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Convenience Store Woman

Keiko Furukura is a 36-year-old woman who has been working part-time at a convenience store, or ''konbini'', for the last 18 years. She has known since childhood that she is "different" and that expressing her own views and actions is inexplicable and distressing to others, and causes problems.

The highly regulated world of the ''konbini'', where each action is prescribed by the corporate manual, allows her to maintain an identity acceptable to those around her and a sense of purpose. She models her behaviour, dress style, and even speech patterns on those of her coworkers. Keiko maintains some friendships and a relationship with her sister, but finds it increasingly difficult to explain why, after 18 years, she is still single and working as a temp in a convenience store.

Keiko meets Shiraha, a man who cannot hold a steady job and lives on the fringes of society since he doesn't conform to "normal" expectations. While they have no affection for each other, Shiraha eventually moves in with Keiko. They decide that by pretending to be a couple, they can avoid problems with families and a society that expects them to have romantic relationships, children, and stable jobs.

As part of the plan, Keiko eventually quits her job in the ''konbini'', though she immediately feels that her life has lost purpose. She stays home doing nothing, and only at Shiraha's insistence applies for steady jobs.

On the way to the first job interview, Keiko and Shiraha stop at a ''konbini''. She sees that the store is not as regulated and immediately begins rearranging the merchandise and assisting the staff. When Shiraha confronts her, she explains that her purpose in life is to be a ''konbini'' employee, even though she knows that it would be easier and more convenient for her to live the semblance of a "normal" life with him. She then walks away from an enraged Shiraha, cancels the interview, and resolves to find herself a new ''konbini''.

The Emperor of Ocean Park

Talcott 'Tal' Garland (known as Misha to his closest friends) is a black tenured law professor at the fictional college, Elm Harbor, an analog of Yale University. His wife, Kimberley Madison, known as Kimmer, is an attorney. Tal's father, Oliver Garland, a federal judge, has just died. Years earlier, Judge Oliver Garland had to decline a nomination from President Ronald Reagan for a seat on the Supreme Court due to the release of embarrassing information about his past, and then resigned from the bench. Following some years of heavy drinking, Oliver in his later life became a well-paid mascot for right-wing political groups. Judge Garland dies in suspicious circumstances, purportedly of a heart attack. The death brings together the Judge's three living children – Tal, Addison, and Mariah – for the funeral. A fourth child, Abby, died some years previously, in a hit and run car accident.

Talcott is named in Judge Garland's will as being responsible for the "final arrangements", which are not explained. Talcott's only clue is an obtuse note from his father telling him to search for "Angela's boyfriend", someone unknown to Talcott who apparently holds information that the Judge wants Talcott to have, and ending "Excelsior, my son! Excelsior! It begins!" – a reference to the Double Excelsior; the first of many chess references found within the trail of clues the Judge has left. Unbeknownst to Tal, the Judge had hired a private investigator to investigate his daughter's death. The investigator had been recommended by Jack Ziegler, one of his college roommates who later worked in espionage for the CIA, and in return, the Judge influenced some legislation to suit Ziegler. The investigator finds the car that killed Abby was driven by the son of a prominent US senator and his girlfriend, both of whom were subsequently killed in similar car accidents; it is later revealed at least one of these "accidents" was caused by the private investigator. The release of details of Judge Garland's relationship with Ziegler is what resulted in the Judge failing to gain a seat on the Supreme Court. Ziegler approaches Talcott at his father's funeral, demanding to know the details of the Judge's final arrangements. Two other interlinking plot threads feature Kimmer's campaigning for a highly sought after seat on one of the thirteen Federal Courts of Appeal, and the often-parlous state of Talcott and Kimmer's marriage. Kimmer, with whom Talcott first had an affair while she was married to one of Talcott's fellow law professors, is suggested as being unfaithful, although this is never confirmed.

Talcott discovers that parties including the FBI and an unknown assassin – later revealed as one of Judge Garland's fellow judges – are prepared to kill in order to obtain the details of the arrangements. Talcott follows a series of cryptic clues left by his father, including working out that "Angela's boyfriend" referred to his Uncle Derek, a communist and admirer of Angela Davis. Talcott finally learns that "the arrangement" to which the Judge referred was a floppy disk containing details of the many trials and legal decisions which the Judge illegally fixed in return for favors and payment from prominent people. The disk was hidden in a toy bear which belonged to Abby – Tal's deceased sister. The book ends with Talcott throwing the disk into a fire to start with a clean slate.

Bomb City

Brian is a teenager from Amarillo, Texas, who is into punk music and the punk rock subculture. He is a local DIY promoter who books touring punk rock bands at a small run down venue. In this conservative town, there are many teenagers who actively follow punk and they routinely clashed with the jocks from one of the local high school's football team: The Tascosa rebels. After a local show a few of Brian's friends end the evening by meeting for coffee at a local burger shop. At the burger shop the local jocks are also hanging out where they begin to taunt the punk rockers. Both groups exchange words and the situation escalates until the jocks flee.

The two groups end up fighting in a parking lot one night, ending in Brian Deneke's death via vehicular manslaughter. Soon after, a brief overview of the ensuing criminal case is shown as well as the verdict of not guilty.

Living With Giants

Paulusie, is an innocent teenager, a caring son, and a romantic boyfriend. His only wish is to build a quiet family, and his only joys are hunting and taking care of his loved ones. But for this young inuk, facing the responsibilities that come with adulthood appears less easy as he would imagine. One day Paulusie makes a big mistake heavy of consequences. The young man struggles with guilt and ultimately takes the dramatic decision of taking his own life.

Lords of Chaos (film)

In 1987, a young guitarist called Euronymous forms a black metal band called Mayhem, the first of the genre in their country of Norway, with Necrobutcher on bass, and Manheim on drums. Manheim leaves and is soon replaced by new drummer Hellhammer and they recruit a new vocalist from Sweden called Dead, who exhibits self-destructive behavior, during their live shows cutting himself and bleeding on the audience and throwing pig heads at the "posers". At a show filmed by their friend Metalion, the band meets a fan named Kristian, whom Euronymous initially looks down on.

While home alone, Dead uses his personal knife to cut his arms and throat, and then uses Euronymous' shotgun to shoot himself in the forehead, leaving behind a suicide note. Euronymous returns home and finds the body but instead of calling the police, he takes photos of the body and moves the knife and shotgun around. After Dead's body is taken to the morgue, Euronymous gives necklaces to the other band members which he claims are pieces of Dead's skull; this disgusts Necrobutcher, prompting him to leave the band.

Soon after, Euronymous starts his own black metal record label and opens a record shop called Helvete ("Hell"), which becomes a social hub for black-metallers like Metalion, Fenriz of Darkthrone, Faust of Emperor, and Kristian (who is now calling himself Varg Vikernes) of Burzum. They become known as the "Black Circle". After being mocked by Euronymous, the very anti-Christian Varg burns down a local church. When challenged by Varg concerning his status as the leader of the Black Circle, Euronymous burns down a church with Faust and Varg accompanying.

Euronymous recruits Varg as bassist, a guitarist called Blackthorn and a Hungarian vocalist, Attila Csihar, to record Mayhem's first album, ''De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas''. A power dispute between Varg and Euronymous arises.

After a wave of church burnings begins, Faust brutally kills a gay man, leading police to link black-metallers to the crimes. Helvete is shut down and Varg is arrested as prime suspect after an interview with a Bergen newspaper in which he boasts of the crimes. He is soon released for lack of evidence. Varg tells Euronymous that he is leaving Mayhem and is starting his own record label. Euronymous reveals that the "skull piece" necklaces were fakes, and that he never intended anyone to follow through on his angry rhetoric, which infuriates Varg.

While packing away things in the shop, Euronymous angrily rants to a peer about wanting to kill Varg, but later calms down and sends him a contract to release their music rights to him. Varg, having heard that Euronymous was making death threats against him, travels to Oslo in the early morning of August 10 to confront him. Telling Euronymous he wants to sign the contract, he enters his apartment and, after a brief conversation, stabs him. Euronymous pleads for his life, but Varg follows him through the apartment to the stairwell outside and stabs him to death. The next day, the news of Euronymous' murder spreads throughout Norway and Varg is soon arrested. He is sent to prison for a maximum of 21 years, guilty of both the murder of Euronymous and the burning of several churches. In a voice-over, Euronymous tells the audience not to feel sorry for him, that he enjoyed his life and invented a new sub-genre of metal.

22 July (film)

On July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik dresses in a police uniform, loads a van with home-made explosives, and drives to Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter in Oslo, Norway. He leaves the van outside the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. Moments later, it explodes, causing several casualties.

On the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud, teenagers have arrived for Workers' Youth League (AUF) summer camp, organised by the ruling Labour Party. When they learn of the bombing, one student, Viljar Hanssen, calls his parents to make sure they are unhurt.

Breivik arrives at the ferry landing and informs staff that he is a police officer, sent to secure the island following the attack in Oslo. The camp director transports him to the island by boat. Breivik instructs the staff to gather the children in one location. When the head of security asks for ID, Breivik shoots him and the director dead. The children flee as Breivik opens fire, murdering dozens.

Viljar and his brother Torje hide on a rocky embankment on the beach. Viljar calls his mother to tell her a shooting is in progress. Breivik finds the group and starts shooting. Viljar is shot multiple times, but Torje escapes unharmed. Breivik surrenders to a tactical team, and is brought inland for interrogation.

Breivik claims he is the leader of a white nationalist group called the Knights Templar and that more attacks will happen on his signal. He requests the aid of lawyer Geir Lippestad, who defended a Neo-Nazi. Lippestad is morally conscientious of his client and professionally bonded by his ethics as a lawyer. Lippestad tries to argue an insanity defense for Breivik, which draws criticism as it means he will be institutionalized instead of imprisoned. With the help of various psychiatrists and psychologists, Breivik is initially diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Breivik tells Lippestad he wants to be declared competent to legitimize his attacks.

Viljar wakes from a coma with life-changing injuries and returns home with his family. He learns to walk again, but is haunted by memories of the attack. With the support of his mother, and another survivor of the attack on Utøya, he appears in court as a witness and delivers an account of the massacre. Breivik is sentenced to 21 years, that can be extended by a court if it is deemed he is still a danger to society.

Worth (film)

The film opens with Kenneth Feinberg detailing the law's recognition of the monetary value of a person's life to his class at Columbia University. Some time later, the September 11 attacks occur. Feinberg is appointed the Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund while his law partner, Camille Biros, is appointed as his administrative deputy. Feinberg develops a rigid formula for each payout based on the victim's income, and is instructed that if he cannot convince at least 80 percent of the 7,000 estimated victims to sign on then they will be eligible to file a lawsuit which they may lose (as well as the pressure from the political administrations to save the airlines from being sued, leading to financial disaster). Feinberg is given until December 22, 2003 to accomplish this.

At an introductory meeting with victims in which he attempts to explain the rules governing the fund, Feinberg is perceived as insensitive to the losses suffered by attendees. The hostile group is calmed when Charles Wolf, the husband of a woman killed in the attacks, who demands that they listen to what Feinberg has to say. After the meeting, Feinberg is confronted by Frank Donato, the brother of a deceased New York City Fire Department (FDNY) firefighter, Nick. His brother had re-entered the tower to find him after communication, which may not have reached Nick, warned that the building would fail. Frank demands that Feinberg include this information in the report to remedy this flaw in the communication system for first responders. Feinberg deflects that demand in lawyerly fashion. Feinberg also is disturbed to learn that Wolf was offended by the callous nature of the fund's formula and has started a protest group.

Biros leads the staff in holding meetings with victims and is moved by the story of a gay man, Graham Morris, whose partner (whose parents vehemently denied that their son was gay) was killed in the attack. Due to the rules governing the fund, he cannot be compensated as he is a resident of the state of Virginia, which does not recognize civil partnerships. Feinberg also meets with several lawyers representing the loved ones of upper-class victims of the attacks, who want more money, which threatens the success of the group as a whole. As the months drag on, the fund manages to attract only a fraction of the necessary applicants, leading Feinberg to hold a private meeting with Wolf in which the latter accuses Feinberg of serving only the interests of the Bush administration.

A lawyer representing Donato's extra-marital partner calls Feinberg to inform him that Donato has two daughters from that relationship who qualify for compensation. This leads Feinberg to try to inform Donato's widow to convince her to sign on after she had earlier refused. As the months drag on, Feinberg is increasingly unsuccessful in convincing victims to file for compensation from the government fund. After Wolf approaches him one evening at the opera and recounts an anecdote from years earlier in which his deceased wife encouraged him to persevere in the face of failure, Feinberg finds his spirit renewed.

Feinberg and Biros begin to use the discretion government gave him to expand the rules to cover as many victims as they can under the fund. Feinberg begins to meet victims. He constructs a shrine in his office from the various mementos given to him by fund applicants. When Wolf sees that Feinberg truly cares for the victims of the attacks, he is able to convince his fellow victims to trust Feinberg. By the deadline, the vast majority of those eligible for compensation sign the forms, ensuring the success of the project. Feinberg is visited by Donato's widow to sign on behalf of her husband's children. Biros tearfully calls Morris to inform him that while she was unable to help him as the gay partner of a victim, because his state did not recognize their relationship, the fund did compensate many other gay couples who lived in states that recognized same-sex unions. The film ends with a title card stating that Feinberg and Biros were able to distribute billions in government money to 97 percent of eligible victims and that they continue to work on similar cases.

The Personal History of David Copperfield

David Copperfield is born to his widowed mother Clara, and begins saving noteworthy quotes from his life on scraps of paper. As a child, he visits his nanny Peggotty’s family in their upturned boathouse in Yarmouth, and returns to find Clara has married the strict Mr. Murdstone. Bullied by his new step-aunt and beaten by his stepfather, David is sent to work in Murdstone's bottling factory in London where he lodges with the Micawber family, who are pursued by their creditors.

As a young man, David still works at the factory, while the Micawbers are evicted by bailiffs and sent to debtors’ prison. Informed of his mother's death only after her funeral, David wreaks havoc in the factory and departs for Dover to find his wealthy aunt Betsey Trotwood, his only living relative. Her lodger, the eccentric Mr. Dick, believes himself to be burdened with the late King Charles I’s thoughts and, like David, jots them down. David attaches these notes to a kite for Mr. Dick to fly, helping clear his mind, and meets Betsey’s accountant Mr. Wickfield and his daughter Agnes.

Admitted to a school for boys, David befriends classmate James Steerforth, and is knocked out in a boxing match with a local thug. Mr. Micawber briefly joins the school as a teacher, but is exposed by Steerforth as a fraud, leading Mr. Wickfield’s clerk Uriah Heep to try to blackmail David with knowledge of his past. At a farewell party at school, David meets Steerforth's mother and falls in love with a girl named Dora Spenlow. He is hired as a trainee lawyer with Dora’s father's firm in London, where he lives the life of a 'young gentleman' and courts Dora.

Betsey arrives in London with Mr. Dick, having lost her fortune and home, and David is forced to decamp with them to a slum dwelling offered by Uriah, who has manipulated Mr. Wickfield into making him a partner and is attempting to court Agnes. David visits Pegotty's family with Steerforth, who runs away with Pegotty's adopted daughter Emily, leaving her longtime fiancé Ham. Mr. Micawber now lives on the streets with his family and has pawned his beloved concertina, which he asks Mr. Dick to buy back. Instead, Mr. Dick steals it for him, and David invites the Micawbers to move in with him, Betsey, and Mr. Dick.

David begins to write the story of his life as a book, using the fragments he has saved since childhood. Agnes asks David, Micawber, Betsey, and Mr. Dick for a letter written by Mr. Wickfield as evidence of Uriah’s misdeeds. They confront Uriah, who has been embezzling funds — including Betsey’s missing fortune — by forging Mr. Wickfield's signature, presenting the letter as proof. Uriah is punched by David after striking Betsey, and is dismissed. Recognising that she no longer fits in David's "story", Dora calls off their engagement, asking him to write her out of his book.

Emily is spotted in London and confronted by Steerforth’s mother, but rescued by David and Pegotty’s family. She reveals that Steerforth abandoned her in France, but he will return the following day to Yarmouth. When a storm wrecks Steerforth’s boat off the Yarmouth beach, Ham swims out on a line, but Steerforth refuses to be rescued and is drowned. Mourning his friend’s death, David realises he is in love with Agnes, who reciprocates. He publishes his book to great success, performing public readings of his story. His new career as a writer allows him to buy back Betsey’s home for her and Mr. Dick and continue to support the Micawbers, and he and Agnes marry and have a daughter.

Uncle Drew

The film opens with a documentary-style overview of Uncle Drew, a well-remembered basketball legend who was supposed to play in the Rucker Classic. However, due to an unknown conflict, he and his team disappeared. In the present, Dax Winslow is the underappreciated coach of the Harlem Money and their star player, Casper Jones. Dax spends lavishly to keep both his girlfriend, Jess, and Casper happy, despite being a clerk at Foot Locker. During practice Mookie Bass, an old rival of Dax's, arrives and taunts him about the upcoming Rucker Classic tournament. In a dream sequence, it is revealed that Dax was an orphan who planned on becoming a basketball player, but was humiliated by Mookie after he had a shot blocked by him in their youth. The next day at work Casper demands expensive new shoes from Dax, who effectively bankrupts himself purchasing them. Despite this, Mookie successfully recruits Casper and the rest of Dax's team away from him, leading to a confrontation involving Dax forcibly trying to remove Casper's shoes that is filmed and shown on ESPN. Due to this humiliation, Dax's girlfriend Jess dumps him and kicks him out of her apartment.

Dejected, Dax has little luck finding players for a new team until the cantankerous Angelo encourages him to seek out Uncle Drew. Drew turns out to be an exceptional basketball player despite his old age. After seeing a demonstration of Drew's prowess, Dax recruits him for the team, neglecting to inform him about the tournament's prize money. Drew agrees to join Dax under the condition that they recruit his original teammates.

They set off in Drew's van and recruit Preacher, who has since become an actual preacher, but incur the wrath of his wife Betty Lou who pursues them as they leave town. They next reunite with the partially blind Lights and wheelchair user Boots whose granddaughter, Maya, volunteers at the nursing home looking after them. They escape and make it to the karate dojo of Big Fella. Big Fella is reluctant to join the team, as he still holds a grudge against Drew, but Dax persuades him to join. After his credit card is declined at a gas station, Dax attempts to hustle the coach of a youth girls basketball team to earn money for fuel. Dax's team loses, but Drew offers up the money to help Dax after learning the real motive for the game, and Maya begins to appreciate him for the way he treats the elders.

Returning to Rucker Park, Drew gives each member of his team gear that restores their faith and abilities, but Big Fella still refuses to cooperate with Drew. During the team's first game in the tournament Big Fella and Drew tussle on the court, almost costing them the win. Eventually, Drew acknowledges his mistake: sleeping with Big Fella's now deceased wife before the big game. He admits that he too loved her and the two make amends.

Meanwhile, Dax learns that Mookie and Jess are dating, and begins falling for Maya. After learning about the tournament's prize money from Angelo and realizing he was misled, Drew angrily confronts Dax. Dax confides in him about his past with Mookie, causing Drew to forgive him. While playing in the semi-finals, Big Fella suddenly has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. Betty Lou arrives but instead of chastising Preacher, she agrees to fill in as the team's fifth member.

Dax and his team, now renamed the Harlem Buckets, play against Mookie's team in the finals who are an even match for them. Late in the game Lights and Casper collide and are both injured, forcing Dax and Mookie to fill in. Dax still lacks self-confidence, but his teammates give him the advice he needs and he manages to make the game-winning shot, beating Mookie and earning everyone's respect. Returning to the hospital the team reunite with Big Fella, Dax uses the prize money to pay his medical bills, and ESPN now hails Dax as a hero.

During the credits Jess is shown trying to call Dax about getting back together, becoming increasingly distraught when he does not answer.

Komaali Kings

The film's title is inspired from the Sri Lankan box office hit 1976 Tamil film Komaligal. The theme of the movie is Simple, but a master plan.

"Komaali Kings" revolves around Siva Sithambaram (Raja Ganesan), an average next-door neighbour whose mundane life takes a hilarious turn when a distant relative Pat (King Ratnam) and his family from London decide to stay with him for the duration of their trip to attend a family wedding.

Xuxa e os Duendes 2: No Caminho das Fadas

Kira (Xuxa Meneghel), the pixie of light, is back to face a new challenge. She senses that her friend, Nanda (Debby Lagranha), is in danger. Worried, call her and discover that Nanda and her cousins were attacked by a strange witch who came in search of her tears to perform a curse. Kira goes to meet the children. She tries to reassure them and meets Rafael (Luciano Szafir), Nanda's uncle. A climate emerges between the two, encouraged by children. In the wizarding world, the witches Bertilda (Cristina Pereira), Desdemona (Vic Militello) and Adastéia (Karen Acioly) make the spell capable of turning hearts in love with stones. Algaz (Betty Lago) - the mother witch - appears and realizes that the curse is not working. She rages and says it will take a second special tear to complete the curse. Kira returns to the greenhouse and meets Cléo (Zilka Salaberry), her mentor in the human world. She needs to find out if love between two beings of different natures is possible. She decides to tell Zinga (Ana Maria Braga), the elf queen and her mother. In the way of the fairies, Kira knows the fairy Kin (Juliana Baroni) and, together, they face Téia, the witch who attacked Nanda. Kin faints and Kira takes her to Fairyland. There she meets Queen Dara (Vera Fischer) and also Kaly (Zezé Motta). Kira finds out about the existence of a pink heart child, generated from the union between two different beings. The child is Ana, Nanda's friend, and her tear of fear completes the spell. The spell will take place on the next full moon and can only be undone in the Castle of the Witches. Unfortunately, fairies can not enter the castle. Kira meets Mily (Cláudia Rodrigues), a fumbling little fairy. It ends up giving Kira the power to fly. Kira takes advantage and leaves for the witch's castle. The children and Rafael go to the greenhouse to find Kira. They find the Kuines and decide to go to the waterfall along with Chuchu (Luiz Carlos Tourinho) and Alface (Tadeu Mello), Kira's helpers. At the behest of Dara, Mily comes to the world of humans to ask for help from Raphael. Mily takes everyone to the magical world. The witches go to the mirror and discover that Rafael and the others are on the trail. Algaz appears and orders the pink-heart child to be captured so that the second tear is extracted. Epifania (Deborah Secco), a witch with no talent for evil, pays attention to what they say. She is the mother of Ana. Adastéia goes to the trail and catches Ana (Maria Mariana Azevedo). The spell of the fairy Mily ends, Kira falls and is imprisoned by a gigantic troll. Kira is saved from the clutches of the troll by Gorgon (Guilherme Karan), Raphael and his group. They head towards the castle. Kira gets in, but her friends do not. Inside, she sees the torture that the witches do with Ana. The girl is trapped in a cage on the cauldron with the boiling potion. Kira tries to stop them but can not. Rafael arrives and manages to save Kira with the help of Gorgon, the children and the elf Dafnis, Ana's father. Kira and Rafael use the force of love and thus save Ana and win the witches. The castle is going to explode. Everyone needs to leave. Gorgon and the children are the first. The moment is tense, the castle explodes without Kira and Rafael leaving. Among the rubble are the two. Kira and Rafael seal their love with a kiss and, later, with a beautiful union ceremony in Faerie. Mika and Zinga are present as well as all the other characters. Each character has his farewell story. Ana tries to see the future in a crystal ball. She sees the image of Kira, Rafael and a child. They walk like the harbinger of a happy future.

Diverge (film)

Chris Towne is a man living in a post-apocalyptic world, who is desperate to find a way to save his wife from death. After meeting a strange man, he is given the chance to save his wife and the entire human race.

Black Hammer (comics)

Ten years ago, Black Hammer and six other superheroes saved Spiral City from the Anti-God, but in the process became trapped in Rockwood, a timeless ''Twilight Zone''-ish town. Shortly after the heroes arrived, Black Hammer died while trying to escape. In the present, the six heroes live on Black Hammer farm with very little hope of ever escaping Rockwood.

Watch It

Perpetual man-child Mike (Jon Tenney) breaks up with his mature, pretty girlfriend, Anne (Suzy Amis), but doesn't have to dwell on it, thanks to Danny (Tom Sizemore) and Rick (John C. McGinley), both of whom share his immaturity and fear of emotional intimacy. Roommates in a Chicago house, they play an ongoing game called "Watch It!" involving pranks. But "Watch It!" stops being harmless fun when Mike's more soulful cousin, John (Peter Gallagher), moves in and takes an interest in Anne.

Strange Voyage

A man goes looking for treasure.

USPIS (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) is leading a task force on "Giggle Pig" drug operations and asks Jake (Andy Samberg) to participate in the force but asks him and Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to get help from the USPIS.

Terry (Terry Crews) begins to note Amy (Melissa Fumero) acting strangely and soon finds that she has a tobacco addiction due to stress. Terry tries to help her overcome it with the same techniques he used for his overeating addiction but fails. Holt (Andre Braugher) and Gina (Chelsea Peretti) also try to help her with exercise and a meditation respectively but she still fails to pass it. Holt manages to make her see that she's just being extremely perfectionist and tells her she should reconsider her issues.

Jake and Boyle visit USPIS Agent Jack Danger (pronounced 'Donger') (Ed Helms), who is self-righteous and incompetent, believing the USPIS to be superior to the NYPD as well as other federal agencies. During an investigation where the drug is supplied through mailboxes, Danger's ineptitude stops Jake from catching a supplier. When Danger refuses to lend them a list with the suspects unless they go with their methods, Jake and Boyle steal the list and arrest the supplier. However, their actions receive punishment as their case is handed to USPIS. Jake decides to apologize to Danger, who accepts to hand back the case. The Nine-Nine and USPIS lead a raid into a drug ring and arrests everyone inside although Danger knocks himself out on the entrance.

Daymare: 1998

The events of the game begin on the 20th of August 1998 at Aegis Laboratory, a secret government facility built on the island of North Blue Two, which is part of the Northfall Island archipelago located just off the coast of Washington. Subsequently, the action moves to Keen Sight, a small and peaceful town in Idaho surrounded by an endless forest. The game presents three different, unique perspectives on how the story unfolds: that of the operative code named Liev, an elite soldier of the special unit H.A.D.E.S. (Hexacore Advanced Division for Extraction and Search), the helicopter pilot Cpt. David "Raven" Hale and Samuel Walker, a forest ranger from the Vermilion Forest that surrounds the Redcrest Mountains of Keen Sight.

A few hours after the latest emergency transmission from Aegis regarding the leak of an extremely lethal experimental BC weapon, the Department of Defense sends two teams of H.A.D.E.S. operatives, who depart from Hexacore Biogenetics' Keen Sight HQ, to investigate the cause of the accident, recover top-secret research and samples, and erase all evidence of what had happened before the automatic security system cleanses the entire compound.

Last Chance (2016 film)

Set in South-western Sydney, the story revolves around a young man who tries to take a shortcut in life by selling drugs in order to achieve a luxurious lifestyle. His family and friends try to help him and all things rotate around these realities and how this should be approached from an Islamic perspective.

Velvet Buzzsaw

In Miami, art critic Morf Vandewalt attends an art exhibition alongside his friend Josephina, who works for Rhodora Haze, owner of the Haze Gallery and formerly a member of the punk rock band Velvet Buzzsaw. Unfulfilled in his love life with his boyfriend Ed, Morf starts a sexual relationship with Josephina.

Returning to Los Angeles, Josephina finds a dead man named Vetril Dease in her apartment building and enters his home to discover a myriad of paintings, some of which are partially destroyed. Josephina steals the paintings to show Morf and Rhodora, who become fascinated with Dease. Rhodora decides to exhibit several of his pieces in her gallery to great success. The artworks also enchant Gretchen, Morf's art curator friend, Piers, a former artist for the Haze Gallery, and Damrish, an up-and-coming artist.

To ensure the rarity of the paintings, Rhodora orders gallery worker Bryson to transport half of them to storage. En route, a painting catches fire from his cigarette ash and burns him, causing him to crash into a seemingly abandoned gas station. After he heads inside to clean the burns, Bryson is dragged into a painting by a group of monkey mechanics. Outside, his truck catches fire and burns the remaining Dease paintings.

Researching Dease, Morf discovers he suffered from an abusive childhood that culminated in the murder of his father, after which he was sent to a psychiatric hospital for human experimentation, adding to his mental illness. Jon Dondon, a rival art gallery owner, hires a private investigator to uncover the same story. He attempts to reveal Dease's story to the press but is murdered when a mysterious hand hangs him by his scarf. Coco, Rhodora's former assistant who had just begun working for Jon, discovers his body.

Morf sees a hand in a Dease painting suddenly move; his vision is cleared by his optometrist but he continues to hallucinate. That night, he visits the gallery archivist and learns Dease used blood to make his red-black paints. Rhodora, disappointed with Piers' most recent work, sends him to live at her beach house and not return until he has made art only for himself.

Gretchen negotiates the display of some Dease paintings in the city's museum alongside an interactive piece titled ''Sphere'', which is owned by Gretchen's primary client. Meanwhile, Gretchen also sabotages Josephina's relationship with Morf by telling her he still has feelings for Ed. The night before the exhibit's debut, Gretchen sticks her arm in one of the holes in ''Sphere'' which malfunctions and severs her arm, leaving her to bleed out. Coco, who had recently become Gretchen's assistant, finds her body the next morning. Despite, or perhaps because of, Gretchen's death, there is a spike in interest and demand for the Dease exhibit. Morf and Josephina break up after he finds out she is dating Damrish.

Morf's visions worsen, and he urges Rhodora to stop selling Dease's artwork. She ignores him and, knowing he will write a negative article about the artworks, tries to sell them off as fast as she can for tens of millions of dollars. Morf hires the again unemployed Coco to dispose of the artworks. At a dive bar, Damrish informs Josephina he will not display his art with Haze Gallery and they break up. Outside, Josephina is mysteriously transported to a gallery where the graffiti paintings melt around her and envelop her skin. As Morf puts the Dease artworks into his storage unit, he discovers a deactivated ''Hoboman'', a robotic art piece he had given a negative critique. ''Hoboman'' springs to life and chases Morf into a dead end where it breaks Morf's neck, despite Morf's pleas for mercy.

The next morning, Coco finds Morf's body while Josephina's terrified image is seen on a wall of graffiti. Rhodora, now believing the deaths are connected to Dease, has all the artwork in her house removed. As she sits outside her house, the buzz saw tattoo on her neck begins spinning and slashes her flesh, killing her. On the way to LAX, returning home to Michigan, Coco passes a street vendor selling Dease's paintings for five dollars apiece, having found one of the boxes from Bryson's truck. Meanwhile, Piers draws a pattern of curves on the beach sand as the waves wash over them.


A voiceover recounts over a visual montage how a machine learning chatbot, released to the public via Twitter, had to be rapidly shut down after the bot, copying human interactions, began expressing extremist ideas. The sequence ends with a warning to all humans before blending into the usual intro.

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully visit a fully automated sushi restaurant, Forowā (Japanese for “Follower”), but are preoccupied with their smartphones. Mulder receives a blobfish instead of the sushi he ordered but finds there is no-one to complain to as there are no human staff and the chefs are robots. Mulder refuses to leave a tip but finds his credit card has become stuck in the payment slot. Mulder tries to use force to remove his card but causes the restaurant to start shutting down. Scully manages to open the door with a chopstick but Mulder is forced to leave his card behind.

Mulder and Scully return home separately, Scully taking an automated taxicab that begins speeding alarmingly. Both agents are bombarded with automated notifications from services they have used. Scully tries to call Mulder but cannot get a connection and is billed $250 when her home security system rejects her password. She unexpectedly receives a drone-delivered robotic vacuum cleaner but finds it too frustrating to use. Scully’s automated appliances begin to malfunction, gas begins to flow out of her fireplace, and the lights go out.

Mulder attempts to cancel his credit card and spots a drone spying on him. Presuming the operator to be a nosy child, he demands they stop before eventually breaking it with a baseball bat. Larger drones appear and retrieve the remains, and hundreds of tiny drones break into his home, forcing him to flee.

Mulder arrives at Scully’s house but finds it has locked itself. Scully, smelling gas, breaks a screen door to escape just as the robotic vacuum cleaner runs over a dropped match and ignites an explosion. Unable to call 911 on their phones and chased by drones the agents attempt to flee, discarding their phones and other traceable electronics. They take shelter in a warehouse that turns out to be filled with quadrupedal robots and are ultimately cornered by a robot which returns Mulder’s phone. Confronted with Forowā’s tip screen, Mulder belatedly tips the restaurant 10%, causing the machines to retreat and everything to go back to ‘normal’.

The next morning, Mulder and Scully have breakfast in a human-operated diner, paying with paper money, and ultimately putting their phones aside, sitting in contemplation and holding hands.

Familiar (The X-Files)

At a park in Eastwood, Connecticut, a little boy named Andrew sings a theme song from a children's show while playing with his "Mr. Chuckleteeth" toy. While Andrew's mother, Diane, is distracted by a phone call, the boy spots a life-sized version of Mr. Chuckleteeth meandering in the forest. When she turns around, Andrew has disappeared. As Diane frantically searches for the boy, Andrew has followed Mr. Chuckleteeth into the forest. A few hours later, a group of police investigators, including Andrew’s father Rick, discover Andrew's mangled corpse.

Because the killing of a law enforcement officer's child puts the case under FBI jurisdiction, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate. While Mulder initially suggests that the culprit could be a coywolf or, more exotically, a hellhound, Scully observes during the boy's autopsy that the neck injuries which killed the boy were most consistent with being shaken to death; she suggests a profile of a serial offender. Mulder finds a substance resembling sand or salt on the boy's ankle. While the town gathers to mourn the death of the boy, Mulder goes to the house of Chief Strong, head of the local police. Mulder notes they have several books on the town's history, which includes witchcraft trials. He interviews the chief's daughter Emily, who was with Andrew at the park. Emily tells Mulder and her mother Anna that she saw Mr. Chuckleteeth in the forest before Andrew was killed.

Back at the police department, Rick searches the sex offender database and finds a man named Melvin Peter. When Scully and Chief Strong look for Rick, they spot him racing away in a patrol car. Chief Strong and Scully chase after him. Rick reaches Peter's house and breaks in, brandishing a gun. Mulder, Scully, and Chief Strong find that Peter is not home, but discover numerous pictures of Peter performing as a clown at children’s parties. Peter's closet contains a caged monkey, clown costumes, and a Mr. Chuckleteeth mask and shoes. Meanwhile, Emily is lured outside her house by a character from one of her children's programs standing on her lawn. She is later found dead, murdered in the same manner as Andrew. Mulder notices a salt circle around the body, suggesting use of witchcraft.

When Peter returns to the neighborhood, Rick attacks him. Mulder confronts Chief Strong and forces him to admit that he has been unfaithful to his wife, knows witchcraft is involved and that Peter is not their suspect. At the park, a crowd gathers to watch Rick brutally beat Peter, who denies killing the children. The police arrive and try to disperse the mob; when they fail, Mulder fires his gun into the air. Rick is taken off of Peter, but suddenly pulls his service weapon and shoots Peter in the head. After Rick is put on bail, he goes home to confront Diane about an affair she had with Chief Strong. Diane leaves the house and drives to a freeway. There, she runs into the hellhound in Andrew's form and flips her car when swerving to avoid it.

