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Terminator: Dark Fate

In 1998, three years after destroying Cyberdyne Systems,As depicted in ''Terminator 2: Judgment Day'' (1991) Sarah and John Connor are enjoying life by a beach in Livingston, Guatemala, when they are suddenly ambushed by a T-800 Terminator. One of several sent back through time by Skynet, the Terminator kills John and leaves, despite Sarah's attempts to stop it.

In 2020, an advanced Terminator, the Rev-9, is sent back in time to Mexico City to murder Dani Ramos, while a cybernetically enhanced soldier, Grace, is sent from 2042 to protect her. The Rev-9, disguised as Dani's father, infiltrates the automobile assembly plant where Dani and her brother Diego work, but is thwarted by Grace, who escapes with the siblings. The Rev-9, using its ability to split into two distinct entities (its cybernetic endoskeleton and shape-shifting liquid metal exterior), pursues them, killing Diego and cornering Grace and Dani. However, Sarah arrives and temporarily disables both entities using military-grade weaponry.

Dani, Grace, and Sarah retreat to a motel. Sarah reveals that she found them because in the years since John's death, she has received encrypted messages detailing the locations of arriving Terminators, each ending with "For John", allowing her to destroy them before they become threats. Grace notes that Skynet and John do not exist in her future and thus Sarah had succeeded in destroying the former after Cyberdyne went defunct. However, humanity's future is threatened by another AI called Legion, originally developed for cyberwarfare; this system is built in Skynet's place. When Legion became a threat to humans, an attempt was made to neutralize it with nuclear weapons, resulting in a nuclear holocaust and the AI creating a global network of machines to terminate the human survivors. The survivors then organized as the Human Resistance to counter Legion's onslaughts, and Dani's destiny is linked to their war against it.

Grace traces Sarah's messages to Laredo, Texas. Barely evading the Rev-9 and the authorities while crossing the Mexico–United States border, they arrive at their source, where they discover the same T-800 that had murdered John. Having fulfilled its mission and with Skynet no longer existing, the T-800 was left aimless. Through learning, however, it became self-aware. During that time, it learned from humanity and developed a conscience, taking the name "Carl" and adopting a human family. After learning how its actions affected Sarah and being able to detect the location of temporal displacements, Carl decided to forewarn her of them to give her purpose to make amends. Carl offers to join them against the Rev-9, and they prepare to destroy it, with Sarah begrudgingly agreeing to work together for Dani's sake. Anticipating the Rev-9's arrival, Carl bids its family farewell and tells them to escape.

They seek out a military-grade electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generator from an acquaintance of Sarah's. The Rev-9 catches up with them, forcing them to steal a plane to escape, though the EMP generators are destroyed in the resulting shootout. During the flight, Grace reveals the Rev-9's motive that Dani becomes the future founding commander of the Resistance who destroyed Legion. The Rev-9 boards their airplane and temporarily subdues Carl, forcing Grace, Sarah, and Dani to parachute from the plane into a river near a hydroelectric plant, with Carl and the Rev-9 following close behind.

Bludgeoned, the group makes its stand inside the plant. In the ensuing battle, Carl and Grace force the Rev-9 into a spinning turbine, causing an explosion that critically damages the two Terminators, while mortally wounding Grace. The severely damaged Rev-9 endoskeleton incapacitates Sarah, forcing Dani to confront it herself. A dying Grace tells Dani to use her power source to destroy the Rev-9. Dani tries to fight it but is quickly overpowered. Carl reactivates itself and restrains the Rev-9, allowing Dani to stab it with Grace's power source. Carl drags itself and the Rev-9 over a ledge, right before the power core explodes, destroying them both.

Sometime later, Dani and Sarah watch a young Grace at a playground with her family, the former determined to avert Grace's death and Legion's rise. Sarah then tells Dani she needs to get ready, with Grace watching as the pair drives off.

Charley's Aunt (1925 film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, while on vacation, Fancourt Babberley (Chaplin), known to his friends as Babbs, falls in love with Ela (Shannon) and schemes to help her father (Francis), who has lost heavily at roulette. Babbs sends him away and later learns the truth, starts for England with her chaperon Donna Lucia (Jenson). In the meantime, Babbs friends Jack (James) and Charlie (Harrison), on hearing that Donna, Charley's wealthy aunt from Brazil, will visit him, invite their girls Amy (Akin) and Kitty (Bonner) to a luncheon, hoping to propose to them. Donna does not arrive, and Jack and Charley persuade Babbs to use some stage makeup left over from a college play to pose as Charley's aunt. The situation is then complicated when Spettigue (Page), the guardian of the young women who opposes their love affairs, and Jack's father Sir Francis Chesney (Smalley) show up. Both are interested in Charley's aunt because of her supposed great wealth. In the midst of the exciting situation Donna, the real aunt, appears but conceals her identity. Finally, Babbs gets consent for the young women's marriage by promising to marry Spettigue, and then reveals that he has been masquerading. In the end, all is straightened out and Babbs wins Ela while Donna marries Sir Francis, who was her old sweetheart.

After Twenty Years

Jimmy Wells and Bob were raised in New York City and grew up as very close friends. Their paths diverged when Bob moved west to make his fortune and Jimmy stayed in New York as young adults. Before they parted, though, Bob and Jimmy agreed to meet in twenty years at the restaurant Big Joe Brady's where they last saw each other.

After twenty years have passed, Bob is waiting for Jimmy at the appointed spot. A policeman on patrol stops to question, and Bob tells the policeman his story. Bob boasts of how well he has fared and tells the policeman that he does not doubt that Jimmy will show up.

Later, "Jimmy Wells" arrives, and as they walk into a lighted area, Bob discovers that this is not the same Jimmy he knew, because twenty years cannot change a man's nose. The man reveals himself to be a plainclothes policeman who arrests “Silky” Bob, a wanted criminal. Before going to the police station, he gives Bob a letter from Jimmy. Bob reads it and realizes that the policeman he met earlier was in fact, Jimmy Wells. In the letter, Jimmy explains that when he arrived at the designated spot and realized that his old friend, Bob, was the criminal that police were on the lookout for, he did not have the heart to arrest him, instead, he sent a plainclothes officer to do so.

Be with You (2018 film)

Soo-ah (Son Ye-jin) before she passed on, makes an unbelievable promise to her husband, Woo-jin (So Ji-sub), to return one year later at the start of the rainy season. Miraculously, she keeps the promise and reappears before her husband and son, but she has no memory recollection. Sadly, the relief at their reunion is short-lived, because it turns out that Soo-ah has to leave her family at the end of the rainy season.

The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis

Leonard (Johnny Galecki) assists award winning scientist David Underhill (Michael Trucco) with his research. Leonard is overjoyed to be helping Underhill but becomes jealous when the handsome scientist starts dating Penny. This quickly ends in a break up when Penny discovers nude photos of his wife on his phone. Leonard only learns of this when he comes to Penny's apartment to confront her about their own on-off relationship. When he realises his mistake, he and Penny cuddle to comfort each other.

Sheldon (Jim Parsons) who disdains Christmas as a pagan ritual is disconcerted when Penny (Kaley Cuoco) brings him a Christmas gift. He now feels obligated to buy her a gift that matches the value of her gift to him, and enlists Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) and Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar) to help him with this task which they reluctantly agree to. After deciding on a basket of bath items he discovers a large selection, so not knowing what Penny will get him, he buys the entire range to cover all contingencies. Penny's gift to Sheldon is a napkin both autographed and used by Leonard Nimoy. Sheldon, overwhelmed since he now possesses Nimoy's DNA and can grow his own Leonard Nimoy, gives Penny all the gift baskets and also a rare "Sheldon" hug.

Li Tournoiement as dames

The characters in the story come from an elite/upper class status. Their society is composed of knights and is heavily involved in battle. Chivalry and honor are held in high regard. When their land is attacked the men are forced to leave for war, leaving the women behind in a community of their own. In this new society the women settle disputes by holding discussions among themselves, and leadership is won by developing the best rhetorical skills. During a debate on whether or not women gain or share the same honor as men a challenge is presented to the group, "the women are to put on the men's armor, mount the men's warhorses, and joust against each other in the pursuit of honor." In the battle the woman who wins is deemed the poorest among them, being forced to ride bearing the name of a famous knight, rather than a familial one. Once their victory story has traveled through the land and reached the famous knight, he comes to meet this poor maiden, pities her, gives her a dowry and marries her off to a rich man.

At the Stage Door

Mary Matthews is the elder sister of Helen, who is the favorite of their widowed mother. Growing up, she continually has to accede to Helen's wants and preferences. However, when the selfish Helen steals Mary's fiancé, Mary leaves home to try and make a life in New York City. She gets a part as a chorus girl in a Broadway production, but refuses to give in to the wanton lifestyle so prevalent among the other dancers. One night she is being pursued by the stage manager to join the gang in going out to one of their parties, but she keeps refusing. The stage manager becomes more and more aggressive, until he is on the verge of forcing her to accompany him. Mary is saved by the intervention of Philip Pierce, the heir of a socially prominent family, who punches out the stage manager.

The two become friends, and there is a growing attraction. However, at the insistence of his friends, who feel that "all chorus girls are alike", Philip makes a dishonorable proposition to her. Afterwards he realizes his mistake and apologizes, and the two reignite their mutual attraction. He eventually proposes to her, and tells her that the following evening he will meet her and present her with an engagement ring.

However, he fails to show up at the rendezvous, and in the papers the next morning there is an announcement of his engagement to a wealthy socialite. Mary is crushed. That night, despondent over being let down once again, she is on the verge of giving in and accompanying "the gang" on one of their licentious evenings out. Philip arrives just in time to prevent her from making a mistake. He explains that he missed the rendezvous because he indeed went to see his fiancée, who had arrived home unexpectedly from Europe. But he went to see her to break off their engagement, so that he could marry Mary. Unfortunately, Philip's mother jumped the gun on the wedding announcement. The two are reconciled and are married.

Professor Dowell's Testament

Professor Dowell creates a solution to reanimate body parts and later dies of an extensive myocardial infarction. In his will, the professor asks to revive him with the solution. Assistant Professor Dr. Korn connects the professor's head to the solution, and leaves the body in the car, ignites the car and throws it off the road outside the city.

Arthur, son of the professor, comes to the funeral of his father. In a charred car, Arthur discovers an object belonging to Dr. Korn, and gives it to the district police officer as evidence. The professor's head informs Dr. Korn of the code from the bank account of the professor, and Korn is able to pay off his debts.

The police tries to detain drug traffickers in a restaurant; as a result of the shootout, two women are killed. The pathologist writes out the death certificates of two women and passes the bodies to Dr. Korn. Korn connects the head from one body to the body from the other, the woman named Eva and revives with the help of the professor's solution. The head of Eva belonged to a singer who came for a tour, and the body to Arthur's girlfriend. Korn wants to learn how to create the life-giving solution; The professor's head is against this and twice gives Korn the wrong formula.

The son of the professor sees Eva, suspects Dr. Korn in the murder of the professor and gives the district photos of Eva. The police conducts an investigative experiment - a car similar to the professor's car, was dropped from the road with a doll at the wheel. Korn is charged with killing the professor. Korn has to show the head of the professor to the district chief, and the charges of murder are dropped.

At a conference of physicians, Dr. Korn demonstrates Eva, and the professor's head appears with the help of video conferencing. The head of the professor does not give Korn the formula of the solution and dies as the supply of the solution made by the professor during his lifetime ends; the same fate awaits Eva. The secret of the life-giving solution remains unsolved.

Is Love Everything?

As described in a review in a film magazine, unable to decide between steady-going and wealthy Jordon (Warner) whom she admires and happy-go-lucky Robert (Mayo) whom she really loves, Jordon’s money influences her mother’s opinion and Virginia marries him. Her scapegrace brother Boyd (McGrail) steals her old love letters from Robert and tries to sell them to Jordon, who destroys them. Jordon however plans a test by inviting Robert to a yacht cruise. A collision destroys the yacht but Robert, Boyd, and Virginia are among those rescued. Robert continues to plead his love and although Virginia is true to his memory, she finally consents to marry him, believing Jordon dead. Jordon however has been picked up and comes home just at this time. Realizing their happiness and willing to sacrifice his own feelings in his great love for Virginia, he decides to let them continue to believe him dead, and goes away with the sea captain who rescued him.

The Average Woman

Sally Whipple is the daughter of the local judge, who dotes on her and gives in to almost her every whim. While at the library, she catches the interest of a newspaper man, Jimmy Munroe, who is writing an article on "the average woman". Sally fits his idea of what represents that woman, and he begins to follow her around, hoping to collect information for his story. His stalking is noticed, and he is arrested. Judge Whipple, finding him harmless, yet wanting to teach him a lesson, sentences him to regularly visit Sally. During these visits a romance develops between the two.

Rudolph Van Alten is the owner of a local notorious speakeasy, although he keeps his involvement in the club secret. He also begins courting Sally, although he has an ulterior motive. He has come into the possession of some letters written by the Judge's wife, which he thinks will embarrass the judge if they become public. He and his lover Mrs. La Rose, who is also the hostess at his nightclub, intend to use the letters to blackmail the judge. When Sally finds out of his plans, she offers to marry him if he will agree to turn over the letters.

When La Rose overhears Van Alten seducing the young girl, she becomes jealous and calls the police, who raid the club. The Judge and Jimmy also arrive at the club, saving Sally from the raid, and in the chaos which ensues La Rose shoots and kills Van Alten, and then makes her escape. Sally and Jimmy marry.

Happy Hour (2015 film)

The film follows the lives and loves of four middle-class, thirty-seven-year-old women who are friends and who live in Kobe: unemployed Jun, housewife Sakurako, divorced nurse Akari, and married arts administrator Fumi. After attending a seminar by a New Age communications guru, Ukai, Jun casually reveals that she has been having an affair with a younger man and plans to divorce her husband. The other women are shocked, with some more hurt than others that Jun kept so many secrets from them. However, over time, especially during a vacation that Jun plans, they rekindle and re-contextualize their bonds with each other. The three friends attend Jun's court case to support her, which affects their perception of their own lives and relationships in intertwining stories.

Free-spirited and independent Jun is married to a biologist, Kohei, who strongly opposes the divorce and calmly believes that he can convince her to give up. In court, Jun admits that Kohei did not physically abuse her, but that their marriage was rife with emotional and psychological abuse. She maintains that she tried hard to be a good wife, but Kohei emotionally rejected her, and his lack of interest in sex prevented her from achieving her dream of having a baby. However, her court case goes poorly when her infidelities are admitted on tape, and she does not come across as sympathetic, or having tried to fix her marriage. Though she tries to incite Kohei to violence in private, he ignores the attempts and continues to try to get her to stop the divorce proceedings. Kohei later reveals to the rest of the friends that she is pregnant with his child. Frustrated by the lack of progress in the divorce proceedings, she flees on a ferry to an unknown destination, knowing that being separated from him long enough will automatically grant a divorce. Jun disappears for the rest of the movie, and Kohei mentions that she is in a shelter specializing in women trying to divorce their husbands.

The tough, no-nonsense Akari chafes at work with a younger and inexperienced colleague, Yuzuki, who she is training. Akari is the least forgiving of the friends and holds the longest grudges when there is a fight, but her lack of a serious personal romantic relationship leads her to invest time and energy into her friends. Though she is looking for a partner, she finds it difficult to connect with other men and struggles with whether or not she desires intimacy. A doctor at the hospital attempts to start a relationship with her, but she rebuffs him. Later, she reprimands Yuzuki harshly for making what could have been a serious mistake, and afterwards, she accidentally falls down the stairs and breaks her leg. As she recovers, she attends an art event that Fumi is hosting, and though Ukai is slated to interview the star of the show, Kozue, he spontaneously walks out. Akari, who is attracted to him, follows him and joins him at a club. At the same club is Hinako, who was at the same event, and Akari learns that she is Ukai's sister. After they share a heart-to-heat, Hinako spontaneously kisses her, and in turn Akari kisses Ukai when he interrupts them. Eventually, Akari returns to work, where Yuzuki apologizes for not being a good enough worker. Akari, no longer as cold to Yuzuki as before, hugs her.

Sakurako, the more emotional of the friends, is married to overworked salaryman Yoshihiko, and they have a teenage son, Daiki. They also live with Yoshihiko's mother, Mitsu, who Sakurako does not feel comfortable around. Mitsu warns the couple of Daiki's relationship with another girl, but they brush off her complaints until Daiki reveals that he needs money for his girlfriend's abortion. Yoshihiko orders Sakurako to bring the money to the family and apologize, much to Sakurako's distress, and when she pleads to him for help and solidarity, he retorts that he is too busy with work, and she is responsible for domestic matters. Sakurako finds the experience humiliating, but Mitsu attends the meeting with her and takes the lead, which causes them to finally bond. After Sakurako reveals to Daiki that Jun was responsible for her and Yoshihiko becoming lovers, Daiki ends up at the ferry to run away with his girlfriend, only to find that she has stood him up. Instead, he sees Jun off and thanks her for being responsible for his birth. Meanwhile, Sakurako, disappointed and disillusioned with Yoshihiko, embarks on her own affair. She tells him that she slept with another man, and that she will not apologize or ask for his forgiveness. Yoshihiko seems unmoved and leaves for work; when he slips down the stairs, Sakurako hurries to help him and see him off, then continues on with her household chores as if nothing happened. As Yoshihiko walks to work, he eventually breaks down in tears.

Fumi is married to Takuya, who is an editor to a prized young writer, Kozue. Fumi grows increasingly insecure over their relationship, fearing that their marriage is flawed and only to keep up appearances. This is exacerbated when the rest of the friends spot Takuya and Kozue walking together, and comment on how attractive Kozue is. Takuya organizes a reading of one of Kozue's short stories. Ukai is slated to interview her when it is over, but when he spontaneously walks out, Kohei is brought on to replace him. Surprisingly, Kohei is a sensitive and engaged interviewer, and the session goes well, which alters the friends' opinions of him even as they disapprove of his dogged refusal to let Jun have her divorce. During the dinner with Kohei and Kozue, Kozue bluntly states that she believes that the other friends are projecting their feelings onto Kohei, and that even they don't understand Jun's feelings. This causes tension in the group, exacerbated when the others begin to notice Takuya's affection for Kozue. Fumi loses her nerve and storms out of the dinner, but Takuya does not follow her, and instead stays with Kozue to drive her home. On the drive, Kozue confesses she has feelings for Takuya. Back at home, Fumi dresses down Takuya for his obvious crush on Kozue and breaks up with him. Takuya apologizes for hurting her and leaves; Fumi watches him go and then collapses on the floor, while Takuya is involved in a serious car accident and is brought to Akari's hospital, where he falls into a coma.

Fumi and Akari have a moment on the hospital roof, and Fumi admits that she blames herself, as she had handed him the car keys after he had forgotten them. Akari, who had fought with Sakurako at the dinner with Kohei, promises to make up with her. Fumi leaves to be by Takuya's side when he wakes up, but not before agreeing with Akari to plan another trip with Sakurako and Jun.

Call of the Forest (1949 film)

A rancher and prospector Bob Brand (Ken Curtis) searches for riches from a lost gold mine, his son Bobby (Charlie Hughes) befriends an American Indian named Stormcloud (Chief Thundercloud). As a reward for Bobby's kindness, Stormcloud provides him with a map to the mine, so he can help his father's search. Greedy Sam Harrison (Robert Lowery) gets wind of the map, however, and attempts to violently upset their plans. After Harrison defeats Bob, Bobby and his stallion, King, must confront the dangerous man.

Alida (video game)

In-universe, Alida is a guitar-shaped island off the coast of Australia, built by the members of a band from the money made from their successful first album. They never released a second album and were forgotten by their fans. The band split, they each locked their fortunes in separate parts of the island and left. Arin, one of the previous members, goes to the island to attend a supposed reunion but never returns home. His wife Julia asks the player to head to island to locate her husband, and this is where the game begins.

Dark Figure of Crime (film)

Kim is a widowed narcotics officer who meets with a potential informant named Kang. As they are talking at a restaurant, Kang is arrested by the homicide division for killing his girlfriend. He confesses to the murder and is put behind bars.

A few months later, Kang contacts Kim from prison and claims that he has murdered six other people. However, he refuses to talk to the homicide detectives who he claims fabricated evidence against him to have him imprisoned. Kim agrees to find the real evidence in exchange for information on the remaining six bodies. Kim uncovers the actual evidence with Kang's information, proving the homicide detectives fabricated his case. As a result, the detectives are charged and Kang's sentence is reduced. In return, Kang provides information on the six remaining victims as promised.

Of the six remaining victims, Kim first investigates the disappearance of Oh Ji Hee, a former swimmer who is forced to work at a nightclub to support her grandmother in the village. Kang claims he killed her one night after driving her away from the city while working there as a cab driver. Throughout his investigation, Kim is repeatedly told by people he questions about Kang that he is not to be trusted. Still, Kim perseveres. With much difficulty, Kang finds part of Oh's remains. However, when he is interrogated by Kim, Kang lies on record about Kim coercing him to make false statements and bribing him to do so. Furthermore, DNA results show that the remains are not Oh's. The prosecutor cannot indict Kang as the evidence against him is not convincing enough.

Kim feels cheated and goes to his former mentor, Song for advice. Song advises Kim to stop pursuing Kang's case since the murderer is trying to make himself appear innocent in other crimes to overturn the sentencing for the crime he is serving time for at present. Kim also visits Kang's older sister, who reveals Kang killed their father when he was just a boy. She helped him cover up the murder. As a result, Kang grew up to become a serial killer who became responsible for many other deaths. Kim cannot bring this case to court since the statute of limitations has ended.

With the help of his new partner, Jo, Kim start investigating a second victim, Hwang, whom Kang claims he killed by pushing down a flight of stairs. Kim and Jo look into old files of unsolved cases and find one matching Hwang's murder. The case is brought to trial but since there is only circumstantial evidence, Kang is not convicted of the murder. As a result, Kim is demoted and Jo is transferred to the narcotics division.

While clearing his desk, Kim notices an IUD birth control implant in the crime scene photo of the unidentified remains. He then gets a list of all the women who had IUD implants around the time of the murder and discovers one reported missing woman, Park Mi Yong. Kim quickly learns that Park was Kang's girlfriend at the time. She came to the city with her young son. As he grew older, Park realized that her constant fighting with Kang was not healthy for her son. She tries to break up with Kang and this is when he kills her. Kim tracks down Park's son, who is a teenager now, and has him testify in court against Kang. Kang is finally sentenced to life imprisonment.

Take Point

Fearing a third world war situation, CIA agent "Mac" Mackenzie recruits Ahab, the captain of an elite mercenary company named Black Lizard to infiltrate a secret underground bunker located 30 meters below the Korean DMZ and take out a target. However, it is soon revealed the target is King, the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Along with his team, Ahab attacks the forces surrounding King and takes everyone hostage. However, as they're about to leave after killing the hostages, Ahab's man is attacked and despite Logan's requests to wait and request for a medevac, Ahab is ordered to move. Arriving at his room, Ahab finds himself taken hostage by a teammate who offers him a better deal after shooting both Logan and King. However, Ahab manages to acquire a gun and kills him, and then proceeds to the bathroom where he thinks King to be dead. He manages to set up the whole contact system there. Mac makes it clear that everyone dies if King does the same. However, Ahab is found to be crippled with an artificial right leg. Its being broken limits him from movement, and he orders his men to search for the doctor who came along with King. Using a motion camera, he manages to locate Dr. Yoon Ji-eui and his fellow members. His men save them from being attacked, while Yoon instructs Ahab to bring back King's heartbeat back. He tells him to transfer O+ blood into King's body, but finds the blood pouch useless. He then calls a wounded Logan to the bathroom and after injecting him, starts transferring blood from his body to that of the King despite of Logan's constant requests to not do so. Soon, the bunker is bombed, leaving Ahab and Yoon trapped, Logan dead and Ahab's army fighting the rivals.

Ahab and Yoon manage to contact each other and the latter helps him with extracting a bullet from his thigh. However, Ahab ends up tearing an artery, following which he tapes up his wound and instructs Yoon to find the blood pouches. In the meanwhile, Ahab finds network on his phone and receives a call from Mac. He asks for backup but is shocked to learn that she's been stripped off her charges and a second bombing has been ordered. He's told that while he and King would be rescued with President McGregor's support, his team and the North Korean doctor would be eliminated. Ahab leads Yoon to the room where he finds blood pouches but is stopped by an agent who's attacked by the former. With his team slowly dying, Ahab and Yoon remain the only survivors being hunted for. They manage to meet at the bathroom where Yoon transfers his own blood to King's body upon finding the blood pouches destroyed. Another gunfight ensues when the rivals enter the bathroom but are then shot by the backup team sent by Mac. President McGregor declares Ahab as a hero who fought to rescue King from the enemies, and eventually wins public support. Ahab, King and Yoon are rescued and taken in a plane which is soon attacked. An unconscious Yoon falls out of the plane and Ahab jumps with a parachute, first saving King and then Yoon by holding him tight as they swiftly reach the surface. Both Ahab and Yoon survive, and the latter gives him a shoulder as they begin walking.

Parasite (2019 film)

The Kim family—father Ki-taek, mother Chung-sook, daughter Ki-jung, and son Ki-woo—live in a small semi-basement apartment (''banjiha'') in Seoul, have low-paying temporary jobs folding pizza boxes, and struggle to make ends meet. University student Min-hyuk, a friend of Ki-woo's, gives the family a scholar's rock meant to promise wealth. Leaving to study abroad and knowing his friend needs the income, he suggests that Ki-woo pose as a university student to take over his job as an English tutor for the daughter of the wealthy Park family, Da-hye. Ki-woo, pretending to be a Yonsei University student, is subsequently hired by the Parks.

The Kim family schemes to get each member of the family a job by posing as unrelated and highly qualified workers to become servants of the Parks. Ki-jung poses as "Jessica" and, using Ki-Woo as a reference, becomes an art therapist to the Parks' young son, Da-song. Ki-jung frames Yoon, Mr Park's chauffeur, by making it appear as if he had sex in the car, then recommends Ki-taek to replace him. Finally, Chung-sook takes over as the Parks' housekeeper after the Kims exploit the peach allergy of the long-time housekeeper, Moon-gwang, to convince Mrs Park that she has tuberculosis. Ki-woo begins a secret romantic relationship with Da-hye.

When the Parks leave on a camping trip, the Kims revel in the luxuries of the residence before Moon-gwang abruptly appears at the door, telling Chung-sook she left something in the basement. She enters a hidden entrance to an underground bunker created by the architect and previous homeowner, where Moon-gwang's husband, Geun-sae, has been secretly living for over four years, hiding from loan sharks. Chung-sook refuses Moon-gwang's pleas to help Geun-sae remain in the bunker, but the eavesdropping Kims accidentally reveal themselves. Moon-gwang films them on her phone and threatens to expose their ruse to the Parks.

A severe rainstorm brings the Parks home early, and the Kims scramble to clean up the home and subdue Moon-gwang and Geun-sae before they return. The Kims trap Geun-sae and Moon-gwang in the bunker. Mrs Park reveals to Chung-sook that Da-song had a seizure-inducing traumatic experience on a previous birthday, when he saw a "ghost" — actually Geun-sae — emerging from the basement at night. Before the Kims manage to sneak out of the house, they hear Mr Park's off-handed comments about Ki-taek's smell. The Kims find their apartment flooded with sewer water as a result of the severe rainstorm and are forced to shelter in a gymnasium with other displaced people.

The next day, Mrs Park hosts a house party for Da-song's birthday with the Kim family's help. Ki-woo enters the bunker with the scholar's rock to find Geun-sae. Finding Moon-gwang has died from a concussion she received during the earlier fight, he is attacked by a deranged Geun-sae, who bludgeons his head with the rock and escapes, leaving Ki-woo lying in a pool of blood at the entrance to the basement. Seeking to avenge Moon-gwang, Geun-sae stabs Ki-jung with a kitchen knife in front of the horrified party guests. Da-song suffers another seizure upon seeing Geun-sae, and a struggle breaks out until Chung-sook fatally impales Geun-sae with a barbecue skewer. While Ki-taek tends to a severely bleeding Ki-jung, Mr Park orders Ki-taek to drive Da-song to the hospital. In the chaos, Ki-taek, upon seeing Mr Park's disgusted reaction to Geun-sae's smell, angrily kills him with the knife. Ki-taek then flees the scene, leaving the rest of the Kim family behind.

Weeks later, Ki-woo is recovering from brain surgery. He and Chung-sook are convicted of fraud and put on probation. Ki-jung is revealed to have died from her injuries, and Ki-taek, wanted by the police for Mr Park's murder, cannot be found. Geun-sae has been assumed to be an insane homeless man, and neither his nor Ki-taek's motive for the stabbings are known. Ki-woo spies on the Parks' home, now occupied by a German family unaware of its history, and sees a message in Morse code from a flickering light. Ki-taek, who escaped into the bunker via the garage, has buried Moon-gwang in the backyard and now raids the kitchen at night and sends the message every day, hoping Ki-woo will see it. Still living in their original basement apartment with his mother, Ki-woo writes a letter to Ki-taek, vowing to earn enough money to one day purchase the house and reunite with his father.

Himmo, King of Jerusalem

Adapted by from an eponymous 1966 novel by Yoram Kaniuk, the film, set in an abandoned monastery-turned-clinic (the film was shot at the Monastery of the Cross), unfolds during the siege of Jerusalem in 1948. A young and beautiful volunteer nurse, Hamutal Horowitz (Alona Kimhi), is romantically drawn to the enigmatic Himmo Perach (Ofer Shikartsi), a mortally wounded and mutilated soldier and former charismatic philanderer who cannot speak (except when he asks to be shot, though nobody in the monastery has the courage to do so) or move as he had most of his limbs removed without anesthesia due to severe shortages. Jealousy amongst the other patients, all in love with Hamutal though receiving only professional care, soon begins to emerge.

The film, financed by the and developed at , stars ''inter alia'' , Mika Rottenberg, , , , Amos Lavi, , , and Sivan Shavit and has cinematography by , production by Enrique Rottenberg, and music by (in addition to the 1946 song '' '', written by Haim Hefer and , performed by Shoshana Damari).

The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend

Beekle is an imaginary friend who decides to leave the island where these friends wait to be called into being by a child. After a day exploring the world and being scared, Beekle climbs a tree and cries. It is then that he meets Alice and the two become friends. The book is told exclusively from Beekle's point of view.

Bar 51

The film deals with Thomas's incestuous love for his sister, Mariana: After they arrive together in Tel Aviv-Yafo, after escaping from Migdal HaEmek due to the death of their Christian mother, Ewa, and setting up housekeeping in the sleazy side of town, Thomas makes his money as "kept man" for two different women who are nightclub entertainers at a bar filled with homosexual, deformed, and inebriated workers, Luna and Zara a.k.a. Sarah Azulay. He first attempts to work at a hotel yet is fired upon being caught stealing supplies for Mariana and has to resort to a dirty shelter. At the same time, he attracts the attentions of an amorous transvestite prostitute and stripper (“Ada Valerie-Tal” i.e. Sergiu Valerie) calling himself "Apolonia Goldstein" (a character based on Gila Goldstein who performed in a real-life bar called Bar 51) who allows the siblings to live at his apartment. His unnatural love for his sister goes unexpressed, however, his jealousy cannot be controlled. If his sister wants to lead any sort of a normal life, it will be up to her to break her dependence on her brother and move on. The film, developed at and distributed by , stars ''inter alia'' Alon Abutbul, Mosko Alkalai, , and David Wilson and features music by and (in addition to a song performed by and written by and ), cinematography by , editing by Tova Ascher, and production by Enrique Rottenberg and . The film ends with Thomas violently raping Mariana, following by her killing him.

The Cavalier's Dream

A cavalier sits asleep at a bare table; an old witch enters, raps three times, then disappears; the cavalier sees the table spread for a sumptuous repast. Mephistopheles appears, then the old witch, who suddenly shapeshifts into a beautiful young girl. The changes and magical appearances are startling and instantaneous.

Mishaps of the New York–Paris Race

In New York City, an automobile race to Paris is launched. A large crowd, including a Salvation Army brass band, sees off the six racecars, including a De Dion-Bouton driven by Georges Bourcier de Saint-Chaffray, a Motobloc, a steam automobile, and even a kitchen on wheels, where a black visitor is hurried out before the race begins. The cars speed over the precipices of the Rocky Mountains, where they navigate a rickety bridge over a torrent; though the De Dion-Bouton speeds easily over the bridge, it breaks under the weight of the next car, hurling it into the water. The other four cars, going too fast to be able to stop, follow it over the precipice. The De Dion-Bouton, now alone, continues its journey as far as the plains of California, where it suffers a breakdown just as it is being attacked by a group of Iroquois. The abducted travelers, about to be scalped, escape by getting their captors drunk on gasoline. They regain their car only to realize that, having used up their gasoline in the ruse, they cannot start the engine. Taking some feathered Iroquois headdresses to use as sails, they convert the automobile into a sail wagon and travel on the wind.

The weather gets worse, and a cyclone carries the car into the sky. It flies over Canada and finally makes a crash landing on a frozen Alaska river. Finding a horse to pull the car, they reach a gold mining camp. In welcome, the miners take them on a tour of a glittering mine and give them two boxes of gold. The travelers set off again with sled dogs pulling their car. They make it as far as the Bering Strait before the dogs are tired out and can go no further. An ice avalanche sends the car into the sea, where a whale accidentally swallows it. The whale spits out the car on an ice field, where the travelers see a pack of polar bears approaching. Just when an attack seems imminent, it becomes clear that the bears come in peace, thinking the fur-covered travelers are bears as well. Humans and bears exchange hearty handshakes and conversation, until they notice that the airship ''Patrie'' is being blown toward them by the strong wind. The travelers make a dash for the airship, managing to fasten one of its guide ropes to the car.

The airship carries the car to Siberia, where some poor serfs agree to pull the car over the ice. They pass through villages, where the travelers are greeted with welcome, vodka, and displays of ice skating. Reaching Germany, the travelers are still unable to make their car work, and call upon a caravan of Romani people to pull it onward for a while. At last, their car in shambles, carried along by a Paris coachman's nag, they reach the finish line at the Place de la Concorde, where the police chief Louis Lépine and the President of France have arrived to greet them. The travelers, distributing their souvenirs of the journey to the crowd, are carried in triumph through the streets of Paris.

Magic Under Glass

The story takes place in the kingdom of Lorinar that is in an ongoing war with a neighboring fairy kingdom. Nimira, the heroine, is a woman of aristocratic roots who works as a dancer in a foreign land after her mother's death and the disappearance of her father. She does not think twice when a handsome and mysterious magician, Hollin Parry invites her to live in his palace on the condition that she performs with a robot that can only be turned on with a silver key. She soon finds out that there is some evil magic in the mist and that the automation is Erris, a cursed fairy prince who is trapped in a robot body. Hollin's wife Annalie is trapped in an attic under the control of a sorcerer. Nimira and Erris fall in love and help to free Annalie from her curse. It is unknown what fate awaits them as they seek to free Erris from his automaton body.

The sequel, ''Magic Under Stone'', continues the tale of this duo in this magical land of twists and turns.

The Lost and the Plunderers

After burying Carl, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira) gather their remaining supplies from Alexandria and abandon the community as walkers overrun it; Michonne tries to stop a fire from overtaking a gazebo Carl enjoyed, but Rick convinces her to let it go. On the road, Rick considers what Carl told him, and from his advice, heads to see Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) and the Scavengers, who had witnessed what happened at the Saviors' Sanctuary. Elsewhere, Enid (Katelyn Nacon) and Aaron (Ross Marquand) are taken to the Oceanside community as prisoners for killing their leader, Natania. Natania's granddaughter Cyndie (Sydney Park), after hearing Enid's pleas, decides to let the two live, but orders them to never return. Once escorted outside Oceanside, Aaron insists Enid get back to the Hilltop to let them know what happened while he will try to go back to Oceanside and convince them to help.

Meanwhile, at the Sanctuary, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) orders his men to seek out the Alexandria residents and instructs Simon (Steven Ogg) to go to the Scavengers with his "standard offer," to kill one of them to bring the rest in line, reminding him that he values the people as resources to be saved otherwise. Just then, they receive a box sent by the Hilltop community with the message to "stand down", containing the reanimated body of Dean (Adam Fristoe), one of Simon's men. Simon, not pleased with Negan's approach and knowing the Hilltop has the rest of his 38 men in captivity, goes to the Scavengers' junkyard and accuses Jadis of going back on their deal with the Saviors, but gives her Negan's offer of returning to the original terms of their deal and giving over all their guns. Jadis agrees, but Simon does not believe Jadis is showing enough remorse and kills her two lieutenants, Tamiel (Sabrina Gennarino) and Brion (Thomas Francis Murphy), in cold blood. She punches him, causing Simon to then order his men to kill the rest of the Scavengers. After, Simon reports back to Negan that all went well, though he spots paint on his shoe from the scuffle with Jadis.

By the time Rick and Michonne arrive at the junkyard, all of the Scavengers but Jadis have reanimated. They find Jadis alone, having dropped her aloof nature. She explains that she had been an artist before the outbreak, having used the junkyard for materials, but afterwards, she and the Scavengers saw the junkyard as a way to keep themselves isolated from the rest of the world while using the entire yard as their canvas. Rick blames the death of the Scavengers on Jadis for betraying them and siding with The Saviors. Tired of Jadis' double-crosses and deeming her useless now that her entire group is dead, he decides to abandon her as he and Michonne escape. Jadis begs to go with them but Rick fires a warning shot to scare her away. Jadis lures the remaining walkers into an industrial shredder to protect herself, crying to herself as she watches her former friends be destroyed. As they drive away, Rick explains to Michonne that he wasn't going to kill and that he only fired a warning shot because he wanted her gone. Michonne believes that not wanting to kill people is what Carl was talking about before dying. Rick pulls over and takes a moment to stop and read Carl's letters, including one he wrote to Negan. Inclined to contact Negan over walkie-talkie, Rick decides to inform him that Carl is dead and that his son wrote a letter to Negan, asking him to stop fighting. Negan receives the news and is deeply saddened, but Rick vows to keep fighting and kill Negan. Negan retorts that it was Rick's intense focus on his war with Negan that led to Carl's death and that Negan helps save people whereas Rick cannot. Negan tells Rick that Rick has failed as both a leader and father. He demands Rick to stop fighting and making decisions that will keep getting people killed, and to give up because he has already lost.

Adventures in a City that does not Exist

Pioneer Slava Kurochkin dreams of space. He actively studies physics and astronomy, but at the same time he does not read fiction at all. By coincidence, he finds himself in a fairytale town, where the heroes of the most famous books live: ''The Snow Queen'', ''Timur and His Squad'', ''The White Solitary Sails'', ''Les Misérables'', ''Treasure Island'' and so on.

But, alas, in the city live not only positive characters - treacherous commerce adviser from the play ''The Snow Queen'' (by Evgeny Schwartz) decides to use Slavin's ignorance of books in order to deceive him and with the help of other antagonists to subjugate readers worldwide. The protagonists come to help the boy, and together with friends Slava manages to defeat the adviser and his henchmen. When Slava returns to the real world, the first thing he does is to go to the library.

Christmas Is Coming (film)

Henri Atta (Ufuoma McDermott) is a tomboy who suffers a string of misadventures after undergoing a makeover by her flatmates; Avia and Nene (Mary Lazarus, Izzie Otaigbe) a few days to Christmas, which also coincides with her big pitch at the office.

Henri is given a hard time during her pitch, which is further exacerbated by the antics of her colleague Lola Makinde (Chioma Chukwuka).

The story takes a turn, when Henri unwittingly falls in love with her boss Koko Williams (Deyemi Okanlawon).

Gerbil Physics

The evil Toad King has a hatred for Gerbils and has them imprisoned in blocks that are stacked into monuments. The player is tasked with demolishing those monuments to liberate the Gerbils and restore their land.

Miami Love Affair

It is about several love affairs at an international art fair in Miami. Lucia, an artist from Latin America, meets Benedict. Victor, a writer travels to Miami with his girlfriend Ana. While Ana is more in love with money and her job, Victor then spends time with Nina. Theo, Nina’s boyfriend, woes a rich old lady to commission hundreds of paintings from him, but the rich old lady wants something in return.

Sin (2003 film)

Retired Reno, Nevada police officer Eddie Burns (Rhames) goes in search of his wayward sister Kassie (Washington). Along the way, his past wrongdoings make him the target of a revenge campaign by enigmatic criminal Charlie Strom (Oldman).

Little Pink House

A small-town paramedic named Susette Kelo emerges as the reluctant leader of her working-class neighbors in their struggle to save their homes from political and corporate interests bent on seizing the land and handing it over to Pfizer Corporation. Ambitious academic Dr. Charlotte Wells, president of the fictional "Walthrop College" (in real life, Connecticut College President Claire Gaudiani) persuades the current governor (John G. Rowland, unnamed in the movie) that this could help his public image by increasing tax revenue for the poor. Susette's battle goes all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and the controversial 5–4 decision in Kelo vs. City of New London gave government officials the power to bulldoze a neighborhood for the benefit of a multibillion-dollar corporation. The decision outraged Americans across the political spectrum, and that passion fueled reforms that helped curb eminent domain abuse.

Das Boot (TV series)

The series, set in 1942, focus on the narratives of the resistance to German occupation in La Rochelle and the claustrophobic life aboard .

Michael Inside

18-year-old Michael McCrea lives with his grandfather in a Dublin housing estate. Michael's father is in prison and his mother died of an overdose when he was young. Michael aims to put his life on the right path and find work, but he is caught in possession of a bag of drugs belonging to the older brother of a friend, and sentenced to three months imprisonment.

The Absentee (1915 film)

In a prologue, the mythical figure of Ambition seeks to attain the position currently held by Success. Success has reached the pinnacle of his desire, and sits looking over his kingdom. Having achieved his success, Success decides to take a break and goes off with Pleasure, leaving Might in control of the land. Might, under the influence of Evil, along with Might's wife Extravagance, as well as by his daughter Vanity, begins to abuse the land's occupants, including Toil, Age, Strength, Innocence, Happiness, and Ambition. Spurred on by Evil, who says that Justice is blind and cannot see what he is doing, Might whips the laborers. However Justice is not blind, and she learns of the situation, informing Success, who returns and sets the situation right again.

In current time, Nathaniel Crosby (who is the embodiment of Success in the prologue) is the sole owner of a prosperous factory. After receiving a letter from his general manager telling him that he needs to take a vacation, and can trust him to take care of things while he is away, he decides to take a holiday. Leaving his general manager, Sampson Rhodes (the personification of Might) in charge, he starts out on an extended pleasure trip. Rhodes is influenced by his wife (the personification of Extravagance) and Genevieve, his daughter (the personification of Vanity), to take advantage of his position to increase their wealth and social position. Rhodes lowers the workers' wages, so he can take a bigger cut of the profits. The workers retaliate by going on strike, and the police are called in to protect the plant. Tom Burke (the embodiment of Ambition) can no longer financially support his ill mother since he is striking. Neither can he go through with plans to marry David Lee's (the embodiment of Contentment), the foreman's, older daughter Happiness. Lee, along with several other laborers, become more and more discontent as the strike continues, and they eventually turn the strike into a riot. In the first assault several of the workers, as well as one of the policemen, are killed.

