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Cost of Living (play)

The play examines two pairs of relationships between disabled and able persons: one between a graduate student with cerebral palsy and his female caregiver and the other between a quadriplegic woman and her ex-husband. Eddie is an unemployed truck driver whose ex-wife Ani became a quadriplegic following a tragic accident; while John has cerebral palsy and has hired Jess as his caregiver.

The Bondman (1916 film)

The narrative hinges on Jason's vow to wreak vengeance on his father for abandoning his mother. But his father dies, and Jason turns his desire for revenge against Sunlocks, his father's son of another wife. Both Sunlocks and Jason are in love with Greeba, daughter of the governor of the Isle of Man. Sunlocks and Jason go to Iceland, and are confined in prison. Jason not knowing Sunlocks, saves his half-brother from death in the mines. Jason is freed, but Sunlocks is condemned to death. Greeba pleads for Sunlocks' life, and Jason sacrifices himself by taking Sunlocks' place and dying for him.

Arctic (film)

Overgård (Mads Mikkelsen) is stranded in the Arctic Circle waiting for rescue, living in his crashed plane. His daily routine consists of checking fishing lines, mapping his surroundings and running a distress beacon powered by a hand-crank dynamo. One day, his supply of fish is raided by a polar bear. A helicopter responds to his beacon and attempts to land, but crashes. The pilot (Tintrinai Thikhasuk) is killed and the passenger (Maria Thelma Smáradóttir), is severely injured and unconscious. Overgård dresses her wound and takes her to his plane. She does not speak English and only proves her alertness by squeezing his hand.

Overgård returns to the wreckage of the downed helicopter and finds some food, a propane cooking stove, medical equipment, a sled, a map of the area and a photo of the woman, the pilot and their child, which he brings back for her. On the map he locates a seasonal refuge that appears to be a few days' trek away. When the woman's condition does not improve, he decides he must risk the journey to the refuge to seek rescue, by a direct route. He secures the woman to the sledge and drags her behind him. He runs into a steep slope not indicated on the map, climbs it alone and sees a relatively smooth path in front of him, but fails three times in trying to hoist the woman up using ropes. He therefore decides he must take the longer route, around the icy outcrops, aware that this roundabout trek will add at least three days to his sledge-hauling trek. The flat path is exposed to strong headwinds.

When they take refuge one night in a cave, a polar bear is attracted to the scent of cooking fish. He drives the bear off with a distress flare. The next day the woman's condition worsens. Assuming her to be dead or near death, he abandons her to continue his journey alone but leaves her with the photo of her family. Shortly afterwards he falls in a crevasse and is knocked unconscious. He awakens to find himself at the bottom of a cavern with one of his legs trapped under a boulder. He injures it in repeated efforts to tug it free, and finally manages to crawl out of the cavern and back to the surface. Returning to the woman's sled, he finds that she is still alive, weeps in apology, and, despite his injured leg, sets his mind to taking her with him again.

Nearly at the end of his strength, he sees a helicopter in the distance. He lights his remaining flare but does not seem to attract the attention of the two men from the landed helicopter crew. Desperate, he sets on fire his parka, the only thing between him and freezing if the crew miss his signal, and then waves it wildly, but apparently to no avail. The helicopter takes off and disappears behind a mountain. Exhausted, he lies down next to the woman, takes her hand and prepares to meet his fate. He closes his eyes as the helicopter lands behind them.

The New Adventures of Captain Wrongel

At the English lesson in the secondary school No. 12 in Gurzuf, the teacher gives children the task to write an essay titled "The Summer Holiday". Young pioneer member Vasya Lopotukhin opens the exercise book but his thoughts are far away from the lesson.

As a result, in his dreams he goes along with Captain Wrongel to investigate the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Thanks to ingenuity and resourcefulness, Vasya manages to unravel the machinations of a group of gangsters who are operating in the area of the Bermuda Triangle. And now Vasily Ivanovich Lopotukhin, already a well-known scientist, is preparing for new expeditions, intending to investigate the mystery of Atlantis...

Palace Council

The story in ''Palace Council'' takes place between 1952 and 1975. Set predominately in Harlem, New York and Washington D.C., the book focuses on the mysterious murder of Philmont Castle, a famous white lawyer. The body is discovered on a snowy night in 1955 by protagonist Eddie Wesley, a young black writer. Wesley discovers the body in a park after leaving early from an engagement party for Aurelia Treene and Kevin Garland, as Wesley had been in love with Aurelia for many years. Castle is a close friend of the Garlands, and Wesley comes under suspicion for the murder.

However, in Castle's hand is a cross with an inscription; Wesley begins to look into this and discovers a series of secrets that reveal the reason for the murder and unveil a conspiracy that extends all the way to the White House. The cross is revealed to be a sigil of the Palace Council, a mysterious group of wealthy black and white power-brokers that purportedly controls the government, and which has ties to a violent guerrilla organisation known as Jewel Agony. Wesley's sister, Junie, disappeared some years earlier and is believed to be part of this organisation. Wesley has been trying to locate his sister, and continues to do so, while over the years changing careers from writing, where he wins two National Book Awards, to being part of the Kennedy administration and a confidante of Richard Nixon, and then leaving politics to become an investigative journalist.

Kevin Garland is murdered in an explosion, and as a result Aurelia also begins investigating the Palace Council.

The Load

During the 1999 NATO bombing of Kosovo, Vlada is a middle aged man hired to act as a courier to Belgrade through Kosovo of a mysterious truck transport, the contents of which are left undisclosed to him. This being his third excursion driving, he’s advised not to stop for any reason once he departs. After being dropped off at the site where the truck waits for him, he begins his journey but is soon rerouted by a burning car wreck at a bridge, forcing him to detour to a nearby riverbed.

He finds a group of refugees who give directions and one sells him cigarettes. A young man named Paja approaches him asking to ride with him to Belgrade, but he refuses. Despite Paja propositioning him with being able to navigate the countryside to Belgrade, he still denies him and departs. Once on the road, he realizes Paja has hitched a ride by standing on the back of the truck and after pulling over, Paja begs him to join once more since he’s freezing outside, which Vlada quietly allows him.

During their journey, the 2 witness the ravages of war torn Kosovo and learn about each other, both coming from upstanding traditional background but otherwise being very different. Paja shares the music he’s made with his band via cassette and headphones, which Vlada commends him on. After admitting to Paja he doesn’t know (nor does he want to know), what’s being transported, as well as narrowly avoiding apprehension by law enforcement, Paja decides to depart the truck short of Belgrade. Before leaving Paja gives him the cassette and tells him to reach out should he ever want to join him. He’s last shown on his own in a decrepit playground as nightfall surrounds him with nowhere to go.

Vlada arrives at his destination successfully and is compensated. As he makes his way through a government office building where he makes a phone call and decompresses, he sees through a window soldiers unloading dead bodies from the truck and piling them in to a mass grave.

He sleeps on a waiting area couch in the building and is woken up by an officer who is involved in the transport who orders him to return the truck after washing the cargo hold.

He returns to his wife and teenage son Ivan to discuss what their options are with the bombings continuing for an indeterminate time. He makes attempts to bond with his son but finds that he is emotionally estranged from him. After telling Ivan the story of how his father and uncle were affected by World War II, he gives Him the cassette tape, which Ivan is seen listening to with a friend, closing the film saying “I want to start a band.”

Dear Son

Riadh is about to retire from his work as a forklift operator in Tunis. The life he shares with his wife Nazli revolves around their son Sami, who suffers from repeated migraine attacks while preparing for his high school exams. When he finally seems to be getting better, Sami suddenly disappears.

Border (2018 Swedish film)

Tina works for the Swedish Customs Service and uses her heightened olfactory sense to detect contraband, as well as human emotions such as guilt and shame. She has a strongly Neanderthalic appearance and lives in a secluded house in the woods with Roland, a dog trainer. One day at the border, Tina sniffs out a memory card containing child pornography, and her superior asks her to help with the subsequent investigation.

The next day, a strange man with facial features similar to Tina's appears at customs. His bag is revealed to contain maggots and a device that the man claims is a maggot incubator. Tina lets him pass, but he soon returns and volunteers to be strip searched. Tina is taken aback when she learns that the man has female genitalia and a large scar on his tailbone. The man introduces himself as Vore and states that he will be staying in a nearby hostel.

Tina goes to a nursing home to see her father, who does not look like her. Upon being asked about the origin of her scar, Tina's father tells her she fell on something as a small child. She then visits the hostel where she finds Vore eating maggots off a tree. He gives her one, which she eats. Tina offers him a room in her guest house and he accepts. Tina brings him home. He tries to kiss her. Roland's suspicions are aroused.

Tina accompanies the police when they search the apartment where the suspected pedophiles live, and detects a camera with footage of an infant being sexually abused. The police arrest the occupants, but cannot identify who is trafficking the infants.

During a thunderstorm, Vore enters Tina's house, and the two of them huddle under a table, terrified by the lightning. They finally kiss. Tina later confesses that she has a chromosome deformity which makes it difficult to have sex and impossible to bear children. Vore tells her that it's not a deformity, and she should ignore what humans say about her. Tina is astonished as an erect penis emerges from her groin. The two make love, after which Vore tells Tina that she is a troll, just like he is, and that he is hoping to get in contact with a group of trolls who maintain a furtive existence in Finland.

Tina is excited by her newfound identity and begins living more like a troll, finally mustering the courage to evict Roland. She notices that Vore has taped his refrigerator shut. Upon opening it, she finds a strange infant in a cardboard box. Vore tells Tina that the baby is a hiisi, an unfertilized troll embryo that will soon die. Vore plans to use the hiisi as a changeling, and is waiting to secretly replace a real human infant with the dying troll embryo.

While one of the arrested pedophiles is being transferred, Vore stops the van and kills him. He tells Tina it was to prevent him from telling the police that it was he, Vore, who was trafficking human infants. He also confesses that the infant trafficking is part of a plot by trolls to get their revenge on humans for all the trolls that humans tortured in the 1970s. This disturbs Tina, who believes that past human mistreatment of trolls does not justify such vengeful acts.

The next day, Tina's neighbors call for an ambulance because their baby is ailing. Unbeknownst to them, it is not their child, but a changeling. Realizing that Vore has followed through on his planned deception, Tina goes to the guest house. Vore and his belongings are gone, but he has left a note instructing Tina to meet him on the ferry. She finds him on the deck. She explains that her compassion towards humans doesn't mean she is one herself and that trolls are capable of compassion too. She signals to the police, who close in and handcuff Vore, but he manages to escape by jumping overboard. His body is not found.

Tina's father finally tells her the truth about who she is: that he used to work as a caretaker at a psychiatric hospital where trolls were tortured and experimented on; that it was from there that he adopted Tina, whose original troll name was Reva, to raise as a human; and that her real troll parents are dead and that he knows where they are buried. Later Tina drives to the old hospital and finds her parents' graves.

A few months later, Tina finds a parcel on her porch. Inside is a troll infant and a postcard from Finland.

Angel Face (2018 film)

Marlene is an erratic young mother from a working-class background who was left by her husband when she cheated on him during their wedding ceremony. Unemployed, she spends her days watching reality TV shows and getting drunk. Her only source of happiness and pride is Elli, her 8-year-old daughter, whom Marlene affectionately calls "Angel Face". But for the young girl, coping with her mother and her alcoholism is a daily struggle, which makes her mature early.

Donbass (film)

The film's thirteen segments explore the mid-2010s conflict between Ukraine and the Russian-supported Donetsk People's Republic in the Donbas region of Ukraine.


Kena helps her father John Mwaura run a small convenience store in Nairobi as he campaigns for a local election. Kena lives with her mother, who isn't really on speaking terms with John. Kena starts flirting with Ziki, a neighbourhood girl with colourful hair, who also happens to be the daughter of Peter Okemi, John's political rival. Kena and Ziki have a number of romantic dates, and quickly become very close, but there are tensions about displaying their affection in public because homosexuality is illegal in Kenya.

Ziki's friends get jealous that she is spending so much time with Kena, and when they attack Kena, Ziki defends her. Ziki takes Kena home to dress her wounds, but Ziki's mom catches them kissing. They run away together to hide, but are found by the town gossip, who brings an angry mob to attack the two girls. They are both arrested, and have to be picked up by their fathers. Ziki can no longer bear to see Kena, and her parents send her to live in London. John refuses to let Kena take the blame for what happened, even though it means forfeiting his chance at winning the election.

A few years later, Kena has fulfilled her dream to become a doctor, and gets word that Ziki has returned to town. The film ends just as they are reunited: after all these years their love has not died.

The Harvesters (film)

South Africa, Free State region, isolated stronghold of the Afrikaans white ethnic minority culture. In this conservative farming territory obsessed with strength and masculinity, Janno (Brent Vermeulen) is different, secretive, emotionally frail. One day his mother (Juliana Venter), fiercely religious, brings home Pieter (Alex van Dyk), a hardened street orphan she wants to save, and asks Janno to makes this stranger into his brother. The two boys start a fight for power, heritage and parental love.

In My Room (film)

Hans Löw plays Armin, a cameraman whose professional and personal lives are dysfunctional. He suddenly finds himself apparently the only survivor of some unspecified calamity that causes every other human being to disappear. After wandering for months or years and making do with what humanity has left behind, he encounters Kirsi (Elena Radonicich) and the two form a romantic relationship but Armin reproduces all the same pettiness that he had before humanity's disappearance.

Sofia (2018 film)

The film takes place in Casablanca, and it tells the story of a pregnant and unmarried young woman in her country, Morocco—where sexual relations out of wedlock are forbidden by law.

The Grown-Ups (Mad Men)

In a frozen Sterling Cooper office (the building's heater is not working), Pete learns from Lane that Ken has been awarded the Head of Accounts position in the company. Although Pete accepts the news graciously, he leaves the office for the day soon after. When Pete informs his wife Trudy of the news, she encourages him to remain calm. While chatting with her roommate, Peggy discusses her relationship with Duck Philipps. Her roommate can't understand why Peggy is involved with Duck if he isn't married. Margaret Sterling complains to her mother, Mona, about her upcoming wedding. She is particularly upset that her father's new wife, Jane, plans on attending. When Roger learns that Jane gave Margaret an expensive wedding gift, he reprimands her for being in touch with his daughter, leading to a fight.

The following morning begins with Pete chatting with Harry Crane about his future with the company; Don gets in another argument with Lane Pryce, this time about not having an art director since Sal was fired; Duck calls Peggy in the office and invites her to his hotel room for an afternoon tryst.

News that President Kennedy has been shot in Dallas reaches Sterling Cooper, and everyone gathers around the television in Harry's office. At the Draper household, Betty learns that Kennedy has died from his wounds, and both she and her housekeeper Carla burst into tears on the couch. Duck, who had been watching the coverage but had unplugged the television shortly before Peggy's arrival, turns the news back on—after the two have had sex—to discover that Kennedy has died. Margaret Sterling, decked out in her wedding dress, sobs that her wedding the following day has been ruined.

Upon returning home, Don insists to Betty that their children shouldn't be watching news coverage of the event. The next day, it remains unclear whether Margaret's wedding will still be held. While Pete and Trudy decide not to attend the wedding—partially out of spite for Pete not being promoted—Don convinces Betty that they should attend. The wedding is indeed sparsely attended, and Roger is forced to consolidate the guests at a few tables. Many of the guests, including his wife Jane, Bert Cooper, and Ken, remain in the hotel's kitchen, glued to the news coverage of the assassination aftermath. While dancing during the wedding, Don assures Betty that everything will be fine, but Betty seems unconvinced, asking him "how do you know that?" Henry Francis's arrival at the wedding (his daughter is friends with Margaret) attracts more of Betty's attention than her husband.

The following day, Betty and Don watch the live television report where Lee Harvey Oswald is killed. Distraught, Betty leaves the house to meet Henry, who proposes that they get married. When Betty returns home, she informs Don that she no longer loves him, explaining "there's no point."

Don leaves the next morning for work without saying a word to Betty. In the office, he finds Peggy reworking the advertising campaign strategy for AquaNet (which has acquired an unwanted resonance following the assassination). Peggy invites Don to watch Kennedy's funeral in Cooper's office, but he declines.

The American Meme

''The American Meme'' explores the online footprint and behind the scenes stories of four social media celebrities who have each utilised online platforms to gain followers and become ‘influencers’ in the digital age.

The documentary film raises the idea of modern alienation under capitalism and explores various diverse material on the likes of Paris Hilton, Josh Ostrovsky, Brittany Furlan and Kirill Bichutsky’s rise to fame, strategies to maintain influence in social media spaces and difficulties in maintaining this influence and the use of social media as a source of income.

California or Bust

Jeff Daggett is a mechanic in the fictional town of Rockett, Arizona. He owns a local garage, but he leaves the day-to-day operation of the garage to his assistant, the mechanic. Daggett spends all his time on developing a new car motor.

While they are driving west to California, the president of a motor company, Holtwood, and his daughter Nadine are passing through Rockett when their car breaks down. When Daggett comes to service them, he begins talking about his new motor. When they get back to the garage, Holtwood contacts his chief engineer, Wade Rexton, to come out from California to take a look at the motor.

When he arrives, Rexton realizes the potential of the engine, but as he watches the interaction between Daggett and Nadine, he sees Daggett as a competitor for Nadine's affections and becomes jealous. Instead of praising Daggett's motor, he denigrates it, and challenges Daggett to a race, with Rexton in a car with a Holtwood motor, and Daggett in a car using his own design. After the race starts, Rexton is waylayed on the highway by a robber. As Daggett reaches Rexton, they take off after the robber, and eventually catch him, retrieving the car. After they return to Rockett, Holtwood offers Daggett a job, which he accepts.

The Regional Office is Under Attack!

The Regional Office, an organization of super-powered female assassins that protects the world from annihilation, comes under attack from enemies led by Rose, a former Regional Office assassin. While many of the organization's members are defeated, Sarah, an assassin raised by the organization from childhood after her mother's disappearance, continues to defend the Regional Office. As she battles against the attackers, Sarah uncovers the secrets behind the Regional Office's origins, and learns the reasons for her mother's disappearance.

Simply Heavenly

As the curtain rises, Simple is being informed by his landlady that he must walk her dog without complaining or pay his rent. Simple reluctantly agrees, as he is anxious to visit Joyce. Joyce waits in her furnished room for Simple's arrival, voicing her admiration for him ("Simply Heavenly"). Simple arrives and promises to mend his way of life and to accompany Joyce to church on Sunday. They go for a stroll. Simple returns Joyce to her room and instead of going home goes to Paddy's Bar. He is conversing with his friends when Zarita enters and persuades him to join her for an evening touring the gin mills of New Jersey ("Let Me Take You for a Ride").

Gitfiddle, a guitar-playing blues singer, enters, having broken a string on his guitar, but still determined to play the blues ("Broken Strings").

The next scene finds Simple in a hospital bed, as Zarita's car has "tried to climb the George Washington Bridge instead of crossing it!" The scene shifts back to the bar to find Simple out of the hospital but unable to sit down. He is as disgusted with himself as he is broke; he has spent nearly his last nickel on a newspaper that has no news about people of color ("Flying Saucer Monologue").

Gitfiddle mourns the fact that jukeboxes are taking the place of live music. Mamie, the warmhearted woman everybody loves, assures him he can play the blues for her any time ("Did You Ever Hear the Blues?"). Simple's friends continue to admonish him for his fast living and he recalls the story of John Henry ("I'm Gonna Be John Henry").

Mamie is constantly being pursued by Melon, a watermelon vendor. She expresses disgust at his constantly following her and forever ringing her bell ("When I'm in a Quiet Mood").

Zarita returns, trying to get the bartender Hopkins to join her for a night of fun. She cannot understand his refusal and recalls the times when he would accept ("Look for the Morning Star").

Though Simple has made progress raising money for his divorce, he is now jobless. Joyce tells him she will lend him money and do his laundry ("Gatekeeper of My Castle").

Simple returns to his room, only to be interrupted by Zarita and many of her friends. It is Zarita's birthday ("Let's Ball Awhile"). Simple wants no part of this but can't help himself. Just as the fun is at its peak, Joyce enters to return Simple's laundry. Zarita decides she is unwanted and takes the party to her house.

Next morning, the bar is saddened by Simple's troubles with Joyce. The bartender tries to spread a little cheer ("Beat It Out, Mon"). Zarita cannot understand why her charms are being rebuffed by Simple—she has never had trouble with men before (The Men in My Life).

Meanwhile, Simple gets his job back and decides he will not see Joyce again until he has enough money to pay for his divorce.

Grezzo 2

The protagonist of ''Grezzo 2'' is Piro, a pagan farmer from Perugia, Italy. Embittered over the rise of Christianity, Piro embarks on a killing spree, with his first target being the church hosting his grandparents' silver wedding anniversary. Piro massacres the event's reception, and dies shortly thereafter; he then falls into the afterlife to be judged by God, who is depicted as a short-tempered, foul-mouthed man adorned with cultist robes. Depending on the player's actions, Piro can either fight and kill God, or avoid the fight and escape the afterlife.

After returning to Earth and killing countless others, Piro initiates a plan to kill Jesus Christ in his infancy, thereby preventing the creation of Christianity. Piro infiltrates the womb of the Virgin Mary and slays the gestating Jesus within. An egg opportunistically appears where Jesus dies, which Piro fertilizes with his semen. From this egg a new Piro is born, who graphically bursts out of the Virgin Mary, killing her. The reborn Piro pulls out a banjo and plays a song for the Three Wise Men who stood at the Virgin Mary's side.

Franko: The Crazy Revenge

The game's backstory dates back to 1987 in Szczecin, depicted as a haven for drug dealers at the time. The two teenagers Franko and Alex were practicing martial arts for self-defense and showing off. One night on the streets the friends got ambushed by a gang led by a man named Klocek (pl. block, probably "fecal" with the game's tone). The two fought back but got overwhelmed and were left with Franko barely unconscious and Alex dead. Franko swore revenge and went on to train for years until few years (and one revolution) later he's ready to take on Klocek and his gang all by himself.

The game proper begins somewhere in the early 1990s - with slight hints in the form of references like C+C Music Factory being mentioned on a floor graffiti and one billboard in the third level depicting an advertisement for ''RoboCop 3''. The protagonist - who could be either Franko or Alex despite the latter supposed to be deceased - roams through the streets of Szczecin based on actual locations, starting first at the Rydla street of Osiedle Słoneczne neighbourhood, then going through Independence Alley with the final level being set on the Drzetowo-Grabowo neighbourhood. On his way Franko (or Alex) beats up droves of punks, thugs, karatekas, police officers, ZOMO troops, a software pirate (being the boss of the second stage), exhibitionists and others before finally getting on Klocek. After weakening Klocek, the drug boss wants to get some rest but he ends up breaking the railing behind him and falls onto the train tracks.

The Guardian (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

Flowers adorned the series' fonts. The Seattle scenery is not featured.

In the Characters' Past

It has been an eternity for Rumplestiltskin since Belle's passing while enduring his life in the new Enchanted Forest realm. As he deals with the loss of his wife, Facilier shows up and offers a chance to communicate with Belle by having Rumplestiltskin give up his dagger in exchange. Knowing Rumple, he doesn't want to make a deal involving the dagger and it leads to a battle that Rumplestiltskin wins. Facilier however does tell Rumplestiltskin that Belle wants him to find the Guardian, a person who is ready to take possession of the dagger and lead Rumplestiltskin out of the darkness, but if he fails the dagger will become the sole possession of Facilier.

Later on in the Forest, Rumplestiltskin watched Alice and Robin while staying hidden, but (Wish) Hook catches him and warns him to stay away, despite claiming that Alice might be the Guardian he was looking for. Hours later and with the Darkness ready to consume him, Rumplestiltskin got the opportunity to see Alice and tells her that he has a way to break the curse put on her father's heart and that Facilier has the magic they need, but he won't give it up without a fight. Alice says she'll do whatever it takes to reunite with her father, but is horrified when she learns what it will take.

When Facilier arrives, Rumplestiltskin tests out Alice's proof of being the Guardian by having her rip Facilier's heart out, but despite being desperate to save Hook, she refused to crush it and runs off. However, Rumplestiltskin did tell Alice that she was indeed the Guardian that will take possession of the dagger. As they start the transfer, Rumplestiltskin hears Belle's voice coming from the dagger. Realizing that this would become a burden on Alice, Rumplestiltskin holds off on giving up the dagger until he found the perfect way to rid himself of the darkness, and wants Alice to be happy with Robin so she won't have to deal with the burden of the dagger.

Later on, Alice convinced Hook that Rumplestiltskin was a changed person, a decision that would change the outcome in which the Wish Realm Hook and the Enchanted Forest Rumplestiltskin became friends.

In The Present Day

At the police station, Weaver and Rogers are about to question Nick about the murders, only to discover him dead. Weaver realizes that Samdi is responsible for Hansel's death, and he leaves Rogers to lock down the building to stop Samdi, only to discover that it's too late as Weaver finds the dagger missing and believes it is in Samdi's possession. Later on, Weaver visits Regina for help and tells her why he wants the dagger back, and to acquire some of the magic she's using to save Henry, but Regina turns him down. However, she agreed to confront Samdi about the dagger. When Regina went to visit Samdi, he admitted to killing Hansel but it wasn't him who took the dagger. Weaver doesn't buy Samdi's claim when he later confronted him and is ready to shoot Samdi, who reminded Weaver that he can't kill him without risking a permanent separation from Belle. Knowing the implications, Weaver is determined to find the dagger, no matter the cost.

Margot meets up with Tilly (during the time she began hearing the “buzzing” coming from the dagger she was unaware of), and the two plan for their first date together. The women visit a book shop, where Margot shows Tilly travel books on places she has seen upon learning about Tilly's desire to travel one day, only to be interrupted by the dagger's voices again and the date abruptly ends. Later on at Roni's, Tilly catches up with Margot to apologize for ending the date, but Margot isn't worried about this, saying she understands and still wants to be there regardless.

Weaver later resorted to desperate measures by stealing the magic ingredients from Regina without her knowing in order to create a tracker spell, which eventually leads him to Tilly. The voices Tilly was hearing were coming from the dagger itself, in her backpack, thus revealing her to Weaver as the Guardian, but at the same time he believes that she didn't take the weapon. After the dagger is back in his possession, Regina visits Weaver and discovers the identity of the Guardian. She then confronts him on stealing the magic from her, thus ending any chance of her saving Henry. Feeling betrayed, Regina tells Weaver it's over between the two. In between the events, Henry is still confused over why Nick tried to kill him and as he explains what happened to Jacinda, he is more concerned about the test results that Nick showed him. He later asks Rogers (who was checking surveillance to see who last visited Hansel but Samdi had it altered) to return to the apartment to find the evidence. Rogers also notices another surveillance camera of Drew near the police station, thus giving Rogers suspicions about him. As the two return to the apartment, Henry finds the paperwork, but then he and Rogers hear sounds and chase down the intruder, who they discover is Drew. It turns out that Drew was trying to find a way to protect himself from Samdi, and tells the two that Samdi was responsible for Nick's death, but Drew was afraid to go to authorities in fear of how powerful Samdi is, and Drew hints at how Nick actually died. When they see the autopsy results, they discover Nick died from a stab, but from within instead of outside the body, Rogers begins to suspect something isn't right in this town, as Drew alluded earlier.

Henry later shares the results of the blood test with Jacinda after having it confirmed at the hospital. The discovery has Henry and Jacinda realizing that Lucy was telling the truth, about everything, all along.

Free Fall (2014 American film)

When the sudden and shocking death of a coworker sends everyone reeling at Gault Capital, Jane Porter (Sarah Butler), uncovers a very dangerous secret. Her boss, charismatic billionaire Thaddeus Gault (Malcolm McDowell), is suspected of massive financial fraud. An assassin, Frank (D.B. Sweeney), is dispatched to silence her forever. Jane's flight from the office is forestalled when her pursuer shuts down her elevator. Now, trapped and alone, Jane must find a way to escape her steel cage before the killer reaches her. This brooding and relentless thriller plunges our heroine, Jane, into a free fall of betrayal and terror. To survive Jane must find the inner strength and courage to defeat the powers that hold her and her dreams captive by fear.

A Series of Steaks

Helena uses bioprinting to forge expensive cuts of beef... until she is blackmailed by a client with a particularly difficult request.

Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019 film)

After her mother's death, 16-year-old sleuth Nancy Drew and her father Carson relocate from Chicago to rural River Heights. While Nancy struggles to fit in, Carson is active in local politics, fighting the development of a train line through the town. A local thug named Willie Wharton threatens Nancy one night to try to scare her father into backing down.

While performing community service as punishment for a prank on a school bully, Nancy meets Flora, an elderly woman needing help with an apparent haunting in her home. Excited by the mystery, Nancy stays overnight at Flora's home, along with Flora's niece Helen. That night, strange things begin to happen, with lights going out and then exploding, cabinet doors and drawers opening, and a cloaked figure appearing and warning Nancy to give up her mystery.

The next day, Nancy believes that someone broke in and tried scaring them out. Nancy and Helen investigate, and they find a secret passage that leads outside, revealing how the "ghost" entered the house. The secret passage also contains props the intruder used to simulate a haunting, such as a rigged fuse box to manipulate the lights in the house. The rest of the strange phenomenon is explained by a rig that emits concentrated nutmeg through the house's air conditioning, which triggers dangerous hallucinations.

Later, Nancy realizes her father, who is staying out of town on a business trip, has not checked in with her or her aunt Hannah recently. She calls her father's friend Nate, who tells her that Carson's meeting is at a campsite and reception must be spotty. Nancy is not convinced, as Carson had told her he would be staying at a hotel.

Worried that something has happened to him, Nancy and Helen head to Carson's hotel. They discover that he never checked out, and his cell phone is still in his room. Security footage from the previous night reveals Carson was ambushed and kidnapped by Wharton. Nancy's friends Bess and George find out that Wharton is also the man who bought the nutmeg used at Flora's house, and Nancy realizes Carson is being kept in the secret passage there. She and Helen head to Flora's house, where they discover Wharton and Nate holding Carson and Flora hostage. It is revealed that Wharton and Nate were working together to sabotage the anti-train movement, and that they intended to force Flora to sell her house so the line could be built through her property. When Nancy's investigation proved that the house was not haunted, they were forced to use other means to secure the land. Nancy and Helen work together to save Carson and Flora from their captors, who are then arrested by the police.

The next day at school, Nancy, George, and Bess welcome Helen into their circle of friends, and together they plan their next adventure at the Lilac Inn.

Cream Soda and Milk

Ling's parents were separated when she was young and she went abroad with her mother. Her brother Ding spends time in the youth detention centers and prisons of Hong Kong. Ling misses her brother and when she returns to Hong Kong she seeks her boyfriend Yeung’s help to look for her brother and father. Yeung is a social worker and one day he sees a youngster who looks like Ling's brother and loves drinking cream soda and milk. Nevertheless, Ding doesn't want to meet his sister.

Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible

Masha is the best student аt school. In class she receives an anonymous love letter. Meanwhile, Petrov comes to the blackboard and writes a sentence full of mistakes. Meanwhile Masha has corrected the spelling mistakes in the love letter. When she compares it to the mistakes Petrov made, she immediately realizes that the letter was from him. She rebuffs him by sending him a note saying that he must first learn how to write correctly.

Vasechkin wants to help his friend Petrov. Тhey read ''The Taming of the Shrew'', which leads them wanting to tame Masha in a similar way. But Masha is far too smart not to see through the boys' plan. Frustrated, they stroll through the streets imagining what if they had special powers. They encounter a strange man, who turns out to have magic powers. He grants the boys three wishes altogether. Petrov wishes to be the strongest man in the world, and Vasechkin only wants to get perfect grades. The third wish is not yet granted to them, they are to mull over it.

And indeed, the wishes come true. However, incredible strength soon turns out to be rather disadvantageous for Petrov. And also Vasechkin does not enjoy his wish — although he only receives perfect grades, he has not actually become any smarter. Additionally, Masha is not impressed by the new skills of the boys. Eventually they want to become the same as they were before, but the wizard has disappeared. Masha helps them formulate their wish correctly and the boys lose their skills again.

The French class stages the ''Little Red Riding Hood'' in French. Masha plays the title character. Petrov is supposed to play the wolf, but because he had reported sick to skip an exam, Vasechkin takes over the role. When Petrov hears this, he sneaks to the performance, and so the Red Riding Hood suddenly faces two wolves. After the two guys ruin the show, they have even less of a chance with Mascha.

While the boys have to do a detention, Masha is awarded three times — as the best athlete of the school, as the best student in French and the best student paramedic. The boys then swear revenge. During the swimming class they think of a solution — Petrov is to pretend that he is drowning, while Vasechkin is to save him to receive a rescue medal, and thus divert attention from Masha. But the plan fails as it is Masha who saves both boys in the end.

And once again Masha is awarded, this time with a rescue medal. The boys realize that they can not outdo Masha. Instead, they focus on their abilities. While they have to do a detention again, they use the opportunity and beautify the classroom by hanging a wallpaper. And finally, they also attract the attention of Masha.

Ann and Eve

An erotic drama about a youthful bride-to-be who takes a holiday to Yugoslavia with a cynical and evil lesbian film critic (and murderess) that leads to debauchery, degradation with a dwarf, a dinner with naked entertainers and other highlights.

Lupin the Third: Pilot Film

The pilot film, loosely based on the manga chapter ''Camera Tricks'', mainly serves as an introduction to the five major characters, as well as a retired detective named Kogoro Akechi. Each character is introduced to the viewer through several vignettes with narration. The overarching story sees Lupin III, Daisuke Jigen and Fujiko Mine in a mansion surrounded by police led by Inspector Zenigata and Akechi. Goemon Ishikawa offers to help the police by entering the house to kill Lupin. However, Lupin has already exited the building in disguise as Akechi and facilitates Jigen and Fujiko's escape.

The Story of My Wife

Storr, a Dutch naval captain, tells the story of his unhappy marriage to his wife, Lizzy, a Frenchwoman he married after a friend dared him to marry the next woman who walked into the café they were sitting in.

Jan Palach (film)

The film chronicles the life of Jan Palach from childhood until his death in 1969.