Rick breaks into Chief Strong’s house, where he encounters Mr. Chuckleteeth. Rick chases Mr. Chuckleteeth to the front of the house, where he finds Chief Strong has come home and is now pointing a gun at him. Mulder and Scully arrive to find that Chief Strong has shot Rick dead. After fleeing his house, Chief Strong finds Diane's overturned car on the road and follows what appears to be Diane into the woods, failing to notice her mauled corpse on the forest floor (having been killed by the demon). Mulder and Scully visit the park where Andrew disappeared and head into the woods. Chief Strong finds his wife, Anna, standing in a salt circle in the woods holding a grimoire. As Strong comes to realize his wife summoned the demon to get revenge on Diane for the affair, the hellhound kills him. Mulder and Scully find Anna standing over Chief Strong's body and rush over to stop her. Anna casts another spell, causing her to suddenly burst into flames and die. Afterwards, Scully delivers the grimoire (which mysteriously didn't burn) to the authorities and she and Mulder leave the town. As they drive away, a piece of playground equipment starts spinning on its own.

Nothing Lasts Forever (The X-Files)

At a makeshift operating theater in the Bronx, two surgeons harvest a man of his organs, killing him in the process. The operation is interrupted by Juliet, a young woman who kills the surgeons by driving metal spikes through their chests. She manages to secure most of the organs and delivers them to a nearby hospital with a message: "I will repay".

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are drawn to the case because evidence suggests that it was a ritual killing. The police dismiss Mulder's speculation and believe the murders are related to an organ theft ring, pointing out that one of the surgeons had his medical license revoked and was an associate of the Russian mafia. Meeting at a church, the agents briefly debate the nature of faith. Scully confirms that all legal organ donations have been accounted for while Mulder has found no trace of illegal sales on the dark web. Mulder links the killer's message to a psalm about God's vengeance, and notices that iron bars matching the murder weapon's distinctive shape have been removed from the church fence. Because of this, Mulder comes to believe that the murders are driven by divine wrath instead of demonic worship.

A conversation with a priest leads them to Juliet, who tells Mulder and Scully that her sister Olivia joined a cult. Meanwhile, the missing organs are taken to the home of reclusive TV star Barbara Beaumont (based on the names of sitcom stars Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont) and her partner Randolph Luvenis. Beaumont has formed a cult, Randy Organ Harvesters (named after her partner, Randolph), which consumes human organs to offset the aging process; despite being eighty-five years old, Beaumont appears to be thirty. The effects are only temporary, leading Luvenis to surgically conjoin himself to others, parasitically feeding off them to reverse his age. Together, they have been feeding organs to their followers and plan to conjoin them to Barbara in the hopes of giving her eternal youth. However, tensions arise when the stolen organs are not enough to feed the cult. As Luvenis leaves to steal the remaining organs from the hospital, a cult member offers himself as a sacrifice to sustain the others. After he stabs himself, he is eaten alive.

Knowing that the stolen organs can never be used in a transplant, Mulder and Scully arrange for a tracking device to be placed in a heart for Luvenis to retrieve. They follow the signal to Beaumont's house and attempt to gain access, unaware of Juliet's presence. Luvenis, suffering accelerated ageing without a host, undergoes surgery to attach himself to Olivia. Once inside the house, the agents are overpowered by Beaumont's followers, who throw Scully down an elevator shaft. Mulder is rescued by Juliet, who kills Beaumont with a metal stake to the chest. Beaumont's death dishearten her followers, allowing Mulder to escape. As he tries to locate Scully in the basement, Mulder is confronted by Luvenis, who has the appearance and strength of a much younger man after being conjoined to Olivia. Luvenis boasts to Mulder that he has cured aging, which he regards as a disease. Olivia proclaims her faith in Luvenis's methods, but she begins to seize, and when Mulder demands that she be taken to a hospital, Luvenis threatens to cut her throat. Juliet catches up with them and kills Luvenis; she then surrenders to Mulder. Scully is found to be safe, having been cushioned by trash thrown away by the cult.

In the aftermath, Olivia is shown safe and healthy at home with her mother, who is now praying for Juliet. Mulder and Scully return to the church. Mulder acknowledges the power of faith, suggesting that his atheism is because he does not need faith rather than because of a lack of it.

My Struggle IV

Following the events of "Ghouli", William has become a fugitive from government agents as he is pivotal to the Cigarette Smoking Man's plans. Reflecting on his difficult childhood, he resolves to find the Cigarette Smoking Man to learn the truth about his nature.

Mulder and Scully receive a call from Monica Reyes, warning them that William has been taken into custody and is being escorted to a government warehouse in Maryland. Scully, who has been struggling with illness and visions of the future by way of her psychic link with William, predicts that he will not be there. Mulder infiltrates the building, but is forced to kill the agents and Mr. Y before he can question them and he finds no trace of William.

Scully identifies a cluster of lottery winners in north-eastern Tennessee, which she believes is a side-effect of William's presence. Mulder picks up the trail but is himself followed by a government agent. William hitches a ride with a truck driver, only to terrify him with his powers. Mulder quits in frustration and instead anticipates that William is heading for Norfolk. Meanwhile, William is picked up by the agent following Mulder.

With the help of Sarah Turner and Brianna Stapleton—the two girls at the center of the "Ghouli" episode—and Sarah's friend Maddy, Mulder finally locates William in a hotel in Norfolk. He convinces William to talk to him as a unit of soldiers, led by Erika Price, locate the agent's car. The agent is dead, having been torn apart by William. Price's unit descends on William's hotel room and attempt to arrest him. William turns his powers on them, causing them to explode. He nearly loses control and kills Mulder, but regains his composure and flees the scene as the media descends on the hotel.

In a bid to buy Mulder more time, Scully contacts right-wing online webcaster Tad O'Malley and claims that the incident at the hotel was part of the project to release a man-made pathogen developed from an alien virus. Mulder is named as the source for the story, prompting Director Kersh to order Walter Skinner to shut down the X-Files once and for all and to dismiss Mulder and Scully from duty. Scully receives another vision, this time of Mulder's death and pleads with Skinner to help her save him.

Mulder follows William to an abandoned factory on the coast. Scully arrives shortly afterwards and Mulder suggests that they give up trying to find William because he does not want to be found and because they cannot protect him. Scully refuses to back down, pressing Mulder for details when the real Mulder arrives; the Mulder Scully spoke to was William in disguise. As the two chase him through the factory, Skinner realizes that they have been followed by Reyes and the Cigarette Smoking Man. The Cigarette Smoking Man forces the car to run Skinner down. Skinner shoots at the car and kills Reyes. He then attempts to outrun the car but is crushed between two cars.

The Cigarette Smoking Man confronts Mulder on the waterfront. Mulder taunts him and the Cigarette Smoking Man shoots him in the head and he falls into the water, mirroring Scully's vision of Mulder's death. The real Mulder appears, shooting the Cigarette Smoking Man, who realizes that he has shot William (disguised as Mulder). The Smoking Man falls into the water and his body is carried away by the current.

In the aftermath, Mulder and Scully comfort one another. Scully reveals that William was not their child but an experiment created by the Smoking Man and implanted into her; she says that she was never a mother to him and that she and Mulder were never meant to raise him. Having finally learned the truth about William's parentage, Mulder struggles with the knowledge until Scully reveals that she is pregnant with his child, a seeming impossibility. As the two embrace, William resurfaces from the water elsewhere, conscious and alive.

After the Wedding (2019 film)

Isabel Andersen, co-founder of an orphanage in India, must travel to New York to meet a potential benefactor, millionaire CEO Theresa Young. Isabel is unwilling to travel due to her responsibilities at the orphanage and because she does not want to leave Jai, a boy whom she found on the street when he was a year old. He is the closest child in the orphanage to Isabel, and doesn't want Isabel to leave, but Theresa insists on an in-person meeting. Reluctantly, Isabel agrees and goes to the meeting, which takes place the day before the wedding of Theresa's daughter Grace. Theresa invites Isabel to the wedding as a courtesy and Isabel feels obliged to attend.

At the wedding, Isabel is surprised to see Theresa's husband is her teenage sweetheart Oscar Carlson, now a renowned visual artist. During Grace's wedding toast, she discovers that Grace is not Theresa's biological daughter, but is Oscar's. Isabel soon realizes that Grace is in fact her own daughter by Oscar, whom they had given up for adoption as teenagers. Isabel returns to the house the day after the wedding to confront Oscar and learns that after giving the baby up for adoption, he changed his mind within the 30-day grace period and reclaimed the infant Grace without informing her. Isabel then forces Oscar and Theresa to also inform Grace, who had always been told her biological mother had died.

Theresa encourages Isabel to get to know Grace and reconnect with Oscar, and eventually decides to dramatically increase her donation to the orphanage, thereby forcing Isabel to extend her stay in New York. Eventually, Theresa makes her donation, as well as a newly established fund in Isabel and Grace's name, contingent on Isabel moving to New York permanently.

Mistrustful of Theresa's real motives, Isabel angrily confronts her and learns that Theresa is dying. Theresa admits she has known about Isabel's link to Oscar and Grace all along and arranged the whole charade to install Isabel as a new mother figure to both Grace and Theresa's own eight-year-old twin boys. Oscar discovers his wife's illness around the same time and eventually tells Grace, who is already struggling with doubts about her recent marriage and the news that Isabel is her biological mother.

Theresa dies soon after and the family scatter her ashes. Isabel then returns to India for a visit to the orphanage and Jai. The film ends with Jai and his friends playing football in the orphanage.

Death Valley (1946 film)

A dance hall girl is murdered and her killer flees to Death Valley.

The Silver Star (film)

The old sheriff (Edgar Buchanan) handles three gunmen when the skittish new sheriff hides.

Fangs of the Wild (1954 film)

A boy sees a murder at his father's (Onslow Stevens) lodge, but the killer (Charles Chaplin Jr.) calls it a hunting accident.

Thunder Pass (1954 film)

A cavalry unit escorts a group of civilians through dangerous territory inhabited by Indians on the warpath


A parolee, working for a tracking line, struggles to clear his name after being accused of involvement with hijackers.

Gunfire (film)

Frank James' plans at a quiet life are threatened by the arrival of a lookalike.

Train to Tombstone

Indians attack a train with an Army agent (Don Barry) and gold on board.

Hostile Country

In this remake of No Man's Range (1935), Shamrock travels to the ranch of his stepfather who he has never met and finds himself caught in the middle of a range war.

Motor Patrol

Two Los Angeles Police Department motorcycle officers respond to a report of a traffic accident and find that a pedestrian was killed by a hit-and-run driver. Detectives determine that the incident was related to a stolen car ring. An LAPD academy recruit volunteers for an undercover mission to penetrate the stolen-car ring posing as a car thief from Chicago. Eventually the crooks discover that he is a police officer.

Sky Liner (film)

The film follows a selection of passengers on a long distance overnight flight on a silver Lockheed Constellation with Trans World Airlines.

The film comprises a series of vignettes looking at the passengers and crew. Characters range from a precocious child star (intended to echo Shirley Temple) to businessmen and criminals.

An FBI man (Richard Travis) and a stewardess (Pamela Blake) solve a spy murder on a crowded airliner.

A dead man is found in the toilet. All passengers are suspects. The plane sets down at Jacksonfield while they investigate. They discover he has been stabbed by a fountain pen containing poisoned ink.

Treasure of Monte Cristo

A descendant of Edmond Dantès finds himself framed for a crime he did not commit.

Square Dance Jubilee

While searching for entertainers to place on a TV show, two talent scouts become entangled in cattle rustling.

The Return of Wildfire

Pop Marlowe owns a horse ranch and his daughters help maintain it. Judy Marlow runs the ranch, and sister Pat helps with the chores. When Pat is injured while trying to capture the wild horse Wildfire, drifter Dobe Williams helps her get back home. Pat asks Pop to give Dobe a job, and in return he agrees to help Pat catch Wildfire.

Frank Keller, the ranch foreman, has fallen on hard times after losing $6,000 at the local saloon owned by Marty Quinn. Knowing that Keller is courting Judy, and that the ranch has plenty of horses, Quinn tells Keller to buy about 500 head of the Marlowe's breeding stock to repay the debt. The problem is that Pop knows Quinn, and is aware that he only wants the horses so that he can monopolize the market and drive prices up. Quinn reminds Keller that should anything happen to Pop, that his girlfriend Judy will inherit the ranch.

As Pat and Dobe become closer, Wildfire frees all the ranch's herd, and the ranch hands must round up all the horses. During the round-up Keller beats Pop, trusting that the herd of rushing horses will kill him. In the aftermath Judy flirts with Dobe, Keller and Pat get jealous, and Judy agrees to sell the herd to Quinn. Dobe leaves town, but after Judy and Pat reconcile they head out after him to apologize. When Dobe asks the saloon owner to sell the horses back, Quinn gets angry and pistol whips him. Judy still wants to break Dobe and Pat up, but the pair work on catching and taming the wild herd of horses that Wildfire leads, and soon the ranch has 300 horses broken in. Quinn doesn't want those horses sold, and blackmails Keller with his knowledge of Pop Marlowe's murder. Keller gets all the ranch hands drunk to slow down the ranch's work at taming the wild horses. Dobe finds out that Quinn is trying to hire the ranch hands out from under the Marlows, forces the hands back to the ranch with his six-shooter, and sobers them up.

Quinn and his gang storm the ranch and Pat is injured in the raid. Quinn orders Keller to trap Wildfire so he won't lead the other horses out into the wild. When horse and man come face to face, Wildfire stomps Keller to death. Dobe then goes after Wildfire thinking he's herded the horses out into the wild, but Judy rushes to tell Dobe that Pat is recovering nicely, and that Quinn is actually the one who is responsible. Quinn eventually shoots and wounds Wildfire while Dobe is driving the herd back to the ranch. Dobe then goes after the bad guys and defeats them in a drawn out fight. As Wildfire recovers Judy stops interfering with Dobe and Pat. Wildfire is then released back to the wide open as Dobe and Pat more forward with their relationship.

Highway 13 (film)

The Norris Trucking Company is plagued by several truck accidents along US highway 13. Heiress to the company, Henrietta Denton, also is in a fatal accident along the highway. Hank Wilson, a truck driver for the company, pulls over and attempts to help. Frank Denton goes to see the owner of the Norris Trucking Company, J.E. Norris and voices his concerns about the company not being as hands on with looking into the accidents despite his earlier recommendations. He goes on to recommend bringing in someone to investigate that he had served with in the war.

Hank meets Doris who works at the Clover Cafe and Garage during one of his routes. Wondering when he’s going to propose, she asks if he’s asked for the raise that will allow him to get a down payment on a truck of his own he’s been delaying for. Mary Hadley, the personnel supervisor, is unconvinced Hank should get the raise. Frank Denton walks in and asks Hank if he’s the man who found his wife after the accident and if he noticed anything unusual about it. To which Hank said that no, but it is starting to seem a bit odd and coincidental to just be a run of the mill “jinx” as it’s been happening a few too many times and all in the same area. Frank thanks him, offers him the raise and excuses himself.

After the sixth accident, the investigator George Montgomery is hired as one of the company’s truck drivers under cover and shadows with Hank while on one of his routes. They stop at the diner and Hank tells Doris about the raise and to set a date. After a few weeks, George reports back to Frank that he’s narrowed it down to the Clover Cafe. He goes on to say the owner, Pops, also used to run with a gang in the 1920s. He also thinks there’s a possible motive to the accidents that would imply inside involvement.

Before returning to the company warehouse, Hank makes a stop over at the Cafe with a ring and proposes to Doris, who accepts. Back at the warehouse, Hank parks and heads in for a moment passing George on the way. A hand is seen releasing the break on Hanks truck, allowing it to back into George, killing him.

On suspicion of homicide, Hank is taken in. An attorney for the insurance agency drops in to see Hank. He introduces himself as Keller and tells him that George has been in contact with the insurance company during his investigation and had believed Hank was in the clear. So, In a leap of faith they strike a deal where Hank gets reinstated at his job if he helps prove the accidents were intentional and figure out the motive behind it. But It’s better to keep it quiet, even with Doris. He later meets up with Keller who asks if he’s seen anything out of the ordinary, no matter how far fetched. Only that on the day he returned, Mary had seemed to make a play for him. Keller tells him to follow the lead despite Hanks protests of the tenuousness of the lead and being in a relationship.

Hank arrives at Mary’s office saying he was returning from a route and saw her light on. She makes advances and they kiss. Outside her office, the accounts manager notices the silhouettes of the two through the door. The next day, Hank sees Doris who is upset about rumors of him being with Mary. He tells her he can’t go into it and that it wasn’t the way it looks. But she doesn’t accept the explanation and ends the engagement.

Hank and Keller decide to change methods. Hank sets up a meeting with Doris saying he is able to be more open about what is going on. He explains how he was looking into the accidents and Pops’ involvement in the gangs. Doris informs Pops what Hank said about his past and that Hank accused him of the accidents. Pops calls Mary warning her that Hank has him “pinned to the wall and Labeled”. Hank waiting nearby, overhears the call and confronts pops, urging him to confess. Pops jumps him and ties him up.

Pops pulls up with a truck when Aunt Mert arrives. She protests and asks him to reconsider saying that he has enough on his conscience. He loads Hank into the truck and tells her to stay behind so she can’t be held responsible. Doris overhears and climbs into the back unnoticed by either of them. Pops then meets up with Frank and Mary. They decide that Pops is going to drive to the crest of the hill, set the throttle and hop out while Frank and Mary are driving behind to pick him up.

On the drive up, Mary expresses mild discomfort. Indignant, Frank replied with that it didn’t bother her when it was his wife. He is also uncertain with being able to get away with it. She tells him the only two men who can prove anything are about to be taken care of. They just have to tell the police Hank had wrecked the trucks because his mind was injured in the war and blackmailed Pops into doing his dirty work. She believes Keller will back their story as it will save his company from having to make the insurance payment.

Pops reaches the crest of the hill, sets the throttle and jumps. Doris, half hanging in from the back of the truck, attempts to take control of the truck while trying to wake Hank up. Pops gets hit by Frank’s car and left behind.

When Hank wakes up, he is able to stop the truck in the middle of the road. Frank and Mary soon catch up, not realizing the truck had stopped until it was to late. They swerve and drive off an embankment resulting in a crash. Hank is offered a reward, but hank expresses his dismay of the circumstances that led to it. Doris asks if there’s any chances of getting the red truck in Bakersfield.

I Shot Billy the Kid

Pat Garrett remembers his relationship with Billy the Kid that led to the latter's death.

Einstein (German TV series)

Felix Winterberg, unknown great-great-grandson of Albert Einstein, is the youngest professor of theoretical physics at Ruhr University Bochum. Winterberg has inherited the genius of Einstein and suffers from the deadly health of Huntington's Chorea, which gives him a remaining life expectancy of about seven years. He must help Kriminalkommissarin (Police commissioner) Elena Lange as an independent consultant under the direction of Kriminaloberkommissar Stefan Tremmel in the investigation of murder cases in order not to end up in prison for violations of the Narcotics Act (unauthorized amphetamine).

Marilyn (2018 film)

Marcos is an 17-year-old living on a rented cattle ranch with his older brother and parents, Carlos and Olga. Marcos has sewn female clothing and stolen accessories and attends a local carnival dressed as his female alter-ego, Marilyn. There, he dances with the son of a local rancher, who recognizes who Marilyn is and feels embarrassed. As Marcos leaves the carnival and heads home, he is stopped by the rancher's son and raped. When Marilyn returns home the next morning, Olga is furious at her child's activities and destroys all of his female clothing.

When Carlos dies suddenly, the family is forced to consider leaving the ranch and moving to a new urban development. While visiting the development, Marcos meets another young man who works in a local shop and they begin a relationship. Olga discovers the relationship and takes away Marcos' mobile phone. He wakes up early one morning and kills both his brother and his mother.

Styx (film)

Rike is a German emergency doctor. For her holiday she decided to sail alone on her twelve-metre long yacht "Asa Gray", on a trip in the footsteps of Charles Darwin from Gibraltar to Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. During her journey off North Africa, she is informed by a container ship passing nearby that she must prepare for a severe storm on her way.

After the violent storm that night, she discovers a damaged and overloaded trawler near her boat. Containing over a hundred people, threatened with death by drowning, they wave and shout towards her yacht. Rike tries to contact the boat by radio. When she does not receive an answer, she tries to contact rescue teams and organise the rescue. However, the requests for help remain largely unanswered at first, although several vessels can be seen nearby on the onboard radar. Coastguards are warned and promise help, but this will take many hours. The captain of the transport ship, who had promised support before the storm, informs him that his shipping company has prohibited any involvement in the rescue at sea of refugees.

Through her binoculars, Rike notices passengers falling or jumping into the water. A 14-year old boy swims and reaches the yacht. With the help of a lifebuoy, she rescues the exhausted boy from the water and hoists him onto her ship. The boy's name is Kingsley, which is written on his wristband. Rike moves away from the trawler, so as not to provoke further attempts, as her boat is too small to accommodate all the passengers. She gives first aid to Kingsley, bandages his wounds, and puts him on an IV drip. She calls the coastguard again by radio, who promise her that help is on its way and that she must stay away from the refugee boat.

Kingsley, who speaks some English, regains consciousness and tries to pressure Rike to come to the rescue of the trawler on which, among others, her sister is on. He struggles with Rike to get the ignition key to the yacht, even pushing her overboard. After starting the engine and moving somewhat away, Kingsley stops the engine again, and Rike climbs back on deck with difficulty. Shocked by this act, she is furious with Kingsley, but notices his despair and calls the coastguard again, claiming that the "Asa Gray" will sink now. After the SOS, she cuts the ship's electrical system and activates her distress beacon.

The following night, she approaches the trawler, climbs aboard and finds a number of dead and dying people on the ship. At dawn, the tenders of a Coast Guard frigate shuttle with the abandoned trawler to rescue the survivors and recover the dead, while radio messages about other ships in distress arrive, each with hundreds of refugees on board. Rike is recovered from the frigate. Traumatised and unable to answer the questions of the coastguards who questioned her, she is informed that proceedings were being brought against her.

Sunday's Illness

Anabel is hosting a large dinner party and recognises one of the catering staff as Chiara, the daughter she has not seen since she abandoned her at the age of eight over thirty years ago. She arranges to meet Chiara to find out why she has re-appeared. Chiara requests that she spend 10 days with her. Anabel's husband and the family lawyer are suspicious of Chiara's motives, but after she agrees to sign a contract waiving any rights she had as a family member, they agree to the plan. Before leaving, Anabel informs her other, younger, daughter that she has a half-sister, who then asks her to be kind to Chiara.

Chiara drives Anabel into the countryside to a remote community where she lives in her childhood home. During the following days the tensions build between the two women, and Chiara refuses to reveal what she wants to achieve, saying that she doesn't need or want to forgive Anabel. Chiara becomes drunk during a party at the local town and passes out for over a day. After giving Anabel some magic mushroom infused tea, she tells her that she is seriously ill. The next day, during an excursion on a sled, Chiara becomes sick and is taken to hospital. Anabel is told the extent of Chiara's condition by the staff.

They return home and Anabel asks Chiara how she can help her. Chiara states that she only wants one thing and if Anabel won't do it she can leave. She whispers in Anabel's ear and immediately afterwards Anabel packs her belongings and departs. She travels to Paris and meets with Chiara's father. They discuss their previous relationship in dispassionate terms, before the conversation turns to Chiara. Her father said that he offered to help her but she refused. Anabel returns to the farmhouse and finds Chiara collapsed but conscious nearby. She tenderly undresses her and carries her into the lake. Chiara says that she is not afraid and Anabel slowly lowers her into the water, holding her under until she stops struggling.

Demon in the Bottle (1996 film)

After accidentally falling into a secret cave, three teenagers find a treasure guarded by a genius in a bottle. They inadvertently release the ancient creature and have to find a way to return it to the bottle and spare their own lives.

Rip Tide (film)

Cora Hamilton becomes overwhelmed with the constraints of her New York modelling work, while her mother, Sofia works to secure her a lucrative contract with a popular agency. At her photoshoot, Cora tries to provide her own ideas on improving one of the outfits that she is modeling, but is rejected by Fairret, the director of the photoshoot, causing her to run out of the photoshoot in an emotional state. While this is happening, a video is filmed of Cora falling down stairs, which goes viral, much to her sadness.

The video has created a lot of attention, which puts both Cora and Sofia's careers into jeopardy. Upon seeing a birthday card from her Aunt Margot, she decides to go to Australia to stay with her. Sofia and Cora have a discussion in the airport about the situation, where Cora tells Sofia that she is not running away, and that she is going in the direction her life is taking her. She then leaves, leaving her mother in confusion.

Cora arrives into the Australian beach town and is welcomed in by the laid back community, and soon strikes up a friendship with the bubbly Chicka. With Chicka's encouragement, Cora learns to surf. A romantic relationship soon follows with local surfing instructor, Tom.

Cora is encouraged by Margot, Margot's mother-in-law Bee, and Chicka to help at an upcoming festival. She is given a sewing machine and encouraged to design her own collection based on post war swimwear. The longer she stays with Margot, Cora realizes that her aunt has unresolved grief over the drowning of her husband, Caleb.

Sofia has negotiated a lucrative deal for Cora to be the face of a new season campaign for a New York fashion house. Cora is faced with a dilemma to either stay, or return to her fast-paced New York career. Cora chooses to miss her flight when the prop plane refuses to carry her beloved sewing machine. She returns, in time to rescue her aunt who had gone surfing during the approaching storm. The local festival is headlined by the Cora's designed fashion show, at which her mother shows up unannounced and makes her peace with her daughter and sister.

Dangerous Intentions

For years, since the wedding and marriage, Beth Williamson tolerated the abusive behavior of her husband, Tim. She refuses to disclose the battering to her family or friends, and manages to keep her bruises hidden from her young daughter, Laurie. One day, Beth has had enough and decides she can no longer live her life as a recipient of Tim's rage, so she and Laurie move into the home of her parents. While at her parents' home, Beth, along with her sister Terri, is helping out with her dad Andrew and step-mother Alice, but a phone call comes from Tim, who tells Beth to come home, but Beth tells him that she is not finished fixing Alice's hair. Beth hangs up on Tim. Later that night, Beth and Laurie return home, and Tim apologizes to Beth and pleases her.

Later that day, after Terri and Laurie leave before returning, Beth tries to please Tim, but she finds out that he becomes violent and destroys the food and treats it like garbage and abuses her. She also finds out he bad-mouths her and that he destroys the window, causing her to cry and also causing her to clean up this mess. Behind Tim's back, Beth takes Laurie with her and heads to Andrew and Alice's house, but is later found by Tim. Laurie gets Andrew and Alice thanks to Beth, and a violent Tim beats up and abuses Beth after locking the door on Andrew who calls the police on him. Tim unlocks the door and surrenders to police who arrest him and send him to jail, while a shocked Alice helps Andrew send Beth to the hospital.

Laurie arrives, and Beth comforts her and reminds her that Tim will not see them or hurt them ever again. In a public building, after Tim is released from jail, Beth is found by Tim, but she tells him to leave her alone, that she wants a divorce and does not want him anymore. Not letting Beth look for her keys, Tim takes them and reminds her that she will lose Laurie to him and lose her life forever. Tim calls Terri on the phone and tries to talk to his ex-wife Beth, but Terri tells Tim to leave Beth alone. Tim promptly resumes terrorizing Beth, as he tracks her to her sister's home and sets the house on fire. Terri and her husband put out the fire with the fire extinguisher and save their house.

Beth must flee with Laurie to a protective shelter, a move she has long avoided. Here, Beth meets and becomes close friends with Kaye Ferrar, a battered woman who has been hiding from her violent husband Joe Ferrar for several years. The two women decide to move into a house together with their children, where they feel they can protect one another and establish their freedom.

Just when stability returns to their lives, Kaye's husband, Joe, finds them, and stabs Kaye to death right before Beth's eyes. Reeling from her friend's violent death, Beth receives a double shock when officials inform her that she must testify against Joe who is arrested for and accused of murder. Though Beth wants to bring Joe to justice, she fears that testifying will bring her into the public eye, making it easy for Tim to discover her whereabouts.

Moving to a new house in Roseville, Beth and Laurie start a new life after her divorce from an abusive Tim. Beth cuts her own hair short and colors it from blonde to red. As Beth protects Laurie and herself from Tim, Alice reminds Tim to leave her and Beth and Laurie alone and give them some space, and bans Tim from her house.

While Laurie is at school, Beth's ex-husband Tim arrives one last time to stalk Beth again, but Beth begs him not to hurt Laurie. By saying she was cold and needed to get a sweater, Beth manages to turn on the porch light. Tim berates Beth for taking Laurie from him. Laurie tries to return home but is sent to her neighbor's house by her neighbor who saw Beth's porch light on which was a signal that she was in danger. Her neighbor calls the police on Tim, who tries to hurt Beth. When Beth slaps Tim and tells him to go to hell, he beats her up and chokes her. Tim tries to use his own gun to kill Beth either by shooting her in the heart or in the head, but police arrive just in time, warning Tim to drop the gun. Realizing he has already failed in both getting Laurie for himself and for attempting to kill Beth, Tim is forced to drop the gun and again surrender, releasing Beth and allowing himself to be arrested by police who slap him in cuffs for spousal abuse and domestic violence. Beth recovers and is reunited with Laurie who rides with her and the paramedics in the back of an ambulance that takes them to the hospital, while police send Tim back to jail, likely for good this time, finally giving Tim what he rightfully deserves.

Beth and Laurie live happily ever after with each other and with Alice, Andrew, and Terri who visit them.

Looking Glass (film)

Ray and Maggie have lost their child to an accident. Longing for a fresh start, they purchase a motel from Ben in a small town located somewhere in the California desert on the way to Las Vegas.

Hours after their arrival, Ben calls Ray briefly, and disconnects his cellphone number soon after. Due to Ben’s weird behavior, Ray becomes suspicious and soon discovers a secret underground hallway, leading to a tiny room with a one-way mirror that allows to secretly observe motel room No. 10.

A young woman named Jessica soon moves into the motel. Ray and Maggie also make acquaintance with Tommy, a likable truck driver who regularly frequents motel room No. 10 in company of a prostitute, Howard, a local deputy sheriff who comes by the motel every few days to have coffee.

Ray feels more and more uncomfortable due to Howard’s and the gas station staffs’ odd behavior. He notices that Howard keeps asking if he knew Ben’s whereabouts and that Jessica has nightly visits from another blonde woman (Strawberry Blonde). As Maggie moves Jessica to room No. 10, Ray spies on her and Strawberry Blonde through the one-way mirror and sees them have BDSM sex. Later that night, after Strawberry Blonde and Ray have left, Jessica is strangled to death by a masked assailant.

One night, Ray and Maggie go to a casino. As they come back, they find the slashed corpse of a pig in the motel’s swimming pool with a note stuffed into the stomach reading “Crissy”. Ray drives to the desert and burns the corpse. As he comes back, he meets Tommy and tells him about the pig. Tommy says a young local woman named Crissy had committed suicide in the pool by cutting her stomach open.

The next morning, Howard comes over. He appears to be suspicious of Ray for not calling the police about the pig corpse. He starts to interrogate him and reveals to him that Crissy was actually murdered on the night after Ray and Maggie had first visited the motel prior to them buying it and that her murderer has not yet been caught. He also reveals that he spoke to the gas station staff who have had an eye on Ray ever since that visit. After Howard repeatedly asks Ray if he murdered Crissy and Ray repeatedly nervously denies, Howard starts to laugh and appears to believe him. Ray and Maggie later see a news report about Jessica, who has been found murdered in the desert.

Soon, Strawberry Blonde moves back into the motel and insists on getting room No. 10. Ray propositions her, but she ignores it. Later that night, Ray watches her and another woman have BDSM sex, but also notices a man sitting around the corner in the bathroom.

Later Ray hears a noise and sees a man running away from the motel after having splashed red paint on the motel. Angrily Ray goes across the street and accuses the gas station manager of being involved, but the manager denies involvement.

When Strawberry Blonde leaves, he follows her car to a bar and interrogates her about Jessica’s death since she had been with her the night she died, but Strawberry Blonde does not answer his questions and reveals she knows about the one-way mirror. A man attacks Ray, but Ray pulls a revolver and knocks him unconscious. He tells Strawberry Blonde to stay away from his motel.

When Ray returns to the motel, Maggie is furious and reveals that Howard had interrogated her about him. Strawberry Blonde had also advised her to keep an eye on Ray. They have a fight, but Ray manages to calm Maggie down. He shows the one-way mirror to Maggie and admits to having watched other people have sex.

Ray is convinced something happened in motel room 10. He decides the only way to find out is to speak to Ben. After calling many people and asking them to leave Ben a message, Ben finally calls and agrees to meet Ray in the desert. As they meet, Ben seems to be confused and suffering from paranoia. Ray tells Ben he knows about the one-way mirror and calls him a pervert, but Ben claims that he was only studying human sociology. Ben offers to return fifty percent of the purchase price to Ray and advises him to leave town immediately. Suddenly, a bullet strikes Ben in his chest and kills him. Ray sees a car speeding off in the distance.

Realizing he is in danger, Ray calls Maggie and asks her to pack up her things. Upon arriving at the motel, Ray notices Howard’s police car in the parking lot and finds signs of a struggle in his apartment. Looking through the one-way mirror, he sees Maggie gagged and restrained to the bed with Howard laying in wait for him. Howard tells Maggie he plans to kill her and Ray, making it look like Ray killed her and then committed suicide. Ray lures Howard to the mirror, then breaks through it and attacks him. Howard says he now understands how Ben knew what he did, revealing why he was so anxious to find him. They have a scuffle, but Ray manages to get hold of a pistol and kills Howard. He frees Maggie and they speed off by car.

Star Leaf

The film begins with Tim (Tyler Trerise) and James (Julian Gavilanes) as Marine Snipers in the Hindu Kush mountain range of Afghanistan, on a mission to assassinate a high ranking Taliban leader. Their mission is soon compromised when a young child enters the scene, forcing James to take a risky shot that accidentally leads to the child's death.

One year later, Tim and his girlfriend Martha are on a roadtrip with James to La Push, Washington. Tim is hoping the trip to the beach will help James with his PTSD. They stop at a mysterious biker's house named Seth Guardrail Slaughter (Russell Hodgkinson) to get a map that will lead them to a legendary strain of extra-terrestrial cannabis growing in the Olympic Mountains.

The trio use the map to navigate their way towards finding the "Garden of Weeden". Eventually, they find the ET marijuana, and Martha proceeds to violate the first rule of the grove - no cell phone usage that could give away the GPS coordinates of the sacred stash.

Around a campfire they begin to smoke the Star Leaf and experience a wide range of hallucinations and visions. James starts to hear voices - Afghan voices as his PTSD begins to manifest violently. Then, a UFO flies overhead. The group cannot tell if these things are real, or just side effects of smoking Star Leaf. To their shock, a forest ranger named Ranger Dave (Richard Cranor) suddenly enters their campsite as well. Joining them around the campfire, Ranger Dave proceeds to give an awkward and mysterious oral history of the Star Leaf, and what its spiritual effects are on those who smoke it.

Later that night, James is woken by mysterious orbs floating inside his tent. Along with the rest of the group, they experience multiple alien encounters that force them to flee the campsite. Soon it's discovered that Tim has stolen some Star Leaf clippings, a major violation of the rules governing the Star Leaf grove, and the reason behind the growing alien interference.

The group is split up - escaping into the woods James suffers multiple PTSD flashbacks. Ranger Dave and Seth Guardrail Slaughter intervene on his behalf, offering him an opportunity to redeem himself and his friends if he's willing to return Tim's stolen Star Leaf back to the grove, despite the Alien threat. James rises to the occasion, facing his most troubling fears and returns the Star Leaf successfully, allowing him to process fully his PTSD experience in Afghanistan and leading to much needed healing for himself and Tim.

