he had designed. He refuses and the crooks steal all is valuables in an effort to obtain his aid. To get funds to live, he is persuaded to fight the champion. Dolores is told by the leader of the crooks that Drake is not to be trusted. At the fight, Drake is punished for two rounds when he remembers a punch used by the fighter Díaz had told him was always disastrous to him. Drake uses it and the fight is over. The leader of the gang tells Drake and Dolores that her father, the president of the bank, is locked in his own vault. Drake goes to open it, and is hit on the head by the crooks. The gang is captured when an apparatus Drake designed sounds an alarm. Drake and Dolores are happy and he becomes a teller at the bank.
Ecbert (Linus Roache) visits Ragnar (Travis Fimmel) in his cell to inform him that he has arranged a ship to take his son Ivar (Alex Høgh) home later that day. Ragnar tells him that he wishes to speak to Ivar alone and Ecbert sends his guards to fetch him. Ragnar tells him that he will be handed over to King Aelle (Ivan Kaye), who will kill him. Ivar promises that he and his brothers will avenge their father's death, but Ragnar tells him that they must take revenge on Ecbert.
In Ecbert's bedroom, he and Princess Judith (Jennie Jacques) confess their love for each other. Ecbert admits that he deeply regrets committing his friend Ragnar to death. Judith says he has no choice, but Ecbert wonders if that is true and compares himself to Pontius Pilate. In the courtyard, Ragnar gives Athelstan's (George Blagden) cross to his son Alfred and tells Ecbert that in the end, Athelstan chose Christ. Ragnar is then caged on a carriage and taken away. Later that night, Ecbert takes Athelstan's priest clothes, and leaves court.
On the road, Ragnar converses with the blind driver, who says that he can see Ragnar, fulfilling the Seer's (John Kavanagh) prophecy that "you will die on the day the blind man sees you". Ragnar now sees the Seer in the driver's place, and tells him that it was he who guided his fate and not the gods, and that his prophecies are dangerous. The Seer tells him that he has only groped for meaning and that he may have been wrong. Ecbert follows behind the contingent, disguised as a priest.
Ragnar arrives in Northumbria and is tortured by Aelle for days. He refuses to beg for mercy or repent his actions, remembering the happiness of his earlier years. Eventually, Aelle prepares a pit of snakes and gives Ragnar a final chance to repent his sins. Ragnar boldly recites a boastful poem about looking forward to Valhalla and the future triumphs of his sons. He is promptly dropped into the pit and killed by the snakes. Ecbert observes the execution, seemingly relieved by Ragnar's unbroken spirit.
In Kattegat, Ivar returns to discover that his mother, Aslaug, was killed by Lagertha. Across the fjord, a longship carrying a black cloaked figure (André Eriksen), missing his right eye, approaches.
The film follows Joe Peterson, a children's book author from California, who travels to Ellison Bay, Wisconsin with his friend J.P. to find inspiration for the belated follow up to his popular book, "Mr. Kitty Feeds the Fish." While there he befriends Axel Anderson and eventually falls for his granddaughter, Sif, much to the dismay of her father, the town's Sheriff.
As described in a film magazine review, Stuart Borden becomes infatuated with Aileen Alton, who is only interested in him as long as he spends money lavishly on her. He runs up so many bills that his father, James Borden, although a millionaire, refuses to honor any more bills. The father denounces the young woman, who then proceeds to throw Stuart down. Through a mutual friend, Aileen meets the father and soon has him in her toils. He then begins to neglect his wife, blaming his business. The wife accidentally discovers a letter from Aileen. When the Bordens celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on the same date as Aileen's birthday party, she is piqued because the father cannot get there. She goes to his home and he meets her outside, promising to come see her later. In the meantime Stuart is awaiting her return. The wife has seen the husband kiss Aileen and tells him that he cannot continue on that way. The father says he will go to Europe and goes to bid Aileen goodbye. Stuart calls Aileen, who refuses to talk to him. He rushes out with a handgun and Mrs. Borden follows, arriving just in time to prevent the son from shooting the father. James Borden begs his wife's forgiveness and they start over again.
In an alternate dimension, there exists a kingdom called Groovingham, where a young wizard called The Grin lives. The Grin casts a spell to make people happy, but the magic deprives the subjects of their morality, resulting in instant pandemonium. Outraged, the king orders his royals guards to arrest The Grin. Though the authorities corner him on a cliff, The Grin escapes with his fianceé, Mary, in his blimp-like vehicle.
The Grin goes into hiding and adopts a baby dragon he named Dingo. Mary promises to return to The Grin, but the authorities capture her, and the king has her banished to Earth. Unaware that Mary was exiled, the Grin becomes an embittered pariah called the Grump.
On Earth, Mary owns an amusement park that resembles Groovingham and has a grandson named Terry Dexter. During Terry's youth, his grandmother reads him her bestselling story called "Here Comes the Grump," which summarizes the events before her banishment. Years later, Mary passes away, and Terry became the new owner of her amusement park.
One night Terry finds a hidden piece of his grandmother's blimp. After reattaching the handle to the blimp, it sends him to Groovingham, much to his astonishment. Meanwhile, the Grump-who was captured at some point for his purported crime-escapes from prison alongside his diminutive henchmen called the Grumpies and enacts vengeance upon the king. However, he instantly realizes the king had died after spotting a statue built in his memorial. While feeling cheated out of revenge, the Grin discovers a poster of Princess Dawn's coronation and takes action against her instead. Interrupting the coronation, the Grump casts his "gloom spell" upon everyone, putting them into a state of depression. Princess Dawn manages to escape the gloom by being hidden in a chamber beneath her bed by her servants while her pet, Bip, leaves Groovingham to seek help from an outsider.
As Terry tries to pilot the blimp back to his homeworld, the blimp's handle piece is taken by Bip, prompting Terry to chase him into Groovingham. Emerging from hiding, Dawn begs Terry to help save her kingdom. Terry agrees so that he can return home. When his minions inform the Grump that Dawn had escaped the gloom, he returns to the castle where Terry recognizes him as the Grin from his grandmother's story. After being chased by the Grumpies through the castle's interior, Terry and Dawn reach the map room where they met a bird named G. P. Sparrow, who agrees to navigate them to the Oracle who knows how to lift the Grin's curse.
Princess Dawn and Terry learn from the Oracle that they need a magical key from the Cave of Whispering Orchards to restore happiness in Groovingham, which the Grump overhears. During the confrontation, the blimp becomes punctured, rendering it unable to be airborne. They seek repairs at the Balloony Kingdom, under siege by the Grump. As Terry and the balloon people fight back, Dawn causes Dingo to sneeze, sending the Grump mounted on him flying away.
With repairs finished on the blimp, the Grump lands on a nearby branch protruding from a cliff and cast the gloom spell on Dawn before plummeting. Seeking help from an alchemist to treat Dawn's condition, Terry learns that a kiss can break the curse afflicted upon her before sunset; otherwise, the spell will be permanent. However, after going through with it, Terry admits that he lacks feelings for Dawn since he has only known her for a day and that he only wants to return home, upsetting the princess who dismisses him.
At the Cave of Whispering Orchards the Orchards expel Terry since they only allow wizards inside. The Grump arrives and cast a sleep spell on Terry before proceeding to get the key. Bip returns to Dawn, who returns to Terry and awakens him with a kiss. The Grump returns empty-handed and accuses Terry of taking the key. Terry denies the claims, but a key falls off him. He and Dawn try to escape but lose consciousness after falling into a pit.
While incarcerated in Groovingham, Dawn asks Terry how he obtained the key. He hypothesizes that he is a wizard himself. After Bip frees them, Dawn and Terry confront the Grump on the castle's rooftop, using the key to eliminate happiness. Dawn manages to subdue the Grumpies while Terry subdues the Grump but also damages the key. Dawn implores Terry to leave on the blimp, but he decides to stay with her. Through their faith, they restore the key, which undoes the Grump's magic on Groovingham. The Grump is furious, retreats to his blimp and fight with Terry while heading to Earth. Upon visiting Mary's amusement park, the Grump becomes remorseful since he only wanted to make people happy. Terry convinces him that they still can and revealed that he is the Grump's grandson.
Terry reopens Groovingland, where he introduces Dawn to his parents and employes the Grump and the other characters from Groovingham as attractions.
Two cousins, raised as sisters, set out to save the family bakery. The owner, their aunt, dies suddenly and unexpectedly. A banker is trying to foreclose on bakery, but is prevented from doing so when it's declared a heritage site. The cousins succeed in saving the bakery.
(In a completely, seemingly unrelated side plot, an old couple tries to kill Danielle and Ian with poisoned tea.)
The movie ends with Vivien and Paul kissing by a tree in a square in Valencia.
Every morning successful advertising specialist Konstantin Arkhipov hurries to yet another meeting with the unknown — a project that promises career growth, voices of women calling and beckoning on the phone, a new secretary chosen up to high standards. However, during the mad run, Kostya Arkhipov has lost control of his own life. At work, constant squabbles and intrigues, the relationship with his wife - at a dead end, his beloved daughter has become self-absorbed, his mother has not spoken to him for a long time. In an effort to push back all the difficulties, he constantly flies somewhere and is terribly tired of such a rush. He even suffers from insomnia.
The crisis caused by the middle age coincides for the hero with an unpleasant discovery: after seeing the doctor's card in the course of a scheduled examination, the hero reads there that he has cancer and only a few months left to live. The prosperous life of an influential person comes to an end. Not because he made any decisions, but for the reason that his illness contributed to the fact that others have imposed these decisions on him. And when it turns out that the diagnosis was false - it becomes clear that the old life will not return.
Konstantin decides to do what he has not done, express everything he could not say, and, finally, live as the heart and conscience dictate.
Lára is a struggling single mother. She has maxed her credit cards, lost her apartment, and is living in her automobile with her six-year-old son, Eldar. She takes a job as a border security trainee with the Reykjanesbær airport police, on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Adja, a traveler from Guinea-Bissau whose girlfriend was killed for being a lesbian, is trying to escape from her country's persecution of homosexuals by seeking asylum in Canada. After Lára flags a discrepancy in Adja's passport, she is separated from her fellow travelers (her daughter and sister) and held in a refugee center until a decision is made about her immigration status. The two women's lives intersect and they form an unlikely bond.
Asger Holm, a Copenhagen police officer awaiting a hearing for shooting and killing a 19-year-old man, is assigned to answer emergency calls at the Emergency East desk. On the evening before the hearing, he receives a call from a woman named Iben Østergård who does not say she has an emergency and acts as if she is talking to a child. Initially about to hang up, Asger guesses the distressed Iben is not alone and asks her yes and no questions; she discreetly reveals she has been abducted but explicitly mentions a white van. Tracing the call by the nearest cellphone tower, Asger calls the North Zealand station to tell them to look for a white van driving north. The North Zealand dispatcher tells him this is not enough information and a licence plate number and specific location are required. Asger talks to the North Zealand patrol car who pull over a light-coloured van but let it go when no woman is found inside.
Becoming absorbed in the case, Asger looks up information about Iben Østergård and finds a home telephone number, calling it. Iben's six-year-old daughter Mathilde answers. Mathilde says her father Michael Berg was at the house, despite being separated from Iben, and drives a white van. Michael had gone into the room of Mathilde's baby brother Oliver and shouted, apparently at Oliver, Mathilde says. Michael then grabbed Iben and left with her. Mathilde also gives Asger her father's phone number. Asger tells Mathilde to go look after her baby brother and calls North Zealand to have police sent over to Iben's house to check on Mathilde and Oliver; he learns Michael has a criminal record.
Night shift arrives and though technically off the job, Asger moves into a separate room to continue following Iben's case. Intermittently, Asger speaks again to Iben, who says she does not want to be locked up. He also speaks to the police at the Østergård house who find Mathilde is covered in blood. The officers check Oliver's room and find the baby has been cut open and is deceased. Asger is devastated, and asks his colleague Rashid to break into Michael's house for clues as to his destination. It is revealed that Asger and Rashid have conspired to give false testimony at the hearing which worries Rashid. After deliberating, Asger phones Michael's number and argues with him with Asger shouting Michael should be executed.
The van is heading to Elsinore and Asger speaks again to Iben. Worried that Michael might kill Iben, Asger instructs Iben to hit Michael with a brick. Iben says Oliver is fine now and no longer crying. Asger asks her what she means and Iben says Oliver had snakes in his stomach and was crying so she cut them out to help him. The call is disconnected leaving Asger in shock. Asger receives a call from Rashid at Michael's house who finds records showing Michael lost visitation rights due to his criminal record while Iben spent time in a psychiatric hospital in Elsinore. Asger realizes Michael was taking Iben to the hospital because she unknowingly killed their son. He tells Rashid not to lie at the hearing and calls Michael again who says Iben hit him and escaped. Asger receives another call from Iben, who is about to jump off a bridge, after realizing she killed her son. He confesses to her that he shot a man and it was not in self-defense but he says that unlike him, he knows Iben did not mean to harm anyone. With the noise of police officers approaching, Asger urges her to surrender to them. He speaks again to North Zealand who confirm they have Iben and congratulate him on his work. He gets up from his desk and slowly walks away while his colleagues, who heard his confession to Iben, watch in disbelief. Before exiting the building, Asger makes a phone call.
Michael is a drug dealer who takes his friends, including younger girlfriend Sascha, on a vacation to Bodrum in the Turkish Riviera. There, they engage in activities such as sunbathing and enjoying the water park. While visiting an ice cream shop, Sascha meets two Dutch men, Frederik and Tomas, and speaks with them informally. Sascha and her friends go to a restaurant for dinner and she spots the Dutch men again and speaks to them. She meets Tomas one night and shares drugs with him. When one of his men, Musse, shows up at the house, Michael viciously beats him, fearing the police could have followed Musse to him. Still raging he rapes Sascha, an attack which is witnessed by an unknown party in the house, who does nothing to intervene. Michael realizes the drug deals have been a success, and handsomely rewards Musse.