The film starts during Palach's childhood. Palach gets lost in the woods and wanders in snow while his family tries to find him. The film then cuts to 1967 when Palach goes on a student work trip to Kazakhstan. He befriends a young Russian who gets in trouble, but Palach stands up for him against his superior. Palach then visits France along with his friends. He enjoys his time there until he finds out about the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia which shocks him. Palach decides to return to Czechoslovakia. He hears about the self-immolation of Ryszard Siwiec. Palach participates in a strike against invasion and tries to be active but is disappointed with the passiveness of society. He eventually decides to self-immolate himself against the invasion. The film ends with a shot of his burnt face.

Der Unsichtbare

Peter Benjamin (Klaus Wennemann), a successful middle-aged television talk-show host, is bequeathed by his uncle Josef (Rudolf Schündler) a magic cap, whose wearer becomes invisible. Benjamin decides to surprise his wife Helene (Barbara Rudnik) but instead finds her making a phone call to her lover who, unbeknownst to Benjamin, is his personal assistant Eduard (Benedict Freitag). Distressed, Benjamin disposes of the cap in a street rubbish bin but, unhinged by his discovery, makes a mess of his TV show that evening in which he pleads his wife to stop doing what she is doing.

Watching the programme, journalist Jo Schnell (Nena), whose boyfriend is cheating on her, senses a hot story. She pursues Benjamin who is becoming increasingly erratic, trying to work out the identity of his wife's lover. Helene leaves him, he loses his job and is further hassled by the frantic attention of his mother (Camilla Horn).

Benjamin decides to resolve his problems by retrieving the magic cap, which he finds in a rubbish tip. Invisible, he returns to his TV studio to harass his boss, whose office he trashes. Also whilst invisible, he sneaks into Helene's hotel room and pleasures her in bed beside Eduard. Meanwhile, Jo, from scrutinising photos of Benjamin meeting his mother, deduces the cap's magic qualities.

After leaving Helene's hotel room, Benjamin meets a woman in the lift and takes her back to his apartment, whereupon Jo arrives in search of the cap. When Helene rings on the doorbell, Benjamin bundles Jo and the woman into a wardrobe where the cap is stored. Helene has come to collect her possessions but when she opens the wardrobe, there is no sign of Jo or the woman. In the ensuing confusion Jo (wearing the cap) escapes to catch a train, which she knows her cheating boyfriend and his new girlfriend will be travelling on.

Helene and Benjamin figure out where Jo has gone and catch the same train where Jo, invisible, is taunting her boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Meanwhile, Benjamin mistakes a passenger's cap for the magic one, steels it and causes a scene thinking he is invisible. Train staff confine him to a compartment where he is rescued by Jo. Jo and Benjamin start kissing and cuddling before being discovered by Helene. Having left the train, the three of them discuss the future. The film ends three months later with the main characters using the cap to further their own ends - Benjamin to resurrect his TV career as a magician and Helene to steal expensive jewellery.

Toman (film)

The film follows the rise and fall of Zdeněk Toman, Head of Czechoslovak Intelligence from 1945 to 1948.

The film starts in April 1948 when Toman is interrogated by Inspector Putna. The film then moves to March 1945 when Toman was repatriation officer in Carpathian Ruthenia. He comes into conflict with NKVD officers who insist that nobody will be repatriated from Carpathian Ruthenia as it will become part of Soviet Union. Toman bribes NKVD officers and later meets Imrich Rosenberg. Rosenberg asks Toman to help repatriate Jews from Carpathian Ruthenia. Toman agrees to help for money. Toman later organises a meeting of the exiled Czechoslovak government in Košice. He meets Václav Nosek, who agrees to help him with his career. Nosek helps Toman to become part of Czechoslovak Intelligence, which is led by non-communist General Josef Bartík. Toman befriends a prominent Communist Rudolf Slánský, who tasks Toman to get finances for the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Toman uses his contacts in Great Britain to get the finances and also rises in prominence. He replaces Bartík as the Head of Intelligence. He also uses his influence to help Jewish refugees and to help establish Israel. Toman's finances help Communists to win 1946 election. He meets Klement Gottwald but also becomes an enemy of the Communist Clique represented by Bedřich Reicin, which has ties in the Soviet Union. Toman's support for Israel gets him into conflict with the Soviets. Toman is removed from his position during the 1948 coup d'état. Toman is arrested while his wife commits suicide. Toman manages to escape, and with the help of Jewish representatives he previously helped, he escapes to Bavaria where he surrenders to American soldiers.

The Basement (film)

A deranged serial killer known as Bill Anderson (or "The Gemini") tortures and slays his victims in the basement of his San Fernando Valley home.

Craig Owen (Long), a famous guitarist, goes to the convenience store when his wife, Kelly, asks him to get more champagne. While out, Craig receives two seductive text messages from a woman named Bianca, which he promptly deletes. He is kidnapped in the parking lot. Bill tortures him throughout the night by cutting off his fingers, knocking out his teeth (and forcing Craig to chew and swallow them at one point), and pretending to be various characters in a bizarre drama, including a clown, a police officer, a detective, a prisoner, a doctor, a lawyer, a father, a mother, and a prison guard. The mother gives Craig a nail file, which he uses to cut through his restraints while Gemini eats upstairs. Craig frees himself and escapes the basement, only to be recaptured. He wakes to Bill dressed as a priest who makes him confess and take communion before carving the Gemini zodiac symbol into Craig's forehead. Bill returns dressed as an executioner and waits for 6:00 AM. Eventually, he decapitates Craig with a blowtorch.

Meanwhile, Craig's wife Kelly invites her best friend Bianca over to discuss where Craig might be. Kelly reveals to Bianca that Craig is having an affair and wants to kill whoever it could be. Bianca stays the night and falls asleep on the sofa after Kelly drugs her.

In the morning, Bill arrives at the house dressed as a police officer. He assures her that he killed Craig. Kelly points to Bianca and tells Gemini to 'take out the trash'.

In the last few minutes, a flashback set one month earlier reveals that Bill and Kelly are twins, and she knows all about his killing spree. She also knows that Craig is having an affair with Bianca and asks Bill to kill Craig.

Maidenform (Mad Men)

Herman "Duck" Phillips informs Don that Sterling Cooper's client, Playtex, wants a new campaign more like the Maidenform "dream" campaign. Peggy, Salvatore, Ken Cosgrove, Paul Kinsey, and Frederick Rumsen discuss the Playtex campaign.

Don and Betty attend an event at a country club on Memorial Day 1962. The following morning, Betty is shown wearing a bikini purchased from the club fashion show and Don tells her she looks desperate.

Peggy finds out that the others had had an informal, after-hours discussion about the Playtex campaign. Kinsey reveals his plan to compare women to Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe for the Playtex campaign, identifying women in the office as "Jackies" or "Marilyns". Peggy disagrees with his theory and is told she is more like Gertrude Stein or Irene Dunne. Peggy asks Joan Holloway why she isn't being included. Joan replies that Peggy needs to "learn to speak the language" and advises her to stop dressing like a little girl. Playtex executives turn down the campaign.

Bobbie reveals that women have been talking about Don's many affairs and ability in the bedroom. When she keeps testing him after being told to "stop talking", Don ties her to the bed and leaves.

The creative team meet the Playtex executives at a strip club. Peggy surprises the team by showing up in a revealing dress and sits on a Playtex executive's lap in view of a visibly jealous Pete.

In the last scene of the episode Don is seen shaving, watched by his daughter Sally. Sally remarks that she "won’t talk" as to not disturb Don while shaving so he doesn’t cut himself. Reminded of the conversation he had with Bobbie about his reputation when he told her to "stop talking", Don asks Sally to leave and becomes upset while staring at himself in the mirror.

In Search of Fellini

A shy small-town Ohio girl who loves movies but dislikes reality, discovers the delightfully bizarre films of Federico Fellini, and sets off on a strange, beautiful journey across Italy to find him.

Brittany Runs a Marathon

Brittany Forgler is a 28-year-old living in New York City, employed as a greeter at an off-Broadway theater. She and her roommate Gretchen, a teacher's assistant dreaming of social media fame, are hard partiers who abuse drugs. Visiting a new doctor to score an Adderall prescription, Brittany receives the unwelcome diagnosis that she is overweight and must get healthier. She visits a gym only to find even the cheapest membership fee is out of her reach. Despite her fear, she sets small achievable goals, and tries running on her own outdoors. She is invited to run in a group with her neighbor Catherine, whom Brittany detests for her seemingly perfect life. After another night of partying by Gretchen, Brittany joins the group run and meets Seth, another struggling runner, learning they have equal goals. Brittany, Seth, and Catherine bond and, after a 5K run, set the ultimate goal: running in the New York City Marathon.

Brittany seeks a second job to afford a gym membership, and becomes a pet sitter in a wealthy home. On her first day, she meets fellow pet sitter Jern, who is essentially living in the house against the rules. After a falling out with Gretchen over her changing lifestyle, Brittany moves into the house as well, bonding with Jern over their stalled lives. Seth and Catherine's predictions that Brittany will have sex and fall in love with Jern eventually come true.

Brittany gets within five pounds of her goal of losing 45 pounds. Unable to win a place in the marathon through a lottery, as Seth does, her only hope is to raise enough money for a charity. At Catherine's divorce party, Catherine offers to donate $5000 from her family trust and from Seth so Brittany can run in the marathon. Brittany turns down the offer, saying she does not want pity, and she leaves. She pushes to lose more weight by running even harder, until one of her shins becomes too painful to walk on. Five weeks from the marathon, her doctor informs her she has a stress fracture and will be unable to run for six to eight weeks, and the damage may be permanent.

Distraught, convinced she will gain back her weight, Brittany returns to the dog-sitting house and discusses the state of her life with Jern. The homeowners return and, disgusted Jern and Brittany have been living there, fire them. Brittany takes a bus to Philadelphia to visit her sister Cici and brother-in-law Demetrius, who was a father figure to Brittany after their parents' divorce and father's death. She ignores calls and texts from Catherine, Seth, and Jern, saddened to see Seth and Catherine with their marathon medals. That same day, she disrupts Demetrius's birthday party by making comments about an overweight female guest due to her own insecurities. After a stern but heartfelt talk with Demetrius, Brittany returns to New York and her former apartment, now alone.

Brittany continues exercising but stops tracking her weight loss. She applies for advertising jobs, for which she trained initially, and lands an entry-level position in Tribeca. She reconnects with her friends. Catherine reveals that running was a distraction from her nasty divorce, explaining that a year ago, she broke her wrist and was prescribed Oxycodone; her husband used it as evidence she had relapsed into drug use, and the court denied her visitation rights to their children. Brittany encourages Catherine to take small steps to win her children back. Brittany sets boundaries with Jern to just be friends while she works on herself.

One year later, Brittany runs in the marathon. At the 22-mile mark, she develops a cramp and has to pause. She rejects medical assistance, but accepts an assistant's offer to help her up. While considering quitting, she finds Seth, his husband and sons, and Catherine in the crowd cheering her on. She also encounters Jern, who says he loves her. She then keeps going and finishes the marathon.

An epilogue reveals Brittany and Jern living together as a couple, but she does not want to marry him despite his suggestion. She kisses him, and leaves the house to go on a run.

My Fairy Tail Love Story

Chantel (Janella Salvador) is a spoiled brat cursed to be a mermaid after she disturbed corals under the sea. With the help of her best friend Noah (Elmo Magalona), they go on a journey to find her Prince Charming who she believes will break the curse she's in.

Noir: A Shadowy Thriller

The setting of ''Noir'' places the player in Los Angeles in 1940 as a private investigator. The player is tasked with completing six non-linear 'cases' presented as the unresolved files of their missing partner, Jack Slayton. These cases can be completed in any order or concurrently. Once the player has solved all cases, they will discover the cause of Jack Slayton's disappearance.

Quarantine (1983 film)

When quarantine is announced in the kindergarten, it turns out that there is no one with whom to leave five year old Masha — everyone is busy with urgent matters. Even the grandparents are swarmed with work. Therefore, Masha has to live with relatives, friends, colleagues and casual acquaintances which leads to many adventures.

The Deadly Hunt

A married couple are chased by two hunters.

Passenger from the "Equator"

Young swimmer Ilmar sails on the ship "Equator" to the pioneer camp, located somewhere on the Black Sea shore. Accidentally, he witnesses a strange event: one of the passengers, a foreigner (he is a magician and a "businessman"), Mr. Pipp secretly throws a suspicious object into the sea (radio beacon). Pipp discovers a boy nearby and fearing revelation, pushes him overboard, and no one notices what has occurred on the boat.

Some time later, the leader of the pioneer detachment finds Ilmar on the shore of the stormy sea, who does not remember how he came to be in the water. Everything looks as if he fell into the water from the pier. Soon Ilmar and his new friends in the pioneer camp will again meet with the mysterious stranger ...

I Am the Mother Too

A story of a woman who is surrogate mother, overcoming hardships and hurts, finding true love and happiness, and her maternal love transcends bloodline.

Gold (2017 film)

A group of Spanish conquistadores for Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor travels through the American jungle, following a route that will lead them to the legendary city of gold of Tezutlan as recorded by a previous expedition. The forty men and women are nominally led by the aging nobleman Don Gonzalo de Baztán and his young wife Ana, but actually commanded by the brutal, gold-hungry veteran conquistador Ensign Juan de Gorriamendi. Tensions start to arise in the group due to the jungle's perils and their own grudges with each other, including the impopularity of Don Gonzalo due to his summary executions and the growing attraction between Ana and one of the soldiers, Italian Wars veteran Martín Dávila, who rivals Gorriamendi for her.

After crossing a river filled with alligators, the expedition is told by messenger Jeromillo that the governor who sanctioned the mission has been deposed, and that his successor has sent another contingent under the command of Captain Juan Medrano to catch up with them, planning to execute Don Gonzalo and override the expedition. In order to avoid Medrano, and by advice of the group's local guide, Chocó auxiliary Mediamano, the group turns towards a territory populated by hostile Carib tribes. However, ultimately deciding against Don Gonzalo's incompetent leadership, the conquistadores revolt against him and have him killed anyway, with Gorriamendi taking over the mission. The ensign also becomes Ana's forceful lover, further digging a trench between Dávila and him.

The group reaches a peaceful tribal village where they find Manuel Requena, a survivor of the first expedition who settled down and started a family with a native woman. Despite their help, events go awry when Jeromillo turns out to be a traitor who had allowed Medrano to follow them, causing the village to be massacred and burned by the pursuers. In retaliation, the expedition organizes an ambush and defeats Medrano's forces, executing the captain and integrating the survivors into their own, dwindling numbers. Afterwards, they continue until Río Grande, which separates them from the region where Tezutlan is supposedly located.

A savage local tribe attacks them next, exerting psychological warfare with poisoned darts and war chants, but the Spaniards counter it with a vihuela song by Dávila's idea and turn the tables on them. The group then attacks the tribe's village, coming victorious in a bloody battle despite being ambushed and outnumbered. However, upon finding cannibalized remnants of Spanish soldiers in the shacks, soldiers led by Gorriamendi and Catholic priest Father Vargas intend to retaliate by executing the village's women and children, causing a scuffle against Dávila in which Mediamano is murdered. As a consequence, rebelling against Charles V's orders, Gorriamendi and his followers try to kill the rest of the conquistadores. Ana dies in the fight, but her sacrifice allows the loyalists to defeat and execute Gorriamendi.

With the expedition now reduced to a four men led by Sergeant Bastaurrés, their route takes them through a battlefield between two tribes hostile to each other. Dávila and soldier Barbate manage to make it out alive, eventually reaching the city of Tezutlan in the Pacific Ocean shore, only to discover the legendary gold city is just a pauper coast village with gold-colored glazed clay roofings. Realizing all was for nothing, and despite knowing they will be probably executed for all the trouble when they return, Dávila takes possession of the territory for the Spanish crown.

Fast & Furious Spy Racers

Tony Toretto, Dominic Toretto's cousin, is recruited by a government agency together with his friends to infiltrate an elite racing league serving as a front for a criminal organization called SH1FT3R that is bent on world domination.

In Season 2, the gang goes to Brazil on an undercover mission to find Layla Gray and prevent potential world domination at the hands of a long-thought deceased daughter of a well-known gang in Rio de Janeiro.

In Season 3, Tony and his crew make a dangerous journey to the Sahara Desert when Ms. Nowhere mysteriously disappears on a mission there, all agents uncovering a plot by a maniacal villain using remote-control weather satellites.

In Season 4, Ms. Nowhere and Tony's crew are framed for a crime they had no involvement in prior, and flee to Mexico to both find the real culprit, clear their names, and flee the unstoppable super-agent hunting them down.

In Season 5, the group travels to the South Pacific Ocean to rescue one of their own, leading to a faceoff with an old enemy.

In Season 6, the team returns to fighting against an old nemesis in a showdown that takes them all the way back to Los Angeles.

Three Sundays

Passion Sunday

The episode begins with Peggy and her family at the Church of the Holy Innocents. In an attempt to leave, Peggy lies to her sister, Anita, and says that she feels sick. On her way out she meets Father Gill, a visiting priest. After a short conversation, Peggy decides to go back into the church for the rest of Mass.

Meanwhile, Don and Betty are sleeping in bed at home, but are woken up by a phone call from a friend about a barbecue that afternoon. They decide to cancel and spend the day relaxing around their house. Bobby is reprimanded for touching the stereo, but he lies about doing so. Later, he breaks the bed, increasingly angering Betty.

At the Olson residence, Father Gill comes over for dinner. During dinner, Peggy's mother expresses pride about Peggy's work in Manhattan. Father Gill offers Peggy a ride home, and asks for her advice on giving presentations because he has to deliver the sermon on Palm Sunday.

At a restaurant, Roger and Mona have dinner with their daughter Margaret and her fiancé, Brooks. Margaret doesn't want a big wedding, but Roger and Mona attempt to convince her otherwise.

Palm Sunday

Father Gill stops at the Olson household and gives Peggy's sister and mother a copy of the sermon from that day to show to Peggy. Anita's jealousy starts to grow when she realizes Father Gill has taken a liking to Peggy.

At the Draper residence, Don is making pancakes when he receives a phone call from Duck that the American Airlines pitch has been moved up to Friday, and that Don must come into the office. While Don is distracted by the phone call, Bobby burns his chin on the pancake griddle. Betty has to take Bobby to the hospital, so Don brings Sally to work.

At Sterling Cooper, Duck organizes the American Airlines presentation. Not satisfied with their creative pitch, Don decides to change direction and chooses not to mention anything of the airline's past accident- instead focusing on the American future. As the workers focus on the pitch, Sally explores the office: listening in on adult conversations, asking Paul about his intimate relationship with his girlfriend, and finishing off someone's alcoholic beverage. Don notices that Sally was drinking, but does not say anything.

Not in attendance, Roger sleeps with a call girl named Vicki he met through Ken and Pete. He pays extra to engage in more romantic behaviors with Vicki and, afterwards, Roger convinces her to dine with him at Lutèce.

On Good Friday, the Sterling Cooper crew perfectly prepares the boardroom for American Airlines. Moments before the meeting, Duck reveals that their client contact, Shel Kenneally, was fired that morning, essentially destroying their chances of landing the account. The Sterling Cooper team presents to the remaining American Airlines team, knowing there is no chance they will convince them. After the meeting, Don conveys his annoyance to Roger over Duck causing them to lose a client, instead of gain one. Roger counters by declaring his, "love of the chase" which makes victory much sweeter.

Later on that day, Anita makes a confession to Father Gill about her anger towards Peggy- revealing Peggy had an illegitimate child with a married man. Although stunned by this information, Father Gill tells Anita to try to forgive Peggy, since she is not as strong as Anita.

In the evening, Don and Betty get into an extremely heated argument about raising their children, particularly disciplining Bobby. Betty urges Don to hit Bobby, and expresses her anger that all of the punishing of the children must fall to her while Don gets to be out of the house all day. Bobby apologizes to Don for misbehaving, and asks Don about his late father. Before going to bed, Don reveals to Betty the abuse he suffered at his father's hands, and states that they should be grateful for a good child like Bobby. Betty silently apologizes.

Easter Sunday

At the Holy Innocents’ Easter egg hunt, Father Gill thanks Peggy for advising him on giving his sermon. He gives an Easter egg to Peggy and tells her to give it to "the little one,” referring to her child. As he walks away, Peggy looks back disturbed, wondering if he knows her secret.

The Winding Stair (novel)

Paul Ravenel, the son of a French mother and a British father, has been educated largely in France. His mother died when he was young and he had a distant relationship with his father, never understanding why he had renounced his own country, taken his wife's name and nationality, and cut himself off completely from his British friends. Following his father's death, Ravenel comes back to England, aged 18, to seek information from his father's old London lawyer about the mystery. When he explains that he wishes to resume his old surname and nationality, and to take a commission in the British Army, he is warned that this might not be possible because of the disgrace that is still attached to his father's name, Revel. He learns that as a young British officer in India his father had been court-martialled and disgraced after leaving a key hill fort unguarded, contrary to orders.

Determined to atone for his father's crime, Ravenel seeks a commission in the French army and is sent to Morocco where he meets and falls in love with Marguerite Lambert, a penniless English woman who – although from a good family – has been forced to earn her keep as a dancer at a disreputable establishment in Casablanca. When Marguerite loses her job Ravenel rescues her, secretly taking her on to Fez when his battalion is posted there. Hearing one night that there is to be an uprising against the French who now rule the city he tries to warn his superior officers, but they do not believe him. Afraid that Marguerite is in mortal danger, he decides to stay with her rather than rejoin his unit. Facing inevitable disgrace as a deserter, Ravenel disappears. Most of his comrades believe him to have been killed in the subsequent massacre of Europeans in the city, but his friend and fellow officer Gerard de Montignac is not so sure and tries to trace him. Discovering that Ravenel had been helped by some moorish friends, de Montignac abandons his search.

Some two years later, de Montignac is ordered to take a battalion into the sacred and closed city of Mulai Idris, to force it at last to open its gates to the world. There he discovers Ravenel, living under an assumed name as a moor, along with Marguerite. Still angry at Ravenel’s treachery, de Montignac contemplates shooting him, but changes his mind when he understands that Marguerite will inevitably take her own life. The couple realise that the day-to-day constraints upon them have become intolerable. They agree that Ravenel should stake all on one final 'splendid throw', and rejoin the French army - this time as a moor. He fights bravely, is awarded the ''médaille militaire'', and is discovered in a military hospital by de Montignac, who seeks his help for a secret mission. Ravenel is to infiltrate an enemy camp and relay its changing position to his French commanders so that aeroplanes - frightening devices never before seen by the soldiers - can be brought in to bomb it. Ravenel is almost killed but his mission is successful, the camp is ultimately destroyed, and he is reunited with Marguerite.

The London lawyer, now an old man, receives a telegram informing him that Ravenel is returning home, invalided, with a wife. He asks his clerk to get out the necessary forms for securing English nationality.

La jefa del campeón

Tita Menchaca (África Zavala) is a woman of limited resources, determined and very committed to moving forward with her children; Rey and her step-daughter, Fabiola. When she was abandoned by her husband Waldo (Alberto Agnesi), she moved to the capital to reorganize her life as a single mother. With the passage of time and hope, her son Rey dreams of being one of the best footballers in the country, which drives Tita to do everything possible to help him achieve his dream, no matter how difficult it will be.

Her Smell

The film is told with five distinct scenes punctuated with some home movie footage from early in the band's career when they were successful—appearing on magazine covers, attending photo shoots, and receiving gold records.

In the first scene, punk rock group Something She wraps up a show and lead vocalist Becky Something (Elisabeth Moss) goes backstage to attend to a brief ceremony with her personal shaman. Her mood swings violently from happy to aggressive as her bandmates, ex-husband, manager, and a former musical collaborator all try to steer her toward positive choices: recording their next album, playing future shows, and finding stability for her child. The scene ends as she turns a corner with her infant in her hands and falls over inebriated, vomiting on herself.

In the second vignette, Something She is in the studio several months later, aimlessly trying to record the band's next album. Drummer Ali van der Wolff (Gayle Rankin) becomes frustrated and quits, followed by bassist Marielle Hell (Agyness Deyn), leaving their manager Howard Goodman (Eric Stoltz) distraught as he tries to clear the space for his new band Akergirls to record. Becky refuses to leave and butts in on their session.

The third scene is set after Akergirls have become famous and Becky is opening their show, with Ali back to support her. She shows up two hours late with a film crew in tow, berating ex-husband Danny (Dan Stevens) and her mother Ania (Virginia Madsen), who are the last persons in her life still willing to put up with her selfishness. When Ania gives her some papers from her estranged father, Becky becomes violently upset and hurls verbal abuse at her mother and assaults Ali before rushing onstage and collapsing in another stupor.

Several years later, Becky is sober and her daughter Tama (Daisy Pugh-Weiss), now a young girl, is coming to visit. As Dan drops her off, he gives his ex some paperwork for some of the many lawsuits facing Becky and tells her that Mari has also come with them. Becky has brief tender moments with all three, but her thinking appears disordered: she believes that leaving her house will kill her and that her love for her daughter will destroy her; she also recounts a dream from a past life that she thinks justifies her cruelty and selfishness toward her ex.

In the final piece, 11 years have passed since Howard first signed Something She and four years since they have performed together, but they have reunited to perform a single song at a showcase event that features all of Howard's popular musical acts. Becky appears nervous and has to rely on all of the musicians performing a seance with her before she can gather her courage to go onstage. She briefly walks away after cryptically thanking all of them for staying with her until the end. Several of her loved ones become concerned, but they find her ready to take the stage and she performs one song with her bandmates and fellow musicians all collaborating. It is successful and they step backstage where Howard tells her the crowd wants more and asks if she has another one in her. Becky says that she is done, embracing Tama and smelling her hair.

Rush Week

Toni Daniels, an ambitious journalism major at Tambler College, is assigned to do a cover story on the campus's rush week. Toni begins interviewing various members of the fraternities, as well as Dean Grail. Meanwhile, coed Julie McGuffin disappears after participating in a nude modeling session, held clandestinely in the university science building. Toni soon learns of Julie's disappearance, and begins to secretly investigate the case. Shortly after, Alma Gifford, a student who works as an escort, flees from the Beta Delta Beta fraternity after a prank, and is pursued by a cloaked killer wielding an axe. The killer chases her into the woods, eventually hacking her to death.

Meanwhile, Toni questions Julie's roommate, Sarah, and learns that Julie used to model for an unnamed man who paid her significant amounts of money. Sarah tells Toni that Julie met the man through Alma, who has also gone missing. Toni confronts Jeff Jacobs, the head of Beta Delta Beta, about Alma's disappearance, though he insists Alma fled the fraternity but that he could not find her. Jeff soon begins to romance Toni, and she agrees to go on a picnic with him.

Jeff's friend Byron warns Toni that Jeff has not been the same since his former girlfriend, the Dean's daughter, was murdered and dismembered in the campus science building the following year. Later, Toni is approached by Arnold Krangen, a chef in the campus cafeteria who offers her money to pose for him—the hundred-dollar bill he shows her bears an emblem of a double-sided axe, which Toni also observed on bills left behind by Julie in her dormitory. Toni presumes Arnold is responsible for Julie's and Alma's disappearances, and breaks into his house, where she finds a cache of pornographic photos Arnold has collected of female students. She confronts Dean Grail with the evidence, who dismisses Arnold as a sexual deviant, but does not believe him to be a killer.

On the night of the rush week's culminating celebratory bash, Toni learns that another student, Rebecca Winters, has also vanished after apparently meeting a man in the science building. Toni phones Jeff's fraternity and asks Byron to relay the message that Jeff meet her in the science building; she also calls Arnold, and pretends to take him up on his modeling offer. He also agrees to meet her in the science building. Toni also tries to summon police to the science building, believing she can prove that Arnold is the killer, but the officers dismiss her call as a prank involving the fraternity.

Toni waits inside the science building for Arnold. Unbeknownst to her, Arnold arrives and is killed by the cloaked assailant with an axe. Toni is confronted by Jeff, dressed in a cloak and mask, and assumes him to be the killer, until another masked assailant, dressed identically to Jeff, also appears—it is Dean Grail, who reveals himself to be the killer, whose motive has been to "purify" the campus of its "sinful" women who have been modeling nude for Arnold; Dean Grail's first victim was his own daughter. A fight ensues between Dean Grail and Jeff, ultimately ending in Jeff decapitating him.

Gehenna: Where Death Lives

The film follows a group of five people exploring the remote island of Saipan, while scouting for a new resort location, who all become trapped in a hidden WWII bunker. The team encounter oddly dressed mummified bodies, a living corpse, and a Japanese man still in war uniform. With the help of a diary written in Japanese they begin to piece together the curse placed on the area, while attempting to survive supernatural and psychological attacks.

Falco (TV series)

In the middle of a police procedure, Alejandro Falco is shot in the head and left in a coma. He wakes up 23 years later to discover that his wife married another man and his daughter is now a woman. The world around Falco has changed. He has no idea how the internet works, he has never had a mobile phone and the rock n 'roll of his days has become "classic". He manages to recover his old job and faces police cases using his "old techniques". Falco has not lost his detective techniques or his irreverence and will have to learn to work with his new partner, to accept his daughter's boyfriend and even work with his former wife’s new husband, who, to Falco’s misfortune, will prove to be a great professional ally. Both Falco and his team will have difficulty adapting to each other as he tries to perform his job while trying to figure out what happened that night, 23 years ago.

Earth and Sky Adventures

Komsomol organizer of 9 "B" class Galya offers classmates to go to the village during the summer holidays where an abandoned aerodrome is located. Almost all the children support Galya. They dream of building a glider with their own hands and flying on it. Stas ridicules this idea and many agree with him,. he and his friends go to the village to relax. Stas meets Tanya, a girl from a neighboring village. He really likes her, but Tanya dreams of the sky. She wants Galya and her friends to take her to into their company. Galya's father, pilot Nikolai Stepanovich, accidentally learns about the interest of the boys.

He understands that children endanger their lives, they need the help of adults. He appeals to the general designer of the aircraft factory to help the children organize a glider group. He is ready to become an instructor. the leadership of the aircraft factory is meeting schoolchildren, promising to provide the necessary equipment. Nikolai Stepanovich collects all the children and talks about creating a glider circle and invites them to become its members. Conditions include a strict regime, study, living in the territory of the aerodrome in tents. Everyone says yes and Stas remains alone. Children build a glider and fly on it. Stas understands that any serious business can be done only together, asks the guys for forgiveness. They take him into their collective.

Lookism (manhwa)

Park Hyung Seok is an unpopular, bullied high-school student who is looked down on by his fellow student. Bullied and harassed every day by a delinquent, he takes out his anger verbally on his mother and asks for a school transfer. Resolving to run away from his problems and start anew, he moves to Seoul and plans to attend a new high school. A few nights before he begins school, however, he receivs a new body which is tall, muscular, and handsome. When one body is in use, the other falls asleep; he can switch bodies by waking up the sleeping one.

His days are split between the two bodies: the handsome one for the daytime, and the original for the night. As Daniel Park (Park Hyung Seok) lives with two bodies, he begins to see how much the world discriminates against people considered unattractive or different. He experiences discrimination and hate with his original body, and kindness and special treatment with the other. His new body makes him a social-media influencer, a trainee for an entertainment company, and a clothing model. At night, however, Daniel's dream life becomes harsh reality when he returns to his original body.

The Last Night of Scheherazade

Full of impatience, the Caliph is eager to learn from Scheherezade what happened when cobbler Maruf returned to the city of the Caliph with the heavily laden caravan. After his arrival, Maruf pays his debts to the merchants and his wedding with Princess Esmagül gets under way. However, the vizier Dschaffar finds out that Maruf is just a shoemaker, who owes his wealth to the jinn of the magic ring. Secretly he robs Maruf of the precious gem, with which he immediately rises to the rank of a caliph. He lets his predecessor and Maruf disappear into the desert.

When the two ex-hunters then meet a dragon in the arid wasteland, Scheherezade tells the new caliph that she can not tell the story as long as he carries the magic ring on his finger. Desiring to learn the further events, Jaffar puts it aside, whereupon Scheherezade tells him that Princess Esmagül who is standing behind him, is to take possession of the miracle ring. Those threatened by the dragon immediately wish themselves back and Jaffar is turned into a vile lizard to be thrown to the animals. Unwanted by Esmagül, the ring later returns to the possession of Maruf, who then flies with the princess on the back of the giant jinn to his homeland. On the way Esmagül is kidnapped by Tiuli-Kos. However, the jinn, exhausted by the many wishes, can not bring her back, so he deposes Maruf with his last strength near the kidnapper's town. Alone, the shoemaker arrives there, with the intention of liberating his princess.

With the help of the liberated Saeed, who was captured for seeking his lover, also stolen for the harp of the ancient Tiuli-Kos, Maruf disguises himself as a famous physician and thus gains access to the palace of Tiuli-Kos. He lets Esmagül take a soporific herbal drink, bringing the lifeless beauty, who has been found dead, into the desert. After Esmagül was awakened from her sleep by Maruf, the recovering jinn flies the two lovers to the shoemaker's hometown, where they spend their lives in joy and happiness. The slaves of the harem are also cheerful and happy, because the jinn helps bring them back to their freedom at their request.

Dead I Well May Be

Michael Forsythe leaves Belfast mid-Troubles after being caught working while claiming unemployment benefits. After arriving illegally in Brooklyn his only option for work is with a small but ambitious Irish gang run by Darkey White. After several jobs for White, Michael and three of his colleagues are sent to Mexico to carry out a drug deal, but one of the four betrays them leaving Michael in a squalid Mexican prison. After weeks of starvation and violent conflict with the other prisoners, Michael manages to escape and begins his journey back to America to seek revenge on his former boss and the colleague who betrayed him.

Call Her Mom

A waitress becomes house mother for a college fraternity. The setting is Beardsley College where Alpha Rho Epsilon House (the Greek letters are APE) is a party-all-the-time fraternity. The housemother has quit because she cannot control their wild behavior. Twelve other housemothers had left before her.

Connie Stevens enters as a waitress fed up with her job. She loudly quits during a busy rush at the restaurant. The fraternity brothers witness her quitting and offer her a job as housemother.

The fraternity members expect that she will be lenient but she takes her role as housemother seriously and lays down the law. She also gets involved with the national women's liberation movement which causes a rift with the conservative college dean, played by Van Johnson. Beardsley College experiences picketing and protests like other American universities in 1972.

Mini-skirt clad Connie Stevens sings "Come On-a My House" and provides the sexual tension in the all-male fraternity. Jim Hutton and Charles Nelson Reilly are the co-stars. Mike Evans, who co-starred in All in the Family and The Jeffersons as Lionel Jefferson, also appeared as a fraternity member.