The film ends with the group finally making it to the beach and surfing the ocean waves.

Scenario Pack 1: Into the Ruins - The City of Littleton

''Scenario Pack 1: Into the Ruins - The City of Littleton'' is FGU's first scenario pack for its after-the-holocaust role-playing game, ''Aftermath''.

Operation: Rapidstrike!

''Operation: Rapidstrike!'' is an adventure in which six agents infiltrate the island fortress of the villainess, Mademoiselle Larreau.

Danger Zone (1951 film)

Claire Underwood hires San Francisco private eye Dennis O'Brien to purchase a saxophone case at a yacht party auction, but O'Brien is slugged and the case is stolen by Larry Dunlap. O'Brien snoops around and learns that Claire and Dunlap are rivals in a smuggling racket, and he seizes Claire just as she is about to leave the country with the case and its stolen jewels. He then gets involved with the murder of Vicki Jason's husband and gets slugged again and framed. With the aid of "Professor" Schickler, he proves his innocence when Vicki kills her coconspirator lover Edgar Spadely, another private detective, and Vicki admits her own guilt in the murder of her husband.

A Legacy of Spies

Now older and living in retirement on a farm in his native Brittany, Peter Guillam – who narrates the story in the first person – is summoned to MI6 headquarters to account for his actions during Operation Windfall, the espionage mission depicted in ''The Spy Who Came in from the Cold''. Learning that Alec Leamas's now adult son, Christoph, is suing the British government for the wrongful death of his father and Elizabeth Gold, Guillam ruminates on the course of events that led to the death of agent Karl Riemeck, and how Guillam and Leamas worked together to try and save not only Riemeck's life but the lives of several other East Germans working with him to provide intelligence information to Britain. The narrative also ties events from other novels featuring George Smiley and Guillam such as ''Call for the Dead'' and ''Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy'' into the backstory of ''The Spy Who Came In from the Cold'', and characters from those novels including Hans-Dieter Mundt, Bill Haydon, and Jim Prideaux make appearances.

The book alternates between Guillam's recollections of the events leading up to Leamas's demise and his attempts in the present day to stop feeling guilty for his role; his avoidance of Christoph, who wants to blackmail him; and his efforts to learn the whereabouts of Smiley, who has gone off the grid following his own retirement.

Descendants 3

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos visit the Isle of the Lost to choose four new villain kids (VKs) to take to Auradon. They pick Dizzy, granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, Celia, daughter of Dr. Facilier, and Squeaky and Squirmy, the twin sons of Mr. Smee. The day the kids are to be picked up, Ben, Mal's boyfriend and the king of Auradon, proposes to her, and she accepts. Ben's ex-girlfriend Audrey seethes with jealousy, and her grandmother Queen Leah admonishes her for failing to secure the family legacy by marrying Ben. Unable to contain her jealousy, Audrey steals the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter from the museum. Following the theft and Hades' escape attempt has Mal, as future Queen, decide that the best way to protect the subjects and restore peace is to close the barrier between the islands permanently.

Audrey curses Mal with Maleficent's scepter, and she and the other VKs go to the Isle to get Hades' ember, the only artifact powerful enough to break the scepter's curse. Upon entering the Isle, Mal is freed of the curse and Celia gets her into Hades' lair, but Hades thwarts their effort to steal the ember. He is revealed to be Mal's absentee father and reluctantly gives her the ember, warning her to avoid it getting wet as it will not exhibit its full powers for her. While leaving the Isle, Mal and the others are intercepted by Uma, Gil, and Harry, who agree to help after Mal agrees to release all the children from the Isle.

Meanwhile, in Auradon, Audrey attacks Jane's birthday party with a sleeping curse; Chad aligns himself with her, while Jane escapes into the enchanted lake. As the entire kingdom falls under Audrey's spell, she offers to reverse it if Ben will marry her. However, he refuses, prompting Audrey to turn him into a beast and begins turning people to stone. Mal and Uma, vying for the leadership of the VKs, return to Auradon with their friends. Despite their conflict, they eventually work together to find and defeat Audrey. After finding Ben in beast form, Carlos calms him while Jane restores him to human form with the enchanted lake water. At Evie's house, Mal and Uma make amends while Evie wakes Doug with true love's kiss. Audrey traps them in the house, but they are able to reverse Audrey's spell by combining their magic, and they and their other friends reunite.

At the Fairy Cottage, they find only a shell-shocked Chad. When Mal admits her plan to seal off the Isle permanently, the group implodes and Celia, learning she can never see her father again, douses the ember. After Evie confronts Mal for lying to her and their friends, they are all suddenly turned to stone, save for Mal. Audrey takes Celia hostage and attacks Mal, who turns into her dragon form. Realizing she is Mal's only hope, Uma combines their magic to reignite the ember; Mal defeats Audrey, who falls comatose, and the curses are lifted. Mal and her friends reconcile while Ben agrees to allow Hades to use the ember to revive Audrey, but decries the double standard by which Audrey is immediately forgiven as she is not considered a villain, and Mal, Ben and Audrey make amends.

Mal declares her refusal of becoming queen of Auradon due to her responsibilities as queen of the Isle. With Ben and Fairy Godmother's approval, Mal replaces the barrier with a bridge, and the people of the newly merged society celebrate. In the end, Evie is with Doug, Carlos is with Jane, Mal and Ben are engaged, Jay and Gil plan to travel the world together, and Audrey becomes romantically attached to Harry after Uma rejects him.

In a mid-credits scene, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos race across the bridge to the Isle to reunite with their parents.

The Miracle Season

Caroline "Line" Found is the star volleyball player on the Iowa City West High School volleyball team and well-loved by members of the community. With Line as the captain, the Trojans have been undefeated and everyone in the city has high hopes for them to win the championship against their long-time rival, City High. During a party at her house, Line sneaks off to visit her mother Ellyn who is being treated for cancer in hospital. Line is killed in a moped accident, leaving the entire community in mourning. At Line's wake, Ellyn insists on walking to her daughter's casket to pay her respects; Ellyn dies from cancer days after the wake, leaving her husband and Line's father Ernie grieving over the loss of his wife and his daughter.

The Trojans' coach, Kathy "Brez" Bresnahan continues to hold volleyball practice. She asks Line's best friend, Kelley Fliehler to return to the team, saying Line would have wanted them to continue. Kelley initially refuses, but Brez persuades her. The Trojans forfeited their most recent match and Kelley encourages the entire school to continue for Line.

West High struggles in practice and loses their first game badly, still discouraged by Line's death. Brez runs the team through grueling drills and names Kelley the new captain. Kelley initially struggles in the role, but improves as the weeks go by. The team begins to win and is motivated to win the state championship for Line. They need to win the fourteen remaining games to be eligible for the state championship, which they do.

Before the tournament begins, Kelley receives a gift from Line's father, that encourages her not just to play for Line, but to "Live Like Line." At West High, Kelley and boyfriend Alex paint the windows to read "Live Like Line". T-Shirts with the catchphrase are given out to players, staff, and fans. The Trojans win the quarter-final game with ease, but struggle to win their semi-final game. They move on to the championship against City High, who are heavily favored to win. Before the game, Brez gives a tribute to Line, deciding not to have a moment of silence, but encourages the crowd to meet someone new, as Line always was kind to everyone. City takes the lead early, but West ties the score and forces the fifth and final game, which the Trojans win. As the crowd cheers, "Sweet Caroline" plays in honor of Line and Kelley holds Line's picture up high and proud.

During the closing credits, images, videos, and footage show the real life Caroline Found and her family, Kelley Fliehler, Kathy Bresnahan, and the Iowa West High volleyball team. On-screen subtitles show how Caroline Found's death inspired the real Iowa West High volleyball team to repeat their win for the 2011 Iowa State Championship. The Founds climbed Mount Monadnock. Over 4,000 students from across Iowa attended Line's funeral. Kathy "Brez" Bresnahan was voted National Coach of the Year for 2011; she retired from coaching in 2014 but remains in contact with the 2011 team. Scott Sanders would replace Bresnahan as the West High coach, while Kelley Fliehler went on to study microbiology at Iowa State University. Ernie was given a white rose at senior night to honor Caroline Found. A bench in downtown Iowa City was painted in honor of Line and her mother Ellyn.

Kiss Me Again (2006 film)

Julian and Chalice, who have been married for three years, hit turmoil when Julian almost has an affair with a young Spanish student, Elena. Julian suggests, after learning from a neighbour engaged in such, that they look for another woman to join them and have a polygamous relationship. However, Julian has orchestrated affairs so that the woman happens to be Elena.

The Hummingbird Project

The film opens as stockbroker Vincent Zaleski pitches Bryan Taylor on investing in a fiberoptic cable from Kansas electronic exchange to the New York Stock Exchange in order to front run orders in a new high-frequency trading (HFT) operation. Taylor buys into the idea. Meanwhile, Vincent and his cousin Anton Zaleski are still employed by Eva Torres, where Anton programs trading software. Eva is also working on several ideas for HFT. Soon enough, Anton and Vincent quit, making Eva furious. She insists that any code Anton created for her firm belongs to it, and even the thoughts in his head might be proprietary.

Vincent has hired Mark Vega to oversee the building of the fiberoptic cable tunnel. Vincent occasionally helps Mark purchase or lease the rights to land in order to make the cable as straight as possible. Any deviation in the shape of the tunnel will create delays in the trade. Anton is hard at work trying to shave 1 millisecond off the time it takes to front-run orders to NYC. Currently, his software will do it in 17 milliseconds, which is not fast enough to be competitive. It needs to be at most 16 milliseconds to be a viable enterprise for Taylor's firm.

Eva finds an NYU student who has written a paper about microwave pulses to effect HFT. She hires him, and starts the process of building a series of towers to make trades with microwaves. As Vincent struggles with acquiring land, being diagnosed with cancer, and broken drill bits, Eva manages to finish her microwave towers first, and begins front-running the market.

Eva also takes revenge on Anton by having him arrested by the FBI for stock market fraud by using stolen property in the form of the software that he wrote for her company. While Anton is in jail, a software bug that Anton installed at Eva's firm is released, causing a 20 millisecond slowdown in trading, rendering her microwaves useless. She drops the charges against Anton.

As Vincent undergoes chemotherapy, Anton reveals his next idea for HFT involves neutrino messaging, and it could cut the time from Kansas City to NYC down to as little as 9 milliseconds.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

Scientists in the city of Coral Harbor have discovered a way to convert the infinite power of the Morphin Grid into a physical substance called "Morph-X", providing the city with a source of unlimited clean energy. To protect the city, a secret agency known as Grid Battleforce combines Morph-X with animal DNA to create a new team of Power Rangers. Now the Beast Morpher Rangers: Devon Daniels, Ravi Shaw, and Zoey Reeves must defend the Morphin Grid from Evox, an evil sentient computer virus from another dimension and his evil avatar clones of original Ranger candidates Blaze and Roxy, who were rendered comatose. After the three of them are transported to the Cyber Dimension, Evox, Cybervillain Blaze, and Cybervillain Roxy gain its de facto ruler Scrozzle as an ally as he helps them in their plan to return Evox to Earth.

As the Rangers battle Evox's robot monsters, they gain two new additions to the team: Nate Silva, the head researcher and scientist of Grid Battleforce who becomes the Gold Ranger and Steel, a robot Nate was forced to create as a body for Evox, who gains sentience and becomes the Silver Ranger.

In the second season, Evox possesses Mayor Daniels and plots to finish what he started with the help of Scrozzle, who uses a machine to revive the Blaze and Roxy avatars as robots. Along the way, the Rangers uncover Evox's true origins and receive help from the original, Dino Thunder, and Dino Charge Rangers as well as allies of the RPM Rangers to defeat Evox and his minions once and for all.

Todo mal

The film follows Fernando (Osvaldo Benavides), a young diplomat who has just achieved the most important achievement of his career: returning Montezuma's plume to Mexico. Fernando is also about to marry the love of his life. On the other hand, his two cousins, Matías (Alfonso Dosal) — a former pop star — and Dante (Martin Altomaro), a man trying to finish an infinite thesis that lives in the closet of his mother's house, are the complete opposite of our protagonist. Everything changes when Viviana (Marcela Guirado), Fernando's girlfriend, confesses through Whatsapp that she has cheated on him, a message that arrives at the least opportune moment. Fernando loses the control he has maintained all his life, stealing the plume and throwing himself in an insane mission for revenge, which could cost him his life, his poor cousins, and the chance to bring back the plume of Montezuma to a country that has been waiting 500 years for its return.

Ma (film)

Teenager Maggie Thompson moves with her mother, Erica, to her mother's Ohio hometown after Erica's husband leaves her. At her new high school, Maggie befriends Haley, Darrell, Chaz, and Andy, who immediately develops a crush on her. They convince Sue Ann "Ma" Ellington, a veterinary technician, to help them buy alcohol. Sue Ann anonymously reports their activities, but they are released because of the officer's history with Andy's father, Ben. The next day Sue Ann invites the teenagers to drink in her basement. Over time, many other teenagers arrive at her house to party, making her popular among the students.

However, the group grows annoyed as Sue Ann continuously harasses them to spend time with her. One night she drugs Maggie and takes her earrings. The next morning Maggie finds cuts and bruises on her body and her earrings missing. A scared Maggie tells Andy she no longer wants to go to Sue Ann's house and that she does not want him to go either. To earn the group's trust back, Sue Ann lies that she has pancreatic cancer. Haley notices Sue Ann wearing a bracelet belonging to a friend. The girls suspect that Sue Ann has been stealing their jewelry and break into her house to investigate. They are surprised by Genie, Sue Ann's daughter from a failed marriage; Maggie is surprised to see her walking, as she uses a wheelchair at school. Maggie and Haley escape as Sue Ann comes home.

Ben, who went to high school with Sue Ann, shows up at her job to drop off his cat and invites her out for drinks after work. At the bar, Ben confronts Sue Ann with a tracking device and asks her why his son has been at her house. Ben warns Sue Ann to stay away from Andy. A flashback reveals that Sue Ann, who had a crush on Ben, was deceived into performing oral sex on a boy she thought was Ben. Ben had gotten the school to witness the assault, including his current girlfriend Mercedes and a young Erica. Sue Ann never recovered from the trauma and humiliation.

Sue Ann runs over Mercedes with her truck, killing her. She kills her boss, draws blood from Maggie's dog Louie, and lures Ben to her house, where she knocks him out. Ben wakes up naked and tied to the bed with a towel over his groin. Sue Ann then lifts up the towel grabbing onto Ben's exposed genitalia on one hand while holding a large knife on the other hand threatening to cut it off, but then changes her mind covering it back up with the towel. Sue Ann compares Ben to a dog. She transfuses Louie's blood into Ben, slashes his wrist, and leaves him to bleed out and die. Maggie tells her mother the truth about Sue Ann, and Erica briefly confronts Sue Ann. Sue Ann lures Maggie with a picture of herself with Andy in her basement at Chaz's birthday party. When she arrives, only the original group remains. She tries to get Andy to leave but realizes everyone has been drugged. As Maggie tries to get help, she finds Ben's body, and is drugged by Sue Ann.

Maggie awakens chained in the basement. Sue Ann irons Chaz's stomach, sews Haley's mouth shut, and paints Darrell's face white. Andy awakens, and tries to seduce Sue Ann. After kissing, she stabs him for lying. A police officer arrives and is shot by Sue Ann after Maggie screams for help. Sue Ann forces Maggie to gather her friends and take pictures. Sue Ann attempts to hang Maggie but Genie intervenes, starting a fire in the process. Everyone else wakes up and attempts to get out as the fire spreads. Erica, knowing where Maggie likely is, goes with her co-worker to save the teens. Sue Ann attempts to throw Genie into the fire and blames Erica for not stopping the sexual assault. Erica articulates her regrets and Maggie stabs Sue Ann, saving Genie.

The group runs outside as Sue Ann walks upstairs and cuddles with Ben's corpse as the house burns.

Plunderer (manga)

In a post-apocalyptic world called Alcia, every human being had their worth measured by a special "Count" printed on their bodies, which records an important aspect of their life. This Count dictates their social standings in relation to others, with people bearing a lower Count being unable to refuse orders from someone with a higher Count. When this Count decreases to 0, the person will be dragged down into the "Abyss", and is said to be dead for all eternity. The system governing these aspects were called the Althing.

For young Hina Farrow, her Count (initially shown to be 441) corresponds to how many hundreds of kilometers she has walked. Ever since her mother was dragged into the Abyss and leaving her with a last wish, she has been traveling alone and searching for someone called the Legendary Ace for the last five years, all the while carrying an enigmatic sphere with a 10,000 Count on it, later revealed to be one of the seven original Ballots. Hina's journey took a sudden turn when she met a strange masked pervert, Licht Bach, with a negative -999 Count. Revealed to be a true Legendary Ace himself, Licht rescued Hina from an Ace impostor from the Alcian Royal Army, but claimed that he was not the Ace she was looking for.

Their journey led them to meeting with members from influential factions within Alcia. They also came into contact with a 300-years old long history and conspiracy linked to the Althing, the mystery surrounding the Legendary Aces, and the fate of the world itself.

The Railway Viaduct

Inspector Robert Colbeck, Sergeant Victor Leeming and their former colleague Brendan Mulryne follow the trail to France where they meet Thomas Brassey, whose construction of the Mantes to Caen railway is being sabotaged. First Leeming and then Mulryne must pose as navvies to unravel a conspiracy.

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Arrow of the Orion

Bell Cranel takes part in a usual day in Orario, exploring the Dungeon alongside Liliruca Arde and Welf Crozzo, before taking part in the Holy Moon Festival alongside his goddess, Hestia. They notice Hermes putting on a challenge to pull a spear out of a crystal, stating whoever does will be blessed by the goddess of purity and get to take a trip outside the city. Hestia convinces Bell to do it, and when he touches the spear, he hears a voice confirming he's the one, causing the crystal to shatter. Hermes congratulates Bell and introduces the event's sponsor, Artemis, an old friend of Hestia who's happy to see her again, but shocked when she sees her embracing Bell, calling him her "Orion."

Hermes informs Hestia's group that Artemis sponsored the event in order to seek help to defeat a monster outside of Orario that her Familia had trouble dealing with. Bell questions why he should be the one since there are stronger adventurers, but Artemis insists since the spear chose him, because of his pure soul. Hestia agrees to accept the quest, with Lili and Welf also agreeing to join in.

After a week flying on dragons to their destination, the group rescues a mother and her child from some monsters. Bell easily defeats them using the spear, but Hermes warns him not to use it again. Camping for the night, the group discuss the outbreak of monsters they learned about from the mother, with Hermes wondering if it has to do with their mission. He explains that at the Elsus Ruin, there was a monster called "Antares" that was sealed off long ago, but has since started to regain power, so he and Artemis teamed up in order to defeat it, also informing them that the spear they possess is imperative to killing Antares. Before going to sleep, Hestia and Artemis talk about how they feel about Bell, with Artemis also vaguely referring to what happened with her Familia, and Hestia noting how much she's changed.

The next day, the group nearly reach their destination, but are knocked out of the sky by a barrage of light spears, causing them to crash land in a dead forest close by. They are surrounded by a group of monsters, but are saved by Ryuu Lyon, who is assisting the rest of Hermes Familia, who have been waiting for Hermes' return. Asfi explains the situation, how the monsters have been ravaging the land, and that they've been unable to reach the gate that blocks their path to Antares.

That night, Hermes and the boys attempt to spy on the ladies while they bathe, but are quickly foiled, while in the ruckus, Bell manages to escape and stumbles upon Artemis bathing alone. The two talk about her relationship with Hestia, and what kind of a hero Bell wants to become, before Artemis asks Bell for a dance. He accepts, and she talks to Bell about the 10,000 years of romance the gods were promised when they descended to Earth.

The following morning, the group plan their battle strategies, with Hermes Familia acting as decoys, while Artemis, Hermes, Bell, and the rest charge into the ruins. They're able to pass through the gate thanks to Artemis, but are left struggling with the monsters that they learn are capable of self-regeneration and evolution. Meanwhile, back in Orario, the monsters in the Dungeon have started to go berserk, leading the Guild to issue an emergency request for first-class adventurers to deal with it.

Artemis' group finally reach the location of Antares, to surprisingly find the great monster containing the crystallized body of Artemis within its chest. Hermes then reveals that the Artemis that they ventured with was merely a fragment of the original, and now with Artemis' body within it, Antares has gained the ability to utilize her divine power. As a result, Antares fires a beam of light into a crescent moon shaped scar in the sky, creating what appears to be a 2nd moon, something the gods in Orario recognize as an Arcanum spell: "Artemis' Arrow." The Loki Familia, and eventually even Freya Familia, take charge in holding back the rampaging monsters from escaping the Dungeon.

Hermes continues to explain that the spear is actually an arrow created by Artemis powerful enough to kill even gods, with the arrow called "Orion", leading Asfi to realize that Bell has been tasked with killing Artemis. Bell attempts to fight the beast using just his Hestia Knife and Firebolt, but proves ineffective as it simply regenerates it back, while the "fragment" Artemis manages to negate an attack to save the group, before disappearing. Bell goes into shock, and while the group act as decoys to keep Antares busy, Hestia's cries to save Artemis brings Bell to his senses. Using Orion, empowered by his Argonaut skill, Bell kills Antares, and proceeds to use his Hestia Knife to break the crystal Artemis was entrapped in, stabbing her in the heart.

An apparition of Artemis appears before Bell and reveals to him that even gods reincarnate, though however long that may be even she doesn't know. She tearfully hopes that the next time they meet, they'll have a 10,000 year romance. Back in reality, Antares’ body is destroyed and the Arcanum spell is destroyed, calming down the monsters in Orario. Outside of the ruins, Hestia consoles a morose Bell by showing him that his heroic deed not only saved Artemis, but the surrounding forest as well. Taking note of that, Bell and Hestia regroup with their friends and prepare to return home.

A Nervous Breakdown

Vasilyev, a law student, is persuaded by his friends Meyer and Rybnikov to take an evening cruise through the Lane, a red light district in Moscow. As they move from one brothel to another, Vasilyev gets more and more distressed with what he sees. Disgusted with the general air of apathy and indifference, he tries to strike up conversations with the women but is shocked by the dullness of the response. His attempts at constructing a more or less logical picture of the inner mechanism of this place, and the motivations behind it, fail too.

Vasilyev returns home overwhelmed with the feelings of guilt, shame and disgust. Here, feeling the symptoms of the approaching nervous breakdown, a condition familiar to him, he spends a sleepless night trying to come up with some kind of project to 'save' all those women who apparently fail to see that they have been reduced to the status of animals. Two days later, delirious and mumbling of suicide, he is delivered by his friends to the psychiatrist Mikhail Sergeyevich.

Vasilyev tries to speak about the plight of those 'fallen' women, but gets lukewarm response from the specialist. Still, the prolonged talk, combined with some medicine he takes, make him feel better. He departs, with the receipts for potassium bromide and morphine. More or less calmed down, he feels confused and quite ashamed of his unnecessary outbreak.

Love Is (TV series)

In 2017, a Black power couple tell the story of how they found love in one another and of their rise to fame in Hollywood starting in the 1990s. When they meet, Nuri is a comedy sitcom staff writer who longs to work in drama and Yasir is an aspiring but out of work writer/director.

The Last Thing He Wanted (film)

In 1982, fiercely dedicated journalist with the ''Atlantic Post'' Elena McMahon barely escaped El Salvador with photojournalist and colleague Alma Guerrero.

Two years later, she pushes her editors to focus back on Central America, but there is no budget, the U.S. government denies involvement and the 1984 U.S. Presidential election race is heating up. Having survived breast cancer, fire fights in Central America, a bad divorce, and constant verbal sparring with U.S. government officials, Elena is passionate but ignored by her WASP editors.

Elena becomes increasingly divided when her absentee father reappears. Dick is stylishly dressed, foul-mouthed, and secretive (she suspects he sells contraband)- until he needs her help. She stops covering the election to care for him, as he's increasingly ill, showing early signs of dementia. Dick asks a favor: meet a guy in Florida to talk about the “merchandise,” drop it off and collect payment. It pays $1 million, and Dick owes half that.

With that agreement, Elena becomes an arms dealer in Dick's place for Central America, pulled into an increasingly escalating situation she is thoroughly unprepared for. Despite all her years reporting in Latin America and her knowledge of the shifting political dynamics of the region, and knowing her father is into some shady stuff, Elena struggles to find her way out of his mess.

Elena arrives in Costa Rica, where she runs into an array of characters whom she doesn't know who to trust. The buyer happily takes the arms, not offering the traveler’s checks she was expecting but cocaine. The pilot, insisting he knows nothing, gives her two minutes to reboard.

The plane leaves without her, Elena is driven by Jones, a sarcastic, surly person who avoids questions. On the way, as he is subtly threatening, getting his gun she forces him out. On her own, she gets to San José, buys clothes, calls Alma and gets a room.

In the U.S., Alma interviews ambassador Treat Morrison, asking what he knows of weapon supplies for the Contras. Meanwhile, at the airport to board her flight, Elena sees that the flight and her passport read Elise Meyer. Her taxi driver runs up to her with a bag, full of cocaine, but luckily it’s marked with her dad’s name, so she makes it through the control point.

In Florida, Alma can’t find Elena’s dad, and the hospital won’t give her the info. Meanwhile, Elena has flown to Antigua, and she reads an article that her dad died. Soon after, she goes to the embassy, hoping to get a new passport, but being July 4 it’s closed.

Dejected, Elena has a big meal in the hotel and Morrison, who she has clashed with before, mysteriously appears. Jokingly asking if it’s her last meal, then he tells how he’s been keeping tabs on her since Costa Rica. Afterwards on a walk, inexplicably she tells Morrison her whole story, then sleeps with him. In bed, Morrison seemingly confides in Elena, talking of his deceased wife’s mastectomy scars. She tells him she thought he had been sent to kill her. He says they’ll leave together the next day.

A gun fight erupts the next morning, and Jones appears out of nowhere to whisk her away. She phones Alma, who tells her about Dick disappearing and later dying, then her daughter, telling her to move with her dad to Florida when he comes. Feeling there is something fishy with Jones, she lets Morrison hide her until he can get them safe passage.

Paul, a wealthy American, provides cover for Elena, taking her in as a type of housekeeper, but also clearly has an ulterior motive. Bob Weir, who Dick called Epperson (his partner), shows up. The realization makes her run and find Morrison. He tells her to meet him at six so she can give him her intel before her flight home.

Back to Paul’s, the house has been ransacked, he shot in the head. Again there is a shoot out, again Jones is part of it. Once the shooting stops, Elena walks away. We next see her turn to Morrison’s voice, and he guns her down. In a press conference, Morrison claims he shot her in self-defense after she shot him first in the shoulder.

Jones debriefs in French, speaking of the various times French intelligence had tried to keep her safe, but she wasn’t sure who to trust. Alma breaks the story of the U.S. involvement in arming the contras, as promised to Elena, the Iran–Contra affair.

The Wasting

A teenage woman faces emotional challenges – a budding romance with her new boyfriend and growing conflicts with her father's strictness. While trying to deal with these issues, she stops eating. While her health deteriorates because of her eating disorder, she sees the ghost of a frightening old woman every night. Her friends and family believe these sightings are hallucinatory or mere nightmares. With no one believing her, she must search for a solution.

Gloves Off

In a preview of the episode's conclusion, Mike returns home and tosses a stack of hundred-dollar bills onto his kitchen table. He pulls a bag of frozen vegetables from his freezer and presses it to his face. As he slowly sinks into his living room chair, his face is revealed to be badly bruised and beaten.

In the present time, the Davis & Main partners criticize Jimmy for airing his TV ad without their consent. Cliff decides to give him a second chance, though he will be under more scrutiny in the future. Jimmy leaves Kim an urgent voicemail but Howard and Chuck are already grilling her about not warning them before Jimmy's ad aired. She takes responsibility for not letting them know in advance, claiming that she did not think it was necessary. Howard reprimands her and she promises it will not happen again.

Jimmy prepares to enter Chuck's house but realizes he forgot to remove his electronics, so he grudgingly turns back to Chuck's mailbox and empties his pockets. When Chuck does not answer his knock, Jimmy uses his key to enter. He finds Chuck shivering on the couch, still dressed to leave for work but covered by a space blanket. Chuck refuses to go to the hospital, so Jimmy wraps him in a second space blanket, then sits with him all night. The next morning, Jimmy condemns Chuck for allowing Howard to reprimand Kim. Chuck tells Jimmy he causes harm to everyone around him, but cannot admit his own mistakes. Jimmy offers to quit practicing law if Chuck will help Kim, but Chuck refuses.

Nacho and Mike monitor a restaurant and Nacho says he fears retaliation from Tuco if Tuco discovers his secret drug dealing. Nacho tells Mike he and Tuco meet there to settle accounts with their street dealers, so Nacho thinks it is an ideal place to kill Tuco. Mike refuses, saying it would attract retaliation by the Salamancas. Instead, Mike calls police to the restaurant, then fakes a minor accident between his car and Tuco's in the parking lot. When Tuco comes out to check on his car, Mike goads Tuco into striking him repeatedly just as police arrive. Because Tuco was carrying a gun, he is arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Nacho later pays Mike but Mike declines to give a reason for going to such trouble to avoid killing Tuco.

Name the Man

Arriving home late one evening Bessie is turned out of her home by her stepfather Dan Collister. She has nowhere to go. Bessie is befriended by Victor Stowell, son of the Deemster or Judge of the Isle of Man. Victor is engaged to Fenella Stanley, the daughter of the Island's governor. Bessie stays the night in Victor's apartments. Victor's best friend Alick Gell, tells Victor of his love for Bessie. Victor sees an opportunity for ending his affair with Bessie. Victor's father dies and he succeeds him as Deemster. Later Bessie is arrested and tried for killing her child. The judge trying the case is Victor, the child’s father. Bessie is found guilty and is to be executed. An infuriated mob gathers around the prison demanding the name of the man. There are two women who know, Bessie and Fenella who had challenged Victor and obtained his confession. Bessie escapes from prison, where she is awaiting the death sentence. Victor is caught and stoned by the crowd for his share in helping her to escape.

The Burning Cross

A war veteran joins the Ku Klux Klan and comes to regard it as evil.

Mark of the Lash

Town boss Lance Taggart controls both the law and the water supply of the area using the former to keep the latter. After Taggart's men kill peace officers sent to investigate him, Marshal Lash Larue and Fuzzy bring Taggart and his gang to justice.

Dead Man's Gold

When rancher Jim Thornton discovers gold in Gold Valley he sends for Lash and Fuzzy to protect his treasure from a band of gunslingers.

Oh Johnny, How You Can Love

Kelly Archer, an heiress trying to escape her controlling father and elope with an archeologist, runs into the truck of traveling salesman Johnny Sandham. She hitches a ride with Johnny. A bank robber known as The Weasel commandeers the truck and takes the two hostage. That night, stopping to have the truck's brakes fixed, Johnny dupes the Weasel into helping him win over Kelly: Johnny pretends to be gangster "Jersey Joe", and says they should kidnap Kelly for ransom. Kelly overhears their plan, and helps innkeeper Thistlebottom subdue both men. Kelly's father arrives to take his daughter home, but she rides off with Johnny.

Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang (film)

Set in the 1950s, a group of young girls in upstate New York form their own gang.

Six Minutes to Midnight

Shortly before World War II, the Augusta-Victoria College, is a finishing school for daughters of the Nazi elite, located in the English coastal town of Bexhill-on-Sea. The school is under surveillance by the British secret service. British agent Miller, masquerading as a school teacher, is seeking to discover what happened to his predecessor, who has disappeared. Some time passes and the school heads to the beach to swim. There the body of the old teacher is found in the shallows.

Agent Miller looks for clues and during a party he overhears a German agent tell PT instructor Ilse Keller of plans to secretly repatriate the students to Germany. Miller rushes to his commander to tell him the news but Keller comes and shoots the commander and frames Miller for it. Miller flees to the seaside town where next morning all around the town there are posters advertising his being wanted for murder. His likeness is also on the front page of the local newspaper.

Despite disguising himself as a bandsman in a stolen uniform and joining a parade, he is caught and incarcerated in the local police cell, then extracted by detective Captain Drey and his corporal Willis. Miller reveals his identity as a British agent to Drey, offering a microfilm stashed at the school as evidence of his role. They take the handcuffed Miller back to the school to recover the film cassette containing a copy of Keller's list of British undercover operatives in Germany. Drey is a German agent. At the school, Miller overpowers Drey and goes on the run again. Local busdriver Charlie sees him along the road, and drives him to his farm, where, believing Miller’s story, he uses a hacksaw to remove the cuffs. Miller finds a phone box miles from anywhere and has just enough time to pass on the code phrase "Six Minutes to Midnight" to his superiors before Drey and Willis arrive. Miller, realizing that Corporal Willis is not a German agent, starts talking. Drey turns and shoots Willis as his cover has been blown; Miller runs for it, and Drey takes his time casually shooting at Miller before sighting for the kill. Before Drey can fire at Miller again, the dying Willis shoots his superior.

Miller returns to the school, where principal Rocholl finds her charges all gone. They have been led, some reluctantly, by Keller to a clifftop paddock where they form two lines to mark out a landing strip. It is getting dark when the Luftwaffe plane arrives and the ''Mädchen'' light their flares and hold them aloft, but an RAF Spitfire arrives and the triple-engine intruder turns away just as Miller and Rocholl pull up in Willis’ car. Keller pulls a gun, intending to shoot one of the dissident girls, but Miller talks her out of it; the girls run to Rocholl, and Keller surrenders to Miller.

A few days later, Miller says goodbye to Rocholl in her office at the school, and the girls sing a parting chorus of "It's a Long Way to Tipperary". From a Bakelite radio comes Chamberlain's voice announcing that Britain is at war with Germany.

Death Warmed Up

As a child, Michael Tucker (Michael Hurst) is used as a test subject for mind control drugs developed by evil scientist Dr. Howell (Gary Day), which cause him to unwittingly kill his parents. After spending seven years in a mental institution for the murders, Michael, his girlfriend Sandy (Margaret Umbers) and his two friends Jeannie (Norelle Scott) and Lucas (William Upjohn) use Michael's car, a black 1963 Ford Fairlane 500, to set out on a trip to a remote island on which Dr. Howell's clinic is located. Desperate for revenge, Michael is determined to infiltrate the scientist's base and kill him with no mercy. After tracking him down, he kills Howell's mob of mind controlled slaves who are both zombies, but in the resulting mayhem both Jeannie and Lucas are both killed. At last Michael proceeds to brutally kill Howell after repeatedly stabbing him in the stomach with a knife. After escaping from the clinic, Michael and Sandy return to their holiday home, only to discover that it caught fire. When Michael steps out to investigate the damage, he is struck by a falling electrical line and is electrocuted to death, leaving Sandy alone weeping over the loss of him as she's overcome with grief and starting to run.

Team Sonic Racing

An alien tanuki named Dodon Pa sends invitations to Sonic the Hedgehog and several of his friends, inviting them to compete in a series of team-based races. He builds cars outfitted with advanced technology for each of the racers, offering them as a prize for the winning team. Though they are skeptical of Dodon Pa's motivations, Sonic and the others agree. The competition takes them across the world, with Dodon Pa pitting them against increasingly difficult challenges.