As the violence continues to escalate, Rhodes realizes that it has gone beyond the abilities of the police to handle, and calls in the militia to put down the riot. However Rhodes secretary, Ruth Farwell (the embodiment of Justice), tracks down Crosby and tells him of the situation. When he is reticent to return, telling her that Rhodes can handle the situation, she explodes at him, letting him know that over a dozen have been killed in the riots and that their blood will be on his head. She then runs from the room, dropping one of her gloves. Rhodes returns to the plant in order to defuse the situation, but when Ruth recognizes him as he approaches the factory, the rioters turn their ire on him, beginning to beat him. Ruth, along with Burke, manage to get him away from the crowd and into a nearby boarding house.

Recovering from his daze, he asks Ruth what is happening, she simply points out the window, where they can see the mob approaching the militia, which is standing in a line, weapons at the ready. They have been given the authority by Rhodes to fire on the crowd if necessary to protect the factory. Crosby rushes out of the room, followed by Ruth. In the ruckus which follows, Ruth is shot when she steps in front of a bullet meant for Crosby, fired by Lee. Crosby ends the riot by telling them men to come back to work at their prior wages, which is what they wanted. The militia is dismissed, and Crosby fires Rhodes.

With the plant returned to its former status, Crosby goes to visit Ruth in the hospital where she has been convalescing. She assures him that she can return to work soon, telling him that she's been practicing her shorthand, showing him her pad and pencil. He asks her to take a letter for him, thanking someone for opening his eyes, and asking her to marry him. When Ruth asks him to whom she should address the letter, he takes out the glove she left behind when she came to tell him of the riots, and says simply, "To the owner of this glove".

Sweet Caress

Amory Clay lives alone in a cottage on a Scottish island where, in 1977, she is writing a journal about her life and career. Born in 1908, she is the eldest of three children in a middle-class family in Sussex. She excels academically at boarding school and was encouraged by her teacher to go to Somerville College, Oxford, but performs badly in her exams after her father, traumatised by his military experiences in the First World War, tries to commit suicide and to kill her as well.

Apprenticed to her uncle, Clay works as a society photographer in London but then seeks more excitement in Berlin, where she frequents the underworld and takes photographs that, when she exhibits them in England, are viewed as scandalous. An American magazine offers her a job and she moves to New York, where she has affairs with her American boss and with a French diplomat who is also a writer. Back in London, where she runs an office for the American magazine, she covers a demonstration by Oswald Mosley’s fascists, in which she is attacked and badly injured.

After spending the early part of the Second World War in New York, she returns to Europe as a war photographer covering the D-Day landings and accompanies Allied Forces as they sweep through France and Germany. She meets and marries a British officer, Sholto Farr, who is also a Scottish lord, and – unexpectedly, as she had thought the injuries she had received from Mosley's supporters had made her infertile – gives birth to twin daughters.

Like her own father, her husband is haunted by memories of war. He drinks heavily, gambles, and loses much of the family fortune, before dying of a heart attack.

Living in reduced circumstances, Amory returns to photography, seeks excitement as a Vietnam War photographer, then travels to California to search for one of her daughters, who has joined a hippy colony and religious sect, and with whom she is eventually reconciled. Looking back on her life and career, and in increasingly poor health, the 69-year-old Amory contemplates taking her own life.

Xuxa em Sonho de Menina

Kika (Xuxa Meneghel) is a math teacher in a quiet inner-city who cherishes her dream of being an actress. Encouraged by her childhood friend, Lara (Alice Borges), she decides to participate in a casting test in Rio de Janeiro. After losing her wallet and quarrelling with Lara, Kika finds herself at the bus station alone and without a penny in her pocket. The young teacher is then approached by a kindly grandmother, Vozinha (Dirce Migliaccio), who invites her to board the Stromboli, a bus that is taking her own granddaughter (Raquel Bonfante) and six other children to do a math test in Rio. Kika becomes friends with the two while waiting for the departure of the bus.

Beginning with a TV report in which Lara and Pandora (Betty Lago) appear, a news reporter is seen asking for information regarding their whereabouts. Frightened, and fearing the police presence at the bus station, Kika accepts a magic cookie offered by Vozinha, the effect of which makes her a child again. So it is that as Kikinha (Letícia Botelho) joins the group of Stromboli.

The pilot Olavo (Luan Assimos), MP9 (Gabriel Lepsch) and Batata (Victor Andrade) are also on the bus, along with the patrons Glorinha (Maria Clara David), Thayane (Gabrielly Nunes) and Vanessa (Isabela Cunha). But the engine pifa and the troupe are forced to spend a night at a roadside hotel - run by the hard-nosed Elói (Marcelo Adnet). It is there that the characters will live out their most entertaining adventures and learn a little more about themselves.

The story unfolds amid positive messages regarding ecological issues, the background of the novel between Kika and the environmentalist Ricardo (Carlos Casagrande). On a symbolic journey that does not always need to tread real roads, Kika learns that, rather than focusing on the destination, one must be aware of the paths one chooses to arrive at it. It is important to believe in the signs that life offers us, so that the true dream of each person can be realized.

Burnt Wings (1920 film)

Ned Templeton is a struggling artist in Paris. Their straits become even more dire when Ned is stricken down by illness. His doctor prescribes rest and good food, in addition to medication, to get him back to health. Without money his wife, Joan Templeton, is further threatened with eviction by their landlord, who suggests that there are relatively easy ways for a pretty young woman to make money. With no other alternative, Joan seeks out a wealthy benefactor, who she has an affair with in exchange for enough money to see her and Ned by, and Ned back to health.

Once he regains his health, he begins to become successful, and the couple returns to the United States, where his career really begins to take off. Helen Cartwright is impressed by his work, and convinces her father, James, to have his portrait done by Ned, and become his patron. When James realizes that Helen is in love with Ned, he also understands that the only thing standing in the way of his daughter's happiness is Joan. He uses his influence to add to Ned's success, as well as driving a wedge between Ned and Joan, who begin drifting apart, each thinking the other no longer cares. Ned and Helen begin to draw close to one another.

As a way to drive the final spike in her marriage, James approaches Joan and offers her a large sum of money to divorce Ned. Joan refuses, but James and her both realize that it was James who was her rich benefactor in Paris. Thinking he has the trump card, James goes back to Ned and tells him of Joan's infidelity in Paris. However, it does not have the effect that he had intended. Ned realizes what Joan sacrificed for him, and tells Helen he is returning to Joan. Helen understands, and Ned and Joan are reunited.

Sodom and Gomorrah: The Last Seven Days

Lot and his family move to Sodom, where king Bera rules. He hopes to start a life as a merchant, but is instead confronted with the strange laws of the city, which forbid vaginal intercourse. Meanwhile, the events are witnessed by an extraterrestrial spaceship which has a monkey for a captain.

Kamen Rider Amazons the Movie: The Last Judgement

After two years on the run, Haruka Mizusawa / Kamen Rider Amazon Omega is cornered by a Competitive Creatures Control Center (4C) squad led by Takeshi Kurosaki. Mizuki Mizusawa, a member of 4C and Haruka’s estranged foster sister, intervenes before he can be killed. The pair escapes into a nearby lake.

Haruka and Mizuki are found by a group of orphans and taken to their orphanage; The orphan Muku tends to Mizuki’s wounds. Haruka meets orphanage director Einosuke Mido, who offers him a permanent home but warns him of an off-limits room in the facility. Within the off-limits room, the orphans offer their blood to a chained-up man.

As Mido and the children see off a newly-adopted orphan, a group of Amazons attacks the orphanage. Haruka transforms and fights them, and is shocked to see Mido fight alongside him as a mechanical Amazon Rider. The 4C squad finds the pair and attempts to kill them, but they are saved by the former members of the original Amazon Extermination Team. The Extermination Team reveals themselves to have been sent by Haruka and Mizuki’s mother, Reika. Not wanting to endanger the orphanage, Haruka and Mizuki depart with the team.

Haruka crosses paths with the couple that had adopted an orphan, and discovers that they have killed and eaten her - the orphanage is in reality a farm where Amazons are being raised as livestock. He attempts to warn the children, but discovers they’re aware of their purpose. Enraged, Haruka enters the off-limits room and discovers they had been farming Amazon cells from his rival, Jin Takayama / Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha.

The original Extermination Team comes across a group of runaways from the orphanage living in an abandoned home. The children attempt to eat the Team, but are dissuaded by stories of their former Amazon teammates Haruka and Mamoru; As they prepare to take the children to safety, however, 4C attacks and causes the Amazons to become hostile. The Extermination Team is forced to help kill the runaways.

Yugo Tachibana, 4C’s chief, convinces a politician to adopt and eat Muku in an attempt to gather support for the Amazon Livestock Project. Muku, who had previously welcomed her status as livestock, regains her will to live and kills everyone in the restaurant except Tachibana. Haruka arrives and consoles Muku, convincing her to live for herself. The two return to the orphanage and convince the children to escape. Angered, Mido begins killing the children; Haruka and Muku attempt to oppose him, but are overpowered.

Takayama tricks an orphan into freeing him, and prepares to kill the remaining children himself. Haruka tries to stop him, but is severely wounded. Muku, herself on the verge of death, asks Haruka to heal himself by eating her. Meanwhile, Takayama murders Mido as revenge for his imprisonment. Haruka stops Takayama from killing the remaining children and criticizes his obsession with killing Amazons in place of protecting lives. The pair clash, and Haruka kills Takayama.

Haruka, guilty for having eaten Muku, attempts suicide by drowning. A vision of Mizuki, however, convinces him to live on as a protector. Meanwhile, the Extermination Team and Reika inform Kurosaki of the Amazon Livestock Project. Reika and Kurosaki prepare to remove Tachibana from 4C.

Mizuki takes over as director of the orphanage and cares for the surviving children, waiting for Haruka to return. Haruka looks at her through the window and departs.


The game is set in an alternate 1886 where the eruptions of Krakatoa and Mount Tambora, the dimming of the Sun, and other unknown factors caused a worldwide volcanic winter. This in turn led to widespread crop failure and the death of millions. This event roughly lines up with the historical 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, a volcanic event that led to global cooling.

In response to this, several installations called "generators" were built by the British Empire and the United States in the coal-rich North, designed to be city centers in the event that dropping temperatures force mass migration from the south. In all scenarios, the player is the leader of a city or outpost, usually around a generator, and will have to manage resources to ensure the city's survival.

The game launched with three scenarios, each with different backgrounds and storylines. Three additional scenarios were added as DLCs, one free to all players and two as part of the Season Pass. Endless Mode was also introduced in a later patch that eschews narrative elements to focus on surviving for as long as possible while weathering intermediate storms.

;A New Home

In the main scenario, the player is the leader of a group of explorers who fled the scarcity and unrest of London in an expedition to find supposed massive coal reserves in the North. Instead, the group gets separated from the main expeditionary party and discovers a massive heat generator in a giant sheltered crater and settles there, establishing the city of New London. The player begins to face the issue of the people's dwindling hope as they find out, through exploration, a city similar to theirs called Winterhome has been destroyed, leaving few survivors. The player has to make hard decisions in order to help the people stay hopeful, as well as prevent an uprising by those who wish to return to London. The player later also has to prepare enough supplies to make sure the city survives the ever decreasing temperature, starting at -20C, and slowly decreasing, with some spikes, to an average of -70C. After a certain time, and the conclusion of the Londoners Arc, refugees will arrive, warning of a "Great Storm" incoming, acting as an Endgame. The player will have to stockpile resources, collect refugees, and recall scouts and outposts before the Storm arrives. Coal mines become effectively inoperable due to the cold, the generator struggles to heat the people, frostbite becomes rampant, and hope falls as the temperature falls to -150C in the eye of the storm. Surviving the storm with at least one citizen will result in a "victory", though the consequences may vary. It is suggested that due to the severity of this storm, and its seemingly huge scale, New London is the last city on Earth.

;The Arks

In the second scenario, the player is the leader of a group of scholars from Oxford and Cambridge responsible for establishing a self-operational city for the purpose of preserving seeds and plants from around the world from the volcanic winter. They settle around a generator located in an ice crevasse. Unlike most other scenarios, the city's population is entirely made up of engineers, and rely primarily on automatons for resource gathering. During gameplay, the player will be presented with the issue of the neighboring city of New Manchester struggling with resources, and will have to choose whether or not to help them prepare for the Great Storm.

;The Refugees

In the third scenario, the player is set as the leader of a refugee group who have taken over a generator reserved originally for a large group of wealthy lords, led by Lord Craven, the last Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The player will also have to deal with constant waves of refugees seeking shelter in the city, including the overthrown lords. The player will have to decide to accept them or reject them while also minding the limited resources they have access to; if the lords are allowed to return to the city, the player must either find a way to integrate them or else leave them to be killed or forced out by the people of the city.

;The Fall of Winterhome

Released on September 19, 2018 as a free DLC, this scenario takes place just prior to the main scenario and centers around the city of Winterhome. Through ineffective management by a neglectful leader, resources ran dry and the city fell into anarchy and rioting. Hundreds die in the fighting, starvation, and cold. The player is tasked to rebuild what is left of the city and its residents, but after getting things under control, the player learns that the city's generator is damaged beyond repair, and has only a few days to put in practice an evacuation plan before the generator explodes.

;Endless Mode

Introduced in Frostpunk's 1.3.0 patch, Endless Mode is a highly customizable scenario where players endeavor to build a city to survive for as long as possible. Unlike all the other scenarios, there is no major story or quest objective beyond surviving each winter storm as they come and the scenario only ends when the player loses (either the generator is destroyed or all the people die). Players can choose between two primary sub-modes and one of several different maps, each with different challenges players have to take into account while planning their city. The Endurance sub-mode features fewer available resources and harsher weather while the Serenity sub-mode grants the player most of the earlier technologies and enjoys shorter blizzards. An additional Temporary Hazards setting will also randomly plague players with severe setbacks that inhibit some aspect of their city for a limited time.

;The Rifts

Released on August 27, 2019 as a DLC included in the Season Pass, ''The Rifts'' add a new canyon-filled map to Endless Mode with a new building - "The Bridge" - used to cross over them.

;The Last Autumn

Released on January 21, 2020 as a DLC included in the Season Pass, ''The Last Autumn'' is a prequel scenario set just before the onset of the global winter. The British Empire has created the Imperial Exploration Company to scout across the Atlantic Ocean to Canada for sites to construct generators; the player is the overseer of one such location, "Site 113", for the intended evacuation of Liverpool. While constructing their own generator, the player will also be called to investigate the loss of contact with Sites 107 and 120 (destroyed by shoddy workmanship and a syndicalist revolt, respectively), leaving the player's construction site as Liverpool's last hope. If the player takes too long in construction, they risk being fired by the IEC and sent home, ending the game. As the scenario progresses, the first snow begins to arrive and the sea freezes, cutting the site off from the supply ships, and the player is informed that no further supplies will arrive and that the crew must continue to work on the generator and wait out the freezing weather until an icebreaker can arrive to take them home to England. If the generator is completed without the upgrades before the final supply ships arrive, the player can decide to leave and end the scenario at the cost of a less well prepared site. If the generator and all upgrades are built before the final supply ships arrival, the scenario ends with a victory as the crew returns to England with the last supply ships. The scenario includes new technology trees and resources, new buildings (including a telegraph station, labour unions, and docks), new Books of Law to determine societal changes moving forward, and new threats to the settlement, including toxic gas leaks and worker strikes. The DLC also includes "The Builders", a new sub-mode for Endless Mode, which involves rebuilding a destroyed generator in winter conditions.

;On The Edge

The final DLC content of the Season Pass, released on August 20, 2020, ''On The Edge'' is a sequel to the main scenario. The player is the leader of "Outpost 11", set up by a scouting party from New London near an abandoned army warehouse uncovered by the Great Storm. The outpost is forced to satisfy increasing demands for resources in exchange for food, causing the workers to revolt and declare the outpost's independence from New London; at this point, the player can give the outpost a name of their choosing. Unlike other scenarios, the outpost has no generator (forced to rely on coal-fired braziers for heat, similarly to the later stages of ''The Last Autumn'') and limited ways to produce resources locally, so they must depend on trade with other settlements they make contact with to make ends meet. Later in the game, the outpost is informed that New London is in a severe crisis and must choose to provide aid and save the city, or leave it to its fate and prepare for a wave of refugees. The DLC also includes the option of including outposts and trading in all sub-modes of Endless Mode, along the option of triggering random events that will hinder the city's progress.

Testimonies (novel)

The story is constructed from the testimonies that three witnesses give to an unnamed divine inquisitor: Joseph Aubrey Pugh, an Oxford don; Bronwen Vaughan, the woman he comes to love; and Mr Lloyd, a schoolmaster.

Pugh says that he had been expecting the visitation, and that he will do his best to set down in writing what had taken place. According to his testimony, having become exhausted and demoralised by his academic life in Oxford, Pugh decides to rent a small cottage in North Wales for an extended break, intending to spend his time walking in the hills and reading. He throws himself into his new life, becoming friends with Emyr, son of the elderly owners of the neighbouring farm of Gelli, Mr and Mrs Vaughan. He helps out at Gelli to the best of his ability, though he disapproves of Emyr using strychnine to poison the foxes that threaten the farm’s lambs. Gradually Pugh finds himself falling in love with Emyr’s wife, Bronwen. On receiving an unexpected bequest, he abandons his academic career and takes the cottage as his permanent home.

The schoolmaster, Mr Lloyd, tells the inquisitor that Bronwen had been brought up in a different valley and that she was "not our sort". After marrying and coming to live at Gelli with Emyr and his parents she had been considered "proud" and was unpopular with the local women.

Bronwen testifies that her marriage was initially good, and she had a child, but that she became scared of Emyr when he became violent toward her one night. As her fear and hatred of Emyr became increasingly evident, his mother turned against her and daily life at Gelli became very difficult.

Pugh falls ill and moves to Gelli to recuperate. There he spends hours talking to Bronwen, and his love for her deepens. Mr Lloyd’s cousin, a famous preacher by the name of Pritchard Ellis, comes to stay. He is revered by the local people for the power of his public oratory, but in private he is a hypocrite and sexual voyeur. After sexually touching Bronwen when they are alone, and being repulsed, he retaliates by spreading false rumours that Pugh and Bronwen are committing adultery. He preaches a powerful two-hour sermon in chapel denouncing Bronwen and Pugh's "wickedness", though without mentioning them by name, which results in their being ostracised by the community.

One night Emyr is sexually violent to Bronwen again, and she tells the inquisitor that her husband nearly killed her. Pugh sees her the next day and realises what Emyr has done. He departs for a long and nightmarish walk through the mountains, contemplating suicide. Seriously injured, Bronwen is put to bed and a doctor is called. Old Mrs Vaughan comes in with some medicine and Bronwen, after taking a sip, realises immediately that it is laced with strychnine. She drinks it and dies. Pugh returns, utterly exhausted, and lies unconscious before being awakened to learn of Bronwen’s fate.

The Midnight Patrol (1932 film)

A rookie officer boasts his ability to solve a crime within 24 hours. Novice policemen Stanley and Oliver are found eating lunch in their patrol car, and run into two thieves attempting to steal their spare tire. Amidst the commotion, the two officers miss the broadcast address of a jewelry store burglary in progress. Officer Stanley asks whom he assumes to be the jewelry store owner for his phone to call the station, but the supposed owner turns out to be the very safecracker they were intending to bring in to custody. Eventually Officers Stanley and Oliver catch the apparent burglar and bring him back to the station, only to find it's really the police chief.

The Mountain II

Ceyda, a journalist, is abducted by ISIS terrorists in northern Iraq while she is covering a story on Yezidi people and their story of long-suffering and abandonment. A Turkish special forces team of seven headed by Commander Veysel flies out to rescue her. We see the events through the eyes of Oğuz as the film begins in medias res. His flashbacks show us the life and memories of these men up until they came to the rescue mission. Oğuz and Bekir are best of friends and was saved by two Special Force commandos who laid their lives on the line for Oğuz and Bekir which is a determining factor in their joining the force.

Ceyda is secured from her ISIS captors seconds before death by the special forces team after which they start moving along to the mountain to the LZ (landing zone), from where they will be airlifted. On their way, they encounter a group of rebels who are torturing the Yezidis and Iraqi Turks, they rescue a girl child in her teens and a woman being tortured by ISIS terrorists. They continue on their journey to the LZ (landing zone) and upon reaching the last village near the LZ, they find out that the village would be attacked by a battalion of ISIS terrorists the next morning. Instead of abandoning the defenceless villagers to the invaders, and leaving when the air support reaches out to them, the commander sends the children of the village along with Ceyda to safety. Meanwhile, Commander Veysel and his six men stay back in the village to face hundreds of terrorists with their limited resources. After securing the villagers in a coal house, they hoist the Turkish flag over the building. The special forces team with their advanced abilities and peculiar set of skills, manage to bring the terrorist battalion down despite their lack of numbers. However, the strength of the team reduces to four with the deaths of the Commander himself, Mustafa and Ęsref. The commander before dying, orders his men to ask evacuation of all the villagers from the HQ and they call it in.

Honeymoon in a Balloon

At a May Day festival, a young bride-to-be is crowned the May Queen. Her bridegroom decides to take a flight with a balloonist who has set up at a nearby fairground. The bride, running to join him, arrives just as the balloon is lifting off; not quite able to get into the basket, she is caught by the balloon's anchor as it floats into the clouds. Onlookers, realizing what has happened, make a mad dash to keep up with the balloon, but their hectic chase proves futile. Bride and balloon make a crash landing through the ceiling of a large hall, where the town mayor and his worthies are banqueting. The couple are finally reunited, and the bride has her May Queen crown of flowers restored to her as all celebrate the safe conclusion of the adventure.

Fair Wind, "Blue Bird"!

Aboard the schooner "Blue Bird" traveling on the Adriatic are schoolchildren, winners of the questionnaire "For Peace and Mutual Understanding". Taking advantage of the fact that the ship, when entering the ports, is released from customs inspection, an international gang organizes the delivery of a consignment of drugs. Mrs. Rips, an observer from the Society for the Patronage of Animals and her companion, the circus Lorimur act as couriers.

A radio amateur from the US, schoolboy Ralph and his Yugoslav friend, Milan, consider the behavior of Monsieur Vilar, the pediatrician attached to the expedition, as very strange. The guys arrange for him to be followed until it turns out that the doctor is an agent of Interpol, and the real offender is Lorimur. After the refusal of Mrs. Rips to dine at the same table with a boy from Senegal, by decision of the general meeting, she is dropped off at the nearest port. The remaining companion is forced to request help from gangsters on the radio.

During the performance at an improvised concert, the guys search the artist's cabin and find the drugs hidden in paint tubes. Lorimur reaches the island on a lifeboat, but is captured by Ralph and Milan, who pursued him. The captain with the sailors and Monsieur Vilar arrives in time to arrest the fugitive, and later the gangster who appears behind the cargo.


A man is watching a small TV where Monica Brown, a talk show host, interviews a severely disfigured woman who is the sole survivor of a massacre that took place the previous Halloween. Brown mentions that the body of the killer, known only as "Art the Clown", disappeared from the morgue, suggesting that he is still alive. However, the disfigured woman insists that she saw him die. The man furiously kicks the TV, shattering the glass, and fills a garbage bag with bladed objects. After the interview, Monica talks to her boyfriend on the phone and makes disparaging remarks about the interviewee because of her appearance. After she hangs up, the disfigured woman, who'd been eavesdropping on her, attacks Monica and gouges out her eyes, seemingly killing her, and laughs maniacally.

On Halloween night, two friends, Tara and Dawn, leave a Halloween party and drunkenly wander back to Dawn's car, where they notice a strange man in a clown costume. The man, Art the Clown, follows them into a nearby pizzeria. After a short time, the restaurant owner roughly escorts Art from the premises for smearing his own feces all over the bathroom walls. The girls discover that one of Dawn's car tires has been slashed, and Tara calls her sister Vicky to come pick them up. While waiting, Tara asks a pest control worker, Mike, if she can enter the derelict apartment building he's working in to use the restroom. Once inside, Tara encounters a deluded woman (credited as "Cat Person"), who believes the doll she carries is her infant child. Art returns to the pizzeria, where he kills and mutilates the two workers before abducting Dawn.

Tara soon encounters Art inside the apartment building. He pursues her through the indoor mechanic's garage and stabs her with a scalpel. She tries to alert Mike but Art drugs her. Tara awakens bound to a chair, and Art reveals Dawn, suspended upside-down from the ceiling. He forces Tara to watch as he saws Dawn in half with a hacksaw. Tara escapes but Art draws a handgun and shoots her to death. The Cat Lady witnesses this and begs Mike to call the police. Mike dismisses her as insane, but Art soon knocks him unconscious with a hammer. The Cat Lady discovers Art cradling her doll. In a plea for the return of her "child", she tries to show motherly compassion to Art by cradling him.

Vicky arrives to take Tara and Dawn home but is lured into the basement by Art. There, she discovers what she believes is an injured Tara, but it is actually Art, who had severely mutilated the Cat Lady and is wearing her scalp and breasts. Mike's co-worker arrives looking for him but is decapitated by Art. Vicky escapes Art but stops to grieve upon finding her sister's corpse. Art then attacks her with a makeshift cat o' nine tails, but Mike arrives suddenly and knocks Art unconscious. The two flee and call 9-1-1 but before they can escape, Art appears and kills Mike. Vicky retreats into a garage, and Art rams through the door with a pickup truck, causing further injury to Vicky. As she lies helplessly, Art begins to eat her face. Police arrive, but Art shoots himself inside his mouth with a pistol before the officers can apprehend him.

Art's body is taken to a morgue, along with the bodies of his deceased victims. When the medical examiner unzips Art's body bag, Art reanimates and strangles him to death. One year later, Vicky is released from the hospital after rehabilitation from the injuries inflicted by Art; she is revealed to be the severely disfigured woman from the film's opening scene and thus the events of the entire movie took place that previous year.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Satoru Mikami is an ordinary 37-year-old corporate worker living in Tokyo. He is almost content with his monotonous life, despite the fact that he doesn't have a girlfriend. During a casual encounter with his colleague, an assailant pops out of nowhere and stabs him. While succumbing to his injuries, a mysterious voice echoes in his mind and recites a series of commands which he could not make sense of.

After regaining consciousness, Satoru discovers that he has been reincarnated as a Slime in an unfamiliar world. At the same time, he also acquires new-found skills, particularly the ability called "Predator," which allows him to devour anything and mimic its appearance and skills. He stumbles upon Veldora, a powerful 'Storm Dragon', who has been sealed for the last 300 years for reducing a town to ashes. Feeling sorry for him, Satoru befriends the dragon, promising to help him in destroying the seal. They decide to exchange names, Veldora bestows upon him name Rimuru, and receives name Tempest in return. Slime then consumes the dragon together with his prison in order to analyze the spell inside itself and eventually free Veldora.

The disappearance of Veldora's aura creates a power vacuum which eventually makes Rimuru the leader of all beings inhabiting the Great Forest of Jura, who accept him as a ruler and together they found the nation of Tempest. With Rimuru's strength, wisdom and idealistic vision the new nation quickly grows in strength and influence. Soon Rimuru and his subjects draw the attention of the nearby foreign powers, from monarchs and legendary heroes to demon lords, some seeking to become their allies, while others intending to take advantage of or destroy them completely.

Bikini Paradise

Shortly after World War II two naval officers are sent to find Harriet Pembroke a schoolteacher who fled from the Japanese forces. Eventually they discover her on a small Pacific island with an all-female population of which she has become the leader.

Catching Feelings (film)

The film follows the story of an "urbane young academic and his beautiful wife, as their lives get turned upside down when a celebrated and hedonistic older writer moves into their Johannesburg home with them".

Back Street Girls

After an unspecified major failure, Yakuza underlings Kentaro, Ryo and Kazuhiko are forced by their boss, Inugane, to either commit seppuku and sell their organs or go to Thailand to undergo sex reassignment surgery, and train to become idols. They choose the latter and debut as Airi, Mari and Chika, the Gokudols. They suffer abuse from Inugane as he trains them to become idols. Still, their hearts are Yakuza, and their brotherhood is strong.

Dance to Death

The film takes place in 2070, when the world plunges into ruins as a result of nuclear war. The ability of people to survive depends on the energy emitted by the participants in the brutal dance tournament. But this system becomes endangered when one of the applicants falls in love with one of the contestants and decides to save her life.

Rock'n'roll for Princesses

King of one fairy kingdom Philogerts (Viktor Pavlov) is concerned that his only son Prince Philotheus (Andrei Ankudinov) does not want to grow up. Then the king decides to get him married. To do this, he arranges a contest of princesses, the winner of which will become the wife of Philotheus. The court magician of the kingdom of Izmora (Grazhyna Baikshtite) helps to arrange the competition.

Happiness (short story)

Two shepherds, a decrepit, toothless man of eighty, and his young counterpart, guarding a huge flock of sheep, have to spend the night by the broad steppe road. A man with a horse stops to ask for a light for his pipe. The old man recognizes him as Panteley, a land supervisor at the nearby Kovyli village, then informs him of the death of "a wicked old man" called Zhmenya, in whose presence melons whistled and pikes laughed. The latter's major fault though, from the speaker's point of view, was that he’d known where all the local treasures were hidden but would not tell anyone. After that the conversation evolves around this issue: it appears that gold and silver are in abundance here in the kurgans, but nobody can find them, because all of them are under the spell.

The old man warms up to the subject, which he seems to be obsessed with. It appears that he'd made numerous attempts at diggings, craving to find his 'happiness', but to no avail: all the treasures in the vicinity must have been put under spell. "But what will you do with the treasure when you find it?" the young man enquires. "I know what I'll do. I'll… I’ll show them!.." the old man promises but does not go beyond that. The conversation lasts until daybreak. Finally the supervisor leaves, apparently deeply moved by the information he had received. Even more meaningfully thoughtful look the sheep all around.

Okko's Inn

After her parents died in a car accident and had lost her memory, Oriko "Okko" Seki lives with her grandmother at the Hananoyu Inn, a ryokan. Okko befriends the ghost of a boy Makoto "Uribo" Tachiuri, the late childhood friend of Mineko. Okko becomes a junior innkeeper. At first, she finds her job exhausting, but Uribo keeps her spirits up. One day, Okko invites a disheveled man and his son to the inn, since it "rejects no one". The staff learn about his late mother and Akane end up opposing everyone. He requests a cake from the kitchen. The inn has none, but Okko feels inspired to make a new recipe for a "hot bath" pudding resembling hot spring water. Akane and his father are impressed about the pudding and the shrine. It is revealed Okko achieves her fulfillment for everyone and Akane's father writes a magazine review. At school, Okko meets Matsuki Akino, a selfish girl with a pink colored Lolita fashion whose family runs the inn. Uribo tries to provoke Matsuki by painting her face, but a blond girl ghost retaliates by painting Okko's. The ghost turns out to by Miyo, Matsuki's late sister. She mocks Okko and something what she did. But since Okko can see her and talk with her, Miyo plans to move at Hananoyu Inn instead of Harunoya. Okko uses a bell received from her late grandfather to release Suzuki, a low key demon, whom Okko meets with a bad habit. Okko becomes cheerier, though Suzuki notices Okko cannot see ghosts. One of the guests is a woman named Glory Suiryo who works as a fortune teller. She invites Okko to a shopping trip. Okko is paralyzed by a flashback, but Glory comforts her. Okko imagines her parents near her. As the Kise family arrive at the inn, they include a boy named Shota and his recovered father. The man finds bland food unsatisfying. Okko learns Matsuki was working on a menu. Setting aside her rivalry to please a guest, she visits Matsuki at her inn to ask for help. Matsuki gives her a sample of beef and cooking tips Shota's father does not taste so bland. But then the Kises reveal Shota's father survived the accident and was in a coma. The family that died in the crash didn't make it, only leaving their only daughter alive. Okko started to remember that it was her parents who died in the accident and leaves. Glory consoles with Okko. She sees the Kises leaving the inn, because they will soon leave. Okko invites the Kises to stay at the inn. Months later, Okko and Matsuki perform a ritual dance at the festival. The ghosts move on to the next lives and visit them someday.

Forever and a Day (novel)

A prequel to the events of ''Casino Royale'', the book recounts Bond's first mission as a double-0 agent, his status recently earned by killing a wartime traitor in Stockholm.

Set in the French Riviera in 1950, Bond investigates the killing of the previous man designated 007 and resumes his final mission: determine what is behind the sudden lack of drug activity in the Corsican underworld. He develops his affinity for high-stakes casinos and fine hotels, where he meets Joanne "Sixtine / Madame 16" Brochet, a former British operative who leads him to Corsica mob boss Jean-Paul Scipio. Everything appears to point to the morbidly obese Scipio, head of a chemical company that serves as a front for his heroin business, but Bond discovers a larger network of organised crime and an American multi-millionaire named Irwin Wolfe.

The Happys

A midwestern boyfriend and girlfriend move to California so that the young man may pursue a career as an actor. The young woman walks in on her boyfriend when he is having an affair with another man. After that, they face challenges in their careers and personal lives as the young woman seeks her own direction, with the friendship and support of eclectic neighbors in their neighborhood, Los Feliz (which roughly translates to "The Happys").

Ringo (TV series)

Ringo is a young man, who has dedicated his life to boxing, and at the peak of his career he loses the national title upon receiving the news of the death of his brother. From that moment, Ringo decides to retire from boxing. Gloria, his wife, leaves him to go live with El Turco, Ringo's main rival in the ring. Gloria's decision leaves Ringo alone in charge of the care of his son Santi. Then, Gloria will return to claim custody of her son, and in that situation, Ringo will have to obtain a job that provides fixed income, to keep custody of his son. He decides to return to boxing with the clear goal to be crowned champion.

Dog Days (2018 film)

Los Angeles, California, is the main and heart-warming scenario where life and fate interconnect five different stories as well as their characters with their respective canine pets: Elizabeth is a famous newscaster of a morning TV show; after a disastrous interview with former football player Jimmy, Elizabeth's boss decides to contract Jimmy as co-host due to the high ratings of the interview. In another part of the city, Tara, a barista at a coffee shop who passes her days talking with her shallow, dog-walker friend Daisy. Tara, who is crazy about the friendly but full of himself vet Dr. Mike, one day meets Garrett, the eccentric and shy owner of an animal care center who is unable to tell Tara that he loves her. Grace and Kurt are a married couple struggling to properly prepare for their adoptive daughter, Amelia, to arrive. When she moves in, she doesn't seem happy with her new home and her new parents. Dax is a teen in the body of adult, and leader of the aspiring rock band Frunk, who after a visit to his pregnant sister Ruth and her husband Greg, is forced to take care of Ruth's dog, despite his building not allowing dogs. Finally Walter, an aging, lonely widower, loses his dog when it escapes and runs off. Tyler, his regular pizza delivery driver unexpectedly offers to help find her. As time moves on, things become more complicated: Elizabeth and Jimmy start to feel attracted to each other, making their work more difficult. After they've been dating for some time, Elizabeth finds out (from her makeup artist) that Jimmy has been offered a position hosting a show on another channel. Tara accepts Garrett’s offer to work as volunteer in his animal care center at the same time she starts to date Dr. Mike; meanwhile Garrett learns that the owner of the building has sold it and he'll lose the center. Amelia finds Walter's dog, which makes her happy, but Grace and Kurt fear that one day Amelia will lose her new friend if the owner appears; Dax is caring for Ruth's dog, although eventually it starts to put order in his life, even as it creates trouble to hide it from his neighbors. Walter begins helping Tyler with his academic studies in exchange for help finding his dog. Jimmy's has to put his dog Brandy down after she suffers a stroke. After hearing the news Elizabeth realizes she loves Jimmy and wants to be with him. Tara works to help Garrett save his animal shelter by organizing a fund-raiser with live music, which culminates in all the main characters' fates intertwining in unexpected ways.

Death at Nuremberg

This novel centers around Capt. James Cronley, the central character of all the novels of the series. Cronley has been replaced as chief of DCI Europe to protect the U.S. chief prosecutor in the Nuremberg trials from a rumored Soviet kidnapping. He soon gets charged with hunting down the leadership of Odessa, an organization that helps Nazi war criminals escape to South America. As Cronley gets closer to uncovering the workings of Odessa, he is targeted twice for assassination. Cronley's quest takes him to his mother's home town of Strasbourg and to Vienna. At Strasbourg he picks up his cousin Luther, who turns out to be a war criminal himself and is taken to Nuremberg. As with the other books in this series, ''Death at Nuremberg'' is filled with intrigue as agents of the fledgling CIA work to rid the United States of enemies in Europe.

A Girl of the Limberlost (1934 film)

In Indiana in 1893, Katherine Comstock discusses with her neighbors Margaret and Wesley Sinton about her child who is due. Katherine’s husband Robert is walking back home that night and takes a path through the Limberlost swamp, but he gets tripped up and falls into a pool of quicksand. Katherine heads out into the swamp to help him, but by the time she reaches him, there’s not much she can do as she watches her husband drown. Later, after the birth of the child, who has been named Elnora, Wesley and Margaret are seen with the baby, discussing how sad it is that Katherine dislikes her newborn daughter. They wish that they could keep the baby if Katherine does not want to keep her, as they have recently lost a child of their own, but Wesley says Elnora is the last thing Katherine has left after her husband died.

The story flashes forward many years later when Elnora is now a teenager. Elnora tells her mother that she is going to high school, though Kathrine initially refuses, wanting her daughter to stay home and do chores. On her way to school, Elnora stops by the Limberlost swamp at a tree, where inside she has been storing some of her belongings, including a moth collection. Once she’s at school, she’s met with some taunting from her fellow classmates, which discourages her from wanting to return the next day. She later visits the Sintons, who encourage her to keep her spirits up and offer to help her pay for the books she needs for classes. At home, Katherine continues to treat Elnora with cruelty, blaming her for the death of her husband.

When Elnora heads to school for her second day, she catches a young boy named Billy attempting to steal from someone’s home. She sits down with him and offers to him some of her lunch. After school, Elnora visits Mrs. Parker, who is known as “The Bird Woman” around their community. The Sintons had given Elnora the lady’s name, letting her know that she would be able to help her. On her way home, Elnora encounters Billy again, who tells her that his dad is too sick, that he won’t move or talk. They go to his house and see that his father had died, so Elnora takes Billy to the Sintons’ for help. The Sintons end up taking Billy in to care for him themselves.

Some time later, Dr. Ammon visits the Sintons with his nephew Phillip, who takes an interest in Elnora. He offers her money for the Indian relics she had been collecting and tells her to use the money for her college funds. They later venture into the Limberlost, chasing moths to add to her collection. While there, he talks about his fiancé Edith back home in Washington, and that he was leaving town that night. They part with a promise to stay in touch.

In June 1913, Elnora is seen writing a letter to Phillip, letting him know that she has saved up enough money to pay for college, and that she no longer needs his help as he had once promised to her. However, she checks her stash of funds that she kept in the tree in the swamp and learns that it has been stolen along with her moth collection. Elnora is distraught that she has lost the money she has been saving, especially because she was planning on buying a new dress for her graduation that’s coming up soon, but her mother offers to find a dress for her herself. However, on the day of her graduation, Elnora finds out that her mother did not get the dress as she had promised. After an argument, Elnora heads off to Mrs. Parker’s, who offers to make her a graduation dress.

The two head to Elnora’s school together for the ceremony as Katherine watches from across the street, clearly upset over her daughter running off to others for help instead of to her. She heads home and runs into Billy, who tells her how much money Elnora had lost and that he thinks he knows who stole the money. Katherine heads to the suspected culprit's house, but does not find him. She instead finds a sickly woman who she learns had an affair with her husband Robert up until his death. Katherine heads to Mrs. Parker’s house to find Elnora, and begs her for forgiveness for treating her so terribly over a man who never loved her like she had thought. They reunite as Elnora forgives her mother.

After they arrive back home, Phillip comes back to town with his fiancé Edith. They invite Elnora to a party Phillip’s uncle is throwing for them the next day. She is initially reluctant, but is encouraged by her mother to attend. At the party, Edith expresses her frustration at Phillip for talking about Elnora all night. When Phillip and Elnora meet up later that night, they come across a yellow emperor moth they had been looking for before, and chase after it into the Limberlost. They stop to talk, and Phillip leans in to kiss her, after which they agree they should head back to the party. When they get back, Edith accuses Phillip of cheating with Elnora, though they both deny it.

The next day, Phillip goes to the Comstock house to tell Elnora that he and Edith have ended their engagement, and wishes to have a relationship with her instead. Elnora refuses him and tells him that she feels guilty, thinking she’s the reason they have broken up. Feeling distraught over her conflicted feelings, Elnora cries to herself in the middle of the Limberlost, claiming she no longer cares about her moths or college or anything anymore. Phillip goes off into the Limberlost to find her, but he finds her fallen into a pool of mud. He pulls her out and they embrace as the movie comes to a close.

$10 Raise

Hubert T. Wilkins is a bookkeeper who is encouraged by his romantic interest, Emily Converse, to ask his boss, Mr. Bates, for a $10 dollar pay rise. He is then fired and has no money for his and Emily's wedding. He seeks to invest in property to regain his fortune.

In Darkness (2018 film)

Sofia McKendrick (Natalie Dormer) is a blind pianist who lives in an apartment in London, and is haunted by the murder of her family by Serbian paramilitaries. Her neighbor is Veronique (Emily Ratajkowski), the daughter of Serbian philanthropist Zoran Radic (Jan Bijvoet), who has committed war crimes during the Bosnian War, and currently suspected of running criminal organizations. Despite the controversy surrounding Veronique's family, Sofia appears to have an amicable relationship with her, although lately has been noticing something wrong with her. During a discussion in an elevator, Veronique slips Sofia a USB drive and tells her that the perfume is Liquid Gold. One night, Sofia overhears a struggle occurring in Veronique's room and witnesses Veronique fall to her death. Despite this, Sofia denies witnessing anything to the police Detective Mills (Neil Maskell), while discreetly holding the USB drive.

Later at an event hosted by Radic, Sofia performs and overhears Radic and his associates discussing the circumstances of Veronique's death, in the process revealing that he was the one behind it. Radic's head of security Alexandra Gordon (Joely Richardson) and her brother Marc (Ed Skrein) have a discreet conversation and it is revealed that Veronique was twelve weeks pregnant and that Marc was sent to kill her; it is also revealed that Marc was having an affair with her and is likely the father of her child. Radic forms a fixation on Sofia for her connection to Veronique, and Sofia ends up having to dodge police questions and Radic's men looking over Veronique's apartment.