Playmates (1972 film)

Two men start dating each other's ex-wives.

Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san

''Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san'' is based on a real life experience of the author Honda during her days as a bookstore employee. The story follows the life of the staff while explaining how a bookstore works.

Social Animals (2018 comedy film)

Zoe is an almost 30-year-old woman who owns an unsuccessful waxing business on the same street as Paul's adult video store. She lives in a tiny home on her landlord's land, however is unable to pay her rent in a timely manner. She takes a Polaroid of every person that she has sex with.

Paul's marriage is struggling. His wife, Jane, is a serious lawyer and supports their family. They haven't had sex in three months, and she suggests that he have an affair, leaving him confused and he rejects the suggestion.

Zoe attends a friend, Lana's, wedding, and sees Paul there. The pair later meet when she goes into his store. Paul expresses interest in the concept of an affair to Jane after meeting Zoe. Jane also attempts to have different sexual rendezvous but each of them ends with her getting emotional and crying.

Zoe meets Paul after attending Lana's baby shower, but is overwhelmed by the fact that he has three kids and has sex with the bartender there. Jane and Paul continue to have moments that appear to be periods of sexual reconciliation, however Jane backs out each time. Paul and Zoe continue to see each other and build a rapport, eventually having sex. Zoe's best friend Claire points out that Zoe waited especially longer to sleep with him than she usually does. After having sex, Zoe reflects on the fact that he has three kids and a wife and feels baited by him. He consoles her, however she remains conflicted.

Jane goes by Zoe's store to book a waxing appointment out of curiosity, after feeling as though she is the one that Paul is sleeping with. She is passive and reveals that Lana and her husband are already having problems and that he has been cheating on her. Jane breaks down crying, and reveals that she has been having panic attacks regularly. She's embarrassed and quickly leaves after the appointment is finished.

Some time later, Lana has given birth to a baby, and she invites Zoe, Paul, Jane, Claire, and Claire's fiancé Justin over for dinner. Paul makes aggressive comments about Jane's parenting advice, creating tension and awkwardness. Jane responds with comments on Paul's work ethic and how he is not the primary provider for the family. Following the dinner, Zoe ends all contact with Paul. Jane later reveals to Paul that she paid someone to have sex with her.

After their son goes missing, Jane and Paul unveil their frustrations on each other. Jane says she feels as though she did her best and is disappointed in her “shitty wife” reputation. Paul snaps back, saying that her honesty is just a way for her to hurt people.

Zoe decides to view life more optimistically and hosts an event to promote her business. After riling the crowd up, they go to smash the window of her biggest competitor but she's promptly arrested. Claire bails her out, but is frustrated with Zoe's irresponsibility, especially after Zoe doesn't have a plan to pay Claire back for the bail. She tells her to grow up and stop reveling in her own pity party.

Paul moves out of his home with Jane and the lease on his store ends as well. Zoe gets her job back at Beer Land and pays Claire back and the two reconcile their friendship. Paul plans an elaborate night to reconcile with Zoe and is successful. The pair begin dating again. Jane moves into a new apartment with the kids and decides to let loose more and live according to her own standards versus everyone else's.

The film ends with each character having found more comfort in themselves and more confidence in their relationships.

The Secret: Suster Ngesot Urban Legend

Returning from studying in Melbourne, Australia, Kanaya (Nagita Slavina) is surprised to find out that her father (Roy Marten) has married a woman named Sofie (Tyas Mirasih) 2 months prior of her return. Sofie turns out to be the same age as Kanaya as well. She decides to leave, but soon has an accident that results in being taken to a haunted hospital for treatment. From there, Kanaya begins to be terrorized by Suster Ngesot. With the onset of family conflicts and the terror of Suster Ngesot, Kanaya becomes depressed..

Sorrows and Rejoicings

After the funeral service for Dawid, Marta and Allison remember out their shared relationship with the man. Rebecca watches sullenly from outside the room. It transpires that after Rebecca's birth, Dawid and Allison moved to London, which Dawid hoped would allow him to write more freely about the Apartheid government. Marta has waited for Dawid's return since he left, seeming not to have ever given up hope that he would return. Dawid appears as a character onstage; a reflection of the memories being voiced by the women. After being diagnosed with Leukemia, Dawid returned to Karoo, intending on reconciling with his estranged daughter, Rebecca. Though Rebecca intended on confronting him about how he ruined her and her mothers' lives on the night before his death, Rebecca never actually revealed her identity to him, leaving Dawid with a final sense of failure. Dawid dies less than a month after returning to Karoo.

Composition for Victory Day

They had not seen for twenty-five years the crew of heroic fighters, three front-line friends. Life they have developed in different ways: one convinced Communist, not missing a single red rally, the other successful Vice-Chairman of the veterans non-poor fund, the third emigrant, who lost his sight in old age and came home to participate in the Victory Parade.

They argue passionately with each other about the reasons for the ills and misfortunes of today. But when one of them gets into trouble, his friends are ready to do anything to save his comrade.

My Old Kentucky Home (Mad Men)

The creative department at Sterling Cooper is told they have to work the weekend to generate new concepts that are needed for the Bacardi rum account. Paul Kinsey calls up one of his Princeton pals to buy some marijuana to help spark the creativeness. Once the fuzz of the weed kicks in, Peggy Olson gets some inspiration for some ideas for the Bacardi pitch. Peggy, once again, proves to her colleagues how different she is from the young woman they met in 1960.

At Joan’s, she and her husband Greg (Samuel Page) entertain the chief of surgery and another couple from Greg’s hospital. Greg helps Joan set up for their guests by vacuuming, showing how Joan seems to be exerting some control within the relationship. During their dinner party, there is a reference to Greg’s possible promotion to become Chief Resident. There is also a slip-up about a time Greg supposedly lost one of his patients. To take the attention off the topic, Greg forces Joan to play the accordion for their guests. Joan hides her anger as she performs, and keeps giving looks to her husband Greg.

At Roger Sterling and Jane Sterling's (Peyton List) Derby Party, Roger sings "My Old Kentucky Home" to Jane while in blackface. Don Draper and Pete Campbell are the only ones not amused by Roger's performance, and Don asks Betty if they can leave. Don wanders off to an unattended bar where he meets Connie. Don and Connie share their stories about their modest beginnings. While Betty is waiting for Trudy Campbell, a well groomed man approaches her and asks about her pregnancy. He says; “I’m going to blame this on martinis” before he requests to touch her stomach. Later, Cooper and Sterling introduce Don and Betty to Henry Francis (Christopher Stanley), the man who touched Betty's stomach. After that introduction, Trudy and Pete show off the Charleston to the guests. They dance to hide their jealousy of the Draper and Crane's talk about their pregnancy process. The Derby Party seems to have a bad ending for Don and Betty as drunken Jane reminds the Drapers of their recent separation. This upsets Betty, and she leaves Don alone with Jane. Roger sees Jane grabbing at Don's waist asking him why he doesn't like her, and sternly asks Don what's going on, then asks for a glass a milk for Jane as if he is dealing with a child. Don tells Roger that no one thinks he's happy, they think he's foolish.

The last scene is a shot of Don and Betty sharing a passionate and sincere kiss. The picture shows off their marital happiness, as if they were posing for a magazine.

Knights & Emeralds

In Wolverhampton two rival marching bands compete, while the teens within them have rivalries of their own, some racial, some sexual..

Prime Target

An influential senator named Cathryn Mayfield has been murdered, and it is up to the player to uncover secret documents relating to a conspiracy.

Little Boy Found (novel)

The story is a first-person narrative told from the point of view of Nick and Ella. It follows the events that led them to one another. The main plot; Nick discovers that his son has gone missing when looking at a photograph that he had taken after having a collision with another car. When he goes back to look at this photo for insurance purposes he sees to his horror that his son is in the back of the car, being driven away by a stranger.

Ben contacts his estranged husband, supposedly the biological father of Gabriel, however, it is learned that he is not the father, and adopted him when he was in his previous marriage; his then wife Kate was not able to have children, so they adopted Gabriel. When Kate died Ben met Nick and they married. Ben never reveals that Gabriel is adopted and lets Nick believe that Gabriel is his son. With Gabriel still missing Nick does not understand why Ben is not as worried as he is. He's also increasingly angry with the police and their lack of effort in finding Gabriel. Nick decides to take on the role of finding his son himself, which puts him in great danger.

Meanwhile, young Ella watches and waits, following a child through its adoption process, then worming her way into the household to become the baby's nanny. How these events are connected comes as a shock to all concerned. 'Little Boy Found' began life under the title 'There's Something I Haven't Told You', and subverts traditional elements of the psychological suspense novel.

A Death of Innocence

A woman attends the murder trial of her daughter.

Deaf Like Me

In 1964, Bruce, who was only around three years old, contracted rubella or German measles. In 1964 and 1965, there was a large rubella outbreak where “20,000 babies were born with congenital rubella syndrome” and the vaccination was not put in use until 1969. Bruce quickly recovered, however, Tom and Louise are concerned that if Louise is pregnant and contracted the illness, it could cause their child to have birth defects like the doctor warned them.

In April 1965, Louise gave birth to Lynn and the doctor performed various tests and assured the Spradley's that Lynn was perfectly healthy. Every newborn baby now has their hearing screened before they leave the hospital, however, this procedure was not put into place until 1993. Tom and Louise accepted the doctor's assessment and continued on with their lives until the Fourth of July, they became concerned because Lynn was not bothered by the wailing fire trucks or the bursting fireworks.

When she was 16 months old, Lynn's hearing was tested at the John Tracy Clinic and she was found to be profoundly deaf. Once Lynn's deafness is proven to be true, Tom and Louise begin teaching her how to lip-read as opposed to how to sign. Oralism, which only allows children to speak not sign, was popular because people believed deaf children could one day talk just as well as hearing children.

Before Lynn was old enough to get a hearing aid, she used an auditory trainer, consisting of headphones, a microphone, and a control box, all used to amplify sounds. Once she was the right age, Lynn received a hearing aid that took time for her to get accustomed to, but unfortunately did not provide much assistance. The point of both the auditory trainer and the hearing aids were for Lynn to learn how to use her residual hearing, the small amount of hearing abilities even someone with hearing loss has.

As Lynn got older, communication continued to become more of an issue for her and her family. She would have tantrums when those around her could not figure out what she was asking for. Tom and Louise attended meetings at her schools and found that other parents had similar issues with communication but had not found many ways to resolve them.

A few months before Lynn turned five, Tom and Louise began to realize that despite many years of lip-reading and trying to get their daughter to talk, she could only speak a few words and only lip-read common words. The Spradley's decided they wanted more for Lynn, so they began to learn sign language from some of their deaf friends. The whole family quickly picked up the language and realized how easy it now was to communicate with Lynn. She continued to learn to lip-read, but signing only improved Lynn's abilities.

Deep Creek (2010 novel)

After the bodies of more than thirty Chinese gold miners are discovered floating in a creek in the Idaho Territory, their employer, the Sam Yup Company, hires Joe Vincent, a local law enforcement agent, to accompany Lee Loi, another employee of Sam Yup, to track down the murderers. They are led by Grace Sundown, a Métis mountain guide.

The Inner World of Aphasia

The film follows Marge Nelson (portrayed by Naomi Feil), a nurse who treats patients with aphasia. Marge is overworked and unsympathetic towards her patients, experiencing frustration at their behavior and apparent inability to communicate.

Upon having an accident and sustaining brain damage, Marge herself experiences aphasia and undergoes treatment at the same hospital where she previously worked. While struggling to deal with the emotions around her trauma and new issues with processing information and communicating, Marge also discovers a startling lack of empathy from hospital staff and therapists treating her.

Marge finds a new friend in a second patient who has aphasia. The film shows us that, like Marge, this second patient has also experienced a lack of empathy from others, except in his case it is his family members who are unable to understand his illness.

Through this new friendship and her own determination, Marge changes the emotional direction of her life and takes the first steps towards her recovery.

A Night to Remember (Mad Men)

Betty Draper is struggling over how to confront Don Draper (Jon Hamm) about his recent affair with Bobbie Barrett. Don and Betty are planning a small dinner party at their house for Crab Colson, the Sterlings, and Duck Phillips. Don tells Betty it is not a big deal, but she wants everything to be perfect. While cleaning, Betty sees that one of the dining room chairs has a loose leg and she bangs it repeatedly until it breaks into pieces.

At the office, Harry Crane is having difficulty keeping up with the work load as the head of the television department. When Roger denies his request for another employee, Joan steps in to help. She comes enjoy reading the scripts, coming up with ideas, and giving feedback. Her fiancé, meanwhile, disapproves of her working, and encourages her to quit soon. Joan does such a good job reviewing the scripts that Roger agrees to hire someone to help Harry. Joan is called into Harry's office to meet the new hire and to teach him how to do the job. She agrees, clearly disappointed that she has been replaced.

Father Gill asks Peggy Olson for her help in jazzing up a flyer for the Catholic Young Organization dance. She comes up with the slogan “A Night to Remember” and the image of a couple dancing, but is informed by Father Gill that the ladies on the committee do not think it is appropriate. Peggy cites her expertise in the field, and Father Gill asks her to visit the church and speak to the women herself. Upon meeting with the committee, they are still unhappy with Peggy's advertisement and Father Gill does not back her up. She agrees to change the design and confronts Father Gill over his lack of support for which he apologizes.

At the Draper's dinner party, Betty has set up a “trip around the world” for their meal with food from different cultures, including Heineken from Holland. Don and Duck are amused because Heineken is a client of Sterling Cooper's, and Don has been trying to convince them that housewives are their primary market. Everyone laughs, but Betty is clearly upset by the situation. After the dinner party, she accuses Don of embarrassing her and believing he knows everything about her. She then works up the courage to tell him she knows he is having an affair with Bobbie Barrett. Don vehemently denies it, and accuses Jimmy Barrett of lying when he told Betty about the affair. Betty remains unconvinced and searches through Don's things the next day while he is at work for proof, but finds nothing. That night, Betty wakes up Don and asks him if he loves her. He declares that he loves her and the children and that he did not cheat, leaving Betty unsure of what to think.

Father Gill visits Sterling Cooper to make copies of the CYO flyer. While there, he tries to convince Peggy to open up about her child. Peggy seems to consider it for a moment, but then brushes him off. At home, Betty watches tv with the children when and an Utz commercial featuring Jimmy Barrett comes on. The footage of Jimmy reminds Betty of her instincts, and she calls Don at work and tells him, “Don’t come home. I don’t care what you do, I just don’t want you here.” He is left shocked and gets a Heineken out of the fridge to drink alone in the office.

The Woman in the Window (2021 film)

Child psychologist Anna Fox lives alone in a Manhattan brownstone after separating from her husband Edward; he lives away with their daughter Olivia, but she talks to them on a daily basis. Anna suffers from agoraphobia and her housebound state leads her to observe all of her neighbors from a second-story window, including the Russell family who recently moved in across the street. She also takes a large number of medications and drinks alcohol daily.

One evening, Jane Russell visits Anna and they befriend one another. She also meets Ethan, Jane's teenage son, who suggests his father Alistair is abusive. One night, Anna witnesses Jane being stabbed to death in the living room. She contacts the police but they do not believe her, claiming everyone in the family is fine. Alistair arrives along with "Jane" who, to the shock of Anna, is a different woman from the one she met. She begins spying on the Russell family.

Anna's tenant David, who lives in her basement, claims he did not hear or see anything, though she learns David was once in prison and broke his parole conditions. She receives an anonymous e-mail with a photo of her sleeping. She again contacts the detectives, who are joined by the Russells and David in Anna’s house, and Anna breaks down when it is revealed by a detective that Edward and Olivia are dead as a result of a car crash that Anna accidentally caused. Anna is now agoraphobic as a result and her medication has caused her to have hallucinations and conversations with people who are not there.

Anna apologizes to the Russell family and stops pursuing her suspicions. She records a video on her cell phone, planning to commit suicide by overdose. She then discovers a photograph she took of her cat and, in the reflection of a wine glass, sees the original Jane, proving she is real. Anna shows David the photo and he confesses the original Jane she met is a woman named Katie Melli, Ethan's biological mother. Katie had been stalking the Russell family, trying to get close to Ethan. David refuses to help Anna prove the truth; he is then suddenly attacked and killed by Ethan, who had been lurking inside the house.

Ethan reveals to Anna that he murdered Katie and is a serial killer, having also killed Alistair's secretary in Boston, and now intends to kill Anna. He had been letting himself into her house all week with a stolen key, and he was the one who took the photo of her sleeping. Anna flees to the roof, where they fight until she pushes Ethan through the skylight to his death.

As Anna recovers in the hospital, Detective Little visits and tells her they have arrested Alistair and Jane for helping Ethan cover up Katie's murder and that they have found Katie's body. Little admits he watched Anna's suicide video, but hands back her phone to allow her to delete it before she has to return it for evidence. He apologizes for not believing her.

Nine months later, Anna, now sober and healthy, says goodbye to her house before she moves out and on with her life, now no longer afraid of the outside world.

Missing Link (2019 film)

In 1886, Sir Lionel Frost, a struggling investigator of mythical creatures, has continuously searched for different creatures to study and announce their presence in the world, which would allow him to be accepted into the "Society of Great Men", which is led by Sir Lionel's rival, Lord Piggot-Dunceby. Lionel receives a letter acknowledging the presence of a Sasquatch, making a deal with Piggot-Dunceby that would allow him to join the society if he proved that the creature was real.

Lionel travels to the Pacific Northwest, eventually stumbling upon the Sasquatch in a forest. After dubbing him "Mr. Link", Lionel is told by the Sasquatch that he was, in fact, the one who sent the letter. Mr. Link requests Lionel's help in finding his relatives, the Yetis, in the Himalayas. Lionel agrees to help him but is unaware of the fact that Piggot-Dunceby has hired a bounty hunter named Willard Stenk to track Lionel and kill him, ensuring that the pro-imperialist conservative views of the society remain unchallenged.

Lionel's old lover Adelina Fortnight has a map to the Himalayas locked at her house in Santa Ana, California, in a safe that belonged to her late husband, one of Lionel's past partners, so the two visit her mansion to acquire it. However, Adelina harbors resentment for Lionel missing her husband's funeral and kicks him out when he offers to pay her for the map. Lionel and Mr. Link come back later at night and break-in, but Mr. Link's noise-making awakens Adelina, and the safe eventually falls out of the top floor window, cracking open in the aftermath. Mr. Link and Lionel grab the map and escape but are discovered the next day by Adelina, who allows them to search for the Yetis as long as she is there to accompany them. Stenk arrives, and a shootout ensues, but the trio tricks their pursuer into hopping on the train to search for them.

The trio makes their journey via boat, and Adelina pressures Lionel into reaching out to Mr. Link to prove his sincerity. Lionel enjoys a heartwarming talk with Mr. Link on the boat's deck, where Mr. Link gives himself the name "Susan" after a friendly prospector he once encountered. However, they are once again ambushed by Stenk. After various scuffles across different parts of the ship, the trio eventually locks Stenk in the boat's boarding rooms while they make another escape.

The trio eventually makes their way to the Himalayas and is pointed in the direction of the Yeti temple, and led to their Queen, who reveals their secluded valley to the group. She then reveals their disdain for mankind extends to Susan, who's interacted closely with them. They throw the trio in a pit for them to stay until they die, where Adelina confronts Lionel on his need for the Society's acceptance being similar to Susan's rejection by the yetis. Susan hoists up Adelina enough to knock down a few Yeti guards, allowing them to stack them and escape. They run across the ice bridge, where an armed Piggot-Dunceby and Stenk are waiting at the center of the bridge. Lionel denounces his rival's pride and defends Susan as more human than Piggot-Dunceby ever will be. As a result, the insane Piggot-Dunceby starts firing his rifle at the ice bridge to kill the trio, until Susan stops Piggot-Dunceby from getting any further, still causing it to crack and break. Piggot-Dunceby and his assistant Mr. Collick fall to their deaths while the trio and Stenk make a run for it. They are too late and are left hanging on the edge of the destroyed ice bridge. Stenk, who has made it all the way across, taunts Lionel, which leads to the two engaging in a slapping fight while hanging on the bridge. The trio works together to rid themselves of Stenk, who falls to his death after an icicle breaks and falls on him. Lionel appoints Susan as his new partner in investigations, who starts blowing a raspberry at the Yeti leader.

After arriving home, Adelina tells Lionel that she will be adventuring on her own for a while and departs, but not before the pair share a brief mutual acceptance of their feelings for each other. Susan and Lionel arrive back at the latter's work-space and begin their next case to find Atlantis. After they leave, the end credits reveal maps and souvenirs of their subsequent adventures.

Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan

Sixteen-year-old Princess Leia Organa of the planet Alderaan finds that her parents, Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail Organa, are too consumed by their duties to pay her much attention. As a politician-in-training in the Apprentice Legislature, Leia organizes a humanitarian mission to the planet Wobani, a world whose people have been impoverished by the abusive governing of Emperor Palpatine's Galactic Empire. She outwits the Imperial supervisor and finds a legal way to liberate a group of refugees from the planet. After departing, she witnesses the aftermath of an attack on Calderos Station, an Imperial waypoint. Leia takes a pathfinding class with other junior legislators, who include Amilyn Holdo of Gatalenta, and the other Alderaanian apprentice legislator, Kier Domadi. Leia realizes that the Empire has covered up the attack, and her research into possible perpetrators leads to her discovery of a hidden base on Crait, and Bail's revelation that he and Breha are part of a secret cabal working against the interests of the Empire. On another humanitarian mission to Naboo, Leia and Dalné, the Queen of Naboo, are almost killed when Moff Quarsh Panaka is assassinated with a bomb.

Leia learns that her parents' ally Saw Gerrera, the leader of an extremist rebel cell called the Partisans, was responsible for the attack. Though Bail and Breha forbid her involvement in the conspiracy for her own safety, Leia continues her humanitarian missions to worlds they believe are safe. When she is faced with resistance from the proud, frog-like Nal Huttans, Leia negotiates their acceptance of her aid in exchange for a favor to be owed her in the future. She begins gathering information about planetary abuses and brings it to Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila, whom she hopes can publicize it. Mon, however, instructs Leia that the effort is futile. Leia is further enraged when the Empire uses an assignment issued to the Junior Legislature to seize control of a planet for industrial development. The imperious Grand Moff Tarkin seems to suspect that Bail and Breha are somehow involved in the recent turmoil. As Leia becomes closer to Kier and entrusts him with details of her parents' secret work, they are horrified by the punishment inflicted upon a planet whose leaders had committed similar treason against the Empire.

Leia discovers a hidden shipyard where old and stolen starships of varying types are being refurbished for use by the conspirators. Tarkin meets with her on a pretext, but she knows he is probing for information on a possible conspiracy, thinking she is vulnerable to his manipulation. Leia passes the test but learns that the Empire is aware of the location of the nascent rebel fleet. With the blessing of Breha and Mon, who cannot disrupt their own schedules for fear of inviting suspicion, Leia moves to warn the rebels. Commandeering a ship chartered by Amilyn, Leia heads for Pamarthe to hide her true destination. Calling in her favor from the Nal Huttan leader, Leia books passage from Pamarthe to the shipyard. She and Amilyn are able to warn Bail, who evacuates the ships and initiates the self-destruct protocol for the repair facilities. Kier arrives, having followed Leia, and his ship is damaged by an explosion before Leia can warn him. She finds Kier dying, and learns that he intended to report the rebels to the Empire to protect Alderaan from retribution. A devastated Leia brings his body back to Alderaan, but leaves the information he collected to be destroyed. Bail and Breha finally bring Leia formally into the conspiracy.

Tales of an Immoral Couple

Lucio and Martina are two teens who meet during their first years at a private Catholic school in San Miguel de Allende. Discovering an indescribable chemistry between them, they set out exploring their sexualities, falling deeper and deeper in love. The film tells their story in a series of flashbacks, with the actual plot taking place 25 years later after Martina and Lucio have been separated thanks to a scandal that ended their high school romance, but reunite thanks to a chance encounter in the street. The two then set about orchestrating fake spouses and families for themselves in order to impress the other, before a raucous dinner sets the record straight.

Summer of the Monkeys (film)

In the summer of 1910, a group of circus monkeys named Henri, Jacques, Antoinette and Dominique escape from a French circus due to a train wreck and end up in the Oklahoma river bottoms, where the main character, Jay Berry Lee lives with his family.

Weeks later, 14-year-old Jay Berry Lee is fighting a bully named Toby on the last day of school when Jay steals Toby’s prized pocketknife. Their teacher Miss Freeman stops the fight, returning the pocketknife to Toby. Jay later visits a man, Mr. Patterson, at his horse ranch and is desperate to buy Annie - his favorite horse. Mr. Patterson promises Annie to Jay only if he pays no less than $75. When Jay returns home, he is punished from dinner for the fight. When Daisy, his crippled sister, sneaks a biscuit to him, she sees Jay's drawings of the horse. She then explains her own resentment, relating to her brother, as their parents forbid her physical activity due to her condition.

The next morning, Jay arrives at his Grandpa Sam Ferrans' general store looking for a job so he can earn enough money to buy himself a horse. On the way there, his dog Rowdy goes to explore the forbidden river bottoms. Jay hears monkeys screeching in the distance and after visiting the store, he then discovers the monkeys camping on the drunk Bayliss Hatcher's property. Jay tells Daisy his discovery, but she doesn't believe him. Jay returns to his grandfather's store and finds a wanted poster of the monkeys, paired with a bounty of $85. Toby and two other bullies also find the poster and set out to trap them. Jay makes a trail of apples leading the monkeys to the family farm, to trap them under a heavy box. The trap fails, so Jay borrows a monkey doll from Daisy for bait and places a padded bear trap. The monkeys instead go to the house once more, and wreak havoc while nobody is home. Daisy sets out to follow Jay to the bottoms, when Bayliss Hatcher steps in the bear trap and accidentally shoots his gun into the sky. Scared by the gunshot, Daisy falls down a steep hill. Jay hears Daisy calling for help and comes to her rescue. Their parents, seeing the monkey's mess, get into an argument with Jay and ground him from working at Sam's store for the next two weeks.

The next day, Jay runs away. He heads back to the river bottoms to get revenge on the monkeys. He finds a box of ashes and runs to Bayliss' cabin to make a deal with him about the monkeys, while begging him not to shoot them. Bayliss finds out that Jay had set the bear trap and gets angry. Sam finds Jay and decides to take him to Ridgewell so he can research the monkeys. Jay's parents are reluctant as Jay has been disobedient, but Sam tells Mrs. Lee about when he forbade her to go to the fair to enter her pet pig in a contest. His parents agree. Sam takes Jay to the library where Jay researches chimpanzees, learns many ways to train monkeys, and meets a woman named Rose who teaches him how to speak some French words. Sam later shows Jay the house Bayliss used to live in and tells Jay that Bayliss' family left him due to his drinking. Later, when returning with Rowdy to the bottoms, Jay saves Jacques the monkey from Toby's dangerous non-padded bear trap that would have killed the animal. Toby, in a fight with Jay, hits Rowdy with the bear trap, injuring the dog. Bayliss Hatcher suddenly appears, scares the bullies away, and heals Jay and Rowdy.

After Jay returns home, he sets up a place in the barn for the monkeys and begins to build a cage for them. A storm arrives, bringing along a tornado that destroys the farm's surroundings. Afterward, Jay discovers Bayliss' cabin was destroyed, and that Bayliss has died in the wreckage of his collapsed house. Heartbroken, Jay goes with his father to get supplies for repairs. Before they go, Daisy shows her family a garden of mushrooms that have appeared. Jay later discovers that Jacques the monkey is dying and takes him home for care. The other monkeys also arrive at the farm, following Jay. The owner Jobert, soon arrives at the farm and gives Jay $85 for finding and returning his chimpanzees.

In the morning, Jay borrows Annie from the ranch and gives Daisy a horseback ride. Upon returning, Jay notices his father making a new horse stall for Annie, but Jay tells him not to, explaining that the $85 will instead pay for Daisy's life-saving operation. Daisy overhears, and gives Jay a hug of deep gratitude. Jay then walks Annie back to the ranch.

Leap Year (TV series)

Season 1 (2011)

After being laid-off from their corporate day jobs, Aaron, Bryn, Derek, Olivia and Jack compete to get their businesses off the ground when a mystery benefactor promises to invest $500,000 in one of their startups.

Season 2 (2012)

Six months have passed since Aaron, Bryn, Derek, Olivia and Jack won half a million dollars by banding together to create a holographic video conferencing platform called C3D. Now living in Silicon Valley with launch day approaching, the founders of C3D are beset by a mysterious series of setbacks.

Nisekoi (film)

Raku Ichijo is in high school. He does not like violence and is studying to fulfil his aspiration to serve the public. Chitoge Kirisaki is a transfer student and new to the school. She accidentally knocks Raku down. Normally, that would be that; except each is respectively the son and daughter of local Yakuza gang members. There is going to be trouble unless they act as if they are going steady. It is not going to be easy because they dislike one another.

The Stolen Princess

Two sorcerers, Finn and Shernomore, have an intense magical duel in favor of saving Finn's beloved wife, Princess Nina. Finn gains the upper hand at first but is defeated by Shernomore, who deceives him by stepping on a "force field", and loses all of his magic powers and youth, which then transfers to Shernomore. Nina is transformed into a stone statue in exchange for her power of love as a source of his magic.

In the present day, Ruslan, a wandering artist who dreams of becoming a knight, is doing a small play written by an eccentric and an aspiring playwright, Lester, in which he plays the role of Finn and Shernomore. In the castle lives an adventurous and kind princess named Mila. She is bored with her life and her overprotective father, King Vladimir, is forcing her to get married, despite her longing to explore the world and have adventures. One night, she sneaks out and is almost harassed by two gangsters, until Ruslan arrives. He saves Mila from the men and they escape. When the two are alone, Ruslan, afraid of being judged by his status, claims to be a knight.

The next day, they share romantic moments as they develop their feelings for each other. Unfortunately, much to Ruslan's surprise and horror, Mila is kidnapped via a tornado by Shernomore, He tries to pursue Mila, but fails to do so and is knocked unconscious. When he regains consciousness, he is confronted by the king, who mistakenly accuses him of abducting his daughter. Ruslan tries to tell the truth, but none one believes him. Realising Shernomore is real, he consults Lester and they set off to the cave where a wise cat lives. The cat tells Ruslan that every century, Shernomore abducts a princess who is in love and uses the power of her love to replenish his magical powers. Many have set out to defeat him, but all have perished.

The two ask for help on where to find Mila so he reveals to them a magic vortex where they discover a magical place and he gives them a pea pod as a "gift". When they reached a cliff, a hamster suddenly steals the pod and they pursue it. But they realise that they are supposed to give it to him and unlock a bridge built from a dragon's skeleton.

Meanwhile, at Shernomore's castle, Mila awakens in a bed and encounters Shernomore, who informs her of his plans to turn her to stone once he has made use of her love for Ruslan. She tries to escape using the wizard's magical hat that makes the user invisible. Despite Shernomore casting a spell that makes all of the desserts in his castle come alive and attack Mila, she manages to defeat them. Whilst avoiding Shernomore, she discovers the other princesses who were kidnapped by him, and turned into stone.

When Ruslan and Lester arrive at the cave, they meet a strange old man who holds a staff similar to a wizard, and ask for help on where to find Finn. However, the old man reveals he is Finn. But due to him having no contact with the outside world for too long, he is too paranoid to communicate with. With the help of Ruslan's plan, they pretend to be "wizards" who are casting a "spell" to lure him down. Finn, believing that his powers are restored, tries to stop them. Ruslan and the gang pretend to be dead, only for them to contain Finn. When they get him, Ruslan asks where to find Shernomore and how to stop him, Finn tells them that his castle is made of spiky rocks and the source of his power is in his beard, asking him to cut it off, but no one was able to do that. And he tells Ruslan that he needs a magic sword in order to do that. After asking for the directions on where to find the sword, they locate it but it is guarded by an army of skeletons and the animated head of a decapitated giant. The giant challenges Ruslan in exchange for the armor and sword, but Ruslan manages to defeat all of them and they go to Shernomore's castle.

When they get to the castle, they split up to find Mila. Ruslan finds Mila in a different outfit and appearance and she tells him that she does not need rescuing, for she is happy at this place. This breaks Ruslan's heart. Feeling down, he slowly leaves the place. Suddenly, a giant monster attacks them. Lester tries to convince Ruslan to fight, but he's too heartbroken to do so. Their bird gets Mila's pendant and makes Ruslan realise that he is being deceived by Shernomore and he gains the courage to fight the monster.

After defeating the monster, they go to the place where Mila is kept and Ruslan and Shernomore, who transforms into a dragon, engage in an intense duel. Ruslan is defeated at first, but manages to incapacitate Shernomore by cutting his beard. Shernomore loses his powers and the stone statues and Finn turn back to normal. Ruslan tries to escape with Mila, but they are trapped in the force field the same way as Finn did before. Ruslan sacrifices himself by pushing Mila out of the trap, leaving him incapacitated. Mila and Lester tries to save him, but is interrupted by the three knights, resulting in Ruslan's soul being zapped from him and leaving him lifeless. Enraged, Mila fights the three knights and defeats them all (including Shernomore who is tied up).

Mila mourns for the apparent death of Ruslan and says that she loves him so much. A now-rejuvenated Finn appears and brings back Ruslan's life. The two reunite including Lester and Finn and Nina reunite as well. Ruslan confesses that he is not a real knight, but Mila accepts this. She tells him she still loves him no matter what and they share their first kiss. Finn conjures up a fireworks display, and they all live happily ever after.

During the credits, Ruslan and Mila are getting married and are now living a happy life.

The Great Patriotic War (The Americans)

Marilyn and Norm locate both Gennadi and Sofia, who are living separately, by following Stan. Sofia tells Stan that she and her son Ilya want to be reunited with Gennadi. Claudia and Elizabeth tell Paige about World War II from a Russian perspective. Using a surveillance picture taken by Paige, Claudia identifies a CIA officer from the Soviet Division meeting with Nesterenko, along with a high level staffer from senator Sam Nunn's office.