The racers remain suspicious of Dodon Pa, believing he may be working with Sonic's longtime nemesis Doctor Eggman. Investigating further, they discover he is king of the planet Donpa Kingdom and the president of the Donpa Motors automotive corporation. The company is constructing an Ultimate Energy Engine, which gains power from teamwork. Intending it for philanthropic use, Dodon Pa has been using the races to gather research data for the engine and generate energy to power it.

After unsuccessfully attempting to steal the engine, Eggman and his henchmen kidnap Dodon Pa and hold him hostage on their battleship. Eggman deceives Dodon Pa into finishing the engine for him, forcing Sonic and the others to continue racing to power it. Eggman installs the engine into a doomsday robot, but it goes haywire and destroys the battleship. Sonic and his friends manage to rescue Dodon Pa as the ship explodes, though the cars are destroyed in the process. A grateful Dodon Pa builds everyone new cars, and they prepare to race again.

Trial Run (1984 film)

Rosemary Edmonds, a photographer and runner, must temporarily leave her husband and two children when she moves into a remote coastal cottage to carry out an assignment to photograph a colony of rare penguins. It soon becomes apparent that she is being stalked in the cottage by an unknown tormentor. In a twist ending, the "stalker" is revealed to be Rosemary's own teenage son.

Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill

Cocaine dealer, Darrell, leads a cop on a chase through the desert. She follows him until he throws his brick of cocaine out the window which bursts open on her windshield. Darrel's car breaks down though and he is forced to walk. He comes across “Sunset Valley-population 99”, a ghost town that suddenly materializes out of no where. He stops in the saloon and is attacked by a zombie bartender. Running outside, he finds the town populated with zombies that chase him until he runs into Bloody Bill, who rips out his throat.

A debate team consisting of Gwen, Mandy, Sondra, Buck, Jerry and their coach Avery embark on a trip to tournament in Phoenix when they are carjacked by Earl, Darrell's “business” partner. He is searching for Darrell and holds everyone in the van at gunpoint until they arrive at Sunset Valley—the population sign now at 100. They search the empty buildings when an undead Darrell appears and warns Earl that Bloody Bill is coming before he fully zombifies and attacks Jerry before being shot by Earl. Bill and his zombies descend on the town and Sondra runs off on her own, encountering a young girl zombie. She follows the girl into a house where several zombies are eating human body parts. She tries escaping but is attacked and eaten; the population sign reads 101.

The others take refuge in a house and Jerry tells them the legend of Bloody Bill Anderson: a Confederate war criminal on the run from the Union who was brutally executed by the people of Sunset Valley for his crimes, though not before Bill could make a deal with the Devil grating him supernatural powers. They hear Sondra's cry's outside and upon investigating, find her mutilated body. Buck panics and runs off on his own and Avery fights Earl, wrestling a gun from him when the zombies attack, forcing them to fight together. Mandy, Gwen and Jerry are separated and go off on their own. Buck runs in circles, with every direction he takes leading back to Sunset Valley. He encounters Sandra and other zombies with Bill, who walks up and crushes his skull in his bare hands and the population sign increases to 102.

Mandy, Gwen, and Jerry take refuge in another house where they find a picture of Mary Anderson (who bears a striking resemblance to Gwen), with a note to Bill on the back. Jerry explains Mary was Bill's younger sister who was hanged by the people of Sunset Valley due to her family ties to Bill and he retaliated by attacking the town. Jerry starts showing delusions and succumbing to his zombie bite. Earl and Avery burst join them and the group resolves to get Jerry to a hospital but Gwen worries about Buck. When Avery opens the door, Bloody Bill stabs him with his rapier and his zombies flood into the house. The remaining four run upstairs and barricade themselves in a room with furniture when Jerry fully zombifies and attacks Earl. Gwen shoots Jerry and Earl, realizing he will zombify, offers to stay behind while the girls escape. He loads up on the last of his cocaine as the zombies break through the barricade. He shoots many of them before encountering Bill. He begins choking Earl, who has a single grenade with him and pulls the pin, dropping it at their feet. It goes off as Gwen and Mandy run away and the population sign inexplicably shows 106, despite only 3 more lives being taken (Avery, Jerry & Earl).

Mandy and Gwen are confronted seemingly by Earl, dressed in Bill's clothes. He pulls out Bill's rapier and stabs Mandy as Earl's removed face falls off Bill's face. Bill chases Gwen who runs but finds herself always returning to the town. The zombies chase her to the church, where Bill keeps a shrine to Mary. It's then that Gwen gets the idea to impersonate Mary, and is able to grab Bill's rapier while hugging him. She uses the sword to decapitate Bill, killing all his zombies in the process. As she is leaving, the town population sign has once again, inexplicably increased, now at 107.

Massacre (1956 film)

A tribe of hostile Indian goes on the warpath slaughtering white men with guns sold to them by mercenary outlaws.

Massacre at Sand Creek (Playhouse 90)

The film tells a story of the Sand Creek massacre, an 1864 massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho people by the U.S. Army.

Crooked River (film)

An outgoing outlaw (Russ Hayden) helps a man (Jimmy Ellison) track down the down the bandits who killed his parents.

The Big Bang (Atlanta)

The series opens with a confrontation between local Atlanta rapper Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles (Brian Tyree Henry) and a man who damages Alfred's car for no apparent reason. Alfred's cousin Earnest "Earn" Marks (Donald Glover) tries to mediate the situation whilst stoned sidekick Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) has a sensation of déjà vu. The episode flashes back to earlier in the day where the life of Earn is shown. Earn is a homeless Princeton dropout and living with his baby daughter's mother, Vanessa "Van" Keefer (Zazie Beetz), having been kicked out of his parents' house. He is working a dead-end job signing passengers up for credit cards at Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport when he learns his cousin Alfred had released a new mixtape under the rap name "Paper Boi." Alfred initially sees Earn as a leech (Earn hadn't spoken to him since the funeral of Alfred's mother), but Earn makes an effort to get Paper Boi to make him his manager by going to a local radio station and bribing the DJ to play Paper Boi's song. Later, just as they listen to the song on Alfred's car radio, a man walking by suddenly snaps off one of the side-view mirrors, resulting in the incident at the opening scene which ultimately culminates with a shootout. Earn and Alfred are promptly arrested, while Darius escapes the scene.

Hostages (1992 film)

This film is a dramatization of the Beirut hostage crisis. After several real-life news clips highlight the situation in Beirut, including footage of bombings and attacks in the Lebanese capital along with the hijacking of TWA flight 847, the film opens with reporter John McCarthy finishing a story on Brian Keenan, an Irish lecturer who was kidnapped in Beirut days earlier. The following day, en route to Beirut Airport, McCarthy's car is surrounded and when identified as a British national, he is thrown back into the car which is commandeered by the kidnappers. He is brought to an apartment before being handed off to a group of men, who strip, blindfold and lock him in a closet.

At home, his girlfriend, journalist Jill Morrell, seeks guidance from her local officials, who advise there will be no negotiations to secure his release, as officials feel conceding to the terrorists will only encourage more abductions. Two sisters of Brian Keenan are similarly seeking help from their local government in Belfast with similar response and inaction. McCarthy is later moved to another building, into the same room as Brian Keenan. The two develop a friendship as they, like the other hostages, were forced to endure unbearable conditions, including beatings at the hands of their captors, poor food, lack of sunlight, and dirty, bug-infested cells.

Some time later, as Syria invades Beirut, McCarthy and Keenan are mummy-wrapped in duct tape and moved in the underside of a pick up truck to another location where American hostages Terry Anderson, Thomas Sutherland and Frank Reed are being held. The five hostages remain together, chained to the walls and must remain blindfolded whenever their captors enter their cell. Anderson's sister, Peggy Say, is working with American officials to seek information on her brother and the other hostages. She, Morrell and the Keenan sisters seek opportunities to publicize the plight of the hostages in local news to bring more attention to the dire situation.

Following the mistaken shoot down of an Iranian airliner, the hostages are duct taped and moved back to Beirut. McCarthy, Keenan and Reed are confined in one cell together, while Anderson and Sutherland are in another. Reed is released after some time, and later Keenan is released. At first, Keenan thinks his release is a trick, as he had been told nearly a dozen times prior that his release was imminent and was cancelled at the last minute. McCarthy is then moved to the cell where Anderson and Sutherland are being held. They are soon allowed visits from another hostage, Terry Waite, who up until that time, spent several years in captivity in complete isolation. He begins visiting them on a regular basis and during one such visit, McCarthy is tapped on the shoulder and taken to another room where he is told he will be released. His captors also state the release of the other hostages is imminent.

Jill is phoned with the news of John's release, and Keenan is told by a relative of McCarthy's release after hearing on the local news. McCarthy arrives in the United Kingdom with Jill and Keenan at the airport. The film concludes with the release of Anderson, Reed, Sutherland and Waite with a narrative being spoken over the final scenes by Keenan.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Monique Grant, a reporter for ''Vivant'' magazine, has been selected to interview Evelyn Hugo, a reclusive former star, who is auctioning some of her famous gowns to raise money for a breast cancer charity. Monique is confused about why Evelyn has chosen her, but goes to Evelyn's apartment to meet her. Evelyn reveals she has no interest in giving an interview for ''Vivant'' but instead wants Monique to write her life story, and Monique agrees, though she is suspicious.

Evelyn is 14 when she marries her first husband, Ernie Diaz, in order to reach Hollywood and escape her abusive father in Hell's Kitchen. She is noticed by Harry Cameron, a young Sunset Studios producer, and the two become close friends. Evelyn seduces a Sunset executive in order to advance her career and divorces Ernie when the studio sets her up with popular actors for publicity. She falls in love with and marries actor Don Adler, but in the following months, Don begins to abuse Evelyn when pressure is placed on his career.

In an adaptation of ''Little Women'', Evelyn, now 21, stars opposite Celia St. James. Evelyn is initially jealous of Celia's talent, but the two quickly form a bond. At a party, Evelyn is told that Celia is a lesbian. Evelyn privately confronts Celia to ask if this is true, and the two kiss. Evelyn discovers that Don has been cheating on her, but he divorces her first and sabotages her career. To revive her popularity, Evelyn goes to Paris and stars in a racy film by French director Max Girard. Rumors have begun to spread about Evelyn and Celia's relationship, so Evelyn creates a plan to distract the press. She seduces and elopes with singer Mick Riva, then has the marriage annulled the next day. The plan works, but Evelyn is pregnant. She gets an abortion, but Celia is furious and leaves her. They do not speak for five years.

After starring in an adaptation of ''Anna Karenina'', Evelyn marries her co-star, Rex North, to generate publicity. They stay married for a few years, but after Rex impregnates his girlfriend, Evelyn spins a story that she and Harry Cameron were having an affair. In reality, Harry is secretly dating quarterback John Braverman, who is married to Celia. Evelyn and Celia reunite. Evelyn marries Harry, and they live closely with Celia and John, posing as two heterosexual couples. After several idyllic years, Harry suggests that he and Evelyn have a child, and Evelyn agrees. With Celia's blessing, they have a daughter named Connor.

In her late 30s, Evelyn stars in another Max Girard movie, in which she agrees to an explicit sex scene. She realizes afterward that she should have asked Celia's permission. Celia leaves Evelyn again. John Braverman dies of a heart attack, and Harry begins drinking excessively. Evelyn agrees to marry Max Girard, but quickly discovers that he does not truly love her as a person, but as the sex symbol she had become. She stays married to him for six years before reuniting with Celia. Celia has emphysema and less than ten years to live. Evelyn finds Harry and a dead passenger in a car accident outside his house. Evelyn moves the passenger, Harry's lover, into the driver's seat to protect Harry from being convicted of drunk driving. Harry dies in the hospital.

Evelyn, Celia, and Connor move to Spain, along with Celia's brother Robert, whom Evelyn marries as a front so she will be able to inherit Celia's estate when she dies. Celia dies when she is 61, and Robert several years after that. Evelyn explains to Monique that Connor died of breast cancer, which Evelyn has also been diagnosed with. Evelyn reveals that Monique's father, James Grant, was the passenger in Harry's car. By removing Harry from the scene, Evelyn allowed Monique and her mother to believe that James had died driving drunk. Monique is furious and leaves, but realizes that Evelyn has told her all this because she intends to end her life. She considers calling authorities, but decides that it should be Evelyn's choice if she wants to die. She realizes that she will forgive Evelyn one day. Evelyn's death is reported as an accidental overdose, and Monique publishes the introduction for her biography in ''Vivant'', finally disclosing that the true love of Evelyn's life was none of her husbands, but Celia St. James.

Madeline's Madeline

Madeline is a lonely teenager who is part of a professional acting ensemble creating an experimental theater performance about ''The Three Little Pigs'' using improvisation. She enjoys the company of the other actors and their director Evangeline, and dreads having to go home to her mother Regina who doesn't understand Madeline and often starts arguments. One day at rehearsal, Madeline confesses to Evangeline that she had a dream in which she placed a hot iron on her mother. Struck by this dream, Evangeline decides to have the performers recreate it in an improv exercise. Madeline gets overwhelmed at how her life is conflating with her art and wanders out of the theater alone while Regina looks for her. After she finds Madeline, Regina discovers that Madeline's prescription for an unspecified mental illness has run out, and she struggles to get it quickly refilled.

Evangeline gradually makes Madeline's life the central focus of the theater performance they are devising. During a promotional photoshoot, Evangeline asks Regina to pose in the photo with Madeline. One rehearsal ends early, so Madeline goes to Evangeline's house for a birthday party, where she shows off her acting skills to the uncomfortable guests and hits on Evangeline's husband. After speaking with Evangeline about their mutual feelings of self-consciousness and vulnerability, Madeline reveals that she wants to leave the group and Evangeline agrees that Madeline should take a break from acting for a bit.

Madeline is relieved at her new found creative freedom but is dismayed when Evangeline stops by Madeline's house. She and Regina end up bonding over a couple glasses of wine, and Evangeline convinces Regina that she would be an excellent actor if she tried it. She tells Regina to stop by rehearsal the next day. All three women show up to the rehearsal, and Evangeline has them do an exercise where everyone pretends to be Regina, but Madeline's version of her mother is too real and it hits a nerve: Regina leaves the rehearsal crying.

Evangeline loves how real the emotions are, and asks the performers to recreate that scene again while she takes an important phone call outside. The performers are disgusted by the way Evangeline has been exploiting Madeline's emotions and identity, and they lock the door. They quickly devise a performance for Evangeline: a confrontational journey through the winding rehearsal building.

At first Evangeline objects to being shoved around by everyone, but eventually despite struggling, she is used as part of the performance. The troupe ends up outside in the street, all dancing together in the sunlight as Madeline walks in the opposite direction.

Anor Londo

Anor Londo was created by Gwyn, ruler of the gods, to consolidate his power after ushering in the Age of Fire. Many centuries later, upon the fading of the First Flame, he was forced to leave the city along with half of his Silver Knight army to rekindle the flame. At the time of ''Dark Souls'', the only remaining deity in Anor Londo is Gwyndolin, who presides over the Darkmoon covenant. He creates the illusion of sunlight, as well as Princess Gwynevere, to compel the Chosen Undead to defeat Gwyn and rekindle the First Flame yet again. If the player attacks Gwynevere, the illusion is shattered and the city reverts to its true appearance, shrouded in darkness.

By the time of ''Dark Souls III'', the city was repopulated and renamed Irithyll , until it became deserted again upon the onset of the Undead Curse. Gwyn's Keep is now an ancient ruin housing Aldrich, Devourer of Gods, a former human cleric who mutated into an amorphous blob due to his cannibalism, and one of the five Lords of Cinder. The player finds him in the heart of the ruined cathedral, slowly consuming the very body and soul of the still-living Gwyndolin.

On a Sunbeam

The story is set in outer space that has been colonized by humanity via fish-like spaceships. In addition to other planets, mankind has colonized island-like asteroids and constructed moving, foundation-less buildings.

The story is told non-linearly; a series of flashbacks relating to the protagonist, Mia, are presented concurrently with present events.

'''Five Years Ago:'''

A freshman at Cleary's School for Girls, Mia is rebellious and apathetic about her studies, which prove to alienate her from her classmates. Mia is passionate about Lux, a school sport that sees students build and pilot hovercraft to obtain orbs known as "planets", and hopes to become a Lux pilot someday. To this end, she sneaks into the Lux gym during a school assembly, but is caught and sent to the principal's office for trespassing.

There, she meets Grace Hill, a creative but shy new kid. The two girls become friends, getting closer after Mia fights a group of bullies to retrieve Grace's prized necklace that was stolen from her, and eventually fall in love.

Mid-school year, Grace is requested home by her enigmatic family. She reveals to Mia that she hails from The Staircase, a floating archipelago locating on the far reaches of the cosmos. The Staircase is not easily inhabited due to violent storms that threaten to erode the surface, but is also home to fantastical wildlife, hot springs and so-called "healing rock". A long time ago, the Hill family colonized The Staircase, and proceeded to go to war in its defense against outside forces hoping to use the natural resources for themselves. In the aftermath, a mutual agreement illegalized passage through The Staircase's border. Grace was delivered to Cleary, despite protests from her family, thanks to Alma and Charlotte (nicknamed "Char"), a married couple and the crew of the ship ''Aktis,'' who illegally help those stranded on The Staircase cross the border. Now, rock formations on The Staircase's exterior are forecasted to shift, blocking the only path to the interior, and the Hills want Grace to return immediately, or else risk never seeing her again.

The Hills send Grace's sisters to retrieve her; they arrive at night and plan on departing the next morning. That morning, as Mia makes her way from her dormitory to Grace's suite, she is kidnapped and imprisoned in a closet by her bullies, seeking revenge for the fight. Mia manages to escape, but finds that Grace and her family have already departed.

'''The Present:'''

By now, Mia has become more responsible and emotionally reserved. Having graduated high schools with a poor academic record, she has few prospects and thus accepts a position on the ''Aktis,'' which has been reformed and now travels throughout the galaxy, restoring buildings scheduled for recycling. In addition to Alma and Char, the crew consists of Jules, Alma's rambunctious niece, and Elliot, a non-binary, non-verbal technician. On her first construction assignment, Mia's recklessness results in a near-fatal foundational collapse. Char reports the incident and is suspended for negligent supervision. During their subsequent period of sadness, Jules reveals that Elliot is a refugee from The Staircase, who was rescued by Alma and Char in their days as criminals. This prompts Mia to asks Elliot and the others for help infiltrating The Staircase, so she can reconnect with Grace and finally give their relationship a proper ending. The others accept and pledge to accompany Mia on her mission. They stop at Alma and Char's residence on an extraterrestrial planet to reunite with Char and plan their quest, before setting off to The Staircase.

Immediately after arriving at The Staircase's surface, things don't go as planned. The crew finds the Hills' surface-level house deserted, reasoning that the worsening storms must have necessitated a mass exodus to The Staircase's naturally-occurring caverns. They descend to find an underground city and are intercepted by a patrol squadron, causing them to split up:

An unspecified time later, Jules and Elliot have fully recovered from their respective injuries. Alma and Char decide to settle down at their residence, and appoint Mia the new captain of the ''Aktis.'' The new crew sets off to repair more buildings and explore the galaxy.

A Beautiful Darkness

Ivy (Peyton List) begins to investigate "Project M", which is being conducted at Wayne Enterprises and involves the experimentation and deaths of several plants, much to her anger. After she murders a Wayne Enterprises employee, a horrified Selina (Camren Bicondova) abandons her. Ivy then visits Bruce (David Mazouz) and, after hypnotizing him with a kiss, poisons him, causing him to hallucinate his closest friends and allies along with a mysterious cloaked figure, who reveals to Bruce that he is a manifestation of him formed by his grief and sorrow after his parents' deaths. Simultaneously, Ivy hypnotizes Fox (Chris Chalk) and forces him to take her to the laboratory where Project M is being conducted and she collects a sample of the Lazarus water that is being used in the experiments before escaping.

Gordon (Ben McKenzie) tracks them down and rescues Fox before collecting the antidote and rescuing Bruce, who believes that he has seen his future. Ivy also uses the Lazarus water to create a new flower that can immediately kill someone upon contact with the petals. Meanwhile, Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) pesters Oswald (Robin Lord Taylor) in Arkham and he subjects him to numerous humiliating tasks in order to turn him insane and upon learning that Jerome is intending on escaping and wreaking havoc in Gotham, Oswald decides to use that to escape.

Diplomatic Act

Richard Faraday is an actor on a science fiction television series, ''Star Peace''. He plays Harmon the Eldar, an extraterrestrial diplomat who is both kind and wise. An alien group of watchers, called the Kluj, who have been observing mankind through their television broadcasts for decades, do not understand the distinction between fact and fiction (in fact the concept of fiction might be a uniquely human concept), and kidnap Faraday as they believe him to be Harmon, and they are in need of his diplomatic services.

The Kluj need Faraday to solve a metaphilosophical crisis and avert a galactic war. While Faraday is trying to sort out the galactic crisis, a Kluj takes Faraday's place on the set of ''Star Peace'' and learns about the difference between fiction and reality, and how Hollywood works. This Kluj has to team up with Faraday to defeat the evil plans of one of the Elder Races wandering around the galaxy.

Violin (2017 film)

The world of the film forms around a unique musical instrument and its incredible journey, that involved witnessing all the horrors of the war. It opens in a violin shop, where at the beginning of the 20th century an instrument was created as a present for a Jewish boy. It ends many years later by a concert at the Wailing Wall.

Shining Resonance Refrain

The game follows Yuma Ilvern, who holds the Spirit of the Shining Dragon, an ancient Dragon who died in an ancient war. At the start of the game, Yuma is held captive in Gaelritz Prison with an attempted rescue mission by Sonia Blanche and Kirika Towe Alma on the way. After a confrontation with Excella Noa Aura and her three spears, Yuma summons the Blade of the Shining Dragon, the Vanderhorn. They then manage to escape on the back of the Shining Dragon after Yuma transformed into him and return to Marga, the capital of Astoria. When he wakes up back as Yuma, he joins Astoria in their war against the Empire alongside the Dragoneers and the Princess of Astoria in an attempt to achieve peace for their people.

Educando a Nina (Mexican TV series)

Two twin sisters are separated at birth and lead opposite lives ignoring the existence of the other. The history of both will change radically when they are forced to live the life of their sister. Thirty years ago, Manuel, owner of a prestigious publishing house, is a married man but has a clandestine history with Luisa, a beautiful dancer. Luisa who becomes pregnant and to not complicate the marriage of Manuel disappears and takes refuge in his brother José. Luisa gives birth to twins and dies in childbirth. José refuses to give the girls to their father because he blames Manuel for the death of his sister. However, he can not keep them both. José notifies Manuel that he is a father, but he only gives him one girl and hides the existence of her twin, whom José appropriates and names her as Nina, his biological daughter. Nina, along with her best friend Susy, are choristers of "Daddy Papi", the king of the reggeton, with whom she has a very passionate love relationship. Together with them the musicians and her father José, live in the pension of Meche, the mother of Daddy Papi. Mara lives with Manuel and his new partner, Andrea, a much younger woman. Mara is in the direction of a female magazine of the publishing house of her father, although she does not work. Who takes charge is Patricio, her best friend and Manuel's right hand.


After awaking in an old European-style room, eleven high school classmates find themselves sitting at a large dining room table, with their feet shackled to the floor. They find that their situation could be related to another classmate named Miho who had disappeared months before. As they try to figure out how to escape, some of the girls start disappearing from the table one by one. The girls realize they each share a checkered past with Miho, but also suspect one of them could be behind the trap.

Escape the Night (novel)

After four years away in New York, Serena March rekindles a romance and uncovers foul play at her sister's historic, possibly cursed, home.

Speak No Evil (Eberhart novel)

When wealthy Richard Dakin is murdered while on vacation in Jamaica. Suspicion immediately falls upon Elizabeth, his new and much younger bride. To complicated matters, Elizabeth used to be romantically involved with Richard's nephew, Dyke Sanders, and appears to still carry a torch for him. Richard's ex-wife, Charmain, and his assistant, Ruth Reddington, soon get mixed up in the case as well.

The Girl of Gold

As described in a film magazine review, Helen Marrimore, daughter of a wealthy mine owner, is dubbed “The girl of gold” by society, and snubbed by them. She attends a house party under an assumed name, and she meets Schuyler Livingstone, and sister Ada, shorn of their wealth in Wall Street. Her father meets Schuyler through a motor accident and he decides his daughter shall marry Schuyler. He consents for his sister’s sake. At a spectacular ball she gives in the mine, Schuyler and Helen are caught in a cave-in. She learns the truth about her father’s bargain. They are then rescued.


Middle-aged Michael is diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and decides to end his life. This upsets his upstairs neighbor Andy, as they are each other's best (and only) friends and help each other escape from their menial jobs.

Andy encourages Michael to fight the cancer, but Michael refuses to prolong any suffering. As per Michael's wishes, they make pizzas together, watch kung fu movies, solve jigsaw puzzles, and play Paddleton, a game of their own creation. Andy promises to finally tell Michael a rousing halftime speech that he has been working on in secret.

Andy is reluctant to help Michael end his own life, but agrees to join him on a road trip to the closest pharmacy that will fill the prescription, six hours away. During their drive, they discuss genie-in-a-bottle style wishes and stop to visit an ostrich farm on the way. They pick up Michael's prescription and check into a hotel, where they are mistaken for a gay couple. While Michael naps, Andy buys a mini safe where he puts the medication and withholds the combination.

They go to an open mic night, where a nervous Andy finally delivers his halftime speech to himself in the bathroom mirror before helping Michael perform a scene from their favorite kung fu movie onstage. They later break hotel rules, using a Jacuzzi after-hours while drinking. Caught by the hotel owner, she ends up joining them and flirting with Andy, leading Michael to go back to their room. Andy is uncomfortable as she mentions her deceased husband being "all around her."

Andy wakes up the next morning to find Michael and the safe missing. He panics, running all over, the looking for Michael, only to discover him in the hotel lobby, waiting to meet up for breakfast. Andy takes and attempts to keep hold of the safe, until an annoyed Michael forces him to face the fact that he is dying, and that Andy needs to respect his wishes.

They drive back home, where his condition quickly deteriorates. As they sit on the kitchen floor preparing the lethal dose of medicine, Michael reveals that he used to be married, but quickly felt uncomfortable within the marriage. In contrast, he felt an instant sense of belonging with Andy when they met. Andy replies that when he first saw Michael, he thought he was a serial killer in hiding. They discuss Andy's halftime speech (which Michael has already heard through the apartment's vents) and the possibility of an afterlife where Michael could visit Andy.

Ready to die, they deliver the lethal dose of medication. After a brief moment of fear, Michael dies peacefully in his own bed after they reaffirm their platonic love for each other, leaving Andy devastated. Andy tries to live his usual life of kung fu movies, puzzles, and Paddleton, but is lonely and unfulfilled. Some time later, Andy meets the single mother named Kiersten and her son Evan moving into Michael's old apartment. He reassures them that they have the best apartment in the complex and explains the game of Paddleton to Evan. Promising to give him a rousing halftime speech if he ever needs it, Andy returns to his own apartment with a smile.

Galaxy On Fire 2

The game follows the adventures of Keith T. Maxwell, as he is sent forwards in time after a malfunction with his hyperdrive, caused by damage from a skirmish in an asteroid belt. His craft, hurtling out of control with Keith unconscious, is put in an orbit around Var Hastra by the onboard flight computer, before being salvaged by an ore dealer and towed to the orbiting space station. The dealer, Gunant Breh, tells Keith of events that happened while Keith was unconscious. Breh then tasks Keith with collecting ore from an old mining ship. While mining, the ship comes under attack by pirates, and Keith flies back to the station. Unhappy with having to run away from the pirates, Keith convinces Gunant to help him take out the pirates in the area. After fighting off the pirates, Keith is told to visit a neighbouring planet, as the space station there recently lost contact. While investigating, Keith comes across his old friend Mkkt Bkkt, who explains that the crew of the station have been infected with 'neuro-algae', and are subsequently intoxicated.

After being given control of completing side quests, Keith is informed of a Terran convoy in the system, and that he could be picked up and sent back to Terran space. Upon arrival, the convoy is under attack by pirates. One of the gunners of the main vessel mistakes Keith's ship as another pirate, and disables it with an EMP blast. Keith is then transported aboard the ship as a prisoner. After arriving at Alioth station, Keith meets commander Brent Snocom. While they are talking, the conversation is suddenly interrupted by a Void attack outside the station. Keith, along with other pilots, are sent to defend the station. The Void fighters destroy a group of freighters, before escaping through a wormhole back into their territory. Back at the station, Snocom explains to Keith about the Voids.

Keith is told to meet a scientist,a certain Lieutenant Thomas Boyle who can provide more information on the Voids, but Boyle is held hostage by pirates. Keith then rescues Boyle and defeats the pirates, before taking him to a secret research facility at Thynome. From there, Keith meets Dr Carla Paolini, a scientist, and is told to return samples of Void technology, by travelling to a raid on another convoy. The Voids escape, but not after Keith destroys one of their fighters. It is from here that Keith meets Khador, an advanced alien who is developing a 'Khador Drive', which can transport a vessel instantly to another part of the galaxy, eliminating the need of jump gates.

Khador sends Keith on a mission to mine Void crystals, accessing Void space through a wormhole. After collecting 50 crystals, Khador has enough to construct the Khador Drive, and gives it to Keith. As these events are going on, the Terran and Vossk Empire agree to develop a strategy for ending the Void threat. They use a converted Vossk freighter, packed with explosives, which is sent through a wormhole, to destroy the Void 'mothership'. Keith provides escort to the freighter as it comes under fire. The Voids manage to cripple the freighter, so the pilot on board has to manually guide the freighter into the mothership. The freighter collides with the vessel, killing the pilot on board. After escaping through another wormhole, Keith flies back to Thynome, and goes on a date with Carla.

Ravens (film)

In the 1970s Sweden, the farmer Agne (Reine Brynolfsson) is plagued by the work on the farm, and by the feeling that someone wants his family bad. The oldest son Klas (Jakob Nordström), who Agne wants to take over the farm, seeks himself to the worlds of birds, but as the outer threats increase, he faces an inevitable choice, fly or stay.

Jurassic World Dominion

Four years after the Lockwood Estate incident and the cataclysmic volcanic eruption on Isla Nublar, de-extinct dinosaurs freely roam the Earth, causing ecological disasters. Amid global efforts to control the invasive species, Biosyn Genetics established a dinosaur preserve located in the Dolomite Mountains where they conduct genomics research, ostensibly seeking groundbreaking pharmacological and agronomic applications.

Claire Dearing, Zia Rodriguez, and Franklin Webb are still with the Dinosaur Protection Group and investigate illegal dinosaur breeding sites, while Claire's partner, Owen Grady, works as a wrangler relocating stray dinosaurs. At their remote cabin in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Claire and Owen secretly raise 14-year-old Maisie Lockwood, Benjamin Lockwood's biogenetic granddaughter, while protecting her from genetic research corporations with nefarious schemes. When Blue, the ''Velociraptor'' that Owen raised, unexpectedly arrives with an asexually-reproduced hatchling, Maisie names it Beta. Having grown increasingly frustrated living in seclusion, Maisie sneaks away. Dodgson's henchmen kidnap her and capture Beta. Owen and Claire immediately launch a rescue effort.

Elsewhere, massive swarms of giant locusts are wiping out crops. Paleobotanist Dr. Ellie Sattler observes that corporate-grown crops using Biosyn seeds are left uneaten, raising suspicions they created the insects. Ellie takes a captured locust to her former partner, paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant. They determine the locust was genetically engineered with Cretaceous-period dinosaur DNA and modern-day migratory locusts.

Meanwhile, Franklin, now with the CIA's dangerous species unit, informs Claire and Owen that Maisie and Beta were likely taken to Malta. Upon arrival, they infiltrate a dinosaur black market, accompanied by Owen's former ''Jurassic World'' colleague Barry Sembène, who works for French Intelligence and is leading a raid. Carnivorous dinosaurs are unleashed during the foray, causing havoc. With Barry's help, they learn that Maisie and Beta were transported to Biosyn. Sympathetic cargo pilot Kayla Watts agrees to fly them there.

Chaos theorist Dr. Ian Malcolm, now working for Biosyn, has sought Ellie's help to expose CEO Dr. Lewis Dodgson after communications director Ramsay Cole revealed Dodgson's illegal activities. It is revealed that Dodgson is exploiting dinosaur genetics include having former InGen geneticist Dr. Henry Wu modified the transgenic locusts to avoid Biosyn crops as a means to control the world's food supply. Wu now denounces this plan, citing it will cause global famine as the locusts spread unchecked. Wu meets Maisie and explains that his former colleague, Dr. Charlotte Lockwood, Benjamin Lockwood's deceased daughter, used her own DNA to clone and give birth to the genetically-identical Maisie. Charlotte altered Maisie's DNA to prevent her inheriting the fatal disease she had. Wu believes that Maisie's and Beta's asexual conceptions, along with their DNA, are key to creating a pathogen to halt the locust outbreak.

A ''Quetzalcoatlus'' attacks Kayla's plane in Biosyn's airspace, causing Owen and Kayla to crash land while Claire escapes via the ejection seat. Following separate encounters with a ''Therizinosaurus'' and a ''Pyroraptor'', the three regroup. Inside Biosyn, Ian and Ramsay guide Ellie and Alan on how to access a restricted lab to obtain a locust DNA sample. While there, they encounter Maisie, who wants to leave with them. Discovering the breach, Dodgson incinerates the locusts to destroy evidence, but many burning ones get loose, sparking a forest fire and forcing a site-wide evacuation.

Alan, Ellie, and Maisie barely escape the facility before finding Ian. They then meet Owen, Claire, and Kayla. Dodgson flees with dinosaur embryos via a hyperloop, but becomes trapped in a tunnel and is killed by three ''Dilophosaurus''. Electronic neural implants summon the dinosaurs to protect them from the fire, while Owen locates and tranquilizes Beta. The group, along with Henry Wu, escape in a Biosyn helicopter amid a battle between a ''Giganotosaurus'', the ''Therizinosaurus'' and the first park's ''Tyrannosaurus''. Ellie and Alan rekindle their relationship before testifying alongside Ian and Ramsay against Biosyn. Owen, Claire, and Maisie return home and reunite Beta with Blue. Wu develops and releases a pathogen to eradicate the locusts. Around the world, dinosaurs adapt to a new co-existence with humans while the United Nations declares Biosyn Valley an international dinosaur sanctuary.

All Ghillied Up

"All Ghillied Up" is presented as a flashback in which the player assumes control of Captain Price, as a lieutenant. It is set in 1996 in Pripyat, Ukraine, fifteen years before the events of the game. Pripyat is a town near Chernobyl which was abandoned after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. In the level, Price and his superior Captain MacMillan have to sneak across the wasteland, avoiding Russian Ultranationalist soldiers. The mission ends with MacMillan and Price setting up in the abandoned Polissya hotel to prepare for an assassination Imran Zakhaev, leader of the Ultranationalists. The next mission, "One Shot, One Kill", concludes with a failed assassination attempt, a hurried retreat, and a final stand-off in front of the Pripyat amusement park ferris wheel.

Space Battleship Tiramisu

The series is a comedy about the daily life of Subaru Ichinose, a pilot on the space battleship ''Tiramisu'', who lives and eats in his fighter's cockpit because he can't stand the company of others.