Marc rescues Sofia from a rape attempt and later saves her from an attempted kidnapping and torture. Sofia spends some time with Marc and learns of his and Veronique's affair, and he explains to her that Veronique committed suicide out of paranoia. This in turn leads to an affair between Marc and Sofia. As it turns out Sofia has her own vendetta towards Radic, as she confides in her adopted father Niall (James Cosmo), and gives him the USB drive and reveals that Liquid Gold is the drive's password, which reveals Radic's assets and his criminal operations. Sofia recounts how while she was blind, she had a sister, Balma, who could see but would pretend to be blind for her sister's benefit. It's revealed that Sofia's family were once friends with Radic in Bosnia, but Radic betrayed her family and personally led the paramilitaries in the massacre of Sofia's family. Niall was a soldier who rescued and protected Sofia for years while she was planning revenge. In addition to this, it's discovered that Veronique has been planning to expose the truth of her father's crimes, but knew that her days were numbered; this was the reason she gave Sofia the USB drive.

Sofia learns that Alexandra is also looking for the USB drive, hoping to use the information to usurp Radic and his operations. Sofia hands Alexandra a copy of the drive in exchange for a private audience with Radic at Veronique's funeral. There, Sofia holds a blade to Radic's throat and he realizes the truth of Sofia's past and motives; Radic taunts Sofia by revealing he was in love with her mother, and that he raped her shortly before she gave birth to a daughter; Radic implies and is under the impression that Sofia is his biological daughter. Radic leaves the funeral as Sofia is emotionally devastated by these revelations. As Detective Mills looks into Sofia's past, it's also discovered that "Sofia" is an alias; the ''real'' Sofia was Niall's biological daughter who died in infancy, and Niall named Balma "Sofia" after taking her in. Niall soon passes away while in the hospital.

When Radic discovers Alexandra's treachery, and orders her to be killed; despite the appeal from his sister, Marc leaves Alexandra to die due to her indirect involvement with his unborn child's death. Radic drives to Sofia's apartment with the intent on personally killing her, while Marc rushes to her rescue. Meanwhile, Detective Mills is watching surveillance of Sofia's visit earlier in the front office and he notices Sofia looking at something. As he went to get coffee in the front office, he realizes she analyzed Marc's wanted poster and makes his way to her apartment. As a fight ensues, Marc takes out Radic's men, while Sofia initially holds her own despite her seeming disadvantage. Radic quickly gets the upper hand and prepares to kill Sofia, until Sofia reaches a piece of broken mirror and moves to impale Radic's neck with it. However, just then Marc barges in and shoves Radic out the window. Radic falls onto a spiked fence, where he's impaled and dies.

As Sofia tends to Marc's wounds, there is a final revelation; Sofia was never blind and could see the whole time. Flashbacks show that during the massacre of her family, her blind sister was the one who was killed while they were hiding. Sofia, real name Balma, took her deceased sister's identity and feigned blindness for years. Because she could see, she saw a "Wanted Poster" and realizes that Marc is a wanted fugitive. The film ends as Marc encourages her to run, while he takes the fall for Radic's death, and Sofia flees the apartment.

21 Emon


Having to struggle with keeping up their family hotel business at the age of 18, 21 Emon is trying his hardest to help out his family as the new heir, although his dream is not being in the hotel business his whole life but exploring the wide space as a space pilot.


The plot is the same as the manga, but with changes. Although 21 Emon is 18 in the manga, he is around 11–13 years old in the anime adaptation.

Cupid & Cate

Cate DeAngelo is engaged. Her sister introduces her to the lawyer Harry, who shows her how to relax and enjoy life.

Cate falls in love with Harry, whom she marries. However, Harry gets cancer. The treatment attempts are not working. At times, Harry's condition worsens so much that he goes to the hospital.

Cate and her three sisters argue with their father Dominic over whether he loved the late mother of women. Cate later reconciles with Dominic.

Bulletproof Heart (film)

The events of the film take place over the course of one night. The storyline follows Mick (Anthony LaPaglia), a cold-blooded, disinterested, existential hitman who is assigned the task of killing a woman that has stiffed Mick's boss George (Peter Boyle) $650,000. At first Mick is reluctant in accepting the job, but is later assured by George that the job will be easy, as the woman has accepted her fate.

After accepting the job, Mick's friend Archie (Matt Craven) begs to accompany him. Mick hesitates because Archie previously made a mistake in the last job and nearly cost George and Mick their lives. After much discussion, Mick accepts Archie's company.

When Mick arrives at the woman's house, he finds Fiona (Mimi Rogers) is expecting him. She ushers her guests from the party she is hosting, and invites Mick inside. Fiona's cool demeanour both surprises and impresses Mick. She soon has Mick tied to her bed, where the two engage in sadistic intercourse. Mick finds the pain Fiona inflicts on him arousing, and her ability to pleasure him is incomparable to other women Mick has slept with. As the two are dressing, Fiona dismisses Mick's performance, and they head downstairs to where Archie is waiting for them.

The more time they spend together, the less Mick is willing to kill Fiona. Feeling conflicted, Mick calls George demanding the severity of Fiona's crime and questioning the need for the hit. Ending his phone call with George, he returns to the car determined to finish the job, but with no rush.

Fiona suggests the three grab Chinese food, and head to the cemetery for a picnic. There, Fiona experiences a psychotic episode, and falls into a schizophrenic state. Mick rushes Fiona to a psychiatrist (Joseph Maher), who informs Mick that Fiona has an incurable mental illness that will most certainly soon destroy her. Torn, Mick takes Fiona to the shipping docks to finish the job, but finds he cannot bring himself to carry through.

When George arrives, he and Mick begin to argue once more over the need to complete the job. As the two are arguing, Fiona convinces Archie to kill her. Mick is left devastated.

The Young Animals

WASP Bruce (David Macklin) and his gang beat up Mexican-American Paco(Zooey Hall)and rape his girlfriend, Raquel(Joanna Frank). Super cool Latino Tony (Tom Nardini)comes to town and hits it off with the blonde Janet (Patty McCormack), who Bruce thinks is his girl. Bruce and his pals chase Tony down, but let him go with a warning to stay away from Janet. Tony decides to organize the Mexican-American students at school, and when principal Wilson (Arthur Petersen) refuses to even listen to their complaints, organizes a walk out by the Mexican-American students. The students picket the school and even brawl with Bruce's gang. After Raquel tells Janet that she was raped, some of the white students walk out in solidarity. Then Paco and a group of students who favor a more radical approach, attack Din-din (Keith Taylor), a member of Bruce's group and his girlfriend. Bruce and his followers get their revenge, killing Paco and Raquel in a staged road "accident". Bruce and his pals try to kill Tony and Janet, but in the end Bruce is arrested. Principal Wilson finally agrees to talk with the students and the walk out ends.

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr

Setting and characters

The game takes place in the fictional universe of ''Warhammer 40,000''. The player character is a member of the Inquisition, a secret police force tasked with fighting Chaos worship and alien influence in the Imperium. The game takes place in the Caligari Sector, which was created by NeocoreGames specifically for this game.

''Martyr'' (original game)

The game begins with the discovery of an abandoned battleship seemingly appearing out of nowhere in the Caligari Sector. The leading body of the sector, the Caligari Conclave, makes contact with the titular Inquisitor and requests they investigate the ghost ship. Teleportation is impossible due to a jamming signal emanating from the ship so the Inquisitor boards a transport and heads to the colossus. Upon arrival, the Inquisitor's transport is shot down by the ghost ship's automated defenses, which forces the Inquisitor to crash land on the hangar deck. The initial investigation of the ghost ship reveals that it is the Martyr, a Fortress Monastery that disappeared 5,000 years ago and was commanded by Lord Inquisitor Uther Tiberius. Further investigation implies that Uther Tiberius may have been the head of a cult dedicated to the worship of Nurgle, a daemonic entity from the otherworldly dimension known as the Warp. Proceeding deeper into the ship, the Inquisitor comes across an Adeptus Astartes from the Stormwatcher Chapter called Caius Thorn. Thorn informs the Inquisitor that he is led by Lord Inquisitor Klosterheim and that his expedition arrived shortly after the Martyr reappeared; however, the expedition became stranded after the Martyr activated a jamming signal to prevent them from gaining access to the lower decks. After Thorn and the Inquisitor disable the jamming signal, Thorn is seriously hurt in combat and the warp drives on the Martyr suddenly activate. As warp travel could be potentially fatal, the Inquisitor contacts his ship's captain (Captain Ragna Van Wynter) in order to teleport away with the critically injured Thorn. As the Martyr disappears into the Warp, the Inquisitor pledges to save Thorn in order to learn how to track down the Martyr.

The Inquisitor travels to the Merciful Agony Void Station in search of a Magos Biologis that can revive Thorn; however, the station Genetor in charge tells the Inquisitor that the person he seeks, Metrodora Thelema, is on priority assignment studying a chaos epidemic on the Saint Abelard Research Station. After purging the chaos from the station, the Inquisitor must travel to three different locations in search of Thelema and the source of the epidemic. Eventually finding her amidst the threat of chaos daemons and rogue heretical Imperials, Thelema joins the Inquisitor's retinue. Once Thorn is revived from stasis, he informs the Inquisitor that while he does not know where the Martyr is located, he does know how Klosterheim found it in the first place: a sect of Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priests located on Kardian II whose sole goal is researching and locating the relics of Uther Tiberius. Upon arrival, the Inquisitor finds that Kardian II is under attack by a rogue group of Imperial Guard known as the Feral Beasts and have either killed or captured all of the Tech-priests. Breaking through the siege, the Inquisitor finds and rescues Artificer Omicron Arkh of the Requisitional Expedition Epsilon-26 who informs the Inquisitor that they can locate Klosterheim through the use of a relic known as Uther's Tarot. After securing the relic and having Omicron Arkh join the Inquisitor's retinue, the Inquisitor uses Uther's Tarot to locate the Martyr and Klosterheim.

Upon arriving back on the Martyr, the Inquisitor makes his way through the chaos forces still present on the ship to find and confront Klosterheim. Along the way, the Inquisitor begins having strange visions of the Martyr and Klosterheim talking to an unknown person about finding the secrets of Uther Tiberius. Upon confronting Klosterheim, it is revealed that the Inquisitor is Klosterheim's former superior who gave him orders to secure the Martyr and locate Uther Tiberius' greatest secret: a being known as the Alpha Pariah. Klosterheim explains that the Inquisitor's previous actions to find the Martyr bordered on the heretical and these actions caught the attention of the Grey Knights, an Adeptus Astartes chapter dedicated to eradicating daemons and their agents. In order to protect the Alpha Pariah from the Grey Knights, the Inquisitor voluntarily wiped all of their memories and became a different person. When asked about the whereabouts of Uther and the Alpha Pariah, Klosterheim informed the Inquisitor that Uther's subject's rebelled against him as they believed his fervent desire to create the Alpha Pariah was too heretical. Uther was eventually slain, but not before the Alpha Pariah was secured and Uther's body spirited away by the captain of the Martyr: Gregor Van Wynter. In order to open the Stasis Chamber where the Alpha Pariah is kept, they must find Uther Tiberius' rosette; however, the rosette is also sought after by a heretical band of Adeptus Astartes known as the Word Bearers who have made their way onto the Martyr and are attempting to locate the Alpha Pariah for themselves.

The Inquisitor teleports onto their own ship and questions the captain on information of her Rogue Trader heritage. Captain Ragna says that after her family's house was purged for heresy during her father's reign, all of the secrets of her family's house were kept in an ancestral logbook on a ship called the Astute Cavalier. The Inquisitor finds the hideout of the remaining Van Wynters in order to find the Astute Cavalier only to discover that the remaining members have joined forces with the Word Bearers and sold them the ship to become a harbinger of doom. A former captain of the Van Wynter House, Nathaniel Grexus, remained loyal to the Imperium and held captive by the Word Bearers. Upon being rescued, Captain Grexus used his extensive contacts to locate the destination of the Astute Cavalier as the headquarters of the Word Bearers. Before it can arrive there, the Inquisitor intercepts the ship and fights their way through the Word Bearer legions to locate the Van Wynter logbook. Using the book, the Inquisitor learns that the captain of the Martyr took Uther's body to a sanctuary headed by a cult dedicated to following Uther's teachings; however, when the Inquisitor visits the sanctuary they are ambushed by an Inquisitorial kill-team led by Interrogator Koltar. Koltar informs the Inquisitor that a member of Uther's cult, Inquisitor Flavius Draken, took Uther's vestiges and hid them in an unknown location. Contacting the Caligari Conclave, the Inquisitor is informed that Flavius Draken is located on Nereus Prime attempting to stop its invasion by the Alpha Legion Chaos Marines. After breaking through the siege with the help of a Shadowsword Tank and a Freeblade Knight named Ambrose Caradoc, the Inquisitor confronts Draken who reveals that he hid Uther's vestiges in an Echlesiarchy cathedral located on a moon close to a Warpsurge.

Inside the cathedral, the Inquisitor finds a warband of the Black Legion intent on destroying the anchor machines keeping the moon in place. Guided by the lone monk still guarding the cathedral, Lucius Teilhardt, the Inquisitor locates Uther's rosette but is unable to save the anchor machines, dooming the moon to eventually be swallowed up by the Warpsurge. Upon arrival back to the Martyr, the Inquisitor finds it besets by yet more daemons reinforced by the dreaded Plague Marines. Battling through the legions, it is learned that the Plague Marines are attempting to destroy the Martyr's Empyrean Seals along with the Machine Spirit that controls the Martyr. It is revealed through investigation that Uther Tiberius made a pact with a Greater Daemon known as the Thing in the Walls, the Unclean One in order to artificially create the Alpha Pariah and use her attempt to rule the dimension known as the Warp. The Alpha Pariah is a unique holder of the Pariah Gene, where she not only is able to completely resist daemon possession and influence, but also completely destroy the essence of a daemon, making it unable to reform itself in the Warp. Knowing that such powerful abilities could be either the salvation or ruination of the Imperium of Man, Uther locked the Alpha Pariah away in the Stasis Chamber. Uther then bound the Unclean One as the final seal to the Stasis Chamber, but the Greater Daemon gradually exerted its influence over the descendants in the Martyr, corrupting them into worshiping Nurgle. As the Inquisitor enters the Stasis Chamber, they come face to face with the Unclean One and battles the mighty warrior of Nurgle. The creature is completely destroyed when, after succumbing to its wounds, the Greater Daemon's spirit is completely consumed by the Alpha Pariah. As the Inquisitor attempts to escort the Alpha Pariah, the Machine Spirit of the Martyr intervenes, separating the Alpha Pariah and the Inquisitor and starting up the ship's Warp Drive. The Inquisitor teleports to their ship and can do nothing as they watch the Martyr make a warp jump. After it is gone, the Inquisitor vows to find the Martyr again the next time it reappears.

''Prophecy'' (expansion)

The ''Martyr'' unexpectedly reappears in realspace, and the Inquisitor boards the ship again in search of the Alpha Pariah. He encounters Eldar from the Craftworld Tuathal, who are also there for the Alpha Pariah. They want to use her to cleanse their Chaos-infested Craftworld. The Inquisitor also encounters an Eldar Harlequin, who claims to be merely observing the drama. The Inquisitor rescues the Alpha Pariah and brings her to safety on board van Wynter's ship.

The Inquisitor also runs into a clone of Fabius Bile, a Chaos Space Marine and mad scientist. Bile claims he helped Uther Tiberius create the Alpha Pariah, but then Tiberius betrayed Bile; Bile claims the Alpha Pariah as rightfully his.

The Harlequin tells the Inquisitor of a very ancient prophecy concerning the Alpha Pariah. The Alpha Pariah's destiny is to close the Dark Nexus, which is a growing Warp rift in the Caligari Sector that could eventually become as large as the Eye of Terror. This would mean a new entry point by which Chaos warships could invade Imperium space. The prophecy mentions an artefact called the "Crown of Emptiness", created by a vanished xenos race known as the Fabricatus, which will allow the Alpha Pariah to control her powers. The Inquisitor tracks down the Crown of Emptiness to the ancient homeworld of the Fabricatus. After the Inquisitor gives the Crown to the Alpha Pariah, the Harlequin shows up and attempts to take the Alpha Pariah for herself. The Inquisitor slays the Harlequin.

In order to placate a fellow agent from the Ordo Hereticus, the Inquisitor agrees to hunt and assassinate the clone of Fabius Bile with the Alpha Pariah's help. After the Bile clone is slain, the Alpha Pariah pilots the ''Martyr'' into the Dark Nexus, which seals it.

Death Race: Beyond Anarchy

A privatized security firm runs the Sprawl, a massive prison housing around 420,000 inmates. Inside, the popular Death Race competition (a last-man-standing competition where inmates race modified cars armed with heavy weapons) has been made illegal by the new warden who was hired by the prison's owner, Weyland International. He has been tasked with taking out Frankenstein, the prison's Death Race champion and king.

After defeating a competitor in a Death Race, Frankenstein arrives at an afterparty. A prison SWAT team attempts to take him out. They kill several convicts in the area but are eventually cornered and butchered by Frankenstein's loyal inmate army. Frankenstein speaks to the warden through one of their body cameras, saying that he will kill every man the warden sends to kill him. The warden is admonished by his boss, a Weyland International executive, for failing to kill Frankenstein, and warns him that he has one last chance.

A helicopter of new prisoners flies over the Sprawl and a guard explains the rules of the land. They are each given a roll of silver coins to help make their way in the prison. Immediately upon landing, "the Cops," a prison gang run by Death Racer Johnny Law, come upon the new inmates and kill most of them. Two survive but refuse to hand over their coins. They defeat the entire gang, demonstrating unusually skillful technique, and go their separate ways.

The male inmate, Connor, is picked up by a group of women who see his impressive fight. He tells them he is looking for Baltimore Bob, a name he overheard while on the helicopter, who supposedly runs the Death Races. They take him to a bar run by Frankenstein, where Johnny Law is about to be killed for failing to get all the coins from the new inmates. Connor defeats two more of Frankenstein's henchmen and Frankenstein confronts him personally. Though they do not fight, Connor shows no fear or respect for Frankenstein in their exchange. The bartender, Jane, connects Connor with Baltimore Bob who also witnessed his fight.

Baltimore Bob takes Connor around the prison and they discuss the Death Races. They attend a qualifying match for the Death Race at the Death Pit, where riders on motorcycles must avoid obstacles and traps in order to survive. The other inmate who fought the Cops upon landing, Gipsy Rose, wins the qualifying match. That night, Jane once again sees Connor and brings him to her house. They talk about how they got into the Sprawl. She assumes he wishes to sleep with her, but Connor refuses to her surprise.

The next day, Connor tells Baltimore Bob that he wants to be in a Death Race. His qualifying match is a footrace to a tower, which he must climb to claim the keys to a car. He fights his way to the tower and gets the keys, only to find that now he must face the Butcher, a huge man carrying a sledgehammer and sickle. Connor gruesomely defeats him and Frankenstein tells his concubine Carley to bring Connor to him. In the shower, Carley makes a pass at Connor, which he again refuses. Frankenstein tells him that if he wins the Death Race, he will become king of the Sprawl, and asks if he is ready for that responsibility. After the meeting, Connor goes to see Jane again. This time, they appear to begin a relationship.

Connor begins construction of his Death Racer with Baltimore Bob. The woman who picked him up after his fight with the Cops asks to be his co-pilot, to which he reluctantly agrees. He spends the night before the Death Race with Jane again, telling her that before he got to prison, he had nothing to care about, and implies that now he cares only for her.

The next morning, he sees the entire prison descending on Jane's house. He goes outside and is confronted by Frankenstein, who reveals to the whole prison that Connor is actually Sergeant Connor Gibson, a special operative sent inside to kill him. He declares that Connor will be allowed to compete in the Death Race, but many are angered by this betrayal and wish him dead.

As the Death Racers arrive at the starting line, Frankenstein reveals that his new co-pilot will be a captive Jane, whom he is using as an "insurance policy" against Connor. Throughout the Death Race, competitors are taken out one by one, until only Connor, Frankenstein, Johnny Law and Gipsy Rose remain. Connor, in last, gets rerouted by Baltimore Bob. He performs a near impossible jump of 250 feet over a downed bridge and gets right back behind Frankenstein. Johnny Law is eliminated and Gipsy Rose is in third.

During the final stretch, Connor runs out of gas. Frankenstein turns around and Jane begs him not to kill Connor. Frankenstein drives at Connor and his co-pilot; they fire a missile at him with no effect. At the last second, Gipsy Rose T-bones Frankenstein. Connor rushes to help Jane and Gipsy Rose gets out and shoots Frankenstein, killing him. She tells Connor that a helicopter will be there to pick them up soon; he realizes that she is also a special agent. Connor, now torn between his past life and his new one with Jane, decides to stay. Baltimore Bob tells him to put on the mask, become Frankenstein and run the Sprawl. He takes Frankenstein's coat and mask, wins the Death Race and presumably stays at the Sprawl.

S.W.A.T.: Under Siege

The DEA enlists the help of the Seattle SWAT to storm a drug cartel's waterfront warehouse to capture cartel members and seize a shipment of drugs. A firefight ensues and when it is over, several DEA agents and one SWAT team member are dead. When the container holding the suspected drug shipment is found and opened, the team is surprised to find a man chained inside. After taking him back to SWAT headquarters, the compound is assaulted by a group of terrorists who want the man from the container, claiming he is their partner. The mysterious man calls himself "The Scorpion" and the SWAT team believe him to be a fugitive. They try to move him, but realise that an inside agent is working with the terrorists. The leader of the team, Hall, asks Scorpion what he has that they want. He reveals himself to be a spy.

The building's lockdown codes are hacked and the terrorists storm the building in large numbers. Two SWAT members are killed and they realise Ward, one of their members, is working with them. Scorpion and Hall kill the two terrorist leaders and wait for backup. The SWAT leader, Dwyer, and Hall talk and Scorpion hands them a microchip, saying he's tired of running. Hall realises that Dwyer is the inside agent for the terrorists and a fight ensues. She shoots Scorpion and flees with Hall in pursuit. She is caught and arrested and Hall is asked to identify the Scorpion's body. Scorpion uses a dead inmate as a body double, but Hall still identifies him to let Scorpion go free. He returns home to enjoy the fireworks with his family.

Bolívar (TV series)

The story begins with Simón Bolívar as a soldier rousing his comrades who have grown weary in the fight for independence, before flashing back to his wedding day in Spain and again to his childhood. A young Simón enjoys all the luxuries of a criollo life until his mother, then grandfather, die, leaving his future in the hands of a maternal uncle who wants to take the Bolívar fortune as his own. Simón, an active child, finds it hard to respond to traditional tutelage and is put under the care of a rebel, watching as the Spanish crown punishes dissenters. As he ages into young adulthood, he initially joins the military, but finds more success as a statesman, and travels to Spain to both further his education and seek the title afforded his name.

Arriving in Spain, two of his wayward uncles have managed to make waves in society and introduce Simón to a suitable tutor who is well-regarded by the crown. It is under his care that Simón meets María Teresa del Toro whom he intends to woo; unfortunately, an entitled Spaniard also wishes to pursue her, and tries to dirty Bolívar's name in the process. Through his charm and wit, Bolívar comes through his time in Spain a more well-regarded man and returns to Venezuela; he is without the title he was after, but with María Teresa as his bride.

María Teresa immediately takes to helping at the haciendas and humanizing the workers and slaves; she is also infinitely loyal to Simón, and purchases back his beloved house slave Matea. In the meantime, a new royal judge is appointed to Venezuela, who is friendly with María Teresa and subsequently to the Bolívar family. Simón's eldest sister, María Antonia, begins falling for him after asking for a loan, at the same time as María Teresa begins falling ill from an insect bite that she has not been exposed to in Spain. When she dies, Simón vows he will live in her spirit and never marry again. In Ecuador, a young Manuela Sáenz gets into trouble at her convent.

Simón travels to Paris to drown his sorrows; here, he is reunited with his favorite teacher and his friend Fernando del Toro, cousin of the deceased María Teresa. In Venezuela, María Antonia and the judge begin an affair, from which she becomes pregnant, and their greedy uncle dies destitute. Simón is encouraged to start living rather than drinking and sleeping around by his reunited companions, and ultimately enrages Napoleon's adopted son enough to have himself firmly barred from the city; he returns to Venezuela to meet with the Caracas junta trying to govern Venezuela and propose a movement to independence. In Quito, Manuela begins to behave in order to be let out of the convent, succeeding and witnessing the 2 August uprising; her father feels she sympathizes with the cause too strongly and sends her to live with a maternal uncle, a priest, not knowing that he craves revolution, too.

Tom Clancy's The Division 2

Seven months after the Green Poison outbreak, several Division agents are defending a civilian settlement from a bandit attack when ISAC, the system controlling their advanced technology and nationwide communications, suddenly shuts down. The Player's Agent receives a Division distress call from Washington D.C. as a new and larger force begins to attack the settlement. At a fellow agent's urging, they abandon the battle to respond to the call. The Agent arrives in Washington D.C. to find the Division and JTF's local base of operations, the White House, under attack by the Hyenas. After repelling the attack, the Agent is briefed by Manny Ortega, the city's Division controller. The Agent learns that most of the country's leadership is either dead or missing and the city is mostly controlled by three hostile factions: the Hyenas, the Outcasts, and the True Sons. Ortega instructs the Agent to work with fellow agent Alani Kelso to assist civilian settlements, liberate the city, and restore the SHD network.

Ortega and Kelso uncover information that a cure to Green Poison might be located somewhere in the city, and that President Ellis may have survived the crash of Air Force One but is being held prisoner. Kelso is reluctant to waste time and resources to find Ellis, but Ortega points out that his security clearance may be needed to access the cure. The Agent eventually discovers Ellis and rescues him from Hyena custody. Ellis confirms that broad spectrum antivirals to cure not just Green Poison, but all viral infections, exist. However he can only access them with a special briefcase currently held in the True Sons' heavily fortified base at the United States Capitol. After the Agent repairs the SHD Network, reconnecting Division agents across the country, Ellis vows to restore the United States, no matter the cost. With the tide turning against them, the Hyenas, True Sons, and Outcasts retreat to their final strongholds. With the help of civilian militias and the JTF, the Agent assaults the strongholds and eliminates the leadership of most of the factions, with the Outcasts' leader Emeline Shaw disappearing during the assault on her stronghold on Roosevelt Island, while recovering Ellis' briefcase from the Capital.

As the Agent and the Division celebrate their victory, a new faction, the technologically advanced private military company Black Tusk, invades the city. Many of D.C.'s landmarks are quickly seized and Ellis suddenly goes missing with his briefcase, forcing the Agent to head out to find Ellis and repel the Black Tusk. The Agent eventually learns that Black Tusk supplied weapons to the gangs of D.C. and were responsible for sabotaging the SHD network, Ellis has been working with the Black Tusk all along, and that Ellis' predecessor, President Mendez, did not commit suicide as previously believed, but was assassinated by his own Secret Service detail on Black Tusk's orders. Thanks to Ellis, Black Tusk gains possession of the broad spectrum antivirals, planning to transport them out of the city. The Agent successfully raids Black Tusk's stronghold at Tidal Basin, retrieving the antivirals and preventing a missile strike on the White House, although Ellis' location remains unknown.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Characters and settings

The Multiplayer/Blackout mode takes place in the 2040s, and is centered around the Specialists, a group of global elite soldiers hired by researcher Savannah Mason-Meyer (Evangeline Lilly), granddaughter of Alex Mason (Sam Worthington). The initial Specialist roster includes: infantryman Donnie "Ruin" Walsh (Christian Rummel), demolitions expert Erin "Battery" Baker (Morla Gorrondona), Medical Sergeant Jarrah "Crash" Bazley (Mark Coles Smith), militia officer Kerk "Ajax" Rossouw (Stelio Savante), JGSDF soldier Katsumi "Recon" Kimura (Daisuke Tsuji), former British Army Corporal Kieran "Torque" Mackay (Matthew Waterson), ex-arsonist Krystof "Firebreak" Hejek (Adam Gifford), 54 Immortals enforcer He "Seraph" Zhen-Zhen (Judy Alice Lee), survivalist Tavo "Nomad" Rojas (David Cooley), and engineer David "Prophet" Wilkes (Dwane Walcott). Additional Specialists later join the roster, including: hacker Leni "Zero" Vogel (Stephanie Lemelin), scoutswoman Alessandra "Outrider" Castillo (Loreni Delgado), assassin Spectre (Roger Garcia), and combat robot EWR-115 "Reaper" (Keith Silverstein). Other characters featured in the Specialist Stories include: Jessica Mason-Green (Alexa Kahn), Savannah's sister and a former squad mate of Ruin and Battery; Sergeant Frank Woods (James C. Burns), Mason's best friend who appears as an instructor in the Specialists' training program; Viktor Reznov (Piotr Michael), a Red Army soldier who was Mason's ally prior to his death; and Raul Menendez (Kamar de los Reyes), former leader of the terrorist organization Cordis Die who plays a vital supporting role in Savannah's research.

The Chaos story of Zombies mode features a new cast of characters, starring: adventurer Scarlett Rhodes (Courtenay Taylor), former French Foreign Legion soldier Bruno Delacroix (Andrew Morgado), Mexican spy Diego Necalli (Christian Lanz), and British chemist Stanton Shaw (Nick Boraine). Scarlett leads the other three in search of her father, Alistair (Charles Dennis), who has mysteriously disappeared following an encounter with the Order, an ancient cult worshiping a dark power lead by the High Priest (Fred Tatasciore). ''Dead of the Night'', a prequel to Scarlett's story, features a different crew of characters, who are Alistair's associates: the Rhodes family butler Godfrey (Charles Dance), stage show cowboy Gideon Jones (Kiefer Sutherland), phony psychic Christina Fowler (Helena Bonham Carter), and Brigadier General Jonathan Warwick (Brian Blessed). Other characters include the Oracle of Delphi (Cissy Jones), who guides Scarlett's crew toward their goal, and Perseus (Andrew Morgado), the demigod son of Zeus who became a zombie warlord after failing a trial.

The Aether story of Zombies mode continues the story from ''Black Ops III'', and follows the Primis crew: Edward Richtofen (Nolan North), "Tank" Dempsey (Steve Blum), Nikolai Belinski (Fred Tatasciore), and Takeo Masaki (Tom Kane), as they try to continue their mission of securing their souls from fractured dimensions at the behest of Doctor Monty, an omnipotent being who resides in the Agartha dimension. Along their journey, Primis teams up with their original incarnation, known as Ultimis, while also receiving assistance from Victis, a group of survivors who previously interacted with Richtofen: Abigail "Misty" Briarton (Stephanie Lemelin), Marlton Johnson (Scott Menville), Samuel Stuhlinger (David Boat) and Russman (Keith Szarabajka). Other characters include: the Shadowman (Robert Picardo), leader of the Apothicon race who opposes Monty and the Order of the Keepers; the Warden of Alcatraz Penitentiary, who subjected himself to becoming the Shadowman's servant and is tasked with imprisoning Primis; Doctor Ludvig Maxis (Fred Tatasciore), an ally of Primis from Dimension 63 who attempts to contact them occasionally from Agartha; Samantha Maxis (Julie Nathanson), Ludvig's daughter from the original dimension who now also resides in Agartha as a cleansed soul; Eddie, the cleansed soul of Richtofen from Dimension 2210 who now resides in Agartha in the form of a child; Rushmore (John de Lancie), an artificial intelligence operating the systems of Camp Edward, a Broken Arrow facility; Cornelius Pernell, Broken Arrow's Director who was transformed into an pure electric being following an experiment; and Pablo Marinus, a Mexican test subject of Group 935 who lives in their Siberian outpost as a hermit.



In the year 2043, during a covert mission involving a mercenary group, Jessica Mason-Green, a US Army Specialist is presumably killed while her two squad mates, Donnie "Ruin" Walsh and Erin "Battery" Baker, escape with critical injuries. Two years later, Savannah Mason-Meyer, a trillionaire researcher and Jessica's sister, recruits ten of the world's most elite soldiers, including Ruin and Battery, for a top-secret project against an unknown threat. Savannah uses a Combat Immersion program to train the Specialists in a virtual simulation, with Sergeant Frank Woods acting as their instructor.

While taking a break from training, Ruin discusses with Battery about their survival two years prior, and that he received a warning message from a mysterious individual. At some point, the individual contacts Ruin at his home, tipping him off to an ambush by mercenaries. Ruin survives the ordeal, and arrives at a warehouse where he confronts the individual, revealed to be Jessica who remained alive and went undercover. It is implied that Savannah intends to eliminate all the Specialists she hired, and that she was somehow responsible for the botched mission in 2043. Woods is then shown in an asylum, standing beside a wheelchair-using Alex Mason. As Mason mutters to himself, Woods tells him that it has always been him "in the box".

Intel files unlocked from completing Specialist tutorial missions reveal additional stories. Savannah is revealed to be running Project Blackout, an experiment that is implied to be about resurrection of the dead through unknown means. The project was successful in reviving four subjects, referred to as "archetypes": Mason, Woods, Viktor Reznov, and Raul Menendez; the latter is tasked with overseeing the project alongside Savannah. Jessica, who disapproves of Savannah's actions, was revealed to have been actually shot by Savannah during a heated argument between the two sisters. Battery is revealed to have been seeing flashes of numbers, an effect of the brainwashing technique that Mason previously experienced during the Cold War, further hinting that the event of the mission in 2043 may not have been real. Woods, who is involved in a relationship with Savannah, is tasked with brainwashing Mason, using the same technique from before, for an unknown purpose. The latter was then allowed to meet Reznov, who Woods claims to have survived the events of Vorkuta.

Zombies (Chaos Story)

On March 20, 1912, treasure hunter Alistair Rhodes hosts a party at his mansion in England, where many of his associates are invited. However, the Order, an ancient cult who has been after Alistair for some time, kidnaps him by enslaving his butler, Godfrey to do their bidding. Using a mysterious device called a Sentinel Artifact, the Order releases a substance called Prima Materia, transforming all of the guests in the mansion into zombies, sparing only Godfrey and three other guests: Gideon Jones, Christina Fowler, and Jonathan Warwick. The four band together to battle against the combined forces of undead, werewolves and vampires roaming the mansion. After successfully completing the trial, the four put an end to the undead outbreak, but Godfrey, under the influence of his dark self, murders the other three and inadvertently sets the mansion on fire. He is then killed by Alistair's daughter, Scarlett, who then gives chase to her father's kidnappers. She fails to rescue Alistair, but finds a letter he left behind, instructing her to seek out three of his most trusted associates: Bruno Delacroix, Diego Necalli, and Stanton Shaw.

After recruiting Alistair's three friends, Scarlett boards the RMS Titanic with them in search of a Sentinel Artifact, which is kept locked up. They successfully acquire it, but then encounter a member of the Order who activates the artifact, transforming every ship crew member and passenger into zombies. Just as the ship crashes with an iceberg, the four work together in order to recover the Sentinel Artifact and restore it. In doing so, they activate an ancient trial, which tests them with various puzzles and tasks. Upon successful completion of the trial, the Prima Materia's effect is reversed, and all passengers on the Titanic are reverted to their human state. The crew discovers an apparition of a gateway, but before they could interact with it, they are forced to escape as the ship sinks. Shaw points the crew toward their next destination, Delphi, Greece in order to find answers. Unbeknownst to the crew, Bruno possesses the same marking that Godfrey had, hinting at his dark self taking over.

Scarlett and the gang are guided by the Oracle of Delphi to an ancient cavern where the gateway is located. After inhaling a mysterious vapor, they begin to hallucinate and are taken back in time to an Gladiatorial Arena in Roman Egypt, where the High Priest of Chaos ses a Sentinel Artifact to turn slaves into zombies and pit them against gladiators for entertainment. The crew, now taking on the form of gladiators, is forced to fight for survival, as they complete various challenges to appease the four Gods: Danu, Ra, Zeus and Odin. Upon completion of the challenges, they face off against a combined force of undead warriors in the arena, and emerge victorious. The completion of the trial opens a portal to the Library of the Nine, but the High Priest fails to access it. He then has Scarlett and the rest executed despite their demand for clemency.

Snapping out of the hallucination, Scarlett then inputs the symbols she saw on the portal into the gateway, allowing the crew to enter the Ancient City of Delphi. They meet up with the Oracle, who has been trapped here for centuries amidst an ongoing Sentinel Trial. Hoping to prevent the ancient demigod Perseus from slaying the Olympian Gods, she assists them in fighting against the zombie horde roaming the city, as well as various ancient mythical Greek creatures. In the midst of the trial, Bruno's dark self takes over temporarily and secretly kills Shaw, then revives him using the Scepter of Ra, allowing Shaw to also be enslaved by his dark self. The trial reaches its culmination as the crew battles against Perseus and his winged steed Pegasus, and triumphs. While Scarlett attempts to free the Oracle, the other three follow her directions to look for Alistair, only to find that he and other Order members have been petrified. Diego runs back in horror, and discovers that the Oracle was Medusa in disguise. Medusa renders Scarlett unconscious after acquiring certain knowledge from her mind. Diego manages to retrieve Scarlett and hides, as Medusa declares her eventual ownership of the Library, and world domination.

Zombies (Aether Story)

During their mission to secure their own souls, the Primis crew takes a detour to Alcatraz Island, where Edward Richtofen plans to acquire blood vials, items he deems necessary for his "insurance policy", to protect his companions. Upon encountering a past version of himself, Richtofen is given the Kronorium book, and learns that the contents of the book have changed, and that his own blood is now demanded by the prison's Warden. Through their attempt to survive his wrath, Primis learns that the Warden, working for the ancient Apothicon race via the Shadowman, intends to use Richtofen's blood to power a special machine called the Dark Mechanism, due to it containing a massive amount of Aether energy. After gaining the trust of the various spirits residing in the prison, Primis engages in a final showdown against the Warden and his zombie hordes, aided by the spirits of Alcatraz. Richtofen eventually enters the Dark Mechanism and willingly lets it extract his blood, hoping for a chance at defeating the Warden. This in turn releases another Richtofen, who has lived through a previous cycle of the events, and kept himself cryogenically frozen under Alcatraz for years. Using the fire elemental gem from the ancient Staff of Fire, the newly awakened Richtofen greatly weakens the Warden, allowing Primis to defeat him and free all souls in Alcatraz from their torment. Having broken the cycle, Richtofen hands the Kronorium to Nikolai Belinski and passes over the leadership mantle, convincing the latter that his soul is needed to defeat the omnipotent Doctor Monty. The new cycle's Richtofen is left to die as his blood is drained by the Dark Mechanism.

Back in the original timeline, following their adventures at Shangri-La, the Ultimis crew attempts to teleport to the Moon immediately, but instead ends up in The Pentagon in 1963. Meanwhile, at the Ascension Facility in Russia, the scientist Yuri Zavoyski tricks his partner Gersh into activating a black hole device, sucking him in it, per the orders of a corrupted Samantha Maxis. Yuri uses the device to travel to the Pentagon and unleash the zombie horde, experimented on by the US Government, against Ultimis. The four battle against the undead across the Pentagon, as well as the Groom Lake facility of Area 51. Unbeknownst to them, a future version of Ultimis, following the destruction of the Earth in 2025, time-traveled back to Groom Lake months before the arrival of their past selves. Richtofen, whose body was occupied by Samantha's soul from the future, went into a comatose state when her soul was sucked out; however, he was revived when a zombified Richtofen arrived some times later and interacted with his comatose self, transferring his consciousness to the new body. As the future Ultimis remains in captive at Groom Lake, Primis arrives and convinces them to leave together in preparation for "the great war".

Primis and Ultimis travel together to Camp Edward, a nuclear testing facility run by the American research group Broken Arrow, in search of an Elemental Shard. They activate the facility's artificial intelligence, codenamed Rushmore, who agrees to give them the shard in exchange for them proving their worthiness. After completing several tasks and demonstrating the core values of Broken Arrow, Rushmore then proceeds to open the APD (American Pyramid Device), which houses Broken Arrow's Director, Cornelius Pernell, who has been transformed into an electric being following an experiment with the shard. Dubbing himself "Avogadro", Pernell then battles Primis and Ultimis, but ultimately fails and is teleported to a different Broken Arrow facility in Hanford, Washington. The crews retrieve the elemental shard, but then learn from Doctor Ludvig Maxis, who has been residing in Agartha, that Monty is aware of their plan. Maxis reveals that Monty would be able to wipe out the Apothicons and the presence of Element 115, but at the cost of his own life; thus, he intends to perpetuate the cycle. As he attempts to send Samantha and Eddie to safety, Monty reveals his true form and devours Maxis. Samantha arrives at Camp Edward, regaining her Aether powers once more, and swears vengeance on Monty.

Primis and Ultimis take a temporary break in a forest, and celebrate before their final battle. Back in Alcatraz, the cryopods in Richtofen's lab open, releasing the Victis crew from their slumber. Ultimis Richtofen, as well as Primis Nikolai, instructs Victis to go to the Group 935 outpost in Siberia to construct an "Agarthan Device", said to be capable of granting its user any wish they desire. At the Siberian outpost, Victis encounters Pablo Marinus, one of Richtofen's former test subjects who was assumed to have died, and receives his help in constructing the device, using the blood of an ancient Apothicon being, a container dubbed the Seal of Duality, and the Elemental Shard. After fully powering up the device, Pablo uses it to travel to the Great War, where he would assist Primis Richtofen in sending him back to Alcatraz and break the cycle. The Agarthan Device is then sent to Primis Nikolai, who uses it to destroy the Summoning Key. Nikolai reveals the truth that the Kronorium showed him: despite their best efforts, they would be doomed to repeat the cycle if they ever participate in the Great War. He also reveals that he and the rest of Primis/Ultimis are the catalysts that perpetuate the cycle, and as long as any of them exist, it will allow Monty to keep the cycle going, ensuring the survival of both the universe and himself. As a result, Nikolai has both crews killed by poisoning their drinks, then asks Samantha to kill him. The destruction of the Summoning Key also ensures the entire multiverse, including Monty, the Apothicons and Element 115, are banished to the Dark Aether. As Samantha and Eddie walk toward a light in the darkness, each member of Primis and Ultimis can be heard in the background revealing their desires for a life after the war.

Munger Road (film)

In St. Charles, IL, during the town's [ Scarecrow Fest], two teenaged couples (Joe, Corey, Scott and Rachel) take their SUV down to Munger Road to test the local urban legend. Simultaneously, a convicted killer escapes from his transport to another jail and starts a murder spree. Two police officers in town look to capture the killer without disturbing the town festival.

The teenagers, back at their vehicle, test to see if the children will push their SUV off the railroad track crossing by dusting the bumper with baby powder. The teenage girls are momentarily tricked by their boyfriends into believing that the spirits moved the vehicle. The girls become upset at being tricked and ask to go home. The boys try to start the vehicle, but are unable to do so. One of the couples decides to stay with the vehicle, while the other tries to walk to town for help.

The teens are slowly picked off by the escaped murderer while the police search to stop him.

Hunt for Wolverine

Where is Wolverine?

Wolverine acquires the Space Infinity Gem after killing the Frost Giant Snarr that was targeting it on Loki's behalf. Meanwhile, the time-displaced Jean Grey stands before the empty adamantium shell in Wolverine's tomb that has been broken open.

Keeping his low profile, Wolverine unsuccessfully attempts to rekindle his relationship with his old friends. He's seen walking to a bar where Captain America had been playing pool, only to learn he was no longer there.

Wolverine leaves flowers with a hospitalized Jane Foster after visiting hours but does not reveal his name to the attending nurse.