Alone, Sascha visits the nearby harbour where she spots the Dutch flag on one of the boats and realizes it must be Tomas'. She joins the two Dutch men on the boat for drinks when Michael happens upon them. Jealous, Michael introduces himself as Sascha's employer and boards the boat to join the small party. Tomas speaks about how he left his house for the boat and how it helped his "soul"; Michael is skeptical about this story and suggests Tomas is looking for sex. When Michael and Sascha walk home, Michael interrogates her about how she knows Tomas and how many times they have met. At the house, Michael finds Tomas on Sascha's phone contact list and calls him, inviting him for steaks on the pretense that Michael wants to consult Tomas about buying a boat. The three have dinner and go into the house, where Michael questions Tomas further on his sexual interest in Sascha. When Tomas indicates he has none, Michael tells him that is best and orders him out of the house, under threat of harm.
Sascha visits Tomas' boat once again, with bruises around her neck. Tomas realizes Michael is abusive, but accidentally falls over into his boat. Annoyed, he tells her she and her friends will all be dead or in prison in a few years and he will not be taking her away on his boat. During Tomas' rant, Sascha snaps, picks up a glass jug and hits Tomas over the head with it, killing him. She then throws the jug into the sea. She stops by the Turkish police station, but feels unable to communicate with them and leaves. The next day, at the entrance to the pontoon where the boat is moored, Sascha is located. Meanwhile, in the background, two of Michael's men are removing items from Tomas' boat in black bags. Sascha intercepts Tomas' friend and lies about being stood up by Tomas, saying she has been waiting for him for two hours. They walk off together. In the final scene Sascha is seemingly happy on a luxury boat with Michael and friends, as if nothing has happened.
A lawyer severely addicted to sadness is in a huge need for pity, and is willing to do everything to evoke it from others. His wife is in a coma after an accident and, as long as her convalescence goes on, friends and neighbours do everything they can to comfort him. Meanwhile, he is dealing with a new job in assisting two siblings whose father was brutally killed, and examines all the dynamics of the murder.
When his wife miraculously comes out from the coma, the lawyer is in distress, noting the pity he receives is slowly vanishing. At first, he lies to people, claiming his wife is still unconscious. However, once everybody knows she is very much alive, he realizes he can't go on with his lie. He decides to self-inflict a huge source of sorrow: he first abandons his dog pet in the middle of the sea. When that doesn't work, he decides to escalate. Using the same dynamics of the murder he is working on, he kills his father, his wife and his own son. Despite all this, he is still not able to cry. In the end, only the dog has survived, swimming back to the shore safe and sound.
The plot is based on William Shakespeare's ''The Taming of the Shrew,'' updated to present-day Baltimore. Kate Battista is the unmarried 29-year-old daughter of an eccentric scientist, Dr. Louis Battista who is a scientist at Johns Hopkins University. Having dropped out of college in her freshman year after calling a professor's research project "half-assed," she now finds herself with very limited opportunities: she works as a pre-school assistant, and takes care of Dr. Battista and her high-school-age sister Bunny.
Dr. Battista's brilliant lab assistant, Pyotr, will soon have to leave the country as his student visa expires. Dr. Battista devises a plan for a Green card marriage between Kate and Pyotr; Kate first objects to the plan, but slowly warms to the idea, both because of Pyotr's charming acceptance of her outspokenness, and because it offers her a way out of her constrained circumstances.
General Ivolgin is ready to go into big politics. High ratings of the unknown opponent confuse the competitors. They try to unravel the secret of the general's popularity and are taking steps to discredit him and even attempt to murder the general.
Treated by her controlling and vicious mother as flawed and a burden, 27-year-old Moll works as a tour guide in Jersey while living with her wealthy parents. She is expected to help care for her father, who suffers from dementia, and to provide babysitting for her niece. The island community is on-edge following a string of unsolved rape/murders of young girls.
During Moll's birthday party, her sister hijacks the reception by announcing she is pregnant. Feeling undervalued by her family, Moll engages in self harm and then leaves the party for a nightclub where she meets a man; they dance, but in the morning as they walk on the beach, he begins forcing himself on her despite her pleas for him to stop. At that moment a poacher with a hunting rifle rescues her. She is drawn to this young man, Pascal, craving love and excitement, although she is warned by family that he is a low class loser. As their relationship blossoms, Moll reveals to him that as a teenager she stabbed a classmate with scissors, claiming it was in self-defence. He shows his support for her.
A fourth murder victim is discovered, a girl who disappeared on the night of Moll's birthday party. Moll is warned by the local police detective, named Clifford, who fancies her, that Pascal was the main suspect in an earlier murder, and was convicted at 18 of sexually assaulting a 14 year old. She lies to him claiming she met Pascal at the nightclub and they danced there all night. Moll confronts Pascal about both accusations, and he reacts angrily, saying that every day he regrets his mistakes, but the sex with the girl was consensual, and she was manipulated into lying about him. He lets slip that he loves her, and she lovingly reciprocates.
At a formal function at the local country club with her family, Moll's sister gets Pascal ejected for wearing jeans. An indignant Moll makes a toast saying she forgives her family for everything "they've done for her," and as they leave she wrecks the immaculate putting green. She moves into Pascal's modest house, but one night the police barge in to arrest Pascal, and interrogate her. She repeats her lie about meeting him in the club. The lead detective accuses Moll of protecting a murderer who lacks the capacity to love anyone, and wonders aloud if she is seeking retribution against the community. Moll returns to Pascal's house alone, where she is plagued by nightmares, and hounded by the press.
Moll becomes overwhelmed by guilt at her job, and goes to find the girl she stabbed, who has a scar on her cheek. Moll apologizes and claims she wants to make amends, but when she says she did it in self-defence, the woman yells at her to leave. Moll then attends the deceased girl's memorial, and attempts to comfort the girl's mother, but is yelled at and chased out.
Clifford informs her that they have caught the real murderer, an immigrant farmer, and apologizes for treating her with suspicion but insists that Pascal is still bad news. Relieved, Moll and Pascal celebrate by going out drinking, but when she tells him she can't stay on this island and suggests they build a life elsewhere, he reacts angrily. They argue, and he slams her against a wall, choking her. He apologizes, but she runs to Clifford's house and admits to lying about Pascal's whereabouts. She asks him if the immigrant farmer confessed, and he says he didn't. He tells her to get out. She goes to where the latest victim was discovered, lying down in the dirty hole and crying in remorse.
At a beach front restaurant, Moll plies Pascal with alcohol, and invites him to admit to the murders, saying she absolutely accepts him for whoever he is. She coaxes him by admitting her own secret: that she actually stabbed that girl in revenge. Pascal appears torn, then says, "It's over. They were nothing to me." Moll seems relieved and happy. On the drive home she asks for a kiss, and when they lean into each other, Moll unbuckles his seat belt and jerks the wheel, throwing him out of the car. Badly injured in the street, he begs her to help, claiming that they are "the same." Moll strangles him, and gets to her feet.
Daniel, an account manager (Common) is having a bad day. Gearing up for Career Day at his daughter's elementary school, the new boss fires him when his affair with his married assistant (Jennifer Garner) is revealed.
Lonely Darius, Daniel's boss's (Bradley Whitford) son, finds himself instantly entranced by Patricia, Daniel's daughter (Storm Reid), and seeks advice from their school's shop (John Cho) and music teachers (Anders Holm) on how to win her heart.
Meanwhile, the principal and vice-principal (Allison Janney and Rob Riggle) spend the day trying to hide the school's dead gardener from the faculty and staff, as well as the students and their parents.
The day culminates at the Career Day activity. Both Daniel and his former boss turn up. They begin to have an altercation that they decide to take outside.
At the same time Mr. McRow, and then Darius, wander up on the roof to ponder life. They share feelings about Darius' loneliness and Christian's failure in music. But they connect, while watching the fight between Daniel and Mr. Schneedy. As they are about to go down, Christian falls off the roof and onto the manure pile below, uninjured.
In the end, Darius is able to tell his father he's tired of moving, Patricia's dad meets the husband of his former lover, getting closure, and the coroner finally takes away the dead gardener.
Interspersed flashbacks occur of a Perro de Presa Canario, a large mastiff, from a dog fighting ring, as well as his owner Blue, who has abused the dog in order to make it fight. Despite growing large and taking on multiple canine opponents within single matches, the dog has become injured, and Blue instructs the handler to put him down.
Following a botched robbery, the getaway driver of a four-man crew was presumably shot as there are three bullet holes shown in the driver's side window. The getaway car is shown out-of-control and then crashing into an abandoned warehouse, with the driver shown dead, his head resting on the steering wheel. The other three criminals, Stacy, Walker, and Gage take refuge in the warehouse. Stacy contacts another driver, but they won't be picked up until the heat dies down the next day. While Stacy and Walker discuss cracking a stolen safe, Gage is in opiate withdrawal and desperate to shoot up. Gage is revealed to have messed up the robbery when he left his post to steal drugs from a pharmacy. As they wait for morning, Stacy thinks of his girlfriend Grace who had left him years before, but asked him to join her. Stacy is hesitant to leave a life of crime. Walker tells Stacy a story from when he was younger; a failed burglary led him to stealing a number of fish from a pet store as a gift for his daughter. However, all the freshwater fish died in the saltwater, but the saltwater fish survived.
Inside a locker room, Gage finds drugs, medical supplies, and testosterone. He then finds the dead body of the dog's handler, and the monster dog itself standing over the corpse. The dog pursues the three men but they are able to trap it in the locker room. Gage drops his bag containing opiate pharmaceuticals on the way out. A police dog handler arrives on the scene to search the vacant building, followed by squad car with another two officers. The mastiff sneaks up on the officer, but does not attack him when the officer shows affection to his K9 dog. The police leave without detecting the criminals. Stacy and Walker share their opinion of dogs, with Stacy telling a story of how he became a dog person after he purchased a poodle to sniff out truffles for a burglary. He'd been caught by a security guard, but the guard was afraid of dogs and ran away.
Gage sneaks back into the locker room where he injects heroin. After he is calmed, Gage bangs on the barricaded door for the other two to let him through. The dog sneak attacks Gage and is released from the locker room. Gage's hand is torn up and Walker is injured falling through some scaffolding. After a brief chase the men barricade themselves in the locker room, but the dog gets in through a hole in the wall. The men make it to the back offices and lock the dog out. While discussing whether or not they are dog-people, Gage tells the story of a dog he rescued as a child. Gage's father couldn't feed the dog, and because Gage stole food for the dog, his father killed it in front of him. While searching the office, Stacy and Walker find a back room full of dog-fighting winnings, at least double what they estimate is in their safe. They bag the cash and return to Gage, but Gage has shot up again and died of an overdose.
Although severely injured, Walker stops Stacy from calling an ambulance, and urges him to leave him behind. Stacy insists on getting him out using the truck Gage had spotted. Stacy returns to the dead dog handler to obtain his car keys, but the handler's body has been dragged away. Following the traces, Stacy also finds a pile of dead dogs. He is repulsed, but quickly is confronted by the mastiff. The mastiff chases Stacy through several rooms before Stacy ends up hiding inside a grand piano from the dog. The mastiff eventually figures out his hiding spot, and furiously attacks the piano until it collapses. Stacy is knocked out, but as he wakes finds the mastiff is stuck under the debris of the piano. Stacy debates leaving, but instead lifts the piano off the dog, who then leaves Stacy unharmed.
Stacy fetches Walker and takes him to the handler's van. As they are about to leave, Blue, the mastiff's owner, pulls up in his car. Seeing them with a bag of his cash, he draws his gun on them and kills Walker. Blue then pursues Stacy through the warehouse with an automatic rifle. Stacy falls from a ledge and escapes through water, but sustains some gunshot injuries and is forced to ditch the bag of money.
Stacy is pursued by Blue into the dog fighting ring; he is shot again, this time severely. As Stacy lies wounded and helpless, Blue tells him a story of how he acquired his first mastiff. This mastiff was owned by his neighbor, and was tearing through Blue's mother's garden. The neighbor did nothing to stop it, so Blue killed the neighbor and took the dog. He chastises Stacy, saying a dog doesn't understand ownership, but a thief, like Stacy, does. The mastiff arrives in the ring, surprising Blue. Blue aims his gun at the dog, but in a moment of egotism, lets his guard down, and the mastiff attacks. Blue and the mastiff wound each other fatally. Stacy crawls up to the dying dog, patting him on the head and calling him a good boy.
A final scene shows Grace watching children play near an ocean, when Stacy arrives with a young puppy in tow, but it is unclear whether this is a real event, or is simply imagined by the dying Stacy.
The film begins in Transylvania, where Count Dracula laments about his loneliness with his three bat servants. He receives a phone call from Emma Wishbone, who has mistakenly called him instead of a monster costume store. She talks to him briefly before accidentally dropping her cell phone down a storm drain. Emma is depressed as family tensions build up - her own bookstore is in dire financial straits, her son Max is a victim of bullying due to his awkward and stereotypical mannerisms, her daughter Fay is a narcissistic teenager, and her husband Frank is overworked and sleep-deprived, neglecting her. Dracula decides to make Emma his new bride, and persuades Baba Yaga to curse her and turn her into a real vampire so she will stay with him.
Her new-age friend Cheyenne gives Emma some tickets to a costume party, and Emma makes costumes for Emma's family: She as a vampire, Frank as Frankenstein's monster, Fay as a mummy, and Max as a werewolf. Due to a mix-up at the party, they are thrown out by security, causing Emma to have a breakdown. Baba Yaga takes advantage of the situation and curses her, but as her entire family were unhappy, they are all cursed and transform into the monsters they dressed up as.