Monster Prom

The players are presented as students within Spooky High, a high school in a world inhabited by monsters. They are given a time limit of three weeks in order to convince their chosen love interest to take them to prom. The game's plot changes with each new playthrough, giving players a unique sequence of events, dialogue and endings, depending on their choices. The four player characters are Oz, the personification of fear; Amira Rashid, a fire djinn; Brian Yu, a zombie; and Vicky Schmidt, a Frankenstein's monster, although the names and pronouns of the characters can be changed before playing. The six monsters available to romance are Scott Howl, a werewolf; Liam de Lioncourt, a vampire; Vera Oberlin, a gorgon; Damien LaVey, a fire demon; Polly Geist, a ghost; and Miranda Vanderbilt, a mermaid. ''Second Term'' introduces two new monsters to romance: Zoe, an Eldritch monster; and Calculester Hewlett-Packard, a computer robot.

The majority of the game's humor is very Western-influenced, consisting of many pop culture references, banter-based dialogue, self-referential commentary on monster fiction, and light satirical themes. The game has over 1,300 possible events and 47 secret endings.

A Great Space Voyage

Three teenagers — Sveta Ishenova from Bukhara, Sasha Ivanenko from Donetsk and Muscovite Fedya Druzhinin — win the All-Union Children's Space Competition and after completing the special training course, go to the first ever children's flight on the Astra spacecraft. During the flight the only adult on the ship, Captain Egor Kalinovsky, gets sick and is placed in the isolation ward.

A series of short-term emergencies that arise shortly after this force the child astronauts to make independent decisions in conditions when erroneous actions threaten to destroy the crew and the ship.

With the honor of withstanding all the tests, the film's characters suddenly discover that the Astra is an underground simulator, and the expedition of the "first three", which has never really left Earth, is a psychological experiment designed to find out the prospects of a real children's space flight. At the same time it turns out that Fedya, who accidentally learned about the real mission of the Astra shortly before the start, hid it from Sveta and Sasha, with the objective of preventing failure of the important experiment.

Despite the fact that the "great space voyage" turns out to be just a training session, all three of its participants, who at the given time find a way out of the simulator and get to the surface at the main entrance to the Flight Control Center, are met as real space heroes.

Frontier Revenge

Marshal Lash and Deputy Fuzzy impersonate an outlaw duo from Texas named the Dawsons in order to stop a series of robberies. They are helped by a marshal's widow and an undercover government operator.

Son of a Bad Man

Lash and Fuzzy investigate the masked bandit El Sombre and an Eastern Syndicate buying up land to illegally charge tolls.

Son of Billy the Kid

The film imagines Billy the Kid was not killed and successfully adopted another identity.

Jack Garrett, no relation to Pat Garrett, interrupts a stagecoach holdup. He meets Fuzzy the town's stagecoach driver, station agent, baggage agent, Justice of the Peace, sheriff of the town and banker Jim Thorn. The trio team up to prevent robberies of Thorn's bank by Clem Yantis's large gang.

Outlaw Country (1949 film)

In a small area between the United States and Mexican frontier is a small area that is under the jurisdiction of neither nation. Jim McCord charges outlaws on the run money to stay in his domain called "Robbers Roost". McCord has also kidnapped a United States Treasury engraver and his daughter in order to create counterfeit US dollars. US Marshal Clark and his Mexican counterpart Señor Cordova recruit Marshal Lash La Rue and Deputy Fuzzy Q. Jones to "take the law into their own hands" to put the outlaws out of business. One of the outlaws is Lash's twin brother, known as the Frontier Phantom.

Meanwhile, Fuzzy studies to become a hypnotist and a wizard.

Bloom Into You

First-year high school student Yuu Koito unexpectedly receives a confession from a middle school classmate, and turns him down, not knowing how to feel about such things. She later sees second-year student council member Touko Nanami turning down a confession herself and becomes convinced that Touko's situation might be similar to her own. Upon speaking to Touko, the two begin to bond over their similarities. To Yuu's surprise, Touko suddenly confesses her feelings to her. Yuu is uncertain how to respond, but Touko brushes this aside, telling Yuu that she would be very happy if Yuu were to not fall in love with her in return. Yuu agrees.

Touko declares that she will be running for the position of student council president and asks Yuu to be her campaign manager. To the dismay of Touko's best friend Sayaka Saeki, Yuu accepts the role. Despite both her and Touko being highly nervous, Yuu gives a powerful campaign speech on election day and simultaneously announces her decision to join the student council, resulting in Touko winning the election.

As president, Touko announces her intention to revive the student council play, which has not been performed in seven years. When the student council looks for someone to write a script for the play, Yuu considers that her friend Koyomi Kanou could write it, but does not mention this, wanting Touko to forget about doing the play. However, Sayaka tells Yuu to solicit Koyomi to write the script, and to look into the student council president of seven years ago. Yuu subsequently learns that Touko's older sister Mio was the student council president seven years ago and had been producing a play when she was killed in a traffic accident before its premiere. Yuu realizes that Touko wishes to produce the play in her sister's stead and tries to convince Touko that this is unnecessary, but Touko coldly refuses.

The play's production continues and Koyomi finishes the first draft. The narrative follows an amnesiac girl who must choose which person's view of her is her true self, with the original ending involving the girl choosing to be with her lover. When the student council holds a study camp to practice for the play, professional actor Tomoyuki Ichigaya, a former classmate of Mio's, is brought in to help with the rehearsals. Touko asks him about her sister and learns that Mio was a very different person than who she is now, leaving her conflicted. Concerned, Yuu has Koyomi change the ending to have the protagonist choose to be herself instead of conforming to a specific person's view, believing that this will help Touko come to terms with herself. When the play is performed at the cultural festival, its narrative and Touko's performance are acclaimed by the audience, and the manager of a local theater troupe approaches Touko, asking her to join them and become an actress. She initially declines, but eventually reconsiders and accepts.

Touko thanks Yuu again for her support and reiterates her wish for Yuu to stay with her as she is. However, Yuu has slowly begun to reconsider how she feels towards Touko and abruptly confesses her love. She misinterprets Touko's shocked response as rejection and runs away, causing Touko to realize that she has been overly imposing towards Yuu. Meanwhile, Sayaka speaks with café owner Miyako Kodama, with whom she confides her own romantic feelings for Touko. When the second-years take a class trip to Kyoto, Sayaka formally confesses to Touko. Touko is somewhat surprised but eventually turns Sayaka down, acknowledging her love for Yuu. Although dejected, Sayaka accepts this. Elsewhere, Yuu realizes that she is running away from her problems. Upon Touko's return, the two reconcile, and Yuu openly reciprocates Touko's feelings for the first time.

Over time, Yuu and Touko meet up at various places together and gradually become more emotionally and physically intimate with each other. This culminates when they go bowling together, with the agreement that whoever wins gets to request something from the other. Yuu wins and asks to sleep over at Touko's house. Touko agrees, confessing she had wanted to arrange that as well. On the day, Yuu arrives at Touko's parents' condo, where they spend the evening together. Touko waits as Yuu takes a bath, and when she later comes into Touko's bedroom, they have sex.

Some years later, Yuu and Touko have graduated high school, enrolled in college, and are now wearing rings on their fingers. They reunite with the former student council members to attend the cultural festival at their old high school. As Yuu and Touko reminisce about how their relationship started and reflect on their new lives as adults, they walk off into the night.

Radioactive (film)

In 1934, Marie Curie collapses in her laboratory in Paris. As she is rushed to the hospital, she remembers her life. In 1893 she was frequently rejected for funding due to her gender but entered a partnership with Pierre Curie. After Marie discovered polonium and radium, the two fell in love, were married, and had two children. Soon, Marie announces the discovery of radioactivity, revolutionizing physics and chemistry. Radium is soon used in a series of commercial products. Pierre takes Marie to a séance where radium is used to attempt to contact the dead, but Marie disapproves of spiritualism and the idea of an afterlife after the death of her mother in Poland.

Although Pierre rejects the ''Légion d'honneur'' for not nominating Marie and insists that the two jointly share their Nobel Prize in Physics, Marie becomes agitated that he accepted the Prize in Stockholm without her. Soon afterwards Pierre becomes increasingly sick with anemia as a result of his research and is trampled to death by a horse. Although she initially dismisses concerns that her elements are toxic, increasing numbers of people die from serious health conditions after exposure to radium. Depressed, she begins an affair with her colleague Paul Langevin. Although she receives Pierre's professorship at the Sorbonne, the French nationalist press reports the details of her affair with Langevin and she is harassed by xenophobic mobs due to her Polish origins. She returns to the house where she attended the seance and tearfully begs her friend, Loie Fuller, who was there to try to use radium to contact Pierre. When she is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911, she defies the committee's instructions not to travel to Stockholm and is greeted enthusiastically by all the women in attendance.

In 1914, when World War I starts, her daughter Irene convinces her to run an X-ray unit on the Western Front in order to determine whether or not amputation is needed for wounded soldiers; they fund the X-ray diagnostic units by selling her gold Nobel Prize medals to the government. Irene begins dating Frederic Joliot, but Marie disapproves of their relationship because they have been researching Induced radioactivity, and warns Irene not to see him or research radioactivity any more. Although she refuses to obey her, they go to the Western Front together to run the X-ray machine.

Scenes of her life are interwoven with scenes depicting the future impact of her discoveries, including external beam radiotherapy at a hospital in Cleveland in 1956, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a nuclear bomb test in Nevada in 1961, and the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. As she dies in 1934, she sees visions of these events before awakening in a hospital room. Pierre arrives and they leave the hospital together. The film concludes by stating that the Curies' mobile unit X-rayed more than a million men during the war "saving countless lives", that their research would be used to create radiotherapy, and that the Joliot-Curies would discover artificial radioactivity (also known as Induced radioactivity) in 1935.

The movie ends with a photo showing Marie Curie's attendance at the 1927 Solvay Conference with many other celebrated physicists such as Albert Einstein.

The Wedding Party 2

Dozie's (Banky Wellington) elder brother, Nonso (Enyinna Nwigwe), has continued his romance with Deardre (Daniella Down), Dunni's (Adesua Etomi) bridesmaid. Nonso takes Deardre on a date in Dubai and proposes marriage by accident. After a disastrous traditional engagement ceremony in Lagos, Nonso's family and Deardre's aristocratic British family reluctantly agree to a wedding in Dubai.

Kentucky Jubilee

Reporter Ellison;self-important film director Feld;and brash Master Of Ceremonies Colonna arrive in rural Kentucky to cover a local music festival.City boys all;they are suffering from culture shock as they try to adjust to their surroundings.

The trio end up inadvertently foiling a plot to steal the Festival's gate receipts. The film is also a showcase for a series of Ed Sullivan-like variety acts.

G.I. Jane (1951 film)

A civilian, ordered to report to his draft board, slips off into a dream about the army life ahead of him. He is assigned to a remote desert post where the soldiers crave female companionship. He forges orders that brings a platoon of WACs who are forbidden to fraternize with the soldiers.

The Rheingold

In a flashback taking place 35 years ago, Xena is shown crafting a ring and then fighting a monster. Wearing the ring, Xena claims she's invincible but just as she pushes the monster into a cage, it succeeds in taking the ring off of her finger. Xena locks the cage using a lock with two ravens crafted into it and leaves confident that the monster will never get out.

In the present, while Xena and Gabrielle are eating at a tavern, a man from the Norselands named Beowulf shows Xena a broken lock, with the depiction of two ravens in it. Troubled, she keeps quiet to Gabrielle and sneaks away in the morning, leaving a note for her. In the note, Xena implies she is on a suicide mission, warns Gabrielle to stay behind, and ends with a heartfelt farewell. Despite Xena's wishes, Gabrielle sets out to follow her.

As Gabrielle enters the land of the Asgardian gods, she discovers a woman named Brunnhilda, who knows Xena and can share the legends of Xena from the Norselands with Gabrielle. Apparently, on her way back from Chin, Xena came to the Norselands and met Odin. Lusting for power, she became a Valkyrie in his service but tricked him into disclosing the location of the Rheingold, much to the dismay of Grinhilda, who was the leader of the Valkyries before Xena came along. Here, the meaning behind the opening flashback is revealed. The Rheingold is a mystical gold that Xena crafted into a ring to make her invincible. Upon hearing that Xena is moving up the Rhein River in search of the Rhein Maidens and the Rheingold, Grinhilda angrily confronts Odin and takes off with her brigade to stop Xena. A battle ensues, in which Xena kicks Grinhilda unconscious. Back in the present, when Gabrielle mentions Beowulf and the lock, Brunnhilda declares that Xena has embarked on a "suicide mission".

Meanwhile, Xena, hiking along the Rhein River with Beowulf, lapses into a series of flashbacks of her swimming with three Rhein Maidens. Convincing the First Rhein Maiden to take her to the Rheingold, she's led to an underwater cavern where the Maiden points out a box concealing the infamous gold. When the Maiden warns her not to touch it, Xena cruelly tosses her aside, declaring that the Rheingold can do her no harm since she's already forsaken love. Xena melts the gold and molds a powerful ring from it.

Xena and Beowulf approach a house with bloody limbs strewn about the yard. They enter and wait for the beast to emerge. Meanwhile, Brunnhilda briefs Gabrielle on Grindl, the creature Xena locked up more than three decades earlier in the mine. Brunnhilda explains that legend has it that Grindl was once a loving creature, but finally gave up love after such a lengthy imprisonment and was then able to use the power of the ring to escape. Inside the house, Grindl attacks Xena and Beowulf mercilessly.

When Gabrielle and Brunnhilda finally arrive, they find a bloody Beowulf, who sadly tells them that Xena was hauled off by the monster. Gabrielle finds Xena's bloody breastplate.

The Painted Bird (film)

In an unidentified area of war-torn Eastern Europe, a young boy lives with his elderly aunt. Startled at her death, the boy accidentally sets the house ablaze and leaves. His further adventures are a series of horrific encounters with ignorance, exploitation, and depravity. In the first village he reaches, an old healer buys him, but he is later blamed for bad luck and thrown in a river. He is next taken in by a miller and his wife. After the miller gouges out the eyes of a younger man seen exchanging glances with his wife, the boy runs off. He meets Lekh, a bird breeder who treats him well. Lekh has sex with a wild woman whom local village women brutally rape, after which Lekh hangs himself. The boy leaves.

The boy finds a tame horse with a broken leg and takes it to the next village, where a villager kills it. Cossack Cavalry Corps force the villagers to deliver him to the Germans, identifying him as a Jew. The German soldier tasked with executing the boy releases him. Later caught by SS guards who bring him to a local town, he is saved from execution. A local priest takes him in, but then arranges for him to lodge with a local man named Garbos, who proves to be a pedophile. The boy causes Garbos's gruesome death. After the well-meaning priest dies, his replacement has no use for the boy, and he is run out of the town.

The boy is then taken in by Labina. When her elderly father dies, she coaxes the boy into performing sexual acts on her, beating him when he fails to perform and mocking his inadequacy by simulating sex with a goat. He later retaliates by killing the goat and tossing its head through Labina's window before running away.

The boy comes into contact with the Red Army again. One of the Soviet officers, a sniper named Mitka, decides to take care of him temporarily. The boy watches Mitka kill several locals in reprisal for an attack on Russian soldiers. As the Russians decamp, they send the boy to an orphanage, where he is a loner and repeatedly tries to escape. He is beaten by a local anti-Semitic shopkeeper, whom he kills in revenge. A man named Nikodém comes to the orphanage, greets the boy tearfully as his son, and takes him home. The boy refuses to speak. Nikodém tries to explain why they sent him to his aunt and the boy protests angrily. He asks if he at least remembers his name, but the boy does not respond. Traveling by bus toward home, Nikodém falls asleep. His son notices a number tattooed on his father's arm and with his finger writes his name, Joska, on the bus window.

My Friend the Polish Girl

Katie, a young American documentarian, sets out to make a film about immigrants in post-Brexit-vote London, but ends up intruding on the life of Alicja, a struggling Polish actress. With confrontational questions, she tries to force intimacy and drives a wedge between Alicja and her boyfriend Michael. Alicja earns a pittance as an assistant in a cinema and is trying to get work as an actress while she becomes engrossed in the film. This documentary soon becomes the report of a questionable game in which the two women challenge each other.

The Raven Project

In the distant future, humanity has been enslaved by an alien people and is on the verge of extinction. The player embodies a pilot who joins the human rebellion, hoping to finally push back the invader.

Whale's Voyage

The player is a space traveler who becomes stranded in space after making a bad deal purchasing the spacecraft "Whale". Left orbiting a remote planet, they must use trade and skill to upgrade the ship enough to escape.

The Talker

As described in a film magazine review, Kate Lennox, dissatisfied with the suburban home she and her husband have purchased, makes the first payment on an automobile. Her husband, not knowing of it, when he gets a raise to his salary puts all his money towards paying for the home. Kate advocates in print that each woman should have three husbands, one to provide, one to entertain, and one to run the house. In reality, she is unable to yield to the kiss of another man. Her husband's sister Ruth, taking the writing for gospel, runs away with a married man who is short on his accounts. The Lenoxes part because of this, but are later reconciled. Ruth returns after a year to find her lover still waiting for her.

It Must Be Love (1926 film)

Fernie Schmidt (Colleen Moore) lives with her parents in the rear of their delicatessen. The smells of the business - cheeses, sausages, garlic and pickled herrings - repulses Fernie, who dreams of removing herself from the environment and moving into a life with a more rarified. Her father, Pop Schmidt (Jean Hersholt) has plans for his daughter to marry Peter Halitovsky (Arthur Stone), a sausage salesman, but Fernie is repulsed by the idea. At a dance, Fernie meets Jack Dugan (Malcolm McGregor), who tells her that he is in stocks, a paper-counter, and she falls for him. Because of her rejection of her father's chosen candidate for matrimony, Pop puts Fernie out of the house.

Fernie manages to find works as a counter girl in a department store. Luckily, the job is at the perfume counter. Jack, in due course, proposes to Fernie. Before she can give her answer, she is invited back home by Pop for dinner, at which time he announces he is going to buy a new home, removing himself from the back of the fragrant delicatessen. Peter is there and he proposes to her, but before she can reject him Jack appears on the scene, declaring that he has purchased a delicatessen business. Seeing that marrying jack would return her to the life she wishes to flee, she finds herself resolved to the fate of marrying her father's choice of husband, Peter.

Harry & Charles

The series follows Prince Carl of Denmark (Charles), his wife Maud (Harry), their son Alexander and their Lady-in-waiting Tulle Carstensen, during the time before and after the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway in 1905. Prince Carl is faced with a dramatic decision when he is asked to become the new King of Norway.

Other historic characters include Prime minister Christian Michelsen, polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen and King Oscar II.


The cast includes :- * Jakob Cedergren - Prince Carl of Denmark/Haakon VII of Norway * Maria Bonnevie - Maud of Wales * Viktor Andersen - Alexander * Laura Bro - Tulle Carstensen

Galvez: Hanggang sa Dulo ng Mundo Hahanapin Kita

After being sentenced to twice the reclusion perpetua for raping and murdering a woman, Marvin (Edu) vows to take revenge on top lawyer Efren (Eddie).

Unbroken: Path to Redemption

Based on Laura Hillenbrand’s bestselling book, the film begins where the movie ''Unbroken'' concludes, sharing the next chapter of the true story of Olympian and World War II veteran Louis Zamperini.

Haunted by nightmares of his torment, Louie sees himself as anything but a hero. Then, he meets Cynthia, a young woman who captures his eye—and his heart.

Louie’s quest for revenge drives him deeper into despair, putting the couple on the brink of divorce until Cynthia experiences Billy Graham’s 1949 Los Angeles Crusade, where both find faith in Jesus Christ, a renewed commitment to their marriage, and Louie finds forgiveness for his wartime captors.

Danger on Wheels

A test driver (Richard Arlen) tries racing with his girlfriend's (Peggy Moran) father's new engine.

Hand of Death (1962 film)

Scientist Alex Marsh (Agar) has invented a powerful paralytic-hypnotic nerve gas for the military that he has been testing on sheep in the Mojave Desert. The local mailman (Jack Younger) blunders into the test site and is overcome but recovers without ill effect. A confidant Alex rushes to the Los Angeles home of his mentor, Dr. Frederick Ramsey (Gordon), to tell him about it. Alex's girlfriend Carol Wilson (Raymond) and his colleague Tom Holland (Dunne) are also there. Alex designed the gas as a way to eliminate casualties at war by placing those exposed to it in a trance-like state for a certain amount of time, at which time the exposed are compliant to any commands given to them. Although Carol feels the project is both dangerous and immoral, Alex continues his testing, vowing not to stop until he has found a way to eliminate the loss of life in war.

While working in the lab, Alex accidentally spills a liquefied version of the nerve gas and, in a hast to clean it up, accidentally gets some of it on his hands. The next day, Alex awakens to discover his extremities have darkened, and have become irritating and painful. When his assistant Carlos (John A. Alonzo) touches him, Carlos withers away and dies. Panicking, Alex sets the lab afire to cover Carlos's death and heads to Ramsey's. When Alex stops as a gas station, the attendant (Joe Besser) dies after touching him, causing Alex to flee in horror.

Arriving at Ramsey's house, Alex begs him to find an antidote, which Ramsey eventually agrees to do with the help of Tom. After the first attempted cure has no effect, a desperate Alex consumes the vial of serum Ramsey was working on. Instead of curing his condition like Alex had hoped, the serum mutates him further, bloating and darkening his body until he is unrecognizable. Horrified by his monstrous appearance, Alex accidentally kills Ramsey and flees. Attempting to cover his now deformed features with a trench coat and a fedora, Alex tries to hail a cab but the driver is unable to understand his muffled speech, and when the cabbie tries to get Alex out of the cab he is killed after touching him and Alex flees in the cab. He later falls asleep on the beach in a deserted area where a small boy playing on the rocks (Butch Patrick) almost discovers him accidentally.

Alex later abandons the cab and stumbles toward Tom's house, where Carol is staying. Breaking into the house Alex attempts to speak to a terrified Carol, but can only scrawl a note in shaky handwriting that simply reads "TOM SERUM HELP."

The police soon arrive and Alex flees to the beach, where he is surrounded by the armed police. Although Carol pleas for Alex to surrender, the mutated scientist whose mind has become warped lunges towards them and is promptly gunned down in the surf.

The Firebrand (1962 film)

A Mexican outlaw wages a war against the corrupt California Rangers during the California Gold Rush.

Damnation (comics)

Main plot

In the 2017 crossover event ''Secret Empire'', Las Vegas was destroyed when HYDRA Helicarriers were dispatched to raze the city. After reclaiming his Sorcerer Supreme status from Loki, Doctor Strange uses his magic to restore it and resurrect the people who died. He is opposed by Mephisto, the ruler of Hell who has already claimed their souls as his own. He orchestrates events that causes his demons to bring Doctor Strange to his recently created Hotel Inferno. Mephisto claims that the remnants of Las Vegas were in his realm before it was restored. Hotel Inferno starts to have an effect on the people of Las Vegas. It also had an effect on Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Jane Foster's Thor form where they were all turned into Ghost Rider-like creatures. The ghost of Doctor Strange's talking dog Bats sought out Wong so that he can help Doctor Strange. To help Doctor Strange, Wong summoned Blade, Doctor Voodoo, Moon Knight, Elsa Bloodstone, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Scarlet Spider, and Man-Thing to form the latest incarnation of the Midnight Sons.

Mephisto has turned Doctor Strange into a Ghost Rider-like creature. While Wong has assembled the Midnight Sons, they were overpowered by the demons roaming around Las Vegas. This attack got Wong and Bats' ghost separated from the rest. While the Midnight Sons were saved from the Ghost Riders by Scarlet Spider, Wong and Bats' ghost ran into Doctor Strange's Ghost Rider form.

Bats' ghost is able to possess the soulless body of Doctor Strange. While the Midnight Sons and Scarlet Spider fight the demons, Ghost Rider rides his motorcycle to the top of Hotel Inferno to confront Mephisto. After Mephisto removes the Ghost Rider from Johnny Blaze, he throws Blaze from the roof.

The Midnight Sons have been fighting the possessed Avengers for hours. Mephisto appeared on the battlefield and gloated on them sending Johnny Blaze to attack him. Just then, the possessed Avengers attack Mephisto as Wong revealed that Mephisto rendering his throne vacant has enabled Ghost Rider to become the new ruler of Mephisto's realm. After Doctor Strange returned from the Realm Between, he assisted the Midnight Sons and the Avengers into preventing Mephisto from returning to his realm to reclaim his throne. Though Doctor Strange defeated him, Mephisto fled back to his realm where he was defeated by Johnny Blaze and the different Ghost Riders from across the Multiverse. After Johnny Blaze sent Mephisto back to Earth, he was kept at the top of Hotel Inferno in countless restraints as Hotel Inferno remained on Earth. As Doctor Strange, the Avengers, and the Midnight Sons left upon Las Vegas returning to normal, Wong remained behind to keep an eye on Hotel Inferno's casino.


Doctor Strange

As Hotel Inferno starts to affect the people of Las Vegas, Doctor Strange fought Mephisto in a game of blackjack. The deal is that Mephisto had to return the souls to Las Vegas if Doctor Strange won and that Doctor Strange's soul would be claimed if Mephisto won. Though Doctor Strange won by cheating, Mephisto found out and had Doctor Strange tortured. After being tortured, Doctor Strange is rescued by Scarlet Witch, Clea and Loki and jump into action when they see the Avengers fighting demons. It's later revealed that the rescue was all an illusion and that Clea was a possessed Captain Marvel who posed as her to trick Doctor Strange. While inside Doctor Strange's body, Bats' ghost and Doctor Strange's mind find themselves in the Realm Between where they find the souls of those that Mephisto has trapped while he controls their bodies. It is here where Doctor Strange finds the souls of the Avengers that Mephisto is controlling as well as Dormammu. With the souls of the Avengers, Doctor Strange's soul plans to find a way out of the Realm Between. Doctor Strange then manages to find a way to escape the Realm Between and helps the souls of the Avengers return to their bodies.

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider

During the rise of Hotel Inferno, Ben Reilly sees the effect that the hotel has caused on the citizens of Las Vegas and springs into action. While fighting demons alongside the Midnight Sons, Scarlet Spider gets separated from the group and faces Mephisto, who tries to trick him into giving up his path to redemption. When Ben refuses, he sends a possessed Kaine Parker after him. After a long fight, Ben manages to free Kaine from his possession and convinces him to help defeat Mephisto.

Iron Fist

After being separated from the Midnight Sons, Iron Fist is found by Fat Cobra, who takes him to a fight tournament where the star fighter is Orson Randall, a former Iron Fist who died some time ago. After discovering what forces him to fight, Danny decides to help Orson escape by fighting in the tournament. During this time, the demon fight promoter brings in Danny's long-lost sister Miranda Rand-Kai, who is sent to fight Orson, as well as Fat Cobra's deceased mother. After fighting 12 monster demons, Danny and his friends are able to escape, though Orson dies during the fight. After sending Miranda, Fat Cobra and his mother to his place, Danny heads out to rejoin the Midnight Sons to defeat Mephisto.

Johnny Blaze: Ghost Rider

After Johnny was thrown off the roof, he passes away. This is all part of Wong's plan. In Hell, Johnny Blaze finds the now-independent Spirit of Vengeance and persuades him to help reach Mephisto's throne. The two of them combine together and make their way through the circles of Hell until they reach Mephisto's throne. After fighting through demons, Johnny manages to claim the throne and becomes the new King of Hell.

Infinity Countdown


Back during the ''Time Runs Out'' storyline, the Infinity Gems were destroyed during the Incursion that affected the Multiverse. When the Multiverse is restored by Mister Fantastic, it enabled the Infinity Gems to be restored. When the Space Gem was the first to manifest, it was targeted by the Frost Giant Snarr on Loki's behalf. He was killed by a somehow-revived Wolverine who claimed the Space Gem.

The Mind Gem was later found by Turk Barrett who used it for his own personal gain.''Infinity Countdown: Prime'' #1. Marvel Comics.

A giant-sized version of the Power Gem appeared on the desert planet Xitaung. After its discovery, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps work together to guard it.

Captain Marvel later found the Reality Gem in an adjacent unidentified reality.

It was discovered that the Time Gem restored the planet Sakaar. While Amadeus Cho's Hulk form was fighting the Warlord, the Time Gem was unearthed by Super-Skrull who planned to use it to restore the Skrull Empire to its former glory.

Main plot

At some point in the past, Loki, who wanted to know about the Soul Gem's location, visited Gardener. When Gardener didn't know where it was, Loki infected him with a poison that drove him mad to the point where he shattered Groot and took some of his splinters to grow an army of Flora Colossi. In the present, Gardener and his army of Flora Colossi are attacking Telferina. The Guardians of the Galaxy intercepted the army of Flora Colossi where it was revealed that Groot regenerated from a splinter and couldn't reach his normal size due to Gardener having taken all his splinters. Getting close to Gardener, Groot used his energy to cure Gardener of the poison. After being healed, Gardener's first action was to restore Groot to his original height as well as allowing him to speak in full sentences in the third person. A building-sized Flora Colossus named Scar was, however, still on a rampage. Meanwhile, Warbringer led the Chitauri fleet to the planet Xitaung in order to claim the Power Stone. In Madripoor, the Black Widow clone had traced a dead drop signal left by Wolverine. She found that Wolverine secretly left the Space Infinity Gem in her care.

The Guardians of the Galaxy managed to defeat Scar and join the Nova Corps in their fight against the Fraternity of Raptors and the Chitauri on Xituang. Meanwhile, Adam Warlock starts looking for the Soul Gem which brings him to the planet Saiph. Upon arriving, he finds that the planet has been conquered by the Ultron/Hank Pym and one of his infected victims is Silver Surfer.

After the Nova Corps decided to retreat from battle, Nova secretly thanked Robbie upon figuring out that someone could alter the size of the Power Gem. Using this revelation, Star-Lord shrunk it to the size of his hand. However, it was discovered that the Power Gem was an anchor for Xituang as it starts to crumble. The Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps use the Power Stone to destroy the Chitauri fleet as they escape from the doomed planet. Meanwhile, Adam Warlock heals Silver Surfer of the Ultron Virus. As the Ultron/Hank Pym is using Saiph as his base of operations and plans to unleash the Ultron Virus on a cosmic scale, Silver Surfer goes to look for Galactus. Even though Galactus is no longer a world-eater, Silver Surfer informs him of what is happening and asks for his help to stop the Ultron/Hank Pym's plot. However, the Ultron/Hank Pym had already launched rockets filled with the Ultron Virus in order to infect the entire galaxy while saving Earth as his last target.

Galactus initially refuses to consume Saiph due to the consequences of destroying it until he agrees with Silver Surfer. This results in Saiph and the rockets transporting the Ultron Virus being destroyed. The Ultron/Hank Pym got wounded in the escape and Adam Warlock claims the Soul Gem. Due to Galactus' hunger returning, Silver Surfer had to take him to an uninhabited planet to satisfy it. After the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps regroup on Knowhere, Drax the Destroyer makes off with the Power Stone while Nova plans to rescue his brother from the Fraternity of Raptors. Star-Lord is summoned by Collector and Grandmaster who have with them a Reality Gem from another reality. The Phyla-Vell from an alternate reality where she operated as Captain Marvel appeared to retrieve it. Star-Lord gives the Reality Gem to her without a fight since it won't work outside her reality.

As the Guardians of the Galaxy escape to Oblitus, they are intercepted by Adam Warlock and Kang the Conqueror. Gamora attempted to take the Soul Gem from Adam Warlock. When Drax the Destroyer held onto the Soul Gem, he discovered that the Soul World inside is corrupted. Drax knocked out Gamora and made off with Adam Warlock and Kang the Conqueror. As the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy don't want to help Gamora pursue Adam Warlock and Kang the Conqueror, she went off on her own. Doctor Strange tracks down the Mind Gem and finds it in Turk Barrett's possession as Turk managed to evade him. When Black Widow's clone arrives seeking out Doctor Strange where she wants to dispose of the Space Stone, he did not want to take it as he knows what would happen if they are in the same proximity. Using a magic spell, Doctor Strange spoke to the holders of the Infinity Gems and requested a parley to reform the Infinity Watch. He states to Adam Warlock, Black Widow's clone, Captain Marvel, Star-Lord, and Turk Barrett that they need to safeguard them from such calamities even if one of them is Thanos.


After getting some information from the Contemplator's severed head, Magus found the Soul Gem on the surface of Ego the Living Planet. Before he can make plans to gather the other Infinity Gems and reshape the universe in his image, Magus is supposedly killed by the Ultron/Hank Pym who claimed the Soul Gem. After sending out some aliens that he infected with the Ultron Virus, the Ultron/Hank Pym learned that the ones that were sent after Wolverine were killed by him. Unbeknownst to the Ultron/Hank Pym, a soul fragment of Hank Pym entered the Soul Stone's Soul World where he encountered an elderly version of Gamora. Hank Pym's soul was told by the soul fragment of an elderly Gamora that he was going to be trapped here forever. As for Wolverine following his victory, he was approached by Loki, who warns him of an upcoming war where many villains will be coming after him and those who have the Infinity Gems.

As he now has the knowledge of the calamity that would come if the Infinity Gems were gathered in the same location again, Kang the Conqueror abducts Adam Warlock and convinces him to help secure the Soul Gem in exchange for the Time Gem. Adam is then sent back in time to receive counsel from Kang the Conqueror's Rama-Tut counterpart.

While doing a ride-sharing scam as he is driving through Greenwich Village, Turk Barrett stumbled upon a bunch of Skrulls attacking some monks that were delivering the Mind Infinity Gem to Doctor Strange at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Upon acquiring the Mind Gem during the fight, Turk Barrett begins to establish a criminal empire so that he can fill the void that was left when Kingpin left the criminal business. After briefly confronting Turk, Daredevil finds that he somehow can see again when in his presence. Turk uses the Mind Gem to get the judges to change their verdict on some criminals while gaining their loyalty and money. Daredevil caught wind of Turk Barrett's goals and warned him about playing in the criminal big leagues.

While on a mission in outer space, Doctor Strange discovers that Super-Skrull has the Time Infinity Gem. After a battle with Super-Skrull, Doctor Strange claims the Time Gem.

Xuxa e o Tesouro da Cidade Perdida

Barbara (Xuxa Meneghel), a timid and monosyllabic biologist, lives in Beirada D'Oeste, a fictional city bordering the Amazon rainforest. She leads a gang of heroes who will stop at Igdrasil, a legendary underground city, populated by descendants of Vikings that crossed the Atlantic and plunged into the Amazon River. Barbara confronts Igor (Marcos Pasquim), her ex-husband, with whom he restrains his passion and interrupted romance, and leads the heroes, with two brothers of 8 and 9 years, dangerous, dangerous and disgusting to reach Igdrasil. in the capture of the villain, who stole from Igdrasil the sacred treasure, which is astonishing as well as valuable. As a token of the encounters and disagreements of the heroes and villains that lead to the lost city and its treasure, there is the Curupira, a magical personage of the Brazilian folklore, that fulfills the functions of Puck, personage of the Nordic folk of the piece A Midsummer Night's Dream, of William Shakespeare, the basis of our plot. In addition to being a (well) free adaptation of this classic Shakespeare comedy, ''Xuxa e o Tesouro da Cidade Perdida'' is also an adventure film with elements of fantasy mixed with historical facts and events, as well as moments of danger, suspense, emotion, romance and mood fit for people of all ages.