Wolverine arrives at Big Ben hours after Spider-Man's confrontation with Scorpio.

Following his fight with Thing and Human Torch, a desperate Hydro-Man arrives at a campfire attempts to rob the person sitting at it, who happens to be Wolverine.

Wolverine is seen in Peru where the Avengers have just battled the forces of Grandmaster's Lethal Legion and Challenger's Black Order. He is one of the heroes frozen in stasis walking down a flight of steps in Peru, once the Avengers' Quinjet leaves.

Wolverine is attacked by minions of Ultron in the wilds of Canada. Easily dispatching them using the space stone's teleportation abilities, he is met by Loki. After losing an eye in the confrontation with Wolverine, Loki pleads unsuccessfully for the Infinity Stone.

Wolverine passes by Londell's Restaurant in Harlem, where he detects the familiar scent of Storm who had been there earlier.

Wolverine encounters a mutant-hating mob as a Sentinel is nearby.

Although Wolverine is not seen, Black Widow discovers that he has entrusted her with the Space Infinity Gem which he has hidden inside the toilet of a safe house in Madripoor that they are both familiar with.

While in Japan, Wolverine watches a broadcast of Amadeus Cho's Hulk form battling and defeating Phalkan.

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Wolverine arrives at an unoccupied desk to find a long spreadsheet printout. After reading the information on the printout, he states that he will be seeing Tony Stark soon.

Main plot

The Reavers have located Wolverine's shrine and use a molecular rearranger to split open the statue only to discover it empty. The X-Men arrive promptly and handily defeat the aged cyborgs. A flashback shows how Wolverine's friends coped with Logan's death and how to deal with his funeral, as sometime shortly after the X-Men had retrieved Logan's admantium sarcophagus from Mister Sinister, Forge had built a log cabin in Alberta, Canada to serve as a secret shrine to hold Wolverine, where Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Beast and Mister Fantastic say their farewells. Mister Fantastic regretted not being able to be any further help to Wolverine when his healing factor was shut off. As Storm was upset at the idea of Logan remaining as a statue-like corpse, Colossus suggests to Kitty Pryde that she phase Wolverine's body out of the adamantium so that he can get a proper funeral and burial after Beast confirms that he is dead by all measurable standards known to him. Those attending the quiet ceremony are Jubilee, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast, Firestar, Storm, and Doop, having arrived at the secret location via the Blackbird. It is decided that the adamantium shell will be left as a memorial in the shrine. In the present, Kitty drinks a beer at Logan's unmarked grave to recount the tale of their battle with the Reavers when she notices his burial shroud entangled in the nearby trees and phases her arm into the ground to discover that Wolverine's body is no longer interred. After exhuming the grave to confirm her fears, she then rallies the X-Men and his close associates into finding him. Lady Deathstrike vows to hunt down Wolverine after she is notified via Reavers' intel of the empty state of the adamantium statue. Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Wolverine, clad entirely in black, is being commanded by an as-yet-unidentified figure who is shrouded in shadows.

Weapon Lost

The X-Men have enlisted Daredevil into looking into the disappearance of Wolverine's body. While moving through the rooftops of New York City, Daredevil runs into Nur and enlists his help into finding Wolverine's body. Though Nur was uncomfortable at first due to what happened in the fight between Inhumans and mutants, Daredevil persuaded him to help find Wolverine. In addition, he was told by Daredevil that they are not looking for the "old one," the "lady," the "blonde kid," or the "android." The next person Daredevil recruits is Misty Knight who states that she is no longer working for the NYPD. Misty states that she knows an information broker that can help them. The trail leads them to Cypher who has started translating everything on the Internet. At a diner, Cypher agrees to help them find Wolverine. Upon being handed a smartphone by Nur, Cypher finds that Wolverine has been sighted in a lot of places in the past sixty days.

High above Pennsylvania in an Attilan Security Force Skycharger, Daredevil, Cypher, Misty Knight, and Nur investigate the different sightings of Wolverine. What Cypher found on the Internet is that some people are being saved by Wolverine and some are even making out with Wolverine. Cypher starts using the smartphone to pull up every news related to Wolverine in the past 90 days. As Nur and Misty Knight discuss who is an experience detective, Daredevil noticed that Nur's heart pulse went up when he spoke Misty's name. When asked about the Attilan Security Force Skycharger going anywhere in the world by Daredevil, Nur states that the Inhumans will not be thrilled when they hear that he borrowed it to help the X-Men. He even quoted to Daredevil "but I won't tell if you won't." At Ranger Outpost Nine at Meadowlake Provincial Park in Saskatchewan, park rangers Alice and Chris are fixing their radio to arrange an airlift for the injured in their possession. At the McCarthy Medical Institute in Manhattan, Misty Knight and Nur arrive asking about the person who delivered flowers to Jane Foster. While the receptionist has no knowledge on the person's identity, Daredevil tells Misty Knight that she is not lying and they should head to the next sighting. In Phoenix, Arizona, Nur hears from a biker gang that Wolverine passed through here. In Chicago, Misty Knight sees a security guard who thought he saw Wolverine and later removed that claim from the Internet. Back at Ranger Outpost Nine, one of the people with Tom, Chris, and Alex has died as their outpost is attacked by a man with claws. Cypher informs Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur about the weak distress signal that came from Saskatchewan about them being attacked by a man with claws. Arriving in Saskatchewan, Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur investigate the area while Cypher remains on the Skycharger. They find a bunch of dead men but no sign of a woman. While they are in the woods and figure out that the culprit will pick off the weak, Cypher steps out of the Skycharger to translate the smartphone of a dead man as he is slashed in the throat by a man with claws who is familiar with the Cypher's abilities. Cypher is then on the ground holding his hands against his throat wound.

Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur arrive at the cabin to find Cypher on the ground as Daredevil's senses confirm that Cypher is still alive. Nur pulls out a Medical Suite, an Inhuman tech that work miracles as he plans to use it on Cypher while Daredevil and Misty keep an eye out in case Cypher's attacker returns. As Misty Knight suspects that it's Wolverine who did it, Daredevil has theories that he might be mind-controlled, gone insane, or is possessed by someone while recapping the time when the Hand controlled Wolverine into attacking him. As Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur get Cypher to the Skycharger, they find someone who looks like Wolverine on top of the Skycharger. Nur suggests that they get inside so that they can hold him off inside. Daredevil discovers that the Wolverine-like culprit is Albert and recalls his history of having been created by the Reavers. Nur gets Cypher into the Medical Suite. When Daredevil kicks Albert off the roof, Misty Knight's gun destroys his cloak as Albert wounds Misty before escaping into the forest. After being tripped by Daredevil, Albert grabs him by the neck and starts to ask what he did with Elsie-Dee. It took the attacks from the weapons wielded by Misty Knight, Nur, and a recovered Cypher to shut down Albert as they leave a tip on where to find him for the Canadian authorities. While flying back to New York, Cypher is recuperating from his injury and uses a smartphone taken from one of the dead forest rangers to find something that he shows to Misty Knight and Nur. Daredevil is told that Cypher's discovery is going to take them back to Chicago. They revisted the security guard who Misty spoke to and find him dead and a bomb nearby as it goes off.

Misty Knight's cybernetic arm manifested a shield big enough to protect her, Daredevil, and Nur from the explosion. Then they worked to evacuate those who couldn't get out of the burning building. Nur reveals that his eyes also work like a camera flash as he analyzed the apartment before it blew up. His analysis revealed that the security guard worked for a group called Soteira which was listed as an asset management company. Daredevil, Misty Knight, and Nur head to one of their offices in Chicago where Daredevil's radar detects the people inside purging their records. As the group crashes through the window, Nur holds the workers a gunpoint as Cypher works to see if he can stop whatever they were doing on the computer. A Level Four Killteam assigned to the floor arrives as they kill the workers as part of their purge. As Misty Knight keeps Cypher safe, Daredevil and Nur hold off the Level Four Killteam. The four of them escape after Cypher gets the information they need. Back in the Skycharger, Cypher deciphers the remaining information that Soteira didn't delete which involve Wolverine being interviewed by Soteira. When Misty Knight asks what to do next, Daredevil states that he is grateful for their help as this is no longer a missing persons case. As Nur asks what he plans to do with the drive after getting him, Misty Knight, and Cypher back to New York, Daredevil says that he is giving it to Kitty Pryde while informing her on who else is looking for Wolverine and what they are walking into. Nur recaps his wife leaving him following his Terrigenesis and tells Misty Knight that he looks forward to working with her again. While in the presence of Cypher who states that he needs help, Daredevil calls Kitty to let her know of his findings. While advised by Kitty to come in and meet with the other leaders of the search teams, he tells Kitty about the data on Soteira and states his opinion that "Wolverine should've stayed dead."

The Adamantium Agenda

Following a flashback to their New Avengers years with Wolverine where they stop a bomb in Tribeca, New York, Iron Man is told about what happened to Wolverine's body and starts to assemble Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Spider-Man following the latter's fight with Vulture. After arranging for someone to watch Luke and Jessica's child Danielle, they hear that the genetic material of a hero is going on sale at the black market and go undercover to investigate. This leads them to a submarine that is being held in international waters off the coast of Guam. As nobody shows their actual face at the auction, they must wear masks during the auction. When they arrive at the auction undercover that is usually attended by mercenaries, supervillains, terrorist organizations, rogue military factions, and hate groups, they find that the genetic material in question that an unidentified seller in an Iron Man mask is going to auction off is actually the genetic material of Danielle Cage much to the surprise and anger of Luke and Jessica.

In another flashback to Tribeca, Iron Man finds Wolverine's body in the rubble as he suddenly impales his head. When Spider-Man sees this and shouts Iron Man's name, Tony Stark arrived in his car and revealed that the Iron Man armor is remote-controlled. After Wolverine comes to his senses, he asks Iron Man what he would've done with his body if anything was to happen to him. While Iron Man states that he would've promised to give him a funeral, Wolverine states to Iron Man that he better make sure nobody gets his hands on his corpse for their own experiments. Back in the present, Jessica and Luke are in shock that the auction has the genetic material of their daughter. The unidentified seller informs those that are present that Danielle Cage is the daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. The masked attendees hoped that the DNA would be from an actual hero. As the seller claims that Danielle will one day inherit her parents' powers, a masked Tony Stark begins the auction at $30,000. As nobody else bids on the DNA of Danielle, it is sold to Tony Stark as a chunk of the Z1 is next up to auction. As Tony Stark is not up for bidding on something else, he meets with the seller in a room for the transaction. The transaction is crashed by Mister Sinister who is seeking to reclaim the genetic material of Wolverine that was stolen from him and the resulting attack causes a hole in the submarine. Spider-Man uses his web and Luke Cage plug up the hole. As Iron Man works to keep Mister Sinister from killing the seller, he is assisted by one of the disguised auction attendees who turns out to be Laura Kinney (X-23/Wolverine) as she slices off Mister Sinister's left hand.

In another flashback to Tribeca, the radiation levels are stabilizing as it was engineered to dissipate. Controlling the Iron Man armor, Tony Stark speaks to Wolverine who mentions that Iron Man and Captain America screwed up the "Civil War" and that they need to stay together for the world. While cutting the external channel on his glasses so that Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Spider-Man can't listen in, Tony is told by Wolverine that he knows what had happened here. Back in the present, Mister Sinister is in pain after his left hand was cut off as he continues the attack. Not wanting another hull breach, Iron Man orders Spider-Man and Jessica Jones to contain Mister Sinister. After breaking free from Spider-Man's webs and causing Iron Man to get Jessica out of range of the attack, Mister Sinister goes to target the seller again until Laura cuts off his right hand. After Mister Sinister escapes, the submarine starts to go down as Iron Man orders Jessica to keep an eye on the seller while Spider-Man and Laura round up everyone to be evacuated. As Iron Man raises the submarine to the surface of the ocean, Spider-Man and Laura evacuate the auction attendees who are loaded onto South Korea's National Intelligence Service Helicarrier. While Luke Cage still couldn't believe that they left him to seal the breach, Jessica states that he was pretty useful at that. While the auction attendees are arrested, Tony Stark has a general prepare a room to question the seller of Danielle's DNA. When being interrogated, the seller states that his name is Declan Fay who states that Mister Sinister is putting together a database of DNA even though he doesn't know whose DNA it is. Laura confirms that he's right. Declan states that a handful of people were selected to help build this database as he directs them to the Kerguelen Islands. Tony Stark later tells Jessica, Luke, Spider-Man, and Laura that the islands in question are also known as the "Desolation Islands" which is one of the most isolated islands on Earth. Tony also states that need to find a way to approach the most without setting off Mister Sinister's defenses. To arrive small enough so that they won't get detected, Iron Man provides Jessica, Luke, Spider-Man, and Laura with their own Iron Man armors with stealth tech. Entering the hangar, Iron Man's group fights some armed guards. When they reach the room that the database is in, they find swabs of DNA while looking to see if Wolverine's DNA is among them. They discover that Mister Sinister has collected the genetic make-up of every person on Earth.

In another flashback to Tribeca, Wolverine tells Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Spider-Man that he told Iron Man to look after his body when he died while listing Jessica, Luke, and Spider-Man as his "insurance." In the present, Iron Man states that Mister Sinister has the genetic make-up of every person on Earth. While Iron Man objects to Laura wanting to destroy the genetic make-up, Spider-Man discovers on the database that there aren't any DNA of mutants. Just then, the group is attacked by more armed guards. When they find a room filled with dead personnel, Jessica states that Mister Sinister would never kill his own people and that someone else is behind this as Jessica is unfamiliar with their symbols. Using the database inside, Iron Man states that the digital mutant database is contained here. When Spider-Man suggests they destroy the databases, Mister Sinister arrives and attacks them. After being stabbed by Laura, Mister Sinister admits to Iron Man that a killteam showed up and stole his work. When Laura asks if he has Wolverine's body, Mister Sinister states that he doesn't have it as he has a piece of him in his database. When Mister Sinister claims to Iron Man that he is a man of science and to ignore his achievements would be scientific terrorism, Iron Man recalls the discussion he had with Wolverine again where another discussion had Wolverine telling Iron Man that the bomb had Stark Industries' logo on it where Iron Man states that he never used that weapon. Wolverine tells Iron Man to see people before potential. Iron Man has no choice but to have Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Laura destroy the database. Later at Luke and Jessica's home, the group meets up with Iron Fist who was babysitting Danielle Cage. Tony Stark informs Laura that he found some information about her on Mister Sinister's database that indicates she contains more of Sarah Kinney's DNA, making her Sarah and Logan's biological daughter. As Laura sits down on a chair and holds Danielle, Tony informs Jessica and Luke that he saw the DNA of an unknown X-Men member who isn't a mutant. He states that the X-Men have a genetically-altered sleeper agent among them.

Claws of a Killer

One week ago in Maybelle, Arizona, people are watching a sports game at the bar when the power goes out. Two people inspect the source of the power outage at the power station when a worker named Larry doesn't answer his phone. They find that Wolverine has killed Larry. After killing the two men, Wolverine informs Soteira Killteam Nine that the Maybelle Emitter installation is complete and they may begin to secure and document the results. Wolverine presses a button on a strange device causing the green orb to glow brightly throughout the entire building. Meanwhile, in Chester's Bar in Manhattan, Daken is seen with Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike. Daken learns from Lady Deathstrike about what the Reavers have informed her as Sabretooth states the rumors that Wolverine may be alive. Four days ago in Maybelle, the Soteira Killteam Nine investigates the dead population. Daken, Lady Deathstrike and Sabretooth agree to find Wolverine dead or alive to ensure his death remains certain. When the three of them arrive in Maybelle, Daken finds members of Soteira Killteam Nine there. Just then, Daken is attacked and bitten by the zombies of the civilians and find that he is not healing fast. The zombies begin to swarm over Daken.

Soteira Killteam Nine guns down the zombies swarming over Daken and take him into custody. Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike continue searching Maybelle for Wolverine when they are attacked by a family of zombies. One of them bites Sabretooth. Lady Deathstrike gets him away from the horde as both of them wonder where the zombies came from. As they get to their car, it suddenly explodes. As Daken regains consciousness, he hears Soitera Killteam Nine reporting that they have the son of Wolverine in their clutches. Daken brings out his claws as he asks who they are and where Wolverine is. Back at the burning car, Sabretooth starts running and finds that his zombie bite is not healing. Sabretooth comes across more zombies as he starts killing them with Lady Deathstrike not far behind him. Both of them take refuge in a garage. Daken continues to fight the Soteira Killteam Nine member as one of them confirms Daken's presence. Daken evades their firepower and jumps out the window.

After landing on the ground, Daken sees a bunch of zombies coming towards him. He runs and gets on top of the building. When on the roof, he falls through and reunites with Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike who were taking refuge in the building. He informs them about what he knows about Soteira and suspects that the green glowing device is the cause of the zombie outbreak. As Soteira is planning to burn the entire town, Daken tells Lady Deathstrike that they need to head back to the power station that he was held in and destroy the device. While fighting past the zombies and the soldiers of Soteira Killteam Six, Lady Deathstrike discovers that one of the soldiers is her late father Lord Dark Wind who stabs her in the left shoulder. As Daken defends Lady Deathstrike from Lord Dark Wind, Sabretooth identifies the other soldier as his late son Graydon Creed. Daken is then impaled through the heart by Lord Dark Wind. Sabretooth carries Daken away from the attackers. As Sabretooth engages his son, Graydon states that there is 10 minutes left before the clean sweep.

As Sabretooth fights his son Graydon Creed, he tries to get answers out of him on how he is back from the dead. Meanwhile, Lady Deathstrike recovers and knocks her father down as she figures out that it was his adamantium signature she was tracking. Soteira Killteam Nine is contacted to let them know that there is 7 minutes left before the clean sweep. After Lord Dark Wind's left hand is sliced off by Lady Deathstrike, she then stabs her father in the neck as she suspects that the blade on his sword is made of adamantium. Then she stabs Graydon in the neck while warning Sabretooth that they have six minutes left before Maybelle is burned to the ground. After being told that Daken is dead, Lady Deathstrike runs with Sabretooth as they arrive at the building where the glowing device is and destroys it. The next day, a Soteira group finds Daken's body and claims it. At a diner in Arizona, Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike carjack a person as Sabretooth suggests that Lady Deathstrike gets a new hand from her fellow Reavers. A Soteira group loads Daken's body into their airplane.

Mystery in Madripoor

Kitty Pryde gathers together Jubilee, Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm as they start to look for Wolverine's body. As they suspect that Magneto excavated Wolverine's body, they fly to Madripoor with the aid of Domino flying the airplane to keep them off the grid. When they arrive, they are confronted by Magneto where Kitty Pryde states that he did not return any of her messages and that they got to talk about Wolverine. Magneto will speak to them at the King's Impresario Restaurant in Hightown at 10:00 PM which he won't wear his helmet to so that Psylocke can verify what he has to say. Unbeknownst to Kitty Pryde's group, they are being overshadowed by Mindblast. At the Princess' Bar where Wolverine once ran it under the alias of Patch, Kitty Pryde learns what Wolverine taught her about a safe place to reside in the meantime and quotes "Yashida" causing the bartender Mr. Halliday to take them to a secret basement room. After flashing back to a discussion she had with Wolverine, Storm holds the cat head peace offering that she once gave Wolverine. Reading a nearby letter from Carol Danvers to Wolverine, Rogue recalls how Ms. Marvel was angry at her for once stealing her powers and how Professor X gave Rogue a home at the X-Mansion. Looking at a samurai armor, Psylocke recalls her duel with Wolverine. After getting into some dresses that would enable them to blend in to Madripoor's night life, Kitty Pryde's group head to the King's Impresario Restaurant where they meet up with Magneto. Unfortunately, the person they were talking to was not Magneto and was actually Mindblast in disguise who subdues Storm as Viper appears where she hasn't been seen since Hydra's short-lived reign over the United States and is now in the company of the Femme Fatales. Viper unleashes Knockout on Rogue, Bloodlust on Domino, and Snake Whip on Jubilee while Sapphire Styx crashes Psylocke's fight with Mindblast to drain her energy. Kitty Pryde works to evacuate her group. When Snake Whip states that Kitty Pryde won't get far, Viper admits that he wanted to take care of them in one strike. A defeated Rogue and Storm are taken captive while Sapphire Styx continues to drain Psylocke's energy.

After phasing herself, Jubilee, and Domino into the sewers of Lowtown, Kitty tends to Domino's injury as Jubilee asks what they are going to do when they deal with Viper and the Femme Fatales. In another part of Madripoor, Viper congratulates the Femme Fatales for their work as they now have Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm as their prisoners. Mindblast suggests that they put a bounty on the ones that escaped stating that every gang member in Lowtown will be looking for them. Viper states that she will discuss with her client on where to proceed next and to deposit Rogue and Storm to the client as "special guests." When Mindblast states that Viper is paranoid, Knockout tells her to let her as she will do her job and they will do their job. It is also shown that the Femme Fatales have Magneto as their prisoner after Mindblast messed him up with Sapphire Styx's help. Mindblast also mentioned that Viper's benefactor also enhanced Mindblast's abilities with some technology that are greater than she imagined. As Viper gives the status report to a representative of her client, she mentions that Sapphire Styx is still draining off of Psylocke just like she did with Magneto. The representative tells Viper that Sapphire Styx tends to prefer the life force of the mutants and tells Viper to focus on delivering the package as all that they are serves the will of Soteira. As Snake Whip asks if they are going to ignore Sapphire Styx' vampiric appetite, Viper says that they have to obey the representative's orders and "let the @#$%& feed." Meanwhile, Sapphire Styx still has Psylocke in her possession as she states that Psylocke's soul is magnificent as it could keep her revitalized for years only to sense that she is dead. Back in the hidden storeroom in the Princess Bar, Kitty Pryde shoots down Jubilee's suggestion to send an S.O.S. to the X-Mansion since Madripoor monitors every transmission enough to pinpoint them. When Domino suggests asking Tyger Tiger for help due to her being a rival of Viper, Kitty Pryde states that she is a loose cannon, a former lover of Wolverine, and can't be trusted after trying to kill him. She then comes up with a plan for them to hide in plain sight like Wolverine did. Arriving at the Hightown casino called Wheelers and Dealers, Kitty Pryde, Domino, and Jubilee see Bloodlust with a man causing Jubilee to make a scene by attacking Bloodlust. Kitty Pryde abducts the man as Domino beats up Bloodlust. 17 minutes later, the man introduces himself as a high roller and mathematician named Stenya Ubacowits who was hired to help in the flight trajectory of a satellite which he agrees to take them to. Meanwhile, Rogue and Storm regain consciousness as Storm's claustrophobia brings a storm to Madripoor. Sapphire Styx comments that she hasn't felt rain that primal for decades. As Sapphire gloats to Psylocke that she died to soon, she is surprised to see what appears to be Wolverine in his Patch alias sitting near Psylocke as he plans to dish out the proper punishment on her.

Following Domino's flashback to her time with Wolverine, she, Kitty Pryde, and Jubilee reach a secure location with Stenya Ubacowits as their captive. As Domino makes sure that Viper's satellite stays grounded, Kitty Pryde and Jubilee head off to find where Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm are held. Meanwhile, Viper is contacted by a representative of Soteira who was displeased that the launch was delayed by a torrential rainstorm and suggest that they launch before sunrise. While reluctantly taking the representative's suggestion, Viper and Snake Whip check up on Sapphire Styx who knocks down Snake Whip and claims that Wolverine's Patch alias is present even though Sapphire is the only one who can see him. Viper calls Knockout and Mindblast away from the prisoners to help deal with Sapphire. Before they can meet up with Viper, Knockout and Mindblast are ambushed by Kitty and Jubilee. When Domino and Stenya arrive at the launch site of the satellite where Rogue and Storm are being loaded into, Bloodlust catches up to them and stabs Stenya before fighting Domino. Meanwhile, Kitty phases through the equipment on Mindblast's back that enhanced her psychic powers. This enables Magneto to recover and begin his payback. As Snake Whip recovers, she starts to see Patch too as Viper gives orders to begin the launch now. When Magneto starts to attack Mindblast, Kitty tells Magneto that they have to stop the rocket. As Magneto works to stop the rocket and Domino defeats Mindblast, Kitty Pryde, Domino, and Jubilee catch up to Sapphire as Kitty figures out that Psylocke is playing a mind trick on her. Psylocke's voice is heard quoting "NO MORE SOULS" as Sapphire's body begins to shatter.

In Sapphire Styx's body, Psylocke's soul starts to see her life before she merged with Revanche as she realizes that she is in Sapphire's body. While fighting passed the souls of Sapphire's victims, Psylocke finds a soul sliver of Wolverine which leads to her overpowering Sapphire from within. After Sapphire shatters, Psylocke appears before her teammates. As Magneto is still recovering from what Mindblast put him through, he is unable to keep the rocket containing Rogue and Storm from launching. While Kitty Pryde phases into the rocket, Psylocke joins the battle against the Femme Fatales where she knocks out Bloodlust while Jubilee fights Knockout. Snake Whip goes on the attack while Viper maintains the higher ground. While Kitty frees Rogue and Storm, Psylocke uses an illusion to trick Snake Whip into crashing into the ground. Once on the ground, Rogue takes some of Knockout's strength to add to hers enough to render Knockout unconscious while Domino gets Snake Whip to surrender. After some persuasion from Kitty and Domino, Magneto spares Mindblast's life and leaves her as a gift for helping him to escape. While Magneto denied any knowledge of taking Wolverine's body, he works to destroy the launch site and purge Madripoor of Viper's criminal empire. Back in the Princess Bar's secret room, Domino understands why Wolverine had interests in Madripoor and states that he is still dead. Storm comments that death is an intermission than a conclusion. When Rogue states that they weren't able to find Wolverine's body, Kitty states that she got a confession from Snake Whip after the Femme Fatales were locked up that Soteira had hired them and Viper to find Wolverine. Snake Whip told her the name of that group in exchange for a lighter sentence. Kitty states that Carol Danvers and her team in the Alpha Flight space program have been tracking the rocket since they lost it while Jubilee went to check up on Psylocke. Outside, Psylocke mentioned to Jubilee that she used the soul power left behind by Sapphire to create a new body while mentioning how Dr. Synne, S.T.R.I.K.E., Mojo, and the Hand have used her mind and body for their own purposes. As some people are shown cleaning out Viper's penthouse, a somehow-revived Revanche silently comes up on one of the workers and speaks in Japanese where she would like to ask him a few questions.

Dead Ends

In Spain, 16-year old Antonio Fernandez from Barcelona is stated by the narrator to be special. In New York City, Tony Stark makes his way through the city and arrives with Daredevil at the X-Mansion in Central Park. They are let in by Kitty Pryde as Tony and Daredevil learned what happened to Psylocke. When in the conference hall, Kitty, Tony, and Daredevil review how there had been a lot of stuff being shot into outer space. Tony states how Mister Sinister had a lot of DNA samples like the DNA samples of Demolition Man and Doctor Doom which are now destroyed while also mentioning that someone stole a copy of his work. While Daredevil talks about a corporation that used Wolverine for evil purposes, Kitty talks about how she had been contacted by Sabretooth on how he and Lady Deathstrike encountered zombies and what happened to Daken. Kitty states that they are all connected to Soteira. Daredevil states that Soteira was the company that had records on Wolverine, Tony mentions that their logo was on the group that stole a copy of Mister Sinister's work, and Kitty mentions about having Viper oversee their operations in Madripoor. Thanks to Daredevil's senses, Tony and Kitty find out that kinetic weapons strong enough to act like a nuclear weapon are falling to Earth. Kitty Pryde gives out the orders that involves Nightcrawler evacuating the school, the flying X-Men head up and see what they can do, and for the students to head to the assigned crisis rally point. Tony Stark becomes Iron Man with the help of F.R.I.D.A.Y. and heads into the sky with Firestar and Storm. With Daredevil's help, Kitty knows that two students haven't been evacuated as Daredevil goes to get them. Iron Man identifies the four projectiles approaching the X-Mansion as solid tungstens. While Firestar, Storm, and Iron Man use their attacks to stop the three projectiles, the fourth gets by them as Iron Man works to intercept before it reaches the X-Mansion as Kitty advises Nightcrawler to get away. As F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells Iron Man that they can't catch up to the fourth one in time, Kitty Pryde works to phase the ground so that it would hit the magma layer of the Earth instead. Just then, a bespectacled bald-headed man appears. While Daredevil can't hear a heartbeat, he turns down Nightcrawler's theory of him being an android. The mysterious man states that he needed a distraction so that he can set up 10 corpses on their property. When he states that he'll let her explain, a hologram of a costumed person appears identifying herself as Persephone thanks the assembled heroes for saving the world many times and states that she has Wolverine who is doing good work while also being behind Soteira. Persephone then talks about the bodies starting with Antonio Fernandez. Persephone states that the copy of Mister Sinister's work contains the future's mutants. Before disappearing, Persephone advises them to stop looking or the ten bodies before them are just the beginning. The mysterious person then collapses as Daredevil claims that he was dead the moment the transmission ended. As Storm states that Cerebro can only detect manifested mutants, Iron Man asks Kitty Pryde what her next course of action is. Meanwhile, in Persephone's lair, she muses on the effectiveness of her performance towards heroes of such renown as the X-Men and Iron Man, hoping that Tony Stark in particular would understand her intentions. As she removes her gloves, she casually comments on her distaste in the use of killing children to make an impression. Tethered by energy ropes and suspended by his arms and legs before her, Wolverine reacts angrily to the callous statement and extracts his claws, which are shown to be glowing red hot. Persephone states that he need not worry, as this will all be over soon.

Carole & Tuesday

In the future on a partially terraformed Mars, teenager Tuesday Simmons runs away from her affluent lifestyle as the daughter of a politician and makes her way to Alba City to pursue her dream of being a musician with just a suitcase and her Gibson acoustic guitar. On her first day in the city, she crosses paths with Carole Stanley, an orphaned refugee from Earth and another aspiring musician who plays the piano. The two decide to team up as a singer-songwriter duo under the name Carole & Tuesday.

WarioWare Gold

Having run out of money following a treasure hunt in the village of Luxeville, the greedy Wario decides to organize a gaming tournament in Diamond City, convincing his friends to design some new microgames for the event. For an entry fee of ten thousand coins, he offers a ten million coin prize to the tournament's winner, although he secretly plots to take all the prize money for himself. While the player competes in the tournament, a girl from Luxeville named Lulu calls Wario out and begins training to challenge him, seeking to retrieve a treasure Wario stole from her village. The rest of the game consists of self-contained vignettes for all of Wario's friends; these range from Mona meeting with Joe and trying to find a dress to wear for her party, to Dribble and Spitz fighting off UFOs with their space-faring taxi, to 18-Volt engaging in a rap battle with newcomer 13-Amp to win back a stolen game console.

In the game's final level, Wario refuses to give the player the prize money, as he already declared himself as the winner of the tournament. Putting Luxeville's treasure (a large golden pot) on top of his head, the pot grants him special powers and turns him into "Wario Deluxe". With Lulu's help, the player manages to beat Wario Deluxe and win the tournament, knocking the pot off Wario's head and changing him back to normal in the process. Returning the pot to Lulu after she reveals that it is actually Luxeville's public toilet, Wario attempts to flee with the money he made from the tournament when he is intercepted by his friends. Taking the money Wario refused to pay them for their work and splitting it evenly, the player receives their entry fee back and the group even decides to share some of the money with Wario as well. Lulu returns to Luxeville with the pot afterward, only to learn that the townspeople had bought a new high-tech toilet in her absence.

Hooked on the Game

The film begins with a scene in the house of gangster authorities - Matvey and his friends. To them comes the young boy Vampire who states that he killed their guard and needs to talk with them.

The action is transferred to the month before. The city hosts a cybersports tournament, and the Grandmasters team (Vampire, Doc, Komar, Tall and Jan) wins this tournament. Vampire's girl, Rita (Marina Petrenko), takes the second place in auto racing. Additionally, Vampire's friend, Maxim, wins in a fighting game. Victor Pokrovsky, the president of the company "VIRTUS", gives the guys the first samples of the newest disks, which turn out to be experimental models of scientific development.

After starting the discs, the guys get the abilities associated with their gaming hobbies - the members of the Grandmasters team start to handle weapons with incredible skill, Rita becomes a professional driver, Max gets martial arts skills.

Maxim and his girlfriend Lena drink coffee in a restaurant, where a fight begins with Vazha's crew, Khizir's brother - a criminal authority. Maxim with the help of acquired abilities defeats the attackers with surprising ease. Later, Maxim is seized by Vazha's people and taken to the factory of Khizir. Wanting to save their friend, the company of shooters led by Vampire breaks into the base and with the help of captured weapons destroys all of Khizir's fighters, as well as Khizir himself. They free Maxim and hide weapons at the dacha of Tall. Maxim responds with a categorical refusal on the offer to join the team.

A month passes. Doku does not have enough money, and he offers Vampire to "bet out" a criminal syndicate led by Matvey. The plan fails, and the guys have to kill the bandits. But at this time Rita is kidnapped by the FSB colonel Lebedev, in combination - the right hand of the oligarch Boris Sergeevich Gromov. Lebedev, through blackmail, forces the guys to work for special services and eliminate bandits.

In the first days, the guys feel all the buzz of a rich life, but when they perform the task of liquidating Sergei Zaritsyn, a businessman who makes the biggest deal with the Bolivian government, Vampire realizes that they work not for special services, but for criminals. He tries to convince Doc not to kill Zaritsyn, but Doc deceives Vampire and successfully completes the operation. At the escape from the battlefield, Rita and Tall are seriously wounded, but thanks to Vampire, everyone manages to leave. Upon arrival at Lebedev's base, Tall dies from blood loss.

Revisions (TV series)

Daisuke Dojima is a student who was kidnapped when he was a child. Now he and his friends are involved in one of the "Shibuya Drift" strange events, travelling 300 years into the future. There, the enemy known as "Revisions" fight using giant mechanical monsters. Daisuke and his friends are fighting to defeat the enemy and recover their present.

The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar

Yuuto Suoh is a fourteen-year-old second-year junior high student who is knowledgeable about urban legends. One night, in his quest to discover if the urban legend of the local Tsukimiya Shrine was true, he irreversibly discovered that the legend was not a sham. Forcibly separated from his childhood friend and love of his life, Mitsuki Shimoya, Yuuto appeared in another world with heavy similarities to Norse mythology (while doing research on the world, he discovered that the "other world" wasn't truly another world but was an Earth in the distant past, specifically, 2000-1300 BC, the Late Bronze Age). In his quest for survival, Yuuto inadvertently rose to become the patriarch of the Wolf Clan, the family that had taken him in upon his summoning, by using the modern knowledge provided to him by his smartphone that he had unwittingly brought with him to the other world. Despite winning the affections of multiple Einherjars, magic-wielding warrior maidens, Yuuto has but one goal: to return to the side of his childhood friend and one true love (although this does not stop the other girls from trying to win him over).

Eternal Mother (2017 film)

Khin Maung Win is the son of a police officer. After his father retires from the police department, they moved to their home town, Wundwin. His mother, Daw Khin Khin, worked hard so that her children could go to school. Among her children, only Khin Mg Win passed the matriculation exam with three distinctions, and later he attended the University of Medicine, Mandalay. He then met with Khin Lay Yee. Not long after he became a professor, his mother died.

Moonlight Act

A high-school student named Gekko Iwasaki is struck by moonlight and becomes an executioner of "moonlight regulation", who makes characters escaping from fairy tales come back to them.

Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death

William Spanner (Charles Solomon) is now an adult and working as an assistant district attorney, determined to have a normal life and rejecting his magical heritage. His newest client is Ruben Carter (Ahmad Reese), an African-American teen, who stands accused of raping and murdering the divorcee for whom he did odd jobs. According to the prosecuting attorney, Vivian Hill (Nicole Lauren), the state has an open and shut case. Ruben's fingerprints are all over the victim's house, and the medical examiner has found proof of a sexual relationship between Ruben and the dead woman. Spanner's girlfriend Charlotte (Lisa Toothman) is being seduced by evil club owner Louis (Domonic Luciana), who uses his demonic powers to turn women into his slaves. Reverend Jondular (William L. Baker) is a witch doctor who helps Spanner use his powers.

Hotshot (film)

An American football player trying to make it big who turns to Pele, the greatest football player of all time, for guidance. An football player (Jim Youngs) leaves his rich family and goes to Brazil to learn from a master.

Mona Maclean

The novel opens with Mona - an orphan and student at the London School of Medicine for Women - failing her Intermediate Examinations. Taking an extended break from her studies, she stays with her distant cousin, Rachel, a shopkeeper in rural Scotland. Rachel asks Mona to conceal her identity as a medical student from the local community and start working with her in the shop. Mona complies but finds the ruse difficult to sustain after she falls for a male medical student, Ralph Dudley, who is staying nearby. By the close of the novel, Mona and Dudley have successfully passed their medical examinations. They get married and set up a joint practice.

The Fanatic (2019 film)

Moose is a man with autism who works as a street performer on Hollywood Boulevard. He is also an avid film buff, filling his apartment with memorabilia from various movies, including those of cult horror and action film star Hunter Dunbar, with whom he develops an unhealthy obsession. When Moose finally gets an opportunity to meet him and get an autograph for an expensive jacket he purchased at a fan auction, he loses his chance when Dunbar's ex-wife abruptly comes to see him. Moose is friends with a young paparazzi photographer, Leah, who shows Moose an app that publishes the home addresses of famous celebrities, including his hero.

Moose goes to Dunbar's house and tries to give him a letter while also begging him for an autograph. Dunbar confronts Moose, threatening him with violence, and tells him to stay out of his neighborhood. Moose comes back again and climbs a fence, but is scared off by Dunbar's housekeeper. Moose keeps returning and eventually gains entry to the house after accidentally pushing the housekeeper into a stone fountain, inadvertently killing her. Moose is again rejected by Dunbar, who calls Moose a stalker and says he'll kill him if he sees him again.

The experience causes Moose to suffer a complete mental breakdown, and he returns and ties up Dunbar in his bed. When Dunbar wakes up, he sees Moose lying on the floor, appearing to have killed himself, only for Moose to start laughing and get up. Next, Moose dresses up in a Jason Voorhees mask and pretends to stab Dunbar, but his blade is revealed to be a retractable prop knife. A terrified Dunbar pleads for Moose to untie him with promises of autographs and friendship, and he does. Dunbar attacks and nearly kills Moose, shooting off his fingers with a hidden rifle and stabbing him in the eye. Moose starts to cry hysterically and after a seeming change of heart, Dunbar calmly escorts him out of his home.

Moose wanders the streets of Hollywood, sobbing and passing tourists who request to take photos with him, believing his wounds to be a part of a realistic costume, before Leah finds him and takes him to a hospital. Meanwhile, Dunbar is seen being arrested after police, having been informed of his assault on Moose, find the dead housekeeper and mistakenly assume Dunbar killed her.

Bloodshot (film)

After leading a successful rescue operation of hostages in Mombasa, American soldier Ray Garrison and his wife, Gina, travel for a holiday at an Italian beachside town in the Amalfi Coast. They are kidnapped by a group of mercenaries led by Martin Axe, who demands to know how the US military learned about the hostages and their location. When Ray explains that he cannot answer, Axe executes Gina in front of him. Ray vows revenge, and Axe kills Ray as well.

An amnesiac Ray awakens in the labs of Rising Spirit Technologies (RST), a company in Kuala Lumpur specializing in cybernetic enhancements for disabled US military personnel. CEO and lead scientist Dr. Emil Harting tells Ray he is the first successful human subject of the "Bloodshot" program, resurrecting and healing him through the injection of experimental nanite technology now replacing his entire bloodstream. This technology increases his strength and heals his injuries, but the nanites need to be regularly replaced and recharged or he will eventually succumb to damage and die again.

Ray is introduced to Dr. Harting's other patients, including female former US Navy diver "KT", former U.S. Army Ranger Marcus Tibbs, and ex-Navy SEAL Jimmy Dalton. After experiencing flashbacks of Gina and Axe, Ray abruptly leaves to avenge Gina's death. Using the nanites and RST servers to hack into databases, Ray tracks Axe to Budapest and kills him along with his bodyguards. Back at RST, Ray is put to sleep as his nanites are rebooted. As he has done many times before, Harting replaces Ray's memories with a new scenario of how Gina died, this time with Axe's associate, Nick Baris, as the culprit. KT objects to Harting repeatedly manipulating Ray's memories so he will go after different targets without question or remorse, but she is ignored and reminded that RST can kill her by deactivating her enhancements.

Ray awakens, once again amnesiac, and is re-introduced to RST, then experiences flashbacks of Baris kidnapping and killing him and Gina. Driven by revenge, he tracks Baris to East Sussex and kills him, despite the man pleading that RST is lying. Wilfred Wigans, a programmer forced to work for Baris, activates an EMP bomb that incapacitates Ray and severs his link with RST. Ray awakens in Wigans's office and experiences multiple contradicting memories of who killed Gina. Wigans helps him realize RST has been manipulating him so he would kill Harting's former associates. Ray tracks down Gina, not only learning she is actually still alive, but that their relationship ended five years ago, and she has since started a new life and family in London.

Harting sends KT after Wigans, but after KT asks Wigans for help in freeing herself from RST's control and taking down the corporation, she returns to RST and tells Harting she failed to capture the programmer. Meanwhile, Ray is recaptured by Dalton and Tibbs and brought back to the laboratory. KT and Wigans sabotage the reprogramming process and destroy the RST computers. Ray awakens, but Dalton and Tibbs try to subdue him. After a lengthy battle, he kills them as the RST building collapses. Harting confronts Ray with a grenade launcher, confident that the soldier will surrender now that his nanites have been exhausted. To his surprise, Ray is willing to die to achieve victory and activates a grenade that the nanites deconstructed, killing them both. Ray later awakes with his full memories, revived by Wigans who has updated his technology so that his nanites are self-sufficient. They and KT then leave in search of a new life.


Nikolai Andreassen, a police detective from Oslo, is visiting his home town, near Tista river and Swedish border. He is drawn into the investigation of the suicide of a local man named Tommy Hagen; his co-investigator, Anniken Høygaard-Larsen, from the National Criminal Investigation Service, suspects foul play. Nikolai plants evidence in order to protect his younger brother, Lars, who appears to be implicated, but later discovers the truth behind Hagen's death.

Red Riding Hood (1901 film)

In a bakery in the French countryside, Father Latourte, his wife, and their staff are busy with customers, pastries, and baked goods of all kinds. The Latourtes' young daughter, called Red Riding Hood, reads by the firelight until her parents leave for a moment. She starts to play boisterously, getting the bakery staff mixed up in hijinks and pratfalls. Her father and mother return, chagrined by her escapades, and she is told to take a pot of butter and a galette to her grandmother's cottage. Red Riding Hood travels through the forest on her errand, meeting a wolf, who finds out where she is going. Encountering her friends from the village school, she happily pauses her journey to play and dance with them. Meanwhile, at a windmill near the cottage, the miller Sans-Souci has comic trouble with his mule.