Emma chases Baba Yaga who escapes, but not before they learn that her amulet needs to be recharged at the London Eye which happens to have been built on a site of ancient power. Meanwhile, Max scares his bully, enjoying his transformation and Fay is rejected by her school crush. Frank has lost his intelligence, but still shows love for Emma.
At the airport Fay hypnotizes a check-in clerk to allow them to fly, but during the flight Emma is overwhelmed by vampiric bloodlust, and only a timely intervention from Dracula halts this and he absconds with the confused and blood-hungry Emma aboard his personal jet leaving her family on the passenger plane.
Dracula tries to persuade Emma to stay with him, and although tempted she decides to be loyal to her family - causing Dracula to eject her from his plane where she lands next to the London Eye just as her family arrive. Meanwhile Dracula decides that if he cannot have Emma, nobody can, and instructs his hunchback servant Renfield to prepare a snowflake machine to destroy the world in retaliation.
Baba Yaga charges her amulet but is accosted by the Wishbones, however she sends them to Egypt. Cheyenne tries to help, but after rescuing Baba Yaga from falling to her death the two become friends. Baba Yaga explains that Dracula intended for her to curse only Emma, but the entire family's unhappiness caused them all to change - only the entire family being happy will break the curse.
In Egypt, the family has another argument culminating in them all walking off in different directions: Fay meets Imhotep who believes her to be beautiful, and wants to take over the world with her help. Max finds a hotel where all the guests are scared of him, and Frank rescues a group of supermodels who take him back to their hotel - the same one Max is at.
Emma is once again consumed by bloodlust, and once again rescued by Dracula. Despite being tempted by him again she still misses her family, who appears in the castle after a repentant Baba Yaga transports them there. Renfield explains Dracula's plan to shoot a giant snowball into the Sun, killing all life apart from vampires who do not need the sun to survive. While Dracula is in his Lazarus pool which ensures his youth, the family plans to add holy water to it, killing him, but he overpowers them. Realizing they need to work together and are happy to be together the curse is broken and they all turn back to human form. With the help of Renfield and the servant bats they trap Dracula between beams of sunlight and freeze him with his snowflake weapon.
The Wishbones return home, and their circumstances change. Frank stands up for himself at work after putting a photo of their family adventure and the frozen Dracula on his desk, Max's bully has realised the error of his ways and befriends him, and Fay meets a nerd in a knight's costume at a costume party that Emma throws at home. Baba Yaga, Renfield, and the three bats crash the party. The family takes another photo together, showing their happiness.
Regina (Linda Gillen) is a lonely young college student. The rest of the students are leaving for spring break, but Regina has no money and no plans. As she is opening her mail, she notices she's received a mysterious letter telling her that she's won a free vacation at a seaside bed and breakfast called the Red Wolf Inn. When she calls the phone number in the letter, they tell her that a private plane is waiting for her at the airport, and that she'd better hurry. The plane takes her to a remote rural destination, where she is greeted by a handsome but odd young man who says his name is Baby John Smith (John Neilson). Baby John takes her on a thrill ride speeding through town and evading the police. When Regina enjoys the chase instead of being afraid, Baby John is impressed.
Arriving at the Inn, she is greeted by Henry Smith (Arthur Space) and Evelyn Smith (Mary Jackson), the elderly proprietors of the mansion. They identify themselves as Baby John's grandparents. There are two other guests as well, both lovely young females named Pamela (Janet Wood) and Edwina (Margaret Avery). Regina asks to use the phone so she can call her mother, but it's out of order. The group sits down to an extravagant meal, during which Evelyn prompts them all to eat more and more. That night, Regina goes to the kitchen to look for antacid. She is terrified when Baby John suddenly emerges from the walk-in refrigerator, brandishing a large knife. Her screaming wakes everyone else in the house, and Baby John apologizes for scaring her. Before going back to sleep, Edwina talks with Regina and says she can tell Regina and Baby John are attracted to one another, and Regina admits that it's true.
The next day, Edwina and Regina discover that Pamela has left, but Regina finds a carriage house behind the mansion where Pamela's stylish black dress is hanging. She also discovers a framed photo of the pilot who flew her to this isolated destination. Regina and Baby John share a moment on the beach, where they flirt in an almost childlike way, then kiss. But then Baby John reacts violently when he reels in a shark on his fishing line, grabbing the animal by the tail and bashing it against a piece of driftwood on the beach, screaming "Shark!!" over and over. After this bizarre display, he tells Regina "I think I love you," and leaves. That night, there is another party, this time to celebrate Edwina's 'last night', as she is going home the next day. After another huge dinner, the group goes to bed, but the Smiths go to Edwina's room and abduct her from her bed by knocking her unconscious with chemicals on a rag. They carry her into the refrigerator and close the door, and we hear the sounds of the Smiths dismembering her body.
The next day, Regina is alarmed when Evelyn tells her that Edwina left without saying goodbye. Regina finds the phone in order and calls her mother, but before she can tell her anything, Evelyn disconnects them. A police car pulls up outside the mansion, and Regina bursts out of the house seeking help, but the cop is another grandson of the Smiths (played by producer Michael MacReady). Now realizing she is a prisoner, Regina is left in the charge of Baby John while the Smiths go into town, and she seizes the opportunity to explore the forbidden refrigerator, where she finds the decapitated heads of Edwina and Pamela. Regina screams in horror as she realizes the Smiths are cannibals and she's been eating human flesh for two days. Now realizing she will be next, a panicked Regina bolts from the house with Baby John pursuing, but she is caught by Evelyn and Henry returning from their errand.
Once they are back at the Inn, Regina and Baby John have a private moment where they say they love each other. Regina knows that Henry and Evelyn intend to kill her, but Baby John has a childlike attitude, and thinks they will learn to accept her. At dinner that night, Regina faces an unspoken challenge. The Smiths study her carefully to see if she will eat the meat now that she knows what it is, hence judging if she would actually be able to join their clan as a mate for Baby John. Regina is unable to eat and runs from the table in disgust, and the Smiths have made up their mind that Regina will be meat. Baby John is distressed, and begins hurling dishes around screaming "No!!"
After dinner, he goes upstairs to help Regina escape. They sneak out of the house and try and escape in the car, but Henry has removed the spark plugs. They release their dog on the couple, and it corners them in the greenhouse, attacking Regina. Baby John kills it with a shovel, and the Smiths arrive shortly after. Realizing the dog is dead, Evelyn uses it to distract Baby John by weeping over the corpse, while Henry advances on Regina with a large cleaver. Regina starts screaming in a panic, and blood splatters over a nearby plant. Out of focus, we see a body being dragged away from the scene.
The next scene, we see Baby John sitting at a table in the Inn's kitchen, playing with a toy truck while someone sings a song to him that Evelyn used to sing. We see it is Regina, however, making cookies for Baby John. The camera pans into the freezer to reveal the decapitated heads of Evelyn and Henry. The cycle of flesh eating at the Red Wolf Inn will continue, and apparently Regina is the new chef.
The setting is the 1890s. In the London wax museum of Claude Dupree, known for its collection of famous figures, someone is killing the guests. When Dupree is murdered, Margaret Collins, his niece, decides to continue the family business, which has long attracted the attention of the police. The murder of the wax museum proprietor and some other strange goings-on in the vicinity prompt a police investigator to determine whether the killer is one of the principals who wants to own this piece of property, whether Jack the Ripper has returned to killing after a hiatus of ten years, or whether a wax statue or two has come to life.
Super TV is a new concept variety show in which varied entertainment formats are re-created and twisted in Super Junior's own way. This concept is called '''Super Junior Crazy Idol Variety''' (슈퍼주니어 i돌아이어티). The show's format will include quiz show, talk show, game show, eating show, reality, documentary, sports, film and comedy.
Super TV returns with a new concept variety show titled '''Game of Thrones''' (왕좌의 게임). Super Junior is famous for being King of Variety Show idols and will invite any idols who want to challenge them for the title. The show will still include the previous season's format, the difference being other idols will challenge them. If they can win 5 episodes in a row, they will go for a luxury holiday overseas. The term was changed from episode 8, to just 3 consecutive wins for a vacation within South Korea.
Each episode has two main segments. The first one is '''Liar King''' (라이어 왕), a segment where Super Junior verifies if the guests' listed skills and specialties are true. This is done through games or showing of talents, where the guests are labeled as "liars" should they fail the verification.
The second segment consists of a maximum of two games that Super Junior has chosen to challenge the guests: * '''Rokkuko King''' (로꾸거 왕) – Questions are being read backwards by each team and the opposing team will have to answer them correctly. * '''Food Show King''' (먹방 왕) – The game played in this segment is related to eating. * '''Inference King''' (추리 왕) – One team will be given a title of movie or song and they need to say one syllable each at the same time. The opposing team will have to answer the title correctly. * '''Chair King''' (의자 왕) – The teams battle through chair-curling. * '''Acting King''' (연기 왕) – The game played in this segment is related to acting. * '''Relay King''' (릴레이 왕) - A battle of cohesiveness. * '''Mission King''' (미션 왕) - A game to clear away all their mission cards. * '''Escape King''' (탈출 왕) - A game where each team must find clues and solve several difficult puzzles to escape. * '''Speed King''' (스피드 왕) - A battle of agility. * '''Description King''' (묘사 왕) * '''Dance King''' (댄스 왕) * '''Flexibility King''' (유연상 왕) * '''Ladder King''' (사다리 왕)
Member TV is a special episode of Super TV that was only aired on V Live and YouTube. In this special episode, the members show their daily lives or their own special segment.
When Andy's sister's death is staged to look like an overdose, Andy and fellow policeman Chuck investigate the situation and link it to a drug importing ring involving Florida drug kingpin D'Angelo and his enforcer Mr. No Legs, who uses a wheelchair and is armed with two shotguns built into his chair armrests.
In 1995, five mysterious murders took place. In 2017, a man named Masato Sonezaki comes public confessing that he is the murderer, but the police cannot arrest him due to a loophole in the law. Sonezaki publishes a book and becomes a celebrity. Later, another man claims to be the real murderer. But then it is revealed that both of them are frauds. Sonezaki confesses that he wanted to capture the real killer while the other man wanted financial success. Sonezaki is revealed to be Takumi Onodera, whose fiancé was killed by that killer. Later, Sonezaki finds out the real killer's hideout and tries to kill him. Detective Ko Takimura comes and stops Sonezaki. The killer is then taken to police custody.
In a post-credit scene, a man attempts to kill the killer to avenge his mother.
Eleanor Oliphant, the novel's protagonist and narrator, lives in Glasgow, Scotland, and works as a finance clerk for a graphic design company. At the novel's outset, she is 29 years old. She is academically intelligent, with a degree in Classics and high standards of literacy. Every day on her lunch break she completes the ''Daily Telegraph'' crossword. However, she is socially awkward and leads a solitary lifestyle. She has no friends or social contacts, and every weekend consumes two bottles of vodka. She takes little interest in her appearance, having gone without a haircut since she was 13.
Not considering that she has a problem, Eleanor repeatedly describes herself as "absolutely fine", and even when obvious moments of awkwardness arise in her interactions with others, she tends to blame the other person's "underdeveloped social skills". Her colleagues regard her as a bit of a joke, and refer to her as "Wacko Jacko" or "Harry Potter"; while she regards them as "shirkers and idiots".
Clues gradually emerge to Eleanor's troubled past. She has a badly scarred face; knows nothing about her father; spent much of her childhood in foster care and children's homes; and, as a student, spent two years living with an abusive boyfriend who regularly physically assaulted her. Twice yearly she receives a routine visit from a social worker to monitor her progress. Her mother now appears to be confined to an unidentified institution: she phones Eleanor for a 15-minute conversation on Wednesday evenings. It is clear that Eleanor's mother is both vindictive and manipulative.
Several developments advance the narrative. Eleanor develops a crush on Johnnie Lomond, lead singer in a local band, having won tickets to a concert in a work raffle. She becomes convinced that he is the "love of [her] life" and "husband material". She starts to follow his Twitter feed, discovers where he lives, and visits his building. In anticipation of meeting him, she begins an unprecedented regime of personal grooming: she has a bikini wax, and later a manicure and haircut, buys new clothes, and visits a Bobbi Brown beauty store for makeup advice.
On leaving work one day with a new colleague, Raymond Gibbons, they witness an elderly man, Sammy Thom, collapse in the street. At Raymond's insistence, they call an ambulance, and help save his life. They are subsequently drawn into a series of encounters with Sammy and his grateful family, and in the process an embryonic friendship grows between Eleanor and Raymond.
Eleanor attends another long-anticipated Johnnie Lomond concert, certain that this is the moment at which they will meet, and the pieces of her life will start to fall into place. Instead, she finds that she is hidden in the crowd, and that Johnnie is unaware of her presence. When, to fill a gap in the performance, he moons the audience, she realises that he is not the refined soul-mate she had imagined. A dry ice stage effect stirs disturbing recollections of a traumatic fire in her past. She returns to her flat in despair, retreating into an intense three-day drinking binge and assembling materials for a suicide attempt – a hoard of painkillers; a bread knife; and a bottle of drain cleaner.
Eleanor is found by Raymond, sent by their boss to investigate her absence from work. He helps clean her up, puts her on the road to recovery, and continues to visit regularly over the following days. He even brings her an abandoned cat for company, which Eleanor appreciates. At Raymond's urging, she visits her GP, who refers her to a mental health counsellor. Eleanor eventually returns to work, where she is warmly greeted. Gradually, with the help of both the counsellor and Raymond, she ends her weekly contact with her mother, and her full childhood story emerges, including details that she had suppressed. When she was 10, her mother had started a house fire with the intention of killing both Eleanor and her four-year-old sister, Marianne. Although Eleanor survived, her mother and Marianne died. The weekly phone conversations with her mother have been entirely in Eleanor's imagination.