Adventure in Washington

Jim O'Brien (J. M. Kerrigan), an old friend of highly regarded U.S. Senator John Coleridge (Herbert Marshall), prevails upon the Senator to take under his wing a streetwise orphaned delinquent, teenager Marty Driscoll (Gene Reynolds), and appoint the youth as a Senate page boy. Because the boy's father had once helped Coleridge get his start in politics, the Senator reluctantly agrees.

Driscoll continues to be a troublemaker as a Senate page, acting as a smart-aleck around the other pages and in their school classes. He resents having to wear the knickers required as part of the Senate pages' uniform at the time, contending "I gave up short pants years ago". Told that it's a Senate tradition, he says, "I always thought knickers was for kids" ''(a scene depicted in the movie poster)''. He even gets into a fistfight with another page on the Senate floor (when the Senate is not in session) over a harmless initiation prank the other boys had played on him, resulting in a scolding by senior page Collins (Charles Smith) for his disgraceful behavior. Driscoll's attitude improves markedly, however, when he is befriended at a bowling alley by female radio commentator Jane Scott (Virginia Bruce), who counsels him to take advantage of the privileged opportunity he has been given as a Senate page.

Despite his reformed behavior, Driscoll is later wrongly accused by page headmaster Bundy (Vaughan Glaser) of eavesdropping on a private meeting of Senators and leaking confidential information. As a result, he is dismissed as a page by Coleridge, who disbelieves his protegé's tearful protestations of innocence. Distraught at being unjustly terminated, Driscoll decides to get his revenge by turning over privileged information about an upcoming major defense appropriation bill being considered by Coleridge's committee to businessman Frank Conroy (Pierre Watkin). The unscrupulous stock trader gives Driscoll a bribe for this inside information. When the confidential bill's provisions are subsequently publicized and the stock prices of certain defense-related companies soar, the resulting uproar embroils Sen. Coleridge in controversy and he is investigated by his Senate colleagues for sharing nonpublic information with investors, a violation of Federal law.

When Driscoll learns that his misconduct has landed his mentor in serious trouble, he is conscience-stricken and hitchhikes back to Washington, where he bursts into the investigating committee's hearing room to explain that he alone is to blame for the scandal. Although his full confession exonerates Coleridge, there remains the issue of what to do about Conroy's illegal conduct and Driscoll's complicity. The committee votes to indict Conroy and, at the urging of Coleridge, agrees to allow Driscoll's fate to be decided by his fellow pages. Meeting in the empty Senate chambers, one of the pages calls for his dismissal as unfit to be a page. But another page, Abbott (Dickie Jones, who also played a page in ''Mr. Smith Goes to Washington''), comes to his defense, pointing out that, unlike themselves who came from privileged backgrounds with loving parents who set a good example, Driscoll's lack of these advantages and his voluntary confession should be taken into consideration.

After the pages decide that Driscoll may continue as one of their own, the film's final scene concludes as he rises to express his gratitude for their forgiveness. The erstwhile delinquent gives a tearful peroration, saying he's learned from those he's met there how to be an upstanding citizen, and especially that American representative democracy is government "of the people, by the people, for the people", as he recites from memory ''The American's Creed''.

The Lords of Tantrazz

The player is an agent named Veronika Callahan who is tasked with fighting against an unimaginable evil named "The Hunger".

Klondike Kate (film)

A young man in Alaska finds himself accused of murder, and must fight to clear his name.

The Titan (film)

In 2048, on an Earth overpopulated and driven by violent conflicts, scientists are looking to Saturn's moon Titan as a new home for humanity, spearheaded by Professor Martin Collingwood.

Rick Janssen, a fighter pilot, volunteers to be a part of an experiment on 14 test subjects that forces human bodies to adapt to the super-cold methane liquids and the ultra-low oxygen atmosphere of Titan. He is joined by his wife Abigail, a medical researcher, and their son Lucas, at the Titan I research area. The initial results are promising. Rick becomes able to swim at incredible speeds and stay underwater for 42 minutes.

Rick's training becomes increasingly intense as he and the others adapt to increasingly Titan-like environments. Rick finds that some of his hair is falling out, and one of the team members starts convulsing and dies. Abigail notices the blood veins of all the test subjects becoming darker. Fellow volunteer Zane has a mental breakdown which causes him to attack his wife, Rayenne.

Rick takes a break by sitting at the bottom of their swimming pool, where large amounts of his skin are shed. Abigail's concern grows, and she begins experimentation on a sample of his blood, finding that it is indeed becoming darker. Rick undergoes corneal surgery to accommodate the low light on Titan. When he later has complications, Abigail confronts Collingwood about Rick's changes, but he divulges nothing.

Zane suffers another mental breakdown and throws Rayenne through a window, killing her instantly. He is shot and killed by military police. While visiting Rick in the medical facility, Abigail steals his key card and sneaks into Collingwood's office. She finds reports of autopsies of the numerous deceased test subjects, discovering that they were having their DNA infused with animal DNA in an attempt to create the next human species, ''Homo titaniens''.

During a meeting with NASA, Collingwood is chastised for doing forced evolutionary experimentation without proper evidence or ethical reasons, and is threatened with having his operation shut down. Abigail confronts him on the same issue, and he admits to her and Rick that he does not actually know what the surviving subjects will eventually become.

Rick willingly undergoes major surgery to adapt to his new senses and become fully ready for Titan. He and Tally, the only other surviving test subject, complete their training and finish their transformations into ''Homo titaniens''. Abigail is horrified when the significantly-transformed Rick loses the ability to talk, now communicating in a low frequency that is undetectable by normal human ears.

Tally kills her husband, later visiting Rick at his home. Abigail and Lucas hide while military police surround Tally and Rick. Tally kills a member of the police before she is killed, and then Rick easily kills many more. When Abigail and Lucas confront him, Rick flees, realizing what he has become. The military hunt for Rick, but it is Abigail who finds him on a hill they often jog to. The military arrives and arrests them.

Abigail wakes to find Rick in critical condition, due to his newly evolved incompatibility with Earth's atmosphere. Abigail is forced to give him a chemical solution that acts similarly to a lobotomy, erasing all of his memories. However, she actually gives him a harmless saline solution instead, allowing him to escape. Rick begins killing soldiers as Abigail and Lucas flee with Dr. Freya Upton, an assistant to Collingwood who disagrees with his methods.

The group find a heavily wounded Rick, giving him first aid. Collingwood arrives but his men disobey an order to fire upon Rick, Abigail, Lucas and Dr. Freya. The colonel, who has been vocally against Collingwood's experiments, soon arrests Collingwood for his treachery. Abigail and Dr. Freya become researchers at the Titan II facility, using more ethical methods than Collingwood had. Rick is shown exploring Titan, flying under his own power over a methane lake.

Superfly (2018 film)

Youngblood Priest is a young cocaine kingpin from Atlanta, Georgia, working the streets since he was brought in by his mentor Scatter at age eleven. He lives with his two girlfriends, Georgia and Cynthia.

Juju, a member of rival gang Snow Patrol, hits on Cynthia and, shooting at Priest, accidentally hits a bystander. The Snow Patrol members leave while Priest gives the victim money and directs them to the trauma center.

Priest confides in his second-in-command Eddie that he wants out of drug-dealing, and has a plan. Eddie has his back but Scatter refuses to help. Juju suspects Priest of a hit on Snow Patrol and plans to retaliate. Snow Patrol deduces that Priest's colleague, Fat Freddie, was one of the assailants.

Fat Freddie is pulled over by corrupt cops Franklin and Mason. They discover cocaine and find Eddie in Freddie's contacts. With Mason's gun at Freddie's head, Freddie's girlfriend reveals his criminal history and Priest's identity. Franklin kills Freddie and Rochelle.

Mason threatens to expose Priest's dealing if he does not work with her. Fighting over recriminations about Freddie's death, Priest starts strangling Eddie and leaves him unconscious. Scatter surprises Priest at Freddie's funeral, ordering him to meet with his supplier Adalberto, after finding out Priest cut a secret deal for more product. Adalberto kills Scatter, having realized he was stealing from him. Adalberto threatens Priest, telling him that he can never get out of the game.

Snow Patrol members led by Juju shoot up Priest's mansion. Cynthia is killed, and Priest and Georgia set fire to the mansion. Chasing Priest, Juju is injured and Q is killed in a car crash. Eddie feigns allegiance with Snow Patrol, and tricks them into an ambush where they are killed by Mason and other cops alerted by Priest.

Priest thanks Eddie for his help and prepares to leave the country with Georgia. He blackmails the mayor with a sex tape and promises the mayor will win the upcoming election. Adalberto is disowned by his mother, and executed at her order after she receives proof that he framed his brother for a crime. Instead of paying off Mason, Priest tips off police and she is arrested for cocaine possession.

Priest meets Franklin and beats him to avenge Freddie's murder. Having settled his business obligations, and with his enemies either dead or in custody, Priest and Georgia relax on a cruise in Montenegro.

Mata Hari (video game)

Real-life Mata Hari embarks on a fictional adventure in which she becomes a spy and uncovers sensitive military secrets, all in the midst of the outbreak of World War I.


A woman named Colleen travels with her teenage daughters Beth and Vera to their recently deceased aunt Clarisse's secluded home after they inherited it in her will. Beth reads an article about a string of home invasions where parents are murdered, but daughters are spared. Unbeknownst to the family, they are stalked by someone driving a candy truck.

Shortly after they settle into the house, two intruders break in and attack the mother and daughters. One of them is a large mentally impaired man known as the Fat Man. The other intruder is known as the Candy Truck Woman. Vera is then sexually abused by the Fat Man, while Beth tries to get away but she runs into the Woman. When Beth asks what the Candy Truck Woman wants, she replies, "We just wanna play with dolls." Colleen recovers and kills both intruders.

Sixteen years later, Beth is now a successful horror fiction author living in Chicago with her husband and son. She appears on a talk show to promote her new novel ''Incident in a Ghostland'', based on her experience that night. She receives a frantic phone call from her sister, who has suffered from delusions since the trauma, begging her to return to the house where she still lives with their mother. When Beth arrives, Colleen explains that Vera remains unable to move on and continues reliving that night, locking herself in a padded room in the basement. Beth begins to experience strange dreams, and Vera claims that their tormentors are still trying to get them.

During an episode, Beth finds Vera chained and made up to look like a doll. Colleen calls an ambulance and tells Beth not to listen to Vera. Beth falls asleep and is captured by the Candy Truck Woman. She discovers bruises all over her beaten face and finds Vera also beaten up in the basement. She blames her for the wounds and Vera begs her sister to face the truth. Beth recalls a memory, and it is revealed that the Candy Truck Woman actually killed their mother that night and Beth has been imagining her adult life all this time to disassociate.

In reality, she and Vera are still teenagers and the Fat Man and Candy Truck Woman are holding her and Vera captive in Clarisse's home. The Candy Truck Woman dresses Beth like a doll, leaving her in a room littered with dolls. The Fat Man begins molesting and torturing the dolls. When he gets to Beth, she fights back and flees. She frees Vera and they escape the house. They make it to a road where two state troopers help them, reporting the incident to dispatch. However, both are gunned down by the Candy Truck Woman, who recaptures the girls.

Beth mentally retreats back to her adulthood fantasy. At a cocktail party, she meets her idol, H.P. Lovecraft, who tells Beth that her novel is a masterpiece. Beth sees Vera screaming for help and decides to return to rescue Vera. She escapes from the Fat Man and initiates a violent fight with the Candy Truck Woman. Another state trooper arrives in time to gun down both the Fat Man and the Candy Truck Woman. After authorities arrive, Beth sees a vision of her mother waving at them from the house as the sisters are taken to the hospital.

Polar (film)

At an undisclosed location in Chile, Michael Green, a former employee of Damocles, an organization of assassins, is killed by a specialist hit team consisting of Sindy the decoy, Facundo the sniper, and the assault team of Alexei, Karl, and Hilde.

Duncan Vizla, known as The Black Kaiser, is a Damocles employee nearing mandatory retirement on his fiftieth birthday. By making sizeable contributions to his company retirement fund, he is owed over $8 million upon his retirement day. Unknown to him, Mr Blut, owner of Damocles, plans to sell the company and is inflating its value by murdering its retiring operatives; thus acquiring all of their retirement fund by way of a clause in their contract.

Duncan lives in a remote town in Montana where he is gradually building a relationship with his neighbor Camille. He is haunted by flashbacks of his murderous past and attempts to cultivate a normal life, to no avail. After giving an ill-fated talk at a local school about foreign countries and combat, he buys Camille a pistol and tries to teach her to shoot but she seems disturbed by the weapon.

Duncan is pressured into accepting a final contract by Vivian, a common associate of his and Blut's. He travels to Belarus to fulfil the mission where he finds it was a setup to have him killed. Returning to Montana, Duncan is hunted down by Facundo's team, via his accountant and several fake addresses. After stopping to help Sindy with an apparently broken down car, the pair return to his house where they have sex. Duncan is trapped in his house by the team but he outmatches and kills them all except for Alexei, who activates "Plan B" and kidnaps Camille. Duncan discovers this from Alexei's girlfriend "Junkie" Jane and seeks the help of his old friend Porter, who instead betrays and drugs him.

Duncan awakens in Blut's mansion chained in place and is tortured for three days by Blut himself for killing Hilde, whom Blut was in a relationship with. At the same time, Camille is kept in a drug-induced incoherent state by Jane. Blut stabs Duncan with a slim knife and part of the blade snaps off on Duncan's titanium hip replacement. Blut also slashes Duncan's face and stabs him in the left eye. Overnight, Duncan uses the knife shard to pick the locks on his manacles and by morning he escapes the mansion, killing many of Blut's men. He travels to Jazmin, an old friend of his, who treats his wounds and supplies him with weapons.

Duncan calls Vivian and offers himself in trade for Camille, which she accepts, but on Blut's orders, she double-crosses him and sends a hit squad, accompanied by Alexei and herself. Duncan gives Vivian a chance to walk away but she refuses, and he uses remote sentries to kill the entire force and Alexei, and leaves a wounded Vivian to her fate.

Duncan returns to Blut's mansion where Blut's remaining henchmen flee rather than face Duncan. Blut awaits Duncan alone but is decapitated. Duncan rescues Camille and returns to Montana where he treats her.

Duncan awakens one morning to find newspaper clippings of the murder of a family many years prior, which he recognizes as a hit that he himself carried out (albeit with bad intel), something that has haunted him ever since. The only survivor of the family was a young daughter, who grew up to be Camille. He finds himself at gunpoint and explains what happened to Camille before apologizing and telling her to close her mind and pull the trigger; however, she spares him. Camille then asks Duncan to help her find out who ordered her father dead and he agrees.

Space Chickens in Space

Chuck, Starley, and Finley are taken from their home and mistakenly enrolled in an elite intergalactic former military academy. It would take all their strength, and teamwork, to survive every escapade they have.

The Death of Superman (film)

Superman has become a popular superhero in Metropolis and the world. After foiling an attempted abduction of the mayor by Intergang, he takes a piece of their technology to S.T.A.R. Labs for analysis. Following this, Superman is interviewed by ''Daily Planet'' reporter Lois Lane about his family heritage and the origins of how he came to Earth. Later that night, Lois meets Clark Kent’s (Superman’s human identity which Lois doesn't know) adoptive parents. Because of her little knowledge about Clark’s personal life, Lois leaves upset and reconsiders their relationship.

At S.T.A.R. Labs, Dr. Silas Stone and Dr. John Irons examine the technology from the Intergang attack and confirm it to be of mixed Apokoliptian and Earth origin, leaving Superman to suspect that his archenemy Lex Luthor was involved in supplying Intergang. Luthor, who is currently in government custody, refuses his involvement, but Superman remains suspicious. Meanwhile in space, astronauts Hank Henshaw, his wife Terri, and their crew are suddenly impacted by a meteorite that portaled out of nowhere. The meteor damages their ship, killing Terri and the crew, leaving Hank’s fate unknown. Upon crash landing in the ocean, Lex Luthor sends a submarine crew to investigate while the Atlanteans do the same. Without warning, the Atlanteans and the sub crew are attacked and killed by a large being in a containment suit, who tears across the country on a rampage.

At a restaurant owned by Superman fan Bibbo Bibbowski, Clark confesses to Lois that he is Superman and that he loves her. Meanwhile, the unknown being heads toward Metropolis, attacking everything and everyone it sees until the Justice League arrives to confront it. The being leaves several members of the League injured and nearly kills Wonder Woman before Superman arrives to confront it. The being emerges from its suit and is revealed to be a gray-skinned, white-haired monster with incredible strength, stamina, and invulnerability. The creature, dubbed "Doomsday" by Lois, attacks Superman, who grapples with it. Superman and Doomsday engage in a fierce battle across Metropolis which eventually leaves Superman critically wounded and exhausted. When the monster sees Lois and prepares to kill her, Superman flies toward it at full speed and deals a blow that snaps Doomsday's neck, ending the monster's violent rampage. Superman is victorious, but is stabbed in the chest and dies in Lois' arms, a scene that is filmed by Jimmy Olsen.

In the aftermath, a state funeral is held for Superman and the Kents welcome Lois into their family. Sometime later, Jimmy brings Lois back to Superman's memorial' where his coffin is empty. As the world watches, a figure resembling Superman flies away.

In a series of mid-and post-credits scenes, a clone of Superman survives numerous failed experiments from LexCorp, Dr. Irons is seen forging his own Superman suit from steel, Superman’s rocket buries itself in the North Pole, resulting in the creation of the Fortress of Solitude, and a Superman-like cyborg is seen flying in space.

Retablo (film)

The film follows Segundo (Junior Bejar Roca), a young boy in Ayacucho in rural Peru whose father Noé (Amiel Cayo) is training him in the family tradition of designing and building religious retablos, but whose secret shatters Segundo's world and everything he believes in.

Painkillers (film)

Plagued by guilt following the death of his son in a car crash, John Clarke (Huss), a brilliant surgeon, is visited by the mysterious Herb Morris, who explains that Clarke has contracted an extremely rare form of PTSD, and the only thing that can ease his current pain is the taste of human blood.[ Berlin: Kew Media Boards Adam Huss Thriller ‘Painkillers,’ Adds Docs] Variety, February 8, 2018

Local Hero (musical)

''Local Hero'' tells the story of an American oil company representative who is sent to the fictional village of Ferness on the west coast of Scotland to purchase the town and surrounding property to build a new refinery.

Ruiner (video game)

''Ruiner'' takes place in 2091 in Rengkok and its surrounding facilities, owned by Heaven, a conglomerate led by a man referred to in-game as the Boss. Initially the player character, a silent protagonist dubbed "Puppy" by another character, is being led by a rogue hacker named Wizard to assassinate the Boss. Before he reaches the Boss's office, the signal from Wizard to the protagonist is overridden by another hacker known only as Her. Her explains to Puppy that Wizard was contracted by another group and that his brother has been kidnapped, and urges him to track Wizard down. She leads him to a territory filled with Creeps, a group of psychotic gangsters led by a swordsman named Nerve. After fighting his way through the Creeps' territory, Nerve challenges Puppy to a duel and is defeated in battle. Earning the Creeps' leadership, they find Wizard and hack into his brain, killing him in the process and leading them to the Hanza Compound, a factory that manufactures machine parts. Her tracks Puppy's brother down with a signal leading to him.

They are greeted by armed guards and the angry AI that manages the compound, Mother. Puppy fights his way through the Hanza facility and fights against mercenaries hired by TrafficKing, a cyborg in the form of a UFO-like device piloted by a human head, who runs the facility alongside Mother and presumably contracted Wizard. As he follows the signal that leads to his brother, Puppy battles Mother and then TrafficKing, hacking his brain to reveal where his brother is being taken; the Imagination Farms, which use human beings as hosts to lend brainpower for running Virtuality, a virtual reality device that Heaven manufactures and sells to civilians. As TrafficKing has clearance for entering these areas, Puppy and Her kidnap him to gain access to the farms.

Puppy, led by Her and accompanied by the tamed TrafficKing, scour the Imagination Farms for his brother's signal, and are confronted by Geminus, a dual-personality cyborg that presents itself as two twin sisters that act as host to Mother. TrafficKing has been working for Geminus and it has been established that they were using Wizard to form a coup to overthrow the Boss and control Heaven. TrafficKing dies after begrudgingly helping Puppy through overheated obstacles, burning to death. Puppy confronts Geminus but is attacked by the resurrected TrafficKing, now controlling a humanoid cyborg body. Puppy kills him and battles Geminus, killing both sisters and finally finding the mechanical pod that holds his brother.

Upon approaching it, a cutscene showing two small children leaving the facility plays, and the game cuts back to Heaven, where Puppy is restrained in a jumpsuit as two guards and the Boss, who wears a mask identical to Puppy's, approach him. The Boss reveals that Puppy was only being used for spare parts due to their biological similarity, and that he was hacked by Wizard as he could potentially be anywhere the Boss could be. Her is an independent hacker contracted by the Boss to hack Puppy and make him believe he had a brother who was kidnapped, thus leading him back to the Boss while also exterminating the people who attempted to overthrow him. The Boss remarks that he will keep Puppy closer to him, when Her makes a reappearance and reveals that she is not human and has been tricking the Boss since their agreement; she has led Puppy to Heaven to kill the Boss. Her advises Puppy to 'meet her where heaven falls' if he survives. He escapes his restraints and kills many of the Boss's guards before finally approaching the Boss himself, and, depending on a dialogue prompt, will either bludgeon him with his weapon or hack his brain. The ending shows Puppy riding away on his motorcycle to an unknown destination.

The Toybox

Jennifer (Richards) and her family go on a summer road trip in a used RV with her husband's estranged father and brother. Along the way, they find Samantha (Barton) and her brother, broken down on the side of the highway. After driving into the middle of nowhere, the RV takes on a mind of its own, crashing and stranding them in the scorching and isolated desert. Little by little, the unsuspecting group of travelers is blindsided by the terrible secrets within the walls of the RV and find themselves fighting to survive.

Husbands and Lovers

As described in a review in a film magazine, James Livingstone (Stone), reaching the stage where he regards his wife Grace (Vidor) as a valet as she “lays out” her husband’s clothes, is rudely awakened when she takes his advice and "dolls up.” Rex Phillips (Cody), debonair friend of James, also takes notice of the change with some flattery. As a result, the two become infatuated. James abruptly learns of the secret friendship when his circumstances cause him to substitute for Phillips in a tryst with Grace. He consents to her obtaining a divorce. James comes to realize he is still in love and to appreciates his former wife’s yearning for verbal flattery. She is about to marry Rex when James, like a regular caveman, carries Grace away in her bridal array to his car and elopes to the minister’s to be wedded a second time.


Darcy Patel has put college and everything else on hold to move to New York to rewrite and publish her teen novel, 'Afterworlds'. Arriving with no apartment or friends she wonders whether she's made the right decision, until she falls in with a crowd of other seasoned and fledgling writers who take her under their wings. Darcy weathers on through the whirlwind that is a first publication and learns multiple lessons not just in YA writing, but also in romance and relationships. Told in alternating chapters is Darcy's novel, a suspenseful thriller about Lizzie, a teen who slips into the Afterworld to survive a terrorist attack. Upon venturing into the underworld, Lizzie meets another mortal afterlife transcender who has been in the Afterworld for thousands of years and attempts to support Lizzie’s transition as a psychopomp. But the Afterworld is a place between the living and the dead, and as Lizzie drifts between our world and that of the Afterworld, she discovers that many unsolved - and terrifying - stories need to be reconciled.

Long Live the Family!

Libor Pokorný works in a bank. A few billion Czech crowns disappeared from the bank as a result of fraud that he was involved in. The fraud is investigated by two police officers. He realises that he will go to prison. He persuades his wife Iva to take their family for a trip but doesn't tell her of his situation. Police realise that he is on the run. Libor can't leave the republic due to his daughter's health but he tries to solve his situation. He avoids police and tries to hide the truth from his family. They eventually come across old friends Lenka and Jiří. They sleep over at their place and celebrate the reunion. Libor tells Jiří of his situation. Jiří agrees to lend him his car. Libor asks Iva if she would stay faithful to him when he would have to leave the family for a few years. She doesn't respond. Next day Libor and his family leave. Libor wants to go to Slovakia. The family accommodates at a hotel. There Iva finds out the truth. She has an argument with Libor. Police find out that Libor is at the hotel but he and his family manage to escape. Iva decides to stay by her husband and helps him to escape. Their car crashes to a tree. There Libor admits to his wife that he was involved with the fraud and that he wanted to prepare his family for his arrest. Before the police arrests Libor, Iva responds to his previous question - her life has meaning only with him.

Murder in Times Square

A Broadway playwright investigates a series of deaths that appear to be related to his latest play.

Sunk Costs (Better Call Saul)

After following his planted tracking device's signal to an empty stretch of highway, Mike finds it left in the middle of the road along with a ringing cell phone. He answers, agrees to the caller's request that no guns be displayed, and is told to wait. Two cars approach from opposite directions, Gus exits one, and Gus and Mike discuss their concerns about Hector. They agree that Gus will no longer track Mike, and Mike will no longer try to kill Hector. Gus is amenable to Mike's continued disruption of Hector's drug business, and Mike suggests a way to draw police attention to Hector without killing him.

Mike acquires cocaine from Barry Goodman, stows it in a sneaker, ties the sneaker to its mate, then throws the pair over a power line that spans part of a road in Mexico he knows Hector's trucks use. When the next truck comes, the drivers stop to stash their weapons prior to being searched at the border crossing. Using a rifle with a scope, Mike fires a few rounds into the air to give the drivers the impression that there is a hunter or target shooter nearby. As the truck pulls away, Mike fires at the sneaker holding the cocaine, which causes the powder to spill onto the back of the truck. At the border crossing, drug-sniffing dogs discover the cocaine, and the drivers are taken into custody.

Jimmy is arrested for breaking into Chuck's house. Jimmy goes against Kim's advice and represents himself, pleads not guilty, and posts bail. He later tells her she should work on Mesa Verde business while he takes care of his own legal battle, to which she flatly agrees.

Kyra Hay, the prosecutor in Jimmy's case, meets with Chuck and tells him she does not plan to let Jimmy off easy. Chuck describes his wish to see a "better solution for everyone". Jimmy informs Kim he can avoid jail time if he confesses to the break-in and submits his confession to the New Mexico Bar Association, which will likely result in disbarment. Kim changes her mind and persuades Jimmy to let her help defend him.

Detective Chinatown 2

Qin Feng (Liu Haoran) thought he was going to attend his distant uncle Tang Ren's (Wang Baoqiang) wedding, which turned out to be a hoax. Tang Ren had deceived Qin Feng to come to New York for another purpose.

The godfather of Chinatown, Uncle Qi (Kenneth Tsang), gathered the world's best detectives from an app called Crimaster (which allows real detectives to upload their cases for the online community to solve them) and sets up a competition to locate his grandson's killer within one week for a reward of five million dollars. His grandson Jason was found in a temple with his heart torn out and an unknown symbol on a table near him.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng, the world's second-top detective and the world's third-top detective noticed another similar murder in the Hudson River one week before the investigation began. A white woman was also killed but lost her kidney. The two men pulled out surveillance videos of the two crime scenes and found that a man appeared at both crime scenes. They identify the man as Song Yi (Xiao Yang). However, after observing that Song Yi is right-handed, Qin Feng concludes that he could not be the killer since evidence suggests that the killer is left-handed. While Qin Feng and Tang Ren knew that Song Yi was not the killer, this was not everyone else's consensus, and so the duo had to clear Song Yi's name and find the real killer.

Eventually, with the help of Tang Ren's knowledge of Feng shui and ''Wu Xing'', Qin Feng discovered the killer's motive. Due to the unique location of the murders, the time of the crimes, the eight characters of the victims' birthdays and the organs, he concluded the whole of New York was being used as an altar.(the elements fire, water, wood, metal, and earth were used to determine the locations, date, and the respective organ to be removed)

Finally, they find out that the doctor who was battling cancer believed that doing ancient Taoist rituals could grant him immortality, and was behind the murders. The doctor kills himself after being found out.

Qin Feng deduces that Song Yi is actually the mysterious man "Q", the top-ranked detective of Crimaster. Song Yi solved the case very early on and used the doctor's patterns to cover up his own murder of a sex trafficking ringleader who abducted his sister. Qin Feng lets him go, but later KIKO reveals that "Q"'s IP address does not locate him in America, making Song Yi as "Q" unlikely. "Q" is therefore still at large.

Christine of the Hungry Heart

As described in a review in a film magazine, Christine Madison (Vidor) marries Stuart Knight (Baxter). He is a heavy drinker and prefers the company of his companions to that of his wife’s more polite circle. She realizes a loss of love, and becomes interested in Dr. Monteagle (Brook), an orthopedic specialist. When she realizes his love and her reciprocation, she hurries from him. One her way home there is an automobile crash and her intoxicated husband, joy riding with one of his young charmers, is at the wheel. Monteagle wins her back and marries her. Christine finds devotion to science no more tolerable than the worship of Bacchus. She elopes with Ivan Vianney (Keith), but even before they reach their objective, Rio de Janeiro, she realizes that the man is wrapped up in his work. Monteagle reclaims his little son by cable to the consulate and Christine leaves Ivan, realizing a little too late, that all men make marriage secondary to their love. Eventually, Christine makes atonement through nursing her first husband through his last illness, and Monteagle promises to try and assuage her heart-hunger if she will come back to him and her boy.

Morocco: Love in Times of War

In 1921, Morocco is being ravaged by the events of the Rif War. The Riffian resistance in the country has killed many soldiers of the Spanish Army and wounded many more. To succour them, Queen Victoria Eugenie sends a group of nurses from the Spanish Red Cross to Melilla to establish a new hospital. Led by the Duchess of Victoria, María del Carmen Angoloti y Mesa, the group is composed of young women from Spain's upper classes.

The nurses arrive in Melilla and set up a hospital in an old school building. Almost immediately, they are put into action. Yet, despite all the horrors of war that surround them, these nurses have not lost hope and still find romance with the soldiers and doctors who surround them.

In time, the military high command recognizes that more lives can be saved on the front lines before wounded soldiers are even brought back to the hospital. None of these nurses is combat trained, but some of them will now have to learn how to stay alive while serving on the front lines.

Papa (2018 film)

A young man, Ben Freidman (Scott Wilson) raised by wealthy adoptive Jewish parents in Beverly Hills, decides that he is ready to finally meet his biological parents. He faces disappointment upon learning of the death of his biological mother. His biological father, meanwhile, resides in a psychiatric care unit.[ Is that Ann-Margret? Bakersfield film shoot under way] Bakersfield. 24 August 2015[ 'PAPA' BEHIND THE SCENES] YouTube. 14 April 2017

Honor (The Walking Dead)

Following Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and the Saviors' assault on the communities of Alexandria, the Kingdom and the Hilltop convoy, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his allies deal with the aftermath of events. In a flashback, Carl (Chandler Riggs), having been bitten by a walker while trying to bring Siddiq (Avi Nash) to Alexandria, keeps his bite mark hidden, makes sure Siddiq finds quarters in the sewers below the community, spends time with his toddler sister Judith, and writes several letters to those he knows.

In the Kingdom, Gavin (Jayson Warner Smith) and the other Saviors of his group keep watch over Ezekiel (Khary Payton). Outside the community, Carol (Melissa McBride) leads the Kingdom survivors far enough away and instructs them to continue towards the house she used outside of the Kingdom for shelter, while she goes back to rescue Ezekiel. Henry (Macsen Lintz), who is trained in both firearm and melee combat, and whose older brother Benjamin had been killed by Jared, a Savior, insists that he come along to assist, but Carol orders him to stay with the others.

Afterwards, Carol meets up with Morgan (Lennie James), who had escaped the Saviors' massacre of Rick's snipers watching the Sanctuary. However, Morgan has become bitter and once the two are inside the Kingdom, he becomes brutal in dispatching the Saviors. At one point during the mission, Morgan disembowels a Savior as Carol and a rescued Ezekiel watch. Gavin, the last Savior of the group left alive, flees and attempts to hide, but Morgan easily finds him. Morgan prepares to kill Gavin, but Carol senses that Morgan is conflicted and attempts to convince him to spare Gavin. A distressed Morgan balks, trying to decide what to do, when suddenly Gavin is stabbed through the neck from behind by Henry, who had followed Carol and is seeking revenge for the murder of his brother.

In the present, after Negan's attack, Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) regroup with all the other Alexandria survivors in the storm sewers and come to learn of Carl's impending death. They decide to wait until Negan's assault is over and then head off to the Hilltop to regroup. Rick knows Carl will not survive the journey, and he and Michonne remain with Carl. Before leading the rest away, Daryl (Norman Reedus) commends Carl on their survival due to Carl's intent to stay out of the war with the Saviors and the preparations he had made. Carl and Rick spend much time discussing the past; Carl explains why he brought Siddiq here, and how he felt remorse for having killed a youth back during their time at the prison; Rick forgives him for these past transgressions.

As Rick and Michonne move Carl up to the church, Carl insists that Rick can become a better person; in his mind (shown in a dream sequence first seen in "Mercy"), Carl imagined his father in the future had become compassionate rather than vengeful, and devoted his time to raising their family and leading the Alexandria community. All survivors, including Negan, work together harmoniously to make Alexandria a thriving community in this dream. The next morning, a near-death Carl sends Rick and Michonne out of the church, and shoots himself rather than force them to have to do it once he dies; Rick and Michonne prepare a burial site to lay Carl to rest.

Case Closed: Zero the Enforcer

Located in Tokyo Bay, the newly built integrated resort and convention center "Edge of Ocean" is going to host an upcoming Summit Meeting. Prior to the Summit, an explosion went off at one of the buildings, killing and injuring many Public Security Bureau personnel performing inspection there, including Amuro Tōru and Kazami Yūya. A preliminary investigation found the fingerprint which matches the Mori Kogoro's, and with other evidence purportedly located inside Kogoro's computer, Kogoro is arrested. After a hopeless search for a lawyer who is willing to represent Kogoro in the trial, Ran, Kisaki Eri, and Conan encountered a freelance lawyer, Tachibana Kyōko, who offered to represent Kogoro in the case.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Attorney-General believes that the evidence incriminating Kogoro is sufficient to build the case, and Iwai Sayoko, the Attorney-General, instructed Kusakabe Makoto to prosecute Kogoro. At the same time, the police investigation of the case is ongoing, and it was discovered that the gas valve and pressurized cooker can be connected to the internet (Internet of Things (IoT)) and that the two was remotely accessed via Nor (resembling Tor) through Kogoro's device to cause the explosion. On the day of the conference, people are experiencing strange cases of IoT devices malfunctioning, causing electrical short circuit and fire around Tokyo. At that time, Kogoro was being held in Tokyo Penitentiary, which means Kogoro could not have been the culprit in the bombing and the IoT attack, and the case against him was dropped.

On the date the unmanned Martian mission craft called "Hakuchō" is scheduled to land, Conan deducted the identity of the culprit of the bombing and IoT attack, the prosecutor Makoto Kusakabe. Kusakabe employed an assistant named Haba Fumikazu, who previously worked with and fall in love with Tachibana. During the investigation by Kusakabe, Haba discovered that the culprit that hacks into the system of NAZU (resembling NASA) are working in a game company. Haba was arrested for breaking into the game company and was presumed dead after the interrogation by Amuro, causing Kusakabe to exact revenge on the Public Security Bureau. Amuro then revealed that Haba's death was faked to ensure that the public prosecutor will not employ the help of the assistant in the same manner as he did to Haba again.