The wolf arrives at the cottage, has a spirited fight with the grandmother, swallows her, puts on her clothes, and waits in her bed. Red Riding Hood arrives, and in silent-film pantomime the famous dialogue ("Goodness, what big eyes you have!", "The better to see you with", etc.) takes place. The wolf is about to pounce on Red Riding Hood when the staff of the bakery, in search of the missing child, bursts into the cottage. Pandemonium breaks out as the wolf is chased all around the cottage and finally, with a shatter of glass, out a closed window. The bakers follow him through the forest, with country folk joining in the chase as it goes on. As the wolf crosses a bridge over a rocky gorge and a torrent, he is shot by a ''garde champêtre''. The wolf has an over-the-top death scene, somersaulting and tumbling, until the bridge breaks and sends him into the torrent. The wolf's body is pulled out of the river and carried off on a stretcher.

In the village square, a fête is in progress. Red Riding Hood's rescue procession comes back just in time to watch the great parade of village worthies, peasants, and schoolchildren through the square. The wolf's body is ceremoniously put on a spit and roasted. A spectacular apotheosis shows Red Riding Hood, in the pose of ''Saint Michael Fighting the Dragon'', skewering her enemy on a pedestal of enormous galettes and butter pots, surrounded by baking and cooking implements.

Gloss (film)

Galya, a young worker in a provincial factory, dreams of becoming a successful model. One day she leaves her alcoholic parents together with her violent boyfriend and goes to Moscow. She ends up getting hired by a great couturier as a seamstress. During one of their shows, she walks the runway as a model, which causes her to be fired on the spot. Then, seemingly by chance, she becomes the assistant of the owner of a highly exclusive matchmaking agency, which arranges marriages for rich men with the most beautiful models in Moscow. Galya, who only thinks of a career, advances in this world of luxury and money and will do everything to achieve her goals.

Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter

Kyōichirō Kawahara (Hiroshi Tachi) a salaryman working as the Deputy Director of Public Relations Department, for a leading cosmetic company. He currently leads a group called "Rainbow Dream" a project that targets young consumer. On the other hand, Kawahara Koume the daughter of Kyōichirō is on bad term with him, she is a year two student from Sakura Taipei High School and is really good at texting. One day on a family trip Kyōichirō and Koume are on a train and an accident happens, the two switch souls for seven days. What will the father-daughter do when they switch souls, experiencing as a middle-aged salaryman and a young high school teenager?

Greyhound (film)

During the Battle of the Atlantic, convoy HX-25, consisting of 37 Allied ships, is making its way to Liverpool. The convoy's escort consists of the USS ''Keeling'' DD-548, radio call sign "Greyhound", captained by Commander Ernest Krause of the United States Navy; the British Tribal-class destroyer HMS ''James'' F80, call sign "Harry"; the Polish ''Grom''-class destroyer ORP ''Viktor'' H34, call sign "Eagle"; and the Canadian , HMCS ''Dodge'' K136, call sign "Dicky". Krause is overall commander of the escort ships, but despite his seniority and extensive naval education, it is his first wartime command.

The convoy enters the "Black Pit", the Mid-Atlantic gap where they will be out of range of protective air cover. High-frequency direction finding from the convoy flagship intercepts several German transmissions, indicating the presence of U-boats. Greyhound identifies a surfaced sub heading towards the convoy and moves to attack. The submarine tries to slip under Greyhound, but Krause maneuvers his ship above the U-boat and sinks it with a full pattern of depth charges.

The crew's jubilation is cut short as they soon receive reports of distress rockets at the rear of the convoy. A Greek merchant ship was attacked by another U-boat and is quickly sinking. Krause moves Greyhound to assist, and with careful maneuvering evades torpedoes fired at his destroyer. The surviving Greek sailors are rescued, and Greyhound returns to the convoy just as the bridge receives multiple messages from the other escorts: a wolfpack consisting of six U-boats is staying just out of firing range of the convoy; Krause suspects they are waiting for nightfall, when the escorts will have no visibility. The attack commences that evening with five merchant ships being torpedoed and sunk. One U-boat torpedoes an oil tanker and escapes Greyhound by using an underwater decoy device, tricking the crew into wasting most of their remaining depth charges. Krause chooses to rescue survivors from the burning oil tanker first rather than going to the aid of the other ships. This decision results in the loss of a cargo ship.

The next day, the wolfpack targets Greyhound. The captain of the command submarine taunts the convoy and its escorts via radio transmission. Krause learns that Greyhound is down to just six depth charges. The U-boats launch multiple torpedo runs, which Greyhound is barely able to evade. Greyhound and Dicky combine to sink one of the U-boats in an exchange of surface broadsides. Dicky receives minor damage due to the close range combat and Greyhound is hit on the port side by one of the U-boat's deck guns, which kills Krause's mess attendant, George Cleveland, and two of his sailors. During the funeral service, Eagle is attacked and eventually sinks. Krause, aware that doing so might expose the state of the escort fleet, elects to break radio silence by transmitting a single word, "help", to the Admiralty.

With the convoy close to reaching air cover, the remaining U-boats mount an all-out assault on the destroyers. After heavy fighting, Greyhound sinks the lead U-boat with a full broadside. Air support deployed from British RAF Coastal Command arrives and Greyhound fires, marking the last visible U-boat location, allowing a PBY Catalina to depth-charge and sink the sub. The two surviving wolfpack subs quickly flee.

While assessing damage, Krause receives radio contact from the head of the relief escorts, HMS ''Diamond'', that they have arrived and Greyhound is due for repair and refitting in Derry, alongside his surviving destroyer and corvette. The crew receives a "job well done" on their four U-boat kills. While setting the new course, passengers and crew of the remaining convoy ships cheer Greyhound's crew, after which Krause is able to retire to his cabin to finally sleep.

Smashing the Spy Ring

Undercover secret agents John Baxter and Ted Hall apprehend a foreign spy at a factory, but he is shot by Steve Corben. They are transferred to Washington D.C. to work with Phil Dunlap to break up a spy ring, but Phil is quickly killed. Phil's sister Eleanor agrees to help finish the work. During the testing of a new chemical weapon, Ted fakes his death while John impersonates the gas's inventor Professor Leonard and feigns a mental breakdown. John and Eleanor, who pretends to be Leonard's sisters, admit themselves into the spy ring's sanatorium to gather intelligence but are discovered and captured. They escape by throwing acid from the laboratory at their captors before the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department surrounds the building. John and Eleanor become engaged, and Ted begins writing a novel based on the adventure.

Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai

Sakuta Azusagawa's life takes a turn for the unexpected when he meets teenage actress Mai Sakurajima, dressed as a bunny girl, wandering through a library and not being noticed by anyone else there. Mai is intrigued that Sakuta is the only one who can see her, as other people are unable to see her, even when she is dressing normally or attempting to stay away from celebrity life. Calling this phenomenon "Adolescence Syndrome", Sakuta decides to solve this mystery, while continuing to get closer to Mai and meeting other girls who suffer from "Adolescence Syndrome" as well.

Porcelain: A Memoir

Chapters are centered around short stories, which Moby modeled after the sort of casual conversations that he would have at a bar, intending each one to end with a defined punch line. The book opens in 1976 with the author as a youth living with his mother in Darien and Stratford, Connecticut. After discussing some of his foundational memories of popular music, including Led Zeppelin and disco, the book jumps ahead to 1989, after he has been living in an abandoned factory for two years. He eventually ends up doing regular gigs DJing at New York house clubs such as Limelight and Mars and begins recording his first songs as Voodoo Child. The book follows his personal relationships and recording career as he tours internationally in the mid 1990s and eventually becomes famous with the release of ''Play'' in 1999.

Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart

Will Spanner (Charles Solomon) is the son of a powerful warlock whose parents died. Spanner is reluctant to use his inherited powers, as he attempts to have a normal life as a defense attorney. Spanner is himself a powerful warlock, although he fears that the use of his powers will lead him to submit to his dark side.

Spanner defends Peter Wild who is accused of killing his girlfriend, and after meeting and becoming enamored with Belladonna (Julie Strain) at a strip club, Spanner begins to investigate the case himself. The girlfriend was actually killed by a crazed killer with links to a music club. Belladonna also works at the music club, where musicians are selling their souls to club owner Sanatana in return for promised fame. Santana hides that he is the son of Satan. Santana is Belladonna's agent, and while she has not sold her soul, she is being held captive. Also assisting Spanner in his investigation is the sister of the accused killer, Lily Wild.

Party Girl (1930 film)

Maude Lindsay operates the Lindsay Social Bureau, which is a covert front for a "party girl" escort agency that caters to high-class playboys attempting to close business deals. Jay Rountree, the son of a bottle manufacturer, is engaged to marry his secretary, Ellen Powell, a former party girl, whose roommate, Diana Hoster, secretly works as a party girl.

Around Christmas time, Jay and his friends crash one of the girls' parties, where he meets Leeda Cather, the daughter of a formerly-prominent New York family who has gone destitute. A drunken Jay spends the night with Leeda, awaking in her room the next morning, where she exclaims that he "ruined her" the previous night. When Leeda's "mother" confronts the two in bed, Leeda claims she eloped with Jay the night before, a story which he goes along with. Leeda then suggests to Jay that the two marry that afternoon.

When news of their elopement makes the papers, Leeda calls her ex-fiancé Paul Newcast, a businessman who was hesitant to marry her. Happy to be free of the obligation, he gives Jay's father a business contract, as well as sending Leeda $5,000. Jay overhears the conversation and confronts her, but she insists the marriage benefits him and his father's business. At a Christmas Eve dinner at his family's home, Jay tells his father about Leeda's deception, after which she states she pressured Paul into signing the contract, and threatens to implicate Jay and his father in a public scandal.

Meanwhile, Ellen learns of Jay and Leeda's relationship, and is persuaded to attend one of Maude's parties. Police subsequently arrive at Leeda's apartment to investigate the party girl racket, and make a deal with her if she cooperates with the investigation. Leeda attempts to flee via a fire escape, and falls several stories. Jay arrives just before Leeda dies, and she remorsefully instructs him to save Ellen from the party being raided by police. Jay manages to arrive at the party just before the police and explains to them that he and Ellen are not involved in the party girl racket. Maude attempts to convince the police that Ellen is in fact a party girl, but her secretary, Miss Manning, attests that Ellen has never worked for her. After the police depart, Jay proposes to Ellen and she accepts.

Midnighters (film)

Midnight, New Year's Eve: when all the hopes of new beginnings come to life - except for Lindsey and Jeff Pittman, whose strained marriage faces the ultimate test after they cover up a terrible crime and find themselves entangled in a Hitchcockian web of deceit and madness.

Witchcraft XI: Sisters in Blood

As an exercise in their acting class , Catholic college students Colleen (Miranda Odell), Keri (Kathleen St. Lawrence) and Maria (Lauren Ian Richard) agree to complete a ritual which they think is fake to conjure up a demon. The idea is to “get into character” as a method acting exercise for the school production of Macbeth. Unknown to Colleen and Maria, the director, Professor Ramsden (Don Donason) and Keri are actually Satanist determined to resurrect the spirits of three dead witches, the Sinobia sisters, through this ritual and place the spirits into the young coed's bodies. Maria is the first to be possessed, and then begins a murder spree. She is looking for the stone key which the sisters had, 300 years ago, built as portal for the demon Abaddon to enter the world. Abadon is Satan's general.

Once possessed by one of the 300 year dead witches, Maria lures a frat boy is the cemetery where the ritual was performed and kills him. The murder attracts the attention of LAPD Detectives Lutz and Garner, who handle odd murders for their department. After managing to throw the detectives off the case, Maria causes Keri to be possessed, and together they kill a priest, who refuses to help in the search for the stone key.

Good warlock Will Spanner gets involved, as he is now engaged to long time girl friend Kelly (spelled Keli in the previous movies), the sister of Colleen. Using his powers to detect the rising evil on the campus, Spanner does some detective work and manages to discover that the Sinobia sisters have possessed the three actresses. As the sisters have no further use for the director, they sacrifice him to speed Abadon's arrival

One of the nuns of the school holds the literal key to the hell, the stone key possessed Maria was looking for. Spanner receives help from Sister Seraphina (Anita Page), but the witches kill Sister Seraphina to obtain the key. Due to the rising death toll, the campus is evacuated. Colleen is then possessed, giving the witches the additional body they need to open the portal to hell.

Lutz, Garner, Keli and Spanner follow the three witches back into the cemetery, where the four are separated and attacked. Abadon attempts to seduce Will to the dark side, but with the help of Garner and Lutz he is able to save the Earth and just barely prevent Satan's return.

Convoi exceptionnel (film)

Two men, one dressed in an overcoat and one dressed in rags, possess a script detailing their lives and deaths.

Un épisode sous la Terreur

An elderly woman buys a package from a bakery on 22 January 1793, and suspects she is being followed. She asks for protection from the baker, but when he sees the stranger following her he refuses. She returns home alone, and it is revealed that she is an ex-Carmelite nun in hiding with another nun and a priest. All are elderly, and the box she bought contains communion wafers. The stranger comes up to their room, and asks the priest to say a mass for the recently executed King Louis XVI. He returns later to attend the mass. He also says that he will come back in a year for another mass for the king, and promises that they will be safe from any danger. He leaves a blood stained handkerchief with royal insignia as a present.

The next year the stranger returns for the mass. Later, the priest visits a shop owned by some Royalist friends of his, and notices a tumbril passing by with the executioner and his victims. The priest faints when he recognises that the executioner is the stranger who has been helping them, and realises that the handerkerchief was the king's.

Like (TV series)

The telenovela narrates the experiences of a group of young people interned at the Life Institute of Knowledge and Evolution (LIKE), a prestigious and cosmopolitan educational institution, with a supposedly modern and open educational system, but in reality it is deeply traditional and schematic. In this institution, which presumes its level of vanguard, each beginning of the school year a new generation of high school students are formed with rigid and tedious routines, in addition to educational techniques that do not excite anyone. The educational plan of Like, completely obsolete, has made teachers and students apathetic and conformist. That apathetic atmosphere will be challenged by Gabriel Rey, "Gabo", an atypical teacher who will come to the school after many years of experience, and who was also a student at Like. Gabo will encourage students not to conform to what adults want to impose on them, provoking a true revolution in Like, which will generate confrontations between teachers, parents and students.

L'Auberge rouge (short story)

The story is told in the first person by an unnamed narrator. He attends a dinner party in Paris. A German guest named Hermann is asked to tell a story.

Hermann's story occurs in 1799 in Andernach on the Rhine in Germany. At that time it was occupied by France. Two young French doctors from Beauvais arrive in the town to serve with the French regiment stationed there. They arrange to spend the night at an inn called the Red Inn, because of its colour. A German businessman named Walhenfer also arrives there to spend the night. The inn is full, and the only place for the three new arrivals to spend the night is in the main dining room. Over dinner Walhenfer confesses to the two young doctors that he is carrying a bag full of gold and diamonds. Hermann remembers that the name of one of the French doctors is Prosper Magnan, but cannot remember the other's name.

During that night Magnan thinks about murdering Walhenfer, and running away with his valuables. He actually gets a knife out of his surgical bag to perform this. But he has second thoughts, and leaves the inn to go for a walk. After walking for some time, he returns to the inn and goes to bed. When he wakes up in the early morning, he finds that Walhenfer has been beheaded with his surgical knife. Magnan faints and falls into the pool of blood. When he wakes again he has been arrested by the French soldiers. Magnan's friend and Walhenfer's valuables are both missing, however because Magnan is covered in blood and his own knife was used, the soldiers suspect that Magnan is the murderer. Magnan was also seen walking outside, and is suspected of having buried Walhenfer's treasure.

Magnan is sent to the town's prison, and it is there that he meets Hermann, who is under arrest for trying to start a rebellion against the French. Magnan tells Hermann everything that has happened, and says that he is innocent. However at the court martial, he is found guilty, and is executed.

Whilst Hermann has been telling this story, the narrator notices that another guest, a wealthy man named Frederic Taillefer has been very agitated. The narrator suspects that Taillefer is the unnamed doctor in Hermann's story, especially when Hermann belatedly remembers that the other doctor was named Frederic. The narrator asks Taillefer if he is from Beauvais, and Taillefer confirms that he is. Taillefer then tries to avoid the narrator. The narrator has in the meantime fallen in love with a girl that he has seen at the party, and is shocked to discover that she is Taillefer's daughter Victorine.

After the party, the narrator continues to court Victorine, and occasionally also see her father. The narrator is then in a dilemma, and hosts a dinner party to which he invites 17 of his friends to ask them whether he should marry Victorine, even though he believes her father is a murderer. After explaining the problem they hold a secret ballot to determine whether he should marry her. They vote 9 to 8 against. However, the narrator is suspicious that the 9 against votes were from his younger friends who wish to marry Victorine themselves. The story concludes with one of the older guests telling the narrator that he was foolish to ask Taillefer whether he was from Beauvais.

Fast Color

In the future American Midwest, where it has not rained for eight years, Ruth (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) is a homeless wanderer whose seizures trigger supernatural earthquakes. As she travels to her old family home, she meets Bill (Christopher Denham), a diner customer who is actually a scientist attempting to capture Ruth for study. Bill tricks her into accepting a ride with him then attempts to draw blood samples from her, but Ruth wounds him and flees in the direction of her home. Bill is forced to abandon his vehicle to seek medical aid, where it catches the attention of the local sheriff Ellis (David Strathairn).

Arriving at the home, Ruth reunites with her mother Bo (Lorraine Toussaint), who has the ability to telekinetically disintegrate objects, reassemble them, and see vibrant flashes known as "the colors". Lila mentions it's also like an after effect. Bo has been taking care of Ruth's daughter Lila (Saniyya Sidney), who has the same powers as Bo and has no memories of her mother. After Ruth accidentally sets off another earthquake, Lila is introduced to her and they explain that Ruth's powers deteriorated in her childhood, becoming destructive and causing her to abandon her family.

Lila and Bo attempt to train Ruth on reconnecting with her old powers, while the scientist and the sheriff investigate Ruth's trail. When Ellis discerns Ruth is back home, he covertly signals Bo, his longtime friend and lover, to warn her about the scientist that is searching for their daughter. The next morning, Bill begins heading for the women's house, and Ruth takes off in the family truck to escape him, leaving Bo and Lila behind. When she exits miles later for gasoline, her seizures return. Ruth relives the memory of her nearly drowning her then-infant daughter during a past episode, and then of saving her life, emotionally healing and causing the sky to rain again.

Ruth returns home, where Ellis informs her that Bill and his accomplices kidnapped Lila. Ruth goes to rescue her, followed by Ellis and Bo. At the sheriff's office where Lila is being held, Ruth creates a storm and panics Bill and his guards. Bo offers herself to the scientists in exchange for Lila, who is reunited with her mother. The two escape in the truck, and find a note from Bo telling them to head for Rome to find another woman that she used to know with powers.

The Real Neverending Story Part 1: Auryn Quest

The Auryn, a magical amulet used by the Childlike Empress to rule, has been stolen. The player takes the role of the Indian boy Atreyu. Only by exploring the six fantasy worlds and solving all the puzzles can the player return the Auryn. In order to complete each section, the player needs to locate 10 energy balls.

Coin Operated

A young boy sees a rocket kiddie ride at a grocery store. The boy is an aspiring astronaut, and his mother gives him 5 cents, and he rides it. He is disappointed when the ride does not launch him into space.

Expecting that the ride can do better, he opens a lemonade stand and earns money from it. This goes on until the boy has become an old man. Having earned lots of money to produce more launch attempts, he goes back to the ride and fills it with coins. It wobbles like usual at first, but soon shakes violently and launches him into space. A brief shot from the clouds displays him as a young boy again.

Ice (2018 film)

The life of Nadya Lapshina (Aglaya Tarasova), a humble girl from the city of Irkutsk, Nadya Lapshina always dreamed of being a figure skater, but had problems with coordination and balance, which is why the famous children's coach Irina Sergeyevna Shatalina (Mariya Aronova) refused to take her as a student, contrary to the faith and persuasion of Nadya's mother. Nadya begins to live with her aunt Margosha, who sells bananas. Margosha treats her niece well and takes care of her as she can, but does not share the late sister’s opinion about Nadya’s potential. However, the girl does not give up and in the end shows such perseverance that Irina Shatalina decides to take her.

Nadya Lapshina begins to live in a boarding school at the local sports palace and learn the basics and subtleties of figure skating. At first, nothing comes out of her, but determination and good learning take their toll and Nadya becomes the best student of the boarding school. As a result, Irina Shatalina nominates her as a candidate for children's figure competitions held throughout the country. Another girl, who was the best before Nadya, tries to sabotage her performance by blunting her skates, but Nadya carries out the impossible and even performs dull-class dance on blunt blades.

Years pass. Nadya Lapshina has matured and became one of the most famous figure skaters in the country. She is invited to go to the big leagues, having tried on the role of a partner of the famous skater Vladimir Borisovich 'Vova' Leonov (Miloš Biković). At first, Nadya refuses, not wanting to leave her beloved coach, but Irina Shatalina, having fallen in love with Nadya as a daughter and wishing her advancement, tells her that her mother deceived her, saying that Irina discerned talent in her as a child. Nadya is upset, but decides to take a chance and eventually gets a place. Soon, he and Vova Leonov begin to live together and he even thinks of proposing to her. However, during the next performance, a catastrophe occurs: Vova accidentally drops Nadya and she hits so hard when she falls that she breaks the spine and becomes disabled. She closes herself from depression and stops communicating with everyone.

In the capital, she fails to recover, and she returns to her aunt and uncle, who is confined to a wheelchair. Irina Shatalina, learning about the troubles of her former student, decides to help her. Meanwhile, in the local hockey team, striker Alexander Arkadyevich 'Sasha' Gorin (Alexander Petrov) has a conflict with a friend, because of which he is suspended from the game. Irina offers him a deal: he will help Nadya restore spirit, and Irina will help him return to the team. Sasha Gorin pretends to agree, but at first he tries to cheat, seeing that Nadya is completely crushed and does not see a chance to recover. However, Irina quickly exposes him, and he begins to act for real.

At first, Sasha and Nadya cannot stand each other, but Sasha Gorin turns out to be a good psychologist and begins to restore Nadya’s spirit by physically mocking her and then finding a common language. Soon this is bearing fruit: the sensitivity of the legs and the ability to move their fingers begin to return to Nadya. After that, they switch to physiotherapy exercises: Sasha starts taking Nadya to the local gym, where she learns to walk again and restores her atrophied leg muscles. As a result, she again gets to her feet, and then returns to the ice. At this point, their relationship with Sasha reached an almost romantic level. As a result, Nadya even persuades him to act as her partner on the return number, speaking in her previous role as a hockey player. The resulting unusual number is received warmly. Later, Sasha also admits to Nadya that in his childhood he also went in for figure skating for some time, to which his grandmother drove him, but his father considered him a purely female sport and persuaded his son to switch to hockey.

After their joint performance, Sasha Gorin unexpectedly meets Vova Leonov in the locker room, who is trying to convince him to leave Nadya, claiming that only he, Vova, can lead her to the Olympic medal. The whole day Sasha spends sad thoughts: he realizes that he has fallen in love with Nadya and wants to be with her, but Vova’s words touched him too deeply. As a result, he gets drunk, comes to Nadya and lies to her that all this time he helped her only out of pity, leaving a big teddy bear won in the shooting gallery.

Nadya Lapshina again unites with Vova Leonova and begins performing in a big competition, but he drops her almost immediately. The doctor establishes that Nadya no longer has any problems with her back: the point is pure psychosomatics. Vova explodes and expresses that in fact he always considered Nadya an insignificant figure skater and spoke with her only because of her popularity among the people. Nadya does not stand it and returns to speak alone, although this is against the rules. Sasha, who watched the contest on television, does not dare to stay away and urgently gets to Moscow. Having entered the stadium with the support of Irina Shatalina, he takes his suit from a dejected Vova and goes out to the ice to Nadya. She in tears asks him why he came, and he confesses to her his feelings. The judges refuse to start playing music for them again, sitting among the audience, begins to sing themselves, and then the whole room picks up the song, and Nadya and Sasha perform a beautiful duet number for it.

Despite the fact that they remained disqualified, Nadya Lapshina and Sasha Gorin are happy, because now they can be together on the ice and outside it.

A Village Affair (film)

Alice and Martin Jordan arrive with their three children to live in the quiet English village of Pitcombe, and all seems to be well at first. But there is a secret below the surface which begins to emerge after Alice meets Clodagh Unwin, the daughter of local landowner Sir Ralph Unwin.

Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live

For her work experience assignment, middle school student Naru Ayase applies for a manager position at the clothing store Prism Stone in Harajuku. There, she is introduced to Prism Shows, idol-style concerts combining song, dance, fashion, and figure skating, with heart-shaped gems called Prism Stones to accessorize. With her Pair Friend, Lovelin, she is able to perform a new type of Prism Show called a "Prism Live", where she plays an instrument in the middle of a Prism Show. Joined by her classmates, Ann Fukuhara and Ito Suzuno, Naru is hired at Prism Stone and is also asked to take care of Rinne, an amnesiac girl capable of performing four Prism Jump combinations, a feat only accomplished by the current Prism Queen, June Amou. At the same time, the girls draw attention from Bell Renjoji, Otoha Takanashi, and Wakana Morizono, top students from the elite Prism Star school Edel Rose, who challenge them to enter the Dreaming Session.

As Prism Shows are scored based on the number of Prism Jump combinations, Prism Stone loses the Dreaming Session. However, their ability to do Prism Lives interests Hijiri Himuro, the chairman of the Prism Show Association, who believes it may revitalize the public's dying interest in Prism Shows. Prism Lives are later integrated into the scoring system, and their popularity inspires June to perform in Prism Shows again. This, in turn, causes the supervisor of Edel Rose and current Prism King, Jin Norizuki, to use underhanded tactics in order to claim the title of Prism Queen for his school.

During the Winter White Session, Rinne remembers that she is a messenger from the Prism World tasked to spread the Prism Sparkle, which sustain the magic of the rinks, Pair Friends, Prism Stones, and Prism Jumps. Rinne was originally supposed to absorb June, the current Prism Messenger, but June has gone rogue from the Prism World and has been competing in Prism Shows to stay with Hijiri, therefore preventing humans from spreading the Prism Sparkle. Naru learns that in order to save the Prism Sparkle, they must claim the Prism Queen title from June during the Over the Rainbow Session and evolve their Seventh Coord. When the last of the Prism Sparkle vanishes, Naru brings it back with her determination, and Bell wins the Prism Queen Cup. After the girls send Rinne back to the Prism World, everyone moves on with their lives.

Un drame au bord de la mer

The story is told in the first person by a young writer named Louis Lambert. He and his lover Pauline are holidaying in the coastal town of Le Croisic. They meet a poor fisherman, and ask him to guide them to a local landmark on the coast. On the way they pass a small cave where a man lives in isolation. Louis and Pauline ask the fisherman to tell them the story of the man in the cave.

The man is named Pierre Cambremer. He was a fisherman with a wife and a son named Jacques. Jacques was a young man who liked to drink and gamble, and had one day stolen a gold coin which his mother had sewn into a quilt. His father discovered this, and punished the son by tying him up, and throwing him into the sea. Pierre's wife died shortly afterwards. Pierre in his grief left his home, and eventually settled in the cave by the sea. His only contact is with his young niece who brings him food. The other locals avoid him.

Louis and Pauline are so affected by this story, that they abandon their holiday, and Louis writes to his uncle telling him the story. At the start of the story Louis had felt happy and optimistic, but at the end he starts to feel the onset of mental health issues.

Legion of Lost Flyers

A group of pilots, because of unsavory or unearned reputations, establish an outpost of their own, running charter-flights and hauling supplies in the frozen wastelands of Alaska. Gene "Loop" Gillian (Richard Arlen), Gillian came to Alaska because he has been blamed for a crash where four men where killed. Bill Desert (Theodore Von Eltz), the head of the commercial airlines, refuses to hire him as a pilot, but at the request of aircraft mechanic "Beef" Brumley (Andy Devine), Desert hires Loop as a "grease jockey".

Brumley knows Gillian and does not believe the story about the deaths. Regarded as a coward by the other pilots, Ralph Perry (William Lundigan), Jake Halley (Guinn "Big Boy" Williams) and Smythe (Leon Ames), Gillian claims he is innocent of causing the deaths because it was really Perry who had taken the flight that night. Rumours continue to swirl about the incident.

Perry decides he has had enough and takes off in an stolen aircraft loaded with gold from a local mine. He ends up crashing in the wilderness in a remote canyon, with Gillian, the only one willing to fly to his rescue. After loading Perry on board, the take off ends in the aircraft suffering heavy damage.

On the return flight, the aircraft is falling to pieces. Perry panics and as Gillian nears the airfield, he forces Perry to confess on the radio about his involvement in the men's death. Gillian is reinstated as a pilot and falls in love with Paula (Anne Nagel) who had been the boss's sweetheart.

One of My Three Soups

Using hypnosis, Tetch (Benedict Samuel) manages to get a prison guard to escape, along with Jonathan Crane (David W. Thompson). They then orchestrate a break, freeing Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) as well as 84 inmates from Arkham Asylum.

When Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) investigate the escape, they receive a call from Tetch, telling them to meet him at an address. There, Gordon and Bullock are subdued by hypnotized people while Tetch has a wrecking ball fall on a married couple, crushing them before escaping. Meanwhile, Barbara (Erin Richards) experiences a flashback to the time when Ra's al Ghul (Alexander Siddig) resurrected her, where he sees her as his true heir to the Demon's Head.

After retrieving Jerome's file with the help of Selina (Camren Bicondova), Bruce (David Mazouz) heads to Jerome's uncle diner. The uncle, Zachary Trumble (John Treacy Egan) has already been intercepted by Jerome, who reprimands him for his abuse. Zachary tricks Jerome and has one of his colleagues hold him while he serves soup over Jerome's face. Bruce interrupts and is attacked by the henchman while Jerome kills his uncle after learning the location of someone he is searching for. Selina arrives and tries to shoot Jerome but Bruce stops her as he feels responsible for Jerome, prompting Jerome to escape.

Soon, Gordon and Bullock find that the city is now filled with hypnotized people ready to jump off their balconies. They soon find that the people were hypnotized through a radio message. Bullock hears the station in order to find where the signal is coming from and is hypnotized himself. Gordon finally finds the station and stops Tetch from continuing the message. He uses a loophole and prompts the citizens to save each other, breaking the hypnosis. Tetch is arrested afterwards.

Members of the League of Shadows arrive at Sirens, looking for the new Demon's Head. Upon finding it's Barbara, they turn against her, as they refuse to be led by a woman. The female members kill the male and accept Barbara as their new Demon's Head. While on route to Arkham, Tetch's truck is hijacked by Crane and Jerome, who drive to the location his uncle gave him.

Torpedo (film)

Michel Ressac wins a dinner with cyclist legend Eddy Merckx in an advertising campaign to promote the sales of sofas and hopes that he can do his own father, who is a huge cycling fan, a favour. But unfortunately he arrives too late at the dinner. Ressac then tries to reclaim his prize and win his family's sympathy back...

Dead or Alive Or

Daryl (Norman Reedus), aided by Rosita (Christian Serratos), Tara (Alanna Masterson), and Siddiq (Avi Nash), lead the survivors from the destroyed Alexandria Safe-Zone towards the Hilltop while avoiding Savior patrols who are under orders to seek them out by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan); Dwight (Austin Amelio), a former Savior that has helped the Alexandrians, guides them using his knowledge of the area, but most remain cautious of his advice, since he was previously a member of the Saviors. They come to find the safest route is to cross through a swamp, and Daryl puts Tara in charge of protecting the survivors while he, Rosita, and Siddiq kill the many walkers half-submerged in the swamp. Tara sees some walkers some distance away, and convinces Dwight to help, but this is a ruse to get him away from the group and kill him. Dwight pleads for her to let him go, apologizing for killing her girlfriend, Denise, but she fires a shot and he runs off. However, as she catches up to him, they see a group of Saviors approaching. As the Saviors come closer to where they are hiding, and with Tara's gun pointed at Dwight, he quickly walks out of the brush and approaches the group, acting as if he managed to escape and reunite with the Saviors. He then draws the patrol away from the Alexandria group, telling them that no Alexandrians could be in the swamp area, since he'd just come from there. When Tara returns to the group, Daryl scolds her, fearing Dwight could tell Negan everything, but Tara explains that she now trusts Dwight, and that he would not do so.

Elsewhere, Dr. Harlan Carson (R. Keith Harris) helps the ill Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) to escape the Saviors' Sanctuary, but Gabriel's fever, which affects his eyesight, makes them lose their way. Gabriel relies on his faith in God against Dr. Carson's advice, leading them to an abandoned house where they happen to find antibiotics to treat Gabriel to treat his fever, but Gabriel will still likely go blind without additional help. After accidentally breaking open a piggy bank, they discover car keys and a map to Hilltop (when it was a museum). As they near the garage, Gabriel notices signs that the place is trapped just before Dr. Carson steps into a bear trap, drawing walkers. Despite his dim eyesight, Gabriel manages to safely avoid the traps and walkers, and rescues Dr. Carson in time. However, the commotion leads a group of Saviors to find them. As they are being escorted away, Dr. Carson notices one of their guard's guns in close reach and grabs for it, but another Savior reacts and shoots and kills him first. Gabriel's faith is shaken, and he begins to cry as he is driven off by the Saviors.

At the Hilltop, Maggie (Lauren Cohan) reviews the state of their resources, knowing that with their Savior prisoners along with Gregory (Xander Berkeley), they do not have enough supplies to last, and so she considers cutting them off. Daryl's group then makes it to the Hilltop, where news of Carl's death wracks the community, particularly Enid (Katelyn Nacon). Maggie decides to allow the Saviors to have limited rations and supervised time outside of their cage. Siddiq offers his services as a doctor to Maggie, while Morgan (Lennie James) and Carol (Melissa McBride) deal with Henry's (Macsen Lintz) lack of remorse after murdering Gavin.

Back at the Sanctuary, Gabriel is put to work under Eugene (Josh McDermitt) to help the Saviors' ammunition manufacturing process at Eugene's new outpost, the industrial machine shop, in advance of Negan's next offensive. When Eugene reports to Negan that their ammo will not be at full supply for several more days and suggests they build catapults instead, Negan comes up with a second plan, to infect some of the Saviors' weapons with walker blood, so that in the pending attack, they merely have to harm their foes to cause them to turn, rather than kill.

Le Vélo de Ghislain Lambert

In the early 1970s Ghislain Lambert, a Belgian cyclist who is born on the same day as Eddy Merckx, wants to become a cycling champion after seeing TV footage of Merckx winning his 1972-hour record. He tries to get involved with a big cycling championship, but only gets a job as a water carrier. His obsession becomes bigger when Merckx appears to him in a dream. Determined in his dream of becoming a victorious cyclist Lambert tries to look for different ways to achieve his goal...

Les Fabuleux Exploits d'Eddy Merckx

The book starts off with Merckx winning his first amateur championship in Sallanches in 1964 and follows all his conquests, ending with him breaking the world record in cycling (1972) in Mexico.

Twisted Nightmare

Laura receives a letter notifying her she has won a free weekend trip to Camp Paradise, a summer camp she attended as a child. She and her new boyfriend Shawn arrive at the camp, and Laura is reunited with a group of her old friends; among them are Jennifer, Laura, and Tak; and couples Nicole and Jerome; Gus and Sylvia; Ken and Julie; and Dean and Cheri. Laura is reluctant to be at the camp, as her developmentally disabled brother Matthew died there under mysterious circumstances two years prior. During the party, Sylvia and Gus are attacked and murdered in an outlying barn by a hulking, monstrous killer—Sylvia is hanged with a rope, while Gus has his arm torn off.

The next morning, Dean announces that he and Cheri are leaving, as he is suspicious of the "free weekend" letters they received. While the remaining others go for a hike, Ken and Julie remain at the main house. Ken goes to search for Kane, the Native American groundskeeper, to inquire about Matthew's death; meanwhile Julie finds Gus and Sylvia's bodies. She frantically phones the local sheriff, Elmer Goodes, but the phone disconnects, and she is killed outside. Meanwhile, while Tak and Shawn are hunting, Tak recounts Matthew's death: He explains how, two years ago, some of the group teased Matthew for allegedly being gay. Matthew entered the barn, where his body spontaneously combusted, after which he fled into the woods, engulfed in flames. His body was never recovered.

Back at the house, Ken returns and is unable to find Julie, but finds Kane in the barn, who threatens him with a shotgun. Ken flees, but gets caught on a bear trap in the woods before having his throat slashed by the killer. Jennifer and Laura return from hiking, and Laura begins cutting herself in the bathroom before taking a shower. Jennifer is trapped in the icehouse by the killer, while, Nicole, Jeff, Gerome, and Nancy go to the camp sauna. As Nancy and Jeff have sex outside the sauna, the killer impales them with a pole before bludgeoning Nancy with a hammer, and Jerome with hot stones.

Kane finds Shawn and Tak in the woods, and implores them to leave; he explains that his grandfather, a medicine man, cursed the land after it was taken over by Anglo settlers, and that mysterious deaths have since occurred there, particularly in the barn. Shawn and Tak are subsequently confronted by the killer in the woods, and flee back to the main house. Tak frees Jennifer from the icehouse, but is murdered by the killer. Jennifer manages to escape toward the barn. Meanwhile, as Sheriff Goodes drives toward the camp to investigate the call he received, he finds Dean and Cheri walking along a road; they explain that their car broke down. Goodes drives them back, and begins searching the property. Upon finding the bodies at the sauna, Goodes is decapitated. Back at the house, Dean searches for the others outside, armed with a rifle, but is confronted by the killer, who summons a bolt of lightning which electrocutes him to death. The killer subsequently impales Cheri on mounted deer antlers inside the house.

Outside the barn, Shawn witnesses Kane strangling Laura, and shoots him. After, Laura smiles and confesses that she orchestrated the reunion of the group to punish them for what they did to Matthew. Suddenly, a decayed and burned Matthew appears. Shawn attempts to kill him, but is unable to, and Matthew stabs Shawn to death with a pitchfork. Jennifer, who has observed the attack through the barn window, screams in horror. Kane knocks over several gasoline-filled barrels inside the barn before lighting a match, blowing up the barn with himself, Laura, and Matthew inside. Jennifer, the lone survivor, escapes in the sheriff's car. As Jennifer drives away, the flames engulfing the barn vanish and it is restored to its original form.

Face 2 Face (2016 film)

Michigan teenager Terrence Johnson (known by his nickname "Teel," given to him because of his inability to pronounce "Steel" while pretending to be Superman as a kid) contacts his childhood friend Madison Daniels, now living in California, via video chat after attempting suicide by overdosing on acetaminophen. The two are on opposite ends of the popularity spectrum: Madison is an "A-list party girl" and rebellious girl with a seemingly perfect life, while Teel is a social outcast struggling to make friends. Teel decides to audition for his school's production of ''Bye Bye Birdie'' in order to improve his social life, despite his parents wanting the self-admittedly unathletic teen to participate in sports; Madison convinces Teel to create a Facebook account to help him make friends. Madison’s father is very strict and always in her face and punished her coming home late from her party. They have an estranged relationship because his father is retiring. While discussing her plan to attract her crush Cole, Madison takes Teel's comment that she looked "sweaty" in a beach photo to suggest he implied she looked slutty in the picture, abruptly ending the call even after Teel acknowledges she looked attractive in it.

The next day, Teel reveals to Madison that Sonny Dombrowski, another childhood friend who is now a popular jock at his school, accepted his Facebook friend request, but is recalcitrant about restarting their friendship in real life. Teel later reveals that he got in trouble at school after Sonny cheated off of Teel's test paper, as a harried Madison expresses exasperation with having to plan her father's retirement party. A day after Sonny comes to the house to make amends for cheating, Teel reveals he had been beaten up by a group of bullies, but is reluctant to disclose the reason behind the altercation. After Teel helps Madison do her makeup for a function she's attending at the school where her father works (using tips he learned from his beautician mother), Cole, who performed a song at the event, asks Madison out on a date. The day after a party where she was to meet up with Cole and finds out he had sex with her best friend Sophie, Teel assures Madison that she is intelligent and beautiful, and that the situation was for the best because she should want her first sexual experience to be special; Madison inadvertently reveals she already lost her virginity, but does not go into further detail. After having missed the ''Bye Bye Birdie'' audition to go on a family trip to visit his grandmother, Teel announces to Madison that he is auditioning to be the male lead in his school's production of ''Romeo and Juliet''.

Madison, who has now developed feelings for Teel believing that he is infatuated with her, confesses how she feels about him and performs a striptease that he abruptly stop because it was illegal because of underage porn. She is dismayed to learn that Teel wants to keep their relationship platonic. He later apologizes about the misunderstanding and comes out to Madison as gay, revealing he had been beaten up by Sonny and his friends, having inadvertently recorded the incident on his phone camera, after they found out he and Teel had kissed during his visit days earlier. Madison suggests Teel start a gay-straight alliance at his school, though he is reluctant to come out publicly. After Teel reacts self-consciously, worried about what his friends would think, upon Madison sending a link to a gay-straight alliance organization to his Facebook page, Madison haphazardly offends Teel by blurting out that he does not have any friends beyond his Facebook following and herself; Madison attempts to reach Teel for several days afterward, only briefly getting in touch via instant messaging.

After reading bullying comments in a photo of an inebriated Madison vomiting in a toilet at a party, Teel finally decides to contact her. Through handwritten flashcards, Madison apologizes to Teel for pushing him to come out publicly against his reservations and tries to tell him that her father has been sexually abusing her since he lost his previous teaching job in Michigan, a secret unbeknownst to even her mother, who had died seven years earlier. She asks Teel to continue watching the webcam stream as her father enters Madison's bedroom to rape her. A distraught Teel calls 9-1-1 to report the abuse, though Madison, who is reluctant to turn in her only surviving parent, tells the police officers visiting her home that the call was a misunderstanding; she later informs Teel that she cannot talk to him anymore. Teel, by now with an improved real and virtual social life, decides to drive cross-country to California to rescue Madison, excusing himself from appearing in ''Romeo and Juliet'' by telling the play's director that he has to deal with a family emergency. Upon his arrival, Teel—who took his grandmother's car (which was gifted to him by his parents) and some of his father's money for the excursion—reveals that she helped him out of the despair that led to his suicide attempt, and, as her angry father bangs on her bedroom door, convinces Madison to escape with him through her window. Madison, now living with Teel and his family back in Michigan, gives Teel a superhero cape in an expression of gratitude for saving her from her situation.

Lake Placid: Legacy

A group of activists consisting of Jade, her younger sister Alice, Jade's boyfriend Sam, hacker Billy, and their friend Spencer, are challenged by Sam's ex-friend Dane over a video to travel to an island in the middle of a lake that harbors an old research facility. The group travels to the island on boat with rangers Pennie, and Travis, and begin exploring. They soon find the dead body of Dane's friend Gomez in a tree, as well as Dane's camera, which depicts him being attacked by something. In the video, he talks of a man named Henderson who supposedly abandoned him. The group attempts to leave, although something causes the boat to drift onto the lake with Travis on it, and Pennie is dragged into the water by a rope. When Travis attempts to save her, he's eaten by the creature, leaving Sam to save her, and the group is left stranded on the island.