Elizabeth sleeps with Philip and, in the morning, asks him to go to Greece with Kimmy and take her to Bulgaria, where she will be arrested with (planted) drugs (in more of a kidnapping) to blackmail her father about Nesterenko. Elizabeth approaches Gennadi on his way back to his safe house, but just as she reaches him, his bodyguard shows up, and she walks away. Stan suggests to Renee that she could work in the FBI personnel office. At a campus bar, Paige meets a boy who tries to pick her up, until his rude friend starts insulting her. When she starts to leave, the rude friend grabs her, and she beats him up, then punches the first boy in the nose when he follows her. "Jim" (Philip) meets Kimmy in Ann Arbor, but she is not enthusiastic about meeting him in Greece. To change her opinion, "Jim" and Kimmy make love. "Stephanie" gets another art lesson from Erica. Tatiana locates Oleg at class and blames him for William's capture in 1984, which cost her a promotion and stalled her career. She then has the new KGB rezident notify the Center that Oleg is in the U.S. and is not loyal.

Paige comes over to her parents' house for a sparring session and tells them both about the bar fight and Brian. Elizabeth tells Philip that Paige may not be cut out for spying; Philip states that she can do it but should not. Philip visits Paige's apartment to discuss the bar fight. Paige states that she is not like Philip, that she believes in the cause. He challenges her to spar and gets her in a chokehold she cannot break, releasing her just before suffocation. Elizabeth climbs the fire escape to break into Gennadi's and unexpectedly finds Sofia there visiting; she kills both Gennadi and Sofia, leaving 7-year-old Ilya alive. Claudia and Elizabeth teach Paige to drink olive oil first to be able to consume more alcohol, and then they all test their drinking capacity by getting drunk on vodka. Over a beer, a crushed Stan tells Philip about the murdered couple and their orphaned son, who found his parents covered in blood. After Stan leaves, Philip calls Kimmy to cancel "Jim's" trip to Greece and to break up with her, and then tells her not to visit any communist country while in Europe.

Danur 2: Maddah

A year after the bedlams of her revisit to her early life house, Risa lives with Riri in addition to Peter, William, and Janshen, at Bandung. Due to Elly going to foreign places to meet along with her husband, they generally visit their aunt Tina's residence. Tina lives along with her husband Ahmad and son Angki. Riri, a ballet rookie, enrages whilst Risa shouts amidst her stage overall performance, as there is a ghost behind her. Meanwhile, Peter, William, and Janshen meet fellow ghost friends Hendrick and Hans.

Risa slowly turns suspicious towards Ahmad, who unexpectedly turned introvert, in addition to regularly scattering tuberose vases everywhere in the residence. Risa spots Ahmad taking walks with a woman, soaking up scents of infidelity to her. Strange matters occur for the duration of the residence as properly; its climax influences Tina as she turns into traumatized assembly with a ghost, mandating her to be hospitalized. At the sanatorium, Risa meets a corpse purifier who additionally has the ability to engage with ghosts; he explains that foxy ghosts can select whether or no longer their danur is capable of getting in contact with a human's senses, suggesting she exercise madah, that's to deepen one's powers.

Sick with the current familial occasions, Angki urges Risa to use her 6th sense to know what is actually taking place. Risa opens her frame for a ghost; the ghost tells Angki that no longer long later she will kill Ahmad. Risa shows Angki a diary she took from Ahmad's days in the past. In it, Ahmad claims to worship a female named Elizabeth, who will soon begin her twenty-third birthday; Ahmad plans to "meet" with her. Observing Elizabeth's photograph, Ahmad notes that she is the same as Ahmad's ex-female friend. Gathering the diary and a peculiar photo Riri located days in the past, Risa suspects that Elizabeth is a 1903-born Dutch girl who plans to kill Ahmad in an alternate for a brand new spouse. Risa rushes and saves Ahmad, tearing all pix of any Dutch ladies within the residence. Ahmad is later possessed; Risa is helped with the aid of her pals to rescue Ahmad from Elizabeth simply as she is horrified by a close to-death revel in. After the rescue, Ahmad is going and tears up the book as a way to ravage Elizabeth's spirit.

Arrived domestic, Risa's ghost friends introduce her to Ivanna, one of the Dutch women she noticed in an image. Ivanna explains that her brother, Dimas, changed into Elizabeth's boyfriend. Dimas is killed by Elizabeth's father who did not believe their relationship, and Ivanna cuts off her family from Elizabeth's on account of that then.

On an unknown date, Risa, her pals, Tina, Ahmad, and Angki visit the theater to watch Riri's ballet performance. Risa sees Canting, the theater's ghost.

During the Reign of the Queen of Persia

In Ohio four cousins Celia and Jenny (who are sisters) and Anne and Katie (who are sisters) grow up on the farm of their maternal grandmother, whom they jokingly have nicknamed the Queen of Persia. The granddaughters are relatively close in age and act nearly as one body until their slightly older cousin Celia hits puberty and begins to attract male attention, much to the distress of her mother, Aunt Libby. As Celia begins to date, she and Aunt Libby constantly fight. Eventually Celia finds a responsible older boyfriend, Phillip, who wants to marry Celia and whom Aunt Libby approves of. The family eventually learns that Phillip has impregnated another woman. Though Phillip still wants to marry Celia she refuses him and becomes friends with Louanne, the woman he impregnated. Celia eventually settles down with Jimmy, one of her previous suitors, and much to her grandmother's distress, becomes fixated on motherhood.

When they are children the girls learns the family history of how their grandmother came to be a wealthy woman. Forced into domestic labour at an early age, Lil married a man she loved, Jacob, who quickly turned abusive. She gave birth to seven children; two sons who died in infancy and five daughters: May, Elinor, Grace, Libby and Rachel. At a family reunion she encounters her rich uncle Burl who, as she is the daughter of his favorite sister, decides to help her financially. Endowed with his gifts, Lil becomes an independent woman buying farmland, educating her daughters and ensuring that they always have a home to stay in as they struggle through their marriages and motherhood.

Grace has a tempestuous on again and off again marriage with a handsome athlete turned salesman and wannabe writer named Neil. Even after they marry Grace continues to return to her mother's home with her daughters for long periods. When Neil drops by to bring her home she declines to return with him. He defers his anger onto the cousins for acting up and tries to whip his daughters only to give up and end up revealing instead that their mother is dying.

Grace's illness brings her the attention of her sister Elinor, a rich ad executive living in New York City. She is a Christian Scientist and persuades her sister and nieces that the religion will save Grace. Though Grace manages to outlive the time frame her doctor's had promised she does die and Elinor misses her death by a matter of hours. To everyone's surprise Grace leaves "Neil's" house in Illinois to her daughters asking that it be sold and the proceeds remain in trust for them. Neil destroys Grace's will, but Lil owns the loan for the house and calls it in, determined he will get nothing. Shortly after Anne climbs a tree to its highest point and falls and injures herself trying to swing down off it. Neil comes back to tend to her and retrieve his children and in the aftermath Lil decides to let him keep the house.

The girls grow up with Anne and Katie living with Neil but spending summers on the farm. After Celia's marriage Lil decides to sell the land to a development that wants to turn the area into a mall. The family is devastated but Lil throws out nearly everything left in the house. They receive news from Texas that Celia is pregnant; later Aunt Libby gets a call from a doctor informing her that Celia tried to commit suicide and lost the baby. She will be returning home into the care of her mother.

The Epic of Utnoa

The story is narrated by the Gobans, an extraterrestrial population that visits Earth and studies the behavior of "Terrans." The extraterrestrials inquire whether the Terrans deserve to be helped to avoid an impending disaster or whether it is better for the extraterrestrials to wait for the destruction to happen in order to be able to colonize the planet for their own use. They conclude that they must warn at least one Terran that he should build a large ship to survive the flood: the extraterrestrial Emme conveys this warning to Utnoa, a character corresponding to the mythical figure Noah.

Utnoa and his brother Lashmu visit a Babylonian oracle to ask what the message communicated to Utnoa means. Meanwhile, the temple guards attached to the Ishtar Temple in Babylon launch a violent attack against the nomadic Dilmunites. When Utnoa tells his people they need to build a ship, very few of them agree to do the work. Most of them go off to fight the city-dwellers. Utnoa's followers have begun to build the ship, with support from Shabda, queen of Ur, but in the face of opposition from the humiliated general Ulmi.

Arunni feeds the prophetess Filge with thoughts against those building the ship. A deserter, Tudar, comes from the city to the shipbuilders and tells them that the queen is dead and that there will be a major offensive against the Dilmunites very soon. Even before he finishes telling them the whole story, General Ulmi, seeking revenge, launches the attack. Most of the shipbuilders are massacred.

In order to compensate for the hostile action by Arunni, the Gobans give Utnoa a drug called ''anoŭdo''. Under the influence of the drug, he sees the poet Valmiki, who shows him the enormous achievements humankind will perform in future if he is able to save it. Utnoa contemplates the remarkable accomplishments which would render meaningful his heroic effort. On his return, Utnoa leads the ceremonial mourning of his brother Lashmu, who had been supervising the shipbuilding work. Despite his drug-induced insights, Utoa abandons the project, burns the partially built ship, and withdraws into the wilderness with a few Dilmunite survivors. Another small group of Dilmunites arrives with the news that the situation back home has worsened and they would like to help Utnoa build his ship after all.

The Dilmunites put their life back together as best they can. Noah gets engaged and marries; they receive what they take to be divine signals, which prompt them to start building the ship at the city of Eridu. The extraterrestrial Gobans react again: Jishka administers a drug to Utnoa, whose visions this time show future evils that will come to pass if he does indeed rescue humankind. After he comes out of the dream, Utnoa forgets the vision. The closing lines of the epic are open-ended. The impression is given that the ship will indeed be built.

Thunder Mask

Thunder Stars Commonwealth, who knew the ambition of Earth invasion of the Dark Space Deakanda, dispatched a warrior to the earth to prevent it. However, he mistakenly arrived at the earth 10,000 years ago, so he slept with a time capsule after leaving behind the old document that a monster appeared after 10,000 years and the key to wake up to sleep. And after 10,000 years, the Thunder Mask woke up from sleep at the end of the efforts to sacrifice the lives of the three doctors of Japan called the three biggest brains of Japan against the raids of the Deakanda, appearing at Koichi youth scientist Change, and cooperate with the science patrol squad to throw themselves into the fight with the demonic monsters.

The Blood of the Walsungs

Herr Aarenhold is a wealthy entrepreneur of Jewish origin. Born in small town in East Prussia, Herr Aarenhold becomes wealthy after engaging in large-scale mining schemes. He marries Frau Aarenhold, the daughter of a German tradesman, and becomes assimilated into German culture. All of Herr Aarenhold's adult children still live in the house while they pursue their professional careers. Kunz, the eldest son, is an active member of the military. Märit, the eldest daughter, possesses a strong character and studies law. The youngest members of the Aarenhold household are the twins, Siegmund and Sieglinde, named after the characters in Richard Wagner's ''Die Walküre''. They are spoiled members of bourgeois society and love each other strongly; to the point of almost never seeing one without the other hand in hand.

One day at lunchtime, the Aarenholds sit around their mansion waiting for Beckerath – a government official who is soon to become Sieglinde's husband. Beckerath arrives late to the event and his tardiness is not very well-received by Herr Aarenhold and Sieglinde. During the course of the meal, Herr Aarenhold tells Beckerath of his origins and how he believes in absolute achievement. That no matter the conditions you have to endure, true achievement is defined by whether you overcome the obstacles presented to you and reach your goals without excuses. Contrary to the aestheticism and grandiose eloquence to which the Aarenholds ascribe, Beckerath is only an amateur in the arts and finds it hard to keep up the pace with their conversation. Beckerath's dullness renders him the target of the Aarenhold children's rhetorical attacks. Giving Beckerath a break, Siegmund asks for his permission to allow both Sieglinde and to attend the opera alone with him before their marriage. Moved by such request, Beckerath agrees to the request, and the twins are set to see ''Die Walküre'' that evening. It turns out that Siegmund is expecting the official to agree to his request since he had bought the tickets with long anticipation.

After the lunch is over, Siegmund starts getting ready for the function. He constantly shaves his facial hair and pampers himself with toilet waters as a way to purify himself from his Jewish origins. Already dressed and warning him of the carriage's arrival, Sieglinde joins her twin brother in his room and, in that private atmosphere, they share some caresses and a kiss. In company of their servant, Wendelin, the twins leave the mansion amid light snow. They shut themselves in the warmth of the carriage and find comfort in each other. Once they arrive at the opera, Siegmund and Sieglinde make themselves comfortable in their box and watch the characters whom they are named after. They see their image, fate, and experience reflected in the children of the Nordic gods. The twins, especially Siegmund, become exalted with the musical rendition of their operatic counterparts. So much so that, during the intermissions, they walk through the theater corridors in a trance-like state, indifferent of their surroundings.

The twins return to an empty house after the function, since the rest of the family is out on personal business. One of the house servants, Florian, awaits them at the dinner table with fruit, caviar sandwiches, and red wine. Siegmund dismisses Florian and lights a cigarette. In the meantime, Sieglinde brews some tea and adds some burgundy to it. Their time at the dinner table is taciturn and, after Sieglinde's insistence that he should eat something, Siegmund leaves the room in an uncustomary rude manner. He retreats to his bedroom and is convinced that, soon, Sieglinde will come to his room to say good night in the way that they are both used to. In his room, Siegmund looks for what to do next. He changes his clothes, lights another cigarette, and analyzes his features in front of a mirror. He finally decides to lie on a bearskin rug in his room – similar to the one mentioned in Wagner's opera. Sieglinde finally shows at his door and is initially scared that Siegmund is sick when she sees him on the bearskin on the floor. She rushes to his side and is relieved to see he is fine. She is already in her night garments and as she kneels over Siegmund, he sees her breasts under the lace. Sieglinde starts to stroke her brother's hair, giving way to kisses, caresses, and a passion that takes the upper hand. After they consummate their incestuous relationship, Sieglinde asks what will happen to Beckerath, to which Siegmund replies that he should be thankful to them now that they made his life more exciting.

Vidas Opostas (TV series)

Life is good to EVA. She loves husband MARCO, has a job that makes her feel fulfilled and is pregnant with her first child. Little does she know her World is about to crumble!

EVA finds out MARCO has been cheating on her and that their marriage is a front with even more unpredictable consequences. MARCO is in fact in love with MARIA. They have maintained a relationship for over two years and have a baby daughter.

MARCO works for a big sports fashion entrepreneur, ÁLVARO, who also set up an illegal doping network. He worked for the network. Reason why he married EVA, so he can spy on her, pass on secret intelligence and operations to the network, since she worked for an anti-doping agency.

When MARCO finds himself responsible for the death of ÁLVARO’s son, an up and coming football star, he becomes a wanted man! His former boss will want nothing but to kill him. ÁLVARO must be careful, so no one discovers his illegal business.

JORGE is a journalist who will return from Canada to investigate his brother MARCO’s secret life. He will fall in love with ex-sister-in-law EVA and discover he has a niece, building a relationship with MARIA.

On the other hand, ÁLVARO’s son RICARDO will also try to discover who killed his brother, which leads him to MARIA. He will fall deeply in love with her once he realizes she was never MARCO’s accomplice. But MARIA will have to prove her innocence to his family.

This is how EVA and MARIA will confront each other. Their lives will be forever tangled through the man who fooled them. They will fight to the end against MARCO, to regain their life and protect their families.

The Nest (2020 film)

In the 1980s, Englishman Rory O'Hara and his American wife, Allison, live a middle-class life in New York City with their children Ben and Sam. Ben is their child together. Sam is Allison's daughter from a previous relationship. Allison teaches horseback riding, while Rory is a trader. Believing his opportunities in the US are limited, Rory convinces Allison to relocate with him to Britain, where he plans to return to the firm of his former employer Arthur Davis. Despite Allison's initial misgivings, the family moves into a huge old mansion in Surrey. Rory convinces Allison she can start her own horse farm on the property, buying a horse named Richmond for her. Construction begins on a stable. Ben is enrolled in an expensive private school. Sam is enrolled in a state school. Rory takes Allison to high-class dinner parties with Arthur and his colleagues. However, the family has some difficulty adjusting, as their secluded location and respective commutes make it difficult for the children to get to school on time.

Several weeks later, construction abruptly stops on the stable. Learning that Rory never paid the builders, Allison discovers that his bank account is nearly empty. Rory promises he will have money soon, but Allison is forced to provide for the family by cutting into her hidden cash fund. Allison bristles at Rory's efforts to appear high-class while they remain nearly broke. At the office, Rory proposes that Arthur sell his company to a larger American firm looking for a London office. After brief consideration, Arthur refuses. At the house, Richmond collapses in pain and Allison is forced to go to a neighboring farmer, who puts the horse down. Rather than go home following Arthur's rejection, Rory pays a visit to his mother, telling her about his family. She shows no interest in them and accuses Rory of abandoning her. Rory returns home late and gets into an explosive argument with Allison over their financial woes and Rory's reckless, delusional behavior.

In order to provide income to the household, Allison begins working as a farmhand for the farmer. Sam makes some disreputable friends from the area, while Ben gets into a fight with some bullies. Rory and his colleague Steve arrange a potentially lucrative deal with a Norwegian fish-farming corporation. Rory and Allison attend a dinner with Steve and their prospective clients, while Sam and her friends throw a party back at the house. As the party gets out of control, Ben flees outside and witnesses Richmond's carcass being pushed to the surface of the grave due to improper burial. At the dinner, Allison openly mocks Rory before leaving the restaurant, taking the car and getting drunk at a nightclub. Rory attempts to downplay Allison's behavior to the clients, but they opt to go into business with Steve while cutting Rory out. Rory tries to take a taxi back to Surrey and confesses his many indiscretions to the taxi driver, claiming his job is "pretending to be rich". With Rory's confessions making it clear that he is both broke and a liar, the driver anticipates that he will be unable to pay for the long fare and leaves him in the middle of nowhere.

The next morning, Allison wakes up hungover in her parked car and drives home, finding the house trashed after the party. Ben shows her Richmond's grave, where the carcass has risen almost completely to the surface. As Allison breaks down over the grave, Sam and Ben agree to make breakfast. Rory finishes the long walk home and finds his family seated at the table. He starts proposing another relocation, but Allison simply tells him to stop. Sam hugs a crying Rory, then prepares a seat for him.

Queers in Love at the End of the World

In just ten seconds, players read through short paragraphs and selected highlighted text in order to dictate how they want to interact with their partner before the end of the world. About the origin of the work, Anthropy writes, "If you only had ten seconds left with your partner, what would you do with them? What would you say? It’s a game about the transformative, transcendent power of queer love, and is dedicated to every queer I’ve loved, no matter how briefly, or for how long."

Reality High

Dani Barnes, the protagonist of the movie, is an excellent high-school student who receives straight As and is focused on getting a scholarship to U.C. Davis. She is highly passionate about dogs, so volunteers at the local dog clinic. Being considered an unfashionable nerd, Dani is not very popular at her school. Her only friend is her best friend Freddie Myers, who develops a secret crush on her, but Dani does not seem to register Freddie’s feelings for her. She only has eyes for Cameron Drake, on whom she has had a crush since childhood. Unlike Dani, Cameron is one of the most popular guys at her school, and unfortunately for her, also Alexa Medina's boyfriend. Alexa, Dani's “bully“ and former childhood best friend, portrays exactly the opposite of her: She is idolized by the entire school and also has numerous followers on various social-media platforms. After breaking up with her boyfriend Cameron, resulting in Dani and Cameron getting closer, Alexa suddenly shows great interest in befriending Dani again. She offers Dani a fresh start and apologizes for treating her badly. Alexa integrates her into her friend group, thus draws her into a completely new Southern California scene, consisting of excessively high-cost shopping and partying. Dani begins to enjoy the popularity she gains, as well as the attention Alexa brings her, which eventually leads to Dani losing herself within this new, superficial lifestyle to which she has adjusted. Her improved social status causes her to lose sight of much more significant things, such as sincere, honest friendship. Alexa, though, cannot be trusted, which Dani finally finds out on her own after experiencing strong betrayal.

My Name Is Thomas

Thomas starts from Italy to reach the desert in the Almeria area where he can meditate on the pages of a book he loves in a special way. Shortly after the departure on his Harley Davidson, he helps a girl, Lucia, to escape from two undesirable types from whom she stole money.

Our House (2018 film)

Ethan returns home from college to visit his parents and younger siblings, Becca and Matt. A passionate inventor, he leaves early to conduct an on-campus experiment, but promises his disappointed parents he'll prioritise the family on his next break.

Ethan has invented a machine called ELI that is designed to create wireless electrical power. However, as his project lacks university authorization, Ethan, his girlfriend Hannah, and another friend must sneak into the university lab to perform his experiments with it. When they activate the device, they fail to notice a black, smoky mass emanating from the equipment. The trial causes a campus-wide blackout, and the trio flee.

The next morning, Ethan learns that his parents have died, and he returns home to care for Becca and Matt. He begins a part-time job, and continues to work on ELI in his spare time. After he performs further experiments, strange things begin to occur through the house. The siblings come to believe that Ethan's machine is allowing their mother to make contact with them. When a supernatural entity appears, it tells them that the machine is harnessing spiritual energy, and that increasing its power will allow both of their parents to appear.

Ethan enlists the help of his neighbour, Tom, a widower, to illegally tap into the street's power supply. Becca claims to have given her doll away to comfort a new friend, Alice, who fears a man named Henry. The supernatural events increase and become menacing. Tom begins to exhibit odd behaviour, warning Ethan that the machine's effect has expanded beyond the house. Hannah views footage of the first experiment and shows Ethan a ghostly, female silhouette, and they ask an elderly neighbour, Marie, about the house's previous occupants. Marie tells them about Alice, a child who disappeared from the house, whom Marie thinks was killed by Henry, her foster father.

Becca is lured into the basement by the doll and dragged into a large chest. Ethan informs Matt that the ghosts are not their parents, and Hannah and Matt look for Becca while Ethan goes to switch ELI off. However, he finds that Tom has taken the machine to communicate with his wife's spirit, Ethan breaks in to Tom's house and a fight ensues. Matt and Hannah find Becca in a hidden underground room, but all three are overcome by murderous ghosts.

After Ethan explains that the spirit isn't his wife, Tom releases him. The ghost then turns on Tom and drags him away. Ethan smashes the machine with a baseball bat, saving his family, as well as Tom.

As the siblings prepare to move to a new home, Becca is given the doll she'd intentionally left in the house to keep Alice company. She races in to return it before they leave.

The final scene is that of a happy and loving family unit, with Ethan and Hannah now assuming the parental roles for Matt and Becca. However, there is ominous music, and we see the doll peeking out from inside a packing box.

Kim Possible (film)

In Europe, American high school students and crimefighters Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable have thwarted a world dominating scheme of Professor Dementor and rescued Dr. Glopman, whom Dementor had kidnapped.

As Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable start their first day of school, they meet a new student named Athena and take her on a mission to stop the plot of the evil Dr. Drakken. Athena (a skilled bōjutsuka) defeats Dr. Drakken's henchwoman Shego, making her the topic of conversation at Middleton High School despite Kim's jealousy. When the school honors Athena and her good deed, Shego and Dr. Drakken force their way into the ceremony. Kim tries to defeat Shego and her army of henchwomen but falls to the ground, leaving Athena vulnerable to kidnap. Athena is kidnapped, and Kim is laughed at. After Kim talks with her family and Ron, they decide to rescue Athena from Drakken's and Shego's lair.

At the lair, Kim discovers Athena is part of Drakken's and Shego's plan to steal Kim's motivational essence and transfer it into Drakken with his brain-modulating device. Athena is revealed to be an android built by Drakken, specifically for this. As Kim short-circuits the transfer machine, Dr. Drakken is de-aged into a pre-adolescent version of himself. Despite Kim's insistence that she save herself, Athena stays behind to turn off the now-unstable machine. The lair explodes and Athena is presumed killed, but it is revealed that she has survived the explosion. Kim and Ron take her home to be repaired and programmed to be a hero alongside themselves.

During the credits, Dr. Drakken, posing as a gifted student with Shego posing as his mother, enrolls at Kim's high school and begins his plan to defeat her.

Assault! Human!!

King Flasher, a mysterious being, and his army of Flashers threaten the safety of the Earth, starting by targeting children. Meanwhile, Junichiro Iwaki, a once famous gymnastics coach resigns from his job to train the threatened children. In return, the children used a device known as a Human-Sign to transform Junichiro into a superhero named the Human. From then on, King Flasher began creating monsters to attack the children, but Junichiro was always there to stop them. Later on, Junichiro's brother Junjiro started becoming suspicious of his brother's frequent disappearances. This leads to Junjiro finding out about Junichiro's alter ego. At the same time, King Flasher was overthrown by another evil being called Grand Flasher who nearly killed Junichiro. But, the children spectators used a secondary type of Human-Sign to turn Junjiro into the second Human. Gradually, the Human brothers managed to destroy every last member of the Flasher Core including Grand Flasher himself, restoring peace to the world.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (film)

In 1968, on Halloween in the small town of Mill Valley, Pennsylvania, three teen friends, Stella, Auggie, and Chuck, prank bully Tommy Milner. When Tommy and his gang chase them in retaliation, a young drifter named Ramón Morales hides them in his car. They all go to explore a local "haunted house" that belonged to the wealthy Bellows family, who helped found Mill Valley. Inside, they find a book of horror stories written by Sarah Bellows, the Bellows' young daughter who was accused of witchcraft when the town's children mysteriously began to die; she allegedly committed suicide. Tommy locks the group inside along with Ruth, Chuck's sister. They escape, and Stella takes Sarah's book.

Back home, Stella discovers that a new story, entitled "Harold," has appeared on a page that was blank moments before. In a nearby cornfield, an inebriated Tommy is stalked by the titular Harold, his family's scarecrow, after it comes to life. The creature stabs him with a pitchfork, causing Tommy to vomit hay and undergo a violent transformation. Tommy is reported missing; Stella and Ramón find Harold dressed in Tommy's clothes. Stella is convinced that Tommy has been turned into a scarecrow.

A new story, "The Big Toe," appears with Auggie as the main character; it's about a corpse searching for its missing toe, which is inside a stew that Auggie unwittingly eats. He disappears after the corpse drags him under his bed. The remaining friends attempt to destroy the book; when this proves impossible, they research Sarah's life. A new story, "The Red Spot", is written. Ruth discovers a swollen spider bite on her cheek, which explodes and releases hundreds of tiny spiders.

Ruth is rescued but is traumatized. The group's investigation takes them to a local hospital, where they discover that Sarah's brother performed electroshock therapy on her as part of a cover-up. The family's mill had been poisoning the town's water with mercury, leading to the deaths of the town's children and Sarah was tortured by her family for trying to reveal the truth. To avoid suspicion, they blamed her for the deed. Chuck is attacked by the Pale Lady, a phantom from his nightmares, who absorbs him.

Stella and Ramón are arrested for trespassing by Police Chief Turner, who reveals that Ramón is a Vietnam War draft dodger. Ramón reveals that it was out of fear after his brother enlisted and his dead body was returned to them in pieces. Ramón realizes that the next creature will be the Jangly Man, a monster from a story that frightened him as a child. The Jangly Man kills Turner; Ramón and Stella escape and run to the Bellows house for answers. Stella is taken back in time. Living out Sarah's experience of the torture, Stella promises Sarah that she will tell the truth of her innocence if she stops harming people. Stella writes down the true story in blood before she and all of her monsters vanish.

Stella writes the truth about Sarah's life in the papers, keeping her promise. Ramón accepts his enlistment and shares an emotional goodbye with Stella before he leaves for the war. With Ruth recovered, Stella states that she will find a way to rescue Chuck and Auggie.

My Dead Ex

Charley is a normal high school girl with a crush on a cute boy. As she tries to score a date with the cute boy named Luke, her annoying ex, Ben Bloom, will do anything to get her to go on a date with him. Ever since she dumped him, she wanted nothing to do with him, but when he dies, things start to change.

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

In 1994 Staten Island, a group of four teenage friends, Joe, Sal, Murr and Q sneak into a Paula Abdul concert disguised as security personnel. However, they accidentally ruin the concert after Joe jumps out on stage and poorly acts as a hype man. The outcome embarrasses them and angers Abdul, who delivers a clothesline blow to Sal and vows to get her revenge on the Jokers. However, the incident inspires them to do practical joke challenges as a comedy gimmick.

Twenty-five years later in 2019, the four have become famous celebrities as a result of their TV show, ''Impractical Jokers'', but are surprised to see Abdul at a Red Lobster. Abdul approaches but admits that she is a huge fan of the show, and invites them to a party in Miami. However, shortly after Paula leaves, the group realizes she gave them only three tickets instead of four, meaning that one person will not be able to go. In order to decide who will be left out, they decide to road trip to Miami using Q's Crown Vic. while competing with each other in hidden-camera challenges; the one who loses will not get the ticket.

Some of the major challenges include: reading a eulogy to folks outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC and getting the listener's approval; on a boat ride near Myrtle Beach in the Carolina coast, convincing passengers not to pick up someone in distress; getting roadside assistance from strangers; and interviewing for a staff job with the Atlanta Hawks while being fed silly actions and lines by the others. Individual challenges and pranks also arise. Sal gets locked in a motel room with a chained white tiger. Q has to ride a horse while wearing a gladiator uniform to meet with the others. Murr visits a club with scantily-clad women only to be surprised with his family wishing him happy birthday behind a two way mirror. Joe dresses like a cave troll to surprise a tour group. Q gives a presentation at a social media conference but the videotape footage includes a bit of his real parents acting out lead-in scenes of softcore porn. Sal attends a fan party featuring Jaden Smith, dressed as Jaden's number-one fan. He shows off his tattoo of Smith from a previous season to him, but Smith has Sal get an updated one on his other thigh.

When they arrive in Miami, Murr ends up being the loser, so he has to stay behind while the others go to the party, until Murr decides to sneak into the show using the same security disguise from 1994. This results in Abdul recognizing them from when they crashed her concert 25 years ago. Sal gets tasered but Joe acts as a hype man and sways the crowd to cheer for them. The next day, with Joey Fatone in the background at Miami Beach, Joe tells the Jokers that he received an offer to go on tour with Abdul as a hype man, but turned it down. Since Murr snuck into the party, the others decide to subject him to one last punishment. Joe, Q, and Sal fly back to Staten Island on a private jet, while Murr rides harnessed to the top wing of a stunt plane.

Ouija House

A graduate student trying to complete her book on the paranormal, brings friends to a house with a mysterious past, where the group unwittingly summon an evil entity playing a terrifying game.

Hope Lost

A young Romanian woman from a small town meets a man claiming to be a film director and he convinces her to come to Rome for auditions. This is a ruse and she is instead lured into a life of prostitution in Italy and then sold by her pimp to a man who intends to torture her and another young woman in a snuff movie.

Forgive and Regret

While trying to leave Moe's Tavern, Homer accidentally knocks over a streetlight. A man appears, asking Homer to sell his car for $500 to repair the damages to the streetlamp, which he accepts because his car will be used in a demolition derby. While at the derby, Grampa has a heart attack, and Homer is faced with the solution to either watch the rest of the derby and see his car win, or escort his father to the hospital, Homer agrees to help him. On his deathbed, Grampa makes a startling confession to Homer, whom forgives him because he thinks his father is about to die and he wants to have peace between them before that happens.

However, Grampa ends up surviving, and he increasingly mocks and laughs at Homer while reminding him that Homer promised to keep his secret. The family, surprised by Homer's "silent treatment", decides to make them bond once again, only leading to an altercation between both of them at Moe's and an unsuccessful session at an entertainment center (formerly a mall). When Grandpa plays the victim, he then watches in horror as Homer coldly tells the family the deathbed secret. In Homer's youth, he and his mother Mona bonded over baking pies. After she left home, Grampa, in an attempt to forget about Mona, threw her recipe box off a cliff. The family turns against Grampa, and decides to condemn him for his actions at the Retirement Castle, only to find that Grampa, who now feels guilty of what he did many years ago, is going to the cliff to find the box. Homer plans to stop him because the recipe box is still resting on a cliffside, and Grampa could lose his life getting them. Homer helps him to safety and to get the recipe box, and for a minute Grampa looks like he is sacrificing himself so that Homer can reach it, but when Homer gets to it, Grampa lands on a bed he got rid of many years earlier. However, the box is empty.

While stopping at a nearby restaurant, Homer recognizes the taste of the pie he is eating as the same one he and his mother used to bake. The waitress tells him that she found the recipes falling down the cliff when Grampa tossed them out and gives them to Homer, wrapped in a bow, and Homer and Grampa make up and reconcile once again.

The tag features Homer buying his old car again, finding that Snowball II had been there the whole time.

Left Behind (The Simpsons)

During dinner, a solar eclipse occurs. Marge, Lisa, Bart, Maggie and Grampa go outside to watch the solar eclipse, but Homer stays inside and continues to eat because it is "pork chop night". Marge is irritated by Homer's apathy, so he takes her out for a romantic date night the next day. As Homer and Marge return from their date, Ned Flanders comes to them looking for advice, now unemployed after being forced to close his store the Leftorium. Homer helps Ned get a human resources job at the power plant, while Rod and Todd stay with the Simpsons, with Todd getting on Lisa's nerves.

At the plant, Ned's heavy-handed methods irritate the other employees, especially Homer. That night, Homer prays for Ned to be fired, which occurs the next day after he suggests Mr. Burns give money to charity. Ned takes on several more jobs, including a harbor cruise dance instructor, a photographer for Rolling Stone Magazine, and a roadside bible salesman, but fails each time and becomes depressed. Marge suggests Ned follow Jesus's example and become a teacher, leading him to become a substitute teacher at Springfield Elementary. He is quickly overwhelmed by all of the unruly students in Bart's class, and resigns after Bart is peer-pressured by Nelson into spitballing his mustache.

Feeling bad about ruining Ned's life, Bart and Homer go to his house to apologize and convince him to return to teaching. Ned is hesitant, but Bart convinces him by reminding him of Bart's former teacher, Ned's deceased wife Edna Krabappel. Ned and Bart organize a plan to get the students to be obedient. Using a series of tricks by Bart, he and Ned are able to pacify the students by creating supposed acts of God that frighten them. Ned is instilled with a newfound confidence, and thanks Bart for his help.

Flower Child (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

A carriage is featured in the forest.