However, Kusakabe already hacked into the system to change the projectile of the capsule launched from Hakuchō to crash to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police building, but he causes blackout at the building and initiates the IoT attack at the nearby vicinity to allow police personnel and other residents to be evacuated to the Edge of Ocean. Although Kusakabe relented and gave up the access code, it was almost too late, and Conan and Amuro employed help from Dr. Agasa, Haibara and the Detective Boys to detonate the bomb using a drone built by Dr. Agasa near the capsule in order for the capsule to fall into the harmless spot. With the point of impact being the casino tower at the Edge of Ocean, Amuro and Conan race against time and traffic to allow Conan to shoot the ball to deflect the capsule, and the capsule falls harmlessly into the water.

The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky

The story takes place in a time when humans and non-humans alike lived in the same society. The Kingdom of Liones was almost annihilated thanks to the evildoings of the Demon Clan, but were saved thanks to the efforts of the Kingdom’s third Princess, Elizabeth, and a band of strong yet terrible knights known as The Seven Deadly Sins.

With peace returning to the Kingdom of Liones following its near annihilation by the Demon Race, Elizabeth and The Seven Deadly Sins decide to celebrate the King’s birthday with numerous dishes being prepared in the Boar Hat tavern. The Deadly Sins' leader Meliodas and his talking pig companion Hawk search for Skyfish for a recipe, ending up above the clouds and in front of the Sky Palace after stumbling across a well in the nearby forest which they discover is a portal. Living in the Sky Castle are a race of winged people known as the Celestials, descendants of the Goddess Race who hold watch over an Indura-type demon sealed in their land since the Ancient War's end 3,000 years ago. But when a group of demons calling themselves The Six Knights of Black attack the Celestials and release the Indura, forcing a Celestial youth named Solaad unintentionally bring Meliodas and Hawk to his people's land while he left to find the legendary white pig ‘Oshiro’ whose power was used to seal the evil. Solaad ends up meeting the other Deadly Sins, who mistook him for Meliodas due to their similar appearances, but manages to convince them to come with him while Meliodas went through a similar case of mistaken identity with the Celestials.

As The Seven Deadly Sins face the Six Knights of Black with support by the Celestials' warriors, it is revealed that the Knights of Black's leader Bellion is an upper-class demon who was denied membership into the Ten Commandments by Meliodas in the past. Meliodas ends up being mortally injured by the Winged Sword, a sacred sword forged specifically to harm demons. But Solaad, trusting The Seven Deadly Sins' insistence that Meliodas is a good person, removes the sword and revives Meliodas. Solaad then uses the Winged Sword and the combined power of his people, the Sins, and Elizabeth to destroy the Indura. The Sins are hailed as heroes and celebrate with the Celestials before taking a Skyfish and returning to Liones on Hawk's Mother, who is revealed to have been 'Oshiro' the entire time. Some time later, King is presented with the cooked Skyfish and is appalled by its horrible taste as Meliodas cooked it. Hawk decides to eat it for him and ends up assuming a Skyfish form to his shock.

Lawless Lawyer


18 years prior to the events of the series, Cha Moon-sook murders a man critical of her late father. She then orders gangster Ahn Oh-joo to cover it up. Lawyer Cho Jin-ae discovers the truth of the event due to pictures taken by Noh Hyung-joo. Oh-joo murders Jin-ae but her young son Sang-pil escapes with the help of Hyung-joo. Sang-pil flees to his uncle Choi Dae-woong, who is a gangster in Seoul. Hyung-joo is forced to leave her husband and young daughter Ha Jae-yi behind to flee the country. Moon-sook becomes a prominent judge and is seen as a pillar of the community. Oh-joo becomes the boss of large corporation and gains wealth. Sang-pil and Jae-yi both become lawyers in the city of Seoul.


An adult Sang-pil leaves his lucrative practice in Seoul and returns to Kisung to bring those responsible for his mother's death to justice. He takes over a loan shark business and converts it into the Lawless Law Firm. Jae-yi is suspended from practicing law after assaulting a judge, loses her job, and also returns home to Kisung. She soon ends up working for Sang-pil, and later becomes his partner when reinstated as a lawyer. After learning the truth about Moon-sook, she joins Sang-pil in his pursuit of justice for the wrong done to their mothers. Together, they use the law to fight against Moon-sook and her associates. Over time, they fall in love.

Moon-sook and Oh-joo grow in influence and power through corrupt methods; Oh-joo becomes the mayor of Kisung and Moon-sook is nominated for chief justice in the Supreme Court. They and their associates oppose the Lawless Law Firm both inside and outside the courtroom by using underhanded tactics, including murdering Dae-woong and framing Sang-pil for it, bribing or threatening witnesses and assaulting Jae-yi. Despite the obstacles in their way, Sang-pil and Jae-yi succeed in revealing Moon-sook's crimes in court and successfully plead their case against her. Moon-sook and her associates end up in prison, whereas Oh-joo commits suicide. Jae-yi and Sang-pil then return to Seoul to help Prosecutor Cheon Seung-beom fight against corrupt officials.

Missing on Lost Island

Tim and Diana are on a quest to return to their own time period and location.

Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators

Ex-Detective Inspector (DI) Frank Hathaway, now a debt-laden private investigator, meets Luella Shakespeare when she employs him to investigate the fiancé she met online. Hathaway and his assistant Sebastian Brudenell discover that the fiancé is a con man. They report back to Luella, but she is reassured by her fiancé, and the wedding occurs. When her new husband is killed at the reception, Luella is suspected of murder by local Detective Inspector Christina Marlowe, who had been Frank's junior. Luella is thrown together with Frank and Sebastian to crack the mystery of what has happened, and after her name is cleared, she uses her recovered savings to buy into Frank's business. Frank's only employee is Sebastian Brudenell, a young aspiring RADA-trained actor who uses his skills when undercover investigations are required. He lives above a theatre costumier run by Gloria Fonteyn.

Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!

Misato Kurihara, a genius girl who couldn't make any friends due to her exceptional abilities, is killed after being run over while protecting a young girl. Offered the chance to be reborn into a fantasy world, Misato asks that she simply be reincarnated with average abilities. After she regains her memory of her old life, she discovers that "average" in this new world takes into account the power of the absolute strongest and the absolute weakest magical creatures, resulting in her physical and magical abilities being 6,800 times stronger than that of a typical human. The magic used in this world is effected by nanomachines created by a more advanced civilization; the project was eventually abandoned, however, and the world's civilization has regressed and since stagnated as a result.

Reborn as the noble Adele von Ascham, her life takes a sharp turn at the age of eight, when her mother and her grandfather are assassinated by her conniving father, who then marries his mistress and then begins favoring his other daughter. By the age of ten, Adele is sent off to the prestigious Eckland Academy, where she makes the first friends in her two lives. However, when she uses her tremendous magical abilities to save a boy from being beaten by the royal princess' escort and passes herself off as the mortal vessel of a god, the resulting attention towards her person forces her to flee to another kingdom. Attending Hunter's Prep School and forming a team with her classmates Mavis, Reina, and Pauline, Adele tries her best to live her life as normally as possible, which does not prove to be an easy feat.

Terminal Avenue

Set in what appears to be a somewhat futuristic Vancouver, the story is narrated by a Native Canadian man named Wilson Wilson (Wil). In this Canada, Indigenous people have been removed from their lands and ghettoized in urban reservations. There, they face continual brutalization by armored security officers. The armored officers are described as sexless and invulnerable, their voices mechanically distorted to conceal their identities.

The story shifts quickly between multiple timeframes. In one, the reader learns that in Wil's professional life, he is a professional submissive at an exclusive BDSM club. There, his lover (unnamed but marked as white), together with others dressed in security officer uniforms, performs sadomasochistic acts on him for an audience. In private, their roles are reversed, with Wil assuming the dominant role, but his lover maintaining the security officer's uniform.

In a past timeframe, the reader is told about Wil's father holding an illegal potlatch before being removed from the Douglas Channel area to the urban reservation. For this act, his father is later stopped along the road and beaten nearly to death by security officers. He never recovers psychologically, and commits suicide soon after. Subsequently, Wil's brother, Kevin (the only other named character in the story), participates in the Oka Uprising. After the uprising's failure, he becomes a security officer, and is disowned by his family.

The "present" timeframe is extremely condensed. A group of security officers is approaching Wil, preparing to beat him (at the story's close, presumably to his death). Wil wonders whether perhaps his brother is one of the officers assaulting him.

Modern Love (1990 film)

Comedy-drama about marriage following Greg, an anxious man dealing with the responsibilities of his life.

Tomorrow is a New Day

The series revolves around Mónica Rojas (Angélica Vale), a secretary dedicated entirely to her work in Media Link, the company founded and led by Camilo Sarmiento (Diego Olivera). Monica is not only responsible for the professional agenda of her boss, but also of his personal life, which includes his wife Diana (Alejandra Barros) and their children. Since Mónica meets Camilo, she falls deeply in love, even knowing that her love has no hope. But her love expectations will change, when Diana proposes to her to fall in love with Camilo when she dies due to a serious illness.

Let Me Hear You Whisper (NET Playhouse)

The play revolves around Helen, a recently hired scrub-woman, at the American Biological Association Development for the Advancement of Brain Analysis. During the course of her work, Helen learns the plight of an imprisoned intelligent dolphin that is being harshly studied by scientists. Helen begins to interact with the dolphin by feeding it and playing it music. Soon the dolphin begins to talk, but to no one but her. After overhearing of a final experiment that would leave the dolphin dead, Helen attempts to rescue the dolphin in a laundry hamper, but is unable to and the dolphin is vivisected and euthanized.

Ugly Delicious

Each episode examines the cultural, sociological, and culinary history of a specific popular food. Chang challenges and explores the attitudes in each dish's lore. Mike Hale wrote in his review for ''The New York Times'' that ''Ugly Delicious'' is "an extended television essay, in the form of free-associative, globe-trotting conversations about food and culture."

The Turning (2020 film)

Miss Jessel, the live-in tutor at the Fairchild Estate, flees the house in a panic and is attacked by a ragged man.

Sometime later, in 1994, Kate Mandell becomes a governess for seven-year-old Flora Fairchild after Miss Jessel's disappearance. Before leaving, she visits her mother, Darla, who lives in a mental institution because she suffers from delusions. At the Fairchild Estate, Kate is informed by the caretaker Mrs. Grose that Flora witnessed her parents die in a car accident and is a "special case". Flora confesses to Kate that she is afraid Kate will leave her like Miss Jessel did but Kate promises not to.

That night, Kate encounters Flora's brother Miles, who is back from boarding school. The next day, she receives a call from the school's principal, who informs her that Miles is expelled after having been found strangling another boy. Kate becomes more aggravated with Miles when he and Flora begin pulling pranks on her, lashing out at him. Miles suggests he teach her how to ride horses to make it up to her, as their former riding instructor Quint has recently died.

Kate notices strange occurrences happening at night, so she begins to keep her lights on when she goes to sleep. One day she suggests they go into town, to the dismay of both Flora and Mrs. Grose. Flora throws a fit and runs out of the car after Kate refuses to stop it. Miles warns her to leave but Kate decides to stay due to her promise to Flora. After reconciling, the group plays tag in the house. While looking for Miles, Kate is attacked by the ghost of Miss Jessel. She finds Miss Jessel's journal, which contains frightening entries about how Quint was obsessed with her and took pictures of her while she slept. Mrs. Grose tells her that Quint died a couple weeks following Miss Jessel's departure when he fell from his horse while riding drunk. Kate continues to see Quint and Miss Jessel's ghosts around the house, making her paranoid.

She receives art from her mother in the mail, and Mrs. Grose comments that she hopes Kate's mother's condition isn't genetic. Kate discovers Miss Jessel's dead body in a pond on the house's grounds. She also has a vision of Quint raping and strangling Miss Jessel and tells Mrs. Grose, who appears to have already known about it. Mrs. Grose assures her that she made sure Quint died. Quint's ghost pushes Mrs. Grose over the stair banister, killing her. Kate and the children flee the house, managing to escape in her car.

This previous sequence is revealed to have been Kate's vision as she heard Mrs. Grose's words and looked at her mother's art. She walks in on the children talking about her and becomes convinced that she sees Quint's ghost in the mirror, insisting that Flora saw him too, despite her protests. When Kate accidentally breaks Flora's doll, Miles calls her delusional. They then walk out of the room. In Kate's imagination, she walks into her mother's institution and approaches a figure; as the figure turns around, Kate screams. The face of the figure is not revealed, and it is left open to interpretation as to whether Kate has seen her mother or is in fact seeing a reflection of herself.

Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us

Fula City was founded on barren land that was developed by humans after the Legendary Pokémon Lugia granted them the power of wind. The wind festival is held every year.

Fifty years ago, the nearby mountain forest was engulfed in flames due to humans clearing the mountain forest and looking for the mysterious Pokémon Zeraora. Harriet, the woman who built the wind power plant, burned her hand while failing to save her Snubbull from the burning windmill; she was only able to get the key to start the turbine that Snubbull was holding. This resulted in her becoming distant from Pokémon. Lugia was called to clear the fire. Hoping to protect Zeraora from the humans, the Mayor of Fula City created a lie that Zeraora had died and cursed the mountain. This secret was kept by the mayor’s successor, Oliver. In the present, Oliver’s daughter Margo takes care of Zeraora after it injures itself saving Margo and two other Pokémon from a rockslide in the foothills.

Former track runner Risa agrees to attend the festival to capture a wild Eevee for her younger brother Rick. Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu attend the festival and take part in the Pokémon catching contest. Callahan attends the festival with his sister Mia and her daughter Kelly. Kelly suffers from low immunity, so Callahan invents tall tales about him being the best trainer when he does not even have a Pokémon. Harriet, now an old woman, gets the essence of the Pokémon move Sweet Scent on her, resulting in Pokémon following her wherever she goes.

Getting help from the timid scientist Toren, the con artist and liar Callahan decides to give Toren’s speech at his lab in return for Toren helping him win the Pokémon catching contest. A Sudowoodo Callahan took pity on begins following him. Callahan comes in first boasting about a rare Pokémon in the woods intriguing everyone, but worrying Margo. Ash places second, and helps Risa capture an Eevee.

Upset over the amount of Pokémon that have been following her, Harriet goes to Toren to ask for an antidote, but says it will take time resulting in her staying with him. Callahan is unable to make it to the speech. Toren tries to give the presentation on his own, but accidentally plays footage of him helping Callahan at the contest in time for everyone to see it. Upset over her uncle's lies, Kelly passes out from exhaustion. Team Rocket steal a bottle of the ability Effect Spore from the lab. However, the trio accidentally loses it in the woods.

Margo steals the eternal flame, a light held on the highest tower in the city to contact Lugia, to stop the festival and keep Zeraora safe and hidden. Margo tries to protect Zeraora from two poachers, but they are rescued by Ash and his friends just in time. Suddenly, the Effect Spore bottle cracks engulfing much of the forest and the city and the group decide to work together to stop it.

Callahan discovers that Mia and Kelly are trapped in a gondola while the city is being engulfed and Sudowoodo allows itself to be captured by him so that they can save the city. Toren gets to the lab and works on an antidote for the Effect Spore threatening the city. A fire suddenly breaks out in the forest, killing the electricity, but Toren uses Team Rocket’s Lum Berries to create the antidote.

Zeraora awakens and begins rescuing Pokémon. While Ash and Margo decide to go follow it, Risa is tasked with taking the eternal flame back to the tower. Ash and Pikachu end up fighting Zeraora, who still distrusts humans, but Ash and Margo manage to get through to it and they try help put out the flames. Toren arrives at the power plant to give the antidote to Callahan who tosses it into the turbines while Harriet and the Pokémon turn the blades. Risa gets the eternal flame to the top, and Lugia arrives to put out the fire. Mayor Oliver revokes the lie about Zeraora’s disappearance and proclaims that the citizens will peacefully live alongside it.

In the post-credits, the Pokémon Channel announcer is revealed to be Rick as Risa demands to know how he knew where she was. Ash and Pikachu head to their next location.

The Occupation

Prior to the start of the game; a terrorist attack has killed 23 people and led the British Government to create The Union Act, a "controversial act which threatens the civil liberties of the British population."

The game's plot starts at 3:27 PM on 24 October 1987. The player character is a journalist that is researching The Union Act, players have freedom of choice on how to act; become a whistle blowing journalist fighting against the act, or do nothing as the game progresses on its own.

Grand Blue

Iori Kitahara looks forward to his new life on the Izu Peninsula as he prepares to start his college life there, staying in a room above his uncle's diving shop "Grand Blue." However, he is quickly shocked as he meets the local Diving Club, a group full of buff men who spend more time drinking, partying, and stripping naked than actually diving. Despite his attempts to distance himself from the group, Iori gets quickly swept up in their antics, while his cousins try to show him the wonders of diving into the ocean and sea.

A Ilha dos Escravos

The film takes place during the 19th century during a revolt by Miguelists who were exiled in Cape Verde, and centres on a love triangle between Maria (Vanessa Giácomo), João (Ângelo Torres) and Albano Lopes (Diogo Infante). Maria is the daughter of a farmer, João is a slave and Albano Lopes is a Miguelist official. A troop survey of the city of Praia, instigated by officers banished in the archipelago, as a result of a defeat of the partisans by Infante D. Miguel during the Portuguese Civil War, and a historic part of the film. The rebels, contrary to their own anti-liberal convictions, try to enlist the slaved population into their field, in the absence of other human means that embodies the designs.

Xuxinha e Guto contra os Monstros do Espaço

Like every 7-year-old, Julian (Pedro Malta) seeks answers and explanations for the existence of some spiritual beings. This is the case with the guardian angels. Xuxa Meneghel, always convinced of their existence, the elves and God, tells the nephew how he met his guardian angel, called Xuxinha.

When Xuxa grew up, she had to go her way without the help of a faithful protector. Xuxinha was given the job of protecting another child, Guto. Perhaps the most damned of all, the angel always had to do the impossible to save him from the confusions and dangers in which he entered. Xuxinha also counts on the aid of Biel, angel of the guard of Jonas, the great companion of adventures of Guto.

One day, the city is invaded by Xyzígenas, garbage-eating aliens from the planet XYZ, which is located in a distant galaxy. they escape from prison knowing that Earth's inhabitants used to throw debris into the streams, polluting all the rivers of the planet, they decided that it was the best place for domination there.

The first resident to believe in the invasion was the wise Euclid Archimedes. All but the detective dog Txutxucão, Guto and Jonas discredited him. Together, they resolve to fight these stinking monsters, who have dominated the entire punch stream. Xuxinha and Biel also resolve to investigate the case, not knowing that this involvement would bring definitive consequences to the life of the angel.

The Transposed Heads

Shridaman and Nanda are two young friends who are "little different in age and in caste, but very unlike in body."Mann, Thomas (1941). [ ''The Transposed Heads''] (translation by H. T. Lowe-Porter), p. 5. Secker & Warburg Shridaman is a learned merchant with strong spiritual qualities and a noble face but a thin, weedy body. Nanda is a blacksmith with a strong and beautiful body but a rather ordinary intellect. Both fall in love with Sita, the daughter of a cattle-breeder. She accepts Shridaman's proposal of marriage but shortly after their wedding, she begins to wonder if she had made the wrong choice. Matters are not helped by the fact that Nanda has remained Shridaman's friend and is a frequent visitor to their house. Soon, both Nanda and Shridaman become aware of what is happening.

Six months after the wedding and with Sita pregnant with Shridaman's child, they set off to visit her parents accompanied by Nanda. On the way they stop at a temple to the goddess Kali where Shridaman goes in to pray. In a fit of religious fervor he beheads himself to free Sita to marry Nanda. Nanda then enters the temple and when he finds Shridaman's corpse, he likewise beheads himself. On discovering what has happened, Sita is about to hang herself when goddess Kali appears. She tells Sita to place the heads back on the bodies and she will bring them back to life. However, in her grief and confusion Sita had placed Nanda's head on Shridaman's body and vice versa. Each man now retains his original identity but has a new body.

At first the situation seems to be going well. Sita gives birth to Samadhi, a lovable child with very poor eyesight who is nicknamed "Andhaka" ("Little blind boy"). Shridaman is pleased to have a perfect body and Nanda is pleased to have the body that has fathered Sita's child. He is also pleased that Sita is having sex with his former body. Nevertheless, they decide to consult the wise man Kamadamana as to which of the two men is actually her husband. He determines that it is the one with the head of Shridaman. In his disappointment, Nanda becomes a religious recluse.

Four years have passed. While Shridaman is away on business, Sita takes her son to visit Nanda and show him the child his new body had generated. Sita and Nanda are overwhelmed by passion. On returning to an empty house, Shridaman sets off to find Nanda and Sita. He proposes to them the only solution for a situation where a woman is simultaneously in love with one man's body and another man's head. The two men are to commit suicide, and Sita is to die a ritual death on her husband's funeral pyre. This duly happens with little Samadhi-Andhaka lighting the flames.

Mr Pye (TV series)

Mr. Pye travels to the Channel Island of Sark to preach the word of God. Pye does good works and he discovers that he has started to grow angel's wings, and after consulting with a Harley Street doctor, he decides to stop doing good deeds, and instead does bad deeds. He engages in some deliberately malicious acts, and after a while this results in him growing horns on his forehead. He is unable to decide what to do, but eventually decides to reveal his horned condition to the islanders, who chase him to the edge of a cliff, which Pye flies off using his wings.

Hillbilly Elegy (film)

The film opens in Jackson, Kentucky, in 1997. An adult J. D. is looking back to this time, his childhood, as he visits his family with his grandparents and mom, Bev, in their current home in Ohio.

Fourteen years later, J. D. is attending Yale University, working three jobs to pay his tuition, and dating a young woman named Usha. She has a summer internship in Washington D.C., and J. D. hopes to get one there as well. He attends an event to network in hopes of landing the internship, but then gets a call from his sister, Lindsay; Bev has just been rushed to the hospital after overdosing on heroin. Lindsay is overwhelmed by the situation as she is already busy supporting her three children. She asks J. D. to come home, which he feels conflicted about since he fears losing his shot at the internship.

He remembers growing up with the many conflicts he had with Bev, who is mentally and emotionally unstable, suffers from drug addiction, and always had trouble earning enough to take care of him and his sister, Lindsay. He remembers one such conflict where a fun day with Bev at a sports cards' store turns into an ordeal on the drive home, when, after an argument, Bev drives recklessly, stops abruptly on the side of the road, and repeatedly hits him. He runs out of the car to a nearby house and calls his grandmother, while a passing police officer intervenes. His grandparents come to pick him up and he gets Bev out of trouble by lying to the cops about what happened.

Back in 2011, J. D. makes up his mind and starts to drive to Ohio. He arrives at the hospital to find his mom yelling and making a scene. He finds out that the hospital intends to throw Bev out as she has no health insurance. J. D. gets a call and is informed that he has an interview at Yale tomorrow morning.

In 1997, J. D.'s grandfather dies and the family arranges a small funeral. Bev gets a job as a nursing assistant and uses her position to steal drugs. She gets high, acts erratic, gets fired, and later breaks down over her father's death. In 2011, J. D. and Lindsay find their mother a bed at a private drug rehabilitation facility despite J. D.'s concern that Bev, having gone to rehab several times before, is incapable of overcoming her addiction. His fears prove founded when Bev refuses to go back to rehab.

In 1997, J. D., Lindsay, and Bev move into the home of her new husband, Ken. Bev continues to feed her addiction and neglect J. D. and Lindsay. J. D.'s grandmother, who had largely raised him in Bev's place, falls and is hospitalized with pneumonia. J. D. starts vandalizing and acting out with his new step-brother, Travis, and his friends. In 2011, her boyfriend Ray, tired of dealing with her drug problems, throws her stuff out of his apartment and abandons her. In 1997, J. D.'s grandmother, after recovering from her hospitalization, takes him to live with her. J. D. soon starts excelling in school and begins to work towards making something of himself. He grows up, joins the United States Marine Corps, goes home when his grandmother dies to help with her funeral, and uses the G.I. Bill to go to college. In 2011, J. D., having convinced Bev to let him pay for her motel room and some food, drives back to Yale for his interview. As he drives he talks to Usha on his cellphone. He arrives back in time for his interview, surprising Usha. In the last scene we see him going into the interview.

Breaking the Code (film)

The story focuses on the life of the English mathematician Alan Turing, who helped decode the Enigma code, used by the Germans to send secret orders to their U-boats in World War II. He also was one of the key contributors to the development of the digital computer. Turing was also a homosexual in Britain at a time when it was illegal.

The Beloved Cheater

Kingdon Challoner is in love with and engaged to Eulalie Morgan. The problem is that Eulalie is of the belief that kissing and petting are forbidden prior to marriage. Beside himself, Bruce enlists the help of Bruce Sands, a renowned playboy. The two concoct a plot whereby Sands will have the opportunity to seduce Eulalie, with her believing it is Kingdon. The plan is successful with the exception of Eulalie realizing it is not Kingdon who has seduced her. She breaks off her engagement with Kingdon and proclaims her love for Bruce.

However when Eulalie goes to Bruce's place to let him know the good news, she finds a woman in his bed. Believing the woman to be Bruce's lover, she flees the scene. The woman is not a lover, but Bruce's sister, who is staying with him. When Kingdon arrives, he believes that Bruce has stolen Eulalie away from him. Bruce calms Kingdon down, getting him to understand that he has no design on Eulalie. He instructs Kingdon on how to properly seduce a woman. Kingdon pursues Eulalie, the two are reconciled and move forward with their plans for marriage.

Ion Fury

In ''Ion Fury'', the player assumes the role of Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison, a bomb disposal expert aligned to the Global Defense Force. Dr. Jadus Heskel, a transhumanist cult leader, unleashes an army of cybernetically-enhanced soldiers on the futuristic dystopian city of Neo D.C., which Shelly is tasked with fighting through.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

In February 1969, Hollywood actor Rick Dalton, star of 1950s TV Western series ''Bounty Law'', fears his career is fading, with his recent roles being guest appearances as villains. His agent Marvin Schwarz advises him to make Spaghetti Westerns in Italy, which Dalton considers beneath him. Dalton's best friend and stunt double, Cliff Booth — a war veteran who lives in a trailer with his pit bull, Brandy — drives Dalton around due to his DUI arrests and driver's license suspension. Booth struggles to find stunt work because of rumors he murdered his wife. Actress Sharon Tate and her husband, director Roman Polanski, have moved next door to Dalton, and Dalton dreams of befriending them to revive his career. That night, Tate and Polanski attend a celebrity-filled party at the Playboy Mansion.

The next day, Booth recalls a sparring contest he had with Bruce Lee on the set of ''The Green Hornet'' resulting in Booth being fired. Meanwhile, Charlie stops by the Polanski residence looking for Terry Melcher, who used to live there, but is turned away by Jay Sebring. As Tate runs errands, she stops at the Fox Bruin Theater to watch herself in ''The Wrecking Crew''.

Dalton is cast as the villain in the pilot for the TV Western ''Lancer'' and strikes up a conversation with eight-year-old co-star Trudi Frazer. During filming, Dalton struggles to remember his lines and suffers a breakdown in his trailer. He subsequently delivers a strong performance that impresses Frazer and the director, Sam Wanamaker.

Booth picks up a hitchhiker, "Pussycat" and takes her to Spahn Ranch, where he once worked on the set of ''Bounty Law''. He observes the many "hippies" living there. Suspecting they may be taking advantage of the ranch's elderly owner, George Spahn, Booth insists on checking on him despite "Squeaky" 's objections. Booth speaks with the nearly blind Spahn, who dismisses his concerns. Upon leaving, Booth discovers that "Clem" has punctured a tire on Dalton's car. Booth beats "Clem" and makes him change the tire. "Tex" is summoned to deal with the situation, but arrives as Booth is driving away.

After watching Dalton's guest performance on an episode of ''The F.B.I.'', Schwarz books him as the lead in Sergio Corbucci's Spaghetti Western ''Nebraska Jim''. Dalton takes Booth with him for a six-month stint in Italy. During this period Dalton films three additional movies; marries Italian starlet Francesca Capucci; and informs Booth he can no longer afford his services.

Returning to Los Angeles on August 8, 1969, Dalton and Booth go out for drinks to commemorate their time together, then go back to Dalton's house. Meanwhile, Tate and Sebring go out for dinner with friends, then return to Tate's house. Booth smokes an LSD-laced cigarette purchased earlier and takes Brandy for a walk while Dalton prepares drinks. "Tex", "Sadie", "Katie", and "Flowerchild" arrive outside in preparation to murder everyone in Tate's house, but Dalton hears the car's muffler and orders them off the street. Recognizing him, the four change their plans and decide to kill him instead, after "Sadie" reasons that Hollywood has "taught them to murder". "Flowerchild" deserts them, speeding off with their car.

Breaking into Dalton's house, they confront Booth and Capucci. "Tex" aims his pistol at Booth. Now tripping on the LSD, Booth chats with the intruders, remembering them from Spahn Ranch. Booth signals Brandy to attack "Tex". "Sadie" lunges at Booth with a knife. Booth throws a can into her face and she falls to the floor screaming. Booth then signals Brandy to attack "Sadie". Capucci punches "Katie" and runs away. "Katie" dives at Booth after he fights and kills "Tex". Realizing that "Sadie s knife is stuck in his thigh, Booth kills "Katie" by smashing her face against household decor, then passes out. "Sadie" stumbles outside into the pool firing "Tex s pistol. Dalton, floating in the pool, listening to music on headphones, oblivious to the chaos inside, is alarmed. He retrieves a flamethrower retained from ''The 14 Fists of McClusky'' and incinerates "Sadie". Booth later regains consciousness and is taken away in an ambulance, and Sebring and Tate invite Dalton over for a drink, which he accepts.

Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague

The game concerns the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart circa 1788, in which he is depicted as a Freemason. While in Prague preparing for the debut of his new opera ''Don Giovanni'', he stumbles upon a plot to overthrow Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor.

That's Not My Dog!

The film centres on Shane Jacobson who is throwing a party for his father. Invited are the funniest people Shane knows—Australia's biggest stars along with several Australian music legends playing their biggest hits live, right throughout the party. Featuring little to no developing plot or storyline, the film is instead set on the premise that each invited guest needs to bring nothing except their favourite joke, which each proceeds to tell throughout the night.

La mamá del 10

This telenovela tells the story of Tina Manotas, a woman who lives in the Colombian Pacific who, due to her economic conditions, is forced to leave her hometown to move to Colombia's capital, Bogotá. Upon arriving, her husband decides to leave her, and she is forced to look for money through the streets of the city to cover the economic needs of her children.

However, Tina realizes that her youngest son, Víctor, has great potential in football and that he has a dream to become a professional player. As the years go by, Víctor manages to fulfill his dream due to his mother's unconditional support. Many years later, he fulfills the promise he made a long time ago: to buy an apartment in an exclusive part of the city, but problems arise with their elitist neighbors, who are envious of the new luxurious life Tina has.

B.A.N. (Atlanta)

After Paper Boi (Brian Tyree Henry) makes a controversial tweet stating that he would never have sex with Caitlyn Jenner, Earn gets him a spot on an interview show hosted by Franklin Montague (Alano Miller) on the B.A.N. (aka the Black American Network). In the awkward interview, Paper Boi debates with fellow guest, transgender activist Dr. Deborah Holt (Mary Kraft). At first the two clash over race and gender, but later come to some agreement. The interview deteriorates into arguing when a new guest named Antoine Smalls (Niles Stewart) joins the round table. Smalls believes that his name is Harrison Booth and he is a 35 year-old white man from Colorado.

Meanwhile, a series of Dodge Charger commercials air on the channel, but they prove to just be a surreal interlude of an Atlanta man (Tim McAdams) celebrating his divorce. Other commercials air during the segment, including ads for real-life products like Arizona iced tea, Mickey's malt liquor and Swisher Sweets, as well as fictional items like Coconut Crunchos Cereal and a dubious self-improvement service.

The Coconut Crunchos segment is a reference to police brutality.

Doctor (2013 film)

Choi In-beom (Kim Chang-wan) is a plastic surgeon married to Soon-jung (Bae So-eun). He is a psychopathic doctor who has different mood swings. One fine day, he leaves for a surgery and tells his wife that he would be late in arriving home. As he leaves, Soon-jung shows her real side and hatred for her. She gets a call from Yong-kwan (Seo Gun-woo), who later arrives at her home. Still there, In-beom secretly enters his house to find out about the guy and witnesses Soon-jung committing adultery. He feels betrayed and tries to kill her, but her mother rings the doorbell and both In-beom and Yong-kwan escape separately. The latter is spotted by the mother who asks Soon-jung to calm down. It is revealed that Soon-jung's mother planned the marriage so that she could herself get whatever luxuries she wanted and to get her daughter, a cosmetic surgery.

In-beom follows Yong-kwan and finds out about him. Yong-kwan is visited by Soon-jung's mother who warns him not to meet her again. In-beom soon visits her and tricks her into giving her a BOTOX injection, and instead kills her. At night, he gifts Soon-jung with a special meat and as she eats it, he laughs and reveals that it was her mother's thigh. Shocked, Soon-jung threatens In-beom with a knife. In-beom breaks a bottle over her head, leaving her unconscious and drags her into a dark room.

In-beom's mood swings make his nurses suspect him. He is soon visited by a young lady willing to get a breast surgery, whom he decides to surgically enhance to take Soon-jung's place and starts the surgery without the consent of one of his senior nurses. As she refuses to help him, he kills her along with another nurse who decides to stop the surgery in between. The lady dies due to lack of proper treatment. Nurse Kim gets shocked to find blood and dead bodies. As she is about to leave, In-beom fantasizes her to be Soon-jung and tries to kill her but she escapes and eventually calls the police. In the meanwhile, Yong-kwan finds out about In-beom and breaks into his house to find Soon-jung bound and gagged. He takes her to a hospital. In the meanwhile, the police start investigating and discover that Soon-jung is actually a copy of another lady.

While in hospital, In-beom secretly injects Soon-jung with a special drug, making her unable to speak. Yong-kwan too gets injected and beaten down badly by him. He slashes Soon-jung's left eyelid and rest of her face, and leaves amidst chaos and police looking for him.

After an year, a patient with a plastic surgery comes to the doctor's cabin and as his face is being revealed, a flashback shows that In-beom had killed a roadside man and taken his identity card, not before injuring his own face severely. As he now asks for a mirror to see his face, the doctor asks him if he's satisfied. In-beom shows his satisfaction but speaks out that he used to like his name, In-beom, a lot. He starts laughing and the camera cuts to black before his new face is seen.

Yesterday (2019 film)

Jack Malik is a struggling singer-songwriter from Lowestoft who plays gigs to tiny crowds. His manager and childhood friend Ellie Appleton encourages him not to give up on his dreams. During a twelve-second global power outage, Jack is hit by a bus. After recovering, he sings the Beatles song "Yesterday" for his friends and discovers they have never heard of the Beatles, and that he is now in an alternative reality where the group never formed. Jack begins performing Beatles songs, passing them off as his own.

Ellie has Jack record a demo with Gavin, a local music producer. Following a performance on local television, Jack is invited by pop star Ed Sheeran to play as his opening act in Moscow. Ellie declines to join him, saying she must work at her day job as a maths teacher, so Jack's roadie friend Rocky travels with him instead. After the gig, Sheeran challenges Jack to a songwriting duel: after Jack plays "The Long and Winding Road", Sheeran graciously accepts defeat. In Los Angeles, Sheeran's ruthless manager Debra Hammer signs Jack to her label and engineers his rise to global fame.