Katya and Andrey arrive in Malta on the eve of their wedding and they coincidentally encounter Max in a diving center, a scuba diver and Katya's former fiancé. Max suggests that they all begin diving together. During one of the dives, Katya finds a fragment of a life jacket with the number of a German submarine from the time of the Second World War. After investigating, the guys find out that in 1942, members of the SS stole ancient Egyptian relics from the Maltese Order of Hospitallers, which should have been delivered to Germany. However the treasures failed to reach their destination. They decide that the drowned submarine must be somewhere around the Maltese beaches. Katya, Andrei and Max become immersed in the quest for treasure and a love triangle develops between them.
The story is based on that of Hypermnestra (Ὑπερμνήστρα) in Greek mythology, the daughter of Danaus and the ancestor of the Danaids. The story had already been the theme of earlier operas including ''Hipermestra'', by Francesco Cavalli 1658, and operas ''Ipermestra'' by Geminiano Giacomelli 1724, Eleanor Selfridge-Field - ''A New Chronology of Venetian Opera and Related Genres, 1660-1760'' 2007 0804744378 "All the daughters obeyed except Hypermnestra (Faustina Bordoni), who spared her cousin, the argonaut Lynceus (Antonio Bemacchi), on account of his kindness. The first Venetian performance of Ipermestra was given on 5 February 1724 " Antonio Vivaldi (1728 lost), Francesco Feo 1736, Giovanni Battista Ferrandini 1741, Rinaldo da Capua 1744.
Madelyn, a marketing professional, sees her husband (Paul) canoodling with his mistress (Lucy) in a restaurant and in her credulity decides to call him just to make sure it is him she has seen.
Madelyn's distraught call grips Paul in his guilt and, consequently, he decides to leave Lucy on the spot.
Madelyn follows Lucy and finds her upset and buying a long piece of rope. Suspecting Lucy is about to commit suicide, Madelyn stalks Lucy and finds she is getting ready to hang herself with the rope in her apartment.
To save Lucy, Madelyn befriends her and aiming to help Lucy regain her confidence and develop a career in acting, she helps her get into a production of King Lear. Madelyn plays Lear (as a Queen) while Lucy is the fool.
The script and scenes of the main story are theatrically articulated as the movie pays homage to the theater and the play that has been embedded in it.
Kim (Georgia Mackenzie) decides to set up a detective agency to help people whose spouses are cheating on them after her own husband leaves her. She decides she requires the help of a man for the cases where it's the women who are two-timing, and finds a partner in the form of Nick (Ben Miller), who is hardly a Romeo himself. The duo work well together – so well that it seems romance might be about to rear its head when least expected.
The picture consists of three short films.
In the first segment, Dasha quarrels with her father and mother and falls into the world of toys because of her yet unborn sister. Because of getting hit with a toy elephant, she gets transported into a new world - the world of toys. Her parents are dolls in this world. Their own daughter becomes her older sister.
In the second segment, the father-architect is fascinated by the project of creating a building for the circus and does not pay any attention to his son Fedya. He ends up spoiling the miniature of the building, and after a quarrel, his father is suddenly transferred to the inside of a circus which has not yet been built for a very unexpected performance.
The third segment tells of a certain school with strange rules. 12-year-old Vanya and a new teacher Svetlana, who came for an internship, find out that during the full moon the teachers and the school itself turn into a living nightmare.
Joy accepts a murder he didn't commit to save his mother's reputation from being found out by the public that she lied about his involvement. However, she saves him from being hanged for the crime after proving his innocence.
There is a strike at the local mill. A stand off with the police gets a man killed with Ray and wounded Rick escaping. As a result the mill, which is the sole employer in the county, burns to the ground. The strike and the mill fire is a devastating loss to the rural community. The Sheriff goes to Ivory Joyce Boem and tells her not to assist her husband Ray in any way. She and her two teen sons Reagan and Neely should get out of town.
Ray is a country singer and an absent father having left Ivory Joyce alone to raise her boys. Reagan goes to find his father and the mother is furious to find Ray and his shot brother in her home. Ray tries to help Reagan play the guitar and explain his absence. Rick dies and Ray and his two sons secretly bury him. Later that night the Sheriff arrests Ray.
Ray tricks a deputy at the jail and escapes. He returns to the Boem residence. They all say their tearful goodbyes with Dad driving off alone. Ivory Joyce drives away down a dirt road with her sons.
10 years before the events of the book, 6-year-old Nova Artino watches as her parents and baby sister are killed by a villain gang's hitman, and hears him shoot her baby sister, Evie—dead. However, before he can shoot her, she uses her gift of putting people to sleep to cause him to faint. Her uncle Alec comes and reveals to Nova he is Ace Anarchy, the leader of the Anarchists, before killing the hitman.
Ten years later, Ace has been killed at the Battle of Gatlon, and Nova is at a Renegade parade, on a secret anarchist mission to kill Captain Chromium. She believes that, because he is invincible, the only way to kill him is to shoot him directly in the eye with a poison dart. While at the parade, a young prodigy steals a bracelet that was made by Nova’s father. But Adrian, the biological son of one of the Renegades' founders, gets it back, and fixes the broken clasp on it with his ability to bring to life whatever he draws. Later, Nova disguises herself as her alias, Nightmare, to kill the Captain. But after a moment of hesitation, Nova fails to hit the Captain's eye. After a brief struggle with several Renegades, including Danna Bell (Monarch), and Ruby Tucker (Red Assassin), someone in an armored suit comes to face off against Nightmare: the Sentinel, who is later revealed to be Adrian. During the fight, the Puppeteer (Winston Pratt) intervenes, which results in his capture and Nightmare's escape.
Adrian returns to Renegade headquarters to find his adoptive fathers Hugh Everhart (Captain Chromium) and Simon Westwood (the Dread Warden), two of the founding members of the Renegades. Adrian's adoptive brother Max is introduced, but has been quarantined his whole life due to his uncontrollable ability to absorb others superpowers. Adrian struggles hiding his identity as the Sentinel from everyone, but decides to investigate the Anarchists for the attack on the parade. Nova returns to the tunnels where she and the remaining Anarchists Cyanide, Queen Bee, Phobia and the Detonator reside. A cruel Renegade squadron visits them and almost kills Ingrid Thompson (Detonator), but the Sentinel arrives and stops them, lying about being under orders from the Renegade council. The Sentinel eventually leaves the Anarchists alone, and Cyanide has the idea to have Nova recruited by the Renegades as a spy due to her inability to sleep being unknown. With the help of a prodigy named Millie, Nova and Cyanide create a fake identity known as Nova McLain (Insomnia), and Nova enters the Renegade tryouts. Frostbite, whose team attacked the Anarchists before, challenges her to prove her worth, but Nova instead fights and defeats Gargoyle, a stone-like monster, and is immediately recruited into Adrian's team.
Nova's first mission as part of Adrian's team involves staking out a library run by Gene Cronin (The Librarian), a weapons dealer to the Anarchists. Nova informs the Anarchists, attracting the attention of Ingrid. During the stakeout, Nova bonds with the team, particularly with Adrian. The next day, the team goes into the library after seeing Ingrid enter, meeting Cronin's mirror-walking granddaughter, Narcissa. Ingrid exposes Cronin to the Renegades and kills him, setting fire to the library. Narcissa escapes and Adrian vanishes, but the Sentinel saves Nova from the chaos. Captain Chromium and Tsunami put out the fire and find an unharmed Adrian. Later that day, the Renegades invade the Anarchists' tunnels, but they manage to escape to Nova's fake apartment.
Adrian's team, including Nova, questions Winston Pratt, who covers for Nova by saying Ace found Nightmare at Cosmopolis Amusement Park. Adrian introduces Nova to Max, and she begins to take a liking to them both. However, Max injures himself inside his quarantine and Nova rushes in to save him, then Adrian rushes in to save Nova from losing her powers. Max is treated and Nova and Adrian's powers remain intact. Max later implies to Adrian that he knows his identity as the Sentinel. Nova inspects artifacts from the Renegades' past and learns that Ace Anarchy's helmet, created by her father to amplify his power, could not be destroyed.
Ingrid comes up with the idea to fake hers and Nightmare's death to catch the Renegades off guard. Nova reluctantly helps with the plan, taking Adrian with her on a Nightmare investigation at Cosmopolis Park, where the two begin to become enamored with each other. The two enter an abandoned fun house so Nova and Ingrid can stage Nightmare's death. Nightmare appears to fight Ingrid in front of Adrian, and Ingrid destroys the fun house, apparently killing Nightmare. Outside, Ingrid realizes Adrian is the Sentinel. The entire Renegade council arrives and Ingrid prepares to destroy all of Cosmopolis Park with her bombs with them in it, but Nova finally shoots her dead.
In the aftermath, Adrian implies to Nova that the entire trip was a date between them. Nova becomes nervous and runs off. She goes to the Cathedral where Ace was killed. Inside the cathedral, Nova says that the helmet is still intact, and a still-alive but weak Ace praises her for her actions.
A disaffected mechanic and his unemployed wife experience days of uncertainty and fear after their teenage daughter suddenly disappears. Suspecting that she has run off with a stranger from the Internet, they begin a frantic yet futile search for her, receiving only perfunctory assistance from the local police. During the search, they are forced to recognize the deep sense of alienation that has separated them from their daughter and from one another.''
A wealthy man has to break the news to his family that he has a secret daughter.
In Vienna during the end of the Second World War, the house of the Nöstlingers in Hernals is hit during air raids and is badly damaged. The mother of eight-year-old Christine therefore accepts the offer of Mrs. von Braun, the widow of a National Socialist, to move with her two daughters to a villa in Neuwaldegg, while the grandparents stay in the bombed apartment.
Christina's father as a soldier of the Wehrmacht is heavily wounded in his legs. He deserts from the hospital with shrapnel fragments in his leg, and returns to his family. As a deserter he has to hide from both German and Russian soldiers. After the capitulation of the Wehrmacht, Russian crew members quarter themselves in the villa. While most are afraid of the soldiers with their unpredictable nature and their constant drunkenness, Christine befriends the Russian field cook Cohn. Cohn brings Christine to her grandparents in a horse-drawn cart, and promises to pick her up soon to bring her back to the mansion, but he does not show up anymore. Instead, she is picked up by her father as Cohn was arrested because he is considered a deserter. After the departure of the Russians, the Nöstlingers move out of the villa.
Iga clan's Ninja teacher Jinzo Hattori sends his son Kanzo Hattori, an apparentice ninja to Edo with a mission to serve a master with a condition: Nobody should see Hattori, except his master, if Hattori is seen by anybody, then he would be banished from the Iga clan. Hattori chooses Kenichi Mitsubha, a 10 year old boy as his master.
Hattori meets Kenichi and soon become friends, along with Kenichi's blind artist friend Midori. Hattori always hides himself from Kenichi's parents as per the mission's rule. Hattori finds out that Kenichi's new class teacher, Sato Sensei is actually Kemumaki Kemozo, who is a Koga Ninja.
Meanwhile, A series of murders take place in Edo where Hattori finds a dart belong to Koga clan. He suspect Kemumaki and confronts him, but he denies it and tells that he left Koga clan forever. Kenichi leaves for a trip with Midori. Hattori shows the dart to Kemumaki, who tells that the dart belongs to Kurokage, who is the famous ninja of Koga clan, who killed the Koga and Iga ninjas with a venomous dart.
Hattori, who learns from Midori that Kurokage has kidnapped Kenichi, leaves for Kurokage's hideout and a tense close combat ensues between Hattori and Kurokage. Kemumaki joins forces with Hattori and defeats Kurokage. Kurokage, impressed with Hattori and Kenichi's friendship gives a Koga scroll and ask him to deliver to Kemumaki as it contains the antidote of the dart and kills himself by burning the hideout.
Hattori escapes from the hideout and tells Kenichi that he should leave for his hometown as he broke the rule and tells Kenichi to be friends with anyone, who could understand and support each other. Hattori gives the scroll to Kemumaki, who cures the ninjas with the antidote. Hattori meets Jenzo and tells that he is ready for the exile, but Jenzo forgives him tells Hattori to returns to the city. Hattori arrives again in Edo and reunites with Kenichi.
The collegiate registrar Ivan Shiller (Pavel Derevyanko) is sent to the provincial city of N to investigate the disappearance of fraudster Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov (Konstantin Khabensky) from prison. He is obstructed by city officials who are led by Governor A.A. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky (Sergei Garmash). After going through the investigation through a series of meetings of strange encounters, Schiller himself turns into Chichikov in the finale...
As described in a film magazine review, Amos Mason ruthlessly takes the savings of his fiancée Ann Sherman and then casts her aside when he succeeds in his scheme in New York City to make a fortune rapidly. He causes Ann to be discharged when she finds a position with the Graves family. Amos becomes involved in a real estate business which grows quickly. He employs James Warren to build his mansion. James has married Ann, who tells her husband of the trickery of Amos. Amos and Shirley Graves have married, and a child is born to them. However, Shirley does not love Amos, and cares instead for Douglas White. After the child is born, Amos' trickery is found out and he is sent to prison. There he repents, and after he is released he returns to his wife who is waiting for him with more affection than before.