The remaining survivors find, and enter the facility, and are forced to climb down into another section of the facility using a rope. When the creature, revealed to be a 50-foot crocodile, arrives, Jade, Sam, and Alice become separated from Billy, Spencer, and Pennie in the facility. As Jade, Sam, and Alice explore the facility, Billy goes down to a dock to reach an electrical outlet in order to make a phone call to the police. However, he quickly loses the signal, and Spencer is pulled into the water, and killed by the crocodile. Pennie forces Billy to reach the others while she stays behind to fight the crocodile. The crocodile follows Pennie into a tunnel where it quickly kills her.

Jade, Sam, and Alice soon find Dane alive in the facility, and he shows them to Henderson, who is a man who used to work at the facility. He was part of an experiment to weaponize crocodiles, and notes that when the program was shut down, one of the crocodile's caregivers took a few juveniles away to Black Lake in Maine where the rest of the series had taken place. He introduced Dane and Gomez to the facility, and used them as a way to get back into the facility to continue the experiments. Meanwhile, Billy reaches another building, and manages to contact the other survivors, although he's soon killed when the crocodile breaks in. Henderson escapes in the chaos, and Jade, Sam, Alice, and Dane make an attempt to escape. Henderson attempts to trap the group in the facility by flooding it, although they manage to swim through the flood, and escape into another section of the facility.

The crocodile soon catches up to the group, and eats Dane, before killing Henderson, who was making an attempt to capture it. Jade, Sam, and Alice find a room with several gas cans, and Sam creates a plan to kill the crocodile by blowing up the gas cans. He begins releasing the gas, and has Jade, and Alice escape while he stays behind to kill it. The crocodile enters, and he attempts to ignite the gas with a flare, although the flare shorts out, allowing the crocodile to eat him. The crocodile chases Jade and Alice in the woods, and eventually corners Alice and attempts to eat her, although Jade traps it with an excavator, before igniting the excavator’s fuel with a lighter, killing it. Jade and Alice begin swimming back to the mainland, only for a second crocodile to be revealed in the water unbeknownst to them.

Cease Fire (short story)

The story is set in 1972, during a low level war against an unnamed enemy being waged somewhere in the arctic region of the American continent. Both sides have "life detection" technology, that can detect living creatures at a distance. The American side has an electromagnetic shield that can conceal people from the detectors.

Hulser is a scientist conscripted into the army. His wife is expecting their first child. He is manning a forward observation post using detectors and his own shield to spot enemy activity. His detector registers small life forms that may or may not be foxes or wolves. Hulser wonders if the enemy has a shield that merely reduces the apparent size of the person wearing it in the detector. Thinking about his own shield, and need to protect him against chemical reactions it would induce in his body, he realizes that the technology can be used to remotely detonate explosives, giving his side an overwhelming advantage and ending the war. Deciding that the detector is registering enemy soldiers, he calls in a mortar strike and then is embroiled in a full-scale fire fight. Panicking, he spends the rest of his time demanding to be pulled out.

The story describes Hulser's efforts to get out of combat and have his idea taken seriously. Convinced of his cause, he stands up to his sergeant and bullies his commanding officer, earning him a cell in the brig. There he is contacted by a prominent scientist who starts to believe his idea.

Eventually there is a successful demonstration attended by top military officers and a mysterious civilian that they defer to. Although the war will be won, they are strangely pessimistic. In the final scene they explain that although war with explosives is no longer possible, war will continue with even worse weapons, such as chemical poisons and disease agents. They give Hulser a copy of a book, saying that he and his children will need it. It is a copy of the unexpurgated works of "the master of treachery and deceit", Niccolò Machiavelli.

The Good Liar

In 2009 London Roy Courtnay is an aging British con artist who, along with his business partner Vincent, uses false identities to deceive people into giving him access to their finances. His latest target is Betty McLeish, a former history professor at Oxford University who lost her husband a year ago and has savings in excess of £2 million.

Feigning a bad knee, Roy manipulates Betty into allowing him to stay at her house. He steadily encourages her to open a joint offshore investment account with him, so that he can steal her money. Simultaneously, Roy and Vincent run an investment scam with their mark Bryn and his associate by employing fake Russian investors. One of the fake Russians, actually a Polish butcher, demands a greater cut of the take; in response, Roy orders thugs to break the butcher's hand with a meat tenderizer. Realizing he has been robbed, Bryn follows Roy during his date with Betty. Upon spotting Bryn nearby, Roy sends Betty into the shops before luring Bryn into Charing Cross tube station. There, Roy stabs Bryn and then shoves him into the path of an incoming train, killing him. Roy reunites with Betty back at the shops.

Roy and Betty holiday in Berlin, where Roy appears to understand German, though he claims he does not. Betty's grandson Steven takes the couple to a flat that Roy recognizes. Steven reveals that "Roy Courtnay"— a young British Army officer — was killed there in 1948 by a Nazi war criminal whom he was tracking, according to Soviet records. Roy narrates an elaborate story of his mission in Germany and explains at first that Hans Taub was his German translator. The mission ended in the death of Hans Taub. When Steven refuses to believe his story, Roy is forced to confess that he is Hans Taub, and that he stole Roy's identity so that he could leave Germany and reinvent himself. Betty accepts his explanation and dismisses Steven's objections.

Soon afterwards, Roy and Betty plan to transfer their money into the joint account. Vincent suggests to Roy that he leave at least some of the money for Betty to help with her medical condition, but Roy dismisses the idea and insists that he will leave Betty financially defrauded just like his previous victims. He says he wants enough money to sit on a beach somewhere and sip champagne. Vincent reluctantly complies and later participates in the transactions necessary for the couple to transfer their money into the joint account. However, after leaving Betty and returning to his flat, Roy discovers that he no longer has the keypad needed to access the account. Roy returns to Betty's house to reclaim it, only to find Betty waiting for him and that all the house's contents have been removed.

Betty attempts to force a confession out of Roy, before revealing that her identity and personal history are all fake. Her real name is Lili Schröeder and she has met Roy before, back in 1943 when they were both German teenagers and Hans was tutoring her in English. On their last session, after trying to kiss one of her sisters, Hans raped Lili. After her parents dismissed him, because of the kiss, from continuing his tutoring lessons, Hans denounced Lili's father as a traitor and he was executed by the Nazis. This drove Lili's mother to commit suicide. Later, Lili's sisters were killed in an explosion just two weeks before the death of Adolf Hitler. After the war ended, Lili suffered at the hands of the Russians, learning to be a good liar for survival. Eventually she made her way to England.

After recounting their past, Lili explains to Roy that she has been fully aware of his plan to con her all along. Steven, who was in fact the boyfriend of Lili's real grandson Michael, tracked Roy/Hans' criminal history and they confirmed his identity in a DNA test using a locket from Betty/Lili's childhood that contained a piece of Hans' hair. She also reveals that Vincent has betrayed Roy after being confronted with her knowledge of their crimes.

Betty takes all of Roy's money out of their joint account, leaving him only enough money to pay back the victims of his earlier con. Roy says he will beg her forgiveness but Betty says she is "beyond him now." Just as she prepares to leave the house, Roy locks the door and attacks her – but she manages to fend him off before he is confronted by Bryn's associate and the Polish butcher whom he previously cheated. Betty then leaves the house as Roy, defiant to the last and refusing to pay his clients back, is consequently beaten up. Weeks later, Roy, having suffered a severe stroke during the fight, is shown in hospital against a painted backdrop of a beach. Vincent pays him a visit. Roy is unable to speak or move. Vincent gives him a drink and says "Pretend it's champagne" and the liquid dribbles out of Roy's paralysed mouth.

In the final scene, Betty is shown living happily with her extended family.

The Medusa Chronicles

The novel expands on the premise of Clarke's story, taking the main character into the distant future, while also going into the past to show that both the novel and the original Clarke story are set in an alternative history where in 1968, NASA and the Soviet space program united to prevent an asteroid from impacting Earth.


The world has been destroyed by a global disaster (World War III), and most of the humans have turned into mutants. A few survivors created a perfect robot named S.D.A.W. (System de Defense Anti-Wobblegobbledigook). Players take control of S.D.A.W. and live in sewers. They have been given a mission to clean the area of its unwanted occupants by restraining and disarming them.

Wanderer (video game)

Set in a future where cats have become very valuable, the protagonist's cat has been kidnapped and the kidnapper is asking for an 8000 cat ransom. The player has to visit planets, barter cats, and play a card game to win cats. Visiting new planets engages a straight action sequence of shooting all enemy ships.


The player is a robot named G.Nius who has crash-landed his spaceship. He needs to escape the ship before it vaporizes by visiting every room to turn off a switch.

Le Réquisitionnaire

The story is set in 1793 in Carentan, in Normandy. A local aristocrat, Madame de Dey lives at her estate at Carentan to ensure that it is not confiscated by the government. Her son is taking part in a Royalist uprising. She refuses visitors for two days, and buys a hare at the market. This arouses suspicions that she is either sheltering a Royalist priest or hiding a lover.

When visited by a local merchant, she admits that she has received a letter from her son. He has written that he was captured during a failed attack on Granville, but that he will escape, and take shelter with her. He mentions a three-day period during which he should be expected. She holds a social gathering at her home on the third night that her son is expected to arrive. She acts calmly, and all but the local prosecutor leave early. The prosecutor warns that he will have her house searched the next day. He hints that he might save her. He politely leaves when there is a knock on the door.

In the meantime, a group of conscripts is expected at the city, and one reports to a local official. He is billeted to stay at Madame de Dey's home.

The visitor who has knocked at Madame de Dey's door is taken to her son's room. She greets him, and is shocked to discover that it is not her son, but a Parisian conscript who has been billeted to her home. She dies that night, and on the same night her son is shot in Morbihan.

Orgulho e Paixão

Set in 1910, the plot takes place in the fictional Valley of Café and tells the story of Elisabeta (Nathalia Dill), woman ahead of her time, with dreams and ambitions completely different for a young woman for the period. She is encouraged by her father Felisberto (Tato Gabus Mendes) to realize her dreams. Elisabeta lives with four other sisters, each with a different personality. She will have a turnaround in her life when she meets Darcy (Thiago Lacerda), with whom they will share a great passion.

The Dirt (film)

In 1973, Frank Carlton Feranna Jr. walks away from his mother Deana after years of abuse and moves from Seattle to Los Angeles in 1978. After a failed attempt to connect with his biological father who abandoned the family at birth, Frank legally changes his name to "Nikki Sixx" in 1980. A year later, after a falling out with members of London at the Whisky a Go Go, Nikki befriends drummer Tommy Lee and reveals to him that he is forming a new band. Joining the band is guitarist Mick Mars, who suffers from ankylosing spondylitis. The trio then recruit Tommy's high school friend Vince Neil from the cover band Rockandi as lead vocalist, and after some brainstorming, the quartet name themselves Mötley Crüe.

Despite a brawl with some crowd members, Mötley Crüe's first gig at the Starwood is well-received. They progressively sell out night clubs all over Los Angeles and rookie producer Tom Zutaut of Elektra Records approaches them with a five-album deal and they sign Doc McGhee as their manager. During their first national tour, the band is given advice by Ozzy Osbourne to know the limits of their partying before he snorts some ants and licks his and Nikki's urine on the pool floor. Before long, the band's albums go platinum and they each spend millions of dollars as fast as they earn them. Vince marries mud wrestler Sharise Ruddell, while Tommy announces his engagement to a woman named Roxie, but after his mother calls her a groupie, they get into a heated argument and Tommy punches Roxie in the face.

On December 8, 1984, during a party at Vince's home in Redondo Beach, California, Tommy meets Heather Locklear while Vince and Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle drive out to buy more drinks and get into a car accident that kills Razzle and has Vince sentenced to 30 days in jail for vehicular manslaughter, which is subsequently reduced to 19 days. Nikki becomes addicted to heroin and starts to display destructive behavior towards his bandmates. He fires McGhee for bringing Deana to visit him. On December 23, 1987, shortly after Tommy and Heather's wedding, Nikki overdoses on heroin and is initially declared dead, but a paramedic who is a big fan of the band brings him back to life with two shots of adrenaline. Following this, Nikki has the band go to rehab. A sober Mötley Crüe rebounds in 1989 with ''Dr. Feelgood'', which becomes their first number one album on the Billboard 200, followed by a lengthy world tour. The months of touring and staying sober take their toll on Vince and Tommy, who resort to drinking again after being away from their families for too long.

Following the tour, Vince discovers that Sharise and their daughter Skylar have left him, causing him to miss several rehearsals and eventually part ways with the band in 1992. The band then hires John Corabi as his replacement. In 1995, Skylar dies of stomach cancer at the age of four, while Heather divorces Tommy after he is caught having an affair with a porn star two years earlier. Mick starts to abuse painkillers as the disease is starting to overwhelm his body and movement. Seeing the backlash by fans over Vince's departure from the band, Nikki negotiates with Zutaut to give them back the rights to their songs in exchange for their release from Elektra Records. After visiting his father's grave, Nikki regroups with Tommy and Mick, who has had hip surgery, before they reconcile with Vince. Mötley Crüe would perform together for another 20 years, playing their final show on New Year's Eve 2015.

Fall (Better Call Saul)

Jimmy discovers from Irene, his former elder law client who represents the class in the Sandpiper Crossing lawsuit, that the company has offered a settlement which if accepted will result in Jimmy’s share being $1.16 million. Irene has refused to accept because the lawyers have advised her they believe they can get Sandpiper to offer more. Jimmy tries to persuade Howard to accept, but he refuses.

Howard and Chuck meet with their malpractice insurance agents. Based on information provided by Jimmy, the agents inform them that because of Chuck's electromagnetic hypersensitivity he will need to be supervised by another attorney at all times or HHM will face a substantial premium increase. Chuck wants to fight the insurance company, but Howard disagrees and says he will force Chuck to retire since his judgment can no longer be trusted. Chuck sues HHM for $8 million, the value of his share of the partnership.

Mike becomes a contracted security expert for Madrigal, a paper transaction designed to launder his stolen money by having him give his cash to Lydia and then receive monthly consulting fees. Kim takes on Gatwood Oil as a second client to cover office expenses in case Jimmy is unable to pay his half while his law license is suspended. Nacho admits to his father Manuel that he is working for Hector and begs him to follow Hector's orders. Manuel refuses and orders Nacho to leave his house.

Jimmy pulls a series of psychological and social manipulation tricks to turn Irene's friends against her, so that she believes refusing the Sandpiper settlement is against the interests of her fellow clients. She decides to accept the settlement, meaning Jimmy will receive his much-needed share. He returns to his office to give Kim the good news, but she is too busy preparing for an important meeting with Gatwood Oil to listen and leaves in a rush. Due to fatigue from overwork, Kim falls asleep at the wheel and crashes into a boulder.

Hear No Evil (1982 film)

After a cop becomes deaf in a fight, he tries to break up a drug ring run by bikers.

Shakespeare's Planet

Carter Horton and three other crew members are sent on an interstellar mission to find a planet which would be suitable for human life. They are put into suspended animation until they arrive. However, due to a systems malfunction, Carter is the last one left alive. When he makes it to the planet he finds that he has been in deep sleep for about 1,000 years. The ship is controlled by the minds of three volunteers, a monk, a scientist and a grande dame, who gave up their bodies as a way to control the ship.

Upon awakening, Carter finds that the ship refuses to return to Earth. He meets the ship's robot, Nicodemus, but the only living thing he encounters is the alien Carnivore, who claims he came there through a time tunnel. He also states that he had a previous companion on the planet, a human named Shakespeare. Shakespeare took his name from a book of plays.

Others arrive via the time tunnel; however, it is much more difficult to leave the planet in that manner. Several other alien species are also discovered living on the planet.

Enemy in the House

The action takes place in South Carolina and Jamaica during the time of the American Revolution. Amity Mallam, the daughter of a plantation-owning family, enters a secret marriage in order to protect her inheritance. Her journey is set in motion when two of the ceremony's attendees, the priest and a lawyer, are murdered. Once in Jamaica, Amity, along with her father and her brother, are aided by a beautiful Obeah slave woman named Selene.

Wolf in Man's Clothing

Set during World War II, nurse Sarah Keate and nurse Drue Cable investigate the suspicious shooting of Drue's millionaire ex-husband. While he is being treated and lying unconscious, someone in his family household, a gloomy mansion in the remote countryside is suspected of plotting to kill him.

The House on the Roof

Mary Monroe, an opera singer, is shot dead one evening in her penthouse apartment. Another tenant of the building, Deborah Cavert, was present at the time of the murder, and must now prove her own innocence.

The White Cockatoo (novel)

Americans Sue Talley and Jim Sundean find themselves at the same large, off-season hotel in the south of France. Amidst a constant spooky, atmospheric wind, a series of murders occur; Sue begins to suspect that the deaths are connected to her arrival.

Agent in Place

Two months after his CIA operation in Hong Kong, freelance mercenary Court Gentry is hired for a contract job in Paris by a group of Syrian exiles through former French intelligence officer Vincent Voland. His job is to kidnap Bianca Medina, a Spanish fashion model and Syrian President Ahmed al-Azzam's mistress, and then deliver her to the exiles so that they can gather information from her about a secret meeting between President Azzam and the Supreme Leader of Iran, in which she was present. They believe that the revelation of Azzam's secret talks with the Iranians, in which he permitted them to build military bases in Syria, would anger the Russians, who were his allies in the civil war, for betrayal; this would then cause discord among the three parties and lead to the destabilization of Azzam's regime.

Later that night, Court captures Medina from her private apartment, while also rescuing her from assassins sent by ISIS in the process. After delivering her to the FSEU, led by husband and wife doctors Tarek and Rima Halaby, he berates them for giving him faulty information about the attackers and then leaves them, finished with his job. The attackers were found out to be provided information on Medina's whereabouts (albeit presented as her being a concubine of the emir of Kuwait, who was an enemy of ISIS) by Azzam's powerful wife Shakira, who wanted the Spanish model dead after finding out about their affair and fearing that she might replace her one day as first lady of Syria.

The Halabys try to secure Medina's cooperation, but their plan becomes complicated as Bianca reveals that she gave birth to a child with Azzam, who was named Jamal after his father. She further insists that she would rather go back to war-torn Syria and care for her child rather than betray Azzam. Medina was later kept in a secluded safehouse owned by French domestic intelligence (DGSI) as suggested by Voland.

Desperate to earn her cooperation, the Halabys try to retask Gentry with another job: spirit away Medina's infant son from Syria in what is considered a suicide mission, which Court initially refuses. He later rescues the Halabys from being tortured for Medina's whereabouts by two French police officers sent by Swiss bank consultant & Shakira's right-hand man Sebastian Drexler. Court then agrees to rescue Medina's son as well as his babysitter, named Yasmin, from Damascus after she allows him to do so.

Meanwhile, Shakira sends Drexler to Paris in order to find and eliminate Medina; however, this coincides with a rescue mission for Medina that President Azzam assigned for him. Upon arriving in Paris under a stolen identity (since he was wanted by the Interpol, and Voland in particular, for his crimes as a former field operative), he plans to leave the Azzams after fulfilling the operations by faking his death. Drexler then forces French police captain Henri Sauvage to continue working for him in hunting down Medina after his colleagues had been killed by Gentry and Drexler's henchmen working for Syrian intelligence (Mukhabarat), led by Malik.

Court secures a job inside Syria as a mercenary for a German-based private military company working with pro-regime army Desert Hawks Brigade, which will provide his cover as he works on rescuing Medina's son. He then arrives at the city of Latakia, and takes part in a convoy of Mukhabarat officials which, after surviving an ambush by local al Qaeda outfit Al Nusra Front, proceeds to the capital of Damascus. Since communication devices were not allowed in the military camp where he was staying, Court later steals a phone from an Arab soldier on a night out with his fellow contractors in order to contact Medina, instigating a barfight in the process. After she gives him the location of her house, he infiltrates her home and then extracts Jamal and Yasmin amidst gunfire from pursuing Syrian forces.

Meanwhile, Sauvage identifies the location of the FSEU safehouse where Medina is being kept, which he relays to Drexler as well as Malik and his men. They infiltrate the estate, making Voland surrender himself to them and killing Tarek in the process. Rima manages to let Medina escape and then sets fire to the house; she was also killed. As Drexler and his henchmen leave the burning building, Sauvage and Malik find Medina running away and then capture her.

Court calls Voland and informs him of the successful extraction, but the French intelligence officer tells him about what had happened in the safehouse. Gentry becomes livid, but later offers to assassinate President Azzam in an effort to salvage the failed operation. Voland agrees to let Gentry be his agent in place in Syria, as long as he arranges for the extraction of Jamal and Yasmin out of the country. Court then lets Jamal and Yasmin stay in the home of Syrian doctor Shawkat Saddiqi, who is a friend of the Halabys.

Court maintains his cover as a mercenary. Amidst clearing a ruined refinery with his fellow contractors, Court gathers information about President Azzam's upcoming trip to a Russian military base in Palmyra from a Desert Hawks battalion command post stationed there. Afterwards, Court tries to alert the nearby enemy to his team's presence in order to use the impending gunfight as a diversion to contact Voland about the intel. However, he was captured by a Special Forces unit in the ensuing firefight.

Meanwhile, Drexler, Sauvage, Medina, and Malik and his men arrive in Athens, Greece to smuggle themselves back to Syria. As they prepare to board the ship for Damascus, Drexler tries to carry out his plan, which is to kill his companions and then escape the Mukhabarat operatives who were waiting for them. However, his plan goes awry when Sauvage shoots him, knocking him unconscious; still, the French police officer was also killed by the Swiss. Meanwhile, Voland, who had tracked the group to the Greek port, rescues Medina from the firefight. Drexler is then left to be rescued by the Syrian operatives waiting in the ship bound for Syria.

After identifying himself to his captors as an American with military experience, Court manages to call his boss in the CIA, Matthew Hanley, to authorize his assassination of President Azzam. By the time that the Syrian president visited the Russian military base, he manages to shoot Azzam in the face with a sniper rifle from a mile away. However, the Syrian president was whisked out of the line of fire; Court and his Syrian interpreter Abdul escape from pursuing Russian forces, but they were captured by ISIS fighters.

The next day, Court and Abdul, as well as other prisoners, were brought to a lake to be executed one by one by their captors. When it became his turn to be executed, Court manages to break free and then kills his executioners, while Abdul and the other prisoners disable their guards. Court and Abdul were then rescued by the Special Forces unit, who tell them that Azzam had died from his gunshot wound.

Meanwhile, Jamal and Yasmin had been extracted into Jordan, where they were reunited with Medina. After Azzam's death, Shakira was forced into exile in Switzerland, helped by Drexler, who had escaped death when her husband was killed, and his employer bank. Months later, Voland tracks the two down and sends Court to assassinate them. He kills Shakira; however, Drexler manages to escape even though he was wounded. After the operation, Gentry returns to the CIA for a new one.

Black Diamonds (1940 film)

Walter Norton a reporter for big city newspaper. When he is given the assignment to be the paper's war correspondent, he decides to stop off in his home town before leaving for Europe. While there, Archie Connor, who also works with his father in the local mine, tells Norton that the mine is unsafe. Norton is not sure there is anything he can do, but on the morning he is to leave for Europe, his father is injured in a blast in the mine. Norton postpones his departure, and disguised as a miner, enters the mine to see the conditions for himself. Understanding the dangerous conditions, he attempts to explain the dangers to the other miners and get them to rally to demand that the mine owner improve conditions. However, the workers are fearful that if they complain they will lose their jobs.

Having failed to convince the miners, Norton is resolute on finding another way to improve the mine's safety. However, Connor decides to take matters into his own hands, and plans to rig an explosion in the mine to close the mine down and highlight the unsafe conditions. When Norton hears of the plan, he realizes this will play into the mine owner's hands, and runs to the mine to prevent Connor from carrying out the blast. As the two men struggle, the police arrive and arrest both of them.

While in jail, Norton's sister Nina overhears her boss, Redman, bribing the mining inspector, Mathews, to overlook the mine's safety deficiencies. With the help of Linda Connor, Archie's daughter and Norton's high school girlfriend, they get Norton transferred from the jail to the hospital, where he escapes. Norton and his friend, Barney Tolliver, lure Mathews into the mine, where they threaten to bury him in an explosion unless he comes clean and admits to the bribery and the unsafe conditions. However, Redman learns of the plan, and he sends Johnson, along with several company thugs to stop Mathews from exposing them. Johnson decides that dead men tell no tells, and leaves Norton, Tolliver, and Mathews in the mine, intending to use Norton's explosives to bury the three men in the mine.

What Johnson doesn't know is that Norton's explosives are simply a dummy charge, they were never meant to actually work, simply scare Mathews into confessing. Mathews, upset at the betrayal of Johnson, publicly confesses of the bribery of Redman and of the mine's unsafe working conditions. Redman is arrested and control of mine is taken over by local authorities, who immediately implement better safety measures, while Norton and Linda resume their childhood romance.

Forgotton Anne

''Forgotton Anne'' takes place in a fictional world called Forgotten Lands, a magical parallel universe where lost objects — everything from missing socks to discarded lamps — come to life, hoping one day that they might be remembered again and returned to the real world. The player controls Anne, an Enforcer who keeps order in the Forgotten Lands, who sets out to extinguish a rebellion that could prevent her master, Bonku, and herself from returning to the human world.

Nails (2017 film)

Dana Milgrom, a track coach and fitness enthusiast, is struck by a hit-and-run driver while crossing the street. She briefly dies before being revived by paramedics. When she wakes in the hospital, her body is battered, her legs are paralyzed, and she is connected to a medical ventilator through a tracheal tube. Unable to speak, she is forced to use a speech synthesis program. Her husband Steve helps her adjust to the program and assures her that he will attempt to get her back home soon. That night, Dana believes someone has entered her room. The nurse assistant, Trevor, checks the room for her in the morning but says no patients from this wing could have wandered in. When Dana insists a man is harassing her, she is assigned psychiatrist Dr. Stengel. As Steve insists the hospital staff take better care of her, Dana's daughter, Gemma, explores the hospital, unaware that a ghostly figure has observed her.

After an incident in which her ventilator fails, the hospital is forced to take Dana's claims more seriously. Though doubting foul play, hospital director Elizabeth Leaming authorises CCTV cameras to be installed in Dana's room. The cameras do not capture the next attack, where the same ghostly figure attempts to kill Dana. Dana's frantic emergency calls summon Trevor. The ghost leaves when Trevor enters; though he says he saw nothing, he tells Leaming that he felt a presence. Dana researches the hospital's past, learning that an orderly, Eric Nilsson, murdered several children before committing suicide. Trevor claims ignorance of Nilsson and tells her to ask Dr. Stengel about the hospital's history. Stengel reveals that Nilsson, a troubled former patient, was hired as an orderly once he was discharged. Because he collected fingernails from the children's ward patients, he was given the nickname "Nails".

Dana becomes convinced that Nails's ghost is haunting her and that Steve is having an affair with a new athlete, Ashley. Steve believes Trevor to be responsible for Dana's attacks. Trevor himself is overworked. Though he helps her as he can, he exasperatedly tells her to seek help from her husband when Dana insists on being discharged from the hospital. Nails makes contact with Dana through her speech synthesis program, threatening to kill her. When she asks why he has targeted her, Nails carves an answer onto her body: "because I miss you". Separately, Trevor finds an old record for Dana under her maiden name. Dana is revealed to have been one of the child patients Nails tended. Trevor sees live video footage where Nails attacks him; Nails kills Trevor off-screen, then mocks and kills Leaming, who has attempted to call the police.

Ashley, who comes to the hospital to visit Dana with Steve and Gemma, is possessed by Nails and kills Steve. Knowing that Nails will attempt to kill everyone, Dana tells Gemma to leave without her. Gemma refuses and forces Dana to come with her. Dana, who has grown stronger and has been practicing breathing on her own, has Gemma pull out the tracheal tube and put her in a wheelchair. The two race to escape the hospital as Nails kills the few remaining staff members, including Dr. Stengel. To save Gemma, Dana sacrifices herself; Gemma suffers shock after seeing Nails murder Dana. Emergency workers attend to Gemma after she escapes the hospital. When they ask who is responsible, all she can tell them is that Nails killed everyone.

The final shot of the film shows Dana's hospital room with her laptop on the bed facing towards the camera. It slowly zooms into the laptop screen that is displaying Dana in her bed from the angle of one of her CCTV cameras. Then Nails, in living form, walks over to her bedside and clips her fingernails.

Boarding School Juliet

''Boarding School Juliet'' takes place at Dahlia Academy Boarding School, where students come from two rivalling countries known as the "Nation of Touwa" and "Principality of West". This academy segregates its student body into two dormitories which reflects their nationality: the "Black Dogs" housing those from Touwa, and the "White Cats" housing those from the West. The story follows Romio Inuzuka, the 1st Year Leader of the "Black Dog Dormitory". Romio has had an unrequited love for Juliet Persia, the 1st Year Leader of the "White Cat Dormitory", since childhood. Initially hesitant, Romio decides to confess his love and resolves to change the world if it meant staying by Juliet's side. Juliet, impressed by Romio's determination, accepts his love. However, now both Romio and Juliet must work hard to keep their relationship a secret from other dorm mates while trying to avoid trouble.

Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil

Marta (Nicole Sassaman) and her boyfriend Bill (Freddy Andreiuci), run a scam were Marta lures an unsuspecting "date" back to her motel room where Bill then knocks the date out and they loot the victim. This time, however, the caper goes awry, and the victim was killed. Upset at the circumstances, and with the body in the trunk, Bill hits a homeless person and almost gets into a wreck with televangelist Reverend Meredith (Lenny Rose).

While the Reverend tries to help the homeless man, a mystic forces goes from the homeless man into the preacher, altering the preacher, who now shows much more interest in his secretary (Kim Bolin).

Marta and Bill bury the dead victim in the countryside, and with their car now inoperable, stumble into the campsite of Cain (David Huffman), who calls himself collector. After trying to run their scam on Cain, Cain turns the tables on them and uses his mystic sword to control Marta, ordering her to kill Bill, with which she complies. Cain reveals himself to be the agent of Satan.

Warlock/attorney hero William Spanner from Witchcraft 2-4 (Marklen Kennedy) and his girlfriend Keli (Carolyn Taye-Loren) are out on a date when Keli is hypnotized by the club's DJ, who is Cain. Cain sensing Spanner's power, tricks him to go onstage and implants a post hypnotic suggestion in Spanner. Cain wants to use spanner's powers to speed up his plan to bring Satan to Earth.

With Spanner acting very out of character, Keli contacts Reverend Meredith, who immediately brings in white witch Anastasia (Aysha Hauer). Anastasia casts a spell of protection on Spanner, but Marta, who has been nightly seducing and ravishing William, kills Anastasia.

Keli goes searching for William at Cain's club and is attacked by Marta. Cain is about to sacrifice her when William appears, bearing Reverend Meredith. William fights off Cain's influence and engages the villain in a duel. In the process, both Cain and Marta are killed, and William and Keli are reunited.


Jean Seberg, an American actress known for playing the female lead in Jean-Luc Godard's film ''Breathless'', prepares to part with her husband, Romain Gary, and child in Paris before leaving for Los Angeles. On the jet flight in first class, she witnesses a Black activist insisting on sitting in first class and offering to pay for the seats. The activist demands preferential treatment for Malcolm X's widow, claiming she should be treated like "royalty"; Seberg appears to be attracted to the passenger, who introduces himself as Hakim Jamal, a member of the Black Panther Party (BPP).

Upon arrival in the U.S., Seberg notices a group of Black activists protesting at the airport and indicating their displeasure with the treatment Jamal and his traveling companions received on the flight. She joins the protesters and raises her fist in a Black power salute in solidarity. Unbeknownst to her, FBI agents, including Jack Solomon, are undercover at the airport. At Solomon's suggestion, the FBI shadow her activities while she is in the U.S. and arrange to have her phone conversations taped due to her perceived association with the Black Power movement.

After telling Jamal she knows the incident on the plane was staged to get her attention, Seberg begins a sexual relationship with him, despite the latter being married. The FBI's surveillance program COINTELPRO begins to target Seberg, recording her and Jamal having sex and playing it to Jamal's wife, Dorothy, over the phone. Jamal leaves Seberg after Dorothy confronts him, leaving Seberg devastated. Seberg becomes increasingly paranoid after suspecting that her life is being monitored. Solomon anonymously calls Seberg to warn her to sever her ties with the movement.

Seberg becomes pregnant by an unknown person. Continuing their surveillance and harassment of Seberg for years, COINTELPRO agents create a rumor that the baby was fathered by a member of the BPP and feed it to the media. Seberg attempts suicide, which leads to her daughter dying in infancy. The combination of her daughter's death and the FBI's smear campaign about the child's paternity send her into a deep depression. Seberg announces she would sue the publication that published the rumor. Solomon changes his mind about surveilling Seberg, takes the FBI file on her, and shows it to her at a bar, confirming her suspicions. After the encounter, the real-life Seberg is said to have moved back to Paris while still supporting the BPP and died in 1979 due to a probable suicide.

Mister Designer

Set in St. Petersburg in 1908-1914, famous artist-designer, Platon Andreevich wants to prolong the life of a man by sculpting and drawing, trying to overcome death and improve the world around him with the help of his talent. For many years he does not give rest to the idea of a contest with the Almighty. He, the author of magnificent wax mannequins, wants to create something perfect and eternal, not amenable to the passage of time.

In 1908, the artist receives an order from a jeweler to decorate the shop window. In search of a model for making a mannequin for a showcase, the artist finds Anna, a young girl, fatally ill with consumption, and sculpts his best mannequin from her, putting his whole soul into work. Some time passes and the year 1914 is about to arrive. The well-known artist has fallen into oblivion, things are not going so well as in the old days. Due to creative crisis, the artist begins to abuse morphine, he is threatened with complete ruin.

In extreme need, Platon Andreevich accepts the offer of a certain rich businessman by the name of Grillo to decorate the interior of his house. Acquaintance with Maria, wife of the master, leads the artist into confusion. He is convinced that a few years ago it was from her, when she bore the name Anna Beletskaya, he molded his best wax mannequin. But Maria tells him that she has never seen an artist before, and knows nothing about Anna. After all attempts to retrieve the truth, she only tells the designer to forget about Anna.

Platon Andreevich proposes to the girl, but receives a refusal: Maria tells him that he is too poor. Thanks to an incredible chance, the designer wins a huge fortune from Maria's husband and makes his offer again, and again receives a refusal. She wouldn't stay with the madman who keeps calling her by another woman's name. The designer seeks to prove Maria is Anna, but he only finds the proof to the opposite. He finds Anna's tomb in a graveyard. In his workshop, he finds Anna's mummy that he believed was a mannequin. He starts to believe that Maria is his sculpture that became alive. (The film never explicitly says whether it is a delusion or reality).

Gradually losing grasp of reality, Platon goes to Grillo's house only to find Grillo dead. His widow reconsidered Platon's proposal and is ready to marry him now. However, Platon accuses her of being a "doll" that took the place of a real person, and assault her with burning log. One of Maria's friends shoots him and then runs him over with his car.

Witchcraft VI: The Devil's Mistress

After killer Jonathan Renquist (Craig Stepp) lures virgins back to his house, he and his girlfriend, Cat (Shannon McLeod) drug them for an unknown purpose. Meanwhile, warlock/attorney William Spanner (Jerry Spicer) is recruited by LAPD Detectives Lutz (Kurt Alan) and Garner (John E. Holiday) to help stop a serial killer who uses black magic to assist in the killings. Spanner identifies Savatini as the most likely killer from a lineup of possible suspects, but there is little to hold him on. While Spanner prefers not to be further involved, but when Lutz and Garner are removed from the case, he takes a more active role in the investigation.

While Renquist finds a virgin for Savatini in Spanner's secretary, Diana (Jennifer Bransford), and identifies Spanner as the main threat to his plan.

Spanner's involvement in the case dovetails into a divorce case he has where is attempting to catch Mr. Savatini, his client's husband, cheating. Savatini is Satan's agent who must perform a ritual sacrifice during a solar eclipse to bring Satan to Earth. However, unknown to Spanner, his new client is Cat, who spikes his drink.

The Flying Marine

Mitch Moran (Jason Robards Sr.), a commercial pilot, takes his young brother, Steve (Ben Lyon) under his wing. Steve, a military aviator, has just been discharged from the Marines.

Both brothers fall in love with Sally (Shirley Mason), who is first attracted to the more dashing image of Steve but she soon discovers he is irresponsible and that it is actually Mitch she loves.

About to break her engagement, Sally receives word that Steve has been injured in an accident resulting from stunt work for a film. She and Mitch agree their relationship must be kept secret from Steve. The younger brother who had lost his hearing as a result of the injury, finds out that Mitch and Sally raised the money for an operation he needs.

Steve regains his hearing and goes back to stunt flying but to save his brother from a midair disaster, he sacrifices his own life.

Morbius (film)

At a hospital in Greece, 10-year-old Michael Morbius welcomes his surrogate brother Lucien, whom he renames Milo; they bond over their shared blood illness and desire to be "normal". Their adoptive father and hospital director Nicholas arranges for Morbius to attend medical school in New York while he focuses on caring for Milo.

25 years later, Morbius publicly declines a Nobel Prize for his work with artificial blood. His colleague Martine Bancroft discovers he has secretly captured dozens of vampire bats from Costa Rica in the hope of splicing their genes with his own to cure his condition. After informing Milo of his planned illegal experiment, Morbius receives funding from him to outfit a private mercenary vessel in international waters with his equipment. While the cure works, it transforms Morbius into a vampire, who kills and drains the crew of their blood after they attack him out of fear. Once his bloodlust subsides and he regains his senses, a horrified Morbius erases all CCTV footage of his experiment before contacting the authorities and jumping overboard.

Morbius returns to New York and discovers he now has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and echolocation, with his vampire bats treating him as one of their own. To control his bloodlust, he subsists on his artificial blood as it gradually ceases to satisfy his needs. FBI agents Simon Stroud and Al Rodriguez investigate Morbius' victims and deduce his involvement. Milo learns that Morbius is cured, but becomes furious when Morbius refuses to cure him as well. While checking on a hospitalized Bancroft, Morbius finds a dead nurse, drained of her blood. Believing he was responsible, he attempts to escape before being cornered and arrested. In prison, he is visited by Milo, who offers to use his wealth to free him. Upon realizing Milo took his cure and killed the nurse, Morbius escapes to confront him. An unrepentant Milo confesses to his bloodlust-induced crime and urges Morbius to embrace his powers as he has. Unwilling to hurt his brother, Morbius flees.

Morbius meets Bancroft to explain what Milo has done before acquiring a new lab and developing an antibody against vampirism to stop and kill Milo; he also plans to use it on himself since he will become unable to resist his bloodlust. Stroud and Rodriguez find footage of one of Milo's attacks and, believing Morbius' vampirism to be spreading, release it to the media. Nicholas recognizes Milo and pleads with him to stop. Angered by Nicholas' perceived preference for Morbius, Milo wounds and forces him to call Morbius, who arrives too late to save him while Milo also mortally wounds Bancroft. Morbius returns to Bancroft, but she dies in his arms, forcing him to drink her blood. Morbius confronts Milo and summons an army of bats to restrain him and inject the antibody. Milo dies peacefully and Morbius flies off with the bats, mourning his loved ones and embracing his identity as a vampire while coming to terms with the fact he is now on the run from the authorities. Unbeknownst to him, a still-alive Bancroft reawakens with glowing red eyes elsewhere, having ingested a drop of Morbius' blood whilst he was feeding on her.

In two mid-credits scenes, Adrian Toomes finds himself transported to Morbius' universe. Having deduced that his transportation involved Spider-Man, Toomes approaches the fugitive Morbius and suggests that they form a team.

The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared

One year after the events of previous film, Allan Karlsson and company celebrate Alan's 101st birthday in Bali. Allan offers Miriam and Julius his last "Folksoda", a carbonated beverage Allan accidentally helped create during his double agent days at the height of the Cold War in the 1970s. As Miriam and Julius argue over who gets to finish the soda, Allan's pet capuchin Erlander finishes the whole bottle. Soon after, Miriam and her husband Benny depart for Malmköping, while Allan and Julius stay at the resort with Gäddan.

Allan mentions that while that was the last Folksoda in existence, he stashed away the secret formula inside a Montecristo cigar box in Berlin. Allan tells the story of how his disastrous visit to a Russian lab with Popov led to the creation of Folksoda after the lab burned down in an electrical fire. Julius convinces Allan to call Amanda Einstein, who invites them to come to Berlin and retrieve the formula from her apartment. Julius, Allan, and Gäddan flee the resort (without paying their bill) and head for the airport. During check-in, a pair of security guards recognize Julius from a viral video in which he chases after Erlander on the beach. On the flight to Berlin, a stewardess named Rebecca opens Allan's carry-on suitcase and unknowingly allows Erlander to escape. The pilot contacts the nearest communications tower and makes an emergency landing in Moscow.

Meanwhile, a woman named Stirna meets with her therapist, Håkan, after she sees news coverage of the viral video featuring Julius and Erlander on the beach and the plane's emergency landing in Russia. She recognizes Allan as the man who stole the secret formula from her father, Popov. Hysterical, she convinces Håkan to join her in tracking down Allan and company in Moscow. At the same time, Rebecca returns home to her husband Bas, who recognizes Allan's description as the man who stole 50 million dollars from Bas's deceased brother, Pim. Bas packs a bag full of weapons and heads to Moscow.

Allan, Julius, and Gäddan are freed by Russian authorities but keep Erlander under quarantine at the airport. They check into a hotel where Allan recounts the story of how creating Folksoda led to top-secret meetings with Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon. During a film shoot for Folksoda in East Germany, Allan met Popov's young daughter, Kristina. At the airport, Stirna bribes the Russian authorities into giving her Erlander. She pressures Håkan into organizing a swap with Allan: Erlander in exchange for the secret formula. When Allan and Julius arrive, they discover Håkan dead, having choked on the cork of a champagne bottle during an altercation with Erlander. Allan, Julius, and Gäddan board a train for Berlin, with Stirna and Bas in hot pursuit. In Malmköping, Inspector Aronsson receives word that two CIA agents will be investigating a slew of suspicious activity in town, brought upon by Miriam and Benny making international calls about Folksoda to Allan.

Stirna lies about her identity and joins the group on their trip to Berlin. Bas attempts to hold Gäddan at gunpoint but two passengers disable his weapon. Gäddan hotwires a car in Warsaw and the group proceeds to Berlin. Allan falls asleep and dreams about the night Popov was killed by East German border patrol guards as he tried to leave the country with Allan and the secret formula. With his final breath, he tells Allan that the secret formula must be delivered to "K".

The group arrives in Berlin and finds Amanda. She reminisces with Allan about a wild party in the 1970s where Allan got a tattoo on his left buttock while under the effects of LSD. Julius walks in on the two of them having sex. At Miriam's behest, Benny goes to Allan's old nursing home and collects his belongings, hoping to find more bottles of Folksoda. Inspector Aronsson meets with the CIA agents, who make plans to visit Benny at his home by the lake. Stirna and Allan locate the cigar box inside a secret compartment, only to find that it contains nothing but cigars. Allan discerns that the formula is in his other cigar box in Malmköping. Unknown to the group, Bas is tracking Stirna using cellphone locator software and follows the group to Sweden.