At Jack's going-away party before his permanent move to L.A., Ellie confesses that she has always been in love with him. Jack starts recording an album at EastWest Studios, but cannot remember the lyrics for "Eleanor Rigby." Hoping to trigger memories, Jack goes to the Beatles' hometown of Liverpool, visiting landmarks such as Strawberry Field, Penny Lane, and the grave of Eleanor Rigby. Ellie joins him in Liverpool, and they spend a drunken evening and kiss, but Ellie tells Jack she is not interested in a one-night stand. The next morning, Jack and Rocky pursue Ellie to the train station, where she congratulates Jack but tells him she cannot be a part of his celebrity life. Jack returns to Los Angeles heartbroken and desperate to have a normal life again, while Ellie begins dating Gavin.

The record label prepares to launch Jack's debut album but reject his title ideas named from Beatle albums and name it ''One Man Only'', pushing his talent. Jack persuades them to launch the album with a rooftop concert in Gorleston-on-Sea. Two people who were also transferred to the alternative reality during the power outage approach him backstage and tell him they know he didn't write the songs, but thank him, having feared the Beatles' music was gone forever. They give him the address of John Lennon, who having never formed The Beatles in this reality has survived into old age, out of the public spotlight. John, who has lived a happy life with his wife, advises Jack to pursue the one he loves and always tell the truth.

Jack calls in a favour with Sheeran who arranges for him to perform at Wembley Stadium. Jack confesses to the crowd that he plagiarized the music and that he loves Ellie, and has Rocky upload the songs free to the internet, sabotaging the record release and enraging Debra. Jack and Ellie marry and start a family, and Jack gives up stardom to become a music teacher.

Cold Iron (video game)

After mysterious outlaws ride into town and gun down your father, you are tasked with seeking revenge with the help of your father's signature weapon, the titular ''Cold Iron''. Along the journey it is revealed that Cold Iron is a unique weapon with magical properties. The player is subsequently entrusted with destroying the weapon and ridding the world of its evil power while overcoming opponents from different time periods and dimensions who seek to stop you in your quest.

The Barricade

When Michael Brennon became sick, he asked his partner, Jacob Solomon to take care of his son if anything should happen to him. When Michael dies, Jacob takes Robert Brennon into his home on the Lower East Side of New York City and raises him. Jacob mortgages his home and business in order to put Robert through college and medical school. After he graduates, he falls in love with a wealthy uptown socialite, Jane Stoddard, and the two marry. After the wedding, Jane convinces Robert to open his practice on Fifth Avenue, which he does, and begins to disassociate himself from his friends and family on the lower east side.

When Jacob visits Robert at his new practice, his wife and her friends are mortified that Robert could be associated with someone like him. Jane gets Robert to promise to forego any further contact with his prior life. Jane's friends discover that Jacob is not just an acquaintance, but the man who raised Robert. Meanwhile, Jacob makes excuses for Robert's actions.

Robert, realizing that he is letting his pride get the better of his character and morals, goes back to the Lower East Side to visit Jacob. There, he finds that Jacob is on the verge of being evicted, since he cannot keep up with the mortgage payments he incurred in order to put Robert through school. Understanding what he must do, he makes the decision to move back to his roots. When she realizes that she loves him more than her social standing, Jane lets Robert know that she was wrong, and he forgives her.

Kin (film)

Fourteen-year-old Elijah "Eli" Solinski lives in Detroit with his stern adoptive father Harold "Hal", a widower. While scavenging an abandoned building for copper wiring to sell, Eli discovers the aftermath of a skirmish, with armored corpses and high-tech weaponry strewn about. He picks up a strange weapon, but drops it and flees after it mechanically activates. That evening, Eli's newly paroled older brother James "Jimmy", Hal's biological son, returns home to Hal's chagrin. Eli dreams of the weapon and sneaks out to retrieve it. Sneaking back in, he overhears Hal and Jimmy arguing. Jimmy owes $60,000 in protection money to Taylor Balik, a local crime lord, and asks Hal to help him steal the money from Hal's employer. Hal refuses and kicks Jimmy out. The next night, Hal catches Jimmy and Taylor breaking into his office's safe. Hal is unwilling to walk away and so Taylor shoots and kills him dead. Jimmy accidentally shoots and kills Taylor's brother Dutch in the ensuing scuffle before fleeing with the money. Jimmy convinces Eli that Hal is stuck at a work emergency and wants to meet them at Lake Tahoe. Eli secretly packs the weapon, and they leave moments before Taylor and his gang arrive to ransack the house. Taylor vows to kill Jimmy, as well as Eli in order to avenge his own brother's death.

The two bond as brothers during the road trip. Jimmy takes Eli into a strip club, where both brothers befriend one of the strippers, Milly. When a drunk Jimmy tries to dance on stage with Milly, the owner, Lee, leads his men to beat Jimmy until Eli brandishes the weapon. Startled, Eli reflexively fires, destroying a pool table. The brothers flee and Milly spontaneously joins them. Two masked and armored figures detect the weapon's use and follow on motorcycles. Jimmy realizes he left the bag of money at the strip club. Milly leads the brothers to Lee's card game, where they retrieve the money from him at gunpoint. The trio get a room in a Nevada casino. Milly discusses her past with Eli throughout the journey; she left her abusive parents as a teen and has failed to establish lasting personal relationships. Hal's murder is reported nationally, which Eli sees. Police identify Eli and Jimmy as suspects and apprehend them. Milly watches from a crowd, and Eli signals his approval that she leave them. Jimmy is jailed and Eli rebukes him.

Taylor and his gang overwhelm the county police station, massacring the officers. Before being executed, a wounded officer helps Eli retrieve the weapon from evidence lockup. Eli kills most of Taylor's men, saving Jimmy. As Eli and Jimmy prepare to surrender to the FBI, Taylor appears and shoots at Jimmy. The two armored pursuers arrive and freeze time for everyone but Eli and themselves. The figures unmask to reveal that they are a man and woman. The man explains that Eli is actually from their world, which is at war. Eli was hidden on this world for his safety until he is old enough to help. The man tells Eli to stay with his brother and calls Eli his own brother. The woman redirects Taylor's bullet and the two leave with the weapon. Time resumes and Taylor is shot and killed by his own bullet. The brothers are taken into custody. Agent Morgan Hunter tells Eli that Jimmy will go to prison, but maybe not for very long if he is cooperative. She tacitly accepts that Jimmy has covered for Eli, who will not discuss the weapon. Milly arrives and waves at Eli.

Lies, Amplifiers, Fucking Twitter

Carrie (Claire Danes) drops off Franny at school and goes to the secure site where Saul (Mandy Patinkin) is holding Dante (Morgan Spector). Carrie takes a shot at interrogating Dante but doesn't get him to break. When Dante asks for a lawyer, Carrie has an idea and tells Saul "let's give him one." While this is happening, Franny, still traumatized from the previous night, has to be picked up from school by Maggie (Amy Hargreaves). When Carrie returns home, Maggie says that Carrie's treatment and neglect of Franny is downright abusive. Maggie issues an ultimatum: Carrie must admit herself to a hospital immediately, or Maggie will seek custody of Franny. Carrie argues at first, but then leaves and goes back to the secure site.

President Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) is pressured to resign by Senator Paley (Dylan Baker) due to the impending testimony of Simone Martin (Sandrine Holt). Keane and Wellington (Linus Roache) decide to lean on Russia via their ambassador (Elya Baskin), with the threat that Martin's testimony would be considered a "hostile act" against the United States. Leadership in Russia takes the threat seriously, and Yevgeny Gromov (Costa Ronin) is notified that he needs to prevent Martin's testimony. Gromov tracks down the safehouse where Martin is being held, and his men are able to distract the guards and escape with her. Gromov and Martin embrace and kiss when they are reunited.

Dante's "lawyer" (actually a man posing as one, directed by Carrie and Saul) has Dante sign some paperwork and leaves. Dante collapses and shows signs of a heart attack. Seeing the ink on his hands, Dante realizes he was poisoned the same way that McClendon was and tells Carrie the Russians were responsible, also implicating Simone Martin. Carrie and Saul get the evidence they were seeking, and then attempt to save Dante by giving him an antidote. Dante's heart temporarily stops and his survival is left in question, which becomes even more crucial to Saul and Carrie when they learn that Martin has escaped, meaning Dante is their only connection to the Russians.

Useful Idiot (Homeland)

When Dante (Morgan Spector) awakens, Carrie (Claire Danes) persuades him to further elaborate on his collusion with Simone Martin (Sandrine Holt) and the Russians. Dante tells her of a secret code — "Darwin loves Bitcoin" — the use of which is an emergency signal meant to alert Gromov's agents to dissolve their network. Saul (Mandy Patinkin) presents a plan to Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) which pushes legal boundaries: to broadcast the code by compromising Twitter's servers, and violate the privacy of U.S. citizens by tracking who posts confirmations in response to the tweet. Keane reluctantly agrees. Keane and Wellington (Linus Roache) bring Senator Paley (Dylan Baker) into the loop, detailing Simone's and Dante's roles in the elaborate scheme to undermine the government, and Paley's own unwitting role in the subterfuge.

Clayton (Thomas G. Waites) informs Gromov (Costa Ronin) that Dante was arrested and is now in the hospital. When the cyberattack is successfully deployed by Clint (Peter Vack), Gromov realizes that Dante has to be cooperating with authorities. He calls his handler, "Mirov" (Merab Ninidze), to request aid in breaching the hospital and killing Dante, but is only told to stand down. Gromov ignores the order and meets Clayton at the hospital. Gromov then shoots Clayton in the abdomen and drags him inside. As he hands Clayton off to the doctors, he swipes one of their ID cards. He uses the card to enter Dante's room.

Carrie goes to Maggie's house to try and reconcile, but instead learns from Bill (Mackenzie Astin) that Maggie is meeting a lawyer to seek custody of Franny. When Dante accuses Gromov of poisoning him, he denies it and tells Dante to call Carrie and ask her if she was responsible. Dante calls Carrie, who is picking up Franny from school early. He realizes that Carrie is lying to him, but nonetheless he tells Carrie that Gromov is in the room with him. Gromov puts a pillow over Dante's face. Carrie opts to leave Franny at school in her rush to the hospital, but Franny runs after her and is almost accidentally run over by her mother in the parking lot. After learning that Dante is dead, Carrie has a psychotic break at the hospital as she is overwhelmed by thoughts of what she nearly did to Franny, as well as flashbacks to the deaths of Brody, Aayan and Quinn.

Clarity (Homeland)

With Dante's death confirmed, the chain of evidence to vindicate President Keane falls apart. To salvage the situation, Saul's (Mandy Patinkin) plan is to exfiltrate Simone Martin from Russia. He makes a plea to Carrie (Claire Danes), asking her to lead a team of operatives to carry out the mission. Carrie declines, as she faces a custody hearing and needs to put that type of work behind her. Her lawyer, Rhonda (Adrienne C. Moore), urges her to consider a temporary custody arrangement that allows her to visit Franny every third weekend in order to avoid the hearing, but Carrie refuses. Carrie gets a visit from Anson (James D'Arcy). They discuss the upcoming hearing and how to weaken Maggie's case. Carrie notes that Maggie used to illegally treat Carrie's bipolar disorder by supplying medication and administering blood tests. Anson breaks into Maggie's office, procures the corresponding medical records, and delivers them to Carrie.

President Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) faces an uprising from her Cabinet, who are pushing to collect enough votes to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove her from office. Only Vice President Warner's (Beau Bridges) signature is needed to complete the process. Senator Paley (Dylan Baker) meets with Warner to make his case against Keane. Keane learns of the meeting and fears the worst when she is unable to contact Warner afterwards. She goes on the offensive, firing four of the Cabinet members she suspects betrayed her so they cannot vote against her. Wellington (Linus Roache) unsuccessfully tries to dissuade her, telling her it would be political suicide, and exactly the type of crisis the Russians were trying to engender. After news of the firing goes public, Warner informs her that, after giving it thought, he never signed the document already signed by the majority of the cabinet members. He insists that she reverse course and not go through with dismissing her Cabinet members. Keane refuses, stating that because of his actions, she does not trust him and suspects he plans to sign the document anyway as he is "one signature away from the presidency." Warner said her actions are tyrannical and likely unconstitutional, and that she left him no choice but to deliver the document declaring her unfit to the President ''pro tempore'' of the Senate. He later petitions to the Supreme Court to declare her pre-emptive firing of the Cabinet members illegal.

At the custody hearing, numerous witnesses testify against Carrie's competency as a mother. Maggie (Amy Hargreaves) takes the stand and then addresses Carrie directly; she argues that Carrie was born to do extraordinary things but is incapable of giving Franny the stable environment she needs. Maggie states that she does not believe Carrie's promise to give up her job. During a recess, Carrie agrees to give up the custody fight and accepts the visitation agreement, negotiating to see Franny every other weekend, opting not to discredit Maggie with the medical records. At Dante's funeral, Carrie asks Saul if she can still head up the operation in Russia. He answers in the affirmative, and the episode ends with Carrie and Saul en route.

Paean to the People

Saul (Mandy Patinkin) and his team arrive at the airport, ready to fly Simone (Sandrine Holt) to the United States. Meanwhile, Yevgeny Gromov (Costa Ronin) tracks the disguised Carrie (Claire Danes), still believing she is Simone. Carrie's car is cornered, so she runs away on foot in an effort to extend the chase until Saul's plane has taken off. Saul's vehicle is stopped at a checkpoint due to an outstanding warrant for Bennet's (Ari Fliakos) arrest; Saul calls Vice President Warner (Beau Bridges) for assistance. Senator Paley (Dylan Baker), who is in the room with Warner, advises against this, as a successful retrieval of Simone would lead to Keane being reinstated as President. Warner angrily rebukes Paley and intervenes on Saul's behalf. The plane takes flight as Yevgeny captures Carrie.

Three days later

Saul's attempts to negotiate Carrie's release with Viktor (Elya Baskin) go nowhere. Simone's testimony confirms a GRU conspiracy to undermine President Keane. Paley is arrested as a conspirator. Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) is triumphantly sworn in as President once again, but in her first public address, she resigns. She explains that as Russia was able to exploit partisan discord in the U.S., that must be addressed and that events of her administration have left her as someone the American people as a whole will be unable to trust. Yevgeny wants Carrie to film a confession video stating that Simone was a CIA operative and that the U.S. orchestrated everything, while threatening to withhold Carrie's medication if she doesn't cooperate. Carrie refuses.

Seven months later

Carrie's release is finally secured in exchange for several Russian prisoners. Saul and Jim (Damian Young), the head of the CIA's Moscow station, oversee the prisoner exchange at the Estonia–Russia border. After seven months of receiving no medication, Carrie is barely lucid and even seems not to recognise Saul.

The Jungle Bunch (film)

An iceberg with an egg appears on the banks of the Jungle. Meanwhile, The Champs, consisting of the big guerror bengal tigress Natacha, an hippie three-toed sloth named Tony, a neurotic javan rhinoceros named Goliath and the crested porcupine Ricky, are engaged in saving all the inhabitants the Jungle, mainly due to the evil deeds of an koala named Igor. During the next chase, Igor almost manages to escape from the island in a small boat, but he collides with the iceberg, preventing the koala from leaving the shore. Igor tries to break the egg (delivered by the iceberg), but is defeated by The Champs.

As Natacha sends to Igor to the Island of the Lost, a small desert island where evil animals are exiled, he tells her that he left in the Jungle exploding mushrooms, which are already starting to explode at that moment. Natacha immediately hurries back to shore to save the rest of the inhabitants. During the ensuing fire in the Jungle, Ricky, for the sake of saving the rest, sacrifices himself, while throwing the egg to safety. Natacha believes that the activities of The Champs led to the death of Ricky, and together with Goliath and Tony abolishes the team. Goliath, who considered himself unnecessary after the collapse of the team, leaves. Soon, a baby penguin hatches from the egg Ricky threw, whom Natacha calls Maurice and raises as her son. When Maurice grows up, he feels the desire to follow in the footsteps of his mother, against her will, and save all inhabitants of those who are in danger from other evil animals. Maurice says goodbye to his mother, and sets out on his journey. In parallel scenes of Maurice growing, Igor has the seed of a tree with him, and nurtures its growth, and at the same time acquiring a lieutenant – Surimi the coconut crab.

Years later, the Jungle Bunch is busy rescuing elephants who were forced to serve the olive baboons under their threat to destroy the sacred totem. The team successfully coped with this mission. In the meantime, Igor finally waited for the tree to grow, and he, along with Surimi, leave the Island of the Lost. Soon, the Jungle Bunch notice a burning tree and they arrive there, where they meet Igor, who lures them into a trap and learns from them that Maurice is Natacha's son. Igor talks about his plans to destroy them, and then The Champs, and then he leaves, leaving the Jungle Bunch to wait for them to die from the explosion of his mushrooms. The team manage to escape from the explosion due to Miguel's powerful allergy to ficus flowers, after which they head to Natacha. Igor takes the baboons under his army, who because of the Jungle Bunch can not engage in banditry. Igor develops the idea of undermining the cave, so that the Jungle will collapse and be flooded. When the Jungle Bunch arrive at Natacha's home, she is pleased to meet her son Maurice and his grandson Junior, but soon learns from Maurice about the return of Igor and tells his son the story about the koala. Igor had wanted to join The Champs as their leader, but the others thought that he was no. Natacha decides to find Goliath with Tony and revive The Champs, while not wanting to involve Maurice and his Jungle Bunch in their affairs.

The next day, The Champs decide to interfere with Igor's plans, while cutting off the road to the Jungle Bunch, destroying the bridge. When The Champs find Igor, he, in turn, leads them into his trap, but the team almost managed to defeat Igor. Maurice decided to help The Champs by catapulting himself and his son, but his intervention led to Igor escaping, and he takes Junior with him as a hostage. Natacha shows Maurice that, through his fault, Igor escaped and kidnapped his son, and asks the "Jungle Bunch" not to intervene. Maurice himself gets disappointed and removes himself from his own team. As a storm began to rage, Maurice's stripes are gradually washed off. The Champs reach Igor's lair, but are ambushed and captured by Igor. Maurice soon finds himself near the pond and sees the memories where he left his home and found an egg, from which a small fish hatched and he sheltered him, making him his son. At that time, Junior escapes from captivity and arrives at the pond where Maurice is still. Maurice is glad of the return of his son and finds out that The Champs are in captivity and many animals are enslaved, forced to grow mushroom-bombs for Igor. Maurice restores yellow stripes on his body and makes a new aquarium for Junior, since his son's main aquarium was still in Igor's lair.

Maurice and Junior return to the Jungle Bunch, which they wanted to save The Champs without Maurice's help, and with them, they penetrate inside the lair of Igor under the disguise of two baboons with fruit & vegetables. The heroes release The Champs and together they fight the baboons. During then, Beatrice finally confesses her love for Gilbert, to whom the latter accepts & decides to keep it between them, unaware they've confessed it to everyone, after Batrica pulled Igor's microphone flap to save Gilbert. Shortly after the defeat of the baboons, Igor activates the bombs and disappears. Maurice instructs The Champs to evacuate the inhabitants of the jungle, and he and the Jungle Bunch go to prevent the mushrooms from exploding. After riding a minecart down to the main mushroom bomb, Gilbert suggests that they should knock down some bombs, in order to stop the giant mushroom bomb. Maurice succeeds, but he nearly relights the bombs when his belt lights on fire. Fortunately, Junior hops out of his aquarium and extinguishes the fire.

Having managed to save the jungle, The Champs and the Jungle Bunch again face Igor, who declares that he will never stop, but Maurice catapults Junior, who in turn drives away Surimi from the jetpack, who takes off in a parachute, then overloads the ammunition, causing Igor's jetpack to malfunction. Soon, The Champs decide to retire, while the Jungle Bunch continue their heroism.

Later in the post-credits scene it has revealed that Igor is still alive & he & Surimi are back on the Island Of The Lost. After the final credits, Igor finds another seed on the island, but this time a seagull seizes it, meaning that he is stuck on the island forever and for good.

The Sinking Ship The Grand Applause

Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) guides Martin (Christopher Convery) to follow his instructions and kills the people sheltering him before taking him. Bruce (David Mazouz) and Selina (Camren Bicondova) reconcile with one another after fixing a problem she had with a debt.

Bullock (Donal Logue) meets with a former assassin that worked with Falcone to get info from a person Falcone trusted, discovering it is Arthur Penn (Andrew Sellon), who is also Cobblepot's accountant. After realizing Martin has been taken, Sofia (Crystal Reed) orders Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) to kill Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), accompanied by Headhunter (Kyle Vincent Terry), who managed to survive his stabbing. Bullock intercepts them in Arkham Asylum and police officers force them to leave but he discovers that Cobblepot escaped with the help of Nygma.

Cobblepot and Nygma arrive with Lee (Morena Baccarin) to form an alliance and kill Sofia. Nygma also goes to recruit Grundy (Drew Powell) but discovers he got back his memories and is knocked out. He's then brought to Barbara (Erin Richards) and Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), who plan to send him to Sofia. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock intercept Cobblepot in the street and after getting a possible lead on Penn, they arrest him. However, they engage in a gunfight with Zsasz and Headhunter, giving Lee a chance to escape with Cobblepot. Lee and Cobblepot go with Victor Fries (Nathan Darrow) to get him to Sofia, so he freezes Cobblepot.

Sofia has Nygma tortured but he refuses to talk. Fries arrives with Cobblepot frozen in a block of ice and gives it to Sofia, who orders Nygma to be killed in the docks. But after she leaves, a timer in the ice melts it and Cobblepot escapes. Gordon and Bullock arrive at a resort spa where they take Penn (Andrew Sellon). Penn admits that he works for Sofia and informed her of everything Cobblepot did. Sofia and her assailants arrive and start a shooting. Bullock manages to escape with Penn but Gordon is shot multiple times by Sofia, who chastises him for his attempts to stop her. Before she can kill him, she is shot in the head by Lee.

Cobblepot kills Nygma's assailants and saves him. Gordon wakes up from his injuries, being informed by Bullock that somehow Sofia ended up in a coma. Gordon tells him his intentions to confess but Bullock tells him that the city needs him and he will need to live with it as punishment. Lee reclaims the Narrows and smashes Sampson's (Stu "Large" Riley) hand with a hammer. Barbara suffers severe headaches, sees her hand shining and finds Ra's al Ghul (Alexander Siddig) walking towards her.

A Girl from Mogadishu

Born into a refugee camp in war-torn Somalia, Ifrah is trafficked to Ireland as a teenager. Recounting her traumatic childhood experiences of female genital mutilation when applying for refugee status, she is re-traumatised and vows to devote her life to the eradication of the practice. Taking her campaign all the way to the President of Ireland and finally to the European Parliament and United Nations. ''A Girl from Mogadishu'' celebrates the power of testimony, for when women find the courage to stand-up, speak out, and tell their truth, the impact can be so inspiring and empowering that act as a meaningful catalyst for change.

Scorched Earth (2018 film)

In the not-too-distant future, the world is ravaged by brutal climate changes, colloquially known as the Cloud Fall. The combination of pollution and relentless mining of Earth's resources through industrialism has left the environment nearly unlivable and extremely hostile to human habitation. Humanity is forcefully reverted to a simpler lifestyle, relying on barter for the two most valuable resources now: Water purifiers, called tabs, and silver, ground up to line the interior of breathing masks, to keep out a painful and fatal airborne disease known as Black Lung.

Driving vehicles that use fossil fuel becomes outlawed. Anyone caught driving such a vehicle was given the maximum sentence, and numerous people have become bounty hunters, bringing in drivers and other lawbreakers in exchange for tabs and silver, dead or alive. Gage, a bounty hunter, tortures Womack, a follower of an outlaw named Chavo, leaves him in the wilderness, then locates and kills Chavo after a brutal fight, freeing several pilgrims in the process. She brings the body back to claim the reward from Sheriff Grubbs, a slightly corrupt and greedy lawman of New Montana. While there, she visits Doc, her mentor and friend. He tells her of a massive reward for Thomas Jackson, an unusually industrious outlaw who is building a shelter-town for criminals, calling it Defiance. Gage decides she wants to try taking him down alone. Doc warns that every bounty hunter that tried has been killed and strung up as a warning to other would-be bounty hunters.

Masquerading herself as Chavo, Gage makes it into Defiance unchallenged. Jackson's right-hand man, Lear, is distrustful of Gage, but is unable to prove anything, and Gage endears herself to Jackson by saving his life when Grubbs and a posse sneak into Defiance to try taking him out. Jackson decides to include Gage in his plans, which includes enslaving the entire region to work in the silver mines near his town, he offers Gage 15% of the cut of the profits in exchange for her services as a gunfighter, and unintentionally revealing a scar on his forearm, which Gage's sister had made when she bit him, before he killed her. Shortly after, Jackson took Gage, Lear and several men to capture pilgrims with armored vehicles and armed escorts. Among the pilgrims is Beatrice, one of the women Gage saved from Chavo earlier. She warns the woman to be quiet and patient. While Jackson and his men celebrate, Gage urges Melena, Jackson's girlfriend, to leave Defiance that night, revealing her identity as a bounty hunter.

She apprehends Jackson, but is captured immediately, having been betrayed by Melena, and also identified by Womack, who was now terminally infected by black lung. They briefly torture Gage, then Womack drives her out into the wilderness, and dumps her in a gorge. She survives the fall, and manages to get back to New Montana, but contracted a severe case of black lung. Doc revives her and tends her wounds, and together, the two plot to take down Jackson and the entire town of Defiance. They liberate Beatrice and the other captives from the silver mine, then engage the entire town. Gage severely wounds Lear, and is saved from a sniper by a repentant Melena. Gage pursues Jackson to the mines and fights with him, leaving him to die in an explosion using dynamite.

She returns to the town, where a wounded Doc had managed to dispatch Lear for good, cuts down the corpses hanging in the town entrance, and transports Doc back to New Montana by stretcher.

Mixed Doubles (2017 film)

Tomita Tamako is a child table tennis prodigy. She has been undergoing vigorous table tennis training by her mom. But after her mom died, she quit the sport and never played again. She fell in love with her company's male table tennis player Ejima Akihiko. But Akihiko cheated on her when the company recruited a new female table tennis player, Airi Ogasawara, and they broke up. Dejected, she quit her job and returned to her hometown.

She then discovered that her father, a taxi driver, is deeply in debt. He asked her to help him out. She initially worked in a canned food factory but was soon fired for her clumsiness. Left with no other option, she took over the family's rundown table tennis club which only has five members. Meanwhile, Hagiwara Hisashi, a divorced former boxer, is working in construction nearby and he decided to take up table tennis and joined the club, because his daughter has taken up the sport.

In order to gain fame and recruit more members, Tamako decided to enter the national tournament. Tamako chose to enter Mixed Doubles as it is easier to win than singles. As the other members have found their partners Tamako is reluctantly paired with Hagi.

All 3 pairs suffered huge defeats in the regional tournament, but they vowed to continue training in order to play again one year later. They recruited the Chinese restaurant owners, who were China national table tennis team rejects, to help with their training. After months of intense training, Tamako and Hagi finally defeat the Chinese restaurant pair and are ready for the regional tournament.

Hagi's ex-wife and daughter turned up at the table tennis club and said they would like him to return and has found him a job. But the job interview is on the same date of the tournament. Realizing this is a chance for Hagi to re-establish his relationship with his family, Tamako decided not to join the tournament and went back to work in the canned food factory.

The other pairs, despite better performances, suffered defeats in the first rounds. Hagi sought out Tamako in the canned food factory, he told her his ex-wife and daughter already established new lives with another man and declared his love for her. The pair arrived at the tournament in time for their match. They advanced to the final and face Tamako's former boyfriend Ejima Akihiko and Airi Ogasawara. The match lasted until the last set when Ejima Akihiko won the match by a lucky reflex save.

Despite the loss, Tamako and Hagi found fame and the table tennis club turned into a hugely popular club.

Reunion (Gotham)

Bruce (David Mazouz) burns down his vigilante's mask. He then goes to meet Alfred (Sean Pertwee), who refuses to return until he shows him "he's changed." Meanwhile, Ivy (Peyton List) arrives at a bar where she uses her plants to hypnotize and kill the bystanders.

Lee (Morena Baccarin) meets with Sofia (Crystal Reed), who wants a sizable part of the Narrows' control. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and the GCPD investigate the bar incident and discover that Ivy is responsible, intending to kill Bullock (Donal Logue) for her father's death. At Bullock's apartment, the GCPD watches as Ivy makes a broadcasting message throughout the TV to show her powers. Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is still getting teased by his personality, to the point he's even considering suicide as a solution to avoid it.

Gordon and Bullock find Ivy on a warehouse but she uses her powers to escape and hold Bullock at her control. After battling Bullock with a gun, Gordon knocks him down, breaking Ivy's control. Bruce attends a charity foundation and runs into Alfred, who states that he needs to accept "who he really is." Ivy interrupts the event and uses her plant to kill many people at the event when the GCPD arrives. Bruce dons a suit and rescues many people before being shot by Gordon, but he survives because he is wearing a bulletproof vest and manages to escape. Afterwards, Bruce finally makes up with Alfred, who returns to the mansion. Ivy returns home and is confronted by Selina Kyle (Camren Bicondova). After a tense standoff where they both threaten to kill each other, Selina convinces Ivy to give up the last vial of the Lazarus Water that she uses to grow her plants and destroys it.

Sofia meets again with Lee, who refuses her offer for control of the Narrows. Sofia then kills her bodyguard and smashes Lee's hand with a hammer, stating she now has control of the Narrows, putting Sampson (Stu "Large" Riley) as the new head. Nygma opts to return to Arkham instead. However, Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) reappears and he reveals to him that he had specifically written the letter so that his dual personality would read it and take Nygma back to Arkham. With Bullock back on the precinct, Gordon vows to take Sofia down.

Le Brio

Neïla lives in the Paris suburbs with her mother and grandmother. She enrolls herself into Panthéon-Assas University in the hopes of becoming a lawyer, but meets with public humiliation tainted with racism from her controversial professor when she arrives late. The President of the school catches wind of the incident and steps in, only to task the professor, as a means to make amends, to mentor Neïla for an upcoming speech contest.

I Remember You (2017 film)

Freyr, a doctor in a city in Iceland, assists local police when an elderly woman is found hung inside of an old church. Crosses are found carved into her back, which is assumed to be the result of abuse, but when the dead woman's husband insists he never touched her, policewoman Dagny links the death to the mysterious disappearance of a young boy, Bernódus, who vanished decades earlier. Dagny shows him a photograph of Bernódus's classmates, with eight of their faces scratched out with crosses. She explains that the classmates were known for bullying Bernódus, who had crosses carved on his back from his ultra-religious, abusive father (who blamed him for the death of his wife in childbirth). Six of the eight have been killed in mysterious accidents and were all found with crosses carved into their backs. Freyr, who is still reeling from the unsolved disappearance of his own son, Benni, while Benni was playing hide-and-seek with a friend, begins to see visions of Bernódus.

In the second plotline, married couple Katrin and Garðar (recovering from a recent estrangement), along with Katrin's best friend Líf, move to a small, abandoned hamlet to renovate an old, decades-abandoned house to turn into a bed and breakfast. While exploring the area, Katrin stumbles upon an old cemetery, with one of the graves missing a headstone. She begins to experience paranormal incidents around the area, including seeing Bernódus's ghost near the creek along with the missing headstone and hearing strange sounds in the house, which cause her to fall down the stairs and sprain her foot. As the house gets no cell phone reception, the group is unable to call for help. Katrin also ventures into the house's cellar, where she finds the body of Bernódus, who is carrying a picture of his mother, who resembles Katrin. The group is shaken by the discovery, but are again unable to get into contact with others. Katrin refuses to stay in the house any longer, and they move to another unoccupied home nearby.

Freyr continues to experience his own strange incidents. Benni's autistic friend only reveals that Benni was last seen in a "green submarine." The seventh bully of Bernódus is found dead after an apparent suicide attempt, and Freyr finds dozens of newspaper clippings about Benni's disappearance in one of his rooms. Freyr also learns that the eighth bully was Úrsúla, a woman he knows who is suffering from schizophrenia. An addled Úrsúla tells him that Benni is "at the bottom" of "somewhere green," but Freyr is unable to get more out of her; a clairvoyant who claims to be in contact with Benni's ghost gives similar information. Meanwhile, Katrin learns that Garðar and Líf were having an affair during their estrangement, which leaves her feeling betrayed. However, Garðar and Líf are still in love, and while Katrin is away, they plan to run away together and abandon Katrin. As they discuss their feelings, they are attacked by what appears to be a young boy who throws a stone through their window before running away to a nearby whale house. Garðar and Líf give chase and encounter Bernódus's ghost inside. The chimney then collapses on top of both of them. Katrin discovers Garðar dead and Líf mortally wounded. Katrin runs to try to find cell phone reception to call for help using Líf's phone, but in doing so discovers that Líf was pregnant with Garðar's baby, and the two were planning to run away together. A devastated Katrin leaves without calling, and goes to sleep in the cellar with Bernódus's body.

Freyr awakens in the middle of the night and goes for a jog, where he once again sees Bernódus's ghost and gives chase. Bernódus leads him to a trapped Úrsúla, who claims that Bernódus is always with her; she reveals that she was the last one to see him before his disappearance, and saw him hiding in a boat, which she kept a secret for decades. Ursula also adds that Bernodus had been 'woken up' by the arrival of Benni's ghost to the house. Bernódus disembarked at the abandoned hamlet, which held the grave of his late mother, whose headstone Katrin discovered; alone, he wandered around the empty house before perishing in the cellar. Meanwhile, Benni's friend draws a green submarine, which his mother sends to Dagny. In a moment of inspiration, Dagny realizes that what he is describing is not a submarine, but a septic tank. She examines the gas station footage where Benni was last seen, and the footage reveals Katrin, Garðar and Líf; they were carrying a septic tank with them to renovate the house with.

It is revealed that Katrin, Garðar and Líf's plotline took place years earlier. Garðar and Líf's bodies were discovered, but Katrin was never found. Dagny posits that Benni crawled inside the septic tank in the gas station while the three were inside having a meal and died. They make their way to the abandoned house, where Benni's body is found inside the septic tank. Devastated but finally having closure, Freyr sits inside the house. Something draws him to the cellar, where the bodies of Katrin and Bernódus lay, but he shuts its door without looking inside. He leaves with Benni's body (including his blue-jacketed ghost, implying that he's no longer stuck), as the ghosts of Katrin and Bernódus hold hands and sadly watch him go.

Without Mercy (film)

As described in a film magazine reviews, Sir Melmoth Craven, British political leader, seeks to borrow a huge amount of money to defray the expense of his election to Parliament. He is turned down by Garth and Garth, Ltd., and obtains the money from Madame Gordon, an underworld moneylender, at usurious rates. Mrs. Enid Garth, head of the former house, learns of the deal. Trouble arises when Sir Melmoth and Margaret Garth, daughter of the woman, become involved in each other. John Orme, Margaret's fiancé and also a Member of Parliament, becomes disgruntled. Mrs. Garth enters the scene and orders Melmoth to leave. When she learns of her daughter's infatuation with Melmoth, she proves to Margaret that Melmoth is a beast by showing her shoulders, which bear the scars made by Melmoth twenty years earlier. John and Melmoth become political opponents in the election. Melmoth wins and then accuses his opponent of fraud, and John is put in jail. Melmoth expects to win Margaret, but at this time he is asked to pay back his loan. He kidnaps Margaret and places her on a barge with dynamite. John gets out of jail in time to swim to the barge where he rescues Margaret just in time to save her from being blown into atoms. Melmoth is apprehended and convicted of his crimes.