Railroad engineer Chuck Long (Edmund Lowe) happily tells his friends that he is marrying dancer Helen Gordon (Mae Clarke) the next day, then goes to the theater where Helen works. He arrives while Helen's fellow performers are throwing a party for her, but their merriment is interrupted when a reporter arrives and reveals that Helen, whose real name is Helen Harding, was named as a co-respondent in a scandalous divorce trial six months earlier. Chuck assumes the worst and rushes from the theater without letting Helen explain. She follows him, but by the time she arrives at the railroad yard, Chuck has taken another engine out and left. Thoughts of Helen distract Chuck from his job and he wrecks the train. After he is released from the hospital, Chuck wanders from one job to the next until six months later, he has become a hobo. Cap, a kindhearted Coast Guard captain, meets Chuck in a park, and after Chuck explains that he was reared as a sailor, Cap convinces him to join the Coast Guard to help him forget his bitterness. Over the next three years, Chuck and Cap become fast friends, and Chuck settles into his new life. Chuck periodically receives letters from Helen but destroys them without reading them. One day, Chuck and Cap are crossing the bay when they find a woman in the water. They rescue her from drowning, and Chuck discovers to his horror that she is Helen, although he does not reveal this to Cap. Cap takes her to his cottage, where he looks after her as she regains her strength. A week passes as Helen tries to talk to Chuck, who keeps brushing her off. Crushed by Chuck's continual rejection, Helen decides to leave, but agrees to stay when Cap, who is falling in love with her, pleads with her to attend a special annual Coast Guard dance. Angered by Helen's decision, Chuck threatens to reveal her past to Cap if she does not leave. At the dance, Cap proposes to Helen, but their conversation is interrupted by Chuck, who tells Cap that Helen is the girl who 'cracked him up.' Demanding that Chuck finally hear her out, Helen explains that she was entirely guiltless in the divorce trial, but changed her name to escape the constant prying of tabloid reporters. She further explains that it is not easy for women to get by honestly in life because of men's demands, and that she had thrown herself in the water rather than accept a proposition that 'would have made life easy.' She bitterly tells Chuck that from then on, she will fulfill the label he has put on her. After she runs away, Cap punches Chuck for being a heel. Soon after, Cap, Chuck and the men answer an alarm summoning them to a burning freighter. Cap is trapped in the hold when he tries to rescue the freighter's captain, and Chuck courageously rescues them both. In the hospital, Cap and Chuck convalesce and patch up their friendship. When Helen, disguised in a borrowed nurse's uniform, sneaks into their room, Chuck pretends not to recognize her and continues telling Cap that he realizes what a sap he was and will never let Helen go again. Helen accepts Chuck's proposal, and as the reunited couple kiss, Cap cheerfully states that he will be Chuck's best man at the wedding.
Mulder and Scully are asleep at Mulder's home when his phone suddenly activates, with a distorted image of Langly (Dean Haglund). His appearance catches the agents by surprise, since he and The Lone Gunmen have been dead for years. However, three armed men suddenly break into the home, causing a shootout with the agents. Two of them are killed; the last one escapes. As a second group of armed men arrive, Scully calls Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) for help, only to be told to surrender. The second group is able to enter the house and place the agents in handcuffs, but they manage to escape and run through the woods. Skinner spots them and helps them get away.
Mulder and Scully travel to Arlington National Cemetery and find the tombstones of the Lone Gunmen. The agents discover that their birth and death dates are inaccurate and Langly’s is facing in the wrong direction. After solving a questionably convoluted puzzle, they come upon the tombstone of Deep Throat, whose name is revealed to be Ronald Pakula. Mulder and Scully find a chip with a QR code in his tombstone. One of the shooters, identified as belonging to a Russian group of assassins, arrives to attack them. However, he is tackled and knocked out by Mulder.
The agents scan the code to find images of the Long Lines Building in New York City, the home of an NSA program called Titanpointe and a project codenamed Blarney. They run into Skinner, who gives them access to the X-Files online. The agents discover that the files surrounding Langly were hacked and removed. They come across a file in the other Gunmen's folders, leading them to Karen Hamby. She explains that they uploaded her and Langly's consciousness into a simulation that would come to life when they died. She adds that Langly's virtual consciousness sent the message. Before she can finish explaining how to contact Langly's consciousness within the simulation, she is killed by the Russian assassin, who is shot by Scully in response.
Mulder uses Hamby's algorithms to communicate with Langly, who poignantly conveys the horror of virtual heaven. He tells them that the great minds of the world within the virtual reality have been reduced to digital slaves, and the agents need to shut it down. Mulder and Scully enter the Long Lines Building and are attacked on the stairway, but Scully escapes. Mulder is led to a room with Erika Price (Barbara Hershey), revealing that she is the one responsible for devising the simulation. Price insists she's able to painlessly copy a person's consciousness anytime they use a cellphone, and advises Mulder to change the way he looks at the world.
After wondering if he could get uploaded with Scully, Mulder escapes. Meanwhile, Scully breaks through the glass barriers protecting the servers and turns off the simulation. She reunites with Mulder, and both agents escape. They return with additional FBI agents to find an empty office and the servers gone. The episode ends with Langly attempting to contact Mulder again, insisting that he “destroy the backup”. However, before he can reveal the location, Langly is cut off by the Russian man, who is now part of the virtual heaven.
The series has two parallel storylines. One takes place in the 1980s. MUR investigator Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Khlystov (prototype - Eduard Khlystalov) receives by post a posthumous photograph of Sergei Yesenin. He must conduct the business according to the law, to register and file away the letter. However, the Lieutenant-Colonel does otherwise - he begins his own investigation. Khlystov finds materials related to Yesenin's life, and also searches for direct witnesses who personally knew the poet. The further the investigation comes, the more evidence in favor of Yesenin's murder by the conspiracy of the Soviet Government. Khlystov even wants to insist on exhumation, but it turns out that this is impossible: the foundation was concreted in order to affix the monument to Yesenin on his grave. And now, when there is very little to prove the murder of Yesenin, the main witness suddenly perishes. On the same day Khlystov himself is killed in a car crash. The investigation remains unfinished.
The second storyline tells about Yesenin's life from the moment of his service in the army before the funeral. The film shows the main events of the poet's life, including his military service, coming to Petrograd, becoming a poet, communicating with Russia's most important figures, traveling around the country and the world, life with Isadora Duncan and his final years. The last day of Esenin's life is shown in detail. The fate of the people with whom Sergei Alexandrovich was directly connected is told in the scene depicting the poet's funeral.
Gale (Jemma Redgrave) is trapped in a loveless marriage to a powerful and wealthy Ben (Tim Woodward). Tired of living under the thumb, she conspires with her lover Adam (Gary Mavers), with whom she has been having an affair, to plot the perfect murder. There is only one problem: Adam is a police officer. As he tries to talk Gale out of the ludicrous plan, he finds himself being drawn into her world of murder and betrayal. Convinced that Ben is a bully and a cheat, Adam and Gale work together to plot the murder. The deed is carried out, and to his relief, Adam's team are called to investigate. Adam is delighted when it appears that the team are nowhere close to identifying the killer – until his colleague Vanessa (Emma Cunniffe) makes a major breakthrough and finds a major discrepancy in Gale's version of events. And with a potential new witness coming forward, Gale's number appears to be up. But, as her fate appears to be sealed, Adam discovers she could possibly be involved in another murder.
The novel is set in the Holy Land some years after the death of Christ. Its principal character is Simon Magus, a magician forced to live on his wits who travels from town to town, accompanied by his slave-boy Demetrius. In one town he encounters a sect whose members have the ability to heal, but whose philosophy infuriates him. Intrigued by the sect, he accepts baptism but, after a dispute with their leader, Kepha (Saint Peter), he finds he can no longer work his magic. He abandons Demetrius, and lives as a beggar. After befriending a prostitute named Helen, he develops a dualist philosophy based upon sex and transgression of the law. He begins his performances of magic again, and eventually travels to Rome, where he is obliged to perform before Nero in competition with Kepha.
The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her friend Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). FBI special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has been sent to the town to investigate and has discovered that the killer was Laura's father, Leland Palmer (Ray Wise), who acted while possessed by a demonic entity, Killer BOB (Frank Silva). At the end of the original series, Cooper was trapped into the Black Lodge, an extra-dimensional place, by BOB, who let out Cooper's doppelgänger to use him as his physical access to the world.
Twenty-five years after those events, Cooper manages to escape the Lodge through a portal between worlds; during this process, Cooper was supposed to replace the doppelgänger, but instead takes the place of a second doppelgänger, Dougie Jones, fabricated by the first as a decoy for the exchange. Cooper's doppelgänger, exhausted from the process, crashes his car and passes out, allowing the police to capture him; he subsequently manages to escape, dividing his time between his search for access to "the Zone" and organizing his minions' attempts to eliminate the now catatonic Cooper, whom Jones's family and colleagues take for the real Dougie. After numerous attempts, Cooper's doppelgänger is given the coordinates by Diane Evans (Laura Dern), whom he raped in the past and substituted with a "tulpa" (a Lodge-manufactured copy of a human being) at his service; after confessing all this to FBI and redirecting them to the Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Diane is shot by Agent Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) and disposed of in the Lodge by MIKE (Al Strobel). In the meantime, Cooper awakens from a self-induced coma in full possession of his mental faculties, and after saying goodbye to Dougie's wife Janey-E (Naomi Watts) and son (Pierce Gagnon), leaves for Twin Peaks.
In Buckhorn, Gordon Cole (David Lynch) reveals to Tammy Preston (Chrysta Bell) and Albert that 25 years earlier Major Garland Briggs revealed to him and Cooper the existence of an entity initially named "Jowday", then over time renamed "Judy". Agent Phillip Jeffries (originally played by David Bowie) was also aware of Judy's existence, and Cooper warned Gordon to find him in case he disappeared, saying that he was "trying to kill two birds with one stone." Agent Randall Headley (Jay R. Ferguson) calls Gordon, telling him Jones has left the hospital; Bushnell Mullins (Don Murray) reads Dougie's message to Cole: "I am headed for Sheriff Truman's. It is 2:53 in Las Vegas, and that adds up to a ten, the number of completion." Upon hanging up, Gordon expresses confusion as to whether Dougie is Cooper.
At the Great Northern Hotel, the Jackson Hole Police Department informs Benjamin Horne (Richard Beymer) that it has found his brother Jerry. In the woods outside Twin Peaks, Cooper's doppelgänger reaches the coordinates he received from Diane, the same location where the expedition group found Naido. A portal opens and the doppelgänger is transported to the building above the purple ocean, where he is immediately encaged. In the room are Major Briggs's floating head and The Fireman (Carel Struycken); the screen shows the Palmer house, until the Fireman slowly waves his hand and the location changes to the Twin Peaks Sheriff's station. The cage is moved into the screen through a golden contraption.
Cooper's doppelgänger appears outside the station, where he encounters Deputy Andy Brennan. Believing him to be the real Cooper, Andy and Lucy (Kimmy Robertson) welcome the doppelgänger back and introduce him to Sheriff Frank Truman (Robert Forster), the brother of the former sheriff, Harry Truman (Michael Ontkean). After Frank invites the doppelgänger into his office, Andy recalls a vision the Fireman showed him involving him and Lucy and rushes through the corridor. In the cells, Chad Broxford (John Pirruccello) attempts to escape, threatening to shoot Andy when discovered, but Freddie Sykes (Jake Wardle) knocks him unconscious with his green glove. Meanwhile Lucy receives a call, and is startled when the interlocutor identifies himself. She redirects the call to Frank, who is told by the real Cooper that he has almost reached Twin Peaks. Sensing that something is wrong, both Frank and the doppelgänger draw their guns. Before either of them pulls the trigger, however, Lucy shoots the doppelgänger. Andy, James Hurley (James Marshall), Freddie, Naido (Nae Yuuki) and Deputy Chief Tommy "Hawk" Hill (Michael Horse) arrive in the office, expressing perplexity at the sight of the doppelgänger's corpse. The room darkens and the woodsmen appear in an attempt to revive the body.
Cooper arrives at the station with Bradley (Jim Belushi) and Rodney Mitchum (Robert Knepper). BOB, in the form of an orb, exits the corpse and starts to attack Cooper. Freddie yells at BOB to get his attention and says "this is my destiny." BOB begins attacking Freddie; Freddie is wounded, but punches the orb repeatedly, breaking it into pieces. Cooper reassures Freddie that he destroyed BOB and proceeds to place the Owl Cave ring on the corpse's left hand's ring finger. The corpse disappears, and the ring reappears in the Black Lodge. Gordon, Tammy and Albert arrive at the station; as Cooper notices Naido, his face appears in superimposition on the screen. Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook) enters the office and asks what is going on; Cooper says that Garland Briggs, Bobby's father, was already aware of the events that are happening in that moment, and reveals that information Garland gathered brought the two of them to form a plan with Gordon. Cooper says that some things will change, and that "the past dictates the future;" he asks Frank to give Harry his regards. Naido approaches Cooper, and when they touch she turns into Diane, who says she remembers everything; the two of them and everyone else in the room turn to look at the clock on the wall, which switches continuously back and forth between 2:52 and 2:53. Cooper's superimposed face says "We live inside a dream" as Cooper in the room expresses his hope to see everyone present again. The room goes dark and the superimposed face disappears.
Cooper, Diane and Gordon walk through the Great Northern's furnace room, hearing a continuous hum. Cooper unlocks a door using his old room key. Before he proceeds, he asks Diane and Gordon not to follow him inside and says he'll see Diane "at the curtain call." Cooper meets MIKE, who recites the "Fire Walk with Me" chant. They are transported to the Dutchman’s and encounter Phillip Jeffries (voiced by Nathan Frizzell), enclosed in a bell-shaped steam-spouting machine. Cooper asks Phillip about the date February 23, 1989, which Jeffries promises to find in the place he's in. Jeffries says that it's good to see Cooper again, and tells him to say hello to Gordon, who will remember "the unofficial version." He tells him that there he will find Judy, and warns him that someone will be there; he asks if Cooper asked him "this," after which the figure engraved in the Owl cave and on the ring comes out of the steam. The figure breaks in three parts and reconstitutes in a number 8, which turns on itself; a brown point on the figure travels from one side of the number to the other. Jeffries enjoins Cooper to "remember;" MIKE says, "electricity", and Cooper is transported out of the room.