Inspector Aronsson and the CIA agents arrive at Benny's home, where their questioning is interrupted by Benny's constant vomiting from nervousness. They head to the nursing home and speak with the staff as to Allan's whereabouts. Concurrently, Allan and Julius sneak into the nursing home's storage area but Allan's belongings are already gone. Allan, Julius, Gäddan, and Stirna race to Benny's house and arrive just in time to save the cigar box from being used as kindling. They retrieve the formula, in microfiche form, and attempt to decipher it on Benny's microfiche reader.

Stirna confesses to Allan that she is Popov's daughter Kristina. Having finally found "K", Allan gives her the formula and tells her to return home. As Julius tries to stop her, the CIA agents arrive along with Bas, who holds everyone at gunpoint. Benny gives Bas the money Allan stole from Pim and the microfiche reader. Inspector Aronsson shoots Bas, who falls into a well and is killed by his own exploding grenade. The explosion destroys the money and the microfiche reader. The CIA agents arrest Gäddan and extradite him to the United States for his past crimes. Inspector Aronsson receives a medal from the government for his service. Julius discovers that Allan's tattoo on his buttock is a Russian transcription of how to make Folksoda.

Some time later, Miriam and Benny organize a luncheon at their house for Allan Jr., their newborn son. Stirna, having decided to stay with her new friends, helps Julius with creating Folksoda in an outdoor synthesis lab, but are missing a vital step in the creation process. Allan sits down with his friends to enjoy the meal as he carries both Allan Jr. and Erlander. A lightning bolt strikes Julius's makeshift lab, mimicking the electrical fire Allan caused all those years ago.

Bad Match

Harris is an average man who regularly uses an online dating service to seduce women into hookups and then proceeds to ghost them the next morning. On one such date, he meets Riley Miller. When Harris attempts, as usual, to leave before Riley wakes up the next morning, she wakes and tries persistently to get him to stay longer. Harris eventually talks his way into leaving. During the course of the following day, Riley repeatedly texts Harris at work, much to his annoyance. That night, he initially attempts to complete a project for work, but invites Riley over after she sends a nude image. They once again have sex, and she stays the night. The next morning, Harris wakes to a phone call from his job informing him that he missed an important presentation. Riley mentions she accidentally silenced his alarms hours ago and apologizes. Harris, upset, leaves in a hurry, trusting Riley to see herself out.

At work, he manages to smooth things over with his boss Terri Webster, although she isn't pleased. As the day goes on, Riley continues to call and text Harris with apologies, although he ignores her. Upon returning home at the end of the day, Harris is shocked to discover Riley still in his apartment, cooking an apology dinner for him. He sends Riley home, but fails to express to her that he doesn't wish to see her again. He spends the rest of the night playing video games with a teenager online. Their trash-talk gets heated, causing the teenager to leave the game abruptly. Riley continues to call Harris throughout the night and he continues to ignore her. The next day, Harris hangs out with his friends at a bar. Eventually, Riley becomes the topic of conversation and Harris describes her as a lunatic who he slept with twice against his better judgement. Riley, who tracked Harris down via Facebook, overhears this, makes a scene, then storms out, indicating she doesn't want to see him again.

The next day, Riley repeatedly tries to get in contact with Harris, threatening suicide if Harris doesn't "rescue" her. Harris goes to Riley's apartment, finding her seemingly dead on the floor. However, she reveals it was a malicious prank. Harris is furious, shattering a mirror and storming out. The next day, Harris's boss informs him that his Twitter account was hacked, and he is fired as a result. The following day, the police arrest Harris after discovering child pornography on his computer that Harris was unaware of. Harris is convinced Riley is responsible for him getting fired and for downloading the child pornography onto his computer and realizes that a confession is likely the only way for him to avoid prison time. He goes to Riley's apartment, intending to get her to confess while recording their conversation. Riley apologizes for faking her suicide, but refuses to acknowledge hacking his Twitter account or downloading child pornography onto his computer. Harris, frustrated, gets violent, but leaves once Riley screams out for help. The following day, Riley files a restraining order against Harris.

Harris, still determined to get Riley to confess, lures her away from her friends with a fake Facebook account, drugs her, then kidnaps her. He tries to get her to confess at knifepoint and she agrees, although seems confused as to what she's supposed to confess to. She convinces Harris to untie her so she can reapply makeup, pointing out that no one will believe a confession video if she looks disheveled. Once Harris unties her, she attacks him, eventually gaining the upper hand and striking his head repeatedly with a golf club, apparently killing him. Riley leaves into the parking lot but can't find a way past the parking lot's locked gates. She turns around and is suddenly stabbed in the chest and killed by a still-alive Harris.

After Riley dies, Harris begins wondering why Riley refused to simply confess. He receives a call from his lawyer informing him that all charges have been dropped due to a confession by the teenager from Harris's online video game whom he'd insulted, named Keenan. As Harris processes this, a security guard discovers Harris, his face revealed to be heavily damaged, and Riley's body and calls the police.

Bitch (film)

Jill Hart, a stay-at-home mom in the L.A. suburbs, is at breaking point from stress, and from the lengthy work absence of her philandering husband Bill. Alone, she toys with and fails to commit suicide by hanging herself with a dog leash. Her state worsens, in parallel with being troubled by a mysterious dog that visits their garden much of the time, watching the house. Jill suffers a mental breakdown, and vanishes, leaving Bill torn between work and care of their four children.

Initially fearing she has left or been abducted or harmed, the children find her faeces smeared clothing and phone in the house after school, and later locate Jill in the basement where she has snapped and reverted to behaving like a dog. She snarls and barks at the family as they peer downstairs.

Out of his depth and trying to maintain the appearance of normality, Bill seeks refuge in focusing on his work needs and minimising his engagement with his wife's condition. He is pressured by Jill's sister Beth to stop shirking and contact the family doctor, but focuses on his work stresses and on keeping the matter secret. He blames his wife for the change to their situation and for selfishly (as he sees it) placing extra work on him to support the family, and blames the doctor for suggesting she needs to be taken into psychiatric hospital care. He begins secretly drinking vodka from the bottle, flushes his wedding ring down the shower drain, neglects work and is fired, and his behaviour disconcerts and pushes away the children. Jill remains in the basement, her behaviour remains feral and aggressive in both bark and snarl. However, gradually Bill and Beth begin to open up to each other and he begins to work with her and support the children as a family, for the good of all. He buys dog toys for Jill, then gently suggests the children stop offering the toys to her, when their attempts to engage increase Jill's stress.

The co-worker whom Bill had been having an affair with, visits Bills house. He sends her away but Beth is furious believing he invited her, and Jill, agitated, escapes, although they find her unharmed by the roadside. Later Beth reveals her family is filing legal papers for custody of her sister, and leaves. At an initial medical meeting, Bill believes the concern is his conduct rather than Jill's best interests, and begins to understand how selfish he had been to her, during their marriage. He sadly accepts medical help and Jill is sedated and removed to a hospital. Living with the children, he does chores, and cleans the basement. His wedding ring is found by a plumber, and he puts it back on. The family move house. His development as a caring parent continues and is reciprocated by the children. The relationship with Beth is healed.

Jill comes home for the first time, the children staying with Beth. She still behaves like a dog but is much calmer. He takes Jill on all fours to the local dog park to meet other dogs, and plays on all fours himself to encourage her to play. Later that night, his attempt to help her by offering a shower triggers an aggressive relapse, and then results in Jill traumatically remembering herself. He holds her and talks reassuringly as she uncontrollably sobs. The next morning, in bed, she tentatively gives Bill her first real smile.

Ongaku Shōjo

Eccentric girl Hanako Yamadagi returns to Japan from the United States and finds herself enamored by the Music Girls, an obscure eleven member idol unit she discovered performing at the airport. The Music Girls' manager, Ikehashi, takes a shot on Hanako during open auditions hoping that a new member would help revitalize the band. Unfortunately for Ikehashi, while Hanako is good at dancing, she's not good at singing. Instead, Hanako becomes the secretary for the Music Girls, helping them solve various problems behind the scenes.

Witchcraft X: Mistress of the Craft

Two men in a London bar pick up women who, unbeknownst to them, are vampires. The vampires quickly attack and kill the men.

Detective Lucy Lutz is assigned to assist Interpol in extraditing avowed Satanist/murderer Hyde (Kerry Knowlton) back to the U.S. Hyde is being held by Bureau 17 of Interpol, which specializes in cases involving the supernatural

While Lutz is en route, the vampires help Hyde escape. Hyde is needed as the head vampire, Raven (Eileen Daly), is attempting to perform the Walpurgis ritual, which will grant her limitless powers. Hyde must translate an ancient tome before the vampires can perform this ritual.

Lutz assist Interpol agents Chris Dixon (Sean Harry) and Celeste (Wendy Cooper), (who is the invincible “Mistress Of The Craft,") in recapturing Hyde.

What Rats Won't Do

Kate Beckenham is hired by American heiress Mirella Burton to defend Burton's claim to the £15million estate of her deceased husband against his son Gerald. Gerald has hired lawyer Jack Sullivan, who has never lost a case in court. Though Beckenham is engaged, she finds herself attracted to Sullivan.

Sun Dogs (2017 film)

Ned Chipley (Angarano) has learning difficulties, living with his mother Rose (Janney) and his stepfather Bob Garrity (O'Neill). Ned's birthday is on September 11, so tries to enlist in the Marines every year. Rejected, he cancels his birthday dinner and goes to work at the casino. Bob can't work, being in a lawsuit against his truck-driving company for his back injuries. Rose, is frustrated, but stays strong for Ned.

In Ned's latest attempt to enlist, Staff Sergeant Jenkins (Xzibit) tells Ned about a fictitious unit known as "Sun Dogs" that watch over Al Qaeda cells in the US, knowing about Ned's desire to "save lives". Ned believes him, passing out cards, telling everyone he meets to "stay vigilant". Ned also encourages Rose to follow her dreams to become an EMT and move to NYC. Rose realizes that she can do it and has been using Ned as an excuse to stay behind, agreeing to go.

At the casino, Ned approaches Tally Petersen (Benoist), a girl constantly thrown out for speaking with customers, and tells her about his mission. Believing Ned to be a marine, she helps with the 'investigation'. They become close on stakeouts, when Ned mistakes his boss, Sameer Udday, for an Al-Qaeda agent.

After multiple stakeouts, trailing Udday everywhere he goes, filming him and his activities. Tally, talented at filmmaking, makes and edits videos they submit as "evidence" to Jenkins. They eventually sneak back into the casino. When caught, Tally is almost arrested for trespassing until Ned uses the sleeper hold on the security guard. Ned gets fired and Bob bails him out of jail. Tally is grateful to Ned and even more convinced that he is a Marine.

Ned invites Tally to Thanksgiving, but she is initially hesitant as she knows Bob. When it starts storming, Ned and Tally take shelter indoors where Tally talks about her mother. She felt invisible and wrote that if anyone said hello to her before she reached the bridge, she wouldn't kill herself (which she ended up doing). Tally declares Ned is a caring person and that he would've seen her and said Hi. Realizing that she cares about him, she accepts the dinner invite.

At Thanksgiving, Bob is clearly displeased. Rose, after learning of Tally's filmmaking talents, suggests applying to film school. Seeing that she genuinely cares for Ned, she decides not to spill the truth. Later, Bob is shocked that Rose has accepted a job as an EMT in NYC. Rose says it's time for her to find her calling, as Bob is still waiting on the lawsuit. Rose kisses Bob goodbye before leaving.

When Tally receives a transcript of the video recording of Udday's conversation after they mistakenly believe that there was going to be a second Al-Qaeda attack, she goes to Ned's, finding Bob there. Bob tells Tally the truth about Ned. In denial, she finally goes into Ned's room, sees he is not a Marine, breaking her heart. Tally lashes out at Ned for deceiving her and leaves him heartbroken.

Ned informs Jenkins that he resigns, then Bob, seeing that Ned's depression is gradually getting worse, asks Jenkins to talk to Ned. When Jenkins arrives, he apologizes for lying to him and lets him know why he never allowed him to enlist. He then leaves, telling him to find his purpose in life. Ned receives postcards from his mother and Tally, who wrote to apologize. She submitted the videos from the stakeout to a film school in San Francisco and got accepted, inspired by Ned.

Bob buys a metal detector and he and Ned search for a gold mine. They go at night so as to avoid being seen doing physical activity. Bob ultimately decides to drop the lawsuit, then gives fatherly advice to Ned. To know his limits and set realistic goals.

Ned, remembering Tally's theory that if they could prevent suicides from jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge, in 50 years it would even out 9/11. Inspired by the story of her mother's suicide, Ned makes notecards with the phrase "HELLO, HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" and, goes to the Golden Gate Bridge, handing one of them to a woman who is evidently contemplating suicide.

Back Trail

Bob Frazer is a businessman in Brentwood. When he was younger and lived back east he was framed for embezzling funds from his clients by his partner, Frank Gilmore. After getting out of jail, he headed west for a fresh start. However, his partner, who was actually the one who embezzled the funds, followed him west, and is using the threat of exposing his past to blackmail him. In exchange for keeping his secret, particularly from his daughter Helen and her fiancée Terry Dugan, Frazer provides Gilmore with the times and routes of payroll stages, which Gilmore's gang then robs.

Johnnie Mack is hired to investigate the series of robberies, and when arrives in town he meets up with his old friend, Casoose. He suspects that Frazer is somehow involved, but Frazer vehemently denies it. Mack sets up a fake gold shipment, and only tells Frazer about it. When the false shipment is robbed by Gilmore's gang, Mack captures one of the gang, Pacos. Mack is now convinced of Frazer's involvement. After Frazer breaks Pacos out of jail, following Gilmore's orders, he is confronted by Mack. He asks Mack for 24 hours to clean up the mess he created. However, Mack realizes that Frazer intends to kill Gilmore, and stops him before he can commit murder. When Frazer breaks down and confesses his past to Mack, he is overheard by Helen and Terry, who tell him that they don't care about his past.

Mack, Frazer, and the local sheriff come up with a plan to trap Gilmore. The sheriff arrests Frazer and locks him jail. When Gilmore arrives to shoot Frazer, Frazer tells him that he has written down everything they have done together and locked it in his safe, and it was to be given to the sheriff in the event of his death. Gilmore leaves and attempts to break into the safe, where he is confronted by Mack and Casoose. However, they are surprised by Gilmore's gang, allowing Gilmore to escape. After subduing the gang, Mack and Casoose chase after Gilmore, eventually catch him and arrest him.

Helen and Terry get married and leave on their honeymoon.

The Forgiven (2017 film)

After the end of apartheid, Archbishop Desmond Tutu is running the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and visits Cape Town's Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison to meet with Piet Blomfeld, an ex-security police officer and Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging member, to assess his candidacy for amnesty. Blomfeld is a potential witness to murders committed during the time of Apartheid, particularly the murder of the teenage daughter of Mrs. Morobe, who begs the Archbishop to find answers about her missing daughter. Blomfeld initially shows no regret and no willingness to speak, instead using his time during the meetings to berate the Archbishop with insults. However, when the Archbishop shows him a photograph of a young black girl in his file and tells him that he is in two prisons, (the other being the prison within himself) he begins to reconsider.

Francois Schmidt, one of Blomfeld's fellow officers and a participant in the murders, initially tries to pay off a black gang to assassinate Blomfeld, but Blomfeld (having been affected by the Archbishop's words) spares the life of the prisoner sent to kill him and manages to earn the respect of the gang to the point where they tell Schmidt to fight his own battles. He also forms somewhat of a bond with the prisoner, Benjamin. As this is going on, Howard Varney (one of the members of the Commission) speaks with Mrs. Van der Berghe, who had known Blomfeld when he was a child. He learns that Piet Blomfeld had been friends with a young black girl (the girl in the photograph); his father Rian did not approve and murdered the girl and her entire family before beating Piet so badly he broke his arm. Afterwards the Blomfelds moved to Zimbabwe; while Piet was at boarding school the rest of his family was killed (presumably as retaliation for Rian's crimes.)

Blomfeld ultimately decides to confess, and calls the archbishop. Schmidt arranges for the prison to be locked down and then attacks Blomfeld accompanied by riot troopers; Blomfeld is ultimately beaten to death by the troopers. However, he has sent an audio recording, confessing to the murder of Mrs. Morobe's daughter and her boyfriend, which is played to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (he also leaves Benjamin what little money is in his bank account). Mrs. Morobe confronts Hansi Coetzee, one of the participants in her daughter's murder and ultimately forgives him. Afterwards the Archbishop is met by Linda Coetzee, who thanks him for his work and admits that she hadn't wanted to face what her husband had done.

The movie ends with the Archbishop and his wife visiting the beach he had gone to as a child, now successfully integrated.

Expresso Bongo (film)

Laurence Harvey plays sleazy hustler Johnny Jackson, who is always on the lookout for fresh talent to exploit, while managing his hectic life with his stripper girlfriend, Maisie King. Maisie is looking to find a better life in singing.

Jackson discovers a teenage singer named Bert Rudge, played by Cliff Richard, in an espresso coffee shop and sets about sending him along the rocky road to fame. He changes his name to Bongo Herbert and soon gets him a record deal and a relationship with an ageing American singing sensation Dixie (Yolande Donlan).

Johnny gets a meeting with Mr Mayer of Garrick Records and gets Maisie to phone him there pretending to be HMV records, this prompts Mr Mayer into giving Bongo a contract.

However, Bongo soon realises that his 50/50 contract, which he naively agreed with Johnny, is not as great as he thought it was, and breaks from Johnny's contract with help from international star Dixie Collins (because Bongo is still legally a minor).

Dingbat Land

Gandy Goose and Sourpuss go on a safari jungle hunt in search for a rare Dingbat bird.

Blackfox (2019 film)

Rikka Isurugi is a young girl living at her family home at the edge of Brad City. She is the descendant of ninjas and is expected to follow in the steps of her grandfather, Hyoei Isurugi, and become the next family head. However she wants to be like her father, Allen Isurugi, a renowned robot scientist. One day, Rikka returns home from school for her birthday to find it being attacked by a hit squad led by her father's former colleague, Lauren, intent on obtaining his research, including three AI robotic animal drones: Kasumi the eagle, Oboro the dog and Madara the flying squirrel. Hyoei tries to fight back, only to be restrained and mortally wounded by Lauren's daughter, an esper who is under his control through an electronic collar. Allen is shot and dies, but the drones take Rikka to safety, where she vows to avenge her family.

Six months later, Rikka is now going under the alias "Lily" and is living in a small apartment with her roommate, Melissa. She works as a detective-in-training for Harold Berkeley and uses the animal drones to find information about her family's murderers which are linked to the Gradsheim company. Lily observes one of their facilities, but is caught by security. She is fortunately helped out by a girl named Mia, who vouches for her, and the two become fast friends. That night, Lily infiltrates the facility to retrieve her father's research. However, she is caught by Lauren and the esper, who's revealed to be Mia. Upon discovering Lily's identity, Lauren orders Mia to kill her, but she resists his control and goes berserk; destroying the facility and allowing Lily to flee with her.

The animal drones prevent Lily from killing Mia, and she takes Mia to her apartment where Melissa helps her recuperate. Lauren sends a military drone created using Allen's AI research to kill Lily, but together Lily and Mia lure the drone to Lily's home, where they disable it using the house's ninja traps. Lauren then attacks them and destroys the house using esper powers gained from his research on Mia. Mia fights him but is defeated, while Lily finds a recording of her father and grandfather, wishing her a happy birthday and giving her a present: a "Black Fox" ninja suit with cybernetic enhancements. Once again embracing her true identity as "Rikka," she dons the suit and defeats Lauren. However, he then puts the electronic control collar on Mia and transfers his powers to her, killing himself in the process, causing her to attack Rikka. In the end, with the help of the animal drones, Rikka manages to destroy the collar and free Mia.

Later, the president of Gradsheim, Brad Ingram, holds a press conference where he denies any involvement in the incident with the military drone, but Rikka recognizes him as the mastermind behind the attack on her family. Rikka, now going by the codename "Black Fox", with the aid of Mia, Melissa, and the animal drones, plans to go after Brad next.

Iroduku: The World in Colors

In 2078, Hitomi Tsukishiro is a teenage girl from a family of witches who lost her sense of colors as she lost the people she treasured. Not wanting to see her granddaughter suffer anymore, Hitomi's grandmother Kohaku Tsukishiro sends her 60 years into the past to 2018 to meet her 17-year-old self.

Tsukumogami Kashimasu

Okō and Seiji own and run the Izumo-ya lending shop in the Fukagawa district of Edo. Several of the items they lend are old and have become tsukumogami. Seiji is clever and, with the help of the tsukumogami, has a reputation for being able to solve mysteries and other difficult problems. One of those mysteries is the whereabouts of Satarō, a man who was once interested in Okō despite being engaged to another woman.

The Flight of Mr. McKinley

A scientist invents the colloid gas — a creation that allows a person to hibernate for a hundred and more years, and wake up in almost the same physical state as when he was falling asleep.

The colloid gas is immediately used for commercial purposes by Sam Boulder, who creates a Salvatory system; secret deep underground, well-equipped storage facilities for those people who want to go to the future - fleeing from an incurable disease, boredom, the threat of nuclear war, or simply because of the desire to "remain an eternal champion".

McKinley is a small man, a clerk in one of the advertising bureaus - he is very fond of children but his dreams of having his own are hampered by an inferiority complex, which manifests itself as a fear of nuclear armageddon and a world catastrophe. McKinley seeks to escape from the outside world and himself.

Once at the press conference of SBS, which creates and maintains a network of salvatories, McKinley draws the attention of one of the top managers of this firm and receives an invitation to visit one of the salvatories to get acquainted with his work. After that, Mr. McKinley, fascinated by the fantastic technology of the salvatories, has only one dream in life - to get into the salvatory and escape to the future. For this, he is even ready to commit the crime.

He attempts several times to get rich to buy a treasured ticket to a salvatory but always ends up failing. At the last moment, McKinley finds a winning lottery ticket, which has the amount required to purchase the ticket.

The fantasy comes faithful - McKinley sleeps for 250 years to wake up later clean, shaved and washed ready to go out into the new world. He does not pay attention to the strange behaviour of the hateful and contempt employees of SBS, who are performing their duties strictly according to the instructions. The elevator takes McKinley to the surface of the Earth but instead of a flowering garden, a world scorched by endless wars waits for him.

But all this turns out to be only a dream. McKinley did not leave his time period, and he acts as he never did before to cure his complexes.

Capone (2020 film)

Once the most feared bootlegger in Chicago, mobster Al Capone is brought down when he is convicted of tax evasion. At the age of 40, following nearly a decade of imprisonment, he is released after the government deems him to no longer be a threat as his mind is slowly rotting from untreated neurosyphilis.

Retired and living with his family in Palm Island, Florida, Capone remains under surveillance by FBI agents, as they think he may be faking his insanity. Forced to sell many of his remaining belongings to pay old debts and support himself, Capone begins to have hallucinations and loses control of his motor functions and explosive bowel movements as his disease progresses. He acknowledges that he hid $10 million before he was convicted, although he cannot remember where it is.

After Capone, whose memory is nearly gone, has a physical confrontation with his wife Mae, she instructs her husband's bodyguards to keep everyone away from him. Meanwhile, Capone has increasingly debilitating visions of the men he killed and many of the violent acts he committed. His mental capacity continues to deteriorate, until a psychiatrist hired to evaluate him declares that his IQ is no more than that of a child. Wracked with guilt, and having alienated all around him, Capone eventually dies of complications from his syphilis in January 1947 at the age of 48. His surviving family changes their name from Capone, and the money he allegedly hid away has never been recovered.

Rainbow Days (film)

Four best friends — pure-hearted Natsuki Hashiba, ladies' man Tomoya Matsunaga, ''otaku'' Tsuyoshi Naoe, and sadistic Keiichi Katakura — approach their second year of high school. During spring, Natsuki works up the courage to talk to Anna Kobayakawa, who lends him her hand towel after he falls into a puddle. His attempt to return it to her fails when he is intercepted by her protective best friend, Mari Tsutsui. The boys make a bet for Natsuki to ask Anna out by the end of the semester, and he succeeds in getting her Line ID, to Mari's anger.

In the summer, Natsuki, Tomoya, and Keiichi fail their exams and seek help from Tsuyoshi and his girlfriend Yukiko Asai, to which they also invite Anna. Later, Yukiko discovers that Tsuyoshi plans on applying to a university in Tokyo. After the boys pass their remedial exams, they go to a summer festival with the girls. While Natsuki grows closer to Anna, Tomoya learns that Mari fears that he will steal Anna away. In the fall, during guidance counseling, Tsuyoshi becomes conflicted over choosing between his college choices and his relationship with Yukiko. Anna becomes confused when she sees that Natsuki's classmate, Chiba, is close to him, and she is later saved from unwanted advances from another boy when Keiichi pretends to be her boyfriend.

In the winter, Tomoya distracts Mari from interrupting Natsuki and Anna's day out and later invites her to a Christmas party. Mari attends, but discovers it is a surprise birthday party for her planned by Natsuki and Anna. Upset, she runs off, causing everyone to look for her. When Tomoya finds her, she confesses that she feels she is no longer Anna's closest friend, and he kisses her. Meanwhile, Natsuki develops a fever during the search and accidentally kisses Anna. After winter break, Natsuki and Anna's relationship becomes awkward, while Tomoya admits to Mari that he has fallen in love with her. Mari is knocked unconscious when she walks away from him, and after carrying her to the nurse's office, Tomoya tells Mari's older brother, Masaomi, that he is confident in winning her over. Masaomi conveys this to Mari, and she realizes how genuine his feelings are after Tomoya confirms he has deleted phone numbers from other girls.

As the boys become third year students with the arrival of spring, Anna overhears Natsuki helping Chiba rehearse for their play at the cultural festival, misinterpreting their conversation as a love confession. She begins to ignore him, putting distance between the two. Keiichi tells the boys that he will pursue Anna if Natsuki doesn't, causing Tomoya and him to get into a fight. Once Tsuyoshi warns Natsuki that Keiichi is going to confess to Anna, he chases after them. Revealing his threat to be a ruse, Keiichi gives Natsuki and Anna time together in the planetarium exhibit, where they confess their love to each other and kiss. Outside, everyone has discovered the rain has stopped and a rainbow has formed in the sky.

In a mid-credits scene, the boys jump into the school's swimming pool and later graduate from high school.

Concert Interruptus

Lorelai (Lauren Graham) has volunteered to store items for the town's charity clothing sale, and as a result her house is filled with donated items. Rory (Alexis Bledel) convinces her to give up much clothing from her wardrobe, but Lorelai cannot resist buying a sweatshirt with rhinestones that someone has donated. Sookie (Melissa McCarthy) arrives with four tickets to a The Bangles concert, for herself, Lorelai, Rory and Lane (Keiko Agena).

Luke is instantly furious when he sees Lorelai wearing the sweatshirt from the charity sale, and yells at her though Lorelai does not understand what she has done wrong. She talks about it later to Sookie and Miss Patty (Liz Torres), who think that it formerly belonged to Rachel, Luke's ex-girlfriend.

Rory has been put in a team with Paris (Liza Weil), Madeline (Shelly Cole) and Louise (Teal Redmann) for a history debate, much to Paris and Rory's annoyance. Tristan (Chad Michael Murray) flirts with Paris after class, saying that he wanted to be in a team with her. As no-one else's house is free, Rory suggests that they work at her house, despite its clutter. Lane initially asks her mother (Emily Kuroda) if she can go to a play with Lorelai, Rory and Sookie, but later admits that it is a rock concert, and Mrs. Kim will not allow her to go. Seeing the girls getting along, Lorelai suggests that Rory could go to the concert with Paris, Madeline and Louise. Rory agrees, and Lorelai buys cheap tickets with Sookie.

At the concert, Lorelai keeps asking Sookie questions about Rachel, leading Sookie to question whether she is interested in Luke. Meanwhile, Madeline and Louise leave the concert to go to a party with two boys who were sitting behind them. Paris enjoys the band's music and talks with Rory about why she likes Tristan. After the concert, Lorelai is enraged to discover the girls have run off, and they find the party and drag Madeline and Louise away from it, with Lorelai shouting at them. Later, Rory tells Lorelai that Paris gave her half the debating time, a sign of friendship, and Lorelai apologises to Luke about wearing Rachel's clothing.

The Guest (2014 Chilean film)

In an old house on the outskirts of Santiago a wake ceremony for Coya's husband has been prepared. Coya is the maid who has served the family for many years, and who is already considered part of her. For the effects of the ceremony they are waiting the arrival of Felipe, the only son of Coya, who has now transitioned and returned as Elena, a trans woman. This unexpected event will be more important than the wake itself and will completely upset the conservatism of the family, unleashing conflicts and frustrations that will reach Tete, the owner of the house, who also suffers because of her husband's infidelity.

Badge of Glory

The year is 1850 and a young Queen Victoria is on the throne. Philip Blackwood, a captain in the Royal Marines, and son and grandson of marine officers, rejoins his ship, ''HMS Audacious'', which is to sail to West Africa to help stamp out the remains of the slave trade. The ship is part of a squadron commanded by Vice-Admiral Sir James Ashley-Chute. Blackwood’s younger step-brother Harry, a marine second lieutenant, is also aboard, as is Sir Geoffrey Slade, a senior government official.

At Gibraltar, disquieting news reaches Slade by despatch-boat concerning a possible native uprising north of Freetown. Slade needs to proceed as quickly as possible to investigate. He and a detachment of marines transfer to ''HMS Satyr'', a new and faster steam ship, of the type being newly constructed for the Royal Navy; admired by some but derided by others including Ashley-Chute.

After coaling at Tenerife, they arrive in the Bight of Benin. Following the marines dictum of ‘First to Land-Last to Leave’, Blackwood lands a detachment of marines. They find themselves facing a superior force of natives, led by King Mdlaka. They are clearly trained and armed by white slavers. Despite the British government’s attempts to persuade the natives to take up palm oil production, they have returned to the vastly more lucrative slave trade. Many marines are killed and wounded in the battle, but they are able to relieve the besieged trade fortress, finding few survivors.

Major Rupert Fynmore takes command for the next landing, and further battles take place with the well-entrenched slavers. They are well-armed with cannon and newer rifle-bored weapons that the marines have not yet been issued with. Blackwood is badly wounded and evacuated to ship, initially to Freetown and then back to England. But the hard-fighting marines are victorious, and Lessard, the leader of the slavers, falls, or is pushed, into the hold of a laden slave ship, where he’s torn apart. Slade’s niece, Davern Seymour, who Blackwood had met in Portsmouth and is fascinated with, is also rescued. She had been captured and ill-treated by the slavers. Her father, a doctor, has been horribly killed.

Blackwood’s recovery is slow. His domineering step-mother insists that he will recover better at the family home of Hawks Hill. and he is taken there, with his faithful valet, Private Smithett. He finds his father, the Colonel, bedridden but in good spirits and happy to hear of his son’s exploits.

Blackwood decides to leave home and stay at his club. He accidentally overhears a conversation in which he learns that his step-mother was the mistress of the late Lord Lapidge, from whom she inherited her wealth. He reports for duty in Portsmouth.

The marines are posted to Malta, where Blackwood finds the climate even more stifling than that of West Africa. They spend most of their time on ceremonial duties and drilling with new weapons. Harry Blackwood has an affair with Fynmore’s young wife. Then under Ashley-Chute’s command, they sail for the Black Sea to participate in the Crimean War.

From the port of Varna, the squadron joins battle with Russian ships off the coast near Odessa. The flagship, ''HMS Tenacious'', is almost overwhelmed, but Blackwood’s marine sharpshooters manage to save the day. Ashley-Chute is killed in the battle.

The marines are ordered to Crimea and land at Balaclava. They march inland, where they are to support the army in storming a well-defended Russian redoubt.

The marines are put into the attack. Fynmore, who has learned that his wife has given birth to a baby, almost certainly Harry’s, angrily gives the latter a dangerous assignment with a grenade party. Harry not only survives, but distinguishes himself.

Blackwood is again badly wounded and wakes up in hospital where he finds Davern nursing him. He is evacuated home to England; the doctors fear for his life, but he does survive. He returns home to Hawks Hill, his marine career almost certainly over. The Colonel has died and he takes up his family inheritance, whilst his step-mother leaves for France. Davern, now amicably separated from his husband, comes to him.

The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person

Adventure seeker Prince of Bacardia Florizel walks around London in the clothes of a simple townsman along with his friend, Colonel Geraldine. At night on the embankment they meet a young man with a stone on his neck, preparing to commit suicide. He turns out to be an artist who has lost all hope in life and does not have enough money to join the mysterious Suicide Club, where only for 40 pounds each man can die like a gentleman. The next victim and "performer" are selected randomly from the members of the club. The mysterious Chairman is in charge of everything.

Florizel decides to enter the club and at the second meeting of the club, having pulled out an ace of spades becomes in the position of the victim. Geraldine does not allow the execution of the verdict and soon all members of the club appear before the court of the prince. However, to dispose of the chairman or to hand him over to the organs of justice, Florizel can not - he is bound by duties when joining the club. Then he decides to send the Chairman on a journey with his brother Geraldine. Perhaps in the long journey the Chairman will give an occasion to call him to a duel and only so it will be possible to settle accounts with him. During his trip to Europe, the President manages to escape.

At the same time, events are unfolding in connection with the theft of the famous diamond of Rajah from the collection of General Wendeler. The precious stone is hunted by both the chairman and Prince Florizel. To find the criminal, the prince turns to the help of Europe's underworld and finds the daughter and son of the Chairman, the cowboy Frank Scrimgeour. In the end, Florizel goes on the trail of his opponent, thanks to the long-standing passion of President Jeannette, who agrees to help. The prince summons the criminal to a duel and kills him. The find the diamond, which was the cause of many deaths, and it is thrown by His Highness into the Thames so that it will no longer be a temptation to hunters for profit.

The Christian (1914 film)

John Storm decides to enter a monastery after his girlfriend Glory Quayle becomes a diva of London's stages. Not being able to forget Glory, John leaves the monastery to devote himself to the destitute and opens a refuge in the London slums. Glory, who has become his neighbour, tells him about her friend Polly who was pregnant by Lord Robert Ure, an aristocrat. As an unmarried mother Polly is disgraced and is dismissed from the hospital where she works as a nurse. John confronts Ure telling him to do his duty by marrying the girl. Ure, enraged by Storm's interference, marries Vera, a rich American woman. John publicly exposes Ure, but he takes his revenge by spreading the word that Storm makes catastrophic predictions and is announcing the end of the world on Derby Day. Riots break out in the slums. Glory manages to convince people that John is innocent of Ure's accusations. John and Glory decide to spend their lives together.

How Do You Live? (novel)

Junichi Honda is a fifteen-year-old high school student, known by his nickname Koperu, after the astronomer Nicholas Copernicus. He is athletic and academically gifted, and popular at school. Koperu’s father, a bank executive, passed away when he was young and he lives with his mother. His uncle, (on his mother’s side) lives nearby and visits frequently. Koperu and his uncle are very close. Koperu shares about his life and his uncle gives him support and advice. His uncle also documents and comments on these interactions in a diary, with the intent to eventually give the diary to Koperu. The diary writing, which is interspersed with the narrative, provides insight into the ethical and emotional trials that Koperu shared with his uncle. The diary entries, which cover themes such as "view of things", "structure of society", "relation", etc. are in the style of a note written to Koperu.

In the end, Koperu writes a decision on his future way of living as a reply to his uncle, and the novel ends with the narrator asking the question "how do you live?" to the reader.


The film connects 6 parallel stories that revolve around different characters: a beautiful woman, a man with a dark life, a taxi driver and an old ex-military man.

Night Fare

Englishman Chris returns to Paris after abruptly leaving two years ago. He meets his ex-girlfriend, Ludivine, and friend, Luc, frustrated to learn they are now dating. Luc takes them to a party, where Chris talks to Ludivine. She reminds him that he left without any explanation and says she is over him. Ludivine takes Luc's car when she leaves early. Upset, Chris also leaves the party, and Luc follows him, attempting to persuade him to attend another party. As they drunkenly walk through Paris, Luc suggests they steal a car. Chris refuses and suggests getting a taxi instead. Luc snorts cocaine in the cab, further upsetting Chris. The driver does not react and remains silent during the entire trip, unnerving them. Luc says he needs to get money from an ATM but runs off, laughing. Chris apologetically flees the cab, joining Luc.

Luc reveals he has a large amount of cash on him and refused to pay on a whim. As Chris and Luc argue, the taxi driver stalks them, chasing them down several streets. Eventually, Luc is confronted by several hostile police officers. Though Luc protests they have done nothing wrong, their leader searches them and steals Luc's cash. One policeman declines to accept the money, and the rest split it. After the police leave, Luc and Chris blame each other for the current situation and something that happened two years ago, only for the taxi driver to chase them again. They lead him to an underground car park, where a security guard confronts him. The guard beats his dog when it refuses to attack the driver. Enraged by the man's actions, the driver beats him and rescues the dog.

The driver once again finds them and chases them through Paris. Frustrated and unwilling to go to the police, Luc takes them to Detox, a violent gangster. There, Luc claims that the taxi driver stole his money, which he owes to Detox. When Detox sees the driver outside his house, he leaves with a sword. The driver easily kills him, enters the house, and kills everyone but Chris and Luc, who flee. Finally convinced their danger, Luc calls the police. Chris looks for a street sign to tell them their location, but the driver hits him with the car. Now slowed down, they flee again, only to be stopped by the same policeman who earlier robbed Luc. The police arrest Chris and Luc for the massacre, ignoring their warnings that the driver is nearby. The driver attacks the policemen but spares the life of the one who refused to take Luc's money.

Luc and Chris rescue a wounded officer and flee into a nearby park in his car. After the officer dies, they panic, knowing that they have no witnesses left to implicate the driver. They fight each other to a draw, eventually revealing what happened two years ago: Chris and Luc drunkenly harassed a homeless person, pouring alcohol on him as they mimed urinating. When he fought back, they beat him, accidentally causing him to catch on fire and die. They discuss the possibility that the driver knows about this somehow and is punishing them. Luc receives a call from Ludivine, who says the driver has kidnapped her and brought her to a factory. Luc suggests they abandon her, but Chris refuses. Chris rescues Ludivine but is overpowered by the driver. Luc appears and helps him, but the driver easily overpowers both of them.

Chris begs the driver to leave Ludivine alone. The driver releases her but silently demands that Luc accompany him. Luc, sure that he is to be killed, enters the taxi. He is surprised to be put in a jail cell naked. After an undisclosed amount of time, the driver gives him a book to read that details the history of a secret society of vigilantes that recruits from people who have repented from selfish and violent lives. Overcome by the realization that he, too, has lived a selfish life, Luc agrees to join the driver's secret society. After training with him, the driver drops off Luc in front of a violent mugging, leaving him to stop it himself.

Florence (video game)

The game follows Florence Yeoh, a 25-year-old woman who lives alone and is settled into a monotonous routine of working at her job and mindlessly interacting with social media on her commute. One morning, her phone dies and she follows the sound of a cello and sees Krish, a street performer, for the first time. Krish befriends her and they go out on some dates. They kiss for the first time and begin to take their relationship more seriously. Krish moves in with Florence and is pushed by her to follow his dreams of being a great cellist. As a thank you, Krish gives Florence a painting set and Florence fantasizes about following her passion of being an artist.

The couple have their first fight six months later at a grocery store. After a year, the two have fallen into a routine and begin to drift apart. After another fight, Krish moves out. Florence decides to quit her job and follow her painting passion, where she finds success.

Zurich (film)

Lea (Fries) has been suffering from cystic fibrosis since her childhood. She is 22 years old now and has to live in constant fear of suffocation despite using an oxygen concentrator. Although taking pills to diminish her symptoms, Lea can barely fulfill everyday tasks like climbing stairs without having to catch her breath after a short while. Her older brother who suffered from the same disease died several years ago after a lung transplant. Their father left the family because of his children's disease and now lives in South America.

Because of her situation, she wants to die on her 23rd birthday at noon. Since euthanasia is illegal in Germany, Lea approaches a Swiss organisation which offers assisted euthanasia. She travels to Zurich without telling her family. She moves into a hostel where she gets picked up by Michaela Orff, an employee of the organisation. She brings Lea to Dr. Seydlitz who prescribes her a controlled substance after being convinced of the young woman's very poor health.

Afterwards, Lea sends text messages to her family members. When they arrive, Lea tells them of her plans. Her grandmother Maria and her sister Rita are shocked, but accept her decision while her mother Lena strongly refuses to do so. After a conversation with Lea, Lena is still heartbroken but understands her daughter's motives.

At the hostel, Lea meets Moritz, a man her age. He suffers from severe depressions and tried to end his life by slitting his wrists. He applied for euthanasia, too, but got rejected. Lea befriends him, and they go boating on the Lake Zurich.

The day before Lea's planned death, the family visits a restaurant because Lea wants to eat "a last schnitzel". They spend a pleasant evening and clink their glasses at midnight to celebrate Lea's birthday. She quips about death several times, saying that she will "never be lovesick again, never climb stairs again, never fear suffocation again." When they return to the hostel and go to bed, Lea has a fit during which she coughs painfully and desperately gasps for air.

The next day, the family goes to the organisation after having breakfast. Miss Orff informs Lea that she can still cancel her plans, but Lea takes the antiemetic that will prevent her from vomiting. Suddenly, Lea gets a panic attack and rushes to a bathroom. When she sees her reflection in one of the mirrors, she remembers her stage and decides to finish what she started.

Her family and Michaela Orff accompany her to a nearby playground. She drinks the overdosed hypnotic and falls asleep in her mother's arms.

The Grudge (2020 film)


In 2004, live-in nurse Fiona Landers leaves a house in Tokyo, appearing disturbed. Fiona informs her co-worker, Yoko, that she is returning to America before encountering the ghost of Kayako Saeki. Fiona arrives at her home on 44 Reyburn Drive in a small town in Pennsylvania, reuniting with her husband Sam and young daughter Melinda. Kayako's curse, however, possesses Fiona, causing her to bludgeon Sam to death and drown Melinda before committing suicide by stabbing herself in the throat.

Detectives Goodman and Wilson investigate the Landers murders. Unsettled by the house, Goodman refuses to enter, while Wilson enters to examine the scene. Upon exiting, Wilson slowly starts to lose his mind, and eventually becomes hysterical when he spots Fiona's ghost outside Goodman's car; after which he attempts to commit suicide by shooting himself, but survives, leaving him disfigured and committed to a psychiatric asylum. Goodman stops looking into the case.

Shortly after the Landers are murdered, but before anyone discovers their deaths, real estate agents Peter and Nina Spencer learn that their unborn child will most likely be born with the rare genetic disorder ALD. Peter goes to look into selling 44 Reyburn Drive and stumbles across Melinda's ghost, presuming her to be a lost girl, who is bleeding profusely from her nose.