In the Characters' Past

Many Years Ago, a young Gothel becomes intrigued by seeing a group of women trying out dresses that they plan to wear to an upcoming ball. After they leave, Gothel sneaks in and touches the dresses and causes a small rose to magically bloom, only to be caught by the women after they return. It appears that they're intrigued by Gothel, so they ask her to teach them magic by inviting her to the party. When Gothel arrives to a garden-like location, she unlocks a special door that enters a world in which it is revealed that Gothel is actually a wood nymph and isn't human. Unfortunately, her mother is not happy about Gothel being involved with humans and wants to groom her to become her successor. She hopes that Gothel can embrace her destiny.

At the party, Gothel arrives, ready to interact with her newfound friends and show them magic. But it turns out that it was all a setup to embarrass Gothel, as they wanted to disgrace her in front of the humans by calling her an abomination. It also turns out that the humans had used this party to destroy and kill the nymphs, and when Gothel returned to the garden she finds her mother clinging to life. Her mother implores Gothel not to seek revenge on the humans and embrace her destiny by restoring their world. Gothel doesn't take her mother's words to heart and begins a mission to destroy the humans. Gothel returns to the party and begins destroying everything she touches with deadly plants and kills the person who befriended her. However, one of the friends decides she wants to join Gothel as she also kept a secret that she too has magic powers but kept it hidden in fear that she would be killed. Gothel then rids the land of humans before returning to her destroyed home with her friend.

The ending of the flashback reveals a twist in the story: the flashback of Gothel took place in the Land Without Magic, thousands of years ago. Gothel confesses to her friend that despite their realm being magical, the death of the tree nymphs by the humans has turned their realm into the first ever land without magic. Using a magic bean, Gothel and her friend decide to leave for another realm to find others like them, to prepare for their return to the Land Without Magic to rid the land of humans once again after the would-be civilization begins.

In The Present Day

At the police station, Eloise/Gothel is paying a visit, but she's more interested in recruiting the desk clerk, and she uses her magic to bring him into her plan to wake up The Coven. While this occurs, Rogers interrogates Drew about Samdi about how Nick died, only to have Drew continue to warn Rogers about how powerful Samdi is. Gothel then later stalks Tilly, but Gothel assures her that she needs to be told the truth about her, and Gothel reveals to Tilly that she is her mother. Tilly doesn't buy that claim, but Gothel reminds her that it will make sense very soon. Tilly later tells Rogers about the encounter.

At Jacinda's apartment, Henry is convinced the paternity test indicating that he is Lucy's father is genuine. But Jacinda isn't so sure and can't process the facts. Henry is starting to believe that Lucy is telling the truth and it might be tied to the book. Lucy pays a visit to Facilier/Samdi and tells him about the fallout that occurred between Regina and Weaver after he took the magic needed to save Henry (Regina hasn't answered Samdi's messages). Samdi believes that he can come up with a way to save Henry. Samdi suggests that Lucy find an item that can be used, and he warns her that Gothel is preparing for a war and Henry needs to be saved.

When Rogers and Tilly visit Henry's apartment, Henry lets them in and he shows them a display of residents that match the description of the book. They come to the conclusion that Gothel might be planning on something bigger beyond reviving the Coven. Moments later, Rogers gets a tip about Gothel's whereabouts, and he and Tilly trace it to a theater. Unfortunately, it is a trap set by Gothel, who is ready to reveal everything about Tilly and Rogers' true relationship by telling them that they're actually daughter and father by taking a drop of blood from not only Rogers and Tilly, but from Margot. Gothel threatens all three if Tilly refuses. With Rogers held hostage, Gothel compels Tilly to join her Coven, as she has magic, and Tilly gives in, as she sees this as a way to save Rogers. The Coven begins their revival of evil.

After uncovering a box of items from the apartment while attempting to convince Jacinda that she's Cinderella by rummaging through the souvenirs, Lucy finds the glass slipper and brings it to Samdi, who then uses it to create a spell that saves Henry, allowing him to live. However, when Henry returns to see Jacinda, he tells her that the stories could be real, and he and Jacinda finally kiss. But as Lucy walked inside, she is disappointed that nothing happened with the spell.

Arctic Circle (TV series)

Set in an icy Finnish Lapland, Finnish police officer Nina Kautsalo (Iina Kuustonen) finds a nearly dead prostitute in a cabin in the wilderness. The case takes a surprising turn when a deadly virus is found in the prostitute's body. Nina and German virologist Thomas Lorenz (Maximilian Brückner) start investigating the case.

Partners in Crime (1973 film)

Judge Meredith Leland becomes a private investigator along with a paroled convict.

Rap Master Ronnie

The play is presented as sixteen interlinking musical numbers, each attacking some political position of Reagan's or examining the effects Reaganomics had on the American economy and culture of the 1980s. The story is presented within a frame narrative of Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Edwin Meese, and several Secret Service agents (who serve as the chorus) taking a limo into the inner city to film a campaign ad encouraging blacks to vote for him. Despite the title, only the opening number is performed in the style of old-school hip hop, with the remainder of the songs being 1980s style pop.

Burning Up Broadway

Spike and Nick own a speakeasy in New York, where the chief chorus girl is Floss. When native New Yorker Harry Wells is visited by his friend from out west, Bob Travers, he takes Bob to the club. At the club, Travers becomes entranced with Floss, which becomes an issue with Spike, who is also romantically interested in her. Travers goes back to the club the following night, where he runs into Wells. Trying to find out more about Floss, Travers discovers that not only do Spike and Nick own the club, but they are also bootleggers. When he is discovered snooping, Spike and Nick knock Travers out, then take Floss with them as they go to receive their next shipment of bootleg liquor. Wells discovers Travers and revives him, revealing that he is in fact a revenue agent. He and Travers join Wells other agents and track Nick and Spike to the shipment drop-off point, where they rescue Floss, who is revealed as another revenue agent working undercover, and arrest Nick and Spike. Travers and Floss are free to continue their romance.

The Room: Old Sins

At the turn of the 20th century, the player character enters Waldegrave Manor, searching for any clues to the wealthy couple that once lived there: Edward, an ambitious engineer, and Abigail, his high-society wife. The only item of interest found is a detailed dollhouse, mirroring Waldegrave Manor, in the attic. As the player-character examines the dollhouse, he finds notes left by Edward and Abigail, detailing their fate. Edward had received a piece of Null and took great interest in studying it, devoting more and more of his time to it than Abigail. Abigail recognized that Edward's work with the Null was twisting both his mind and the reality of their home, and tried to pull him away from his work. After he attacked her when she got in his way, she took the Null and hid it in a dollhouse within the Manor's attic and then fled. Edward, driven insane by the Null, searched frantically through the house for Abigail or the Null, but never could escape himself due to the reality-warping powers of the Null that caused him to become stuck in a recursive loop between the dollhouse and the Manor. He ended up realizing that the Null was hidden in the dollhouse but could not find the means to open it, and allowed the malevolent force drawn by the Null to take his life.

The player-character finds Edward's body near the dollhouse and is able to open it to find the hidden Null piece within it, placing it within a special compartment of their toolkit. Once removed, the dollhouse reverts to a more ordinary plaything. The player-character is revealed to be a member of the Circle, a secret organization that are collecting the various pieces of Null that have been discovered before; the player's actual task was to locate the Null found by Edward. Narration reveals that the members of the Circle should have been more wary of Abigail for having the insight of how to hide the Null from Edward.

Wild Women (1970 film)

A band of boisterous paroled female prisoners accompanies Army engineers on an undercover map-making assignment into or near Mexican territory. Their cover story is that the group consists of settlers; each of the women is paired with one of the engineers to appear to be his wife.

The Daughters of Joshua Cabe

Due to a homesteading law, a fur trapper schemes to keep his land by hiring a hooker, a pickpocket and a thief to pose as his family.

Sansão e Dalila

Sansão is a brave, strong, courageous man, a Hebrew who fights against many enemy armies of his people and wild animals; besides he keeps the mysterious secret of his strength. Born as the promise to be the liberator of his people, who were oppressed and persecuted. The triumph of Sansão reaches the ears of Dalila, a philistine woman who has an exuberant beauty and is very ambitious. She was chosen by Inarus, the prince of Gaza, to be another of the courtesans in his palace. In search of power, Dalila draws attention to being pretty and very soon becomes the favorite among all the courtesans. Sansão is unsurpassed, wins many battles and provokes the wrath of his main enemy, the Philistines. Prince Inarus is infuriated by every victory of the Hebrew warrior against his army so well armed and prepared that he allows Dalila to try to persuade Sansão to discover the secret of his strength.

We Never Learn

Nariyuki Yuiga is a senior high school student attending Ichinose Academy who, in order to secure a university scholarship, must tutor three female geniuses of different subjects: Fumino Furuhashi is a genius in literature, but horrible at mathematics; Rizu Ogata is a genius in mathematics, but terrible at literature; and Uruka Takemoto is a genius in the athletic field, but dreadful at all other subjects. As the girls work with Nariyuki to achieve their academic goals, they must also deal with their growing feelings for him. As the story progresses, two other girls are focused upon: Mafuyu Kirisu, their teacher who despite her professionalism, is a slob at home and Asumi Kominami, a rōnin who has the appearance of a middle schooler despite her age.

Near the middle of the story, at the Ichinose School Festival, rumor has it that people who are touching when the first firework goes off are destined to become a couple. During this event, Nariyuki encounters one of the girls, but her identity is obscured upon the chapter's first release. The story has five separate endings with Nariyuki ending up with one of the five girls. While their endings vary, the focused girl is the one who Nariyuki encountered at the fireworks. The final chapter shows instead another continuity where all the girls, including various secondary characters, end up touching Nariyuki during the festival, and the fireworks school legend is revealed to have been created by Nariyuki's late father in his youth. Flashes of the other endings are seen by the girls, signifying that in this new reality any of the events leading up to them have the same probability to occur.

Tucson (film)

Carefree University of Arizona student Andy Bryant's preoccupation with training his American Quarter Horse for an upcoming intercollegiate rodeo nearly results in tragedy for his best friend. Shaken by the event, Andy vows to focus on his studies and make amends.

Distorted (film)

Russell Curran (Brendan Fletcher) is a successful businessman living in Portland, Oregon. His 32-year-old wife Lauren (Christina Ricci) suffers from bipolar disorder after a home invasion left her injured and her baby drowned in the bathtub.

Craving for a safe home, Russell and Lauren decide to move into a luxurious high-tech smart apartment an hour away from Portland. On one of their first evenings, they attend a cocktail party and meet the other residents who are all very wealthy. One of them is Phillip Starks (Vicellous Reon Shannon), an heir of a successful marketing company focussing on consumer-psychology.

Lauren soon notices strange noises coming from the apartment's sound system and occasionally sees the TV flashing up strange pictures and words. She tries to speak to Russell, but he blames her bipolar disorder and accuses her of paranoia. Later, Russell secretly installs CCTV cameras to observe Lauren's behavior.

Through research on the internet, Lauren gets in touch with Vernon Sarsfield (John Cusack), a hacker and journalist. Vernon affirms Lauren that she is not paranoid and that she needs to help him to prove that the residents of her home are being used as involuntary experimental subjects to subliminal stimuli by the building's owners. Vernon believes Lauren is the only one to notice the subliminal messaging because of her bipolar disorder.

One day, Lauren meets a resident that she has been perceiving as particularly awkward. He tells Lauren that he "is not one of them" and soon after commits suicide by jumping off the buildings roof. As the strange events intensify, Vernon advises Lauren to leave since he has been tracked and thus can not help her anymore.

Lauren becomes increasingly suspicious of Russell who threatens to send her to a psychiatric hospital. As Lauren figures that all residents have continuously been scratching their necks, thus must have been exposed to some substance or implant, she tries to flee, but the buildings security manager and groundskeeper apprehend her in the garage and forcefully narcotize her by an injection to the neck.

As Lauren wakes up, she is restrained and exposed to another subliminal stimuli on the TV, realizing that the goal of the stimuli is for her to murder a three-year-old child residing in another apartment. Vernon suddenly appears and frees Lauren. He gives her a gun and allows her to flee by holding up the pursuers, but gets killed as he does so.

Lauren does as the stimuli suggested by kidnapping the child. Russell tries to win back her trust by saying he has proof of the subliminal stimuli through the CCTV he has installed, but Lauren rebuffs him. Using the images implanted into her head earlier, she drives the child to an abandoned shack. Later, she is then seen driving to an abandoned luxurious hotel with a blood-stained bag where she is greeted by Phillip Stark, and the building's employees and some of its residents who were disguised employees of Stark. Stark interviews Lauren on how she feels about having killed the child. As Lauren replies that she feels well since she does as expected from her, Stark is satisfied and thanks Lauren for her contribution to the future of warfare.

However, as Stark opens the bag, it is only filled with apples. A flashback reveals that Lauren and Russell had only faked the child's death. Stark attacks Lauren, but Russell rushes to her aid and shoots him dead. The police arrive and surround the premises.

In the closing scene, a pregnant Lauren and Russell have moved into a new home. As they hug, Lauren suspiciously eyes the parent unit Russell had been trying to install.


''Andarmahal'' is the tale of an average middle-aged woman named Parameshwari who had to give up on her formal education to support family expenses and her sisters' studies. She harbors a deep connect with music that gives her some solace in her lonely life, consisting mainly of her family, housework and her music school that she runs at home. She gets engaged and subsequently married to Abhimanyu Bose, a divorcee man in his early forties who has a teenage daughter, Juju from his previous marriage with Ananya. He marries Parameshwari at the condition that she will have to look after her daughter Juju and care for her, gaining her trust as a mother and will also have to handle the housework. In return, he will give her financial stability and security. Despite such humiliating treaty as the foundation of their marriage, Parameshwari, without any expectations from Abhimanyu and his family members, gives her utmost effort to win Juju's heart. She loves Juju as her real mother would and later, being touched by her selfless love, Juju to begins to love and respect her new mother Parameshwari whom she fondly calls ''"Mamoni"''. However, this makes Ananya, Juju's real mother insecure and she fears about losing her daughter. So, she entices Abhimanyu, tries to reconnect their relationship and Ananya begins living at Abhimanyu's household, much to Juju's embarrassment. After Paro helps her father-in-law understand his faults regarding house management and his relationship with his wife, her father-in-law, realizing his mistakes, begins to support Parameshwari. He asks Abhimanyu to show Ananya the door, but Abhimanyu revolts and due to his misconception that Parameshwari was involved in an illicit affair with his boss and her senior from college, Juboraj Sengupta, and due to repeated instigation from Parameshwari's ill-wishes Kamalini, Shreya and Katha; Abhimanyu further misunderstands Parameshwari and in a fit of rage, announces that he will divorce her. Juju stands by a heart-broken Parameshwari, and on her insistence and with Juboraj's help, starts her singing career to become self-dependent. Parameshwari Bose becomes a rising star and singing sensation overnight with the release of her first album and begins to actively contribute in running the family, when Abhimanyu becomes ill and loses his job. Taking Juboraj's help, Paro bears the entire expenses of Abhi's treatment; and Abhi finally realizes his mistake. He then asks Ananya to leave the house and starts his relationship with Parameshwari afresh.

Parallel tracks

In addition to Parameshwari's struggle, the series has also been showcasing parallel story arcs of Parameshwari's sister-in-laws- Shreya and Katha. Shreya's husband, Karna utterly humiliates her and cheats on her by trying to woo a sub-ordinate nurse at his workplace. When Shreya gets to know about the matter, Karna doesn't feel like giving her any explanation, for she is financially dependent on him. Shreya realizes that she can't patch up with Karna anymore by sacrificing her self-pride and decides to work on her. Paro supports Shreya in her tough time, by helping her get a job to earn a living. Shreya realizes her previous mistakes in the wrongs done by her to Parameshwari, and the two sort out their differences.

Katha develops a fatal disease and much to her shock and amazement, his doting husband Arghya and mother-in-law, Kamalini star misbehaving with her and taunt her for being a burden. Arghya doesn't anymore allow Katha to share a room with him as her disease is infectious. And a distraught Katha has to make her way to the store room, when even her own family refuses to stand by her. Parameshwari, however, forgiving all of Katha's previous misdeeds, lends a helping hand towards her in her times of need. Katha too whole-heartedly apologizes to Parameshwari, who becomes her emotional strength and inspiration, while she starts preparing for the I.A.S. exam to get a fresh job. Arghya, then, enters into a relationship with his colleague, Sreeradha, further hurting Katha, who now, following Parameshwari's footsteps, protests and decides to teach Arghya a lesson.

Parameshwari's dilemma

Some days after Abhimanyu gets a new job, Ananya visits him and informs him that she has decided to file a case in the court over the rights for Juju's custody. So that Abhi and the family doesn't have to go through the legal procedures and resultant degradation of their social prestige, Parameshwari keeping a heavy heart, asks Juju to leave the house and live with her mother Ananya till she becomes 18 years old, 3 years later. Juju is shattered and extremely disheartened at Paro's request, however obliges her by leaving the house with Ananya. Ananya who is a perfectionist thoughtlessly imposes her rules and regulations over the child Juju, who perceive that no one, even Paro, is her near one and well-wisher and goes into a life of self-imposed salvation in Anaya's house. Paro repents her decision of sending Juju away and when the latter pays no heed to her earnest calls and repeated words for forgiveness, a remorseful Paro decides to withdraw herself from singing so that she can penance for the "sin" she did by hurting her child, Juju. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu proposes her to have a child together,but Paro declines his proposal. Her self-imposed starvation leads her health to decline to a dangerous extent, but, is nursed back to health by Juju. Paro and Juju now clear up all their misunderstandings, and Juju starts living with the family again, much to Ananya's chagrin. Meanwhile, Parameshwari receives the ''" Sharno Kontho "'' award.

Thru Different Eyes (1929 film)

Harvey Manning is tried for murdering his best friend, Jack Winfield, whose body was found in the Manning home. During the trial, attorneys on both sides offer contrasting versions of Manning's character and his wife, Viola, and of the events preceding the murder. Manning is found guilty, but then a young girl comes forward and confesses to killing Winfield.

No Game No Life: Zero

In the present, Izuna and Tet play a game of chess on which they have wagered food. As they begin their next game, Tet decides to tell her the story of how the world came to be in its current state.

The tale begins 6000 years in the past, during the Great War, a worldwide conflict that pitted the sentient races of the world against each other as the Old Deus fought for control of the Suniaster, a conceptual device which would only reveal itself to the strongest being on the planet and make the holder the One True God. To that end, the Old Deus and the other races have effectively destroyed the world, and have driven humankind, the only race unable to use the world's magic, to the brink of extinction. Riku, the leader of humanity's last colony along with his sister Corounne, allows another one of his companions die in a Demonia attack while sourcing for information; the death, along with all the others that have come before, plague him with nightmares and guilt. The colony he leads finds itself on the verge of annihilation, with their leader unstable, their numbers dropping, and the battles that endanger their lives around the area becoming more frequent and drawing ever closer.

Delving into a ruined Elvish hideout the next day to investigate, Riku stumbles upon an Ex-Machina that has been severed from its race's hive-mind for its efforts to understand the human heart, a concept that defies its machine logic and thus could not be calculated by the hive-mind. Initially hesitant to help her, Riku eagerly accepts when she challenges him to a game of chess, despite knowing the frightening processing power the Ex-Machina possess; predictably, he loses, and they agree to cooperate with each other, allowing him to take advantage of her logical prowess and letting her stay with him to learn more about the human heart. Since she has only a long, droning designation code assigned to her, Riku, hearing the word "Schwarzer" (German for "black") in her title, names her Schwi after the color of her hair.

Soon after, Schwi accidentally forces Riku to confront the number of people whose deaths he has caused. While this causes a quarrel between them, it helps her gain a deeper understanding of Riku and helps him face his trauma. Through working together, the two realize that they make an incredible team. They then devise a plan to manipulate the stronger races of the world into fighting and using their strongest weapons against each other; by utilising the power generated from the spirit circuit of all the races, and using Schwi's machinery to shift its direction. They plan to break into the core of the planet and take the Suniaster for their own.

Riku proposes to Schwi, despite the differences in their races and the latter having previously destroyed the former's last home. When the plan begins to destroy his body, Schwi decides to acquire the Suniaster herself to save his life; in the process, she happens to cross paths with Jibril. A vicious battle ensues and Schwi is mortally damaged, but she completes the last step of the plan by reconnecting with the Ex-Machina hive-mind and employing them to aid Riku. Schwi uses the last of her energy to protect Riku's wedding ring as Jibril destroys the rest of her body.

Devastated by Schwi's death, Riku forces himself to complete the plan. The forces of the other races and the Old Deus assemble and fight one last battle; in the end, after the energy from their weapons pierces the planet's core, the Suniaster appears before Riku, but his arm dissolves as he reaches for it, the device having rejected him. He prays aloud to a God of Games, which he used to play with as a child, to take the Suniaster and end the war in his place. Tet, having manifested from Riku's imagination, grants his wish as he dies and takes the Suniaster; he uses it to become the One True God and remake the world, predicating it on the playing of games rather than the use of violence and war.

Returning to the present, Izuna notices remarkable similarities in the story between Schwi and Riku and Shiro and Sora, implying that the latter two are the reincarnations of the former two; in addition, Stephanie, a direct descendant of Corounne, keeps a necklace which belonged to Corounne and bears the names of Riku and Schwi, which the two scratched into its surface themselves. Together, they look towards the future, ready to begin the game.

Crowhaven Farm

A young couple, Maggie and Ben, inherit an old New England farm. Soon after moving in, Maggie starts having terrifying visions that seem to point to a ghastly past involving witches and Satanic cults. Soon, the sinister past has evil designs for the new couple.

The Affair (1973 film)

Courtney Patterson is a beautiful 32 year old songwriter who is physically disabled due to polio. Her condition has made her emotionally guarded, but when she meets Marcus Simon, a handsome older attorney, she cautiously moves towards romance. Although Courtney remains wary of intimacy, Marcus slowly wins her over. Unfortunately, her family is not supportive of their relationship, providing yet another obstacle that the couple must overcome.

The Death Squad (film)

A cop goes after a group of police who have turned vigilante.

River of Gold (1971 film)

Beach bums look for sunken treasure.

The Rise of Iskander

Iskander was a young prince when his father's kingdom (Epirus) was taken over by the Turks. He was brought up a Moslem, although secretly remaining Christian. When his father died, the Turks saw Iskander's potential as an officer in their occupying armies (of the Emperor Amurath II). Iskander was posted to Athens, happily working with the Prince of Athens (Nicaeus, a Christian) suppressing Moslem insurrections.

Iskander receives news that he has been commissioned to leave Athens to help the Turkish armies fight off a Christian invasion led by Hunniades in Albania. Iskander leaves reluctantly and on reaching the Epirot division of the army he is to command (under the overall command of Karam Bey), Iskander secretly visits Hunniades, meeting his beautiful daughter, Iduna. Iskander reveals to Hunniades the Turks’ battle plan for the following day and also agrees to withhold his division from the battle, instead leaving the field to raise the standard of Christian independence.

Everything goes to plan and Iskander and his men head off and take Croia, the capital of Epirus. Throughout Epirus there are uprisings against the Turks who are ousted. Nicaeus joins Iskander and they receive word from Hunniades that although he has been successful and captured Karam Bey, Iduna has been taken prisoner. She is being held at Adrianople (the Turkish capital) where Amurath's son, Mohamed, has taken a fancy to her so the Turks are refusing to exchange her for hostages.

Iskander and Nicaeus, who is in love with Iduna despite her having previously rejected his advances, go to Adrianople disguised as an Armenian doctor and his page. There they learn that Iduna is ill and Mohamed is offering a reward for anyone who can cure her. Through one of Mohamed's eunuchs (Kaflis), Iskander and Nicaeus gain access to Mohamed, who permits Kaflis to show them to Iduna.

Talking to Iduna in Greek, which Kaflis doesn't understand, Iskander tells her they have come to rescue her. He doesn't reveal his true identity but does disclose that his companion is Nicaeus. Mohamed is impressed as Iduna's health improves over the next few days and asks “the doctor” to arrange for him to kill Iskander, who just promises that he (Mohamed) will meet Iskander if he thrashes his scimitar in a particular lake.

As Mohamed is planning for Iduna to accompany him at the head of his army marching on Epirus, Iskander and Nicaeus effect Iduna's escape. The three flee Adrianopole on horse but are pursued by the Turks. With their horses tiring, Iskander resolves to confront alone their pursuers, giving time for Nicaeus and Iduna to get further ahead. At this point Iskander reveals his identity to Iduna. He has feelings for her and sees that she is not particularly affectionate towards Nicaeus. Iskander single-handedly defeats all the chasing Turks.

Nicaeus and Iduna reach Epirus with Nicaeus feeling jealousy for Iskander on seeing how melancholy Iduna is in his absence. He resolves that marrying Iduna is more important than his country and Iskander who should not set eyes on Iduna again unless she is Nicaeus's bride. When Iduna rejects him again, Nicaeus imprisons her, saying she will never see her father again unless she marries him.

Iduna escapes and runs to a forest where she comes across Mohamed thrashing his scimitar in the lake, whereupon Iskander appears. Mohamed reveals it is a trap and instructs his soldiers to arrest Iskander, whereupon Iskander reveals he has comes with Hunniades and his men. Then Nicaeus (in pursuit of Iduna) arrives.

The Turks and Christians resolve to have a battle the next day and Mohamed leaves. Nicaeus also departs, disgraced. In the battle the following day, Nicaeus fights heroically with Iskander and Hunniades and dies of his wounds afterwards. The Turks are defeated and retreat. Iskander is proclaimed king of Epirus and is married to Iduna.

Dragalia Lost

The story takes place in Alberia, the kingdom where dragons live. All royal members in Alberia have the Dragon Transformation (shapeshifting in English) ability, where they can wield a dragon's power by forming a pact with a dragon to borrow their form in battle. One day, a strange occurrence begins to happen in this kingdom. The Holy Shard (Sacred Shard in English) protected by the capital starts to lose its power. In order to save his people, Euden, the Seventh Prince (Seventh Scion in English), who has not made a pact with a dragon, sets off on his Dragon Selection Trial.

The Seventh Scion Euden, the youngest prince of the kingdom of Alberia, is told by his father, the king Aurelius, to seek out Midgardsomar, the Windwyrm, to forge a pact after the Sacred Shard of the kingdom darkens. Such a holy object can only be moved by a pactbearer, and to replace the kingdom's Shard, he must forge the pact. He goes to Midgardsomar's home, the Mistholt with his sister Zethia and their friend, the faerie Notte. He forges the pact, meeting the Paladyn Elisanne and the mercenary Ranzal. When he goes to retrieve the Shard, he finds a woman named Cleo left to guard the Halidom, the former base of Alberius, and the castle's Shard. His father appears and tries to seize it, but Euden inadvertently shapeshifts until the Holywyrm Elysium. Regardless, Zethia is kidnapped by Aurelius.

Some time later, Euden, now leading the Halidom, receives word that Alberia was renamed to Dyrenell, and that it has declared Euden the 'traitorous prince'. He moves to defend a village from the attack of Dyrenell (meeting Luca and his sister Sarisse), and fights a Greatwyrm, Mercury. Mercury formed a pact with the haughty and narcissistic Prince Emile, which she breaks and instead forms a pact with Euden.

Next, they hear that Aurelius is attacking the Greatwyrm Brunhilda, the Flamewyrm. He saves the dragon, and forms a pact at her volcanic home, her joining him as 'Mym'. After that, he decides to form a pact with the Lightwyrm (and Greatwyrm) Jupiter. Emile reappears and tries to as well, but Jupiter chooses Euden over him. A mysterious woman then teleports the party to the Binding Ruins.

At the Binding Ruins, they once again encounter Aurelius and Zethia. Aurelius is revealed to be posessed by an evil entity, the Other. His possessor transfers himself to Zethia, and Aurelius dies. Zodiark, the last surviving Greatwyrm that is not pactbound to Euden, is revealed to be Aurelius's pactwyrm. Zodiark forges a pact with Euden. Euden's older brother Valyx arrives at the Halidom with an army. Euden declares the Halidom New Alberia, and resolves to fight Dyrenell.

Llamas with Hats

The first video opens with Paul confronting Carl over the dead body he has discovered in their living room. After questioning Carl, Paul discovers that Carl has eaten the dead man's hands in addition to murdering him. Carl's actions escalate with each episode. In the second, Carl murders several people on a cruise ship before eventually causing its destruction with no survivors, as Carl disables all the other lifeboats. The third has Carl destroy an unnamed South American country's government and gather the bodies of orphans for the purpose of constructing a "meat dragon". In the fourth, Carl destroys the city in which he and Paul live with a nuclear weapon and ties the citizen's faces to balloons, which rain down from the sky, allegedly as a surprise for Paul's birthday. The fifth opens with Carl detailing a seemingly-harmless day, only to reveal he has created a rift in the fabric of the universe from which he may harvest the severed hands from countless babies. In the sixth, Paul makes the decision to move out and Carl has completed the dragon first mentioned in episode three. Subsequent episodes show Carl trying and failing to replace Paul, an attempt to reconcile, and Carl's further mental decay until he throws himself from a bridge in the finale upon discovering Paul's remains (and after Carl had destroyed all other life on Earth).

The Fixer (2015 Canadian TV series)

The Fixer is about a conspiracy of global proportions. Ellie Molara (Kathleen Robertson) of the US Department of Transportation is working as an investigator on a case that arouses her suspicions. A freighter collided with a rig, followed by a huge oil spill. What initially looks like an accident could have been a deliberate maneuver of a secret organization. At least this is stated by Carter (Eric Dane), who tells of a group of "fixers" who repeatedly initiate disasters and make them look like accidents to influence stock prices. Carter himself was part of this group, but has dropped out and now warns of a possible attack on Washington, D.C., which should be prevented.

Forbidden Island (TV series)

Strangers have crashed on an island with supernatural powers.

Congratulations, It's a Boy!

A swinging bachelor has to grow up after his young 16-year-old illegitimate son he did not know about shows up and wants to spend time with him.

Peter the Great (1910 film)

The film shows the main events in the life of Peter the Great.

Five Desperate Women

A violent inmate, whose face is not shown, escapes from a state mental facility. He makes his way to a private beach, drowns a man relaxing on the shore, and steals his work uniform.

Five young women reunite, they are having their 5-year college reunion at an exclusive cottage on an isolated island that does not have phone contact with the mainland. Several of the women have personal issues.

Meeker is the captain of the small boat that takes the women to the island. Wylie is the island's caretaker. They argue, both with the women around and in private.

The next morning the island's dog is found dead. Later that day four of the women return from the beach to discover that the fifth has been strangled to death. They surmise it must be Meeker or Wylie who killed her. The women plan to get on the boat and sail off, or at least to use its radio to call for help, but as they approach the boat it explodes.

The four women lock the men out of the cottage and agree to not leave each other alone for the rest of the night. The men, when told (through the locked door) that one of the women has been killed, both say they have no knowledge of it. They tell the women a supply ship will be arriving in the morning, and leave them in the mansion. The women discuss which of Meeker or Wylie they think is the murderer.

In the company cabin, the two men are suspicious of each other and both resolve not to let the other out of his sight. They discuss the possibility that someone else might be on the island. Later that night Meeker says he wants to go out to get some air, and when Wylie tries to stop him, they fight. Meeker beats up Wylie and runs away.

The next morning Meeker and Wylie have a confrontation that reveals Wylie is the murderer. Wylie then kills Meeker and subsequently persuades the women that Meeker was responsible, and that they are all now safe. Later, when the supply ship is due, one of the women goes off to thank Wylie for his help. The other women wander the beach while waiting, and come across information that proves Wylie, the man they have come to trust, is the actual killer. They rush off to warn their friend.

The lone woman, while talking to Wylie comes to the realization that he is unbalanced. Just then the three women approach calling out her name. She runs off but he catches her and chokes her. Her friends, after at first being fearful of getting too close to the attack, are able to save her by knocking Wylie over the head with a rock, which kills him. Gasping and in shock they make their way to the island's pier.

The Queen of Spades (1910 film)

The film is based on the 1834 short story "The Queen of Spades" by Alexander Pushkin.

What Keeps You Alive

Jackie and Jules, a young married couple, are celebrating their first anniversary at a remote cabin belonging to Jackie’s family. Jules becomes suspicious when Jackie's childhood friend, Sarah, visits and addresses Jackie as "Megan". Jackie explains that she changed her name because she never liked it, and it was part of her new identity when she came out as gay. She gives Jules a locket containing a photo of them together, and the wives are reconciled. But Jules has some nagging suspicions, and she visits Sarah and her husband Daniel, who live across the lake. Sarah explains that Jenny, a girl who was friends with her and Jackie, accidentally drowned in the lake when they were young and expresses surprise that Jackie never mentioned this. Jackie later claims that she failed to mention Jenny because she believed the accident was her fault, although the police cleared her of any wrongdoing. Jules embraces her wife, consoling her. Moments later, while admiring the view of the wilderness, Jackie shoves Jules off the edge of a cliff.

Jackie returns to the cabin, practicing the tearful phone call she's going to make to the police when reporting Jules' death. However, Jules, while seriously hurt, is still alive. When Jackie returns to the scene and discovers that Jules is no longer there, she searches the forest for her, sobbing and begging Jules for forgiveness. Jules, hiding nearby, is tempted to show herself until Jackie, unaware she's being watched, reveals her concern is an act. Jules flees, makes it to the house, and tends to her injuries. She then makes it halfway across the lake on a boat before Jackie catches up to her. Daniel sees the pair and, despite Jackie's threats, Jules arranges for them to come for dinner that evening.

Jackie reveals that she never loved Jules and intends to murder her to cash in on her life insurance policy. Sarah is suspicious of Jackie. Having threatened to kill both Sarah and Daniel, Jackie forces Jules to pretend everything is normal but catches Jules trying to get help from Sarah. She slits Daniel's throat outside, chases Sarah upstairs and fatally stabs her numerous times after confessing to Jenny's murder. Jackie forces Jules to help her dispose of the bodies. When asked how she became this way, Jackie reveals that she has simply always been devoid of sentiments or a conscience, saying it was "nature, not nurture". Jules peeks behind the stuffed head of a bear that Jackie supposedly killed as a child, and discovers a box containing necklaces that Jackie had given to her previous wives, confirming the situation happened several times.

Jackie drives Jules back to the cliff’s edge, intending to push her off again, but Jules manages to escape by stabbing her with a tranquilizer dart. Jules flees in the car, but returns to confront Jackie but finds her missing. Jules returns to the cabin and the two fight and Jackie knocks Jules out, and throws her over the same cliff as earlier. Confident that Jules is now dead, she calls the police. Jackie (who is diabetic), then injects herself with insulin but starts to feel woozy. She discovers through a video Jules had made prior to their confrontation that the insulin is replaced with hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide causes blood clots in Jackie's system, and after wandering in the woods, she collapses and dies of a stroke.