On February 23, 1989, James Hurley drives Laura (Sheryl Lee) into the woods on his motorbike. Cooper appears and watches them from behind a tree. Laura breaks up with James, and after he drives away, goes to meet Leo Johnson (Eric Da Re), Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine) and Jacques Renault (Walter Olkewicz) for an orgy, but encounters Cooper before reaching them. Recognizing him from her dreams, she takes his hand. Cooper leads her through the woods and tells her they are going home. On February 24, 1989, Pete Martell (Jack Nance) goes fishing but does not find Laura's corpse. In the present, in the Palmer house, Sarah Palmer (Grace Zabriskie) wails and tries to break her daughter's portrait.
While guiding Laura through the woods, Cooper suddenly hears the strange scratching noise behind him. When he turns towards the sound, Laura disappears. Confused, Cooper looks for her for a moment, before her screams echoes through the woods. The scene fades to Julee Cruise singing "The World Spins", accompanied by the Chromatics.
Marva Collins is a teacher in the Chicago Public School System. She expresses her dissatisfaction to how the schools are currently run, and believes that the system prevents children from reaching their full potential. She convinces her husband, Clarence, to help her start her own school by converting the upstairs apartment of their home into a one room school house. When inquiring about getting a permit to do so, she is appalled to learn that anyone can start a school, but in order to be recognized by the state, she would have to submit an application. She decides that she does not need the state's help, stating that she does not want anyone telling her how to teach, but is warned that many parents would not want to enroll their children in an unrecognized school. Collins uses her life savings to finance the school, and states that students will only be expected to pay what they can. She names the school Westside Preparatory.
On the first day of school, there are six students: Cindy and Patty, two of Collins' own children, Eddie, a student from Collins' Public School Class, Martin, a troubled child whom Collins knew from her Public School and recruited after he threw rocks at her window, Tina, whose mother, upon learning that Tina could not read or write despite being in the fifth grade, brought her to Collins, and Roxanne, a child who also cannot read. At first, many of the children lack confidence, especially when they learn that they will be expected to read difficult books, memorize poetry, and write daily themes. Over time, Collins gains their trust, praising them for everything they do right rather than reprimanding them for getting wrong answers, even getting the unconfident Tina and the difficult Martin to become excited about learning. Eventually, the school gains more students, many of whom public schools considered learning disabled.
Collins returns to the courthouse to inquire about gaining state recognition, as she discovers that there are parents who will not send their children to her unrecognized school, only to discover that the forms she had previously worked hours filling out were lost.
She states that she does not need recognition, and that she will have her students take the hardest standardized test available to show what they have learned. The clerk tells her that her class of minorities put her at a disadvantage, angering Collins further. She states that she does not care about statistics and will have the scores published to prove what her students can do.
A police officer Collins had been avoiding for months eventually catches up with her and must inspect her class. He is impressed at how advanced the children are for their age, however; the school needs major safety improvements, which Collins cannot afford. The officer tells her he will wait several weeks before filing the report to give her time to make them. Collins loses her first student when Eddie's mother pulls him out of school, stating that school consumes his life. This deeply upsets Collins and makes her question if she is pushing the children too hard, but after a talk with her husband, she is assured she is doing the right thing, and continues challenging her students.
One day, a reporter comes to do a story on the school, and is impressed at how much the children know. He assumes that Collins has personally chosen advanced children from the city, and is shocked to learn that Collins knew few of the children before their first day of school, and many had been failing in learning disability classes. He is equally surprised to learn that Collins does not accept federal funds, and that her secret to success is just "good old fashioned teaching." Collins tells the reporter about the upcoming standardized testing, and invites him back to see for himself how well her students can score.
On the day of the test, Tina comes to school late, and expresses her fears of either failing the test and letting Collins down or passing and having to leave Westside Preparatory. Collins assures her that she is ready, and that if she is ready to leave the school, she must, as the purpose of Westside Preparatory is "learning to stand on your own." After the children test, the newspaper story is published. Collins is very pleased with the results, and the article brings attention to the school. She is quickly overwhelmed with donation money and calls from parents to see about enrolling their children. The children plan a party Ms. Collins after she writes them each a letter expressing how pleased she is with their test scores. The narrator closes the film by explaining that all of the students tested at least five grade levels higher, and that many of them went on to perform well in school throughout their lives. Westside Preparatory School eventually moved into its own building with 200 students and a waiting list of over 800.
In suburban Chicago, Sarah Clarke suffers a car accident during the third trimester of her pregnancy, which leaves her husband dead, and her partially deaf.
On Christmas Eve, she prepares for her child's birth which is due Christmas Day. That morning, her neighbor and friend, Isaac, visits, and the two exchange gifts. Sarah phones her mother, who is traveling to stay with Sarah that night. After falling asleep that evening, Sarah awakens to a knock at the door from a woman claiming her car has broken down. Speaking through the closed door, Sarah tells the woman her husband is asleep, to which the stranger responds that her husband is dead, and addresses Sarah by name. Sarah phones the police, who come and investigate, but the woman has fled. She phones Isaac, but he does not answer, and she leaves him a message about the incident.
Sarah goes back to sleep, but the woman infiltrates the house and drugs her with chloroform before injecting her with oxytocin. Sarah awakens as the woman prepares to abduct her unborn child. The two fight, and Sarah flees down the hall, locking herself in the bathroom. The woman retrieves Sarah's ringing cellphone from the kitchen, which is receiving a call from Isaac. Sarah breaks the bathroom mirror, arming herself with a glass shard. Isaac enters the house and is met by the woman, who introduces herself as Sarah's mother.
After assuaging Isaac's worries, the woman attempts to usher him out of the house, but they are met by Sarah's mother who has just arrived by taxi. Her mother rushes upstairs, but Sarah, mistaking her for the woman, stabs her in the throat with the glass, killing her. Isaac rushes upstairs and witnesses the scene, but the woman stabs him in the back with a butcher knife. Sarah again locks herself in the bathroom, and begins experiencing extreme labor pains, as the woman stabs at the door repeatedly. She is deterred when Isaac's cellphone rings, receiving a call from his partner, Brian. The woman blocks the bathroom door with a chest of drawers before breaking into Isaac's house and slitting Brian's throat.
Sarah begins smashing through the bathroom door with the toilet tank lid, making a hole large enough to see through. The woman returns and tries to reach her arm through the door, but Sarah cuts her with glass. Moments later, police officers Mike and Alice return to the house to do a wellness check, and the woman poses as Sarah. Mike returns to his car, but realizes the woman was not Sarah after Alice mentions that Sarah is pregnant. Mike returns to the door, but the woman stabs him in the face as Sarah begins descending the stairs. Sarah flees to an upstairs bedroom, and Mike attempts to strangle the woman, but she stabs him to death. Noticing the door is ajar, Alice enters the house and finds Mike's body, while the woman accosts Sarah, who is hiding under a bed. Sarah beats her across the head with the toilet tank lid.
The woman subsequently shoots Alice dead with Mike's gun moments after Sarah's water breaks. A violent struggle ensues between Sarah and the woman. The poor Sarah manages to flee outside, and attempts to drive away in the police car, but is intercepted by the woman, who causes Sarah to crash into a tree. Sarah stumbles into an adjacent house. She quickly realizes it is the home of her attacker, and finds evidence that the woman has been stalking her for months. The woman enters and the two resume fighting. They face off outside, where Sarah stumbles onto a covered swimming pool, and the woman reveals her motive: She lost her baby in the car accident that took Sarah's husband's life, and is seeking revenge. Sarah cuts through the pool cover with a scalpel, and the women fall under and struggle. When Sarah begins drowning, the woman, panicked over losing the child, cuts the pool cover and frees her, but drowns in the process. On the partly-submerged pool cover, Sarah has a water birth as police descend on the scene.
The story begins with the discovery of the headless corpse of a horse that belongs to wealthy businessman Eric Lombard, in the French Pyrenees town of Saint-Martin-de-Comminges. The case is then investigated by Commander Martin Servaz, assisted by local police Captain Irène Ziegler.
When Servaz and Ziegler find the horse's head, they also find at the crime scene DNA that is determined to be that of serial killer Julian Hirtmann. Hirtmann, however, is incarcerated at Warnier, a high-security psychiatric prison, where young psychiatrist Diane Berg is showing an unusual interest in him. The case is later found to be linked to the suicides of three teenage girls at a summer camp 15 years earlier.
In a small rural community event in Virginia, Arkie Seavers appears to see himself in the back of the crowd. Frightened, he drives away from the event, only to have his doppelgänger grab the wheel and drive him into a tree.
Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) ties the Seavers case to a number of people who have tried to kill themselves after claiming they saw someone who looked exactly like them. Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) thinks Arkie is lying, but Mulder is more inclined to believe. The agents meet with a barely-alive Seavers and discuss his experiences. The agents meet a patient at a psychiatric hospital named Judy Poundstone (Karin Konoval), who has dissociative identity disorder. Her room is filled with games of hangman, which she claims she plays with her brother, Chucky, who lives across town.
After being placed into a cell, Arkie's doppelgänger appears in the cell with him, presumably killing him. Mulder and Scully check into a motel to sleep for the night. He comes to her in the middle of the night to reveal Arkie’s death. Scully argues that it is a suicide, while Mulder and Seavers' attorney, Dean Cavalier, don't believe so. Mulder finds the irascible Chucky (also Konoval), living by himself, with his walls also covered with hangman games. Meanwhile, Scully meets with “Demon Judy”, an evil alter ego, who seems to be flinging chocolate pudding at the cell door. A nurse tells Scully that both of the Poundstone parents hanged themselves. Scully tries to get more information out of Judy, but is tormented by this new nemesis by taunts of her supposedly not being young enough to bear children anymore.
Chucky and Judy begin playing the game again, this time targeting Cavalier. First, Dean sees his double and goes to tell Scully and Mulder. The agents tell him to stay calm and hide away all weapons of harm. Dean ventures to his home and tosses multiple equipment onto the floor. He realizes that the room is filled with swords. Dean accidentally cuts himself with one of the blades. Before he can aid his wound, he sees his double again. The agents arrive to find Cavalier with his head cut off.
Back at the motel, Scully has trouble sleeping wondering if Judy had a point about her advancing age and seeks comfort from Mulder, which turns physically romantic. After their intimacy, Mulder sees his double in the bathroom and freaks out. Mulder races to confront Chucky as Scully goes to stop Judy. On her way to the hospital, Scully sees her double in the backseat of her car, but stays calm, calling the figure a "manifest psychic ideation." It turns out that the twins are fighting each other, not being able to agree on which agent to hang. Before the agents can interrupt their game, the siblings both "hang" each other. On Chucky's wall, Mulder finds two hangman games for "Mom" and "Dad."
Shane Jacobson stars as Dazza, a loveable suburban everyman who claims to be a descendant of Captain Cook and has a passion for barbequing, but after accidentally giving his neighbours food poisoning at his regular Saturday BBQ, Dazza's reputation and dignity are on the line. Seeking amendment, he teams up with a tyrannical Scottish chef known as "The Butcher" and enters an international BBQ competition.
A postman who encounters a fledgling raven while on the edge of his route decides to bring her home. The unlikely couple falls in love and conceives a child—an extraordinary raven girl trapped in a human body.
Frank, Sara and their two children have recently moved into the house of their dreams on the Swedish countryside. Frank is disturbed by mysterious sounds and something tears down the wallpaper from the walls. He contacts a ghost-hunter, Allan. While conducting an experiment, Allan is killed, and Frank has to find out the truth himself. What's so special with the mysterious room in the attic?
Janne has just finished a prolonged sentence where he was forced to wear an ankle monitor because of unlawful real estate dealings. Finally a free man Janne is preparing the grand opening of his Båstad nightclub "''Avalon''". In the 1980s Janne was a successful manager of a nightclub and longs back to that period which was the best time in his life. He is aided by his sister Jackie and is old friend Klas. He is also trying to rekindle his estranged daughter. With "Avalon" looking to be a big success, Janne's newfound happiness is soon shattered when he accidentally kills a baltic guest worker.
Kunja, a beautiful agent of the CIA SAD, has just completed an Undercover operation in southern Thailand. Then she finds herself the target of an assassination attempt undertaken by her own organization. the CIA agent Gunja is forced to fight against agents who have been ordered to take her out at all costs. She survives and, after two years of staying low, reappears in Bangkok to confront her old enemies and thwart a plot to detonate a bomb in the city. She manages to survive and decides to take revenge.
Kristin is an 18-year-old girl who wrote for her school newspaper. She has a list of a thousand things she wishes to do before she dies, and to visit New York City as the first on the list. Kristin has a rocky relationship with her sister Linn, with Linn telling Kristin that Kristin is pathetic with no talent.
After graduating gymasium, Kristin is given an assignment to report on her upcoming trip to New York. The night prior the flight, she attended a graduation party with her schoolmates, where she met Gustav. They then went to Gustav's house in the woods to have sex, but were interrupted when Gustav's little brother asked to be tucked in. With the night ruined, Kristin explores the house, where she meets Gustav's sister Andrea, a 16-year old coming back from her nightly run through the woods. Kristin and Andrea then get to chatting, while laying back and drinking strong alcohol. Andrea convinces Kristin to watch "half a movie", since Kristin must go to New York in two hours. Nonetheless, they both sleep in during the entire movie, and Gustav unwittingly shut off Kristin's alarm on her phone. Panicked, she rushed to the airport to no avail, and comes back to Andrea angry, blaming her for the delay. Kristin tries to reschedule her ticket, but the airline could only book her on another flight if another passenger cancels their reservations.