While on the phone with Peter, Nina agrees that they should keep their child. Peter is attacked by Fiona and Melinda's ghosts before fleeing the house and is quickly corrupted by the curse. The possessed Peter returns to his home, where he kills Nina and their unborn child before he drowns himself (or possibly killed by Fiona's ghost) in the bathtub.


In 2005, elderly couple Faith and William Matheson move into the house. Faith suffers from dementia and a terminal illness. After moving in, Faith is infected by the curse and starts to see Melinda around the house. Her sanity rapidly declines, causing William to call over Lorna Moody, an assisted suicide consultant.

Disturbed, Lorna suggests to William that they leave the house but William reveals that he is aware of the ghosts and suggests that it implies a future where people get to be with their loved ones after death. Lorna later discovers that Faith has killed William and has sliced off her own fingers. Lorna flees in horror only to be attacked by Sam's ghost in her car which crashes, killing her.


In 2006, rookie detective Muldoon moves to town with her son Burke following her husband's death from cancer. Muldoon along with Goodman, her new partner, are called to the woods where Lorna's corpse has been discovered. Goodman becomes uncomfortable when they learn that Lorna had been visiting 44 Reyburn Drive. Noticing this, Muldoon questions him, and he reveals his suspicion that the house is cursed, and states he wants nothing to do with it.

Muldoon goes to the house, discovering a disoriented Faith and William's corpse. Faith is taken to a hospital, where she sees Melinda and throws herself off a staircase landing, committing suicide. As Muldoon continues her research into the case, she is haunted by the ghosts of the Landers. She visits Wilson in the asylum, who tells her that all people who enter the house will become victims of the curse. Wilson then gouges out his eyes so he can stop seeing the ghosts. Fearful that the curse may make her hurt her son, Muldoon confides in Goodman and learns that the curse began with a family in Japan; Fiona is the one who brought it abroad. After she is attacked by the Landers' ghosts again, Muldoon goes to the house and douses it in gasoline as she sees visions of how Fiona murdered her family. She is tricked into seeing Burke, however she realizes it isn't really him after he fails to repeat a phrase the two of them use regularly. The house burns to the ground as Muldoon embraces her real son outside.

Sometime later, Muldoon hugs Burke before he leaves for school, only to see the real Burke leave the house. The "Burke" she is hugging is revealed to be Melinda. Muldoon is dragged away by Fiona's ghost, becoming the next victim of the curse.

;International ending After Muldoon burns the house to the ground, she sees Burke watching her. Sometime later, the pair is driving on a road toward a new home. As they pull into the driveway of their home and enter, the credits begin rolling.

Palaver (1926 film)

The film portrays conflicts between a British District Officer and a local tin miner which lead to war.

Wine of Morning

On a stormy voyage Barabbas writes a letter to his friend Stephen and remembers his time in Galilean Nazareth.

There he is friends with the carpenter Josef and his son Jesus . One day he meets Irene, the future bride of his friend Stephanus, and falls in love with her. On Stephanus' and Irene's wedding in Cana, the wine goes out surprisingly. Mary asks Jesus for help, who then turns water into wine.

A little later, Joel decides to leave Nazareth and go to Capernaum. There he visits his friends Sarah and Jonathan and their son Dismas. Jonathan has been paralyzed, so Joel and Dismas supports Jonathan's business. He meets the rabid tax collector Levi and notes bitterly the oppression of the Jews by the Romans. While Joel would like to fight, Jonathan is waiting for salvation from God.

After Dismas one day watched with enthusiasm a demon exorcism by Jesus, he and Joel also bring Jonathan to Jesus. They let Jonathan down through the ceiling of the house to Jesus; Jonathan is healed.

In the meantime, Joel meets the stranger Omah, whose family was cruelly killed by the Romans. Omah takes Joel to Jesus; but to Joel's disappointment, Jesus does not choose him as a disciple. Omah recruits Joel for an underground movement fighting for the liberation of Israel.

In Jerusalem, Joel meets Prince Manean and is educated by him for six months. While performing a mission, he saves the Egyptian dancer Myra from the advances of Manean's servant Toron. Joel and Myra fall in love.

Manean plans an action against the Romans for the approaching Passover celebration . He gives Joel the name Barabbas, as he proposes to rob the necessary money from the expected pilgrims. A little later, Dismas also joins the group around Manean.

When Toron betrays Barabbas to the Romans, Barabbas escapes and kills Toron. Myra suggests Manean use Toron's funeral to escape together. Soon Barabbas is wanted by the Romans as a robber. A little later, Barabbas is caught in a robbery; Myra is coming.

At the same time, Pontius Pilate is presented Jesus as a prisoner accused of blasphemy. Pilate can not blame him, but the people demand Jesus' crucifixion. Pilate leaves the people the choice of whether to pardon Jesus or Barabbas on the occasion of the Passover feast; the people choose Barabbas. Finally, Pilate gives in to the people and condemns Jesus; Barabbas' accomplices Gestas and Dismas are crucified together with Jesus. Shaken, Barabbas follows Jesus' crucifixion on Golgotha . Jesus is mocked by those present; only Dismas holds to him.

After Barabbas' ship is shipwrecked during the storm, Barabbas is taken to Irene, who now has a son named Joel. Irene tells Barabbas of Jesus' resurrection and ascension. She and Stephen were later baptized; Stephen was stoned by the Romans for his faith. Shortly before leaving, Barabbas Irene admits that he once loved her.

In Antioch, Barabbas meets Manean, who has converted to Christianity; Barabbas also becomes a Christian. On his journey with Paul Barabbas is arrested and imprisoned. On the occasion of the death of King Herod Agrippa Barabbas has the prospect of being pardoned.

The House That Vanished

London fashion model Valerie Jennings travels into the countryside with her photographer boyfriend, Terry, who is searching for an abandoned house; he intends to find something there, but does not tell her what it is. They discover the house at nightfall, and while exploring it, Valerie discovers numerous women's passports in a bedroom. Another couple—a woman and an unseen man—enter the house. Panicked, Valerie and Terry hide in a closet. They watch as the woman is brutally murdered with a switchblade. While the killer washes his hands in the bathroom, Valerie flees, unaware that Terry is not following behind her. When she finds the keys to their car missing, she runs into the woods and the killer chases her into an abandoned wrecking yard where she manages to evade him by hiding inside a car.

The next day, Valerie reaches a road and hitchhikes back to London. She enters her apartment, and while standing at the kitchen window, sees Terry's car parked on the street. She finds it unlocked, and inside discovers her modeling portfolio with a photo missing. Perplexed, she goes to Terry's apartment but finds he has not returned home. Panicked, Valerie visits her friend Mike and his girlfriend, Stella, who urge her not to go to the police, fearing she will implicate herself in Terry's burglary. Later at a modeling shoot, Mike introduces Valerie to his friend Paul, a young and shy artist who makes masks for a living. Paul invites Valerie over for dinner, but they are joined by his domineering Aunt Susanna. After Valerie leaves, Paul and Susanna have incestuous sex.

Still concerned over Terry's absence, Valerie agrees to bring Mike and Stella to the house. She leads them to the wrecking yard, where they inexplicably find Terry's ravaged car. Despite their efforts, they are unable to find the house. Back in her apartment building, Valerie becomes unnerved by the presence of Mr. Hornby, an eccentric new neighbor who moves in below her, and who keeps pigeons in his home. She is relieved when her flatmate Lorna, also a model, returns from a job out of town. One night while Valerie is out with friends, an intruder breaks into the apartment and murders Lorna after raping her.

Unsettled by Lorna's murder, Valerie is invited to go out of town with Paul, to which she agrees. He takes her to a remote manor house owned by his family. While there, he confesses to her that his father committed suicide in the home. At night, Valerie hears noises coming from upstairs, but Paul assures her no one is there. She goes to investigate, and notices a taxidermy animal identical to one she saw in the house she entered with Terry; she realizes she is in the same house as before. In the bedroom upstairs, she discovers a blood-stained bed. Hearing someone come up the stairs, she again hides in the closet, and sees Susanna enter the room, calling for Paul and chastising him. In the closet, she discovers the bodies of Terry and Stella. Valerie flees downstairs where she is attacked by Paul. Susanna encourages him to kill Valerie, but he turns on her, stabbing her to death. Valerie runs outside, where she is met by police. Inside, Paul sits in the hallway in silence.

Flower on the Stone

In place of the Donetsk steppe, overgrown with chamomile and feather grass, a mining town is being developed. Brigadier of the youth mine Grigory Griva is in love with comrade Lyuda and therefore often openly sneers at her organizational skills. But when he is alone with her, he becomes timid and shy, for which he is angry with himself and makes up new pranks.

The second story is connected with the appearance of Christina in the mining town, a beautiful but closed-minded girl who falls under the influence of the presbyter of the sect. Komsomol member Arsen who has fallen in love with the girl helps her leave the sect.

Ivanna (1959 film)

The film is set in the year 1940. Ivanna Stavnichaya, the daughter of Greek Catholic priest Theodos, goes to Lviv University, which opened after the establishment of Soviet power. However, the secretary of the admission committee, a hidden nationalist, declares to the girl that she was not accepted because of "social origin". Ivanna accuses the Soviet authorities of injustice, while in fact her fiancé, the fanatical Greek Catholic Roman Hereta, hid from her the truth about the call to study which came from the university. Upset Ivanna asks for help from Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, head of the Greek Catholic church in Ukraine, and he advises Ivanna to go to the monastery.

The Second World War begins, the Germans enter Lviv. Ivanna sees the ministers of the church cooperating with the invaders, blessing the massacre of partisans, Jews and civilians. Ivanna's girlfriend, Julia, joins up the girl with the partisans. Ivanna enters their detachment, but the Ukrainian Greek Catholics learn about this and begin hunting for the young partisan ... Ivanna's life ends tragically - the German invaders arrest her and after cruel torture execute her.


Shortly after the events of ''Hand Shakers'', Tazuna, Koyori, Mayumi, and Nagaoka finally meet God, and their wish was later granted. However, they later disappear without a trace. This also results in Koyori losing her power. Tazuna decides to never stop searching for them.

Ten years later, Yukiya Araki - an irregular Hand Shaker - is introduced. Trying to become a DJ, Yukiya tries to avoid holding hands with other people, lest he turns them into Hand Shakers like him. One night, while trying to get more views for his music videos, Yukiya brings his friend Haruka into the Ziggurat, the alternate dimension that hosts battles for all Hand Shakers. Unfortunately, this brings the attention of other Hand Shakers, who want to defeat Yukiya and take his power.

Batman: White Knight

Batman, Batgirl and Nightwing pursue the Joker through Gotham City. While the Joker benignly weaves a two-wheeled hoverboard through the city, Batman recklessly chases him in the tank-like Batmobile, causing significant property damage and nearly killing multiple bystanders; from the passenger seat, Batgirl pleads with him to drive more carefully, but she is ignored. Nightwing follows on a motorcycle, saving a man from nearly being hit by the Batmobile.

Batman eventually corners the Joker and chases him on foot into a pharmaceutical warehouse. As he beats the Joker bloody, Batgirl, Nightwing and the GCPD gather to watch the one-sided fist fight. The Joker then goads Batman into force-feeding him a bottle of an unknown medication, saying that he can do more good for Gotham than Batman if he only took those pills. As he holds open the Joker's mouth and dumps the pills inside, Batman's allies watch in disgust; a mysterious woman in a red coat films the event and leaks it to the news. In light of the reckless Batmobile chase and the leaked footage, Gotham begins to debate over whether Batman is doing more harm than good. Barbara and Dick learn Bruce's violence stems from Alfred being near death, kept alive only by Freeze Tech. The Joker, now stable and using his real name, Jack Napier, wins a case against the GCPD for insufficient evidence and for non-intervention in his beating.

Freed, Napier visits Harley Quinn, who attacks him and insists he is not himself. Saved by a second Harley, Napier learns she is the original but was replaced: with the Joker's obsession culminating in Jason Todd's torture, Quinzel left to try and help Batman save Todd; in that flashback, Quinzel is seeing wearing the same red coat as the woman who filmed the Joker being force-fed the pills. She then tells the Joker that he unwittingly adopted a hostage named Marian Drews as the new Harley during a bank robbery.

Bruce and Victor Fries develop a treatment for cryogenic illnesses. Despite not being fully tested, Fries attempts to resuscitate Nora; anticipating this, Wayne hooks the system up to Fries' suit, curing him but aging him to his natural elderly state. Running for councilman, Napier funds construction of a library in the poor district of Backport and befriends Duke Thomas, an ex-GCPD officer who runs a local youth group. Meanwhile, Bruce discovers that many of his fellow billionaires have been profiting off of Batman by purchasing properties destroyed by Batman's battles and then flipping them after the city repairs them; Bruce is left shaken by this discovery. Using the Mad Hatter's tools to control Clayface, Napier gives Gotham's rogues gallery drinks secretly laced with his dust to control them by proxy.

Making the villains rampage across the city, Napier uses the distraction to access restricted documents and discovers a tax fund for Batman's collateral damage. In an attempt to move the villains to a less-populated area, Batman baits them into attacking Backport and Napier's library, thinking that they would not attack a property owned by the Joker; the villains proceed to damage Backport and raze the library. Injured when Napier's library crumbles, Bruce later collapses at Alfred's bedside; waking to find himself stabilized on Alfred's life-support, Bruce finds Alfred dead in the bedside chair. Dick and Barbara discuss whether to intervene in Bruce's developing obsession in convicting Napier. Drews, now the Neo Joker, recovers Clayface's remains, placing the villains under her control. When Batman intervenes in his protest, Napier goes willingly to the GCPD. Warning he knows of the collateral fund, he offers to reallocate it to the GCPD as councilman, giving Gotham a culpable Batman equivalent known as the GTO - the Gotham Terrorism Oppression unit.

The Neo Joker attacks the GCPD, prompting Gordon to side with Napier and place an APB on Batman. Batman asks Quinzel for help taking down Napier, convinced he is pulling a long con; Quinzel refuses, certain Napier is legitimate. Bested by the GTO, which has recruited Duke, Nightwing and Batgirl, Batman is arrested by Napier. The Neo Joker uses a revealed superweapon to freeze Gotham Harbor, demanding she be given the Joker. Earlier, Bruce discovered Thomas Wayne funded Fries Sr. to create Freeze-Tech, circumventing U.S. laws by tunneling under Gotham's German embassy; Fries Sr. later cut ties with Thomas to build the superweapon against his wishes.

Napier develops a tolerance to his medication, making him periodically revert into the Joker. Napier frees Batman, asking for help stopping the Neo Joker in exchange for a confession (provided Quinzel is not arrested). Napier, Batman and the GTO organize an assault on the Neo Joker's freeze ray, piloting a fleet of Batmobiles taken from Wayne Manor. During the assault, Napier attempts to focus on the Joker's memories and recalls that Todd is alive: the Joker drove Robin to hate Batman and reveal his identity. Napier explains he already knew Batman's identity, as all collateral taxes indirectly come from Wayne Enterprises. Making peace with Dick, Barbara and Gordon, Batman races through Gotham tunnels with Napier, who has reverted to the Joker. The GTO bests the Neo Joker's forces and reverses the freeze ray, flooding the tunnels. Overpowering the Neo Joker, the Joker releases Clayface and undoes the mind control. With Batman protecting him from Clayface, the Joker and Quinzel pursue the Neo Joker in the Batmobile; Napier returns and professes his love for Quinzel. Approaching a closing floodgate, Napier launches Quinzel through the gap in the Batcycle, causing him to crash. Quinzel beats and apprehends the Neo Joker and Batman saves Napier.

Confessing to his crimes, Napier surrenders and is granted a nicer Arkham cell and a wedding to Quinzel; as he finishes his vows, Napier permanently reverts to the Joker. Using Napier's remaining funds, Quinzel begins restoring Backport. Confronting Quinzel, Batman reveals she manufactured the Joker's medication and orchestrated events so the chase would end in the factory and be recorded. Explaining he only learned the truth from the Joker, Quinzel explains she did it to break their stalemate before they destroyed Gotham. Meeting with Gordon, Batman gives him the keys to the original Batmobiles for the GTO and confesses that Napier was right about him. Revealing that he has realized that he has been taking pleasure in harming criminals and that he has allowed himself to go too far in his war against crime, Batman unmasks himself in front of Gordon to earn back his trust.


In modern Manila amid the war on drugs, street orphan Toto (Timothy Castillo) raises money in an effort to bail out his imprisoned brother Kiko, who is terrified that the gang involved in an illegal drug trade he is running might be plotting to kill him. When Toto finds out that, indeed, he and his brother have become targets of assassination by local gangsters as well as corrupt officers, he is rescued by Irma (Eula Valdez), a professional hitwoman who introduces herself as a friend of his dead mother, with whom she spent time as a hawker of counterfeit goods. Irma's assignments are set up by a corrupt police officer named "Sarge". Although occupied with another assignment, Irma offers Toto refuge and she trains him to become an assassin; Toto, then, comes to see Irma as a surrogate mother.

The Owl & Co

The series features The Owl, the titular pink grumpy owl who resembles a plastic figure. The Owl lives in a forest inhabited by various other species, the most notable ones being an intelligent stickbug, a brash frog, a charismatic bat and an airheaded sheep. Like the original short series, the Owl does not care about anyone else around him, as he would rather eat a worm instead. However, the Owl usually is unlucky and goes through some slapstick scenarios. A running gag at the end of each episode is the fact the Owl ends up comically dismembered, usually accompanied by a short banjo tune.

Heartthrob (film)

Shortly after high school graduation, Henry (Keir Gilchrist), the shy valedictorian, encounters Samantha (Aubrey Peeples), who suffers from a reputation as a bimbo at school.

They argue at first about their preconceptions of each other, but later Henry apologizes and offers Samantha a ride home when her shift at work ends. He is overjoyed to find romance with her, but is incensed by the knowledge of her past relations with others and kills one of her former lovers.

Henry is accepted to MIT, the university of choice of his domineering mother, but he drops out in order to stay in town with Samantha, who has been warned about his obsessive behavior and who breaks up with him to allow him to attend the better university.

Henry is convinced that she is being pressured into leaving him and targets those he believes are responsible. He kills her close friend Dustin and then proceeds to call Samantha and tell her that he had worked things out with MIT, and invites her to his house to celebrate.

While eating a homemade dinner there, she hears a thumping from an upstairs bedroom and discovers Henry's mother tied to a chair. Henry pulls out a knife and offers to either release his mother or kill her to solve their relationship problems, admitting that he was responsible for Dustin's death.

Samantha convinces him to release his mother, who escapes out his bedroom window and runs from the house screaming for help. Henry begs Samantha to run away with him but she refuses. Realizing that Samantha is different in the way that she doesn't need anyone, and also content with the fact that she loved him, he says one final "I love you" and stabs himself in the chest, dying on the spot.

Two days after his death Samantha receives Henry's journal in the mail. She decides to keep it a secret and thinks back to all the time that they spent together. Her shrink says that the relationship was unhealthy, and even though she accepts it, she knows that Henry truly loved her and saw her differently than everyone else.

The movie ends with Samantha sitting on the floor of the skating ring, where Henry brought her to on their first date. She then says "I love you, Henry," something which she deeply regrets not saying to him when he was alive.

Fence (comic book)

Nicholas Cox, the illigitamite son of top fencer Robert Coste, and brother to Jesse Coste, is a wannabe fencer with a lot of natural talent but no professional training. In his first tournament match, his opponent is the legendary Seiji Katayama, who he is utterly trashed by- but not before they make a negative lasting impact on each other.

Fast forward a few months. Nicholas has been given a scholarship to King's cross high school. His scholarship is for fencing, so him staying there depends on his being able to get on the team. Nicholas must go up against and defeat many other talented fencers for his spot, including Seiji himself.

Nicholas is again unable to defeat Seiji, but does well enough to become one of the team's reserves along with Eugene Labao. Now that Seiji and Nicholas are teammates as well as roommates, they are forced to work together. Seiji gives Nicholas some pointers, apparently out of pure annoyance to the fact that Nicholas was such an untrained fencer.

Remo Williams: The Prophecy

Set one year after the events of the feature film, Chiun feels that Remo is becoming complacent because of his abilities, so he hires a professional hit-man to teach Remo a lesson. What Chiun doesn't know is that the hit-man wants to replace Remo as Chiun's student and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

The Water Dragon's Bride

Asahi, a modern-day girl, is whisked away to a strange land. She then befriends a boy named Subaru, who helps Asahi grow accustomed to this other land. But despite Subaru's efforts, Asahi gets in trouble when she's offered as a sacrifice to a water dragon god! Surprisingly, the god takes a liking to Asahi and decided to make her his bride once she grows older.

RErideD: Derrida, who leaps through time

After spending 10 years in stasis, a robotics engineer awakens to a war-torn world and a fight for his life against machines that he and his father had a hand in creating.

Mandatory Brunch Meeting

Bruce (David Mazouz) arrives at St. Ignatius, the school that Jerome's (Cameron Monaghan) next target, "Xander Wilde", attended. The Headmaster (Steven Hauck) reveals that he has already given information regarding Wilde to Jerome before committing suicide under hypnosis.

Jerome holds a meeting with Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), Tetch (Benedict Samuel), Fries (Nathan Darrow), Pike (Michelle Veintimilla), and Crane (David W. Thompson). He reveals his plans to wreak havoc in the city before invading Wilde's engineering offices in search of him. Jerome arrives at Wilde's proxy's apartment but is knocked unconscious, and subsequently wakes up in a cell with Wilde watching him via CCTV cameras. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) arrive at the control room in the underground facility and confront Wilde, who looks exactly like Jerome. Wilde is revealed to be Jeremiah Valeska (also played by Monaghan), Jerome's twin brother. Jeremiah claims to have suffered severe abuse at Jerome's hands throughout his childhood, forcing their mother to send Jeremiah away to be adopted and renamed "Xander Wilde". Jerome's allies arrive and free Jerome, who vows to drive Jeremiah mad.

Lee (Morena Baccarin) challenges Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) to his game, the Riddle Factory, and wagers to abolish it if she wins. After she outsmarts Nygma, the two share a kiss. Jeremiah is placed into protective custody with the help of GCPD. Cobblepot recruits Grundy (Drew Powell) for the Legion. Jerome brings a man and has Crane infect him with toxic laughing gas, intending to spread it throughout the city.

Homer Is Where the Art Isn't

At Gavelby's Auction House, Homer and Mr. Burns lose to tech mogul Megan Matheson at bidding for Joan Miró's painting ''The Poetess'', with which Homer is obsessed, to the point of attempting to steal the painting at the end of the auction. Once the painting arrives at her home, Megan finds out that it has been stolen. Polish-American Detective Manacek is called to solve the case.

Manacek goes to Megan's due to insuring the painting for double the price she paid of $30 million. She denies the accusation and sends Manacek to Burns' mansion. He shows he can't stand losing a bid to a woman, but dismisses the accusation too and sends Manacek to the final suspect, Homer, due to the obsession he showed about it. Homer demonstrates to him how much he wants the painting at the Power Plant, but denies stealing it. In the evening, Marge shows up at Manacek's apartment Brick Townhomes to convince him Homer is innocent, but he says they'd only talk at dinner. So Marge invites him to dinner at her house with their family.

After dinner, Homer panics when they start talking, and Bart and Marge explain how Homer became obsessed with the painting at the Springfield Museum of Fine Arts while chaperoning a field trip there, even dreaming about it at night. Lisa then reveals that Homer confided in her about the painting, forming a common interest between them. The two then went to the museum, only to find it closed due to being out of funds and the painting shipped off to an auction house. Springfielders protested on the museum's closure while Mayor Quimby explained the cuts, including the cut of 1/3 of the Springfield Police Department with Eddie having been fired, resulting in them giving up on the protests. Homer then decided to enter the auction in a bid to save the painting, where the scene returns to the start of the episode where the bids took place, and Homer tried to steal it.

After the story, Homer escapes from home, but Manacek finds him at the museum where he assures him he's innocent because he finds him too dumb to steal anything. Manacek later gathers all the suspects together in the museum and reveals that Megan and Burns are the thieves of the painting. Megan exchanged the security guards by twins hired by her, to simulate the steal, so she could collect the insurance policy for her girlfriend. However, Burns beat her to it when he built an identical auction house next to the original and stole it from the vault.

After Megan and Burns are arrested and the painting is retrieved from Burns' manor, Manacek reveals the true culprit to be none other than Lisa herself, as the painting is nothing other than her tote bag. Lisa explains that she secretly switched the painting before the auction happened, so it wouldn't go to millionaires' houses hidden away from people who love it, like Homer. As ownership of the painting reverts to the city, it is returned to Mayor Quimby, who chooses to preserve it at the Springfield Arena Football Arena, built with the money from selling the public arts, where Homer and Lisa happily go to view the painting together.

During the credits, there are different shots of Manacek as if they are part of a detective TV show.

The Extremists (play)

The audience is welcomed to "Issues in Focus," a political news and talk program based out of Washington, and are introduced to the show's host, self-described Washington insider Dick Hedgerow. Dick announces the entirety of the night's program will be devoted to an in-depth discussion on the threat of extremism and welcomes his guest; Norman "Norm" Krieger, a co-founder of the fictitious polling and counterterrorism organization, the Center of Advanced Strategic Studies. Norm has been invited on the show to discuss his newly-published book, ''Extremism in the 21st Century'', which focuses on the mindset of extremists and their psychological motivations, as well as how they're able to spread their beliefs globally. Norm explains that he believes extremism should be considered the final threat to a democratic world (albeit there are other, manageable threats that are easy to handle), and tells Dick that while the government should be constantly fighting back against this threat, it's important to keep the public placated, and allow them to carry on with their normal lives.

Norm further elaborates that as the threat of extremism is combated, the public's understanding of it will be skewed, and it will ultimately become too difficult to keep up with the narrative, and the majority of the details will be indiscernible. Dick insists that this isn't an issue, suggesting that they refrain from complete transparency with the American people, citing security concerns, and instead try and help them adjust the way they see things, which Norm claims were his motivations for writing his book. As their discussion continues, Dick inquires about a concrete definition of the word "extremism," which Norm initially struggles with; he eventually decides that extremism is primarily defined by violence, or advocating for its use. When Dick asks if this definition transcends political leanings, such as conservative or liberal views, Norm proposes that these labels have lost their meaning beyond the competition aspect, but later contradicts himself when he says it is absolutely necessary for America to maintain the two-party system, as a country with no ideological opposition would be undemocratic.

The interview then shifts gears as it begins to investigate the extremists' intentions, which Norm believes is not only to incite violence but to make people think, asking complicated and dangerous questions that will only lead to insanity. Instead of engaging in the destructive act of thinking, Norm insists that the viewers need to stick to the facts provided by those in power in the government and the media and unquestionably devote their minds to the programming that "freedom-loving people" such as himself are trying to ensure all of society conforms to. When Dick objects to this concept, claiming it is nothing better than the brainwashing that extremists are guilty of, Norm reassures him that this is brainwashing people with the truth, while the other option is to be brainwashed with "made-up extremist nonsense." As the play carries on, Dick and Norm constantly renege on their stances and their beliefs, and at its conclusion, they nearly break the fourth wall, seemingly aware that they are actors in an elaborate performance and are no less extremists than the terrorists they have warned the audience of.

The Key (The Walking Dead)

At the Sanctuary, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) organizes the Saviors to cover their weapons in the blood and viscera of the walkers prior to an attack on the Hilltop community. Dwight (Austin Amelio) struggles with hiding his loyalty to Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his allies from Negan and his other lieutenants, particularly Simon (Steven Ogg) as the Saviors start to convoy towards Hilltop.

Meanwhile, Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) return to the Hilltop to regroup. Daryl (Norman Reedus) apologizes to Rick for indirectly enabling the Saviors to clear out Sanctuary, resulting in the attacks on the various communities, while Rick admits that his plan of simply waiting for the Saviors ' surrender was insufficient. The two decide to continue scouting around Hilltop, leaving Maggie (Lauren Cohan) in charge. While waiting, Maggie spots empty crates outside of Hilltop, and on retrieving them, finds a note requesting supplies and vinyl records in exchange for the promise of "the key" to help them. Though Maggie is cautious, she, Michonne, Rosita (Christian Serratos) and Enid (Katelyn Nacon) decide to comply to see who might be willing to help. At the planned meeting point, the four meet Georgie (Jayne Atkinson) with her aides, Hilda (Kim Ormiston) and Midge (Misty Ormiston), who offers them knowledge in exchange for the supplies they were to bring. Maggie decides to hold them at Hilltop until they can figure out what they can do. As Maggie and Michonne discuss what to do, Enid suggests they should just turn Georgie away. Michonne talks her down, and Maggie realizes that the better option would be to fulfill Georgie's wishes. Georgie, in return, offers them some of their food, and a book of plans for constructing rudimentary structures like windmills, hoping that Maggie can turn Hilltop into a thriving community the next time she visits. As Georgie drives off, Enid admits to Michonne she killed the leader of Oceanside, Natanya, and is unsure of how she can know what the right thing is to do.

Outside the walls of the Hilltop, Rick spots the Saviors' convoy, and proceeds to chase them down, ramming Negan's car out of the convoy. Rick chases Negan through a desolate town, eventually tipping his car over. Negan flees into an abandoned building; Rick follows him upstairs with walkers following after them. Rick tries to kill Negan with a hatchet. Negan dives for cover but falls into the building's basement after crashing through some of the rotten wood. Rick follows Negan into the basement, finding his bat "Lucille". As Rick attempts to hunt him down in the dark basement, Negan tries to persuade Rick to surrender by offering to reduce the amount of resources that the Saviors take from the community. Rick rebukes him, refusing to trust him after the Scavengers were wiped out by Saviors; Negan, who had Simon go make "his standard deal" with the Scavengers, realizes that Simon disobeyed him by killing the Scavengers. To lure Negan out, Rick sets fire to Lucille and uses it to bash through a door that he heard walkers behind. The two fight as walkers swarm them; Negan manages to recover Lucille and get away, and Rick escapes soon after but loses track of Negan.

In the midst of events, Simon orders the other Saviors to surround the area while he and Dwight go to find Negan. While looking, Simon talks to Dwight, suggesting that they consider Negan may be dead so they can take control of the Saviors and make the group stronger. They find Negan's upturned car, but instead of searching for Negan, Dwight sets fire to it, and they return to rest of their men. Simon takes control, stating that Negan may be dead, and he now plans to "expunge" the other communities. Elsewhere, Negan wakes up to find that he was taken captive by Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh), holding him at gunpoint.

Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

Two boys are recording their exploration of the abandoned Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, where rumor states that the director of the hospital killed all of the patients and went missing. The two head to Room 402, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), which no one has been able to open before. They try to open the door but suddenly hear a ping pong ball. Their broadcast abruptly ends but not before catching a glimpse of a ghostly face. After seeing news of the teenagers' disappearance, Ha-Joon, owner of YouTube channel "Horror Times", decides to explore the building.

Ha-Joon gets together a group of six people (three girls: Ah-Yeon, Charlotte, and Ji-Hyun; and three boys: Sung-Hoon, Seung-Wook, and Je-Yoon) for a live broadcast. Ha-Joon stays at their base camp off the road to control the broadcast while the rest of the group will go inside. They tie underwear to a tree as a marker. Inside, Charlotte pours holy water in a small dish to record its reactions. In the director's office, they find a group photo with all the patients and staff, and Ji-Hyun and Charlotte find a doll in the lab, which they later discover has moved on its own. They see that it is the same doll held by one of the patients in the group photo.

Je-Yoon and Ah-Yeon try to open the door to Room 402, while the other four explore the "Group Treatment Room," where there are many strange coffins with holes in them. When Ji-Hyun puts her hand in a hole, her hand is pulled and wounded. Disturbed, Ji-Hyun and Charlotte decide to leave. Ha-Joon reviews footage of all six participants standing together and becomes disturbed as well, unsure who filmed it if all six were in the shot. Outside, Charlotte and Ji-Hyun encounter the underwear marker more than once, revealing that they are going in circles. Ji-Hyun goes into a trance and her eyes open completely black. Frightened, Charlotte flees toward the base camp but finds herself back at the asylum in Room 402. Ji-Hyun is in a corner with the doll. A naked man appears and Charlotte is attacked and pulled into the darkness.

Seung-Wook and Sung-Hoon see a wheelchair moving by itself in the basement. Everything in the room begins to float, and both boys are knocked out by flying objects. Seung-Wook awakes and is dragged away by an invisible force into the room. Sung-Hoon wakes and runs to Je-Yoon and Ah-Yeon, who are still trying to open the door to 402. Suddenly, a ping-pong ball bounces toward them and Charlotte's screaming is heard from inside 402. The infra-red cameras start to flash, detecting a presence. 402 opens and the screen goes dark.

Sung-Hoon, Je-Yoon, and Ah-Yeon find themselves in a dark room with no exit, standing in knee-deep water. Numerous ghosts appear and they are possessed one after the other and swallowed by the darkness. Ha-Joon goes to investigate and gets strangled to death. The last one remaining, Seung-Wook, finds himself strapped to a wheelchair and is the final one to be pulled into room 402.

In the epilogue, the dish of holy water starts to boil. The final scene shows that, despite everyone's continued broadcast, the livestream had actually cut off after Sung-Hoon admitted the stream was supposed to be scripted. The viewers, none the wiser, lampshade the feed cutting after this reveal, the view count having dropped as the viewers mock the failed stream.

Dilan 1990

In 1990, Milea, along with her parents and sister, move from Jakarta to Bandung. On her way to school, she meets Dilan, a guy known in school as the "bad boy" and leader of a motorbike gang. After a small talk, he convinces her that she will sit on his bike with him as her girlfriend one day. Dilan begins flirting by coming to her house, making payphone calls and sending her odd but romantic gifts which includes a pre-filled crossword puzzle book in which he said: "so you don’t have to think about the answers". Unbeknown to him, Milea already has a boyfriend named Benni back in Jakarta, however gradually, she no longer feels comfortable with him since he is rude and foul-mouthed. With Dilan's frequent overconfident advances, Milea starts to develop feelings for him.

During a school visit to the TVRI headquarters in Jakarta where Milea and other students are invited as quiz show contestants, Milea and Nandan, who are left alone by their friends, meet Benni, who aggressively beats Nandan, suspecting that Nandan will "steal" his girlfriend. When Benni calls Milea indecent. she angrily dumps Benni, and he calls Milea a whore. She rejects his later apology. Gradually, Dilan and Milea grow closer. They spend days going home together in Dilan's motorbike, holding hands, and phoning at night. They become so close, that Milea successfully persuades Dilan to stop being involved in gang fights for good. As she builds a good relationship with his mother, Milea learns that Dilan has been making poems out of love for her.

One day after school, Milea faces Kang Adi, both her and her sister's personal tutor, who apparently is in love with her. He eventually takes her to his university, the Bandung Institute of Technology, despite her refusal. When Dilan finds out that Milea went with Kang Adi, he writes a dismay-infused letter, much to her despair. The next day, she looks for him at school only to get into a fight with drunken Anhar, one of Dilan's gang member, who unwittingly slaps her. Knowing this, Dilan beats Anhar in anger. Later that day, Dilan and Milea officiate their relationship with a proclamation, thus becoming a couple.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar

The main cast of characters include Garrison, a brooding swordsman, Calibretto, a kindhearted war golem, Red Monika, a rogue, Knolan, an old wisecracking mage, and Gully, a young girl with a pair of magical gauntlets who is searching for her father. When the airship of the game's main characters is shot down over a mysterious island, they are forced to contend with a large group of ne'er-do-wells who are flocking there due to the discovery of a motherlode of mana. This includes Destra, an evil sorceress.

Counter Play

The series begins with lead protagonist Jake Spector (Tyson Martick) returning to town, years after his near fatal accident with the sole objective of revenge. Oblivious to Jake's true identity and devious plan his girlfriend, Faith Morgan (Mikaela Phillips) is unaware of his plan. Morgan's family are amongst the town's founders and her father has a powerful royal family history. Jake plans to terrorise both his old friends and his first love Riley Cornwall (Isabel Dilena) for what they did to him that evening after high school graduation he begins a vengeful game of "play or be played" scenarios intended to reveal everyone's lies. However, as the scenarios progress there is the increasing sign Jake may not be the only one involved with the threatening notes and is someone else infiltrating his game.

The Signal From Tölva

The player character is a mysterious hacker who was contacted by The Broker, who hired them to infiltrate The Surveyors, a faction of robots who are probing the planet Tölva. The player can remotely commandeer drones located on the planet's surface, but is opposed by two other robotic factions, the Zealots and Bandits, who will attack on sight.

Penki Pellam

The film begins with Seeta (Sriranjani. Jr) a wise woman who lives with her younger brother Raju, drunkard father Rangaiah (Nagabhushanam), and sick mother Rattamma (Hemalatha). Once Rangaiah bickers with a person when he unfortunately dies and Rangaiah is sentenced. Knowing it, Rattamma passes away and the children become orphans when their neighbor Papaiah (K.V.S.Sarma) shelters them. But Papaiah's wife Tayaru (Chaya Devi) & her sister Sundaramma (Suryakantham) are shrews who behave rudely towards Seeta. Here Papaiah's son Vasu (Amarnath) loves Seeta when Papaiah denounces her and she silently quits. Being cognizant of it, Vasu argues with his father and he too leaves the house. Meanwhile, Sundaramma moves to her distant relative Rao Saheb Govind Rao's (Relangi) house where Sarabhaiah (Ramana Reddy) a thief, has already settled in the form of a saint. Both of them conjoin and make petty robbers. Years roll by, and Seeta works hard and molds his brother Raju (N. T. Rama Rao) as a well-educated person. Right now, Raju gets a part-time job as a tuition teacher to Saroja (Raja Sulochana), a vainglory pampered daughter of Rao Saheb. Saroja loves and marries Raju. Self-esteemed, Raju does not want to stay in his in-law's house, so, he picks up a job and resides. As Saroja is born with a golden spoon she could not adjust to their middle-class mentality. Moreover, she envies Raju giving more importance to Seeta. Time being, Vasu becomes a Police officer, and Rangaiah is released. At present, Sundaramma reaches Saroja when Raju is in camp. On that night, she steals Saroja's jewelry and handover it over to Sarabhaiah. Seeta notices it, but Sundaramma cleverly throws the blame on her, which Saroja also believes. Grief-stricken, Seeta leaves the house. After return Raju learns about the plight, so, he berates Saroja, when haughty Saroja departs to her father. In that muddle, Raju forgets his office money and goes in search of Seeta which Sundaramma steals too. Parallelly, when Saroja lands at home, Rao Saheb smacks and makes her realize the mistake. Simultaneously, Seeta tries to commit suicide, fortunately, Rangaiah saves her. Raju finds her in an unconscious state when Rangaiah recognizes his children. By the time, they reach home Police take Raju into custody. At that juncture, Seeta comes to consciousness and spots Sundaramma skipping. So, she pounces on her, handovers the money, and rushes to the Police Station when Sundaramma falls on claiming it as her own. At that point, Rao Saheb arrives and brings out the reality of Sundaramma when she affirms that the real culprit is Sarabhaiah. Eventually, Vasu checks in and removes the Sarabhaiah's disguise when he is about to skitter, Rangaiah catches him. There, Seeta recollects him and the family is reunited. At last, Saroja pleads for pardon from Seeta & Raju. Papaiah also repents for his deeds and couples up Seeta with Vasu.

A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo

Marlon Bundo, a black-and-white rabbit sporting a colorful bow tie, lives in the home of "Grampa", vice president Mike Pence. Marlon is lonely, but one morning after breakfast, he meets Wesley, a bespectacled brown rabbit. They spend the day together, hopping around in the garden and the house. They decide to get married, because they never want to hop without each other again.

Marlon and Wesley tell their animal friends, who respond enthusiastically. But the stink bug, who is "In Charge and Important" (and bears a striking resemblance to Mike Pence, with white hair and a suit and tie), yells at them that boy rabbits can only marry girl rabbits. He calls them different, and he says that different is bad. The other animals speak up and tell him how each of them is different in their own way. They decide to vote on who is In Charge and Important, and the stink bug is voted out. Marlon and Wesley have their wedding, with their friends in attendance. They go to sleep in anticipation of their "bunnymoon".

Witchcraft VII: Judgement Hour

A vampire, Martin Hassa (Loren Schmalle), is attacking young women in the Los Angeles area, and while at a party, he attacks and leaves Rachel (Ashlie Rhey) for dead. Jack (Mark Blydel) and Emily (Aline Kassman) have summoned their friend and lawyer, Will Spanner (David Byrnes) to the hospital as their child was hit by a drunk driver. While there, Spanner sees Rachel's roommate Sally (Mai-Lis Holmes) bring her into the hospital, and after Rachel's death sees the priest giving last rites have his rosary explode during the ceremony.

An investigation into Rachel reveals a plot by Hassa to control the nation's blood supply, leading to the deduction that Hassa is a vampire. The investigation reveals that Hassa is not only a vampire, but also the owner of the Romanian Cobol Corporation, the company which is entering a business merger that will give it control of the world's blood supply.

Suspicious, Spanner calls LAPD Detective Lutz (Alisa Christensen), who with partner Detective Garner (John Cragen) head to the hospital in time to see Rachel rise from the dead. Rachel overpowers Spanner and the two detectives, and a pursuit of Rachel by the Detectives only shows that bullets will not stop her, resulting in Will staking her. Hassa possesses and forces Keli to attack Will. Convinced of what's happening, Lutz and Garner accompany Will to the merger meeting, where they shoot Hassa's underlings.

Spanner, Lutz and Garner manage to foil these plans at the last minute, but not without the death of one of the trio of investigators as Will stakes Hassa but is mortally wounded himself. Hassa makes it back to Keli and tries to convince her to help him, but she finishes him off instead.

With Chronos' Permit

Because of Perestroika, physicist Ivan Zhuravlev is unemployed, and must take a job in journalism instead. This puts him in contact with the head of the Chronos corporation, who persuades him to participate in the illicit sale of osmium to the West. This affair ends tragically for Ivan Zhuravlev – he dies because of the intentional air crash.

Love to the girl was the best in the short life of Ivan Zhuravlev. Her name is Nastia. In their relationship something is from the famous movies by Claude Lelouch, who always glorifies man and woman created for each other.

Pet (manga)

In ancient China, martial artists had developed a psychoactive technique that allows its users to enter the subconsciousness of the human mind by manipulating their enemies' memories via their "Peak", where their most treasured memories are visible and their "Valley", where their most negative memories are suppressed. Later during the 21st century, an organization called "The Company" are tasked with retrieving and securing the descendants of said martial artists by turning them into "Pets", mindless hitmen against various targets who might pose a threat. Tsukasa and Hiroki, a master/pet duo who goes by the name Tsubushiya follows orders from the company as they slowly begin uncovering its secrets as well as a plot involving colleague Satoru and his former foster father, Hayashi.

Marlon Bundo's A Day in the Life of the Vice President

The story details the experiences of Marlon Bundo, the Pence family pet rabbit and BOTUS (Bunny of the United States), as he follows Grampa (vice president Mike Pence) around for a day. Included are visits to the Oval Office, the Senate, the vice president's office, and the telescope at their home at the Naval Observatory. At the end of the day, Marlon joins the vice president in reading the Bible and praying before bed.