Back at the bottom of the cliff, Jules takes a sharp intake of breath and the film ends with flashbacks of the couple.

If Tomorrow Comes (film)

An American girl marries a Japanese American just before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

No Place to Run (film)

An adopted boy's parents are killed, and to keep him for returning to the state's custody, he and his grandfather run away.

Hi-Yo Silver

This 1940 feature version of the 1938 serial shows the first live depiction of the Ranger. A rag-tag band of Confederate Army deserters led by Captain Mark Smith captures, then murders Colonel Marcus Jeffries after discovering that he's a newly appointed Commissioner of Finance sent by the U.S. Treasury Department to Texas to collect taxes. Smith then assumes Jeffries identity and over time sets into play his plan to conquer Texas and rule it as a dictator. The Texas Rangers sent to investigate are ambushed, but one survives. He is nursed back to health by Tonto and swears to avenge the massacre.

The Beach House (2018 film)

Caretta "Cara" Rudland (Minka Kelly) loses her advertising job in Chicago and returns to the family beach house in South Carolina at the request of her mother, Lovie (Andie MacDowell). Not long after Cara arrives, Lovie tries to set her up with an old flame, Brett Beauchamps (Chad Michael Murray). Having just gotten out of a relationship and not planning on staying for very long, Cara resists.

Lovie works with her friend Flo (Donna Biscoe) and other locals to protect wild sea turtles during their spawning cycle. Cara has always resented her mother's devotion to the turtles (Lovie went so far as to source the name "Caretta" from the scientific name for loggerheads). Cara is also initially jealous when she meets Toy Sooner (Makenzie Vega), a single, pregnant 20-year-old whom Lovie has taken in.

In addition, Cara must contend with Palmer (Donny Boaz), her assertive, ambitious brother. Their relationship is tense, as he resents her for moving to Chicago and leaving him to deal with their late father, who was a domineering man. He announces plans to move Lovie in with his family and put up condos on the property where the beach house currently stands. Cara and Lovie object, but Palmer refuses to listen.

When Lovie reveals that she has terminal cancer and likely will not live much longer, Cara attempts to restore their relationship. She helps out by fixing up the house and marking the turtles' nests on the beach. Faced with the reality of death, Lovie finds the courage to stand up to Palmer, taking back control of her finances and planning to leave the beach house to Cara.

During a hurricane, Flo digs up the turtle eggs, despite it being illegal, and brings them to the beach house for safe keeping. Toy is rescued from the elements by Brett before she gives birth three weeks early. After the hurricane, they all reunite. Cara and Brett rekindle their romance, Palmer comes to terms with his mother's wishes and cancer diagnosis, and Lovie and Flo rebury the turtle eggs on the beach. At the end of the summer, Lovie dies peacefully.

One year later Cara is still living in South Carolina, is in a loving relationship with Brett, and helps oversee the turtles hatching.

A Private War

Marie Colvin is an American journalist for ''The Sunday Times'', visiting the most dangerous countries and documenting their civil wars.

In 2001, while trekking with the Tamil Tigers, Colvin and her crew are ambushed by the Sri Lankan Army. Despite her attempt to surrender, an RPG fires in her direction, wounding her to the point that she loses her left eye. Afterward, Colvin decides to wear an eyepatch.

Diagnosed with PTSD, Colvin is still determined to look for new stories, and argues with her boss, Sean Ryan, about conflicts she wants to cover, including Iraq, where she meets war photographer Paul Conroy, and Libya. She lives in London when not traveling the world, and begins a relationship with Tony Shaw (Stanley Tucci).

In February 2012, Conroy and Colvin decide to cover the conflict in the city of Homs, where they find 28,000 Syrian men, women, and children caught in the crossfire. After Conroy and Colvin send their story to Ryan, Colvin decides to broadcast to CNN to bring awareness to civilian casualties. As Marie, Paul, and another reporter, Rémi Ochlik, flee the building they had used as a media centre, the street is peppered with explosions. Paul, injured and shellshocked, wakes to find Colvin and Ochlik killed from the explosions and subsequent pile-up of rubble.

The movie ends with imagery of the devastated city of Homs, followed by an interview of the real Marie Colvin, with the quote: "You're never going to get to where you're going if you acknowledge fear."

Baltic Tribes (film)

Lars, a merchant from Gotland, travels through the lands of Curonians, Latgalians, Selonians, Semigallians, Prussians, Yatvingians, Galindians, Aukštaitians and Samogitians.

Ravenscrag (Judges Guild)

''Ravenscrag'' is a castle and attendant area book, detailing the rooms and inhabitants of a six-level castle and a five story keep.

Kırgın Çiçekler

Eylül is a 16-years-old, young girl. She lost her father when she was 11. She lives in a small shanty with her mother Mesude, sister Büşra and her stepfather Kemal. Eylül is harassed by Kemal. She tells her mother. Her mother did not believe Eylül and gave her away to the orphanage. Orphanage days start from that day for Eylül. There is no connection between Eylül and the 4 girls in the room where Eylül stays. Eylül forms a strong sisterly bond with the other four orphans and the show revolves around the 5 girls, Eylül, Songul, Kader, Cemre and Meral. It focuses on the struggles and hardships they face from the society due to them being orphans and their longing for parents. But their friendship and sisterhood is what makes their relationship stronger and that they can overcome anything together.

The orphans live at an orphanage in an elite area of Istanbul and thus, all five orphans attend a private school alongside elite teenagers of Istanbul. Strong tensions are present between the orphans and elite students at the school but love, crime, and drama force an interconnectedness among the teens.

Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole

A widowed doctor (Susan Hayward) joins a colleague's (Darren McGavin) Chicago slum clinic and befriends a dying girl.

The Bounty Man

A bounty hunter and his old rival both chase after a killer.

Samui Song

Viyada or Vi (Chermarn Boonyasak), a Thai soap opera actress finds herself under the pressure of her husband, Jerome (Stephane Sednaoui), the rich foreigner who believes in a charismatic cult leader. According to this uncomfortable relationship, it has led her to a plan to kill her husband by hiring Guy Spencer (David Asavanond), a gunman who has trouble earning money to take care of his elderly invalid mother. However, when the plan is unsuccessful chaos ensues for both Viyada and Guy Spencer.

Back of the Net

Cory Bailey, a science student, living in Los Angeles, dreams of researching the ocean professionally. Her parents, David Bailey and Rebecca Bailey support her aspiration of becoming a scientist. During the summer holiday, Cory decides to join the Sea Science program organized by the Harold Academy. However, she gets on the wrong bus and finds herself arriving at the training center of the Harold Soccer Academy. Unwilling to miss the research program, she tries to contact the person in charge of the Sea Science program to escape. Unfortunately, she fails and has to stay in the soccer camp.

On the first day of the camp, she needs to attend various lessons, from science lessons, soccer training to experiment lessons. She performs well in both science and experiment lessons but does poorly in soccer training. However, her masterful performance during experiment lessons catches the attention of Oliver, the most talented soccer player in the school, to make friends with her.

After the first day of training, a room has been assigned for Cory to rest. She meets a lot of friends who are amateurs of football like her. They name their team as the Worst of the Best (WOTB).

As the day of the National Soccer Competition approaches nearer, Cory and Oliver become closer due to the post-class discussion about the scientific theory of football. This triggers the jealousy of Edie, the best friend of Oliver since they are young. Edie decides to prank Cory on her glowing pickle demonstration. She destroys the experimental setup of Cory and insults her for her soccer skill after training.

Cory feels depressed and demanding after being insulted; she wants to give up on football and change to a new school to continue her research. Fortunately, her friends come to Cory, who is deeply disappointed to comfort and cheer her up. She is touched that her friends support her all the time and decides to move on.

After hearing the news from Coach Smith that the school will not be sponsoring WOTB the upcoming year unless the team has stellar results, everyone is devastated as they think it is impossible for them to win any match. Rather than being struck a blow, Cory is motivated to explore new ways to help the team overcome this daunting time. She applies her knowledge of science into the mode of training of the team. Combining with the theory of physics, the performance of the WOTB improves drastically in the latest pieces of training.

On the day of the National Soccer Competition, Worst of the Best beats various teams from other schools and promotes to the final. The opponent in the final is the Elite team of the Harold Soccer Academy. The score was tied towards the end of the match. Unfortunately, one of the team members of WOTB accidentally gets hurt, and Cory has to go into the match to replace her teammate. Applying her science knowledge, Cory scores at the last minute of the match, and the team finally wins the title of the competition.

After WOTB wins the competition, Cory does not celebrate and insult Edie about the competition. Instead, she comforts and cheers her up that every day is a chance to be someone you were not yesterday. Edie feels touched and apologizes for the prank on Cory. At last, they become friends and celebrate the honor of Harold Soccer Academy together.

Black Stone (film)

''Black Stone'' tells the story of a deserting army recruit who returns to his parents' home in Seoul, where they worked in a food processing factory, to find they have disappeared. Intent on discovering where they have gone, he enters the jungle where his father was born, and finds it to be contaminated. The film is the last part of a trilogy about environmental pollution, inspired by the French film director Robert Bresson and the Thai film director Apichatpong Weerasethakul.

Ellas aman, ellos mienten

The story unfolds under the hot sun and passion of the Caribbean Sea. Ana Isabel learned to doubt men, in a house of single women, because her mother and grandmother were abandoned by deceitful men. She is also the victim of a great lie and faces the same disappointment as her predecessors. Salvador, her love, is the cause of her sister's death. However, Julián, a fun and romantic biker, will make him see that not all men are liars.

Princess Goldilocks

An old King buys a snake that can enable communication with animals if eaten. His servant Jiřík has to prepare the meal for the king. The king bans Jiřík from tasting the meal, but Jiřík disobeys, and king punishes him. Jiřík has to leave his home and find a bride for his king - the beautiful Princess Goldilocks.

The 355

At a location 150 miles south of Bogotá, Colombia, a drug lord presents criminal mastermind Elijah Clarke with a special decryption program drive that can access any digital system on Earth. Clarke double-crosses and kills him just as the authorities raid the mansion. Amid the chaos, Colombian DNI agent Luis Rojas obtains the device. CIA operative Mason "Mace" Brown is assigned to purchase the drive from Rojas. She heads to Paris with longtime partner Nick Fowler, who is in love with her. The deal goes south when German undercover BND agent Marie Schmidt swipes the bag holding the money. Mace chases Marie, who escapes via the subway while Nick is confronted in an alley by Clarke.

At CIA headquarters, Mace learns that Nick was found dead in the alley. Her superior, Larry Marks, gives her his blessing to retrieve the drive by any means. Mace travels to London to recruit a longtime friend, retired British MI6 operative Khadijah Adiyeme. Rojas arranges to hand the drive over to Graciela Rivera, a DNI psychologist with no field experience. Marie is pushed to go after the drive by her boss, Jonas Muller, who brings up how Marie's father was a senior BND agent whom she personally turned after discovering that he was a Russian mole.

Mace and Khadijah track Luis and Graciela to a market only for the DNI agent overseeing the handoff to turn on them and kill Luis; before dying, he gives Graciela a phone only she can open that tracks the drive. Both Mace and Marie chase the thief, who escapes. Marie takes Graciela to a safe house with Mace and Khadijah arriving. Khadijah points out they all want the drive and are better off working together. The four track the thief to Morocco, apprehending him and taking out rival mercenaries before handing the drive over to Marks. While celebrating over drinks, news breaks of planes crashing, and cities hit by massive power outages indicating the drive is in terrorists' hands. They return to the safe house to find Marks dead. After escaping from a CIA assault squad, the women realize they have been framed for Marks' death and the theft of the device.

Under interrogation, the thief reveals that the recent incidents are all part of a "demonstration" for prospective buyers at an illegal black-market auction in Shanghai. The group infiltrates the auction where Mace is shocked to discover that not only is Nick alive, but is secretly Clarke's mole in the CIA. The group fails to prevent him from obtaining the device, but a mysterious Chinese woman helps them escape the auction. She identifies herself as Lin Mi Sheng, and explains that the drive was used as bait to allow her agency to identify the criminals in attendance. She also tells Mace that Marks had been on Clarke's payroll, and that she took the device from Nick during their escape.

Nick is beaten by Clarke's men for bringing a decoy device. He then captures the group, revealing that Clarke has Muller, Khadijah's boyfriend Ahmed, and Graciela's family as hostages. Nick executes Lin's elderly father in front of the group, while Muller and Ahmed are executed on camera. Lin agrees to travel with Clarke and hand over the drive personally to spare Graciela's family. The other women overcome their grief to realize Lin is transmitting her location through a camera in her glasses. Arming themselves, they rescue Lin, shoot Nick, and destroy the drive before getting arrested.

Two months later, Nick, now promoted to a senior rank in the CIA for killing Clarke, returns home to find Mace and the group waiting for him after escaping from custody. Nick passes out from a drug in his drink, and is told he will pay for his crimes by spending the rest of his life in a foreign prison. The women go their separate ways but suspect they will somehow reunite to fight the corruption of their various agencies.

The Mad Phoenix

A story teller narrates the life of the legend Cantonese opera playwright, Kong Yu-Kau (played by Tse Kwan-ho).

Kong was born in 1909 as the 13th son of a Chinese government official. He was talented and was at the top of classes at a Medical school. At a charity ball he was attracted by a girl named Lily. To pursue her love, he gave up his promising career and followed her to Shanghai. But Lily had no feeling towards him and left him stranded in streets for two years.

When Kong finally returned to his home town, he was unable to continue his medical studies so he took up teaching. In his free time he went to the Cantonese Operas especially those performed by one of the leading opera singers of the time, '''Sit Gok-Seen'''. He started writing songs and plays and proposed them to Sit. His talent was soon being recognized and Sit invited him to join his opera company as playwright. He became famous and arrogant and gave himself a pen name: Mr. Thirteen. He was extremely difficult to work with and no one was willing to serve him until '''Tang Ti-sheng''' ( ) came and worked as a copyist and assistant to him. They became good friends for many years.

When Guangzhou fell to the hands of Japan in the 1930s, Kong went to Hong Kong and continue to write anti-Japanese scripts. After the war against Japan ended, he returned to Guangdong, but his outspoken and eccentric manner made numerous enemies. Thus, no one asked him to write a script; and no one watched or played the anti-Japanese written by him. The Public taste had changed, but he was unwilling to comprise. In the 1950s he went back to Hong Kong and wandered in the streets. As he grew older, he became insane and was admitted to a mental hospital. He died in 1984 at the age of 74.

The Delinquent Season

Yvonne is waiting in a restaurant alone for someone. An undisclosed man arrives and greets Yvonne.

Jim and his wife Danielle are hosting a dinner party, where Danielle's best friend Yvonne and her husband Chris are guests. A disagreement erupts between Yvonne and Chris, Chris taking issue with the way Yvonne discussed her seeing of him spending time with their daughters, at which Chris was angered by the implications of this and thus the assumption Danielle and Jim would make of him as a father.

One day, Jim, locked out of his house after collecting his two children from school and his wife Danielle at work, has nowhere to go. After speaking to Danielle on the phone, she suggests that he visit Yvonne to collect the spare key. Jim reckons it will be awkward due to the argument at the dinner party, but he goes anyway. Jim and Yvonne chat over coffee whilst the children play together in the garden. Jim learns that Chris's recent outbursts stem from mood swings he is experiencing due to an undisclosed brain-related illness. Chris has not yet told his children or Yvonne and swears Jim to secrecy.

Jim and his children are having lunch one day in a restaurant. As the waitress Orla approaches to collect the plates, Jim queries as to whether one of the meals was supposed to include fries as they had not accompanied the meal. A dispute between Jim and Orla ensues and Orla swears at Jim. They leave the restaurant.

One night, after another argument at home with Chris which results in a physical attack, Yvonne and her children take shelter at Jim and Danielle's house overnight. The next morning, with Jim remote working and Yvonne at work and the children all at school, Jim and Yvonne talk about marriage. Yvonne confesses her feelings for Jim and they have sex in his bed. They soon begin a fully fledged affair, having sex regularly in a hotel room and subsequently on a nearby beach where they are caught.

Yvonne, having learnt both of Chris's illness and the fact it is terminal, is angry with Jim and also rejects the prospect of pursuing a relationship with him, despite her early encouragement in the affair that he leave Danielle and she leave Chris.

One afternoon, Jim falls asleep and is late picking his children up from school. He lies to the headteacher as to why this was, however, he is caught out later when Danielle asks why he was late and he fails to use the same excuse he did in front of his children, with his children saying he is lying. This arouses Danielle's suspicion and she asks for the passcode to Jim's phone. He questions her intentions and refuses to give it to her. He later confesses to having an affair, but refuses to say who with and is forced to leave their house. Danielle later tells Yvonne about Jim's affair, unaware that Yvonne is the one Jim has been cheating on her with.

One night, Jim turns up on Yvonne's doorstep. He wants to know if Yvonne will return to him upon Chris's death and he confesses his love for her. Yvonne is annoyed at this and that Jim knew Chris was ill when he slept with her.

Jim goes to a bar to drink alone. He runs into Orla. They discuss their earlier disagreement over the meal and the philosophy of the customer always being right. Orla asks Jim to stay for a drink with her, which he does. Jim wakes up next to Orla in her bed the following morning. He receives a phone call from Danielle informing him of Chris's death. As Jim is dressing to leave, Orla asks to see Jim again, but he questions whether it was just a one-night stand. In response, Orla verbally abuses Jim and orders him to leave.

At Chris's funeral, Danielle is there with her new partner, Jim's children talk positively about him, upsetting Jim as he fears he has lost his children. Jim then attacks Danielle's new partner who gets the upper hand and Jim ends up in hospital. In the waiting room alone, he breaks down emotionally.

Sometime later, Yvonne is waiting in a restaurant alone, as she was at the beginning of the film. It is revealed that the person she was waiting for was Jim. They both catch up and get along. Yvonne suggests she and Jim rekindle their relationship, but Jim is now in a relationship. Yvonne returns home. Distraught, she cries at her front door. Jim returns home to Orla, with whom he is living. They argue over where Jim has been, but he is honest with her. Orla comforts him and they chat about the restaurant whilst cuddling on the sofa. Jim assures Orla he felt nothing for Yvonne upon seeing her again.

The Burning Maze

The story begins a few days after the events of the previous book, "The Dark Prophecy". Apollo, in the body of the 16-year-old Lester Papadopoulos, ventures through the Labyrinth with 12-year-old Meg McCaffrey and the satyr, Grover Underwood in a bid to find the third emperor of the Triumvirate Holdings. As the trio face a continuous attack of strigae, Grover unleashes the cry of Pan, the lost god of the wild, and brings them to Aeithales, which is later revealed to be Meg's former home. Mellie, the wife of the satyr Hedge, asks Apollo and Grover to go and check up on Hedge, who is in an army surplus store nearby. The duo goes there, only to face Naevius Sutorius Macro. They escape, when seemingly, a horse, comes and contacts somebody. They head back, and Apollo reveals that the horse is Incitatus, and the third emperor is Caligula, the most feared and bloodthirsty Roman emperor, famous for his murderous reign and insanity. Apollo and Meg along with Piper face Medea in the Labyrinth and defeat her with a poison dart and decide to steal Caligula 's shoes.

Mellie reveals that Jason Grace and Piper McLean had gone into the Labyrinth. Apollo and Meg pick up Piper, who is moving away to Tahlequah, Oklahoma, and Jason, who is at school and occasionally has fights with monsters disguised as teachers. Jason secretly tells Apollo that he had met with Herophile, the sibyl inside the Labyrinth, who told him that when the next time the duo comes, one of them will die. Fearing Piper's demise, Jason keeps this to himself.

Apollo, Meg, Jason, and Piper sneak into Caligula's ship to steal his shoes, which are a priority according to the Dark Prophecy. All of them are captured by Pandai, loyal servants to Caligula. They escape with the help of Crest, a young Pandai and Apollo find the shoes, but then they are captured by Incitatus the righthand horse of Caligula. Jason engages Caligula in a one-sided battle to buy time, only to be stabbed twice by Caligula's spear and kicked by Incitatus. Jason calls his venti (air spirit) before dying, helping the others escape. Upon reaching Piper's home in Malibu, Piper blames Apollo as the reason for Jason's death. Caligula meanwhile sails North to Camp Jupiter.

Apollo, Meg, Grover, and Crest enter the Labyrinth and are faced with riddles that seemingly lead to Herophile's prison. However, Apollo gives the wrong answer to one of them. Facing certain death, Apollo decides to find the cause of the flames that have been engulfing the southern lands for a long time and discovers the dead but still burning body of Helios, the lost former god of the sun being used by Medea, a witch whom they had a short run-in with, and Apollo promises to exact revenge for Helios.

The trio reaches the Herophile and is faced with another prophecy. They get out with the help of Meliai, ash-tree spirits Meg had earlier planted. They kill Medea and, Incitatus but lose Crest's life. Apollo and Meg entrust Aiethales's safety with the Melai and continue their journeys. Piper moves away, Jason's body is given to Apollo for burial at Camp Jupiter, and Leo takes Hedge, Mellie, and Piper to Oklahoma.


Georgetown (film)

An ambitious social climber becomes the main suspect in the death of his wealthy and much older wife.

Happy Death Day 2U

College student Ryan wakes up in his car on September 19. Returning to his dorm room, he walks in on his roommate Carter and Carter's girlfriend, Tree. He resumes work on an experimental quantum reactor with fellow students Samar and Dre. After Bronson, the school dean, shuts down the project for causing several power outages, Ryan is murdered by someone dressed as school mascot Babyface and wakes up again on the 19th. Tree explains her experience reliving September 18th, and she and Carter agree to help Ryan. They learn the reactor was responsible for creating the loop. The masked killer tracks Ryan down, but Tree unmasks him to reveal another Ryan. The second Ryan warns that the original must die for the loop to close. Terrified, Ryan activates the reactor, releasing an energy pulse that knocks everyone unconscious.

Tree wakes up in Carter's room on September 18 and relives her original time loop, but she soon realizes things are different after discovering that Carter is now dating a nicer Danielle. Ryan theorizes that the reactor caused Tree to drift into another dimension. When Tree learns her mother is still alive in this new reality, she wants to stay.

That night, Tree goes to the hospital to intercept serial killer John Tombs before he escapes, but she is confronted by a police officer. The killer kills the officer, and Tree runs into Lori at the elevator, realizing Lori is not the killer in this reality. Lori tells Tree that the killer cannot be Tombs because she just took him in for surgery. The killer stabs Lori, then chases Tree to the roof, where she accidentally falls to her death. She wakes at the beginning of her loop and demands that Ryan and his team help her escape it, requiring they test dozens of algorithms. At Carter's suggestion, Tree serves as the group's recorder, killing herself at the end of each day so they can start again. Eventually, her injuries catch up with her, and she faints. Waking up in the hospital, Tree steals a gun to go after Tombs, only to find Lori already dead. Tombs, disguised as Babyface, attacks, and Tree shoots him dead. However, a second Babyface killer appears, forcing Tree to kill herself and the killer.

The group finally discovers the correct algorithm, but a technical issue forces a delay. Faced with a choice of which reality she wants to be in when both time loops close, Tree decides to remain in the current dimension. Carter urges Tree to consider the consequences of living a life that is not truly hers and states that her experience with grief helped shape the person she is now. Tree hides from the killer in a hotel, but that evening, the news reports that Carter was murdered trying to save Lori at the hospital. Tree kills herself by exploding a power station, deactivating the reactor so she can save Carter and Lori. The loop restarts and Tree decides to return to her own reality. She advises Lori to end her affair with her professor Gregory Butler, discovers that Danielle is cheating on Carter, and has a final conversation with her mother.

Bronson confiscates the reactor before the group can activate it. Believing she is too weak to survive another loop, Tree insists they retrieve the device. The group enlists Danielle to distract Bronson while they recover the reactor. As Ryan readies the device, Tree goes to the hospital to rescue Lori from Tombs but is trapped by the second Babyface killer—revealed to be Dr. Butler trying to bury the evidence of his affair with Lori. Dr. Butler's wife Stephanie appears and shoots Lori, revealing she is in league with her husband, but he betrays and kills her as well. In the ensuing confrontation, Tree outsmarts Butler and kills him. Lori survives, and Tree and Carter kiss as the reactor activates, sending Tree back to her original dimension on September 19.

Later, Tree, Carter, Ryan, Samar, and Dre are escorted by agents to a DARPA laboratory, where the reactor has been moved for further experimentation. When the agents say they need a test subject in order to see how the machine works, Tree says she knows the perfect one. In her bedroom, Danielle wakes up, screaming in horror.

Black Spot (TV series)

Police-Major Laurène Weiss is the head of the Gendarmerie (police) of her hometown of Villefranche, a small, isolated, fictional town surrounded by a forest in the mountains. Prosecutor Franck Siriani arrives to learn why the town's murder rate is six times the national average; he also has an interest in investigating the major's clouded past. The forest is a strange and exceptionally dangerous place, in which many of the murders take place.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown

On a hot day in January, Greg worries about climate change and how it will impact his life in the future. When he forgets about a social studies assignment, his mother punishes him by not allowing him to watch television or play video games. Greg is unable to play outside due to a rivalry between groups on his street: those who live on the straight Lower Surrey Street or the slanted Upper Surrey Street. The day after, his family unsuccessfully searches for their pet pig, which they acquired during the events of ''The Long Haul'', who had escaped from obedience school.

Greg is frustrated at school when his classmates are unsanitary, and struggles with the cold weather. While walking to school, Greg is stopped by the Safety Patrol, an authoritative organization of only female students. The students begin rioting at the school when they fear that they will be snowed in overnight, and are dismissed early. Greg and his friend Rowley take the bus of the rival Whirley Street, and are mistakenly blamed for having thrown a snowball at the bus driver. The two are kicked off the bus and dropped off near the woods, where they accidentally wander into the camp of the Mingo Kids, a savage group who live in the woods. However, Greg and Rowley are saved when they come across Greg's father.

The next morning, Greg meets with Rowley and builds a snow fort, indirectly starting a snowball fight among the Upper Surrey Street kids. They agree to team up after being ambushed by the Lower Surrey Street residents, and build a single gigantic fort, enjoying early success but slowly being demoralized as the Lower Surrey Street kids begin besieging the wall. A Lower Surrey Street spy lures many Upper Surrey Street defenders away from the fort, allowing the Lower Surrey Street kids to destroy it, but the long-resentful school Safety Patrol begin to attack the various Surrey Street kids. The Whirley Street kids get involved, but they as well as the Surrey Street and Safety Patrol kids band together against the attacking Mingo Kids. Tired of the violence, Greg and Rowley attempt to hide in the remains of the snow fort, but when a delayed snowplow arrives and drives through the remains of the fight, everyone agrees to stop fighting. Days later, the weather begins to clear up. Greg is glad that he survived the snowball fight.

The Letters (1973 film)

The lives of three families (the Andersons, the Parkingtons and the Forresters) are affected by a year-long delay in the arrival of mail.

Rich Men, Single Women

Three women team up with the common goal of marrying millionaires.

Jailbirds (1991 film)

Two convicts, one white, one black, escape from prison while handcuffed together.

Cry Panic

A man accidentally runs over and kills a pedestrian outside a small town. He begins to suspect that the locals, including the sheriff, are keeping secrets about the victim.

Only with Married Men

A girl decides to only date married men. A man falls in love with her and pretends to be married to woo her.

The Oath (1976 TV series)

33 hours in the life of a top surgeon.

Candy Jar

In the principal's office of Hemlock Prep Academy, Lona Skinner internally monologues about her hate towards Bennet Russell, her fellow debate club member. They compete to be president of their two-person debate club as it would look good on their college applications; Lona - Harvard and Bennet - Yale. Ultimately, the principal declares them co-presidents, despite their protests.

At the debate tournament, Lona's mother, Amy, and Bennet's mother, Julia, are passive aggressive towards each other. Both Bennet and Lona make it to finals, and are declared co-champions as they are from the same school. The next day, they each send in their college applications.

Despite Lona's protests, Amy makes her dress for homecoming. Lona leaves the house, promising to go, but instead walks to the movies. She bumps into Bennet, who is also dressed for the dance. After the movie ends, Bennet offers Lona a ride home, and they get fast food, eating outside by the waterfront.

Their mothers are again hostile to each other next day at the regional qualifying tournament. Julia is meant to be a guest speaker, but Amy heckles her. Kathy, the school guidance counselor and their confidant, is told by both that their mothers are the reason neither qualified for the state championship. Kathy suggests maybe they just lost, but Bennet explains that the same happened in middle school twice. She tries to get them to work as a team to try and qualify in another round of state regionals, but neither wants to.

Bennet eventually tricks Lona into agreeing to team up, and they begin to study together. Together, they qualify for the state championship, but both worry about their college applications. Kathy makes them promise to have fun, no matter where they end up. The results come in later that night, and neither gets into their dream school. Julia tries to use her influence to get Bennet into Yale, only to infuriate Bennet.

The next day, both Lona and Bennet wait outside Kathy's office, but the principal approaches and informs them that Kathy died in a car crash. Bennet and Lona bond at Kathy's funeral, going out after for shakes and fries, where Bennet talks about how neither have ever really been high schoolers because they've been so busy with homework, tests, and debate.

Neither want to continue towards the state championship, but after talking with their debate coach Mr. Johnson, they agree to continue working together. They work cohesively, begin to bond and become friends. Two days before the state tournament, they kiss, before Lona pulls away. Meanwhile, Julia tries to make peace with Amy. The next day, Lona skips school, so Bennet goes over later and tries to talk about the kiss only to be shut down by Lona, who explains she doesn't know how to handle it. The following day at the state championship, they make it to the final, and compete against a team with an unconventional style. Lona begins to stutter, but recovers after she seeing a note from Bennet, reminding her of Kathy. She and Bennet agree with the other team, losing the state championship but becoming a couple.

On prom night, Julia and Amy prepare their children for the dance. It is revealed that Lona was accepted into Yale, and Bennet to Harvard. They skip the dance and instead go to the movies, where again Lona internally monologues about how much she likes him.

Hybrids (2017 film)

When marine wildlife has to adapt to the pollution surrounding it, the rules of survival change.

Los que aman, odian

On a lonely beach, stands an old hotel lost in time. Enrique Hubermann (Guillermo Francella), a homeopathic doctor, travels fleeing from a love. By a chance of fate, in that distant place he meets Mary Fraga (Luisana Lopilato) the woman who he wants to forget, a beautiful young woman like a demon who manipulates men and causes dangerous passions. In the midst of a terrible storm that isolates them from the world, history repeats itself again. But on this occasion, the hatred of those who had loved too much awakens the worst of each.

The Plague at the Karatas Village

A new mayor arrives in a small Kazakh village and finds out there is a mysterious plague infecting the villagers, while locals insist it's only a flu.

Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly and the Ashen Hawk

''Black Butterfly'' follows an amnesiac woman who wakes up in a Western house and is attacked by monsters. She meets men in the house who similarly cannot remember their pasts, and the group is forced to partake in the black butterfly hunt to gather the kaleidoscope fragments the monsters possess.

''Ashen Hawk'' follows a woman whose right eye turns red when she feels strong emotions; in her hometown, women with red eyes are considered witches, so she disguises herself as a boy and lives in a tower outside the town.

The Secret Agent (1992 TV series)

The mostly inactive spy Alfred Verloc is ordered by his superior Mr Vladimir to carry out a terrorist act. Verloc reluctantly plans the operation, seeking help from The Professor. Verloc is also an informant for the police and the Assistant Commissioner and Chief Inspector Heat add additional pressure on Verloc and his attempts to carry out his plan. Verloc’s subsequent actions gravely affect his wife who is devoted to her mentally unbalanced brother Stevie.

Brothers by Blood

A man remains tormented by his sister's death, while his cousin grows more powerful in the hierarchy of the family crime business.

Cam (film)

Alice Ackerman works as a camgirl on a website called FreeGirlsLive, broadcasting sexually promiscuous live shows from a studio she has set up in her home under the name "Lola_Lola”. She is obsessed with her rank on the site, hoping to be number 1, a spot currently held by a camgirl named BabyGirl. Her mother is unaware of her career, believing that she works in web development. Her younger brother, Jordan, knows about Alice's job and has agreed to keep it a secret, though he persuades Alice to tell their mother the truth someday. During one livestream, Alice simulates her suicide by slitting her own throat using fake blood, which greatly increases her popularity. Alice has two loyal viewers, Barney and Arnold (also known as "Tinker"), whom she regularly engages in private video calls with. She soon learns that Barney will be in her area next week, and agrees to meet up for a date. Alice also recognizes Arnold in a store, and realizes that he has moved to her state.

During her next show, Alice finally reaches the top 50, but her rank quickly drops due to a rival camgirl known as Princess_X. She is able to bring her rank up to 47 with a successful joint show featuring another camgirl, Fox. The following morning, Alice finds that she cannot access her FGL account, but that Lola is still active and currently streaming. Curious, she logs into a spare account to watch the stream to find that the channel has been taken over by someone with her exact appearance and mannerisms – even their studio is an exact replica of Alice's. Alice contacts the site's customer service, believing that they are replaying old shows, but they assure her that this is impossible. When Alice messages the channel, the "Lola" on-screen responds to her and addresses her directly, proving that the stream is in fact live. Alice confides in her fellow camgirls about the situation, and accuses Princess_X of being the one responsible for it, but Princess swears her innocence.

Alice continues to try and access her FGL account, as well as create a new one, but all her attempts fail. At Jordan's birthday party, a fight breaks out between him and his friends after they happen across one of Alice's streams and ridicule her, which causes her mother to inadvertently find out the truth. A humiliated Alice panics and leaves. That night, the fake Lola hosts a show in which she stages her own suicide by shooting herself in the mouth. It causes Alice to have a panic attack, and she contacts the police, who are largely unhelpful and judgmental. When the fake Lola announces an upcoming joint show with BabyGirl, Alice unsuccessfully attempts to get in contact with Baby, though she grows suspicious when Baby uses the same phrases in her stream that the fake Lola did.