Kristin initially goes back home, but realizing that all her acquaintances believe she's on her way to New York, she asks Andrea if she could hide in her house. During the house tour, finding a room for Kristin to stay in, Kristin jokes to Andrea next to the swimming pool that Andrea and Gustav, and their parents, had sex in the pool. In anger, Andrea pushed kristin in the pool, where Kristin reveals her inability to swim. Andrea finally gives the attic for Kristin, despite having the master bedroom vacant and having a hole in the roof. Andrea explains that their parents are away on a trip. In the meanwhile, under pressure from the newspaper to publish her trip's experiences, she must fake her trip to New York with Andrea's help. During Kristin's stay in the house, they befriend each other.
During the "trip", Kristin sets out with Andrea and Gustav to accomplish some of the 1000 activities on her list. Kristin and Andrea stay out for too long, so Gustav had to skip his shift at work to care for their little brother. After Kristin complained that their parents are incompetent for leaving them alone for themselves, Gustav explains that their parents are dead. The next night, when Andrea believed everyone was asleep, she ran through her usual route to a cliff overlooking the city and the fjord. Unbeknownst to her until the cliff, Kristin chased Andrea and asked her to tell her everything so she'd share her own secrets. Andrea confesses that she's an orphan and she quit school due to the unwanted attention, complaining that no one really knows a person's true feelings but one's self.
When Gustav hosts a midsummer party with his friends at his place, Kristin and Andrea hide in the attic and have a little party for themselves. However, Linn is present in the party, and bumps into Andrea when Andrea had to visit the kitchen for a while. Andrea runs up to the attic to Kristin, fearing Linn may have recognized her from a video chat as the French exchange student Kristin is "staying with" in New York. They escape the house through the hole in the roof, and hang out by the fjord. When Andrea and Kristin hear the party approaching the pier they're sitting on, Kristin realizes she has nowhere to hide, and tries to swim away through the fjord. Having only had a few swimming lessons with Andrea, she drowns but is swiftly rescued by Andrea.
Word spreads that the entire trip to New York was a hoax, with rumors spreading that she had to live off the earth and that she attempted suicide by drowning after being caught. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper Kristin was writing for forgives the incident, telling her that the controversy helped them sell much more copies, and that he wants Kristin to write about her lie, and to write again about a real trip. He then gives her a flight ticket to New York. During this entire time, Andrea's and Kristin's friendship is strained.
Kristin's friends held a surprise welcome home/farewell party for her after she was released from hospital. Despite not being in the mood for a party, she is coerced by her friends to stay. Andrea visits the party, expecting to get back on good terms with Kristin, but Kristin reverted to her former apathetic self before meeting Andrea. In grief, Andrea and Kristin get extremely drunk, and Andrea pulls Kristin's ex-boyfriend into the bathroom to have sex with her. Upon realizing the situation, Andrea pushes him off her, and runs out of the party. Kristin chases her and attempts to explain her behavior, and bursts out that their experience wasn't real. Andrea takes this as their relationship meant nothing to Kristin. Devastated, Kristin returns to the party and Andrea is picked up by Gustav while she states that she wishes to resume her education.
In an attempt to fix their relationship, Kristin buys a window to cover the hole on the roof of the attic, and hands Andrea her diary. They get back on friendly terms. Kristin explains that she doesn't wish to visit New York anymore, since it doesn't feel sincere and real anymore, having had the experience with Andrea already. Despite this, Andrea convinces Kristin to fly anyway.
The next day, Kristin boards the flight to New York, Andrea watches the plane take off and looks back to not see Kristin coming up the escalator again.
Filipp Ronin is a former employee of the prosecutor's office, and now the owner of a small company for repair and maintenance of yachts.
By chance, Filipp falls into the epicenter of urban criminal events. Saving his friend, he successfully investigates the murder. And after the investigation, a close friend of Filipp, a lawyer Oswald, invites him to open a private detective agency ...
Connie Beauchamp (Amanda Mealing) wakes up flustered in the high-dependency unit of Holby City Hospital, having dreamt about her post-mortem. Her doctor, Simon Feathering (Nicholas Boulton), informs her that her cardiac tumour has grown but she cannot be operated on due to her ill health. Connie's friend Charlie Fairhead (Derek Thompson) visits her and berates registrar Ethan Hardy (George Rainsford) for not informing him about her ill health. Connie discharges herself and instructs Ethan to drive her to London, where she claims an old friend will give a second opinion on her treatment; Ethan eventually agrees. At the hospital, they meet Professor Arianne Cornell (Sara Stewart), who examines Connie but decides not to operate after deeming it too risky. Connie and Ethan argue about her respect for him; he reveals that he has Huntington's disease. Sitting by Tower Bridge, Connie and Ethan bond and she kisses him, but he pulls away. Embarrassed, Connie returns to her hotel room alone, where she gets a bath and passes out. Housekeeping finds Connie unconscious and she is taken to hospital, where Arianne diagnoses her with heart failure and operates on her. Ethan contacts Charlie, who learns that Connie is having an operation; Ethan rushes to the hospital. Despite some complications, the surgery is successful and the tumour is removed, leaving Connie relieved. Ethan and Charlie visit Connie, but she refuses to see Ethan.
Acting clinical lead Dylan Keogh (William Beck) wakes up hungover and late for work. While driving to the ED, elderly woman Gloria Rhodes (Linda Marlowe) collapses in front of his car while chasing her dog, Waffle. When she cannot get up, Dylan admits her into the emergency department (ED); she notices a smell of alcohol on Dylan's breath. Dylan and nurse Louise Tyler (Azuka Oforka) treat Gloria, but after being discharged, she suffers a second fall. Gloria explains that she lives in a carehome and Waffle is being taken away, so she decided to run away; she then blackmails Dylan about his drinking, hoping to keep Waffle. Dylan delays speaking to the police about the accident when they arrive in the ED, but eventually completes a breathalyser test, which is negative. After investigating, Dylan diagnoses Gloria with Gerstmann syndrome and a minor stroke; upset, Gloria lashes out at Dylan, who arranges for Gloria to keep Waffle at the carehome. She advises Dylan to seek help for his alcoholism and he later makes a call, explaining that he is struggling.
Outside the emergency department (ED), porter Max Walker (Jamie Davis) bumps into old medical school friend James Williams (Ben Mansfield), who is waiting for his girlfriend, Aisha Hassan (Natalie Dew), to be discharged for hospital. At the same time, Max’s estranged wife and former consultant at the ED, Zoe Hanna (Sunetra Sarker), returns to Holby from America. Max is surprised when he notices Zoe in the hospital. He meets Zoe in the hospital carpark, where Zoe attempts to justify to Max her reasons for leaving him the first time around. As the pair discuss their past relationship, James is walking to his car with Aisha; he sees Max and leaves Aisha to talk to him. Whilst James and Max have a conversation, a masked figure approaches Aisha and throws acid at her face before stealing her handbag. Aisha screams in pain and Zoe and Max rush to Aisha’s aid.
The perpetrator, Paul Billington (Samuel Edward-Cook), runs away with Aisha’s bag and takes money from her purse. Paul begins smoking a joint, but passes out while smoking it, resulting in paramedics Sam Nicholls (Charlotte Salt) and Iain Dean (Michael Stevenson) admitting him to the ED. James visits Paul in cubicles, where it transpires that James paid Paul to splash Aisha with acid so that she would not leave him. Aisha reveals to Max that James has been abusing her, so Max sets up a safe place for Aisha where she cannot be found. James is furious by Aisha’s disappearance and holds Zoe hostage in the Resuscitation (Resus) room. He squirts a bottle of what he thinks is acid in Zoe’s face; it is water. James is arrested. Max realises that he still loves Zoe, who has now left the hospital to go to Madrid. He rushes to the airport and boards the plane Zoe is on, telling her he loves her. The pair fly out to Madrid together, leaving Holby behind them.
Elsewhere, consultant Elle Gardner’s (Jaye Griffiths) son, Blake Gardner (Kai Thorne) arrives at the department with a compass embedded in his hand. Nurse Jacob Masters (Charles Venn) treats Blake and learns he is being bullied, so stands up for Blake. As the two continue to bond, Jacob reveals to Blake that he is his father.
Camryn survives an attack from a homicidal killer wearing a deer mask, later dubbed The Hunter, which claims the lives of her friends. Four years later, she is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and trying to live a quiet life – working in a laundromat, and avoiding contact with other people. That changes when Nick starts a job at the laundromat, and Camryn begins to believe that someone is stalking her again. She decides to keep an eye on Nick and his friends to make sure that history won't repeat itself.
The action takes place at the end of the nineteenth century, in East Africa. Danny Halloran, a Briton, comes to find a friend tobacco farmer but fails to do so. He discovers that the farmer died leaving a widow, Maria. Danny falls in love with the young woman and decides to marry her and take over the plantation. When the harvest fails, he goes hunting for crocodiles to trade their skins.
A dark and gritty mystery thriller, Rushlights centers on two delinquent young lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles traveling to a small Texas town to falsely claim the inheritance of a dead friend. The teens, haunted by their dubious pasts, wind up in a nightmare of greed and betrayal as they encounter the twisted underworld of Tremo, Texas – population 2870.
Sally Blair, a feisty young stenographer is in the employ of a Mr. Warner, an insurance agent who fancies his chances. She accepts a date even though she had made plans with the new salesman, Peter Douglas. Warner takes Sally to a nightclub and, in a private room, tries to kiss her. She retaliates by punching him. Warner, for reasons unknown, promotes Sally to his personal secretary. Later, at a wedding, Peter proposes to Sally. The next day, Peter's mother, who believes Sally is after his money, warns her to keep away from Peter. Naturally, they end up getting married.
Geraldine (Kéfera Buchmann) is a fairy who lost her wings by using unconventional methods in her missions. Her last chance to retrieve them will be the mission "Julia".
The film portrays figure skaters Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, and the extensive media coverage following the infamous 1994 Cobo Arena attack on Kerrigan. It features a postmodern breaking of the fourth wall by having Dennis Boutsikaris play its screenwriter, addressing the audience over the course of the story. It also features, as labelled by ''Variety'', various "witnesses" of Greek chorus actors, discussing their perspectives of different issues and themes as they emerge in the story. One of the last lines in it is "We imprisoned [Tonya and Nancy] in images we use to sell newspapers, soup, and TV movies. They're victims of those that the media serve".
Known in English as "The Open Door", another great movie about women's right in their different role and life and their struggle between her father with his old style and her husband that doesn't understand her.
25-year-old Gérard Lacase from the Sorbonne studies for his doctorate on Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet at the remote castle of Quartfourche in northern Normandy. He falls in love with a portrait of Isabelle, the daughter of the family who owns the castle.
Kate Maclean (Colleen Dewhurst) and Munro Maclean (William Shatner) have two twin boys, Andrew (Andrew Rankin) and James (Darren DiFonzo). One day at school, Andrew has a new classmate named Étienne Blanchard (Simon Rankin), who looks virtually identical to Andrew and has the same birthday; after medical tests confirm that Étienne and James were switched at the hospital, however, Étienne's mother Marie (Monique Mercure) leaves town rather than complying with the court order to surrender custody of Étienne to the Macleans in exchange for James. This development fractures the Maclean family, as Kate's unrelenting obsession with regaining custody of Étienne destroys her relationships with both Munro and James.
Years later following Munro's death, the now adult Andrew (David Meyer) and Étienne (Anthony Meyer) reunite at his funeral for the first time since the incident; while Andrew has maintained a brotherly bond with James (Frank Moore) despite their mother's attitude, it too is now tested by Andrew's desire to build a closer relationship with his real twin.
The owner of the Kalugin's factory informed the workers that he will be obliged to close it soon as it is not profitable. The boss, a local oligarch called Kalugin was kidnapped from his car by masked and armed persons who demanded for him a big ransom. The money is taken to the workers by the head of the oligarch personal security team. His heavily armed mercenaries arrive at night at the factory where the boss is being held hostage.
Those who barricaded themselves in the workshop are local workers led by a former Special Forces soldier, nicknamed Sedoi. Six months without a salary and the impending bankruptcy of the plant pushed them to a desperate step.
To pull out their boss, nothing will stop the mercenaries. But unlike them, hard workers have nothing more to lose.
Mel is a saxophonist in his forties who lives alone with a goldfish named Daphne and has not yet decided what to do with his life. After several adventures that usually end in one night, he decides that the Swedish Inga is for him and goes to live with her deciding to sublet her apartment for a month to Ginger, a slightly neurotic English biologist, who studies the love behavior of women. frogs. During a wedding engagement, Mel meets his bride, Diana, a beautiful woman, who is marrying to a yogurt magnate, and is deeply drawn to her.
The story with Inga soon reveals itself as all the others and Mel returns to her house where she has to negotiate with Ginger for the use of the apartment. Meanwhile, he sets out on the trail of the beautiful Diana, who he cannot forget thinking she is the woman of his dreams. After finally finding her, he begins to neglect his job as a player by being hired as an elevator attendant in the condominium where Diana lives, much neglected by her husband.
But even this time, he realizes that the story cannot go on, being deeply in love with Ginger. A deep sympathy arises between the two also because of Ginger's experiments involving Mel and her goldfish.
The main character, Suraj (Suraj Pandey), falls in love with his childhood friend, Samriddhi (Swastima Khadka), but soon realizes that she does not return his feelings. One day, he takes Samriddhi on a tour in hopes of winning over her affection.
The film begins with a North Korean man visiting The Hague in the 1980s to pay his respects at the grave of one of the secret emissaries, Ri Jun (played by Kim Jun-sik). The man meets a daughter of the landlord who provided lodging for the three secret emissaries in 1907. The woman's reminiscences point to the story of Ri Jun.
The rest of the film focuses on Ri Jun during the 1907 conference. He forces his way into the conference hall and delivers a long and fiery speech on independence and self-determination. The film features his historical speech in full. When Ri finds that the delegates of the great powers remain unsympathetic to the Korean cause, he commits harakiri in front of them, convincing them of his dedication.