During her date with Barney, Alice cleverly manages to get him to reveal Baby's hometown. She excuses herself to the bathroom to further investigate on her phone, but “Lola” goes live right at that moment. Barney confronts and assaults her, accusing her of lying about her identity to try and scam him, but Alice manages to free herself. Alice uses the information provided by Barney to find Baby's real name, which is Hannah Darin, and discovers that the real Hannah had passed away in a car crash six months prior - meaning that she has been replaced by a doppelgänger as well. She searches for other camgirls that she assumes to be doppelgängers and notices that each of the fake girls have Arnold as their top friend. She seeks him out at a motel he mentioned he was staying at earlier, tearfully begging for his help. He offers to let her stay the night at his motel out of concern for her safety. Alice wakes up in the middle of the night to find Arnold in the bathroom, masturbating while in a private cam session with Lola. An enraged Alice demands answers from Arnold, who reveals that he knows about the replicas, but insists that he is not behind them. Alice then talks to the fake Lola from Arnold's computer, who appears to be oblivious to the fact that they are identical. She angrily leaves, ignoring Arnold's pleas with her to stay.

Alice goes home and sets up her vanity mirror, camera, and television in a position that creates an illusion showing multiples of her. She joins a private cam session with the fake Lola (who once again doesn't recognize her) and suggests that they go live together. The fake Lola enthusiastically agrees and viewers chalk up the two Lolas to special effects. Alice challenges Lola to a game - they must imitate each other; whoever the viewers think does the best wins. If Alice wins, she gets to ask anything of Lola. Alice is declared the winner after breaking her own nose, and she demands Lola's account password. She then deletes Lola's account just as it reaches the number 1 rank.

Some time later, she prepares to start a live show under a new account, with her mother assisting. The film ends as she starts all over again with a new identity.


For two years, a deep space mining vessel has been drifting off Saturn’s moon, Titan. The crew may have killed each other but their fate is unknown. In an attempt to investigate, a rescue vessel with a crew of genetically modified advanced humans is sent on the deep space explorer “Teleios” to discover if there are any survivors and to find out what happened. Little do they realise that what they are about to discover may threaten to destroy themselves and the whole of humanity.

Magical × Heroine Magimajo Pures!

In an attempt to conquer the world, the Nuisance World has stolen the magical gemstones called and have corrupted each into a dark-possessed crystal, an , which interferes with people's dreams and turns them into a dark, villainous . Momoka, an ordinary middle school student, is summoned by Mokonyan, a fairy from the Magical World, to join Magical Heroines Rin and Mitsuki and stop the Nuisance World. Together, as Magimajo Pures, they purelize the Akiramests back into Majoka Jewels with magic.

Love in Vegas

Since the events described in the second part five years have passed. The heroes of the film settled down: they have expensive cars, nice apartments, successful careers, happy families. But the trouble is Alisa, Nastya and Katya begin to get tired of the annoying everyday life, because all day they are engaged in the upbringing of children and household.

While the mothers are completely occupied with their children, the fathers have the opportunity to distract themselves at work and during rare bar visits. They work all day, and on weekends they sleep or take small family walks, turning their life into a routine.

They wished their children had already grown up. Then they meet an old friend, Saint Valentine (Philip Kirkorov), who comes to help them with their wish...

Numb (2015 film)

Husband and wife Will and Dawn have driven from their home in Vancouver to a distant town in pursuit of a job for Will. The couple have money troubles, are facing foreclosure on their home, and owe a debt to Dawn's unsympathetic father.

After Will fails to land the job, they start the long drive back home. In below-freezing conditions, they see two inadequately-dressed hitchhikers, siblings Lee and Cheryl, and give them a lift. Lee is friendly but Cheryl is hostile from the start; both make no secret of their shady past and moral ambiguity.

Night falls and Will, who is driving, is the only person awake in the car. Suddenly a man staggers into the path of the vehicle. Will narrowly avoids a collision by braking sharply. The man turns out to be severely hypothermic ; he is ushered into the car and an ambulance is called but he dies before its arrival. Lee picks the dead man's pocket, helping himself to a large amount of cash which he sees as a karmic reward, and noticing from his ID that his name was Cormac Leith. Cheryl finds a written note in Cormac's pocket which Will identifies as geographical coordinates.

The police speak to the four travellers who deny knowledge of the dead man's name and feign ignorance about his lack of personal effects. Unable to resume their journey immediately because black ice has closed the highway, they hole up in a motel for the night. Over drinks in the bar there, Cheryl looks up Cormac Leith online and discovers that he was recently released from a lengthy prison sentence and is the sole survivor of a bank robbery that netted millions of dollars worth of gold coins. The four surmise that Cormac met his death attempting to retrieve the loot from the coordinates written on the note. Cheryl steals a GPS device and they realise the coordinates denote a spot only 30 miles away.

Lee and Cheryl are immediately keen to go after the gold. Will and Dawn are more hesitant but eventually come to see it as a route out of their crushing debt. The next morning, and initially gung-ho about their chances, the four drive to the closest bit of road to the coordinates and then embark on a long hike to the site.

Quickly their energy is sapped by inadequate clothing, mutual distrust, unexpected terrain and a frightening encounter with a hostile stranger. As the temperature drops and their chances of survival dwindle, they disagree on whether and how to continue. After a night spent in an improvised shelter, Will recognises that he is starting to die from frostbite and hypothermia, following an argument with Dawn, turns back on his own. She continues towards the treasure with Cheryl and Lee and the three eventually find the gold coins and fill their clothes with as much as they can carry.

Dawn fights with an increasingly irrational Cheryl and sets off alone to try to find her way back to the highway. Cheryl insists on trying to pull a heavy chest of coins, slowing her and Lee down.

Will makes his way back to the relative shelter of a cabin where it becomes apparent that Cheryl earlier murdered the trapper who lived there. Suddenly terrified for his wife, Will seizes the trapper's gun and snowmobile and sets off to try to rescue her.

Cheryl loses consciousness and is on the point of death. Furious that Dawn refused to help Cheryl at the end, Lee, who is armed with a knife, leaves Cheryl's body and pursues Dawn across a frozen lake.

Will reaches a cliff edge where he can see Lee chasing Dawn in the distance below. He attempts to shoot Lee using the trapper's gun but misses. Will uses the last of his strength to try to abseil down the cliff but falls and is knocked out.

Lee catches Dawn and attacks her. She manages to knock him over; he bangs his head and dies. Dawn, seeming to experience the paradoxical heat sensation of late stage hypothermia, removes her clothing , guaranteeing her death. She collapses.

Will comes round at the base of the cliff. He fires his gun into the air. Dawn fires a flare gun in response. In this way they achieve a final communication but neither has the strength to reach the other.

Will is rescued: the flare his dying wife fired alerted authorities to his plight. He wakes up in hospital with severe frostbite injuries and learns that his wife is dead. A police officer asks him why he went into the frozen wilderness. Will replies 'we were looking for gold - did they find it?'. The police officer shakes her head but, having left Will weeping in his bed, confides in a phone call that gold was discovered with the bodies of Lee, Cheryl and Dawn and that 'there's more out there'. She discloses that Cormac Leith is being cremated as an unidentified John Doe and makes a plan to go after the gold.


High school seniors Amy and Molly, longtime best friends, are accomplished students friendly with teacher Miss Fine but, with Molly being class president, they are not popular with their peers. Amy has a crush on a girl named Ryan whom Molly urges her to pursue. On the eve of graduation, Molly confronts classmates insulting her bookishness, telling them she got into Yale, but they claim that, despite their partying, they got into prestigious colleges or job recruitments. Furious, Molly tells Amy they should have enjoyed their time in high school more, and Amy reluctantly agrees to go to a graduation party held by classmate Nick.

Not knowing the party's address, Molly calls Jared, a wealthy classmate who likes her. He instead takes them to his own party aboard a yacht. Only his drug-crazed friend Gigi is there, and she feeds the girls strawberries before jumping off the yacht. Amy suggests they go home, but Molly calls a "malala", their code for unconditionally supporting what the other wants to do.

The girls call a cab and are shocked to be picked up by their principal, Jordan Brown. To prepare Amy for possible sex with Ryan, Molly insists they watch pornography, which accidentally plays through the car speakers. Brown drops them off at what they think is Nick's party but it is the home of their classmate George, who is hosting a murder mystery party. They again encounter Gigi, who reveals that the strawberries were laced with powerful hallucinogenic drugs. Amy and Molly experience a bad trip and hallucinate they are plastic fashion dolls.

They leave George's house, but Gigi tells Amy that Molly secretly likes Nick, so Amy insists they press on, so that Molly can pursue her crush on Nick. They see pizza boxes in an online video of Nick's party and acquire the address from the pizza delivery man. Molly calls their teacher, Miss Fine, who gives them a ride to Nick's party.

Once at the party, Amy and Molly are surprised to find they are warmly welcomed. Molly and Nick flirt over beer pong and Amy spends time with Ryan. Unfortunately, Amy soon finds Ryan making out with Nick. Heartbroken, she finds Molly and calls her own "Malala", which Molly refuses because she still thinks she has a chance with Nick. Amy angrily reveals she is not just spending the summer in Botswana but taking an entire gap year because she resents how Molly always tries to control her life. The two have a huge argument in front of the entire party.

Amy runs to the bathroom in tears, finding her classmate Hope. They are initially argumentative until Amy kisses her. They start to have sex, but Amy vomits on Hope. Jared and Molly have a heartfelt conversation about how no one at school really knows them. Cops arrive at the party and everyone scatters. Unable to find Amy, Molly is driven home by "Triple A", a female student with a promiscuous reputation. They bond over the stereotyping they both have endured.

Waking up on graduation day, Molly checks her phone and discovers her classmates praising Amy for having created a diversion at the party, allowing everyone to escape while getting herself arrested. Molly visits Amy in jail and they reconcile. Learning the pizza delivery man is a serial killer, they trade information to free Amy, and they rush to attend graduation. Molly kisses Jared onstage and gives an improvised valedictorian speech, both enthusiastically applauded.

A few days later, as Amy packs for her trip to Botswana, Molly sees Hope visit and give Amy her phone number. Molly drives Amy to the airport where they share a tearful goodbye, but then Amy decides she still has time to hang out before her flight, so they ecstatically decide to get pancakes.

Forgive Us Our Debts

Guido lives alone in a decrepit apartment in suburban Rome. His only friend is his neighbour, an eccentric university professor who rambles about politics over snooker. Recently retrenched from his technician post after the IT company he works for filed for bankruptcy, Guido finds a blue-collar job as a warehouse forklift operator, but is promptly fired for his ineptitude. He spends his days drinking at the local bar and harbours an unspoken affection for the waitress, an Albanian immigrant named Rina.

One night, Guido is beaten up by a hired thug for owing money to his creditors. Deeply in debt and four months behind on rent, Guido goes to the credit company and asks to work for them without pay as a means of settling his dues. Reluctantly, the manager teams him up with Franco, a senior agent in the company's debt recovery department.

Franco takes Guido under his wing, showing him how to harass debtors into repaying their loans. He impresses Guido with ostentatious displays of money, such as offering a generous tip to a waitress at a self-service restaurant to break the rules and bring them some food. He also demonstrates the power that he has over bad debtors, writing off their loans in exchange for personal property of sentimental value.

Now with some means, Guido's self-confidence is renewed. He frequents upper-class bars with Franco and takes revenge on his former boss at his warehouse. Despite this, Guido has doubts about the morality of his job, such as the night Franco encouraged him to beat up a debtor in the same way he had been attacked before.

One evening Guido asks Rina out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. However, dinner service had already ended for the night. Emulating Franco's earlier behaviour, Guido hands a large tip to the waiter to bring them food, but the waiter is offended and ignores him. Unimpressed, Rina thinks Guido is vulgar, and leaves.

As Franco and Guido are going about their rounds, one of the debtors commits suicide by jumping down a stairwell in front of their eyes. Guido is traumatised and tearfully confesses to Rina about the nature of his job.

Awaiting another debtor at a cemetery, Guido is surprised to see that it turns out to be his old friend, the professor. Guido and Franco argue and Guido begs Franco to cancel the professor's debt just as he had done for others. Franco angrily does so, reminding Guido that writing off debts costs him money, and they part ways.

Guido returns to the bar and finds out that Rina has left the city, ostensibly in search of a better life as they had discussed earlier. Franco confesses his sins at a local church, and recites the Pater Noster, which includes the lines "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors".

Rififi (The Americans)

When Elizabeth (Keri Russell) returns home from drinking with Claudia and Paige, Philip (Matthew Rhys) tells her about Stan's visit and that Philip sabotaged the Kimmy kidnapping as a result. Dennis tells Stan (Noah Emmerich) that the X-rays of one of Gennadi's diplomatic pouches showed that the pouch contained a sensor chip from Altheon in Chicago, which (because of the D.C. killings related to Altheon) led the FBI to a vulnerable Altheon engineer in Chicago. In turn, he identified a Russian illegal code-named "Harvest", whom the FBI currently have under surveillance. Dennis and Stan also note the upcoming summit and Oleg's return, which they do not believe are coincidental. Dennis convinces Stan to temporarily return to counterintelligence and lead an effort to run down leads in D.C. based on the tradecraft used by "Harvest", such as small business fronts, cars bought from free paper ads for cash, advance payment of utilities at safe houses, and contact with Russian Orthodox priests.

Henry comes home for Thanksgiving and sees the distance between his parents. Following Paige's idea, Elizabeth pretends to be a D.C. consultant and makes contact with Jackson, a congressional intern from Sam Nunn's office. Philip lays off three of his travel agents, beginning with Stavos.

Claudia notifies Elizabeth and Marilyn to go to Chicago to extricate "Harvest", who was also working on Dead Hand, and reminds Elizabeth that neither she nor "Harvest" can be captured. When "Harvest" realizes that he's being followed, Elizabeth has to leave on Thanksgiving, causing her to miss the Jennings' Thanksgiving dinner at Stan's with Renee and Dennis's family. Renee thanks Dennis for advancing her application to the FBI. After dinner, Philip reviews Elizabeth's hidden records, including her drawings from Emily's lessons, and "dead drops" a coded message to Oleg, which Oleg retrieves and decodes in his hotel room. Elizabeth and Marilyn agree that their chances of success with "Harvest" are poor. Elizabeth calls Henry, which Philip interprets as a possible "last call" before her death. Philip calls Elizabeth and asks her to abort the mission; when she refuses, he offers to go to Chicago to help.

The Spell (1977 film)

Rita Matchett is a shy 15-year-old girl often picked upon for being overweight. One particular day in her high school gym, Rita is teased by her classmates and she attempts to defend herself. The girls take turns at rope climbing and Rita struggles to climb. She is opposite snooty classmate Jackie Segall. Jackie climbs to the top and begins to show off in front of the other girls by doing spins. Rita's stare becomes fixated on Jackie which causes her to fall off the rope and break her neck, killing her in the process.

Rita comes from a wealthy family and her home life is unhappy. She is neither close with her father, Glenn, nor her younger sister, Kristina, who view her as fat and unattractive, and often criticize her for her looks. Her mother, Marilyn, tries to maintain a balance in the home and is constantly upset by how Rita is treated and the rivalry between her daughters. Marilyn becomes furious with Rita when her attitude begins to change. However, she grows more concerned when Rita shows signs of abnormal behavior and starts speaking in chant, following an argument.

It later becomes evident that Rita is dabbling in something dangerous as a number of "accidents" seem to occur; Glenn is almost injured in a hit-and-run incident but is unharmed, while Marilyn's friend, Kathleen, having been ill for sometime, suddenly dies due to spontaneous combustion and Kristina almost drowns in a swimming pool. Marilyn is initially not convinced that Rita is behind these attacks, but Kristina confirms her suspicions when she reveals to Marilyn that Rita has been visiting Jo Standish, the school gym teacher, and they chant together. Rita had threatened Kristina to keep quiet about it.

Glenn informs Rita that she will be leaving home to attend a private school in London, much to her disapproval, resulting in her acting aggressively. Marilyn sends Glenn and Kristina away for the night so that she can spend time with Rita. That evening, Marilyn follows Rita to Jo's house where she watches in secret as the two discuss the recent events and discovers that Jo caused the accidents so that Rita could seek revenge. When Jo tells Rita that their power will extend to a new community, Rita becomes upset as she believes that she will no longer be different and unique if others were to be like her. In the disagreement, the two begin to chant, and with her powerful new strength, Rita forces Jo to the ground. Back at home, Marilyn confronts Rita and begins to chant, which violently forces Rita to be thrown around the room. Marilyn tells her that it is over and if Rita insists on hurting her father and sister that she will destroy her. It is revealed that Marilyn also has power as Rita tries to retaliate and the two begin to constantly chant until Marilyn overpowers Rita, bringing it all to an end. Marilyn comforts a sobbing Rita telling her that it is all over.

Infinity Wars

Loki arrives at a library in Omnipotence City, where he finds that none of its multiversal stories list him as being a hero. The timekeeper Flowa directs him to a book about the different universes, but finds pages are missing. Loki enlists Flowa's help to visit the God Quarry. Meanwhile, Adam Warlock senses the corruption of the Soul World and enlists Doctor Strange to help. Doctor Strange, who has the Time Stone, tries to get Adam Warlock to give up the Soul Stone. Before leaving, Adam Warlock warns Doctor Strange that Kang the Conqueror is not the only one looking for the Infinity Stones. On Chitauri Prime, Thanos prepares to rally the Chitauri to find all of the reformed Infinity Stones, but a shadowy figure appears behind Thanos and stabs him. Recognizing the identity of the female from her sword, Thanos defends himself before the figure proceeds to brutally behead him and destroy the Chitauri armada with poison gas. The figure destroys Thanos' gauntlet, claiming that her future is blank as the past is dead.

Gamora approaches Star-Lord (who is in possession of the Power Stone), Rocket Raccoon, and Groot at Cebulski's bar at Knowhere, where Star-Lord tries to get Gamora to return to the Guardians of the Galaxy. Doctor Strange gathers the other wielders of the Infinity Stones (Star-Lord, Adam Warlock, Black Widow's clone, Captain Marvel, and Turk Barrett) in Central Park, where they discover that Thanos is dead. Loki and Flowa arrive at the God's Quarry where the Coven that guards it bursts into flames as they declare that the end of infinity is here. An alternate Loki emerges from a portal, wielding Mjolnir and the Infinity Stones. Before being drawn back to his reality and killed by a Souleater, the alternate tells Loki that he needs the Infinity Stones to breach the reality and defeat Devondra and Requiem. Turk discovers that Star-Lord's Power Stone is fake as his posse of villains start a fight. When Iron Man and Thor arrive to break up the fight, Iron Man is struck by purple lightning as the mysterious assailant that killed Thanos arrives demanding the Infinity Stones, identifying herself as Requiem. Rocket shoots off Requiem's mask, revealing her to be Gamora, who stole the Power Stone at Knowhere. When Star-Lord tries to reason with Gamora, Doctor Strange warns him that the Power Stone is in the hilt of her sword. Star-Lord refuses to kill her, and Gamora sorrowfully claims that nothing ever dies as she impales him with her sword.

In the distant past, Gamora talks to Thanos about his mortality. In the recent past after killing her father, Gamora can still hear his voice in her mind. Back in the present, Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to heal Star-Lord and teleports Turk Barrett to another dimension, where Doctor Strange persuades Turk to hand him the Mind Stone. The others continue their fight with Gamora who is then plagued by an apparition of Thanos. Captain Marvel tries to take Gamora down only to have the Reality Stone stolen from her as Gamora uses it to fool the Avengers into thinking that the two swapped places. Captain America sees through the deception after Doctor Strange restrains the fake Captain Marvel. Gamora uses the Reality Stone to partially fuse Captain America and Doctor Strange, gets the Mind Stone and the Time Stone, and beheads Adam Warlock. She then uses the Time Stone to freeze time so that she can steal the Space Stone from Black Widow before claiming the Soul Stone. Gamora opens the portal to Soul World where she merges with her elderly counterpart. As Gamora plans to rebalance the Soul Stone so that Devondra can feed, Loki arrives with Flowa and offers his counsel to Gamora.

Using the Mind Stone, Gamora reads Loki's mind and learns of his visit to the God's Quarry. She sets out to investigate the boundary at the Quarry of Creation. To neutralize any opposition and to feed Devondra, Gamora traps the Soul World's inhabitants in a pocket dimension called Warp World. This pocket dimension merges some of the characters into one individual: Iron Man and Thor are merged into Iron Hammer, Captain America and Doctor Strange are merged into Soldier Supreme, Scarlet Witch and X-23 are merged into Weapon Hex, Spider-Man and Moon Knight are merged into Arachknight, and Black Panther and Ghost Rider are merged into Ghost Panther. Gamora travels with Flowa to the God's Quarry and begins to dig into the Quarry of Creation. It is revealed that Gamora has trapped Loki in the Soul Stone where he tries to enlist a hybrid of Wolverine and Emma Frost called Diamond Patch to find Adam Warlock and prevent the end of the world and Warp World.

Diamond Patch has deduced that Gamora copied the real world and that a set of Infinity Stones exists somewhere in Soul World. He sends a telepathic message in a bottle to a future Wolverine that will one day wield the Phoenix Force, who travels back in time to give them the Power Stone. This enables Diamond Patch to split back into Wolverine and Emma Frost. In an unnamed adjacent reality, Moondragon and Phyla-Vell fail to defeat Gamora and flee to Earth-616. Emma Frost takes Loki to Warp World to recruit those who would wield an Infinity Stone. Loki and Emma Frost find their candidates after splitting Ms. Kang back into Ms. Marvel and Kang the Conqueror, and splitting Little Monster back into Hulk and Ant-Man. With this team of "Cosmic Avengers" assembled, they find Adam Warlock and suggest they exit the Soul World only for Adam Warlock to declare that they need to defeat Devondra first. They round up Arachknight, Ghost Panther, Green Widow (a combination of Black Widow and She-Hulk), Iron Hammer, Man-Thing-Thang-Thoom (a combination of Man-Thing and Fin Fang Foom), Moon Squirrel (a combination of Moon Girl and Squirrel Girl) and Tippysaurus (a combination of Tippy Toe and Devil Dinosaur), Soldier Supreme, Weapon Hex, and Fantastic Two members Mister Invisible (a combination of Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman) and Hot Rocks (a combination of Human Torch and Thing) as well as Art Douglas/Drax, who previously existed in a duel state. Back in the real world, Gamora has found an impenetrable barrier beneath the God's Quarry. After an attempt to breach out of Earth-616, she is confronted by the Council of Watchers.

Gamora has been unsuccessfully using the Infinity Blade to cut through the barrier at the God's Quarry while being watched by the Council of Watchers. She states that nothing gets out without her permission, that being when Devondra is done devouring what's inside. In the Soul Stone, Loki's group and the warped heroes fight Devondra as Adam Warlock and Soldier Supreme arrive, with the latter stating that he doesn't want to be unmade. Adam Warlock states that if they can defeat Devondra, Warp World could still exist. As Loki's group traverses through the wastelands, they find a younger Gamora playing with stones. Emma Frost and Ms. Marvel talk her and learn that she is in a safe place that she does not want her to leave. After persuading the younger Gamora to lend them the Infinity Stones, they are divided among the heroes based on their abilities: Emma gets the Power Stone, Hulk gets the Space Stone, Ant-Man gets the Time Stone, Kang the Conqueror gets the Reality Stone, Loki gets the Soul Stone, and Ms. Marvel gets the Mind Stone. Back in the real world, alternate versions of Phylla-Vel and Moondragon attack Gamora for destroying their universe. As Gamora defends herself, Loki portals the heroes to the fight. Gamora attacks Emma Frost with the Infinity Blade, but it shatters on her diamond skin, giving Ms. Marvel the opportunity to remove this Power Stone from the broken weapon. Hulk and Kang the Conqueror confront Gamora with their respective Space and Reality Stones. As she fights Kang's army, Gamora claims that she will remake the universe once Devondra is done devouring the old one so that there will be no suffering. Influenced by Loki's own agenda, Ant-Man steals the Reality and Space Stones, while Loki grabs some rocks on the ground and starts replacing the reclaimed Infinity Stones before the alternate Phylla-Vel and Moondragon can finish off Gamora. After teleporting them away, Loki tells Kang and Emma Frost that he now has the Infinity Stones. As Loki breaks down the barrier, Flowa is surprised with what she sees and writes it down. When Loki enters another universe, he finds that the Infinity Stones do not work here. He sees a group of Celestials and calls them the "puppet masters." Inside Warp World, Soldier Supreme notices that Devondra keeps regenerating as Adam Warlock finds that Gamora and the alternate Phylla-Vel and Moondragon are now in the Soul Stone. Elsewhere in the Soul Stone, Art Douglas is driving with his wife Yvette as he tells her that he was having visions of total destruction. They crash into a tree with a human face (a hybrid of Star-Lord and Groot called Peet). Art is grabbed by Peet and flies away as he promises Yvette that he will return.

In the other universe, Loki is shown his future by the Celestials. Disenchanted by what he sees, Loki gives the Stones back to his former teammates and leaves with Flowa for Omnipotence City. Back in Soul World, Soldier Supreme defeats Gamora and demands information on how to defeat Devondra. Gamora states that there is no defeating Devondra and that the universe will be in entropy without the Infinity Stones. Peet arrives with Art Douglas and saves Gamora. The former members of Loki's group arrive and Ms. Marvel gives Art the Soul Stone. Gamora states that Devondra can't be defeated in the Soul Stone. Adam Warlock plans to copy the souls in Warp World in order to bring them and Devondra into the real world as Hulk punches Devondra into the hole leading to the real world. Adam Warlock returns the Guardians to their normal state while separating Drax's Destroyer half from his Arthur Douglas half. Once the copies are made with the help of the Infinity Stones, Emma Frost wipes the memories of the incident. Drax and Arthur Douglas work together to split the portal in two portals and hold it open while the others enter. The Infinity Stones bore through the dimensions until Devondra's universe collapses. Everyone else awakens in Egypt. Gamora sees the Infinity Stones as she is confronted by the alternate Phylla-Vell and Moondragon. Star-Lord persuades them to spare Gamora. When most of those present start to go for the Infinity Stones, Adam Warlock grabs the Time Stone, freezes time, and states that the Infinity Stones must decide the outcome. After time resumes, Star-Lord notices that Gamora is gone as Adam Warlock sent her to a location so that she can redeem herself. Everyone leaves Egypt as Star-Lord laments about Drax's sacrifice. Back in Warp World, Arthur is living happily with Yvette as they see a newspaper about the formation of the Avengers/Defenders. At their citadel, its members Iron Hammer, Soldier Supreme, and Weapon Hex are holding a press conference announcing the formation of their team. In a desert somewhere, Gamora finds a cocoon and tears it open to find a younger version of Magus inside as she has a brief vision of a sneering Thanos. As they leave, Magus tells Gamora that he was sent by a "friend." In Omnipotence City, Flowa finishes writing in her tome, leaving some pages blank just in case of some time-travel elements. When Loki asks Flowa to accompany him on his next quest to find an answer to Adam Warlock's actions, she declines and places the book she has written on a shelf. In a desert somewhere, Adam Warlock stares at the stars and draws a symbol in the sand claiming that a part of him is missing, echoing the beginning of Gamora's journey to become Requiem in the first place.

Hell's Bloody Devils

FBI agent Mark Adams (John Gabriel) poses as a member of a Las Vegas crime syndicate in order to infiltrate the hideout of a neo-Nazi group. Led by World War II Nazi war criminal Count von Delberg (Kent Taylor), the group prints counterfeit U.S. dollars, which they plan to circulate to help finance their party. Adams is aided from an undercover Israeli agent (Vicki Volante) whose parents were killed by von Delberg during the war; the count has in turn recruited a vicious Swastika-clad motorcycle gang, the Bloody Devils, to do his dirty work.

The Courier (2020 film)

Oleg Penkovsky, a high ranking Soviet official and GRU intelligence officer with access to top secret nuclear information, is disillusioned with Khrushchev's leadership in light of the growing threat of a nuclear war with the United States. He reaches out to the CIA and offers to provide information that could help de-escalate the situation. The CIA and MI6 decide that it would be better not to use an officer and instead have an ordinary businessman act as an intermediary.

They approach salesman Greville Wynne to go to Moscow under the pretense of exploring commercial opportunities. Wynne establishes seemingly normal business relations with Penkovsky, and the latter makes arrangements with western intelligence agencies on how to feed them information. He asks that they use Wynne as their regular courier, reasoning that he will be under the Soviets' radar. Initially opposed to the task, Wynne eventually agrees, partly after CIA officer Emily Donovan emphasizes that his efforts could help prevent a catastrophic nuclear war, and also after Penkovsky visits him at his home and tells him that he is betting his life on Wynne's success.

Wynne uses his business ventures in Moscow to regularly carry messages and packages provided by Penkovsky to the CIA. However, this takes a toll on his personal life, where he starts behaving agitatedly (exercising at home, having a short temper at times), leading his wife to think that he may be having an affair.

Penkovsky learns that the Soviets want to exploit Cuba as a foothold from which they can mount a nuclear threat on the United States, and relays this information, along with photographs and military plans to the CIA, who are eventually able to verify this using their own intelligence. The Americans are able to use this early lead to their advantage during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Back in Moscow, Wynne realized that his hotel room had been searched, but leaves the country before he has a chance to warn Penkovsky.

Worried about his fate should he be left behind, Wynne volunteers to go back to Moscow to help arrange Penkovsky's defection. However, the Soviets, having previously poisoned Penkovsky and searched his belongings while he was in the hospital, had learned about his activities, and thus managed to foil his plan to defect, having both men arrested.

Wynne is sent to prison where he endures harsh conditions, including beatings, malnutrition, interrogations, and his health significantly deteriorates. Nonetheless, he adamantly maintains his innocence claiming that he knew Penkovsky only as a business client, and did not know what was in the packages he had delivered for him. Several months later, he is allowed a visit from his wife, who tells him that the Soviets have removed their missiles from Cuba, which does good to boost his morale. He also gets to meet Penkovsky in prison while being interrogated, and tells him that his sacrifice was worth it, because the crisis in Cuba had been resolved thanks to his efforts.

In April 1964, Wynne is released in exchange for the Soviet spy Konon Molody and returns to London. It is also revealed that Penkovsky was tried and executed for treason, and buried in an unmarked grave, but with his family being allowed to live in Moscow.

The Sunlit Night

''Frances'' in the opening scene begins with some art evaluators evaluating her work rather harshly. She is soon shown as breaking up with her boyfriend. She returns to her parents' apartment who are also painters & artists. Her mother does interior textiles for wealthy people while her dad illustrates medical books.

Frances informs her sister Gabby that she showed up unannounced from the lake house of her boyfriend because she has broken up with him. Her parents are also told of the bad news and her mom notices that Frances has a leech attached to her posterior. While the mother removes the leech from the "best posterior in NY" Frances gets a text informing her that her residency in Tokyo went to another artist. The dad and other daughter set up the table. During the meal Frances' sister announces that she is getting married. Her father announces that he and their mother are separating. There is an awkward silence as the rejoicing over the other sister's marriage is cut short. Her father explains that he does not approve of the choice of husband made by Gabby.

He takes Frances to his working area and allots her a small space to work while he tells Frances that he is afraid how Gabby will take care of herself. Frances tells him that Gabby will be fine because she is in law school.

Frances is next seen speaking to a career counselor who informs her that she is being placed with an artist Nils Auerman in Norway (a remote part in the North of Norway "Not Oslo").

Frances arrives in Norway to be picked up by a taciturn and irritable Nils. Frances showers him with praise and admires the land comparing it to a painting. The two of them drive to her residence which is a trailer parked by the water. The bathroom and shower are in the house near the trailer. The first night she cannot sleep because the sun is always up and the curtains are not thick enough to block the light.

The next day she is taken to work on a barn which is she is supposed to paint with Nils. She watches with anticipation as the car passes by a "Viking Village". They drive pass the locals, the Viking museum and archers practicing archery to an old barn which is in the process of being painted yellow. Nils constantly discourages her enthusiasm by telling her not to use the word "amazing" to describe the "hard work" ahead of her. She is given instructions to paint the interior of the barn while Nils paints the exterior. She assumes it is paint by numbers and begins working.

She goes to the grocery store to shop and notices a grocery clerk who reminds her of a goddess from the Renaissance paintings of the past. She is shocked that the clerk is working behind the freezer stacking dairy products onto the shelves. She tries talking to the girl but she gets an indifferent stare so she continues with her shopping. Nils invites her to dinner and makes her a dinner with fish. When she returns to her room she notices that there are goats around her trailer and one of the goats has entered her room.

The next day she notices Yasha walking by the side of the road and asks Nils to stop and pick him up but Nils refuses and wants to go directly to work. At work when she asks Nils when and where she can paint her own works Nils says that it won't be possible because they will be working from 7 to 7.

One day she notices some people practicing archery and engaged in medieval arts like coloring yarn and making ancient weapons and armor. She visits the museums and meets Haldor a gentleman from Cincinnati who takes the Viking lifestyle very seriously and thinks he is the Chief.

When she returns to work Nils is upset and asks her never to leave her work. He then berates her painting technique by manhandling her. Frances gets upset and leaves. She goes to a restaurant and notices Yasha behind her attempting to order pancakes. Yasha also reminds Frances of a boy from the paintings of the masters. She tries talking to Yasha but he seems despondent, pensive, and lost. She turns around to ask him to join her table when she notices that he has disappeared.

When she returns to her trailer Nils has given her a flower by her doorstep and is apologetic to her. He explains to her that they are two contrasting colors "orange and blue". They return to work next day when Frances sees Yasha enter the Viking museum.

When she jumps out of the car to accost him she finds out that he is there to attend to his father's funeral. He was a Russian gentleman who wished for a Viking funeral. Yasha's father was a baker and employed him in the bakery. Around this time Yasha's mother arrives (Olyana). Haldor asks her to leave because Yasha refuses to recognize anyone else. They soon gather together to see the frozen body of Yasha's father. Yasha cries over it saying he is "finally free".

Soon after they proceed to carry the coffin by the seashore and place it in a replica of a Viking ship. Haldor attempts to recite a Viking greeting but Yasha instead speaks about his father and what a good person he was. They light the funeral pyre and disperse.

Frances and Yasha summit a hill, drink, and then return to the barn and make love. As they are lying on the floor au natural the Norwegian Art Institute (NKI) representatives arrive to inspect the barn. Frances leaves with Yasha, both apologizing. Nils just stares silently at them.

Soon Frances returns to NY. Haldor wonders if he is a "troll". The grocery store clerk (and subject of Frances's paintings) tells Haldor that she likes trolls : people who work in cold dark places and are big and strong and it is implied that maybe Haldor has found a friend.

When Frances returns her sister is married and her Dad makes an anxious speech about how worried he is that she has married out of her own free choice ignoring the advice of her parents. Frances receives a letter from Nils informing her that the barn she and Nils painted together has passed inspection and is now on the map. Nil appended a map to the letter, to which Frances smiles and remarks that Nil's work was not as fragile as she first believed. The closing scene is that of Frances' work being displayed and hailed as exceptional by the art school evaluators who previously criticized her work.

Phase Space (Westworld)

Maeve and her group survive the attack by the shōgun's army. Musashi secures their safe passage by killing Tanaka, the shōgun's lieutenant, in a duel. They reach the shrine at Snow Lake where Lee, Felix and Sylvester locate the access point. Maeve suggests that Akane and Musashi come with them, but they decline.

Maeve's group returns to Westworld, emerging near the farmstead where Maeve had previously lived with her daughter. Maeve discovers that another host is playing the mother role. A Ghost Nation raiding party attacks and Maeve flees with her daughter. While Hector and the other hosts come to their aid, Akecheta—leader of the raiding party—tells Maeve that they should come with him, as they are looking for the same thing.

William rides with his gang and his daughter Emily and believes she is a host built by Ford. William and Emily have a difficult talk about her mother and her childhood. William promises Emily she can come with them, but Emily wakes the next day to find William and the others have left her behind. William and his gang run into a Ghost Nation ambush.

Dolores and the Horde prepare to take the train to the Mesa. They set the train loaded with explosives at full speed, planning to crash into the Mesa's entry terminal.

Charlotte and Ashley bring Peter to the Mesa, allowing Charlotte to call for armed backup. A unit of armed mercenaries led by Coughlin arrive and take over from Delos' security forces. They bring Westworld's systems online in time to see the train barreling down on the Mesa.

Bernard and Elsie make their way back to the Mesa, and discover that the Cradle, the central repository of host data, has hijacked the park's systems, and that they must go there to find the source. Bernard uses a host-interface machine to enter into the Cradle's system and look for the anomaly. He experiences a pre-uprising Sweetwater, and on entering the saloon discovers Ford waiting for him.

Vanishing Point (Westworld)

Emily takes William to a rally point, intending to get him to a hospital. They discuss the pain of Juliet's suicide. Emily wants to use the Valley Beyond to revive her mother's consciousness and better understand her motives, which arouses William's suspicions. He reveals his plan to destroy the Valley Beyond and accuses Emily of being a host, as she has knowledge of the data card. When Delos security arrive to extract them, Emily tries to warn the team that William has become delusional. William kills them and shoots Emily. He goes to prove to himself that Emily is a host, but finds the data card in her hand. Riding away aimlessly, William contemplates suicide, but instead tries to prove to himself that he may be a host.

In the Mesa, Charlotte works with a technician to reproduce Maeve's ability to reprogram other hosts via Clementine. She conducts an experiment using Clementine to force hosts to turn on one another. With the test a success, Charlotte plans to turn Clementine loose within Westworld and kill the hosts from within. Bernard, still under Dr. Ford's control, gets close enough to the incapacitated Maeve so she can receive a message Ford left for her in Bernard's mind. Upon accessing it, Maeve finds Ford speaking to her, telling her she has more to do.

Bernard goes on to find Elsie and tells her that Delos has been replicating the mind of every guest to the park. The replicas are housed in a facility called the Forge, located in the Valley Beyond. They set out to beat Dolores there, but Ford warns Bernard to not trust Elsie and kill her. Bernard fights back and removes Ford from his programming. He abandons Elsie for her own safety while continuing to the Valley Beyond alone.

Dolores, Teddy and the Horde also head to the Valley Beyond. They are stopped by members of the Ghost Nation defending the Valley. The two groups attack each other, and the Horde is wiped out as Dolores leads the massacre that kills all but one Ghost Nation warrior. Teddy cannot bring himself to shoot him as the warrior flees. Teddy finally achieves sentience and tells Dolores that he realizes she has made him into a monster. Unable to protect her anymore, Teddy kills himself.

The Passenger (Westworld)

Hector, Armistice, Lee and Hanaryo rush to the Mesa to save Maeve, only to watch her save herself. They regroup with Felix and Sylvester and travel to the Valley to find Maeve's daughter. Lee sacrifices himself to delay Delos' security forces. Meanwhile, Dolores encounters William and coerces him to come with her to the Forge, where they find Bernard. It is revealed that Dolores had made Bernard purposely different from Arnold when she tested his fidelity. William tries to kill Dolores, but, unbeknownst to him, Dolores had earlier sabotaged his gun, which backfires, severely wounding his hand.

Once inside the Forge, Dolores uses the encryption key from Peter to access its digital space. She and Bernard meet the system controller, who has the appearance of Logan Delos. The controller had been tasked with trying to create a digital version of James Delos, discovering that James' actions all stemmed from his last conversation with Logan before Logan overdosed. From this, the controller found that every guest's consciousness was deceptively simple to create code for, and all of these now are stored in a library-like setting within the Forge. The controller tells Bernard that he is the key to opening the Door, a giant underground system transfer unit that allows hosts to upload their programming to "the Sublime", a virtual space inaccessible to humans.

Outside, Akecheta and the Ghost Nation lead several hosts to the Door, and start ushering them through to the Sublime. Charlotte and the Delos team arrive with the reprogrammed Clementine, who causes hosts to attack each other. Hector, Armistice and Hanaryo sacrifice themselves to allow Maeve to find her daughter. She uses her powers to halt the hosts, giving Akecheta and her daughter time to flee before she is shot by Charlotte's men. Akecheta finds that Maeve implanted his partner Kohana's persona within her daughter, allowing them to reunite in the Sublime.

Inside the Forge, Dolores rejects the Sublime, arguing that it is just another false reality designed to control the hosts. She begins purging the Forge of the guests' memories and engages the override system to flood the valley. Outraged by her radical actions, Bernard kills Dolores and stops the purge but cannot prevent the flooding. Outside, he is met by Charlotte and Elsie and taken back to the Mesa, where the latter locks him up until they decide what to do with him. Elsie confronts Charlotte about the true purpose of Westworld and Charlotte kills her. Having witnessed it all, Bernard summons Ford and begs for help.

In the present, Strand, Charlotte and Bernard reach the drained Forge and the former prepares to transfer the guest data via satellite when Bernard starts to remember. He recalls that he had taken Dolores' control unit and, following Ford's indications, created a new host body for it in the form of Charlotte. Dolores-Charlotte had then killed the real Charlotte and Bernard had deliberately scrambled his memories to prevent Strand from learning the truth from him. At this point, Charlotte reveals herself to be Dolores, killing Strand and the rest of the Delos team. She uploads Teddy's personality and uses the satellite uplink to transfer the hosts and the Sublime to a secret location. Dolores asks Bernard to trust her and shoots him.

Dolores-Charlotte joins the Delos evacuation team, taking several host cores with her. Stubbs realizes she is a host, but as he has become disenchanted with Delos' principles, allows her to leave with a monologue that confirms he is himself a host. At Arnold's home, Dolores finds a host printer left for her by Ford. She creates new bodies for herself and Bernard. Dolores reactivates him, cautioning him that while they may be enemies, they need each other to ensure the survival of the hosts in the human world. As Dolores and a new Charlotte leave, Bernard finally steps into the real world.

In a flash-forward, William arrives at the Forge, only to find it is the far future. He is taken to quarters and is interviewed by a woman who looks just like his daughter Emily, testing his fidelity.


Akecheta of the Ghost Nation recovers the injured William, and keeps guard over him. Seeing Maeve's daughter scared of William, Akecheta realizes she has memories of her past narratives, and tells her his own story to reassure her.

Akecheta had started as a peaceful host with his partner Kohana. Witnessing the aftermath of Wyatt's massacre of the hosts under Arnold's orders, Akecheta finds the symbol of the maze and starts down the path of sentience. He is reprogrammed to be a bloodthirsty warrior but the park staff decide against wiping his memories. Akecheta finds a delirious Logan Delos, who inadvertently tells him of a world outside the park, confirming to Akecheta that something is amiss. His search leads him to the giant excavation site of the Valley Beyond, which he believes is a door to another world. Akecheta takes Kohana and helps her recover her memories of him. He tries to show her the door, but cannot find it again. Kohana is taken by Delos technicians and when Akecheta returns to the Ghost Nation, he finds a new host in her place.

Akecheta continues to search for the Valley Beyond and Kohana, meeting Maeve's daughter in the process, and later allowing guests to kill him so that he can travel to the Mesa—which the Ghost Nation believe to be the afterlife—to reunite with Kohana. The staff dismiss his errant behavior as a result of not having received software updates in a decade. Akecheta sneaks out to explore the Mesa and discovers Kohana has been decommissioned. Once returned to the park, Akecheta begins raids against the host population, recruiting them to join him in his search and starting them on the path to sentience, thus explaining the Maze symbol where William found outside Maeve's house after killing her and her daughter. His actions attract the attention of Dr. Ford, who arranges to speak to Akecheta. Ford prepares Akecheta to take his recruits to the Valley Beyond when Dolores (whom Akecheta referred to as "the Deathbringer") rebels against the guests and staff. Akecheta completes his story as Emily arrives at the Ghost Nation camp. She has him turn William over to her, promising that he will suffer more with her than with the Ghost Nation.

Elsewhere, Lee convinces a technician to keep Maeve stable, explaining her ability to control other hosts. Charlotte discovers Maeve does this by rewriting their programming over the hosts' network, and may be key to regaining control of Westworld. However, she is concerned that Maeve is communicating with unknown hosts that moment. It is shown Akecheta has been actually relaying his story to Maeve through her daughter. Akecheta promises Maeve he will protect her daughter, and instructs her to fulfill her mission before Dolores destroys them all. The Ghost Nation set off for the Valley Beyond.

Cruise Into Terror

A commercial pleasure ship, cruising near the Gulf of Mexico, brings aboard a sunken Egyptian sarcophagus which contains the son of Satan.

Midway (2019 film)

In December 1937 in Tokyo, American naval attaché intelligence officer Lieutenant Commander Edwin T. Layton and his counterpart are discussing the US and Japanese positions in the Pacific Ocean during a state function. Layton is warned by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto that if the Japanese oil supply is threatened by the US, the Japanese will take immediate action.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese use their carrier fleet to strike at Pearl Harbor. The attack leads the US to enter World War II. Naval aviator Lieutenant Dick Best and the Air Group (CAG) of the carrier fail to find the Japanese carrier fleet, exacerbating his rivalry with his commanding officer Lieutenant Commander Eugene E. Lindsey. Admiral Yamamoto, with the support of Rear Admiral Tamon Yamaguchi, propose his most audacious plan yet—the invasion of Midway Island using the four available carriers of the ''Kido Butai'', but are overruled by the Army. ''Enterprise'' launches raids against the Marshall Islands in February 1942. During an attack by Mitsubishi G3M Nell bombers, one crippled Nell turns back towards the ship in a suicide ramming attempt but Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class Bruno Gaido shoots the aircraft down from a parked Dauntless. The crashing bomber slices Gaido's Dauntless in half but he survives. Vice Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, impressed by Gaido's courage, promotes him to Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class. In April 1942, following Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Doolittle's raid on the Japanese mainland, Yamamoto, Yamaguchi and Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo are finally allowed to begin their plan to attack Midway.

In May 1942, following the Battle of the Coral Sea, Layton, along with Joseph Rochefort and his cryptology team begin intercepting messages concerning a location the Japanese identify as "AF". Layton speaks with Admiral Chester Nimitz, who informs him that Washington believes "AF" to be a target in the South Pacific. Layton disagrees, believing the intended target to be Midway Atoll. After meeting with Rochefort, Nimitz instructs the team to find a way to definitively prove that "AF" is Midway. After Layton instructs Midway to telegraph in the clear (unencrypted) that they are suffering a water shortage, cryptologists working for Rochefort intercept Japanese communications concerning water shortages on "AF", confirming that "AF" is indeed Midway.

In preparation for an ambush of the Japanese fleet, Nimitz orders carriers and ''Enterprise'' recalled from the Coral Sea and demands that the damaged be made ready for combat operations. During the preparations, Best is briefly demoralized after one of his proteges crashes during a takeoff, but he receives encouragement from the Commander of the Air Group (CAG) of the Enterprise, Wade McCluskey. Best and Lindsey set aside their differences and work together to prepare for the attack. Halsey is put on shore leave by Nimitz after receiving a bad case of the shingles and is temporarily replaced by Raymond A. Spruance.

On June 4, the Japanese launch an air attack against Midway. Initial attempts by US land-based aircraft to strike at the Japanese fleet carriers fail despite a crashing bomber narrowly missing the bridge of the . Nagumo and Captain Minoru Genda are left shaken by the Americans’ unexpected bravery. The Japanese fleet learn of the presence of the American carriers. American submarine unsuccessfully attacks a Japanese carrier and is chased off by Japanese destroyer . Lindsey and other American torpedo squadrons attack the Japanese fleet but are shot down. Realising that the attacks are preventing the fleet from launching their counterstrike, Yamaguchi orders Nagumo to launch his strike as soon as he can. Best suffers from respiratory issues resulting in coughing up blood after breathing a bad mix of oxygen but leads his and McCluskey's squadrons into battle. Upon spotting the ''Arashi'', McClusky correctly infers the Japanese destroyer is rushing back to the main Japanese fleet and leads his planes to follow its course. Arriving to find the Japanese Combat Air Patrol out of position due to the torpedo attacks, the dive-bombers score several hits on ''Akagi'', and , resulting in fires and further explosions due to unsecured ordnance. Nagumo, demoralized and in a state of shock, is persuaded by Genda to transfer his flag to a cruiser. Frank Woodrow O'Flaherty and Gaido are shot down, picked up by the Japanese and executed. Yamaguchi, aboard , who is more willing to fight, launches a strike wave that succeeds in crippling ''Yorktown'', prompting ''Enterprise'' and ''Hornet'' to launch their remaining aircraft. Best leads the squadron, which successfully heavily damage the ''Hiryu''. Admiral Yamaguchi and Captain Tomeo Kaku go down with their command as ''Hiryu'' is scuttled.

Yamamoto receives news that his carrier force has been destroyed. After learning that the American fleet has withdrawn, thus depriving him of the chance to use his main force of battleships to win a night battle against the American fleet, he orders a general withdrawal. At Pearl Harbor, Rochefort intercepts the Japanese order to withdraw and passes it to Layton, who then informs Nimitz and his elated staff. Best, who is unable to fly again due to his lung problems, later diagnosed as tuberculosis, walks into his family's waiting arms.

One Second for a Feat

After the liberation of the North Korean Red Army from Japanese rule in August 1945, junior lieutenant remains with the Koreans to help them rebuild the ruined country. But the country is still uneasy: the bourgeois Koreans, who lost power and property, together with the US military advisers are preparing a terrorist plot against Kim Il Sung to overthrow him.

On March 1, 1946, a rally is opened in Pyongyang, dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the first March anti-Japanese movement in Korea. At the rally the Chairman of the Provisional People's Committee of North Korea Kim Il Sung begins to speak. Suddenly, one of the conspirators throws a grenade in his direction. Junior Lieutenant Novichenko quickly runs up to him, takes it in his hand and, not knowing where to throw it, lies down on it with his body. The grenade explodes, but the book that the Soviet officer accidentally placed under the greatcoat saves his life. Severely wounded Novichenko is being carried off by his comrades, and Kim Il Sung continues his speech. The rally continues and the conspiracy fails.

Doctors save the life of Yakov Novichenko, but he loses his right hand. The film ends with his visit to North Korea in 1984.

The Kissing Booth

Elle Evans and Lee Flynn have been friends since birth, born on the same date. When Elle is 11, her mother becomes ill and dies three years later. Elle's secret crush on Lee's popular older brother, Noah, deepens, but she suppresses it.

On the first day of her junior year in high school, Elle is forced to wear a too-small skirt. When Tuppen touches her inappropriately, Noah begins fighting with him. Tuppen, Noah, and Elle are given detention, where Tuppen apologizes. Elle later agrees to a date with Tuppen, but he does not show up, as Noah has warned everyone not to pursue her.

Elle and Lee propose having a kissing booth as a school fundraiser at. At a party, Elle tells the popular OMG girls (Olivia, Mia, and Gwyneth) that Noah will be part of the booth, despite his having already refused to participate.

The kissing booth goes well until Noah is meant to participate but Lee takes his place, disappointing the girls. A classmate, Rachel, steps up to kiss Lee, and the two leave Elle to staff the booth. Annoyed with Elle, the OMG girls set her up to kiss an undesirable student. At the last second, the student waves Noah ahead. He kisses the blindfolded Elle, and when she realizes Noah has kissed her, they kiss again in front of everyone.

Noah offers Elle a ride on his motorcycle, and rain forces them to take shelter in a gazebo. There, Elle kisses him, telling him she cannot be just another sexual conquest. Hurt, he reveals he has feelings for her.

At a beach party, Warren tries to get Elle into a hot tub. Noah defends her, Warren taunts him, and Noah attacks Warren while Elle escapes. Noah catches up to her and gives her a ride home. On the way, he apologizes for his violent reaction to Warren's slight. They detour to the Hollywood Sign and have sex for the first time. They establish rules for their relationship, mainly with the aim that Lee never finds out they are together.

Elle overhears Noah's mother saying he had been accepted to an Ivy League school. He swears her to secrecy and reveals he has been accepted to Harvard University.

While fixing Noah's motorcycle, Elle cuts her face. Lee finds Noah cleaning the wound and accuses him of hurting her. When Lee asks Elle if she and Noah are dating, she says they are not. After agreeing to tell Lee the truth, Lee walks in on the two of them kissing. Furious that Elle has broken the friendship rules, Lee runs to his car, saying their friendship was the one thing his brother never had and that now he has nothing, and driving off. Elle lashes out at Noah, blaming him for exposing their relationship, so he leaves on his motorcycle.

Noah risks not graduating by being absent from school for the next few weeks, and Lee completely ignores Elle. Elle sees Lee at the arcade and he invites her to dance with him, and they reconcile.

Elle goes to prom with Lee and Rachel, whom he is now dating. Huge black and white photographs adorn the walls of Memory Lane, a special prom exhibit, including the photos of the kissing booth. Noah emerges from the back, asking Elle to the stage and confessing his love for her publicly, but she runs away. He apologizes to Lee at home, telling him his feelings for Elle are serious despite the fact he is leaving for Harvard the next day.

At Elle and Lee's birthday costume party the next day, Elle confesses her love for Noah to Lee. He relents, wanting her to be happy and agreeing to help her find Noah. Driving Lee's car, Elle shares her feelings for Noah with "Lee", dressed in his Batman costume, only to discover it is Noah in the costume.

Elle and Noah spend the following weeks together before he leaves for college. Watching him go, she is unsure if their relationship will last, but she knows a part of her heart will always belong to him.

Three Brothers (2014 film)

The film is about brothers Jan, Pepa and Matěj. They set up to find a bride. The film is divided into three parts. Each part follow one brother as he finds his love. Jan saves Sleeping Beauty and a cursed Kingdom. Jan then marries Sleeping Beauty and becomes new King. Matěj becomes Gamekeeper in Jan's forest. He saves Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother from evil Wolf. Matěj is then promised to marry Little Red Riding Hood when she becomes old enough. Pepa falls in love with Maruška who lives her Stepmother and her Stepsister Holena. Stepmother tries to get him to marry Holena but Pepa rejects her and eventually marries Maruška.

Life Is Strange (comics)

The series is set after the events of ''Life is Strange,'' specifically following the "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending of the game. The series follows original protagonists Max Caulfield and Chloe Price as they contend with the ramifications of their choices and Max's supernatural time-travel abilities.

The first four issues, collectively called ''Dust'', center on Max and Chloe returning to their hometown of Arcadia Bay, Oregon when Max begins to leap between different timelines without control.

The second storyline, referred to as ''Waves'', follows Max, who is now living in an alternate universe with an alternate version of Chloe Price and Rachel Amber.

The Power Within (1979 film)

A pilot develops super powers after being struck by lightning.


The game follows Ichiko Hanamaki, a college student whose brother has disappeared in the town of Okunezato a year prior to the start of the game. She and her childhood friend Hino Kagutsuchi find a website discussing mysteries surrounding the town, which will host an offline meetup in the town during the summer; Ichiko and Hino go there to investigate Ichiko's brother's disappearance.

Love's Savage Fury

In the American Civil War, a Southern belle survives a Union prison.

Tirad Pass: The Last Stand of Gen. Gregorio del Pilar

Gregorio del Pilar, a university student in Manila, joins the ''Katipunan'' secret society which plans an armed revolution against Spanish colonial rule. He is initiated by his uncle Deodato Arellano with a blood compact and he adopts the codename ''Aguila'' (Eagle).

When the Philippine Revolution breaks out in 1896, del Pilar joins the rebellion in his native province of Bulacan. His first taste of combat is when he and seven friends, which he dubs his ''Siete Mosqueteros'' (Seven Musketeers), waylay a Spanish patrol in the streets for their rifles, armed only with blades.

They then join the forces of Maestro Sebio (Eusebio Roque), a folk-Catholic mystic reputed to be magically invulnerable to Spanish bullets. In the Battle of Kakarong de Sili, the rebels are wiped out when their stronghold is overwhelmed, and Maestro Sebio is captured and later executed by firing squad (by Filipinos, after a volley from Spanish soldiers has no effect). Del Pilar is injured in the battle and some of his friends are killed, but he escapes.

Del Pilar then joins Emilio Aguinaldo, the President of the nascent Philippine Republic, in his hideout in Biak-na-Bato, San Miguel, Bulacan. He gains Aguinaldo's trust and admiration after he leads a successful attack on Paombong, Bulacan where his men infiltrate through the town church disguised in women's clothes. Soon, del Pilar is in Aguinaido's inner circle as his favorite officer.

The rebels and the Spanish authorities work out a truce with the Pact of Biak-na-Bato in 1897, and Del Pilar follows Aguinaldo in exile to Hong Kong. However, Aguinaldo is convinced by American officials to resume the revolution as an ally of the United States, which has declared war on Spain. Del Pilar follows Aguinaldo back to the Philippines as the Americans launch their invasion in 1898.

By the end of 1898, most of the country has fallen to American and Filipino forces and Aguinaldo has declared Philippine independence in his home province of Cavite. But this is ignored by both the Spanish and American authorities, and Spain formally surrenders the Philippines to the United States alone through the Treaty of Paris.

Tensions between the Americans and Filipinos erupt with the Philippine–American War (called the Philippine Insurrection by the Americans) in early 1899. The outgunned Filipino forces are repeatedly defeated, and Aguinaldo is forced to go on the run to the north.

In December 1899, Del Pilar and his men fight the Battle of Tirad Pass in Ilocos province to cover Aguinaldo's retreat, aware it is probably a suicide mission. Their last stand holds up the pursuing Americans for some time until a Filipino guide leads the Americans to higher ground, surrounding del Pilar's forces. His men are all wiped out, and he charges the Americans alone on his horse, but a shot in the neck fells him from behind. The Americans strip his corpse for souvenirs and leave it unburied. Aguinaldo later sees Del Pilar's riderless horse and sheds a tear.


The Iraq War remains one of the most controversial U.S. overseas engagements of past 30 years. The instability it wrought on the region gave rise to ISIS and a host of other problems to Iraq and surrounding countries. And yet the primary rationales for going to war—WMDs and Saddam Hussein's links to Al Qaeda, have been proven false. Streets across America now have an endemic problem of veterans with PTSD, leading to violence, suicide and homelessness.

In an alternate 2007 reality, a group of disgruntled soldiers stationed in Iraq kidnap the visiting U.S. President, and interrogate him using the same techniques they were trained to inflict on Hussein's old cohorts and other terror 'suspects'. Their purpose is to extract from the president the real reasons for the Iraq invasion, as they know by now the stated reasons were bogus. The soldiers have a very limited amount of time to complete this fateful mission though, as the full force of the United States military is deployed to extract the President from captivity no matter what the cost.

The Gentlemen (2019 film)

Big Dave, editor of the ''Daily Print'' tabloid, is snubbed by cannabis baron Mickey Pearson at a party and hires private investigator Fletcher to investigate Pearson's links to Lord Charles Pressfield. Pressfield, a duke, has a heroin-addicted daughter named Laura. Fletcher offers to sell his findings (typed up as a screenplay entitled ''Bush'') to Pearson's right-hand man, Raymond, for £20 million.

Born in poverty in the United States, Pearson won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, where he began selling marijuana to fellow students before dropping out and building his criminal empire by violence. He now plans to sell his business to American billionaire Matthew Berger for £400m so he can retire peacefully with his wife, Rosalind. Pearson shows Berger one of the labs where he grows his cannabis under the estates of aristocratic landlords, who need cash for the upkeep of their stately homes. Pearson is later approached by Dry Eye, an underboss for Chinese gangster Lord George. Dry Eye offers to buy out Pearson's business, but he refuses. Pearson's lab is then raided by amateur MMA fighters and aspiring YouTubers "The Toddlers" who overpower the lab's guards, steal a van-load of marijuana and upload a rap video of their caper online. The fighters' trainer, known only as Coach, orders them to delete the video and is horrified when he discovers that the cannabis belongs to Pearson.

Following the raid, Pearson begins transferring his cannabis plants out of the estates as a safety precaution, while having Raymond investigate how the Toddlers learned of the lab's location. Also, at the request of Pressfield, he agrees to bring Laura home. Raymond retrieves her from a council estate where she is living with several other addicts. However, in a brawl with her flatmates one of Raymond's men accidentally pushes Aslan, a young Russian man, off the balcony to his death. Although Laura is then returned to her parents, she later dies of a heroin overdose.

Coach visits Raymond, apologises for his students' actions, and offers his services as penance. Coach has captured Phuc, a henchman of Dry Eye's who had informed Coach's crew about the lab location, although Phuc gets fatally run over by a train in a botched escape attempt. Pearson threatens Lord George for going after his lab, and destroys one of his heroin labs in retaliation. George chastises Dry Eye for his insubordination in attacking Pearson and offering to buy him out; George nods to a henchman to execute Dry Eye, but the man executes George instead.

Unknown to Pearson, Dry Eye is in league with Berger, who had wanted Pearson's business disrupted to reduce the price. Dry Eye has taken Lord George's place and still hopes to take Pearson's empire for himself. Dry Eye tries to kidnap Rosalind, who kills Dry Eye's men before she runs out of bullets in her two-shot derringer. Raymond kills an assassin sent to kill Pearson; the two rush to Rosalind and Pearson fatally shoots Dry Eye as he is about to rape her. Fletcher ends his story and Raymond orders him to leave his house.

Fletcher has merely confirmed Pearson's suspicions about the link between Dry Eye and Berger. Raymond orders The Toddlers to capture Big Dave. They drug him and film him having sex with a pig, threatening to post it online unless he drops his investigation and publishes nothing. Pearson and Berger meet up again in a frozen fish plant, actually a cover for Pearson's European distribution operation. Berger drops his offer to £130 million, on account of the recent disruptions it has experienced, but Pearson reveals his knowledge of Berger's plan, shows him Dry Eye's frozen body and tells him he is keeping his business. Pearson forces Berger inside a refrigerator, where he will freeze to death unless he transfers £270 million compensation for the blood he now has on his hands and the cost of restoring order. Pearson admits he is not "emotional about the money" but because Rosalind was assaulted and seconds from rape, he demands "a pound of flesh" from Berger's own body, anywhere Berger chooses, as compensation for this indiscretion.

Fletcher approaches Raymond again for his payment, but Raymond reveals that he was tailing Fletcher all along. The Toddlers have stolen his stashes of evidence after Raymond placed a tracker on him during their last encounter. Fletcher reveals that he has also sold info to Aslan's father, a Russian oligarch and former KGB agent. The assassin whom Raymond killed earlier was one of the Russians. Coach kills two Russian hitmen sent to kill Raymond, while Fletcher escapes in the chaos. Pearson is kidnapped by two other Russians, but they are ambushed by Coach's students who want to "solve Coach's problem". They riddle the car with bullets, killing the Russians and allowing Pearson to escape. Later, Fletcher decides to pitch the story as a film to Miramax. After his meeting, he gets into a cab only to realize that Raymond is the driver. Upon learning of Fletcher's capture, Pearson and Rosalind return to their cannabis empire and celebrate in each other's company.

Swallow (2019 film)

Hunter Conrad, a young woman from a lower-working-class family, has recently married Richie Conrad, a man from a wealthy family who is set to take over as CEO of his father's Manhattan corporation. This affords Hunter the ability to stay at home in the couple's lavish upstate New York home. Despite this, Hunter finds herself emotionally stifled and isolated in both her marriage and domestic life, while Richie is distant and inconsiderate toward her. For example, at a dinner with Richie's parents to congratulate the young couple on their pregnancy, Hunter is enticed to tell a story, only to be interrupted by her father-in-law zoning out and asking Richie about business. One day while home alone, Hunter develops the impulse to eat a marble. She finds it exhilarating and begins to consume other inedible objects around the house, including thumbtacks, metal figurines, and batteries.

Hunter becomes pregnant and the sonogram technician notices an anomaly in her abdomen during the routine ultrasound. She is rushed in for emergency surgery to remove a variety of objects trapped in her intestine. Hunter is diagnosed with pica, a psychological disorder that compels individuals to eat inedible objects. Richie's parents, Katherine and Michael, arrange for her to see a psychiatrist in the city. During her therapy sessions, Hunter says she swallows the objects because she likes the feel of their textures in her mouth.

Richie hires Luay, a family friend and immigrant from Syria, to monitor Hunter while he is at work. Hunter, feeling smothered, is initially hostile toward Luay, who dismisses her mental illness as resulting from her privileged life. In therapy, she eventually reveals she was not raised by her biological father and has never met him, though she knows his name and keeps a picture of him. She was conceived as a result of her mother's rape at the hands of a strange man she had met in a bar. The rapist served time in prison for the crime.

One afternoon, Hunter overhears Richie speaking with her psychiatrist on the phone, and realizes Richie has bribed the doctor to tell him what was discussed in Hunter's therapy sessions. This sends Hunter into a panic, and she swallows a miniature screwdriver. Luay finds her choking violently, and calls 9-1-1. After undergoing surgery to remove the screwdriver, Michael and Katherine arrange to have Hunter committed to a psychiatric hospital for the next seven months until she delivers the baby, threatening that Richie will divorce her. Luay, who has warmed to Hunter, allows her to flee into the woods, and stages it to appear as though she had escaped.

Hunter hitchhikes to a motel and calls Richie, who begs her to return. She explains she had rushed into their marriage and pregnancy to make him happy. When she refuses to come back, he chastises and insults her. Hunter smashes her cell phone and spends the rest of the night watching television and eating soil from outside. The next day, she hitchhikes to the home of her biological father, William Erwin. At William's house, he is celebrating his birthday with family and friends. He and his wife Lucy assume Hunter is the parent of one of their daughter's friends, but she privately reveals her true identity to William. During an emotional conversation, William professes his shame for raping Hunter's mother. Hunter asks him if he is ashamed of her and whether she is like him, which he denies.

Having obtained closure, Hunter visits a clinic and is prescribed medication to induce an abortion. She takes the pills while eating lunch in a food court and experiences the abortion in a public restroom.

La Bastarda

Okomo, an orphan who was born a bastard and whose mother died during childbirth, lives in a traditional village in Equatorial Guinea that is about a day's walk from Gabon. As a sixteen-year-old who had her period, she is watched over by her grandfather's first wife, her grandfather and a community who has already rejected her because of her birth. Given her place in this polygamous family and not knowing who she is, Okomo seeks to know more about her father. Her family tries to prevent her from doing so and has forbidden her from trying to find and contact him.

Okomo has a special relationship with an uncle, her mother's brother and another child of her grandfather's first wife, named Marcelo. Because her uncle is a woman man, the family is estranged from him and Okomo becomes a key contact person in their attempts to get Marcelo to have sex with his sister-in-law. This is important as the grandfather's first born son is barren, and Marcelo is a familial relation who can ensure the family line continues. He declines, and Marcelo's house is burned, but not before he managed to escape to the forest.

Attempts to control Okomo by prohibiting her from contacting Marcelo and other social undesirables lead to Okomo to walk with a group of three girls who have also largely rejected the expectations of them from Fang society. In the middle of one walk, Okomo engages in sex in the forest with the three girls. She soon forms a bond with one girl, Dina, to the exclusion of the other two and against the rules of the group that sex should only be communal among them. This later leads to the other girls to feeling jealous and excluded, outing Okomo and Dina during the saint's day feast of Okomo's grandfather. After everyone pretended to ignore this, the two girls beat Okomo when she went to get water. The full story came out, and two girls were married off. One girl was isolated to live with her father who got her pregnant and abused her. Okomo's grandmother basically sends her away to Okomo's mother's sister to get money to fund a cure for her barrenness as a result of syphilis. All four girls eventually flee to the forest, joining Marcelo and his partner, while creating a family amongst themselves.

The Great & the Small

Scott, a twenty-six year old who is homeless and living on the streets, is trying to get a normal life while on probation for petty crimes. He has to deal with a puzzling detective (Ann Dowd) and his two bit criminal boss, while trying to rebuild his relationship with his working single mom ex-girlfriend.

Random Encounters (film)

Laura (Abby Wathen) is a down-on-her-luck actress whose love life is faring no better and Kevin (Michael Rady) is an up-and-coming screenwriter trapped in a dead-end relationship with ditzy Cyndy (Deja Kreutzberg).

After a particularly awful audition, Laura stops in a coffee shop to wait for a friend, and accidentally spills her drink over Kevin. She apologizes profusely, and they have a moment, but Kevin has to rush out to a big pitch meeting.

Laura's roommate and best friend, LA party girl Mindy (Meghan Markle), tries to help Laura with her love life, also to no avail. After a few days, both Kevin and Laura's thoughts drift towards each other...but in a city the size of Los Angeles, can they ever find each other again?

Princess Tarakanova (1910 film)

The film is based on the play ''Princess Tarakanova'' by Ippolit Shpazhinsky.

The story of the alleged daughter of the secret marriage of Empress Elizabeth of Russia, who allegedly died tragically during the flood in the casemate of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where she was transferred by the will of Catherine II after a life sentence.