As described in a review in a film magazine, Dr. Nye (Marmont) returns to Ostable after spending five years in prison for the theft of church funds. Daniel Copeland (Gillingwater), brother of the doctor’s dead wife Fanny (Clayton), wants to install a municipal water system, but he is opposed by Cyrenus Stone (Torrence), his arch enemy. The townspeople, with their propensity for gossip, turn against Dr. Nye with the exception of Katherine Minot (Kenyon), who loves him. Typhoid fever breaks out and Dr. Nye believes that pond water which is piped by Copeland's water system is responsible for it. He accuses Copeland and is mobbed by the townspeople. He calls on Copeland and discloses how he went to prison to save his dead wife's reputation, as she was the real thief. Copeland is overcome to learn that his daughter stole the church money. Katherine overhears the conversation and provides additional details of how Dr. Nye’s wife once schemed to win him away from her. Copeland has previously opposed the marriage of his daughter Faith (Ricksen) to Tom (McGregor), the son of his arch enemy. Dr. Nye forces him to approve the marriage. Dr. Nye finds happiness in marriage with Katherine.
Elliot Freeman, a war veteran with a family history of mental illness, becomes a pariah in his small town after his wealthy father suspiciously dies in a hunting accident with Elliot present. As a result, Elliot resides in isolation at his familial manor, and works as a portrait artist. While painting a model, Dolores Martello, Elliot is visited by his attorney, Adrian Benedict. Adrian presents paperwork for Elliot to sign regarding the payment of his sister Lynn's tuition.
Later at the local tavern, Elliot and Dolores's boyfriend Charlie get into a fight. Dolores leaves with Elliot, and in private she professes her love for him, recalling a previous sexual encounter they had six months prior. Elliot declines her, and she responds by telling him she is pregnant with Charlie's child; she threatens to spread rumors that the child is Elliot's. The two argue, and Elliot slaps her when she compares him to his "crazy" father. Later that night, Dolores is viciously stabbed to death by a cloaked figure.
Lynn arrives in town the next day from New York City to transfer to the local women's college. When Elliot brings Lynn to the college, he meets Carol Bishop, an instructor there and an old acquaintance who swiftly takes a liking to him. Meanwhile, police Lieutenant Palmer begins investigating Dolores's murder, questioning Elliot as well as Charlie, who is employed at the college as a handyman. Silvia, one of Charlie's side girlfriends, provides a false alibi for him. Adrian comes to Elliot's aid when police attempt to elicit a false confession from him. Later, while Charlie is working at the college, a female student, Alice St. Clair, makes sexual advances toward him, and the two have sex in a closet.
Lieutenant Palmer attempts to further close in on Elliot as a suspect in Dolores's murder, and Elliot confesses to Carol that he murdered his abusive father, and that Adrian helped get him acquitted. At the tavern that night, Charlie knocks Elliot unconscious before stealing his car to go skinny dipping at a lake with Alice. Silvia angrily witnesses Charlie leave with Alice. At the lake, Charlie admits he cannot swim, and Alice pulls him in the water anyway, resulting in them fighting. He punches her, rendering her unconscious, and subsequently drags her to the shore before fleeing in his car. When Alice regains consciousness, she is greeted by a cloaked figure who slashes her to death.
After news of Alice's murder is made public, Silvia becomes convinced Charlie murdered her, as well as Dolores. She calls Lieutenant Palmer and confesses she lied about Charlie's alibi, but before she can finish the call, Charlie attacks her, ripping out her earrings and beating her before fleeing on his motorcycle. A police chase ensues, but Charlie is apprehended. Elliot returns home and receives a phone call from Carol, but it is cut short when he is taken hostage by Adrian and his brutish chauffeur, Max, who are attempting to escort him to a mental institution. Carol arrives moments after they depart, and Elliot jumps from the moving car, managing to evade them by hiding in the woods. Searching for Elliot, Carol enters his mansion, followed by Adrian moments later.
In an upstairs room, Carol is confronted by the cloaked figure who attempts to stab her, but the attack is thwarted by Adrian and Elliot. Elliot chases after the assailant, who is revealed to be Lynn. Lynn crazedly explains that she committed the murders as she felt Elliot's attention was being taken away from her; she arrived in town the day before Dolores's murder, killed her, and then later mistakenly murdered Alice after seeing Elliot's car parked at the lake. She also admits to having fired the shot that killed their father, not Elliot. Later, with Lynn incarcerated, Elliot and Carol are able to reside happily.
Six people who have emigrated to Israel catch a bus through the Negev Desert. The bus breaks down.
"Preacher" Hawker (Walter Brennan) is the pawn of his bossy wife Hannah (Luana Patten), who wants to start a range war with their neighbor Sam Barbee (Leif Erickson). It doesn’t help that "Preacher"s' daughter and Barbee’s son have fallen in love. "Preacher" hires Chan Bartholomew (Les Tremayne), a lowlife saloon owner, to ensure that the outcome is in the Hawker family's favor.
Narukami holds a grudge against the imperial court, and captures the rain dragon. After capturing the dragon god, the imperial court ordered princess Taema to seduce Narukami and make it rain. She tells the story about her “late husband” and tells Narukami that she just wants to wash her husband’s robes. She turns around and pretends to pull her skirts up, making Narukami faint. Before fainting, he recalls hearing a story where a priest lost his powers after seeing a woman’s naked body.
After being seduced, Narukami quits being a priest and asks Taema’s hand in marriage, she agrees. After Narukami and Taema drink sake to seal their marriage, Narukami becomes drunk and passes out. Meanwhile, Taema climbs the mountain to cut off the ropes sealing the dragon.
After Taema freed the dragon god, it starts to rain and thunder. Taema flees from the mountains and heads elsewhere. When Narukami woke up, his hair stood on end and says “I am so bitter to be deceived!” And starts throwing his students in a fit of rage. He looks for the princess to pursue her.
The story brings with four travellers forced by weather to find temporary shelter who tell four stories, whose common point is a bed. "The lodging slip" - During the war, an English officer captain Davidson comes to the house of Jeanne Plisson with a requisition slip for accommodation. Her husband is absent at the front while she is pregnant. During the night, she gives birth and Davidson must act as midwife. "The Divorce" - Roberto, an American living in New York wants to divorce. He shares the night at a hotel with Janet. "Riviera Express" - truck driver Riquet meets Martine whose car has broken down. "The bed of Pompadour" - a bed is mis-delivered to Agnes
The Interpretaris is a spacecraft which is the flagship of the World Council fleet. The series is set over 500 years in the future, with the Earth at the centre of a peaceful federation of planets under the jurisdiction of the World Council. The crew on the mission was headed by a European Commander Alan De Breck, an Australian pilot David Charmichael and Russian crew member Vera Balovna.
Emperor Ichijo (980-1011) receives a message from the kamis in his dreams, telling him to commission a special sword from Sanjō no Kokaji Munechika. He sends Tachibana no Michinari, an imperial messenger, to deliver this order to Munechika.
Munechika receives the messenger, but he is hesitant to accept the request, as he has no smithing partner at his own level.
After reluctantly accepting the order, he heads to the Inari shrine Fushimi Inari-taisha to pray for divine help in order to fulfill the request from the emperor. There he meets a mysterious boy that already knows about the commission of the sword. The boy recounts several episodes from Chinese and Japanese history and mythology related to swords. He then tells Munechika to trust him and starts making the preparations for forging the sword, and disappears.
As Munechika finishes the ritual preparations, Inari appears in his divine form and helps Munechika forge the sacred sword. After presenting it to the imperial messenger, Inari mounts on a cloud and returns to Mount Inari.
''Wild Kat'' tells the story of 15-year-old Katrina and her 11-year-old brother Jamie, who are sent to live with their mother at Perth Zoo. Kat discovers that she can "mind meld" with Garang, a ferocious female tiger that prowls the Big Cat Enclosure at the City Zoo. The tiger is able to project her own moods and emotions onto Wild Kat, triggering extraordinary powers and abilities for the teenager.
After Hugh Chilson's (George A. McDaniel) business partner, Le Roi Andrews (Edwin B. Tilton) scams a pair of stockholders for money, Hugh is told by his wife, Claudia Chilson (Madlaine Traverse), and his lawyer, to leave the US and move to South America to avoid jail. Boarding a large ship, Hugh decides to commit suicide by jumping off but only manages to land on a smaller boat, which takes him to South America. Once there, Hugh makes a fortune selling nitrate.
Back home, Claudia marries Curtis Brainerd (Frank Elliott), believing she is now a widow. After Curtis falls off a horse and becomes a cripple, Claudia leaves a gun near him in case he wants to end his suffering. Curtis commits suicide, and Hugh arrives back from South America. Claudia is arrested for assisting Curtis with his death, but Curtis's brother, Robert (Frank Elliott) decides not to press charges after being urged not to. Wanting a new start, Hugh decides to go back to South America with Claudia.
Fabio Rovazzi is a Milanese graduate of peasant origin in search of work. He is the son of a rich and greedy company owner, Bruno Rovazzi, who despises him and addresses him as an incapable vegetable. Rovazzi tries various trades. He fails at advertising, manual labor and he even fails at farming. After all this, he also loses the girl he loved, so Rovazzi engages in biological farming.
In 1673 Mexico, a family plays in a field, and the youngest son gives his mother a necklace, who says she will treasure the item forever. The boy goes on a hike a while later and finds his mother violently drowning his brother in a stream. Horrified, he runs, but his mother catches him and drowns him too.
300 years later, in 1973, Los Angeles, caseworker Anna Tate-Garcia investigates the truancy of client Patricia Alvarez's two children. Arriving at Patricia's house for a welfare check, she finds the children locked behind a door. Patricia attacks her and is taken away by the police. Patricia's sons, Carlos and Tomas, tell Anna to keep them in the room, so they are protected. Ignoring their warnings, she takes them to the child-services shelter. There, Tomas sleepwalks, and Carlos follows him until both boys see a woman in a white dress who attacks them.
The boys are found drowned in a river, and Anna is called out to the scene. She brings her own children, Chris and Sam, and they stay in the car while she investigates. She hears Patricia, accused of her sons' murders, screaming that it was Anna's fault for taking her sons and that Patricia had tried to stop the malevolent force of "La Llorona."
Chris leaves the car out of curiosity and encounters La Llorona (The Weeping Woman), who seizes his wrist and leaves burns. She stalks him back to the car, but leaves once Anna returns and the family flees the scene. The next day, La Llorona also grabs Sam and leaves identical burn marks. Anna interviews Patricia, who has an alibi for the time of her sons' deaths. However, Patricia reveals that in her hatred for Anna, she prayed to La Llorona to bring her own boys back and take Anna's children instead. Soon after, Anna encounters La Llorona when the spirit attempts to drown Sam in the bathtub. The ghost leaves burn marks on Anna's arm too. Anna seeks help from Father Perez, who relates the case to his previous experiences with a haunted porcelain doll. Perez tells Anna about former priest Rafael Olvera who has since became a folk shaman, who may be able to help them. Rafael arrives at Anna's house, setting up items for protection. In the night, La Llorona repeatedly attacks them and attempts to drown Anna and Sam in the pool. Anna pulls off La Llorona's necklace in the struggle.
Patricia arrives with a gun and tries to give Anna's children to La Llorona. Sam and Chris flee, and Patricia comes to her senses and releases Anna, allowing her to help her children. Chris delays La Llorona by showing her the necklace that La Llorona's son had given her. This makes La Llorona briefly assume her human appearance and caress Chris, imagining him to be her real son. However, Sam accidentally unveils a mirror, and La Llorona reverts and proceeds to attack them. Anna stabs her through the chest with a cross made from a Fire Tree given by Rafael: trees that grew by the river where La Llorona drowned her children and were the only "witness" to her crime. The spirit is destroyed.
Anna and her children thank Rafael for his help. When he leaves, Anna looks down into a puddle of water beside the road.
Suryakantha tells the story of an ageing couple living out their last days. The couple, both Kathakali artists, live a dreary life and their only comfort is the lovely memories of a glorious past where they had amazed the audiences with outstanding performances. Janaki (Simi Baiju), who was a dancer in her prime, is now bed-ridden and Narayanan, (Rajesh Hebbar) her husband, who was once a famous Kathakali singer, is making a living as a carpenter. His only aim in life is to keep his ailing wife comfortable and happy.
By freeing Right-Bank Ukraine (west of the Dnieper River) from the German invaders, the fresh junior lieutenant of self-propelled, weaponized military vehicle earns respect of his subordinates. It had the hit song “The Tanks Rumbled Across the Field” — one of the most widely recognized and established war song.
A juror in a murder case begins to believe that the man on trial is innocent of the crime, and then discovers that the real killer is actually her own husband.
The game begins in 190 AD, in which the once glorious Han dynasty is on the verge of collapse. The new emperor, Emperor Xian, enthroned at the age of eight, was manipulated by the warlord Dong Zhuo, whose oppressive rule leads to chaos. New warlords rise and form alliances to start the campaign against Dong Zhuo. With each warlord having personal ambitions and allegiances constantly shifting, the champions that emerge from the ever lasting wars will shape the future of China.
Drylongso which comes from an old African word that means “Ordinary" is a coming of age drama which is “part love story” and “part murder mystery”. Pica is a young art student growing up in a dysfunctional household in Oakland California. In order to deal with the dysfunction, she starts photographing young African American men believing they are an "endangered species” and might one day be extinct and wants to capture them as proof of their existence. At the same time, a serial killer is claiming victims in the neighborhood with some of the victims being the young men she has photographed. Pica eventually befriends another young woman who is disguising herself as a man to escape an abusive boyfriend.
About the first Komsomol members Petrograd, who rose to defend the Soviet power.